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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lobd, — Marine Department, Wellington, 31st August, 1891. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of this colony for the financial year ended on the 31st March last. I have, &c, John McKenzie, (for Minister having charge of the Marine Department.) His Excellency the Eight Honourable the Earl of Onslow, &c, Governor of New Zealand.

The Assistant Secbetaby to the Hon. the Ministek having charge of the Mabine Department. Sib, — Marine Department, Wellington, Ist June, 1891. I have the honour to submit the following report of this department for the year ended the 31st March last: — Lighthouses. —No accident of any importance occurred during the past year at any of the New Zealand lighthouses. At Taiaroa Head a heavy squall caused the tower door to fly open and extinguished the light, which was, however, relighted immediately. Cuvier Island Lighthouse was struck by lightning, the wires of the electric-bells being fused, but fortunately little damage was done. French Pass Beacon Light was reported by the keeper in charge to have been blown out on seven occasions—viz., on Bth April, from 5.30 a.m. to 7 a.m. ; on 4th May, from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.; on the sth and on the 27th May, from 7to 7.30 p.m.; on 27th June, from 7to 7.30 p.m.; on 6th July, from 3to 4 p.m. ;on 19th July, from 9to 9.15 p.m.; and on 10th October, from 3to 4.30 a.m. At Manakau Head several panes of glass that were cracked in the lantern were removed and replaced by sound ones. At Puysegur Point the keepers' dwellings were repaired, new weather boards being fitted on the ends of the houses exposed to the prevailing winds. Eepairs will require to be done to several lighthouses during the current year. Nugget Point requires new dormant panes, and repairs of an extensive character will be required at Farewell Spit. Two lightkeepers left the service during the year, one having retired on a pension and the other having resigned. New Lighthouses. —An examination of the site for a light on Stephen's Island was made by Captain Johnson in December last, but no definite site could be selected until some scrub had been cut down. The Public Works Department was requested to have the island taken for a site for a lighthouse under the provisions of the Public Works Act, and this was done; but owing to no sum having been placed on the estimates for the light, except for the purchase of the land, no further steps have been taken in connection with the erection of this most important light. The Governments of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania having agreed with the Government of New Zealand to contribute towards the cost of the erection and maintenance of a light on the Snares, such cost being divided amongst the contributing colonies on a basis of population, arrangements were made that the " Hinemoa " should visit these islands in January last, with delegates from the contributing colonies, for the purpose of selecting the site for the lighthouse. The delegates in their report, a copy of which is appended hereto, recommended a site on the main island. Subsequently a party of surveyors were despatched to the island, and a survey was made of a road or tram-line." Harbours.- —The main beacons at Kaipara Heads, owing to the Tory Shoal having extended, have had to be shifted. The new position for the beacons is not altogether satisfactory, as only one is against the sky-line. However, that was the best position that could be found. Smaller beacons were also erected to indicate when the course should be changed after crossing the bar. Somewhat extensive repairs Merc carried out to the dwellings at the pilot-station (including the Custom-house), the roofs being covered with galvanised iron, &c. At Mauakau a still further extension of the beacon tram--I—H. 30.



way had to be made, but it is anticipated that no further extention is likely to be required. The boatman's house was put in repair, and minor repairs were executed to the signalman's house. The new road has, with the addition of a few culverts, stood well. At Foxton the boatman's house was enlarged and repaired. This house, however, will not now be required, as owing to the falling off of the trade, caused by the fall in the Phormium market, the services of the boatman have been dis-pensed-with. At Nelson the services of the assistant in the pilot boat have, owing to the necessity for economy, been dispensed with. A new dwelling for the single boatman at this port has been erected, the old one being beyond repair, and small repairs have been made to the married mens' house. At Russell and Akaroa it has been considered that owing to the small amount of duties performed by the Harbour-masters that their services could be dispensed with. This has been accordingly done, the services of the boatman at Eussell being dispensed with at the same time. Orders in Council. —The following Orders in Council, under the provisions of the Habours Acts, have been issued during the year : — April 7, 1890. Vests Pigeon Bay Wharf in Pigeon Bay Eoad Board. May 13. Approves of plans of skids at Star Boating Club's shed, Wellington. August 4. Removes member from seat on Westport Harbour Board. August 5. Approves of Tainui Street training-wall and dredging at Greymouth. August 5. Declares that Birkenhead Borough Council shall elect a member of Auckland Harbour Board. August 19. Approves of plans of North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Company's protective works, Napier. August 19. Approves of plans of Mokihinui Coal Company's wharf at Mokibinui. August 19. Licenses Mokihinui Coal Company to use foreshore at Mokihinui for wharf site. September 9. Approves of plans of Messrs. W Tebster and Marshall's wharf, Seaford, Blind Bay. September 9. Licenses Webster and Marshall to use foreshore at Seaford for wharf site. September 16. Approves of plans of additions to outer western tee, Queen Street Wharf, Auckland. September 16. Approves of plans of boat-harbour, entrance, Queen Street Wharf, Auckland. November 25. Appoint members of Greymouth Harbour Board. November 25. Appoint members of Westport Harbour Board. November 25. Approves of plan of county wharf at Tikinui, Kaipara Harbour. November 25. Licenses Hobson County Council to occupy foreshore for wharf site, Tikinui. December 16. Approves of plans of extension of Gear Company's wharf at Petone. January 12, 1891. Amends license for New Brighton Pier Company's wharf. January 1. Approves of plans of Opunake Wharf Company's wharf at Opunake. January 19. Licenses Opunake Wharf Company to use foreshore for wharf site at Opunake. February 3. Approves of plans of extension of coal staiths at Westport. February 23. Approves of Thames foreshore license to S. Bawden. March 6. Revokes foreshore license granted to C. Efi'ey. Notice to Mariners. —Forty-six notices to mariners were issued during the year, of which eighteen related to matters within the colony. The following is a list of them : — Kaipara Harbour : Beacons and directions for clearing Tory Shoal (four notices). Greymouth Harbour : Dredging operations. Wellington Harbour: Extension of wool-jetty and erection of timber staging Jervois Quay. Wellington Harbour: Wool-jetty light. Westport Harbour : Green light on eastern breakwater, entrance to Buller River. Westport Harbour : Dredging operations. Lyttelton Harbour : Dredging operations. Nelson Harbour: Discontinuance of white light on Nelson Railway Wharf extension. Auckland Harbour : Two rocky patches, entrance to Haurangi Bay, and removal of warping buoy, north-west of Queen Street Wharf. Manukau Harbour : Beacons leading over end of Treachery Shoal. Bluff Harbour : Rocky patch at entrance. Oamaru Harbour: Masters of inward-bound vessels of over 15ft. draught, holding pilotage exemption certificate, to remain outside until signalled to stand in. System of buoyage to be used in New Zealand, from Ist September, 1891. Cape Maria, Van Diemen : Soundings on Pandora Bank. Corrections in Chart-sheets 7 and 14, New Zealand, as to part of coast-lino of West Coast of South Island. Light-dues. —The sum of £15,794 14s. 9d. was received for light-dues for the year, as against £15,330 15s. 2d. in the preceeding year. This includes the sum of £2,136 ss. 7d. paid by the Postal and Telegraph Department in respect of dues remitted on the San Francisco, New Zealand Shipping, and Shaw-Savill and Albion Companies steamers. Owing to the fact that the light dues on the mail-steamers are no longer paid by the Post Office, the returns for the year include a quarter's more light-dues on mail-steamers than should be credited to the year's revenue for statistical purposes, when this amount (£550 10s. 6d.) is taken from the amount collected, it will be seen that the amount received (£15,244 4s. 3d.) is slightly under the amount received for the previous year. Government Steamers. —The " Stella "is still laid up. She was placed on the slip in September last, and for a short time, during the maritime strike, a master and engineer were appointed -to her in case she might have been wanted. The " Hinemoa " has been regularly employed on the Government service. She made trips to the Kermadecs in April and November, and to the Auckland Islands, &c, in October, 1890, and January, 1891; she also went to the Macquarie Islands in search of the ill-fated " Kakanui" in January. During the year the "Hinemoa" steamed 31,195 miles, was 3,674 hours under steam, burnt 2,000 tons of New Zealand coal, landed 3,007 tons of cargo, and cleaned and overhauled 125 buoys.



Examination of Masters, Mates, and Engineers, —One hundred and thirty-two candidates passed their examination for certificates of competency, and forty failed. Of those who passed eighty-six were masters, mates, and engineers of sea-going vessels, and forty-six were masters and engineers of river steamers. There were no failures to pass the colour-test examination reported during the year. Four certificates of service were issued during the year, two being for the Home and two for the Foreign trade. Belief of Distressed Seamen. —The sum of £41 18s. has been expended during the year on account of the relief of distressed seamen belonging to New Zealand vessels. Of this amount £22 Bs. has been refunded to the Board of Trade for conveyance of four men of the " Julia Pryce " from Aitutaki to Earatonga, and the maintenance of two of them at Earatonga for thirty-four days, and £19 10s. for the conveyance of ten of the crew of the " Notero " from Apia, Samoa, to Auckland. No amounts have been expended this year in the relief of crews of other than New Zealand vessels, or in replenishing the depots for castaways on the outlying islands of New Zealand. In connection with this subject, however, representations were made to the Government in December last that there were persons in a destitute condition on Macquarie Island ; the Government then decided to send a vessel to ascertain whether such was the case or not, and accordingly chartered the s.s. " Kakanui " for this purpose. She left Invercargill on the 24th December and reached the Macquaries on the 3rd January, and left a few hours afterwards with eight men who had been working on the island, and has never been heard of since. She is supposed to have foundered in a very heavy gale of wind shortly after she left. The gale was the heaviest that the headsman, who had been on the island for about sixteen years, had ever experienced. Wages and Effects of Deceased Seamen. —During the year the estates of twenty-seven deceased seamen have been dealt with. One estate, £9 Bs. 5d., has been transferred to the Public Trustee ; £16 14s. 6d. has been paid to relatives, and £124 os. lOd. paid into the Public Account in accordance with the provisions of section 87 of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877." Eight new estates were received during the year. Survey of Steamers. —Certificates of survey under " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," have been issued to 201 steamers of 29,924 aggregate tonnage, and 9,887 horse-power ; as against 193 steamers of 31,595 aggregate tonnage, and 10,627 horse-power last year. A certificate of exemption from survey, and from the employment of certificated master and engineer was issued under the provisions of section 201 of " The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," and subsection (2), of section 2, of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act 1877 Amendment Act, 1885," for the s.s. " Paiaka," for so long only as she was plying within Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel in the fishingtrade. Wrecks and Casualties. —The accompanying table shows an analysis of the casualties reported. Those on the coast of the colony number 35. representing 12,936 tons, as against 39 casualties, affecting 15,952 tons, in the previous year. There is again a decrease in the number of total wrecks within the colony, 3 vessels, of 830 aggregate tonnage, being lost, as against 12 vessels, of 2,464 aggregate tonnage, in the previous year. There is an increase in the number of lives lost during the year, being 121, as against 25 in the previous year; those lost in the colony being 13, as against 15 last year. Of the lives lost on or near the coasts of the colony, 3 wove lost from the ■' Eose Blanche," 2 from the " Maud Graham," and 1 each from the " Compadre," " Ida," " Camelia," " Diana," " Fleetwing," "Fearnought," "Christine," and " Tokerau." Of those lost beyond the colony (108), 19 were lost in the s.s. " Kakanui," 31 in the " Marlborough," 34 in the " Dunedin," 10 in the " Kentish Lass," and 10 in the " Rainbow," each of these vessels having, it is supposed, foundered with the loss of all hands, and 1 each from the " Lady Jocelyn," " Laira," " Brahmin," and " Persian Empire." Of the miscellaneous casualties reported, three were of a serious character—viz., those to the " Nettie," " Eanee," and " Leading Wind," fire having broken out in the holds of each of these vessels. The " Nettie" and " Leading Wind" were loading New Zealand Phormium at the time of their respective casualties. The " Eanee" was laden with shale, and required to be sunk to extinguish the fire. Neio Zealand Pilot. —A quantity of information for the preparation of a new edition of the " New Zealand Pilot " was, at the request of the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, forwarded to him. He not only expressed his thanks in a most courteous manner, but a despatch was also forwarded to His Excellency the Governor by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, enclosing a letter from the Admiralty, requesting that the thanks of the Lords Commissioners might be conveyed to the Department of Marine in New Zealand for the assistance rendered by them in connection with the revised edition of the " New Zealand Pilot." It is believed that copies of the new edition will be received in the colony at an early date. Fishebies. — Oysters : I must again draw the attention of the Government to the desirability of legislating with the view of preventing the entire destruction of oysters, a state of affairs which will, should not the taking of oysters be restricted, not take a very long time to come about. This is an experience which would appear to belong to every country where oysters have been plentiful. The supply has been considered inexhaustible, and not until the oysters have been almost exterminated has the fact been realised that an oyster-bed can be over-fished. Imported Fish. —Fish believed to be grilse have been caught in the Aparima Eiver. It will be desirable, I submit, to continue to prohibit fishing in this river until the question of the acclimatisation of salmon has been settled beyond doubt. The trout in our rivers still continue to increase, and the acclimatisation societies are doing good work in stocking the streams. It would, I think, be desirable tc£ stock the streams of the northern part of the North Island with the Eainbow or Californian trout (Salmo irideus), which the experience of the Auckland Society would tend to show is very suitable to the rivers where the temperature of water is in the summer too high for the common brown trout. Inspection of Machinery. —The Act has continued to work without any hitch. It has only been found necessary to take proceedings in a case in which a fatal accident had not been reported as



required by law. In this case the defendant was fined £10. One Inspector resigned during the year, and the vacancy was filled by the appointment of Mr. R. Duncan, who is now stationed in Otago, Mr. Blackwood having been moved to Auckland. Returns. —The annual returns, reports by Inspectors of Machinery, wreck-chart, &c, will be found appended hereto. I have, &c, Lewis H. B. Wilson, Assistant-Secretary. Thß Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, &c.

Delegates of Conteibuting Colonies to the Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department. Hon. Minister, — Marine Department, 26th January, 1891. I have the honour to forward the report of delegates on the proposed light on the Snares Island. Owing to the gentlemen representing the other colonies being of opinion that the light should be an all-round light the site chosen had of necessity to be on the highest part of the island at such an elevation that I fear the light at times will be obscured, but not to such an extent as would be the case at the same elevation on the main land, for the spot selected is small, affording little room for fog to rest on. Myself, I would have preferred a much lower site, showing light only in the direction of approaching ships from south-west, north to north-east, shutting off the south-east arc, as useless, for no vessel is ever likely to make the island on that bearing. I have, &c, E. Johnson.

New Zealand Government s.s. " Hinemoa," at Sea, 16th January, 1891. Meeting of the representatives of the Governments of New Zealand, Victoria, and New South Wales, appointed for the purpose of taking steps to carry out the agreement entered into regarding the erection of a lighthouse on the Snares Islands. Present: Captain Johnson, Nautical Adviser to the Marine Department, New Zealand ; F. M. Hynes, Esq., Engineer for Harbour Works, Victoria; Captain Hixson, E.N., President, Marine Board, New South Wales. It was moved by Captain Hixson, seconded by Mr. Hynes, and Besolved, That Captain Johnson be appointed chairman to the Conference. Besolved, That Mr. H. L. Hixson shall act as secretary. The delegates, after having landed and thoroughly examined the locality of the islands, conferred in reference to the proper site and character of the proposed light, and decided to recommend to their respective Governments: (1.) That the lighthouse be built on the site indicated by the flagstaff erected on the summit near the southern extremity of the principal island of the group. (2.) That the light should be of the first order, dioptric, of the greatest brilliancy attainable by mineral oil, revolving and showing a white flash every half-minute; and, in view of its exposed position, that the tower, together with keeper's quarters, &c, should be of the most substantial character. It is understood that the details of the erection and maintenance of the light are to be undertaken by New Zealand ; and that the other colonies pledged, and New Zealand should contribute to the cost thereof in proportion to their respective population. Harley L. Hixson, Secretary. E. Johnson, Chairman.



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Head Office :— Assistant Secretary .. .. ..... Senior Clerk Clerk Nautical Adviser Draughtsman Marine Engineer Marine Engineer's Clerk and Draughtsmen Habbours :— Manukau, — Salaries Beacon Tramway Contingencies Russell, — Salaries Contingencies Hokianga,— Salaries Contingencies Kaipara, — Salaries Beacons Repairs to buildings Contingencies Repairs to steam-launch .. Mokau, — Contingencies Opunake, — Salary Contingencies Poxton, — Salaries Boatman's house repairs Contingencies Tauranga,— Contingencies Rangitikei— Salary Contingencies Wairau, — Salary Snagging river Contingencies Havelock, — Contingencies £ s. d. 400 0 0 240 0 0 190 0 0 300 0 0 26 5 0 641 13 4 171 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,969 3 4 1,969 3 . 4 398 0 0 370 12 8 152 18 5 921 11 1 174 0 0 27 0 1 201 0 1 264 0 0 8 8 5 567 10 0 193 10 6 305 5 5 150 18 2 46 17 2 272 S 5 1,264 1 3 5 5 0 5 5 0 25 0 0 0 2 6 25 2 G 310 0 0 77 14 8 15 18 5 403 13 1 16 11 11 36 0 0 17 9 145 0 0 27 16 G 19 18 2 37 7 9 192 14 8 7 12 9 7 ]2 9 Nelson, — Salaries Boatmen's house Contingencies Riwaka, — Salary Contingencies Waitapu,— Salary Maintenance of leading-lights Contingencies Collingwood,— Salary Contingencies Karamea, — Signalman Contingencies Mokiliinui, — Signalman Contingencies Nile River, — Signalman Contingencies Okarito, — Salary Contingencies Okura River, — Signalman Akaroa, — Salary Sir J. Coo'de's report on New Plymouth Harbour General harbour contingencies Lighthouses :— Salaries of keepers Travelling-expenses of keepers Oil .. .. .. .«. Stores and contingencies Pension of Mrs. Deck Lighthouse artificer Stephen's Island Ligthouse (building account) .. Snares Lighthouse 943 18 3 102 12 5 139 9 6 6 0 0 13 1 G 25 0 0 75 0 0 2 2 0 25 0 0 15 16 0 18 0 0 2 12 6 37 15 0 1G 10 5 12 0 0 2 0 0 1,186 0 2 19 1 6 102 2 0 40 16 0 20 12 6 54 5 5 14 0 0 50 0 0 9 16 0 59 1G 0 4 0 0 25 0 0 105 0 0 103 17 4 I 5,081 19 5 8,278 8 2 41 10 1 1,165 19 7 1,553 6 9 24 0 0 97 6 3 3 5 6 206 14 G 11,370 10 10 11,370 10 10 Carried forward 18,421 13 7



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine Department— continued.

Return showing the Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Lighthouses, and the Quantity of Oil consumed at each, during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

"Of this amount £34 ss. 4(1. is for provisions. I Of this amount £77 lls. KM. is for repairs.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Brought forward Survey of unseaworthy ships Departmental travelling-expenses Sundries .. charts Enquiries into wrecks and casualties Administration of Fisheries Acts Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen 3t. Clair Beach protection works £ s. a. £ s. d. 4 4 0 136 2 2 177 8 10 43 9 6 42 5 G 128 6 11 41 18 0 71 19 2 £, s. d. 18,421 13 7 043 14 1 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Steamers, — Salaries of Inspectors Travelling-expenses Sundries ■ 2,226 12 3 877 19 2 61 S 0 3,165 14 5 3,165 14 5 Examination of Masters and Mates—Salaries „ Contingencies .. 429 2 0 36 3 11 465 5 11 405 5 11 'Stella," B.S.,— Expenses while laid up 403 8 9 403 8 9 1 Hmemoa," s.s., — Wages, stores, provisions, &c. Less amount earned by steamer 7,282 11 5 206 19 8 7,075 11 10 2,157 5 8 101 0 6 Guaranteed interest to Wellington Patent Slip Company Survey of Poverty Bay Less amount of credits to votes 32,433 14 11 228 0 3 Total £32,205 14 8

Name of Lighthouse, Salaries. Gallons consumed. Oil. Value. and Contingencies. Totals. Dape Maria van Diemen.. Moko Hinou riri-Tiri [Jean Rock Ponui Passage .. Duvier Island Portland Island.. papier Bluff Pencarrow Head 3omes Island Dape Egmont Manukau Head.. Manukau South Head leading-lights Manukau North Head leading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers fory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell .. jodley Head ikaroa Head Moeraki Paiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island .. Puysegur Point Hokitika Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit Nelson French Pass £ s. d. 398 15 0 345 10 8 280 10 8 157 10 0 164 16 0 343 3 0 308 6 8 36 0 0 280 0 0 115 5 8 244 5 0 250 0 0 j 907 808 510 09 75 1,204 071 Gas 871 198 516 048 137 170 553 714 107 480 515 043 568 574 548 915 520 725 884 857 £ s. d. 75 11 8 07 0 8 47 10 0 8 9 4 0 5 0 105 6 8 55 18 4 14 19 9 72 11 8 10 10 0 43 0 0 54 0 0 11 8 4 14 3 4 40 1 8 59 10 0 13 18 4 40 10 0 42 18 4 53 11 8 47 6 8 47 10 8 45 13 4 70 5 0 43 6 8 60 8 4 73 13 i 71 8 4 10 2 6 45 11 8 43 1 8 18 18 4 11 1 8 £ s. a. 104 18 6 40 1 1 09 10 4 42 7 6 36 15 7 117 10 0 59 19 5 0 2 0 34 15 4 23 18 8 08 7 3 48 17 7 £ a. d. 579 5 2 459 4 5 397 17 0 208 6 10 207 16 7 566 6 2 484 4 5 51 1 9 387 7 0 155 13 11 355 12 3 352 17 7 125 0 0 242 10 0 509 18 10 90 0 0 246 13 4 245 15 7 280 0 0 280 0 0 275 0 0 255 0 0 290 0 0 252 10 0 340 16 8 322 10 0 374 11 11 ) 22 18 0 173 10 2 82 4 8 66 2 0* 5 4 11 50 15 11 22 10 2 32 2 7 41 0 0 20 4 8 51 10 8 58 4 0 25 14 7 53 5 3 78 11 4 169 14 81 0 13 8 35 12 6 60 8 5 4 18 3 12 1 1 370 16 4 035 10 10 109 3 3 337 19 3 311 4 1 365 14 3 368 7 2 343 0 11 352 4 0 424 9 0 321 11 3 454 10 3 474 14 8 015 14 11 22 16 2 381 4 2 466 16 9 323 16 7 223 2 9 300 0 0 303 6 8 300 0 0 200 0 0 Gas 547 517 227 133 Totals 8,278 8 2 10,937 1,450 4 11 1,553 6 9 11,281 19 10



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Amount of Light-dues collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return showing the Amount of Pilotage, Port Charges, &c., collected during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return showing the Fees, &c., received under the Shipping and Seamen's Act, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Inspection of Machinery Act, and for Pilotage and Port Charges, &c., during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

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Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Name of Lighthouse, j Order of Apparatus. I Description. ' Period ■ ofEevoIving Light. Colour of Light. Tower built of Dwellings built of i Date first lighted. Cape Maria van | Diemen 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed 1' White Bed, to show over Columbia Reef White White, with red arc over Flat Rock White and red White Timber Timber 24 Mar., 1879 Moko Hinou Tiri-Tiri.. 1st order dioptric 2nd FlashingFixed 10" Stone Iron Timber 18 Juno, 1883 1 Jan., 1865 Ponui Passage Cuvicr Island f Portland Island 5th 1st 2nd Revolving 30" 30" Timber Iron Timber 29 July, 1871 22 Sept., 1889 10 Feb., 1878 Fixed Red, to show over Bull Rock White Pencarrow Head Cape Egmont Manukau Head Kaipara Head Brothers .. -I 2nd order dioptric 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Flashing i6" 10" Iron Timber Timber 1 Jan., 1859 1 Aug., 1881 1 Sept., 1874 1 Doc, 1884 24 Sept., 1877 Fixed Red, to show over Cook Rock White Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Mocraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point .. Dog Island 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order eataclioptric 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed Flashing Fixed I 1 Timber Stone Timber Timber Stone Timber 1 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1880 22 April, 1878 2 Jan., 1865 1 Jan., 1880 4 July, 1870 1 Jan., 1884 1 Aug., 1805 10" Revolving Fixed Flashing Revolving V io" 30" Red '.'. White .. Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Timber Stone Centre Island Fixed White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber 10 Sept., 1878 Puysegur Point Cape Foulwind Farewell Spit 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving 10" 30" V White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon 1 Mar., 1879 1 Sept., 1876 17 June, 1870 Nelson 4th Fixed Iron 4 Aug., 1862 French Pass 6th 1 Oct., 1884

Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Horsepower of Nature of Engines. Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate, Remarks. Ahuriri Akaroa Alexandra Alice Ant Antrim Aorere Arawata Argylo Australia Awarua Awhina .. ... Banks Peninsula Barstow Beautiful Star Bella Bon Lomond Birkcnhead Blanche Britannia Brunner Canterbury Charles Edward .. Chelmsford Clansman Clematis Colleen Coromandel Cygnet Daphne Despatch 31 43 73 8 5 36 45 623 129 260 100 5 34 32 146 12 33 55 18 108 333 17 23 30 4 G 30 16 600 45 77 80 50 62 24 30 12 15 16 9 40 95 24 60 24 99 4 18 25 3 2 6 Compound Screw Extended river Non-condensing Paddle Screw River Launch. Compound Paddle . Screw Sea-going Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condonsing Paddle Screw Twin-screw Paddle Screw Tug. Left colony. Biver Sea-going Extended river River Triple-expansion Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Twin-screw Screw Sea-going Extended river Sea-going 123 70 336 5 33 68 3" 1 Non-condensing Compound Stern-wheel .. Paddle Screw River Non-condensing Extended river River Launch. New launch.



Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued — continued.

2—ll. 30.

Tons Register. Horsepower of j Engines. ature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Name of Vessel. i Despatch" Dingadee Douglas Durham Eagle Echo Edina Effort Elsie Enterprise No. 2 .. Erin Fairy Fanny Fingal Freetrader Gairloch Gleaner Glenelg Graf ton Hauroto Heathcote Herald Hestia .. Huia Ida Invercargill Iona 24 393 60 54 138 9 13 15 61 4 33 67 23 95 156 297 1,276 94 370 20 80 20 30 70 3 6 12 8 30 4 15 30 11 30 85 8 75 123 250 35 85 Compound Condensing .. Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Condensing Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Screw Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Paddle Screw Stern-wheel .. Twin-screw Screw Extended river Sea-going Extended river River Extended river River Extended river Sea-going Extended river River Sea-going River Sea-going Launch. Launch. First N.Z. survey New steamer. Launch. Twin-screw Screw Hopper-barge. 90 12 123 159 61 25 10 50 65 45 8 22 40 4 22 20 8 24 70 10 43 15 30 20 120 40 4 20 88 10 12 16 4 80 5 10 80 90 25 15 300 38 15 8 60 40 3 75 25 33 17 8 60 5 25 18 18 20 9 120 92 5 80 14 70 70 I 7 Condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound River Sea-going River Sea-going River Sea-going New launch, Iona Non-condensing Stern-wheel .. Screw River Launch. Ivy Jane Douglas Kahu Kaituna Kakanui Kanieri Katikati Kawai .. Kawatiri Kawau Kennedy Kina Kiwi Kopuru Koputai Kotuku La Buona Ventura Lady Barkly Lawrence Lilie Lily Little Agnes Little George Lyttelton Macandrew Mahinapua Mahinapua Mana .. Mana Manaia Manapouri Manawatu Manukau Maori Maori Matau .. Matuku Mawhera Minnie Casey Moa Mohaka Moss Eose Mountaineer Moutoa Murray Nautilus (yacht).. Neptune Nile Noko No. 222 .. Ohau Olga Omapere Onslow Orawaiti Osproy Pearl 75 99 4 57 115 27 286 8 124 52 133 28 5 41 4 39 246 10 20 83 4 39 205 51 51 55 I 1,020 112 45 17 118 50 3 340 48 110 20 Compound Condensing Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw ScrewPaddle Three screws .. Screw Twin-screw Paddle Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw Stern-wheel .. Twin-screw Paddle Screw Sea-going River Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going River Sea-going River Extended river Sea-going River Extended river Sea-going River Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Launch. Wrecked. Steam-yacht. Tug. Launch. Launch. Tug. Launch. New tug. Altered from "paddle. Non-condensing Condensing .. Non-condensing River Extended river Sea-going River Stern-wheel .. Screw Compound Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river '66 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw River Launch. Launch. 90 32 44 21 15 502 411 4 352 „ 20 283 138 9 Sea-going Extended river Sea-going Non-condensing Paddle Screw Twin-screw Screw Extended river Sea-going Launch. Dredge. Compound Non-condensing Compound Twin-screw Screw Paddle Screw River Sea-going River Sea-going River Extended river Formerly Malm. Non-condensing Launch,


Return of Steamers to which Certificates of Survey were issued — continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons Register. Horsepower of Engines. Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Remarks. Pelorus Penguin Phcenix Pioneer Planet Plucky .. Poherua Prince of Wales .. Pukaki Queen of the South Result .. Result Reynolds Richmond Riro Riro Rosamond Rose Casey Rotoiti .. 18 442 6 5 13 29 749 487 850 121 13 18 12 180 6 5 8 40 128 21 110 40 10 23 14 105 4 90 109 15 Non-condensing Compound Non- condensing Compound Triple-expansion Condensing Compound Screw River Sea-going Extended river Launch. River Extended river : „ Sea-going „ ._. New steamer. „ .. Meat-freezing „ [vessel. „ .. i First N.Z.survey. Extended river River .. Launch. Sea-going River .. ] Launch. Sea-going Extended river Non-condensing Paddle Screw 495 Compound Non-condensing Compound 462 99 17 Non-condensing Fore-and-af tsorews Screw Rotomahana Rotomahana Rotorua Rowena Ruby Scotchman Snark Southern Cross .. 139 864 576 74 19 30 12 158 3 40 137 94 5 45 450 172 30 24 10 10 50 3 20 40 33 4 8 22 165 20 12 15 16 250 155 92 5 250 14 270 25 3 10 94 16 25 25 18 28 14 50 14 20 250 20 95 30 292 5 16 16 16 8 15 256 30 120 70 25 20 90 64 12 12 Condensing Compound Sea-going Extended river River Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Condensing Compound „ .. I Launch. Sea-going River .. | Launch. Extended river Sea-going* River .. Hoppor-barge. ' Launch. Spray Staffa .. Stormbird Sumner Sylph .. lainui .. lainui .. Takapuna Pakapuna ram O'Shanter .. langihua raniwha larawera laieri .. laupo .. Pay To Anau Ie Auolia rekapo .. Pe Kapu Terrier .. Terror .. Terranora Te Wae rheodoro Tongariro Torca ruhua ', Launch. Non-condensing " Hoppor-barge. Launch. 47 370 58 22 20 Compound Non-condensing Paddle Screw Paddle Screw „ .. Launch. Extended river „ River Sea-going River ■p^«^ j— ..^ Dredge. 1,269 1,071 408 Compound Triple-expansion „ .. Dredge. Sea-going Formerly Cairn[toul. „ .. Formerly Cairn-■■t-~,,i 1,028 50 1,544 50 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw „ [toul. River .. I Launch. Sea-going River Sea-going Extended river i River .. | Launch. Extended river Sea-going .. First N.Z.survey. River .. Dredge. Launch. Launch. Non-condensing 199 35 63 9 46 Condensing Non-condensing Paddle Twin-screw Paddle .. I First N.Z,survey. Dredge. Tuna Victoria Vivid Waihi .. Waihora Waikato Wainui Waipara Wairarapa Waitangi Waifcapu Waitara Waitoa Waiwera Waiwera Wakatipu Wakatu Wanaka Wareatea Waverley Weka Wellington Westland Yankee Doodle ., Zephyr 98 6 63 1,269 56 391 70 1,023 Condensing .. Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Screw Stern-wheel .. Twin-screw Paddle Screw „ Sea-going Extended river River Extended river River Extended river Sea-going ' Compound Non- condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Paddle Screw Twin-screw Screw „ River Sea-going I Launch. I 40 26 27 River .. Launch. Sea-going Extended river 6 1,158 95 278 288 77 53 262 35 6 8 Twin-screw Screw .. I River .. Launch. Extended river Sea-going Launch. " -V " /, „ .. Wrecked. Wrecked. Twin-screw Screw Condensing Non-condensing Paddle River .. Launch. Launch. Screw .. J I


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Frank Wilson Arbon Henry Hayes William Thomas Burvill .. Ernest Charles Maoey Henry Nixson Willis Jones Arthur Goe Donald Hugh McKenzie .. Lionel Campbell Hugh Worrall Sydney George Morgan William John Cranch William Smith Hutcheson George Melville Ruxton .. Daniel William Williamson John Campbell Thomas Gilmour Frederic William Cox Carl Johnson William Henry Candy Thomas Braidwood Edward Anderson Olaude Ferrier Prank Bell John Campbell Bror Albert Wiking Robert Girling Charles MeArthur Arthur Frederick Anthony Malcolm Livingstone Ihomas Roberts Arthur Dawson Chrisp Edward Stotfc 3eorge Hyder Bailey Wood Frederick Augustus Bilton William McGavin Muir Frederick John Beach Frederick James Dillamore William Clark Robert Dann Anton Petersson Alexander Malcolm Gillies Alexander Carson Henry John Luce 3eorge Wilson William John Bayliss Edwin PovYell John Mill Pierre Hillien John Stansfield Webster .. Gieorgo Kassens Richard Hart William Burnip Manley .. Francis Aubert Maxwell .. Edward Mathieson Henry Hayes George Page Jacob Edwin Stevens Rodger Clements George Wilson Torgen Wiig Robert Huia Gibbons rhomas Taylor George Archibald Simpson loseph Rogers Frank Allen Andrew Monson Thomas Daly Charles Frederick Benney.. Xohn Carlson Henry Bradney Robert Read William John Grigg Patrick Pearce Thomas Francis Nichols .. George William Leaity Edward Thomas Forn Charles Ernest Scully Thomas Carroll Alfred William Owles Edward Ryfiel Franz Roering John Pearce Andrew Wilson William Nisbet Andrew McBride William McKellar ■ u First Mate Only Mate Second Mate First Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Second Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Second Mate Master Extra Only Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Only Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate Master Ordinary .. Only Mate Master Ordinary .. First Mate Second Mate Only Mate Foreign trade „ (renewal) „ (renewal) 11 April, 1890 .. 12 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 18 „ „ .. 1 May, „ .. 19 ,; „ .. 19 „ 20 „ , .. 27 „ „ ... 27 „ „ .. 30 „ „ .. 31 ,. „ .. 31 „ „ .. 4 June, 6 „ „ .. 6 „ „ .. 9 „ „ .. 23 „ „ .. 4 July, „ .. 10 „ „ .. 10 „ „ .. 15 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 22 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 25 „ „ .. 7 Aug., „ .. 7 1 "„ "„'.'■ 18 „ „ .. 19 „ „ .. 17 Sept., „ .. 27 „ „ .. 210ct 27 „ „ .. 8 Nov., „ .. 8 22 "„ "„ '.. 24 „ „ .. 24 „ „ .. 29 „ „ .. 4 Dec, „ .. i 12 „ „■■'•• 27 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 5 Jan., 1891 .. 14 „ „ .. I 19 „ „ .. I 2Feb 21 „ „ .. 26 „ „ .. 2 March, „ .. 13 „ „ .. 18 April, 1890 .. 19 June, „ .. 16 July, „ .. 18 Aug., „ .. 1 Sept., „ .. 20 Oct., „ .. 27 „ „ .. 27 „ „ .. 9 March, 1891 .. 1 May, 1890 .. 16 June, „ .. 17 „ „ .. 7 July, „ 31 „' „ .. 25 Aug., „ .. 1 Sept., „ .. 11 „ „ .. 1 Oct., „ .. 1 „ „ •■ 10 „ „ .. 12 Dec, „ .. 8 Jan., 1891 .. 16 „ „ .. 19 „ „ •■ 30 „ „ .. 14 Feb., „ .. 16 „ „ .. 2 March, „ .. 19 „ „ .. 11 April, 1890 .. H „ „ .. 1 May, „ .. 574 540 643 644 645 465 550 459 646 S49 485 580 647 648 649 640 650 325 450 651 652 653 295 343 514 535 449 458 563 654 596 655 656 520 657 658 659 660 586 560 661 662 209 663 664 552 604 665 472 666 413 667 668 5,295 5,340 5,341 5,342 5,343 5,344 5,345 5,346 5,338 3,181 3,182 3,183 3,184 3,185 3,180 3,187 3,188 3,189 3,190 3,191 3,192 3,193 3,194 3,195 3,196 3,197 3,198 3,199 3,200 205 206 207 Master Ordinary .. First Mate Master Ordinary .. Second Mate First Mate Second Mate Master Mate Home trade Master Eiver trade 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer „ (renewal) Foreign trade


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended the 31st December, 1891 — continued.

Return showing the Number of Masters, Mates, and Engineers examined during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891, distinguishing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return showing the Certificates of Service issued to Masters, Mates, and Engineers during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William Marshall Millar .. Robert Duncan James McLean George Huteheson John Anderson William Harry Williams .. Alexander McGregor William John Crawford Donald Stalker John McJjeod George McGregor.. Edward Barker Mundle Carey James Pirie Tames Orombie Scott Samuel Livingstone Chandler Henry William Louis Fuller William Forbes Hansen Albert James Piefcerson John William Robinson Shirley Gordon Maxwell .. 3amuel McDowall John Brown James Cowley uharles McKirdy Hugh Swan idolphus James Park Fitzroy George Hamilton .. 3-eorge Rewcastle Horace George Minett Priestley David Murray James Harvey Archibald Anderson Greorge Henry Burrows William Frederick Bingham Edward Grange Alexander McKenzie Jacob Eecoff Simmers Horatio Dixon William Wallace Parsons .. James Wotherspoon Patrick Walsh Oswald Carter S'rederick William Tomlinson Walter Joseph Wintle Malcolm John Connor Frederick William Cornwall Harry Shaw Robert Winter Dscar Edward Owles George Nicholas Homand .. James Holmes Frederick William Schiller 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer 1st Class Engineer 2nd Class Engineer Engineer Foreign trade „ (renewal) Kiver trade 5 May, 21 „ 27 „ 31 „ 9 June, 7 July, 29 „ 15 Aug., 1 Sept., 15 „ 27 „ 8 Oct., 8 „ 20 „ 25 „ 12 Nov., 12 „ 15 „ 27 Dec, 10 Jan., 29 „ 29 „ 16 Feb., 13 March, 21 „ 1 May, 19 „ 9 June, 3 July, 19 „ 12 Aug., 18 „ 25 „ 25 „ 25 „ 27 Sept., 9 Oct., 27 „ 12 Dec, 12 „ 12 „ 27 „ 27 „ 5 Jan., 14 „ 23 „ 23 „ 23 „ 26 Feb., 13 March, 23 „ 23 „ 1890 .. 1891 ','. 1890 '.'. 1891 '.'. 161 206 126 20i 17*1 21C 211 215 165 144 21E 214 21? 21£ 217 216 21£ 22C 221 181 156 225 22S 224 22S 1,604 l,60£ i,eoe 1,607 1,606 l,60£ 1.61C 1,611 1,615 1,616 1,614 1.61E 1,616 1,617 1,616 1,619 1,62C 1,621 1,622 1,623 1,624 1,625 1,626 1,627 1,628 1,629 1,630 „ (renewal)

Class of Certificate. Auckland. Wellington, j Lytteli _ _.l I I i I -1 11 • i 1 d d O cci d I O : cS ri in. "o En I ft Duuedin. Otln I sr Places. C ft CD CM Q i 'otaL 1 o H Foreign - going masters and mates Home-trade masters and mates Kiver-steamer masters Sea-going engineers Kiver-steamer engineers 17 3 7 6 10 13 30 2 5 7 2 8 .. 10 17 60 9 4 3 12 5 7 16 ! 4 5 1 5 .... .. 8 1.. 1 13 1 .. 2 7 2 1 11 44 | 8 6 9 1 1 3 i 7 20 1 7 3 23 i 3 8 3 8 50 10 20 26 26 28 3 8 6 78 13 20 29 32 3 9 9 Totals 43 33 14 28 G 34 20 20 132 40 172

Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. oseph Gilberbson Worsley Hill ■Teil Hendry ohn Howe .. Master .. Mate .. Master I .. ! Home trade .. ! Foreign trade .. Home trade .. 21 July, 1890 ,.: 2,552 .. 12 September, 1890 .. 2,553 .. 12 December, 1890 .. 2,554 .. 16 January, 1891 .. ! 2,555 I . I

IT.— 30


Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in Pursuance of the Provisions of "The Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877," during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1800. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of Estate on 31st March, 1891. John Montgomery Patrick Duncan John Anderson William Boljer Charles Anderson Charles Witters John McDonald William Aitken Gilbert Johnson Magnus Brown John Kelly Lee Din .. Victorianio Younger Ton Bee Ah Min James Stuard Olar Larson Francis Harry Fenton Lars John Petersen Henry Hunter Jacob Herrmann John Fitzgerald James Hoult Sivaka William Henry Ford James H. Watt Joseph Emmanuel Leon Bouis £ s. a. 2 3 0 14 0 17 0 0 7 5 5 2 10 6 0 10 4 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 2 13 5 6 18 10 6 9 0 4 2 4 4 0 9 0 12 9 40 17 10 1 12 11 0 18 9 £ s. a. £ a. d. 2 3 0 14 0 17 0 0 7 5 5 2 10 6 0 10 4 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 2 13 5 6 18 10 6 9 0 4 2 4 4 0 9 0 12 9 40 17 10 1 12 11 0 18 9 £ s. d. 2 13 3 9 8 5 16 0 15 8 6 0 17 0 1 12 0 0 16 0 3 0 0 2 13 3 9 8 5 16 0 15 8 6 0 17 0 1 12 0 0 16 0 3 0 0

Number of Portable Boilers. Number >£ Stationary Boilers. 'ofcals. Ui.lUU. U± UI Ul.U.U J-J Name of District. Under 5 to 10 Over 5 h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. Under 3 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Fees. Boilers. Auckland Taranaki Hawke's Bay Wellington Marlborougli Nelson North Nelson South Westland Canterbury Otago 23 7 12 11 3 3 1 40 37 56 16 45 115 30 24 8 14 163 142 24 2 7 31 5 7 13 10 4 9 123 8 18 73 11 28 22 13 111 127 37 11 22 76 9 16 11 4 30 51 178 13 31 135 12 7 28 4 61 147 441 57 135 441 70 85 82 46 409 513 & s. d. 647 0 0 85 10 0 202 5 0 696 0 0 105 15 0 114 15 0 131 0 0 69 0 0 521 10 0 733 5 0 Totals 137 613 112 534 616 267 2,279 3,306 0 0



RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1890, to the 31st March, 1891.

Number of Nature of Number of Lives lost. 'ind. Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class. Passeng gers. Place where Casualty occurred. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &e. Na*me of Master. as Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. 1889. March 16 1890. Jan. 13 (since) Lily .. Marlborough, 14 Schooner Ship 45 .. 45 1124 30 54 ! 6 1124 30 Nil 1 Frozen mutton, ■ wool, : skins, ' and coal 2 General 1 Stranded; total Supposed foundered ; total loss 1 Supposed 31 (all hands) 1 Supposed 31 (all hands) Apia, Samoa.. 1 On voyage from Lyttelton to London Hurricane Vessel went ashore in hurricane Vessel left Lyttelton for London on the 11th January, was spoken two days afterwards, and has not since been heard of — Douglas. W. Hird. years Feb. 23 (since) Fleetwjng, 11 years Schooner 54 Loss of life only 1 1 Supposed 34* About 20 miles off Cape Karakara, N.Z., on voyage from Auckland to New Caledonia 1 Unknown E.S.E. Fresh .. An A.B. named Richard Millis, going to relieve the wheel at 10.10 p.m., passed to leeward, and, slipping as the vessel gave a heavy lurch, fell overboard and was drowned Vessel left Oamaru for London on the 20th March, 1890, in every way fit for the voyage. She was in proper trim, well manned, and her cargo was safe and well stowed Spare propeller broke adrift during excessive heavy rolling, caused by heavy southern sea and N.E. gale, and, before it could be secured, it broke the stanchions, pumps, and sounding-pipes, damaged 29 frames and 4 outside plates, and broke some of the 'tween-deck plates An apprentice named Harry Wingate, while engaged aloft with other hands, fell from the mizzen-top sail-yard into the sea and was lost Machinery deranged owing to breaking of crank-shaft. Vessel put into Tonga for temporary repairs, after which she came on to Auckland under easy steam Wind having fallen light, sufficient consideration was not paid to strong tide, setting vessel towards shoal A heavy sea came on board, carrying the master and mate overboard, and both were lost James Story Brownell. March 20 Dunedin,16yrs. Ship .. 120 34 i 1756 43 | 120 i Wool.frozenmeat, wheat, &c. ; Ballast.. Supposed foundered Supposed! 34* — Roberts. April 9 Maori, s.s., new vessel, first voyage, Al (Lloyds Schooner Damage to hull; partial loss Lat. 34° S., long. 29° 3Q' S., Southern Indian Ocean N.E. Whole gale W. Scotland. j I Lady Jocelyn, 38 years Loss of life only 1 Lat. 46° 24' S., long. 110° E., on voyage from London to Lyttelton Between Raratonga and Tonga William Watt. 21 Ship 2318 I 39 General Moderate gale May 4 Richmond, s.s., 5 years Schooner 475 26 7 Island produce Crank-shaft broke; machinery deranged Stranded; partial loss Robert Guthrie Hutton. 8 Wild Wave, 36 years Brig .. I 173 | 8 Timber.. o North Spit Shoal, entrance to Kaipara Harbour Off Portland Island on voyage from Lyttelton to Auckland Calm .. Alfred Bull. 11 Maud Graham, 14 years Schooner 80 6 Grain .. Loss of life only S.S.W. Gale .. Richard Fitzgerald. 11 Southern Cross, s.s., 17 years Kawatiri, s.s., 7 years Rose Blanche, new vessel Schooner 158 17 285 18 13 3 8 General Collision; partial loss Collision; slight damage Supposed capsized; stranded ; total loss ■■I Castlepoint, east coast, North Island S.S.W. Hard gale Stock of anchor of " Southern Cross " broke, and she then drifted on to the " Koranui " 'Felix Black. " Berthold Apstein. William Aubrey, 11 Schooner Ballast.. 20 Cutter .. Firewood, 18 tons E. Gale .. Vessel supposed to have been capsized 5 miles E.S.E. from place stranded while on voyage from Whangarei to Auckland. Casualty caused through incompetence of crew, bad equipment of vessel, and discharging of ballast previous to loading with firewood 3 (all hands) Found on beach, 3 miles S. of Mangawai



May 22 Tuna, s.s. .. , .. Stranded; slight damage Loss of life only •• Turanganui River, Po- [ verty Bay On voyage from Nelson N.W. to Waitapu, about 3 miles off Awaroa Heads Vessel must have gone on some hard substance William Hams. 29 Camelia, 11 years Ketch .. 20 2 General i N.W. Heavy .. A seaman named Edward Higgs, who was at the wheel while the master was slacking off the mizzen-sheet, fell overboard and was not seen again. Supposed that accident was caused by the tiller-rope slipping off the tiller Vessel cleared from Hokianga to Sydney on the 14th June, 1890, and has not since been heard of. Supposed to have foundered during heavy gale at sea, with loss of all hands An A.B. named Christopher Mouat, while engaged aloft, slipped off the fore-yard and fell on the deck, fracturing his skull. He died three hours after the accident When assisting to reduce sail, weather being squally, one of the crew; a native of New Hebrides, fell over board and was drowned Vessel, when coming up to Auckland from Port Jackson, with cargo and some mill-hands, about 10 p.m., gave a lurch, and a Maori named Whenua fell overboard and was drowned Vessel was at anchor in Okain's Bay, when heavy sea caused her to part cables and go ashore Vessel left Tauranga in very bad weather, and, when off Shoe and Slipper Islands, the master was knocked overboard, but it is not known how, as no one was on deck besides himself at time Cargo was found to be on fire when on the bar, caused, it is supposed, through water getting at some quicklime in the cargo Casualty caused through Captain Scott, who was in charge of the "Rose Casey" at the time, starboarding his helm before he was clear of the "Tainui." He was ordered to pay half the costs of the inquiry Vessel struck on reef apparently not marked on chart Henry Young. June 14 (since) Barque.. Timber, k a u r i logs Supposed 10 (all hands) i Kentish Lass, 18 Supposed foundered ; total loss On voyage from Hokianga to Sydney John Johnson. 306 10 years 15 Diana, 10 years Barque.. 714 16 Ballast.. Loss of life only 1 Off Hanks Peninsula .. N.W. S trong gale John Stephen. 30 Christine, 11 years Schooner 96 3 3 Bones and potatoes Loss of life only 1 Off North Cape, on voy- | N.W. age from Norfolk Is- I land to Auckland About 10 miles at the S.E. Auckland side of Cape \ Colville Squally John McLiver. July 15 F ear.nought, new vessel Ketch .. 30 3 several veral Flax and timber Loss of life only 1 Gale .. Abraham Bronlund. Minnie, 26 years Ketch .. Ballast.. Stranded; total loss Light .. Thomas Coupar. 24 17 Okain's Bay, Banks j E. Peninsula 24 Tokerau, 10 years Cutter .. 35 1 Maize and wheat 1 Loss of life only 1 Outside the Shoe and j N.E. Slipper Islands, on voyage from Tauranga to Auckland William Norris. Neptune, s.s., 7 years Schooner 4 General Fire on board; partial loss Wairau River, Blenheim I Thomas Eckford. Aug. 2 44 7 8 Rose Casey, s.s., 12 years Schooner 99 9 General Collision; partial loss - ) Light J Moderate William Bazley. 8 Tainui, p.s., 15 years Notero, 9 years 47 [ Collision; partial loss Stranded; total loss i Off south end of Motuihi Island, Hauraki N.E. Gulf William Henry Burgess. Alexander Campbell. 3 4 | -) Barque.. 10 I 17 Sept. 10 Nettie, 16 years Brig'ntine (U.S.A.) 430 477 25 j Guano .. [ Fire on board; partial loss North-west Point, How- E. land Island, Pacific Ocean Wharf, Lyttelton Har- i hour Cargo of New Zealand flax caught fire while at wharf; probably caused through spark from a pipe dropping into the hold Rudder-chains fell off quadrant, and ship could not answer her helm, consequently she ran aground Vessel ran on beach when attempting to enter river at low water. Her cargo of coal was discharged into drays, and she floated off at high water Vessel was taking in cargo of shale when fire broke out on board, and she had to be sunk before it could be extinguished Frederick B. Lowry. ., N.Z. flax 23 Gairloeh, s.s., 4 years Schooner 211 17 General Stranded; partial loss South Spit, mouth of j S. Wanganui River i Moderate breeze Findlay McArthur. Oct. 7 Mohaka, s.s., 13 Cutter .. 20 Coal .. Stranded; slightly damaged Waitara River .. N.W. Fresh .. Alexander Thos. Fraser. years . 23 Ranee, 26 years Al Barque.. Fire on board; partial loss Koputai Bay, Port Chalmers, Otago John Edwards 1189 ■22 Shale ..



RETURN of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department— continued.

Date of Casualty. Kaine of Vessel, also Age and Class. Big. 53 si- Number of §>§ | PassenNature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Decision of Court of Inquiry, &c. Same of Master. Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Force. 1890. ov. 1 Ruby, s.s., 14 years Britannia, p.s., 5 years Persian Empire, 25 years, Al Lloyds Schooner 19 6 5 Empties and gold Nil Collision; slight damage Collision ; no damage Loss of life only 1 Nil I 108 3 25 " j Between the Queen Street and Railway Wharves, Auckland The " Ruby," in coming in to her berth, struck ! the " Britannia," which was coming out 1 An A.B. named Stephen Jelliss fell overboard while engaged furling the fore-royal and was drowned William Bettis. William George Tye. Charles William Hay. 12 Ship .. 1532 SO General 1 Lat. 46° 15' N., long. 7° 40' W., on voyage from London to Auckland Lat. 44° 45' S., long. 95° E. ; on voyage from London to Dunedin w.s.w. Moderate 15 Brahmin, 14yrs., Al Lloyds, 100 Ship .. 11264 25 General Loss o£ life only 1 N.W. Gale An apprentice named William Samuel Jeffery, when coming down from assisting to furl main-topgallant sail, missed his footing, fell overboard after striking the rail, and was lost A seaman named Joseph Emanuel Leon Bouis, whilst reefing the upper fore-topsail, fell from the yard into the sea and was not seen again Peter McKenzie. . 24 Laira, 20 vears, Al Barque.. 492 14 Sugar .. Loss of life only 1 Lat. 47° 27' S., long. 152° 24' E.; on voyage from Mauritius to Dunedin On voyage from Melbourne to Clarence River N.W. Heavy gale Peter James Hughes. 27 (since) Rainbow, 1 year. Al Lloyds Schooner 297 10 Ballast.. Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 10 (all hands) Vessel left Melbourne for Clarence River on the 27th November and has not since been heard of. Supposed to have foundered at sea, with all hands, during heavy weather prevailing on the Australian coast about that time Master misled through buoy not being in position shown on chart The " Rangitikei's " cable parted in a heavy gale, and she drifted stern on to the " Balclutha," which was anchored about SOOj'd. astern of her, and she stove in that vessel's starboard bulwarks K. McDonald. 28 Ohau, s.s., C years Rangitikei, 27 years, AaI Lloyds Balclutha, Al Lloyds, 100 Stranded; partial loss Collision; partial loss Whale Rock, off Red Head, Bay of Islands Richard Brewer. Schooner 411 I 411 24 Coal .. S.W. Moderate Dec. 5 Ship .. 1188 1188 26 Wool and general - j Hard I gale j H. J. Middleton. Ship .. 1614 1614 Wool and tallow Collision; partial loss Napier Roadstead, about two miles off entrance to Inner Harbour West'rly J. Binnie. 5 28 1891. Jan. 4 (supp'sed) Kakanui,s.s.,12 years Snhooner 57 57 10 9 Coal for ships' use Supposed foundered ; total loss Supposed 19 (all hands) On voyage from Macquarie Island to Bluff Suppo'd N.E. to westward Supposed he a v y gale The vessel left Macquarie Island for New Zealand, with nine passengers on board, on the 3rd Januaiy, 1891, and has not since been heard of. She is supposed to have foundered in a heavy gale next day Vessel took the ground when crossing the bar and was seriously damaged Master should have used greater precaution to ascertain his position, and should not have trusted to bearings alone. He was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Fire broke out in cargo of flax when alongside wharf William Best. 6 Manaia, s.s., 19 years Pukaki, s.s., 4 years Schooner 54 Ballast.. Stranded; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Mokau Bar, North Taranaki Bight Ohau Bay, Cook Strait Light .. John Botham. 6 N.N.W. 17 Schooner 850 30 2 Coal .. S.E. by Heavy gale William Edward Oliver. ,. 22 Leading Wind, 17 years (U.S. vessel) Ship .. 1159 Flax and kaurigum Fire on board; partial loss Alongside Wharf, Auckland Harbour Francis Manning Hinckloy. 10 I



3—H. 30

Feb. 7 ; Trusty, 27 years Schooner 59 I Ballast.. Collision; partial loss Two miles in a direct line from entrance to Inner Harbour, Napier S.E. Light .. Vessel was proceeding alongside s.s. " Manapouri," then lying in roadstead, to lighter her, when the wind shifted, and the steamer swinging caused the "Trusty" to come into collision with her Fire was probably drawn on stokehole-floor and not properly extinguished Heavy range coming into harbour, result of a gale in the far offing, caused vessel to surge heavily about, and coming into contact with wharf-piles dented several plates Casualty caused by whistle of steamer not being blown when going down harbour as required by regulations, and in steamer not giving way to sailing-vessel. Master and mate of steamer ordered to pay cost of inquiry Vessel struck on N.E. edge of entrance ledge when leaving port in charge of pilot, and stipped blades off propeller Edward Qumlan. :um"I „ 10 Mana, s.s., 5 years „ 24 Mamari, s.s., 2 years Cutter .. i Schooner 51 2349 52 Frozen meat, wool Fire on board; partial loss Collision with wharf-piling ; partial loss Alongside Jervois Quay, Wellington Harbour Sumpter Wharf, Oamaru Harbour S.E. Light .. James Jones. Joseph Maxwell. Mar. 11 Charles Edward, s.s., 27 years Schooner 140 General Collision; no \ damage Collision; par- f j tial loss 1 "I Thomas Whitewell. Cutter .. 10 .. Coal .. Inner Harbour, Nelson Ida .. Cockram Westrupp. „ 18 i Mawhera, s.s., 7 years Schooner 340 26 20 General Stranded; loss j of propeller- j ; blades; partial loss Fire on board ; and stranded;! total loss 1 Entrance Ledge, Nelson Harbour Calm .. Walter Manning. 19 Compadre, 23 years, Al Lloyd's Barque.. Jute-bags North Cape, Auckland Islands N.W. Storm .. Fire broke out amongst cargo, and master then shaped his course for New Zealand, but, having met with very bad weather, which carried away some sails and made the vessel waterlogged, she was unable to clear the Auckland Islands, and had to be run ashore to save life. As soon as she struck, the crew jumped ashore off the jibboom, and the vessel then fell back and went to pieces. No blame attached to master or officers David Jones. 800 16 I !



SUMMARY of Casualties to Shipping and Seamen reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

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The Inspector of Machinery, Auckland, to the Assistant Secretaey, Marine Department. Sir,— Auckland, 13th April, 1891. I have the honour to forward for your information the annual report on land boilers and machinery inspected in the Auckland District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1891. During the above period 467 land boilers and machinery attached, 13 digestors, and 31 machinery (motive-power other than steam) have been inspected, making a total of 511 inspections for the year; 18 of which were inspected by Mr. Duncan and 166 by Mr. Blackwood. During the year 22 new boilers have been brought into use, 9 of which were imported and 13 made in the colony; 45 changed owners and 32 have been repaired. Those found in a dangerous state, Nos. 1507, 1151, and 1723, have been thoroughly repaired, and No. 1331 condemned. It is satisfactory to be able to state that there have been no accidents to life or limb in connection with boilers to report. The steady increase of work in connection with the inspection of land boilers, machinery, and steamer surveys, with the work in Hawke's Bay included, makes ample work for two Inspectors. Since the appointment of Mr. Blackwood to this district in November last, we have been able to keep pace with the work, and have given more attention to the repairs to land boilers, machinery, and steamers, which are important parts of the duties which have to be attended to. I regret having accidents with machinery to report. The appended returns give the number and description of the boilers and machinery inspected, fees payable, defects found in boilers and machinery, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery, and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. W. J. Jobson.

Return showing the Number and Description of Boilers, &c., INSPECTED, and Fees payable, in the Auckland District during the Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

The above return does not include 6 boilers in public buildings owned by Government; or 18 boilers which are not working; these last were inspected at owners' request, so that certificates may be issued when required. The reduction of inspection-fees brought into force on the Ist January, 1890, offeis great inducement to owners to take up the certificates within the specified time, and I may state has given general satisfaction.

Number. Nature of Boiler. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over 10 h.p. h.p. Pees. Remarks. Portable boilers ... stationary boilers Portable boilers ... stationary boilers Locomotive boilers 23 123 1 54 37 1 11 70] 21) 108 2 & 105 s. d. 0 0 (Employed at 21 establish- { ments; fees at £5 each. } Charged for at per horsepower of each boiler. 542 0 0 Total ... 146 93 202 i_ i Machinery inspections (10, 15s (21, nil Digestor „ (13, nil s. each) I) 7 10 0 Total for year... 654 10 0


Return of Machinery inspected in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Defects found in Boilers and Fittings in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.


Description of Machinery. i Q w. W (3 Description of Machinery. i w i -i-3 i Ammunition factory Air-compressor ... Assaying Breweries Bakery ... Bone-mill Brick-works Block- and pump-works ... Butter-box factory Boot factory Chemical-works Dement-works ... Confectionery-works Dordial-works Uoffee-mill Dhaff-cutting Dairy factories and creameries ... Docks ... Dredging Diamond-drill Flour-mills Flock-mill Fellmongeries ... Freezing-works . . Fruit-preserving works Fish-preserving works Furniture factory Firewood-cutting Fire-engine 3-asworks jrlycerine-works Eoisting Bauling [ronworks and foundries 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 29 18 2 2 1 6 1 5 2 3 4 1 24 1 3 1 20 4 13 fl Joineries Laundries Lifts or elevators Lead-works Lime-works Malt-mills j Maize-mill I Meat-canning factories ... Oil-, soap-, and candleworks Pumping and winding ... Pumping Printing Potteries | Pile-driving Phormium-dressing Quartz-crushing batteries '"Eoad-roller Rope-works I Saw-mills ! | Sash and door factory ... i Sugar-works ... ; Stone-breaking || Ship-building yards i Sausage-machines ij Tanneries j Tinplate-works Threshing- and chaff-cutting-machines Threshing-machines Varnish-works. Waterworks ... Woollen-mill ... Wool-dumping Winding 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 7 4 2 2 1 33 8 1 1 55 1 1 2 3 5 6 1 13 7 a ! i 11 3 2 2 1 1 14

Description. Dangerous. Ordinary. Total. ]ollapsed furnace-flues ... ?ire-boxes bulged 3orrosion, internal Corrosion, external fractured plates 31istered plates... 3ulged plates in bottom of externally-fired boilers foints sprung ... Cubes defective ... ... ... 2 1 "i 1 12 5 .3 2 3 3 7 2 2 12 6 3 2 3 3 7 i Total defects found in boilers ... I 4 36 40 Defective fittings— Safety-valves Pressure-gauges Water-gauges Spring-balances Feed pipes Blow-off cocks and "pipes Fusible plugs Emissions — Boiler without manhole ... j ' * ' I 1 9 11 1 5 4 3 1 9 11 1 5 4 3 1 1 Gross total ... 4 4 67 71



Return of Notices given to repair Boilers in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Land Boilers and Machinery in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Date of Notice. Description of Boiler. Nature of Eepairs ordered. 1890. tfay 11 'uly 4 Portable ... Longitudinal tubular Patch to be fitted at sludge-hole. The plate below dome to be sheathed, and three vertical stays fitted. Defective place in bottom to be cut out and a rivetted patch to be fitted. The whole of the bottom to be renewed. Patch to be fitted to shell. Defective plate in bottom to be taken out and new one fitted. Strengthening-piece to be fitted below the dome. Manhole to be made in shell and door, &c, fitted. Six stays in sides of fire-box to be renewed. Eivetted patch to be fitted at blow-off. To be retubed, and a patch fitted at sludge-hole. Top part of vertical flue to be repaired. Three stays in crown of furnace to be renewed. Blow-off cock to bo fixed on brake-plate to make it more effective. .my 17 Cornish ... "uly 28 'uly 28 tog. 11 )ct. 15 )ct. 29 sTov. 8 11 Dec. 3 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 24 Cornish Cornish Longitudinal tubular Cornish ... Longitudinal tubular Portable ... Cornish ... Portable ... Vertical flue Vertical flue Vertical tubular 1891. ran. 12 Longitudinal tubular New plate put in back course of plates with blow-off cock attached. Strengthening-ring to be fitted to manhole at front end of boiler. Four additional stays to be fitted to top of fire-box. New vertical flue to be fitted. About one-third of blistered plate in bottom to be renewed. Eivetted patch to be fitted near the blow-off. Two defective places in lower part of fire-box to be cut out and patches fitted. Defective tubes taken out and retubed. About one-half of the plate of blow-off to be taken out and renewed. Defective tubes to be taken out and retubed. "an. 13 Longitudinal tubular "an. 17 an. 19 "an. 23 ?eb. 10 ?eb. 20 Portable ... Vertical flue Longitudinal tubular Cornish Semi-portable ?eb. 26 tlar. 13 Vertical ... Cornish ... lax. 28 Vertical tubular

Name ana Address ' of Owner. Description ol Machinery. i Name of Person ! Nature ana Date Fatal injured. Accident. not. ! ; I Causo of Accident, and Remarks. Robert P. Gibbons, Thames River Saw-mill Charles Clark, aged 28 years Left arm torn off, 10th April, 1890 Not He and another of the mill-hands were employed at a breakingdown saw. It appears they were adjusting the driving-belt, the machinery being in motion, when his left arm got entangled and torn off by the belt. It appears the deceased was running a bogey along the overhead or suspended line of rails, about 7ft, from the ground, when the bogey fell off the rails on to a centrifugal machine below, and was shot off again by the velocity of the machine. The deceased was found lying close by severely injured about the head; he died a few hours afterwards from the effects of the injuries received. At the inquest a verdict of accidental death was returned. It is not known how the accident occurred, the line of rails and bogey are good substantial pieces of work, and were found in good working-order. He was holding the driving-belt of a lathe while the man in charge was lacing it (the machinery in motion); it appears he slipped, his right arm became entangled and broken below the elbow by the belt, The first and third accidents are of such a description as can only be avoided by attending to belts in a careful and skilful manner, or by stopping the machinery. Colonial Sugar Refining Company, Auckland Sugar-works .. George Caldicot, aged 20 years Head severely injured, 19th November, 1890 Fatal Richard A. Yeoman, Auckland Boiler-works .. Albert Hassell, aged 1G j-ears Right arm broken, 9th January, 1891 Not



Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

The Inspector of Machineby, Wellington Disteict, to the Assistant Seceetaey, Marine Department. Sic, — Office of Inspector of Machinery, Wellington, 18th July, 1891. I have the honour to forward for your information the annual report on the boilers and machinery in the Wellington, Marlborough, Nelson North, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Nelson South, and Westland Districts for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1891. During the above period 916 boiler-inspections and 838 machinery-inspections have been made. Included in the above numbers are 354 boiler- and 318 machinery-inspections made by Mr. Mowatt, and 122 boiler- and 108 machinery-inspections by Mr. Duncan. Seventy-one fresh boilers have been added during the year —23 of which have been made in the colony, 36 new ones have been imported, and 12 are from other districts. A large number of flax-mill boilers that were at work last year are now idle, owing to the low prices ruling for that fibre. Eepairs have been effected and new mountings fitted in connection with 48 boilers. There have been 29 notices given to fence dangerous parts of machiney. In most cases this work has been done while the Inspector was on the ground. Four accidents have been reported to me during the year to persons engaged about machinery, one of which was, unfortunately, of a fatal nature, and purely accidental. Another accident by which a man lost his arm above the elbow took place at a flax-mill where he was employed scutching :he acknowledges that carelessness on his part was the cause of the accident. A lad working at a steam-bakery also met with an accident by which he lost three fingers and a thumb. The machine at which this accident "occurred is well fenced except where the unfortunate lad got his fingers between the rollers, a part that cannot be fenced if the machine is to do its work. The fourth accident, by which a man had his arm broken, the manager reports, was caused by the man leaning on one of the crushing-machines at the works.

;e o: ;ice. Description of Mac 'esenp ;ion o: .ao. .cmnery. Parts of Machinery to be fenced, &c. 1890. April 3 May 17 May 21 May 24 Hydraulic lift Saw-mill ... Brick-works Flax-mill ... The chain to be annealed. Goose-saw and emery wheel. Two pairs of wheels of brick-making machine. Opening in scutcher reduced to l^in. in width, and two pain of wheels of two strippers. Hood to be fitted to top of lift. Hood to be fitted to top of lift. Engine-driving belt. Two belts and feed-rollers of two strippers, and engine-belt. Belt and connecting-rod of breaking-down saw, and belt dragbench. Belt of circular saw and connecting-rod of breaking-down. Two belts of, feed-gear of gang-saw, and fly-wheel of breaking-down. Scutcher-belt and pulleys. New steel wire-rope to be fitted. Two belts of deal frames, one belt of circular-saw No. 1, and one belt of jigger No. 2. Belt of log-winch, belt of emery-wheel, and one pair of bevelwheels. Engine fly-wheel, couplings on main- and intermediate shafts, and belts of circular-saw and emery-wheel. The chain to be annealed. Belt of circular-saw, belt of fan-blast, and grinding-stone. Guard fixed over beaters of stripper, and opening in scutcher reduced to ljin. in width. Spur and pinion-wheel of break-gear, and belt of drag-bench. Guards to be fixed over three pairs of wheels of brick-making machine. Water-wheel to be fenced in, and opening in scutcher reduced to ljin. in width. Water-wheel and driving-pulley and belt of scutcher fenced in. May 9 May 14 June 6 June 20 June 20 Hydraulic lift Hydraulic lift Drag-bench Flax-mill ... Saw-mill ... June 7 June 21 Saw-mill ... Saw-mill ... July 29 Aug. 11 Aug. 25 Flax-mill ... Gas-lift ... Saw-mill ... Aug. 26 Saw-mill ... Aug. 28 Saw-mill ... Oct. 9 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Hydraulic lift Coach-factory Flax-mill ... Nov. 17 Nov. 25 Saw-mill ... Brick-works Nov. 28 Flax-mill ... Nov. 28 1891. Jan. 12 Flax-mill ... Tannery ... Pair of wheels of hide-splitting machine and belt of barkJan. 26 Feb. 16 Mar. 26 Flax-mill ... Saw-mill ... Flour-mill squeezer. Two belts of stripper and main driving-belt. Belt of gulleting-machine, and belt of log-winch. Main driving-belt, twelve-roller belt, and counter-shaft.



Appended are returns showing the number and class of boilers inspected, the horse-power, fees payable, number and description of machines inspected, number of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery, number of notices given to repair defects in boilers, and return of accidents to persons employed about machinery. 1 have, &c, H. A. McGeegou, Inspector of Machinery. The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington.

Return of Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1890.

* Included in the above totals are six water-power machines, for which fees have been charged at the rate of 15s. each ; total, £4 10s.

Description of Machinery. 'ellini T3 CO "j. 02 jton. Marlboro) $ ®* m do ugh. Nelson T 1 North. J-aiana, d Jh d J« w o a o rf 43 ea -^ Q CS O JB 4J 43 [> TJ1 > VI & :i. Hav Bi 'ke's Nei So) ison nth. Wesi ;land. Total. 5 t3 s dJ QQ I 02 I 02 I Air-compressing Bark-mill Boiling-down establishments Bone-mills Biscuit factory Brick-making machines Breweries Brush factory Bacon-curing Cement-mixing Cordial factories Cabinet-making Dhaff-cutting machines Coffee- and spice-mills .. Coach factories Cooperages Dye-works Dairies Dredging-machines Electric-light machines Flour-mills Foundries Fire-engines Fire-wood cutting Sasworks Hauling-machinery Boisting-machinery Hydraulic machinery .. Hydraulic lifts Jam factories Locomotives Laundries Machine-shops Meat-preserving works .. Phormium-dressing Printing Pumping-machinory Quartz-crushing Refrigerating-machines.. Road-roller Saw-mills 3ash and door factories 3oap-and candle-works.. Soap-works 3tone-crushing Steaming Sausage-machines Tanneries Threshing-machines Tobacco-cutting Fraction-engines Tomato-sauce factory .. Vinegar factory Venetian-blind factory .. Wool-dumping Wool-scouring machines Woollen mill Well-sinking Winding-machiney Sheep-shearing 1 16 2 5 9 9 1 1 8 2 20 1 3 5 1 9 2 2 13 7 1 10 1 1 20 2 15 3 3 3 88 3 2 1 4 '3 i 1 '3 '4 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 i 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 '4 5 2 4 1 1 '1 1 i 4 _ ! '* • • 1 1 i 'i 1 1 1 'i '2 '2 1 4 i 1 7 l 2 I " I 1 2 2 1 4 1 6 '2 *7 *9 4 "i 8 17 i I 2 1 "i 4 i 1 'i i ■ • 2 1 1 1 2 "5 2( I! 41 3< 12 2S 19 2; 11 3£ c 1 2 11 1 1 i 8 1 1 6 1 I 3 1 i 5 2 i I 2 2 4 6 1 1 121 12 1 3 1 53 18 1 1 1 2 : 5 2 17 1 6 ! '2 I I 6 23 4 "9 I 2 18 3 2 16 1 i • . 13 31 2 1 8 3 2 2 2 1 16 "i 31 65 1 *2 1 1 • ■ j i 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ! 5 ! 1 1 I •• 4 3 '3 1 4 9 2 "■ 9 2 I Totals* 391 ! ; 4 67 83 2 53 118 73 . 1 44 837



Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Wellington District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Portable. Stationary. 'otals. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. I Under 5 to 10 ; Over 5 h.p. h.p. j 10 h.p. Boilers. Pees. Vellington* ... i larlboroughl ... : felson North ... 'aranaki ... lawke's Bay{ ... | Felson South§ ■■• I Vestland 11 3 3 7 12 1 115 30 24 16 45 8 14 31 5 7 2 7 13 10 I 73 76 135 11 9 12 28 16 7 8 11 13 18 22 31 22 11 28 13 4 4 441 70 85 57 135 82 46 £ s. d 696 0 C 105 15 C 114 15 C 85 10 C 202 5 C 131 0 0 69 0 0 Totals ... 37 252 75 173 | 149 230 916 1,404 5 ! i | included : j The following boilers are in the above totals : — * Ten over 10 h.p. in t f Three over 10 h.p. in J Five over 10 h.p. in c § Fiver over 10 h.p. in Also four boilers ovei ihree maxir: . one maxin one maximi one maxim c 5 h.p., anc aum fees mm fee im fee mm fee 1 five over 10 h.p. free of charge for the Government 10 3 5 5 9

Date of Notice. Description of Machinery. Written or Verbal. Parts of Machinery to be fenced, &c. 1890. April 29 ... May 1 ... May 1 ... Flax-mill Flax-mill Flax-mill Written Verbal Written Counter-shaft and driving-pulleys. Counter-shaft, driving-pulleys, and main driving-belt. Fly-wheel of engine, main driving-belt, and belt of scutcher. Ply-wheel of engine and upper part of main driving-belt. Fly-wheel of engine and scutcher-belt. Main driving-belt, engine to counter-shaft. Main driving-belt, and belts of scutcher and stripper ; also counter-shaft and pulleys. Main driving-belt boxed in where it passes the stripperplatform. All driving-belts, and edge of stripper-platform. All driving-belts, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Fly-wheel of engine, all driving-belts, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Main driving-belts, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Main driving-belt, scutcher-belt, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Driving-belt of scutcher box-fenced where passing through engine-room. Counter-shaft and pulleys of planing-machine. Main driving-belt, engine to counter-shaft. Fly-wheel of engine, and driving-belt. Driving-belt box-fenced where passing through second floor. Main driving-belts, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Connecting-rods, and discs of vertical saw. Fly-wheel of engine, and main driving-belt. Main driving-belt, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Main driving-belt to be close-fenced. Main driving- and scutcher-belts. Each side of wheel-race, and gangway by three-rail fence. Cog-wheels of rollers boxed in. May 1 ... May 2 ... May 9 ... May 9 ... Flax-mill Flax-mill Flax-mill Flax-mill Written Verbal Verbal Written May 9 ... Flax-mill Written May 12 ... May 12 ... May 13 ... Flax-mill ... Flax-mill Flax-mill Written Verbal Verbal May 14 ... May 16 ... Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Written Verbal May 17 ... Flax-mill ... Written July 30 ... July 31 ... Aug. 2 ... Aug. 4 ... Saw-mill Saw-mill Firewood saw Flour-mill ... Verbal Verbal Verbal Written Aug. 7 ... Aug. 12 ... Oct. 10 ... Oct. 11 ... Oct. 14 ... Oct. 22 ... Oct. 24 ... Flax-mill Saw-mill Sheep-shearing Flax-mill Saw-mill Flax-mill Water-wheel Written Verbal Verbal Written Verbal Written Written Oct. 25 ... 1891. Jan. 9 ... Jan. 17 .... Jan. 29 ... Biscuit factory Verbal Dairy factory Saw-mill Flax-mill Verbal Verbal Verbal Fly-wheel of engine, counter-shaft, and pulleys. Main driving-belt from engine to circular-saw. Platform from stripper to sluice-valve by hand-rail.



Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

4—H. 30.

District and Date of Notice. Description of Boiler. Written or Verbal Notice. Nature of Repairs ordered. Wellington. 1890. May 1 ... Multi-tubular ... Blister on bottom plate of back ring to be pared down. Blister on side of fire-box to be pared down. New fusible plug seating, and two new stays side of fire-box. ,; New fusible plug, and pin in longitudinal stay. Two extra stays on crown of fire-box. New spring-balance. New plate in bottom, front ring of plating. New furnaces fitted. Two new studs in man-hole door. Repairs to shell of fire-box at man-hole openings. Two new stays in tube plate below.the tubes. Six extra stays in each side of fire-box near the bottom. New steam-gauge. Two longitudinal stays, and compensating-ring round man-hole opening. An extra dog-stay on crown of fire-box. New furnace fitted. May 7 ... May 14 ... Portable Portable May 15 ... [ May 16 ... ; May 22 ... May 23 ... June 21 ... I July 29 ... July 29 ... ! July 30 ... August 10 ... Portable Portable Portable Multi-tubular ... Lancashire Multi-tubular ... Portable Portable Locomotive type Verbal ... Written ... Written ... Verbal ... August 10 ... August 18 ... j Portable Stationary Verbal ... Written ... August 20 ... September 11 ... Portable Stationary Verbal ... Verbal ... Nelson South. June 22 ... June 26 Stationary Stationary Verbal ... Written ... New steam gauge. Sighting-door fitted in shell, and one stay in tube-plate. New spring-balance. New safety-valve, and sighting-door fitted in shell. Tubes to be expanded. New steam-gauge. New girder and stay in crown-sheet. Three additional stays in crown-sheet. New crown-sheet in fire-box. New fire-box. Cylinder rejointed on boiler. New water-gauge cocks. Repairs and crown-sheet. New steam-gauge. Longitudinal stays fitted. New safety-plug seating in furnace-crown. Tubes expanded, and new mud door. Repairs to skirt of fire-box, new crown-sheet, and two longitudinal stays. June 26 ... June 27 Portable Portable Verbal ... Written ... June 27 ... July 2 ... July 4 ... July 5 ... July 9 ... July 9 ... July 11 ... July 11 ... I July 15 ... July 17 ... July 17 ... July 18 ... July 19 ... August 11 Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Stationary Stationary Stationary Locomotive Portable Verbal Verbal Written ... Written ... Written ... Written ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Written ... Verbal ... Written ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Westland. August 20 ... September 1 ... September 1 ... Stationary Locomotive Stationary Verbal Verbal ... Verbal ... New safety-valve, chests, and seats. New seatings for wash-out plugs. Strengthening ring round furnace, and three additional end stays. Nelson Nobth. October 23 ... I Stationary Verbal ... Gusset-stays rerivetted, and expansion - ring repaired. Retubed. Supports on shell rerivetted. Retubed, and shell repaired. New gauge-mountings for water-gauge. New steam-gauge. Landing in furnace cut out and renewed. New water-gauge mountings. Repairs to tube-plates. November 13 ... November 13 .,. i November 20 ... No ember 21 ... November 26 December 1 December 2 ... December 3 ... Stationary Portable Locomotive Portable Portable Stationary Stationary ; Portable Verbal ... Verbal Written ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Verbal ... Verbal Verbal ... 1891. Locomotive Locomotive Verbal ... Verbal ... New plug-seatings round skirt of fire-box. New plug-seatings round skirt of fire-box. January 5 ... January 27 ...



Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Machinery in the Wellington District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Boilers in the Wellington District Inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891, the Certificates for which have been issued without charge. Telegraph Department: Oue boiler over 10 h.p. Prisons Department: One boiler over 10 h.p. Lunatic Asylum : Two boilers over 5 h.p. Defence Department: One boiler over 10 h.p. and two over 5 h.p. Government Printer : Two boilers over 10 h.p.

The Inspector of Machinery, Canterbury District, to the Assistant Secretary, Marine Department. Sin,— Christchurch, 25th April, 1891. I have the honour to forward herewith annual reports of boilers and machinery inspected by me in the Canterbury District during the financial year ended the 31st March, 1891, in the same form as previously. I regret having to report three accidents of a serious nature, all having occurred in flax-mills, but am thankful none were fatal; neither can they be attributed to defective inspection. There has not been any accident with scutching-machines in my district during the year; the safety-mouth-piece introduced here has proved a complete success, and I am compelling owners to use them. I regret to say there is little or no improvement in the working of traction-engines. Many of the owners are good and careful drivers themselves, but many of the hired drivers are far from being careful. These engines and boilers are strongly made, but are very difficult to inspect as at present constructed. Some I have had altered here ; and some of the makers have made better provision for inspection in those lately imported. In the manufacturing of new boilers, not having any means of testing-plates and bars has been felt to be a great want. I have now the pleasure to say that before long that want will be supplied, as a machine of the most modern construction is being imported for use in connection with the School of Engineering, Canterbury College, and I am informed testing will be conducted there at any time. The tables in connection with annual reports will supply the usual amount of information, should more be required I slyjJl be happy to supply the same. I have, &c, The Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. George Croll.

i ]-'atal or not. Cauao of Accident and Remarks. Name and Address of Pwnors. Description of of Machinery. Name of Person injured. Nature of Accident. ames burg Batten-Flax-mill Thomas Thompson Ann crushed Not .. This accident was caused by the arm being drawn into the scutcher along with the fibre that was being scutched. Some loose ends of the hank had got entangled about his feet, and in disengaging it he tried to hold the hank with one hand; the strain, however, had been too much for him, and his arm was drawn in and severely crushed, having to be amputated above the elbow. This accident was caused by the lad's hand in some unexplained manner being drawn into the space between the rollers of the machine ; three fingers and the thumb have since been amputated. The machine is protected as far as possible. It is not clear how this accident was caused, the manager of the works describing it as caused by leaning on the machine. It is supposed (no one having actually seen the accident take place) that the ladder by which the deceased was descending from the travelling-crane had slipped, causing him to clutch at the driving-rope, which seems to have thrown him with great force against a parting wall of the building, death resulting in about half an hour. 'he Wellington Biscuit and Confectionery Company, Wellington Biscuit-rollers Robert Steed .. Hand crushed .. Not .. 'he New Zealand Antimony Company (Limited), Endeavour Inlet V. Cable and Co., engineers, Wellington Frederick Luxford Broken arm Crushing - machine Not .. Travelling-crane James MeKenzie Injury to the head Fatal


Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Machinery Inspected in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers and Fittings in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Note. — Of the above boilers four are now out of use; the remainder have been repaired, or are working at a reduced pressure.


Portable. Stationary. " Name of District. Canterbury ... Total. Under 5 to 10 Over Under 5 to 10 Over 5 h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. 5 h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. ■ ■ | 40 163 4 111 30 61 409 L_____ i J_ i

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Return showing Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Note. —There are eight maximum foes, including thirty boilers, each over 10 h.p

Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Accidents to Boilers and Machinery reported as having occurred in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Beturn of Boilers belonging to the Government Inspected by me during the Financial ' Year ended the 31st March, 1891. Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum, Christchiirch, used for cooking and pumping.

Name of District. Fe< 'ees payable in respect ; of Boilers. :es payable in respeel of Boilers. ,t j Fees payable in respect of Machinery. Total. Total. ianterbury £ s. d. 521 10 0 £ s. d. Nil. £ s. d. 521 10 0

Date of Notice. Description of Machinery. I Notice. j Particulars. 1890. April 16 July 17 Aug. 3 Nov. 13 Flour-mill ... Verbal Oatmeal-mill ... Verbal Goods-lift ... Verbal Flax - mill (water- Written power) Flax-mill ... ... ] Written Flax - mill (water- j Written power) Flax-mill ... ... Written Flax -mill ... ... Verbal ... | To protect belts and gearing of rollers and counter-shaft. ... To protect driving-belt and pulley, also flywheel of engine. ... I To have safety-catches fitted, and to stand testing. ... To fit safety-mouthpiece to scutching-machines same as one already in use. ... A better secured cap on end of counter-shaft, and safety-mouthpiece on scutching-machine. ... A properly secured cap on end of scutchingmachine, spindle, and safety-mouthpiece. ... A safety-mouthpiece on scutching-machine. ... i A safety-mouthpiece on scutching-machine. Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. U Dec. 10 1891. Jan. 19 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 20 Grain-elevator ... ! Written Flax - mill (water- Verbal power) Flax-mill... ... Verbal Flax-mill ... ... j Verbal Flax-mill ... ... j,Verbal ... I A strong-box fitted over top driving-gear, and fence round belt through second floor. ... j To protect counter-shaft and belts, also fit safety-mouthpiece on scutching-machine. ... ■ To protect end of scutcher-spindle and belt. ... To protect counter-shaft and belts, also safetymouthpiece on scutching-machine. ... | To cut off projecting end of scutcher-spindle, better protect driving-belt and pulley, also safety-mouthpiece on scutching-machine. Feb. 27

Date of Accident. Owner's Name and Address. Nature and Cause of Accident. 1890. L pril 9 ... | Christchurch Meat Company, Islington Eeported collapse of one furnace of Lancashire boiler. Found both furnaces out of shape, one very much so. Caused by a deposit of oil on the parts injured. Eeported leak in furnace. Found several rivet cracks in ring seam over furnace. Caused by too much lap of plates at this seam. Cornish boiler. Eeported leak in bottom of cylindrical tubular boiler. Found rivet cracks at every rivet. Caused by bad material. Eeported both furnaces of Lancashire boiler collapsed. Found both very much out of shape. Caused by oil on injured parts introduced with feed-water. ,ug. 27 ... j Scarlett and Co., Sydenham )ct. 2 )ec. 29 ... | Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, Ashburton ... South Canterbury Eefrigerating Company, Timaru



Return of Notices given to Repair Boilers in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Boilers and Machinery in the Canterbury District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Date. Description of Boiler. Notice. Particulars of Repairs. 1830. April 8 April 26 May 14 May 26 June 19 Lancashire Cornish ... Portable Portable Tram-engine Verbal Written Verbal Verbal Verbal To force up collapsed furnaces. To renew plates over fire, also front angle-iron. New spring-balance on safety-valve. Bottom plates of shell to be renewed. Eenew side of fire-box, also ten stays in back of fire-box. To renew front angle-iron on flue. To renew plates on bottom of shell. To renew pressure-gauge. To clean inside of boiler and expand tubes. To renew side of fire-box, also screwed-stays in front and back of fire-box. To renew part of furnace-crown, also pressureJuly 3 July 10 July 17 July 22 July 22 Cornish ... Vertical... Vertical... Portable Tram-engine Written Verbal Verbal Written Verbal July 28 Portable, Verbal Aug. 5 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 10 Oct. 15 Oct. 26 1891. Jan. 14 Tram-engine Cornish ... Semi-tubular Semi-tubular Tubular... Traction Locomotive Portable Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal Written Verbal gauge. To renew patch in fire-box and several screwedstays. To renew plates in furnace over fire. To chip and recaulk ring-seam on bottom. To renew four tubes. To renew two plates on bottom in furnace. To withdraw tubes in order to clean boiler. To renew fire-box and skirt of shell. To renew pressure-gauge. Feb. 6 Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Mar. 2 Lancashire Portable Portable Vertical... Portable Vertical... Verbal Verbal Verbal Written Verbal Verbal To fit girders with bolts to collapsed furnaces, temporary repair furnaces to be renewed, pressure reduced meantime. To repair longitudinal stay broken. To fit four screwed stays through bulge in fire-box. To renew bottom-plates of shell. To lift cylinder and renew joints on top of boiler. To.renew crown-plates and tubes.

Name and Address of Owner. Description Name and Age of of Person Machinery. injured. Nature of Accident. Fatal or not. Cause of Accident and Remarks, I I I G. J. F. Lublow, Ashburton Flax-mill, -—Patterson, water an adult, power age not given Wrist bones broken Not A belt having come off one of the machines the water was turned off the water-wheel for the purpose of adjusting, but before the machinery was at rest Patterson took hold of belt, when his arm became entangled, and bones broken. Part of this machinery was running by water-power. Stevens, the engine-driver, was passing the end of counter-shaft with a bundle of tow to light the engine fire, when the tow got entangled. The end of shaft had been well protected by my instructions, but had been removed by Stevens and never replaced. Driving-belt of stripper having come off Watson tried to put it on again himself when his left hand got caught in pinions of feedrollers. Machinery is all well protected, and no one excepting the fireman is allowed to interfere with the belts. Watson was not a regular hand, and appeared not to be aware of this rule. Flax-mill, John Stevens, steam and elderly man Arm severely torn; arm since amputated lharles Chinnery, Rangiora Flax-mill, steam and water Not lharles Chinnery, Rangiora Flax-mill, steam E. Watson, aged 16 years Left arm broken; hand since amputated Not power i



The Inspectob of Machinery, Otago District, to the Asbistant-Secretaby, Marine Department. Sib, — Office of Inspector of Machinery, Dunedin, 18th May, 1891. 1 have the honour to forward to you the annual report of inspection of boilers and machinery in the Otago District for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1891, contained in the accompanying tables numbered 1 to 17 inclusive. In forwarding this report unto you I am very sorry to state that the flax, mining (dredging), and saw-mill industries have not turned out so well as was expected. A number of flax-mills have been temporarily discontinued; a number of saw-mills have been shut down, and dredging operations, xxnless in certain cases, have been a failure, although I am of opinion that, with the experience gained, it will come to the front yet. The increase of boilers during the year has been sixty-three, and, at the end of March, there still remained a considerable number to be inspected. There has also been a great deal more of marine work. There was also a certain amount of time lost last year through various causes; possibly this year will show better. The past year has been very bad for accidents, there being two fatal, the jury in each case returning a verdict of "accidental death." There have been no accidents by reason of the explosion of any steam-boilers throughout the district during the past year. Bemarks on Tables. Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers.—There are four dangerous cases. The Cornish tubular boiler has been very carelessly looked after to cause such a collapse as took place. Had it not been a steel boiler the consequences might have been serious ;as it was no fracture of the plate took place. Three Cornish Boilers at a Refrigerating-works. —Crowns all more or less collapsed from top of crown round to furnace-bars. This I consider to have been a very bad case, and might have been the means of loss of life and serious destruction to property. On my examination of these boilers after the accident on the 26th and 28th July, while the repairs were going on, I found the plates internally thickly covered over with oil (Bnglebert's), which had been allowed to enter the boilers from the condenser. I therefore advised the boilers to be thoroughly cleaned out by means of caustic soda; and, in order that such an actual danger from total collapse might not occur again, I ordered two angle-iron rings to be put round each furnace, 3in. x Sin. x fin. The other defects are merely the ordinary casualities which may be looked for where so many unskilled men are in charge of steam-boilers. Nature of Repairs ordered.—This table does not need much comment, as there is nothing serious requiring to be noticed. Notice given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery. —The only things here are the openings into scutchers used in the preparation of flax. In many cases, before any supervision took place, the openings might be found as wide as 27fin. This is not only dangerous, but entirely unnecessary, 1-Jiii., with moderately wide side-openings, are found to answer much better, the scutcher —that is, the person using the machine, having more confidence with an opening where his hand cannot get in. They are all being reduced to this size where required. I am sorry to have to report so many accidents to life and limb as occurred last year. Accident at Ellis and Watt's flax-mill: It would appear that this accident was entirely the person's own fault. Southland Implement and Machine Works Accident.—This is one of those accidents which seem to be non-preventible, the gate being left open, and the little child passing was naturally attracted by the machinery, and, not knowing the danger, was suddenly caught and killed instantly. Phoenix Company Accident.—Although not serious, the hand might have been lost altogether. Nothing can be done with this but the exercise of a little caution. Brown and Richardson's Mill Fatal Accident.—This accident occurred very simply. In turning round from the scutcher the flax was caught, taking his arm in, the opening at that time being 2-J-in., which is now reduced to 1-Jin. Had this mill been inspected prior to the accident happening, no doubt this might have been avoided; but no notice of starting the mill had been received, and therefore nothing was known about it. Reid and Gray's Circular-saw Works Accident.—This accident was not of a serious character, and such accidents are very common at a breast-saw bench, and entirely non-preventible. Frankston Beach Gold-dredging Fatal Accident. —This accident was entirely accidental, and caused, perhaps, by too great an amount of self-confidence. Had he stopped the engine and secured the pin properly, the accident could not have occurred; but we may reasonably suppose that he considered he could manage to drive it home before going down below. I have examined the machinery; but it cannot be boxed up altogether, so I have suggested a hand-rail round about, so as to keep them as far off as possible. I have, &c, Alexander Cbawfoed, Inspector of Machinery, Otago District. Lewis H. B. Wilson, Assistant Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington.


Return showing the Number of Land Boilers Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Machinery Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.


Inspected by i Number of Portable Boilers. Number of Stationary Boilers. Under 5 to 10 ; Over Under 5 to 10 Over 5 h.p. h.p. ! lOh.p. 5h.p. h.p. 10 h.p. Total. Alexander Crawford Ludovic Blaokwood... Robert Duncan ... I 10 8 19 57 32 53 i 6 1 2 62 42 23 I .26 17 8 i S3 30 34 244 130 139

| CO 1.1-1 2 i \ i \ 9 co i I Description of Machinery. I co CO i i Description of Machinery. Agricultural -implement works Air-coinpressor... Bacon factory ... Bakeries Biscuit bakeries Baths... Barbed-wire factory Beehive factory Boiling-down Bone-mills Brass-, copper-, and leadworks Breweries Brick- and tile-works Cable tramways Cabinetmakers Cement-works ... Chaff-cutters Chemical-works Cooperage Cocoa factory ... Cooking Collieries Coffee- and spice-works ... Condensed milk Confectionery ... 7 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 4 2 11 A *± 2 2 1 26 1 1 1 4 13 6 1 4 13 1 17 3 20 1 13 9 1 4 12 19 3 3 1 3 6 3 1 1 2 i.5 Lathmaker Laundries Lead-pipe works Locomotives Machine-shops ... Merry-go-round Meat-preserving Oil-mills Parchment-works Paper-mills Poudralis-works Potteries Pneumatic churn Packing-box-makers Pipeclay-works Printing-papers Plumbing Pumping water... : Quartz-batteries 1 Befrigerating- works :| Eope-works Boiling-mill Sausage-machines jj Saw-mills Seed-dressing ... J Sheep-dip i Soap-works ; Soap, toilet Soap- and candle-works .. • Soda-crystal works Starch-works Standard-works Stone-crushers ... Stone-cutting ... Stone-dressing ... Sulphuric acid ... Tanneries Traction-engines Threshing-machines Turning, wood Venetian-blinds Vinegar-works ... Wool-washing ... Wool-dumping ... Woollen factories Wool-mat factories Wood-working Winding Wire-making machine Wheelwright ... 1 4 2 6 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 6 1 5 1 3 1 1 9 35 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 5 3 2 1 4 4 82 6 1 1 9 7 4 3 5 7 1 2 '" Cranes Cutlery Dairy factories Dredges, harbour Dredges, gold ... Dye-works Engine-shops ... Engine-shops and foundries Foundries Fellinougeries ... Flour-mills Flax-mills Flock-mills Fruit-preserving Fish-preserving Fire-grate-andrange-works Firewood-cutting Gasworks Gold-mining Gold-washing ... Graving-dock ... Hoists Hydraulic lifts ... Joineries "i ... ... 51 "s



Return of Fees payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return showing the Number of Steam-digesters and Hydraulic Lifts Inspected in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Defects found on the Inspection of Boilers and Fittings in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Notices given to repair Boilers in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Name of District, &c. Fees payable in respect of Boilers. Fees payable in respect of Machinery. Total. Portable Stationary Machinery Otago. '... | £ b. a. 233 15 0 498 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 10 0 } 733 5 0 |

Inspected by Steam-digesters. Hydraulic Lifts. .lexander Crawford judovic Blackwood lobert Duncan Totals 16 9 12 37 j 12 39 51 87 51

Description. Dangerous. Ordinary. Total. Remarks. Fire-box in portable cracked ... ... Crown of traction cracked ... Cornish tubular, crown down Three Cornish boilers, crowns all done Portable fire-box, crown down ... Fire-box bulged in fire ... . ..." Fire-box, patch to be renewed Plate cracked at back end of tubular boiler Dome weak ... ... I nternal corrosion ... ... Plate wasted at blow-off ... ... Plate at mudholes gone ... Front tube-plate eaten away at flange... ] 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 Shortness of water. Shortness of water. Shortness of water. Oil. Shortness of water Dire. Burnt. i i l l 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 | Dirt. Tear and wear. Bad water. Leakage. . Leakage, i Leakage.

late of Notice. Description of Boiler. i 1 Nature of Repairs ordered. 1890. rune 16 fune 80 luly 26 Sfov. 15 STov. 20 Siov. 21 Sfov. 22 1891. Feb. 18 ... Vertical tubular ... Mudhole doors to be repaired by fin. plates to be bolted on at doors. ... Longitudinal tubular ■ Easing-gear to be fitted on safety-valve. ... ! Cornish (three) ... Two angle-iron rings to be fitted on each boiler, oin. x 3+in., as directed. ... Cornish ... ... , Two through stays to be fitted, and ring round manhole. ... ! Portable ... ... Safety-valve gear to be altered to correspond with springbalance. ... [Portable ... ... Corner of outer shell to be made tight, and cylinder-joint made tight. ... i Portable ... ... Inside of boiler very dirty ; to be cleaned out. ■... Portable .. ... Piece to be-cut out of fire-box, and patch put on.



Return of Notices given to fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Accidents to Life and Limb which have occurred in connection with Land Boilers. and Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

5—H. 30.

Date of Notice. Class of Machinery. Parts requiring to be fenced. 1890. •Toy. 20 Max-mill ... Main driving-belt of pulley of engine and of shafting intermediate to be fenced ; also (scutcher) opening of drums tc be reduced to Hin. Opening in scutcher-casing to be reduced to 1-Jin. *ov. 25 1891. an. 22 Flax-mill ... Wool-washing machine To be protected by a guard of sheet-iron over the rollerwheels in each machine.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Fatal or not. Cause of Accident and llemarks. Ellis and Watt, Waicola, Otautau Flax - dressing machinery David James, aged 35 years Left hand injured ; 6th May, 1890 Not It appears that this man was employed scutching; and at the particular time had ahank of flax in each hand, and, while flourishing the hank in the right hand at one of those employed in scutching the hank in the left hand, got caught by the tails drawing in his left hand, and getting it injured so much as to necessitate his removal to the Einitoi Hospital. Size of opening in outer covering of scutch, l^gin. It seems he had no right to be where he was, as he was only employed in twisting the hanks of dressed flax, preparatory to baling them up. It seems in this case the gate leading on to the main street had been left open, and the child coming past had strayed into the back yard, in which was a revolving shaft, situated about 18in. from the ground. This shaft was uncovered, and at the projecting end the child's clothes seem to have been caught, and, twisting round the shaft, threw tho child round, and, dashing it on the ground, she was killed instantaneously. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The place had not been reported previously as making twine out of Phormium tenax. It appears this lad was working at the bread-roller machine, and, in taking away the crumbs from the machine, he put his hand too near the cylinders, with tho result that his hand got caught, and was carried in through the rollers, severely crushing it, but not breaking any bones. No fencing can be put up to prevent this. Southland Implement and Machine Works,Tyne and North Streets, Invercargill Twine-spin-ning machinery Penfold, aged 8 years (girl) Fatal 'hcenix Company (Ltd.), Mac laggan Street, Dunedin Bread - rollers John Turner, aged 17 years Bight hand severely crushed; 15th Sept., 1890 Not •i


Return of Accidents to Life and Limb— Continued.


lame and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Nanio of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Fatal or not. Cause of Accident and Remarks. Jrown and Richardson, Fortification Town, Mataura Flax-mill John Brown, aged 26 I Right arm torn; 14th Nov., 1890 Fatal It appears that Mr. John Brown, one of the owners, was showing a strange hand how to throw the flax into the scutcher, when by some means his arm was caught and drawn in, and torn in pieces. Death ensued through loss of blood during the time when he was being conveyed between Mohouta and Invercargill Hospital. At the inquest, on the 15th, before Coroner Rawson, Mr. Richardson and Dr. Stockwell gave evidence, the jury giving a verdict in accordance with the evidence ; but added a rider to the effect that no newly-erected machinery should be worked before being inspected by the Inspector of Machinery. The mill was not reported. This opening in the scutcher was formerly 2Jin.; it has now been reduced to 1-J-in. While sawing a piece of timber his hand slipped, coming against the front of the saw, cutting off one finger, and partially injuring another. This accident happened in the following manner : The fric-tion-gear, which is placed on deck on the port side, is enclosed in an open cast-iron framework, and consists of two bevel-wheels, with a pulley and band, with two levers connected with the strap. It would seem that one of the pins got loose, and the engineer, David McNidder, attempted to drive it in. while the machinery was in motion, making about sixty revolutions per minute. In doing this his hammer missed the pin and got caught in between the links, and in trying to clear it he overreached himself, getting caught by the wheels, and was immediately crushed up against the tumbler-framing, death being instantaneous. The friction-gear stands 3ft. 6in. above the deck, and works close, up to the tumblerframing. Messrs. Reid and Gray, Dunedin. Circular - saw David Swan, aged 45 Finger taken off Not Pranktou Beach Golddredging Company Steamdredge bucket David MeNidder, aged 46 Body crushed; 19th Feb., 1.891 Fatal



Return of Accidents to Boilers and Machinery reported as having occurred in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Return of Notices given to remove Dangerous parts of Machinery in the Otago District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1891.

Approximate Coat of Paper.- -Preparation (not given); printing 1,500 oopies), C 35 ]<i«

By Authority : Georgk Didbbobt, Government Printer, Wellington. 1891 Price, Is.]

Date of Accident. Name and Address of Owners. Nature anil Cause of Accident. 1890. uly 26 ... Southland Frozenmeat and Export Company, Bluff Harbour Three crowns down, as well as aides, came in above level of firebars. Boiler length, 20ft.; length of furnace, 8ft. 9in., up to the first galloway tubes; diameter of fiue, 2ft. 8in. ; plate, fin. pressure 601b. I examined the boilers on the 26th July, in their places, at Bluff Harbour, and also when the plates were cut out, at Invercargill, on. the 28th July, and found them all covered with a strong coating of oil (Englebert's) right round the flues, and causing partial collapse right round to the firebars. Crown of furnace came down through shortness of water. Extent of damage to first plate in furnace: length of indent, 3ft. Sin.; width of indent, 1ft. (Sin.; depth of indent, (Sin. Without any fracture. Cornish tubular (steel) boiler. 1891. arch 26 ... Messrs. M. Begg and Co., Hindon

il ] Date of Notice. I Name and Address of Owner. Nature of Machinery and Cause of Removal. ... Nil ... ... ... Nil.

NEW ZEALAND WRECK CHART 1st APRIL 1890 TO 31st MARCH 1891 Compiled from Official Records in the MARINE DEPARTMENT.

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1890-91.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-30

Word Count

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1890-91.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-30

MARINE DEPARTMENT. (ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1890-91.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, H-30

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