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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," Section 5, Subsection (8).

In a forecast of the future, the probability of correct prophecy depends upon a careful attention to the history of the past. That there is no possibility of gauging the future with perfect accuracy by no means lessens the responsibility of the leaders of friendly societies. Among the various arguments put forward impugning the correctness of the assumptions on which is based the method adopted by this office in the actuarial valuation of societies, it has been very confidently affirmed that the influence of climatic and social conditions in this colony would manifest itself in a sickness experience greatly in favour of New Zealand as compared with that of England. Necessarily many years must pass before the total sickness of all the societies here, including many recently established, can be fairly compared with any tabulated result of Home experience ; and if a society shall decline to raise its rates of contribution on the ground that it will be soon enough to do so when a table of New Zealand sickness can be compiled from adequate statistics it will probably by that time have drifted into a position beyond hope of recovery. In the absence of data sufficient and complete for the whole of life it becomes a duty to be guided by such general indications as are furnished by facts that have been disclosed. In order, therefore, that a comparison might be instituted at once, the Eegistrar, in preparing his recently issued address to friendly societies, computed the sickness experience, for 1888, of New Zealand lodges which had been established twenty years and upwards. On comparing the result with the experience of the English M.U.1.0.0.F. for the quinquennium 1866-70, it was found that, notwithstanding the comparatively small percentage of members in the societies of this country above sixty years of age, the sickness rate for the year specified had exceeded the English standard by more than 10 per cent. The rate for 1889 is still higher. In the Otago District M.U.1.0.0.E., the average sickness per member at risk in the eleven oldest lodges during the year 1889 was 1-935 weeks, or an excess of nearly 30 per cent, above the English M.U.1.0.0.F. experience. The valuers of this society also report for the entire district au increase of nearly 10 per cent, in the sickness experience of the quinquennium 1885-89 as compared with that of the quinquennium 1875-79. Apart from this brief reference to fresh facts in support of the advice which has been given to unsound societies, the Eegistrar deems it unnecessary to repeat the warning which was contained both in last year's report and in the address to which reference has already been made. 2. A remarkable illustration of the variation in the rate of sickness is furnished by a comparison between the experience of the Marlborough Lodge for eleven years (1879-89) and that of the Eenwick Lodge for the same period, both lodges being branches of the Marlborough District M.U.1.0.0.F. While the average number of members in these two lodges was as 3to 1, the average number of members sick was as 7to 1; the average amount of annual total sickness was as 14 to 1, and the sick-pay as 10 to 1. In the Marlborough Lodge the sick-pay has absorbed almost the whole of the premium income, whereas in the Eenwick Lodge only 29 per cent, of the premium income was drawn for this purpose, leaving 71 per cent., together with the interest thereon, to swell the accumulated funds. In the Marlborough Lodge the average sickness per member was 77 per cent, above, and in the Eenwick Lodge 62 per cent, below, the average for all New Zealand societies. 3. The percentage of members sick and the average sickness per member at risk in lodges containing one hundred members and upwards at the beginning of the year, given in graphic form in Appendix 11., also affords evidence of the wide limits within which the fluctuation of the experience of single lodges ranges. 4. The attention of societies is specially called to section 14 (10) of the Friendly. Societies Act, which makes illegal the application of the funds of a friendly society " to purposes other than those " expressed or directed in the rules of the society, and authorised by this Act."

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OF IN THIS REPORT. A.0.F., Ancient Order of Foresters. A.0.5., Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F., British United Order of Odd Fellows. H.A.C.8.5., Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 1.F.5., Isolated Friendly Society. 1.0. G.T., Independent Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American Constitution). 1.0. R., Independent Order of Rechabites. 1.5.5., Isolated Specially-authorised Society. L.U.F.8.5., Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society. M.U.1.0.0.F., Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.1.0.0.F., National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A., Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. R.E.8.5., Railway Employes' Benefit Society. S.D.T., Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.0.D., United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C., Working-men's Club. I—H. 2.



5. A valuable contribution to vital and health statistics by Mr. Francis G. P. Neison, F.1.A., has been recently published, relating to the experience of the Independent Order of Eechabites, Salford Unity, for the years 1878-87. Appendix 111. contains extracts showing the most important results of this investigation. The death-rate of the society is exceedingly light, while the sickness experience, although exhibiting differences in groups of ages, when regarded as a whole is found not to vary much from that of the Foresters and Odd Fellows. 6. A scheme for the establishment of a National Pensions Fund in England has been propounded in a paper read before the British Association, at Newcastle, by the Eev. W. Moore Ede, M.A., Sector of Gateshead. Eeference is made to Canon Blackley's national insurance scheme, and it is alleged that the Select Committee which was appointed to consider that scheme reported as to its soundness, if the element of sick-pay were eliminated. Eeference is also made to the establishment of national insurance in Germany. A precedent and analogy is found in the Compulsory Education Act; and it is asserted that the English nation is gradually directing its efforts to supplement individualism by national measures. Praise is accorded to the voluntary efforts of friendly societies and other organizations for thrift; but it is affirmed that no provision has been made by them for old age. The terrible misery of those whose dread of the workhouse in prospect is almost as great a trial as its realization is depicted. The large percentage of those who reach old age is stated; and it is explained that, in order to provide the very smallest pittance in the shape of a deferred annuity, commencing at the age of sixty or sixty-five, payment must be made in early manhood, and it is proposed to extend such payment over three years. It is argued that the sacrifice thus demanded would be compensated for by the sense of security which it would afford against fear of absolute destitution in old age. Eeference is made to the fact that in Germany and Denmark employers are required to contribute a fixed share towards such pensions, and that the sum is further supplemented by State aid, and it is argued that such a system is fair. Only one detail of the scheme is set forth— namely, that all persons should be entitled to the pension as a right. It is argued that, the d.eferred-armuity portion of insurance being thus provided for, the contributions to benefit societies for aid in sickness, &c, would be lightened, and only those who had evaded the obligation of the compulsory scheme would have to suffer the hardship of a pauper's lot. 7. A friendly society case was recently tried in England, in which the defendants were trustees of a lodge of the M.U.1.0.0.F., who, without the knowledge or consent of the Board of Directors, had, contrary to the provisions of the rules of the Order, appropriated and divided part of the lodge funds. There could not be any doubt as to the illegality of such action, but one remark of the Judge before whom the case was brought has a general and very important significance. In answer to an application for costs, the Judge said that, while admitting that the defendants did not intend to deal with the money in any way that they thought to be either fraudulent or wrong, he could not pay attention to the argument put forward by the counsel for the defence, that the trustees were ignorant of their own laws. "If," he said, "there is an ignorance that ought never to be " excused, it is an ignorance of the laws under which they were acting as trustees for a body of " men who were in all probability as little able to protect themselves as they could be, and who " therefore required the protection of these trustees, who, as a rule, are officers standing on a rather " higher social position than the people for whom they are the representatives as trustees." In connection with this subject it may be mentioned that an able series of papers, by Mr. S. G. Johnson, Town Clerk of Nottingham, on the duties and responsibilities of trustees, appeared last year in the Odd Fellows' Magazine. , It is probable that the papers will be published in. pamphlet form. 8. Information as to the forms kept in the Eegistry Office for the convenience of societies and sent free on application is to be found in Appendix V. Eegistration of Societies and Branches. 9. The total number of registrations during the year 1889 was 23, distributed as follows : M.U.1.0.0.F., 4 lodges; 1.0.0. F., 4 lodges; A.0.F., 5 courts; 1.0. E., 2 tents; S.D.T., 1 division; W.M.C, 2 clubs; 1.5.5., 5 societies. 10. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison of the number of societies on the register as at the beginning and end of the year respectively.

Name or Class of Society. Statement as on the 1st January, 1889. Statement as on the 31st December, 1889. M.U.I.O.O.F. .. I.O.O.F. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. L.U.F.B.S. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. R.E.B.S. I.F.S. W.M.C. I.O.G.T. 15 districts, 128 lodges, and 2 widow and orphan funds 1 grand lodge and 24 subordinate lodges .. 1 district and 2 lodges 1 district and 4 lodges 8 districts, 94 courts, and 1 widow and orphan fund 2 sanctuaries 43 lodges 1 grand lodge and 1 subordinate lodge 2 districts and 40 tents 1 grand division and 12 subordinate divisions 1 district and 21 branches 1 grand lodge and 11 subordinate lodges .. 2 societies 3 societies 9 clubs 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples 16 societies 15 districts, 130 lodges, and 2 widow and orphan funds. 1 grand lodge and 27 subordinate lodges. 1 district and 2 lodges. 1 district and 3 lodges. 8 districts, 99 courts, and 1 widow and orphan fund. 2 sanctuaries. 41 lodges. 1 grand lodge and 1 subordinate lodge. 2 districts and 39 tents. 1 grand division and 13 subordinate divisions. 1 district and 20 branches. 1 grand lodge and 10 subordinate lodges. 2 societies. 3 societies. 11 clubs. 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 2 temples. 20 societies. I.S.S.



11. A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1889 is given in Appendix IV. Cancellation of Eegistry. 12. The registry of the under-mentioned societies and branches, which had ceased to exist, was cancelled during the year. M.U.I.O.O.F.—DeIta Lodge (Auckland District), Eoss Lodge (Hokitika District). B.U.O.O.F.—Hinemoa Lodge (Wellington District). U.A.O.D. —Eoyal Oak Lodge (Opotiki), Eangitoto Lodge (Wellington). I.O.E.—Good Samaritan Tent (Timaru), Faithful Friend Tent (Waimate), Jubilee Tent (Hutt). H.A.C.B.S.—Sacred Heart Branch (Ponsonby). P.A.F.S.A.—Star of Onehunga Lodge (Onehunga). I.S.S.—Blue Eibbon Gospel Army (Christchurch). Eegistration of New Eules. 13. Eegistration of a complete amendment of rules— i.e., of a complete set of new rules—was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches :— M.U.l.O.O.F.—Lodges Meeanee, Abbotsford, Clive, Hastings, Tavistock, Woodville, Napier, Forest Home, Danevirke and Friendship (Hawkes Bay District); Lodges Union and Manaia (New Plymouth District) ; Wellington District. A.O.F.—Hawkes Bay District, Court Inglewood Forest (New Plymouth District), Court Sir George Grey (Wellington District), Court Pride of the Forest (Nelson District), Court Papanui (Canterbury United District). U.A.O.D.—Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge. 1.0.E. —New Zealand Central District. W.M.C.—Wellington Working-men's Club, Christchurch Working-men's Club, Kaiapoi Working-men's Club. Eegistration of Partial Amendment of Eules. 14. Eegistration of a partial amendment of rules was made in respect of the under-mentioned societies and branches :— M.U.l.O.O.F.—Lodges Parnell, Good Intent, and Fountain of Friendship (Auckland District), Hawkes Bay District, Eose of Sharon Lodge (Wellington District), Nelson District, Ashley District, North Canterbury District, Otago District,* Invercargill District. 1.0.0.F. —Star of Auckland Lodge. N.l.O.O.F.—United Brothers' Lodge. A.O.F.—Nelson District, Court Sherwood Forest (Nelson District), Court Star of Canterbury (Canterbury United District). U.A.O.D.—Star of the West Lodge. I.O.E.—Hope of Dunedin Tent. S.D.T.—Grand Division. H.A.C.B.S.—New Zealand District. I.S.S. —Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary, New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association. Statistics for 1888. 15. The number of lodges i whose returns are tabulated is 351, and of central bodies 32, distributed according to Orders as shown in the following table :—

16. In Tables 1., VI., and VII., attached to this report, the respective district totals include the funds of the central bodies. 17. In the final column of Table I. is entered the average surplus or deficiency per member, as, disclosed by the last valuation of the society. 18. In the monetary tables, except the first, shillings and pence have been omitted, the values being expressed by the nearest pound. 19. The number of members of these lodges at the end of the year was 24,938.

* Twice amended during the year. f The word "lodge," when applied to all societies, is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court," " tent," &c, as used in the various orders,

Society. Central ! T „:,„„_ Bodies. : Lodges - I : Society. Central Bodies. Lodges. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. ..- N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. .. 15 1 1 1 8 125 19 2 8 91 2 ' 41 ! L.U.F.B.S. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. P.A.F.S.A. R.E.B.S. .. 1 2 1 1 1 1 27 10 18 10 2



20. The following balance-sheet gives their total funds (including those of the central bodies) as at the 31st December, 1888: — Funds. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sick and funeral funds .. .. 355,979 6 1 Investments at interest .. .. 260,267 0 0 Medical and management funds, goods, Value of land and buildings .. .. 110,063 0 0 &c. .. .. .. .. 47,775 2 3 Cash not bearing interest .. .. 21,130 5 3 Value of goods .. .. .. 11,015 6 1 Other assets .. .. .. .. 1,278 17 0 Total .. .. .. £403,754 8 4 Total .. .. .. £403,754 8 4 21. The following summary shows the disposition of the various investments at interest) together with the respective average rates per cent: —

22. Averages and percentages deduced from the tabulated returns for the years 1880-88 are given in Appendix I. 23. It has been represented to the Eegistrar that the addition of a table showing the membership and funds of societies as at the end of the year immediately preceding the date of issue of the annual report is desirable. Although, owing to the fact that some returns are not supplied punctually, and that some contain errors which cannot be corrected in time for publication, it is not possible to compile such a table in a complete and accurate form, it has been decided to comply with the request as far as possible. It must therefore be understood that the table (Appendix IX.) is issued subject to correction. For the same reason totals have been omitted. If the annual returns were furnished with promptness and accuracy it would be possible to append to each report complete tables of statistics for the year ended the 31st day of December last past. It may, however, be observed that the general interest and value attaching to the statistics of mortality and sickness is not diminished by the fact that their issue is somewhat delayed. Although each additional year's experience is an important link in the chain of evidence which is being collected, yet the annual extension of the area of observation is too slight to render its tabulation a matter of special urgency. Valuations. 24. The valuations of the under-mentioned societies were made as at the 31st December, 1888 :— M.U.l.O.O.F.—Hokitika District, Invercargill District. U.A.O.D.—Lodges Star of Ashburton, Bishop, Brunner. I.O.E.—Star of Hope Tent. New Zealand E.E.B.S. 25. Summaries of the results of the valuations are given in two tables (Appendix VI.). Table A shows— 1. Number of members at the date of valuation ; 2. Present value of benefits; 3. Present value of contributions to benefit funds; 4. Value of accumulated benefit funds ; 5. Surplus or deficiency; 6. Average surplus or deficiency per member; 7. Average age of members ; 8. Average annual contribution, per member, to benefit funds ; 9. Average value, per member, of accumulated benefit funds ; 10. Eate of interest, per annum, credited to benefit funds (average for quinquennium); 11. Surplus or deficiency at previous valuation (average per member). Table B shows— 1. Eatio to liabilities of— (a) Present value of contributions to benefit funds ; (b) Value of accumulated benefit funds; (c) Total assets ; (d) Surplus or deficiency ; 2. Causes of surplus or deficiency. For convenience of publication the causes assigned for the surplus or deficiency disclosed by valuation are indicated in Table B by means of letters referring to a list prefixed to the table. Trade Unions. Begistration. 26. The Southland Fishermen's, Oystermen's, and Lumpers' Union, the Oamaru Operative Bakers' Association, and the Grey District Trades and Labour Union of the Colony of New Zealand were registered under "The Trade Union Act, 1878," during the year 1889. Amendment of Bules. 27. Complete amendments of rules were registered on the application of the Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand, the Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society, and the New Zealand Federated Bootmakers' Unions; also a partial amendment of the rules of the Operative Bakers' Association of Dunedin. 28. A list of registered trade unions as at the 31st December, 1889, is given in Appendix VII. 29. Statistics relating to trade unions, extracted from the latest returns received, are given in Appendix VIII. Edmund Mason, June, 1890, Eegistrar of Friendly Societies and Trade Unions.

Mode of Investment. Amount. Kate per Cent. )n deposit with the Post-Office Savings-bank )n deposit with other banks _>n mortgage of freehold property !n Government and municipal debentures )ther investments f £ 10,035 6,932 41,284 1.79,803 10,744 11,469 4-5 4-0* 4-7 7-6 6-2 0-8 Total £200,207 6-8 * Interest on sums exceeding £-200 in the P.O.S.B. is at the rate ot 4 per cent.


APPENDIX I. Percentages and Averages deduced from the Statistics of New Zealand Friendly Societies for the Years 1880-1888.


Years. Description of Percentage or Average. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Mortality of members (rate per 1,000 members) wives „ Funeral benefits, average per member Sick members, percentage of Sickness (weeks) average per member .. „ „ sick Contribution to sick and funeral fund, average per member Sickness benefit, average per member .. „ „ sick Ratio to total sickness (per cent.) of— 1. Sickness experienced during first six months 2. „ during second six months 3. „ after twelve months Contribution* to medical and management fund, average per member Medical expenses, average per member Management expenses, t average per member Ratio to total assets (per cent.) of— 1. Investments at interest.. 2. Value of land and buildings 3. Cash not bearing interest 4. Value of goods, &c. 5. Other assets .. .. .. Ratio to total investments at interest (per cent.) of— 1. Amount on deposit with the Post-Office Savings-bank 2. „ „ other banks 3. „ mortgage of freehold property 4. Amount in Government and municipal debentures 5. „ other investments Ratio to total number of members (per cent.) of— 1. Number of members under 20 years of age 2. „ from 20 to 30 years of age 3. „ „ 30 to 40 4. „ „ 40 to 50 5. „ „ 50 to 60 6. „ „ 00 to 70 7. „ „ 70 upwards 8. „ of unspecified ages 6-75 3-76 3s. 3d. 13-35 0-94 7-07 ' £1-35 14s. 6d. £5-76 65-12 10-10 24-78 £1-40 18s. 13s. 61-38 28-04 7-10 2-85 0-63 4-39 25-59 59-50 | 10-52 | 2-41 33-53 34-72 22-41 4-24 0-34 0-09 2-26 7-33 3-90 3s. 3d. 14-80 1-03 6-96 £1-35 15s. 6d. £5-66 07-53 9-17 23-30 £1-42 19s. 12s. 2d. G2-32 26-20 7-45 3-03 1-00 6-90 3-65 3s. Id. 15-16 0-99 6-56 £1-35 14s. 9d. £5-31 66-44 8-89 24-67 £1-44 18s. lls.4d. 57-66 31-91 6-94 2-85 064 7-30 4-51 3s. 4d. 15-18 0-99 6-51 £1-35 14s. 6d. £5-20 64-53 6-33 29-14 £1-43 18s. lid. 10s. 9d. 58-43 31-49 6-87 2-87 0-34 7-05 4-57 3s. 5d. 15-78 1-00 6-32 £1-34 15s. 4d. £5-22 7102 5-19 23-79 £1-46 19s. 10s. lid. 59-64 •31-03 5-82 283 0-68 7-39 4-20 3s. 8d. 16-26 1-04 0-38 £1-35 15s. lOd. £5-22 08-05 805 23-90 £1-43 19s. Id. 10s. lid. 59-70 31-27 501 2-99 0-43 6-91 5-14 3s. 9d. 15-46 1-04 6-69 £1-33 17s. Od. £5-50 67-38 8-36 24-26 £1-38 18s. 7d. 10s. 5d. 62-38 29-59 5-06 2-71 0-26 6-66 4-29 3s. 5d. 1603 105 6-52 £1-34 16s. 9d. £5-22 6700 6-88 26-12 £1-38 19s. 10s. 8d. 63-64 28-07 5-21 2-76 0-32 6-35 4-34 3s. 4d. 16-11 1-14 7-06 £1-36 18s. 4d. £5-59 64-13 8-20 27-67 £1-38 18s. lid. 10s. 3d. 64-40 27-20 5-23 2-74 0-32 7-25 22-78 58-37 5-41 0-19 9-70 20-80 59-01 5-71 4-78 6-38 21-63 60-89 5-69 5-41 7 05 19-49 61-67 491 6-88 0-21 17-10 64-56 5-60 0-47 4-37 16-72 67-96 456 6-39 6-39 16-57 67-83 3-38 5-83 6-52 15-86 6908 4-13 4-41. 3-42 34-50 34-18 ■20-04 3-83 0-39 007 2-91 4-21 36-69 33-74 19-70 3-90 0-49 0-08 1-19 4-37 36-87 33-16 19-81 4-04 0-66 0-09 1-00 5-19 36-16 32-90 19-53 4-58 0-58 008 0-98 4-76 35-00 33-54 19-79 5-40 0-58 0-10 0-23 5-14 35-31 32-24 19-56 6-01 0-83 011 0-81 4-65 34-80 32-65 19-58 6-44 0-97 0-14 0-77 4-38 34-39 32-57 20-13 7-26 1-09 0-19 0-04 * Inclusive of levies and entrance and clearance fees. t I.e., management expenses of lodges and levies to the management 1 fund of central bodies.


APPENDIX II. SICKNESS EXPEEIENGE, 1888, Of Lodges containing 100 Mbmbbbs and upwards at the Beginning op the Yeae. Percentage of Membees Sick in each Order ; also the Avebage Sickness pek Membeb at Bisk in each Order ; highest and lowest percentage occurring in any one also the highest and lowest average occurring in any lodge. one lodge. Per cent. MUJaap Weeks. 30 30 Holutika Lodge, M.TJ.I.O.O.F. N.I.O.O.F. (one lodge). I I 25 2*5 . ...H.A.C.B.S. (2 branches). !!!...Otago E.E.B.S. N.I.O.O.F. (one lodge). 20 I.O.E. (2 tents). i i J " A.O.F. (25 courts). i M.U.I.O.O.F. (30 lodges). j U.A.O.D. (4 lodges). j M.U.I.O.O.F. (30 lodges). ] 15 1"5 I.O.E. (2 tents). S.D.T. (one division). S.D.T. (one division). A.O.F. (25 courts). v ; . Otago E.E.B.S. P.A.F.S.A. (one lodge). I H.A.C.B.S. (2 branches). P.A.F.S.A. (one lodge). 10 Southern Cross Lodge, I.O.O.F. I'O i J I U.A.O.D. (4 lodges). ; ■ 5 0'5 ■■ j Southern Cross Lodge, I.O.O.F. 0 00 I




APPENDIX 111. ExTEACTS FBOM THE EEPOET ON BATES OF MoETALITY AND SICKNESS FOE THE YeAES 1878-87 of the Independent Oedek of Rechabites, Salfobd Unity, by Francis G. P. Neison E.1.A., E.S.S. The following facts are gathered in connection with the branches of the Order from which sickness and mortality returns were received: — Number of members in the tents Ist January, 1878 ... ... ... 6,748 Per cent. Of these members, during ten years, 1878-87, were sick 3,725, or 55-2 not sick 2,453, „ 36-4 died 570, „ 8-4 Number of members who became free, 1878-87 ... ... ... ... 30,216 Of these, during the ten years, were sick ... ... 12,001, or 39-7 not sick ... ... 17,745, „ 58-7 died ... ... 470, „ 1-6 Total number of members who came under observation ... 36,964 Number of members who withdrew, 1878-87 ... ... ... ...12,955 Of these, during the ten years, had been sick ... 3,930, or 30-3 not been sick ... 9,025, „ 69-7 Number of members who died ... ... ... ... ... 1,040 Of these during the ten years bad been sick ... 877, or 84-3 „ „ not been sick ... 163, „ 15-7 Total ceased to be members ... ... ... ... 13,995 Difference, or number of members in the tents 31st December, 1887 ... 22,969 Total weeks of sickness paid for in respect of all above members, ten years Weeks. Days. (1878-87) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 180,210 1 Of this amount, for members who died ... ... ... ... 33,155 3 „ remainder ... ... ... ... ... 147,054 4 Thus, of the members in the order at the Ist January, 1878, embraced in this investigation more than one-half of them whilst under observation during the next ten years had occasion to claim sickness-pay, and 8 per cent, died during the same period. Compared with the figures for the entrants during the decenniad 1878-87 these proportions of sickness-claimants and deaths appear high, but the age-distribution of the members in the two groups, and the period for which they were at risk, would vary materially, and mainly account for this difference. The fact that as regards the withdrawing members only 30 per cent, of them had at any time received sick-pay is a feature which should not escape attention, and suggests that, as concerns this section of members, a selection against the society continues for some years after the members' admission. Apparently those members whose health is below par, if the sickness-claims are an indication in this respect, constitute precisely that class of the assured among whom withdrawals are at a minimum. This is what might be expected, for naturally those persons who have brought home to them in illness the manifold advantage of being enabled to draw an allowance during incapacity for labour would be uncommonly careful not to forfeit, through carelessness, such a boon. . . The final summation shows that as regards— Members not sick— Entered society before Ist January, 1878, and still a member 31st Dec, 1887 1,118 1878-87, and still a member 31st December, 1887 ... ... 10,055 „ before Ist January, 1878, and left society before 31st Dec, 1887 1,335 1878-87, and left society before 31st December, 1887 ... 7,690 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,198 Members sick— Entered society before Ist January, 1878, and still a member 31st Dec, 1887 2,825 1878-87, and still a member 31st December, 1887 ... ... 8,971 „ before Ist January, 1878, and left society before 31st Dec, 1887 900 1878-87, and left society before 31st December, 1887 ... 3,030 Total ... ... ... ... ... .. 15,726 Members died— Entered society before Ist January, 1878, and made no sick-claim ... .... 69 „ 1878-87, and made no sick-claim ... ... ... 94 „ before Ist January, 1878, and received sickness-allowance ... 501 „ 1878-87, and received sickness-allowance ... ... ... 376 1,040 Here, again, some interesting results are disclosed as regards the selection against the society, which is apparently more or less always going on—in other words, in process of time a society accumulates a more than average share of inferior lives, the more healthy members of the assured gradually allowing their membership to lapse. Thus, examination of the statistics above given shows that for " members not sick" who were connected with the society at the Ist January, 1878, more than 54 per cent, dropped their membership within the next ten years, whereas, turning to



the facts for the "members sick," it will be perceived that only 24 per cent, of them withdrew during the same period. The experience in respect of the entrants into the society discloses precisely the same features. The proportion of deaths among members who never received any sickness-allowance appears high, and points certainly to a large number of sudden deaths. That the proportion of members who were either sick, not sick, or died whilst under observation varies with the age of the assured the following statement shows: —

As life progresses, the proportionate number of "not sick" members diminishes, and the percentage to the credit of the deaths column materially augments. Taking the members as a whole—in other words, ignoring for a moment their age-distribution— it will be found that, in respect of the 127,269 years of life at risk, — The average mortality per cent, per annum was ... ... ... 0-817 „ weeks of sickness per member per annum was ... ... 1-416 „ „ to every member sick was ... ... 5-365 To every 100 members the number sick was ... ... ... 26-394 It must be understood that these ratios are not applicable for comparisons with the results of the workings of other friendly society organizations, unless it is strictly true that not only the agedistribution of their members, but likewise the locality, occupation, &c, influences are similar in both organizations. On no other basis can scientific deductions be drawn. In ignorance of the correct methods of dealing with rates of sickness and mortality most extraordinary comparisons are often made between the workings of society and society ; and the deductions drawn from the results are most fallacious. To take merely one point, namely—the age-distribution of the members—the extent to which the rates of sickness and mortality vary with age is well shown in a later portion of this report ; and, thereby, it would be extremely easy to draw up several hypothetical organizations, all of which should experience a normal rate of sickness and mortality, and yet disclose the most divergent general rates of sickness and mortality when compared with one another irrespective of the variable ages of the assured in the different groups. If this is the case when only one disturbing element —namely, age-distribution —is brought into account, how much more so will it be when is borne in mind the influence of locality, occupation, density of population, &c? It would be well to remember these circumstances when unskilled statisticians are found drawing most erroneous comparisons between the working of one society compared with another. Only a skilled expert can venture upon such a task, and only then when complete data is at his disposal, so that due care can be taken to compaxe as far as practicable only like with like. It is not uncommon to find persons drawing comparisons between the death-rate prevailing among some recently - formed friendly society organization and the rate of mortality occurring among the whole population of the country. Needless to say this is a most fallacious process. Like is not being compared with like. In the friendly society, for example, there are no children, and few, if any, very old persons. Now, in the death-rate for the whole population, the high mortality for infant life, and the deaths among those advanced in years, account for quite one-half of the gross rate of mortality. For a comparison which could take credit for being-of at all an accurate character, therefore, the rate of mortality in the friendly society should be gauged by the deaths which occur in the whole population for persons of a similar age-group. ... In the following statement there is displayed the rates of entry, withdrawal, and sicknessclaimants in your society, with the proportional age-distribution in the respective groups : —

To every 100 Members in the Number who, whilst undi Ten Yeai Tents, 1st Jam ir Observation, ■s 1878-87, jary, 1878, the during the To every 100 Members who became Free during the Ten Years 1878-87, the Number who, whilst under Observation, Ages. Were Sicknessclaimants. Were not Sick. . claimants. B10K - Died. Total. Died. Total. 15 — .. 25 — .. 35 — .. 45 — .. 55 — .. 65 and upwards 57-0 53-4 58-8 57-4 49-9 26-4 1 39-3 42-2 35-4 30-0 21-0 3-9 3-7 4-4 5-8 12-0 28-5 69-7 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 40-4 38-2 40-1 39-5 50-0 I 58-1 60-7 57-9 56-9 44-4 1-5 11 2-0 3-6 5-6 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0

Entri uits. Withdi vawals. Sickness-claimants. Ages. Rate of Admission per Cent, per j Annum. Proportional Agedistribution. Rate of Withdrawal per Cent, per Annum. Proportional Agedistribution. Number of n ,. , Sick-claims Pro P° rtl0nal p , Age- " . ' \ distribution, per Annum. Weeks of Sickness per Member per Annum to every Member sick. Under 25 25 — 35 — 45 — 55 — 65 — 75 and upwards 43-08 19-91 17-18 9-52 0-33 0-12 52-52 27-98 14-87 4-56 0-06 0-01 12-94 10-79 8-20 5-03 1-18 0-37 39-21 37-30 1-7-22 5-73 0-49 0-05 27-94 24-56 25'60 26-94 26-35 40-58 62-54 i 30-64 31-05 19-94 11-60 4-22 1*99 0-56 3-78 4-15 5-27 6-92 11-07 20-85 32-46



Over one-half of your members thus join the society under twenty-five years of age, and it is for this period of life likewise that withdrawals are at their greatest intensity, though the lapses for the next ten years are considerable. It is a tolerably general experience in friendly societies that the withdrawal rate is always the highest at that period of life at which the entrants predominate. Thus, whilst 80-5 per cent, of your members become free to benefits under age thirty-five, no less than 76-5 per cent, of the withdrawals occur in respect of the same group of ages. Not until the age forty-five is attained do the withdrawals become an unimportant factor in your society. As regards sickness-claimants, the proportion of these in early life is certainly high, and this feature should receive your careful attention. For mature life the sick-claims are not excessive in number. In the practical management of a friendly society it is most useful to be enabled to form an opinion of how many members per annum should be expected to claim the sickness-allow-ance, and another most useful aid is the average annual duration of these attacks of disablement. This latter information is afforded in the last column of the foregoing abstract. The duration of these attacks of sickness is not materially different from what represents the normal experience. That the intensity of attacks of sickness increases rapidly with advancing life is clear. In order that the broad results of this inquiry may be compared with those of other investigations into the health and longevity of the working-classes of this country, there is presented in the following table a summary of the results deduced from the two most recent inquiries of this character. The sickness and mortality experience of the working population of this country have been examined by several authorities during the last fifty years; but, taking the investigations in chronological order, the two most recent and complete researches have been— (a.) The experience of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows for the five years 1866-70; (6.) The experience of the Ancient Order of Foresters for the five years 1871-75. Accordingly, the broad results brought out by these two investigations have been recast as regards the age-distribution of their members, so as to make them comparable with the facts now adduced in connection with your own experience.

Summary of the Mortality and Sickness-experience of Members of Friendly Societies (Males).

To compare the results, and to draw deductions as to their being either favourable or the reverse, implies, of course, some standard of measurement, but it is doubtful whether any exact standard of sickness and mortality of the industrial classes of this country really exists. For such a comparison to truly apply it is essential that the condition of the two things to be measured 2—H. 2,

Number of Years of Life exposed to Risk. Weeks of Sicknessclaim. Mortality per Cent. per Annum. Weeks of Sicknessclaim per Member per Annum. Ages. Deaths. The Mar. nchcster Unity nchcster Unity of Oddfello. 1,283 3,986 3,048 3,111 3,235 1,7,56 261 '('.s, 1866-70. 18 — 25 — 35 — 45 — 55 — 65 — 75 and upwards 202,910 506,053 278,604 188,850 112,431 29,707 2,493 202,910 506,053 278,604 188,850 112,431 29,707 2,493 150,465 435,982 319,003 359,855 411,788 253,657 44,283 0-632 0-788 1-094 1-647 2-877 5-911 10-469 0-742 0-862 1-145 1-905 3-663 8-539 17-763 Totals 1,321,048 1,321,048 16,680 1,975,033 1-263 1-495 The A indent Order of Foresters 1871-75. 18 — 25 — 35 — 45 — 55 — 65 — 75 and upwards I ... j L 191,854-0 518,203-5 363,326-0 1,56,309-5 54,019-5 16,790-0 1,663-5 1,445 4,182 4,266 2,816 1,775 1,093 238 159,431 471,643 452,370 299,161 201,623 154,722 30,086 0-753 0-807 1-174 1-802 3-286 6-510 14-307 0-831 0-910 1-245 1-914 3-732 9-215 18-086 Totals 1,302,166-0 15,815 1,769,036 1-214 1-358 The Independent Order of Bee. Order of Bee, 36,836-5 42,4690 26,161-0 14,474-5 5,378-5 1,651-0 299-0 habites, Salj "ord Unity, 18 38,947 43,270 35,279 26,991 15,684 13,969 6,070 '8-87. 18 — 25 — 35 — 45 — 55 — 65 — 75 and upwards ... j 36,836-5 42,4690 26,161-0 14,474-5 5,378-5 1,651-0 299-0 222 216 162 162 125 96 57 0-603 0-509 0-619 1-119 2-325 5-815 19-063 1-057 1-019 1-349 1-866 2-915 8-463 20-300 Totals 127,269-5 127,269-5 1,040 180,210 0-817 1-416



should be precisely the same, but clearly this is impracticable from the very dissimilarity of the original facts as regards the occupation of the members, their place of habitation, &c. All that can be done is to take care that the age-groupings compared should as far as practicable be similar, bearing in mind how much the element of age influences the rates of sickness and mortality, and to remember that all such comparisons must be understood to be only of a general character, and in default of more exact knowledge of the precise entities composing the different data. At the same time it may be asserted that, so far as research has shown, there is no reason to believe, in respect of the different investigations, the results of which are set out in the foregoing table, that the constituent elements of any one experience as regards the occupation, place of abode, &c, of the members differ very materially from the others. It will be noticed that the years of lives observed in botli the Odd Fellows and the Foresters inquiries were very large, exceeding in each case a million and a quarter of exposures. Though your experience is considerably smaller, it has the advantage of running over a period of ten years, in lieu of the quinquennial term embraced in the other investigations. The following tabulation presents concisely the broad results of the various data :—

The Rates of Mortality and Sickness according to the Experience of Members of Friendly Societies.

Considerable variation will be observed in both the mortality- and sickness-rates of the respective inquiries ; but, even making allowance for the possible disturbing forces, which I have already alluded to, as regards the units embraced in each experience, the difference between the results is most marked, and worthy of consideration. Eegarding, first, the mortality-rates, the divergency is great, the death-rate among the Eechabites being so remarkably low that I was at once led to examine whether there was any palpable fault in the original returns submitted to me which afforded a solution of this feature. No such explanation was apparent, and, though the years of life observed were not as numerous as I should have desired, they were ample to preclude violent fluctuations in the experience due to paucity of the observations. Whether this low death-rate might not be partially due to the large number of fresh entrants into the society, most of whom would no doubt have passed through some test of examination as to health, next received my attention. Therefore the records in respect of only members who had not been admitted into the society during the period of observation—viz., the ten years 1878-87 —were separately examined, but with the result that their death-rate was found to be almost identical with that for the whole of the members. Indeed, no striking difference was disclosed between the mortality-rates for those admitted into the society before the period of investigation commenced—viz., Ist January, 1878 —and the members who were subsequently enrolled. The low rate of mortality appears to run through the table, and is not confined to one period of life. To test whether there might be anything in the occupations of the members which would throw light upon this subject, though time would not admit of a thorough investigation in this respect into the records for the whole experience, a number of cards taken indiscriminately were examined, but nothing of an exceptional character was disclosed. Thus I was brought back to the fact that, certainly in one respect, all the members were supposed to be on a common basis—viz., total abstainers. It is within my knowledge that in one large assurance company, which maintains a special section for total abstainers, for now twenty years the actual deaths in each quinquennium have only been, in this section, 71 per cent, of the expectation ; but to what period of life this is due, or whether common throughout life, cannot be affirmed, as the facts for groups of ages have never been published. I refer to the results of the experience upon this special subject of this company because it led me to examine what proportion of deaths the actual number in your experience furnishes as compared with the expected number according to the Foresters' experience, and the result is that your death-rate only produces 69 per cent, of the other, or a close approximation to what is stated to be the experience of the assurance company above alluded to. It is not within my reference to argue for or against any connection between total abstinence and longevity; my duty is to state clearly the facts brought out by the present investigation, and to leave my readers to draw their own deductions upon this subject. The only observation I feel called upon to make is that, personally, I am quite impartial upon the matter, and, therefore, no bias can be attributed to my results. Whatever effect total abstinence may have upon health and longevity has hitherto been a matter of speculation, for, until the present inquiry, no investigation of magnitude has been made into the subject as regards rates of sickness, and though the aforementioned assurance company possesses, undoubtedly, observations of a most important character, only the most meagre facts have been made public. Irrespective of total abstinence, it is possible that your members constitute, on the whole, a better class of lives, for the same character which

Rate of Mo: ■tality per Cent. ier Annum. Weeks of Sickness-claim per Me: iber per Annum. Ages. Odd Fellows, 1866-70. Foresters, 1871-75. Reohabites, 1878-87. Odd Fellows, 1866-70. Foresters, 1871-75. Reohabites, 1878-87. Under 25 25 — 35 — 45 — 55 — 65 — 0-632 0-788 1-094 1-647 2-877 5-911 0-753 0-807 1-174 1-802 3-286 6-510 0-603 0-509 0-619 1-119 2-325 5-815 0-742 0-862 1-145 1-905 3-063 8-539 0-831 0-910 1-245 1-914 3-732 9-215 1-057 1-019 1-349 1-866 2-915 8-463



prompts total abstinence possibly induces them to be more thrifty and to take better care of themselves in other respects. No doubt the personal habits of the individual considerably influence his probabilities of life—for example, diet alone is a material agent in man's physical well-being. Turning now to the weeks of sickness-claim, it will be noticed that the sickness-rates among the Eechabites are considerably higher for all ages under forty-five, and that for the subsequent period of life the rates of sickness are materially less than for the Odd Fellows and Foresters. This higher rate of sick-claim in early life is a marked feature in your experience, and, consequently, I was induced to give it my most careful attention. An excessive rate of sickness may be due either to the claimants being over-numerous, to the recipients of the allowance drawing for a protracted period, or to a combination of both causes. That the sickness-claimants in early life are very numerous in your society the following figures clearly show : —

Thus, there appears up to middle life a decided increment in the number of members claiming sick-pay in your Order; and, as it is precisely during this stage of life that you admit members, I am rather inclined to the opinion that adequate care is not exercised as to the state of health of many of those admitted. If so, it is to be expected that a larger proportion of these members would come upon the funds than is the case for the whole Order. Clearly, therefore, it behoves your branches to more efficiently supervise the newly-entered members, and to exercise greater precaution as to their state of health before membership is allowed. Experience has proved that judicious medical selection of the lives pays several times over the expense which this procedure entails. It must not be forgotten that when once a person is admitted into a friendly society it is practically the assured only that can determine the contract. Naturally, therefore, many lives which are above par in health drift away from the society, whilst the diseased ones remain. It might be contended, as the rates of mortality were remarkably low among your members, that though their vitality was sufficient to stave off grim death, yet for this very reason possibly more sickness would be found arising from non-fatal illness. If this contention be true an increased intensity in the attacks of sickness would be anticipated; but this the investigation does not show, as the following figures for the average duration of attacks of illness demonstrate: —

The lower incidence of the sickness risk in your Order after age fifty, as compared with the rates prevailing among the Odd Fellows and Foresters, is mainly due to the less number of claimants in your society, and not to any reduction in the duration of the attacks of illness. For all practical purposes these latter coincide in their intensity with the experience of other friendly societies. . . .

Proportion of ilembers sick. Ages. Foresters. Reohabites. Under 25 25-34 ... 35-44 ... 45-54 ... 55-64 ... 55-74 ... 23-5 per 100 21-6 22-8 25-7 31-3 46-1 27-9 per 100. 24-6 25-6 26-9 26-4 40-6

Weeks of Sickness per Member per Annum to every Member sick. Ages. Foresters. Rechabites. Under 25 25-34 ... 35-44 ... 45-54 ... 55-64 ... 65-74 ... 4-5 4-2 5-5 7-5 11-9 20-0 3-8 4-2 5-3 6-9 11-1 20-8


APPENDIX IV. List of Eegisteeed Societies, with theie Eegistered Branches, as at 31st December, 1889. I. Manchesteb Unity Independent Obdee op Odd Fellows. Rag. No. Reg. No. 13. Auckland District —Auckland. 170 a. Ashley District —Eangiora. 1. Howiek Lodge, Howick. 1. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 2. Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. 2. Oust Lodge, Cust. 3. Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. 3. Woodend Lodge, Wcodend. 4. Waikato Lodge, Thames. 4. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 7. Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. 8. Waikari Lodge, Waikari. 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell. 9. Eangiora Lodge, Eangiora. 11. National Lodge, Coromandel. 10. Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. 12. Mercury Bay Lodge, Mercury Bay. 14. Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. 18. North Canterbury District —Christchurch. 19. Fountain of Friendship Lodge—Auckland. 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 81. Duke of Cambridge Lodge—Cambridge. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. ... „ ~' "■_ „. ~, , T . 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 196. Hawkes Bay a Kai ; Lod |. \ . 1. Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 9 _ Phimpstown Lod Phillipstown. 2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. la L eeston Lo dge, Leeston. 8. Chve Lodge n Papanui Lodge, Papanni. 4. Hastings Lodge Hastings. M . Coleridge Lo | G f entunnel . 5. Victoria Lodge, Porangahau. 14 _ Adding t o n Lodge, Addington. 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. 16 _ Malyem Lo dge, Waddinfton. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 20 , cit of christ B cnuroh Lo | christchurch. 8 Napier Lodge, Napier. 21 . Hearfc of oak Lod Kai f oura . 9. Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. 22 _ Eiocarton Lo dge, Upper Eiccarton. 10. Danevirke Lodge, Danewks. 23 . Jubilee Lodge, Prebbleton. 11. Friendship Lodge, Port Ahunn. 12. Euahine Lodge, Hampden. 5. Lyttelton District— Lyttelton. 13. Kaikora North Lodge, Kaikora. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 93. New Plymouth District—New Plymouth. 3 - Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. *• ood Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. °- Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 3. Union Lodge, Hawera. 6 - Clt y of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 4. Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. 7 - £ and a ? ] ? eart Lod g e > Pl B e °n Bay. 5. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. „-- „. 8 - Heart oi Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 253. Victoria Widow and Orphan Fund—Lyttelton. 138. Wanganui Lodge—Wanganui. n TT . „. . n-i ■ i nui- 256. Ashburton District— Ashburton. 7. Wellington Dtstrict-Wellmgtori. t Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 1 Combination Lodge Johnsonville. % pioneer Lodge, Springburn. 2. Masterton Lodge Masterton. 3> Waterton Lodge, Waterton. 3. Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. 4 _ South Eakaia od g , 4. Greytown Lodge, Greytown. 5 _ Tinwald Lod Ti^aß 5. Lmty Lodge, Featherston. ° ' 6. St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. 23 _ ofo District-DuneAm. 7. Kainapoura Lodge, Tawa 1 lat. x _ ontram Lodge, Outram. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 2 , AlWon Lo(J Dunfidill _ 10. Eose of Sharon Lodge J pper Hutt. 3 Alexandra £ od Polt Molyneux. 11 Britannia Lodge, Wellington. 4 _ Prince of WajM Lo(J p Qh , ■ 12. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. 5 T anui Lod T aanui , .■a J 6 ' f ,l tar r g f' !iljk T etahuna - ~ 6. Boxburgh Lodge, Boxburgh. 63. Eose of the Valley Lodge-Lower Hutt. 7 _ pdnce Alfred £ od H awkesbury. 24. Wellington District Widow and Orphan Society- 8 _ Dunedin Lodge , Dunedin. Wellington. fJ W aipori Lodge, Waipori. 77. Marlborough District— Blenheim. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balolutha. 2. Eenwick Lodge, Eenwick. 12. Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 25. Nelson District-Nelson. } 3 / Cromwell Lodge Cromwell. 1. Howard Lodge, Nelson. }*• and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 2. General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. ;°- gamaru Lodge Oamara. 4. Mansion of Beace Lodge, Wakefield. r 6 ,- Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. 5. Travellers' Best Lodge, Eichmond. V - £? a P c , Pl ° ne , er ?£ ge ' f- awronce--41. Nelson Lodge-Nelson. Waitahuna, Lodge, Waitahuna. m. ti. 7 „i .■ t ~ , 19- Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. 244. Motueka District-Motueka, 20 _ Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 1. Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 21- Mount Werid on Lodge, Waikaia. 2. Good Intention Lodge, Eiwaka. 22 . Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 3. Takaka Lodge Takaka. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 4. South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 2 4. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 92. North Westland District —Beefton. 1. Eeefton Lodge, Beefton. 64i Invercargill District— lnvercargill. 2. Westport Lodge, Westport L shamrock, Eose, and Thistle Lodge, Inver3. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. cargill 5. Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. 2 , st _ G- eorge Lodge, Invercargill. 40. Hokitika District —Hokitika. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 1. Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 2. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 3. Waimea Lodge, Stafford. 6. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown. 27. Greymouth Lodge—Greymouth. 7. Oreti Lodge, Dipton.




List of Eegistered Societies, etc. — continued. 11. Independent Obder of Odd Fellows (American). Reg. No. Reg. No. 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 23. Wallace Lodge, Eiverton. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 31. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 33. Hawke's Bay Lodge, Napier. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 34. Spreydon Lodge, Spreydon. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 35. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 20. Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 36. Hope of Hastings Lodge, Hastings.* 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 22. Bidgley Lodge, Christchurch. 38. Excelsior Lodge, Woodville. 111. National Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. Beitish United Obder of Odd Fellows. 237. Wellington District —Wellington. 3. Thomdon Lodge, Wellington. 1. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. 2. Southern Star Lodge, Wellington. V. Ancient Obder of Foresters. 17. Auckland District —Auckland. 18. Court Pohangina, Ashurst. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. 2. „ Eureka, Auckland. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 3. „ Zealandia, Auckland. 21. „ Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 4. „ Bobin Hood, Banmure. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 5. „ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 23. „ Sir William Jervois, Newtown. 6. „ Boyal Oak, Tauranga. 34. Court Sir George Grey—Wellington. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 12. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 4. „ Eobin Hood, Nelson. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 6. „ Inangahua, Beefton. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 16. „ Excelsior, Kamo. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 17. „ Kihikihi, Kihikihi. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. 10. „ Boyal Oak, Westport. 150. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 227. Court Pride of the West —Hokitika. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock. 28. Canterbury United District —Christchurch. 4. „ Bobin Hood, Bort Ahuriri. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 5. „ Buahine, Waipukurau. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. -5. „ Pride of Eichmond, Eichmond. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 9. „ Ormond, Makatoka. 9. „ Ashburton, Ashburton. 10. „ Bising Sun, Danevirke. 10. „ Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 11. „ Waitangi, West Clive. 2. Court Star of Canterbury—Christchurch. 12. „ Bedclyffe, Taradale. 143. „ Queen of the Isles —Lyttelton. 13. „ Turnagain, Herbertville. 139. Canterbury United District Widow and Orphan Fund—Christchurch. 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 252. South Canterbury District —Timaru. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 3. „ Ealeigh, Waitara. 2. „ Progress, St. Andrews. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 200. Court Foresters' Pride —Waimate. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 55. Court Waireka—New Plymouth. 1. Court Enterprise, Dunedin. 2. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 144. Wellington District —Wellington. 3. „ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 1. Court Eobin Hood, Wellington. 5. „ Bobin Hood, Port Chalmers. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 7. „ Boxburgh, Boxburgh. 4. „ Clarendon, Picton. 8. „ St. Andrews, Caversham. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmerston North. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 6. „ Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 7. „ William Gladstone, Gisborne. 13. „ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown. 8. „ Pioneer, Te Nui. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 9. „ Boderick Dhu, Wanganui. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 10. „ Blenheim, Blenheim. 16. „ Havelock, Waitahuna. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 12. „ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 70. Court Star of the Dunstan—Clyde. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 114. „ Star of Tuapeka—Lawrence. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. 15. „ Egmont, Opunake. Court not in any District. 16. „ Woodville, Woodville. 88. Court Coromandel—Coromandel. 17. „ Loyal Halcombe, Halcombc.

Ceased to exist, but registry not cancelled as at 31st December, 1889.



List of Eegistered Societies, etc. — continued. VI. Ancient Obdeb of Shepherds. Reg. No. I Reg. No. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. j 173. Sanctuary Star of Canterbury—Christchurch. VII. United Ancient Obdeb of Deuids. 152. Pioneer Lodge—Christchurch. 207. Trafalgar Lodge—Kaiapoi. 155. Hope of St. Albans Lodge—St. Albans. 208. Star of Ashburton Lodge—Ashburton. 158. Oak of Sydenham Lodge—Sydenham. 210. Linden Lodge—Boslyn. 159. Mistletoe Lodge—Christchurch. 211. Hope of Amberley Lodge—Amberley. 164. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge—Lyttelton. 212. Myrtle Lodge—Tauranga. 166. Enterprise Lodge—South Dunedin. 218. West Harbour Lodge—Rothesay. 167. Ethelbert Lodge—Springston. 219. All Nations Lodge—Port Chalmers. 168. Otago Lodge—Dunedin. 220. Bishop Lodge—Wanganui. 171. Ivanhoe Lodge—Dunedin. 221. Totara Lodge—Carterton. 174. Star of the West Lodge—Greymouth. 222. Brunner Lodge—Brunnerton. 177. Excelsior Lodge—Wellington. 225. Endeavour Lodge—Oamaru. 178. Star of New Zealand Lodge—Lower Hutt. 226. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge—Blenheim. 181. Bud of Hope Lodge—Eangiora. 232. Albion Lodge—Napier. 184. Perseverance Lodge—Addington. 236. Poneke Lodge—Petone. 189. Boyal Oak Lodge—Caversham. 239. Pacific Lodge—Wellington. 192. Acorn Lodge—lnvercargill. 240. Turanganui Lodge—Gisborne. 195. Star of Anglesea Lodge—Lincoln. 243. Ponsonby Lodge—Ponsonby. 199. Timaru Lodge—Timaru. 247. Waiohine Lodge—Greytown. 201. Anchor Lodge—Woolston. 250. Good Intent Lodge—Mosgiel. 203. Ohoka Lodge—Ohoka. i 264. Eose of Palmerston Lodge—Palmerston S. 205. Auckland Lodge—Auckland. VIII. Independent Obder of Eechabites. 190. New Zealand District —Auckland. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 2. Eden Tent, Newmarket. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 14. Bose of Sharon Tent, Waipawa. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 5. Hope of Mahurangi Tent, Warkworth. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sanson. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 7. Hope of Bombay Tent, Bombay. 20. Haste to the Bescue Tent, Wellington. 8. Northern Wairoa Tent, Mangawhare. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 9. Devonport Tent, Devonport. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 10. Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Johnsonville. 29. Hawera Tent, Hawera. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 31. Progress Tent, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 32. Unity Tent, Marton. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 33. Olive Branch Tent, Bull's. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 35. Good Intent Tent, Motupipi. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 36. Nil Desperandum Tent, Haloombe. 7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Christchurch. 37. Bescue Tent, Nelson. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 98. Star of Hope Tent, Hokitika. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. IX. Sons and Daughtees of Temperance of Australasia. 170. Grand Division of New Zealand —Addington. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 4. Ecsolution Division, Eangiora. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 5. Try-Again Division, Woodend. 112. Perseverance Division —Christchurch. 6. Excelsior Division, Addington. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 147. Progress Division —Kaiapoi. 8. Onward Division, Papanui. 156. Bay of Hope Division —Greymouth. X. Hibeenian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District —Auckland. 15. Grahamstown Branch, Thames. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. | 16. Waipawa „ Waipawa. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 17. St. Joseph's „ Hastings. 4. Invercargill „ Invercargill. 18. St. Joseph's „ Dunedin. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 20. Hokitika „ Hokitika. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 23. St. Patrick's „ Eangiora. 13. Hamilton „ Hamilton.* 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. | XL Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Thames. 6. Alexandra Lodge, Auckland. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 9. Triumph „ South Dunedin. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 11. Star of Hastings „ Hastings. 3. Excelsior „ Green Island. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 4. Wicklifie „ Napier. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. XII. Eailway Benefit Societies. 154. New Zealand Bailway Employes' Benefit Society—l 161. Otago Bailway Employes' Benefit Society — DunInvercargill. edin. XIII. Miscellaneous Friendly Societies. 153. Loyal United Friends Benefit Society —Auckland. 230. Eational Sick and Burial Association—St. Albans.* 1. Eeliance Lodge, Auckland. 260. New Zealand United Legal Friendly Benefit Burial 183. Grey Valley Accident Belief Fund—Brunnerton. Society—Auckland.

* Eegistry since cancelled.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. XIV. Working-men's Clubs. Reg. No. I Reg. No. 151. Wellington Working - men's Club and Literary i 215. Auckland Working - men's Club and Mechanics' Institute —Wellington. Institute —Auckland. 162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club—Kaiapoi. School of Arts—Christchurch. 238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Insti--176. Winton Working-men's Club—Winton. tute—Petone. * 186. Greytown Working-men's Clvb —Greytown. 264. Richmond Working-men's Club—Eichmond. 202. Garibaldi Clvb —Wellington. 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary 209. Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and Institute —Palmerston North. Mutual School of Arts —Sydenham. XV. Specially-authorised Societies. 109. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 90. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 3. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 107. Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Wakefield. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 110. Seashell Lodge, Lyttelton. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 112. Lifeboat Lodge, Timaru. 12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. 113. Eose of Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Eangiora. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 17. Eobert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. 102. Unity Degree Temple, Ashburton. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 19. New Hope Lodge, Westport. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society—lnvercar--21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. gill. 24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Beefton. 217. Christchurch and Suburban Co-operative Money 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. Clvb —Christchurch. 31. Premier Lodge, Hokitika. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. —Invercargill. 33. Providence Lodge, Courtenay. 228. Addington Workshops Band—Christchurch. 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. Sydenham. 40. Second-to-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa--41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. tion —Wellington. 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 44. New Eiver Pioneer, Dunganville. Dunedin. 47. Victory Lodge, No Town. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, 1.0.G.T. —Wellington. 48. Victoria Lodge, Noble's. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 50. Kumara Lodge, Kumara. Lyttelton. 53. Eock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 54. Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. Timaru. 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. 251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association— 59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. Christchurch. 66. St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Kaiwarra. 68. Phoenix Lodge, Masterton. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. ment Society—Opotiki. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. 258. South Bakaia and Suburban Co-operative Money 73. Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. Club- South Bakaia. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 259. Thames Banger Band Society—Thames. 77. Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. 261. Palmerston North Co-operative Money Club—Pal--85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. merston North. 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. 262. Auckland Caledonian Society—Auckland. 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Linwood. 91. Undaunted Lodge, Owake. 265. St. Albans Co-operative Money Club—St. Albans. 93. Welcome Eetreat Lodge, Geraldine. 266. Sydenham Brass Band—Sydenham.

APPENDIX V. Forms which may be obtained free on application to the Eeqistear of Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application for the conversion of a registered society into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany the foregoing. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of place of establishment of branch. Form of return to District Land Eegistrar—" Friendly Societies Act, 1882," section 14 (5).




Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. 3 8.3 _0 r* o CD 7.-S r* c_ c_ -^ CD U 5.S3 73-fife IP -73 Tied 3 QQ n m > P. 3 u Q _) C_ O > s j fc? rH > c_— <<d 7 _ C- < o Hi ■sis r» Sh cn SiJ > -m ■+= rH \ S o 3 a jH rj -£ > c_ r-H 4_-<^i £->.a_; M.U.I. Order of Odd Fellows. Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ Waimea „ Greymouth Albert Hokitika .. Ross Stafford .. Greymouth Kumara .. 1866 1867 1807 1807 1870 1888. Dec. 31 116 37 48 85 46 £ 6,636 2,334 2,872 4,880 2,386 £ 2,180 593 803 1,489 941 £ 3,820 2,190 841 2,993 628 £ 449 £ 636 1,228 398 817 £ 12-14 £ 5-48 45-63 ■ 53-30 25-60 48-04 4-08 I 45-84 17-70 40-09 £ 1-38 1-30 1-30 1-30 1-37 £ 32-93 59-18 17-52 35-21 13-65 £ 4.47 4-69 5-24 618 3-84 £ - 9-24 + 7-73 -15-36 + 2-29 -11-26 Total of District 332 19,108 6,006 10,472 2,630 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge .. St. George Winton United Gore Lumsden „ Awarua Oreti Invercargill Winton Gore Lumsden .. Campbell town Dipton 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1885 183 144 28 40 58 25 22 8,954 6,803 1,255 1,659 2,444 1,082 891 4,264 3,508 849 1,126 1,724 734 633 0,920 3,704 598 391 519 173 27 2,230* 409 192* 142 201 175 231 12-18 2-84 6-85 3-56 3-46 7-00 10-48 38-67 37-17 34-01 27-85 31-09 3204 28-86 1-54 1-57 1-59 1-66 1-79 1-84 1-68 37-82 25-73 21-34 9-78 8-94 0-92 1-22 4-94 5-85 1-89 4-23 4-81 2-39 Nil + 6-36 - 4-35 - 9-61 - 6-36 - 7.02 t t Total of District 500 | 23,088 12,838 12,332 2,082 United Ancient Order op Druids. Star of Ashburton Lodge Bishop Brunner ! Ashburton Wanganui Brunnerton 1883 1883 1883 70 67 70 2,023 1,878 1,998 1,326 1,296 1,308 340 382 177 357 200 513 5-101 2-97J 7-33J 31-92 30-12 31-61 1-45 1-45 1-45 4-86 5-72 2-53 5-12 2-85 3-22 t t t Independent Order op Reohabites. Star of Hope Tent 1887 Dec. 31 ! Hokitika .. 1869 22 1,122 340 113 669 30-41 40-15 1-20 5-14 519 New Zealand Railway Employes Benefit Society .. Invercargill 1879 1888 Dec. 31 83 4,491 1,505 449 2,537 3057 43-85 1-30 5-41 Nil -25-64 * Surplus contingent on the correctness of the value assigned to the assets of the lodge. Lodge in Victoria. t Not previously valued. J This deficiency relates to the Sick Fund only, the Funeral Fund being held by the Gram




Causes assigned for Surplus. A.—Favourable sickness experience. B.—Brofits arising from secessions. C.—Favourable position at commencement of quinquennium. D.—Higher average rate of interest on investments than that assumed by Valuer. Causes assigned for Deficiency. E.—lnadequate rates of contribution. F.—lnadequate rates of contribution from original members. G.—Misapplication of benefit funds. H. —Unfavourable position at commencement of quinquennium. J.—Negligence in regard to investment of funds. X. —Disproportionate liability to District Funeral Fund under the " Equal Levy " system. L. —Violation of rules. M. —Unfavourable sickness experience.

APPENDIX Vll.—Registered Trade-unions as at the 31st December, 1889. Reg. No. 1. Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society. 2. Dunedin Operative Bootmakers' Union. 3. Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australasia. 4. Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 6. Auckland Operative Bootmakers' Society. 7. Operative Bakers' Association of Dunedin. 8. Grey Valley Coal Miners' Association. 9. New Zealand Federated Bootmakers' Union. 10. Southland Fishermen's, Oystermen's, and Lumpers' Union. 11. Oamaru Operative Bakers' Association. 12. Grey District Trades and Labour Union.

APPENDIX VIII.—Statistics of Trade-unions.

3—H. 2.

Eatio to Lii abilities, per £. -, of Name of Society and Branch. Causes of Surplus or Deficiency, Present Value of Future Contributions to Benefit Funds. Accumulated Benefit Funds. Total Assets. Surplus. Deficiency. M.U.I.O.O.F. Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross Waimea Greymouth „ Albert „ s. d. 6 7 5 1 5 7 6 1 7 11 s. d. 11 6 18 9 5 10 12 3 5 3 s. d. 18 1 23 10 11 5 18 4 13 2 s. d. 3 10 s. d. 1 11 8 7 1 8 6 10 F, G, H. A, C. E, H,M. G. E,H,J,K,M, Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose and Thistle Lodge St. George „ Winton „ United Gore Lumsden Awarua Oreti 9 6 10 4 13 7 13 7 14 1 13 7 14 2 15 0 10 11 9 0 4 9 4 3 3 2 0 8 25 0 21 3 23 1 18 4 18 4 16 9 14 10 5 0* 1 3 3 1* 1 8 1 8 3 3 5 2 A, B, C, D. A, B, D. * E, G, H. E, G, H, K. E, K. E, M. U.A.O.D. Star of Ashburton Lodge Bishop Brunner „ 13 1 13 10 13 1 3 5 4 1 1 9 16 6 17 11 14 10 3 6 2 1 5 2 E. E. E. I.O.R. Star of Hope Tent.. .. ... 6 1 2 0 8 1 11 11 E, H. New Zealand R.E.B.S. .. 0 9 2 0 8 9 11 3 E, G, H. ■> Surplus contingent on the correctness of the value .ssigned to the assets of the lodge.

g u -H ,-. 7C-7 ■as ccon --7 Name of Society. Place of Establishment. i *-< _ ' O WO . „<w OPH rH^SrH^CiiO Termination of '$*'%% _ ■&§ i Financial Year. g g tS £%mfi 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 .0 Operative Bootmakers' Society Operative Bootmakers' Society Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union Federated Seamen's Union of New Zealand Operative Bootmakers' Society Operative Bootmakers' Society Operative Bakers' Association Grey Valley Coal Miners' Association New Zealand Federated Bootmakers' Union Southland Fishermen's, Oystermen's, and Lumpers' Union Operative Bakers' Association Grey District Trades and Labour Union Christchurch.. Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Wellington Auckland Dunedin Taylorville Dunedin 1884 1884 1885 1885 1880 1886 1887 1887 1888 20th Nov., 1889 20th Nov., 1889 31st Mar., 1890 31st Jan., 1890 21st Feb., 1890 31st Dec, 1889 31st Dec, 1889 31st Dec, 1889 14th Jan., 1890 180 225 400* 1,172 101 182 77 300 742 £ 107 393 1,584 2,602 140 161 242 163 204 1 2 Blufi Oamaru Greymouth .. 1889 1889 1889 31st Dec, 1889 31st Dec, 1889 f 83 18 t 29 52 f * Approximate. t No information.


APPENDIX IX. Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as at the 31st December, 1889, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.


Name. Membe'rs. TotaI Worth - Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, &c. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne National „ Howick Whangarei „ Franklin „ Mercury Bay „ Warkworth Pioneer „ Central Body 358 225 87 £ 17,397 3,447 3,018 £ 11,817 3,239 2,968 £ 5,580 208 50 134 53 33 18 63 39 64 3,940 393 1,213 511 704 322 212 3,790 368 1,185 497 601 308 212 150 25 28 14 103 14 27 72 6,505 72 6,472 33 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meeanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings Victoria „ Tavistock ,, Woodville „ Ruahine „ Kaikora North „ Forest Home Friendship Danevirke Central Body 210 43 190 26 130 13 26 41 28 20 24 4,001 555 2,680 603 1,016 431 327 394 115 80 102 3,999 524 2,525 585 1,002 325 317 386 112 74 84 2 31 155 18 14 106 10 8 3 6 18 25 41 217 27 136 14 I 81 New Plymouth District —, Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara Union „ Manaia Central Body 169 73 79 2,257 1,771 390 2,223 1,755 389 34 10 1 160 120 40 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 5,328 3,566 149 1,762 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ Kainapoura Rose of Sharon St. George Unity Combination „ Heart of Oak Masterton Greytown Petone „ Eketahuna „ Central Body 285 219 148 19 47 33 40 24 48 36 41 78 21 9,198 0,512 2,832 301 638 380 596 384 490 348 644 439 57 103 8,983 6,029 2,403 297 618 292 580 193 445 290 515 355 52 41 215 483 429 4 20 88 10 191 45 58 129 83 5 62 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ Central Body 113 36 3,756 1,230 720 3,721 1,225 2 35 5 719 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Central Body 224 111 238 154 66 3,995 1,220 5,476 2,206 828 3,107 3,873 1,182 5,220 2,066 793 1,003 122 38 256 140 35 2,104 Motueka District — Motueka Lodge Good Intention „ Takaka South Star Central Body .. 125 64 76 30 3,080 1,388 825 98 1,191 2,973 1,385 824 69 19 107 3 1 29 1,172



APPENDIX IX.— continued.

Name. No. of. T t . Worth _ Sick and Members. Iotftl W0ltn - Funeral Fund. Management Fund, &c. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued, Torth Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Reefton „ Waimangaroa „ Central Body 85 56 £ 2,308 2,952 £ 2,308 2,624 £ "328 42 40 19 36 19 4 lokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert Central Body .. 105 37 43 75 45 3,849 2,098 792 3,104 006 25 3,849 2,098 762 3,060 591 11 30 44 15 14 sliley District— Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum Leithfield Cust Woodend Oxford Ohoka Amberley Waikari Central Body 197 59 42 52 46 73 53 51 22 3,652 1.162 713 540 471 493 450 050 280 246 2,652 1,124 699 540 467 479 450 038 235 214 1,000 38 14 4 14 12 45 32 Jorth Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent Perseverance „ Malvern „ Phillipstown Leeston „ Papanui Addington „ Coleridge Heart of Oak Riccarton „ Jubilee Central Body 348 94 117 101 148 19 24 47 27 113 31 10,297 1,679 1,743 2,393 1,651 194 46 469 232 417 187 7,090 1,558 1,743 2,342 1,584 194 42 457 232 417 162 3,207 121 51 67 4 12 25 23 41 6 119 119 647 101 64 450 18 55 197 lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent Timaru Heart of Friendship „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart Perseverance Victoria Widow and Orphan Fund Central Body 301 67 214 25 42 11 5,902 1,933 3,521 577 483 237 60 5,732 1,923 2,429 577 465 225 57 170 11 1,092 18 12 3 .shburton District — Ashburton Lodge Waterton South Rakaia Pioneer „ Tinwald Central Body .. 123 27 39 25 1,348 291 532 373 1,310 288 389 340 38 3 143 33 Hago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin Dalton Prince of Wales Albion Oamaru Tuapeka Pioneer Waitahuna Prince Alfred Waipori Bluespur Naseby Alexandra Roxburgh Tapanui Lake Wakatipu Palmerston Cromwell Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ 456 195 77 83 68 58 72 46 58 22 48 35 31 34 67 37 33 41 55 25 14,826 7,033 1,417 1,887 2,023 2,847 1,952 1,450 1,694 888 1,032 769 1,064 845 988 1,624 607 2,049 1,805 478 13,026 6,825 1,262 1,866 1,955 2,274 1,848 1,450 1,603 863 941 712 1,016 822 940 1,613 600 2,039 1,787 419 1,800 208 155 21 68 573 104 91 25 91 57 48 23 48 11 7 10 18 59


APPENDIX IX.— continued.


Name. No. of Tnt ., v,-,,,.,,, Sick and Management Members. lotal Woith. Funeral Fund. Fund, &c. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Otago District —continued. Outram Lodge Mosgiel „ Caversham „ Valley Central Body 53 97 69 41 £ 1,119 1,140 405 804 041 £ 1,088 1,114 376 , 295 77 £ 31 26 29 9 564 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge .. St. (leorge „ Winton United Gore Lumsden Awarua „ .. Oreti Central Body 172 142 32 51 52 38 16 6,969 3,704 701 493 575 264 45 315 6,889 3,733 618 435 560 205 30 181 80 30 113 58 15 59 15 134 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury Alexandrovna „ Unity Victoria Linden Southern Cross Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland Washington Prebbleton Alma Wallace Ridgely Kawakawa „ Gladstone Orient Mataura Kaeo Hawke's Bay Spreydon Hope of Hastings Excelsior Otaki Popotunoa „ Hope of Maheno Central Body .. 86 04 74 27 43 98 92 99 18 9 19 28 11 1,425 1,113 670 001 218 1,620 974 974 284 357 218 149 225 1,329 1,069 0G9 2.30 218 1,415 865 847 234 246 183 99 205 90 44 1 104 205 109 127 50 111 35 50 20 12 26 15 363 245 00 217 200 38 146 45 22 16 4 4 86 27 00, 10 4,705 22 10 3,199 41 L505 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District — Pioneer Lodge United Brothers Central Body 171 99 458 650 1,186 408 630 1,147 50 20 39 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District — Aorangi Lodge Southern Star „ Thorndon „ .. ... Central Body 52 24 24 123 16 51 115 104 12 39 73 19 4 12 42 A.O.F. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood Northern Wairoa Pride of Newmarket .. „ Nil Dcspovandiun „ Royal Oak „ Star of the South „ Star of Helensville „ Victoria „ Queen of the North Excelsior „ Kihikihi Central Body 108 89 100 03 24 01 57 97 51 46 36 47 23 18 24 3,009 1,524 516 ' 404 263 439 299 227 100 129 821 236 49 00 65 4,060 3,538 1,454 430 387 246 332 291 227 150 96 321 190 26 53 44 3,469 71 70 86 77 17 107 8 34 33 46 23 12 21 591 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde 100 2,700 2,434 2GG



APPENDIX IX.— continued.

Name. No. of > Members. cr»t-i .v„,.n. Sick and Management Total Worth. Funera l Fund. Fund, etc. A.O.F. — continued. Hawke's Bay District —continued. Court Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood .. „ Ruahine Heretaunga Little John .. „ Waitangi Rising Sun „ Ormond „ Redclyffe Turnagain Central Body : 105 100 43 48 29 30 45 105 100 43 48 29 30 £ 1,593 785 245 205 136 119 £ 1,523 744 243 189 132 114 £ 70 41 2 16 4 5 45 202 104 98 .1 959 742 217 Taranaki District — Court Taranaki Waireka Patea Inglewood Forest Raleigh „ Egmont Central Body " 08 130 50 S5 26 36 1,212 1,751 259 454 137 256 102 1,212 1,751 153 454 137 238 61 106 "l8 101 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey Robin Hood .. „ Little John Roderick Dhu „ Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer Egmont Loyal Halcombe Woodville Pohangina Epuni „ Pahiatua „ Kopuaranga .. „ Hunterville Sir William Jervois .. Central Body ■■ .. " j 217 228 130 120 304 125 62 115 64 107 64 64 73 56 14 12 69 32 119 11 28 50 7,280 2,274 1,409 1,048 2,977 3,347 1,075 784 978 1,093 528 663 1,099 500 251 75 140 97 252 5,406 2,088 1,356 1,026 2,673 2,548 1,070 705 930 595 518 643 1,077 425 219 57 126 81 198 1,874 186 53 22 304 799 5 19 48 498 10 20 22 75 32 18 14 16 54 83 23 89 3,287 55 15 41 3,146 28 8 48 141 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood .. „ Perseverance Pride of the Forest „ Concord „ Unity „ Charleston Sherwood Forest Aorere Royal Oak Inangahua Central Body 210 59 32 97 41 27 33 51 31 31 3,734 227 806 536 655 355 763 1,140 439 194 605 3,588 227 691 487 522 355 752 1,096 439 182 476 146 115 49 133 11 44 12 128 United Westland District — Court Pride of the West 25 20 391 385 Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest .. Woodford „ Pride of Richmond Papanui Ashburton „ Star of Dunsandel District Widow and Orphan Fund Central Body 420 64 47 72 91 38 43 40 13 420 64 47 72 91 38 43 40 13 6,169 1,755 507 633 793 365 72 34 35 1,737 3,070 5,532 1,381 422 604 702 362 62 22 20 1,737 2,991 637 374 85 29 91 3 10 12 15 79 South Canterbury District — Court Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride „ Progress Central Body 287 70 287 76 5,188 553 4,941 382 247 171


APPENDIX IX.— continued.


Name. No. of Members. Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Sec. A.O.F.— continued. United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood .. „ Pride of the Leith Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan .. „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra Havelock „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrews Excelsior „ Little John Central Body .. i 206 I 29 166 | 106 199 104 43 130 48 26 24 28 150 118 49 32 £ 6,270 522 3,199 1,154 1,509 930 351 745 653 433 433 305 1,384 741 379 45 4,168 £ 6,166 433 2,911 956 1,359 773 332 040 581 345 315 208 1.326 635 375 28 3,245 £ 104 89 288 198 150 157 19 99 72 88 118 37 58 100 4 17 913 Court not in any District — Court Coromandel 31 828 828 810 12 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Star of Canterbury 55 21 00 21 637 115 637 115 571 104 66 U U.A.O.D. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe „ Excelsior ... Oak of Sydenham Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ Bud of Hope Star of New Zealand Star of Anglesea ,, Enterprise Ivanhoe „ <■• Perseverance Hope of Amberley „ Anchor „ Star of the West Royal Oak „ Acorn Ohoka „ Timaru Trafalgar „ Auckland „ Albion „ Star of Ashburton Myrtle „ Linden Totara „ Bishop All Nations » West Harbour Brunner Endeavour Blenheim Mistletoe „ Turanganui „ Good Intent Pacific Poneke Ponsonby Waiohine „ Rose of Palmerston „ 219 89 91 215 156 27 73 86 94 70 117 111 40 25 67 69 45 97 38 34 32 79 19 47 70 65 33 69 69 52 101 44 58 41 29 63 1,974 714 683 1,487 1,127 225 577 728 452 563 540 797 107 116 442 219 276 480 201 189 268 424 111 197 405 398 234 235 381 201 362 221 284 98 102 130 1,974 714 683 1,487 1,127 225 577 728 452 563 540 797 107 116 442 219 276 480 201 1,881 654 651 1,153 996 199 527 722 346 498 470 729 104 116 409 178 213 382 188 93 60 32 334 131 26 50 6 106 65 70 68 3 33 41 63 98 13 189 268 424 189 208 398 60 26 111 197 85 155 26 42 405 398 234 235 381 201 362 221 284 98 102 349 383 206 222 363 157 330 192 254 53 64 56 15 28 13 18 44 32 29 30 45 38 130 78 52 L.U.F.B.S. Reliance Lodge Central Body '.'. 34 302 50 302 50 170 132 50 I.O.R. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star Northern Wairoa Hope of Mahurangi „ Gordon „ Devonport Whangaroa Central Body .. 170 81 38 33 11 17 27 11 22 1,461 1,514 620 128 94 72 124 37 56 1,401 1,514 620 128 94 72 124 37 56 1,417 1,411 612 111 87 60 112 37 48 44 103 8 17 7 12 12 8


APPENDIX IX.— continued.


Name. No. of Members. Total Worth. | Fu^, a^ n d. Management Fund, &c. I.O.R. — continued. New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent.. Hope of Napier „ .. Bon Accord „ .. Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ .. Perseverance „ .. Haste to the Rescue „ .. Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ .. Bud of Promise „ .. Rose of Sharon ., .. Excelsior (Wellington) „ .. Unity (New Plymouth) „ .. Hope of Dunedin „ .. Pride of Christchurch „ .. Murihiku Scandia's Hope „ .. Hope of Ormondville , .. Hope of Woodville „ .. Masterton „ .. Hope of Carterton „ .. Hawera „ .. Nil Desperandum „ .. Star of Wakefield , .. Hope of Johnsonville „ .. Progress „ .. Olive Branch „ .. Good Intent „ .. Unity (Marton) „ .. Rescue „ .. Central Body •■ 99 18 16 35 16 9 101 38 90 60 73 23 23 6 49 11 19 10 18 3 £ 2,952 490 651 374 223 197 968 400 662 463 1,018 167 170 62 226 115 264 25 35 2,753 £ 2,940 463 544 371 216 195 767 399 627 463 1,018 118 176 52 199 104 108 25 29 2,067 £ 12 33 107 3 7 2 201 1 35 49 10 27 11 146 6 686 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 23 23 241 241 133 133 108 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division .. Perseverance Progress Resolution Try Again Ray of Hope Excelsior Elim Helpmate Onward „ Advance Sunbeam Hope of Sydenham Central Body "' i 208 03 58 24 31 38 45 39 18 1,498 758 392 106 2 58 2 15 | 21 1,002 1,425 745 304 81 10 15 945 70 18 88 2fi 2 68 2 5 6 57 i — H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District — Greymouth Branch Charleston Grahamstown „ Hokitika Dunedin . Auckland „ Christchurch Onehunga Wellington Invercargill „ Blenheim „ New Plymouth „ Waipawa „ Leeston „ Lincoln „ Timaru „ Hastings Rangiora „ Masterton „ Central Body 23 23 85 174 70 15 80 73 24 42 33 14 58 44 168 192 674 2,284 576 110 614 619 154 292 189 149 168 140 1,987 166 190 598 1,695 541 95 242 499 106 236 132 101 89 113 1,952 2 2 76 589 35 15 372 120 48 56 57 48 79 27 35 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ Excelsior Wickliffe John Knox Alexandra „ Triumph Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings „ Star of Oamaru Central Body 136 41 58 48 44 68 67 16 73 136 41 58 48 44 68 67 1,316 71 123 314 386 262 267 75 169 2,032 1,316 71 123 314 386 262 267 1,203 51 85 297 375 250 222 63 118 1,877 1,203 51 85 297 375 250 222 113 20 38 17 11 12 45 16 73 75 169 2,032 63 118 1,877 12 51 155 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. New Zealand R.E.B.S. 163 80 1 163 80 1,934 490 1,934 490 1,908 422 1,908 422 20 08




PAGE. Table I. —Membership and Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 ,; II. —Numerical Progress, Mortality and Sickness .. .. .. 32 „ lll.—Age and Conjugal Condition of Members .. .. .. .. 34 IV. —Sick and Funeral Funds .. .. .. .. .. 35 V.—Medical and Management Expenses Fund .. .. .. .. 36 , VI. —Disposition of Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 Vll.—lnvestments at Interest. . .. .. .. .. .. ..38


TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as at the 31st December, 1888, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

4—H. ±


NAME oi- Sociktv ami Ui.axch. E statement. lii 'lit i** 9 lis 'i' ».i w ..n. sick aud total Worth. Funera]Fun a. I I Management Fund, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F. A uckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Auckland .. Good Intent Parnell „ Parnell Charles Bruce „ \ Thames Waikato „ „ Duke of Cambridge „ Cambridge .. Gisborno „ Gisborne National „ Coromandel Howick „ Howick Franklin „ Otahuhu Warkworth Pioneer „ Warkworth .. Central Body .. .. Auckland .. 1844 077 1850 238 1859 89 1805 52 100,0 138 1007 01 1874 20 1870 17 1S70 00 1SS1 (iO 1884 24 .. !_ s. d. E s. d. 17,512 18 2 11,002 I I 7 4,277 17 0 0,024 2 2 2,848 8 1 2,708 10 I 1,858 2 0 i 1,704 10 3 3,742 15 3 3,742 15 3 310 7 1 310 7 I 1,104 17 0 1,104 17 0 470 17 10 100 3 _ 075 11 2 074 18 0 179 14 1 170 14 I 04 0 11 01 17 10 0,081 0 0 0,055 11 10 0 s. d. 5.010 3 7 1,253 15 1 74 12 0 93 11 9 15 14 0 100 10 2 2'l2 1 25 14 8 0 s. d. 5.010 8 7 1,253 15 1 74 12 0 93 11 9 £ + 7-10 -11-65 + 5-42 + 13-36 + 1-70 - 4-60 + 10-03 + 2-67 - 5-28 - 6-98 7-73 15 14 0 100 10 2 2'l2 1 25 14 8 Total 1,140 39,122 7 10 31,945 8 0 7,170 19 10 + 8-44 ooo - 0-48 + 2-31 2-83 + 1-09 - 315 + 0-75 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge. .. Napier Meeance „ .. .. Taradale Abbotsford „ .. .. Waipawa .. Clivo „ .. • • West Clive .. Hastings „ .. .. Hastings .. Victoria „ .. .. Porangahau Tavistock „ .. .. Waipukurau Woodville „ .. .. Woodville .. Kuahine .... .. Hampden .. Kaikora North „ .. .. Kaikora N. .. Forest Home „ .. .. Ormondville Central Body .. .. Napier 1800 1871 1873 1876 1878 1S7S 1879 18S0 1800 1880 L887 101 38 .195 20 111 13 20 17 20 20 20 0.072 1 11 040 10 11 2. 170 10 0 534 oil 021 7 9 0,11 0 0 00.') 10 3 000 7 0 92 7 0 47 15 11 78 0 7 200 S 7 3,665 5 9 510 12 7 2.020 10 0 020 (1 0 S10 7 8 01! 0 0 310 10, 0 0.20 17 10 00 1 4 io io o 04 15 7 100 18 9 0 10 2 0,4 18 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 25 0 0 34 9 11 9 5 8 2 0 11 13 10 0 79 9 10 Total 722 0,001 0 1 0,100 11 g 307 14 4 -12-67 + 3-24 - 0-02 - 8-98 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge .. .. N.Plymouth Excelsior Waitara „ .. .. Waitara Union „ .. .. I fawera Manaia „ .. .. Manaia Central Body .. .. N. Plymouth 1857 1000 1870 1881 1887 152 00 00 01 35 2,041 7 0 1,001 5 8 350 10 10 000 11 4 51 3 9 131 0 7 2.000 2 0 1,040 S 11 0,00 10 7 OOO 7 7 51 0 0 101 17 5 41 5 2 20 16 9 0 0 3 10 3 9 29 3 2 Total 399 1.000 5 7 4,448 16 6 101 9 1 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge .. .. Wanganui .. 1858 - 4-73 102 5,031 2 I 3,321 16 2 1,709 6 2 Wellington District Britannia Lodge .. Wellington.. Antipodean Rose of the Val ley „ .. Lower Hutt Rose of Sharon „ .. Upper Hutt St. George „ .. Pahautanui Unity „ .. Featherston Combination „ .. Johnsonville Heart of Oak „ .. Carterton .. Masterton „ .. Masterton .. Greytown „ .. Greytown .. Petone „ .. Petone Eketahuna „ .. Eketahuna.. Central Body .. .. Wellington .. L848 1847 10-10 1857 1807 1872 1870 1877 1877 1879 1882 1887 284 211 143 49 35 48 23 45 45 39 77 84 8,945 11 8 6,369 2 11 2,836 2 1 615 7 8 351 10 0 586 1 11 372 7 10 447 3 7 327 18 0 599 12 1 288 12 9 44 18 6 102 14 2 8,739 9 9 5,894 17 0 2,384 4 8 597 18 0 263 11 7 585 19 1 160 10 9 402 15 4 280 19 4 477 5 3 285 14 0 30 8 2 2 5 8 200 1 11 474 5 11 451 17 5 17 9 8 87 18 5 0 2 10 211 11 1 44 8 3 46 18 8 122 6 10 2 18 9 5 10 4 100 8 6 + 6-45 + 6-07 -10-08 - 0-85 -12-06 - 1-75 - 4-22 -10-31 -10-56 - 1-89 -13-97 Total 1,030 21,887 3 2 20,115 4 7 1,771 18 7 + 2-02 - 106 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge .. .. Blenheim .. Rcnwick „ .. .. lienwick Central Body .. .. Blenheim .. 1800 1807 112 37 3,549 10 8 1,121 2 10 000 4 1 3,521 7 3 1,116 2 8 3 9 3 28 3 5 5 0 2 002 14 10 Total MO 5,336 17 7 4,640 19 2 695 18 5 - 7-58 - 5-94 + 1-02 + 0-90 - 5-05 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge .. Nelson Travellers' Rest „ .. Richmond .. Howard „ .. Nelson Mansion of Peace „ .. Wakefield .. General Cameron „ .. Brightwatcr Central Body .. .. Nelson 1842 1047 1847 1859 1865 200 113 20S 154 71 3,789 8 8 1.200 8 2 0,100 17 1 2.O10 7 0 700 10 8 2,863 I 9 3,070 15 0 1,183 10 11 4,908 13 0 1,879 15 10 730 13 3 879 0 11 118 12 9 22 17 3 228 4 1 135 11 2 39 0 0 1,983 17 10 Total 812 15,840 18 0 10.012 15 5 2,528 3 1 Inclusive of the !■' ncriil 1-' uid oi the Central J'odv,




Nam,: at s,„ iktv am, Bbasch. B^ftShm^t. ci - _i 5" g r"- cfi *m S __ 0 02 11 s Total Worth 32 - __? _ Sick and Mttl IS' ent Funeral Fund. Q £<_%. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Ins! Valuation. _| I M.UXO.O.F.— continued. Motueka District — Motueka Lodge .. Motueka Good Intention „ .. Riwaka Takaka „ •. Takaka South Star „ .. Dovedale Central Body .. .. Motueka 1S0O 1860 1863 1880 £ s. d. 120 2,989 18 9 63 1,376 15 7 72 802 18 3 28 88 18 0 1,355 19 7 - s. d. t s. d. 2,705 18 0 224 0 0 1,224 0 7 152 15 0 774 0 10 28 17 5 04 19 3 23 18 9 49 12 5 1,300 7 2 4,878 11 10 1,735 18 4 £ - 002 - 7-84 - 4-69 - 9-77 Total I 283 0,614 10 2 1,878 11 10 1,735 18 4 I North Westland District — Westport Lodge .. .. Westport Charleston „ .. .. Charleston .. Reefton „ .. ■. Kecfton Waimaugaroa „ .. .. Denniston .. Central Body .. .. Reefton 1867 1807 1872 1880 85 53 80 37 2,105 3 10 2,510 10 1 2.131 9 10 04 13 3 32 17 0 2.117 18 0 47 5 10 2,475 14 5 40 15 8 2,111 2 0 20 7 10 28 10 3 6 0 0 2 17 0 30 0 0 0.730 4 8 144 0 4 2.117 18 0 2,475 14 5 2,111 2 0 28 10 3 2 17 0 47 5 10 40 15 8 20 7 10 0 0 0 30 0 0 + 8-05 + 17-00 + 7-11 - 1-89 Total 255 0,880 14 0 0,730 4 8 144 9 4 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodgo .. .. Hokitika Ross „ .. .. Ross Waimea „ .. • ■ Stafford Greymouth „ .. •• Greymouth.. Albert „ .. • • Kumara Central Body .. .. Hokitika 1800 1S07 L867 1807 1870 116 3,809 2 0 30 2,241 10 0 to 878 13 8 00 3,025 15 4 40 636 14 1 52 12 1 o,(do i a .144 y 4 _ , 0,800 2 0 2,190 0 7 51 0 11 832 13 5 ! 41 0 3 2.000 17 1 64 18 3 619 0 0 17 7 7 02 12 1 10.465 0 8' 174 7 0 0,800 2 I) 2,190 9 7 832 18 5 2,900 17 1 619 0 0 52 12 1 51 0 11 41 0 3 64 18 3 17 7 7 - 5-48 + 12-14 - 25-58 - 4-68 -17-76 Total 331 10,039 7 8 10,465 0 8 174 7 0 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge .. Kungiora Nil Desperandum „ .. East Oxford Leithfield _ •• Leithfield .. Cust „ .. Cust Woodend „ • • Woodend .. Oxford „ ■ • West Oxford Ohoka „ ■ • Ohoka Amberley „ .. Amberley .. Waikari „ .. Waikari Central Body .. .. Rangiora 1800 1868 1873 1874 1874 1870 1870 1870 1880 ISO 3,867 0 0 oo 1,000 7 2 30 0,08 4 8 17 512 13 10 45 445 9 5 08 410 14 0 45 398 19 7 49 000 14 0 20 228 14 0 270 8 0 1U.400 U « 1(4 ( U 0.007 0 0 1,020 15 10 48 11 4 600 113 7 13 5 487 13 10 25 0 0 445 9 5 405 14 0 7 19 0 398 19 7 592 9 10 7 4 2 184 11 10 | 44 2 5 173 0 1 97 7 11 7.060 12 2 ! 237 18 9 3,357 0 0 1,020 15 10 000 11 0, 487 13 10 445 9 5 405 14 0 398 19 7 592 9 10 184 11 10 173 0 1 48 11 4 7 13 5 25 0 0 7 19 0 + 8-82 + 8-55 + 11-71 + 5-33 + 2-77 - 0-11 + 2-76 + 2-80 + 2-59 7 4 2 44 2 5 97 7 11 Total 568 7,904 10 11 7,060 12 2 7,660 12 2 ! 237 18 9 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge .. Christchurch Kaiapoi „ • ■ Kaiapoi Volunteer ., .. Sydenham .. Benevolent „ .. Christchurch Perseverance „ ■ • Woolston Malvern „ ■■ Waddington Phillipstown „ .. Linwood Leeston „ .. Leeston Papanui „ .. Papanui Addington „ .. Addington .. Coleridge „ .. Glentunnel .. Heart of Oak „ .. Kaikoura .. Riccarton „ .. Tp. Riccarton Jubilee ., Prebbleton .. Central Body .. .. Christchurch ISOO 1858 1800 1800 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1888 000 0,919 3 2 85 1.018 17 2 104 1,729 4 10 83 , 2,239 0 5 150 1,634 14 6 23 164 13 7 27 34 14 0 40 105 19 2 28 185 6 7 64 343 13 5 27 179 7 10 41 163 9 1 24 78 9 7 32 87 4 5 10 590 18 2 (,ouo 1-; _i < jo( i» » 0.050 0 0 0.201 0 2 1,514 1 9 ' 104 10 5 1.000 9 2 20 10 S 2,221 0 10 17 19 7 1,540 10 0 85 3 9 104 13 7 28 11 4 : 0 2 8 401 12 1 4 7 1 185 0 7 343 13 5 ■ 155 19 5 20 8 5 117 16 10 ; 45 12 3 64 14 4 13 15 3 MU ft K IO IC CI 0.050 0 0 0.201 0 2 1,514 1 9 ' 104 10 5 1.000 0 2 20 10 S 2,221 0 10 17 19 7 1,540 10 9 85 3 9 104 13 7 28 11 4 : 0 2 8 401 12 1 4 7 1 185 6 7 343 13 5 . 155 19 5 20 8 5 117 16 10 ; 45 12 3 64 14 4 13 15 3 38 8 5 48 16 0 413 5 8 177 12 6 + 9-01 + 3-21 + 5-69 + 9-58 - 1-21 - 1-70 - 8-79 - 2-17 - 0-85 - 2-32 - 1-67 - 3-55 - 3-92 38 8 5 48 16 0 413 5 8 177 12 6 15.568 7 2 3.821 8 '.) Total .. .. | 1,080 19,374 15 11 15,668 7 2 3.821 8 9 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge .. j Lyttelton .. Good Intent ., .. Akaroa Timaru „ .. Timaru Hand of Friendship „ .. Okain's Bay Hand and Heart „ .. Pigeon Bay.. Perseverance , .. Barry's Bay Victoria Widow and Orphan , Lyttelton .. Fund Central Body 1850 1860 1864 1875 1876 1881 1887 287 5,497 1 7 80 1,800 7 7 214 3,335 1 S 25 533 18 3 38 472 10 4 14 220 19 4 35 7 0 io,ooo i -2 ;-i,B-_;i s 'J i 5,110 17 11 377 3 8 1,802 1 11 4 5 8 2.270 15 5 1,058 0 3 000 10 8 0 7 7 158 112 14 5 2 220 19 4 Rfl c i c i 1 i r ri 5,110 17 11 377 3 8 1.802 1 11 4 5 8 2.270 15 5 1,058 6 3 000 10 8 0 7 7 158 112 14 5 2 220 19 4 88 9 0 1 17 3 + 6-58 + 10-36 - 1-34 + 6-24 + 5-32 - 3-69 00 0 0 1 17 3 1 06 8 10 2 10 04 7 5 10,453 7 7 1,520 13 0 2 10 64 7 5 Total 659 11,974 0 7 10,453 7 7 1,520 13 0 Ashburton District — Ashhurto". Lodge .. .. Ashburton .. Watcrton « .. . • • • Waterton .. I South Bakaia „ .. . • South Rakaia Pioneer „ .. .. Springbum .. Tinwald „ .. Tinwald Central Body 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 124 30 39 30 23 1.222 19 10 250 9 7 502 17 0 007 2 2 204 1 11 116 11 2 1,197 17 7 25 2 3 24 1 I () 10 5 7 020 12 0 182 5 6 014 12 0 22 9 5 190 111 7 7 10 7ft (1 (I tto '. ., 1,197 17 7 241 I 0 020 12 0 81 I 12 0 190 1 I 1 78 0 0 25 2 3 15 5 7 102 5 0 22 9 5 7 7 10 38 5 2 - 00:1 + 010 1-45 - 089 - 2-18 78 0 0 38 5 2 Total 219 2.010 2 2 2,319 6 5 290 15 9 ___ _____ ; ■ Inclusive ol the lui leral 10 md of the Central liody.




NAM. OP BOCIKTT ASD BBAXCH. Hi _ . l i l Nun: op S',c m:ty ami Branch. 0.9 4l'lace of _:__ r Establishment. 5 5 5 r- 7 " IJg Tolal Worth. .7; » a, L___J 1 Sick and Funeral Fund. Surplus Management 1,1- Deficiency Fund. per Member Qoods, Sec. at last Valuation.' 1 i M.U-I.O.O.F.— continued. Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge .. Dunedin .. 1848 Dunedin .. 1802 Dalton „ .. Balclutha .. 1804 Prince of Wales „ .. PortChalmors 1804 Albion ., .. Dunedin .. 1804 Oamaru „ .. I Oamaru .. 1804 j Tuapeka Pioneer „ .. I Lawrence .. 1805 Waitahuna „ .. Waitahuna .. 1800 Prince Alfred „ .. Waikouaiti .. 1866 Waipori „ .. Waipori .. 1867 Bluespur „ .. Bluespur .. 1867 Naseby „ .. Naseby .. 1868 Alexandra „ .. Pt. Molvncux 180,0 Roxburgh „ .. Roxburgh .. I860 Tapanui „ .. Tapanui .. 1869 l.nkc Wakatipu „ .. Queenstown 1869 Palmerston „ .. Palmerston S. 1S70 Cromwell „ .. Cromwell .. 1870 Mount Wendon „ .. Waikaia .. 1871 Band of Friendship „ .. Kakanui .. 1872 Outran. „ .. Out ram .. 1875 Mosgicl „ .. Mosgiel .. 1879 Caversham , .. Caversham.. issi Valley „ .. N.F.. Valley 1888 Central Body .. .. Dunedin £ s. d. 416 : 14,205 11 9 184 i 6,727 14 11 74 , 1,215 19 1 78 1,782 7 6 78 2,002 18 4 43 2,754 19 9 75 1,805 11 1 40 1,483 15 1 48 1.056 7 2 25 852 5 10 02 0OS 10 5 05 0,00 S 0 32 1.008 1(1 0 86 700 0 11 00 869 10 4 40 1.504 3 0 81 042 12 S 10 1,852 5 4 00 1,775 13 11 12 475 15 0 01 1.028 10 8 98 087 11 10 02 380 0 8 38 240 18 9 051 15 8 £ s. d. 12,272 13 10 6,491 15 5 I 1,103 11 2 1,774 10 6 1,005 3 9 2,158 5 9 1,099 13 6 1,481 17 7 1,581 1G 4 i 837 4 5 885 3 9 : 030 7 5 ■ 020 1 S 700 (I 11 sio 0 3 I. 100 3 2 000 Hi s 1.837 5 4 1.700 10 11 410 0 0 089 15 2 982 11 10 310 19 1 , 229 18 9 I 173 19 11 £ s. d. _. 1,932 17 11 + 4-14 235 19 6 + 9-12 112 7 11 - 7-29 7 17 0 ' - 3-26 67 14 7 - 5-15 596 14 0 + 3-62 105 17 7 -1213 1 17 6 - 8-12 74 10 10 + 2-64 15 1 5 - 2-58 88 11 8 13-09 60 1 1 -1108 79 8 7 - 1-88 -11-98 50 10 1 - 12-89 11 0 7 - 1-08 0 2 0 - 6-29 10 0 0 - 001 15 0 0 - 6-86 50 0 9 + 2-15 39 1 0 - 3-87 5 0 0 - 682 19 1 7 - 7-70 11 0 0 - 7-21 477 15 9 Total .. .. .. .. 1 1 .708 1,708 48,189 10 11 48,189 16 11 44,109 10 1 4,080 0 10 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose,* Thistle Lodge Invercargill.. 1860 St. George „ „ 1808 Winton „ J Winton .. 1874 United Gore „ (lore .. 1878 Lumsden „ : Lumsden .. 1882 Awarua „ Campbelltown 1883 Oreti „ Dipton .. 1885 ! Central Body .. .. Invercargill 1800 183 1808 ' 144 1874 29 1878 39 1882 58 1883 25 1885 ! 22 183 6,686 10 1 1 144 3,547 7 0 29 708 18 10 39 391 16 6 58 501 5 3 25 201 15 0 22 33 2 7 353 17 5 0,686 10 1 3,547 7 0 708 18 10 391 16 6 501 5 3 201 15 0 33 2 7 353 17 5 6,614 0 9 3,522 10 3 585 5 4 000 12 7 482 10 3 162 1 1 11 11 7 220 11 8 72 9 4 24 10 9 1 123 13 0 31 3 11 18 15 0 39 13 11 21 11 0 133 5 9 + 12.18 + 2-84 + 6-85 - 3-56 - 3-46 - 7-00 -10-48 Total 500 500 12,424 12 8 12,424 12 8 11,050 0 0 466 9 2 Total of order .. .. .. _ .. 10,043 10,043 227,932 12 1 227,932 12 1 201,110 1 8 20,822 10 5 I.O.O.F. "rand Lodge of New Zealand- - Pioneer Lodge .. Dunedin .. 1802 Leith .. 1867 Alfred „ .. Oamaru .. 1869 Star of Canterbury „ .. Timaru .. 1800 Alexandrovna „ .. Temuka .. 1874 Linden „ .. Ivaikorai .. 1S75 Southern Cross „ .. Wellington.. 1877 Pioneer of Southland,, .. Invercargill.. 1878 Star of Auckland „ .. Auckland .. 1878 Washington „ .. Sydenham .. 1878 Prebbleton „ .. Prebbleton.. 1881 Alma „ .. Wyndham .. 1882 Wallace „ .. j Riverton .. 1882 Kawakawa „ .. 'Kawakawa .. isso Gladstone „ .. Fairlie Creek 1883 Mataura „ .. Mataura .. 1888 Kaeo „ .. Kaeo .. 1884 Hawke's Bay „ .. Napier .. 1886 Spreydon „ .. Spreydon .. 1887 Central Body .. ..Dunedin ' ' 88 1,387 2 9 66 1.078 13 7 55 01S 4 0 17 841 4 0 30 480 14 I 43 154 0 11 94 1,453 0 (I 93 000 13 4 81 847 4 2 31 352 4 11 25 254 17 8 9 321 6 3 18 196 11 10 19 207 10 0 10 203 0 S 9 817 19 8 29 251 3 0 23 75 10 10 22 58 12 8 4,007 18 0 1802 88 18G7 00 1S00 55 1809 17 1874 30 1875 43 1877 94 1878 03 1878 81 1878 31 1881 25 1882 9 1SS2 18 1880 19 L888 10 1SS0 9 1 SSI 29 L886 23 1887 22 1,387 2 9 1.078 13 7 01S 4 0 841 4 0 480 14 l 154 6 11 1 ,453 0 (I 000 13 4 847 4 2 352 4 11 254 17 8 321 6 3 190 11 10 207 10 0 203 9 S 317 19 8 251 3 0 75 10 10 58 12 8 4,007 18 0 1.200 11 1(1 1.009 7 11 0,1 S I 0 201 19 2 070 15 10 104 0 11 1.203 17 11 882 16 4 715 11 5 302 4 11 204 12 I 227 4 1 171 17 5 179 4 7 128 12 6 189 2 4 100 0 11 44 0 3 24 1 1 2,528 14 7 87 10 11 00 5 8 100 4 10 50 IS 0 100 2 10 70 17 0 j 131 12 9 00 0 (l 00 5 7 94 2 2 24 14 5 28 5 11 74 17 2 128 17 4 57 10 10 31 10 j 34 11 7 1,479 3 5 • 8-68 + 4-80 + 4-15 - 100 | 0-71 - 3-87 + 6-87 + 8-58 + 3-85 + 2-45 I- 3-07 r 7-79 + 4-36 + 4-80 + 3-20 + 709 + 3-77 + 0-80 - 116 Total 702 702 702 13,461 10 0 13,461 10 0 10,052 12 0 2,808 17 0 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge .. Auckland .. 1878 United Brothers „ .. „ .. 1879 Central Body .. .. „ .... 1878 1879 182 100 182 000 8 0 106 570 4 3 1,112 19 7 000 8 9 474 7 5 570 4 3 000 4 3 1,112 19 7 1,050 0 9 05 1 4 20 0 0 50 18 10 ' - 9-44 - 9-18 Total 288 288 2,228 12 7 2,228 12 7 2.0S6 12 5 142 0 2 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District — Aorangi Lodge.. ..Wellington.. 1884 Southern Star „ .. .. „ .. 1886 Thorndon „ .. .. .. • • 1886 Central Body .. .. „ .. I .. Total 1884 1886 1880 47 70 (I 10 24 28 4 0 31 1 65 2 11 115 13 1 102 285 1 4 47 24 HI 70 0 10 28 4 6 66 2 11 115 13 1 50 7 0 5 18 0 48 5 O 72 0 0, 10 10 4 22 0 0 10 17 11 43 0 10 102 285 1 1 I 1S2 17 8 102 4 1 I Inclusive of ilic l-'im the Fu neral Fund of the Centvt icvii] l-'i and of the Central Body.




Nams or Socikty and Branch. Establishment. || | I - A.O.F. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland .. Auckland .. : 1803 „ Pride of Parnell .. Thames .. 1804 Zealandia .. .. Auckland .. 1873 Pride of Onehunga .. Onehunga .. .1875 Pride of the North .. Grahamstown 1878 Robin Hood .. .. Panmure .. 1870 Northern Wairoa .. Dargaville .. 1877 „ Pride of Newmarket .. Newmarket.. 1879 „ Nil Desperandum ..Newton .. 1880 „ Royal Oak .. .. | Tauranga .. 1880 „ Star of the South .. | Otahuhu .. 1 ss I „ Star of Helensville .. Helensville.. 1888 Victoria .. .. Devon port .. L886 „ Queen of the North .. Maungaturoto isso „ Excelsior .. .. Kamo .. 1886 „ Kihikihi .. .. Kihikihi .. 1880 Central Body .. Auckland .. 400 112 00 99 67 29 02 62 81 57 00 42 50 20 27 36 c 35 :- ' ' SSr-i Total Worth Si,1; mid s*fi lotaiwortn, ].■„„,,,„, i.- llml . ~ - _; "HP £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,4 SO 10, 4 5,285 0 4 204 7 0 3,444 12 7 3,305 6 8 79 5 11 1,468 8 9 1.307 7 7 so 1 2 504 8 9 400 8 0 71 0 9 482 0 2 410 7 8 72 1 6 207 0 10 222 9 10 15 0 0 401 H ID 809 14 2 I 121 17 8 285 6 10 ! 275 2 2 10 4 8 190 2 4 181 11 2 14 11 2 179 12 10 , 143 4 0 86 8 10 147 5 11 122 6 9 24 19 2 000 13 1 300 9 G 0 8 7 198 21 149 17 1 I 48 5 0 47 15 0 20 10 8 20 15 9 to 10 2 31 18 11 15 0 3 68 14 5 86 7 11 23 0 6 3,707 IS 7 3,141 4 10 506 13 9 Surplus Management or Deficiency Fund. per Member floods, etc. at last Valuation, £ - 4-48 + G-60 - 4-30 -10-28 11-114 - 3-00 - 9-73 - 8-28 - 8-86 - 9-44 - 8-58 1021 - 8-70 9 39 9-68 - 9-98 Total 1,229 I 17,207 4 6 15,802 .110 ' 1,405 2 8 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier .. Napier .. 1872 ,. I.ord Clyde .. .. j Wairoa .. 1S73 „ Captain Cook .. .. j Napier .. 1875 „ Sir Henry Haveloek .. Havelock .. 1875 Robin Hood .. .. Port Ahuriri 1878 Ruahine .. .. Waipukurau 1879 Heretaunga .. .. Hastings .. 1882 „ Little John .. .. Waipawa .. 1888 „ Waitangi .. .. West dive.. 1884 Rising Sun .. .. Danevirkc .. 1885 Ormond .. .. Makatoka .. 1885 „ Redolyfle .. .. Taradale .. 1886 Central Body .. Napier 202 0! 166 90 89 02 38 IS 02 85 05 00 2,482 8 5 2,111 11 0 320 12 5 800 is 11 300 is 11 1.021 I 6 1,212 10 2 108 11 4 704 14 0 668 12 2 00 2 4 200 1 0 211 11 0 48 10 9 00S 15 7 0O7 7 7 31 8 0 201 1 10 10S 5 4 2 19 0 1S2 10 0 100 13 3 10 0 0 120 0 0 120 15 3 j 2 11 3 KM 1 0 104 1 0 174 4 2 144 1 11 30 2 3 104 2 8 74 10 9 29 5 0 775 0 8 G41 17 0 133 9 8 - 0-74 - 8-43 - 7-88 - 5-88 - 7-67 - 7-97 - 917 • • Total 803 7,058 14 5 6,299 1 10 759 12 7 -17-68 - 9-25 - 1907 -10-50 -17-04 - 7-57 Tarami 1;i District — Court Taranaki .. .. N.Plymouth 1864 „ Waireka .. .. „ : 1866 „ Patea.. .. .. Patea .. 1007 Inglewood Forest .. Inglewood .. 1870 „ Raleigh .. .. Waitara .. 1883 „ Egmont .. .. Hawera .. 1884 Central Body .. N.Plymouth 05 122 44 OS OS 37 1,080 I 11 1,089 1 11 1,557 5 5 1.007 0 5 210 IN 0 00 IS 0 388 11 8 osl 7 10 100 1 11 106 1 11 220 IS i 100 17 9 IOO I 7 09 7 11 I 120 0 0 2 o, 10 210 7 93 13 S Total 001 3.733 19 7 3,494 1 (i 239 18 1 + 11-38 - 6-50 - 616 - 5-81 - 7-70 + 8-84 0-01 - 8-46 - 5-22 - 4-68 - 7-20 - 0-75 - 1-14 - 8-02 - 5-77 - 800 - 8-81 - 7-50 - 8-53 Wellington District — Court Sir Georgo Grey .. Wellington., j 1802 „ Robin Hood '.. .. „ 1SO0 Little John .. .. Marton .. : 1800 Roderick Dhu .. .. Wanganui .. 1807 Sir George Bowen .. Wellington.. 1868 „ Blenheim .. .. Blenheim .. 1809 Wairarapa .. .. Greytown .. 1870 Loyal Enterprise .. Masterton .. 1871 „ Clarendon .. Picton .. 1874 Manawatu .. .. Palmerston N. 1875 Marquis of Normanhy .. : Carterton .. 1870 „ Loyal Feilding .. Feilding .. 1870 „ William Gladstone .. Gisborne .. 1877 Pioneer .. .. Te Nui .. 1877 Egmont .. .. Opunake .. 1882 Loyal Haloomhe .. Halcombc .. 1884 , Woodville- .. .. Woodville .. 1884 Pohangir.a .. .. Ashurst .. 1885 „ Epuni .. .. Petone .. 1880 Pahiatua .. .. Pahiatua .. 1886 Kopueranga .. .. Kopueranga 1888 Central Body .. Wellington.. 205 200 122 119 001 127 01 108 00 105 59 OS 77 55 17 21 80 20 100 27 43 7,022 10 2 0,804 8 4 2,252 9 0 2,070 15 1 1.882 4 1 1 ,282 13 3 052 10 0 047 9 4 ! 2,795 7 0 2,500 9 10 3.100 15 2 2,370 5 0 1.101 0 5 1,078 3 8 704 18 0 710 11 0 00,2 12 1 894 19 0 1,142 17 8 585 19 5 4 70 0 10 100 0 5 022 4 11 604 10 7 000 5 7 010 8 11 102 10 2 I 307 S 10 231 15 3 I 209 0 1 54 10 10 84 19 10 120 4 9 IOO 10 11 82 4 0 02 12 0 187 7 7 130 14 8 53 14 0 31 14 8 01 10 7 19 8 2 3.084 2 0 2.SCO 14 S 188 10 10 175 13 11 49 10 10 5 7 5 288 17 2 700 10 2 20 2 0 15 0 0, 07 13 1 566 IS o 10 0 0 17 14 4 52 1 8 85 4 4 22 15 2 20 0 0 20 10 10 19 12 1 50 12 11 21 19 10 35 11 5 223 7 4 Total 2,057 27,850 0 10 20.100 2 10 2,717 4 0 -15-74 - 25-60 -11-50 -19-94 - 19-45 -14-0(1 2-02 10-98 -18 80 - 17-00 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood .. .. Nelson .. 1862 Perseveranco .. .. Motueka .. 1863 „ Pride of the Forest .. Wakapuaka 1864 „ Concord .. .. Greymouth.. 1867 „ Unity .. .. Havelock .. 1871 „ Charleston .. .. Charleston.. 1S71 Sherwood Forest .. Stoke .. 1872 „ Aorere .. .. Collingwood 1873 „ Royal Oak .. .. Westport .. 1875 „ Inangahua .. .. Reefton .. 1878 Central Body .. Nelson 107 44 88 102 40 27 87 45 0.2 21 0.1S2 16 9 3.001 10 7 288 8 0 233 8 0 780 10 4 007 0 0 002 0 9 100 12 11 . 008 17 8 473 18 1 000 10 8 846 16 1 ,,01 8 8 ooo 10 lo 1,024 o 2 978 10 4 000 0 0 000 0 0 102 0 7 148 10 7 555 10 0 435 5 3 150 17 2 122 10 4 00 7 10 124 19 7 19 14 7 0 0 0 10 0 111 13 7 0 120 4 9 Total 8.802 18 7 8,193 10 1 | 669 3 6 571 Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body.




Name of Society anu Branch. Place of Establishment. o|« « =_ 73 K Sill. 11= III Total Worth, Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund, Goods, Sec. Surplus or Deficiency jier Member at last Valuation.* A.O.F.— continued. United Westland District — Court Pride of the West Hokitika £ s. d. 448 14 4 £ s. d. 437 14 10 £ s. d. 10 19 0 £ 1806 29 Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest .. Woodford „ Pride of Richmond „ Papanui District Widow and Orphan Fund Central BodyChristchurch Lyttelton .. Courtenay .. Sydenham .. Kaiapoi Richmond .. Papanui Christchurch 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1881 1867 425 66 43 71 105 39 23 5,946 2 8 1,695 12 7 449 3 11 545 18 1 717 10 11 324 6 2 53 11 3 1,661 3 9 2,718 1 4 5,268 0 0 1,329 10 3 381 10 2 520 14 2 613 11 6 320 17 0 52 0 6 078 2 8 300 2 4 07 7 9 25 3 11 103 19 5 3 9 2 14 9 1,001 3 9 78 11 8 -. 7-89 - 6-85 - 014 - 3-94 - 3-72 - 310 - 6-07 + 28-21 2,689 9 8 Total 772 14,111 10 8 11,126 5 3 2,980 5 5 - 8-07 -18-48 South Canterbury District — Court Southern Cross Foresters' Pride „ Progress Central Body Timaru Waimatc St. Andrews Timaru 1805 1870 1SS0, 264 69 30 5,054 2 1 480 10 0 199 8 O 119 1 11 4,80.1 8 0 332 19 0 155 12 0 102 3 2 252 14 1 147 17 8 43 10 6 10 IS 9 Total 363 5.853 3 0 5,392 3 2 461 0 7 - 1-58 - 7-82 + 1-67 -16-27 - 6-44 - 669 - 5-83 -19-99 - 013 - 9-47 - 4-07 - 0-12 - 687 - 4-25 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith Star of the Dunstan Pride of Oamaru Star of Tuapcka Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock „ Roxburgh Star of the South St. Andrews „ Excelsior Central Body Dunedin Queenstown Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Clyde Oamaru Lawrence .. Alexandra .. Waitahuna .. Roxburgh .. Invercargill Caversham .. Mornington.. Dunedin 1802 1S00 isoo 1804 18G4 18G0 1868 1S0S 1869 1809 1873 1874 1875 1877 199 34 153 02 170 38 92 52 28 27 33 122 107 45 1 0,093 0 1 587 19 8 3,100 0 7 1,116 0 11 1.079 14 11 000 19 2 002 15 9 OOO 3 1 399 0 9 421 10 5 252 9 7 1,274 4 0 052 2 1 328 13 7 3,877 11 10 5,956 5 9 408 10 4 2,803 13 10 078 0 1 1,238 14 1 373 10 5 002 10 9 599 11 3 303 0 11 311 13 4 225 6 7 1,228 14 7 555 7 0 320 8 8 3,000 1 1 186 14 4 129 9 4 296 12 9 437 14 10 141 0 10 23 8 9 90 5 0 39 11 10 95 19 10 109 17 1 27 8 0 45 9 11 96 14 7 8 4 11 811 10 9 Total 1,199 21,121 12 11 IS, 00,1 15 2 2,489 17 9 + 13-22 Court not in ony District — Court Coromandel Coromandel 1871 819 19 10 10 0 0 28 829 19 10 Total of Order :7,475 107,081 0 5 00.302 10 4 11,748 4 1 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Star of Canterbury.. Wellington .. Christchurch 1865 1879 55 24 589 4 0 104 10 1 581 14 3 92 10 6 57 10 3 11 19 7 - 4-33 - 8-38 Total 79 093 14 7 693 14 7 624 4 9 69 9 10 U.A.O.O. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe Excelsior Oak of Sydenham Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Otago Bud of Hope Star of New /.ealand Star of Anglesea Enterprise Ivanhoe Perseverance Hope of Amberley Anchor Star of the West Royal OakAcorn Ohoka Trafalgar Auckland „ Albion Star of Ashburton Myrtle Linden Christchurch St. Albans .. Christchureli Wellington .. Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttelton .. Dunedin Rangiora Lower Hutt Lincoln S. Dunedin .. j Dunedin .. 1 Addington .. j Amberley .. \ Woolston Greymouth .. j Caversham .. Invercargill Ohoka .. I Kaiapoi Auckland Napier .. I Ashburton .. Tauranga .. Roslyn .. 1875 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1S82 I sso i sso 1883 233 07 94 185 157 28 S3 87 81 70 65 98 114 02 27 69 85 44 so 81 42 42 73 70 17 52 1,737 8 9 610 8 0 607 11 8 1,257 18 6 953 9 2 | 200 12 8 528 17 1 652 8 0 410 8 5 iso 9 5 ' 354 1. 7 481 6 9 724 3 2 104 15 1 123 4 6 419 7 10 25S 2 5 217 12 S 405 7 8 102 9 11 194 7 4 281 12 9 344 15 9 358 0 10 118 4 4 107 9 S 1,588 11 5 547 19 8 505 10 7 967 12 11 842 6 1 175 18 3 474 17 4 589 15 9 314 13 1 418 8 8 324 11 2 378 16 5 032 1 0 100 2 5 123 1 7 393 19 8 210 18 2 181 1 8 323 13 0 160 11 1 164 15 0 221 12 0 207 11 9 339 10 0 93 17 9 127 11 2 148 17 4 02 8 4 42 1 1 290 5 7 111 3 1 24 14 6 53 19 9 02 7 8 101 10 4 07 0 9 20 10 5 52 10 4 92 2 2 4 12 8 0 2 11 26 8 2 47 4 3 00 11 0 81 13 9 1 18 10 29 12 4 00 0 0 47 4 0 IS 10 10 24 0 7 09 18 0 - 5-42 - 5-70 - 5-17 - 7-61 - 7-62 - 6-92 - 7-47 - 4-36 - 7-70 - 511 - 3-83 - 7-89 - 5-73 -10-08 -12-21 - 0-79 - 7-91 - 9-85 - 9-03 - 7-77 - 7-49 - 5-91 - 500 - 5-10 - 5-72 Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body, as regards the I'.A.o.l).

ll.— -1.



Name of soiu. i-v ami Branch. Plaoe c,i Establishment. ■si..* ail S lit 113 -77-7 = " - ci Surplus „. . , ' Management cn- Defioienoy Total Worth. i.-„„!.„,i /l „d F<md, per Member mineral Fund, j Goods, &c. at last Valuation ' U.A.O.D.— continued. Totara Lodge Bishop „ All Nations West Harbour Brunner Endeavour Blenheim Mistletoe Turanganui Good Intent Pacific Ponekc Ponsonby Rose of Palmerston Waiohine „ Kangitoto Carterton .. Wanganui .. Port Chalmers Rothesay Brunnerton.. Oamaru Blenheim .. Gisborno Mosgicl Wellington .. Petone Ponsonby .. Palmerston S. Greytown .. Wellington .. 1883 1883 1883 1883 1888 1884 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1886 1880 1887 1887 £ s. d. £ s. d. 27 178 6 4 135 11 5 08 412 19 11 301 0 4 5G 360 5 7 333 19 7 20 200 12 6 182 12 6 70 j 188 15 7 177 8 1 73 298 15 8 j 295 0 8 27 OS 00 20 70 73 40 78 00 30 42 04 47 20 40 £ s. d. 178 6 4 412 19 11 360 5 7 200 12 6 188 15 7 298 15 8 180 3 1 253 9 2 178 2 4 166 4 1 90 10 10 91 2 9 95 4 7 30 9 9 77 5 10 t s. d. 135 11 5 301 0 4 333 19 7 182 12 6 177 8 1 295 0 8 140 14 9 242 15 0 143 14 4 128 14 7 52 9 10 53 2 9 48 10 1 30 9 9 54 9 2 £■ s. d. | 42 14 11 51 19 7 I 18 0 0 11 7 6 3 9 0 £• s. d. 42 14 11 51 19 7 2G G 0 18 0 0 11 7 0 3 9 0 39 8 4 10 14 2 34 S 0 37 9 0 38 1 0 38 0 0 40 8 0 £ - 2-97 - 7-33 49 I 180 3 1 i 140 14 9 39 8 4 78 253 9 2 24 2 15 0 10 14 2 36 j I7S 2 4 1 10 14 4 31 S 0 30, 166 4 1 128 14 7 37 9 6 42 90 10 10 52 9 10 n __ _-_!.-»_-_ t-.n n r\ \ 38 1 0 34 91 2 9 53 2 9 38 0 0 47 95 4 7; 48 16 1 40 8 0 26 I 30 9 9 : 86 9 9 tin ii? o 22 10 S 40 77 5 10 j 54 9 2 776 | 14,923 12 6 '■ 12,946 13 8 ! 1 22 10 S ,970 18 10 Total 2,776 14,923 12 6 12.040 13 8 1.070 18 10 L.U.F.B.S. Beliance Lodge Central Body Auckland .. 1879 33 ■ I 38 271 9 0 154 1 10 53 18 0 33 325 7 0 I 154 1 10 271 9 0 53 18 0 154 1 10 117 7 2 53 18 0 171 5 2 117 7 2 03 IS (I -15-80 Total 38 325 7 0 154 1 10 171 5 2 1.0. If. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star Northern Wairoa Hope of Mahurangi Gordon Whangaroa „ Central Body Auckland .. Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Mangawharc Warkworth .. Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Auckland .. 1863 1870 1874 1881 1883 1884 1885 1886 193 78 47 2G 13 13 27 21 4 198 1,413 19 9 1,302 9 3 78 1,443 5 0 1,410 10 4 17 592 13 1 5S0 16 9 26 127 7 0 114 1 4 13 87 17 1 80 11 7 13 08 3 7 54 17 5 27 102 15 2 8G 2 0 1,413 19 9 1,443 5 0 592 13 1. 127 7 0 87 17 1 08 3 7 102 15 2 GO 18 4 2,240 15 5 1,302 9 3 1,410 10 4 5S9 10 9 114 1 4 80 11 7 54 17 5 86 2 0 57 12 8 2,197 3 4 51 10 0 32 8 S 2 10 4 13 5 8 7 5 6 13 6 2 10 13 2 o k o 51 10 0 32 8 8 2 10 4 13 5 8 7 5 6 13 6 2 10 13 2 3 5 8 49 12 1 ~ 9-39 - 9-56 - 5-55 - 7-67 - 4-14 - 5-92 - 5-30 21 00 18 4 57 12 8 4 2,240 15 6 2,197 8 4 AOO (1 1_9 U I. K OA5. in H 3 5 8 49 12 1 inn a o Total 422 422 6,143 14 5 5,953 10 8 104 2,747 4 11 2,723 5 4 19 557 1 1 524 19 1 86 332 19 10 323 14 4 15 203 9 6 100 6 0 11 190 1 6 iso 1 9 94 j 083 3 10 ; 000 17 IC 40 370 7 11 00,2 2 8 OS 009 4 2 501 2 2 03 421 It 5 421 11 5 71 : 030 1 11 : 000 1 11 13 95 7 4, 95 7 4 34 I 100 9 10 100 0 0 81 185 10 0 ISO 10 9 23 ! 138 7 10 137 18 10 46 i 185 18 5 100 IS 0 o ioe 14 io : 88 17 10 17 237 16 2 02 12 1 12 28 15 6 20 5 10 3 2,456 0 11 1,826 7 5 7no -in r,or, 7 B <) R1S 1 1 6,143 14 5 5,953 10 8 ioo 3 9 23 19 7 32 2 0 1 5 6 S 3 6 0 19 9 10 0 0 8 5 3 '48 2 0 0 9 10 2 0 0 0 9 0 20 19 11 17 17 0 145 I 1 8 9 8 029 13 0 989. H 7 190 3 9 + 1-70 + 10-00 + 11-44 - 1-55 - 519 - 8-57 - 9-24 - 10-77 -11-66 - 7-17 -18-38 -15-71 - 13-29 - 11-06 -13-53 -13-72 -12-48 -13-79 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Excelsior Perseverance Haste to the Rescue Sir Wilfrid Lawson Bud of Promise Excelsior Hope of Dunedin Pride of Christohuroh Murihiku Scandia's Hope Hope of Ormondville Hope of Woodville Hope of Carterton Star of Wakefield Hope of Johnsonville Progress Good Intent Central Body Wellington .. Waipukurau Wellington .. Sanson Nelson Wellington .. Dunedin Christchurch Invercargill.. Norsewood .. Ormondville Woodville .. Carterton .. Wakefield .. Johnsonville Kaikora N. Takaka Wellington .. 1866 1871 1872 1872 1874 1S7I 1S75 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1883 1884 1884 1884 1886 104 19 30 15 11 94 40 08 03 71 13 34 31 23 46 9 17 12 3 2,747 4 11 557 1 1 332 10 K) 203 0 0 190 1 0 083 3 10 ; 370 7 11 009 4 2 421 It 5 030 1 11 95 7 4 100 9 10 185 10 0 138 7 10 185 18 5 ioe 14 io 237 16 2 28 15 6 2,456 0 11 2,723 5 4 524 19 1 328 14 4 100 0 0 ISO 1 9 000 17 IC 30,2 2 8 501 2 2 421 11 5 000 1 11 95 7 4 100 0 0 183 10 9 137 18 10 IOO 18 0 88 17 10 02 12 1 20 5 10 1,826 7 5 23 19 7 32 2 0 1 0 0 S 3 0 0 19 9 10 0 0 S 0 3 ■18 2 0 0 9 10 2 0 0 0 9 0 29 19 11 17 17 0 145 I 1 8 9 8 029 13 0 Total 709 10,595 7 8 9,013 1 1 22 223 5 8 125 1 9 153 10,962 7 9 15,091 18 6 709 10,595 7 8 9,013 1 1 I !.»_. Ii V 98 3 11 ,270 14 3 982 0 7 -30-41 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Hokitika 1879 125 1 9 98 3 11 22 223 5 8 Total of Order •• 1,158 16,962 7 9 15,001 13 0 1,270 14 3 S.D.T. Grand Division of -Veto Zealand — Antidote Division.. Perseverance Resolution Try Again Excelsior Elim „ .. Helpmate Onward Advance Sunbeam Central Body I Dunedin Christchurch Rangiora Woodend Addington .. St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Papanui | Wellington .. Wanganui .. 1871 1872 1873 1877 1885 1885 1886 1887 1887 1888 183 1,372 9 1 1,325 11 10 61 751 5 0 730 5 3 50 369 19 0 287 10 0 25 97 2 0 78 0 11 82 4 15 3 45 70 13 1 10 0 1 ! 20 2 0 0, ii 21 19 ii ii 13 8 ; 37 13 18 1 4 17 8 14 18 8 6 14 15 2 751 15 11 718 19 4 183 01 50 25 32 45 20 11 37 14 1,372 9 1 1,325 11 10 751 5 0 730 5 3 309 19 0 287 10 0 97 2 0 I 78 0 11 4 15 3 70 13 1 10 G 1 2 0 0 21 19 11 11 10 S 13 18 1 4 17 0 18 8 6 14 15 2 751 15 11 718 19 4 4G 17 3 15 0 3 82 3 0 19 1 1 4 15 3 54 7 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 10 3 13 4 1 32 10 7 ! -16-70 -11-48 -20-83 -34-50 -17-77 -1502 - 15-68 Total 484 ' 3,474 6 10 I 3,194 0 0 280 0 10 * Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body, except as regards the C.A.O.D., and the Star of Hope Tent, I.O.R.




-Came or Society and Bba-H a. Flace of - -r e Establishment. ? .: _ " 'c c| Us Total Worth. JJM Sick n nd Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Goods, <.vc. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District — Greymouth Branch Charleston (Orahamstown St. Mary's St. Joseph's Auckland St. Patrick's Onehunga „ St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Patrick's ,, St. Joseph's Waipawa St. John's St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Patrick's St. Michael's Central Body Greymouth .. 4870 Charleston .. 1870 Thames .. : 1870 Hokitika .. 1870 Dunedin .. 1873 Auckland .. 1S73 Christchurch 1S73 Onehunga .. 1874 Wellington .. , 1874 Invercargill ! 1874 Blenheim .. ■ 1876 N. Plymouth 1876 Waipawa .. 1877 Leeston .. 1882 Lincoln .. 1882 Timaru .. 1882 Rangiora .. 1886 Masterton .. 1888 Auckland 27 25 68 30 83 197 74 15 90 18 70 20 40 31 14 57 15 10 £ s. d. 272 11 8 170 5 10 902 7 11 180 1 4 059 0 3 2,281 0 1 505 5 0 102 2 0 003 12 9 189 4 11 0,50 14 11 105 5 1 200 15 7 175 12 7 130 11 7 107 13 8 39 14 1 19 9 2 1.783 18 3 £ s. d. 207 11 8 159 15 0 729 6 4 173 18 0 582 4 10 1,718 15 4 402 7 0 SS 12 8 258 0 9 189 4 11 512 0 1 92 7 6 204 2 10 120 19 2 90 0 2 97 8 8 18 0 0 10 0 6 1,090 7 2 £ s. d. 15 0 0 10 10 10 173 1 7 0 3 4 70 15 5 502 10 9 42 18 0 13 9 10 345 0 0 £ - 8-89 - 10-97 -12-22 -18-85 -12-97 -11-89 - 15-51 - 17-18 -14-08 -11-93 -11-79 -21-14 - 12-51 -12-50 -11-18 -15-80 -11-41 144 14 10 42 17 7 02 12 9 54 13 5 40 11 5 70 10 5 20 18 7 9 8 8 87 11 1 Total 897 9,247 13 2 7,450 3 8 1,791 9 0 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pionoer „ Excelsior Wieklifie John Knox Alexandra Triumph Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings Star of Oamaru „ Central Body Thames .. 1873 Dunedin .. 1873 Green Island 1870 Napier .. 1877 Wellington .. 1879 Auckland .. 1879 S. Dunedin .. 1883 N.B. Valley 1883 Hastings .. 1883 Oamaru .. 1886 Thames 134 1,203 7 8 44 73 IS 8 01 143 2 0 45 291 13 8 OO 305 8 0 64 220 14 5 07 2S2 11 8 27 121 10 8 20 67 13 3 05 114 12 11 1,848 10 1 1,157 10 10 53 18 8 114 8 0 274 9 10 354 18 0 209 14 5 237 15 1 101 13 1 50 13 3 71 0 0 1,083 5 3 105 10 0 20 0 0 28 19 0 17 3 10 10 10 0 20 0 0 44 10 7 19 17 7 11 0 0 43 12 11 105 4 10 -15-43 -23-31 -16-28 -14-71 -13-43 -17-74 -12-70 ; -13-79 -14-33 -17-05 Total 582 4,802 8 1 4,315 1 11 487 1 2 23-80 -30-57 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. New Zealand R.E.B.S. i Dunedin .. 1875 Invercargill.. 1879 181 1,809 0 11 83 527 0 1 1,783 2 0 448 18 1 25 18 5 78 8 0 Total 204 2,330 7 0 2,232 0 7 104 0 5 Grand total .. .. 24,938.403,754 8 4 355,979 0 1 24,938,403,754 8 4 47,775 2 3 [ Inclusive of the Funeral Fund of the Central Body.


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1888.


Name of Society. No. of Members admitted during Year. §•.!_ ; By 5-9 g ClearTotal -43« 2 llllce lotal. s* - and "3tf AnialgaZ? a lZ mation. No. of Members wl during Year. By Total. Arrears. See. ho left No. of Deaths No. of Members during Year on Roll By of Ofliugis- At Begin- At End dear- Mamhtav tl ' rcd niug of of . llK . ( . Members. wlves _ year. Year. No. of Members Sick during Year. Sickness Experience. No. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. T , . • First Second After Twelve ""'"■ Six Months. Six Mouths. Months. I Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of I Odd Fellows — Auckland District .. .. .. 128 1 lawke's Bay District .. .. .. 125 New Plymouth District .. .. j 39 Wanganui District .. .. .. ' 9 Wellington District .. .. .. 127 Marlborough District .. .. .. 7 Nelson District .. .. .. j 37 Motueka District .. .. .. 19 North Westland District .. .. 40 Hokitika District .. .. .. 10 Ashley District .. .. .. 55 North Canterbury District .. .. 86 Lyttelton District .. .. .. 79 Ashburton District .. .. .. I 20 Otago District .. .. .- 170 Invercargill District .. .. .. 51 81 118 36 6 119 7 35 19 38 8 54 79 79 19 176 50 81 118 36 6 119 7 35 19 38 8 54 79 79 19 176 50 47 7 3 3 8 2 2 2 1 7 108 61 20 5 90 6 88 2 16 15 31 118 75 22 115 69 101 46 16 4 85 4 SI 2 15 15 29 106 73 18 101 66 7 15 4 1 5 2 4 j ' 1 "2 12 2 4 14 3 15 5 7 ' 9 2 2 1 5 4 12 2 7 1,135 663 4 387 148 6 1,008 148 1 805 2 208 20,2 2 341 2 544 4 1,120 3 059 251 10 1,656 520 1.140 722 899 152 1,030 149 812 283 255 331 5G8 1.080 G59 249 1,708 500 234 93 55 19 160 27 110 50 46 90 100, 107 120 io, 227 54 Wks. ds. 2,101 4 438 2 613 1 193 5 1,734 4 207 0 1,478 3 621 0 358 0 748 0 635 3 - 908 6 634 3 183 0 2.351 1 557 1 Wks. ds. 1,093 0 390 2 270 3 107 0 662 0 153 5 623 2 305 0. 230 0 494 6 390 5 005 0 400 3 157 0 1,253 1 330 0 Wks. ds. 189 6 9 0 41 2 52 0 99 4 1 2 113 2 79 5 18 0 55 3 53 4 20 0 99 0 26 0 210 5 24 3 Wks. ds. 818 5 39 0 301 3 30 0 973 0 52 0 741 6 235 0 101 0 197 5 191 1 273 0 09 0 1 8 1 SSI 2 201 0 Total of Order .. .. 1,011 I 924 87 841 705 70 72 •10 9.945 10,043 1,649 18,818 5 7,000 0 1,104 1 0.113 5 1 I-.:>::i-;:ni,i:nt Ordep. of Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. .. Ill 105 161 143 18 4 1 816 702 71 102 1 338 1 19 0 95 0 105 6 . National Independent Obdeb or Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District .. .. 1-1 , 44 40 11 0 44 10 1 8 4 200, 2SS 09 401 2 417 2 33 11 British United Obdeb op Odd Fellows — I Wellington District .. .. .. 81 31 I 39 1 1 111 08 4 oi 81 89 102 10 08 4 Ancient Order of Foresters — Auckland District .. .. .. 100 Hawke's Buy District .. .. .. 208 Taranaki District .. .. .. 35 Wellington District .. .. .. 288 Nelson District .. .. .. 48 United Westland District .. .. 1 Canterbury Cnited District .. .. 49 South Canterbury District .. .. 53 I'nited Otago District .. .. .. 165 Court Coromandel .. .. .. 2 10(1 208 35 288 48 49 53 165 2 153 198 32 207 45 1 47 47 159 2 153 198 32 207 45 47 47 159 , 2 : 7 10 8 21 2 0 6 203 122 42 210 50 181 108 86 181 43 22 14 6 29 7 4 2 12 4 2 3 9 0 1 6 1 7 5 1,276 4 770 1 374 5 1,988 2 579 29 1 771 1 332 3 1.141 27 1.220 800, 004 2,057 571 29 772 303 1,199 28 . 226 120 03 327 129 10 132 40 145 0 1,117 2 711 1 409 8 1,968 8 870 5 141 6 1,019 3 380 0 I.289 1 28 0 003 2 022 2 318 0 1,874 5 572 5 S3 (i 520 0 234 0 756 2 28 0 79 t 30 0 43 0 105 5 96 1 0 (1 220 0 15 0 142 0 44 3 52 I) 48 3 48S 0 201 0 52 0 275 5 131 0 0,00 0 42 21 100 1 38 19 88 1 Total of Order .. .. 1,009 j 1,009 951 951 58 791 095 96 39 j 25 I 7,296 7,475 1,208 7,935 3 5,503 1 748 6 j 1,683 3



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness— continued.

5— H. 2.

No. of Members, admitted during Year. Xo. of Members who left during Year. Xo. of Deaths during Year Xo. of Members on Roll Sickness Experience. Name of Socjett. Total. .9. -1: HI .-, liy Clearance and Amalgamation. Total. By Arrears, &c. By .„ Of Regis- At BeginCloal '- Members tered niug of ance. -uemoeis. wivcs . year. At End of Year. Xo. of Members Sick during Year. Total. Xo. of Weeks' Sickness experienced during Year. First Second Six Mouths. Six Months. After Twelve Month Ancient Order of Shepherds — Total of Order Wks. ds. 04 0 Wks. ds. 64 0 Wks. ds. Wks. ds. 77 79 22 •' United Ancient Order of Druids — Total of Order 371 2,112 6 | 1,755 5 154 0 414 381 83 462 88 14 ! 14 2,838 2,770 428 203 1 Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society — Total of Order 12 1 17 3 17 3 12 : 46 33 Independent Order of Kechabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 53 85 50 76 0 99 73 93 07 0 0 5 5 1 473 702 22 122 709 22 02 93 5 633 3 538 6 14 5 456 0 423 3 14 5 40 4 54 3 136 0 61 0 ! •• Total of Order i 138 126 12 172 160 12 10 1,197 1,153 190 1,187 0 895 0 95 0 197 0 Sons and Daughters of Temperance — Grand Division of New Zealand ! ! 90 93 0 44 15 59 52 0 20 2 o 481 484 440 5 299 5 89 0 Hibernian Australasia h Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District i 0 131 118 34 2 175 1 112 100 10 7 6 923 j 897 172 875 4 000 1 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society uf Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 4 582 13 89 4 43 07 6 582 09 522 0 339 2 26 5 156 0 Kailway Employes' Benefit Societies — Total of Kailway Employes' Benefit Societies 0 ■> 1 3, 33 1 4 o 296 204 55 306 2 198 3 6 0 161 6 Grand Total.. 3,021 2,805 216 . 2,776 [ 2,430 340 158 108 24,851 24,938 4,010 28,322 0 ' 18,163 5 2,322 1 7,836 1 I


TABLE III.—Ages and Conjugal Condition of Members as at the 31st December, 1888.


N ox Society. S 8 O +-) V SrSS o a o, n o.° S « S 1 m •77 1 s a P S h 01 a D S3 c 8 s. o a o I o 5 Ages of Mei '4 O <-■ a: ibers. s Q to -r i-' *A c «s _. s o s S o s d ic rj-g ft o a o 1 B D M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District I fawke's Bay New Plymouth anui Wellington Marlborough Nelson Motueka North Westland Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury Lyttelton Ashburton (Itag - .... invercargill „ 1,140 722 ! 399 152 i 1,030 149 812 283 265 881 : 500 1,080 050 249 : 1,708 500 793 ! 429 223 90 641 103 455 i 158 150 ■ 228 200 070 ! 407 ' 146 938 j 321 347 293 ! 170 5G 000 40 357 125 99 103 312 410 252 103 770 179 05 41 17 2 84 6 01 21 0 1 36 28 24 8 88 11 124 147 71 46 180 14 158 50 38 10 161 185 154 48 270 73 214 157 85 19 191 19 183 64 I 31 17 102 214 | 121 ! 01 270 90 202 107 86 84 215 10 109 86 20 20 111 170 ! 122 I 59 230 93 138 103 40 15 148 21 SO 30 38 27 55 i 180 j 92 40 217 87 107 02 82 5 101 19 53 10 31 55 42 , 134 66 24 183 57 131 42 27 7 73 IS 83 17 53 92 39 106 40 2 203 30 65 18 21 8 41 23 45 19 25 69 12 35 24 1 158 32 26 11 13 12 21 9 42 6 4 31 6 14 12 21 4 7 3 20 1 20 4 8 h io 3 9 I 5 io 11 3 4 4 4 3 i 96 14 29 6 7 1 Total of order 10.O10 0,020 4,023 00 1 1,747 1,788 1,681 1,329 l.oio 9G9 596 017 130 39 37 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand.. 702 512 250 20 120 179 1 io 113 85 50 20 8 3 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. 288 10(1 98 17 41 45 51 48 36 3G 5 5 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington I >i.-trict 102 60 30 5 24 33 18 12 10 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington Nelson „ United Westland Canterbury United South Canterbury Cnited otago Court Coromandel 1,229 803 3G4 2,057 571 29 772 363 1,199 28 723 508 189 1,393 320 20 550 249 797 15 506 355 175 004 245 9 2.10 114 402 13 48 49 12 57 44 231 178 79 318 102 0 95 44 217 1 220 107 77 380 101 oo : 188 78 455 09 1 122 55 173 3 181 144 60 343 66 144 71 26 258 77 2 102 53 144 5 103 55 15 157 68 9 81 30 137 5 50 11 11 09 20 6 51 22 97 7 12 2 13 10 4 34 11 51 1 3 5 6 1 2 1 I G i 23 5 31 1 117 64 169 2 117 70, 169 4 18 5 10 1 6 1 " Total of order 7,475 4,776 2.G99 270 1,271 1,297 1,377 1,157 882 660 356 137 48 12 I 8 A.O.S. Total of order ... 79 60 13 4 10 14 14 10 7 6 G 2 U.A.O.D. Total of order 2,776 1,855 921 408 495 005 520 341 152 22 171 2 l..( .F.B.S. Total i,f order 33 27 5 4 7 10 1 2 4 •■ I.O.K. New Zealand District N'ev, Zealand Central District Albert I listrict i i 422 709 22 194 402 17 228 307 5 30 78 71 158 1 79 113 1 71 115 1 53 84 2 34 69 2 35 47 4 21 37 7 7 17 4 4 6 1 4 Total of order 1,153 613 540 114 228 193 10(1 139 95 86 65 28 io 1 I S.D.T. (, rand 1 hvision of New Zealand 484 254 03 105 68 51 89 35 39 18 3 1 230 01 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 897 560 90 171 209 107 125 97 52 1 331 88 8 r.A.K.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 582 ioo 113 72 104 116 96 87 41 38 11 o 2 1 11 B.E.B.S. • Total of K.E.B. Societies 264 201 68 2 4 5 20 34 57 57 23 10 3 1 42 Grand total .. 24,938 115,585 9,353 1079 4,185 4,392 4,495 3,027 2,829 2,191 1240 502 215 5S 17 s


TABLE IV.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1888.

Note. —The values at beginning and end of year are exclusive of the funds of the central bodies.


N.Mti-. ok Society. ! if. , i c a .2* |£_ °c_r. 5 ° _ s _ S3* S3 K leoeipts. 1 s s ~ £« a .__ I hi ~~~ h- a a p5 w p i in 3 "• Expenditure. * T ' fill s* §° i m ° c *r _ a 5 .__: 2 r £ £ a « *■-' i t; ~ _. O ■ p. "3 *q . I G __■ ~ ~ a C | cfi ft 'o rj cy M "d O H c_ o a K = S 77 J. = > a". sC o >_ 39 -_: - o a a - ; a = c z -"_ ii M.C.I.O.O.F. Auckland District .. Hawke's Ba}- „ New Klvmouth Wanganui Wellington Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ ()tago invercargill £ 2,015 1,057 515' 189 1,__08 194 1,257, 302 415: 400 943 1,671 1,089 380 2.404 715 £ 7 ; o -, 8 10 I 0 _ 21 .1 4 1 10 i 10 1 1 ) 13 £ I 1,041 318 • 257 320 70S 380 770 278 433 540 312 881 382i 52 2.200 541 0 4471 IOO - 120 I .. 1 250 1; 20j I, 48: i; 24 I, --I I 110 ! 80 220 ii 80 1 .1 £ 7 500 0 57 0 SI 10 o 384 0 oi s oo 1 4 2 47 0 27 I 00 0 100 0 57 12 I OS £ £ £ J I , 702 0,40 459 7 400 188 80 1 0,00 80 160 5 171 28 .. 1 1.000 105 148 4 175 18 .. -i 1.078 808 1s HO 50 42 1 278 .. 18 i 631 07 110 482 125 30 I 727 032 230 . 570 00 90 _ 170 02 .. . 1,700 ois 870 41.0 59 20 . 10,513 2,559 1,805. ) 340 288 45 I SSO, i 72 i 00 10 184 57 30 47 202 73 174 2. 102 434 9 98 200 e : 4,070 i 1,535 979 483 2,(OS 070 2,119 757 000 1,086 1,301 2,472 1,021 101 0.20S 1,270 £ I 3,434 740 689 215 1,593 250 1,468| 548 910 . 811 4,050 : i.ioo 241 2,5S2 i 094 : £ £ 25,251 25,890 ,207 s,007 4.007 4,347 3,064 o.o,22 19,088 20,118 4.217 4,687 j 11,772 12,10,0 1,666 1,829 6,882 6,738 10,287 10,412 6,944 7,494 16,718 15,140 9,957 10,418 2,001 2,271 41,260 48,986 11,158! 11,739 184,9S2102.711 ' 1 100 i .. i 000 20 D .. Total of Order 114,790' I 1 210 9,005.1 : ,1,859 .1,717 5,050 27,656 10,020 1: I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand L . 1,285 273 1 40 . 28 01 1.62G 735 7,288 8,124 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. "1 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District A.O.F. Auckland District .. Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson „ United Westland Canterbury United South Canterbury „ Cnited Otago „ Court Coromandel .. 000 12G| I, 1,000 1,045 497 2,550 760 37 1.0C3 427 1,413 38 i 6 1 7 .1 i 2 18 ) 29 I 00 1 I 11 22 50 o 492 020 172 OOO 448] 20 502; 87 S00 401 I 108 : 30 110! 50 us: 200 100 5 1 3 3 ) 58 ) 70 i, 12 )! 140 S 33 100 ) 35 3 ) 17 18 I 120 07 IDS 1 07 47 36 I 1,084 009 100 661 193 60 i 002 04 116 ) 1,502 422 230 I 750 210 195 I 111 3 20 070 2411 170 I 270 121 0,2 911 1 218 158 ; 28 .. 0,3501,8411,080] 110 I 230 H 195 I 20 i 170 . 32 ! 158 13 1 70 07 25 1,148 33 2,35(>! 1,497 814 3,929 1,471 164 1,781 539 2,455 100 527 173 617 1,629 971 555 3,301 1,194 137 1,127 442 1,292 37 151 1,120 1,031 11,031 5, 182 3,100 21,047 7,481 411 7,802 5,193 14,402 758 SO 12,001 5,657 3,425 22.275 7,758 488 8, ls7 0,200 IO./.00 820 111 170 190 40 18 5 9 : .. • i 4 Total of Order 9,520 1 122 i 3,880| I [l,080 ) 491 1,000 )1,415 15,105 10,G85 77,957 82,877 A.O.S. Total of Order : \ U.A.O.D. Total of Order 09 0.00,0 i 1 202 44! 597i ' 000 I SO 11 .. 10 f i 1,830 793 417 18 .. 40| - 10 I I ! 417 ) .. I I I "! ] 235 111 4,813 51 3,275 561 i 11,408 02 1 I . 12.017 L.U.F.B.S. Total of Order J ; i I i 1 41 s •• 40J 49 58 168 :: 154 l.O.K. New Zealand District New Zealand Central „ Albert !' ooo 917 27 11 178' 390 6 l! 126 i 150 1 I 1 i i 568 1 95 1 4SS 120 150 15 7- .. \ 1,07l| 133 245 1 00 150, 12 28 925 1,458 33 070 791 21 8,508 7,120 LIS I ■ 3,750 7,787 125 ■• I Total of Order 1,553 11 I 574J 270: i: 2 245 1 4 0 ; 2,416 1,489 10,711 11,008 S.D.T. (',iiiii(l I division of New Zealand I ,l_ : . ;. __!. i 519 14 75 00 oo 856 122' 00 718 261 170 : ! 60 113 731 650 2,394 5 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1,005 72 251 150 7 170 6 | 1,515 1,153 5,309; 5,760 P.A.F.S.A. (Irand Council of New Zealand i i < 744 23 116 85 15 415 210 60 ■ ■ '_ CO 22 080, 716 2,305; 2,002 R.B.B.S. Total of B.E.B. Societies I. 349 113 i '' •" i I 200 .. 100 22,414 6,3304,170 6 i 100 1 1 i I 20 462 380 2,100 I (irand total .. i . I 15.053 1 l ,4,054! L 0,970 39,890 I 300,570 I 322.S45 33,070 678 2,415 _ 4,176 50,170 'I I

H.-~ 2.

TABLE V. —Medical and Management Expenses Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1888.

Note.—The values at beginning and end of year are exclusive of the funds of the central bodies.


Namk of Society. 3 » -. • "2 ills __- 1_a raw £ a v c» l_rj O S 5rC$ a zt?. -S o a r ' a O ™ Receipts. _.__ Ss, £'3 OS « Expenditure. 8S_-§ ii n* »l Ip If j Si* I .: a. *o o o H 7o ri a •a a o K H £ 5 H Il .- D -3 3 . ' I* 1 Ii' M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District I lawke's Bay „ New Plymouth Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago „ Invercargill „ £ £ 1,380 248 956 54 598 168 164 1,273 83 225 854 I 232 4 537 000 2 545 1.205 34 652 | 94 241 12 2,074 91 053 £ 460 84 ■ 34 33 142 , •13 8 290 184 40 '; 2,205 453 145 373 131 ! £ £ £ £ 1,004 457 197 250 000 217 113 90 395 130 60 38 178 60 80 6 871 379 116 186 144 57 13 40 192 223 66 70 150 61 20 I 9 383 144 41 j 215 125 251 77 1 68 340 113 94 I 45 802 358 50 , 304 539 183 70 170 230 59 23 '■ 47 1.948 749 201 | 257 517 179 41 86 £ 457 217 136 60 379 57 223 61 144 251 113 358 183 59 749 179 £ 197 113 60 30 116 13 66 20 41 77 94 56 75 23 201 41 £ 250 90 38 6 186 40 70 9 215 68 45 304 170 47 257 86 £ 2,097 1,094 632 356 1,498 2G7 901 243 827 848 591 3,505 1.199 398 3.137 784 £ 1,914 1,088 629 273 1,552 251 850 245 783 820 593 1,580 967 300 3,155 822 ■ 7,096 05 52 1,000 ii 1,539 12 oos 57 97 111 71 ; 0,550 : 1.428 25(1 2,787 150 Total of Order 12.015 790 4,732 0.102 3,626 1,222 I 1,886 18,430 15,886 10.2S0, I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand I 1,279 49 200 779 ; 514 165 j 96 1,533 1,554 2SS N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. ,0 339 223 oo 25 11 358 354 15 11U.O.O.F. Wellington District.. I 155 7 01 51 II. 12 162 165 2 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki „ Wellington Nelson United Westland „ ■Canterbury United „ South Canterbury. „ United Otago -Court Coromandel .. I 1,615 1,282 40(1 3,020 980 66 028 503 1.820 88 19 is 211 179 01 038 70 7 111 80 340 22 1,045 840 338 2.0S3 570 41 000 208 1,333 18 529 351 123 819 252 26 280 84 478 19 87 84 03 205 86 2 76 28 148 189 ! 120 30 372 87 4 10 09 328 18 1,845 1,401 551 3,GG8 1,018 73 1,064 534 2,198 55 L.860 1,401 500 0.470 1,002 72 1.007 479 2,288 55 300 306 140 042 .501 1 S32 041 l.OSI 25 1 33 ! Total of Order 1,070 2,961 I 4,240 ! 10,700 07 7,215 777 1,299 12,466 12,251 ->--- A.O.S. Total of Order i 18 1 14 10 M 35 U.A.O.D. Total of Order SO0 4.158 IS 2,903 1,282 207 472 5,041 4,984 802 L.U.F.B.S. Total of Order 48 02 8 48 Id 7 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Albert District 540 908 58 1 5 40 II 5 302 530 33 109 248 17 79 131 2 42 112 6 580 1,014 64 592 1,021 58 46 184 ss Total of Order 1,507 6 90 860 435 212 100 1,GG4 1,072 318 S.D.T. ■Oraud Division of New Zealand i 19 015 0 411 140 77 oo 643 688 135 H.A.C.B.S. Now Zealand District 107 1.009 0 855 333 00 193 1,480 1,480 659 P.A.F.S.A. (Irand Council of New Zealand 795 80 509 199 108 00 875 855 65 R.E.B.S. Total of 1..K.B. Societies 30,7 28 305 00 400 403 92 Grand total 34,319 977 7,823 23,400 9,764 2,963 4,219 43,119 40,346 25,979 I | I


TABLE VI. —Disposition of Funds as at the 31st December, 1888.

6—H. 2.


_.__MB ol- Si i Total. Investments ni Interest. Value of Land and Buildings. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, Furniture, and Regalia. Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Marlborough „ Nelson Motueka North Westland Hokitika Ashley North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Ashburton „ Otago Invercargill £ 39,122 9,021 4,550 5,031 21,887 5,337 15,841 6,615 0,881 10,000 7,905 19,375 11,974 2,010 48,100 12,420 £ 17,325 3,987 4,113 945 0,094 4,479 13,000 5,104 0.070 9,188 0,210 0,041 5,840 990 00,822 9,547 £ 20,347 I.IM 150 8,680 14,375 200 1,000 700 539 857 2,075 11,418 4,887 1,270 0,032 2,280 77,503 £ 1,089 829 275 306 701 631 442 713 215 521 438 951 555 285 1,926 196 £ I 361 497 12 I 100 343 | 27 43 i 23 47 73 147 i 796 ! 419 88 ; 410 401 | £ 124 11 15 169 272 Total of Order 227,938 • 135,858 10,138 3,783 ' 591 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 13,401 0,501 3,005 824 925 140, N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 2,220 2,003 02 114 .. •• B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 285 SO •' 07 99 LO.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson „ United Westland Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 17,207 7,059 3,784 27,003 8,803 449 14,112 5,858 21,122 830 10,421 5,606 2,835 14,290 7,409 846 11,57s 1,930 17,378 750 0,172 592 504 11,130 335 059 053 349 1,392 920 54 607 426 1,330 70 952 208 40 1,032 133 10 156 233 572 10 •3 40 38 148 132 1,733 8,110 1,709 Total of Order 107,081 72,011 21,201 6,405 3,353 361 A.O.S. Total of Order .. 29 24 094 041 < U.A.O.D. Total of Order 11,924 11,681 1,171 1,020 906 70 L.U.F.B.S. Total of Order 020 173 2 150 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central Albert 6,144 10,595 223 5,591 7,578 175 2,331 38 336 002 206 10 10 11 15 Total of Order 10,902 13,344 j 2,309 998 226 20 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand 3,474 2,686 425 197 136 30 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1,239 9,248 6,507 579 885 OS P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of Now Zealand 4,802 3,789 663 342 8 R.E.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies .. I 2,330 2,274 60 12 I ■■ Grand Total.. 403,754 260,267 110,003 21,130 11,015 | 1,279


TABLE VII. —Investments at Interest as at the 31st December, 1888.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil j printing (1,900 copies), £43 Bs.]

By Authority : George Didsbuby, C.overnment Printer, Wellington.—lB9o.


Name op Society. Total. Post Offloe Savings Bank. Dep, isited wit! O ci §3 MS Mortgages on Freehold Property. +J Z rS U s * ™ s og j Other " £ tnve 1 -St: ments. j O cn cw cu £ Other Banks. M.U.I.O.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington Marlborough „ Nelson Motueka North Westland „ Hokitika Ashley „ North Canterbury Lyttelton „ Ashburton Otago Invercargill £ 17,325 3,987 4,113 945 6,394 4,479 13,093 5,104 0,079 9,188 5,245 6,041 5,840 990 30,822 9,547 £ 116 £ 4,580 623 180 £ 4-7 4-8 4-9 £ 11,313 3,304 3,300 945 3,112 4,379 9,095 4,200 5,425 5,405 2,120 4,184 3,278 204 29,508 8,580 £ 71 8-0 7-7 8-0 6-5 9-1 7-3 70 9-3 9-8 6-8 7-1 70 7-5 70 0-8 £ 1,300 £ 7-0 '• 10 £ 50 373 '250 7-6 461 100 884 '■732 4-5 2,089 7-8 580 908 140 2,943 5-6 4-5 50 4-7 3*034 60 100 50 5-0 7-4 "l4 500 760 0-0 40 20 1,050 201 1,551 300 350 65 80 50 70 8-0 50 0-7 5-0 2,075 1,011 55 192 1,434 902 645 950 300 5,530 4-7 4-0 4-8 4-5 Total of Order 4-6 9S.532 7-6 60 5,792 135,858 7,017 18,073 5,844 70 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand .. 8,561 507 1-7 7-4 719 60 1,770 5,505 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 5-0 7-2 2,053 1,013 1,040 B.U.O.O.F. Wellington District 89 so A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson United Westland Canterbury United South CanterburyUnited Otago „ Court Coromandel 10,424 5, GOG 2,835 14,290 7,409 345 11,578 1,930 17,378 750 141 122 427 955 6,503 1,450 50 339 874 4-8 4-7 4-5 4-4 4-4 2,480 3,778 2,358 12,873 2,995 345 10,050 1,101 15,077 600 7-3 7-5 7-7 7-7 7-7 10-0 7-4 00 7-0 80 1,800 3^300 70 0-3 250 'l23 300 6-4 8-0 5-7 1,044 100 835 1,503 150 4-5 4-5 4-5 50 384 5-i '■773 "25 ioo Total of Order 72,011 3,462 11,810 4-7 51,657 7*5 4,000 6-5 1,082 6-0 A.O.S. Total of Order 641 201 440 7-9 U.A.O.D. Total of Order 4-8 7-5 894 7-2 11,081 3,027 1,647 6,113 L.U.F.B.S. Total of Order 5-0 173 173 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central Albert „ 5,591 7,578 175 108 822 175 1,055 674 1-0 4-0 3,828 3,245 7-2 7-8 300 o-o 21537 0-7 Total of Order 13,344 1,105 2,329 4-5 7,073 7-2 300 0-0 2,537 0-7 S.D.T. Grand Division of New Zealand.. 4-5 2,038 7-8 205 8-0 2,086 378 65 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1-8 2,530 7-0 0,507 388 3,589 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. 815 4-8 2,800 7-0 50 o-o 3,789 124 R.K.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies 2,015 7-4 190 6-5 2,274 69 .. Grand Total 260,267 16,967 41,284 4-7 179,803 7-0 10,744 0-2 11,409 6-8

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-02

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-02

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-02

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