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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 27th August, 1889. Ordered, " That, in view of the question of intercolonial reciprocity being discussed, a return be laid before this Houso stating the products and manufactures of this colony exported to the several Australian Colonies during tho year ending 31st December, 188S, showing the quantity, value, and rate of duty levied in each case. Also a similar return of the products and manufactures of the several Australian Colonies imported into this colony."—(Mr. Mills.)

Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888.

I—H. 29.

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Kate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. ! Value. Aerated and Mineral Waters : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Agricultural Implements: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Animals, Living: Birds: Victoria New South Wales 10 per cent... Free 15 per cent... Free 20 per cent... Free 71 per cent. 121 . .. 164 dozen .. .. 34 „ 9 „ 4 „ £ 34 19 3 1 402 605 164 502 Free Free 3 number .. 76 „ 5 77 Dogs: Victoria New South Wales Horned Cattle: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania i Free Free 7 ..j 20 „ 90 76 5s. each Free Free .. | 415 .. 248 .. 116 5,580 3,462 1,139 Horses : Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Pigs: Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Poultry: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania 5s. each Free Free 2s. each Free 2s. each Free Free Free Free Free .. 617 .. 252 6 .. 56 .. 45 2 .. 153 .. 66 6 3 .. 14 12,946 7,092 100 187 139 6 314 77 3 2 15 Sheep: Victoria Apparel and Slops: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania Bacon and Hams: Bacon: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Western Australia Tasmania 6d. each 30 percent... Free 15 per cent. 25 121 » .. 204 .. 360 3,256 19,127 140 15 109 2d. per lb. .. 2d. „ 3d. „ 4d 3d 2d. 557 cwt... .. 2,375| „ .. .. 1,3451 - •• 68 „ .. 18| „ .. 16j , .. 1,503 7,459 3,927 196 59 43



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888— continued.

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Kate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. iacon and Hams— continued. Hams: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania "2d. per lb. .. 2d. „ 3d 2d 62 cwt. .. 1,3031 « •• 471 „ .. 41 „ .. £ 189 4,952 1,707 13 iark: Victoria New South Wales Free Free 5 , .. 10 ... 1 1 leer: Bottled: Victoria New South Wales Bulk: Victoria New South Wales leeswax : Victoria New South Wales liscuits: Fancy: New South Wales Queensland Plain : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Western Australia Hacking: Victoria New South Wales Queensland 9d. per gallon 9d. 9d. 6d. „ Free Free Id. per lb. .. 2d 228 gallons 6 „ 5,442 „ 6,527 „ § cwt. 91 „ 5,680 1b. .. 100 „ 26 2 581 627 4 39 165 3 Free Id. per lb. .. 2d. „ Id 1 cwt. 11 „ 141 . 41 „ 1 13 16 5 Free 15 per cent. 2 27 1 loats: 2 number .. 552 Victoria .. Free Jones: Free Free Free 14j tons 91 . 1 . 100 38 3 Victoria New South Wales 1 "nania looks, Printed: Victoria New Sorth Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania loots and Shoes: Victoria Free Free Free Free 121 P er cent. 773 423 26 62 15 33s., 21s., 19s. 6d., 17s. 6d., 16s., 13s., lis. 6d., 9s., 6s., 4s. per doz. pairs, and free Free 121 per cent. 21 doz. pairs 8 New South Wales Tasmania Iran and Sharps: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Irassware: Victoria 5s. per cental Free 4d. per bushel lOd. per cental 4 1 . 3 tons.. 8,851J „ .. 3,616* „ .. 5861 « •• 27 1 11 29,778 12,182 1,889 25 percent... 46 tricks : Clay: Victoria Queensland Fire: Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Free 15 percent... 96,700 number 2,600 260 5 20s. per 1,000 Free 25 per cent. 143,000 12 930 1 4,500 lutter: 2d. per lb. .. Id. „ 3d 2d. „ 2d 2d. 1,679 cwt. 11,973 „ 2,109 „ 724 „ 109 „ 1,0181 . 6,945 51,181 10,664 2,889 503 4,571 Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Western Australia Tasmania landles: Victoria Western Australia iarriages: Victoria 2d. „ 2d 11 cwt. i „ 4 1 £50, £20, £15, £10 each, and 20 per cent. Free 5 number .. 480 New South Wales Perambulators: Victoria 1 30 25 per cent... 12


Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888—continued.


Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Kate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Carriages— continued. Materials : Victoria £ Poles 5s., wheels 40s. a set, shafts Is. a set, other 25 per cent. 5 New South Wales Carts and Wagons: Victoria New South Wales Casks, empty: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Cement: Victoria 2 Free (See carriages) Free 2 number 6 45 144 Free Free Free 4 200 50 6 50 16 Free 4 barrels 5 Chaff: Free Free 15s. per ton Free 22 tons 832 „ 100 „ 1 „ 81 2,999 468 1 Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Cheese: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Chemical manufactures and products unenumerated : Victoria Now South Wales 2d. per lb. .. 2d. „ 3d. „ 4d. „ 3d 2d 1,5701 cwt... 4,59l| „ .. 2.970J „ .. 1,1051 „ .. 241 . •• 186J „ .. 3,609 10,191 6,967 2,593 54 400 Free Free 9 43 Coals: Victoria New South Wales Western Australia Tasmania Coke : Victoria South Australia Patent Fuel: New South Wales Coffee, roasted.: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Confectionery: Victoria New South Wales Boiled Sugars: New South Wales Free Free Free Is. per ton 1,357 tons .. 9,611 . .. 550 „ .. 7 „ 908 6,513 275 8 Free Free 588 „ .. 365 „ .. 1,096 550 Free 15 „ 33 3d. per lb. .. 6d 6d 28 lb. 108 „ 79 . 2 9 4 2d 2d. 56 4 2d 560 lb. 28 Cordage: Victoria Coir, 5s. per cwt.; hempen, lis. 3d. cwt. Free 8s. per cwt. Free 43 cwt. 100 New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Cotton waste: New South Wales Curiosities : Victoria New South Wales Cutlery: Victoria 171 „ 60 „ 35 „ 260 93 49 Free 110 „ 176 Free Free 132 42 Free 5 Doors: Victoria ljin. & over, 10s. each ; llin. to ljin., 7s. 6d. each ; llin. & under, 5s. each 2s. each 4s. each Same as Victoria 994 number 527 New South Wales Queensland South Australia 3,230 189 60 1,792 134 30 Drapery: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania 30 per cent... Free 121 P er cent - 249 40 13 Drugs: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Druggists' Wares: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Earthenware: Victoria .. .. ,, Free, n.o.e. Free 121 per cent. 86 17 1 Free 15 per cent. 10 121 . 114 120 35 35 133 Is. 4d. per cubic foot .. 64



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888— continued.

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Kate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Eggs: Victoria New South Wales Electro-plated ware : Victoria Fancy Goods: Victoria Now South Wales Queensland Tasmania Free Free £ 94 199 4 Free Free 15 per cent. 414 81 1 22 Feathers, ornamental : Victoria Free .. .. j 25 Fish: Dried, pickled, and salted : Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Fresh: New South Wales Potted and preserved: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Free .. .. 5,438 cwt. .. Id. per lb. .. .. | 227 „ 5s. per cwt. .. j 34 „ Id. per lb. .. .. 1 „ 3,870 219 36 2 Free .. .. j 12 cwt. 8 2d. per lb. .. .. 48,4511b. .. Id. „ .. .. 21,125 „ .. 2s. per doz. lb. .. 2,304 „ 773 483 68 Flour : 36 38,005 8,400 15 Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania 2s. per cental .. 8 tons.. Free .. .. 3,8021 „ .. Free .. .. 857f „ .. Is. 3d. per cental .. J y „ .. Fruits: Dried, unenumerated : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Fresh: New South Wales 2d. per lb. .. ■ • 1 cwt. 2d. „ .. ..|| , 2d .. 1 „ 2 1 1 Free 7 Fungus: New South Wales Queensland Free .. .. 5,416 cwt. .. 6 „ .. 10,480 11 Furniture and Upholstery: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania 25 per cent. Free 15 per cent. 25 „ .. 121 1,733 1,230 5 200 30 Gas Plant: Victoria 25 125 Glassware: . Victoria Cut, 2s. per cubic foot; uncut, Is. ditto Free 121 P er cent. 10 New South Wales Tasmania 5 5 Gold: 202,337 66,214 188 Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Free .. .. 60,137 oz. .. Free .. .. 16,922 „ .. Free .. .. 47 „ .. Grain and Pulse: Barley: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania Barley, Pearl: Victoria Western Australia Tasmania Beans and Peas: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania Linseed: Victoria New South Wales Maize: New South Wales Queensland Malt: Victoria New South Wales 2s. per cental .. 25,980 bushels Free .. .. 5,306 9d. per bushel .. 99 Is. „ .. 28,350 lOd. per cental .. 15,706 5s .. 240 cwt. .. 4d. per bushel .. 1 „ .. *d. per lb. .. .. 5 „ .. 2s. per cental .. 48 bushels Free .. ..20,587 Is. per bushel .. 264 2s. per cental, n.o.e... 410 lOd. per contal .. 1,220 4.832 797 15 5,491 3,154 220 1 5 8 3,130 36 90 161 5s. .. 1,932 Free .. .. 1,252 451 295 Free .. .. 16,551 8d. per bushel .. 50 2,708 7 3s. „ .. I 6 Free .. .. | 3,079 2 813



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888 — continued.

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Kate of Duty in thoso Colonies. Quantity Exported. \alue. jrain and Pulse— continued. Oats: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Peas, split: New South Wales Wheat: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Other kinds: Victoria New South Wales Queensland JJrindery: Victoria New South Wales Sum, Kauri: Victoria New South Wales South Australia Haberdashery: Victoria .. 2s. per cental Free 8d. per bushel 2s. per cental 4d. per bushel lOd. per cental Free 2s. per cental Free 6d. per bushel 2s. per cental lOd. 1,324,433 bushels .. 1,004,028 81,217 68,023 1,039 100,030 102 cwt. 55 bushels 505,161 4,808 16 97,892 £ 130,398 100,481 7,769 0,085 115 8,955 64 10 89,824 768 2 14,753 5s. „ .. Free 15 per cent... 3 36 2 Free Free 20 23 Free Free 10 per cent. 21 tons 22} 1 ton 634 919 20 Free .. .. j 7 Hair : Victoria Curled, 2d. per lb. : other, free Free 81 cwt. 383 New South Wales Hardware and Ironmongery: Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. 5 „ 22 Free Free Free 397 115 15 Hay: Free Free 15s. per ton Victoria New South Wales Queensland 34 tons 30 9 „ 110 148 25 Hemp: Victoria Free 2 „ 36 Tides: Victoria New South Wales South Australia Tasmania Free Free Free Free 40,439 number 1,279 „ 301 4,587 31,480 836 217 3,957 Honey: 2d. per lb. .. Free 2d. per lb. .. Victoria New South Wales Tasmania .. 1,614 1b. .. 4,288 „ 140 „ 32 57 3 Hops : Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Horns and Hoofs : Victoria New South Wales (id. per lb. .. Free 6d. per lb. .. 6d 536 cwt. 1,050 „ .. .. ; 50 „ .. 50 „ .. 3,004 5,445 271 283 Free Free 8 tons 9 „ 18 101 Hosiery: New South Wales Ink, writing : Victoria Instruments, musical : Pianofortes: Victoria Other kinds: Victoria lams, Jellies, and Preserves : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania lewellery : New South Wales Free Free 25 per cent. Free 1 number 61 46 30 66 2d. per lb. .. Id 2d Id 140 lb. 48 „ 5,237 „ 170 „ 4 1 122 7 Free 1 Jard : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Western Australia Tasmania jeather: Victoria .. Free Free lid. per lb. .. 2d 2d. 72 cwt. .. 440 „ 86 „ 14 „ 44 „ 139 772 149 24 86 20 per cent., 10 per cent., 71 per cent., and free 244 » 2,961


Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888 — continued.


Kate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Leather — continued. New South Wales Queensland South Australia Free 4d. per lb. .. Patent and fancy, free; roans and skivers, 10 per cent. ; n.o.e., 15 per cent. 121 P er cent, and free 89J cwt. .. 2 „ 14 „ 89J cwt. .. 2 „ 14 „ £ 1,146 8 86 Tasmania 51 „ 51 „ 64 Lime: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Limejuice, sweetened: New South Wales Machinery: Agricultural: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Engines, steam : Victoria Quartz-crushing: Victoria Sawmill: New South Wales Wool- and hay-pressing : ■ Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Other kinds: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Manures, other than guano or bonedust: Victoria Mats and rugs: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Free Free 15 per cent... 660 bushels 850 „ 1,450 „ 660 bushels 850 „ 1,450 „ 46 47 86 Free 2 gallons 2 gallons 1 Free Free 15 percent... Free 1,132 3,874 209 383 25 per cent. 2 number .. 2 number .. 105 20 per cent., n.o.e. .. 230 Free 5 20 per cent., n.o.e. .. Free Free 14 256 18 20 per cent., n.o.e. .. Free Free 1,815 540 26 Free 1 ton 1 ton 4 25 per cent. Free 15 per cent... Mats, 25 per cent.: rugs, 15 per cent. 121 P er cent. 466 1,652 143 2 Tasmania 30 Meal: Oaten: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Other kinds: New South Wales Queensland Meats: Frozen (kinds other than beef, mutton, and pork): New South Wales Potted and preserved: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmauia Fresh: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Beef, salted: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Western Australia Tasmania Pork, salted: Victoria Now South Wales Queensland Western Australia Tasmania Other kinds: Victoria Milk, preserved: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Western Australia 6s. per cental Free 4s. per cwt. 40s. per ton.. id. per lb. .. Free Maize, Id. per lb.; linseed, 15 per cent. Free 2d. per lb. .. Free 4s. per doz. lb. 2d. per lb. .. 121 per cent. 2d. per lb. .. Free Free Is. 6d. per 100 lb. .. 3,953 cwt. 15,743 . 3,530 „ 6,020 „ 170 „ 396 „ 233 „ 90 „ 20 • 1,736 „ 4,577£ „ 120J „ 6i . 361 . 741} „ 89 „ 1 , 307 „ ■■ 1,759 8,099 1,859 3,151 98 209 159 71 59 5,277 10,593 453 15 88 1,882 100 3 295 5s. per cwt. Free Id. per lb. .. Id Is. 6d. per 100 lb. .. 568 » 2,130 , 313 „ 116 „ 5,142 „ 689 2,237 388 181 5,079 5s. per cwt. Free 2d. per lb. .. Id. „ 10 per cent, ad val. .. 256 „ 350 . 995 , 64 „ 175 . 622 478 3,016 168 450 204 „ 183 Free Id. per lb. .. 2d. „ 121 P er cent - I 14 2 1 3



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888— continued.

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Rate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Minerals: Copper ore : Victoria New South Wales Manganese: Victoria New South Wales Quartz: Victoria New South Walos South Australia Free .. .. 1J tons Free .. .. 1 . Free .. .. 30 „ Free .. .. j 19J „ "! £ 55 20 120 45 Free .. .. 42 tons Free .. .. 161 » Free .. .. 10 „ • • i 1,063 137 500 Nails: Victoria Horseshoe, 12s. per 240 owt. cwt.; other kinds, 3s. per owt. 304 Oil: Cocoanut. New South Wales Whale, black: Victoria Other kinds (other than castor, Chinese, cocoanut, codliver, colza, kerosene, linseed, olive, palm, petroleum, salad, whale): Victoria Tasmania Oilmen's Storos: Victoria .. New South Wales Queensland Free .. .. 1,330 gallons Free .. .. 1,459 „ I 6d. per gallon, and free 42 Is. 3d. per gallon .. 84 134 99 6 12 20 per cent., n.o.e. Free Pickles and sauces, .. . Is. 6d. per doz, pints Except pickles, sauces, and oils, 121 P er cent. 75 30 26 1 Tasmania Onions: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania 20s. per ton.. .. 1 owt. .. Free .. .. 3,541 „ 20s. per ton.. .. i 152 „ Is. per cwt. .. .. 3 „ (< 1 500 26 8 1 500 26 8 Oysters: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Paintings and Engravings: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Paints and Colours: Mixed, ready for use : Victoria New South Wales Unmixed: Victoria Free .. .. 530,895 dozen Free .. .. 948,775 „ Free .. .. 94,380 „ Free Free 121 per cent. 5,749 4,858 1,303 4,962 151 2 5,749 4,858 1,303 4,962 151 2 I 80s. per ton.. ..| 8 cwt. 3s. per cwt. .. .. 1 „ 5 1 5 1 In oil, 40s. per ton; ! 20 „ other kinds, free 2s. per cwt. .. .. 20 „ 18 16 18 South Australia Photographic Goods: Victoria Phormium: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Tow: Victoria New South Wales Pitch and Tar: Victoria Plants, Shrubs, and Trees : Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Potatoes: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Tasmania Printing Materials: Victoria Provisions, preserved : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Free Free .. .. 552 tons Free .. .. 458 „ Free .. .. 3 „ Free .. .. 8 „ Free .. .. 2 „ Free .. .. 191 „ Free .. .. 31 „ Free Free Free Free Free Free 284 10,094 8,265 59 153 45 146 259 198 442 484 1 2 54 16 284 10,094 8,265 59 153 45 146 259 198 442 484 1 2 54 10s. per ton. .. 5 tons Free .. .. 14,638 „ 15s. per ton .. 1,236 „ Is. per cwt. .. 5 „ 6d. „ ;.. 4 „ 20 36,789 2,839 10 10 20 36,789 2,839 10 10 Free 14 14 Free (See meats) 19 280 31 OK 19 280 31 25



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888 — continued.

Articles, and Colonics to which exported. Rate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Pumps : Victoria Saddlery and Harness : New South Wales Sashes, window : Victoria Queensland Free 1 number .. £ 7 Free 48 2s. per pair 4s. 192 pairs 50 „ 124 75 Sauces: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Sausage-skins: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania 20 per cent. Free Is. 6d. per dozen pints 28 dozen pints 1,120 50 10 296 25 Free Free Free 2,706 165 20 Seeds: Grass and Clover: Victoria New South Wales South Australia Tasmania Other kinds : Victoria Free Free Free Free 65,576 bushels 19,275 „ 955 „ 3,564 „ 12,993 4,656 133 671 Canary, 10 per cent.; free Free 99 New South Wales 131 Silver: Free 403 oz. 71 South Australia Skins: Basils: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Pelts: Victoria New South Wales Rabbits: Victoria Sheep: Victoria New South Wales Other kinds: Victoria New South Wales Soap, common: Victoria New South Wales Specie, silver : Victoria Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 1,972 number 2,400 „ 312 . 8,463 „ 23,289 „ 1,063,206 „ 8,565 „ 72 „ 82 131 21 185 935 9,890 1,333 20 Free Free 2,573 „ 7 „ 472 5 2d. per lb. .. Free 8 cwt. ... 885 „ 8 799 Free 2,656 Specimens illustrative of natural science : Victoria .. New South Wales Free Free 214 20 Spices, pepper: New South Wales Free 112 lb. 6 Stationery: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia 20 per cent. Free 15 percent... Manufactured, 25 per cent.; n.o.e., 15 per cent. 121 per cent. 437 298 67 42 Tasmania Stone, building : Victoria 16 New South Wales Queensland Stoneware: New South Wales Sugar, refined : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Wrought, 20 per cent.; unwrought, free Free 15 per cent. 2,5321 tons 254 „ 564 „ 3,939 253 565 Free 2 3s. per cwt. 6s. 8d. per cwt. 6s. 8d. „ Id. per lb. .. 9 cwt. 30 „ ... 4 „ 2 „ 11 35 5 3 Tallow : Victoria New South Wales Timber: Laths: Victoria Logs: Victoria New South Wales Tasmania Free Free 5s. per 1,000 74 tons 92 „ 81,800 number 1,096 1,854 89 Free Is. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. Free 166 number 60 151 626 157 476



Return of New Zealand Produce and Manufactures exported to, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, the Australian Colonies during the Year 1888— continued.

of Duty

2—H. 29

Articles, and Colonies to which exported. Rate of Duty in those Colonies. Quantity Exported. Value. Timber — continued. Logs, hewn: Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Tasmania Palings: Victoria Sawn, undressed : Victoria New South Wales Queensland Free Is. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. 10 per cent. Free 2,729,719 feet 1,252,927 „ 35,000 „ 761,152 „ £ 7,384 3,232 105 1,894 114 9d. per 100 .. 16, 148 number Free Is. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. Is. per 100 ft.; pine, Is. 6d. per 100 ft. .. 2s. 6d. per 40 cubic ft. Free 13,277,638 feet 11,500,817 ,. 1,165.737 ,. 52,695 48,621 4,160 South Australia .. Tasmania Sawn, dressed: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. 2,777,222 „ 896,930 ,. 7,665 3.745 Is. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. 3s. per 100 sup. ft. .. 3s. per 100ft. 2s. 6d. per 40 cub. ft.; Is. Cd. per 100 sup. ft. Free 5,335,740 „ 1,312,951 „ 1,251,458 „ 2G6.440 „ 27,336 8,123 5,453 1,473 Tasmania Staves: New South Wales Queensland Other kinds: Victoria New South Wales 1.570 „ 10 Free 5 per cent. 1,250 number 52.000 12 142 2s. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. Free .. 22 371 Tinwaro: New South Wales Tobacco: Cigarettes: Victoria Tasmania Tools, artificers'; Victoria New South Wales Free 1 6s. per lb. .. .. j 6s. per lb. .. 81b. 112 ,. 2 7 40 Free Free 24 50 Toys : New South Wales Free 10 Twine : Victoria New South Wales Varnish: Victoria New South Wales Vegetables, fresh: New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Wine, bottled : Victoria New South Wales In wood: Victoria 2Jd.perlb.; Free 549 42 2s. per gallon 2s. 30 gallons .. 24 ,. 18 9 Free 15 per cent. Free 705 7 11 6s. per gallon 10s.per gal.; 5s. per gal. 8 gallons .. 2 6 1 6s. per gallon 18 13 Woodware: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Wool, greasy: Victoria Scoured: Victoria New South Wales Washed: Victoria New South Wales Woollens: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia .. Tasmania Goods, miscellaneous: Manufactured: Victoria Unmanufactured : Victoria Now South Wales 25 per cent. Free 15 per cent... 121 . 660 1,363 63 73 Free 349,490 1b. .. 12,423 Free Free 75,267 „ .. 2,666 „ .. 4,792 100 Free Free 2,721 „ .. 33,467 „ .. 136 1,673 20 per cent... Free 15 per cent... 15 121 „ 6,566 24,406 1,771 369 881 10 per cent.; free 49 Free Free 154 185



Return of the Produce and Manufactures of the Australian Colonies imported into, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, New Zealand during the Year 1888.

Articles, and Colonies whence imported. Bate of Duty in New Zealand., Quantity Imported. Value. Acid (other than Acetic): Victoria New South Wales Aerated and Mineral Waters : New South Wales Free Free 1,1201b. .. £ 14 29 Free, old tariff; 20per cent, ad val., new tariff 840 dozen .. 130 Agricultural Implements: Victoria Animals, living: Birds: New South Wales Cattle: New South Wales Horses: New South Wales Leeches : Victoria Apparel and Slops : Victoria Free I Free j Free 3 number 3 , .. 63 5 55 . Free 4 , .. 285 I Free 2,000 „ .. 6 ; 15 per cent., old tariff; 25 per cent, ad val., new tariff I Ditto 3,060 New South Wales Arrowroot: Queensland 28 ! Free 5,6301b. .. 80 Asphalt: New South Wales Bags anrl Sacks, gunny : Now South Wales Unenumerated: Victoria Free Free 7 cwt. 383 dozen 10 46 15 per cent, and 20 per cent, ad val. Ditto 83 „ 20 5,377 New South Wales Bagging: Victoria 17,399 , 15 per cent., ad val. .. 1,800 yards 30 Bark: 2,856 8,975 12,532 Victoria South Australia .. Tasmania Basket and wickerware: Victoria Free Free Free 278 tons 8981 . 1,886 Free, 20 per cent, ad val. 9 Biscuits, fancy: Victoria i 2d. per lb. 16,0981b. .. 454 Blue: 94 Victoria 2d. per lb. . . 4,600 1b. .. Boats: 1 number .. 40 New South Wales i Free Bones : Free Free. 4,419 cwt. .. 840 „ .. 687 227 New South Wales Queensland Books, printed : Victoria New South Wales Boots and Shoes: Victoria Free Free 975 8,787 20 per cent, ad val. ; free Ditto 16 pairs (i 21 New South Wales Brassware: Victoria Bricks, fire: Victoria Carriages and Carts: Victoria New South Wales Materials for: Victoria New South Wales .. 20 per cent, ad val. .. 20 1,000 number 5 12 20 20 1 „ -• 1 „ •• 60 16 20 20 20 1,877 Coals: Free Free 140,882 tons 2,346 „ 74,841 1,160 New South Wales Queensland Coke: Queensland Confectionery: Victoria Copper, pig: New South Wales Cordage: Victoria New South Wales Drugs and Chemicals: Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Earthenware: Victoria Free 106 „ 189 2d. and 3d. per lb. 893 lb. G9 : Free 190 cwt. 705 20 per cent. ad. val. .. 20 2 tons 40 tons 7 cwt. 70 2,002 15 15 15 1,557 143 10 , 20 18

H. 29


Return of the Produce and Manufactures of the Australian Colonies imported into, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, New Zealand during the Year 1888 — continued.

Articles, and Colonies whence imported. Rate <if Duly In New Zealand. Quantity Imported Value. Fish : Dried, pickled, &c. : New South Wales Preserved: New South Wales 10s. per ewt. e 56 2d. per lb. .. 4,8021b. .. 79 Flock: Victoria Free 20 cwt. 23 Flour: Is. per cental Is. Is. Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. 7,114 centals 69 , 3,620 „ 8,056 32 1.549 Fruits : Fresh: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Preserved: Tasmania Pulp: Tasmania Furniture and Upholstery: Victoria New South Wales *d. per lb. and free .. id id. „ „ .. id. „ 287 15,007 7 12.862 20 per cent. ad. val, .. 121 lid. per lb. 840 25 per cent. ; free 25 „ „ 558 127 Furs : Victoria .. <ilass bottles: Victoria Glassware: Victoria Grain and Pulse: Barley : Victoria Maize : New South Wales Wheat: Victoria South Australia .. 25 per cent. ad. val. . . 660 Free ' 1.183 doz. .. 479 15 per cent. ad. va I. .. 72 2s. per cental 11 centals .. 10 9d. 49 bushels .. 10 9d. 9d. 250 centals 8,179 „ 75 ■1,065 Grindery: New South Wales 20 per cent, ad val. ; free 1.740 Hardwaro and Ironmongery : Victoria 16 per cent. ad. val ; 20 pur cent. ad. val. Ditto 935 New South Wales Hats and (Japs, Felt: Victoria 14 20 per cent. ad. v 147 number 37 Hides : Now South Wales Free 3,470 „ :l.:IS4 Hops: Tasmania Instruments, scientific : Victoria South Australia Jams, Jellies, and Preserves : Victoria South Australia Tasmania Jewellery: Victoria Leather: Victoria 6d. per lb. Free Free 2d. per lb. .. 2d 2d 784 lb. 562 lb. .. 2,400 „ .. 11,978 ., .. 40 17 16 16 50 339 20 per cent. ml. val. .. 85 Id., 2d., 3d., and 6d. per lb. Ditto Ditto 11,648 1b. .. 1,054 New South Wales Tasmania Leather manufactures : Victoria .. Limejuioe : Victoria 20 per cent... 1,988 1b. .. 701 249 412 Sweetened, 20 per cent.; free 1,382 gallons 263 Machinery, Agricultural: Victoria Unenumerated: Victoria Now South Wales Free 741 20 per cent., and free 20 736 18 Manures: Bonedust: Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Unenumerated : South Australia Marble, Wrought: Victoria Free Free Free Free 120 tons .. 1,0744, .. 3094; , .. 210 „ .. 720 5,801 2,178 950 Free 66 , .. 135 20 per cent, ad nil. .. 39



Return of the Produce and Manufactures of the Australian Colonies imported into, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, New Zealand during the Year 1888— continued.

Articles, and Colonies whence Imported. Kate of Duty in New Zealand. Quantity Imported. Value. Meal: Maizena and Corn : New South Wales Unenumerated: Victoria Medicine, Patent: Victoria Millinery: Victoria Jd. per Hi. Is. per cental 4,0001b. .. Linseed, 1,120 lb. e 60 10 25 per cent, ml val. .. 242 25 „ „ 149 Oars : New South Wales Free 8 number .. 6 Oil: Olive: South Australia Other kinds: South Australia Oilmen's Stores: Victoria (id. per gallon (id. 52 gallons . .. 231,403 „ 82 15 pel- cent, ad ral., and 20 per cent, ad val. . 077 Paintings and Engravings: Victoria New South Wales Taints and Colours: In oil: Victoria New South Wales 15 per cent, ad val. .. 35 „ „ .. 672 30 2s. per owt. 2s 2 cwt. 2 „ :: 8 5 Paper: Bags: Victoria 7s. fid. per cwt., and 25 per cent. 25 „ 62 Unenumerated: Victoria Photographic goods: Victoria New South Wales Plants, Shrubs, and Trees : Victoria New South Wales Potatoes: Victoria Printing Material: Patterns 1.171 2o per ei nt. ad val. .. 20 15 20 Free Free 432 260 20 per cent. 6 tons 39 New South Wales Saddlery and Harness : Victoria Free 0 New South Wales Saddlers' Ironmongery: Victoria 15per cent., and 20 per cent. Ditto 147 41 ■ Fie,. ■ 26 Salt: 10s. per ton .. South Australia 610 tons 5 Hi Sauces: Victoria Sausage-skins: Victoria 3s. per dozen pints .. 114 dozen pints 16 20 per cent. 696 lb. 35 Socds: Grass : Victoria Unenumerated : Victoria New South Wales Soap, common : Victoria Fancy: Victoria Specie, Gold: Victoria New South Wales Free Free Free 5s. per owt. 6 centals 148 cwt. 574 250 222 25 per cent, ad val. 3,8741b. .. L89 Free Free 95,000 100.000 Spices: Victoria 4d. per !b.,ground : 2d. per lb., unground 386 lb. 12 Spirits, Cordials, and Bitters : Victoria Perfumed : Victoria .. Kum : New South Wales Unenumerated: Victoria Stationery: Victoria 16s. per gallon 21s. 15s. to 16s. per gallon 2,651 gallons 6 . 7,640 „ 2.500 14 S71 15s. to 16s. 180 „ 343 15 per cent., 20 per cent., and 25 per cent, ad val. Ditto 2.591 New South Wales 73



Return of the Produce and Manufactures of the Australian Colonies imported into, and the Rate of Duty levied on them in, New Zealand during the Year 1888— continued.

H. S. McKellar, Customs, 9th September, 1890. Secretary and Inspector. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, ail; printing (1,225 copies), £17 4s.]

By Authority: Geobge Didsboby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o.

3—H. 29.

Articles, and Colonies whence imported. Kate of Duty in New Zealand. Quantity Imported. Value. Stone, wrought: Victoria Unwrought: Tasmania 20 per cent, ad val. .. 12 tons £ 74 5 per cent, ad val. 6 , 6 Sugar: Raw: Queensland Refined: Victoria Queensland Molasses: Victoria New South Wales Queensland id. per lb. .. aid. . .. 2,256,240 1b. 233,408 . 2,010,000,, 16,230 2,085 19,000 Id. „ Id. . Id. „ 79,744 „ 3,024, 11,200 , 597 16 25 Timber : Palings: Tasmania Posts and rails: Tasmania 2s. per 100 .. 223,100 number 929 Posts, 8s. per 100 Rails, 4s. 4,400 49 Shooks and staves: New South Wales Undressed: Victoria New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Unenumerated: Tasmania Tin, block : New South Wales Tasmania Free 2s. per 100 feet 2s. 2s. 2s. 3,006 sup. ft. .. 911,705 „ 490 „ 1,283,860 „ 20 74 7,844 5 3,871 Free 299 Free Free 33* tons 5J 3,091 566 Tinware: Victoria 25 per cent, ad val. .. 3 Twine: 238 lbs. 20 Victoria 20 per cent., and free Varnish: Victoria Vegetables : Fresh : Victoria Preserved : Victoria Is. 6d. per gallon 20 per cent... 217 gallons 105,312 lb. .. 78 368 20 » .. 204 „ .. 7 Vinegar: Victoria Wine, Australian : Victoria New South Wales South Australia .. Woodware : Victoria Woollen piece goods : Victoria Goods, miscellaneous : Manufactured : Victoria Unmanufactured : Victoria New South Wales 6d. per gallon 5s. per gallon 5s. 5s. 15 per cent., and free 364 gallons 2,014 „ 2,238 „ 13,911 „ 41 855 1,312 3,882 415 20 per cent. 137 Free 511 Free Free 2,000 ounces silver .. 296 tons kerosene shale, 35 cwt. zinc-spelter 195 cwt. willows 367 902 35 136 Tasmania Free

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