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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspkctob of Hospitals to the Hou. the Minister of Education. Silt, — I have the honour to lay before you the following report on the hospitals of thg colony : —• In my last report I dealt at considerable length with the general aspects of our hospital and charitable-aid systems, with the view of enabling all concerned to realise the facts bearing on the Bill then before Parliament. This year it is not necessary to do more than state in detail the expenditure for the year, except in those cases where something calling for remark has occurred in the interval. In Auckland the difficulty between the honorary medical staff of the hospital and the Charitable Aid Board lias culminated in a complete change of system. In spite of successful efforts on my part to mediate between the parties on two previous occasions, the crisis was brought about by what seems to me the unreasonable refusal of the staff to enter their names in the attendance-book on every visit. Of course this was merely the last straw which determined the Board to take a course of action they had long contemplated—namely, to place the whole management of the hospital under a medical superintendent resident in the house, with a salary of £500 a year, and a qualified assistant. As I pointed out to the Board before they did this, the result has been that the medical profession has been practically excluded from the hospital, for it was not to be expected that in a city like Auckland they would consent to be treated as mere consultants whenever their services were wanted without any opportunities of independent practice being given them in return. The Board have been fortunate in getting a man in Dr. Collins of large hospital experience and great self-confidence to undertake the difficult task of managing the Auckland Hospital in such circumstances, and I can only hope that he will be able after a while to conciliate the goodwill of the profession in Auckland. In Dunedin the agitation which had arisen over the alleged neglect of patients by the male nurses and the defects of the hospital buildings has partially subsided. The Board have undertaken to remedy all defects as soon as possible. The chief questions now for consideration are two: (1.) Whether certain teachers of the Medical School should be ex officio members of the hospital staff, and not subject every year to election by a somewhat capricious Board; and (2.) Whether the proper development of the Medical School, of which the hospital is the backbone, does not require that a beginning should be made in building a new hospital providing all modern requirements for treatment and teaching. In some hospitals—as, for instance, Invercargill and Oamaru —the demand for throwing open the hospital to the medical profession, which is inevitable when towns attain a certain size, has been more or less vigorously preferred. In my opinion the time is not ripe in either of these places for the change. On the west coast of the Middle Island, especially in the eases of Hokitika and Boss, the hospital system has broken down, and I look forward with great interest to the consolidating Bill that I understand is to be laid before Parliament. In nearly all the other hospitals I observe a steady progress in economy, and in all of them a very keen local interest secures an almost entire absence of neglect or unkindness. Indeed, it is nothing less than wonderful to see what keen solicitude is felt about the management of these institutions all over the country. It will be observed that the daily cost per head has fallen considerably in many places since last year. In the cases of Coromandel and Cromwell, however, the cost has increased this year I—H. 11.



from 15s. 6d. to £1 2s. 4d. in the former, and from 14s. sfd. to £1 Os. 9£d. in the latter. This is accounted for by the reduction in the number of patients—in Coromandel from 28 last year to 12 this year, and in Cromwell from 65 last year to 54 this year. As I have indicated in former reports, the hospital system has close and intricate relations not merely with the whole problem of charitable aid, but with the whole social life of the people as well. For instance, the great good done by friendly societies is not without some drawbacks. One of their least noticeable effects is to increase the number of our hospitals. The lodge system is so prevalent that in nearly every community a very large proportion of even well-to-do people are members for the sake, among other objects, of getting medical attendance cheap; and several of the largest societies admit honorary members, who join merely for the sake of getting medical attendance at lodge rates. The result is that the doctor has so few paying patients that he must either leave or get a State subsidy. Every effort is made accordingly to found a hospital, not because it is really wanted, but because the residents cannot get a medical man to settle without some guarantee, which is thus thrown largely on the State. A good many of our hospitals exist for the simple reason that, as things are, it is the only way of getting a doctor to stay. One hospital chairman was so candid as to tell me that they wanted to keep the hospital going because it enabled them to have a second doctor to call in to assist the other, who was already there, in certain cases.

AKAEOA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 16 Total under treatment ... ... ... 17 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Died ... ... ;.. ... ... ... 1 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 1 Sex. —l 4 males, 3 females. Localities Patients came from. —Akaroa, 14 ; Christchurch, 2 ; Ashburton, 1. Country. —New Zealand, 8; England, 5; Ireland 1; France, 1; Italy, 1; Germany, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 9 ; Eoman Catholic, 6; Presbyterian, 1; Freethinker, 1. The total collective number of hospital-days was 641; individual average stay, 37 - 7O days. Daily average cost per head, 9s. sd. No out-patients. Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 151 0 0i Rations ... ... ... 95 2 2 Derived from North Canterbury Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 018 0 Hospital Board, of which it is a ! Surgery and dispensary ... ... 21 7 8 branch hospital ... ... 151 0 0i Fuel and light ... ... ... 22 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 Other expenses... ... ... 12 2 3 Total ... ... £302 0 1 Total £302 0 1

ABEOWTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 73 Total under treatment ... ... ... 80 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 71 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 1 Sex. —6o males, 20 females. Localities Patients came from. —Arrowtown, 27; Lake County, 46 ; Vincent County, 5; Gore, 1; Cromwell, 1. Country. —England, 15 ; Scotland, 12; Ireland, 16; Wales, 1; New Zealand, 23 ; Victoria, 4 ; Tasmania, i ; Germany, 3; Denmark, 1; China, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 31; Presbyterian, 19; Wesleyan, 2 ; Lutheran, 3; Eoman Catholic, 19; Confucians, 4 ; Freethinkers, 2. The total collective number of hospital-days was 1,900; individual average stay, 23*75 days. Daily average cost per head, 6s. lid. ; less patients' payments, ss. SfcL Outdoor Patients, \ ; attendances, I.



Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 207 3 3 Rations,and fuel and light ... 151 8 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 171 010 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 19 17 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 80 1 2 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 4271 Patients'payments ... ... 142 11 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 25 11 G Balance from last year ... ... 29 2 5 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 33 10 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 355 11 8 Funerals ... ... ... 6 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 220 Insurance ... ... ... 2 10 0 Other expenses ... ... •... 24 5 5 Total ... ... £629 19 6 Total ... ... £663 13 4

ASHBURTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 10 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 131 Total under treatment ... ... ... 141 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 131 Died ... ■ ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 4 Sex. —120 males, 21 females. Locality from which patients came. —Ashburton County. Nationality. —English, 57 ; Scotch, 18 ; Irish, 38; Welsh, 3 ; Australians, 2 ; New Zealand, 16; Germans, 2; Dutch, 2 ; Swedes, 1; French, 1 ; Indian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 77; Presbyterian, 30; Wesleyan, 7; Baptist, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 1; Roman Catholic, 22 ; Freethinkers, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,715; individual average days' stay, 19-25. Daily average cost per head, Bs. 2d. ; less patients' payments, 7s. o£d. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 521 5 2 Rations and light ... ... 320 19 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 520 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, <tc. ... ... 23 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 3 3 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 77 11 2 Patients'payments ... ... 150 0 8 Fuel ... ... ... ... 45 4 9 Other sources ... ... ... 750 Bedding and clothing ... ... 42 6 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 62 10 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 30 10 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 386 4 0 Funerals ... ... ... 7 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 45 16 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 13 17 3 Interest ... ... ... 3 0 0 Insurance ... ... ... 11 16 3 Other expenses... ... ... 36 11 4 Total ... £1,201 13 10 Total ... £1,107 9 5

AUCKLAND HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 115 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 932 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,047 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 848 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 112 Localities Patients came from. —Auckland City and Suburbs, 629; Auckland Hospital District, 240; districts north of Auckland, 83; southern districts, 33; shipping and navy, 51; other parts, 11. Sea;.—Males, 718 ; females, 329. Nationality.— English, 324; Scotch, 63 ; Irish, 207; New Zealand, 347; Australian, 20; Canadian, 2; Indian, 7; Fijian, 2; Mauritius, 1; American, 14; German, 12; French, 3;



Swedish, 15; Norwegian, 10; Dutch, 3; Fins, 4 ; Spanish, 3 ; Portuguese, 3; Koumanian, 1 ; Swiss, 1; Eussian, 2 ; Azores, 1; Austrian, 1; born at sea, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 504 ; Eoman Catholic, 264 ; Presbyterian, 132 ; Lutheran, 17 ; Wesleyan, 63; Primitive Methodist, 4; Congregational, 8; Baptist, 23; Church of Christ, 2 ; Christadelphian, 1; New Church, 1; Salvationists, 11; Jews, 2; Unitarian, 1; Christian Brethren, 3 ; Christians, 2 ; no religion, 9. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 36,567 ; individual average days' stay, 34-92. Average daily cost per head, 3s. sid.; less patients' payments, 2s. 6fd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,177 ; attendances, 3,881. Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. : Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,54110 9 Kations ... ... ... 1,745 11 5 Local bodies and Hospital Board 2,729 12 2 Wines, spirits, ale, &c... ... 147 10 1 Subscriptions and donations ... 21 12 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 738 12 0 Interest on bequests ... ... 744 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 578 86 , Eents ... ... ... 327 17 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 289 16 0 Patients'payments ... ... 1,615 19 5 Furniture and earthenware ... 177 18 1 Other sources ... ... 33 12 11 Washing and laundry ... ... 245 1 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,683 7 4 Water-supply... ... ... 153 13 4 Funerals ... ... ... 50 8 6 Repairs ... ... ... 249 16 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 57 3 7 Insurance ... ... ... 800 Proportion office expenses ... 157 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 5158 Nurses'home (building) ... 1,296 16 9 Nurses' home (furnishing) ... 190 19 11 Improvements to hospital grounds 192 16 1 Total ... ... £8,014 4 11 Total ... ... £8,014 411

BLENHEIM HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 91 Total under treatment ... ... ... 109 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Died 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 20 Sex. —97 males, 12 females. Localities Patients came from. —Awatere, Wairau. Country. —England, 39; Ireland, 22 ; Scotland, 8 ; New Zealand, 26 ; Victoria, 2 ; Canada, 2 ; Wales, 1; Norway, 3; Germany, 2; France, 3; Eussia, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 61; Eoman Catholic, 28; Presbyterian, 10; Lutheran, 6; W T esleyan, 3; Atheist, 1. Total collective days' stay, 6,523 ; average individual stay, 5982 days. Average daily cost per head, 4s. 3fd.; less patients' payments, 3s. llfd. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. j Expenditure. . £ s. d. From Government ... ... 908 11 0 Rations ... ... ... 504 19 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 596 44! Surgery and dispensary ... 349 410 Subscriptions and donations ... 53 711 Fuel and light ... ... 70 11 6 Patients'payments ... ... 109 11 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 84 13 6 Other sources ... ... 40 10 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 5618 Balance from last year... ... 545 19 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 252 15 7 Funerals ... ... ... 20 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 17 9 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 872 Interest ... ... ... 1 18 7 Insurance ... ... ... 12 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 27 6 3 Total ,„ ... £2,254 311 Total £1,405 8 5



CHARLESTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 9 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... ... 25 Total under treatment ... ... ... 34 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Bemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... .., ... ... 5 Sex. —34 males. Localities from which Patients came. —Charleston, Westport, Brighton, Addison's, Croninville. Xα I tonality. —English, 14; Irish, 7; Colonial, 4; French, 2; Scotch, 4; German, 1; BritishAmerican, 1; Welsh, 1. Religion— Church of England, 17; Roman Catholic, 9; Presbyterian, 7; Wesleyan, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,925; individual average stay, 56-62 days. Average daily cost per head, ss. 4Jd.; less patients' payments, ss. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 13; attendances, no record. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 280 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 170 18 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 90 0 0 Wines, spirits, &c. ... ... 413 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 200 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 22 4 7 Patients'payments ... ... 84 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 13 17 1 Other sources ... ... ... 216 Bedding and clothing ... ... 8129 Balance from last year ... ... J 11 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 230 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 35 6 3 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 752 Insurance ... ... . ... 400 Other expenses... ... ... 19 19 3 Total ... ... £608 3 2 Total ... ... £517 14 5

CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 65 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ■ ... 869 Total under treatment ... ... ... 934 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 777 Died ... ... ... .., ... 06 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 91 Sex. —647 males, 287 females. Localities from ichich Patients came. — Christchureh and suburbs, 468; Lyttelton, 64; Rangiora, 25 ; Kaikoura, 19 ; Akaroa County, 23; Ashburton County, 24 ; Greymouth, 2 ; Wellington, 1; Timaru, 6; Dnnedin, 4; Waimate, 2; Ashley County, 40; Selwyn County and no home, 256. Country. —England, 334; New Zealand, 271; Ireland, 178; Scotland, 83; Australia, 15; America, 8; Germany, 8; Wales, 8; Tasmania, 4; France, 4; Holland, 5; Switzerland, 3; Austria, 2; India, 3; Russia, 4; unknown, 4. Religion. —Church of England, 448 ; Roman Catholic, 172 ; Non-episcopal, 314. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 33,429; individual average stay, 3579 days. Average cost per head per day, 4s. 3^d.; less patients' payments, 3s. llj-d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 410; attendances, 1,652. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,095 011 Rations ... ... ... 1,473 15 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 3.554 16 4 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 283 4 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 72 8 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 482 10 2 Patients'payments ... ... 623 511 Fuel and light "... ... 621 5 0 Other sources... ... ... 10 9 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 3051411 Balance from last year... ... 1,620 5 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 329 9 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,431 19 0 Funerals ... ... ... 32 4 0 Repairs, alterations, and additions 466 14 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .... ... 83 1 4 Interest ... ... ... 9 10 6 Insurance ... ... ... 54 7 6 Other expenses ... ... 633 0 1 Total £8,876 6 1 Total £7,206 16 6



GOEOMANDEL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 12 Total under treatment ... ... ... 15 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Died 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 0 Sea;.—ls males. Locality Patients came from. —Coromandel. Nationality. —English, 3; Scotch, 1; American, 1; New Caledonian, 1; Irish, 2; Colonial, 4; unknown, 3. Total collective days' stay, 499; individual average stay, 3326 days. Daily average cost per head, £1 2s. 4d. ; less patients' payments, £1 2s. 3d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 16; attendances, 48. EeVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Bevenve. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 490 16 1 Eations ... ... ... 4739 Local bodies ... ... ... 100 0 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 4277 Subscriptions and donations ... 177 18 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 115 9 Patients' payments ... ... 110 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 399 13 6 Balance from last year... ... 316 14 8 Eepairs ... ... ... 23 10 0 Printing, advertising, &c. ... _ 112 Insurance ... ... ... 4 10 0 Other expenses ... ... 36 17 0 Total £1,086 19 2 Total £556 18 9

CEOMWELL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 54 Total under treatment ... ... ... 56 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Died 2 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 0 Sex. —44 males, 12 females. Country. —England, 28; Ireland, 10 ; Scotland, 4 ; Wales, 1; New Zealand, 7 ; Australia, 2 ; Denmark, 1; Norway, 2 ; America, 1. Localities from which Patients came. —Cromwell, 15; Bannockburn, 11; Hawea, 7; Nevis, &c, 8; Makaroa, 2 ; Mount Pisa, 3 ; (Jorge, 2 ; Pembroke, 2 : Wanaka, 3 ; Tarras, 1; Dunedin, 1; Clyde Eoad, 1. Religion. —Protestant, 48; Eoman Catholic, 8. Total collective days' stay, 718; individual average days' stay, 12-82. Average cost per day per head, £1 os. 9^-d.; less patients' payments, 19s. lid. Revenue and Expenditure. "Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 256 9 5 Eations ... ... ... 128 16 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 144 15 5 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 14 6 8 Subscriptions and donations ... 114 10 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 33 3 8 Patients'payments ... ... 30 13 0 Fuel and.light ... ... ... 31 17 6 Balance from last year ... ... 102 14 0 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and earthenware ... ... ... 16 9 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 380 13 8 Water-supply ... ... ... 14 9 6 Funerals ... ... ... 10 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 51 13 8 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 719 6 Interest ... ... ... 5 13 10 Insurance ... ... ... 550 Commission ... ... ... 610 Surgical instruments ... ... 34 3 0 \ Other expenses... ... ... 595 Total ~. ... £649 I 10 Total ~, ... £746 2 2



DDNEDIN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... 103 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 913 Total under treatment ... ... ... 1,016 Discharged... .... ... ... ... ... 819 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... 101 Total collective stay of patients in hospital, 35,180 days ; individual average days' stay, 34-62. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 3Jd. Sex. —632 males, 384 females. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,789 ; attendances, 4,615. Localities from which Patients came. —Dunedin and Suburbs, 464 ; South Dunedin, 48; Northeast Valley, 19; Caversham and St. Clair, 47; Green Island, 31; Taieri, 12; Milton, 12; Balclutha, 19; Catlin's, 4 ; Clinton, 5; Outrani, 3; Oamaru, 6; Port Chalmers, 29; shipping, 25; Waikouaiti, 6 ; Palmerston, 15; Seacliff, 6 ; Merton and Blueskin, 19; Halfway Bush, 7 ; Timaru, 4; Portobello and Anderson's Bay, 10; Hindou, 5; Middlemarch, 5; Lawrence, 7; Teviot, 4; Ravensbourne, 5; Kelso, 6; Roslyn, 14; other places, 76. (Total number of patients admitted during year only given.) Country.— England and Wales, 263 ; Scotland, 211 ; Ireland, 178 ; New Zealand, 236 ; Victoria, 23 ; Channel Islands, 7; Finland, 12; Africa, 1 ; United States, 4; Norway, 4; Sweden, 6 ; Denmark, 1; Canada, 1; West Indies, 3; China, 17 ; Holland, 5 ; Italy, 4; Austria, 1; France, 5; Germany, 7 ; born at sea, 3; Tasmania, 7 ; New South Wales, 3; Belgium, 1; Switzerland, 1; Mauritius, 11; Nova Scotia, 1. Religion.— Church of England, 339; Presbyterian, 337; Roman Catholic, 198; Baptist, 32; Methodist, 2; Wesleyan, 51; Congregational, 5; Church of Christ, 9; Jew, 1; Freethinkers, 2; Chinese, 17 ; Christian Brethren, 2; Lutheran, 1; Independent, 4 ; Salvationists, 8; other sects, 8. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,812 15 3 Rations ... ... ... 1,690 13 1 From local bodies ... ... 2,519 14 1 Wines, spirits, ale , , and porter ... 209 15 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 252 9 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 933 1 2 Gaol medicine ... ... 37 2 4 ; Fuel and light "... ... 411 13 8 Sales ... ... ... 35 17 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 59 5 8 Patients'payments ... ... 881 11 11 Furniture, earthenware, stores, &c. 237 18 8 Bequest, Russell's Fund ... 26 15 0 Washing and laundry, salaries and Balance from last year ... 61 17 7 wages ... ... ... 2,028 10 2 Water-supply... ... ... 52 0 0 'Funerals ... ... ... 22 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 460 14 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... 60 10 5 Interest ... ... ... 291 : Insurance ... ... ... 31 2 6 Commission—works and buildings 31 11 0 Other expenses ... . 392 14 5 Total ... ... £6,628 3 2 Total ... ... £6,624 0 1

DUN STAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 47 Total under treatment ... ... ... 53 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 2 Sex. —4o males, 13 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Clyde and district, 10; Tinker's, Drybread, and Ophir, 24; Alexandra, Earnscleugh, and Baldhill, 15; Cromwell district, 4. Country. —England, 14 ; Ireland, 14; Scotland, 6 ; Wales, 2 ; New Zealand, 11; Germany, 3; France, 1; Jersey, 1; China, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 23; Roman Catholic, 19; Presbyterian, 9; Lutheran, 1; Chinese, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,005; individual average stay, oT'SS days. Average daily cost per head, 7s. Bfd.; less patients' payments, 6s. B£d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 20 ; attendances, 33.



Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expendiiitfe. i. c. d. From Government ... ... 287 18 6 Rations ... ... ... 163 5 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 151 5 8 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 14 18 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 165 1 9 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 55 510 Patients'payments ... ... 99 9 5 ; Fuel and light.... ... ... 32 7 8 Other sources ... ... ... 711 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 515 2 Balance from last year ... ... 218 610 ■ Furniture and earthenware ... 43 10 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 374 16 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 18 13 2 Funerals ... ... ... 4 0 0 .Repairs ... ... ... 17 2 8 ', Printing, stationery, &c. ... ... 12 16 0 Insurance ... ... ... 12 19 6 Other expenses... ... ... 16 410 Total £929 8 8 Total £77115 6

GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 76 Total under treatment ... ... ... 82 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 71 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 6 Sex. —64 males, 18 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Borough of Gisborne and Cook County. Nationality. —British, 75; foreign, 7. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,875 ; individual average stay, 35 days. Individual average cost per day, ss. ; less patients' payments, ss. Ofd. Outdoor Patients. —Nil. Revenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 399 12 0 Rations ... ... ... 167 0 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 300 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 22 19 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 145 6 1 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 45 9 8 Rents and interest ... ... 59 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 84, 9 2 Patients'payments ... ... 107 13 6 Bedding and clothing ... ... 511 6 Other sources ... ... 0 6 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 5 7 5 Balance from last year ... 38 7 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 470 7 6 Repairs ... ... ... 44 911 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 15 16 5 Interest ... ... ... 0 6 8 Insurance ... ... ... 12 2 3 Other expenses ... ... ... 11 111 Total £1,050 5 5 Total £835 2 4

GREY RIVER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 29 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 124 Total under treatment ... ... ... 153 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 Died . . ... ... ... ... ... 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... 40 Sex. —135 males, 18 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Greymouth, 15; Brunnerton, 22; Blackball, 13; Grey Valley, 55 ; Dunganville, 21; Arnold, 10; North Beach, 8 ; South Beach, 5 ; Kumara, 2 ; Goldsborough, 1; Reefton, 1. Country. —lreland, 50; England, 47 ; Scotland, 16 ; China, 12 ; New Zealand, 10 ; America, 5; Africa, 2 ; Germany, 2 ; Isle of • Man, 1; Austria, 1; Canada, 1; France, 1; Italy, 1; Orkney Islands, 1; Azores, 1; Holland, 1; Victoria, 1.



Religion. —Church of England, 54 ; Roman Catholic, 49; Presbyterian, 27 ; Wesleyan, 6; Baptist, 2; Church of Christ, 1; Lutheran, 1; Confucians, 12; Freethinker, 1. The total collective days' stay in the hospital was 14,891; individual average days' stay, 9732; daily average cost per head, 3s. sid.; less patients' payments, 3s. 4Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 378; attendances, 922. Revenue and Expenditure. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,181 4 2 Rations ... ... ... 754 9 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 350 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 81 17 9 Subscriptions and donations ... 733 11 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 57 5 3 Patients'payments ... ... 68 9 9 Fuel and light ... ... 130 12 0 Other sources ... ... 9 9 6 j Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Balance from last year ... 329 711 earthenware ... ... 102 10 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 72160 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,146 19 8 Funerals ... ... ... 14 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 75 6 2 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 60 17 11 Interest ... ... ... 0 3 9 Insurance ... ... ... 30 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 43 4 5 Total ... ... £2,672 3 0 Total ... ... £2,570 12 9

GREYTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 2 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 22 Total under treatment ... ... ... 24 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 1 Sex. —22 males, 2 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Featherston, 9; Greytown, 5; Carterton, 3; Martinborough and Lower Valley, 7. Country. —England, 13 ; Ireland, 1; Scotland, 1; North America, 2 ; Jamaica, 1; France, 1; Denmark, 1; New Zealand, 3; South Africa, 1. Religion. —Protestant, 20; Roman Catholic, 3; Freethinker, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 485; individual average days' stay, 20. Average daily cost per head, 11s. 10d.; less patients' payments, 10s. 10d. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 206 15 6 Rations ... ... ... 63 6 2 Subscriptions and donations ... 146 9 7 | Wines, spirits, ales, &c. ... ... 116 6 Rents ... ... ... ... 100 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 20 17 2 Patients'payments ... ... 23 0 0 > Fuel and light ... ... ... 710 Salaries and wages ... ... 150 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 9 10 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 417 0 Overdraft, Bank of New Zealand, 31st March, 1889 ... ... 12 19 8 Insurance ... ... ... 4 12 6 Other expenses... ... ... 11 18 3 Total £377 5 1 Total £286 18 3

HOKITIKA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 43 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 199 Total under treatment ... ... ... 242 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 198 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 22 2—H. 11.



Sex. —l9l males, 51 males. Locality from which Patients came. —Westland. Nationality. —English, 60; Irish, 63 ; Scotch, 24 ; Welsh, 3; Continental, 33 ; Colonials, 50; American, 5 ; Chinese, 4. Beligion. —Eoman Catholic, 107; Protestant, 128; not defined, 7. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 11,596 ; individual average days' stay, 47 - 91. Average daily cost per head, 4s. 5f d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3f d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 323 ; attendances, 709. Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,222 1 1 Rations ... ... ... 659 19 4 Local bodies ... ... ... 589 8 4 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 98 0 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 490 13 3 Surgery and dispensary ... 210 9 4 Patients'payments ... ... 95 4 2 Fuel and light ... ... 109 19 11 Other sources ... ... 29 1 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 26 3 10 Balance from last year ... 203 15 8 Furniture, crockery, &c. ... 12 15 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 30 0 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 1,207 10 10 Funerals ... ... ... 32 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 82 16 2 i Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 45 7 2 Interest ... ... ... 17 0 Insurance ... ... ... 35 7 6 I Commission ... ... ... 440 I Other sources ... ... 45 2 2 Total £2,630 4 4 Total £2,601 3 7 ■ ... ■ I SSSSSS^^Si

INVERCARGILL HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 21 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 140 Total under treatment ... ... ... 161 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 122 Died ... . . ... ... ... ... ... 15 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 24 Sex. —123 males, 38 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Southland, 131; Wallace, 15 ; Otago, 3; Auckland, 1; shipping, 7; no home, 4. Country. —England, 52; Scotland, 38; Ireland, 20; New Zealand, 40; Victoria, 2; Tasmania, 2 ; Sweden, 1; Norway, 3; Italy, 1; Cape de Verde Islands, 2. Beligion. —Roman Catholic, 32 ; Protestant, 129. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 6,848; individual average days' stay, 42-50. Daily average cost per head, ss. llj-d.; less patients' payments, ss. B£d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 841; attendances, 1,897. Revenue and Expendituee. Beceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 621 18 9 Rations ... ... ... 355 0 5 Local bodies ... ... ... 913 15 1 Wines, spirits, ale, porter, and Subscriptions and donations ... 137 10 8 aerated waters ... ... 3176 Rents ... ... ... 550 Surgery and dispensary ... 133 15 7 Patients'payments ... ... 76 13 5 Fuel and light ... ... 152 4 11 Other sources ... ... 56 19 1 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and Balance from last year ... 1914 earthenware ... ... 60 2 1 Washing, laundry, salaries, and wages ... ... ... 844 8 3 Water-supply ... ... 1 12 0 Funerals ... ... ... 14 18 0 Repairs ... ... ... 244 7 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 25 15 1 Interest ... ... ... 23 11 10 Insurance ... ... ... 946 Other expenses ... ... 135 8 5 Total £1,831 3 4 Total £2,031JL5J1



KUMAEA HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year... ... ... ... ... 51 Total under treatment ... ... ... 58 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —sl males, 7 females. Localities from which Patients came. — Kumara, 46; Grey, 8; Christchurch Eoad, 3; Hokitika, 1. Country. —England, 16 ; New Zealand, 14 ; Ireland, 9; Scotland, 7 ; Denmark, 3 ; Wales, 3 ; Germany, 3 ; United States of America, 1; Switzerland, 1; China, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,998; individual average stay, 68-93 days. Daily average cost per head, 4s. sid.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3£d. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 27 ; attendances, 170. Eevenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 384 12 0 Eations ... ... ... 172 17 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 200 7 5 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 14 5 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 146 7 6 Surgery and dispensary... ... 54 7 6 Patients'payments ... ... 39 0 0 Fuel and light ... "... ... 54 11 0 Balance from last year ... ... 81 12 8 Furniture and earthenware ... 29 9 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 438 13 6 i Funerals ... ... ... 15 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 70 3 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 22 1 0 Interest and exchange ... ... 519 \ Insurance ... ... ... 815 0 Other expenses ... ... 7 13 0 Total ... ... £851 19 7 Total ... ... £892 17 9

LAWEENCE HOSPITAL. Number in hospital on 31st March, 1889 ;.. ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 107 Total under treatment ... ... ... 115 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 12 Sex. —74 males, 41 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Tuapeka County. Nationality. —New Zealand, 43; England, 10; Scotland, 30; Ireland, 18; Victoria, 1; Nsw South Wales, 1 ; Western Australia, 1 ; Tasmania, 2; France, 1; Germany, 1; Sweden, 1; Denmark, 2 ; India, 1 ; China, 2 ; Nova Scotia, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 4,183; individual average days' stay, 36-37. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases. 59 ; attendances, 103. Eevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 516 17 6 Eations ... ... ... 292 6 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 520 5 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 20 7 0 Patients'payments ... ... 158 10 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 71 12 1 Other sources ... ... ... 14 6 1 Fuel and light ... ... ... 75 19 0 Balance from last year ... ... 173 2 3 Bedding and clothing ... ... 43 9 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 5 18 6 Washing and laundry ... ... 015 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 370 15 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 10 0 0 Eepairs ... ... ... 12 13 5 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 11 9 0 Insurance ... ... ... 3 5 0 Other expenses ... ... .... 78 14 0 I Total £1,383 1 41 Total £997 8 i



MASTEETON HOSPITAL. Number of patients remaining on 31st March, 1889 ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 46 Total under treatment ... ... ... 47 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 7 Sex. —4l males, 6 female. Localities from which Patients came. —Masterton, 15; Eketahuna, 9; East Coast, 9 ; Pahiatua, 6 ; Wangaehu, 3 ; Wellington, 2 ; Ashburton, 1; Taratahi, 1; Hawke's Bay, 1. Country. —England, 20 ; New Zealand, 9; Ireland, 5 ; America, 3 ; Scotland, 3 ; France, 1; West Indies, 1; Gibraltar, 1; Germany, 3 ; East India, 1. Beligion.— Church of England, 20; Boman Catholic, 11; Presbyterian, 3; Wesleyan, 8; Lutheran, 3; Baptist, 1; doubtful, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,496; individual average days' stay, 32. Daily average cost per head, 6s. &£d.; less patients' payments, ss. BJd. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 243 16 6 Rations ... ... ... 117 2 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 242 14 5 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 56 15 8 Patients'payments ... ... 71 18 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 15 12 6 Balance from last year ... ... 86 16 2 Furniture and earthenware ... 29 11 9 Salaries and wages ... ... 220 1 8 Funerals ... ... ... 6 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 7 7 11 Printing, advertising, postage, &c. ... 14 0 5 Insurance ... ... ... 11 0 0 Commission ... ... ... 23 5 6 Total ... ... £645 5 7 Total ... ... £500 17 5

NAPIER HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 249 Total under treatment ... ... ... 273 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 228 Died 22 Remaining on 31st March, 1889... ... ... ... 23 Sex. —2oo males, 73 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hawke's Bay and adjoining districts 262, 9 seamen, and 2 firemen. Country. —England, 96; Scotland, 35 ; Ireland, 51; Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, 10; New Zealand, 64; Australia, 5; America, 4; France, 2; Jersey, 3; Germany, 1; China, 1; Native, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 121; Roman Catholic, 70; Presbyterian, 49; Wesleyan, 16; Lutheran, 8 ; Salvationists, 4 ; Unitarian, 1; unknown, 4. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 7,561; individual average days' stay, 2770. Daily average cost per head, ss. 2d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 5Jd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 447 ; attendances, no record. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 789 13 1 Rations ... ... ... 478 0 0 From local bodies ... ... 200 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 36 5 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 335 3 5 Surgery and dispensary... ... 102 7 6 Bequest ... ... ... 262 9 51 Fuel and light... ... ... 160 7 5 Rent... ... ... ... 34 17 6 Bedding and clothing, furniture and Patients' payments ... ... 258 14 0 earthenware... ... ... 58 311 Balance from last year ... ... 478 18 10 Salaries and wages ... ... 803 2 8 Water-supply ... ... ... 34 8 3 Funerals ... ... ... 3 19 11 Repairs ... ... ... 28 7 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 37 16 6 Insurance ... ... ... 48 8 3 Other expenses ... ... 160 10 10 Total ~, ~.£2,359 16 3 Total £1,95118 1



NASEBY HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 70 Total under treatment ... ... ... 74 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 Died 5 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 6 Sex. —so males, 24 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Maniototo and Vincent Counties. Country. —Scotland, 21; England, 9; Ireland, 14; New Zealand, 25; Victoria, 2; China, 3. Religion. —Presbyterian, 36; Church of England, 15 ; Roman Catholic, 20 ; Confucians, 3. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,492 ; individual average days' stay, 20-16. Daily average cost per head, 11s. OJd.; less patients' payments, Bs. 10} d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 4 ; attendances, 26. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 320 3 8 Rations ... ... ... 141 5 11 Local bodies ... ... ... 220 19 10 ! Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 16 7 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 110 111 Surgery and dispensary... ... 35 6 3 Patients'payments ... ... 163 9 6 ' Fuel and light... ... ... 47 111 Other sources ... ... ... 1050 Bedding and clothing ... ... 9193 Balance from last year ... ... 365 16 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 25 15 0 Washing and laundry ... ... 7150 Salaries and wages ... ... 400 16 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 13 12 0 Repairs ... ... ... 83 12 1 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 1 8 Insurance ... ... ... 700 Other expenses ... ... 23 19 4 Total ... ...£1,190 16 5 Total ... ... £824 11 5

NELSON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 22 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 94 Total under treatment ... ... ... 116 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... 24 Sex. —69 males, 47 females. Locality from luhich Patients came. —Waimea County. Country. —New Zealand, 50 ; England, 28 ; Scotland, 12 ; Ireland, 11; other places, 15. Religion. —Church of England, 75 ; Roman Catholic, 21; Presbyterian, 11; Lutheran, 4; others, 5. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 7,361; individual average days' stay, 63. Average daily cost per head, ss. ljd.; less patients' payments, 4s. 7Jd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 544; attendances, 2,992. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 902 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 430 3 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 950 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 40 4 8 Rents ... ... ... 87 5 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 175 0 3 Patients'payments ... ... 182 17 11 Fuel and light ... ... ... 169 16 7 Other sources ... ... ... 44 8 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 26 3 3 Furniture and earthenware ... 41 12 2 Washing, laundry, salaries, and wages 933 2 6 Funerals ... ... ... 12 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 12 12 10 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 311 0 < Other expenses... ... ... 37 16 0 Total ~. £2,166 11 7 Total .. £1,882 12 11



NEW PLYMOUTH HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 13 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 101 Total under treatment ... ... ... 114 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 91 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 16 Sex. —B4 males, 30 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Taranaki Provincial District, &c. Country. —England, 41; Ireland, 18; Scotland, 7; New Zealand, 32; Australia, 6; Solomon Islands, 1; Germany, 3; Switzerland, 1; America, 1; Sweden, 1; India, 1; Native, 1; China, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,320; individual average days' stay, 29-12. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 7id.; less patients' payments, ss. 4d. Eevenue and Expendituee. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,479 17 4 Eations ... ' ... ... 250 14 8 From local bodies ... ... 1,323 19 11 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 47 0 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 10 16 6 Surgery and dispensary... ... 134 5 2 Patients'payments ... ... 218 19 11 Fuel and light... ... ... 104 8 7 Other sources ... ... ... 021 Bedding, clothing, furniture, and earthenware ... .. 38 17 5 Washing and laundry ... ... 31 4 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 395 19 4 Water-supply ... ... ... 10 0 0 Funerals "... ... ... 310 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 10 3 Insurance ... ... ... 20 18 9 Other expenses ... ... 46 9 2 Total ... £3,033 15 9 Total ... £1,099 17 4

OAMAEU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 104 Total under treatment ... ... ... 115 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 8 Sea;. —90 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Oamaru, 42 ; Waitaki County, 70; outside, 3. Country. —England, 24 ; Scotland, 25; Ireland, 34 ; New Zealand, 25 ; Continent of Europe, 5 ; America, 2. Religion. —No record kept, but, roughly—Church of England, 20 ; Eoman Catholic, 30 ; Presbyterian, 23; various, 42. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,903; individual average days' stay, 3375. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 2Jd.; loss patients' payments, 4s. Ofd. Outdoor Patients. —Individual cases, 70; attendances, 280. Eevenue and Expenditure. Reroute. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 257 11 0 Eations ... ... ... 141 6 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 144 17 7 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 22 7 0 Eents ... ... ... 573 6 8 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 39 10 4 Patients'payments ... ... 34 12 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 60 2 2 Mortgages ... ... ... 147 10 1 Bedding and clothing ... ... 25 15 11 Fixed deposit cashed ... ... 300 0 0 Furniture and earthenware .. 517 10 Balance from last year ... ... 70 3 2 Washing and laundry ... ... 13150 Salaries and wages ... ... 415 17 0 Repairs (including painting) ... 46 3 7 Funerals ... ... ... 17 16 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery .. ... ... 16 16 3 Interest ... ... 276 Insurance ... ... ... 776 Commission ... ... ... 10 11 3 New buildings ... ... ... 177 0 0 Deposit at bank ... ... 200 0 0 Expenses re land endowment ... 114 12 1 Total ... £1,528 7 Total ~, £1,317 5 9



PATE A HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 6 Admitted during the year ... ... ... •• • 26 Total under treatment ... ... • ■ 32 Discharged ... ... ••• ■•• •■• ••• 27 Died ... 2 Eemaining, on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... • • • 3 Sex. —28 males, 4 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Alton to Waitotara. Nationality.— English, 12; Irish, 11; Colonial, 5; German, 1; Maori, 1; Norwegian, 1; Dane, 1. Beligion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,109; individual average days' stay, 34-66. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 2d.; less patients' payments, ss. 9-Jd. Outdoor Patients.— lndividual cases, 5 ; attendances, 22. Be venue and Expenditure. Revenue. & s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 162 16 0 Rations ... ... ... 56 16 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 125 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 11l 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 31 10 0 Fuel and light ... ... ... 12 17 11 Patients'payments ... ... 21 6 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 519 0 Balance from last year ... ... 82 14 6 Salaries and wages ... ... 170 0 0 Funerals 0 9 0 Repairs ... ... ... 10 8 0 t Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 513 0 Insurance ... ... ... 1 10 0 Special expense of patients to Hot Springs 72 10 7 Other expenses... ... ... 470 Total £423 6 6 Total £342 2 2

PICTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 50 Total under treatment ... ... ... 55 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 Died 4 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 9 Sex. —48 males, 7 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington, 1; Blenheim, 1; Hospital District, 53. Country. —England, 15; Scotland, 4; Ireland, 11; Wales, 2; New Zealand, 17; Germany, 2; Canada, 1; St. Helena, 1; Denmark, 1; India, 1. Beliijion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,643; individual average days' stay, 6625. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 6d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2sd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 3. Revenue and Expendituke. Bevenuc. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 398 3 0 Rations ... ... ... 149 15 7 Local bodies ... ... ... 358 4 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 22 14 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 112 15 6 Surgery and dispensary... ... 49 4 0 Rents ... ... ... 7 10 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 38 7 7 Patients'payments ... ... 51 7 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 21 7 11 Other sources ... ... ... 250 Furniture and earthenware ... 24 11 1 Balance from last year ... ... 123 210 Washing and laundry ... ... 15 510 Salaries and wages ... ... 240 410 Funerals ... ... ... 10 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 19 6 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 12 7 0 Insurance ... ... ... 500 Travelling-expenses ... ... 12 9 0 Other expenses (including £34 paid to Wairau Hospital and Charitable Aid Board) ... ... ... 50 4 8 Total ... ...£1,053 8 2 Total ... ... £670 17 6



QUEENSTOWN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 96 Total under treatment ... ... ... 104 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Died 2 Remaining'on 31st March, 1890 .. ... ... ... 7 Sex. —77 males, 27 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Lake, Vincent, Southland, and Waitaki Counties. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,784; individual average days' stay, 26-77. Daily average cost per head, 7s. 3id. ; less patients' payments, ss. 7£d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 69 ; attendances, 99. Revenue and Expenditube. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 298 18 1 Rations ... ... ... 214 2 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 350 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ...) kg i g g Subscriptions and donations ... 127 Oil Surgery and dispensary ... ...j Patients'payments ... ... 230 9 9 Fuel and light ... ... ... 81 17 7 Other sources ... ... ... 5 10 2 Salaries and wages ... ... 421 1 6 ; Bedding and clothing ... ""' 145 3 7 : Repairs and furniture ... ... J Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 312 0 Other expenses... ... ... 89 17 2 Total £1,011 18 11 Total ... £1,014 10 9

REEFTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 4 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 118 Total under treatment ... ... ... 122 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 17 Sex. —lls males, 7 females. Locality from which Patients came. —County of Inangahua. Country.— lreland, 51; England, 20; New Zealand, 19; Scotland, 10; United States of America, 3; China, 3; New South Wales, 2 ; Germany, 2; Sweden, 2; Jersey, 2; Austria, 1; Belgium, 1 ; South Australia, 1 ; Norway, 1; Victoria, 1; Wales, 1; Tasmania, 1; Greece, 1. Religion. —Roman Catholic, 57; Church of England, 36; Presbyterian, 19; Wesleyan, 3 ; Salvationists, 2; Pagan, 3; Hebrew, 1; Lutheran, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,990; individual average days' stay, 3270. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 1-id. ; less patients' payments, ss. 6|d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 75; attendances, 526. Revenue and Expendituke. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 559 4 1 Rations ... ... ... 284 14 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 423 17 10 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 32 8 6 Patients'payments ... ... 117 2 6 Surgery and dispensary ... 85 2 6 Other sources ... ... 883 Fuel and light... ... ... 45 0 6 Balance from last year ... ... 353 11 8 Bedding and clothing ... ... 40 111 I Furniture and earthenware ... 38 2 0 I Washing and laundry ... ... 8 7 10 i Salaries and wages ... ... 528 12 6 I Funerals ... ... ... 15 0 0 ; Buildings ... ... ... 231 1 1 Repairs ... ... ... 31 4 7 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 52 17 0 Interest ... ... ... 1 13 0 Insurance ... ... ... 10 10 0 Commission ... ... ... 14 9 6 Other expenses ... ... 32 17 8 Total ... £1,462 4 4 Total ... £1,452 3 6



RIVERTON HOSPITAL. Number remaining on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 75 Total under treatment ... ... ... 86 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 66 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 12 Sex. —63 males, 23 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Wallace County. Nationality. —English, 13 ; Irish, 16 ; Scotch, 15 ; Chinese, 12 ; Tasmanian, 2 ; American, 1; French, 1; Victorian, 2 ; New Zealanders (including Maoris), 24. Beligion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,829; individual average days' stay, 44-52. Daily average cost per head, ss. 3d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 10£ d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 127. Revenue and Expendituke. lievemic. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 481 6 0 Rations ... ... ... 276 1 6 Local bodies ... ... ... 477 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 24 13 11 Subscriptions and donations ... 213 11 9 Surgery and dispensary ... 95 18 3 Patients'payments ... ... 70 9 6 Fuel and light ... ... 48 18 3 Other sources ... ... ... 330 Bedding and clothing ... ... 560 Furniture and earthenware ... 70 16 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 431 19 9 Funerals ... ... ... 3 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 0 19 0 Printing, advertising, postage, &c. 17 11 1 Interest ... ... ... 19 12 2 Insurance ... ... ... 680 New buildings, drainage, &c. ... 181 17 4 Other expenses ... ... 108 10 5 Total ... £1,245 10 3 Total ... £1,291 12 0

ROSS HOSPITAL. Patients remaining on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 1 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 28 Total under treatment ... ... ... 29 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Remaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 3 Sex. —24 males, 5 females. Nationality. —Scotch, 8 ; Irish, 7 ; English, 3; Colonial, 5 ; German, 1; Chinese, 1; Danish, 1; Swedish, 1; French, 1; Swiss, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,110; individual average days' stay, 38 - 27. Daily average cost per head, 12s. OJd. Revenue and Expendituke. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 340 12 10 Rations ... ... •■•• 171 <3 S Local bodies ... ... ... 247 16 11 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ••.) Subscriptions and donations ... 7900 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 26 4 5 Fuel and light ... ... ... 17 15 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 7150 Furniture and earthenware ... 403 Salaries and wages ... ... 376 3 4 Water ... ... ... 6 0 0 Funerals ... ... ... 14 0 0 Repairs ... ... ... 12 10 6 Printing, stationery, &c. ... ... 18 12 0 Insurance ... ... ... 626 Other expenses ... ... ... 6 18 6 Total ... ... £667 9 9 Total ... ... £667 9 9 3—H. 11.



THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 15 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 131 Total under treatment ... ... ... 146 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Bemaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 13 Sex. —loB males, 38 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames Borough and County, Ohinemuri, Auckland. Nationality. —English, 29 ; Irish, 34 ; Scotch, 10; Colonials, 63; Aboriginals, 4; German, 1; Swedes, 2 ; American, 1 ; Tahitian, 1; Philippine Islander, 1. Religion. —No record kept. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 4,396; individual average days' stay, 30 - 11. Daily average cost per head, Bs. B£d.; less patients' payments, 7s. s£d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 559 ; attendances, 974. Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 908 4 1 Eations ... ... ... 497 8 10 Local bodies ... ... ... 805 2 6 I Wines, spirits, ales, &c. ... 20 11 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 82 15 0 I Surgery and dispensary ... 278 11 10 Bents ... ... ... 15 00 j Clothing ... ... ... 24 1 Patients'payments ... ... 272 14 0 I Furniture, earthenware, and bedOther sources ... ... 514 3 ding ... ... ... 152 12 9 Balance from last year... ... 28 7 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 754 19 3 Funerals ... ... ... 1400 Additions to buildings ... ... 181 14 1 Eepairs ... ... ... 52 11 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... .... ... 46 15 7 Insurance ... ... ... 14 14 9 Other expenses ... ... 82 1 0 Total £2,112 17 2 Total £2,098 4 2

TIMABU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 24 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 239 Total under treatment ... ... ... 263 Discharged ... ... ... ... 220 Died 17 Bemaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 26 Sex. —172 males, 91 females. Localities from which Patient* came. —Hospital District, 240; other districts, 23. Nationality. —English, 124; Scotch, 59; Irish, 73; Dane, 1; Swede, 1; Italian, 1; Finn, 1; German, 2; Nova Scotian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 115; Roman Catholic, 60; Presbyterian, 57 ; Wesleyau, 11; Methodist, 9; Salvationists, 5; Baptist, 4; Freethinkers, 2. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 9,161; individual average days' stay, 34-80 Daily average cost per head, 4s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 4s. 3£d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 323 ; attendances, 690. Bevenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,110 19 4 Eations ... ... ... 526 011 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,070 12 1 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 44 14 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 4 4 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 266 811 Bequest ... ... ... 26 15 0 Fuel and light... ... ... 195 511 Bents ... ... ... 18 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 59 13 3 Patients'payments ... ... 245 1 4 Furniture and earthenware ... 22 14 4 Washing and laundry ... ... 23 6 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 785 8 4 Water-supply ... ... ... 21 17 4 Funerals "... ... ... 9 2 6 Repairs ... ... ... 138 2 6 ■ Printing, advertising, postage, stationery, and telephone ... 22 7 1 Insurance ... ... ... 18 7 6 New buildings, «fee, ... ... 263 9 3 Other expenses ... ... 73 16 10 Total ... ...£2,470 14 9 ■ Total ... ...£2,470 14 9



WAIKATO DISTRICT HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 7 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 110 Total under treatment ... ... ... 117 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 17 Sex. —9B males, 19 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Waikato County, 50 ; Waipa County, 38; Piako County, 19; Eaglan County, 1; Auckland, 1; King Country, 8. Nationality.— English, 42 ; Irish, 20; Scotch, 8; Colonial, 43; Swede, 1; Dane, 1; PolishEussian, 1; Fijian, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 58; Soman Catholic, 29; Wesleyan, 7; Primitive Methodist, 1; Presbyterian, 13; Baptist, 2; Lutheran, 1; Congregationalist, 1; Christian Brethren, 2 ; Church of Christ, 1; Agnostic, 2. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,482; individual average days' stay, 29-76. Average daily cost per head, 7s. 4d.; less patients' payments, 6s. 2d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 30 ; attendances, 45. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 1,297 7 11 Rations ... ... ... 235 11 8 Local bodies ... ... ... 1,206 14 1 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 16 3 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 54 19 11 Surgery and dispensary ... 155 17 6 Rents ... ... ... 33 0 0 Fuel and light ... ... 79 13 0 Patients'payments ... ... 202 16 10 Bedding and clothing ... ... 17 15 0 Other sources ... ... 43 9 8 Furniture and earthenware ... 764 Balance from last year ... 196 14 8 Washing and laundry ... ... 43 1 11 Salaries and wages ... ... 566 0 4 Water-supply ... ... 16 17 10 Funerals ... ... ... 10 10 0 Repairs ... ... ... 33 11 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and office expenses ... ... 43 10 2 Insurance ... ... ... 17 11 0 Other expenses ... ... 32 1 0 Total ... ... £3,035 3 1 Total ... ... £1,275 10 3

WAIMATE HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 11 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 102 Total under treatment ... ... ... 113 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 Died 9 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 11 Sex. —69 males, 44 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Waimate County. Nationality. —English, 26; Irish, 27; Scotch, 10; German, 5; Colonial, 45. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 3,284 ; individual average days' stay, 29. Daily average cost per head, 6s. 6d.; less patients' payments, 6s. l^d. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 123 ; attendances, 167. Revenue and Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. From Government ... ... 396 12 1 Rations ... ... ... 16112 2 Local bodies ... ... ... 355 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 41 6 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 102 12 4 Surgery and dispensary... ... 81 7 1 Patients'payments ... ... 58 18 11 Fuel and light... ... ... 66 910 Other sources ... ... ... 500 Bedding and clothing ... ... 24 0 1 Balance from last year ... ... 120 8 0 Furniture and earthenware ... 5 7 0 Salaries and wages ... ... 505 12 9 Funerals ... ... ... 1 15 0 Repairs ... ... ... 30 5 9 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 16 18 0 Interest ... ... ... 7 15 6 Insurance ... ... ... 11 17 0 Other expenses ... ... 112 0 H Total ... £1,038 11 4 Total ... ... £1,066 6 5



WAIPAWA HOSPITAL. Number on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... 17 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 183 Total under treatment ... ... ... 200 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 170 Died ..." ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Eemaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 18 Sex. —158 males, 25 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Bush district, 101; Makaretu, 26; Porangahau, 13 ; Kaikoura and coast, 11; Waipawa, 1]; Waipukurau, 10; Napier, 4; Wellington, 3 ; Palmerston, 2; Christchurch, 1; Hastings, 1. Nationality. —English, 68; Scandinavian, 17; Colonial, 46; Irish, 26; Scotch, 18; African, 5; French, 2; Eussian, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 75 ; Eoman Catholic, 30: Presbyterian, 33; Wesleyan, 23 ; Lutheran, 21; Plymouth Brethren, 1. [The above totals are for the number admitted during the year only.] Total collective days' stay in hospital, 6,000; individual average days' stay, 30. Daily average cost per head, 4s. Bid.; less patients' payments, 4s. sd. Revenue and Expendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 541 4 7 Rations ... .. ... 416 2 8 From local bodies ... ... 400 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 15 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 182 8 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 7266 Patients'payments ... ... 86 15 0 Fuel and light.. "... ... 107 9 9 Other sources ... ... ... 0166 Bedding and clothing ... ... 23 0 0 Balance from last year ... ... 247 9 6 Furniture, earthenware, and repairs 93 0 3 Washing and laundry ... ... 1300 Salaries and wages ... ... 550 17 1 Funerals ... ... ... 53 8 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 10 17 4 Insurance ... ... ... 21 0 0 Commission ... ... ... 10 2 4 ' Other expenses ... ... 24 17 6 Total ... ...£1,458 13 7 Total ... ...£1,41111 5

WANGANUI HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 20 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 149 Total under treatment ... ... ... 169 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 135 Died ... ... ... ... ~. ... 11 Remaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 23 Sex. —ls2 males, 17 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wanganui and district south of Wanganui, 159; district north of Wanganui, 10. Nationality. —English, 80; Irish, 36; Scotch, 12; Danish, 1; German, 4; Portuguese, 1; American, 1; Norwegian, 2 ; Russian, 1; Colonial, 31. Beligion. —Church of England, 89; Presbyterian, 17 ; Wesleyan, 5; Roman Catholic, 45; others, 13. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 9,762; individual average days' stay, 57 - 76. Daily average cost per head, 2s. llfd.; less patients' payments, 2s. 9id. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 45 ; attendances, 115. Revenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 312190! Rations ... ... ... 340 6 1 Local bodies ... ... ... 339 3 9 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 18 19 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 5 1 0 Surgery and dispensary... ... 107 15 6 Bequest ... ... ... 14 15 6 Fuel and light ... "... ... 77 3 1 Rents ... ... ... 257 5 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 33 18 8 Carried forward ... £929 4 3, Carried forward ... £578 2 S



REVE^α , E and Expenditutie— continued. He ten no —continued. £ s. d. Expenditure— continued. £ s. d. Brought forward ... £929 4 3 Brought forward ... £578 2 8 Patients'payments ... ... 91 11 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 28 18 10 Balance from last year ... ... 663 6 3 Washing and laundry ... ... 36 1 8 Salaries and wages ... ... 536 8 1 Water-supply and rates... ... 30 4 3 Eepairs ... ... ... 30 16 5 Funerals ... ... ... 12 16 6 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 24 9 9 Insurance ... ... ... 8 15 0 Other expenses ... ... 169 15 6 Total £1,684 2 0 Total £1,456 8 8

WELLINGTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 105 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 842 Total under treatment ... ... ... 947 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 753 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 Remaining on 31st March, 1890... ... ... ... 136 Sex.— 63B males, 309 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Wellington, 706; Wellington district, 54; Greytown, 2 ; Rangitikei, 4; Carterton, 5 ; Masterton, 6; Paikakariki, 3; Upper Hint, 8 ; Lower Hutt, 16; Foxton, 7 ; Palmerston, 8 ; Rangitikei, 2 ; Featherston, 4 ; Shannon, 12 ; Kaitoke, 3 ; Turakina, 1; Pahautanui, 3 ; Otaki, 35 ; shipping, 36; Manakau, 3; Ashburton, 1; Campbelltown, 3 ; Waikanae, 3; Feilding, 2; Auckland, 8; Mongonui, 1; Waipawa, 1; Westport, 4; Taranaki, 1; Christchurch, 2 ; Moroa, 1; Woodville, 1; Kewitia, 1; Wallace, 1; Ohiria Valley, 1; Dunedin, 1; Kuinara, 1 ; Hastings, 1. Nationality.— English, 317 ; Irish, 134 ; Scotch, 67 ; Colonials, 364 ; Swedes, 7 ; Danes, 8 ; Prussians, 2 ; Finlanders, 3 ; Germans, 10 ; Norwegians, 4 ; Welsh, 5 ; Americans, 10 ; Chinese, 2 ; Austrians, 2 ; Portuguese, 1; French, 2 ; African, 1 ; West Indian, 1; Italian, 1; Belgian, 1 ; not known, 5. Beligion. —Church of England, 510 ; Roman Catholic, 208 ; Wesleyan, 68 ; Presbyterian, 100; Baptist, 14 ; Lutheran, 7 ; Salvationists, 8 ; Hebrew, 1; Plymouth Brethren, 6 ; Methodist, 12 ; Congregational, 5 ; no religion, S. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 39,721 ; individual average days' stay, 4194. Daily average cost per head, 3s. 9d.; less patients' payments, 3s. 2id. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 1,936 ; attendances, 4,095. Revenue and Expenditure. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 2,425 0 0 Rations ... ... ... 2,082 5 9 Local bodies ... ... 2,425 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 108 10 10 Subscriptions and donations ... 138 11 0 Surgery and dispensary ... 609 14 4 Rents ... ... ... 1,464 8 10 Fuel and light ... ... 622 5 4 Patients'payments ... ... 1,058 5 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 151 11 4 Other sources ... .. 103 7 1 Furniture and earthenware ... 55 18 6 Balance from last year ... 660 310 Washing and laundry ... ... 334 710 Salaries and wages ... ... 2,414 19 4 Water-supply ... ... 87 17 0 Funerals ... ... ... 28 12 0 Repairs ... ... ... 330 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 64 7 2 Insurance ... ... ... 1826 Additions to buildings... ... 340 14 9 Loan repaid to Government ... 139 8 7 Other expenses ... ... 386 0 4 Total ... £8,274 15 9 Total ... £7,774 15 7



WESTPORT HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 54 Total under treatment ... ... ... 62 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 Died ... ... ... ... ... . . ... 6 Remaining on 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 13 Sex. —s7 males, 5 females. Locality from which Patients came. —Westport District. Nationality. —English, 14; Scotch, 21; Irish, 9; Colonial, 11; Channel Islander, 1; Swede, 1 ; Spanish, 1; Italian, 1 ; American, 2; Russian, 1. Beliginn. —Church of England, 25; Roman Catholic, 15; Presbyterian, 12; Wesleyan, 2. (Total of those admitted during the year only.) Total collective days' stay in hospital, 1,951; individual average days' stay, 36. Daily average cost per head, 10s. Id.; less patients' payments, 9s. lid. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 47. Revenue and Expenditure. Eevenne. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 482 18 7 Rations ... ... ... 262 17 0 Local bodies ... ... ... 482 18 7 Wines, spirits, ale, and porter ... 17 12 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 2 2 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 62 2 0 Patients'payments ... ... 17 1 6 Fuel and light ... ... ... 31 9 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 29 13 7 Furniture and earthenware ... 43 10 1 Salaries and wages ... ... 448 10 5 Funerals ... ... ... 50 0 0 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 29 12 0 Interest ... ... ... 530 Other expenses... ... ... 4 11 7 Total £985 0 8 Total £985 0 8 I have, &c, D. MacGregor, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Inspector of Asylums.


Table showing Admissions, Discharges, &c., of Patients at Hospitals, for Year ended 31st March, 1890.


Hospitals. No. of Patieuts ou March 31,1889. No. of Patients admitted during Year. Total under Treatment. No. discharged. Deaths. No. remaining :March31,1890. s< iX. Total Collective Days' Stay in Hospital. Individual Average Days' Stay. Daily Average Cost of Patient. Percentage of Cost of Administration on total Expenditure.* No. of Outdi Individual Cases. ior Patieuts. M. F. Attendances. Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christcluu-ch Coromandel Cromwell Uunedin Dunstaii Gisborne Greymouth Greytown Hokitika Iuvcrcnrgill Lawrence Masterton Kaseby Nelson New Plymouth .. Oainaru Patea Picton Queenstown Heefton Riverton Ross Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate VVaipawa Wanganui Wellington Westport 1 7 10 115 18 9 65 3 2 103 C 6 2 43 21 7 8 1 24 4 22 13 11 6 5 8 4 11 1 15 24 7 11 17 20 105 8 1G 73 131 932 91 25 8G9 12 54 913 47 76 124 22 199 140 51 107 46 249 70 94 101 104 26 50 96 118 75 28 131 239 110 102 183 149 842 54 17 80 141 1,047 109 34 934 15 56 1,016 53 82 153 24 242 161 58 115 47 273 74 11G 114 115 32 55 104 122 8G 29 146 2G3 117 113 200 1G9 947 62 15 71 131 848 80 28 777 13 54 819 48 71 96 21 198 122 51 99 3G 228 63 80 91 95 27 42 95 88 66 23 120 220 93 93 170 135 753 43 1 8 6 87 9 1 66 2 2 90 3 5 17 2 22 15 4 4 4 22 5 12 7 12 4 17 8 3 13 17 7 9 12 11 58 6 1 1 4 112 20 5 91 101 2 6 40 1 22 24 3 12 7 23 6 24 16 8 3 9 7 17 12 3 13 20 17 11 18 23 136 13 14 60 120 718 97 34 647 15 44 632 40 135 22 191 123 51 74 41 200 50 69 84 90 28 48 77 115 63 24 108 172 98 69 158 159 638 57 3 20 21 329 12 287 12 384 13 18 18 2 51 38 7 41 6 73 24 47 30 25 4 7 27 7 23 f> 38 91 19 44 25 10 309 5 641 1,900 2,715 36,567 6,523 1,925 33,429 499 718 35,180 2,005 2,875 14,891 485 11,596 6,848 3,998 4,183 1,496 7,501 1,492 7,361 3,320 3,903 1,109 3,643 2,784 3,990 3,829 1,110 9,161 3,482 3,284 6,000 9,762 39,721 1,951 280,333 37-70 23-75 19-25 34-92 59-82 5G-62 35-79 33-26 12-82 34-62 37-88 3500 97-32 2000 47-91 42-50 68-93 36-37 32-00 27-70 20-16 6300 29-12 33-75 34-GG 66-25 26-77 32-70 44-52 38-27 3011 34-83 29-76 2900 3000 57-76 41-94 31-47 s. d. 9 5 6 11 8 2 3 5J 4 3} 5 H 4 3j 22 4 20 9J 3 9 3 5J 11 10 4 5j 5 Hi 4 5J 4 9 6 8+ 5 2 11 0J 5 1J 6 7* 4 2J 6 2 3 6 7 3J 6 li 5 3 12 0J 8 8i 4 9§ 7 4 6 6 4 8* 2 U] 3 9 10 1 49-66 53-84 3613 29-96 18-57 45-94 34-89 7200 5214 31-54 50-32 5820 47-53 5400 4817 42-81 51-62 38-31 40-70 43-08 50-12 49-7G 37-52 52-30 5117 39-56 41-87 47-58 44-85 59-20 41-83 36-61 47-84 49-00 39-80 38-53 33-35 48-22 •• 4 1,177 13 410 16 1,789 20 378 323 841 27 59 447 544 4 3,881 No record 1,652 48 4,615 33 922 709 1,897 170 103 No record 26 2,992 70 5 3 69 75 127 280 22 *99 520 i 559 323 30 123 974 690 45 107 45 1,936 47 115 4,095 Totals 772 I 6,749 7,521 ! 6,103 581 837 .. i .. .. 9,464 24,065 l_ I I I I I I I * Cost of adiniu istratiou includes all salaries and wag ;es, also office ex] Ileuses.


Table showing Receipts on Account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1890.


Hospitals. From Government. From Hospital Boards and Local Authorities. Voluntary Contributions. Bequests. Bents. Payments by Patients. Other Sources. Balance from last Year. Total Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ b. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ , a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Akaroa* Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston Christchurch .. Coromandel .. Cromwell Dunedin Punstan Gisborno Grevmonth .. Grey town Hokitika Invercargill .. Kuraara Lawrence Mastcrton Napier Nascbv Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Picton Queenstown .. Reef ton Riverton Ross Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wanganui Wellington Westport 207 3 3 521 5 2 2,541 10 9 908 11 0 280 0 0 2,995 0 11 490 16 1 256 9 5 2,812 15 3 287 13 6 399 12 0 1,181 4 2 206 15 6 1,222 1 1 G21 18 9 384 12 0 516 17 6 243 16 6 789 13 1 320 3 8 902 0 0 1,479 17 4 257 11 0 162 16 0 398 3 0 298 18 1 f59 4 1 481 6 0 340 12 10 908 4 1 1,110 19 4 1,297 7 11 396 12 1 541 4 7 312 19 0 2,425 0 0 482 18 7 171 0 10 520 0 0 2,729 12 2 59G 4 4 90 0 0 3,554 1G 4 100 0 0 144 15 5 2,519 14 1 151 5 H 300 0 0 350 0 0 589 8 4 913 15 1 200 7 5 520 5 0 200 0 0 220 19 10 950 0 0 1,323 19 11 80 1 2 3 3 0 21 12 0 744 0 0 53 7 11 200 0 0 ra 8 o 177 18 5 114 10 0 279 4 9 165 19 145 6 1 733 11 8 146 9 7 490 13 3 137 10 8 146 7 6 242 14 5 335 3 5 262 9 5 110 1 11 I 327 17 8 59°0 0 10 0 5 5 0 3417 6 142 11 10 150 0 8 1,615 19 5 109 11 0 34 10 0 623 5 11 1 10 0 30 13 0 881 11 11 99 9 5 107 13 6 68 9 9 23 0 0 95 4 2 76 13 5 39 0 0 158 10 6 71 18 6 258 14 0 163 9 6 182 17 11 218 19 11 34 12 6 21 6 0 51 7 10 230 9 9 117 2 G 70 9 6 7 5 0 33 12 11 40 10 4 2 16 10 9 8 72 19 7 7 11 6 0 6 0 9 9 G 29 1 10 56 19 1 14 6 1 10 5 0 44 8 8 0 2 1 t447 10 1 29* 2 5 545 19 4 1 11 8 l,G20 5 3 316 14 8 102 14 0 61 17 7 218 6 10 38 7 10 329 7 11 203 15 8 19 1 4 81 12 8 173 2 3 86 16 2 478 18 10 365 1C 6 629 19 G 1,201 13 10 8,014 4 11 2,254 3 11 608 3 2 8,876 6 1 1,086 19 2 649 1 10 6,628 3 2 929 8 8 1,050 5 5 2,G72 3 0 377 f> 1 2,630 4 4 1,831 3 4 851 1<J 7 1,383 1 4 C45 r, 7 2,359 1G 3 1,190 16 5 2,166 11 7 3,033 15 9 1,528 0 7 423 6 C< 1,053 8 2 1,011 18 11 1,462 4 4 1,245 10 3 667 9 9 2,112 17 2 2,470 14 9 3,035 3 1 1,038 11 4 1,458 13 7 1,684 2 0 8,274 15 9 985 0 8 ' 87' 5 0 125 0 0 358 4 0 350 0 0 477 0 0 247 16 11 805 2 6 1,070 12 1 1,206 14 1 355 0 0 400 0 0 339 3 9 2,425 0 0 482 18 7 10 16 6 144 17 7 31 10 0 112 15 6 127 0 11 423 17 10 213 11 9 79 0 0 82 15 0 4 4 0 26 15 0 54 19 11 102 12 4 182 8 0 5 10 14 15 6 138 11 0 2 2 0 5,371 8 10 1,047 19 11 573 G 3 7 lo 0 •■ 15 0 0 13 0 0 33 0 0 272 14 0 245 4 4 202 16 10 58 18 11 86 15 0 91 11 6 1,058 5 0 17 1 6 2 5 0 5 10 2 8 8 3 3 3 0 5 14 3 70 3 2 82 14 6 123 2 10 35311 8 23' 7 4 43 9 8 5 0 0 0 16 6 196 14 8 120 8 0 247 9 6 663 6 3 660 3 10 257 5 0 1,464 8 10 103"7 1 • • Totals 9G4 12 9 29,543 13 G 24,788 1C 4 2,878 15 3 7,712 9 G 7,214 12 8 79,522 8 9 ! 'l ptl il ided in those of Christchurch of which it is a brunch. t Including £147 10s. Id. received from mortgages, and £300 deposit receipt cashed.



Table showing the Expenditure on account of Hospitals during the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

4—H. 11.

(') Included in Rations, &c. ( 2 ) Included in Furniture, &c. ( s ) Light, included in Rations, &c. (*) Includes 16s. gd. for building nurses' home; /190 19s. nd., furnishing same ; /192 16s. id., improvements to hospital grounds;" and /157, proportion of office expenses. ( 5 ) Including alterations and additions. (°) Included in Bedding and Clothing. (') Including 3s. for surgical instruments. ( c ) Included in Salaries and Wages. ( 9 ) Including £12 19s. Bd., bank overdraft paid. ( l 0) Including /200, deposit receipt, and £114 12s. id., expenses re land endowment. (!') Including 10s. 7d., special expenses of patients to Hot Springs. ( ,2 ) Including £34 paid to Wairau Hospital and Charitable-aid Board, and £12 9s. travelling-expenses. ( ,s ) Included in Surgery and Dispensary. ( ,4 ) Included in Repairs. ( ,6 ) Clothing only. ('") Including Bedding. ( ,T ) Included in Furniture. ( ,e ) Including rates. ( ,9 ) Including 7s. 5d., legal expenses, survey, &c.; and /139 Bs. 7d., loan repaid to Government.

Hospitals. Rations or Provisions. Wine, Ale, Sur S? r - v e ' and OtC ' Dispensary. Fuel and Bedding and " Furniture. hashing Salaries Water- ,. .. Light. Clothing. Crockery, &c. r aSndrv and Wages. supply. Funerals. Repairs. Printing, ,. Advertising, For For r - Additions to Other Postage, and Interest. Insurance, i-ommis- Buildings. Expenses. Stationery. slon - Total. I I Akaroa •Arrowtown .. Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Charleston .. Christchurcb Coromandel.. Cromwell Dunedin Dunstan Gisborne Greymouth .. Grey town Hokitika Invercargill .. Kumara Lawrence Masterton .. Napier Naseby N'elson New Plymouth Oamaru Patea Picton (Jueenstown .. Reefton Riverton Ross Thames Timaru Waikato Waimate Waipawa Wanganui .. Wellington .. Westport £ s. d. £ s. d. 95 2 2 o 18 o 151 8 6 19 17 o 320 19 9 23 7 o 1,745 11 5 147 10 1 504 198 170 18 4 4 13 o i>473 15 6, 283 4 9 47 3 9 128 16 9 1 14 6 8 1,690 13 I 209 15 11 163 5 10; 14 18 o 167 09 22 19 2 754 92 81 17 9 63 6 2 1 16 6 659 19 4 98 o 10 355 ° 5 31 7 c 172 17 o 14 5 6 292 6 I: 20 7 o 117 20 478 00 36 5 o 141 5 II 16 7 o 430 38 40 4 8 250 14 8 47 o o 141 64 22 7 o 56 16 2 1 11 6 149 15 7 22 14 o 214 2 3 ('») 284 14 11 32 8 6 276 1 6 24 13 11 171 8 3 497 8 10 20 11 o 526 on 44 14 o 235 11 8 16 3 6 161 12 2 41 6 o 416 28 15 10 o 340 61 18 19 4 2,082 5 9 108 10 10 262 17 o 17 12 o £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 21 7 8 22 10 o 42 7 1 (») 25 11 6 77 11 2 (8)45 49 42 6 3 1 738 12 o 578 8 6 289 16 ol 349 4 10 70 11 6 84 13 6! 22 4 7 13 17 1 8 12 9 482 10 2 621 5 o 305 14 11 42 7 7 33 3 8 31 17 6 16 9 o 933 1 2 411 13 8 59 5 8 55 5 10 32 7 8 5 15 2 45 9 8 34 9 2 5 11 6 57 5 3 130 I2 ° 102 10 8 20 17 2 710 210 9 4 109 19 11 26 3 10 1 3i 15 7 152 4 " 60 2 1 54 7 6 54 " ° 71 12 1 75 19 o 43 9 3 56 15 8 15 12 6 102 7 6 160 75 58 3 11 35 6 3 47 hi 9 19 3 175 o 3 169 16 7 26 3 3 134 5 2 104 8 7 39 10 4 60 2 2 25 15 11 12 17 11 5 19 o 49 4 o 38 7 7 21 7 11 58 16 8 81 17 7 ('«) 85 2 6j 45 o 6 40 1 11 95 18 3 48 18 3 5 C o 26 4 5i 17 15 o 715 o 278 II IO| .. ( ,5 )2 4 I 266 8 11 195 5 11 59 13 3 155 17 61 79 13 o 17 15 o 81 7 1 66 9 10 24 o 1 72 0 6 107 99 23 o o 107 15 6 77 3 1 33 18 8 609 14 4 622 5 4 151 11 4 62 2 o 31 9 o 29 13 7 £ B- d. £ s. d. .. 33 10 2 62 10 o 30 10 o 177 18 1 245 1 0 56 1 8! .. 329 9 2 1 15 9 ( c ) 237 18 8 («) 43 10 10 5 7 5 ( G ) P) P) 12 15 6 30 o o P) ( 8 ) 29 9 o 5 18 6 o 15 o 29 11 9 ( 6 ) 25 15 o 7 15 o 41 12 2 ( K ) 38 17 5 31 4 o 5 17 10 13 15 o 24 11 1 15 5 10 (") 38 2 o 8 7 10 70 16 4 403 '"152 12 9 («) 22 14 4 23 6 1 7 0 4; 43 1 ii 570 93 o 3 13 o o 28 18 10 36 I 8 55 18 6334 7 10 43 10 1 (") 150 o o 355 11 8 386 4 o 1,683 7 4 252 15 7 230 18 o 2,431 19 o 399 13 ° 380 13 8 2,028 10 2 374 l6 ° 470 7 6 1,219 15 8 150 o o 1,207 Io Io 844 8 3 438 13 6 370 15 o 220 1 8 803 2 8 400 16 o 933 2 6 395 19 4 415 17 o 170 o o 240 4 10 421 1 6 528 12 6 431 19 9 376 3 4 754 19 3 785 8 4 566 o 4 505 12 9 550 17 1 536 8 I 2,414 19 4' 448 10 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 10 o 7 15 o 153 13 4 5° 8 6 20 o o 32 4 o< 14 9 6 10 o o 52 o o 22 o o 18 13 2 400 14 10 o' 32 o o I 12 O 14 l8 O I 15 o o 10 o o' 600 34 8 3 3 19 11 13 12 o £ s. d pi 45 16 8 249 16 2 17 9 8 35 6 3 (») 4 66 14 7 23 10 o 51 13 8 460 14 4 17 2 8 44 9 11 75 6 2 9 10 o 82 16 2 244 7 4 70 3 6 12 13 5 7 7 11 28 7 10 83 12 1 12 12 10 I 1 £ s. d. £ s d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 220 .. 2 10 o 13 17 3 3 o o 11 16 3; 57 3 7 •• 800 872 11871200 752 .. 400 83 1 4 9 10 6 54 7 6 112 .. 4 10 o 7 19 6 5 13 10 550 610 60 10 5 2 9 1 31 2 6 31 11 o 12 16 o .. 12 19 6 15 16 5 o 6 8 12 2 3I 60 17 11 o 3 9 30 o o 4 17 o .. 4 12 f> 45 7 2 1 7 o ( 35 7 61 4 4 o 25 15 1 23 11 10 9 4 6 22105198150 11 9 o .. 3 5° 14 o 5 .. 11 o o 23 5 6 37 16 6 .. 48 8 3 12 1 8 .. 700 3 11 o 16 10 3 .. 20 18 9 16 16 3 276 7 7 6 10 11 3 5 13 o .. 1 10 o 12 7 o] .. 500 3 12 o 52 17 o I 13 o 10 10 o 14 9 6 17 11 11 19 12 2 6 8 o 18 12 o .. 6 2 6l 46 15 7 .. 14 14 9! 22 7 I .. l8 7 6; 43 10 2 .. 17 11 o ( 16 18 o 7 15 6 11 17 o 10 174! .. 210 01 10 2 4 24 9 9! .. 8 15 o 64 7 2 ! .. 18 2 6 29 12 O- 5 3 O £ s. d. 1/7 O ° 231 I I 181 17 4 181 14 1 263 9 3 340 14 9 I s. d. 12 2 3 24 5 5 36 11 4 1,888 18 5 27 6 3 19 19 3 C33 o 1 36 17 o C)39 12 5 392 14 5 16 4 10 II in 43 4 5 H24 17 11 45 2 2 135 8 5 7 13 o 78 14 o £ s. d. 302 o 1 663 13 4 1.107 9 5 8,014 4 11 1,405 8 5 517 14 5 7,206 16 6 556 18 9 746 2 2 6,624 o 1 771 15 6 835 2 4 2,570 12 9 286 18 3 2,601 3 7 2,031 15 11 892 17 9 997 3 4 500 17 5 1,951 18 1 824 11 5 1,882 12 11 1,099 17 4 1.317 5 9 342 2 2 670 17 6 1,014 i° 9 1,452 3 6 1,291 12 o 667 9 9 2,098 4 2 2,47° 14 9 1,275 10 3 1,066 6 5 1,411 11 5 1,456 8 8 7,774 15 7 985 o 8 12 10 o 10 o o 3 10 o 17 16 o 090 I 10 o o 15 o o 300 6 o o 14 o o 14 o o 21 17 4 926 16 17 10 10 10 o i 15 o 53 8 o I8 3° 4 3 I 2 16 ° . 87 17 o 28 12 o i .. j 50 o o 46 3 7 10 8 o 19 6 o 145 3 7 3i 4 7 o 19 o 12 10 6 52 11 o 138 2 6 33 11 o 3° 5 9 (IT) 30 16 5 330 o Oj 160 10 10 23 19 4 37 16 o 46 9 2 10 3i4 12 1 (")7<5 17 7 ( 13 )62 13 8 89 17 2 32 17 8 108 10 5 6 18 6 82 1 o 73 16 10 32 1 o 112 o 3 24 17 6 169 15 6j "525 8 ill 4 11 7| > Totals .. 16,191 10 o! 5,884 7 04,374 '4 7! 1,683 o 111834 7 5 4 8495 14 2,920 13 I| 9IO 12 5I 89 14 2 I484 10 3!ioo 4 7 1,375 iG 6! 69,686 8 1,516 2 11 1,618 10 25,275 16 l47I 5,459 8



Note.— In the cases marked ( | the receipts arc on account of both hospitals and charitable aid, while the expenditure is on the latter only. The total amount expended by these districts on hospitals was £20,207 10s. 2d ■ this, with the ftlancos in hand, will account for the difference botweeii the total receipts and the total expenditure.

Return showing the Receipts and Expenditure of the under-mentioned Charitable Institutions during the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

Receipts. Expend iture. _. . . Balance from District. , t .. iH'-c lear. From Government. From Kates. Payments by Patients. Voluntary Con- ] Bequests, tributions. Other Sources. Total. Outdoor Kolief. Total. Children's Portion of Expenses. Rente. Indoor Belief. ' " ~ I I 6 s. a. £ s. a North of Auckland , .. .. S3C 10 7 820 1 0 Auckland .. .. .. ! 1,550 13 5 2,825 2 10 Coromandol and Thaim s ..J 47 5 9 761 16 5 Waikato* .. .. .. 190 14 8 1,297 7 11 Bay of Plenty .. .. 3ft 9 8 160 1 0 Cook ..' .. . . It 2 7 130 10 3 Hawke's Bay .. .. 1.5711110 497 17 5 Taranaki* .. .. .. 3 18 6 1,479 17 4 I'atea and Wanganui . . 43 16 4 613 3 7 Wellington.. .. .. 1,426 16 8 5,296 13 10 Wairau* .. .. .. 545 19 4 908 11 0 Picton* .. .. .. 123 2 10 398 3 0 Nelson* .. .. .. 582 10 9 1,947 13 0 Buller* .. .. .. 152 12 7 982 5 1 [nangakua.. .. .. 15 1 10 300 0 0 Grey , .. .. ■. 393 9 8 800 0 4 Westland* .. .. .. 15 18 0 2,400 19 10 Ashburton and N. Canterbury .. 7,728 4 4 South Canterbury* .. .. 9 7 5 2,793 8 8 North Otago .. .. 668 11 3 463 6 9 Otago United .. .. 1,243 6 8 6,85114 11 Southland* .. .. .. 2,152 4 10 £ s. d 820 1 0 2,825 2 10 761 16 5 1,297 7 11 160 1 0 130 10 3 497 17 5 1,479 17 4 613 3 7 0,296 18 10 908 11 0 398 3 0 1,947 13 0 982 5 1 300 0 0 800 0 4 2,400 19 10 7,728 4 4 2,793 8 3 463 6 9 6,851 14 11 2,152 4 10 £ a. a. 436 19 7 2,003 10 5 667 18 2 1,206 14 1 148 9 6 90 0 0 522 17 1 1,323 19 11 044 3 7 4,247 13 0 596 4 4 358 4 0 1,900 0 0 709 13 3 400 0 0 822 9 10 1,924 15 0 8,692 5 0 2,753 10 2 356 13 8 6,143 3 10 2,546 15 8 £ s. d. 19 10 0 257 5 8 §324 2 5 202 10 10 11 2 10 13 18 6 17 15 8 218 19 11 0 12 11 107 0 11 109 11 0 51 7 10 444 5 0 17 1 0 £ s. a. 431 19 9 52 5 5 54 IS 11 10 10 0 109 18 5 75 0 8 10 16 6 1C 9 0 568 16 11 53 7 11 112 15 0 105 12 7 2-2 0 £ s. a. C,7S7"o 0 4,000"o 0 £ e. a. 57* 7 0 330 0 5G 9 10 v'io o S7 5 0 £ s. a. tl,081 4 3! 54 1 0! 43 9 8 43 0 4 612 11 2 40 10 41 2 5 Oi 374 4 8 14 18 0 6 0 0 15 7 C 12 17 3 165 4 1 11G 17 11 75 7 10 24 0 0 811 16 7 £ s. a. 1,315 3 2 14,994 3 4 1,907 " 9 2 3,035 3 1 860 13 0 358 4 9 2,635 2 8 3,080 12 0 1,334 5 5 10,310 2 4 2,254 3 11 1,053 8 2 5,441 11 0 1,938 12 5 721 1 10 2,080 10 10 4,CS6 2 1 16,820 2 4 5,962 7 1 1,003 1 7 15,579 19 1 5,596 17 10 £ s. a. 144 15 9 ;iO,774 3 2 !| 983 16 5 372 2 2} 100 17 0 1,117 14 7 185 4 5 484 6 0 2,979 18 0 12 12 0 £ s. a. 548 11 0 4,220 0 2 902 6 11 227 10 8 275 19 2 223 17 0 1,322 8 5 1,090 6 6 807 11 3 6,551 16 2 379 1 9 117 2 3 1,011 19 11 304 14 1 407 15 0 605 9 10 1,900 3 6 7,837 7 4 1,211 15 1 540 12 0 0,618 0 10 604 16 1 £ s. a. £ s. a. 693 7 3 64 6 8 14,994 3 4 1,007 8 4 1,88G 3 4 396 12 10 599 12 10i 299 8 7 275 19 2 J 324 14 0 i 2,440 3 0! 421 7 0 1,275 10 11 185 4 5 1,291 17 3 385 17 2 9,531 14 2 1,918 1G 5 391 13 9 12 12 0 117 2 3 2,459 0 4 987 5 2 441 5 10 70 11 9 007 12 0 154 4 0 1,208 4 10 588 13 0 2,032 11 0 60 7 6 15,334 2 10 4,398 5 8 2,470 12 1 1,204 17 0 1,384 0 9 811 0 1 14,155 16 2 3,555 12 11 1,470 12 1 521 16 0 220 13 4 245 4 4 49 9 6 331 12 0 19 15 7 4 4 0 49 2 1 257 5 9 - 1 1,447 0 5 76 11 9 199 17 0 602 15 0 66 7 6 7,496 15 6 1,264 17 0 843 8 9 7,537 16 4 871 1G 0 20 15 0 13 0 0 258 11 9 29 4 0 6 0 0 70S' 16 21 50 16 9 I 1; 10,819 15 0 i i . _ _ Totals .. .. J 9,102 0 4 41,109 2 11 41,109 2 11 3S.550 0 1 2,554 19 5 2,316 3 0 1,107 4 9 3,495 17 7 109,121 3 7 37,502 13 9J 37,955 5 11 75,517 19 8J 17,116 13 leipts included in hospital returns. t Includes £80G 2s. 2d., bank overdraft. J Including £7,248 7s. MM. expended on building Costley Home. 5 Includes £55 12s. recei' inmates of orphanage. Including 4:174 Wβ. 6d. for additions to Old Men's Home. 1 Includes £4M 2s. ad. for purchase of buildings used as a receiving home for St. Andrew's Orphanage. red from inmates of refuge, and ±'2G8 10s. 5d. froi



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889.

U C 4l "J rt C rt y. "5 j= it i o c 2 I 1 |§ c ii rt B U Orders, Diseases, &c. ; m rt 6 & i . r S 1 j5 I ■3 & "in rt . I J I 'i 3 rt 2 3 Q rt '-> r. -; id i ■5 I S I S u a 0 &\ Ordkr i.— Miasmatic I I 1. Small-pox 2. Chicken-pox 3. Measles 4. Epidemic Rose-rash 5. Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) 6. Typhus Fever 7. Relapsing Fever S. Influenza 9. Whooping-cough 10. Mumps 11. Diphtheria 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever 14. Enteric Fever (Typhoid) 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases 2 I •• • ■ " • ■ .... ■ .... I - •■ .... I .. .. i • • •■ ■ • •■ ■• ■-,:: •• •• .. .. .. •■ I •• .. .. •• •• •• •• - • •■ ■ ■ •• " •• •• ;: 2 .. 2 .. "I38 - - 1 :::: •• ■■ .. .. 1 . .1 •• •• .. .. - •• ■■ •■ .. .. • • 8 !. " w " •• •■ •• " •• 1 .. 28 3 34 3 12 1 - •• " - •• •• .. .. •■ < 5 - - :: :: .. .. •• • •■ n ' 8 - .. .. • 3 •• 3 •■ •• • ■• - - •• • .. 4 2 1 •• A •• •• " i .. 20 2 •• i 0 ■ » ••I 1 .» 4-1 •• " " 1 2 •• ■• 3 ■• I •• • - •• 4 .. .. .. •• •1 •■ •• • •• • Total Order 1 .. I — 1 98 1 41 12 . . I .. I .. I — « - 1 1 - 1 H 54 1 \jlj 2 6 6 - 20 < H I • 4 μ^i 1 —- — -) — L.J — — I 1 Order 2.— Diarrheal. 1. Simple Cholera 2. Diarrhoea 3. Dysentery •■ •■ 2 .. 4 •• •• I •• •• ■■ 2 .. N 1 ■■ •• •• •• •• 1 I ■■ ' •• 1 - • .. .. 3 ■• •• : : I .. •• •• •■ 2 •• ■■ 3 ' •• •• ■■ - 5 » •• I . . 2.. •• •• ■ W S Total Order 2 .. 1 4 — ' 1 1 i h— ' H . 1 - - ; — • ■ -H F « U1 1 .. — ' j h"H k« .. : - - — 2 H • • LOrder 3.— Malarial. 1. Remittent Fever 2. Ague .. ! ■• •• •■ •• • • .. .. •• •■ •• ■■ •• ••; ■ •• u u w Total Order 3 .. Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. 2. Glanders 3. Splenic Fever 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination I I •• - 1 1 — I •■ M .. •• — ■• •• M •• ■■ — .. ..I . ..r: :i 3 - H .. • •• ~r • - 1 ■ • -M 44 • ■• -H I 1 1 1 i —i •• •• — 1 L_^ HI.::-: Total Order 4 .. •• I •• - ■ •• — •• ~ •• •• •• - •• 1 ■■ •• - - •• — - ■ ■ •• • 1 •• H — 3 •• 3 •• h - "I " "I "I — •■ •■ •• 1 •• • •■ - •• — " 1 I 1 .. 1 .. • • ■ • _ • • •• - m .. .. -H -W "•■ .. .. • — ■• •• •■ ■• •• — •• 1 ! ■I ' Order 5.- — Venereal. 10 .. 18 .. 1. Syphilis 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin 4 .. • • 1 .. 1 .. I .. 2.. I .. 2 . • • 47 3 29j 1 2 26 1 J3 p 2 48 ■• •• — I \ - •• •■ •• •• μ^i Total Order 5 .. h- - 1 1 .. 4 • • 73 ■ 7 .- .. .. 1 .. 1


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.


is Or«Iers, Diseases, &c. O •J I I o β-g rt rt jd a I B o ,0 rt u i "rt 5 a rt a a 1 1 U Q ii rt 5 & u 11 6 I rt c V I — rt a u 3 rt S3 re 1 s 1 3 a rt « rt 0 u o 5 ,& 6 q o i : 1 - u rt T Order i.— Miasmatic 1. Small-pox .. .. .. .... 2. Chicken-pox .. .. .. .... 3. Measles .. .. .. .... 4. Epidemic Rose-rash .. .. .... 5. Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) 6. Typhus Fever .. .. .. .. I .. 7. Relapsing Fever .. .. .. | .. 8. Influenza .. .. .. .... 9. Whooping-cough .. .. .... 10. Mumps .. .. .. .... 11. Diphtheria .. .. .. .... 12. Cerebro-spinal Fever .. .. .... 13. Simple and Ill-defined Fever .. .. 3 14. Enteric Fever, Typhoid 15. Other Miasmatic Diseases Total Order 1 .. .. .. 3 Order 2.— Diarrhaal. 1. Simple Cholera .. .. .... 2. Diarrhoea .. .. .. .. 2 3. Dysentery .. .. .. .... •■ •• i - - ;:;: .... C i I I i.J • •• •• •• •• •• .. .. .. .. •• •• ., .. •• .. .. •• • ■ 1.. ••• •■ 3 2 •1 - 4 • • ■ • 4 ■ ■■ " •■I- •• •• • M - - •• •• ,:. •• •• ..,.. ::|: ■• ■■ ..1.. •■ ■• • • •• 1 - " - ■■ - ■■ •■ - 1 ■1 • • ■• 1 2 • •• •• ■ 2 • • - •• 1 1 46 1 3 •• 1 3° 60 302 5 2 •• 7 1 •• -! 11 1 1 • 6 .. .. 3 - 1 • ■ 3 ••!•• -" 43 2 OT 4 - - •' .. .. h-H ..i.. 4! - - • — 14 '•I — •• ■ - .. .. 3 ■• 24 1 28 1 • •• 5. μ-h 3 1 ' •• • M - ■ • • — • ■ ■ — - •I I 3 ••• — - • -I H •• 24 .. .. 15 8 A 24 5. ■1 A ' •■ H 7 A •• 451 34 o ! I _! — — - — — .... I 1 30 .... I • - ■■ •■ • ■• • •• ■ ■• • •• ■• •■ "I A • .... 14 .. 6 .. ■• •• .. .. .. ■ I - ' 3! A 3 i •• •• .. .. • • ■ ■ 2 • • - • ■ • - - • •• ■• •• - 4 3 •■ - — 1 - — — - H - - - \— H H o Total Order 2 .. .. .. 2 2 ' »" •• •• 1 ._.. 6 2 • H_J ■■ ■ 2 - • • • — ■ \- • — .. • — - 70 7 Order 3.— Malarial. 1 Remittent Fever .. .. .... 2. Ague .. .. .. .. .. I .. 1 -H 1 — _J — 2 5- •• 1 .. 1 .. Rl • •• •■ •■ ■ •• • '• •• •• • .. ■■ • • 1 10 I I — H —M ' —A -H - - - h- - 1 Total Order 3 .. .. .... 5. m •• ■ - - • IX ■■ • a. Order 4.— Zoogenous. 1. Hydrophobia .. .. .. .... 2. Glanders .. .. .. 3. Splenic Fever .. .. .. .... 4. Cow-pox and other Effects of Vaccination -H _!. " ! — — — — — — — i •• ■• •■ .. .. ■ • •• •■ •■ •■ ■• •• - - .. ... - • - • • •• •• .. .. .. .. •• •■ - .. - •• • ■• •• •■ — \—\ J .JJ h-H -d - H hTotal Order 4 .. .. .... - - ■ - .. .. •• ■■ • — MH •■ ■• H •• \ I I -M — — — — h- — - Order 5.— Venereal. J .. 18 .. 140 1. Syphilis .. .. .. .... 2. Gonorrhoea, Stricture of Urethra, Ulcer of Groin .. .. .. .... .. 2 . . 1 .. .. .. • • •• •• Total Order 5 .. .. .... •• •■ - - —M 49 •• .. .. -R 1 .. 3 •• •■ H _J 1 26 .. 44 •• 1 1 • • 1 .. 1 .. ■■ H - .. 1 — 1 •■ .. ■■ .. •• - • - .. ■• .. •• .. 138 278 • • ! .



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889.

c < ~ C rt c o 6 1 2 I rt rt j, s Sα jj ■ E c rt o P o if |j Orders, Diseases, &c. 0 ■s 5 I w re 0 Q 1 1 , " in 6 & 1 1 1 I I" 22 m rt rt w I Sj rt 0 Q rt u — ! » 3 1 rt i» Si rt 8 « .3 & rt I .1 Q rt u i I - rt rt i 1 u a rt 3 1 j_ ~ 1 ~ I ~ I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I C Order 6.— St'ptic. 1 .. 1. Phagedena *5 2. Erysipelas .£ 3- Pyaemia, Septicaemia S - 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Peritonitis I. Total Order 6 .. 5 3 8 ii4 ■■ ■• .. .... I - " .. .. M— .. .. . •• •■ •■ ■•_ 1 1 .. .. .. .. V. t= ..! — — - - hH 41 1 3 1 1 i| U4 - •• ■ h •• 1 ■• •• -Im •• 3 1 H 3 2 " H 1 1 •• .. .. 1 .. 3 1 , . • • ' 4 3 2 10 2 2 I h— h-M u§9 11 H - hITT H M Total Class I. .. 5- ! Jl_i h j: 1 .. [42 d 19 1 5 •• 2 .. 8 1 3 - 4 2 — — .. 2 .. 2 .. £ . C i. Thrush 53 y 2 - Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. <; in I 3. Hydatid Disease C4<-\ 4. Worms 2 t/J I 5- Other Diseases from Animal Parasites j; Q { Total Class II. .. y f I. Starvation P • Want of Breast-milk Wy 2. Scurvy Hco T (a. Chronic Alcoholism .. , 3- Intemperance |,' Delirium Tremens .. O (/) 4. Other Dietetic Diseases B Q Total Class III. II ! .... .... .. .. ... •• • 1 .. •I •I . ... •• • i ._ • 2 " ■" ■■ • " • ••• .. .. h • • • "I i •■ • - •• •• •■ -- • 3 •• 4 •• 3 1 8 .. 11 1 • ■ • •I I I ! ■ 1 H hH H H H m - - H I 1 2 .. .. 'I • •• - •• > 2 • I1_J .. 1 •■ 1 •• 1 "I I — —,- -^-H H H H H H Td • .. . •• • • .... • ■■ ■■ :: :: •• •• - •• ■■ • •■ 2 1 ■■ •• .. .. .. .. 3 •• 1 .. ::: 2 .. - - I . . 2 .. 1 .. 4 •• .. 2 1 •■ •• h: I 4 • 1 . .1 1 . .1 1 2 h: 1 •• • •• ■• • •• • •• II ■• •• ■■ ■■ 2 PI •• •• .. •• .. .. ■ 29 — < ■^μ H UH 4 -H LJ Li H - I H H 4 - I 1 i_j - T^ •• " 1 •• dd • • 2 μ-i M_j — I I 1 1 1 r\ HH —i i. Rheumatic Fever j 2. Rheumatism •< 3. Gout .. Z 4. Rickets 2 5- Cancer H eg 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis ?$ 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus E < J 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula .. g *-" 10. Purpura, Haemorrhagic Diathesis 11. Anaemia, Chlorosis, Leucocythasmia V 12. Diabetes Mellitus 1. 13. Other Constitutional Diseases Total Class IV... 6 1 32 •• 41 1 •• i ■ ■ H .. .. .. .. •■ •• ■ •• •• .. •• •• . I0 i: •• •■ •• •• 5 2 1 •• 1 - 3 •■ - 3 " _ 2. ..... I 2 2 3 ■• 12 .. 7 3 9 2 1 .. 32 5 4 •• 2 13 •1 •• 1 H •■ i 8 .. 40 .. 1 .. 20' 3 23 "t 21 .. 118 9 3 6 .. 1 1 1 • • ■ • •• - •■• •• - 2 A • 1 • ■ •■ • ■ A ■ •• 1 A •• ■ • 2 1 • • •■ 5 •■ 4 1 •■ 2 • 1 2 4 7 8 ■ , j 2 8 •• 2 1 • • i] ..j • :::. 1 .. 2 10 2 2 1 ■ ■ ■ i ■ A 1 .. 8 .. 3 •• 3 3 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. 24 6 3 1 1 .. ■ - • •• •• 2. - - ;: ■■ 1 •• ■ •• ■• 1 ■ ■ • • ■ ■• ■• •• • • - 3 ■ 1 - • ■■ 1 - • 1 • 1 . .1 • •• ■ 21 3 • 1 - • •• 4 1 •• ■• •• •• ■• 1 • •• • • • •• 2 : •■ - 3 •• •■ " •• ■• ■• •• ■• •■ • •• • 1 •• •• .. • .. •• - • •■ •■ 1 1 ... • •• ■ hi .. 141 I9 1 ' 10 .. 12 — A H .. 5 3 H .. .. 4 - ■ 13 — 1 3 -H 4 h3 H 1 16 - i 40 12 '3 22


DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.


c o O c o < o Q E H 3 O — 1 o E I o a I 8 j≤ o J < w E. i 1 r~ id c v '5: •f. Onlers, Diseases, &c. I Order 6.—Sf//iV. 1. Phagedena 2. Erysipelas 3. Pyaemia, Septicaemia 4. Puerperal Fever, Pyaemia, Peritonitis 1 a 3 & i I 5 & a a u c —76 I 12 3 1 1 13 4 86 ' 5 o . - ::: 4 1 "1 O Q i a h-r-"1 I .. .. 1 rf 2 .. i 6 3 r. a "a 13 "61 ' 7 IO 4 3 1 74 1 12 8S4 ! 53 1 I •• !•• - - •• - - •• •• ■• ■• 13 •• •■ •• - - - •• ■■ __ •• A ■■ •• ■ • ■ • ..1 ■• •• 4 " •■ 1 •• • • - 1 .. •• •• •• •• ■• •• 1 1 •• ■■ •: 1 .. - •• ■ ~ii •• Total Order "6 .. — " - - 1 1 4 H 1 __ - • •■ i^ • < •• ■ ' • •■ 1 • Total Class 1. .. I 1 — h— M — H - I M H 5 A z 137 \ "i • H A ho! 1 b J II 3 3 «* 2 H >J 3 • — 1 — — 1 -- — — . I I— — o is. 1. Thrush 2. Other Diseases from Vegetable Parasites .. 3. Hydatid Disease 4. Worms 5. Other Discuses from Animal Parasites I .. 1 •• •• •■ •• 4 6 • ■ •• •• •• •••■ •■ 1 'I ' - •1 ' • •• "I 4 * ■: ■• ■■ 2 1 .. 1 .. .. ,J 2! .. •• !•• ■■ I • .. .. A - , •• - • 2 ■■ 2 2 •• •■ ■• .. .. - • .. .. L^ •• • 14 11 •• • •■ ■■ •• •• - m • ■• •• .. 2 1 1 I 'I Total Class II. .. — — — 1 1 H 1 H H H H HL_J .. — — — 2 ■• - M • 1 •■ •■ - • _iL m 1 2 • • 40 1 ■■ 1. Starvation Want of Breast -milk 2. Scurvy T . In. Chronic Alcoholism 3. Intemperance ]b Delirium Tremens .. 4. Other Dietetic Diseases 1 1 — r— HH - \- 1 1 1 1 L j I h— H — Is [ •• •• • • • •• • •• ■• •• •■ 15 4 •• • •• 1 •• •■ •■ •• .. .. ■• •• •• •• 2 .. 2 .. •■ •• •■ - - - - • • • - • • • •■ •• 2 ■■ - - - - - •• ■• 'V:. ■• .. . •" ::: ■■ •• : 1 .. .. .. 2 .. 2 .. 1 •• •• 1 •• •■ - - •• - I • • • .. .. .. .. 00 3 54 1 3 •■ •• •• • ■ • I ■• • • ! .. • "•I • •• - .. .. 44 .. .. •■ •• • Total Class III. 2 1 ■■ 20 I_J 1 H •• - • M • br.i i_ 1 ' 5 •■ 1 .. 2 1 3 •• 18 1 1 .. — ' H— - - 148 4 1 — h- —' — — i— ' - - M- \— — — -M _- o DM > 1. Rheumatic Fever 2. Rheumatism 4. Rickets 5. Cancer 6. Tabes Mesenterica, Tubercular Peritonitis 7. Tubercular Meningitis, Acute Hydrocephalus 8. Phthisis 9. Other Forms of Tuberculosis, Scrofula .. 10. Purpura, Harmorrhagic Diathesis 11. An;cmia, Chlorosis, Leucocythaemia 12. Diabetes Mellitus 13. Other Constitutional Diseases 5 "e 2 •• : I 5 ■ I ! 1 ■■ 1 •• z I ■• I I •• I 20 27 2 7 7 •• •• -I •• I * * * ' t I "■ •• •• 20 .. 4 2 1 .. 7 1 7 1 10 1 • ■ 2 1 I 3 •• 1 .. 1 .. 2 ■ •■ - ■ ■•; 9 •■ 33 •• 3 •■ 2 1 27 11 5 5 3i 13 27 2 1 •■ - ■■ - :::: •• •■ 4 ■• 1 .. I "I - 4 •■ 7 •• •■ •■ •■■ ■ 3 3 2' 1 • - .... • in 2 316 1 17 .. 2 1 163 53 8 1 10 8 1 1 53 1 ■• - •■ •■ ..... • .... a 26 .. .. ••■•■ 7. 3 1 1 225 70 39 3 2 116 6 7° •• 1 .. 13 c .. .. ■ ■■ •■ 3 ■• •• •• •• ■ 2 .. 29 2 1 .. 8 .. 23 2 5 ■ 1G9 35 •: - ■• ::: .... • ■• •• ■ ■• 4 3 A 3 ■■ -i ■■ 2 ,:: < •• A - • 2 ' 1 ■■ - 13 2 .. . ■■ •• ■ M 3 1,036 149 10 •■ 'I •• I • • • •1 •■!•■ - CI 2S 4 j 1 - •■ •• •• — H 1 1 — — —— H Total Class IV... 57 96 M 1 34 4 5 .. 5 16 2 1 1. 19 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I L 1 1 1 1 I I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

si S c n o C 3 _ z PL. Si 3 - '3 1 o 5 ___ O a. U o u w H g Orders, Diseases, kc. C ] u ! u c g -T- ' x x: u Q U - rt . Si - 3 u u il I ** 0 Q to 0 U Q u u : § 1 2 I. \ P. u ] C _0_|_Q_ 1 1 1 i i U Q ■ 1 U j C dj f i. Premature Birth i c/) 2. Atelectasis 5 3. Cyanosis £jS 4. Spina Bifida .. > 2 J 5- Imperforate Anus Wj| 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip .. Q? 7. Other Congenital Defects I H 8. Old Age 3 I Total Class V. .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I ■• •• .. .. .. .. :: ..,.. H" ■ ■ •• • ■• ■• • •• 'I ..I. .. .. ..... .. I •• .. .. .. .. • • .. • ■ d.J " .. .. .. . • ■• ■•: - .. .. "i ■■ * - .. .. .. .. • - 3 ■ •• • • .. 1.. " •■ • ■• ■■ •• •• "\'\ 1 ..... --; •■ 1 .... 4; 2 44 - •• 1 "i " I •• '•I H 1 H --H — - --! - H - H H H I J - H— H~A H4 .. .. .. .. 1. 2 .. _ 1 12 1 • 4 2 10 .. — — -H -M U-— — — _L_ __J — -- ——i — -- — —— — L_L_J U— — — — Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis .. .'. 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy • 10. Convulsions y II. Laryngismus Stridulus .. w 12. Idiopathic Tetanus y 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord en 14. Other Diseases of Nervous System 1 1 2 6 14 2 0 I •• j 3 ■■ 1 •• •• .. 2 1 . .. .. 2 1 .. 1 1 3 i •• 2 ■ • • 4 ••I 2 •■ ■ - i ■• 1 ■ ■ • 1 "I I ■• 2 2 2 8 1 6 5 ' ■ A 1 1 ■■ •• •• • I 2 I •1 - - .. - - - • • • • • • 1 "I I ■ ■ ■ ■ - - •■ ■ • 2 • - " 2 I I 1 • 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 2 .. 1 .. 2 H 4 H ' 1 i 1 •• 3 1 1 ■■ 2 •■ - I < ! - - .. • • i •• .. 1.. •• •• 1 ■• - •• .. •■ - • 1 1 1 • [ - - .. .. ■■ - • 2 - ■ ' " .. 1 .. • in <s. en •• •• • • - - ■ - " • ■ •• • " - '■ •■ •• - .. .. .. | .. 2 .. 2 .. 5 1 3 •• 3 •• - - .. • - ■ •• ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 3 •• 1 1 7 21 1 - - •• ■■ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 ' ■■ •■ - - - • • •• 20 3 s A • •• I ■ • •• A • • z ■ •• 2 • • •• 3 2 • •• 4 ■ • 10 1 3 1 •• •• •• •• 4 I - I ■ 2 • 3 • 1 - •• Total Order 1 .. J — M - H — H H M H iS M H H H H H •• 6 H H H H H H i'J O 75 7 2 ■• h—M "3 - 3 ■■ 8 .! 2 H SO * :! 5 2 ■■ 4 1 .1 7 - 10 H .. 2 10 J '3 4 L3 U Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. O 1. Otitis. Otorrhosa 2. Epistaxis and Diseases of Nose 3. Ophthalmia and Diseases of Eye 5 I ■■ •• .. .. —- .. .. •• •• L.J •• ~ •• u- •• —j "I I I — — - • • _J —A — — k- — — — L_ 1 2 C6 - 1 - .. 2 .. 2 .. 1 .. •• » • ■■ •• - • •• " - - • •• ■ •• • ■ •■: •• •• 1 .. 9 — 1 •• 23 - • 3: •• - .. 3 4 ■• • • Total Order 2 .. 68 — ■■ — 1 H ! - 1 10 H H 24 H H 2 H - H H •■ • • .. . .. • •• - .. 3 ■■ "I •' •• 2 — — L— — Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis 10. Phlebitis 33 •• « 14 •I • l • - 1 1 2 .. ■■ 2 5 •• 3 I • • • •• I •I • • 8 ' h •• — 7. 4 ; • • • ■ •1 4 ■ ■• ,i • 1 1 ■•: ■• •1 1 1 1 _J 3 1 I - "' •' L--1 —J 1 • • ■ — 2 3 •■ 3 ■ A ■• — 1 • 1 U- • • • • • •• - ■ .. 2 1 • r • 1 ■ .. " 3 1 2J .. ■• ■ • ■ 2 2 I - •• 1 .. 1 • " ■■! i • - i H •! ■ 1 •■ 14 ■ ■ • • .. .. ., ..' •• .. • ■ •' . • • .. ■• •• .. .. •■ • ■ •• • • •■ ••I •■ ■ ■ .. 1 i



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

Orders, Diseases. &c. X — & 1 JZ a ■Q < 6 o o 3 1 1 a Q Q — r-\ o cj a ll 1 i 1 'ft I H - S d o > ■2 i i l 1 Q 3 1 i I 1 i d I J in ci 5 & 1 1 u a u I «■ 1 3 JZ si q j. a i_ i 1 I I I w 1. Premature Birth 2. Atelectasis 3. Cyanosis 4. Spina Bifida 5. Imperforate Anus 6. Cleft Palate, Hare-lip .. 7. Other Congenital Defects 8. Old Age Total Class V. .. •• •• 4 - - •■ I •• •■ •I • •■ 1 •• •• •• •■ •• -• .. .. .. 1.. . I ■• ■1 ■■ .. __ ■• •• • • • • ■• •1 •• • •• •■ • - •• I 4 1 .. J .. 1 •• • •• .. .. 3 • • :: •• .. .. • ■■ ■• ■■ • • i • ■ ■ •■ A 1 J.. ■• •■ " 1 •• •" ■■ '• I - 1 1 •• 34 5 5 "I — H--J 1 H - I H H 8 A •• 2 - - .... .. .. •• • ■ .. 53 6 ■ •• •1 — — I _ — — U- — — — M Order i.— Diseases of Nervous System. 1. Inflammation of Brain or its Membranes.. Cerebro-spinal Meningitis 2. Apoplexy 3. Softening of Brain 4. Hemiplegia, Brain Paralysis 5. Paralysis 6. Paralysis Agitans 7. Insanity, General Paralysis of Insane 8. Chorea 9. Epilepsy 10. Convulsions 11. Laryngismus Stridulus .. 12. Idiopathic Tetanus 13. Paraplegia, Diseases of Spinal Cord 14. Other Diseases of Nervous System - •• •• 2 1 2 21 ll •• •• 1 I 2 I 8 3 1 1 " " •■ 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 I I •1 •• 1 •• 1 3 1 •• 3 2 11 12 1 1 ■ •• - - ;: ■;■: •• 1 2 •1 1 •• 1 •• •1 ■I 1 ■• • ■ •■ 2 2 1 • I ■• 2 •• 2 4 3 ■ " • 1 •• I 18 8 6 3 24 14 13 5 39 7 46 7 6 1 46 1 21 a •• I • I 2 •• • • 3 ■• - 5 •■ 1 I 1 43 1 1 1 • • • 1 .. ■• tfl u q " •• •• • •• 3 3 •• 4 5 •• •■ 2 B • • 1 1 T 16 18 • • I . 2 ■• • • 2 2 1 - • 2 2 66 3 139 4 • - 2 i :i ( 2 • " H 2 • 10 ■• • B Total Order 1 .. — H 1 - -H H —\ h— H 47O 57 13 •• 29 .. 295 •• 337 •■ 160 51 10 2 15 8 15 1 4 •• 22 7 3 1 7 1 23 .. 13 1 — - 30 i<1 30 •• .. 3 — 22 . 9 •1 8 2 j t>: 3 7.. —— 7 = A 3 — 9 — 6 h23 2 -A > •• U o I. Order 2.— Diseases of Organs of Special Sense. 1. Otitis, Otorrhcea 2. Epistaxis and Diseases of Nose .. 3. Ophthalmia and Diseases of Eye h- — 2 9 •• •• .. • ■ • 3 •• 17 .. 84 .. 104 .. • • 2 7 1 3 •• •• •• •• 2 4 5 54 ■• - •• •I ■■ 4 •■ - ■• 3 •• 1 •• .. ■• •• 2 : 2 •• 2 > Total Order 2 .. H - H - \—\ » ■• •• . .. 9 4 • 2 6 3 4 •■ 3 « •• ■• .. •■ • •• •• •• 2 4 Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System. 1. Endocarditis, Valvular Disease .. 2. Pericarditis 3. Hypertrophy of Heart 4. Fatty Degeneration of Heart 5. Angina Pectoris 6. Syncope 7. Aneurism 8. Senile Gangrene 9. Embolism, Thrombosis .. 10. Phlebitis H J — h — — — — L_! — - 13 I ! 8 4 3 6 7 'I 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 I 2 1 1 1 1 •■ •■ •■ • • •• " ■ • 1 A • •■ • • 4 •• - ■ ■• • •• .. .. ■ i ■ ■ • • ■ •■ - ■ • • •• - 3.. - • ■ •• - ■ •• .. .. ■ • 1 ■ •■ 2 1 1 ■ ■ • • - .. A: " 1 4 1 •• - " •■ I- \ ■ •• •• - 2 - A •• 1 ■ •• - .. .. •■ .. .. 1 •■• •• .. •• 2 .. • • •• .. .. ■■ .. __ I I I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

5— H. 11.

n < 6 = 1 rt P *rt t I o \ U a z I >' a o r: i ! ■I o r B o 5 1 y. o I a G E Orders, Diseases, &c. in a en 8 rt - - u j a 1 .1 u ; a So rt u a V) rt " j in ; JS O I a ■ i * j. — r. » u I a 0 |fi 1 1 U |C ■/ j ~ U ! D % I r. « Ji U I Q J. C 3 I I I I I 1 I I ! I I I I Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 11. Varicose Veins, Piles .. .. 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System .. 2 .. ■• •• 2 . . 1 .. 3 •■ 4 •• 1 .. 5 1 10 2 13 .. 4 •■ 1 .. • •• • •■ .. .. .. .. .... 2 . . ■■ •1 1 .. "1 2.. ■■ ■• •• ■• .. .. .. .. • •• .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. •• .. . 4 •• • 55J 15 —M — H M— hi HH — -\ h-H h-H — H-h-M h~!H — H H -H HTotal Order 3 .. .. .. 55 15 •• •• <H H3 'I U 3° 3 3' ' ■ 3 .. 4 •• 5 3 2! .. ... .. 9| 4 2 . CfeDER 4.— Diseases of Iiesfiratoiy System. 1. Laryngitis .. .. .. 2. Croup .. .. .. 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 2 .. 4. Emphysema, Asthma .. .. .. 2 .. 5. Bronchitis .. .. .. 14 2 6. Pneumonia .. .. .. ..143 7. Pleurisy .. .. .. .. 4 .. 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System .. 1 .. Total Order 4 .. .. .. 37 5 -M —M ~f-\ hH I HH — HH 1 1 1 1 .. —— H— — — I .. 2j .. 1 .. 2 .. • " .. .. ••:•• •• ■• • " •: - .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 7 1 6 1 •• • ..1 2 6 8 • .. .. i:: 1.. 1.. 16.. 1.. 3 •• •• " - 1 1 •• •• 4 1 3 1 5 •• 1 .. 1 3 2 4 •• 2 I .. .. 5 1 4 •• I: . . «- 1 .. 9 1 14 .. 1 .. 12 1 1 1 6 1 4 •• 21 I 5. • h .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 4 5 •••• •• •• 7 1 27! 2 15 I 2! 2 721 6 • ■• •■ 1 1 2 1 - ' •• •• ..... • I .. .. 10 .. 1 1 .. .. 1 • • ... ...J 1 • I < s 1 1 7 1 12 I h- • •• I ... 1 1 1 371 2 17 2 1 I 8 : 1 < 1 1 -H -- —^ 4 •• M 4 2 HH 13 2 • • I 1 I 16 • • •• 8 I H 10 Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris .. 2. Dentition .. .. .. 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy .. .. .. 3 ., 4. Dyspepsia .. .. .. .. 6 .. 5. Hajmatemesis .. .. .. .. 1 .. 6. Melaena .. .. .. 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis .. .. 12 3 8. Enteritis .. .. .. .. 3 ,. 9. Ulceration, Perforation of Intestine ,. 1 .. 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine .. .. 31 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine .. .. 1 .. 13. Hernia .. .. .. .. 10 .. 14. Fistula .. .. .. .. 5 . • 15. Peritonitis .. .. .. .. 22 16. Ascites .. .. .. .. 1 .. 17. Gallstones .. .. .. .. 1 .. 18. Cirrhosis of Liver .. .. .. 2 .. 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 6 3 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System .. 4 3 Total Order 5 .. .. .. 61 12 hM h-H H— 1 I -M h-H _ H 1 1 1 ! I I I I — — - " 2 .. 1.. I .. •■ •• - - •• •■ "3:: 11.. I .. 2.. 9:: 2.. 2.. • .. .. * '2 :: .. .. : = 3 1 2 .. 1 .. 1 •1 .. .. :: : ... .. hi3 •• 3 •• 'I • v- • .. .. ■■ • • • • ■•• •■ • •• • • ••!• .. • :• 1 1 ■• •• •• •• ■■ ■•! • 9 1 4 1 1.. 3 1 • 4 1 1 1" u c > <■■ • • •• • .. j 1 I.. •• •• .. .. I I • 1 1 .. 2 . . •: - •• •• 2 ..... ■• 1 .. .. .. .. .. ' • •••• • •• ■ ■■ •• ■• ■■ ■■ .. .. ■• ■■ 1.. 1.. ••!• •••• .. . 3 •• 1 1 1 .. 4 •• ■; :: • .. . •I .. .. :: : .. .. •■ ■ ... .... • 1 .. 2 .. H 1 .. i .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 :: :: .. .. 1 1 1 .. 2,.. 4.. • I . . - ... • •••• .... 2 I « ji - •■• ■• •• •• .. .. .. .. •• • .... • " •• •• •• ■• .. .. .. •• •• . .. .. . ■ 1 I •• .. .. • ■• .. .. .. 3i •■ 4 •• .. .. 5 •• 2!.. .. . •• ••! 3 ■ • •• 5 •• 15.. .. .. 3 •• .... 2 .. " — H h~H h-H HH h — -H 11 1 MH H 1 — -H 16 3 H -U H 5 •• 2 1 H5. 3 7 •■ \Ji 7 1 8 2 5 •• 3 '3 i 5 •• •• MH — — L__J ! —— —— j —— L--J -—\ — — 1 Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System .. .. 3 2. Diseases of Spleen .. .. 3. Bronchocele .. .. .. 4. Addison's Disease .. .. .. 11 .. :: •• •• . .. 1 .. " .... .... 1 .. .. .. .. 2 . . .... 1 1 4 1 .. .. • •• •■ i 1 .. .. ' _nj_n il.. "I br: ■••• -LL — I IT i 2 h— m • ••• --A 1 .. .. -;- .. .. Total Order 6 .. .. .. 41 .. 1 .. • • I'l 1 1 I [ ' ;_ 1 1 1 i 1 1 I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

- i o-S < i I •3 — i in -= 3 & o <3 a R a a ■ Q " m 5 3 £ ij -I u I ■5 I _1_ i I c3 a O Orders, Diseases, &e. « I ra 6 \ * 3 a a 1 en rt <3 a in rt I J 3 rt Order 3.— Diseases of Circulatory System —contd. 11. Varicose Veins, Piles 12. Other Diseases of Circulatory System _i8_J •■ •• ■■ •■ — 13 •• •• ! * ' j •• •• 7 •• H 1 1 •• •• 10 2! 5 •• 21 1 41 12 3. ...j ■■ — ■• - 3 .. .. 3 « • 31 •• •• 50 .. 2? 2 337 73 Total Order 3 .. — —i— ' — J 46 1 J I •■ i •• — 3 2 — H H 3 • Order 4.— Diseases of Respiratory System. 1. Laryngitis 2. Croup 3. Other Diseases of Larynx and Trachea .. 4. Emphysema, Asthma 5. Bronchitis 6. Pneumonia 7. Pleurisy 8. Other Diseases of Respiratory System ___j ■s. CO W C Total Order 4 .. Order 5.— Diseases of Digestive System. 1. Stomatitis, Cancrum Oris 2. Dentition 3. Sore Throat, Quinsy 4. Dyspepsia 5. Hasmatemesis .. (5. Melaena 7. Diseases of Stomach, Gastritis 8. Enteritis 9. Ulceration, Perforation of Intestine 10. Ileus, Obstruction of Intestine 11. Stricture or Strangulation of Intestine 12. Intussusception of Intestine 13. Hernia 14. Fistula 15. Peritonitis 16. Ascites 17. Gallstones 18. Cirrhosis of Liver 19. Other Diseases of Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice 20. Other Diseases of Digestive System ...... •• I ■• 4 ■• 3 •• 7 •• 1 .. 2 .. I H •■ — •• •• 1 1 — 2 •• - - - - - - -J — - I 1 2 ' • " 20 22 I 86 M 1 ■ • 2 7 2 1 13 - 2 2 I I •• — 5 •• — .. .. 1 .. 8j .. 7 •• • • 33 ■■ ■• 12 5 8 2? 4 μ-i • ■ ■ • i • .. •• 1 4 1 1 1 1 L ■• •■ • - - ••I •1 • — :■•■ 2 .. 7 •• 1 .. w .. I .. 3 1 iy 1 13 2 7 •■ 3 •• 49 5! 1 •• •• HH h-M 2 .. 3 •• 1 .. 6 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3;; ..,. •• 6 6 •• • • •• A ■ • ■• A — .. .. 5 ■■ 4 •• 2 .. "I 9I •-, . • • • 4 • • 1 — .. .. • •• 1 .. 7 ■• 6 1 2 1 • !— —\ 16 2 .. . • ■ "l 'I 3j 1 in 10 2 .. 12 1 56 2 200 18 1831 3° 84 6 4 i i 4 586' 63 • ■ 4 ■■ 5 •• I. I 7 •• •■ •• •• - •• ■■ •1 •■ ■• •• •• .. •• - ■■ • •• "s • " 19 .. 2 .. 5 ■■ 2; .. .. .. "I !! 10S 1 S .. 2 49 9 29 5 2 24 10 1 J 3 •• •• - •• » 1 •1 • 2 . . j I:: 3 • 2. .1 ■ - •• ■• •• - ::: ' • - :.. .. • - - •• •• - 2 ■ • I ..I .. .. •• •• .. .. • - - •• •• " ::: « • ■• • •• •• 4 2 • ■- •• •■ ■• 1 1 ' • 1 • 12 I - 1 il .. .. •• •• - H A - ■ : * .. 2 1 4 •• 2 2 •• •• •• •• - •• •• ■ 1 • • ::: -, ■ :: : < u 0 ■— 1 > •■ - .. ... •• - •• •• - •• " • ■ ' ■• H A • A • • • - 2 2 • • • ■ • • • • I . . M 3 4 1 ■ .1 :: :: 2 • • .. . • .. .. .. .. 4. 1 64 3 23 .. 30 II 12 2 6 .. 23 5 41 3 571 Co 30 2 1 10 1 3 1 44 4 ii .. - ■• • 22 •• - ■• - ;: • .. .. ... .; • • •• II •• ■• • 17 5 • i - - ■• • • • • ■ • • • ■ 2 ..! 4 2 •• •• 2 . I • • •• .. •• - " " •• • : •• I •• 2 - - • - ■• ■ • • 1 • .. .. • •• •• • • •• " •• •I- - ■■ - 1 ..I 2 il ■ , • 2 .. 1 1 6 •• •• - • " v: ■•: • 1 - .. 2 i \ .. .. • .. .. •• ■ 3 • • " • • • 1 • 1: 1 1 a: •■ • !: 2 ..I -I •■ • .. • • •• 1 • 1 • 83 8 • 1 •• • • Total Order 5 .. — — — — — 1 r— M - - - —— H -M — H — — —- 16 3 28 u • 6l * 2 8. - ■• A «A 2 „.. U. 5 .. 10 ii 20 3 11 3 I — — — — — — -— — — — Order 6.— Diseases of Lymphatic System and Ductless Glands. 1. Diseases of Lymphatic System ... 2. Diseases of Spleen 3. Bronchocele 4. Addison's Disease 3 •• •• •• 2 •• ■1 6 •I 4 •• •• \ •• ■ 1 •■ ■• 2 •• •• •■ • • •• • - " 1 • • h •• - • • • 3 1 • : - " 3 1 • - - •■ - ■ • •■• ..1 • ■• •■ ■■ - • • - •• •■ - • •• .. ■• • Total Order 6 .. I 1 i 6 I 1 1 I 6 1 - - I H 1 — I - I ■ • • • i •• I •• .. • • .-. ■ • .. .. • • .. ..I • • 1 .. .. • • 5 I * *i .. • • ..



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

-3 rt U ! £-3 rt d 'a c 5 r. It rt J? U 3 rt r. £ " rt rt rt $3 to rt d c 1 "7 I i rt 3 O rt rt 5. .4 1 Orders, Diseases, &c. — 1 . I i. ; rt rt — — i— i rt " in If) £ V rt en 5 j 1. rt - ■r. -t. -rt S rt rt S! rt rt ju a A g y! rt rt « rt 5 a - J I — J Q 1 - 'a rt U j - I I ! Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis .. .. .. 21 2. Bright's Disease .. .. .. 6 3 3. Uraemia .. .. .. .. 11 4. Suppression of Urine .. .. .. 1 .. 5. Calculus .. .. .. .. 52 6. Hematuria .. .. .. .. 2 . . 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate .. 15 3 8. Other Diseases of Urinary System .. 9 • ■ 11 'ii "1 .. .. "H .. . .. .. •• • .. 5 •• .. .1 6! , 5 I l .... 2 . . 1 . . 1 :: I 1 ..... 1 .. •• •■ 1 ' •: - 1. ■■H ..,.. ..... 1 1 1 .. .. 1 .. " .... .. .. . 2 , -H ' •• - .. .. .. . .... .. .. 1 1 , 2 .. 6 .. • - ? ' ! 4 •• 15: 1 3° 3 1 •••• .. 3 •• 1 .. .. .. .. .. 1 M- , .. .. 31! 1 • •|_n 4 hha HH - H — —4— 5 2 Total Order 7 .. .. .. 41 10] ■ 4 8. 1 A * 1 7 3 9| •• 1 .. 5 ! 2. 6 2 8 !-l .. .. Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System. (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation,— 1. Ovarian Disease .. .. .. 2 .. 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina .. .. 29 2 3. Disorders of Menstruation .. .. 5 .. 4. Pelvic Abscess .. .. .. .. 1 .. 5. Perineal Abscess .. .. .. 1 .. 0. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. .. 18 ., (b.) Diseases of Parturition, — ■ 7. Abortion, Miscarriage .. .. .. 1 .. 8. Puerperal Mania .. .. 9. Puerperal Metritis .. .. 10. Placenta Praevia, Flooding .. 1 1. Phlegmasia Dolens .. .. 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth .. .. 1 .. (c.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) .. "1 -H — — -— — HH II -H ' •• •• a.. .. .. .. 3. 9 ■ 13 1 4J .. 3 •• 3 •• 9 •■ 3 ■• 1 •• 2 •• •• .. ... .. •••• ..... 1 ... 1 7 •■ " .... :: :: W ■J. en 5 .. .. ■■ ■■ h-H ..1.. 1.. .... .... .. .. .. .. ... .. . ... 1 - .. .. • . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. •• •• » .. .. .. .. 1 .. . . .... .. .. I! . . 2 .. 1 . . I .. ... .j ..1.. 1 .. •• "I •■ •• .. .. • .. .. ..;.. ■ •• • • .. .. ... .. .. ! .. • • .. .. H H • .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. . H - • .... ..1:: ■• ■• .. .. .. .. H h • ■ ••• 3 •• .. .. • - .. .. 1 .. ■■ •• • • • • .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1 .. .... • - ... .. • • - :: •• .. .. H - • ...... .. 3 •• 9 •• Total Order 8 .. .. .. 58 2 Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis .. .. 25 1 I 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis .. .. 15 .. 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion .. 28: .. .. .. H 6 .. h-H H 1 H • 1 H • L 3 •• 44' 2 —I— -4fl -\-\ h-H 2 .. .... HH • 1 h- .. .. -M h- — — — h—H _— HH -M i 2 .11:: _ •• •• 5 1 5 ■■ 2 .. 33 1 10, .. 56 1 i 4! 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 5 .. 4 •• 5 •• 9 •• •* •• •• • .. .. " 8 :: 2 •• 3 • 3 •• .. .. 7 •• 5 •• 2 .. .. .. •• - • • • ••H .. .. 3 •• 7 •■ Total Order 9 .. .. 68 1 Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle .. .. .. 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis .. .. .. 3 .. 3. Lupus .. .. .. .. 3 .. 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore .. .. .. 26 2 5. Eczema .. .. .. .. 12 .. 6. Pemphigus .. .. .. .. j .. 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 19 .. Total Order 10 .. .. .. 63 2 Total Glass VI... .. .. 530 55 2 .. .. .. .. .. — H 10 .. — H • • . n: • • 3 •• 1 .. 2 .. 7 .. 61 5 .. .. 1 .. 1 .. hH .... 35 2 6 — 1 .. 11 .. 2 .. H ■ — H ■ 3 — - h 1 - • •• ■• H • —\ —H —-j 1 .. 12 .. 6 .. h~ 5 •• " 12 .. 1 .. — 3 ■• 31 •• 8 .. —H3 •• 3 •• 1 .. .. 3 .. — — .... 1.. MH 2. .. .. 3 •• 1 .. HH 8 — — _j ■••• .. .. 2 .. h~\--\ 5j •• m 1.. 2.. h— .' 1 .. 1 .. 13 1 5 .. 4 .. 1.. .. .. 8 .. 5 •• .. .. 3 1 .. .. 1 •• 1 1.. .. .. h •• :: :: 31 ■• 1 .. •• •• .Ii; .. .. • •• ••H Li J ... _:H h—H -H H H I 6 .. 7: .. —H -H -H HH HH 7 2 2 .. 52 3 mU 1 57! 5 1 ■• H 45 ■• 73 5! 24 1 6 .. -'5 1 3 •• 44 3 49 8 2I .. H^A 89 9 1 3 1 16 3 127 9 1 72 7 M3 25 o-. 35 d 60 i 4 30 4 1 1 1 1 i



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

rt Orders, Diseases, Sec. rt to -= in rt ■3 a c 3: rt rt Ji o| rt ! rt t rt 'rt > T7 rt rt O it « u a a 1 if ■r. — S rt rt i; a a S B -H rt rt □ a rt U rt ) is e S o H rt Q rt c 3 a Ed - rt w I rt - _ - i! rt rt V ■I rt X tn — rt J! u a 'i rt rt Jj rt i u I a i 1 -J rt Q Order 7.— Diseases of Urinary System. 1. Acute Nephritis .. .. 2. Bright's Disease .. .. .. 51 3. Uraemia .. .. .. 4. Suppression of Urine .. .. .. 1 .. 5. Calculus .. .. .. .. i| .. 6. Hematuria .. .. .. 7. Diseases of Bladder and Prostate .. 2 .. s. Other Diseases of Urinary System .. 2 .. Total Order 7 .. .. .. 11 1 .. .. .. .. I :::: 11 i A .. .. ...J ...J .. .. .. .. 2 . . 1 . . 2 . . 1 .. . . ■■H 1 .. 10 2 1 1 1 .. ' H 1 • .. ••I ■' •1 • • • • .. .. .. .. 1 .. 3 2 .. .. .. - - .. .. ■■ 'I .. .. •• " ,.J 1 .. ...J 3 « 23 4 60; 20 1 > 4 •• l6 2 IO 76 II 46 5 237 44 51 3 123 4 33, ■• .2- .. 12 66 .. .. .. i • • :: ••!•■ 3 •• 3 2 11 2 • -H . . 1 .. 3 •• .. .. .. .. ••1 let A • ••I- .. .. .. .. .. . ..I 1] .. j.. • .. .. .... ..... ..... .. .. 3 •• .. . — — H 5 •• 5 ' ": — H H 5 1 -- H-4 — H .. .. 5 • 3| 2 1 .. 3 •• AA 3 ' m ._,_. — M — — I——A ~1 Order 8.— Diseases of Reproductive System. (a.) Diseases of Organs of Generation, — 1. Ovarian Disease .. .. .. 3 .. 2. Diseases of Uterus and Vagina .. .. 1 .. 3. Disorders of Menstruation .. 4. Pelvic Abscess .. .. .. .. 1 .. 5. Perineal Abscess .. .. 6. Diseases of Testes, Penis, Scrotum, &c. .. I j .. (ft.) Diseases of Parturition, — 7. Abortion, Miscarriage .. .. .. .... 8. Puerperal Mania .. .. .. .... 9. Puerperal Metritis .. .. 10. Placenta Praevia, Flooding .. .. .... 11. Phlegmasia Dolens .. .. .. .... 12. Other Accidents of Childbirth .. .. 1 .. (e.) Childbirth (Lying-in Patients) .. .. .... .. .. •• •■ i-\ 5 •• ° IO 3 5 •• •• 1 .. .. .. .. .. ■ • •• 2 .. .J.J .. .. 1 .. ! 2I .. 3 1 1 .. 1 .. .. .. 4 •• ::: 1 .. 1 .. 3 ■■ 16 2 3 •• 2 :: 9 .. .. ., 1 . . .. .. 3. - - 4 •• • • i . 3 ■• 2.. 2. .... 3 •■ .. .. ■• •• 2 .. •• 3. 1 ........ ...... 1 3. .. . .. . .. . .. 1 .. 1. .. . 3 •• .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• ■■ :: : id ! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... • ........ .. 1.. .. .. Q • •• .. .. .. .. • " ■• •• ........ ..... .. - - • •• .... .. .. .. , 2 .. .. .. •• ■• ........ 2 .. .. 1 .. .. . 2 .. 1 .. ...... .. •• • 5 1 9 •• 5 •• 321 S .. .. .. .. .. .. h • ■■■•■ h - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... < u .. .. .. .. ,H .. .. • .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Total Order 8 .. .. .. j 7 .. 4 HH\ 26 .. 20 . . 81 .. — H 2 1 HH 12 1 —' H — 9 .. — H 77 2 -H 1 .. 3. I iH HH 4 •• 6 .. 3 •• 3' •■ . Hi — -H — -M Order 9.— Diseases of Organs of Locomotion. 1. Caries, Necrosis .. .. .. 2 .. 2. Arthritis, Ostitis, Periostitis .. .. .... 3. Other Diseases of Organs of Locomotion . .1 .. I .. 3.. 1 .. 1 .. 2 .. •: - 7 •• 19 •• 33 •• 1 .. 2 .. 1 3 •■ 3 •■ 25 ■• 17 •• 16 .. :: :: tit •• 2.. 1 .. 3 •■ 1 .. 2 .. 6 .. 2 .. n 1 .. 10 .. 6 .. 1 .. 3 10 .. 11 .. 149 3 126 119 .. • •• •• 28 .. 1 .. 1 ' ; i •:•• 1 1 hH 394| 3 Total Order 9 .. .. .. 2 .. Order 10. — Diseases of Integumentary System. 1. Carbuncle .. .. .. .. 2 .. 2. Phlegmon, Cellulitis .. .. .. 4 •• 3. Lupus .. .. .. ...... 4. Ulcer, Bed-sore .. .. .. 7 .. 5. Eczema .. .. .. .. j 3 .. 6. Pemphigus .. .. .. 7. Other Diseases of Integumentary System .. 3 .. Total Order 10 .. .. .. I 19 .. Total Class VI. .. .. .. j 134 7 |_3_ .. .. .. .. I .. i .. 2 .. 3 •■ 4 •• 3 " 27 .. .. .. •■ •• .. . " !! Ij:: 3|.. .. 3 •• t:: 3 •• 4 .. 1 .. .. .. 3 •• .. .. 1 — — — •• .. 1 I " ..I H 6 :: 2 .. 1 1 •• — 13 .. ■■ - J.J 4- .. .. .. .. "8 '.'. "7 '.'. 9 •• 7 •■ 87 8 59! 8 1 1 7 •• 39 •• 12 176 4 90 .. 1 .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 1 • 1 ;; •• - .. .. 1 .. 12 2 HH 2 .. 4 »| - .. .. •• 1 • 55 •• 39 1 452 45 2 .. 1 ..! . N~ ■ 39 •• 4 512 38 32 4 H2 1 1 .. 1 10!.. 1 7 •• 380 4 I i ■ A 54 a MTj 41 3 82 4 2S 2 - 35 - 3 141 H 51 — H 67 5 3>&77 316 i i i 1 1 l I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I i 1 I I _■ I I



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Disease and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

6—H. 11.

rt Orders, Diseases, Sec, M i 7 « I £ rt Ji — i— i rt rt « I X E rt 2 a. rt 're 3 to rt rt S — re = I I y. iT rt ! o rt 2 a w re rt Ji I ■J i E S rt rt j; u> rt rt X o a I 1 o ! a <« re rt j; 1 . rt u a TT~ 1 u a A rt P. j. — v, rt en j .C cj 1 a in rt o a a - 1 rt rt X 0 a to — SI rt rt je o a 1 I I J « I rt rt i; w rt rt u a i i i ■3 I I I I rt rt - I I I I 1 r 1 Order i.— Accident or Negligence. 1. Fractures, Contusions .. .. .. 151 5 2. Gunshot Wounds .. .. .. 2 .. 3. Cut, Stab .. .. .. .. 13 1 ; 4. Burn, Scald .. .. .. .. 11 1 5. Sunstroke .. .. .. 6. Poison .. .. .. 7. Drowning .. .. .. 8. Suffocation .. .. .. 9. .. .. .. I 10. Otherwise .. .. .. 3 •■ 5 - 11 1 2 .. 6 .. 37 3| 4 33 •• 33 ..83 3 .. .. 1 .. 10 •• 34 3 .... 91 31 1 2 .. 2 .. 1 .. 8 .. 5 ■• 1 .. 8 .. 11.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 8 .. 13 •• 19 I 1 .. 8 .. 2 .. I .. 2 4 2 13 3 2 .. •• 141 .. 2 .. 37 I ' J/ •• ... Ii . . 4 .. 2 . . 10 .. .. .. 'I--- .. .. .. .. g- - • . ■■ " - • 1 .. 2| .. 2 .. 2 .. .. "■I- .. .. H" .... 1 1 .. . .. .. ........ ..! .. .. .. .. .. ••!•• ••! 2 .. ■•'■■ .. . ... .. ■ .. .. ' - •• ...... .. ..! . .. .. .. .. .. . .. H" ........ .,. . .. .. .. .. .. ........ 1 .. 37 1 .. . •■!■• ...... 1 .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. -I5 J 3. H • 3°! 1 ........ HH — H —4 HH 1 HH h— 4 Ml TT I . h-H HI ,: lotal Order 1 .. .. .177 7 2; Order 2.— Homicide. Ul 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. .. 1 2. Wounds in Battle .. .. > Total Order 2 .. .. 1 5.. 26, 2 -1 3 M 2 t 1 44 i ' 43 •• 43 .[133 4 17 .. 12 3! 13.. 3°| i| 39 •• MM~H 19 1 -H hH -H i— MM -M--hH HH hM h- .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ••!•• .. HJ ........ .. .. ! 1 44 HH HH h-H -H-H HH — 4 — —4 H- .. .. .. .. .. .. ••!•• . .. ..... ........ .. .. £ Order 3.— Suicide. >* 1. Gunshot Wounds .. .. .. 1 .. 2. Cut, Stab .. .. .. .. 11 3. Poison .. .. .. .. 2 .. 4. Drowning .. .. .. .. .. I .. 5. Hanging .. .. .. 6. Otherwise .. .. .. 1 hH HH i I — U— hM mm-h -M -H HH ~h hM MM-M h- .. .. ... .. ....... .... .. •• •1 h .. .. .. .. 1 .. 1 1 .. .. • ........ .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ••H >■■•• • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. H h •• •••■ ..... ..!.. .. .. .. .. • - ..... • • h ........ •••■ .. .. ... .. .. H ■ - z:H .... ..;.. LH ..,.. Total Order 3 .. .. .. 4 1 HH HH HH 1 1 HH -H hh HH ■ I • ........ • • 2 .. .. • 10 .. 3° 139 .. 2 1 1 .. .... 1 1 3 .. -.. .. I Order 4.— Execution. —H — hH U hH —hH —-j hH f-r\ HH Hanging .. .. .. 14 .. j. 19 1 ■1 • ■■ H — I t\ hi HH HH ..._ — 43 •• 133, 8 .. .. 1 .. .. .. g . . .. .. 2 1 .. .. 10 .. .. .. 25! 1 H -H HH TT Total Class VII. .. .. j 181 8 z H ( 1. Dropsy .. ... .. .. j .. 2 S 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition .. .. 26 3 »< 3. Mortification, Gangrene .. 4. Tumour .. .. .. .. 16 2 y E 5- Abscess .. .. .. .. 6 .. E " 6. Haemorrhage .. .. .. jo 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) .. "j 1 £ 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes .. S3 Total Class VIII. .. .. 4« 5 General Totals .. .. .. I1049 92 5 •• 0 .. H n i| m h44 1 1 19! ! ' —4 r— i— i h-H hH H H - ■ .. .. ■ 5- • !.' '.'. •I ..I •• !•• 1 1 1 .. 51 •• "1 •• 4 ' •• 4 4 4 2 6 !•• . 1 .. 6 .. 4 •■ 2 .. .. .. .. .. •• •• ... •• •• ... .. 3 •• 3.. 1 1 ! H • .. .. • • ..... ..... h • - • .. ..... • 1 .. ........ \ ..... .. . .... • ■• • 200 13932J 57 .. • ■ !■ .. .. .. .. .... h 5 1 2 1 117 21 168 18 •• I! . ■ .. . — H • —— .. .. HHH • i H H •• H 1 .. .. 1 I - .. .. 1 1 H 2 I I I 146 ij. UW ■ HH 6 .. HH H 12 H H » — - ■■■ H 1 ■ i 1 3 T 1 3 1 ■ I 13 — 1 1 1 jiiJ 16 <9 3 104 8 90 4 IO< S 32 3 261 20 154! 49 2 "I 7j J106 7, 65 7 3* ■ 57 6 H 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1



DISEASES AND DEATHS IN HOSPITALS. Table showing the Number of Cases of Diseases and of Deaths from each Cause in the various Hospitals in the Colony during the Year 1889— continued.

[Approximate CoU of Paper.— ..'reparation, Nil; printing (1,500 copies), £34 lis.]

Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o.

u Orders, Diseases, &c. rt K rt rt Ji ■ K re rt Ji 0% < < rt i rt "rt E it 0 ' . 0 c rt Q 'i. rt rt i 1 3 % rt rt " s -' — a. rt rt in rt 3 a 1 rt m rt /. ~ rt Ji « I O rt o I c (A rt ( rt rt e . .. 5 I rt i J£ u a m rt rt Ji r. in i rt rt X 3r rt i. rt j; J) — U Q ■t. rt ■ rt i ■ rt rt Ji K rt rt 2^ u , a ! I I I I I I I I I Order i.—Accident or Negligence. 1. Fractures, Contusions .. .. .. 23 .. 2. Gunshot Wounds .. .. 3. Cut, Stab .. .. .. .. 4 .. 4. Burn, Scald .. .. .. 1 .. 5. Sunstroke .. .. .. 6. Poison .. .. ' .. .. 1. 1 7. Drowning .. .. .. 8. Suffocation .. .. .. .. j .. 9. Exposure .. .. .. .... 10. Otherwise .. .. .. .. i 3 .. Total Order 1 .. .. .. 32 1 5 •• •■ • •■•• 114 1 5.. 3 •• .-■••■ 4 •• 1 .. •- ■• 1 .. 2 3 21 • • • H ■■ 1 - 24 * 4 •• 4 •• 1 .. .. .. 11.. 'J ■■ .. .. 58 5 3 •• 9 •• 7 ■■ 2 1 10 . . .. .J 2 . . :: :: 11 .. 2 .. ■ 3 ■• .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 6 '.'. .. .. H" 15 1 .. .. 12 .. ' •' .. .. 2,-5 I 6 .. 1 .. • 21 Ij .. 5 •• 1 .. 916 29 26 I 143 4 57 3 2 1 6 3 ..... ■ •■ ...J .. . h • .. .. .. .. • " , .. - - .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. I- • • 1 .. 1 36. ■■ 1,189 4- .. •• ■ A .. .. 35 1 • • -I ■■ 91 •• 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. h-H 126 2I .. .. 6 .. 26 •• - HH 1" 86' 6 HH — H «5 1 ••!•• — H 2 . H12. 13 •• M. M 29 1 o > Order 2.— Homicide. 1. Murder, Manslaughter .. .. 2. Wounds in Battle .. .. Total Order 2 .. .. Order 3.— Suicide. 1. Gunshot Wounds .. .. 2. Cut, Stab .. .. .. 3. Poison .. .. .. 4. Drowning .. .. .. 5. Hanging .. .. .. ...... 6. Otherwise .. .. .. ...... .. .. H-H .. .. — H ••!•• H H ..- .J .. .. •• •• -1 ._.. —H I — HH —— •• —' •J • H ■■ — — H • .. .. HH ■ • hM • HH HM MM HH ■A ~M •• ■• 1 H-i hM — — •• — •• - H • \-~A HM .. .. 1 — H .. .. A .. . -'•• • _j — —" .. .. .. 1 I i .. .. I I .. .. I ::: 2 1 .. 1 .. 4 1 5 2 3 t .. .. •■■• .. .. ■■ ■■ ... .J 1 ... • - .. .. .. .. - " .. .. .. .. ::':: .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ••I- .. .. ..,.. .. . .- •■ .. .. ■ - .. .. .. .. .... ..... :: :: .. .. ..... .. .. •.... .. .. £5 . I*. Q I in I — ! H Total Order 3 .. .. .. .. j .. I ■• •■ • •■ • :•• •■;•• —- •• •• HH HH • • m .. .. .. .. 3 1 .... hiHH . .. 1 .. ■•■•■ — H HH " .. .. — H .. .. - - H-H .. .. .. .. 12 4 Order 4.— Execution. i HH • — —j — —j —.— ~M -\H — M -M Hanging .. .. .. .... j .. j Total Class VII. .. .. 32 il I 1. Dropsy .. .. .. .. 4 .. 2. Debility, Atrophy, Inanition .. 3. Mortification, Gangrene .. 4. Tumour .. .. .. .. 2 .. 5. Abscess .. .. .. .. 2 .. 6. Haemorrhage .. .. .. 7. Sudden (cause unascertained) .. 8. Other Ill-defined and Not-specified Causes 5 : .. •• — 32 4 .. .. 1 .. 126 2I .. .. 6 .. 26 .. 6 '.'. .. .. 36J 2 TT 6 .. A :: .. .. -H HJ •• H Ml • H I- - 3 9l 4 14 .. h12 . .1 . .. .... 13 •• 1 ■• ;•• 13 •■ ..j.. HH 14, ——^ 15 i| .. .. 14 .. 2 .. 36 1 .. . — H 29 J HH .. 1,201 46 12 2 86 3 15 3 56 3 IIO 2 27 2 .... 1 .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. ■■ - 13 .. 21 2 . .1 .. 2 9 •• .... •• •• 1 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. 7 •• 1 .. ■■ 2 .. ... .. 3 ■• 2 2 .. 1 .. I .. 4! • 41 .. 1 1 .. .. - I- !•• • .. .. .. .. - •■ I2 " 2 . . h-H 1 .. • • ••-• - •• I " " •• •■ 5 .. .. ••!•• •• •• " •• 3 •■ .. .. HA .. .. • •• 35 1 341 16 Total Class VIII. .. .1 13 .. 13 3.. H r-.H —H 11 H H T^lM HH — —^ *H HH 4 •• H-H — H 44 23 ■■ 260 17 4 126 ■A .. General Totals .. .. .. 253 21 !—. 847 g4 — H 86 7 H 56 4 84 6 —H — H 7.380 591 253; 21 *« « * . 145 5 Ui 956 88 98 4 81 5 119 IO] 164 i4 102 10] ! \ 1 11

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Bibliographic details

HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLONY (REPORT ON), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-11

Word Count

HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLONY (REPORT ON), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-11

HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLONY (REPORT ON), BY THE INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, H-11

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