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EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. [In Continuation of E.-6, 1889.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The (Chancellor to His Excellency the Goveknok. Sib,- University of Otago, 25th June, 1890. Incompliance with the provisions of "The Otago University Ordinance, 1869," I have the honour to forward to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University for the year ending the 31st March, 1890. The attendance on the several classes in the Otago University during the session 1889 was as follows : Latin, junior 19, senior 27 ; Greek, junior 4, senior 2; English language and literature, 36; political economy, 17 ; mathematics, junior 50, senior 3 ; natural philosophy, physics 22, mechanics 28; mental and moral philosophy, junior 31, senior 3 ; chemistry, 39 ; practical chemistry,. 26 ; assaying, 6 ; mineralogy, 5; mining, 11; determinative mineralogy, 6 ; applied mechanics, 3 ; general geology, 12 ; mining geology, 13 ; mine- and land-surveying, I ; biology, 17; practical biology, 15; botany, 7; zoology, 17; anatomy, junior 10, senior 14, practical 24; physiology, 17; practical physiology, 9; surgery, 19 ; materia medica, 5; midwifery, 14; medical jurisprudence, 7; public health, 6; pathology, 6 ; practice of medicine, 13 ; opthalmology, 6; diseases of children, 5; mental diseases, 4; French, 16; German, 4; constitutional history, 4; jurisprudence, 3. The following degrees were conferred by the Senate of the New Zealand University at its last sitting : — M.A. Degree: James Martin Beattie, Adam Begg, Isabella Cecilia Jane Duncan, and Isabella McLandress. M.D. Degree : William Ledingham Christie. B.A. Degree: J. A. Fullarton, C. E. S. Gillies, J. A. Johnson, L. A. Line, D. McNeil, J. A. MoNickle, J. H. Moir, A. S. M. Poison, F. J. Ross, J. N. Waddell, J. Watt, P. G. Morgan, and C. M. Mouat. B.Sc. Degree: J. It. Don, R. Donald, and W. B. Spencer. M.B. Degree: W. A. Chappie, P. E. Cook, E. E. Fooks, W. Hislop, and W. J. Mullin. Twenty-one students passed the first section of the B.A. degree—namely, A. Stenhouse, A. L. Wyllie, T. D. Pearce, C. Young, J. A. McPhee, G. King, D. M. Greig, J. G. Stuart, K. Moss, W. Thomson, M. W. White, J. McKenzie, W. W. Bird, A. Crawford, T. E. W. Coatts, C. A. Salmond, W. Burnside, J. R. Eutherford, W. E. Malcolm, W. Anderson, and C. Ferguson. The scholars at present at the University are: (1.) Senior scholar—H. P. Cowx. (2.) Junior scholars—M. S. W. White, K. Moss, J. G. Stuart, F. V. Siedeberg, B. M. Watt, G. Liddell, F. H. Campbell, E. H. Pearce, W. M. Macdonald, E. Eainforth. (3.) George Gray Eussell scholar — J. Watt. (4.) Local scholars: Eichardson—T. D. Pearce; Scott —J. W. W. Hunter. (5.) Normal school exhibitioners —W. Burnside, G. King, E. G. Lillie, A. Spence, J. Porteous, M. A. Sinclair. The Council reports that the Board of Property of the Presbyterian Church of Otago and Southland, after advertising the Chair of English in the Australasian Colonies and the Home country, selected from a list of fifty candidates Professor Gilray, M.A., of University College, Dundee, with the concurrence of the Synod of Otago and Southland, in terms of the Act of Parliament. Professor Gilray entered on the duties of his chair on the Ist May of this year. The Council made the following appointments: Mr. W. A. Stoat, B.A. and LL.B., Lecturer on the Law of Property, and Mr. A. R. Barclay, M.A. and LL.B., Lecturer on Constitutional Law. The Council has arranged for the appointment of a Lecturer on Assaying and Metallurgy. It is with regret that the Council accepted the resignation of George J. Binns, Lecturer on General Geology, who proceeds to England to occupy an important position connected with mining. Mr. Binns, while in connection with this University, rendered good service. The Council also expresses regret that it has not been able to make arrangements for instruction in political economy during the present session. The following is the teaching-staff of the University : George Samuel Sale, M.A. Camb., Professor of Classics; John Shand, M.A. LL.D. Aberdeen, Professor of Natural Philosophy; James Gow Black, M.A. D.Sc. Edin., Professor of Chemistry; John Halliday Scott, M.D. Edin., M.E.C.S. Eng., F.E.S.E., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology; George Henry Frederick Ulrich, F.G.S., Graduate of the Eoyal School of Mines, Clausthal, Harz, Director of the School of Mines and Professor of Mining and Mineralogy; Thomas Jeffrey Parker, B.Sc. Lond., F.E.S., Professor of Biology and Curator of the University Museum; William Salmond, D.D. Edin. and Glasg., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy; Frederick Brian de Malbisse Gibbons, M.A. Camb., Professor of Mathematics ; Thomas Gilray, M.A. Edin., Professor of English Language and Literature ; Allan Holmes, B.A. Oxford, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Lecturer on Law; Aristide Dallas, Lecturer on French; Francis Adolphus Biilau, Ph.D. Gottingen, Lecturer on German; Daniel Colquhoun, M.D. Lond., M.E.C.P. Lond., M.E.C.S. Eng., Lecturer on the


Practice of Medicine; Frank Ogston, M.D. CM. Aberdeen, Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health; Ferdinand Campion Batchelbr, M.I). Durham, M.E.C.B. Eng., L.E.C.P. L.M. Edin., L.S.A., Lecturer on Midwifery and the Diseases of Women ; John Macdonald, L.E.C.P.'and L.B.C.S. Edin., L.M. E.C.S. Eng., L.S.A., Lecturer on Materia Medica; William Stuart Eoberts, M.E.C.S. Eng., Lecturer on Pathology; Henry Lindo Ferguson, F.B.C.S. Irel., L.K.Q.C.P. Irel., Lecturer on Ophthalmology : Isaiah De Zouche, M.D. Queen's Univ. Irel., M.E.C.S. Eng., Lecturer on Diseases of Children ; Henry Widenham Maunsell, M.A. M.D. Dublin, Lecturer on Surgery; Frederick Truby King, M.B. 13.Sc. Edin., Superintendent of tho Asylum, Seacliff, Lecturer on Mental Diseases; Walter Cutten, Lecturer on Applied Mechanics; Latham Osborne Beal, jun., Lecturer on Mine- and Land-surveying; William Anderson Stout, 8.A., LL.B., Lecturer on the Law of Property ; Alfred Eichard Barclay, M.A., LL.B., Lecturer on Constitutional Law. Clinical teaching is imparted on Surgery by Milieu Coughtrey, M.B. C.B. Edin., and Eobert Gordon Macdonald, L.F.P.S. Glasg., L.E.C.P. Edin. ; and in Medicine by William McF. Stenhouse, M.I), and CM. Glasg., and Frederick Howorth Jeffcoat., B.A. M.B. CM. Edin. The following University Lecturers — who are also members of the honorary staff, Dunedin Hospital — give, clinical teaching, viz.. Drs. Colquhoun, Ogston, Batchelor, and De Zouche, and Messrs. John Macdonald, H. Lindo Ferguson, and F. Truby King. The abstract of the accounts, showing the income and expenditure of the University for the year ending the 31st March, 1890, is appended. I have, &c, D. M. Stcabt, D.D., , His Excellency the Earl of Onslow, G.C.M.G., &c, Chancellor. Governor of New Zealand.

Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Univebbity of Otago for the Year ending 31st March, 1890. General Accounl.

Receipts. £ s. (I. Balance in bank, March 81, 1889.. .. 817 13 JO Balance, fixed deposit, March 31, 1889 .. 1,848 6 6 Endowments— Rent of runs— Burwood and Mararoa .. .. 1,300 0 0 Barewood .. .. .. .. 1,723 11 4 Benmore .. .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Forest Hill .. .. .. 32 13 8 Rent of house in Castle Street .. .. 47 18 4 Church Trustees .. .. .. 1,775 0 0 Fees — Medical preliminary examination .. 5 5 0 College, laboratory, and exempts ~ 281 5 0 Class .. .. .. .. 1,010 0 8 Analysis .. .. .. .. 20 O 0 InterestOn fixed deposits .. .. .. 01 18 4 On deferred payment, Macdonald .. 20 1 3 Government subsidy, School of Mines .. 500 0 0 Government contribution for chemicals .. 50 0 0 Prospecting licenses and mineral leases— Prospecting licenses .. .. .. 54 12 0 Mineral leases .. .. .. 418 12 0 4 £13,017 11 11

Expenditure. £ s. d. Salaries and allowances— Professors— Classics .. .. .. .. 600 0 O Mathematics .. . ' .. 600 0 0 Natural philosophy. . .. .. 000 0 0 Mental and moral philosophy ~ 600 0 0 Chemistry.. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Anatomy .. .. .. .. 600 0 0! Biology .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Mining .. .. .. .. 000 0 0 English language and literature .. 375 0 0 Lecturers— Law .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 I'olitical economy .. .. .. 100 0 O Constitutional history .. .. 100 0 0 French .. .'. .. .. 75 o 0 German .. .. .. .. 75 0 O Surgery .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Materia medica .. .. .. 100 0 0 Practice of medicine .. .. 150 0 O Midwifery .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Medical jurisprudence .. .. 150 0 0 Pathology .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Applied mechanics .. .. .. f>o 0 0 General geology .. .. .. 50 0 O Land- and mine-surveying .. .. 100 0 0 Assistant, physical laboratory .. .. 40 0 0 Registrar .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 Attendants— Janitor .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Anatomy .. .. .. .. 125 4 0 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 55 6 & Biology ... .. .. .. 10 13 9 Fees, professors and lecturers .. .. 1,622 15 6 Apparatus and chemicals .. .. 311 1 6 Furnishings and fittings .. .. 122 511 Bepairs and alterations .. .. .. 318 5 5 Law costs .. .. .. .. 29 18 6 Library .. .. .. .. 11 S 9 Prizes".. .. .. .. .. 18 15 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 33 4 6 ! Printing, advertising, and stationery .. 81 2 7 Water, fuel, and light .. .. .. 191 9 6 Municipal rates .. .. .. 109 7 0 ! Incidental ... .. .. .. 59 14 0 Class hooks .. .. .. 1 13 0 Construction and repairs of apparatus .. 3 3 5 University grounds .. .. 016 4 MeLellan's mortgage expenses .. .. C 6 1 Prospecting Licenses and Mineral LeasesPrinting and advertising £7 10 0 Surveying and commission 285 13" 6 Refund .. .. 15 0 0 Law expenses .. 19 10 0 327 13 (>. Interest on loan .. .. .. <JOO 0 O Interest on overdraft .. .. 0 3 4 Transferred to Museum Account.. .. 16 12 4 Balance, 31st March, 1890 .. 2,575 13 10 £13,617 11 11


$.— ft

Ilicharchon Scholarship Fund. £ s. d. j £ s, d. Balance, 31sjt March, 1889 .. .. 715 16 9 ! Payments—Holder .. .... .. 40 0 0 Receipts—lnterest from mortgage .. 42 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1890— Interest from fixed deposit .. i 10 0 Investment on mortgage .. .. 000 0 0 a Investment on fixed deposit .. .. 114 I!) 0 Bank, current account .. .. 7U» 9 i p £762 15 9 I £762 15 9 Scott Scholarship Fund. £ s. d. I & s. (l. Balance, 31st March, 1889 .. .. 290 15 2 Expenditure— Holder .. .. .. 15 0 0 Receipts—lnterest on debentures .. IS 11 9 I Balance, 31st March, 1890 — Investment on debentures .. .. 285 0 0 Bank, current account .. .. 6 (> I I £306 6 11 | £300 6 11 _-—-- i Taieri Scholarship Fund. £ s. a. £ a. .I. Balance, 31st March, 1.889 .. .. 128 15 0 Expenditure--Nil Receipts—lnterest .. .. .. 5 15 2 Balance, 31st March, 1890— Investment on fixed deposit .. .. 131 10 2 £134 10 2 £184 10 2 Women's Scholarship Fund. s a. a. £ s. a. Balance, 31st March, 1889 .. .. 452 17 6 Expenditure—Nil Receipts— Balance, 31st March, 1890— Interest, debentures .. .. .. 18 15 0 Investment on debentures .. .. 288 15 (I Interest, mortgage .. .. .. 6 0 0 Investment on fixed deposit .. .. 180, 0 0 Bank, current account .. .. 8 17 6 £472 12 6 £472 12 6 Macandrew Scholarship Fund. & s. a. I 8 s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1889 .. .. 525 0 0 Expenditure—Nil Receipts—lnterest .. .. .. 28 12 6 Balance, 31st March, 1890— Investment on fixed deposit .. .. 548 12 0 £548 12 6 £048 12 C —***=——-— i — ___ Macgregor Prize Fund. £ a. d. t g. a. Balance, 31st March, 1889 .. .. 75 19 10 Expenditure—Nil Receipts—lnterest .. .. .. H 7 (> Balance, 31st March, 1890—On fixed deposit 79 7 4 £79 7 4 £70 7 4 .Professor Brown's Bequest for Purchase of Books. £ s- a. £ s. a. Receipts—-Balance, 31st March, 1889 .. 100 0 0 Balance, 31st March, 1890 .. .. 105 0 0 Interest .. .. .. 5 0 0 £105 0 0 £105 0 0 Museum Trust Account. * s. d- | £ a. <l. Receipts—Rent of reserve .. .. 766 13 4 : Expenditure, Athenteum, one-tenth share of Transfer from General Account 16 12 4| receipts from reserve .. .. .. 70 18 4 I Maintenance of museum .. .. 70c 12 A £783 5 8 £788 5 8 Balances. Accounts. & s. d. 1 Bank, Securities, etc. £ s. d. General Account .. .. .. 2,575 18 10 General Account, Colonial Bank .. .. 1,458 14 0 Richardson Scholarship.. .. .. 722 15 9 Richardson Scholarship.. .. .. 7 1G 9 Scott Scholarship .. .. .. 291 611 Scott Scholarship .. .. .. 6 6 1.1 Taieri Scholarship .. .. .. 134 10 2 Women's Scholarship .. .. .. :; 17 (; Women's Scholarship .. .. .. 472 12 6 Fixed deposit .. .. .. .. 2,400 14 6 Macandrew Scholarship .. .. 548 12 fi Debentures .. .. .. . 285 0 () Macgregor Prize Fund .. .. .. 79 7 4 Debentures .. .. .. ".. 288"*16 0 Professor Brown's Bequest .. .. 105 0 0 .Mortgage .. .. .. .. 600 0 (» 5,040 4 8 -dess unpresented cheques .. IK; 5 8 £4,929 19 0 „ £4,929 19 0



Balance Account from Ledger. 1.889. & g. d. 1889. £ s. d. Mar. 81. 'Balancos brought forward-— Mar. 31. Balances brought forward— Loan Account .. .. 15,000 0 0 Fixed deposits .. .. 1,343 5 6 Trust Account .. .. 2,364 910 Mortgage .. .. .. 500 0 0 Expenditure accounts.. .. 11,025 5 9 Macdonald.. .. .. 521 4 4 1890. Bank .. .. .. 817 13 10 Mar. 81. Balances carried forward — Museum .. .. ... 134 9 9 Fixed deposits .. .. 1,343 5 6 1890. Mortgage .. .. .. 500 0 0 Mar. 81. Revenue .. .. .. 11,456 12 7 Macdonald.. .. .. 521 4 4 Balances carried forward — Bank current account .. 1,232 8 4 Loan Account .. .. 15,000 0 0 Museum .. .. .. 151 2 1 Trust Account .. .. 2,364 910 £32,137 15 10 £32,137 15 10 John .Roberts, Treasurer. Examined and found correct. .Tames Edwabd FitzGkbald, Controller and Auditor-General. [Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nil: printing (1,460 copies), £'l 13s.]

Authority: Geokge Didsboky, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o.


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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. [In Continuation of E.-6, 1889.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. [In Continuation of E.-6, 1889.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO. [In Continuation of E.-6, 1889.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, E-06

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