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Presented lo Parliament in pursuance of " The Government Railways Act, 1887."

To the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Woeks. Sib, — Government Buildings, Wellington, 20th June, 1890. We have the honour, in compliance with the direction in section 61 of "The Government Railways Act, 1887," to submit the annual report on the working railways of New Zealand for the twelve months ended 31st March, 1890, for presentation to Parliament. Revenue, Expenses, and Traffic. The returns of traffic, revenue, and expenditure of the various sections of railways are presented in the same tabular form as in the annual reports of previous years, and afford means of comparison with the results formerly attained. The outcome of the year's work is as follows : — £ s. a. Gross earnings ... ... ... 1,095,569 13 10 Working expenses ... ... 682,787 4 6 Net profit ... ... £412,782 9 4 The net profit of £412,782 on a capital cost of £13,899,995 on 1,809 miles of railway gives a return of £2 19s. sd. per cent., as against £2 12s. per cent, on £13,472,837 and 1,777 miles in the previous year. There is a satisfactory increase in all kinds of traffic. It is an excellent criterion of the increased productiveness of the colony that the greatest increases are in the carriage of live stock, grain, wool, and merchandise. The increase in passenger-traffic has been general throughout the colony. On the HurunuiBluff Section this was chiefly due to the Dunedin Exhibition, for which through return fares were arranged with the Union Steam Shipping Company for excursionists from Australia and the North Island, and low local excursion-fares were extensively adopted. It is gratifying to us to have received from the Exhibition Commissioners special thanks on account of the facilities given for visiting the Exhibition by rail. The extensions of railway to Mokau, Kanohi, Sprmgburn, and Hindon, opened during the year, while adding to the expenses, have brought no net revenue; the extension to Eketajhuna is the only one which has given satisfactory traffic results. The traffic for the last eleven years has been as follows : —

Year. ! Miles. Revenue. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, &c. Cattle, Sheep, &c. Passengers. Season-tickets. 79-80 ■ 1,172 80-81 '■ 1,277 81-82 1,319 82-83 , 1,358 83-84 1,396 84-85 1,477 85-86 : 1,613 86-87 1,727 87-88 1,758 88-89 1,777 89-90 1,809 £ 702,573 830,454 892,026 953,347 9(51,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 997,615 1,095,569 £ 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 055,990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 647,045 082,787 1,108,108 1,377,783 1,437,714 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,850 1,823,707 1,747,754 1,735,762 1,920,431 2,073,955 No. 180,331 286,865 316,611 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 372,397 399,109 399,056 406,546 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 680,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 919,392 1,009,253 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 3,132,803 3,376,459 No. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518 11,817 12,311


Condition of Lines and Appliances. The lines and all appliances have been maintained in good order, and the practice previously observed'of adding improvements from working expenses has been continued. The carriages and goods stock which are rebuilt are superior in type and accommodation to those they replace. Heavier rails and more substantial and permanent structures and buildings are replacing the original ones. Many improvements in the locomotive and other stock have been added by the Locomotive Superintendent, tending to economy and greater security. Improved appliances and arrangements have been added in various shops. To some extent the Commissioners have been placed at considerable disadvantage from the want of funds from loan to provide for urgent departmental wants, and to give accommodation to the public where the growth of traffic has rendered it urgently needful. A better financial result might have been attained in the past year had loan funds been at the command of the Commissioners for making due provision for accommodation properly chargeable against capital account. We beg to direct especial attention to this point : a considerable sum should be at our command annually, chargeable against capital account, to meet urgent public wants, and to give facilities for meeting the growth of traffic in such ways as we may judge to be necessary. General Policy. We have, during the time we have held office, very carefully considered the rules which should guide us in dealing with the railway system, and we consider that we should facilitate the traffic in the natural productions of the colony, and in goods essential for advancing production, by reducing rates to such an extent as can be done without materially disturbing the colonial finances ; and that we should also give greater facilities for cheaper and quicker travelling for passengers, keeping in view the same needful restriction. Acting on these views, we have during our term of office very largely reduced the rates on small lots of agricultural, garden, and dairy produce, and fruit and game of all descriptions. A large concession has been made on the grain and flax rates over the longer distances. Very extensive concessions have been made on the rates for agricultural lime, road materials, ores, coal-dross, bricks, drain-tiles, clay, animal manures ; and various special rates to meet local circumstances have been introduced. In the passenger-traffic commutation tickets at very low fares have come extensively into use, and, though to some extent they have taken from the number of passengers carried at ordinary fares, the extensive use of these new season-tickets has given a larger revenue. These tickets give fares for distances up to twenty miles of fd. first class, and id. second class, per mile. As the business of the railways shows a rapid growth, and the revenue is tending upwards, we think this a suitable time for carrying out the original intention of the department of extending the use of return tickets (now confined to Saturdays and market days) to every day in the week ; and we think that the practice followed of late years in England of giving a liberal time allowance for the return journey should also be adopted. We are accordingly preparing for this change, which will be introduced in a few days. Greatly improved passenger-train services have been introduced on the Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch-Dunedin, and Dunedin-Invercargill lines. The service on the Wellington line is as rapid as the class of road and gradients will safely permit. The connections with the coach-lines have prevented a convenient fast service being introduced on the Napier line hitherto, but a greatly improved service will be adopted immediately the line is opened through the Manawatu Gorge. Should the revenue of the railways appear to permit of it, we hope to continue to make gradual changes in rates in favour of the users of the railways. It may, however, be as well to mention that the demands for reductions in rates—personal, local, and general—would probably absorb £200,000 of the revenue, while claims from the employes are, on the other hand, also very extensive, so that all demands could not be met unless Parliament should see its way to provide specially for them. Revenue and Expenses. We have estimated the revenue for the current year to be £1,080,000, having regard to the fact that the Exhibition traffic will be wanting, and that the flax trade has become very slack. The expenses are estimated at £678,000, being slightly below last year's expenses. They would have been lower but for the great rise in iron and stores, consequent on the strikes in Europe, and there seems little probability of any material drop in prices so far as present circumstances indicate. We have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servants, James McKebeow, J. P. Maxwell, W. M. Hannay, The New Zealand Bail way Commissioners.





Nat uve. Return No. Description. .OCOUNTS 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue accounts. Expenditure account . Detail of classified expenditure. Classified expenditure and revenue. Comparative statement of passenger ami goods traffic. Cost of. construction and rate of interest. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for ten linanciul years. Traffic ton mileage, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Hurunui-Bluff. Classified maintenance expenditure. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Stores contracts. Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock. ("Weighing machines. | Weighbridges. Travevsers and turntables. I Cranes. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private siding traffic. Mileage of lines. Sleepers laid and removed. Number of employe's. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-BlulT. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Hunumi-BlufE. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for twelve years, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of IIuninui-Bluff. Alterations in scale of charges. -BNEBA.L EeTUENS 14 15 16 IV 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Special Returns


D.— U

RETURN No. 1. Summary of Eevenue Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1890. Dr. £ s. cl. Ob. £ s. A. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1889 ... ... ... ... 18,60917 9By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1890 ... 1,167,19019 8 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c., 31st March, 1890 ... 9 3 Less Refunds ... ... ... ... ... 74,396 11 2 Less late G. 11. Ashcroft's defalcations written off ... 1,061 15 5 — *i,092, 794 8 6 1,095,569 13 10 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 21,385 3 1 £1,114,179 11 7 £1,114,179 11 7 — ■ By Expenditure to 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... ... 682,787 4 6 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... 1,092,794 8 6 Balance available for interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 412,782 9 4 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1889 ... ... ... 18,60917 9 ♦ Eeeeipts per Treasury £1,093,340 18 9 Balance refund account, March 31,1889 ... 5,870 18 6 1,074,184 10 9 1,099,21117 3 / ■ Balance refund account, March 31,1890 ... 6,417 8 9 Cash m hand and outstanding', 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... 21,38=; 11 ■ "' J ' y £1,092,794 8 6 £1,095,569 13 10 , £1,095,569 13 10 Return of Eevenue for Harbour Boards, &c, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1890. I)e. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,870 18 6By Treasury payments to 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... ... 73,850 011 Wharfages, &c, 31st March, 1890 ... ... ... ... ... 74,396 11 2 Balance due to Harbour Boards, &c. ... .., ... ... ... 6,417 8 9 £80,267 9 8 £80,267 9 8 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

2—D. la.


RETURN No. 2. Db. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the twelve months ending 31st March, 1890. Ok. ' £ s. a, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. lo .balance brought forward:— . By Touchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1889, brought forward ... 47831 18 8 Outstanding accounts,— By Classified expenditure as per Return No. 4 ... ... ... 682,787 4 6 Other Government departments for— By Recoveries per Treasury to credit of Vote 56,*— Stores ... ... ... ... 2,169 19 5 Other Government departments for— Workshops ... ... ... 924 6 8 Stores ... ... ... ... 3,074 8 7 Way and works ... ... ~. 3,482 3 3 Workshops ... ... ... 4,152 12 11 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 922 .5 6 Way and works .., ... ... 13,619 19 4 749S 14 10 Miscellaneous... ... ... ... 1,516 4 o Personal accounts for— . 22363 4 10 Scores ... ... ... ... 5917 6 Personal accounts for — Workshops ... ' ... ... 1,318 911 Stores ... ... ... ... 394 4 4 Way and works ... ... ... 511 8 Workshops ... ... ... 6,601 17 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 142169 Way and works 365 2 7 1,526 15 10 Miscellaneous... ... ... ... 765 16 2 9.025 10 8 8,127 o 10 Stock of stores m hand ... ... ... ... ... ... 98,527 3 : Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 16,676 2 o To Payments per Treasury to 31st March, 1890,— 47166 7 8 Vote 56* ... ... ... ... ... 703,864 14 7 Balance carried forward:— Under" The Government Railways Act, 1887 " ... 3,200 o o Outstanding accounts,— Under "The Civil Service Act, 1866" ... ... 75 19 o Other Government departments, for— Unauthorised ... ... ... ... 100 17 3 Stores ... ... ... ... 692 16 11 707,241 10 10 Workshops ... ... ... 411 1 v To Sale of locomotive to Manawatu County Council ... ... ... ... 500 o 0 Way and works ... ... ... 587 12 1 To Deposit for purchase of permanent-way material ... ... ... ... 25,000 oo 1 601 10 11 To Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1890, carried forward ... ... 57,800 12 9 I Personal accounts, for— Stores ... ... ... ... 6 10 5 Workshops ... ... ... 1,704 4 < Treasury Z^&m Way and works , 4 l 8 g 1,725 13 7 Net charge to Vote 56 ... £6*6,698 6 11 3,417 4 6 ' Stock of stores in hand ... ... ... ... ... ... 91,892 2 o Deposit Account,— Permanent-way material on hand ... ... 3,862 4 8 Cash with Agent-General on Imprest ... ... 13,101 6 2 Cash in Treasury ... ... ... ... 7,234 1 8 Vouchers dealt with by Treasury n f Dr. 616 <, 10) „ , April I Cr. 1,418 13 4) 802 7 6 25,000 O 8 £898,094 17 4 £898,094^17 4 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.




RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1890.

2* D.—la.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

- Maintem inco of Way and Works. Locomotive Power. Wagons. Traffic. General Charges. Sundries. Grand Total. Sections. Permanentway. Structures. Buildings. Miscellaneous. Total. Working L , , Wnt ._ Oil, Tallow, Locomotives, j * ue! and W ater. &c Benewals and Kepairs. Total. Jarriages. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. ; 664 3 9 I 447 12 2 \ 16,968 1 3 7,7 85 3 10 7,536 6 6 \ 15,366 18 5 I 74,555 6 3 1,396 12 6 1 2,046 11 8 1,409 1 4 1,093 9 1 £ s. d. 116 14 5 40 12 o I 3>457 7 6 j i,555 15 10 1,388 o o 3,010 14 2 17,110 6 8 £ s. a. o 19 3 814 1, 5 332 9 7 242 19 o 933 3 4 8,043 6 7 84 o 9 262 5 5 23 15 3 26 19 6 £ s. d. 763 18 10 422 19 3 981 6 8 402 18 9 6,349 13 i° 122 o 10 393 7 5 567 10 3 30, 2 o £ s. d. 780 18 2 489 3 5 22,003 9 o 10,096 8 6 10,148 12 2 I9,7!3 14 8 106,058 13 4 2,038 1 4 3,686 7 7 2,303 1 9 1,779 4 2 £ s. d. 367 17 11 53O 15 9 7,163 5 6 3,652 3 3 5,343 12 8 5,042 3 10 35,393 19 8 1,310 18 9 1,930 14 8 709 13 7 439 11 10 wag: £ s. d. 3 1 6 5 1 7 635 9 6 58 9 9 375 6 2 404 11 7 2,806 2 o 128 9 7 59 7 3 51 o 6 25 10 1 ,S. £ s. d. 11 15 ° 69 3 9 3 18 3 62 12 9 51 1 10 322 16 6 4 12 o £ s. a. 281 1 9 106 16 4 3,010 1 7 1,630 12 o 4,087 16 7 2,855 17 o 18,506 11 7 742 19 4 55O 19 1 472 17 4 369 o o £ s. d. 652 i 2 654 8 8 10,878 o 4 5,345 3 3 9,869 8 2 8,353 H 3 57,029 9 9 2,186 19 8 2,541 1 o 1,233 11 5 835 8 6 & s. d. 137 5 o 34 I8 5 2,135 2 7 1,017 5 6 1,407 6 5 2,783 13 1 7,937 15 o 119 12 1 70 3 5 222 2 9 286 4 5 £ s. d. 123 15 o 82 1 4 2,177 15 11 1,441 1 1 2,241 19 10 1,385 9 10 I3,5O7 IO ° 1,668 10 9 1,067 T3 2 268 18 II 92 8 10 £ s. a. 993 2 9 520 4 6 17,909 on 7,661 18 7 8,692 19 3 10,413 o 7 109,157 H 5 4,555 16 6 2,872 19 5 2,220 19 11 1,192 14 5 £ s. d. 87 17 11 58 6 10 2,490 4 1 1,672 6 5 1,743 17 6. 2,019 3 1 15,742 16 7 555 14 o 623 16 o 248 15 3 141 11 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,775 o o 12 17 6 1,852 o 8 295 6 9 57,888 19 7 88 18 8 I 27,323 2 o 540 19 11 34,645 3 3 304 8 6 44,973 4 ° 696 10 iq 310,130 9 II 74 2 10 11,198 17 2 52 5 8 10,914 6 3 42 13 9 6,540 3 9 22 11 o 4,35° 3 2 £ s. d. 2,775 o o 1,852 o 8 57,888 19 7 27,323 2 o 34,645 3 3 44,973 4 ° 310,130 9 n 11,198 17 2 10,914 6 3 6,54O 3 9 4,35O 3 2 435 7 3 984 3 1 302 14 n 628 13 7 167 Total 129,269 6 9 29,030 9 5 10,764 o 1 179,097 14 1 61,884 17 5 4,552 9 6 527 6 8 32,614 12 7 99,579 6 2 16,151 S 8 24,057 4 8 166,190 11 3 25,384 9 6 2,130 15 5 512,591 9 9 10,033 17 10 _ J Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 56 10 I 6,098 5 5 890 15 6 901 11 8 3,821 1 3 20,599 17 9 374 5 6 1,090 ig 4 670 10 9 332 18 3 18 o 4 864 "5 5 608 5 8 610 6 3 1,148 4 6 7,019 2 2 106 11 i 601 2 7 457 4 ° 272 11 6 536 6 11 137 18 10 132 13 7 594 9 10 5,084 7 2 41 15 7 126 15 3 89 15 11 39 6 7 286 12 6 141 o o 809 3 3 331 10 5 6,334 6 11 244 17 9 321 12 9 684 o 10 40 2 11 56 10 1 7,785 10 3 1,778 o o 2,453 14 9 5,895 6 o 39,O37 14 o 767 9 11 2,140 9 11 1,901 11 6 644 16 4 STORE 48 10 6 78 6 o ! i,95o 8 3 1 2,341 7 8 i j 3,335 19 11 ■ 3,834 1 8 I 21,707 13 o I 307 10 2 ! 263 o 9 ' 325 4 1 ! 216 4 2 i :S. 11 210 4 12 2 267 18 1 162 10 9 281 5 1 286 18 6 2,091 10 7 33 3 o 82 12 4 25 3 11 13 ° H 1^0 6 9 88 10 1 i,473 9 1 662 8 n 2,027 8 4 i,3O5 17 5 7,996 o 3 564 7 2 517 i° 4 218 iS 3 105 9 7 190 o 1 171 8 3 3,691 15 5 3,166 7 4 5,644 13 4 5,426 17 7 31,795 3 10 905 o 4 863 3 5 569 6 3 334 14 8 14 13 6 14 5 1 i,352 14 5 271 11 5 629 6 3 1,341 14 2 3,476 3 9 18 17 3 o 16 1 145 3 4 66 4 10 33 16 4 72 7 o 1,326 15 5 458 o 5 727 18 3 642 16 6 6,846 17 11 418 13 1 323 8 7 156 9 11 70 17 8 55 13 .3 9 19 7 1,402 14 10 519 18 o 858 1 9 748 17 11 8,141 16 2 628 6 3 223 13 9 145 8 8 65 19 5 4 19 6 3 19 9 132 11 9 83 5 6 86 13 7 102 19 5 809 5 9 35 9 o 31 o 10 13 11 o 8 17 o 339 5 7 328 9 9 15,692 2 1 6,277 2 8 10 8 o 10,410 15 11 14,158 11 7 90,107 1 5 2,773 15 10 i 3,582 12 7 2,931 10 8 1 17 6 : 1,193 7 5 I Total 34,858 18 1 11,705 13 6 6,783 9 8 9,153 4 5 62,501 5 8 34,408 6 2 I 3,259 18 2 15,090 6 2 52,758 10 6 7,33i 10 1 11,078 1 1 12,800 9 7 1,312 13 1 12 5 6 147,794 I5 6 miscellan: 1OUS. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 34 4 1 4 n 9 2 13 3 34 9 10 54 X9 11 o 12 10 089 20 13 2 2 5 8 3 13 11 28 1 2 31 7 o 8 5 10 0 4 3 O75 9 17 6 9 9 7 4 7 5 66 4 9 1 11 3 130 11 o 089 67 10 6 7 1 8 72 19 4 73 19 9 226 7 6 o 12 10 1224 14 18 7 3 13 5 003 3 2 10 6 4 10 31 13 1 20 7 5 761 1 3 281 13 3 1,095 4 7 727 15 11 3,754 9 8 43 16 3 66 17 6 17 5 3 29 5 5 31 13 1 20 7 5 764 14 8 281 13 6 1,098 7 5 727 15 11 3,760 14 6 43 16 3 66 17 6 17 5 3 29 5 5 4 4 I 2 4 1 546 1 o 154 3 1 391 12 9 714 10 3 1,609 6 9 3 14 3 016 16 9 6 10 5 4 1 9 5 13 5 8 563 17 10 236 o o 588 n o 338 7 ° 3,109 14 8 204 5 9 48 1 1 25 15 3 10 19 n 200 141 14 11 127 18 o 347 5 4 352 15 o 2,346 13 4 58 1 3 16 11 5 13 13 2 29 I 9 9 4 2 114 19 4 38 3 4 73 17 8 105 1 6 166 19 11 2,464 on 4 4 0 2 11 5 74 10 6 37 *5 4 47 1 4 2,198 18 3 844 19 7 2,572 13 6 2,312 9 5 11,219 J6 8 2,774 11 3 147 17 10 90 13 2 154 2 11 10 16 4 146 '"< 160 9 7 10 463 > I Total 135 17 11 98 10 6 28 4 7 213 § 3 476 1 3 13 1 4 6,829 9 7 6,842 10 11 3*452 i2 7 5.14° 7 7 3,435 14 2 3,O53 12 9 22,400 19 3 Grand total 19,400 10 6 242,075 1 o 26,935 ii 4 4°:275 13 4 26,697 2 7 5,196 13 8 682,787 4 6 164,264 2 9 40,834 13 5 17,575 14 4 61,884 17 5 38,973 17 ° 3,787 4 10 54,534 8 4 ii59,i8o 7 7 182,426 15 o T"» "1



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

[ileage. Ee ivenue. Classified Expenditure. 'roportion of each. Class of Expenditure to [ileage and Revi mue. Section. I si a ■3 1 Train- ! Mileage, i Total. I Per Mile I g of B Railway .9 per g Annum &* (Average). S ft j Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Powei\ Repairs W agons. General Charges. Sundries. Ti o P-I >tal for Year. o^s ! i Maintenance. Locomi ° Sm is ft a Carri >tive. and "V\ I: 8^"1 ft 1 p5 g, iage /"agon lira. Trai Expei "8. a ■sis u ft P. Ec ises. p '3 Gene Charj liil Sk g ft a tral s Sundj 111 cies. a Total. 1889-90. Kavrakawa Whangarei ... iuckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui ECurunui-B luff:' G-reymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton £ s. a. 4,009 1 5 2,625 Io 3 104,130 13 11 68,659 13 Ix 73.251 16 7 85,363 2 11 687,473 9 6 25,085 8 3 28,340-14 o! 9,658 16 8 6,971 6 5 £ s. a. 501 2 8 375 1 5 410 ,14 10 707 16 7 805 19 9 397 o 9 650 2 10 3,135 13 7 1,491 12 4 419 19 o 387 6 o s. a. 7 Hi! 5 5i 6 1 6 6 6 3 6 Si 8 2! 18 si 13 7* 4 11 ] 6 7 i £ s. a. 821 9 10 545 13 6 29,856 9 9 11,881 10 2 12,675 6 3 25,683 o 5 145,322 14 10 2,806 4 1 5,838 19 10 4,219 11 10 2,424 o 6 £ 8. a. 873 14 4 846 4 4: 15,334 10 5 8,793 4 1 16,612 8 11 14,508 7 9! 92,585 8 1! 3,*35 16 3 3,471 1 11 1,820 2 11 1,199 8 7 £ s. d. 315 3 4 219 1 7! 8,102 7 2] 3,578 1 6 i 5,986 14 6 i 7,206 10 ioi J36..487 8 11 I 2,433 l3 2 1,^10 3 IOi 834 19 8 537 1 o £ s. d. 1,048 16 o 532 4 1 19,453 to 8 8,309 14 7 9,898 6 4 11,514 13 6 119,646 3 11 5,242 4 o 3,"3 4 7 2,380 1 9 1,287 J5 7 £ s. a.i 92 17 5! 62 6 7 2,622 15 10 i,755 11 11 1,830 11 1 2,122 2 6 16,552 2 4 591 3 ° 654 16 10 262 6 3 150 8 10 £ s. d. £ s. £ ] 78-62! 84-84; 72-77 50-17 65-02 71-98] 59-85! 66-77 51-67 99-005 8i73 £ a. 75-15 55-85 53-27 39-25 48-92 56-04 59'ii 147-98 84-43 58*52 64-81 £ 10269 77-96] II7-77 122*49 I39'46 j 119-46 i37'43 350-78 :3O7'32: 183-461 134-67, a. 19-59! 13-68! 120-99: 13-54 ] 13-02 23-43 20-88] 24-80; J33'66; 125-82] ;27-57; £ a. 20-83 21-22! 10-78 16*02 17*06 13-23 13-30 27-71 2O'OI £ a. 7-51 ! 5-49 ! 5-69 I 4-08 t 1S\ 6-57 5-24 121*50 8.71 5-n 6-n £ d. £ \ ii-6i 8-90 10-34 18*10' 20-14! 9-8 7 | 15-65! 73-89i 34-47J 11-41 8- 3 6| 14-86' a. 2*21 1-84! 2'00 i-88 i'94 2-38 5-22 378 i-6il 171 £ a. 7 254 97 9i 215 1,069 8 IO,O66 9,572 341,402 210,636 233,658 263,133 1,670,625 27,l6l 41,627 39.223 2I,IOO 22 1 8:, 410 6 1 127 2 oj 625 5 7 409 10 o 863 10 9 2,538 3 9 56 9 8 45 5 2 98 19 o S,^ 2 o ; 2,227 " 75,779 19 34,445 4 47,628 12 61,444 5 4",457 8 16,747 4 ! 14,644 16 9,562 7 5=697 13 1 394 oij 318-231 298-91 355-11 524-06; 28579! 389*1 ij 2,093-40; 770*78! 4I5-76 ! 316*54} 109-21 120-89 60 -49 90-65 182-79 67-48 87-56 ,391-98 182-69 79-14 66-63] 39-4O, ! 31-30! 31-96; 36-89! 6 5 -88; 3352 34-50 304-21] 79-48 36-30 29-84 131-10 76-03 76-73 85-67J 108*91 53-56 113-15 65S-27i 163-85! 103-48 7I-54 25-01 !3'35 13-68 I 9'47 10*17 10-50 17*19 i46'32 I7-95 14-56 14-65 I 3-I5 1-62 1 "3 1 6-88 1-90 0-82 317-27 2-97 ! i-97 5'5o 2-89 ■55 •29 •14 ■64 ■37 * 12 22-43 ■32 •28 19 2*V 8 11-14 513-64 6 1*13 Totals ... Postal, &c, serri not recovered 1,809 ees 2,868,203 ,095,569 13 10 26,000 o o; 609 12 3 7 7i 1242,075 1 o 159,180 7 7 67,211 4 8 182,426 15 o 26,697 2 7 5,196 13 8 682,787 4 62-32 379-93! S7-i3 ! I347° 20-26; 88-57 13-32 37-40 5-62 101-51 15-27 2-23 ■43 ... •• ... j ! - ... 1 ... 6o-88 j j I ;._ ! ,121,569 13 10 682,787 4 ... 1888-89. Xawakawa Wkangarei Aueklana Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-B luff Greymouth ... Westport' Nelson Picton 8 7 249 97 85 215 1,048 8 19 23 18 10,018 II.377 351,882 207,685 224,639 260,886 1,604,907 29,126 35>i89 37.976 22,322 4,45i 3 " 3,093 6 4 102,939 6 6 65,354 17 6 67,044 7 7 70,573 1 o 617,504 8 5 27.234 17 3 24,662 18 11 8,534 o 9 6,222 15 7 556" 8 o 441 18 o 413 8 2 673 15 2 788 15 2 333 7 o 589 4 5 3,404 7 2 1,298 1 o 371 1 o 345 14 2 8 ioi 5 5i 5 10 6" 3l 5 "i 5 4i 7 Si 18 8i 14 o 4 5i 5 6i 1,123 17 7 605 15 6 26,940 11 6 13,646 19 1 14,552 0.. 5 25,198 I S-2. 137,479 $ " 4,100 13 2 4,086 o '7 2,558 8 ,6 2,622 9 •■■' 9 878 o 1 762 15 15,978 11 7,698 o 14,892 13 1 13,278 9 90,945 1 2,735 14 ! 3,400 o 1 i,933 13 1,304 5 ; 286 3 o 210 12 2 5,275 4 5 2,532 12 7 4,957 7 8 5,664 s 10 33.745 8 7 911 16 9 1,133 Io ° 189 9 10 Si5 3 6 1,058 17 5 615 J4 5 18,340 15 3 8,411 17 7 9.438 12 5 10,925 17 10 116,470 18 o 5,555 "i1 2,399 2 7 2,432 11 10 1.344 19 4 99 10 67 17 2,502 5 i1.578 13 1,784 1 i,743 3 14,795 8 618 18 565 4 237 4 134 6 31 10 1 138 10 1 692 4 1 141 1 ; 666 13 1 450 10 i,353 X9 1 124 7 , 79 5 52 2 . 49 9 i' 3.477 18 2,401 5 69,729 13 34,009 3 46,291 8 57,260 8 394,790 11 14,047 2 11,663 4 7=403 10 5.970 14 2 S 16 :o 78-14 77'63 6774 52-04 69-05 81-14 <53"93 Si-58 47-29 86-75 95'95 64-86 434-74 343-O4 280-04 350*61 544-6i 270-46 376-71 I.755-89 613-85 321-89 331-71 83-32 50-66! 47-56! 39-3I 49-46 52-68 59-O4 ii5-7S 79'55 46-79 64-20 140-49 I 86-54 108-19 140-691 171-20 119-02 131-18 512-58 215-05 111 -24 14570 26-92 12-78 18-37 I5-77 I5-55 2 3 -l8 20-56 33'79 27-87 16-17 28-20 109-76 108-97! 64-17 79-36 175-21 62-72 86-78 34i'97j I78-95J 84-07] 72-46 86-72 2I'O4 16-09 io-go 8-90 I5-9I I2'22 13-60 22-54 23-19 12*22 I4-O2 35-77 30-09 21-18 26-11 58-32 26-75 32-20 113-98 59-66 8-24 2862 6-86 4-45 3-60 2'93 5-30 5-21 5-05 7'5i 7-73 I"2o! 5-54 132-34 87-96 73-65 86-72 in '04 51-61 111*14 694"45 126-27 105*76 74-72 25-37 12-99 12-51 9"72 10-08 10-05 17-42! 45-78 16-36 I5-37 14-46 12-44 9-70 10-05 16-28 20-99 8-23 14-12 77'37 29-75 10-31 7-46 2-38 i-43 171 1-83 1-91 i-6o 2'2I 5-10 3-86 1-50 i'45 3'94 19*18 2-80 i-45 7-85 2-13 1-29 i5'54 4*17 2-27 2'7S 75 2*92 '47 •16 7i ■42 •20 4 1*03 ■54 •33 'S3 7 Totals ... Postal services n I»777 ot re 2,796,007 coverea 997,615 3 9 22,000 o o 562 9 o 7 »ii 232,914 13 2! 153,807 6 55,421 14 4 176.994 18 7 24,126 13 3.779 '5 ! 647,045 1 364-80 55'54 i3i'3i 19-99 I3-2O 3I-85 476 99'79 15-19 13-60 2-07 2-13 ■33 ... : 1,019,615 3 9 I 647,045 1 63-46 I I A. C. Fip: ;, Eailwa; Acco' tnta: it.



RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant

I 5 Passengers. Parcels, &c. Live-StockJ Goods, &c. Second Class. Total. Total Season Tickets. Horses, j Carriages. Equivalent Tonnage for Live-Stock, &c. Firewood, i Timber. Sections. Parcels. Dogs. Total. Drays, &c. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Chaff, &c. Wool. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Grand Total Tonnage. First ;iass. Total. 1889-90. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-B luff ■Greymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton 8 Single. 870 2,629 21,787 19,432 15,167 25,987 125,386 1,869 52 929 2,685 Single. 2,560 7,593 123,813 ■ 61,242 67,790 126,698 487,706 11,650 8,660 21,324 6,980 Return. No. 5,830 10,164 IO,222 174,324 i 351,000 102,222 . 218,488 202,604 , 337'799 98,458 i 268,221 1,030,724 11,968,778 58,890 ! 77,693 25,376 : 34,276 36,562 ! 61,225 24,298 j 38,593 No. 2 No. 192 No. 20 No. I No. 57 No. 270 No. 3 13 72 43 35 82 417 1 No. ! No. 48 i ... IO4 i 2 IO,O34 | 790 800 : 76 i,377 244 6,649 i 302 10,632 j 586 13 No. 1,404 404 64,304 38,357 173,079 154,909 552,564 53 67 170 No. 91 No. 1,546 523 79,789 40,322 175,855 I7i,253 599,358 203 55 77 272 Tons c. q. 57 15 o 40 o o 4,235 4 o 1 1,416 13 o 5,748 16 o I 6,517 15 o 20,730 10 o 7 1 o 230 610 16 16 o Tons c. q. 500 10 00 5,555 o o 410 o o ■ 1,440 o o ■ 2,040 o o |27,365 o o 10 o o 60 o o 645 o o 360 o o Tons c. q. 48 4 o 49 o o 805 o o 5,020 o o 11,649 o o I 3,764 16 o 68,707 4 o 8 12 o Tons c. q. Tons c. q. 168 17 o 188 15 o 6,103 5 o 20,330 10 o 23,876 5 o 19,115 7 o 94,549 9 o 1,218 11 o 5,602 16 o 1,627 4 o 32 14 o Tons c. q. Tons c. q. 1,884 8 o 3,396 1 o 29.445 17 O 18,780 o o 31,930 10 o 31,902 9 o •269,866 12 O 5,468 1 o 2,341 7 o 2, 164 16 O 2,078 2 O Tons c. q. 23.527 5 o 15,402 6 o 69,703 2 o 5,946 3 o 13,087 16 0 8,420 10 o 325,195 6 o 150,655 14 o 180,422 3 o 1,688 10 o 3,068 13 o Return. 904 25 3,987 22,087 6,381 9,460 125,641 491 1,016 1,844 6,522 Tons c. q. 25.633 14 O 19,071 7 o 131,167 14 o 77.908 3 o 95,232 17 o 88,374 19 o 1,260,348 16 o 158,049 15 o 189,442 6 o 12,104 15 o 16,621 1 0 Tons c. q. 25,691 9 o 19,111 7 o 135,402 18 o 79,324 16 o 100,981 13 o 94,892 14 o 1,281,079 6 o 158,056 16 o 189,444 9 o 12,110 16 O 16,637 17 o 7 254 97 9 1 215 1.069 8 ' 31,076 i 35,592 52,238 17,078 324,962 5,284 188 2,410 4,63O I 1,489 747 1,401 198 7,752 283 59 180 i99 40,182 21,857 38,594 32,365 :2 3 O,6l3 S 2,277 i 3.771 4,118 1,302 481 1,208 549 1,502 5,5i2 55 37 34 61 81 491 2,048 2,177 2,231 2,779 ",352 206 105 101 153 42,74 8 25,276 41,435 36,727 J247.968 2,538 3,876 4,226 1,482 4,589 1,046 I, 120 9,3" 35,159 164 1 o o o o 050 15,568 10 o 5,334 10 o 6,868 6 o 13,671 17 o 449,024 5 o 197 17 o o o o o o o o o 19 23 18 1 7 4 253 8 o 908 8 o o o o o o o o o 3,881 17 o j 3,651 4 o 5 26 2 1 2 ! 1 38 : 2 58 Total ... 1,809 216,793 474,362 926,016 1,759,288 3,376,459 12,311 |375,27i 9,358 708 21,209 406,546 678 29,684 2,016 985,336 5i,539 1,069,253 ;38,77 8 14 o 37,900 o o I 91,213 12 o 77.454 o o 172,813 13 o 498,198 11 o 399,258 3 o |797,ii7 8 o 2,073,955 7 o ( 2,112,734 1 o I I 1 1 1 1888-89. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-B luff Greymouth ... Westporfc Nelson Kcton 8 7 249 97 85 215 1,048 8 19 23 18 997 3,188 21,852 20,257 I3.873 25.142 125,867 747 3 697 2,630 I ,112 I 35.396 36,180 44,350 14,838 1283,856 6,614 6 2,267 10,182 127,699 62,050 60,254 100,050 476,478 6,006 9.073 19.749 6,414 5,344 I 9,720 13,370 155,358 j 340,305 98,444 216,931 179,604 298,081 85,822 I 225,852 945,118 '1,831,319 61,882 j 75,249 22,116 I 31,198 30,102 ! 53,152 23,710 I 37,626 5 1,580 601 1,303 205 7.509 263 1,210 44,445 22,684 38,807 31,230 222,206 1,667 3.297 3,657 i,5O4 53 442 i,i34 33i i,456 4,939 4 '"38 77 17 73 429 1 49 2,229 2,163 1,619 2,640 10,788 9 1 97 117 178 1,316 47> T54 26,058 40,774 35,399 1238,362 1.759 3,394 3>783 1,707 16 68 34 30 35 361 26 139 9,655 919 1,53° 4,579 10,734 1 704 17 190 287 609 13 9 5 2 1,249 153 69,170 j 16,961 ii68,i48 124,912 '461,826 55 6,236 807 i,344 9,344 29,196 75 12 1.333 308 85,833 18,738 171,242 139,157 502,726 88 269 79 166 47 o o 40 12 o 4,356 13 o 756 18 o 5,627 2 o 5,143 3 o 17,702 4 o 300 9 5 0 3 7 0 580 40 o o 30 o o 3,680 o o 595 o o 685 o o 805 o o 17,115 o o 43 12 o 38 4 o 625 16 o 5,041 12 o 6,434 12 o 3,156 8 o 61,953 12 o 5 5,4O5 18,200 5,73O 7.025 23,435 60 815 1,665 4,705 o o o o o o o o 135 o o 125 16 o 5.742 18 o 23,343 o o 24,943 10 o 16,489 12 o 81,395 8 o 1,901 16 o 5,216 16 o 945 16 o 159 12 o 21 14 o j 1,863 12 o i 3,872 o o 11,531 9 o ] 28,024 16 o 5,079 2 o 14,852 13 o 2,832 12 o 23,173 4 o 8,044 6 o j 23,556 13 o 4i4,79i 5 o 250,720 1 o I 4,437 2 o j 2,375 3 o 1,986 12 o I 1,874 8 o 2,740 4 o 1 1,982 19 o 28,345 n o 21,085 o o 70,691 4 o 5.269 5 o 8,764 18 0 5,446 18 o 321,146 13 o 173,860 6 o 147.048 5 o 2, 560 11 o 2,471 o o 30,454 9 o 25,151 o o 125,701 3 o 72,380 12 o 72,563 16 o 64,523 17 o 1,170,556 19 o 180,259 4 o 155,455 4 o 10,242 3 o 13,142 19 o 30,501 9 o 25,191 12 o 130,057 16 o 73,137 10 o 78,190 18 o 69,667 o o 1,188,259 3 o 180,262 4 0 155,464 9 o 10,245 10 o 13,148 7 o o o o o o o o o 195 1 4 2 I 244 7i 106 57 960 o o 425 o o 249 16 o 659 4 o 2,604 4,872 3 20 6 5 1 o o o o Total ... 429,828 880,222 1,607,500 3,132,803 11,817 370,707 8.378 650 I9.97 1 399,706 547 27,589 1,837 842,840 47,126 919,939 12 o 24,335 o o .78,202 16 o 67,045 o o 160,399 4 o 447,027 4 o 356,732 11 o 786,689 II o i,777 215,253 1,920,431 6 O 1.954.125 18 o Sections. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Total Coaching. Goods. Revenue. Miscellaneous, j Rents and Commission. I Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue. ! Passenger; and Mixed. Goods. Miles travelled by Trains. Total. Shand" S i Grand Ballasting. j TotalParcels and Luggage. Total. and ' Ballasting. ; TotaK 1889-90. Kawa.ka.wa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff G-reymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 436 12 5 288 8 3 34,242 6 1 25,039 6 2 25,775 9 to 35,832 3 5 1214,663 16 4 I 3,330 9 4 2,144 4 5 3,527 6 1 2,563 12 o £ s. d. 53 11 I0 37 12 5 3,043 *9 8 1,278 12 7 1,989 1 5 1,456 6 7 12,643 I2 4 273 7 9 151 2 3 383 2 4 193 14 10 £ s. d. 26 1 6 4 15 3 3,339 7 4 2,416 4 3 3,380 11 6 3,716 6 6 23,649 3 8 130 6 4 151 2 3 200 10 6 82 11 9 £ s. d. 516 5 9 330 15 11 40,625 13 1 28,734 3 o 3i»!4S 2 9 41,004 16 6 250,956 12 4 3.734 3 5 2,446 8 11 4,110 18 11 2,839 I8 7 £ s. d. 1 3,37i 9 " 2,225 4 10 6f,4 3 8 16 2 39,179 o 9 ] 40,803 7 3 39,945 7 8 4i3'573 5 2 26,559 5 10 25,153 9 4 5,080 8 8 3,677 9 3 £ s. d. 69 4 3 16 17 1 303 6 3 77 18 9 166 5 8 3,396 5 3 12,166 19 8 671 o 9 649 1 3 355 1 7 218 12 4 £ s. d. 52 1 6 52 12 5 1,762 18 5 668 11 5 1, 137 o 11 1,016 13 6 10,776 12 4 120 18 3 91 14 6 112 7 6 235 6 3 £ s. d. 3,492 15 8 2,294 14 4 63,505 o 10 39,925 10 11 42,106 13 10 44,358 6 5 436,516 17 2 21,351 4 10 25,894 5 1 5,547 17 9 4,131 7 10 £ s. d. 4,009 1 5 2,625 10 3 104,130 13 11 68,659 13 " 73,251 16 7 85,363 2 11 687,473 9 6 25.085 8 3 28,340 14 o 9,658 16 8 6,971 6 5 No. 9,826 8,091 315,552 177,603 190, 989 245,3/8 1,489,028 26,269 41,627 37, 797 20,658 No. 240 1,481 ! 25,850 33,033 42,669 • 17,755 181,597 892 No. No. No. 10,066 ; 6,433 ; 16,499 9,572 i 2,043 ! '1,615 1 341,402 : 79,025 ' 420,427 210,636 ! 46,470 257,106 233,658 ! 87,727 321,385 263,133 : 92,954 356,087 1,670,625 j 644,663 2,315,288 27,161 , 34,317 61,478 41,627 . 42,375 84,002 39,223 j 5,749 44,972 21,100 , 3,919 25,019 1,426 442 Total ... 347,843 14 4 21,504 4 o 37,097 o 10 406,444 19 2 !65S>°°I 4 10 18,090 12 10 16,026 17 o 689,124 14 8 1.095.569 13 10 J2,562,81% 305,385 2,868,203 1,045,675 3,913,878 1888-89. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Htirunui—Bluff Greymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton 419 18 2 374 2 o 34,007 15 7 24,680 4 5 22,188 14 2 30,954 16 10 182,167 6 5 3,146 7 ,5 1,942 18 o 3.143 2 o 2,606 5 5 48 15 6 28 13 o 2,645 6 6 947 7 8 1,669 17 5 1,146 3 10 io,530 7 1 222 6 6 78 10 5 323 11 4 174 16 5 73 2 8 2 12 9 3,487 4 o 2,490 5 9 2,897 8 3 3.5" 3 1 21,210 o 5 93 18 11 121 5 3 137 3 8 76 19 11 541 16 4 405 7 9 40,140 6 1 28,117 17 10 26,755 19 10 3S.612 3 9 1213,907 13 11 3,462 12 10 2,142 13 8 3,603 17 o > 2,858 1 9 3,856 o 5 2,617 19 7 60,494 8 4 36,518 17 11 ! 39>369 11 7 ; 32,002 17 1 |3 83>i95 5 o I 23,310 3 3 I 21,639 17 5 4,536 11 2 2,946 14 6 1 6 3 10 10 o 334 18 10 120 o 10 106 10 o 2,152 19 6 11,366 11 3 310 14 2 797 l3 I0 288 3 7 173 8 10 52 on 59 9 o 1,969 13 3 598 o 11 812 6 2 805 o 8 9,034 18 3 151 7 o 82 14 o 105 9 o 244 10 6 3,909 7 7 2,687 18 7 62,799 o 5 37,236 19 8 40,288 7 9 34,960 17 3 I-03.596 14 6 23.772 4 5 22,520 5 3 4,93o 3 9 3,364 13 10 4,451 3 " 3,093 6 4 102,939 6 6 65,354 17 6 67.044 7 7 70,573 1 o 617.504 8 5 27.234 17 3 24,662 18 11 8,534 o 9 6,222 15 7 9,9 22 7.773 338,913 177,449 IS9.!7 8 247,236 1,452,972 26,294 35.189 37.326 22,023 96 3,604 12,969 30,236 65,461 13,650 i5i,935 2,832 10,018 ' 6,415 ; 16,433 ii,377 ; 2, 125 ; 13,502 351,882 73,803 j 425,685 207,685 | 46,504 I 254,189 224,639 1 79,925 : 304,564 260,886 | 92,043 352,929 1,604,907 j 601,508 12,206,415 20,126 i 42,594 I 71,720 35.189 I 38,025 73,214 37'976 i 5,246 : 43,222 22,322 I 9,885 32,207 650 299 Total 305,631 10 5 17,815 15 8 34,101 4 8 ■357> 548 10 9 '610,488 6 3 15.662 17 1 13,915 9 8 640,066 13 o 997,6i5 3 9 281,732 2,796,007 I 998,073 3,794,080 2,514,275


RETURN No. 6. Estimated Cost of Construction of Railways, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines.

Note -The amount stated as cost of construction includes !he Provincial and General Government expenditure on railways opened and unopened, and also the purchase-money for the District Eailways taken over by the Government. '* Total opened whole year, and cost of extensions equivalent to time open... ... ... ... £13,899,955 Cost of extensions equivalent to portion of year unopened ... ... ■•■ ••■ •■• 15U,;»u Total opened Slst March, 1890 £14,050,735 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant. 1 '


1886.! 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1883. 1884. 1885. Section. State of Line. Cost of Construction. Net Revenue. Bateot CcS^° 1 Net Eate of Interest. stl ~°£ on . Revenue.., Interest. | °°st of Net Eate ol strucSon. Eevenue- I Iuterest- I C2 5t of Net Eate of struction. »^e™e- Interest1 ___^__ C°st oI Net Eate of BtrueSon. lteren"e- Interest' Cost of Net Kate 0 , BtaSrtton. Beven«e- InterestCost of Construction. Net Revenue. Bate of Interest. Cost of ]s; - et Btrucaon. ECTenueEate 01 Interest £ 26,603 36,949 54,153 £ 621 £ s. d. 2 6 8 £ 26,603 47,372 61,558 £ 621 £ s. d. 2 6 8 £ 86,283 £ 655 £ s. d. 0 15 2 £ 89,441 £ 958 £ s. d. 115 £ 90,528 £ 1,951 £ s. d. 2 3 1 £ 90,069 £ 1,393 £ s. d. 1 10 11 £ 89,993 £ 973 £ s. d. 118 £ 90,235 £ 857 £ s. a. 0 19 0 Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo Marton-Te Awamutuf (North End) \ Auckland Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened 420 0 15" 6 -20 64,032 488 0 15 3 68,241 60,780 617 0 18 1 69,961 182,869 717 10 6 69,721 135,501 81 0 2 4 69,722 104,838 108,978 1,688,971 161,186 662,832 64,708 976,465 74,510 7,785 99,018 1,400,674 692 0119 10 70,C95 49,054 ( 178,377 \ 1,720,587 134,414 656,164 133,390 1,050,095 15,459 1,200 ( 103,452 ( 1,408,900 398 0 11 4 1,112,720 64,592 419,299 32,003 764,860 3,017 27,295 2 9 1 1,179,937 106,209 469,584 22,200 781,417 7,963 28,079 2 7 7 1,319,672 106,441 551,218 34,275 2 12 0 17545,181 81,437 559,800 12,109 815,000 92,762 37,929 2 9 1 1,672,506 51,694 628,669 7,303 961,871 18,236 19,228 13 0 1,807,971 112,500 659,892 28,160 966,386 49,344 23,950 16 6 1.33,210 1 16 11 1 28,351 J 1 9 10 Napier Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 14,553 12^990 3 9' 5 1 14 0 18!572 11,126 3 19' 1 18 6 799,714 50,000 22^165 16,798 4 0 5 2 2 0 271647 20,850 4 18 9 2 11 2 29,341 22^036 4 13 4 2 5 10 27,645 19,436 4 3~ 9 2 0 3 31,346 20,753 4 14 7 2 2 6 34,214 25,623 5 43 2 8 10 Wellington Marton-Te Awamutu ( (South End) \ Wanganui Opened 1,097,046 72,714 40,237 15^499 18 3 1,221,567 10,876 41), 192 7,691 0 12' 7 1,334,573 12,362 0 18 6 1,349,900 18,330 41,815 8^650 0 12 10 1,398,738 7,255 0 10 4 1,403,041 9^765 0 13 11 I 13,312 0 17 9 j- 23,919 1 11 7 Unopened 41,404 41,816 41,798 41,895 41,898 Wellington - Foxton (private line) Stock .. Surveys Miscellaneous .. Hurunui-Blufl .. „ 103,730 3,891 2,507 6,299,303 326,035 163,097 43,895 80,802 163,362 7,535 5,168 6,615,631 325,004 166,269 88,095 78,665 43,000 206,945 8,467 156,683 5,700 192,307 14,567 139,742 16,612 5,168 6,908,840 311,389 176,975 46,200 127,018 17,129 5,168 7,288,049 355,199 180,300 15,959 127,230 37,777 214,402 14,111 166,700 8,214 195,800 ■ 23,805 300,241 17,334 5,169 7,428,562 419,786 189,393 15,959 127,234 54,549 214,804 14,111 163,965 12,500 198,570 28,130 162,595 20,229 5,169 7,574,218 440,437 195,114 15,959 127,234 69,389 222,894 14,111 165,178 12,500 198,494 30,465 105,072 26,163 5,169 7,580,494 503,246 199,121 15,959 127,234 92,274 232,934 14,111 165,087 12,500 198,548 32,442 75,590 • ■ 27,206 5,169 7,805,935 430,666 200,219 15,959 127,234 99,784 226,415 14,111 165,448 12,500 199,033 32,568 81,423 25,000 37,600 5,168 Opened Unopened Opened j Unopened 273,656 4 611 222,100 3 7* 2 251,782 3 12'lO 239,601 3 5~ 9 196^488 2 12 11 204,192 2 13 11 222,714 2 18 9 276,016 3 10 9 Greymouth 7^555 4 12 8 8,311 4 19 9 8,496 4 16 0 9,850 5 9 3 10,437 5 10 2 11,450 5 17 5 1338 6 12 6 8^338 4 3 3 „ Harbour Works Greymouth-Hokitika Westport Harbour Works Nelson I Opened 199,891 41335 2 3 4 6,619 3 3 11 210,886 13,593 164,490 7,500 193,511 16,000 263,823 6,128 2 18 1 8,492 3 19 2 10,385 4 16' 8 116 0 0 11 8,444 3 15 9 13,000 5 11 8 13,696 6 10 Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 153,224 2,000 188,802 13,567 81,250 2^461 1 12 1 1,828 13 4 2471 16 5 2,200 1 6~ 6 1^764 1,429 0 17 4 1,130 0 13 8 "'96 0 i' 2 Picton l[l41 0 12' 1 387 0 4 0 366 0 3 9 '278 0 2 10 "94 -270 252 0 2 6 1,274 0 12 10 Stock .. Stock in suspense Surveys Miscellaneous Opened 20,785 2,507 27,343 5,169 36,117 5,168 36,117 5,169 37,095 5,169 37,094 5,169 37,572 5,168 Total opened .. Total unopened 305,314 2 15 1 11.810,194 1,046,433 355,686 3 0 3 12,472,814 1,253,352 357,078 2 17 3 13,017,567 1,201,549 299,696 2 6 0 13,352,978 1,250,131 307,515 2 0 0 13,472,837 1,402,350 350,570 2 12 0 "13,899,955 1,264,803 412,782 2 19 5 10,478,998 930,481 360,526 3 8 10 11,078,501 1,147,629 2 2 2 412,782 2 14 5 Gross total 11,409,479 360,526 3 3 2 12,226,130 305,314 2 9 12,856,627 355,686 2 15 4 13,726,166 357,078 2 12 0 14,219,116 299,696 14,603,109 307,515 2 2 1 14,875,187 350,570 2 7 2 15,164,758


RETURN No. 7. Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure for the last Eleven Financial Years.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

RETURN No. 8. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working, for Five Chief Sections.

A C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

3-D. la.


Year. Miles. Expenditure Revenue. Expenditure, per cent, of Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Horses, and Dogs. Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs. Passengers. Season Tickets. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1,172 1,277 I.3I9 1,358 1=396 1.477 1,613 1,727 1,758 1,777 1,809 £ 762,573 836,454 892,026 953.347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 998,768 994,843 997,6i5 1,095,570 £ 580,010 521,957 523,099 592,821 655.990 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 647,045 682,787 76'o6 62 '40 58-64 62-18 68-24 65-99 65-91 69-99 69-09 64-86 62-32 1,108,108 1.377,783 1,437,714 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 1,747,754 1,735,762 1,920,431 2,073,955 Wo. 180,331 286,865 316,611 341,186 359.896 347>42S 349,428 372,397 399,109 399,056 405,838 Mb, 285,209 300,704 343,7Si 477.075 686,287 729,528 858,662 942,017 940,209 9'9.392 1,068,575 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,9",477 3.283.378 3.272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 3,426,403 3,451,850 3,132,803 3,376,459 No. 5,077 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 11,821 11,518 11,817 12,311

Section, Ton-Mileage. -si 0 H gig. Ton-Mileage. I TonMileage. m 1S84-SJ. 1883-S6. : 886-8' I. Auckland ... ... 7,085,574 2-43 Napier ... ... 2,983,237 2'I3 Wellington ... ... 3,388,925 3'i8 Wanganui ... ... 2,536,332 3-38 Huranui-Bluff ... ... 42,877,369 2'47 Totals ... ... 58,871,437 2'53 1885-S8. Auckland ... ... 8,276,481 2-55 Napier ... ... 4,094,397 2-30 Wellington ... ... 4,028,006 2'8i Wanganui ... ... 3,676,963 4'15 Ihirunui-Bluff ... ... 39,781,108 2^47 S,539,210 3,880,550 3,992,644 3,497,669 41,097,413 61,007,486 2'24 2-15 278 3 -8i 2-48 2-52 2'24 2-15 278 3-8i 2-48 i88g-g< 8,158,758 4,266,747 4,167,454 3,465,445 39,068,490 59,126,894 2"6o 2*06 2-87 4'33 2'59 2-68 18SS-S9. t. 7.950,854 4,182,146 4,012,443 3,487,911 39,557,567 2'19 1-95 2-84 391 2'37 8,177,770 4,963,864 4,5 J 6,965 4,553,668 46,789,728 2-l6 i-6 5 2-42 3-08 2'07 Totals ... ... 59,856,955 2'6° 2'6o 59,190,921 2-44 69,001,995 2-14


RETURN No. 9. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


Classification of Work. Si I1 3 3 5"» II! £0Q O S i 5 . Si o o .si I £ s. a. & s. a. & s. a. ; £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. s s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d.j £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. c\. £ s. a. Track surfacing.. 339 14 4 304 o 4 14,45° 5 i' 6,839 14 3 6,343 3 5 12,074 18 9 26,839 3 II: :I,228 7 I 11,223 9 5^ 846 4 10 1,276 5 2! 904 13 5 9i5 14 3 103,585 14 3 Track renewals 22 2 7 84 18 11 6,460 5 5 1,466 6 11 1,161 18 11 5,306 5 7 14,600 19 4 6,991 14 10 4,145 13 d 914 2 3 1,561 o 6' 1,080 4 7 507 5 3 44,302 18 10 Ballasting 8 17 6 45 15 9 943 1 9 47 4 4 108 15 3 729 15 1 i,337 T3 ol i,n5 17 9 627 10 7 220 1 250 5 8| 14 5 9. 5,231 4 5 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels Bridges, culverts, drains 315 11 11 69 7 3 1,246 18 6 324 15 II 823 13 io' 1,062 2 9 754 5 4 4,°93 7 3 \ 2,252 1 8 5 10 6^ 49 19 8 ; 84 14 7 3 7 Io 11,085 T7 ° 125 17 9 13 12 6 2,680 10 8 1 1 ,i,75i 8 o 1,517 13 3 t 2,531 10 3 7,074 16 11 3,342 9 o ] j T,444 14 7 293 13 4j 1,263 11 3 238 14 3 554 J4 3 22,833 6 o Fences, gates, cattlestops, hedges Roads, approaches, &c. 2150 19 14 6' 788 11 8 175 o 10 264 3 o. : 1,120 6 9' 1 1 2,881 9 2 4,249 1 o 1,023 13 7 ; 31 18 10' 1 10 o 168 6 9 74 o 10 10,800 11 11 7 5O 370 12 31 55 7 8 54 o 1 145 16 5 548 11 11 363 11 4 125 19 o; 72 o 1 16 5 7 48 4 5 7 19 5 1,815 13 2 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances Wharves 6 10 9 I 301 19 4 1 187 o 4 166 3 10 438 13 10 . 1,518 13 5 1,149 6 8 381 17 7 28 4 2 276 11 6 22 6 6, 5° 14 * 4,S28 2 O 200 12 2 .. j .. 4 5O 4 9 7 42 14 11 9 7.2 116 1 11 38 3 8 283 11 6 213 16 6i 913 2 5 Buildings o 15 o i,358 14 2 470 12 8 376 o o j i,533 5 7 8,637 9 2 3,136 17 3: 1,362 16 II 125 16 4 1 389 o 8 113 11 2 66 6 1 I7-57 1 5 o Miscellaneous °43 1,054 J8 9 563 19 3 1,859 14 8, 736 o 5; 7,052 13 2 4,574 8 6 1,187 I0 L \ 370 9 10 716 6 2 1,260 18 11 30 2 o 19,407 6 o Total expenditure.. 821 9 10 545 13 6 29,856 9 9 1 11,881 10 2 12,675 6 3 25,683 o 5 71,250 4 11 50,287 15 7 23,784 m 4 2,806 4 I 5,838 19 10 4,219 11 10 2,424 o 6; '242,075 1 Kate per mile of railway on average mileaga open during the year 102 13 9 77 19 1 "7 15 4! 122 9 10 139 9 4 119 9 I J57 4 T 149 2 8| 89 1 7 35O 15 C 307 6 4 183 9 2. J34 !3 4 !34 H


RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1889.


Stations. g it's §* || Traffic 2 '• a o Expenditure. ~~ § fa I * !*§ i M i : I J Number of % 33 : fl ffi 13 j 11 Outward. m I ■ „• I S j I o : V \ g. Coaching. Inward. ° i O I Equiv. I SS ff , *c. Stock, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. j l_ Outward. Grain. M<dit an" S Mi—ls- i j Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Live-Stock, < joods m ih m 5 rOOdS, &c. o Q I O © 2 O2 _J Equiv. Tonffi, nage for nu „ , S Live-Stook, Chaff ' &c&c. Inward. Wool. Firewood. Timber. 1 Inward. Grain. j M^- I Minerals. Total. Grand Total f Tonnage. Ordinary I Passengers. CO! Season Tickets. Coaching. taching. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. [Revenue. I I Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations 1 U o SO to o p § n! 0 Q Goods, Miscellaneous. i 1 C?mrnis asio a n. ! Total Goods. Kawakawa Section— Kawakawa Opua Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous General 9 9 2 5 £ s. d.] 286 3 10 6S0 18 1 3,311 3,586 1 .. 1 152 40 10 10 1 28 29 40| 152! 10 10 29 28 "3 27 21 1,364 40 89 2 Ts. c Ts. c. '5 0 Ts. c. 48 4 Ts. c. Ts. c. 1 6 167 11 Ts. c Ts. c. 472 13 1,411 15 Ts. c. 23,394 5! 133 0! Ts. p. 23,916 8 1,717 6 Ts. c. 3 21 27 40 1,364 89 Ts. c. Ts. c. 5 0 Ts. o.i 48 4 Ts. c. Ts. c. 167 11 1 6 Ts. c. Ts. c. 1,411 15 . 472 13l .. Ts. o.| 133 0 23,394 5 Ts. c. 1,717 6 23,916 8 Ts. c. £ s. d. 222 10 4 214 2 1 £ s. d. 10 10 0 3' 4 0 39 17 10 £ s. d. 10 16 2 7 4 10 £ s. d. 243 16 6 221 6 11 3 4 ,0 39 17 10 8 0 6 2,56: 80! s. d. 7 1 2 10 £ s. d. 0 13 5 68 10 10 £ s. d. 2 0 0 50 1 6 £ s. d. 2,565 0 6 927 15 2 £ s. el. 2,808 17 0 1,149 2 1 3 4 0 39 17 10 8 0 6 Kawakawa Section— Kawakawa. Opua. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. • ■ •• 80 6 1 81 14 1 57 15 1 69 4 3 Totals. Totals 192 20 57 1,404 91 57 15 5 0 48 4 168 17 1,884 8 23,527 5 25,633 1. 25,691 9 48 1,4041 91 5 0 48 4: 168 17 1,884 8 23,527 5; 25,633 14 25,691 9 436 12 5 53 11 10 26 1 6 516 5 9 3,37: 9 11 52 1 6 3,492 15 8 4,009 1 5 1,048 16 0] 6,897! 192 57 Whangarei Section— Whangarei Wharf .. Accountant Miscellaneous General 10 9 454 11 1\ 10,222; 13 104 2 404 10 Oj 49 0 25 0 188 15 5 0 3,396 1 15,402 6| 19,071 7 13 104 o 404 10 0 49 Oj 25 0 188 15 0 5 3,396 1 15,402 6 19,071 0 288 8 3 37'l2 5 4'l5 3 288 8 3 37 12 5 4 15 3 2,225 ; . 4 10 16 17 1 52 12 5 2,294 14 4 2,583 2 7 37 12 5 4 15 3 Whangaeei Section— Whangarei Wharf. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. ■• ( \ 77 13 0! - .. • • Totals 13 104 404 40 0 10 0 49 0! 25 0 188 15 5 0 3,396 1 15,402 6 19,071 7 19,111 7 13 104 404: 40 0 10 0 49 25 0 188 15 . 0 5 3,396 1 15,402 6 19,071 7 19,111 7! 288 8 3 37 12 5 4 15 3 330 15 11 2,22! ; 4 10 16 17 1 52 12 5 2,294 14 4 2,625 10 3 Totals. 532 4 1! 10,222] Auckland Section — Helensville Avondale Mount Eden Newmarket Auckland (Coaching) „ (Goods) .. Remuera Ellerslie Penrose Junction .. Onehunga Wharf .. Otahuhu Papakura Drury Pukekohe Tuakau Pokeno Mercer Huntly Taupiri Ngaruawahia Frankton Junction .. Hamilton West Morrinsville Te Aroha Cambridge Oxford Lichfield Ohaupo Te Awamutu Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous G eneral 16 11* 12 j 19 i 19 19J! 12J 18 I 16* 9 i 13 j 124 12 ] 12 12 13 18J 9 94 9 l\ 9 10i: 10 12 12 9 Q 1 1 8 63 3 1 4 11 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1,025 11 4; 147 15 ll\ 162 9 6j 942 9 3! 7,647 2 8 385 13 4; 159 14 li; 440 8 9 1,205 19 0; 147 18 6i 155 14 2! 145 15 111 128 2 2; 199 7 3 142 12 0] 105 4 1 404 14 0 378 6 10 121 1 0 299 17 5 206 10 ] 216 14 1 106 2 2 444 2 8 492 13 5 137 17 2 125 8 4 65 0 7 311 19 3 19,420| 2,178 6,825; 22,560! 93,541j 3,831 10,969! 4,151 25,600: 8J367! 4,453; 3,408 5,027! 2,569! 1,7531 8,127 2,430! 998 1 2,165i 2,077 i 3,504; 1,911! 3,388! 3,359! 704 1,408] 855' 2,623| 24i 75| 309 10 11 180 493 44 104 20 108 58 11 5 27 31 > 2 3 518 334 765 1,016 18,592 91 94 378 4,062 114 2,897 1,185 165 2,332 985 114 423 475 106 640 384 1,582 496 386 954 224 1* 190 '531 \ 20 17 1 22 73 19 22 28 1 "21 16 18 29 5 '29 2 • ■ I 1 2 109: 16 75 226 593 56 83 73 96 5 78 61 56 40 19 20 52 11 20 35 31 68 34 42 45 21 9 32 42 5,380 193 106 1, 703: 9,295! ~368i 366! 84 419' l,902; 334 869 699 2,896 841 618 989J 1,616 397; 998 204! 2,O8S! 664 1,360! 1,836: 1,153; 462 633! 1,709 40 3 26 78 29 23 18 1 17 9 15 29 5 3 12 % i 34 6 20! "I 1 10 19 It O 1 J. 1 250 28 23 134 423 I "30! 45 64 65 42 73 132 69 61 21 22l 49! 46 13 48 38 67 40 34 46 21 19 63 77 41 Q "l 4 2 1 3 912 220 1 139 7 298 18 154 232 70 714] 1441 354 1,307 295 463 1,549 51 193 344 1 7 Hi 5 98 '69 22 238 5 77 19 6 448 804 1 57 6,552 "96 53 2,794 683 1,547 133 864 1,699 147 6,826| 860 1,981 5,505 16,661 633 4,414 2,512 171 6,392 2,471 10 7 "54 37 159 8 60 42 17 130 0 100 01 10 0] I 40 0 855 0 165 0 585 0 1,010 Oj 35 0 10 0 600 0 175 0 75 0! 310 0] 90 0! 195 0! 660 0 137 0 3 16 •' i I 30 12! 5 16; 10 12 9 161 13 4 1 4 6 12: 31 12 2 4 55 12 7 4 20 16 61 12 170 12 3 8 109 4 46 4 19 16 18 0 40 4 164 0 1,072 0 12 0 11 0 782 0 44 0 52 0 124 0 637 0 142 0 5 0 11 0 12 0 2,019 18 670 2 68 5 2 13 977 15 23 1 151 17 374 6 593 19 8 17 27 11 8 1 19 14 2 18 195 12 115 16 1 0 7 15 0 18 87 11 28 8 183 16 101 7! 155 0; 277 5 67 3 10 9 1 10 32 2 3,269 17 18 16 1 10 308 4 2,323 8 1,087 7 57 1 152 4 474 1 532 8 17 4 951 15 6 16 100 2 639 10 58 4 1,347 7 384 15 505 5 1,233 3 12 0 2 3 764 6 1,210 0 2,650 0 635 4 306 10 527 19 14,764 1 11 1 7 14 3,190 4 1,869 5 1,050 18 96 13 203 6 194 19 612 17 . 150 2 253 5l 172 0| 133 l! 117 6! 346 1] 91 12; 565 12 147 13 167 1 281 17 57 15] 40 16 272 3; 529 2 34 6 7,187 19 524 10 125 13 8,121 17 5 2 1,323 6 123 9 4,580 15 875 3 13 0 33 18 'l7 2 16,433 2 29,124 6 4 0 685 7 17 2 140 12 18 0 37 12 32 6 111 0 5 8 15 8 112 19 5,202 7 9,679 10 900 15 700 7 27,143 10 34 19 7 14 4,515 0 2,374 19 8,919 10 2,963 19 875 5 1,693 16 2,755 19 905 7 300 2 18,219 3 29,456 5 547 12 2,114 18 278 14 2,322 18 1,402 18 800 17 2,079 18 968 15 273 10 1,369 17 2,359 10 6 "2 7 "3 "5 2 7| 1 1 2] 8 [ 1 3 1 7! 311 17 8 55 7,617 9 227 "57 10 87 18 A 81 o 240 121 21 9 2,341 j '133; 552; 45,319 80 6,187 327 259 7 832 447 298 359 712 316 358 182 17 21 1,357 1,139 371 775 1,077 528 23 35 167 4,288 .. •• I 27 "22 °14 10 0 120 0 90 0 65 0 2,575 0 5 0 '5 0 5 0 1,145 0 170 0 225 0 10 0 6 8 746 8 1 4J 5 0 39 4 6 4 59 0 164 0 1,296 0 779 0 237 0 56 0 5 0 44 0 240 0 33 0 22 0 11 0 12 0 10 0 30 0 235 17 313 9 1,167 6 1,640 8 21 2 2 13 4 8 68 12 188 7 55 10 17 7 118 0 115 9 70 12 79 14 397 13 5 6 56 0 52 5 208 1 133 8 80 13 162 15 348 18 1 18 196 2 361 12 893 11 14 5 2 12 267 16 10,143 18 47 1 2 4 4 13 91 9 309 11 87 5 239 1 95 9 205 9 164 13 49 1 191 12 286 17 32 9 201 8 15 17 342 6 96 16 536 9 289 11 320 13 . 254 4 175 1 207 9 3,330 2 120 7 95 2 199 7 10,039 7 11 5 18 10 453 4 601 3 4,848 0 1,747 14 424 6 502 19 807 2 392 16 256 16 352 5 653 11 146 6 470 3 82 18 688 1 122 7 652 19 680 16 469 13 172 16 259 7 846 15 2,176 8 900 4 1,485 16 6,981 8 24,398 3 156 15 1,995 6 1,871 7 8,051 13 5,498 6 2,020 1 898 19 257 3 956 18 318 11 184 0 214 12 793 10 375 3 914 3 64 14 1,252 8 297 0 2,327 8 2,137 12 762 7 90 5 488 3 1,834 19 6,704 18 1,638 13 4,136 16 8,292 11 49,780 4 298 7 2,028 13 2,329 4 8,831 17 10,724 9 4,294 11 1,650 16 894 18 2,092 9 2,136 9 741 9 1,075 3 2,151 11 589 4 1,641 14 230 14 2,907 16 969 11 4,075 9 3,329 14 2,144 11 619 3 1,342 13 3,514 7 3,178 17 1 112 15 6 773 18 11 2,068 2 2 12,826 11 2 294 13 10 590 10 2 281 5 7 1,571 0 6 667 6 8 632 17 10 530 6 10 994 3 2 442 1 8 327 19 8 1,293 0 9 555 18 1 195 5 10 577 16 4 506 6 0 1,207 18 8 543 17 7 1,050 7 2 918 4 10 577 19 2 251 7 1 270 8 6 998 9 10 2 15 6 1 16 0 13 18 6 28 2 0 197 17 5 670 16 1 83 10 3 143 5 3 48 2 10 212 3 3 107 5 9 10 18 0 3 10 0 12 10 0 4 10 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 59 16 0 22 0 9 49 4 9 97 1 6 1,577 4 3 35 11 11 31 7 10 56 4 1 108 19 4 11 10 11 141 18 9 72 19 4 20 1 2 155 12 4 44 1 11 9 6 2 44 14 10 44 1 2 11 6 0 44 12 10 59 1 2 145 16 0 42 19 11 59 1 2 81 1 9 18 14 10 11 14 4 23 17 9 63 5 0 124 0 0 3.240 9 1 148 14 9 851 5 8 2,363 1 1 15,074 11 6 .. 413 16 0 765 3 3 385 12 6 1,892 3 1 11 10 11 916 11 2 716 15 2 553 18 0 1,162 5 6 490 13 7 339 5 10 1,340 15 7 599 19 3 206 11 10 623 9 2 565 7 2 1,353 14 8 586 17 6 1,109 8 4 999 6 7 596 14 0 263 1 5! 294 6 3 1,061 14 10 126 15 6 1,499 14 4 71 19 7 3,426 1,737 222 623 16,372 394 I 1,238 418 2,612 1,035 378 677 1,251 463 294 6,502 10,084 749 1,200 379 2,437 1,684 817 2,120 601 128 1,671 1,905 i 13 8 ' 4 7 ! 17 8 ! 5 7 i 5 2 : = 7 4 ' 2 2 ! 3 11 ! 16 11 I 14 8 i 9 1 i 6 8 ! 16 11 L 7 3 ! 14 1 t 4 1 I 19 5 t 15 10 ) 15 11 ) 10 4] 5 7 0 J 15 10 1 1 11 I 13 4] D 11 6: L 4 0 I 18 5 L 8 0 5 5 9; 148 10 8 0 10 1 13 1 3 12 9 17 1 9 104 11 7 18 9 0 9 9 0 5 10 2 8 9 6 6 10 0 10 7 0 17 10 12 4 0 3 14 6 1 10 11 0 12 0 Cr.O 2 10 8 4 11 2 12 8 4 18 11 3 11 9 3 4 7 O.I 6 7 '2 19 8 19 4 0 12 0 0 59 5 7 177 2 0 276 4 3 7 0 0 5' 0 0 4 0 0] 6 2 0 5 0 0^ 133 0 0 8 5 0 3,594 8 4 1,749 5 7 283 16 4 804 0 4 293 6 0 16,476 16 9 394 7 4 14 2 2 1,238 3 11 425 5 8 2,613 4 5 1,035 14 11 378 6 8 680 5 8 1,261 14 1 470 6 8 299 4 l! 6,636 17 3 10,105 4 10 753 9 7 1,202 1 8 389 19 0 2,440 8 0 1,692 6 10 825 6 0 2,140 0 5 604 15 9 132 3 0 1,670 1 5 1,923 13 5 997 2 7 Cr. 26 17 5 6,834 17 5 1,898 0 4 1,135 2 0 3,167 1 5 15,367 17 6 16,476 16 9 808 3 4 779 5 5 1.623 16 5 2,317 8 9 2.624 15 4 1,952 6 1 1,095 1 10 1,234 3 8 2,423 19 7 961 0 3 638 9 11 7,977 12 10 10,705 4 1 960 1 5 1,825 10 5 955 6 2 3,800 2 8 2,279 4 4 1,934 14 4 3,139 7 0 1,201 9 9 395 4 5 1,964 7 8 2,985 S 3 1,123 18 1 1,472 16 11 71 19 7 Auckland Section— Helensville. Avondale. Mount Eden. Newmarket. Auckland (Coaching). (Goods). Kemuera. Ellerslie. Penrose Junction. Onehunga. Wharf. Otahuhu. Papakura. Drury. Pukekohe. Tuakau. Pokeno. Mercer. Huntly. Taupiri. Ngaruawahia. Frankton Junction. Hamilton West. Morrinsville. Te Aroha. Cambridge. Oxford. Lichfield. Ohaupo. Te Awamutu. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. '*2 'ati 26 'h 18 4 5 42] 46 i 11 1 1 10 10 * * I 1 r. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 '25 2 14 39 '272 8 411 152 398 372; 189 34 11 0 '5 ol 21 0 • • 1 Si I 4 84 131 32: 79; 45 27 104 233 90 10 238 398 143 40 .. ! •■ i 7 1 '5 0 300 0 305 0 5 0 140 0 100 0 185 0 90 0 10 0 117 0 320 0 173 0 54 0 103 0 i' 0 0 10 0 0 8 15 0 5 0 0 14 10 0 1 2 24 210 0 5 0 .. 0 105 0 190 0 185 Oi 553 0 104 0 40 0 3 2,122! 436] 136 .. ! 17! 2,712 "1 5] 1 48 188 19 39 0 173 0 5 0 12 15' 8 0 997 2 7 ■ * i •• 14 I * * I 1,499'14 4 .. ;O.26 17 5 '■i\i * ' I 7119 7 3,001 5 5 t . 1 Totals 64,304 4,589 4,235 4 5,555 0] 805 0 3,987 6,103 5 15,568 II 29,445 17 69,703 2 131,167 14 135,402 18 72 10,034 790 64,304 4,589 4,235 4 5,555 0! 805 0 3,987 0 6,103 5 15,568 10 29,445 17 69,703 2 131,167 14 135,402 18; 34,242 6 1 3,043 19 8 3,339 7 4 40,625 13 1 61,431 16 2 303 6 3 1,702 18 5 63,505 0 10 104,130 13 11 Totals. :i33 19,453 10 8 248,300 1,489 40,182j 481] 37! 2,048 40,182! 4S1 37 2,048 7-2 10,034] 790 Napier Section — Spit Napier Farndon Hastings Te Aute Kaikora Waipawa Waipukurau Takapau Ormondville Makotuku Dannevirke Woodvillo Head Office Aocountant Miscellaneous General 9 I 134! 12| u\ a 12 9J 10} 11 12j 14j I 5 14 I 2 ! 1 6 i 2 2 3 3 5 680 9 9 2,180 2 10 289 11 4 993 15 10 123 15 10 246 8 8 303 16 0 745 5 4 200 19 5 193 2 4 347 18 8 271 16 6 664 12 9 42,588! 10,989 40,1071 2,182 4,038 8,479: 13,012 4,102 3,721 3,306 4,765 12,291 1 164! 178 265 1 41 11 39 18 12 28 15 7 I I 1,816 9,170: 593] 2,109 354 1 510 1,573 l> 1,651 s- 765 1,075 415 796 1,03ft "■15 280 6 375 8 58 61 166 37 1 2 51 148 1 111 5 2 "I 3 l! 34 458 97 536 79 58 172 202 106 55 38 110 232 387 2,490 523 2,908 1,025 1.701 2', 681 2,426 2,144 1,246 744 1,917 1,665 14 241 Q O 345 12 89! 48 171 32 60 180] 69 347 110 464 95! 110 185 199 122 58 30 135 253 5 10 4! 5i 1 3 6 4 1 1 2 1 25 5 14 145j 9 19 9 54! 50 6 3 6 455 "l 53 1 20 1 1,474 1 129 3,955 879 4,408 4,106 2,338 4,065 100 65 350 305 A 288 125 0 245 Oj 25 0 5 0 k 0 206 12 1 8 605 8 1,079 8 204 4 605 16 635 16 891 12 291 4 7 16 3 8 361 12 125 16 30 0 32 0 33 0 542 0 28 0 152 0 37 0 14,037 0 866 0 5,314 0 1,010 0 6 0 42 1 137 17 25 18 55 12 5 6 5 18 23 0 688 19 5,123 0 487 14 7,671 12 6,018 8 45 5 1,358 3 337 16 772 4 1,897 1 115 6 230 3 112 14 41 1 359 1 19 9 22 17 9 3 59 12 5,391 (i< 2,190 0 7,728 17 772 6 69 18 97 11! 264 7 1,403 14 261 lOj 108 8; 126 7 124 4 241 12 4,727 11 597 3 183 10 23 1 5 0 256 8 30 8] 11,725 13 3,294 4! 9,472 17 4,105 8 966 14 972 8 1,444 5 3,097 14 20,071 15 1,501 8 13,229 5 7,539 7 487 5 4 6 7 O 2 1 5 1 1 ii 103 7 148 334 7 20 let 97 3i 1 1 2 7 20,065 40 4,210 3,326 155 877 577 5,966 322 140 183 72S 1,768 352 294 76 2 1 300 21 105 0 155 0 25 0 15 0 70 0 10 0 15 0 4,711 16 8 4 257 12 37 4 3 16 1 0 0 8 1,433 0 3,427 0 10,508 0 3,068 0 23 0 62 0 604 0 2,547 0 403 0 5,709 14 5,962 3 967 4 1,590 15; 191 9 1,294 7 699 0 2,536 18 419 5 148 4 24 17! 46 11 740 31 2,221 6 361 17 92 18 516 12 55 17 305 1 283 0 304 7 173 18 160 3 87 3 389 0 383 8 8,450 7 1,213 5 506 1 2.079 17 279 19 625 13 902 16 1.080 3 497 3 460 2 208 9 783 8 1,692 17 227 4 2,422 9 202 16 2,139 3 36 13 95 6 148 19 394 3 63 14 78 9 12 5 32 17 32 5 22,858 7 13,549 18 12,594 11 9,456 11 601 18 2,452 7 2,651 11 6,878 11 1,557 8 856 18 332 14 1,251 16 2,865 13 7,757 1 1 780 9 7 4,764 14 8 334 3 1 700 7 10 1,693 19 3 2,360 14 8 754 3 8 559 0 10 444 5 7 961 0 7 3,928 13 5 0 11 11 290 12 6 77 10 9 271 12 0 2 10 0 3 10 0 17 4 0 11 0 0 1 10 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 1 10 0 118 12 5 845 11 9 32 11 5 381 3 1 24 11 11 63 8 10 124 13 4 205 13 7 69 0 4 47 18 7 25 15 9 97 13 0 293 7 3 56 10 0 118 12 5 8,893 5 4 890 11 9 5,417 9 9 361 5 0 767 6 8 1,835 16 7 2,577 8 3 824 14 0 609 19 5 477 1 4 1,060 3 7 4,222 0 8 57 1 11 591 13 4 29 13 0 6,86i 2,93^ 3,41c 1,63: 32( 88' 1,11' 2,81! 6,61! 47! 6,22! 4,55! 1,32! CrA 14 11 13 4 0 9 19 9 5 6| 16 6 16 5 4 2 12 6 2 7 8 11 4 8 8 9 8 0 7 9 2 56 17 1 16 0 35 11 11 2 7 1 19 6 Or .26 7 8 2 16 5 14 7 37 10 0 55 0 0 10 0 37 11 0 43 0 0 120 2 0 5 0 0 18 0 0 45 5 7 2 5 9 303 17 1 6,907 14 1 3,046 10 5 3,414 0 9 1,668 11 8 357 16 6 890 3 7 1,119 5 11 2,828 16 6 6,738 10 11 478 7 2 6,247 8 11 4 r 610 19 11 1,334 19 4 '.303 9 1 Cr. 21 9 10 7,026 6 6! 11,939 15 9! 4,304 18 6 7,086 1 5 719 1 6 1,657 10 3 2,955 2 6 5,406 4 9 7,563 4 11 1,088 6 7 6,724 10 3 5,671 3 6 5,557 0 0 360 11 0 570 3 6 29 13 0 Napieb Section—■ Spit. Napier. Farndon. Hastings. Te Aute. Kaikora. Waipawa. Waipukurau. Takapau. Ormondville. Makotuku. Dannevirke. Woodville. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. "21 I 12 1 86 1 16 0 9 0 •• I 20 10 0 5 0 I 1 2; 62] 6 9 8 .10 4 10 "6 ' ' ! 3,620 13,282 45 '5 0 12 0 fi '' "6 •• •• I • • 1 591 13 4 Of. 21 9 10 ■ ■ ! .. 2913 0 I I 54 1,067 18 7 8,309 14 7 149,5811 i 747 21,857 I Totals 1,208 21,857 1,208 2,177 43 801 70 38,357 1,046 1,416 13 410 0 5,020 0 22,087 0! 120,330 10 —- 5,334 10 18,780 0 5,946 3 77,908 3 79,324 16 i;i 800; 76 38,357 1,046 1,416 13 410 0 5,020 0 22,087 0 20,330 10| 5,334 10 18,780 0 5,946 3 77,908 3 79,324 16 25,039 6 2 1,278 12 2,416 4 3 28,734 3 0 39,179 0 9 77 18 9 668 11 5 39,925 10 11 68,659 13 11 Totals. S4 2,177 ! ! 4--D. 1a.



RETURN NO. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1890.

Coaching. Live-Stock, Goods, &c. Stations. I S a 11 R Number of Traffic : f Expenditure, ujl . Ms 1 Outwi ird. Inward. Outward. ■f Inward. Keve; me. I •s 63 Q O a o o $ ha o P If j M j 6 j I a j I 1 03 O Q so Equiv. io° nLive° Chaff, &c. i Wool, j Firewood. Timber. ! Stock, &c. Grain. I M^- ; Minerals. Total. I Grand Total ■ Tonnage. j 6 > o 6D s Equiv. Tonnage for Live-Stock, &c. I i Wool. Firewood, j Timber. Merchan- ,-.. , dise. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations. Chaff, &b. Grain. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. Goods. Miscellaneous. I Rents and j Commission. Total Goods. Wellington Section — Eketahuna Masterton.. Cartertou .. Greytown .. Peatherston Cross Creek Summit .. Xaitoke Upper Hutt Lower Hutt Petone Ngatiauranga Wellington ) (Wharf) j Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous General 13 12 11 10J 10 9 10 11 17 17 12 4 7 2 2 4 3 1 1 6 4 3 1 & s. d. 468 0 3 877 15 2 [ 311 19 10 264 1 6 364 15 10 430 1 11 ■ 132 18 4 93 17 8 576 18 3 607 1 2 428 16 1 121 0 3 7,142 16,292 5.506 5,232: 7.141 : 720; 7,364| 29,953 33,267! 9,984 ( 87,771 \ ■■ 29; 8J 10 14 29 65! 412! 175 95 557J 532 2,824 901 710 1,370 558 3,833 13,991 418 76 13,331 20 110 47J 2l! 97| "■ i ''I 3 9lj i 153; 3 9 2 • •1st 4 1 177 325 110 50! 207 24 71 294 91 50 S32 2,358 4,590 2,256! 1,999 3,302 1.143 954 887 961 239 19,905 70 89 40 12 52 12 2 145 3 120 9 15| 5! 9 11 "i 239: 502! 1641 39! 375| 24i 144| 167! 99! 40 1 438 s 1 1 1 121 689. 210J 267' 3 'il 191 2,734 74,866 27,247| 972| 65,653J 34 145 28 474! 926 177 65 73 333 Ts. c. Ts. c. 90 0 355 0 460 0 110 0 75 0 155 0 30 0 165 0 Ts. 0. 155 4 .,063 4 432 0 62 0 821 0 .. I I 34 Oi 10 4i 9 8! 253 16 1 Ts. c. 99 0 58 0 1,682 0 15 0 216 0 649 0 3,349 0 313 0 Ts. c.j 105 10 1,493 15 9.244 9 2,464 17 5,732 17 i 596 4 1,096 5 1,411 10 19 1& Ts. c. 144 14 1,407 1 328 11 255 2 815 3 102 11 121 0 Ts. c. 131 0 965 6j 344 15 159 • SJ 410 5: 35 0J 170 12 159 7 1,992 18| 5,289 16 22,100 15 171 13 Ts. c. 54 10J 689 9 38 10 9 17 "' 12 0 2,161 17 173 19 408 5 4,975 8 4,564 1 Ts. c. 779 18 6,031 15 12,530 5 3,066 2 8,080 2 1,469 4 4,770 12 4,341 2 2,440 9 5,698 1 40,689 14 5,335 13 Ts. c 10 4 5; 1 10 I 185 25J 22 19 42 "28 60 612 271 113 59 14 2,136 1,040 720 27 828 8 75 373 115,566 49,963 2,243 100 53 Ts. c. Ts. c. 85 0; 235 0 io 0 530 0 5 0 Ts. c.j 5 0 1 8 '6 12; 0 12 201 8! 6 16 2,692 0! 8,741 4, Ts. 0. 58 0 360 0! 1,228 0! • ■ 5 0J 379 0! 403 0 11 0 3,937 0! Ts. c. 353 3l 252 lj 21 16: 77 8 346 13 •• 22 4 88 li 504 18 2,853 12 159. 14 18,075 1 1,121 14 Ts. c. 368 171 474 13 156 18 212 1 424 18 3 19 86 4 217 11 23 13! Ts. c. 1,341 17 2,062 3 904 19 625 6 1,255 fg 114 0 290 14 140 0 747 8 337 13 8,540 8 15,570 4 Ts. c. 102 9 536 3 89 12! 58 12! 594 17 21 19: 7S 8 101 14J 3,423 18 55 18 7,705 1C 318 16 Ts. c. 2,309 6 3,925 0 1,174 13 983 7 4,380 18! 167 2 543 7 1,348 15 7,652 19 571 1 43,736 7 28,440 2 Ts. c. •• £ s. a. 1,709 14 5 3,834 18 6 1,376 16 6 1,146 15 8 1,896 1 7 115 6 11 850 16 9 2,147 14 7 1,999 5 11 377 10 lj 10,317 17 6l £ s. 2 0 7 17 6 12 8 0 5 10 456 15 275 12 63 18 600 5 a. 0 6 6 0 £ s. a. 74 0 5 318 18 2 104 11 8 69 13 11 196 12 8 27 0 6 234 18 4 832 2 5 34 0 7 9 8 7 1,327 18 1 £ s. a. 1,783 14 io! 4,155 16 8: 1,489 5 8 1,223 2 1! 2,100 14 3 ' * 142 7 5 1,091 5 1 3,436 12 0! 2,308 19 31 450 16 8: 12,246 1 2; £ s. d. 716 12 6 7,092 9 3 7,263 7 10 1,789 0 0 6,901 13 6 433 18 4 1,028 7 4 814 19 9 572 5 6 1,157 16 7 12,752 6 6 280 10 2 £ s. d. 1 19 8 10 19 5 4 11 3 4 15 6 7 16 2 Gr.S 6 6 2 10 2 5 16 2 £ s. a. 10 0 0 10 0 27 15 0 62 10 0 16 0 0 £ s. a. 718 12 2 7,113 8 8 7,268 19 1 1,793 15 6 6,937 4 8 496 8 4 1,036 0 10 817 9 11 582 1 8 1,157 16 7 13,273 6 2 292 15 6 467 13 2 151 1 7 £ s. d. 2,502 7 0! 11,269 5 4 8,758 4 9 3,016 17 7 9,037 18 11 638 15 9 2,127 5 11 4,254 1 11 2,891 0 11 1,608 13 3 25,519 7 4 292 15 6 596 14 7 713 11 8 24 16 2; Wellington SectionEketahuna. Masterton. Carterton. Greytown. Featherston. Cross Creek. Summit. Kaitoke. Upper Hutt. Lower Hutt. Petone. Ngahauranga. Wellington. „ (Wharf). Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. 1 9! 20! 16: 42: 17 24 1 38 168 '674 200 0 s 0 7 4 0 0 3,599 16 4 41 i 2! 201 434 I ,744 16 63 8 1,193 2! 518 0 3,675 13 18 11 ■ . I 5 575 0 2,211 8 2,688 4 16 20 *193 122"3 5 398 16 3 12 5 4 467 13 2 137 1 2 "i 6 ? i 1 j .. 6! •• 2 11 5 126 10 0 129 1 8 562 10 1' 24 16 2: ! 562 'l0 li'o 5 1,621 4 2! ■ • 1 • • j 24'l6 2 • • I .. I • - • * Totals .. : 58 9,898 0 4 210,378; 1,401 38,594 . 549 61 2,231 38,594 549 61 2,231 35 1,377! 244 173,079 1,120 5,748 16 1,440 0 ,649 0 6,381 0 23,876 5 6,868 6 31,930 10 13,087 16 95,232 17 100,981 13 35| 1,377 244 173,079 1,121 5,748 16 1,440 0'! 111,649 6,381 0 23,876 5 6,868 6 ,31,930 10 13,087 16 95,232 17 100,981 131 25,775 9 li 1,989 1 3,380 11 31,145 2 9 40,803 7 3 166 5 8 1,137 0 11 Wanganui Section— Breakwater New Plymouth .. j Through .. j Waifc&ra Through .. j Inglewood Through Stratford .. Through Normanby Through Hawera Through Patea Through Waverley Through Aramoho Through Wanganui (Coach'g) ) Through Wanganui (Goods) \ Through j Fordell Through Turakina Through Marton Through Greatford Through .. j Halcombe.. ■ Through Feilding Through Palmerston Through Longburn Junction Through Foxton Through Head Ofiice Accountant Miscellaneous General 15 15 13 12 12 18 11 9J 16 15J 10 3 2 2 2 6 2 1 2 19 1,372 4 6 404 17 1 210 7 o' 167 4 0 171 2 4 771 16 2 404 15 6: 138 2 10 205 7 10 2,763 4 3: j i )■ t ; 2 > I > > 21,553! 355: 4,507: 71 3,702; 9 1 3,001: 3,042! 22,935; 438' 5,306 133 3,342 52! 3,902: 158 1 25.568! I 1,861 II :: 2,358 50 3,318 124 9,904 561 3,783 386 5,564 226i 9,298 786: 25,224 10,816 10,321 12,453 15,667 143 36 9 3 57 2 "3 1 "1 "A • • i "' I t 2,'667 54 270 9 460 2 520 10 457 8 1,422 1 82 672 12 418 13 356 12 8,993 159 3 13 190 8 36! 5 104 5 24 li 250| 75 3 '32 7 1 •• I ! "^ "l i 120 4 30 49j 3 48 25 1 367 15 69 49 74 6 390 18 ) 82G t 86 ) 335 12 )! 916 1 i 27: S 1,720 32: > 707: 12! 1 2,102 i 250: I 1,029! 5l! 1 2,128 83J 205 3 2,006 317 58 4 17 "l 4 13 187 5 26 111 6 45 203 18 .. [ "2 "sj I • * 1 "s\ io 1 3! 3! 5 "59! T 41 ' 3 ' 72| 3! 117| 3! 441 I 'l88J 17 86 164 3' 83: 2| 348i 27^ il 1 • • I 22; 4 II 2: "l "i8i 7; "42! 6 .. ! 120 205 74 1,443 34 545' 25! 469 74: 514; "72! 2G9! 2! 2 •• ! ■ • j 1 80 1 88! 18 2 59! 229 "10 154 "96 18,648 211 2,260! 7,150 742 11,698 2,032 10,034; 340 12,399 1,865 8,628J 242 62| 623 3,712 453| 7,930! 470! 7,7181 265j 5,444 1,401 16,431 897 325 104 31,695 311 340 1 6 105 171 958! 2,408' 780: 440; 458 691; 226; i 114 240 18 25 0 10 0 5 0 "5 0 10 0 135 0 15 0 5 0 10 0 0 12 80 0! '8 4J 1 41 8 12 '2 12 40 16 448 4 2 8 5 4 269 12 257 12 1 12l 15 0 1,196 0! 152 o| 1,672 0 148 0 124 0 378 0 757 0 35 0i 25 7 55 12 22 2 2,394 4 2,110 18 1,900 5! 8119 25 6 I ! 4 4j 1 224 6 182 16 794 6 694 llj 12 6| 280 16 440 1 825 18 5 13 861 1 265 12 402 4 3 10 629 19 1,234 10 2 0 491 9 4 7 317 8 4,459 9 4,960 8 30 17! 433 14 28 18 641 19 8 12 377 1 24 11 256 16 94 13 703 16 107 2! 1,301 2 368 10 597 3 2 13 175 14 14 5 4,000 4 24 14 86 121 1 0 84 16j 2 6 400 16 28 15 86 10 12 6 93 3 38 4 195 10 164 5; 887 6! 468 18 114 4 4,585 14 6,029 5 10 18| 1,089 10 189 7 303 11 224 5 15 0 31 18 506 10 390 9 1,834 16 5,757 14 6,119 13 30 17 1,472 2 42 8 4,745 16 8 12 3,082 12 24 11 4,715 15 100 6 2,279 18 375 2 2,374 6 372 0 1,874 14 2 13 2,954 9 31 5 6,587 7 34 1 901 8 1 0 538 8 321 16 6,015 4 545 0 1,697 16 510 9 4,582 10 244 14! 5,090 1 928 6 3,177 6 1,642 1 2,253 2 6,903 2 9,941 4 95 11 2 2 "2 1 5 1 3 1 4 •■ i 181 19 io9 ' 31 "l6 20 19 11 13 1 3 .. ' 34 2 1 "l 26 1 1 10 ,'964 10,602 2 185 67 L 46 t I L 5 1,893 I 171 I '534 563 ■• I 2,302 308 51 1 23J 37 7 "50J 422: 112: 2,'223i •• 5 0 5 0 i .. 1 1 •• i 5 0 15 0 I ■5 0 25 0! i 135 0: 80 0: 90 16 •• 1 .. I 3 8 507 8 1 16 0 12 1,467 16 923 0J 364 0 32 0J 'e 0 39 0 853 0 328 0 379 0 582 0 2,683 0 2 9 i 2,427 18! ! .. ! 1,181 6 170 19! 384 ll| 326 5 1,585 3 933 8 1,109 14 241 81 3,564 4 3*5 16 2,020 6 334 7 343 7 238 12 147 14 526 14 287 7 88 7 49 17 2,713 15 7 14 96 15 3,218 0 5,624 0 15 19 356 7 6 12 790 15 2 16 ' 802 1 7 1 449 14 4 12 1,731 19 52 19 424 18 5 1 828 -'5 8 17j 59 19 4 0 973 13 23 16 229 10J 0 181 410 31 37 0 944 2 140 12] 697 7 68 17 405 8 68 10J l,tO5 16! 508* 9 2,386 11 3,514 19 228 19 1,500 14 j 3,618 li 49 5 27 Oi 1,369 14 33 2 165 8 177 2l I 127 16 - . ! 512 1 6 5 72 18 643 15 '28 0 •• ! 223 10 1! 3,658 5 ! 12,460 14 15 19| 2,269 l! 6 12 1,502 9 2 16 1,613 6 7 1 1,090 9 4 12 5,227 5 59 4 ■ 2,558 19 5 1 3,075 17 8 17 961 16 0 4 11,760 18 31 10 775 16 0 18 1,760 17 37 0 4,212 6 146 16 1,908 7 88 4 875 11 70 10 2,764 18 522 4 7,642 8 I 4,047 8 1,726 11 6,960 17 8,315 10 198 3 3,331 19 5 463 6 10i 591 8 9: 85 1 2! 526 16 1 9 18 6 534 14 7 334 7 6 4,285 12 10 393 13 11 l,0S3 10 6 108 1 4 654 17 10 40 7 8 971 18 10 80 2 8 5,811 3 11 760 2 7 4 12 0 i'10 0 i 10 0 6 6 0 10 0 1 10 0 16 0 0 358 12 5 35 19 0 30 13 9 7 5 9 24 2 11 0 15 0 26 17 9 1 10 3 34 4 11 2 4 9 302 15 2 28 4 7 77 12 4 4 19 2 98 2 5 6 19 9 45 8 1 2 13 3 878 15 2 68 14 3 3,695 3 10. 499 5 10 623 12 6* 92 6 11 550 19 0: 10 13 6: 563 2 i 1 10 3! 374 18 5! 2 4 9 4,589 8 0! 421 18 6 1,162 12 10! 113 0 6 753 0 3 47 7 5 1,017 6 11 82 15 11 6,705 19 1 828 16 10 925 15 6 2,432 6 3 67 18 6 599 6 1 85 10 1 1,217 15 4 19 13 3 1,224 2 0 52 8 5 2,103 13 6 263 13 1 1,301 13 2 1,244 17 8 1,231 7 3 1,213 5 9 770 17 11 559 9 9 821 18 4 566 16 0 Cr. 3 12 7 Cr. 0 18 8 5,666 11 11 394 14 11 247 8 9 2 12 8 230 18 9 293 11 8 2,362 10 10 622 4 10 889 11 10 426 2 1 1,633 3 1 259 3 9 1,967 14 4 592 5 5 1,298 6 0 293 12 5 473 6 7 2,539 18 11 3,514 11 7 44 10 6 3 150 9 5 6 Cr. 12 0 1 8 14 8 1 O.O 10 10 4 0 18 3 3 3 4 17 7 5 3 0 12 1 L 2; 11 15 9 3 .. ! 3 277 1 6 3 O.O 7 8 L 0 2 5 3 i! 0 2 4 ) I 16 8; 5 Cr. 0 8 6 ; 738 2 2 93 1 8 7 10 1 15 1 8 4 3 9 27 13 6 29 18 9 10 0 23 17 0 256' 4 6 85 8 0. 42,100 13 10 925 15 6 2,675 17 4 66 16 6 615 10 10 84 19 3 1,218 13 7 19 13 3 1,244 1 3 52 8 5 2,107 18 5 263 13 1 1,341 2 5 1,244 17 8 1,538 7 6 1,212 18 1 772 0 4 559 9 9 845 17 8 566 16 0 253 18 7 Cr. 17 2 6,490 2 1 394 14 11 249 16 1 2 12 8 234 1 3 293 11 8 2,379 0 1 621 9 9 392 4 6 426 2 1 1,699 5 11 259 3 9 2,000 12 3 592 3 7 1,400 1 7 293 11 4 473 7 11 2,536 2 6 4,173 19 1 44 10 6 217 12 10 1,568 11 10 925 15 C 6,371 1 2 56G 2 4 1,239 3 4' 177 6 2' 1,769 12 T 30 6 9 1,807 3 7 53 18 S! 2,482 16 10 265 17 10 5,930 10 5: 1.666 10 2 2,701 0 4 1,325 18 7 1 1,525 0 7! 606 17 2 1,863 4 7: 649 11 ll! 6.959 17 8 827 9 8| 6,490 2 1 394 14 11 558 9 10 24 17 .11 839 12 5 338 10 6 4,117 0 ll 794 17 1 1,092 13 2 535 9 6! 2,438 10 3 305 7 7 3,354 13 Oj 713 18 6 6,121 16 8 859 16 1 1,265 5 9 5,911 3 6 5,937 4 10J 71 16 11 444 19 8 2,956 1 5 50 4 3 73,251 16 7 v; Totals. ! Wanganui Section— 3 Breakwater. 2 New Plymouth. Througb. 1 Waitara. 2j Through. f Inglewood Through. J\ Stratford. Through, )j ) Through. )! Hawera. i\ Through. t: Patea. Through. M Waverle'y. >i Through. Aramoho. Through. I Wanganui (Coaching l| Through. Wanganui (Goods). Through. 1 Fordell. Through. ■j Turakina. 1 Through. Marton. Through. Greatford. Through. Ilalcombe. Through. Feilding. Through. Palmerston. Through. Longburn Junction. Through. Foxton. Through. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. 13 j ii| 1041 11 12 1 1 3 1 3 102 13 6 67 1 3 344 0 11 125 10 11 169 14 1 12 •• i "1 "s\ 3 236: 10 244! 30 1,552 99 453 84 359 44 945 242] 3,308! 1,226! 266 5,511 1,104 56 25] I 57j 7 371 12( 27 i 13 117 99 6 148 27 1 3 "l 2 » 1 1 "58 , 67 4 130 20 62 331 66 1 139 28 216 182 156 299 47 o I 812! 14: 1 .236 107 1,717 . 482 1,4841 .■ 303! 1 929! 137 1,805: 7221 1),693 2,496! 905' 2,176J 2,147] 354! 13 29 2 81 8 31 10 6: Q 57' 17 168 72 7 240; 57 3! "l! o 1 4: 4 1 3 4 8 9 53 lj 75: 4; 92^ 9 95 28: 67 8 169 35 299 141 41 319 69 7 • • 1 6 1 "3 74; 3: 40 8: 94: 3 239 3j 5279! 26 27 5 1,760 6 - • j 27! i 11 203: 21S; 53: 322! 15 156 21 437 1 5 0 90 0 5 0 20 0 270 0 20 0 130 0 15 0 100 Oj 60 0 845 0 255 0 5 0 303 8 253 12 2 0 362 8 284 01 50 16 32 16| 67 8! 122 4 12 12 346 16 15 12: 455 0 77 0 48 0! 204 12 112 0 1,104 0 953 0 1,575 0 5 lj 7 4J 2,951 16 433 42! 2,402 15 50 9 3,820 14 203 12 1,521 14 110 15 31 11 456 4 275 17 187 16 317 10 1,083 9 227 5 153 18 465 7 134 4 13 17 105 15 185 17 219 11 300 15 1,079 7 1,413 4 251 2 84 13 66 19 22 15 40 0 "l "i '•'7 4 24 2| 15 28 1 2 "• 184 85 655 45 144 72j 567 156 I 1,489 158 34 122,885 725 •• 2 "l3 64 6 2 5 q I 30 0 15 0 5 0 15 0' ■5 0 5 16 "i 4J 121 0 313 01 1,516 0' 194 0 118 0 266 13! 529 3 1,138 12: 731 7 54 11 '92 oj 129 17 169 2 8 0 256 3 2 0 450 6; 11 12! 1.104 9| 180 8' 48 15 3,090 2J 946 12 2 0 t 61 18 I 406 11 .. I 447 19 6 4 101 il h 1 25?' o ! ' ! 241 5 1 287 18 3 19 4 4 571 7 10 43 7 5 1,607 4 4 154 0 4 647 8 0 94 18 2 700 15 6 41 3 6 1,227 14 5 103 11 0 4,343 2 7 467 9 2 770 3 9 2,897 11 2 1,657 1 10 23 7 6 107 9 5 TAU 0 l' 0 0 2 0 0 20 15 6 3 0. 1 34 3 4 1 17 5 117 1 8 19 7 0 52 0 8 14 9 8 36 8 10 5 0 4 114 1 4 18 3 11 367 2 6 98 15 7! 21 14 1 477 9 10 104 3 11 3 18 11 119 17 5 308 13 9 22 4 5: 605 11 2 45 4 10 1,738 0 0 173 7 4 700 8 8 109 7 5 739 4 4 46 3 10 1,348 0 9 121 14 11 4,721 15 1 566 4 9 791 17 10 3,375 1 0 1,763 5 9 27 6 5 227 6 10 1,387 9 7 50 4 3 : ) 274 1 ! I 3 2 6 1 19 8 Cr.O 15 1 2 12 8 3 5 0! 14 10 0 62 17 10 13 I ■ • I 15 2 10 331'll 7 1,265 1,7 4 5 "3 o i 2! • • I 13; •■ I 23; 804 0 199 0 1 10 0 96 0 35 0 95 0 21 10 12 16 234 3 236 13 10 0 110 0 3,080 8 "5 "It! 4 i! 11 57 4 106 16 lj 240 0 '3 12 22 0 101 19 2 3 1,846 0 276 111 317 18! 445 16 1,380 18 96 12: 6 5 0 7 7 11 Cr.O 1 101 21 2 7i Cr.O 1 I' 0 14! 16 5 580 12 0 31 10 0 13 3 228 9 0- ■■ i 18 3 5 2 li 8 3 I lj ! "35! 1,228 5,933 1 2691 62! o 6,303| 985 0: 5 0 10 0 365 0j 170 0 'o 4 0 12 3 4 1,293 16 294 12 585 0: 5 0' 730 ; |4 64 18; 1,117 'l5i 249' 9 1,548 7 26. 6 ll'lO 0 I SO 13 0 12 5 846 19 8 43 1 I 16 0; 357 0! 24 0; 2 0 0 78 15 61 .. I •• ! 1 'is I 33 15 4 1,553 10 101 183 17 6 20 10 9 ■• *. ' •• j i •• ' r • 1,387' 9 7 Cr. 5' 9 91 1,423'l3 4 I " ■ 1 I • • • • ! 50 4 3 I ■■ I • • I •• 1 ! fc •■» I Totals / • 78 11,514 13 6 210,453 198 32,365 1,502 81 2,779 32,365 l,502J 81 2,779 82 6,649 ■502 154,909 9,311 6,517 15 2,040 0 3,764 16] 9,460 0 19,115 7 13,671 17 31,902 9 8,420 10 88,374 19 94,892 14 82 6,649 302 154,909 .9,311 6,517 15 2,040 0 3,764 li 9,460 0j 19,115 7 13,671 17 31,902 9 8,420 10 88,374 19 94,892 14 35,832 3 5 1,456 6 7 3,716 6 6 41,004 16 6 39,945 7 8 3,396 5 3 1,016 13 6 44,358 6 5 85,363 2 Hi Totals. Gkeymouth Section — Greyrnouth Through Brunner Through Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous General 13 12 16 7 3,656 6 2; 1,130 15 3: 19,892 4,360 13,581 7,773 233 49 1,325 739 165 48 29 45 63 34 64 ' 165 7 1,325! 780 26J 34 38 45 89 "l 13 2 3 69 93 1 1 io 0 17 0 474 0 108 11 143 8 S41 7 125 5 172 5 2,161 15 3,057 7 126 0 122 19 202 3 107 17 150,024 13 321 1 2,472 9 3,490 17 151,009 0 1,077 9 1 13 "20 1 1 69 93 8 12 17 0 204 0 841 7 122 13 108 11 146 0 25 12 126 0 79 11 2,161 15 3,100 15 150,024 18 0 1 202 3 428 17 151,009 0 440 9 2,472 9 4,127 17 1,367 13 9 357 3 11 1,128 5 7 477 6 1 205 17 6 63 12 10 37 10 11 12 12 3 10 0 4 1,037 4 1 394 14 10 1,155 1 7 487 6 5 13 8 8 39 17 10 6 10 0 4,490 4 2 713 2 5 15,281 1 1 74 18 2 432 10 6 6,670 17 0! 1,107 17 3! 16,682 12 111 562 4 7 15 8 8 39 17 10 6 10 0 Geeymouth Sectioh Greymouth. Through. Brunner. Through. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. 1 26 '29 20 8 12 25 12 3 10 0 270 0 172 5 14' 3 9 238 10 3 110 18 3 8 0 0 5,033 12 11 713 2 5 15,527 11 4 74 18 2 2 0 0 13 8 8 39 17 10 2 0 0 455 2 7; .. eio o .. -. 1 I •• .. ota. .8 23 5,242 4 0 45,606 283; 2,277! 55 206! 2,277j 55! 206 13 164 7 1 10 Oj 8 12; 491 0 1,218 11 197 17 5,468 1 [150,655 14 158,049 15 158,056 16 13 25 104! 7 1 10 0 8 12 491 0 1,218 11 197 17 5,468 II 150,655 14 158,049 15 158,056 16 Totals. 3,330 9 4 273 7 9 130 6 4 3,734 3 20,559 5 10 671 0 9 120 18 3 21,351 4 10 25,085 8


RETURN NO. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1889.


Stations. ; © S ; 00 w Traffic Expenditure. Number of U II i 5h I °°& Outward. •a o t» g g ,5 a 3 .■ w a o ft 1 CO o Ph Inward. h 11 Inward. I j o £ ■ _j !_ O I ! o I o o 00 Equiv. I ar chaff, & c. Stock, &c. Wool. 1 Firewood, j Timber. '"I I Outward. Grain. Md£e an" Minerals. ; i Total. "! Grand Tots.1 g. Tonnage. B o O o o 53 Inward. Kevoirae. Total Value forwarded. Stations Equiv. Tonnage for Livc-Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. I Yv rool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. ! l Medtr- Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Coaching. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. Goods. Rents and n , , , r , n Commission. L Total &ooclsGoods. Miscellaneous. Wbsitobt Section — Westport .. Waimangaroa Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous General 12 10 11 1 £ s. d. 2,745 8 3 151 0 2 12,249 9,245| 53 1 3,100 605 59 46 665 3,106 46 59| 1 50 3 1 Ts. c. Ts. c. 00 0 Ts. e. Ts. c. 833 0 183 0 Ts. c. 283 15 5,319 1 Ts. c. Ts. 0 2,127 1 214 6 Ts. c. 97 10 180,324 13 Ts. c. 3,401 6 186,041 0 Ts. c. 50 Ts. c. Ts. c 60 0 Ts. c. Ts. c. 183 0 833 0 Ts. e. 5,319 1 283 15 Ts. c. Ts. c. 214 6 2,127 1 Ts. 0. 180,324 13 97 10i Ts. c. 186,041 0 3,401 6 Ts. c £ s. a. 1,268 13 4 927 2 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. HI 1 8 30 10 7 £ s. d. 1,377 15 0 957 12 7 6 16 6 94 14 10 9 10 0 £ s. a. 2,253 13 6 22,894 15 10 £ s. a 647 5 3 16 4 0 9 8 £ s. d. 86 14 6 5 0 0 £ s. d. 2,992 13 3 22,901 2 2 0 9 8 £ s. d 4,370 8 3 23,858 14 9 7 6 2 94 14 10 9 10 0 Westpoet Section. Westport. Waimangaroa. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. 1 016 6 94 14 10 m 218 16 2 i 9 10 0 Totals 12 3,113 4 7 21,494 59 3,771 105 3,771 ■ 105 53 2 8 60 0 1,016 0 5,602 16 2,341 7 180,422 3 189,442 6 189,444 9 53 2 3 00 0 1,016 0 5,602 16 2,341 7 180,422 3 189,442 6 189,444 9 2,193 15 4 101 11 4 151 2 3 2,446 8 11 25,153 9 4 649 1 3 91 14 6 25,894 5 1 28,340 14 0 Totals. Kelson Section— Port Nelson Richmond Wakefield Belgrove Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous G-eneral 9 9 9 10 11 6 6 ■j 1 3 871 13 1 710 18 7 125 3 9 136 19 8 340 4 9 20,435 7,518 4,022 9,764 90 70 13 51 21 109 2.707 532 487 103 1 '2 1 1 2 38 30 21 10 59! 653! 773 1,612 1,021 1 2 "2 1 1 39 10 19 26 5 1 1 1 1 1 12 34 21 . . 65 0 455 0 125 0 66 Oj 59 8 128 0 ■5 0 84 0 1,404 0 351 0 8 7 81 3 0 9 1,156 19 380 6 489 8 178 17 2,759 14 366 9 87 9 506 7 1,049 13 351 1 199 1 58 14 958 19 68 0 136 5 525 6 1,963 1 1,447 13 3,852 9 3,836 3 1,005 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "66 635 0 5 0 '5 0 152 8; 100 16 0 4 6 0 1,512 0 316 0 10 0 •• 1 47 12 1,442 7 63 4 45 18 28 3 2,342 14 1,257 18 102 3 148 15 30 7 340 4 330 4 408 15 570 0 509 13 433 10 740 2 271 8 219 9 24 0 3,957 14 5,388 7 1,161 9 1,000 2 597 3 1,684 15 6 463 18 8 443 17 7 934 14 4 130 4 0 70 0 0 13 19 6 23 10 0 30 15 2 114 13 8 5 13 2 97 9 9 18 16 10 16 11 10 8 2 5 5 13 2 1,912 9 3 552 15 6 474 8 11 960 6 9 30 15 2 114 13 3 53 16 6 2,541 5 11 677 16 6 784 0 3 797 10 4 279 15 8 345 19 S 3 12 0 0 1 9 0 19 0 9 8 4 16 9 60 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 2,947 5 7 '686 8 6 784 2 0 807 12 1 280 5 4 42 4 3 2,952 18 9 2,598 17 9 1,336 17 6 1,282 1 0 1,246 12 1 72 19 5 114 13 8 53 16 6 Nelson Section. Port. Nelson. Richmond. Wakefield. Belg'rovc. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. 1 I 37 7 6 I "' 53 16 6 189' 1 11 •• • • Totals 18 2,380 1 9 41,739 180 4,118 101 4,118 2 101 7 67 6 1 645 0 253 8 1,844 0 1,627 4 3,881 17 2,164 16 1,688 10 12,104 15 12,110 16 7 2 07 0 1 645 0 253 8 1,844 1,627 4 3,881 17 2,164 16 1,688 10 12,104 15 12,110 16 3,527 6 1 Totals. 383 2 4 200 10 0 4,110 18 11 5,080 8 8 355 1 7 112 7 6 5,547 17 9 9,658 16 8 l'icton Section-— Picton Blenheim Head Office Accountant Miscellaneous General i i I I 10 8 I 5 2 1 851 1 0 322 14 11 14,657 9,472 197 2 456 846 14 12 1 84 69 846 456 12 14 1 69 84 2 2 18 20 1 1 xs 53 5 10 0 350 0 77 4 831 i 6,384 0 138 0 8 10 24 4 178 7 3,474 17 1,136 18 941 4 3,000 11 68 2 10,793 10 5,827 11 20 18 1 1 51 119 5 53 350 0 10 0 831 4 77 4| 138 0 6,384 0 24 4 8 10 3,474 17 176 7 941 4 1,136 18 68 2 3,000 11 5,827 11 10,793 10 1,536 10 2 1,027 1 10 74 19 9 29 0 1 89 15 01 24 1 11 35 5 6 1,635 11 10 1,062 7 4 29 0 1 89 15 0 23 4 4 2,270 0 11 1,403 0 4 Cr. 1 12 0 125 15 3 92 19 1 Cr. 0 2 0 76 2 9 159 3 0 2,477 18 11 1,055 2 11 Gr.X 14 0 4,113 10 9 2,717 10 3 27 6 1 89 15 0 23 4 4 Picton Section. Picton. Blenheim. Head Office. Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. •■ •■ • • ! 23 4 4 11819 8^ Totals' 1,287 15 T 24,129 199] 1,302 26 153 1,302 26 153 38 170 58 16 16 360 0 908 8 6,522 0 32 14 3,651 4 2,078 2 3,068-13 16,621 1 16,637 17 H 38 170 58 16 16 360 0 908 8 6,522 0 32 14 3,651 4 2,078 2 3,068 13 16,621 1 16,637 17 2,563 12 0 193 14 10 82 11 9 2,839 18 7 3,677 9 3 218 12 4 235 6 3 4,131 7 10 6,971 6 5 Totals. lIueunui-Blotf Sec. Lyttelton (Coaeh'g) ) (Goods) )■ (Wives) j Ileatlicote Woolston .. Opawa Ghristcli. (Pass.) j , (Parcels) I (Goods) J (H.0.&Paym.)| Addington .. | Papanui Styx Belfast .. Kaiapoi Rangiora Oust Bennett's Oxford East „ West Sefton Amberley .. Waikari Culverden Hornby Prebbleton Lincoln Bllesmere Doyleston.. Lees ton Southbridge Little "River Templeton Kolleston .. Kirwee Darfield .. •'. I Sheffield Springfield Ooalgate Burnham .. Selwyn .. • • Dunsa-ndel Rakaia Methven Chertsey Ashburton Tinwald Westerfield Winslow Hinds Kangitata.. Orari Winchester Tcnruka Washdyke Pleasant Point Albury 1 I Hubunut-Bluff Sec. Lyttelton (Coaching). (Goods). „ (Wharves). Heathcote. Woolston. Opawa. Christen. (Passengers). „ (Parcels). (Goods). (H.O. &Paym. Addington. Papanui. Styx. Belfast. Kaiapoi. Bangiora. Oust. Bennett's. Oxford East. „ WefBfc. Sefton. Amberley. Waikari. Culverden. Hornby. Probbleton. Lincoln. Ellesmere. Doyleston. Leeston. Southbriflge. Little River. Templeton. Eolleston. Kirwee. Darfield. Sheffield; Springfield. Coalgate. Burnham. Sehvyn. Dunsandel. Eakaia. Methven. Chertsey. Ashburton. Tinwald. Westerfield. Winslow. Hinds. Eangitata. Orari. Winchester. Temuka. Washdyke. Pleasant Point. Albury. CO O CO *G <s 5, 13 12J 13J O O w a "J 2 1 1,791 5 8 19,538 12 0 88,010 1 •• 8,893 7,292 8,080 {205,986 1 •• 338' •' I i\ 2,329 •• 107 239 ) 8,597 1 132 35 539 87 15 '204 213 1,574 1,111 1 '412 193 240 0 13,029 8 3,360 12 28 12 920 8 i 700 0 1 23,424 4 1,576 19 19 12 47,632 19 877 11 887 11 23 14 00,231 16 44,356 2 132 11 943 6 70,124 14 31,265 5 1,689 7 1,159 5 215,383 1 81,436 9 2,762 13 3,056 13 I 27 35 413 191 3 64 4,106 42 674 4,935 0 15 0 5 0 14,910 8 11,508 12 68 0 2,053 2< 37 18J 82 7! 46 0 [118,805 6 46,567 4 1,115 14 13 10 73,963 10 7,796 16 138 2 1,007 3 1 4 33,496 5 91 7 751 18 1,250 16 248,231 11 66,016 17 2,043 1 3,078 1 1 4 6,442 10 4 461 8 2 275 16 2: 7,179 14 8 Cr. 8 6 6 46,405 3 4 3,333 4 9 351 10 1 587 10 11 Cr. 0 0 3 Cr. 20 9 0 Cr. 11 17 8 20,276 11 8 Cr. i55 13 0 4,142 15 2 837 S 6 648 7 10 4,296 9 7 5,670 10 10 3,045 8 9 731 8 5 937 4 11 379 16 4 1,803 15 5 1,267 1 1 1,642 6 8 2,191 1 11 3,099 11 10 2,721 18 0 782 18 0 1,717 2 10 1,252 5 10 919 6 7 1,593 16 0 2,692 16 5 2,980 13 I 1 807 12 9 773 17 1 896 4 7 2,744 11 2 1.150 4 11 920 5 5: 1,319 8 11 723 3 0 528 18 1 1,349 17 1 10,270 19 8: 1,995 19 Ol 3.151 8 3 11,929 17 0 2,209 1 7 2,986 14 5 2,555 14 1 1,107 14 4! 812 16 l! 1,585 9 71 1,102 1 7 3,504 3 7 2,877 11 5 1,44013 2 690 13 11 3 12 4 6,959 0 4i 910 17 8 343 18 2 33 0 0 Cr. 4 14 2 54,275 1 4 3,677 2 11 384 10 1 587 18 5 Cr. 0 0 3 O.10 15 0 I>.11 11 5 21,508 13 7 1,945 16 0 4,219 3 2 842 8 3 054 4 11 4,319 15 7 5,799 7 9 3,210 12 5 732 16 10 937 5 11 384 16 4 1,808 12 10 1,292 14 8 1,759 2 4 2,237 6 0 3,131 12 7 2,752 13 8 786 3 11 1,727 1 10 1,257 8 11 919 18 2 1.599 6 9 2,730 0 5 3,039 0 111 S10 14 0 774 14 9 927 19 9 2,772 13 6 1,157 2 9 938 4 7 1,328 10 10 724 3 3 528 IS 1 1,369 18 1 10,401 15 3, 2,037 10 5 3,210 3 3 12,629 12 8 2,253 2 4l 2,986 14 5 2.600 11 10 1,115 14 2 1,012 11 2j 1,589 10 ffl 1,137 9 7| 3,549 14 1 2,885 6 5 1,461 19 0 695 0 5 I 7,175 0 6 I 54,275 1 4 L 3,677 2 11 I 929 1 3 ) 915 9 7 i 286 2 8 ) 36,900 4 5 ) 4,915 9 C ; 21,508 13 7 ) 2,295 13 10 ! 5,504 9 10 I 2,774 14 7 775 17 11 ' 4,670 19 5 I 7,696 16 9 i 5,799 1 0 ) 1,037 2 9i 1,345 13 7 821 19 7 1 2,389 9 2 1,718 18 8 ■ 2,751 10 7l 4,367 13 6 4,402 13 7 3,472 6 0 966 7 6 2,187 10 0 1,441 19 0 1,375 16 0 2,301 17 5 3,882 9 5 I 4,154 6 3 1,005 0 8 1,233 4 8 1,265 9 0 3,705 12 2 1,375 8 2 2,393 11 8 1,842 0 4 947 12 11 773 12 8 2,068 5 2 12,322 18 4 2,715 6 3 .! 3,532 0 7 20,112 17 10 j 2,401 8*3 3,008 10 2' 2,710 11 111 1,371 0 0 1,337 4 6 ! 2,889 10 7 1,497 1 3 5,023 15 6: 3,027 0 10, 1,938 12 2 980 18 0 413 9 3 267 17 7. 102 5 2 274 61 49 1,108 i\ 764 Ij 894 -) 48 2 9 17 9 i 207 119 I 160 ) 3 "l6 13 5 0 10 0 J ! •• • • 23 12 662 12 98 0 303 8 9 227 0 8 220 5 9 35,646 10 10 206 17 8 59 17 9 63 1 9 1,264 8 7 34 4 9 40 12 9 2 15 5 544 11 2 327 11 2 286 2 11 36,910 19 5 4,927 0 5 0 16 ) .. I I 9 14 0 0 6 3 ! 216 2 4 Or. 0 0 6 37 3 0 2 14 9 5 17 1 38 6,181 13 7 55,815 585 162 1*171 . 13,393 i 482 55 '797 95 "42 "25 795 0 .. I I .. i 1 I 4,927' 0 5 61 10,218 16 7 ■• I •• 212 4,424 4 27 0 j 2,230 14 11,326 8 24,861 19 3,336 13 47,001 18 "13 "'66 55 103 2,100 0 3,638 10 3,446 0 19,160 15 13,793 9 48,055 16 38,696 4 128,891 0 1,016 0 0 2,101 9 6 39 5 0 2 5 0 16 12 114 HJ 11 11 13 14 15 12 13 15 9 13 10 9f 8| 10J 11 12 12> 12" 134 10 12 12 14 12 .13 1SJ 12 12 11 12 13J 11 8 8 1 1 5 4 Q O 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 4 O 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 ! 3 10 1 1,048 7 9 373 3 8 133 17 5! 127 16 1 739 17 4! 597 10 8 171 0 8 284 9 5 115 12 6 201 18 4 165 1 0 298 10 10 358 17 11 130 0 2 252 2 3 150 9 11 237 12 7 144 18 8 141 19 3 360 18 1 386 15 8 282 0 1 153 15 2 324 1 4 147 0 4 287 8 8 134 19 0! 401 11 4! 168 5 7 152 4 5 156 16 4 289 1 1 694 2 7 286 2 7 242 5 6 1,462 16 6 124 13 9 36| 7,040 16,942 2,572 0,342 18,115 17,570 1,559 3,541 1,710 3,954 2,396 4,017 10,275 2,438 6,255 2,242 3,727 980 2.176 3J733J 5,297 4,197 2,041 1,808 1,758 ■ 4,547 1,084 5,071 1,725 1,344; 1,289 3,015 7,035 2,844 1,543 19,412 '■ 1,101 'i?,4 28 19 21 73 138 31 8 25 2 13 32 42[ -12 31 I 1,094 i 517 ) 126 L 321 3 1,702 i 2,316 !. 385 i 252 ) 640 I 358 i 699 ! 1,824 i\ 1,124 828 ! 264 > 104 773 262 ! 1,000 'I 712 i 885 510 127 158 377 567! qoq „:„ 806 1 387 1 134. 1 ; 147 356 1,111; 379 286! i 4,975 249 305 94 252 361 658 295 1,545 78 639 351 326 16 1 16 114 8! ,23 70 41 93 204 i 6 IB 22j / 9 1 20 12 43J 17 2 18 29 38 11 5 228 20 5 7 2 3 92 23 24 29 7 19 "i 14 1 2 1 6 5 11 1 1 281 135 21 21 93 195 10 25 28 39 141 111 144 50 15 7 4 30 41 47 26 49 23 45 38 38 22 g 17 46 137 28 25 283 41 21 23 30 22 64 24 ' 97 58 34 42 752 . 339 117 473 1,902 3,845 1,498 1,454 990 949 1,583 2,807 2,278 4,384 283 343 1,191 925 1,385 2,376 2,371 2,805 731 320 1,147 1,939 1,130 1,588 1,455 505 417 1,078 2,990 1,535 697 6,765 354 1,667 278 870 1,072 2,256 8443,082 138 1,579 1,956 ! 204 ) 13 ' 2 t 4. ! 9j i 88! ! 20 0 ) 4 I 6 11 36 ! 79 : 143 i 180 i 2 6 13 33 24 1 8 24 18 25 57 25 9 9 39 40 23 10 373 24 9 14 8 10 99 " 15 13 33 1 18 3 "9 2 7 1 1 4 10 23 2 2 4 6 212 74 8 14 53 149 34 24 21 21 37j 107 256 282 31 6 15 20 10 34 21 77 10 30 21 79 37 39 33 a 4 4 5 2 1 Ij 2 601 34 2 5 7 1 2 1 3 17 112 179 6 5 10 65 29 6 213 '87 "l 'io "l •' I 5 10,262 455 1,279 6,559 1,424 1,970 119 503 1,876 10,235 14,518 12,435 240 18 2,362 5,080 2,304 4,237 16,178 9,427 361 58 2,357 1,033 568 3,177 65 55 1,115 585 388 33 "24 28 21 173 614 436 1,004 1,587 3,719 1,991 326 441 215 0 235 0 120 0 275 0 675 0 305 0 270 0 410 0 65 0 285 0 115 0 50 0 250 0 380 0 215 0 105 0 1,255 0 1,040 0 295 0 340 0 890 0 5 0 595 0 335 0 50 0 365 0 565 0 235 0 150 0 135 0 120 0 85 "~e 55<T~O 120 0| 60 0 245 0 175 0 5 0 135 0 195 0 30 0 20 0 30 0 310 0 330 0 80 ()| 54 4 91 0 5 0 967 4 592 0 401 0 36 0 132 8 22 16 104 8 55 16 630 8 737 16 1,273 16 469 16 2 12 216 16 91 16 25 8 52 4 159 4 107 0 27 4 42 16 48 0 113 8 89 0 267 16 513 4{ 72 gl 34 -16 119" 4' 539 -0 257 0 80 12 775 12 142 12 562 12 "144 8 176 12 183 16 458 12 281 0 554 0 136 16 404 4 390 16 6 0 I I 6 0 i i 12 0 i 11 0 227 0 ■ 2,383 0 6 0 29 0 171 0 5 10 60 0 613 Oj 2 6 163 10 221 11 0 14 0 4 19 3 1,593 8 1 2 60 13 17 1 0 16 3 4 7 1 0 12 12,708 8 .,480 7 2,711 17 2,264 10 16,755 1 6,640 16 1,717 18 2,471 12 494 1 454 9 2,936 15 1,436 8 1,448 10 916 11 2,119 5 3,338 17 4.025 5 3,021 3 1,619 2 3,038 17 4,378 13 319 18 3,104 19 2.481 2 2,292 8 3,361 19 1,071 8 264 18 1,069 5s 2,253 4 1,355 !■ 957 5 16,309 5 1,999 9 5,946 18 18,921 ii 3,538 15 2,680 5 2,181 0 1,322 8 1,430 7 1,885 i\ 3,139 12 8,305 4 2,692 12 5.026 11 934 19 2,024 12 483 6 113 19 6,967 8 683 0 555 2 33 15 14 2 43 19 80 8 240 2 188 17 136 9 155 13 4,526 14 7 2 128 2 37 2 215 18 170 0 175 5 53 6 14 10 19 8 34 8 105 4 66 8 63 12 61 11 35 4 16 10 98 7 240 7 66 9 46 5 1,197 3 88 13 76 18 64 8 35 14 32 13 194 1 161 17 345 9 1,449 13 157 7 38 8 483 15 14 10 825 3 1,143 0 311 11 32 12 12 4 2,503 11 69 5 5 11 16,104 19 3,304 3 2,950 16 11,307 11 20,011 11 8,447 0 2,003 7 3,039 6 871 19 4,900 13 3,387 7 2,407 10 2,760 16 2.731 16 9,847 10 3,453 11 6,361 9 4,196 4 2,155 8 3,609 10 5,607 12 7,681 3 3,756 9 2,884 6 2,431 0 8,207 9 2,827 6 1,699 12 2,030 0 2,496 0 1,431 12 3,272 19 17,861 7 2,585 18 6,137 15 21,945 10 3,968 0 6,102 8 2,550 14 1.732 7 1,891 16 2,583 2 3,643 9 9,589 1 4,680 9 5,689 8 1,361 5 1 .. I "4 7 2 1 2 O 4 8 9 "l "l i l|010 48 90 0 11 15 "ll 8 Z 1 49 22 6 6 14 1 4 2 3 20 5 2 11 1 23 9 28 2 2 35 7 2 135 21 8 60 17 4 12 1 1 8 5 29 "l g 114,178 270 55 117,847 137 345 1S8 422 147 226 179 613 1,093 943 53,070 73 169 208 346 514 1,323 5,452 1,043 108 83 172 125 512 407 106 1,783 2,152 922 31 1,321 71 230 217 286 389 147 70 376 5,244 105 135 9,244 48 79 2,201 37 38 34 7 6 2,429 38 18 262 113 282 23 10 3,685 1,285 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 460 0 2,645 0 10 0 165 0 105 0 35 0 130 0 660 0 5 0 18 12 I i lo 160 4 126 0 14 0 '363 0 255 12 59 16 801 0 288 0 41 0 304 0 982 0 5 0 58 0 433 0 191 0 67 0 27 0 16 0 298 0 5 0 2,831 0 9 1 33 6 1,552 12 204 5 648 9 12 S 52 14 13 17 2 9 216 15 621 15 243 3 1,004 15 35 9 20 13 572 111 188 2 138 0 512 19 339 1 07 0 635 19 4 8 44 14 155 5 26 6 100 19 175 6 12 8 59 12 180 3 452 12 272 4 45 11 1,61-7 II 30 9 677 10 " 283 11 146 7 24 15 110 15 276 11 1,102 18 87 19 275 0 205 5 9,905 2 4,949 2 1,342 11 39 19 2,411 4 480 15 57 3 321 18 30 0 61 4 191 7 302 7 338 12 638 5 95 12 122 2 166 2 87 0 44 18 28 7 35 8 278 13 44 13 97 18 227 ]4 73 13 135 12 167 0 334 12 77 3 23 2 43 9 618 12 279 14 55 7 3,372 8 278 0 323 10 168 17 248 17 61 10 62 11 315 15 1,032 0 27 18 295 17 206 4 877 16 116 10 51 8 1,127 3 842 5 1,027 13 305 3 491 2 157 3 229 0 343 3 591 11 427 10 1,017 2 85 15 59 12 233 19 167 7 279 1 423 12 459 15 392 14 1,023 14 123 10 299 0 320 5 242 17 500 17 356 12 130 4 141 16 285 2 961 18 442 14 213 4 2,962 15 140 lit 707 4! 338 9 299 6 232 9 605 0 562 5 1,058 12 174 4 578 9 382 17 5,821 3 3,045 14 144 2 5,947 0 3,382 0 2,924 6 244 8 752 13 51 2 123 10 349 16 1,097 19 379 13 721 7 1,468 13 301 0 1,229 11 354 0 521 11 1,005 10 1,026 1 150 12 3,235 10 314 19 716 18 606 9 327 10 121 1 167 13 280 0 245 14, ■ 413 17 1,939 6 442 16 412 S 5,730 18 698 14 609 4 830 12 309 2 150 19 631 6 644 0 2,295 5 1,262 5 818 3 288 4 21,599 13 8,413 7 1.578 3 8,872 18 7,789 14 8,722 3 623 19 1,981 7 252 2 426 3 1.579 13 3,211 8 1,612 18 3,578 9 2,372 9 519 7 2,505 3 751 9 983 10 1,981 8 1,876 5 936 19 5,033 16 552 15 1,324 6 1,192 12 732 5 889 17 1,072 3 509 15 -480- 4 ■ .- 1,002.11 4,152 8 1,437 8" -742 7 15,155 0 ■ 2,091 0 2,455 8 1,661 17 1,110 12 508 13 1,482 12 1,916 1 5,711 19 1,552 6 2,032 15 1,137 18 « 27 7 10 908 19 2 1,842 3 5 92 13 11 321 6 1 1,713 2 5 2,374 16 8 278 15 11 396 12 8 390 6 1 554 10 11 359 1 7 827 14 2 2,039 3 8 1,110 3 6 443 17 6 170 19 10 404 3 10 160 0 1 391 5 8 708 5 7 1,071 16 3 1,066 12 7 239 17 9 435 2 2 320 11 7 889 8 6 187 9 1 1,377 16 9 475 6 2 212 18 4 229 12 10 642 19.11 1,781 2 11 031 19* 5 303 6 9 6,938 5 5 126 17 0 27 9 1 39 5 0 23 0 0 10 10 0 78 12 0| 16 11 0: 3 0 0 10 0 15 17 0 1 0 o! 8 10 0 2 10 0 17 3 0 13 9 6 0 0 0 10 0 5 19 0 322 10 0 288 18 5 50 17 11 5 19 1 19 7 9 105 14 7 197 1 5, 22 10 0! 11 15 0 45 17 2 26 5 5 51 5 10 163 14 1 91 3 4 160 17 0 1 267 4 10 6 13 9 39 1 4 10 14 6 58 12 % 53 5 1 74 7 9 48 12 9 11 4 11 23 7 9. 16 17 8' 43 10 2 30 6 4 76 10 4 38 3 i 10 11 4 15 1 9 53 7 2 96 14 9 46 2 &' 17 0 7 542 19 9 21 8 11! 21 15 9 17 1 7 14 10 8 28 6 2 134 3 111 34 18 11 192 3 2 35 2 4 38 2 9 40 4 6 349 17 10 1,285 0 8 1,932 6 4 121 13 0 351 3 10 1,897 9 0 2,588 9 1 304 5 11 408 7 8^ 437 3 3J 583 16 4! 426 4 6 992 8 3 2,130 7 0 1,271 1 0 719 12 4 180 3 7 400 8 2 1 184 10 1: 455 17 10 702 10 8 1,152 3 0 1,115 5 4; 254 0 8 458 9 11 337 9 3 932 18 8 218 5 5 1,455 7 1 513 9 6 223 9 8 244 14 7 690 7 1 1,921 3 1 677 15 10 321 17 4 7,483 5 2 148 5 11 21 15 9 110 0 1 255 6 4 824 13 4 1,300 0 1 359 11 8 2,074 1 5 141 14 5 476 12 8 285 11 7 50 16 11 44 12 8 0 8 5 0 10 12 5 0 5 5 2 10 0 0 4 7 11 0 9 3 12 8; 2 10 11 1 14 Oi 2 3 1 0 11 7 5 10 9 23 6 0 78 0 0 120 11 0 10 0 5 0 0 3 15 0 25 7 9 114 5 8 46 0 (J 21 0 0 27 3 0 0 15 0 8 5 0 3 0 0 • • I 4 1 0 9 8 0 4 10 150 0 8 10 "l "l 5 0 6 0 10 0 18 0 94 0 12 0 16 0 32 0 3,880 0 6 0 6 0 3,165 19 1 "8 30 0 0 16 7 3 13 0 17 8 0 15 2 3 10 4 1 2 10 5 1 4! 3 11 11 10 3 37 10 0 51 11 3 13 66 "l "l 1 3 4 OJ '• 1 3 * ■ 1 3 1 6 4 1 4J 5 310 426 17 6 0 12 0 48 0 1 4 1 2 238 3 5 0 4,254 16 785 7 820 6 236 0 3 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 "> 20 0 5 0 I 31 0 0 24 12 0 5 15 0 12 17 10 5 10 O1 • 26 | 1 120 10 112 6 35 2 1 9 5 2 30 1 " i 13 10 20 29 25 55 33 10 2 535 47 40 159 33 581 310 9 8 7,684 215 3,305 7,117 44,898 7,583 11,063 12,747 6,761 5,369 25,656 7,038 5,852 14,785 3,967 13,882 37,797 2,300 4,352 181 113 297! 3981 257 287 93 598 1,072 123 1,804 451 79 242 335 2,300 273 106 g '6 4 0 5 "l "l 9, 2 120 22 15 0 5 0 23 0 5 0 10 0 65 0 170 0 .. 9 0 10 0 10 0 1 4 1 1 11 6 26 36 128 58 30 268 18 58 21 50 44 54 28 70 55 30 63 E '5 ° '.'. ■ •• i "5 o 143 0 48 , 2 'is' 3 169 13 15 0 10 0 * ■—. 2 10 0 14 2 9 6 5 0 9 10 198 18 8 0 2 0 I 17 19 6 124 1 5 32 5 0, 58 5 2! 500 17 0 43 18 9 43" 5 5 *.';8 13j "i 9 85 0 10 0 944 0 *t* 115 14 4 0 605 19 13 0 1,825 13 24 16 4 27 2 1 1 "l 231 24 20 100 0 900 0 50 0 313 8 10 0 1,058 0 43 0 28 0 37 0 92 0 24 0 11 0 32 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 lOf 104 mi 10J 11 11 10J 11 11 1 j 1 1 2 3 1 1 149 7 1 131 9 11 125 11 4 156 18 1 131 16 9 400 19 9 128 10 0 204 19 10 130 17 11 584 1,257 1,311 5,042 2,469 8,794 1,341 3,564 1,034 s 6 1 1 1 1 8 0 1 2 2 18 ] '3 8 92 18 6 240 15 8 290 7 2 1,158 10 2 320 4 9 1,863 11 0 105 17 1 416 14 11 245 7 1 7 7 9 7 19 10 2 12 7 3 10 11 0 18 0 0 15 3 0 5 0 37 10 01 a 10 8 18 17 12 45 2 215 0 17 0 31 0 5 0 10 0 5 0 87 0 1 "36 15 0 15 0 6 3 1 1 1 24 0 5 28 8 1 8 1 1 8 0 41 0 60 0 15 5 10 2 5 2 6 126 15 0 5 0 62,0 102 4 186 4 7 0 0 4 8 0 18 7 3 0 15 0 21 15 0 197 2 6 0 10 0 34 10 0 38 15 3 7 10 (> 21 6 4 4 12 6 3 6 "l "l 1 1 45 0 0 8 05 0 10 0 4 j Carried forward.. 277 51,929 12 6 526,988 2,970 91,172 2,377 258 4,141 93,419 2,428 255 4,175 183 3,712 147! 331,000 25,952 13,765 0 34,307 4 9,173 0 33,569 13 235,071 6 152 275 8 122,039 6 600,200 17 191 2,406 118 318,125 19,932 13,820 0 32,387 0 9,071 0 37,664 7 210,792 16 153,812 9 1128,820 17 586,368 9 80,087 2 7 2,430 4 2 9,002 16 1 91,520 2 10 175,553 4 7; 7,62.8 15 6 6,212 3 3 1189,394 3 4, ,280,914 6 2 Carried forward. I. j I I K -D. -*». 1a


RETURN NO. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1890.


Live-Stock, Goods, &e. Stations. I i I -si ! *t K Traffic Expenditure. Number of Outwi loaching. ird. Inward. Outward. . Equiv. Tonnage cllafl &0 Wool. Firewood. Timber. I Grain. for Live- ' Stock, &o. I I Outward. Md£e. an" I Minerals1 | - Total. '■ Grand Total g1 ■ Tonnage. 5 Q i I ; 3 © ft o 83 I 'j Equiv. Ton- §,— nage for * r rt Live-Stock, R &c. Chaff, (fee. Wool. Inward. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. [ Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Bevenue. Goods. Total Value forwarded. Stations. jo 3.3 1.1 O 8 I 08 O CO o i i All i n I 6 o P ! O ! Firewood. j Ordinary Passengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching. Goods. Miscellaneous. Keats and Commission. Total Goods. Hubunui-Bluff Sec. — continued. Brought forward Pairlie Creek Timaru (Coaching) ) (Goods) \ (Wharf) j St. Andrew's Otaio .. (Closed Makikihi .. Studholme Waimate Waitaki North Pukeuri Duntroon . • Kurow Oamaru (Coaching)) (Goods) )" Breakwater Waiareka Junction Ngapara Maheno Herbert Hampden .. Palmerston Dunback .. Waikouaiti Seaelifi Waitati Purakanui Pt. Chalmers Upper Sawyers' Bay P. Chalmers (Coach-) ing) f Pt. Chalmers (G'ds)J Burke's Bavensbourne Pelichet Bay Dunedin (Pass.) ) (Parcels) J (Goods) .. Caversham Burnside Abbotsford Mosgiel Outram Greytown Henley Waihola Milburn Milton Waitahuna Lawrence Stirling Balclutha.. Clinton Waipahi Tapanui Kelso Pukerau Gore Riversdale Mataura Edendale Wyndham Woodlands Longbush Invercargill(Coach'g)) ( Goods) J Bluff .. ) „ (Wharf) I Makarewa Thornbury Kiverton Orepuki Otautau Winton Dipton Lumsdon .. Kingston Accountant Miscellaneous General £ s. d. 51,929 12 6 245 19 3 Ts. 0. Ts c 13,765 0 t * Ts. c 34,307 4 1,030 0 Ts. c. 9,173 0 Ts:- c. 33,569,13 Ts c 235,071 6 1,054 0 Ts c 152,275 8 102 19 Ts • c 122,039 6 11 8 Ts. c. 600,200 17 2,198 7 Ts. 0. Ts. 0. Ts. c. 13,820 0 25 0 Ts. c. 32,387 0 Ts. c. 9,071 0 114 0 Ts. c. 37,664 7 478 15 Ts. c. 210,792 16 331 18 Ts. c. 153,812 9 632 8 r Ts. c. Ts;* c. 128,820 17 586,368""9 852 ..■&,■■ 2,434 1 Ts. c. £ s. d. "80,087 2 7 •1,092 17 0 9,558 15 11 £ s. d. 2,430 4 2 10 0 15 15 0 £, s. d. 9,002 16 1 61 5 7 1,135 12 5 £ s. d. 91,520 ,2 10 1,155 2 7 10,710 3 4 a s. d. 175,553 4 7, 1,496 8 2 Cr. 7 14 2 11,392 11 0 1,971 5 5 1,358 2 7 382 8 1 1,446 18 0 2,206 19 2 2,551 3 9 945 3 1! 2,191 3 l! 1,610 19 11 2,593 15 6; Cr. 11 8 11 9,713 4 6J 1,740 5 8 3,599 17 1 945 6 9 3,530 14 9 485 2 8 2,506 5 3 2,914 14 1 2,767 5 10 919 15 8 459 6 3 526 6 7 105 14 11 193 13 9 157 10 8 Or. 16 9^ £ s. d. 7,628 15 0 3 0 11 Cr. 2 2 1 1,583 2 9 £. s. d. 6,212 3 3 23 17 0 60 0 0 323 15 8 185 2 2 7 0 0 11 0 0 39 15 0 37 11 0 31 1 0 M 3. d. 189,394 3 4 1,523 6 1 50 3 9 13,299 9 5 2,156 7 7 1,366 8 7 393 8 1 1,487 3 9 2,244 10 2 2,585 8 0 945 3 1 2,204 19 1 1,611 1 11 2,614 13 7 Cr. 3 6 10 10,468 2 11 2,204 9 0 3,601 2 1 945 12 0 3,538 4 11 486 2 3 2,548 8 3 3,052 14 6 2,768 15 0 935 10 5 461 14 5 531 6 7 107 14 11 194 19 7 157 10 8 Cr.O 16 4 £ s. d. 280,914 6 2 2,678 8 8 10,760 7 1 13,299 9 5 2,156 7 7 1,902 8 1 498 19 0 1,817 18 4 2,899 8 5 4,515 4 10! 1,271 11 2i 2,327 6 8 2,076 11 1 3,488 5 3 12,169 4 11 10,468 2 11 2,204 9 0 3,739 19 5 1,354 5 11 4,188 3 11 861 5 1 3,123 8 7 6,654 14 6 3,244 2 6 1,753 6 10 1,092 2 11 1,011 5 2 322 15 3 1,177 7 5 684 13 9 3,943 11 2! Hueunui-Bluff— contd. Brought forward. Fairlie Creek. Timaru (Coaching). (Goods). „ (Wharf). St. Andrew's. Otaio. Makikihi. Studholme. Waimate. Waitaki North. Pukeuri. Duntroon. Kurow. Oamaru (Coaching). (Goods). Breakwater. Waiareka Junction. Ngapara. Maheno, Herbert. Hampden. Palmerston. Dunback. Waikouaiti. Seacliff. Waitati. Purakanui. Port Chalmers Upper. Sawyers' Bay. P.Chalmers (Coaching). 277 2 526,988 4,584 ( 28,907 2,970 2 5 91,172 500 12,359 2,377 18 295 258 19 4,141 63 392 93,419 2,139 7,246 2,428 19 283 255 7 14 4,175 109 377 183 1 3,712 10 147 331,000 2,274 25,952 191 3 2,406 2 118 318,125 697 19,932 2 isj 450 0 4,011 0 4,945 16 1,401 0 4,149 16 2 14 293 12 46 3 152 16 109 17 561 10 245 17 7 12 253 2 570 2 38,214 17 36,912 6 193 1 40 15 83 12 144 4 636 16 312 4. 24 14 178 8 524 19 12,341 0 779 13 393 13 70 1 353 16 236 3 937 12 336 6 27 10 492 13 873 11 15,971 10! 70,539 3 174 6 42,814 15 597 13 1,515 19 147 5 304 4 429 13 1,034 17 465 6 1,067 10; 720 6 2,871 4 444 6 1,621 18 165 15 261 11 1,166 3 2,268 9 708 17 2,981 9 i 91 10| 25th n 11 12 12 13 12 14 28 1 Jan. 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 5,208 11 1 142 0 51 ) 113 8 0! 140 14 6: 372 19 4 361 4 8 307 11 5 134 17 6 91 12 7 307 15 9 I 3,715 748 1,861 3,928 5,907 1,960 1,200 1,833 2,988 I 48,214 ( **3 440 74 413 189 1,486 300 280 525 535 12,128 14 3 24 10 39 13 6 37 28 366 1 37 4 28 37 112 34 41 38 97 494 1,346 370 906 531 2,544 973 190 2,180 2,786 6,495 34 5 9 8 66 12 11 41! 72 305 1 4 1 4 4 1 6 14 57 10 26 51 73 37 10 44 185 365 15 2 3 g *128 133 7,'488 "29 'l60 145 0 275 0 35 0 75 0 95 0 65 0 180 0 210 0 20 0 40 0 5,175 0 102 0 278 8 55 12 72 12 213 0 361 0 318 8 218 4 234 8 1,592 8 10 0 10 0; 1,509 17 I 3,210 11 0 9 39,692 19 52 16 2,973 17 1,489 5 3,926 19 3,863 5 1,838 17 2,575 10 4,752 8 ! 2,630 9 1,416 4 6,404 10 9,421 9 60 10 14 7 65 14 177 14 171 5 53 14 2,842 8 120 3 93 19 8,253 2 15,137 4 5 0 61,190 8 27,924 0 3,603 4 1,594 4 4,344 18 4,385 16 5,410 9 3,134 4 8,040 7 3,011 8 3,252 15 "5 6 39 4 4 6 3,240 25 113 50 118 8 393 10 38 0 15 0 112 0 4S8 10 2 98 9 7 279 2 10 621 15 8 j 1,750 3 7 299 12 11 93 9 11 403 8 5 806 17 6 11,064 11 7 110 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 45 19 4 7 14 48 1 9 29 2 7 173 13 3 26 15 2 24 18 8 62 0 9 66 14 2 1,074 12 8 535 19 0 105 10 11 330 14 7 654 18 3 1,929 16 10 326 8 1 122 7 7 465 9 2 873 11 8 12,172 11 9 16 0 0 10 9 "5 83| "l 1 162 745 7 55 52 6 48 18 17 6,689 9,338 8,674 2,312 4,310 2,334 7,819 37 267 108 143 29 119 0 24 0 2,888 0 5 0! ! 0 12 1 11 17 8 1 12 85 1 11 6 68 19 1 1 3 2 6 4 4 15 0 283 0 36 0 92 0 294 0 3 3 3 54| 17 7 4 0 110 0 3 89 8 7 4,543 5 781 40 76 8 3 19 0 0 2 0 2 17 1 8 2 1 381 9 5 327 18 5 13 16 0 1 1 17 ■ 2 8] 0 4 2 14 10 0 10 0 18 1 0 52 33 7 6 14 d 10 13 13 12 15 12 13 13 13 13 13 18 26 5 2 1 3 2 1 8 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 3,887 15 0 1,298 1 5' 273 0 6 149 16 6 358 2 1 147 19 9 57 1 2 986 2 8 505 12 0J 218 0 9 122 10 3 237 17 5 165 3 0! 110 14 11 316 9 4| 874 2,036 3,873 2,198 2,746 17,748 2,246 3,499 3,842 3,601 2,197 10,998 7,601 ( 48.814 102 7 3 5 56 1 51 60 i 10 8 7 43 316 345 284 393 274 465 1,668 295 729 468 533 765 509 231 781 27 35 46 14 7 179 7 23 1 22 4 1 1 6 "l6 23 55 48 47 151 32 65 32 68 19 54 24 97 94 3,234 1,599 883 1,868 4,109 1,936 1,772 1,322 581 175 235 189 3,076 "3! 43 i 22 97 22 16 10 7 O 1 1 1 14 7 2 10 55 53 28 107 228 65 65 84 52 16 22 26 139 31 "3 1 "53 128 34 187 23 66 66 5 174 "l 769 3,046 2,554 3,309 2,634 1,628 6,243 39 1,410 29 327 22 233 40 355| io! 48| 85 0 280 0 40 0 40 0 10 0 75 0 15 0 5 0 330 0 45 0 255 0 3,589 16 67 8 400 4 22 0 282 16 13 0 163 0 178 4 1,780 8 131 12 144 8 16 8 324 0 43 0 28 0 29 0 1,769 0 17 0 1,084 2 1,155 1 3 14 0 4 41 13 30,089 15 77 9 9,572 6 2,693 12 6.099 14 1J200 9 1,171 13 1,569 1 1,187 8 1,105 17 418 19 50 17 0 7 7,377 13 7,658 17 111 15 72 16 497 14 41 8 156 12 271 7 281 16 237 5 80 15 98 15 62 14 33 14 488 9 1,843 17 9,403 17 3,396 13 791 6 1,349 10 5,261 3 6,435 12 18 13 9 6 64 11 279 12 44,394 3 18,405 12 13,788 18 3,619 14 8,273 8 1,294 1 8,596 8 8,527 17 3,273 5 1,969 17 1,520 2 1,113 16 537 1 1,361 12 523 11 "3 io 2 3 18 1 151 11 12 20 28 13 104 15 16 13 25 01 1 441 1 "5 17 21,999 945 252 1,065 7,028 '205 539 300 345 543 188 595 19 2 *418 3 57 720 0 5 0 10 0 5 0 150 0 15 0 10 0 235 0 2,934 12 3,702 12 372 4 1,937 0 5 0 97 0 285 0 489 0 67 0 119 0 317 0 361 0 474 0 I 3,194 3 23 15 71 1 412 11 521 11 54 8 338 9 275 18 1,725 0 287 16 308 0 61 2 27 8 22,605 18 29,881 12 195 15 936 1 913 6 71 14 693 2 435 11 330 9 192 14 147 6 201 11 ■ 12 15) 0 16! 175 11 11,734 18 3,395 6 65 9 759 4 614 14 162 4 438 16 533 6 2,817 17 375 9 354 1 99 16 80 0 15 18 1,284 19 13,106 15; 56,233 6 399 4 37,412 9 943 6 1,382 11 1,077 1 3,474 17! 2,062 0 4,972 15 459 11! 814 17 366 1 1,955 8 747 17 2,479 12 1,590 19! 6,840 5 658 1 2,000 12 427 16 1,472 3 88 19 490 8 8 0 128 3 14 0 35 14 708 3 2,313 11 80 17 0 369 15 4 564 3 3 342 18 8 541 6 3 3,344 13 5 443 3 10 669 15 6 571 12 2 423 14 4 169 17 2 912 12 5 432 2 7 3,256 12 6 0*13 0 3 0 0 5 11 6 23 5 0 0 10 0 84 14 0 4 13 0 18 8 6 18 12 0 7 3 9 86 3 0 611 16 3 57 7 4 38 18 7 82 15 9 26 12 8 33 14 1 234 1 7 31 13 8 63 6 11 54 3 4 37 15 9 26 11 2 62 11 8 8 17 6 75 18 9 138 17 4 408 13 11 649 19 0 375 2 10 575 0 4 3,602 0 0 475 7 6 817 16 5 630 8 6 479 18 7 215 0 4 982 7 10 527 3 1 3,944 7 6 0 5 3 17 8 0 2 0 1 10 11 19 2 1 1 11 18 2 373 9 0 136 5 4 15 0 6 2 6 10 0 42 1 0 136 9 6 2 146 M 6 "l3j 21 152 0 766 0 412 0 474 0 572 0 6 0 3 17 0 9; 1 4 49 11 66 '2 12 ! 39 0 14 12 10 10 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 1 i '*28 1 327 io 0 '2 8 743 10 27 12 "l *5 0 30 0 0 5 10 10 •• 1 10 310 *219 10 0 104 18 0 10 5 tj "2 •" 17 13 3,316 3 1 5 5 50 5 0 8 4 39 2 65 11 23,245 2 0 5 7 9 50 8 3,962 19 27,325 18 0 5 7 9 451 6 1 124 5 1,081 27 130 0 8,196 8 116 0 516 13 2,833 1 22,147 9 1 4 13 17 432 14 4,277 6 38,216 17 5 3 6 7 218 8 336 16 11,781 15 15,812 7 82 3 8 468 15 3 1,083 19 5 32,428 4 10 94 3 0 436 12 9 115 19 6 1,122 3 0 0 18 0 6 11 1 35 10 7 387 0 0 6,044 6 4 177 4 3 911 19 1 1,235 9 6 33,937 7 10 6,044 6 4 4,455 19 2 2 0 7 12 5 9 97 18 6 Cr. 798 1 11 Cr. 36 6 11! 40,245 6 6 77 11 1 4,019 1 4 3,778 14 9 1,066 16 9 882 8 7 827 19 7 625 0 4 323 6 11 2,071 9 6 4,883 5 5 962 4 7 3,207 2 8 12,351 6 4 5,699 8 0 1,357 12 5 2,275 3 11 989 19 4 4,311 11 8 1,972 13 5 6,017 0 0 6,900 0 7 1,848 7 9 1,896 5 11 1,116 0 9 7,259 13 6 7,353 6 10 Cr. 28 11 9 21,469 15 9 6,479 13 6 333 17 2 4,190 7 7 1,513 19 7 1,353 12 8 241 0 4 4,141 13 5 3,460 10 2 851 10 1 2,658 9 8 2,434 14 8 Cr. 431 2 11 225 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 10 32 8 4| Cr. 28 6 9 3 18 406 0 1 0 8 1 0 5 8! 7 18 8! 0 8 5! 0 19 i\ 0 3 0 62 10 0 4,743 11 4 2 0 8 13 8 7 156 6 10 167 18 4 Cr. 33 5 3 41,074 16 7 79 19 2 4,080 7 0 3,786 13 5 1,669 5 2 884 7 11 828 2 7 625 0 4 326 19 5 2,071 9 0 4,909 8 8 971 9 7 3,208 4 9 12,351 8 8 5,707 13 6 1,455 5 1 2,297 1 7 991 17 10 4,328 5 8 1,992 16 5 6,409 4 8 6,950 2 9 1,860 16 7 1,897 4 11 1,126 13 4 7,271 18 1 7,353 6 10 Cr. 28 8 2 22,217 4 9 6,908 10 6 413 1 3 4,211 9 7 1,514 18 7 1,355 19 1 244 8 8 4,152 13 1 3,503 19 10 852 1 10 2,673 18 8 2,427 11 8 635 6 7 4,743 11 4 179 4 11 925 7 8 1,891 16 4 34,105 6 2 6,011 1 1 41,074 16 7 1,147 3 0 5,058 5 10 4.731 0 10 4,336 16 10! 1,939 17 7 1,248 3 2 1,222 8 2 741 6 11 2,429 16 7 7,864 5 1 1,625 13 5 6,351 6 7 13,545 7 4 8,820 15 11 4,418 0 9 2,968 8 5 2,187 9 10 4,877 14 2 2,397 19 0 10,582 0 8 8,020 0 8 2,828 12 6 3,646 9 9 1,178 4 2 7.732 14 3 7,618 11 11 14,834 0 3 22,217 4 9 9,316 4 1 413 1 3 4,354 19 4 2,353 5 11 3,268 12 0 1,768 10 7 5,027 8 7 4,452 15 4 1,230 17 2 5,568 6 10 4,812 7 9 11,111 6 3 194 14 6 „ (Goods). Burke's. Kavensbourne. Pelichet Bay. Dunedin (Passengers). „ (Parcels). (Goods). Caversham. Burnside. Abbotsford Mosgiel. Outram. Greytown. Henley. Waihola. Milburn. Milton. Waitahuna. Lawrence. Stirling. Balclutha. Clinton. Waipahi. Tapanui. Kelso. Pukerau. Gore. lliversdale. Mataura. Kdendale. Wyndham. Woodlands. Longbush. Invercargill (Coaching). Goods). Bluff. 18 18 20 2 2 3 277 10 9 273 19 3 430 13 3 1,941 22,823 16,3591 f 158,047| 107 489 88 726 12 34 936 1 4 25 68 38 461 286 3 15 12 1 1 373 12 15 8 35 0 830 0 3 12 248 0 52 7 69 11 2,463 19 26 0 0 994 7 0 1 "5 0 3 0 19 6 20 57 7,996 19 4 50'iio 807 149 1,533 16 ,*520 980 "u 1,128 2 456 "47 180 0 10 0 80 0 450 0 2,570 0 225 0 945 0 405 0 130 0 335 0 845 0 175 0 890 0 60 0 520 0 150 0 95 0 15 0 105 0 125 0 75 0 430 0 125 0 65 0 20 0 45 0 25 0 4,082 8 11 0 12 0 2,766 6 4,951 16 3 0 437 9 148 16 2,796 2 1,475 5 1,965 17 684 19 427 10 690 15 7,538 12 766 10 1,257 5 2,523 14 6,067 4 1,040 4 2,413 16 786 0 4,585 1 2,620 16 7,729 5 8,256 9 1,365 0 743 4 780 1 275 10 98 16 27,514 6 52 15 3,833 12 634 17 381 6 154 14 48 7 154 5 78 6 113 6 646 11 76 11 513 6 353 12 401 1 184 15 103 3 144 3 84 0 74 18 853 16 348 6 711 19! 410 8 324 17 277 15 83 10 21,477 17 30 0 14,931 9 32,322 9 1,798 0 26 1 4 4 131 9 5 0 5,272 15 959 7 714 9 16 0 40,042 11 74 0 8 0 502 12 561 14 7 3 777 3 505 0 43 3 58 4 6 0 523 0 253 8 609 9 60,983 13 107 15 19,346 12 34,080 13 7,727 8 2,609 12 2,991 16 1,713 0 700 12 6,454 4 10,318 11 1,873 2 3,854 4 43,264 16 8,965 4 1,905 2 3,334 11 2,067 8 5,204 12 3,696 5 10,398 6 9,995 16 2,422 16 1,366 5 2,023 17 9,344 9 10,717 9 606 1 4,621 14 139 63 36 57 1 4 84 71j 39 51 239 29 i 1 151 50 22 52 4 is 1*494 313 1 7,987 7,220 0 260 0 255 0 30 0 35 0 20 0 3,557 12 0 8 8 4 35 12 73 12 403 16 832 0 108 0 83 0 78 0 142 0 5 0 36 0 11,309 19 5 8 232 0 1,282 6 717 6 545 12 135 9 161 16 31 8 24 13 955 15 285 4 971 9 687 17 727 14 259 2 84 12 252 19 485 10 374 5 953 17 1,033 17 517 7 366 8 1,416 6 70 5 4 2 41,161 19 337 18 2,416 10 40 9 213 3 330 5 59 19 235 8 26 8 48 1 3,230 7 148 13 280 0 335 15 444 11 346 1 77 10 206 18 110 18 127 10 3,165 12 270 10 360 0 181 6 410 15 195 5 56 3 14,875 15 48 5 1,039 10 182 10 2,055 5 1,322 15 170 16 289 16 159 10 205 10 831 6 452 2 2,887 8 706 8 1,133 18 746 9 201 19 629 8 531 14 369 10 1,890 1 1,293 11 1,017 5 336 2 1,204 5 411 16 172 16 61,589 0 140,546 5 5,316 11 6,076 10 8,855 11| 12,889 15 705 16 2,354 13 4,377 17 7,614 3 1,931 0 4,558 8 265 5 667 9 627 13 1,314 18 374 12 596 18 4,120 12 4,409 16 5,286 7 10,370 7 1,272 13 2,291 12 3,324 8 7,497 5 845 5 2,895 5 1,783 5 4,292 0i 4,147 9 5,610 5 612 2 1,097 3 297 12 1,404 I 1 845 11 2,175 13 192 14 1,215 19 1,304 4 7,550 18 1,061 9 4,315 7 339 2 2,313 2 1,513 7 2,596 3 353 8 3,577 14 452 5 1,176 7! 325 3 773 12' 423 10 0 2 0 0 61 0 0 9 19 19 17 17 12 14 13 13 13 13 11 15 18 14 16 15 9 10 13 12J 10 94 10 1 9 10i 13 49 3 3 3 5 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 3 7 6 2 1 2 1 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 7,754 17 4 281 18 8 438 0 4 308 9 3 601 9 6 335 16 8 117 19 11 138 6 1 219 18 10 156 12 4 523 14 2 126 2 0 675 0 5 411 0 11 818 17 5 1,110 2 11 228 14 6 122 4 3 296 4 7 122 7 11 701 6 9 307 15 7 243 3 6 179 0 7 174 13 7 115 19 5 166 0 3 (2,661 9 2 11,896 10 11 67 'i57 5 1 836 6 0 664 3 3 819 1 9 2,265 2 4 950 8 3 385 17 2 483 6 3 368 3 1 327 11 9 2,661 14 11 616 1 11 2,960 5 8 1,099 18 9 2,824 12 3 2,884 5 10 634 11 8 1,107 13 7 516 5 10 362 13 6 3,877 7 1 962 6 3 930 3 3 1,663 7 3 33 15 7 410 14 1 252 17 8 13,244 9 1 201 6 3 298 4 2 99 3 0 103 17 0 23 12 6 6 11 0 29 11 7 15 11 5 26 2 8 298 12 4 81 8 11 27 12 5 114 1 7 30 9 5 23 0 4 206 11 0 32 11 11 180 16 2 90 19 11 246 10 2 78 9 10 36 15 2 87 18 5 33 2 8 42 9 1 294 8 11 107 17 8 37 12 8 84 7 7 17 15 3 32 12 1 11 17 5 1,409 3 4 1,067 3 10 977 18 10 944 7 5 2,667 11 8 1,055 9 8 420 0 7 597 7 10 414 7 6 358 7 1 2,954 16 5 654 3 10 3,143 1 10 1,193 18 8 3,113 2 5 2,902 15 8 071 6 10 1,195 12 0 549 8 6 405 2 7 4,172 16 0 1,070 3 11 967 15 11 1,749 4 10 51 10 10 460 16 2 265 5 1 14,862 8 5 10,630 18,258 15,051 25,701 8,120 3,170 2,888 2,142 2,166 12,153 3,697j 10,186 5,C94| 14,267j 16,297! 3,123! 3,014| 3,592l 2,088: 14,287: 3,665 4,227 0,324 300 3,583 3,163 75,741 283 250 86 92 78 4I 414 272 471 3,068 1,550 239 880 195 106 2,039 412 1,247 908 2,012 957 313 479 317 446 3,789 l,139j 647! 549| 202j 482 178 19,886 136 15 13 18 5 29 138 13 62 16 155 29 8 31 8 5 86 46 3 42 7 10 2 45 g 2 144 22 32 93 61 63 71 57 33 184 39 76 73 296 170 47 44 23 77 264 107 53 129 11 77 28 509 , 689 459 423 2,848 2,477 552 818 523 375 2,749 1,284 4,080 2,239 3,580 3,306 769 1,920 1,389 834 4,308 3,689 1,583 1,618 1,351 914 378 4,583 Q 4 1 53 6 16 17 9 38 75 "5 55 40 37 189 84 80 75 42 52 136 78 101 134 260 246 57 68 29 78 204 132 63 136 13 58 12 348 "l 11 962 51 229 23 28 385 30 10 117 20 33 205 259 55 42 1 27 51 372 10 36 624 2 31 1 1 9 7,697 33 976 32 5,358 3,612 2,599 5,255 7,217 3,464 1,345 6,280 11,994 6,804 3,872 13 12,706 4,024 15,096 7,118 3,757 13,338 41 322 2,600! 5 331 7 76 126 41 0 457 16 149 4 589 8 28 8 94 16 38 16 42 8 295 0 134 12 1,173 4 71 12 565 16 158 4 206 12 120 16 417 8 96 0 456 12 658 16 154 4 112 0 279 16 109 16 0 4 61 0 16 0 130 0 23 2 5 15 16 16 9 4 1 2 396 1 136,299 643 831 334 2,453 1,772 66 107 527 1,427 863 286 1,042 271 221 352 67 144 10,014 320 1,677 2,338 87 400 68 215: 59| 212, 2 0 0 10 0 8 36 140 1 47 6 2 2 1 3 4 15 2 34 8 1 'id 108 0 21 0 134 11 1 1 6 6 I I •• 5 0 11 0 59 0 133 0 34 0 320 0 177 0 86 0 106 0 6 0 177 0 136 0 16 0 638 0 65 0 194 0 168 0 15 15 0 7 15 0 86 10 6 5 10 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 42 0 0 6' 2 6 3 10 0 2 "4 6 162 12 0 6 0 22 1 152 51 225 106 32 "5 0 2 12 0- 3 3 7 10 0 1 2 6 0 2 4| 18 6' 3 11 111 0 2 10! 0 18 6 0 3 6J 0 5 6 36 11 2 16 7 2; 1 8 10 0 19 0! 10 12 7 1 4 7 1 26 0 0 1 15 0 "3 2 62 13 124 46 3 30 12 1 81 56 7 39 5 15 5 113 "4 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 231 2 11 155 241 11 16 13 84 88 314 88 114 397 498 0 177 0 11 0 409 0 6 0 4 9 213 7 839 3 186 19 2 8 30 15 6 4 10 3 1 6 6 2 7 8 4 7 4 • * 2 6 1 10 6 14 102 11 89 153 14 25 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 25 0 0 12 5 4 1 4 16 0 166 4 8 0 9 8 6 17 0 94 0 9 21 14 10 10 0 16 10 6 19 17 6 355 7 6 27 15 0 11 0 0 2 51 *86 "4 1 "l2 4 "3 2 '33 443 0 256 0 6 0 5 0 82 0 222 0 424 0 2 13 335 13 3 2 2 9 24 13 14 3 8,161 0 9,476 10 2 1 55 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 25 0 15 0 130 0 i'.o 0 110 0 11 1 556 1 4 1 1 1 1 98 .. I 31 16 7 8 1710 0 0 10 0 208 16 0 11 0 0 5 78 0 0 3 7: 250 18 0 387 17 0 "l 328 2 1,053 12 201 495 0 110 0 1,517 16 3,318 0 0 16 156 12 106 16 11 0 0 8 598 4 373 12 83 0 664 12 583 12 1,197 0 649 0 19,084 7 3,315 3 8 18 4,382 15 219 13 1,424 10 116 2 10 17 2,665 8 391 2 6 11 2 13 4,118 12 11,263 15 429 8 2,672 5 2,053 1 250 8 102 4 3,026 15 2,652 19 581 13 1,474 4 1,308 16 8,836 15 6,813 4 763 4 573 2 175 3 612 14 54 6 263 5 244 0 75 8 184 16 134 1 2,102 11 7,438 15 4,435 1 2,433 7 1,048 17 116 12 196 16 4,330 7 1,645 18 33 0 37 9 12 0 37,352 1 32,907 17 5,637 7 10,929 1 3,909 10 3,595 4 1,699 16 8,320 8 8,052 17 2,224 3 2,881 12 2,096 2 "8 3 '204 26 •• I I 7,800 686 *572 1,006 1,100 0 775 0 1,209 12 3,222 0 3,293 4 1,113 0 782 0 5,757 2 9,120 8 0 13 74 13 206 11 130 1 211 5 984 7 144 13 203 9 328 11 984 7 7,165 6 22,982 17 11,081 1 68 9 242 11 445 0 72 11 317 0 661 4 121 5 347 18 150 12 5,998 1 4,252 4 1,739 15 89 3 467 3 277 15 532 15 947 16 828 18 413 16 535 17 1,984 3 10,924 18 33,267 19 5,480 6 46,614 15 236 16 16,351 9 381 3 1,003 8 985 10 2,425 15 411 9 2,514 5 149 6 1,392 17 857 17 3,284 4 811 1 2,568 12 367 6 1,464 16 677 19 2,952 17 2,187 12 5,864 14 496 11 0 41 0 0 79 4 1 21 0 0 14 39 { 8,824 1*474 4,442 12,022 15,204 3,424 4,149! 1,475 17,649 2,368j 2,440 i88 '449 1 39 2," 750 "8 91 68 1 "l 4 2,342*19 11 29* 6 6 35 7 2 2,407 13 7 12 7 1,550 3 6 22 43 31 129 65 40 34 29 32 5,242 420 87 744 749 240 301 5,299 3,468 1,074 81 17 505 11 1,129 45 0 60 0 400 0 10 0 5 0 30 0 25 0 80 0 160 0 345 0 464 0 850 0 417 0 172 0 83 0 334 0 970 0 398 0 121 9 11 768 5 6 1,764 2 11 1,503 4 9 790 4 1 862 14 7 342 0 10 2,771 2 10 2,286 2 6 4,130 19 8 21 19 10 65 1 10 144 0 6 19 12 2 80 6 5 83 9 5 36 14 6 123 5 4 98 13 7 143 9 9 838 12 4 1,912 13 5 1,524 6 11 874 15 6 948 15 6 378 15 4 2,894 8 2 2,384 16 1 10,475 19 8 194 14 6 0 2 0: 0 14 01 0 6 6 0 3 4 4 19 81 2 14 0 0 11 9 2 19 OS Cr. 7 3 0| 843 19 9! „ (Wharf). Makarewa. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Otautau. Winton. Dipton. Lumsden. Kingston. , Accountant. Miscellaneous. General. * 13 12 1241 10 13 13 13 13 13 1 2 3 2 2 3 ! 1 I 4 2 140 15 4 290 0 6 439 14 0 247 19 5 216 19 9 221 16 6 133 13 4 528 11 4 246 10 5 24 48 99 1 7 185 29 91 241 510 2,433 374 762 651 548 1,646 569 9 28 12 2 27 45 10 35 19 "l 32 68 44 15 111 66 67 148 100 220 1,778 1,867 2,131 2,993 2,162 1,760 2,495 3,216 1 7 14 4 19 31 3 25 16 1 36 95 31 37 174 84 45 162 163 2 2 1 84 173 133 19 184 34 21 25 17 1 5 8 1 1,910 3,662 175 6,924 3,477 1,684 5,486 36 691 279 235 17 359 83 16 818 2 390 0 290 0 120 0 390 0 85 0 125 0 85 0 25 0 50 0 321 0 16 0 1,060 0 840 0 6 0 346 0 975 0 489 0 5 0 3 5 2 9 10 4 7 9 1 8 1 1 '6 4 9 16 5 5 0 4 10 0 1 10 0 4 5 0 2 11 6 2 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 40 15 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 "lO 63 12 12 12*10 0 71 6,345 0 0 222 9 9 194*14 6 13,90315 8 .. • • • • 1, $91,278 7,762 I 20,730'10 20,730 10 127,365 68,707 4 25,641 0 94,549 9 449,024 5 269,868 12 325,195 6 1,260,348 16 1,281,079 6 214,663 16 4 12,643 12 4 23,649 3 250,956 12 4 413,573 5 2 12,166 19 8 10,770 12 4 436,516 17 2 687,473 9 Totals. 644 1119,646 3 11 230,613 5,512 491 11,352 230,613 5,512 491 11,352 417 10,632 586 552,564 35,159 27,365 0 68,707 4 25,641 0 94,549 9 449,024 5 269,866 12 325,195 6 1,260,348 16 1,281,079 6 417 10,632 586 552,564 35,159 Totals A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


RETURN No. 11. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1890.

6—D. la.


Service. Clio. fame ol lontracl tor. it. 31eepers, as under— 8,000 birch ... Upper Hutt 1,000 silver-pine ... Brunnerton Delivery by 31/8/89 ... Delivery by 11/6/89 ... Whiteman and Co.... Thomas IJowry 2/ each. i/8i „ [ron castings ... Auckland ... Wellington ... Christchurch ... Dunedin Delivery by 30/6/89 ... C. Hawkeswood Smith Brothers E. Buchanan Begg and Wilkinson 12/ and 11/ percwi u/8 12/ & 11/3 „ 11/9&10/9 „ ?) Etorse forage ... Christchurch )) "• G-. Treleaven and Co. As per schedule. Freight— 3,000 sleepers ... Auckland-Napier 5,000 ,, ... Onehunga - Waitara Delivery by 26/4/89 ... Delivery by 28/4/89 ... James Lewis Union Steamship Co. and Northern Steamship Co. \g each. /10 „ rimber supplies, as under — Native timber ... Wanganui ... Wellington ,, ... Napier ... Christchurch Kauri and foreign ... ,, ... Dunedin Rimu and white-pine Southland 45,oooft. mangeao ... Lyttelton and Wellington For 1889 W. W. Corpe Udy and Gallon B. L. Knight J. T. Brown R.W.England Kindlay and Co. W. G-uthrie and Co. E. M. Corbett As per schedule. j, jj ... j, ... 55 ... Delivery by 5/4/89 ... 23/6 per 100ft. Printed stationery ... Wellington ... Christchurch 2 years ending 30/6/90 Government Printer As per schedule. j> ,, t) Railway supplies, as under — 45,000 yards 36m. light canvas 5,000 yards 24m. light canvas 16 tons genuine white-lead 5 tons genuine whitelead 30 tons No. 6 steel fencing-wire 30 tons steel barbed fencing-wire 7,000 gallons colza oil For 1889 3} ,, , } ... T. and S. Morrin and Co. >» E. Porter and Co. ... E. W. Mills and Co. 17 per yard. It ., £23 14/6 per ton. £21 14/6 „ A. Briscoe and Co. ... £8 16/ j, ,, £18 18/ ,j ... T. and S. Morrin and Co. 2J6\ per gallon. Sreneral stores, as under — Ironmongery, iron and steel, oils and colours, ship-chan-dlery ... ... Auckland Drain-pipes, &c. ... „ Ironmongery, iron and steel, oils and colours, ship-chan-dlery ... ... Wellington Drain-pipes, &c. ■■■ ,, Ironmongery, shipchandlery, oils and colours ... Christchurch Iron and steel ... ,, Drain-pipes, &c. ... ,, Ironmongery, &c. ... Dunedin Iron and steel ... „ Oils, colours, shipchandlery, and drain-pipes ... „ ,, ,, ... a , ••• ,, Carder Brothers and Co. E. W. Mills and Co. P. Hutson and Co. ... As per schedule. 5! )) 3J ,, ,, S. Nashelski John Anderson E. and J. Ford N.Z. Hardware Company A. Briscoe and Co.... t) )) )) 55 ,, ... ,, Thomson, Bridger, and Co. ... >3 uniform clothing ... Hurunui-Bluff ... Northern lines 3 years ending 31/12/91 Ross and G-londining J. H. Dalton As per schedule. ,, j) Jniform caps ... "S.Z. Railways ,, ... C. Hill and Sons ... 5/ each. 0,000 gallons castoroil Delivery by 30/9/89 ... National Mortgage and Agency Company 2/6i per gallon.



RETURN No. 11—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c.—continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Coal supply ... Whangarei ... Auckland For 1889 James Smith Taupiri Extended Coal-mining Company Grey Valley Coal Company ... 8/ per ton. 6/ 3) ,, ... Napier ... Wellington ... Wanganui and Now Plymouth ,, ... Picton ... Nelson Union Steamship Company ... 24/ » 20/3 23/9 ,, ... >> Grey Valley Coal Company ... Anchor Steam Shipping Com24/ 19/ Hurunui-Bluff. Coal supply ... Lyttelton . Springfield ... Whitecliffs ... Timaru ... Oamaru ... Bushey j, ... Stirling „ ... Nightcaps ... Newmarket shops ... Petone shops j ... Addington shops ... Hillside shops pany ,, ,, j, Grey Valley Coal Company ... Springfield Coal Company W. Leeming and Co. Grey Valley Coal Company ... A.. Melntosh Kaitangata Coal Company ... Nightcaps Coal Company Grey Valley Coal Company ... 21/ 10/ 10/ 22/3 22/ 12/ 8/3 7/6 22/6 '9/ 19/6 20/6 ,, ,, ,j )> j, Timber supplies, as under — Birch piles ... Nelson ... Picton Ironbark ... Auckland \ ... Napier ... Wanganui ... Wellington r ... Lyttelton ... Dunedin ... Bluff Tallow-wood ... Wellington \ ... Lyttelton Birch, sawn ... Picton Totara, sawn ... Port Chalmers Rimu, sawn ... Auckland Totara., sawn ... Oamaru Birch, sawn ...Nelson Native timber ... Wellington ... Napier ... Wanganui ... Christchureh (1 ... Southland Kauri and foreign ... Christchureh ... Dunedin Delivery by 2/10/89 ... Delivery by 22/7/89 ... Delivery by 29/1/90 ... Delivery by 23/10/89... Delivery by 22/7/89 ... Delivery by 1/7/89 ... Delivery by 7/10/89 ... Delivery by 8/11/89 ... Delivery by 23/3/90 ... For 1890 Thomas and Holland G. A. Smith and Co. James Fox Higgins and Price .. Fritz Jeusscn G. F. Mellars Fritz Jenssen Henry Baigent Thomas Price Fritz Jenssen Alexander Bell John Waller and Co. New Zealand Pine Company... Williams, Stephens, and Co. ... James Gilmour £5 each. 18/ per 100ft. 18/ioi per 1 ooft., hewn; 1/8 per lin. ft., piles. 20/ per 1 ooft. 7/6 „ H/ » 8/ & 9/ per 100ft. 14/ per 100ft. 8/6 „ As per schedule. 1) ,, 11 >> ?) Iron coatings ... Auckland ... Hurunui-Bluff Delivery by 30/6/90 ... T. and S. Morrin and Co. A. and T. Burt 10/10 & 11/8 p. cwt. 10/ & 11/6 „ Sleepers, as under — 3,000 birch ... West Oxford 2,000 „ ■•• n 1,000 „ ■•■ !> . 3,000 „ ■■■ n 3,000 ,, ••• ji 2,OOO ,, ■•• >! 1,000 ,. ••■ Bennett's and East Oxford 2,000 „ ••■ View Hill 2,000 ,, ■■■ ji 2,000 „ ••■ Sheffield 1,500 black-pine ... Little River 1,000 ,, •■• )! 3,000 „ ... is 2,000 silver-pine ... Greymouth 1,000 birch ... Belgrove 2,000 „ ■•■ Wai-iti 3,000 long totara ..Lyttelton '2,000 birch ... Waimangaroa 1,000 „ ■■■ Picton 2,000 ,. ■•• Silverstream 2,000 totara ... Tahoraite 1,000 broad kamai... Wakftpfttu 1,000 „ ... Eirerton 2,000 kamai ... Wakapatu 3,000 „ ... i'ahia 2,000 ,, " ... Eirerton 5,000 „ ... Union Mill Siding, Waimatua and Woodeud Delivery by 30/9/89 ... ,, ... ,, ,, ., ,, ... ,, ,, ... 5) ' " Delivery by 29/11/89... Delivery by 30/9/89 ,., E. B. Youngrnan Jolm Sharplin Walter Eyde John Ingram John M. Booth Anders Jensen Thomas Vincent Alice Pcrham Louis Langesen John Lace William Coop Johnston, Wood, and Co. W. H. Hargreaves ... Stratford and Blair... Higgins Brothers ... Francis Currin Lycett and Cross W. and J. Harris ... Bragg and Yarrall ... Prouse Brothers Fritz Jenssen W. J. Perry James More W. J. Perry Wai son Brothers Small and Co. New Zealand Pine Company... 3/ each. )> » n )> )} It 3/1 each. 1/9 each. Delivery by 27/9/89 ... Delivery by 31/12/89 ... Delivered by April, 1890 Delivery by 31 /1 / 90 ... 1/7! each. 13/3 per 1 ooft. 2/ each. a/8* „ 2/11 „ 2/3 .. 2/8 „ 2/6 „ 1/10 „ 1/11 „ 1/10 „ i/llj » Delivery by 31/12/89... i, ,,


RETURN NO. 11-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

E. Cakeow, Eailway Stores Manager.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor, Rate. Sleepers, as under — continued. 5,000 kamai ... Woodend „ ... „ 1,000 „ ... Longbush and Greenhills 1,^00 ,, ... Riverton 2,000 „ ... Koinahapa . ,000 silver-pine ... Lyttelton 2,000 birch ... Belgrove 2,000 ,, ... Westport 1,000 „ ■■• Silverstream 1,000 „ ... Kaitoke Delivery by 31/12/89... Delivery by 31/3/90 ... Delivery by 28/3/90 ... Delivery by 20/3/90 ... Delivery by 6/6/90 ... Walter Guthrie and Co. John Murdoch A. Tapper James More Robert Greig W. E. Church Joseph Price W. and J. Marris ... Prouse Brothers W. Lawrence i/n| each. i/io „ 1/8 & i/io each 2/ each. 3/3i » 1/8 „ ! 2/6 „ 2/11 „ 2/ 11 „ Horse forage ... Christchurch Delivery by 30/6/89 ... George Treleaven and Co. As per schedule. 50 kerosene roof-lamps Dunedin Delivery by 20/6/89 ••• A. and T. Burt 37/6 each. Freight, 5,000 sleepers Onehunga to New Plymouth 20 suits firemen's uni- Addington forms Uniforms ... Northern lines Delivery by 24/10/89... J. J. Craig hi n Delivery by 4/12/89 ... Hallenstein Brothers and Co. £3 15/per suit. 2 years ending 31/12/91 Boss and Glendining As per schedule. Coal supply ... Whangarei ... Auckland For 1890 . ... Joseph Bell Taupiri Extended Coal-mining Company Grey Valley Coal Company ... Union Steamship Company ... 11/ per ton. 6/ 53 ' " „ ... Napier ... Wanganui and New Plymouth ... Wellington „ ... Picton ,, ... Nelson 24/ 23/9 tl ... ,, ,, ... Grey Valley Coal Company ... Anchor Steam Shipping Com20/3 24/ » 19/ » ,, ... pany Uurunui—Bluff. Coal supply ... Whifcecliffs „ ... Lyttelton ,, ... Timaru ... Bushey ... 0 amam ... Stirling ,, ... Nightcaps ... NCwmarket shops ... Petone shops ... Addington shops ... Hillside shops ,, j, ... ,, ... ,, ,, ... W. Leeming Grey Valley Coal Company ... Allan McIntO8li Grey Valley Coal Company ... Kaitangata Coal Company ... Nightcaps Coal Company Grey Valley Coal Company ... 9/6 21/ 22/3 12/ 22/ ,, 8/6 7/6 22/6 „ 19/ I9/ 6 » 20/6 „ ,, ... )> )j ... ,, ,, ,, ,, ...


RETURN No. 12. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.


Description. i i 1 -3 C is < 'Eh I I s is i c rt s p g IE 5 I s o I i O Eli I I 1 Caeeiages. st class, 6-wheel ,, 4-wheel ,, bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feot) „ 44-feet j Composite, 6-whecl „ 4-wheel bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet} „ „ 44-feet Jj ind class, 6-wheel „ 4-wheel „ bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet } „ 44-feet) 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 6 7 4 3 4 2 I 5 6 5 2 10 9 13 8 S 10 28 29 21 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 1. 2: i/ s: 6: 3: 23 16 21 IS 84 1 1 1 16: 2 7 9 3 1 1 6 10 35 17 6 1 3 2 2 4 1 2 s; 8 2 13 2 I Total ' ... 2 6 72 3 1 34 59 269 12 5°: Wagons, etc. Passenger brakes F 3-oods „ F „ „ bogie ¥ ?ell „ ¥ Crocks, &c, — Platform coal P Timber 1ST Cattle H „ bogie T Sheep, double floor J „ „ bogie S Horse-boxes GCovered goods K (refrigerating) K2 „ bogie V High-side L „ bogie E Low-side M Iron hopper, mineral O Platform, bogie U { 2 68 2 6 2 70 6 2 3° 2 I 8i 76 6 37 13 44 24 15 10 is 2 75 4 4 35 9 6 46 3 22 92 40 6 45 10 16 53 82 8 277 163 2 165 5 "a 3 4 4 8 2 6 2 2 139 603 3 J9 18 297 3 1 104 483 56 8 i8( Ii 17 45 3 12 9 10 5i 319 40 8 2,868 2 1 1 2 I 3 1 2 3 8 253 54 177 80 157 22 100 180 19 38 31 32 3,689 4 8 77 % 280 30 849 30 257 12 '7 106 i»543 543 28 206 14 14 Total 86 _£!_ 862 407 404 744 4,864 321 252 60 63 8,161 Taepatoins 6 5.08, 12 500 3,9 64 144 140 231 15 24 40

Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheels. TruckWheels. 1 -d M rt d 3 t < o fl £ f I 2 £ 5 S A ■!■ a s o I i I I i § !; E c 'So £ ilf" Stroke. No. Diameter. iWl meter. No. Dianeter )ouble Fairlie B E "f In. 9 10 In. 16 18 18 16 16 j 20 ! 20 18 18 18 8 8 8 6 6 Ft. in. 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 o 3 °i 4 o 4 o 3 o 4 o 3 ° 3 5 4 o In. 1 1 6 1 5 2 6 1 18 Single Fairlie American Snglieli ?ell E S K N O Q T P V H 10 I2i 13 12 IS iS 11 15 iS iS fi4 (.12 8 9* 9* ioi io| 14 ioj 13 I2i 14 20 20 l6) 14 3 IS 18 • 18 18 18 4 6 8 4 8 8 6 4 2 8 4 4 2 2 2 4 2 3° 30 25 26i 26^ 30 3 3 ■" 3 7 6 6 I 8 6 6 2 6 7 9 1 7 8 6 6 2 6 10 9 6 -» A C D F G J L M f 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 2 6 2 6 3 ° 3 o 3 o 3 6 3 o 3 6 3 6 3 ol 1 2 I "' 4. 2 i ; 18 I 18 I 21 1 2 3 1 1 17 i 2 II 2 1 4 3 3 8 7 1 17 32 4 23 1 I 3 2 4 3 I 2 1 11 10 32 81 4 32 10 2 2 20 18 20 : 24 24 ... 6 4 I 3 5 2 20 20 ... 6 a8i 26J 2 2 W 4 ._.. 1 1 . . ■ Total 3 36 17 29 27 '39 S 6 4 3 272 ... I 3


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Weighing-Machines, "Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.


Description. I n ■a a 3 < "Si i I 3 G O £ o JL p o c o Weighing-Machines : — 1 cwt. 2 „ 1 1 29 9 18 26 4 33 3 7 1 I 2 38 23 63 Si 3 ,» 4 » 5 », Si „ 6 „ 7 ., 8 „ I 1 4 18 6 1 12 3 3 2 14 4 1 1 2 1 '"3 "e 4 "16 2 1 J 1 1 1 6 2 S 4 : 1 9 „ 10 „ 2 1 3 1 I - 11 „ 12 „ iai „ 13 „ 14 „ 15 „ 16 „ I 2 3 1 2 S ... 21 42 5 1 S 1 7 21 I 1 3 4< I ... 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 2 1, 3' 20 „ 21 „ 22 „ 26 „ 27 „ 50 „ 60 „ Total 1 1 1 1 2 ... i ... i 2 3_ 1 2 58 25_ 20 55 239 S_ 3 11 7_ 42; Weighebidges : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ 1 1 i 7 n » 8 „ „ 10 „ (wagon) "• I i i '" 1 2 2 I ... ' 12 „ H » » 20 „ „ ... ' Total ... i I I 2 ... 1 1 "6 1 8 ; lj 1 1 2 i ' 2 2 1 2 3_ 3 3 3 13 28 11 1 Li 2 1 j I L 1 "1 1 1 i_ 1 r ... 1 1 1 21 Teavebsees Turntables : — 40 feet (engine) 11 „ (»-agon) ! "• ... I - i 1 ■" J ... I 4 3 1 27 j ] 1 '" ... 1 12 „ „ 13 .. » 14 » » 16 „ Total 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 6 3 30 7i 2 1 1 1 40 18 1 1 ■ 10 3_ I 61 1 ■■■ 2 I ■■■ I ■■■ 1 1 9 1 Ceanes : —■ i ton, stationary, hand ii » » >. 2 „ 3 H 4 >. » » 5 „ S „ 10 „ „ „ ; 1 i "■ ... 4 ... 3 2 2 1 14 2 3 5 8 4 i 28 1 ... 1 I ... . 2 i - - i j ... ] 1 1 1 ... i 1 I 31 ... j 1 ... I ... j ... I 1 i 28 1 ! 1 i 1 4 20 „ 8 „ „ hydraulic 1 „ travelling, hand [ ... ■ ... 2 1 ... j 2< ... ! ... 1 ... I ... ! ... ... : ... 1 2 '5 1 2 „ 3 1 3 3 1 i I 1 3 » 5 ,» 7 » ii ,, „ steam 2 ,, „ „ 3 c 5 i> » i> 12 » Hoisting engines ,, Pile-driving engine „ Total * 3 3 f 3 3 ... 2 1 3 5 1 6 6 6 1 i i 2 1 ... I I 1 1 1 18 1 6 12 14 1 ! 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 i6g 3_ 3_ 14 8 ... 7__ i_ 22 88 9_| ' 5_ 7_ 3_ Wateb Seevices : — Steam Hand Windmill ... Hot-air Hydraulic ... Gravitation ... Propeller Total 2 1 1 4 14 1 4 5 s 7 2 2 3 3 4 1 20 4 1 7 74 34 12 I H 20 1 ... I 1 1 2 2 14 126 4i • 21 39 48 1 290 8 13 8 1 48 ' 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 33 *7 14 161 1 1 I 2 6 4


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1890.

RETURN No. 16. Statement of Sleepers relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1890.

RETURN No. 17. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.


Weight. i I I q rt iS c B c S to a 1 I p I a 5 I l I 13 'Eh rt a c tj S C1 3 iAILS EELAID : — 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 70-lb. steel ... i 40 1,891 45 6 224 159 ! 28411,622 I7 2 I 7.49° ! ' '" ■■■■ 456 j 9,112 I I ... 1 I - i 235 I 409 ... - j - 235 I 409 ... I 1 33 1 2,395 10,620 53 ... Total 40 1,891 680 217 34 13.074 1 I

Description. rt M i I 60 a I < 'S. o bo a 3 a oi to a its •3 '3 a g X o I o J o I s o s 3 Sleepers belaid :— Black-pine ... Totara Black-birch... Eata Jarrah Silver-pine ... Puriri Kauri Ironbark Xuimii 1 I 1,549 220 6,404 I 1,594 421 3 9,426 3.S7I 56,486 248 1,321 4,S8S 763 59 266 ... 45 878 4,735 3,698 i»59° ... 9,426 6,935 73,379 251 1,321 5.463 24,082 191 266 276 109 10,420 132 3,295 9,219 ... ... ... i ... I i 7,104 7,104 Total 276 109 io,553 4,844 6,624 ",237 83,829 923 4,735 3,698 ".59° 128,418 Statement of 81: !EPE) as b: EMOTE :n duri ing th< e Tea; r endin ig 81sl b Mar( 3h, 18! 90. Ileepees eemoved : — Black-pine ... Totara Black-birch... Eata Jarrah Silver-pine ... Puriri Kauri Blue-gum ... Kamai Oregon Manuka Eimu White-pine ... Creosoted 276 109 I 88 76 172 10,53! 55o 1,087 216 755 2,113 :,86 4 3,264 962 5 439 36 4,914 2,014 46 '7 287 1,674 37,270 13*644 23>59 6 9 2,708 34 3,453 5,070 96 2,190 126 36 So ... ! 923 I I ... 1,229 3,690 57 4 I '.S29 44,743 20,089 32,191 9 2,713 34 189 15,850 8,893 96 2,224 126 2,405 22 5o 34 2,285 "84 Total • ... 276 iop 10,867 4,755 6,57° 11,237 88,304 1,007 1,229 3,690 !>S9o 129,634

Number of Private Sidings. Sections. Miles. . Nnmber of Stations and Stopr ping-places on the Time-tables. At Stations. | Out of Stations. . I Total. ECawakawa Whangarei luckland STapier Wellington SVanganui ETurumii-Bluff... 3-reymouta SVestport _ .. . Selson Picton l 8 266 97 92 21S 1,069 8 20 23 18 4 4 92 35 3 1 90 389 5 7 12 9 I 8 10 2 12 I3O 3 ♦ ] 5 13 6 16 7 9 3 IS 43 !73 3 6 1 2 2 Total 1,823 169 67 236 678 169 I


RETURN No. 18. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1890.

* Three months' notice. t Originally laid under old agreement.


2 d ill Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amounc of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1890. In. Out. Total. 111. Out. Total. whangar: El SECTK )N. £ s. d. 60 0 0 341 E. 86/1887 .. j Aug. 2, 1886 ! Kamo Colliery Company.. .. 8 55 Karao .. .. f Grantees 10 years* .. £ s. a. Premium.. J £ s. a. & s. d. j £ s. a. 2 11 10 ! 1,337 17 0 ! 1,340 8 10 79 I P.W. 77/4093 267 R. 82/2043 \ . 279 j B, 83/917 .. 303 R. 83/3494 .. 333 E. 84/3379 .. i 339 i R. 86/846 .. 346 ; . 86/233 .. 358 ' R. 87/1613 .. 373 R. 88/2692 .. 417 R. 89/3364 .. AUCKLAN D SECTIC IN. 200 0 0 Premium.. 50 0 0 164 7 6 ! 473 10 0 86 0 0 317 0 0 i 216 0 0 533 0 0 275' 0 0 786* 0 0 S 1,061 0 0 539 0 0 326 0 0 i 865 0 0 868 0 0 106 0 0 974 0 0 2,241 0 0 ; 2,241 0 0 4 0 0 635 0 0 639 0 0 969 0 0 1,277 0 0 : 2,246 0 0 656 0 0! 361 0 0 i 1,017 0 0 I 7,064 0 0 I 7,064 0 0 Oct. 18, 1877 Robert Lamb .. .. .. I 78' 28 I Ngaruawahia Mar. 25, 1882 Helensville Timber Co. (Limited).. I 35 41 ! Helensville South Oct. 27, 1882 ! J. Bycroft and Co. .. .. j 6 26 New Lynn Jan. 10, 1884 j Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Corn- j 7 34 Westfield.. pany (Limited) July 20, 1885 ! N.Z. Frozen Meat Co. (Limited) .. 0 0; Auckland.. Mar. 22, 1886 | Waikato Coal and Shipping Company 64 59 Huntly .. Aug. 25, 1886 Miranda Coal and Iron Company .. 44 40 Mercer Jan. 10, 1884 N.Z. Frozen Meat and Storage Co. i 7 48 Westfield Jan. 17, 1889 i T. and S. Morrin and Co. .. ! 7 56 Onehunga May 30, 1889 ': Taupiri Extended Coal Company .. : 64 56 . Huntly .. Govt. .. Grantees 10 years* .. * * 420 0 0 140 0 0 892 17 0 * Govt". .. Grantees * "t Premium.. " ■ ■ * 70 10 0 360 0 0 j 6 years* .. 10 years* .. .. j NAPIE IE SECTIC iN. 126 9 9 20 13 3 1 147 3 0 277 18 7 .. 277 18 7 3»826 2 3 2,975 10 4 6,801 12 7 262 12 5 .. 262 12 5 17 4 10 1,462 6 0 1,479 10 10 20 3 1 945 4 9 965 7 10 24 | C.E. 75/845 .. 229 ! R. 81/1671 .. 301 i R. 83/3089 .. 322 Rj 84/3540 .. 328 R. 85/794 .. 329 I R. 86/1028 .. 332 R. 85/171 .. 334 E. 85/1508 .. 335 R. 85/2840 .. 336 R. 85/2434 .. 1875 Napier Gas Company .. .. 2 30 Napier .. .. j Feb. 16, 1881 Nelson Brothers .. ..20 Oct. 26, 1883 Nelson Brothers (Limited) .. 12 8 Tomoana Dec. 8, 1884 | W. F. Burnett .. .. .. 13 79 Hastings April 4, 1885 I Tamaki Timber Company .. 81 15 Tahoraite April 11, 1885 Hawke's Bay Timber Company .. 70 78 I Makotuku June 1,1885 Wilding and Co. .. .. 63 0 Kopua July 24, 1885 Tanner and Mortensen .. .. 73 56 Matamau Dec. 1, 1884 Hawke's Bay Timber Company .. 69 21 Makotuku Nov. 19, 1885 Robert Holt .. .. .. 1 72 Napier j Govt. .. j Grantees Grantee Grantees Undefined 10 years*.. * * 6 years*.. 10 years* .. Premium.. 240 0 0 206 0 0 133 0 0 60 0 0 192 0 0 Extension, £30 95 0 0 84 10 0 172 0 0 72 0 0 Rental, £50 75 0 0 300 0 0 117 4 1 157 0 0 Rental, £100 76 18 3 696 6 4 ! 773 4 7 366 2 0 366 2 0 360 18 9 360 18 9 1,481 11 10 I .. 1,481 11 10 Grantee „ • * . 340 E. 85/2362 .. 345 ! R. 86/1516 .. 356 I R. 87/1399 .. 361 R. 87/2721 .. April 4, 1886 Knight Brothers .. .. 13 74 Hastings Sept. 2, 1886 Napier Gas Company .. .. 14 1 Dec. 15, 1884 Henderson and Wratt .. .. 80 12 Danevirke Aug. 27, 1887 Nelson Brothers .. .. 60 4 Takapau Grantees " 7 years*.. 10 years*.. • * 707 5 5 4 12 9 711 18 2 38 14 0 .. 38 14 0 806 10 5 806 10 5 16 13 8 2,433 0 1 2,449 13 9 " I 421 R. 89/3941 .. 422 R. 89/3840 .. 438 E. 90/1165 .. Dec. 19, 1889 „ .. .. 45 35 | Waipukurau .. j Dec. 11, 1889 Dalgety and Co. .. ..03 Spit Oct. 9, 1887 Murray, Roberts, and Co. ..04,, I Govt'. .. 2 years*.. 3 years* .. 10 years* .. t V Rental, £25 Rental, £25 1,047 1 3 1,505 4 5 2,552 5 8 165 7 9 3 17 7 169 5 i 988 17 9 22 9 5 1,011 7 2


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTTCULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1890.


■OS Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount ol Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during »hi Year ending 31st March, 1800. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. WELLINGTON SECT 'ION. M. oh. I 216 I P.W. 81/2948 July 7, 1880 William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 34 Carterton .. Govt. .. 221 R. 80/1588 .. 'Dec. 13,1880 Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing 6 37 Petone .. .. Grantees Company (Limited) 227 R. 82/2026 .. Feb. 8, 1881 Robert Donald .. .. .. 62 8 Middleton .. Grantee 237 R. 81/1723 .. July 28, 1881 John Chew .. .. .. 54 55 Dalefield 272 R. 84/133 .. July 26,1882 Williams and Beetham .. ..62 15 Middleton .. Grantees 296 R. 83/2850 .. Sept. 21, 1883 A. S.Duncan(Woodside Saw-mill Co.) 51 0 Matarawa 313 R. 84/1443 .. May 9, 1884 Wellington Meat-preserving and 3 21 Ngahauranga .. Refrigerating Companv (Limited) 423 R. 89/3822 .. Aug. 1,1889 C.Lett.. .. .. ..28 44 Kaitoke .. .. Govt. ..! £ s. d. £ s. d. j 10 years* .. 300 0 0 90 0 0 „ * .. Premium .. 117 19 11 : , * .. . .. I 82 1 8 i „ * .. , .. j 63 5 0 220 12 9 „ * .. „ .. 150 1 4 „ * .. .. 425 19 7 £ s. a. 48 9 8 561 12 9 6*15 8 17 0 5 5 6 0 & s. a. 3,047 17 0 459 15 8 33 12 8 176 6 11 23 5 1 842 11 3 £, s. d. 3,096 6 8 1,021 8 5 40 8 4 193 7 4 28 11 1 842 11 3 5 years .. t 48 6 0 48 6 0 WANGANUI SECTIC 3N. 14 17 9 81 15 3 223 R. 81/116 .. Jan. 13, 1881 Moore and Currie .. .. 13 46 Kai Iwi .. .. Grantees ] 264 R. 82/946 .. Mar. 2, 1882 Newberry and Millard .. .. 7 46 Okoia 287 R. 83/338 .. Jan. 27, 1883 Wellington and Manawatu Railway 66 28 Longbum JuneCompany (Limited) tion 310 R. 84/1399 .. April 5, 1884 James Robson .. .. .. 33 20 Ngaire .. .. Govt. and grantee 315 R. 84/184G .. Sept. 4, 1884 Manawatu County Council .. 79 61 Carnarvon .. Grantees 349 R. 86/2995 .. Oct. 23, 1886 A. Brown and Co. .. .. 33 17 Ngaire 354 R. 87/881 .. Aug. 7, 1887 N. King .. .. ..09 New Plymouth .. Grantee 10 years*.. Premium.. 86 0 0 „ * .. „ .. 162 0 0 381 19 6 3 12 1 15 0 11 16 7 80 0 3 ... 200 0 0 43 8 3 j 544 3 6 587 11 9 .. 273 12 0 6 years * .. 10 years*.. Premium.. | 150 0 0 Rental, £25 „ * f ' Rental, £25 „ * .. Premium.. I 112 0 0 Rental, £25 „ * .. Rental, £25 5 years * .. j ,* .. t 79 7 4 371' 17 6 17 12 6 31 2 3 927 1 7 30 1 8 123 2 1 34 8 9 6 5 3 47 7 5 466 14 10 455 13 6 446 10 8 199 9 1 21 16 5 588 8 1 253 15 2 872 6 11 407 8 9 126 14 9 466 14 10 827 11 0 360 R. 87/2630 .. Aug. 16, 1887 P. and J. Bartholomew .. .. 151 44 Feilding .. .. Govt. .. 375 R. 89/1003 .. April 10, 1889 J. R. Lysaght .. .. .. 54 1 Mokoia .. .. Grantee [and Timber Co. 384 R. 89/1328 .. May 1, 1889 Wanganui Sash and Door Factory 106 20 Wanganui .. Govt. .. 406 R. 89/2835 .. Sept. 13, 1889 H. Brown .. .. .. 15 42 Inglewood 407 R. 89/2957 .. Sept. 24, 1889 Richter, Nannestad, and Co. .. 58 45 Hokowhitu 408 R. 89/3046 .. Oct. 2, 1889 j Bailey Brothers .. .. 50 61 I Taonui .. „ 416 | R. 89/3275 .., I Aug. 1, 1889 ! Bailey and Co. .. .. .. I 9 31 Rata 464 3 2 230 11 4 948 18 0 618 9 9 376 17 3 906 15 8 413 14 PICTON SECTION. 10 years*.. Premium.. 163 10 0 „ * .. , .. 275 1 7 25 0 10 16 14 0 225 5 7 159 4 3 250 6 5 175 18 3 260 R. 81/2812 .. Jan. 19,1882 Fell Brothers and Co. .. ..17 73 Blenheim.. .. Grantees 299 R. 83/2271 .. Oct. 2, 1883 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 „ .. .. „ .. Company (Limited) NELSON SECTION. 10 years*.. | Premium.. | 150 0 0 | 191 6 8 | 51 16 6 238 ! R. 81/1947 .. | Aug. 31, 1881 | Neale and Haddow .. .. | 1 0 | Nelson .. .. | Grantees | I 243 3 2


* Threa mouths' notice. t Originally laid under old agreement. !l Siding since closed.


GREYMOUl jin. 319 344 R. 84/2977 .. R. 86/2585 .. R. 89/2985 Oct. 28, 1884 Aug. 20, 1886 A. McKenzie and Co. Westport Colliery Company 5 70 I 8 0 2 52 Wallsend .. I Brunner Kaiata .. .. j Grantees Greym'th Har.Bd. G0Yt. . . 10 years*.. 5 years* .. Premium.. 55 0 0 4 3 3 06 8 3 43 10 3 ! 96 8 3 —q405 P 1 £T 12 • 13 20 32 33 37 R. 81/1026 I R. 82/2186 .. P.W. 76/3501 P.W. 76/2946 R. 82/432 .. P.W. 76/823 P.W. 76/3721 Aug. 1, 1889 April 28, 1866 Dec. 28, 1870 Aug. 14, 1874 Dec. 18, 1874 Dec. 11, 1875 April 7, 1876 April 22, 1876 July 18, 1876 T. \V. Wilson .. .. .. i J. T. Brown Wood Brothers White and Co. .. Oamaru Harbour Board Kaiapoi Produce and Milling Co. .. Miles, Archer, and Co. James A. Mcllraith N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Reid and Gray William Vaughan E. Menlove J. A. Duthie Oamaru Harbour Board .. \ 7 39 1 17 21 29 157 77 1 52 105 54 8 75 166 27 HURUNUI-BL Addington Riccarton Leeston Oamaru Wilson's Siding .. Timaru Glentunnel Maheno ;UFF SEC Grantee Grantees Govt. .. ITION. For ever .. i t I 890 5 6 399 7 4 (See No. 123.) 191 12 6 900 6 1 8 2 5 264 19 2 772 17 10 507 12 G 590 4 2 760 7 1 410 12 6 • 47 19 6 1,663 3 4 399 7 4 Grantees Govt. .. Undefined 699 5 0 1,490 10 3 768 9 6 675 11 8 83 96 100 116 120 P.W. 77/44S2 R. 79/722 .. Nov. 1, 1877 1877 1877 Nov. 6, 1878 236 45 24 49 14 37 271 24 157 64 157 65 157 77 204 10 351 60 Dunedin Sefton Ngapara Milton Oamaru (1st sidg.) „ (2nd sidg.) Oamaru Waikouaiti Edendale 10 years*.. Undefined 10 years *.. H300 0 0 ||300 0 0 27 13 0 11215 0 26 3 7 61 12 0 147 'l8 6 27 17 0 287 6 5 67 2 9 332 3 7 54 0 7 348 18 5 67 2 9 480 2 1 P.W. 77/4412 Jan. 23, 1878 }. .. » * 300 0 0 50 0 0 (See No. 123.) 12,259 12 2 20 5 3 1,486 16 3 123 135 142 P.W. 77/4413 P.W. 78/1573 R. 78/649 .. Jan. 23, 1878 May 8, 1878 Aug. 3, 1878 Anderson and Co. N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Dunedin City Corporation B. C. Calverley .. J. Freeman Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company J. McDonald J. Nelson H. A. Knight .. W. Conyers James A. Mcllraith M. Instone Cunningham and Stead Dunedin Saleyards Company N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited), also Bruce and McLaren Matson, Cox, and Co. Springfield Coal Company (Limited) James Shand R. D. Thomas McCallum and Co. Miles, Archer, and Co. Hon. Mathew Holmes George Jameson " * 300 0 0 ||300 0 0 300 0 0 90 0 0 48 0 0 8,082 11 4 16 13 10 357 19 4 4,177 0 10 3 11 5 1,128 16 11 169 174 175 177 178 180 183 185 199 201 204 211 214 215 R. 84./3315 .. • R. 78/592 .. R. 79/607 .. R. 79/684 .. R. 79/1087 .. R. 80/44 R. 83/204 .. R. 80/1 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Jan. 15, 1879 Aug. 23, 1879 Oct. 21, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 Jan. 28, 1880 Mar. 23, 1880 236 53 241 70 241 71 243 42 0 73 267 51 283 45 19 46 386 23 6 15 12 5 7 59 239 22 116 9 Dunedin Abbotsford Wingatui Mosgiel .. Millburn Stirling Racecourse Hill.. Greenhills Christchurch Thornbury June. Addington Burnside St. Andrew's " „ Undefined 10 years* .. * ||300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 81 0 0 60 0 0 398 8 6 176 18 2 529 18 2 3 15 2 20 11 8 247*17 5 52 7 1 550 10 6 7,574 11 4 4 3 11 377 6 0 118 4 3 1,023 1 3 55 14 7 175 2 1 1,232 9 0 542 8 7 46 14 3 93 6 9 6**2 9 333 0 5 573 16 1 364 13 5 377 6 0 118 4 3 1,023 1 3 454 3 1 352 0 3 1,762 7 2 546 3 9 67 5 11 93 6 9 247 17 5 58 9 10 883 10 11 8,148 7 5 368 17 4 Grantees Govt. .. Grantees ' „- .. 217 219 224 225 228 230 232 235 R. 80/987 .. R. 81/201 .. R. 81/63 R. 85/861 • .. R. 81/835 .. R. 85/523 .. R. 82/2538 .. R. 81/1479 .. Sept. 22, 1880 Nov. 25, 1880 Jan. 14, 1881 Jan. 20, 1881 Feb. 8, 1881 Mar. 1, 1881 April 1, 1881 June 6, 1881 58 76 29 63 257 58 7 60 365 32 105 57 2 0 59 4 Ashburton Springfield Henley Addington Longbush Timaru Castlerock Ashburton Grantee * " , ■ ■ * "I • • -: • • Premium.. 250 0 0 35 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 225 0 0 183 3 8 18 7 11 1 4 11 1,747 4 10 350 14 1 0 6 4 1,930 8 6 369 2 0 1 11 3 Grantees " • • 85 15 11 (See No. 32.) 5,86010 0 5,946 5 11 Grantee Undefined 10 years *.. Premium.. 102 0 0 180 0 0 1,507 is 3 2io"s 6 1,297**6 9 » . ■•

D.— lk.

RETURN No. 18- continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1890.


■3,8 ] Papers. i Date of Grant. J Present Holder. I Position. Nearest Station. I By whom ! paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum, i Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1890. In. Out. Total. in. Out. Total. [URUNUI-BLUPI SECTION ' — continued. 236 E, 81/1405 .. ■238a R. 83/2228 .. 239 R. 81/1982 .. 240 I R. 83/502 ".'. 245 ]R. 81/2332 .. 246 R. 81/2501 .. 248 : R. 83/3241 .. 249 I R. 83/1171 .. 250 \ R. 83/1556 .. 256 : R. 81/2820 .. June 27, 1S81 Sept. 1, 1881 Sept. 9, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 Nov. 1, 1881 Nov. 24, 1881 Dec. 16, 1881 April 18, 1883 Deo, 22, 1881 Jan. 3, 1882 Kemptliorne, Prosser, and Co. (N.Z. Drug Company, Limited) National Mortgage and Agency Co. .of N.Z. (Limited) Wood Brothers N.Z. Provision and Produce Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. S. White W. C. Nicholls Frew and Co. N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. South Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) and P. M. Rickman C. W. Fisher and Co. Smith and Fothermgham M. ch. 239 24 7 57 7 00 7 0 58 70 ! 251 0 26 22 72 239 23 106 10 Burnside Addington Belfast .. Ashburton Wetheral Rangiora Oraki Bumside Timaru Grantees Grantee 10 years' .. * . | :• •• -: • • Premium.. Premium.. a s. a. 93 0 0 84 0 0 80 0 0 200 0 0 145 0 0 70 0 0 £ s. a. 330 15 9 1,109 12 2 880 15 2 159 0 8 41 10 1 25 11 2 10 13 1 £ s. d. 650 10 3 698 4 3 504 13 1 467 19 7 441 5 1 54 17 1 10 11 0 8 6 6 1,017 17 8 £ s. a. 981 6 0 1,807 16 5 1,385 8 3 627 0 3 482 15 2 80 8 3 21 4 1 8 6 6 2,694. 3 7 Grantees * * 1,676 "s 11 (See No. 294.) Premium.. 492 0 0 484 0 0 :• .. 257 I R. 81/2672 .. Jail. 5, 1882 0 3 Studholme Junction * 310 0 0 42 2 6 920 0 6 962 3 0 258 R. 82/379 .. 259 R. 83/1043 .. 258 259 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 10, 1882 10 71 227 78 South Malvern .. Port Chalmers Upper Chiistchurch Govt. .. Grantees For ever .. 10 years*.. 35 15 1 1 19 8 148 5 1 91 17 7 184 0 2 93 17 3 261 262 261 R. 82/2303 .. 262 R.' 82/49 Feb. 8, 1882 Feb. 20, 1882 J. Ran tin N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. S. Bailey P. Cunningham Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Co. (Limited) D. Reid and Co. National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Invercargill Corporation .. 0 53 6 50 Govt. .. Grantees Premium.. 510 0 0 Extension,£174 222 0 0 153 0 0 374 0 0 321 0 0 428 6 3 1,255 19 3 24 9 0 568 3 0 452 15 3 1,824 2 3 263 R. 82/378 .. 266 R. 82/554 .. 268 R. 82/692 .. 274 R. 83/334 .. 263 266 268 274 Feb. 28, 1882 Mar. 24, 1882 April 14, 1882 Sept. 15, 1882 158 7 15 0 105 75 7 8 Oamaru Templeton Timaru Belfast Grantee * (See No. 430.) 169 7 5 5,170 2 1 76 17 6 76 17 6 169 7 5 7,573 0 9 Grantees I 2,402 18 8 * 275 276 275 R. 82/2105 .. 276 R. 82/2334 .. 277 R. 82/2354 .. Sept. 26, 1882 Oct. 23, 1882 236 12 105 75 Dunedin Timaru ' * 310 0 0 514 0 0 4,188 14 8 1,218 13 9 713 9 1 660 5 1 4,902 3 9 1,878 18 10 277 Oct. 23,1882 105 75 „* ■.. 292 16 0 1,291 14 4 1,105 7 4 2,397 1 8 278 R. 82/1997 .. 278 Oct. 23, 1882 0 7 Makarewa June. Govt. and grantees Grantee * 5 0 0 23 3 9 23 3 9 280 281 284 285 286 280 R. 82/2706 .. 281 R. 82/2605 .. 284 R. 83/50 285 R. 82/2955 .. 286 R. 83/165 .. Dec. 2, 1882 Dec. 2, 1882 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 11,1883 Jan. 26, 1883 W. Christmas C. W. Turner .. J. Borgfeldt R. M. Morten N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 2 51 105 57 3 31 11 76 336 14 Wetheral Timaru Papanui Hornby Junction Gore * 300 0 0 40 0 0 220 0 0 132 0 0 275 0 0 119 7 2 258 9 6 14 2 2 5 2 287 6 3 329 2 6 227 19 0 72 16 2 1 14 8 655 17 4 448 9 S 486 8 6 74 0 4 3 19 10 943 3 7 Grantees


* Three months' notice. I Originally laid under oM agreement. J Bental £50. § Keutal £25. I; Siding eince closed.


April 3, 1883 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company Edwards, Bennett, and Co. Kaye and Carter Fernhill Railway and Coal Company (Limited) Niehol Brothers South Canterbuiy Farmers' Cooperative Association (Limited) J. Kitchen and Sons, and Apollo Co. James Gore Benjamin Perry.. .. John Jackson J. G. Ward H. Berry and Co. Simson, Elsworfch, and Co. N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. N.Z. Pine Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Morton Mains Freehold Estate Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Lyttelton I 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 15 3,618 11 8 1,043 7 4 4,661 19 0 291 R. 83/1503 .. April 9, 1883 Abbotsford Undefined 15 9 2 1,256 18 9 1,272 7 11 292 294 R. 83/1007 .. R. 83/2987 .. April 18, 1883 May 23, 1883 391 63 105 57 Blufl Timaru 10 years* .. Premium.. 145 0 0 130 0 0 3,217 6 2 1,604 17 5 985 11 0 1,072 17 0 4,302 17 2 2,677 14/ 5 295 297 298 302 304 305 308 309 311 316 R. 83/1690 .. R. 83/2672 .. R. 83/2904 .. R. 83/3196 .. R. 84/71 R. 84/694 .. R. 84/996 R. 84/1239 .. R, 84/1324 .. R. 84/2669 .. June 28, 1883 Sept. 18, 1883 Oct. 1, 1883 Nov. 22, 1883 Jan. 25, 1884 Mar. 12, 1884 April 21, 1884 May 10, 1884 May 23, 1884 Sept. 9, 1884 J240 33 244 8 163 6 106 11 391 44 7 29 335 6 155 16 6 39 235 79 Burnside Wingatui Totara Timaru Bluff Addington Gore Oamaru Town Belt Wright's Bush .. j Dunedin .. ! Grantee Grantees * * * 4 years* .. 10 years*.. 140 0 0 422 0 0 326 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 105 0 0 175 0 0 192 0 0 190 0 0 195 1 8 3 6 9 27 3 11 994 13 8 1,136 15 5 110 16 6 254 4 9 715 11 3 204 1 1 447 18 8 11 16 10 24 0 4 683 0 0 501 19 4 392 0 0 311 18 2 257 11 6 742 15 2 1,198 14 9 1,584 14 1 11 16 10 133 6 7 1,476 13 7 509 9 8 2,684 19 4 .11 •• 109 6 3 793 13 7 7 10 4 2,292 19 4 • * 320 R. 84/3312 .. Nov. 1, 1884 355 23 Oteramika .. 1 * 160 0 0 321 R. 84/3313 .. Nov. 7, 1884 374 55 Invercargill 10 years; 1 month's notice 10 years * 75 0 0 446 10 9 188 12 0 635 2 9 323 324 R. 84/3646 .. R. 84/1670 .. Dec. 8, 18S4 Dec. 31, 1884 James Waddel and Co. South Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited) A. Tapper Ward and Cleave Driver and Son Findlay and Co. Smellie Brothers Evans and Co. Gray and Montgomery Smith and Fotheringham Mutual Agency Company P. McGill R. G. D. Tosswill .. | Kemp, Anson, and Brett.. Timaru Milling Company Bruce and Co. (Limited).. N.Z. Agricultural Company 391 65 103 64 Blufl Waslidyke June. 145 0 0 500 0 0 1,688 14 5 299 19 0 75 3 2 639 3 4 1,763 17 7 939 2 10 337 338 342 347 348 350 351 357 362 363 364 R. 85/3780 .. R. 85/3974 .. R. 86/1880 .. R, 86/3194 .. R. 86/3012 .. R. 86/4095 .. R. 87/327 .. R. 87/331 .. R. 87/2835 .. R. 87/3016 .. R. 87/3093 .. Dec. 9, 1885 Dec. 24, 1885 June 17, 1886 Sept. 21, 1886 Sept. 25, 1886 Dec. 10, 1886 Feb. 9, 1887 July 22, 1880 Sept. 30, 18S7 Sept. 30, 1887 Oct. 4, 1887 374 46 374 49 235 44 235 52 240 15 105 72 90 75 237 2 230 10 271 40 Invercargill Govt. .. Grantees * Premium.. 435 0 0} is o oj 18 0 0* 102 0 0§ 406 0 0 168 0 0§ Rental, £25 90 0 0{ Rental, £25 33 17 7 152 13 0 695 13 5 863 13 0 370 5 0 1,005 6 10 10 0 0 245 16 6 1,348 10 9 1,522 0 0 33 0 8 73 8 1 113 15 0 156 18 9 10 2 8 1,872 6 8 244 4 5 4 13 3 77 16 4 1,743 5 3 66 18 3 226 1 1 809 8 5 1,020 11 9 380 7 8 2,877 13 6 254 4 5 250 9 9 1,426 7 1 3,265 5 3 Dunedin * Burnside Timaru Winchester Kensington Dunedin Milton .. Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. * 6 years* .. 10 years* .. 5 years* .. 10 years* * "t Premium.. t 10 36 Kirwee t Rental, £25 25 9 9 130 14 3 156 4 0 365, 366 367 R. 87/3312 .. R. 87/3446 .. R. 87/2868 .. Oct. 25, 1887 Nov. 10, 1887 Jan. 1, 1881 106 18 106 30 21 0 Timaru Waimca (District line) Lyttelton Pelichet Bay Kensington Lyttelton Grantees * * t Premium.. Rental, £50 185 0 Oj 1,812 3 4 130 18 2 72 17 7 1,772 10 1 3,584 19 5 130 18 2 88 12 8 Undefined 15 15 1 368 369 370 372 R. 88/926 .. R. 88/925 .. R. 88/2418 .. R. 88/3259 .. I April 4, 1888 April 4, 1888 Aug. 16, 1888 Jan. 3, 1889 J. Anderson J. Palmer J. H. Lambert .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Friedlander Brothers 0 16 234 53 237 2 0 20 Govt. .. Grantees 10 years* .. * t Premium.. Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 460 0 0+ 82 8 3 27 3 5 224 12 9 1,670 4 5 234 0 0 40 15 5 10 14 4 409 15 8 310 8 3 67 18 10 235 7 1 2,080 0 1 374 R. 89/885 .. Mar. 29, 1889 16 40 Lyndhurst 200 0 0§ 820 3 7 820 3 7 t


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private-Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1890.


o O I Papers. Date Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1890. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. iubunui-bluf: SECTIOI [— continued. 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 385 R. 89/1511 .. B. 89/1878 .. R. 89/1259 .. R. 89/2441 .. R. 89/1310' .. R. 89/1333 .. R. 89/2433 .. B. 89/1392 .. June ,8, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 Aug. 5, 1889 May 1, 1889 Farmers' Agency Company W. Booth and Co. A. Roberts G. McClatchie and Co. .. • • ! B. Allen .. .. .. I J. Goss .. .. Beid, Maclean, and Co. .. Permanent Investment and Loan Association of Canterbury J. Clark .. .. .. j Fleming and Gilkison .. '.. J. Grigg Fleming and Gilkison Wigram Brothers Friedlander Brothers J. A. Bedpath W. Langdown and Co. Miles and Co. .. Kaye and Carter Miles and Co. J. Bunciman Christehurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Company W. H. Hargreaves Christehurch Meat Company M. eh. 236 32 5 79 58 72 I 6 9 106 8 6 62 1236 21 5 76 Dunedin Christehurch Ashburton Christehurch Timaru Christehurch Dunedin Christehurch Grantees Govt. .. 10 years *.. * 1 year * .. 10 years *.. t t t t t Premium.. t Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 Bental, £50 Bental, £50 90 0 0+ Rental, £50 £ s. d. 1,544 9 4 593 19 11 144 5 6 1,359 7 6 1,338 7 0 750 15 6 1,314 17 7 908 3 2 £ s. a. 278 16 7 0 11 0 717 1 7 209 15 0 806 2 C 38 13 0 115 0 4 93 13 0 £ s. d. 1,823 5 11 594 10 11 861 7 1 1,569 2 6 2,144 9 6 789 8 6 1,429 17 11 1,001 16 2 Grantees Govt. .. 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 E. 89/1983 .. B. 89/1963 .. R. 89/1624 .. R. 89/1964 .. B. 89/1309 .. R. 89/1279 .. R. 89/2261 .. R. 89/1332 .. R. 89/1868 .. R. 89/1262 .. R. 89/1869 .. R. 89/1257 .. R. 89/1867 .. May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 6 68 335 5 64 54 374 10 1 78 58 73 6 51 6 8 6 47 57 77 5 77 0 26 6 1 Tinwald Gore Winslow Elles Boaa Heathcote Ashburton Christehurch * * * t t t t t t t t t + Bental, £25 Rental, £25 Extension,£110 Bental, £50 Rental, £25 Bental, £25 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Bental, £50 Bental, £25 Extension, £40 Bental, £50 Bental, £50 Extension,£140 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 251 6 3 337 5 8 507 2 6 1,811 16 11 480 13 4 637 13 1 813 11 1 548 5 5 543 7 3 342 5 0 800 19 1 691 17 10 1,052 15 0 1,572 8 11 563 15 9 378 12 5 196 2 1 396 15 4 2,991 7 6 7 15 0 70 13 0 57 4 0 2,251 7 3 361 3 0 42 17 3 56 17 0 1,823 15 2 901 1 5 885 14 11 2,007 19 0 877 8 8 3,629 0 7 821 6 1 618 18 5 600 11 3 2,593 12 3 1,162 2 1 734 15 1 1409 12 0 * * * * Ashburton Christchurch Burnside Christchurch Grantees Govt. ,. * 399 400 E. 89/1585 .. R. 89/1692 .. May 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 6 45 13 8 Islington 2J years *.. 10 years *.. t t 687 6 7 3,017 0 4 18 7 0 2,018 12 1 705 13 7 5,035 12 5 401 R. 89/2417 .. Aug. 1, 1889 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. Ingram Lyttelton Borough Council S." Smart Milburn Lime and Cement Company N.Z. Pine Company W. White and Co. " J. Anderson and Co. Invercargill Corporation Moir and Co. N.Z. Pine Company J. Shand Massey and Co. National Mortgage and Agency Co. W. Quinn 25 38 Southbridge t 35 8 7 565 12 3 601 0 10 402 403 404 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 418 419 420 424 R. 89/2826 .. R. 89/2834 .. R. 89/2887 .. B. 89/3018 .. B. 89/3132 .. B. 89/3377 .. B. 89/3213 .. B. 89/3363 .. B. 89/2422 .. B. 89/3237 .. B. 89/3596 .. R. 89/3631 .. R. 89/3216 .. R. 89/2391 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Oct. 2, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 June 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Nov. 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 20 60 2 65 12 8 235 25 367 72 7 46 236 37 0 7 16 69 366 28 26 22 5 22 374 56 121 71 East Oxford Heathcote Hornby Dunedin One-tree Point .. Addington Dunedin Invercargill Southbrook Longbush Centre Bush Wallaeetown Invercargill Otaio Grantees Govt. .. 5 years * .. * 10 years *.. 5 years * .. 10 years* .. 5 years * .. * 10 years *.. t t t Premium.. t t t t t t t t 171 0 0J Bental, £25 Rental, £50 19 3 9 75 10 6 77 17 5 36 5 10 1,814 13 1 496 8 3 131 15 0 110 14 9 39 9 0 13 2 10 216 11 4 3,538 10 1 285 11 2 11 0 3 21 9 1 61 3 11 3,024 12 1 237 18 0 1,439 4 11 233 3 4 76 18 1 13 2 10 19 3 9 292 1 10 77 17 5 3,574 15 11 2,100 4 3 507 8 6 153 4 1 171 18 8 3,064 1 1 237 18 0 1,447 13 11 " 732 18 8 110 12 3 Rontai, £25 Rental, £50 Extension,£80§ 8 9 0 499 15 4 33 14 2 Govt. and grantee


* Three months' notice. t Originally laid under old agreement. t Rental, £ 50. I Rental, £25.


425 426 427 428 429 E. 89/3940 .. E. 89/3751 .. E. 90/251 .. B. 89/1331 .. R. 90/27 .. R. 90/726 .. R. 89/3839 .. R. 90/432 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 May 1, 1889 Nov. 1, 1889 Oamaru Borough Council .. 157 41 T. Buxton .. .. .. 6 43 T. Hodgkinson .. .. .. I 6 42 Ireland and Go. .. .. .. J158 27 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 391 48 Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. .. .. 1158 18 Allen and Melntosh .. .. ] 0 48 Kaye and Carter .. .. 6 19 Craig and Co. .. .. .. 157 42 W. White and Co. .. .. 25 33 H. Harraway .. .. .. I 0 14 Oamaru Makarewa Oamaru Bluff Grantees Govt. .. 5 years * .. 3 years * .. 10 years *.. t t t t Rental, £50 t | Rental, £50 54 11 5 5 17 3 28 7 9 246 14 9 2,518 4 7 168 15 9 174 13 I 62 14 11 91 2 I 163 17 2 410 11 l: 407 12 5 | «2,925 17 I 898 1 8 2,228 0 I 277*12 0 1,84415 ! 168 5 0 ! 1,074 8 - 438 10 ( 78 2 9 438 16 ', 430 431 432 May 1, 1889 Feb. 11, 1890 May 1, 1889 Oamaru Shag Point June. Christchurch Grantees Govt. and grantees Govt. .. 1 year * .. 10 years*.. t ! Rental, £50 Premium.. : 70 0 0 t Extension, 102 10 0{ t Rental, £50 t ! Rental, £25 t Extension £45§ 1,330 5 0.. 1,567 3 2 433 434 435 R. 89/2122 .. R. 90/614 .. R. 90/538 .. May 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Jan. 1, 1890 Oamaru .. Southbridge Burnside Govt. and grantee Govt. .. 1 year* .. 10 years*.. 906 3 4 438 10 0 360 13 G 436 437 439 440 R. 90/539 .. R. 90/540 .. R. 90/862 . .. R. 90/1056 .. Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Aug. 1, 1889 Jan. 1, 1890 Walton Park Coal and Pottery Co. j 2 3 Green Island Coal Company .. 1241 67 N.Z.ProvisionandProduceCompany. 7 1 Milburn Lime and Cement Company; 23 2 Saddle Hill Abbotsford Belfast Lady Barkly Grantees Govt. .. 5 years * .. 10 years *.. 5 years * .. t t Rental, £25 t 96 3 2 56617 6 872 9 7 968 12 ! 261 4 3 261 4 I 940 9 6 1,507 7 I 194 5 4 194 5 ! j I


RETURN No. 19. COMPARATTVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1890.

* Taken over but not worked. t As per new clminage. \ Does not include Kiversdale-Switzers (2 miles).


Section. Whangarei Auckland Mileage Open I Additional Length Opened during Year, for Traffic 01131st March, _ 1889. Line Opened. Date of Opening. M. ch. 7 41 6 45 f Te Kuiti-Mokau * ... 8th May, 1889 ... 249 3 1T 1 I. Helensville-Kanohi ... 3rd May, 1889 Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for Length whole PeriodOpened. M. ch. M. ch. 8 53 7 6i 7 43t 6 6g ... 6 29 6 19 4 9 2 17 17 10 I 7 37 1 ( Length Closed dnrinj Line. Year. Length. M. ch. Net Addition to Mileage Open for Traffic. I I M. ch. I 16 16 Net Addition Total Mileage to Mileage Open for Traffic: under on 31st March, Maintenance. 1890. 1 M. ch. H. ch. 7 41 6 45 14 50 I 265 47 Napier ... Wellington ... I 96 48 ! ... j 84 59t I Mangamalioe-Eketaluma ... i 8th April, 1889 ... I 96 48 6 29 6 19 91 8 Wanganui Hurunui-B luff Ditto, Private Lines^ ... I 214 22 ! UMount Soiners-Springburn ; 9th Sept., 1889 ... I Wingatui-Hindon ... i 24th October, 1889 21 19 214 22 I 9 54 1,064 26£ Shag Point Branch Nightcaps Branch 2 n 2 24 j ! 2 " 2 24 G-reymouth Westport 7 30 ! To Midland Railway gst. post 1st August, 1889... 18 61 i Ngakawau Extension ... ! 31st March, 1890 02 oi o 2 oi 7 32 19 17 o 36 o 36 Nelson ... Picton ... 22 73 17 70 I 22 73 17 70 30 44 1,817 64 ' 1 Total ... ... I 1,773 42 1.773 42 44 22 44 22 3° 44


RETURN No. 20. Statement showing Approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1890.

* Nine months only. t Complete information not recorded until 18R0-81.

RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employes for March, 1889, and March, 1890.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.


Approxin nate Length opened I each Year. Slee] >ers. iear. Xortli Island. Middle Island. Total. I Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) lie moved during Maintenance.! I \ i ' I i :867 :87O-7I 1871-72 :8 7 2-73 :873"74 :874-75 875-76 :876-77 877-78 878-79 879-80* 880-81 881-82 882-83 883-84 884-85 885-86 886-87 887-88 888-89 889-90 M. ch. .• 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 11 47 18 31 11 57 I M. oh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 71 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 11 39 17 32 M. oh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 3 1? 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 "3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 7° 3i 28 79 18 31 32 45 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132,379 S8, 75 i 94,211 168,000 191,048 147,814 60,874 42,814 68,381 3,723,642 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 148,325 137,993 1.39,040 122,027 108,690 129,634 20 68 Totals 1,166,312

Depnrtment, rt 'i rt rt d '33 fcjQ ! I IS re w C ! S .5 '3 i O a. w r 5 2 a S I o H 1 1 1888-89. G eneral ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive !!! 8 ::: 2 i 5 5 4 137 221 59 92 59 86 127 "841 178 102 841 I 33 1,065 15 734 ; 28 2,640 1 76 17 20 37 !7 14 9 & 9 ; 1,28! 16 ' 1,72! 7 j 1)2S< 137 Totals ... I 21 14 495 210 291 364 83 40 32 4.321 [ 1889-90. G eneral ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive l\ 1 "6 5 1 150 216 136 6o 84 104 ! 114 68 135 97 178 93 . ■ 887 ! 34 1,037 14 791 ; 27 24 26 28 19 20 II ... 1 11! 12 1)381 i.S i.73i 5 I 1,30. Totals 18 16 I ; 502 232 333 368 2,715 ; 75 I j 73 50 32 4.53:

Passengers Kille or Injured. 1 :cl Servants oi the Department Killed or Injured. I 1 Persons Killed or whiKoling Trespassers, Workshops. Miscellaneous. at Level Crossings. Killed.! Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed, j Injured. Killed. Injured. I ... ... ... ... j ::: 1 > ! ..! ::: ::: ". i ::: v* 1 2 I ! ... ... i :.. ' ... 6 ... \ ... • - I ••■ 4 1 ' ■■• I -. 1 j - . 1 ... j -. is : - 3 ... i ... 1 ■■• I 1 ::: | :~ ::: ::; ::: ::: ::: ! ::: ■ ■• I ■•• : 1 ••• i ... 2 I 6 7 I 28 : ... ' 6 Section. 1 _____ From Causes From tl beyond i Miso their own j or \\ Control. Can heir own; From Causes .From their own onduct j beyond Misconduct 'ant of : their own ' or Want of ition. Control. Caution. 3 3 & i s 1 V-'Ufc* k ' *»i . — Killed. Ityured. Killed. I ~ I , "' I Injured. Killed. Injured. Kilted., Injured. Killed.] Injured. Killed. I Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff G-reymouth ... Westporl. Nelson Pioton I i 3 3 1 3 ... 1 ::: : :.": '..'. ; ::: I :■:: ' "i ii ... j 9 i •■• I 4 - 2 j ... ! I I 2 ... 1 ... 9 •■•• ; 4 ... i 4 49 t 24 ; 1 j ... 1 2 *• ... I ... 1 1 ... I ... : ... j ;„ I ... 71 1 j 44 : 2 I 6 7 [ _ J_ I I 1 i 1 ".i I ... 2 4 I 34 8 17 6 94 3 1 1 1 2 1 Totals ... 1 11 1 1 12 166 J I ! l_



RETURN NO. 23. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1890. KAWAKAWA SECTION.



F 18 9^572 I;9°3 140 11,615 3.2 25 250 6i 148 I5S 26 7i 494 746 3-20 -54 i'4 6 i°'2i i5'4i 312

I I ' I B 1 19 C 1 18 D 1 18 ¥ 17 20 J 6 25 L 4 20 P 3 18 B 3 20 i8 18 20 25 2O 18 20 153,282 62,811 48,917 26,920 49,472 9,726 33.657 9,283 7,339 2,485 2,539 14,296 16 112 9,726, 2,022 201,235; 48,788 72,110 1 29,742 56,368 1 12,193 29,527 ! 15A9 1 52,083 17,055 117 2,752 1,160 786 55o 7*3 6,078 ... ... 2 l5 97 59 55 j 55; 492 I I '" ... 100 1,065 33i 404 3,825 108 12 2,488 778 375 35i 706 4,818 ... 4 107 49 29 23 3° ! 30 I 214 728 I 2,914 446 I 1,082 180 I 719 232 ! 542 256 1 711 1,872 1 6,182! 108 260 6,237 2,355 1,148 I,7O3 ! - •29 2-97 2-59 i'6o 2-85 3'25 •10 ■13 •16 •12 -I 9 ■14 ... '74 ■86 1-48 •76 1-89 [ ri8 5-28 3"47 3-60 3-06 4-40 3'27 6'4i 7'43 7-83 5'54 9'33 7-84 198 2,385 1,000 547 34° 536 122 72 Total I 36 ... Less recoverable ni le mil I 341=402 j cage &■ ex] 65,029 lenditure 14,618 ! 421,049 ! 125,291 622 I 622 I 13,996 ; 420,427 j ... 242 I : i3,"4 274 ■14 1-07 i 3'52 7'47 5,006 G-eneral charges . I ... 1 ... 13,078 2,257 7'47 1-28 ... ... ... Total 13,996 [ 420,427 : i ... ... I ... 1 1 I 15,335 1 ... ! 875

Type. •a 6 1 -a Train. Shunting. I Detail. Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Rum ling. Tallow. Waste. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Penc< i Stores.; Fuel. Wages. I Running. a & Total. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Materials. Total. Ballast. Coal. Oil. A ; I 6 i 976 IT i 2 10 I 9,090 ; Total : 3 ... I 10,066 I 2,88 3 2,767 783 4,642 Cwt. 489 2,094 It. 44 132 lb. lb. II 52 35 138 46 190 £ 38 385 £ I 3 8 £ £ £ 12 77 130 1-96 52 289 734 7-80 64 I 366 I 864 6-15 ■16 •16 •62 3-98 672 107 1 -os 5-84 14-85 279 •93 5'33 12--57 386 I 783 I 16,499 2,583 176 423 11 •16


RETURN No. 23-continued. NAPIER SECIION.


B^D. la.


A C H w 2 13 5,i33 2,558 1 15 i 112 80 4 15 ; 26,269 30,886 6 6 I 9,391 ! 8,507 5 15 I 89,322 19,184 3 IS ! 32,797 5,464 7 15 ! 70,580 15,683 1 .. ! 54 20 "'68 6 12 5,535 39 45 7,691 260 57,!6i 17,910 38,300 86,308 74 855 37 : 6,164 ; 14,723 ; 16,96 1 7,953 19,031 20 j 85 ; 6 657 794 i 1,618 j 462 : 13 62 89 HO 94 3 I 475 I 615 I 755 308 852 508 i 72 I 726 1,991 ! 403 ! 828 I 1,828 I 6,510 4 ... 29 36 61 43 312 744 856 402 963 i 1 j 190 7 1,005 656 454 1,103 1 745 i 81 2,072 3,427 2,704 1,705 . 3.952 I 156 I 14,842 21 15-85 66-46 3'°5 26-68 j •85 5-i9 5-08 ■12 ■-■ 1 •12 •48 ■13 •13 •16 1-34 1'85 9'97 I r8o \ 2*52 2-68 5'93 6-46 4-22 879 2'9I 2-84 3'°7 ! 23-24 ! 7477 870 45'92 5'69 io-68 10-99 195 6 771 624 1,079 36 9 809 47 no 21 58 ... ... ... ... j i 1 4,800 j I I I Total ! Less reco' j ,__ 29 ... 1233,658 , 82,382 verable mileage & expenditun 233,658 , 82,382 eage & expenditure! 5,7°3 ! 358 ; i 3S8J 321,385 i 65,744 4,963 432 3,102 2Op n n }o 3,323 4-86 ■15 2-48 I 3-58 1 1'07 3,85. ... I ... ... :karges ... S.-345 I ... ... ... 1 ... 14,821 i,794 1 1-07 1-33 General c ... I i •• ... Total ! 1 1 i 5,345 j 321,385 I ... ... -. ... 16,615 ! ... ... j 12-40

I *\ Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Peuce. Type. a a o d 2 <^l Detail. Ballast. Total. I Coal. Running. Run Oil. ming. Tallow. ; Waste. Repairs. Wages , Mat , St—" rials. 1 Running. Fuel, 1 Wages. Repairs. Running. Q Train. Shunting. Total. Wages ! I TotaL and .Stores.! Fuel. Wages. Materials. r> 3 I ! IS 3.932 2 ; 16 8,484 II I 16 I3S>878 3 j 16 62,342 17 ... 210,636 iharges ... 1-IH - 3.932 8,484 135,878 62,342 9.69S 5.S97 4,267 I 13.627 93 ; 14,174 1,685 [ 162,696 66,609 Cwt. 1,141 1.455 22,001 14,468. qt. Ill 206 1,937 1,029 lb. 18 14 130 5° 1b. [ 117 ! 93 433 j £ 17 298 1,400 5*9 £ £ £ 5 69 224 8 87 : 195 86 1,317 ! 1,898 40 867 ! 706 31s 588 I 4,701 2,132 7.736 8,793 ■30 5'05 2'o6 I'87 "09 j I '2 1 •13 ! I'47 -I 3 ; i"94 •IS I 3'I2 ■13 ; 2'i8 1 j 3'94 3'3° 2-80 2-54 S'S4 9'9S 6'93 7-68 2; II 323< 16, 1,54; 34! Total General c 44,692 1.778 I 257,106 39,o6s 3.283 212 1.799 I 2,234 139 I 2,340 3,023 ! i i 2'O9 2-82 7'22 '< •98 I 8'2O 2,28: 2,2: ... ... Total ... -" -







A C E I E I E 6 ... us ! 115 7,067 2,558 j 26,548 ; 5,905 i 42,824 1,740 ; 133.227 6,966 ! 77,375 46 j 73,754 I 1,389! 2,668 ; 4,942 I 3i,779 l 10,646 !3.772 2 j 126 I 332 I 5io I 1,951 ! 860 I "6 I 39 ! 5i I 154 62 78 I 1! 53 1 232 1 332 1 956 1 474 1 508 120 ! 72 i 379 302 1,868 i 935 i 955 I I 122 I 5 I 82 : 81 240 H I 153 I 338 i 884 I 22 j 285 : 668 ; 1,277 I 81 ! 1,869 I 1.547 i 5.365 41 \ 626 : 1,043 2,645 I 38 : 815 ; 792 2,600 2-45 i "17 3"43 I 'l 3 v6g ; "12 3-36 ! -14 2-90 : -13 3'II j "12 1 > 1 1 3 28 rerab 19 5.57 2 1.495 I 18 8,780 15,210 18 23,594 13,325 108,418 1 23,069 ! 20 56,642 I 13,767 20 . 60,127 13,581 5.572 8,780 23,594 108,418 56,642 60,127 "5 1,495 15,210 I3,3 25 23,069 I3,7 e 7 I3>58i 2'09 278 1-38 i'6o 3'37 1-94 2-65 2 09 3'05 375 279 ! 3-23 I 2-58 i 4'l8 ; 2 -j 8'i5 58 7-99 467 7-i6 I 639 9-66 \ 937 8'2O ; 826 8-46 j 504 873 ! 3.433 •09 j ... 8-64 j ... ri3 I -. jTotal [ Less reeo' ... I 263,133 1 80,562 i )le mileage & expenditure 17,215 360,910 4,823 4,823 12,392 ' 356,087 65,208 4,833 ; 1 390 I 2,556 4.631 201 3,831 j 4.470 13,133 ] 303 12,830! : 1,678 , 3'°8 I '13 2'55 ! 2- 97 ■•■ General c jes ... i ■•• :liai'( ... ... Total 12,392 356,087 ; I i 1 i : ' i ... I4,5O8 I 14,508 I I I I 977 1

C 2 4 15 ! 1.093 15 40.045 ... 41,138 10,677 I 28,483 3.359 ; 15.129 345 I 68,873 2,202 ; 3 27 I 10,696 ] 1,164 35 182 127 812 I ■ ... ! • 45 I 13 i 61 j 379 i 498 71 i -2i I -97 i 6-oi 4H I 57 ■. 294 I 1.400 ! 2,165 I i'44 ] -20 1-03 j 4-88 459 j 7° 355 1.779 i 2.663 I i"3' ; '20 ro2 j 5-08 1 . - I 7'9o I 268 7'55 846 7-61 1,114 Total 1 6 39,160 3.7O4 84,002 12,898 ! 1,491 1 162 994

D 3 18 2,080 1? 1 18 19,143 Total 4 ... i 39,223 3.141! 5.653 96 j 44.97 2 I 3.«92 2,928 6,120 326 267 593 22 17 39 180 ! 182 362 S34 709 14 25 ; 186 ! 167 353 I 390 i.J-24 326 673 710 : 1,797 5'5° I 'H ! i'9° : 4'02 ; 11-56 : 1-93 I -13 : r86 ; 3-54 i 7-46 378 I -13 i 1-89 ; 379 j 9-59 272 221 493 5.653 96; 44,972 ! 6,120 593 39 362 709 25 ; 353

E 3 I 12 1 1 12 1 12 20,478 6,635 48 2,721 190 51,884 9,356 238 8,260 1,807 31 599 128 4 I 384 94 ! 3 ! 550 343 4 1 7 258 j 1,048 j 1,886 57 ; iS3 ! 560 1 8 14 2-54 -14 rip 8-8o j -18 1-46 4'O3 i'oi i'oi 4-85 872 3'92 I4'36 8*00 ' 14' I I : 55! 10; Total 5 i - 27,161 34,3!? " 61,478 io,og8 73i 107 : 481 897 38T 316 1,209 I 2,460 3'5o -15 1-23 472 9-60 ; 66;

JL', — XA *



T. F. E.OTHERAM, Locomotive Superintendent, N.Z.H.


'SI 1. Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. '5c o o Detail. Shunting. Ballast. Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Repairs. Rnnning-. ; Repairs. Wages Total, j Wa _ ,? n;' Stoves. Fuel. Wages. and a, tc- ! Materials, rials. Running. Running. j Total. I nj' a Train. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Stores. Fuel. Wages. G D : 2 I i5 20,268 832 3,75! 160 i 24,019 992 Cwt. 3.767 IS6 qt. 299 j lb. lb. 174 _L_ £ 114 ! 216 £ 11 I 225 9 _ £ 387 13 737 238 j 1-14 52-26 •10 2'25 ' 3'§7 ' 7'36 j 2-18 I 3-14 .57-58 i 316 13 ' " Total i i 3 ! 21,100 I 3,9 TI : j 25,0" ; 3.923 314 I 181 : 181 330 II 11 234 234 400 975 3'i7 •10 2-24 ! 3-84 I 9-35 329 330 i

A 7 6 C 1 18 D 17 18 F 32 20 Gr 4 20 J 23 25 K 8 35 L 1 20 M 4 20 N 6 as O 6 18 P 7 18 Q 2 35 K 6 20 T 6 18 y io 25 ] 6 18 18 20 20 25 35 20 20 35 18 18 \ 35 20 18 25; 690 60 129,812 264,795 435.474 86,002 21,490 21,228 138,558 86,114 114,435 62,250 70,470 187,396 1,651 44,56i 18,626 i34,5oo 187,110 12,848 56,436 13,547 3,850 11,922 10,857 15,052 14,625 5,4i5 20,673 i8,374 19,862 259 10 i 45,261 18,686 165 264,477 44,379 ; 496,284 258 ! 44,063 1,241 i 493,i5i 224 , 99,773 25,340 2,668 ; 35,818 56 I i49,47i 544 I 101,710 69 I 129,129 619 | 25,277 16,984 ] 99,907 137 I 88,981 ; 207,258 82 ; 1,992 4,294 2,281 36,873 105,940 6,743 182,923 21,831 10,950 3^939 56,537 56,288 6,424 36,693 48.-523 66,442 642 532 325 4,007 7,553 567 8,099 1,503 3U 641 1,912 1,980 433 1,584 1,966 3.7*5 54 278 329 676 70 697 137 39 78 140 205 249 68 201 172 308 4 345 ! 37i 179 ] 10 1.972 1 1,264 3,798 I 3,556 I 305 ! 838 4,381 j 6,012 I 1,147 : 722 183 i 48 381 : 754 j 1,055 1,312 j i,333 2,851 325 495 992 I 1,729 1,141 ! 1,094 j 1,660 I 4,044 22 i 201 1 23 14 158 295 23 309 65 13 26 229 I 118 1,694 37O 4,8u 1,203 228 302 I> 677 I 2,006 161 903 i 347 I 4,206 7,707 585 5,942 1,283 310 569 1,646 401 i,543 1,305 1,976 23 1 1 1,526 489 7,322 14,864 1,816 17,074 3,273 599 1,651 5,252 3,997 6,559 1,075 4> I3 I 3,686 8,377 261 1-99 -I 3 172 2-93 174 ■45 2-98 3-10 5'3O 470 2'95 4-68 24'22 •12 i I'2I •18 i 1-51 ■14 j I'54 ■14 I i'6o ■12 i 2"02 ■15 i 2'34 •16 j 2-89 ■12 I 2'l6 j -l8 I 2'02 j '12 I 2'6g I ■17 j 2-95 j ■20 i 373 •17 ■ i'53 1 •16 : I'go ■22 I 3'26 •16 I 2-57 ■24 j 4'2i j 477 4-46 1 3'73 2-89 ! 3-08 2'94 : 3-8i I 2^64 ! 3'2I 2"96 3"7» 3'5i 2'29 I 277 8-09 6-28 6-64 9-89 j 8-3i 7-8 7 5-67 I ii'o6 8'43 9'43 I2'I9 I0'2O 992 9'94 970 628 287 6,112 486 4,107 1,125 264 517 1,099 1,019 1,264 425 1,129 1,009 1,466 21 77 73 106 18 66 80 137 793 I 1,207 2,220 35 21,611 r Total J140 iess recoverable mil 1 1 1 I 1,670,625 eage & ex] 588,517 lenditure 67,436 2,326,578 II,29O : 11,290 56,146 ;2,3I5,288 679,459 37,936 i 1,485 31,703 8i,952 I 718 181,234 2'8o ! •15 ! 2-23 ... ; ... i 3'2? S'45 ■03 24,119 3,472 I 20,570 27,153 le mi] ... ... I ... s ! " i reneral eliarges ... ... j .. 8-42 1 i-i 7 ... ... ! .,. I ! I I I ! ! ! Total 56,146 2,315,288 ... ! ! ... I 192,585 1 I ... I ... j ... I 9'59 ! ... !


RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1890.


Mine. 1889-90. 1888-S9. I Increase. Decrease. Austin, J., Sheffield Springiield Coal Company, Springfield Leeming, Whitecliffs Mcllraitli, J., Glentunnel H. Levick, Glentunnel Wright, E. F., Mount Somevs Shag Point ICurow Papakaio Ngapara Walton Park ... Fernhill Green Island Freeman's Bushey Castle Hill Company Milton Mackie and Cormack's Carruthers Lovell's Flat ... Kaitangata Nelson's, Benhar Conical Hills Mosgiel F. M. Dawson, Pukerau ... Mapp and McKenzie, Pukerau Johnston, Waikaka Hunter, Gore ... Adams and Tweedie, Gore Hoffman, Gore ... Knight, Wairio... Carmiehael, J., Waimea ... Todd and Graham, Fairfax Mclntosh, Fairfax Sutherland, Fairfax Spooner and Son, Wairio ... valli, Wairio Alley and Owen, Nightcaps Handyside and Co., Nightcaps Niglitcaps Orepuki Hokonui Coal Company, Winton ... Tons. 785 462 980 2,549 72 329 10,327 102 13 73 11,497 8,767 2,507 10,029 7,285 164 22 273 264 34 52,321 1,681 807 49 167 161 Tons. 1,076 900 1,560 2,650 27 1,414 8,733 29 12 in 13.885 8,352 4,4i9 10,932 4,34i 491 3° 272 23 27 51,016 1,692 i,059 18 276 112 8 55 8 24 20 28 40 Tons. 45 T,594 73 1 4i5 Tons. 291 438 580 101 1,085 38 2,388 1,912 903 2,944 327 8 1 241 7 1,305 11 252 3' 109 49 '"86 204 8S 8 24 8 5 8 26 8 31 196 61 12 4 32 4 2§ 296 n,443 298 667 5 8 26 4 25 296 6,236 215 5,207 83 4,739 4,072 Totals 123,669 13,809 124,907 12,57!


RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1890.

RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1890, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

* Taken over, but not. yet opened for traffic,


Port. 1888-89. 1889-90. Increase. Decrease. JISCHAEGED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin BlufC No. i,39! 307 286 333 46 316 No. i)S49 34i 3i5 329 50 337 No. 1S8 34 29 No. 4 4 21 Totals 2,679 2,921 246 Loaded : — Lyttelfcon Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff 1,360 307 283 333 8 3 T0 i,397 34i 311 335 4 334 37 34 28 O 4 24 Totals 2,601 125 4 2,722

Main Line. Sidings. Total quivalent if Single Track, Line of Railway. Single. Double. Pi ranches. Total Railway. Main Line. Branches. Ei 0 Total. jHBTSTCHURCH DIVISION : — < Main Line ... Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Soutlibridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. oh. 211 57 M. oh. 6 28 M. ch. 53 57 48 7 42 26 M. oh. 218 5 1 I-242 66 M. ch. 63 3 2 M. oh. 4 22 5 23 4 61 M. oh. 63 32 -23 4 J M. ch. 181 37 57 79 53 30 47 7 27 3 6 36 13 4 46 22 20 1 53 2 42 1 4 2 65 29 9 38 55 5 50 25 5 8 21 . o 54 8 75 Totals, Cliristchnrch Division 211 57 6 28 242 66 460 71 63 32 23 4 86 36 547 27 3unedin Division : — Main Line ... Pukeuri-Duntroon Branch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch Oamaru-Breakwater Branch ... Ngapara & Livingstone Brandies Shag Point Branch Wailiemo Branch Port Chalmers Brand] Walton Park Branch... Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch ... 190 65 22 ""% 11 3§ 0 63 27 4 2 11 8 55 1 26 2 49 17 10 9 o 22 o 7 76 20 4 190 65 46 41 1 35 1 3 0 24 1 75 o 10 o 57 3 4i 0 5 2 1 7 0 65 1 78 o 50 2 8 46 41 V16 25 I !37 26 h 38 16 41 1 7 28 79 2 21 9 32 4 67 3 21 18 17 9 65 23 78 8 46 "22 12 ■156 19 Totals, Dunedin Division ... 190 65 156 19 347 4 46 41 16 25 62 66 409 70 Invercabghel Division : — Main Line ... Wahnea Plains Branch Wyndham Brancli Seaward Bush Branch Kingston B ranch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch Thornbury-Wairio and WairioXightcaps Branches Lumsden-Mararoa Branch 57 9 3 6 40 3 73 11 25 87 o 35 52 24 5i 57 9 I }-2og 42 IS 46 / * 63 o 43 1 o 56 1 5 32 I 4 6 2 34 I " o 15 46 |,,. I 7 2 55 23 4 36 12 1 92 32 ,■39 5S 27 5 10 41 41 Totals, Invercargill Division 57 9 209 42 266 51 IS 46 15 74 3 1 40 198 11 Grand Totals —Whole Line 459 5i 6 28 608 47 1074 46 125 39 JLJi 180 62 I25S 28 Riversdale-Switzer's Line* 2 O 2 O 2O


RETURN No. 27. COMPARING the Classified Maintenance Expenditure for the Hurunui-Bluff Section for Twelve Years, 1878 to 1890, showing Rates per Mile per Annum for each Classification.

* Unclassified expenditure, Waimea Plains Line, Ist April to 13th November, 1886.


Cliristchnrch Division. Dunedin Division. Invcrcargill Division. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Classification. Average of Eleven Years, 1858-89. Lowest Year, 1881-82. Highest Year, 1878-59. Last Year, 1688-89. Preser.t Year, 1889-90. Average of Eleven Years, 1858-89. Lowest Year, 1888-89. Highest ; Last Year, | Year, 1859-80. 1 1888-89. Present Year, 1889-90. Average of Eleven Years, 1858-89. Lowest Year, 1885-S8. Highest Year, 1884-85. Last Year, 1888-89. Present Year, 1889-90. Average of Eleven Years, 1858-89. Lowest Highest Year, Year, 1888-89. 1859-80. Last Year, 1S88-89. Present Year, 1889-90. A 1. Track surfacing ... 6l-8 3 5I-87 j 73-06 j 60' 06 59-25 79-26 65-26 110'89 i j 65-26 ' 62-92 50-48 45'" 52-00 45-76 42-24 65'13 57-98 82-68 57-98 55'57 A 2. Track renewals 3574 40'82 3O-55 29-I2 33-09 5O-38 26-78 49-66 j 26-78 j I9'ii 18-33 7-67 39- 39 11-70 I6-O3 36-77 23-92 36-01 23-92 24-10 -A 3. Ballasting 3* 4-O3 i 5-07 2-08 2'95 "'39 4-55 23'4O i 4-55 3-38 8-07 i-56 15-08 3-38 2-36 7'34 3-12 14-17 3-12 2 8 9 A 4. Banks and cuttings ... 4-6 7 3-9O 8-97 2-08 i-66 I7"34 i6- 3 8 22-36 I 16-38; 12-09 8-82 9-10 ! 5-98 6-89 8-47 9-82 7-80 17-55 7-80 6-65 A 5. Bridges, culverts, &c. 17'Si 10-53 33-28 15-47 15-62 15-32 9-62 I9'5O 9-62 9-88 9-15 I r.5 10-40 7-41 5'49 14-88 "'57 17-94 "'57 iri2 A 6. Fences, gates, &c. 7-65 624 9-10 5-8S 6-36 14-32 io'66 5-98 I I io'66 i I2'6l 370 3-12 624 2'73 3-90 8-94 6-63 4-16 663 7-64 A 7. Roads, approaches, &c. 2'02 1-69 1-30 = ■43 I'2I 2-55 2'73 2'34 273 I 1-04 i'39 •65 2'2I .■04 •47 2-06 1-82 2-99 1-82 •97 A 8. Water services A 9. Wharves 4-29 304 6'37 3'9O 3'35 X3° 4'03 1-82 H 3-38 2'I0 ,-47 i'43 1-49 3-44 3-25 2'6o 3-25 2-86 •O2 '00 ■00 •13 •01 ■72 •13 ■H ■13 ■13 •06! •00 ■00 •00 ■03 -29 -I 3 '00 ! •>3 I •05 A 10. Buildings ... ""77 9-62 13-00 15-08 ig-07 10-36 8-o6 5-85 S-o6 9'23 5-99 4-42 7-93 4-03 5*22 9-91 IO'I4 5-98 10-14 j 12-31 A 11. Miscellaneous 12-15 4'94 21-97 7-54 I5-57 8-78 3-9° 15-47 3-9O «3'39 4-08 3-25 I -3-64 2-34 4-64 9-17 5-07 18-33 5-07 I2'0I I ' "i i ! i I 1 ! i L_ Total expenditure 161-46 137-28 202-67 ; I42-74 I58-I4 213-72 152-10 I 257-4o I I 152-10 147-16 112-17 ! ! 83-59 I45-34 86-71 9O-34 167-75 I3i'43 I I 202-41 I I3 J'43 ! 136-17 •66* •16* 112-83 167-91 Mileage maintained, 1889-90 454 347 ... 267 1,068

r>.— la.

RETURN No. 28. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Cost of Maintenance of Various Sections of Main Link and Branches.

RETURN No. 29. Statement of Alterations effected in and Additions made to the Scale of Charges during the Year ending 31st March, 1890. PART I.—PASSENGERS. GENERAL PARES AND REGULATIONS. Free school tickets : Regulation extended. Religious bodies and friendly societies : Special provision for carriage of members. Regulation regarding athletic teams extended. Season-ticket rates reduced for 3-mile distances. Reserved carriages : New regulation. Introduction of commutation tickets for distances up to 20 mileSi New regulation about school boarders' tickets. LOCAL FAKES AND REGULATIONS, Kawakawa Section. Adoption of fares to and from Te Akeake. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Removal of Invercargill suburban fares. PAET lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Adoption of rates for carriage of newspapers. Parcels consigned to Christchurch to be charged extra for cartage delivery, PART lII.—GOODS. Classified Bates. Class L, Firewood, &c.: Bates increased for distances Ito 6 miles. Class O, Road Materials, &c.: Rates reduced. Classified rates generally: Scale slightly altered after 150 miles.


l.ine of Railway. Mileage. Average for FourExpenditure for weekly Period on Rate Thirteen Periods Reduced Mileage. per Mile up to —* per 31st March, 1890. Expendi- Rate per Annum, ture. Mile. Dheistchubch Division : — Main Line ... Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyroton Junction to Bennett's ... Southbridge and Little River Branches ... Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Eakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. ch. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 49 48 6 84 42 26 36 27 35 78 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 £ a. d. 52,397 18 7 4,041 8 8 4,9 6 4 15 5 3,219 2 8 1.465 3 2 3,711 4 o 1,303 3 11 535 13 4 £ 4.031 3" 382 248 "3 285 100 £ 18-66 575 T9S 5-83 4-38 7-92 4'55 S-i5 £ 242-58 7475 i°3'35 7579 56-94 102-96 59-i5 66-95 4i Total Christchurch Division 454 42 86 71,638 9 9 5:5" 12-19 158-1 Dotjsdin Division : — Main Lino ... Pukeuri-Duntroon Branch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch Xgapara and Livingstone Branches Waihemo Branch Walton Park Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch ■95 4 59 22 2 86 IS 37 64 27 4 S» 8 55 o 2 49 20 17 10 0 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 76 1 20 3 77 37,367 14 11 1,660 4 8 971 9 10 2,118 14 8 43°" 7 4 257 16 6 481 4 8 907 13 8 3.59 1 17 11 632 8 10 1,197 J8 2 2,874 128 75 163 33 20 1474 5-81 4-82 6'04 373 7'93 5-iS 7-76 12-56 6-o8 4-6i 191-62 75\S3 62-66 78-52 48-49 103-09 66-95 ioo-88 163.28 79-04 59'93 37 70 2-16 49 92 Total Dunedin Division 347 4 23 49,623 11 2 3.817 11-32 147-16 JS VEECABGULTj DIVISION : — Main Line ... Waimea Plains Line ... Seaward Bush Branch Makarewa-Orepuki, Thornbury-Wairio, and Nightcaps Branches 158 42 45 36 40 71 11 24 76 60 23 9 16,180 1 o 2,248 10 11 58i 5 6 5,020 19 8 1,244 173 45 386 7-88 4/67 4'o6 6-44 IO2'44 60-71 83-72 Total Invercargill Division 266 51 1 24,030 17 I 1,848 6'95 9°'34 Grand Total ... 1,068 18 10 145,292 18 o 11,176 136-17 10-59


IiEUULATIONS. Class L, Firewood, &c.: Maximum load increased to 6 tons. Mixted consignments of Classes N, O, P: Eegulation amended. Weighing goods in double-bogie trucks : New rate. Cartage of parcels exceeding 2 tons in weight: To be by special agreement. Demurrage regulation revised. Port traffic : New regulation about timber. PART IV.—LOCAL KATES. Kaivakawa Section. Dressed flax, pressed, from Kawakawa to Opua: New rate. IVhangarei Section. Eeduction of minimum charge on carts, drays, and carriages. Auckland Section. Timber, Hunua to Auckland and Newmarket: Local rate adopted. Pig iron, Auckland to Onehunga : New rate. Through goods and parcels rates between Auckland and Manukau ports by Waiuku and Onehunga steamer services cancelled. Preserved fish from Helensville: Local classification cancelled. Ships' goods rates between Auckland and Helensville cancelled. Milk to Auckland from stations within 10 miles distance therefrom: Local rate extended to Newmarket. Timber from Kaipara Line and Onehunga Wharf: Special log rates cancelled. Timber rates to Mount Eden assimilated to those in force at Auckland. Goods of A, B, C, D classes ex ship, Onehunga, to ship at Auckland "] in 2-ton lots: Class N, Auckland, etc., to Cambridge: Class H, Cambridge to Auckland : Preserved fish ex ship at Helensville to Auckland in 4-ton lots: Locally-manufactured sugar, Auckland to Helensville : [- Kates cancelled. Timber, Mercer to Auckland : Native coal, &c, Taupiri and Mercer to Mount Eden, Auckland, &c.: Coal, Auckland to Hunt's Siding : Fresh fruit, Helensville to Auckland : Timber, Kanohi and Kaukapakapa to Mount Eden and Auckland : Local rate adopted. A, B, C, D goods, Auckland and Newmarket to Oxford for Eotorua : New rate put in force. Sulphur from Oxford : Special classification. A, B, C, D goods ex ships from ports outside Kaipara Heads : Local rate gazetted. Undumped wool, Te Aroha Branch stations to Auckland: Rates further reduced. Local rates gazetted from Auckland and Onehunga to Te Aroha for salt, coke, fluxing-ores; for coal from Kimihia ; and for limestone from Te Kuiti. New rates for coal from Kimihia Siding to Cambridge and Te Aroha. Local rates for dross, fireclay, and bricks from Huntly, Kimihia Siding, and Miranda to Auckland cancelled. Crude sulphur, Oxford to Auckland : Special rate put in force. Napier Section. Rate for rimu for export coastwise. Through sheep rates from Hawke's Bay stations to Petoue, Ngahauranga, and Wellington. New regulation about cattle and sheep carried between Napier and Wanganui Sections. Wellington Section. Rate for rimu for export coastwise. Wool, &C, to Wellington : Rates from Mangamahoe, Opaki, and intermediate stations. Local rates adopted for cased meat and undumped wool, Petone to Wellington. Cattle, &c, from Manawatu Station at Wellington to Kaiwarra, Ngahauranga, and Petone. Local rates for goods and live-stock between Manawatu and Government Stations at Wellington. Wanganui Section. Cement, bridge-iron, and waterworks plant, Foxton to Palmerston: Reduction of minimum quantity. Rate for rimu for export coastwise. New rate for hides from Patea to Wanganui for export. Flax and tow delivered at Foxton to await shipment : Local rate. Butter in 4-ton lots to Wellington from Wanganui Section; Maximum rate fixed. Cement, Foxton to Longfeurn, in 5-ton lots : New rate. Nelson Section. Dipping and yarding sheep, &c.: Special charges gazetted. New rate for undumped wool from Belgrovc to Nelson'and Port. Bark-extract in casks : Special classification.



Picton Section. Storalge on Class 1' goods at Blenheim : Local rates established. New rate for timber from Para to Koromiko. Westport Section. Native-coal rate from Waimangaroa Branch to Port reduced ; and applied to minerals. Adoption of native-coal rate from Ngakawau to Port. Greymouth Section. Coke to Greymouth for export beyond the colony : Minimum reduced. Special rates provided for use of hydraulic, cranes. Ilurunui-hluff Section. Local rate for night-soil, Dunedin to Abbotsford, cancelled. A, B, C, D goods on Otago Central line, and Invercargill to Mokotua : Extra charge. Beer in bulk between Dunedin and Invercargill: Beduction of minimum. Limed pelts, Maheno to Burnside : Local rate removed. Cancellation of rubble rate, Logan's Point to Dunedin Jetty. Eate for fat, Wallace-town to Dunedin, cancelled. New rate established to Burnside. Local rate for raw materials for manufacture of earthenware, Dunedin and Port Chalmers to Milton ; also Lyttelton and Christchurch to South Malvern and Whitecliffs. Green sheepskins from South Canterbury Refrigerating siding to Orari: New rate. New regulation about wool, &c, consigned to Dunedin. Beduced rates for timber to Winchester and Orari from mills in Southland. Stone, Mount Somers to Lyttelton, Titnaru, and Oamaru : , Bough stone from Deborah, Totara, and intermediate stations to Port | Chalmers: I T , , n , Dross, fireclay, and bricks from Springfield, Sheffield, Wtatecliffs, f ijOcal rates callcellcrtSouth Malvern, Glentunnel, Shag Point, Bushey, Milton, Nelson, j Stirling, Nightcaps, and Orepuki: / Cancellation of timber rate between Oamaru and Breakwater. Adoption of local rates for A, B, C, D goods from Dunedin and Port Chalmers to Oamaru. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS. Class. Barley, pearl, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Bark-extract, in casks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... C Bellit. Double rate. Owners'risk. Dangerous ... ... ... ... ... A Binder-twine, consigned direct from factory. Minimum 1 ton ... ... ... ... D Brooms, corn, New Zealand manufacture, packed. Bate and a half ... ... ... A Cheese, loose or in bags. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... B China clay ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N Dredging-machines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 Empties : Casks, cases, kegs, jars, tins, and tubs for butter, cement, cheese, fish, fruit, honey, preserved meat, tallow, not " returned empties." Half rate ... ... ... A Explosive materials : Metallic sodium included in list of articles which will not be carried. Fish, dried or fresh. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 Flax, native, dressed, screw-pressed. Otherwise rate and a half ... ... ... E Handles, wooden, packed, consigned direct from, factory ... ... ... ... D Iron fencing-material ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... J > Iron rails, old, for scrap ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... P Iron, angle, bar, rod, hoop, sheet, and plate, unmanufactured ... ... ... ... j) Iron, angle, bar, rod, hoop, sheet, and plate, manufactured ... ... ... ... C Paper, waste, for paper-making, consigned to a paper-mill. Half rate ... ... ... C Plaster. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... D Pumpkins. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... F Pipes, uuglazed earthenware, flangeless, drain-, up to 6in. in diameter ... ... ... O Eeapers-and-binders, set up. Minimum charge as for 1 ton. Owners'risk. Special goods... B Bails, steel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Seeds, mangold ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... D Sheep-dip to be carried at owners' risk. Sheep-feeding boxes. Minimum charge as for 1 ton. Owners'risk ... ... "... C Surveyors'pegs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I> Soap, packed, locally manufactured, consigned to ship for export ... ... ... D Tripoli. Owners'risk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... O Vegetables, not otherwise specified, packed. Bate and a half (but in no case are total charges to exceed Class D) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... E i PART VI.—WHABVES. General. New regulation about ships' overtime. - Auckland Section.' Onehuntra Wharf: W Tharfage rate provided for Class F goods. 9—D. la.



Waiujanui Section. Foxtpn Wharf: Local regulations about ships working overtime cancelled. Amended wharfage rates for cattle and horses. Wanganui Station : Transhipment rate provided. Nelson Section. Nelson Wharf : Local regulation about ships working overtime cancelled. Wharfage rate gazetted for green ilax. Returned empties to be free of wharfage. Insertion of various charges for bond marking, setting up, weighing, use of donkey-engine and shear-legs. Greymouth Section. Greymouth Wharf: Regulation about ships working overtime cancelled. Wharfage rate gazetted for green ilax. [Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nil; printing (1,600 copies), £72 10s.-od.]

Authority: (Seoiige Didsbup.v, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o,



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ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, D-01a

Word Count

ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, D-01a

ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS BY THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, D-01a

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