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Laid on the Table of the House, by leave, 13th September, 1890, and ordered to be printed in a form completed wp to date of prorogation.

Imperial Statutes passed subsequently to the 14th day of Januaky, 1840, which have BEEN ADOPTED BY THE COLONIAL LeGISLATUKE. * By "The English Act Ordinance, 1845," Session V., No. 8. & and 5 Viet., c. 56. — An Act for taking away the Punishment of Death in certain Cases, and substituting other Punishments in lieu thereof. Sees. 2 and 3 and part sec. 1 repealed by 1867, No. 8. Remainder not applicable to New Zealand. eiono-of aa-Aet-ef the If6ttFfe-aM4-¥if4a-J?ea¥o of Hef-preeeat-Majefffcy--Mley^ftfeag-away—fte—P-aeieft-ffiefffc-ei-J^eath-ia-eertaia-Casee-^IOT-eeriaiß Offoncee-thereia-epeeiied. Repealed by 18G7, No. 8. 6 and 7 Vict., c. 85. —An Act for improving the Law of Evidence. Part of sec. 1 repealed by 14 and 15 Viet., c. 99 ; also by 16 and 17 Viet., c. 83. Sec. 3 repealed by 1878, No. 28. 6 and 7 Vict., c. 96.—Aii Act to amend the Law respecting Defamatory Words and Libel. t By " The English Acts Act, 1854," No. 1. 7 and 8 Vict., c. 24.—An Act for abolishing the Offences of Forestalling, Eegrating, and Engrossing, and for repealing certain Statutes passed in Eestraint of Trade. y-aad-S-^iefere-SSr—Aa-Aet-to-affiead-fee-feaw-ao-to - bamiag-gaf m Buildiage? Repealed by 18G7, No. 8. 8 and 9 Vict., c. 113.—An Act to facilitate the Admission in Evidence of certain Official and other Documents. 9-and 10 Vict^-c.25. —Aa-Aet for-pf eventing Maliciouo --lajurioa ■■ to- Per6eas-aad-Preperty--by-!Firo, - or-by Explesivo or Dcotructivo Sttbetaaeee. Repealed by 1867, No. 8. 9-and 10 Yieferfe-€3.—Aa-Aet4o-efeeikfe^eedaafe Repealed by 1878, No. 28. 9-ftftd-IQ-¥iefc r er-9S:—Aa-Ae^-ley-eeflapeaeating fee Familke-ei-j^eyeefte-fcilfed-by-Acoideater Repealed by 1880, No. 15. IQ-and-11-Yiot., c. 6fe—Aa-Aefc-iey-e&teadiag-fee—gfevieieaa- of -the- Lttw-feepeetiag-^hfealeaiag Lottoro aad-aeeaeiag-iPartioD'Witfl-a-viffw-te-estert-Monoyt Repealed by 1867, No. & 11 and 12-Vict., c. 46.—An Act for the Removal of Defects in the Administration of Criminal Justice. The whole, except sec. 4, repealed by 1867, No. 8.

* In operation on and from Ist July, 1845. t In operation on and from 31st December, 1854.

I—A. 6.



U and 13-y4efcj-6»-&?r—Aa-Aet-te-extead-the-fteyieimie-ei-ttß-Aet-pasood in tlio First Year -ef ■ Hin late £ae9ka&ag-4ae-lgaymeafc-e£-Bebte out ■of Beai-Esteter-Repealed by 1883, No. 29. 13 and Id Viet, o. 6Q-. —Aa-Aot to conoolidate-aad amond the Lawa relating-to tho ConvoyanoO' and Trano£or of Real and-Poroonal Proporty vootod in-Mestgagooa and Truotooo. Repealed by 1883, No. 30. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 19.—Aii Act for the better Prevention of Offences. Sees. 1 to 4, and G to 9, repealed by 1807, No. 8. 34 and 15 Viet,, c. 24-—Aa-Act for tho Ameatkaeat-ef an Act paseed-4n tho Rrot Year of tho Eoiga-e£ Hef-Ma^esty Quoon Yieteria,-intitulod-!'An Aefe-fey-4ke-Aai6afaeat-&f-tke-3 3 ftwe-with-rcopoct te Repealed by 1878, No. 28. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 25.—An Act to improve the Law of Landlord and Tenant in relation to Emblements, to Growing Crops seized in Execution, and to Agricultural Tenants' Fixtures. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 99.-^An Act to amend the Law of Evidence. Amended as to evidence of husbands and wives by 16 and 17 Vict., c. 83 ; 1889, No. 16. Sec. 1 repealed by 1878, No. 28. Sec. 4 repealed by 1875, No. 81. Sees. 12 and 20 repealed by 38 and 39 Vict., c. 66: vide 17 and 18 Vict., c. 104, sec. 107. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 100.—An Act for further improving the Administration of Criminal Justice. Sees. 4, 0, 8, 11, 13 to 17, and part sees. 5 and 29, repealed by 1867, No. 8. Sec. 10 repealed by 1878, No. 28. J4-aad 16 Viol, o. 55. An Act to estead-tae-ProvisionG ei-^be-TniDtoo -Act, l&§0^ Repealed by 1883, No. 30. 16 and 17 Vict., c. 83.—An Act to amend an Act of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Victoria, Chapter Ninety-nine. Part sec. 2 repealed by 1875, No. 1881 ; 1889, No. 16. Sec. 4 repealed by 1878, No. 28. Sec. 6 repealed by 38 and 39 Vict., c. 66. By " The English Acts Act, 1855," No. 3. 0 and 10 Vict., c. 24. — An Act for removing some Defects in the Administration of Criminal Justice. Sec. 1 superseded by 1854, No. 9 ; remainder not applicable to New Zealand. 17 and 18 Viot.-e. 118.—As'Act to amead-tke-Law-fetotiag to the-Administeatiea-ei-tfae-EGtatcG of-De-ooaDod-Peraoßar Repealed by 1883, No. 29. By " The English Acts Act, 1856," No. 6. 3?&-and 19 Viol,-0.-4& —Aa-Aot-to-oaable-itajaate^with-tfie-Agpfebatieß-ef—the-Gourt-of-Chancoyy-j-to mako bHtdiag-Settlemefite-ef-tlioir BeaJ-aad-Pefeeaai-Eatete-ea-Mafa≥ Repealed by 1883, No. 29. 18 and 19 Yieki-6.-HJn —An Act to-amead-tae-Lavr-fefetiag-te-BiHs-ef-Ladiag, Repealed by 1880, No. 12. By "Tho Justices of the Peace Act, 1858," No. 27. J4-aad-3r2~y4et—6;-4&—-An-Aot- to IfteHritate-the-Pe^feHßaaee-ei-the-BHties-ei Juotiooo of-fte-P-eaee-etffc-e£ gessieas-withis-E&glftad-aßd Wateg-with^eßpeet-te-^eysefte-efttffged-^wita-iadietabte-Ofi'eaeefe Repealed by 1869, No. 55. 11 and 12 Vict, c. 13.—An Aot to facilifate-tke-perieaaaaee-el-tao Duties of Justices of tho Poaoo-out-oi Seesiona withia-Eaglaad-and ~Waleo-withrcapeet4e-SttaHaa}:y-G6avietienC'and Ofderfe Repealed by 1866, No. 46. 11-and 12 Vietrj-er-44.—Aa-Act-to protoet-Juotiees-ef—fee-P-ea^e-feem-yesafems-Ae&eafi-feM—Aeto-dono-'by-taeßS-ia-Sxeetttiea-ei-taeir-Olaee; Repealed by 1866, No. 48. By " The English Acts Act, 1860," No. 19. 1 15 Vict., c. 24.—An Act for the Amendment of an Act passed in the First Year of the Eeign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills." 21 and 22 Viet., o. 17.—An Act to amoad-fee-ILftw-eii-ihlno Protoncoo.' .. Repealed by 1867, NosB. SS-Vietrpft-SST—Aa-Aet4e-eaablc Coreaefo in England-te-admit4»Sai]r-Bei:eeß6-eaafged-with Manslaughter Repealed by 1867, No. 16.

1 The statute 15 Viet., o. 24, shall be deemed and taken to have been in force on and after the 31st day of December, in the year 1854. — English Acts Act, 1860, sec. S.



Showing the Condition op the seveeal Oedinances at the Teemination op the Session op the Geneeal Assembly held in the Yeae 1890.

Note —The Roman type in the second column points out the Ordinances ana Acts now remaining in force, with their several amending Acts marked in the fourth column; the same typo in the third column indicates the Ordinances and Acts which have been specifically repealed; and the italic type in the same column indicates the dead and obsolete matter requiring repeal. . Existing Ordinances and Acts of a purely local or personal character are indicated by an asterisk prefixed to the title— e.g., 'Auctioneers, "Nelson Trust Funds, 'Bishops in New Zealand Trusts.

1 In force as a local law only within Wellington, Hawke's Bay, and the Chatham Islands. See Wellington Licenses ana * ees, Ordinance 1853, Sess. 1., No. 3; and New Provinces Act, 1858, No. 70, s. 14.


Year of Eeign, and Number. Abbrc dated Titles. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Original Repealing Ordinance or Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 4° & 5° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sbssh ] dn I., 1841. New South Wales Laws Extension Land Claims Customs Regulation Quarter Sessions Distillation Prohibition Courts of Requests Sess. II., No. 19. 1856, No. 32. 1858, No. 40. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 72. 1858, No. 30.. I i 5° VlOT. ■ No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Session II;, 1841-42. Supreme Court County Court Jury Police Magistrates Summary Proceedings Municipal Corporations Church Extension Postage Deeds Registration Conveyancing Marriage Licensing 1860, No. 17. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 49. Sess. VII., No. 15 1866, No. 46. Disallowed. Disallowed. Disallowed. 1868, No. 51. 1883, No. 29. Spent. 1881, No. 21. 'Auctioneers 1 [Sees. 2, 3, 0,12, Hid part s. 5, repealed,] Sess, III., No. 10. 14 15 1C 17 18 Land Claims Harbour Regulations Cattle Trespass Raupo Houses Disallowed. 1862, No. 20. Sess. VII., No. 17 1878, No. 28. Copyright 49 & 50 Vict., c. 33, s. 8; vide 1877, No. 17. 19 Repealing New Zealand Banking Company 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 7° & 8° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sessic .. in HI., 1844. Supreme Court Jury Amendment Land Claims Amendment Debentures Appropriation Customs Amendment Imprisonment for Debt Court of Requests Native Trust ... 1860, No. 17. 1868, No. 49. 1856, No. 82. Disallowed. 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 40. 1862, No. 37. 1867, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. •Auctioneers Amendment 1 Vide Sess. II., No. 13. 11 12 13 . 14 15 i. % Conveyancing Amendment Municipal Corporations Distillation Repeal Cattle Trespass Amendment Summary Proceedings Amendment 1883, No. 29. . 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Sess. VII.,No. 17 1867, No. 12.



Chronological Table of Ordinances, 1844 to 1848.

.. Year of Reign, and Number. Abbreviated Titles. Original Repealing Ordinance or Act. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 7° & 8° Vict. No. 16 17 Session III. Unsworn Testimony. , 1844— continued. Harbour Begulations Amendment 1802, No. 20; 1863, No. 28. Sess. VII.,No. 15 1878, No. 28. 1866, No. 20. 1881, No. 21. 1882, Private, No. 1. Spent. 18 19 20 21 Native Exemption Dog Nuisance Land Claimants Estate Licensing Amendment.. Union Bank of Australia 8° Vict. No. 1 Sessio Naturalisation in IV., 1844. Supreme Court Rules 1860, No. 17 ; 1882, No. 29. Sess. V., No. 4. 2 Property Rate 8° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sessk on V., 1845. Militia Appropriation.. .. Crown Grants Property Rate Repeal Supplementary Appropriation .. Public Boads and Works Fines for Assaults 1858, No. 8. 1878, No. 28. Sess. VII., No. 11 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 50. 1866, No. 46. English Acts 1 .. 1867, No.' 8. Spent. Spent. Naturalisation German Naturalisation 9°.Vict. No. 1 Sessio in VI., 1845. | Arms Importation I 1869, No. 57. 10° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sessio: N VII., 1846. Naturalisation Constabulary Force Supreme Court Amendment SheriffsCoroners Customs Amendment, No. 1 Prisons Customs Amendment, No. 2 Destitute Persons Belief Weights and Measures.. Fees on Crown Grants Supreme Court Bules .. Appropriation Duties of Customs Police Magistrates and Native Exemption Ordinances Bepeal Resident Magistrates' Courts .. Cattle Trespass Arms Native Land Purchase Sessions of the Peace Lunatics Land Claims .. Spent. 1886, No. 18. 1860, No. 17. 1858, No. 24. 1858, No. 7. 1858, No. 40. 1873, No. 73. 1858, No. 40. 1877, No. 44. 1868, No. 30. 1800, No.'20. 1860, No. 17. 1878, No. 28. Sess. XL, No. 5. 1878, No. 28. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1867, No. 13. 1884, No. 43. 1869, No. 57. 1805, No. 71. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 16. 1856, No. 32. 11° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sessio; K VIII., 1847. Native Force .. Gunpowder Sale of Spirits Savings Banks Slaughterhouse Impounding Marriage Fencing Begistration Education Debentures Security .. Footpath Indemnity Naturalisation Thomas Walker Nene's Annuity Paper Currency 1862, No. 32. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 21. 1858, No. 52. 1877, No. 14. 1884, No. 43. 1854, No. 12. 1881, No. 28. 1858, No. 28. 1867, No. 41. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 16 1878, No. 28. 12° Vict. No. 1 2 . 3 4 ' Sessic )N IX., 1848. Provincial Councils Postage ,.. Supreme Court Amendment Naturalisation .. - 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 15. 1860, No. 17. Spent. !For Imperial statutes adopted, see ante, p. 1.



Chronological Table of Ordinances, 1849 to 1853.

Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Munster,¹ passed in the Year 1849.

Year of Reign, and - Number. Abbreviated Titles. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Original Repealing Ordinance or Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 13° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Sessi :on X., 1849. Crown Lands Appropriation Pensions Crown Titles (New Ulster) 1862, No. 23. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1856, No. 32. 15° Vict. No. 1 Sess: ion XL, 1851. Debtors Writ of Arrest Superseded b: 1875, No. 39. ' Disallowed. 1868, No. 81. 1878. No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Disallowed. 1858, No. 20. Svent. 1802, No. 23. 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 Land Fund Appropriation Interpretation Municipal Elective Franchise .. Duties of Customs Provincial Councils Marriage Amendment Census Naturalisation Crown Lands Amendment and Extension Building and Land Societies Appropriation Bank Charters Paper Currency Amendment 11 12 13 14 15 1866, No. 70. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. * New Zealand Company's Land Claimants [Section 16 repld. by 1855, No. 2] 1861, No*. 10: 1866, No. 20. 16 Licensing Amendment No. 2 1881, No. 21. 16° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Session XII., 1852-53. Appropriation Deeds Begistration Amendment Bank Charters Amendment Naturalisation Supreme Court Practitioners 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1861, No. 11.

.2° & 13° Vict. No. 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Naturalisation Medical Practitioners .. Entire Animals Wandering Scab Empowering Summary Ejectment Town Boads and Streets Appropriation.. Constabulary (Police Offences) .. Country Boads Dog Nuisance 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 30. 1884, No. 43. 1878, No. 31. 1878, No. 28. 1807, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1884, No. 24. 1870, No. 50. 1S80, No. 24. 1 Comprising if the River Patei .hole of the Midc all that portion of the Norther: a, where it joins the sea, and rurj lie Island, Stewart Island, the CO a Island which lies to the south of a line tning thence due east until it reaches tl tiatham Islands, and all adjacent island: commencing at the ci le east coast of the si within the boundai-ie intre of the mouth iid island, with the s of the colony.




THE FIRST PARLIAMENT. Comprising Session 1., from 24th May to 17th August, 1854; Session 11., from 31st August to 16th September, 1854; Session 111., from Bth August to 15th September, 1855. Dissolved by Proclamation, 15th September, 1855.

THE SECOND PARLIAMENT. Comprising Session 1., from 17th April to 16th August, 1856; Session, 11., from 10th April to 21st August, 1858; Session 111., from 30th July to sth November, 1860. Dissolved by Proclamation, sth November, 1860.


ton les. Year of Beign, and Number. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law.

L8° Viot. No. 1 Sessions I. and II., I8o4. English Acts 1 1860, No. 19; 1875, No. 81; 1880, No. 15 ; 1883, Nos. 29, 30. 2 3 4 Naturalisation Dower *Nelson Trust Funds [Sections 2,12,15,10, repealed.) Spent. 1883, No. 1856, No. 5 ; 1858, No. 50; 1863, No. 3. 5 6 7 8 9 Licensing Amendment Waste Lands Public Reserves Law Practitioners Secondary Punishment. [Sections 9 to 18 repealed.] Powers of Attorney Appropriation Marriage Provincial Waste Lands 1881, No. 21. 1858, No. 75, 1877, No. 30. 1861, No. 11, 10 11 12 13 1883, No. 29, 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 21. 1858, No. 75. .9° Vict. No. 1 2 Session III., 1855. Naturalisation Land Claimants Ordinance Amendment English Acts 1 Spent. • 1866, No. 20. 3 • 1854, No. 9 ; 1882, No. 31; 1883, No. 29. 1878, No. 28, 4 Appropriation

; 20° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Sess: :on L, 1856. Pensions Naturalisation Law Amendment [Sections 1,2,9 to 16, repealed.] 1882, No. 29; 1890, No. 31. Vide 1866, No. 1. Spent. Spent. 4 5 "Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Bank Paper Currency Vide 1854,'No. 4. 1880, No. 22, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 English Acts Nelson Wesleyan Chapiel Sale .. Bills of Sale Begistration Building Societies Amendment .. New Zealand Native Beserves .. Magistrates' Indemnity Marriage Act Amendment New Zealand Colonial Bank of Issue Winding-up Debenture Supreme Court Procedure Superintendents' Deputy 1880, No. 12 ; 1883, No. 29. Spent. 1867, No. 23. 1866, No. 70. 1882, No. 52. 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 14 15 16 17 1878, No. 28. 1860, No. 17. 1866, No. 64. New Zealand Loan Vide 20 & 21 Vict., c. 51. 18 19 Counties Savings Banks Ordinance Amendment 1858, No. 37. 1858, No. 52. 1 For Imperial statutes adopted, see ante, pp. 1 and 2.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1856 to 1858.

■v Year of Eeign, and Numbw. Short Titles. Amendini Acts, Original Repealing Act. &o. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. .9° & 20° VlOT. No. 20 Session I. , 1856 — continued. Besident Magistrates' Courts Ordinance Amendment 1867, No. 13. 21 Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts 1863, No. 15; 1865, No. 24 ; 1875, No. 83 ; 1884, No. 26; 1887, Private, No. 4; 1890, Private, No. 1. 2 23 24 25 26 27 Waste Lands Public Offices.. Privileges Customs Duties Governor's Salary Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Reserves Disallowed. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 71. Stqyersedcd by 1877, Local, No. 51; 1883, Local, No. 11. 1867, No. 27. 1858, No. 30. •28 29 Friendly Societies Resident Magistrates' Courts Extension of Jurisdiction Local Posts Land Orders and Scrip Land Claims Settlement Scotch Law Practitioners Provincial Councils' Powers Provincial Laws Appropriation 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1858, No. 15. 1858, No. 77. Expired. 1861, No. 11. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. !1° & 22° VlCT. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sessh dn II., 1858. Interpretation 1880, No. 12, s. 4a. 1868, No. 81. English Laws Crown Costs Absent Defendants Absent Debtors Unstamped Instruments Coroners Militia Pensioner Villages Sale of Re1881, No. 8. 1860, No. 3. 1860, No. 2. 1871, No. 4. 1867, No. 16. 1865, No. 52. 1878, No. 28. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 serves Execution of Criminals Elections Writs Wool and Oil Securities Special Partnerships Foreign Seamen New Zealand Post Office Provincial Reserved Bills 1883, No. 7. 1870, No. 18. . 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 12. 1860, No. 4. 1881, No. 7. 1878, No. 28. 'Bishop of Now Zealand Trusts 1868, No." 7. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ■ 25 26 27 Auckland Roman Catholic Endowments.Sales Boundaries of Provinces Census Australasian Creditors.. Supreme Court Judges Law Practitioners Sheriffs Gaolers Petty Sessions Justices of the Peace 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 9. 1882, No. 29. 1882, No. 29. 1861, No. 11. 1883, No. 5. 1873, No. 73. 1866, No. 46. 1866, Nos. 46, 48; 1869, No. 55. 1875, No. 23. 1880, No. 21. 28 29 30 District Courts Registration .. ... Marriage Act Amendment [Sees. 1, IS, 16, SO, 20, 30, 64, 91, 92, 94-06, 98, 99, 102, 103, 132, 139,140,160,1G4, and schedule, repealed.] 1865, No. 4 ; 1866, No. 5 ; 1870, No. 12; 1879, No. 14; 1880, No. 33; 1888, Nos. 22 and 23. 31 32 38 34 35 36 Audit Disqualification Ordinary Revenue Bankers' Returns Resident Magistrate's Court Canterbury Association Land Orders Definition of Districts .. 1867, No. 84. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 84. 1880, No. 22. 1867, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1885, No. 56. % 37 38 . "Nelson College.. 1858, No.'51; 1870, No. 91 ; 1882, Local, No. 15. 39 " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," Adoption 1869, No. 5.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1858 to 1860.

Sear of Beigu, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts. &o. Original Bepealing Act. Existing Law. Bepealed or Obsolete Law. U°&22°VlCT. No. 40 41 42 Session II. , 1858— continued. Customs Regulation Native Districts Regulation Native Circuit Courts .. 1882, No. 55. Obsolete. Superseded b1867, No. 13. 43 'Civil Service Superannuation 1861, No. 36; 1866, No. 59 ; 1884, No. 8; 1887, No. 44, s. 11. 44 45 46 47 Martin's Annuity Province of Taranaki Crown Grants Correction New Zealand Native Reserves Amendment Naturalisation Auckland Reserves Expired. 1878, No. 28. 1866, No. 20. 1882, No. 52. 48 49 50 Vide 1854, No. 4. Spent. Spent. 51 'Nelson Trust Funds Amendment •Nelson College Trust .. 1863, No. 14 ; 1870, No. 91. Vide 1858, No. 38. 1878, No. 11; 1885, No. 18 ; 1889, No. 15. Vide 1867, No. 77; 1869, No. 39. 52 Savings Bank [Sees. 32,58, 59 repealed.] 53 Qualification of Electors Amendment Registration of Electors Electoral Districts Regulation of Elections Corrupt Practices Prevention .. Election Petitions 1878, No. 28. 54 55 56 57 58 1866, No. 80. 1860, No. 12. 1870, No. 18. 1881, No. 13. Superseded by 1880, No. 36. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 16. 1880, No. 22. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 41. 1867, No. 84; 1878, No. 19. 1862, No. 29; 1867, No. 84; 1883, No. 31. Expired. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1870, No. 20. 1862, No. 21. 1877, No. 29. Expired. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Provincial Elections Provincial Lawsuits Lunatics Ordinance Amendment Banker's Draft Appropriation (No. 1) .. Appropriation (No. 2) .. Native Schools Surplus Revenues 67 Land Revenue Appropriation .. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Public Debt Apportionment Auckland Improvement New Provinces Civil List Customs Duties Gold Duty Goldfielda Waste Lands Land Claims Settlement Extension 77 Land Orders and Scrip .. [Sec. 6 repealed.] 1877, Local, No. 69. Vide 1866, No. 26. 1876, No. 50. 78 Highways and Watercourses Diversion Bay of Islands Settlement Native Territorial Rights 79 80 1870, No. 63. Disallowed. 24° Vict. No. 1 Sessioi N III., 1860. Private Bills Evidence Superseded by 1865, No. 13. 1882, No. 29. 1882, No. 29. 2 3 4 Foreign Seamen's [Sec. 2 repealed.] Absent Debtors Absent Defendants 1878, No.'28. 5 6 7 Fraudulent Trustees Remission of Penalties Summary Proceedings Improvement Mercantile Law Amendment Married Women's Property Protection Bankers' Returns Act Amendment Goldfields Representation Joint-stock Companies Patents .. Real Estate Administration 1867, No. 8. 1888, No. 4. 1867, No. 12. 8 9 1880, No. 12. 1880, No. 14. 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 1880, No. 22. 1862, No. 21. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 35. 1870, No. 89. 1865, No. 56.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1860, 1861.

2—A. 6.

.«* Year of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, <fec. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. 24° Vict. No. 16 Session III [., 1860 — continued. Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Supreme Court Barristers' and Solicitors' Admission 1883, No. 29. 17 18 1882, No. 29. 1861, No. 11. 19 20 English Acts' Official Documents Evidence 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 8. Spent. 1878, No. 28, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Savings Bank Act Amendment .. Sale of Beserves Acts Amendment Miners' Franchise New Provinces Act 1858 Amendment Nelson and Marlborough Public Debt Apportionment Land for Compensation (Nelson and Marlborough) Land Begistry Begistration of Deeds Amendment Indemnity Census Act Amendment Naturalisation Public Domains Half-caste Disability Removal .. Militia Act Amendment Naval and Military Settlers Taranaki Settlers' Belief Wellington, Hawke's Bay, and Taranaki Land Begulations 1862, No. 10. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 1870, No. 51. 1868, No. 51. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 9. Spent. 1881, No. 26. Spent. 1865, No. 52. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Arms Loan Expenditure Confirmation Debentures 1880, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. New Zealand Loan. i Appropriation.. | Native Council 1878, No. 28. withheld. par VATE ACTS. Lyttelton and Christchurch Bailway Purchase and Ninnis Flax Patent Nelson Boman Catholic Endowments Sale Nelson Wesleyan Schoolmasters Land Sale Anderson Pipe Patent Auckland Waterworks Auckland Harbour Debenture .. 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Expired. Comprising I Septemh 24th No 1865. 1 Session I., from 3rd Jim ;r, 1862; Session III., j oember to 13th Decembe dissolved by Proclamatio .he thibd pabliament, ie to 7th September, 1861; St from 19th October to 14th De zr, 1864; and Session V., fn m, 27th January, 1866. ession II., from i •.cember, 1863; Si om 26th July .( ih July to 15th tsion IV., from 30th October, !4° & 25° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Sessi ion I., 1861. Commissioners' Powers Canterbury and Otago Boundary Advances to Agents Weights and Measures Ordinance Amendment Besident Magistrates Ordinance Amendment Naval and Military Settlers, Marlborough Naturalisation Imprisonment for Debt Ordinance Amendment Jury Ordinance Amendment- .. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 12. 1868, No. 30. 5 1867, No. 13. 6 1877, No. 29. 7 8 Spent. 1862, No. 87. 9 10 "N.Z. Co.'s Land Claimants Ordinance Amendment Vide Ord., Sess. XL, No. 15. 1868, No. 49. 11 12 13 14 Law Practitioners Balneavis Bemission Lost Land Orders Begistration of Electors Act 1858 Amendment Canterbury and Otago Boundary, No. 2 Standing Orders for Private Bills Arms Act Continuance 1882, No. 69.' 1878, No. 28. 1885, No. 56. 1866, No. 80. •• 15 1878, No. 28. 16 17 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 13. 1 For Imperial Statutes adopted, see ante, p. 2.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1861, 1862.

**» Year of Beign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Kepealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. !4° & 25" VlCT. No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Session I., 1861 — continued. Otago and Southland Public Debt Apportionment Hawke's Bay Naval and Military Settlers Nelson Waste Lands Regulations Amendment Auckland Immigration Certificate Intestate Native Succession Diseased Cattle Provincial Audit Public Debt Apportionment Act 1858 Amendment New Provinces Act Amendment Customs Duties Act Amendment Protection of Certain Animals .. Auckland Representation Official Administrators Pensioners' Claims Auckland Immigration Certificate Act 1858 Amendment Parliamentary Costs Taxation .. 1878, No. 28. 1863, No. 29. 1863, No. 39. 1877, No. 29. 1865, No. 71. 1871, No. 35. 1878, No. 28. Expired. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 57. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 56. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 33 34 35 36 Land Registry Amendment Survey Correction Superseded by 1882, No. 24. 1870, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. • Civil Service Amendment 1884, No. 8; 1887, No. 44,s.ll. Vide 1858, No. 43. 37 Appropriation 1878, No. 28. l'BP •ate acts. 1880, Private, No. 1; 1889, Private, No. 1. * New Zealand Bank • Bank of New South Wales. Dun Mountain Railway Picton Railway 1878, No. 28. Disallowed. 26° Vict. No. 1 2 Sessk in II., 1802. Arms Act Continuance Joint-stock Companies Amendment Military Supplies Customs Election Petitions Act Amendment Bills of Sale Registration Amendment Summary Procedure on Bills Trustee Relief Law Practitioners Act Amendment Birds Protection .. Miners Representation Representation Supreme Court Amendment Land Registry Amendment Native Reserves Amendment .. Public Reserves Act Amendment Panama Route Postal Crown Grants (No. 1) .. Crown Grants (No. 2) .. Delegations Continuance Marine Board Goldfields Steam Navigation Crown Lands Court of Appeal Naturalisation Civil List Native Purposes Appropriation .. Land Revenue Appropriation Act Amendment (No. 1) Land Revenue Appropriation Act Amendment (No. 2) Appropriation Loan Colonial Defence Force Jury Law Amendment Auckland Waste Lands Act Amendment^ Sale for Non-payment of Rates .. Resident Magistrates' Jurisdiction Extension 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 35. 3 4 1866, No. 43. Superseded by 1880, No. 36. 1867, No. 23. 5 6 7 8 18S0, No. 23. 1883, No. 30. 1882, No. 69. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1865, No. 57. 1879, No. 42. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 29. 1870, No. 51. 1882, No. 52. 1877, No. 36. 1878, No. 28. 1866, No. 20. 1883, No. 31. 1878, No. 28. 1863, No. 28. 1866, No. 32. 1866, No. 51. 1877, No. 29. 1882, No. 30. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 29 1878, No. 28. 30 31 82 33 34 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 37. 1868, No. 49. 1867, No. 59. 35 36 1878, No. 28. 1S67, No. 13.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1862, 1864.

.»» Year of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 26° Vict. No. 37 38 39 40 Session II., 1802— continued. Debtors and Creditors Militia Acts Amendment Native Districts Regulation Act Amendment Native Circuit Courts Act Amendment Commencement of Acts Native Land 1867, No. 18. 1865, No. 52. Obsolete. Superseded. 41 42 1863, No. 21. 1865, No. 71. 27° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Session III., 1863. Stewart's Island Annexation Arms Act Continuance * Nelson Trust Funds Amendment Vide 1854,'No. 4. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 4 Colonial Defence Force Act Amendment Inquiry into Wrecks Superintendents Incorporation .. Suppression of Bebellion New Zealand Settlements Provincial Councils' Powers Extension Provincial Compulsory Landtaking 1867, No. 37. 5 6 7 8 9 1869, No. 3. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 50. 10 Assent withheld. 11 New Zealand Loan [Sees. 8 and 9 repealed.] 1864, No. 2; 1865, No. 54. 12 13 Loan Appropriation * Lands Clauses Consolidation 1 1866, No. 29; 1872, No. 37. 1878, No. 28. 14 15 Nelson College Trust Lands Beligious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment Fide 1856*,'No. 21. Spent. 16 1878, No. 28. 17 18 19 20 Native Purposes Appropriation Act Amendment Miners Bepresentation Act Amendment Secondary Punishment Act Amendment Sheriffs Act Amendment Begulation of Elections Act Amendment Commencement of Acts Act 1862 Bepeal Foreign Offenders Apprehension.. 1879, No. 42. 1873, No. 73. 1883, Nos. 5, 7. 1870, No. 18. 21 1878, No. 28. 22 Superseded by 1883, No. 4. 1866, No. 78. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 49. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1866, No. 52. 1877, No. 29. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Auckland Beserves Wellington Patent Slip Jury Law Amendment Deeds Begistration Amendment Tikokino Reserve Marine Board Wellington and Hawke's Bay Naval and Military Settlers Goldfields Act Amendment Otago Waste Lands (No. 1) Otago Waste Lands (No. 2) Vaccination 30 31 32 33 34 1866, No. 32. 1866, No. 22. 1866, No. 22. 1871, No. 51. Civil List ... [Schedule partly repealed.] 1873, Nos.'77, 80. 35 36 37 Appropriation Naturalisation Marlborough Waste Lands Begulations Amendment Auckland Waste Lands Acts Amendment Nelson Waste Lands Southland Waste Lands 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1867, No. 63. . 88 1867, No. 59. 39 40 1874, No. 19. 1865, No. 59. PRIVATE ACTS. I Auckland Harbour Debenture Act 1860 Amendment j Auckland and Drury Bailway Bluff Harbour and Invercargill Bailway and Extension Bank of Otago (Limited) Spent. 1876, No. 5p. 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. % 28° Vict. No. 1 . 2 Session IV., 1864. New Customs Duties Bate of Interest .. [Sec, 3 repealed.] 1805, No. 5*4. Vide 1863, No. 11. 1806, No. 43. 1 Repealed as to any proceedings by the Government of the colony or by County Councils or Road Boards by 1876, No. 50; and luperseded as to proceedings by any other local authority by 1882, No. 37,



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1864, 1865.

i'ear of Eeign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending AotB, &c. Original Eepealing Act. Existing Law. Eepealed or Obsolete Law. 28° Vict. No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Session IV '., 1864 — continued. Debentures New Zealand Settlements Amendment Public Works Lands Coroners Act Amendment Auckland Reserves Act Amendment Arms Act Continuance.. Registration of Deeds Validation (Otago) Panama Mail Service Wild Birds Protection Naturalisation Albert Hall .. Native Lands Act Amendment .. Coupons Sheriffs Act Amendment Canterbury Waste Lands 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 50. 1867, No. 16. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 57. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 71. Expired. 1883, No. 5. 1877, No. 29. PRI\ i'ATE ACTS. Canterbury Great Northern Railway Canterbury Great Southern Railway Bank of Auckland 1876, No. 50. •Otago and Southland Investment Company (Limited). 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. Commercial Bank of New Zealand (Limited) Dunedin Waterworks 1878, No. 28. Sessh Superseded by 1886, No. 50. Vide 1874, No. 45. 29° Vict. No. 1 2 3 on V., 1865. Indemnity Arms Act Continuance 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Leases and Sales of Settled Estates [Seca. 3,4, repealed.) 1878, No. 28; 1879, No. 31; 1883, No. 29, s. 78. Vide 1886, No. 27. 1866, No. 5 ; 1870, No. 12, s. 3. Vide 1858, No. 30. 4 District Courts Act Amendment [Sees. 7,11, repealed.] 1878, No. 28. 5 6 Otago Provincial Public Offices Site Trusts Panama Mail Service Act Amendment Armitagc Pension Audit Act Amendment 1878, No. 28. 7 8 Expired. 1867, No. 84 ; 1878, No. 19. 1882, No. 35. 1868, No. 81. 9 10 11 12 13 British Companies Comrnancement of Acts Native Rights. Parliamentary Privileges [Sees. 2, 3, repealed.] Native Commission 1866, No. 73; 1872, No. 73; 1875, No. 20; 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 14 West Coast Goldfield Provincial Representation Wellington Hospital Reserves .. Diseased Cattle Act Amendment Public Domains Act Amendment Marine Board Act Amendment.. Howard's Ponsion 1878, No. 28. 15 16 17 18 19 20 1885, No. 46. 1871, No. 35. 1881, No. 26. 1866, No. 52. 1878, No. 28. Legislative Council Quorum [Sec. 2 repealed.] 1878, No. 28. 21 22 23 24 Injuries by Dogs Railway Offences Outlying Districts Police 1880, No. 24. 1876, No. 50. Obsolete. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment 1872, No.'50. Vide 1856, No. 21. 25 26 % Maori Funds Investment Mining Companies Limited Liability Private Estates Bills Building and Land Societies Acts Amendment 1886, No. 24. 1872, No. 33. 27 as 1867, No. 17. 1866, No. 70.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1865.


ERRATUM.— -Page 12. ■ Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act, 1865. For " sees. 3, 4 repealed," read " sec. 34 repealed."

Short Titles. 'ear of Eeign, and Number. Amending Acts, Original Kepealing Act. Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Law. 29° Viot. No. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Session V. 1865— continued. Mayne Pension Prisoners Removal Deeds and Titles Registration Amendment New Plymouth Exchanges Commission Ha\vke's Bay Military and Colonial Defence Corps Settlements New Provinces Law Practitioners Act Amendment Provincial Constabulary Electric Telegraph Distillation Prohibition Ordinance Amendment Provisional Jury List .. Post Office, Savings Banks Goldfielda Acts Amendment Lost Licenses and Leases Provincial Councils' Powers Extension Provincial Corporation* 1878, No. 28. 1873, No. 73. 1868, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 69. 36 37 38 1878, No. 28. 1875, No. 44. 1868, No. 72. 39 40 41 42 43 1868, No. 49. 1867, No. 77. 1866, No. 32. 1885, No. 56. 1876, No. 50. 44 45 Master and Apprentice .. [Sees. 2, 5,0, 21, repealed.] 1875, No. 38; 1878, No. 28; 1882, No. 25. 1876, No. 52.

59 GO 61 ment Southland Waste Lands Taranaki Naval and' Military Settlers Miners Representation Act Amendment Volunteers Land Provincial Lawsuits Act Declaratory Wellington Supreme Court House Site 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 1879, No. 42. 1876, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. 32 53 34 1878, No. 28. 16 Crown Lands (Nelson) Leasing .. New Zealand Settlements Amendment and Continuance Naturalisation Southland Provincial Debt Loan Allocation Representation Native Lands 1867, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. >7 S8 19 '0 '1 Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 88. 1878, No. 28. 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 1877, No. 29. '2 Wellington Waste Lands Amendment Resident Magistrates' Criminal Jurisdiction Extension and Amendment Comptrollers '3 1867, No. 13. '4 1867, No. 84; 1878, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. ■5 Appropriation.. !>IU 'ATE ACTS. *Duck's Nest Dam. •Lincoln Eoad Mill Dam. Picton and Blenheim Railway .. 1876, No. 50.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1866.

_» Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Year of Reign, Short Titles. Number. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. THE FOURTH PARLIAMENT. Comprising I October, to 3rd Si Proclami Session I., from 30th June to 8th October, 1866; St 1867; Session III, from 9th July to 20th October, 18 sptember, 1869 ; and Session V., from 14th June to 13th cttion, 30th December, 1870. Session II., from 9th July to 10th S68; Session IV., from 1st June h September, 1870. Dissolved by 30° Vict. No. 1 Session I., 1800. Criminal Law Procedure 1872, No. 28. Vide 1850, No. 3. 2 8 Partnership Law Amendment .. Arms Act Amendment and Continuance Supreme Court Judges District Courts Jurisdiction Extension Military Pensions. Crown Debts Indictable Offences Trials [Sec. 4 repealed ; sec. 27 abrogated.] 1880, No. 12. 1869, No. 57. ■ .. 1882, No. 29. Vide 1858, No. 30. 1881, No. 8. 1882, No. 15. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trade Marks Vagrant Indemnity Summary Procedure on Bills Act Amendment Sale of Poisons .. .. j Provincial Compulsory Land Taking Newcastle Crown Grants Validation Friendly Native Contracts Confirmation Aliens Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment Offences against the Person Crown Grants Crown Lands Sales Extortion Prevention Otago Waste Lands Auckland Waste Lands Canterbury Waste Lands Land Begul at ions Extension (Hawke's Bay) "Land Orders and Scrip (Taranaki) East Coast Land Titles Investigation Native Lands "Land Clauses Consolida- .. : tion Act Amendment' 1889, No. 12. 1884, No. 24. Disallowed. 1880, No. 23. 1871, No. 53. 1870, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 10. 1882, No. 29; 1890, No. 10. 1867, No. 8. 1883, No. 31. 1877, No. 29. 1872, No. 39. 1867, No. 59. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. Vide 1858, No. 77. 1868, No. 56. 1867, No. 43. 1872, No. 37. Vide 1863, No. 13. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 New Plymouth Exchanges Commission Amendment New Zealand Settlements Acts Amendment Goldfields Nelson, Cobden, and Westport Bailway Land Loan Expenditure Indemnity .. Loan Appropriation Treasury Bills Begulation Treasury Bills Southland Provincial Debt Act Amendment Wellington Loan Sanction. Wellington Land Purchase Loan Sanction Bonded Warehouses Duty Stamp Duties Customs Tariff Provincial Audit Supreme Court and Registration Offices (Fees) Justices of the Peace Acts Bepeal .. •" i Justices of the Peace .. .. .'. Justices Protection .. .. Carriers .. .. Innkeepers' Liability .. Steam Navigation .. [ 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 42. 1868, No. 14. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 75. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 1882, No. 55. 1877, No. 34. 1875, No. 74. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 15. ' 1882, No. 15. 1880, No. 12. 1881, No. 21. 1877, No. 54. 31 32 S3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 ' 51 Repealed as to any proceedings by the Governn superseded as to pn lentof the colony, or by County Councils or Road Boards, by 1876, No. 50; and iceedings by any other local authority by 1882, No. 37,



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1866, 1867.

.* Year of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &e. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 30° Vict. No. 52 53 Session I., , 1866 — continued. Marine New Zealand Post Office Act Amendment New Zealand Post Office Act Amendment (No. 2) Adulteration of Food Protection of Certain Animals Act Amendment 1867, No. 32. 1881, No. 7. 54 1881, No. 7. 55 56 1877, No. 48. 1867, No. 85. 57 Oyster Fisheries 1867, No. 3, s. 26; 1869, No. 50 ; 1874, No. 71; 1884, No. 48. 58 Superintendents' Election Disallowance Signification 1878, No. 28. 59 Civil Service 1 1871, No. 54; 1878, No. 12; 1884, No. 8; 1886, No. 33; 1887, Nos. 21 and 44, s. 11; 1890, No. 25. 1867, No. 18. 60 Debtors and Creditors Acts Amendment Naturalisation Otago Municipal Councils Empowering Act 1865 Amendment Attorney-General's Superintendent's Deputy Affirmations in Lieu of Oaths in Criminal Proceedings Intestate Estates Act Amendment Volunteer Act Amendment Bepresentation Act Amendment Williams Compensation Building and Land Societies Licensing Ordinance Amendment Ordinance Amendment Distillation Prohibition Ordinance Amendment 61 62 Spent. 1878, No. 28. 63 64 65 1876, No. 71. 1878, No. 28. 1890, No. 31. 66 1873, No. 27. 67 68 69 70 71 1881, No. 24. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 64. 1881, No. 21. 72 1868, No. 72. 73 Privileges 1872, No. 73; 1878, No. 16. Fi_el865, No. 13. 1868, No. 16. Obsolete. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 69. 74 75 76 77 78 79 Lunatics Petty Sessions Act Amendment .. Standing Orders for Private Bills Law Practitioners Act Amendment Auckland Beserves Act Bepeal .. Supreme Court Act 1860 Amendment Begistration of Electors Goldfields Members' Qualification Appropriation 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 29. 80 81 1879, No. 42. 1878, No. 28. 82 1878, No. 2S. PRIV .ate acts. Dunedin Waterworks Act Amendment Superseded b; 1886, No. 50. "Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands 1868, No. 68 ; 1874, No. 68; 1875, No. 5 ; 1884, Local, No. 21. Otago Southern Trunk Bailway.. 1876, No. 50. Sessio dn IL, 1867. Imprest Supply 31° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Coinage Offences. Larceny 1868, No. 50, s. 5; 1870, No. 8; 1882, No. 15, ss. 190, 194; 1885, No. 44, s. 7. ' 1878, No. 28. 4 5 Forgery. Offences against the Person [Sees. 48, 49, repealed.] Malicious Injuries to aProperty. _ Accessories. 1874, No. 4; 1889, No. 17. 6 Indictable Offences Acts Bepeal 7 8 9 1878, No. 28. Her Majesty's Naval and Victualling Stores. 1 Sees. 12, 30 to 43, and all other provisions which are repugnant to " The Civil Service Reform Act, 1886, ," repealed,



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1867.

.*« 'ear of Eeign, and Number. Sh. >rt Titles. Amending Acts, &tt. Original Repealing Aot. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 31° Vict. No. 10 Session II, Old Metal and Marine Store Dealers. , 1867 — continued. 11 Justices of the Peace Act Amendment Appeals from Justices 1882, No. 15, 12 13 Resident Magistrates [Sec. 2, part s. 74, Scheds. A and B, repealed..] 1868, No. 46; 1870, No. 24; 1872, No. 27; 1879, No. 28; 1885, Nos.24,45;1888, No. 23. 1882, No. 15. 14 Neglected and Criminal Children 1882, No. 25. 15 Introduction of Convicts Prevention. 1885, No. 25; 1878, No. 28; 1888, No. 20. 16 Coroners [Sec. 2, Scbed. I., and part s. 10 repealed.] Private Estate Bills. 1875, No. 79. 1882, No. 69. 17 18 19 Bankruptcy Law Practitioners Act Amendment Execution of Judgments against Real Estate Deeds Registration Ordinance Amendment Provincial Lawsuits Act Amendment Bills of Sale Municipal Corporations County of Westland 20 1880, No. 31. 21 1868, No. 51. 22 1868, No. 31. 23 24 25 1880, No. 19. 1876, No. 52. 1868, No. 60 1870, No. 56, 1876, No. 47. 26 Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Friendly Societies Provident and Industrial Societies Building and Land Societies Act 1866 Amendment Medical Practitioners Marriage Act Amendment Marine Steam Navigation Act Amendment 27 28 1877, No. 10. 1877, No. 11. 29 1876, No. 64. 30 81 32 33 1869, No. 51. 1876, No. 27. 1878, No. 35. 1877, No. 54. 34 Salmon and Trout 1884, Nos. 47, 48; 1887, No. 27. 1873, No. 42. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 New Zealand Institute. Protection of Animals Armed Constabulary Volunteer Act Amendment Indemnity Maori Real Estate Management Native Schools Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelries Native Lands 1886, No. 18. 1881, No. 24. 1878, No. 28. 1886, No. 24. Expired. 1882, No. 52. 43 44 45 Confiscated Lands East Coast Land Titles Investigation Act Amendment Tauranga District Lands 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 56. 46 47 Maori Representation [Sec. 12 repealed.] 1872, No. 72 ; 1876, No. 44. Spent. 48 49 60 •• Westland Representation Public Offenders' Disqualification Supplementary Electoral Roll Revision Crown Lands, Nelson, Leasing .. Canterbury Waste Lands Land Claims Arbitration New Plymouth Exchanges Commission Amendment Act Amendment Taranaki Naval and Military Settlers Public Buildings Reserves Canterbury Public Reserves Hokitika, Greymouth, and Okarita Town Lands Auckland Waste Lands John Jones Land Claims Settlement 1878, No. 28, Superseded. 1878, No. 28. • * 61 62 53 54 1874, No. 19. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 55 1877, No. 29. 56 57 68 % 1877, No. 36. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 59 60 1874, No. 16. 1878, No. 28.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1867, 1868.

3—A. 6.


fear of Reign, and Number. Sh tort Titles. Amending Acts, Original Kepealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 31° VlCT. No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Session II., 1867— continued. Wairarapa Racecourse Exchange Presbyterian Church Land Sale, Marlborough Marlborough Waste Lands Southland Waste Lands Amendment Volunteers Land Act Amendment Crown Grants Amendment > Waste Lands Boards Appeal Goldfields Act Amendment Goldflelds Act Amendment (No. 2) Otago Goldfields Judicial Officers Nelson, Cobden, and Westporfc Eailway Land Act Amendment Auckland and Drury Railway .. Commissioner's Powers .. ■ Governor's Delegations • British Australasian Mail Service Naturalisation Act 1866 Amendment Post Office Savings Banks ! ; Census Acts Amendment j Provincial Acts Validation Distillation Act 1866 Amendment Stamp Duties Act Amendment .. i Customs Tariff Amendment Public Stores .. ; Public Revenues Legislative Officers' Salaries. j Hartley Pension Surplus Revenue Adjustment .. Loan Allocation Act Repeal Public Debts. Consolidated Loan. Diseased Sheep Fines Appropriation Appropriation i Governor's Salary Divorce and Matrimonial ! Causes [Sec. 60, pt. s. 55, repealed.'.! 1872, No.'30. 1869, No. 39. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28.--1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 1876, No. 51. 1883, No. 31. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 42. 1877, No. 42. 1869, No. 49. 1868, No. 14. 1876, No. 50. Expired. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1877, No. 9. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 72. 1875, No. 73. 1882, No. 55. 1871, No. 64. 1878, No. 19. 86 87 88 89 90 91 Expired. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 81. 92 93 94 1881, No.'48; 1887, No. 4, s. 8. 1878, No. 28. Disallowed. PRIVATE ACT. Otago Southern Trunk Railway Amendment 1876, No. 50. 32° Viot. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Session III., 1868. ! Mete Kingi Paetahi Election .. | Imprest Supply | Interest on Moneys Pawnbrokers. Treason-Felony. : Public Houses * Bishop of New Zealand j Trusts 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 12. 1872, No. 50. Vide 1858, No. 17. 1881, No. 21. 8 9 Bridges and Ferries Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks ! Bills of Sale Mortgages of Stock Registration Provincial Audit Act Amendment Westland Representation Amendment Nelson and Cobden Railway Imprest Supply (No. 2) Lunatics Printers and Newspapers Registration John Jones Land Claims Settlement Act 1867 Amendment Petty Sessions Offences against the Person Act Amendment Canterbury Rivers Marriage Act Amendment Registration of Electors Act Amendment 1886, No. 49. 1885, No. 56. 10 11 12 13 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 19. 1877, No. 34. 1878, No. 28. 14 15 16 17 1870, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 34. 1884, No. 18: 18 1878, No. 28. 19 20 Obsolete. 1874, No. 4. 21 22 23 1870, No. 68. 1880, No. 21. 1879, No. 42. 24 Escheat [Sec. 1 repealed.! Distress and Replevin .. ... 1870, No. 31. 25 1885, No. 23.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1868.

.»* Year of Reign, and_ Nunib.i-. Short Titles. Original Repealing Act. Amending Acts, &c. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 32° Vict. No. 26 27 28 29 Session II] '., 1868 — continued. I Goldfields (Nelson) Companies Conveyancing Charges Provincial Appropriation Validation 1877, No. 42. 1882, No. 35. 1883,'No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 30 Weights and Measures • .. [Part sec. 19 repealed.] 1873, No. 16; 1877, No. 27, s. 9. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 7. 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 Provincial Lawsuits Ngaitahu Reference Validation.. New Zealand Post Office Act Amendment Customs Begulation Act Amendment Tauranga District Lands Colonial Forces Courts-Martial.. Gold-mining Claims Drainage .. Hawke's Bay Land Begulations Extension Act Amendment Bussell Military Grant Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Bivers Marlborough Beserve Leasing .. Immigration Otago Education Reserves Abandonment Otago Boad Boards Endowment Williamson Compensation 1882, No. 55. Spent. 1886, No. 17. 1877, No. 42. 1877, No. 29. 39 40 1878, No. 28. 1884, No. 49. 41 42 43 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 44 45 40 Resident Magistrates [Sees. 6 to 16 and schedule repealed.] 1874, No. 14. Vide 1867, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 47 48 Bankruptcy Act Amendment .. Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment Juries 1875, No. 79. 1882, No. 29. 49 50 Law Amendment 1882, No.'15; 1890, No. 31. 1880, No. 10. 51 [Sees. 1, 6, and part s. 5 only in force.] Deeds Registration 1 [Sec. 2 and Sched. A repealed.] 1886, No. 28. 1876, No. 52. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Goldfields Act Amendment (Native Lands) Constabulary Force Ordinance Amend ment Native Lands Act Amendment .. East Coast Provincial Acts Validation Act Continuance Wellington and Hawke's Bay Bublic Debt Apportionment Canterbury and Westland Public Debt Apportionment County of Westland Westland Public House Ordinance Amendment Green and Spencer Land Claims Otago Boads Ordinance Amendment Ordinance 1856 Validation Electric Telegraph Reserves Belease 1877, No. 42. 1886, No. 18. 1873, Nos. 56 & 57 Spent. 1882, No. 43. 1878, No. 28. 59 1878, No. 28. 60 61 1882, No. 43. 1881, No. 21. 02 63 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 64 1878, No. 28. 65 00 07 68 University Endowment .. Government House Site Public Domains Act Extension .. 1875, No. 60. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 26. "Otago Surveys Correction Vide 1806, Private, No. 2. 69 Protection of Animals Act Amendment Miners' BepresentationAct Amendment Indemnity 1873, No. 42. 70 1S79, No. 42. 71 72 1874, No. 8; 1880, No. 44; 1881, No. 21. 1878, No. 28. Distillation [Sees. 2, 60, 125, 126,135 to 137, Scheds. I., VIII., IX., X., and part s. 138, repealed.] 73 74 Public Bevenues 1878, No. 19. Public Debts Sinking Fund [Sec. 2 and part s. 6 repealed.] 1869, No, 72 ; 1871, No. 79; 1875, No. 43; 1882, No. 71, s. 15 ; 1884, No. 41. IRe; lealed as to 1; tnd which is brought under the Land ' 'ransfer Act.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1868, 1869.


.»> Year of Beign, and Numl5fer. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &o. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 32° VlCT. No. 75 76 77 78 Session III Treasury Bills Eegulation ., 1868— continued. 1869, No. 74. 79 Treasury Bills Courts of Law Trust Moneys Consolidated Loan Provincial Charges Confiscated Land Revenue Appropriation Appropriation Interpretation 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 19. Expired. 1878, No. 28. 80 81 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 14. !2°&33°Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Sessio )N IV., 1869. Imprest Supply Treasury Bills Inquiry into Wrecks Restriction on Marine Reassurance Removal Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Bridges and Perries Act 1868 Amendment 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 54. 1880, No. 12. 5 1877, No. 54. 0 1886, No. 49. 7 Public Payments without Probate iSec. 3 repealed.] 1873, No. 27; 1885, No. 62, s. 4. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 8 9 Nelson Marriages Southland Provincial Debt Acts Amendment 10 * Auckland Goldfielda Proclamation Validation. 1876, No. 51. 1876, No. 50. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Otago Settlements Nelson and Cobden Railway Act Amendment Canterbury Waste Lands Naval and Military Settlers Wellington and Hawke's Bay Public Debt Apportionment Act Extension Provincial Elections Act Amendment Military Contribution Mining Companies' Limited Liability Act Amendment Railways Disturbed Districts Intestate Estate Act Amendment Otago Hundreds Regulation Public Revenues (No. 2) Shortland Beach Goldfields Act Amendment Native Lands 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1872, No. 33. 19 20 21 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 22 23 24 25 26 1872, No. 39. 1875, No. 96. 1886, No. 51. 1877, No. 42. 1873, Nos. 51 and 57. 1877, No. 29. 27 28 29 Canterbury Temporary Mining Reserves Auckland Waste Lands Act 1867 Amendment Otago Waste Lands Act 1866 Amendment Crown Lands (Nelson) Leasing .. Poverty Bay Grants 1874, No. 16. 1872, No. 39. 30 31 32 1874, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. New Zealand Cross Endowment. 33 34 Commissioners of Crown Lands ! Bailments of Stock and Chattels Registration Delivery of Goods and Lien for Freight Dangerous Goods Building and Land Societies Amendment Joint Stock Companies Amendment 1877, No. 29. 1880, No. 19. • • 35 1880, No. 12. 36 37 1882, No. 60. 1876, No. 64. 38 1882, No. 35. 39 Post Office Savings Banks j Amendment •• Vide 1867, No. 77. 40 41 42 43■i Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Act Amendment Oamaru Town Reserves Management Greymouth Quays Westland Pjiblic House Ordinance Amendment County of Westland Amendment Canterbury , Rivers Act Amend1876, No. 47, Spe nt. 1878, No. 35. 1881, No. 21. 44 45 1882, No. 43. 1870, No. 68.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1869, 1870.


Year of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Laiv. 12° & 33° Vict. No. 46 Session IV. , 1869— continued. Provincial Councils Legislation Appeal Provincial Acts Validation Act Continuance Provincial Audit Act Amendment Goldfields Officers' Salaries 1878, No. 28. 47 1878, No. 28. 48 49 50 Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Medical Practitioners' Registration. Contagious Diseases. Vide 1866,'No. 57. 1877, No. 34. 1877, No. 42. 51 1884, No. 24. 1873, No. 73. 1882, No. 15. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 .. Vagrant Act 1866 Amendment .. Gaolers and Prisoners Justices of the Peace Act Amendment Trustees' Powers Delegation Arms Act Amendment Armed Constabulary Act Amendment New Zealand Commissioners Government Annuities Registration Act Amendment .. 1883, No. 30. 1880, No. 13. 1886, No. 18. 59 60 61 62 1878, No. 28. 1874, No. 62. 1875, No. 23. Crown Bonds and Securities New Zealand Law Soeiety'sj Vide 1870, No. 85. G3 64 Hugo Max. Bncholz Naturalisation 1878, No. 86. Spent. 65 'Acclimatisation Society of Southland Grant. •Botanic Garden 1871, No. 23; 1872, No. 13. 1875, No. 88; 1877, No. 47. 66 76 Public Libraries Expired. 68 69 * Walsh and Others Pension [Sees. 2 to 6 and 10 spent.] Whiteley Pension 1877, Local, No. 64. , 70 71 72 Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendment tSeos. 6 to 8 obsolete.] Stamp Duties Acts Amendment Public Revenues 1871, No. 79; 1875, No. 43. Vide 1868, No. 74. 1875, No. 73. 1878, No. 19. 73 74 Treasury Bills Regulations Act Amendment Consolidated Loan Application .. Vide 1868, No. 75. Expired. 75 76 Treasury Bills (No. 2) .. Appropriation.. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 13°. & 84° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Srssk dn V., 1870. Punishment of High Treason .. Imprest Supply New Zealand Post Office Act Amendment Otago Education Reserves Abandonment Deceased Persons' Estates Partition 1883, No. 7. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 7. 4 Spent. 5 6 7 8 Vexatious Indictments. Larceny Act Amendment 1883, No. 29. 1883, No. 29. Vide .1867, No, 3, ss. 67, &c. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 9 10 Treasury Bills Wellington and Hawke's Bay Public Debt Apportionment Act Extension Provincial Reserved Bills 11 12 District Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Extension Vide 1858, No. 30 ; 1865, No. 4. 1878, No. 28. 13 14 _ Imprest Supply (No. 2) Supreme Court Act 1860 Amendment Representation 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 29. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 •• Qualifications of Electors Disqualification Regulation of Elections Sale for Non-payment of Rates .. Gold Duties Stamp Duties Act Amendment.. Juries Act Amendment Bankruptcy Acts Amendment .. Superseded by 1881, No. 14.' 1879, No. 42. 1876, No. 70. 1881, No. 12. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 1880, No. 16. 1875, No. 79. ■ • Resident Magistrates Evidence 1878, No." 46, s. 14. 25 Provincial Acts Validation Act Continuance 1878, No. 28.

A.— 6


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1870.

->» Short Titles. Year of Keign, and Numbe*. Amending Acts, &o. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 13° & 34° Viot. No. 26 i Session V., 1870 — continued. Limited Liability Companies Winding up Mining Companies Limited Liability Act Amendment Deputy Superintendent of Wellington Neglected and Criminal Children Act 1867 Amendment Sales by Mortgagees Escheat Act Amendment Intestate Estates Amendment .. Fire Inspectors Dangerous Goods Act Amendment 'Unincorporated Boards Suits Court of Appeal Act Amendment Married Women's Property Protection Government Summary Prosecutions Outlying Districts Rale of Spirits Aliens ■ Harbour Boards Marine Act Amendment ! Merchant Ships' Officers Examination New Zealand Post Office Act Amendment (No. 2) Goldfields Act Amendment Agricultural Produce Lien Census Acts Amendment Walsh and Others Pension Act Amendment 1872, No. 33. 27 1872, No. 33. 28 1878, No. 28. 29 1882, No. 25. 30 31 32 33 34 Vide 1868," No. 24. 1883, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1886, No. 50. 1878, No. 22. 35 36 37 Obsolete. 1882, No. 30. 1880, No. 14. 38 39 40 41 42 43 1881, No. 7 : 1882, No. 15. 1881, No. 21. 1880, No. 10. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1877, No. 54. 44 1881, No. 7. 45 46 47 48 1877, No. 42. 1871, No. 36. 1877, No. 9. Spent. 49 •Meredith and Others Pension. [Sees. 3 and 5 to 12 spent.] 1882, No. 43. 50 County of Westland Acts Amendment Land Transfer Auckland Waste Lands Wellington Waste Lands Nelson Waste Lands Act Amendment Nelson Crown Lands Leasing Act Amendment Westland Waste Lands Otago Hundreds Begulation Act 1869 Amendment Hawke's Bay Crown Lands Sale Hawke's Bay Renewal of Licenses Mohaka and Waikare District .. Gisborne Land Richmond Land Sales Bay of Islands Settlement i Wairarapa Town Lands Management Marlborough Sale of Reserves .. Wairau Valley Road Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendment Canterbury Rivers Kaiapoi Native Industrial School Grant Turner's Land Grant .. ! Johnston Land Grant Green Land Claims Settlement.. Green and Spencer Amendment Native Lands Acts Amendment 51 52 53 54 1885, No. 57. 1874, No. 16. 1877, No. 29. 1874, No. 19. 55 1874, No. 19. 56 57 1877, No. 29. 1872, No. 39. 58 59 60 61 62 68 64 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1871, No. 25. 65 66 07 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1884, No. 49. 68 69 1884, No. 49. 1878, No. 28. 70 71 72 73 74 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 1881, No. 17. 1883, No. 31. 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 56. 75 76 77 78 79 80 Native Lands Frauds Prevention Crown Grants Amendment Immigration and Public Works.. Railways Canterbury Gauge Immigration and Public , Works Loan [Appropriations repealed.] Defence and Other Purposes Loan. Payments to Provinoes South Sea Islands Drawbacks .. : New Zealand and Australian Submarine Telegraph 1873, No.'49; 1874, No. 25. - 81 \ -*f ■**, 82 83 84 1871, No. 16. 1872, No. 10. Expired.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1870, 1871.

THE FIFTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session 1., from 14th August to 16th November, 1871 ; Session 11., from 16th July to 25th October, 1872; Session 111., from 15th July to 3rd October, 1873; Session IV., from 3rd July to 31st August, 1874; and Session P., from 20th July to 21st October, 1875. Dissolved by Proclamation, 6th December, 1875.

.^ Short Titles. Year of Reign, and Number. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. 33°&34°Vict. No. 85 Session V. Government Officers Guarantee , 1870 — continued. Vide 1869, No. 62. 86 New Zealand Government Insurance and Annuities Militia Volunteer Act Amendment Patents New Zealand University 1874, No. 62. 87 88 89 90 91 1886, No. 17. 1881, No. 24. 1883, No. 14. 1874, No. 53. *Nelson College.. Vide 1858, iSTos. 38, 51. 92 " Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Amendment Otago and Southland Union Public Revenues Temporary Loan Treasury Bills Extended Currency Appropriation.. Appropriation (No. 2) .. Colonial Reciprocity .. 1876, No. 47. 93 94 95 9G 97 98 99 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Not assented. PRIVATE. No. 1 PBI\ 'ATE ACTS. Canterbury Great Northern Railway 1876, No. 50, 2 3 *Ohristchurch Gas *Wellington Gas Company's 1887, Local, No. 1. 1887, Private, No. 1.

>° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 iESSI' on I., 1871. Imprest Supply .. .. ! Treasury Bills .. .. Customs Tariff .. Stamp Duties Act Amendment Gold Duties Act 1870 Amendment Dunedin and Port Chalmers Bailway Municipal Corporations Acts Amendment Highway Boards Empowering Native Districts Boad Boards Provincial Acts Validation Act : Continuance Appeals from Provincial Bating Land Transfer Act Amendment Auckland Mineral Leases Nelson Crown Lands Leasing Act Amendment Otago Settlements .. .. ! Payments to Provinces .. I Bay of Islands Settlement Wellington Waste Lands Begula- , tions Amendment Gisborne Land Act 1870 Amend- ' ment Otago Education Reserves Abandonment Taranaki Education Reserves Wellington Education Reserves 1872, No. 13. Vide 1869, No. 60. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 1882, No. 55. 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 52. 1882, No. 43. Obsolete. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 49. 1885, No. 57. 1874, No. 16. 1874, No. 19. 15 10 17 18 1876, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 19 1878, No. 28. 20 Spent. 21 22 23 "Wellington City Beserves [Sees. 1, 4, and scheds. only in force.] Spent. Spent. 24 25 * Masterton and* Greytown Lands Management [Sees. 3, 8,11,15, 17 to 21, 24 to 27, Sched. II., and part Sched. III., repealed.] Wellington Reclaimed Land 1879, Local, No. 15 ; 1883, Local, No. 17; 1889, Local, No. 13. Spent. 26 Oamaru Town Reserves Management Act Amendment Auckland Burial Ground .. '-- Auckland Military Reserves Auckland Harbour Docks Timaru and. Gladstone Board of Works Amendment Invercargill Public Gardens Beserves Alienation Spent. 27 28 29 30 _ 1882, No. 39., Spent. 1874, No. 34. 1876, No. 47. 31 1878, No. 28. 1 Repealed as to Masterton.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1871.

.»> 'ear of Reign, and Number-. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 35° Vict. No. 32 Session I., 1871 — continued. Forest Trees Planting Encouragement 1885, Nos. 30, 56. 33 "Bishops in New Zealand Trusts 1872, No. 50. Vide 1865, No. 24. 34 35 36 37 * Church Lands Building Leases .. Diseased Cattle Agricultural Produce Lien Wool and Oil Securities Act Amendment Limited Liability Companies Winding-up Act Amendment Gold-mining Districts Gold-mines Drainage Sharebrokers Justices Protection Act Amendment Sheriffs Act Amendment Juries Lena Practitioners Act Amendment Prisoners' Maintenance Expenses Naturalisation Act 1870 Fees .. 1872, No. 50. 1881, No. 4. 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 19. 38 1872, No. 33. 39 40 41 42 1873, No. 48. 1877, No. 42. 1884, No. 6. 1882, No. 15. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Convicts Forfeitures. Crown Eedress Contractors' Debts Vaccination Bakers and Millers 1883, No. 5. 1876, No. 28. Spent. Expired. 1880, No. 10. 1881, No. 8. 1884, No. 19. 1872, No. 68. 1880, No. 20. Sale of Poisons. Civil Service Act Amendment Vide 1866, No. 59 ; 1878, No. 12. Expired. 55 56 Charitable Funds Appropriation Native Schools Act Amendment .. Vide 1886,'No. 5. 57 Building and Land Societies Act 1866 Amendment 1876, No. 64. 58 *Otago Supreme Court Offices. 59 Representation Act Amendment .. Superseded by 1881, No. 14. 1881, No. 12. 60 Regulation of Elections Act Amendment Merchant Ships' Officers Examination Act Amendment Coasting Trade Regulation Arms Act Amendment 61 1877, No. 54. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Public Stores Carrington Land Grant Kukutai Grant Validation Branigan Allowance Lundon and Whitaker Claims .. Poverty Bay Grants Act Amendment 1878, No. 19, s. 85. 1882, No. 55. 1880, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 70 *East Coast District Land Titles Validation. *City of Christchurch Loan *Nelson City Loan 71 72 1874, No. 43. 1875, No. 28. Vide 1871, Private, No. 2. 1874, No. 44, s. 3 ; 1877, Local, No. 23. 73 *City of Dunedin Borrowing [Sees. 8,10 repealed.] 74 75 Wellington Debts Immigration and Public Works Act Amendment Railways Wellington Special Settlements Public Revenues Expired. 1876, No. 50. 76 77 78 79 1876, No. 50. 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 19. Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendment Vide 1868, No. 74 ; 1869, No. 72. 80 Appropriation 1878, No. 28. riuvATj;. No. 1 2 par *Auckland Gas Company's. *Nelson City Gas [Part s. 3 superseded.] rATE ACTS. 1872, Private, No. 2 ; 1875, No. 28 ; 1877, Local, No. 72. 3 % Wellington Waterworks Superseded by 1876, No. 53; 1886, No. 50. Superseded by 1886, No. 50. 4 Dunedin Waterworks Act Amendment -


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1872.


.*. | Year of Reign, and Number. Shi irt Titles. Amending Acts, &e. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 36° Vict. Sessk No. 1 2 Clerk of Parliaments. 8 36° Vict. No. 1 2 8 4 5 on IL, 1872. Imprest Supply .. .. .. 1878, No. 28. Wellington Patent Slip ,. .. 1878, No. 28. Sharebrokcrs Act Amendment .. .. 1878, No. 28. Auckland Waste Lands Act 1870 .. 1874, No. 10. Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 2) .. .. 1878, No. 28. Grcymouth Harbour Works Ad- .. 1878, No. 28. vance Validation Interpretation Act Amendment .. 1878, No. 14. New Zealand Post Office Act .. 1881, No. 7. Amendment Drawbacks .. .. .. .. 1882, No. 55. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1874, No. 16. 4 u 5 6 6 7 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 7 8 8 9 1878, No. 14. 1881, No. 7. 9 10 11 "Oamaru Dock Trust Land. 10 11 12 13 Telegraph Service of Notices .. .. 1884, No. 32. 1882, No. 55. 1884, No. 32. 12 13 "Wellington City Beserves [Sec. 7 repealed.1 1874, No. 7 ; 1880, Local, No. 16, Sched. I., par. 26, Sched. II. ; 1888. Local. No. 1874, No'.*7; 1886, Local, No. 16, Sched. I., par. 26, Sched. II. ; 1888, Local, No. 9. Vide 1869, No. 66; 1871, No. 23. 14 -ooo, uocai, ino. 9. Vide 1869, No. 66; 1871, No. 23. Protection of Animals .. .. .. 1873, No. 42. Gold Duties .. .. .. .. 1882, No. 55. Stamp Duties Act Amendment,. .. 1875, No. 73. 1873, No. 42. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 15 16 17 "Government Contractors Arbitration. 1 o 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 Wellington Debts Act Amendment .. Expired. Canterbury Public Domains .. .. 1881, No. 26. Canterbury Batepayers Bolls .. 1878, No. 28. Bevision Bailways .. .. .. .. 1876, No. 50. Expired. 1881, No. 26. 1878, No. 28. 20 21 22 Tramways [Sees. 56 to 89 repealed within boroughs.] 21 22 1886. No. 50: 1887. 1886, No. 50; 1887, Nos. 86,49; 1888, No. 7. 1876, No. 50. ibbo, i.o. ou; reav, Nos. 36,49; 1888, 23 24 25 20 Public Trust Office [Part sees. 18, 42, repealed.] 23 24 25 26 No. 7. Immigration and Public Works .. 1870, No. 50. Payments to Provinces .. .. 1876, No. 103. Public Revenues .. .. .. 1878, No. 19. 1 O . _ ... ... . O or. . 1873, Nos. 18,27; 1870, No. 43; 1882, No. 71, s. 15 ; 1884, No. 31; 1880, No. 34. Vide 1807, No. 13. 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 103. 1878, No. 19. 1873, Nos. 18,27; 1876, No. 43; 1882, No. 71, 27 Resident Magistrates Act Amendment 28 Criminal Law Amendment 27 s. 15 ; 1884, No. 31; 1880, No. 34. Vide 1867, No. 13. 1883, No. 30. 28 29 j Vide 1866, No. 1. Trustees' Powers Delegation Act .. 1883, No. 30. 1869 Amendment ...-_.. .0„r. T.T. .■_ Vide 1866, No. 1. 29 30 Commissioners' Powers Act 1867 Amendment 30 Vide 1867, No. 73. Vide 1867, No. 73. 1878, No. 28. 31 32 33 31 32 33 34 Wardens' Courts Proceedings .. 1878, No. 28. Validation Goldfields Acts Amendment .. .. 1877, No. 42. Mining Companies .. .. .. i 1886, No. 19. Limited Liability Joint Stock .. 1882, No. 35. Companies Dissolution 1877, No. 42. 1886, No. 19. 1882, No. 35. 34 35 Quartz-crushing Machines Regulation and Inspection. 35 Vide 1863, No. 13; 1866, No. 29. 1879, No. 42. 30 37 Miners' Rights Extension .. .. 1879, No. 42. T.V/._ 1 QO-. _-_ 1 .-I 36 37 "Land Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment 1 Vide 1863, No. 13; 1882, No. 43. 1877, No. 29. 1874, No. 19. 38 39 40 41 42 43 38 39 40 41 42 43 laoo, ino. ay. Highway Boards Empowering .. .. j 1882, No. 43. Otago Waste Lands .. j .. 1877, No. 29. Nelson Waste Lands Act 1863 ! .. 1874, No. 19. Amendment Nelson Crown Lands Leasing Act .. 1874, No. 19. Amendment Nelson Special Settlements .. .. 1877, No. 29. Hawke's Bay Special Settle- .. 1877, No. 29. ments Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alien- .. 1878, No. 28. ation Commission Gisborne Land Act Amendment I .. 1878, No. 28. Southland Waste Lands Act -. . .. 1877, No. 29, Amendment Taranaki Education Reserves Act j .. Spent. 1871 Amendment 1874, No. 19. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 44 44 * ■ 1878, No. 28. 45 45 40 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 46 _ 47 Spent. 47 48 "Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims. Repealed as to any proceedings by the Gover superseded as to pr< 48 l-nment of the colony, or by County Councils or Road Boards, by 1876, No. 50, and :oceedings by any other local authority by 1882, No. 37.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1872, 1873.

4—A. 6.

Short Titles. 'ear of Reign and w Number. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 36° Vict. No. 49 Session II. I , 1872— continued. Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Act Amendment 1885, Nos. 30,50. 50 "Church of England Lands Buildings Leases Vide 1858, No. 17 ; 1865, No. 24; 1868, No. 7. 1878, No. 28. 1884, No. 49. 51 52 53 Newmarket Reserve Disposal .. Hawko's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Acts Amendment Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Municipal Corporations Waterworks Dunedin Gas and Waterworks Loan 1876, No. 52. 54 1876, No. 52. 55 56 North Otago District Public Works Loan Superseded by 1874, Nos. 44, 45. 1876, No. 50. 57 58 59 Otago Dock Trust Debt. Auckland Waterworks. 'Auckland Improvement (Albert Barrack Reserves) [Sees. 3, 20, 24 to 47, Sched. II., repealed.] 1873, Private, No. 2; 1875, Private, No. 1; 1879, Local, Nos. 1, 5 ; 1883, Local, No. 27, sched., par. 16. 1878, No. 28. 00 61 Auckland Mechanics' Institute Site Sale Auckland Temperance Hall Site Sale 1878, No. 28. 62 03 Nelson City Loan. Superseded by 1879, No. 2. Lyttelton Harbour Works Loan.. 64 *Borough of Wanganui Borrowing. Wanganui Bridge and Wharf .. 05 60 67 Wanganui Hospital Wellington College 1883, Local, No. 14. 1885, No. 46. 1887, Local, No. 17. 1876, No. 60. 1878, No. 28. 08 69 Public Health Superintendent of Marlborough Election 70 *Schafer, McGuire, and Others Pension. [Sees. 8 to 12 and Sched. spent.]) 1876, No. 44. Vide 1867, No. 47. 1881, No. 21. 71 72 Distillation Act Amendment 73 Maori Representation Act Amendment and Continuance [Sec. 2 repealed.] Privileges Act 1866 Amendment Appropriation Vide 1866, No. 73. 1878, No. 28. 74 PRIVATE. No. 1 2 3 PBI\ •ate acts. Coromandel Tunnel Company's ■ ■ Nelson City Gas Act Amendment North Dunedin Cemetery Expired. Spent. 1882, No. 39. 37° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 Sessic >n III., 1873. Imprest Supply Customs Tariff Arms Acts Amendment Sheriffs Act Amendment Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act Amendment Bank Holidays Joint-stock Companies Act Amendment Post Office Act Amendment Port Chalmers Watertoorks Christchurch Cathedral Square.. Washdyke and Pleasant Point Railway Assaults on Constables Superintendent of Taranaki Empowering Superintendents of Hawke's Bay Election Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 55. 1880, No. 18. 1883, No. 5. 1870, No. 52. 1880, No. 22. 1882, No. 35. 1881, No. 7. Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1870, No. 50. • 1884, No. 24. 1-878, No. 28. 12 13 ■5 3 14" 1878, No. 28. 15 18S4, No. 49.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1873.

** Short Titles. 'ear of Reign, and Number. Amendinj Acts, Original Repealing Act. &c. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 37° Vict. No. 16 Session II] ., 1873 — continued. Weights and Measures Act Amendment 17 18 Promissory Oaths. Life Assurance Companies [Sees. 46, 48 to SO, repealed.] *Saint Andrew's Church (Wellington) Trustees Incorporation 1884, No. 31. Expired. 19 1877, Local, No. 41. 1878, No. 28. 20 21 22 23 "Wellington College Loan \ Wellington College Voto in Aid.. Broughton Land Grant Steam Navigation Acts Amendment Canterbury Public Library Auckland Supreme Court Site .. liangitikei - Manawatu Crown Grants 1876, No. 41. Spent. 1877, No. 54. 24 25 26 Spent. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 27 Public Trust Office Act Amendment [Sees. 37 to 43 repealed.] 1876, No. 43; 1882, No. 34; 1885, No. 62, s. 4. Vide 1872, No. 26. 28 29 30 81 Green Island Branch Railway .. Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Wanganui River Foreshore Grant Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Acts Amendment Township of Gcraldine Canterbury Waste Lands Westland Waste Lands Act Amendment Province of Westland Telegraph Cables Subsidy Agreement Ratification -Drawbacks Act Amendment Treasury Bills Extended Currency Timber Floating Resumption of Land for Mining Purposes Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Protection of Animals Stewart Island Grants Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act Amendment Commissioners of Crown Lands Act Amendment Taranaki Education Reserves Act Amendment Heni Tareha Matangi Grant Validation Gold-mining Districts Immigration and Public Works Loan Immigration and Public Works.. Railways .. .. ■ .. 1876, No. 50. 1877, No. 54. Spent. 1876, No. 47. 32 33 34 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 35 36 1878, No. 28. Expired. 37 88 39 40 1881, No. 40. Expired. 1884, No. 36. 1882, No. 49. 41 1874, No. 12. 42 43 44 1880, No. 18. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 17. 45 1877, No. 29. 46 1877, No. 22. 47 1878, No. 28. 48 49 1886, No. 61. Loan converted. 50 51 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 50; 1877, Local, No. 73. 1882, No. 37. 52 Railways Regulation and Inspection Immigrants' Land 53 54 General Purposes Loan .. [Appropriations repealed.] Wesfcland Loan. Partly converted. 1876, No. 51. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Native Land Native Land Duties Native Grantees Harata Patene Claim Rehearing Native Reserves Queenstown Reserves Wellington Harbour Reserves Mortgage Release Wellington Drainage and Seiccrage Works Loan Volunteers'Land Act 1865 Amendment Southland Waste Lands Act Amendment Otago Hundreds Proclamations Validation Goldfields Act 1866 Amendment Neglected Children's 1886, No. 24. 1881, No. 42. 1886, No. 24. 1878. No. 28. 1882, No. 52. Spent. Spent. 63 Superseded by 1876, No. 53. 1876, No. 51. 64 m . . 65 % 1877, No. 29. 66 . 1877, No. 29. 67 68 1877, No. 42. 1882, No. 25.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1873, 1874.

.»< Year of Iieign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &o. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 37° Vict. No. 69 Session II! [., 1873 — continued. Diseased Cattle. Act Amendment Imbecile Passengers Employment of Females Justices of the Peace Act Amendment Prisons Licensing Census Acts Amendment Interpretation Act Amendment.. 1881, No. 4. 70 71 72 1882, No. 58. 1881, No. 23. 1870, No. 49. 73 74 75 76 77 1882, No. 33. 1881, No. 21. 1877, No. 9. 1878, No. 14. Civil List Act 1803 Amendment [Sees. S, 7, and first part of Sched. II.; also part ss. 4, 5, repealed. 1870, No. 70; 1887, No. 25. Vide 1863, No. 34. 78 1878, No. 28. Ministerial Residence Lease and Lowry Bay Sale Appropriation 1878, No. 28. 79 80 Governor's Salary and Allowances [Sees 3, 4,10, repealed.] 1887, No. 45. Vide 1863, No. 34. 81 New Zealand Extradition Not assonted. PRIVATE. No. 1 PI •National Bank of New Zealand (Limited). 'Auckland Improvement.. [Sec. 0a and part s. 5 repealed.] lIVATB ACTS. * I 2 1875, Private, No. 1; 1879, Local, No. 5; 1882, Local, No. 5. Vide 1872, No. 59. 3 •Thames Gas Company's. dn IV., 1874. Imprest Supply Electric Telegraph Act Amendment Justices of the Peace Act Amendment 38° Viot. No. 1 2 Sessk ■ * 1878, No. 28. 1875, No. 44. 3 1882, No. 15. 4 Offences against the Person Act Amendment 1889, No. 17. Vide 1867, No. 5. 1882, No. 29. 5 6 7 8 Supreme Court Judges Act Amendment Westland Loan Act Amendment Wellington Hospital Loan Spent. 1885, No. 40. Excise Duties Vide 1868,'No. 72. 9 10 11 [Sees. 4, S, spent.] Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Licensing Act 1873 Amendment Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Bankruptcy Act 1867 Amendment 1877, No. 54. 1881, No. 21. 1883, No. 29. 12 1870, No. 52. 18 1875, No. 79. 14 Imprisonment for Abolition Debt 1875, No. 39. 1885, No. 57. 15 16 17 18 Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Auckland Waste Lands Hawke's Bay Waste Lands Regulations Amendment Marlborough Waste Lands Act 1867 Amendment Nelson Waste Lands Otago Waste Lands Administration 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 19 20 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 21 22 Taranaki Waste Lands Westland Waste Lands Act Amendment Wellington Special Settlements Act Amendment New Zealand Forests Immigration and Public Works Loan Immigration and Public Works.. Railways 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 23 1877, No. 29. 24 25 1885, No. 5C. Loan converted. 20 27 % 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 5f>\ 1877, Local, No. 73. Expired. -■ Provincial Public Works Ad28 29 vances Otago Provincial Public Works A dvances Expired.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1874.

'ear of Reign, and Nuraper. Short Titles. .in. jS Original Repealing Act. &o. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 38° VlOT. No. 30 31 32 33 34 Session I\ '., 1874 — continued. Wellington Land Payments Canterbury Water Supply Harbour Works Harbour Boards Act Amendment Auckland Harbour 1876, No. 51. Obsolete. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. Superseded by 1886, Local, No. 1. 35 •New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment *Napier Harbour Board .. [Part schedule repealed.] •Oamaru Harbour Board Land. 1878, No. 46, s. 4. 36 1887, Local, No. 7. 1876, No. 86. 1877, No. 36. 37 Wanganui River Foreshore Grant Municipal Reserves 38 39 40 1875, No. 55; 1885, No. 28, s. 12. 41 42 43 *Clutha River Trust Reserves [Sec. 2, part s. 4, repealed.) "Borough of Thames Tramways. "Cromwell Waterworks. "City of Christchurch Drainage Debentures "City of Dunedin Gasworks Vide 1871, No. 71. 44 45 "Dunedin Waterworks .. 1877, Local, No. 23. Vide 1871, No. 73. 1875, Private, No. 5; 1877,; Local, No. 23. 4G Invercargill Gas Loan .. Superseded 1875, No. 3. 47 Wellington Waterworks Loan. Taranaki Iron-smelting Works Lands Hokitika Mayors Wellington Mayors Wanganui Mayors Constitution of the Westport Borough Proceedings Validation 48 Spent. 49 50 51 52 1875, No. 57. 1875, No. 57. 1875, No. 57. 1878, No. 28. 53 New Zealand University .. [Sec. 21! repealed. I 1875,No.fiO; 1883, No. 2. Spent. Spent. 54 55 56 57 Otago Reserves Wellington Education Reserves Act 1871 Amendment Naval Training Schools Oamaru Hospital Reserves 58 59 60 61 62 Burial Ground Closing.. Goldflelds Act Amendment Regulation of Mines .. Inspection of Machinery 1882, No. 25. Superseded by 1885, No. 46.' 1882, No. 39. 1877, No. 29. 1886, Nos. 31,51. 1882, No. 59. Government Insurance and Annuities [Sees. 14 to 19, 21 to 23, 25,28 to 31, and part ss. 3, 20, 41, 42, 45, repealed.] 1882, No. 71, s. 15; 1884, No. 31; 1886, No. 35 ; 1888, No. 30; 1890, No. 20. 63 Regulation of Elections Act Amendment Juries Act 1868 Amendment Volunteer Act Amendment Petty Sessions Act Amendment .. New Plymouth Exchanges Completion 1881, No. 12. 64 65 66 67 1880, No. 16. 1881, No. 24. Obsolete. 1878, No. 28. 68 •Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands Act 1866 Amendment 1875, No. 5. Vide 1866, Private, No. 2. 1881, No. 23. 69 Employment of Females Act 1873 Amendment 70 71 Canterbury Marriages. Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment *David Lewis Retiring Allowance. Vide 18GG, No. 57. 72 Walsh and Others Pensions Acts Amendment Wilson-Gray Pension Native Land Act Amendment .. 73 Spent. 74 75 76 77 78 79 ■i "Poverty Bay Lands Titles. 1878, No. 28. 1886, No. 24. Taimaro and Waimahana_Grants Whakataki Grants Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits 1878, No. 28. 1878, NoJ28. 1881, No.'21.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1874, 1875.


<*» Year of Reign, and Sumbef. Short Titles. __; Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. 38° Viot. No. 80 Session Y\ '., 1874 — continued. Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act 1870 Orders in Council Validation Public Revenues Acts Amendment Appropriation.. 1881, No. 21. 81 1878, No. 19. 82 83 84 85 New Zealand Extradition. Real Estate Descent Provincial Fencing Laws Empowering 1878, No. 28. 1879, No. 49. 1878, No. 28. PRIVATE. No. 1 pep 'Colonial Bank of New Zealand. 'Lyttelton Gas. 7ATE ACTS. 2 :on V., 1875. Imprest Supply Immigration Expenditure Indemnity 89° Viot. No. 1 2 Sess: 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 3 Invercargill Gas Loan Act 1874 Amendment. *Queenstown Waterworks. •Presbyterian Church of Otago Incorporation 4 5 1870, No. 9 ; 1884, Local, No. 21. Vide 1800, Private, No. 2. • 6 7 'University of Otago Site. 'Otago University Site Exchange 1878, Local, No. 21 ; 1879, Local, No. 29. 8 New Zealand University Act 1874 Amendment New Zealand Presbyterian Church 1883, No. 2. 9 1.885, No. 33. 10 11 'Auckland Institute. 'Wellington AthensEum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. 12 Southland Waste Lands Act Amendment Registration of Mining Companies Validation Inspection of Machinery Act Amendment Palmerston Waterworks 1877, No. 29. 13 1880, No. 19. 14 1882, No. 59. 15 10 'New River Harbour Board Land. Inoperative, 17 18 Kalcanui Harbour Board Protection of Animals Act Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 2) 1878, No. 35. 1880, No. 18. 19 20 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1805 Amendment Abolition of Provinces [Sees. 14 to 28 repealed.] Vide 18G5, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 21 1870, No. 48. 1880, No. 21. 22 23 Registration of Births and Deaths Marriage Act Amendment 1882, No. 07; 1884, No. 9; 1889, No. 8. 24 Highway Boards Empowering Act 1871 Amendment Highway Boards Empowering (No. 2) 1882, No. 43. 25 1882, No. 43. 20 * Christchurch District Drainage [Sees. 49, 51 to 74, spent; ss. 3, 78, 79, and Sched. IV., repealed.] 187G, No. 35 ; 1877, No. 23; 1877, Local, No. 36; 1880, Local, Nos. 5, 13; 1885, No. 39, ss. 11 to 13 ; 1886, Local, No. 16, s. 8; 1887, Local, Nos. 11, 12. 27 28 'Campbelltown Athenaeum. 'Nelson City Loan i 'Oamaru Waterworks [Part sec. 2 repealed.] Vide 1871, No. 72 ; 1871,Priv.,No..2, 1879, Local, No. 81 ; 1880, Local, No. 8. . 29 30 31 'Oamaru Gasworks. 'Timaru Municipal Council Waterworks Loan.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1875.

'ear of Beign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 39° Viot. No. 32 Session V. 'Napier Municipal Council Empowering and Waterworks Loan. "Clyde Waterworks Empowering. 'Auckland City Endowments and Reserves , 1875 — continued. 33 34 1877, Local, No. 27 ; 1881, Local, No. 6. 35 30 37 Plans of Towns Regulations Public Health Act Amendment.. Goldfields Act Amendment (No. 2) 1885, No. 56. 1876, No. 60. 1877, No. 42. 38 39 Government Apprentices. Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Act Amendment Vide 1874, No. 14. 1880, No. 19. 1882, No. 25. 40 41 Bills of Sale Act Amendment Neglected and Criminal Children's Acts Amendment 42 43 Anatomy Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendment 1884, No. 17. Vide 1868, No. 74. 1884, No. 32. 44 45 "Westport Municipal Reserve. Electric Telegraph 46 47 • 48 Anne Hood Grant Chubbin Land Purchase Taranaki Waste Lands Act 1874 Amendment Wellington Tollgates Wellington Hospital Loan Act 1874 Amendment Wellington Hospital Loan Act 1874 Amendment (No. 2) Wellington Reclaimed Land Wellington Educational Reserves Wellington Rivers 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 49 50 1876, No. 50. 1885, No. 46. 51 1885, No. 46. 52 53 54 55 *Clutha River Conservators Board [Schedule repealed, and whole Act repealed as to harbour of Port Molyneux.j 1884, No. 49; 1887, No. 32, s. 28 ; 1888, No. 24. Vide 1874, No. 40. Spent. Spent. 1876, No. 4. 56 * Grey town and Masterton Public Park and Cemetery Management. Municipal Corporations Acts Amendment 57 1876, No. 52. 58 'Dunedin Corporation Borrowing Powers Extension and Debentures. 'Oamaru Town Hall and Gasworks Sites and Recreation Reserves. New Zealand University Reserves [Part sec. 2 repealed.] 'Onehunga Reserves. 'Auckland Harbour Foreshore Grant. 1877, Local, No. 50. 59 60 1880, No. 32. 61 62 Otago Harbour Board Empowering 63 1878, No. 35 1884, Local No. 19. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1885, Local, No 20. 04 65 66 Mooraki Harbour Board Napier Harhour Board Invercargill Municipal Council Empowering and Waterworks Loan Otago Waste Lands Act 1872 Amendment Auckland Waste Lands Act 1874 Amendment Goldfields Act Amendment (No. 1) Gold-mining Districts Act Amendment Outram Electric Telegraph Station Reserve 67 1877, No. 29. 68 1877, No. 29. 69 70 1886, No. 51. 1886, No. 51. 71 1878, No. 28. 72 'Invercargill Public Offices Site. 73 74 75 76 77 Stamp Stamp Fee .. ., Registration of" Electors Lodgers' Franchise .. _ Representation 1882, No. 16. 1880, No. 43. 1879, No. 42. 1879, No. 42. Superseded by 1881, No. 14.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1875, 1876.

THE SIXTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session 1., from 15th June to 31st October, 1876; Session 11., from 19th July to 10th December, 1877; Session 111., from 26th July to 2nd November, 1878 ; and Session IV., from 11th July to 11th August, 1879. Dissolved by Proclamation, 15th August, 1879.

»> Tear of Beign, and NurnbeT. Short Titles. Amonding Acts, Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Kepcaled or Obsolete Law. 39° Viot. No. 78 79 80 81 Session V. , 1875 — continued. Disqualification Act Amendmont Debtors and Creditors I Fraudulent Debtors 1876, No. 70. 1876, No. 65. 1878, No. 10. Evidence Further Amend- ' mcnt [Sees. 5, 0, repealed.] Commissioners of the Supreme Court. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment 1882,No.l5; 1890, No. 31. 82 83 1890, Private, No. 1. Fide 1856, No. 21. 84 85 Friendly Societies Act Amendment New Zealand. Presbyterian Church (No. 2) Railway Companies Licensing Amendment 1877, No. 10. 1885, No. 33. 86 87 88 89 1877, No. 40. 1881, No. 21. Public Libraries' Powers 1877, No.' 47. 90 91 92 93 Employment of Females Acts Amendment Davides Succession Martin Grant I Riddell Grant Imbecile Passengers Act Amendment 1881, No. 23. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1882, No. 58. .. 94 Immigration and Public Works [Repealed, except sees. 19 to 22, which are revived.] 1878, No. 44, s. 16. 95 Immigrants Land Act Amendment Public Revenues Provincial Appropriations Extension Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation.. 1876, No. 51. 96 97 1878, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. 98 1878, No. 28. 99 1878, No. 28. PRIVATE. No. 1 PRI 'Auckland Improvement Amendment IVATE ACTS. Vide 1872, No. 59 ; 1873, Private, No. 2; 1879, Local, No. 5. 2 "Kaitangata Railway and Coal Company (Limited) Empowering. *Napier Gas Company's .. t 8 4 5 Napier Swamp Nuisance 1885, Private, No. 4. Spent. *Dunedin Waterworks Extension 1878, Local,No. 61. Vide 1874, No. 45.

1° VlCT. No. 1 2 8 4 5 iEss: :os I., 187G. Disqualification Act Amendment Deputy-Superintendent of Wellington Imprest Supply Wellington Rivers 1876, No. 70. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1884, No. 49. Auckland Waterworks Act Amendment. *Naseby Waterworks. 6 7 South Dunedin and St. Kilda Municipalities Validation Census Acts Amendment Spent. 8 9 *Otago Presbyterian Ghuroh Conveyance Validation 'Canterbury Educational Eeserves Sale and Leasing .'* Vide 1875,'No. 5. 1877, No. 9. 10 1885, No. 57, Appendix B. 11 12 Hawke's Bay Rivers Waiuku Church of England Site Crown Grant Stewart Island Grants Amendment 1884, No. 49. 1878, No. 28. 13 1878, No. 28. 14 * Wellington Reserves [Sees. 4, 5, repealed.] 1877, Local, No. 54.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876.

.*• Year'of Reign, and Num__r. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &e. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 40° Vict. No. 15 16 17 18 19 Session I. , 1876 — continued. Imprest Supply (No. 2) Executive Councillors' Indemnity Stamp Act Amendment Treasury Bills Extended Currency Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Dunedin Reserves Exchange Lyttelton Public Reserves Vesting 1878, No. 28. Spent. 1882, No. 16. Expired. 1883, Local, No. 17; 1889, Local, No. 13. Spent. Spent. 20 21 22 "Lawrence Athenaeum Mining Institute Be23 serve. "Lawrence Becreation Reserve. "Taranaki Botanic Garden. Warehoused Goods 1880, No. 12. 24 25 20 Regulation of Local Elections [Sees. 26, 32, repealed.] 1888, No." 10. 27 28 29 30 "Port Molyneux Reserves Leasing [Sec. 2 repealed.] "Napier Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. "Blueskin Athenaeum Reserve. "Blueskin Becreation ReMarriage Act Amendment Juries Act Amendment Remvick Lease and Conveyance.. 1880, Local, No. 3. 1880, No. 21. 1880, No. 16. Spent. 31 32 33 Moa Flat School Reserve Spent. 34 35 serve. "Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Vide 1875," No. 26. 30 37 38 39 40 41 Milton Municipality Extension .. Roxburgh Reserves Spent. Spent. "Roman Catholic Lands .. 1890, Private, No. 1 Canterbury New Brighton Bridge Waiuku Native Grants Spent. 1878, No. 28. "Wellington College Act Amendment Vide 1873,'No. 21. 42 43 Public Trust'Office [Sec. 7 superseded.] Education Boards 1879, No. 49, s. 19. Vide 1872, No. 26; 1873, No. 27. Vide 1867, No. 47 ; 1872, No. 72. 1877, No. 21. 44 Maori Representation Acts Continuance 1878, No. 28. 45 46 47 48 Provincial Appropriations Extension Post Office .. Counties 1881, No. 7. 1886, No. 49. Financial Arrangements .. [Sees. 4 to 8,10,13,14,15, part s. 20, repealed. Sees. 9, 16 to 19, 28 to 30, 32 to 39, spent.} 1877, No. 27 ; 1878, No. 46; 1885, Nos. 27, 49. 49 Rating 1 [Sec. 19 repealed.] 1878, No. 39; 1879, No. 20; 1882, No. 40; 1883, No. 43, s. 8; 1888, No. 31 ; 1890, No. 35. 1882, No. 37. 50 Public Works E [Repealed except sec. 222.] 1877, No. 29; 1885, No. 56. 1886, No. 50. 51 Waste Lands Administration .. 52 53 "City of Wellington Loans Consolidation Municipal Corporations 1877, Local, No. 31. 54 55 Wellington Corporate Land Wellington Debts Act Amendment Douglas Special Settlement Spent. Expired. 56 57 "Wellington College and Hospital Reserves Exchange [Part sec. 4 repealed.] 1.85, No." 46. Expired. 58 59 Otago and Wellington Tolls Thames Water Supply 1882, No. 43. 1880, Local, No.7 1 In force only within boroughs and town districts,



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876, 1877.

5—A. 6.

•v 'ear of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 40° Vict. No. 60 Session I., 1876— continued. Public Health [Seen. 18,19, repealed.] 1877. No. 23; 1881, No. 30; 1882, No. 22; 1884, No. 12. 61 62 Animals Importation Prohibition Diseased Sheep 1881, No. 4. 1878, No. 31; 1880, No. 25; 1890, No. 19. 1880, No. 37. 1880, No. 17. 1883, No. 10. 1878, No. 10. 63 64 65 66 Babbit Nuisance Building Societies Debtors and Creditors Fraudulent Debtors Act 1875 Amendment Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Intestate Native Succession Goldfields Act 1866 Amendment Disqualification Attorney-General's. 'Auckland Public Buildings [Sees. 2 to 5 repealed.] 'Auckland Beach Eoad Grants. *Dunedin Wharves and Quays Reserves. Dunedin Drill-shed Reserve *Queenstown Commonage Reserve Management. "Cromwell Racecourse Reserve. "Otepopo Athenaeum and Public Library Reserve. *Napier Borough Endowments. *Napier Hospital Site. *Milton Athenaeum Reserve *Palmerston (South) Athenfeum. *Waitahuna AthenEeum. *Ohinemuri Goldfleld Agricultural Leases Validation [Sec. 8 partly repealed.] 67 1885, No. 57. 68 69 70 71 72 1881, No. 16. 1877, No. 42. 1878, No. 30. 1883,Local,No.ll. 73 1888, No. 13. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 1878, Local, No. 16. 83 84 1885, No. 55, s. 14. 85 Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Expired. 86 *Wanganui Harbour and River Conservators Board [Repealed, except sees. 26 to 28, 53, and schedule.] 1878, No. 35 ; 1880, Local, No. 15; 1883, Local, No. 14. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Thames Harbour Board Waimakariri Harbour Board Bluff Harbour Board Waitara Harbour Board Foxton Harbour Board *Napier Harbour Board. Castlepoint Harbour Board Otago Harbour Board ..' *0amaru Harbour Board [Sees. 4, 5, repealed.] "Hokitika Harbour Board [Repealed, except sees. 18,19, and part ss. 2, 27, and 34, as to river-3 1378, No. 35; 1878, Local, No. 53. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1881, Local, No. 20. 1878, No. 35; 1880, Local, No. 22. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 *Timaru Harbour Board [Repealed, except sees. 28, 38.1 Lyttelton Harbour Board Patea Harbour Board Public Revenues New Zealand Loan Immigration and Public Works Appropriation .. . Appropriation.. 1878, No. 35; 1881, Local, No. 12. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 19. Loan converted. 1878, No. 28. 103 1878, No. 28. PRIVATE. No. 1 i PRIVATE ACI. *Timaru Gas. | \ .41° Vict. No. 1 2 ■ Session II., 1877. ■ PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. j Imprest Supply | Imprest Supply (No. 2) 1878, No. 28. 1S78, No. 28.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

i- rear of Keign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, Original Repealing Act. &c. Existing Law. Eepealed or Obsolete Law. 41° Vict. No. 3 4 5 6 7 Session II, , 1877 — continued. I Imprest Supply (No. 3) Imprest Supply (No. 4) Imprest Supply (No. 5) Imprest Supply (No. 6) Disqualification Act .1876 Amendment 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 30. 8 9 Provincial Laws Evidence. Census [Part Scheds. II. and III. re- ' pealed]. 1890, No. 13. 1882, No. 36. 10 11 Industrial and Provident Societies Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Friendly Societies Vide 1883, No. 16. 12 1885, No. 50. 1886, No. 50. 13 Municipal Corporations Act 1876 Amendment 14 Slaughterhouses [Sec. 27 and part sees. 10,20, repealed.] 1879, No. 34; 1882, No. 44, s. 63: 1884, No. 25; 1888, No. 25. 1885, No. 56. 1880, No. 22. 15 16 17 18 Pine Arts Copyright Volunteers and Others Lands .. Bankers' Books Evidence 1879, No.' 35. 19 Rabbit Nuisance Act 1876 Amendment New Zealand Law Society Act 1869 Amendment Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Act 1874 Amendment 1880, No. 37. 1878, No. 36. 20 1883, No. 29. 21 22 Education [Part sees, 4, 64, 65, 103, repealed.] Education Reserves [Sec. 11 repealed.] 1882, No. 54; 1885, No. 37; 1888, No. 12; 1890, No. 26. 1878, Local, No. 47; 1882, No. 53; 1885, No. 56, 88. 237 to 246; 1890, Nos. 6, 7. Vide 1876, No. 60. 1886, No. 51. 23 Public Health Act 1876 Amendment 24 Gold-mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment 25 26 Public Reserves Sale. 1878, No. 28. Waste Lands Boards Continuance 27 Financial Arrangements Act 1876 Amendment [Sees. 5 to 7 spent.'} 1878, No. 46; 1880, No. 51. Vide 1876, No. 48. 1879, No. 21. 1885, No. 56. 28 29 30 Crown Lands Sale Land Government Native Land Purchases 1878, No.'41. 31 32 33 Native Land Act Amendment .. New Zealand Loan 1886, No. 24. Loan converted. New Zealand Consolidated Stock [Part sec. 9 repealed.] 1881, No.'44; 1884, No. 41. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Public Revenues Counties Act Amendment Public Reserves Marine Act Amendment Stamp Act 1875 Amendment Crown Redress 1878, No. 19. 1886, No. 49. 1881, No. 15. 1878, No. 35. 1882, No. 16. 1881, No. 8. District Railways [Sees. 12, 16, 75 to 78, 81, 84, part ss. 14, 48,56, 65, repealed. Eating-powers abolished.] 1878, No. 21; 1882, No. 50; 1883, No. 39; 1885, No. 52, s. 24. 41 Mining Companies Act 1872 Amendment Mines Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment 1886, No. 19. 42 43 1886, No. 51. 1886, No. 24. 44 Destitute Persons [Part s. 16 repealed.] 1883, No. 26; 1884, No. 21; 1885, No. 8; 1886, No. 7. 1884, No. 48. 45 46 47 48 49 Fish Protection Public Libraries Subsidies Cemeteries Management Vide 1869, No. 67. 1882, No. 39. Sale of Foodand Drugs Law Practitioners Act Amendment 1880, No. 20. 1882, No. 69.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

'ear of lieign, Short Titles. Amending Acts, &o. Original Repealing Act. Numbet". Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Law. 41° Vict. No. 50 51 Session II ., 1877 — continued. Imprest Supply (No. 7) Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation.. 1878, No. 28. Expired. 52 53 54 Domicile. Shipping and Seamen's .. [Sees. 128,130,182, 191, Soiled. V., and part ss. 84, 103, 123, 129, 152, 201, 244, repealed.] 1885, No. 15; 1889, No. 10; 1890, No. 15. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND > PERSONAL ACTS. Auckland Highway Districts Validation Wellington City Reserves Act 1872 Amendment Lyttelton Public Domain 1882, No. 43. ii. 1888, Local, No, 9. 1881, No. 26. iii. iv. Tirnaru Mechanics' Institute 1881, Local, No. 5; 1883, Local, No. 20. 1878, Local, No. 7. v. Oamaru Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Reserves [Part sec. 4 repealed.] Port Chalmers Mechanics' Institute Incorporation and Reserves. Port Chalmers Waterworks Act Amendment [Sec. 3 only in force.] vi. Vide 1873, No. 9. vii. ▼iii. Dunedin Drillshad Reserve Act 1876 Amendment 1883, No. 13. ix. x. Invercargill Gas Loan Waiwora School Glebe Sale. Dunedin Town Hall Site. Havelock Commonage. Special Contracts Confirmation. Tokomairiro Farmers' Club Reserve Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Assoeiation Reserve [See. 5 repealed.] Auckland Harbour. 1885, Local, No. 20. xi. xii. xiii. 1885, Local, No. 21, Sohed.I.,par.63. 1881, Local, No. 25. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. Otago Roads Ordinances Amendment Ponsonby Highway District 1882, No. 43. xviii. xix. Lawrence Athenseum and Mining Institute. Tapanui Agricultural and Pastoral Exhibition Reserve. Dunedin School Reserve. Kaiapoi Native Reserves.. 1882, No. 43. XX. xxi. xxii. 1886, Local, No. 16, Sohecl. I.,par. 41. xxiii. Dunedin Gas and Waterworks. Lawrence Reserves. Peninsula County Libraries. Lyttelton Harbour Board Land. Auckland City Endowments and Reserves xxiv. xxv. xxvi. Vide 1875, No. 34. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. Kaiapoi Cemetery Wanganui Harbour Endowment and Borrowing 1882, No. 39. 1878, No. 35. xxx. xxxi. Havelock Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. City of Wellington Loans Consolidation Act 1876 Amendment Wakapuaka Telegraph Station Site. Cromwell Athenseum Reserves. Vide 1876, No. 53. xxxii. xxxiii. Mataura Reserve 1878, Local, No. 5. xxxiv. Akaroa Public Library Site. Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Himatangi C' own Grants. xxxv. • xxxvi. Vide 1875, -No. 26. xxxvii.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

._» Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act, Year of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 41° Vict. Session II. , 1877 — continued. "o. xxxviii. xxxix. Lawrence Municipal Waterworks. Queenstown Athonaaum 1889, Local, No. 28. xl. xli. New Biver Harbour Management Vide 1873,'No. 19. 1878, No. 35. Saint Andrew's Church (Wellington) Trustees Act 1873 Amendment xlii. Wellington College Act 1872 Amendment 1887, Local, No. 17. xliii. xliv. Dunedin Gaol Street. Clyde Public Beserves Grant. Wanganui Gas Company's. Hokitika Gas Company's. Port Chalmers Compensation. Taranaki County Beserves. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. Canterbury Bivers Act 1870 Amendment 1884, No. 49. 1. City of Dunedin Loans Consolidation. Auckland College and Grammar School li. 1880, Local, No. 11; 1882, Local, No. 2 ; 1884, Local, No. 1. lii. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools. Church Trust Property at Little River Exchange [Part s. 2 repealed.] Wellington Reserves Act 1876 Amendment liii. 1878, Local, No. 28. liv. 1880, No. 35 ; 1880, Local, No. 17, Sched. par. 12; 1890, Local, No. 13. Vide 1870, No. 14. lv. Waikouaiti Athenaeum Land. Otago Museum. Wyndham Recreation Reserve. ... t lvi. lvii. Jackson's Bay Boad District Mount Cook Boad District lviii. lix. lx. Waikato Hospital Reserves Exchange. 1882, No. 43. 1882, No. 43. lxi. lxii. Thames Water Supply Act 1876 Amendment Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment. 1880, Local, No. 7. 1889, Local, No. 13. lxiii. lxiv. Onehunga Endowments .. Walsh and Others Pension Act 1869 Amendment 1879, Local, No. 6. Vide 1869, No. 69. lxv. Patea Harbour Board Act Amendment Bluff Harbour Endowment and Borrowing 1878, No. 35. lxvi. 1878, No. 35. lxvii. lxviii. Borough of New Plymouth Reserves. New Plymouth Harbour Board Ordinance 1875 Amendment [Repealod, except sees. 15,19, and Sched. II.] 1878, No. 35. lxix. Ixx. Manawatu Land Orders Napier Swamp Nuisance Act Continuance Taranaki Boads and Bridges Ordinance 1858 Amendment Expired. 1879, Private No. 3. 1882, No. 43. lxxi. lxxii. lxxiii. Nelson Gas and Waterworks Sale Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration [Sec. 32, part ss. 9,10, repealed.] 1880, Local, No. 12. 1881, Local, No. 14; 1884, Local, Nos. 10,11; 1890, No. 23, s. 3; 1890, -■ No. 30, s. 8. lxxiv. Nelson Bifle PrrSe Act Amendment. 1 Greenwood Pension Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Property Vestinglxxv. . lxxvi. Spent. Spent. i Tide Nelson Acts, 1860, Sess. 7, No. 3^



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877, 1878.

Short-Titles. Year of Reign, and" Number. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act, Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 41° Vict. Session II. , 1877 — continued. • No. lxxvii. Canterbury Roads Ordinance Amendment 1882, No. 43. lxxviii. Ixxix. Christchurch City Beserves [Sec. 4 and Sched. III. partly repealed.] Lyttelton and Heathcote Becreation Ground. Balclutha Athenaeum. 1885, Local, No. 12. Spent. Ixxx. Ixxxi. West Harbour Mayoralty Election Validation . lxxxii. lxxxiii. lxxxiv. Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Hokanui Education Reserve. Middle Island Half-caste Crown Grants 1880, No. 35. 1880, Local, No. 17, sched., par. 23 ; 1883, No. 22; 1884, Local, No. 24, sched., pars. 50,61; 1885, No. 32; 1888, Local, No. 27. Hutt County Offices Site. Whangarei Port lxxxv. lxxxvi. lxxxvii. Lyttelton Harbour Works Compensation. 1878, No. 35. Ixxxviii. Roxburgh Preserves Act 1876 Amendment Spent. 42° Vict. Sessio PUBLIC I in III., 1878. GENERAL ACTS. Native Land Act 1873 Amendment Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 2) Mercantile Law Further Amendment Reprint of Statutes Sale of Food and Drugs Amendment Cruelty to Animals 1880, No. 38 1886, No. 24. Expired. Expired. 1880, No. 12. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1879, No. 36. 1880, No. 20. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trade Union. Imprest Supply (No. 3) Fraudulent Debtors 1880, No. 11. Expired. 1883, No. 10. Savings Bank Brofits. 1 Civil Service Acts Amendment Vide 1866, No. 59. 13 14 15 16 Imprest Supply (No. 4) Interpretation Land Claims .. Expired. 1888, No. 15. Expired. Privileges Act 1866 Amendment Vide 1866,' No. 73. 17 18 19 Public Bevenues [Sees. 9, 20,22,36 to 38, 75,77,80, and part ss. 18,19, repealed,] Customs Tariff Land Tax 1882, No. 71; 1883. No. 47; 1884, Sess. I., No. 1, s. 2; 1885, No. 38; 1886, No. 39; 1887, No. 41. 1882, No. 55. 1879, No. 17. 20 21 District Bailways Act 1877 Amendment [Sees. 9, 24, part ss. 11, 29, repealed.] Juries Act Amendment 1880, No. 16. 1882, No. 50; 1883, No. 39. Vide 1877, No. 40. 22 Dangerous Goods Act Amendment Friendly Societies Act Amendment Gold-mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment Bank Holidays Amendment Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Law Amendment 1882, No. 60. 23 1882, No. 36. 24 1886, No. 51. 25 26 1880, No. 22. 1883, No. 10. 27 28 29. 30 31 32 _ 1882, No. 29. Repeals. Temporary Powers Expired. Disqualification. Sheep .. 1890, No. 19. Native Licensing. 1 In force only within Otago.

— 6.

Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878.


_> | Short Titles. Year of Reign, Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Number. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 42° Vict. Session III ., 1878 — continued. No. 33 Public Boserves Sale 1879, Nos. 21, 23; 1884, Local, No. 24, sched., pars. 39,50; 1885, No. 32, s. 3. 34 Public Beserves Act Amendment 1881, No. 15. 35 Harbours [Sees. 78,79,81,82,172, and part ss. 17, 59, 234, Sched. II., repealed.] 1879, No. 27; 1883, No. 37; 1885, No. 27; 1886, No. 45: 1886, No. 49, ss. 242 to 244; 1888, No. 32; 1888, Local, No. 23; 1889, No. 19, s. 32; 1889, Local, No. 29; 1890, Local, No. 21. 1879, No. 33. Vide 1869, No. 63. . District Law_Societies .. 36 37 "Waikato Crown Lands Sale. Municipal Corporations Act Amendment 38 1886, No. 50. 39 Bating Act Amendment: [Sec. 3 repealed ss. 5,6, superseded.] 1882, No. 40; 1890, No. 35. Vide 1876, No. 49. 1886, No. 24. 40 Native Land Act Amendment (No. 2) 41 Government Native Land Purchases Act Amendment Fisheries (Dynamite) Seals Fisheries Protection Public Works Act 1876 Amendment [Repealed except sec. 10.] "Bailways Construction .. [Repealed except sees. 8 to 11 and Sched. II.; part sec. 10 repealed.] Vide 1877, No. 30. 42 43 44 1884, No. 48. 1884, No. 48. 1882, No. 37; 1880, Nos. 44, 49. 45 1879, No. 44, s. 0; 1883, Local, No. 25; 1888, Local, No. 18. 1879, No. 2; 1885, No. 40. 46 Financial Arrangements.. [Sees. 1 to 4, 9, 11, 12, and 14 only in force.] 47 48 49 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation.. Administration Expired. Expired. Not assented. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND ' PERSONAL ACTS. Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act 1877 Amendment Martin's Annuity Act Amendment Catlin's Biver Cemetery Wyndham Recreation Reserve Act 1877 Amendment Mataura Reserve Spent. ii. iii. iv. Expired. 1882, No. 39. Expired. v. vi. Oamaru Waterworks Act 1875 Amendment Superseded by 1885, Local, No. 21, Sched. I., par. 66. 1879, Local, No. 31. vii. Oamaru Athenaeum and Meohanics' Institute Vide 1877, Local, No. 5. viii. Wellington Local Boards Empowering 1881, No. 35. ix. x. Patumahoe Hall Site. Timaru Post|and Telegraph Offices Site Sale. 1885, Local, No. 20. 1886, No. 50. xi. Invercargill Waterworks Loan .. xii. xiii. Mount Ida Water - race Trust. Incorporation of Campbelltown.. xiv. XV. xvi. - Wyndham Cemetery 1882, No. 39. JBluffjHarbour Endowment! Milton Athenaeum Endowment 1879, Local, No. 35. 1885, Local, No. 21, Sched. I., par. 47. Vide 1876, No. 81. 1 In force only within boroughs and town districts.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878.

ear of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 42° Vict. No. xvii. Session III, Riverton Harbour Endowment and Borrowing. Waitaki High School North Otago Benevolent Society. Otago School Commissioners Empowering. Otago University [Sched. and part s. 3 superseded.] , 1878— continued. xviii. xix. 1880, No. 35. xx. 1879, Local, No. 29. xxi. • xxii. xxiii. Inch Glutha .. 1884, No. 49. xxiv. Clyde (Vincent County) ; Athenaeum and Public ; Library. Oamaru Harbour Board Ordinance Amendment I [Part sec. 2 repealed.] 1879, Local, No. 30; 1882, Local, No. 25; 1887, Local, No. 13. 1880, Private, No. 3. 1880, No. 35 ; 1882, Local, No. 19; 1889, Local, No. 21. • xxv. Malvern Water-race Transfer Timaru High School [Sees. 3 and 4 repealed.] xxvi. xxvii. Lyttelton Harbour Board Act Amendment. Church Trust Property at Little River Exchange Act 1877 Amendment Christchureh Racecourse Reserve. Christchureh Boys' High School Timaru Harbour Board Endowment Greymouth Racecourse Reserve. Hokitika Harbour Board Endowment [Part see. 2 repealed.] Taranaki County Council Loan Ormond Military Grants. Mount Cook Reserve Sale. Patea Harbour xxviii. Vide 1877, Local, No. 53. xxix. xxx. 1880, No. 35. xxxi. 1879, Local, No. 26. xxxii. xxxiii. 1879, Local, No. 22. xxxiv. 1881, Local, No. 1. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. 1882, Local, No. 13 ; 1885, Local, No. 5; 1890, Local, No. 4. xxxviii. Norsewood Mechanics' Institute Site. Napier Harbour Board. Wellington College Acts Amendment xxxix. xl. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. Poxton Reserves. Wanganui High School .. Parnell Reserve. 1887, Local, N 17. 1880, No. 35. Hamilton Volunteer Hall Site .. 1888, No. 13. Newmarket Reserve New River Harbour Endowment and Borrowing 1886, Local, No. 2. 1879, Local, No. 36 ; 1883, Local, No. 4. xlvii. Otago and Southland Education Reserves Leasing. Lyttelton Waterworks Transfer. Ashburton High School .. Wellington College Reserves Confirmation xlviii. 1880, No. 35. 1884, Local, No. 6. Vide 1872, No. 67. xlix. 1. li. Wellington City Boundaries. New Plymouth High School [Repealed, except s. d.] Thames Harbour Board .. Thames Boys' and; Girls' High School Auckland Girls' High School lii. 1889, Local, No. 2. liii. liv. 1879, Local, No. 3. 1880, No. 35. lv. 1880, No. 35. Ivi. lvii. Milford Harbour Board 1886, No. 45. Wairoa Harbour Board.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878, 1879.


THE SEVENTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session 1., from 2Mh September to 19th December, 1879; Session 11., from 28th May to Ist September, 1880; and Session 111., from 9th June to 24th September, 1881. Dissolved by Proclamation, Bth November, 1881.

Year of Keign and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 42° Vict. Session III., 1878 — continued. Nelson Harbour Board Borough of Christohureli Eeserves. Oamaru Market Kcsorve. Dunedin Waterworks Extension Act 1875 Amendment Whakatane Grants Validation. Whangarei High School No. lviii. lix. 1886, No. 45. lx. lxi. Vide 1875, Private, No. 5. • Ixii. 1880, No. 35; 1885, No. 30, s. 24. lxiii. lxiv. Special Powers and Contracts. 43° Vict. Session IV., 1879. PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. Imprest Supply New Zealand Loan Maori Prisoners' Trials Appropriation No. 1 2 3 i Expired. Loan converted. Expired. Expired.

43° Vict. Sess: public :on I., 1879. SENERAL ACTS. 1 Imprest Supply (No. 1) Public Revenues Act 1878 Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 2) Prisons Act Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 3) Elections Validation Imprest Supply (No. 4) Imprest Supply (No. 5) No. 5 6 Expired. Expired. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Expired. 1882, No. 33. Expired. Spent. Expired. Expired. 14 District Courts Proceedings Validation [Sec. 3 repealed.] District Courts Act 1858 Amendment 1880, No.' 33. Vide 1858, No. 30. 15 16 Customs Tariff 1882, No. 55. Tobacco [Sec. 12 repealed.] 1888, No'.'8, s. 6; 1888, No. 29. 17 18 19 20 Property Assessment Property-Tax Land-Tax Collection 1885, No. 41. Expired. Spent. Bating Act 1870 Amendment' 1882, No. 40. Vide 1876, No. 49. 21 22 Land Act 1877 Amendment Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Acts Amendment 1885, No. 56. 1885, Nos. 30, 56. 23 24 25 Bublic Beserves Sale. 1886, No. 51. Expired. Mines Act 1877 Amendment Confiscated Lands Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Electric Telegraph Act Amendment 26 1884, No. 32. 27 28 Harbours Act Amendment Besident Magistrates Act 1867 Amendment Vide 1878, No. 35. Vide 1867, No. 13. 1883, No. 10. 29 Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Patents Act Amendment 30 31 Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act 1865 Amendment Vide 1865,' No. 3. 1881, No. 22. 32 Building Societies Act 1876 Amendment 1880, No. 17. 33 District Law Societies Act Amendment Slaughterhouses Act 1877 Amendment Fine Arts Copyright Act 1877 Amendment Vide 1878, No. 36. 34 Vide 1877, No. 14. 35 Vide 1877, No. 17. i The Put 2 In force ilic Acts of this session are imnii only within boroughs and town lered continuously after the Acts of the previous session in the same year, listricts.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1879.

G—A. 6.

Year of Reign, and Number,. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 43° Vict. No. 36 37 Session I., Bevision of Statutes. Sites for Working-Men's Clubs. Intercolonial Probate 1879 — continued. 38 39 Imbecile Passengers Act Extension 1885, No. 21, s. 6. 1882, No, 58. 40 41 42 43 44 Qualification of Electors. Begistration of Electors .. Electoral Acts Repeal 1887,No.6,ss.2to5. Spent. Triennial Parliaments. Public Works [Repealed except ss. 6, 7, 13, 25, 32, and Scheds. I., III., and IV.] 1882, No. 37. 45 46 47 Public Revenues Treasury Bills Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation (No. 2) .. Expired. Expired. Expired. 48 49 Administration 1885, No. 62; 1886, No. 20; 1888, No. 19 ; 1890, No. 27. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL, ANI City of Auckland Loans Consolidation Auckland Harbour Board. Thames Harbour Board Act 1878 Amendment Auckland Free Public Library Aid. Auckland Improvement Commissioners' Transfer of Powers Onehunga Water Reserves I PERSONAL ACTS. 1883, Local, No. 9. ii. iii. Vide 1878, Local, No. 53. •■ iv. v. Vide 1872, No. 59. vi. Vide 1877, Local, No. 63. vii, Onewhero Grant Empowering. Hamilton Volunteer Hall Site Act 1878 Amendment viii. 1888, No. 13. ix. Waiuku Recreation Rex. serve. Hawke's Bay Rivers Act 1876 Amendment 1884, No. 49. xi. xii. West Olive Public Hall Site. Waitara Harbour Board Land and Borrowing 1881, Local, No. 7; 1883, Local, No. 13. 1883, Local, No. 15 ; 1884, Local, No. 7; 1887, Local, No. 2. xiii. Wellington Harbour Board xiv. Wellington Provincial District Highway Boards 1881, No. 35 1882, No. 43. xv. xvi. xvii. Masterton akd 1 Grey town Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment [Sec. 13 repealed.] Wairarapa Bacecourse. Palmerston North Be1.889, Local, No. 13. Vide 1871, No. 25. serves. Wanganui Bridge Debentures .. xviii. 1883, Local, No 14. 1884, No. 49. xix. xx. Marlborough River Districts Union Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendment 1884, No. 49. xxi. xxii. Awatere Shearing Beserve. Hokitika Harbour Board Endowment Act 1878 Amendment Kumara Education Reserve Vide 1878, Local, No. 33. xxiii. 1883, Local, No. 21, s. 21. xxiv. Ashburton County Council Waterworks Christchurch Drill-shed 1880, Private, No. 2';-1882, Private, No. 3. 1888, No. 13. xxv. xxvi. Timaru Harbour Board Empowering. Timaru Waterworks xxvii. 1881, Local, No. 11. i Repealed as to Masterton.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1879, 1880.

•* Year of Heign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Kepealing Ac Existing Law. ! Repealed or Obsolete Law. 43° Vict. o. xxviii. Session I. , 1879 — continued. Otago Roads Ordinance 1871 Amendment 1882, No. 43. xxix. Otago University Reservo Leasing Oamaru Harbour Board .. Vide 1875, No. 7. xxx. Vide 1878, Local, No. 24. Vide 1875, No. 29. xxxi. Oamaru Waterworks Act 1875 Amendment Alexandra Corporation Reserve Quoenstown Racecourse Reserve. Kaitangata and Wangaloa Athenarams Reserves. Bluff Harbour Foreshore Endowment New River Pilot Station Reserve. xxxii. xxxiii. 1881, Local, No. 27, sched. par. 40. xxxiv. 1880, Local, No. 2. XXXV. xxxvi. Oreti Bridge and Ferry Reserves Riverton Drill-shed Reserve Management xxxvii. xxxviii. Expired. 1888, No. 13. xxxix. Special Powers and Contracts [Sched., par. 32, repealed..! 1881, Local, No. 27. PBIVATE. No. 1 Par New Plymouth Gas Company. Primitive Methodist Temporal Affairs. VATE ACTS. | 2 Napier Swamp Nuisance Acts Amendment 3 Spent. 4 Church Property Trust (Canterbury) 1889, Private, No. 2 ; 1890, Private, No. 2. 5 Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Te Aro Reclamation [Sec. 11 repealed.] 6 1887, Local, No. 2. 44° VlCT. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sessk PUBLIC 5N II., 1880. GENERAL ACTS. Proclamations Validation Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 2) Maori Prisoners Treasury Bills Maori Prisoners' Detention Imprest Supply (No. 3) Land Transfer Act Amendment Census Act Amendment Spent. Expired. Expired. Expired. Expired. Expired. Expired. 1885, No. 57. Spent. Aliens [Part s. 8 repealed.] 1882, No. 17. 11 12 Cruelty to Animals 1883, No. 8 ; 1885, No. 4; 1889, No. 11; 1890, No. 11. 1884, No. 24. Mercantile Law [Sees. 2, a, 5 to 20, 57, 58, repealed.] 13 14 Arms. Married Women's Property Protection. Deaths by Accidents Compensation. Juries [Sec. 106 and Sched. VIII. repealed.] 15 10 17 Building Societies [Part s. 13 repealed.] 1884, No. 23, a. 4 ; 1885, No. 44, s. 19 ; 1890, No. 31. 1885, No. 51; 1885, No. 57, App. C ; 1887, Nos. 11, 26. 1881, No. 34; 1884, Nos. 13,45; 1886, No. 11; 1889, No. 23. 18 Animals Protection [Sec. 30, Sched. I., and part s. 13, repealed..! 19 20 21 22 Adulteration Prevention .. Marriage .. ~ Banks and Bankers [Sees. 15 to 21, 23 to 27, part s. 10, repealed.] Chattel Securities 1883, No. 11. 1889, No. 7. 1882, No. 68; 1883, No. 8; 1887, No. 5. 1889, No. 13. 1882, No. 29. 23 24 Dog Registration [Sec. 5 repealed.] Bills of Exchange Procedure 1882, No. 10; 1890, No. 4.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1880.


-»> Year of Reign and Numbeiw Short Titles. Amendinj Acts, Original Repealing Act. ;o. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 44° Vict. No. 25 26 Session II. Brands and Branding Pharmacy [Socs. 11, 20, and subs. (3), s.19, repealed.] 1880 — continued. 1890, No. 19. 1887, No. 20. 27 28 29 Crown Grants Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 4) Diseased Cattle Proclamations Validation Joint Stock Companies Act 1860 Amendment Execution against Real Estate .. 1883, No. 31. Expired. Spent. 30 1882, No. 35. 31 32 New Zealand University Reserves District Courts Dentists [Part s. 17 repealed.] High Schools Reserves .. Fide 1875," No. 60. 1882, No. 29. 33 34 Vide 1858, No. 30. 1881, No. 23. 35 1885, No. 56, ss. 237 to 246; 1890, Nos. 6, 7. 36 37 38 39 Election Petitions. Rabbit Nuisance Native Land Court 1881, No. 19; 1885, No. 56. 1881, No. 6. 1880, No. 24. West Coast Settlement (North Island) fSeo. 5 repealed.] 40 41 42 43 44 45 Waikato Confiscated Lands Customs Tariff Stamp Act Amendment Stamp Fee Expired. 1882, No. 55. 1882, No. 16. 1882, No. 16. Beer Duty 1886, No." 41. 46 47 Property Assessment Act Amendment Counties Act Amendment Electric Telegraph Act 1875 Amendment Municipal Corporations Acts Amendment 1885, No. 41. 1886, No. 49. 1884, No. 32. 48 1880, No. 50. 49 50 51 52 53 54 Lodgere' Goods Protection. Native Schools Sites Financial Arrangements Public Revenues Permanent Officers' Salaries 1890, No. 33. Expired. Expired. Expired. Public Works ["Repealed except s. 14.] 1882,No.'37| 1886, No. 51. 55 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriaticni,. Expired. 56 57 Deceased Wife's Sister Marriage. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. ii. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ACTS. Taonui Ahuaturanga Land 1880, No. 24. iii. iv. Bluff Harbour Foreshore Leasing. Port Molyneux Reserves Leasing Sydenham Borough Council Empowering. Public Health Act 1876 Amendment Vide 1876, No. 30. v. Vide 1875, No. 26. vi. vii. Thames Water Supply Transfer. Oamaru Waterworks Act 1875 Amendment Inch Clutha 1884, No. 49. viii. Vide 1875, No. 29. 1888, No. 13. 1882, No. 43. ix. Invercargill Drill-shed Site Otago Road Rates Validity x. xi. xii. Auckland College and Grammar School Nelson Gas and Waterworks Sale Act 1877 Amendment Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Vide 1877, Local, No. 51. Vide 1877, Local, No. 72. xiii. Vide 1875, No. 20. xiv. Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment 1884, No. 49. xv. Wanganui Harbouc. and River Conservators Board Grant Vid'e 1876, No. 86. Jackson's BayiSettlement 1882, Local, No. 29; 1888, Local, No. 27, s. 4. Spent. xvi. xvii. Special Powers and Contracts [Par. 5, sched., repealed.]



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1880, 1881.

'ear of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Ac Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 44° Vict. No. xviii. Session II. , 1880— -continued. Taranaki Iron-Smelting Works Lands Act 1874 Amendment Spent. xix. Caversham Boroughs lacorporation. 1882, No. 43. xx. Canterbury Roads Ordinance Amendment Act Extension xxi. Wellington Harbour Board and Corporation Land [Sec. 10 repealed.] 1882, Private, No. 2; 1883, Local, No. 15; 1886, Local, No. 4. xxii. Hokitika Harbour Board Loan. Otago Harbour Board Empowering xxiii. 1884, Local, No. 20. Vide 1875, No. 63. PBIVATE. PBH New Zealand Bank Act 1861 Amendment Ashburton County Council Waterworks Act 1879 Amendment Malvern Water-race Transfer Act 1878 Amendment 'ATE ACTS. Vide 1861, Private, No. 1. Vide 1879, Local, No. 25. Vide 1878, Local, No. 25. 45° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Sessio: public ( it III., 1881. JENEBAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 3) Imprest Supply (No. 3) Expired. Expired. Expired. Diseased Cattle. Hawke's Bay and Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendment Rabbit Nuisance 1884, No. 49. 6 7 1882, No. 37; 1885, No. 10; 1886, No. 14; 1887, No. 3 ; 1888, No. 18 ; 1889, No. 9 ; 1890, No. 25. 1882, No. 66. Post Office [Sec. 82 repealed.] 8 9 10 11 12 Crown Suits. Adoption of Children Gaming and Lotteries 1885, No. 9. 1885, No. 12. Prisons Act Amendment 1882, No. 33. 13 Regulation of Elections .. [Sees. 10 to 1G, 45, and Scheds. III., IV., V., repealed.] Corrupt Practices Prevention [Sec. 17 repealed.! 1887, No. 6, ss. 4, 6, 7; 1889, No. 6, s.4; 1890, No. 12. 1882, No. 2. 14 15 Ixepresentation 1885, No. 29; 1889, No. 24. Expired. Public Reserves.. LPartis. 24 repealed.] 16 17 Native Succession 1886, No. 24. 18 Native Lands Frauds Prevention [Sees. 6, 15, 18, 19, part sec. 2, repealed.] Native Land Acts Amendment [Sees. 1 to 6 repealed.] West Coast Settlement Reserves [Part s. 8 repealed.] 1888,No.38 ; 1889, No. 31. 1886, No. 24. 19 20 21 Thermal Springs Districts [Sees. 19, 53, 74, 143 to 145, and part ss. 3, 13, 41, 46, 48, 49, 56, 91,109,136, repealed.] 1884, No. 33; 1885, No. 11 ; 1885, No. 57, s. 52; 1887, No. 30. Vide 1880, No. 39. 1883, No. 21; 1889, No. 32, s. 32. 1882, No. 63; 1883, No. 11, ss. 20, 24; 1884, No. 24; 1889, Nos.21,22. 1884, No. 20; 1885, No. 34. 22 23 Employment of Females and Others [Part bs. 2,11, repealed.] Patents Act Amendment 1883, No. 14. 24 25 _ Volunteer i886, No. 17. 26 27 Dentists Act 1880 Amendment Public Domains.. Drainage .. .. I Vide 1880, No. 34. 1885, No. 29. 1886, No. 49, s. 289.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1881.

._» Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Year of Reign, and Number. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 45° Vict. No. 28 Session III '., 1881 — continued29 Fencing [Part s. 19 repealed.] Supreme Court Practice and Procedure _Public Health Act 1876 Amendment 1882, No. 64 ; 1888, No. 27. 1882, No. 29; 1884, No. 23, s. 2. 1883, No. 11, s. 21. Vide 1876, No. 60. 30 1882, No. 25. 31 32 Neglected and Criminal Children's Acts Amendment Dog Begistration Act Amendment Sheep Act Amendment 1882, No. 10. 33 34 Animals Protection Act Amendment Town Districts* [Sees. 19, 23, 24, 44, part s. 16, and subs. (10) of s. 30, repealed.] Vide 1880,'No. 18. 1886, No. 30. 35 1883, No. 35, and No. 43, s. 8; 1885, No. 47, ss. 7, 8 ; 1880, No. 50, sched.; 1889, No. 5. 36 37 Bailways Authorisation. Bailways Construction and Land 1882, No. 11 ; 1885, No. 52, s. 24; 1880, No. 43 ; 1890, No. 28. 38 39 40 Property Assessment Act Amendment Property-tax Customs and Excise Duties 1885, No. 41. Expired. Superseded by 1882, No. 55; 1888, No. 29. 41 Deceased Persons' Estates jDuties [Sees. 33, 36, 38, 39, sched., and part ss. 31, 40, repealed.] 1883, No. 40; 1885, No. 21 ; 1880, No. 53. 42 43 44 Stamp Act 1875 Amendment Public Revemies 1882, No. 16. Expired. New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act 1877 Amendment Vide 1877,'No. 33. 45 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation.. Expired. 46 47 48 Chinese'Jmmigrants [Part ss. 2,6, repealed.] Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act 1867 Amendment 1888, No. 34; 1889, No. 18. Vide 1867, No. 94. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL ANI Taranaki County Council Loan Act 1878 Amendment Wellington Queen's Wharf and Store Sales 1 PERSONAL ACTS. Vide 1878, Local, No. 34. ii. iii. iv. Port Chalmers Drill-shed Port Chalmers Cemetery 1887, Local, No. 2, s. 8. 1888, No. 13. 1882, No. 39. v. Timaru Mechanics' Institute Act 1877 Amendment Auckland Beserves Exchange and Change of Trust. Waitara Harbour Board Loan Vide 1877, Local, No. 4. vi. vii. 1883, Local, No. 13. 1889, Local, No. 1.3. viii. ix. Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Canterbury Bivers Act 1870 Amendment 1884, No. 49. x. xi. Waimakariri Harbour Board Loan. Timaru Water - race Beserve. Timaru Harbour Board Act 1876 Amendment 1882, Local, No. 29, sched. par.. 34; 1890, Local, No. 12. Vide 1870, No. 97. " 1882, Local, No. 18; 1885, Local, No. 14 ; 1890, Local, No. 12. xii. xiii. _ Timaru Harbour Board Loan 1 In force only ae to towns existing prior to 1887,



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1881, 1882.

THE EIGHTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session 1., from 18th May to 15th September, 1882; Session 11., from 14th June to Bth September, 1883; and Session 111., from sth June to 24th June, 1884. Dissolved by Proclamation 27th June, 1884.

-»> Year of Keign, and Numbeik Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 45° Vict. No. xiv. Session III Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Amendment Eangiora High School. Akaroa High School. Waimate and Temuka Public Schools Sites. Waimate Eacecourse Re- ',., 1881 — continued. xv. xyi. xvii. Vide 1877, Local, No. 73. 1886, Local, No. 7. xviii. xix. serve Geraldine Racecourse Re1889, Local, No. 23. xx. xxi. serve [Sees. 8, 9, repealed.] Oamaru Harbour Board .. Otago University Reserves Vesting. Vide ]R7G, No. 95. xxii. Port Chalmers Dock Trust 1883, Local, No. 23. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. Roxburgh Recreationground Management. Invercargill Gasworks Site. Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Association Reserve Vide 1877, Local, No. 15. xxvi. xxvii. Chatham Islands Spent. Special Powers and Contracts. PBIVATE, No. 1 VATK ACTS. par St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (Christchurch) Trustees Incorporation. Hororata Water-race. 2

6° Vict. Sess: PUBLIC SON I., 1882. GENEKAL ACTS. ! Imprest Supply No. 1 2 Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1881 Amendment [Sec. 5 Bpent.'j Vide 1881, No. 13. Expired. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Imprest Supply (No. 2) Trade Marks Act Amendment .. West Coast Peace Preservation .. Waikato Confiscated Lands Imprest Supply (No. 3) Expired. 1889, No. 12. Expired. Expired. Expired. Indemnity, Vagrant Act 1866 Amendment .. 1884, No. 24. Dog Registration Act Amendment Railways Construction and Land Act 1881 Amendment [Sec. 3 and sched. obsolete.] 1890, No. 4. Vide 1880, No. 24. Vide 1881, No, 37. 11 12 13 14 15 Small Birds Nuisance. Justices of the Peace [Sees. 80, 191 to 193, and part ss. 14, 116,118, 146, 178, 249, Sched. II., repealed.] Sheriffs Act 1858 Amendment .. Imprest Supply (No. 4) 1883, No. 5. Expired. 1885, No. 44; 1886, No. 8 ; 1888, No. 21; 1889, No. 16. 16 Stamp [Sees. 45, 46, 115, 136, 137, and " part s. 109, Sched. III., repealed.] 1885, No. 40; 1886, No. 40. 1883, No. 14. 1884, No. 32. 17 18 19 20 21 Aliens Act Amendment .. Patents Act Amendment Protection of Telegrams Vide 1880, No. 10. 22 Employers' Liability. Gas Companies' and Consumers' Liability. Public Health Act .1876 Amendment Public Offenders Disqualification Act 1867 Amendment. Private and Local Bills " Fiefs- 1876, No. 60. 23 24


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882.


■v Amending Acts, Original Repealing Ac 'ear of Keign, and Number. Short Titles. Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Law. . I 46° Vict. 25 Session 1., Industrial Schools .. i [Sec. 36 repealed.] 1882— continued. 1885, No. 8 ; 1886, No. 7, s. 3. 26 27 28 29 Reserves and Endowments in Mining Districts Native Land Acts Amendment .. Native Land Division 1886, No. 51. 1886, No. 24. 1886, No. 24. Supreme Court [Part Sched. II. repealed.] Court of Appeal. Law Amendment [Sees. 3 to 7,14, repealed.] 1884, No. 23, s. 3. 30 31 1883, No. 29; 1887, No. 4, s. G. 1883, No. 7. 32 33 Criminal Law 1883, No.' 6, 34 35 Prisons [Sees. 23 to 27, 45, repealed.] Lunatics. Companies 1883, No. 17 ; 1884, No. 27; 1886, No. 29; 1889, No. 14; 1890, No. 14. 1886, No. 6. 36 37 Friendly Societies [Sec. 12, subs. (3), repealed.] Public Works [Sees. 20, 23 to 25, 33, 57, 85, 87 to 89,101,143,170, Sched. II., and part ss. 2, 11, 20, 56, 83, 123,130,136,157,181, repealed.] Private Tramways Cemeteries Rating [Sec. 46, and part ss. 22; US, repealed.] 1884, No. 14; 1885, Nos. 7,42; 1887, No. 36; 1889, No. 19. 1884, No. 14, s. 21. 1885, No. 5. 1883, No. 43; 1885, No. 39; 1888, No. 31; 1890, No. 35. 38 39 40 41 42 43 Grown and Native Lands Eating Roads and Bridges Construction 1888, No. 35. 1885, No. 49. Road Boards [Sees. 32, 33, 37,73, and part s. 29, repealed. ] 1883, No. 34; 1884, No. 37; 1886, No. 49, s. 252; 1888, Nos. 32, 41. 44 45 Counties Act 1876 Amendment .. Municipal Corporations Act 1876 Amendment Land Act 1877 Amendment Mines Act 1877 Amendment Mining Companies Registration Validation Resumption of Land for Mining Purposes 1886, No. 49. 1886, No. 50. 46 47 48 1885, No. 56. 1886, No. 51. 1886, No. 19. 49 1886, No. 51. 50 District Railways Acts Amendment Public Reserves Sale. Native Reserves Education Reserves Act Amendment [Part s. 2 repealed.] Education Districts Customs Laws Consolidation [Sees. 34,45, and part s. 75, repealed.] Customs Duties Consolidation [Sees. 2, 3, and Sehed., and part ss. 4, 5, 6, repealed.] 1883, No. 39. Vide 1877, No. 40. 51 52 53 1887, No. 29. 1885, Local, No. 15. Vide 1877, No. 22. Vide 1877, No. 21. 1885, No. 17, ss. 5, 6 ; 1888, No. 8. 54 55 56 1888, Nos. 8, 28; 1890, No. 35. 57 Gold Duties Act Amendment. Imbecile Passengers. Inspection of Machinery .. Dangerous Goods. Explosives. Tea Examination Licensing Act Amendment 58 59 60 01 62 63 1883, No. 12. 1 1883, No. 11, s. 21. 1889, No. 21. Vide 1881, No. 21. Vide 1881, No. 28. 04 Fencing Act 1881 Amendment 65 66 Rabbit Nuisance rSecs. 27, 33, 40, and part ss. 9, 10,15, repealed.] Registration of Births and Deaths Act Amendment Sheep Act Amendment 1880, No. 46; 1890, ' No. 17. 1890, No. 19. •. 67 1884, No. 9 ; 1889, No. 3. Fide 1875, No. 23. 1883, No. 8. Vide 1880, No. 22. 68 Banks and Bankers Act Amendment [Sees. 3 to 14 repealed.]



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882.

'ear of Reign, and Number Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. liepoaled or Obsolete Law. 46° Vict. No. 69 Session I. Law Practitioners [Part s. 0 repealed.] Amnesty. Public Revenues [Sees. 4, 9, repealed.] 1882 — continued. 1883, No. 28. 70 71 1883, No. 47; 1884, Sess. I., No. 1; 1885, No. 38 ; 1886, No. 39; 1890, No. 36. Videl818,No.l9. 72 73 Property- Tax New Zealand Colonial Inscribed Stock Loan North Island Main Trunk Bailway Loan Expired, Expired. 74 Loan inscribed. 75 New Zealand Loan [Sec. 15 and scried, only in force.] Loan inscribed. 76 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation Expired. 77 Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND Auckland Harbour Board Empowering Auckland College and Grammar Scliool Auckland University College Auckland Railway-station Auckland Improvement Acts Amendment Auckland Museum Endowment. Borough of Hamilton Boundaries. Te Aroba Township. Tauranga, East Coast, and Hot-Lakes District Railway Company (Limited) Empowering. Gisborno Harbour Board.. [Sec. 5 repealed.] Napier High School. Rangipo-Murimotu Agreement Validation. Patea Harbour Land PERSONAL ACTS. 1886, Local, No. 1. ii. iii. Vide 1877, Local, No. 51. 1885, Local, No. 1. iv. v. vi. Vide 1874, No. 34. Vide 1873, Private, No. 2 ; 1879, Local, No. 5. vii. viii. ix. 1884, Local, No. 4. x. xi. xii. xiii. Vide 1878, Local, No. 37. 1888, Local, No. 11. xiv. Thorndon Reclamation .. [Sec. 5 repealed.] Nelson College Act 1858 Amendment xv. Vide 1858, No. 38. xvi. Canterbury Rivera Act 1870 Amendment 1884, No. 49. xvii. xviii. Lyttelton Harbour Board. Timaru Harbour Board .. 1885, Local, No. 14. Vide 1881, Local, No. 13. 1889, Local, No. 21. Fide 1878, Local, No. 26. 1886, Local, No. 6. xix. Tiniaru High School Act 1878 Amendment [Sec. 3, part s. i, repealed.] North Timaru Cemetery Sale Ashburtou Racecourse Reserve. Ohoka and Ey reton Domain Board Empowering. Rangiora Domain Board Empowering. Otago Harbour Board Further Empowering Oamaru Harbour Board Loan I xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. 1884, Local, No. 20. F«Zel875,No,63. 1887, Local, No. 13. Vide 1878, Local, No. 24. xxv. xxvi. Bluff Harbour Eoreshore Reclamation. Dunedin Southern Market Reserve Leasing Portobello Road fioard Enabling. Special Powers and Contracts. xxvii. 1883, Local, No. 2. xxviii. xxix. Spent. xxx. Rhodes Estate Duty


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882, 1883.

7—A. 6.


Short Titles. 'ear of Reigtf? and Number. Amending Acts, &c. Original Bepealing Act. Existing Law. TCepealed or Obsolete Law. 46° Vict. PRIVATE. No. 1 Session I. PRF Union Bank of Australia (Limited). Wellington Harbour Board o.n d Corporation Land Act 1880 Amendment Asliburton County Council Empowering. Trustees, Executors, and Agencv Company [Sec. 5 repealed.] Orakei Native Beserve. 1882 — continued. ■ate acts. 2 Vide 1880, Local, No. 21. 3 1884, Private, No. 2. 4 5 in IT., 1883. JEHEBAL ACIS. 47* Vict. Sessii PUBLIC Gisborno Courts Proceedings Validation. New Zealand University Act 1874 Amendment Parliamentary Witnesses Indemnitv. Fugitive Offenders Jurisdiction. Sheriffs. Prisons Criminals Execution. Bills of Exchange [Part s. 4 repealed, and s. 96 except as to North Island.] Vide 1874, No. 53. No. 1 3 3 4 Vide 1882, No. 33. 5 6 7 8 1884, No. 28. 9 Chattels Securities Act 1880 Amendment 1889, No. 13. 10 Bankruptcy [Sees. 40, 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 117, part ss. 63, 107, 137, 141, 147, 140, 171, 178, 170, 220, 231, repealed.] Adulteration Prevention Act 1880 Amendment Inspection of Machinery Extension 1884, No. 29; 1883, No. 22; 1839, No. 13. 11 Vide 1880, No. 20. 18S4, No. 32. 12 Vide 1882, No. 59. 13 14 15 16 17 Electric Telegraph Act 1875 Amendment Patents Volunteer Act 1881 Amendment 18S9, No. 12. 1886, No. 17. Industrial Societies. Companies Act 1882 Amendment Vide 1882, No. 35. 1886, No. 19. 18 Mining Companies Act 1872 Amendment 19 Native Committees [Part s. 14 repealed.] 1888, No. 37, s. 18. 1886, No. 24. 20 21 Native Land Laws Amendment Vide 1881,'No. 20. 22 Thermal Springs District Act 1881 Amendment •Middle Island Half-caste Grants 1884, Local, No. 24; 1885, No. 32; 1888, Local, No. 27. Vide 1877, Local, No. 84. 1887, No. 29. 23 [Sec. 3, Sclied. B, and part Schecl. A, repealed.] 1884, No. 33. South Island Native Boseuves [Repealed except s. 3 and sclieds. Part s. 3 repealed.] 24 West Coast Settlement Eeserves Act 1881 Amendment West Coast Peace Preservation Act 1882 Continuance Expired. 25 26 Destitute Persons Act 1877 Amendment Vide 1877, No. 44. 1885, No. 44. 27 Justices of the Peace Act 1882 Amendment 28 Law Practitioners Act 1882 Amendment Property Law Consolidation [Part s. 35 repealed.] Trustee Vide 1882, No. 09. 29 30 1885, No. 43; 1888, No. 40, s. 10; 1889, No. 13, s. 53 1885, No. 62, ss. 6, 10. 1888, No. 40, s. 3. 31 32 Crown Grants .. - Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment Land Boards Inquiry .. 1885, No. 57. Boad Boards Act 1882 Amendment Vide 1882,' No. 43. 1885, No..56. 33 34



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1883.

Year of Reign, and Nunjber. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 47° Vict. No. 35 Session II. Town Districts Act 1881 Amendment 1 [Sec. 13 superseded by 1886, No. 49, s. 251.] , 1883— continued. Vide 1881, No. 35. 36 37 Harbours Act 1878 Amendment Counties Acts Amendment Vide 1878*,'No. 35. 1886, No. 49. 38 Public Works Act 1882 Amendment 1884, No. 14. 39 District Railways Acts Amendment Vide 1877, No. 40; 1878, No. 21 ; 1882, No. 50. Expired. 40 41 Railways Construction and Land Act 1881 Amendment Boads and Bridges Construction Act 1882 Amendment Crown and Native Lands Bating Act 1882 Amendment 1885, No. 49. 42 1888, No. 35. 43 Rating Act 1882 Amendment Vide 1882, No. 40. 1885, No. 41. 44 Property Assessment Acts Amendment Property-tax 45 46 Charitable Gifts Duties Exemption. Public Revenues Act 1882 Amendment Expired. 47 1884, Sess. I.,No. 1; 1887, No. 41. Fi_el882,No.71. Expired. 48 49 50 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation Confederation and Annexation .. Expired. Not assented. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL ANI St. Peter's Church (Caversham). Dunedin Southern Market. Reserve Leasing Act 1882 Amendment Massey Frauds Indemnity. New River Harbour Endowments. Murihiku Native Reserves Grants. I PERSONAL ACTS. Vide 1882, Local, No. 27. ii. " iii. iv. v. Westland Education District Subdivision vi. 1884, No. 52. vii. viii. Hokitika High School Timaru Racecourse Re1890, Local, No. 15. ix. x. serve. City of Auckland Additional Loan. Auckland Harbour Act 1874 Amendment [Sec. 2 repealed.] Auckland Hospital Reserves 1885, Local, No. 2, ss. 20, 21. Vide 1874, No. 34. 1886, Local, No. 16, s. 0 ; 1888, Local, No. 2. xi. xii. xiii. Kawhia Township Sale. Waitara Harbour Board Loan. Wanganui Bridge. Wellington Harbour Board Land and Reclamation. Wellington College Land. Masterton and 2 Greytown Lands Management Acts Amendment [Sees. 3, 4, 7 to 10, repealed.] Christchurch Cathedral Square. Waimate High School. Timaru Mechanics' Institute Act 1877 Amendment Greymouth High School .. xiv. XV. 1889, Local,No. 13. Vide 1871, No. 25; 1879, Local, No. 15. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. XX. Vide 1877, Local, No. 4. xxi. xxii. Otago Harbour Board [Sees. 13 to 20, and part ss. 6 to 8, repealed.] Otago Dock 1885, Local, No. 21, . s. 8. 1885, Local, No. 16; 1887, Local, No. 14. 1884, Local, No. 24, s. 7; 1885, Local, No. 17. xxiii. 1 Applies only in respect of towns existing prior to 1887. 2 Repealed as to Masterton.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1883, 1884.

THE NINTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session L, from 7th August to 10 th November, 1884; Session 11., from 11th June to 22nd September, 1885; Session 111., from 13th May to 18th August, 1886; Session IV., from 26th April to 10th June, 1887. Dissolved by Proclamation, 15th July, 1887.

.»> Year of Reign, and Number.Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Eopealed or Obsolete Law. 47° Vict. No. xxiv. Session II Caversham, South Dunedin, and St. Kilda Streets Improvement. Taumutu Native Commonage. Invereargill Keserves Exchange. Special Powers and Contracts [Par. 18 of seliocl. repealed.] , 1883 — continued. xxv. xxvi. xxvii. 1885, Local, No. 4, s. 14. PRIVATE. No. 1 PEI St. John's College, Auckland, Removal. Guardian, Trust, and Executors Company. Taiaroa Land. VATE ACTS. 2 O )N III., 1884. GENEBAL ACTS. 48° VlOT. Skssk public No. 1 Public Revenues. [Part s. 2 only in force.]

!° "Vict. Sessi PUBLIC :on I., 1884. GENERAL ACTS. I Imprest Sripply Imprest Supply (No. 3) Imprest Supply (No. 3) Imprest Supply (No. 4) Public Revenues (No. 2) Sharebrokers Acts Repeal Affirmations in Lieu of Oaths Extension No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Expired. Expired. Expired. Expired. Expired. Spent. 1890, No. 31. 8 9 10 11 12 Pensions. Registration of Births Extension. Married Women's Property. Parliamentary Honorarium and Privileges [Sec. 3 superseded.] Public Health Act 1876 Amendment Chatham Islands Animals. Public Works Act 1882 Amendment [Sees. 4, 7 to 12, 15, part s. 2, repealed.] East and West Coast (Middle Island) and Nelson Bailway and Railways Construction 1887, No. 24. Vide 1876, No. 60. 13 14 1885, No. 42; 1886, No. 50; 1887, No. 36; 1889, No. 19. 1886, No. 13; 1887, No. 38 ; 1890, No. 29. 15 16 17 Waikato Confiscated Lands Vide 1875, No. 42. Anatomy Act 1875 Amendment False Notice of Birth, Marriage, and Death. Workmen's Wages. Employment of Females and Others Act 1881 Amendment Destitute Persons Act 1877 Amendment Expired. 18 19 20 Vide 1881, No. 23. 21 1886, No. 7, s. 2. Vide, 1877, No. 44. 22 Justices of the Peace Act 1882 Amendment 1885, No. 44. 23 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment Police Offences .. Slaughterhouses Act 1877 Amendment Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trust Boards Incorporation. ' Foreign Companies Vide 1881, No. 29. 24 25 1890, No. 24. Fide 1877, No. 14. 26 27 1889, No. 14; 1890, No. 14, ss. 3, 4; 1890, No. 22, ss. 7,8.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1884.

Short Titles. 'ear of Eeign, an* Number. Amending Acts, &o. Original Repealing Ad Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 48° Vict. No. 28 Session Bills of Exchange Act 1883 Amendment Bankruptcy Act 1883 Amendment [Part s. 15 repealed.] .., 1884— continued. Vide 1883, No. 8. 29 1885, No. 22. Vide 1883, No. 10. 30 New Zealand Government Insurance Association 1886, No. 35. 31 Life Assurance Policies .. [Part s. 34, ana part Sched. I., repealed.] • 1885, No. 20; 1888, No. 30, s. 5. 32 33 Electric Lines West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment 1890, No. 25. 1887, No. 30. Vide 1881, No. 19. 34 35 36 37 Timber-floating. Road Boards Act 1882 Amendment Land Act 1877 Amendment Drainage of Mines 1885, No. 56. 1886, No. 51. 1888, No. 41. Vide 1882, No. 43. 1886, No. 50. 38 Municipal Corporations Act 1876 Amendment 39 40 41 42 Beet-root Sugar. Consolidated Stock. New Zealand Loan [Sec. 15 and sched. only in force.] Property-tax Expired. Loan inscribed. 43 44 45 Impounding Codlin Moth. Animals Protection Act 1880 Amendment 1890, No. 19, s. 60. Vide 1880, No. 18. 46 47 Salmon and Trout Act 1867 Amendment Fisheries Conservation River Boards [See. 79, and part Schod. II., repealed.] Railways Authorisation. Sheep Act 1878 Amendment Vide 1867,'No. 34. 1886, No. 30. 48 49 1887, No. 27. 1885, No. 28; 1888, Nos. 24, 32. 50 51 Native Land Alienation Restriction Westland Education District Subdivision Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation.. 1886, No. 23. . 52 1888, No. 12. 53 Expired. 54 Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AN1 Auckland College and Grammar School Act 1877 Amendment Thames Recreation Reserve Sale. Tauranga School Site. Gisborne Harbour PERSONAL ACTS. Vide 1877, Local, No. 51. ii. iii. iv. 1887, Local, No. 19; 1888, Local, No. 8; 1889, Local, No. 10; 1890, Local, No. 22. 1885, Local, No. 7. v. Napier Harbour Board Empowering and Loan Wellington College Reserves Confirmation Wellington Harbour Board Loans Consolidation and Empowering Kaiapoi Domain Board Empowering. Kowai Domain Board Empowering. Westport Harbour Board vi. Vide 1878, Local, '< No. 50. 1887, Local, No. 2, sa. 8, 11. vii. viii. ix. ■ 1885, No. 54, s. 7 ; 1886, No. 45, s. 25; 1890, No. 30. 1885, No. 54, s. 7 ; 1886, No. 45, s. 25. x. xi. Greymouth Harbour Board xii. xiii. xiv. Greymouth Harbour Board (No 2). Timaru Market Reserve. Hokitika Racecourse Reserve. Hokitika Steam Tug. Caversham Drainage. xv. xvi.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1884, 1885.


'ear of Ecign, and - Number. Short Titles. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, &e. Original Bepealing Act, Existing Law. 48° Vict. No. xvii. Session I. City of Dunedin Leasing Powers. 1884— continued. xviii. Dunedin Drill-shed Keservo Act 1876 Amendment 1888, No. 13. xix. Otago Harbour Board Empowering Act 3875 Amendment Otago Harbour Board Loans Consolidation. Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property Amendment West Harbour Borough Empowering. Invercargill Reserves Leasing. Special Powers and Contracts [See. G repealed. ] Vide 1875, No. 63. xx. Vide 1875, No. 5. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. 1885, No. 49, s. 9. PBIVATE. No. 1 PRI 1 Perpetual Trustees, Estate, and Agency Company. Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company Act 1882 Amendment Gisborne Gas Company. New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) Empowering. rATE ACTS. Vide 1882, Private, No. 4. 2 3 4 49° Vict. Sessk PUBLIC )N II., 1885. GENERAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Patents Ace 1883 Amendment .. No. 1 2 3 Spent. 1889, No. 12. 4 "Canterbury and Otago Marriages. Mercantile Law 1880 Amendment Cemeteries Act 1882 Amendment Vide 1880, No. 12. Spent. 5 Vide 1&82, No. 39. 6 7 Public Works Act 1882 Amendment [Sec. 11 repealed.] Industrial Schools Act 1882 Amendment Adoption of Children Act 1881 Amendment Post Office (Postal Notes) West Coast Settlement Reserves Act 1881 Amendment Gaming and Lotteries Act 1881 Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 2) 1889, No. 19, s. 9. Vide 1882, No. 37. Vide 1882, No. 25. 8 9 Vide 1881, No. 9. 10 11 1889, No. 9, a. 3. Vide 1881, No. 19. 12 Vide 1881, No. 10. 13 14 Evidence Further Amendment. Shipping and Seamen's Act 1877 Amendment Fisheries Encouragement. Customs and Excise Duties [Sees. 2, 3, 4, repealed.] Savings Bank Act 1858 Amendment Whitmore Enabling Spent. 15 Vide 1877, No. 54. 16 17 1888, Nos. 8, 29. Spent. IS Vide 1858, No. 52. 19 20 Life Assurance Policies Act 1884 Amendment Deceased Persons' Estates Duties Act 1881 Amendment Bankruptcy Act 1883 Amendment Distress Resident Magistrate's Courts Proceedings Validation Coroners' Act 1867 Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 3) Fide 1884,'No. 31. 21 1886, No. 53, s. 3. Vide 1881, No. 41. Vide 1883, No. 10. 22 23 24 Vide 1868. No. 25. Vide 1867, No. 13. 25 s Vide 1867, No. 16. 26 Mining Companies Act 1872 Amendment 1886, No. 19. 27 Financial Arrangements Act 1876 Amendment Vide 1878, No. 35.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1885.

.»> STear of Reign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Bepoaling Act. Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Law. 49° Viot. No. 28 Session II. Biver Boards Act 1884 Amendment Public Reserves Act 1881 Amendment New Zealand State Forests [Sec. 30 repealed.] 1885 — continued. 1887, No. 32, s. 29. Vide 1884, No. 49 Vide 1881, No. 15. 29 30 1887, No. 31, s. 8 ; 1888, No. 16, and No. 17, s. 15. 31 Rabbit Nuisance Act 1832 Continuance 1886, No. 46. 32 *Middle Island Half-caste Grants. 'Presbyterian Church Property. Employment oi Females and Others Act 1881 Amendment 'Auckland Railway Land Compensation. 33 Vide 1881, No. 23. 34 1886, No. 51. 35 Gold-mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment 36 37 Education Act 1877 Amendment Public Revenues [Part s. S repealed.] Vide 1877, No. 21. 38 1886, No. 39; 1887, No. 41. Vide 1878, No. 19. Vide 1882, No. 40. 39 Rating Act 1882 Amendment Stamp Act 1882 Amendment [Part s. 23 repealed.] Property Assessment [Sees. 28, 48, and part s. 2, repealed.] Public Works Act 1882 Amendment (No. 2) [Sees. 5 to 7, and 18, repealed.! Property Law Consolidation Act 1883 Amend40 1886, No. 40. Vide 1882, No. 16. 41 1886, No. 26. 42 1887, No. 36; 1889, No. 19. Vide 1882, No. 37. Vide 1883, No. 29. 43 44 ment Justices of the Peace Act 1882 Amendment [Sees. 20, 21, repealed.] Enforcement of Judgments. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions [Sees. 15, 22, 4G, 58,82, and part BS. 4, 7, 8,14, S4, 38, 47, 32, and part Sched. I., repealed.] 1886, No. 8. Vide 1882, No. 15. 45 46 1886, No. 36; 1887, Local, No. 16; 1889, No. 20. 47 48 49 Local Bodies Contractors. Local Bodies' Finance and Powers. [Sec. 2, and part soiled., repealed.] Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act 1877 Amendment Mortgage Debentures [Sec. 24, part ss. 4, 35, repealed.] District Railways Purchasing [Part s. 8 repealed.] Waimea Plains Railway Bating. Railways Authorisation. Counties Acts Amendment 1886, No. 49. 50 Vide 1877, No. 12. 51 1886, No. 21. 52 53 Mines Act 1877 Amendment 1886, No. 32. 1886, No. 51. 54 55 56 Land [Sees. 8, 9, 42, 123, 142, App. C ss. 5, li, and part ss. 25, 36, 50, 94, 107, 113, 122, 172, 197, 198, 200, 220, repealed.] 1886, Nos. 28, 31; 1887, No. 32; 1888, No. 17; 1889, No. 26; 1890, No. .6, ss. 4, 5. 1886, No. 28; 1887, No. 32; 1888, No. 40; 1889, No. 29. 57 Land Transfer [Sec. 219, and part ss. 96, 177, repealed.] 58 59 60 i Customs Duties Interpretation .. Property-tax .. Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation Spent. Expired. Expired.61 ■ • Expired.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1885, 1886.

'ear of Eeign, and NurnUer. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 49° Vict. No. 62 Session II. Administration Act 1879 Amendment [Part Title and part ss. 2, 3, repealed.] , 1885— continued. 188G, No. 20; 1890, No. 27. Vide 1879, No. 49. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND Auckland University College Eesorves Auckland Harbour Board. Costley Training Institution. New Plymouth Exchanges Completion Act 1874 Amendment. Patea Harbour Board. ) PEBSONAL ACTS. 1886, Local, No. 16, Sohed. I., par. 5. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Palmerston North Burgess Boll.. Vide 1884, Local, No. 5. 1887, Local, No. 4. Napier Harbour Board Empowering Gisborne High School Wellington Corporation Leaseholds. Silent. viii. ix. 18S6, No. 50. x. xi. Christchurch Public Works Loan Validation. Christchurch Market Eeserves. Sydenham Public Works Loan Validation. Timaru Harbour Board Loan Wellington Public Street Closing xii. xiii. xiv. 1888, Local, No. 19; 1890, Local, No. 12. xv. Westland and Grey Education Boards 1888, No. 12. xvi. Otago Harbour Board Leasing Otago Dock Act 1883 Amendment Dunedin Drill-shed Reserve Act 1876 Amendment Act 1884 Amendment. Dunedin Cattle-market Reserve Leasing. Borough of Inveroargill Loans Consolidation. Special Powers and Contracts [Par. 28 ol ached, repealed.] VRU St. Mary's Convent Property Leases. Congregational Union Incorporation. Christ's College,Canterbury. Napier Gas Company's Act 1875 Amendment 1886,Local, No. 12. xvii. xviii. Vide 1883, Local, No. 23. xix. 1889, Local, No. 13; 1890, Local, No. 5. XX. xxi. PBIVATE. No. 1 VATE ACTS. 2 Vide. 1875, Private, No. 3. 3 4 50° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sessic PUBLIC I 5N TIL, 1886. GENEKAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 2) Spent. Spent. 7 8 9 10 11 Lost Debentures. Apportionment. Ooari table Trusts Extension Friendly Societies Act 1882 Amendment Destitute Persons Act Amendment Justices of the- Peace Act 1882 Amendment Gisborne Public Prison. Pish Auction. Animals Protection Aot 18S0 Amendment Wellington and Wanganui Education Districts. East and West Coast (Middle Island) and Nelson Railway and Railways Construction Act Amendment Post Office Act 1881 Amendment Native Reserves' Titles Grant Empowering. Vide 1871, No. 56. Vide 1882, No. 36. 1884, No. 21. Vide 1877, No. 44. Vide 1882, No. 15. Vide 1880, No. 18. 12 18«7, No. 38; 1890, No. 29. Vide ' 1884, No. 15. . 13 Vide 1881, No. 7. 14 " 15



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1886.

Short Titles. "ear of KoSgn, and Number. Original Kepealing Aci &c. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 50° Vict. No. 16 Session III. Native Equitable Owners [Part s. 5 repealed.] ,., 1886— continued. 1888, No. 37; 1889, No. 32, ss. 18,31. 17 18 19 Defence. Police Force. Mining Companies [Sees. 32, 45, 82, and part ss. 3, 4, 22, 55, 57, repealed.] 1890, No. 22. 20 Administration Act Extension Mortgage Debentures Act 1885 Amendment First Offenders' Probation. Vide 1885, No. 62. 21 Vide 1885, No. 51. 22 23 24 Native Land Court [Sees. 3, 11, 27, 43, 58, 76, 77, 86, and part ss. 17, 23, 26, 42, 50, 95,103, repealed.] New Zealand Loan [Sees. 15, 10, and sched., only in force.] Native Land Administration 1888, No. 37; 1889, No. 32; 1890, No. 32. 1888, No. 36. 25 Loan inscribed. 26 Property Assessment Act 1885 Amendment Settled Land. Deeds and Instruments Registration [Sec. 7 superseded.] Companies' Branch Registers. Vide 1885, No. 41. 27 28 1885, No. 57; 1888, No. 12, s. 14. We 1868, No. 51. 29 Sheep Act 1878 Amendment 30 31 Coal-mines [Sec. 19, and part SS. 3, 4, 9, 20, 26, 35,58, 62, 63, repealed.] District Railways Purchasing Act 1885 Extension and Amendment Civil Service Reform Public Trust Office Act 1872 Amendment Government Life Insurance Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act 1885 Amendment 1890, No." 23. 1890, No. 19. 32 Vide 1885, No. 52. 33 34 1887, No. 21. Vide 1872, No. 26. 35 86 1888, No. 30. Vide 1885, No. 46. 37 38 Public Bodies' Leaseholds Local Bodies'Finanoe and Powers Act 1885 Amendment 1887, No. 34. 1887, No. 35. 39 40 Public Revenues [Part s. 9 repealed.] Stamp Acts Amendment .. 1887, No. 41; 1S90, No. 36. 1885, No. 40. Vide 1882, No. 16. Vide 1880, No. 44. 41 42 43 44 45 Beer Duty Act 1880 Amendment North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application [See. 5 and part s. 4 repealed.] Railways Construction and Land Act 1881 Amendment Railways Authorisation and Management. Harbours Act 1878 Amendment Rabbit Nuisance Act 1882 Amendment [Sees. 5, 22, and part ss. 6,10, 21, repealed.] Local Bodies' Loans GovernmentLoans to Local Bodies Counties [Part ss. 19,190 repealed.] Municipal Corporations .. 1889, No. 33. Vide 1881, No. 37. Vide 1878, No. 35. 46 1890, No. 17. Vide 1882, No. 66. 47 48 1889, No. 19, s. 15. 1887, No. 22; 1889, No. 25. 1887, No. 12; 1888, No. 32. 1887, No. 33; 1888, No. 32. 1887, Nos. 13, 31; 1888,Nos.33, 36; 1890,No.35,s.l4. 49 50 51 52 Mining [Sec. 9, and part ss. 10, 11, 16, 79, 85, 104, 152, 155, 156, 203, 215, 231, 280, and Sehed. VI., repealed.] Owhaoko and KaimanawaOmamatua Reinvestigation of Title. Deceased Persons' Estates Duties Act 1881 Amend53 Vide 1881, No. 41.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1886, 1887.

B—A. 6.

Year of Beia», and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, Original Repealing Act. [Existing Law. Repealed or Obsoleta Law. 50° VlOT. No. 54 55 56 Session III., 1886— continued. Property-tax Public Works Appropriation I Appropriation Expired. Expired. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ACTS. Auckland Harbour Loan.. 1888, Local, No. 1, s. 9. Vide 1878, Local, No. 45. ii. Newmarket Reserve Act 1878 Amendment One-Tree Hill Reserve. Wellington Harbour Board Leasing. Oity of Cliristchurch Municipal Offices. North Timaru Cemetery Sale or Exchange. Waimate Racecourse Trustees Empowering. Hakateramea Racecourse Reserve. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. 1887, Local, No. 13. xii. xiii. xiv. Oamaru Harbour Board Loan .. City of Dunedin Leasing. Borough of Mornington | Boundaries. Otago Harbour Board Leasing Act 1885 Amendment Otago Harbour Bridge. Port Chalmers Fire Brigade ; Site. Wyndham Showground Reserve. Special Powers and Contracts [Sec. 7 superseded.] Vide 1885, Local, No. 16. xv. xvi. 1887,Local,No.l2; 1888, Local, No. 26. PRIVATE. No. 1 PRIVATE ACTS. New Zealand Bible, Tract, and Book Society. Cathedral Site, Parnell, Leasing. Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company's Additional Capital and Debentures Validation. Hutt and Petone Gas Company [Sec. 47, and part s. 2, repealed.] 2 3 . 4 1887, Private, No. 1. 50° Viot. Session IV., 1887. PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. No. 1 2 Kermadec Islands. •Cambridge and Hastings Boroughs. Post Office Act 1881 Amendment Infants Guardianship and Contracts. Banks and Bankers Act Amendment Electoral Acts Amendment [Sec. 6 repealed.] Vide 1881, No. 7. 3 4 Vide 1880, No. 22. 5 6 7 1890, No. 12. Vide 1879, No. 41; 1881, No. 12. 1887, No. 23; 1889, No. 6. Representation [Part s. 3 repealed.] 8 9 Interpretation Act Amendment.. Westland and Grey Education Boards Act Continuance Chattel Securities Act 188C Amendment 1888, No. 15. 1888, No. 12. 10 11 Vide 1880, No. 17. 1889, No. 13. 12 13 Building Societies Act Amendment Counties Act Amendment Mining Act 1886 Amendment [Part s. IS repealed.] Public Revenues [Sec. 6 only in force.] Vide 1886, No. 49. 1887, No. 31. Vide 1886, No. 51. I 14 1887, No. 16. LOCAL. No. i. LOOfAL AND PEBSONAL ACTS. Sydenham Borough Council Empowering. Reclamation within the j Harbour of Wellington. Ward Conservation of j Rights. \ ii. iii.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1887.

Year of Reign, and *** Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. 50° Vict. Session IV., 1887— continued. PRIVATE. PRIVATE ACT. No. 1 : Wellington Gas Company .. Vide 1886, Private, (Limited) Extension No. 4. THE TENTH PAELIAMENT, Comprising Session I., from 6th October to 23rd December, 1887; Session II., fro? 31st August, 1888; Session III., from 20th June to 19th September, 1889 ; Se. 19th June to 18th September, 1890. Dissolved by Proclamation, 3rd October, 189 n 10th May to ssion IV., from 51° Vict. Session I., 1887. PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. 1 No. 15 .. Imprest Supply 16 .. Public Revenues (No. 2) 17 .. Imprest Supply (No. 2) 18 .. Order in Council Validation 19 .. Imprest Supply (No. 3) 20 Pharmacy Act Amendment .. Vide 1880, No. 26. 21 Civil Service Beform Act .. Vide 1886, No. 33. Amendment 22 Government Loans to Local • • Vide 1886, No. 48. Bodies Act Amendment 23 Bepresentation Acts .. Vide 1887, No. 7. Amendment 24 Parliamentary Honorarium •• Fide 1884, No. 11. and Privileges Act Amendment 25 Ministers' Salaries and • • Vide 1873, No. 77. Allowances 26 Building Societies Act 1880 • ■ Vide 1880, No. 17. Amendment 27 Fisheries Conservation Act • • Vide 1884, No. 48. 1884 Amendment Spent. Expired. Spent. Spent. Spent. 1890, No. 19. 28 .. Sheep Acts Amendment 29 Westland and Nelson Native Beserves. 30 West Coast Settlement Re- . • Vide 1881, No. 19; serves Acts Amendment 1884, No..33. 31 Mining Act Amendment ■■ Vide 1886, No. 51; (No. 2) 1887, No. 13. 32 Land Act Amendment .. .. 1888, No. 17. Vide [Sees. 26, 31, and part s. 3, re- 1885, No. 56. pealed.] 33 Municipal Corporations .. Vide 1886, No. 50. Act Amendment 34 Public Bodies' Bowers. 35 .. Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Act 1885 Amendment Expired. 36 Public Works Acts Amend- .. 1889, No. 19. Vide ment 1882, No. 37; [Sec. 32 repealed.] 1884, No. 14 ; 1885, No. 42. 37 Government Bailways .. .. 1889, No. 19, ss. 22, 27, 28. 38 Midland Bailway Contract .. 1890, No. 29. Vide 1884, No. 15. 39 Australasian Naval Defence. 40 .. Property-tax .. 41 Public Bevenues (No. 3). 42 .. New Zealand Loan 43 .. Public Works Appropriation 44 Appropriation. [Sec. 11 only in force.] 45 Governor's Salary and Al- .. Vide 1873, No. 80. lowances Act Amendment Spent. 1888, No. 1. Spent. LOCAL. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ACTS. 1 No. iv. Gisborne High School .. Vide 1885, Local, Act 1885 Amendment No. 8. v. New Plymouth Becreation and Racecourse Reserve. vi. New Plymouth Borough and Harbour Board Street and Beserve Exchange, vii. Napier Harbour "^Board .. 1889,Local,No. 11.Amendment and Endow- Vide 1874, No. 36. ment Improvement __ [Sees. 6 to 9,15, repealed.] 1 The public, local, and private Acts of thi: jame year. session are numbered continuously after the Acts of the previous session in the



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1887, 1888.

Year of Reign, and Number. Existing Law. Shi .rt Titles. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. 51° Vict. No. viii. Session I. Akaroa Borough Council Beserves Vesting and Administration. Hammond Fencing Claims Compensation. Christchurch Hospital. Christchurch Drainage Board Beserves Sale and Exchange. Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Oamaru Harbour Board Loan. Otago Harbour Board Act 1883 Amendment Invercargill Waterworks Beserve. Sounds County Hospital Bepresentation Wellington College and Girls' High School. Wairarapa North County Council Empowering. Gisborne Harbour Act 1884 Amendment [Sees. 4, 5, partly repealed.] , 1887 — continued. ix. x. xi. xii. Vide 1875, No. 26 ; 1886, Local, No. 16. xiii. xiv. Vide 1883, Local, No. 22. XV. xvi. Vide 1885, No. 46. xvii. xviii. i 1888, Local, No. 8; 1890, Local, No. 22. Vide 1884, Local, No. 4. xix. XX. Tamaki West Licensing District. Pukekohe Borough. xxi. 'ATE ACTS. 1 PRIVATE. No. 2 PRI\ Phoenix Assurance Company of London. Church Property Trust (Canterbury). Wesleyan Methodist Church Property Trust. 3 4 IN II., 1888. 1ENERAL ACTS. New Zealand Loan Act 1887 Repeal _°&52°VlCT. Sessk PUBLIC C No. 1 .. Spent. 2 New Zealand Loan [See. 15 and sched. only in force.] Loan inscribed. 3 4 Demise of the Crown. Penalties Beoovery and Bemission. Naval and Military Forces Discipline. 5 Imprest Supply Vide 1872,' No. 22. 6 7 Tramways Act 1872 Amendment Customs and Excise Duties. [See. 4, part s. 12, expired.] Spent. 8 Imprest Supply (No. 2) Spent. 9 10 Begulation of Local Elections Act Amendment "Counties Act Amendment. "Westland and Grey Education Boards. Volunteer Drill-sheds and Lands Public Beserves Sale. Interpretation. New Zealand State Forests Act Amendment Land Acts Amendment .. Vide 1876,' No. 26. 11 12 1890, No. 16. 13 14 15 16 Vide 1885, No. 30. 17 Vide 1885, No. 56 ; 1887, No. 32. 18 19 20 21 Post Office (Foreign Parcels). Administration Act 1879 Amendment [Part s. 18 repealed.] Coroners Act Amendment Justices of the Peac. Act Amendment [Sec. 10 repealed.] District Courts Acts Amendment 1890, No. 27. Vide 1879, No. 49. Vide 1867, No. 16. 1890, No. 31. Vide 1882, No. 15. 22 Vide 1858, No. 30. i Vide note on previous page.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1888.

Year of Reign, and I Number. Existing Law. Short Titles. Repealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts. Original Repealing Act, - il° & 52° VlOT. No. 23 24 Session II Local Courts Proceedings. Eiver Boards Act Amendment Slaughterhouses Act 1877 Amendment , 1888— continued. 25 Vide 1884, No. 49 ; 1885, No. 28. Vide 1877, No. 14. 2G 27 Fencing Act 1881 Amendment Customs Duties Consolidation Act 1882 Amendment Tobacco Act Amendment Government Life Insurance Eating Acts Amendment.. Sheep Act Amendment We 1881," No. 28. 1890, No. 19. 28 Vide 1882, No. 56. 29 30 Vide 1879, No. 16. Vide 1886, No. 85. .31 Vide 1876, No. 49 ; 1882, No. 40. 32 33 Local Bodies' Audit. Mining Act 1886 Amendment Chinese Immigrants Act Amendment [Sec. 12 repealed.] Crown and Native Lands Bating Acts Repeal. Native Land. Native Land Court Act 1886 Amendment [Sec. 20, part ss.6,2(3,repealed; s. 27 expired.] Vide 1886, No. 51. 34 1889, No. 18. Vide 1881, No. 47. 35 3G 37 1889, No. 32; 1890, No. 32. Vide 1886, No. 24. 38 Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act 1881 Amendment [Part ss. 3, i, repealed.] Maori Real Estate Management. Land Transfer Act Amendment Road Boards Act 1882 Amendment 1889, No. 31. Vide 1881, No. 17. 39 40 Vide 1885, No. 57. 41 Vide 1882, No. 43. 42 43 44 Appropriation. [Sec. 10 only in force.] Property-Tax Public Works Appropriation Spent. Spent. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL ANr Auckland Harbour Improvement. Auckland Hospital Reserves Act Amendment Whangarei Drill-shed. Puhoi Settlers. Ngaruawahia Cemetery Reserve Leasing. Waikato Agricultural College Model Farm. Mokau-Mohakatino. Gisborne Harbour Act 1884 Amendment [Sec. 5 and part s. G repealed; also sr. 8,9, partly repealed,] i PERSONAL ACTS. Vide 1883, Looal, No. 11. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 1889, Local, No. 10 ; 1890, Local, No. 22. Vide 1884, Local, No. 4 ; 1887, Local, No. 19. vii. viii. ix. Wellington Asylum, Home, Hospital, and Orphanage Reserves. Wellington Corporation and College Land Exchange. Thorndon Reclamation Act 1882 Amendment Nelson Hospital Reserves. Order in Council Validation. Christchurch Rifle-range. Opawa Education Reserve. Kaiapoi Drill-shed. Mount Somers Road Board Empowering. Ellesmere Lake Lainls. Timaru Harbour Board Loan Act 1885 Amendment Oamaru Municipal and Education Reserves Exchange. x. Tide 1882, Local, No. 14. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. 1890, Local, No. 12. Vide 1885, Local, No. 14. XX.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1888, 1889.

Year of Roifcn, and I — Nuinber. Short Titles. Existing Laiv. Eepealed or Obsolete Law. Amending Acts, Original Repealing Act. ! ,l°&52°yioT. | Session II. No. xxi. : Ofcago Harbour Board Indemnity and Lands Vesting. xxii. Clyde Domain and Re-creation-ground Grant, xxiii. Invercargill Corporation Empowering. xxiv. Mackenzie Land. xxv. Ross Compensation, xxvi. Native Contracts and Promises. xxvii. Middle Island Half-caste Grants , 1888 — continued. Vide 1877, Local, No. 84; 1883, No. 22. xxviii. Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land. 53° Viot. Sessic PUBLIC No. 1 2 ; Registration of Births Extension in III., 1889. 3ENEBAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 2) i i I I Vide 1875, No. 23. Spent. Spent. 4 5 Town Districts Act Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 3) Vide 1881, No. 35. Spent. 6 Representation Act Amendment | Marriage Act Amendment 8 "Otago Marriages. 9 Post Office 10 Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment 11 Mercantile Law Act Amendment 12 Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks 13 ' Chattels Transfer. 14 Fire and Marine Insurance Companies. 15 Savings Bank Act 1858 Amendment 16 i Criminal Evidence. 17 Offences against the Person. 18 Chinese Immigrants Act Amendment and Continuance 19 Public Works Acts Amendment [Sec. 13 repealed.] 20 Requisitions Validation .. 21 Triennial Licensing Committees 22 Licensing Act 1881 Amendment 23 Animals Protection Act Amendment 24 Public Reserves Act Amendment 25 Government Loans to Local Bodies Act Amendment Educational Endowments. Selectors' Lands Revaluation. 28 Naval and Military Settlers' and Volunteers' Land. 29 Land Transfer Act 1885 Amendment Vide 1887, No. 7. ! Vide 1880, No. 21. I I ! Vide 1881, No. 7. Vide 1877, No. 54. Vide 1880, No. 12. Vide Gazette, 1890, p. 566. Vide 1858, No. 52. | Vide 1888, No. 84. 1890, No. 17. s | Vide 1885, No. 46. j Vide 1881, No. 21. Vide 1881, No. 21. Vide 1880, No. 18. Vide 1881, No. 15. Vide 1886, No. 48. Expired. I I Vide 1885, No. 57. Vide 1885, No. 57. 30 West Coast Settlement Reserves Acts Amendment Act 1887 Suspension Ifa/ln 1 QQQ V^ 9Q 31. Native Lands Frauds Prevention Acts Amendment 32 Native Land Court Acts Amendment [Part S3. 21, 22,28, repealed.] 33 North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan ApplicaVide 1888, No. 38. Vide 1888, No. 38. 1890. No. 32. Vide 1890, No. 32. Vide 1886, No. 24. " ioyu, i\v. o&. i vac 1880, No. 24. 1OOU, rNU. .4*1. TwVZe 1886, No. 42. Vide 1886,'No. 42.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1889, 1890.

ear of R&ign, and Number. Short Titles. Amending ActR. Original .Repealing Ac I Existing Law. Repealed or Obsolete Law. I 53° Vict. No. 34 35 36 Session III .., 1889— continued. Property-tax .. Public Works Appropriation Appropriation .. Expired. Expired. Expired. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AN] Waipa Order in Council Validation. New Plymouth High School. Hawera Borough Endowment. Orimakatea Title Empowering. Certificates of Title Issue Empowering. Ngarara and Waipiro Further Investigation. Poututu Jurisdiction. Wi Pere Land. Karamu Reserve. Gisborno Harbour Act 1884 Amendment [See. 6 and part s. 3 repealed.] Napier Harbour Board Amendment and Further Empowering Napier High School Board Leases Validation. Masterfcon Trust Lands. Wellington City Empowering. Waitohi River-bed. Nelson Foreshore Reserve. Waimea River-works. Borough of Brunner Enabling. Kumara Sludge-channel .. Canterbury Society of Arts Reserve. Timaru High School Act 1878 Further Amendment Timaru Harbour Board Land. Geraldine Racecourse Reserve Act 1881 Amendment Geraldine Public School Site. Waimate Public Reserve Sale. Waimate Public Library. ) PEBSONAL ACTS. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 1890, Local, No. 22. Vide 1884, Local, No. 4. Vide 1887, Local, No. 7. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. XV. xvi. xvii. xviii. i xix. XX. 1890, No. 34. xxi. Vide 1882, Local, No. 19. xxii. xxiii. Vide 1881, Local, No. 19. xxiv. xxv. New Zealand and Smith Seas Exhibition (Dunedin) Publicstreet Closing and Licensing xxvi. xxvii. Spent. xxviii. xxix. Queenstown Athenaeum. Riverton Corporation Empowering. PRIVATE. No. 1 PEP Bank of New Zealand Act 1861 Amendment Church Property Trusts (Canterbury) Act 1879 Amendment Wellington and Manawatu Eailway Company's Drainage Empowering. Napier Odd Fellows' Lodge Site. ?ATE ACTS. Vide 1861, Private, No. 1. Vide 1879, Private, No. 4. 2 3 4 in IV., 1890. 3ENEBAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Imprest Supply (No. 2) Imprest Supply (No. 3j 54° Viot. Sessic PUBLIC I No. 1 2 3 4 ■ ■ Spent. Spent. Spent. Dog Registration Act Amendment Vide 1880, No. 24. 5 (i Representation Act Amendment .. Vide 1877," No. 22. Spent. Educational Reserves Leasing Education Reserves Act 7 Vide 1877, No. 22.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1890.

'ear of Keigw, and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, &o. Original Bepealing Act, Existing Law. Eepealed or Obsolete Law. 54° Vict. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Session IV. Naval Reserves Vesting. *Todman Land-grant. Arbitration. Mercantile Agents. Electoral Acts Amendment Census Act Amendment .. Companies Act Amendment Shipping and Seamen's Act Amendment Volunteer Drill-sheds and Lands Trustees Validation Eabbit Nuisance , 1890— continued. Vide 1881, No. 12. Vide 1877, No. 9. Vide 1882, No. 35. 15 Vide 1877, No. 54. 16 Vide 1888, No. 13. 17 Vide 1882, No. 66 ; 1886, No. 46. 18 19 20 Cattle. Sheep. Government Life Insurance Acts Amendment Children's Protection. Mining Companies Act Amendment Coal - mines Act Amendment Police Offences Act Amendment Post and Telegraph Classification and Regulation. School Committees Election Administration Acts Amendment Railways Construction and Land Midland Railway Contract Westport-Ngakawau Railway Extension. Oaths. Native Land Laws Amendment Fide 1874, No. 62 ; 1886, No. 35. 21 22 Vide 1886, No. 19. 23 Vide 1886, No. 31. 24 .. Vide 1884, No. 24. 25 26 TOe 1877, No. 21. 27 28 Vide 1885, No. 62 ; 1888, No. 19. Vide 1881, No. 37. 29 30 Vide 1887, No. 38. 31 32 Vide 1886, No. 24, s. 59 ; 1888, No. 37, s. 6; 1889, No. 32. Vide 1880, No. 50. 33 Native Schools Sites Act Extension *Kumara Sludge - channel Act 1889 Amendment Gold Duty Abolition and Mining Property Rating. Public Revenues Acts Amendment Property-tax. '34 Vide 1889, Local, No. 19. 35 36 Vide 1882, No. 71; 1886, No. 39. 37 38 39 Public Works Appropriation. Primage Duty Expired. 40 Appropriation. PEBSONAL ACTS. LOCAL. No. i. LOCAL AND Auckland Hospital Reserves. Omaka Recreation Reserve Sale. ii. iii. Otago School Commissioners Empowering. Patea Harbour Board iv. Vide 1878, Local, No. 37. v. Wellington School of Design and Exchange. Borough of Devonport Empowering and Endowment. Kihikihi Cemetery Reserve Leasing. Timaru Charitable Aid Institution Vesting. Waiapu County. Auckland Harbour Board Empowering. Tuakitoto and Kaitangata Lakes. Timaru Harbour Board Empowering vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Vide 1881, Local, No. 13; 1885, Local, No. 14.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1890.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,700 copies), 482.]

By Authority: Geobge Didsedbt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9o

Short Titles. of Eeign, and Number. Amending Acts, &c. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Kepealed or Obsolete Law. 54° Vict. No. xiii. Session IV, Palmerston North Reserves ,, 1890— continued. Gimmerburn Forest Reserve. Hokitika High School Act 1883 Amendment Stratford County. Epsom and Mount Eden Reserve. Kaimarama Land. Horomona Paatu Landgrant. Valpy Crown Grant Boundary Definition. Thames Harbour Board. Gisborne Harbour Act 1884 Amendment Vide 1877, Local, No. 54. xiv. XV. xvi. xvii. Vide 1883, Local, No. 7. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. xxii. Vide 1887, Local, No. 19; 1888, Local, No. 8; 1889, Local, No. 10. PRIVATE. No. 1 PBI\ Roman Catholic Lands I Act Extension Church Property Trustees (Canterbury) Indemnity 'ATE ACTS. 2 Vide 1876, No. 38; 1875, No. 83. Vide 1879, Private, No. 4.

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Bibliographic details

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1890., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, A-06

Word Count

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1890. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, A-06

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1890. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1890 Session I, A-06

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