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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

[L.R. moans Letters of Registration.] 2720. 4th January. John Hakke, of Normanby, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Schoolmaster. —An invention for blotting and copying letters or writings, called " The Universal Copying- and Blotting-book." Not proceeded with. 2721. 4th January. Charles E. Teipler, of New York, United States of America, Gentleman.— An invention for improvements in amalgamating and separating precious metals from powdered ore or earth. 2722. 4th January. George James Atkins, of Tottenham, Middlesex, England, Electrician.—An invention for new or improved means and apparatus for the separation of gold and other minerals from their ores. 2723. 4th January. Bobert Hanna, of South Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.— An invention for an improved portable vapour-stove and an oven for use therewith. 2724. 4th January. John William Bock, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer, and Bobert Dudley Adams, of the same place, Merchant.—An invention for an improved electrical battery. Not proceeded with. 2725. 4th January. The United States Electric Company, of Denver, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, in the United States of America.—An invention for improvements in electric railways. 2726. 6th January. James Hopkins Stevens, of Feilding, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Postmaster. —An invention for improvement in buggy harness, to be called " The Single-strap Safety Breecbing." Not proceeded with. 2727. 6th January. Edward Waters, of No. 75, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for an improved momentum governor for marine screw-engines. (A. B. Mackenzie.) 2728. 4th January. John Bunciman, of Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand.—An invention for harvesting fruit. 2729. 4th January. Allan John Traoey, of Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for letters or figures with a crimped, embossed, or corrugated surface. Not proceeded with. 2730. 7th January. John Godfried Dudeck, of Otakiho, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Bushman. —An invention for an improved safety attachment for stirrups, and which is applicable to some other purposes. Not proceeded with. 2731. sth January. Samuel White, of Point Chevalier, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for making manure from nightsoil, to be called " Native Guano." Not proceeded with. 2732. sth January. John Crook, of Ponsonby, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the indication of the pressure of gas, to be called " Crook's Patent Electric Gas-pressure Indicator." Not proceeded with. 2733. 7th January. Job Osborne, of Doyleston, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a double-action well-driver. 2734. 9th January. James Watkin Kinnibuegh, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for preventing the fall of sashes, doors, lifts, &c, in event of a break in the rope, cable, &c, by which they are sustained. Not proceeded with. 2735. 9th January. Alexander Monro, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Sheep Inspector.—An invention for an improvement in the shaft-attachment of a two-wheeled vehicle, so as to counteract the horse movement4>y a hinge-and-spring connection, to be called "The Excelsior Shaftattachment." 2736. 6th January. George James Addison Btchardson, of Waipapa, Fortrose, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a magnetite and gold-separator. Not proceeded with. I—H. 1.



2737. 6th January. George James Addison Bichardson, of Waipapa, Fortrose, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a rotary gold-amalgamator. Not proceeded with. 2738. 10th January. Herbert Townsend, of Wanganui, New Zealand, Tinsmith and Plumber.— An invention for an improvement in the construction of water-tanks, to be called " Townsend's Filtering and Automatic Cleansing Water-tank." Not proceeded with. 2739. llth January. Edwin Arnold, of Wellington, New Zealand, Basket-manufacturer. —An invention for an improvement in basket-handles, to be called " Arnold's Endless Baskethandle." 2740. 10th January. Francis Gread, of Little Biver, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for aif improved method of threshing cocksfoot or other grass, styled " Gread's Hand-power Cocksfoot-threshing Machine." Not proceeded with. 2741. 13th January. Louis Abraham Beode, of Stuart Street, Shawlands, in the County of Benfrew, North Britain, Enameller.—An invention for improvements in preparing briquettes of ironstone waste or dust or similar ferruginous materials for smelting. 2742. 13th January. Desmond Gerald FitzGeeald, of 6, Akerman Boad, Brixton, in the County of Surrey, England, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in the production of coherent masses of peroxide of lead for use as voltaic battery elements, and for use in electrolytical and metallurgical operations. 2743. 13th January. Claude Theodore James Vautin, of London, England, Metallurgical Chemist. —An invention for improved apparatus for the extraction of gold from crushed or other finely-divided auriferous material. 2744. 13th January. Claude Theodore James Vautin, of London, England, Metallurgical Chemist. —An invention for improved apparatus for the separation of solutions of metallic salts from pulverised material mixed therewith. 2745. 10th January. Thomas Graven, of Te Aroha, in the Provincial District of Aucklaud, New Zealand. —An invention for an improvement in fire-bars, styled " Craven's Improved Fluted Steam-boiler Fire-bars." Not proceeded with. 2746. llth January. Thomas Meredith Smith, of Stratford, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for straining wire in wire-fences and knotting and repairing same when broken, to be known as " Smith's Self-knotting Wire-strainer." Not proceeded with. 2747. 14th January. James Davies, of Wednesbury, in the County of Stafford, England, Mechanical Engineer and Ironfounder. —An invention for improvements in meters for measuring water and gas, which are also applicable to pumps, blowers, exhausters, and engines. 2748. 14th January. Alexander Schanschiefp, of Gipsy Hill, in the County of Surrey, England, Electrician. —An invention for improvements in galvanic batteries and in materials to be used therein. 2749. 13th January. John Edward Hurdley, of Heathcote Valley, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Signalman. —An invention for a method of locking levers and locking and unlocking signals in a system of railway signalling whereby collisions of trains through carelessness or mistakes of signalmen are prevented, to be called " Hurdley's Blockinstruments and Signal Lever-locking Apparatus combined, for working Trains on Single or Double Lines of Bailways." 2750. 17th January. Joshua Cuff, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Barrister..—An invention for milling gold-bearing quartz so that no quicksilver need be used in saving the gold, also for doing away with berdans or other unnecessary processes in saving gold, to be called "J. Cuff's Flour-of-quartz Mill and Gold-saving Apparatus." Not proceeded with. 2751. 18th January. Alexander Christian Macdonald, of Turakina, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for straining and fastening wire for fencing purposes. Not proceeded with. 2752. 17th January. Daniel Alabaster, of Wellington, New Zealand, Sailmaker.—An invention for a spring and rubber drop fire-escape. Not proceeded with. 2753. 19th January. Jaketh Eddy Wearne, of Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand, Mine-manager, New Zealand Antimony Works. —An invention for ore-dressing, to be known as " Wearne's Patent Ore-dressing Jig." Not proceeded with. 2754. 18th January. John Marriott, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Gas Engineer, and Edward Smethurst, of Kaiapoi, in the said district, Contractor. —An invention for a compound to be called "The Durable Bail way-sleeper Compound." Not proceeded with. 2755. 20th January. Timothy Vincent Biordan, of 441, Strand, London, England, Engineer.— An invention for improvements in an improved method of and apparatus for supplying salt to cattle, horses, and other animals. 2756. 16th January. Edwin Wise Hollis, of the Thames, New Zealand, Architect and County Clerk and Treasurer, and John Gibbons, of the same place, Engineer.—An invention for capturing rabbits, hares, and other animals, to be called " Hollis and Gibbons's Automatic Babbit-catcher." Not proceeded with. 2757. 17th January. Bobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Implement-maker.—An invention for adjustable double-action lever-frames for disc-harrows. Not proceeded with. 2758. 24th January. Alfreß Don, of No. 21, Cooper Street, Bedfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for an improved apparatus for the prevention and consumption of smoke and more complete combustion of fuel in steam-boiler and other furnaces. 2759. 24th January. Joshua Cuff, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Barrister. —An invention for a scheme or application of a principle for pumping



mines free from water-drainage by means of a water-wheel or lift at the bottom of the shaft of the mine connected with driving-gear on the surface of the ground, to be called "J. Cuff's Patent Method of draining Mines by means of a Water-wheel or Lift." Not proceeded with. 2760. 19th January. Daniel Brisbane, of Coupland Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for washing and wringing, to be called " The IXL Washing-and Wringinginachine." Not proceeded with. 2761. 19th January. William Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Draper.—An invention to be called " W. Vaile's Patent Self-acting Draught- and Water-stopper." 2762. 21st January. George James Addison Bichardson, of Waipapapa, Fortrose, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for a direct-bearing castor. Not proceeded with. 2763. 27th January. Walter Swinburne, of Hawera, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand.—An invention for a covering for the feet on hygienic principles—viz., boots and shoes made of horsehair. Not proceeded with. • 2764. 27th January. Joseph Hurley, of Constable Street, Newtown, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for and improvements in machinery for mechanically, and at one operation, more perfectly scraping and cleaning the Pliormium tenax and other similar vegetable fibrous plants. 2765. 27th January. William Orr, Merchant, and Peter Stuart Brown, Manufacturer, both of 45, West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland.—An invention for improvements in sheet-metal structures, in sheets employed in such structures, and in means for securing or fastening them together. 2766. 27th January. Thomas Freeman Nott Finch, of Sidbury Works, Worcester, in the County of Worcester, England, Button-manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in the construction of the axles and axle-boxes for the wheels of common road carriages, and in the method of and means and appliances for lubricating the same. 2767. 27th January. Edward Harwood Lascelles, of Geelong, in the Colony of Victoria.—An invention for an improved combined scarifier and grain-sower for sowing the seeds used in the destruction of rabbits. 2768. 27th January. George Lansell, of Fortuna Crushing-Works, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Quartz-miner. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for equalising the strain on winding-gears such as are used in mining-shafts and warehouse lifts. 2769. 27th January. George Lansell, of Fortuna Villa, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Quartz-miner. —An invention for an improvement in the arrangement of boiler-flues. Not proceeded with. 2770. 28th January. John Beck, of Wellington, New Zealand, Timber Merchant, and Walter Cole, of the same place, Architect.—An invention to be called " Beck and Cole's Patent Food-package," being an improved process of enamelling wood, iron, or other material with a comparatively impervious coating. Not proceeded with. 2771. 30th January. Bobert Orr, of the Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, Solicitor's Clerk.—An invention for improvements in glazing structures of all kinds for horticultural and other purposes. Not proceeded with. 2772. 30th January. Ignatius Singer, of Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Chemist, and Moeitz Wolff Judell, also of Adelaide aforesaid, Importer.—An invention for an improved process and apparatus to be called "The Acme Wool-cleaner," for cleansing wool and other textile products, applicable also to the extraction and recovery of oils and fats. 2773. Ist February. Alfred Bullock, of Molesworth Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Bookseller and Stationer.—An invention for a safety gas-economiser and hydrocarboniser. Not proceeded with. 2774. Ist February. Paul Fritzschner, of Masterton, New Zealand.—An invention for curing the disease of young sheep, called " Antibrebivormex," to cure worms of all descriptions, such as tape- and lung-worms. 2775. Ist February. John Stewart Mac Arthur, of 15, Princes Street, Pollockshields, in the County of Benfrew, North Britain, Technical Chemist, and Bobert Wardrop Forrest, M.D., and William Forrest, M.8., both of 319, Crown Street, Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain.—An invention for improvements in obtaining gold and silver from ores and other compounds. 2776. Ist February. Eugene Levavasseur and Henry Witzenmann, both of Paris, France, Manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of metallic tubing. 2777. 27th January. Bobert Cockerell, of Yarrow Street, Invercargill, New Zealand, Implementmaker. —An invention for obtaining gold, to be known as " B. Cockerell's Patent Botary Cylinder, or Cylinders." Not proceeded with. 2778. 3rd February. Theophilus Le Menant dcs Chesnais, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Boman Catholic Priest.—An invention for an improved instrument for copying written matter of any description, diagrams, drawings, plans, maps, music, &c, to be called " The Finograph." Not proceeded with. 2779. 6th February. William Thomas Nuttall, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Plumber.—An invention for an improved apparatus for killing or facilitating the capture of rabbits, rats, and other vermin. 2780. 6th February. John Duffill, of Hawera, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker. —-"An invention for an improved method or process of packing butter, to be called " Duffill's Wellington Butter-package." Not proceeded with. 2781. 4th February. William Henry James Basell, of Caversham, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Wheelwright.—An invention for a combined duplex harrow, roller, and




2782. 6th February. Gustaf Dillberg and Andrew Curtin Giddings, of the City of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved cuff-holder. Not proceeded with. 2783. 9th February. Josiah Mann, of Wellington, Bricklayer.—An invention for an improved chimney-pot, to be called " Mann's Patent Chimney-pot A," the invention being also applicable to ventilators. Not proceeded with. 2784. Bth February. Balph Sneyd Smith, of Leinster Boad, St. Albans, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic. —An invention for transmitting a telephonic message to a longer distance than has up to the present time been possible, to be called " Sneyd Smith's Telephone Belay." Not proceeded with. 2785. 9th February. Henry Charles Young, 61 Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent.— An invention for improvements in self-feeding brands. Not proceeded with. 2786. Bth February. Thomas Haycock, of Bichmond, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Soap-boiler. —An invention for a foot- or pipe-protector for pipe-driven wells, to be called " Haycock's Abyssinian Well-pipe Protector." Not proceeded with. 2787. 10th February. Walter Walker, of 5, Exchange Station, Liverpool, England, Engineer.— An invention for an improved method of automatic electric signalling for railways and apparatus therefor. 2788. 10th February. John Henry Bichardson Dinsmore, of the City of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture of illuminating gas and apparatus therefor. 2789. 10th February. Joseph Enoch Wren, of No. 15, Bond Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of illuminating gas for domestic and other purposes. 2790. 10th February. Stephen Mannington Caffyn, of Black Street, Middle Brighton, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Surgeon. —An invention for an improved liquid extract-of-meat compound. 2791. 10th February. Bobert Stanley, of Marrickville, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Gentleman, and Horatio Wragge and Noel Brodhurst Hill, both of 19, Hunter Street, Sydney aforesaid, Importers. —An invention for an improved compound specially suitable as a substitute for chicory. 2792. llth February. William Snowball, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved apparatus for reducing the temperature of meat or other articles, and for regulating the temperature of the same. Not proceeded with. 2793. llth February. William Snowball, of Sydney, New South Wales.—An invention for an improved apparatus for obtaining anhydrous ammonia from aqueous ammonia. Not proceeded with. 2794. Bth February. John Daniel Arnaboldi, of Cambridge East, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for use in connection with wire-fencing, to be called " Cambridge Wire-strainer." Not proceeded with. 2795. Bth February. Andrew McShain, of Saddle Hill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved combination dredge for gold-mining and other minerals. Not proceeded with. 2796. Bth February. John Inglis Wright, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Stationer.—An invention for the protection of bank-notes from forgery. Not proceeded with. 2797. 9th February. Peter Beid, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for a raft, to be called " Beid's Patent Safety Baft." 2798. 13th February. Frederick Flavall, of Halcombe, in the County of Manawatu, Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the more effectual cleaning of grain and seeds. 2799. 13th February. David Brown Hutton, of 5, Gipsy Lane, Upton Park, in the County of Essex, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in and connected with the stuffing-boxes of steam, gas, air, or other engines and machines using the same. Not proceeded with. 2800. llth February. Joseph Adolph Schlaadt and Henry Schlaadt, of Great King Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, trading under the style of " Schlaadt Brothers," as Engineers.— An invention for blind-cords, straps, ropes, chains, and tapes, to be called " Schlaadt's Improved Boiler Check-action." Not proceeded with. 2801. llth February. Joseph Adolph Schlaadt and Henry Schlaadt, of Great King Street, Dunedin, New Zealand, trading under the style of " Schlaadt Brothers," as Engineers.—An invention for blind-cords, straps, ropes, chains, and tapes, to be called " Schlaadt's Improved Excentric or Tumbler Check-action." Not proceeded with. 2802. 15th February. William Hastie, of Milbourne, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Station-manager, and John Tindall, of Kaikoura, in the said district, Cattlespayer. —An invention for destroying lung-worm in sheep, and to be called " Hastie and Tindall's Patent for destroying Lung-worm in Sheep by Fumigation." 2803. 15th February. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention for dissolving the gum of the Phormium tenax, and enabling all the fibre to be extracted, to be called "The Boiling Process." 2804. 15th February. John Law Kirkbride, of Marton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Newspaper Proprietor.—An invention for an improvement in furniture casters, to be called " Kirkbride's Patent Furniture Caster." Not proceeded with. 2805. llth February. Pierre Finch Martineau Burrows, of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect and Surveyor.—An invention to be called "The Improved Novelty-Folding and Adjusting Ladder," adapted to all the purposes to which step and other ladders are applied,


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2806. 16th February. Balph Sneyd Smith, of Leinste.r Boad, St. Albans, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic.—An invention for improvements in connecting telephone relays, to be called " Sneyd Smith's Telephone Belay Connections." Not proceeded with. 2807. 17th February. George Abraham Goodwin and William Field How, both of Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, England, Engineers.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of lock-nuts. 2808. 13th February. Thomas Bell, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for kerosene soap-powder. Not proceeded with. 2809. 15th February. Walter Booth, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention' for a high-pressure dripstone filter. 2810. 20fch February. Henry Aitken, of Falkirk, in the County of Stirling, North Britain, Mining Engineer.—An invention for improvements in preserving timber, and in rendering pipes a/id pipe-joints, walls, and the like impervious to liquids, damp, or acid, and in apparatus to be used therefor, which apparatus may also be applied for the coating of metallic surfaces with tar or compounds of tar and other substances. 2811. 20th February. William Craig, of 222, Crown Street, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Miner, and William Burns, of Auburn, near Sydney, aforesaid, Shipwright.—An invention for improvements in decoy-traps for rabbits and similar animals. 2812. 13th February. Edward Beauchamp Singleton Mercer, of Brighton Boad, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Photographic Artist. —An invention for the use of wooden mounts for photographs, pictures, or ferns, &c, in lieu of cardboard as at present used, to bo called " The Patent Bakau Mounts." 2813. 20th February. Percival Everitt, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in completing electric circuits, and in apparatus embodying such improvements. 2814. 20th February. Percival Everitt, of London, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in or applicable to apparatus for indicating the force of a blow. 2815. 20th February. Percival Everitt, of London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machines for testing muscular power. 2816. 20th February. Sir Henry St. John Halford, Baronet, C.8., of Wistow, England, Colonel, and William Ellis Metford, of Eedlaud, Bristol, England aforesaid, Civil Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture of projectiles for firearms. 2817. 20th February. William Webster, Junior, of 50, Lee Park, in the County of Kent, England, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of sewage and other impure liquids and water for the purification thereof, and for obtaining products therefrom, and in apparatus for these purposes. 2818. 20th February. Edward Waters, of Molesworth Chambers, 75, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in autographic telegraphs. (The Writing Telegraph Company.) 2819. 20th February. Samuel Phillips, Photographer, and Adam Stephan, Lithographic Printer, both of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales. —An invention for improvements in photo-lithography, photo-engraving, and other photo-illustrative processes. 2820. 17th February. William Henry James Basell, of Caversham, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Wheelwright. —An invention for an improved adjustable seed-sower and -coverer. Not proceeded with. 2821. 20th February. Mark Saunders, of Pleasant Point, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for separating grass seed from the hay and refuse, to be called " The Combined Grass-seed Stripper and Dresser." 2822. 21st February. Christian Meyer, of Marton, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved washing and scouring compound. 2823. 22nd February. Edward Purser, of Blenheim, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand.—An invention for the protection of lifeboats at sea. Not proceeded with. 2824. 22nd February. Thomas Mason Chambers, of Tauroa, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Sheepfarmer, and Frederick Cook, of Hastings, in the said district, Builder.—An invention for an improved woolpress. 2825. Bth February. John Inglis Wright, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Stationer. —An invention for the protection of cheques, receipt-forms, and forms of a similar nature from forgery. Not proceeded with. 2826. 23rd February. William Harper, of No. 37, Flinders Lane West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of telegraph poles, columns, pillars, flagstaff's, signal-posts for railways, fence-posts, and other posts, rolls, or rollers for various purposes, pipes or tubes for containing telegraph-wires, railway-sleepers, pillar letter-boxes, urinals, chimneypieces, slabs for use in the construction of urinals and chimneypieces, and for pavements and stair-treads, and for other uses; tiles and slabs for roofing sewer grids or gratings and other gratings, cellarplates, wheels, pulleys, sheaves for pulley-blocks, dead-eyes, buckets, coal-boxes, and^ cocks or taps. (D. Wilson.) 2827. 24th February. Charles James Pownall, of the City of Wellington, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention to be called " Pownall's Patent Babbit Paddock Trap." Not proceeded with. 2828. 21st February. George Treacy Stevens, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Surveyor.—An invention for fastening boots, shoes, &c, to be called "The Stevens Patent Lacer."



2829. 25th February. John Balph Bees, of Greymouth, New Zealand.—An invention for working auriferous beaches, lagoons, and rivers, by means of a machine or apparatus to be called "The Economical Separator." Not proceeded with. 2830. 27th February. Charles Julius Ball, of 37, Lombard Street, London, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or connected with dredgers. 2831. 27th February. Walter Davey, of Wellington, New Zealand, Salesman and Commission Agent.—An invention for improvements in portable washing-machines. Not proceeded with. 2832. 27th February. Walter Woodhams Whiteman, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for the blacking and polishing of boots and shoes, to be called "The Electric Boot-blacking and -polishing Machine." 2833. 28th February. John Smith, of Marton, Bangitikei, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in waterproof coverings. Not proceeded with. 2834. 23rd February. Edwin Latimer Clark, of Auckland, New Zealand, Brickmaker. —An invention for killing rabbits by electricity, and protecting larger animals by the same invention, to be called " Clark's^Babbit-exterminator." 2835. 24th February. John Bippon Vaile, jun., of Auckland, New Zealand, Land Surveyor.—An invention to be called " The Patent Skeleton Saucepan." Not proceeded with. 2836. 27th February. Andrew John Park, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Law Clerk.—An invention for obviating the choking of the suction-pipe of hydraulic dredgers, and regulating the supply of water thereto. Not proceeded with. 2837. Ist March. Alfbed Harold Ayers, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Commission Merchant.—An invention, for au improved panorama, or improved means for displaying a series of scenes. Not proceeded-with. 2838. Ist March. Herbert Park, of Dunedin, in. the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in sluice-boxes for saving gold. Not proceeded with. 2839. Ist March. Giuseppe Bernasconi, of Wellington, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.—An invention for an improved telescopic ladder. 2840. 28th February. Henry Fitzpatrick Betts, of Beef ton, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention to be called " Betts's Quartz-crushing and -pulverising and Gold-saving Machine." Not proceeded with. 2841. 3rd March. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention for dressing Phormium tenax, to be called " The Hamilton Simplex Flax-dressing Machine." 2842. 3rd March. Halvor Sigfrid Cederholm, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer. —An. invention for raising liquid or solid matters by means of hydraulic power, to be called " The Avalanche Hydraulic Miner." Not proceeded with. 2843. sth March. Edward Thomson, of 90, Webster Street, Ballarat, in the Colony of Victoria, Contractor.—An invention for improvements in clipping-machines, to be called " Thomson's Improved Acme Clipper." 2844. sth March. Edward Thomson, of 90, Webster Street, Ballarat, in the Colony of Victoria, Contractor.—An invention for an improved wiper for quartz-crushing, to be called "Thomson's Improved Interchangeable Wiper." 2845. 6th March. Edward Purser, of Blenheim, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand.—A invention for separating rain-water. Not proceeded with. 2846. 6th March. Bobert Donaldson, of Ballance Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Merchant, and David Ernest Carlyle Donaldson, of Ballance Street aforesaid, Clerk. —An invention for use in building walls, floors, and roofs of houses, stores, and other buildings, to be called " Donaldson's Patent Fireproof Building-slabs." Not proceeded with. 2847. 6th March. John Chambers, of Auckland, New Zealand, Merchant, and James Napier, of the same place, Metallurgical Chemist. — An invention for the separation of antimony, arsenic, gold, and silver from ores, regulus, and other compounds. Not proceeded with. 2848. 7th March. William John Blake, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for an improved filter, to be called " Blake's Patent Household Filter." Not proceeded with. 2849. 9th March. Andrew John Park, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Law Clerk. —An invention for joining pipes together so as to give a movement upward and downward and to the right or left. Not proceeded with. 2850. 9th March. Andrew John Park, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Law Clerk.—An invention for an improved means of obviating the choking of the suction-pipe of hydraulic dredgers, and regulating the supply of water thereto. Not proceeded with. 2851. 10th March. William Bareaclough, of Donnelly Street, Balmain, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Mathematical Instrument Maker.—An invention for improvements in machines for sheep-shearing and clipping horses. Not proceeded with. 2852. 10th March. William, Henry Edwaeds, of Wellington, New Zealand, Venetian-blind Maker.—An invention for guide pulley-frame for Venetian-blind cords. 2853. 7th March. Matthew Thomas Clayton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Surveyor to Lloyd's Begister and Examiner of Masters and Mates in Seamanship.—An invention for belts with paddles attached, for propelling all classes of ships, lighters, punts, and boats, to be called " The Dream Belt." Not proceeded with.



2854. 7th March. Matthew Thomas Clayton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Surveyor to Lloyd's Begister and Examiner of Masters and Mates in Seamanship. —An invention for canvas life-boat, to be called " Clayton's Life-boat." Withdrawn. 2855. Bth March. James Baied, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved piston-valve for steam or water motors or lift-and-force pumps, to be known as " Baird's Patent Piston-valve." 2856. Bth March. Thomas Harvey Copeman and James Clegg, both of Grey Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Perambulator Manufacturers. —An invention for improvements in perambulators, to be called " The Colonial Orne Perambulator." 2857. 10th March. Bobert Thompson, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Music-seller.—An hfvention for improvements in apparatus for holding and tuning the strings of pianos and other instruments of the like kind. Not proceeded with. 2858. 13th March. William Beeves, of Bangiora, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Coach-builder. —An invention for an improved form of spring for vehicles, to be called " Beeves's Durable Spring." Not proceeded with. 2859. 14th March. Herbert Townsend, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber and Tinsmith.—An invention for an improved filtering and automatic cleansing water-tank. 2860. 14th March. James Bruce, of Timaru, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Milling Engineer, and John Drysdale, of Timaru aforesaid, Engine-fitter. —An invention for an automatic pure-hot-air grain-drying and conditioning apparatus. 2861. 16th March. Thomas Edward MacGauran, of Barton Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Machinist. —An invention for improved gate-fittings, enabling drivers to open and close gates without leaving their seats. Not proceeded with. 2862. 16th March. Thomas Bassett, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Agricultural Machinery Importer.—An invention for an improved twine, especially adapted for reapers-and-binders, to be called " The Jay Twine." (C. H. McCormick.) 2863. 17th March. Bobeet Alcoen, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for an improved treadle motor, to be called " The Weaver Foot Motor." (F. M. Weaver.) Not proceeded with. 2864. 19th March. Henry Christian Lobnitz, of the Slip Dock, Benfrew, in the County of Benfrew, North Britain, Engineer and Shipbuilder.—An invention for improvements in breaking up, excavating, or removing rocks, boulders, stones, or earth, under water or on dry land, and in apparatus therefor. 2865. 19th March. William McKenzie, of Lygon Street, North Carlton, in the Colony of Victoria, Manager for the New Zealand Stone Company (Limited). —An invention for an improved automatic high-pressure water-filter, to be called " The Niagara Filter." Not proceeded with. 2866. 15th March. John Harward Hoopee, of Mount Albert, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, M.D.—An invention for the extraction of gold and silver from certain ores. Not proceeded with. 2867. 19th March. Bobert Southwell Lawrence, of 871, Preston Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in carburetors or apparatus for enriching or producing gas. 2868. 19th March. Homer Taylor Yaryan, of Toledo, Ohio, United States of America, Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in vacuum evaporating and distilling apparatus. 2869. 19th March. George Westinghouse, Junior, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in fluid pressure automatic brake mechanism. 2870. 19th March. Abraham Colley, of 88, Green Street, South Bichinond, in the Colony of Victoria, Armourer to the Government of the said Colony.—An invention for an improved cartridge-magazine for attachment to certain descriptions of rifle. 2871. 19th March. John Beown, of 42, Burnett Street, Bedfern, near Sydney, iii the Colony of New South Wales, Carriage-builder, and Thomas Hodges Jones, of Bussell Street, Burwood, near Sydney aforesaid, Writing Clerk, and Joseph Carter Oakman, of 17, O'Connell Street, Sydney aforesaid, Merchant.—An invention for an improved combined railway-buffer and automatic coupling, 2872. 20th March. John Edward Hayes, of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention for improvements in ball-valves, to be called " The Improved Noiseless Ball-valve." Not proceeded with. 2873. 19th March. Albert Henry Parsmore Noble, 137, Durham Street, Christchurch, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in galvanic batteries. Not proceeded with. 2874. 21st March. Joseph Askwith, of Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for an improved navigable balloon. 2875. 22nd March. Edward Waters, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.— An invention for improvements in gas- and pumping-engines. (W. E. Hale.) 2876. 22nd March. Heney Pridmore, of Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. —An invention for improvements in grain-binders. 2877. 23rd March. Joshua Cuff, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Barrister.—An invention for the application of a principle for a novel method of propelling ships by means of water-power, to be called " J. Cuff's Patent Water-power Shippropeller."



2878. 23rd March. John Godfried Dudeck, of Otakeho, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Bushman, and William Ernest Hughes, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved apparatus for straining wires and wire-fencing. Not proceeded with. 2879. 23rd March. Joseph Nichols, of Cheapside Wireworks, Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, England, Wire-worker. —An invention for improvements in nails and in the machinery for manufacturing the same. 2880. 24th March. James Cowell Cooper, of Wellington, New Zealand, Master Mariner.— An invention for raising stranded vessels, to be known as "Cooper's Patent." Not proceeded with. 2881. 21st March. Beginald Donkin, of Thames, in the Provincial District Of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for the improved application of electricity in the treatment ores of gold and silver, and of tailings containing quicksilver or amalgam. Not proceeded with. 2882. 21st March. John Gifford, of Epsom, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for an improved vessel or ship, to be called " Gifford's Combination Vessel or Ship." Not proceeded with. 2883. 20th March. William Archibald Murray, of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved fastening for bars, pipes, spars, rods, and wires, specially useful for shanks of coulters, wheel-fixing, and telegraph-poles cross-heads. Not proceeded with. 2884. 20th March. William Archibald Murray, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in gates. Not proceeded with. 2885. 20th March. Daniel Bernard Bate, of Parnell, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Practical Engineer and Millwright.—An invention to be called " The Eureka Bottle Machine." Not proceeded-with. 2886. 20th March. Bichard Thomas Webb, of Tainui Street, Greymouth, New Zealand, Sawmiller.—An invention for testing or prospecting auriferous deposits, to be called " Webb's Patent Prospecting Pump." 2887. 26th March. William Henry Thompson, Devonshire Square, Bishopsgate Street, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in mills for crushing, grinding, or pulverising and amalgamating or mixing various substances. 2888. 24th March. Albert Bergee, of Auckland, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for putting out the flame of candles, to be called "Berger's Automatic Candle-extinguisher." Not proceeded with. 2889. 28th March. Thomas William. Kirk, of Wellington, New Zealand, Gentleman. —-An invention for improvements in apparatus for manuring or watering plants and shrubs. Not proceeded with. 2890. 28th March. Heinrich Ghiegee, of Berlin, Prussia, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in oil-lamps with annular burners. 2891. 28th March. Andeew Byan, of St. Kilda, in the Colony of Victoria, Bomau Catholic Clergyman, and William Eddington Field, of St. Kilda aforesaid, Analyst.—An invention for an improved method of rendering fireproof all kinds of houses, buildings, and household furniture. Not proceeded with. 2892. 28th March. Alfred McMillan, of Little Lonsdale Street East, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved knife-cleaner. 2893. 29th March. George Brownlees the Younger, of Penola, in the Province of South Australia, Blacksmith; Thomas John Burt, of Casterton, in the Colony of Victoria, Licensed Victualler; and Bobert Charles Miller, of Casterton aforesaid, Chemist, Assignees of the said George Brownlees the Younger. —Au invention for an improved contrivance for coupling the shafts or poles to vehicles. 2894. 29th March. Edward Hammond, of Wellington, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and William Edward Bose Smith, of Wellington aforesaid, Machinist.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for tilting casks. 2895. 29th March. Walter Brown, of Farish Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for dressing and preparing the fibre of the Phormium tenax or New Zealand flax, and other fibrous plants. Not proceeded with. 2896. 28th March. Frederick Walter Pateeson, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Boatbuilder.—An invention for a clothes-rubber, to be known as " The Simplex Washing Eubber." Not proceeded with. 2897. 31st March. Thomas James Heskett, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer, and Henry Johnson, of Wellington aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention to be called "Heskett and Johnson's Patent Steel-melting Furnace." 2898. 3rd April. William Burnley Bust, of Opoho, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in the manufacturing of brushes for painting, shaving, artists, &c, to be known as "Bust's Patent Brush." Not proceeded with. 2899. 30th March. Edmund Alfred Field, of Clyde House, Clyde Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for "The Improved Fastener" for baled goods. 2900. 3rd April. Henry William Holbrook Chatfield, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Master of the steamship "Wairarapa."—An invention for detecting the distance a ship will pass off a known danger, also for taking cross-bearings. Not proceeded with. 2901. 26th March. Bobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, hi the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for au improved lever wave-pendulum for pumping purposes for gold-mining. Not proceeded with.



2902. 4th April. Joseph Speight, of Kirwee, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for destroying twitch-grass, to be called " Speight's Patent Twitch-exterminator." Not proceeded with. 2903. 6th April. John Skerman, of Wellington, New Zealand, Coppersmith.—An invention for an improved siphon-cistern, applicable to water-closets. 2904. 6th April. John Scrimgeour, of Stanmore, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Contractor, and James Scrimgeour, of Stanmore aforesaid, Contractor. —An invention for an improved dust-bin and orderly for streets. 2905. 6th April. William H. Leininger, of Oakland, in the United States of America, at present residing in Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, and John Boss Mackenzie, of William Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Merchant.—Ah invention for au improved appliance for forcing a volume of smoke into burrows. 2906. 6th April. William Steed, of Boseworthy, in the Colony of South Australia, Licensed Victualler.—An invention for an improvement in the method of extracting gold, silver, copper, tin, or other metals from the ore, or material containing the same, and in the appliances therefor. Not proceeded with. 2907. 4th April. James Knight Vail, of Whangarei, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Tailor.—An invention for curing and healing wounds, sores, bruises, and swellings, called " Vail's Safe Cure." Not proceeded with. 2908. 7th April. Beuben Withell.^ of Brookside, in the County of Selwyn, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Mechanic. —An invention for improvements in butterchurns, to be called " Oscillation Dashers and Butter-screen." 2909. llth April. Ludovico Martini, of Kumara, Westlaud, New Zealand, Mine Manager.—An invention for the wedging in position of bars of iron, railway rails, in hydraulic sluicing claims, tail-boxes, and sluices, to be called " The Bail way-iron Wedger." Not proceeded with. 2910. 7th April. Samuel Gordon, of Auckland, New Zealand, Bailway Contractor, and Joseph Bobinson, of Auckland aforesaid, Bailway Contractor.—An invention for a ballast plough. Befused. 2911. 12th April. William John Blake, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent. —An invention for an improvement in filters, to be called " Blake's Household Filter." 2912. 13th April. Bobert Stone, of 101, Leadenhall Street, Lond6n, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the construction of barrels or casks. 2913. 13th April. Marie Charles Alfred Buffin, Avenue d'Antin, Paris, France, Chemist.—An invention for a process and apparatus for purifying crude spirit and regenerating the purifying agent. 2914. 13th April. Alexander Parkes, of 8, Chancellor Boad, Dulwich, in the County of Surrey, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and silver from ores, or compounds containing the same, and in solvents for such metals. 2915. 13th April. Frank Proctor, of Stevenage, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for cultivating land. 2916. llth April. George Eraser, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in a gold- and silver-amalgamatiiig-paii formerly known as " McKay's Bolierpan," in converting it into a continuous grinder, to be known as " Fraser's Improved Grindingand Amalgamating-pan.'' 2917. llth April. Thomas William Coulthard, of Papakura, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Flax-dresser. —An invention for the more perfect dressing of New Zealand flax or any other fibrous plant, to be called " Coulthard's Flax-dressing Machine." Not proceeded with. 2918. 16th April. Bobert Cockerell, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Southland, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. — An invention for an improved drop-trap gold-saving table. Not proceeded with. 2919. 14th April. Andrew Cuetin Geddings, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for avoiding ironing-table. Not proceeded with. 2920. llth April. Edwin Henry Buebidgf;, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Bail way-carriage Builder.—An invention for saving cinders from coal or other fuel, to be known as "The Avalanche Automatic Cinder-saving Machine." Not proceeded with. 2921. 16th April. William Edward Chapman, of Marton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Painter. —An invention for an improved paint. 2922. 16th April. Thomas Maguire, of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a feed-water heater and fuel-economizer for special use in connection with refrigerating and other air-compressing machinery. 2923. 17th April. John Dick, of Sefton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improved grain-dividing roller, for attaching to reapingmachines, styled " Dick's Improved Grain-dividing Boiler, for attaching to Beapingmachines." Not proceeded with. 2924. 18th April. James Barclay Blaikie of Auckland, New Zealand, Plasterer.—An invention to be called " Blaikie's Fire- and Water-proof Plaster." 2925. 18th April. Percival Everitt, of 47, Cannon Street, London, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for receiving payment for and for delivering prepaid goods. 2926. 18th April. Budolf SjObeeg, of Stockholm, Sweden, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved explosive. 2—H. 1.



2927. 18th April. Alfred Ford, of London, England, Gentleman.—An invention for au improved material applicable as a waterproof covering for roofs and other such-like purposes. 2928. 18th April. Eugene Worms, of 2, Bue de Faubourg Poissonniere, Paris, France, Engineer.— and Jean Bale, of 2, Bue cle Faubourg aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improved process and apparatus for tanning by aid of electricity. 2929. 18th April. James George Martin, of Castle Milk House, Benjamin Street, Parkville, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for binding bundles of cut crops. 2930. 18th April. Edwaed W 7atees, of Chancery Lane, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for improvements in methods and means of signalling by electricity. (The International Electric Company.) 2931. 18th April. Watkin Wynne, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Journalist.— An invention for improvements in means and apparatus for the destruction of noxious anknals such as rabbits. Not proceeded with. 2932. 17th April. John Lamb, of Auckland, New Zealand, Miller. —An invention for producing " Lamb's Porridge-Meal." Not proceeded with. 2933. 18th April. Alfred Augustus North, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Teacher of Voice-production.—An invention for voice-production, to be called " The Jenny Lind Voice-producing Apparatus." 2934. 20th April. David Simpson Boberts Kiekwood, of St. Leonards, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Civil and Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for an improved contrivance for husking corn. Not proceeded with. 2935. 21st April. Walter Cole,-of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of cases for perishable articles. Not proceeded with. 2936. 21st April. James Tyeth Habt> of Wellington, New Zealand, Officer of Customs.—-An invention for an improvement in navigation, to be called and known as " Hart's Course and Bearing Deviation Eliminator." Not proceeded with. 2937. 18th April. Arthur West, of Helensville, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Turner and General Woodworker, and Edwaed West, of Helensville aforesaid, Turner and General Woodworker.—An invention for smoothing or polishing articles of turned woodware, to be called "West's Cylindrical-wood Polisher." Mot proceeded with. 2938. 10th April. John Sheews Talbot, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Journalist.—An invention for more easily carrying military and sporting cartridges, to be called " Talbot's Cartridge-carrier." Not proceeded with. 2939. 24th April. Walter Brown, of Parish Street, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand.— An invention for preparing and dressing the Phormium tenax or New Zealand flax. Not proceeded with. 2940. 24th April. Augustus Gross, of Newcastle, in the Colony of New South Wales, Nauticalinstrument Maker.—An invention for electrical appliances for a mariner's compass, to give alarm upon deviation from the ship's course. 2941. 19th April. Matthew Taylor, of Lower Vincent Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Blind-maker.—An invention for the construction of window-blinds, to be called " The Hygeian Blind." Not proceeded with. 2942. 23rd April. William Hunsley, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for jointing cask-staves of any shape or size, to be called " Hunsley's New Zealand Stave-jointer." Not proceeded with. 2943. 24th April. William Burnley Bust, of Opoho, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand. —An invention for a skein-holder, to be known as "Bust's Patent Triangle Skein-holder." Not proceeded with. 2944. 25th April. Hugh Lamont Greer, of Johnsonville, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand Farm-labourer.—An invention for " The Non-explosive Babbit-exterminating Cartridge." Not proceeded with. 2945. 25th April. Bobert Lauchlan, of Austin Street, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber and Tinsmith.—An invention for flushing water-closets, to be named " The Simple Pneumatic Water-cistern." Not proceeded with. 2946. 25th April. Henry Perriman, of Essendon, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Clerk, and Charles Fred. Alger, of Mackenzie Street, Melbourne aforesaid, Engineer.— An invention for an improved implement for straining wire by a new method, and for other cognate purposes. 2947. 26th April. Phineas Pearson Ce'aven, of Saudringham, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved type-distributing machine. 2948. 26th April. Alfred Henry Ford, of 100, Michael Street, Clifton Hill, North Fitzroy, in the Colony of Victoria, Upholsterer.—An invention for an improved method of constructing sliding-doors. 2949. 26th April. Phineas Pearson Craven, of Coronet Hill, Blackrock, Sandrirfgham, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved type-setting machine. 2950. 26th April. Cornelius Lot Wheeler, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Miller. —An invention for separating grain and seeds and other mixed material, to be known as " The New Departure Wheeler's Botary Betention-sieves." 2951. 24th April. John Shrews Talbot, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Journalist.—An invention for more expeditiously fastening boots and shoes, to be called " Talbot's Boot and Shoe Fastener." Not proceeded with. 2952. 26th April. Charles Louis Lawrence, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New- Zealand, Photographer.—An invention to be called " Lawrence's Improved Camera with Automatic Bevolving Front."



2953. 26th April. George Cornish, of City Central, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for removing foul air from mines, shafts, tunnels, &c. Not proceeded with. 2954. 26th April. Walter Greenshields, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Bracist, and Joseph James Ceaig, of Auckland aforesaid, Contractor.—An invention for preventing sores on the backs of horses, to be called " The Automatic Dray-saddle." Not proceeded with. 2955. 30th April. Arthur Buck Kitchener, of Waihemo Grange, Dunback, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Sheepfarmer.—An invention for shearing sheep or other animals bearing wool or hair, by means of a wire heated by electricity. Not proceeded with. 2956. (L.8.) 30th April. Bichard Clarkson Scott, of Litherland Park, near Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, England, Merclrant.—*An invention for improvements in or relating to effervescing or other beverages formed by dissolving chemical mixtures in water, and in such chemical mixtures. 2957. (L.8.) 30th April. Cuthbert Greenwood Johnson, of Oakwood Croft, Darlington, England, Gentleman.—An invention for an ensilage stack press. 2958. 28th April. John Stent, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Bailway Porter, and Bobert Hume, of Dunedin aforesaid, Commercial Traveller. —An invention for cleansing panels and windows of railway and other carriages. 2959. 30th April. Ambrose George Hall, of Wanganui,,in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for an improvement in smoothing-irons, to be called "The Lamp-funnel Smoothing-iron, Hall's Patent." 2960. Ist May. James Bochfort, of Napier, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Bochfort's Waste-water Preventer." 2961. 3rd May. Bobert Lauchlan, of Austin Street, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Plumber and Tinsmith.—An invention for flushing waterclosets, to be called "The Improved Simplex Pneumatic Water-cistern." Not proceeded with. 2962. Ist May. Stephen Stephenson Chapman, of Willowby, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention to be called " Chapman's Straw-agitator." Not proceeded with. 2963. 3rd May. Howard Mateavees Ashley, of Ferrybridge, in the County of York, England, Machinist. —An invention for improvements in the manufacture of bottles and other holloware in glass, and in the machinery for the same. 2964. 3rd May. Charles Shaw, of 21, Waterloo Boad South, Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, England, Architect.—An invention for improvements in or relating to wire-netting, and in the construction of such netting, such improvements comprising also appliances to be used in catching rabbits and other small animals. 2965. 3rd May. Arthur William McLeod Keen, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Saddler.—An invention to be called "Keen's Unbreakable and Light Metallic Bacing and Biding Saddle-tree and Improved Panel." 2966. 3rd May. Solomon De Beer, of 20, Collins Street West, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in telephonic apparatus, to be called "The Berliner Transmitter." (E. Berliner.) 2967. 4th May. Elias Geeson, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Tanner and Currier. —An invention for improvements in compounds for chemical tanning, and in the process of tanning without the use of tan-bark or tannic acid. 2968. 2nd May. Geoege Young, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith. —An invention for a machine for making horse-shoes, to be called " Young's Patent Horse-shoe Machine." Not proceeded with. 2969. 3rd April. Edwaed Thomson Firth, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Electrician.— An invention to be called " The Firth Electric Sodio-Potassic Amalgam." Not proceeded with. 2970. 7th April. Thomas James Waters, of Westport, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention for attaching chain-slings of mine-tubs or hutches to an endless rope while the said rope is in motion. Not proceeded with. 2971. 7th May. John Miles Cambridge, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Chemist. —An invention for poisoning the inside or floury portion of grain, with the object of poisoning small birds and vermin. 2972. Bth May. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, New Zealand, Telegraphist.—An invention for shearing sheep, to be called " The Universal Hand Sheep-shearing Machine." 2973. 9th May. Henry Smithies, of Mornington, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Gardener. —An invention for the better raising and extinguishing fires in grates, to be named " The Improved Fire-raiser and Damper." Not proceeded with. 2974. 10th May. Ada Frances Cole, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Machinist. —An invention for improvements in appliances suitable for driven wells. Not proceeded with. 2975. 10th May. Amos Herbert Hobson, of Victoria Street, Westminster, England, Analytical Chemist. —An invention for improvements in the treatment of bones and animal-waste, or refuse generally, for the purpose of rendering the same more suited for fertilising purposes, and for obtaining gelatine, glue, and size. 2976. 10th May. John Campbell, of Edinburgh, Scotland. —An invention for improvements in a new or improved sheep-dip composition. 2977. 10th May. William Dunsmore Bohm, of Acton, in the County of Middlesex, England, Engineer. —An invention for an improved process and apparatus for the expulsion of noxious gases from liquids which may hold them in mechanical solution. 2978. 10th May. Moritz Michaelis, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Leather Merchant, and Frederick David Michaelis, of Melbourne aforesaid, Leather Merchant.—An invention for an improved burnishing-ink. Not proceeded with.



2979. llth May. Moritz Michaelis, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Leather Merchant, and Frederick David Michaelis, of Melbourne aforesaid, Leather Merchant.—An invention for an improved dressing-blacking. Not proceeded with. 2980. 7th May. James Bandall Gascoigne, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention to be called " Gascoigno's I.X.L. Hedgeclipping and Pruning Shears." Not proceeded with. 2981. Bth May. William Thomas Barnsdale, Jim., of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Fireman, and William Hicks, of Auckland aforesaid, Tallow and Manure Manufacturer.—An invention for desiccating blood-manure, to be called. " Barnsdale and Hicks's Desiccated Blood-manure and Process of Manufacturing." 2982. 9th May. Edwaed Jones, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for a trap or contrivance, to be called " Jones's Canadian Trap." 2983. 9th May. Thomas William Mayson, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Draughtsman.—An invention for range-finding, to be called " Mayson's Automatic Bange-finder." 2984. 9th May. James Beown, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Accountant. —An invention for sifting clay, sand, and other material for gold-washing purposes, to be called " Brown's Patent Dredge and Gold-washing Machine Combined." 2985. 12th May. Hugh Laing Mainland, of Burkes, near Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for tightening wire-fences, or other wires, also splicing broken wires, to be called " Mainland's Patent Little Giant Wire-strainer and -splicer." Not proceeded with. 2986. 17th May. George Lansell, of Fortuna Crushing-works, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Quartz-miner. —An invention for improvements in mining and other pumps, and in apparatus for operating the same. Not proceeded with. 2987. 18th May. Bobert Ashton Lister, of Dursley, England, Agricultural Engineer, and George Shaw Bichmond, of Dursley aforesaid, Agricultural Engineer.—An invention for improvements in grinding-mills. 2988. 16th May. James Seed, of Southbrook, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Bope-manufacturer, and Henry Able Flatman, of Southbrook aforesaid, Engineer.— An invention for separating cinders from ashes, to be called " The Automatic Cinder- and Ashseparating Attachment for Stoves and Banges and other Grates." Not proceeded with. 2989. 17th May. Charles Davis Lightband, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for giving ease and preventing the foot from slipping in the sole of skates, to be termed " Lightband's Paragon Skate." Not proceeded with. 2990. 17th May. Charles Davis Lightband, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved heel-support to roller-skates, to be termed " Lightband's Improved Heel-support." Not proceeded with. 2991. 17th May. Alfred Prince, of Christchurch, in. the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Coachbuilder, and Frederick James, of Christchurch aforesaid, Coachbuilder.— An invention for a sectional hoop or rib to be used in the hoods of drays and other vehicles. Not proceeded with. 2992. 19th May. William Heber Brightwell, of Okaiawa, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a butter-package for general commerce and export. Not proceeded with. 2993. 15th May. James Macalister, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Southland, New Zealand, Engineer, and James Hugh Walker, of Invercargill aforesaid, Carpenter.—An invention for fastening window-sashes and for raising or lowering same by means of spiral springs, to be called " Macalister and Walker's Burglar-proof Sash Side-fastener and Sashelevator." Not proceeded with. 2994. 21st May. Duncan William McAethur, of Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention to be called "The Betrograde Tail-race for saving Gold." Not proceeded with. 2995. 18th May. Samuel Smart, of Kaikohe, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention for cleaning and polishing all kinds of plate, jewellery, trinkets, electro-plated goods, burnished steel, nickel, silver, polished brass or copper, pictureframes, and every description of polished metallic surface, to be entitled " The Electric Platepolish." Not proceeded with. 2996. 25th May. James Howard, Frederick Howard, James Harold Howard, and John Howard Howard, carrying on business under the style or firm of " James and Frederick Howard" at the Britannia Ironworks, Bedford, England, Agricultural-implement Makers.— An invention to be called " Howard's Patent Beversible Sectional Ploughshare." Not proceeded with. 2997. (L.8.) 21st May. George Dexter Whitcombe, of Aloster, in the County of Los Angeles, in the State of California, one of the United States of America, Mining Engineer.—An invention for improvement in mining-machines. 2998. 18th May. George Johnston, of Cobden, in the Provincial District of Nelson, NewZealand, Architect.—An invention for a washing-machine, to be entitled "The Jubilee Washer : Johnston's Improved Patent." 2999. 22nd May. Chaeles Joseph Cooze, of Cumberland Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Ot?„go, New Zealand, Carriage-trimmer, and Daniel Mitchell Barnett, of Dunedin aforesaid, French-polisher. —An invention for a shield clothes-rack. Not proceeded with. 3000. 22nd May. John Mitchell, of the City'of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention to be called " The Acme Corrugated Batten." 3001. 23rd May. James Alexander Pond, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand..—An invention for applying an impermeable material to surfaces for preservative purposes. Not proceeded with.



3002. 25th May. George Lawrence, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for minimising the labour and the implements used for clothesdrying purposes, to be called "The Sheave-spreader Clothes-prop." Not proceeded with. 3003. 26th May. William Hastie, of Milbourne, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, NewZealand, Station Manager, and John Tindall, of Kaikonra, in the aforesaid provincial district, Cattle-spayer.—An invention for the cure of asthma, to bo called "Hastie and Tindall's Patent Cure for Asthma." 3004. 28th May. Charles Thomas Pattie, of Biwaka, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for dispersing the various kinds of fluids for destroying blights, codlin-moths, and all manner of insect-pests, designated " The New Zealand Eureka Mist Nozzle." 3005. 28th May. Harold Berry, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Insurance Agent.—An invention for improvements in dry-earth and other closets. 3006. 28th April. Boderiok Nicholson Montgomery, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Produce Merchant.—An invention for improvements in the construction of billiard scoringboards. 3007. 28th May. Thomas Milleae, of Edgarley, Wickliffe Boacl, in the Colony of Victoria, Landowner.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for holding sheep while they are being shorn. 3008. 28th May. Hatsell King,, of Carlton, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Importer. —An invention for improvements in cricket and lawn-tennis bats. 3009. 28th May. Alvin Hugo Eusebius Fischer, of North Adelaide, in the Colony of South Australia, Plumber. —An invention for an improved water-heater for baths and for other purposes. 3010. 30th May. William Henry Hosking, of Masterton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Surgeon.—An invention for " Hosking's Compressed-air Spraying-machine," which will facilitate and save labour and expense in spraying trees, plants, apartments, &c, with a fine and continuous spray of water, or liquid insecticides or fungicides, &c, and as an irrigator for wounds in surgery. 3011. 30th May. Maxime Emanuel James Labat de Lambert, of 84, Newton Boad, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in explosive compounds, to be called " Neokratine." 3012. 30th May. William Heber Brightwell, of Okaiawa, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Farmer.—An. invention for a butter-mould. Not proceeded with. 3013. 30th May. Charles Taylor, Boderiok Impey Murchison, and George Sharpe, all of No. 30, King Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Importers.—An invention for a new composition for destroying weeds, scrub, and other vegetable growths, and for destroying insects, and preserving timber from their attacks. 3014. 30th May. Carl Albert Falstedt, of Phillip Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Gentleman.—An invention for an improved safety explosive compound. (0. Lamm.) 3015. 31st May. Fairlie Harold Tronson, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Draughtsman.— An invention for improvements in stamps for marking on hard substances, such as wood or iron, to be called " The Silhouette Stamp." Not proceeded with. 3016. 28th May. Jabez Hay, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for regulating the depth at which draining-ploughs will work from the surface of the ground, and to be called " Hay's Patent Coulter." Not proceeded with. 3017. 29th May. Jabez Hay, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for automatically lifting drain-ploughs out of the ground, and forming a sledge for moving same where required, to be called " Hay's Patent Self-acting Drainplough Lifting Lever." Not proceeded with. 3018. 30th May. George Smaill, of Inch Clutha, in the County of Bruce, Provincial District of Otago, Newr Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for an improved strainer for wire-fencing, to be known as " The Gem Wire-strainer." 3019. 30th May. John Stevenson, of Henley, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Farmer, and Charles Sanders Wright, of 162, George Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in sheep-branding and such-like machines. Not proceeded with. 3020. 30th May. Charles Sanders Wright, of 162, George Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer, and John Christie and Thomas Beid Christie, of Dunedin aforesaid, Plumbers.—An invention for improvements in flexible pulleys, springwheels, &c. Not proceeded with. 3021. Ist June. Clement Kind, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, NewZealand, Die-sinker, and Henry Selwood Austin, of the same place, Solicitor. —An invention for making hooks from all kinds of sheet-metals in a cheaper and speedier manner than hitherto in use, to be called " The C.K. Hook." 3022. Ist June. Plenry Corrick, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, NewZealand, Bootmaker.—An invention for a time-table, to be called "The Beady Time-table." 3023. 2nd June. Bobert Burton, of Masterton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved elevator, to be called " Burton's Eclipse Attached Folding Elevator." % 3024. Ist June. William Earland, of Mornington, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Chemist.—An invention for trapping moths. 3025. Ist June. George Cookson, of 6, Moa Place, Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Gardener.—An invention for sifting cinders, to be called " G. Cookson's Self-acting Cinder-sifter."



3026. Ist June. Charles Mytton Brooke, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for making a tasteless solution of strychnine for use in poisoning wheat for small birds, oats or apples for rabbits, and bread or any other vehicle for vermin. 3027. 4th June. James Barker Bobbie, of the Hospital Boad, near New Plymouth, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention "for an improvement on the vertical washing, wringing, and mangling machine, to be called " The Improved Vertical Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machine." 3028. 4th June. Thomas Danks, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for heating water, to be called "The Bapid Water-heater." 3029. Ist June. James Bandall Gascoigne, of -the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman, and James Slater, of Auckland aforesaid, Architect and Engineer.—An invention to be called " The Electric Plant Protector." 3030. 6th June. Walter Cole, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of fuel. 3031. 6th June. William Andrews, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a cinder-sifter, to be called " Andrews's Portable Enclosed Hand Cinder Beceptacle and Sifter." 3032. Bth June. Frederick Bogen, of Karori, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for improvements in incubators. 3033. llth June. Sydney Percival Evans, of Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, and Carey J. Carrington, Newton Boad, Auckland aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for propelling bicycles, tricycles, or velocipedes, to be called " Evans and Carrington's Patent Wave Combined Booking and Lever, Movement." 3034. 6th June. William Holmes, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer, and Joshua" Mallett, of the same place, Engineer.—A patent combined boiler-tube brush and scraper. 3035. llth June. Thomas Thatcher, of Fernham, Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for the making of river and harbour training-walls and protection-work at a cheaper cost, and to supersede stone- and cement-work. 3036. (L.8.) 4th June. John Isaac Thornycroft, of Church Wharf, Chiswick, in the County of Middlesex, England, a member of the firm of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Steam Yacht and Launch Builders. —An invention for improvements in steam-generators. 3037. 12th June. George Main, of Spring Creek, Blenheim, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Flax-dresser, and Charles Williams, of Blenheim, Marlborough aforesaid, Bootmaker.—An invention to be called "Main and Williams's Flax-machine Spring Beating-roller." 3038. 13th June. Charles Harvell, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller.—An invention for an improved bin for coal and ashes. 3039. 13th June. Joseph Cawte Butler, of 135, Cuba Street, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for improvements in flushing cisterns for waterclosets, to be called "Butler's Simplex Siphon Cistern." 3040. Bth June. Stuart Beid, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for preventing rattling of doors, hooks, or fastenings, to be called " Beid's Patent." 3041. 9th June. Henry Gray, of Alten Boad, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention for a mechanical self-acting earth-sprinkler and closet-deodoriser and purifier, to be called " Gray's Acme Closet-purifier." 3042. llth June. John Young, of Insurance Buildings, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Agent.—An invention for an amalgainating-pan, to be called "Young's Amalgamatingpan." 3043. 12th June. Walter Booth, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Agent. —An invention for an improved filter. 3044. 15th June. Thomas Edward Merritt, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Artist. —An invention for improvements in machinery for loading and discharging ships, and which are applicable to some other purposes. 3045. 13th June. James Palmer Black, of the City of Nelson, New Zealand.—An invention for improved ventilation in steamships, &c, entitled "Black's Patent Automatic Exhaust Ventilator." 3046. 13th June. Frank Maber, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter and Joiner..—An invention for an improved automatic cigarette machine, styled "Maber's Eclipse Automatic Cigarette Machine." 3047. 13th June. Josiah Clifton Firth, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for a new kind of food, to be called " Germina." 3048. 14th June. Charles Henry Murray, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Stationer.— An invention for converting an ordinary trunk or box into a chest of drawers, to be called " Murray's Combination Trunk." 3049. 14th June. William James Dalton, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention for improved clothes-pegs or fasteners, to be called " Crumpe's Duplex Safety Clothes-peg." 3050. 15th June. Albert Henry Parsmore Noble, of 137, Durham Street, Christchurch, in the Provincial District of^Canterbury, New Zealand.-—An invention for an improvement in roller-skates. 3051. 14th June. Alfred Andrew Lockwood, of Ohinemuri, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the treatment of gold and silver ores, to be known as " Lockwood's Eureka Boasting-furnace,"



3052. 18th June. Walter Whitfield Bostwick, of London, England, Engineer,—An invention for improvements in folding or collapsible gates, shutters, or window-guards, and the like. 3053. 18th June. Hugh Beid, in the County of Derby, England, Signal-fitter.—An invention for improvements in interlocking apparatus for railway point and signal levers. 3054. 18th June. John Clark Lascelles, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Joiner, and William Charles Crump, of Sydney aforesaid, Medical Electrician and Herbalist.—An invention for improvements in rinks or floors for exercise and amusement. 8055. 18th June. John Martin, of Daylesford, in the Colony of Victoria, Cordial Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in and relating to ship's mattresses, to enable them to be converted into a collapsible boat. 3056. 18th June. Leonard Stowe, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for. branding bales and other soft goods and sacks, to be called " Stowe's Quick-branding Machine." 3057. 16th June. Francis Antonio Burdett Stuart, of Ashburton Forks, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for a knife for cutting flax, and general pruning purposes, to be called " Stuart's Patent Knife." 3058. 19th June. William James Pallant, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved toe and half-heel plate, to be called "The Feather-edged Silent Toe- and Heel-plate." 3059. 19th June. Bichard Middleton Simpson, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand. —Au invention for an improved rotary pump. 3060. 15th June. Charles Jeffs, of Dairy Flat, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Orchardist.—An invention for healing wounds, sores, &c, to be called " Jeffs' Patent Purificative Ointment." • 3061. 20th June. Gustav Aron, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Commercial Traveller.— An invention for improvements in apparatus for measuring electric currents. 3062. 20th June. Charles Bobertson, of St. Leonards, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the method of and apparatus for dredging, excavating, and raising mud, sand, gravel, and other matters of a viscous or granular nature, for use in sinking caissons, and in gold-sluicing operations, and for analogous purposes. 3063. 18th June. Mark Sinclair, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention for improvement in the means of access to hind seats of double buggies, to be called " Sinclair's Patent Improved Family Buggy." 3064. 19th June. Albert Berger, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for putting out the flame of candles, to be called " Berger's Automatic Candleextinguisher." 3065. 19th June. John Young, of Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Agent.—An invention to be called " Young's Process for extracting Metals from their Ores." 3066. 19th June. Seymour Beginald Bolton, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for economizing or saving fuel, to be called " The Beginald Patent Self-acting Cinder-sifter and Fuel-economizer." 3067. 22nd June. Joseph Bichards, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a metallic tube penholder, to be called " The Writer's Friend." 3068. 23rd June. William Taylor, of Ohoka, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a three-horse swingle-tree and fittings for swingletrees. 3069. 20th June. Alexandee Storrie, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Blacksmith.—An invention for a plough-wheel, to be known as " The Standard Patent Plough-wheel." 3070. 21st June. Samuel James Leith, of Te Kopuru, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for a bag and tube for the economical sowing of artificial or other suitable manure. 3071. 22nd June.—Samuel Moeeell, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for improving the draught in chimneys and other flues and passages, also for ventilating rooms and other spaces. 3072. 22nd June. Heney Waits, of High Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith. —An invention to be called " Waite's Patent Firelighter." 3073. 25th June. Henry Dent Gardiner, of Purau, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Stockowner. —An invention for a combination of beaters and grooved plates, for use in machines for threshing clover. 3074. 21st June. John Francis Kitto, of Ettrick, in the Provincial District of,Otago, New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for an apparatus for applying the power of the currents of rivers to raising water for the purposes of gold-mining or irrigation, or to dredging the beds of rivers by means of the same power. 3075. 23rd June. George Lawrence, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand. —An invention for clothes-drying purposes, to be called " The Improved 'Spreader Clothes-prop." 3076. 23rd June. William Henry James Basell, of Caversham, in--the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved adjustable seed-sower. 3077. 23rd June. George Williams, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention to be called "Williams's Fence Self-acting Trap and Bapid Method of destroying Babbits, by Means of Chemical Fumes."



3078. 27th June. James Coventry, in the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention to be called " Coventry's Disinfectant Chamber or Air-filter, also applicable to Liquids." 3079. 27th June. James Sharon McCoy, of 395, Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Brooklyn, New York, United States of America, Gentleman.—An invention for pneumatic apparatus for working percussive tools, applicable also as a motor-engine. 3080. 27th June. Loftus Perkins, of 6, Leaford Street, Gray's Inn Boad, in the County of Middlesex, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in refrigerating and freezing apparatus. 3081. 27th June. Charles Flesch, of Collins Street, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Managing Agent.—An invention for an improved system of distributing electricity, to be called "The Zipernowsky-Deri System of distributing Electricity." (C. Zipernowsky and M. Deri.) 3082. 27th June. Edward Seitz, of 16, Market Buildings, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer, and Sibbit Landells, of Collins Street West, Melbourne aforesaid, Importers' Agent.—An invention for an improved machine for cleaning streets. 3083. 28th June. Gustav Forster, of Halcombe, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Cooper.—An invention for coating, painting, or clipping butter-casks, kegs, firkins, or boxes with glue, glycerine, or any other suitable ingredient for outside covering. 3084. (L.8.) 25th June. The Standard Time Company (Limited), of 19 and 21, Queen Victoria Street, London, England.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for synchronizing clocks. 3085. 27th June. Carl August Funke, of Panmure, in the County of Eden, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Tanner and Fellmonger.—An invention for an improved brown leather. 3086. 30th June. John Higginson Garrett, of Tararu, Thames, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Mining Engineer. —An invention for holding pencils while in use, combined with penholder, to be called " The Improved Combined Pencil and Penholder." 3087. 30th June. Philip Bond, of Port Chalmers, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Philip Bond's Simple Boat-lowering Apparatus." 3088. 30th June. Thomas Danes, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, NewZealand, Engineer.—An invention for driving artesian wells, and other purposes, to be called "The Canterbury Well-driving Machine." 3089. 2nd July. Walter Cole, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for an improved elutriator. 3090. 4th July. William Berthold Ihne, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, England, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in ladders. 3091. 4th July. Frank Bagshaw Wheelee, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in waterclosets. 3092. 4th July. James Walter Butcher, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Merchant, and William True Bennett, of Sydney aforesaid, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in gas-pressure regulators and in gas-burners. 3093. 29th June. Thomas Moore Beyant, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Salesman.—An invention for an export butter-package, to be called "Bryant's Begistered Butter-safe." 3094. 29th June. Alfred Andrew Lockw-ood, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Miner, and James McGuire, of Ohinemuri, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Miner.—An improvement for saving gold and silver, to be called " The Lockwood-McGuiro Combination Process for the Extraction of Gold and Silver from Befractory or other Ores." 3095. 2nd July. James Bandall Gascoigne, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for a draught check-valve for register-grates, to be called "Gascoigne's Economical Grate Valve Patent." 3096. 3rd July. David Hyaniason, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for discharging or sifting the contents of grates, &c, to be called "Hyaniason's Patent Tip-bottom Grates." 3097. 3rd July. John Swinnbrton Duke, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention for preventing sparks or smut from escaping from locomotives, steamboats, &c, to be called " Duke's Patent Spark-catcher." 3098. sth July. Clement Kind, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Die-sinker and Tool-maker, and Henry Selwood Austin, of the same place, Solicitor.—An invention for making the spout of tea-kettles, tea-pots, or other vessels of a similar character in any metal of one piece with the body of the vessel, instead of soldering it on as heretofore. 3099. 6th July. Joseph Benall, of Te Whiti, Masterton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved wire-strainer, to be called " Benall's Taniwha Wire-strainer." 3100. 7th July. John William Williams, of Pakaraka, Bay of Islands, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Grazier, and William Fbederick Hewett, of Waimate, in the Provincial District aforesaid, Carpenter. —An invention for protecting the spouting on the eaves of houses from being filled with leaves, the filth of birds, or any other foul matter, and securing the purity of rain-water in tanks, to be called "The Eureka Spout-protector."" 3101. 7th July. Charles James Gascoigne, of Marton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Coach-builder.—An invention for wool-, flax-, and hop-pressing. 3102. sth July. Alexander Stoerie, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, NewZealand, Blacksmith, and James Storhie, of Melbourne, in. the Colony of Victoria, Blacksmith.—An invention for an automatic horseshoe-making machine, to be known as " Storrie's Patent Automatic Horseshoe Machine."



3103. 6th July. John Teavis Oakden, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Piano-manufacturer.—An invention for assistance in the art of piano-playing. 3104. 7th July. Feederick Hugh Saunders, of South Bakaia, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Beaper-and-binder Expert.—An invention for a chaff-cutting machine, to be called " Saunders's Chaff-cutter, with Sharpening Attachment." 3105. 9th July. John Hedley, of Spottiswood, in the Colony of Victoria, Hydraulic and General Mining Engineer.—An invention for an improved electro-chemical apparatus for chlorinating ores, and depositing the chloride resulting therefrom, to be entitled "Hedley's Electrochemical Hydraulic Chlorinator." 3106. sth July. Arthur Geoege Dawson, ofJ.4, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Bow, London, England, Publisher.—An invention for improvements in cutting-apparatus, applicable especially for clipping or shearing animals. 3107. sth July. John Hedley, formerly of Heathcote, but now of Spottiswood, in the Colony of Victoria, Mining Engineer. —An invention to be called " Hedley's Improved Combined Concentrator and Electro-chemical Amalgamator." 3108. 10th July. Clement Kind, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Die-sinker and Tool-maker, and Henry Selwood Austin, of the same place, Solicitor. —An invention for making the spout, bottom, and body of tea-kettles, tea-pots,, or other vessels of a similar character in any metal of one piece, instead of soldering the spout and bottom on to the body, ox making the spout, bottom, and body of the vessel in three separate parts as heretofore. 3109. 7th July. Edward James Cackett, of Panmure, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Milkman.—x\n invention for more conveniently packing eggs or butter, or either of them, in one box, to be called " Cackett's Patent Combination Egg- and Butterbox." 3110. 12th July. Edward Probert, of San Francisco, in the State of California, one of the United States of America, Capitalist. —An invention for improvements in process of working auriferous and argentiferous arsenides, sulphides, and furnace-slags. 3111. 13th July. Philip Alfred Bive, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in tins or cans for preserving perishable articles. 3112. 12th July. Philip Blampid, of Kyber Pass, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Bootmaker, and John Henry Hawes, of Flowes Street, Eden Terrace, in the Provincial District aforesaid, Bootmaker. —An invention for an improved reversible combination last-stand. 3113. 13th July. Julius Metz, of Cutten Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Contractor.—An invention for obtaining greater solidity in marine and other walls, breakwaters, &c, to be entitled " Metz's Marine Building-blocks." 3114. 14th July. John Clark Andrews, of Waikuku, near Kaiapoi, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Twine-maker, and William Wood, of the City of Christchurch, in the Provincial District aforesaid, Merchant.—An invention for removing the gum of the plant known as Phormium tenax or New Zealand flax, by a system of assisted coldwater fermentation, whereby the gum is rendered more easily separable from the fibre, such invention to be known as " Andrews's Patent Flax-cleaning Process." 3115. 16th July. John Smith, of Marton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for improved apparatus for ventilating. 3116. 17th July. John Wilcher, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Clerk.—An invention for a chart for indicating chords on keyboard musical instruments, for teaching vamping thereon, and for analogous purposes. 3117. 14th July. Clement Morton, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Commission Agent.—An invention for an improved recoil stamp for indorsing purposes. 3118. 19th July. William Blee, of Brisbane, in the Colony of Queensland, W xaiter, and Edward Wells, of the same place, Waiter.—-An invention for an improved check-till. 3119. 19th July. Henry Dutton Melhuish, of Spring Hill, in the Colony of New South Wales, Produce Merchant. —An invention for an improved double-acting horizontal bundle-press. 3120. 19th July. Henry Dutton Melhuish, of Spring Hill, in the Colony of New South Wales, Produce Merchant.—An invention for an improved bag-filler to be used as an attachment to chaff-cutting and other machines. 3121. (L.8.) 16th July. Wolf Defries, of No. 4, Cleveland Gardens, London, in the County of Middlesex, England, Gentleman, and Victor Isidore Feeny, of 7, Queen Victoria Street, London aforesaid, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in feeding oil for lighting and heating. 3122. 18th July. John Langford Crumte, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for lattice-stays and surgical supports, to be called " The Patent Latticean Stay." 3123. 19th July. Arthur Guyon Puechas, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Surgeon, and John Edwaed Friend, of Auckland aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hydro-carbon motors. 3124. 19th July. Bobert Bole Morrow, of Newton Boad, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, late Captain of Imperial Army.—An invention for an adjustable door-hinge, to be called "The Union Door-hinge." 3125. 19th July. Bobert Bsle Morrow, of Newton Boad, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, late Captain of Imperial Army.—An invention for a wire clothes-peg, to be called " The President Clothes-peg." 3126. 23rd July. James McChesney, of Marton, in the Provincial District of AVellington, New Zealand, Builder, and Arthur Thomas Warner Cobham, of the same place, Cabinetmaker. —An invention for an improved sash-balance. B—H. 1.



3127. 24th July. Henry Jarrat Gilberd, of Taradale, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Nurseryman.-—An invention for an improved machine for sinking artesian wells and for driving piles. 3128. 23rd July. Leonard Pozzi, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Gunsmith. —An invention for improvements on Plimpton's roller-skates, to 'be called " Pozzi's Climax." 3129. 23rd July. Seymour Beginald Bolton, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for economizing or saving fuel, to be called " The Beginald Patent Self-acting Cinder-sifter and Fuel-economizer." 3130. 25th July. Henry Dent Gaedin,er, of Pjarau, in the Provincial District of-Canterbury, New Zealand, Stockowner. —An invention for an improvement in disc rollers by means of a combination of two spindles carrying discs. 3131. 26th July. Henry Byan Lewis, of London, England, Mining Engineer and Metallurgist, and Charles Berry Phillips, of Chester, England, Gentleman. —An invention for improvements relating to the extraction.of metals from refractory, complex, and other ores. 3132. 26th July. Hermann Schoeneweg, of Dudweiler, in the German Empire, Chemist.—An invention for improvements in explosive compounds. 3133. 26th July. Hermann Shoeneweg, of Dudweiler, in the German Empire, Chemist. —An invention for improvements in explosive compounds and safety cartridges for blasting purposes. 3134. 26th July. David Beid, of 112, Flinders Lane East, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Publisher.—An invention for an improved means for securing stereotype plates to their base-blocks. 3135. 24th July. Archibald Campbell, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Clothier. —An invention for obviating the difficulty of fastening men's shirts by fastening the same at the side in lieu of the front or back. 3136. 27th July. Henry Hughes, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Consulting Engineer and Patent Agent.—An invention for cheese rennet powder and cheese rennet pastils, and the method of their preparation. (S. C. C. Yon Barnekow.) 3137. 28th July. Henry Allott, of Styx, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Labourer. —An invention for an apparatus for loading drays with sacks of grain or other produce, to be called " Allott's Dray-loader." 3138. 30th July. Albert Gundersen, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for an electric tell-tale clock. 3139. 31st July. David John Goodwin, of Waitara, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand. —An invention to be called " Goodwin's Patent Botary Churn." 3140. 30th July. Arthur John Cuming, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Printer. —An invention for a "T vernier sight for rifles, carbines, or any rapidfiring guns, to be called " Cuming's "T Vernier Sight." 3141. 26th July. Joseph James Macky, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved form of metal pen, to be called " The Marriage Pen." 3142. 28th July. John Cook, of Port Chalmers, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Superintendent Engineer for the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand.—An invention to be styled " Cook's Air-tube Furnace-bridge." 3143. 2nd August. William Clifford, of Ugbrook, in the County of Omaka, and Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for a new method of and appliance for stretching and drying skins of rabbits or other animals. 3144. 2nd August. William Clifford, of Ugbrook, in the County of Omaka, and Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for stretching and drying skins of rabbits or other animals. 3145. 2nd August. Henry Appleby, of the Waterford and Limerick Bailway Company, Limerick, Ireland, Locomotive Engineer.—An invention for improvements in blast-pipes and in means for regulating the draught created thereby. 3146. 2nd August. William Clark, of 528, Oxford Street West, in the County of Middlesex, England, Horse-clipper Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for clipping horses or other animals and dead skins. 3147. 2nd August. Conrad Herzog, of London, England, Civil Engineer. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for carburetting air and enriching gas. 3148. 2nd August. John Belmer Aemsteong, of the City of Guelph, Canada, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in gig running-gears. 3149. 2nd August. John Belmee Armstrong, of the City of Guelph, Canada, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in steel buggy- or carriage-gears. 3150. 2nd August. John Belmer Armstrong, of the City of Guelph, Canada, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in single-plate carriage-springs, and in the method of their attachment to the gears. 3151. 2nd August. John Belmer Armstrong, of the City of Guelph, Canada, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in two-plate carriage-springs. 3152. 2nd August. Thomas Beynolds James, of Boyal Park, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Telegraph Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and connected with -underground conduits for electric conductors. 3153. Ist August. Julius Frederick William Henry Schadick, of Westport, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Surveyor, &c.— An invention for perspectography and topography, to be called " Topograph." 3154. 3rd August. Joseph Hewetson, Junior, of Upper Moutere, in the County of Waimea, and Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Sawmiller.—An invention for an improved flax-dressing machine.



3155. 3rd August. Philip James Carman, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer.—■ An invention for a smoke-consuming and fuel-economizing furnace-bridge, to be called " Carman's Smoke-consuming and Fuel-economizing Bridge." 2156. 31st July. John Bippon Vaile, of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman, and John Bippon Vaile, Junior, of Auckland aforesaid, Surveyor.—An invention to be called " Vaile's Patent Self-countersinking Screws." 3157. 2nd August. Thomas Begg, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Manufacturer. —An invention for improvements in machinery for saving gold and other metals, to be called " The Centrifugal Amalgamator." 3158. 2nd August. William Wilkinson, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in machinery for crushing ore and other substances. 3159. 2nd August. Arthur Steele Ford, of the Thames Goldfields, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention to be called "Ford's Automatic Miner's Lantern*." 3160. 9th August. Carl August Johansson, of Flemminggatan, Stockholm, Sweden, Mechanist..— An invention for improvements relating to the manufacture of butter and the apparatus therefor. 3161. 9th August. John Milton Bryan, of San Francisco, in the State of California, one of the United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in quartz rollermills. 3162. 9th August. James Holms Pollok, of the University of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, Assistant to the Professor of Chemistry in the said University.—An invention for improvements in the wet method of extracting gold from crushed ores or other finelydivided auriferous material. 3163. 9th August. James Thorne, of London, England, Merchant, and Ebenezer Banton Burr, of London aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements relating to lamps or lanterns for railway and other purposes. 3164. 9th August. Thomas Alder Dickson Forster, of Norristown, in the State of Pennsylvania, United States of America, and George Jordan Firmin, of Philadelphia, in the State aforesaid.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for amalgamating precious metals in crushed or pulverised material containing the same. 3165. 9th August. Alfred Naylor Pearson, of Cunningham Street, Northcote, in the Colony of Victoria, Agricultural Chemist. —An invention for a new process and apparatus for treating soluble and partially soluble gums so as to render them fit for industrial purposes. 3166. 9th August. Arthur Favier, of 15, Bue de Bichelieu, Paris, France.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of explosives, and in cartridges formed of or containing such explosives. 3167. 9th August. William Henry Sinnatt, of Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, England, Manager of Works. —An invention for improvements in stoppers for bottles and other vessels. 3168. 9th August. John William Cotton, Alfred Cutting Cotton, and William England Longbottom, trading under the style or firm of Messrs. J. Cotton and Co., of Adelaide, in the Province of South x\ustralia, Merchants, Assignees of Christian Heinrich Lehman and James Henry Southcott, of Adelaide aforesaid, Saddlers. —An invention for a combined names and collar for horses. 3169. 9th August. David Hutton, of Adelaide, in the Colony of South Australia, Machinist.—Au invention for an improved method of calcining pyrites and other gold-bearing ores. 3170. 10th August. William Webley, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Pianoforte-tuner. —An improved music-stool, to be called " Webley's Zealandia Music-stool." 3171. 10th August. Bobert Dixon, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Inventor.— An invention for an improved apparatus for shearing sheep. 3172. 10th August. John Mitchell, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Paper-maker and Stationer. —An invention for paper-bags with oval bottoms, and the machine for the manufacture of the same, to be called " The Eclipse Paper-bag Machine." 3173. 9th August. Samuel Carter, of Motueka, in the County of Waimea, and Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Jam-manufacturer. —An invention for the destruction of all kinds of insect-pests on fruit-trees, flowers, and vegetables, to be called "Carter's Patent Insect and Blight Destroyer." 3174. 6th August. George Frederick Vazey, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Potter.—■ An invention for polishing, cleansing, and generally renovating all kinds of metal-work, to called " Vazey's Patent Universal Metal-polisher." 3175. 9th August. Frederick Joseph Fuchs, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Hotel Proprietor.—An invention for an improved roller-skate, to be called "Fuchs's Perfection Boiler-skate." 3176. 9th August. Beuben Withbll, of Brookside, in the County of Selwyn, and Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvement in sheep-shears. 3177. 6th August. David Jones, of Pitt Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an automatic blind-cord rack, to be called " The Eureka Automatic Blind-Back." 3178. 6th August. David Jones, of Pitt Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the automatic fastenment of window-sashes, to be,called "The Good-night Anti-burglar Automatic Sash-fastener." 3179. 13th August. Charles McQueen, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—-An invention to be called "McQueen's Patent Corrugated Circular Joint for Pipes."



3180. 13th August. Charles McQueen, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention to bo called " McQueen's New Era Patent Gold-saver and Separator." 3181. 13th August. Werner Siemens, of 94, Markgrafen Strasse, Berlin, in the Empire of Germany, Doctor of Philosophy. —An invention for improvements in the extraction of gold and other precious metals from minerals and ores containing them. 3182. 13th August. Bobert Cooper, Herbert Fitzroy Clayton, and George Holden Holdeoyd, all of Huddersfield, England, Drysalters.—An invention for improvements in a filtering apparatus. 3183. 14th August. William Andrew Young, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Omnibusproprietor.—An invention for improvements in vehicles to be used on common roads and tramways. 3184. 10th August. Thomas Moore Bryant, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Salesman. — —An invention for the better preservation of butter and like substances for storage'and export, to be called " Safe-package Lining." 3185. 10th August. William Douslin, of Blenheim, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for salt-and-mustard cells, to be in the outer rim of ordinary plates. 3186. 14th August. Walter Guthrie, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Southland, New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in disc-harrows, to be called "The Standard Disc-harrow." 3187. 15th August. Albert Ernest Woodhousb, of Amberley, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for a pulverising attachment for ploughs, to be known as " Woodhouse's Pulveriser Attachment for Ploughs." 3188. 15th August. Henry Fitzpatrigk Betts, of Beefton, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a quartz-crushing, pulverising, and gold-saving machine, to be called "Betts's Quartz-crushing, Pulverising, and Gold-saving Machine." 3189. 15th August. Thomas Scott, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Manufacturer of Blinds and Shutters, and John Wilson, of the same place, Manufacturer of Blinds and Shutters. —An invention for improvements in self-coiling shutters. 3190. 15th August. Lawrence Coleman, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Cabinetmaker.— An invention for kindling fires, to be called " Coleman's Patent Electric Fire-lighters." 3191. 17th August. Albert Sandford, of Bakino Island, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Fish-curer.—An invention for preventing smoked schnapper and other fish from getting mouldy, to be called " Bed Pickled Schnapper," or other fish, as the case may be. 3192. 18th August. Frederick Edward Bowen, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Painter.—An invention for a wall-drying bracket. 3193. 18th August. Archibald George Land, of Bangiora, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention to be called "Land's Sheep-drafting Machine." 3194. 21st August. Edward Seitz, of 16, Market Buildings, Flinders Lane West, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improved contrivances relating to underground electric conductors. 3195. 22nd August. William Andrew Young, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Omnibusproprietor. —An invention for improvements in vehicles to be used on common roads and street-tramways. 3196. 21st August. John Piercy, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for an improvement in fencing, to be called " Piercy's Standard Fencing." 3197. 21st August. John Piercy, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a fence-making machine. 3198. 20th August. Bunter Ceapcott, of Bemuera, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for trapping w-ild rabbits. 3199. 21st August. Ambrose William Gleed, of 39, Lansdowne Boad, Sheffield, in the County of York, England, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in machinery for grinding, crushing, pulverising, and disintegrating substances. 3200. 24th August. John 80110, of Yarragon, in the County of Buln Buln and the Colony of Victoria, Mining Manager.—An invention for an improved device for the intermittent discharge of effervescent and other liquids. 3201. 24th August. Pierre Cheaseman Dv Bois, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Metallurgist.—An invention for an improved process for separating gold from its ores, and in amalgamating and concentrating the same. 3202. 22nd August. Henry Waite, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for kindling fires, to be called " Waite's Improved Patent Fire-lighter." 3203. 23rd August. Frederic John Easthee, of Caversham, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention for preventing rain from being blown under outer doors, and to exclude draught from rooms, to be called " Easther's Automatic Draught- and Bain-proof Door-flange." 3204. 23rd August. Thomas Falvey, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Electrician. —An invention for a gold-saving machine and beach-sand separator, to be called " Falvey's Gold-saving Machine and Beach-sand Separator." 3205. 24th August. Joseph Bose, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer.— An invention for an improved automatic buoyant oiling apparatus for axles of railwaycarriages, cars, vans, and trucks.



3206. 24th August. Henry Harraway, of Green Island, in the County of Taieri, and Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miller.—An invention for making a new product, to be used as a substitute for oatmeal, to be called " Cerealine." 3207. 28th August. Edwin Dickinson, of Bichmond, in the Colony of Victoria, Builder, and Franz Joachim Alexander Kindermann, of the same place, Engineer.—An invention for an improved ventilating appliance. 3208. 28th August. George Seagrave, of Lime Street Chambers, 21, Lime Street, London, England, Engineer, and Pierre Alcide Olivier, of Lime Street Chambers, 21, Lime Street, aforesaid, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in or connected with apparatus for the carburation of gas or air. 3209. 28th August. John Frederick Kevnby O'Connor, of the City of Yonkers, County of Westchester, and State of New York, one of the United States of America, Mechanical Engineer.—-An invention for improvements in machines for crimping the uppers of footwear. 3210. 28th August. John Howard Howard, James Haeold Howard, and Edwaed Tbn*ey Bousfield, all of Bedford, England, Engineers. —An invention for improvements relating to the baling of hay, straw, and other materials, and to apparatus therefor. 3211. 28th August. David W. GaUkrodger, of Tinambra, in the Colony of Victoria, Farmlabourer. —An invention for improved means for attaching horses to agricultural implements and to vehicles. 3212. 29th August. Donald Donald, of Solway, Masterton, Wairarapa North, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " The Solway Permanent Wire-strainer." 3213. 24th August. John Oscar Sellgren, of Lome Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemist, and John Frederick Churton, of Lome Street, Auckland aforesaid, Wholesale Druggist.—An invention for improvements in butter and general-produce packages. 3214. 30th August. George Lansell, of Fortuna Crushing-works, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Mine-owner. —An invention for an improved method of constructing ships and other floating vessels. 3215. 25th August. John Feancis Bobeets, of Albert Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Incubator-manufacturer.—An invention for filling bottles and other vessels, to be called " Boberts's Valve Funnel." 3216. 29th August. John Douds, of Sefton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a gorse-cutting machine, styled " Douds's Simplex Gorse-cutter." 3217. 28th August. Balph Duncan Stewart, of Onehunga, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Schoolmaster, and Austin Geago, of the same place, Gardener. —An invention for a school-orrery, to be known as " Stewart and Crago's School-orrery." 3218. 29th August. Duncan Tayloe Lawes, of No. 284, Queen Street, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk.—An invention for a violet copying-ink, to be called "The Excelsior Copying-ink." 3219. 29th August. Henry Ellis Nightingale, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Blindmanufacturer.—An invention for improvements in Venetian blinds, to be called " The Nightingale Patent Metal-ladder Venetian Blind." 3220. 30th August. John Thomas Boughton, of Manse Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Boot Manufacturer.—An invention to be called " Boughton's Patent Elastic Lace Boots." 3221. 31st August. Matthew John Mullan, of Opawa, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand. —An invention for an apparatus for the consumption of smoke, to be called " Mullan's Smoke-consumer." 3222. Ist September. Albert Dornwell, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Butcher.—An invention for the preservation of animal products, poultry, fish, and such-like substances, and getting the same ready for export, and also transporting them by the same means. 3223. 4th September. Albert Ernest W toodhouse, of Amberley, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a patent ball caster, to be called " Woodhouse's Ball Caster." 3224. (L.8.) 4th September. W tilliam Blizaed Williamson, of Providence Works, in the City of Worcester, England, Manufacturer, and Geoege Heney Williamson, of Providence W Torks aforesaid, Manufacturer, trading as " W. B. Williamson and Sons." —An invention for improvements in metallic boxes or cases for storing articles of food, tobacco, snuff, and paint, and for other like purposes. 3225. (L.8.) 4th September. William Blizard Williamson, of Providence Works, in the City of Worcester, England, Manufacturer, and George Henry Williamson, of Providence Works aforesaid, Manufacturer, trading as "W. B. Williamson and Sons."—An invention for improvements in metallic boxes or cases for storing articles of food, tobacco, snuff, and paint, and for other like purposes. 3226. 4th September. John Guthrie, of Addison's Flat, in the Provincial District of Nelson, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention for improved tables and head-gear for saving gold in alluvial workings. 3227. 6th September. James Lawrence, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in power-machines specially applicable to elevators. 3228. 6th September. Adam Moszczensky, of 24, Twelfth Line, Ismailsky Polk, St. Petersburg, Bussia, Count of the Bussian Empire.—An invention for the manufacture of refractory crucibles, pots, bricks, and lumps for furnaces.



3229. 6th September. John Armstrong, of London, England, Civil Engineer.—An invention fo improvements in machinery or apparatus for blowing and moulding glass. 3230. 6th September. George Lansell, of Fortuna Crushing-works, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Mine-owner.—An invention for an improved method of propelling vessels in water. 3231. 6th September. John Isidore Harris, of 8, Victoria Buildings, Queen Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in and relating to pens and holders therefor. 3232. sth September. William Grant Loader, of George Street, Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention to be called "The Perfect Cure Automatic Draught-preventer." 3233. sth September. Edwaed Thomas FiETH'of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Electrician, and Henry Howard Greenway, of Auckland aforesaid, Analytical Chemist.—An invention to be called " The Austral Multicarbon Battery." 3234. sth September. Harcourt Innes Paton, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Kaurigum Carver.—An invention for the manufacture of fire-kindlers, to be called " The Eureka Kindler." 3235. 10th September. John Brown "Evans, of Mabus, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in wire-fencing. 3236. 10th September. Emilb Jane Tobin, of 28, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, London, England.—An invention for an improved system of ventilation. 3237. 10th September. George Burnell and Arthur Burnell, of Hindmarsh, in the Province of South Australia, Woolstaplers.—An invention for an improved apparatus for cleansing wool and other textile products. 3238. 10th September. John Abeam, of,Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Master Mariner. —An invention for an improved fire-lighter and heater. 3239. 10th September. Samuel Be' Own, of Wellington, New Zealand, Mayor of Wellington.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for lifting, washing, and separating gold-bearing material and other minerals and substances. 3240. Bth September. James Sanderson, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for window-blind roller. 3241. llth September. Arthur Kitson, Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, one of the United States of America, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in carburetting gas-lamps. 3242. 10th September. Julius Frederick William Henry Schadick, of Westport, New Zealand, Surveyor, &c.—An invention for levelling, to be called "Automatical Level or Levelwheels." 3243. llth September. Charles Elias Gaustad, of Palmerston North, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Cooper.—An invention for improvements in barrel-churns, to be known by the name and title of " Gaustad's Patent Barrel-churn." 3244. 13th September. Charles Aylmer Pownall, of Masterton, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Barrister and Solicitor.—An invention for destroying blight or other animal life, parasite, or pest upon fruit-trees or other trees or plants, entitled " The Patent Nail Blight Destructor." 3245. 10th September. James Baird, of Wynyard Street, Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.--An invention to be called " Baird's Simplex Equilibrium High-speed Botary Engine." 3246. 10th September. George Leasee, of Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.— An invention to be called "Eraser's Improved Overflow Grinding- and Amalgamating - mill," for treating gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, and other mineral ores. 3247. 12th September. Edward Hale Gulliver, of Mangare, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk in Holy Orders, and Benjamin Wills Betts, of Mount Eden, Auckland, in the said provincial district, Architect.—An invention for improvements in connection with windows, doors, French casements, railways, &c, to be called " Patent Selfbalanced Doors and Sashes." 3248. 15th September. David Tayloe and David Bremner, trading as the firm of " Taylor and Brernner," Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights, of Waverley, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand. —An invention for baling and pressing, to be called " Taylor and Bremner's Power-equalising Wool-press." 3249. llth September. Bessie Feegusson Hume, of Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for the protection of young children, to be called " The Child's Safeguard." 3250. 13th September. John Frederick Churton, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved fire-lighter. 3251. 18th September. Edward Grcne, of Unterluss, Hanover, in the Empire of Germany, Manufacturer. —An invention for an improved manufacture of kieselguhr dynamite. 3252. (L.8.) 15th September. James Howard, of Bedford, in the County of Bedford, England, Engineer, and Henry William Gibbs, of the same place, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in the construction of ploughs. 3253. 18th September. George Torry, of Williamstown, in the Colony of Victoria, Marine Engineer.—An invention for improvements in furnace-grates. 3254. 18th September. Joseph Balph Baeburn Yeats, of Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Civil Engineer.—An invention for an improved process for amalgamating gold by volatilised mercury. 3255. 15th September. Alexander Harvey, of Auckland, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for a box, tub, or case for the packing and preserving of butter, meats, or other condiments, to be called " Harvey's Metallic-lined Air-tight Package."



3256. 19th September. Lloyd Aeonzo Kimball, Manager of the firm of Parke and Lacy, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, and San Francisco, California, one of the United States of America, Machinery Merchants, residing at Sydney, in the said colony.—An invention for improvements in certain descriptions of concentrating-machines. 3257. 19th September. Lloyd Alonzo Kimball, Manager of the firm of Parke and Lacy, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, and San Francisco, California, one of the United States of America, Machinery Merchants, residing at Sydney, in the said colony. —An . invention for improvements in certain descriptions of concentrating-machines. 3258. 20th September. Bobert Wotherspoon and Edward Wilkinson, both of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Civil Engineers.—An invention for an improved street-cleaner. 3259. 20th September. Pierre Cheaseman Dv Bois, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Metallurgist. —An invention for improvements in rock-crushers. 3260. 21st September. Frederick Valentine Waters, of Wellington, New Zealand, Clerk.—jAii invention to be called " Waters's Patent Manifold Shipping Beceipt and Boat-note." (Bacon and Co.) 3261. 19th September. Joseph Clark, of Nelson, New Zealand, Gas-fitter.—An invention for an improved gas cooking-stove, to be called " Clark's Patent." 3262. 18th September. Bichard Douglas Morgan, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.— An invention for an improved time-candle. 3263. 21st September. Andrew Bitchie, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Draper, and Bobert John White, of the same place, Tinsmith.—An invention for a new cover for frying-pans, saucepans, or any other cooking-vessel where steam only is required to escape, styled " The Eureka Cover." 3264. 22nd September. Holmes Samuel Chipman, of No. 54, Margaret Street, Sydney, in "the Colony of New South Wales, Merchant. —An invention for improvements in reaping-and-binding machines. (L. Miller.) 3265. 22nd September. Edward Alexander Yon Schmidt, of Alameda, California, one of the' United States of America, at present residing at Malvern Grange, Glenferrie Boad, Malvern, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria.— An invention for improvements in dredgingmachines. (A. W. Yon Schmidt.) 3266. 21st September. Albert Eenest Woodhouse, Amberley, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for a patent feeding-trough, to be called " Woodhouse's Patent Sheep-trough." 3267. 24th September. James Thomson, of the Arahura, in the Provincial District of Westland, New Zealand, Contractor, and Frank Edward Clarke, of Hokitika, in the said provincial district, Draughtsman. —An invention for composite iron piles and sheath-piles, with solidwelded point or shoe. 3268. 25th September. William Henry Patton, of Broken Hill, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer and Mine Manager.—An invention for improvements in the process of treating gold and silver ores by amalgamation and in the devices therefor. (M. P. Boss.) 3269. 26th September. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey, one of the United States of America, .Electrician. —An invention for improvements in phonographs and phonograms. 3270. 26th September. Thomas Alva Edison, of Llewellyn Park, in the County of Essex and State of New York, one of the United States of America, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in phonogram blanks and phonograms and processes of making the same. 3271. 24th September. John MacCluhe, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Carpenter. —An invention for a fern-vase, to be called " The Maori Bustic Fernvase." 3272. 25th September. Patrick John Henley, of Leeston, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer, and David Blyth, of the same place, Blacksmith.—An invention for the pulverising and subsoiling of the soil by implements to be attached to any make of plough, to be called " Henley and Blyth's Pulverising and Subsoiling Attachments." 3273. 24th September. Leslie Morrison, of Auckland, New Zealand, Corn-broom Maker.—An invention for lighting fires, to be called or styled " The Everlasting Fire-lighter." 3274. 24th September. Edward Hale Gulliver, M.A., of Mangare, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk in Holy Orders.—An invention for more easily opening boxes, packages, envelopes, &c, to be called " Gulliver's Patent Aperio." 3275. 25th September. Bobert Percy Chatfibld, of Lower Hepburn Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Clerk, and Spencer Derby Chatfield, of Lower Hepburn Street aforesaid, Clerk.— An invention for an improved portable cool-chamber. 3276. 26th September. William Carver, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Carriage-builder, William Bobert Carver, of the same place, Carriage-body Maker, and Arthur Coverley Carvee, of the same place, Carriage-painter.—An invention for a parlour billiard-board. 3277. 27th September. Bobert Skeoch, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Warehouseman, and David Hope Johnston, of Wingatui, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Farjner.— An invention for the deodorisation of nightsoil and the manufacture of artificial manure therefrom by kiln-drying the said nightsoil and mixing therewith pulverised clay and sawdust. 3278. 27th September. Bobert Skeoch, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Warehouseman, and David Hope Johnston, of Wingatui, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Farmer.— An invention for the deodorisation of nightsoil and the manufacture of artificial manure therefrom by mixing therewith pulverised scoria.



3279. Ist October. William Andrew Young, of Wellington, New Zealand, Omnibus-proprietor. —An invention for improvements in vehicles to be used on common roads and street-tram-ways. 3280. 28th September. Bunter Clapcott, of Bemuera, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman.—An invention for enticing and securing wild rabbits, to be known as "The Excellent Babbit-decoy." 3281. 4th October. Hugh McLean, of Hastings, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for improvements in clippers for clipping the hoofs of sheep. 3282. 4th October. James Hopkins Stevens, of Feilding, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Postmaster, Charles Wheeler Mountfort, of the same- place, Engineer, and Charles Adnam Mountfort, of the same place, Surveyor.—An invention for a process of preserving butter and other alimentary products, to be called " The Cold Vacuum Process." 3283. 4th October. Alfred Upton Alcock, of Corrs Lane, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Electrical Engineer,, and Heney Galopin, of Temple Court Place, off Chancery Lane, in the said city, Scientific Engineer.—An invention for an automatic compensatingfeed electric arc lamp. 3284. 4th October. Heney Hughes, of Wellington, New Zealand, Consulting Engineer and Patent Agent. —An invention for an improved ventilating and cooling apparatus. (J. Smith.) 3285. 4th October. Alexander Scott, of No. 77, Collins Street West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Aerated-water Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the construction of aerated-water bottles. 3286. Ist October. Wesley Spragg, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manager for New Zealand Dairy Association. —An invention" for packing butter, cheese, lard, or any other dairy produce with greater safety, to be called " The New Zealand Dairy Association's Patent Butterpackage." '3287. sth October. James Bodgerson, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a force-pump. 3288. Bth October. Thomas Wills Maunder, of Hamilton, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for a watertight butter-box. 3289. Bth October. John Lewis, of Clifton Hill, in the Colony of Victoria, Mining Engineer. —An invention for an improved electro-chemical process for the extraction and reduction of gold and silver from their ores. (H. F. Julian.) 3290. Bth October. Hugh Victor McKay, of Sturt Street, Ballarat, in the Colony of Victoria, Machinery Merchant.—An invention for an improved reaping-and-bindiiig harvester. 3291. Bth October. William Lingard, of Wellington, New Zealand, Agent.—An invention for iniprovements in coal-bins, to be called "The Self-registering Coal-bin." 3292. 9th October. James Brown, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Accountant. —An invention for improvements to gold-saving machine known as "Brown's Separator" (Letters Patent No. 2337). 3293. 9th October. Thomas Bassett, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Implement and Iron Merchant.—An invention for an improved neck-yoke, to be called " The McCormick Three-horse Evener Neck-yoke." (C. H. McCormick.) 3294. 10th October. John McVey Baird and Edmund Henry Tayloe, both of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Accountants. —An invention for improvements in erections to be used in the sport called " tobogganing," and in appliances in connection therewith. 3295. llth October. Lyman Cuetis Paeke and Benjamin Thomas Lacy, trading as " Parke and Lacy," at San Francisco, California, one of the United States of America, Machinery Merchants.—An invention for improvements in rock-breaking machines and in crushing- and pulverising-machiues. 3296. llth October. John Stewart Mac Arthur, of 15, Princes Street, Pollokshields, in the County of Benfrew, North Britain, Analytical and Technical Chemist, and Bobert Wardrop Forrest, M.D., and William Forrest, M.8., both of 319, Crown' Street, Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain.—An invention for extracting gold and silver from ores or other compounds. 3297. llth October. Henry Edmunds, of 10, Hatton Garden, in the City of London, England, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an improved system and means to be used in the supply or distribution and control of electricity for lighting or other purposes. 3298. llth October. William Tarrant, of Sumner Hill, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Mining Expert.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for the amalgamation and concentration of metalliferous material. 3299. llth October. Thomas Dobbie, Engineer, Myer Levinsohn, Gentleman, and Albert Nathan Jonsen, Gentleman, all of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales. —An invention for improved amalgamating and gem- and pyrites-saving machine. 3300. 6th October. Alexandee Simpson, of West Plains, in the County of Southland, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a gold-saving machine, to be called " Simpson's Patent Gold-saving Machine." 3301. 9th October. Thomas Emeeson, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Shunter. —An invention for a self-acting fire-alarm. 3302. sth October. James Tcidd, of Otahuhu, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Commercial Traveller. —An invention for the improvement of candlesticks, to be called " Todd's Excelsior Candlestick." 3303. 6th October. John Francis Boberts, of Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Incubatormanufacturer.—An invention for tilting kerosene-tins, oil-drums, and other vessels, to be known as " The Acme Kerosene Tilt."



3304. Bth October. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Seymour Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improving and reducing the cost of preserve and other tins, to be called " Johns's Patent Monoplate Tin." 3305. Bth October. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Seymour Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for improving and reducing the cost of jam- and other preserve-tins, to be called " Johns's Patent Preserve-tin." 3306. 13th October. Joseph Cawte Butler, of Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention for an attachment for affixing to the meeting-rails of window-sashes and other purposes requiring a perfect-fitting joint, to be called "Butler's Defiance Meeting-rail Attachment." 3307. 13th October. Joseph Cawte .Butler, of Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Builder. —An invention for an improved fastener for securing windows, doors, &c, to be called " Butler's Eclipse Fastener." 3308. 13th October. Thomas Cossens and Alexander Black, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Engineers, trading as " Cossens and Black."—An invention for automatic folding strawelevators. 3309. 12th October. Albert Willows, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved hank for fixing sails to ships' rigging, to be called " Willows's Improved Hank." 3310. 16th October. John White, of Victoria Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention-to be called " WTiite's Patent Single Back-seam Trousers." 3311. 16th October. Bobert Jenkinson, of Howe Street, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Jenkinson's Patent Glass-lined Stoneware." 3312. 18th October. Holmes Samuel Chipman, of 54, Margaret Street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Merchant.—An invention for improvements in harvesting-machines. (L. Miller.) 3313. 19th October. James Hopkins Stevens, Charles Wheeler Mountfoet, Engineer, and Charles Adrian Mountfort, Surveyor, all of Feilding, in the County of Oroua, New Zealand. —An invention for an improvement in a brake for vehicles, to be called " The Brakeleather Clip." 3314. 19th October. Alexander Lagerman, of Jenkoping, in the Kingdom of Sweden, Engineer. —An invention for apparatus for justifying printing-formes. 3315. 19th October. Monsieur le Comte Edouard de Bottermund, of Bludow, Volhyuia, in the Empire of Bussia, Landowner.—An invention for a new or improved process for extracting gold, silver, and other metals from refractory ores, sands, and residues. 3316. 19th October. Alfred Naylor Pearson, of Cunningham Street, Northcote, in the Colony of Victoria, Agricultural Chemist.—An invention for improvements in wire-netting, and in fences to be made therewith. 3317. 19th October. Joseph Husband, of Waverley, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer. —An invention for an improved safety-catch for mining and other lift-cages. 3318. 19th October. John Hesketh, of 4, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand, Steelmanufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of pile-shoes. 3319. 19th October. John William Williams, of Pakaraka, in the County of Bay of Islands, New Zealand, Grazier, and William Frederick Hewitt, of Waimate, in the County of Bay of Islands, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for improved perforated leadedged galvanised-iron ridging for corrugated-iron roofing, to be called " Williams and Hewitt's Improved Perforated Lead-edged Bidging." 3320. 20th October. Edwin Toms, of Peters Street, Wellington, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention to be called " The Wainui Automatic Water-flush." 332.1. 22nd October. Maurice James Keating, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Lieutenant in the Naval Artillery Volunteers.—An invention for improvements in targets, and in apparatus to be used therewith. 3322. 22nd October. Walter Coop, of No. 41, Little Lonsdale Street East, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Lead-manufacturer.—An invention for an improved method of and apparatus for manufacturing lead shot or balls. 3323. 22nd October. William Henry Hamilton, of White's Bay, in the County of Sounds, Cloudy Bay, New Zealand, Telegraphist. — An invention for preventing the Price flaxmachine cutting the fibre, to be called " The Conical-bearing Flax-dressing Machine." 3324. (L.8.) 20th October. Joshua Hendy, of No. 29, Haight Street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, one of the United States of America, Machinist.—An invention for improvements in ore-feeders for stamp-mills. 3325. (L.8.) 20th October. Boswell D. Clark, of Cortez, Lander County, State of Nevada, one of the United States of America, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in the process of extracting gold and silver. 3326. (L.8.) 20th October. Arthur George Meeze, of Bedhill, in the County of Surrey, England, Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the mode of and apparatus for manufacturing gas. 3327. 20th October. Alfred Hosking, of Auckland, New Zealand, Schoolmaster.—An invention for showing the motions of the earth and moon, the seasons and eclipses, to be called " Hosking's Patent Season-demonstrator." 3328. 20th October. Joseph James Macky, of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved method of making corrugated metal sheets, to be called-" The Supercorrugated Metal Sheeting." 3329. 23rd October. Joseph Soler, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Wine-manufacturer.—An invention for the cure of the codlin-moth on fruittrees. 4—H. 1.



3330. 23rd October. John Taylor, Blacksmith, and Alfred John Mountfort, Surveyor, both of Feilding, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand.-—An invention for an iron or other metal wedge and key for securing and removing axe-handles, to be called " The Model Axe-wedge and Key." 3331. 22nd October. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Seymour Street, Ponsonby, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for simplifying and cheapening tradepackages for jam and other semi-fluid substances, to be called "Johns's Patent Jampacket." 3332. 22nd October. Joshua Thomas Johns, of Seymour Street, Ponsonby, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for the improvement of jam or other preserve tins or packages, to prevent injury arising from contact of the contents with any deleterious substances that may pertain to the materials of which the tin or package is made, to be called " Johns's Patent Protected Preserve-tin.'' 3333. 22nd October. John Feancis McCarthy, of View Boad, Mount Eden, Auckland, NewZealand, Engineer, and Sydney Percival Evans, of Wynyard Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention-for preventing the continuous admission of air into a beerbarrel, to be called " McCarthy's Automatic Spile." 3334. 23rd October. John McGregor, of Boslyn, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Photographer.—An invention for an enamel for coating wood for preserving butter for export or for keeping. 3335. 26th October. William Gadd, of 64, Barton Arcade, in the City of Manchester, England, Civil and Consulting Engineer.—An invention for improvements relating to the construction of gas-holders. 3336. 26th October. Frederick Bemfry, of Bulleen Boad, Kew, in the Colony of Victoria, Grocer. —An invention for an improved attachment to vehicles for holding or pulling up horses. 3337. 24th October. Abednego Allen, of Coromandel, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention to be called "Allen's Patent Improved Safety Detaching Hook," to prevent mining-cages, lifts, &c, being overwound. 3338. 24th October. Abednego Allen, of Coromandel, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention to be called "Allen's Patent Automatic Safetygrips," to be applied to mining-cages, lifts, &c. 3339. 24th October. Parnell Babbidge, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Electrician.—An invention for improvements in telephone transmitters. 3340. 26th October. Thomas Dick Cummins and John Geoege Shaepe, trading under the name of " Cummins, Sharpe, and C 0.," of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Produce-merchants.—An invention for cleaning or working the milk out of butter, to be called " The Excelsior Butter-worker." 3341. 27th October. Harry Walter Wells, Schoolmaster, and Edward William Earp, Farmer, both of Tawa Flat, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for destroying furze and other noxious weeds and plants, to be called " The Furze-destroyer." 3342. 26th October. Harey Brougham Smith, of the Octagon, Dunedin, New Zealand, Painter.— An invention for a combined strainer (for liquids) and basin. 3343. 29th October. James Hopkins Stevens, Postmaster, Charles Wheeler Mountfort, Engineer, and Chaeles Adnam Mountfort, Surveyor, all of Feilding, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand..—An invention for brakes to vehicles, to be called " The Improved Brake-leather Clip." 3344. 29th October. John Stalker, of Tinwald, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, NewZealand, Farmer.—An invention for a sack-hoist, to be called " Stalker's Sack-hoist." 3345. 30th October. William Hicks, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—An invention to be called " Hicks's Patent Seat-shifter for Two-wheeled Vehicles." 3346. 31st October. Marie Augustin Despeissis, of Barkly Street, St. Kilda, in the Colony of Victoria, Sugar-manufacturer.— An invention for a new draught-accelerator and smoke-con-sumer for steam-boilers. 3347. Ist November. Jacob Elliott, of Queen's Boad, Hastings, in the County of Sussex, England, Artificial-stone Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of artificial-stone paving-slabs, and slabs and blocks for building purposes. 3348. Ist November. William Henry Bichaedson, of Thebarton, Machinist, John White, of Alfred Chambers, Currie Street, Adelaide, Agent, and David Hutton, of Alfred Chambers, Currie Street, Adelaide, Agent, all in the Province of South Australia.—An invention for improvements in the crushing and dressing of ore by dry process, and in appliances therefor. 3349. 30th October. Heebeet Collier, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Music-seller..—-An invention for driving light machinery, to be called " The Patent Sand Motor." 3350. 31st October. Thomas Charles Hement, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for improved bath-fittings, to be called " Hement's Combined Improved Bath-fittings." 3351. 31st October. William Hunsley, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a trussing-machine used in the manufacture of kegs, styled "Hunslej's Zealandia Trussing-machine." 3352. 3rd November. George Ashceoft, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales.—An invention for an improved hydraulic railway-lift, for use in hilly districts. 3353. 29th October. John Beown, of Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturer.—An invention to be called "The Champion Combination Produce-Export Cask."


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3354. 29th October. William John Blakky, of Devonport, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention to be called " Blakey's Patent Spring Clothes-peg." 3355. 2nd November. John Thomas Boughton, of Manse Street, in the City of Dunedin, New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An invention for entirely new and greatly-improved methods of applying elastic webbing or other elastic material to all classes and kinds of boots and shoes, to be called " Boughton's Patent Elastic Boots and Shoes." 3356. 3rd November. Christopher Galwey, of Beefton, Inangahua, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention for substituting wooden trenails for iron spikes in fastening the rails to sleepers and for planking bridges. 3357. 6th November. Carl Haggenmacher, of Buda-Pest, in the Empire of Austria, Milldirector.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for sifting and sorting meal, flour, and the like. 3358. sth November. James Ostler, of Lower Biccarton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for a machine for washing bottles, styled " Ostter's Champion Bottle-washing Machine." 3359. 7th November. Stewart Clidsdale Mitchell and Walter Whitelaw Mitchell, trading as " Mitchell Brothers," at No. 572, Lygon Street, Carlton, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Modellers.—An invention for an improved construction of panelled ceilings, cornices, and facings for walls. 3360. 7th November. William Arthur Hills, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Mineralogist. —An invention for an improved process of converting certain metals and metallic ores, oxides, and carbonates, and the sulphides of cobalt and manganese, into metallic sulphates, and apparatus therefor. 3361. 6th November. Frederick Purbrick, of Shirley Grove, East St. Kilda, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Architect and Engineer, and Bobert Holden Stone, of North Brighton, near Melbourne aforesaid, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in means for locking nuts on bolts. 3362. 7th November. Edwaed Hipwell, of New Hibernia Wharf, Southwark, in the County of Surrey, England, Provision Merchant, and Benoit Bernard Hofmann, of the same place.— An invention for an improved enamel or varnish for rendering casks and analogous articles damp-proof, and for other useful purposes. 3363. 7th November. Matthew Cranswick Geeenhill, of No. 8, Bomola Boad, Tulse Hill, in the County of Surrey, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in, and relating to, apparatus for the automatic administration of electricity for medical and other purposes. 3364. 7th November. Feancis Edward MacMahon, of No. 2, Princes Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster, in the County of Middlesex, England, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for delivering measured quantities of liquid. 3365. Bth November. Andre Theodore Christophe, of 5, Bue Meyerbeer, Paris, in the Bepublic of France, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the rectification of alcohol. 3366. Bth November. Henry Nicholas Harvey, of Hayle, in the County of Cornwall, England, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in stampers for reducing metalliferous ores or other like substances to a finely-divided state. 3367. 7th November. Feancis Haytee, of Burkes Pass, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for a feeder for motherless lambs, styled " The Expeditious Feeder for Motherless Lambs." 3368. Bth November. Alfred Leman, of Auckland, New Zealand, Underclothing-manufacturer.— An invention for saving gold, to be called " Leman's Patent Electric Gold-saving Machine." 3369. Bth November. Thomas Davidson, Engineer, and George William Gough, Civil Engineer, both of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention for improvements in machinery for flax-dressing, to be known as " The Premier Flax-dresser." 3370. Bth November. John Burns, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in pumps to prevent the water being drawn away from the pump through defective valves or other causes, to be called " Burns's Pump Air-valve." 3371. 12th November. Bobert Thompson, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Music-seller.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for holding, fixing, and tuning the strings of pianofortes and other stringed instruments of the like kind. 3372. 15th November. Daniel McGill, Mechanical Engineer, and Albert William Collett, Wheelwright, both of Pitone, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for a weight-adjusting dray. 3373. Bth November. Valentine Blagrove, of Bichmond, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, Master Mariner, and W"illiam Craig, of Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Plumber. —An invention to be called " Blagrove and Craig's Patent Steam Curer and Dryer by Hot Air." 3374. llth November. William Andrews, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineer. —An invention for an improved horse-power, styled " Andrews's Simplex Horse-power." 3375. 16th November. Alexandee William Bickerton, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Professor of Chemistry.—An invention for a foot-grating for scraping boots and keeping the feet from damp. 3376. 16th November. Nathan Leroy Baber, of Corvallis, in the State of Oregon, one of the United States of America. —An invention for improvements in machines for treating finelydivided metalliferous material for the purposes of amalgamation and separation. 3377. 16th November. George Marshall Hewson, of Wellington, New Zealand, Commission Agent. — An invention for the manufacture of polony or fish-sausage, to be called or known by the name of " Hewson's Ika."



3378. 14th November. John Joseph Howard, of Auckland, New Zealand, Artist.—An invention for an improved cringle clip, hook, or link, to be called " Howard's Patent Clip." 3379. llth November. Boderick" McLeod, of Auckland, New Zealand, Master Mariner.—An invention for an improved link, clip, or hook, to be called " McLeod's Patent Universal Link." 3380. 17th November. W tilliam Newsham Blair and Peter Seton Hay, both of Wellington, New Zealand, Civil Engineers. —An invention for obtaining gold and auriferous materials from river-bottoms, &c, to be called " The Pneumatic Gold-dredger." 3381. 17th November. Daniel McGill, of Pitone, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer, and Edward Fuhrmann Clarke, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for a steam air-pump for pumping air under pressure, to be known as " The Hydropneumatic Compressor." 3382. 14th November. Bobeet Cockeeell, of Invercargill, in the Provincial District of Southland, New Zealand, Agricultural-implement Maker. —An invention for a suspended chainframed harrow for cultivating the soil, to be known as " B. Cockerell's Patent Suspended Chain-framed Harrow." 3383. 15th November. Edwaed Hale Gullivee, M.A., of Mangare, Suburbs of Auckland, Clerk in Holy Orders, and Benjamin Wills Betts, of Mount Eden, Auckland, Architect, both of the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.— An invention for an improved lamp, to be called " The Patent Meridian Light." 3384. 15th November. Pieeee Finch Maetineau Burrows, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for improvements in step-ladders. 3385. 15th November. Pierre Finch Martineau Burrows, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for improvements in folding adjustable ladders. 3386. 19th November. Henry Shirley Lough, of Amberley, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.:—An invention for an improved press suitable for wool and some other purposes. 3387. 19th November. Moses Scott, of Opawa, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for screw and hydraulic dredging-machines. 3388. 23rd November. Henry Bryant, of Wickham, in the Colony of New South Wales, Bailwaycarriage Builder.—An invention for improvements in railway horse-boxes or cars, such improvements being partly applicable to railway-cars and wagons of other descriptions. 3389. 21st November. Bobert Howe, Joseph Nutt, and Bobeet Samuel Collier, all of Auckland, New Zealand. —An invention for the removal and destruction of nightsoil, to be called "Howe, Nutt, and Collier's Nightsoil Bemover and Destroyer." 3390. 21st November. David McLean Wallace, of Waiorongomai, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Blacksmith, and George William Graves, of the same place, Butcher..—An invention to be called " The Al Wire-fastener." 3391. 21st November. George Dalgleish, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Timber Merchant. —An invention for quarrying and dressing rough stone by the use of revolving drills or cutters and bars. 3392. 22nd November. John Gibbons, of the Thames, in the Provincial District of Auckland, NewZealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improvement in tubs used for the safe keeping of butter and suchlike goods, to be known as " The Climax Screw-head Butter-tub." 3393. 22nd November. William James Dalton, of Auckland, New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of boots, shoes, and slippers, to be called " Dalton's Patent Back-fastening Boot." 3394. 23rd November. Henry Bobert Bichmond, of New Plymouth, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, New Zealand, Solicitor.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of crockery- and glass-drainers. 3395. 22nd November. William Craig, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved hose-reel, to be called " Craig's Improved Anti-friction Boiler-bearings Hose-reel." 3396. 27th November. Pieeee Cheaseman Dv Bois, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Metallurgist. —An invention for an improved process and machine for amalgamating finely-divided auriferous material. 3397. 24th November. Chaeles Atkin, of Auckland, New Zealand, Coach-builder.—An invention for an improvement in under-carriages, to be called " Atkins Triple King-bolt Gear," for all vehicles running with four wheels or more. 3398. 24th November. Chaeles Atkin, Auckland, New Zealand, Coach-builder.—An invention for an improved spring for ease and weight-carrying, to be called " Atkins Supple Spring." 3399. 24th November. John Joseph Howaed, of Auckland, New Zealand, Artist.—An invention for an improved tap or spigot for barrels, bottles, &c, to be known as " Howard's Patent Slide-tap and Spigot for Bottles or Barrels." 3400. 28th November. David Maceae, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for a new or improved apparatus for clothes-drying. 3401. 27th November. Thomas Ellis, of Churton Street, Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Settler. —An invention for a self-acting candle-extinguisher, to be called " Ellis's Self-acting Candle-extinguisher." 3402. 29th November. Alice Cornwell, of Menzies Hotel, William Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Mining Speculator.—An invention for an improvement in materials to be used in galvanic batterie^. 3403. 28th November. Joseph Smith, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—An invention to be called " Smith's Patent Babbit-snare." 3404. Ist December. Allan Skene, of Biddiford Street, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for an improved apparatus for raising and lowering clothes-lines,



3405. 26th November. Charles Atkin, of Auckland, New Zealand, Coach-builder.—An invention for an improved brake, to be called " Atkins Improved Twin-joint Brake." 3406. 28th November. Edwaed Snowball, of New Plymouth, New Zealand, Engineer. —An invention for an improved circular revolving butter-worker, to be called " The Egmont Butterworker." 3407. 30th November. Samuel Smaet and William Smaet, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Contractors.—An invention for tar-distributing machines. 3408. 30th November. James Keir, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, NewZealand, Blacksmith. —An invention to be called " Keir's Improved Coulter." 3409. 3rd December. Herbert Malcolm McNeill, of Wanganui, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Farmer. —An invention for working a sewing-machine either slow or fast without altering the speed of the driving-power, to be called " The High- and Lowspeed Friction Begulator." 3410. sth December. William Crookes, of Kensington Park Gardens, London, England, Gentleman.—An invention for improvements in the treatment of auriferous ores, and in the revivification of the materials used in such treatment. 34.11. sth December. Edward Waters, of No. 75, Chancery lane, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent. —An invention for method of and apparatus for recording and reproducing speech and other sounds. (The Volta Graphophone Company.) 3412. sth December. Edward Joseph Bigby, of the Saudridge Boad, South Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for improvements in hoisting- and windingengines. (C. B. Otis and N. P. Otis.) 3413. sth December. Edward Joseph Bigby, of the Sandridge Boad, South Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—Au invention for improvements in steam-boilers. (H.-L. Shippy.) 3414. sth December. Isaac Button and Edward Peters, both of St. Peters, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, and John Wesley Goodsell, of Petersham, near Sydney aforesaid, Brickmakers. —An invention for improvements in kilns or ovens for burning bricks, earthenware, limestone, cement, and other substances. 3415. sth December. George Nicholls Beyett, of Kimberley Terrace, South Yarra, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman, and Alexandee Daeling Muneo, of No. 8, Avoca Street, South Yarra aforesaid, Aural Specialist. —An invention for an improved artificial eardrum. 3416. sth December. Geoege Nicholls Bryett, of Kimberley Terrace, South Yarra, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman, and Alexander Darling Munro, of No. 8, Avoca Street, South Yarra aforesaid, Aural Specialist. —An invention for an improved acoustic galvanic battery. 3417. sth December. Hahnemann Adolphus Cutmoee, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to the construction of the mouth-pieces and ear-pieces or receivers of speaking-tubes, and in the method of and apparatus for signalling or " calling up " in such instruments. 3418. sth December. Herbert Edwin Crofts, of Sumner, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for a new or improved indicator for lawn-tennis and other similar games. 3419. sth December. Allan Skene, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention for an improved apparatus for straining wire and wire-fencing. 3420. 3rd December. Thomas Goulden Brickell, of Bath Street, Dunedin, New Zealand.—An invention for an air-tight butter-box. 3421. 6th December. Feiedeich Adolf Beihlen, of Stuttgart, Germany. —An invention for improvements in the means for promoting and improving the fermentation of wine, beer, and other beverages, and for bottling such fermented or otherwise carbonated beverages. 3422. 6th December. Frederick de Jersey Clere, of Wellington, New Zealand, Architect.—An invention for an improved method of building-construction, to be known as " Clere's Patent Fire-proof and Earthquake-proof Walling." 3423. Ist December. Daniel Bernard Bate, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand, Practical Engineer and Millwright.—An invention to be called "The Just in Time Quartz and Grain Botary Beduction Mill." 3424. 3rd December. Jeremiah McCarthy, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention for ironing clothes, to be called " The Patent Self-heating Laundry-iron." 3425. 7th December. Bichard William Henn, of Wellington, New Zealand, Window-blind Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of Venetian blinds, consisting of a combined mortice cord-guide and gripper. 3426. 4th December. Bandolph Gethin Creagh, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Clerk. —An invention for a hose- and pipe-coupling, to be known as " Creagh's Hose- and Pipe-coupling." 3427. 7th December. Henry Hunt, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for a potato-planter, to be called " Hunt's Potato-planter." 3428. 7th December. Weymouth Boberts, of Ashburton, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Contractor. —An invention for an improved candlestick, to be called "The Weymouth Save-all Candlestick." ~ 3429. llth December. Sylvester Denney Egen, of Wellington, New Zealand.—An invention to be called "Egen's Motor-power." 3430. Bth December. George William Graves, of Waiorongomai, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand, Butcher ; David McLean Wallace, of the same place, Blacksmith; and Duncan Edward Clerk, of the same place, Farmer. —An invention to be called " The Handy Wire-strainer,"



3431. 12th December. Franz Seraficus Kohlee, of Sinichow, near Prague, in the Kingdom of Bohemia and Empire of Austria, Director, and Ludwig Keyling, of Berlin, in the Kingdom of Prussia, Manufacturer.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of shot or spheres or globules of iron, steel, or other metal, and in apparatus therefor. 3432. 12th December. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for an improved electric meter or motor. 3433. 12th December. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, Massachusetts, United States of America, Electrical Engineer.—An invention for improvements in alternating-current dynamo-machines. 3434. llth December. Samuel Smaet and William Smart, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand, Contractors.—An invention for a sand- and asphaltdistributing machine. ■* 3435. 14th December. John Harms, of Norsewood, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, Carpenter.—An invention for threshing grains, grasses, and seeds by means of a travelling drum worked by horse-power. 3436. 12th December. John Stewart Stinnear, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Plumber and Gasfitter. —An invention for a fire and burglary alarm, to be called " Stinnear's Fire and Burglary Alarm." 3437. 14th December. William Barraclough, Engineer, Ernest Charles Davies and Charles Augustus Wylie, Financial Agents, all of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales.— An invention for an improved automatic apparatus for displaying intermittently pictorial or printed effects, the same to be used chiefly for advertising purposes. 3438. llth December. Charles Dixon Aria, trading as Smethurst and Company, of 175, Piccadilly, London, in the County of Middlesex, England, Lamp-manufacturers.—An invention for improvements in or applicable to moderator and carcel lamps to render them capable of burning mineral oils. 3439. llth December. William Howley Wells, of Evershot, in the County of Dorset, England, Estate Agent. —An invention for improvements in apparatus for raising cream from milk, and for skimming. 3440. 14th December. Duncan James McGauran, of Hawthorn, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Electrician. —An invention for improvements relating to multiplex telegraphy. 3441. llth December. Mephan Ferguson, of Carlton Foundry, Leicester Street, Carlton, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—An invention for an improved method of coupling pipes. 3442. llth December. Edward Waters, of No. 75, Chancery Lane, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.—An invention for improvements in the knotting-apparatus employed in harvesting-machines, and in straw-trussers for binding the crop or produce into sheaves, trusses, or bundles. (Bichard Hornsby and Sons, Limited.) 3443. 14th December. George Trotter Evans, of Verona, Cleveland Street, Bedfern, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Bailway Superintendent.—An invention for improvements in axle-boxes and axle-lubricators for railway rolling-stock. 3444. 10th December. Chapman Ewen, of Tamahere, Waikato, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Ewen's Self-locking Wire-strainer." 3445. 10th December. Alfred Hosking, of Auckland, New Zealand, Schoolmaster.—An invention for illustrating the seasons of the year, day, and night, the phases of the moon, and eclipses, to be called " Hosking's Patent Adjustable Season-demonstrator." 3446. 12th December. William Scarlett de Lisle Boberts, of Marrickville, in the Colony of New South Wales, and James Smith Mollison, of Sydney, in the said colony, Civil Engineers.—An invention for an improved atmospheric thermo-electric generator. 3447. 14th December. William Andrews, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Agricultural Engineer. —An invention for improvements in appliances for bagging chaff or bran, styled " Andrews's Bag-support." 3448. 14th December. Frederick William Still, of the City of Auckland, New Zealand, Gentleman. —An invention for an improved opener for jam- and preserve-tins generally, to be called " Still's Patent Tin-opener." 3449. 17th December. James Kelman, of Alexandra South, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Kelman's Patent Stirrup." 3450. 21st December. George Louis Schneider, of No. 1, Chapel Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Hairdresser; Albert Manvers, of No. 8, Eastern Arcade, Melbourne aforesaid, Musician ; and Archimedes Litherland Cunard, of Morang Boad, Hawthorn, near Melbourne aforesaid, Theatrical Manager.—An invention for improvements in apparatus for exhibiting illuminated advertisements. 3451. 21st December. Heney Claude Walker, of Falmouth Boad, Great Dover Street, Surrey, England, a member of the firm of B. Waygood and Company, of the same place, Engineers. —An invention for improvements in the construction of hydraulic lifts or elevators. 3452. 21st December. Andrew Lamberton, of Sunnyside Engine-works, Coatbridge, in the County of Lanark, Scotland, Engineer. —An invention for improvements in machinery or apparatus for grinding or pulverising substances. 3453. (L.8.) 21st December. Aethue FAViEE,of 15, Bue de Bichelieu, Paris, in the Bepublic of France, Chemist. —An invention for improvements in cartridges, and in detonators for exploding the same. 3454. 21st December. Alfred Leman, of Bichmond Boad, off Ponsonby Boad, in the City of Auckland, New Zealand.—An invention to be called " Leinan's Patent Pulveriser for the Treatment of Tailings." 3455. 21st December. Thomas Waltee Yarrall, of Cambria Street, Nelson, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention to be called "The Novelty Spraying-pump, with Agitator."



3456. 22nd December. John Claee and Heney Fellowes Horrocks, both of Archhill, Auckland, New Zealand, Manufacturing Chemists.—An invention for grinding, &c, to be called "The Acme Beducer." 3457. 27th December. Bobert Henry Elliotte, of Featherston, Wairarapa, in the Provincial District of Wellington, New Zealand, Engineer, and William Toogood, of the same place, Storekeeper.—An invention to be called " Elliotte and Toogood's High-water Pressure Flaxor Fibre-washing Machine." 3458. 19th December. John Kennedy Jameson and John William Jameson, of Invercargill, New Zealand, Engineers.—An invention for raising and forcing water or any other liquids, to be called " Jameson's Patent Quadruple Lifting-and-force Pump." 3459. 27th December. Charles McQueen, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for an improved standard for wire fencing, to be known as " McQueen's Patent Notched Standard." 3460. 27th December. Charles McQueen, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for improvement in dredging-machines, to be known as " McQueen's Patent Dredger," purposely to reduce cost of construction, and to work to greater depths even on dredgers already at work. 3461. 27th December. George Ainley, Engineer, and Giuseppe Garibaldi Turei, Patent Agent, both of 104, Elizabeth Street, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria.—An invention for an improved apparatus for automatically delivering liquids in exchange for coin or the like. 3462. 28th December. Aechibald Campbell Ponton, of Viewfield, Parkstone, in the County of Dorset, England, Architect.—An invention for improvements in the manufacture of artificial stones, marbles, and concrete. 3463. 28th December. Edward Alexander Yon Schmidt, of Barkly Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Civil Engineer.—An invention for improvements in and relating to dredging-machines. 3464. 18th December. Bobert George Stavely, of Port Underwood, in the Provincial District of Marlborough, New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—An invention for killing rabbits by poisoned paste, to be known as " Stavely's Babbit-paste."

Letters Patent lapsed through Non-payment of Benewal Fee, from 4th April, 1888, to 31st May, 1889. 809. W. Booth and G. Booth. —Dripstone filter. 810. W. Greenshields. —Suspender. 812. A. Donald. —Poisoning rabbits. 821. T. J. Thompson.—Hydraulic cement. 824. W. Booth and G. Booth.—Drilling stone. 830. J. J. de Lambert and S. E. Hubbard.—Barbing wire. 835. W. Berry.—Photolithography, &c. 843. E. A. Chapman.—Circular hand-saw. 846. E. Bartley.—Louvre. 849. F. H. Asbury.—Heating water for boiler. 859. J. McLeod.—Cutting maize. 864. P. Duncan and D. Duncan. —Disc-harrows. 875. M. Clarke.—Filling preserve-tins. 878. G. Boss. —Baising sunken ships. 881. E. Hadrill. —Coating boilers. 888. W. McLaughlin.—Hedge-trimmer. 889. T. Wood.—Watertight boot. 893. J. Aspinall.—Bock-drill. 896. B. J. F. Willson.—Elastic-side boots. 898. J. Aeves. —Aerial tramways. 899. C. Atkin.—Anti-window-rattler. 901. G. H. Maesden.—Atmospheric gas. 911. C. Malfroy.—Beversible turbine. 912. T. Awdey and S. Ingram.—Wool-press. 915. J. Venables.—Lead-headed nails. 916. S. W. Fulton.—Wire-strainer. 920. A. C. Andrews. —Paper-bag making. 927. T. J. Thompson.—Cement. 931. H. Gaby.—Mixing air with gas. 932. W. A. Murray.—Preventive to railway collisions. 933. S. Oxenham.—Seed-cleaner. 935. B. Kennedy.—Washing floors. 936. W. Langdown.—Bims and naves of wheels. 910. W. McLaughlin and W. Dunwoodie.—Potato-harvester. 944. T. Haxton and G. Beat-he. —Seed-sower. 948. E. L. Clark.—Pipe- and brick-making. 949. 11. Hughes.—Feeding locomotive-boilers. 951. W. Greenshields.—Hygienic kneelets. 955. W. E. Bichardson. —Weighing-machine.



957. A. Binnie.—Gas-machine. 958. W. Hone, J. Swarm, and C. Koerstz. —Wool-press. 959. W. Vickery.—Boiler fence or guide. 966. A. Vereall.—Coach-building. 968. W. Douslin.—Babbit-catcher. 973. J. Kelly and J. Y. Kelly.—Steam- or water-engine. 976. B. Y. Webb. —Excavator and elevator. 977. B. T. Webb.—Trimming hedges. 979. J. A. T. Butler.—Hanging-stage. 989. T. B. Bosier.—Grain-separator. 993. D. Donald.—Clothes-mangle. ■» " 994. C. J. Toxward. —Tents and temporary houses. 997. H. Stevens.—Opening or Closing Valves. 1001. F. Fiven.—Spring bar for saddles. 1001. S. Osborne and A. Thomas.—Extracting gold, &c. 1005. W. McLaughlin and W. Dunwoodie.—Hay-fork. 1006. M. Clarke.—Meat-tins. 1012. J. Hughes.—Phototype-prints. 1013. P. Duncan and D. Duncan.—Skeith-centre. 1016. J. Simpson.—Hook-pin. 1017. D. Murray and A. W. Parkinson.—Making air-gas. 1018. J. Duthie. —Harvesting-machines. 1020. B. Taylor.—Double-furrow ploughs. 1023. J. King and IT. S. Haeeod.—Tamjiiig, &c. 1025. C. L. Wheelee.—Hedge-cutter. 1035. B. P. Park.—Botary engine. 1036. D. Climie. —Floating breakwater. 1037. J. Levy.—Acidulator. 1038. J. Mackay, Tertius.—Safety stirrups. 1013. F. C. Guilleaume.—Wire-cables. 1044. C. McQueen. —Tumblers for dredges. 1045. C. McQueen. —Dredging-buckets. 1016. W. Brown.—Disc cultivators. 1047. W. McLaughlin.—Steam swamp-drainer. 1048. W. Vickery.—Washing-machine. 1050. T. Hay-cock.—Stain-eradicator. 1051. E. Waters.—Extracting metals. 1052. E. Waters. —Extracting gold, &c. 1053. A. S. Ford.—Crystal engine. 1063. B. Dixson. —Plug tobacco. 1064. W. E. Bichardson.—Match-economizer. 1069. E. H. Elliott,—Wire-barb cutter. 1071. A. J. Schlaadt.—Water-motors. 1073. J. Alexander.—Ships. 1074. B. Wilcox. —Steamship-propellers. 1075. H. J. Haddan.—Secondary batteries. 1082. J. Mackay, Tertius.—Standard for wire-fencing. 1083. J. Hutchison. —Gas-regulator. 1085. J. Pickering.—Extracting tallow, &c. 1088. D. Gordon. —Fire-extinguisher. 1089. J. Douglas.—Plough wheel and axle. 1102. F. H. Asbuey.—Drying grain, Ac. 1103. W. Cook. —Scouring wool. 1110. H. B. Cassel,—Extracting gold. 1113. B. McD. Short and T. Pearce. —Boofiug-nails. 1116. W. McLaughlin.—Stump-jumping harrow. 1117. B. Stansell.—Straining wires. 1120. J. Carter.—Concentrating metals. 1121. E. Spencer.—Extracting gold. 1122. H. Leplay.—Treatment of saccharine liquors.

Applications for Letters Patent lapsed after Publication of List foe 1887. 2289. H. W. Potter.—Spouting-bracket. 2292. A. J. Smith.—Telephone-holder. 2293. J. Haedcastle. —Provision-safe. 2294. J. Hardcastle. —Newspaper-file. 2297. E. Fisher.—Wire-strainer. 2298. T. J. Edmonds.—Egg-flour. 2301. E. Aldis.—Floor-cramp* 2303. H. Chamberlin. —Marine sounder. 2309. T. Dobbie.—Wool-winder. 2310. E. Wooton. —Making jellies from seaweed. 2312. 11. Birch. —Lead-headed nails.



2316. J. Deake.—Telephone conductor. 2319. G. Maeley.—Heating ovens. 2324. J. T. Knight and G. Towler. —Flooring. 2326. W. Greenshields.—Pipe- or cigar-holder. 2327. J. Hipkins.—Blast-furnace. 2328. D. H. Hastings and B. D. 0. Mansford.— Milk-pail. 2329. C. B. Hawes and H. A. Fl.-vtman.—Pocket-protector. 2330. J. Bobertson. —Babbit-exterminating. 2331. J. Bobertson.—Babbit-exterminating. 2333. W. Wells and G. AY. Sturgess.-^Washing-machine. 2336. H. Corrick. —Slide-valve. 2312. W. Garrard. —Swimming apparatus. 2346. B. Cockerell. —Tripod harrow. 2347. J. A. Pond. —Hexagonal keg. 2348. J. Ness.—Fire-extinguisher. 2350. D. Hyams.—Folding bedstead. 2351. D. Hyams.—Folding bedstead. 2352. J. Thompson.—Babbit-trap. 2359. J. M. C. Malfroy.—Sewer-flushing tank. 2360. H. Brooks.—Furniture for locks. 2363. E. Wooton. —Perforating bank cheques. 2364. E. Wooton. —Perforating bank cheques. 2367. W. C. Martyn and D. B. Hutton. —Spring metallic packing. 2371. B. N. Vanes.—Thigh-piece. 2372. C. A. Funke, H. F. Funke, and E.;E. Funke. —Manufacturing brown leather. 2374. T. Begg.—Dropper for fencing. 2375. E. Aldis.—Fire-escape. 2376. A. J. Hunter and H. J. Carson.—Deoxidizingironsand. 2377. J. Chambers and D. B. S. Galbraith. —Deoxidizing ironsand. 2378. D. B. S. Galbraith. —Ore-roasting. 2397. B. Throp.—Sewer-valve. 2400. J. J. Macky.—Candlestick. 2401. B. W. Gibbs.—Clothes-peg. 2402. J. Johnson.—Amalgamating-pan. 2403. H. A. Andrews.—Beel-holder. 2404. G. Dillberg.—Horse-shoe and horse-shoeing. 2405. J. Watt.—Washing-machine. 2407. B. B. Williams. —Wire-strainer. 2409. J. G. W tarner and J. J. Woolgae.—Piston-gland. 2410. A. Wright.—Medicated candles. 2418. W. Gee. —Painting-machine. 2424. A. Taine.—Cancelling stamps. 2425. J. Mason.—Harrow-tooth clip. 2426. J. Crawford and F. W. Paterson. —Boad-engine. 2430. A. L. Foesman. —Compass-hung carriage. 2431. J. Clare.—Manufacture of soda-crystals. 2432. H. O. Brown.—Sash-fastener. 2435. S. Smith.—Ventilator and smoke-ejector. 2436. G. Allman.—Course registering. 2437. C. Bills.—Stretching wire-mattrasses. 2438. C. Bills.—Stretching wire-mattrasses. 2442. J. F. Eustace. —Fitting heads to casks. 2443. S. Hunter.—Candle-shade. 2444. W. J. Dalton. —Sausage-casings. 2447. T. Danks.—Self-sustaining gear for hoists. 2448. E. M. Bolger.—Conveying railway-carriage lamps. 2451. T. Mann and A. 11. Moore.—Castrating lambs. 2452. J. Hipkins.—Smelting ironsand. 2454. W. Cooper.—Waterproof leggings. 2456. A. Geeig.—Beater screen. 2457. W. Stevenson. —Combined collar and hames. 2459. E. Aldis.—Fire-escape. 2460. E. Howarth.—Safety hook. 2462. J. Sinden and T. Goodfellow. —Ore-reducer. 2467. A. D. Wells. —Wire-strainer. 2470. F. Oakden. —Telephone enunciator. 2472. E. P. Amesbury.—Tobacco-cutter. 2473. D. Donald. —Babbit-poisoner. 2478. A. Harvey.—Packing-box. 2479. A. Harvey.—Befrigerator. 2480. J. S. Talbot. —Flower- And fruit-gatherer. 2481. J. Stalker. —Grating-check. 2482. T. W. Foster and D. T. King.—Clothes-horse. 2483. H. S. Lough.—Wool-press. 2485. J. E. Thomson.—Wool-press. 5— H. 1.



2486. J. Clare. —Coating timber, &c. 2487. J. Clare.—Gas-regulator. 2488. T. H. Hodge.—Street-lamp wind-deflector. 2492. J. Clare and H. F. Horrocks.—Fuel. 2493. H. Chamberlin.—Babbit-exterminator. 2495. D. Mitchell. —Cutting glass tubes. 2496. W. Service. —Parcel-post box. 2500. W. Blake.—Making soap. 2502. M. A. Despeissis.—Draught-increaser and smoke-consumer. 2509. C. Heath.—Gas-saving gauge. 2510. H. Fancourt.—Washing clothes.. „ 2516. J. Clare.—Cement slabs. 2517. J. Clare.—Packing caustics. 2519. E. P. Amesbury.—Cleaning tobacco-pipe steins, &c. 2520. J. Tanner. —■ Wire-strainer. 2522. W. J. Dennis.—Music-desk. 2523. B. Maxted and W. W. Holford.—Screw-wrench. 2524. B. Maxted and W. W. Holford.—Combined bustle and seat. 2525. B. Maxted and W. W. Holford.—Cross-head slide for engines. 2526. J. Hay.—Draining steam-pipes. 2529. C. Wagemann.—Bailway-sleepers. 2530. B. Bayley.—Wire-strainer. 2531. T. H. Hodge.—Wick-tube for kerosene-lamps. 2532. J. D. McKean.—Wool-opening. 2533. B. N. Vanes.—Electric battery. ' 2534. E. Butcher.—Fire-alarm. » 2535. J. Hale.—Ground vinery. 2537. D. McKay.—Toasting-fork. 2544. T. Dobbie and M. Levinsohn.—Sifting cinders, &c. 2545. T. Dobbie and M. Levinsohn. —Seed-cleaner. 2551. F. McArthur. —Babbit-trap. 2555. B. Caldwell.— Wire-strainer. 2557. J. J. Sanderson.—Beel-holder. 2558. J. Clare.—Manurial compound. 2559. A. Maxwell.—Spring pads. 2563. B. N. Cowan and B. A. Hearn.—Water-motor. 2568. E. Park.—Screw- and paddle-propeller. 2569. J. Lancaster.—Oil-soap. 2570. J. Lancaster.—Preparing wool. 2572. E. Bowlands. —Bottling aerated waters. 2576. B. F. Loffler.—Produce-preserver. 2577. F. Oakden.—Babbit-trap. 2580. S. E. Cooper.—Sheep-shears. 2581. N. P. Caevee.—Fishing. 2582. C. H. Weefoed.—Babbit-destroying. 2590. H. D. Vavascoue.—Wire-strainer. 2594. F. Warton.—Befrigerator. 2595. J. Holmes.—Provision-cover. 2596. S. K. Martin.—Bicycle-speed increaser. 2599. W. Cole.—Boiler-skate check. 2602. D. McLellan.—Babbit-trap. 2607. D. Eglin.—Lace-cutter. 2610. T. Garland.—Lawn-tennis marker. 2611. S. Jickell.—Gas-producer. 2612. J. Caswell. —Incubator. 2613. C. Leov.—Babbit-destroying. 2614. A. Maxwell. —Harness back-bands. 2616. W. Johns.—Weeder. 2617. G. Johnston.—Washing-machine. 2618. H. Mainland.—Wire-strainer. 2619. J. Hardcastle. —Newspaper-binder. 2622. W. F. Crawford.—Billiard-table. 2624. B. G. Marsh.—Folding newspapers. 2630. H. W. Feancis.—Night-light and food-heater. 2631. T. Hawke.—Cattle-shipping. 2632. W. E. Chapman.—Sash-fastener. 2633. T. B. Ceawshaw.—Turning music. 2636. W. Swinburne. —Suspensory bandage. 2637. W. Swinburne.—Water-tank. 2639. B. F. Flood.—Babbit-exterminator. 2640. J. Houldgate.—Washing-paste. 2641. W. Lamplough.—Catching rabbits. 2643. H. J. Banger.—Hedge-cutter. 2650. T. H. Copeman and J. Clegg.—Shading perambulators. 2651. B. Schofield. —Egg-producing food.



2652. H. Mainland.—Wire-strainer. 2655. J. Lose.—Baft. 2656. G. Miles.—Post-stay. 2657. T. H. Hodge.—Till-lock. 2662. J. Lawrence. —Brakes of railway-trains. 2663. E. H. Crease.-—Butter-package. 2665. T. T. Masefield and J. B. Vaile.—Mop and handle. 2666. T. T. Masefield and J. B. Vaile. —Brush-holder. 2667. T. T. Masefield and J. B. A^aile.—Mop-wringer and soap-box. 2669. J. B. Vernon. —Bange-boiler. 2671. T. Gager.—Trouser-susjiender. •* 2675. T. Herbert. —Compound flooring. 2676. T. Herbert.—Plastering-lath. 2679. H. Fancourt. —Wringer and mangle. 2688. B. C. AY. Cuming.—Printing-machine. 2689. H. Chambeelin.—Babbit-trap. 2690. B. Callon and G. Goodlet.—Making malleable cast-steel. 2692. J. Bose.—Wire-strainer. 2693. F. OAKDEN.—AVire-strainer. 2701. B. S. Smith.—Telephone relay. 2702. B." N. Cowan and B. A. Hearn.—Water-flush. .2703. AY. M. Taylor.—Fire-escape. 2704. P. F. M. Bueeows.—Step-ladder. 2709. J. Lane.—Beer-siphon. 2711. T. Herbert.—Glazing-clips. 2713. G. P. Morris.—Water-filter. 27.17. D. Pickering.—Windmill. 2718. J. B. Jones.—Orchard-sprayer. 2719. H. Durand.—Trace-protector.

N.B.—The fees for Letters Patent are now, if unopposed—On depositing specification, 10s.; on obtaining Letters Patent, £2 ; and at or before the expiration of the fifth year, £7. Copies of "The Patents Act, 1883," and Begulations, with Hints to Inventors, price Is., can be obtained from the Government Printer, Patent Office Agents, Postmasters, or booksellers. Forms of application are supplied gratis. Patent Office Agents, with whom applications may be lodged, have been appointed at the following places : Auckland, Thames, New Plymouth., Wanganui, Gisborne, Napier, Palmerston North, Blenheim, Westport, Nelson, Greymouth, Hokitika, Christchurch, Ashburton, Timam, Oamaru, Dunedin, Queenstown, Lawrence, and Invercargill. C. J. A. Haselden, Patent Office, Wellington, 31st May, 188!). Patent Officer.

[Approximate Cost of Paper. —Cost of preparation, nil; printing (1,800 copies), £-2i 7s. [

By Authority : GeObge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB'J.

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1888., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, H-01

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1888. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, H-01

LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1888. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1889 Session I, H-01

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