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« - Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889."

As the Act came into force only on the Ist January last, this report is necessarily limited to six months so far as the working of the present Act is concerned. The Act of 1889 supersedes the Patents Act of 1883 and its amendments, and the Trade-marks Act of 1866 with its amending Act of 1882, and is practically the same as the Imperial Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act of 1883, as amended by subsequent statutes. The differences, which are few and mostly unimportant, are only such as were required by the different conditions of this colony. It is hoped that the other colonies will follow the example of New Zealand, and thus make the patent laws of the Empire uniform throughout it. 2. Under the Imperial Act opposition to the grant of Letters Patent is restricted to three grounds, but in this colony there is no such restriction, and more costly litigation in the Supreme Court is thus avoided. 3. On the coming into force of the Act, the Colonial Secretary, who was Begistrar of Trademarks under the repealed Trade-marks Acts, handed over to me the books and documents connected with the registration of trade-marks prior to the Ist January last. _. The change in the law both as regards patents and trade-marks, involving an almost entirely new system, with new forms and books, could not, of course, be adopted without considerable labour and some occasional delays; but the main difficulties have now been overcome, and the Act is working smoothly. I obtained from the London Patent Office specimens of books and forms in use there, and adapted them with some modifications which my experience led me to consider desirable. 5. The Begulations made under the Act have also been adapted from those in force in England. Copies of these Begulations have, in accordance with the Act, been presented to Parliament. They appear to give satisfaction to the persons concerned. 6. Although copies of the Act and Begulations have been extensively circulated through this and the other colonies and Great Britain, a great deal of correspondence in the office has been, and is still, caused by the ignorance on the part of some applicants of the existence of a new Act, and by the neglect of others to study the requirements of the Act and Begulations before forwarding their applications. 7. It may be interesting to refer here to some of the differences between the old laws and the new, and how they are working : — (a.) To guard inventors against incompetent persons styling themselves "patent agents," and causing serious loss and trouble to those who employ them, no person is allowed so to call himself unless he has been duly registered as a patent agent. Up to date, one layman in Wellington and one in Christchurch have passed the required examination and been registered, and eight solicitors practising in Wellington have also been registered. (b.) The present Act allows for the deposit of a provisional specification of an invention, to be kept secret pending the perfection of the invention and the deposit of a complete specification ; but this privilege has not as yet been taken advantage of to the extent anticipated. Probably more will avail themselves of this provision as it becomes better known. Attached is a return showing the number of provisional specifications and the number of complete specifications lodged in the first instance during the last six months.

I—H. 1.


(c.) The designation of the officer administering the Act has been changed from Patent Officer to Begistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. Under the previous Patent Acts there was no appeal from the decision of the Patent Officer in any matter coming before him. Now there is a power of appeal on several points to the Supreme Court. While I am glad that there is power to appeal, and think it quite right that there should be, it is nevertheless a source of satisfaction to me that not one appeal has as yet been made from any decision given by me. (d.) Under the repealed Acts Letters of Eegistration were issued for patents granted elsewhere. There were disadvantages connected with that system, which was not in force anywhere else, and to secure uniformity it has not been continued in the new Act. (c.) Eegistration of designs is a new feature of the present law; but as yet only four designs have been registered. These are under classes 1, 10, 12. (/.) Trade-marks are not now registered until two months after the application has been gazetted, during which time objections may be lodged, and then for only fourteen years. 8. The Judges of the Supreme Court have been invited to make rules, under section 117 of the Act, for regulating proceedings in Court on applications, and proceedings in appeals; but no such rules have as yet been published. 9. Application having been made to the Home Government, Her Majesty has been pleased, by Order in Council, to apply section 103 of the Imperial Batents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act to New Zealand, thus giving to any application in this colony for Letters Batent, or for registration of a design or trade-mark, a priority, in Great Britain over other applications of a later date. Similar provision is given in the colony to persons first applying in England for protection. It would be well if the other colonies would make a similar arrangement between themselves and this colony for the mutual protection of inventors and others. 10. The growing business of the department will soon necessitate more ample office-accom-modation, the present room being indeed already inadequate for the proper discharge of the duties of the staff and the suitable convenience of the public in making searches and transacting business. The large and increasing Batent Office library is away from the office, being at present stored in an upper room in the Colonial Museum. It would be a boon to both the public and the department if sufficient and adjacent rooms could be provided to accommodate the officers, the public, and the library, and with space for models. The library contains 2,052 volumes of specifications and other publications received from England, the colonies, the United States, &c, and is of great value for reference by those who desire to avoid applying for inventions which have been already patented. From two hundred to two hundred and fifty persons have made use of the library during the last twelve months. 11. Cpto 1879, inclusive, specifications and plans accompanying applications for Letters Patent were printed in yearly volumes, and published at comparatively low prices ; but, as the sales were few, and retrenchment was the order of the day, the practice was discontinued, and since then only an annual list of applications has been published. Persons requiring to study the specifications, &c, have thus been compelled to do so at the Patent Office, or to pay for manuscript copies specially made for them. If authority were given for the publication, at a small price, separately, of every specification as soon as lodged (as is done in England), the demand would he greater, and the benefit to the public would be considerable. On this subject the Commissioner of Patents in the United States says in one of his reports, " The inventive genius of one is stimulated and encouraged by seeing the results of the ingenuity of others. One man makes an important invention, and obtains Letters Patent therefor. If a correct knowledge of this patent can soon be placed in the possession of five hundred, other ingenious men many valuable improvements will be suggested and patented, and the public will obtain a comparatively perfect machine in place of the crude and less perfect production that may have come from the hands of the first inventor." Commenting on this, the Begistrar of Batents, &c, in Queensland, says, " This is no doubt true, and consequently the publication of the records leads to large increase in the business and receipts of the office, and in this way makes up for the expense which such publication entails on the Government." I venture to agree -with them. 12. It cannot be too widely known that the Patent Office takes no responsibility as to the novelty of an alleged invention, but leaves the applicant for a patent to search and judge for himself. The Act empowers the Begistrar to refuse to receive an application if he knows that the alleged invention is not new, but it does not require him to ascertain, that fact. To make the search necessary for such a purpose would involve a costly staff' of examiners, far beyond what the colony is prepared to pay, and would necessitate the examination, of not only the specifications lodged in the New Zealand office, but also of copies of those deposited in the English, American, Canadian, Australian, and other Patent Offices. The examination systemin vogue in the United States, &c., does not and cannot guarantee inventors against taking out useless patents, or the validity of patents when granted, and is therefore only a partial protection. There appears to be a growing feeling that the system is worse than useless, and should be abolished. The English Mechanic, the New York World, and the Scientific American all urge reform in this direction. In the United States 48 per cent, of the applications are refused, and in Queensland, where the system exists, but only imperfectly, owing to the lack of a proper library, only 12 per cent, are refused, causing complaint of perfunctory examination. In short, either such an examination by the office should be most thorough and complete, or it should be left severely alone. At present the duty in this respect of the Begistrar here is confined to ascertaining thai the application and other documents comply with the requirements of the Act and Begulations.



Pr i XX. X

13. It is well known that the number of applications for patents in New Zealand is abnormally large in proportion to the population, and of course many of such applications are from outside the colony ; but it will probably be of interest -to many to learn that the number of applications made in the London office from this colony exceeds those from any other British colony and possession excepting Victoria, Canada, and India, and also, with only six exceptions, exceeds those from every Foreign State. 14. As the New Zealand Gazette is the only journal in which particulars of applications for Letters Patent and registration of trade-marks, and other matters connected with the Patent Office, are published, and it has not an extensive circulation amongst those likely to be interested in or benefited by such publication, I think it worthy of consideration whether the time has not arrived for the issue of a weekly or fortnightly supplement to be devoted solely to Patent Office notices, and to be supplied separately to any who may choose to subscribe specially for it. Later on this will probably develope into a separate Patent Office Journal similar to those published in England, Canada, and the United States. 15. A new Copyright Act, such as was introduced into Parliament last session, is, I submit, required as a companion to the Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act. 16. An appendix to this report contains the following returns : (A.) Statement of all fees, salaries, allowances, and other money received and paid under the Act. (B.) List of staff of office. (C.) Number of applications for patents, and of patents granted, under Acts now repealed. (D.) Number of applications for patents accepted under Act of 1889. (E.) Nature of Letters Batent and Letters of Eegistration applied for during 1889. (F.) Number of trade-marks registered in each year up to 31st December, 1889, under Acts repealed. (G.) Number of applications to register trade-marks under Act of 1889, from Ist January to 30th June, 1890, and number registered. (H.) List of applications for patents during 1889. (I.) List of applications for patents lapsed after publication of list for 1888. (J.) List of Letters Patent lapsed through non-payment of renewal fee from Ist June, 1889, to 30th April, 1890. C. J. A. Haseldbn, Begistrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks. Patent Office, Wellington, Bth July, 1890.

APPENDIX. A.—Statement of all Fees, Salaries, Allowances, and other Moneys received and paid under the Act. £ s. d. Fees received under " The Patents Act, 1883," during six months ended 31st December, 1889 900 1 0 Fees received under " The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act, 1889," during six months ended 30th June, 1890, — Patent fees ... ... ... ... ... ... £951 19 0 Designs fees ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Trade-marks fees ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 13 0 996 12 0 Total revenue for twelve months ended 30th June, 1890 ... £1,896 13 0 Salaries paid during six months ended 31st December, 1889 ... ... ... 60 0 0 Other moneys paid during six months ended 31st December, 1889 ... ... 38 9 0 Salaries paid during six months ended 30th June, 1890 ... ... ... ... 190 0 0 Other moneys paid during six months ended 30th June, 1890 ... ... ... 67 18 9 Total expenditure for twelve months ended 30th June, 1890 £356 7 9

B.—Staff of the Office and Salaeies. Begistrar of Batents, Designs, and Trade-marks ... ... ... ... Nil. Deputy-Begistrar, Clerk, and Draughtsman ... ... ... ... ... 260 0 0 Clerk 120 0 0

H.— ]


C. —Number of Applications for Patents and Letters of Registration under Acts now repealed.

Note.—By " N.Z." is meant those in which the applicant resides in the colony, and by " Foreign " those in which they are not so resident. * These columns are not filled up, as necessarily the returns would be incomplete and of no value, the respective periods not having yet expired.

D.—Number of Applications for Patents during Six Months ended 30th June, 1890, accepted under Act of 1889.

Number of Applications received. Number of such Applications lapsed or refused. Number of Patents and Letters of Registration sealed on such Application. Number of such Patents lapsed owing to Non-payment of Renewal Fees. Number of such Patents and Letters of Registration in force to End of Term. Year and Act. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 1861) 1864} 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 6 15 6 15 6 15 o CD I - i re a P 1 4 3 5 9 19 19 19 14 4 16 19 15 27 22 34 34 89 159 260 240 380 402 489 460 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 98 83 123 143 256 236 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 11 6 2 9 13 9 23 13 24 34 55 74 133 193 164 160 189 5 5 4 6 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 93 74 90 73 107 132 216 1 4 3 5 9 19 14 1 2 5 5 4 6 • 8 19 10 17 19 10 22 5 23 23 25 46 43 91 74 41 * o a P 5 8 8 2 7 6 6 4 9 10 10 34 85 127 147 216 242 300 10 4 2 8 12 7 20 13 16 23 48 57 116 * 1 1 2 3 8 11 7 17 17 2 O -»^ < CO <D i-H Pi P 8 10 16 11 40 49 * * * * * # * * * *

Number of Provisional Specifications [ Number of Compl received. lodged in fii lete Specifications | •st instance. I Total. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. 58 23 108 100 284



E.—Nature of Letters Patent and Letters of Registration applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1889 under Act of 1883.

Nature of Invention. 1 I fog z i. a. < Nature of Invention. *> .2 O u < Nature of Invention. s i 2 '■§. J < < Albumen Advertising Alarms Amalgamating Antimony-cruding, &c. Artificial stone Asphalt Axles Bags Bag-filler .. • • Ballast-wagon Balls Batteries, galvanic .. Bee-box Bearings Belt Beverage Bicycles Binders Bleaching Blight-destroying Blinds Boats, &c. Boilers Boots and shoes Bottles Bottle-washing Boxes Branding Breaking stones Breakwaters Bricks Bridle-hooks Brooms and brushes Buckle Butter-cooling Butter-making Butter-moulds Butter-packing Bullets, &c. Calculating-devices .. Cans Candles Cartridges Casks Catch for lifts Cemept Chaff-baggers Chaff-cutters Chairs Chemicals Chimney-cowls Churns Cleaning knives, &c. Cleaning wool, &c. .. Clips Clipping horses, &c.. Closets Clothes-drying Clothing Coal-washing Coating iron with copper Coffee Coin-freed machines Coke-ram Commode Condensers Cooking-apparatus .. Cooling Coopering Copper-ores, &c. Copying-apparatus .. Cord-holder Corks, tying Couplings Cradle Cramps Crushing ores, &c. .. Curing fish.. Cutting Cyanides, obtaining.. 1 4 3 12 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 3 11 4 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 2 8 2 7 2 6 1 Dampers Darning Delivering goods Destroying trees Destroying weeds Deodorisers Disinfectants Disintegrator Doors Draught-increasing Draught-preventing Dredging Dressing flax Driving pipes and piles Drying Dyeing Ear-drums, &c. Electricity Electric lighting Electric machines Elevator Engines Evaporating Excluding dust and draught .. Explosives Extinguishing fire Exterminating rabbits Extracting teeth Fastenings Feeding animals Fencing Filters Fire-bars Fire-escapes Fire-extinguishers Fire-grates Fire-lighters Fishing Fish-oil Fish, &c, curing Flax-dressing, &c. Flour Flushing drains Flue Food Forgery, preventing Fuel Furnaces Furnace-feeder Furnaces, smelting .. .. Furniture Gas Gas-burners Gas-meters Gas-regulators Gasalier Games, &c. Gates Gauge .. .. Glass-working, &c. Gold, &c, saving, &c. Goods, delivering Governors Grain-drying Grain-separating Grating Grinding Growing fruit, &c. Gum-spear Gum-treating Guard for children Hanging pictures, &c. Harness Harrows ... Harvesting Heating Hides, &c. Hooks Horned-cattle curb Horse-hoes Horse-shoes, &c. I I 6 I 2 5 5 i 6 C I 8 59 9 ii I 2 II 2 8 I 5 i i 8 2 7 i ii 5 19 5 2 7 2 3 I I I 2 59 I 2 I 8 Hose Hydraulic mining Ice-making .. ... Illuminating Insects, destroying, &c. Iron-smelting, &c. Jack, lifting Jars Jelly Joining tubes Joining timber Joining rubber tires Kettles Kerosene-pump Keys Knitting Knives Knives, cleaning Knotters Ladders Lamps Lanterns Launching boats Leather Leggings .. Lifting Lightning-arresters Loading trucks, carts, &c. Locking doors, &c. Lock-nuts Mangle Manures Marking Mattresses Measuring Medicines Merry-go-rounds Metals, separating Meters Milk- and cream-separating .. Motors Musical instruments.. Nails Nightsoil, removing Nightsoil, treating .. Nuts and bolts Obtaining cyanides Oil Opening oysters Ores, roasting Ores, treating Packing butter, eggs, &c. Paint Pens, &c. Perambulators Perforating Phonographs and phonograms Photography Piano-protector Pictures Piles, driving Pills Pipes, driving Pipes, joining Pipes, metal making Pipes, tobacco Ploughs Pocket for slides, &c. Poison Polishing Pontoon Position-finders Potato-bagger Potato-digger Potato-planter Pots Precipitating albumen Preserving .. .. Presses Preventing oxidation Printing 3 7 2 5 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 5 4 1 1 5 1 12 1 1 6 3 1 3 3 2 1 5 2 45 2 2 5 2 6 1 .2 1 2 1 4 2 2 5 7 I 4 3 2 I 3 2 4 5 II 3 2 2 I II I 2 3 3 8 3 1 14 9 I I 3 1 2 3 6 2 4 4 1 I 4 17 1 I I 4 36 6 2 4 I 1 7 2 1 6 8 5 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 I 2 3 2 1 1 I 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 8 1 1 10 2 8 8 3 10 1 5 4 1 2 1 • 13 8 1 6 1 1 4



E.—Nature of Letters Patent and Letters of Registration applied for in New Zealand during the Year 1889 under Act of 1883 — continued.

Note. —As some applications are entered under more than one head, the figures will add up to more than the actual number of applications received.

F.—Number of Trade-marks registered in each Year from 1866 up to 31st December, 1889, under Acts repealed.

Nature of Invention. n o £ °g ** p. < Nature of Invention. 5 o Eo g z £• < Nature of Invention. to S o a, < Projectiles Propellers Prospector Protective works, Sec. Pulverising Pumps Pulley Quartz-crushing Rabbits, exterminating Railway-buffers Railway-carriages .. Railway-locomotives Railway-signals Railway-points Railway-blocks Raising ships, &c. Rams Reaping Rebated joints Refining Refrigerating Regulating Removing earth, &c. Ridging Road-scoops Roasting ores Roofing Roundabouts Safes Salt Sashes,'fasteners, &c. Sausage-casings Saving life Sawdust-remover Saws Scouring Separating metals Separating seeds, &c. Sewage, treating, &c. Sewers 2 I I 3 9 IO i 9 7 i 4 2 2 2 I I 2 4 2 I Shaft-couplings Sharpening Sheaf-carriers Shearing Shears Ships and boats, &c... Shoes and boots, &c. Shot and balls Sifting Signalling Skins and hides Skirt-form Smelting Smoke-consuming Soap Spear, gum Stamps, rubber, &c... Starch Stationery Stave-working Steam-generators Steam-valves Stirring Stone-breaking Stopper-guard Stopper Stoves Straining wire Street-names Stuffing-box Sugar Sulphates Sulphur Suspending wires Swingletree Synchronizing clocks Tanning Taps Targets Teaching mechanics .. 4 3 2 3 I 3 II 2 I 3 4 i 4 i I I 2 I I I 2 5 I Teeth-extracting Telegraphy Telephony Threshing Timber Timekeepers Tins Tools Training-walls Traps for animals Trucks Tubing-metal Tubs Tunnelling Twine Valves Varnish Vehicles Ventilators Walls, training Washing-compositions Washing-machines .. Water-heaters Water-proofing Well-sinking Windlass Window-sashes Window-fasteners .. Wire, fencing Wire, packing Wire, suspending Wheels Wool-preparing Wool-washing Wringing Writing Zinc I I I I I 3 I 3 2 5 2 I I I I ■ 5 i 5 6 2 2 3 6 3 IO 3 4 9 I 2 I 3 4 2 II I I I I I I 3 i i 13 i i i i i i 2 17 2 I I 5 5 i i I i 7 45 5 i 5 I I I 2 I 3

I Year. Number. Year. Number. Year. Number. 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 None None 1 None None None 1 5 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 10 9 19 28 28 30 23 61 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 68 105 178 84 154 112 162 144



G.—Number of Applications to register Trade-marks during the Six Months ended 30th June, 1890.

H.—List of Applications . for Patents and Letters of Eegistration during the Year 1889. 3465. 2nd January. Thomas- Thatcher, of Fernham, Wanganui, New Zealand, Grazier.—An invention for improvements in river and harbour training-walls and protection-works. 3466. 3rd January. Bichard Harwood, of Foxton, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a horned-cattle curb (for preventing the destruction of fences by horned cattle). (Not proceeded with.) 3467. 4th January. Edwin Barlow, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved pad for inking indiarubber or other stamps, styled "The Bremier Indestructible Pad." (Not proceeded with.) 3468. 3rd January. John Wilkins, of Auckland, New Zealand, Surgeon.—An invention for drawing teeth, to be called "Dr. Wilkins's Quick and Easy Stump- and Tooth-extractor." (Not proceeded with.) 3469. 4th January. Alfred Andrew Lockwood, of Auckland, New Zealand, Mine-manager.—An invention for the extraction of gold, silver, and other metals, to be called " Lockwood's Improved Carbonated Hydrogen Furnace." 3470. 7th January. John Beown Evans, of Mabus, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, but temporarily of London, England, Farmer..—An invention for improvements in apparatus for regulating the tension of fencing-wires and for testing the same. 347.1. ,7th January. William Danton Sandwell, of Heme Hill, Surrey, England, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements relating to dynamo-electric machines and to electric motors, and to means for carrying electrical batteries for driving such motors when placed upon, tramway-vehicles, or otherwise arranged to be transported from place to place. 3472. 7th January. John Bowing, of 259, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, in the City of London, England, Consulting Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of fuel from coal-slack and similar substances. 3473. 7th January. Sigmund Spitzee, of 13, Flinders Lane West, Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer, and Frederick William Eberhaed Sander, of the same place, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved process for and relating to the manufacture of starch and improvements in apparatus therefor. 3474. 7th January. Edward Waters, of No. 75, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in. calculating-machines (being a communication from the American. Arithmometer Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Missouri, one of the United States of America, and having its place of business in St. Louis, in the said State of Missouri). 3475. 4th January. John Hodgson Lee, of Te Puke, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for the Bungalow glass butter-jar. (Not proceeded with.) 3476. sth January. John Wilkie, Mason, George Mitchell, Baker, and Eobert William Butheeford, Bhotographer, all of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for improving, by. the use of sulphur in combination with other elements, the method of preparing skins and hides for tanning.

Number of Class. Number of Applications received. Number registered. Remarks. 2 3 5 7 10 12 13 15 20 37 38 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 I o 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 27 6 2 4 3 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 "i i i If the columns were totalled they will show ar | excess of the actual numbers—which are, applications 62, registrations 15 —as some applications I include two or more classes. It will, of course, be borne in mind that, as nc trade-mark can be registered until two months after the application has been gazetted, the numbers shown as registered have yet to be augmented. i . i ' i 2 2 2 2 1 2 I



3477. 7th January. David Banken Shireeff Galbraith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of the precious metals from ores of the same or from other materials containing precious metals, and in the apparatus employed therein. 3478. 7th January. Peter Cristensen Heneicksen, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Ironmonger, and John Mitchell, of the same place, Architect.—An invention for an improved method of keeping fish fresh and in a fit state for market, and as a desirable and cheap article for food for the Queen's subjects. (Not proceeded with.) 3479. 9th January. Charles Aethue Lees, of 27, Antigua Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Clerk, and Stephen William Lester, of Lytton Street, Sydenham, Canterbury aforesaid, Carpenter.—An invention for a machine for shelling Yorkshire-fog, trefoil, and clover seeds, to be called "Lee's Yorkshire-fog, Trefoil, and Clover Seed-sheller." 3480. 10th January. William A. Fitzherbeet, Civil Engineer, William Cable, Ironfounder, and Peter Hutson, Contractor, all of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for the Fitzherbert cruding-furnace for cruding or smelting antimonial ore or other ores or metals. 3481. 11th January. John Wildridge, of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of sheathing cast-iron and steel propeller-blades to protect them from the corrosive action brought about by revolution in water. 3482. 11th January. John Gotfried Dudeck, of Otakeho, Taranaki, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved apparatus for straining and splicing wire, and which is applicable to some other purposes. 3483. 9th January. Matthew Dyer, of Auckland, New Zealand, Sawyer.—An invention for removing sawdust, to be called " Dyer's Patent Sawdust-remover and Furnace-feeder." 3484. 11th January. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a collar or socket for attaching to the end of pipes to be sunk for artesian wells. 3485. 11th January. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer, and John Bobb, of the same place, Blacksmith.—An invention for convexo-concave discs to be applied to horse-hoes. 3486. 14th January. Alfred Joseph Brown Bosenberg, of Birie Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for the prevention of breaking and heating of eggs in transit, to be called " Bosenberg's Patent Egg-case." ("Not proceeded with.) 3487. 15th January. Frank William Allchin, of Northampton, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or relating to roundabouts or merry-go-rounds and other riding toys. 3488. 15th January. Henry Coward Worth Emery, of Hornsey, in the County of Middlesex, England, Brewery Collector, and Edmund Christian, of Clerkenwell, in the said county, Brewery Cashier.—An invention for improvements in tobacco-pipes. 3489. 15th January. George M'cCaul, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.— An invention for " McCaul's Composition Metal-headed Nail." (Befused.) 3490. 7th January. John Wilkie, Mason, George Mitchell, Baker, and Eobert William Eutheefoed, Photographer, all of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for improving, by the use of sulphur in combination with other elements, the method of preparing skins and hides for tanning. 3491. 11th January. Frederick Edmonds, of Kaikohe, Bay of Islands, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improved churn-beater or separator, to be called "Edmonds's Batent Screw-churn." (Not proceeded with.) 3492. 15th January. Henry Corrick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.— An invention for a bicycle, to be called " The Bresto." (Not proceeded with.) 3493. 17th January. Allan Skene, of Biddiford Street, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved damper for domestic chimneys. (Not proceeded with.) 3494. 18th January. James Cosmo Newbery, of Melbourne, Victoria, temporarily of London , England, Bachelor of Science, and Claude Theodore James Vautin, of London aforesaid, Metallurgical Engineer.—An. invention for a method of separating the solid from the liquid parts of sewage. 3495. 18th January. James Cosmo Newbery, of Melbourne, Victoria, temporarily of London, England, Bachelor of Science, and Claude Theodore James Vautin, of London aforesaid, Metallurgical Engineer.—An invention for an improved process for the separation of finelydivided natural mineral or metallic matter from the liquids in which they are suspended. 3496. 18th January. Claude Theodore James Vautin, of London, England, Metallurgical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the process for the extraction of gold by the wet method relating to its separation from other bodies. 3497. 16th January. Benjamin Wiles Betts, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for an improved method of wiring or tying corks or stoppers so as to prevent them from being forced out of the bottle by pressure from the inside, to be called " Betts's Patent Stopper-guard." (Not proceeded with,) 3498. 16th January. Josiah Clifton Firth, of Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for a mixed flour, to be called " Firth's Patent Automatic Flour." (Not proceeded with.) 3499. 17th January. Walter Ileingworth Bobinson, of Mount Boskill, Auckland, New Zealand, Drawing Master and Science Teacher.—An invention for the teaching of mechanics in colleges and schools, title being "Eobinson's Batent Apparatus for Experimental Mechanics." (Not proceeded with.) 3500. 17th January. Henry Hopper Adams, of Waiorongomai, Auckland, New Zealand, and Samuel Bateman Firth, of Auckland aforesaid, Engineers.—An invention for an improvement in cylinders for rotary ore-roasting furnaces. (Not proceeded with.)



3501. 23rd January. Alfred Andrew Lockwood, of Auckland, New Zealand, Mine-manager, and Herbert Chappel, of Sydney, New South Wales, Land and Mining Agent.—An invention for a gold-saving furnace, to be called " Lockwood and Chappel's Carbonated Hydrogen Furnace," for the treatment of auriferous, argentiferous, and other ores. 3502. 24th January. Andrew McFarlane, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of clothes-pegs. (Not proceeded with.) 3503. 24th January. Andrew McFaelane, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of clothes-pegs. (Not proceeded with.) 3504. 25th January. Andrew McFaelane, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of clothes-pegs. (Not proceeded with.) 3505. 24th January. William Meikle, of Mercury Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for " Meikle's Patent Noiseless Window-sash Spring and Fastener." 3506. 24th January. Amos James Davidson, Eobert Crispin Hooper, and George Dean, all of Auckland, New Zealand.—-An invention for " Zealandia Iron Cement." (Not proceeded with.) 3507. 24th January. Amos James Davidson, Eobert Crispin Hooper, and George Dean, all of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for " Zealandia Non-conducting Cement." (Not proceeded with.) 3508. 22nd January. Joshua Henry Brady, of Bedford Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Eepresentative of the Walter A. Wood Mowing and Eeaping Machine Company of Hoosick Falls, New York, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in sheafcarriers for harvesting machines, to be called "Brady's Automatic Sheaf-carrier." (Not proceeded with.) 3509. 26th January. Frederick William Grant, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Artesian-well Sinker. —An invention for an improved flanged pulley or wheel to be attached to wellboring apparatus for shallow or deep wells, styled " Grant's Improved Flanged Pulley or Wheel." (Withdrawn.) 3510. 29th January. James Macteae, of Victoria Mansions, in the City of Westminster, England, Chemical Expert.—An invention for an improved process of preparing or treating vegetable fibrous material for obtaining fibre therefrom. 3511. 29th January. Ignatius Singer, Analytical Chemist, and Moritz Wolff Judeel, Merchant, both of Greshani House, Old Broad Street, London, England.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for cleaning wool and like materials. 3512. 26th January. William Barnsdale, of Wood Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, and William Johnson Parker, of Arney Crescent, Bemuera, Auckland, aforesaid. —An invention for an improved method or system of evaporating and drying manure, nightsoil, fish, offal, blood, meat, or any other refuse matter, and to be called " The Giant Evaporator." (Not proceeded with.) 3513. 26th January. William Phoenix Ogilvie, of Auckland, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for a skirt-form, to be called " Ogilvie's Patent Folding and Adjustable Skirt-form." 3514. 30th January. Alfred Noble, of 53, Avenue Malakoff, Paris, France, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of explosives. 3515. 31st January. Thomas John Dunn, of Sydney, New South W T ales, Tanner.—An invention for improvements in the process of tanning leather with tannin compounds. 3516. 31st January. Oeazio Lugo, of the City and State of New York, United States of America, Doctor of Medicine.—An invention for improvements in electric motors and dynamo machines. 3517. 25th January. Thomas Fraser McPherson, of Upper Mawdiera Quay, Greymouth, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for lifting water, washdirt, or other material from a lower to a higher level, specially for gold-mining or other purposes, to be called " Mcßherson's Patent Lift." (Not proceeded with.) 3518. 28th January. David Strang, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Coffee and Spice Merchant.— An invention entitled " Strang's Batent Soluble Dry Coffee-powder." 3519. Ist February. Henry Metcalfe Nuthall, of Kensington, Middlesex, England, Captain.— An invention for improvements in lamps, lanterns, and other similar articles. 3520. 31st January. William Eeeves, of Bangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.— An invention for an automatic machine for creating motive-power, styled " Eeeves's Desideratum Motive-power." (Not proceeded with.) 3521. 2nd February. William Heney Eichaedson, of Thebarton, South Australia.—An invention for improved process and appliances for saving fine gold and fine mercury which has become sickened in vaporisation or other process. (Not proceeded with.) 3522. 2nd February. Gustaf Dillbeeg, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved automatic delivery-box for cigarettes. 3523. 28th January.—Alexandee Schuetze, of the Eailway Hotel, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Licensed Victualler.—An invention for an improved method of growing fruit and vegetables, to be called " Schultze's Cylindrical Method of Growing Fruit." (Not proceeded with.) 3524. Ist February. Leonard Pozzi, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Gunsmith.— An invention for a feeder, to be called " Pozzi's Pen Ink-feeder. 3525. 4th February. Alfred Don, of Donville Villa, Garner's Avenue, Marrickville, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer, and John Sands, of Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney aforesaid, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus (operating by means of a steamjet and an induced current of air) for the prevention and consumption of smoke, and the more complete combustion of fuel in steam-boiler and other furnaces. 2—H. 1.



3526. sth February. William Macandrew, of Foxton, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in dressing flax, and in machinery for the same. 3527. sth February. George Hamilton, of Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.— An invention for an improved coke-ram, and the means of operating the same. 3528. 31st January. James Edwin Arnold, of Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Blacksmith.— An invention for a gum-digging spear, to be called " Arnold's Batent Gum-spear Shifting Handle." (Not proceeded with.) 3529. 2nd February. Henry Fricker, of 4, Great Portland Street, Oxford Street, London, England, Manager.—An invention for an improved portable cooking apparatus. 3530. 4th February. John Fiven, of Tory Street, Nelson, New Zealand, Coachsmith.—An invention for an improved shaft-coupling for four-wheeled vehicles. (Not proceeded with.) 3531. fith February. Arthur Hope, of Yarra Bank South, South Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in stone-breaking machines. 3532. 6th February. Boderick Nicholson Montgomery, of 1, Salisbury Buildings, Bourke Street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Produce Merchant.—An invention for improvements in and relating to means for closing and locking or unlocking railway-carriage doors. ■ 3533. 4th February. Walter Taylor, of Kingsland Boad, Auckland, New Zealand, Mechanic.— An invention for washing and cleansing clothes by steam, to be called "The Climax Steamwasher." (Not proceeded with.) 3534. sth February. Frederick Maindonald, of West Eyreton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved self-feeder for threshing-machines. (Not proceeded with.) 3535. Bth February. John Alexander Wilson, of Dundee, Scotland, Aerated Water Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements relating to the axle-boxes or bearings of carriages and other vehicles. 3536. Bth February. John Henry Eichardson Dinsmore, of Emlyn Street, in the City of Liverpool, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and connected with the manufacture of gas from coal, and apparatus employed therein. 3537. Bth February. Boderick Impey Murchison, of 22, Dandenong Boad, Armadale, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for an. improved composition for destroying weeds, scrub, and other vegetable growths, and for destroying insects, and preserving timber from their attacks. 3538. Bth February. Thomas Bassett, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Merchant.— An invention for a basket-carrier and attachments for working same, to be used only on the reaper-and-binder known as " McCormick's." 3539. Bth February. William Craig, of Sydney, New South Wales, Miner.—An invention for improvements in and relating to artificial bitumen and asphalte and the manufacture thereof. 3540. 6th February. Alfred Leman, of Eichmond Boad, Ponsonby Boad, Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention to be called " Leman's Batent Lever Quartz-crushing Machine." (Not proceeded with.) 3541. 7th February. John Howard Dalton, of 210, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for making coats and vests as one garment, to be called " Dalton's Combination Coat and Vest." 3542. 9th February. George Aston, of Newlands, Ashburton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention to be called " Aston's Adjuster for Beapers-and-binders." 3543. 11th February. Ludwig Keyling, of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia and German Empire, Director.—An invention for process and apparatus for producing shots or spheres of fragments or pieces of iron, steel, and metal. 3544. 12th February. Edward Seagar, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in flax-dressing machines. (Not proceeded with.) 3545. 11th February. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.. —An invention for a cam to be attached to well-driving apparatus for shallow or deep wells for the purpose of raising and releasing the monkey or rods. 3546. 13th February. William Sydney Smith, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for a grating, to be called " Smith's Patent Grating." (Not proceeded with.) 3547. 14th February. David Bobertson, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention to be called " Bobertson's Improved Flax-stripper." (Not proceeded with.) 3548. 12th February. Thomas Moore Bryant, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a metal holdfast clip or staple, to be called "The Universal Barbed-metal Clip." (Not proceeded with.) 3549. 12th February. Amos James Davidson, and Eobert Crispin, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for cleansing ironsand by magnetism, to be called " Davidson and Hooper's Magnetic Cleanser of Ironsand." (Not proceeded with.) 3550. 15th February. John Ceaig McKerrow, of Hawkestone Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Land Agent.—An invention to be called " McKerrow's Deodoriser." (Not proceeded with.) 3551. 14th February. John Piercy, of Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand, Fence-manufac-turer.—An invention for an improvement in ladders, to be called " Piercy's Fire-escape and Farmers' Ladder." (Not proceeded with.) 3552. 18th February. Edward Waters, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improved process of and compound for removing precious metals from ores and metallurgical products. (E. H. Bussell.) 3553. 18th February. Edward Waters, of 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in the art of extracting metals from ores or metallurgical products. (E. H. Bussell.)



3554. 14th February. George Augustus Bryan, of Auckland, New Zealand, Dealer, and George Eichards, of the same place, Machinist.—An invention for guiding perambulators, to be called " Bryan and Bichards's Batent Movable Guide for Perambulators." (Not proceeded with.) 3555. 20th February. Allan Skene, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for straining wire, wire ropes, cords, and fencing. (Not proceeded with.) 3556. 21st February. William Evans, of Palace Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria, Commercial Traveller, and Frederic Burgon, of Fernbank, Wisewood, Sheffield, England, Sheep-shear Manufacturer.—An invention for improvement in machines for shearing or clipping animals, clipping the superfluous nap from carpets, and for shearing or clipping generally. (Not proceeded with.) 3557. 21st February. James Mills, of Greymouth, New Zealand, Publisher.—An invention for a combination manifold writing- and copying-book. 3558. 19th February. Walter Booth, of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, Inventor.—An invention for an improved self-cleansing dripstone filter, to be entitled " The Universal Filter." (Not proceeded with.) 3559. 22nd February. George Baymond and Albert Baymond, both of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, Mechanics.—An invention for improvements relating to the pulverisation or reduction of mineral or other substances, and to apparatus therefor. 3560. 22nd February. John Bernhard Brenmehl, of 104, Park Street, Camden Town, Middlesex, England, Manufacturer.-—An invention for improvements in coin-freed mechanism. (Not proceeded with.) 3561. 22nd February. Albert Berwick Cunningham, of London, England, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements relating to the extraction of gold, silver, and lead from substances containing the same, and to apparatus therefor. 3562. 18th February. Hugh Hebee Cholmondeley, of Piako, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for champion iron fencing-wire strainer. (Not proceeded with.) 3563. 18th February. Amos JamEs Davidson and Eobert Crispen Hooper, both of Auckland, New Zealand, Stonemasons.—An invention for Davidson and Hooper's compressed ironsand process. (Not proceeded with.) 3564. 22nd February. John Smith, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Well-sinker.— An invention for an improved apparatus for driving pipes for artesian wells or for driving piles, to be called " The Enterprise Well-driving Apparatus." (Not proceeded with.) 3565. 25th February. John Howell, of Waiorongomai, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for Howell's revolving cylinder ore-roaster. 3566. 25th February. William Thomas Nuttall, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Blumber. —An invention for an improved apparatus or device for flushing water-closets and sewers. 3567. 25th February. John Sands, of Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in ore pulverisers or reducers. 3568. 23rd February. David McLean Wallace, Blacksmith, and George William Graves, Butcher, both of Waiorongomai, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for the improved Al wire-fasteners for fastening barbed or plain fencing-wire. 3569. 23rd February. William Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention for William Vaile's patent combination rubber washing-boiler machine, wringer, and mangle. 3570. 26th February. Thomas Danks, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for sinking artesian wells, to be called "The Improved Canterbury Well-sinking Machine." (Withdrawn.) 3571. Ist March. Thomas Alva Edison,, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in methods and apparatus for recording and reproducing sounds, and for preparing surfaces for receiving sound-records, and in materials or compositions for such surfaces. 3572. Ist March. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in phonographs. 3573. 31st March. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for recording and reproducing sound, and in sufaces for receiving such sound-record and methods of making and using such surfaces. 3574. 26th February. William George Quickc, Sen., of Invercargill, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a combined sack-truck and lift, to be called "Quickc's Patent Sack-truck and Lift." (Not proceeded with.) 3575. 27th February. John Adkins, of Stafford Street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Hotel Manager.—An invention for a spring mattress, entitled " The Improved Spring Mattress." (Not proceeded with.) 3576. 28th February. Charles Edward Walker, of West Melton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Machinist. —An invention for a machine for sharpening chaff-cutter knives, to be called " The Canterbury Flexible Sharpener." 3577. 27th February. Arthur Steel Ford, of Thames Goldfields, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for Ford's patent tailing - crusher and cylindrical friction amalgamator. (Not proceeded with.) 3578. 26th February. John Heron, of Greymouth, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for excluding the rain, dust, and draught from entering buildings under outside doors, to be called "A. Bain- and Dust-excluder." (Not proceeded with.)



3579. 28th February. John Anderson, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Iron- and Brass-founder. • —An invention for an improvement in archimedean ventilators. (Not proceeded with.) 3580. Ist March. George Sollitt, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for "The Kaipai General Cooper," a machine for making all description of wood hollow-ware. 3581. 4th March. Archibald Siddall, of Byde, New South Wales, Bank Accountant.—An invention for an improved hanger for picture-frames and such like objects. 3582. 4th March. William Fairweather, of Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for improving the drum and bearings of flax-stripper, the drum to be called " The Go-ahead Flax-drum." (Not proceeded with.) 3583. sth March. John Eobert Baddle and Clement Van de Velde, both of Sydney, New South Wales, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in locomotive furnaces, parts of which are applicable to other steam-boiler furnaces. 3584. 7th March. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Batent Agent. —An invention for improvements in sheaf-carriers. (The McCormick Harvesting Machine Company.) (Not proceeded with.) 3585. Bth March. Edward Hughes Elliott, of Cross Street, Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the cure of nervous disorders by means of electricity in the form of a pill, to be called "An Electric Pill." (Not proceeded with.) 3586. 9th March. Edward Goodwin, of Pigeon Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a double-action windlass. 3587. 11th March. William Charles Alfred Dimock, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in curing and preserving bacon and meat. 3588. 11th March. Walter Norgrove, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for scutching and cleaning flax, entitled "The Anti-friction Scutcher and Cleaner." (Not proceeded with.) 3589. 13th March. Charles Blomefield Douglas, of New Blymouth, New Zealand, Surveyor.— An invention for improvements in pipes and other similar articles, to be called " The Smokers' Nicotine-collector." (Not proceeded with.) 3590. Bth March. Thomas Mooee Bryant, of Auckland, New Zealand, Agent. —An invention for barbed-metal case-hooping, to be called " The Universal Barbed Hooping." (Not proceeded with. 3591. 14th March. Colin McDonald, of No. 117, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Master Mariner. —An invention for an improved mechanical bearing. 3592. 11th March. William John Blakey, of Auckland, New Zealand, Blockmaker. —An invention for a wire clothes-peg, to be called "Blakey's Improved Spring Clothes-peg." (Not proceeded with.) 3593. 14th March. Eobert Martin Crosbie, of Nelson, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improved feed-rollers and chairs for flax-stripping machine. 3594. 16th March. Frederick Barker Hill, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in ice-making, cooling, and refrigerating apparatus. 3595. 16th March. Francis Edward Wilson, of Birmingham, England, Safe-manufacturer, and Charles Curwen Walker, of Acock's Green, Warwick, England, Surveyor.—An invention for improvements in fastening- or locking-mechanism for safes and strong-rooms. 3596. 16th March. Charles Dixon Aria, of 175, Piccadilly, London, England, Lamp-manu-facturer..—An invention for improvements in oil-lamps. 3597. 16th March. William Augustus Elliott, of Bridge House, Hopkins Street, Footscray, Melbourne, Victoria.—An invention for improved rotary heel-motor for boots and shoes. 3598. 14th March. John Sampson Boberts, of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, Chaffcutter.—An invention for an improved knife-wheel, to facilitate the removal and sharpening of the knives in chaffcutters, to be called " Boberts's Patent Knife-wheel and Automatic Self-sharpener for Chaffcutters." (Not proceeded with.) 3599. 19th March. John Beck, of Wellington, New Zealand, Timber Merchant.—An invention for an improvement in rebated joints, suitable for any material, but especially for rebated rusticated boarding, to be known as " Beck's Patent Bebated Joint." 3600. 19th March. Edwin Toms, of Peters Street, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter, and David Bait, of Hopper Street, in the said city, Plumber.—An invention for the improved colonial automatic water-flush. (Not proceeded with.) 3601. 20th March. Edwaed Seager, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in flax-dressing machine. (Not proceeded with.) 3602. 20th March. John Andrew Henry Theodore Eanft, Mining Engineer, and Edward Janitzky, Metallurgist, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved process of extracting copper from ores and products containing the same as sulphide. (Josef Perino.) 3603. 21st March. William John Marshall, Boilermaker, and James Ford, Tailor, both of Newcastle, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in the fastening of tubes, such as steam-boiler tubes in their tube-plates. (Not proceeded with.) 3604. 21st March. Tottenham Lee Eichardson, of Murrawoombie, near Nyngen, New South Wales, Grazier. —An invention for improvements in sheep-shearing machines and in inflexible shaft-connections therefor, and for other purposes. 3605. 23rd March. Eobert Edward Evenden, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand.— An invention for a new or improved apparatus for washing and separating gold and some other minerals and substances. 3606. 23rd March. Edward Metcalf Smith, of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for certain improvements in the manufacture of artificial or compound



Ores of iron, by the combination of magnetic ironsand with other materials, into bricks or blocks of any desired form suitable for smelting in an ordinary blast-furnace, and the use of such ores for that purpose. 3607. 26th March. William Butler and Joseph Butler, both of Greymouth, New Zealand, Contractors.—An invention for "Butler's Archimedean Valve." (Not proceeded with.) 3608. (L.8.) 23rd March. Bichard Herbert Lapage, late of Bank Chambers, 109, New Oxford Street, Middlesex, England, now of 17a, Great George Street, Westminster, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in compound locomotive engines. 3609. 26th March. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a valve to be attached to rods used in sinking artesian wells. 3610. 28th March. Harry Samuel Moore, of Scarborough Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, Shopman.—An invention for "Moore's Self-separating Ash and Cinder Stove-bin." (Not proceeded with.) 3611. 28th March. Edward Hasselbach, of Melbourne, Victoria, Telegraph Engineer.—An invention for a combined postal electric signal-alarm and telephone-pillar. 3612. 28th March. Edward Luscombe Evens, Gentleman, and Seth Ferry, Gentleman, both of Adelaide, South Australia.—An invention for an improved apparatus for recording numbers or words in combination with a contrivance for printing or embossing. 3613. 28th March. Charles Hallett, of No. 13, Exchange, Collins Street West, in the City of Melbourne, and Colony of Victoria, Importer.—An invention for an improved method of utilising telegraph, lamp, and other posts or standards for advertising purposes. 3614. 23rd March. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent, and John Mitchell, of the same place, Architect..— An invention for improvements in the construction and manufacture of nails, to be known as " The Acme Nails." 3615. 26th March. John Hodgson Lee, of Te Bake, Tauranga, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for "The Archimedean Plough." 3616. 4th April. Charles Albert Knight, of 107, Hope Street, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in steam generators. 3617. 3rd April. William John Stewart, of Great King Street, Dunedm, in the Province of Otago, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for a tubular carriage-jack. (Not proceeded with,) 3618. 2nd April. John James Haslam, of Wharf Eoad, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for improvements in Haslam's patent twin self-discharging Hydraulic Hopper Pontoon for receiving and conveying silt, sand, gravel, scoria, rock, stone, or other such material, and self-discharging same. (Not proceeded with.) 3619. 2nd April. Theophilus Butterworth Heath, of Upper Symond Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Boot- and Shoe-manufacturer.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of lace-boots where the upper is cut out of one piece of leather with seam down the back, to be called " T. B. Heath's Fern Boot." 3620. 2nd April. William James Daeton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention for an improved toe-cap and toe-plate and an improved heel-plate for boots, &c, to be called " Dalton's Patent Toe-caps and Heels." 3621. 3rd April. Eobert Pearce Gibbons, of Ohinemuri, Auckland, New Zealand, Mill Proprietor. —An invention for Gibbons's patent improved flax-machine with movable beaters and rollers, for cleaning Phormium tenax. (Not proceeded with.) 3622. 6th April.—John Keen, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Gardener.—An invention for the destruction of blight on fruit-trees, commonly called "the scale blight," and to be named " Keen's Blight-exterminator." 3623. Bth April. Walter Cole, of Melbourne, Victoria, Architect.—An invention for churning cream and forming emulsions. 3624. sth April. George Mcßride, of Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor. —An invention for advertising purposes, to be called " Mcßride's Parlour Archery." (Not proceeded with.) 3625. (L.8.) 4th April. Samuel Van Buren Essick, of No. 363, Decater Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Electrician.—An invention for a new and improved printing telegraph. 3626. 9th April. James Foster, of Caversham, Otago, New Zealand, Fainter. —An invention for scolloped flange-iron ridging. 3627. 11th April. William Legrand Card, residing at La Crosse, State of Wisconsin, United States of America, Mining Engineer.—An invention for a machine for eliminating metals from their matrices. 3628. 11th April. William Legrand Card, of Saint Louis, Missouri, United States of America, Alining Engineer.—An invention for improvements in dry concentrators for the treatment of ores. 3629. 11th April. Charles Joseph van Depoele, residing at No. 57, Center Street, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in and relating to a system of suspended bare wires, travelling connections between the wires and the motor and switches, &c, in and for electric railways. 3630. 11th April. John Stewart Mac Arthur, of 15, Princes Street, Pollokshields, Eenfrew, North Britain, Analytical and Technical Chemist. —An invention for improvements in obtaining cyanides from residuary liquors formed in chemical processes. 3631. 11th April. John Stewart Mac Arthur, of Princes Street, Pollokshields, Benfrew, North Britain, Analytical and Technical Chemist. —An invention for improvements in obtaining cyanides from residuary liquors formed in chemical processes. 3632. 11th April. Ernest Charles James Hunter, of Brisbane, Queensland, Sharebroker.—An invention for a new method of utilising postage and other stamps for advertising purposes,



3633. 10th April. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a stuffing-box or gland to be attached to the pipes of artesian wells whilst being sunk. 3634. 12th April. Arthur Shuckburgh Collins, of Kaikoura, Marlborough, New Zealand, Sheepfarmer.—An invention for straining fencing-wire, to be called " The Kaikoura Wirestrainer." (Not proceeded with.) 3635. Bth April. John Abbot, of Waikomiti, Auckland, New Zealand, Poultry-farmer and Orchardist.—An invention for the destruction of the codlin-moth, title " Abbot's Codlin-moth and Insect Destroyer." (Not proceeded with.) 3636. Bth April. John William Fowler, of Sussex Street, Surrey Hills, Auckland, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for coupling hose, to be known as " Fowler's Instantaneous Hose-coupling." (Not proceeded with.) 3637. 13th April. Colin Campbell Eeid, of Melbourne, Victoria, Artist, as nominee for the inventor, Isaac Seward Sherwin, of Toronto, Canada, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in farm-gates. (Not proceeded with.) 3638. 13th April. Colin Campbell Eeid, of Melbourne, Victoria, Artist, as nominee for the , inventor, Isaac Seward Sherwin, of Toronto, Canada, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in farm-gates, (Not proceeded with.) 3639. 13th April. Stephen Hooper, of W T anganui, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improvement in bridle-hooks, to be called " Hooper's Safety Hook." (Not proceeded with.) v 3640. 13th April. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for an improved adjustable centre in cam-wheels, for pumping water for mining or irrigating purposes by horse or other power. (Not proceeded with.) 3641. 17th April. Eorert Butcher, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to domestic and other refrigerators and ice-making machines. 3642. 17th April. Howard Matravers Ashley, of Ferrybridge, York, England, Machinist.—An invention for improvements in machinery for the manufacture of glass bottles and similar hollow glass articles. 3643. 15th April. Herman August, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker and Upholsterer. —An invention for a colonial economic chair, to be called " August's Patent Economic Chair." (Not proceeded with.) 3644. 17th April. Albert Ernest Woodhouse, of Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved knotter for string- or twine-binders. 3645. 17th April. John William Fowler, of Sussex Street, Surrey Hills, Auckland, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for protecting meat, butter, and other provisions from the action of a heated atmosphere. (Not proceeded with.) 3646. 20th April. George William Shailer, of Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand, Photographer, and George William Fowles, of Feilding, Wellington aforesaid, Watchmaker. —An invention for " Shailer and Fowles's Photographic Changing-box." 3647. 20th April. William Birchall, of Melbourne, Victoria, Telegraph Engineer.—Au invention for improvements in electrical apparatus for giving an alarm in the event of fire breaking out. 3648. 24th April. Samuel Burbury Stretton, of 38, Hanover Street, Fitzroy, near Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for improved means for automatically supplying feed to mangers at any prearranged time. 3649. 25th April. George Frederick, of Sydney, New South Wales, Master Mariner, and Francis Kemp, of Sydney aforesaid, Wholesale .Druggist. —An invention for an improved disinfecting and deodorising compound. 3650. 26th April. William Cowper, of 435, Oxford Street, Paddington, Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for the destruction of trees, scrub, and weeds —that is to say, for killing, drying up, and making the same inflammable and easily burnt out, root and branch, and will be most valuable for farmers, &c, for clearing land ready for cultivation. (Not proceeded with.) 3651. 26th April. Carl August Johansson, of Flemminggatan, 27, Stockholm, Sweden, Mechanician. —An invention for improvements in step-bearings for shafts. 3652. 26th April. William Hornsby, of Grantham, Lincoln, England, and Percy John Ogle, of London, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in stamps suitable for pulverising minerals. 3653. 26th April. Charles Chambers, of Hoxton, Middlesex, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in boots, shoes, and the like. 3654. 24th April. Albert Ernest Woodhouse, of Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for oscillating-harrows. (Not proceeded with.) 3655. Ist May. Walter Maddison, of Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for copying or multiplying written copy, to be known as " Maddison's Patent Improved Multigraph." (Not proceeded with.) 3656. Ist May. William Butler and Joseph Butler, of Greymouth, New Zealand, Contractors. An invention for " Butlers' Despatch Hose-coupling." (Not proceeded with.) , , 3657. Ist May. William Butler and Joseph Butler, of Greymouth, New Zealand, Contractors. An invention for " Butlers' Improved Weston's Patent Lift." 3658. Ist May. Ewald Mullee, of Sorau, Prussia, Germany.—An invention for improvements, in couplings for railway-vehicles. 3659. Ist May. Bichard Cobden Easby, of Tory Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Blindmaker. An invention for a self-acting cord or strap-holder or check-action, to be called " Easby's Simplicity Cord-holder." (Not proceeded with.)



3660. Ist May. Mephan Peeguson, of Carlton' Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved pipe-coupling. 3661. Ist May. Charles Hebbeet Eyres, of Sturt Street, Ballarat, Victoria, Ironmonger, and William Sargeant, of Lydiard Street, Ballarat aforesaid, Builder.—An invention for an improved fastener for clipping together the ends of belts, bands, or straps. (T. C. Sargeant.) 3662. 2nd May. Austin Doheety, of Fernhill, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Shepherd.—An invention for an improved machine for raising water. (Not proceeded with.) 3663. 29th April. John Hickes, of High Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improvement in cross-cut and pit saws, to be called "Patent Double Saws." (Not proceeded with.) 3664. 30th April. Eobebt Cockeeell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker.—An invention for "The Eegulatable Inclined Lock-planes for working Force-pumps.' , (Not proceeded with.) 3665. 3rd May. John Augustus Milleb, of Arrowtowu, Lake County, New Zealand, Gold-miner. An invention for the saving of gold, silver, copper, tin, pyrites, or any other metallic ore, to be called " The Witness Gold and Ore-saving Apparatus." (Not proceeded with.) 3666. 3rd May. William Webster Dalby, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemist. —An invention for " Soapene," a scouring, cleansing, and disinfecting medium. 3667. 4th May. Waltee Geeenshields, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for hygienic boots and shoes, to be called "Ventilated Boots or Shoes." (Not proceeded with.) 3668. 6th May. Edward John Martin, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Well-sinker. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for sinking artesian wells, or for pile-driving, to be called " Martin's Ball Apparatus for sinking Artesian Wells, or for Pile-driving." (Not proceeded with.) 3669. 9th May. Benjamin Williams, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for an improved lead-headed nail for corrugated metal. (Withdrawn.) 3670. 9th May. Henby Hughes, 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Patent Agent.— An invention for an improved article of food or concentrated jelly. (W. Robertson.) 3671. 4th May. William George Quickc, of Eye Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Carpenter.— An invention for improvements in Quickc's Patent Sack-truck and Lift. (Not proceeded with.) 3672. 9th May. Michael Willis Feegusson, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Stationer.An invention for an improved apparatus for holding and cutting rolls of paper. (S. Robins and Company.) 3673. 9th May. Michael Willis Feegusson, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Stationer.— An invention for an improved apparatus for holding and cutting rolls of paper. (A. Q. Ross.) 3674. 4th May. Robert Woolley Gibbs, of Maitai Valley, Nelson, New Zealand, Cordage Factor. —An invention for an improved mattress and bed-tick and sofa-squab, called "The Paragon Mattress." 3675. Bth May. William Abeaham Newman, of Hyde Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Plasterer.—An invention for the curing of smoky chimneys, and to be known as " Newman's Patent Spiral Smoke-cure." (Not proceeded with.) 3676. 10th May. James Thoen Goodfellow, of New York, in the United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or connected with railway-carriages, wagons, and platforms, and in draft-bars for same. 3677. 11th May. Lewis Hopceaft, of No. 10, Bethune Road, Stamford Hill, Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in self-feeding, self-stoking, and self-cleaning furnace fire-grates. 3678. 10th May. Edwaed Loomes, of Southampton Street, Sydenham, Canterbury, New Zealand, late Farmer.—An invention for storing and conveying butter free from the ill effects.of shaking and variations of temperature, to be called " The Canterbury Butter-box." (Not proceeded with.) 3679. 10th May. Petek Walkeb, of Musselburgh, St. Kilda, Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —• An invention for an improved diamond harrow, to be called "Walker's Patent Self-fixing Tine-harrow." (Not proceeded with.) 3680. 13th May. James Watkin Kinnibubgh, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for the automatic launching of ships' boats in a heavy sea, to be called " Kinniburgh's Automatic Boat-launching Apparatus." 3681. 13th May. Peter Augustus Dunne, of Tocumwal, New South Wales, Postmaster.—An invention for improved means for coupling poles, shafts, and traces to vehicles. (Not proceeded with.) 3682. 15th May. Edward Eraser Jones, of. Wellington, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for separating gold from sand tailings, &c, and to be called "Jones's Improved Gold-winner." (Refused.) 3683. 15th May. George Thomas Booth and John Edvvabd Touch, both of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for a new or improved method of levelling and making true the drums of flax-strippers. (Not proceeded with.) 3684. 15th May. W t illiam John Haines, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler. — An invention for improvements in the manufacture of firewood-bundles. (Not proceeded with.) 3685. 14th May. John Bigwood, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Plumber and Gasfitter.—An invention for improvements in hydraulic rams.



3686. 14th May. William Clabke, of Kirwee, Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved sheep-feeding rack. 3687. 16th May. Waltbb Gkeenshields, of Auckland, New Zealand, Bracist. —An invention for a suspender, to be called " The Home Bule Suspender." (Not proceeded with.) 3688. 16th May. John Bbown, of Auckland, New Zealand, Millowner.—A machine with spiked discs and a hygienic fan for treating fibrous and other substances by centrifugal action, to be called " Brown's Patent Short-fibre Disintegrator." (Not proceeded with.) 3689. 16th May. Jambs Fobsyth, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Clerk New Zealand Bailways.—An invention for the protection of the public from, accidents by trains or tramcais crossing street-lines or level-crossings, and for improvements in and in connection with a new and self-acting system of signalling passing trains. 3690. 16th May. William Wbbstbe Dalby, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemist. —An invention for Dalby's Sapolio, a cleaning and polishing compound. 3691. 16th May. Phillip Coull, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Millwright. —An invention for an improved sheep-feeding rack, to be called " Coull's Double-hopper Sheepfeeding Back." (Not proceeded with.) 3692. 20th May. Alexandeb William Bickebton, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Professor of Chemistry and Physics.—An invention for a translucent pocket for storing magic-lantern slides or other pictures on glass. (Not proceeded with.) 3693. 16th May. Albebt William Peaese, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Mining Agent. —An invention for a portable hat and coat peg. (Not proceeded with.) 3694. 20th May. Thomas Cabteb, of Courtenay Place, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for washing and saving gold, intituled " Carter's Eureka Gold washing and saving Machine." (Not proceeded with.) 3695. 20th May. William Young, Jun., of Bangiriri, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for the use of manuka (Leptospermum scoparium), ti-tree {Gordylino australis), and tauwhine or tawina (Gassina leptophylla) —that is, the plants and shrubs in New Zealand known by these names—as tanning material, and the making of tanning extract therefrom. (Not proceeded with.) 3696. 20th May. Hebbeet Devbeil, Photolithographer, and William Gallagheb, Gentleman, both of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for improvement in photographic negatives and sensitised plates for use in photo-illustrative processes. 3697. (L;B.) 16th May. Joshua Hbndy, of 51, Fremont Street, San Francisco, State of California, America, Machinist. —An invention for improvements in hydraulic mining apparatus. 3698. 18th May. Albert Sanfoed, of Bakino Island, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for preparing fish, to be called " Jellied Smoked Schnapper," or other fish, as the case may be. 3699. 23rd May. William Maxwell Campbell, at present residing at Christchurch, New Zealand, Major-General (retired). —An invention for a pocket hand-warmer, to be called "The Kyro Pocket Hand-warmer." 3700. 23rd May. James Ballantyne Hannay, of Cove Castle, Loch Long, Dumbarton, Scotland, Chemical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the application and supply of chlorine employed in extracting gold from ores. 3701. 23rd May. Abthub Haet Bowman, of London, England, Jeweller and Silversmith.—An. invention for improvements in tea- and coffee-pots, and similar vessels. 3702. 23rd May. Edwabd Watebs, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Patent Agent. —An invention for an improved process for the amalgamation of gold or other metals capable of amalgamation. (H. S. Baker.) (Not proceeded with.) 3703. 23rd May. Walteb Bbown, of Farish Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in flax-strippers for dressing New Zealand flax. (Not proceeded with.) 3704. 25th May. Millabd Johnson, of Punt Boad, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, Victoria, Analytical Chemist, William Eddington Field, of same place, Analytical Chemist, and Joseph Samuel Beeman, of Harbledown, Carlisle Street, Saint Kilda aforesaid, Engineer and Electrician.— An invention for improvements in amalgams and method of applying the same, to be called '•' Johnson, Field, and Beeman's Patent Amalgamating Process." 3705. 23rd May. Edmund Babkeb, of Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for an improvement hi connection with smoking-pipes, cigar-tubes, &c, to be called " Barker's Nicotine-catcher." (Not proceeded with.) 3706. 27th May. Samuel Hodgson, of Village Main Street, Medway, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States of America, Woollen-manufacturer.—An invention for method of and apparatus for dyeing, scouring, or washing. 3707. 27th May. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of. America, Inventor. —An invention for improvements in methods of and apparatus for effecting the separation of metals from their ores. 3708. 27th May. Hibam Stevens Maxim, of London, England, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to apparatus for carburetting gas. 3709. 23rd May. Bobebt Cockbbbll, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for the adjustable flanged sucker-frame for double-action circular-made force-pumps. (Not proceeded with.) 3710. 27th May. John W t abde, of Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Journalist, and Joseph Snowball, of Princes Wharf, South Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an , improvement in the art of typographic printing, whereby the setting or composing of type is avoided.


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3711. 28th May. William Hales Turner, of Tunstall, Stafford, England, Earthenware-manu-facturer.—An invention for improvements in or relating to nose-bags. 3712. 28th May. Walter Brown, of Farish Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for dressing New Zealand flax. (Not proceeded with.) 3713. 28th May. James Eobert Browne, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for Lewthwaite's method of constructing breakwaters, groins, moles, sea-walls, foundations for lighthouses, coast defences, roadways through and over rivers, and other like works. (J. Lewthwaite.) 3714. 28th May. Charles Jedediah Lee, of Universal Chambers, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Importer.—An invention for securing and locking nuts on through screw-bolts, to be called " The Patent Self-acting Nut-locker for Screw-bolts." (E. B. Keith.) 3715. 20th May. James Beynolds, of Hokitika, New Zealand.—An invention for a spring windowrack, to be known as "J. Beynokls's Spring Window-rack." (Not proceeded with.) 3716. 27th May. Chapman Ewen, of Tamahere, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for " Chapman Ewen's Combined Potato-separator and Bagging-machine." (Not proceeded with.) 3717. 30th May. George William Grainger, of Napier, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for a drum and ratchet-lever press. (Not proceeded with.) 3718. 30th May. George Kiegour, of 2, Victoria Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for a method of sorting minerals or other bodies, and apparatus therefor. 3719. 30th May. Henry Young, of Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for " Young's Anti-profanity Emergency Button." 3720. Ist June. Henry William Shephard, of Walter Street, Granville, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the construction of movable firebars, and in the ashpans of locomotive, land, marine, and other boilers. (Not proceeded with.) 3721. Ist June. Eobert Ore, of the Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Law Clerk.—An invention for improvements in dressing New Zealand flax, to be called " Orr's Phormium tenax Fibre Frocess." 3722. 29th May. George Thompson, of Hobson Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for dressing flax, to be called " Thompson's Batent Improved Flax-dressing Machine." (Not proceeded with.) 3723. 30th May. John Eobert Perry, of Dunedin, New Zealand. —An invention for raising stones, sand, gravel, and debris of all kinds usually met with in alluvial mining. (Not proceeded with.) 3724. 3rd June. James Albert Hamilton, of Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for feeding the scutchers used for scutching New Zealand flax, or Phormium tenax, to be called " Hamilton's Scutcher-feeder." (Not proceeded with.) 3725. Ist June. Sidney Peecival Evans, of Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for relieving the slide-valve of locomotive, marine, and stationary engines from steam-pressure, and for dispensing with the necessity of stuffing-boxes and packing, to be called " Evans's Patent Equilibrium Slide-valve." (Not proceeded with.) 3726. 3rd June. Thomas Henry Davidson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in a machine for flax-dressing, known as " The Premier Flax-dresser," in respect of which an application No. 3369 for Letters Patent was made by him and one George William Gough on the Bth day of November, 1888. 3727. 4th June. George Allen, of Auckland, New Zealand, Saddler. —An invention for a saddle-tree, to be called "Allen's Patent Paragon Saddle-tree." (Not proceeded with.) 3728. Bth June. Edward Youngman Harrison, Master and Engineer of the steam-dredger " Zeta," at present working at the Eichmond Eiver, New South Wales.—An invention for improvements in grab or clam dredger-buckets. 3729. Bth June. Holmes Samuel Chipman, of Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of refined sugar-masse and sugar. 3730. Bth June. Pierce Cheaseman dv Bois, of Sydney, New South Wales, Metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in stamp batteries. (M. P. Boss.) 3731. Bth June. Bichaed Wood Da vies, of Croydon, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—■ An invention for improvements in brick-presses. 3732. Bth June. Thomas Evans, of Oakleigh, near Melbourne, Victoria, Engine-driver.—An invention for the speedy opening and closing of the trap-doors in the bottom of ballast-trucks, to be entitled " The Self-adjusting Trap-gear." (Not proceeded with.) 3733. 6th June. Aethur Chaytor, of Nelson, New Zealand, Gentleman, and Eobert Woolley Gibbs, of the same place, Cordage Factor.—-An invention for an improved flax-dressing machine. 3734. 10th June. John Laird Morrison, of Wellington, New Zealand, Eopemaker.—An invention for " Morrison's Bevolving Hackling and Scutching Machine." 3735. 10th June. Thor Westring, of 175, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for an artificial ear-drum or instrument for the relief of deafness. (J. H, Nicholson.) 3736. 10th June. Mephan Ferguson, of Carlton Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in lock-nuts. 3737. 7th June. John Jesse Swinnerton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Wood-turner.—An invention for a game to be called " Sheep in Clover." (Not proceeded with.) 8738. 11th June. Charles Arthur Lees, of 27, Antigua Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Clerk, and Stephen William Lester, of Lytton Street, Svdenham, New Zealand, Car3—H. 1.



penter.—An invention for an improvement on Lee's Yorkshire-fog, Trefoil, and Clover Seedsheller. New Zealand Letters Patent, No. 3479. 3739. 13th June. William Howley Wells, of Evershot, Dorset, England, Estate Agent.—An invention for improvement in churns. 3740. (L.8.) 14th June. William Thomas Walker, a member of the firm of C. andW. Walker, of the Midland Ironworks, Donnington, near Newport, Salop, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the purification of gas, such as is used for illuminating purposes, by means of ammonia, and producing certain by-products. 3741. 13th June. Herman August, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for an improved chest of drawers, to be called " August's Patent Looking-glass Drawers." (Not proceeded with.) 3742. 17th June. Charles Ingrey, of London, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in automatic machines for delivery of articles in exchange for coin. 3743. 15th June. William Thorne, of Newton, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of audiphones for extreme deafness, such audiphones to be known as " The Jubilee Vibrating Audiphone." 3744. 15th June. Maurice Joel, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Brewer. —An invention for an improvement in grating or screen for use in sluice-boxes in gold-sluicing, where a large fall or grade cannot easily be obtained, by use of springs in connection therewith, whereby part of the grating or screen is made to automatically shake up and down, thus helping the discharge of large stones and other large hard material. (Not proceeded with.) 3745. 20th June. Budolf Bessel, of Baulau, near Brieg, Prussia, Germany, Teacher. —An invention for new means for destroying mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, moles, foxes, <_c. (Not proceeded with.) 3746. 21st June. George Main, of Spring Creek, Marlborough, New Zealand, Flax-dresser, and Charles Williams, of Blenheim, Marlborough aforesaid, Bootmaker. —An invention for improved chairs and spring beating-roller for flax-machines. (Not proceeded with.) 3747. 21st June. Bichard Francis Starkie, of 47, Sussex Street, London, S.W., in the County of Middlesex, England, Physician, and Andrew Copley, of 45, Sussex Street aforesaid, Practical Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for extracting fine gold from auriferous ores or tailings by amalgamation. 3748. 21st June. Alexander John Bctherford, of Wellington, New Zealand, Eecord Clerk of the House of Bepresentatives.—An invention for a new vermin-poison. (Not proceeded with.) 3749. 21st June. John Smith, of Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for an improved composition to be used as a waterproofing for textile fabrics, and as a paint for wood and other surfaces. 3750. 21st June. Allan Skene, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of preventing forgery in cheques and some other documents. (Not proceeded with.) 3751. 21st June. Dan Eylands, of Barnsley, England, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for the manufacture of bottles. 3752. 21st June. Henry Harrison Doty, of London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the treatment of rhea or ramie and other fibrous plants, and in apparatus therefor. 3753. 21st June. Eeginald Stanley, of Nuneaton Colliery, Nuneaton, Warwick, England, Brickand Tile-manufacturer and Colliery Broprietor. —An invention for improvements in boringor tunnelling-machines. 3754. 21st June. Edwin Warren Tucker, of Nos, 26 and 28, Fremont Street, San Francisco, California, United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in surface-condensers. 3755. 21st June. Edmund Elkanah Shaw, of 88, Market Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for synchronizing clocks. (M. E. Hunter.) 3756. 21st June. Valentin Wilhelm Haetvig Huitfeldt, of Market Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Secretary to the Consulate of Sweden and Norway.—An invention for an apparatus for holding scouring-cloths and scouring-brushes, to facilitate the use of the same. (C. Steensen.) 3757. 20th June.—William McLennan, of Filleul Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Baker.—An invention for washing, entitled " McLennan's Batent Washing-machine." (Not proceeded with.) 3758. 20th June. Charles Louis Becker, of Turakina, Wellington, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an apparatus for holding wire and straining wire, also coiling or uncoiling wire, to be called "Becker's Combined Coiling and Uncoiling Wire-holder and-strainer." (Not proceeded with.) 3759. 21st June. Edward Smethurst, of Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for the application of a composition for the purpose of constructing weirs, dams, groins, or river protective works, or for other works of a similar nature. (Not proceeded with.) 3760. 31st June. Edmund Taylor, of Eden Terrace, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Grocer. —An invention for separating kauri-gum from any deleterious matter, to be called " Taylor's Batent for extracting Impurities from Kauri-gum." (Not proceeded with.) 3761. 21st June. Frederick William Tucker, of Sawyer's Bay, Otago, New Zealand, Dairyproduce Expert.—An invention for machinery for stirring fluids, especially applicable in cheese-factories for stirring the curd while in the whey, also for condensed milk- and jammaking. (Not proceeded with.)



3762. 21st June. Maurice Joel, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Brewer.—Art invention for au improved arrangement of sluice-boxes for gold-saving. (Not proceeded with.) 3763. 21st June. George Mcßride, of Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for waterproofing textile fabrics, to be called " Mcßride's Patent Hygienic Waterproofing." 3764. 21st June. David Dunn, of Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic—An invention for an improved apparatus for loading sacks on drays, trucks, or wagons, or for raising sacks to any required height, to be called " Dunn's Eclipse Sack-loader." (Not proceeded with.) 3765. 24th June. Donald Dennes, Mechanical Engineer, and Tom Kirk Bose, Assayer, of Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado, United States of America. —An invention for an improved method of leaching ores—namely, by air-pressure. 3766. 24th June. Alfred Harrall Florance, of Millthrope, New South Wales, Medical Bractitioner and Chemist.—An invention for the coating of iron and steel with copper, and known as "Florance's Flux for the Coating of Iron and Steel with Copper." (Not proceeded with.) 3767. 24th June. John Watt, of Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Gas Engineer.—An invention for manufacturing gas, termed " Watt's Batent Hydro-carbon- or Water-gas." 3768. 24th June. Frank White Eose, of 73, Grove Hill Eoad, Denmark Park, Surrey, England, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for treating ores. (Not proceeded with.) 3769. 25th June. James Greenwood, of London, England, Metallurgical Chemist.—An invention for improvements in and relating to the extraction of gold and silver from refractory and other ores, and in apparatus employed therein. 3770. 25th June. Niels Georgs Sorensen, of Stockholm, Sweden, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in door- and other locks. 3771. 25th June. Leon Eieser, of 76, King William Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, Architect.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for drying or seasoning timber. 3772. 25th June. Lucius O'Brien, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for a new or improved process for making metallic sulphates in solution. 3773. 25th June. John Donaldson, of Walpole Street, Kew, near Melbourne, Victoria, Manager of a Life Assurance Society.—An invention for an improved automatic attachment for indicating pressures and levels of fluids and liquids in vessels. 3774. 26th June. Henry Jarrat Gilberd, of Taradale, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Nurseryman. —An invention for a new method of propagating plants. (Not proceeded with.) 3775. 24th June. Hugh Taylor, of Inangahua Junction, Nelson, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for saving life in taking lines and passengers ashore from shipwreck, to be known as "Taylor's Universal Lifeboat." 3776. 25th June. George James Addison Eichardson, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Mining Agent.—An invention for an automatic fire-screen or guard and dumb-waiter combined. (Not proceeded with.) 3777. 28th June. Charles Joseph van Depoele, of No. 57, Center Street, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in carbon contact or commutator brushes for use with dynamo-electric generators and electro-dynamic motors. 3778. 25th June. Jeremiah McCarthy, of Craycroft Street, Arch Hill, Auckland, New Zealand, Grocer.—An invention for attaching buttons, to be called " The Self-acting Button." (Not proceeded with.) 3779. 29th June. Stephen Henry Manners, of 14, Molesworth Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Blacksmith.—An invention for a new or improved double-acting spring swingle-tree. (Not proceeded with.) 3780. 29th June. Edward Jaques and Wallace Jaques, both of Copping Street, Bichmond, Victoria, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in stone-breaking machines. (Not proceeded with.) 3781. 29th June. James Cole and Alexander Dodswoeth, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Cabinetmakers.—An invention for an improved fire-escape ladder. (Not proceeded with.) 3782. 28th June. George Henry Maesden, of Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention for scolloped shear-blades (any size). (Not proceeded with.) 3783. Ist July. Eugene Edwaed O'Halloean, of Waipawa, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for drafting the patterns of garments. 3784. 2nd July. Edward Ferdinand Wilhelm, of Beaconsfield, Wellington, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a wool-press, to be called "Wilhelm's Patent Cog-wheel Wool-press." 3785. 3rd July. Henry Noyes, of No. 178, William Street, Melbourne, Manufacturers' Agent.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for facilitating the adjustment of the sashes of railway-carriage and other windows. (W. S. Laycock.) 3786. 2nd July. John Adam Berg, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for an improved sulky, to be called " The Ashburton Improved Sulky." 3787. 2nd July. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for an adjustable double-action lever pump-handle for horse- or other power pumping-machines. (Not proceeded with.) 3788. 3rd July. Anquetil Fitz Townshend Somerville, of Nelson, New Zealand, Architect. —An invention for rebated weatherboarding. (Not proceeded with.) 3789. sth July. Edward Grorge Wright, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for gold-separating and -saving machines. (Not proceeded with.)



3790. 2nd July. Herbert Oldham, of Tuakau, Auckland, New Zealand, Eopemaker.—An invention for Improvements in flax machinery, to be known as " Oldham's Improved Flaxdressing Machine." 3791. 3rd July. John Wilson Black, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a game to be called " Black's Patent Zealandia Labyrinth." (Not proceeded with.) 3792. 4th July. Arthur Alexander Adams, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Accountant. — An invention for a new process for preserving animal food and fish from decomposition and decay. (Not proceeded with.) 3793. 4th July. James Bell, of Inchclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Flax-miller. —An invention for improvements in machinery for dressing New Zealand flax-fibre, commonly called " scutching," and to be known as " The Bell Scutcher." (Not proceeded with.) 3794. 9th July. Herbert Fitzroy Clayton and George Holden Holdroyd, both of Lockwood, Huddersfield, York, England, drysalters. —An invention for an improved method of filtering, and apparatus therefor. 3795. 4th July. David Banken Shirreef Galbraith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.—An invention for Blood albumen precipitating process. (Not proceeded with.) 3796. 4th July. David Banken Shirreff Galbraith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.— An invention for the Bessemer converse treatment of magnetic oxide of ironsand. 3797. 10th July. Heney Davies, of Heathfield, Blairgowrie Street, Old Canterbury Boad, Petersham, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in mechanism for selfacting grabs, buckets, claws, and the like apparatus. 3798. 9th July. Thomas Danes, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the injector hydraulic ram. (Not proceeded with.) 3799. 12th July. William Thomas Mack, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for improvements in gas-pressure governors. 3800. 12th July. Wilbeaham Evelyn Liardet, of Cambria, Darling Street, Balmain, New South Wales, Inventor.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of an explosive compound. 3801. Bth July. Herbert Bobins Cooke, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand, Ironmonger.— An invention for a mixture to destroy scale, codlin-moth, and other insects, to be called " Cooke's Codlin-moth and Scale Insecticide." 3802. 10th July. William Seldon Eamson, of Auckland, New Zealand, Book-keeper.—An invention for a game, to be called " Bamson's Patent Centrifugal Toy." (Not proceeded with.) 3803. 10th July. Benjamin Wiles Betts, of Milton Street, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for hook and tube fastener, to be called " Betts's Patent Fastener." (Not proceeded with.) 3804. 11th July. John Philemon Brown, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Ironmonger.—An invention for an attachable pump, to be called " The Acme Attachable Kerosenepump." 3805. 15th July. William Andrew Comber, of Pitone, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in axles. (Not proceeded with.) 3806. 12th July. Henry Metcalfe, of High Street,- Auckland, New Zealand, Carpenter and Joiner.—An invention for a washing-tub, to be called " Metcalfe's Patent Washing-tub." (Not proceeded with.) 3807. 17th July. Joseph Hargreaves, of Ipswich, Queensland, Importer. —An invention for an improved sanitary closet or privy. 3808. 16th July. Eobert Bowles, of Amuri, Nelson, New Zealand, Fencer.—An invention for a rabbit-trap, to be called "Powles's Babbit-trap for Buns or Enclosures." (Not proceeded with.) 3809. 18th July. George Knowles, of No. 70, King Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an improved cap or ventilator for curing smokey chimneys, and for other ventilating purposes. 3810. 18th July. John James Varley, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of screw-stoppers, and in machinery or apparatus therefor. 3811. 15th July. William Dunn, of Hamburg Villa, Hobson. Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Billiard-saloon Keeper.—An invention for " The Mackay Puzzle of Puzzles." (Not proceeded with.) 3812. 17th July. Henry Corrick, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for joining rubber tires, to be called " The Invisible Tire Union." (Not proceeded with.) . . 3813. 19th July. John Smith, of Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for the better separation of butter from cream or milk. (Not proceeded with.) 3814. 16th July. William Barnsdale, of Wood Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, and William Hicks, of Bonsonby, Auckland aforesaid, Tallow- and Manure-manufacturer. —An invention for the extraction of oil from fish and fish-offal, to be called "Barnsdale and Hicks's Fish-oil Extractor." (Not proceeded with.) 3815. 20th July. Frederick John Claridge, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved knife-and-fork cleaner, to be called " The Ladies' Help Knife-and-fork Cleaner (Claridge's Patent)." 3816. 20th July. Charles Eowe, of Bonsonby, Auckland, INew Zealand.—An invention for Eowe's patent iron fire-guard for colonial ovens,



3817. 16th July. William Henry Fenton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Hat-manufacturer. —An invention for " The Duplex Ventilating and Easy-fitting Leather Hat-linings." (Not proceeded with.) 3818. 16th July. William Henry Fenton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Hat-manufacturer.. —An invention for "Te Ngawari Flexible Easy-fitting Pullover and Silk Hat." (Not proceeded with.) 3819. 20th July. Lucius O'Brien, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. —An invention for a new or improved method of separating gold and silver from ores and minerals containing them. 3820. 22nd July. Henry Bowley, of 55, Hawke Street, West Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer, and Charles Cameron Forster, of Stawell, Victoria, Chemist. —An invention for an improved grinding-machine. 3821. 22nd July. Thomas Boss, of Sydney, New South Wales, Importer.—An invention for an improved apparatus to be used in escaping from burning buildings. 3822. 24th July. William Whidden Holford, of Bicton, Marlborough, New Zealand, Engineer. ■ —An invention for an improved method of dressing New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax) or other fibrous substances. (Not proceeded with.) 3823. (L.8.) 24th July. Dahl's Pure Milk Syndicate (Limited), of 30 and 31, St. Swithin's Lane, London, England.—An invention for improvements in preserving milk. ; 3824. 22nd July. Bichard Carnall, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for a side-fastening shirt. (Not proceeded with.) 3825. 27th July. William McKeegan, of Wellington, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for an improved automatic feeding, scraping, and washing flax-machine. 3826. 27th July. John Brown, of No. 42, Burnett Street, Bedfern, near Sydney, New South Wales, Carriage-builder, Thomas Hodges Jones, of Bussell Street, Burwood, near Sydney aforesaid, Writing Clerk, and Joseph Carter Oakman, of No. 17, O'Connell Street, Sydney aforesaid, Merchant.—An invention for an improved combined railway-buffer and automatic coupling. 3827. 25th July. Thomas Lewis, of Bangitata, Geraldine, New Zealand, Eailway Officer.—An invention for the better and more expeditious method of date-stamping and printing letters, tickets, and other things, to be called " Lewis's Batent Printing Type." 3828. 29th July. John Handley Knibbs, of Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved fire-escape. 3829. 27th July. John McGregor, of Eoslyn, Otago, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention for an enamel for coating wood for preserving butter for export or for keeping. 3830. Ist August. Peter David, of Akaroa, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for cleaning cocksfoot or any kind of grain or seeds. 3831. 29th July. John George Green, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for facilitating the manufacture of boots, shoes, and slippers, to be called " The Economic Sole." 3832. 30th July. Frederick Bassett, of South Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Nightman.—An invention for an improved system of sanitation, and called "Bassett's Eeformed System of Sanitation." 3833. 30th July. John Thomson, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Groom.—An invention for a self-fixing wire-strainer. 3834. 29th July. Alice Mary McLeod, of Valley Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Lady.—An invention for dressing New Zealand flax, to be called " McLeod's Patent Flax-dressing Machine." 3835. 31st July. William Beckett Galloway, of Dunrobin, Dunback, Otago, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for " Galloway's Babbit-skin Stretcher." 3836. 31st July. James Sangster Wilson, of Wairoa South, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—■ An invention for drying fruit and other purposes, to be called " Wilson's Patent Fruit- and Vegetable-dryer and Bread-baker." 3837. 31st July. Eobert Woolley Gibbs, of Maitai Valley, Nelson, New Zealand, Cordage Factor. —An invention for a new improved safety-cap attachment for fixing over the wicks and top of wax, sperm, and fat candles, to prevent waste and guttering, and make them last hours longer than ordinarily. 3838. 3rd August. Beinhold Handel, of Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. —An invention for new musical instrument, called " Lithophon." 3839. 3rd August. Theodor Guilleaume, of the firm of Felten and Guilleaume, of Mulheim-on-the-Ehine, Germany, Telegraphic Engineers and Wire-manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in reels for the reception of barb-wire and other purposes. 3840. sth August. Thomas Lewis, of Bangitata, Geraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand, Eailway Officer. —An invention for the easier and quicker method of polishing boots and shoes, to be ( called " Lewis's Eevolving Boot-polisher." 3841. sth August. Samuel Brown, of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for washing and separating gold and some other minerals and substances. 3842. (L.8.) 3rd August. William Hoskins Daniels, of Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved antiseptic compound for preserving perishable articles. 3843. 2nd August. Henry William Williams, of Auckland, New Zealand, Cook and Ships' Purveyor. —An invention for a patent medicine, to be called " Williams's Patent Mixture for Fistula, Piles, Lumbago, &c." . .



3844. 2nd August. William Frederick Judson, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved roof, to be called " Judson's Patent Boof." 3845. 3rd August. Aaron Blacke, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Tobacconist.—An invention for the manufacture of roofing-felt, to be called "Blacke's Patent Ultra-aqua Boofing-felt." 3846. 2nd August. Alice Mary McLeod, of Valley Eoad, Auckland, New Zealand, Lady.—An invention for washing flax and wool, to be called "McLeod's Batent Flax- and Woolwasher." 3847. 7th August. Helen Elizabeth Maclean, of Kaikoura, Marlborough, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved paste-roller. 3848. 3rd August. John Volkner, of Lucas Creek, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a jar for preserving-purposes, to be called " Volkner's Batent Safety Preserving-jar." 3849. 7th August. Daniel Parker, of Gore, Otago, New Zealand, Manufacturing Hosier.—An invention for a new process of manufacturing, in a continuous form upon circular-ribb knitting-machines, ribbed hose and half-hose, also hose and half-hose, part ribbed and part plain, to be called " Parker's Perpetual Process." 3850. Bth August. Frederick Hall Snyder, of Jersey City, New Jersey, United States of America, Attorney-at-law.—An invention for improvements in and relating to explosive and other projectiles or shells. 3851. Bth August. Albert Berwick Cunningham, of Hebburn-on-Tyne, England, Gentleman.— An invention for improvements in the treatment of zinc-ores. 3852. Bth August. James Augustus Mitchell and George Augustine Eodda, both of Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineers.—An invention for improvements in certain descriptions of concentrating-machines. 3853. Bth August. Henry Vincent Smith, of 1, Cunningham Street, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in means for fastening door-knobs or -handles on their spindles. 3854. Bth August. William Henry Serjeant, Gentleman, and Arthur Northcott, Surgeon, both of Fulham, Middlesex, England. —An invention for a safety-rein for riding or driving. 3855. Bth August. Edwin Tatham, of No. 76, Mullens Street, Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Gas Engineer.—An invention for an improved gas, usable as an explosive, and in admixture with other gases as an illuminating and heating gas. 3856. 7th August. Henry Fabling, of Doyleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a new potato-digging machine, to be called " Fabling's New Potato-digger." 3857. 9th August. Thomas May, of Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for May's Self-equalising Horse-yoke. 3858. 7th August. William Benjamin Walters, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for extracting acids and other deleterious ingredients from timber used in making packages to contain butter and other dairy-produce. 3859. 7th August. William Benjamin Walters, of Dunedin, New.Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a varnish to be used for coating boxes, packages, and ferkins, made to contain butter and other dairy-produce. 3860. 10th August. James Dacie Wrigglesworth and Frederick Charles Binns, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Photographers.—An invention for the matt-opal-type process for giving a matt surface to albumenized silver-prints. 3861. 7th August. Baeph Bobinson, of Hobson Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Pharmaceutical Chemist.—An invention for preserving animal and vegetable substances, to be called "The Southern Cross Food-preserving Process." 3862. 7th August. David Foster, of Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for a picture-frame and mitre-cramp, to be called " Foster's Patent Mitre-cramp." 3863. Bth August. Eobert Eeid, of Harbour Cove, Peninsula, Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for pulverising quartz by the combined processes of cutting and rubbing. 3864. 12th August. Alexander Dimant, of Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for crushing cement and calcined quartz, and to more effectually arrest the finer gold. 3865. 12th August. William Chancellor Haigh, of Manchester. England, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in animal-traps. 3866. 12th August. William Charles Page, of Ashburton, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for raising sunken vessels and other sunken objects. 3867. 12th August. Joseph Woodhead, of Boggo Eoad, South Brisbane, Queensland, Engineer.— An invention for a lever-cramp. 3868. 13th August. Edward King Coas, of Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States of America. —An invention for improvements in a novel metallic pipe, and means for making it. 3869. Bth August. Alexander Harvey, of Durham Street, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for Harvey's patent self-closing and -opening tins, for the preservation of food and other substances." 3870. 10th August. Henry Ely Shacklock, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Ironfounder.—An invention for a flue and ventilator, to be known as " Shacklock's Batent Take-all Flue and Ventilator." 3871. 10th August. James George Scott, of Cameron Street, Kensington, Dunedin, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a folding ladder, to be called " Scott's Improved Folding Ladder." 3872. 10th August. James William Faulkner, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.— An invention for iron and steel standards with angle or T feet, to be called " Faulkner's Cattlestandards."



3873. 12th August. William Andrews and Arthur Ward Beaven, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, carrying on business in co-partnership as Engineers, under the name "Andrews and Beaven."—An invention for improvements in chaff, bran, &c, -bagging machines. 3874. 14th August. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in plug armatures and transformers. 3875. 14th August. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in regulating devices for alternating currents. 3876. 14th August. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in electric induction-coils or transformers. 3877. 14th August. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in alternating-current motors. 3878. 14th August. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in electric safety-devices for electric lighting and power circuits. 3879. 14th August. Edwin Wilbur Eice, Jun., of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in systems of electric distribution. 3880. 14th August. Catherine Louisa Vautier, wife of Philip Vautier, of Foxton, Manawatu, New Zealand.—An invention for an improvement in the mode of manufacturing and knitting stockings, to be called "The Indestructible Knee Stockings." 3881. 14th August. Edwin Barlow, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for heating water, to be called " Barlow's Patent Steam Water-heater and Forced Circulator." 3882. 13th August. Geoege Dean Greenwood, of Teviotdale, Canterbury, New Zealand, Bunholder. —An invention for improvements in ridging or corrugated-iron roofing, to be called " Greenwood's Improved Bidging." 3883. 10th August. John Ahearn, of Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a medicine to relieve and cure piles, skin-diseases, cuts, bruises, rheumatics, lumbago, chilblains, dysentery, and diarrhoea, to be called " Ahearn's Plerb Cure." 3884. 13th August. Angleson Edward Adams, of Thames Street, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, Chairmaker. —An invention for " Adams's Healing Salve." 3885. 15th August. James Seed, of Southbrook, Ashley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Flaxdresser. —An invention for an improved scutch-feeding apparatus, to be known as " Seed's Safety Scutch-mouth." 3886. 15th August. Archibald Land, of Bangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for " Land's Self-acting Safety Guard for Scutchers." 3887. 17th August. Eobert Stanton Dixon, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mariner.—An invention for an improved mode of and apparatus for preserving perishable articles of food. 3888. 13th August. Eli James Butterwoeth, of Home Street, Arch Hill, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for feeding stalled or penned stock, to be called " Butterworth's Peep of Day Begulating Feeder." 3889. 15th August. Ada Sutton, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, wife of William Aretas Parry Sutton, of Timaru aforesaid, Sheep Inspector.—An invention for Eucalypti household soap. 3890. 15th August. John Philip Mason and Charles Pearson Boberts, both of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Totalisator Proprietors.—An invention for an improved method of working the machine or instrument called the totalisator. 3891. 19th August. George Ling Babone, of Woodville, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—An invention for direct lever-action wool- and flax-press. 3892. 20th August. William Tarrant, of Summer Hill, near Sydney, New South Wales, Mining Expert.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the amalgamation and concentration of metalliferous material. 3893. 20th August. Walter Maddison, of AVaipawa, New Zealand.—An invention for an instrument for setting out roofs and some other similar work. 3894. 20th August. George Wyckoff Cummins, Student, and James Henry Coleman, Engineer, both of New York, United States of America.—An invention for an improved process for treating iron, steel, and other metals, to prevent oxidation thereof while in a heated state. 3895. 20th August. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, Essex, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in phonographs or apparatus for recording and reproducing sound, in devices used in and in connection with such apparatus, and in phonogram blanks or surfaces for receiving the sound-records, and in methods of making and using such surfaces. 3896. 19th August. Alfred William Ensor, of Winchester, Canterbury, New Zealand, Wool Broker. —An invention for a simple heating apparatus applicable to any shed or building for drying wool, grain, flax, &c, &c, and to be called " Ensor's Batent Simple Heating Apparatus for drying Wool, Grain, Flax, &c, &c." 3897. 20th August. James John Wood, of Brooklyn, New York, United States of America, Electrical Engineer. —An invention for improvements in dynamo-electric machines, in part applicable to electro-motors.

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3898. 21st August. John Gotfried Dudeck, Bushman, and Walter McCaul, Jun., Blacksmith, both of Otakeho, Taranaki, New Zealand.—An invention for improved apparatus for lifting and pulling heavy weights and substances and extracting roots. 3899. 19th August. Alfred Walker, of Auckland, New Zealand, Boot-manufacturer. —An invention for a watertight boot, to be called "The Bushranger." 3900. 19th August. John Hickes, of High Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improvement in the construction of tobacco-pipes, to be called "The Auckland Wellpipe." 3901. 19th August.—Walter Brown, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for improvements in road-scoop handles, to be known as " Brown's Boad-scoop Handles." 3902. 23rd August. William Wood Culcheth, of 31, Temple Court, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in water-lifts. 3903. 23rd August. Vileiers Walter Beeee, of Wellington, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for the greater development of the illuminating power of kerosene, to be called " Betrolina Gas." 3904. 20th August. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for the reverse-action driving-floats in running water, for pumping water and other purposes. 3905. 20th August. Susan Elizabeth Drapper, of 139, Hereford Street, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Baper-bag Manufacturer. —An invention for a bag or wrapper made from paper or any other material, so cut, folded, and formed as to secure the formation of a square package for teas, store supplies, and other goods, the bag or wrapper to be called "The Unique Wrapper." 3906. 22nd August. Thomas Pringle, Manager, Haldon Station, Mackenzie County, New Zealand. —An invention for wire-straining. 3907. 22nd August. Thomas Pringle, of Haldon Station, Mackenzie County, New Zealand.— An invention for wire-straining. 3908. 21st August. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural - implement Maker.—An invention for a flexible-framed life-boat. 3909. 23rd August. George Mathison and William Mathison, both of Eoslyn, Dunedin, Otago, New- Zealand, Sheep-farmers.—An invention for curing and baiting, fit for tanning, all animal hides and skins, and for cleaning and extracting hair and wool from all hides and skins. 3910. 23rd August. Thomas Pringle, of Haldon Station, Mackenzie County, New Zealand. — An invention for temporary fencing-standard. 3911. 26th August. James Johnny Fougere, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for an improved tipping-tank, for flushing sewers, drains, and waterclosets, and for similar purposes. 3912. 26th August. Charles Stephen Beeves, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Commission Agent.— An invention for a carbon deodorizer and disinfectant. 3913. 28th August. Kate Evenden, wife of Eobert Edward Evenden, of Wellington, New Zealand, Joiner.—An invention for an improved nail for corrugated iron, and for some other purposes. 3914. 29th August. Gustaf Dillberg, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in automatic delivery-boxes. 3915. 29th August. Carl Olof Lundholm, of Stevenston, Ayr, Scotland, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of dynamite. 3916. 29th August. Charles Glencross, of Sydney, New South Wales, Coachbuilder.—An invention for an improved method of hanging the doors of brougham hansom cabs, and similar vehicles. 3917. 29th August. John William Bock, Engineer, Charles Gifford Moore, Civil Engineer, and Joseph Holden Wood, Merchant, all of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved mode of and apparatus for smelting minerals by means of combustible gases. 3918. 29th August. Thomas Burns, of Messrs. White, Burns, and Co., of Bonnington Skin-works, and 1, Pilrig Street, Edinburgh, North Britain, Skinner, Tanner, and Wool Merchant.— An invention for machinery or apparatus for scouring and washing skins and wool and analogous materials. 3919. 29th August. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Batent Agent.—An invention for improvements in machines for casting type-bars for printing and analogous purposes. (J. Bright.) 3920. 30th August. George Kemp, of Biaka, near Kueru, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a guard or shield for the drum-spindles of flax-strippers. 3921. 30th August. Curt Schreiber and Hans Knutsen, of Broken Hill, New South Wales, Metallurgical Engineers. — An invention for an improved process for the treatment of auriferous and argentiferous antimony-ores. 3922. 24th August. William James Dalton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved machine for preparing sausage-casings. 3923. 24th August. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved device for the prevention of fraud or mistakes in the issue or manipulation of cheques, receipts, promissory notes, and the like. 3924. 27th August. Henry Charles Holman, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for "Holman's Iron Breakwater." 3925. 27th August. Samuel White and Stanley Hovey White, both of Custom Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Contractors (name of firm, S. White and Co.). —An invention for drying fish, fish-manure, and blood, to be called " White's Patent Fish- and Blood-drier."



3926. 27th August. Edward Hale Gulliver, M.A., Clerk in Holy Orders, and Benjamin Wills Bbtts, Architect, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for regulating the flow of liquids, to'be called " Gulliver and Betts's Liquid Supply-regulator." 3927. 27th August. Edward Hughes Elliott, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer. —An invention for a revolving chromo automatic register. 3928. 28th August. James Arnott, of Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand, Master Mariner.—An invention for finding a vessel's position in hazy or foggy weather on the coast when one point of land is seen only, to be used with the chart, and called "The Coaster's Assistant." 3929. 30th August. James Bell, of Inchclutha, Otago, New Zealand, Flax-miller.—An invention for dressing or scraping New Zealand and native flax, called " The Maori Flax-dressing Machine." 3930. 31st August. James McDonald, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Cement-manufacturer.— An invention for improvements in the manufacture of cement. 3931. (L.8.) 3rd September. Jean Baptiste Germeuil Bonnaud, of 39, Stroud-Green Boad, Finsbury Park, Middlesex, England, Chemist. —An invention for improvements in the production of pictures and designs on china, earthenware, and glass. 3932. sth September. Edward Seitz, of Flinders Lane West, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to valves for turbines and other water-wheels. 3933. 3rd September. Francis Henry Asbury, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for heating the feed-water for steam-boilers, &c. 3934. 4th September. William Lucas, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the construction of slide-valves and cylinder-ports of steam-engines. 3935. sth September. Hugh Taylor, of Inangahua Junction, Nelson, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for saving life and property from burning buildings, to be called " Taylor's Always Eeady Fire-escape." 3936. sth September. Hugh Taylor, of Inangahua Junction, Nelson, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for churning butter, to be called " Taylor's Eosemount Churn." 3937. 9th September. Bhineas Levi, of Wellington, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for Jacob's Batent Combination Nicotine Filter Mouthpiece and Cigarette. (L. P. Jacobs.) 3938. 9th September. Benjamin Goulton, of Kaeo, Whangaroa, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for a turn-over bee-box. 3939. 9th September. Thomas Andrew Bromell, of Motupiko, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a new or improved plough-attachment. 3940. 9th September. Eobert Stansfield, of Wellington, New Zealand, Student. —An invention for improvements in advertising, to be called " The Bannarette Advertising Medium." 3941. sth September. Alexander Henry Krause, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for the use of children, and entitled " The Amy Cradle." 3942. 7th September. James Hay, Jun., of Charteris Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for an improved standard and clip for wire-fencing, to be called " Hay's Improved Standard and Clip for Wire-fencing." 3943. 10th September. Bichard William Henn, of Wellington, New Zealand, Venetian-blind Maker. —An invention for further improvements in the manufacture of Venetian blinds, consisting of an improved gripper in combination with my combined mortise and cord-guide. 3944. 9th September. Elizabeth Ann Louisa Mackay, wife of Eobert. Mackay, of Suburban North, Nelson, New Zealand, Hotelkeeper. —An invention for an improved pot or pan for cooking purposes, to be called " Mrs. Mackay's Patent." 3945. I.2th September. Thomas Knight Steanes, of 56, Margaret Street, Sydney, New South W T ales, Manufacturers' Eepresentative.—An invention for improvements in process of and apparatus for manufacturing carbureted-hydrogen gas and for cleansing gas, for illuminating, heating, motor-power, and other purposes. 3946. 12th September. Kate Evenden and Eobert Edward Evenden, of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved nail for corrugated iron and for some other purposes. 3947. 12th September. John Downing Bertram, of Anstruther Street, Echuca, Victoria, Mechanical Engineer. — An invention for an improved horse-shoe. 3948. 12th September. Arthur Thomas Henry Pateman, of Cumiamulla, Queensland, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved composition to be used in the destruction of rabbits and other burrowing vermin. 3949. 13th September. Alfred Francis Allchin, Walter Joseph Allchin, and Samuel Morrell, trading as Allchin, Morrell, and Co., at No. 5, Doveton Street North, Ballarat West, Victoria, Saddlers.—An invention for improvements in leggings. 3950. 9th September. John Henry Hawes, of Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand, Bootmaker, John Edward Langton, of Nelson Street, Auckland aforesaid, Bricklayer, and John Herbert, of Sumner Street, Ponsonby, Auckland aforesaid, Bricklayer. —An invention for a new fuel, which we call "The Batent Composite Combustible Brick." 3951. 12th September. Benjamin Wills Betts, of Milton Street, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Architect, and Henry Sankey, of Seymour Street, Bonsonby, Auckland aforesaid, Gentleman.—An invention for regulating the flow of liquids from a reservoir, to be called "Betts and Sankey's Patent Bird-fountain and Syphon Liquid-regulator." 3952. 14th September. Benjamin Baynes, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Grain Merchant.—An invention for horse-collars, to be called "B. Baynes' Batent Air-collars for Horses." 3953. 16th September. Thomas Samuel Grace, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Clerk in Holy Orders. . —An invention for an apparatus for drying and bleaching the fibre of the Phormium tenax in the open air.

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3954. 16th September. Charles Langdon-Davies, of Mowbray House, Victoria Embankment, London, England, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in the rhythmic generation of electric currents. 3955. 17th September. John Cole Edwards, of Wellington, New Zealand, Printer. —An invention for a game played with printed cards, to be called " Quintets and Quartets," being an adaptation of a well-known, game called "Quartets" to the purposes of an advertising medium. 3956. 14th September. William Earnshaw, of Cutten Street, South Dunedin, New Zealand, Brass-finisher. —An invention for Earnshaw's patent gold- and pyrites-saving machine. 3957. 14th September. Bichard Carr, of Patterson Street, Auckland, New Zealand, French Polisher.—An invention for the protection of piano-fronts, to be called " The Patent Piano Foot-shield." 3958. 16th September. Eobert Meaclem, of Ashburton, New Zealand, Millwright.—An invention for Meaclem's improved self-feeder for threshing-machines. 3959. 18th September. Job Osborne, Farmer, and John Eobb, Blacksmith, both of Doyleston, Canterbury,. New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in rings for holding bags when being filled. 3960. 20th September. William George Bowmaker, of Sydney, New South Wales, Bootmaker. —An invention for an improvement in the manufacture of leather-covered balls. 3961. 21st September. George Percy and William Daniel Haggett, of Wellington, New Zealand, Printers.—An invention for a new game or method of amusement, and apparatus for the same. 3962. 21st September. Sydney Morris, of Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved butter-mould. 3963. 17th September. William Alfred Caldwell, Farmer, and Joseph James Macky, Agent, both of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in the construction of metal plates for the protection of heels of boots and shoes, to be called " The Acme Heelplate." 3964. 18th September. Ernest Herbert Potter, of Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, Salesman.—An invention for separating and disuniting the sap, juices, and other substances from the fibre of the Phormium tenax, to be called " Potter's Flax-mucilage Dissociator." 3965. 21st September. Bichard Burke, of Cashmere, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved screw-attachment for regulating plough-shares to any required depth of furrow, to be called, " Burkes Improved Eegulating Screw for Bloughs." 3966. 23rd September. John Orbell Bidwill, of Bihautea, Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved drain-plough attachment. 3967. 25th September. William Ward, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Gold-miner. —An invention for " Ward's Acme Gravel- and Sand-disintegrator and Gravitating Amalgamator for Dredgers, &c." 3968. 25th September. William Ward, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Gold-miner.—An invention for " Ward's Acme Quartz-pulp Gravitating and Frictional Amalgamator." 3969. 19th September. James Wiseman, of 165, Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Saddler. —An invention for " James Wiseman's Patent Seamless Seat Saddle-blocks." 3970. 19th September. Bichard Mott Wanzer, of 4, Great Bortland Street, London, England, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements connected with kerosene-lamps. 3971. 23rd September. Thomas Blummer Clarke, Engineer, and Ivan Clarke, Engineer, both of Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for the purpose of cleaning and removing the pulpy matters from the fibres of leaves and plants, to be called " Clarke's Patent Flax-dressing Machine." 3972. 24th September. Charles Chinnery, of Eangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, Flax-manu-facturer. —An invention for " Chinnery's Flax-dressing Machine and Improved Feed-roller and Travelling-band for Flax-strippers." 3973. 26th September. Henry Cheshire, of Carterton, Wellington, New Zealand, Fellmonger.— An invention for an improved wool-press. 3974. 24th September. Pearson Stubbs, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for securing buttons to any fabric, and entitled " The Simplex Button-fastener." 3975. 28th September. David Murray, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for dressing, washing, and wringing Phormium tenax, to be called " Murray's Flax-dressing Machine." 3976. 26th September. David Banken Shirreff Galbraith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland.—An invention for " Galbraith's Perfected Meat-clesiccating Process." 3977. 27th September. Arthur Clement Islip, of Ackray Station, Amuri, Nelson, New Zealand, Shepherd. —An invention for docking and ear-marking lambs and sheep, to be called " Islip's Patent Combined Knife and Ear-marker." 3978. 28th September. John Clark Andrews, of Waikuku, Ashley, Canterbury, New Zealand, Flax-dresser. —An invention for an improved method of applying pressure to the feed-rollers of machines used for stripping Phormium tenax, to be called "Andrews's Patent Lever Pressure." 3979. 30th September. William Silver, Engineer, and Nathan Cohen, Auctioneer, both of Tamworth, New South Wales.- An invention for improvements in apparatus for shearing or cutting wool and hair, and in flexible shafting for use in connection with sucli apparatus.



3980. 30th September. George Edward Fulton, of Adelaide, South Australia, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for supplying the fuel and other material in smelting ores and minerals. 3981. 30th September. David Eeid, of No. 143, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Publisher. —An invention for an improved key for securing stereotype plates to their base-blocks. 3982. 30th September. Arthur Thomas Metcalf Johnson, of No. 104, Simpson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, Professor of Music.—An invention for improvements in and relating to automatic signalling-targets. 3983. Ist October. Joshua Cuff, of Wellington, New Zealand, a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand.—An invention for the application of water-power by means of hydraulic pressure for all the purposes of motive-power as now applied by the use of steam to machinery of all descriptions, and to be called "J. Cuff's Batent Hydraulic Motivepower." 3984. Ist October. Bichard Vercoe, of Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand.—An invention for hackling flax-tow. 3985. 3rd October. William Arthur Waddell, of Wellington, New Zealand, Timber Merchant. —An invention for dressing New Zealand flax, to be called " Waddell's Patent Flaxdresser." 3986. 3rd October. Frederick Augustus Abel, of No. 1, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, England, Knight, and James Dewar, of No. 1, Scroop Terrace, Cambridge, England, Professor of Chemistry.—An invention for improvements in explosives. 3987. (L.8.) 30th September. Benjamin Nicholson, of The Torrs, South Norwood, Surrey, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the means of preventing the formation or development of injurious germs of animal or vegetable life, applicable to the treatment of hides or skins, and to the manufacture, preparation, and preservation of other materials and substances liable to be affected by such germs. 3988. 4th October. Samuel Hurst Seager, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for the Samaritan self-acting and adjustable reading desk and table, providing sick persons, invalids, and others with a self-acting, adjustable, and convertible reading and writing desk and table, together with a holder for glasses, medicines, or other things, or for any other purpose where it is desired to bring anything within easy reach of the user, and to remove it conveniently after use. 3989. 2nd October. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker.—An invention for a rotary universal-jointed dredge-bucket. 3990. 7th October. Bedlington Bodycomb, of Sun Buildings, corner of Bourke and Queen Streets, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent and Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or relating to the treatment of ores for facilitating the extraction and recovery therefrom of gold and silver, and in apparatus therefor. (H. F. Julian.) 3991. 7th October. Victor James Williams, of Union Street, Eichmond, Victoria.—An invention for an improved method of fastening the bristles, tufts of hair, or fibre upon the heads or stocks of brooms or brushes. 3992. 7th October. Ola Parson, of Melbourne, Victoria, Babbit-trapper.—An invention for a new method of and apparatus for decoying and trapping rabbits and similar animals. 3993. 7th October. Thomas Thatcher, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for a portable floating-groin. 3994. 7th October. John Morris, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for an improved earth-closet. 3995. 4th October. Eobert Eobertson Menzies, of Thames, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the rapid cleansing of bottles, to be called " Menzies' Patent Eapid Bottlecleanser." 3996. 10th October. Alexander Dunbar, of Liverpool, Lancaster, England, Barrister-at-law.— An invention for improvements in apparatus for making casks. 3997. 10th October. Alfred Eoberts Pullin, of Sydney, New South W 7 ales, Artist.—An invention for improvements in lock-nuts, bolts, and fastenings, specially applicable to rail- and tramway-joints. 3998. 7th October. William James Daeton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in boots, shoes, and fasteners, to be called " Patent Anticum Boots, Shoes, and Fasteners." 3999. 7th October. John Hickes, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved tobacco-pipe, to be called " The Batent Tube Tobacco-pipe." 4000. 11th October. Edwin Tatham, of No. 76, Mullens Street, Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Gas Engineer.—An invention for improved gas or gaseous mixtures, usable as an explosive and in the production of light, heat, and power. 4001. 11th October. Edwin Tatham, of No. 76, Mullens Street, Balmain, near Sydney, New South Wales, Gas Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hydro-genous and hydrocarbon gas or gases and gaseous mixtures, and in the manufacture thereof. 4002. 11th October. William Steuthers, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mechanical Engineer, and Eobeet Morison Stew : art and Gavin Scott, of Sydney aforesaid, Merchants.—An invention for an improved churn. 4003. 11th October. Frederick Walcott Bureidge Greville, of Pitone, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for a new or improved apparatus for aerating, cooling, and straining milk, cream, beer, and some other liquids. 4004. Bth October. Alexander Hill Teefer, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Pianoforte-maker.— An invention for a window-blind roller, to be known as " The Telfer Window-blind Boiler,"



4005. 11th October. Thomas Summerton, Jun., of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for multiplied expansion engines, to be called " Summerton's Multiplied Expansion Engine." 4006. 11th October. Andrew Bell, of Duntroon, Waitaki, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved churn, to be known as " Bell's Batent Side-channel Churn." 4007. 14th October. Thomas Brining, of Leeds, York, England, Boot- and Shoe-manufacturer.— An invention for improvements in or relating to machinery or apparatus for lasting boots and shoes. 4008. 12th October. Frederick Walter Paterson, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Boatbuilder.—An invention for opening oysters, to be known as " Paterson's Exhibition Oysterholder and -opener." 4009. 12th October. Eobert Hutchinson, of Auckland, New Zealand, Flax-dresser.—An invention for dressing flax, to be called " Hutchinson's Batent Flax-dressing Process." 4010. 12th October. Matthew Barrett, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, Labourer.— An invention for a safety swamp-shoe to be attached to horses hoofs, to be called " Barrett's Safety Swamp-shoe." 4011. 14th October. William Frederick Judson, of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an improved disinfectant, to be called " Judson's Patent Disinfectant." 4012. 16th October. Frank Coxon, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a feed water-heater and fuel-economizer, to be called " The Zealandia Feed Water-heater and Fuel-economizer." 4013. (L.8.) 17th October. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in or relating to roundabouts, or merry-go-rounds, and other riding-toys. (F. W. Allchin.) 4014. 15th October. Alice Mary McLeod, of Valley Eoad, Mount Boskill, Auckland, New Zealand, Lady. —An invention for McLeod's patent safety and non-fouling flax-scutcher. 4015. 18th October. John Sands, of Harris Street, Byrmont, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in ore-pulverisers or reducers. 4016. 15th October. Charles Smith, of Auckland, New Zealand, Berambulator-manufacturer.— An invention for a perambulator, to be called " Smith's Batent Oscillating Perambulator." 4017. 18th October. William Henry Binsted, of Sydney, New South Wales, Architect.—An invention for an improved method of amalgamating finely-divided auriferous and argentiferous materials, and improved apparatus therefor. 4018. 18th October. Alfred Edward Arnold, of Marrickville, near Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture of compressed leather. 4019. 19th October. Haet Udy, Blacksmith, Arthur Combtti, Coachbuilder, and James Curtis, Land Agent, all of Pitone, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for digging, sorting, and bagging potatoes, turnips, mangolds, &c, and for gathering stones and stumps, to be called " The Universal Potato-digger, -sorter, and -bagger." 4020. 18th October. William Hodge, of Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand. —An invention for a railway stop-block, named "Hodge's Patent Stop-block." 4021. 19th October. Arthur Shuckburgh Collins, of Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura, Marlborough, New Zealand, Bunholder.—An invention for improvements in the patent Kaikoura wire-strainer. 4022. 19th October. Alfred Deacon, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Sawmaker.—An invention for an improved cramp, to be known as " Deacon's Quadruple Cramp." 4023. 22nd October. George Henry Davies, of Karori, near Wellington, New Zealand, Civil Servant.—An invention for trapping rabbits by means of a patent burrow with enclosure, to be called " Bunny Emunctus." 4024. 23rd October. John Gell, Jun., of Wellington, New Zealand, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an improved self-cleansing filter. 4025. 21st October. James Eitchie, of Anderston, Otago, New Zealand, Salesman. —An invention for the Alpha scoop-dredge and river-bed sluice. 4026. 23rd October. John Jerger, Jeweller, and Frank Degray, Watchmaker, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An invention for an improved portable fire-escape apparatus, applicable also for other purposes. 4027. 23rd October. Albert Unna Lewis, of 409, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gas Engineer.—An invention for an improved calculating and recording device for estimating and checking the consumption of liquids and fluids. 4028. 18th October. Alexander Bow, of Whangape, Hokianga, Auckland, New Zealand, Nativeschool Teacher.—An invention for an improvement in braces or suspenders for sustaining trousers, to be called " Bow's Simplex Self-adjusting Braces." 4029. 18th October. Thomas Jefcoate Haebutt, of Auckland, New Zealand, Corn-broom Manufacturer.—An invention for a broom, to be called " Harbutt's Patent Jubilee Broom." 4030. 21st October. Charles Bhoades, of No. 6, Empire Chambers, Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Gas Engineer.—An invention for preventing gasalier-weights from falling to the ground through broken hooks or chains, to be called "The Safety Gasalier-weight Guard." 4031. 24th October. Thomas James Waters, of Westport, New Zealand.—An invention for grinding gold-bearing cement. 4032. 21st October. Bichard Thomas Webb, of Cobden, Nelson, New Zealand, Miner and Sawmiller.—And invention for prospecting auriferous or other ground, to be entitled " Webb's Patent Prospecting-pump No. 2." 4033. 24th October. William Lucas, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in lneat-eutting machines,



4034. 25th October. James Johnny Foug_re, of Warren Street, Hastings, New Zealand, Settler.— An invention for an improved game or puzzle, and apparatus for the same. 4035. 25th October. Stephen Henry Manners, of Molesworth Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved buckle for waist-belts or straps, and other analogous purposes. 4036. 25th October. David Marshall Bett, James Artic St. John, and Charles Williams, all of City Boad, South Melbourne, Victoria, Plumbers and Gasfitters.—An invention for a new or improved self-acting apparatus for distributing water to extinguish an outbreak of fire. 4037. 26th October. George Gapes, of Te Aroha, Auckland, New Zealand, Artist.—An invention for the manufacture of the Golden Gem Infants' Food. 4038. 26th October. George Sylvester Grimston, of Claremont, Glenluce Eoad, Greenwich, Kent, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in self-generating gas-burners for burning oils. 4039. 26th October. John Burch Archer, of Washington, Columbia, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for a process and apparatus for manufacturing gas. 4040. 23rd October. James Brown, of Invercargill, Otago, New Zealand, Accountant.—An invention for saving metal ores, to be called " Brown's Metal-ore Concentrator and Gold-saving Machine." 4041. 28th October. William Hughes Clarke, M.B.C.S. Eng., of Chesham House, Wellington Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an economic gas-burner jacket. 4042. 28th October. John Hollingsworth, of Dareel, Queensland, Engineer, and Angus Adam Amos, of Noondoo, Queensland, Gentleman. —An invention for an. improved branding machine. 4043. 29th October. George Ling Eabone, of Woodville, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Fellmonger.—An invention for improvements in presses for wool and some other materials. 4044. 25th October. Charles Hawker Wilson, of Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand, Sulphurmanufacturer.—An invention for purification of New Zealand sulphur-ores, to be known as " Wilson's Patent Sulphur-purifying Process." 4045. 28th October. Frances Ann Fisher, of Sydenham, near Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, wife of Stephen Fisher, a retired Captain of the Boyal Navy.-—An invention for " Fisher's Patent Butter-cooler." 4046. 26th October. Daniel Jones, of Saddle Hill, Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a garden-rule and -poles, being five pieces of wood to be used for measuring or laying out garden work, to be called " Jones' Batent Garden-rule." 4047. 28th October. David Allan Graham, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Gas Engineer.— An invention for the generation of oxygen from the decomposition of water by means of a dynamo or dynamos, and the applying of the oxygen so produced to the revivification of lime and oxide of iron, in situ, in purifiers used for the purification of coal-gas. 4048. 30th October. Joseph Behm, of No. 538, South First Street, San Jose, Santa Clara, California, United States of America, Millwright, and James Jerome Smith, of No. 187, Hunter Street, Stockton, San Joaquin, California aforesaid, Mining Engineer.—An invention for improvements in crushers and pulverisers. 4049. Ist November. Alfred Coll, of Foxton, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in scutchers. 4050. 2nd November. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in lightning-arresters. 4051. 29th October. John Mayn, of Coromandel, Auckland, New Zealand, Quartz-crushing-machine Owner.—An invention for preventing the loss of quicksilver and other metals from grinding-pans or berdans, to be called " Mayn's Batent Syphon-pan or Berdan-discharger." 4052. 30th October. Andrew McGill, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for fire-escape for the use of fire-brigades and others. 4053. 30th October. James Wiseman, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved form of riding-saddle, to be called " Wiseman's Flexible Riding-saddle." 4054. 31st October. Alfred Hardy, of Lichfield, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for darning wearing apparel, to be called " Hardy's Patent Bapid Darner." 4055. 2nd November. Hugh Taylor, of Inangahua Junction, Nelson, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved lock for tip-drays, to be known as " Taylor's Self-acting Springlock for Tip-drays." 4056. 4th November. William Hodge, of Timaru, New Zealand.—An invention for locking railway swutch-points. 4057. sth November. William McWilliam, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Fishing-tackle Dealer. —An invention for an improved landing-net ring, to be called " McWilliam's Patent Universal Net-ring." 4058. 7th November. James Delehanty, Journalist, and Walter Howard Tunbeidge, Architect, both of Townsville, Queensland. —An invention for improvements in sanitary closets or privies. 4059. 7th November. Paul Giffaed, of Paris, France, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to guns, projectiles, or shells, and mining- or blasting-cartridges. 4060. 7th November. John Howard Boss and Edward Elijah Atkins, both of 171, Hockley Hill, Birmingham, Warwick, England, Lamp-manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in overhead oil-lamps. 406.1. 7th November. Alexander Stanley Elmore, of Cockermouth, Cumberland, England, Electro-metallurgist.—An invention for improvements in the electro-deposition of metals and in apparatus used therein.



4062. Bth November. James Delehanty, Journalist, and Walter Howard Tunbridge, Architect, both of Townsville, Queensland. —An invention for an improved method and apparatus for treating nightsoil and other noxious matters. 4063. Bth November. William Anderson, of 3, Whitehall Place, Westminster, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the purification of water and in apparatus therefor. 4064. 9th November. John Thomas Penny, Mining Agent, and William Henry Eichardson, Engineer, both of Adelaide, South Australia.—An invention for au improved machine for triturating and amalgamating gold- and silver-bearing and other ores. 4065. 9th November. Henry Wyman, of Greymouth, New Zealand, Miner. —An invention for hydraulic-sluicing purposes. 4066. 12th November. Fairlie Harold Tronson, of Wellington, New- Zealand, Draftsman.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for straining wire, to be called " The Wellington Wire-strainer." 4067. 9th November. Walter Guthrie, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improved draining-plough, to be known as " Guthrie's Patent Drainingplough." 4068. 12th November. Feedeeick William Gough, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for an inproved spring-frame for a rear-driving safety bicycle, by means of which the seat is kept free from vibration and the frame perfectly rigid. 4069. 13th November. Millen Coughtrey, M.8., CM., Surgeon, and George Springer, Builder, both of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for the preservation of substances liable to decay, and entitled " The Food-preservative and Anti-decay Compound." 4070. 15th November. Aaron Turner Danks, of No. 403, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Brass-founder.—An invention for improved contrivances for showing in a single line the register of dials on gas and other meters. 4071. 15th November. James Macartney Booke, of Newcastle, New South Wales, Gentleman.— An invention for an improved process for burning nightsoil, garbage, and other refuse and noxious matters, and improved machinery therefor. 4072. 15th November. Henri Galopin, of Temple Court Place, off Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Scientific Engineer, and John Thomson, of Melbourne, as aforesaid, Merchant.— An invention for an automatic-pressure and supply-regulator for gas. 4073. 15th November. Joseph Arthur Jagger, of Upper Union Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for improvements in the means employed for purifying sewage and other waters, and for deodorising and utilising the solids and excreta. 4074. 16th November. Elizabeth Lynham Mabee, of Sydney, New South Wales, Mantle-maker. —An invention for an improved appliance to be used in washing clothes. 4075. 14th November. James Paterson Young, of Biverton, Otago, New Zealand, Mining Agent. —An invention for a dredging-bucket for the purpose of prospecting or working river-beds for gold-mining, to be known as " Young's Prospecting Dredge-bucket." 4076. 15th November. William Angus, of Sydenham, Canterbury, New Zealand, Pump-manu-facturer. —An invention for improvements in lift- and force-pumps, to be called " Angus's Compound Plunger." 4077. 18th November. William Beaton Sangster, of Pembroke, New Zealand. —An invention for dredging, prospecting, or lifting cargo, such as coals, from vessels' holds. 4078. 19th November. John Skerman, cf Wellington, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention for an improved commode or privy for sanitary purposes. 4079. 18th November. James Page, of Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for stiffening step-ladders, to be called " Bage's Batent Safety-steps." 4080. (L.8.) 11th November. Mark Amos, of the College, Westbury-on-Trim, Gloucester, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in standards for wire fencing. 4081. 21st November. John Dyke Acland, of Mount Peel, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved fencing standard. 4082. 22nd November. Edwin Arnold, of Wellington, New Zealand, Basket-manufacturer.—An invention for a new or improved combined perambulator and cradle. 4083. 15th November. Hannah Weber, of Hokitika, W 7 estland, New Zealand, Tailor and Clothier. —An invention for improvements in tho manufacture of men's trousers. 4084. 18th November. Kael Graf, of Dunedin, Engineer, and Sidney Oliver Stokes, of the same place.—An invention for the delivery of matches, one at a time, to be known as " Graf's Batent Match-deliverer." 4085. 21st November. William Barnett, Chemist, and James Trent, Gentleman, both of Christchurch, New 7 Zealand.—An invention for a method of extracting and purifying the fat or grease from wool, and for cleaning the wool by the use of benzine, alcohol, or any other spirituous liquid suitable for dissolving fat or grease. 4086. 21st November. John Henry Noding, of 171, High Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Chemist. —An invention for the admixture or combination of the essential oil of eucalyptus or eucalyptol, with cod-liver oil. 4087. 22nd November. Neil Sutherland, of North-east Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemist.—An invention for a new compound of natural and artificial manures for agricultural purposes, to be called " Sutherland's Productive Manure." 4088. 22nd November. Michael Hogan and Thomas Wixcey, trading under name of " Hogan and C 0.," Produce Merchants, of Wanganui, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved apparatus for straining, mending, or splicing and cutting wire, to be called " Hogan and Co.'s Acme Wire-strainer."



4089. 22nd November. Carl Luheig, of Dresden, Saxony, German Empire, Engineer, and John Charles Cuninghame, of 127, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Iron and Coal Master. —An invention for coal-washing and -cleansing machinery. 4090. 23rd November. Thomas Fieth, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Medical Herbalist.—An invention for ventilating purposes, to be called " Firth's Adjustable Air-inlet." 4091. 25th November. John Caeter, of Biccarton, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a potato-planting machine, to be called " Carter's Potato-planter." 4092. 28th November. Frederick Duncan Mercer and John Smith Mercer, both of Alliston, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada.—An invention for improvements in harvesters. 4093. 28th November. Mark Anthony, of San Francisco, America.—An invention for improvements in faucets and bushings. 4094. 28th November. Dan Bylands, of Barnsley, England, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in machines for forming bottles by the pressing and blowing process. 4095. 28th November. Charles Frederick Hime, of 100, St. Paul's Boad, Camden Town, London, England, Waterproofer, and John Henry Noad, of 12, Prestbury Boad, East Ham, Essex, England, Analytical Chemist. —An invention for a process for waterproofing and preserving textures and other materials. 4096. 28th November. John Beverley Clark, of No. 20, Woods Court, Spencer Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Contractor. —An invention for an improved extensible ladder. 4097. 28th November. Plarding Parsons Matthews, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved brush or comb for dressing New Zealand flax. 4098. 29th November. Isaac Jackson Tuenee, of Princeton, Mercer, New Jersey, United States of America, Instructor of Gymnastics.—An invention for improvements in chimney-cowls. 4099. 27th November. Colin Aechibald Peace, of Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for a lead-headed nail, to be called " Peace's Patent Duplex Lead-headed Nail." (Withdrawn.) 4100. 29th November. Alice Mosely, wife of Alfred Mosely, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Sailmaker.—An invention for an improvement in coats, whereby the same are rendered watertight, to be called " The Debney Watertight Coat: Mosely's Patent." 4101. 2nd December. Thomas Knight Steanes, of No. 56, Margaret Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Manufacturers' Bepresentative.—An invention for an improved apparatus for the manufacture of gas. 4102. 29th November. Henry Nicholas Quick, of Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand, Native Interpreter.—An invention for cutting cloth, leather, and other materials, to be called " Quick's Batent Bevolving-disc Scissor." 4103. 3rd December. Samuel England Jeans, of St. Kilda, Victoria, Plumber and Gasfitter.— An invention for an improved high-pressure portable water-heater, adapted to be used with or without a spray, shower, or douche. 4104. 3rd December. The Universal Compositor Company (Limited), of Temperance Buildings, Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria. —An invention for improvements in printing type, to be called " Quadrate Self-justifying Type." (J. B. Topliss and J. A. Kay.) 4105. 3rd December. Albert Livingston Blackman, of Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America, Engineer, at present residing at London, England.—An invention for improvements in or relating to hydraulic compresses. 4106. sth December. David Hood Valantine, of No. 11, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Agent. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for delivering prepaid goods. (S. Praschl.) 4107. sth December. Albert Leslie Campbell, of 33, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for an improved anti-friction conveyor. (J. Schlesinger.) 4108. 6th December. Eobert Orr, of the Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Law Clerk.— An invention for an improved machine for dressing New Zealand flax and other fibrous material, to be known as " Orr's Flax-dresser." 4109. 6th December. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, Marlborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention for washing, scutching, or hackling flax. 4110. 7th December. John Drummond Pinkerton, of Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.— An invention for an apparatus for sinking pipes or iron rods for artesian wells or other purposes. 4111. 7th December. Philipp Waldmann and George Longhurst, both of Wellington, NewZealand. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for extinguishing fire in buildings. 4112. 3rd December. Daniel Whitburn, of Morrinsville, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand, Platelayer. —An invention for Whitburn's patent tubular keys. 4113. 4th December. Thomas Oliver Turnbull, of Kawhia, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the tattooing of sheep. 4114. 4th December. Thomas Kelly, of Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a vessel for filtering water, &c, to be called " Kelly's Antiseptic Filter." 4115. 7th December. George MacFarlane, of Paterangi, Waipa, Auckland, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for " The Protean Potato-plough." 4116. 11th December. Alwin Fischer, Plumber, and James Ellis Hale, Ironmonger, both of North Adelaide, South Australia.—An invention for a combined broom-preserver and dust-pan. 4.117. 7th December. Henry James Jones, of Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for Jones' patent attachment for grinding chaff-cutter knives. 1118. 10th December. Albert Henry Parsmore Noble, of 137, Durham Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, Instrument-maker.—An invention for an automatic grinding machine for sharpening lawn-mower and other knives.



4119. 12th December. George William Langley, of Howie's Place, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Manufacturer of Hairdressers' Eequisites.—An invention for improvements in hairdressers' and dentists' chairs. 4120. 12th December. William Frederick Dixon, of 128, Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Accountant. —An invention for improvements in the valve-link motion of steam-engines and in the arranging, constructing, and adjusting the same and its connecting gear. (C. Gibson and A. Lilley.) 4121. 12th December. John Thomas Wynne, Gas Engineer, and Alexander Charles Morrison, Meter-maker, both of the Metropolitan Gasworks, Queen's Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria.—An invention for improvements in dry gas-meters. 4122. 12th December. Eobert Charles Noedl, of Palmerston North, New Zealand, Butcher.— An invention for extending knife-handles for butchers' and other knives, to be called " Noedl's Extended Knife-handle." 4123. 13th December. The Castle Salt Company (Limited), of Adelaide, South Australia, Assignees of Fernand Collet, also of Adelaide aforesaid, Salt-refiner. —An invention for improvements in the process of manufacturing salt. 4124. (L.B;) Bth December. Henry Hutchinson, of 90, Cannon Street, London, England, Metallurgical and Chemical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of refractory gold- and silver-ores, and in apparatus therefor. 4125. 14th December. John Ashworth, of Makino Boad, Feilding, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for canning and preserving butter and other alimentary substances which can be similarly treated. 4126. 10th December. James William Graham, of Waiorongomai, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for " Graham's Patent Pressure Butter-maker." 4127. 12th December. George A. Perry, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Civil Servant.—An invention for detecting and preventing burglars, and entitled " Perry's Duplex Burglar Detector." 4128. 12th December. Eobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker.—An invention for a flexible directing disc-cog for working on. chain-belts for dredging, pumping, or other purposes. 4129. 14th December. Thomas Cusdin, of St. Albans, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farrier. —An invention for an improved boot for horses hoofs, to be called " Cusdin's Flexible Boot." 4130. 14th December. Thomas Cusdin, of St. Albans, Canterbury, New Zealand, Farrier.—An invention for a flexible horse-shoe, to be called " Cusdin's Flexible Horse-shoe." 4131. 16th December. George Samuel Sewer, of Kaeo, Whangaroa, Auckland, New Zealand. — —An invention for " Sewer's Combined Skeith and Wheel." 4132. 17th December. James Henry Sherwin, of Bitone Wellington, New Zealand, Pianofortemaker.—Ani nvention for a new T or improved apparatus for lifting and releasing all kinds of monkeys and stampers for vertical movements. 4133. George Syme, of Hawera, New Zealand, Timber Merchant.—An invention for Syme's Patent butter-package. 4134. 19th December. Thomas Collier, of Masterton, New Zealand, Wool-scourer.—An invention for scouring wool by a cold-water process. 4135. 19th December. Edwin M. Kellogg, of Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of America.—■ An invention for improvements in sheaf-carriers. 4136. 19th December. Henry Edward Pridmore, of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.—An invention for improvements in harvesters and grain-binders. 4137. 19th December. James Beresford, of 4, Keppel Eoad, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Lancaster, England, Clerk, and Joseph Phillips Bedson, of Bradford House, Bradford, Manchester, Lancaster aforesaid, Civil and Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the reels or spools upon which barbed wire, and barbed, pronged, or spiked bands or strips of metal for fencing or other purposes are coiled or wound for the purpose of carriage or transport. 4138. 16th December. Carl Johannes Edward Linnemann, Merchant, and Thomas William Quelch Honeywell, Inventor, both of Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand.—An invention for a patent self-acting marine pendulum governor, to be called " Honeywill and Linnemann's Patent Marine Pendulum Governor." 4139. 20th December. John Fisher Campbell, of Sawyer's Bay, Otago, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention for a new or improved butter-powder specially adapted for keeping butter firm and solid in hot weather, and for improving its flavour and taste, to be called " Mina's Butter-powder." 4140. 16th December. Archie Wilson, Designer, and Lawrence Walsh McGlashan, Publisher, both of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for "The Oscillating Perforating Machine." 4141. 21st December. Albert Unna Lewis, of 409, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Gas Engineer, and John Donaldson, of Walpole Street, Kew, Victoria, Life Assurance Society Manager.—An invention for an improved door-detainer, to be called " Lewis's Patent Anti-Door-slammer." 4142. 19th December. Arthur Graham, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention for kindling fires, to be called " The Patent X L C B Fire-kindler." 4143. 19th December. Arthur Graham, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention for a washing-fluid, to be called " The Patent X L C B Washing-fluid." 4144. 23rd December. George Ashcroft, of 139, Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for crushing minerals, and iv separating metals from the same.



4145. 23rd December. Ernest Herbert Pottee, of Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for separating and disuniting the sap, juices, and other substances in the Phormium tenax, to be called " Potter's Flax-mucilage Dissociator, Improved." 4146. 23rd December. George Fraser, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a flax-drum dresser, to be called " Fraser's Patent Flax-drum Dresser." 4147. 24th December. Thomas Firth, of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Medical Herbalist.—An invention for ventilating and warming, to be called " Firth's System of Ventilating and Warming." 4148. 24th December. John Briton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for making compressed bricks and tiles without the necessity of burning, to be called " The Compressed Unburnt Brick and Tile." 4149. 30th December. John Howard, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved joint to be used in flexible shafting. 4150. 30th December. Oscar Axel Enholm, of New York, United States of America.—An invention for galvanic batteries. 4151. 30th December. Edward Waters, of No. 131, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in and relating to the manufacture of twine. (W. Deering and Co.) 4152. 30th December. Frederick Budoeph Christian Stritveh, of Pine Creek, Darling Downs, Queensland, Grazier.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of butter, and in apparatus therefor. 4153. 30th December. Harold James Augustus Pyke, of Paparoa, Auckland, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for a boot-cleaning machine. 4154. 30th December. Samuel Carroll, of Wellington, New Zealand, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in electric arc lamps. (B. Schefbaner.) 4155. 30th December. Albert Peeiss, of Norwood, South Australia, Plumber.—An invention for an improved joint for the rails of railways or tramways. 4156. 30th December. Thomas Summerton, Jun., of Christchurch, New Zealand, Engineer, and John Brown, of Onehunga, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in engines in which steam and other expansive fluids are the motive-power. 4157. 31st December. James Beynolds, Stationmaster, and Hugh McGloin, Carpenter, both of Little Biver, Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for a horizontal wool-press. 4158. 31st December. David Eeidie, of Fairfax, Wallace, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for skim coulters and shares, to be known as "Eeidie's Patent Skim Coulters and Shares." 4159. 19th December. Thomas William Quelch Honeywtle, Inventor, and Carl Johannes Edward Linnemann, Merchant, both of Hokitika, New Zealand.—An invention for a selfacting hydraulic steam marine governor, to be called " Honeywill and Linnemann's Patent Hydraulic Marine Governor." 4160. 31st December. Bessie Fergusson Hume, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Spinster. —An invention for the protection of young children, to be called " The Child's Accident Safeguard." I.—Applications for Letters Batent lapsed after Publication of List for 1888. 3021. C. Kind and H. S. Austin.—Making hooks. 3022. H. Corrick.—Time-table. 3024. W. Earland.—Trapping moths. 3025. G. Cookson,—Sifting cinders. 3028. T. Danks.—Water-heater. 3029. J. B. Gascoigne and J. Slator.—Plant-protector. 3030. W. Cole.—Manufacturer of fuel. 3032. F. Bogen.—lncubators. 3033. S. P. Evans and C. J. Carrington.—Propelling bicycles. 3034. W. Holmes and J. Mallet.—Boiler-tube brush and scraper. 3039. J. C. Butler.—Water-closet. 3040. S. Eeid. —Breventing rattle of hooks, &c. 3041. H. Gray.—.Closet-purifier. 3044. T. E. Merritt. —Loading and discharging ships. 3046. F. Maber.—Cigarette machine. 3048. C. H. Murray.—Combination trunk. 3049. W. J. Dalton.—Clothes-peg. 3050. A. H. P. Noble.—Boiler-skate. 3056. L. Stowe. —Branding bales, &c. 3057. F. A. B. Stuart.—Bruning-knife. 3063. M. Sinclair.—Buggy. 3065. J. Young.—Extracting metals. 3067. J. Bichards. —Penholder. 3069. A. Storrie.—Plough-wheel. 3070. S. J. Leith.—Sowing manure. 3071. S. Morrell. —Improving the draught in chimneys. 3072. H. Waite.—Fire-lighter. 3073. H. D. Gardiner.—Threshing clover, &c. 3075. G. Lawrence. —Clothes-drying. 5— H. 1.



3078. J. Coventry.—Disinfecting. 3082. E. Seitz and S. Landells. —Cleaning streets. 3086. J. H. Garrett.—Bench and penholder. 3089. W. Cole.—Elutriator. 3093. T. M. Bryant.—Butter-package. 3097. J. S. Duke.—Spark-catcher. 3098. C. Kind and H. S. Austin. —Tea-kettles, tea-pots, &c. 3099. J. Eenall.—Wire-strainer. 3103. J. T. Oakden.—Assistance in piano-playing. 3104. F. H. Saundees.—Chaffcutter. 3105. J Hedley.—Chlorinating ores. 3106. A. G. Dawson. —Cutting apparatus. 3107. J. Hedley.—Concentrator and amalgamator. 3108. C. Kind and H. S. Austin.—Tea-kettles and tea-pots, &c. 3109. E. J. Cackett.—Packing eggs, &c. 3111. P. A. Eive.—Tin or can. 3112. P. Blampid and J. H. Hawes.—Last-stand. 3113. J. Metz.—Building-blocks. 3115. J. Smith. —Ventilating. 3122. J. L. Ceumpe.—Stays and surgical supports. 3124. B. B. Morrow. —Door-hinge. 3125. E. B. Morrow. —Clothes-peg. 3128. L. Pozzi.—Boiler-skates. 3129. S. B. Bolton. —Economizing fuel. 3130. H. D. Gardiner. —Disc-roller. 3137. H. Allott.—Loading drays. 3140. A. J. Cuming.—Sight for rifles. 3141 J. J. Macky.—Pen. 3156. J. E. Vaile and J. E. Vaile, Jun. —Self-countersinking screw 3157. T. Begg.—Saving gold. 3170. W. Webley.—Music-stool. 3173. S. Carter.—Blight-destroyer. 3174. G. F. Vazey.—Metal-polisher. 3175. F. J. Fuchs.—Boiler-skate. 3177. D. Jones.—Blind-rack. 3178. D. Jones.—Sash-fastener. 3179. C. McQueen. —Joint for pipes. 3180. C. McQueen. —Gold-saver, &c. 3184. T. M. Bryant.—Backage lining. 3185. W. Douslin.—Salt- and mustard-cells. 3188. H. F. Betts. —Quartz-crusher. 3191. A. Sanford. —Preserving fish. 3192. F. E. Bowen.—Wall-drying bracket. 3194. E. Seitz.—Electric conductors. 3198. B. Clapcott.—Trapping rabbits. 3199. A. W. Gleed. —Grinding, crushing, &c. 3201. P. C. dv Bois. —Separating gold. 3205, J. Bose. —Oiling apparatus. 3206. H. Harraway.—Substitute for oatmeal. 3214. G. Lanseel. —Constructing ships. 3215. J. F. Boberts.—Filling bottles. 3218. D. T. Lawes.—Copying-ink. 3219. H. E. Nightingale.—Venetian blinds. 3222. A. Dornweel. —Preserving. 3223. A. E. Woodhouse.—Ball-caster. 3230. G. Lansell.—Bropelling vessels. 3231. J. I. Harris. —Pens and penholders. 3232. W. G. Loader.—Draught-preventer. 3233. E. T. Firth and H. H. Greenway.—Multi-carbon battery. 3236. E. J. Tobin.—Ventilating. 3238. J. Abram.—Fire-lighter, &c. 3240. J. Sanderson.—Blind-roller. 3245. J. Baird. —Botary engine. 3249. B. F. Hume.—Guard for fires, &c. 3250. J. F. Churton.—Fire-lighter. 3255. A. Harvey.—Package. 3262. B. D. Morgan.—Time-candle. 3263. A. Eitchie and E. J. Whyte.—Cover for pans, &c. 3266. A. E. Woodhouse. —Feeding-trough. 3267. J. Thomson and F. E. Clarke.—Composite iron piles. 3268. W. H. Patton.—Treating gold, &c. 3271. J. MacClure.—Fern-vase. 3273. L. Morrison.—Fire-lighter. 3274. E. H. Gulliver.—Opening packages, &c.



3280. B. Clapcott.—Babbit-decoy. 3284. H. Hughes.—Ventilating, &c. 3287. J. Eodgerson.—Force-pump. 3288. T. W. Maunder.—Butter-box. 3291. W. Lingard.—Coal-bin. 3294. J. M. Baird and E. H. Taylor.—Tobogganing apparatus. 3298. W. Tarrant. —Amalgamating, &c. 3300. A. Simpson.—Gold-saving. 3301. T. Emerson. —Fire-alarm. 3302. J. Todd.—Candlestick. 3304. J. T. Johns.—Preserve-tin. 3305. J. T. Johns. —Preserve-tin. 3306. J. C. Butler. —Window-sash. 3307. J. C. Butler. —Window-fastener. 3308. T. Cossens and A. Black. —Straw-elevator. 3309. A. Willows.—Hank. 3310. J. White. —Trousers. 3311. E. Jenkinson. —Stoneware. 3313. J. H. Stevens, C. W. Mountfort, and C. A. Mountfort.—Brake for vehicles. 3317. J. Husband. —Safety-catch for lifts. 3318. J. Hesketh. —Bile-shoe. 3321. M. J. Keating.—Targets. 3331. J. T. Johns. —Jam-packet. 3332. J. T. Johns. —Preserve-tin. 3333. J. F. McCarthy and S. P. Evans. —Automatic spile 3334. J. McGregor.—Enamel for coating wood. 3342. H. B. Smith. —Strainer for liquids. 3344. J. Stalker. —Sack-hoist. 3345. W. Hicks. —Seat-shifter for vehicles. 3349. H. Collier. —Sand-motor. 3350. T. C. Hement.—Bath-fittings. _ 3351. W. Hunsley.—Trussing-machine. 3352. G. Ashcroft.—Eailway-lift. 3353. J. Brown. —Cask. 3354. W. J. Blakey— Clothes-peg. ■3356. C. Galwey.—Fastening rails to sleepers. 3358. J. Ostler. —Washing bottles. 3360. W. A. Hills.—Converting metals. 3368. A. Leman. —Saving gold. 3370. J. Burns. —Pumps. 3375. A. W. Bickerton. —Foot-grating. 3377. G. M. Hewson. —Fish-sausage. 3378. J. J. Howard. —Clip or hook. 3382. B. Cockerell. —Harrow. 3383. E. H. Gulliver and B. W. Betts. —Lamp. .3384. P. F. M. Burrows.—Step-ladder. 3389. B. Howe, J. Nutt, and B. S. Collier. —Nightsoil-remover, &c. 3391. G. Dalgleish.—Quarrying and dressing stone. 3392. J. Gibbons. —Butter-tub. 3397. C. Atkin.—Bolt-gear. 3398. C. Atkin.—Spring. 3399. J. J. Howard.—Tap or spigot. 3403. J. Smith. —Babbit-snare. 3404. A. Skene. —Baising and lowering clothes-lines. 3405. C. Atkin.—Brake. 3408. J. Keie.—Coulter. 3409. H. M. McNeill. —Begulator for sewing-machines. 3418. H. E. Crofts. —Indicator for lawn-tennis. 3419. A. Skene. —Wire-strainer. 3420. T. G. Brickell. —Butter-box. 3425. E. W. Henn. —Venetian blinds. 3426. E. G. Creagh.—Hose- and pipe-coupling. 3435. J. Harms. —Threshing. 3447. W. Andrews. —Bagging chaff. 3448. F. W. Still. —Tin-opener. 3454. A. Leman. —Treating tailings. 3456. J. Clare and H. F. Horrocks. —Grinding. 3458. J. K. Jameson and J. W. Jameson. —Pump. •3459. C. McQueen.—Standard. .3460. C. McQueen. —Dredging-machine.



J.—Lettees Patent lapsed thbough Non-payment of Eenewal Fee, feom Ist June, 1889, to 30th Apbil, 1890. 1136. E. P. Smith.—Hermetically closing boxes. 1138. W. E. Babey.—Amalgamators. 1139. C. Woods.—Eailway-cars. 1142. W. P. Gaednee. —Wire-rope tramway. 1144. E. Poole.—-Fireguard, &c. 1147. P. and D. Duncan.—Sower and harrow. 1148. J. Eobson. —Motive-power. 1153. E. Woolfoed.—Begistering-machine. 1154. J. S. Hudson.—Botary engine. 1155. W. T. Hay-.—Making oil. 1156. C. Icke.—Extracting gold, &c. 1157. C. A. Floyd.—Vehicles. 1159. W. Bainbow. —Churn. 1160. W. Bainbow. —Water-raiser and air-injector. 1161. W. Greed.—Wire-strainer. 1162. F. H. Asbuey.—Generating steam. 1163. W. Bainbow.—lmproved castors. 1164. W. Bainbow. — Chair- and rail-gauge. 1165. J. Sinclair. —Boofing-nail. 1168. J. A. Beeg.—Detaching shafts of vehicles. 1171. J. W. Oakman.—Closets, &c. 1174. G. Summeeton. —Millstone-irons. 1177. W. A. Mubeay.—-Straining-wire. 1179. A. Potteb. —Paring gum. 1180. W. Beece. —Bundle-carrier. 1181. H. Hudson.—Street railways. 1182. W. Bennett.—Hanging window-sashes. 1184. J. Banks.—Can. 1190. H. Cobeick.—Chisel-handle. 1191. J. Eaelb.—Tea-mixer. 1193. T. J. Bennett. —Meat-preserving. 1197. D. Daggett.—Ore-separator, &c. 1198. H. W. Keele.—Hydraulic elevators. 1199. W. Hack.—Stump-extractor. 1200. W. Angell.—Washer. 1203. E. J. Douglas.—Heating water. 1204. W. Geeenshields. —Hygienic brace. 1205. W. Bainbow. —Begulating heat of malt-house floors. 1206. W. Cook. —Scouring wool. 1209. C. E. Peice.—-Spring brake. 1210. G. B. B. Elliott.—Sluicing. 1212. H. Gaby.—Saving gas. 1213. E. Ellis. —Flock-dresser. 1214. W. Bainbow.—Boiler-tap. 1215. G. Fby and C. Dallison. —Gas-fire. 1216. B. N. Helme.—Ventilators. 1217. J. Jensen. —Boiler and fire-stand. 1218. W. Wilkinson. —Washing-machine. 1223. E. A. Gibbon. —Breakwater. 1224. D. Fallon.—Adzing and boring railway-sleepers. 1225. C. D. Hinckley.—Wire-w ; eaving. 1227. P. Matzen. —Wool-scouring. 1230. W. J. Simpson.—Gorse-cutter. 1231. F. H. Snow.—Filtering water. 1232. C. Moobe. —Hip-strap chain. 1233. A. Buet. —Valve for hydraulic lift. 1235. M. Cock. —Coating for explosives. 1238. C. L. Wheelee. —Separating and purifying grain, &c. 1243. T. Aickin.—lnsecticide and plant-vermin exterminator. 1244. J. P. Milleb and J. S. Scott. —Manufacturing jam. 1245. T. Gillespie.—Blast smelting-furnaces. 1246. M. I. Jones.—Gas-engines. 1247. G. Mcllattie.—Plough. 1248. J. Bitchie. —Blasting and boring. 1249. E. S.. Lees. —Fastening wires. 1250. D. P. Balfour. —Furrow-extender. 1251. J. Coventby.—Swimming-instructor. 1254. H. Hebden.—Telephonic-apparatus. 1255. J. D. La Monte. —Ore-smelting. 1256. J. D. La Monte.—Smelting-furnace. 1257. J. D. La Monte. —Treating auriferous material. 1258. F. Y. Wolseley.—Shearing sheep.



1260. J. Berry.—Copying writings. 1265. A. W. Smith.—Washing clothes. 1267. J. Kerr.—Pavements. 1268. T. Boberts.—Treatment of sewage. 1269. A. Tyer.—Extracting tannin. 1270. H. Coerick. —Boot-back protector. 1272. E. B. Sammons.—Portable cylinders or cages. 1281. J. Alves.—Aerial tramways. 1282. J. Alves.—Concentrating and amalgamating. 1288. J. Gray.—Harrows. 1291. J. Grove. —Attemperating ale, wine, &c. 1292. D. Miller.—Thrashing machinery. 1297. J. Grove.—Booting up briars, gorse, &c. 1298. M. Clarke.—Breserving meat. 1299. J. Danks and B. Barnes.—Tram-car motors. 1300. E. Waters. —Harvesters. 1302. W. Harford.—Gas-regulator. 1304. W. Bayliss.—Metal fencing. 1305. D. Daggett.—Broducing cold. 1306. H. Beynolds.—Ti-tree cutter. 1307. J. Mackay.—Standard and strainer. 1309. W. Queenin. —Manure. 1310. E. S. Lees.—Brace or suspender. 1322. E. C. Burgess.—Combustion of liquid fuel. 1325. T. J. Bearce and M. W. Beardsley.—Breserving and insulating. 1327. T. W. Hickson.—Totalisator. 1330. W. Beece.—Mower. 1332. J. M. C. Malfeoy.—Bail-ripple. 1333. S. and J. Danks. —Water-meters. 1335. H. Bland.—Excavating and removing earth. 1337. W. Adams.—Quartz-crusher. 1339. L. E. Gtllanders.—Steam-engine. 1341. C. J. Gascoigne.—Wool- and hop-pressing. 1348. B. Cockerell.—Scarifier. 1349. C. Lawrence and T. F. Wintour. —Ventilating. 1351. D. Murphy.—Preparing flax. 1353. W. A. Murray.—Hoe and drill cultivator. 1357. L. P. Bouvier. —Manufacturing envelopes. 1358. C. Smith.—Bemoving wool, &c, from hides, &c. 1359. P. C. Browne.—Ventilator. 1361. W. H. Douglas.—lmprovements in chronographs. 1365. W. M. White.—Kiln-bottom. 1367. E. Chase.—Harrow. 1369. W. Beacock. —Mixing air and gas. 1374. A. Burt.—Fitting rings into valves. . 1377. W. H. Lambert.—Wool-washing. 1378. G. Bertinshaw.—Manufacture of hats. 1379. F. Hebden.—Preparing carbon for telephony. 1380. E. West.—Barbed wire. 1381. C. Hibberd and E. N. Legge.—Artificial stone. 1386. E. H. Elliott and B. and J. B. Stanseel.—Barbed wire. 1388. W. Barclay.—Slide-valves. 1394. G. Dalgleish.—Standard-puncher. 1395. J. Edwards.—Closet. 1397. H. L. Welch. —Telephone-attachment. 1399. L. Dathis Fins. —Making bread. 1400. T. E. Pare.—Horse-shoe. 1401. H. August.—Spring palliasse. 1405. A. Millee.—Amalgamating-apparatus. 1406. W. A. Mueeay.—Motor. 1407. A. Hamilton. —Wire-strainer. 1410. B. Cockeeell. —Stump-extractor. 1411. J. Deummond. —Hot-water apparatus. 1412. J. G. Howard.—Beaper-and-binder. 1413. B. Stansell. —Making barbed wire. 1414. B. McNeave. —Curing foot-rot. 1416. W. J. Tannee.—Separating gold, &c. 1417. C. Williamson. —Tram-rail clearer. 1419. C. Atkin. —Omnibus. 1424. A. Atkins and F. de J. Clere.— Fire-grates. 1427. T. C. Jenkins. —Billiard-marker. 1428. S. B. Firth.—Valve-gear. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,350 copies), _24 7s. 6d.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbtjby, Government Printer, Wollington.—lB9o. 6—H. 1.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-01

Word Count

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-01

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE-MARKS (FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-01

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