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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to hoik Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

OOHSTTZEINrTS. REPORT. Publie Schools— Page Page Attendance .. .. .. .. i Education Reserves .. .. .. .. xi Attendance of Children of Native Race .. iii Native Schools .. .. .. .. xii Age and Sex of Pupils .. .. .. iii Deaf-mute Institution .. .. .. .. xiv Standards.. .. .. .. .. iv The Blind .. .. .. .. .. xiv Examination Statistics .. .. .. iv j Industrial Schools .. .. .. .. xv Subjects of Instruction .. .. .. vi j University and Affiliated Colleges .. .. xvi Number of Schools .. .. .. vi Secondary Schools .. .. .. .. xvii Number of Teachers .. .. .. v'ii Post-Office Savings-banks .. .. .. xviii Salaries of Teachers .. .. .. vii j " Colonial University" Reserves .. .. xviii Classification of Teachers .. ... .. viii ; Finances of Boards .. .. .. viii School Buildings Requirements .. .. x Scholarships .. .. .. .. xj Circular .. .. .. .. .. xviii APPENDIX. Statistics — Statements of Accounts of Boards— continued. Ago and Sex of Scholars (Table No. J) .. 1 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 60 Standards, Scholars classified according to Wellington .. .. .. .. 62 (Table No. 2) .. .. .. 2 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. 66 Summary of Boards'lncome and Expenditure Marlborough .. .. .. .. 07 for Thirteen Years (Table No. 3) .. .. 8 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. 67 Income of Boards for 1890 (Table No. 4) .. I Grey .. .. .. .. .. 69 Expenditure of Boards for 1890 (Table No. 5).. 5 Westland .. .. .. .. 70 Officers of Boards (Table No. 6) .. .. 6-7 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. 72 Education Department, Expenditure under South Canterbury .. .. .. .. 74 (Table No. 7) .. .. .. ..7-8 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 7!) Schools, Expenditure on each, and Names and Southland .. .. .. .. 86 Salaries of Teachers (Table No. 8) .. 9-53 Reports of Boards- Reports on District High SchoolsAuckland 54 South Canterbury 74 Taranaki 56 ofca°° 80 Wanganui .. .. .. .. 58 _. ••.«•,., t> Wellington .... 00 Drawing Masters Reports — Hawke's Bay 04 Wellington 62 Marlborough 06 otaS° 79 n " :' Reports and Accounts of School Commissioners — ey,, , °° Auckland 87 Wes land 69 Taranaki 88 North Canterbury 70 Wellington 88 South Canterbury 72 Hawke's Bay 90 h"^. 0, , It Marlborough 92 Southland .. .. i .. .. 83 Nelson " , 92 Statements of Accounts of Boards — Westland.. .. .. .. .. 92 Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 56 Canterbury .. .. .. .. 98 Taranaki .. .. .. ~ .. 58 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 95


Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Office of the Department of Education, My Lobd,— Wellington, 12th June, 1891. I have the honour, in accordance with the provisions of " The Education Act, 1877," to submit to your Excellency the following report* upon the progress and condition of public education in New Zealand during the year ending the 31st day of December, 1890. I have, &c, W. P. REEVES. His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Onslow^ Governor of New Zealand.

REPORT. Public Schools. For the year 1890 the increase in the number of children attending the primary schools was unusually small, —smaller than for any other year since 1881. The mean of the average attendances of the four quarters is 94,632, which exceeds the mean for 1889 by only 1,258. The average of the weekly rollnumber for the year is 118,392; in 1889 this average was 116,211. The attendance for the year fell below the estimate for the year so far as to make a difference of nearly £9,000 to the expenditure of the year. The following table

* Supplementary to this report (E.-l) are the following papers : E.-IA, Inspector-General's Report on Examination for Certificates; E.-Ib, Reports of Inspectors of Schools; E.-2, Native Schools; E.-3, Industrial Schools; E.-3A, Costley Training Institution ; E.-4, School for Deal-mutes ; E.-5, New Zealand University; E.-6, University of Otago ; E.-7, Canterbury College ; E.-8, Aucklana University College ; E.-9, Secondary Schools.

i—E. 1.




(A) exhibits the progress and fluctuations of public-school attendance from the date of the passing of the Education Act:—

TABLE A.—School Attendance and Yearly Increase from 1877 to 1890.

The principal statistics of attendance for the several education districts are contained in Table B. In Otago there is an actual decline of 230 in the average attendance, on which the capitation grant depends; and there is a decrease of 4 in Nelson, and 38 in Westland. The average attendance for the year has been at the rate of 79-9 out of every hundred on the roll, the mean of the weekly roll-numbers being taken as the basis of computation. The rate has never been higher than this—for the whole of New Zealand—except in the year 1889, when it was 80-3. Otago keeps its place of pre-eminence with respect to regularity of attendance, its percentage being 84T ; Taranaki (72-3) and Wanganui (73*8) standing at the other end of the scale.

TABLE B.—School Attendance for 1890.

The number of Maori and half-caste children in attendance at.public schools at the end of the year was 1,165, as shown in the following statement. This statement has nothing to do with the children (2,259) in attendance at the Native schools.

Schi »ol Attendance. Yearly Im jreaso on Year. so &gfS> . SSSo *5 ° CD w o ffi a H % & I o *o a Average Ai ;tendance. •CO O . s £ &> S, 3 gPM o 53§« 4J<W OS O S Gj;7^ ■= 9-9 is am •a a . w J * S3 "h SCO I are o *© » Average Ai Fourth Quarter. Whole Year. Fourth Quarter. Whole Year. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 18S3 1884 - 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 50,849 59,707 OS,124 74,359 76,309 79,416 84,883 90,670 95,377 99,206 103,534 104,919 108,158 55,688 65,040 75,566 82,401 83,560 87,179 92,476 97,238 102,407 106,328 110,919 112,685 115,456 117,912 49,435 57,301 02,946 63,009 66,426 70,077 74,050 80,183 83,361 87,386 SO, 849 94,308 96,670 45,521 53,067 60,625 61,822 63,709 67,373 72,657 78,327 80,737 85,637 90,108 93,374 94,632 73-8 746 74-2 73-6 74-0 751 766 76'1 770 793 80-3 799 8,858 8,417 0,235 1,950 3,107 5,467 5,787 4,707 3,829 4,398 1,385 3,239 9,352 10,526 6,835 1,159 3,619 5,297 4,762 5,169 3,921 4,591 1,766 2,771 2,456 7,866 5,645 63 3,417 3,651 4,573 5,533 3,178 4,025 3,463 3,459 2,362 7,546 7,558 1,197 1,887 3,664 5,284 5,670 2,410 4,900 4,471 3,266 1,258

Roll-Ni [rubers. Left . 1? 3 -,-g »*»£». Year* Ye°L. Average Daily Attend; Mice. •~ U 0) P™ • a* 3-"8c a a ■-. o s x .L •jH-Sf-tMJJ Education Districts. Pupils at Beginning of Year. Admitted during the Year. Fourth Quarter. Whole Boys. Girls. Total. 1890. 1869. Auckland Faranaki Wanganui Wellington ETawke's Bay Marlborough .. Nelson 20,171 2,275 0,654 9,583 5,613 1,720 5,354 1,689 1,696 19,797 4,483 21,300 7,823 10,103 1,175 3,649 5,676 3,130 792 1,862 581 462 8,437 1,881 7,945 3,175 7,895 821 2,565 4,606 2,731 565 1,381 500 493 6,994 1,434 6,463 2,666 22,379 2,629 7,738 10,653 6,012 1,947 5,835 1,770 1,665 21,240 4,930 22,782 8,332 9,515 1,011 3,033 4,484 2,548 815 2,324 719 098 9,313 2,086 10,288 3,502 8,720 932 2,728 4,114 2,295 685 2,158 722 678 8,556 2,027 9,472 3,247 18,235 1,943 5,761 8,598 4,843 1,500 4,482 1,441 1,376 17,869 4,113 19,760 6,749 18,035 1,925 5,745 8,494 4,851 1,462 4,506 1,410 1,386 17,044 3,888 19,299 6,587 80*2 72'3 73-8 79-2 79-9 77-6 77-0 77-8 81-2 80-5 79*2 84-1 78-1 80-4 72-4 74-3 79-6 80-0 78-5 78-3 77-2 78-9 80-0 78-6 85-7 78-6 3-rey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Dtago Southland Totals for 1890 Totals for 1889 108,158 104,919 48,868 49,096 39,114 38,559 117,912 115,456 50,336 49,140 46,334 45,168 96,670 94,308 94,632 93,374 79-9 80-3 80-3 Increase in year Decrease in year 3,239 '228 555 2,456 1,196 1,166 2,362 1,258 0-4



The number of boys on the public school rolls is, as usual, greater than the number of girls, the proportion being exactly the same as it was in 1889. Out of every 1,000 pupils, 516 are boys and 484 are girls. With respect to the ages of the pupils, the distinctions made in the statistics of former years followed the lines indicated in the Education Act, which sets the limits of school age at five years and fifteen years, and of the age of compulsory attendance at seven and thirteen. The statistics for 1890, which are set forth in full in Table No. lin the Appendix (p. 1), are more precise, and show the number of pupils of each year, with respect to age, from five to fifteen. Beginning with children between five and six years old, they show that the proportion of such children to the whole number of the pupils on the roll in December was 7'3 per cent. The percentages for the succeeding years in their order are 10*7, ITB, ITB, 12, 12-2, 11-1, 9'9, 7-2, and 4-1; and the percentage of pupils above the age of fifteen is 1-9. Table Cis a summary of the information contained in Table No. 1.

TABLE C.—Age and Sex of Pupils, December, 1890.

It will be observed that the years of age to which the four highest numbers belong—each of these numbers being about 12 per cent, of the total number—are the years from seven to eleven ; that the two years with the next highest numbers are the years 11-12 and 6-7, with about 11 per cent, each; and. that next to these is the year 12-13, with about 10 per cent. The numbers for the years 5-6 and 13-14 are nearly equal, about 7 per cent. each. Only 6 per cent, of the pupils are above the age of fourteen, and less than onethird of these have passed their fifteenth birthday. There appears to be a decided tendency to a diminution of the proportion of children under the age of ten, the corresponding increase in the proportion of older children showing itself principally in the number of pupils between ten and thirteen, and slightly in the number between thirteen and fifteen, while the number above the age of fifteen shows a tendency to decline. It is satisfactory to observe that the proportion of pupils that have passed the Third Standard, or standards above the Third, is steadily increasing. It may

Education Districts. ire Maoj :is. Half-01 astes li 1 Maoris. 7ing as Hal: i-castes '. among Suropeaj living us. Total. I No. of Schools in which there were Native Children, Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Vuokland raranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay.. rfarlborough .. •Telson }rey Westland •■forth Canterbury South Canterbury )tago Southland 73 12 55 16 56 53 6 14 3 47 126 18 69 19 103 39 1 3 2 11 17 3 2 11 50 1 6 4 22 173 11 16 6 19 7 2 189 5 14 0 23 11 362 16 30 12 42 18 2 285 24 74 24 86 7 9 259 11 31 11 81 11 4 544 35 105 35 107 18 13 84 8 25 17 23 3 5 "7 "4 11 10 3 8 11 11 10 5 9 21 13 13 20 1 1 "l 1 1 11 7 32 43 1 9 5 28 42 2 20 12 60 85 11 14 15 43 43 12 20 11 37 42 23 34 26 80 85 3 9 5 12 15 Totals for 1890 Totals for 1889 251 233 162 136 413 369 56 40 35 28 91 68 328 330 333 334 661 664 035 603 530 498 1,165 1,101 209 192 Difference 18 26 44 16 7 23 — 2 -1 -3 I 32 32 64 17

Ages. Boys. Girls. Total. ffcentages for Five Years. Five and under six years Six and under seven years Seven and under eight years .. Eight and under nine years Nine and under ten years Fen and under eleven years Eleven and under twelve years fwelve and under thirteen years rhirteen and under fourteen years Fourteen and under fifteen years Dver fifteen years 4,408 6,551 7,305 7,125 7,286 7,427 6,776 6,010 4,413 2,48.1. 1,069 60,851 4,164 0,050 6,626 6,714 6,897 6,924 6,336 5,706 4,082 2,391 1,171 57,061 8,572 12,601 13,931 13,839 14,183 14,351 13,112 11,716 8,495 4,872 2,240 117,912 1890. »■?} 18,° 11-8 11-8 I 35-6 12-0 J 12-2 U-l[ 33-2 9-9) 12| 1889. 1888. 18-44 17-80 1887. 18-00 1886. 19-77 36-11 ' 36-69 37-00 37-21 32-68 , 33-03 10-91 j 10-50 32-28 30-76 10-52 10-20 1-9 1-80 j 1-92 2-20 2-06 Totals 100-0 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00



be ascertained from the following table that this proportion at the end of the year was 28-8 per cent, of the total number of pupils. In 1886 the proportion was 23*8, and in the three following years 25-9, 26-8, and 27-4. About 2 per cent.-remain in the schools after passing the Sixth Standard, about 7 per cent, have passed the Fifth, and about 16 per cent, have passed the Fourth. The proportion of children that have not yet passed the First Standard, though gradually decreasing, is still very high—42J per cent. The statistics of classification, which are condensed in Table D, will be found in detail in Table No. 2 in the Appendix (p. 2).

TABLE D. —Classification by Standards, December, 1890.

There is no material change in the ages at which on an average the pupils pass the several standards ; the average is one month below that of the year 1889, and identical with that of 1888. The lowest average last year occurred in Wellington, and it is noticeable that all the inspection statistics for "Wellington for 1890 represent better results than those of any other district. The expectation entertained when the standard regulations were made was that children of ordinary ability would pass the Third Standard at the age of ten, and the Sixth at the age of thirteen. The tables show that on an average the Third Standard is passed at eleven years and four months, and the Sixth at fourteen years and one month. The details are exhibited in Table E.

TABLE E.—Average Age of Pupils at Standard Examinations in 1890.

The absence of inspection statistics for 1890 for the Marlborough District is unfortunate ; it affects Tables E, F, and G, and the computation usually made from a comparison of Tables D and G. It arises from a change of Inspectors in the district, and from the abandonment by the new Inspector of the practice of including in the returns of a calendar year the results of inspections made in the first quarter of a subsequent year. The chief effect of the omission is to render it impossible to compute the probable number of children actually withdrawn from the schools during the year. A casual inspection of Table B might lead one to suppose that more than 38,500 had left during the year; there

Standards. Boys. Girls. Totals. Percent! iges for Fi'e Years. Preparatory classes Class for Standard I. IP III. IV. V. VI. Passed Standard VI. 17,176 8,601 8,824 9,080 7,680 5,348 2,945 1,197 60,851 15,223 7,986 8,375 8,650 7,596 5,276 2,721 1,234 32,399 16,587 17,199 17,730 15,276 10,624 5,666 2,431 1890. 27-48 14-06 14-59 15-04 12-95 9-01 4-80 2-07 1889. 27-75 14-70 14-73 15-42 12-42 8-48 4-52 1-98 1888. 26-90 15-53 15-19 15-63 12-23 8-46 4-35 1-71 1887. 26-77 16-59 15-39 15-39 12-15 7-92 4-06 1-73 1886. 27-70 17-41 15-61 15-48 11-57 7-08 3-58 1-57 Totals.. 57,061 117,912 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00

Education Districts. Ave: ■age Ages Eor Standards. Mean of Ages. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland I. Yrs. mos. 9 2 9 5 9 4 8 6 9 0 No 8 8 8 8 9 4 9 0 8 11 9 0 9 3 II. Yrs. mos. 10 4 10 5 10 5 9 7 10 5 returns. 9 10 9 7 10 6 10 2 10 0 10 2 10 3 III. Yrs. mos. 11 6 11 9 11 8 10 11 11 4 10 10 11 0 11 8 11 4 11 0 11 2 11 5 I IV. Yrs. mos. 12 5 13 1 12 8 11 11 12 3 12 0 12 1 12 7 12 4 12 0 12 3 12 7 V. Yrs. moa, 13 3 14 0 13 6 12 9 13 5 12 10 13 1 13 0 13 3 13 0 13 1 13 8 VI. Yrs. mos. 14 3 14 10 14 3 13 9 14 3 13 11 13 11 14 0 14 1 13 7 13 11 14 4 1890. Yrs. mos. 11 10 12 3 11 11 11 2 11 9 11 4 11 4 12 0 11 8 11 6 11 7 11 11 1889. Yrs. moa 11 11 12 3 12 0 11 4 11 11 11 7 11 3 11 6 12 1 11 8 11 4 11 8 12 0 Mean Range (difference between highest and lowest) 9 0 0 11 9 9 0 11 11 4 0 11 12 1 4 2 13 1 3 3 14 1 1 3 11 1 8 1 11 9 1 0 Mean in 1889 Range in 1889 9 1 1 1 10 3 1 6 11 4 1 6 12 5 0 10 13 1 4 6 14 1 1 5


is every reason to believe that the actual number is about 13,000, and that the difference is to be accounted for by removals from one school to another, and by temporary absences long enough to lead to the removal of names from the schoolrolls, and the restoration of the names when the absentees resume their attendance. The reports in which the Inspectors state the number of passes and failures, and assign marks to indicate their judgment with respect to the efficiency of instruction given in the subjects in which individual "pass" is not required, afford evidence of decided progress. Of the pupils on the roll, 49-21 passed one standard each in 1890; in 1889 the percentage was 48-45, and in 1888 it was 47-15. The percentage of failures was 17-14 in 1890, against 17-45 in 1889, and 19-5 in 1888. The percentage of efficiency in class-subjects rose from 49-6 in 1888, and 52-1 in 1889, to 54-3 in 1890; and the mean of the additional marks from 49 in 1888, and 49-8 in 1889, to 51-9 in 1890. Table Fis a general summary of the results of inspection.

TABLE F.—Inspection Statistics.

In the next Table (Q) an analysis of the inspection returns is given in such a form as to show success and failure with respect to the several standards. The percentage of failures computed from this table in the manner prescribed in the regulations is highest in Standard V. and lowest in Standard I. : for the several standards, beginning with Standard 1., it is 7-45, 11*58, 21-49, 24-90, 29-08, 21-15.

TABLE G.—Passes and Failures.

Table H shows that there are still some pupils who are learning nothing but reading; to such children attendance at school must be very uninteresting and irksome, and probably it is doing them positive harm, In most districts the


Education Districts. *•> j d £ P .2 av o O O QJ 2 & I * O tfl a, 03 H ft > dtgS sHa Ph 4= Ph Absent. •d o o o H Failed. Passed. o Deo £.1 S3 Ph •s ,■ S£ K d v.; do "S d O Htn OQ-" m d p"^ M" : O 03 ■? ' Ph Ph d is ■s " Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland.. North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 22,403 2,609 7,633 10,694 5,732 No retur 5,714 1,729 1,685 20,779 4,789 22,430 8,899 8,176 962 2,866 3,207 2,000 as. 1,807 508 564 6,817 1,585 7,961 3,184 86 41 127 47 762 135 283 216 86 747 103 270 350 126 2,500 336 772 460 685 10,132 1,073 3,401 0,334 2,788 19-8 23-8 18-5 0-8 19-9 45-2 41-1 44-5 59-2 48-6 56-9 54-9 49-5 68-6 62-8 60-0 49-7 43-2 71-0 520 124 26 44 107 66 198 51 136 81 53 450 139 356 205 192 10 26 469 132 495 304 737 126 170 2,429 595 2,021 884 2,718 912 828 10,507 2,272 11,399 4,271 21-3 12-1 17-0 19-1 20-4 15-1 17-1 47-6 52-7 49-1 50-6 47-4 50-8 48-0 57-1 55-2 37-0 45-8 55-0 54-0 55-0. 37-5 35-1 38-2 57-0 53-0 69-0 570 For the colony* Mean 54-3 Mean 51-9 115,090 39,697 917 2,902 3,230 11,715 56,635 54,937 17-14 49-21 In 1889 .. 17-75 I I 48-45 52-1 49-8 113,366 39,946 846 2,825 2,949 11,863 * Exclusive of Marlborough.

Education Districts. I. Pi II. Passes in Standards. 'assc :es in £ III. Standards. IV. V. VI. Failures in Standards. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington .. Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland .. ! 2,608 .. ! 310 846 .. 1,330 861 .. No ret 635 192 182 .. 2,763 601 .. 2,533 .. 1,100 2,510 307 866 1,377 640 urns. 539 193 187 2,626 525 2,561 1,071 2,147 240 801 1,456 583 575 226 158 2,186 476 2,301 863 1,668 125 488 997 403 405 159 130 1,615 340 1,931 708 817 68 275 727 211 332 83 102 878 191 1,227 350 382 23 125 447 90 232 59 69 439 139 846 179 202 16 108 16 130 53 13 11 159 29 204 67 352 43 123 114 130 135 3 41 251 78 265 74 611 115 200 152 150 109 32 38 740 174 559 309 624 92 215 60 117 218 27 31 636 156 451 220 527 55 91 43 114 134 42 30 447 116 392 175 184 15 35 75 44 88 4 19 196 42 150 39 For the colony* .. 13,9C1 13,402 5,261 I ,3,030 ■1,008 1,614 3,189 2,847 2,166 891 12,012 18,969 * Exclusive of Marlborough.



youngest pupils are learning to write, and are receiving elementary instruction in the use of numbers. It is much to be regretted that of the girls there are more than 11,000 that do not learn needlework —although these are probably the very young ones.

TABLE H.—Number of Pupils instructed in each Subject.

There was a large increase in the number of schools during the year. Eleven schools were finally closed, but fifty-six new ones were opened, and the number in operation at the end of the year was 1,200. This extension of operations has been attended by a slight reduction in the number of pupils per school—from 81-7 to 80-6, reckoning by average attendance. In 1889 there was a slight diminution of the number of schools with an average attendance of less than 50 each; in 1890 the number of such schools increased from 693 to 741. The number of schools with more than 50 each declined from 462 to 459. There is a large increase—from 113 to 148—in the number of schools described as " subsidised." The classification of schools according to their size is shown in Table J.

TABLE J.—Number of Schools, December, 1890. (In this enumeration every couple of half-time schools is reckoned as one school, except in the column for number of such schools.)

Exclusive of sewing-mistresses (of whom there are two less than there were a year ago), there were 2,970 teachers and pupil-teachers engaged at the end of the year. The number given in Table K is 2,978, four casual vacancies being taken into account in order to show the normal provision made for the instruction

E ucation Districts. d jS S tgi QJ ai* ■s»S 8 a° ao-s •z;oa g "a d o « ED a 'u *** o ■** ■o - S ffl'ri s>a o lasC30 a d I S o o o o E h d Q* "a o |8 a tj) ' a" d £ s ! °~ CO d o o~a £ 2 £a Oi o II ! Auckland laranaki Wanganui Wellington.. Kawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson 3rey Westland North Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. Jtago Southland 22,379 2,629 7,738 10,653 6,012 1,947 5,835 1,770 1,665 21,240 4,930 22,782 8,332 22,379 2,629 7,738 10,053 0,012 1,947 5,835 1,770 1,665 21,240 4,930 22,782 8,332 22,379 2,629 7,738 10,653 6,012 1,947 5,782 1,770 1,665 21,240 4,928 22,782 8,273 22,379 2,629 7,716 10,570 6,012 1,947 5,630 1,770 1,665 21,240 4,878 22,782 8,222 11,877 1,040' 3,30l| 5,563' 2,571: 848i 2,860 913 786 1 9,73l| : 2,131| 110,677' 3,720, 14,711 ' 1,398 ! 4,564 6,779 3,503 i 1,066 3,693 981 1,002 112,630 2,829 13,698 4,824 9,382 994 3,002 5,477 2,531 757 2,682 674 647 9,318 2,063 10,455 3,388 7,841 604 2,073 3,574 1,701 530 2,218 553 417 4,761 1,215 7,353 2,208 21,26515,979 2,476 1,895 6,568 5,549 10,340 7,555 5,072 4,357 1,596 1,493 4,854 4,010 1,515 1,073 1,214 987 20,47515,149 4,511| 3,423 20,53615,132 7,374; 0,012 19,646 1,647 3,731 9,032 4,798 1,037 3,395 1,338 913 19,534 4,186 21,533 6,949 9,792 1,154 1,786 4,033 2,352 587 2,384 702 515 9,732 1,780 8,179 2,728 4,609 32 296 311 140 82 230 29 11 1,911 175 1,022 160 Totals for 1890 .. Totals for 1889 .. 117,912! 115,456j 117,912 ;115,456! 117,7981 115,3101 1 1117,440 [114,730 56,018 54,062 71,678 69,176 51,370 49,543 35,108' 32 '611 | I 2,497 108,390 82,614: 404,345 83,717 I ■ I 4,051;-1,103[ 1 :97,739! 94,690! 145,724 45,307 I 417 9,008 8,356 Difference 2,4,56 1 1 2,456 ! 1 2,488 I j 2,710 2,502 i 1,827 i_ 1 3,049| 052 1,956

Education Districts. © o CO *o O ,3 o 02 s| d H 73 5 a p So 7 -"l CD 3 tfo BPh S a © a o u o t-i , Or-H irxg « 2 © o s © Nu: in iber o: © . II E-* . © m Q Schi ools i: lor tl ■O m 3 a io s aft d o o° C3 n whii he Qu; © - o B5 T3 2 *gtS fcm the Avi irter wascrjO OH © rage 3 . ■gfi Of; 25 iH .tteni © . ■3.3 a a 38 c 25 o CO lance a d . ■- ~ p£ Ph a o o a d cc Wo •"S o.a 3 A ■o 5 *9 •§» W O v, O <*>,SI u o cocfi ja a a 'A Q a CO is. ™ CO CD'-' O O o Auckland.. Paranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey W Testland North Canterbury.. South Canterbury.. 246 40 87 82 47 36 94 21 28 163 56 193 107 18,235 1,943 5,761 8,598 4,848 1,500 4,482 1,441 1,376 17,869 4,113 19,760 6,749 74*1 48-6 66-2 104-9 103-0 4D7 47-7 68-6 49-1 109-6 73-4 102-4 63-1 11 2 8 6 2 13 14 4 11 9 2 9 3 32 6 2 6 1 4 17 2 3 i 6 : 2 I 14 : 3 35 10 12 10 8 5 13 1 2 i 14 I 10 : 17 I 15 87 10 33 < 23 11 5 20 7 i 4 : 52 I 27 ' 69 i 49 26 6 7 9 6 • 6 1 16 4 2 I 26 4 I 27 I 12 13 3 7 0 4 1 5 20 2 9 7 6 1 2 1 8 9 1 1 8 5 40 as 20 25 1 10 12 11 19 40 1 7 2 14 5 8 5 7 "2 2 *i 1 2 2 I 3 I 17 4 ' 14 1 8 11 1 14 10 7 1 3 16 4 : 10 I 5 1 6 1 1 8 "l 6 1 11 2 6 as 3 Otago Southland 8 as 4 "e i Totals for 1890 Totals for 1889 1200 1155 96,670 94,308 2,302 80-6 81-7 94 91 : 98 . 92 I 152 i 130 I 397 ) 380 ■ 151 ) 159 . 85 I 83 84 87 74 07 35 36 30 30 54 as 27 64 as 32 148 113 11 13 Difference 45 -1-1 3 I 6 i 22 ! 17 -8 I 2 -3 7 -1 -10 as 5 35 -2



this account from the regular monthly payments of the capitation allowance : this is merely a matter of account, and was adjusted in due course. In addition to capitation the Boards received for purposes of maintenance about £1,530 from local sources, and, from Government, subsidies amounting to £4,000 for inspection. The year's income for maintenance, in the strict sense —that is, for salaries, training, administration, inspection, and grants to Committees —was more than £358,000. The expenditure on maintenance, in this sense, was only about £350,500, as may be ascertained by adding together the first four items of expenditure in Table N, while the aggregate of balances of cash, as may be seen by reference to the same table, was diminished by about £5,500. The expenditure on maintenance for the year fairly represents the actual cost of maintenance, for the liabilities outstanding on account of maintenance at the end of the year (£11,978) differs by a very small amount from the liabilities (£12,242) at the beginning of the year. There appears, then, to have been a real saving of between £7,000 and £8,000 on maintenance, and this saving, together with the diminution of the cash balances, has enabled the Boards to spend on school buildings between £11,000 and £12,000 more than was granted to them specially for that use. At the same time they increased their liabilities on contracts for school buildings by about £3,500. The Wanganui Board has transferred the sum of £3,500 from its Maintenance Account to its Building Account, and the Southland Board has made a similar transfer of £1,000. In several other cases the Building Account is overdrawn, while the balance on Maintenance Account is large enough to cover this deficiency and leave a margin. In Tables O and P the money assets and liabilities of the Boards at the end of the year are shown. In the preparation of this statement the sum of £34,093, distributed in the first quarter of 1891 in grants for buildings, has been included in the assets. The total of the amounts set down in Table O as due from Government is about £7,000 less than the sum just mentioned, because some of the Boards held money to that amount which they had received from School Commissioners. The outstanding liabilities of the Boards on account of buildings in progress amounted to more than £19,000, and the difference between this sum and the money lately distributed in building grants is about £15,000. Some of the Boards have a part of this money in hand (£9,850 in the aggregate) to meet the new necessities of the current year; but in some cases the grant was not sufficient to cover liabilities under contract, and to repay money that had been practically borrowed from the ordinary fund and applied to buildings. In the case of Otago the Building Eund will be nearly £3,000 in debt to the Maintenance Eund when the outstanding liabilities underbuilding contracts are discharged; in Auckland there is a deficiency of the same kind amounting to £1,850, and in Marlborough one of £156. Wellington requires £5,237 to balance its Building Account; but this is not an ordinary case, as the deficiency is due to a contract for about £6,000 for erecting a technical school.

TABLE O. —Money Assets (and Deficits), December, 1890.

ii—E. 1.

Education Districts. Cash. Due from Government. ' Other Sources. Due from Deficit c Buildings. Deficit on Account of on Account of Other Purposes. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,656 18 6 j 5,940 7 9 323 0 4 289 14 4 582 1 0 2,835 10 11 j 2,290 0 0: 1,184 13 2 3,172 9 9! 1,353 5 6 2,291 8 0! 89 14 0 780 0 0 457 10 11 2,825 2 11 1,843 14! 916 18 4 | 40 0 0 116 19 3 ! 603 0 0 0 9 5 7,206 6 6; .. 350 1,444 7 2 588 12 4 112 0 0 952 2 0 5,835 19: 150 0 0 2,871 if 11 2,400 0 0 j 50 0 0 28,736 18 2 27,243 0 3 1,225 19 8 I Auckland i'aranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay .. Marlborough kelson 3rey Westland STorth Canterbury South Canterbury Dtago Southland s 3 1 7 1 i £ s. i 7,656 18 289 14 2,835 10 1 1,184 13 1,353 5 2,825' 2 1 11619 7,206 6 1,444 7 952 2 2,871 lri d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 ! 5,940 7 9 323 0 4 4 ! 582 1 0 11 j 2,290 0 0 2 3,172 9 9: 6 2,291 8 0 89 14 0 780 0 0 457 10 11 11 1,843 14! 916 18 4 | 40 0 0 3 j 603 0 0 0 9 5 6 .. 3 5 0 2 588 12 4 112 0 0 0 5,835 19: 150 0 0 11 2,400 0 0 i 50 0 0 & s. a 1,850 9 ( 5,23711 : 156' 1 ! 2,988' 4 ( £ s. a. 1,850 9 0 i. £ s. a. 0 i !! 2 343 16 3 6 4 6 6 .. £ s. d. £ s. d, 15,770 15 1 871 15 4 5,125 10 11 9,594 14 0 3,784 7 6 1,393 12 1 4,668 4 3 1,300 14 7 726 13 2 7,209 11 6 2,144 19 6 9,925 8 3 5,321 17 11 5,23711 1 156' 1 2 343 16 3 6 4 6 2,988' 4 6 Totals .. 2i 8,736 18 2 27,243 0 3 1,225 19 8 1 10,232 5 i 10,232 5 9: 9J 350 0 9 350 0 9 67,788 4 7



TABLE P.—Money Liabilities (and Balances), December, 1890.

Efforts have been made to ascertain the real wants of the several districts with respect to school buildings, and to get such information as would render it possible to distinguish between the necessities that are really pressing and others that are less urgent. In reply to a circular issued in February, the Boards have sent in estimates amounting to about £S)0*,000, but in some cases' the required distinctions with respect to degrees of urgency are not clearly made, and further correspondence must take place before a general statement of a satisfactory kind can be prepared. The following table (Q), compiled from the annual returns made by the Boards, affords information with respect to deficiencies of accommodation in places where schools are already established: —

TABLE Q. —Deficiency of School Buildings.

It will be seen that, apart from the prospect of new settlement, much remains to be done to put existing schools upon a satisfactory footing. There are 73 overcrowded schools, 71 schools meeting in rooms that are not public property, and 329 schools to which masters' residences are not attached. Schools with average attendance below 10 are not reckoned in this statement. The sum voted for public-school buildings last year was ,£35,000, and distribution was made to the Boards as follows : Auckland, £6,100; Taranaki, £700 ; Wanganui, £2,300 ; Wellington, £3,000 ; Hawke's Bay, £2,850 ; Marlborough, £700; Nelson, £2,200; Grey, £890; Westland, £603; North Canterbury, £5,050; South Canterbury, £1,800; Otago, £5,500; Southland, £2,400. In this distribution some favour was shown to the smallest districts, and to districts in which settlement is making rapid progress. The number of scholarships granted by Educations Boards under the 51st section of " The Education Act, 1877," and the expenditure on this account, have slightly declined during the year. The scholarships vary in annual value from £52 10s. to £4. Particulars are given in Table B.

iial ;ies for lances tor Education Districts. Buildings. Other Purposes. Buildiugs. Other Purposes. Totals. Auckland .. Earanaki Wanganui.. Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson £ s. d. 4,512 8 0 30 0 0 1,089 10 4 0,373 8 10 £ s. a. 4,978 2 9 & s. a. £ s. d. t £ s. d. 0,250 4 10 I 15,770 15 7 206 15 4 ■ 871 15 4 1,860 5 6 : 5,125 10 11 2,750 16 5 9,594 14 0 1,138 12 1 3,734 7 6 457 10 11 : 1,393 12 1 1,292 8 11 * 4,668 4 3 1,300 14 7 720 13 2 2,173 4 11 7,209 11 0 1,503 0 10 : 2,144 19 6 7,204 15 9 9,925 8 3 1,930 13 10 5,321 17 11 1,311 3 7 170 8 9 134 10 0 80 0 0 1,543 10 1 410 14 7 37 15 5 2,388 14 6 035' 0 0 864 11 6 2,461 5 5 ji ey Westland .. North Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. Dtago Southland.. 856 1 2 160 9 11 587 19 3 04 14 8 2,272 15 2 1,671 9 4 302 0 9 624 3 1 374 16 11 641 12 8 2,06012 0 491 11 5 623' 5 7 2,276' 7 1 Totals 19,129 11 3 11,978 11 3 9,851 6 9 26,828 15 4 67,788 4 7

Education Districts. Schools in Operation (omitting those with less than Ten Pupils each). Schools not belonging to Boards. Schools without Residences. Schools with less than 10 sq. ft. for each Child (but more than 8 sq. ft.). Schools with less than 8 sq.ft. for each Child. Available in 1891. (Tables O and P.) Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington .. Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson 246 39 86 79 47 24 91 20 28 163 56 193 107 29 1 3 10 3 2 5 102 12 23 40 18 3 48 8 11 17 14 4 29 9 3 2 4 10 5 2 1 1 3 1 6 5 3 7 1 1 1 1 £ s. d. [-1,850 9 0] 635 0 0 864 11 6 [-5,237 11 1] 2,461 5 5 [-156 1 2] 1,671 9 4 302 0 9 624 3 1 374 16 11 641 12 8 [-2,988 4 6] 2,276 7 1 Grey Westland North CanterburySouth Canterbury Otago Southland 4 5 2 7 1 3 1 Totals.. 1,179 71 329 52 21 9,851 6 9 |f-10,232 5 9]


of 96,670 children—the average attendance for the last quarter of the year. The provision made allows one teacher for an average attendance of 33, the precise number being 32-B—to be compared with 32-6 for the year 1889. The increase in the number of teachers is 84; and the tendency to favour the employment of women as teachers is very conspicuous, the number of women—including pupilteachers —having been augmented by 74, while the additional number of men is only 10.

TABLE K. —School Staff, December, 1890.

In the analysis of salaries (Table L), along with the 2,978 teachers and pupils engaged at the end of the year are included two teachers on leave, three relieving teachers, and the teachers of sewing—l62 in number. The salaries of which the teachers were in receipt at the end of the year amounted to £297,265 16s. 9d. per annum, showing an increase of only £2,028 16s. 3d. in the year, while the number of teachers increased by 82. It follows that the average salary of a teacher declined in twelve months from £96 10s. lid. to £94 10s. sd. The increase of attendance for the year —1,258 —carried with it an increase of income to the Boards of only £4,717 10s., and this was, of course, quite insufficient to maintain the average of salary when the number of teachers was increased by between 80 and 90. Another reason for the diminution of average salary is that the expenditure for buildings has far exceeded the grant for building purposes : the grant was £25,000, and the expenditure was more than £39,000.

TABLE L.—Salaries of Teachers, December, 1890.


Education Districts. Principal. Head of School. Head of Department. Sole Teachers. Assistant i PupilTeachers, teachers. Total. •Mi a a a> a -tjPH £•91 111 o a ■5° a o 'A m .' a'aS •hPh Cj ©tW <U <5 © en <D | bo a % o CO M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. All. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland i 2 1 1 1 97* 14 30 36* 24 8 27 7 9 75 2111 81 24 8 2 3 7 1 1 12t 1 1 8 3 i 2 1 1 1 80 16 40* 22 11 13* 15 7 7 38 16 62 48 61 7 14 17 9 13 39 5 11 20 13* 50 22 30 3 8 23 10 7 2 3 32 . 9* 54 8 j 167 6 21 46 26 10 ! 28 9 9 123 19 121 j 16 33 4 16 13 9 3 10 5 It 57 8 63 9 117 19 43 103 58 8 32 12 {19 131 31 88 37 240| 381 94 94 56 26 601 22 26 225 58 260 102 353 35 81 173 96 33 112 28 40 309 70 259 88 5931 73| 175! 267 152 59 172 50 66 534 128 519 190 18,235 1,943 : 5,701 8,598 4,843 1,500 4,482 1,441 1,370 17,869 4,113 19,760, 6,749 30-8 26-7 32-9 300 31-9 25-4 26-1 28-8 20-8 33-5 32-1 j 38-1 35-5 54 27 ii i 22 4 i 27 4 2 42 13 12 13 13 Totals for 1890 .. Totals for 1889 .. 45 ! 41 I •• 453 458 47 38 l 2 50 47 375 366 281 252 190 185 !601 590 i 237 239 : 698 676; 1301 1291 1677! 1603 12978 2894 i i 96,670| 94,308! 32-8 | 32-6 162 164 Difference 4 -5 -1 1 I 3 9 29 5 I ; I I 11 I I — 2 22 I ioi j l I 74 I I I 84| 0-2 _2 9 2,362; * Includes one vacancy. + E: :cludes on< onl :ave. I Including mo: litors Bin. elude: two VI Lcancies.

Under £100. Education Districts. Pupil- Other teachers. Teachers. £100 and under £200. £200 and under £300. £000 and under £400. £400 and upwards (maximum, £487 6s.). Number of Teachers. Total of Bates of Salary, December, 1890. Sewingmistresses. Auckland .. raranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury .. 3outh Canterbury .. Dtago Southland 54 27 ii l 150 23 59 116 67 11 42 17 |26 188 39 151 46 219 29 30 53 20 30 69 16 24 125 25 69 11 179 20 05 *61 52 15 *57 14 14 178 60 210 119 33 1 20 30 10 2 4 3 1 31 1 72 13 10 "l 8 2 ' 1 1 2 1 647 100 175 279 152 60 173 50 68 576 141 J534 190 £ s. d. 55,141 0 C 5,893 15 C 18.371 10 c 24,984 15 C 15,265 11 C 4,498 2 C 14,196 0 C 4,283 0 C 4,707 7 £ 52,390 4 C 12,607 0 C 63,555 3 i 21.372 8 C 2 42 13 12 1 11 3 18 1 1 2 Totals for 1890 102 935 720 1,044 221 57 6 3,145 297,265 16 Totals for 1889 1,817 1,756 1,022 215 59 6 3,058 295,237 0 Difference 61 22 -2 87 2,028 16 * Ine on leave. * Includes monitors, t Includes three relievini teachers,



In Table M the teachers above the rank of pupil-teachers are divided according to their status as holding certificates, or being in that respect only partially qualified for the appointments they hold. In December 1,700 teachers out of 2,038 had passed the examination for certificates : 1,674 held certificates, 5 needed only to have marks assigned to them by the Inspectors, and 21 had not completed the required term of service. There were 142 that had obtained partial pass, 57 who had failed at examination, and 139 who had not offered themselves for examination. Twenty-nine of the uncertificated teachers held the " license to teach," and these are indicated by numbers in square brackets in the table.

TABLE M.—Teachers Certificated and Uncertificated, 31st December, 1890. (Numbers In brackets represent licensed teachers included in other numbers.)

At the examination held in January, 70 of the uncertificated teachers passed, reducing the number of teachers that had not passed to 268 —out of the total of 2,038. At the same time a considerable number obtained " partial pass." The annual reports of the Education Boards will be found in the Appendix (pp. 54-86), and with each report an abstract of the Board's receipts and expenditure is given. Tables No. 3 and No. 4in the Appendix contain a summary of these accounts, and the following table (N) is a shorter statement of the summary:— TABLE N.—Absi'eact of Receipts and Expenditure of Boards. Or. £ a. d. Or. £ S. d. To Balances, Ist January, 1890 .. 31,125 9 G By Boards'administration .. .. 9,696 19 0 Government grants— Inspection and examination .. 10,725 0 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 330,423 13 3 Teachers'salaries and allowances, and Buildings .. .. .. 26,235 9 9 training .. .. .. 302,094 12 0 Reserves revenues .. .. .. 33,772 4 9 Incidental expenses of schools .. 28,047 13 4 Local receipts— Scholarships .. .. .. 0,528 1 2 Pees, donations, &c. .. .. 1,829 3 2 j Interest .. .. .. .. 37 310 For buildings .. .. .. 1,474 111 Buildings, sites, plans, &c. .. .. 39,225 7 3 Interest .. .. .. .. 335 0 4 Refunds and sundries .. .. 1,587 4 8 Refunds, deposits, &c. .. .. 737 1 0 Balances .. .. .. .. 27,690 2 5 £425,632 3 8 £425,632 3 8 The capitation included in the items "Maintenance" and " Beserves revenues "is .€352,654. The average attendance, as has been stated, was 95,632, but the capitation for -any quarter is computed upon the attendance of the preceding quarter, and the capitation allowance paid in 1890 was accordingly computed on an attendance of 94,041. Part of the capitation allowance is included in the sum of €33,772 received from School Commissioners, and of this sum about €1,500 was received in the year in excess of the deductions made on

j Education Districts. j L •d £ d s Q P T~ 4-5 .' © chI-*- 3- <n >> • JS ©"fl « £f3 & © c3 a =-* s 1! g a a _A_.! i -*>+* £ a r^3 ©.2 u go d O H Auckland raranaki Wanganui Wellington 389 33 90 120 7 34[1] 1 .. 3 [1] 1 1 6 11 2 10T2J 7 [1.1 6[1] 6 11 4 [1J 15 442 [3] 50 [3] 115 150 [1] Also 4 pupil-teachers have corfieates. Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson '.. 3rey Westland 67 23 68 19 22 8 [8] ..11 1 [1] 3 18 [1] 6 2(1] 8[1] 4 18 17 [2] 23 3[1J 5[1] 2 16 85 [5] 47 130 [4] 33 [2J 40 Also 1 pupil-teacher has certificate. 346 [1] Also 7 normal-students and 2 pupil-teachers have certificates. 85 Also 1 pupil-teacher has certificate. 371 [2] Also 11 normal-students have certificates. 144[8] Also 5 pupil-teachers have certificates. North Canterbury 305 1 2 27 [1] 1 10 South Canterbury ; 71 5 2 7 Dtago .. 354 1 6 9 [2] 1 Southland 113 1 14 [7] 6[1] 10 Total for 1890 1, Total for 1889 1, 1,674 1,591 ,674 ,591 5 21 142 9 20 151 5 9 21 20 142 151 57 65 139 140 [2,038 [29] 1,976 [38]



TABLE R. —Scholarships.

Education Eeseeves. The reports and accounts of the School Commissioners are printed in the Appendix (pp. 87-97), and a summary of the accounts is given in Table S. The amounts which the Commissioners are able to pay to the Education Boards are increasing from year to year; for 1890 the amount is £33,400, and to that extent the sum that would otherwise be paid out of the Treasury in the form of capitation allowance has been diminished, the income from the primary-education reserves being in effect colonial revenue.

TABLE S.—Summary of School Commissioners' Accounts.

Education Districts. Numberheld in Dee., 1890. Boys. Girls. Period of Tenure. Expended on Scholarships in 1890. Annual Value, &e. Luokland.. 44 29 15 Years. 3 £ s. d. 1,360 17 4 4 at £45 ; 2 at £40; 1 at £35 ; 13 at £30; 24 at £20. 2 at £25 ; 4 at £10 ; 1 at £15. 3 at £40 ; 7 at £20. 9 at £30 ; 21 at £15. 0 at £30 4s.; 3 at £12 4s.; 11 at £10 4s.; 6 at £10. £40. Nelson College giving free tuition. 3 at £52 10s.; 2 at £14 10s.; 4 at £12 10s.: Nelson College giving free tuition. 3 at £25 and free tuition; 3, free tuition. £50. 9 at £40 ; 27 at £20. 7 at £34; 1 at £15; 1 at £14; 1 at £9 ; 1 at £4. 17 at £40 ; 28 at £20: 15 for 2 years ; 30 for 3 years : free education for all if they attend Dunedin High Schools. 8 at £35; 9 at £20: 14 for 3 years ; 3 for 1 year. ?aranaki Vanganui Vellington lawke's Bay 7 10 30 26 6 6 14 15 1 4 10 11 2 2 2 2 and 1 133 4 8 336 7 8 626 1 5 415 10 3 rlarlborough •felsoa 2 9 2 7 2 2 8 8 0 358 19 6 2 Jrey Vestland.. "forth Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. 6 2 36 11 4 1 26 6 2 1 10 5 3 and 2 2 2 2 71 10 0 110 10 0 1,047 2 10 281 8 9 )tago 45 27 18 3 and 2 1,299 3 9 louthland 17 10 7 3 and 1 478 11 0 Totals, 1890.. Totals, 1889.. 245 251 153 144 92 107 6,528 1 2 6,655 18 7

Income for the Yea.r 1890. Provincial Districts. Balances Eeceipts during Year. Arrears of Eent due on 31st December, 1890. Liabilities or Engagements on 31st December, 1890. Total Income. 1st January, 1890. Primary Eeserves. Secondary Reserves. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Westland .. Canterbury Otago £ s. a. 1,695 7 9 942 4 5 841 8 8 1,046 6 5 28 16 8 526 14 10 5 4 11 255 13 5 3,589 14 4 £ s. a. 1,886 17 1 1,097 4 4 1,479 3 8 2,570 8 4 115 5 0 664 17 0 39 11 6 15,609 10 6 15,077 3 11 £ s. a. 651 3 7 2G6 18 7 53 13 11 671 6 3 £ s. d. 4,233 8 5 2,306 7 4 2,374 6 3 4,288 1 0 144 1 8 1,441 8 7 53 1G 5 15,865 3 11 19,281 13 5 £ s. a. 1,207 15 10 796 18 11 812 19 9 270 13 10 No re 130 15 6 16 10 0 1,165 14 0 6,305 18 10 £ s. d. 13 18 8 24 18 0 249 16 9 9 0 0 tarns. t 45 0 0 614 15 2 Totals for 1890.. j Totals for 1889.. 8 & 931 11 5 390 1 5 38,540 1 4 2,516 14 3 38,930 10 0 2,918 1 1 49,988 7 0 46,244 12 6 9,872 16 6 180 11 3 Exx^enditure for the Year 1890. Provincial Districts. Office Expenses and Salaries. Other Expenses of Management Paid for Paid for Primary Secondary Education. Education. Deposits and Investments. Balances on Slst December, 1890. Total. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Marl borough Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago £ s. d. 137 3 2 149 19 2 290 6 8 208 1 0 32 10- 0 60 3 5 20 7 2 I 589 8 2 !l,081 15 0 £ s. a. 267 5 6 172 14 S 204 18 11 49 8 7 £ s, d. £ s. d. 1,634 0 0 222 6 10 920 0 0 220 0 0 1,200 0 0 2,350 0 0! 492 2 8j 1,006' o o 3.37'io 0 17 0 0 15,000- 0 0' |ll,296 4 3 1 569 16 Oi £ s. a. 82 19 0 16 1 0 £ s. d.i 1,889 18 11 827 12 5 679 0 8 1,188 8 9 111 11 8 43 15 2 16 9 3 243 0 9 5,744 1 3 £ s. d. 4,233 8 5 2,306 7 4 2,374 6 3 4,288 1 0 144 1 8 1,441 8 7 53 16 5 15,865 3 11 19,281 13 5 82 15 0 639 16 111 Totals for 1890 .. Totals for 1889 .. 2,519 13 9 2,138 8 2 1,366 19 8 1,715 12 1 '33,400 4 31,858 15 6 31,694 8 71,707 9 1 99 0 0 57 8 2 10,743 13 10 8,931 11 5 49,988 7 0 46,244 12 6



Native Schools. Seven Native schools have been closed during the year, and only three new ones opened. The most promising of the new schools is at Otorohahga, near the southern terminus of the Auckland railway system. In December there were 58 pupils on the roll of this school, of whom 32 were Maori and 17 halfcaste ; the average attendance for the quarter being 39. At Matihetihe, in the Hokianga district, a small school, dependent on the older school at Waitapu, has been established; and at Kenana, in the Mangonui district, a school has been opened near tbe homes of some of the children that formerly attended at Peria. The Peria School has been abandoned on account of the decline of the Native population in its neighbourhood, and for a similar reason the school at Mangamaunu, near Kaikoura, has been given up. The schools at Te Oreore, in the Wairarapa, and at D'Urville Island were always small, and lately the people have not manifested sufficient interest in them to render it worth while to foster them any longer. The schools at Te Ngaere, near Whangaroa, and at Hawai, near Torere, in the Bay of Plenty, owe their failure to tribal misunderstandings and jealousies more than to any other cause. The school at Te Awahou, near Eotorua, has never been a vigorous one, and it has been deemed advisable to suspend operations there, for a time at least: if, after a while, the people of the place give evidence of an earnest desire for the education of their children, work may, perhaps, be resumed. It was announced in the report for 1889 that the pupils of Maungatapu, near Tauranga, had migrated to Ngapeke, and were being instructed there; the tide has since turned, and the old school at Maungatapu has 35 children on the roll, while Ngapeke, where the school work was carried on temporarily in a Maori building, is deserted. By the changes that have been described the number of Native schools was reduced during the year from 72 to 68: two years ago the number was 75. Reference was made in last year's report to a proposal for transferring to the Auckland Education Board the Kirikiri Native school, at the Thames. It was stated then that the Native people of the place objected to the change, and that, as the land was acquired under " The Native Schools Sites Act, 1880," it was advisable to respect their sentiments. After a time the people offered to sell the school property to the Board, though it was not theirs to sell. In the last session of Parliament an Act was passed to enable Education Boards to acquire properties held under the Native Schools Sites Act, by paying to the Natives, if they consent to the arrangement, the value of the site alone, as ascertained by a Commissioner appointed by His Excellency the Governor. A satisfactory arrangement has not, however, been yet arrived at in the case of Kirikiri, although a large abatement has been made from the price originally demanded. A vacancy having occurred in the mastership of the Native school near Waikouaiti, it was suggested to the Maori people there that, as, owing to their progress in European civilisation, there was no very good reason for making any distinction between them and the rest of the community, they should consent to the transfer of their school to the Otago Education Board; but they have hitherto declined to entertain this proposal, and a new master has lately been appointed. The old-established school at Little River, near Lake Ellesmere, has been closed ever since the death of its late teacher, early in 1890. It was thought that, as the children were living in the midst of Europeans, they would make use of the public school, which is close at hand; but they have not done so, and apparently will not do so. Urgent representations have been made to Government by Maori members to revive the school, and it will shortly be reopened. The Maori residents at Arowhenua, within a mile or so of the public school at Temuka, make persistent application for the establishment of a Native school, and assign reasons which, to them, seem adequate for not sending their children to a European school. Their request has been several times refused; but since the Temuka School Committee and the South Canterbury Education Board, to whom the question has been referred, recommend the Government to make separate provision for these Natives it seems necessary to consider the case very thoroughly before coming to a final decision.



It has not been possible to afford much encouragement lately to proposals for the establishment of new schools. The limited supplies voted last year rendered it necessary to postpone all repairs that were not very urgently demanded. The works in progress are —new school-buildings at Poroporo, near Whakatane, where work has been carried on for years under great disadvantages ; and the reinstatement of the old buildings at Te Teko (inland from Whakatane), a place that is now rapidly recovering from the devastation wrought by the Tarawera eruption in 1886. The master at Poroporo has been living at Whakatane, four miles away from his work, and the school has assembled in a Maori house : there were 34 children on the roll in December, and the average attendance was 20. The Te Teko people, who have reoccupied their old settlement, expect to have an attendance of about 30 when their school is reopened. Negotiations are in progress for the transfer to the Auckland Education Board of some schools in districts where the people have become well accustomed to European ways. It is not to be expected that the transfer of such schools to the Board will result in a diminution of the cost per head in the schools that will remain under the direction of the Education Department; on the contrary, the more unfit the schools are to be merged in the public-school system of the colony the more expensive—as a rule—must they be, and the transfer of those that differ least from the ordinary public schools will leave the more expensive ones in the hands of the 'department. A Native school in a lonely place must not be intrusted to a junior teacher or to a bachelor, and it is not a fitting sphere for a single woman. It is usually necessary to have for masters married men, and the example set by the daily life of a well-ordered family is one of the greatest benefits conferred on the people of a Native settlement by the establishment and maintenance of a Native school. There is always the danger that, removed from the influence of the society of their equals, the teachers may fail to maintain their old standard of comfort, refinement, and energy, and, as a matter of fact, some do fail; but the few instances of failure serve to emphasize the importance of selecting men of strong character to form the vanguard of civilisation. It is possible that the Department may have been too reluctant to proceed to extremities at the first indication of any objectionable weakness ; that in such cases it has sometimes been too sanguine and too patient, and that occasion has thus been given for adverse judgments fairly applicable to individual instances, but quite unfair when they are made to apply to the service as a whole. Of the service generally, and of most of the teachers by name, the Inspectors constantly speak in terms of high commendation. The number of children on the books at the end of December was 2,259 ; Maoris and children between Maori and half-caste make up 71 per cent, of this mimber, half-caste children 11 per cent., and Europeans or half-castes inclining to European 18 per cent. The proportion of children under ten years of age was 57| per-cent. The average attendance for the year was 1,877, and for the fourth quarter 1,785. The falling-off of attendance, as disclosed by a comparison of the numbers here given with those of the preceding year, has been considerable, and a decline in this respect is necessarily accompanied at first by an increase in the expenditure reckoned at so much a head. The number of pupils that passed at standard examinations was 699 : Standard 1., 281 ; 11., 236; 111., 110; IV., 72. The examinations of the year were more strict than those of former years, especially with respect to the accurate use of English. The number of teachers employed in December was 135 : 59 were masters, with salaries from £90 to £235 ; 8 were mistresses, with from £72 to £165 ; 27 were assistant mistresses, with from £15 to £55 ; and 41 were teachers of sewing, at £20 each. For the present financial year the highest salary is £205. Mr. A. J. Hamilton, one of the most efficient of the Native-school teachers, has just been appointed Principal of the College at Tonga, an institute where 200 youths are under instruction. The Government of Tonga, believing that the New Zealand method of giving instruction in Native schools through the medium of



English was producing better results than they had obtained by their old rule of using the native Polynesian tongue, applied to the Department for assistance in the selection of a suitable master, with the result that the post was offered to Mr. Hamilton, who has accepted it, and who left for Tonga a few days ago. ' The four boarding-schools for Natives—the Catholic school at Napier, and the Church of England schools at Auckland, Napier, and Te Aute—had 180 pupils in attendance at the end of the year. Of the pupils sent to boardingschools by the Government, 49 are children that have passed the highest Native-school standard, and have been admitted as Government scholars. There are 27 of these scholars at St. Stephen's, Parnell, 8 at Te Aute, Hawke's Bay, 8 at Hukerere, Napier, and 6 at St. Joseph's, Napier; and at these schools there are 131 other pupils (the numbers being 30, 57, 31, and 13 respectively), of whom 101 are not paid for by Government. The expenditure on Native schools for the year 1890 was as follows : On salaries and allowances for removal and other purposes, £11,528 15s. lOd.; books and school requisites, £372 lis. lOd. ; prizes, .£3lB 12s. Bd. ; repairs and minor works, £405 7s. 5d.; inspection, including travelling, £624 ss. sd. ; board of Maori girls in teachers' families, £42; subsidies towards purchase of musical instruments, £23 10s. ; grants to boarding-schools and travelling expenses of scholars, £1,525 16s. 10d.; buildings, fencing", and furniture, £2,595 15s. 5d.; sundries, £54 17s. 6d. The total is £17,491 12s. lid., but, as £115 7s. 4d. was contributed from income of Native reserves, the net cost was £17,376 ss. 7d. Most of the correspondence between the department and the teachers passes through the hands of the District Superintendents—Mr. Bishop, Mr. Booth, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Wilkinson —to whom the department is deeply indebted for much valuable advice, which they are especially qualified to give, and for their constant interest in the welfare of the Maori schools. Deaf-mute Institution. The number of pupils at the School for Deaf-mutes, at Sumner, at the end of 1890 was 42, the same as at the beginning of the year. The proposed removal of the school to a new site at Eiccarton stands indefinitely postponed. The expenditure for the year was £3,633 os. 3d.;. new site, £606 95.; salaries, £1,151 Bs. 9d.; board of pupils, £1,331 ss. 7d. ; rent, £345; travelling, £111 ss. 6d.; sundries, £87 lis. sd. Contributions amounting to £386 16s. Bd. were received from parents. The Blind. Nine blind pupils are maintained at the expense of the Government at a school for the blind in Melbourne, and two at a school in Sydney. A society lately formed is about to open a school for the blind in Auckland, and arrangements have been made for sending six Government pupils to this institution, of which the proposed operations are described by its Secretary in the following terms: — " The house we have taken is situated in Manukau Road, Parnell, the Parnell and Newmarket 'buses passing the door, and close to the Domain, within easy distance of the sea, about 200 yards beyond the Cathedral Church (St. Mary's), and within easy distance of other places of worship and schools. The building consists of reception room, dining- and school-room, kitchen, scullery, lavatory, bathroom, storeroom, linen room, music room, and 9 bedrooms; washhouse detached, coalhouse, &c.; to which it is intended to add a gymnasium. " The staff at first will consist of matron, servant, Mr. Tighe, and one seeing teacher. We have every facility and the necessary books, frames, &c, for teaching both Braille and Moon systems of reading and writing. Mr. Tighe is a first-class teacher of different handicrafts, and the female scholars will be taught sewing, knitting, cooking, and other useful matters by the matron. The visiting staff will report to the Committee monthly, and as we find out new wants we shall supply them, as we are determined to make the institution second to none in the colonies. We possess an excellent library in the Moon type, complete brush-making machinery, models for basketwork, &c, but at present are confining our attention principally to getting the school into proper working order ; as soon as that is all ready we shall extend our operations to teaching the men rades; indeed, a good deal has already been done in that direction, but not so thoroughly as will e the case when we get the school properly working."



Industrial Schools. There is again a decline in the number of committals to the Industrial Schools. The annual average of committals from 1880 to 1885 was 298-5, and the maximum number for one year —340 —was reached in 1885, the year in which the Hospital and Charitable Aid Act was passed. The several numbers for the several years since that date are 238, 224, 190, 169, and (for last year) 158. During the year the number of children belonging to the schools has declined from 1,525 to 1,454, and the number of children maintained by the schools (as distinguished from inmates at service, or licensed to reside with their friends, or otherwise absent from the schools) from 1,054 to 971. The children admitted—as has been said—were 158. Of this number, 76 were destitute, 6 vagrant, 26 found in disreputable places, 9 uncontrollable, 38 guilty of punishable offences, and 3 admitted by private arrangement. The number of inmates discharged was 229: 212 by warrant, 7on attaining the age of twentyone years, 2by marriage, 2by transfer to the Costley Institute, and 6by death. Of the inmates of Burnham, two boarded-out children died—one of whooping-cough and teething at the age of twelve months, and one of consumption at the age of six; and a boy of sixteen, who had absconded from service, was killed by a kick from a horse. A boy of eight, boarded out from Caversham, died of inflammation of the kidneys, preceded by "la grippe " ; and a boy of fifteen, belonging to the same school, who was in a place of service, was thrown from a horse and killed. At St. Mary's, Nelson, a boy of seven died of meningitis. With respect to the religious profession of their parents, the children admitted during the year are classified as follows : Church of England, 68; Roman Catholic, 41; Presbyterian, 31; Methodist, 9 ; Congregational, 2; Baptist, 1; " Protestant," 3 ; not ascertained, 3. The circumstances and character of the parents of the children admitted are shown in Table T, from which it appears that there are 47 cases in which no suspicion of blame rests upon the parents, and 22 other cases in which the information supplied affords no adequate means of forming an opinion in this respect; while in 17 cases the conduct of both parents may be held to account for the state in which the children are found, and there are 45 cases in which the character of the father alone, and 27 in which the character of the mother alone, is liable to censure.

TABLE T.—Admissions classified according to Parents' Circumstances and Character, 1890.

The inmates actually residing iii the schools at the end of the year numbered 544, and of these there were 260 in Government schools, 8 in the "local" school at the Thames, and 276 in "private" schools. From the Government schools 426 were boarded out, and from a "private" school one. The rest of the young people —of whom 423 belonged to Government schools, 10 to the "local" school, and 50 to "private" schools—are accounted for as follows : At service, 372 ; licensed (on probation) to friends, 82; absent without leave, 17; at Costley Institute (on probation), 2; at a blind asylum, 1; in hospital, 3; in lunatic asylums, 2; in Magdalene Asylum, 2; in prison, 2. Table U shows the changes in the number of inmates of the respective schools, distinguishing residents, boarded-out children, and absentees.

Mothers described as Children of Dead. Sick, Lunatic, Disabled, &c. I Of Good Not known „ (B , Character , or not character (or Poor). ! stated. Character. Deserters. Total. 'athers described asDead Sick, lunatic, disabled, &o. Of good character (or poor) Not known or not stated Of bad character Deserters Totals .. 0 16 15 10 47 1 'i 5 10 9 4 1 2 8 34 15 6 3 2 26 17 1 5 1 12 3 39 i 2 34 11 41 10 37 25 2 158



TABLE U.—Inmates, 1889 and 1890.

The decline in the number of children has been attended by a diminution in the cost of the Government schools to the extent of about .€2,000; and the amount recovered (from Charitable Aid Boards and parents) has exceeded by about €900 the corresponding amount for the preceding year. The services of the Visiting Officer have been dispensed with; and arrangements have just been made with the Police Department for a regular collection, week by week, of sums payable by parents for the maintenance of their children. Table W shows the cost of the Government schools for 1890.

TABLE W. —Cost of Government Schools, 1890.

TABLE X.—Government Expenditure on Private Schools, 1890.

The Trustees of the Costley Institute, which has the guardianship of a considerable number of young persons that were formerly inmates of the Auckland Industrial School, have sent in their annual report and accounts, and these have been printed, and will be laid before Parliament (E.-3a), University of New Zealand and Affiliated Colleges. The report presented to His Excellency by the Chancellor of the New Zealand University is printed as a parliamentary paper (E.-5). The degrees conferred consequent upon the examinations of 1890 are as follows: M.A., 15; 8.A., 36; B.Sc, 1; M.8., 3; LL.B., 7: total, 62. The graduates admitted upon examination now number 279 : M.A., 95 ; M.A. and LL.D., 1 ; M.A. and

Boardi :d ou: Besidence. Besidence. Ai t Service, &c. Toti lis. oB © © P £ d p o o R o CO tH © © P © © p d s s s © ? 'goo 6 3 © © © a p p o d <g 3 SB* & o o iS n pi CO CO © p © d CO o a I I o 0 © Q) R R rovernment Schools— Auckland, Kohimarama.. „ Parnell Burnham Caversham .ocal School— Thames 'rivate Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson 48 20 202 183 3 3 12 9 45 17 190 174 53 9 96 122 11 .. 10 4 .. 14 .. .. ! 28 .. ! 3 43 13 110 94 8 37 28 186 171 6 15 4 3 34 6 22 5 ! 181 .. j 186 10 6 .. j 1 j 14 483 138 57 484 476 17 1 16 122 5 | 52 3 | 481 22 ! 454 18 i 1 1 44 24 241 ~2 ! '.'. ..35 . 44 26 i 206 0 1 36 1 •• 7 50 26 277 '2 i ! .. 50 ; .. 28 i 28 ! 249 j 74 j 1,454 j •• I I I I 1 I Totals 454 27 427 600 20 j 70 j 544 471 26 1,525 ! 8| I

School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out.: Recoveries. Net Cost. i Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. I ! Recoveries. Net Cost. _^ I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. 502 11 9 359 19 0 215 1 5 647 9 10 Kohimarama .. .. .. J ,467 0 1 806 3 6 50117 1 1,771 6 6 Burnham .. .. .. 2.930 14 4 3,458 12 2 3,654 111 2,735 4 7 Caversham .. .. .. 2,654 1 3 8,169 19 1 j 4,368 5 9 1,455 14 7 : : Totals .. .. 7,554 7 5 7,854 14 3 8,799 6 2 6,609 15 6 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 13 7 £ s. d. 647 9 10 1,771 0 6 2,735 4 7 1,455 14 7 7,854 14 3 6,609 15 0 209 13 7 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,819 9 1 6,819 9 1 The Government expenditure on "private" schools—shown in Table X— sxceeds by ,£37 the corresponding expenditure for 1889. The " local" school at the Thames is maintained by the local authorities.

School. Payments. Becoveries. Net Expenditure by Government. St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson £ s. a. 542 11 0 124 8 0 1,574 18 1 £ s. d. 35 7 0 7 10 4 220 18 2 £ s. d. 507 4 0 110 11 8 1,353 19 11 2,241 17 1 2,241 17 1 264 1 6 1,977 15 7



LL.B., 7 ; M.A. and B.Bc, 7; 8.A., 143; B.A. and LL.D., 1; B.A. and LL.B., 8; B.A. and M.8., 1; LL.B., 4; M.D., 2; M.B. and Ch.B., 10. There are 1,161 undergraduates on the books of the University, of whom about 650 are continuing their studies. Ther registrars of the affiliated colleges report that the attendance of students in 1890 was as follows: Auckland University College, 147 (97 not matriculated); Canterbury College, 267 (116 not matriculated) ; Otago University, 182 (38 not matriculated). The reports of these institutions are in separate papers (E.-8, E.-7, E.-6). Secondary Schools. The principal statistics of the secondary schools are shown in Table Y. The attendance and the salaries for 1890 are lower than those for 1889.

TABLE Y. —Staff, Attendance, Fees, and Salaries at Secondary Schools.

iii—E. 1.

Staff. itendi for Last Ter] Juarter of 1890. or © U US o Annual Bai ;es of Fees. Salaries at Ei End of Ltes paid at ¥ear. Schools. 03 3 si I z o © 3 U in o +-■» o SS h "3 "3-*** 5 U 1(8 in 5^h fcHtH © *| Ph"t3 © a l> © o © rQ a 'A For Ordinary Day-school Course. For Board, exclusive of Day-school Tuition. Regular Staff. Visiting Teachers.a £ s. d. ( 10 10 0 t 8 8 0 £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. Auckland College and ) Grammar School j "12 2 2' 138 92 9 (6.149 \g. 92 (6. 29 \g. 22 lb. 21 IS- 26 j 230 I 49 I 42 I J "2,821 0 0 210 0 0 Thames High School .. 3 25 24 2 8 8 0 700 0 0 New Plymouth High ) School [ Wanganui Endowed | School j 3 2 27 56 18 71 2 92 0 6 0 (12 0 0 (900 ( 13 4 0 \ 10 12 0 J 13 4 0 t 10 12 0 j 9 9 0 (880 t 42 0 0 I 42 0 0 I .. J I 40 0 0 710 0 0 a 1,250 0 0 24 0 0 133 128 Wellington College 58 30 90 88 14 1,605 0 0 25 0 0 Wellington Girls' High \ School j Napier Boys' High School 3 52 73 12 140 126 1,055 0 0 6 36 10 53 50 11 • 810 0 0 Napier Girls' High School Nelson College Nelson Girls' College .. Christ's College Gram- 1 mar School J 11 26 41 40 86 19 30 31 79 19 2 2 47 73 73 184 40 *09 f09 176 8 24 11 63 ( 9 9 0 "(880 12 12 0 | 8 8 0 ( 12 12 0 \ 8 8 0 18 0 0 ■ 15 0 0 ( 12 0 0 19 9 0 1 0 6 0 f12 12 0 \ 9 9 ' 0 ( 10 10 0 (880 I 40 0 0 j, 40 0 0 I 40 0 0 I 52 10 0 J 1 J " I J | 660 0 0 sl,120 0 0 h515 0 0 i 3,175 0 0 210 0 0 Christchurch Boys' High 1 School j Christchurch Girls'High | School j 8 91 43 3 143 136 i 2,465 0 0 200 0 0 *7 76 53 136 117 k 1,272 0 0 297 0 0 Rangiora High School .. 3 1 23 13| (6. 25 iff- 13 (. 400 0 0 Akaroa High School Ashburton High School.. 21 6 1 (6. 10 (9- 2 lb. 12 [g- 1? | b. 49 \g. 29 !» I 27 I 74 10 10 0 (990 1 7 7 0 ( 10 0 0 "(800 40 0 0 ) J I 39 0 0 200 0 0 485 0 0 Timaru High School 45 2! !9 4 8 1,373 0 0 65 0 0 2l Waitaki High Schools— Boys' Girls' 3 3 1 20 12 16 24 37 37 36 33 13 10 10 0 8 8 0 42 0 0 930 0 0 400 0 0 ' 1 Otago Boys' High School 10 1 69 152 23 245 240 24 10 0 0 44 0 0 m 3,425 0 0 P50 0 0 Otago Girls' High School n9 61 88 16 105 159 21 10 0 0 40 0 0 ° 2,055 0 0 »50 0 0 Southland High School.. 5 32 32 1 \b. 40 \g- 25 1f 10 0 0 (800 ) I '• 1,250 0 0 Totals 123 27 1043 937 110 ] o. 1293 \g. 824 | 1997 1131 0 0 22 294 28,676 0 0 a Visiting teachers paid b; md janitor, £125 and house, & i Principal has no salary. Pc tiave houses. 'Estima: matron, £100, with board and have residences in addition t Inclusive of lady prineipa n Inclusive of estimated valt School also, to which salaries ind residence. ° lucl in and paid by the Boys' Sehc y fee fee. )ur ] ted. res: to d's le o: are usiv >ol. !S mat ddei sal; cap f re pai o >r capitation c ExcIue asters recei 1 g Three ince. Thre lary. pitation; e: ector's capi ,rtly charge^ of estimate p This i! n are sive o ,ve be e mat le mil 5 Exc ixclus itatio )d. ed va! .s a si i not t Df drii 3ard, ,sters Lstrese elusiv sive c >n. B r ;aken ac 11-instru and tw< have b< ses have fq of ca )f caret lector a ■i Exclus )f headi y paid t> ;count ( ictor, ai o board oard ai 9 board ire take] taker, ■ ilso has 3ive of master' ■o the E of in nd in< 1 and nd re I and r, ±'90 £75. i resie matr 's car. I ducal these column elusive of estii lodging, in a jsidence in ac residence in ), and messenj Two are pa: dence. Some ■on of boardin oitation. Sor tion Board for ns. b (mated value addition to .ddition to addition to iger, £30. '. rrt-time tes e of the ma rig-school ar me of the i: r the part se Exclusive of dri o of headmaster' salary. e 1 salary. ' h K salary. ip Two are part-tin Etchers. 1 "\ .sters are employ ad assistant, i'145 nasters are part! •rvice of drawing il 1 -instructor !s capitation. "wo masters Exclusive of four masters no teachers. With Louse. ?ed. in Girls' >, with board »ly employed j-master. r due O ubsid;



The chief sources of income are : School fees, .£18,386 ; and current revenue from endowments, £24,894. The payments made by way of salary amount to £30,171. The reports and aecounts of the schools are printed in a separate paper (E.-9). Post Office Savings Banks. The Secretary to the Post Office has kindly furnished the following return of accounts opened by means of stamp-cards. The plan of depositing postagestamps was designed to encourage thrift among school children :—

Colonial Univebsity Keseeves. The Secretary to the Treasury supplies the following statement of the accumulated income derived from reserves made under the authority of "The University Endowment Act, 1868 : " In Canterbury, £971 Is. 4d.; in Westland, £150 12s. 6d. ; in Taranaki, £98 2s. 6d. This money is reserved to be applied. "in such manner as the General Assembly shall from time to time determine," to the purposes of higher education in the several districts in which the lands are situated..

Cieculae. Silt, — Education Department, Wellington, 24th June, 1890. I have the honour, by direction of the Minister of Education, to inform you that it has been represented to him that the parents of the children that attend the public schools are. commonly required to purchase a large number of school-books, and that the payment thus required of them in many cases amounts to the equivalent of a substantial fee, so that the promise of free education is practically unfulfilled. After making inquiry the Minister considers that there is ground for the complaint, and he believes that excessive requirements have arisen partly from the wide option afforded in the list of books set forth in the regulation made by Order in Council, and partly from the frequency of changes made or allowed by the Boards with respect to the selecting of books from that list. He is also of opinion that such books as are required to be used only in class, and need not be taken home, might reasonably be provided as part of the apparatus of the school. Books used in this way would last for years in a school under good discipline. The Minister would be glad to assist in bringing about a state of things in which a child removed from one school to another would not require a new set of books, and in which a book after an elder child had done with it could be passed on to a younger member of the same family. He therefore has it in contemplation to propose a revision of the regulation, in order that the number of authorised books may be considerably diminished. But before taking any decisive action in this direction he is desirous of ascertaining the views of the several Education Boards on the whole question to which this letter relates. I am therefore to ask you to be so good as to favour him at some early date with an expression of your opinion on the subject. The Chairman, I have, &c, Education Board, Wm. Jas. Habeks.

Postal District. Number of Accounts opened during Year. Number of Accounts open at End of Year. Amount at Credit at End of Year. Auckland Blenheim 3hristchurch Dunedin jtisbome jreymouth Hokitika [nvercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth 3amaru .. rhames .. rimaru .. Wanganui Wellington Westport 35 3 10 14 13 2 5 116 ' 102 581 374 10 9 2 26 73 350 96 78 128 130 42 197 14 £ s. d. 95 15 5 89 0 3 725 15 8 107 13 1 1 10 6 8 18 5 0 9 0 24 18 5 46 7 10 739 17 8 24 8 0 197 18 1 104 11 9 162 0 3 62 17 10 72 8 4 9 0 4 2 9 15 3 5 2 Totals for 1890 Totals for 1889 124 92 2,328 2,490 2,473 10 10 2,347 10 10


APPENDIX. Table No. 1. Age and Sex of the Pupils on the School Rolls in the several Education Districts at the End of 1890.

I—E. 1,


5 and under 6 Years. 7 and under 8. i 8 and under 9. 9 and under 10.lOand under 11. 13 and under 14. 14 and under 15. Over 15 Years. Totals of all Ages. 6 and under 7. 11 and under 12. 12 and under 13.1 .. Auckland .. Boys. , I 890| Girls. 771 Boys. I 1,197 Girls. 1,090 Boys. 1,384 Girls. Boys. 1,212 1,356 147 150 411 512 Girls. 1,237 Beys I Girls. Boys. 1,384 1,266 1,386 Girls. Boys. Girls. 1,292 1,259 1,249 144 182! 147 462 446 432 648 588 52S 349 346 297 118 128* 103 374 344 285 100 105 85 79 96 101 1,240 1,223 1,-136 314 320 242 1,318: 1,279! 1,290 480! 460 441 l i 6,924 6,776; 6,336 Boys. I 1,207 Girls. 1,144 Boys. I I I I 847 Girls. 808 Boys I 444 Girls. I 513 Boys. Girls. : i 203 240 Boys. i I 11,557 Girls. 10,822 Totals. 22,379 Taranaki 85 64 130 126 ! 165 138 190 161 165 4S4 463; 525 148 127 89 99 57 05 19 31 1,380 1,249 2,629 Wanganui 259 239 427 399 501 470 397 374 287 250! 131 153 50; 06 4,019 3,719 7,738 I Wellington .. .. j 409; 394 014 577 7071 662; 619 612 i 667 668[ 696 528 H 359 327 209' 205 61 74j 5,457 5,196 10,653 Hawke's Bay 235! 220 343J 315 424 360] 388 374 418 40SJ 353 276 *J 183 166 108 95 52 4S 3,120 2,886 6,012 Marlborough 66 58 128 95 104 90 108 112 122 111 115 1 105 97 S3 79 44 3ll j 32J 18 ! I 1,035 912 1,947 Nelson 222 212 307 285 326 1 360 355| I 309 343 333| 372 82 106- 98 90 02; 98 1,330 1,254 1,352 285 320; 342 1,343 1,280; 1,393 548 43sj 532 7,286 6,897 7,427 292 312 216! 221 154| 135 SO! 48 i 2,961 2,874 5,835 Grey 81 72 I 91 85 103 103! 95 109 79 1 100 H 69 46 49 21! 32 860 910 1,770 Westland 58 62 I 71 79 75 81 95J 86 82 63 92 103! 51 43j 38 30 182 193 33 35 232 230 110 126 1,069 1,171 840 819 1,665 North Canterbury 830 806 1 1,218 1,123 1,311 1,191 1,233 1,216 1,063 1,030 774 703 425 401 10,941 10,299 21,240 South Canterbury 214 192 I 298 246 307 278! 293 .1 300 221 198 147 163 SO 102 2,540 2,390 4,930 Otago 779 819 1 1,269 1,202 1,410; 1,283 1,410! I j 1,250 '! 1,1961 i 1.121 965 773; I 513 428 11,789 10,993 22,782 Southland 280j 255 458 428 488 ! 449 511 501 416 3S5| 312 321 219 17l! 4,340 3,992 8,332 Totals for 1890 .. 4,408 4,164 : 6,551 6,050 7,305 6,6261 7,125 j I 0,714 .1 6,010 5,706 4,413| 4,082 2,481 i 2,391 J60,851 57,061 1 117,912 I I



Table No. 2. Standard Classes of all Pupils on School Roll at the End of 1890.

Pupils preparing for Standard Pupils in Preparatory Classes. >ils that have passed Standard VI. I. III. VI. Education Districts. II. IV. v. tfl Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. I Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. 1,433 2,896 170 317 514 | 1,015 695 1,464 Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. I Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. H ' i" I f I Auckland 3,387 2,832 6,219 1,753 1,615 3,368 1,675 1,653 3,328 ! 1,708 1,616 3,324 1,463 1,017 1,077 2,094 475 500 975 79 96 175 Taranaki 465 381 846 193 184 377 215 195 410 258 203 461 147 79 j 80 159 22 ! 31 53 1 5 6 j Wanganui ... 1,336 1,105 2,441 614 555 1,169 j 555 562 1.117 | 639 | 569 1,208 501 239 268 507 I 102 110 212 1 33 1 30 69 Wellington ... 1,368 1,270 2,638 630 657 1,287 818 771 1,589 | 830 | 850 1,680 769 ■498 198 994 369 ! ! 288 657 175 j I 169 344 Hawke's'Bay 804 701 1,505 505 513 | ! 1,078 496 490 936 423 410 833 388 359 747 106 - 231 402 j 780 J26 ! 220 261 | | 221 485 ,150 | 144 j j 294 39 j 45 84 Marlborough 365 294 659 131 121 252 129 113 242 j j 138 I 142 280 125 73 77 150 51 j 44 95 23 15 38 Nelson 756 716 1,472 410 368 778 434 390 824 372 j 361 733 378 310 312 622 208 205 413 93 120 213 Grey 289 263 552 110 j 116 j I 226 i 103 109 217 124 14,0 270 94 75 81 156 30 | 41 71 30 28 58 Westland ... 230 234 464 114 87 201 114 ! 115 229 128 ! 116 241 85 95 : ISO 77! 94 j 171 55 48 103 43 SO 73 Korth Canterbury 2,927 2,688 5,615 1,616 1,442 3,058 ! 1,654 1,596 3,250 1,764 j 1,685 3,419 1,383 1,408 I 2,791 958 i 888 1,846 489 424 913 150 168 318 South Canterbury 757 079 1,436 311 350 691 366 359 725 395 342 737 328 I 198 201 402 101 ! ! U6 i j 217 1 51 52 106 288 j 616 Otago 3,157 2,898 6,055 1,515 1,432 2,977 ! 1,617 1,471 3,088 1,624 ; 1,594 i i ! 3,218 1,497 1,457 ! 2,954 : 1,197 366 \ 1,095 2,292 723 625 1,318 429 421 850 Southland ... Totals for 1890 1,335 17,176 1,162 2,497 579 546 ! 1,125 643 ! ' j 551 8,375 1,194 677 ,| 9,030 j 616 i 1,293 522 7,680 543 | 1,065 7,596 15,276 [5,348 380 746 170 | 145 2,721 315 1 j 5,666 48 1,197 49 97 ; 15,223 32,399 8,6 a 7,986 16,587 8,824 17,199 j 8,650 17,730 | 1 5,276 10,624 2,945 1,234 2,431 Totals for 1889 17,093 14,948 275 32,011 8,724 8,234 16,958 8,724 8,286 17,010 9,057 8,743 17,800 J : 7,141 7,199 ; 14,313 4,995 353 4,796 9,791 2,682 2,540 181 5,222 j 1,144 53 1,147 2,291 Difference 83 358 -123 ! -248 -371 100 89 189 j ; 23 -93 -70 I 53S 397 933 - : 480 833 263 444 87 140


Summary OF Boards' Expenditure for Thirteen Years.

Table No. 3. Summary of Boards' Income for Thirteen Years.


Parliamentary Grants. Education Reserves. Local Receipts. | i Deposits, Refunds, &c. Public Libraries. Secondary Schools. . Totals. Year. 1st January. Maintenance. Buildings. ! School Fees, &c. ' For Buildings. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 .. I £ s. a. 32,490 7 6 23,323 0 9 58,173 3 11 42,437 1 6 32,419 10 9 37,400 15 9 11,532 15 4 13,007 11 8 19,553 12 3 21,589 9 1 21,157 5 10 25,113 3 0 47,715 1 2 £ s. d. 157,392 15 10 216,666 4 0 217,876 2 0 241,555 14 0 233,587 0 9 250,853 10 9 266,967 12 11 287,503 17 5 306,572 2 3 318,018 5 5 332,605 3 8 318,273 0 3 320,341 3 8 £ s. d. 46,812 7 6 101,257 2 11 150,581 4 7 104,436 16 8 04,318 0 0 45,265 10 9 83,322 10 9 50,475 0 0 59,008 15 0 00,170 14 6 55,451 2 9 46,783 10 0 11,578 18 3 I £ s. d. 16.604 4 3 8,862 3 9 21,330 7 1 19,749 0 4 23,533 0 7 21,258 13 4 i 24,714 18 9 j 29,511 1 4 29,761 11 2 29.605 1 9 27,372 9 3 31,882 3 1 i 31,646 0 8 S L £ s. d. j f41,955 11 4 I 3,005 0 0 I 1,799 5 9 I 924 8 6! 1,415 8 5 2,354 13 6 1,221 13 6 1,207 11 3 1,188 2 10 1,801 2 7 1,434 1 2 1,805 0 3 1,978 10 10 j £ s. d. : 1,190 7 1 1,284 14 3 1,231 7 9 1,965 12 3 599 1 2 ! 1,411 10 0 2,155 1 2 j 652 11 3 855 14 3 i 637 11 4 230 S 11 220 1 2 233 13 5 £ s. d. 3,048 17 2 1,739 5 0 380 0 0 439 ,3 5 858 4 0 810 15 S 674 2 2 648 8 5 529 9 2 378 17 2 258 18 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,798 10 11 .. *9,025 7 5 308,269 1110 6,861 14 .. .. 360,759 7 6 2,708 13 10 16,179 2 1 .. 462,928 4 2 2,S93 9 5 4,945 8 0 .. 420,646 15 8 2,269 8 11 453 10 9 .. 358,975 7 4 5,425 11 9 258 13 5 .. 304,668 2 8 2,886 13 5 230 10 9 .. 393,890 0 7 1,388 2 10 .. .. 384,556 11 5 1.033 3 1 .. .. 419,247 3 0 761 18 3 .. .. 433,232 6 4 252 13 4 .. .. 439,038 14 1 802 1 0 .. .. 425,203 2 5 010 8 5 .. .. 420,302 15 3 * The Auckland College and Grammar School and the Otago High School were under the charge of the Education Boards during the year 1877. i- Including sums raised by School Committees and expended O! education without going through the Boards' books, as follows: New Plymouth, £750 Is.; Hawke's Bay, .£814 4s. 5d.; Otago, £20,828 3s. 2d. t Including balances excluded from summaries of former years.

Year. Management by Boards. Inspection and Examination. Maintenance of Schools.* I : School Buildings. Interest. I Refunds and Advances. Public Libraries. Secondary Schools. Balances,! 31st December. Totals. 18T7 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 £ e. a. 10,484 14 10 10,225 12 2 11,109 8 10 10,033 6 8 8,109 6 9 8,458 16 10 9,662 12 9 9,447 14 3 10,551 0 7 10,695 0 8 9,893 7 10 9,566 11 10 9,683 19 8 £ s. a. 5,606 19 7 6,142 14 5 7,735 4 0 8,273 13 9 8,387 15 4 9,115 16 7 9,866 11 8 10,441 4 0 10,039 14 4 10,241 1 10 10,731 8 9 10,147 10 5 10,197 14 1 £ s. a. 173,726 9 7 192,736 19 7 221,053 4 0 247,121 3 5 243,257 3 6 258,683 3 0 272,269 17 2 293,552 10 2 310,761 0 7 325,472 2 1 340,349 17 1 327,085 3 8 328,099 16 6 £ s. a. ! 80,351 16 9 | 89,255 3 7 ! 172,867 14 3 j 117,410 1 10 58,254 12 6 71,852 4 9 86,748 13 0 49,679 1 4 ! 64,821 15 4 | 65,007 14 4 j 52,621 9 11 I 30,354 13 9 | 41,123 11 11 i £ s. a. 256 12 6 252 4 11 225 18 4 4 16 10 150 14 3 148 4 4 214 12 1 195 12 11 225 9 4 125 2 0 57 4 10 61 7 0 25 7 9 £ s. a. 3,353 15 10 3,973 8 11 1,425 12 8 720 1 0 1,861 1 7 4,853 0 5 2,077 9 9 | 1,686 16 6 i 1,258 13 9 533 19 7 267 2 8 332 14 7 106 15 10 £ s. d. 6,074 0 7 4,658 1 5 1,553 17 8 24 1 5 42 12 6 £ s. a. 11,166 2 0 | £ s. a. 23,323 0 9 58,173 3 11 42,437 1 G 32,419 10 9 37,400 15 9 11,532 15 4 13,007 11 8 19,553 12 3 21,589 9 1 21,157 5 10 25,118 3 0 47,715 1 2 31,125 9 G £ s. d. 308,269 11 10 360,759 7 G 402,928 4 2 420,646 15 8 358,975 7 4 364,668 2 8 393,890 0 7 384,550 11 5 419,247 3 0 433,232 6 4 439,038 14 1 425,203 2 5 420,362 15 3 Maintenance includes teachers' salaries and allowances, grants to Committees and schools, scholarships, and training. + Deducting overdrafts.

B— 1.


Table No. 4. Income of the several Education Boards for the Year 1890. (Compiled from the Statements of Accounts attached to the Boards' Reports.)

From Government, X Balances, For ,<, For ' Building9 Total B ', and Governs Fees i for 3)or ntc Froit , f . Eefunds, O^erdi 31s Irafts, i Education U stricts. 1st January, 1800. BIaintenan( iDspeetiai Trainine. a Tram trict Sut chools, tioi icri P- i Sal, QtS, jf Old Total i iings, j Local So E ducat Jin 1 Keserv rces.l n Interest. Deposits, ». Uicldand ?arana"ki £ s. a. 9,560 2 8 t xraimng, a I Scholarship 1 j . .. il 66,836 4 p S Playgrounds. d. £ s. d. £ ! 4 4,568 11 0 71,404 1 738 9 3 7,804 11 1,718 18 9 22,959 i 0 2,406 10 9 34,085 Tram s. d. £ 15 4 ilng, In e. on I p. d. £ ;quest. I s. a. £ is el 5 j c. s. a.j £ 0 6 400 ] i d.i £ > 0 1,559 I a. £ 3. i 1 C I £ s. a 8 9 C £ 1 3. a. £ s. d. 82,939 6 0 350 5 9 'I 7,066 5 14 4 1 .. j 543 1 i 2! 0 14 0 1 8,698 16 3 3,052 9 6 21,240 2 1 8 225 10 1111,259 . 2 796 1 . 6 ... I 104 4 0 I 28,171 10 10 Wellington 1,259 10 9 14 9 .. | 10 13 0 10 1 ; 0 780 i 1 I 36,130 1 10 H lawke's Bay 15,983 15 7 2,132 16 0! 18,116 8 1,018 0 0 7,473 4 974 14 9 17,792 2 592 1 0 6,017 4 0 1 17 6 i 237 Cr 2,574 1 ; 0 7 16 8 \ 20,939 5 9 I larlborough 6,455 16 16 8 100 0 0 I 100 1 0 28 8 11 239 4 5 7,841 10 0 felson 3,670 7 ll 16,317 19 14 1 " 15 0! 5 1 0 £65 0 55 10 1 512 15 10 22,902 2 0 irrcy 5,425 9 i 0 0 125 ' 0 154 0 87 6 0 807 11 4 7.141 12 6 Vestland 251 18 4: 6 531 6 0 6,068 11 3,765 6 9 57,032 3 6 ■■ i 10 0 0 1 I 1 0 9 0 4 0 0 6.333 11 10 rorth Canterbury 6,898 14 6 53,267 2 9 8 I 17 15 0 1 4 0 27 .1 0112,235 0 50 0 17 17 0 ,369 10 fifil in 0 1,164 7 4,271 1 4 2,353 3 0( 13,448 10 0 69,718 2 el 24,736 6 7 25L5 0 134 10 0 281 6 5 .. 64 i 1 9. 1 !i Ri 9S I 6 318 111 8,321 1 9 50 2 J 7 52 10 . -T 9 9 356,659 7 19! 335,118 5 5 1,170 18 3 807 12 7! 233 13 5 2,212 4 3 31,646 | I i 8 8 01 21,540 17 7; -492 12 10 43 5 2 1.240 8 6 791 0 10 2.126 >j u vi ijLju^o ±t i\ -^oa xa ±u o 41 Xji^u o o; yai V iU| 2,i-^o



Table No. 5. Expenditure of the several Education Boards for the Year 1890.

I Maintenance of Schools. School Buildings. i uooi rmnuings. Inspection Office Expenses — Staff, Members' Travelling, Printing, &c. .expenses, — and Examination of Pupilteachers. Teachers' Salaries and Allowances, and Training. Refunds, and Sundries. Balances, 31st December, 1890. Totals. Education Districts. Overdrafts, 1st January, 1880. Grants to Committees and to Schools. Scholarship's. Total for Maintenance. Buildings, Purniture, Sites, and Fencing. Plans, Conveyances, &c. Total for Buildings. Interest. £ s. d. & s. d. £ a. a. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. A. £ s. d. Auckland 1,400 6 1 1,788 14 & 56,443 13 5 5,217 15 10 1,360 17 4 63,022 6 7 8,476 18 11 594 1 5 ■ 9,071 0 4 7,656 18 6 82,939 6 0 Taranati 255 9 0 350 0 0 5,832 2 10 730 5 6 133 4 8 6.695 13 0 1,040 1 7 37 18 4 1,077 19 11 30 0 01 289 14 4 8,698 16 3 Wanganui 092 5 8 752 5 7, 17,701 14 6 1,014 11 0 336 7 8 19,052 13 2 3,813 10 1 171 0 11 3,984 11 0 854 4 6 2,835 10 11 28,171 10 10 Wellington 856 19 2 878 4 0 25,755 15 13 2,580 10 1 626 1 5 28,962 13 5 415 16 3 17,651 11 4 ! 4,062 5 11 191 6 2 j 4,253 12 1 ... 1,184 13 2| 1 36,136 1 10 Hawke's Bay ... 307 9 8 488 13 S 700 14 1 15,395 1 0 1,840 14 1 419 18 0 7 2 0J 427 0 0 7 11 6 ... 1,353 5 6; 20,936 5 9 Marlborough 736 0 7 289 19 2 211 10 8 4,600 4 11 005 14 8 8 8 OJ 5,214 7 7 1,224 0 0 65 12 0! 1,289 12 0 100 0 0 7,841 10 0 ISTelson 550 '9 1 562 10 0 14,734 17 4 1,694 4 0 358 19 6 16,788 0 10 1,590 2 3. 1 1,590 2 3 585 16 11 2,825 2 11 22,902 2 0 Grey 633 18 1 580 16 1 274 12 0 1 4,650 10 5 356 0 5 71 10 0 5,078 0 10 522 7 8 22 5 6 544 13 2 29 12 4 ... 7,141 12 6 Westland 311 11 S 295 19 6 4,700 17 10 299 6 5 110 10 0 5,110 14 3 474 19 7 6 5 Oj 481 4, 7 17 2 6 116 19 3 6,333 11 10 North Canterbury 1,408 10 9 1,320 10 10 53,532 IS 4 6,615 13 1 1,047 2 10 61,195 14 3 4,749 3 10 381 19 0 5,131 2 10 ! 7,206 6 6! 76,262 5 2 South Canterbury 467 7 4 570 10 6 12,171 5 9 1,158 2 11 281 8 9! 13,610 17 5 2,405 0 10 107 11 0 2,512 11 10 0 0 9 1,444 7 2 18,605 15 0 Otago 1,520 13 7 2,260 5 9 65,419 1.6 9 4,465 2 7 1,299 3 9 71,184 3 1 6,250 11 4; 613 8 5 0,863 19 SI i 1 i ■ I 952 2 0; 82,781 4 2 Southland 873 17 8 759 2 7 21,155 13 0 1,469 6 9 478 11 oj 23,103 10 9 I 1,846 11 9 151 5 9 1,997 17 6 ■ 2,871 17*11 29,606 6 5 ' Totals for 1890 I 1,677 8 4J 9,696 19 0 10,725 0 0 302,094 12 0 28,047 13 4 6,52S 1 2 336,670 6 6 36,875 11 9 2,349 15 6 39,225 7 3 2,274 5 438,321 15 5 75 10 2 903 11 10 : 37 3 10J 1 1,587 4 8 28,736 18 2 428,356 7 9 Totals for 1889 487 3 7 9,683 19 & 10,197 14 1 293,908 4 6 27,535 13 5 6,655 18 7:328,099 16 6 36,047 10 1 25 7 9 7 106 15 10 32,802 17 10 419,725 10 8 Difference 1,190 4 9 12 19 4 527 5 11 11 16 1 1,480 8 10 -4,065 19 8 8,630 17 1 8,186 7 6 511 19 11 -127 17 5 8,570 10 0 828 1 8



Table No. 6. Return of Salaries of Officers of Education Boards not included in Table No. 8, as at 31st December, 1890.

Officers. Salaries. Remarks. AUCKLAND : — Secretary and Treasurer ... ... Clerk and Accountant Clerk £ s. d. 400 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 52 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 ,, ... Office Assistant Inspector of Schools > And actual travelling expenses. 2.2- per cent, commission on plans, 2\ per cent, on supervision, and actual travelling expenses. ,, ... ... ... Architect ... TAEANAKI : — Secretary and Treasurer 150 0 0 Also Secretary to High School Board andto Board of School Commissioners. Including £50 travelling allowance. Inspector of Schools 350 0 0 Wanganui : — Secretary ... Clerk Inspector of Schools Inspector's Clerk Architect ... 300 0 0 90 0 0 400 0 0 90 0 0 Also Secretary (o High School Board. Also £150 travelling allowance. And actual travelling expenses. Paid upon a sliding scale, which amounts to nearly 5 per cent, on an average, besides actual travelling expenses. Wellington : — Secretary ... Clerk Inspector of Schools 375 0 0 125 0 0 475 0 0 350 0 0 24 0 0 450 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 O 0 52 0 0 150 0 0 J Also £1 Is. a day when travelling. ,, ... ... ... Messenger Art Director Art Assistant 1 I ,, ... - ... j> And class fees. ,, ,, ... ... Cleaner ... Drill Instructor Architect ... Hawke's Bay : — Secretary and Inspector Treasurer and Clerk Cadet and Messenger Mablborough : — Secretary and Inspector j 5 per cent, on contracts and actual travelling expenses. 500 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 Also £150 travelling allowance. 375 0 0 Including travelling. Also Secretary to Board of School Commissioners. Messenger Architect ... Nelson : — Secretary ... Inspector of Schools Messenger Gbet : — Secretary and Inspector 12 10 0 5 per cent, for plans and supervision. 275 0 0 625 0 0 12 0 0 With privilege of following his profession of architect. Including travelling expenses. Cadet Westland :— Secretary and Inspector ... ... Clerk North Canterbury i— Secretary, Treasurer, and head of Normal School First Clerk Second Clerk Messenger Inspector of Schools 400 0 0 60 0 0 Including travelling expenses. Also Secretary to School Commissioners and to High Suhool Board. 300 0 0 62 10 0 550 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 90 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 j And £100 each for travelling expenses. Normal School Tutor Clerk of Works Assistant Clerk of Works South Canterbury:— Secretary ... Inspector of Schools Architect ... Otago :— Secretary and Treasurer Clerk 275 0 0 500 0 0 Also actual travelling expenses. Also Secretary to High School Board. Including travelling expenses. 2i per cent, and travelling expenses. ,, ... Inspector of Schools 500 0 0 210 0 0 150 0 0 40 0 0 550 0 0 500 -0 0 500 0 0 324 0 0 200 0 0 ~\ Also travelling expenses 25s. a day, and forage allow- > ance of 25s. a week when employed in and around J Dunedin. | Also actual travelling expenses. ,, Architect ... Clerk of Works



Table No. 6 — continued. Return of Salaries of Officers, &c.— continued.

Table No. 7. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries in respect of all Services under the Control or Supervision of the Minister of Education during the Year ending 31st March, 1891.

Officers. Salaries. Remarks. )tago— continued. Training College—Eector „ Matron ... „ Tutor Gymnastic Teacher... Teaclier of Singing ... School of Art —Master „ Assistant ,, Pupil-teacher £ s. d. 500 0 0 110 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 385 0 0 120 0 0 35 0 0 lOUTHLAND : — Secretary ... Treasurer... Inspector of Schools 300 0 0 150 0 0 350 0 0 250 0 0 Inspector of Works j And travelling expenses. Paid according to amount of work done.

Head Office (Vote No. 42). Secretary and Inspector-General Olerks and clerical assistance "Travelling expenses Contingencies £ s. d. 600 0 0 1,275 5 0 70 6 8 9 4 4 £ s. d. Public Schools (Votes Nos. 43 and 60.) Srants to Education Boards — Capitation allowance .. .. .. .. •■ £354,854 8 7 Less revenue from reserves.. .. .. .. 33,400 4 3 1,960 16 0 Capitation allowance, at Is. 6d., for scholarships.. Subsidies for inspection Grants for school buildings (Vote No. 60) Grants for rebuilding schools destroyed by fire .. Miscellaneous Expenditure— School at Chatham Islands (Votes Nos. 43 and 60) Teachers' and Civil Service examinations Standard drawing-books Grant to Educational Institute for travelling expenses Grant to Taranaki Education Board to cover expenditure disallowed by Auditor Expenses of inquiries 321,454 4 4 6,390 2 4 4,000 0 0 34,093 0 0 212 18 4 388 11 5 632 13 1 75 4 0 60 0 0 366,683 18 9 13 13 11 21 19 10 Less fees received for Teachers' and Civil Service examinations 307,342 7 3 658 8 6 Native Schools (Votes Nos. 43, 44, and 60). salary of Inspector Salaries and allowances of teachers Higher education .. Books, school requisites, sewing material, &c. Travelling (including removals of teachers) .. Buildings (Vote No. 00) .. Rebuilding schools destroyed by fire (Vote No. 43) Repairs and planting 3eneral contingencies 450 0 0 11,217 4 10 1,603 18 6 445 19 4 314 4 8 1,426 5 0 771 15 0 305 12 6 267 6 4 16,721 4 2 Less recoveries '1'otal (£92 Is. Od. charged to Native Reserves Funds) 16,802 6 2 81 2 0 Industrial Schools (Vote No. 45). iuekland — Parnell — Salaries £130 0 0 General maintenance .. .. ■ • • • 349 17 10 Boarding out — Board of children .. .. • • • • 293 7 5 Medical attendance .. .. .. .. 14 1 6 Kohimarama — Salaries 424 0 0 General maintenance .. .. .. •■ 960 2 3 Boarding out — Board of children .. .. . • • • 770 8 6 ■ Medical attendance .. .. .. • • 22 15 0 787 6 9 2,177 5 9 75 0 0 Salary of Official Correspondent Carried forward 3,039 12 6 385,305 18 11



Table No. 7 — continued. Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. 3,039 12 6 £ s. a, 385,365 IS 11 Industrial Schools (Vote No. 45) — continued. Auckland— continued. Less recoveries— Parnell .. .. .. .. .. £198 18 11 Kohimarama .. .. .. .. 436 17 10 035 16 9 Burnham — Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 834 6 8 General maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 1,96537 Boarding out— Board of children .. .. .. .. .. 3,090 8 6 Salary of Official Correspondent .. .. .. 100 0 0 Medical attendance and sundries .. .. .. 33 16 10 2,403 15 9 0,023 15 7 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 3,340 15 10 2,682 19 9 Caversham— Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 904 10 11 General maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 1,642 8 11 Boarding out— Board of children .. .. .. .. .. 2,874 10 9 Salary of Official Correspondent .. .. .. 100 0 0 Medical attendance and sundries .. .. .. 26 10 6 5,608 1 1 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 4,375 8 5 Private Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland — Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 561 19 0 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. 28 19 0 1,232 12 8 St. Joseph's, Wellington— Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 121 9 0 Passage .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 15 0 533 0 0 122 4 0 Less recoveries .. .. ., .. 18 16 0 103 8 0 St. Mary's, Nelson — Maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 1,524 11 0 Passages .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 113 1,531 2 3 Loss recoveries .. .. .. .. 107 8 4 1,363 13 11 General Contingencies— Salary of Visiting Officer .. .. .. .. 91 0 0 Travelling expenses of Visiting Officer .. .. .. 49 2 7 140 2 7 8,459 12 8 Institution for Deaf-mutes (Vote No. 40). 500 0 0 653 18 9 34 6 0 7 10 0 382 15 6 39 4 6 99 5 10 1,349 8 0 3 0 0 9 10 3 Director Assistants (including board) Instruction in drawing Instruction of non-resident pupil Bent and repairs Furniture and household requisites .. .. .. .. Travelling Board of pupils New site (planting) Sundries Less recoveries 3,079 4 10 298 0 4 Miscellaneous. Grant towards the foundation of a Working-men's College and Technical Institute at Dunedin (Vote No. 47) 2,781 4 6 50 0 0 50 0 0 Statutory Grants. Auckland University College University of New Zealand.. " . 4,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 Total expenditure out of appropriations for these services .. 403,656 16 1



Table No. 8. List of the Public Schools in the several Education Districts, with the Expenditure for the Year 1890, and the Names, Status, and Emoluments of the Teachers as in December, 1890.

2—E. 1.

lepa: ,lonc 'ote 1. —Every couple of half-time s ioth 2.—In the columu for "Positio rtments, with a head-teacher for a :), sole toacher; " A," assistant teacl schools is bracketed, and is reckoned as one school in the consecutive numbering. >n in the School" "M" and "F" distinguish sex; "Pr." means Principal of a school having b department; " D," head of a department; "H," head of a school; "M" or "F" (standing her; "P," pupil-teacher; and " S," 'sewing-teacher. AUCKLAND. o 9 !<§ II O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked (Bj) in which situate. og £<« 3 3 If ~~ ~ 6 Expenditure for the Year. B Annual ** t." _ — Teacher6 . Names S . I Salary ana || Maintenance. ■ including all Teachers S o ] "?™^"f S % Buildings, j and Pupil-teachers §2 | Saicl ciurina <& sit?Si i on the Staff at the End I || P the Last «■= Teachers' Other Fu™S™'| <>»he Year. | .|«" | $&£& §£ Salaries and Ordinary Armar»tiK ft the Year. Seh Allowances. Expenditure. APParatus- > Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Mangonui— Awanui a • • • • 1 £ [a, a. 73 13 2 £ s. a. 18 10 0 & s. d. 14 18 0 Frederick Elmsly .. Miss C. Rose Johnson Selby Mrs. Puckey N. R. Mackenzie .. Mrs. Kirtlaw Florence Taylor Harold Blackmail.. Mrs. Thompson Agnes A. Wrigley .. L. E. Anderson Alfred G. Ballance Margarita Trimnell Charles Gribblo .. Emily Brown Frederick Booth .. Catherine S. Smith A. J. McCracken .. Sara Watson Robert Campbell .. Mrs. Campbell J. M. French, M.A. Miss Beadle Charles A. Lane .. Frances L. Clendon Norman D. McKay Clara A. Wells Alfred E. Hill J. HookMary Lowe M S M S M S ¥ M S F F HM AF M S HM AF HM AF M S M S M S M ■ S M M S £ s. d. no o o 5 0 0' 110 0 0 5 0 0 72 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 G4 0 0 64 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 160 0 0 70 0 0 160 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 110 0 0 5 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 23 Kaitaia 2 117 2 6 5 0 0 24 Takahue 3 73 7 8 5 0 oj 18 O 3 4 Oruru Victoria Valley 4 5 100 0 0 106 4 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 8 10 0 6 13 9 22 20 5 6 7 Fairbnrn's Road 1' Fern Flat* Mangonui 6 7 8 72 6 8 67 17 10 223 6 8 5 0 0 5 11 7 12 0 0 105 4 9 0 5 6 16 16 50 8 Totara 9 137 10 0 6 0 0; 30 9 Whangaroa North 10 230 0 0 12 0 0 51 10 Kaeo 11 223 19 '2 31 8 6 10 8 0 50 Te Moari Hokian«;a — Herekino 12 107 17 2 33 19 0 4 14 9 24 13 127 IS 4 6 0 0: 20 11 12 Raweno 14 133 15 0 I 23 14 6 0 14 C 31 13 Pakia 15 101 13 4 14 0 0 120 5 3 21 14 15 Wai-o-te-marama c .. Waimamaku Valley .. 16 17 47 10 0! 105 0 0! I 2 10 0 C 0 0 273 17 11 4 12 6 23 25 16 n 18 Motukaraka d } Kohukohu .. Taheko Bay of Islands — Upper Waihou * Okaihau 18 144 0 Oj 20 10 0 •289 17 8 Charles T. Smyth .. M 160 0 0 f 17 1 25 19 19 101 10 6 5 0 0! 0 14 6 William SImmonds M 76 0 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Waimate Kawakawa .. Pakaru Opua Russell ' .. Ruapekapeka Hukerenui North. e .. Hukerenui South Whangarei— Whananaki .. Ngunguru' .. Otonga Opuawhanga, ) Hikurangi 1' Upper Otongo Kaurihohorc 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 0 10 125 0 0 190 11 8 326 5 8 200 0 0 196 17 6 223 6 8 75 0 0 28 2 0 113 15 0 5 0 0J 15 14 0 8 0 6, 20 0 0 10 0 0j [ 10 0 0 11 0 0 5 0 0; 16 10 0 80 16 6 186 14 0 3 18 9 24 2 9 15 6 2 0 0 170 9 9 156 18 1 Annie Keaney Evan Richa,rdy Mrs. Richards Charles Bishoprick Arthur Home Agnes S. French .. Elisabeth G. Quinn Frederick J. Ohlson Leonora E. Salmon Frank Higginson .. Elizabeth J. Bennett William W. Hill .. Charlotte Murrish.. J. M. Warn Mrs. J. Owens Francis E. Lowe .. J. D. MoNaughton Mrs. Hill Daniel C. Brown .. John S. Gifiney John Campbell Mrs. Rickard G. Kate Davis Sophia Larritt James Chappell Mrs. Moller Edward Millington Clara A. Edmiston Jessie F. P. Davis .. William J. Connell Ella Steadman Isabella M. Wilson Ellen Millington .. F M S M HM AF AF HM AF HM AF HM AF M S M M S M M M S F F M S HM AF AF HM AF AF FP 48 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 135 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 ISO 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 5 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 110 0 0 70 0 0 150 0 0 10 0 0 72 0 0 80 0 0 135 0 0 6 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 210 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 12 23 23 106 40 42 45 14 14 28 29 30 30 31 32 127 1 8 72 16 10 163 15 0 3 10 0 5 0 0 10 10 0 10 6 0 14 7 9 31 13 ]2 21 21 21 31 33 34 85 101 19 10 37 0 0 135 0 0 29 0 6 8 0 0 6 0 0 (J i 0 32 33 Kanio 36 810 0 0 53 15 0 9 13 3 101 Whangarei .. 400 16 8 | 30 0 0 139 37 34 « Opened in Si sptember. Opened in Julj <:■ Opened in November. 'Aided; ipened a in Ja Opened in April, jruary. b Aide.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. AUCKLAND — continued.

o . . 4° fc|| Q £» O J3 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which sitnate. Or-: •*■•§ -J- © © !m & S; ' 9 <S? O <zi Maintei Exp 6) iditure for the Year. nance. .... Buildings, — Sites, Other FuT n^ ure' Ordinary A *?atus E xpenditure. APlmratT1Rlaneo. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. ® Annual +j Salary and _c-g Allowance P o at the Kate 0-5 paid during ■2 w the Last g Quarter of (Li the Year. © o 5 rS *y **C +- <<* ©Tj P > Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. 35 36 37 38 39 40 Whangarei— continued. Whangarei Heads] j Parua Bay No. 1 j" Taraunni a .. Parua Bay No. 2 ) Whareora .. j Maunu Otaika Maungatapere ) Kaitara .. J Ruatangata East | Ruatangata West j Maungakaramea 38 39 40 41 42 £ s. a. 155 0 0 11 13 4 125 0 0 147 10 0 18 11 8 £ s. d. 27 10 0 2 10 0 18 0 0 11 10 0 £ s. d. I 0 3 6 214 15 10 0 10 0 Robert Hogwood .. Miss M. McDonald Barbara C. Anderson William Collins Mrs. Clotworthy .. James T. G. Cox .. Mrs. Cox Rosanna Bowen .. George A. Davidson Mrs. Roose Henry W. C. Philips Mrs. Lilley Fred. W. Kysh .. Elizabeth Symons.. Annie Davies M S P M S M S F M S M S HM AF P £ s. d. 135 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 10 0 0 155 0 0 10 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 64 0 0 24 10 22 12 11 28 25 29 10 24 11 43 43 100 0 0 10 10 0 14 9' 41 44 172 10 0 21 0 0 2 10 8 42 45 189 16 8 8 5 3 3 2 3 43 Mata b Mangapai No. 1 ) Mangapai No. 2 j Waikiekie East | Waikiekie West j Waipu North River .. Waipu Central 46 66 0 0 5 0 0 0 10 61 16 1 12 31 42 47 128 18 4 15 0 0 D. R. Flavell M 140 0 0 44 48 135 0 0 27 0 0 Robert Jones-Parry M 140 0 0 45 40 49 50 156 12 0 200 0 0 12 0 0 29 17 6 Mrs. Mary Stone .. Julian Brook Jessie A. Fraser .. Humphrey Heward Mrs. McAuley Jessie R. French .. P HM FP M S F 108 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 47 Waipu Upper 51 166 7 4 24 19 0 30 48 49 Waipu Gove Hobson— Dargaville 52 53 100 0 0 287 5 8 12 5 0 18 19 0 15 3 Tom Wilson Margaret Astley Herbert Forde Frank C. Crookes .. Ada Pascoe Joseph E. Elliott .. I). Garner-Jones .. Rosabell Wolff Mrs. A. S. Boult .. Thomas D. Rice .. Mrs. Lewis HM AP MP HM AF MP HM AF AF M S 175 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 200 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 0 23 74 50 Aratapu 54 341 10 1 20 6 8 308 6 6 110 51 To Kopuru .. 55 344 7 10 27 11 0 228 2 4 85 Bed Hill 1' 56 73 10 0 5 0 0 0 13 4| 14 Otamatea— Arapohue 215 7 4 30 9 0 0 5 4 Thomas R. Atkinson Martha J. Shepherd James Robb George Wilson Annie M. Devin Thomas W. Wilson Miss E. B. Masson Margaret Hunter .. Prank Jameson Miss Mason HM AF M M F M S F M S 160 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 00 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 4.5 52 57 53 54 55 56 Tokatoka Matakohe Mareretu b .. Paparoa 58 59 60 61 80 4 8 90 0 0 70 0 0 136 5 0 5 0 0. 9 10 O 7 10 0 21 IS 0 2 19 4 4 11 18 25 13 32 Paparoa Homestead b Maungaturoto 62 63 4.1 2 10 121 5 0 2 10 0 13 12 6 4 12 1 15 6 14 28 19 57 58 59 00 61 Kaiwaka .. ) Pukekaroro .. J Mangawai Beach b Te Pahi Albertland North 64 65 66 07 138 0 8 74 13 4 100 0 0 110 9 4 22 0 0 5 0 0! 5 10 0 1 10 5 10 John S. Colhoun .. Janet S. Broun Amelia Fisher Robert D. Reid .. Mrs. J. Brooks M F F M S 140 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 12 20 23 20 3' 1 11 Rodney— Port Albert 218 15 0 21 IS 3 George B. Reid Harriett M. Judd Frances Longmore Kate Duncan Augustus N. Scott Thomas Day Mrs. J. Gibb Mrs. A. Green Herbert Bates David Jenkins Mrs. Jenkins C. A. WalterMrs. Walter Peter Morres Sarah E. M. Algie James Dean Miss Buchanan Miss Meiklejohn .. Arthur M. Perry .. Miss McBrierty Mrs. Algie HM AF F F M M S S M M S M S HM FP M S S M S S 150 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 125 0 0 150 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 110 0 0 5 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 140 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 155 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 42 02 68 63 64 65 66 07 Wharehine .. Wellsford17 .. Wayby » Hoteo North I Tauhoa .. ) 69 70 71 102 4 9 90 5 3 20 10 8 19 9 0 7 10 0 1 17 0 235 13 9 6 4 6 20 22 22 14 72 100 0 0 12 14 6 0 15 6 Great Barrier ll Tryphena b .. 73 74 87 0 8 85 0 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 10 23 08 09 Little Omaha 75 .119 3 4 7 7 0 22 70 Upper Matakana 76 170 10 0 12 5 0 46 71 Big Omaha .. 1 Lower Matakana j 77 153 0 8 23 10 0 18 12 Mullet Point ) Mahurangi H'ds West)" 171 7 0 10 0 0 18 16 78 * Openec 1 in Ju ily, b Aided c C'losei from July to September. d Itinerant.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. AUCKLAND — continued.


o.2 fcja Oi/J U Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [J3J) in which situate. d§ *i ■as O rH CO o3 fl a** O (fl O Mainte) Expei iditure for the Year. tance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teacher» on the Staff at the End of the Year. o .2 o = 2 .2*3 en O Cm Annual Salary and Allowance at the Hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. S jjj •C r. a £ £ 3 < ri a, r3 M H a J cetH !> < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 72 73 Rodn ey— continued. Kaipara Flats Warkworth .. 79 80 £ s. d. 105 0 8 302 10 0 £ s. d. 6 0 0 18 9 0 £ s. d. 1 13 2 Patience Young .. Alexander Campbell Jessie Weston Marion Maxwell .. Annie Barton F HM AF AF F £ s. d. 108 0 0^ 175 0 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 108 0 0 33 78 74 75 Dome Valley Komokoriki No. 1 Komokoriki No. 2 Puhoi J 81 82 120 8 4 SO 0 0 7 17 0 10 0 0 3 3 0 William L. Cox .. M 80 0 0 31 .' 9 ( ™ 50 76 83 240 2 4 24 5 0 3 8 6 Michael F. Daly .. Mary Escott HM AF 160 0 0: 70 0 0 77 78 79 80 Waitemata — Waiwera Wainui Wade Kaukapakapa J 84 85* 114 8 4 150 0 0 5 0 Oi 15 14 0 3 0 6 Ijeonora Kilfoyle .. Frank H. Home .. F M 100 0 0 150 0 0 15 ( 13 \ 20 45 81 82 Parkhurst Helensville .. Woodhill .. 86 87 88 183 16 8 100 0 0 472 17 11 240 5 8 10 0 0 5 0 0 36 17 6 28 10 0 12 2 0 13 13 1 George W. Murray Ethel C. Andrews .. Mary 0. Howard .. Daniel D. Metge .. William Kay Arthur J. Hill Flora A. Mclnnis .. Isabella M. Clark .. Thomas A. Jones .. j Mary E. Roberts .. j Mary Hoe .. j James Vos Mrs. Vos HM FP F HM MP MP AF | AF HM FP ; FP M S 150 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 230 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 160 0 0 45 0 0 30 0 0 110 0 0 5 0 0 19 176 14 0 0 52 83 89 Hobsonville .. 90 122 10 0 1 6 0 0 1 4 6 20 84 85 86 Pukeatua Horseshoe Bush * Long Bay '' .. Lucas Creek ''■ Birkenhead [B] — Northcote .. 1 ) 91 90 19 10 16 7 0 15 16 4 T.W.G.H. Hammond Jane A. Cameron .. Fanny J. McKee .. I M F F 100 0 0 52 0 0 60 0 0 f 13 1 18 13 15 92 93 34 13 4 86 18 4; 8 0 0 fill 2 87 94 329 3 4 17 10 0 0 15 3 William Fidler, M.A. Sarah J. Purdie .. W. J. Wernham .. . HM AF AM 190 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 95 Waitemata— Lake 238 15 0 21 4 0 17 6 6 Luther Hames Sarah M. Dunne .. Edith M. Chapman Alfred Benge Robert C. Whitham William J. Moor .. Margaret A. Smith Euphemia Simpson Harriett H. Burgess Jane H. Hume Matilda Patterson.. Elizabeth Kelly .. ! Violet Kingsford .. '• HM FP FP HM AM MP AF AF AF AF | FP ! FP FP 175 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 307 0 0 175 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 62 88 95 Devonport [Bj 861 3 4J 76 4 0 13 IS 0 388 89 96 Waitemata— Swanson Henderson's Mill 90 91 92 New Lynn .. 97 98 99 104 0 0 140 3 4 170 6 8 15 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 9 0 16 6 6 11 3 352 10 0 Louisa Ij. Young .. Mrs. Ellen La Trobe E. M. Goldsworthy Mrs. M. S.Harden.. Alexandrina M. Irwini A. J. Tinling Arabella C. Ryan Henry H. Tidmarsh F HF FP HF i FP F F 100 0 0 108 0 0 30 0 0 108 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 25 86 89 93 94 Titirangi Waikomiti .. Huia Whatipu Auckland [B] — Ri chmond Road i 100 101 1 125 0 10 24 0 0 10 11 6 13 13 0 2 3 0 IS 18 f 14 1 6 102; 80 0 0 15 0 2 9 3 M 80 0 0 95 Ponsonby 103 104 390 8 0 1 1,616 0 0 30 19 6 120 1 6 11 7 6 0 9 0 Mrs. Emma Rooney Martha Smith .. Helen Simpson Helena T. Shortt .. Maxwell McGee .. Benjamin Bailey .. Frank P. Burton .. Robert J. Hamilton Thomas Rodgers .. Mrs. M. Caldwell .. Ella Burton Maud Nicholson .. Aimee D. Bright .. Margaret Whitelaw Jane E. McLeod .. Harriett Smith Mabel E. Harris .. HF j AF AF AF FP HM AM AM MP AF AF AF AF AF AF AF FP 176 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 417 0 0 210 0 0 70 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 ' 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 170 741 '> Aided ; opened in Apr! 1. o Aided. ipened in July.



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. AUCKLAND— continued.

o . o^ Expenditure for the Year. 0,§ o o **B a„v.,.~i„ , wv Zs-?. Teachers'Names, S-S ■ rs" .,,,-;, i.,.,„i.= t^ Maintenance. „ .,,. including all Teachers •IS ' Ceuiaeso.• Boroug is > 0 Buildings, and Pupil-teachers ■f (thelatw marked IBJ) |-g ■ bites, ott-the Staff at the End §1 '""'Inch situate. |g Teachers' Other Tm'iT' e• of the Year. go aS Salaries ana Ordinary Anrai-atus Q+ Q" Allowances. Expenditure. Appaiatus. . | , Auckland [B] — contd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ponsonby-— contd. Eveline M. Holloway Catherine J. Beale.. Matilda Davison .. Jane J. Lynas Amy C. Gubb Bayfield .. .. j 105 260 0 0 20 (I 0 1 2 0 Mrs. Jane Simpson Kate Ridings Sarah A. Johnston.. 96 Wellesley Street ..106 1,628 9 8 166 14 9 1 3 6 Henry Worthington William H. Draffin Tom TJ. Wells George H. Plummer William C. Davis .. I Edward J. Darby .. Albert J. Brown E. Louisa Dunning Andelia S. Dewar .. , Norah Mulvany Alfred G. Ockenden Elsie Shrewsbury . . . o Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. j 2 Annual " Salary and •Ho'' Allowance 'g o at the hate j c|j paid duiirig ! £ ji the Last \ | Quarter of j Ph the Year, j _ I © « © r-i.r; ©B i<jisie onrewsoury .. Lucy St. M. Fraser Elizabeth Byrne .. Maria Cranch Frances E.Thompsor: Annie L. Gibbons .. Grace J. Croker .. Sarah K. Niccol .. Edith R. Clarke .. Beresford Street .. 107 1,528 18 1 240 7 0 .. E. M. C. Harrison.. Charles M. Carter .. Frederick Newcombe Herbert G. Cousins ; Mnvv P, P Tn.vlnv i Mary (J. r. Taylor Mary J. Mcllhone E. M. Adams, M.A. I .Tftsftip, Mvuns -Jessie iitvans ; i m,,™,, i? til a*-,-.„i Eveline M. Holloway Catherine J. Beale.. Matilda Davison .. Jane J. Lynas Amy C. Gubb .. ' Mrs. Jane Simpson Kate Ridings Sarah A. Johnston.. Henry Worthington William H. Draffin Tom U. Wells George H. Plummer William C. Davis .. Edward J. Darby .. Albert J. Brown E. Louisa Dunning Andelia S. Dewar .. Norah Mulvany Alfred G. Ockenden Elsie Shrewsbury .. Lucy St. M. Fraser Elizabeth Byrne .. ! Maria Cranch Frances E.Thompson Annie L. Gibbons .. Grace J. Croker .. Sarah K. Niccol .. Edith R. Clarke .. E. M. C.Harrison.. Charles 51. Carter .. Frederick Newcombe Herbert G. Cousins Mary C. P. Taylor Mary J. Mcllhone E. M. Adams, M.A. Jessie Evans Clara E. E. Steel .. Jessie M. Mackay .. Elizabeth Keary .. Eveline M. Knight Agnes J. Ballantine Kate Reynolds Hilda. K. Gibbons .. Edwin T. Hart .. j George Thvvaites .. Edward T. Field .. Charles R. Walker Mrs. S. A. Jones .. Maria Edwards Annie M. Bottrill .. Mary S. Slator Alice J. Reynolds .. Emma J. Larritt .. Ada M. Wooller .. Esther M. Jones .. M. Gertrude Ramson B. Cronin, B.A. .. George Lippiatt, B.A. Samuel Hetherington David L. Smart Herbert J. Jones .. Helen A. Hosfaok.. Margaret M. Best .. M. S. C. Bi'insclon .. Marion G. Mitchell Hessey M. Scandrett George M. Binliiison Mrs. Jane Skeen .. Dorcas E. Cleveland Peter Leonard Edward K. Mulgan James B. Ramsay.. William J. Connor Ellen Astley Catherine D. Grant Kate Keesing Sarah A. Mill Jane D. Grant £ s. d. FP 30 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 30 0 0 HF 160 0 0 AF 80 0 0 FP 20 0 0 HM 445 0 0 AM 200 0 0 AM 100 0 0 AM 70 0 0 MP 40 0 0 MP 30 0 0 MP 30 0 0 AF 120 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF 80 0 0 MP 40 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF 60 0 0 AF 50 0 0 FP 40 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 20 0 0 HM 399 0 0 AM 225 0 0 AM 125 0 0 MP 50 0 0 AF 120 0 0 AF 90 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF 60 0 0 AF 50 0 0 FP 50 0 0 AF 50 0 0 AF 40 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 20 0 0 HM 336 0 0 AM 225 0 0 AM 60 0 0 MP 30 0 0 AF 120 0 0 AF 50 0 0 AF 60 0 0 AF 50 0 0 FP 50 0 0 FP 50 0 0 FP 20 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 20 0 0 HM 303 0 0 AM ISO 0 0 AM 00 0 0 AM 75 0 0 MP 30 0 0 AF 110 0 0 AF 50 0 0 FP 50 0 0 AF 30 0 0 FP 80 0 0 HM 200 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF 50 0 0 HM 351 0 0 AM 150 0 0 AM 75 0 0 MP 50 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AF SO 0 0 AF 50 0 0 AF 50 0 O 108 850 680 474 Napier Street .. 108 1,170 19 9: 90 8 0, 1 14 0 i ! ! ■ Nelson Street I - '" : .. : 109 954 12 4! ' I J 75 10 0 ■ I 375 ! i I 330 0 0 I 87 0 o! 4 15 5 119 Albert Street Parnell iBl .. .. . .. 110 330 0 0 ..' Ill 1,038 14 10 87 0 O! 97 17 0| 4 15 5 ■• 524 97 1,038 14 10 97 17 0| * *



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. AUCKLAND — continued.

o.2 'Ah, CO :Sl •53 §1 © ° O'Jl Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. 88 £ © V! " O M O Maintel Expe) iditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. a Teachers' Names, t!. including all Teachers --o and Pupil-teachers g S on the Stall at the End -j of the Year. -^ o Ph I CD V Annual j u Salary and T-.-S Allowance § £ at the Hate jjB paid during <™ the Last g,*g Quarter of «£ the Year. | B Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Parnell [B] — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. •e s. d. Johanna Mathieson Miriam Barlow Rose G. Crisp Annie I. McKay .. Johanna Mathieson F P Miriam Barlow .. F P Rose G. Crisp .. F P Annie I. McKay .. F P £ s. d. 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 98 EdenRemvera 112 571 10 4J 55 10 0| 583 12 0 Richard B. Heriot R. D. Duxfield, B.A. Mary E. Courtayne "Sirs. Marion Bruce Kate Shroff Albert L. Sheppard Alice M. Lindsay .. Bernard Bedford .. Effie S. Bull James E. Waygood Grace E. Boone .. Gilmour Harley .. Thomas L. May .. Sarah A. J. Hall .. Alice Kells Richard B. Heriot H M R. D. Duxfield, B.A. AM Mary E. Courtayne AF Sirs. Marion Bruce A F Kate Shroff .. F P Albert L. Sheppard MP Alice M. Lindsay .. F P Bernard Bedford .. H M Effie S. Bull .. A F James E. Waygood H M Grace E. Boone .. A F Gilmour Harley .. E 1 P Thomas L. May .. HM Sarah A. J. Hall .. AF Alice Kells .. FP 270 0 0 28', 120 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 150 0 0 45 70 0 0 190 0 0 91 50 0 0 20 0 0 190 0 0 9i 50 0 0 50 0 0 287 Tamaki West i 7 12 6 99 113 212 3 4| I 16 0 0 42 100 Ellerslie 114 283 5 8 17 10 0 161 0 0 93 .01 Panmure us; 307 10 0 23 5 2 2 1.9 0 92 Auckland [BJ — Grafton Road 1,068 4 4 86 10 0 18 13 0 George Healey, B.A. HM Joseph R. Whitaker AM W. R. C. Walker .. AM A. J. T. Judkins .. MP Mary E. Hopper .. AF MaryE.Hould .. AF Eliza Reid .. AF Arnie Moses .. AF Blanche Bedlington AF Sarah A. E. Hamlin FP M. L. Buchanan .. A F Marie Cox .. F P Lillian F. Shepherd FP Lily Gubb .. F P .02 116 George Healey, B.A. Joseph R. Whitaker W. R. C. Walker .. A. J. T. Judkins .. M ary E. Hopper .. Mary E. Hould Eliza Reid Arnie Moses Blanche Bedlington Sarah A. E. Hamlin M. L. Buchanan .. Marie Cox Lillian F. Shepherd Lily Gubb 345 0 0 50£ 150 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 90 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 •20 0 0 30 0 0 505 .03 Newton [B]— Newton East 117 1,327 8 4 105 15 0 Rev. R. Coates, B.A. Alfred Taylor Joseph F. Dixon .. F. E. N. Gaudin .. W. E. G. Richardson Lydia Wright Charlotte A. Hopper Arundel M. Beale .. Eliza A. Allely Clara G. Berry .. Martha Crookes Louisa Durrieu, B.A. Lilian L. Greatbatch Kate A. Taylor Mary B. Jackson .. Winnifred L. Jones Alfred S. Webber .. Joseph L. Innes .. Joseph Wooller Donald A. McKay.. Maria E. Walker .. Janet Wilson Margaret Coghill .. Eva P. Cato Jessie A. Burns Gertrude Berry Annie Z. Wallis .. H. M. S. McGibbon Charles A. Bruford Caspar A. Semadeni C. L. Robertson Margaret B. Gordon Effie M. Revitt .. Eliza M. Cox Rev. R. Coates, B.A. H M Alfred Tavlor .. AM Joseph F.' Dixon .. AM F. E. N. Gaudin .. MP W. E. G. Richardson MP Lydia Wright .. AF Charlotte A. Hopper AF Arundel M. Beale.. AF Eliza A. Allely .. AF Clara G. Berry .. A F Martha Crookes .. A F Louisa Durrieu,B.A. AF Lilian L. Greatbatch F P Kate A. Taylor .. F P Mary B. Jackson .. FP Win'nifred L. Jones F P Alfred S. Webber .. HM Joseph L. Innes .. A M Joseph Wool!er .. AM Donald A. McKav.. MP Maria E. Walker .. AF Janet Wilson .. A F Margaret Coghill .. i A F Eva P. Cato .. ; A F Jessie A. Burns .. j A F Gertrude Berry .. I F P Annie Z. Wallis .. i F P H. M. S. McGibbon j FP Charles A. Bruford HM Caspar A. Semadeni A M C. L. Robertson .. A F Margaret B. Gordon A F Effie M. Revitt .. F P Eliza M. Cox .. I F P 375 0 0 60C 150 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 110 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 00 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 348 0 0 511 150 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 250 0 0 22£ 100 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 601 Newton West 1.021 S 6 84 14 Oj us! 10 35 6 51' i 104 | Newmarket [B] 119 583 6 8 47 10 0 229 Eden — :05 : Epsom I 120 318 15 0 % 17 10 0 .06 Mount Eden 121 857 1 8 70 0 0 171 11 9 W. N. Mcintosh .. Mary L. Hill, B.A. Annie E. Udy Alfred Hosking George E. Hill Mary Lovatc Agnes G. Steel .. j W.N. Mcintosh .. HM Mary L. Hill, B.A. \ AF Annie E. Udy .. AF Alfred Hosking .. HM 3-corgeE. Hill .. j AM Mary Lovatc .. | A F tVgnes G. Steel .. | A F 190 0 0 9(1 80 0 0 50 0 0 299 0 0 367 120 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 90 367 I



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. AUCKLAND— continued.

o . o.2 »| ® to •I a ® 2 t£ r-r Q'J2 o ■ Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. o^ Expenditure for the 08 * •§ g w. Maintenance. is g 3 Teachers' Other a co Salaries and Ordinary Q ** Allowances. Expenditure. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, bites, Furniture, and Apparatus, Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. co si r* O .23 o <H Annual Salary and Allowance at the Kate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. <a o §**,' Sic? C H > 107 108 109 Eden— contd. Mount Eden — contd. Mount Albert Point Chevalier Avondale 122 123 124! £ s. d. 449 3 4 267 13 5 379 3 4 £ s. d. 49 3 4 13 10 0 25 0 0 347 4 6 1 3 OJ £ s. d. Caroline G. Daniels Hilda M. E. Kissling Sarah Stewart Eleanor K. E. Aickin Ethel M. Potter .. Neil Heath Hannah Astley Alfred A. Turner .. Ernest J. Walters .. Eva L. Colebrook .. Ina Baker .. j Richard T. Talbot.. G. A. Thompson .. Thomas R. Jones .. John L. Scott Hannah J. Priestly Thomas Read Minnie Hougham .. Denis O'Donoghue Emma M. Coad .. Ralph D. Stewart .. John H. Gillies D. R.F.Campbell.. Bertha C. Greatbatch Frances E. Picken.. Lilian M. Browne .. Helen Robb M. S. Newman Charlotte A. Mulgan Marion A. Robb .. Florence L. Mellsop Jessie Bower AF FP FP FP FP HM AF MP MP AF FP HM AF MP HM AF MP FP HM AF HM AM MP AF AF AF AF FP AF FP FP FP £ s. d. 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 220 0 0 90 0 0 30 0 0! 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 175 0 0 70 0 0 40 0 0 210 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 336 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 167 67 139 Mount Roskill 230 10 8 25 2 9 49 110 125 3 5 0 111 Onehunga [B] 126 925 3 4 83 10 3 13 4 4 470 Manukau— Waiheke Island 127 I 85 0 OJ 5 10 0 John S. Phillips .. Mrs. Grant Thomas B. Tanner.. Isabella M. Roberts Charles B. Davis .. Sarah A. Donaldson Jane C. Spenee Mary Keaney Mary H. Currie H. N. Le Gallais .. M. E. Gillebrand .. Albert W. Davis .. James Mellsop Lydia M. Hill Elsie D. Grant Mrs. L. Woodward.. Annie B. Krippner James Armstrong .. Frances Harding .. C. E. Gillespie .: Flora Mackenzie .. | William N. Ingram John W. Sumner .. Elizabeth J.Tring.. Janet McGee William Green Kate Calvert Helen McGee Joseph Calvert Miss Alice Calvert.. James Muir Mrs. Muir Charles Cooper Helen J. Walter .. Elsie E. Mayo Mary C. Tregear .. Harry Hockin Mary M. Cossey .. Mary E. Wallis .. Adelaide Bischoff .. Margaret Broun .. James W. Rennick Mrs. C. Turner .. M S HM AF HM AF F F F HM AF MP HM AF FP HF FP HM AF AF FP MP HM AF AF HM AF AF M S M S HM FP FP F HM AF FP .F F M S 80 0 0 5 0 0 160 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 00 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 175 0 0 70 0 0 40 0 0 175 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 220 0 0 60 0 0 00 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 190 0 0 00 0 0 50 0 0 190 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 175 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 15 112 113 Pakuranga .. 128; 205 0 Oi 17 14 0 52 114 Howick 129; 217 10 0! 10 0 0 46 115 116 117 Turanga Creek Maraetai a .. Ness Valley .. Wairoa South 130 131 132, 133! 100 1 4 73 0 8 91 13 4 285 0 0' 8 14 0 5 0 0 5 14 0 15 0 0 194." 0 0 15 17 16 68 118 Mangere 134 284 3 4 18 4 2 74 Mangere Bridge b 35 0 0 27 5 8 43 135; 119 Otahuhu 136; 429 5 9 30 0 0 745 14 2 159 Papatoitoi .. 296 5 0 18 IS 0 ! 85 120 137 East Tamaki 293 3 0 22 10 0 2 6 6 83 121 138 Woodside 125 0 0 6 0 0 2 9 0 26 122 139 123 Papakura Valley 140 137 10 O' 15 7 0 29 124 Papakura 141 280 8 4 20 S 2 70 125 126 Ardmore Drury 142; 143: 104 0 Oj 215 16 81 GOO 23 0 0 2 13 9 197 19 7 24 62 Karaka Waiau " Awitu 80 0 0 8 0 8 145 8 4 5 0 0; 15 \ 6| U' 4 7 198 10 0 16 127 144 145 146 30 128 a Aided i> Opened in September. c Aided; opened in October.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. AUCKLAND— continued.

o.2 'Ajj ■~3 §1 o o c/: rt a.K ocC O Scheols, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LBJ) in which situate. goo •J3 ° Mainti Expei Teachers' Names, nance. ,, ,. j including all Teachers Buildings, a nd Pupil-teachers kites, on the Staff at the End Other *um'ture, 0 f the Year. ExpSSe. AppSus. mance. iditure for the Year. 2 Annual £ Salary and .So' Allowance 'g o at the hate o~ paid during j77; c/l the Last g Quarter of p^ the Year. © o < P cd o r- » g Teachers' d x Salaries and .g" Allowances. Manukau — continued. Pollock a Waipipi £ a. d. 72 16 8 178 17 5 £ s. d. 13 16 0 8 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 72 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 108 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 80 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 135 0 0 60 0 0 1T5 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 108 0 0 210 0 0 70 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 175 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 160 0 0 00 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 1 3 2i 4, 3: 2i 2 1 2. 4 1 3, 6i 4: 2' 4i 7; 4: 3. 12; 71 5: 4: 5: p .29 30 147 148 Annie M. Shannon Joseph Glenny Emma Oldfield D. W. Jones Mrs. Jones George E. Large .. Adelaide Latimer .. Marianne Wann .. Mrs. M. J. Spargo .. George A. Worsley Miss L. Barriball .. Sarah B. Arey Edwin Hosking Alethea S. O. Hamlin Alec Carson Dunning Emily Krippner .. Edward W. Browne Jessie J. Bayly Violet A. Johnston Howard J. S. Ellis.. Catherine A. Browne Harry Carse Mrs. Carse W. H. Nicholson .. Agnes Mulvany James Hogwood .. Mrs. Forde Elizabeth Masefield Arthur Short Florence Couldrey.. Mrs. C. Sharp John Fisher Sarah J. Wallis .. Amelia J. Walters.. Mildred W. Harris Neil H. Kennedy .. Lavinia M. Hobson Mary J. Johnston .. Francis Warren .. Kate Bowden Francis H. Brown.. Margaret M. Kelly.. Alexander M. Rust Elizabeth B. Murray Elizabeth Davis .. F M S M S HM FP F F M S F HM FP HM AF HM FP FP HM AF M S HM AF HM AF FP HM FP F HM AF FP FP HM AF FP HM AF HM AF HM AF F ie 35 Kohekohe 149 125 0 0 6 0 0 26 .31 Waiuku 150 210 5 9 13 14 0 40 9 6 4c Kariaotahi Maioro Waitangi 151 152 153 108 0 0 100 0 0 125 0 0 15 0 6 16 8 0 11 0 0 32 2C 27 Brookside West Mauku 154 155 80 7 8 202 14 7 9 15 0 10 0 0 1 11 0 4 5 2 2E 47 .32 .33 Patumahoe 156 210 11 1 22 17 0 5 17 0 35 .34 Puni 157 256 5 0 15 0 0 2 8 1 66 .36 Ararimu 158 195 15 2 27 11 0 6 17 1 42 .36 Hunua 159 133 15 0 22 9 5 6 16 11 27 .37 Maketu 160 208 12 11 11 2 0 5 6 8 46 .38 Bombay 101 286 5 0 50 1 9 2 14 9 75 .39 Paparata 162 178 7 9 9 10 0 238 10 11 4i .40 .41 Pukekohe East Pukekohe West 163 164 108 0 0 385 0 0 6 12 6 25 0 0 1 14 3 237 0 10 3: 12; .42 Harrisville 165 248 15 0 10 5 0 6 6 3 7.43 Tuakau 166 246 19 8 24 5 0 4 4 0 53 .44 Whangarata.. 167 148 15 0 7 5 0 1 19 7 41 .45 Pokeno 168 256 8 2 27 2 0 0 9 9 53 Maungatawhiri Valley Coromandel— Whangapoua Coromandel 169^ 80 0 0 5 7 11 IS ■16 .47 .48 Driving Creek 170 171 1721 80 0 0 385 10 0 378 6 8 5 0 0 34 14 7 25 0 0 1 14 3 83 19 8 277 14 0 George W. Rapson.. Alfred J. Litten C. H. Hougham .. Nelly Spragg Joseph B. Rockliff.. Christina Harrower Mary S. Clymo Mary F. Egan G. W. Bradshaw .. Kate A. Fletcher .. Eliza A. HarperM HM AF AF HM AF AF FP HM AF AF 80 0 0 200 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 210 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 175 0 0 80 0 0 00 0 0 1! 10: 14. 8i IS 10S 141 19 Mercury Bay 173 330 8 10 20 0 0 Thames-— Tairua 212 10 0 10 0 0 5 10 10 Henry B. Wilson .. Mary E. Dempsey.. John A. C. Lamont HM AF M 150 0 0 60 0 0 135 0 0 4' 2i .50 174 .51 Hastings Thames [B] — Tararu 175 141 2 "6 13 18 0 9 17 2 .52 176 410 0 0 61 10 0 5 17 6 William H. Newton James B. James .. Sarah Gott Sarah A. Coad Mary E. Catran Florence L. Hall .. James Christie W. R. Gillespie .. Elizabeth Akers .. Sarah A. Reid Thomas Isemonger Francis Murphy .. Samuel Harris Mrs. F. Macky HM MP AF FP FP FP HM MP AF FP HM AM MP AF 220 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 200 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 287 0 0i 120 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 15. 1233; Waiotahi Greek 300 2 0 1 6 11 53 177 80 17 0 12Waiokaraka 178| 75G 18 8 82 6 6 15 0 33: 1 • Aid



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. AUCKLAND— continued.

O . CO w £3 §1 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (thelatter marked [J3]) in which situate. ©' o 33 P O h <D o3 2 & O 02 Maintenance. Expenditure for thi Year. Teachers' Names, ,„ . including all Teachers Buildings, and pupil-teachers Sites, on t]le staff at the End 1 urmturo, OI the Year. and Apparatus. CO r.5*3 c "o o o Annual g -m Salary and -r S Allowance § of at the hate +$3 paid during I <j ™ the Last g, r£ Quarter of §rjq the Year. ® EH < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 54 Thames [Bj — continued. Kauaeranga Boys' 17! 990 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 65 0 0 £ s. d. Eleanor Airey Mary R. S. McQuade Sylvia G. Smith Beatrice M. Angove Jane E. Boxall Emily J. Meredith.. Horatio Phillips .. Albert Gerring Frederick Lough .. Mrs. Mary Phillips Kate Mulvany Florence E. Fletcher Mary McEnteer .. Emma J. Heighway Florence M. Pitvvood Annie Adams Mary C. McDonald Frances Haselden .. W. H. V. Hall Jane A. Smart Margaret Ashman.. Edith H. Brown .. Annie E. J. Hall .. AF FP F P FP FP FP HM AM MP AF AF AF FP AF FP AF FP HF AM AF AF FP AF £ s. d. 70 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 307 0 0 225 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 200 0 0 140 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 384 Kauaeranga Girls' 1801 564 0 0 87 16 0 ' 19 2 0; 238 Thames— Parawai David Schofield William E. Johns .. Eleanor Wilson Martha Stilwell .. Gecrge N. Phillips.. Miss M. Bagnall .. Alfred C. Hall W. J. May Mrs. May Robert H. Patterson Mrs. Paul Mary A. Stanton .. Walter Sullivan .. Kate Truscott • .. Annie Crawford Jessie W. Paterson John Ritchie Miss T. McLoghrey Alfred Oldham Miss A. Gordon Elizabeth M. Gibb.. HM MP AF AF M S M M S M S F HM AF FP F M S M S F 210 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 140 0 0 5 0 0 60 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 100 0 0 190 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 08 0 0 .55 181! ■ 376 5 4 24 7 0 125 Turua 145 8 4 0 16 0 5 12 6 28 50 182 s .. Puriri 183 184 10 6 6 186 5 0 8 0 0 50 19 3 '32 .57 Omahu 185 71 7 8 2 10 0 22 Hikutaia Paeroa .. 186 187 131 5 0 326 6 4 8 10 0 24 0 0 0 19 0 232 17 0 20 92 .58 Karangahake b Owharoa 188 189 122 10 0 25 16 8 21 9 6 2 10 0 242 7 7 17 0 25 17 .59 Waitekauri 190 135 0 10 10 0 -0 0 11 0 28 Waihi • Raglan— Churchill Harapepe Karamu .. 191 34 13 4 19 11 0 17 160 161 162 192 193 194 .137 10 0 150 0 0 128 1 8 10 0 0 22 5 0 10 9 9 4 15 0 7 5 9 5 19 9 David Russell Alfred F. Burton .. James N. Marsdon Miss D. Barker James La Trobe .. Mrs. La Trobe Margaret Akers Robert McPherson Mrs. A. Jerome Mrs. E. Peglar Rosa L. Haverfield M M M S M S F M S F F 140 0 0 150 0 0 135 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 56 0 0 60 0 0 15 15 25 163 Bag-Jan 195 122 10 0 I 5 10 0.1 1 14 0 27 164 165 Waitetuna d .. Te Mata 196 197 46 0 0 120 7 10 19 o o; 6 0 0 10 20 166 Ruapuka .. Te Kirikiria .. Waikato — Miranda .. Bridgewater a Mercer 198 1.99 55 0 0 54 0 0 19 0 0 0 2 7 10 15 .67 .68 2001 201' 202! 55 0 0 38 4 0 231 5 0 5 0 OJ 21 10 0: fj'll 11] William M. Gelling Margaret J. Smith.. Charles T. Edwards Gertrude E. Barlow M F HM AF 60 0 0 40 0 0 175 0 0 60 0 0 12 9 63 .69 .70 .71 72 .73 Whangamarino e Wairanga d .. Rangiriri Ohinewai Huntly 203 204 205 206 70 2 4 108 6 8 100 0 0; 316 8 10 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 o o: 20 16 6: 0 4 0 208 15 6 6 18 10 E. F. Hawkins Annie Henry M.E. M.T.Tristram Colonel T. H. Smith Mrs. A. F. Mayhew Bernice M. Alexander Annie G. Jerram .. Edith C. Selby John Murray F F F HM AF FP HF FP M 72 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 12 18 19 23 114 .74 Taupiri 207 132 2 7 10 0 0 I 2 18 6 42 .75 Kirikiriroa d.. Hamilton [B] — Hamilton East 208 82 12 6 5 7 3j 1 12 8 18 .76 209| 310 0 0| 20 0 OJ 0 16 6 Percy E. Stevens .. Elizabeth E. Biggs Bessie H. Sandes .. HM AF FP 200 0 0 00 0 0 40 0 0 101 ~ uded; opened in July; destr< ■time with Churchill (No. 160: >yed by fire ; reopened in October. •> Opened in January. 77 Aided; opened in June. d Aided.


Jitf*I—J1 —J- *

Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued. AUCKLAND— continued.

3—E. 1.

o . 6£ Kg CO CO X §1 CCS O S occ Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. *% Peg O <ti O to Maintenance. .,,. Buildings, Sites, _, . . ,-,,, Furniture, Teachers' Other Salaries and Ordinarv Anr.avn+na Allowances. Expenditure. aia™sMaintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. o rO si 1 1 to O j <u g Annual j u Salary and \ 'oZ Allowance ■ § Je at the Hate ! £ =» paid during \ <^ the Last j g^ Quarter of j si^ the Year. | & b i > i < Hamilton [B"| — contd. Marsh Meadows a Waikato — Tamahere £ s. d. 14 9 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 205 16 11 B'lorence Nicholson E £ s. d. 80 0 0 210 77 Hautapu 211 212 140 0 0 125 10 0 19 7 6 14 10 0 18 0 Arthur Edwards .. Miss E. Ewen Jane F. Sinclair .. Susan Land M S HP FP 135 0 0 5 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 34 37 78 Cambridge [B] — Cambridge 479 13 5 42 10 0 1 10 6 Robert C. Dyer Laura Bell Emily Brown Blanche Garnachan Colin R. Munro Emily E. Tidd HM AE EP PP MP FP 220 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 165 .79 213; Waikato — Taotaoroa No. 1 ) Taotaoroa No. 2 J" Tawhare [Charles W. Clark (Mrs. T. Bruce .. James Graham Minnie Hansford .. M S M S 120 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 15 12 29 80 214 141 5 0 1.0 16 0 8 7 6 .81 215 125 0 0 8 18 6 19 0 Waipa— Ngaruawahia 216! 331 13 4 I 20 0 0 4 8 5 James Grierson E. R. Patterson .. A. J. Cunningham.. Isabella Smith Annie J. Lamb John Pain Mrs. Pain HM AF FP F F M S 190 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 99 .82 .83 Pukete Te Kowhai b.. Whatawhata 217 218 219 83 13 4 32 0 0 112 1 8 15 0 0 5 0 0 12' 7 3 21 18 17 84 85 Hamilton [H] — Hamilton West 220 335 16 8 20 0 0 15 2 John M. Murray .. Catherine E. Barry Ellen K. Sandes .. Evelyn Wilson HM AF FP FP 200 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 118 .86 :87 ss .89 .90 Waipa— Ngahinepouri c Te Rore d .. Ohaupo Pukerimu Cambridge West 221 222 223 185 8 4 110 10 0 271 6 8 19 13 3 7 0 0 30 18 6 James B. Murray .. Jessie H. Edmiston Henry R. Hyatt .. M. L. Russell Amelia M. Nixon .. George Blackett .. Mary J. Carley Charles K. Cornforth William H. Worsley Euphemia Macky .. John Rees Ella Wills Elizabeth Lewis .. John La Prelle Maud C. Mandeno.. Thomas H. Chapman Ada M. Tristram .. Helen Mandeno .. M F HM AF AF HM FP M HM AF HM AF FP HM FP HM AF FP 135 0 0 108 0 0 175 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 40 0 0 135 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 190 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 160 0 0 20 0 0 190 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 12 17 33 33 71 8 0 9 9 3 8 Te Rahu 185 8 4 12 2 6 4 7 5 44 01 224 92 .93 Alexandra Paterangi 225 220 187 1 8 210 16 8 29 8 0 10 0 0 15 0 5 2 10 35 46 .94 Te Awamutu 227, 279 17 8 16 0 0 65 13 10 86 Rangiaohia 198 0 8 10 0 0 1 12 6 51 95 228 96 Kihikihi 229 280 0 0 30 8 3 4 7 10 93 97 .98 99 Piako— Te Aroha West" Waihou Te Aroha Goldfield .. 230 231 232 03 13 4 126 5 0 422 2 1 5 0 0 11 7 3 42 19 6 0 8 0 0 8 3 2 8 6 Elizabeth A. Russell William Hooper .. W. H. P. Marsdou.. I Susan J. Ormiston Mary A. Coad Clara G. Goldsworthy Edward N. Ormiston Elizabeth A. Nixon Mabel H. Fortune.. Elizabeth Sinclair.. Clara B. Westwood Isabella F. R. Kells F M HM AF FP i FP HM AF p j F I F ) F 60 0 0 135 0 0 210 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 175 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 48 I) 0 15 32 127 Waiorongomai 246 4 0 27 4 0 2 2 0 61 !00 233 !01 !02 !03 !04 Morrinsville Waharoa Oxford Lichfield e .. Tauranga— Katikati No. 2 Katikati No. 3 Tauranga [B] — Tauranga No. 1 234 235 236 237 90 16 8. 100 13 4 100 0 0 42 0 8 5 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 19 0 6 7 0 25 29 15 11 S05 S06 238 239 155 0 0 95 0 0! 9 15 6 15 17 6 Cordelia Crowther.. Esther M. Gill F I F 1 108 0 0 100 0 0 35 21 '1)7 Tauranga No. 2 240 307 18 4! "833 0 4 16 5 0 32 5 0 0 13 6 Walter W. Madden Margaret J. Allely.. Henty M. Chappell I Evan R. Lillington Arthur BearFrances A. Somerville Florence M. Smith HM AF 1 FP HM AM AF FP 175 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 210 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 70 128 241 laramu (No. IK 2). <i Half-time with Har (No. 161). « Ai ided. d in June. c Half-time with •apepe I iber. i>Aided; o; »enei



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. AUCKLAND—continued.


o . o.S •a J O to go § 2 cc™ — CJ OC/2 o " Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. 08 g*n 'h © 0 d O rl 9* O t/i O Mainh Expenditure for the Year. jnance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Stall' at the End of the Year. 9 Annual ■+> Salary and .So' Allowance £ o at the hate o^ paid during +>w the Last g Quarter of p< the Year. a jj a q 1_ Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. I I I !08 !09 !10 ill Tauranga— Te Puke Greerton a .. Whakatane— Whakatane Opotiki 242: 243| 244; 245: [ £ s. d. I 99 0 0 I 67 6 8 ! 156 8 4 486 17 0 j £ s. d. 6 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 0 13 0 2 14 0 Margaret Henry .. Mary Tuthill £ s. d. F 108 0 0 F 68 0 0 M 135 0 0 HM 210 0 0 A F j 90 0 0 A F I 60 0 0 M P 50 0 0 86 11 8E 13£ George C. Heenan.. Vacant Catherine Boyd Caroline J. Flatt .. Moore F. Haszard.. Rotorua— Rotorua i1 216 5 0 8 16 0 260 0 0 Joseph W. Webber Alice S. Hyatt i HM: 150 0 0 AF 70 0 0 112 246 Ararimu Valley Chelsea Mayfield Ohineroa Expenditure on ', Schools not , open in Deci imber, 1890. 11 5 0 67 1 8 2 io 0 014 6 300 0 0 ai' 6 8 315 0 Walter J. Robinson Drawing-master Plans and supervision .. Audit of School Fund Accounts City Truant Officer E: xpenditure »c ot classified. 381 17 2 594' 1 5 225 0 0 20"0 0 I •• 120 0 0 55141 0 0 56,443 18 5 5,217 15 10 9,071 0 4 18097

1 Taranaki— Eltham Road 1 87 5 0 19 11 8 101 6 2 Robert G. L. Surrey Maria Jacks Harry A. Eason Zoe Prosser D. C. Duffill Agnes Malcolm Albert Henry Evans A. S. Tyrrell Edward H.M.Alford Alice Corbett Ernest Henry Clark Agnes A. Eustace .. E. J. Roebuck Robert J. Cattley .. Florence Wood William Richards .. Florence Wood Emma Hawkes Robert J. Bakewell Gwendoline Rodgers Florence Wood Ambler Woodhead.. Rose CowlingAlice Billing i M S ! H M ! FP S I F ! M ! s I M ; s HM : FP S M S M S F HM FP S HM FP S 7'.) 0 0 8 0 0 149 5 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 72 0 0 104 0 0 8 0 0 74 0 0 8 0 0 131 0 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 92 10 0 8 0 0 87 10 0 8 0 0 77 0 0 107 5 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 121 15 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 27 2 Opunako 2 173 0 0 16 8 4 2 0 0 64 3 4 Oaonui ... Rahotu 3 4 70 12 6 117 16 5 6 10 7 11 4 4 18 19 5 Warea 5 82 15 0 10 12 10 5 0 0 30 6 Okato 6 143 0 10 15 16 11 1 0 0 52 Tataraimaka 7 81 6 8 12 3 10 27 Oakura 8 95 0 0 8 7 3 18 11 0 23 Koru Omata 9 10 74 0 10 144 7 6 9 14 7 20 6 11 4 0 0 0 7 6 20 37 Frankley Road 11 157 17 5 14 8 11 5 12 0 31 New Plymouth [Bj — Central 1,000 2 8 148 11 10 35 4 0 Pr. M AM AM AM DF AF AF AF FP FP FP HF AF FP 240 0 0 162 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 123 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 381 12 Hector Dempsey .. James Hislop Fred. Mills Arthur Hunnibell .. Ada M. Roby Beatrice Cliff Hettie E. Taylor .. Maude Barnes Agnes Sadler Marion Todd Adelaide Rennell .. Lydia E. Shaw Frances M. Smith.. Emily Rennell West Infants' 13 202 2 6 36 0 0 99 Taranaki— Fitzroy 21 10 6 145 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 93 10 14 208 17 6 John Young Violet E. Gayne .. Alice Stockley Catherine Roberts.. HM FP FP S n Aid) id.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. TARANAKI- continued.


"a . 'A* •~o S 2 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. 6§ **§ v$ C & o Maintenance. ._ .,,. Buildings, bites, m . , «.. Furniture, Teachers Other . ' Salaries and Ordinary Armarotns Allowances. Expenditure. APParatusMaintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. 2 Annual -r. Salary and flrg Allowance '" o at the hate org paid during '-j 77 ai the Last g Quarter of Ph the Year. o a H ® SiH > < Taranaki— continued. Mangorei Lower Mangorei Upper - Kent Road Lower £ s. d. 54 0 0 62 7 6 87 5 0 £ s. d. 5 0 4 (i 3 0 8 1 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 54 0 0 05 0 0 80 15 0 8 0 0 83 15 0 8 0 0 81 5 0 8 0 0 85 10 0 8 0 0 139 10 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 72 0 0 8 0 0 81 0 0 172 0 0 59 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 155 0 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 130 0 0 35 0 0 8 0 0 128 10 0 8 0 0 11 12 13 Kent Road Upper Albert Road Egmont Village Bell Block Egmont Road 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 71 17 6 77 8 3 92 7 6 174 15 0 87 10 0 9 17 8 6 15 5 12 8 1 10 17 3 9 18 9 *• 5 15 0 j 16 18 0 9 12 0 Sarah Ellis Robert Sinclair Eugene F. Deneker Mary Marsh Samuel Wyllie Mary Marsh Charles A. Rogers.. Charlotte Andrews Mary Wrigley E. J. TaylorGeorge W. Potts .. Constance Rundle.. Harriet Hoby John Armstrong Hill M. A. Bishop Emma Nixon Herbert Mason, B.A. Alice Winchester .. Gertrude Carrick .. Ida M. Batten John T. Campbell .. Florence Buckle .. M. E Smaller Thomas Ronaldson Oscar Worm C.K.Collins William Adams Mrs. W. Adams F M M S M S M S F S HM FP S M S F HM AF FP FP H M FP S HM MP S M S 14 15 23 25 21 24 54 20 14 Upland Road Waitara 23 24 85 7 6 272 16 4 8 11 10 33 14 1 0 4 0 229 9 9 24 131 Lepperton 178 5 0 15 19 6 60 15 25 Waiongona 26 161 19 4 18 10 11 84 8 6 45 10 Huirangi 27 111 18 9 14 12 0 116 48 17 Clifton— Tikorangi 28 184 12 6 13 19 6 10 0 Frederick W. Young Isaac M. West E. S. Armstrong .. H. B. Vaughan M. B. Furze Eleanor F. Ellis .. HM MP S M S F 150 10 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 80 0 0 8 0 0 36 0 0 61 Urenui 29 84 6 4 10 2 10 28 18 19 Pukearuhe Taranaki— Inglewood 30 40 15 0 4 8 6 9 20 21 22 23 Wortley Road Norfolk Road Kaimata Tarata Midhirst 31 32 33 34 35 36 253 0 4 81 18 4 110 18 4 27 3 4 90 10 0 216 17 6 24 19 4 11 6 2 12 18 9 7 2 1 9 13 5 20 8 3 50 0 0 11 3 0 330 2 8 12 9 2 48 9 9 James Grant, B.A... Louisa C. Dymond Edith M. Reeve .. Annie E. Meyenberg Thomas B. Winfield Lilian Hall E. J. Taylor Dugald B. Latley .. Florence R. Earl .. Martin Bourke Sarah Bourke Florence A. Tyrer.. Jane Hirst William Daveney .. Laura Reed Edith M. Pitt Edith M. Rogers .. Edward Evans Clara A. King Evan Evans Ann Gardiner Charles Maclean .. Annie Morgan F. F. Godfrey HM AF FP F HM FP S M S M S HM S MP FP HP FP HM FP MP S M S M 168 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 83 0 0 104 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 76 0 0 8 0 0 78 0 0 8 0 0 151 5 0 8 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 97 5 0 25 0 0 154 5 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 8 0 0 79 0 0 8 0 0 63 0 0 114 26 42 19 19 73 Waipuku 119 15 0 14 8 9 43 37 24 Stratford 38 211 18 8 19 17 6 20 0 1 88 Tariki 97 15 0 10 15 2 23 4 0 27 25 39 26 Carrington Road .: 40 29 1 8 5 10 4 5 10 7 17 Unclassified Plans and supervision .. Si cpenditure n 52 16 2 ;ot classified. \ 17 14 3 37 10 0 5,704 14 6 730 5 6 1,077 19 11 15,893 15 0 1,991

Hawera — 1 Pihama 2 Otakeho 3 Manaia .. 1 2 .. 3 155 0 0 161 10 0 327 1 9 7 13 9 9 12 6 .. 18 14 6 I" 3 0 0 Albert Proudlook .. Jacob Honore 24 1 6 James Kinloch Law Frances J. Davis .. Julia Slattery M ,M HM AF FP 135 0 0 160 10 0 203 10 0 102 15 0 30 0 0 8: 3! 12:



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued. WANGANUI —continued.

o . -S li P "J Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LB]) in which situate. Or . O o o *•§ gal is © 3 8 ft o m O Mainte] Expe: iditure for the Year. nance. _, ..,. Buildings, Sites,' r-.+T,™ Furniture, Other d Ordinary Apparatus . Expenditure. LL . .. lance. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teaulieis on the Staff at the End of the Year. © Si fH O .2« +=03 'm O P4 ! © o Annual j £ C Salary and j *;-£ Allowance j § 5 at the Kate j £ » paid during I <^ the Last g/E Quarter of eo'^ the Year. «£h > < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Hawerar1— continued. 4 Kapuni 5 Okaiawa 6 Cardiff 7 Ngaire 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 £ s. d. 101 5 0 110 17 6 127 18 4 278 13 9 £ s. d. 7 5 6 6 15 0 6 16 3 15 11 6 £ s. d. 98 10 0 146 14 (I 0 18 6 38 5 0 Henry Law Thomas A. Harris.. Daniel J. Williams Charles J. Cooke .. Thomas Innes May Blizzard Margaret McKay .. George H. Maunder T. D'Arcy Hamilton Mary Brown John Harre Pannie Roberts Mary G. Casey James Ure MurrayAlexander MaiiJulia Horneman .. Alexander Matheson Ellen Prendergast.. Amy F. Brunette .. Esther Ecclesfield.. Isabel Hutchison .. M M M HM MP FP F M HM FP HM AF FP M HM AF AM AF FP FP FP £ s. d. 105 0 0 120 0 0 137 10 0 207 15 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 111 5 0 155 0 0 207 15 0 30 0 0 221 10 0 102 15 0 30 0 0 155 0 0 278 0 0 134 10 0 140 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 24 27 29 71 8 Bird Road .. 9 Matapu 10 Eltham 8 9 10 8 9 10 107 10 0 159 15 0 227 8 9 20 0 9 7 14 16 8 0 22 0 0 27 10 6 21 2: 91 11 Normanby .. 11 11 341 0 8 19 9 6 1112 Te Roti 13 Hawera [B] .. 12 13 150 0 0 722 15 7 7 13 9 34 5 2 7 0 0 9 10 6 2! 27: 12 13 14 15 16 17 Patea— 14 Manutahi 15 Whakamara.. 16 Alton 17 Kakaramea .. 14 15 10 17 50 1 0 42 13 6 110 16 8 232 11 8 16 3 3 10 0 Alice Monk Annie Finn Vacant Arthur England .. Marjory Williamson Alex. W. Williamson Agnes McLeod Maud Meads Amy Black F F M HM FP HM AF FP FP 60 0 0 48 15 0 137 10 0 181 10 0 50 0 0 240 0 0 93 7 6 55 0 0 30 0 0 II i: 2' 7 6 3 13 6 6 IS" 8 0 18 Patea [Bj 18 18 420 5 2 19 9 6 21 2 0 131 19 20 21 Patea — 19 Whenuakura 20 Kohi 21 Waverley 19 20 21 140 10 0 106 5 0 362 2 8 10 5 0 7 13 9 19 9 6 0 7 6 15 10 0 25 7 8 Taliesin Thomas .. Fred. D. Strombom James Milne Jemima Cheyne .. Maud Mason James F. Thurston F. S. M. Hankin .. W. H. A. Worsop .. Martha Farr M M HM FP FP MP M HM FP 140 10 0 110 0 0 244 15 0 65 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 140 10 0 150 0 0 47 0 0 41 31 12: 22 Momohaki .. 23 Waitotara .. 22 23 22 23 139 5 10 233 16 3 9 0 0 13 6 6 45 6 2 14 19 0 31 6! 24 25 20 27 Waitotara — 24 Maxwell 25 Brunswick .. 26 Goat Valley .. 27 Aramoho 24 25 26 27 102 19 9 119 7 6 83 8 9 419 13 9 9 12 6 7 13 9 5 14 3 19 9 6 10 1 0 0 16 0 29 2 1 J. D. Innes William H. McLean E. W. Tompkins .. Charles H. W. Lock A. Marion Field .. Jessie McCaul Jane Ewing Frank B. Parkes .. M M M HM AF FP FP M 120 10 0 125 0 0 82 10 0 215 0 0 99 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 140 10 0 41 3! 214: 28 29 28 Mosstown .. Wanganui— 29 Upokongaro .. Mangawhero : Wanganui [B] 30 Wanganui Boys' 28 29 30 135 7 6 105 14 1 17 15 9 9 12 6 7 2 6 118 6 R. Hermann Rockel Henrietta Harden.. M P 117 10 0 22 10 0 4: 81 30 Wanganui Girls' 31 32 898 2 0 050 11 4 366 15 8 110 14 6 0 19 0 80 5 0 41 12 0 Richard J. Fenn .. Arthur Gifiord W'ilham L. Maule.. William J. Andrew George G. Bullock.. Fred. W. Mason .. S. F. B,. Blyth Margaretta Field .. Ellen Ewing E. A. McNeill Emma P. Laird .. Annie McLean Jemima N. Hoey .. Elizabeth Low Jessie Mclntyre Harriet Curtis Annie Beaven Grace Barr Nellie Spurdle Eliza Brown Agnes Peffers HM AM AM AM MP MP HP AF AF AF AF FP HF FP FP FP FP FP FP HF PP 295 0 0 185 0 0 140 0 0 150 0 0 65 0 0 52 0 0 252 10 0 112 10 0 89 7 6 80 0 0 84 7 6 55 0 0 155 0 0 55 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 23: 23; Wanganui Infants' 251 33 i St. John's Infants' i Wanganui— 31 I Okoia 34 146 0 0 129 0 0 8 18 9 Sheridan C. Hall .. M 130 0 0 35



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. WANGANUI— continued.

o . 0.2 y. ; - -J 7. n tew .-. --J Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [_B]) in which situate. o-i . o Kg Mainte: Expe: iditure for the Year. tance. Buildings, Bites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. © ai .2« ID O Ph 8 Annual § u Salary and ' -3 £ Allowance § d at the Kate £ P paid during < the Last g, 1? Quarter of m '£ the Year. © h 3 a © ** © a 2 ft K © O cfl Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 32 33 34 35 36 Wanganui— continued. Mars Hill .. Matarawa Denlair Riverton Upper Wangaehu Warrengate 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 £ s. d. 03 15 6 85 o 0 60 15 3I 34 4 3( £ s. d. 410 0 4 10 6 £ s. d. 29 17 6 3 2 11 12 6 Fergus A. Murray .. E. Monro Menzies.. Janet H. Peat Lucy Balmer Vacant Susie C. Ward David W. Low Elizabeth Burr M M F F £ s. d. 75 0 0 82 10 0 64 13 9 45 0 0 19 20 24 14 37 24 12 3 174 4 2 12 11 6 •• F HM FP 30 0 0 176 10 0 30 0 0 Rangitikei— Turakma .. 188 0 0 1 13 0 6 David H. Jenkins .. Jane Day.. Mary K.' Philpot .. Henry J. Carter .. Eliza C. Harper John S. Ballantine E. D. Maunder .. Edwin Mossman .. Ritchings Grant .. Johan J. Macdonald Alison Macdonald .. John J. Coyle HM FP F M F M F HM AM AF FP MP 166 0 0 20 0 0 48 15 0 128 0 0 01 17 6 75 0 0 45 0 0 263 10 0 165 0 0 108 15 0 65 0 0 35 0 0 51 38 43 39 40 41 42 43 44 Glen Nevis Upper Tutaenui Porewa Turakina Valley West Rangitikei Marton [B] .. 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 9 0 162 5 10 63 19 9 60 0 0 41 0 6 605 10 6 10 "s 0 5 14 0 :V 0 0 12 40 22 12 12 218 20 4 0 2211 6 45 46 47 48 49 Rangitikei— Mount View.. Crof ton Greatford South Makirikiri Bull's 50 51 52 53 54 70 12 6 120 8 11 121 5 0 100 9 2 400 19 0 13 9 9 11 3 0 18 9 7 6 3 21 9 6 25 19 0 0 2 0 1 17 0 C. H. Tomlinson .. William MeCreedy Henry A. Easther .. Donald Martin Andrew Thomson .. Nellie Thomson Leonard J. Watkin Annie Scott Alex. Matheson T. Baker Insoll Joseph R. Black .. George S. Evans .. James Collier Ada Quarrie Mary Staffan M M M M H M AF MP FP M M M M HM FP FP 75 0 0 127 10 0 125 0 0 105 0 0 240 0 0 93 7 6 52 0 0 30 0 0 125 0 0 138 10 0 125 0 0 155 0 0 208 0 0 05 0 0 55 0 0 1! 3! 21 21 13! 50 51 52 53 54 Parawanui Hunterville Rata Paraekaretu Halcombe 55 56 57 58 59 101 4 1 158 12 5 30 0 0 151 5 0 320 18 9 6 9 3 11 1 6 2 13 7 13 9 17 4 6 llfj' 0 0 138 8 4 2. 5 2' 2! 101 85*13 0 Oroua— Stanway 144 7 0 11 16 6 12 16 2 Arthur W. Rule .. Leonard McDonald Annie McDougal .. Joseph Guylee James Nairn John 0. Hill M. H. Lissaman .. Samuel Strachan .. Hannah Roaehe .. Patrick Roaehe HM MP F HM MP IIM AF AM AF MP 131 0 0 15 0 0 ■13 4 0 171 0 0 35 0 0 266 0 0 127 10 0 140 0 0 75 0 0 43 0 0 55 60 5i Waituna Makino Road 61 62 200 14 2 13 6 6 8 2 6 556 57 Feilding [Bj 63 639 16 10 28 14 0 51 5 0 231 58 59 60 Oroua— Upper Taonui Hiwinui Ashurst 64 65 66 178 5 0 10 5 Oj 3 9 0 27 15 0 30 17 6 John Powell Not yet in operation Arthur Buchler Agnes Chalmer Kate Warne Ellen Craven George It. Espiner William Prendergast Alicia Prendergast.. Annie Astbury Hugh D. Densham Mary Shortall Louisa C. Cleary .. James Victor Elizabeth Verdon .. Patrick O'Dea Norman J. Grabbe.. Elizabeth K. Low .. Thomas A. Flood .. Marion E. Keeble .. Dugald Matheson .. Henry E. Astbury .. Edward H. Rogers.. Francis E. Watson Martha Irvine Marion Schofield .. W. H. L. Foster .. Isabella McDonald M 140 10 0 3i 61 62 68 64 Bunnythorpe Taonui Mangaone Midland Road Stoney Creek 67 68 69 70 71 398 11 2 268 17 1 118 8 0 173 7 8 291 19 6! 20 11 6 16 9 6 10 5 0! 11 1 6 ie"8 o 17 12 OJ 1 4 6; 133 1.7 4 151* 3 10 HM AF FP FP II M MP FP P HM FP F HM FP MP M F H M FP M M M HM AF AF AM AF 228 0 0 95 5 0 55 0 0 40 0 0 205 15 0 55 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 171 0 0 20 0 0 "26 0 0 205 15 0 05 0 0 35 0 0 110 0 0 95 0 0 187 10 0 50 0 0 137 10 0 150 0 0 - 130 0 0 316 0 0 145 10 0 110 15 0 135 0 0 75 0 0 15! 101 41 51 9i 65 <>6 G7 Beaconsfield Birmingham Karere 72 73 74 102 3 9! 99 7 e| 238 0 6 7 5 0' 7 .13 9 15 13 0 110 15 0 0 17 5 0 2' 3: 71 08 69 70 71 Linton Kairanga Jackeytown Palmerston North [B] .. 75 76 77 78 136 5 0 142 10 0 1§7 10 0 955 15 4 7 13 9 7 13 9 7 13 9 78 5 4 24 10 0 25 9 0 21 3: 2! 42: 1,636' 5 3 » Paid b; y the Commit! ;ee for this qui u-ter.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. WANGANUI— continued.



|S n So. Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. 5"* o o £«* 5s Teachers' Names, Maintenance. _ „,, including all Teachers Buildings, and Pupil-teachers j „ Sites, 011 the Staff at the End Teachers' Other P*2*!l™' oi th() ***■ Salaries and Ordinary Amnntliq Allowances. Expenditure, Apparatus. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. -I -S3 O I « CJ Annual § £* Salary and rd£ Allowance § d at the "hate £3 paid during <!^ the Last g.'g Quarter of cc.- 7"* the Year. qjE-t l> g 5 O (/j Palmerston North TB] — £ s. d. continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Nellie C. Innes M. Agnes J. Martin Lucy O'Brien Edith Mowbray .. Bridget Henley i .. 2 15 0 H. von Blaramberg Annie C. Hobbs Hugh Mcln tyre .. Albert H. Powell .. Florence Malcolm.. £ s. d. FP FP FP FP FP HM AF AM MP FP £ s. d. FP 50 0 0 FP 55 0 0 FP 47 0 0 FP 30 0 0 FP 30 0 0 HM 260 0 0 18 AF 99 0 0 AM 105 0 0 MP 25 0 0 FP 20 0 0 £ s. d. 50 0 0 55 0 0 47 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 260 0 0 99 0 0 105 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 Terrace End .. 79 j 492 8 0 79 18: 72 Oroua — Fitzherbert East .. 80 101 2 2 Manawatu — Sandon .. ..81 341 9 8 80 5 5 1 19 0 0 H. M. Payno M M 100 0 0 2 100 0 0 2: 73 81 19 9 6 5 7 6 George Grant Roberta Thomson .. W. J. B. Trcwin .. 15 13 0 186 0 4 Charles Bowater .. M. Helen Phyn .. George Me Caul 10 9 0 0 18 10 George Nye James Matthews .. 7 13 9 .. George S. Harper .. 6 6 7 188 9 10 T. Fifield Reeve .. 2 6 6 R. Otway French .. 24 11 6 8 4 6 Reginald C. Templer 5 5 0 .. John O'Brien 23 11 6 20 10 0 Herbert Woodham Joanna Prendergast Elizabeth Ballantine William F. Stansill HM AF MP H M FP MP HM MP M M M M M HM AF FP MP HM 216 15 0 12 A F 78 15 0 MP 55 0 0 HM 185 5 0 9 FP 55 0 0 MP 35 0 0 HM 159 0 0 0 MP 35 0 0 M 125 0 0 2 M 90 0 0 2: M 106 5 0 2 M 122 10 0 3i M 137 10 0 2: HM 220 0 0 17! AF 113 0 0 FP 65 0 0 MP 65 0 0 216 15 0 78 15 0 55 0 0 185 5 0 55 0 0 35 0 0 159 0 0 35 0 0 125 0 0 90 0 0 106 5 0 122 10 0 137 10 0 220 0 0 113 0 0 65 0 0 65 0 0 12! 74 Campbelltown .. 82 237 11 5 82 <S 75 Awahuri .. .. 83 140 13 1 83 61 76 77 78 Carnarvon .. ..84 125 0 0 Pobangina .. .. 85 106 15 10 Kimbolton Road .. 86 90 14 7 Cheltenham.. ..87 117 1 8 Oroua Bridge ..88 113 2 0 Foxton .. ..89 456 5 1 84 85 86 87 88 89 2! 21 2! 31 21 17! 79 80 Hawera — Kaponga .. .... 34 15 4 Not yet in operation Ei xpenditure not classified. Requisites .. .. .. j .. i School sites .. .... Plans and supervision 17,701 14 6 I .. 53 5 2 11 19 10 171 0 11 1,014 11 0 3,984 11 0 .. 18371 10 3j 5,87l

Wairarapa North — Whakataki 71.. Kaiwhata a .. Grassendale a Tenui 1 2 3 4 88 2 6 15 18 9 9 7 6 8 10 0 0 13 0 Frank G. Mangnuson Henry C. Messiter.. Cornelius Savage .. George H. Pope .. Lucy Smith Adelaide Dowdeswell M. E. Bannister .. Harriet M. Hickson Christina McKenzie Henry Wilson Lilian Cole Mary Bannister Mary H. Wilson .. Duncan M. Yeats .. Annie Palla Jane Miller Cecilia McKenny .. James Mackintosh t Mary J. Swan Francis Bennett .. S. Elizabeth Batt .. Felicia Broberg Clara Wilkinson .. Charles Weston John McKenzie Herbert Sanson Kate Nelson Joseph H. Worboys Henry A. Parkinson Charles C. Hubbard M M M M S P P F F HM AF AF FP HM AF FP FP M 83 10 0 7 10 0 37 10 0 145 0 0 5 0 0 146 5 0 78 15 0 48 15 0 100 0 0 245 0 0 00 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 225 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 75 0 0 20 3 10 26 lis' 2 4 2 3 4 Taueru Bideford a .. Ditton" Wangaehu .. Mangatainoko 5 6 7 8 9 156 9 5 100' 0 0 363 8 5| I 10 10 0 75 IS 9 11 5 0 8 0 0 22 0 0 0 8 6 32 15 0 36 21 16 114 5 266' 6 8 Pahiatua 330 0 0 22 0 0 6 16 0 115 10 Ballance a Kaitawa * Newman Eketahuna .. 11 12 13 14 26 5 0 19 13 6 34 11 3 11 5 0 494 0 9 F 97 10 0 330 11 8 20 0 0 HM AF AF F M M HM AF M M M 225 0 0 75 0 0 00 0 0 131 5 0 33 15 0 155 0 0 165 0 0 75 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 155 0 0 102 Hastwell b .. Alfredton » .. Mangaone .. Mauriceville.. 15 16 17 18 32 10 3 C 134.' 6 8 218 0 2 106 11 2 5 0 0 9 10 0 11 10 0 35 12 3 167'18 4 13 14 6 31 28 39 8 9 10 11 12 Mauriceville East | Dreyerton .. I Opaki 19 20 j 21' 140 39 8 172 7 11 100 4 2 <• 35 10 " 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 23 27 21 a Aided, i> Hastwell was an aided school for first three quarters of the year o Includes rent, ±'26.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. WELLINGTON— continued.

o . yy. x o ° OI Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. . o o o •AA S»co .Sen S c3 o u o cd at O ta O Maintei Expe: iditure tor the Year. nance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. ! ° J> Annual \ § g m * im -S Salary and i *v® Teachers'Names . A1Iow y anc0 g g including all Teachers -g at the Kate || "?i? £? XX er? * §-3 paid during %& on the Staff at the End .-. u ' ) ,,„ T ,. t b O ro oftheYear. |« figgfe cu the Year. & tH l> Teachers' and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 18 Wairarapa North— contd. Fornridge 22 £ s. d. 283 0 8 £ s. d. 17 0 0 £ s. d. 25 2 0 £ s. d. Frederick Gover .. HM 205 0 0 73 Adolph Feist ..AM 60 0 0 Caroline Kelliher .. F P 15 0 0 Masterton [B] Masterton 1,163 13 4 61 3 3 136 14 7 William H. Jackson HM 315 0 0 455 William Waito ..AM 220 0 0 James Gilford .. AM 150 0 0 John Kay .. AM 100 0 0 E. Riemenschneider A F 75 0 0 Nita Johnston .. A F 60 0 0 Isabella Munro .. FP 40 0 0 Nelson Bunting .. MP 55 0 0 Agnes Sage .. FP 35 0 0 Lois McGregor .. FP 35 0 0 Margaret Smith .. F P 15 0 0 Edith Sage .. F P 35 0 0 Laura Keeling '> .. HF 115 0 0 91 Alice Watson <* .. HF 115 0 0 Ellen Barron. .. FP 20 0 0 Annie Kean .. F P 15 0 0 14 23 Masterton Infants' 24 172 1 8 '50 0 0 15 16 17 18 Wairarapa South — Waingawa .. Te Whiti .. Gladstone Clareville 25 26 27 28 100 0 0 150 0 0 105 0 0 352 18 4 8 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 20 0 0 10' 0 0 0 10 7 Annie Bowie .. F 100 0 0 19 Charles Harper .. M 150 0 0 20 Annie Duncan .. F 108 15 0 23 George Flux .. HM 215 0 0 100 Lois Feist .. AF 85 0 0 Kate Brann .. F P 35 0 0 John 11. Brann .. IIM 275 0 0 242 John Williamson ..AM 100 0 0 Mary Jones .. AF 75 0 0 Jabez A. Cowles .. MP 50 0 0 Robert Darroch .. MP 40 0 0 Grace Brann .. F P 35 0 0 Mary A. Broadbent F P 20 0 0 Carterton [B] 593 0 11 a 46 0 0 257 19 0 19 29 Wairarapa South — Belvedere 20 21 22 23 24 Daleiield Park Vale .. Waihakeke .. Matarawa .. 30 31 32 33 34 239 11 8 229 3 4 220 0 OJ 216 13 4 151 1 3 14 0 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 8 0 0 41 0 8 31 0 3 0 11 0 Henry MeFarlane.. HM 205 0 0 57 Jessie Moncriof .. F P 30 0 0 James M. Beechey HM 185 0 0 61 Reginald J. Foss ..MP 30 0 0 Charles A. Richards HM 205 0 0 47 Edith Richards .. F P 15 0 0 Mary A. Richards .. S 5 0 0 John A. Smith .. HM 175 0 0 39 Lilian Braithwaite FP 20 0 0 Thomas McNaught M 145 0 0 16 Elizabeth Jones .. S 5 0 0 Vacant .. .. .. 275 0 0 210 Charlotte F. Scale.. AF 115 0 0 Alexander McKenzie AM 100 0 0 MaryYorke .. FP 40 0 0 Elizabeth Bunting.. PP 35 0 0 Mary S. Braithwaite F P 40 0 0 Ella Brunton .. FP 15 0 0 57 61 47 39 16 25 Greytown [B] 35 667 18 10 32 0 0 10 0 0 210 Wairarapa South — Kaitara 28 26 27 28 29 30 Waihenga .. Pirinoa Tauhcrenikau e Featherston.. 36 37 38 39 !0 193 6 8] 265 3 9 110 0 0 488 0 0 10 0 0; 14 0 0 9 10 0 76 17 6 (34 10 0 30 7 6 4 4 0 2514 3 Tom Wakelin .. M 175 0 0 28 Mary A. Ward .. S 5 0 0; Thomas D. Wardlaw HM 195 0 OJ 60 Ada Ames .. FP 20 0 0; Caroline Davis .. F 110 0 0 20 Lillias Heaney .. F 71 5 0 18 Thomas Porritt .. HM 255 0 0 190 JohnHopkirk ..AM 100 0 0 Olivia Payne .. A F 85 0 0 Edith M. King .. F P 40 0 0 G. S. M. McDermid H M 175 0 0 40 Agnes R. Dods .. F P 35 0 0 Richard Delany .. M 115 0 0 22 60 20 18 190 Kaiwaiwai .. 210 s a 12 0 oi 226 9 8 4.0 31 41 32 Cross Creek .. Hutt— Kaitoke 42 116 10 0i 8 0 0 22 83 43 160 0 0 8 10 0| i Donald Munro .. M 155 0 0] 18 Jane Munro .. S 5 0 0! Sarah Elkin .. F 108 15 0 25 Eliza H. Evans .. F 110 5 0 35 Edward Foden .. M 100 0 0 22 Grace Foden .. S 5 0 0 F. W. Connell .. HM 205 0 0 100 Laura Treadwcll .. AF 85 0 0 Jane Pearson .. F P 15 0 Oi l. e Aided. I Includes rent, £3 10s. 18 34 35 36 Wallace Mungaroa .. Whiteman's.. 44 45 46 108 15 0 iao 0 0 106 10 0 9 10 0! 10 0 0i 8 0 Oi 3 17 6 25 35 22 5 0 0 37 Upper Hutt .. 47 876 3 4 19 0 0: 0 10 100 a Includes rent, £30. ). leave. o Ac ;ting. * Iui eludes rent, £V <>0n



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. WELLINGTON—continued.

'A~ I! CE.H OU2 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [Bj) in which situate. o,_; . o o o *% ■is o 2 » O M o Mainti Expe: iditure for the Year. nance. ..,. Buildings, Sites, 0ther FU1a n nd lre ' Ordinary ,„_„,.„, Expenditure. Apparatus. lance. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. <D .5-3 .So .-£02 O P4 Annual Salary and Allowance at the hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. I* 2 ° £ § ce q t* _< Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. 38 39 Hutt— Taita Hutt [B] 48 49 £ s. d. 316 15 0 551 4 10 £ s. d. 19 0 0 32 0 0 £ s. d. 17 14 8 59 5 6 Gordon Ponsonby .. Henrietta Boulcott Ellen Meagher David Barry George W. Chatwin Mary E. King M. Louise Graham E. Stuart Forbes .. Clara Meagher HM AF FP HM AM AF FP FP FP £ s. d. 215 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 255 0 0 100 0 0 00 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 181 40 41 Hutt— Wainuiomata Pitone [B] 50 51 107 5 4; 798 3 4 8 0 0 44 0 0: 2 13 7 34 16 0 Andrew Burns James Home Graham Pringle .. Ernest B. Jones .. Ellen J. Levy Minnie S. Cooke .. Agnes Olsen Alice Manning Helen Hutchen Maud Ryder M HM AM AM AF AF FP FP FP F 35 0 0 315 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 85 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 100 0 0 2! 32: 42 Hutt— Korokoro Horowhenua — Waikawa ° .. Manakau 52 100 0 Oi 8 0 0 0 2 6 22 43 53 54 265 0 0 13 2 6 22 0 0 10 10 6 173 10 8 Nellie Boylan Pinlay Bethune Ellen J. Howan F. Albert Stuekey .. Vacant Clement W. Lee .. Ella H. Mills Henry Whitehorn .. William Voysey Thomas L. Morrison James Leete Mary Leete F HM AF M 30 0 0 205 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 60 Levin Ohau Otaki 55 56 57 82 7 6 0 10 0 154 0 0 8 0 0 25 44 45 46 304' 1 7 29'lS 0 HM AF MP M M M S 205 0 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 155 0 0 63 15 0 165 0 0 5 0 0 *69 47 48 49 Shannon Waikanae" .. Paraparaumu 58 59 60 155 0 0 71 16 4 10 0 Oi 40 13 1 S3 10 0 194 6 11 1 0 3 225 8 0 33 19 21 50 51 52 53 Hutt— Paikakariki Plorokiwi" .. Judgeford Paliautanui 01 62 63 64 100 0 0 138 15 0 234 8 0 27 0 Oi 40 0 3 10 0 0| 12 0 0! 8 0 0 7 0 0 3 10 Dorothea Hamilton Janet Mitchell Elizabeth M. Rutter Angus Macgregor .. Francis Taylor Matilda A. London John Pilkington Mabel Evans Andrew Everiss Wigo Anderson Mrs. Drake Borthwick Browne Josephine Bassett .. Hugh P. Ward .. Eliza J. MayJessie Nairn Emily Nott Robert Johnston .. Clara StoreyMary Newton Sarah Letham Laura Welch May Hawkins Henry H. Dyer Annie J. Loekett .. Zoe Dryden Jane Donald Mrs. Dyer William F. Ford .. Elvina Dransfield .. F F F HM MP S HM FP HM MP S M S HM AF FP FP HM AF FP FP HF FP HM FP PP FP S HM AF 100 0 0 48 15 0 138 15 0 205 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 235 0 0 25 0 0 175 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 195 0 0 5 0 0 245 0 0 85 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 285 0 0 05 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 138 15 0 15 0 0 245 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 225 0 0 75 0 0 21 11 26 53 Porirua 310 3 1 13 0 0J 5 8 10 61 54 65 55 Tawa Flat 66 261 19 0 12 0 Oi I 40 19 0 43 Ohariu 67 199 11 8 10 10 0 40 56 57 Johnsonville 68 395 0 3 24 0 0 38 14 6 132 58 Kaiwara 69 44.0 1 4 "44 0 0 24 16 0 112 Makara 143 2 6 11 10 0 2 0 0 46 59 70 60 Karori 71 363 4 0 27 0 0 10 0 0 100 Wadestown 301 7 5 16 0 0 48 01 72 62 Wellington [B] — Thoradon 73 1,056 13 4i 45 0 0 11 13 2 William Mowbray .. Frederick Bakewell Charles II. Colville Annie Davies Sarah Dimant Elizabeth Robinson Clara Treadwell Theresa Dimant .. Mary Williams Margaret Page Helen Brown Elizabeth McKeegan Annie Payne HM AM AM AF AF FP . FP FP FP HF FP FP FP 355 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 85 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 115 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 339 Thorndon Infants' ti 74 208 15 0 26 0 0 3 14 0 12!



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. WELLINGTON— continued.

4—E. 1.

o . O 09 f © Q a o 0?J2 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. o,_- - o O o gtfi ■as O r. o d O -Ji Maintei Expe; iditure for the Year. nance. _ ..,, Buildings, ■— Sites, Other Fur a n nd U'e ' E^rSe, *W* tance. Teachers' Names, rt( _. including all Teachers •-< o and Pupil-teachers s 2 on the Staff at the End .2 u of the Year. ~<" o Of CD O Annual g u Salary and fd-2 Allowance § a at tl lo Hate J' paid during <J°^ the Last g.'g Quarter of <£'£ the Year. o B > Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Wellington [B] — contd. Terrace £ s. d. 1,109 6 10 £ s. a. 55 0 0 £ s. d. 60 12 0 £ s. d. 345 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 355 0 0 220 0 0 100 0 0 85 0 0 90 0 0 85 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 165 0 0 60 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 355 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 100 ' 0 0 75 0 0 60 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 251 5 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 230 0 0 115 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 345 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 110 0 0 75 0 0 00 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0, 421 03 04 Te Aro Infants' 65 Mount Cook Boys' 05 Te Aro 75 76 77 78 1,344 15 4 1,267 18 1 353 11 6 b241 5 0 c 100 1 81 60 0 Oj 10 1 0 7 4 0 George Maomorran Henry E. Tuckey a Francis Mason Tellira Watson Caroline Letham .. Sarah Fraser Marion George Caroline C. Watson Amelia Cook Jane E. Davies Florence Townsend Clement Watson .. W. Plunket Cole .. Alexander McBain Mary Ballingall Alice Bright Amy Davis Lucy Leighton Mary Bowie Grace A. Young .. Annie Ranwell Clara Firth Isabella Rennie Grace Thomson Georgina Chatwin.. Phcebe Watson Theresa AlexanderMay Christie Edith M. Jordan .. Ada Evans Bessie Riddick Beatrice Mason Charles J. Hardy .. Joseph Thomas Walter N. Dempsey Robert Drummond Eleanor Flannagan Alice Louise Hall .. E. W. Beaglehole .. Herbert Edmonds.. Lavinia Stuart Isabella Thorburn.. Christina Thorburn Eleanor N. Cook .. W. B. Rountree Catherine H. Tarn.. Elizabeth Helyer .. Harriet McGowan.. May Kate Lawson.. Ellen Wallace Annie Rothenberg.. Sophia Reeves Emmeline Hutchens Isabella Tait Emmie Meek Emily Brace Kate Williams Catherine A. Francis Maggie H. Craig .. Nina Manthel Sarah Rothenberg.. May Hopwood Eunice ParkerRavenna Zohrab .. Helen Sanderson .. Emily Cooper May Young Rosina A. Tattle .. William T. Grundy Edward Samuel .. Albert Erskine Elizabeth McGowan Elizabeth Page Pannie Booth Alice Lockie Elizabeth Ferguson HM AM AM AF FP FP FP FP FP FP FP HM AM AM AF AF AF AF FP FP FP FP FP FP HF AF FP FP FP FP FP FP HM AM AM AM AP AF MP MP FP FP FP FP MP HF AF AF AF AF AF FP FP FP FP FP FP HF AF FP FP FP' FP FP FP FP FP FP HM AM AM AP AF AF FP FP 471 22. 51, Mount Cook Girls' 79 935 12 10 65 16 0 108 9 9 41' Mount Cook Infants' .. 80 507 8 1 52 0 0 7 8 0 85' 66 | Clyde Quay .. 81 1,284 18 5 a 157 0 0; 890 4 10 021 % a Acting. b Includes rent, £181 Ss. <s Includes rent, £67 Is. 8d. il Includes rent, £100.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. WELLINGTON— continued.


o . (D '.n 8.S a « O02 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. 6% *% gcK S Si O 02 o Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CD rCj +-> .S-3 ° O "to O C4 Annual Salary and Allowance at the Bate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. CD •oS a £ 5 3 ©•c 5 Teachers' Other Salaries and Ordinary Allowances. Expenditure. Wellington [B] — contd. Clyde Quay— contd. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Alieo Robinson Elizabeth Scott Alice Ryder Emma Davies Julia Hutehens Griffen M. Cutting Priscilla Hudson .. John Kershaw FP FP FP AF FP MP FP MP £ s. d. 35 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 60 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 Melrose [B] — Vogeltown 196 17 0 Emily Browne Ida Kenny HP FP 153 15 0 25 0 0 61 82 15 0 0 5 13 2 Wellington [B] — Newtown 1,306 12 9 84 0 0 70 12 6 Charles Hulke Charles Bary James Mclntyre .. Mary E. Jordan Prances A. Chatwin Isabella Campbell.. Jessie Hutchen Mary Mowatt Elizabeth Ramsay.. Florence ■TaborJane C. Ramsay .. Eleanor Lewis Maggie Nimmo May White Walter Britland .. HM AM AM AP AF AF FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP MP 345 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 110 0 0 85 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 Oj 35 0 0; 25 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 45 0 0 02 83 591 * <i3 Melrose [B] — Kilbernie 84 | 322 0 10 385 0 Oj 19 0 0, 62 14 2 78 11 6 71 9 6 Robert Morton Mary Page Ellen Brown HM AF FP 225 0 0 60 0 0 35 0 0 77 Visiting teachers ;25,020 9 7 2,580 16 14,253 12 1 I 24984 15 0 8431

1 Cook— Tologa Bay .. 1 171 12 6 i 24 18 0 John M. Nelson .. Emily Nelson Ernest H. Ingpen .. James D. Harper .. Mary Baker Norman Shaw William D. MeClure Agnes MeClure Edwin Claude Bolton William H. Harris Jane Maokie Esther Wright Leah Greene John C. Woodward Mary F. Woodward Mabel Sadler John Chalmers Reid Walter Junius King Edmund King Thomas Morgan .. John Henry Bull .. Edward H. Mann .. James Haughey .. Sarah Bull Emma Jane Evans Isabella Sutherland Ernest G. Matthews Frank J. Thomson Ada Good Theresa Townley .. Edith Faram Blanche Bouillon .. Ellen Steele Lydia Witty Frances E. Baker .. HM FP M HM AF MP HM FP M HM AF FP FP HM AF FP M HM MP Pr. M AM AM AM DF AF AF MP MP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 144 0 0 26 0 0 ** 119 0 0 "201 7 0 88 15 0 42 0 0 150 10 0 26 0 0 »150 0 0 194 12 0 100 0 0 50 10 0 20 0 0 a 193 18 0 84 10 0 10 0 0 49 10 0 162 0 0 42 0 0 387 10 0 a 287 2 0 245 0 0 156 0 0 168 16 0 142 0 0 98 8 0 62 10 0 62 10 0 40 10 0 34 10 0 34 10 0 34 0 0 26 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 41 2 3 Te Karaka .. Ormond 2 3 124 0 0 336 18 3 13 12 6 35 7 0 3 10 0 2' 7' 4 Waerengahika 4 174 16 8 28 16 0s 3 18 6 41 5 6 Makauri Matawhero .. 5 (i 153 17 6 367 1 6 21 18 0 45 13 9 80 10 0 1 12 6 31 11 Patutahi 277 1 5 I 35 15 0 4 10 0 82 W raerangakuri Te Arai 42 11 3 203 2 6 . 8 9 8 9 6 10 0 1 25 6 0 li' 4 0 l: 5i 10 Gisborne [B] .. 10 1,817 5 1 160 12 01 104 17 4 541 Cook— Maraetaha .. 14 10 0 Lionel Izod M 139 10 0 11 11 123 10 0 1 17 6


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. HAWKE'S BAY— continued.


o . .■** °.2 ffl ffl ■&S II a cj 002 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LB]) in which situate. - O O O tfi Q, a © O CO O Expenditure for the Year. „ I 2 '. 1 jj> Annual I g u Teachers'Names, « . ! si Maintenance. ■ „;-. including all Teachers -So ,7tK,V 0 5 = Buildings, and Pupil-teachers =S '';?!!*„ |l Sites, on the Staff at the End || pa/h e l"t S 1« Teachers' Other of the Year. %« Quarter of S$ Salaries and Ordinary Annaratus ft the Year. Sb Allowances. Expenditure. APPara™s. h „n Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Wairoa — Frasertown .. Wairoa £ s. a. 158 1 3 298 8 9 £ s. d. 18 12 0 38 1 0 £ s. a. 12 13 Mohaka 12 13 72 1 8 23 12 6. 1.15 0 2 7 0 Louisa Gosnell Georgo C. Gosnell .. M. E. A. Bedingfleld Harriet Lambert .. Jane Redman F HM AF FP F »130 10 0 170 11 0 84 15 0 38 10 0 92 0 0 32 83 21 14 14 15 16 Hawke's Bay— Petane Puketapu 15 16 140 15 0 112 0 0 18 7 6' 13 17 6 , 1 10 0 Florence M. Reed .. Fanny Oliver F F 143 0 0 108 10 0 39 26 17 Port Ahuriri [Bl 17 098 1 1 86 9 6! 5 10 0 John Wolstenholme John H. Trimmer .. Mary Murray Kate Buchanan Edith Redward Phoebe Ferguson .. Lily Denholm HM AM AF FP FP FP FP 207 2 0 180 18 0 122 0 0 50 10 0 40 10 0 38 10 0 38 10 0 272 Napier [B] — Napier 821 72 1 6 A. B. Thomson David A. Sturrock.. Frederick T. Faram Jessie C. Brown Emily D. Robottom Mary Palmer Mary Miller Louisa H. Burden.. Helen B. Andrews.. George T. Watt .. Nancy Renouf Annabella Wyllie .. Mary Magill Annie Montgomery Ernest Leslie Elizabeth Reed Maud Charlton Jane Monteith Jane E. Goulding .. Rose Chegwidden .. Gertrude Sutton .. Mary E. Ferguson.. Pr.M AM AM AF DF AF AF AF AF MP FP FP FP FP MP FP FP HF AF FP FP FP "487 0 0 f 352 10 0 144 0 0 184 0 0 181 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 62 10 0 50 10 0 40 10 0 34 0 0 34 0 0 30 0 0 26 0 0 20 0 0 132 10 0 105 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 18 IS 2,177 5 8: 232 4 4 154 Hastings Street 19 357 10 0: 57 12 9 Hawke's Bay— Meanee 216 11 7 1 15 0 19 20 21 Taradale Clive 20 21 22 399 16 9 544 12 5 889 18 4 31 2 0 52 11 6 65 17 3 12 0 4 5 5 0 5 10 0 Richard P. Soundy Lucy Lansdowne .. Richard Goulding .. Anne M. Corbin .. Jane Davidson Annie Harpham .. Marion Howard Edward Bissell Annie Mills John Bissell Jessie Young Muriel Leyland Frank Alley John Alfred Smith Andrew Cuthbert .. H. Isabella Percy .. Maggie Newton Christina Caughley John Caughley Clara King Alice Collinge Mabel Gallien HM FP HM AF FP FP FP HM AF AM FP FP MP HM AM AF AF FP MP FP FP FP 175 10 0 26 0 0 208 7 0 101 5 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 227 9 0 111 13 0 138 10 0 36 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 283 6 0 195 0 0 127 5 0 97 10 0 50 10 0 52 10 0 34 0 0 38 10 0| 20 0 0! 67 149 187 280 22 Hastings [B] .. 23 80- 5 6 Hawke's Bay— Havelock 23 Te Aute 24 285 11 8 106 0 0 34 6 0 12 17 6 1 15 0 Robert B. Holmes.. Mary Cooper Edith Garry Lydia A. Harding .. HM AF FP F 178 17 0: 67 10 0 40 10 0| 98 0 Oi 79 24 24 25 25 26 Patangata— Patangata .. Kaikora 26 27 95 0 0 „337 19 11 11 5 0 42 7 6 i'lO 0 John Percy James W. Dodds .. Amy W. Arrow Agnes Stewart Annie Campbell .. Madeline G. Slattery William L. Weiss .. Thomas Ireland .. M HM AF FP FP F M M 90 0 0 196 9 0 100 15 0 32 0 0 20 0 0 48 0 0 92 0 0 87 17 6 20 107 27 28 29 Wallingford .. Porangahau.. Wainui 28 29 30 56 0 0 99 10 0i 92 15 Oi 7 0 0 12 7 6 10 5 0 4 18 9 12 21 19



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. HAWKE'S BAY— continued.


o . .+* as * 2 o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. . o £ ° O fH O t/J Maintenance. Expenditure for the Y 7ear. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CO si a o .S3 O Annual Salary and Allowance at the hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. o §>* •c-2 a g S 3 *S •3P.S P 3 Teachers' Other Salaries and Ordinary Allowances. Expenditure. 30 Waipawa— Waipukurau.. 81 £ s. d. 376 5 9 £ s. d. 55 11 3 £ s. d. 12 0 0 Andrew Anderson .. Helen Anderson .. Helen Palmer Mary Jones G. W. Williamson.. John Lord Wilhelmina Rosie.. Harriet Burdett .. Catherine B. Tuely Isabella Baker Nils Friberg Edith Coles Margaret S. Hyde .. Jane Doar F. T. W. Batson .. Charles Morton Douglas Bedingfield Ellen Tucker John C. Westall .. Mary F. Webb Marion Kuhtze Abel Webber Elizabeth King Louisa Wahl Hilda Pederson F. D. Fergusson .. Anna E. Friberg .. Ella C. Friberg .. Janet Russell Charles Nicholls .. F. J. Popplewell .. Annie T. Andrew .. Marion Allardiee .. Sarah A.'Mills Arthur Jones Matilda Lyttle Ida Graham Edmund Jardine .. Albert J. Morton .. William G. Martin Anne Bowden Isabella Smith Laura Hall Jane Anne Peebles Elizabeth Barkwith George Halliday .. HM AP FP FP HM AM AP FP FP FP HM FP F F M M HM FP HM AP FP HM AF FP FP HM AF FP FP M HM AF FP FP HM FP F M HM AM AF FP FP FP FP MP £ s. d. 184 16 0 99 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 237 15 0 143 0 0 116 15 0 20 0 0 26 0 0 20 0 0 151 10 0 20 0 0 96 0 0 102 0 0 144 0 0 "160 0 0 "175 2 6 20 0 0 174 10 0 81 4 0 40 10 0 208 6 0 104 0 0 34 0 0 26 0 0 191 14 0 97 0 0 40 10 0 26 0 0 98 0 0 198 3 0 97 5 0 26 0 0 36 0 0 150 0 0 10 0 0 143 0 0 92 0 0 260 0 0 161 10 0 122 9 0 40 10 0 26 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 120 Waipawa 589 19 3 61 14 0 180 31 32 Hampden 182 0 8 27 0 0 0 17 6 32 33 54 33 34 35 36 37 Te Ongaonga Blackburn .. Makaretu Ashley-Clinton Takapau 34 35 36 37 38 95 10 0 137 5 0 163 15 0 158 10 0 200 6 1 11 7 6 18 5 0 23 8 0 19 14 6 25 6 0 20*18 0 23 24 49 41 52 38 Ormondville.. 39 301 0 9 34 8 0 70 39 Norsewooa .. 40 366 18 0 50 5 0 12 12 6 130 40 Makatoku 41 350 17 9 46 0 0 10 18 8 102 41 42 Matamau Danevirke .. 42 43 99 0 0 346 9 9 22 0 0 47 15 0 8 15 10 8 10 0 24 133 Kumeroa 161 2 6 25 6 0 0 7 6 51 43 44 44 45 46 Heretaunga.. Mangaatua .. Woodville [B] 45 46 47 137 18 10 98 0 0 700 6 4 22 13 6 1.3 0 0 75 0 3 13 13 7 4 8 6 32 21 223 15,395 1 0 1,840 14 1 427 0 0 15265 11 0 4,828

Blenheim [B] 1 1,093 8 9! 151 19 9 332 8 9 John P. Lucas Charles Simson Mary M. Brown .. Margaret Morgan .. Mary Linton Herbert Robinson.. Herbert Stratford .. Florence Tausley .. Mary Farmar Caroline Roberts .. Annie Wrigley Lily Margaret Logan Mary O. Huddlestone 1 10 0 Charles C. Howard Mary Jane Hay Emily Gilbert H. Howard Pr.M AM AF DF AF MP MP FP FP j FP FP FP FP HM AF AF MP 300 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 180 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 32 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 449 I I I Pioton [B] ..j 2 404 3 4 04 5 0 1 10 0 134 Marlborough— Springlands .. .. 3 128 13 4 28 9 10 14 8 0 Edythe Stratford .. Elsie Hewitt 10 13 0 Harry Ladley Gladys Pilchard .. 30 3 0 William Tissiman.. Laura Matthews .. 14 8 0 HF FP HM AF HM AF 100 0 0 24 0 0 160 0 0 70 0 0 190 0 0 60 0 OJ 53 3 4 Grovetown .. .. i 4 229 10 0 42 12 0 10 18 0 73 5 Renwick .. i 5 265 16 8 39 9 8 30 3 0 70



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. MARLBOROUGH —continued.


o . 8.2 An a) c« §Q co 2 o cj Son Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. *% gin £° O r. co 3 777 p. (r a) O CO o Maintei Expe: iditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. <2 Annual 3 Salary and .Scj Allowance 'q o at the Bate o-^ paid during '£ 02 the Last g Quarter of f^ the Year. CO o •3-S a g S3 > < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Spring Greek Marlborough Town .. Tuamarina .. 1 Kaituna Fairhall Havelook Havelock Suburban .. Canvastown Waitohi 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 £ s. a. 140 16 8 80 0 0 231 12 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 296 0 0 125 16 8 120 0 0 210 0 0 £ s. d. 13 12 6 15 17 6 38 13 7 10 7 6 24 4 9 50 5 6 18 3 5 19 5 0 48 3 2 £ s. a. 13 11 0 14 18 6 2 10 0 121 1 2 20 17 0 36 0 0 10 3 8 John Squire Ann Collins Charles Peako Mrs. Peake Alice L. Williams .. Charles A. Ogilvie .. Laura Jeffries Jacob H. Reynolds Mary J. Matthews.. Mary Piokard Henry L. Severne .. Mrs. Mills John Irwin Hart .. George Wilmot Mary C. Williams .. John Berry Amy North Henry L. Twisleton Margaret Fama Quintin Campbell.. Edward Kiernan .. Florence Pritchard Emily Macey Vacant Mary F. Sumner .. M F HM AF F HM AF HM AF FP M S M HM AF HM FP M F M M F F M F £ s. d. 130 0 0 80 0 0 170 0 0 01 12 0 SO 0 0' 120 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 60 0 0 24 0 0 120 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 120 0 0 16 0 0 100 0 0 94 10 0 17 10 0 31 10 0 66 10 0 84 0 0 35 0 0 52 10 0 23 21 55 17 55 93 32 25 73 15 Okaramio 15 136 0 0 25 0 0 27 1 oj 37 16 17 Onamalutu Cullensville Kaiuma a .. Waikakaho".. Deep Creek" Wairau Valley » Starborough " Kekerangu ".. Sounas— Te Awaite " .. Port Unaervvood » Oyster Bay".. McMahon's " Kenepuru " .. Hopai" Wells's Farm " Manaroa" Fourfathom Bay " Beatrix Bay »,J Skiadaw " c .. Robin Hood Bay " Endeavour Inlet" Nydia Bay d .. Anakiwa ll Marlborough— 1 Marshlands c 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 05 0 0 91 0 0 21 17 6 30 12 6 81 7 6 78 15 0 33 5 0 64 15 0 15 5 0 87 18 0 131 13 1 28' 7 0 38 4 9 28 28 8 9 21 21 9 15 18 1.9 20 130'17 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 63 0 0 75 5 0 29 7 6 17 10 0 22 15 0 17 10 0 22 15 0 27 2 6 25 7 0 6 2 6 S 7 6 Clark Rampling .. Charles Ruff Richard Budge Edith McMahon .. Jessie Henderson .. Aaa Mills George Robertson .. H. E. Goasiff Walter Andrews .. M. G. Henaerson .. E. A. Houghton .. A. W. Blake H. W. Harris M M M F F F M F M F F M M 52 10 0 84 0 0 20 10 0 14 0 0 21 0 0 14 0 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 25 0 0 14 0 0 21 0 0, 70 0 01 15 21 3 4 5 4 5 6 8 24 20 17 6 87 10 0 9 12 6 7 0 0 310 0 ! '*6 19 25 39 213 3 0 | Apparatus not chargeable to any particular school Fa cpenditure n <t classified. I 6 6 0; 4,498 2 0 1,445 4,000 4 11' 605 14 8 1,289 12 0

Nelson [B] — Briage Street Boys' .. 733 10 0 297 15 1 117 16 6 G. A. Harkness, M.A. ! Frederick Worley .. Frederick Neve j Dominiek Corrigan Sophia Snart Amy Johnston i Ellen Cother j Maude Giblin j Mrs. Rosa C. Scott i Mary Anne Dement : Lucy Kitching i Elizabeth Leach .. Norah Prebble Eliza Sadd I Annie Kelly j James Barton Sadd j John T. Veysey Mary Kitching Annie Salmond Frederick V. Knapp Georgiana Sunley.. Jane Bona Marion Cameron .. Pr. M AM AM MP DF FP HF FP HF AF AF AF FP FP FP HM AM AF FP HM AF AF FP 300 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 24 0 0 110 0 0 24 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 80 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 18 0 0 250 0 0 160 0 0 72 0 0 30 0 0 185 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 24 0 0 210 Brook Street 148 0 0 79 2 Hai-ay Street Girls' .. 3 531 10 0 208 159 Haven Road Boys' 525 0 0 362 10 0 144 Hampden Street 5 "Aided. >> Not open durin; in Slst March, 1890. e Not ope: Sept ted oi smber quarter. 31st Deeembei o Not Oj -, 1890. ien during September quarter; no payment yei made. a Closed



Table No. 8 .—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. NELSON— continued.

O . °.2 3 5 go « 2 co .3 3 ° 0 "Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LBJ) in which situate. Oh ■§■§ O Ch '^i --< 3 X O co o Maintenance, Expenditure for the Y 7ear. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. o Si li m O Ph Annual Salary and Allowance at the Bate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. o S^ CO a, si £ 3 %■* 3 Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. ifurmtmre, and Apparatus. I I Nelson [B] —continued. Toitoi Valley Girls' .. £ s. a. 55910 0, £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. 200 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 42 0 0 42 0 0 72 0 0 18 0 0 ■• t Mary C. Gascoigne Sarah Ada Haynes Kate Newton Alexa I. Sheppard.. Frances R. Jacobsen Kitty E. Hounsell.. AdaG. M. Ingoll".. Margaret Hughes .. HF AF AF AF AF AF AF FP 221 Waimea— Elmslie Bay b Clifton Terrace Hillside Happy Valley Stoke i 7 8 9 10 11 29 11 2 ;! 1(V 7 6 Minnie Lammas 17 .. Marion Hood Janette O. Manson Mrs. Fanny Anderson John Naylor Jane Allport Edward Cowles Alice Fittall Edith E. Johnson .. Minnie J. Croueher Sarah Spencer d Mrs. Annie Coleman Jane Wray Alfred A. Malcolm.. Mrs. Annie Bryant Elizabeth Carter .. William H. Bryant Annie Hill J. W. Humphreys .. Eleanor Knapp Walter Laaiey Florence Franklyn Kate B. Bir-a Eveline C. Riley .. Pamela S. Bolton .. Eaward Bdridge .. Eliza A. Wadsworth Alfred Peart Catherine Morrison Minnie Robb Harrison Evans Lilian Ainsworth .. Hester M. Stanley.. Martha Stanley Eliza Phillips <* Ellen Quinton William R. Hodder Leila Sheppard William H. Boyes .. Eliza Thorn Elizabeth Alexander Samuel M. Seott .. Clara Playeock John Roby Martin R. C. A. von Gembitzky Herbert Langford .. Ella Haycock John Robinson Annie Cook Eugene Desaunais.. James George Deck M. R. M. Deck .. Charles James Deck Rose Clifford Janet Knowles T. G. Malcolm Arthur Douglas Horace E. Boyes .. Janet Dewar Fanny Jordan George C. Jennings Emily Guy Frances Guy Emily Street Alice Cowles Alice Bisley W. C. Smith <* F F F F HM AF HM FP HF FP HF HF FP M HF FP HM AF HM AF HM FP P F F HM FP II M AF F M F F F F F M F M F F IIM FP M M 16 0 0 72 0 0 68 0 0 56 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 160 0 0 18 0 0 120 0 0 18 0 0 140 0 0 100 0 0 24 0 0 120 0 0 105 0 0 30 0 0 140 0 0 42 0 0 130 0 0 60 0 0 160 0 0 30 0 0 84 0 0 56 0 0 76 0 0 130 0 0 30 0 0 130 0 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 112 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 64 0 0 54 0 0 100 0 0 56 0 0 100 0 0 92 0 0 88 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 120 0 0 68 0 0 4 21 17 14 69 85 0 0 70 6 8 69 13 4 232 0 0 3 24 7 4 18 10 0 4 Richmond Boys' 12 201 13 4 47 1 5 11 56 Richmond Girls' > .. 13 216 13 4 * 65 Ranzau 14 126 0 0 32 9 8 0 12 6 39 Hope River Terrace 15 16 116 5 0 139 10 0 40 13 4 30 39 Brightwater 17 175 0 0 0 14 0 63 7 Spring Grove 18 195 0 0 23 13 6 53 8 Lower Wakefield Boys' and Girls' Lower Wakefield Girls' Pigeon Valley Eighty-eight Valley .. Upper Wakefield 19 206 0 0 43 5 7 5 0 0 64 20 21 22 23 89 0 0 54 0 0 73 13 4 169 10 0 918 5 23 1 1 26 14 19 58 9 10 11 Foxhill 24 182 10 0 23 14 9 61 12 Gordon b Motupiko Upper Motupiko'' Tadmor Sherry b Wangapeka >> Baton b Stanley Brook Woodstock 1" Dovedale Churchill 1- .. Pokororo b .. Ngatimote 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 54 0 0 111 0 0 71 0 8 125 0 0 74 0 0 7 0 10 14 6 7 10 1 11 14 19 3 9 16 3 70 0 7 10 0 70 0 7 10 0 12 28 20 30 20 13 51 0 0 110 0 0 67 0 0 110 0 0 94 0 0 96 6 8 156 10 0 7 12 1 15 18 3 8 15 5 15 11 2 18 5 2 11 18 9 21 4 5 55 3 0 311 11 230 0 9 10 0 0 3 2 0 24' 4 6 55 3 0 3 11 11 230 0 9 10 0 0 3 2 0 14 31 14 35 20 22 43 14 15 10 24' 4 6 17 Appleby Redwood's Valley 38 39 130 16 8 62 6 8 21 12 2 8 0 0 8 0 0 27 17 18 Waimea West .40 183 0 0 22 14 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 HM FP HM AF M HM AF HM FP F HM MP MP HF FP HM AF HF FP P F M 140 0 0 18 0 0 120 0 0 60 0 0 104 0 0 150 0 0 00 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 52 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 112 0 0 30 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 112 0 0 18 0 0 84 0 0 56 0 0 36 0 0 49 19 Sarau 41 191 10 0 23 13 1 67 20 21 Neudorf Lower Moutere 42 43 91 6 8 212 10 0 11 7 11 24 11 10 32 6 32 6 26 58 22 Pangatotara.. 44 100 10 0 17 8 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 44 Waiwero b .. Motueka Boys' 45 46 35 0 0 221 0 0 28 11 10 13 10 0 13 10 0 13 56 23 Motueka Girls' 47 138 0 0 41 24 Riwaka 48 192 10 0 40 5 0 5: Brooklyn 49 * 137 5 0 4! Marahau b .. Sandy Bay » Awaroa b 50 51 52 80 5 0 42 10 0 25 10 0 11 0 1 6 12 2 3 17 6 6 17 0 4 7 6 22 10 7 6 17 0 4 7 6 22 10 7 21 h a No i Temporary. b Aided, salary has yet been paid. e .lso lc >dged and boan led free, fiOn twelve months' leave at full pay on :ermini ition of engagement,



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. NELSON— continued.

o , dig 0 CD X 51 $£ Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. tH Oh 08 *€ ■SS a is o u CO cd o m © Mainte] Expe; iditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. o .a-3 .£0 in O Annual Salary and Allowance at the Kate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. CO* CO %■« 2 ® a g If p coB < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 25 Collingwood— Lower Takaka 53 £ s. d. 187 10 0 £ s. a. 23 13 8 £ s. d. 191 14 0 Frederick B. Peart Alice Page Margaret Scott Annie C. Frank Amy Barnett Jessie Winter Emma Gibbs E. L. Cresswell Jane Scott Eliza A. Anderson.. H. E. Symes Jessie Salmond Ellen Cobb Henry George Hill Grace E. Croucher.. Katie E. Thompson Laura H. Thompson Alice C. Murray .. Mary E. Sadd HM AF F HF FP F F F F HF FP F F M F F F F F £ s. a. 130 0 0 48 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 18 0 0 48 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 18 0 0 60 0 0 16 0 0 120 0 0 84 0 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 6! 26 27 Long Plain East Takaka 54 55 85 0 0 118 0 0 14 14 0 20 2 11 3 15 0 15 0 0 3 4! Sunnyside " .. Waingaro " .. Upper Takaka " Forest" Motupipi 56 57 58 59 60 63 5 0 61 13 4 60 6 8 36 13 4 118 0 0 3 6 2 8 3 11 7 9 8 15 0 0 i' 2 6 6 0 0 1! 1; ,11 ( 28 18"7 4 4' Pariwhakaho " Tukuroa " .. Collingwood Rockville Kaituna » Riverdale " .. Fern Town Pakawau Westport [B] Westport Boys' 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 65 0 0 8 0 0 140 0 0 99 0 0 60 13 4 54 0 0 100 0 0 105 0 0 8 12 6 11 29 30 17 19 8 11 11 0 7 18 2 7 12 5 10 16 2 10 11 0 3312 6 15 2 10 ID 4 6 6 0 0 36 2S 12 12 21 IS 31 32 33 69 560 0 0 106 16 9 43 0 0J David Cossgrove .. E. B. B. Boswell .. John W. Malonoy .. Ella Burnett Helen B. Ross Jane McElwee Marion Meredith .. Mary Virtue Annie Martin Annie Poole Elizabeth Fleming HM AM AM FP FP FP HF AF AF FP FP 240 0 0 125 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 235 Westport Girls' 70 350 13 4 18' Buller— Rochfort Terrace " Waimangaroa 71 72 64 13 4 224 3 4 8 15 6 30 2 6 11 0 0 10 0 0 Katherine Gillespie Thomas J. Griffin .. Amelia Marris George Moore Wilhelm H. Dencker John Kennedy Elizabeth A. Harris William Lloyd Robert E. Satohell Robert Ray Mrs. B. M. Pettit .. Susan Blanc Michael D. Regan b James Macnamara James Murray Emma Fox Richard E. Dowling Thomas Lander George Fair Mary Dowling Alice Dent Maggie Enright Lydia Mary Bradley George L. Vincent.. Beatrice Inglis F HM AF MP HM AM AF MP M M F F HM MP HM FP HM MP MP HF FP FP F HM FP 60 0 0 130 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 72 0 0 40 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 80 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 160 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 84 0 0 140 0 0 30 0 0 34 1. ft 35 Denniston 73 372 10 0 42 7 0 19 0 0 17: Granity Creek " Karamca Promisea Lana Lana of Promise " Addison's Flat 71 75 76 77 78 102 0 8 100 0 0 115 13 4 7 10 0 171 5 0 18 10 4 5 15 0 14 16 7 7 10 0 5 17 6 11 2! 86 37 124' 5 0 83 16 6 38 22 14 9 \\. 39 Cape Foulwind 79 180 16 8 25 5 3 182 5 11 Is 40 Charleston Boys' 80 231 13 4 49 5 8 81 10 0 61 Charleston Girls' 81 185 16 8 41 42 Brighton Lyell 82 83 89 0 0 169 12 2 11 2 3 19 17 2 87 10 0 1! 7: 43 Inangahua— Fern Flat Matiri» Murchison ° .. Matakitaki" Inangahua Junction " Inangahua Landing " Capleston 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 100 0 0 75 6 8 103 6 8 51 6 8 66 13 4 47 13 4 230 0 0 12 9 4 9 18 11 12 16 10 6 15 2 9 11 6 3 8 24 11 3 2 9 0 Marie Alexander .. Frank H. Smith .. H. B. Huaaieston .. Annie Inglis John Beirne Amelia McLean John H. Ralton Ellen Kirby b Mary T. Kittson b .. Arthur Burnham .. Harold L. Ellis William Austin William Young Catherine Cochrane Louisa A. Moller .. Jessie Oxley Richard E. Green .. Mary A. Sunderland Euphemia Moore .. Andrew Dawson .. F M M F M F HM AF F HM AM MP MP AF AF FP HM AF FP M 90 0 0 84 0 0 76 0 0 52 0 0 68 0 0 48 0 0 150 0 0 72 0 0 84 0 0 275 0 0 150 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 40 0 0 175 0 0 60 0 0 30 0 0 144 0 0 2. 2: 1! 11 1' 11 6: 17 0 0 40 19 6 14 Cronadun a .. Reefton 91 92 85 0 0 745 0 0 11 5 9 61 17 6 10 10 6 41 10 3 2: 231 45 Black's Point % 16 93 270 16 8 31 0 8 6 0 0 Little Grey .. .. 139 6 8, 16 10 2 47 94 a Aided. bTem; )orar;



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued.

Expenditure not classified.


'— com \inuet o . . r= o.2 'A N r^ ro -ji ■X d o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. gee O !h O **r] a & O co O Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. I ® 2 Annual j g m C Salary and i •£ -£ flr^ Allowance § *2 o at the Kate £ = o t* paid during <1 "■* Sec the Last 9,'S 'g Quarter of ] g a, the Year, i E H Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure.

Teachers of singing Nelson School Society, rents of several schools and grounas j £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 85 8 31 .. ! .. 12 10 0! 14,573 12 71,694 4 0 1,590 2 3 £ s. d. .. 14132 0 0 4,621

1 2 3 4 3 Grey— Kynnersley .. Totara Flat .. Orwell Creek Ahaura Hatter's 1 2 3 4 5 90 0 0 125 0 0i 96 10 0! 98 6 8 222 1 8: 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 8 3 10 4 10 7 7 19 4 43 13 8 9 3 10 Margaret Stewart .. Thomas Thomas .. Henry Collins Thomas F. Day .. Leopoia ae Bakker Elizabeth Blair Aaa Harrison Duncan Corbett .. E. M. Robinson .. Michael Malone .. James Malcolm Elizabeth A. Scott.. Margaret McDonaia Edith Owens William Rundle .. John F. Gloy Edward A. Scott .. Jane Sotheran Jeanette Robinson.. Frank O'F. Glynn.. James Purdie Martha Neilley Walter J. Brassell.. Alexander Penney.. Eleanor Blanchfield John H. Patrick .. John A. Bromley .. Emma Thompson " Allan A. Adams b .. John H. Malcolm .. Emma Weaver Bessie Batchelor .. Alice M. Kemple .. Florence M. Lawes Florence Brown .. Henry Harrison .. Edith Easson Eva J. Kilgour Christina Blair Elizabeth Turnbull Beatrice Henderson Fanny Williams .. Katie Kerr W. H. A. Craddock ' Harry Smith Frances M. Kemple Naomi H. Billett .. Charles J. Patrick.. Ellen Quinn Margaret Robinson F M M M HM AF F M HF MP HM | AF FP FP MP MP HM AF AF MP HM FP M HM FP M HM AF Pr. M AM DF AF AF AF FP MP FP FP FP I FP ! FP FP FP I AM ! HM AF F M F F £ s. a. 90 0 0 125 0 0 90 0 0 120 0 0 155 0 0 65 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 215 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 160 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 30 0 0 130 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 145 0 0 20 0 0 90 0 0 160 0 0 60 0 0 220 0 0 150 0 0 190 0 0 100 0 0 00 0 0 60 o o: 40 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 1 40 0 o; 40 0 0! 40 0 0 25 0 0: 20 0 0 20 0 0 250 0 0 140 0 0 75 0 0 90 0 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 28 0 0 17 30 11 47 67 Ngahere Rea Jack's .. Notown Brunner [B] — Taylorville .. 6 7 8 90 0 0 90 0 0 125 0 0| 5 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 14 5 8 21 10 31 6 7 25' 0 5 8 9 420 0 01 21 0 0 21 3 8 200 Dobson j 46 0 2 328 15 oj 17 15 0 151 .10 Richardson .. Grey— Maori Gully .. Dunganville.. 148 6 8 9 11 0 8 10 10 49 11 10 11 12 13 100 0 0| 165 0 OJ GOO 4 0 0 2713 2 25 48 12 18 Marsden Cobden 14 15 90 0 0 213 6 8 4 0 0 7 10 0 1518 2 16 70 14 Greymouth [B] — 16 1,739 3 4 40 10 11 194 13 11 490 15 Grey— Paroa 17 21.5 0 0 7 10 0 25 12 8 61 16 17 Westbrook Greenstone Teremakau Moonlight * .. 18 19 20 21 90 0 Oi 4 0 0 125 0 0 4 0 0 50 0 0: 4 0 0 29 0 5; 13 13 10 35 12 8 6 0 0 2! 21 Interest on overdraft .. Repairs ana alterations to Boara room an3 Inspector's office Expenditure n lot classified. I 29 12 4 45 0 7 |4,283 0 0 1,411 4,650 10 6 171 0 -9 574 5 6 31st December, 1890. b Temporary. e Master of High School department. a .ided. sued;



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. WESTLAND.

5—E. 1.

o . o n •S3 §° "2 IT. A H o Otfi O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. •**H d8 Sri © g 5 ® O m O Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year, m O f-4 Annual Salary and Allowance at the hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. a P £ a % <u rp g3 <oB 3 Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Kumara [B] ".. £ s. a. 608 3 1 £ s. d. 45 17 6 £ s. d. 98 10 6 Thomas A. Walker Robert E. Wylde .. Mary J. Forster Mary Lamason Minnie Jamieson .. John C. Evison Mary S. Seddon .. Albert Seebeck Helena Killery Elizabeth Whelan.. John Mulhern Nancy Martin James Fitzgibbon .. Margaret Whelanb Samuel J. Binning Susan Hogg James Davidson .. Mary Sullivan John J. Henderson Margaret Henderson Cecilia Smith HM AM AF FP FP MP FP MP F F HM AF MP FP HM AF MP FP HM AF FP £ s. d. 231 16 0 152 0 0 122 17 6 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 55 0 0 74 11 9 176 4 0 05 16 3 50 0 0 24i Westland— Rangiriri" .. Callaghan's" Goldsborough 2 3 4 56 15 0 65 5 9 315 10 1 15 0 0 19 7 2 22 9 0 16 17 0 11 17 7S Stafford » 316 19 9 17 16 0 31 0 0 155 12 3 82 17 6 50 0 0 15 0 0 139 18 6 65 16 0 15 0 0 88 Arahura Road » 232 11 9 12 14 0 17 5 0 61 Hokitika [B] * 773 8 10 59 1 1 35 5 6 John Gammell George K. Sinclair.. Annie Batten Isabella McLandress Marion B. Jack Elizabeth Cran Wilhelmina Aitken Louisa Crawford .. Edith Perry Roderick Mackenzie Charles J. Sale Mary Sale Mary Moore Esther Ward Elizabeth Simpson0 George Teeneyc Jemima Simpson .. F. H. Robertson .. Margaret A. Wilson William D. Mackay Ida Oetavia Mackay Mary Potts William Houston .. George C. MacDonald Arthur N. Harrop .. Rachel Denia William Winchester Jane A. Seddon William Evans Agnes Foster Margaret Mouat .. W. J. Lockington .. Ellen Hart77 George S. Robertson Sarah A. Bines May J. Murphy James O. Wilson .. HM AM AF AF FP FP FP FP FP M HM AF FP HF 303 6 0 161 10 0 131 12 6 68 5 0 40 0 0 28 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 153 8 6 73 2 6 28 0 0 115 2 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 129 8 6 74 11 9 156 19 9 82 17 6 40 0 0 50 0 0 123 2 0 74 11 9 50 0 0 196 13 0 92 12 6 35 0 0 28 0 0 20 0 0 70 0 0 12 0 0 30 0 0 55 0 0 35 0 0 96 10 6 303 Westland—■ South Beach" Kanieri 8 9 31 5 0 265 16 9 12 7 0 0 10 12 13 0 6 GO Bluespur" .. 10 150 18 0 7 6 3 15 14 6 31 8 9 Humphrey's.. Kawhaka " .. Woodstock • .. 11 12 13 129 8 0 49 9 8 328 10 3 5 12 8 1712 0 7 15 0 115 8 0 23 1 0 S M F HM AP FP MP M M F HM AF MP FP FP AM 26 17 90 10 Lower Kokatahi » Upper Kokatahi" Koiterangi» .. Ross [B] 14 15 16 17 120 15 6 74 19 0 39 3 4 395 13 9 5 19 1 i"o 0 26 5 11 10 5 0 1 15 0 8 14 3 21 4 8 31 17 10 122 11 Westland— Donoghue's a 68 6 8 7 7 2 2 9 0 37 Wanganuie .. Waitangi"0 .. Mapourika ° .. Okarito " Waikukupa6 Waiho « Gillespie's" .. I 18 19 20 21 30 0 0 55 17 6 29 11 8 93 5 0 913 6 M F F M 11 12 7 22 22 56 5 0 Jane Gibb F 63 7 6 13 13 23 158 17 9 6 6 1 Henry Williams .. Annie Ryanc Annie Walsh '■ Mary Condon Kate Gilford Bines !■ James Hutchinson J Mary Nolan Elizabeth Firmin .. HM 123 2 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 63 7 6 30 Bruce Bay e .. Haast" Okuru " Arawata Taipo e Lower Otira 0 Upper Otira" Jackson's Bay ' T i 62 2 0 10 12 6 0 10 6 S F 24 11 M 25 83 7 6 M 83 7 3 II 26 27 26 15 0 27 3 3 0 13 6 F F 35 0 0 30 0 0 28 _54 12 6 10 0 Bridget Coady 1 F 55 0 0 11 •• •■ 14 0 4,700 17 10 243 1 3 - 481 4 7 [4,707 7 9 1,399 a Besidence provided. '' Unpaid. c Monitor. fl Worked as side-school to Ross. e Aided f Closed



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued. NORTH CANTERBURY.

+-4 O . If O '■£> Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [1)J) in which situate. . o o o •B ° o 3 O w Mainte; Expe: tditure for the Year. nance. ., Buildings, Sites. Other Fm^ i[ 1 Uro ' ExpenSe. AH****-. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CD .3-3 a O Is w o Annual Salary and Allowance at the hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. CD O S u ■o-S 5 -- CD V Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. 1 2 Kaikoura— Kaikoura Suburban .. Kaikoura Town 1 2 & s. a. 230 13 7 405 7 6 i £ s. a. 33 16 6 49 9 4 £ s. a.2 14 3 15 5 4 Henry A. Grant Mary Maule James B. Borthwick E. M. A. Sandford.. Helen Craighead .. Jane G. McLauchlan HM AF HM AF AF FP £ s. a. 164 10 0 83 0 0 206 10 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 66 136 Amuri— Waiau 135 7 0 20 7 6 0 17 0 Walter A. LeCocq.. Elizabeth S. Muir.. Joseph Jackson Rose Gleeson M S M S 123 10 0 8 0 0 132 10 0 8 0 0 3 3 28 4 Rotherham 4 128 4 3 18 13 6 29 5 6 Ashley— Hurunui Medbury 5 6 91 18 4 113 10 3 17 7 2 21 2 6 28 5 6 10 2 8 Annio Dalziel F. J. Hayinan M. A. Hayman Janet Campbell Thomas Stout Fanny Barclay Harold Purchas Mary A. Coleman .. Ellen Crampton .. Rev. W. McGregor Margaret McGregor Robert Me Ad am .. Flora Barclay Kate McCallum .. Thomas M. Marr .. Hannah E. Prosser Henry R. Wilkinson Fanny M. Bartrum Henry W. Hammond E. A. Pickering Hugh Thomson Eliza M. Willis .. John S. Dalby Ellen M. Bowron .. George Anderson .. Marina Brock Johann Voss Margaret .Whiteside Mary M. Wright .. John H. Baird Emma Fletcher .. William G. Maber.. Jeannie Menzies .. Lancelot Watson .. Elsie E. Mounsey .. Robert Mounsey .. Ruth Watson James Harbidge .. Rose E. Harbidge .. Sarah Mounsey F. H. Prichard Robert B. Ryder .. Margaret Buchanan Fanny L. Cooper .. Flora Petrie Elsie Roi.. William Stirling .. Adelaide Dohrmann George H. White .. Martha Douds Mary Garden er Charles W. Withell Sarah Withell Richard J. Twose .. Mary Wells Betsy Webster William J. Sloane.. Mary L. Spence George Silvester .. Mary Silvester Annie Macdonald ..' F. J. Cumberworth Mary Taylor Annie D. King George Schneider .. F M S F HM AF HM FP S HM AF MP i FP i PP HM AF HM AF HM AF HM AF HM AF HM AF HM AF FP M S HM AF HM FP MP S HM AF FP MP Pr.M DF AF FP FP HM AF HM : AF FP M S HM AP F HM AF I M ; S F Pr. M AF DF AM 81 15 0 114 0 0 8 0 0 113 10 0 167 10 0 85 0 0 150 0 0 32 0 0 8 0 0 239 18 0 104 0 0 40 0 0 24 0 0 10 0 0 154 15 0 76 10 0 1G0 0 0 80 0 0 164 10 0 83 0 0 145 0 0 .70 10 0 146 10 0 71 0 0 137 0 0 67 0 0 176 15 0 84 10 0 40 0 0 125 0 0 8 0 0 136 16 0 70 10 0 175 15 0 32 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 226 10 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 247 18 0 104 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 148 15 0 72 10 0 188 0 0 91 5 0 16 0 0 90 0 0 8 0 0 154 15 0 76 10 0 81 0 0 161 10 0 81 0 0 138 0 0 8 0 0 112 0 0 309 0 0 135 0 0 120 0 0 110 0 0 15 24 7 8 Mason's Flat Waikari 7 8 107 2 6 257 3 9 1 17 10 0 35 2 6 i 10 4 0 101 16 5 25 70 9 Broomfleld 9 188 17 4 1 23 6 0 30 15 5 35 10 Amberley 10 413 7 3 54- 3 10 30 12 1 156 Balcairn 225 6 3| 27 9 6 11 11 15 6 53 12 Leithfield 12 241 11 3 31 7 6 16 12 6 60 13 Sefton 13 261 13 4 33 14 0 38 5 0 66 14 Mount Grey Downs .. 14 216 2 6 24 19 0 3 18 0 40 15 Loburn North 15 220 6 3 26 6 11 3 15 9 42 16 Loburn 16 193 17 3 24 11 0 71 8 0 32 17 Ashley 17 283 6 3 33 1 8 3 9 8 09 18 Saltwater Creek .. 18 121 13 5 20 14 8 7 17 6 26 19 View Hill 19 206 14 6 24 10 10 72 17 0 39 20 Woodside 20 222 5 4 30 5 10 5 8 9 57 21 Oxford West 21 378 15 0 52 9 2 12 12 2 140 22 Oxford East 22 497 19 4 59 1 11 3 10 7 176 Carloton 26 1 0 5 2 3 23 23 219 7 6 45 24 Oust 24 287 14 10 37 9 0 6 7 0 85 25 Summerhill 25 99 10 0 16 0 0 5 17 3 18 26 Eyreton West 26 228 15 0 28 6 0 6 18 5 53 27 28 Stoke Fernside 27 28 86 15 0 246 9 2 16 0 0 30 5 0 13 15 0 10 02 29 Mandeville Plains 29 1-10 17 0 20 5 0 33 30 31 Eyreton Rangiora [B] .. 3ff 31 109 0 0 790 1 6 17 12 6 89 15 11 16 17 1 0 17 0 24 315


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.


c.2 X, X § 2 P CJ o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. . o o S "1 ■is P ai O Sh CD ri "- ps P CD O cfl o Maintei Exper iditure for the Year. :anco. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. ! -o* I ° 2 Annual | § j-j +3 Salary and ; &£ flrr Allowance ■ § £j "Z 5 at tlie hate £3 etc paid during <* w IgtS the Last $3 g Quarter of co fL, the Year. ®£t < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. £ s. d. £ S. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. 40 o o 40 0 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 Rangiora [B] — continued. Isabella Howie John J. Anderson .. Alfred GrayMary Boyd May Hurse FP MP MP FP FP Ashley— Southbrook William D. Bean .. Kate E. Bayley Janet Dick Claudia Watson .. John E. Thwaites .. Henry Bussell Avis Todd John A. Stevenson.. Sara F. Hiatt T. E. Tomlinson .. Sarah Liggett Alice E. Tomlinson W. C. Annitago Elizabeth P. Ross .. Francis Pegler Jane Lorimer Robert J. Alexander Charles W. Garrard Emily J. Johnson .. Michael Lynskey .. Mary M. Veysey .. Jane Barlow Helen Powell Elizabeth Lorimer Eva Revell Edith Howes F. A. Hempleman .. Jane Hempleman .. Charlotte Blackwell Pr.M DF AF FP MP HM AF MP F II M FP S HM AF MP FP Pr.M AM DF AM AF AF FP FP FP FP MP PP FP 231 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 182 15 0 88 10 0 30 0 0 90 0 0 145 0 0 24 0 0 8 0 0 221 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 16 0 0 345 4 0 190 0 0 136 0 0 130 0 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 32 0 0 80 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 149 32 32 484 11 7 55 15 7 1 15 8 Flaxton (main) 292 2 7 53 16 2 14 9 5 77 33 33 Flaxton (siae) Waikuku 34 35 90 0 0 175 1 4 1915 0 26 30 34 35 Wooaena 36 363 10 0 50 1 4 7 10 0 129 Kaiapoi [B] .. 1,200 4 8 123 18 31 31 5 0 402 36 37 Ashley—■ Clarkville 38 246 17 6 32 15 0 88 3 9 William H. Herbert Fannie C. Hiatt John MoGillivray .. Mary M. McQillivray HM AF M S 165 5 0 83 10 0 105 0 0 8 0 0 67 87 38 Kaiapoi Island 39 103 0 0 16 7 6 21 Lyttelton [B] — Lyttelton (main) 1,527 10 2 195 19 0 143 9 0 Emile U. Just John Ross Beatrice M. Harband C. Aschman Kate Hamilton T. M. M. Laing .. E. S. Milsom Mary E. Olliver .. John Weastell Lydia Lewis Minnie McLean .. Jane McDonald Minnie W. Dempsie Thomas Domls Kitty Menzies Jeanie Ross R. F. Kennedy Margaret S. Milsom James Webb - .. Pr. M' AM DF AM AF AM AF AF MP FP FP FP FP MP FP FP HF AF MP 348 0 0 248 0 0 148 0 0 160 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 4.0 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 16 0 0 110 0 0 75 0 0 30 0 0 632 30 40 Lyttelton (side) 215 0 0 41 102 Akaroa — Governor's Bay 135 4 9 21 6 4 8 11 11 George W. E. Budd Elizabeth Macready Alice M. Shailer .. Charles F. Bowley.. Mary Bowley James Stewart Frances Stewart .. Sarah M. Craig George Gilling Annie Ansley Arthur Trevella E. A. Wallace John J. Adams Alice Drake Benjamin Penlington Frank Penlington .. Jane M. Hayes M S F M S M S F HM AF MP F M S HM MP S 139 4 0 8 0 0 81 0 0 135 0 0 8 0 0 132 10 0 8 0 0 81 0 0 195 16 0 94 10 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 109 5 0 8 0 0 153 0 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 42 40 42 41 42 Charteris Bay Teddington 43 44 91 5 0 142 12 6 16 7 6| 20 7 6: 14 15 0 13 30 43 Gebbie's Valley 45 136 0 0 18 17 6 0 11 4 29 4-1 45 Port Levy Little River (main) .. 46 47 81 0 0 335 0 11 17 4 6 58 15 4 239" 6 2 13 98 Little River (side) Pigeon Bay (main) .. 48 49 42 14 3 119 0 0 4412 0 4o'l3 0 20 23 46 Pigeon Bay (side) 50 197 10 10 38


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.


°« 8.2 A- Q •S3 §3 II P o oca O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. AX goi v-j Q P jj o u CO d 3 a P CD O ca O Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. ® Annual ri Salary and firr Allowance j '£ o at the hate i O'-r; paid during ] j^cq the Last g Quarter of [ p_, the Year. [ I ! COCO ?■" it, %<* o ?,■* cdB > < Teachers' Other Salaries and Ordinary Allowances. Expenditure. ; 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Akaroa — continued. Barry's Bay French Farm Waiiiui Little Akaloa (main) .. Little Akaloa (siae) .. Duvauchelle's Bay Okain's Bay Le Bon's Bay 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 £ s. a. 207 9 8 110 0 3 116 6 8 83 0 2 102 17 6 200 0 0 211 10 0 132 12 6 £ s. a. 25 19 G 18 17 0 19 0 0 5G 14 C 19"5 0 26 9 6 18 12 6 £ s. a. 2 2 6 41 19 7 4 1 6 07 8 0 17 01 John Mclntyre Hugh A. Livingstone Ann Wilson E. S. A. Ferens .. Helen R. West H. R. W. Hamilton Julia A. Hamilton.. Eliza J. Barkle Peter Cheyno Emily Cheyne William H. Walker Anna M. E. WalkerJames Baxter Mary J. Baxter William J. Doherty Elizabeth Vailbrant William J. Lewis .. Martha Hartley William N. Taylor Margaret Taylor .. John Redman Alfred Nicholls Alice E. Henderson Florence Dawber .. Isabella Armstrong Frank S. Wight .. £ s. a. HM 152 0 0 MP 40 0 0 S 8 0 0 F 114 19 0 F 110 10 0 M 105 0 0 S 8 0 0 F 109 0 0 HM 125 0 0 AF 70 10 0 HM 151 0 0 AF 65 2 0 M 130 0 0 S 8 0 0 M 110 0 0 S 8 0 0 M 138 0 0 S 8 0 0 M 99 15 0 S 8 0 0 M 50 0 0 Pr.M 220 0 0 DF 100 0 0 AF 80 0 0 FP 40 0 0 MP 20 0 0 37 30 27 21 23 26 48 28 54 Robinson's Bay 59 125 9 0 17 10 0 29 0 7 22 55 German Bay (main) .. 60 177 14 11 38 15 0 3 0 0 33 German Bay (siae) 61 107 8 0 I 21 56 Gough's Bay " Akaroa [B] 62 63 . 60 0 0 467 10 9: 53"3 8 2 11 1 9 1 G 10 139 57 58 Selwyn— Kowai Bush Kowai Pass 64 65 104 6 0 391 7 8 17 15 0 42 15 4 30 18 4 23 18 1 Harriet Saville William N. Seay .. Margaret W. Ryan B. O'Shaughnessy.. Wolsey Kain James Sutherland.. Mary Rutledge Eliza Ryecroft Thomas L. P. Pole Annie M. Jenkins .. James Hight George Davidson .. Margaret Barlow .. Agnes E. Colthart .. Richard P. Polo .. Charlotte E. Brown Charles H. A. T.Opie Elizabeth Taylor .. Fanny A. Webb George Quartermain Julia O'Shaughnessy Caroline Or. Hirst .. George Wbitelaw .. Kate M. Martin .. John S. Walker Edith M. Walker .. Joseph H. Wilson .. Emma F. Wilson .. James'C. Sheldon .. Charlotte Dent John Murdoch Mary Meredith Pressey E. Granger Alice Roe John H. Newlyn .. Jeannie B. Menzies William T. Gilmore Jeannie Croskell .. David Sinclair Marion K. Gibson .. Egbert J. Mayo Martha Jackson .. Arthur Cookson Kate S. Woodford .. Agnes B. Blake May E. Elmsly Mary Bruce Henrietta L. Smith Andrew Dunnett .. Elizabeth Dunnett F 122 4 0 HM 208 0 0 AF 90 5 0 MP 50 0 0 MP 50 0 0 HM 155 15 0 FP 32 0 0 S 8 0 0 HM 184 5 0 AF 89 10 0 MP 50 0 0 HM 177 10 0 AF 85 0 0 FP 40 0 0 HM 151 15 0 AF 74 10 0 HM 185 12 0 AF 90 5 0 FP 40 0 0 HM 163 0 0 AF 77 18 0 F 122 4 0 HM 155 10 0 AF 77 0 0 M 116 8 0 S 8 0 0 HM 1G3 15 0 AF 82 10 0 M 138 0 0 S 8 0 0 HM 145 0 0 AF 67 0 0 M 141 0 0 S 8 0 0 IIM 150 5 0 AF 73 10 0 M 81 0 0 S 8 0 0 HM 153 8 0 A F 81 0 0 HM 154 0 0 AF 76 0 0 HM 182 1.5 0 A F 88 10 0 FP 40 0 0 HP 130 8 0 FP 16 0 0 F 81 0 0 [HM 148 0 0 I AF 08 8 0 31 10; Russell's Flat 193 11 9 20 0 0 10 0 41 59 6G 60 Malvern 67 321 11 1 87 11 4 21 18 3 Annat 68 297 2 0 33 18 10 61 South Malvern 69 221 5 0 27 0 6 24 9 0 4! 62 63 Glentunnel 70 313 5 8 37 6 0 17 15 7 8: Hororata 71 247 18 3 32 0 6 33 14 3 6-1 64 65 66 Glenroy .. • Darfieia 72 73 118 9 0 244 10 4 19 17 6 29 12 0 18 7 8 4 3 6 3S 54 67' Kimberley .. 74 97 7 9 19 19 6 0 15 0 21 68 Greenaale 75 239 2 2 82 19 11 2 9 9 6£ 69 Charing Cross 76 141 18 4 20 12 6 2 0 0 3S 70 Kirwee 77 213 9 6 2G 5 0 8 10 0 4C 71 Courtenay 78 147 5 0 22 7 6 10 0 36 72 Halkett 79 219 8 0 2G 4 0 24 17 5 47 73 Aylesbury 80 89 0 0 16 12 0 0 17 0 ie 74 West Melton 81 236 10 9 32 14 6 6S 75 Yaklhurst 82 235 6 3 29 17 6 1.6 18 6 5S 70 Templeton 83 308 5 11 86 3 6 111 9 6 77 Weedon 84^ 185 14 0 23 0 6 12 10 10 8! 77 78 79 Burnham Broadfleld 85 86 91 11 2 213 11 9 16 lg 0 25 7 0 4 8 8 II 4: " Aided.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.


o . . -0> 6.2 A£ CD 'A ■I a 11 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked tBJ) in which situate. On 68 'A A °-£ +3 ° 3d o i* O C3 P CD O cfl o Mainte: Expe: idituro for the Year. Lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CD CO 2 Annual g u *S Salary and g£ fl" Allowance g & "2 o at the Kate £S oA paid during <^ gtfl the Last «***! g Quarter of co £ fi, the Year. cotri Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 80 81 82 83 84 85 Selwyn— continued. Harewood Road Belfast (main) Belfast (side) Marshland Papanui Fendalton Ricearton Prebbleton 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 £ s. a. 275 11 5 492 18 0 80 4 10 299 3 0 577 7 7 802 0 4 487 16 9 j 333 6 5 £ s. a. 35 13 0 72 9 1 38'lO 0 65 4 4 50 8 6 54 18 6 49 17 4 £ s. d. ■1 10 9 11 19 0 20 3 0 3 6 * 1 14 2 4 0 0 9 19 1 Arthur Cooper Ada Hodgson George A. Bobbie .. Richard H. Ferguson Anne E. Barker Mary J. Sword R. H. Ferguson, jun. Samuel H. Ferguson G. M. Pilkington .. Andrew Malcolm .. Fanny Dick Robert A. Malcolm Thomas Hughes .. Eliza Newnham .. Jessie W. Speuee .. Eliza N. Leversedge Ellen Godfrey Adele Hodgson Annie E. Goodland Samuel Bullock Catherine M. Tulley Charlotte J. Hill .. C. J. Ladbrooke William Ward Jessie T. Coneys .. Kate WalkerGertrude Tulley Helen McKee W. H. Comerford .. Annie M. Low Emily A. Gabbatis Christina Prebble .. Margaret Callaghan William A. Banks.. Sophia Houghton .. Arthur Geddes Julia Taylor Samuel McCullough E. Henderson Minnie Broven Kate McMeckan .. Rev. T. A. Meyer .. Rebecca T. Ball .. Samuel Carleton .. Frances J. Guise .. John Forbes Mary P. Barlow William E. Foster Frances Foster Frances E. Foster.. F. W. Hunnibell .. Mary M. Stephens.. Mildred E. Mayo .. Walter G. Cookson Alice Comer £ s. a. HM 175 5 0 67 A F 83 10 0 MP 20 0 0 Pr.M 232 6 0 152 DF 104 0 0 AF 76 0 0 MP 50 0 0 MP 40 0 0 M 81 0 0 1C HM 187 8 0 84 AF 91 0 0 MP 30 0 0 Pr.M 264 6 0 207 D F 108 0 0 AF 85 0 0 FP 40 0 0 F P 40 0 0 FP 24 0 0 FP 24 0 0 HM 228 10 0 144 AF 100 0 0 FP 24 0 0 FP 24 0 0 Pr.M 225 10 0 13£ DF 100 0 0 AF 80 0 0 FP 32 0 0 FP 32 0 0 HM 202 8 0 10S AF 97 5 0 FP 32 0 0 HF 137 0 0 4( FP 16 0 0 HM 214 10 0 lit AF 100 0 0 MP 50 0 0 PP 32 0 0 HM 211 0 0 IK AF 97 10 0 FP 32 0 0 FP 16 0 0 HM 157 0 0 5f AF 78 0 0 HM 197 4 0 87 AF 91 15 0 MP 30 0 0 FP 24 0 0 HM 193 8 0 94 AF 93 10 0 FP 10 0 0 Pr.M 228 10 0 144 DF 100 0 0 AF 80 0 0 MP 50 0 0 FP 24 0 0 15: 20' 14. 13; li 886 94 10! 87 Ladbrooke's.. 95 126 7 9 18 15 6 02 6 2 41 88 Lincoln 96 418 4 0 48 2 1 111 89 Springston 97 351 8 10 44 2 6 16 6 0 IIJ Greenpark 235 6 3 29 17 6 7 8 10 90 98 51 91 Taitapu 00 344 IS 3 42 15 7 5 8 7 8' 92 Halswell Iioo 304 12 0 43 3 10 2 0 0 93 Spreydon 101 458 4 6 52 16 9 0 8 0 14. Christchurch [B] — Christohuroh West (main) 2,664 12 5 100 14 1 Thomas S. Foster .. William Taylor Emily S. Foster .. Edith J. Jaggar Thomas W. Ambrose Bcthia Jack Sydney C. Owen .. Amy J. Harband .. Francis J. Rowley.. Rose C. Seagar Margaret Monzies.. Sarah R. A. Morland Richard P. Clarkson Elizabeth Beck Harriet E. Starkiss Hans Kennedy Peter Menzies Elizabeth McGregor Floretta Burke Edith E. Wood .. Elizabeth M. Rowley Sarah E. Dyson .. Pr.M 388 0 01,201 AM 280 0 0 DF 230 0 0 DF 160 0 0 AM 180 0 0 AF 130 0 0 AM 120 0 0 AF 100 0 0 AM 100 0 0 AF 90 0 0 AF 90 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AM 90 0 0 AF 60 0 0 AF 60 0 0 MP 50 0 0 MP 50 0 0 FP 40 0 0 FP 40 0 0 1 FP 40 0 0 ! FP 40 0 0 FP 32 0 0 04 102 290 18 4 1,20 -*.



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.

'A£ D CO •I 5 §| a o O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. <*-< 68 *! gOQ .5 o ll O 02 o Maintenance. Expenditure for the Y'ear. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers Buildings, a „d Pupil-teachers Sites, on t i ie stall at the End Furniture, 0 f the Year. and Apparatus. c a eg .2*3 co O PN Annual j § u Salary and iS-S Allowance § J5 at the Bate £2 paid during <1^ the Last ®'g Quarter of •$£ the Year. &£h Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Ixpenditure. Christchurch [B] — contd. Christchurch West (main) — continued. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. Elizabeth H. Cutler Francis P. Wilson.. Frederick T. Rundle Lena R. Smith Ella Armstrong Jane Anderson Jeannie Reese Amelia Lusk Christina Kirk Laura M. Allison .. Susan Currie Marion B. Campbell Caroline Bradwell.. M. A. do Montalk .. Margaret B. Menzies William Wilson .. Charles I). Hardie.. David Jack Eliza Kitchingman Kate Baldwin Julia W. Bullock .. Jane M. H. Meadows Henrietta A. Guise Jorgine Andersen .. Annie E. Alexander Henry English John G. L. Scott .. Thomas Bingham .. Mary V. Gibson .. Trevethan Burns .. Margaret L. Deakin Annie Barker Charles E. Craddock A. E. McCormack .. Sarah L. Robinson Mary A. Sutherland Francis T. Evans .. Edith M. Guise .. Ellen Gilmour James E. Glanville Joseph W.A.Walker James M. Izett Catherine Bower .. Edith Ryan St. George Atkinson Kate Simpson Ruth Gilmour Arnold W. Shrimpton Eustace King Dora Ormandy Emily H. Glanville Winifred Seaton .. Elizabeth M. Scott Ethel Dickinson .. Jane Roberts Julia Gilling Cassie Blakely Jane McRae May Button Marion Sorenson .. Annie Keand C. M. Wilkinson .. Marcelly Lamb Isabella M.Taylor.. Maggie Edwards .. John Baldwin William Brook Jessie Bowmaker .. Mary Hall GeorgoPitcaithly .. Martha Dynes Thomas G. MoGallan Mary Maginness .. William M. West .. Gilbert Dalglish .. Robina Duncan .. Jessie Menzies Nellie Harrison i FP : MP IMP ! FP FP FP FP FP FP HF AF AF FP FP FP DM AM AM DF AF DF AF AF AF FP M Pr. M AM DF AM DF AF AM AF AF AF AM AF AF MP MP MP FP FP MP FP FP MP MP FP FP FP FP FP HF AF FP FP FP FP HF AF FP PP FP Pr. M AM DF DF AM AF AM AF AM AM AF AF AF & s. a. 32 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 130 0 0 80 0 0 GO 0 0 32 0 0 24 0 0 16 0 0 395 0 0 280 0 0 180 0 0 230 0 0 138 0 0 1G0 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 32 0 0 180 0 0 440 0 0 280 0 0 242 0 0 204 0 0 160 0 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 76 0 0 90 0 0 66 10 0 00 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 32 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 130 0 0 80 0 0 32 0 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 10 0 0 130 0 0 SO 0 0 32 0 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 382 0 0 280 0 0 210 0 0 160 0 0 210 0 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 Christchurch West (side) 103! 347 15 7 182 Normal School 1,858 10 5 286 14 6 201 8 2 104 931 Model School Gloucester Street * 105! 2,533" 12 10 826*7 5 161'16 8 1,005 95 South Town Belt 106 106 304 0 0 196 Phillipstown 107 107 295 1 8 1 165 Sydenham [B] 108 2,763 15 10 352 2 7 312 2 2 96 1,269 ■ ! i


E.— 1

Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.

o . 6.2 a£ go O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. 68 A *§ s"S CD d fl a, O tfl O Mainte] Expenditure for the Year. nance. „ .,.. Buildings, Sites, Other furniture, Ordinary A OT aratus Expenditure. APParatuslance. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. CO Si .2u O 1*4 Annual Salary and Allowance at the hate piaid during the Last Quarter of the Year. CD* O S>* O •O w.a > < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Sydenham [B] — contd. St. Albans [Bj-— St. Albans (main) £ s. a. £ s. a. * £ s. a. Ada Baldwin Elizabeth Forrester Edith J. Peacock .. Winter Hall William Lancaster Robert Mcllroy Flora Lezard Matilda Bell Lysia Brocklehurst Fanny Cottrell Edith M. Harvey .. Mary Morrison Myra Baldwin Emma Dixon Maggie Morrison .. Eva S. Bird Eveline Cordery .. Annie Disher Bella Dynes James Speight Ada Wells Mary R. Banks Charles Hall Grace Lawrence .. Alexander Gray Jeannie A. Morrow Fanny Budden Amj' Budden Mary Newell Alfred C. Bowbyes.. James Banks Eliza Newell Henry J. Chapman Sarah E. Smith Julie A. Hunte George F. Allen Elizabeth Rosewarne AF AF AF MP MP MP FP PP FP FP FP FP FP FP ■ FP FP FP FP FP Pr. M AF DF AM AF AM FP FP FP FP MP MP PP MP HF AF MP FP £ s. a. 70 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 4.0 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 24 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 348 4 0 153 18 0 132 0 0 123 10 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 20 0 0 115 0 0 70 0 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 13 6 97 1091 1,164 0 11 171 17 4 456 St. Albans (siae) 1101 223 0 0 122 98 Christchurch [B] — Richmona 111 1,234 1 11 132 8 10 18 15 0 Charles S. Howard Annie W. Spence .. Annie M. Craddock Samuel P. Guiney.. John T. Hutchinson Mary E. Flesher .. Lucy A. Howard .. M. M. E. Flesher .. Agnes A. Craddock H. PI. Richardson .. Emily M. Osborn .. Caroline V. Anderson William J. Boyce .. Emily C. Howard .. Alexander Mcintosh Edith E. F. Stanton Ada F. Mcintosh .. George W. Bishop .. Elizabeth Gardiner George Crockett Maud M. Dawkins.. William Berry Archibald Bimrie .. John W. McGregor E. A. Carmichael .. E. A. O'Callahan .. G. M. Glanville .. Mahala C. Mills .. Alice J. Cook Minnie Pratt Catherine G. Edkins F. B. Frampton Dora Manifold Thomas Ritchie .. Mary Duncan Charlotte M. Banks Eliza J. Ritchie Walter Thomas Ada Banks Pr. M AF DF AM AM AF FP FP FP MP FP FP MP FP HM AF FP HM AF HM AF MP Pr. M AM DF AF AF AF FP FP FP FP FP Pr. M DF AF FP MP FP 350 6 0 171 0 0 136 0 0 140 0 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 190 8 0 92 5 0 32 0 0 193 0 0 82 0 0 166 5 0 77 10 0 30 0 0 336 4 0 180 0 0 132 0 0 115 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 250 14 0 104 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 24 0 0 493 Selwyn— New Brighton (main) 99 112; 304 13 3 98 9 0 1,117 19 6 89 New Brighton (siae) .. 113| 267 16 3 64 100 Bromley 114i 269 5 5 29 18 6 55 101 Ferry Roaa 115, 1,048 10 11 129 4 9 51 11 0 436 Opawa 183 102 116: ,538 15 1 62 18 2 22 1 9 «



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.—continued. NORTH CANTERBURY— continued.

o . ■**■> o.2 CD 02 9 2 o Schools, and the Counties or boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. OA 68 *■§ ■3 v P d CD U o d P o O CO O Mainte. Expei iditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. Jj Annual *3 Salary and gr* Allowance g o at the Rate ore; paid during £ ai the Last 'g Quarter of pn the Year. CD* o P c a a, •c -n p h +- 3 <C' £a > Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 103 104 105 100 107 108 109 110 Selwyn— eoniiniLed. Heathcote Valley Sumner Selwyn Dunsandel .. Brooksido Killinehy Irwell Leeston (main) 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 £ s. d. 277 11 3 184 16 ll 131 14 5 299 4 5 286 5 0 288 10 5 147 14 2 470 G 3 £ s. d. 35 10 8 27 0 6 21 6 0 38 2 6 33 8 0 36 2 0 22 16 2 96 9 8 £ s. a. 25 0 0 6 11 6 •27 1 2 111 5 0 2 12 10 21 18 8 F. W. Smith-Ansted Emily A. Chaplin .. Blanche Joyce Edward I. Jennings Alice Banks Charlotte Kay Charles Hicks Elizabeth Hicks .. John Simpson M. E. Simpson W. -I. McDonald .. John Marshall Fanny Durey Martha E. Grainger Walter Tipler Effie Willis Gertrude Tipler Freaerick J. Alley .. Amy Alley John Anderson Eliza E. Guise Charles Hogg Sarah Ewenson Isabella Johnston .. Margaret E. Morland Annie E. Howard .. May Craaock Thomas A. Gates .. John McLeoa Clara C. Perkins .. Letitia McKee Rosina M. Edwards Donald S. West .. Emily Sloan William M. Yates .. Emily M. Mclnman David T. Todd Elizabeth Wallace.. Andrew Stevenson .. Mary E. Dawson .. HM AF FP HM FP S M S HM AF MP HM AF FP HM AF FP M S Pr.M DF AM FP FP HF AF FP Pr. M AM DF AF FP MP FP HM AF M S HM AF £ s. d. 182 15 0 88 10 0 16 0 0 161 15 0 32 0 0 8 0 0 139 0 0 8 0 0 190 8 0 92 5 0 20 0 0 175 5 0 83 10 0 32 0 0 185 0 0 85 10 0 24 0 0 143 0 0 8 0 0 246 14 0 104 0 0 80 0 0 32 0 0 24 0 0 95 0 0 66 10 0 16 0 0 266 14 0 130 0 0 112 0 0 90 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 24 0 0 148 0 0 68 8 0 140 0 0 8 0 0 145 0 0 67 0 0 38 173 77 49 34 89 67 80 Leeston (side) 171 6 6 125 80 Southbridge .. 697 5 6 76 7 ll! 238 126 131 3 2| 111 112 Lakeside 127 224 12 5 26 14 61 3 .11 0 44 113 Sedgmere 128 146 12 6 22 2 6 0 0 11 35 114 Rakaia, Little 129 211 8 0 24 12 0 26 3 6 40 Ashburton— Mount Somers 149 5 2 23 7 G! 3 10 0 Joseph Watson Sarah E. Watson .. Alfred Gillman John Cooke Emma Gillman Robert Stewart Eliza Todd Alfred C. Maxwell .. Agnes Blane William G. Smith .. Eliza Smith C. R. Andrews James Gillanders .. Annie Harrison William Dixon Ruth Sevmour Ellon E. Bilton .. James A. Bruce James G. Riddle .. David Todd Isabella M. Todd .. Jane Todd David Grant Edward Smith Jessie C. Smith Jessie Stewart Margaret Thompson Frederick 11. BowlerKate Doherty Percy Kime Fanny Kime Jeremiah O'Shea .. Annie Robertson .. James B. Mayne .. William A. Kennedy Mary A. Grant M S HM MP S HM AF M S M S F HM AF Pr. M DF AF MP MP HM FP S M M S F F HM AF M - S M S Pr. M AM DF 141 0 0 8 0 0 163 5 0 30 0 0 8 0 0 156 5 0 68 4 0 110 0 0 8 0 0 138 0 0 8 0 0 106 0 0 158 10 0 79 0 0 234 14 0 104. 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 160 5 0 32 0 0 8 0 0 130 0 0 85 0 0 8' 0 0 100 0 0 81 0 o 138 0 0 70 10 0 - 120 0 0 8 0 0 108 0 0 8 0 0 322 0 0 j 160 0 0 I 124 0 0 36 115 130 116 Alford Forest 131 198 19 6 28 15 4 9 0 8 51 Springburn .. 132 227 15 2 29 1 4 1 13 0 55 117 118 Barrhill 133 102 13 0 17 17 0 14 6 22 119 Lauriston 134 138 15 0 19 15 0 0 3 10 33 120 121 Lyndhurst .. Methven 135 136 102 14 8 236 7 6 18 5 11 30 5 0 0 3 1 5 18 3 22 58 122 Rakaia South 137 467 0 5 55 4 0 9 18 3 158 Chertsey 224 12 3 25 16 0 1 0 0 47 123 138: 124 125 Dromore Pendarves .. 139 140 125 7 6 103 13 4 18 10 0 16 0 0 2 7 2 1 9 3 28 17 120 127 128 Kyle Dorie Ashburton Forks 141 142 143 91 12 7 79 7 2 207 15 0 17 4 10 16 8 0 22 9 5 14 7 0 8 5 3 20 12 33 129 Westerfield .. 144 j 111 15 0 16 7 6 3 13 6 24 Winchmore" 145 110 13 4 42 15 0 16 4 9 25 130 Ashburton [B] 146 836 14 3 96 17 6 193 17 0, 365 I ea. "Aid



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. NORTH CANTERBURY -continued.


(J— E. 1.

o . o.2 A£ X CD O ST. A P CD occ o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [Bj) iu which situate. A A gtn Mainl s S CD !r £ ce Teachers' p co Salaries and q M Allowances. . o 5 2 Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and rupil-teaehers on the Staff at the End of the Year. & +*> .9-3 II CO O Annual Salary and Allowance at the Hate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year, I co ■%£ a '3 oV tfj.s S3 Other Ordinary Expenditure. Ashburton [B] — contd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Annie Sawle Llewellyn Owen .. A. A. Jamison Frank B. Curd Hannah Curd Elizabeth Hefford.. Minnie Bennetts .. AF AM MP MP FP FP FP £ s. d. 105 0 0 80 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 32 0 0 16 0 0 .31 Ashburton— Hampsteaa .. .. 14 147 835 0 10 93 2 4 247 18 11 W. A. M. Malcolm Robert Frizzell Mary S. Shirtcliffe Lucy Faweett Ethel Alcorn Emma A. Orr Matthew KenErnest H. Andrews Kate Rattray Ellen Gribben Jessie Fechney William Dickie Fanny Bourke H. N. Dumaresq .. Mary J. Pitt Arthur Bramley .. Christina Gilmour.. Charlotte A. Bramley George Culverliouse Martha L. Bishop .. Rees Williams William Stout Sarah J. Wakeham Benjamin Low Sabina Low Henry Henderson Andrina J. Stewart John Watson Mary A. Hepworth John R. Sinclair .. Phoebe Hillyer Thomas Mitchell .. Hannah H. Ingram John McKeegan .. Sarah J. Drury Rosa M. Metherell Ernest H. Brown .. Henry Rayner Pr. M AM DF AF FP FP MP MP FP F F HM AF M S HM FP S HM AF MP M S HM AF H M AF HM AF M S HM AF HM AF F M M 308 14 0 150 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 81 0 0 81 0 0 160 15 0 84 10 0 81 0 0 8 0 0 149 0 0 1G 0 0 8 0 0 195 4 0 94 5 0 50 0 0 120 0 0 8 0 0 148 15 0 72 10 0 160 0 0 80 0 0 144 18 0 75 0 0; 125 o o: 8 0 0 154 0 0, 76 0 0 146 io o: 71 0 0^ 81 0 0, 81 0 0i 81 0 0 I i I I i I I I I I I I I i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i I I i ' ll IJ 314 Newland .. .. 14 Seafield .. ..14 Wakanui (main) .. 15 16 11 4 16 16 0 47 14 1 [ 16 5 8 ) 2 4 10 31 6 4 .32 .33 .84 148 149 150 81 0 0 69 3 0 244 10 9 11 15 69 Wakanui (siae) .. 15 151 103 16 8 15 35 Elgin .. ..15 152 156 15 6 22 15 0 ) 18 8 7 34 .36 Tinwakl .. .. j 15 153 333 9 3 41 2 6 i 31 2 7! 97 Winslow .. 15 154 129 15 0 19 1 7 7 60 19 6 24 .37 .38 Willowby .. ..15 155 216 11 3 25 3 0! > 45 .39 Flemington .. 15 156 230 9 1 30 12 7 8 8 3 60 .40 Longbeach .. 15 157 214 17 10 .29 13 3 I 0 0 3 50 a Eiffelton .. ..15 158 62 8 10 15 5 10 ) 15 19 3 26 .41 Ashton .. .. 15 159 230 0 0 28 12 8 ! 21 17 5 52 .42 Hinas .. ..16 160 147 2 0 24 9 6 > 2 9 3 42 .43 .44 .45 Lismore .. 16 Mayfield .. ..16 Ruapuna .. 16 161 162 1G3 85 11 8 G2 10 6 77 7 5 17 4 6 18 8 6 19 10 5 > 9 15 14 Auditing School Committees' accounts (not included in the above) Plans and supervision Advertising for furniture Si cpenditure n tot classified. 31 10 0 ) 342 18 5 1 11 0 I 6,615 13 1 5,131 2 10 I 52390 4 0 51,606 7 1 17007

Geraldine— Scotsburn 130 io o: 15 10 6 14 0 Charles G. Roskruge Elizabeth Whitton M S 117 0 0 12 0 Oi 82 3 4 Mackenzie— Silverstream b Burke's Pass '' Fairlie Creek 2 3 4 98 15 0 103 10 0 213 7 1 113 13 0 83 17 4! 86 19 0* 86 0 lOi 154 9 4 I 9 13 4 10 18 4 20 18 0 12 10 0 11 2 8 11 4 0: 8 11 8 k 20 15 9 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 14 0 14 0 7 14 0 1.05 4 1 28 1 6 6 5 6 Mary McGowan Edith Cooper James A. Auld Margaret Gooeh .. Mary Islip F F HM AF F 102 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 11.4 0 0 21 2S 5 Albury Geraldine — Opihi h Hazelburn ° .. Rangitata Island lj Belfield 5 2i 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 Maud Cartwright .. George Greenfield .. Vacant William Glanville .. Margaret Leary F M F HM FP 98 0 0: 113 0 0 85 0 0! 133 0 0 25 0 0: 2c 24 1C 31 a Distai ct not yet formed. I) Aided. c Form crly Mount Gay.


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. SOUTH CANTERBURY— continued.


*M o .. ® 2 O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [Bj) in which situate. £ g s <e 3 u CD d P 5? O sa Maintenance, Buildings, Sites, Teachers' Other Fu™iJi Ure ' Salaries and Ordinary A~Jat„.„ a Allowances. Expenditure. Apparatus. Maintenance, Expenditure for the Year. CD Teachers' Names, . including all Teachers -So and Pupil-teachers P% on the Stall at the End -2 o of the Year. -j 02 o ft I CD* Annual I § A Salary and ! -3 2 Allowance g £ at the Kate gP paid during <j ™ the Last « £ Quarter of c5'£ the Year. ; ©h \< 10 11 12 13 14 15 .10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Geraldine— continued. Arundel ° .. Rangitata South c Rangitata Station 5 Orari South Woodbury Orari Bridge Geraldine I Gapes Valley Hilton (Kakaliu) I Kakahu Bush Pleasant Valley Geraldine Flat Waitohi Flat Upper Waitohi Flat .. Rangatira Valley Winchester 17 18 19 20 21 22 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 24 25 £ s. a. 10115 0 172 0 0 215 9 7 270 0 0 190 18 6 510 11 0 126 1 6i 240 9 0| 143 10 0 205 3 3 127 15 0 174 1G 8 | 127 0 0 131 5 5 208 10 0 £ s. d. 13 0 0 10 15 6 19 16 6 22 19 6 24 12 6 18 12 0 49 19 0 11 1 8 23 18 0 15 5 6 20 15 8 14 7 6 16 15 6 14 0 0 13 1 8 20 3 0 £ s. a. 96 1 6 8 14 0 4 4 0 16 18 6 1 12 6 6 4 Oi 1,066 3 5 3 19 6 17 4 0 14 0: 2 7 oj 1 4 0| 20 0 Oi 14 0 5 8 0 3 4 0 Eva Meredith Robert Irwin Archibald Mahan .. Mary Mahan William Corbet Ida L. G. Gardner.. Joseph Greaves Isabella Williamson Amy Fifield F. C. Schmedes Alexander McLean Elizabeth Helem .. James Aitken, B.A. Mia Owen Pearson Vacant James Colbert Richard Stonehouse Margaret Riordan .. Mary Wallace George Steven Donella Sutherland Christina F. Menzies Margaret Islip John Menzies Rebecca McBeth ., James R. Connor .. Vilant Graham Ada L. E. Stoeker .. Matilda Currio George B. McAlpine James Gillespie Charles C. McCarthy Alberta Young Alexander Bell J. B. I. Campbell .. Florence Green William Bryars, B.A. T. C. Farnie, M.A... Leonora M. Phillips Elizabeth Bruce .. C. J. Goldstone Harriet Sweet Rose Goodey Gertrude A. Brown James Thompson .. Amy Haskell James Lindsay Amy Jones Murdock McLeod .. Hugh A. Stewart .. N. L. F. Miiller .. Sarah Jane Mahan Lavinia Clark Flora L. Hill William Wollstein.. C. McAra Graham.. Evelyn Fyfe Vacant Elizabeth M. Rowley Lillie Rowley Jessie White Byers Jessie Fyfe F 1 M ; m s II M i AF HM AF FP HM MP S Pr. M DF AM MP MP PP F HM AF HF FP HM AF M HM FP S M M HM AF M M S Pr. M AM DP AF j AM FP FP FP HM AF MP FP M M HM AF FP F HM AF FP HM AF AF AF FP £ s. d. l> 120 0 0 92 0 O 1 b 160 0 01 12 0 0. 150 0 0' 70 0 0 162 0 0 80 0 0 22 0 0 133 0 0 47 0 0 12 0 0 193 0 0 105 0 0, 80 0 0' 47 0 O: 32 0 0 22 0 0' »133 0 0, 144 0 0 60 0 0 120 0 0 27 0 0: 150 0 0; 70 0 0! 127 0 Oi 139 0 0 27 0 0 12 0 0 127 0 0 * 147 0 0 150 0 0 63 0 0 » 166 0 0 133 0 0 12 0 0 ''320 0 0 135 0 0 125 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 37 0 0 22 0 0 17 0 0 193 0 0 99 0 0 22 0 0 17 0 0 b 150 0 0 127 0 0 159 0 0 70 0 0 17 0 0 88 0 0 177 0 0 90 0 0 17 0 0 b 247 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 22 0 0 3! 18i if 3C 67 95 2; 6: 36l 21 41 2i 21 6i 26 27 Seadown d .. Milford 26 27 143'10 0 5 14 0 1.5 15 G 314 15 4 6 12 0 3! 28 Temuka 28 789 3 0 52 G 6 14 0: 28: Pleasant Point 29 29 328 14 11 34 o g; 31 8 6 13 30 31 32 Cave Sutherland's Washdyke 30 31 32 138 5 0 124 10 0 224 15 0 15 2 6 10 6 8 25 2 6 24 1 3 2 4 0 21 9 8 31 21 8: 33 34 Claremont c .. Wai-iti 38 34 82 10 0 318 9 11 8 12 2 26 15 0 7 16 0 13 4 0 1' 101 Waimataitai 475 1 8 39 11 6 9 10 0 181 35 35 Timaru [B] — Timaru (main) 1,768 17 6 92 9 9 30 36 108 14 7 F. W. Wake, B.A. .. Mary G. Grahame.. Alexander 0. Blake Martin J. Meagher.. Martha Avison Agnes Pearson James P. Kalaugher Dolce Ann Cabot .. Hugh Godfrey Wake Clara Shirtcliffe .. Annie Mcllroy Mabel Henderson .. Annie Oxby Barbara Strachan .. Br. M AF AM AM AF AF AM AF AM -AF FP FP PP PP 325 0 0 195 0 0 195 0 0 155 0 0 125 0 0 110 0 0 115 0 0 95 0 0 95 0 0 66 0 0 37 0 0 22 0 0 22 0 0 22 0 0 80: » Aided; new school. 11 Hotiso-allowanci included. c Aided. d New schoi ll.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. SOUTH CANTERBURY— continued.


o . &M ■X si ■~ i; QUI Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LB]) in which situate. oa d8 ■ ~. o P 3 CJ u CD cd "A a Mainte: E.xpe: Lditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, hites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. I 8 2 Annual g u +. Salary and s6S flr Allowance § $ '£ o at the Kate £ 3 or"{ paid during -<™ Sen the Last S'2 jo Quarter of ca^ ft the Year. © h < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Timaru [B] — continued. Timaru (main) — contd. Timaru (side) 37 £ s. d. 202 0 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 0 0 Letitia Hassell Lizzie Avison Winifred Cotter Alfred Worry Edith II. Sunaway Jane G. Rowley Mary Oxby Emma Campbell .. Harriet Sibby £ s. d. FP 22 0 0 FP 17 0 0 FP 17 0 0 MP 22 0 0 FP 17 0 0 HF "120 0 0 168 FP 37 0 0 FP 27 0 0 FP 22 0 0 34 3 6 168 Geraldine — Fairview 38 138 8 9 15 13 0 6 4 0| Joseph Henry Gray Jane Wake William Browne .. Annie Maggie Munro Emma Stock Agnes McF. Donn .. E. Jane Williams .. Henry E. Goodeve.. Alice Mary Goodeve Amy Evans M 130 0 0 32 S I 12 0 0 El! 1 136 0 0 36 FP 22 0 0 Si 12 0 0 H F : a 143 0 0 30 FP 17 0 0 HM 142 0 0 53 S 12 0 0 FP' 17 0 0 32 37 38 38 Kingsdown 39 39 1G8 12 0 15 10 0 5 4 0 36 39 Adair (Beaconsfield) .. 40 40 142 12 0 1G 18 G 4 10 36 40 Pareora 41 41 164 7 10 19 6 6 20 10 0 53 Waimate— St. Andrews.. 42 183 0 0 15 10 0 7 5 6 John Lake Cooke .. Montague P. Cooke Mary Cooke Christian Ritchie .. Margaret A. Balfour Henry Mitchell .. James T. Allsop Jano Allsop James W. McLaren W. L. Edge, M.A. .. Marion Cochrane .. Caroline Strong J. C. Adams, B.A. .. Angus Marshall Angus S. M. Poison Mary H. Crawford.. Sarah Bruce Sarah Ellen Dash .. Edward Bannerman Theophilus B. Strong Annie Bruce Robina Baxter Martha Freeman .. HMi 136 0 0 38 M P i 32 0 0 S 12 0 0 F 114 0 0 27 F 62 0 0 12 M 127 0 0 27 M 130 0 0 30 S 12 0 0 M 127 0 0 2G HM 142 0 0 40 FP 22 0 0 S 12 0 0 Pr.M 349 0 0 452 AM 165 0 0 AM 165 0 0 DP 115 0 0 AF 110 0 0 AF 80 0 0 AM 75 0 0 MP 47 0 0 FP 37 0 0 FP 27 0 0 FP 22 0 0 38 41 42 42 43 44 45 Upper Otaio Otaio b Makikihi Hunter 43 44 45 46 43 44 45 46 114 G 0 80 1 G 126 10 0 142 0 0 10 12 0 8 0 o: 14 0 0i 14 5 0 14 0 19 6 6 4 0 8 4 0 27 12 27 30 46 47 Hook Waituna Creek 47 48 47 i 48 124 0 0 181 4 8 12 0 8 17 0 0 28 10 0 5 14 0 2G 46 48 Waimate [B] 49 49 1,205 11 10 78 9 0 14 3 8 452 Waimate — Waihoa 51 49 50 51 Redeliff b .. Hakateramea h 50 51 52 180 19 8 132 7 6 113 18 1 17 7 6 12 9 2 1 24 13 9 52 13 1 4 16 0 259 16 10 James Scott, M.A... Annie Scott Elizabeth Scott Louisa M. Will, B.A. Hugh Mclntyre Mary Parkes James Robertson .. Thomas Smart HM 142 0 0 51 S 12 0 0 FP 27 0 0 F "136 0 0 22 M ''133 0 0 21 S 12 0 0 HM "169 0 0 42 MP 32 0 0 22 21 52 Glenavy 53 234 8 7 18 7 62 14 0 42 53 54 Geraldine — Waterfalls » .. Totara Valley b 54 55 7 7 2 119 0 0 3 4 10 9 13 4 7 4 9 14 0 Isabella Gould Helen Gal lender .. F 33 0 0 9 F "125 0 0 19 9 19 55 50 Waimate —■ Waitaki Sandhurst c .. 56 57 9 9 0 12 14 0 123 14 0 3 6 0 Vacant M »150 0 0 .. 12,171 5 9 1,158 2 11 2,512 11 10 .. 12607 0 0 3,929 12607 0 0 3,929

Waitaki— 1 Wharekuri .. 2 Eurow 1 2 92 10 0 266 11 11 10 0 0 18 15 0 Grace M. Wright .. William Hale Isabella Dick Isabella Cameron .. E. Scott Beveridge James G. Closs Joseph Southwick.. Isabella Davies F HM AF F F M HM AF 100 0 0 190 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 105 0 0 158 0 0 215 0 0 105 0 0 2' 5' 3 Otiake 4 Marewhenua 5 Livingstone .. 6 Duntroon 3 4 5 6 "85 0 0 101 7 11 1C1 0 0 333 0 0 9 10 0 10 0 0 1.5 0 0 25 5 0 21 3: 31 71 12' 0 0 a House-allowance included. b Aided. c Teacher not appointed.



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. OTAGO— continued.

•»—1 o . .+= o.3 £h N " +3 CD en X §1 P CJ oca o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. Or! 0| gm V$ 3 =S CO U CD 9i 'i, Ps P CO O CO O Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, Sites, - Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. 2 Annual S Salary and p~ Allowance '" o at the hate a A paid during +* ai the Last § Quarter of fl, the Year. o g**4 d h ©c-l CD EH ■3 Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. 7 8 Waitaki — continued. Island Cliff .. Ngapara 7 8 £ s. d. 92 10 0 265 0 0 £ s. d. 10 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. Ella Reith Oscar D. Flamank Annie Hendry William Renton .. Helen McGregor .. Edward Pinder Margaret Johnstone Daniel Ferguson .. Annie Darton Jessie F. McGregor Francis Golding .. Mary Stuart P. Bain Fraser Grace Ferguson .. F HM AF HM AF HM AF HM AF F HM AF HM AF £ s. d. 100 0 0 172 0 0 90 0 0 194 0 0 80 0 0 190 0 0 80 0 0 227 0 0 105 0 0 90 0 0 202 0 0 80 0 0 215 0 0 115 0 0 26 50 9 Awamoko 9 285 13 4 20 0 0 14 10 0 64 10 Papakaio 10 227 18 1 20 0 0 249 0 0 58 11 Pukeuri 11 327 0 O' 27 0 0 30 0 0 84 12 13 Windsor Teaneraki 12 13 52 10 0 305 0 0 7 10 0 1 25 5 0 4G0 14 5 22 72 14 Waiareka 14 330 10 0 27 0 0 238 0 0 80 15 Oamaru [B] — Oamaru Middle 15 1,081 4 g; 65 0 o' 29 16 7 Edwin Thomas Earl Mary King Ebenezer Piper Mary Jane Wilding Donald Ross Janet King Edward Spence Jane King John Bee Bland Richards James Lindsay .. ! Alicia M. Thompson John A. Fitzgerald Jessie Cairns .. j William Riddell .. Catherine G. Fraser Elizabeth Anderson William G. Grave .. George Crawshaw .. Agnes M. Mackay .. j Annie Gill .. J. Harkness Rice .. Jean Laird Cooke .. I William McDonald Kennedy Smith Jane M. Brownlee.. Mary Hegarty K. McL. Macgregor i Marion Thompson.. Kate Moss Arthur Edward Jones Louis Murray HM AF AM AF AM FP MP FP MP PP HM AF AM AF AM AF FP MP MP FP FP HM AF AM AM AF AF FP FP FP MP MP 334 0 0 134 0 0 230 0 0 115 0 0 124 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 312 0 0 134 0 0 210 0 0 115 0 0 144 0 0 115 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 329 0 0 148 0 0 230 0 0 181 0 0 100 0 0 105 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 441 1 Oamaru North 433 10 10 1,127 6 9 66 5 0i l! 0 7 0' 17 Oamaru South 17 1,251 0 10 68 15 0 25 0 0 4G2 Waitaki — Totara Kakanui 33 114 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Maheno Incholme Otepopo Waianakarua Hampden 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 172 18 4 361 13 5 332 2 3 104 16 2 376 9 4 177 19 7 384 2 10 12 10 0 28 10 0 27 15 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 145 0 0 10 0 0 0 7 0 766 16 0 David Pearson Thomas G. Harrison Marion Burnside .. 0. McLean Turnbull John Black Grant.. Nellie Webster Flora Faulks G. W. C. Macdonald Jeannie Mitchell .. W. Young Campbell John Dufty Burnard Mrs. Burnard .. John Watt Margaret Watt Kate Andrew .. ' Robert G. Tubman Jessie Grant .. j Wynter Blathwayt Janet Fleming William Porteous .. Prisoilla A. Lowry.. John E. Vernon James Grant Grace MeNaught .. Margaret Steel William S. Gilmore Robert H. Paterson 1 M HM AF MP HM AF F HM AP MP M S HM AF FP M F IIM AF HM AF AM AM AF FP MP M P 158 0 0 224 0 0 109 0 0 30 0 0 221 0 0 105 0 0 110 0 0 234 0 0 119 0 0 30 0 0 167 0 0 20 0 0 250 0 0 119 0 0 20 0 0 143 0 0 90 0 0: 197 0 0 115 0 0; 373 10 0 139 0 0: 228 10 0 132 10 0 105 0 01 35 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 103 29 120 44 149 25 26 27 Port Moeraki Moeraki Pukeiwitahi.. 25 26 27 24 13 4 85 0 0 317 7 8 9 '0 0 27 0 0 292 12 8 0 7 6 20 22 84 28 Palmerston [B] District High 28 1,058 10 8 48 15 0 290 * 34 42 Waihemo — Inch Valley Dunback 1.56 15 0 162 16 8 * 1 10 0 0 15 0 0 Howard Randle .. i John Mills .. | M M 158 0 0 157 0 01 29 30 29 30



Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. OTAGO — continued.

o . i .3 0 co Cr'M Sefiools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked LB]) in which situate. o,_; d8 gefl .r. O P d CO i* CD c3 Wl r, P a) O CO O Maintenance. Expenditure lor the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. .2*3 O Annual Salary and Allowance at the Kate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. 0" O QiQ SfcH < Teachers' Other Salaries and Ordinary Allowances. Expenditure. 31 32 33 34 35 Waihemo — continued. Stoneburn Waihemo Macrae's Moonlight Goodwood Waikouaiti— Nenthorn Flagswamp 31 32 33 34 35 £ s. d. 70 0 0 135 3 4 70 0 0 144 5 0 122 15 0 ) [ ) > £ s. a. 8 0 0| 9 10 0! 8 0 0! 10 0 0 10 0 0 £ s. a, 8 0 0| 9 10 0! 8 0 0! 10 0 Oi 10 0 0 ) )[ ) ) ) £ s. d.l 8 .1.0 0i Rosetta R. King .. Charles II. Graham Margaret Dippie .. James Borthwick .. Philip Bremner .. \ F M F M M £ s. d. 70 0 0 143 0 0 70 0 0 143 0 0 153 0 0 8 29 15 28 27 36 37 36 37 77 1 8^ 299 0 0 ! > 7 10 0 21 15 0 7 10 0 21 15 0 ) ) 270 15 0 Henry E. Murray .. j James R. Pollok .. Annie Murray Ross Samuel Moore Christiana E. Kirby Barbara A. Mollison Martha Smith Robert Bruce M H M AF HM AP AF FP MP 143 0 0 212 0 0 90 0 0 259 0 0 114 0 0 105 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 27 73 38 Waikouaiti [B] 38 538 0 0 r 40 0 0 40 0 0 203 l l Waikouaiti— Merton 205 0 0 ; i 17 10 0 ) 217 6 3 I 190 0 0 20 0 0 194 0 0 80 0 0 196 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 217 0 0 115 0 0 140 0 0 80 0 0 148 0 0 406 15 0 173 0 0 271 0 0 212 0 0 115 0 0 124 0 0 95 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 57 39 40 41 42 48 44 45 Seacliff Evansdale Waitati Purakanui Lower Harbour Port Chalmers [B] District High 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 281 3 4 227 12 10| 327 0 0' 227 0 0 154 15 0: 1,628 13 0 : ij I 20 0 0 20 0 0 27 0 0 20 0 0! 15 0 0 80 0 0 I ■ ij ll - 1 1.6 7 7 6 5 0 12 6 2 John Whyte Mrs. Whyte John Williamson .. Agnes J. Ballantyne Windsor G. Fraser Alice Rochfort Eliza Jane Gardiner William Davidson .. E. Farquharson .. j Alexander M. Ross Cecilia Johnstone .. Robert Landreth .. Charles Chilton .. Mary Sinclair Charles R. Bossence J. G. M. MacLymont i Hannah B. Murray William Hay Rennie j Amelia Bott William J. Cron .. Maria M. McCallum Muriel T. Macdonnell; David A. Strachan.. Violet E. M. Dench Ada IT. Downes Eliza White .. J M S H M AF HM S FP HM AP IIM AF M IIM AF AM AM AF AM AF MP FP FP MP FP FP FP 02 53 90 51 35 562 54 46 Waikouaiti--Mount Cargill 46 194 15 0 18 15 0 James Moir .. I Jemima MoilM S 176 0 0 20 0 0 West Harbour [B] — Sawyer's Bay 825 0 0: 27 0 0 19 6 0 George Foster Margaret F. Donald Thomas Johnston .. Eliza Nimmo .. John Reid .. Caroline Little .. Mary Renfrew .. Thomas Patterson.. Isabella Gillanders HM AP H M AF IIM AF AF MP PP 217 0 0 105 0 0 ISO 0 0 80 0 0 250 0 0 124 0 0 95 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 90 47 47 48 St. Leonards 48 259 0 0 20 0 0; 9 11 9 58 49 Ravensbourne 49 540 15 8' 40 0 0 1G 12 11 192 Waikouaiti— Pine Hill North-east Valley [B] .. 168 0 0 1,184 16 0 1.1 14 10 352 17 0 John Kelly David Murray Agnes Short David S. Mason Francis Hawkos .. James A. Valentine Lois Annie Wliinam ', Henry C. Stewart .. Margaret J. Falconer Ethel May Murray Emma K. Church .. C. C. Rawlinson .. M HM. AP AM AF AM AF MP FP FP FP MP 1GS 0 0 316 0 0 138 0 0 220 0 0 109 0 0 154 0 0 95 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 31 458 50 51 50 51 10 0 0; 70 0 0 725 -, Dunedin City [B] — George Street David A. McNicoll Isabella Turnbull .. George H. Smith .. Alexander McLean V. H. D. Campbell Walter B. Graham Eliza Grant Sherriff John H. A. McPhee Margaret Macdonald William F. Browne | HM AF AM AM AFAM AF AM AF MP 372 0 0 173 0 0 240 0 0 230 0 0 109 0 0 163 0 0 120 0 0 124 0 0; 95 0 0; 45 0 0 1 52 52 1,890 8 9 124 13 0j 4 3 4 % ..



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. OTAGO— continued.

o . . += fcji O 'A ■X go o o a: a P CO o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. •4H Opi *i 33 g 3d <D Si 11. Q. O m O Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. nance. .... Buildings, Sites, Other Furniture, 4S1 AppEatus. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. o a ■93 .Oro O Ph I 8 Annual j g gj Salary and I <v -2 Allowance j § Sj at the Bate j +; s paid during <^ the Last Quarter of d'^ the Year. <3eh < Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Dunedin City [B] — contd. George Street— contd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0: 30 0 0i 20 0 0 359 0 0 163 0 0 260 0 0! 240 0 0 115 0 0 143 0 0 105 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 368 0 0 173 0 Oi 250 0 0 230 0 0 115 0 0 143 0 0 105 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0J 40 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 o o; 440 10 0 173 0 0 270 0 0 144 0 0 192 0 0 173 0 0 120 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 345 0 0 148 0 0 250 0 0 212 0 0 115 0 0 134 0 0 105 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 370 0 0 163 0 0 250 0 0 240 0 0 115 0 0 153 0 0 105 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 54 53 Union Street Albany Street Normal 1 ! 53 54 55 1,599 18 6 1,682 19 7 1,766 10 0 I 105 3 0 . 195 0 10 99 8 0i * 47 7 2 43 11 1 Annie P. Maxwell.. Minnie Johnson Amy M. Hopcraft.. Mabel Jane Stabb.. Euphemia Yorston John M. Nicolson .. Annie Mosley Alexander Stewart Christina White .. James Henry Gray Leonard Arthur Line Mary Ann Roberts.. John Dagger Agnes W. Rodger .. Blanche Luscombe James Gallard Isabella G. Wallace Charles R. Robertson Thomas B. Hamilton Magnus Thomson .. Ada Strachan John L. Ferguson.. Catherine Haig James Mahoney .. William Thomson Lillias A. Fowler .. Alfred Mathews .. Mary S. McMillan.. Selina Treseder Agnes Wilson Gillies A. George Robertson Alice Andrew Maude Turner David D. Steadman J. Isabel Given Thomas Brodie David White Emma Stevens John Robert Don .. Marjory Seaton Huie Charles Young Arthur E. A. Palmer Jane Maria Dow .. Charles North Elizabeth M. Harlow Peter Anderson Eadie Jessie Johnston Allan Helen Don Constance E. Jones Margaret Cook Margaret Ford Abraham Barrett .. Isabella Rennie Hay John H. Chapman.. Peter McGregor .. Christina Miller .. Thomas A. Finlay.. Hughina I. McLeod Ellen Hay Bell .. W. Watson Bird .. Thomas R. W. Coutts Maud Eyre Dawson Helen L. McLeod .. John Brown Park .. Annie C. Anderson J. Waddell Smith .. John A. Johnson .. Margaret W. Alves John S. Tennant .. Mary Cameron James Nelson Charles Smith Donella Martin Jane Melvin Isabella Cooper Kate McMillan Isabella MacLeod .. Eva Mary Ash FP FP FP FP FP MP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM AF FP MP FP MP MP MP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM AF FP PP MP FP FP MP FP MP HM AF AM AF AM AM AF MP FP MP FP FP FP FP FP HM AP AM AM AP AM AF FP MP MP FP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM AF MP MP 'FP FP FP FP FP FP 603 639 702 55 Arthur Street 56 1,468 0 0 105 3 0 44 16 0 572 High Street .. 56 57 1,639 2 10 96 5 0 12 3 9 645



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. — continued. OTAGO— continued.

tCr£ Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. O-; . o o o Pan ■Bs Maintenance. „ „_, Buildings, Sites, Teachers' Other Pw£"?* re ' Salaries and Ordinary .„,,.„,,„ Allowances. Expenditure. apparatus. Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. o Teachers'Names, t! . including all Teachers •-* o and Pupil-teachers p2 on the Staff at the End .as of the Year. -j" 0 o £-4 Annual Salary and Allowance at the Pate Xiaid dining the Last Quarter of the Year. of o C s* 2 8 sp +J p u £ a <^ CD *P Sir! > O rH O CO o 21OT 57 Peninsula— Anderson's Bay 58 £ s. d. 386 5 0| £ s. d.i 29 5 0 £ s. a. 300 0 0 James Jeffery Marion Bain Cowie John R. Wallace .. Grace Fitzgerald .. Alexander Pirio Eiizabeth Pirie Owen James Hodge Janet Waldon Robert Huie James Barton Elizabeth Faulks .. Donald Poison Margaret Harland.. William 0. Duthie George Balsille Isabella G. Park .. HM AF MP P M S HM AF M HM AF M F M HM AF £ s. d. 234 0 0 119 o o: 40 0 0: 110 0 0 172 0 0 20 0 0 208 0 0 80 0 0 172 0 0 184 0 0 90 0 0 152 0 0 70 0 0 168 0 0 202 0 0 80 0 0 112 58 59 Tomahawk North-east Harbour .. 59 60 102 10 0 195 15 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 1710 5 28 37 60 Highcliffe 61 288 0 0 20 0 0 4 10 0 66 61 62 Broad Bay Portobcllo 62 63 169 0 0 1 273 0 0 11 5 0 20 0 0 12 3 10 15 7 0 36 63 63 64 65 06 Otakau Taiaroa Heads Hooper's Inlet Sandymount 64 65 66 67 147 10 0 85 0 0 165 0 0 288 0 0 12 10 0. 9 0 0 12 15 0. 23 10 0 16 2 0 6 5 6 4 10 4 39 17 32 75 * 67 66 Taieri — Leith Valley Waikari [Bj .. 68 69 185 18 1 354 10 0' 15 12 6: 28 10 0 12 5 9 Charles G. Smeaton William A. Paterson Jessie C. Christie .. Mary A, Livingston John Allardice Jane Kelly William C. Allnutt Jane Wilson H. Phillipson Kelk Mary Callender John Hartler MoilMargaret Sherriff .. William Robertson E. Jane Wilkinson William W. Turner Annie Boyd Duncan R. Matheson Elizabeth M. Calder Alexander Kyle Janet Mcintosh .. G. Leigbton Stewart James P. Malcolm.. Mary A. Robertson William Gray Robert Scott Alice Maud Hume.. Rhoda F. Tomlinson J. M. B. Crawford.. E. M. C. Lane James Waddell William Milne Elizabeth L. Donald James Rennie Thomas Henry Gill Mary McEwan Janet Duncan Mill George King George W. Mitchell Bertha Leary Edward Smith Frank Foote Janetta Alexander.. Violet Rutherford .. Jane Clarke H. F. Hilgendorf .. M HM AF FP HM AF AM AF AM AF AM FP MP FP MP FP MP FP HM AF AM AM AF AM MP FP FP MP FP MP HM AF AM AM AF AF AM MP FP MP MP FP FP FP F 182 0 0 221 0 0 115 0 0 20 0 0 377 0 0 153 0 0 250 0 0 114 0 0 157 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 327 0 0 138 0 0 240 0 0 191 0 0 110 0 0 124 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 25 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 3G8 0 0 158 0 0 200 0 0 232 0 0 115 0 0. 100 0 0 124 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 85 0 0 46 107 69 Kaikorai [B] 70 1,423 15 2 85 0 0 87 1 8 648 498 70 Mornington [B] 71 1,312 8 1 72 10 0 Caversham [B] * 1,542 14 0 82 10 0 161 18 6 599 71 72 Benevolent Institution Taieri— Kensington 73 86 12 0 38 72 Forbury [B] .. 74 998 17 4 58 15 William J. Moore .. Jane Dunlop Hooper Walter Eucley Sarah E. Albert .. John R. Rutherford William F. Watters Lily Macdonald .. Agnes Wiseman .. Lydia Neil George Reid Helen Alexander .. Richard G. Whetter Louisa Mary Stone James W. Hardy .. Isabella M. Hutton HM AF AM AF AM MP FP FP FP 11M AF AM AF AM AF 296 0 0 134 0 0 201 0 0 100 0 0 124 0 0 45 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 310 0 0 154 0 0 240 0 0 115 0 0 114 0 0 90 0 0 344 403 73 75 1,108 12 4 63 is o; 23 10 10



Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c. —continued. OTAGO — continued.

<=! Ajj CO co IS CD 2 w.a p co See o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. . o o o *% *-J2 .!-, CD 3 cS o CD cd co Oj a a O CO Mainte) Expeni lance. liture for the Year. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. CD A Teachers'Names, including all Teachers A o and Pupil-teachers P J2 on the Staff at the End -2 s of the Year. s * o Ph i s CO Annual g j* Salary and *pS Allowance § *"a at the Kate £3 paid during <^ the Last g.'S Quarter of ra^ the Year. co -H ! Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Forbury [B] — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Robert Cole Jemima SlaterJemima McDougall MP FP FP £ s. d. 45 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 Dunedin South [BJ — Maeandrew Road 1,407 15 0 70 5 0 13 0 William Bennett .. Agnes Forsyth John Macdonald .. William E. Spencer Dora S. Lawrence .. Mary M. Walker .. David Stewart Alice G. Bowling .. Jane L. H. Brown.. Elizabeth R. Hay .. Edward Davis Joseph Davidson .. Annie Birch HM AF AM AM AF AF MP FP FP FP MP MP FP 331 0 0 502 153 0 0 256 0 0 235 0 0 100 0 0 95 0 0 45 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 25 0 0 7-1 76 75 Green Island [BJ — Green Island 77 879 10 0 55 0 0 William Duncan .. Ellen Jane Home .. James M. E. Garrow Mary Wilson Mills John Love Francis Fegans Margaret Jane Love Effie M. F. Morgan Robert Neill Jessie Gibson Mills Mary London HM AF AM AF MP FP FP FP HM AF FP 300 0 0 341 134 0 0 211 0 0 110-0 0 45 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 221 0 0 106 115 0 0 20 0 0 76 Walton 78 353 7 10 27 15 0 254 11 11 77 78 79 80 Taieri — Saddle Hill Brighton Kuri Bush Otakia 79 80 81 82 145 10 o: 120 0 0 107 10 0 294 0 O: 10 0 0 9 10 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 7 17 0 James Robertson .. Marion Steel Eliza Weir John Menzies Catherine Faulds .. Edgar de Vils Ivens Elizabeth McKay .. James Waddell Annie Gray Shand.. William A. Chesney Donald MacLeod .. Rebecca Gordon .. Mary Scott Alexander Marshall Charles H. Warden Robert Wilson Margaret D. Dickie M F F HM AF IIM AF IIM AF MP HM AF AF AM MP MP FP 148 0 0 32 120 0 0 20 110 0 0 26 218 0 0 08 80 0 0 207 0 0 93 105 0 0 218 0 0 138 119 0 0 30 0 0 273 0 0 293 134 0 0 115 0 0 124 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 14 7 9 81 Greytown 83 309 0 0: 27 0 0 82 East Taieri 84 369 19 4 30 0 0 15 19 0 Mosgiel [B: .. 760 9 4 50 0 0 34 4 3 83 85 Taieri— North Taieri 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Mullocky Gully Tahora Lee Stream Strath Taieri Whare Flat Outram 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 308 0 0 133 10 0 130 0 0 69 8 4 161 5 0 75 0 0 424 10 0 21 15 0 5 9 9 10 0 08 0 0 15 0 0 8 10 0; 31 5 0 5' 6 3 3 0 0 George B. Anderson Jane S. Anderson .. James Cusack Samuel J. Harrison Cecil F. J. Bell .. Abel Warburton .. M. E. K. Taylor .. John White Selina Jane Dale .. Charles B. Snow .. John B. Grant Thomas C. Fraser .. Jane Sutherland .. James Methven Martha Kirkland .. HM AF M M M M F HM AF MP MP HM AF HM AF 222 0 0 74 80 0 0 124 0 0 19 124 0 0 25 70 0 0 8 158 0 0: 35 70 0 0 17 227 0 0, 157 119 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 200 0 0 56 80 0 0 206 0 0 52 80 0 0 West Taieri 277 0 0 18 15 0 91 93 92 Maungatua .. 94 282 15 o' 17 10 0: 93 94 \ Henley" Waipori Lake Bruce— 1 Taieri Ferry.. Waihola 95 96 154 15 0 13 15 0 224 15 10 William Ferguson.. M 157 "o 0 *45 95 96 97 98 I Taieri Beach Waihola Gorge 97 98 99 100 124 5 0 269 19 7 166 0 10 281 7 4 10 0 0 20 0 0, 12 10 0 20 0 0, 8 0 0 58 15 0 23 17 3 21'14 G 57 4 7 Alexander McDuff.. John L. Bonnin Mary Anne J. Wall Francis Hilgcndorf James Dunbar E. Mary Harrison .. Janet A. White -j.. James Reid Mary McLaren Cornelius Mahoney M HM AF M HM AF • F IIM AF AM 123 0 0 29 180 0 0 59 80 0 0 157 0 0 41 190 0 0 55 90 0 0 70 0 0 15 376 13 9 352 154 0 0 252 13 9 99 100 ! Circle Hill Tokomairiro [B] District High 101 102 70 0 0 1,254 18 5 a Not opened on 31st December.


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. OTAGO— continued.

7—E. 1.


o . o.S ■X O 9 otc O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. Or 08 .« CD BIS CO 3 a cd O co o Mainte: Expe: tditure for the Year. lance. Buildings, Sites, Furniture, and Apparatus. © Teachers 1 Names, fl( _- including all Teachers -^ o and Pupil-teachers £ 2 on the Staff at the End -2o of the Year. -^ o i coco Annual ! g c-l Salary and ' *&£ Allowance : § a at the Kate : +j paid during < w the Last ; g,^ Quarter of 1 cc'' r q the Year, j <B H Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. Other Ordinary Expenditure. Tokomairiro [Bj District High— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. F. C. R. Matheson.. James Parlane C. D. Robertson .. John Pringlo Helen C. Gibb Andrew Parlane .. Mary E. Martin .. AP AM AF MP FP MP FP £ s. d. 115 0 0 142 13 9 105 0 0 45 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 Bruce— Fairfax .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 Akatore Glenledi Southbridge Glenoro Table Hill Roundhill Manuka Creek Adam's Flat.. Lovell's Flat Stony Creek Hillend Kaitangata 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114| 115 321 0 0 92 10 0 56 15 5 70 13 5 163 5 0 70 0 0 80 0 0 154 5 0 70 0 0 241 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 006 15 8 27 0 0 1.0 0 0 GOO 8 10 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 45 0 0 5 0 0 32 15 8 14' 0 2 11 11 6 \. 12 3 8 46' 0 G William MoElrea .. Mary Ann Ferguson W. Isabella Wright Susan Black Paul.. C. Selina Yorston .. John A. Gray Jane Bethune Jane KinderGeorge F. Booth .. M. McKenzie John A. Robertson.. Elizabeth Carruthers Jessie Nelson Eleanor Jane Farnie Helen Malcolm John Nicholson Jane Paterson William McLaren.. John Bowie Margaret Dunlop .. Martha P. Hislop .. Margaret Trotter .. Charles R. Smith .. Mary Tregoning .. Parker McKinlay .. Harry Taylor Alexander Grigor .. Langley Pope Mary Kinlock Allen John Matheson James Walsh Margaret B. Grigor John C. Jamieson .. HM AF F F F M F F M F HM S FP F F IIM AF AM MP FP FP F IIM AF MP MP M HM AF AM MP FP MP 217 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 162 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 153 0 0 70 0 0 186 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 275 0 0 124 0 0 148 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 90 0 0 245 0 0 119 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 154 0 0 271 0 0 124 0 0 138 0 0 45 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 84 26 16 20 39 12 18 30 10 55 14 15 251 .14 .15 Wangaloa Stirling 116 117 79 3 4 438 0 0 8 0 0 30 0 0 15 147 2614 4 Matau Balclutha [B] 158 15 0 628 0 0 10 0 0 41 5 0 59 5 6 24 238 .16 .17 118 119 Clutha— Te Houka Waitepeka Wilhelmina Torrance John Porteous Mrs. Porteous William W. Mackie John Wilson Isabella D. Ayson .. George Menzies Maggie Rose Ross .. George B. Clark Mrs. Clark James Arthur Rix .. Mrs. Rix James McNeur William McClelland James T. Bryant .. Jessie Henderson .. David Percy Agnes F. Rankin .. Orlanno L. Allen .. John Neil Stewart.. C. Darling Benjamin Bagley .. Abraham M. Barnett John Strang Agnes Robertson .. G. W. Carrington .. Alexander M. Nicol James Kerr Menzies Jessie Low Annie C. Bohning .. F M S M III S M F M S M S M M HM AF M F M HM AF MP M M S M M HM AF AF 80 0 0 177 0 0 20 0 0 148 0 0 157 0 0 20 0 0 103 0 0 100 0 0 172 0 0 20 0 0 177 0 0 20 0 0 153 0 0 153 0 0 188 0 0 90 0 0 134 0 0 100 0 0 124 0 0 224 0 0 119 0 0 40 0 0 168 0 0 206 0 0 20 0 0 177 0 0 157 0 0 236 0 0 119 0 0 105 0 0 15 41 .18 .19 120 121 82 10 0 195 15 0 8 0 0 15 0 0 .20 .21 Kakapuaka Warepa 122 123 148 0 0 151 13 4 10 0 0 12 10 0 6 2 0 32 44 .22 .23 .24 Kaihiku Waiwera Waiwera Township .. 124 125 126 164 5 0 95 0 0 188 5 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 30 26 48 .25 Puerua 127 198 5 0 15 0 0 45 .26 .27 .28 Port Molyneux Ahuriri Owaka 128 129 130 148 5 0 151 10 0 295 0 0 10 0 0 11 5 0 23 10 0 6' 7 6 30 27 70 .29 .80 .81 .32 Ratanui Tahatika Purekireki Clinton 131 132 133 134 129 0 0 102 10 0 124 0 0 367 G 0 8 10 0 10 0 0 9 10 0 28 10 0 18 22 23 114 .33 .34 Wairuna Waipahi 135 136 167 13 4 234 0 0 11 5 0 17 10 0 31 51 .35 .36 .37 Artburton Waikoikoi Tapanui [BJ .. 137 138 139 173 5 0 155 15 0 441 7 7 15 0 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 6 0 0 41 43 172 .38 .39 Tuapeka— Glenkenich Kelso 140 141 149 0 0 275 0 0 12 10 0 20 0 0 186 0 0 Robert Bell A. Scott Malcolm .. Catherine Livingston E. Martha Gunn .. Johanna Fraser . M HM AF F F 152 0 0 200 0 0 80 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 36 58 .40 Heriott 142 143 123 4 8 95 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 9 25 29 Crookston


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. OTAGO— continued.


<*! . O in 81 a S o Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [BJ) in which situate. ? cc Maintenance. is P ai O © g Teachers' Other d © Salaries and Ordinary Allowances. Expenditure. 68 Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Buildings, a J> Annual g -A Teachers'Names, * |fe^ S« including all Teachers -So t X ifate gj and Pupil-teachers P£ Saiddurine 2°* ontheStafiattheEnd || tf> of the Tear. | Q uarter of %% (l, the Year. <S & t> ±_ Furniture, and Apparatus. 142 143 144 145 Tuapeka— continued. Dunrobin Tuapeka Month Rongahero Tuapeka West aapeka— continued. Dunrobin Cuapeka Month iongahero 1'uapeka West £ s. d. £ s. d. . 144! 150 10 0 10 0 0 . 145j 155 10 0 10 0 0 . 146; 70 0 0 8 0 0 . 147 169 3 4 12 10 0 144^ 145 146: 147 £ s. d. 150 10 0 155 10 0 70 0 0 169 3 4 £ s. d. 16 0 0 3 17 8 Aaron Hyde Alexander Drain .. Louisa L. Richards John F. Botting .. Agnes Williams Margaret G. Nimmo Charles K. Kerr .. Mary Loudon Mary Cameron .. John H. Patrick .. Margaret Nicoll John Maofarlane .. Jane Robertson Robertina M. Milne M. P. McLauehlan Wilhelmina Smyth M M F M S F HM AF F HM AF HM AF F F F £ s. d. 158 0 0 153 0 0 70 0 0 162 0 0 10 0 0 70 0 0 180 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 178 0 0 80 0 0 206 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 38 26 14 36 07 0 146 147 Tuapeka Flat Waipori 1'uapeka Flat Vaipori . 148 75 0 0 8 0 0 . 149 267 0 0 20 0 0 148 149 75 0 0 267 0 0 3 19 2 4 18 6 16 54 148 149 Mount Stuart Waitahuna Mount Stuart Vaitahuna . 150 70 0 0 8 0 0 . 151 266 0 0 21 15 0 150 151 70 0 0 266 0 0 70 0 13 69 150 Waitahuna Gully Vaitahuna Gully . 152 287 0 0 20 0 0 152 287 0 0 55 151 152 153 Clark's Flat Waitahuna West Wetherstone's Mark's Flat Vaitahuna West Vethersfconc's .153 70 0 0 8 0 0 .154 70 0 0 8 0 0 . 155 117 3 4 12 10 0 153 154 155 70 0 0 70 0 0 117 3 4 7 15 1 7 16 12 16 25 154 155 Lawrence FB] District High Tuapeka---Bluespur iwrence FB] District t 156! 982 7 6 46 5 0 156! 157 158, 159 160 161 162 401 8 4i 153 0 0 143 5 0 92 10 ■ 0 102 10 0 262 0 0 982 7 6 30 0 0 11 5 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 12 10 0 20 0 0 20 14 5, 12 0 0 John Stenhouso Jane B. Fowler H. Lawrence Darton Bessie Bushell Annie Barnett William Smith Robert Stenhouse .. Mary Ralston Kate Trayes Arthur W. Tindall.. Jessie Pope Jane G. Raiston .. William Phiilipps .. Robert Blair .. j Isabella Mclntyre.. j Jessie Maxwell .. I Ewen Pilling .. j Mary A. Strachan.. W. Andrew Reilly .. Emma Hayes Joseph Tambljn .. William E. Bastings HM AF AM AF FP MP MP FP FP II M AF FP M M F F HM AF HM AF MP M 384 3 9 149 0 0 233 3 9 105 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 234 0 0 129 0 0 35 0 0 158 0 0 153 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 184 0 0 80 0 0 258 0 0 109 0 0 45 0 0 167 0 0 250 116 32 30 26 30 64 156 157 158 159 160 Evans Flat Beaumont Rae's Junction Moa Flat Miller's Flat 313 2 3 18 0 199' 4 0 161 Roxburgh [B] — 163: 405 10 0 30 0 0 4 12 4 138 162 163 164 Tuapeka— Coal Creek Vincent — Bald Hill Alexandra [B] Vincent— Clyde 164, 165! 166| 164! 165 166! 156 5 0 156 10 0 309 0 0 12 10 0 11 5 0 23 10 0 3 13 0 3 14 6 15 0 0 J. Alexander Jack .. Frederick S. Aldred Sarah Emma Bowden Joseph E. Stevens.. Dora S. Stevens .. Richard J. Barrett.. Mary McG rogan .. Sarah E. MacKellar Annie Cousins William J. Strong.. A. Rebekah Truman Moses South William George Don Elizabeth Stevenson Jane Brunton Agnes G. Donald .. Elizabeth Waddell.. Janet Higbet Margaret Campbell John Beattie Marjory R. McLaren Gerald Morris Ellen Campbell M HM AF HM AF HM AF FP F HM AF M M F F F F F F HM AF IIM AF 158 0 0 215 0 0 115 0 0 215 0 0 115 0 0 219 0 0 115 0 0 35 0 0 70 0 0 197 0 0 115 0 0 100 0 0 152 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 70 0 0 194 0 0 80 0 0 182 0 0 80 0 0 43 31 77 165 167; 167; 322 0 0 25 5 0 77 166 Cromwell [B; 168; | 168! 347 9 1 27 0 0 99 167 168 Vincent— Kawarau Bannockburn 169| 170 169! 1701 75 0 0 312 10 0 8 10 0 27 12 6 7 0 0 18 87 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Nevis Lowburn Bondigo Tarras Luggate Wanaka Road Hawea Wanaka Matakauui 171 172! 173 174 1751 1761 1771 178; 179: 171i 172 173| 174 175! 176' 177: 17S 179! 100 0 0 166 4 2 72 18 7 70 0 0 94 3 4 65 2 1 85 0 0 75 0 0 255 0 3 8 0 0 15 0 0 8 10 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 9 10 0 8 10 0 20 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 6 353 0 0 12 0 0 12 38 16 15 21 14 21 15 63 87 4 0 100 17 9 178 Black's 180 18o! 263 0 0 16 5 0 48 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Maniototo— Ida Valley Lauder Cambrian St. Bathau's Blackstone Maruimato Naseby [B] .. 18ll 182. 183) 1841 185 186 187 18ll 182, 1831 1841 185 186 187 133 10 0 75 0 0 171 7 0 169 0 0 92 10 0 90 6 5 445 0 0 10 0 0 8 10 0 15 0 0 13 15 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 32 10 0 io' 0 0 Henry James Beaks Emma J. Chappie.. William B. Appleby Robert Cowan Isabella Mason Elizabeth K. Gellatly Robert L. Clements Annie Clark M. Ann R. McCarthy James Fairlio Morris Joseph McLauehlan Alice Annett Hugh McMillan .. M F M M F F HM AF AF M M F M 143 0 0 70 0 0 152 0 0 168 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 232 0 0 119 0 0 95 0 0 124 0 0 134 0 0 70 0 0 153 0 0 28 17 37 34 28 21 161 186 187 188 189 Kyeburn Diggings Eweburn Kyeburn Gimmerburn 1881 189 190! 1911 188; 189 190! 191 124 0 0 134 0 0 82 10 0 156 10 0 9 10 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 10 5 0 21 20 18 28


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. OTAGO— continued.



o . o.2 Aj* o m •I 3 II p & Olfi O Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [Bj) in which situate. Maintenance. Buildings, 'OS Sites, o -r. m , f... Furniture, o g Teachers Other and p §* Salaries and Ordinary ATmflratnq °» Allowances. Expenditure. Apparatus. . o Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Stall at the End of the Year. a si -*- o is in O P4 6 o Annual g u Salary and •Q& Allowance g a at the Kate £3 paid during <*f the Last &j> Quarter of & '£ the Year. o B 5_ Maniototo — continued. .90 Hamilton's .. ..192 .91 Patearoa .. ..193 .92 Hyde .. .. 1941 . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 101 5 0 10 0 0 161 15 0 10 0 0 161 0 0 13 15 0 5 0 0 Mary R. Flamank .. William Ridland .. James Fleming F M M £ s. d. 100 0 0 29 168 0 0 32 162 0 0 38 Relieving teachers .. I .. : :: :: Salaries .. .. .. Committee incidentals.. i .. School-buildings not j ,. chargeable to any! particular school Preparing plans, &c. .. .. Supervision of build- | .. ings, &c. School appliances .. ' .. Expenditure not classified. 13410 4 12 0 0 170 19 3 324 0 0 289 8 5 86, 3 9 Lionel E. Ellisson.. C. B. D. Richardson Peter G. Stewart .. 150 0 0 240 0 0 .. 150 0 0.. 63555 3 9 19375 R', 62,558 4 2 4,465 2 7 ! ;a 558 4 2 4.465 2 7 6.863 19 9 6,863 19 9

Southland — Lumsden 1 235 9 10 18 9 4 Charles W. G. Selby Marion E. Leffler .. F. Sutherland Walter J. Rogers .. William H. Wake .. Alexander lnglis .. John Gray Charlotte Jaggers .. Jean C. Christie .. Thomas G. Shand .. Henry Shepard Atherton L. Fuller Jane Sutherland .. Alexander L. Wyllie Helen L. Birss Ida E.Keith M. S. H. Mackenzie Thomas Horan Mary McCallum .. M. Macpherson D. L. McLauehlan HM FP M M M M HM AF F M M HM AF Pr. M DF FP FP HM FP F M 177 14 0 62 10 0 122 10 0 130 0 0 66 10 0 56 0 0 170 19 0 100 0 0 114 0 0 145 12 0 131 0 0 171 8 0 100 0 0 205 .4 0 110 0 0 27 10 0 27 10 0 152 0 0 62 10 0 92 10 0 135 0 0 9i 1 2 3 4 5 6 Garston Athol Mossburn Caroline Dipton 2 3 4 5 6 60 2 2 128 19 6 74 19 2 33 10 10 252 4 11 7 10 0 10 0 7 7 10 0 3 19 9 2i 2i 1! II 8: 1610 7 70 0 7 8 9 10 Riverside Fernhills South Hillend Limehills 7 8 9 10 112 16 10 145 6 10 149 6 8 268 18 0 10 8 8 11 19 11 10 3 1 16 6 2 3 13 6 16 5 0 2! 4: 21 8: Winton [B] .. 11 373 11 1 26 11 9 4 16* 1 151 Southland — North Forest Hill 227 9 5 14 10 7 18 0 0 5. 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hokonui Springhills South Forest Hill ) Elderslie .. J Ryal Bush Makarewa 13 14 15 59" 3 4 134 16 8 143 14 8 2 10 0 10 12 5 5 16 4 5 16 4 12 6 10 19 9 11 2 10 0 8 0 0 •• I i Robert Learmonth M 145 12 0 2( 3( ii 4: io. 19 20 21 22 23 24 Wallacetown Waianiwa Spar Bush West Plains.. Otatara Bush Waihopai [B] Invercargill North [B] — Invercargill North 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 147 0 0 299 19 6 173 9 11 257 0 0 110 17 8 226 13 10 137 15 0 428 2 8 325 12 7 13 12 6 17 9 11 10 1 10 16 17 5 10 18 8 23 6 9 22 3 1 14 0 0 1 15 0 i' 7 8 130 0 6 John Officer Eric K. F. Mackay Elizabeth Murray .. George H. Macan .. William A'. Rowo .. A. G. McLeod Mary E. Johnston .. Jessie S. Morton .. John L. Field Edith Conley Mary Curran Joseph Kilburn John Smyth Jane Fairweathcr .. David McKillop .. George Hardie Mary Hardie Elizabeth Jamieson James Orr Caroline McLeod .. Isabella Dryburgh.. Jane Scott Fanny McGavook .. William G. Mehafiy Mary Ann Smith .. Conrad A. Strack .. Alexander Lindsay Minnie S. Bain Annie Thomson .. M HM AF M HM MP FP F IIM FP FP M Pr. M DF MP Pr. M DF FP Pr. M DF AF FP FP P'r.M DF I AM j AM AF I AFl 144 16 0 181 6 0 100 0 0 149 12 0 176 16 0 55 0 0 22 10 0 124 4 0 170 19 0 27 10 0 22 10 0 139 0 0 213 8 0 110 0 0 55 0 0 190 6 0 110 0 0 22 10 Oi 261 8 0] 115 0 0' 100 0 0 42 10 0 27 10 0 302 3 0 145 0 0 230 0 0 206 0 0 110 0 0 105 0 0 4' 9. 3< 14: 12* 3i 81 24 25 Invercargill Park 541 9 9 31 17 11 30 7 1 2226 25 Invercargill Middle .. 1,47*13 G 81 7 8 18 3 3 26 601 27


Table No. 8.—List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. SOUTHLAND— continued.


777.:-; o ° ;/: ,P O -*- Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latter marked [B]) in which situate. o *H s P« O m Q Maintenance. Tl ..,, Buildings, —— --■ Bites, Teachers' Other 6 ' Salaries and Ordinary a™..,...,. Allowances. Expenditure. APPalacusMaintenance. Expenditure for the Year. Teachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staii' at the End of the Year. o Si .2*3 ill o Ph Annual Salary and Allowance at the Kate paid during the Last Quarter of the Year. r*3 +j m eg &J>.*-J 8b > Invercargill N. [B] — ctd. Invercargill Middle-cW. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 100 0 0 42 10 0 42 10 0 42 10 0 42 10 0 37 10 0 27 10 0 22 10 0 285 10 0 135 0 0 225 0 0 171 0 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 42 10 0 50 0 0 22 10 0 22 10 0 22 10 0 188 10 0 110 0 0 42 10 0 178 3 0 100 0 0i 28 Invercargill South [B] .. 27 1,255 11 9 69 14 11 86 11 10 Margaret Hamilton Martha Hamilton .. M. A. B. Campbell Elsie M. Jackson .. E. A. Maria Molvor Agnes Pratt Margaret Cumming Elizabeth Bellamy Edmund Webber .. Katharine Mackenzie James Hain William Sebo Lucy Joyce Catherine Fullarton M. B. Adamson Benjamin Buckley Gertrude Wilkins .. Alnie Joyce Jessie Wilson James Murdoch Emily Eobinson .. Mary Jamieson Andrew Young Edith M. Townsend AP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Pr.M DF AM AM AF AF FP MP FP FP FP Pr. M DF FP HM AF 490 Southland — Clifton * 120 29 28 345 15 11 22 0 6 52 7 6 30 Bluff [B] 29 276 15 3 18 14 3 7 10 0 97 31 32 Southland — Greenhills Waikaia 30 31 136 11 8 266 9 0 10 18 0 16 7 5 15 4 4 A. Sutherland John Lyttle Amelia E. Bayly .. James Milne Louisa D. Morison.. Andrew Murray Donald Munro, B.A. Alexa A. Munro Christina M. Bain .. Thomas Kelly Christina W. Proytt John Moodie Margaret Clark Jane S. Ramsay Angus McNeil Thomas Merrie John W. McLeod .. E. C. McClure Eliza Cumming Jajines W. Mail Margaret Mail S. Forsyth, M.A. .. Mary Ann Morgan.. John McKinnon .. J. Golding, B.A. .. Mary Ann Tracey .. Duncan McNeil .. Elizabeth Taylor .. Robert Eraser William R. Overton David Wassell Lewis Sangster William Macandrew Lillian Fowler James B. Hutchinson Isabella Shanks Alexander Clark Lily Wilkins John Robertson .. M HM AF M F M HM FP F M F HM FP F M M M M F IIM FP Pr. M DF MP Pr.M DF AM FP MP M M M Pr.M DF AM FP MP F 136 0 0 170 10 0 100 0 0 146 0 0 92 10 0 49 0 0 167 12 0 37 10 0 130 0 0 144 16 0 120 0 0 161 15 0 27 10 0 92 10 0 115 0 0 132 0 0 146 8 0 107 10 0 121 10 0 151 4 0 42 10 0 201 14 0 110 0 0 55 0 0 217 3 0 115 0 0 130 0 0 42 10 0 35 0 0 134 0 0 137 0 0 115 0 0 217 17 0 115 0 0 130 0 0 42 10 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 31 80 33 34 Wendonside Wendon Wendon B. III. Biversdal e .. 32 33 34 35 147 10 0 23 2 6 20 2 6 212 18 7 10 0 7 54 8 3 132 0 0 26 21 14 74 35 io's 0 i'12 0 36 37 38 39 Longridge Village Balfour Longridge Otama 36 37 38 39 109 8 2 146 8 0 56 19 2 175 5 0 11 11 9 12 4 11 2 10 0 14 6 9 41 41 28 65 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Mandeville Knapdale Ghatton Waikaka Wendon Valley Waikaka Valley Pukerau 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 90 0 8, 113 18 4 134 10 0 150 5 5 27 16 3 112 2 6 194 7 5 10 0 0 10 2 5 10 11 3 12 16 2 135'15 10 20 24 27 43 24 30 49 1015 6 13 2 5 47 Gordon [B] 47 377 15 6 22 8 8 116 48 Gore LB] 48 550 1 2 30 6 2 4 17 0 189 49 50 51 52 Southland — Croydon Charlton Waimumu Mataura [B] .. 49 50 51 52 135 11 8 134 9 4 118 2 6 553 1 1 10 18 0 11 4 3 10 3 1 80 8 0 4 12 6 3' 6 3 1 14 6 29 32 21 191 5354 55 56 Southland — Ferndalo Otaraia .. } Slopedown .. ) Tuturau J Wairekiki .. jWaikana .. j Mimihau Mokoreta Wyndham [B] 53 54 55 110 14 6 125 0 8 122 15 10 10 0 0 J 5 6 2 j 5 6 2 10 0 3 ) I 18 7 0 W. J. Williams .. I M M 123 10 0 115 0 0 f23 r u 1 15 23 1 17 27 27 133 .57 56 138 5 2 11 9 11 Alfred Howorth ■M 138 0 0 58 59 60 57 58 55 96 19 7 141 2 6 340 11 4 7 10 7 10 4 4 23 4 11 16 0 0 Elizabeth Nutsford Alexander Matheson William H. Clark .. Margaret Sangster.. Thomas G. Stockwell* Mary Gellatly Thomas Carswell .. A. J. Millard Margaret Cameron.. F M Pr. M DF MP F M HM FP 124 10 0 139 10 0 194 7 0 110 0 0 35 0 0 119 0 0 139 10 0 156 11 0 27 10 0 61 62 63 Southland — Mataura Island Pine Bush .. Fortrose 60 01 62 74 5 8 131 10 0 179 11 11 2 11 3 10 4 11 13 1 9 137 18 9 27 27 57


Table No. 8. —List of the Public Schools, the Expenditure, Staff, &c.— continued. SOUTHLAND— continued.


A'a X go v. a P u 002 Schools, and the Counties or Boroughs (the latcer marked LBj) in which situate. . o o o Aa P02 3 8 p% p a o cfl o Maintenance. Expenditure for the Year. nance. T> ,,., Buildings, Sites, «.. Furniture, Other d H*££dSS* «atTeachers' Names, including all Teachers and Pupil-teachers on the Staff at the End of the Year. 3 .S-s Ha .2*3 6 1 ° Annual § Salary and >o S Allowance § d at the Eate £3 paid during < ~ the Last g.'g Quarter of cc'^ the Year. o EH Teachers' Salaries and Allowances. 64 65 66 07 Southland — continued. Tokonui O tara Waikawa Edendale 63 64 65 66 £ s. d. 110 19 2 126 15 10 39 14 2 269 13 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 0 0 12 4 3 5 0 0: Jeanetto Fraser Alfred MoClure .. Mary Ann Brookes.. Thomas Monteath.. Margaret Cameron.. p M F HM AF £ s. d. 115 0 0 22 139 14 0 44 52 10 0 15 169 12 0 78 100 0 0 1614 3 i 10 0 68 69 70 JOteramika No. 1 | (Oterarnika No. 2 J Oteramika Gorge Woodlands .. 67 63 69 127 0 0 107 10 0 193 18 0 11 1 2 10 0 0 12 17 5 Alfred Grenfell Charles McKinnon J. von Tunzelmann Minnie Harming .. Alexander Stott Mary L. Orr Thomas B. Gazzard Mary Lea George Gazzard Sarah J. Cameron.. Dugald Cameron .. Andrew Macdonald A. H. Hiddleston .. John S. Andrews .. E. C. Hewat, B.A... MarthaE. Ingram.. George Robertson .. John G. Pullarton.. Mary Robinson Helen Pattison Jessie A. Pullarton Herbert A. Wild .. Mary Service Henry P. Young .. Grace Brydon William Gilchrist .. Robert P. Meek .. Duncan McKenzio.. Jane B. Jamieson .. Flora McNaughton A. E. Peatherstono John Macrae, M.A. Donald S. Ross James Lumsden .. J. P. C. Hiddleston Jessie Greenslado .. Donald McKenzie .. Annie McLachlan.. P. W. Hoddinott .. Annie E. M. Jaggers James Harvey Alfred Heathcote .. Harriet Ward George M. Hassing John Mehaffey Elizabeth Michael.. John Meiklejohn .. William H. Gualter Agnes Gray ■ Gilberta B. King .. Robert Stevenson .. Jabez Golding Maria Mills Bedelia McDonnell Frances Rout Janet Sangster John F. Sutherland Marjory Sutherland A. G. Thomson M M HM PP HM PP HM AF M P M M M M Pr. M DP AM AM PP PP PP M F HM AF HM MP M P F M M M M HM FP MP F M P M HM PP M HM AF M HM PP P M Pr. M DP FP P F HM AF M 138 0 0 I 107 10 0 21 152 0 0 50 37 10 0 152 0 0 50 22 10 0 165 13 0 71 70 0 0 144 10 0 41 100 0 0 21 115 0 0 22 115 0 0 24 144 0 0 40 115 0 0 24 228 7 0 221 115 0 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 42 10 0 37 10 0 27 10 0 157 4 0 44 134 16 0 47 170 7 0 93 92 10 0 157 17 0 59 50 0 0 143 4 0 39 100 0 0 20 119 0 0 27 130 0 0 25 135 0 0 30 115 0 0 23 144 0 0 40 175 18 0 92 62 10 0 35 0 0 56 0 0 16 141 12 0 37 132 10 0 44 142 8 0 38 152 0 0 50 22 10 0 136 0 0 31 180 17 0 103 100 0 0 35 0 0 10 161 2 0 64 27 10 0 42 0 0 12 115 0 0 21 183 2 0 108 100 0 0 37 10 0 100 0 0 24 118 0 0 20 157 4 0 58 70 0 0 145 12 0 42 71 Jjongbush 70 198 16 4 13 15 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 72 Ono-tree Point 71 218 15 0 15 13 8 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Kennington Myross Bush Roslyn Bush Grove Bush Mabel Hedgehope Riverton [B] 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 165 16 8 100 0 0 115 0 0 124 15 0 127 16 2 119 9 7 711 17 0 12 3 1 6 15 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 90 15 0 10 3 8 >116 0 12 8 0: 10 0 0: 49 10 0 40 16 3l 6 15 0 96'15 0 •116 C 4910 0 Wallace— Oraki Pahia Orepuki 11 11 2 12 19 3 19 3 1 80 81 82 79 80 81 153 7 8 147 8 8 271 7 3 83 Thornbury 82 213 12 2 14 8 8 8 7 0 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Waimatuku Wild Bush Gummie's Bush G roper's Bush Limestone Plains Flint's Bush Drummond Otautau [B] .. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 141 15 2 99 7 6 121 15 2 123 8 4 194 8 7 46 17 6 142 10 8 264 15 1 11 15 6 10 0 0 10 14 3 10 4 4 13 4 3i 7 19 0 310 0 11 11 l! 12 7 5> 92 93 94 95 96 Wallace — Scott's Gap Wairio Nightcaps North Wairio Wrey's Bush 91 92 93 94 95 52 4 2 134 2 8 133 12 6 129 6 4 168 9 8 2 10 0 12 5 7 12 12 5 11 10 7 13 6 2 24 9 9 14 15 0 64 19 6 97 98 Heddon Bush Queenstown [B] Lake — Glenorchy Lower Shotover 96 97 136 10 0 295 16 9 10 16 2 18 14 3 49 9 3 99 00 98 99 39 1 8 199 8 3 1(5 "0 6 183' 5 0 .01 .02 .03 Miller's Flat Upper Shotover Arrow [B] 100 101 102 44 6 8 129 16 8 331 11 3 2 10 0 10 3 1 21 9 11 8 2 6 .04 .05 .06 Gibbston Macetown Cardrona 103 104 105 103 '15 0 96 12 8 224 1 4 10 0 0 10 4 4 14 2 6 21 10 0 32 9 0\ 171 0 0] .07 Pembroke Stewart Island— Half-moon Bay Wyndham South 106 147 1 4 12 6 2 .08 107 161 9 4 12 6 9 " 2 10 0 William Peterson .. M 155 16 0 36 Si ■penditure n <t classified. Furniture and appliances Sites Plans, supervision, and fees 102 5 C 64 5 8 151 5 9 I 21372 8 o]e,632 21372 8 0 |21,155 13 0 1,469 0 1,997 17 6 si closed, 31st December, 1880. This amount laid to Committee to clear off liabilities.




[Note. —Minute details relating to school districts are in some cases omitted. Tables are not all reprinted, the substance of most of them being embodied in the tables in or attached to the report of the Minister.]

AUCKLAND. Auckland, 20th March, 1891. In conformity to section 102 of "The Education Act, 1877," the Board presents the following report of its proceedings during the year 1890 : — Board. —The Board consisted of the following members : Messrs. Eichard TJdy (Chairman) James William Carr, Theophilus Cooper, David Goldie, James Marshall Lennox, Samuel Luke, William Pollock Moat, Eichard Monk, and John Henry Upton. Mr. Goldie resigned in February, 1891. Messrs. Carr, Monk, and Upton w7ill retire at the 31st March, 1891. The new members elected to succeed them are Messrs. William Motion, James Muir, and Alexander Grant. The election of a member to succeed Mr. Goldie is not yet completed. Forty-two meetings of the Board were held during the year, with an average attendance of seven members. Public Schools. —There were 266 schools in operation at the end of the year. Of this number, twenty-five were " aided " schools. The number of half-time schools has been reduced from forty-eight to forty, and a further reduction is being made by placing such schools under the charge of separate teachers wherever the number of scholars is sufficient to warrant it. New schools have been opened during the year at the following places: North of Auckland—Ngunguru, Long Bay, Awanui, Wayby, Motukaraka, Taraunui, Horse-shoe Bush, Waiotemarama, Hukerenui North; South of Auckland—Karangahake, Waihi, Netherfcon, Te Kowhai, Waiau, Marsh Meadows, Mangere Bridge: total, sixteen. Five schools have been closed, namely: Ohineroa, closed upon removal of population from the district; Ararimu Valley, Brown's Bay, Chelsea, and Mackaytown, closed on account of accommodation being provided for the scholars in other adjacent schools. The buildings in w7hich these five schools were held did not belong to the Board. The Board grants aid to the extent of a capitation allowance of £4 a head wherever an average attendance can be maintained of ten scholars who are beyond the reach of any other school. It is sometimes necessary in a newly-formed settlement to grant further aid towards the erection of a school building; but, as a rule, no outlay on building is incurred by the Board unless an average attendance of at least twenty scholars can be relied on. It has sometimes been asserted that the administration of the Board tends to benefit the town and suburban schools at the expense of the country districts. The subjoined figures are quoted to show how far that assertion is supported by the transactions of the past year. The total average attendance in the town and suburban schools was 9,668. The expenditure in these schools on teachers' salaries was £23,027, or at the rate of £2 7s. Bd. per scholar in average attendance ; the grants to Committees amounted to £2,376, or 4s. 9d. per head : the total cost of maintenance being £25,403, or £2 12s. sd. per head. In the country schools, which had an aggregate average attendance of 8,567 scholars, the expenditure on teachers' salaries was £33,417, equivalent to £3 18s. per head ; and the grants to Committees amounted to £2,841, or 6s. Bd. per head : the total cost of maintenance of country schools being £36,258, or £4 4s. Bd. per head. The cost per head is not a fictitious basis of comparison. It is the basis adopted by the Legislature in providing funds for primary education throughout the colony. These figures show that about one-fourth of the amount expended in maintaining country schools is derived from the capitation grant earned by the town and suburban schools. As regards the outlay on school buildings and furniture, a similar result is shown. The expenditure on buildings in the town and suburban schools amounted during the year to £2,162, or 4s. 7d. per head of the average attendance ; while the expenditure on country schools amounted to £6,909, or 16s. Id. per head. Teachers.—The number of teachers employed at the end of 1890 was 647, classified as follows :— Male. . Female. Total. In charge of schools ... ... ... 176 ... 69 ... 245 Assistants ... ... ... ... 30 ... 167 ... 197 Pupil-teachers ... ... ... 33 ... 117 ... 150 Sewing-teachers ... ... ... 0 ... 54 ... 54 Visiting teacher ..'. ... ... 1 ... 0 ... 1 Total ... . . ... 240 . 407 647 Under the system of classification adopted by the department, the assistants include seventeen junior assistants, who receive pupil-teachers' pay, and are reckoned as equivalent to pupil-teachers on the staff of the schools. Each succeeding year shows an improvement in the classification of the teachers employed. Of those above the rank, of pupil-teacher, eight are classified in Class B, six in Class C, 136 in Class D, and 271 in Class E. There are two unclassified teachers in charge of small " aided " schools. There has been a large number of changes in the teaching staff during the



past year. Sixty-nine teachers have left the service, viz. : twenty-eight head teachers, twentythree assistants, and eighteen pupil-teachers. Seventy-six new teachers have entered, and eleven have re-joined the service, of whom eight are teachers in charge, seven assistants, and seventy-two pupil-teachers. There is still a surplus of seventy assistant teachers in excess of scale requirements. But the surplus is being gradually reduced by their promotion to the charge of schools as vacancies occur. The appointment of female teachers to the charge of country schools continues to be attended with satisfactory results. The reports of these schools are (almost without exception) very favourable. The Board has adhered to its course of action regarding the appointment and removal of teachers— namely, to consult the Committees to the fullest practicable extent, and at the same time to give due consideration to the claims of teachers to promotion on the ground of their classification, service, and efficiency. The question of adopting a fixed scale for the remuneration of assistant teachers has been considered, but no action has yet been taken. Pupil-teachees.—The following table shows the results of tlie annual examination of pupilteachers and candidates for employment held in June, 1890 : —

All candidates w7ho qualified received immediate employment. But the supply was not sufficient to meet requirements, and the Board was therefore obliged to employ a number of candidates who, although otherwise suitable for employment, had not passed the entrauce examination prescribed by the regulations. In order to prevent any further increase in the surplus of assistants, it has become necessary to rescind the rule under which pupil-teachers, on gaining their certificate, were promoted to the rank of assistants. In future, such promotion will take effect only when a vacancy occurs. Attendance. —The attendance of scholars during the December quarters of 1889 and 1890 is thus compared:—

These numbers include 443 scholars above school age and 175 scholars who had passed the Sixth Standard. Very serious disadvantages are occasioned by Irregularity of attendance. The school suffers, the teacher is discouraged, the teaching staff is reduced, and the Board sustains a considerable loss of income. But the chief sufferers are the children themselves, whose parents keep them at home, or permit the most trivial causes to interrupt their regular and punctual attendance at school. Committees may exert a useful influence by impressing upon parents the duty of securing for their children the fullest advantage of the system of education provided by the State. The issue of good-attendance certificates affords a valuable incentive in this direction. Subjects of Instruction. —With the advice of the Inspectors and of Professors Brown and Thomas, of the Auckland University College, a programme has been drawn up and issued to teachers for their guidance in carrying out the requirements of the standard regulations regarding the teaching of science. The programme comprises a three years' course of instruction in agricultural science, and in elementary physics, chemistry, and physiology. Inspection.—The appointment of a fourth Inspector of schools has enabled the staff to overtake the work of inspection and examination. Nearly every school has been visited twice during the year. Scholarships.—Thirty junior and fourteen senior district scholarships were held during the year. The holders attended the Grammar Schools at Auckland and at the Thames. Scholarships established by private bequest under the Bawlings trust have been maintained for several years, and the holders have gained distinction in University examinations. Free education at the secondary schools is granted to a certain;, number of those pupils w 7ho pass the district scholarship examination with credit. The junior scholarships are divided into four classes, with a view to their equitable distribution in proportion to the advantages enjoyed by town and country schools respectively. The Board suggests that provision should be made to enable the holders of senior scholarships to attend the Lincoln School of Agriculture. At present they cannot do so, inasmuch as that school is not

Class. Examined. Passed. Pail id. Candidates for employment First-year pupil-teachers Second-year pupil-teachers M. j P. ! Total. 22 I 70 I 92 9 ! 40 ! 49 3 I 5 8 M. P. Total. 13 25 38 7 26 33 3 2 5 M. F. 9 45 2 14 3 Total. 54 16 3 Totals 34 115 149 23 53 76 11 | 62 ! 73

Year. Number [ of Schools. ■ Eoll Number. Aven uga Attem lance. .890 .889 ... I 266 255 11 i ! Male, i Pemale. Total. I 11,557 10,822 22,379 11,235 , 10,449 21,684 I 322 ; 373 695 Male. 9,515 9,300 Pemale. 8,720 8,479 Total. 18,235 17,779 Increase 322 373 695 215 456 11 241 '



placed under the inspection of a public school Inspector. It is hard to understand why the youths of this district should be excluded from sharing the advantages of a colonial institution of this kind. Buildings.—The Board has had to postpone several necessary buildings for want of funds. The building-grant voted by Parliament was not received until after the close of the year. It is now all expended, and a further sum of £9,000 is needed for immediate requirements. It is difficult to prepare an accurate estimate of building requirements for twelve months in advance. Settlement in country districts is advancing rapidly; and the establishment of a new industry, or the opening of a new mining-field, may cause a sudden growth of population in a locality which was previously almost uninhabited. The Board endeavours to meet the wants of country districts as liberally and as speedily as its resources will allow; but there is often some delay in fixing upon a suitable site for a school in a newly-formed settlement, and in estimating the amount of accommodation required. There are still many schools unprovided with teacher's dwellings ; and serious inconvenience is endured by some teachers through the want of a suitable residence. All school buildings are painted once in every five years, the cost being defrayed by equal instalments from the Board fund and from the school fund administered by Committees. The contribution from the school fund is allowed to extend over two or three years, if desired. Finance. —The receipts during the year amounted to £82,939 65., inclusive of a balance of £9,566 2s. Bd. brought forward at the beginning of the year. The expenditure during the year amounted to £75,282 7s. 6d. The following statement shows the assets and liabilities at the 31st December, 1890 : -Maintenance Account—assets, £11,833 7s. 7d.; liabilities, £5,583 2s. 9d.: credit balance, £6,250 is. lOd. Building Fund—assets £6,200; liabilities, £8,050 9s. : debit balance, £1,850 9s. The capitation grant of £3 15s. was applied (approximately) as follows :On teachers' salaries, £3 3s. per head; on grants to Committees (including painting and repairs of school buildings), ss. lOd.; on inspection and examination, 25.; on office management, Is. 7d. ; unexpended, 2s. 7d. : total, £3 15s. per head. The accounts of School Committees will be rendered for the period of fifteen months ending in March, 1891. An auditor has been appointed to audit them, and the usual summary will be forwarded in due course. Committees. —Valuable help continues to be afforded by the School Committees throughout the district in the conduct and supervision of school affairs, and in maintaining and improving the school property. The Board is glad to have this opportunity of acknowledging their cordial co-operation in these matters. The Hon. the Minister of Education. B. Udy, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890 Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year — By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 928 0 0 On Building Account .. .. 920 19 4 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 5 15 0 On General Account .. .. 8,645 3 4 Departmental contingencies .. .. 466 11 1 Government grant for buildings .. 4,568 11 0 Inspectors' salaries .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 Subscriptions and donations for build- Inspectors' travelling-expenses .. 502 2 9 ings .. .. .. '.. 20 8 6 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 36 11 9 Proceeds sale of teacher's house at Teachers' salaries and allowances (inOtahuhu .. .. .. 34 4 0 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 56,443 13 5 Proceeds sale of cottage at Newton East 18 16 6 Incidental expenses of schools .. 5,217 15 10 Government statutory capitation .. 65,320 14 9 Scholarships— Scholarship grant .. .. .. 1,015 9 7 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 1,294 8 0 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 500 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 66 8 10 Payments by School Commissioners .. 1,559 0 0 School buildings— School Committees, towards cost of New buildings .. .. .. 4,489 13 9 painting .. .. .. 313 17 0 Improvements of buildings .. 3,044 7 9 Whakahara School Committee, rent of Furniture and appliances .. .. 887 12 7 teacher's house .. .. .. 511 6 Sites .. .. .. .. 55 410 Ohineroa School Committee, balance of Plans, supervision, and fees .. 594 1 5 school fund .. .. .. 8 10 Balance at end of year—■ Auckland City Council, for drain .. 8 9 0 Dr. on Building Account £3,508 1 0 Cr. on General Account 11,164 19 6 -. 7,656 18 6 £82,939 6 0 £82,939 6 0 B. Udy, Chairman. Vincent E. Bice, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

7,656 18 6

£82,939 6 0

TABANAKI. Sib, — Taranaki Education Board, New Plymouth, 11th March, 1891. In the terms of " The Education Act, 1877," I have the honour to transmit the report of the Education Board for the year ending the 31st December, 1890. The Board. —At the annual election in March, Messrs. Adlam, Bauchope, and Syme were the retiring members. Mr. Bauchope was not a candidate for re-electionV Mr. Adlam was re-elected, with Mr. David Teed and Mr?, James Wade. Mrs. Bichmond resigned in June, and Mr. Bauchope was elected to fill the vacancy. The Board then consisted of the following members, viz.: Thomas Kelly (Chairman), Miss Heywood, Messrs. J. Andrews, G. A. Adlam, B. G. Bauchope, H. Faull, E. Olson, D. Teed, and J. Wade. The Board held twenty-four ordinary and one special meeting during the year. The attendance of members has been as follows : Mr. Kelly, 23 ; Mr. Andrews,



25; Mr. Adlam, 23; Mr. Bauchope, 14; Mr. Faull, 24 ; Mr. Olson, 23; Mr. Teed, 15 ; Mr. Wade, 19; Miss Hey wood, 25. Schools.—There were thirty-nine schools open at the beginning of the year, and two have been opened since—viz., one at Carrington Boad, and one at Kaimata Boad; and two schools—viz., the Waitara East and Waitara West—have been amalgamated : making a total of forty schools open at the end of the year. Teachers.—The number of teachers in the employ of the Board at the end of 1890 was seventy-three, with twenty-seven sewing-teachers, making a total of a hundred, classified as follows, viz.:— Males. Females. Total. Head teachers ... ... ... ... 31 ... 9 ... 40 Assistant teachers ... ... ... 3 ... 7 ... 10 Pupil-teachers ... ... ... ... 4 ... 19 ... 23 Sewing-teachers ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 ... 27 38 ... 62 ... 100 Attendance.—The attendance at the schools continues to increase, but not to such a large extent as the extended settlement of the waste lands would warrant. It is possible that in the newly-settled districts, where school accommodation is not yet provided, the non-attendance of the children of new settlers may be the occasion of this. The roll-number for the 31st December, 1889, was 2,565, and for the 31st December, 1890, 2,629, showing an increase of sixty-four. There has been a falling-off in the percentage of average attendance, that for 1889 being 74 per cent, on the school-roll, while for 1890 it only reached 72 per cent. This may be accounted for by the unusual heavy rainfall for the months of April to December, and the extensive bush fires ending in March. Attempts have been made by some Committees to induce a more regular attendance, and endeavours have also been made to bring to school children who are not on the school-roll; but their efforts have not been attended with great success. An attempt has been made to ascertain the percentage of children who finally leave school during the year. For the last quarter of the year the number has been seventy-eight. On the same ratio, this would give an average of 312 for the year, or about one-eighth of the school-roll. They are classified as follows : — No. Left. Average Age. Standard 11. ... ... ... ... 15 ... 13| years. 111. ... 19 ... 14J „ IV. ... ... ... ... 14 ... 15J „ V 15 .... 15* „ VI. 15 ... 15 Teaching Besults.—The Board is glad to be able to report that the quality of the teaching in this district is steadily improving, and no doubt better general results would have been shown this year were it not for the frequent changes of teachers. These changes occur mostly in the small schools. In one school the Inspector reports seven changes during the past seven years. It is obvious that, with such interruptions to continuous work, good results cannot be obtained. The Board will probably be able to provide a remedy now that the more pressing call for school buildings has been satisfied, by devoting the whole of the Education fund to the ordinary administration of the Board. This will enable the Board to give an increased salary to teachers of small schools, and thus induce qualified persons to apply when vacancies occur. The effect on a school when a change has been made from an inefficient to an efficient teacher is so marked in the improved intelligence of the children that it clearly shows that good teaching produces good results under the most discouraging conditions. Present Condition of Education. —The present system of national education has been in operation long enough to enable the Board to estimate its value as an educational agent—to realise its good qualities, and detect some of its deficiencies. Taking an impartial view of the work now being done in our public schools, in imparting to the rising generation that elementary training in literary knowledge which is intended to prepare them for taking a useful part in the practical work of life, the Board is of opinion that the work is, on the whole, good, when the difficulties of the position are taken into consideration. It is probable that the syllabus and methods are capable of improvement, but, so far, no general consensus of opinion has been able to point out what additions should be made or what procedure omitted in order to improve the teaching. The true system of reform is to go carefully step by step, whether by way of omission or by addition, w 7ith respect to the mode of teaching or to the subjects taught. Scholarships.—Ten scholarships were awarded by the Board under the new regulations, viz.; five " A" scholarships, based on an examination equal to a Fourth Standard pass ; and five " B " scholarships, based on an examination equal to a Fifth Standard pass. The work done by the candidates was of a better quality than formerly, and it is now desirable that the examination test be advanced a standard in each—viz., to the Fifth and Sixth Standards. Sewing.—The w 7hole of the schools now in charge of male teachers are, with one exception, provided with sewing-teachers, twenty-seven being employed in the district. The ladies constituting the Sewing Committee continue to give their valuable aid in the examination of the work of candidates for the office of sewing-teacher, and awarding marks at the annual examination of the specimens of sewing sent in from the schools prepared in accordance with the standard requirements. Teaching of a very valuable character is now being given in all the Board's schools in this desirable branch of female education. Buildings.—With a limited building grant, the Board has not been able to do much in the way of providing for school-accommodation and residences for teachers. A new school has been built on the Kaimata Boad, in a bush district. The Waitara schools have been consolidated by the B—E. 1.



enlargement of the Waitara West School. Additions have been made to the schools at Inglewood and Midhirst, and a residence has been built at Waiongona. This work involved a payment from the ordinary fund, in order to meet the obligation to contractors. Several new schools will be shortly required in newly-settled districts. Enlargement of several existing schools demands attention ; a large number of teachers' residences are required; and a considerable outlay will have to be made in repairs and painting of school buildings. Committees.—The number of School Committees is yearly increasing; the school districts now number twenty-five. This increase is occasioned by the desire of outlying districts, where a new school is built, to secure local school-management. This has the effect of increasing the work of the Board ; but, on the other hand, it gives the householders more interest in the work of the school, and in many cases local supervision could only be secured by the creation of a new district. The Committees take an active interest in the school w 7ork, and aid the Board in the many necessary local improvements connected with the school property. The total receipts of the various School Committees from the Board for the year was £582 12s. 7d. Income and Expenditure of the Board.-—The revenue of the Board from all sources for the year was £8,873 16s. 3d., and the expenditure £8,584 Is. lid., leaving a credit balance of £289 14s. 4d. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Thomas Kelly, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. & s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 150 0 0 On Building Account .. .. 61 2 6 Departmental contingencies .. .. 105 9 0 On Deposit Account .. .. 30 0 0 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 300 0 0 On General Account .. .. 219 3 3 , Inspector's travelling-expenses .. 50 0 0 On Land Account .. .. 40 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inGovernment grant for buildings .. 738 9 3 eluding rent, bonus, &o.) .. 5,704 14 6 Grant from Education Fund Account .. 175 0 5 Incidental expenses of schools .. 730 5 6 Government statutory capitation .. 6,733 0 5 Training of teachers.. .. .. 127 8 4 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 133 4 8 Scholarships— Inspection subsidy ... .. .. 200 0 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 117 10 0 Payments by School Commissioners .. 543 2 2 Examination expenses .. .. 15 14 8 Amount disallowed by Audit Depart- School buildings— rnent,lBB9 .. .. .. 0 14 0 New buildings .. .. .. 487 2 0 Improvements of buildings .. 386 6 6 Furniture and appliances .. .. 74 17 1 Sites .. .. .. .. 91 16 0 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 37 10 0 Cheque-book .. .. .. 0 8 4 Grant to School-building Account .. 175 0 0 Contractors' deposits .. .. 30 0 0 Balance at end of year — On General Account £386 17 3 Less outstanding cheques 137 2 11 249 14 4 On Land Account .. .. .. 40 0 0 £8,873 16 3 £8,873 16 3 Thomas Kelly, Chairman. E. Veale, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

WANGANUI. Sir, — Education Office, Wanganui, 30th March, 1891. I have the honour to present the -report of the Board's proceedings for the year ending the 31st December, 1890. Board.—The Board is at present composed of the following gentlemen: Mr. Gilbert Carson (Chairman), Mr. Henry Sanson, Mr. George S. Bridge, Bev. John Boss, Mr. James W. Baker, Mr. James H. Fry, Mr. John Notman, Mr. B. E. Beckett, and Mr. G. A. Hurley. During the year Mr. J. C. Yorke resigned, and was succeeded by Mr. G. A. Hurley. Mr. G. S. Bridge, Mr. John Notman, and Mr. B. E. Beckett retired by rotation, and w 7ere all re-elected. The Board has met regularly on the last Monday and following Tuesday in each month, and, as heretofore, has been materially assisted by the Executive Committee, composed of three of its members. At the annual election of Chairman, Mr. Gilbert Carson was re-elected. Schools. —At the close of 1889 there were eighty-three schools in operation. There are now eighty-seven open, classed as follows : One, w7ith an average attendance of over 300 pupils; eight, with an average attendance of 150 to 300 pupils; nine, with an average attendance of 100 to 150 pupils; seven, with an average attendance of 75 to 100 pupils; seven, with an average attendance of 50 to 75 pupils; thirty-three, with an average attendance of 25 to 50 pupils; twelve, with -an average attendance of 20 to 25 pupils ; two, .with an average attendance of 15 to 20 pupils; eight, wdth an average attendance of under 15 pupils. Of the above, ten are " aided" schools, having an ayerage attendance of under 20 pupils. These schools are officered by the following teachers, viz.: twenty head male teachers, three head female teachers, forty male teachers in sole charge of schools, seventeen female teachers in sole charge of



schools, seven assistant male teachers, eighteen assistant female teachers, forty-three female pupilteachers, and sixteen male pupil-teachers. There are also nineteen cadets in the Board's employ, who are not counted in the staff, and do not receive any salary. These only teach half-time, and receive the same instruction as is given to pupil-teachers. The Board has found it necessary to appoint a relieving teacher, owing to the constant changes which take place in the staff. Probationers'are taken on for a term of threejmonths, and, if found competent, are drafted into schools as vacancies occur. During the year a committee was appointed to investigate the condition of "aided" schools, with the result that the scale of payments was increased, and now stands as follows : In schools where the average attendance does not exceed fifteen, a capitation allowance of £5 per head is made ; and in schools where the average attendance ranges from sixteen to nineteen, a fixed salary of £75 per annum is allowed. Female teachers receive three-fourths of this scale. An addition upon a graduated scale has also been made to the salaries of pupil-teachers who live away from home. The Board has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the general efficiency of the teachers in its employ—to the satisfactory manner in which they endeavour, as a rule, to perform their duties and to carry out the instructions of the Board. The average roll-number for the whole year was 7,778'25, and the average attendance for the same period w 7as 5,745, giving a percentage of attendance on the roll of 73 per cent. The Board has frequently called the attention of the School Committees to the unsatisfactory average attendance, and regrets that such a state of things should continue, especially in the larger schools. New schools have been opened at Bata, Midland Boad, and Waituna, the two latter being "aided " only. In order to guard against loss, when application is made to the Board to erect country schools in districts where the attendance would be doubtful, it now requires the settlers to sign a bond guaranteeing to make up the teacher's salary to £100 a year for three years should the attendance fall short of the average which would entitle the teacher to that sum by the Board's scale of payments. School Committees.—There are now eighty-six School Committees in this district. The new ones formed during the year were : Bata, Kaponga, Mangatoki, Batanui, Hiwinui, and Spur Boad. The Board has much satisfaction in stating that it has worked quite harmoniously with the School Committees, and can bear testimony to the useful work performed by them, as well as to the great interest which they display in the cause of education generally. In many instances they have liberally contributed towards improvements and the purchase of school sites. During the year the capitation to School Committees was increased by the Board 10 per cent. Buildings, Sites, and General Works. —In new buildings, a great want has been supplied at Palmerston North by the erection of a large and commodious school, upon a more convenient site of 2-J- acres, the cost of which has been mainly defrayed out of the proceeds of the sale of the old building and site. Another new school has also been completed at Hiwinui; whilst others are in course of erection at Kaponga, Mangatoki, and Spur Boad. Extensive additions were made to Stoney Creek and Kapuni Schools; and improvements in the shape of shelter-sheds, lining, fencing, painting, and general repairs were effected at Ngaire, Waitotara, Manaia, Bunnythorpe, Kairanga, Linton, Eltham, Kakaramea, Marton, Stanway, Sandon, &c. New residences have been erected at Hunterville and Pohangina, and extensive repairs effected to that at Halcombe. Besides the new school site at Palmerston North, one has been acquired at Bird Boad, and desirable additions have been made to the Feilding and Ashurst sites. The Board has now in view the erection of new schools at Opunake and Manaia Boads, Bird Boad, Apiti and Pemberton Small-farm Settlements, and in other districts from which full information is not yet to hand. Extensive repairs will also be undertaken at Normanby and other schools as circumstances dictate. The majority of the schools require painting, but, as the funds at the Board's disposal for such a purpose will not permit of the whole of the work being performed at one time, it has been decided to undertake a portion each year. Scholarships.—The annual examination for scholarships was held simultaneously at Wanganui, Hawera, and Palmerston North, supervisors being appointed at each of these centres, and the whole of the details being under the control of the Inspector. Three scholarships were awarded to the senior competitors, and five to the junior. Inspection.—The work of inspection having increased altogether beyond the powers of one Inspector, the Board has decided to appoint an assistant, and, with that end in view, is inviting applications for the position. School Commissioner.—The Hon. John Ballance having ceased to represent this Board on the Board of the Wellington School Commissioners, Mr. John Duthie, M.H.8., kindly consented to act, and now fills the position. Finance. —The several returns required by the department were forwarded in due course. The general statement of receipts and expenditure shows a credit balance of £3,181 9s. Id. The liabilities were : £145 due to teachers, £266 14s. 9d. due to School Committees, £899 Bs. lOd. due to Bees bequest, and £10 due to the scholarships grant, leaving a net credit balance of £1,860 ss. 6d. The Building Account was overdrawn to the extent of £345 18s. 2d., with liabilities amounting to £1,089 10s. 4d. The assets in this latter account were £2,300, leaving a net credit balance of £864 lis. 6d. For further information respecting the progress and state of education in this district, I have the the honour to refer you to the Inspector's report. I have, &c,, The Hon. the Minister of Education. G. Carson, Chairman.



General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Balance at beginning of year —On On Rees Bequest Account .. 1,362 010 Building Account .. .. 2,522 2 4 On General Account .. .. 4,212 11 0 Office staff—Salaries .. .. 397 16 7 Government grant for buildings .. 1,718 18 9 Departmental contingencies ~ 126 13 2 Subscriptions and donations for build- Ditto, members' expenses .. .. 167 15 11 ings .. .. .. .. 27 16 3 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 400 0 0 Sales of buildings and sites .. .. 1,020 0 0 Inspector's travelling-expenses .. 150 0 0 School sites leased .. .. .. 11 10 11 Inspector's clerk .. .. .. 148 17 1 Contractors' deposits .. .. 104 4 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 20 10 6 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 2 0 0 Standard examination expenses .. 32 18 0 Government statutory capitation .. 20,593 15 3 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inSeholarship grant .. .. .. 346 7 8 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 17,701 14 6 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. 982 11 6 Payments by School Commissioners .. 796 14 6 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 31 19 6 Rees bequest, interest .. .. 197 14 0 Scholarships— Rees bequest, loan returned .. .. 100 0 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 305 0 0 Balance at end of year —On Building Ac- Examination expenses .. .. 31 7 8 count .. .. .. .. 345 18 2 School buildings— New buildings .. .. .. 1,906 18 0 Improvements of buildings .. 1,106 17 11 Furniture and appliances .. .. 301 16 8 Sites .. .. .. .. 497 17 6 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 171 011 Loan refunded to Rees bequest .. 100 0 0 Contractors' deposits refunded .. 93 18 0 Rees Bequest Account — Transfer to Board of Governors .. .. 760 6 0 Balance at end of year— On Rees Bequest Account .. .. 899 8 10 * On General Account .. .: 2,272 0 3 On scholarship grant .. .. 10 0 0 £31,139 11 4 £31,139 11 4 Gilbert Carson, Chairman. A. A. Browne, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

£ s. d.

WELLINGTON. Sir,— Education Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1891. In accordance with section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District of Wellington has the honour to submit the following report on education matters in the district for the year 1890. Board.—At the commencement of the year the members constituting the Board were: Mr. J. E. Blair (Chairman), Mr. G. Beetham, M.H.8., Mr. A. W. Brown, Mr. W. C. Buchanan, M.H.8., Mr. H. Bunny, Mr. F. H. Fraser, Dr. Newman, M.H.8., the Bev. J. Paterson, and Mr. J. Young. The retiring members, under section 15 of the Act, were : Messrs. Buchanan, Bunny, and Fraser. Four candidates were nominated for the three vacancies, and the voting resulted in the re-election of the three retiring members. An extraordinary vacancy occurred in May by the retirement of Mr. G. Beetham, who had obtained leave of absence to enable him to visit England, and had been unable to return before his seat on the Board had been declared vacant in consequence of his absence for three consecutive months beyond the period of his leave. Had the Board been aware of Mr. Beetham's determination to return, it would have been pleased to extend his leave. However, he was able to accept nomination, and was again elected. Two candidates were nominated for this vacancy. The Board held twelve ordinary, two adjourned, and one special meeting. The attendance of the individual members was as follows : Mr. Beetham, 4 ; Mr. Blair, 15 ; Mr. Brown, 13 ; Mr. Buchanan, 10; Mr. Bunny, 12 ; Mr. Fraser, 15; Dr. Newman, 12 ; Bev. J. Baterson, 13 ; and Mr. Young, 12. The Finance Committee met regularly each month, and the Technical School Committee met as occasion required, thereby considerably assisting the Board in the conduct of its business. New districts were constituted at Shannon, Kereru, Levin, Ballance, and Kaitawa, the attendance at these schools being in each case sufficient to warrant the establishment of a duly-consti-tuted authority. These make seventy-one school districts under this Board at the present time, with eighty-two schools, classified as follows : Under 15 pupils, six; 15 and under 20 pupils, six; 20 and under 25 pupils, ten; 25 and under 50 pupils, twenty-three ;50 and under 75 pupils, nine ; 74 and under 100 pupils, six ; TOO and under 150 pupils, seven; 150 and under 300 pupils, five; 300 and under 500 pupils, eight; 500 and upwards, two. At the close of the year the teaching staff consisted of: Head of school, 35 males 8 females; sole teachers, 22 males 17 females; assistants, 23 males 46 females ; pupil-teachers, 13 males 103 females : in all, 267 teachers and 11 sew7ing-teachers. The only appointment vacant was the headmastership of the Clareville School. The schools at Alfredton and Waikanae were reopened, and new schools opened at Kaitaw 7a, Ballance, Ditton, Grassendale, W'aikawa, and Levin. Pupil-teachers.—The examination of pupil-teachers, as in former years, w7as held immediately after the breaking-up of the schools for the Christmas vacation, and was conducted simultaneously at Masterton and the Terrace Schools, the arrangements for this year being carried out by the Board's Inspectors. The following is a summary of the results : End of first year— passed 9, failed 5, not promoted 5, total 19; end of second year—passed 11, failed 2, total 13 ; end of third year—passed 10, failed 7, total 17 ; end of fourth year —passed 9, failed 1, total 10; passed matriculation, 6 ; not present at examination, 2 ; just received appointments, 3 : total, 70.



Attendance.—At the end of the year there were 10,653 children attending the Board schools, of the following ages: Five years and under six, 803; six years and under seven, 1,191; seven years and under eight, 1,369; eight years and under nine, 1,231; nine years and under ten, 1,335 ; ten years and under eleven, 1,344 ; eleven years and under twelve, 1,116 ; twelve years and under thirteen,, 1,029; thirteen years and under fourteen, 686 ; fourteen years and under fifteen, 414 ; above fifteen years, 135 : increase for the year, 234. Standards—Class 8., 2,638 ; Standard 1., 1,287; Standard 11., 1,589; Standard 111., 1,680 ; Standard IV., 1,464; Standard V., 994; Standard VI., 657 ; above Standard VI., 344. Scholarships. —The annual examination for scholarships, which was conducted in December, brought together 107 candidates—sixty-six from the city schools, eighteen from the country schools, and twenty-three from the Wairarapa and West Coast. Buildings.—The chief items of expenditure from the building grant are : Mangatainoko, completion of buildings, £266 6s. Bd. ; Eketahuna, additional class-rooms, £494 6s. 9d. ; Mangaone, completion of residence, £167 18s. 4d. ; Masterton, improvements to sanitary arrangements and complete water-supply, £136 14s. 7d.; Carterton, additional class-rooms and alterations to old buildings, £257 195.; Kaiwaiwai, additional class-room and new furniture, £226 9s. Bd. ; Shannon, completion of buildings, £194 6s. lid.; Hutt, repairs and improvements, £59 ss. 6d. ; Levin, completion of buildings, £154 65.; Manakau, completion of buildings, £173 16s. Bcl. ; Paraparaumu, new schoolhouse and furniture, £225 Bs.; Mount Cook Girls', new latrines and additional piece of land, £108 9s. 9d.; Clyde Quay, new infant school and fittings, £890 4s. lOd.; Newtown, new latrines, £70 125.; Kilbirnie, additional land, £78 lis. 6d. With the limited sum allotted for schoolbuildings the Board has been compelled to exercise the most watchful economy to enable it to deal with the demands made, and even then the most urgent repairs and reconstruction have had to be postponed time after time. The temporary structures which had to be provided in rapidly-growing centres of new settlement are barely sufficient to meet the most urgent needs of the time, and ultimately necessitate considerable improvements towards completion. Special grants of £50 in each case were made to the residents at Manakau, Shannon, Hastwell, and Kereru to enable them to gather the children together until such time as the Board could see its way to place education matters on a fair footing in those rapidly-thriving settlements. With these amounts fairly convenient rooms have been erected, but, of course, without lining or proper means of ventilation. However, the amount placed at the Board's disposal will not admit of further consideration being shown in these cases at present. When the attendance reaches beyond the numbers for whom accommodation has thus been found it becomes necessary for the Board to render the rooms more comfortable and to erect additions. In centres like these there is not the remotest chance of any spare residence being rentable, and the Board has therefore to build at once if it means to place a properly-qualified teacher in charge. The impetus given to new settlements by the erection of school buildings is simply enormous, and shows most plainly that the advantages of the present system of education are now being fully realised. The marvellous growth of Mangatainoko and the rapid increase at the Kaitawa and Hastwell Schools, each within a very few miles of Pahiatua, while the attendance at the schools which have been established for some years has gone on increasing steadily, cannot but be conclusive evidence of this fact. In addition to these, newer settlements through the Forty-mile Bush have already made application for recognition, and presented cases which cannot be ignored. In December last a special committee of the Board proceeded to report on the applications for school buildings which had been received from different places within what might be termed the Forty-mile Bush district. At Hastwell, the temporary building was found to be taxed to its utmost. Three children in a dual desk seemed the usual thing, while in several instances four were jammed in. The teacher's table was pushed into the fireplace, and the board and easel rested against it to make room for the desks. So much were the Committee impressed with the urgency of this case that they immediately instructed the architect to call for tenders for an additional class-room, and have the work done without delay. The schools at Mauriceville East and Kaitawa were being conducted by able and efficient teachers in such utterly unsatisfactory premises that justice could not be done to the children. In addition to these cases, the- Board's committee were well satisfied that the claims from Tawataia, Makakahi, Newman, and Ballance, for much-required buildings, must be met as early as possible. The residents of Newman have since erected a public hall, and placed it at the Board's disposal to meet their case in the meantime. The Board had hoped that it would have been able, during the past year, to build a new school in Ghuznee Street; but, unfortunately, the funds at its disposal have not been sufficiently elastic to enable this long-felt want to be met, and the old building has had to be endured. Inspection.—ln July last the Board decided to appoint an Assistant-Inspector, and selected Mr. Thomas B. Fleming, M.A., LL.B., who has every qualification for the office, and will no doubt prove an able and efficient officer. As the larger portion of the inspection and examination of the schools for this year has fallen on Mr. Lee, he alone has submitted the report. Mr. Lee considers that the standard work as a w 7hole is satisfactory and improving, not more than nine out of the seventy-three schools which have been examined being in a more or less unsatisfactory condition. In five of the weakest schools a change has been made in the head teacher since the examination. The total attendance at the time of the examination was 10,694, an increase of 234 over the numbers for last year, the result of the work giving 6,438 standard passes as against 5,985, with an average percentage of passes of 93-3. By an arrangement with the head teachers, a programme has been adopted for 1891 whereby the dulness of ordinary school-life will be considerably lessened, and the work made more attractive and interesting. Technical School.—By an arrangement with the City Corporation, the Board obtained the authority of Parliament to make an exchange of the sections in Ballance Street for a more suitable site in Victoria Street, and have since accepted a tender for the erection of a building containing new offices for the Board's business, and more suitable accommodation for the Technical School.



When the building is opened the Board hopes to see a steady increase in the attendance at the different classes. Finance. —The balance-sheet herewith will show that the administration of the year's revenue has been carried out on a sound basis. With the strictest economy in every department, the Board closes the year's operations with a satisfactory balance on Maintenance Account, and a debit on buildings which the Government grant will more than cover. Committees. —The valuable assistance rendered by the School Committees has done much to assist the Board in its administration of the Education Act, and well deserves placing on record. I have only further to add, from the point of view of the Board, that education in this district is making steady and sensible progress in our best schools, and we have not a few which may be classed as such. The standard reached will compare with the best in any other district. Our schoolhouses, of the latest style and construction, are almost in every respect excellent. The Board has in its service a considerable and growing body of trained, competent teachers, many of them highly so, animated by enthusiasm and a high sense of duty in the discharge of their very arduous and responsible functions, to whom the best thanks of the Board are due, and are now tendered. The country is making great sacrifices in the cause of education, and it is a duty laid on all connected therewith to see, so far as they are concerned, that the best results are obtained. There are a number of questions connected with the system agitating the minds of educationists, on which considerable diversity of opinion exists, such as the centralisation of the inspectorial staff, the passing by inspectors or the classing by the teachers of pupils, the subjects to be taught and their relative value and place in the curriculum, uniformity of class-books, &c. These questions should be grappled with and settled ; but before settlement they should be fully discussed in the light of day. Discussions and resolutions formulated on the side of the teachers only may lead to a one-sided settlement, for, with the very best intentions, the feeling is apt to grow that the schools exist for the teachers more than for the pupils. In the interest of the system, and for the better settlement of these questions, I have to suggest that the Minister of Education take the necessary steps to call together at the end of the year a congress of the Inspectors and representatives of teachers from all the education districts to meet himself and the Inspector-General for the purpose of openly discussing these matters. I have only further to suggest that the questions to be discussed should be prepared and circulated in time to enable those interested to come prepared to discuss them with the fullest knowledge. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. J. B. Blair, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 505 5 0 Dr. on Building Account £18 4 11 Departmental contingencies.. .. 351 14 2 Cr. on General Account 1,277 15 8 Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. 650 0 0 1,259 10 9 Inspectors' travelling-expenses .. 196 0 0 Government grant for buildings .. 2,406 10 9 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 41 19 0 Newtown Committee refund .. 14 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inGovernment statutory capitation .. 30,769 10 5 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 25,026 9 7 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 609 13 7 Incidental expenses of schools .. 2,145 19 5 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0■ 0 Rents of schools .. .. .. 434 10 8 Payments by School Commissioners .. 780 3 4 Scholarships— Pupil-teacher entrance-fees .. .. 915 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 594 9 0 Terrace School donation for scholar- Examination expenses .. .. 31 12 5 ships .. .. .. .. 9 9 0 School buildings— Students' fees, Technical School .. 357 14 3 New buildings .. .. .. 1,779 14 4 Improvements of buildings .. 1,702 19 0 Furniture and appliances .. .. 416 7 7 Sites .. .. .. .. 163 5 0 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 191 6 2 Technical School .. .. .. 1,087 0 7 Balance at end of year— Dr. on Building Account £1,864 2 3 Cr. on General Account 3,048 15 5 1,184 13 2 £36,503 11 1 £36,503 11 1 A. Dorset, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Auditor and Controller-General.

Annual Beport of the Art Director. Sir,— Wellington, 17th March, 1891. I have the honour to submit my report for 1890. 1. Primary Drawing has made considerable progress during the past year. The teachers have in the majority of cases shown commendable aptitude in their working, and good results are shown generally. Model drawing has made considerable advance, notably in the Newtown and Thorndon Schools, and, as a number of the assistant teachers have now studied the subject, I hope to report its introduction into the majority of city and large schools during the year 1891. During the earlier part of the year difficulty was^ experienced in obtaining the'materials required for drawing. This has been met by a recommendation to the chief city stationers as to the" nature of the requirements. Models are necessary to the successful working of drawing in primary schools, and sets have been obtained to meet this requirement, and are offered to schools at half-price. There appears, however, to be considerable difficulty in having the models supplied, owing to want of funds by the various Committees. The scholars holding full first-grade certificates have received



instruction as previously, and made fair progress. The numbers are now in excess of any previous year, and good work in designs may reasonably be expected. 2. Instruction to Teachers has been continued daily throughout the year, and upon two evenings each week. Large numbers have availed themselves of the evening classes, with very beneficial results. Special classes have been held as usual upon Wednesdays and Saturdays, with large attendances. I regret to state that there are still a number of junior assistants who show no desire to gain the information necessary to fit them for class teaching, although additional classes have been held for their benefit, and others opened to them without fee. It is an utter impossibility to have efficient teaching throughout the schools under these conditions. Several assistant teachers have worked very earnestly during the year, notably Miss Law 7son and Messrs. Mclntyre, Barry, and Erskine. A number of pupil-teachers, including several newly-appointed ones, having obtained the full second-grade certificate, are making commendable progress in the more advanced work of light and shade from objects and the cast, and several have entered the list for the higher-grade examinations of Kensington. These teachers will prove invaluable to the service, as their powers of draughtsmanship and knowledge of light and shade will enable them to illustrate their lessons to great advantage. When it is considered that very few certificates were held previous to the opening of the school, the great progress made may be estimated from the table following, showing the position in drawing of the teachers in the Board's service, and also from the fact that no less than over five thousand certificates have been issued in primary drawing—4,226 in first grade and 1,288 in second grade.

Of the fourteen pupil-teachers entered as holding no certificates, thirteen are new to the service. 3. Number of Students entered upon the rolls is as follows: Average per term—Central School 262, subdivided into general students, 137 ; teachers, 38 ; pupil-teachers, 80 ; and scholars, 7. The Wairarapa branch 23 ; and the Newtown branch, 8. Or a full total of 293 students. 4. Examinations in first-, second-, and third-grade art were held at the usual times, and also second- as well as third-grade papers were this year taken in connection with the Science and Art Department. First Grade. —Number of papers examined, 3,074, as follows : Freehand, 1,179 —passed 689, failed 490; model, 187 —passed 75, failed 112; scale, 536—passed 381, failed 155 ; geometrical, I,l72—passed 821, failed 351: total, 3,o74—passed 1,966, failed 1,108. Number of papers " excellent," 262 ; "good," 353. Number of individual candidates, 1,932 ; passes, 1,405. The increase upon 1889 is as follows: Papers worked, 1,189; passes obtained, 848; individual passes, 509; individual candidates, 417. Second Grade. —Number of papers examined, 404, as follows : Blackboard, memory and copy, 60 —passed 26, failed 34; freehand, 136—passed 79, failed 57 ; model, 74 —passed 29, failed 45; geometrical, 77 —passed 42, failed 35 ; perspective, 68 —passed 35, failed 23 : total, 405—passed 211, failed 194. Individual candidates examined, 235; successful, 140. In the local third-grade examination 95 papers were taken ; 55 passes were obtained, the number of individual candidates being 36. Science and Art Department. —In accordance with instructions received from the department, the personal examinations took place in July, when a large number of candidates presented themselves for second- and third-grade subjects. The teachers in the Board's service availed themselves largely of the opportunity to obtain the English certificate, and very great interest was taken throughout. I regret that the returns, owing to some unaccountable delay, are not yet to hand. The works sent for examination in April for certificate of competition were very successful, the whole of the certificate works being passed, and three prizes awarded in the competition. When consideration is given to the fact that the school competes with the schools of the United Kingdom the result may be considered very satisfactory. The total number of local papers examined during the year was 3,574, being an increase of 1,188 papers upon 1889. The total number of certificates issued since the school was established is 6,366. 5. Prizes to the value of £10 have been awarded by myself, as follows: Subject sketch, M. Allan; still-life, H. S.Bennett; design, M. Igglesden; memory, N. Anderson; the second places being awarded respectively to Messrs. Hill, Dasent, and Newton. Mr. A. deß. Brandon has again presented a prize of two volumes to the engineering section, the recipient being W. Waters. 6. General.—The Masterton branch, under Miss Holmes, has done some remarkably good w 7ork, and I regret that the supp'ort hitherto afforded by your Board is now withdrawn. The following periodicals have been contributed to the school for the use of the students : The Engineer, by the publishers, London; Work, by Messrs. Cassells, London; The Decorator, by Baillie Brothers, Wellington. The usual difficulty has been experienced during the year in working the school, and lam heartily glad our new premises will soon bo habitable. The last two months of the year I was unfortunately prevented from continuing my duties owing to illness, and I desire to

No. of Teachers. Full Certificates. Five Certificates. Four jCertificates. Three Cer-! Two Certificates, j tificates. One Certificate. • Nil. lead teachers assistants Ix-pupil-teachers... 'upil-teachers 79 66 34 78 19 13 8 8 1 4 6 6 3 ► 11 4 6 16 11 5 12 5 13 7 15 10 3 3 17 25 11 1 14 Totals 257 48 17 24 44 40 33 51



express my thanks to my assistant for the very able and energetic manner in which the school was conducted during my absence. Thanking the Committee for their consideration of all matters relating to the school, I have, &c, The Secretary, Board of Education. Arthur D. Biley, Director for Art.

HAWKE'S BAY. Sir, — Education Office, Napier, Ist January, 1891. The Board of the Education District of Hawke's Bay, as constituted by the passing of " The Education Act, 1877," has the honour to present a report of its proceedings for the year ending the 31st December, 1890. Board.—Twelve meetings of the Board have been held, and the attendance at each meeting averaged six. Three of the members obtained special leave of absence to attend to their parliamentary duties. Under section 15 of the Act, the retiring members in March were Messrs. Harding, Sidey, and Swan, who were each nominated for a further term of three years. No other nominations being received, they were declared re-elected. The Board continues to be represented on the governing body of the Napier High Schools by Messrs. Ormond and Carlile. School Districts.—No new school districts have been constituted during the year, nor have any schools been closed or new ones opened, so that the number of schools and districts remains the same as last year. The forty-seven schools under the Board's management contain forty-nine departments, with 95 separate rooms for instruction. Classed according to attendance, there were on the 31st December eleven schools containing an average of not more than 25 pupils, eleven schools with an average varying from 26 to 50 pupils, ten schools with an average varying from 51 to 100 pupils, six schools with an average varying from 101 to 150 pupils, seven schools with an average varying from 151 to 300 pupils, whilst there were two with an average attendance exceeding 500 pupils. Teachers.—The schools were staffed as follows: (a) Head teachers, thirty-seven males, ten females; (b) assistant teachers, ten males and twenty-eight females; (c) ex-pupil- and pupilteachers, nine males and fifty-eight females. Sixty-eight of the principal and assistant teachers hold certificates of competency from the Education Department, and several of the ex-pupil-teachers have either passed for their certificates or have matriculated to the University, by which they become entitled to their certificates on certain conditions being satisfied. Seven of those in charge of schools do not yet hold full certificates of competency, whilst there are several assistant lady teachers holding very responsible positions in the schools who are uncertificated. The question as to whether the services of such teachers shall be retained will no doubt receive the attention of the Board during the coming year. Pupil-teachers.—The regulations dealing with the appointment, training, and instruction of the pupil-teachers show several slight amendments, but these have already been submitted to the central department for approval. It has been deemed necessary to direct the attention of those teachers having charge of the instruction of pupil-teachers to the regulations dealing with the efficient preparation of the pupil-teachers in what may be termed the elementary subjects of instruction —like reading, writing, and arithmetic. It would appear that these subjects, though by far the most important in their application to the instruction of young children, do not receive that attention from the principal teachers which their importance demands. Four hours' instruction each week is required to be given to the pupil-teachers, but little, if any, of the time appears to be given to their training in elocution or writing. The rule permitting ex-pupil-teachers to continue at the schools after the termination of their ordinary agreement is being availed of by most of the teachers. One encouraging sign among the pupil-teachers is their apparent desire to pass the examination of the Education Department for the Class E certificate at the end of their engagement. The Board is of opinion that the establishment of a few scholarships for open competition among the ex-pupil-teachers of the colony would be an additional incentive to them in their studies, and it would tend to bring about a common basis of instruction for the pupil-teachers in the several education districts. School Attendance.—During the past year the school attendance shows the barest increase compared with the corresponding attendance for 1889. In the first quarter of the school year the numbers attending school reached their highest point; but since then each succeeding quarter has shown a falling-off in the average weekly roll-number, which for December was 214 below that of March, whilst the average attendance was 186 below the March average. These diminishing results are entirely owing to the unusual amount of sickness that has prevailed in most of the school districts for more than six months of the year. The average number of pupils enrolled was 6,070-75, and the average attendance for the same period was 4,851*1, or an increase of little more than 1 per cent, for the year. This is much below what may be set down as the annual normal increase of the school population for the district. Comparing the regularity of the pupils at school, which is done by balancing the average attendance against the average roll-number, the result gives nearly 80 per cent, of the roll-number as having been in average attendance at school throughout the year. This is slightly less than it was for 1889, but during the June quarter the average attendance fell as low as 76 percent, of the roll-number; so that what may be termed the normal regularity w7as better than in previous years. In most of the school districts more activity is shown by the Committees in the matter of school attendance, and in several cases proceedings have been taken against parents under section 92 of " The Education Act, 1877." Inspection.—The examination and inspection of the schools have been duly carried out in conformity with the departmental regulations. The pupils entered on the schedules as belonging to the schools at the date of the examination numbered 5,732, and of these 3,731, or 65*1 per cent., were presented in standards. For the year 1889 the numbers were— (a) Belonging to the schools,



5,691; (b) presented in standards, 3,739. The total number of standard passes for the year was fewer by seventy-nine than for the previous year ; but the average efficiency is somewhat higher, as these results are exclusive of forty-seven ex-Standard VI. pupils, most of whom attend the secondary department of the District High School, and do work of a higher character than that required for Sixth. Standard pupils. With regard to the work done in the different schools, the Inspector points out that sickness has hindered somewhat the style of the work in the upper standards, but that on the whole the progress is satisfactory. He suggests there should be held, what the Board has already recommended to the Minister, viz. : a meeting of the Inspectors to confer and report to the Minister of Education how a uniform interpretation of the standard requirements can be best procured. The absence of uniformity in the interpretation as to what constitutes a standard pass makes it necessary that some definite understanding should be arrived at by the Inspectors, and this can only be done by a conference such as the Board recommended in February, 1890. Scholarships.—The examination for scholarships took place in December. In former years the scholarships were given on the result of the Sixth Standard examination, a synchronous examination being held for the purpose in November each year; but on the recommendation of the Inspector it was decided to revert to the old plan of examining the pupils in Standards V. and VI., and so the special examination for scholarships became a necessity. Amended scholarship regulations have already been approved by the Education Department. In December forty-six candidates presented themselves for examination, and eleven scholarships were granted by the Board and seven by the School Commissioners. Gisborne District High School.—The Gisborne District High School, which was constituted three years ago, is being carried on with commendable success. The Governors of the Gisborne High School, w7ho have no school of their own, subsidise the District High School to the extent of £150 per annum for a term of seven years. This sum, with the fees of the pupils, exceeds the amount actually required for the maintenance of a special master to teach the higher subjects, and arrangements have been made for the establishment of several secondary scholarships, the funds to be provided out of the accumulated funds standing to the credit of the secondary department of the school. At the matriculation examination in December last five of the Board's scholarship pupils at the end of their second year successfully passed the requirements. Needlework. —The synchronous examination of the sewing done by the pupils attending the Board schools still continues, and, as the table of results shows, the subject is taught with much care and success by a majority of the lady teachers engaged by the Board. The Inspector points out that much extra time is given by the lady teachers to placing work ready for the girls on sewing afternoons, and complaints are frequent as to the additional work imposed on the girls beyond the ordinary standard requirements. The Board has already recommended to the Minister, in a special communication, that sewing should be taken as an alternative for history in the case of girls. In their reports for the year, the sewing-examiners make recommendations with respect to special sewing-tests being given to girls at the time of the Inspector's visits to the different schools, but the course suggested is hardly possible at the present time. The subject, however, will be further considered at a future date. School Libraries.—There are a number of school libraries in this district, and the circular which was issued by the Department of Education some months ago appears to have acted as an incentive to teachers, and at least five new libraries have been established on the lines suggested in the circular. Fourteen schools have each a library for the benefit of the pupils only. They are Ormond, Matawhero, Te Arai, Gisborne, Frasertown, Wairoa, Petane, Meanee, Taradale, Puketapu, Patangata, Porangahau, Norsewood, and Woodville. Building Fund. —No work of any kind has been attempted in the way of school buildings during the year. The grant received from the Government barely sufficed to meet the Board's overdraft on account of school buildings incurred in previous years, and it was found impossible to proceed with needful repairs to schoolhouses and residences without incurring a further overdraft, and this the Board steadfastly declined to do. As pointed out a year ago, a large amount of expenditure is wanted in this district to provide new buildings and to repair old ones. In the month of June a return was sent to the department showing that the sum of £7,527 was then needed to complete the building requirements, and this has been further increased by the demands received from Committees since that date. At Napier and Gisborne rooms have been hired for more than twelve months for the accommodation of pupils ; and the instruction of children in a number of other schools has been, and is being, carried on under great disadvantages. Many residences are wanted for teachers, and numerous applications have been made for the erection of buildings in new settlements, but nothing could be done by the Board in consequence of the inability of the Government to supply the necessary funds. Income and Expenditure.—The whole income of the Board for the year, including building grant, with fees and subsidy on account of the Gisborne District High School, was £20,936 ss. 9d. Of this amount, £18,801 12s. 3d. was General Fund provided for the ordinary work of carrying on the schools and for inspection, and £2,134 13s. 6d. was building grant. The General Fund w7as augmented by a balance in hand of £1,834 15s. Id., making a total of £22,771 os. lOd. The expenditure shows that the cost of maintenance of the schools, including salaries of officers and teachers, grants to School Committees for cleaning and firing, bonuses to teachers, house-alkrwance, scholarships, instruction of pupil-teachers, and inspection, amounted to £18,840 19s. Id., out of which the sum of £53 Bs. 2d. was paid to the Building Fund, and leaving a balance in hand to the credit of the General Fund of £1,742 os. Id. -The Building Fund w Tas as follows : Income —General Government grant, &c, £2,188 Is. Bd. Expenditure, £434 lis. 6d., which, added to the balance debit from last year of £2,142 4s. 9d., amounts to £2,576 16s. 3d., leaving a balance debit at the close of the year of £388 14s. 7d. The sum of £2,850 has been received this month, consequently the Building Fund is really £2,461 ss. sd. in credit, but this amount will be more than absorbed in providing for the most urgent requirements. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. J. D. Ormond, Chairman. 9—E. 1.



General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year —On By Balance at beginning of year .. 2,142 4 9 General Account .. .. 1,834 15 1 Office staff—Salaries .. .. 250 0 0 Government grant for buildings .. 2,132 16 0 Departmental contingencies.. .. 238 13 8 Subscriptions and donations for build- Inspector and Secretary .. .. 500 0 0 ings .. .. .. .. 117 6 Inspector's travelling expenses .. 150 0 0 Government statutory capitation .. 15,406 19 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 50 14 1 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 276 16 7 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inInspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 15,136 14 4 Payments by School Commissioners .. 2,424 16 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. 1,807 2 1 District High School fees .. .. 385 4 0 Scholarships— Unpresented cheques brought to charge 716 8 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 388 16 0 Balance at end of year —Building Fund 388 14 7 Examination expenses .. .. 27 0 3 School buildings— Improvement of buildings .. .. , 179 4 3 Furniture and appliances .. .. 149 15 5 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 7 2 0 District High School .. .. 382 17 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 711 6 Balance at end of year—On General Account .. .. .. 1,742 0 1 £23,159 15 5 £23,159 15 5 J. D. Ormond, Chairman. H. Hill, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

MABLBOBOtJGH. Sir, — Education Board Office, Blenheim, 7th April, 1891. I have the honour to forward to you the report of the Board of Education for the District of Marlborough for the year ending 31st December, 1890. The Board.—There was no change in the members of the Board, the three retiring in rotation being re-elected. The names of the members were Mr. A. P. Seymour (Chairman), the Hon. Colonel Baillie, M.L.C., Messrs. Carter, Hutcheson, Mills, Parker, Paul, H. C. Seymour, and Ward. The Board held thirteen meetings during the year. Schools. —The number of schools at work during the year was thirty-six, of which nineteen were "aided" schools. J. C. Chaytor, Esq., of Marshlands, having temporarily let a piece of ground as a school site in a locality where a school was wanted, and having granted a liberal donation of £100 towards the building, the Board has erected a combined school and dwelling-house, and has opened the school, which is now doing good work. The Board wishes that power may be given to exchange with Mr. Chaytor the site on which the school is built for an education reserve situated in the Waitohi Valley, and hopes the Minister will take such a course as he may deem fit to carry into effect the exchange. Attendance.—On the 31st December, 1889, the weekly number on the rolls was 1,854, and the average attendance 1,393. At the end of the year 1890 these had increased respectively to 1,947 on the rolls, and 1,500 in average attendance. Teachers.—The staff at the end of the year consisted of fifty-nine teachers of all grades, twenty-eight being males and thirty-one females. We have also one sewing-mistress in addition. Scholarships.—The two scholarships at the Nelson College are now held by Claud Houghton Mills, in his second year, and by William Litchfield, the winner at the last examination. Finance.—The accounts show a debit balance at the end of the year of £239 4s. sd. This has arisen from the fact that the building grant allotted to us for the last two years has been insufficient for the wants of the district. During the year 1888 we just managed to keep the cost of our buildings within the grant, but since the close of that year we had, up to December last, received only £1,211 15s. 3d., of which £450 was granted for the teacher's house destroyed by fire. The Board was also compelled to expend a large sum (in excess of the grant made for that purpose) for the rent of schools during the building of the new school at Blenheim ; and altogether our expenses, though the various w 7orks were carried out in the most careful and thrifty manner possible, had exceeded £2,300; in fact, the whole of the grant intended for use in the year 1891 is entirely spent. Office Staff.—An important change has been made during this year in the official staff of the Board. About the middle of the year Mr. W. C. Hodgson, who for twelve years had acted as joint Inspector of Schools for the Nelson and Marlborough Districts, finding that the increase in the number of schools to be visited was likely to prove too much for the time at his disposal, to the great regret of the Board, found himself obliged to send in his resignation of his office of Inspector to our district. The Board then resolved to combine the offices of Inspector and Secretary in one person, and is glad to be able to report that, although very loth to lose the services of their old Inspector, which w7ere very highly valued, it has been fortunate enough, out of forty-two applicants, to secure the services of Mr. John Smith, who for sixteen years has occupied a similar position in the Educational District of Westland. Inspector's Beport.—Mr. Hodgson's engagements with the Nelson Board compelled him to examine a portion of the Marlborough schools at the beginning of each year; but it has been decided for the future to hold the annual examinations as near to the end of the school year as possible; consequently there will be no Inspector's report from this district for'the year 1890, the schools examined by Mr. Eodgson in that year being included in the report for 1889. I have, &c, A. P. Seymour, Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.


General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Government grant for buildings .. 809 10 3 By Balance at beginning of year .. .. 736 0 7 Subscriptions and donations for build- Office staff—Salaries.. " .. .. 144 3 8 ings .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 32 5 0 Government statutory capitation (four- Departmental contingencies .. .. 113 10 0 teen months) .. .. .. 6,162 10 0 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 114 11 8 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 60 0 0 Inspector's travelling expenses .. 93 16 0 Inspection subsidy (fourteen months) .. 233 6 8 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 3 3 0 Grant towards furniture in Teachers' salaries and allowances (inBlenheim School .. " .. 208 9 9 eluding rent, bonus, &e.) .. .. 4,600 411 Refund of interest .. .. .. 28 811 Incidental expenses of schools .. 605 14 8 Balance at end of year .. .. 239 4 5 Scholarships—Examination expenses ... 880 School buildings— New buildings .. .. .. 314 11 1 Improvements of buildings .. .. 699 6 0 Furniture and appliances .. .. 116 8 0 Sites .. .. .. .. 22 10 0 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 65 12 0 Rent of buildings .. .. .. 69 4 11 Insurance .. .. .. 2 0 0 School-books .. .. .. 100 0 0 £7,841 10 0 | £7,841 10 0 John Smith, Secretary.

NELSON. Sir,— Nelson, 4th March, 1891. I have the honour to lay before you a report of the proceedings of the Nelson Education Board during the year ending 31st December, 1890. Meetings of the Board.—The Board has held twelve ordinary meetings and one special meeting during the year, the average attendance at each meeting being eight. The Board now consists of the following members : The Bishop of Nelson (Chairman), the Hon. Joseph Shephard, Messrs. Joseph E. Harkness, M.H.8., S. Clayden, H. A. Tarrant, W. H. Phillips, jun.,C. Dencker, Bichmond Hursthouse, G. Talbot. Schools.—Ninety-four schools were at work during the December quarter of 1890, being an increase of three on the previous year's list. Thirty of these schools are " aided " or household schools, having in all an average daily attendance of only 428, or, one with another, of fourteen each. Teaching Staff.—One hundred and seventy-three teachers of all grades were on the staff at the close of the year. Of these, sixty are male and 113 female teachers. Forty-five are classified as probationers (equivalent to pupil-teachers). Attendance of Scholars. —The number of scholars on the roll at the end of 1890 was 5,835, being an increase of eighty-six on the previous year. The average attendance at the same period was 4,482, a decrease of seven. School-books. —The Board having discovered that some of their teachers were in the habit of introducing into their schools books which were neither included in the Board's published list nor always judiciously selected, and that this was made a subject of complaint by parents, teachers have been prohibited from introducing any book not on. the authorised list. The list itself is also being gradually so reduced as to offer little more than an alternative reading-book for each class, in order that the annual cost of books to each scholar may be brought down to the lowest • sum consistent with efficiency. . I have, &c, Andrew Burn Nelson, Bishop of Nelson. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s, d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year — By Office staff —Salaries .. .. 287 0 0 On Building Account .. .. 231 16 9 Departmental contingencies.. .. 263 9 1 On General Account .. .. 3,438 10 4 Inspector's salary and travelling exGovernment grant for buildings .. 974 14 9 penses.. .. .. .. 562 10 0 Bank interest .. .. .. 15 10 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances (inGovernment statutory capitation .. 16,163 16 5 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 14,573 12 7 Scholarship grant (receipts for scholar- Incidental expenses of schools .. 1,694 4 0 ships) .. .. .. .. 354 2 11 Training of teachers .. ~ 161 4 9 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 Scholarships— Payments by School Commissioners .. 865 0 0 Paid to scholars .. .. '.. 344 0 0 Bank interest .. .. .. 40 0 0 Examination expenses .. .. 14 19 6 From sale of school-books .. .. 512 15 10 School buildings— Rents of land .. .. .. 515 0 New buildings .. 773 14 6 Balance at end of year—On Building Improvements of buildings .. 646 0 2 Account .. .. .. 368 0 9 Furniture and appliances .. .. 130 7 7 Sites .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 Purchase of school-books, &c. .. 582 13 11 Grants to school libraries .. .. 3 3 0 Balance at end of year—On General Account .. .. .. 3,193 3 8 £23,270 2 9" £23,270 2 9 Joseph Shephard, Acting-Chairman.




GBEY. g IE Education Office, Greymouth, Bth April, 1891. The Board has the honour to present a report of its proceedings for the year ending 31st December, 1890, as required by clause 102 of the Education Act. Bqard.—At the date of the last annual report, the Board consisted of the following members : Messrs. Nancarrow, Barkley, White, and Marshall (nominated), aiifl Messrs. Kerr, Petrie, and Smith (elected). The election held in March resulted in the return of Messrs. Kerr, Petrie, and Byrne. Messrs. Nancarrow, Marshall, White, and Barkley were re-nominated. The death of Mr. Barkley, in April, caused a vacancy on the Board, which was filled by the nomination of Mr. Smith. At the "meeting held on Bth April, 1890, Mr. Kerr was elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Mr. Nancarrow was re-elected to represent the Board on the Greymouth High School Board.° The Board held thirteen meetings during the year—twelve ordinary meetings and one special meeting. The respective attendances were as follows : Nancarrow, 13; Petrie, 13; Kerr, 12; White, 11; Smith, 11; Marshall, 10 ; Byrne, 8 ; Barkley, 5. School Districts. —At the end of the year there were still seventeen school districts. Teaching Staff. —The number of teachers was the same as at the end of 1889. At the end of the year there were eight uncertificated teachers in the employ of the Board, as against thirteen at the end of 1889. Attendance. —The following table gives the average weekly roll-number and the average attendance for each quarter from 1885 to 1890 :—

The weekly roll-number therefore shows an increase of 0-28 per cent., and the average attendance an increase of 2*22 per cent. Finance. —For general purposes, the Board received during the year £5,749 10s. 2d., and expended £6,065 18s. 9d. The debit balance on the Ist January, 1890, was £124 19s. 10d., and on the 31st December, £316 Bs. 7d. On Building Account, the Board received during the year £592 Is., and expended £1,083 3s. 9d. The debit balance on the Ist January, 1890, was £508 18s. 3d., and on the 31st December £491 2s. 9d. No new buildings were erected during the year, but grants for repairs, &c, were given to all schools excepting Kynnersley, Bed Jack's, Maori Gully, and Marsden. General. —The unsatisfactory condition of the school buildings was referred to in the report for 1889, and the lapse of another year has not improved matters. The funds placed at the Board's disposal are quite inadequate to meet the necessities of the district. Table 6 gives in detail a statement of requirements, the total amount being £2,884, and nothing less than that amount is sufficient to place the school buildings in a state of thorough renovation, and to supply the additional space urgently needed at several schools. The Board would respectfully impress upon you the desirability of a liberal grant being allowed, so that the Board may prevent the further progress of decay and dilapidation. Several buildings have not been painted for fully ten years ; whereas our climate renders a coat of paint necessary at least at intervals of three years. The Board found at the end of the June quarter that there was a considerable diminution in average attendance, especially at the Greymouth School. The Board therefore decided to reduce the staff of that school, and, after very careful deliberation, resolved to dispense with the services of the head teacher, and to transfer two pupil-teachers to other schools. The proposal met with very energetic opposition from the Greymouth School Committee, but was ultimately carried into effect without injury to the efficiency of the school. At the end of the year seventeen pupil-teachers were in the employment of the Board. The Government programme of instruction was adopted by the Board in 1888, and the result is decidedly satisfactory. The Board has found it necessary on several occasions to transfer pupil-teachers and junior assistants from the Greymouth School to the schools at Taylorville, Dobson, and Bichardson. Their salaries being small, the charge for railway-travelling presses heavily, and the Board would ask you to consider the advisability of granting free passes to these teachers. The regulations relating to inspection and examination have been fully complied with by the Board's Inspector, the results being fully set forth in the Inspector's annual report. Four scholarships were competed for in January, 1890 —two for country schools and two for town schools. The two town scholars and one country competitor did very good work, the work of the other country competitor being rather weak. The scholarships were awarded, and the scholars are attending the Greymouth District High School. The Board desires to express its appreciation of the good work performed by the teachers, as shown in the Inspector's report, and w7hile doing so would respectfully draw your attention to the low salaries paid in this district as compared with those in most other parts of the colony; and w 7ould ask you to devise some means by which more equality of payment may be secured. The Board also wishes to give

Average Weekly Number on the Roll. Average Attendai ice. ear. March. June. Sept. A^f e centage Dec. -c Increase .March. „ Fo"r Previous Quarters., Year 1 June. Sept. ! Dec. r Average for PourQuarters. Percentage Increase Previous Year. I .885 1,346 .886: 1,484 .887 1,561 .888' 1,799 .889 1,828 .890 1,801 1,423: 1,492 1,582 1,844 1,828 1,811 1,448 1,426 1,504 1,513 1,652 1,643 1,816 1,796 1,868; 1,776 1,828! 1,810 1,410-75 1,498-25 1,609-5 1,813-75 1,810 1,815 6-2 7-4 12-7 1,070 l,14li 1,135] 1,415! .1,404 1,453 1,065 1,107 1,192 1,418 1,352 1,331 1,096 1,113 1,111, 1,136 1,211; 1,241 1,364' 1,358 1,382 1,453 1,416. 1,441 I 1,086 1,123-75 1,194-75 l,388-75; 1,397-75, 1,410-25 3-5 6-3 16-2 0-28 2-22



recognition to the assistance rendered by the various Committees in carrying out the provisions of the Act. The period—three years —for which the cadet employed in the Board's office was engaged terminating on March 31st, 1891, the Board decided to offer the appointment to be competed for by scholars attending the Sixth or Seventh Standard, the engagement to be for three years, salary £30, £40, and £50 respectively per annum. Six scholars only competed—one from Orwell Creek School, three from Dobson School, and two from Greymouth School. Ben Warnes, of the Greymouth School, was the successful competitor, gaining 741 marks out of a possible total of 885. James Binney, of the Dobson School, was a very close second with 739 marks. Ben Warnes also won a towm scholarship this year, and won the Watkins gold medal competed for annually by scholars attending the Greymouth School. There is therefore no doubt that the cadetship is the reward of merit. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. James Kerr, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Government grant for buildings .. 592 1 0 By Balance at beginning of yearGovernment statutory capitation .. 5,210 7 2 General Account .. .. .. 124 19 10 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 90 2 0 Building Account .. .. .. 508 18 3 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 125 0 0 Office staff—Salaries .. .. .. 150 0 0 Payments by School Commissioners .. 104 5 0 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 58 15 0 District High School fees .. .. 125 0 0 Departmental contingencies .. .. 372 1 1 Greymouth High School Board .. 50 0 0 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 162 0 0 Refund from Building Account .. 25 13 6 Inspector's travelling expenses .. 100 0 0 School requisites .. .. .. 11 12 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 12 12 0 Balance at end of year— Teachers' salaries and allowances (inGeneral Account .. .. .. 316 8 7 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. .. 4,650 10 5 Building Account .. .. .. 491 2 9 Incidental expenses of schools .. 171 0 9 School requisites .. .. .. 113 3 8 Scholarships— Paid to scholars .. .. .. 62 10 0 Examination expenses .. ~ 9 0 0 School buildings— Improvements of buildings .. .. 335 13 5 Furniture and appliances .. .. 186 14 3 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 22 5 6 Interest .. .. .. .. 29 12 4 Rent .. .. .. .. 71 16 0 £7,141 12 6 £7,141 12 6 James Kerr, Chairman. Edward T. Bobinson, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

WESTLAND. Sir,— Hokitika, 31st March, 1891. I have the honour to submit the report of the Education Board of the District of Westland for the year ending 31st December, 1890. The Board. —At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following persons: Messrs. Jack, Seddon, and Will, elected members, and Messrs. Bevan, Griinmond, Mueller, and McWhirter, nominated by Government. At the first election, in March, under " The Westland and Grey Education Boards Act, 1888," the retiring members—Messrs. Jack, Seddon, and Will—were re-elected, and Government again nominated Messrs. Bevan, Griinmond, Mueller, and McWhirter. Gerhard Mueller, Esq., was unanimously re-elected Chairman, and was appointed a member of the Westland School Commissioners. McLean Watt Jack, Esq., was re-elected Treasurer; John Bevan, Esq., was appointed a member of the Board of Governors of the Hokitika High School. During the year eleven ordinary monthly meetings and seven special meetings were held. The ordinary monthly meeting which should have been held on Bth April, lapsed for want of a quorum. The avei'age attendance of members at the meetings actually held was five ; and the attendance of the individual members was as follows : Mr. Bevan, 14; Mr. Griinmond, 7 ; Mr. Jack, 18 ; Mr. Mueller, 14; Mr. McWhirter, 13 ; Mr. Seddon, 10; and Mr. Will, 14. Teachers. —There are now sixty-six teachers in the Board's employ, classed as follows: Ten head male teachers, one head female teacher, seven male teachers in sole charge of schools, eleven female teachers in sole charge of schools, two assistant male teachers, nine assistant female teachers, six male pupil-teachers, fifteen female pupil-teachers, and five monitors. Besides these, there are two sewing-mistresses—one at the Blue Spur School, and the other at the Gillespie's School. Eighteen of the Board's teachers above the rank of pupil-teachers are uncertificated. During the year a change has taken place in the management of the two principal schools —Mr. J. J. Patterson, 8.A., head teacher of the Kumara School, resigned, and w 7as succeeded by Mr. T. A. Walker, of W Taimataitai; and Mr. E. B. Dixon, head teacher of the Hokitika School, was promoted to the office of Inspector and Secretary to the Board, and was succeeded by Mr. J. Gammell, 8.A., London University. Schools and Attendances. —There are now thirty-two schools open in this district, including seven "aided" schools, and six half-time schools. Two new schools have been opened during the year—one at Kawhaka, in the Humphrey's School District, and the other at the Waiho Biver, South W Testland. The latter is an " aided " school, and is worked as a half-time school with the Waikukupa aided school. The attendance returns for this year show a decrease in the strict average attendance amounting to nearly two hundred as compared with the returns for 1889. The Board has repeatedly



directed School Committees' attention to the irregular attendance of a large number of scholars, with a request that they should make an effort to remedy the evil. It is difficult to induce a Committee to take firm action under sections 91 to 93 of the Act, but if this w 7ere done in one or two well-chosen cases the effect on other offenders of the same class would no doubt be most salutary. School Buildings.—During the year a new school was built at Kawhaka; the schools at Bangiriri, Stafford, Arahura Boad, and Blue Spur, and the teacher's residence at Woodstock, were painted ; additions were made to the schools at Blue Spur and Haast; considerable improvements and repairs to the schools at Kumara, Hokitika, Boss, and Goldsborough; and a few minor repairs to the schools at Stafford, Arahura Boad, Kanieri, Woodstock, Blue Spur, Humphrey's, Donoghue's, Waitangi, and Haast. The total expenditure on buildings was £481 4s. 7d. Scholarships.—Up to the present time two scholarships, each of the annual value of £50, have been offered by the Board; but now that the Hokitika State School has, under the 55th clause of " The Education Act, 1877," been converted into a district high school, new scholarship regulations have been drawn up, and have received the approval of the Minister of Education. Under these regulations scholarships are offered, of a total annual value not exceeding the amount available from Government for scholarship purposes, to be competed for annually by scholars attending public schools in Westland, and tenable for two years at the Hokitika District High School. The scholarships henceforth awarded are at the rate of £8 for a town scholar and £23 for a country scholar. Pupil-teachers.—The annual examination of pupil-teachers wras held in December. The following statement shows the number of pupil-teachers who came up for examination, the number that passed, and the number that failed : Fourth year—four presented, four passed; third year— four presented, four passed; second year —seven presented, seven passed; first year—one presented, one failed. Two candidates—one of fourth and one of second year's service—passed with credit. Inspection.—Mr. John Smith, who has held the position of Secretary and Inspector to the Board since the introduction of the national system of education in New Zealand, has accepted the post of Secretary and Inspector to the Marlborough Board of Education. While having to regret the loss of such a valuable officer, the Board had the pleasing opportunity of promoting one of its teachers, Mr. E. B. Dixon, who entered its service in the same year in which Mr. Smith received his appointment as Inspector to the Westland Board. For further information respecting the state of education in this district the Board has the honour to refer you to the Inspector's report. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Gerhard Mueller, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 177 1 8 On Building Account .. .. 35 16 6 Departmental contingencies .. .. 134 10 1 On General Account .. .. 216 110 Inspector's salary .. .. .. 175 0 0 Government grant for buildings .. 531 6 0 Inspector's travelling expenses .. 95 19 6 . Refund from Kumara School Com- Examination of pupil-teachers .. 25 0 0 mittee (for building) .. .. 4 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inGovernment statutory capitation .. 5,236 17 6 x eluding rent, bonus, &0.).. .. 4,700 17 10 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 125 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. 243 1 3 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 175 0 0 Scholarships— Deposit (tenders) .. .. .. 3 0 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 100 0 0 Rent of Reserve No. 99 .. .. 010 0 Examination expenses .. .. 10 10 0 Book-sales .. .. .. .. 31 9 7 I School buildings— Interest from fixed deposits .. .. 9 0 0 New buildings .. .. .. 121 10 8 Improvement of building's .. .. 211 16 11 Furniture and appliances .. .. 37 16 6 Sites .. .. .. .. 103 15 6 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 6 5 0 Books .. .. .. .. 48 12 1 School requisites .. .. .. 56 5 2 Deposits .. .. .. .. 300 Balance at end of year— On Building Account .. .. 85 17 9 On General Account .. .. 31 1 0 £6,368 1 5 £6,368 1 5 Gerhard Mueller, Chairman. E. B. Dixon, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

NOBTH CANTEBBUBY. Sir,— Christchurch, 31st March, 1891. I have the honour to present the following report of the proceedings of the Education Board of the District of North Canterbury for the year ending the 31st December, 1890. The Board. —The three members who retired at the end of March, 1890, were Mr. Chrystall, Mr. Peryman, and Mr. Weston, of whom Mr. Chrystall did not offer himself for re-election. At an election held on the 6th March, Mr. Peryman, Mr. Meredith, and Mr. Weston we're returned to fill the three ordinary vacancies. An extraordinary vacancy occurred through the resignation, followed shortly afterwards by the death, of Mr. A. H. Cunningham, who had held a seat on the Board since March, 1880, and in whom its members lost an experienced and esteemed colleague, w7ho had been distinguished for his long and earnest exertions in the cause of education. On the 17th April Mr,



John Joyce was elected to fill the vacancy. At the same meeting Mr. Peryman was elected Chairman of the Board, Mr. Weston, Mr. Anson, and Mr. Saunders members of the Appointments Committee, and Mr. Westenra, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Joyce members of the Buildings Committee. The former committee resigned on the 19th June, and for some time its functions were discharged by the Board as a whole; but, subsequently, on the 11th September, it was resolved to reconstitute the Appointments Committee, to which Mr. Anson, Mr. Meredith, and Mr. Weston were elected. On the 10th July, the hour for holding the ordinary meetings of the Board was changed from 2 p.m. to 11 a.m. The Board met twenty times during the year, including two special meetings; the Buildings Committee met eighteen times; and the Appointments Committee thirty times. School Buildings.—No new districts were formed during the year ; but tow 7ards its close preliminary steps were taken for the formation of districts at Winchmore, Waltham, New Brighton (Beach), and Doyleston. New schools w 7ere built at Little Biver and New Brighton; a site was acquired for a school at Waltham ; additions were made to the schools at Clarkville, Hampstead, Ladbrooke's, and Waikari; and considerable improvements and repairs to the schools atAshburton, Brookside, Christchurch East, Christchurch W Test, Kowai Bush, Loburn, Lyttelton, Pigeon Bay, Southbridge, Templeton, View Hill, Wainui, Winslow, and the Normal School. The total expenditure on buildings was £5,131 2s. lOd. Maintenance of Schools.—The expenditure on teachers' salaries (including all allowances) amounted during the year 1890 to £51,606 7s. Id., and the grants to Committees for incidental expenses to £6,615 13s. Id., making a total of £58,221 os. 2d. The average attendance for the year was 17,044. The cost per head for teachers' salaries was therefore £3 os. 6-J-d.; and the total cost of 'maintaining the schools, including all incidental expenses, was £3 Bs. 3fd. per head. For the year 1889 the cost of salaries was £3 os. 2Jd. per head ; and of the total cost of maintenance, £3 7s. lid. The slight increase in expenditure on salaries results from a revision of the scale adopted by the Board on the 6th March, which made some addition to the salaries of the teachers in charge of schools with an average of less than forty. The following table shows the expenditure on salaries and incidentals for each year from 1878 [only partially reprinted] : — Year. Salaries. Incidentals. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1878 31,919 0 0 ... 6,276 C 9 ... 38,195 6 9 1888 50,749 14 6 ... 6,400 7 5 ... 57,150 6 3 1890 51,606 7 1 ... 6,615 13 1 ... 58,221 0 2 Table No. 7* gives the amount spent in each school district for both salaries and incidentals, and the names and salaries of the teachers employed in each school. The total number of teachers in the Board's service at the end of the year (besides forty-two sewing-mistresses) was 535, viz. : heads of schools or departments, or in sole charge—l36 males, 55 females ; assistants—32 males, 123 females; pupil-teachers —57 males, 132 females. Attendance. —The number of school districts at the end of 1890 w 7as 146, and the number of separate schools, including the practising department of the Normal School, was 163. Of these, one, at Gough's Bay, was an '' aided " school; another, at Winchmore, had been for some time carried on upon the footing of an " aided " school, but, in consequence of the number of children in regular attendance, was, towards the end of the year, raised to the position of an ordinary district school. The schools were classified as follows : Under 15 pupils, nine; 15 and under 20 pupils, six; 20 and under 25 pupils, fourteen; 25 and under 50 pupils, fifty-two; 50 and under 75 pupils, twenty-six ; 75 and under 100 pupils, seventeen ; 100 and under 150 pupils, eleven ; 150 and under 300 pupils, sixteen; 300 and under 500 pupils, six; 500 pupils and upwards, six. Returns of the number and ages of the children, and of the number receiving instruction in each subject, are appended. The following table shows the total number of children on the rolls, the number in average attendance, and the percentage of attendance for each year since the Education Act came into operation [only partially reprinted] : — Quarter ended District Aided Total ~ ~ ~ Average TJ , 31st December. Schools. Schools. of Schools. un-JSon. Attendance. leroentage. 1878 ... 106 ... 4 ... 110 ... 13,647 ... 10,076 ... 73-83 1888 ... 155 ... 1 ... 156 ... 20,388 ... 16,395 ... 80*42 1890 ... 161 ... 2 ... 163 ... 21,240 ... 17,869 ... 84*12 Inspection.—The Inspectors' annual report gives full information as to the amount of progress made during the year, with statistics showing the results of the examinations. It is gratifying to find that the proportion of children presented in standards is on the increase, and that, with the exception of the two highest standards, in which the results are somewhat inferior to those of last year, the Inspectors can report a fair advance in efficiency and general attainment. During the year the Board had before it a question relating to the conduct of Inspectors' examinations, and came to the conclusion that it would be better if the test-cards, now prepared by the Inspectors of each district for their own use, were drawn up by the department. Such an arrangement, it was considered, would secure more uniformity in the examinations, would be more satisfactory to the teaching profession, and would be less liable to produce friction between the teachers and the Inspectors. Normal School.—The Normal School has continued to make satisfactory progress. At the Inspectors' examination, the practising school took a creditable place among the large city schools. In the training department, thirty-eight students (four senior and thirty-four junior) were admitted at the beginning of the year, of •whom ten had matriculated and pursued their studies at Canterbury College. Of the twenty-eight for whose instruction the tutors of the training department are entirely responsible nineteen entered for the matriculation examination in December last, and all succeeded in passing; while all the students, with the exception of one, who was obliged to retire

* See pages 34-41, ante.



on account of illness, passed wholly or in part the examination for certificates. The number of students admitted for the current year was forty, making the full complement, as the last of the pupil-teachers employed in the Normal School has now completed her engagement. School-books.—The Board has given much attention during the year to the subject of schoolbooks. This question had been partly dealt with two years before, when the Board prescribed certain reading-books as those authorised for use in schools ; but it was now resolved not to confine the selection to reading-books, but to determine what books should be sanctioned by the Board in all the various subjects of instruction. A committee w 7as appointed, who inquired very carefully into the matter, and brought up a report, which is printed in full in the Appendix. [Not reprinted.] Without insisting on absolute uniformity, the committee decided on approving, in nearly all cases, not more than tw 7o books on each subject, selecting those already in most general use, and eliminating a large number of books of inferior merit or less commonly used. They also made strong recommendations in favour of agricultural chemistry and a simple form of book-keeping being taught in our public schools. The Board adopted this report on the 11th September, 1890. Its provisions will come into operation throughout the district in the course of the present year, taking effect in each school immediately after the annual examination. Compulsory Clauses.—The question of compulsory education has also engaged the attention of the Board. The employment of truant officers having been suggested, the Board consulted the School Committees, from whose replies it appeared a general opinion that in country districts such officials were not required, and the Board finally decided on not making any appointment. But a resolution was passed and forwarded to the Education Department expressing the opinion of the Board that the bringing into force and the carrying out of the compulsory clauses of the Education Act should not be left to the option of the School Committees, and that the Act should be amended so as to bring the compulsory clauses into full operation in every school district, and to require children to attend school for at least twothirds of each quarterly school-term. > Scholarships.—The annual examination for scholarships for Classes A and B was on this occasion, in pursuance of a resolution passed by the Board, held on the 19th and 20th December, 1889, and the examination of Classes C and D was held on the 29th and 30th April and Ist and 2nd May, 1890. The number of candidates examined for Classes A and B was 130—sixty-eight (forty-five boys and twenty-three girls) in Class A, and sixty-two (forty-four boys and eighteen girls) in Class B. In Classes C and D eleven w 7ere examined—six (three boys and. three girls) in Class C, and five (all girls) in Class D. Scholarships were awarded to [four boys and three girls] in Class A ; [four boys and one girl] in Class B ; [three boys] in Class C ; [two girls] in Class I). The scholarships current at the end of 1890 were held as shown in the following table [not reprinted]. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. H. W. Peryman, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receijyts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Office staff —Salaries .. .. 1,010 0 0 Dr. on Building Account £1,071 5 10 Departmental contingencies.. .. 398 10 9 Cr. on General Account 7,970 0 4 Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 0,898 14 6 Inspectors'travelling expenses .. 187 12 6 Government grant for buildings .. 3,765 6 9 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 132 18 4 Killinchy—Refund for range .. 4 10 0 , Teachers' salaries and allowances (inNew Brighton—Refund of half cost of eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. .. 51,606 7 1 fence at side-school .. .. 515 0 Incidental expenses of schools .. 6,615 13 1 South Malvern —Refund for well .. 5 0 0; Training of teachers .. .. 1,926 11 3 Clarkville—Refund for scientific appa- Scholarships— ratus .. .. .. .. 210 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 966 6 5 Contractors' deposits .. .. 191 2 9 | Examination expenses .. .. 80 16 5 Government statutory capitation .. 51,723 12 2 School buildings— Scholarship grant .. .. .. 1,043 10 9 New buildings .. .. .. 2,20118 11 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 500 0 0 Improvements of buildings .. 1,633 19 1 Payments by School Commissioners .. 12,235 5 0 Furniture and appliances.. .. 367 14 2 Rent of gymnasium .. .. 7 4 0 Sites .. .. .. .. 545 11 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 381 19 0 Rent Mandeville Plains site .. .. 3 0 0 Contractors' deposits .. .. 174 3 9 Education Acts .. .. .. 018 0 Balance at end of year .. .. 7,206 6 6 £76,436 8 11 j £76,436 8 11 H. W. Peryman, Chairman. J. V. Colborne-Veel, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

SOUTH CANTERBUBY. Sir, — Education Office, Timaru, 31st March, 1891. In accordance with the 102nd clause of "The Education Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District of South Canterbury has the honour to present the following report of its proceedings for the year ending 31st December, 1890. Board.—At the commencement of the year the Board consisted of the following members : The Bev. Geo. Barclay, J.P., the Bev. Thos. Jasper Smyth, Mr. Melville Gray, J.P., Mr. Eichard Alfred Barker, Mr. John Talbot, J.P., Mr. John Jackson, J.P., Mr. William Barker Howell, J.P., Mr. Bobort Henry Pearpoint, J.P., and Mr. Samuel W'illiam Goldsmith (Chairman). On the 31st



March the Bev. T. Jasper Smyth, Messrs. William Barker Howell, and Eichard Alfred Barker retired in terms of section 15 of the Act. The following gentlemen were nominated by the School Committees to fill these vacancies, viz.: The Bev. T. Jasper Smyth, retiring member; Mr. William Barker Howell, retiring member; Mr. Bichard Alfred Barker, retiring member; Mr. William Chisholm. The voting resulted in the re-election of the retiring members. No extraordinary vacancies occurred during the year. At the monthly meeting of the Board on the 3rd day of April, Mr. Samuel William Goldsmith was re-elected Chairman for the sixth time in succession. Twelve regular meetings of the Board were held during the year, the day of meeting being the first Thursday in each month, except in January, when the Board met on the third Thursday. The average attendance for the year was 7. The officers of the Board were the same as at the end of last year. Schools.—On the 31st December, 1890, there were fifty-six schools in operation, being an increase of four new districts (Waitaki, Seadown, Arundel, and Waterfalls) opened during the year. Of these fifty-six schools, the classification was as follows : Under 25 pupils, fourteen; between 25 and 50 pupils, twenty-seven ; between 50 and 100 pupils, eight; between 100 and 300 pupils, five; between 300 and 500 pupils, one; over 500 pupils, one. The number of schools open at the end of the year was fifty-six, and of this number none were half-time schools, nor were any schools closed during the year. The number of " aided " schools was fourteen. Attendance. —From the accompanying return it will be seen that there is still a steady increase in the number of scholars attending the Board's schools. The average attendance for the year was 4,881, as against 4,858 in the previous year. The ratio of average attendance to roll-number is still about 79. The following table shows the attendance in the district since the Board was established [only partially reprinted]:—

Finance. —The balance-sheet, duly certified by the Auditor-General, is appended. The Building Account shows a debit balance of £1,158 7s. 4d., which will be repaid out of the building grant of £1,800 for the year, which has since been placed to the credit of the Board, really leaving the Building Fund in credit £641 12s. Bd. to meet the exigencies and contingencies of the next twelve months. The Maintenance Account show's a balance of £1,444 7s. 2d., but the sum of £1,118 4s. has to be deducted therefrom on account of advances received from reserves revenue, leaving a balance of £326 3s. 2d. to actual credit. This balance, however, may be supplemented by the sum of £1,158 7s. 4d. due from the Building Account, as well as of £112 payable on account of contributions from School Committees. Buildings.—During the past year the Board has rebuilt and partly refurnished the school at Geraldine, on a new site, having, by authority of the Governor, sold its reserves within the township for this purpose. New schools also have been built at Arundel, Seadown, Waitaki, and Hakateramea, as well as assistance furnished towards establishing a side-school for Hazelburn at Waterfalls, and rebuilding master's residence at Hazelburn. Grants have been made in aid of planting at Bangitata Island and at Glenavy. A new ceiling, &c, has been put in at the South Orari School. The Timaru Main School has been re-stained, re-painted, and repaired; the drains have been taken up and relaid; the ridging of the infant school has been replaced; the master's house has been re-painted; a curtain put up in the main school; the janitor's house has been repaired, and the water brought in. The side-school also has had certain necessary repairs executed. New7 furniture has been made for Hakateramea, Arundel, Seadown, Waitaki, Waiinate, and Wai-iti (with a curtain). The school at Mount Gay has been removed to Plazelburn, and a master's residence has been built there. New wells have been sunk and pumps furnished to Orari Bridge, Pleasant Point, and Belfield; and grants for various exigencies have been made to Claremont, Fairview, Gapes Valley, Makikihi, Waihao, Fairlie Creek, Hook, Waituna Creek, and Hilton. New sites have been purchased at Seadown and Hazelburn. Surveys have been made of Seadowm, Washdyke, Waihao, and Hazelburn. The Kingsdown, Waitohi Flat, Pleasant Point, Waihao, Hook, and Bangitata Island Schools have been painted, and new ranges furnished to Hunter and Bangitata South ;

10—E. 1.

Quarter ending Number of Number of Schools. Teachers. Number on Polls. — AMale. Average Attendance. Lverage Attendam Female. ice. Total, Yearly Average. .878 31st March 30th June 30th September .... 31st December ... '31st March 30th June 30th September... 31st December ... 31st March 30th June 30th September... 31st December ... 16 16 17 17 49 49 50 50 52 52 53 56 56 59 60 56 119 120 123 125 123 123 124 126 2,467 2,458 2,510 2,666 4,704 4,689 4,714 4,703 4,873 4,865 4,868 4,937 Working Avere 930 814 897 754 931 811 1,005 872 Strict Averagi 1,895 1,785 1,921 1,784 1,832 1,660 1,964 1,857 1,930 1,842 1,930 1,810 2,051 1,878 2,086 2,027 ,ge. 1,744 1,651 1,742 1,877 3,680 3,705 3,492 3,821 3,772 3,740 3,929 4,113 1,753 3,674 .888 3,888 890



besides new charts, maps, and material, &c, to a large number of schools. The Board has sent in, at the request of the Government, a supplementary estimate showing what works were required, with the degree of urgency, which the present building grant would not enable it to overtake. The return was furnished showing three tables in degree of urgency. The amount of the first was £3,800; the less urgent, £2,355; and what could stand over for a while, without inconvenience, £5,035 : making a grand total of £11,190 to put the school buildings of this district in thoroughly good order and maintenance. Scholarships.—The annual examination for scholarships took place in January, the examiners being a committee of gentlemen and teachers acting in conjunction with the Board's Inspector. On the report of the examiners the following new scholarships were granted : [Five at £34, one at £24, and six at £4.] District High Schools. —It appears from the Inspector's report on the district high schools that twenty-one scholars were examined in secondary subjects at Waimate, and nine at Temuka. The subjects taken at Waimate were English, Latin, French, Euclid, and algebra; at Temuka, French, Latin, Euclid, and algebra. As in past years, the Waimate High School Board of Governors gave a contribution of £75 towards the cost of maintaining an extra teacher at Waimate. Pupil-teachers.—The annual examination of pupil-teachers was held in July. The follow7ing statement shows the number of pupil-teachers who sat for examination, the number that passed, and the number that failed : Fourth year —6 presented, 5 passed, 1 failed ; third year—4 presented, 4 passed; second year—l4 presented, 14 passed ; first year—B presented, 7 passed, 1 failed. I have, &c. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Samuel W. Goldsmith, Chairman.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. ] Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— [ By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 285 0 0 Dr. on Building Account £114 3 0 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 15 0 0 Cr. on General Account 1,836 11 6 Departmental contingencies .. 167 7 4 1,722 8 6 Inspector's salary .. .. 500 0 0 Government grant for buildings .. 1,164 3 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 70 10 6 Other receipts for buildings— - Teachers' salaries and allowances (inSubsidy, Arundel School Committee 15 0 0 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 12,171 5 9 Subsidy, Mount Gay School Com- Incidental expenses of schools .. 1,158 211 mittee .. .. .. 26 0 0 Scholarships— Sale of Geraldine sites .. .. 263 4 6 \ Paid to scholars .. .. .. 206 15 0 Government statutory capitation .. 11,707 10 10 Examination expenses .. .. 74 13 9 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 277 0 0 School buildings— Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 New buildings .. .. .. 1,675 10 3 Payments by School Commissioners .. 2,814 2 9 Improvements of buildings .. 384 410 District High School fees .. .. 63 15 0 Furniture and appliances .. 208 6 7 Contributions .. .'. .. 93 10 0 Sites .. .. .. .. 136 19 2 Waimate subsidy .. .. .. 75 0 0 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 107 11 0 Rents .. .. .. .. 18 8 0 Add 9d. difference between cheque and Interest .. .. .. .. 50 210 paid by bank .. .. .. 0 0 9 Outstanding cheques paid in .. 15 9 7 Balance at end of year—On General Account .. .. .. 1,444 7 2 £18,605 15 0 £18,605 15 0 S. W. Goldsmith, Chairman. J. H. Bamfield, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

REPORT ON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS. Sir, — Education Office, Timaru, 9th February, 1891. I have the honour to submit the following report on the District High Schools of Waimate and Temuka. Twenty-one scholars took part in the examination at Waimate, and nine at Temuka. Miss M. Miller, one of the Waimate scholars, has been successful in passing the matriculation examination of the New Zealand University. The following table shows the subjects taught, the number of pupils examined, the marks gained by each class, and the amount of work done in each subject :—



Waimate. English. —The reading of passages selected from " Hamlet" was marked by intelligence and expression, and the explanations were given with clearness, fulness, and accuracy. In the written examination, while most of the scholars acquitted themselves well, three or four of the older ones did papers of exceptional merit. Latin. —The pupils who took the advanced work translated passages from the prescribed works into English w 7ith almost faultless accuracy, and in retranslation and in sentences set to test their knowledge of Latin idioms they evinced considerable skill. W Tith one or two exceptions, the papers of the junior classes were very well done. French. —Of the papers in French, two were very good and one.good. Euclid. —ln the advanced class one paper was excellent, the other fair. The only paper in the Second Course was good, and a very good paper was handed in by the only representative of the senior section of the First Course. In the junior section of the First Course two papers were excellent, three very good, and two fair. Algebra. —The work done by the advanced and third-year classes was excellent. The pupils taking the Second Course fared badly, as did also three of those taking the junior section of the First Course. The papers of the others ranged from good to excellent. Temuka. Latin. —An average mark of 83 per cent, for all the papers in Latin attests the high quality of the work done. There was not a single weak paper in the lot. French. —In French, two papers w7ere very good, two good, and two of very little value. Euclid. —In Euclid, two excellent papers were given in, one by a pupil taking the Second Course, and the other by one taking the senior section of the First Course. Two papers were marked 55 and 54 per cent, respectively, and the remaining papers averaged 24 per cent. Algebra. —ln this subject the only pupil in the Second Course gained full marks with an excellent paper. None of the pupils in the other classes showed to advantage, the highest marks obtained being 60 per cent., and the average marks 38 per cent. I have, &c, Jas. Gibson Gow, M.A., Inspector, The Chairman, South Canterbury Education Board,

Subject. Course. No of Average ■n, '., Marks Pupils. n * per Cent. Amount of Work done. Waimati ; District High School. English ... 15 59 (1) Chambers's Outline of English Language and Literature, pages 1-52 ; (2) Abbott's How to write clearly; (3) Hamlet, Acts I., II., and III. Livy, Book XXI., to Chapter 42 ; Virgil's iBneid, Book II.; Principia Latina, Part V., to Ex. 40. Livy, Book XXI., to Chapter 42; Cassar's De Bello Gallico, to Chapter XXX.; Principia Latina, Part IV., to Ex. 40. Abbott's Via Latina, pages 1-83. Abbott's Via Latina, pages 1-39. Macmillan's First Year, and Bue's First Book, to page 60. Book I., with exercises, and Book VI. Books I. and II. Book I. Book I., to Proposition 24. Third course, with theory of quadratics; arithmetical, geometrical, and harmonical progressions. Quadratic equations, problems, evolution, and surds. Fractions and simultaneous equations. Factors, G.C.M., L.C.M., and easy simple equations. Definitions, brackets, and four simple rules. Latin ... Advanced ... 1 75 1 72 First, Sec. II. „ Sec. I. French ... I „ Sec.II. Euclid ... i Advanced ... Second First, Sec. II. „ Sec. I. Algebra ... Advanced ... 4 8 3 2 1 1 7 1 72 69 66 72 60 85 70 85 Third Second First, Sec. II. „ Sec. I. 2 4 4 6 93 31 61 62 Latin ... Second ... ' Temuka District High School. Latin French ... Euclid ... First, Sec. IIJ „ Sec. I. , French ... „ Sec.II.: Euclid ... Second ... ! First, Sec. Il.i „ Sec. I. Algebra ... Second First, Sec. II.I „ Sec. I. 1 3 3 6 1 7 1 1 7 1 84 82 83 55 93 39 55 100 41 15 Abbott's Via Latina, pages 1-149, and Appendices I. and II., to page 212. Abbott's Via Latina, pages 1-83. Abbott's Via Latina, pages 1-39. Bue's First French Book, pages 1-84. Books I. and II. Book I., to Proposition 41. Book I., to Proposition 32. Fractions and simultaneous equations. Factors, G.C.M., L.C.M., and easy simple equations. Definitions, brackets, and four simple rules. Algebra ...



OTAGO. Sir, — Education Office, Dunedin, 31st March, 1891. In accordance w 7ith section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," the Education Board of the District of Otago has the honour to submit, for the year 1890, the following report on educational matters in the district under its control:— Board.—At the beginning of the year the Board was composed of the following members : Dr. Hislop, Messrs. James Green, James Fulton, M. Fraer, John W. Jago, James Macgregor, Henry Clark, John McKeuzie, and the Hon. Thomas Dick. Dr. Hislop, Messrs. Green, and Fulton were the members who retired in terms of section 15 of the Education Act. Seven candidates were nominated for the vacancies, and the voting, in February, resulted in the re-election of Mr. Green and Dr. Hislop, and the election of Dr. W. M. Stenhouse in the room of Mr. James Fulton. At the first meeting of the Board, in April, Mr. Macgregor was appointed Chairman. The Board held twenty-seven meetings during the year. The Hon. Thomas Dick and the Hon. John McKenzie represented the Board on the High School Board of Governors, and Mr. Neil Fleming was the Board's representative on the Waitaki High School Board for the year. Number op Schools.—At the close of 1889 there were 190 schools in operation. In the course of the year new schools were opened at Nenthorn, Windsor, and Bort Moeraki; the number of schools, therefore, in operation at the end of the year was 193. A new school was sanctioned, and buildings were in course of erection, at Henley when the year closed. A large number of applications for the establishment of schools, chiefly in newly- and sparsely-settled districts, are still under consideration. The claims of the settlers in several of these districts are entitled to every consideration, but, however willing the Board may be to assist, the small sum at its disposal for the erection of buildings will, it is feared, prevent the Board from providing the means of education in any but one or two of the most pressing cases. The following statement shows the classification of schools according to average attendance : Under 15 pupils, ten ; 15 and under 20 pupils, thirteen ; 20 and under 25 pupils, seventeen; 25 and under 50 pupils, sixty-nine*; 50 and under 75 pupils, twenty-eight; 75 and. under 100 pupils, thirteen ; 100 and under 150 pupils, fourteen ; 150 and under 300 pupils, ten ; 300 and under 500 pupils, eight; 500 and upwards, eleven. Teachers.—At the end of the year there were 531 teachers in the Board's service, classed as under : Male head teachers, 143; male assistant teachers, 54; male pupil-teachers, 63 ; female head teachers and mistresses, 128 ; female assistant teachers, 43 ; female pupil-teachers, 88 ; female teachers of sewing, 12. This shows an increase of seven teachers for the year, nearly all of whom are female head teachers or assistants. Pupil-teachers.—There were 151 pupil-teachers in the Board's service at the end of the year. The annual examination took place as usual in December. The following statement shows the number that sat at the examination, the number that passed, and the number that failed : First class—thirtynine presented, thirty-five passed, four failed, one absent; second class—thirty-one presented, twenty-six passed, five failed ; third class —thirty-five presented, thirty-four passed, one failed, two absent; fourth class—forty-two presented, thirty-eight passed, four failed, one absent. It will be seen that fourteen failed to pass the annual examination, a number considerably larger than that for some years previous. The services of two pupil-teachers were dispensed with for failing twice to pass the requisite examination. School Attendance.—The following is an abstract of the attendance at the public schools of this district from the institution of the Otago education scheme in the year 1856 to the present time. At the beginning of 1878 the new education district of Southland was created, and thirty-seven schools wore handed over to the newly-formed Board :—

From the foregoing table it would appear that 314 more pupils were enrolled in the Dunedin schools last year than during the previous year, while the average attendance at the same schools was forty-seven less than for the year 1889. The total enrolments in the whole district show an increase of 661, while the average attendance is 242 less than for the previous year. The decline in the average attendance was altogether in the first two quarters of the year, when the attendance fell in the March quarter 491, and in the June quarter 532, under that of the last quarter of the previous year. This falling-off was due to the prevalence of la grippe in the district during the first half of the year. It is impossible to tell with any degree of accuracy the number of children who are growing up in this education district without receiving the benefits of an elementary education. Nowhere is there any regular system of enforcing the compulsory clauses of the Act, though fitful efforts are here and there made to deal with cases of gross neglect on the part of parents and guardians to

Year. 'o O c XJ1 o w CD a o W2 <D O c3 O H *o u CD ,5 | O Number of Pu attended at the Course of t pils who all in lie Year. Average Daily Attendance for the Year. at t: tttendance ie Close of the Year. - 3 M ■ << CO CO o .9 a a A CD cc PI O O H CD p A f-i <D 03 °£ <j to 7/7 O .856-57 ... .867 .877 .887 .890 ... 5 7 ... 56 85 ... 173356 ... 183511 ... 193531 1,216 3,191 6,136 5,966 3,151 16,422 22,742 23,279 4,367 19,613 28,878 29,245 115 897 2,176 4,148 3,891 121 2,045 9,573 15,110 15,440 236 2,942 11,749 19,258 19,331 919 2,585 4,648 4,341 2,436! 11,9431 18,032: 18,441 I 3,355 14,528 ;22,680 22,782



send the children under their charge regularly to school. These measures are attended with but small success ; and there is little doubt that a large number of children are growing up without that training for the duties of life wdiich the public system of education provides; and this is specially true of the large centres of population, where schools are good, and most easy of access. The existing schools could w 7ith perfect ease overtake the education of the whole of this class of children, and some effective means of gathering them into the schools ought certainly to be adopted. The Truant Inspector has already made his appearance in some towns, and with good results; and the Committees and the police will doubtless resort to his services to a larger extent in the future. The number of Maori and half-caste children attending the schools in this district is as follow7s : Maoris —Eleven males, nine females; half-caste, or other children of mixed race living among Europeans—thirty-two males, twenty-eight females. The number of schools in which there are Maori or half-caste scholars, or those of mixed race, is twelve. Ages of Pupils.—The following table shows the number and ages of the pupils that attended the public schools in the district during the last quarter of the years 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, and 1890. [Not reprinted.] Scholarships.—Twenty scholarships—ten senior and ten junior—were offered for competition at the end of the year. Thirty-four candidates competed for the senior and seventy-eight for the junior scholarships. It is satisfactory to record that several of the Board's scholarship holders have again been successful in winning junior scholarships in connection with the New Zealand University. The privilege of free education at the Boys' and Girls' High Schools, hitherto enjoyed by scholarship holders, has been withdrawn by the Board of Governors, owing to the Board's financial position. Free education at the above schools —a scholarship of itself—is still granted to all candidates for senior scholarships who, although failing to win a scholarship, make 50 per cent, and over of the attainable marks. The amount expended on scholarships w ras : Paid to holders, £1,255 ; expenses of examination, £44 3s. 9d. During the year new regulations were adopted. These regulations were drawn up w 7ith the view of giving greater advantages to the children in the small country schools. Inspection.—All the schools that were opened throughout the year were examined; and all except four were visited for inspection, but five of those visited were found closed. The following is an abstract of the work done by the Inspectors during the year:—

Standards.—For examination in the standards 14,271 pupils were submitted. Of these, 13,915 were present, and 11,399 passed. The number of absentees was 356, or 2*5 per cent, of those presented. Of the 13,915 who were examined, 495, or nearly 3*6 per cent., were excepted — that is, they were not reckoned as passing or failing, and were left out of account in computing the percentage of failures. The percentage of passes in standards was 82, which is 2 per cent, below that obtained last year; the percentage of failures was 14, as against 13*8 for 1889, 15*3 for 1888, and 18 per cent, for 1887. The average percentage of marks for class-subjects was 54, and the average additional marks 69. The latter number is somewhat above and the former somewhat below that for several preceding years. Efficiency.—Of the 191 schools examined— 22 ( = 12 per cent.) had a percentage of failures ranging from ... oto 5 31 (= 16 per cent.) „ „ * ... 6 to 10 57 (= 30 per cent.) „ „ „ ... 11 to 20 40 (= 21 per cent.) „ „ „ ... 21 to 30 20 (= 10 per cent.) „ „ „ ... 31 to 40 13 ( = 7 per cent.) „ „ „ ... 41 to 50 8(= 4 per cent.) „ „ „ ... 51 to 62 The following are the twenty-two schools at w7hich the percentage of failures was 5 or less, with the number of pupils presented in each : — r, , i Percentage of -- T . -, „ , , Percentage of , T , . School. Failures. No. presented. School. Failures. No. presented. Highcliff ... ... 0 ... 76 pupils Pukeuri ... ... 3 ... 104 pupils Macrae's ... ... 0 ... 21 „ Waipahi ... ... 3 ... 59 „ Lee Stream... ... 0 ... 14 „ Bluespur ... ... 4 ... 129 „ Mount Stuart ... 0 ... 16 „ Green Island ... 4 ... 391 „ Bongahere ... ... 0 ... 21 „ Kaikorai ... ... 4 ... 692 „ Tarras ... ... 0 ... 20 „ Moa Flat ... .. 4 ... 51 „ Wangaloa ... ... 0 ~. 17 „ Stirling ... ... 4 ... 157 „ Kakanui ... ... 1 • •'• 131 „ Beaumont ... ... 5 ..." 36 „ Normal School ... 2 ... 731 „ Benevolent... ... 5 ... 40 „ East Taieri... ... 3 ... 165 „ Moonlight ... ... 5 ... 33 „ Mosgiel ... ... 3 ... 330 „ Totara ... .., 5 ... 43 „

Inspector. Time. [ Distance travelled. Inspection Visits. Schools examined.* .i. Petrie t. Taylor r. Goyen Hours. 1,961 1,804 1,997 Miles. 3,729 3,490 4,587 90 75 83 77 74 73 * Thirty-three of the schools in this column are reckoned twice over, as two Inspectors worked together in ixamining them.



This list, it will be noticed, contains schools of all sizes, from the largest to the smallest; the proportion of very small schools that find place in it is less than in previous years. In the following schools the percentage of failures was 50 and over: — _School. Pe paentL e.° f No. presented. School. P™S° f No.presented. Kyeburn ... ... 52 ... 36 pupils Dunrobin ... ... 56 ... 47 pupils Naseby ... ... 52 ... 200 „ Southbridge ... 56 ... 25 „ Otakou ... ... 52 ... 51 „ Bendigo ... ... 59 ... 22 „ Table Hill ... ... 54 ... 13 „ Kyeburn Diggings ... 62 ... 36 „ Class-subjects.—The marks assigned for class-subjects ranged from 72 to as low as 18, and the average percentage was 54. Of the 191 schools examined — 2( = 1 per cent.) gained from 72 to 70 per cent, of marks for class-subjects. 52 ( = 27 per cent.) „ 69 to 60 86 ( = 45 per cent.) „ 59 to 50 39 ( = 20 per cent.) „ 49 to 40 12 ( = 6 per cent.) „ 39 to 18 The two highest in this division of the school work were—Tarras, 72 per cent.; Moa Flat, 70 per cent. Both these schools were taught by young female teachers. Additional Subjects.—The marks assigned for additional subjects ranged from 101 to 25. The average was 69. Of the 191 schools examined— 10 ( = 5 per cent.) gained from ... ... 101 to 90 additional marks. 43 (=- 22 per cent.) „ ... ... ... 89 to 80 54 (= 28 per cent.) „ ... ... * ... 79 to 70 35 (= 19 per cent.) „ ... ... ... 69 to 60 33 (= 17 per cent.) „ ... ... ... 59 to 50 16 ( = 8 per cent.) „ ... ... ... 49 to 25 The ten highest were —Bannockburn, 101; Port Chalmers, 99 ; Cromwell, 97 ; Purakanui, 96 ; Lawrence, 94 ; Oamaru Middle, 93 ; Green Island, 92 ; Tokomairiro, 91; Albany Street, 90; Arthur Street, 90. The total of additional marks attainable was 120. The schools at which the marks gained were below 50 are without exception small schools, taught by a single teacher, in which the weight of the syllabus is most severely felt. Training College.—The report of the rector of the Training College is appended. Experience has proved beyond a doubt the very great value of the Training College as a means of securing a sufficient supply of well-educated and properly-trained teachers for the public schools. The Board feels so strongly in regard to this matter that it has strained a point, since the discontinuance of the Training Schools vote, to maintain the institution in Moray Place in a state of efficiency, in the hope that the Government and the Legislature will ere long see their way again to vote a grant in aid of training institutions in the larger centres of population. The Board would regard as a very great calamity the closing of the institution under its charge from want of sufficient funds, and would therefore strongly urge upon the Minister of Education his favourable consideration of this most important matter. The attendance during the year was — Students in 1890— M. F. Total. Left during 1890— M. F. Total. Bemaining from 1889 ... 22 37 59 Teaching in public schools ... 9 9 18 Admitted during 1890 ... 12 33 45 Awaiting appointment ... 1 1 2 Left during 1890 ... 12 16 28 On leave—at University ... 1 ] 2 On books, December, 1890 22 54 76 Died or left the service ... 2 4 6 The total cost of the institution for the year was —Salaries, £1,060; allowances to students, £1,198 3s. 7d.: total, £2,258 3s. 7d. Drawing Department.—The report of the headmaster of the drawing department is appended. The classes w 7ere attended during the year by 393 students, viz.: 106 teachers and pupil-teachers, sixty-five students in training, seventy-nine pupils in the afternoon classes, and 143 artisans and other pupils in the evening. The expenditure on this department for the year was—Salaries, £580; incidental expenses, £23 95.: total, £603 9s. The amount received from fees, &c, w7as £146 12s. Bd., and the net cost £456 16s. 4d. Finance. —The audited statement of the Board's income and expenditure for the year is appended hereunto. The sum paid in teachers' salaries, including bonuses on classification, and bonuses for instructing pupil-teachers, amounted to £62,558 4s. 2d. ; the amount paid to School Committees for incidental expenses was £4,465 2s. 7d.; the sum expended on school buildings amounted to £6,863 13s. 9d. A table giving the names of the teachers employed, their classification, and the annual income of each at the rate paid during the last quarter of the year, is given in Appendix A.* The same table shows the amount paid by the Board to each Committee in aid of the school fund, and the amount expended in the erection, enlargement, and improvement of school-buildings. The following statement shows the cost per pupil in average attendance for the past four years : —

* See pp. 43-51,



By order of the Board. The Hon. the Minister of Education. P. G. Pryde, Secretary.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year—On Gene- I By Office staff —Salaries .. .. 927 16 8 ral Account .. .. .. 4,369 10 1 j Departmental contingencies.. .. 592 16 11 Government grant for buildings .. 4,271 10 0! Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. 1,550 0 0 Government statutory capitation .. 63,626 18 7 '■ Inspectors'travelling expenses .. 688 18 3 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 1,320 8 0 1 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 21 7 6 Inspection subsidy .. .. .. 500 0 0 ] Teachers' salaries and allowances (inpayments by School Commissioners .. 8,321 19 7 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) .. 62,558 4 2 District High School fees .. .. 107 13 9, Incidental expenses of schools .. 4,465 2 7 Interest .. .. .. .. 52 10 0 I Training of teachers .. .. 2,258 3 7 School of Art fees .. .. .. 146 12 8 Scholarships— Sale of school sites .. .. .. 59 10 0 i Paid to scholars .. .. .. 1,255 0 0 Rent of school sites.. .. .. 411 6 Examination expenses .. .. 44 3 9 School buildings— New buildings .. .. .. 4,600 7 0 Improvements of buildings .. 1,092 16 8 Furniture and appliances .. 138 4 7 Sites .. .. .. .. 419 3 1 Plans, supervisions, and fees .. 613 8 5 School of Art .. .. .. 603 9 0 Balance at end of vear—On General Account .. .. .. .. 952 2 0 £82,781 4 2 £82,781 4 2 John Macgregor, Chairman. P. G. Pryde, Secretary and Treasurer. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

Beport of the Bector of the Training College. Sir — I have the honour to submit my report on the Training College for the year 1890. The following was the attendance at the classes : First-year students—twelve males, thirty-three females; second-year students—six males, twenty-three females; third- and fourth-year students—six males, one female. No change was made on the teaching staff during the year. The following are the results of the certificate examinations: One student, passing the New Zealand University honours examination, secured his M.A. degree and A certificate ; tw 7o passed the B.A. examination, qualifying for B certificate ; five passed the first section of the B.A. examination, qualifying for C certificate ; twenty-four passed the New Zealand University matriculation examination ; thirty-seven qualified for D certificate ; three had a partial success for D ; twelve qualified for E certificate ; and nine had a partial success for E. Neil Pollock w 7as awarded the first prize for experimental science, and Alice M. M. Baron the second prize. Twenty students received " special mention "by examiners in the D and E examinations. The Training College students attending the Otago University have taken good places in their classes, and the holders of the Training College exhibitions have fulfilled their conditions. The headmasters of the associated schools have worked cordially with us in connection with the students' practice in teaching. The addition of Kaikorai School to the number associated has, to a certain extent, lightened their labours, and is proving of advantage to the students. I have, &c, The Secretary, Otago Education Board. W. S. Fitzgerald, Bector.

Beport of the Art Master. Sir,— I have the honour to submit my annual report on the School of Art for the year 1890. The total number of students who received instruction in the school during the year was 393, being a decrease of five since last year. This total includes 106 teachers and pupil-teachers, sixtyfive students in training, seventy-nine students who attended the day class, and 143 students who attended the evening classes. The morning class for students from the School of Mines was attended by thirteen students, besides five others who were studying painting. The course of lectures aDd the class instruction

Year. Average AttendOffice , ,. T. r , ! Inspection. Management- L Teachers' Salaries. Committees' Expenses. Total. ance. .887 .888 .889 .890 19,258 18,963 19,573 19,331 £ s. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 d. I £ s. 8i : 0 2 7f i 0 2 54 I 0 2 64 i 0 2 d. 2 3i 14 3f £ s. d. 3 7 2i 3 4 0£ 3 2 11J 3 4 84 £ s. 0 6 0 4 0 4 0 4 a. 6i 5| 6i 7i £ s. 3 17 3 12 3 11 3 13 d. 64 li 24



for first-year students included practical plane and solid geometry, and freehand drawing, and that for second-year students.machine drawing to scale and tinting and model drawing. Five of the students received certificates, having passed, in all the subjects. The course of instruction for students in training has been the same as formerly reported. The course for the junior division comprised freehand and model drawing, practical geometry and perspective; for the senior division, drawing in light and shade from the cast, and drawing on the blackboard from models. The progress made by the students during the year has been very marked, and the proficiency attained by the members of the senior division in drawing on the blackboard from copies or from models well qualifies them to give instruction in drawing. The pupil-teachers' course of instruction was as follows : Fourth class, freehand drawing; third class, model drawing ; second class, practical geometry and elementary projection ; first class, perspective. The classes were well and regularly attended by all the pupil-teachers of the city and suburban schools. A few of those belonging to country schools, who could not attend the ordinary classes, consulted me on Saturdays in regard to their work. At the annual examination the number of pupil-teachers examined in the second grade was 124, of whom 116 were successful —thirty-three passed in freehand drawing, thirty-two in model drawing, twenty-six in practical geometry, and twenty-five in perspective. There has been a slight increase in the number of students attending the afternoon classes, chiefly for model drawing and painting. During the year the students worked with great earnestness, and produced studies far in advance of the previous year's work. The studies in monochrome by Miss D. Fitchett, the chalk studies from the antique by Messrs. J. Kilgour and O'Keeffe, the studies in oil colours from nature by Miss M. Cook, Messrs. J. Kilgour and S. Hales, and the modelling by Miss E. Wales, all evidence great care and artistic ability. The evening classes were open every evening from 7 to 9, except Saturday. The course of instruction on Mondays and Wednesdays was freehand drawing, model drawing, drawing and shading from the cast, drawing and shading from the antique, painting in monochrome, and modelling in clay. The course of instruction on Tuesdays and Thursdays for mechanics and engineers was practical plane and solid geometry, machine drawing, and tinting; and for those employed in the building trades, practical plane and solid geometry, architectural drawing to scale, and tinting. Friday evenings were devoted exclusively to drawing and painting from the living model. A good deal of excellent work was done during the past session. The students have given ample proof of their artistic ability and industry, and have showm no disposition to idleness or inattention. There has been a decrease in the number of students attending these classes, owing to many artisans leaving for Sydney and Melbourne. The Boys' and the Girls' High Schools were attended as usual. The arrangement of the classes and the course of instruction were the same as previously reported. The work done in the various classes was very good, and the progress satisfactory. In my last year's report mention was made of a selection from the studies executed by the students of the Dunedin School of Art having been sent to the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition for comparison with similar studies sent from other Schools of Art. lam pleased to report that the Tress commented very favourably on the excellence of the exhibits from this school, and I now submit a list of the awards of the jurors appointed to examine the works : Outline freehand drawing, first award ; geometrical drawing, first award ; perspective, first award ; crayon drawing of heads, &c, first award; mechanical drawing, first award; architectural drawing, first award; landscapes in water-colours, second award; seascapes in water-colours, second award; fruit and flowers in water-colours, second award ; oil painting from the cast, second award ; portraits in oils, second award; oil painting (animals and birds), first award ; landscape in oil, first award ; seascape in oil, first award ; painted screen, first award. At the close of the session an exhibition of the studies produced by the students during the year was open to the public for four days. The exhibition was largely attended both during the day and evening, and was highly spoken of by the Press. My assistants have performed their duties most satisfactorily. I have, &c, The Secretary Otago Education Board. David C. Hutton, Art Master.

Occupations of those attending Evening Glasses. —Bootmaker, 1; blacksmith, 1; boilermaker, 1; brass finishers, 3; bricklayer, 1; carpenters, 15 ; coachbuiklers, 2 ; compositors, 3 ; chemists, 3 ; clerks, 9 ; cabinetmakers, 4 ; carvers, 2 ; confectioner, 1; coach-painter, 1 ; drapers, 4 ; dressmakers, 2 ; draughtsman, 1 ; engineers, 14 ; engraver, 1; framemaker, 1; fitter, 1 ; grocers, 2 ; ironmongers, 3 ; ironturner, 1; ironmoulders, 2 ; jeweller, 1; joiner, 1 ; lithographers, 2 ; lithographic artists, 3; milliner, 1 ; patternmakers, 3 ; photographers, 7 ; plasterers, 4; pupil-teacher, 1; painters, 9 ; retouchers, 3; saleswomen, 3 ; signwriter, 1; salesman, 1; stationer, 1; students, 17 ; tollkeeper, 1; teacher, 1; no occupation, 4 : total, 143.

Inspectors' Beport on District High Schools. Sir,— We have the honour to submit the following report on the special work of the district high schools for the year 1890. The following.tabular statements show the extra subjects taught, the number of pupils examined, and the amount of work done in each subject:—



Palmerston District High School.

English. —In this subject the pupils did not answer as well as usual. There was considerable misunderstanding of the passages given for paraphrasing and explanation. Difficulties of language were better dealt with than were difficulties in following and interpreting the author's line of thought. Though few papers were good all round, nearly all the questions were satisfactorily answered by some of the pupils. This play, though not a long one, is by no means easy for young students. Latin. —The translation of Class I. was inferior to that of Classes 11. and 111. Class 11. rendered the passage set very well, and Class 111. fairly. In grammar and composition a fair number in each of the classes answered with satisfactory accuracy. The principles of syntax were neither fully nor clearly explained. French. —Four pupils passed an excellent examination in the work professed, and most of the rest a fair one. Only about an hour a week has been given to this subject. Unless more time can be devoted to it, the teaching of the subject might well be discontinued. Geometry. —The papers of nine pupils were of high, those of, three of good, and those of the rest, except two, of moderate merit. Algebra. —The pupil in Class I. did fairly, gaining half-marks. In the lower classes a majority of the pupils answered w7ell, and the others, with one exception, did fairly. Only one gained less than half-marks. Higher Arithmetic and Mensuration. —Ten pupils did well, four fairly, and the rest poorly.

Port Chalmers District High School.

■■11—E. 1.

Subject.* Class. Number examined. Amount of Work done. English Latin I. I. 24 4 Macbeth (Chambers's Edition). Principia Latina, Part II.; Book V. of the Bomaii History; Cassar, Book I.; Grammar. Principia Latiua, Part I. and Part II.; the Mythology, Book I., and 25 paragraphs of Book III. of the Koinau History. Principia Latina, Part I., 37 exercises, and Part II., 15 fables. Books I. and II. of Charles XII.; Grammar in Dejardin's Class Book. Dejardin's Class Book, 204 exercises; and the Eeader to page 204. Dejardin's Class Book, 150 exercises. Euclid (Hainblin Smith's), Books I. to IV. Euclid (Hainblin Smith's), Books I. and III. Euclid (Hamblin Smith's), definitions and Book I. Hainblin Smith, to end of geometrical progression. Hamblin Smith, to end of equations involving surds. Hamblin Smith, to end of simultaneous equations. Hamblin Smith, to end of problems in fractional equations. Higher rules, mensuration of surfaces and solids, and elementary surveying (with field practice). II. 9 III. 6 French I. 2 II. 2 Geometry III. I. II. III. I. II. III. IV. I. 7 6 7 11 1 5 7 10 23 Algebra Arithmetic English Composition 1. 24 General. * Book-keeping and principles of agriculture have also been taught.

Subject. Class. Number examined. Amount of Work done. j_ English I. I. 11 King John, iu Nelson's School Series, and Gray's Elegy. Caesar, Book I.; Virgil's iEneid, Book I.; and Grammar. Caesar's Invasion of Britain (Macmillan); Latin Grammar in Principia Latina, Part I. Caesar's Invasion of Britain, 20 chapters; Grammar to end of Begular Verbs. Chardenal's Second French Course ; Translation of Extracts, pages 120 to 196. Chardenal's First French Course; Translation of Extracts, pages 175 to 196 ; and Charles XII., Book I. Chardenal's First French Course, to Exercise 136; Translation of Extracts, pages 175 to 189. Chardenal's First French Course, to Exercise 78; with "avoir" and " etre." Euclid, Books I., II., III., IV., and VI., with easy exercises on Book I. Euclid, Books I. and II., with very easy exercises on Book I. Euclid, Books I., 21 propositions. Hamblin Smith's Algebra, 258 pages. Hamblin Smith's Algebra, to the end of quadratics. Hall and Knight's Algebra, 69 pages. jatin I. II. I. II. 1 G ?rench i III. I. III. 4 1. 1 II. 5 III. 5 IV. 8 reometry I. 1 lgebra II. III. I. II. III. 7 10 1 10 8



English. —Paraphrasing and explanation of difficult words and passages were on the whole well done, and the incidents and situations of the play were well known. Some of the papers were excellent, and a very few inferior. The extracts from "King John" in this selection are of very limited extent. It is desirable that a longer and more complete work should be attempted. Latin. —The pupil in Class I. gave in an excellent paper. In Class 11. there were two excellent papers, and the others were satisfactory. In some instances Latin words were translated by their English derivatives, which are not at all equivalent in meaning. English into Latin was fairly done, and the inflections of nouns, adjectives, and verbs were in most cases accurately given. French. —Grammar and translation were both well done by most of the pupils. Three of the papers were of fair quality, and the rest were excellent. Geometry. —The papers of five pupils were of excellent, those of six were of fair, and the rest, except one, were of moderate merit. Algebra. —This subject was not as w 7ell answered as the others. The pupil in Class I. did a very good paper. In Class 11. four answered well, three fairly, and three poorly. One good paper and three fair ones were received from Class 111.

Tokomairiro District High School.

English. —Paraphrasing w7as fairly done by most and well by a few, but difficult sentences and words were on the whole only moderately explained. Beferences and the incidents and situations of the story were fairly known. Latin. —ln this subject the translation was not so well done by the higher pupils as one would expect from their ago and general advancement. Better results are generally found where Dr. Smith's Principia Latina, Part 11., is used as the earliest reading-book. The easier parts of this work are at once simpler and more interesting and homely than the texts read by the pupils of this district high school. The work also gives familiarity with a much wider vocabulary. Accidence was on the whole very fairly known. Syntax was well explained in the higher classes, and composition was creditably done by a large majority of the pupils. French. —The pupil in Class I. did most of the work well. The pupil in Class 11. was absent. Class 111. had done only a few of the earliest exercises, and was not examined in writing. Geometry. —Two of the pupils of Class I. did very well, and one fairly. In Class 11. one pupil gained 85, one 70, three 50, and the two others below 50 per cent, of the marks. Tw 7o of the pupils of Class 111. gained over 60, and the rest below 50 per cent, of the marks. Algebra. —A third of the pupils in each class answered well, and all the others, except one, fairly. Trigonometry. —One pupil did well, one fairly, and the rest more or less poorly. Agricultural Chemistry. —The course in this subject is not very wide, but the pupils answered readily and very correctly on all the points tested, The examination was oral, and chiefly conducted by the rector.

Subject. Class. Number examined. Amount of Work done. English Latin I. I. 18 6 Macbeth (Dr. Hunter's Edition). Caesar, Book V.; and Livy, Book I., 21 chapters; Composition—Betranslation of the text; Grammar. Caesar, Book III.; Livy's Siege of Syracuse, Chapters 1 to 27; Composition—Betranslation of the text; Grammar. Caesar's Invasion of Britain (Macmillan); Principia Latina, Part I., 61 pages. Mac mill an's Second French Course, to the end of the participles ; Macmillan's First French Beader. Macmillan's First French Course. Beginners. Euclid, Books I., II., III., IV., and VI., with exercises on Books I. and II. Euclid, Books I., II., and III., with easy exercises on Book I. Euclid, Book I. Hamblin Smith's, to end of harmonical progression. Hamblin Smith's, to end of cube root. Hamblin Smith's, to page 112. Hamblin Smith's, 82 pages. II. 4 French III. 10 I. 1 Geometry II, III. I. 3 Algebra II. III. I. II. III. I. 7 7 5 9 6 5 Trigonometry Aricultural Chemistry ... I. 7 Practical analysis of soils. * The pupil in this class was absent.



Lawrence District High School.

English. —The whole paper was well answered, and there was very little misunderstanding of the most difficult parts of the text. It is evident that the subject has been taught with great thoroughness and skill. Latin. —The two pupils in Class I. read the work given in the table during the first nine months of the year. Owing to the removal of the families to Dunedin, they have become pupils of the Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, and were not examined. The lower classes showed a very good knowledge of the work done. The translation was excellent in the higher class, and good in the lower. French. —Grammar was excellent throughout, and translation ranged from very fair to very good. Only two pupils obtained less than 70 per cent, of the marks. Algebra. —This subject was very well known. Two-thirds of the pupils in each class gained full marks, whilst the rest gave in good papers. Geometry. —The merit of the papers ranged from good to excellent, most of them coming under the latter description. Trigonometry .—Owe pupil gained 75 and the other 81 per cent, of the marks. In connection with the work of Palmerston District High School, we must point out that a number of the pupils, who come by rail, are very late of arriving, w 7hile the increase in the number of subjects taught has made it more difficult to do good work in some of the most important branches of secondary education. The English, algebra, and Latin papers were all examined by Mr. Petrie : and the French, geometry, and trigonometry papers by Mr. Goyen. In all the district high schools increased attention has been given to English composition, but we do not find any text-book of the subject used by the teachers, or in the hands of the pupils. We have, &c, D. Petrie, ) T , The Secretary, Otago Education Board. P. Goyen, }• ms P ectors-

SOUTHLAND. Sir,— Education Office, Invercargill, 20th March, 1891. In pursuance of the provisions of section 102 of " The Education Act, 1877," I have the honour to submit herewith the usual report of this Board's proceedings for the year ending 31st December, 1890. The Board.—The annual election of three members to fill the vacancies caused by the retirement of Messrs. Bain, Baldey, and McLeod w 7as held in the month of March, and resulted in the re-election of the three gentlemen named, there being no others nominated. It is desirable that your attention should here be directed to what appears a defect in the Act, so far as it relates to the annual elections of members of Boards. There is no provision made for dispensing with the form of an election when the number of names received in nomination does not exceed the number of vacancies to be filled. There is thus entailed an amount of trouble in going through the form of an election w7hen no good purpose can be served by doing so. To prevent any doubt arising as to the legality of the election, this Board followed the ordinary practice of sending out notice to the School Committees of three names nominated, and asked that they should (as a matter of form) record their votes in the usual manner. It will be seen that all this trouble and expense to Boards and Committees might be obviated by the insertion of a short clause in the Act making provision for declaring the nominees duly elected in such cases,

Subject. Class. Numbre examined. Amount of Work done. English Latin I. I. 20 Macbeth (Chambers's Edition). Caesar, Books V. and VI.; Virgil, Book V.; Grammar and Composition. Principia Latina, Part II.; History, Book III.; Cassar, Book I., 40 chapters ; Smaller Latin Grammar. Principia Latina, Part I., 28 exercises; and 20 fables in Part II. Charles XII., Books IV. to VIII.; Grammar and Composition as in Dejardin's Class Book. Charles XII., Books I. and II.; Grammar and Composition, from Dejardin's Class Book. Dejardin's Class Book, 150 exercises; Beading, Le Chapeau de Paille and Les Souliers Verts. Todhunter's, to end of quadratics. Todhunter's, to end of simple problems. Todhunter's, to end of fractions. Euclid, Books I. to IV. and VI., with exercises on Book I. Euclid, Books I. to III., with exercises on Book I. Euclid, Book I. Hamblin Smith's, 111 pages. II. 7 French III. I. 5 7 II. 7 Algebra HI. 5 Geometry I. II. III. I. II. III. I. 8 6 6 2 7 5 2 Trigonometry



From the foregoing it will be noted that no change in the personnel of this Board has been made during the year. At a meeting of the Board held on the 2nd of April Mr. George Lumsden was elected Chairman of the Board for the ensuing twelve months. The Board held one special and twelve ordinary meetings during the year, while the Executive Committee met twenty-three times. The average attendance of members has been very good, though, for special reasons, not so favourable as in some previous years, the numbers being—for meetings of the Board 7*3, and for the Executive 6. The individual attendances were as follows : Board—Mr. Lumsden, 13 ; Mr. Froggatt, 13 ; Mr. Baldey, 13 ; Mr. McLeod, 12 ; Mr. Matheson, 11; Mr. Bain, 11; Mr. Mackintosh, 9 ; Dr. Hodgkinson, 8 ; Mr. Morison, 5. Executive Committee— Mr. Lumsden, 23 ; Mr. Froggatt, 21; Mr. Baldey, 20; Mr. McLeod, 17 ; Mr. Matheson, 15 ; Mr. Bain, 12; Mr. Mackintosh, 16; Dr. Hodgkinson, 11; Mr. Morison, 1. It should be noted that Dr. Hodgkinson was absent on leave during the parliamentary session ; while Mr. Morison was able to register comparatively few attendances owing to a severe and protracted illness. The absence of the latter from the Board's deliberations, in view7 of the cause from which it arose, was a matter of sincere regret to his fellowr-members. Schools.—During the year the Board has established new schools in the following districts : viz., Wendon, Wendon (Block III.), Wendon Valley, Mataura Island, Caroline, and Flint's Bush ; while the small school at South Wyndham has been closed in consequence of a decrease in the average attendance, which rendered its existence for this year no longer necessary. At the close of 1889 the number of schools in operation was 106. By the changes noted in the preceding paragraph this number was increased at the end of 1890 to 111. The opening of new schools in the Wendon district was found to be an absolute necessity, owing to the progress of settlement in that locality. Applications have been received from a number of other places for the constitution of new school districts and the erection of new school buildings. These have for the present been held over for consideration, and will occupy the Board's attention early in the current year. In a district such as Southland, where there are still extensive areas awaiting settlement, the demand for new schools will, the Board anticipates, continue, and very probably increase. The proportion of small (non-paying) country schools in this district is, owing to the sparseness of population, very great. Of 111 schools there are no less a number than seventy-four with an average attendance of fifty or less, very few of which are self-supporting. In view of this fact it requires the utmost care in administering the Board's funds so that the strong may contribute to the necessities of the weak, and render the existence of so many separate schools (each a necessity in its particular locality) possible. The half-time principle is adopted so far as is practicable, the results being attended with moderate success. When revising the Board's regulations a year ago it was found to be absolutely necessary to limit the Board's contributions in aid of schools whose average attendance fell below twenty. To schools of this class (aided schools) a capitation-allowance of £3 10s. per pupil in average attendance is paid towards the teacher's salary, the Committee receiving no "School Fund" allowance. In several such districts the teacher's salary is supplemented by a contribution from the Committee. The services of even a fairly efficient teacher could not otherwise be secured. It is not possible to supply every want, but the Board cannot willingly withhold all the benefits of our educational system from the pioneers who have made their homes in parts far removed from populous centres. Attendance of Pupils.—The average attendance for the year shows a slight increase over that of the preceding one, the numbers being respectively 6,502 and 6,587. When the opening of five additional schools is reckoned, this increase is not so great as might have been expected. This may, however, be accounted for, in part at least, by the exodus of population which has prevailed here in common with other parts of the colony. The Board has still to regret that nothing practical has been done in the matter of restoring the " working " in lieu of the " strict " average as the basis of payments to Boards by the Government, and, as a necessary consequence, of payments to teachers and Committees by the Boards. No circumstances other than those of the ordinary description have occurred during the year to affect seriously the attendance of pupils at our schools. The issue of "good-attendance certificates" of an ornamental character has been continued by and at the expense of the Board. This encouragement to regular attendance is being more appreciated each year, as is evidenced by the greater number of certificates applied for. The percentage of average attendance to roll-number was 77*7, a slight decrease on that of the previous year. Teachers.—The staff of teachers in the service of the Board at the end of the year numbered 190—viz., 102 males and 88 females. These w 7ere classified as follow7s :— Male. Female. Total. Principal ... ... ... ... ... 13 ... 0 ... 13 Head of department ... ... ... 0 ... 13 ... 13 Head of school ... ... ... ... 24 ... 0 ... 24 Sole teacher ... ... ... ... 48 ... 22 ... 70 Assistant ... ... ... ... ... 8 ... 16 ... 24 Pupil-teacher ... ... ... ... 9 ... 37 ... 46 Total ... ... ... ... 102 ... 88 ... 190 These numbers show an increase of three over those of the previous year. The proportion of female to male teachers in the schools of this district is year by year increasing. A glance at the numbers respectively of male and female pupil-teachers employed by the Board, and from wdiich the ranks of the teaching staff are and will continue to be recruited, shows that this state of affairs must still continue to operate in the future so far as this education district is concerned.



The percentage of uncertificated teachers in the Board's service shows a gradual decrease in each successive year, and the supply of duly-qualified candidates for appointments of the medium or higher class is now fully in excess of the demand. Only in places where the attendance is small and uncertain, and the salary payable in consequence but a very meagre one, is it now necessary to appoint teachers who do not possess either a full certificate of competency or a " license to teach," which latter during the period for which it is issued has, by the department's regulations, the force of an ordinary certificate. The appointment of uncertificated teachers, when made, is only of a temporary nature, and in such cases the person so employed is expected to exercise all due diligence in securing classification as a fully-qualified teacher. Notwithstanding this rule of the Board, there are a few in its service who have made no apparent effort to prepare for or pass the prescribed examination. This is an irregularity that the Board cannot allow to continue, especially in the case of schools where the attendance warrants the payment of a moderate salary. There is an anomaly at present in existence with reference to the status of persons who have passed the teachers' examination, but who, owing to their youth or lack of the necessary two years' experience in teaching, are not entitled to the possession of a certificate, the issue of which in part depends on age and experience. The former may be attained by exercising the virtue of patience, but the regulations make no provision for securing the latter, unless, indeed, the candidate has had the privilege of serving some Board in the capacity of pupil-teacher. This Board is of opinion that an interim certificate should be issued to all who pass the prescribed literary examination, such certificate to entitle the holder to all the privileges of the holder of a "license to teach" for such a period as would give an opportunity to gain Inspector's marks and attain to the minimum age at which candidates may secure full classification. Pupil-teachers' Examination.—The usual examination of pupil-teachers was held in June last. Owing to an important alteration in the new regulations respecting pupil-teachers, adopted by the Board in 1889, whereby they are required to present themselves for examination at the end instead of the commencement of the pupil-teacher year, a general exemption from attendance at this year's examination was granted to all those who were successful at the previous examination, held in June, 1889. In consequence of this resolve, only three candidates (those who had failed to satisfy the Inspector's requirements for a pass in the previous year) presented themselves. Of these, two were successful; the other again failed, and has since left the Board's service, as required by the regulations. Scholarships.—At this year's examination, held in June, twenty-two candidates (ten resident and twelve non-resident) presented themselves. Five scholarships tenable for three years were awarded—two, of the annual value of £20, to resident candidates, and three, of £35 each, to nonresident candidates. In addition to the foregoing, four extra scholarships of £20 each, but tenable for one year only, were awarded to the most meritorious of the unsuccessful candidates. At the Board's request, reports are furnished at the end of each school-term by the Rector of the Southland High Schools, at which institution holders are required to attend during the currency of their scholarships. These reports have given ample and satisfactory evidence concerning the attendance, diligence, and progress of scholarship pupils, and past experience has shown that they are well able to secure and maintain honourable positions in the secondary school, their work generally being of more than average merit. It is worthy of mention that scholarships under this Board are of one class as regards attainments and age, and are open to all children in the Southland Education District, whether attending the public schools or not. The scholarships now current number seventeen. The sum paid during 1890 to the holders of scholarships amounted to £462 10s., and this amount, together with a sum of £16 Is., expenses incurred in advertising and conducting the examination, represents the total grant received from the Government for scholarships during the year—viz., £478 10s. School-buildings.—Departmental Return No. 7 shows in detail the amounts expended in the erection of new buildings and the maintenance of existing ones during the year just ended. To apportion equitably the annual Government grant for building purposes becomes year by year an increasingly difficult problem to solve, and this because of the inadequacy of the sum granted. In this district it would be simply impossible to satisfy the urgent and just claims of School Committees for repairs, additions, and the erection of new buildings, without some extraneous assistance. The Board is therefore compelled to economize in its administration of the Maintenance Fund, and from the credit balance thus created appropriate considerable sums to augment the Building Fund, and so make it serve the purpose for which it is intended. The Board is very strongly of opinion that such an amount should year by year be set apart for building operations as would in a reasonable way meet the necessities of the several Boards throughout the colony, and leave the Maintenance Fund to be devoted entirely to carrying out its legitimate purposes. The amount expended during the year in the erection of new buildings, repairs and improvements to those already erected, and the purchase of furniture and appliances, was £1,997 17s. 6d. Of this sum, £1,035 9s. lOd. was expended in the erection of new buildings in various districts. In districts such as Southland, where, for obvious reasons, all the buildings, with perhaps three or four exceptions, are of w rood, it will be evident that a large annual expenditure for painting alone is an absolute necessity if the Board's properties are to be preserved from premature decay. There are at present 189 separate buildings (schools and residences) in the district, each requiring to be repainted once in every four or five years at least. At the moderate computation of, say, £8 for each building, it will be seen that to do justice to the property under its charge an annually-recurring expenditure of from £300 to £400 is required for this work alone. Owing to an alteration of the date when the accounts of School Committees are this year to be made up, it is not possible to indicate precisely to what extent the Board's expenditure, as above detailed, has been supplemented by contributions from the several school districts. It may safely be predicted, however, that a perusal of the abstracts of accounts, when rendered, will supply information of a satisfactory nature,



In making grants for minor repairs to buildings, improvements to school-glebes, and the erection of fencing, sheds, &c, the Board has in general adhered to the equal-subsidy system, the operation of which in the past has proved eminently satisfactory and successful. School Committees have, as a whole, manifested very commendable diligence in raising funds wherewith to assist the Board in placing many conveniences within reach of its teachers and pupils and in maintaining the property of the Board in an efficient state of repair. The Board would again direct attention to the lack of teachers' residences in no less than thirty of its school districts; which defect cannot be remedied owing to the insufficiency of the Government grant for buildings. In no instance during recent years has the Board been able to undertake the erection of a school in a newly-constituted district, and at the same time provide a residence for the teacher. For small schools in rural districts where there is a residence the difficulty of securing the services of a fairly competent teacher is not nearly so great as it invariably is when no suitable provision has been made for his or her accommodation ; hence the necessity of employing temporarily persons not fully qualified to take charge of schools in outlying districts. Finance—Board's Income and Expenditure.—Departmental Return No. 4 shows in the aggregate the amounts received and expended by the Board during the year. The Board's balancesheet and accounts have been examined by the Government Audit Inspector, and by him forwarded to the Auditor-General, Wellington, for his inspection and certificate. The total income of the Board for the year was made up as follows : Capitation grant, £21,604 7s. 4d.; reserves rents received from School Commissioners of Otago, £3,052 16s. 5d.; parliamentary grant for buildings (including a sum of £385 due and payable for the re-erection of a school destroyed by fire in 1889), £2,353 2s. 6d.; inspection subsidy, £300 ; other minor receipts, £158 Is. The amounts, together with a credit balance at the close of 1889 of £1,661 10s. Bd., constituted the Board's total income for the year. Against the balance to credit of this year's Maintenance Account, however, has to be placed a sum of £623 ss. 7d. as liabilities due to teachers, Committees, and others on the 31st December; while the balance to credit of Building Fund is more than absorbed by liabilities due or to fall due under existing contracts, a sum of £491 lis. sd. being required for the last-mentioned purpose. The principal items of expenditure were as follows: Teachers' salaries and allowances, £21,155 135.; incidental expenses of School Committees, £1,469 6s. 9d.; and for building purposes, £1,997 17s. 6d. A perusal of Return No. 7, already forwarded, will afford full information respecting the expenditure of the before-mentioned sums, and show in detail to whom and for what purpose the various payments were made. By a prudent and economical administration of the moneys intrusted to it, the Board has hitherto managed to keep its expenditure well within its income. While, however, the basis on which its revenue is calculated remains so liable to variation, and that from circumstances over which it has no control, the same satisfactory condition of its financial affairs as is disclosed in the present year's balance-sheet cannot, of course, be fully depended on. All returns referred to in this report have already been (or are herewith) forwarded. By order of the Board. The Hon. the Minister of Education. John Neill, Secretary.

General Statement of Beceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year— By Office staff—Salaries .. .. 437 10 0 Dr. on Building Account £1,272 9 9 Departmental contingencies .. .. 436 7 8 Cr. on General Account 2,934 0 5 Inspectors'salaries .. .. .. 600 0 0 ' 1,661 10 8 Inspectors'travelling expenses .. 152 12 7 Government grant for buildings .. 2,353 2 0 Examination of pupil-teachers .. 610 0 Subscriptions and donations for build- Teachers' salaries and allowances (in- „ ln§ 3 •• •• •■ •• 12 13 C eluding rent, bonus, &0.).. ..21,155 13 0 Government statutory capitation ..21,004 7 4 Incidental expenses of schools .. 1,469 6 9 Scholarship grant .. .. .. 478 11 0 ScholarshipsInspection subsidy .. .. .. 300 0 0 Paid to scholars .. .. .. 462 10 0 Payments by School Commissioners .. 3,052 16 5 Examination expenses .. .. 16 1 0 Rents, school reserves.. .. .. 25 7 6 School buildingsInterest on fixed deposit .. .. 120 0 0 New buildings .. .. .. 1,035 910 Improvements of buildings .. .. 644 10 9 Furniture and appliances .. .. 102 5 6 Sites .. .. .. .. 04 5 8 Plans, supervision, and fees .. 151 5 9 Interest on overdraft .. .. 2 2 6 Balance (£2,871 17s. lid., viz., on Building Account £367 18s. 6d., on General Account £2,503 19s. sd.)— Fixed deposit .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 In bank .. £949 11 9 Less outstanding cheques 77 13 10 871 17 11 £29,608 8 11 £297608~8~11 George Lumsden, Chairman. John Neill, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.




AUCKLAND. Sir,— School Commissioners' Office, Auckland, 31st March, 1891. "I have the honour to forward a statement of the accounts of the Commissioners for the year 1890, and the following brief report of their proceedings for that year:—■ The reserves let comprise— £ s. d. 5 sections town and suburban lands, 21 acres, at ... 9 16 0 a year. 12 sections rural lands, 1,410 acres, at ... ... 63 16 3 „ 2 blocks pastoral land, 7,115 acres, at ... ... 127 0 0 „ Seventy-eight acres of rural land have been sold, realising £214, after paying cost of survey and charges by the Land Board. This money has been placed on fixed deposit at a bank pending the selection of a suitable investment in land. I have, &0., The Hon. the Minister of Education. Wm. P. Moat, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

H. N. Garland, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

'eceip; ;s. [ Primary. Secondary. Total. £ s. a. £ s. a. & s. a. 1,695 7 9 Co Credit balance, 31st December, 1889 Arrears of revenue from previous years—Eents of reserves ... ... ... ...» Eevenues of current year— Eents of reserves ... ... ... Interest ... Miscellaneous Sale of reserves Lease deposits 585 3 o 202 19 5 788 2 5 1,108 14 l 341 1 4 24 2 10 1,449 15 5 24 2 10 3 0 0 214 0 0 59 0 0 3 0 143 0 47 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 12 0 0 Total receipts ... 4,233 8 5 Expenditure. By Salaries Office expenses Legal expenses Expenses of leasing—Advertising Expended on reserves — Fencing, &c. Bates Stamp duty ... Payments to Boards— Auckland Education Board ... Hawke's Bay Education Board Payments towards secondary education—Gisborne High School ... ' ... Lease deposits refunded Balance at credit on 31st December, 1890— Bank of N.Z., current account £933 2 2 Less unpresentod cheques 12 6 931 19 8 Fixed deposit, Bank of New Zealand 214 0 0 Post-Office Savings-bank ... 52112 10 Auckland Savings-bank ... 222 1 5 & s. d. 76 18 0 0 17 2 25 1 0 34 12 6 £ s. a. 23 2 0 5 5 0 12 12 3 £ s. a. 100 0 0 0 17 2 30 6 0 47 4 9 0 15 0 139 11 11 5 0 0 36 10 5 43 3 5 10 0 37 5 5 182 15 4 6 0 0 1,559 0 0 75 0 0 ) I 1,634 0 0 7l"l 8 222 6 10 11 17 4 222 6 10 82 19 0 ) 1,889 13 11 ) Total expenditure 4,233 8 5 Assets. Cash balance, 31st December, 1890 Arrears of rent for 1888 ... Arrears of rent for 1889 ... Arrears of rent for 1890 ... £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. 1,889 13 11 53 6 3 194 1 8 960 7 11 41 16 164 1 799 1 3 8 0 11 10 0 30 0 0 161 6 11 Total assets "... il,004 18 11 202 16 11 3,097 9 9 Liabilities. Lease deposits ... £ s. 7 10 a. _4 £ 6 s. 8 a. 4 £ s. a. 13 18 8


TARANAKI. Balance-sheet of the Taranaki School Commissioners for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

T. King, Chairman. E. Veale, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

WELLINGTON. Sir,— 16, Queen's Chambers, Wellington, 16th March, 1891. On behalf of the School Commissioners for the Wellington Provincial District, I have the honour to submit, for the information of His Excellency the Governor and the Government, the twelfth annual report of the Commissioners, being that for the year ending the 31st December, 1890. On the 31st March last the Cominissionets retired by lapse of time, and their successors w7ere appointed in due course. The personnel of the Commissioners, however, remains the same, with the exception of Mr. John Duthie, who takes the place of the Hon. John Ballance as representing the Wanganui Education Board.


To Balance on 31st December, 1889 Bents of reserves ... ... Lease fees ... Transfer fees Sale of land... Beceipts. Primary. & s. a. I ... 1,030 12 4 | ..I 54 12 0 2 0 0 Secondary. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. 942 4 5 256 8 7 I 1,287 0 11 10 10 0 65 2 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 Total receipts ... I 2,306 7 4 I 2,306 7 4 Expenditurt By Officers' salaries Commission Advertising ... Surveys Law charges Bates Labour Leases ... ... ... • Stationery ... Taranaki Education Board Wanganui Education Board ... New Plymouth High School ... Purchase of school-sites Unclassified expenditure Balance * £ a. a. 37 10 0 20 18 4 20 4 0 3 15 0 34 0 1 70 10 0 10 6 3 56 14 0 4 10 543 2 2 876 17 10 £ a. 12 10 5 16 1 5 1 10 9 4 21 0 220 0 a. o 3 0 I 0 6 0 o i £ a. a. 50 0 0 26 14 7 20 4 0 5 0 0 85 10 1 79 14 6 10 6 3 77 14 0 4 10 543 2 2 376 17 10 220 0 0 16 1 0 13 9 6 827 12 5 Total expenditure 2,306 7 4 Deposit Account. & s. a, £ s. a. To Balance on Slat Deoember, 1889 .. 71 7 0 By Transferred to General Account as rent.. .1.14 0 0 Receipts .. .. .. .. 78 15 7 Refund to depositors .. .. .. C 2 7 £150 2 7 £150 2 7 Statement of Balances on 31st December, 1890. Account. jg s , (i, Bank. £ S- <]. Cr. General Account .. .. .. 827 12 5 j Or. Current Account, Bank New Zealand .. 230 13 3 „ Fixed deposit, Bank New Zealand .. 323 18 0 „ Fixed deposit, Savings-bank .. .. 272 11 2 , Cash in hand .. .. .. 0 10 0 £827 12 5 £827 12 5 Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s, t l. I Liabilities. £ s , fl. To Balance, General Account .. .. 231 3 3 By Land Ptind .. .. .. 596 9 2 Balance of Land Fund .. .. 596 9 2 Balance of assets .. .. .. 1,028 2 2 Rents due and in arrear .. .. 796 18 11 i £1,624 11 4 £1,624 11 4



During the past year the Commissioners let thirty-six reserves, being thirty-one rural and suburban, containing 3,976 acres, and five small town sections containing 2 acres. The income derived from the country lands is £326 3s. lid., and from the town lands £8 10s., or a total of £334 13s. lid. per annum. The Commissioners have just concluded a series of sales of leases of reserves, .most of which were vested in them last year, and in doing so have taken advantage of " The Educational Beserves Leasing Act, 1890," which permits rural lands to be let for thirty years. This provision has no doubt operated favourably with regard to the reserves submitted for public competition, while the tenants under " The Education Beserves Act, 1877," are largely seeking to avail themselves of the provisions of the former. Act, under which they may obtain extension of their leases. The Commissioners w 7ould have preferred that this Act should have covered suburban as well as " rural lands for the most part covered with bush," as they think a certain amount of hardship has been created in the case of those settlers who hold suburban lands which were formerly covered with bush, and in respect of which such settlers have had all the labour and expense of clearing, but who are excluded from the benefits to be derived from "The Educational Beserves Leasing Act, 1890." The annual sales of leases for 1891 have just concluded, with result as follows, viz. : Twentyfive sections, representing 5,544 acres, were sold to twenty-four purchasers for the sum total of £233 os. 9d. per annum. These sections comprise one town (£3), one village (£3 10s.), eighteen first- and second-class rural lands (£194 165.), and five third-class rural lands (£3l 14s. 9d.). There were many inquiries for more; but the sections sold were, by reason of their position or good quality, the most marketable. There are, however, some which are laid off, and appear on the plans as primary-education reserves, in respect of which inquiry is continually being made by the neighbouring owners; but until these are vested in the Commissioners they cannot be dealt with, and as the lands are lying idle the Commissioners would like to see them permanently reserved, as they (the Commissioners) are of opinion the lands would find ready buyers at fair rentals. The Commissioners are glad to report that the reoent sales included two unprofitable reserves in the Bahau Block. These reserves were held at a cost of £40 per annum for the destruction of rabbits only, and were liable also for rates and fencing. The rent to be received is, however, exceedingly small (2d. per acre per annum) ; but, as this actually represents a large saving of annual expenditure, the Commissioners consider the sale of these sections satisfactory under all circumstances. The Commissioners have to express their regret that no portion of the funds derivable from the recent sales can be applied to the maintenance of secondary education, and again appeal to the Government for a fair share of the lands of the district as endowments for this purpose. The whole revenue available for secondary education, as derived from reserves vested in the Commissioners, amounts to £61 Is. 3d. per annum, which is subject to reduction by proportion of annual expenditure. For some years past this revenue has been absorbed by compulsory expenditure upon the reserves which, in 1888, entailed an advance from the Primary Fund Account, the reimbursement to which will be completed from the revenue arising from secondary reserves at the expiration of the year 1891. After this time there will accrue a small revenue available for secondary schools; but, as this is but small and divisible between three institutions, the Commissioners would repeat their appeal for further assistance in the manner indicated above, for which they believe there is sufficient authority given in "The Education Beserves Act, 1877." In conclusion, the Commissioners desire to draw attention to the increased business of the Trust. In 1878, when they took over the administration, there were on the rent-roll forty-six tenants, contributing £390 10s. 9d. At the present time there are 185 tenants, and the income is £1,832 18s. 3d., which may be augmented by further lettings during the present year. Statement of receipts and expenditure is forwarded herewith. I have, &c, J. B. Blair, Chairman of Commissioners. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

12—E. 1.

'.eceipts. Primary. Secondary. Total. 'o Balance on 1st January, 1890 ... Eents of previous years Rents of current year Eents of 1891 Miscellaneous receipts— Compensation from Government For account of Mr. John Eiley Law-costs recovered Sale of waste paper Eebate advertising charges 7- ... Refund rates Bank exchange remitted Transfer from Secondary Account £ s. d. 841 8 8 144 4 1 1,230 10 1 54 2 0 50 0 0 40 12 0 12 0 0 7 6 0 3 10 0 12 11 0 10 3 47 16 4 £ s. d. 7 3 3 46 10 8 £ s. d. 841 8 8 151 7 4 1,277 0 9 54 2 0 50 0 0 40 12 0 12 0 0 7 6 0 3 10 0 12 11 0 12 2 47 16 4 0 1 11 Total receipts ... 2,411 9 8 53 15 10 2,465 5 6



J. E. Blair, Chairman. Wellington, 17th February, 1891. W. H. Warren, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—Jambs Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

HAWKE'S BAY. Sir, — Office of the School Commissioners, Napier, 30th April, 1891. In compliance with your circular of the Bth December last, I have the honour to report as follow 7s for the past year : — During the year 18 acres 1 rood 32 perches were let. This area comprises six sections, the total annual rental from which is £10 9s. The Commissioners in November last altered one of the conditions of leasing reserves, in order that incoming tenants, where valuations are provided for, shall not pay more than 75 per cent, of the value of improvements made upon the land by outgoing tenants. It was with satisfaction that the Commissioners observed the passing of " The Education Beserves Act Amendment Act, 1890," which has facilitated the dealing with certain reserves previously not properly vested in the Commissioners. Enclosed is a copy of the general statement of receipts and expenditure for the past year. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. G. W. Williams, Chairman.

ixpeni iure. Primary. Secondary. Total. By Payments to Boards— Wellington Education Board Wanganui Education Board... Fencing, bushfelling, &c. Amount paid Mr. John Riley (per contra) Expenses of sales — Travelling Advertising, printing, &c. ... Auctioneers Salaries of officers (including office-rent) Land-transfer fees Stationery, &c. Rates Eabbit destruction Maps, plans, &c. Postages, telegrams, &c. Law-costs ... Masterton Town Lands Trustees Exchange on remittances Transfer to Primary Account ... Balance, 31st December, 1890— As per cash-book ... Petty cash in hand £ s. a. 780 3 4 419 16 8 139 9 4 40 12 0 12 10 0 73 15 3 24 18 10 145 0 0 27 13 0 7 6 5 21 9 6 15 0 0 4 19 6 12 14 10 2 10 4 2 0 0 2 10 0 I £ s. d. 5 0 0 0"5 0 £ s. a. 780 3 4 419 16 8 139 9 4 40 12 0 111 4 1 150 0 0 27 13 0 7 11 5 21 9 6 15 0 0 4 19 6 13 3 4 2 10 4 2 0 0 2 16 0 47 16 4 0 " 8 6 0 6 0 47 16 4 677 18 7 12 1 1 679 0 8 Total expenditure 2,411 9 8 53 15 10 2,465 5 6 Assets. Cash balance, 31st December, 1890 Arrears of previous years Arrears of current year ... Land Purchase Account... Advances outstanding £ s. 679 0 58 12 254 7 62 0 59 4 a. 8 6 3 0 4 £ s. d. 14 10 7 & s. d. 679 0 8 58 12 6 268 17 10 62 0 0 59 4 4 Total assets 1,113 4 9 14 10 7 1,127 15 4 Liabilities .dvances outstanding iand Purchase Account... S a. d. 62 0 0 £ s. 59 4 a. 4 £ 59 62 s. d. 4 4 0 0 Total liabilities 62 0 0 i 59 4 4 121 4 4 I



General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

Eents amounting to £34 14s., included in arrears of previous year, written off as bad by authority of the Commissioners. G. W. Williams, Chairman. W. Parker, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

'eceip Ss. Primary. Secondary. Total. 'o Credit balances on 1st January, 1890 ... Arrears of revenue for previous years, viz.— Bents Interest on overdue rents Eevenues, viz.— (1.) Rents, &c, of reserves for current year (2.) Other receipts for current year, viz.— Sale of timber Rates and law-costs recovered... Interest on deposits ... & s. d. 642 1 0 £ s. 404 5 d. 5 £ s. d. 1,046 6 5 166 8 2 3 3 2 15 9 6 181 17 8 3 3 2 2,357 11 2 627 17 7 2,985 8 9 13 0 0 4 19 10 25 6 0 12 19 15 0 2 0 13 0 0 17 19 0 40 6 0 Total receipts ... 3,212 9 4 1,075 11 8 4,288 1 0 Expenditun ly Salaries and allowances to officers Printing, stationery, &c. ... ... ..." Expenses of leasing— Auctioneer's commission Advertising, &c. Rates to local bodies, &c. Legal expenses Hawke's Bay Education Board Fees, board, and rail-fares of pupils attending Napier High School Grant to Napier High School ... Credit balance on 31st December, 1890, as under— Fixed deposits Current account £ s. d. 103 0 6 6 9 11 £ s. 26 19 1 13 d. 6 9 £ s. a. 130 0 0 8 3 8 2 14 4 12 5 11 28 9 0 42 10 4 2,350 0 0 0 8 0 15 20 19 11 2 8 7 7 6 3 3 0 13 1 6 49 8 7 53 12 10 2,350 0 0 372 2 120 0 8 0 372 2 8 120 0 0 506 6 0 160 13 4 300 0 221 9 0 5 806 6 0 *382 2 9 Total expenditure 3,212 9 4 1,075 11 8 4,288 1 0 * Balance as per bank certificate, £384 18s.; less unpresi :nted cheques, £2 15s. 3d.: total, £382 2s. 9d. Assets. Salance of cash on hand, 31st December, 1890 .rrears due, 31st December, 1890, viz.— (1.) Arrears of year 1889 (2.) Arrears of year 1890 £ s. 666 19 a. 4 £ s. d. 521 9 5 £ s. d. 1,188 8 9 1 1 252 10 3 2 17 2 5 113 269 12 7 Total assets 920 10 9 538 11 10 1,459 2 7 Liabilities. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 18 6 506 6 0 521 9 5 Legal expenses... A.waiting appropriation in purchase of land Accrued for secondary education ... Total liabilities ... 1,052 13 11


MARLBOROUGH. General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

Henry Hobden, Secretary.

WESTLAND. Sir, — Office of the School Commissioners, Hokitika, 10th April, 1891. I have the honour to forward the Commissioners' report for the past year. For several years past the revenue of the Commissioners has been derived principally from the fees and charges for mining rights on the Kumara Beserve, and the reduction of the charge for miners' rights from £1 to ss. has caused considerable diminution. The Commissioners would strongly recommend that their position with reference to liability for payment of loc_al rates be more clearly defined. Last year the Westland County Council assessed the property of the Commissioners, and demanded payment of rates to an amount far


'eceip ,S. Primary. Secondary. Total. Co Balance Bents £ s. a. 28 16 8 115 5 0 & s. d. £ s. d, 28 16 6 115 5 C Total receipts ... 144 1 8 144 1 I fit fin ~f~nta JUxpe; Expenditun mditw 3y Secretary ... Valuation ... Cheque-book Balance £ s. d. 30 6 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 111 11 8 £ s. d. £ s. a. 30 6 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 111 11 8 Total expenditure 144 1 8 144 1 8 There appear to have been no receipts nor expenditure on account of secondary reserves during ;he year 1890. John Smith, Secretary. NELSON. 3-enbral Statement of Beceipts and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1890. Beceipts. Primary. I Secondary. Total. 'o Balance at Union Bank, 1st January, 1890 Bents of reserves Fees for leases, &c. ... Interest on deposit & s. a. 401 1 10 654 14 6 7 2 6 3 0 0 £ s. 125 13 243 13 5 8 0 15 a. o 9 0 0 £ s. a. 526 14 10 898 8 3 12 10 6 3 15 0 Total receipts ... ... 1 1,065 18 10 1,065 18 10 375 9 9 ' 1,441 8 7 Expenditur< iy Office salaries Printing, stationery, and sundries Advertising, &c. Nelson College for Girls — Scholarships Science department Nelson Education Board Grey Education Board North Canterbury Education Board Balances s s. a. 23 6 8 9 10 3 3 4 0 £ s. 11 13 9 6 3 3 d. 4 2 0 & s. d. 35 0 0 18 16 5 6 7 0 225 0 112 10 0 0 225 0 0 112 10 0 865 0 0 104 5 0 30 15 0 43 15 2 865 0 0 104 5 0 30 15 0 29 17 11 13 17 3 Total expenditure 1,065 18 10 375 9 9 1,441 8 7



exceeding the annual revenue derived from the reserves. The County Council sued, but did not succeed in enforcing payment. The Commissioners were, of course, compelled to engage legal assistance, and for several years a large proportion of their revenue has been expended in resisting these claims. The Commissioners would respectfully urge the necessity for some provision being made to-relieve them from these charges. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. James A. Bonar.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

James A. Bonar, Chairman. Edwakd T. Robinson, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —James Edwabd FitzGebald, Controller and Auditor-General.

CANTEBBUBY. Sir, — Christchurch, sth January, 1891. In accordance with Order in Council of date 17th December, 1878, and in terms of circular from the Education Department, dated the Bth of December last, I have the honour to forward report of the School Commissioners for the Canterbury Provincial District for the year ending the 31st December, 1890, together with a copy of their accounts, duly audited. The total area of the primary-education estate under lease on the 31st of December, 1890, was 45,161^- acres, producing an annual rental of £15,679 10s. 4d. Included in the foregoing area is Beserve No. 1126, of 640 acres,'which is let temporarily for grazing, pending the Governor's assent to a proposal for the subdivision of this reserve into seventeen farms. There are now only 39J acres of the estate unlet, and this consists chiefly of stony plain, and is comparatively valueless. The fixed deposits of £181 lis. 5d., which matured on the 20th December, 1890, have been redeposited for one year, it being deemed inexpedient at present to buy land, for which purpose only is this sum available. The interest when received will be credited to primary estate as revenue.

leceip ;s. Primary. Seconaary. i Total. To Credit balance on 1st January, 1890 Rents Debit balance, 31st December, 1890 £ s. 7 1 39 11 a. 2 6 £ s. a. g'"o o 20 3 5 £ s. 7 1 48 11 20 3 a, 2 6 5 Total receipts ... 46 12 8 29 3 5 75 16 Expenditun £ s. a. I £ s. 1 16 a. 3 £ s. d. 1 16 3 By Debit balance on 1st January, 1890 ... ...* Secretary to Commissioners, commission and travelling expenses Furniture Legal expenses Hokitika High School Board ... Greymouth High School Board Credit balance, 31st December, 1890 7 15 1 15 0 10 36 12 0 i S 8 1 14 8 13 8 10 8 10 0 2 0 0 9 9 0 1 15 0 9 3 2 8 10 0 8 10 0 36 12 8 Total expenditure 46 12 8 i 29 3 5 75 16 1 Assets. Jredit balance, Slat December, 1890 j-rears of rent Salance of liabilities £ s. 36 12 7 10 37 9 a. 8 0 0 £ s. 9 "O a. 0 £ s. 36 12 16 10 37 9 a. 8 0 0 Total assets 81 11 8 9 0 0 90 11 8 Liabilities. )ebit balance, 31st December, 1890 'rimary Account due to Secondary Account & s. 7O'"8 a. | i 3 & s. 20 3 a. 5 £ s. 20 3 70 8 a. 5 3 Total liabilities 70 8 3 ! 20 3 5 ; 90 11 8



During the past year seven reserves have been let for fourteen years. Of these, one was re-let by arbitration under clause 245 of " The Land Act, 1885," to a tenant who was living on the land with a large family ; and the others, which were only suited for pastoral purposes, were let by tender, and brought high rentals. During the year 1891 the leases of four reserves fall in, three of these on Ist May next, and one on Ist November; but owing to clause sof " The Educational Reserves Leasing Act, 1890," it is impossible to say at present how these reserves will be dealt with. Of those falling in on the Ist May, the Board propose to let one of 49f acres by tender for fourteen years ; and the other two, of 508 and 160 acres, after subdivision, into respectively eleven and three farms, by tender, for fourteen years. This proposal was sent to Wellington at the end of November for the Governor's approval, but so far the necessary assent has not been given. Reserve No. 1329, containing 250 acres, which falls in on Ist November next, ought undoubtedly to be re-let by arbitration to present occupier, who built and is living on the land with his family, for under his old lease he gets no compensation for his buildings, besides which he has been paying an excessive rental, and, if forced to submit to public tender, a great hardship will undoubtedly be inflicted upon him. Clause 5 of " The Educational Reserves Leasing Act, 1890," takes away the power granted to School Commissioners under clause 245 of " The Land Act, 1885," to renew leases by arbitration, which is much to be regretted, as renewals were only being granted to lessees of reserves of small area, who were actually making a home of the land. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. H. R. Webb, Chairman,

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

'eceipts. * Primary Education Estate. Total. To Balance brought down from 31st December, 1889 Arrears due 1st May, 1889, from last account Arrears due 1st November, 1889, from last account Moneys payable within the year 1890, and collected, viz.— On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st May, 1890 On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st November, 1890 ... £ s. d. £ s. d. 255 13 5 95 4 3 851 7 11 7,976 15 2 6,677 1 2 14,653 16 4 Other receipts— Bank of New Zealand—Interest on £181 11s. 5d. placed on deposit for one year (see statement of 31st December, 1889) ... 9 2 0 Total receipts 15,865 3 11 Expenditure. !y Office expenses and management— Salary of steward (inclusive of travelling expenses) ... Stationery and postage ... School Commissioners's railage and expenses £ s. d. 540 0 0 9 13 1 10 12 6 £ B. d. Expenses of leasing— Advertising, printing, and lithograph plans Arbitrators' fees, assessing rental of Eeserve No. 2006 Caretaking of Eeserve No. 1126 ... Subdivisional survey of Eeserve No. 1126 ... 560 5 7 19 2 1 26 2 2 1 4 3 0 0 9 48 10 0 Special expenditure— Cost of professional report on Eeserve No. 1208 re flood-water Half-share of cost of reducing intake of ditch from creek on Eeserve No. 1208 ... 6 17 4 13 7 7 6 10 3 Payments to Education Boards — North Canterbury South Canterbury 12,204 10 2,795 10 0 0 15,000 0 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand 31st December, 1890— At credit of current account On fixed deposit 61 9 181 11 4 5 243 0 9 Total expenditure 15,865 3 11



H. E. Webb, Chairman. 2nd January, 1891. H. H. Pitman, Steward of Education Eeserves. Examined and found correct. —James Edward FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General.

OTAGO. Sir, — In accordance with Order in Council of date 17th December, 1878, and in terms of circular from the Education Department, dated Bth December last, I have the honour to forward the following report of the School Commissioners of Otago for the year ending 31st December, 1890 :— Owing to the large increase in the rent-roll, and to the necessity for considering numerous applications for reductions of rent, &c, and also to the fact that a great number of leases are nowexpiring and have to be re-offered for sale, the work of the School Commissioners has increased very considerably during the past year, and they have been obliged to devote a great amount of thentime to the management of the Trust. During the year thirteen meetings were held, each one of which took up a full day, and at which a great amount of detail business was transacted. The Commissioners receive no remuneration for their services, and those of them who represent the Southland District lose at least three days each month in connection with their attendance at meetings. When it is borne in mind that the Commissioners have the management of 736 separate holdings, scattered over the whole of the provincial district from the Waitaki to the Waiau Eiver, as well as the investment of a large sum of money, it will be seen that the administration of the estate entails a vast amount of detail work which could not be carried on efficiently at less expense than under the present system of management. As it is possible that complaint may be made against the School Commissioners of acting unfairly towards some of the holders of land under their control, and that the matter will come under the notice of Barliament, I am directed by the Commissioners to refer you to the report of their proceedings for the year ended the 31st December, 1889, which was sent to the Education Department on the 29th May last, and which, in their opinion, fully justifies their action in dealing with the tenants referred to —viz., the cash purchasers on terms. I may say that it is only in the case of the cash purchasers on terms, or rather mortgagors, that dissatisfaction exists, and that, as far as the Commissioners are aware, the ordinary lessees of education reserves are quite contented with the terms upon which they hold their land from the Trust. The School Commissioners desire to bring under your notice the fact that the provisions of section 5 of " The Educational Beserves Leasing Act, 1890," are likely to cause a great deal of inconvenience in the management of the reserves, inasmuch as it necessitates the consent of the Governor in Council being obtained in every case before a lease can be entered into, and they would therefore respectfully ask you to have the Act amended so as to make the clause referred to apply only to areas of over 500 acres in extent. A large number of the reserves consist of small areas of 1 rood and upwards, and, as the leases run out on different dates, and have to be advertised for a given time before being again offered for competition, it would cause unnecessary delay and inconvenience if the approval of the Governor in Council had to be obtained in every case before the land could be dealt with. When a copy of the Bill was forwarded for the consideration of the Commissioners it contained no such provision, and its insertion afterwards gave them no opportunity of urging their objection to the clause. Of the sum of £6,305 18s. lOd. shown in the statement of accounts as rent, &c, in arrear on 31st December, 1890, £1,277 9s. 4d. has been paid during the present quarter, and a large portion of the balance will probably be paid in May next, as the Commissioners are endeavouring to make as many rents as possible fall* due on the Ist May and Ist November in each year. As I have already explained in previous reports, all rents are debited half-yearly in advance, and a great number of them only become due in advance in the month of December. Of the sum of £1,518 Is. Bd. shown in the balance-sheet as expenses of management, £321 18s. Id. was paid for surveying new block of land, and is therefore an extraordinary charge. The sum of £39 19s. 6d. collected during the year for preparing leases in the Commissioners' office

sse, S*. Primary Education Estate. Total. lash in bank, as above ients payable in advance, 1st May, 1890, proportion uncollected ... ients payable in advance, 1st November, 1890, proportion uncollected £ s. d. 3 0 0 1,162 14 0 £ s. a, 243 0 S 1,165 14 C Total assets 1,408 14 Liabilities. Steward's salary, December, 1890 £ ! i s. a. £ 45 s. d. 0 C Total liabilities 45 0 0



may fairly be deducted from the ordinary expenditure, which reduces it to £1,196 3s. 7d., and of this latter sum £106 4s. lOd. has been paid to the Government in the shape of railway-fares, cost of rabbit destruction, stamps, telegrams, and Crown-grant fees, while £103 os. 3d. was paid to CountyCouncils, Boad Boards, and boroughs for rates. It will thus be seen that the actual cost of managing the department for the year, exclusive of the before-mentioned amounts, did not exceed the sum of £986 18s. 6d., or £5 ss. 4d. per cent. The balance-sheet and statement of receipts and expenditure during the year, duly certified to by the Controller and Auditor-General, is annexed hereto. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. J. P. Maitland, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1890.

Beceipts. Primary. Secondary. Total. To Credit balances on 1st January, 1890— Bank Fixed deposits Arrears of revenue for previous years Bents, &c, of reserves for current year ... Other receipts for current year — Net proceeds of land-sales ... Repayment on account of loans Costs received for preparing leases Valuation for fencing, &c. Refund of rates, Southland County Council £ s. d. j £ s. d. S s. d. 545 19 8 3,043 14 8 3,218 9 6 10,115 0 9 3,064 4 10 9,654 10 3' 154 4 8 460 10 6 996 13 2 1,166 9 10 39 19 6. 152 10 3! 2 16 1 996 13 2 1,166 9 10 39 19 6 152 10 3 2 16 1 Total receipts ... 19,281 13 5 I I Expenditun I By Salaries and allowances to officers — Secretary, £300; clerk, £100; agent at Invercargill, £200 ... School Commissioners' travelling expenses attending meetings— J. Green, horse hire, livery, &c. J. W. Bain, train-fares, £21 15s. 4d.; travelling expenses, £17 16s. 6d. T. Denniston, train-fares, £19 3s. 9d.; travelling expenses, £14 19s. lOd. Office-rent, cleaning, &c. Printing and stationery Incidentals, £13 13s. Id. ; stamps, £10 9s. 2d, ; telegrams, £3 9s. lOd. Legal expenses Expenses of leasing, &c.— Auctioneer's commission and expenses Advertising Sale of security at Waitati Inspection of reserves, £21 9s. Id. ; railway-fares, £9 0s. 5d. County, borough, river, and road rates ... Destroying rabbits Surveying, &c, and road-making Crown-grant fees Insurance premiums ... Valuation for fencing, &c. Payments towards primary education — Otago Education Board Southland Education Board ... Payments towards secondary education— Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools ... Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Waitaki High School Credit balances on 31st December, 1890 — Bank of New Zealand Eixed deposits— Bank of New Zealand ... ... ~ Colonial Bank of New Zealand £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. r 600 0 0 14 3 0 39 11 10 34 3 7 92 8 6 18 19 3 1,473 2 6 44 19 2 27 12 1 59 10 1 46 6 8 54 9 6 14 1 0 30 9 6 103 0 3 36 9 0 321 18 1 5 17 4 t 19 2 0 153 10 3 153 10 3 8,321 19 2,974 4 7 8 ! 11,296 4 3 368 11 0 150 1 1 51 3 11 L 569 16 0 10 6 | 7 1 r 5,744 1 3 5,358 14 375 0 8 0 Total expenditure 18,666 18 3 614 15 2 19,281 13 5


Statement of Rents, &c., due on the 31st December, 1890.

Balance Account. 1890. £ s. d. 1890. £ s. d. Jan. I—Balance forward — Jan. I—Balances forward— Capital Account .. .. 32,04.7 7 3 Fixed deposits .. .. 3,043 14 8 Dec. 31—Balances forward— Valuation account .. .. 27 19 6 Fixed deposit, C.B.N.Z. .. 375 0 0 Investments .. .. 28,429 13 5 B.N.Z. .. 5,358 14 8 Bank .. .. .. 545 19 8 Valuation account .. .. 28 19 6 Dec. 31—Balances forward— Investments .. .. 27,263 3 7 Capital Account .. .. 33,029 19 5 Bank of New Zealand .. 10 6 7 Primary rents, under-appor-tioned .. .. .. 6 4 11 £65,083 11 7 £65,083 11 7 1891. £ s. d. 1891. £ s. d. Jan. I—Balances brought down— Jan. I—Balances brought down — Capital Account .. .. 33,029 19 5 Fixed deposits, C.B.N.Z. .. 375 0 0 Primary rents .. .. 6 4 11 „ B.N.Z. .. 5,358 14 8 Valuation account .. 28 19 6 Investments .. .. 27,263 3 7 Bank of New Zealand .. 10 6 7 £33,036 4 4 £33^036 4 4 J. P. Maitland, Chairman. C. Macandrew, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation (not given); printing (1,650 copies), £10110s.

By Authority : Geobqb Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9l.

Price, 2s. 6d.\

13—E. 1.


Primary. Secondary. Total. t £ s. a. £ a. d. jrears due on 31st December, 1890— Bent and interest due in and prior to 1887 a » » 1^88 1889 1890 £ s. d. 739 4 11 597 19 111 1,402 10 0' 3,361 4 lj 0 3 6 17 19 0 186 17 2 739 598 1,420 3,548 4 11 3 5 9 3 1 3 Total ... 6,100 19 2i 204 19 8 6,305 18 10

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EDUCATION: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1890.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-01

Word Count

EDUCATION: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1890.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-01

EDUCATION: FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In Continuation of E.-1, 1890.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1891 Session II, E-01

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