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"Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Mr. B. P. Bayly, to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir, — Crown Lands Department (Live Stock Branch), Wellington, 23rd May, 1888. I have the honour to furnish herewith the annual sheep returns for the year ending the 31st May, 1887. The total number of sheep in the colony on that date was 15,155,626, as against 15,174,263 for the previous year, or a decrease of 18,637. The District of Auckland shows an increase of 20,458 ; Napier, 74,374 : West Coast, 111,721; Wellington, 14,025 ; Nelson, 8,883 ; Marlborough, 22,533 ; Westland, 1,219 ; Otago, 29,879 : while in Canterbury there is a decrease of 301,729. In the North Island there is an increase of 220,578, and in the South Island a decrease of 239,215. The classification can be taken approximately as: Merino—males, 3,055,769; females, 3,578,512. Long-wool—males, 574,824; females, 930,337. Cross-bred—males, 2,604,139 ; females, 4,362,045. Total—males, 6,234,732; females, 8,920,894 : making a total of 15,155,626. A large decrease has taken place in merinos, a slight decrease in long-wools, and in cross-breds there is an increase of over 310,000. A very considerable increase has taken place in the export of frozen mutton, 931,526 carcases having been shipped during the year ended the 31st March last, or an increase of 224,559 over the previous twelve months. Napier supplied 155,057 ; Wellington, 209,785 ; Canterbury, 316,455 ; and Otago, 250,229. The number of sheep boiled down amounted to 378,339, being an increase of 52,859, while 215,192 were preserved, or an increase of 128,316. The imports have been very limited, only 126 sheep being introduced, and all of them from the Australian Colonies. The exports were 3,204 to the South Sea Islands, and 220 to Australia and Tasmania. The infected list for the year ending the 31st March last shows the comparatively large total of 64,743, of this number only some twelve thousand were actually infected flocks, the remainder being made up through the whole of each station on which scab was discovered having by law to be declared infected, and no scab has been seen in any of these flocks since January, and. all are now within fences. The outbreak was discovered in the first place on Mr. Bullen's Green Hills Bun, at Kaikoura, on the southern extremity of the Marlborough District, and almost simultaneously another one was reported at Tophouse, on the boundary between Marlborough and Nelson. At Mr. Bullen's the infection was confined to about seven thousand, although the flock, numbering thirty thousand, had to be declared unclean. No scab has been seen there since January. The bush has been fenced off where danger existed, and thoroughly scoured, and one of the most experienced Inspectors has been specially detailed to supervise all operations ; everything possible has and is being done by the owner to ensure eradication of the disease, and the sheep are now being mustered for a clean certificate. The infection was traced to bush lands, of which some fifteen thousand acres exist on the southern boundary of the run, to parts of which the adjoining flocks had access, and it is surmised that some stragglers were left out when the sheep were granted their last clean certificate, and that these reinfected the flock when this country was again restocked. As a matter of fact, this area was restocked too soon. At Tophouse the scab was clearly traceable to wild bush sheep. The case, however, was greatly intensified owing to the manager of the station having concealed the outbreak for a considerable time. Here again reinfection occurred through restocking bush country before sufficient time had been allowed for destroying stragglers and wild sheep. The infection extended as far as Mr. D. Kerr's Motupiko Station, which adjoins the Tophouse Block, and at that time not fenced off from it. The infection in this flock was very limited. The high bush country has been fenced off, and the sheep have again obtained a clean certificate. At Tophouse fences have been erected, dividing all the rough country from the open land. It I—H. 13.



is proposed to hold what sheep are retained within this fence, and not to restock the back country for at least two years, and in the meantime to thoroughly scour it. A gang of men are now employed in this direction, with the result that some eight hundred wild sheep and stragglers (a number of which were scabby) have been already destroyed. All these sheep are now within fences; with the exception of a small flock at Mount Patriarch Bun, which is a portion of the Tophouse Block, these sheep have remained clean hitherto, but I much fear that, when the adjacent rough country is scoured for wild sheep and stragglers, infection will follow. In fact, were this flock destroyed, the country would be safer. I have very little apprehension of any further outbreak. Should such occur, with the amended Act of last session the means to at once stamp it out are provided. It is satisfactory to be able to report that the Clarence and Waipapa country, formerly the hotbed of scab, have both again stood the test of shearing- and straggling-muster. On the latter run, which contains some of the roughest country in the colony, most satisfactory work has been accomplished. The run has been subdivided by fencing, and prior to being restocked each block has been thoroughly scoured. Hopefield, in the Amuri District, in Nelson, and other small places in the Sounds, all of which were open to doubt, proved clean at shearing-time. Of the islands, Arapawa, when scoured again this year, was clean ; but on D'Urville's Island, near Port Hardy, a mob of stragglers were found, some of them scabby. There are only about fifty flock sheep on this island, owned by Maoris: they are in a paddock, and clean. The most severe test the doubtful country has to undergo arises from the fact that Mr. W. Gibson, of Kaikoura, has restocked the country known as the Bui Bui, between Waipapa and the Hapuka Bivers. This is the run where all the sheep were destroyed in 1886, and compensation allowed by the Government. Since then a gang of men have been employed upon it and the neighbouring Crown lands, scouring the country and destroying wild sheep and stragglers. Altogether, some ten thousand have been killed; but no scab has been seen since February, 1887, on or near the Buibui; yet, when it is considered that no fencing has been erected prior to restocking, and that the whole of this bush country will again be overrun with the sheep now put on, it is quite evident a certain risk exists. So soon as the sheep have had time to spread over the ground they will bo mustered at once to ascertain if they have picked up any stragglers that may have been loft there, otherwise no further steps can be taken until the spring. I should have preferred that this run remained unstocked for another twelve months. The restocking of this country has necessarily caused the withdrawal of the gang of wild-sheep musterers, but a certain expenditure in this direction will still be required next season at Tophouse, Bed Hills, and D'Urville's Island. There were 270 wild sheep and stragglers destroyed at Kaikoura between August, 1887, and April, 1888, at a cost of £671 os. 5d., as against 8,500 previously at a cost of £4,361 2s. The last scabby sheep killed was at Bui Bui in February, 1887. At Tophouse up to date about eight hundred wild sheep and stragglers have been destroyed, at a cost of about £250. The work of scouring will require to be continued here next spring as well as at D'Urville's Island. These are the only two places scab is known to exist, and only in the wild sheep. The non-appearance of scab throughout the North Island during the past twelve months may be considered conclusive evidence that the disease is thoroughly stamped out there. The bonus for keas during the year amounted to £62 10s. 6d. representing 1,712 beaks. I would recommend that the bonus of Is. per beak be given by the Government, this, with the 6d. given by some of the County Councils, would tend to ensure more active efforts for their destruction ; as it is the number of sheep destroyed by them is not so great as in former years. I consider this bonus well expended. The alteration in the Act, in permitting all sheep shipped within the colony from clean districts to travel without certificates, has relieved the department of a great deal of unnecessary inspection without endangering the flocks. In reviewing the report it will be observed that an actual decrease (although very small) of the number of sheep in the colony has taken place for the year ended the 31st May, 1887. It will be further noticed that this decrease is confined wholly to the Canterbury District, and can, I believe, be attributed in a great measure to the low prices of wool ruling in 1886 and part of 1887, together with frozen mutton during the same period, leaving a very small margin of profit. These facts induced farmers and some of the large owners in agricultural country to reduce their flocks, breed from a less number than previously, and put a greater area under crop. The excess in the number of sheep boiled down and frozen leads to the idea that a large number of stock has been cleared. The short-shearing musters in the high country further shows that the severe winter and spring had told disastrously on the stock, while from the steady increase in the North Island it is evident that the available country is being improved and stocked: it is in this direction in future I look for our largest annual increase. On the whole last season was decidedly unfavourable ; very poor lambings were reported on the high country, especially in the south; in some cases not more than 15 per cent. ; the clip generally light. I can report the flocks throughout the colony healthy, and, again, as far as is known, free from scab, and I do not anticipate any further outbreaks if the unstocked rough country known to be infested with wild sheep is thoroughly dealt with. I have, &c, Benj. P. Bayly, The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Superintending Inspector.



Table showing Increase or Decrease in the Number of Sheep in each County throughout the Colony.

Number of Sheep. County. Increase. Decrease. 1886. 1887. Mongonui Bay of Islands Hokianga Rodney Whangarei Otarnatea Uobson Slanukau Waitemata Eden Thames Coromandel Ohinemuri Waikato Raglan .. SVaipa Piako West Taupo and Kawhia .. East Taupo Whakatanc lauranga Cook Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa Patangata Taranaki Hawera Patea Waitotara VVanganui Rangitikei Oroua Manawatu llorowhenua Hutt North Wairarapa South Wairarapa Waimea Collingvvood Buller .. 13,405 18,305 1,532 24,614 20,081 9,704 1,815 33,000 13,427 4,689 5,226 1,965 1,094 31,009 4,814 16,005 31,790 2,130 494 28,022 9,174 386,387 285,301 1,250,531 398,935 025,171 13,972 50,554 90,455 50,108 159,057 248,421 127,794 123,571 49,474 121,583 518,531 464,441 107,869 18,906 1,025 5,914 5,134 50,403 572,233 139,392 530,525 105,000 726,415 715,298 270,561 858,318 688,081 432,724 704,986 5,609 645,509 390,030 450,235 145,804 133,316 110,279 5,604 239,450 143,901 270,457 341,474 072,809 395,035 14,100 18,759 1,530 20,645 28,093 9,099 2,253 33,758 13,199 4,482 5,281 1,893 908 36,839 4,599 18,475 37,818 2,312 1,175 28,101 10,160 452,394 315,547 1,212,883 419,795 620,075 11,303 55,787 109,957 59,128 109,045 294,373 158,706 126,284 53,084 122,870 559,577 400,133 112,348 19,900 1,103 0,071 7,703 54,113 502,597 157,524 537,085 80,000 713,835 051,051 253,237 771,409 635,299 440,516 650,874 0,828 644,601 408,389 457,366 147,433 125,000 105,344 5,480 231,935 136,094 265,904 369,689 679,006 403,481 695 454 2,031 1,412 438 698 55 5,830 2,410 6,028 170 681 79 986 60,007 30,240 20,860 5,233 13,502 3,020 9,388 45,952 30,912 2,713 3,610 1,287 11,040 1,092 4,479 1,000 78 757 2,569 3,710 2 005 228 207 72 180 215 37,643 '5,096 2,609 Grey Inangahua Sounds Marlborough Kaikoura Amuri Cheviot Ashley Selwyn Akaroa .. Ashburton Geraldine Mackenzie Waimate Westland Waitaki Slaniototo Vincent Lake Waihemo ... Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri 18,132 7,160 7,792 9,030 25,000 12,580 G3,047 17,324 80,909 52,782 48,112 1,219 18,359 7,131 1,029 848 8,316 4,935 124 7,515 7,807 10,553 Bruee Clutha .. Tuapeka Southland Wallace 28,215 6,197 8,446 15,174,263 15,155,626 384,314 402,951 384,314 Total dei :rease 18,637



EETUEN showing (in Totals under Counties) — 1. The Sheep Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of " The Sheep Act, 1878." 2. The Area of such Districts. 3. The Number of " Infected " Sheep in each District. 4. The Number of Sheepowners in each District. 5. The Number of Sheep upon which the Sheep-rate is collected. 6. The Amount of the Sheep-rate in each District. 7. The Number of Inspectors of Sheep, Cattle, and Babbits, and Begistrars of Brands, residing in each District. 8. The Amount payable for Salaries and Allowances in each District.

2—II. 13.



J^.. 1 2 S Number of Infected Sheep on 4 Number of Owners on 31st May, 5 Number of Sheep on 31st May, Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. Area. 81st March, 1887. 31st March, 1888. 1886. 1887. 1886. 1887. Auckland Counties Napier Counties ... West Coast Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties ... (Marlborough Counties, and { Amuri County (part of) Canterbury Counties, and Amuri County (part of) Westland County Otago Counties ... Acres. 12,269,000 5,688,000 6,074,400 2,510,800 5,020,000 2,709,300 996,000 8,301,000 635,700 2,702,000 14,039,000 None None None 5,196 None 713 5,000 None None None None None None No?ie None None 64,743 None None None None None 1,200 622 1,200 642 642 355 16 2,299 15 35 2,123 1,233 660 1,280 642 679 356 16 2,244 15 38 2,153 279,021 2,946,325 926,006 1,134,555 138,848 762,028 326,877 4,501,383 203,648 5,609 3,949,963 299,479 3,020,699 1,037,727 1,148,580 147,731 774,234 337,204 4,202,821 200,481 6,828 3,979,842 10,909 64,743 9,149 9,316 15,174,263 15,155,626 6 7 Number of Inspectors, on 31st March, 8 Salaries and Travelling Allowance. Sheep Eate for Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. 1886. 1887. 18S8. 1888. Superintending Inspector for Colony ... Auckland Counties... Napier Counties West Coast Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties (Marlborough Counties, and | Amuri County (part of) / Canterbury Counties, and ... \ Amuri County (part of) (Westland County... Otago Counties 279 2,946 926 1,135 139 762 327 4,501 204 5 3,950 299 3,021 1,038 1,149 148 337 J 4,203) 200 J 7 3,980 1 4 4 2 2 2 600 925 1,040 600 625 550 3 850 5 1,400 1 13 300 3,475 15,174 15,156 37 10,365



BETUBN showing— 1. The Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of— "The Sheep Act, 1878;" " The Diseased Cattle Act, 1881;" also the Cattle Boards appointed under the Act. 2. The Number of Sheepowners owning under 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 Sheep, also owning 20,000 Sheep and upwards; also Total Number of Owners of Sheep, and Total Number of Sheep, for the Year ended 31st May, 1887. 3. The Number of Owners of Infected Sheep, and the Number of Infected Sheep, on 31st March, 1888. 4. The Names and Besidences of Officers holding Appointments under the Sheep, Diseased Cattle, and Branding Acts.



IB. l. 2. On the 31st Mat, 1887. 3. ] Number op 4. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number o] Owners owning under O ™ O c3 Total Number of CO a ■id Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by him. o 8 rn" o o o cm" o 8 o o o o" rH 8 o CI .9 z O d Owners of Sheep. Sheep. ■ , On March 31, 1888. Auckland Sheep Distbict — Bay of Islands Subdivision (area 1,893,000 acres) Mongonui Bay of Islands ... Hokianga ... ... ... ... Marsden Subdivision (area 1,632,000 acres) — Eodney Whangarei Otamatea Hobson Auckland Subdivision (area 1,713,000 acres) — Manukau Waitemata Eden ... Thames Coromandel Ohinemuri North Auckland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Mongonui, Bay of Islands, Hokianga, Eodney, Whangarei, Hobson, Manukau, Waitemata, Eden, Thames, Coromandel, and Ohinemuri. Cattle Board: — J. May, Chairman, J. Dilworth, B. Maclean, T. Morrin, and J. Wallace. Waikato Subdivision (area 1,734,000 acres) — Waikato Eaglan Waipa... Piako ... Taupo Subdivision (area 2,188,000 acres) — East and West Taupo and Kawhia South Auckland Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waikato, Eaglan, Waipa, Piako, West Taupo, and Kawhia. Bayly, B. P., Superintending Inspector under the Sheep, Cattle, Branding, and Eabbit Acts, for the colony. Drummond, J., Auckland, Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrarof Brands, in charge. 87 40 13 5 4 1 1 5 i 93 50 14 14,100 18,759 1,530 209 175 51 16 3 3 2 1 2 l 214 179 54 17 26,645 28,093 9,099 2,253 Elliott, A., Eamo, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 162 57 42 12 9 5 11 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 l 2 176 61 43 15 10 6 33,758 13,199 4,482 5,281 1,893 908 Hately, W., Auckland, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Oldham, H., Hamilton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 53 40 25 2 3 4 1 2 5 3 2 "i i 58 40 76 38 36,839 4,599 18,475 37,818 2 10 1 1 12 3,487



Cattle Board : — E. Maclean, Chairman, A. A. Fantham, W. L. Martin, C. J. Storey, and B. H. Duncan. Bay of Plenty Subdivision (area 3,109,000a.) — Whakatano 35 8 3 1 1 48 28,101 Tauranga Taceanga Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Whakatane, Tauranga, and East Taupo. Cattle Board :— G. B. Morris, Chairman, J. Brown, S. L. Clarke, B. C. Jordan, and J. Snodgrass. Napier Sheep District — Poverty Bay Subdivision (area 1,775,000 acres) — Cook ... ... ' ... County Cook Cattle District —Comprising the County of Cook. Cattle Board :— J. W. Johnson, Chairman, J. Clark, A. McKenzie, Vf. Smith, and G. L. Sunderland. Napier Subdivision (area 3,913,000 acres) — Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa Patangata Hawke's Bay Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, Waipawa, and Patangata. Cattle Board :—/. D. Ormond, Chairman, J. Hcslop, W. Orr, Sir G. S. Whitmore, and J. 3. Coleman. West Coast Sheep District (area 6,074,400 acres) — Taranaki Taranaki Cattle District —Comprising the County of Taranaki. Cattle Board :— Robert Trimble, Chairman, T. Bayly, W. Bayly, H. D. Vavasour, and J. Elliott. Wanganui Subdivisio?i — Hawera Patea ... Waitotara Wanganui Wanganui Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Patea, Wanganui, Rangitikei, and Manawatn. 27 1 1 « 29 10,160 52 31 23 25 15 14 1 161 452,394 Pasley, E. C, Napier, Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Thomson, C, Gisborne, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 40 43 87 14 9 23 2G 7 8 15 21 15 23 14 12 15 30 6 9 8 17 7 3 1 18 14 96 169 154 80 315,547 1,212,888 419,795 620,075 Fitzroy, C. A., Napier, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Munro, Donald, Waimata, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 78 80 11,363 45 55 2 a 03 18 25 32 12 22 6 38 6 14 5 8 81 118 59 145 55,787 109,957 59,128 169,045 Monro, A., Wanganui, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 2 1 3 i 1



1. 2. On the 31st 4. llAY, 8S7. Number op Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under o • CM '%■& is d Total Number of to - .9.1 Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by him. o o o o o o o c o O O O CM Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On March 31," 1888. o o Bangitikei Subdivision — Eangitikei Oroua Manawatu Horowhenua 131 193 102 68 01 25 4 30 32 12 10 27 15 9 3 7 3 1 2 i i 268 290 152 87 294,373 158,706 126,284 53,084 Simpson, E. K., Mai-ton, Sheep Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 1 Wellington Sheep District — ■ Wellington Subdivision (area 470,800 acres) — Hutt (together with the Islands of Kapiti, Mana, and Somes) ... Wellington Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Hutt, and East and West Wairarapa. Cattle Boap.d :— H. Bunny, Chairman, 67. Beetham, G. Pharazyn, E. J. Biddiford, and J. Taylor. Wairarapa Subdivisions (area 2,040,000 acres) — South Wairarapa 132 39 18 200 122,870 Eichardson, T. G., Wellington, Sheep Inspector. Deputy Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar oi Michie, T., M.E.C.V.S.E., Wellington, Deputj Cattle Inspector (honorary). 104 25 22 29 17 13 1 211 466,133 Orbell, E., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputj Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. North Wairarapa 111 37 32 20 9 10 0 231 559,577 Nelson Sheep District — Nelson, Motucka, Golden Bay, Butler, and Grey Subdivisions (area 5,020,000 acres) — Blundell, A. K., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputj Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Campbell, H. McN., Nelson, Sheep Inspector. Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Waimea 391 33 8 G 1 439 112,348 Collingwood 123 4 3 1 . 131 19,906 Buller... Grey ... Inangahua Nelson Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waimea, Collingwood, Buller, and Inangahua. 36 24 40 4 3 i l 36 29 44 1,103 6,671 7,703 Eees, W. C, Greymouth (see Westland Subdivision, Canterbury).



Marlborough Sheep District — Picton, Blenheim, Awaterc, Kaikoura, Amuri, and HopefteldSubdivisions(a,Tea,3,705,300&cves) — Sounds 120 54,113 Hull, E., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. 86 IS 12 4 Knyvett, W. H., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Moore, J., Kaikoura, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Marlborough 102 15 10 8 18 14 6 173 562,597 3 64,743 Kaikoura Marlborough Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Sounds, Marlborough, and Kaikoura. Amuri (Part of)... 43 6 5 v 1 2 2 63 157,524 2 2 7 16 337,204 Cooke, G. S., Waiau, Amuri, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 2 Canterbury Sheep District — Waiau Subdivision (area 635,700 acres) — Amuri (Part of)... i Foster, E., Christchurch, Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Cooke, G. S., Waiau, Amuri (see above). 1 2 2 1 4 5 15 200,481 Northern Subdivision (area-1,571,000 acres) — Cheviot Ashley 1 5 1 562 80,000 713,835 Holderness, E. E., Amberley, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 421 52 36 24 12 12 Chris tchurch Subdivision — Selwyn Akaroa 503 60 79 17 34 13 32 21 J7 9 10 5 4 1 679. 126 651,651 253,237 Mackay, T. T. W., Christchurch, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Ashburton Subdivision — Ashburtori 344 771,409 180 51 -10 29 21 13 10 Timaru Subdivision (area 3,281,000 acres) — Geraldine Mackenzie Waimate Canterbury Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Amuri, Cheviot, Ashley, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashburton, Geraldine, and Waimate. Cattle Board :— J. T. Peacock, Chairman, F. J. Kimbell, C. Newton, J. Studholme, and H. Mcllraith. 201 11 80 55 10 41 15 23 4 10 6 •8 0 6 15 3 7 6 13 339 50 143 635,299 440,516 656,874 Sutton, W. A. P., Timaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Westland Subdivision (area 2,702,000 acres) — Westland Westland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Westland and Grey. Cattle Board: — H. L. Bobinson, Chairman, J. A. Bonar, J. Giles, D. P. James, and H. B. Lahmann. Eees, W. G., Greymouth, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 35 38 6,828



l. 2. On the 31st 3. Number of 4. Jay, 1887. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under o 2 o Q o o rH CM Total Number of o trH a 02 rH !arch 31," .888. Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by Him. g 55 8 o Q O ci o 5 '3rd & d O 3 Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On 31 Otago Sheep District — Oamaru Subdivision (area 1,570,000 acres) — Waitaki Dunstan Subdivision (area 5,009,000 acres) — Maniototo Vincent Lake .... Dunedin Subdivision (area 1,368,000 acres) — Waihemo Waikouaiti Taieri ... Bruce ... Port Chalmers Subdivision (area 25,000 acres) — Peninsula Tapanui Subdivision (area 1,282,000 acres) — Clutha... 128 64 58 33 49 16 86 143 31 17 11 8 14 18 26 14 10 7 4 4 4 17 14 8 G 3 G 7 5 10 8 8 4 1 9 1 11 4 2 1 2 1 3 1 8 8 8 1 1 2 3 214 113 90 62 78 35 142 196 644,661 408,389 457,366 147,433 125,000 105,344 231,935 136,094 Clifton, E., Dunedin, Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Miller, W., Oamaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Thomson, H. S., Omarama, Sheep Inspector. Shaw, C, Clyde, Sheep Inspector. Scott, J. M., Quecnstoivn, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Quartley, S. E., Palmerston, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Scaife, W. A., Outram, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 5 4 11 3 1 15 5,480 Dowden, E. A., Dunedin, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Fullarton, B., Balclutha, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Miles, T. J., Laiorence, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 194 27 12 9 7 4 2 255 265,904 Tuapeka Otago Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Peninsula, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, and Tuapeka. Cattle Board :— Mathew Holmes, Chairman, B. Charteris, J. Boberts, J. Shand, and J. Smith. Southland Subdivision (area 4,785,000 acres) — Southland 152 32 21 8 3 4 4 224 369,689 351 80 38 25 12 11 524 679,066 Wachsmann, A., Gore, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Anderson, C, Invercargill, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Douglass, A., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector. Wallace Southland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Southland, Wallace, Lake, Eiord, and Stewart Island. Cattle Board :— T. Brydon, Chairman, J. S. Shanks, J. B. Sutton, J. Holmes, and J. Shand. 145 15 11 11 11 205 403,481


o. BETUBN of all Sheepowners, and Number of Sheep and Lambs, on 31st May, 1886 and 1887 ; showing the County in which Owners reside and their Sheep are depastured, so far as the information is supplied in the Schedule "A" furnished by Sheepowners under section 21 of " The Sheep Act, 1878."


AUCKLAND DISTRICT. RETURN of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1S80. I 1887. Kitchen, John, Victoria Valley Kitchen, Philip, Kohimarn, Mongonui Lambly, J. W., Bellevue, Oruru Banner, W. E., Kaitaia Leslie, W. D., Kaeo MacBne, IT. F., Waiari, Kaeo Maria, N., Oruru Masters, C M., Pukepolo, Mongonui Matthews Brothers, Aurere, Mongonui Matthews, H. B. and F., Kaitaia Meinata Te Haara, Olrahue, Kaiteia Murray, Mrs. M. A., Woodside Farm, Kaeo Ngarama Temaru, Parenga Panther, D. F., Kaiaka, Victoria Valley Paton, J., Campsie, Victoria Valley Permey, George, Kaeo Penney, Joseph, Mongonui Pita T'e Hara, Takahue, Kaitaia Puckey, 0. I., Woodville, Kaitaia Pucker, R, H. M., Woodville, Kaitaia Puckey, W. Q-., Woodville, Kaitaia Bewiri Hongi, Parenga Richards, G-., Awamii Rose, Mrs. W., the Kunii, Awanui Shepherd, A. B., Whangaroa Shepherd, Isaac, ITpokorau, Kaeo Shepherd, II. Or., Tauranga, Whangaroa Shepherd, J. G-., Waitangi, Whangaroa Shepherd, T. W., Whangaroa Silva, J., Oruru Simpson, J., Awanui Smith, Thomas, Awanui Spanhake, W. II., Awanui Stuvge, Mrs. S. E., Olveston, Mongonui Subritzky, W. II., Ohore, Ahipara Switaer, J., Victoria Valley Tadman, F. and Or, Peria Taylor, Jacob, Snmmerdale, Oruru Te Tira, Kaitaia Thomas, G-., Waikanga, Mongonui Tutere Wharerau, Victoria Valley Wells, AV., senr., Victoria Valley Wells, W.j jun., Waikanga, Oruru White, O, jun., Victoria Valley Whiiehead, W., Oruaiti, Mongonui Wi Kurukuru, Parenga Wilkinson, George, Oruru, Mongonui Wilkinson, T., Mongonui Wiremu Weka, Whangaroa Wrathall, J., Mongonui Wrathall and Burke, Back River, Mongonui Yates, S., North Cape, Parenga 3 43 6o 21 '5° 77 •3° iS° 784 200 4 300 100 84 57 98 32 21 100 .3° 100 130 94 7° 15' '55 600 16 40 60 65 200 68 !40 I 80 69O 28o ■4 •500 '180 96 66 5° 60 3' 100 46 150 200 112 98 129 200 700 ■95 24 220 60 98 200 38 '5° 11 192 24 190 7° 95 180 50 »5° 16 50 43 '4 900 30 CS 41 80 95 300 600 100 45 8 800 60 69 35 60 92 495 260 300 100 Nil 70 1,600 100 160 70 1480 13,405 14,100

s To. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886, I 1887. MONGONUI COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). A damson and Claudet, Taipu, Mongonui ... Begg, John, Whangaroa Bell, R., Totara, Whangaroa Bcrgham and Holmes, Mongonui Bowman, John, Ahipara Bramley, John, Waipuna Bramley, W., sen., Kneo Brighouse, Thomas, Kaeo Buckingham, N., Victoria Valley Coulter, Thomas, Peria Dawson, James, Victoria Valley Dunn, R. II., Kaitaia Foley, Edmund, Kaitaia Foster, Cornelius, Mongonui Foster, George. Mongonui Foster, Jabez, Oruaiti, Mongonui Foster, S., Land of Goshen, Mongonui Foster, S., jun.. Oruaiti, Mongonui Frcar, Annie, Totara Frear, J., Mongonui Garton, W., Kainamu, Oruru Garton, W., jun., Mongonui Goulton, B , Kaeo Graham, R., Maungatete, Awanui Hare, J., sen., Kaeo Hare, Wesley, Kaeo Hare, W. J., Kaeo Hayes, J. D., Mangiti, Whangaroa Hayes, Thomas, Whangaroa Hayes, William, Kaeo Hazard, W., Mongonui Henderson, R., Haupapanui, Mongonui Hindson, William, Mongonui Hobson, William, Victoria Valley Holiepa Patana, Pukipoto, Kaitaia Hollis, P. L., Grassmere, Kaitaia Hopa Toamia, Hauturu, Kaitaia Hori Korau, Whangaroa Hows, J. T. A., Waitapu, Whangaroa Hows, J. M., Tauranga, Whangaroa Huirama tu Kariri, Knnana, Mongonui Jacentho, J., Oruru Johnston, R. V., Kaitaia Karena Kiwa, Kenana, Mongonui Kingsford Brothers, Kaitaia Kitchen, George, Victoria Valley 3—H. 13. 278 186 25 150 26 3' 22 20 170 235 86 450 62 70 5° 200 650 42 ■5° 6 332 '93 12 42 180 27 Nil A 4 46 30 40 220 196 Nil 3» 5 00 '70 74 5° 225 580 '85 120 Nil 45 •3 40 36 60 Nil 55 20 7° 26 5° 5° 8 120 '4 1 21 28 160 24 24 14c 3° 18 '4 100 12 125 95 40 400 22 1 00 109 120 5° 400 23 60 100 290 3° 92 Nil





No. of !-; 31st] 111'.:", (SI May. 1880. 1887. RODNEY COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Angore, William, Warkworlh Anderson, Joseph, Cloveryard, Matakana ... Andrews, W., Warkworth Armour, John, Broomland, Matakana Armstrong, W., Komokoriki Bailey, Robert, Tryphena , Baldock, George, Wharehine Barker, W. P., Fernbrook, Puhoi Barton, George, Warkworth Bayer, Peter, Upper Waiwera Bayer, Wenzl, Puhoi Becher, T., Puhoi Belcher, George, Hoteo North Bell, Hugh, Wharehine Birdsall, J., Matakana Blackburn, B., Port Albert Boldcro, G. T\, Bridge Brook, Te Arai Boler, Samuel, Frithwood, Tauhoa Boon, J. W., Warkworth Breese, J. T., Kaipara Flats Breton, G. R., Te Kapa Brookes, Edwin, jun., Wharehine Brown, John, Te Arai Browne, Edward, Wellsford Buchanan, J., Lower Matakana Buekton, J. I., Tauhoa Burdett, J., Tauhoa Butt, Thurnwald, Puhoi Came and Sons, Drayton, Matakana Campbell, John, Te Kapa (Pousonby) Carran, D., Warkworth Carrie, I. G., OarriedeU, Matakana Chamberlain, G., Warkworth Chandler, J., Mahurangi Heads Christian, A., the Lagoon, Matakana Clark, Frederick, Kaiwaka Clarke, C. S., Omaha Clayden, James, Warkworth Clements, E. G., Lisalea, Kaipara Fiats Cooper, J. C, Warkworth Cooper, S., Ralveston, Port Fitzroy Crokcr, S., jun., Sweet Hope, Matakana Croker, S., jun., Hillside, Matakana Cruickshauk Bros., Greenlaw, Matakana Durecourt, J. G., Matakana Darrach, J., Te Kapa Dennis, G. C , Warkworlh Dibble, G., Wellsford Dudding, J. G., Port Albert Edlington, W. and A., Great Barrier, Port Fitzroy Ellen, W. N., Komokoriki Engster, Ernest, Kaikoura Island, Pukekohe Eyre Bros., Hillsbro, Te Arai Eyre G., Woodleigh, Hoteo North Farrand, G., To Arai Farrand, W. B., Te Arai Fenton, W., Matakana Fitzgerald, T. E., Hclcnsville, Ponsonby Fletcher, Thomas, Port Albert Flynn, W. and P., Port Fitzroy Fordlinm, Mrs. E. M., Omaha Frearson, W., Omaha Gibbs, James, Hoteo North Gozar, G., Te Arai Grant, Joel, Hoteo North Grant, Joseph, Port Albert Grant, Robinson, Hoteo North Gray, Charles, Hoteo North Green, C. V., Tauhoa Greenwood, C. W., Lower Matakana Greenwood, James, Omaha Greenwood, John, Hill Top, Omaha Greenwood, R. O, Waiwera Greenwood, \V., Spring Bank, Omaha Grey, Sir George, Kawau Island, Auckland... Grimmer, A. N., Warkworth Grut Brothers, Orewa Gubb, T. A., Port Albert Handby, Thomas, Omaha Hardw'ick, C. E., Port Albert ... 3' 250 55 58 21 '39 '3° 140 4' 60 60 40 75 40 118 Nil 22 40 18 131 79 63 45' 3° 160 1 20 I/O 200 2 53 381 180 110 34 260 35° 300 '5° 45 3° 100 90 596 140 5° 26 36 76 '53 43 28? 63 62 46 '5° 160 170 Nil 80 45 (>5 100 40 '5° 20 22 25 47 160 Nil 64 398 85 180 120 160 200 325 348 190 95 5° 283 300 250 '54 '5' 78 97 5 l 100 150 600 180 68 27 5° 109 170 27 300 600 170 26 26 300 500 280 95 30 1300 18 300 15 45 3° "5 160 166 21 67 40 1310 25 300 7 5° 7° 130 160 164 160 44 5° 95 7° 62 '53 299 13C0 50 75 7o 78 8 36 80 60 61 4c 0 300 I2CO 56 70 75 64 8

No. of s: ::::,; ] I860. I beep on May. 1867. BAY OF ISLANDS COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Alexander, A., Swarraton, Waimate Alexander, Alfred, Kingsclere, Okaihau Baker, George, Russell Bedggood, J. A., Springbank, Kerikeri Bedggood, W. II., Waiuri, Waimate Bindon, J. W., Wairuaroa, Kawakawa Brisbane, Thomas, Russell Burleigh, H. C, Okaihau Busby, W., Waitangi, Ohaeawai Busby, W., Maun gat uroto, Ohaeawai Dhappell, Joseph, Waimate 31arke, H. and W., Prospect, Waimate 31arke, M., Waimate >oss, II., Te Ti, Paihia Earl, W., Omapcre, Ohaeawai Edmonds, J. T., Ngawhitu, Ohaeawai P.ruera Waikerepuru, Ohaeawai Foster, Henry, Ngapipito, Kawakawa Glray, J. R., Pahake, Ohaeawai Sreenway, J. II., Motu Arohia, Russell Hall, J. A. L., Kawakawa Hare Warnna, Parekura, Russell Ucdley, II., Kawakawa Henare Himi, Ohaeawai Hewitt, W. F., Waitangi, Waimate Kingston, J. W., Otahuo, Ohaeawai Irving, J. II., Onewhero, Kawakawa Irving, Walter, Russell Karena Puhi, Tapuetahi, Kerikeri Kemp, <^. R. D., Kerikeri, Waimate King, W. S., Otaha, Waimate Kingi Rangaili, Waimate Deece, J. W., Ngaheia, Ohaeawai Lloydd, Helen, Mrs., Whakapakara, Russell... Ludbrook, S.B., (Est. of) Tupetupe, Ohaeawai Mita te Tai, Russell Marshall, R., Whangai, Kawakawa Morrow, Robert, Kawakawa Mountain, George, Purerua, Russell Paraaapa Taurau, Ohaeawai Parata Paraone, Kawakawa ['era Ngawati, Te Parekura, Russell Press, John, Swarraton, Waimate Pukepuke, To Akau, Russell Bewiri Abitapu, Te Akau, Russell [tuatara and Hapurona, Kawakawa 1'renehard, Hugl), Pahake, Ohaeawai Wiremu Kaire, Ohaeawai Wellby, A., Wangarurii, Russell, Williams, II., Pouerua, Kawakawa Williams, J. W., Paharaka, Ohaeawai Wiivniu Katene & Son, Remuera, Ohaeawai Wiremu Parata, Ohaeawai 395 ■58 ioo 60 1200 1100 44 670 875 90 257 120 60 292 '5 5' 75 180 200 87 18 Nil 94 6 59 170 80 10 60 1100 '' 93 92 480 860 40 607 112 Nil 42 191 250 20 50 55 90 180 '97 92 6 100 Coo 7° 20 70 500 57 3' '895 73 1 ioo 2000 22 1000 59 2C0 16 300 20 170 54 200 20 260 23 207 85 345 50 20 180 Nil 190 73 1800 4800 500 90 '8,759 70 i '53 i 149 2CO 54 1800 4655 600 '8,305 nOKIANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Burt, J., Onoke, Herd's Point Dangen, H., Hokianga Halliwell, G., Kohukohu Sardinian, G., Waitapu Harris, F., Herd's Point Henepere Te Tipeno, Orongotca, Waitapu ... Herbert, Joseph, Herd's Point Heremia Te Wake, Herd's Point Hone Pihama, Kohukohu Hori Karaka, Kohukohu Marriner, John, Hokianga Moka Kaio, Kohukohu Muriwai Hepehi, Upper Waihou, Hokianga Puhi Otene, Kohukohu Rnktna Pou, Kohukohu Paniora Mato, Kohukohu Webster, J., Opononi, Herd's Point Wiremu Te Whire, Waitapu 766 7° 38 60 2r 116 10 4' 20 22 Nil 696 79 Nil 40 Nil '3' '5 26 24 34 '5 11 9 9 24 32 27 352 34 ',53° 5 289 i,532





No. of S: 31st I licep on May. 1887. 1866. I Hardwick, G. A., Wharehine Hen!, Joseph, Puhoi Iteywood, Oliver, Port Albert Hood, Andrew, Stanley, Kaipara Flats Hudson, J. II., Kaipara Flats Inger, T., and Sons, Port Albert Jamieson, Govau, rTc Kapa Jennings, G., Te Arai Jesenzky, M., Puhoi Johnson, A. F., Trypliena Kaes, Wenzl, Puhoi Kempt, Alexander, Omaha Kennedy, T., Puhoi King, S., Parakakau Krohn, O, Puhoi Lane, William, Sunnyside, Matakana Larkins, F., Matakana Lawrence, W., Mangawai Legge, J., Port Albert Legge, Levi, Tauhoa Le Roy, E. G , Port Fitzroy Levet, G, and Son., W rellsford Levet, Joseph, Hoteo North Linton, J. G., Te Ihu, Batley Logue, James, Oruawharo North Maeklow, Brothers, Warkworth Malcolm, N., Trypliena Marcroft, E., Wharehine Matheson, A., Omaha Majall, John, Trypliena Meiklejohn, James, Matakana Meiklejohn, S., Matakana Melville and Morison, Kaipara Flats Millon, T. J., Matakana Mills, G. A., Kaipara Flats Moir, Mrs. Eliza., Puhoi Moor, G, Woodlhorpe, Warkworth Moor, J. and Son, Mohunga, Port Fitzroy ... Morgan, C. E., Mahurangi Heads Morrison, 15 , Redeliff, Warkworth Mulligan, James, Warkworth Neeley. William. Omaha Nicholson, J. B., Port Albert Oakcs, R., Creekdale, Warkworth Osborne, A. J., Sandholme, Trypliena Oldfield, F. O., Hoteo North Oldfield, W. G., Piedmont, Hoteo North ... Paddison, E., Port Fitzroy Parker, C, sen., Tauhoa Parker, John, Komokoriki Parry, J. G., Pukapuka, Puhoi Paul', J., Puhoi Paul, M., Puhoi Paul, Wenzl, Puhoi Pearson, Aaron, Port Albert Perkins, Walter, Hoteo North, Auckland ... Phillips, Charles, Warkworth Phillips, Isaac, Warkworth Phillips, Joseph, Warkworth Phillips, Robert, Warkworth Phillips, W. II., Matakana Phillips, William, Warkworth Phillips, William, Tnphena Pollock, Thomas, Tongue Farm, Matakana ... Powell, Isaac, North Albertland Prictor, W., Port Albert Pulham, II. W., Hoteo Lodge, Warkworth... Ramsbottom, J., Wellsford Rauner, M., Puhoi Redman, J. Y., To Arai Remiger, 1!., Puhoi Boper, J. S., Matakana Russek, Antoni, Puhoi Sainsburv, T. G, Park Farm, Warkworth Salt, H., Warkworth Sanderson, W., Barrier Island, Okupu Sankey, Richard, Matakana Seandrett, G., Mullet Point Schedawey, Anton, Puhoi Sehischka, Mrs. L., Ahui'oa, Puhoi SohUchka, V., Puhoi Sehischka, W., Pulioi Schmidt, A , Puhoi S« 75 222 74 6o 240 '7 10 84 36 80 94 42 1 go Nil 95 42 85 170 '5o 10 49 90 180 160 Nil 79 '39 7' 60 66 86 36 '75 300 272 52 166 62 46 146 52 140 150 4 5 160 26 j 76 78 7° 7° 90 42 193 300 200 58 '8.5 96 56 140 56 150 '75 40 180 ■65 1 70 7° 150 500 200 75 55 95 120 500 200 6S 75 43 225 Nil 75 170 92 200 88 '55 3 75 130 103 200 77 24 '3<S <>5 62 '5 158 95 80 15 59 96 140 160 so IOO '25 140 146 55 45 98 68 152 66 60 97 60 300 320 37 8 18 '5° 27 40 25 98 83 200 80 64 121 88 60 o 130 29 50 27 94 80 220 80 37 95 82 37 110 7' 7° 52 90 89 7° 60 72 5'

:;:. t Jiay. 1S80. I 1887. Scholium, Joseph, Puhoi Scholium, John, Puhoi Scholium, Wenzl, Puhoi Shannon, D., Oruawha'o North Shepherd, J. A., Port Albert, Shepherd, John, Port Albert Smith, G. J., Matakana Smith, David, Wharehine Smith, Hugh, Matakana Snook, William, Warkworth Somerville, J. T., Te Arai Stark, G., Gt. Barrier Is., Port Fitzroy Steventon, A. II., Tauhoa Stiller, J., Puhoi Stott, M„ Wharehine Sturch, Thomas, Banksfee, Mangawai Taylor, John, The Pines, Warkworth Taylor, Robert, Trypliena Teed, D., Lisalea, Warkworth Thomson, J., Kauri Grove, Kaipara Flats ... Tindall, H. II., Matakana Tolhoph.W., Puhoi Trethowen, J., jun., Parkvale, Warkworth ... Trotter, Alexander, Warkworth Turner, J. G., Port Albert Tutin Brothers, Mangawai Vipond, A., North Albertland Vipond, E. C, Kaipara Flats Vipond Brothers, Glenedin, Matakana Vipond, Harold, Grasshill. Matakana Walker, A. C, Gateacre, Wellsford Walsh, Thomas. Wharehine Ward, Frank, Wharehine Week, Joseph, Warkworth Week, "Mrs. Anna, Puhoi Week, .L, jun., U~pper Waiwera W Tenzliek, J., Puhoi Western, J., Glenwood, Tauhoa Western, John, Te Aral Wharfe, A. J., Hoteo North Wharfe, I'., Linton, Oruawharo North Whittle, Charles, Trypliena Williams, J. S., Bournedean, Kaipara Flats Williams, John, Matakana Williams, J., jun., Matakana Wilson, Enoch, Hoteo North Wilson, Herbert, Wellsford Wilson, John, Hoteo North Witheford, Clement, Tauhoa Woodcock, A., Warkworth Woodcock, A. E. and G., Wellsford Woolcott and Seccombe, Puhoi Worker and Sutton, Pine Park, Wellsford .., Worslcy, C. E., Woodlea, Warkworth Wyaft, G. Chidham, Kaipara Flats Wyatt, S.. Hoteo North Yearbury, Edward, Hoteo North Yearbury, Robert, Hoteo North Yearbury, W. G., Tauhoa Yearbury, William, Hoteo North 84 108 92 116 4' 53 48 196 49 40 28 7o 200 3° 160 158 86 50 26 28 24 80 100 75 14 100 93 84 95 156 46 3' 3' 42 89 26 64 '85 61 40 28 65 190 Nil Nil .67 96 60 30 300 3' 24 '30 126 94 95 Nil 130 5° 40 54 90 1 22 82 100 80 IOO 50 77 90 160 90 53 12 •37 5° 125 12 37 7' 140 1 2 60 80 C'5 130 98 60 180 83 374 5' 45 270 40 53 7' 82 95 120 80 300 35° 39 4' 250 55 88 WHANGAREI COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Allaway, J., Whangarei Armstrong, M. W„ Whangarei Aubrey, II. R-, Whangarei Heads Babe, Mrs. A. E., Mangapai Babe, John. Mangapai Heasley, J., Parua Bell, Moses, Kaurihohore Bloiuer, II. F., Hikurangi Boyd, Samuel, Hawksview, Mangapai Brooker, William, Whangarei Brown, P. S., Te Tarata, Ngunguru Bullians, W., Mangapai Butcher, J., Mangapai Buttress, James, Hikurangi Campbell, J. G., Waipu Campbell, N., sen., Waipu Campbell, R., Waipu Carter, E., Mangapai 24,614 26,645 210 28 160 97 27 86 298 16 130 110 100 5o 152 20 180 7° 84 180 85 90 170 35 95 72 46 '97 Nil 83 170 70 80 200 70 90 160





No. of SI 31st I hecp on May. 18SG. I 1887. McKenzie, Hector, Waipu McKcnzie, M. W., Waipu McKenzie, Norman, Waipu McKenzie, Win., Limestone Hill, Waipu McKinnon, John, Whareora McLachlan, D., Maungakaramea McLean, Duncan, AVaipu McLean, Ewcn, Waipu McLean, John, Budgrove, Waipu McLean, John, Cave, Waipu McLean, M., Ruatangata, Waipu McLean, Murdoch, Waipu McLean, Neil, Whangarei McLean, Roderick, Waipu McLennan, Mrs. C, Waipu McLennan, N., Kaurihohore McLeod, John, Waipu Mel.eod, J. G., Whangaiei Heads McMillan, J., Waipu McHae, Murdoch, Whangarei Heads Miller, David, Mangapai Miller, Mrs. M., Maungakaramea Morgan, Mrs. Anne, Whangarei Heads Morrison, John, Cave, Waipu Morrison, John A., Waipu Murphy, Nicholas, Whangarei Murray, George, Mangapai Neville, 11., Mangapai Newton, William, Mangapai Nobes, George, Whangarei O'Carroll, T., Maungakaramea O'Shca, Dennis, Maungakaramea Ormandy, B., Mangapai Palmer, G., Mangapai Petersen, Frederick, Maungakaramea Phillips, N., Whangarei Phillips, William, Kamo Pidgeon, R., Mangapai Porter, Mrs. Selina, Maungakaramea Powlesland, J. B., Ruatangata Prescott, Jas., Waipu Robinson, C. A., Whangarei Heads Robinson. T., The Nook, Parua Rogers, W. G., Maungakaramea Roose, R., Whangarei Ross. George, Parua Rountree, J., Mangapai Rutherfurd, J. S., The Island, Whangarei ... Samuels, George, Maungakaramea Sands, J., Maungakaramea Sinclair, A. F., Kaurihohore Sinclair, D., Kaurihohore Sloane, James, Mangapai Smeaton, J., Whangarei Smith, P., Whangarei Snell, F. J., Maungakaramea Snell, W. C, Tangihua Solon, John, Mangapai Spence, J., sen., Glenburnie, W Thangarei Steele, P. M., Newforfar, Ruatangata Stephen, C, Charlton, Mangapai Street, F. J., Willsworthj, Ruatargata Sutherland, Hugh, Waipu Sutherland, J., Waipu Telfer, Mrs. Annie, Parua Thomas, W., Kan.o Tremain, George, Ruatangata Urquhart, John, Whangarei Heads Wakelin, Thomas, Koraokaihau, Kamo Walker, H. J., Mangapai W TaHer, J. C, Mangapai Walker, James, Maungakaramea Watson, Alfred, Mangapai Watson. E. W., Mangapai Watts, Thomas, Kaitaia, Kamo Weir, Thomas, Mangapai Whitelaw, J., Kamo Wilson, Brothers, Ruatangata Wintle, Alfred, Mangapai Wolf, Henry, Otonga East, Kamo W roolley, W. H., Mount Denby, Kamo Worsnop, James, Ruatangata Worsnop, Joseph, Spring Grove, Ruatangata 280 '35 190 12 Soo 130 140 90 150 170 130 200 170 35 170 14 57 55 '5° 8 98 89 6 300 100 5° 100 212 130 5° I 6 97 260 200 72 '95 190 426 55 85 35° 88 180 200 130 '39 16 600 132 140 IOO "50 300 '30 200 '95 Nil 130 '7 60 60 140 10 100 9' 8 300 IOO Nil IOO 230 108 21 75 52 9' 279 45 '55 68 190 196 594 75 : 20 399 8.5 160 60 57 150 '74 100 200 35 '5° 130 580 320 ~77 98 '4 200 52 '95 190 680 300 '86 98 80 75 7 150 Nil 80 98 40 63 21 20 75 50 '5° 53 75 140 42 42 37 '5 9° 200 5° 190 48 Nil 72 37° 44 55 95 80 43 85 1 20 60 200 60 360 52 365 '95 120 400 64 400 3° 250 290

No. of SI 31st I 18G0. hoop on Hay. 1887. Carter, J. II., Pah, Hikurangi Carter, J. W., Te Mata, Mangapai Carter, W., Woodford, Hikurangi Child, T., Rangiora, Maungakaramea Clark, W. N., Tara Hill, Otonga Clements, W. H., Whangarei Clotworlhy, N., Whangarei Cole, Mrs. C., Mangapai Cook, John, Kamo Cook, H. H., Maungakaramea Courtney, John, Maungakaramea CowarJ.William, Otaika, Whangarei Cox, Thomas, Mangapai Crawford, II., Glenbush, Whangarei Crawford, W. and J., Maungakaramea Cunningham, Mrs. E., Mangapai Cutforth, Richard, Kamo Davey, Miss Louisa, Maungakaramea Dent, Samuel, Whangarei Donaldson, J., Whangarei Donaldson, S., Mangapai Durham, John, AVaipu Edge, G., Willow Grove, Whangarei Eru RehiiR, Otonga Fifield, John, Whangarei Finlaysou, A. J., Waipu Finlayson, J., Waipu Eraser, Donald, Waipu Eraser, James, Waipu Frasor, W., Balure, Mangapai Garscd, Joshua, Hukerenui Gell, Henry, Waipu Going, J., Clough Prior, Kamo Graham, S., Mangapai Grecnway, J. H., Mimi-whangata, (Russell)... Griffin, Joseph, Woodville, Whangarei Gunson, G., Maungakaramea Gunson, Mrs. Sarah, Maungakaramea Gunson, R. B., Maungakaramea Hall Brothers, Tangihua Hall, John, Mangapai Harrison, W., Mangapai Hawken, C, Maungatapere, Whangarei Hawken, William, Whangarei Havward, C. E., Mangapai Hewlett, W. H., Whangarei Hilford, R., Waikiekie, Mangapai Howie, R., Parua Huggins, R. A., Parua Hunter, Thomas, Mangapai Hutchinson Bros., Huanui, Whangarei Jackson, Thomas, Otonga Kerr, George, Maungakaramea King, W., Kamo Lang, W., The Cove, Waipu _ Lawrence, Thomas, Mangapai Lee, L. T., Parua Lowe, Thomas, Mangapai Mackay, A., Periwaka, Waipu Mackenzie, W. J., Waipu Macleod, John, Whangarei Heads Maeleod, W. J., Parua Maddren, W. T., Otonga, Hikurangi Mallabond, J., Parua Maslen, J., Kamo Mason, Henry, Mangapai Mason, P., Mangapai MeAdams, W. B., Maungakaramea McAllister, W., Mangapai McAulay, A., Waipu MeCullough, G., Mangapai McCullough, Thomas, Mangapai McDonald, Allen, Belle Vue, Waipu McDonald, Hector, Waipu McDonald, Murdoch, Kamo McDonald, Malcolm, Parua McGregor, Donald, Waipu Mclnnes, Hugh, Waipu Mclnnes, M., Kamo Mclnnes, R., Kaurihohore McKenzie, Alexander, Kaurihohore McKenzie, Donald, Kaurihohore McKenzie, Duncan, Waipu 20 140 66 3' 140 10 205 74 72 90 117 5 78 180 24O 88 93 80 '03 Nil 75 200 102 96 290 90 95 '7 490 280 80 76 280 80 70 4 490 165 9' 100 93 94 '93 24 140 93 '5° 81 300 98 97 140 •■)?. 6 120 120 130 94 112 '50 18 160 56 170 92 342 3' 60 '75 140 2'5 16 190 130 90 60 72 100 90 70 79 100 180 60 300 '85 '43 55 40 200 '4 300 80 180 50 45 40 "9 Nil 290 96 160 119 27 248 79 150 140 4' 97 70 80 140 4' 94 74 80 20 32 290 340 7 2 Nil "5 75 127 '50 9' '65 35 93 Nil 90 60 37° 400 5,i8.5 38 30 50 60 350 45 96 160 60 172 100 350 4,500 50 34 66 60 37o 34 88 '75 95 180





No. of SI 31st 1 1SC3. hcep on May. 1887. Vright, George, Whangarei fates, B., Ruatangata 5 93 26,681 4 94 HOBSON COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Andrew, A., Marybank, Te Kopuru Vriell, J. B., Paparoa Jutterworth, Isaac, Te Kopuru 31ark, Charles, Whakahara 3odd, Samuel, Mititai Creadon, G., sen., Penearrow, Whakahara ... larding, Maurice, Mangawharo ijeslie, W., Kaiwaka jinnell, G. J., Kaiwaka ttartin, John, Matakohe ylasefield, Rich., Aratapu 3vens, J. and G., Matakohe Paton, J., Arapohu, Whakahara Smith, II. T., Mititai rrounson, James, Dargaville Fincent, Robert, Mititai PVatson, Thomas, Tangiteroria, Tangihua ... SVebb, Thomas, Aratapu Webb, W. G., Mititai Wilson, John, Dargaville 28,093 30 '7 5 55 30 196 595 100 5' Nil. Nil. 38 30 200 800 'SO 35 53 164 '5 100 '5° 5' 20 280 150 16 42 250 49 46 200 Nil. 60 30 10 5° 18,15 2,253 OTAMATEA COUNTY. (In Marsden Subdivision.) Billings, Isaiah, Maungaturoto Bowmar, Joseph, Kaiwaka 3hadwin, William, Maungaturoto 31iff, George, Paparoa 3oates, Edward, Matakohe 3oates and Kendall, Pukekararo 3olbeck, A. and F., Pukehina, Pahi Davies, Charles, Maungaturoto Dodds, John, Paparoa Dowson, T. W., Kaiwaka Dugardy, Thomas, Point Curtis 3-allie, George, Matakohe 3-allie, Philip, Matakolie 3-oodall, F. J., Paparoa jrillin, George, Maungaturoto 3-ummer, I. and A., Maungaturoto ffames, 0. C, Paparoa Hames, R. and C, Paparoa Eardie, Joseph, Matakohe Hargreaves, Mrs. Joseph, Port Albert Hemphill, James, Maungaturoto Howard, B. J, Maungaturoto Huhand, W. E., Maungaturoto Huband, William, Maungaturoto Ishisler, Joseph, Matakohe lackman, W. IT., Pahi Littin, Alfred, Kaiwaka Mason, J. B, Rowsell's Masson, D. B , Paparoa Massey, John, Maungaturoto McCallum, Samuel, Paparoa Metcalfe, J. M., Matakohe Mooney, Samuel, Maungaturoto Morrison, James, Kaiwaka Seit, George, jun., Te Pahi S"utsford, Thomas, Paparoa Palmer, A. N., Paparoa Philmore, Mrs. C. II., Matakohe Prince, Samuel, Kaiwaka Itinloul, Andrew, Rowsell's Ross, Robert, Kaiwaka Slater, T. W., Paparoa Skelton, Grorge, Summer Hill, Paparoa Smith, Richard, jun., Matakohe Snelling, W. II., Maungatoroto 3tewart, Angus, Kaiwaka Stewart, Angus, Pukekararo raylor, Samuel, Maungaturoto rhomson, George, Paparoa Libbits, G., Slickbrook, Paparoa IVeathers, James, Kaiwaka 45 100 '55 385 35 3,000 30 57 20 '4 85 300 231 "5 181 73 40 302 83 5^ '3 ','3o 54 '4 69 93 3' 28 '55 70 58 44 50 '5° 150 500 7 / 2,000 10 94 2 3 72 290 22 170 400 126 138 260 82 60 C512 '78 95 62 3i 600 55 7' 100 4' 39 180 80 54 52 79 21 7' 250 60 '7 67 300 60 300 ?3 200 240 34 290 80 350 55 200 181 42 3°o 50 300 1° 96 397 70 90

.No. of Sheep oil 31st May. 1886. 1887. Webster, T. W., Kaiwaka Whitehouse, E. C, Matakohe Wilson, T. W., Paparoa 93 1 12 279 57 88 321 9,704 9,099 MANUKAU COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Aitken, W., Karaka, Papakura Alexander, A., Clevedon Alexander, Henry, Waipipi, Waiuku Ashwin, W. C. D. Waiheke Atchison, J., Glen Glush, Clevedon Austin, F. G., Cranburn, Pokeno Badley, R. D., Otahuhu Bainbridge, Jeremiah, Otahuhu Baird, S. C, Otahuhu Ballantine, W., Brookby Ballard, George, BucUand Barriball, C. T., Waiuku Bell, George, Littlebrook, Brookby Bent, R., Waiuku Bisehoff, C. F., Woodlands, Waiuku Bodle, G. E., Manurewa Briggs, W. J. and M., Ponsonby Brooiiifield, Mrs. E., Whitford Brown, Henry, Papakura Brown, J. B., St. Michael's, Waiuku Bryant, J., Brookside, Otahuhu Buekland, A., Kaipara, Auckland Buckland and Shipherd, Cameron Town, Pukekohe Burnside, J. II., Ardmore Butler, James, Hunua Campbell, D., Drury Carey, W., Waiheke Chaniberlin Bros., Pouui I., Auckland Clark, A., and Sons, Bothwell Park, Auckland Clark, J. J., Pokeno Valley Clark, J. and Sons, Sea Grove, Mauku Clark, J. McL., Pollock Settlement Clemow, W., Otahuhu Comrie, Helen, Pukekohe East Conder, Joseph, Mangare Constable, E., Waiuku Cooper, Charles, Sea View, Ilowick Cossey, P., Drury Coutts, R., Clevedon Cox, G., Mauku Crago, 0. J., Otahuhu Craig. Robert, Waipipi Crawford, James, Mossvale, Clevedon Crawford. W. R., Mauku Crispe, H., Mauku Dickey, A. J., Onehunga Douglas, W., Waiuku Dow, John, Clevedon Duder, W. T., Clevedon Ellett, J., Mangare Elliott, C, Clevedon Embling, J., Brookby Evans, II., Awhilu Fagan, James, Maungatawhiri Fitness, C, Mrs., Razorback Fitzpatrick, Charles, Papakura Flavell, W., Waiuku French, A. and A., Faparata, Bombay Gallagher, James, Mauku Garland, E. & G., Awhitu Garland, Mrs. S. L., Awhitu Gearon, W. C, Patumahoe Gill, J., Pakuranga Given, J., Pollock Settlement Glasson, J., Linwood, Drury Godkin, &., Drury Goodfellow, J. A., Otahuhu Grant, D., Razorback Grant, J., Tuakau Gregory, E. W. J., Buckland Graham J. S., Awhitu Hair, L., Whitford Hale Bros., Clevedon Hale, R. W., Clevedon 400 3' 12 I90 50 '5o 286 44 '47 26 23 85 221 440 '77 220 '3 35 55 30 830 98 209 44 47 440 1000 5 90 189 62 5° '5° '97 8 26 '75 '5 100 321 Nil 59 181 95 86 620 11 138 8 32 8.5 232 465 190 '93 30 '5 Nil Nil 29 435 Nil 78 54 9' 287 1200 824 7 99 259 Nil 40 72 500 12 12 188 3 450 18 20 3 1:4 38 450 25 25 9 3 250 400 1 S20 400 37 196 5» 40 70 '3 290 290 208 81 180 5° 178 63 30 80 1 2 200 290 6 130 46 80 100 25 53 95 90 »75 82 189 21 82 200 132 261 42 97 39 6 75 46 58 286 Nil Nil Nil





o. of Shcop on 31st May. 1880. 1887. Hall. J., Otahuhu • Hamilton, James, Awhitu Hamilton, J. S., Drury Hancock, J., Razorback Harris, Alfred, Otahuhu Harris, Major B., Tuakau Hat 1 away, R., sen., Pakurangi Heath, T., Opaheke Hedge, George, Waiuku Henricksen, P. C, Otahuhu Hill, G., Huiiua Hirst, George, Hunua Hoekin, E., Waiuku Hodgson, J., Waiheke Hodge, Samuel, Waiuku Hosking, Caleb, Waiuku Holmes, Richard, Bombay Hoye, G., Clevedon Hunter Scott, Mercer Irwin, J., Awhitu Jenkins, Daniel, Putiki Pay, Waiheke Keith, J. 1!., Pukekohe Kelly, J., Whitford Kemp, Richard, Brookby Kennedy, J. B., Captain, Waiheke Kow, M., Clevedon Kicly, John, Ramarama Kimpton, F., Brookby Lanclin, William, Bombay Lovcrock, J. A., Ho wick Lushington, C. II., Greenmount, Otahuhu ... Lyell, W. S., Drury Lynch, Mrs. A., Auckland Maekey, II., Bombay Maclean, R. and E., llowick Macpherson, John, Drury Manning, F. W., Bombay Martin, J., Man lire wa Martin, Robert, Mercer Maskrey, W., Fapatoitoi Massey, J., jun., .Mangare Matheson, J., Clevedon Matuschka, M., Otahuhu May, J. and J., Waiuku McDonald, A., Pukekohe East McDonald, George, Clevedon McDonald, John, Woodlands, Wairoa McElwain, J. R., VViiuku McKee, Robert., Hunua McLeod, Donald, Waiheke McNamara, J., Clevedon MeVaughton, J. S., Tuakau Mc>'ichol, A., Clevedon Merrill, Edward, Howick Middleton, R. J., Papakura Muir, A.. Kohekohe, Waiuku Munro, G., Clevedon Nathan and Co., Whitford Nichols, John, Papatoitoi Oliver, A., Brookby Orum, Harold, Clevedon Palmer, Sophia, Hunua Paul, Waller, Mangare Pearman, A. C, Buckland, Auckland Percy end Wills, Mangare Peters, W. R., Miranda Porter, W. F., Miranda Proude, R.. 'I hornville, Bombay Rccd. G.. Miungatavvhiri Reid. S. H., P.p.lun Rcid, Thomas, Wf.iuku Rhodes, Charles, Newmarket Roberts, C, Pakuranga Roberts, E.. P.kur.ingi Robinson, A., Mangare Robinson, N., Mangare Roosc, E., Pukekohe Routly, M. B., Pukekohe Routly, W., Pukekohe Roy, L. O., Papakura Ruth, Captain W., Waiheke (Auckland) ... Rutherford, J. G., Bombay Sanford, A., Rakino, Auckland '7 24 2 5 482 82 238 2 28 492 82 2.34 238 18 4 '5 '45 16 35 Nil 62 80 96 49 255 75 96 63 296 8S 54 3 44 74 59 700 8 97 495 3000 Nil 20 60 49 43 680 '3 100 240 3010 49 60 8.3 5 108 160 80 26 346 55 48 99 3?, 7 7 '7' 70 Nil 260 52 93 6 5° 12 92 92 5 7' 623 70 110 '93 30 55 61 597 24 '5 395 32 300 50 9 1 [56 34° 356 '50 55 70 85 295 370 814 20 75 60 5°o '65 6 Nil 55° 110 98 196 30 40 5' 08 849 35 '5 480 48 300 Nil 200 Nil 394 149 6.3 100 38 281 380 860 12 150 62 589 85 45 8 40 62 '9 46 76 400 90 180 400 70 180 ■95 191 386 400 '94 152 235 400

No. of f 3i St hoop on May. 1887. 1880. Selby, G. II., Waiuku Sharp, W., jun., Pukekohe Fast Smales, Rev. G., Otahuhu -meed, J. and W., Tuakau G-, Asoot, Mangare Smith, J. A., Clevedon Smith, T. E., Miranda Speechlay, T., Pakuranga tephens, C. W., Clevedon Sutherland, II., Clevedon Tebbatt, A., Brookby Thorn, Sidney, Hunua Thorp, W. H., Beckley, Clevedon Trace, U. M., Sutinysidc, Waiheke Trail, William, Hunua Trice, W., Poplar Farm, Whitford Turner, R., Clevedon Urquhart Brothers, Drury Vining, S. and J., Miranda Wade, E. and O, Whitford Wallace, A., Otahuhu Wallace, James, Hill-side, Papatoitoi Wallace, M., Hunua Walter, G. G., Mauku Ward, Isaac, Ness Valley, Clevedon Washer, C, Mangare West, J. L., Waiuku Wcslney, Jabez, Cowes, Waiheke Wcstney, W., Mangare Wilson, J. E., Clevedon Wilson, J. S., Wairoa Woodward, W., Otahuhu Wright, Henry, Hunua WylTie, T., Papatoitoi Yonge, F. D., Otahuhu 330 54 87 1 1 2 296 95 760 85 190 55 99 68 280 252 45 590 46 380 904 65 64 93 Nil 170 5° 40 300 64 80 53 302 85 895 80 190 70 99 52 '93 335 50 670 386 1000 53 8 57 106 72 61 '65 48 2 24 Nil 80 292 880 183 3<M 200 88 250 762 140 298 270 107 WAITEMATA COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Archibald, James, Glencairn, Helensville ... Arkle, John, Featberwood, Upper Waiwera... Avenell, William, Devonport Bond Brothers, Devonport Bond, E., Wade Byord, J. C, Kumeo Flat Brunton, R., Wade Buckland, A., Kaipara, Helensville Casey, M., jun., Wade Clinkard, C. H., Makarau Colgan, James, Upper Waiwera Cook, Albert, Waiwera Cottle, James, Taupa'.i Dawson, W., Phoenix, Kaukapakapa Dodd, J., Dairy Flat Fennel!, Arthur, Parukakau Fordyce, Charles, Elino, Helensville Garrett, J. II., Eden Terrace, Auckland George, Bros., Henderson's Mill Goodfellow, James, Dairy Flat Hall, A., Upper Waiwera Hamilton, W. Parakakau Hand, James, Helensville Haughton, George, Waifakerei Henley, M. 0., Kaukapakapa Henney, J. S., Whangaparoa Ilotham, B. Or., Cowes, Waiheke Inglis, J., Dairy Flat Jack, A., Wade ... Jones, Mark, Upper Waiwera Kelly, J. S., Waitakerei King, Samuel, Wainui, Wade Lamont, W. Parakakau Lee, W., Kaukapakapa Lees, Thomas, AVade Lord, J., Wade Maekie, A. J., Glenside, Brooklyn Marks, II., Kaukapakapa McCathie, J. H., Upper Waiwera McEwen, D. J., Helensvillo MeLeod, P. and I, Helensville Moffat, J., Wade Monk, R, Auckland 33060 33758 130 80 20 88 60 23 98 94 '3 3305 90 5° 20 66 46 '50 24 162 22 70 21 60 95 90 16 2674 40 48 8 18 6.3 77 Nil 33 52 10 58 152 300 '47 57 400 121 80 1277 190 100 280 95 48 400 '44 70 1 193 180 100 .84 28 10 IOO '5° '9 Nil 85 100 IOO 40 75 23 30 90 83 30 74 Nil Nil 75 18 55 580 50 645





No. of s: 81st 1 hoop on May. 1880. 1867. Moyes, W. T., Upper Waiwera Moyle, T., Oak Hill Farm, Wade Murray, G. W.. Burnside, Kaukapakapa Murray, J., Hafton, Kaukapakapa Naughton, W., Kaukapakapa O'Neill, John, Waitakerei Paul, Wenzl, Upper Waiwera Phillipps, John, Helensville Rapson S. S., Ferndale Kaukapakapa Reid Brothers, Motntapu, Auckland Roberts, T., Henderson's Mill Simcock, J., Helensville Sinclair, John, Kaukapakapa Sinclair, K., hdenvale, Kaukapakapa Smyth, Hibernia, Waikomiti Smyth, J., Waitakerei Stevenson, W., Te Heke, Helensville Stewart, D., Helensville Stoney, W. B., Wade Taylor, A. K., Mount Albert, Auckland Thorburn, A. W., Wade Vaughan, G., Lucas Creek Watkinson, W., Wade Wilkins, J., Waikoukou Wilson, T., Wade Wilson, W., Dairy Flat 5' 78 319 60 86 3" 66 349 60 200 100 16 Nil 3 Nil 3'5° 32 11 68 55 70 44 40 18 92 345° Nil 22 79 80 60 30 Nil 45 303 70 '5' 46 3' 81 12 55 309 85 152 Nil 9 60 240 3°o EDEN COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Austin, Andrew, Auckland Austin, Loftus, Ellerslie Badley, John, Auckland Bailey, Captain J., Penrose Barrington, E., Auckland Binsled, II. aid J., Auckland Hotting, R. P., Newton Briggs, J. R., Ponsonby Briggs, R. S., Parnell Buckland, John, Onehunga Cant, William, Kingsland Carter, A. 0., Auckland Cochran, W., jun., Auckland Cochran, W., sen., Ponsonby Fisher and Co., Auckland Gardner, William, Epsom Garratt, Robert, Oakleigh Park, Avondale ... Glanlield, James, Onehunga Gray, E. B., Cowes, Waihike Hall, R., One-Tree Hill, Newmarket Hanna, Thomas, Cowes, Waihike Hawke and Lincoln, Ponsonby Hayr, J. II., Leicester Farm, Epsom Hedger, Thomas, Auckland Ilellaby, R, and W., Auckland Hen-old, Capt. J. W., Waihike Is., Auckland Hong, Ernest, Auckland Hulme, George, Ellerslie (Auckland) Kilgour, James, Newmarket Knight, James, Ponsonby Langley, Edward, Auckland Lennard, J. P., Mount Roskill Lumpkin, John, Newmarket May, Joseph, Mount Roskill, Epsom McDonald, Mrs. R., Waihike Is., Auckland Mead, T. S., Auckland Mears, W., Epsom Meekan, Samuel, Epsom Motion, W., Western Springs, Auckland Neilson, I)., Onehunga Newcombe, R., St. John's College New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company (Limited), Auckland Parris, lnnis, Cowes, Waihike Pasco, R. P., Western Springs, Auckland ... Pollen, Hon. D., Avondale Salmon, Robert, Tamahere Stephens, Thomas, St. John's College Taylor, W. I., St. John's College Walker, Thos., Karangahape Road, Newton Walters, J. R , Mount Roskill '3,42 7 13,'99 Nil Nil 20 150 4 50 275 28 61 300 21 23 '9 30 10 Nil Nil 14 12 Nil 28 Nil 3 '3 8 4 125 >33 400 '9 Nil 77 12 Nil Nil 84 398 100 8 373 20 10 Nil 35° '5 45 56 87 20 167 Nil Nil 40 1 2 29 '5 30 25 3 20 Nil Nil 10 '3 Nil 8 180 9 26 Nil 39 34 7' 66 7 40 25 •58 142 Nil 4 277 Nil 300 32 Nil 1600 5 1700 33 '5 32 18

No. of s: 31st J boon 0:1 Vlay. 1886. I 1887. Wesleyan Inst., Three Kings, Onehunga Wickham, J. K., Avondale, Auckland Williamson, Hon. J., Pah Farm, Onehunga Wood, Arthur, Auckland Wood, Ebenezer, Newton Wood, Enoch, Mount Albert, Auckland Woodward, Mark, Mount Albert 20 21 24 Nil Nil 201 Nil 46 2.3 75 20 30 36 85 4,482 THAMES COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alley, II., Hikutaia, Thames Bagnall Bros., Turua, Thames Bennett, James, Tapu Chatton, S , Netherton Croucher, Charles, Tararu Deehle, William, Tapu Earl, William, Orongo, Thames Ehrenfried, L., Puriri Elliot, John, Puriri Hawkes, R. M., Tapu Jacobs, H. M., Hastings, Tapu Marshall, James, Thames Maxwell, Peter, Puriri Mitchell, T., Tararu Newby, J. D., Mrs., Tapu Smith, W. IT., Grrahamstown Steedman, J. B., Tararu Taylor, W. A., Tararu Tizard, E. F., Kopu, Thames Townsend, John, Thames Walters, E., Kirikiri 4,689 15,8 50 '93 5 34 60 472 720 920 9Q2 Nil 170 Nil 31 '54 1282 Nil 4' 41 354 161 9 4 190 142 192 100 95° 5' 40 43° 467 196 11 Nil '83 160 164 Nil Nil 20 COROMANDEL COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Blechynden, John (Estate of), Thames Graham, Purdie, Croll, and Co., Mercury Island, Auckland Ilohepa Mataitana, Mania, Coromandel Horsburgh & Wilkie, Mercury Island, Auekd. Ingli-s and Goudie, Cabbage Bay Jeii'coat, E., Cabbage Bay Lynch, J., Coromandel Meredith, J. L., Coromandel Ruffin, R., Patapata, Coromaudel Surflen, E. J., Waimate Island, Coromandel Thorley, W., Beeson's lis., Coromandel Uncles, John, Coromandel 5,226 5,281 200 Nil 250 57° 5° 223 54 43 100 1 6ro 192 Nil 185 47 149 61 45 99 250 2 '5 300 '75 OHINEMURI COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Corbett, E. M., Waitekauri Earl, John, Owharoa Franklin, C, Owharoa, Kennedy, John, Paeroa Quinlivan, E., Owharoa Tborp, A. J., Paeioa Wick II. O, Paeroa Wight, R. A., Paeroa ',965 ',893 130 24 100 60 142 Nil 100 Nil 34 500 '49 97 77 500 70 '9 WAIKATO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivison). Alexander, W., Harlaw, Hamilton Angerstein, Julius, Maungatawhiri Arnold, J., Cambridge Auckland Agricultural Co., Cambridge Bagj, George, Cambridge Barugh, J. J , Wartle Farm, Kirikiroa Booth and Roberts, Cambridge Buckland, A., and Co., Cambridge Chitty, Walter, Kirikiriroa Clark, G. E., Cambridge Clements, A., Cambridge Coates, I., Hamilton Cochrane, Joseph, Riverside, Hamilton Coop, Walter, Hamilton 1,094 908 '4 286 17,848 '65 100 48 Nil 20 294 180 12 18 '4 '39 278 22,166 Nil 80 103 Nil '3 '52 192 Nil '9





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Cudworth, C. W., Tukekura Daly, E. D. H., Woodside, Hautapu Diprose, T. N., Tauwliare Dodd, T. E., Tauwhare Dougherty, N. J., Green Hill, Cambridge ... Douglas, W. M., Cambridge Duncan, John, Moremere, Mercer Ellis, John, Rangiriri Ewen, L. B., Tamahere Findlav, W., Miranda Findley, R. G., Miranda Forrest, J., Cambridge Graham, S. S., Tamahere Gregory, M. W., Mercer Greenwood, D., Hautapu Hill, G., jun., Hunlly Hooton, W. & Co., Rangiriri Jefferis, John, Rangiriri Kenny, John, Kirikiroa I.aing, Hugh, Hautapu Lindsay, Robert, \V rairangi Lovell, W. IT. M., Taupiri Maclean and Lowe, Taupiri Main, A., Hautapu Marlyn, J., jun., Pencarrow, Cambridge Mclnnes, George, Miranda MePherson, J., Kirikiriroa Morgan, T. Hautapu Morgan, W. B., Hautapu N.Z. Loan and Mercantile A. Co., Hamilton Norris, G T., Hautapu Baton, Bros., Hautapu Pearson, A. W., Golborne, Hautapu Pickering, M. H, Fernando, Hautapu Powell, W. W., Ngaruawahia Primrose, J., Kirikiriroa Proctor, George, Wairangi Ralph, R. R., Huntly Reynolds, Henry, Newstead, Hamilton Ross, William, Wairangi Rumney, N., Taupiri Runeiman, G. A., Kirikiriroa Seddon, S. T., Kirikiriroa Selby, W., tlie'Poplars, Hautapu Sclwood, G. J., Churchill Suttor, A. B.,Eureka, Hamilton Taylor, William, Taupiri Taylor, J., Cambridge Teas, Samuel, Kirikiriroa Thomas, F. G., Kirikiriroa Twining, F. N, Maungatawhiri Vincent, Charles, Mercer Waikato Land Association, Taupiri Watt, G., Cambridge Webster, H B., Hamilton Wheeler Brothers, Tamahere White, T. H., Ferndale, Taupiri Wood, Browne, Woodlands, Hamilton 52 '4 72 21 200 356 60 110 25 160 '7 82 80 92 '4 7« 230 480 77 350 381 400 85 '5° 20 52 6 61 55 297 760 35 81 Nil Nil 9 >7 54 373 6i Nil 18 '45 Nil 8o So 80 Nil Nil •97 480 95 30 5' 330 Nil 600 320 85 33 66 Nil 23 18 249 630 72 79 '93 30 Nil 36 220 190 61 85 260 244 240 2S0 79 3 6.35 64 12 97 '5° 4,337 20 47 400 '93 54 300 100 32 1,400 IOO II 42 183 5,584 27 Nil 102 22 4 208 11 Nil 44' RAGLAN COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Austin, J. J., Kouroa, Okete Barker, William, Harapipi Billington, R., Te Mata Bregmen, J., Te Mala Brooks, John, Churchill Burgess, J. G., Raglan Oalder, Alexander, Whatawhata Cogswell, W. P., Lady Down, Waitotuna ... Dickey, E. M., Whatawhata Finlayson, David, Harapipi Fortune, John, Harapipi Gibb, A. and R., Churchill Gibbison, W., Okctc Gilmour and Sons, Raglan Ila.ris, L. B., Huntly Harsant, R., Harapipi Hodgson, L, Harapipi Jackson, James, Taupiri James, W. II., Te Rori Jerome, Alfred, Raglan 31,009 36,839 '7 7° 9 330 136 23 95 284 39o 7 44 Nil '5° 98 Nil 33 170 "3 2.3 4' 100 168 60 100 291 44 Nil 80 198 Nil "3 186 182 68 36 '7 45 20

o. of Shcop on 31st May. 1880. 1887. Jordan, William, Harapipi Keseel, A., Raglan Martin, J. Ngaruawahia McDonald, J. K., Okete McKinnon Brothers, Rangiriri Mitchell, Thomas, Raglan Moon, J., Waitetuna Murray, Thomas, Mercer Niccolis, W. O. S., Newnham, Huntly Noble, Robert, Hamilton Offesson, Elias, To Rori Rathborne, R., Ngaruawahia Sherret, A. S. Harapipi Shillito, Henry, Port Waikato Stowart, Robert, Taupiri Studholme and Co., Te Akau, Raglan Sutton, G, Crockham, Raglan Swann, Ann, Aotea Thomson, W., Ruapuke Farm, Aotea Underwood, R. B., Tuakau Wallis, W. H, Okete Ward, W., The Kauri Farm, Okete Wilson, Mrs. Lydia, Okete Zolfel, Henry, Harapipi 97 193 14 69 190 70 487 98 210 310 226 '95 66 IOO 142 '5 125 300 '36 493 97 58 275 10 132 10 9 61 27 30 229 100 38 138 76 81 90 7° 200 60 46 '45 60 98 80 16 4,814 4,599 WAIPA COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Alderson, William, Alexandra Alexander, Charles, Te Awamutu Atkinson, J., Springbank, Hamilton Blackett, T. O, Tuhikaramea Hoc kclt, D., Paikuhu, Te Awamutu Bosanko, John, Te Awamutu Bosanko, Richard, To Awamutu Burke, Richard, Ngaroto Byeroft, J. and Co., Ngaruawahia Caley Brothers, Mona Hill, Pukerimu Carter, Richard, Tuhikaramea Cockerline, R., Kihikihi Corboy, Mrs. Mary, Kihikihi Corrigan, Mrs. Hannah, Ohaupo Cunningham, J., Te Awamutu Dawson, A., Ohote, Whatawhata De Quincey, P. F., Hamilton Drabble, Robert, Ohaupo Esh, Richard, Wlntawhata Farrell, James, Kihikihi Foster, F. R., Ngaroto Fry, J., Ngaroto Germann, F. C, Paterangi Goodfellow, II. and J., To Awamutu Goodfellow, T., Alexandra Graham, William, Hamilton Gribblo, W. J., Brookfleld, Tamahere Grice, W., and Co., Roto-o-Rangi, Cambridge Grierson, J. C, Alexandra Gubbins, E. II., Innisfallen, Ohaupo Hall, Robert, Alexandra Hawke, G. P., Ngaroto Henderson, A., Kihikihi Henderson, J., Kihikihi Hibbs, C, Hamilton Hudson, R. T., Alexandra Hughes, T. H, Ohaupo Hunter, W., Ohaupo Hutchinson, J., Orakan, Kihikihi Jolly, Thomas, Hamilton Jones, Edward, Alexandra Jones, Wallace, Te Awamutu Karl Brothers, Ohaupo Karl, Vincent, Paterangi Kay, Roger/To Awamutu (Panmure) Kcighley, H. E., Alexandra Krippner, M., To Rore Kusabs, II., Ohaupo Lamb, J. A., Ngaruawahia Livingstone, W. W., Tuhikaramea Long, H., To Awamutu Macdonald, A. V., Te Awamutu Mandeno, J. H, Te Awamutu 7° 53 40 95 180 220 30 Nil 18 Nil 98 225 60 42 20 Nil 28 '7 21 42 ? 5 1,248 93° ?o 34 66 Nil 92 180 225 300 4 4 11 25 88 216 57 98 Nil 6 12 117 10 45 12 A 4 1,235 670 29 42 ',75° '3' Nil 166 Nil 37 '7 408 Nil Nil 1,230 140 50 60 12 33 '4 242 72 10 27 30 45° 200 '58 Nil 8 4°5 7 86 85 35 177 89 450 5° 42 300 '50 Nil '55 29 '5 230 '6 76 Nil 30 61 160 47' 75


4—H. 13. '




No. of Shoep 011 Hint May. 188C. I 1887. McDonald, T., Taupiri MeKinnon, Donald, Alexandra McKnight, S., Hamilton McMiken, J. G., Ohaupo McMiken, J. and T, Tuhikaramea McNicol, A. and J., Lochiel, Ohaupo McNicol, J., Innisfallen, Cambridge Moncrieffi, Henry, Kihikihi Morrison, Kenneth, Ohaupo Peacock, J. F. B., Hamilton Potts, J. T\, Ngaroto T., Hamilton Ramsay, Hugh, Te Awamutu Etaynes, James, Tamahero Reid, W., Tuhikaramea Reynolds, R., Cambridge Rogers, H., Hamilton Rollo, David, Harapipi Ryhurn, James, Ohaupo Salmon, H. M., Hamilton Scott, J. H., Paterangi Scott, W. and G., Pukerimu Smith, Alfred, Alexandra Sorby, William, Te Awamutu Storey, C. J., Woodstock, Te Awamutu laylor, W., Green Hill, To Awamutu role, J. L., Kihikihi tucker, W., Cambridge lurney, Michael, Ngaroto dickers, C. B., Tuhikaramea Walker, E. B., Moana, Cambridge Walton, J. W., Kihikihi Way, G., The Narrows, Tamahere Weal, James, Ngaroto Weatherill, T. W., Te Awamutu Westney, S. N., Puniu Farm, Te Awamutu... White, A., Te Awamutu Williamson, James, Ohaupo 44 8o "5 95 425 35 3" 25 124 I/O 99 98 260 54 128 29 200 16 16 Nil 60 63 252 2600 Nil 26 Nil Nil 18 Nil 77 120 30 42 100 Nil 20 43 100 90 101 560 800 123 97 10 114 2081 10 172 556 800 25 Nil 23 99 2197 76 20 5 80 '9 80 170 52 1894 16,065 124 39 2709 i8,475 PIAKO COUNTY (Tn Waikato Subdivision). Allen, W. S., Annandale, Piako Bates, William, Matamata Bowler Brothers, Te Aroha Browning, F. W., Avoca, Tauwhare Brunskill, W. S., Cambridge Burnett Brothers, Walton Campbell Brothers, Waihou □ox, E. Y., Shaftesbury Craig, David, Te Aroha Ellis, G. C, Oakhurst, Cambridge Firth, J. C, Matamata Glassford, H. G., Richmond Downs, Walton 3-ould, Charles, Morrinsvillo 3-rant, G. L., Waitoa, Waihou 3ray, E. II., Morrinsville 3-ubbins, A. W., Morrinsvillo Uanmer, E. W., Manawaru, To Aroha Herries and Thompson, Shaftesbury Elorrell, J., Morrinsville Hume, James, Paparumu, Okoroire Hunt, J., Walton Hunt, N. J., Gorton, Cambridge Tonkins, Thomas, Morrinsville Maclean, Every, Cranstoun, Cambridge McGlashan, J., Whangaitu, Morrinsville Morrin and Studholme, Morrinsville Murray, E. D. and C. N., Olterburn, Walton New Zealand Thames Valley Land Company (Limited), Lichfield Parr, Reuben, Waihou Paton Brothers, Hautapu Rich, F. D., Lichfield Ring, W. C, Cambridge Rockliff, R., Morrinsville Rowe, J. H., Morrinsville Seddon, S., Orongomairoa, Waihou Smith, J. B., Waihou Strange, F., W Taihou Walker, G., jun., Matamata tVillis, R. B., Waihou Wood, John, Te Aroha 300 5' 180 93 628 700 8 9149 '5'4 600 2037 220 200 30 600 586 30 245 1492 1185 170 8.331 20 11 1150 41 160 25 171 100 Nil 850 '55 Nil 8329 1835 200 3826 '57 280 203 102 800 •432 "5 1520 900 1052 200 8.374 6 3200 186 '77 Nil 66 38 294 2000 '85 440 44 280 300 100 40 20 170 700 400 490 47 44 24 3',79° 37,8i8

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. WEST TAUPO COUNTY AND KAWHIA (In Taupo Subdivision). Grace, L. M., Okahukura Kaukiutu, Kihikihi Langley Brothers, Kawhia Munu Huirama, Wairaka, Kihikihi Tahere, Kopua, Alexandra Paratene Kapa, Pitoritori, Alexandra Rangimoeakau, Kihikihi Reynolds, Henry, Kopua, Alexandra Searamke, W. and W., Alexandra Tarahuia, Kopua, Alexandra '405 95 i66 96 5°o 100 392 38 4' '5° 300 293 35° 148 170 204 EAST TAUPO COUNTY. Grace, J. E., Taharua, Taupo Te Hau Paimarire, Moawhanga Wharckaihua, Tongariro, Tokaanu 2136 2312 494 Nil 1025 '5o WHAKATANE COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Appleton, J., Opotiki Armstrong, J. II., Opotiki Backhouse, James, Opotiki Black, W., Opotiki Brown, C, Whangaparaoa, Opotiki Buckworth, E. F., Whakatane Burnett, A. and A., Opotiki Butler, William, Opotiki Clark, Thomas, Opotiki Dawson, T., Stirling, Opotiki Eivers, E. J., Whakatane Glyn, J. H., Opotiki Gordon, J., Thornton, Opotiki Gordon, S. C, Opotiki Goulstone Brothers, Glendower, Waiotahi... Hakiaha, Whakatane Heketoro Hikairo, Whakatane Hiri Kanawa, Whakatane Hiri Weteri, Te Teko Hogg, II. R., Opotiki Hone Matenga, Te Teko Hood, J., Opotiki Kemp, Richard, Opotiki Law, William, Opotiki Matutaera, Hatua, Whakatane Maunsell, Rev. George, Opotiki Maxwell, F., Junction, Opotiki McGarvey, W., Te Teko McGinley, James, Opotiki Meihana Koata, Whakatane Menehira, Whakatane Murray and Gow, Carmyllie, Opotiki Baku Eruera, Omaramutu, Opotiki Paora Kingi te Puata, Whakatane Pile, T. II., Opotiki Reid, Dr. Alexander, Opotiki Rogers, C. B., Opotiki Ross, E. O., Opotiki Simpkins, G., Whakatane Stafford, C. S., Opourao, Whakatane Swindley, F., Whakatane Taimona, Te Teko Tauhaura Wiapa, Whakatane Te Rangifukehu, Te Teko Te Riwirti, Whakatane ,. Thompson, James, Opotiki Toma, Wliakatane Troutbeck, II., Te Teko (Napier) Waala Rangikotua, Wliakatane Walker, Isaac, Roth well, Opotiki Wilkin, Robert, Whakatane 494 "75 '3° 190 12 55° 850 850 *45 188 180 190 Nil 55o 75° Nil 240 280 395 758 1100 75 360 100 IOO 170 700 888 800 1107 60 200 131 '39 300 140 100 37° 200 180 366 272 800 1207 96 6.39 57 90 100 200 908 400 1100 33 30 100 "5 94 300 140 80 89 875 200 100 455 700 181 198 170 8508 1000 100 960 230 Nil 423 800 200 212 200 4298 4500 100 98 Nil 98 305 100 3°5° IOO 100 90 IOO IOO 400 73 4245 70 900 Nil 1050 40 28,022 28,101 TAURANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision.) Akuhata Tupaea, Tauranga Brown, J., Welcome Bay, Tauranga Buckworth, E. F., Wairoa Farm, Tauranga... Clarke, F. S-, Tauranga 192 4300 277 4000 24S 90





NAPIER DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Mansel, Miss, Yatton, Tauranga Miller, S. B., Te Puke Pinker, A., Maketu Pratt, C. A., Springfield, Tauranga Shaw, Alice E., Mrs., Katikati Smith and Waldroni, Tauranga Stewart, G. V., jun., Katikati Stewart, Hugh, Capt., Katikati Stewart, M., Katikati Tanner, Thomas, Tauranga Tuthill, William, Stanford, Katikali Vercoe, H. W., Te Puke Wi Parera, Tauranga 60 11 294 200 '74 103 300 IOO 30 151 '3° 57 Nil 3'° 33 98 100 230 '55 170 101 70 200 9,'74 10,160

No. of Shoop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. 31ark, W. A., Tauranga 3ook, Alexander, Tauranga >app, A. A., Tauranga >uinp, P. C, Tauranga Darley, J. D., Tauranga Douglas, G. A., Matiti Island, Tauranga 3albraith, R. S., Springdale, Te Puke 3oss, Stephen, Katikati Gregory, Thomas, Waterford Harvey and Kirk, Te Ngai, Ohinemutu Harvey and Kirk, Primrose, Tauranga Hori Ngatai, Tauranga Hunter, George, Aongatete Killen, John, Glenville, Katikati Lee, Brothers, Te Puke '3 2 5 1508 150 380 io6 120 Nil Nil 467 240 290 136 35 10 30 60 •45 600 80 28 240 254 400 25 4' 1770

No. of Sheep on 31st May. I860. I 1887. Harris, E. F., To Rimuroa, Gisborne Harris, T. J., Avondale, Patutahi Hatton and Score, Patutahi Henare Potae, Marahea, Gisborne Henderson, E. II., Awanui, Gisborne Herbert, John, Gisborno Himi Hone, Ruaohinetu, Te Arai Bridge ... Himi Waake and others, Gisborne Ilirini Haercone, Hakanui, Gisborno Ilohepa Waikore, Te Waitutu, Waerangahika Hori Puru, Gisborne Hutchinson Bros., Waihuka, Ormoud Ihaia Patutahi, Waerangahika Joapa te Hau, Karaka, Ormond Jobson & Sisterson, Reay Stn., Te Arai Bridge Johnson, G. R., Te Arai Bridge Johnson, J. W., Maraetaha, Gisborne Karaitiana Amuru,|Mangaheia, Tologa Bay... Karepa Ruatapu, Oweta, Te Arai Bridge ... Kempthorne, A., Wcstmcre, Ormond Kent, II. E., Tiniroto Kenway Bros., Te Pahi, Gisborne King, W., Gisborne Kinross and Co., Tangihanga, Ormond Kinross and Co., Tologa Bay Knight, E. E., Ormond Lambert, C. O, Rye Green, Ormond Lardclli, V. S., Kowai Flat, Ormond Locke, S., Makauri, Gisborne Loisel, Henry, Waihau, Gisborne Macfarlano, D. D., Broadlands, TolagoBay... Matenga Tailiuka, Waerangahika McDonald and Wyllie, Puatae, Gisborne McDonald, A., Turehau, Gisborno Mclldowie, J. M., Gisborno Mcintosh, L., Arohar, Ormond McKenzie, A., Seaforth, Gisborne McKenzie, John, Patutahi McLean, A., Te Rahau, To Arai Bridge McLean, A., Waikohu, Puhatikotiko MeNair, D., Waimata Valley McPhail, Archibald, Bushmere and Combermere, Gisborne Mills, E. W., Gisborne Mita Puko, Te Arai Bridge Morice, W., Matawhero, Gisborne Morice, W., Te Aroha, Gisborne Morris, Catherine, Mangaoae, Ormond Morris, James, Waihora, Ormond Morris, Wm., Mangaoae, Ormond Mossman, W. J., Wairengaokuri Muir, Finlay, and Co., Waipaoa, Whatatutu Murphy, Edward, Kaiariki, Gisborne Nehe Waru, Tologa Bay Nepia To Kitahi, Waerangahika Netana Puha, Tahamiti, Whatatutu Newman, A. B., Ngakaroa, Marshlands, Ormond Newman, A. M., Ormond 1500 150 800 2000 190 8oo 1530 300 40 307 13080 200 3016 21981 16020 690 2300 710 267 3458 3557 1200 2100 787 3600 8234 400 10500 445° 39° 1700 160 1040 1900 1410 7SO 2600 300 100 400 15430 200 400 3073 21681 15328 122 600 2300 35° 1630 670 4686 4840 1300 2100 700 3600 300 7921 400 14000 8000 8'5 1605 500 3077 7774 1075 400 800 1421 500 3083 9244 1300 2000 700 1320 43oo 120 300 124 200 4360 737 35°° 850 504 1205 4735 150 400 '5° 300 5287 505 102 ico 360 6000 500 6000 800 1050

No. of S3 31st J iiecp on May. 1886. 18S7. COOK COUNTY (In Poverty Bay Subdivision.) Allen, J., Gisborne Angus and Harres, Patutahi Arapera Ngakaho and Ema Tiekitai, Kaienanga, Tuparoa Arthur, A. C, Te Mawhai Arthur, A. C, Whatatutu, To Mawhai Arthur, A. C, Willows, Gisborno Atkins, Robert, Patutahi Auckland Agricultural Company, Okahuatui, Patutahi Bank of N. Z., Okahuatiu, Gisborne Barker, P., Whataupoko, Gisborne Barker, P., Poututu, Gisborno Bilham, T. W., Gisborne Bond, P., Gisborne Brown, C. A., Whakawhitira, Gisborne Boland, Michael, Gisborne Bruce, Or., Ormond Buckland, Alfred, Papatu, Gisborne Burgess, John, Bush Farm, Gisborne _ ... Daleott, William, Quarry Farm, Patutahi ... Cameron, E., Gisborne Campbell, II., Mangataikapua, Whatatutu ... Carroll, J., Matokitoki, Gisborne Caulton, S. C, Combermere, Ormond Chambers, W. K., Waerangahika Clark, John, Opou, Gisborne Coleman & Clark (Read's Trust), Oil Springs, Gisborne Cooper, William, Waerangahika Cooper, Mrs. Sarah R., Gisborne Cowen, O. and G., Ormond Draill, Robert, Gisborne Devery, Arthur, Ormond Dewing, A., Taureka, Ormond Dixon, Jas., Mangakouku, Waimata Valley Donner, P. W., Pouparae, Gisborno Emere Tena, Waerangahika Espie, J. E., Newstead, Gisborne Ferguson, J., jun., Gisborne 3-ilman Brothers, Wharewai, Tologa Bay ... Goldsmith, Samuel, Waipiro Bay 3-oldsmith, T., Gisborno 3-ray, C, Waiohika, Gisborno Grayson, T. H., Kereru-a-pawa, Waimata Valley Hair, Stephen, Gisborno Hale, W. P., Mangarara, Tologa Bay Hami Paehia & Te Teira Teikitai, Kawakawa ffatnon, J., Waerangahika ttamon, W. J., Riverside, Ormond Hare Kawonga, Papatu, Te Arai Bridge 6oo 278 5226 1500 5100 23 11918 IOIOO IOOO 70 5200 2130 465 3900 400 255 2200 750O 95° 1200 10200 8800 11600 650 400 710 10345 2200 5097 30 11720 Nil 10020 2300 50 Nil 1800 404 3800 7449 400 265 2000 9423 1100 5° 11500 9000 13450 3°o 5°o 1230 700 600 25 Nil 600 590 397 495 2830 i2o 860 200 250 244 151 5182 248 850 125 3«4 150 4030 700 202 57' 800 1150 182 Nil 380 366 580 1400 '52





No. of Sbeop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Norris, G. n., Ormond N.Z.N.L.S. Co., Wainui and Kaiti, Gisborne Ormond, J. D., Paremata, Napier Ormond, J. D., Anaura, Napier Orr, J., Rangatira, Puhatikotiko Otene Pitau, Te Kowhai, Te Arai Bridge ... Partridge, Thomas, Gisborne Patara Rangi, Te Karaka, Tologa Bay Patoromu Ngarangi, Te Arai Bridge Patoromu Tawhaitari, Waerangahika Peach, Dixon, Topuri, Patutahi Peddle and Hyland, Waerangahika Peka Kerekere and Wi Pere, Gisborne Perenara, Maungaheia, Tologa Bay Peti Taihuka, W aerangahika Price, Joseph, Patutahi Rawinia te Aungira, Te Kumi, Tuparoa Reeves, A., Tologa Bay Reid, David, Toroa, Waerangahika Retane, Te Rcinga, Tiniroto Reynolds, R. J., Mangaheia, Tologa Bay ... Richardson, W. F. and Son, Waimata Valley Rorongotipare Tawhiao and Hctariki Tawbiao, Ormond Ropata Manuera and others, Awanui Ropehaua Hautau (Executors of), Tologa Bay Rutene Ahuroa, Gisborne Rutu Hcpcta, Rakaiketeroa, Ormond Rymer, George, Patutahi Scott, G., Willows, Ormond Seymour, Charles, Whangara, Gisborne Smith Brothers, Ponparae, Gisborne Smith, G. A., Tarnberry, Ormond Smith, William, Waitana, Gisborno Somerville, A. F. & W. P., Taoroa.Waipiro Bay Somerville, W. F., Tologa Bay Spence, G., The Delta, Tologa Bay Stewart, S. R., Delta, Tologa Bay Stubbs, Mrs., Isabella, Gisborno Sunderland, G. L., Lavenham, Gisborno Sunderland, J. W., Gisborne Teraana Teao, Tuparoa Tiffen, F. J Puhatikotiko, Gisborne Tiopira Korehe, Waerangahika Tipene Tutaki, Waituke, Waerangahika Tucker, W. H., Captain, Matoki, Gisborne ... Wall, H. H., Wairengaokuri Wall, John, Makaraka Walsh, W 7m. C, Makaraka Weir, John, Gisborne Wells, E. W., Blackwood, Pututahi Werenetene Poneke, Whatatutu Weston, Alfred, Gisborne Wethered, Walter, Lome, Puhatikotiko White, J., Combermere, Ormond Whitmoro, and Co., Tuparoa Whyte and Binnie, Clarkston, Tiniroto Williams, Henry, Tologa Bay Williams, J. N., Waipiro, Gisborne Williams, J. N., Matahuia, Gisborne Williams, Robert, Te Apua, Waerangahika... W Ti Mahuika, Waituhi, Waerangahika Wi Paraone, Tahoka, Gisborne Winter, Captain, Patutahi Wiremu Kaimoni Waihopi, Karaka, Ormond 3000 11500 7800 555° 16 194 200 69O 3200 14000 7880 6800 19500 120 870 203 500 1000 34' 700 400 304 12000 400 37 10200 IOO 42 3300 1000 30 78s 812 3400 1130 IOO 2550 153 550 1250 385 506 800 290 500 310 3147 9000 3200 650 1398 5'35 2100 300 1000 1070 4000 I 1000 Nil 650 1300 5646 2200 2ooo Nil IOO 3700 2000 2000 6200 300 IOO 900 1700 I IOO 2200 94 3800 2000 6000 400 93 1300 1400 ~6 7 750 580 360 Nil 4300 800 11000 55 892 696 Nil 1000 8956 6067 604 240 2080 31 4200 1000 12500 300 •850 13362 9488 I 122 700 Nil 815 348 386387 452394 WAIROA COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). A pirana Kaimoana, Wairoa Areta-a-Patu, Waihirere, Wairoa Arona Ngawiki, Mahia Balfour, William, Pakihikura, Mobuka Bank of N.Z., Awa Mate, Wairoa Bee, G., Mohaka Brathwaite, J. B., Mohaka Brown, J. H., Whakaki, Wairoa Carroll, Thomas, Hurumua, Wairoa Clunie, Thomas, Wairoa Couper, J., Frasertown Couper, R. J., Mangapoike, Frasertown ... 60 70 2500 4600 9000 9622 13300 43oo 600 5000 1409 Nil Nil IOO 2500 4080 10000 Nil 14400 4500 600 5000 2250

[0. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Cunningham and Smith, Tutira Lake, Napier Dalgety, P., Ruakituri, Wairoa Donnelly, G. P., Owhirikura, Hastings Dooncy, Patrick, Mohaka Duff Brothers, Wairoa Eden, T., Marumaru, Te Kapu Elliot, William, Frasertown Elwin, W. J., Turiroa Fisher and Led ward, Inverleith, Frasertown Fletcher, J. A., Marumaru, Frasertown Gilmour, William, Waikare, Napier Glendining, J., Waihua, Napier Glenny, William, Mahia Goldstone, W., Riverslea, Wairoa Goullet, Felix, Te Kapu Griffin, W. E., Liston, Frasertown Hami te Rarere, Mahia Hamlin, J. P., Ohuia, Wairoa Hemi Waerea, Nuhaka, Mahia Hird, J., Wairoa Hirini Kereru, Mahia Hoani Ngarara, Opoho, Wairoa Horomona Taiuna, Opoho, Wairoa Ihaka Kemara, Mahia Ihaka Paeone, Mahia Ihaka Whaanga, Nuhaka, Wairoa Ingram, H. S., Mangaaruhe, Frasertown Karcna Rawhi, Clyde, Wairoa Kataraina Kopu, Waihirere, Wairoa Kent, Isaac, Wairoa Kingi Korouria, Opoho, Wairoa Komene te Ito, Portland Island, Mahia Lambert Brothers, Parkhurst, Frasertown ... Macandrew, I. F., Awa-o-Totara, Mohaka ... Makoare Hirini Maru and W Tatene Paioneone, Mahia Maloney, William, Wairoa Matene Iluka, Nuhaka, Wairoa Mateno Toha Kingi, Pilot Station, Wairoa ... Matene Ruawai, Tukurangi, Frasertown Mayo, George, Wairoa Meretana Karena, Waipopo, Mohaka McCulloch, W., Mangaaruhe, Frasertown ... Mclvor, Murdoch, Waikari, Napier McKinnon Brothers, Stratholm, Mohaka ... McKinnon, John, Arapawanui, Petane Mein Brothers, Kiwi, Wairoa Meyrick, A. G., Lavindale, Mohaka Miller, M. R., Webbston, Napier Miller, M. B., Waireka, Napier Murray, Roberts, and Co., Putere, Turiroa... Nivvha Kiriti, Clyde, Wairoa Ormond, G. C, Mania Otene Toatoa, Whakaki, Fornhill Palmer, Thomas, To Kapu Paora Onekawa, Wairoa Peakman, AV. H., Wairoa Pirika Toatoa, Hastings Powdrell, Joseph, Turiroa, Wairoa Poyzer, A., Clyde, Wairoa Pyke, Charles, Waihi, Frasertown Rakera Apatu, Waihirere, Wairoa Ranapa, Mohaka Reupena te Apiawaho, Mahia ... Riwhaia te Kauru and Taituharu, Mahia... Shrimpton, W., Tongoio, Napier Smyth, J. II., Clyde, Wairoa Stacey, S. G., Frasertown Stark, James, Mohaka Steele and Kinross, Crieklewood Stevens, George, Wairoa Stevens, R. E., Broadlands, Wairoa Sutherland, John, Mohaka Sutherland, John, Mangaaruke, Mohaka ... Takarei Hauparoa, Mohaka Taylor, John, Moeangiangi, Napier Taylor, I. E., Burnside, Frasertown Teira Tokeriri, Kopuawhara Mahia Te Puiti Kotuhi, Waihirere, Wairoa Thorpe, Stephen, Turiroa Tiopira Tapahi. Te Ruataniwha, Wairoa Torr, T. & W. H., Turiroa Tully, David, Wairoa I iooo 3'83 1500 72 95oo 500 2700 225 1750 200 4000 8000 1300 936 236 4'32 460 4660 500 296 167 130 92 125 IOO 4600 62 125 40 600 600 600 1800 I I OOO 800 300 '70 600 69 395 745 7200 8500 21000 700 1500 5400 553' 7° 17140 500 170 54 400 600 2389 9 4060 I IOOO 7500 6377 51 95 00 600 4200 196 i95o 231 4500 8150 1300 1120 35° 5493 200 4670 300 478 150 160 100 200 IOO 4800 140 IOO 70 487 65 500 2150 12000 120a 60 Nil 120 700 5° 496 387 8440 2060 8750 23000 750 1800 55oo 6228 Nil 16786 500 12 37 35° 700 3171 Nil — 4100 60 80 260 "5 15448 5° 170 460 8000 39' 4300 100 16179 65 400 500 8000 290 4000 8500 IOOO 200 7934 1450 400 '58 475 100 970 400 9IOO I700 4OO '°5 663 I90 IOOO 399





No. of s: sist; 1886. I hoep on May. I 1S87. Punks and Worthington, Frasertown rwigg, H. J., Ridgemount, Petane rwist, T. K., Riversglen, Mohaka _ Walker, George, Waikokopu, Mahia Walker, Neil, Wairoa Warnes and Sim, Moutawa and Maungaharuru, Mohaka Watene Huka, Nuhaka, Wairoa Wiremu Tamiti, Wairoa 2.500 8500 2IOO 7867 8458 II IOO 3OOO 8750 2000 805I 10200 I 2 IOO 300 3' 420 20 HAWKE'S BAY COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). Airini Donnelly, Mangaohanc, Napier Airini Tonoro and others, Taradale Anaru te Wanikau and Boyd, Kaingaroa, Hastings Anderson, J., sen., Moteo, Puketapu Anderson and Co., Te Purotu, Napier Ani Kingi, Wainui Run, Moawhanga Ani Manahi, Waipatu, Hastings Arapata Hapuku, Kohai, Te Aute Arihi te Nahu, Haukc, Te Aute Batley and Paerau, Moawhanga Beamish, N. E., Whanawhana, Fernhill Beatson, John, Whareomaranui, Meanee Bennett, J., Newstead, Puketapu Bicknell J. and T., Puketapu Birch Bros., Oruamatua, Napier Birch, W. J., Stoneycroft, Hastings Bishop, T., Hastings Bolton, S., Mangatutu and Hawkestone, Puketapu Boyle, James, Havelock Bryson and Robertson, Puningi, Clive Campbell, Hugh, Poukawa, Te Aute Cannon, William, Clive Oarr, E. and C, Hedgeley, Petane Chambers, J. B., Te Mala, Havelock North ... Chambers, T. M., Tauroa, Havelock North ... Chambers, John, jun., Mokopeka, Hastings... Clark, G. M. and H. S., AVairoaiti, Petane ... Clarke, Thomas, Havelock North Collison, E. D., Pakipaki and Smithfield, Rissington Couper, 1). M., Petane Couper, W. A., Havelock North Orighton and Lubbock, Mangaone, Rissington Davis, E., Spring Vale, Napier Dolbel, P. and R., Taradale Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge and Ngatarawa, Napier Donnelly, H. L., The Wilows, Taradale Douglas, W., Te Mahonga, Napier Duff and Mackie, AVhakarara, Keruru Erneti Araui, Moawhango Eruini Akatarewa, AVainui, Moawhango Evans, F. J., Hengaston, Havelock North ... Forde, Frank, Pakaututu, Puketapu Foreman, T., Hastings France and Miller, Eskdale, Petane Gordon and Hill, Fernhill Gordon and Moore, Rakamoana, Napier Gordon, Captain, Clifton, Clive Graham, S. C, Rosemount, Puketapu Graham, S. C, Waihau, Puketapu Grant, A., Pakovvhai, Meanee Griffiths, Evan, (exors. late), Tarawera Groome and Ballantyne, Onipo, Te Aute ... Hallett, Thomas, Puketitiri, Puketapu Hamiora Tupaea, Te Aute Hanita te Maro, Hastings Harding, A., Kereru Harding, R., Patoka, Rissington Harding, W. B., Pungarehu, Havelock North Harvey, John, Havelock North Honare Kepa, Moawhanga Heperi Pikirangi, Moawhanga Heslop, G., Prior Park, Taradale Ileslop, G., Chesterhope, Taradale Heslop, J., Puketapu Heslop, W., Omaranui, Taradale 285301 315547 22700 3000 5°o 33059 Nil 5000 1831 20192 6000 IOO 2048 18200 7000 140 200 4220 15000 50 8000 1500 50140 Nil I IOO 403 6000 15000 600 8100 I2C0 535°° 152 75° 8010 12000 68l 1200 700 1500 19000 136 8500 9'85 9835 1213 2 2328 400 6000 20350 125 8700 104 IO 10532 I2917 24OO 750 12000 1100 1100 24000 1800 3807 23775 546o 24200 1800 3819 22079 2986 2000 30232 IOIOO 2000 27468 9900 IOOO 700 IOO 3S00 675 5000 3500 I80CO 20969 4000 4000 6900 900 2000 I I 000 Nil 200 3500 1020 49OO 4'37 I869O 1800 4000 7500 800 2200 I OOOO 596 45° 27O9O 4200O 2789 500 32000 38500 Nil 5500 70O 8O0O 9960 718 12400 225 5000 500 7000 6300 652 11500

:o. of Sheep on 3lst May. I 1880. I 1887. niggins, John, Waitangi, Napier Higgins, Lawrence, Tukirangi, Puketapu Hiraka te Rango, Tutupapa, and Pungatawa Moawhanga Hoera Terango, Moawhango Hohepa Pura, Paki Paki, Hastings Hone Eautahi, Hastings Horima Paerau, Makokomiko, Moawhanga... Ilori Tupaea, Te Aute Howse, George, Puketapu Hudson, S. M., Salisbury, Napier Hutchinson, F., Rissington Irimana Ngahou, Waiakaho, Erewhon Ihaia te Ngira, Waitio, Taradale Johnston, S., Clive Farm, Clive Jones, W. J., Waikonini, Puketapu Jeffries, jun., Thomas, Taradale King, J., Traveller's Rest, Napier Kingita Tohunga, Hauko, To Aute Kinross, J. G., Raukawa, Te Aute Kinross, J. G., Glenross, Puketapu Kirkpatrick, D., Omahu, Taradale Knight Brothers, Clive Lansdown, Richard, Meanee Lincoln, J., Patoka, Rissington Lopdell, Jas., Papakura, Meanee Loughnan, J. H., Tukituki, Havelock North... Lowry, Thomas, Okawa, Fernhill Mackenzie, R. H., Mount Erin, Havelock N. Makere Ngarori, AA'aikakau, Te Aute Marshall, James, Petane Martin, R., Napier Matiu Witiki, Waimarama, Havelock North Mason, M., Taheke, Maraekakaho Mason, R. H., Te Ranga, Te Aute McDonald, D., Pukahu, Havelock North ... McDonald, James, Pukahu, Havelock North McDonald and Munro, Whaitoto, Napier ... Mclvor and Wyatt, Hastings McLean, Allan, Havelock North McLean, Archibald, Greenhill, Maraekakaho McLean, Douglas, Maraekakaho McLean, Hugh, Hastings Meiuertzhagen and Moore, Havelock North Meriana Poneke, Korongata, Maraekakaho ... Merritt, G. J., Clive Miller, M. R., Ardlussa, Napier Milne and Sons, Petane Milne and Sons, Wensley, Taradale Morrin and RusBell, Ruanui, Moawhango ... Murray, Roberts, & Co., Glengarrie, Rissington Na Peni Tepuna, Hastings Nairn, C. J., Pourcrere Neal, AVilliam, Redclyffe, Taradale Nelson Bros., (Limited), Dartmoor, Eskmount, Apley and Omatua, Puketapu Nelson Brothers (Limited), Tomoana and Mangateretere, Hastings Nikora Pura, Pakipaki, Hastings Noa Huke and Aronoa, Ohiti, Hastings Northern Investment Co. of New Zealand, Rakaumoana, Napier Nyhon, John, Maraekakaho N.Z. Loan and M.A. Co., Seafield, Petane ... N.Z. Loan and ALA. Co., Tutupapa, Napier Ormond, J. D., Karamu, Napier Orr, John, Papakura, Taradale Orr, William, Orwell, Clive Paora Kaiwhata, Moteo, Puketapu Paora Pahi, Paki Paki, Napier Paramena, Paki-Paki, Hastings Peacock, Gavin (Estate of), Puketapu Peddle, S. W. P., Hendley, Pohui Pine Tuakau, Opaea, Moawhanga Powdrell, Henry, Meanee Reignier, Rev. E., Mission Station, Meanee... Renata.Kawepo, & Broughton, Hastings Retia Pareihe, Paki-Paki, Hastings Rewi Penetiki, Paki Paki, Napier Richardson, Major AV. A., Petane Roberts, John, Olive Grange, Clive Royse and Anderson, Poporangi, Kereru Russell Bros., Flaxmore & Tananui, Hastings 43 6653 7400 5o 6060 Nil 400 110 IOOO 250 700 I 122 4970 600 IOOO 573 700 2000 37o 77 Nil 440 700 '350 4880 600 94o 440 650 Nil 4 230 660 103 45° 11346 18559 300 276 Nil 700 '3 14200 14000 8000 530 1700 5° 50 6750 3500 57° Nil 14000 200 1393 1 19964 5°o 1400 54 600 45 15000 21200 8000 1800 3' 50 5530 35°o 400 IOOO I IOOO 68000 512 37210 146 IOO 63000 Nil 36886 400 3200 9100 200 2500 9000 Nil 430 218 330 6810 7000 300 40329 950 27449 300 37826 500 26000 6818 6490 370 4500 15300 Nil 45oo Nil 1300 2400 4900 200 572 1400 300 500 4018 2622 95o 2500 9900 2600 120 675 1100 120 570 278 7000 130 95 400 469 3262 2 743 1700 35° 280 55oo 5° 73 364 9424 27000 45000 10970 26200 45000





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Russell, non. H. R., Te Aute, Waipukurau... Rymer, George, Napier Scullen, John, Meanee Sheild, Arthur, Waikonini, Puketapu Shirley, T. A., Wensley, Taradale Shrimpton, W., Maraekakaho Skerman, A. W., Uplands, Te Aute Smith, J. J., Port Aburiri Studholme, Bros., Owhauko, Napier Sutton, Frederick, Royston, Clive Sutton, Spencer, Te Aute Taite Purci, Pakipaki, Napier Tanner, T.,Endsleigh and Riverslea, Hastings Tanner, T., Wai Puanga, Petane Temuera, AVaitio, Taradale Te Teira Tiakitai, Rangitoto, Havelock North The Land and Loan Company of New Zealand (Limited), Whakamarumaru, Napier Tiffen, II. S., Greenmeadows, Taradale Timirana Ratima, Paki Paki, Napier Tolmie, Allan, Glenlyon, Maraekakaho Torr, J. A., Napier Tuxford, A., Petane Twigg, H. J., Petane Grange, Petane Villers, William, Petane Waata Rakaiwerohia, AVaitio, Fernhill Walker, Malcolm, Maraekakaho Wallace, Neil, Willow Bank, Petane Watene Hapuku, Hauke, Te Auto Waterhouse and Fitzherbert, Mangawhare, Puketapu Watt (Estate of), Longlands, Hastings Watt (Estate of), Olrig, Maraekakaho Wellwood, Robert, Hastings Willan, Thomas, Meanee Williams and Kettle, Pungarehu, Napier ... Williams, J. N., Frimley, Hastings Williams, R. P., Mangateretere, Napier Williams, Rev. S , Te Aute, Napier Wilson, J. AY, Kohinarakau, Havelock North AViniata te Whaaro, AA^aiakaha, Erewhon Wi te Orihau, AVaimarama, Havelock North 6458 120 67 13'5° '454 18000 286 53°o Nil 90 15200 Nil 17 124 35° '5° 63000 2130 500 300 12056 18629 977 3645 9943 200 56791 2050 460 14409 18219 800 4884 10284 6111 '75 1600 40 220 53'5 Nil 1364 12 '85 1250 600 600 1000 1500 75° 600 1100 1200 30.37 21500 1000 2200 21000 21514 38500 2100 600 12213 35600 37° 1000 12398 4021 2.345' 2775 5000 180 1320 6362 35" 24205 2558 5400 200 '250531 1212888 WAIPAWA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Alder, Mrs. C, Stanley Farm, Blackburn ... Anderson, Lars, Ashley Clinton Anstis, James, Kumeroa Atua Mohi & Hiri, Tikokino Austin, William, Tikokino Avison, James, AVaipawa Baker, Benjamin, Ongaonga Baker, Henry, Woodville Balsillie, John, Ashley-Clinton Barlow, James, Ongaonga Beachen, J. P., Ongaonga Bergersen, A., Makaretu Bibby, E., AVaipawa Bird, J., Woodlands, Wallingford Bowden, William, AVoodville Bradford, G. B., Woodville Bridge, H. II., Fairfield Ongaonga Bridge, II. H., Ashcott, Ongaonga Britten, J., Waipawa Buchanan, H. D., Riverly, Kumeroa Burkin, G., Ongaonga Callaghan, M., Mount Erin, Woodville Carlile, AV. AV., Broomfield, Woodville Carlyon, A. S. G., Gwavas, Tikokino Carr, Samuel, Ongaonga Carver, R. W. J., Tawanui, AVoodville Christianson, P., Makaretu Coles, Arthur, Ashley-Clinton Collie, G. H., Woodville Cook, James, Ongaonga Cook, Joseph, Ashley-Clint on Cook, AVilliam, Ashley-Clinton Cowper and Knight, Kaitoki, Tahoraiti Cox, Henry, AVoodville Dearlove, W. R., Puketoi, Kumeroa Dickins, J., Woodville 20 60 180 300 '75 2169 250 280 125 IOO 93 1500 2000 457 1' 24.3 '335 8 7'5 360 9 200 45 55 Nil Nil 200 2.3'9 295 448 380 300 200 400 2294 2000 432 598 "375 14378 704 600 69 300 2200 "93° 23400 102 24000 150 200 25 172 85 23 16 200 60 285 20 "597 45 597 480 '23 13270 40 600 670

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 3886. I 1887. Doar, Joseph, Tikokino Duncan, Frank, Woodville Durham, George, Springvale, Ashley-Clinton Eager, AVilliam, Blackburn Edgecombe, J. W., Glenburn, Takapau Ellingham, Thomas, Ashley-Clinton Elliott, W., Mount Pleasant, Woodville Ellison, AV. J., Takapau Eriksen, Anders, Norsewood, Ormondville ... Firth, A., Ongaonga Fletcher, Samuel, Ongaonga Foulger, Mrs., Takapau Gaisford, H., Oringi, Tahoraite Gilbert, T., sen., AVoodville Giles, H. R., Woodville Glenny, T. S., Ongaonga Gollan, J. D., Te AVhiti, Norsewood Gradwell, Frederick, Blackburn Grant, A., Burnside, Takapau Gregory, Robert, Kumeroa Guillard, P. L., Woodville Haliiday, William, AVoodville Hamilton, G. D., Mangatoro, Tahoraite Hansen, C. C, Makaretu Hansen, Thorkill, Kumeroa Harding, E., Woodville Harding, J., Mount Vernon, Waipukurau ... Hardy, S. W., Tikokino Harrison, A. V., Blackburn Hayes, J., Waipukurau Herbert, T. W., Herbertville Herbert, John, AVoodville Herrick, J. L., Forest Gate, Ongaonga Hewitt, T. P., Kumeroa Hobin, J., Ongaonga Hobson, T\, Takapau Holdcn, J. & T„ Spring Vale, Tikokino Holder, H. R., Riverside, Woodville Hope, Robert, Ongaonga Hope, AV., AVoodville Hooper, II. S., Arlington, Waipukurau Howard, Josiah, Tikokino Howse, Thomas, Takapau Hughes, Thomas, Woodville Hyland, Patrick, Kumeroa Inglis, J., Tikokino Ingram, William, Tikokino Ireland, Benjamin, Blackburn Ireland, J., Ashley-Clinton Jensen, N. P., Ashley-Clinton Johnson, G. E., Woodville Johnston, S., Oruwharo, Takapau Kayser, Max, AVoodville Kemp, Daniel, Kumeroa Kemp, Edward, Kumeroa Kelly, Thomas, Te Whiti, Norsewood Knapp, J. E., Makakai, Tikokino Knight Brothers, Tahoraiti Knight, A. C. and Co., Takapau Knight, J., Kaikora North Lambert, H. A., Ashley-Clinton Larsen, O, Makaretu Leupold, Carl, Heavitree, Ongaonga Little, James, Kumeroa Logan, Andrew, AA^oodville Loveday, George, Woodville Lowman, John, Woodville Loye, N., Mount Hope, Ashley-Clinton Lynch, P. H. Kumeroa Mackey, A., Ongaonga Madsen, N. P., Makaretu Martin, W. C, Kumeroa Mason, G. M., Waretoka, Tikokino Mathews, J., Tikokino McDonald, John, Senr., Woodvillo McGreevy, S., Mount Erin, Waipawa McLennan, A., Kaikora McLennan, M., Ongaonga McLeod, David, Woodside, Ongaonga McLeod, Mrs. E., Glen Erie, Hampden Mills, E., AVoodville Millett, H., Kumeroa Moore and Parkinson, Tikokino 21 400 21 80 99° 770 93° '7 2 59° 64 10389 600 45 1300 200 14000 10 22217 250 20100 1020 293 180 400 80 11402 33o 45 6000 8500 "53 66 '25 I I IOO 36 508 A OO Nil Nil 1450 900 800 Nil 10 700 77 11077 400 Nil 1120 2500 300 14500 200 22 98 305'7 '4 182 244 20700 93° 384 '93 300 Nil "445 30 40 3000 8500 1650 92 "3 9000 1IOOO 149 300 100 759 '74 93 '65 250 Nil 27238 Nil 92 300 '81 748 146 97 200 400 30126 60 400 470 1800 IOOO 5200 425 500 Nil IOOO 6050 2692 2200 8370 •93 1500 450 774 30 510 150 75o 520 '5 400 2000 2234 Nil 600 Nil 400 900 12S . 89 Nil 2000 7830 1340 37° "47 43° 4'5 99 800 400 1750 2300 213 600 1185 343 800 127 88 3 300 300





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Edwards, James, Silverleaf, nerbertville Evans, R., Homewood, Kaikora North Fleming and McKenzie, Tamumu Fleming, D. S., Flemington, Wanstead Ford, John, Tamumu Franklin, Ford, Herbertvillc Franklin, Robert, Inglewood, Herbertville ... Franklin, S., Wainui, Herbertville Franklin, S., Mangaone, Herbertville Gollan, Donald, Wanstead, Waipukurau ... Gollan, D., Mangatarata, AVaipukurau Gollan, J. D., Eparaima, AVallingford Gollan, John, Kaikora North Gollan, K., sen., Kaikora North Goodwin, W., AVaipukurau Gray, E., Willow Farm, Kaikora North Hartree, II., Pukikura, AVanstcad Healy, J., Porangahau Herbert, Alfred, Herbertville Herbert, J. & C, Farnham, Herbertville Herbert, W. J., Herberts Mount, Herbertville Howard, T, Holly Combe, Kaikora North ... Hunter, George, Porangahau Johnston, S., Tamumu Lambert, Alfred, Porangahau Lawrence, J., Homewood, Kaikora North ... Limpus, Charles, Patangata Logan, Andrew, Burnbrae, Tamumu Mackersey Bros., The Lake, Wanstead McHardy, A., Blackhead, Pourerere McKenzie, IC, Kaikora North McLean, Peter, AVaipukurau McNutt, Samuel, AVanstead Monk, AVilliam, Kaikora North Nelson and Brown, Titoki, Tamumu New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Glentui, Napier Ormond, J. D., AVallingford, Napier Pope, E., Motutariu, Wanstead Price, R. D., Tamumu Ramsden, J. D., Onepoto, Pourerere Rafhbone, AV., Homewood, Waipawa Rathbone, AV, Tourere, Waipawa Rathbone, W., Riverdale, Waipawa Roberts and Co., Tautane, Herbertville Ryan, Denis, Table Hill, Porangahau Sahin, T. AV., Kaikora North St. Hill, A., Wangaehu, Porangahau Sanders, AV., Motuotaria, AVanstead Sidwcll, R. J., Porangahau Sims, David, Wallingford Siteman, William, Porangahau Small, AV. II., Feruside, Kaikora North Smart, E. P., Waipawa Soley, Mrs. Mary, Kaikora North Speedy, G., Woodbank, Herbertville Speedy, J., Burnview, Herbertville Speedy, W., Pipi Bank, Herbertville Stewart, Thomas, Porangahau Tiffen, F. J., Elms Hill, Patangata Tipene Matua, Porangahau Tod, James, The Park, Kaikora North Tod, Robert, Kaikora North Ward, A., Linkloe, Porangahau Ward, Robert, Patangata Warren, AV. A., Mangapuaka, AVaipukurau... Watts, E., Early Mount, Kaikora North ... AVhite, G, II. M., Parangahau White, J., Oakbourne & Porangahau, Napier AVhite, William, Glentui, Kaikora North ... Williams, J. N., Edenham, Patangata Williams, Rev. S., Mangakuri, Napier AVitherow, J., Elsworth, Patangata 1200 '376 1700 9600 25 600 500 IOOO 1100 41000 1200 3210 1100 140 1085 1000 1400 7600 IOOO IOOO 42600 34100 800 3901 '54' 1442 14000 395°° 290 1800 720 100 5443 44'So 700 858 1200 1300 1500 9700 50 '5° . Nil 600 Nil Nil 45000 Nil 250 3000 Nil 160 1057 95° 1600 75oo IOOO I IOO 46800 28255 700 Nil 1461 1165 14500 33466 260 2000 2000 20 5589 38'3 2500 7800 IOOO 21439 1600 184 36473 27000 IOO 1659 1300 2075 42500 800 868 1736 1700 8000 IOOO 21400 1600 238 4400 6239 7340 592 13500 7900 2690 1990 1400 6000 134 35565 26693 150 1640 1300 2025 130 287 4800 6400 7°3S 637 I IOOO 8000 2679 1987 •35° 80 6000 1900 1400 29490 3225 27082 36150 3446 625171 2300 1500 33221 Nil 26140 36550 3500 620075

No. of SI 31st I iieep on Hay. 1886. I 1887. Morrison, Finlay, Blackburn Mundell, D., Kaikora Murphy, J. J., AVoodville Nepe te Apatu, AVaipawa Nevill, W. J., AVoodville Newman, W. J., Arlington, Waipukurau ... Nielson, Sven, Ashley-Clinton Obrist, S., Ongaonga Olsen, Jolianns, Ashley-Clinton Paget and McKay, Takapau Paora Ropiha, AVaipawa Pedersen, Jens, Makaretu Peers, John, Ongaonga Petersen, H. P., Ongaonga Pettit, John, Merry vale, Kaikora North Ramlose, C, Makaretu Rasmussen, Peter, Makaretu Rathbone, W., Abbotsford, Waipawa Rathbone, AV., Te Aute, Waipawa Reid, John, Ongaonga Reiher, Fritz, Ashley-Clinton Renata te Pewa, Tikokino Rhodes, J. B., Springhill, Ongaonga Robinson, Samuel, Waipukurau Rood, Albert, Tikokino Ropata Riwai, Tikokino Ross, A. H., jun., Blackburn Russell, Neil, Ashley-Clinton Russell, T. P., Woburn, AVaipukurau Russell, H. R., Hon., Mt. Herbert, AVaipukurau Sebley, Mrs. S. A., AVillow Farm, AVaipawa... Soverinson, Martin, Blackburn Sircombe, R. S., Glen Burn, Takapau Steed, J. AV., Ever-Green, Ongaonga Stevens and Southall, W roodville Stokes Brothers (Trustees), Kaikora Thomas, Henry, Woodville Thomson, Johannes, Makaretu Thomson, William, Takapau Troup, James, Woodville Tuehu Pomare and Eriata Nopcra, Waikoperu, AVaipawa Tufwersen, John, Ashley-Clinton Tuhua Tangaru, Takapau Turfrey, Thomas, Blackburn Tyler, William, Ashley-Clinton AValdron, B., Waipawa AValker, George, Scotston, Ongaonga Watkins, Charles, Ashley-Clinton AVatson, J. S-, Kumeroa AVhite, T. (Extrs. of), Sherwood, Takapau ... AA rhitehead, Mark, Kumeroa Wilkes, James, Halfmoon, AVaipawa Williamson, James, Woodville 1600 180 89 35°° '32 9000 2319 35° Nil 4000 5° 5°° 25 850 20 1392 IOO 11700 8 oo 99 Nil '5' 45 108 '53 500 Nil 900 72 1689 IOO 7 9900 900 46 3' 480 7500 579 300 500 3500 200 36500 27704 166 43 500 7000 350 400 3800 35' 00 26952 172 50 596 39000 95 i°5 596 1085 39000 500 50 95 3° Nil 30 500 296 400 80 45o 67 54 102 2250 200 294 600 73 152 400 200 99 'So 2250 250 169 Nil '45 800 PATANGATA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Ashlon, John, Patangata Beetham Brothers, Te Apiti, Napier Bowden, Alfred, Kaikora North Brough, Peter, Porangahau Bruce, 1). AA T., Wanstead Buchanan, J., Elsthorpe, Patangata Campbell, Angus, Kaikora North Clark, Edward, Tamumu Clark, George, Patangata Collins, J., Kaikora North Cheer, AVilliam, Sunnybauk, Patangata Cripps, George, Herbertville CroBse, Thomas, Mangainairi, Porangahau ,.. Crosse, Thomas, Wanstead Curling, Robert Te Kopanga, Patangata Dillon, A., Willow Bank, Patangata Drawer, Mrs. F. It., Eparamia, Wallingford Ebbett, William, Purumo, AVanstead 398935 419795 40 23429 1630 250 800 22000 160 495 1 70 37oo 300 1300 I IOOO IOOO 27204 3000 600 1200 Nil 21200 '365 Nil 900 22500 •2.3 420 Nil 7000 355 2600 11300 2500 27592 3000 IOOO 1167

WEST COAST DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.




o. of Sheep on 3ist May. 1886. I 1687. TARANAKICOUNTY. Allen, T., New Plymouth Allen, W. S., New Plymouth Andrews, Fred, Huirangi ... Armstrong, J. H., Captain, Tikorangi Atkinson, H. D., New Plymouth Barclay, Theodore, New Plymouth Bayly, Thomas, Waitara Bayly, William, Stoney R., N. Plymouth ... Bell, P. T., Urenui Berridge, William, Omata Bcwley, Walter, Inglewood Billiale, Thomas, Inglewood Bishop, Mrs. M., New Plymouth Blake, W., New Plymouth Blackburrow, Thomis, New Plymouth Broughton, F., Inglewood Brown, Henry, Waitara Buckle, J. AV., Urenui Charles, Thomas, Tikorangi Clare, Thomas, Bell Block Cleave, W. J., New Plymouth Clemoe, Robert, New Plymouth Coad, Stephen, jun., New Plymouth Colson, Alexander, Bell Block Colville, A. L., New Plymoutn Corkill, W., Oakura Cornwall, F. D., New Plymouth Crean, John, New Plymouth Crump, AV., Tikorangi Cunningham, G. W , AVaitara Curtis, George N., Inglewood Curtis, George, New Plymouth Cutfield, AV., Oakura Davis, AV., Inglewood Elliot and Bayly, AVaitara Foreman, J. AV., Tikorangi Foreman, AV., Okato George, Harry, Omata Giddy, AV., Huirangi Gray, R. C, Stoney River, Okalo Ilamblyn, C, jun., Bell Block Harrison, Job, New Plymouth Hawke, John, Omata Hicks, R. T., Tikorangi Hoby, O. E., Waitara Houeyfield, H. J., Bell View, New Plymouth Honeyfield, J. O, Oakura Honnor, AA'illiam, New Plymouth Hoskin, A. J., Bell Block Hoskin, AV.F., Penrose Farm, Bell Block ... Irvine, Hugh, Urenui Julian, N. II., New Plymouth Jupp, George, AVaitara Jury, John, Omata Kelly, Thomas, Glenfern, New Plymouth ... King, H., New Plymouth Kyngdon, A.,New Plymouth Leech, T. G., Marwood, Inglewood Looney, J. J., Oakura Mace, F. J., the Wairau, Oakura Marsh, A., New Plymouth Marshall, AV., Inglewood McGregor, J. D., AVoodlee, Midhurst Mills, Thos., Pungarehu Morgan, E. J., Rahotu Newland, II., New Plymouth Newman, AV. L., Urenui Okey, Henry, New Plymouth Oliver, G., Woodlands, New Plymouth Oxenham, Thomas, Oakura Parkinson, A., Waitara Pott, George, Urenui Priske, P. T., Oakura Putt, John, sen., New Plymouth Rossiter and Sons, New Plymouth Rowe, C. N., Urenui Rowe, W Tilliam, Huirangi 55 25 'SO 124 138 2000 80 98 25 260 57 35 36 80 16 180 23 72 280 400 60 30 75 232 26 25 80 270 Nil 25 270 200 80 '83 Nil 3 52 35 80 56 75 97 45 54 160 90 160 Nil Nil 200 60 Nil 60 110 80 103 12 200 12 Nil 3" 66 Nil Nil 45° Nil 73 267 3 5° Nil 40 70 230 36 26 80 '93 1 Nil 267 200 400 200 8 Nil 52 25 95 70 75 130 30 95 80 120 '74 200 Nil 213 12 60 50 26 23 5° 35° 420 23 18 8 5° 339 440 22 '7 35 100 60 60 25 180 Nil ■25 56 Nil 140 52 90 4' 120 '7 240 300 3°o 25 50 '74 94 'So 200 303 24 100 Nil Nil 338 100 '55 200 300 24

[o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Rundle, Samuel, Bell Block Sarten, Levi, Tikorangi Sole Brothers, New Plymouth Stevenson, John, Rahotu Stockman, E., jun., W railara Street, Romulus, Bell Block Tate, G. V., AVaitara Thomson, A. McL., Inglewood Thomson, W. D., Inglewood Thornton, James, Waitara Teieti Hoera, AVaitara Turnbull, AV., Wellbourne, New Plymouth... Vickers, Edward, Inglewood Vickery, Francis, Tikorangi Vosper, P., Tikorangi AVarehain and Morris, New Plymouth Wells, W. J., Mangorei, New Plymouth Wells, Z. AV, New Plymouth Western, Thomas, Bell Block Wheeler, J./.Inglewood Wood, II. T., Omata Wood, Mrs. Mary, Oakura 101 21 120 200 200 426 30O 49 227 650 IOO So '32 26 108 '9 3°o 600 35° Nil 228 100 Nil Nil 120 18 3'5 170 Nil 300 Nil 118 600 82 96 IOO 300 12 '57 600 4' 85 47 ",363 HAWERA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Allan, Thomas, Manutahi Babbage, C. W., Croflmoor, Hawera Barrow, Charles, Otakeho Barrow, Jesse, Normanby Barley, T., jun., Manaia Bayly, G. T., Mokoia, Hawera Beavcl, Frederick, Manutahi Best, J. and H., Normanby Bischoff, T. Manaia Borrie, William, Otakeho Bremer, Adolph, Manutahi Brett, F. II., Normanby Buchanan, Donald, Hawera Buckrell, George, Manutahi Buckthought, P. C, Normanby Campbell, J. J., Manaia Ohubbin, AVilliam, Normanby Curtis, H. B., Inglewood Davidron, James, Hawera Douglas, AA'illiam, Hawera Duris, AVilliam, Manutahi Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Manutahi Fantham, A. A., Hawera Finlayson, Farquhar, Normanby Foreman, R. AV., Manutahi Forsyth, Simon, Pihama Fowler, Nathaniel, Manaia Fraser, Kenneth, Otakeho Gibson, Gcorgc,|Pihama Glenn, G., Manaia Gocd and Co., Thomas, Oeo, Pihama Good, Harry, Pihama Goodson, M. J., Waihi, Hawera Gore, John, Hawera Hair, AVilliam, Manaia Uastie, Andrew, Manaia Hendy, R. 0., Okaiawa Hicks, JameF, Fcrndale, Hawera Hicks, Richard, Brooklyn, Hawera Hicks, Robert, Tongahoe, Hawera Hobbs, A. S., Hawera Holroyd, Thomas, Manaia Hunter, Moore, Burnside, Hawera Inkster, Gideon, Normanby Iredale, J. H. and F., Hawera Kelland, J., sen., Otakeho Knight, David, Otakeho Lambie, Robert, Oeo, Pihama Livingston, James, AA'aipapa, Hawera Lowick, F., Okaiawa Lucena, W. L., Hawera Lysaght, J. R., Hawera Mason, J., AYestward Ho, Hawera Matheson and Law, Hawera Matthews, James, Normanby McCutchaii, AV. A., Normanby '3.972 160 "744 100 400 7 335° 100 380 150 "95 60 39° 300 4300 7° 100 435 '5 280 190 3'3 400 298 300 '54 600 35 IOOO 300 30 2045 600 300 35° 664 360 202 350 250 360 27 600 411 10 1490 44 2 664 500 117 38s Nil 235 230 1900 6.35 879 700 80 200 140 Nil 300 1500 400 635 836 281 140 75° 407 7° 300 IOOO 500 970 85 50 494 2103 870 1188 1700 1000 40 600 100 700 6co Nil 580 ii 80 45° 550 Nil 500 616 2280 Nil 3761 3600 1100 Nil Nil 1050 21 100





No. of Sheep 01. 31st May. :.-■■ ;. 1887. McKenzie, William, Normanby McLachlan, A., Pihama (Doylestou) McLean, Duncan, Hawera McLean, George, Hawera McRae, R. E., Manaia Milne, A., Hawera Milne, A. O, Otakeho Mitchell, W. W., Normanby Morison, William, Ngaire Muir, Quentin, Hawera Murdoch, A. D., Okaiawa Newsham, C, Okaiawa Nicholas, T. G. L., Hawera O'Sullivan, James, Normanby Oughton, J. S., Okaiawa Parsons, Thomas, Otakeho Pearce, W. B. V., Pihama Penny and Kennedy, Hawera Perry,'J. L., Manaia Peterson, Peter, Spdnghill, Hawera Rainie Brothers, Hawera Riddiford, Fred., Hawera Scott, J. W., Manutahi Scott, Thomas, Manaia Shearer, William, Okaiawa Short, J., jun., Okaiawa Siggs, J. IT., Manaia Struthers, Thomas, Okaiawa Sutherland, Alexander, Manaia Tait, Charles, Manaia Taylor, William, Ngaire Turner, G. C, Eltham AVillans, II. AV., Pihama Willy, T., Eltham AVilson Brothers, Hawera Winks, John, AA Toodside, Hawera Yorke, J. C, Inahi, Hawera Young, W.S., Otakeho 2000 1200 Nil 374 55° 45° 248 900 Nil 900 158 408 1167 970 '4 '5 645 300 630 37° 100 4.50 1160 Nil 775 Nil 1200 23 200 7o 1600 800 457 '334 150 390 962 400 1250 280 Nil Nil 20 100 500 590 400 2200 '30 3 500 650 4500 20 11 30 75° 1516 30 230 45° 25 2654 10 Nil 14 45 520 1740 150 300 '60 PATEA COUNTY (In AYanganui Subdivision). Aiken, Alexander, Gowanlee, AVaverley Aitchison and Williamson, Spring Or., Kakaramea Allan, James, Waverley Allen, Thomas, Kakaramea Ball, James, Kaikura, Kakaramea Beaumont, AV. M.^Momohaki, W Taitotara ... Bourke, Patrick, Patea Bradley, John, Dcrry Farm, AVaverley Bremer Brothers, Elmina, Patea Bremer, Bros., Kohi, Waverley Bretherlon, A., Kakaramea Brewer, William, Waihou, Waitotara Bridge, G. S., AVaverley Burke, J. (Trustees for), Muugaroa, Kakaramea Campbell, Peter, Manutahi, Crawshaw, Charles, Waverley Dalziell, R., Kakaramea Davidson, Alexander, Patea Death, George, Cawood Grange and Whenuakura, Patea Dempster, VV., Kakaramea Dickie, J. G., Beavcn's Farm, Waverley Dickie, J. G., Oteka, AVaverley Dickie, J. H, Netherby, AVaverley Dickie, James, Waverley Dickie, James, jun., AVaverley Drake Brothers, Kaiwerawera, Patea Durie, Charles, Waitotara Dyke, Henry, Waverley Elmslie, Peter, Fornydell, Waverley Fairweather, James, Racecourse, Patea Fleetwood, T. M., AVaverley Fleming, David, Waverley Foreman, Wm., Kakaramea Frisby, Arthur, Ferndale, Waverley Gordon, John, Kakaramea Gowcr, George, Patea Gower Brothers, Round Bush, Patea Hair, John, Waverley 50554 55787 1200 886 95' u8 92 62 84 400 IOO 800 370 1200 1200 1080 1600 1500 300 5700 495 40 737 590 9OO ISOO 60O 560O 126 I 72 58l IOO 24 130 3790 2900 560 Nil 190 475 525 350 1080 1000 1280 287 IOOO 700 475 4 681 1375 223 Nil Nil S^o 385 Nil 2000 1090 286 500 200 520 3 5 1200 80 1400 11 1550 1500 600 3030

No. of Shcop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Hamilton, R. B., Manawapo, Manutahi Hansen, J. (Mrs.), Kakaramea Harris, Thomas, Waverley Hawes, 0., Waverley Hawken, Joseph, Kakaramea Hearn and Kennedy, Waverley Hewitt Brothers, Normanby Hogan, Thomas, Patea Hone, W. and T., Kohi, Waverley Honeyfield, E. M., Park Farm, Patea Horner, Robert, Dunira, Patea Howie Brothers, Woodlands, AVaverley Hunter, Andrew, Kakaramea Hunter, D. S., Waverley Hughes, J. AV., Netherby, Waverley Hurley, John, Patea H uston, James, Kakaramea Hutchison, George, AVanganui Illston, A. T., Manutahi Ion, John, Balgovvnie, Waverley Jardine, A., Kakaramea Johnson, J. A., Momohaka, Waverley Johnston, G. and R., Waverley Johnstone, John, AVaverley Johnstone, AV. J. II., Momahaka, AVaverley Jollie, Edward, Coutt's Farm, Patea Jones and McMenamen, Kakaramea Keating, M., Pigroot, AVaverley Keenan, Patrick, Waverley Knopfli, J., AV Taverley Liud, W. S., AVaverley Lomax, J. and C, AVaverley Lupton, Isaac, Waverley Macdonald, Duncan, Burnside, Waverley ... MacDonogh. L, S., AVoodlands, Kakaramea... Marchant, W., Roschill, AVaverley Mathieson, James, AVoodleigh, AVaverley Maxwell, Mrs. Mary, Manutahi McDonald, Donald, Gateside, AVaverley AlcDonald, Watson, AVaverley Mcintosh and Chonen, AVaverley McKenzie, John, AVaitotara Milham, William, Manutahi Miller, M. A., Mrs., AVaverley Morgan, W. E., Seafield, Waverley Murray, John, Momohaki, Waitotara Murray, William, Waverley Mussen, H. J., AVaverley Newing, Henry, AVaverley Newland, G. S., Waverley Nieholls, Mrs. G. W., Springfield Mount., AVaverley Nicholson Brothers, Kaihu, Waverley Palmer, Alfred, Paranui, Patea Palmer, W., Pernglen, AVaverley Parsons, John, Patea Paterson Brothers, Kakaramea Paterson, John, Patea Peacock, H. S., Bellgrove, Manutahi Pearce, R. B., Kakaramea Povvdrell, J. D. (Trustees of), Kakaramea ... Ransom, Henry, Waverley Riddell, JameB, Springwells, Waverley ... Robertson, Wm., Kakaramea Ross, John, Patea Saunders, G., Rata Park, Waverley Scoun, Thomas, Kakaiamea Sheild, J., Stotfold, Patea Sinclair, John, Mrs., AA raverley Smith, J. V., CreBCent Falls, Patea Stott, C. IL, Opungo, Manutahi Symes, Francis, Westholm, Waverley Symes and Banks, Waverley Symes, W. and A., Putahi, Waverley Symes, AV. C. & E. F., Whenuakura, Manutahi Turner, H. T. G., Otoia, Patea Tyler, G. R., Kohi, AVaverley Vincent, W., Okutuku, AVaverley AValker, Alexander, Waverley Walkinton, J. B., Waverley Walsh, William, Kakaramea Watkins, AVilliam, AVaverley Watt, Samuel, AVaverley 1400 20 37o "50 2370 3000 700 1614 4'7 2260 440 10 265 901 286 2500 5000 94 766 1200 680 IOOO 450 400 61 95 696 400 480 491 700 600 180 150 1180 Nil 5°o .96 633 1200 Nil 8oo 9.-0 1285 2400 500 100 675 1640 Nil 2920 125 3 400 198 240 1182 600 2493 6000 95 95° 900 700 "75 IOOO 400 8 Nil 20 1580 470 400 Nil 495 690 6.37 160 200 1060 200 350 243 684 496 100 43o 192 '30 410 '54 58 393 1200 2500 250 5'4 86 491 3000 485 540 900 3926 200 1475 2000 300 466 73 300 2500 490 7" 850 4000 Nil 2900 330 33 498 "3 2500 2000 1100 1400 1500 3857 1200 257 Nil 200 36 850 100 1500 1400 1100 1200 1300 3555 356 10 2200 13 2200 Nil '95 140 200 11


S—II. 13.




o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Wicks, T., Waverley Wilford, A., Wainoa, Kakaramea Wilkie, John, Matuatahi, Waitotara Wilkins, G., Mrs., AVaverley Wilson and Frere, AVaverley Wilson, Peter, Sea View, Kakaramea Wilson, William, Elslea, Patea Wybourne, M. H., AVaverley 327 800 300 400 300 297 1800 1500 680 932 1 70 1700 310 5° 18^6 95 96455 AVAITOTARA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Anderson, M. S., Kai Iwi Bayly, D., Wanganui Bennett, Alexander, Wanganui Black, Richard, Kaikokopu, AVanganni Blair, D. and AV., Kapanui, Wanganui Braithwaite, Arthur, Delmain Park, Waitotara Bunting, John, Maxwelltown Campbell, A. T., Brunswick Campbell, G. W., Brunswick _ ... Chapman, Benjamin, Fernside, Wanganui ... Chapman, E. J., Balgownie, AVanganui Clinton, Richard, Maxwelltown Cox, W. H., Waitotara Crawley, II., Missionary Station, AVanganui Darbyshire, William, Okehu Davies, Richard, Maxwelltown Death, Henry, AVaitotara Fisher, W. B., Rata Farm, Waitotara Foreman, Stephen, Wairoa, Wanganui Gilmour, Andrew, AVanganui Hair, Robert, Woodstock, Brunswick Handley, John, Okehu Harle, Jonathan, AVaitotara Hogg, Henry, Murray Hill, Wanganui Humphreys, John, Maxwelltown Huston, AVilliam, Okehu lackson, G. E., Brunswick McNair, John, Brunswick McNeill, Alexander, AVanganui Mitchell, George, Bushy Park, Kai-iwi Monk, G. II., Kennody's Wanganui Montgomery Brothers, Brunswick Montgomery, Henry, Ettriek, Brunswick ... Moore, James, Kai Iwi& Momohaki, Kai Iwi Murehison, John, Seafield, Wanganui Murray, J. B., Southern Grove, Wanganui ... Nathan, J. & Co., Otakino, Kai Iwi Niwa, Nukumaru, AVaitotara Parsons, AVilliam, Sunny-side, Waitotara ... Pcake, George, Longridge, Kai Iwi Peat, John, Pakaraka, Maxwelltown Perry, A. C, Lansdown, Brunswick Pharazyn, Robert, Marahau, Okehu Powell, Samuel, AVanganui Rawlings, John, AVoodlands, AA'anganui Robertson, G. S., Wanganui Ruscoe, Joseph, Wanganui Smith, Charles, Te Korito, Wanganui Smith, F. AV, Kai Iwi Smyth, AVilliam, Bush Farm, Okehu Stone Bros., Matarawa, AVangauui Symes, A. J., Kai Iwi l'awse, Alexander, Kai Iwi lTiatcher, Thomas, Fernham, AVanganui rod, AVilliam, AVaitotara Walker, George, Mount Hewitt, AVanganui... Wall, John, Rock Farm, Wanganui Wickstead, Arthur, Kai Iwi Williams, R. L., Brunswick Woon, W. and A., Wanganui Wright, G. S., AVanganui Wright, G. and Sons, Tempe, Brunswick ... 109957 630 960 600 900 3380 1520 280 200 "5 2300 600 IOOO 120 361 600 3575 1700 IOO •67 280 585 1500 700 500 300 800 Nil 280 600 1 20 1300 35° 213 250 300 10 466 1050 156 233 500 130 3200 196 700 '93 350 760 2 5°o 940 60 866 500 95 2 ioo 2/3 342 700 12350 2600 1810 '5° 688 10181 2650 1700 1300 180 1779 '56 1300 3000 7682 1 26 6,7 IOOO 93° IOO 1090 '95 2200 35° 6250 50 600 IOOO 500 19 398 250 800 850 800 95' 3°o 400 140 70 Nil 500 8 z.?o 600 700 942 400 IOO 5 160 214 433 708 56108 593 265 468 59128 WANGANUI COUNTY (In AVanganui Subdivision), ibbott, J., Wanganui illeock, David, Makirikiri tVllen, Thomas, Wangsnui 2200 Nil 200 130 '5°

No. of Sheep 0:1 3ist May. 1886. 1887. Allen, William, Upokongaro Allison, Alexander, Lambhill, Fordell Anderson, J. AV., AVanganui Anderson, Thomas, Preston Hill, Taylorville Anderson, AV. D., Wanganui Baker, J. AV, Brookdale, Fordell Bambcr, AV., Rusthall & Ellcngowan, Wanganui Barns and Higgie, AVanganui Bell, Mathew, Fordell Bill, Charles, Aberfeldie, Wanganui Blair. D., The Grange, AVanganui Blyth, James, Waterdale, Wangaehu Braithwaite, William, Kukuta, AVanganui ... Brown Brothers, Maxwelltown Brown, Thos., Makirikiri Browne, A. G., Beaufort, AVanganui Brownlie, James, Makirikiri Brownlie, John, AVanganui Browne, Walter, Poplar, AVanganui Bryce, John, Waipuna, Brunswick Burdon, C. VV.„ Wangaehu Burnett, Alfred Oneida, Fordell Burr, Patrick, Fordell Burr, AVilliam, Matarawa, Taylorville Cameron, John, Marangai, Wanganui Campbell, E. A., Wiritoa, AVangauui Campbell, John, Upokongaro Cassell, David, Taylorville Chamberlain, R. K., Beaufort, Makirikiri ... Chapman Brothers, Fordell Chapman, Joseph, Long Acre, AVanganui ... Corry, David, Tar forth, AVanganui Corry, W'illiam, Brunswick Cotterill, James, Taylorville Cowpcr, C. AV., Kukuta, Wanganui Craig, William, Sedge Brook, Wanganui ... Crawford, M., Fordell Cullinane, John, Matatera, Makirikiri Cunnabell, II. D., Wanganui Currie, James, Wanganui Davey and Co., J'., Eastown Doolc, John, Woodridgo, Fordell Duncan, John, No. 2 Line, AVanganui Durie, Miss Florence, Wanganui Durie, Penelope, Glen Durie, Wanganui Ellis, Thomas, Primrose Farm, \A ranganui ... Enderby, Charles, AVanganui Fernie, John, Churchill, Taylorville Fernie, John, Kaiwaka, Taylorville Fletcher, E. E., AVangaehu Georgclti, A., AVhataroa, Makirikiri Gowcr, II., Mingaroa, Upokongaro Grace, Dr., Lismore and Aries, Wanganui ... Gray, Robert, Bothwell, AVanganui Greig, Thomas, Kaitoki, Wanganui Hair, J. A., Brookland, Wanganui Harris, Thomas, Wanganui Harrison, C. F., Warrengate, AVanganui Havrison, If. N., Fordell H iselden, F. II., Makirikiri Herlihy, Denis, Hazelgrore, Taylorrille Hewitt, Henry, AVanganui Higgie, Alexander, Blinkbonnie, Taylorville... Higgie, James, Okoia Hoskin, J. AV., Denlair, Fordell Howie, Mrs. Jane, Learney, Taylorrille Jacobs, H., AVanganui Jones, J. N.,AVaikupa, Wanganui Kennedy, John, Strathdon, Makirikiri King, James, Kaitoki, Taylorrille Kirkwood, G. D., Wanganui Kirkwood, AV., Taylorville Lees, A. 0., Makirikiri Mackintosh, Angus, Okoia MacLeod, G., Duwagen Farm, Taylorrille ... Manson, N. P., Rosemount, AVanganui Martin, Ronald, Fordell Mason, Archibald, Kennedy's, AVanganui ... Matthews, Jonas, Lake Farm, Taylorville ... Maxwell, John, Parkhead, AVanganui May, James, Okehu McDonald, James, Fordell McDonald, N., Seyton, AVargauui ioo 595 770 900 700 j 180 ! 1608 900 1060 1420 1142 600 1100 18 400 975 100 280 199 171 2200 640 300 2378 2000 800 200 1900 75° 2000 500 1200 100 70 1500 12 '5° Nil 800 920 IOOO 35° 1500 800 180 1400 1450 616 600 34 200 Nil 1100 27 Nil 800 2060 740 300 2325 1980 900 200 400 IOOO 770 950 200 500 890 90 IOO 1600 Nil 4' 200 500 400 340 10 400 1 1300 580 2300 1200 55oo IOOO 1800 650 200 2000 1406 480 400 500 200 500 400 290 954 •65 80 30 1050 IOOO 993 50 370 350 856 j Nil 2000 ' 400 37 400 500 300 Ni'l Nil 5° 90 1900 785 2150 IOOO 5948 1200 1800 400 400 1600 1740 3700 490 500 1800 800 530 Nil '45° 485 Nil 250 80 Nil 1380 3 IOOO 1086 75 383 400 '053 200 2000 200 200





No. of SI 31st 1 heep on May. 1886. I 1867. — I I"""'". McDonald, AV., Taylorville MeGrail, AV., Wanganui McGregor, A., Matarawa, Taylorville McGregor, Alexander, Auchmore, Taylorrille McGregor, James, Fordell McGregor, J., jun., Cherry Bank, Waug.nui... McKain, James, Fernhill, Wanganui McKay, Daniel, Fordell McLoskcy, A. M., Kelvin Grore, AA'anganui McPherson, J-, Tamaire, Makirikiri McWilliam, AV., Netherdale, Fordell Montgomci-ic, A., Eaglesbam, Wanganui Moore, Joseph, Sea View, AVanganui Morgan, E. and J., Lakeside, Taylorville Morgan, John, Newtonlees, Wanganui Morrison, D., Armadale, Maxwelltown Morse, Mrs. Ellen, Tiromoana, Fordell Napier, William, AVanganui Neilson, Robert, Taylorville Old, Richard, Fordell Owen, II. A., Waipakura, Makirikiri Owen, W. T., Makirikiri Parker, C, Makirikiri Paterson, George, Campbelltown Paterson, AV. B., Gordon Park, AVangauui ... Peake, J. AV., Kaierau, AVanganui Phillips, Mary Ann, Fordell Perannna Tami Huki, Kai Iwi Pickup, William, Fordell Piercy, John, Kaiwiiaiki, Makirikiri Planipin, John, No. 2 Line, Taylorville Porteous, William, No. 3 Line, Taylorville ... Prujean, J., Hillside, No. 3 Line, Fordell Reardon, John, Maxwelltown Reid,Brothers, Riverton, Fordell Reid, Richard, Edina Farm, Taylorville Rice, Samuel, Brandon, AVanganui Richards, C. M., Union Head, Wanganui Richardson, A. II., Matea, AVanganui Ritchie and AVilson, Wanganui Robertson, W.,No. 3 Line, Okoia Rodwell, P., AVangmui Ross, David, Taylorville Rujcoe, John, Headlands, Wanganui Russell, AVilliam, Sherwood, Wanganui Ruteon, John, Aramaho, Wanganui Sarjeant, II., AVoodburn, Fordell Sarjeant, Henry, Rirerley, Fordell Sarjeant, Isaac, Woodburn, Fordell Slade, Isaac, Taylorrille Smith, J., and Sons, Makirikiri Smith, W. E., Wanganui Sominervilie, J. R., Pair View, AVanganui Stone, John, Ora Farm, AVanganui Strachan, David, Lornty, AVanganui Suister, George, Fordell Sutherland, A., Fordell Sutherland, N., Fordell Symes, A. J., Blink Bonny, Taylorvillo Tbompso i, D., Taylorrille Towgood, S. H , Grassmcre, AVanganui Turner, C, Blylhwood, Taylorrille Tyerman, B., Wanganui Waaka Hakaraia, Kai Iwi Walker, J. T., Wanganui AYall, Francis, AVanganui Wallace, John, Taylorrille AVatt, Mrs. M., Lily Bank, Wanganui Watt, AV. II., AVestmere, AVanganui AVhite, Samuel, Roseville, AVanganui AVilford, Arthur, Pukearaka, Kai Iwi Young, William, No. 2 Line, W Tanganui 280 30O 2850 1668 1110 1400 300 300 5° 550 75o 2500 400 780 140 490 375 200 2400 2000 1700 700 600 1364 '35 150 400 1200 290 45° 39C Nil 1265 900 569 600 270 500 260 Nil 200 Nil 1678 1250 1650 1070 220 730 400 480 1200 5000 1300 Nil 160 477 2300 472 100 2400 2000 1700 9 800 IOOO '47 Nil 377 700 398 460 390 5 '575 694 784 28 Nil 1700 Nil 90 217 IOOO 529 405 1700 3450 IOOO 160 190 178 800 64S 350 Nil 5500 1050 225 1830 130 800 700 1300 200 1500 430 750 660 200 1400 1400 1200 1925 1925 Nil 680 645 IOOO 170 533 110 400 860 3500 600 1900 700 120613 3°o 930 680 1300 200 670 Nil 420 820 Nil 600 Nil 684 (In Napier Subdivision). Craig, AVilliam, Tuihirangi, AVanganui Eruini te Wiki, Kerioi, Moawhanga lbakaia te Raro, Ruapehu, Moawhanga Mitchell and Kerei te Hokowitu, Moawhanga Peeti, Karioi Poiokoru Patapu, Karioi, Moawhanga Rangihaereroa, Kerioi Rangituhia, Karioi 2000 '25 1800 •23053 1970 Nil 1500 IOOO 6i 214 237 11.0

No. of s: 3ist; icey on lay. 1887. I 1886. I Roroama Pohe, Hihitahi, Moawhanga Studholme, Morrin, and Co., Moawhanga ... Tiemi te Wiki, Kerioi, Moawhanga ! 35064 55 401 40301 Nil Total in comity 39044 4599 '59657 169045 RANGITIKEI COUNTY (In Rangilikei Subdivision). Abbot Brothers, Raumai, Bull's Abbot Brothers, Oinoriliuri, Fordell Addcnbrooke Brothers, Fordell Aiken, A. and J., Norwood Marton Aitken, James, Alarton Ahkvorth, R. H., jun., Alarton Aldworth, Robert, Silverhope, Marton Allison, A., Eccleston, Fordell Allison, James, Hunterville Allnian, L., Marton Allsop, C, Cranbrook, Turakina ,,. Amon, A., Lansdowne, Bull's Anderson, W., Mount Curl, Marton Ani Tauna, Houhou, Marton Aperahama Tahungu, Matatara, Fordell Arkwright, F., Marlon Atkinson, T., Hawkston, Marton Awdry, J., Notton, Marton Awdry, T., Tadcroft, Marton Baldwin, J., Turakina Bank of Australasia, Omurihori, Fordell Barnett Tamihana, Fordell Bartlett, S., Alarton Baskin, Lowry, Marton Beard, James, Marton Beard, James, Mungatipuni, Fordell Bell and Watt, Turakina Blew, Alfred, Pukekoa, Ilunterville Bosselman Bros., Crofton, Marlon Bowen, James, Pembroke Vale, Turakina Bowen, John, Turakina Brookie, William, Bull's Brown, W. F. B., Netherton, Marton Bruce Brothers, Turakina Bruce, J., junior, Glcncairn, Turakina Bruce, R. C, Marton Bryce, Thomas, Fern Flat, Alarton Bull and Eraser, Rangatera, Bulls Burdon, F. W., Marton Burne, J., Round Bush, Parawauui Bushby, A., Crofton Cameron, A., Lochaber, Marton Cameron, Angus, Ilunterville Cameron, Charles, Invermailie, Turakina Cameron, Duncan, AVaipu, Fordell Cameron, Duncan, Whakaware, Turakina ... Cameron, Hugh, Bcnmore, Marton Cameron, AV. J., Alarton Carter, AV. A., Marton Cash, T. R., AVilsden, Marton Chisholm, Alexander, Marton Chubbin, John, Hunterville Clark, Mrs. Margaret, Turakina Cockburn, A., Hillside, Marton Cockburn, J. K., Sunnyside, Marton Cole, John, Matatara, Fordell Coleman, George, Marton Coombe, J., Woodlands, Marton Coote R., Tyrone, Marton ... Cox, F. C, Marton Crawford, AV. H., Hunterston, Marlon Curl, S. M., Greatford Dalrymple, J. T., AVaitatapia, Bull's Dalziell, A., Otairi, Hunterville Davy, Charles, Wangaehu Dawbin, Joseph, Crofton Death, J. and H., Pines, Marton Death and Lynch, Patikipapa, Marton Death, Thomas, Alarton Dick, A., Eildon, Marton Doole, John, Fordell Doughty, A. G., Bulls Doughty, Mary, Bull's 4500 6600 1600 750 '9 200 1908 463 "45 700 300 IOOO 94 200 824 365 325 250 50 Nil 540 400 2000 255 1900 800 '95 95° 1622 2535 I IOO 1450 800 470 300 1800 650 I 2000 191 2000 150 Nil Nil 1630 798 20 480 2695 Nil 1488 800 340 IOOO 90 500 Nil '567 290 275 250 100 7600 20 470 127 400 3000 35 625 80 1900 900 296 1200 2637 2000 1300 1600 800 700 45° 300 '95° 700 2800 '95 2200 370 1351 3000 200 500 120 108 1470 IOOO 200 470 I580 5OOO 330 170 700 320 1700 82 4'5o 200 700 120 So 500 '523 J 500 IOO 500 '55° 7100 1150 75 93 1140 2041 Nil 140 I 180 l600 IOO 1400 1200 '50 140 IOOO 1500 IOO 140





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Duncan, J., Otairi, Marton Ellis and Robinson, Kanangaroa Emens, Henry, Marton Eruera Taika, Matatera, Fordell Eparamia Paki and Hoani Nahona, Turakina Fairfield, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton Farley, J., Te Rimu, Fordell Farmer, AV., Runnymede, Marton Fawcctt, Thomas, Marton Ferguson, D., Woodside, Bull's Findlay, A., AA roodside, Marton Fitzherbert, A. R., Marlon Fitzherbert, N., Norbury, Turakina Fletcher, E. E., Maori Reserre, AA Tangaehu Follett, James, Crofton Fraser, D., Pakiho, Bull's Frederick, A., jun., Bushybank, Marton Friedrich, A., Brooklyn Farm, Marton Friederich, W. P., Green Creek, Marton ... Galpin, M., Mrs., Fairfield, Marlon Galpin, C. M., Sedgeombe, Marlon Galpin, W. T\, Woodlands, Alarton 31asgow, John, Ashley, Turakina 3tlasgow, Mary, Edenmore, Turakina 3toile, B., Marton 3-oile, H, Marton 3-oile, Julius, Marton 3oile, Rudolph, Marton ■ 3-ordon J. and R., AVoodside Farm, Marton... Sorton, E., Bull's Gower, B., Stanley Farm, Turakina Grant, A., Tullochgorum, Turakina Grant, Ewen, Hunterville 3-ray, W. J., Marton Greaves, II., Marton 31'iltin, John, Marton Haimona Tciki, AVangaehu Haimona Teulupoto, Turakina Hale, Maurice, Marton Hamilton, A., Turakina Hammond, F. J., Bull's Hammond, John, Ti Ngei, Marton Hammond, J. P. (Estate of), Bull's Hammond, J. R., Clifton, Greatford Hammond, M. G., Bull's Hammond, R., York Farm, Marton Hammond, R., jun., Bull's Uanncke, C. F., Pukapapa Line, Marton ... Harris, Joseph, Marton Hapcta Pitimon, AA'angaehu Harper, James, Bull's Harrison, C. J., Woodbury, Marton Hempseed, J., Franklin A rale, Turakina Henderson, H., Mill Farm, Marton Higgie, Alexander, Taylorrille Lt ill, A.; Marton Uinekura, Wangaehu Hirini Alohuia, Wangaehu Hoane Pihama, Turakina Hoani Nahona, Turakina Hoani Waitere, Kopinu, Turakina Hogg, Mrs. A., Ettrickdale, Turakina Holden, Thomas, Marton Uoneyman, Alexander, Marton [lore Teko, Wangaehu Howard, P., Pukepapa, Marton Howard, James, AVestoe, Greatford Howie, W., sen., Bellgrove, Marton Howie, AV., jun., Lammermoor, Alarton Hun tan, Fordell Hunt, Charles, Alarton Hyde, James, Alarton Ingle, 1L, AVillowbrook, Marton lames and Jones, Marton lell'erson Brothers, Mungirapi, Alarton Johnston, J., Bellevue, Alarton Johnston, Hon. J., Brandon Hall, Bull's ... Kendrick, AV. J., Marton Kdgour, James, Gowerfield, Bull's Kilgour, R., Greatford Knight, Abraham, Turakina Knox, R. J., Turakina Krcbs, William, Marton 8.300 2350 IOO 16000 2700 95 1 20 400 800 200 800 1 IOO 80 1200 100 40 300 760 1150 209 35 280 75° 1600 63 1700 150 770 279 650 1000 4000 IOOO 850 284 _5_6 1185 400 28 790 100 2200 95° 900 200 560 300 3°o 5°o 100 '5° 695 370 S30 910 5200 993 1130 290 Nil 390 395 400 12 1300 1200 Nil 600 479 295 500 '5° 400 '54 1200 800 Nil 480 865 /850 1100 98 1067 1026 1700 IOOO 4100 1000 34 "4 400 200 394 200 333 2500 800 300 700 24 400 IOO 693 300 350 3000 900 300 700 140 Nil 100 500 55o 900 800 200 1127 4990 1100 800 500 595 IOOO 800 200 952 6500 IOOO 600 Nil 300 700 600 1500 298 700 '37° 1569 80 900 700 1500 320 790 1970 2263 '95 500 400 J? 2 800 '83 400 500 167 650 '53

inu. ui nneup uj 31st May. | 1G36. 1887. to. of Sheep on 31st May. Laird, C. R., Paraekarihi, Marton Lampp, Joseph, Marton Lattorff, Bros., Alma Farm, Marton Lethbridge, G. Y., Ann Bank, Turakina Lethbridgo, II. Y., Ruatangata, Wangaehu Lethbridge, II. Y., Maputabi, Turakina Lethbridge, J. P., Philholm, Turakina Lerett, E. II., Marton Lowrie, D., Glennevis, Turakina Marshall, J. AV., Tuto Totara, Marton Alaunder, G., AVarleigh, Marton MeAUey Brothers, Ngapuni, Alarton AIcAlley, John, Marton AIcAlley, Robert, Turakina AIcAlley, Robert, Ilunterville Me Beth, A., Groveley, Marlon McBeth, James, Forgan, Marton McBeth, J. P., Dunsinane, Alarton McDoncll, A., Komiti, Fordell McDonell, C. R. S., Loehaber, Fordell MoDougall, W., School Reserve, Marton ... McGregor, Alexander, Badenock, Taylorville McGregor, James, Cluny, Turakina McHugh, H. J., Turakina Mclvor, Bros., Turakina Mcintosh and McDonell, Moutere, Fordell... McKelrie, John, Parawanui McKenzie, T. U., Poyntzfield, Parawanui ... McLaughlin, A., Ligmore Farm, Alarton McLean, A., Balloin, Alarton McLean, D., Spring Grove, Alarton McLean, F., Bird Grove, Fordell AleLeay, J., jun., Puriri, Fordell Aleads, David, Hunterville Aleads, Z., Burnamwood, Alarton Aleyer, C, Mount View, Marton Middleton, John, Alarton Alidford, John, Marton Mills, W. P., Sudbury, Alarton Milne, A., Rosebank, Marton Milne, J., Alount View Farm, Alarton Milne, AVilliam, Alarton Morgan, AV. E., Turakina Morris, R. T., Hereford Farm, Alarton Morrison, A. and AV., Alarton Alorrison, D., Burnbank, Alarton Murray, J. II., Ellieslie, Marton Nekehia Pirika, Parawanui Neumann, Robert, Alarton Neumann, T., Greenfield, Alarton Newman, Edward, Turakina Nisbet, J., Alarton Nitsehke, G., Alarton Nolan, Charles, Marton Parker, Charles, Alarton Paulin, Jamrs, Woodend, Bull's Peacock, D. P., Homewood, Marton Piripi Panapa, Turakina Polgreen, G., Alarton Poppe, A., Alarton Poppe, F., Alarton Prosser, James, Alarton Rangipo Afete Paetahai, Porewa, Alarton ... Read, E., Bull's Reille and Neilson, Raumai, Bull's Reremaana 'Tohikura, Turakina Reupena Ngarino, Tetewaituro, Turakina Rhodes, 0. H. E., Alarton Rhodes, AV.B. (Est.), llcaton Park,Bull's ... Richards, L. C, Kilkern, Bull's Richards, L. At., Spring Hill, Bulls Richardson, T. F., Parawanui Robinson, Thomas, Hunterville Ropata Rangitahua, Hou Hou, Alarton Ross, Alfred, Cokeley, Marton Ruruhira Ngakuira, Turakina Scherf, AV, Alarton Schutze, AA rilhelm, Alarton Shepherd, J. P., Wellbury, Turakina Simpson, Alexander, Dalvey, Turakina Simpson, A. G., Glenmorven, Hunterville ... Simpson, Alex., Waipu, Turakina Siinp-on, Thomas, Closeburn, Marton 490 IOO 260 4500 IOOOO 1800 2600 300 1480 2838 1550 550 170 350 404 1500 1500 200 2000 '.SO 1200 '50 72.32 1605 294 200 500 3000 '800 220 7° 800 260 800 1280 4 590 900 '45 Nil IOO 33^ 5000 12000 1700 33oo 600 1500 3850 1 360 Nil 500 305 5°o 363 396 1500 2000 100 500 3' 00 2200 Nil 1 200 300 6500 2269 39o 200 700 2600 900 180 100 449 95° ,76 100 "4+e. 54 600 800 167 290 1090 140 80 1300 21 2 56 250 293 3900 450 250 335 700 160 IOOO 300 261 4500 400 300 395 695 ioo 1 200 IOO 600 150 5°° 2.39 300 400 100 733 '5o Nil 300 3?6 5600 600 500 20000 1600 250 562 '93 480 300 86 50 6co (00 21044 900 000 Nil 470 200 260 700 2000 400 60 74 900 2000 3600 3000 500 2700 3000





No. of s: 31st I beep on Slay. 1687. 1886. I Simpson, Thomas, Turakina Small, F. Marton Small, N., Glenbank, Alarton Smith, A. F. and E. J., Marton Snellgrove, E., AVandsworth, Alarton Stantiall, Charley Greatford Stevens and Gorton, Racecourse, Bulls Sterens, D., Junction Farm, Alarton Still, AV, Alarton Sutherland, Edward, Fordell Taiaroa Taukina, Wangaehu Tami AVunu, Wangaehu 'Jamaica Taimona, Fordell Theed and Smith, Summerhill, Mai ton Thorns, C, Riverdale, Marton 'Thomas, Itecs, Alarton Thow, George, Marton Thurston, D., Alarton Timoti Raniera, Fordell Tipene Wailere, Turakina Toi Toi, Wangaehu 'Toms, J. G., Riverdale, Alarton Urwin, Thomas, Alarton Utiku Marumaru, Parawanui Utiku Pataka, Hou Hou, Alarton Utiku Tena, AVangaehu A'oelkerling, G., Alarton Warren, Walter, Alarton AVarring Brothers, Alarton AVarrington, E., Alarton AVatene Ranginui, Wangaehu AVaft A., Alarton AVeston, S., AA raistwood, Alarton Whale, Henry, Crofton AVhale, Sarah, Pukapapa, Alarton AVilley, James, AVhitehouse, Bull's AVillis, Airs. E , AVoodendean, Greatford ... Wilson, John, Hunterville Wilson, R., Green Bank, Bull's Wilson, R., Runny inede, Bull's Wilson, R., Hill View, Bull's AVing, Thomas, Crofton Winiata Te Puhake, Fordell Wiremu Ratana, Parawanui Wiremu Takiri, Tenewaitere, Turakina Woblfeil, J., Marlon 600 47° '55 1500 160 600 45° 165 2000 200 90 160 140 300 200 200 400 800 400 200 700 200 IOOO 2 00 475 290 Nil 500 290 20 Nil 330 90 20 169 34" 395 54 900 200 1 CO 370 500 700 ,64 ' '7 2800 200 200 35° 1220 200 '56 170 2400 300 142 325 1180 70 600 140 3000 100 650 '50 2800 66 800 883 200 32 7 108 1000 Nil 700 900 200 235 176 60 130 140 OROUA COUNTY (In Rangitikei Subdivision). Abraham, L. A., Fitzherbert, Palmerston N. Akers, AV., Racecourse, Palmerston North ... Akers, W., Riverdale, Palmerston North Akers, AVilliam, Ashurst Alderjon, C, Palmerston North Aldrich, G. II., Bunnythorpe Allerby, G., Peilding Anderson, F., Palmerston North Andrewartha, H., Palmerston North Andrew, John, Feilding Arnott, AVilliam, Feilding Bacr, Henry, Waitnna, Halcombe Bailey, AV.II,, Kiwitea Baily", Henry, Feilding Baker, Walter, Palmerston North Baker, Wm., Feilding Baker, William, Alakino Baker, AV. O, Palmerston N. Banks, AV. D. M., Kiwitea Barker, AV. B., Alakino Barrow, A., Kiwitea Barrow, James, Kiwitea Barrow, J. and R., Kiwitea Bassett, Frank, Palmerston N. Bassett, John, Palmerston North Bastin, T\, Palmerston North Batchelar, J. O., Palmerston North Beale, Joseph, Palmerston North Beard, John, Ashurst Beazer, Alark, Bunnythorpe Bell, A., Alakino, Halcombe Bell, James, Kairanga, Palmerston N. 248421 294373 300 1110 493 Nil 1200 180 40 380 IOOO 980 13 1300 193 350 297 700 394 44 3 22 293 3°o '50 400 2000 160 178 110 217 150 480 300 1700 IOO 170 25 300 100 400 IOO 375 86 220 200 IOO 9OO 1500 3' Nil 400 95 760 760 200 Nil

No. of SI 81st I hcop on May. S 1887. 1886. ! Bell, John, Palmerston N. Bellve, S., jun., Feilding Bensemann, J. A., Makino Benson, William, Alakino Berguist, N., Palmerston North Billett, George, Feilding Bismark, P., Alakino Booth, H. J., Alakino Bosher, Edmund, Alakiio Botting, AV. J., Halcombe Bores, Fre crick, Palmerston North Bray, J. 'I., Highfield, Feilding Brodrick and Phiilpots, Feilding Brogden, AV. F., Palmerston N. Ilronn, Captain S., Palmerston North Brown, L. T., Feilding Brown, Airs. Al. M., Aloorlands, Feilding ... Bruce, John, Feilding Bryant Bros., Palmerston North Bryant, P., butcher, Palmerston North Bryce, John, Kiwitea Buchanan and Levett, AlayReld, Alakino ... Buick, David, Palmerston North Buick, James, Longburn Bull, C, Aorangi, Feilding Bume, Richard, Kiwitea Burrell Bros., Feilding Bun-ell, Henry, Feilding Burr, Amos, Foxton Caldwell, P., Palmerston North Callcseu, Hans, Longburn Cameron, Hugh, Kopero, Awahuri Capper, A. E., Ashurst Carey, R. O. E., Palmerston N. Chamberlain, Thomas, Palmerston North ... Christensen, Jens, Palmerston N. Churcher, Isaac, Feilding Clausen Bros., Palmerston North Cockburn Bros., Alarton Collins, Edward, Palmerston North Collins, F. T., Palmerston N. Collis, C. jun., Karere Coombs, AVilliam, PalmerBton North Cornfoot, Henry, Halcombe Corry, Mrs. Annie, Kiwitea Colter, John, Ashurst Cowan, Charles, Feilding Cowdrey, William, Forest Hill, Halcombe ... Craine Brothers, Alonavalo, Halcombe Cumming, AV., Raukawa, Palmerston North Currie, David, Palmerston North Davies, J. R., Kiwitea Davies, W. H., Ashurst Death, G. G., Cheltenham Denton, T. C, Feilding - ... Desmond, Patrick, Awahuri Donald, James, Palmerston N. Dougherty, John, Palmerston North Downs, D., Kiinbollon, Feilding Dunbar Brothers, Feilding Edwards, Thomas, Palmerston North Ellerm, F. S., Makino Engels,G. H., Palmerston North Erenstrom, AV., Terrace End Eustace, John, Halcombe Farmer, A., Awahuri Faukhauser, O, Halcombe Eergusson, Airs. John, Roscbank, Halcombe Fitzherbert, O, Feilding Filzsimons, Ellen, Palmerston North Flyger, Lydia, Palmerston North Flyger, Airs. Alice, Terrace End Porlong, lloulton, Bull's Powell, James, Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Francis, P. G., Ashurst Friedrich, C. A., Alakino Fry, J. II., Pungaiwi, Alakino Gardner Brothers, Ashurst Garlick, James, Feilding Garlick, J. II., Feilding Garrily, Peter, Awahuri George, S. AL, Palmerston N. Glacken, Denis, Feilding 57° IOOO 254 153 183 8 98 230 698 200 Nil i6o ?o 200 43° 560 298 13° 680 400 615 700 2200 34o 433 12 170 862 500 700 490 2300 141 534 1800 1870 800 640 7" 800 700 60 Nil 823 Nil 295 150 250 650 5° 1200 45° 250 600 180 1100 300 '60 300 ''38 190 16 '97 21 500 1060 58 Nil 400 900 23 90 1900 1100 900 3000 37oo 1015 825 3100 450 230 1370 33 460 450 1300 '5° 750 610 550 400 160 128 16 3800 500 130 170 10 Nil 23' 96 920 190 400 500 883 6 846 4 50 114 48 110 140 1238 1200 45 78 '5° 5° 230 170 122 101 90 680 900 86 60 53 778 300 150 '5 67 5° 21 186 20 Nil 400





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Godfrey and Oldcrshaw, Makino Goldfinch, Arthur, Feilding Gore, Airs. H., Palmerston North Gower, Alfred, Ashurst Gower, John, Spring Farm, Halcombe Grammer, A., Ashurst Grant, Donald, Palmerston North Gray, Thomas, Palmerston North Green, Andrew, Alakino nail, Thomas Palmerston North Hamilton, AL, Longburn Hansen, G., Rangitikei Line, Palmerston North Harris, W. and A., Tokorangi, Halcombe ... Hartgill and Manning, Feilding Haythorne, E. C, Kiwitea Hedges, A. W., Kiwitea Henaghan, AL, Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Hewitt, Captain, Palmerston North Hitchings, A r. T., Burnside, Longburn Hooking, J. II., Feilding lloldcn, J., Ridgelands, Alakino Honor?, A., jun., Talmerston North Hopkirk, Alexander, Ashurst Howie, A., Riverswood, Marlon Humphrey, John, Alakino Hunt, C. A. W., Ashurst Irwin, E., Makino Jacob, AV. F., Kiwitea James, J. T , Stanway, Halcombe James, T. P., Halcombe Jainieson Bros., Palmerston North Jefferies, F., Bunnythorpe Jefferies, J., Bunnythorpe Johnson, John, Halcombe Johnston, John, Feilding Jones and Haythorn, Feilding Jones, II. P., Halcombe Jones, R., Feilding Karatai, Alarton Kereti Karara, Marton Kidd, Robert, Kiwitea Kilford, AV. T., Ashurst Kdsbv Brothers, Palmerston N. Kirk,'Robert, Palmerston North Kirkpatrick, Robert, Palmerston North Knight, George, Palmerston North Knight, John, Palmerston North Knight, Thomas, Palmerston North Knight, William, Palmerston North Knott, Henry, Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Lane, B. N.,"Halcombe Laurenson, James, Palmerston North Lemon, Dr. 0., Tua Paka (Wellington) Lerett, C. A. J., Ratanui, Kiwitea Linton, K., Woodlawn, Halcombe Lockyer, William, Kiwitea Lovelock, J. W., Palmerston North Lowes, Thomas, Ashurst Lucas, G. R., Awahuri Luxford and Sons, Palmerston North Alacdonald, Hector, Ashurst Madsen, JL, Kiwitea Alanson, B., Palmerston North Alanson, John, Palmerston N. Marshall and Brennan, Feilding Marshall, Isaac, Alakino Matheson. Duncan, Palmerston North Matheson, Dugald, Palmerston N. Matheson, Roderick, Palmerston N. Maxwell, W., Feilding McBeth, Robert, Cawdor, Kiwitea AleCrea and Heywood, Marton AlcDonald and Haycock, Alakino McEwen, David, Longburn McEwen, G. T., Palmerston North McEwen, Henry, Longburn McEwen, Mrs. AL A., Longburn McKenzie, Alexander, Feildiutf McKenzie, Colin, Ashurst McKenzie, Donald, Feilding McKenzie, Kenneth, Palmerston N. McLennan, John, Halcombe McLeod, P., Alakino 30 9 6 880 290 96 360 Nil 330 435 990 30 500 Nil 21 27O '4 ISO 16 230 8 IOO 277 Nil 396 '47 300 IOO 1600 1550 Nil 200 88 1600 1750 140 1500 467 180 132 200 126 1400 600 42 300 245 23 125 200 98.3 242 300 86 676 95 277 497 90 495 320 347 Nil 1670 I IOO 11 96 1250 IOO 90 40 10 200 600 Nil 280 282 68 200 65 290 250 700 600 300 700 700 30 383 30 '°43 572 2480 180 1 36 Nil 206 36 1007 400 2900 200 200 50 154 400 250 190 Nil I05 500 2450 600 3910 800 200 129 i 70 '5° 6 442 '93 35 4 1150 1200 Nil 845 1050 520 400 660 60 25 438 400 700 12 25 36 880 297 940 •55° 700 1086 800 800

31st May. 1886. I 1887. Alexted, Jesse, Feilding Miller, Gibson, Palmerston N. Alillerick, James, Palmerston N. Alillner, G., jun., Halcombe Aliilner, Stephen, Tokorangi, Halcombe ALUs, William, Cheltenham Alilsom, Robert, Palmerston N. Mitchell, William, Kiwitea Moffatt, 'Thomas, Palmerston N. Monrad, D. G., Karere Moore, Frederick, Kiwitea Morris, II., Palmerston N. Alowlem, James, Palmerston N. Moxon, Isaac, Taonui, Feilding Alunro, R. J., Palmerston North Murray, J. II., AVaituna, Alarton Nathan, J. C Palmerston N. Nelson, Thomas, Ashurst Newcome, B., Palmerston N. NgaparaU, Alarton Nieols, John, Feilding Nilsson, John, Feilding Parkins, Thomas, Palmerston N. - ... Parr, George, Palmerston N. Parsons, C, Alarton Pascal Bros., Bunnythorpe, Palmerston N.... Pask, James, Alakino Patterson, T., Collingwood, Feilding Pearce, AV. G., F'eilding Peck, C., Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Perry, A. J., Kiwitea Petersen, Peter, Palmerston N. Pharazyn, C, Makino Pleasants, Owen, Feilding Poderin, S. J., Palmerston North Pollock, John, Feilding Powell, H., Palmerston N. Pratt, J. R. F., Adderslone, PalmerstonN.... Prendergast, M., Palmerston N. Pringle Brothers, Feilding Pruce, Captain, Palmerston North Pussel, AVilliam, Alakino Quarrie, J., Halcombe Randolph and Walker, Palmerston N. Reid, R. K., Palmerston N. Relf, S. J., Palmerston N. Rewiti Koote, Kakariki, Halcombe Richardson, George, Longburn Richter, Nanestead, and Co., Palmerston N. Riddiford, D. G., Burnside, Halcombe Riddiford, E. J., Longburn Riddiford, E. J., Halcombe Riley, J. A., Halcombe Ritzman, Daniel, Halcombe Roots, E. AV., Stanway Row, John, Longburn Rowland, David, Longburn Rowles, 'Thomas, Kiwitea Russell Bros., Te Alatai, Palmerston N. Russell, John, Palmerston N. Saxon, J., junr., Feilding Schernack, Karl, Palmerston North Schwass, E., Halcombe Shannon, G., Halcombe Shepherd, Samuel, Alangaone, Feilding Shore, J. C, Palmerston North Simpson, G. B., Feilding Sinclair, Donald, Alakino Skerinan, James, Palmerston N. Sly, J. C, Palmerston N. Smith, Edward, Feilding Smith, Thomas, Palmerston North Smith, T. J., Feilding Sobye, Arthur, Palmerston N. Sobye, William, Palmerston N. Stacc, A. R., Peach Grore, Palmerston N. ... Stace, T. W., Willow Lake, Palmerston N.... Stallard, R. IL, Palmerstcn N. Stallard, AV. S., Palmerston N. Standen, S., Palmerston N. Stevens and Gorton, Palmerston N. Stewart, A., Palmerston N. Stewart, AV. K., Kiwitea '45 i6o 320 1400 260 400 332 94 '75 '457 138 54 390 1281 55 5° 420 360 623 194 200 200 610 293 35 IOOO 200 2846 589 IO42 45o 400 994 3000 615 •93 236 150 300 1290 400 330 363 '39 112 1650 '30 84 293 234 163 1047 27 Nil 355 5'2 200 395 186 '56 400 2200 25 Nil 190 40 1900 150 2227 284 990 820 400 1881 3500 5'5 Nil 56 Nil 180 1450 2S 300 5° '4 800 1230 '75 '56 5° 170 1700 3Soo 2400 2£0O "18 3500 2000 35 1450 800 700 40 2312 300 '45 200 50 39 1300 760 360 80 2965 199 400 73 '52 1150 Nil 65 '93 250 91 2 560 5oo 95° 325 '5° 35o 600 200 Nil 170 760 350 600 800 82 365 600 200 600 400 800 54 S7o 150 400 775 Nil 600 350





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Easton, A. J., Foxton Edwards, C, Hillside Farm, Sanson Edwards, Thomas, Foxton Eglinton, B., Sanson Ellerm, II. B., Sanson Farmer, George, Sanson France, Frederick, Sanson Fraser, Hugh, Inrerhoc, Bulls Frazer, Thomas, Raikapu, Awahuri Gibbs, J. II., Sanson Gifford, Thomas, Carisbrook, Sanson Goodin, John, Feilding Gower, J. W., Foxton Grace, C, Tine Grore, Sanson Gray, Joseph, Sanson Green, AVilliam, Bulls Greig, AVilliam, Campbelltown Gust, August, Campbelltown Hammond, II., Waitohi, Sanson Harris, James, jun., Sanson Henson, S., Sanson Ilenson, Thomas, Feilding Hope, Te AVheoro, Awahuri Hickford, Henry, Campbelltown Hirst, G. IL, Sanson Hirst, Thomas, Sanson Hughey, David, F'oxton Hunt, William, Campbelltown Jarvis, John, Campbelltown Jensen, A. C, Foxton Kew, Alilo, Sanson King, Solomon, Awahuri Knight, James, Campbelltown Knight, Samuel, Campbelltown Larkworthy, F. B., Alotoa, Foxton Lethbridge, F. Y., Feilding Liddle, J., Major, Feilding Lucas, G. II., Campbelltown Lumsden, John, Sanson Alaeinillan, William, Awahuri Alarsoin, William, Sanson Masters, Thomas, Sanson .Mathers, John, Foxton Matthews, A., Sanson AlcDonald, A., Rakapu, Awahuri AIcDoncll, Alexander, Bulls AlcKenzic, D. D , Carnarvon McKenzie, R. B., Flaxmoor, Carnarron McKenzie, Thomas, Carnarron AI id ford, James, Gore Farm, Campbelltown... Mitchell, Thos., Riverside, Foxton Moore, II. A., Sanson Nairn, J. L., Sanson Newman, Frederick, Campbelltown Neylon, P., Foxton Nye, George, Sunnyside, Foxton Oliver, J. L., Okane, Foxton Osborne, A. R., Foxton Osborne, W, Campbelltown Pascall Brothers. Puketotara, Foxton Pattullo, J. L., Foxton Pearce, It. E., Sanson Pekahama to Rea, Bulls Penny, B. S., Sanson Penny, W., Sanson Perreau, J. A., Foxton Peterson, Anders, Campbelltown Phillips, George, Sanson Philps, Henry, Campbelltown Pitavcy, E., Woodlands, Foxton Poole, Airs. AI. E., Oroua Bridge Port, Richard, Sanson Frisk, James, Sanson Purcell, J., Foxton Ealston, J. B., Hokianga, Bulls Ransom, V. C, Campbelltown Raven, H. F., Grasby, Foxton Read, Aiicaiah, Sanson Rich and Perrett, Campbelltown Richards, C. AL, Mt. Stewart, Wanganui ... Richmond, W., Sanson Risk, James, Sanson Roach, Michael, Greatford 20 5°o 18 600 490 600 114 200 18.35 395 460 3°o 922 327 814 26 4000 600 1060 1095 170 80 Nil 95 '54 '4 Nil 59 120 152 200 2890 3400 300 200 300 1249 112 96 '50 290 1028 40 900 12 600 600 5°o 90 5° 125 400 886 5 690 200 900 5°5 166 60 4500 400 1265 1120 1 20 80 170 Nil 8 59 '7 3 77 180 280 191 2830 4'35 234 '5° 660 6fo '65 97 160 393 2420 201 600 Nil 700 850 90 252 520 100 1 1 ;o 850 75 Nil 58 ico 99 300 192 1200 '42 580 200 700 4500 30 289 "50 500 700 2200 Nil 800 398 '59 420 1600 IOOO 20 920 400 "5 124 100 140 300 3176 170 63 25 5 550 400 Nil 81 90 120 330 2900 238 520 70 5° Nil Nil 1500 400 400 60 400 160

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Stokes, A. L., Terrace End Stuart, E. and It., Alakino Stubbington, It., Feilding Swainson, AV. J., Brookfield, Palmerston N. Symonds, William, Halcombe Tappin, William, Kiwitea Taylor, J. II.,Alakino Taylor, Josiah, Bulls Taylor T. It., Turakina Te Koinga, Karara, Halcombe Thebridge, Francis, Halcombe Thim, Wilhelm, Palmerston North Thomson, P., Feilding Ton Rangitira, Karaka, Halcombe Trcmewan, Daniel, Alakino Tyerman, Airs. Alary, Kiwitea Vile, James, Dingle Dell, Halcombe A ross, AL, Longburn AValdcgrave, J., Palmerston N. Walker, A. IT., Palmerston N. AA Talker, C. W., Palmerston N. Wallace, Joseph, Kiwitea AVallis and Smith, Palmerston N. AVatson, Walter, Halcombe AVaugh, AA~., Sunnyside, Palmerston N. Wheeler, G. C, Halcombe Whibley Bros., Delaware, Ashurst AVhishaw, H. Y., Kiwitea AVratt, John, Feilding Wiari Itawiri. Kakiriki, Halcombe AVilhelm, J. H., Kiwitea Williamson, J. J. and S., Feilding Williamson, James, Feilding Wilson and Richardson, Feilding Wilson, James, Makino Wiugate, John, Palmerston N. 10 37o Nil Nil 3 23 600 500 37° 10 326 700 80 683 295 300 100 280 52 Nil 210 50 242 142 20 50 260 380 400 98 1200 880 1640 90 1920 210 380 2000 Nil 400 5° 9° 98 2320 900 700 200 200 52 885 986 1090 1720 162 390 1200 '45° 400 7o 98 1810 460 100 190 127794 94 158706 AIANAWATU COUNTY (In Rangifikei Subdivision). Acourt, James, Sanson Amapiria AVaiho, Foxton Anion Brothers, Scott's Ferry Bailey, J. A., Sanson Barber Bros., Hiinatangi, Palmerston North Bennett, Henry, Awahuri Benson, G. AL, Feilding Bishop, R. W., Sanson Boftcher, F. and II., Campbelltown Bottchcr, John, Campbelltown Bowater, II, Airs. Sanson Bowater, James, Sanson Bredow, Reinhold, Oroua Downs Bromley, James, Bull's Brown, S. and Co., Foxton Bruce, Alexander, Sanson Buchanan, Neil, Campbelltown Bull, James, Pukanui, Bull's Burr and Son, Opiki, Palmerston North Burne, John, Parawanui Cameron, Thomas, Ilaleombo Campbell, A., Awahuri Campbell, Hon. It., Oroua Downs, Foxton ... Carnarvon Estate, Carnarvon Carter, J., Agley Farm, Foxton Cobb, Robert, Foxton Coker, Samuel, Campbelltown Coslall, Bros., Boston Farm, Campbelltown Couberstine, William, Campbelltown Cull, C, Oroua Bridge Dall, Charles, Campbelltown Dunning, AValter, Foxton Dear, George, Taipo Bush, Awahuri Dearlove, John, Foxton Donald, James, Foxton Dove, J., Sanson Drummond, It., Brookdale, Sanson Duke, II., Sanson Duncan, James, Foxton Dundas & Fergusson, Atingiroa, Halcombe ... Dunk, Charles, Bainesse, Foxton 377 400 300 893 6ooo 240 320 270 680 '35 285 130 900 600 5620 360 347 3°o 400 6300 300 400 34° 2.3 22 675 105 340 Nil 1200 600 12 4255 212 780 Nil 700 400 9° 19132 3454 25 500 95 200 200 22118 4465 47 500 200 320 200 3' 3'4 Nil 40 700 '5° 400 "95 440 422 214 1470 1800 1010 900 92 500 '75 267 204 200 1700 1800





! No. of SI 31st: hoep on May. I 1887. 1886. I Robinson, F., Herrinton, Foxton Robinson, F., jun., Omanuka, Foxton Rousell, James, Foxton Rout, G., Campbelltown Sanson, H., Sanson Sanson, T\, Sanson Scarrow, C. D., Sanson Scott, D., Bulls Scott, Thomas, Scott's Ferry Simpson, Chris., Feilding Simpson, K. and H., Foxton Sklenary, F., Campbelltown Slater, 'Thomas, Campbelltown Smith, John, Foxton Speedy, J. H, Sanson Splitt, John, Halcombe Staff, J. H., Campbelltown Standen, S., Palmerston North Stewart, P., Feilding Symons, C. II., F'oxton Taylor, W., the Pines, Carnarvon Teieti Turanga, Awahuri Tennent, H. P. L., Te Kohai, Sanson Thompson, H. P., Sanson Thompson, W. J., Campbelltown Thomson Brothers, Awahuri Thynne, E. S., Foxton Tompkins, J., Sanson Towers, J. H., Awahuri Tucker, AV., Campbelltown Verry, Thomas, Hillside, Sanson Wheeler, G., Ferndale, Awahuri White, AV. Or., Foxton Whittle, J., Awahuri Williams, George, Sanson Wilson, J. G., Ngaio, Bulls Wrey, G. C. B., Feilding Wrigley, Henry, Sanson Young, G. II., Killrudden Farm, Sanson Young, R. E., Bulls 9000 800 90 32 76 I 20 500 1400 21 '5 350 IOO 130 21 5°0 200 73 656 100 845 '50 150 600 80 249 7o9 35 6 8500 800 '5° 43 70 80 600 1400 160 20 100 28 '5 305 200 40 26 Nil 200 304 1670 Nil Nil 80 158 500 30 4>3 104 37 18 1100 IOOO 30 240 34' 8200 35oo 310 100 33 280 38> 8400 3300 350 200 400 '2357' 126284 HOROAVUENUA COUNTY (In Itangit.ikei Subdivision). Aomarere te Karaha, Foxton Ariki Raorao, Horowhcnua Bell, William, Otaki Best, Walter, Netley, Otaki Bcvan, Henry, Otaki Beran, Thomas, sen., Otaki Bills, F. W., Otaki Booth, AV., Waimanu, Otaki Bright, Frederick, Otaki Cootes, James, Otaki Daries and Stuart, Wirokino, Foxton Death, Joseph, Mission Station, Otaki Drake Bros., AVaikawa, Otaki Enoka te AVano, Otaki Gear and Ling, Te Horo, (AVellington) Gillies, John, Te Horo, Otaki Hakarialtangikura, Otaki Hariata, Horowhenua Hema te Ao, Otaki Hema Ropata te Ao, Otaki Henare to Hatcte, Otaki Hetariki Alatao, Horowhenua Heta te AVhata, Horowhenua Himiona Kowhai, Horowhenua Himiona Kowhai, Horowhenua Hira Parata, Waikanae Hoani Puihi, Horowhenua 1 200 450 1650 30 200 400 1070 500 f 9900 897 2000 180 3250 95o 160 5° 440 1 20 IOO Nil 250 1886 '5° 200 65 400 1100 500 10500 900 '75° 200 4000 IOOO 200 40 Nil 600 110 5° 40 53 100 500 35 '55 130 30 140 500 40

No. of Sheop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Hoani Taipna, Otaki Hohepa te Hana, Otaki Hona 'Taupo, Otaki Hone Tupoii, Horowhenua Hopa Ileremaia, Horowhenua Ilopa te Piki, Horowhenua Hori Tepa, Horowhenua Hori te Waru, Otaki Ihaka Rangihouhia, Horowhenua Karaitiana, Horowhenua Karepa le Kapukai, Otaki Karepa te Karanama, Otaki Kebbell, John, Te Ranawa, Ohau Kerehi Tcmo, Horowlienua Kerehoma Paralawa, Foxton Kingi Ainorangi, Horowhenua Kingi te Pa, Horowhenua Alaaka Pukehi, Otaki AlacDonald, R., Mrs., Kclrin Grove, Otaki... Mahia AVi Parata, AVaikanae Alanihera te Rau, Horowhenua ... Martini and Poripi, Otaki Matcra te Karaha, Otaki Alatiaha Ranapiri, Ohau McDonald, H. II., Horowhenua Mohi Heremia, Ohau Alohi Wharewhiti, Otaki Aloihi Te Kootu, Otaki Nicholson, Neville, Horowhenua ... ! Nikora Huara, Ohau ... Noa te AVhata, Horowhenua Nuna te Taurei, Otaki Oriwia Kerehi, Horowhenua Pascal Brothers, Opakiti, Foxton Rangimairehau, Horowhenua Ranginui, Horowhenua Ranginui Warelini, Ohau Itawiri Hutukawa, Horowhenua ... : Rawiri Puaha, Otaki ... i Better, J. C, Horowhenua Rcwi AVirihana, Horowhenua Roha Koroniria, Otaki Ropata Ranapiri, Otaki Ropata Tangahoc, Waikanae Seymour, Thomas, Otaki Simcox and Rutherford, Forest Lakes, Olaki Small, Alexander, Clil'dcn, Otaki Stickle, Benjamin, Horowhenua Syinons, Henry, Opiki, Foxton Taare Porotene, Horowhenua Tamiti Ranapiri, Ohau and Otaki Tare AA'iniata, Horowhenua Tekereihi Roera, Ohau 'Tcrawiti, Ohau Te Hiwi Piahana, Otaki Tiaki Ilawea, Otaki Turau, Otauro, Foxton Tutere te Matau, AVaikanae, Waata Aluruahi and Co., Horowhenua Waretini, Horowhenua AVatene to Puiiga, Otaki Wchipeihana Taharape, Otaki Werehana Tawhati, Horowhenua Weti AVi Parata, Waikanae Wiremu Hori, Horowhenua AViremu Paki, Olaki Wirimu Tamate, Waikanae Wood, G. N., Otauro, Foxton i ioo 200 37 IOO 6o 90 40 200 20 IOO 3950 IOO 50 50 250 450 50 45 SO IOO 6000 100 5' '50 40 IOO 78 80 50 400 60 95 IOO '750 200 ICO 2949 l80 200 24 80 I3OO 130 300 IOO 2000 90O 250 388 IOO 100 60 75 25o 250 IOOO 160 64 40 80 50 50 260 Nil 60 40 40 4108 Nil 50 Nil 50 250 480 50 IOO Nil 70 120 6000 100 37 160 81 200 IOO 78 20 1 coo 45 20O io. 50 5° 100 100 '5° 1820 300 220 338o 300 200 Nil 80 IOOO IOO 107 102 200 20O IOO 1900 IOOO 300 102 40O Nil '5° 50 60 300 290 53084 49474


WELLINGTON DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.



No. of S' 31st : lieop on •lay. 1886. I 1887. HUTT COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Abbott, N. and R., Horokiwi Allen, Eli, Grass Lees, Tawa Flat Allen, T. P., Walmer Farm, Hutt Aplin,Christopher, Up. Kaiwarra, Wellington Ashdown, J. D., Alakara Bannister, Edwin, Woodlawn, Jolmsonville Barber, E., Wellington Barrow, Stephen, Pahautanui Barton, John, Upper Hutt Barton, AVilliam. Trentham Bassett, Thos., AVillow Brook, Ohariu Beech, George, Ohariu Beech, William, Ohariu Benge, David, Upper Hutt Best Bros., Ohariu Blackey, Joseph, Horokiwi Blackey, William, Horokiwi Boden, Anthony, Jolmsonville Bould, Robert, Daisy Hill, Jolmsonville Boulton, E., Pahautanui Brady, Frederick, Pahautanui Broderick, W. S., Ohariu Broderick, Thomas, Woodland, Tawa Flat ... Brodie, Airs., Belmont, Hutt Brown, J. and G., Upper Hutt Brown, AI. A., Airs., Long Point, Pahautanui Bryant Brothers, Mill Farm, Ohariu Bryant, J. W., Jolinsuirille Buck, A. S., Taita Burgess, Robert, Johnsonrille Cameron, John, Hutt Campbell, Huston, AVainuiomata Carter, Charles, Pahautanui Carter, Edward, Pahautanui Carter, Gad, Pahautanui Catley, Alfred, Alakara Carerhili, T. W., Hutt Chapman, John, Hope Farm, Petone Clout, AVilliam, Granfichl, Hutt Cocking, AVilliam, Hutt Cook Brothers, Opau, Alakara Cook, William Pahautanui Compton, C. H, Newtown Cooper, George, Kaitoke Corlet, E. G. At., Johnsonrille Crawford, J. C, AVatt's Peninsula Cridland, C. J., York Bay, Hutt Crow, Patrick, Jolmsonville Crowther, J., Brookficld, Hutt Cruickshank, A., Upper Hutt Cruywagen, J. C, Upper Hutt Darby, F. E., Obariu Death, P. A., Pahautanui Death, Samuel, Taita Dick, David, & Sons, Ashfield,Waiiiuiomata... Drake, T. J., Johnsonrille Draper, Edward, Pahautanui Duncan, Charles, Linden Vale, Tawa Plat ... Earn, E. W., Boscobel, Tawa Flat ICbden Bros., Hutt Eglinton, Henry, Hutt Enoka Hohepa, AVaikanae Erueini Temarau, Waikanae Field, H. A., AVaikanae Field, H. A., Waiorua, Waikanae Field, H. A., Wharekohu, AVaikanae Field, James, Ohariu Fitzherbert, Sir William, Belmont, Hutt ... Flighty, Stephen, Pahautanui France, William, Mrs., Ohariu Fredrickson, N. P., Wainuiomata Futter, James, Kaiwarawara Galloway, D., Reserve, Pahautanui Galloway, William, Pahautanui Gardner, W., Pahautanui Garrett and Co., Wellington 650 487 138 98 42 37 77 400 870 250 3°o 700 400 1900 900 250 59 200 580 3000 1100 195 '5° 210 110 3600 700 200 4 568 46 IOOO 548 300 570 160 130 150 2000 700 365 •35 16 5o 5° 97 300 22 320 270 300 700 34° 1900 800 250 80 200 59° 3120 IOOO 170 Nil 200 '37 3500 800 200 Nil 587 Nil 1000 584 Nil 80 600 120 3' 39° 9 3000 '4 90 286 ■5° '45 2'55 5° 44 300 10 1800 18 '75 280 Nil 10! 82 60O 20 650 300 IOOO 570 700 400 230 900 70 Nil 30O IOOO 675 658 35° 190 800 55 9 700 100 2000 2000 2400 200 '550 280 108 225 550 248 60 900 26 750 100 1500 1500 2500 200 1498 280 160 180 600 242 10 IOOO 27

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Gaskin, George, Alakara Gaskin, J. and C, Alakara Gaskin, William, Alakara Geange, Richard, Upper Hutt Gear M. P. and F. Co. of N.Z., Lim., Wellington Gear, James, Okowi, Wellington Grace, N, Wainuiomata Grace, AV. A., Wainuiomata Gray, James, Pahautanui Greer, Francis, Clarence, Tawa Flat Hagerty, John, Ohariu Harris, William, Pahautanui Harrison, J. G., Kaitoke Hawkings, Thomas, Kaiwarawara Hawkins, P. H., Alakara Hayward, Thomas, Hutt Henare Nga Kote, Waikanae Hill, J. L., Pahautanui Hiniri Tangahoe, Waikanae Hira Maeke, Waikanae ... Hobbs, George, Johnsonrille Hooper, John, Karori Hohepa Horomona, Porirua Honiana te Puni, Petone Howell, AVilliam, Wharemoka, Waikanae ... Hume, Henry, Ohariu ... Iharaira Toanui, Paikakariki Inia Tuhata, Waikanae Jackson, J. and E., Wainuiomata Jillett, William, Porirua Jones, G. and AV., Pahautanui Jones, John, Pahautanui Jones, T. and S., Pahautanui Jones, William, sen., Pahautanui Joseph and Wright, Happy Valley Wellington Judd, Albert, Waiwetu, Hutt Judd, James, Hutt Judd, Stephen, Alayfield, Hutt Judge, Alfred, Pahautanui Kilsby, George, Ohariu King, Airs., Porirua Lewis, Thomas, Gracefield, Hutt Logan, H. P., Papanui, Ohariu Love, Daniel, Hutt Lowndes, Mrs., AL A., Pahautanui Lowry, John, Alakara Lynch, II., Emerald Glen, Paikakariki Alabey, J. O, Upper Hutt Alabcy, R. 'P., Upper Hutt Maekay, Brothers, Whareroa, Paikakariki ... Marchant, George, Tawa Flat Alaleno Tauwaro, Petone Alatekohuru, Paikakariki AlcEwen, A. II., Petone AlcGrath, AVilliam, Aotea, Porirua Alcllrride, John, Wainuiomata AIcLachlan, Archibald, Ohariu AIcLearey, James, Alakara AlcAIenamen, James, Terawhiti AlcPherson, A.,Willow Bank, Johnsonrille ... Alexted, George, Tawa Flat Alexted, S. W., Porirua Millen, William, Horokiwi Mitchell, John, Burnside, Porirua Mitchell, John, Horokiwi Alonaghan Bros., Makara Morgan, G. and T., Tawa Flat Alulhern, Roderick, Pahautanui Murphy, Mrs. Ellen, Pahautanui Murray, T. 1L, Goathurst Farm, Wellington Neill, Robert, AA Tainuiomata Nicol Alexander, Horokiwi Nott, William, Iry Bank, Tawa Flat Pearce, James, the Streamlets, Pahautanui... Petherick, James, Jolmsonville (AVellington) Philps, Jacob, Hutt Pina Tamihana, Waikanae Piriana Tungia, Porirua Pirihira Piwa, Waikanae Poarore, AVaikanae Prosser, J. H, Porirua Prouse, Richard, AVainuiomata 107 695 200 160 728 720 500 500 219 8oe 3°o 18 140 160 130 130 535 100 300 80 295 80 1400 300 150 3°o 5°o 1200 700 198 933o 60 600 450 285 900 300 ' 28 2300 222 ■2.3 690 275 160 Nil 900 590 7' 500 285 700 300 '27 '5° 160 97 40 5°o 100 400 75 34o 94 80 1500 350 190 300 700 IOOO 500 122 500 Nil 12431 60 600 460 243 800 300 18 34o 870 121 80 700 37 210 200 '30 450 7' 2700 200 260 350 875 100 IOO 700 26 200 3°0 124 600 5' 25 40 8800 75oo 260 400 150 1200 700 190 1200 650 250 300 3523 80 300 489 300 7°5 200 30 IOO 300 490 140 1200 75o 290 1190 600 300 300 2230 9° 400 540 300 607 200 5° IOO 27 50 292 600 IOO 70 186 405


6—H. 13.




No. of SI 31stl 1886. I icep on May. 1887. Etaiha Puaha and Alalenga te Hiko, Porirua Riddiford, E. J., Orongo Orongo, Hutt Robinson, Richard, Alakara Robinson, T. H., Makara Russell, E., and Son, Taita ■Sargent, Henry, Upper Hutt Saunders, William, Pahautanui Scholes, John, Belmont, Hutt Seagar, Charles, Upper Hutt (Wellington) ... Shaw, Alfred, Wainui-o-mata Smith, J. M., Mount Knot, Horokiwi Valley Smith, Charles, Pahautanui Smith, F. W., Tunapo Paikakariki Smith, Richard, Horokiwi Smith, Thomas, Hill Farm, Karori Smith, Thomas, Horokiwi Speedy, Peter, Hutt Spicer, Richard, Ohariu Stace, W. N., Pahautanui Stebbings, IL, Johnsonville Stevens, George, Porirua Stuart, Charles, Pahautanui raylor, James, Tawa Flat ray lor, G. H., Pahautanui raylor, William, Pahautanui To Hau Eruine, Waikanae Te Teira Ihakara, Waikanae riiirkell and Hawkins, Karori riiomas, AVilliam, Upper Hutt Thompson, G., Porirua rhompson, Henry, Tawa Flat I'remewan, Tliomas, Tawa Flat Trotter, Peter, Alakara Vaughan, Edward, Hutt Vella, Mariano, Atana Island, Paremata Wackrow, Carl, Ohariu Wakeham, John, AVainuiomata Wakeham, AV., Wainuiomata Walker, J., Taupo Station, Paremata Wall, Antony, Porirua Wall, James, Porirua Wall, John, Porirua Watene te Awhio, AVaikanae Welch, AV. E, Taita Wellington AI. P. & R. Co., Lini., Wellington West, Daniel, Waiwitu, Hutt Whitehouse, J., Porirua Whiteman, AV., sen., Upper Hutt Williams, C. II., Alakara Wilton, Elijah, Ohiro, Wellington Wilton, Job, Sunny Side, Wadestown Windley, Tliomas, Porirua 100 1800 700 188 IOO 70 350 250 32 24 600 160 3050 400 800 500 280 160 69 450 IOOO 700 400 127 200 400 593 350 500 60 410 121 100 '357 780 182 5° 74 400 200 Nil Nil 500 127 4000 400 900 400 225 160 48 45° IOOO IOO 35' 39° 191 IOO 300 655 320 500 60 445 IOO '5° 800 1500 80 4000 1900 1600 26 800 200 '35° 9' 4200 2 IOO 1600 440 60 396 55 121 100 418 36 1800 3'8 36 1600 45° 200 636 284 500 '21583 400 170 447 300 470 12287' SOUTH WAIRARAPA COUNTY. (In South AVairarapa Subdivision). Akers, W., AVharepapa, Featherston Allen, Alfred, Broomfield, Clarerille Allen, W. B., Clarerille Andersen, A., Woodside, Greytown Andrews, Edwin, Sherwood, Carterton Andrews, G. R., Carterton Apiata Hakiaha, Kohunui, Alartinborough ... Applin, Josepli, Carterton Baggarley, J. H. A., Carterton Bairstow, Isaiff, Clarerille Barton Bros., White Rock,Marlinborough ... Bassett, John, Carterton Benton, Thomas, Kaiwaiwai, Benton, T., jun., Featherston Bicknell, AV., Kahautera, Featherston Bidwill, Brothers, Pihautea, Featherston ... Bockett, F. V., FVatherston Bond, Malachi, Carterton Braithwaito & Acocks, Fernyhurst, Waihakeke Buchanan, W. C, Tupurupuru, Gladstone ... Bunny, H. R., Ahiaruhe, Gladstone Burch, Basil, Greytown Burrow, J., Admiral Run, Gladstone Borrow, J., Whites Line, Carterton 1800 400 200 95o 20 192 66 400 70 57 16080 300 64 800 '55 10681 1801 44' 8: 1 161 Nil 20< 6( 38< Nil 4< 1615c 30! 5< 37< 70c 996. 3°< 20( "S< 300 '50 1200 19418 2700 1600 3000 55° 1819c 247: 65< Nil Nil

No. of Sheep 0.1 31st May. 1886. j 1867. Burrow, John, Brooklyn, Gladstone Burt, F. AY, Featherston Cadwalladcr, E., Mrs., Fernridge, Waihakcko Callister, H., Carterton Cameron, Allan, Alartinborough Cameron, D. P., Kaikauri, Alartinborough ... Cameron, Duncan, Moroa, Greytown Cameron, Duncan, Glendhu, Greytown Cameron, J., Bahama, Alartinborough Carman, Darid, Overton, Alasterton Champeney, George, Clareville Clifton, Alfred, Carterton Cooper, J., The Taipos, Gladstone Cotter, P., sen., Riverside, Greytown Cross, Lot, Cross Creek Cross, Thomas, Moroa, Greytown Cuff, W. C, Greytown Cuff, W. C, Kakare, Greytown Cundy & AlcKenzie, Kahautara, Featherston Cundy, John, Torahanga, Featherston Dakin, Charles, Kakare, Clareville Dakin, Charles, Parklands, The Cliff and AVoodlands, Olarevillo Daysh, Alfred, Clareville Daysh, R., Clareville Deihl, Charles, Park Vale, Carterton Dodds, Mrs., Otaraia, Alartinborough Donald, W. A., Featherston Dorset, E. AV., Kahikatea, Carterton Dorset, J. E., Masterton Douglas, A., Mount Adams, Martinborougli Driscoll, Michael, Carterton Dunn, E., Dock Creek, Tauherinikau Eaton, John, Kokotau, Carterton Edwards, N. (Executors of), Admiral Run, Carterton Edwards, N. (Executors of), Brightwell Farm, Carterton Eglinton, II., AVharekaukau (Hutt) Elgar, Charles, Fernside, Featherston Fabian, John, Pawhalu, Greytown Partington, G. B., Col, Clareville Fensham, John, Carterton Fenwick, C. R., Swampside, Kaiwaiwai Foreman, George, Pukanui, Alasterton Francis, W., Brookfield, Clareville Freebody, John, Carterton Gaskin, G., Clarerille Goodin, C, Lenard, Clarerille Gooding, Charles, Tauherinikau Goodrick, C. P., Featherston Grace Br3s.,AVeraawhaiteri,Gladstone Grant, A., Bannockburn, Gladstone Gray, F., Fairburn, Alasterton Haigh, S., Greytown Hales, C. (Exts. of), Flat Point, Gladstone ... Halloran, C. E., Pine Tree Farm, Carterton Hanlon, E. J., Mrs, Alartinborough Hannah, James, Carterton Harris Bros., Hautotara, Alartinborough ... Harris, Charles, AVantwood, Alartinborough Harris, G., Alartinborough Hawke, J,, Mrs., Greytown Hodder, James, Dalefield Hodder, Walter, jun., Featherston Hodder, William, Torohanga, Featherston ... Hodge, H., Peach Grove, Morrison's Bush ... Hodge, H., Battersea, Alorrison's Bush Ilollard, George, Lake View, Greytown Holms, James, Gladstone ... Hooper, J. T., Carterton Hume, P., Tauanui, Martinborougli Humphries, Airs. AI. A., Grore, Greytown ... Hutlon, G. T. F., Featherston Jackson, C. W., Alatarawa Jackson, H. II., Stonestead, Greytown Jackson, M. J. H., Sunnyside, Featherston ... Jones, J., Alatarawa, Jones, W. H. P., Greytown Joseph & Phillips, D ry Rirer, Alartinborough Judd, Henry, Brooklands, Clarerille Judd, John, Kuratiwhili, Greytown Jury, C. J., Vermont & Glendower, Greytown 70 290 5 2 45 100 10000 7500 480 1029 7000 450 990 80 22 '50 IOOO 4000 16 160 85 200 20O 500 160 1800 400 180 72 Soo 3300 130 527 174 500 300 1250 Nil 166 1500 3° 400 Nil 64 2700 30 10000 5000 55° 130 870 7000 3'0° '850 60 Nil 1452 1850 250 Nil 35°° Nil 25 95 300 200 400 160 1800 400 250 52 3558 268 IOOO 3000 Nil Nil 188 500 400 IOOO '56 36 5° Nil Nil 4400 3000 850 93 11380 4'5 3/0 170 10500 6500 400 40 '3 5°o 297 257 993 780 220 290 7000 100 30 Nil 3000 4' 120 11 370O 4800 900 67 10500 38c 200 8000 5500 600 500 325 268 900 770 200 280 6000 120 80 585 3000 800 500 37° 13250 285 500 3097 400 495 320 12000 400 460 3366





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Kehbell, T., Rimutaka, Featherston Keinpton, O., Taratahi AA rest, Clareville Kempton, T., jun., Elm Grove, Greytown ... Kimhei'ley, Benjamin, Greytown King, Alfred, Featherston Knapp, George, Greytown Kummer, G. II. J., Kummerstcin, Masterton Manos Nalanahira, Rangataua, Gladstone ... Martin, Hon. John, Otaraia, Alartinborough Martin, John, jun., Alartinborough Martin, W. J., Huangarua, Alartinborough... Mason, II. S., Glenhazard, Gladstone Matthews, A., Wairongamai, Featherston ... Maunsell, E. S., Riversdalc, Greytown Maunsell & Parker, Te Parra, Carterton AlcDougal), D., Pirinoa, Alartinborough AIcKcnzie, A., Pigeon Bush, Featherston ... AIcKenzie, A., Kahantara, Pcallierston AIcKcnzie, J., Rimutaka, Featherston AIcLachlan, D., Springbank, Gladstone McLaren, D. & P., Pukuatua, Alartinborough McLaren, D. & P., Warinuioru, Alartinborough McLaren, Neil, Glenrowan, Alartinborough... AlcLaren, Wm., Bush Gully, Alartinborough McLeay & Read, Clifton Grove, Alartinbro' McLeod, A., Glendrynesch, Martinborougli... AleLeod, James, Aloeraki, Alartinborough ... AIcLeod, W. AL, AVhakaponi, Alartinborough McAlaster, Angus, Tuhitarata, Alartinborough AIcAIaster, Archd., Kilgour, Gladstone MoMaster, D., Matawhero, Martinborough... AIcAIaster, Hugh, Brooklync, Gladstone AIcAIaster, J., The Grove, Alartinborough ... Miller, J. and K., Bannockburn, Gladstone... Miller, AV, Calton Hill, Gladstone Mitchell, W., Morrison's Run, Morrison's Bush Aloncrieff, J., Westhourne, Carterton Atonekton, P., Newstead, Featherston Alouckton, P., Lowlands, Featherston Moody, Alfred, Shepherd's Bush, AVaihakeke Moody, J. II., Groro Farm, Featherston ... Aloore P., Glenburn, Masterton Moore, Thomas, Santon, Carterton Alorgan, Edward, Carterton Alorison, D , Glonmorren, Greytown Alurphy, John, Tirohanga, Featherston N.Z. Loan and Alerc. Agency Co., Limited, Glenrowan, Alasterton Nicols, W. II., Gum Grore, Featherston ... Nicolson, Donald, Melvertou, Clareville Nix, W. J., Tauherinikau Nopera Tiki, Alangahuia, Gladstone Oates, .1., Glendower, Carterton Oates, J. G, Peach Grove, Carterton Pain, George, Alartinborough Parker, John, Alartinborough Parker, AV., Alartinborough Penny, J. B., Grassmerc, Clareville Perry Bros., Penrose, Alasterton Pharazyn, C., Awhea, Featherston Pharazyn, C, Longwood, Featherston Pharazyn, C, Watarangi, Alartinborough ... Ray, Thomas, Carterton Rajner, Henry, Carterton Rayner, J., Kuripuni Reid, David, Clarerille Renall, Roger, Kokotau, Carterton Reynolds, John, Alayfield, Clareville Riddiford, E. J., Te Awaiti (Hutt) Roberts, Thomas, Home Lea, Clarerille Robinson, J. F., Alaungatiriri, Carterton ... Robinson, Robert, Carterton Rowe, It., Hurunuiorangi, Gladstone Russell, J. P., AA Tangai Aloana, Alartinborough Ryan, AL, Clarerille Sayer, R. N., Dalefield Sexton, James, Green Corner, Gladstone Sinclair, John, Burnside, Alartinborough ... Skeet, J. C, Phatu, Greytown Skeet, AV., AVitimannki, Greytown Skey William, The Pines, Clarerille (Welln.) Smith, James, Clareville 4?o 2769 4608 26 12 2200 200 10000 96 25102 400 5250 1510 200 3SOO 4500 1300 2025 IOOO 3000 6000 5000 3000 800 5000 4000 33'4 400 1585 2150 180 13.00 '383 7000 140 630 2450 600 2247 Nil 2100 Nil Nil Nil 2500 600 10000 12160 11614 300 5250 1225 200 3500 4850 1350 Nil IOOO 3000 7000 1200 600O 25OO I IOO 5000 4000 3048 300 1800 Nil 170 IOOO 1464 5000 180 420 1950 380 20 14985 500 Nil 2000 7 13050 500 235 2000 34 1200 Nil 2800 300 443 4120 800 700 3°o 400 200 59 450O 9000 2500 15000 2942 300 560 5625 800 500 300 400 '75 170 3500 9000 2450 16500 20 180 800 Nil 21 198 680 53 500 IOOO 3 ■ 3°o '55 .87 35° 540 11863 IOO 80 500 800 3'57' '37 Nil 210 508 11092 80 IOO 450 I Nil 400 2210 1250 50 500 2026 200 200

No. of s: 31st I 1886. I hcep on May. 1887. Smith, John, Clarerille Smith, Aloses, AVharariki, Gladstone Smith, Wallace, Panton Camp, Featherston Smith, AVilliam, Alartinborough Snell, James, Ahiaruhe, Carterton Spearink, AV., Featherston Standen, John, Carterton Stoodley, James, Taupanui, Gladstone Strang, J. and AV. Glenside, Gladstone Strawbridge, Eli, AVaihekekc, Carterton Sutherland, D., Pahaua, Alartinboro' Swan, Thomas, Carterton Tancrcd, H. G., Ponatahi, Carterton Tancred, P. P., Te Ahikiore, Clarerille Taplin, J. 1L, Alasterton Telford, T. W., Carterton Ticehurst, James, Alatarawa Looker, J. F., Featherston Trotter, P., Greytown Tullock, L., Halford, Martinborough Tully, John, Greytown Tully, John, Ngawhakaakupe, Greytown Tunuiarangi, H. P., Pirinoa, Alartinborough Tunuiarangi, H. P., Hiuana, Gladstone Udy, 11., jun., Greytown Udy, John, Tomato, Carterton Udy, W., FTaxland, Greytown A rarnham, W. A., Papawai, Greytown A rennell, S., Bank View, Greytown A'ickerstaff, AVilliam, Carterton Vile, Josiah, Aleadow Bank, Featherston ... Waldin, Thomas, Clareville Walker, T., York Farm, Featherston Wall, George, & Sons, Riverside, Alartinbro' \A Tallace, J., Riverside, F'eatherston Ward, T., Morrison's Bush Watersen, George, Dalefield Wayte, T. P., Masterton Welch, It. G., Alatarawa Wilkie, John, Poplar Farm, Greytown Wilkinson, A. AL, Tauherinikau Wilkinson, H. C, Featherston Wilkinson, J., Lake Aleadows, Featherston ... Williams, W. O., Bleak House, Kaiwaiwai ... Williams & Beetham, Stoneleigh, Alasterton Wi Mahupuka, Long Bush, Gladstone Wiremu Whatakorari, Paehuia, Gladstone ... AVolters, H. H., Carterton W rood, AV., Morrison's Bush AV ratten, AV., Birch Hill, Martinborough ... Wyett, Charles, Clareville Yule, Airs. R., Featherston 300 200 850 1200 800 400 450 200 5000 400 6500 11 53oo 180 347 25 100 800 26 1200 '38 16800 700 800 50 600 200 5°o 4700 100 188 52 '79 4500 2 53 70 190 207 600 45 250 280 2494 IOOO 690 6000 3°° 186 700 1090 700 350 450 200 5000 400 6^00 Nil 5438 40 '93 25 7° Nil 34 2000 100 18000 795 1500 300 650 400 500 4000 80 200 107 190 5000 330 90 200 '30 500 45 203 265 2562 IOOO 350 7000 400 84 IOO 192 2200 300 I500 464441 200 2300 400 2000 466133 NORTH WATRARAPA COUNTY (In North Wairarapa Subdivision). Alpass, S. J. P., Brooklands, Alfredton Andersen, Nils, Alauriceville Anderson, Alexander, Eketahuna Anderson, Allan, Masterton Andrew, Rev. J. C, lea, Tenui Anketcll, AV., Alasterton Armstrong, J., (Ex. of), Glenora, Castlepoint Balfour, A. J , Pabiatua Bannister Bros., Opaki Masterton Bannister, H., Tutuatihui, Opaki Baucke, E., AA'hareponga, Pahiatua Beetham, AV. and H, Brancepeth, Masterton Belliss, Hugh, W Toodhurst, Tenui Bennett, Joseph, Otahuao, Alasterton Bennett, William, Fernglen, Alasterton Billing ton, Joseph, Alasterton Blatchford, J., AVillow Farm, Masterton ... Brannigan, Patrick, Alfredton Brodersen, R. P., Atauricevillo Brown, T., Alasterton Brown, Thomas, Hurley, clearing, Alasterton Bruce, G. A., Hillside, Dreyerton Budden, B., Te Ore Ore, Alasterton Buick, AV. B., Burnside, Masterton Burling, Alfred, Sea Atew, Tenui Burling, G. A., Peep-o-Day, Alfredton '750 Nil 1 1,(1 198 20360 43 27000 4090 770 400 5oo 69037 1800 2I0O IO 164 92 2IO0O 18 3OOOO 436s 75° 300 Nil 64556 1700 3000 IOOO 93 300 2700 2900 IOOO 80 330 2400 35 1450 500 87 400 5o 640 600 500 Nil 448 166 400 700





No. of Sheep 011 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Burling, II., jun., Brooklands, Alfredton Burling, H., jun., Woodlands, Oahanga Burling, AV. J., Alfredton Burnett and Pike, Te Whiti, Masterton Dade and AlcKenzie, Black Rock, Alasterton Cameron, Allan, Spring Hill, Tenui Cameron Broo., Strontian, Alasterton Cameron, Donald, Alatipihi, Masterton Cameron, J., Fernside, Alasterton Campbell, Hugh, Pirau, Alasterton Campbell, John, Opaki, Alasterton Campbell, Robert, Opaki, Alasterton Campbell, Charles, Alasterton Carman, D., Burnside, Alasterton Carver, R. AV. J., Haukopua, Woodville Caselberg, Alyer, Alasterton Care, A. W., AA roodleigh, Alasterton Chalmers, F. B., Fernyhurst, Alasterton Chalmers, F. B., Heatherleigh, Alasterton Chamberlain, E. E., Aleku Aleku, Masterton Chamberlain, Airs. Elizabeth, Rocky Springs, Masterton Christensen, Hans, Fernhill, Masterton Christensen, II. J., Opaki, Alasterton Cockburn, Hood, and Walker, Glendonald, Alasterton Colway, J., jun., Masterton Cottle, Charles, Pine Grore, Masterton Cox, J. G., Alai, Te Nui Cripps, Isaac, Seven Oaks, Te Nui Cross, John, AVaitiwiti, Tenui Cross, John, Glen Side, Tenui Cross, AVilliam, Aloroa, Alfredton Dagg, J. G , Spring Valley, Alasterton Dagg, R. D., Upper Plain, Alasterton Day, AV., Tirohanga, Alasterton Dixon, George, Alanawa, Tenui Donald, Donald, Waikaraka, Alasterton Donald, Donald, Solway, Alasterton Donovan, S. W., Dreyerton Dorset, W. L., Hope Ftfrtn, Alaurieerille Douglas, George, Opaki, Masterton Drummond, G. M. R., Otahuao, Alasterton... Duckett, John, Alikimiki, Alasterton Dudding, H., Alakahakaha, Taueru Dunn, Henry AVoodcroft, Eketahuna Duncan, G , Papakui, Alasterton Elder, H. R., Langdale, Alasterton Klkins, A. A., Alasterton Elliotte, It. IT., Gleiitanna, Taueru Erans, L. J., Upper Plain, Alasterton Ererett, W., View Field, Alasterton Ewington, James, Hope Farm, Alasterton ... Falconer, W., Pine Grove, Masterton Falloon, Henry, Pine Bank, Masterton Farrer, T. S., Hautotara, Bideford Earrell, AVilliam, Pabiatua Good, C. G., Alaori Hill, Alfredton Gorringe, Orlando, Alasterton Grant, Joseph, Pine Bush, Bideford Groves, John, jun., Bush Grove, Tenui Gundersen, G., Alauriccville Hall, J., Pabiatua Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Aohanga, Castlepoint Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Alarainanga, Castlepoint Harris, AValtcr, Opaki, Alasterton Hawkins, R. S., Bowlands, Bideford Heckler, J. P., Forrest Downs, Greytown ... Henare Taniafi, Te Ore Ore, Alasterton Herbert, J. and O, Hawkhurst, Opaki Hessey, John, Berriedale, Alasterton Hessey, John, Sherwood, Alasterton Ilillas, T. T., Willow Grove, Wadestown ... Hitchings, T. B., Beaumont, Alasterton Hitchings, T. B., Wairongo, Alasterton Holmes, Bros., Matahiwi, Alasterton Holm wood, Charles, Bush Croft, Masterton Ilosking, W. H., Dr., Te AVeraiti, Masterton Hourigan James, Manaia, Alasterton Hughes, John, Pabiatua Hunt, Brown, Bentwater, Alasterton [orns, William, Masterton 4000 So 800 4000 3300 1300 250 300 90 490 200 2700 200 1020 5000 110 IOOO 800 90 395 9000 130 55° 4100 200 4000 2500 1200 200 670 1270 7100 4500 600 250 450 500 425 130 2000 275° 2200 114 20 650 4200 3000 Nil 250 290 88 S30 'S3 1800 96 290 1150 5 l63 45 IOOO 800 IOO 380 11730 50 242 5000 '50 Nil 2500 IOOO 70 800 1260 9238 5000 65 325 350 400 500 74 2000 490 25000 500 1021 170 240 Nil '45 Nil 23300 Nil 1266 180 250 30 1300 400 55° 65 1900 5>o 1000 1300 400 600 28 1300 506 700 280 304 11909 1150 Nil 250 12899 2S272 31072 395 14400 395 15000 400 100 1380 396 Nil 200 140 357° 3°o 4100 995 8470 20 3050 561 1000 1700 500 4050 820 10200 80 5028 300 1100 1300 6'5

'o. of Sheop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Isacsen, Jacob, Mauriceville lames, Henry, Woodlands, Masterton ... lackson, H. W., Avondale, Dreyerton lessen, John, Alauriceville lohnston, A., Cumloden, Masterton lohnston, AV. W., Castlepoint fohnston & Co., Mataikuna, Castlepoint tones, E. jun., Alasterton ludd, J. and G., Alanaia, Alasterton Kebbell, W. AL, Springvale, Alfredton Laing, AV. AL, Glencrieff, Bideford Langdon Brothers, Ngapopatu, Tenui Langdon, J. S., Pinehurst, Tenui Larsen, Hans, Mauriceville Larson, Jens, Mauriceville Larsen, Lars, Alauriceville Larsen, Peter, Maurieeville Leach Brothers, Waterfall Creek, Tenui Leach, H. AV., Tent Flats, Tenui Liverton, AV. A., Pakowai, AVhakataki Livingstone & Douglas, Okurupetu, Masterton Macara, James, Masterton Mace, G. AV., Bramerton, Taueru Vlackay, John,Kurumakenono, Masterton ... Vlacquarrie Bros., Aloroa Park, Alfredton ... Maika Matiaha, Kaiwhata, Alasterton Manning, George, Dreyerton Marsh, R., Te Hoe, Alfredton Martin, Albert, F'orest Homo, Alasterton Mason and Foreman, Sherwood, Ohonga Matheson, W. B., Sherrington, Dreyerton ,.. Matthews, Alfred, Opaki, Masterton Matthews, Jacob, Upper Plain, Alasterton ... Mauusell, It. and P., Tenui Mawley, S., Ditton, Alasterton McCardle, VV. W., Pabiatua MeGovern, AL, Bideford McGregor Bros., Lower Alanaia, Alasterton McGregor Bros., Upper Plain, Masterton ... McHutchon, A., Whakataki McKay, George, Burnside, Alasterton McKay, Robert, Koperangi, Dreyerton McKenzie, D., Alyrtle Farm, Dreyerton McKenzie, D., AVoodlands, Alasterton McKenzie, Evan, Conon, Drererton McKenzie, AL, Airs., Boyne Ter, Alasterton McKenzie, R., Fernridge, Alasterton McLachlan, Colin, Landlo, Alasterton McLachlan, D., Tirohango, Alasterton McLachlan, J., Coruanan Alasterton McLeod, Angus, Rosebank, Alasterton McPhee, Donald, Alasterton ... Meredith, E., Llandeu", Alasterton Meredith, Edwin, Kohinae, Alasterton Meredith, 15., Rirersdale, Masterton Meredith, R. It. Beaumaris, Alasterton Meredith, It. It., Waironga, Alasterton Miller, J., Fernlands, Bideford Montgomery, Jolm, Alanaia, Alasterton Moore, George, Eparaima, Alasterton Moore, Joseph, Springbank, Pabiatua Morrison, John, Blairlogie, Alasterton Mortensen, J., Alauriceville Mutrie, A., Springfield, Ala-terton Napier, A., Strath Eden, Alfredton Neilson, Jens, Eketahuna Neilson, Magnus, Eketahuna Neilson, Swen, Eketahuna Nicholls, Arthur, Penrose, Te Nui Nielsen, Peter, Mauriceville Nitz, II., Kaiwhata, Alasterton O'Connor, John, Taueru Road, Taueru O'Connor, Patrick, Tenui Osborn and Parker, Boyne Terrace, Masterton Osborne, O. H, Alulgrave, Dreyerton Osborne, Thomas, Upper Plain, Alasterton... Osborne, AVilliam, Upper Plain, Alasterton... Palmer, F. G., Bushy Park, Dreyerton Percy, H. J., Te Ore Ore, Alasterton Perry, B. P., Riverbend, Bideford Perry, Walter, Alasterton Perston, AV. R., Fairfield, Alasterton Petersen, August, Opaki, Alasterton Petersen, Christen, Mauriceville 8 900 1200 20 '075 14621 14700 5 8o 1100 4200 1750 665 20 8 80 100 1400 1000 5000 1800 500 4600 2000 45° 1300 92 400 1200 40 17000 4200 362 2000 650 '95 385 170 ' 336 600 440 270 '93 800 400 300 400 200 7100 14982 6600 10 1000 800 30 600 "3652 17000 310 700 453° 150 1800 650 '3 '3 35 100 1300 1050 5200 IOOO 500 4000 500 2000 85 350 1500 160 IOOO 500 900 25 17550 4200 300 337 1300 650 260 800 389 170 1482 600 Nil 240 '94 800 400 300 300 '198 5592 '275' 4000 2000 2989 Nil 2100 2580 3 4 3'50 3200 400 23100 23000 24 650 95o 300 400 300 956 ■5 800 12 580 IOOO 250 IOO 300 990 10 •3 190 IOOO Nil 160 220 240 116 89 266 800 240 160 84 321 1400 2000 3500 400 1700 200 450 '750 300 Nil 50





NELSON DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Pickett, Thomas, Whakataki Piripi and Tiwi Waaka, Kaihoata, Alasterton Potter, J. II., Oarisbrooke, Pabiatua Prentice, S. G., Upper Plain, Alasterton Renall, Frank, Te Oreore, Alasterton Rioux, AV., Pabiatua Robieson, James, Carelands, Masterton Robinson, G. T., Whakataki Rodney and Hamilton, Pabiatua Rose, Joseph, Longlands, Pabiatua Rut.herfurd, John, Wairere, Bideford Salter, Thomas, Muuriceville Saunders, AV. J., Kaitawa, Alfredton Scbow, L. A., Alauriceville Sedeole, A. W., Pabiatua Shaw, F., llolmficid, Alasterton Smith, Jesse, Pabiatua Smith, John, Forest Flat, Alfredton Smith and Burling, Spring Grove, Alfredton Speedy, D. and A., Flag Creek, Tenui Stempa, August, Upper Plain, Alasterton ... Stewart, Alexander, Dreyerton Stewart, Duncan, Opaki, Dreyerton Stilborn, Thomas, Burtonlieltls, Tenui Stilborn, Thomas, Thorplands, Tenui Stuckcy, J., Te Rangitumau, Alasterton Stunnell, Brodie, & Co., Happy Valley, Ohonga Tattersall, C. E., Whareponga, Pihiatua Tatham, F. E., Homewood, Masterton Thompson, T. L. & Co., Te Oro Ore, Alasterton Thompson, T. L., Waitiwhite, Tinui 140 3" 200 45 '75 500 450 '34 600 1200 95 2 90 100 70 '55 3480 120 230 '56 60 7° Nil 500 12 280 3° IOOO IOO 1300 IOO Nil 100 '5° 99 300 3000 100 800 850 200 400 6S0 5200 148 '97 400 600 43' 3 310 580 5200 2000 5000 1781 3900

No. of Slicep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Vallance, J. C, Kahumingi, Taueru Vaughan Brothers, Eden Vale, Pabiatua ... Vibert, P. E., Upper Plain, Alasterton Vile Brothers, Tividale, Alasterton Vile, William, Alauriceville Von Iteden, P., Annadene, Eketahuna Wardell, H. S., Te Whiti, Alasterton AVatson, G., Homebush, Masterton Warren, Holmes, Tiraumea, Alfredton Welch, J. and A., Alasterton AA relcb, J. R , Pairau, Opaki Welch, 11. R., Pairau, Alasterton Welch, R. It, Oakdale, Alasterton Welch, W. and G., Ernspast, Alasterton ... Welch, W. J., AVestbrook, Alasterton AVhatman Brothers, Abbotsford, Taueru ... W Thiteoinbe, G. and E., Englefield, Pabiatua Wiggins, George, Alasterton Williams and Beetham, Annedale, Te Nui ... Williams & Beetham, Lansdowne, Alasterton W Tilton, Henry, Rata Hill, Bideford Wilton, H. It, Fernridge, Alasterton Wingate, John, Aleldrum, Tenui Wrigley, F. H., Opaki Wrigley, James, Bridge Creek, Alasterton ... Wrigley, W., Opaki Yates, A. B., Airs. AVoodlands, Masterton ... 1921 1 '75 18233 Nil 1800 190 2510 10 20 1800 30 190 3200 Nil 8590 900 500 300 1200 9100 IOOO 500 400 700 400 4609 IOOO 700 390 4218 800 200 7505 268 62 193 25 300 14297 770 3' Nil 395 300 548531 21 300 342 250 190 559577

No. of S' 31st] 1888. I boop on May. 1887. Busch, J., Hope Buschael, AL, Brightwater Challies, E., Appleby Challies, II., Appleby Close, S., AVakapuaka Close, W. H., Nelson Cotton, C. It. T, Nelson Cole, T. W., Wakefield Cummings, G., sen., Nelson Cummins, Thomas, Nelson Currin, T., AVakefield Davies, Mrs. E., Belgrove Dencker, C, Brightwater Disher, It., junr., Brightwater Dodson Bros., Wakapuaka Dolamore, G. W., Hope Douglas, William, Richmond Eban, R., Stanley Brook Eden, George, Hope Eden, S., Hope Eden, T. G., Wakefield Eden, W., Hope Edwards, E. 11., Nelson Ellis Bros., Gordon Downs, Motupiko Ellis, Robert, Alotupiko Fairhall, B., Wakefield Fairhall, G., Wakefield F"anselow, Hans, Belgrove Fanselow, Henry, Hope Faulkner, Henry, AVakefield Fleming, J. B., Belgrove Ford, C. II., Appleby Fowler, E., Spring Grove Fowler, Mrs. S., W Takefield Foy, T. II., Nelson Frost, W r., Wakapuaka Gapper, T., Richmond Gaukrodger, J., Foxhill Gibbs, Albert, Lone Oak, AA'akofield Gibbs, Isaac, AVakefield Gibbs, T. W., Wakefield Gifford, Samuel, Appleby 700 66 7' 900 200 150 170 78 220 2 97 7 16 475 90 81 '75 109 '37 190 6526 700 8 '43 8oo 7o 66 880 Nil 76 45 280 95 Nil 300 Nil 95 '7 20 280 28 Nil 76 '50 Nil 140 240 6000 500 70 1025 124 103 11 35° 104 82 64 3 2 5' 72 20 172 261 12 400 100 '5° 55 50 5' 190 3' 187 250 180 65 170

No. of SI 31st .1 beep on Hay. 18S6. I 1887. AVAIA1EA COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision), .dams, P. B., Hillwood, AVakapuaka Jlport, A., Stoke .nderson, R-, Nelson .ndrew, Richard, Waimea West .ndrews, J., Wakefield Li-nold, James, Waimea AVest .skew, Airs. R., Nelson Lustin, Thomas, Lot Hill, AA rakapuaka Saigent, E., AVakefield Saigent, Isaac, Wakefield Sarnett, Elizabeth, Nelson tarnett, William, Nelson iartlett, J. E., Appleby iarllett, W. J., Richmond iatt, Harry, AVai-iti latt, William, Wai-iti Sell, Miss E., Hope tell, James, Hope Sell, AV., Waimea West Serkett, II. S., Hope test, Charles, Appleby Sest, G., Stoke test, John, Appleby test, Joseph, Richmond test, Phillip, Appleby test, W., Wakefield ' tird, C, Nelson Sird, J., Wakefield Slanchctt, G., Wakapuaka ilick, Benjamin, DiBhers, Hope Slick, J., Nelson Slundell, F. H., Hope Soddington, W., Belgrove Srooks, W., Wakefield Srown, J., AVakapuaka 710 94 35 4' 32 24 500 829 80 40 25 81 •55 32 52 47 90 5° 82 400 10 21 120 Nil 7' 75 47 43 33 Nil 28 790 96 50 Nil '38 Nil 40 '7 54 Nil 5' 66 500 12 35 130 75 202 120 200 1 21 70 4' 142 530 32 5° 4' Nil 170 90 85 495 66 233 180 97





lo. of Shcop on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Gill, Alfred, Wakapuaka Gill, Fid ward, Nelson Gill, P., Waimea West Gill, AVilliam, Nelson Glasgow, A. J., Pine Glen, Nelson Green, E , the Sands, Nelson Griffith, Elijah, Wai-ili Griffith, L. B., Wai-iti Groom W., Nelson Hall, Thomas, Thorpe Hammond, J. G., Appleby Harkness, W. D., Richmond Hurley, Alfred, Stole Ifarley, T. H., Nelson Harman, A. J., Brightwater Harvey, Isaac, AVakapuaka Higgins, Peter, Belgrove Iliggins, S., Spring Grove Higgs, Richard, Richmond Iliggs, AV. J., Richmond Hill, Jabez, Brightwater Hill, W., Brightwater Hodder, T. It., Richmond Hodgson, William, Spring Grove lloldaway. Bros., Richmond Holland, George, Foxbill Holland, Joseph, Belgrove Hubbard, William, Hope Hunt, T., Wakefield Hunter, G , AVaimea West Johnson, D., and Sons, Nelson Jordan, A., Doredale Jordan, C. and O, Appleby Kelling, F, Hope Kellor, Peter, Croixelles, Nelson Kerr Brothers, Belgrore Kerr, D., Belgrore Kerr, John, Nelson Kerr, Peter, Brightwater Kerr, Robert, Hope Kidd, R , Hope Kinzett (estate of), J. W., Brightwater Kinzett, T., Wakefield I.ankow, H., Hope Laukow, J., Hope Lewin, William, Naseby Hill, Nelson Livesey, Thomas, Hope I.ucas, R. S , Glen Nevis, Spring Grove Lusty, B., Nidson fjyford, A., Wakapuaka Mackay, J. T\, Alarybank, Nelson Mackay, It., Wal-.apua' a Mackay, T., Drumduan, Wakapuaka Malcolm. J., Richmond Malpas, C, Wal efield Marsden, J. AV., Stoke Martin, Charles., Nelson Martin, James, AVakapuaka Alax, D., Brightwater AlcArtney, II., Nelson McGowan, AV., Spring Grove McRae, B., Bonovove, Richmond Meads, W., Wakapuaka Ateeson, J. T , Stoke Morrison, Mrs. C, Belgrore Alunlz, C. A., Richmond Alurcott, G., Brightwater Ncal, Francis, Brightwater Neville, S. AL, Hillwood, Nelson Newport, James, Nelson Newth, Bros., Waimea West Nieman, W. II., Spring Grore Nisbett, George, Belgrore Norgate, Frank, Nelson Northam, w., Wakapuaka O'Brien, Alexander, Ennerglyun, Nelson O'C. nnor, Airs. B , Appleby O'Connor, P., Appleby Oldham, J., Nelson Olson, Henry, Wakapuaka Palmer, ALs. Job, Hope Palmer, John, Brightwater Palmer, J. AV., Hope Palmer, AV., Hope 30 26 4° 21 2go 45 37 348 35 '45 92 99 60 10 400 230 200 200 40 80 60 58 60 43 5' 26 1000 81 320 58 75 38 4200 4300 25 250 346 80 69 80 40 Nil 28 201 Nil 600 69 Nil 368 48 110 120 7' 102 8 400 33 '95 200 200 40 9° 70 54 Nil 36 70 29 867 68 35° 58 5° Nil 500 300 4200 4300 35 162 2'5 100 80 84 61 40 Nil 699 63 600 65 612 45° 600 800 48 129 450 61 500 45° 213 400 850 40 87 383 53 500 450 21 200 ico 250 Nil 5° 64 40 10 600 80 100 3" 60 Nil 600 60 1900 4200 Nil 4000 22 IOO 100 53 26 1850 150 5°o 36 3' 49 35° 56 9° 32 33 30 1850 60 400 Nil 23 5' 373 Nil 100

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Parkes, G., Wakefield Paton, E. F., Hope Patterson, W., Nelson Phipps, R. J., AVairoa Gorge, AA Takefield Pitcher, W. T., Wakapuaka Pratt, Sirs. Alary, Nelson Primmer, Airs. Ann, Richmond Reay, G., Brightwater Rerell, W. C, AVakefield Ricketts, AV., Spring Grore Rout, W., Stoke Russ, J., Bearcroft, Appleby St. Alary's Orphanage, Stoke Satherlef, J., Appleby Saxton, J. AA r., Stoke Schroder, F., Hope Sohwass, J., Appleby Sharp, G., Spring Grore Sheat, A., Richmond Shcphard, J., Belgrore Shirtliff, T., Nelson Simmonds, J., Spring Grore Smith, James, Alaitai, Nelson Snowden, John, Brightwater Snowden, P. H., Brightwater Stagg, James, Hillwood, Hope Stratford Bros., Hope Stratford, C, Appleby Stratford, W. L., Hope Sutton, Henry, Richmond Sutton, W., Richmond Talbot, G., Richmond Tasker, H., Richmond Thomas and Holland, Belgrore Thomas, Edwin, Appleby Thomas, T., Brightwater Tomlinson, R., AVaimea West Trask, F., Nelson Trolore, E., Stoke Tuck, AV. A., junr., AVakefield Tunnicliff, T., Spring Grore Turner, C. K., Happy Valley, AVakapuaka ... Verry, G., Wakefield Wait, R. II., Thackwood, Wakapuaka Wallace, R., AVakefield AVastney, W., AVakapuaka Walerhouse, J. T., Wakapuaka Watson, Rer. A. R., Wakapuaka AVebby Brothers, BelgroTe Webbr, Edward, Hope Wells, W., Wakefield Wells, W. S., Nelson AViesenharen, A., Brightwater AVilkie, Alex., Nelson Withers, John, Hazelmere, Nelson 250 576 60 95 136 74 100 150 68 72 32 110 200 190 I IOO 76 61 40 280 271 98 47 IOO 87 80 200 350 300 80 300 75° 25 Nil 167 23 100 '50 62 40 21 80 285 100 IOOO 80 70 44 170 264 80 44 350 SO 50 80 200 400 300 20 20 78 85 54 Nil 200 90 75 4 49 260 52 365 158 IOOO 200 900 53 22 3' '5 240 40 265 90 300 '35 200 40 325 93 300 100 800 2C0 400 200 4' 500 Nil '95 250 180 5 270 55 250 WAIMEA COUNTY (In Alotueka Subdivision). Alexander, It. B., Alotueka Arnold, John, Motupiko As'.ew, AV., Riwaka Atkins, W., Alotueka Auty, W., Alotueka Parker, T. J. J , Stanley Brook Barrow, George, Riwaka Beatson, 1). G., Ngatimoti Bceby, It., Sherry Bensemann, G. F. W., Upper Aloufere Bensemann, J. D., Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. 1L, Upper Aloutere Bensemann & Korte, Upper .Voutere Best, J., Doredale Beuke, J. D., Neudorf Biggs, A., LTpper Alotueka Biggs, George, sen., Upper Alotueka Bockmami, P., Upper Aloutere Bockmann, J., U]iper Aloutere Bosselmann, D. 11. A., Upper Aloutere Bossehnann, J. AV., Upper Aloutere Bowden, AL, Miss, Ngatimoti Boyce, G., Lower Aloutere Boyes, Edward, Motueka 54 293 55934 83 600 450 200 160 93 500 400 100 51 5' '37 60 Nil 21 '50 57 10 55 187 70 45 Nil 240 250 242 9 480 76 21 300 300 '97 Nil 380 99 35 190 5 "3 7o 55 150 10 61 25 62





ro. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Brereton, John, Ngatimoti Brereton, AV., Ngatimoti Brewerton, F. AL, Alotnpiko Bromcll, T. A., Alotupiko Brougham, J., Alotueka Brougham, T. G., Upper Aloutere Burnett, E. K., Dovedale Burnett, T. 11., Dovedale Burrows, W. J., Stanley Brook Buxton, E., executors of, Upper Moutere ... Byrne, P., Thorpe Canton, J., Ngatimoti Cederman, John, Riwaka Chaytor, A., Upper Aloutere Claasen, Heinrich, bcii., Upper Aloutere Clausen, J., Upper Aloutere Clifford, J., Alotueka Coleman, A. G., Alotupiko Coleman, F. J., Tadmor Coleman, G., Alotupiko Coleman, It. II., Motupiko Coleman, W. FA, Alotupiko Cook, George, Riwaka Cook, AV., Lower Aloutere Cowin, James, Thorpe Cresswell, W., Lower Aloutere Criehton, J., Stanley Brook Dapp, W., Baton Davies, E. B., Dovedale Donald, N. O, Mrs., Marahan, Motueka Douglas, AV., Motueka Drogemuller, C, Upper Aloutere Drogemuller, W., Upper Aloutere Drummond, A., Debra Doon, Riwaka Drummond, A., Rirerina, Stanley Brook Drummond, J. and D., Lower Moutere Drummond, J. and VV., Upper Aloutere Diicker, P., Neudorf Duncan, James, Alotueka Diirel, F. II. C, Upper Aloutere Eban, II. L., Thorpe Eban, It., Stanley Brook Eden, Francis, Dovedale FCdgar, It., Alotupiko Edwaids, A. It., Lower Aloutere Edwards, AV., Lower Aloutere Eggers, II., Upper Aloutere Evens, T., Alotueka Evers, J. II., Upper Aloutere Ewers, P., Neudorf Ewers, II., Neudorf Eyles, Charles, Thorpe Fawcet, J. and W., Tadmor F^earon, Airs. E., Alotueka Fenemor, J., Tadmor Fenemor, W., Stanley Brook Fitch, Isaac, Tadmor Plett, D., Ngatimoti Flett, James, Lower Aloutere Flower, J., Alotupiko Fogden, AV. F., Alotupiko Ford, T., Upper Aloutere Forsyth, Evan, Stanley Brook E.eeman, Thomas Thorpe Fry, Richard, Riwaka Funnell, II. It., Lower Aloutere Funnell, VV., Lower Aloutere Gardner, I., Upper Aloutere Gay, George, Tadmor Gibbs, G., Tadmor Gibbs, W., Motupiko Gifford, Tliomas, Upper Moutire Gilroy, Patrick, Baton Glover, G., Alotue'.a Green, C, Motuela Greenwood P. D., Alotueka Giidith, J , Stanley Brook Griffith, T., Stanley Brook Griffiths, James, Upper Moutere Grooby, P., sen., Alotueka Grooby, P., jun., Alotue'.a Grooby, T., sen., Motueka Grooby, T., jun., Ngatimoti Guy, W., Motueka IOO 400 77 62 '5° 100 3' 81 34' 679 110 475 '5° 80 33 187 55 300 _5_6 'SO 120 500 100 46 99 2 100 120 62 170 800 2000 '5o 200 60 55 1.5' 378 90 '93 50 140 65 100 ioo 420 100 181 "°5 20 IOO 30 98 320 679 97 379 86 80 29 230 5° 5° 300 50 5° 200 120 600 100 63 90 Nil 100 90 66 'SO 900 2000 200 200 70 70 ■5' 2CO 200 180 '75 140 55 '5° 80 100 50 25 IOO 32 25 100 150 244 190 SO •50 3' 90 '35 349 90 5° 161 190 360 'So 5° 160 S3 90 65 300 '81 48 125 40 200 12 9 50 80 12 42 75 230 250 900 33 62 '50 700 650 160 125 93 200 350 IOOO 19 46 137 700 490 1 20 150 23 72 I70 27 IOOO 60 45 130 '9 800 53

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Hall, J. II., Alotueka Hammeriek, F., Upper Aloutere Harvey, J., Upper Aloutere Harford, Charles, Ngatimoti Haycock, J. A., Graham River, Ngatimoti ... Heath, John, Ngatimoti Heath, Tliomas, Ngatimoti Heine, H. F. W., Neudorf Heine, Her. J. W. C, Upper Aloutere nerrick, A. G., Lower Moutere Herriek, AV. J., Motueka newetson, J., jun., Upper Aloutere Hewetson, Thomas, Upper Aloutere Hickey, T , Stanley Brook Hocton, A., Wakefield Hodgens, At., DoTedale Hodgens, Thomas, Dovedale Hodges Bros., Ngatimoti Hodgkinson, R., Sherry Hodgkinson, T., Tadmor Holdaway Bros., Brentwood, Lower Aloutere Holder, Francis, Alotueka Holyoake, It., Riwaka Horneman, F. U., Alotueka Hyland. John, Lower Aloutere Hyland, AL, Lower Moutero Hyland, R., Lower Aloutere Inwood, II., Motueka Jackett, Jno., Alotueka Jenkins, W. Riwaka Kelling, Charles Upper Moutere Kelling, J. F., Stanley Brook Kelling, R., Stanley Brook Kenyon, H., Thorpe Kinzett, B., 'Tadmor Kinzett, AV. J., Tadmor Knowles, I. D., Alotueka Lammas, J , Dovedale Limmer, J., Motueka Limmer, S., Lower Aloutere Limmer, AV., Lower Aloutere Lines, George, Ngatimoti Lines, AV., Thorpe Lloyd, P., Ngatimoti Lloyd, J., Ngatimoti Lloyd, Roger, Ngatimoti Lodder. Fanny, Aliss, Riwaka Lovoridge, J., Thorpe AlacAlaiion, B., Riwaka Alalpas, AI. S., Stanley Brook Marshall, AV., Ngatimoti McCarthy, I., Baton AIcGareston J. C, Ngatimoti AIcKae, R. Richmond Alead, F\, Alotupiko Afead Hubert, Alotupiko Aleycr, James, Sherry Alickell, David, Riwaka Alickell, James Riwaka Miller, J. V., Riwaka Mills, II. T, Alotueka Alytton, Bros., Ngatimoti Nagel, C, Neudorf Needham, P., Tadmor Newport S. J.. Alotupiko O'Brien, A., Ngatimoti Pahi, J. F., Sherry Pahi, P. O, Tadmor Palmer, James, Alotupiko Parker, 0., Motueka I'arkcs, Henry, Alotueka Parkes, J. W., Alotueka Parsons, AV. II., Ngatimoti Pattie Bros., Riwaka Perry, W. G., Neudorf Phillips, AV. H., Sher.y Phillips, AV. H . jun., Slier y Prestidge, II., Upper Aloutere Price, 0., Baton Price, T., Upper Moutere Quinney, W., Alotupiko Remnant, C, Ngatimoti Riley, J., Sherry Robinson, Robert, Ngatimoti 8i 60 .64 5' 33 90 500 80 64 120 Nil '34 180 294 200 45 130 500 64 124 170 248 240 36 500 291 200 200 .'.2 400 295 168 130 100 80 75 23 226 200 100 60 85 65 222 200 200 70 '5 Nil 240 66 200 20 7 77 100 75 S5o ■56 283 180 190 3° 165 63 140 454 ,78 87 260 5So '85 474 '95 130 150 240 67 169 352 180 "7 300 489 200 28 48 87 192 700 98 270 280 600 454 220 Nil 36 51 97 500 50 280 180 600 3500 45 4° '52 3500 40 20 130 '30 60 80 55 680 54 24 58 560 101 IOOO 137 760 90 IOO 146 160 4' 11 2 80 700 80 100 IOOO 200 660 Nil IOO 200 165 6S 120 30 600 2CO 400 3OO 9OO 106 90 230 500 350 900 120 180 '58 270 245 '93 20 250 183





No, of Sbeop on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Roeske, II. AV., Sherry Rolet, F. P., Sherry Rose, Christian, Neudorf Rose, H. F. H, Neudorf Rose, J., Thorpe _ ■■• Ross, James, Pokororo A'alley, Ngatimoti ... Ross, Airs., Upper Moutere Rout, W., AVhite Bluffs, Stoke Ryder Bros., Alotueka Ryder, AV., sen., Alotueka Saxon, J., Motueka Schildhaucr, W., Upper Moutere Simpson, AV. P., Lower Aloutere Sixtus, T. A. P., Neudorf Slatter, G. H., Ngatimoti Sloss, George, Alotupiko Sloss, John, Motupiko Smartt & Wolf, Sherry Smith, Edward, Motueka Smith, James, Thorpe Smith, John, Alotueka Smith, Stephen, Tadmor Snook, T. A., Doredale Spicer, G. R., Alotueka Spicer, W., Motueka Stade, C, Neudorf Stade, J. T., Neudorf Stanley, E. B., Airs., Tadmor Staples, Robert, Alotueka Starnes, S., Lower Aloutere Strachan, Benjamin, Ngatimoti Stringer, T. IL, Nelson Tannant, T., Motueka Tarrant, II. A., Lower Moutere Taylor, John, Baton Teeee, Charles, Alotueka Thomas, J. IL, Nelson Thomson, A., Baton Thompson, C. E., Alotupiko Thomson, VV. B., Alotupiko Thorn, John, Doredale Thorn, John, Stanley Brook Thorn, Joseph, Dovedale Thorn, Walter, Stanley Brook Thorp, P. W., Alotueka Trowanas, R. J., Alotueka Tucker, E., Alotueka Turner, AV. and J., Doredale AVallis, R. D., Alotueka AATiite, A., Ngatimoti AVilkcns, D., Upper Aloutere AA'ilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, J. S., Stanley Brook AA rilliams, Frank, Alotueka Wills, A. F. W., Upper Aloutere Wilson, J. 15., Lower Aloutere Win, Gr. Or., Dovedale Win, H. L. N., Thorpe Win, J., Doredale Win, J. AV., Dovedale Win, AV., Doredale AVoolf, J., Riwaka Wratt, J. S., Alotueka Wright, G. AL, Upper Alotueka York, Henry, Riwaka (Alotueka) 3So 264 70 795°o 140 298 260 288 244 '3 80 72 250 100 300 300 75 93 445 140 56 260 '95 220 Nil 10 180 86 278 100 90 200 80 53 21 90 160 40 22 24 75 97 18 180 200 70 1629 495 94 200 300 150 66 100 96 9 200 180 60 2300 537 95 220 300 95 59 Nil 3°o 100 56 1100 170 60 59° '33 208 5° '5° 25 74 600 200 57 '5 IOOO 130 IOO 680 300 25' 223 160 76 60 600 62 800 170 200 373 45 474 53 80 '5 400 80 400 297 304 20 80 95° 190 200 577 '3 490 60 IOO 400 400 300 18 "5 53576 564H Total in county ... 107869 112348 COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Golden Bay Subdivision). Abbott, IL, Takaka Andrews, W., Sunnyside, Takaka East Baigent, T. J., Takaka East ... Baird ,AA 7illiam, Takaka Ballantyne, J., Takaka Barlow, AV. IL, Takaka Barnet, C. E., Upper Takaka Barnett, S. A., Mrs., Takaka East Bartlett, Robert, Takaka Bate, H., Upper Takaka Beardmore, J., Upper Takaka Boggis, G., Collingwood 45 80 6S 70 82 109 90 88 118 82 16 50 180 50 180 "5 67 34 20 100 128 35

No. of Slieop on 31st May. j 1886. I 1837. Boyce, J., Alotupipi Brewer, 'Thomas, Collingwood Burt, A. T., Alotupipi Byrne, Patrick, Takaka Byrne, II., Takaka Caldwell, W. S. O., Grcenhills, Collingwood Cole, James, Takaka Davidson, E., Cape Farewell, Collingwood ... Dodson, A,, Takaka Edmondson, T., Alotupipi Ellis, F. H. M., Motupipi Ellis, John, Collingwood Fanehelle, AI. A. E., Airs., Takaka East Fellowes, R. R., Takaka Field, T. C. V., Pakawau, Collingwood Fletcher, J. E., Collingwood Gabey, George, Takaka East Gibbons, John, Takaka Gibbs, AV., Totaranui Gilbert, G. C, Alotupipi Goldney, AV., Takaka Gooch, E. A., Springside, Takaka Hadficld, II. R., Able Head, Totaranui Hadfield, W. W., L. River, Totaranui Hailes, G., Waitui Park, Takaka Haines, AV. H., Takaka East Harvey, A., Airs., Collingwood Harwood, Thomas, Roekglcn, Takaka Hitchcock, T., Takaka Hunter, Peter, Takaka Johnson, Nelson, Upper Takaka Keoghan, Airs. Alary, Takaka Lash, J. G., Collingwood Lewis, C, Sunnyside, Takaka East Lewis, E., Spring Creek, Takaka East Lindsay, J. and J., Takaka East Lunn, James, Collingwood Alanson Brothers, Alotupipi AlcArtncy, R., Collingwood AlcCallum, D., Takaka AlcCormack, James, Upper Takaka McDonald, Andrew, Takaka McDonald, J., Takaka McFarlane, Alexander, Takaka AlcKeoghan, 0., Takaka Alilcs, J. T., Collingwood Aloulder, Daniel, Alotupipi Newport, J, A., Takaka East Niehoff, J. C, Collingwood Organ, Charles, Motupipi Page, J. Takaka Page, W., Takaka Paine, Rebecca, Takaka Pettci'son, John, Takaka Pollard, IL, Collingwood Reilly, J., Takaka Eentoul, AV. O., Takaka Riley, J. B , Collingwood Riley, J. W., Collingwood Riley, R. P., Collingwood Roach, F., Takaka Robertson, Francis, Takaka East Robinson, Airs. Alary, Alotupipi Robinson, S. G., Alotupipi Rogers, John, L Tpper Takaka Rose, J. P., Takaka Salisbury, J. P., Cobb Valley, Ngatimoti ,.. Scadden, W., Collingwood Scott, James, Takaka Scott, R., Takaka Scrimgeour, AVilliam, Femtown Shaw, John, Collingwood Smith, James, Takaka Snow, Martha, Collingwood Sparrow Brothers, Fairleigh, Takaka East ... Spittal, A , Takaka Spittal, AV., Takaka East Squire, J. S., Collingwood Staples, John, Takaka Stent, Jacob, Takaka Symes, Thomas, Takaka Vant, W., Takaka Walker, E., Takaka Walker, Isaac, Puramahoi 30 49 "5 Nil 70 I 10 95 "5 52 3500 128 85 240 70 12 '5 87 150 34 100 1 iO 63 4000 63 125 225 39 Nil '7 85 140 36 25 50 45° 57 80 250 200 500 130 280 73 250 61 58 500 64 95 300 200 500 130 300 260 40 100 170 57 206 466 1200 12 303 25 85 100 180 Nil 206 360 IOOO 15 700 94 270 '35 30 4' 180 53 18 "7 420 160 40 75 7° 78 280 87 30 Nil 52 200 67 25 150 55° 170 120 130 61 92 3° 100 290 400 '35 46 56 78 40 132 90 1300 "65 40 77 180 380 140 43 98 66 130 70 1700 68 300 102 9 100 98 22 1280 75 170 80 500 88 6 o 93 60 30 1400 90 '49 88 55 50 76 96 90 28 72 75 30 '53 I 90





No. of Shoop on 31st May. 1886. 1887. I;.•■',-. Win die, T, Takaka Winter, D. J., Alotupipi Winter, G , Alotupipi Winter, G., Wainui, Takaka AVoodficld, A., Collingwood 190 64 300 285 130 18906 '73 83 300 33° Nil BULLER COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdirision). Berlin, John, Berlin's Brown, Solomon. Karamea Carey, Henry, Westport Carter, George, AVestport Cooper, G. J., Sea View, Karamea Curtin, John, Karamea Dellaradora, AL, Lyell Edge, James, Lyell Elford, Joseph, Karamea Grant, L. K., Alokihinui Hill, W., Charleston Hoani Alahiuka, Westport Johnson, Robert, junr., Karamea Johnson, Robert, senr., Karamea Junker, Fredrick, Buller Road, Lyell Kerr, Thomas, Westport King, T. N., Westport Lamplough, G. R., Addison's Lineham, Alfred, Karamea Lineham, H, Karamea Lines, Job, AVestport Alairs, Arthur, Lyell Martin, J., AVestport Mathews, Charles, Karamea AlcAlabon and Colrin, Westport AIcNabb, Robert, Karamea McNabb, It. G., North Terrace, Karamea ... O'Brien, John, Waimangaroa Riding, W., AVaimangaroa Shepherd and Warne, Charleston Simpson, Jas., Karamea Smith, H. T., Karamea Suisted Brothers, AVestport Sutherland and Alouat, Charleston AValker, J. and G., Itocklands, AVestport Watson, Robert, AVestport Weitzel, Chas., Westport Wilson, William, WeBtport Wolf and Fielderson, Lyell AVright, Stephen, Westport 19906 55 50 16 222 5 5 61 11 4 10 2 10 142 100 5 9 40 69 22 Nil 6 '4 53 40 5 8 Nil 10 23 20 9 35 6 50 Nil 7 10 62 120 16 18 '4 20 27 '3 16 '7 5 60 62 22 16 12 22 Nil 96 62 7 '5 3 40 62 '5 '5 32 27 '3 10 Nil 23 45 7 GREY COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Austin, Prederiok, Greymouth Baybut, John, Camptown Bellow, Charles, Ahaura Bruco &, Irvine, Inchbonnie, Lake Brunner... Carter, George, Ahaura Claughesy, AVilliam, Nelson Creek Clough and Keating, Greymouth Coates, AV. J., Greymouth Craig, I homas, Ahaura Craig, William, Ahaura Donald, D., Totara Flat Brans, John, Lake Brunner Fox and O'Neill, Ahaura Fraser, E., Haupiri Lake, Ahaura Gilmer, IL, Totara Flat Hildebrand, A., Greymouth Hill, Samuel, Greymouth Hunter, John, jun., Nelson Creek Hynes, Coleman, Greymouth 1025 1103 34 33 179 1181 361 43 42 190 1600 '38 290 46 92 486 500 557 50 160 540 123 75 500 69 46 840 400 400 60 '57 94 93 Nil Nil 140 25 4 30

No. of S 31st 1 hoop on slay. 18S6. I 1887. Hynes and Mathews, Greymouth Kennedy and O'Meara, Totara Flat Lutz, Brothers Greymouth Alackley, S. M., Little Grey Junction Magill, Arthur, Ahaura Marshall, James, Greymouth Alason, Or., Ahaura AIcLaugnlin, J., Ahaura Farfilt, Clement, No Town Perrett, R. S., Totara Flat Pothan, AVilliam, Ahaura Rees, J., Rirer View, Ahaura Ryall, Denis, Barrytown Ryan, Edward, Nelson Creek Thurogood, William, Totara Flat Turner, John, Ahaura AVeewink and WcsbcIs, Greymouth 130 360 88 22 5°5 20 3° 24 35 '57 7 40 160 6 24 25 390 74 Nil 573 20 49 21 140 Nil 45 36 Nil Nil 59'4 6671 INANGAHUA COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdirision). Archer, F. A. G., The Landing, Inangahua Junction Bannon, G. AL, Blackwater Bateria, George, Reefton Beamslcy, W., Alurchison Bell, Thomas, Alurchison Brazil, John, Reefton Brown, Joseph, Alurchison Bunting, James, Alurchison Carne, Aaron, Cronaden Craig, Robert, Reefton Dick, J., Reefton Doig Bros., Blaekwater Downie, Charles, Alurchison Duffy Brothers, Reefton Duncan, Alex., Antonio's Flat Evans, David, Alurchison Gallagher, D., Cronaden Gibbs, Alfred, Longford Hodgkinson, AV., Tutaki, Alurchison Hunter, AV., Longford Johnston, J. P., Little Grey Junction Lyon, C, Cronaden Alay, T. H., Upper Matakitaki AlcGeedy, P., Greymouth AlcGinley, D., Cronaden McGregor, D., Longford AlcIIardy, A., Little Grey Junction Mclnroe, J., Lit.le Grey Junction McNeill, R. W. J., Little Grey Junction ... Alindermann, C, Inangahua Junction Alirfin, W. C, Little Grey Junctian O'Alalley, James, Little Grey Junction O'Neill, Timothy, Reefton O'Regan, P., Cronaden O'Rourke, Tliomas, Alurchison Overend, John, Reefton Paine, Edward, Reefton Rait, J., Alurchison Ribet, John, Owen River Ross Brothers, Reefton Sileoek, Brothers, Reefton Smith, Alfred, Fern Flat Sullivan, D., Fern Flat Taylor, H., Inangahua Junction Thomson, John, Alaruia, Hampden Trower, George, Owen River Walker J. & G., Maruia, Westport Williams, Michael, Reefton 9 98 '5 50 150 40 100 6 1 2 35 12 49 140 38 94 55 280 '93 .84 67 23 170 16 80 200 45 64 140 120 33 9 30 i°5 35 62 Nil 85 11 2 35° 400 200 97 80 4 100 98 55 3' 435 63 575 500 11 24 149 30 '4 84 4 '55 61 53 22 900 58 640 250 130 45 218 Nil Nil 33 170 35° 50 57 . '5° 18 406 100 248 83 265 500 60 57 297 32 1080 89 5'34 7703

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.

7—H. 13.




No. of Sheop on :ii..t May. 1886. I 1887. SOUNDS COUNTY. (Picton Subdivision). Aldridge Bros., Ocean Bay, Port Underwood Aldridge, AL, Ngakuta, Picton Aldridge, W. S., Port Underwood Archer, James, Port Underwood Atkins, Alfred, Koromiko Avis, C., AVaitohi Valley, Picton Avis, J., Koromiko Baillie, Hon. W. D. H., Kennington, Picton Baldick, FUiza, Airs., Wangatarua, Picton ... Beauchamp, C, Anakiwa, Picton Bell, Alfred, Kenepuru Blaymires, Robert, Kenepuru Bourke, AL, Goulter Bay, Kenepuru Bown, J., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Bragg, N., Koromiko, Picton Bragg, William, Mount Pleasant, Picton ... Briggs, Phcenix, Port Gore, Picton Brown, II. It., Pelorus Sound, FYench Pass Brownlee, AV. & Co., Long V., Harelock Butt, Ellen, Airs., Ruakaka, Picton Daps, William, Picton Oawte Bros., Aloitapu, Grove Dhaytor, J. O, AVaikawa (Tuamarina) Clemens, G. E., Shakespeare Bay, Picton ... Oonolly, E. T., Picton Couper, D., Pelorus Valley, Canvastown Cragg, Richard, Picton Creech, D. J. T., Kenepuru Drichton, G., Havelock Oullen, AV. J., Linkwater Dale, Grore Dakin, T., Opihi Bay, Port Underwood Dalton, J. H, Fernhill, Picton Dalton Brothers, Pelorus A rulley, Harelock ... Davis, J. J., Port Underwood Davies, James, Lydia Bank, Kaituna Day, AV., Port Underwood Dillon, A. W., Canvastown Duncan, J., Grove, Picton Farnell, VV., Havelock Feddcn, J. P., Havelock Flood Bros., Starmount Run, Port Underwood Fulton, James, Grove Gilchrist, James, Koromiko Godfrey, Herbert, Okukari, Picton Godsiff, Henry, Alanaroa Gould, Thomas, Nydia Bay, Havelock Gregg, W. S., Grove Guard, John, Port Underwood Gullery, J., Kenepuru Gullery, S. J-, Picton Haimona Turi, AVhakaterepapanui Island, French Pass Harris Bros., Harelock Harris, T. AV., Okaramio Hart, Henry, Koromiko Hart, E., Nydia Bay, Harelock Harvey, AV., sen., Clova Bay, Manaroa Harrcy, AV. IL, Beatrix Bay, Alanaroa Hawker, H. T\, Koromiko Hematine Timoti, Kaipapa, Picton Henderson, William, Kenepuru Higgius, Sydney, Harelock Himes, P. J., Dryden's Point, Picton Hippolite, JoBb.,Tinui Island, French Pass... Hocquard, A., Louis Bay, Alanaroa Hoera Ruruku, Puangiangi Is., French Pass Hollidar, Capt. J., Titurangi (Wellington)... Hood, G. G., Blenheim Hope, O. H., Admiralty Bay, French Pass ... Horn Bros., Koromiko Houghton, Airs., Kenepuru Hughes, James, Harelock Hughes, James, sen., Harelock Hutchinson, Richard, Harelock Hyde, A. E., Grove Jackson, Jas., Tory Channel, Picton 250 59 30 H9 95 '5 83 400 47o I 100 '45 280 800 297 260 28 844 .98 5° 1825 500 9 170 300 1124 1400 120 '332 400 73 130 32 '545 270 200 40 36 93 ■3° Nil" Nil 410 49° 1200 Nil 300 200 800 500 250 806 42 1025 Nil Nil 2700 398 24 7 190 '5° Nil 1079 1400 100 1386 600 48 '85 40 102 •583 322 37° 2200 2000 660 200 243 1050 300 600 900 21 750 80 55° 100 200 1400 300 500 700 28 2000 2500 29 678 361 800 5/0 377 800 130 190 7° 100 185 IOO I 2 1 20 60 5° Nil 72 27 42 987 60 5' 45 997 225 80 283 '77 645 95 320 122 81 240 220 Nil 661 1640 239 1500

No. of Sheep on 31st May. j 1886. I 1887. 1887. Jaekson, T. O, Forsyth Island, Havelock ... Jarvis, C. B., Okaramio Jones, II. F., Ravenscliffe, Picton Jones, S„ Airs., Pelorus A ralley, Havelock ... Karira Watson, Picton Keenan, AV. II., Etawa Channel, Picton Kelly, J., Port Gore, Picl on Kenny Brothers, The Rocks, Picton Kerr, F. J., Torea, Alanaroa Landall, Isaac, Yellaton Run, Picton Looms, Thomas, Kaituna Lore, D., Onotohia, Picton Alaule, A., Haveloek AlcCormick, Donald, Pieton McMahon, P., Kenepuru McMillan, iEneas, Havelock ALUs, John, Perndale, Kenepuru Mills, T. 11., Homowood, Manaroa Neal, E., Koromiko Neal, P., Koromiko Neweomb, J. E., Black Point, Havelock Norton, James, Picton O'Sullivan, T., Kaituna Valley, Havelock ... Parfit, Isaac, Alount Pleasant, Picton Pickering, C, Havelock Randall, G., Picton Reader, H. AL, Havelock Reader, W., Canrastown Reid, James, Koromiko Rush, P. B., Harelock Russell and Alclsaac, Okaramio Russell, J. AV., Picton Rutland, H. N., Canrastown Sinmionds, 11. A., Blenheim Simonscn, R., Harelock Smith, C. W., Harelock Smith, William, (Exors.) Port Gore, Picton... Stacc, II. J., Robin Hood, Tuamarina Standen, James, Picton Stavely, It. G., Port Underwood Stuart, James, Frencli Pass Swafmrd, W. E , Havelock Taylor, AV., Grove Tere Haneta, Elmslie's Bay Thompson, Adam, Picton Thompson, W., Ngakuta, Picton Toms, Joseph, Lee's Bay, Pictou Turner & Harvey, French Pass, Nelson Turner, AI. A., Airs., Pig Bay, F'reneb Pass... Twidle, James, Havelock Webb, J. J., Beatrix Bay, Alanaroa Webber, AV., Elmslie's Bay Webster, T., Picton AVells Bros., Waikawa, French Pass Wells, David, Haveloek AA rells, Jabez, Kiuma, Havelock Western, J. 0., Lindens, Picton AVilson, James, Koromiko, AVilson, John, Canvastown 300 600 40 400 300 200 2094 986 1227 300 IOOO 170 420 401 350 793 IOO 9 187 1020 300 21 500 600 196 12 70 300 48 700 35 497 250 110 3110 IOOO 1227 229 1106 250 367 450 160 300 600 175 10 245 '30 940 IOO Nil 490 790 Nil 8 180 76 140 130 IOO 16 I 20 Nil 1850 200 480 700 9' Nil Nil 60 '39 110 100 '4 95 775 '935 200 300 600 94 75° '30 3;o 260 390 300 140 IOO 95 IOO 500 '97 60 IOO 97 '5° 5 °o 297 52 3'4 170 475 58 35 223 96 554 53 MARLBOROUGH COUNTY (In Blenheim Subdivision). Adams, Frederick, Blenheim Adams, W., Langley Dale, Blenheim Allan, R., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Avery, AVilliam, Blenheim Barker, Edwin, Wairau Valley Barnes, S., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Barton, John, Onamalutu, Renwick Bary, Gustaf, Renwick Town Batty, J., Middle Road, Blenheim Beal, R , New Renwick Road, Blenheim Beatson, J. J., Bankfield, Grovelown Beatson, Robert, Clovernook, Blenheim Bell and Sons, AV., Benopai, Renwicktown ... Bell Brothers, AVairau Valley Bell, II. G., Waihopai Reserve, Blenheim ... Bishell, D., Middle Road, Blenheim Blick, E., Spring Creek Bonnington, H., AVairau Valley Botham, II. B., Tua Marina Botham, J. C, Tua Alarina Bowler, S., Blenheim 50403 54 "3 39 3000 210 141 92 3000 190 189 23 170 9 «3< '32 '-'5 192 16500 5000 800 300 20 170 '9 43 80 190 273 16000 55°o 400 61 190 130 297 160 110 300 163 97 37 '53 186





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S6. 1887. Broughan, D., AVillow Brook, Blenheim Brydon, William, Renwick Bubb, James, Blenheim Burroughs, J., Tua Alarina Cameron, J., jun., Kaituna Valley Carter, T\, Richmond Dale, A\ rairau Valley ... Carter T., Ilillersdon, AVairau Valley Carter T., Stronvar, AVairau Valley Carter, T., Tearowhenua, Wairau Valley Carter, 'P., Want wood, Wairau Valley Casey, Martin, Blenheim Chaytor, J. O, Marshlands, Tua Alarina ... Ch esman, G. T., Grovetown Clifford, William, Vernon, Blenheim Coleman, Frederick, Spring Creek Connor, AL, Longfield Farm, Blenheim Orudis, George, Spring Creek Dalziel J , Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Davies, Thomas, Blenheim Dillon, P. G, Lecfield, Renwick Dodson, G., The Willows, Spring Creek Douslin, AV., Warerley Farm, Blenheim Draper, D., Home Farm, Blenheim Drew, It. '!., Renwiektown Eyles, Airs., AVatt's Farm, Blenheim Fairhall E., Blenheim Fidler, R., Tua Marina Polster, II., Onamalutu, Blenheim Ford, Airs. Jane, Spring Creek Pulton. C. McD., Blenheim G.ine, James. Spring Creek Gane, S., Park Farm. Spring Creek Gibson, A. D, Blenheim Gibson, J. W., Kaituna Gibson, r. L., Kaituna GifTord, Isaac, Spring Creek Gilford, James, Rodwell, Spring Creek Gilford, AV., Raglan Farm, Spring Creek Goulter, C , Hawkesbury, Blenheim Graham, G., Fairhall, Blenheim Gregory, Thomas, Spring Creek Gridley, J., The Lakes, Blenheim Hall. Margaret, Spring Creek Hammond, II., Blenheim Harding, 1 nomas, Blenheim Herd, D., Doctors Flat, Blenheim Holdaway, James, Blenheim Hopgood, Thomas, Renwiektown Horgan, AL, Aicadow Bank, Blenheim Home, L. K. Dr., Blenheim Huggait, S., Tiptree Farm, Blenheim Humphrey, IT, Kaituna Valley Inman, C, Kaituna Valley, Kaituna Jackson, A. AA r. Runnymode, Blenheim Jacques, Daniel, Kaituna Valley Jeffries. T., Blenheim Jones, W.. Big Bush, Blenheim Jordan, Christian, Renwiektown Kennington, AV., Kaituna Valley Lambert, J. A., Sbruhlands, Kaituna Law, Edward, Tua Alarina Lawson, B., Glenficld, Kaituna Leslie, J., Okaraimo Litchfield, A. J., Livermere, Blenheim Litchfield, Walter, Blenheim Lucas, Joseph, Opawa Road, Blenheim AlacDonald, George, AVairau Valley Maher, John, North Bank, Kaituna Matthews, R. Spring Creek Alaxwell, W. and J., Renwiektown AlcCallum, A.. AVatcrlea Farm, Blenheim ... McCallum, D., Blenheim AlcCallum, J., Renwick Road, Blenheim AlcKenzie and Co., J., Blenheim Monro, A., Bankhouse, Blenheim Alonro, G. H. B., Blenheim Alorck E., Bason Lodge Farm, Renwick Alortimer, James, AVairau Valley Murphy, lliomas, Spring Creek Neal, T.N., Spring Creek Neumann Brothers, Okaramio Newman, John, Cowslip Farm. Renwiek N.Z.L. and ALA. Co., Birch Hill and Mount Patriarch, AVairau Valley N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Top House, Wairau Valley 130 1150 112 800 5000 17000 13000 5000 10000 3° 4360 161 50 80 201 280 12 Nil 11665 285 90 280 220 47° 2450 90 360 29 52 190 190 IOOO '57 130 2010 97 385 5000 400 97 96 '5° 200 700 356 150 24 2.51 640 100 46 44 475 230 '43 180 100 1230 260 IOO 990 5000 16500 13000 5500 10000 Nil S>99 '3° 13321 119 'SO Nil 35 130 10971 231 Nil' 250 Nil 310 '75° 101 352 10 88 192 90 IOOO '57 1 20 2014 95 360 5000 390 156 55 100 200 800 373 170 Nil 190 620 100 45 33 486 288 100 1180 775 119 290 95 1280 897 120 200 475 330 60 200 400 328 50 130 250 1500 3°o 290 230 95 6S 100 10935 2253 140 69 73 190 Nil 650 31000 140 240 •384 300 300 355 5° 30 200 10323 2671 170 62 63 250 379 600 32000 2000 2000

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S6. 1887. O'Dwyer, C, Blenheim O'Dwyer, Peter, Blenheim O'Dwyer, P. and J., Spring Creek O'Lcary, Denis, Sunnyside, Blenheim O'Leary, J., Tua Alarina O'Sullivan Charles, Tua Alarina Parker AV. B , Omaka, Blenheim Paul, J. and E., Moorlands Farm, Blenheim... Pike, AVilliam, Laurels, Blenheim Redwood Bros., Alill Farm, Spring Creek ... Redwood, Charles, Riverlands, Blenheim Redwood, IL, Blenheim Redwood, T., St. Leonards, Blenheim Iteesly, T. B., Blenheim Reeves. Henry, Spring Creek Renwick, Thomas, Delta Farm, Renwick Richardson, G. B., Aleadow Bank, Blenheim Rickertsen, M., Renwiektown Robinson, Mrs. AL, Spring Creek Itogerson, H., Spring Creek Rose, John, Hegworth Farm, Blenheim Satherley, G., Spring Creek Satherley, IL, Spring Creek Selmes and Barnett, Tua Alarina Seymour, A. P., Tyntesfield, Blenheim Simmonds, W. E., Blenheim Sinclair, James, Blenheim Sinclair, W., Blenheim Smith, P., Greenhill, Tua Marina Soper, R., Glenside Farm, Spring Creek Sopor, R. T., Scrub Island, Blenheim Soper, AVinsor, Spring Creek Soper, AV., Spring Creek Storey, G., Blenheim Storey, J. S., Kaituna Sutherland, W. A. D., Grovetown Sutton, 1 nomas, Spring Creek Tapp, W., Renwick Tescb.emaker, C. de V., Avondale, Renwick... Tcschemaker C. de V., Glen Lee, Renwiektown Teschemaker, Alajor, Summerlands, Renwick Thomas, James, Tua Alarina Thorns, G., Onamalutu, Renwiektown Thomson James, Blenheim AVadey, T., Onamalutu, Renwiektown Walton, J., Lowfield Farm, Renwick Ward, B. R., Brookby, Blenheim Ward, F'clix, AVrekin, Blenheim Ward, Joseph, Blythefield, Blenheim Watson, G. U., Kaituna Watts, C. F., Lansdowne, AVairau Valley ... Watts, G. F., Erina, Wairau A ralley Western Brothers, Spring Creek Whitwell, Thomas, Blenheim AA rilkins, Thomas, Spring Creek Wratt, J., Spring Creek 200 420 5°° 100 282 230 1050 2400 82 97 6820 1 10 5500 90 5397 10500 100 553 140 8 100 200 700 8000 36 364 390 290 280 260 100 800 800 120 39° 520 100 48 230 793 2250 80 1 10 6^00 Nil 5200 54 90 5486 10500 '5° 56 130 90 90 Nil 500 8500 100 Nil 73o 546 156 250 200 7° 800 5° 690 700 70 800 200 200 10500 6500 4800 200 10200 6500 4800 300 91 304 54 55 1800 940 85 72 8000 3600 Nil Nil 66 230 93 43° 98 70 1850 99o 54 80 8000 3500 40 112 5' 230 (In Awatere Subdivision). Allan, R., Sea A riew, Blenheim Aroa, Robert, Blind River, Awatere Beaumont, R., Starborough, Awatere Busby, J. D., Upton, Awatere Cawthron, T., Fairfield, Blenheim Clifford and Weld, ITaxbourne, Blenheim ... Green, E., Ilpcot, Awatere AlcRae, A., The Reserve, Awatere McRae, P. It., Weldshill, Blenheim Alcliae, P. R., Blairich, Blenheim AlcRae, P. R., Braes of Sutherland, Blenheim AlcRae, P. R., Camden, Blenheim Alonro, G. H. B., Longridge, Renwick Mowat, Airs., Artimarlock, Awatere Mowat, Airs., Middlehurst, Awatere Newcombe, Bros., Awatero Reserve, Blenheim Renwick, T. (Estate of), Dumgree, Blenheim Richmond, F. H., Richmond Brook, Awatere Stirling, J. B., Burtergill, Blenheim Taylor and Macnaughton, AloleBWOrth and Lake McRae, Awatere Tinline and Neville, Mt. Gladstone, Blenheim Watson, Thomas, Burtergill, Awatere 270523 26372 1 55° 1300 31000 19500 8798 53306 12000 2071 7200 9'5° 4100 5800 10691 1300 '4353 1700 10560 13929 5So '5'5 355°° 20500 8oco 53422 12000 1791 5645 7100 37oo 5400 10700 IOOO 13000 Nil 10800 14000 1008 21000 21000 8000 7800 Nil 1000 237308 23443





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. (In Kaikoura Subdivision), rrolove, F., Woodbank, Kaikoura rrolore, J. K., The Shades, Kaikoura Jyinons (Trust), Kekerangi, Kaikoura 93°2 5 100 50000 64402 9146 S3 00 50000 64446 Total in county 572233 562597 KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision). BaTatt, H. J., Kaikoura Bank of New Zealand, Clarence Ferry, Kaikoura Bank of New Zealand, Warden and Tytler, Kaikoura Boyd, D., Kaikoura Boyd, Thomas, Kaikoura Broughan, W., Kaikoura Bullen.F. and G. P., Kahutaraand Greenhills, Kaikoura Bullen, F. and G. F., Goodie's Pt., Kaikoura Jarter and Bell, Waipapa, Kaikoura Campbell, Malcolm, Kaikoura Chapman, G., Kaikoura 31emett, C. G., Kaikoura 31ose, Alben, Kaikoura Dollins, A. S., Mount Fyfie, Kaikoura Curtain, J., Kaikoura Oavidson, J., Kaikoura 3ee, AL, Kaikoura Eaton, G., Kaikoura Evans, Charles, Kaikoura 3-allagher, James, Kaikoura jlarratt, J., Kaikoura jribson, II., Kaikoura jibson, Airs AV., Kaiwarra, Kaikoura Bribson, Walter, Clarence Ferry, Kaikoura ... jibson.W.,Warden Tytler and Jam, Kaikoura Ml, Thomas, Alount Fyffe, Kaikoura 3 ray, James, Kaikoura Hailes, J. AL, Pine Terrace, Kaikoura Hailes, W. (Executor), Mount Pleasant, Kaikoura Harnett, J., sen., Kaikoura Harris, II., jun., Kaikoura Harris, H., Kaikoura Hawthorn, AL, Kaikoura Houl, W. H., Kaikoura Ingles, A. W., Kincaid, Kaikoura Ingram, John, Kaikoura lohmoh, James, Clarence Ferry, Kaikoura... Keenan, P., Kaikoura Ivirby, James, Kaikoura Kirby, Airs. Alichael, Kaikoura Lawson, AV., Kaikoura Leitch, James, Glenburn, Kaikoura Mackle, Brothers, Kaikoura ilaguire, Patrick, Kaikoura VlcDonald, R., (Executors), Kowhai Flat, Kaikoura Melhui-di, William, Kaikoura O'Doimell, Jane, Kaikoura O'Donnell, Airs. F. (Executors of), Kaikoura Paap, J., Wheatlands, Kaikoura Palmer, E. O., Kaikoura Parsons, Freeborn, Kaikoura Parsons, G. E., Swinley, Kaikoura Peoples, John, Kaikoura Itobb, VV., Anani, Kaikoura Itorison, J., Kaikoura '85 300 200 200 50691 2142 116 82 20 55° 1900 240 304 240 260 1240 '33 95 7SO '453 26700 25 40 53° '25 '5° 819 36800 300 200 '5° 55743 985 1 oooo 124 5° Nil Nil 1500 240 330 280 265 1094 200 127 "5 600 Nil Nil 35 36 300 '5° 283 800 74 '95 2900 200 300 '80 700 Nil IS 0 250 120 106 190 2300 200 66 '85 300 '5° 93 SO 461 7' 800 92 700 297 295 . 266 '95 '55 1084 245 300 '25 600 473 Nil 2 75 186 123 1085 240 400 100

No. of Sheep ou 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Smith, Caleb, Ashwick, Kaikoura Smith, W. J., Bendmere, Kaikoura Smith, W. D., Sea View, Kaikoura Smith, W., Ludstone, Kaikoura Smith, W., Claverly, Kaikoura Taylor, G., Tui Farm, Kaikoura Tinline, R., Ferniehurst Run (Waiau), Tinline, R , Conway Hills (Waiau), Wallace, John, Kaikoura Wallace, W., Kaikoura Warren. Solomon, Kaikoura Wood, AV. D., Swyncombe, Kaikoura Workman, AV., Kaikoura Workman, John, Hapuku, Kaikoura Woolven and Nesbilt, Kaikoura '4 410 270 3000 5'87 292 3000 5200 389 360 1088 20248 601 80 '3 450 270 3276 510° 289 2900 4900 375 290 "75 16615 45° Nil 1900 1400 AMURI COUNTY. (In Amuri Subdivision). Acton-Adams, AV., Tarndale (Christchurch) Acton-Adams, W. Stanley Vale (Chch.) Anstey, G. A., Alount Parnassus, AVaiau Atkinson, AV., jun., AVoodbank, Culverden ... Fry, John, llanmer Plain Reserve, Waiau ... Low, AV. A., St. Helen's, Clarence, and Acheron, Culverden Alacfarlane, D. and A., Lyndon, Waiau Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau McArthur, John, St. James and Lake Guyon, Hanmer Plain AIcDonald, A., Sherwood, Waiau Ross, Malcolm, Rogerson, Hurunui Rutherford, A. AV.,Alendip Hills, Waiau Rutherford, Duncan, Leslie Hills, Culverden Wharton, IL, and Co., Cloudy Range, Waiau Wharton, H. and Co., Highfield, AVaiau ... '39392 '57524 3'5SO 5300 32400 7100 700 68289 38298 5038 32500 8100 676 70000 42663 25000 30000 4525° 24974 30000 2775 800 8800 17000 10000 38500 2900 800 8500 17000 I IOOO 38000 333036 (In Hopefield Subdivision.) Acton-Adams, AV. Hopefield (Christohurch) Fowler, Thomas, Hopefield, Culverden 320877 6000 4168 Nil 6000 4168 (In AVaiau Subdivision.) (Part of North Canterbury Subdivision.) Barker, D., Pahau Pastures, Culverden Chapman, T. and E., Alount Palm, Rotherham Dalgety, F. G., Balmoral (Christchurch) ... Davison, J. U., St. Leonards, Culverden Earshnian & Co., Pahau Reserve, Culverden... Forrester, R. A., Hurunui Eraser, Thomas, Reserve, AVaiau Jones, E., Rotherham Farm, Rotherham ... Jones, E., AA'aiau St., Upper Waiau F'erry ... Lewis, AV. D., Montrose, CulverJen Alacfarlane, James, Achray, Rotherham Alacfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... AlcRae, G. W., Glens of Tekoa (Chch.) ... Rutherford Bros., Glynn Wye, Waiau Rutherford, AV. O., Montrose, Culverden ... Wilkin (Executors of), Robert St. Leonard's, Culverden Wilson, F. IL, Culverden 59'° 12700 31644 3785 997 200 IOOO 5000 14938 2 160O 160OO 2350O I9OOO 27174 3946 12520 32500 25600 3485 1100 Nil I oeo 5000 3 IO 14286 20700 16000 25000 I 9000 Nil 20200 20034 Total in county 2O3648 1 200481 i 53/685 530525



CANTERBURY AND WESTLAND DISTRICTS. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.


fo. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Buchanan and Wade, Waikari Burgin, Tliomas, Crosby, Swannanoa Burrell, George, Fernside Burton, W. H., Alount Benger, Hurunui ... Buseh, Frederick, Bangiora Busch, John, North Loburn Buss, W. Rangiora Butters, G. and IL, Eyreton Cameron, D. and D., Saltwater Creek Cameron, John, Balcairn Campbell, C. It., Stoke Grange, Rangiora ... Campbell, Michael, Dalbeg, Amberley Campbell and AlcKee, East Oxford Carr and Duthie, Ashley Bank Carson, AVilliam, Waipara Catherwood, Hugh, Cust Chamberlain Bros., Eastcolt, AVaikari Chambers, Frederick, AVoodeud Chambers, William, Fernside Chapman, A. T., Springbank Chapman, It. AV., Lowlands, Fernside Chapman, T. and 15., Springbank Chapman, Walter. AVest Eyreton Charles, James, Cust Chatlerton, J. V., Flaxton Chilton, Thomas, Eyreton Clark, Donald, Amberley Cleeve, Thomas, View Hill Clifford & Weld, Stonyhurst, Amberley Clothier, E., Eyreton Clothier, James, Clarkville Coates, J. and S , Fernside Coleman, S., Riverside, Amberley Collie, Donald, Aphley Bank Colonial Invest. Co., Ashley Downs, Ashler Bank Concanuon, John, Hurunui Condon, Daniel, Oxford Condon, Joseph, Cust , ... Cone, G., Rangiora Conway, Ebenezer, Cust Conway, Thomas, Cust Conway, Thomas, jun., Pleasant A'iew, Cust Conway, AV. F., Cust Cook, Henry, Rangiora Corboy, Jeremiah, Loburn Corboy, William, Loburn Corlett Bros., Cabbage Tree Flat, Amberley Costello, AVilliam, Waikari Cottle, Thomas, Cust Courage, P., Seadown, Amberley Cousins, It., Waikuku Cowens, George, Bennett's Cowic, James, Hawarden Cox, J. W. M., AVeka Pass, AVaikari Crampton, G. AV., Amberley Crampton, J. B., Fernside Crampton, M. H., Amberley Crampton, T., Amberley Crampton, W., Eskvale, Amberley Croft, R. P., Ashley Bank Croft, Tliomas, Ashley Bank Cross, Jo.'eph, Bennett's Crossley, C. D., Hurunui, AVoodeud Orossley, C. D., AA roodend Crowe, Frederick, Oxford Crowe, Henry, Oxford Crysell, AValter, West Eyreton Crysell, William, Cust Curie, George, Bennett's Dailsy, Robert, Swannanoa Dalgety and Co., Loburn Dalzell, J., Sefton Dalziel, Alr3. Jane, Fernside Dalziel, M., jun., Amberley D'Auvergnc, Charles, Rangiora Davies, John, Flyre Bank, Eyreton Davies, John, Kaiapoi Davis, Henry, Coutts's Island Dawson, George, Ohoka Dawson, Richard, West Eyreton Dench, Thomas, Southbrook Dennis, Charles, Leithfield Denton, F. R., Eyreton '395 '94 98 2600 373 200 360 700 420 2225 1 2 96 290 '95 3289 266 4191 4600 5 108 4480 240 3 425 181 35 24000 7o 57 87 600 30 1069 1800 100 5° 192 700 293 95 100 74 35° 300 780 9000 794 260 60 3000 " 89 97 200 250 180 83 1300 Nil 140 80 Nil '75 3394 Nil n 9 3574 5100 5635 4892 250 14 282 Nil '3 22000 50 80 148 592 60 1420 1664 97 Nil 25 263 700 49 296 140 Nil 140 Nil 380 689 5° 68 1180 3 400 293 596 140 180 237 200 398 13000 400 240 5° 255 126 170 3395 3990 600 9000 18 190 1200 30 587 '99 500 150 187 400 150 296 12^00 478 131 55 92 90 170 1792 3580 500 335 40 72 300 29 35 25 266 152 390 95 586 20 52 90 360 380 1400 25 360 1500

!o. of s: 31st 1 beep on May. I 1886. 1887. CHEVIOT COUATY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Robinson, Hon. AV., Cheviot Hills, Cheviot ... IO500O Scoci ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Addinell, John, AVest Eyreton Aldridge, James, Alayficld, East Oxford Allan, Alexander, Rockvale, AVaikari Allison, Edward, Cust Anderson, AVilliam, Clyde Grore, Cust Anstiss, J. O., Amberley Armstrong, John, Loburn Armstrong, Thomas, AVaikari Arnott, AV., Fernside Ashby, J. S., Twy Cross, Balcairn Ashworth, James, Sefton Atkinson, Robinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, W., Cust Atkinson, AV., Alarehmont, Rangiora Atkinson, AV. If., Cust Australian and N. Z. Mortgage Company (Limited), Waipara Downs (Christchurch) Bailey, Drummond, Balcairn Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, John, Pernside Bailie, Robert, Amberley Baird, Samuel, Sefton Baker, J. P., Kaiapoi Banks, Daniel, Loburn Banks, James, Ashley Bank Barker, Joseph, Loburn Barnes, J. E., Swyn fordo, Hawarden Barred, Samuel, Southbrook Bartrum, G. S., Rangiora Barwell, George, Rangiora Bassett, AV. J., Woodstock, View Hill Baxter, Andrew, Mountain Farm, E. Oxford Baxter, John, Hillside, View Hill Baylis«, Thomas, Cust Beiil, Henry, Eyreton Beattie, John, Cust Beere, A. J., Cust Beere, Airs. J. AL, Cust Belcher, Richard, Kaiapoi Bell, Jonathan, Foster, Rangiora Bell, J. T\, Swannanoa Benn, AV. A., Amberley Bennett, Alex., Homedale, Bennett's Bennett, AVilliam, West Eyreton Birnie, William, Kaiapoi island Black, Andrew, AVaikari Blackmore, T. D., Kaiapoi Blain, Alary, Lockhead, Oxford Blake, John, Loburn Blunden, It., 1 he Downs, Bennetts Boulton, John, Cust Bowie, J., AVoodend and AVaikari Bowman, Edmund, Amberley Bowron, G., jun., Sea View, Ashley Bank Boyce, Christopher, Sefton Boyd, Robert, Ballygarvie, Bennett's Bradley, William, West Eyreton Bramley, AV., Woodend Brettag'h and Pearson, Worlingham, Oxford Bristow, It., Amberley Broadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley Brock, D and E., Loburn Brock, Donald, Ashley Bank Brock, John, Ashley Bank Brodie, J. AlcK., Berriedale, Amberley Brown, David, Amberley Brown, E. IL, Rangiora Brown, E. H. & H. S., Alt. Thomas, Loburn Brown, J., East Oxford Brown, James, Clarkville Brown, John, North Loburn Brown, Jonathan, Rangiora „, Bruere, Graham, Sefton * 980 200 69 455 1 105 94 1306 1 *;o 58 1990 240 390 300 200 34° 120 500 194 '3 60 25' 293 63 12 125 1266 74 70 220 9' 47o 86 654 400 198 496 1500 375 292 70 330 350 400 296 1650 560 1450 1871 2'5 2 5 80 97 32 7260 S80 90 72 46 3<>3 894 80 1055 98 85 1850 190 363 300 '93 3842 98 '45 90 500 194 39 64 200 347 50 Nil 290 60 1082 190 75 240 81 734 98 75 500 Nil Nil r;oo 784 '95 27 '97 327 100 Nil '45° 400 1250 1946 124 1 7 200 130 26 8100 55° 1900 67 59^> 476 1650 14728 59° 1859 380 50 180 729 650 26 75 225 'S3 400 I 15027 138 Nil 184 128 206





'o. of f 31st loop on [ay. 1886. j 1887. Derbidge, Charles, Longlands, Woodend Dick, David, Loburn Dick, John, Sefton Dicken, T. H. V., Waikari Dickenson, J. D., Hillview, Cust Dickson, Walter, Airlie, A riew Hill Dixon, James, Ashley Bank Dixon, AL, West Eyreton Dobson, John, Esperanza, Oxford Dodd, AI, Airs., AVaikari Dohrmann, Diedrich, Bennett's Dohrmann, John, Bennett's Donovan, R., Bennett's Doody, Michael, Oxford Douds, John, Sefton Douglas, George (Exotrs. of), Amberley Douglas, James, Amberley Douglas, James, Basin Farm, Waikari Downs, Thomas, Ashley Bank Drou, John, Balcairn Duder, William, Culverhouse, View Hill ... Dufiull, Richard, Ohoka Duncan, Malcolm, Rangiora Duncan, R., Loburn Earshman, Archibald, Pahau, Hurunui Edwards, George, Okair, Kaiapoi Egan, John, Fernside Elder Hugh, Kaiapoi Elderton, H. T., Amberley Elkin, William, Kaiapoi Elliott, William, Bennett's Ellwood, John, Ashley Bank Engelbrecht, Henry, Bennett's Elisor, C, Mount Grey, Balcairn Evans, Richard, Ohoka, Kaiapoi Evans, T. 11., Balcairn FAihey, John, North Loburn Fairweather, C, Eyreton Feather, James, North Loburn Fcnwick, William, East Oxford FVrguson, James, Sefton Fisher, G. and IL, Loburn Fisher, John, Oxford FiUpatrick, Charles, Balcairn Forrester, R. A., Hurunui Forsyth, Robert, Coutt's Island Fox, C. D., Foxdown, Waikari Fox. C. D., Black Bills, AVaikari Freer, John, Kaiapoi French, i nomas, Waipara Freshwater, Robert, East Oxford l'rizzcll, John, West Eyreton Galletly, John, Springbank Gardiner, Andrew, sen , Springfield, Cust Gardiner, Andrew, jun., Cust Gardiner, G. G., Cust Gardner and Pickering, The Lakes (Chch.) Gardiner, George, East Oxford Garland, Helen, Airs., Cust Garrett, David, Cust George, J , Ashley Bank Gibbs, Henry, Woodend Gilchrist, AA r'. T., View Hill Giles, L., Kaiapoi Gilmour, John, Loburn (Christchurch) Gingavon, Patrick, Alountain, Bennett's Glendinning, J., Waikari Gorrie, Daniel, Sefton Gorton, C. II, A riew Hill Gorton, J. R., View Hill Gow, John, Fernside Graham, David, Rangiora Graham, George, Ashley Bank Grant, David, Airs., Cust Gray, James, Eyreton Greenwood, G, D., Teviotdale, AVaipara Greney, Michael, Amberley Gresson, H. B., AA roodend Hadler, C, Amberley Hall, II. J., Alotanau, Amberley Hanna, Alichael, Sefton Hanna, Thomas, Sefton Hanna, AV. J., Amberley Hardy, F,, Loburn 98 700 70 1470 1370 260 2'5 20000 4'5 170 '539 300 110 326 7216 300 1172 72 '65 360 35 242 800 2390 480 180 272 42 34 300 60 '339 8800 1060 900 69 455 i6 Nil 1230 270 200 14000 37° 142 1225 810 290 29 260 7000 190 2074 57 65 1 60 '95 660 2086 497 150 250 52 50 300 100 1478 9000 699 485 24 882 282 76 142 800 128 25 800 58 2039 '659 Nil 1141 491 100 180 750 210 '50 800 97 1910 1500 '9 100 400 240 300 IOO '52 20124 79 600 80 85 700 48 388 ICO 140 ,25 '77 16020 58 400 90 80 290 29 700 280 344 500 632 12920 85 576 280 70 40 13000 395 45° 300 '4344 380 470 520 85 3' 270 8 Nil 200 34° 400 689 "574 58 492 130 120 43 13000 304 47° 300 17800 280 530 550 86

No. of s: 31st I hecp on May. 1886. I 1887. LTarle, Thomas, West Oxford Harrison, AVilliam, F'ernside flawke, David, Oxford Henderson ancl McBeath, East Oxford Henry, Richard, East Oxford Heyward, James, Clarkeville Eleywood, Samuel, I'ernside Uiatt, Richard, Sefton Hicks, Emma, Kaiapoi Hide, Thomas, Swannanoa Hide, William, Swannanoa Higgins, R. L., Tara, Cust Hoban, AI. J., AA Taikari Hoban, Peter, Hawarden Hoban, T., Hawarden Hodgson, T., Loburn Holdsworth, R. B., Balcairn Homersham, A. It., Leithfield Hood, J. H., Waikari Hopkins, Robert, Kaiapoi Horrell, II. J., Aloorbarton, WeBt Eyreton... Horrell, James, AVoodend Horrell, Samuel, AVest Eyreton Houghton, C. S., Ashley Bank Hoult, Francis, Amberley Ilumpherys, AA r. D., Kaiapoi Hunt, John, Loburn Hunter, A., Willow, CuBt Hunter, Walter, Leithfield Ilurly, Thomas, A\ Test Eyreton Hurse, James, Rangiora Innes, J. and J., Alount Brown, Amberley ... Inch, Darid, Oxford lack, Daniel, Loburn lack, James, Springbank laekson, Joseph, F'ernaide Jacobs, William, Fernside James, J. A., Hawarden ... James, T. H., Leithfield Jeffs, E., Bennett's Jennings, G. C, East Oxford Jennings, H. J. J., East Oxford Johnstone, Robert, Clarkeville Johnstone, Robert, AVaikari Jones, David, Cust Jones, John, Waikari Joyce, J., North Loburn loynt, T. I. & T. A., Glasnevin, Amberley ... ludson, J. IL, North Loburn ludson, John, North Loburn Kavanagh, Patrick, Loburn Keene, A. A., Waikari Keleher, Joseph, Fernside Kelly, Francis, Swannanoa Kennedy, Alurtie, Hill Head, Springbank Kennedy, Murtagh, Nonh Loburn Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside Kennedy, AVilliam, Rangiora King, AV. G., Harleston, Leithfield King, Charles, Rangiora Kintr, T. and R., Bennett's Kingsbury, Robert, Cust Kingsbury, Samuel, Ashley Bank Kingsbury, Seth, Cust Kinley, George, Rangiora Kinley, John, Kaiapoi Kyrrison, G., Sefton Lahoar, John, Fernside Lane, L. IL, Waikari Larsen, Arnold, Bennett's Lassen, H. A , Oxford Latto, James, AVest Eyreton Leach, Charles, Ashley Bank Leatherland, William, Hurunui Lee, G. AV. H. (Exors. of), the Warren, Oxford Lee, Jane, AVest Oxford Leech, Charles, Rangiora Leech, G. J., Rangiora Leonard, Elias, V, est Oxford Lewton, James, Amberley Ligget, Robert, Waikuku Lilly, John, Ashley Bank Lister, AI. J., Balcairn Little, Hudson, Bennett's 250 205 6140 280 5°o 375 9' 180 97 Nil 700 1606 700 80 2747 '56 90 340 35 500 26 25 80 97 488 39° '5° 2150 12000 400 150 200 60 87 164 140 1400 141 97 a 9 IOOO 67 354 255 1800 60 171 '93 5' 6630 160 500 505 3°S 109 ,76 8/ 800 55° 1610 492 Nil 3638 230 20 40 300 Ni'l 90 34 Nil 65 Nil 394 490 20c 79 I 20CO Nil 80 180 69 86 280 IOO 1150 202 '50 34 1150 5' 395 22 ; Nil Nil Nil 9' 99 5°o 279 95° 200 380 100 92 Nil 160 79o 100 180 800 80 '85 76 57 281 100 69 762 Nil 289 Nil Nil 220 300 43 160 300 '38 100 1916 389 100 100 1730 '25 161 300 130 200 92 24 4700 200 300 '82 283 190 '3' 191 278 4754 Nil Nil, 25 '95 70 "3 146 '5° l93





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 18S7. Little James, Allandale, Hawarden Livingstone, Hugh, Cust Dock, J. C, Hill, Ashley Bank Lough, Henry, jun., Amberley Low and Taylor, Clifton, Waikari Lowcoek, John, Amberley Luers, F., Oxford Luxton Brothers, Rangiora Luxton, John, Rangiora Lynskey, AL, Rangiora Macann, AA Tilliam, West Eyreton Macfarlane, D. and A., Greenhill, Waiau ... Macfarlane, AI., Coldstream, Rangiora Maehen, John, Ashley Bank Macintosh, Hector, Fernside Mahler, IL, Sefton Hahon, Thomas, Oxford vlaindonald, Hilary,, AVest Eyreton Maiudonald, John, West Eyreton Vlair, John, Leithfield Major, William, AVest Eyreton Malloek and Lance, Hawarden Marmering, T. S., Fernside Marshall, P. G., Cherry Farm, View Hill Marshall, R., Fern Hollow, Cust Martin, D. C, Loburn Mason, G. E., AVaikari Mathers, John, Saltwater Creek Hatheson's A gency,Ngapari & Alirzapore, Chch. Matthews, Daniel, Waikari May, Robert, Cotham, Leithfield McAdam, James, Leithfield McAdam, Robert, Amberley McAdam, William, Leithfield McBriar, S. and J., Oxford ... McCallum, J. G., Amberley McCaw, Hugh, Balcairn McClinton, IL, East Oxford McConnell, Gordon, Waikari McConnell, AV. G., Bennett's McCracken, James, Hay] and, Cust McDonald, Thomas, AVaikuku McDonald, Roderick, Oxford McDowell, James, JAnmside McFlwan, Darid, Sefton McGillirrav, J., Oxford McGrath, B., Oxford McGrath, T. Oxford McGregor, W., Plaxton McHugh, Ai , Swannanoa Mcintosh, Kenneth, Southbrook Mclntyre, D., Fernside McKay, AL Hurunui McKenzie, Duncan, Woodend McKenzie, John, Sefton McKie, James, Cust McLaren, Dugald, Leithfield McLean, Alexander, Balcairn McLean, Alexander, Sefton McLean, Hugh, Amberley McLeod, John, Sefton McLelland, James, Motanau McMorran, James, Kowai, Amberley HcNally, Nicholas, Amberley McNaught, T. Amberley Meltobert, William, Ohoko Mehrtens, George, Ohoka Mchrtens, John, TOast Oxford Meredith, Richard, Cust Mctherall, J. A. AL, North Loburn Michell, E. and J., AVaitohi, Waikari Miles, Tliomas, Loburn Million, W. N„ Birch Hill, Cust Milne, George, Fernside Milne, Thomas, Cust Moderate, R., Bennett's Moffat, John, Eyreton Moody, Walter, Kaiapoi Moore, Francis, Eyreton Moore, G. H., Glenmark, Amberley Morriss, William, AVaikuku Morten, R. M., Mt. Brown Flat, Christchurch Moss, J., Sefton Mounsey, J. A, View Hill 7102 i7i 170 790 4540 i6o 282 4'5 75 480 3110 1920 56 140 60 184 200 400 77 100 68918 1500 55 90 460 37 10 54o6 250 '9 65 '7 170 330 '45 273 200 236 3848 '30 7000 '5° 126 539 4463 180 298 275 Nil 767 170 2380 1050 50 160 80 107 200 300 79 Nil 735oo 1490 10 85 300 53 '43 Nil 250 Nil Nil 35 150 280 160 9' '52 250 20 557o 106 590 75 400 140 280 970 90 1000 250 800 42 138 300 300 300 880 2355 90 60 7° 150 117 28 59 2 75 2068 86 Nil 75 16 62 93 97 5 980 300 57o 66 456 335 1697 253 18900 Nil 470 188 5' 5So '35 85000 81 1568 95 34 2200 90 '5 786 300 55° Nil 86 275 4^2 383 '834 296 19100 180 360 256 Nil 553 61 81070 61 1800 21 208

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Alulcock, E., Flaxton Alungeam, Florence, Springhill, Loburn Alurdin, William, I^ernsido Murphy, William, Fernside Murray, James, Bennett's Alusson, AA Tilliam, Bennett's Nalder, AV. A., East Oxford National AI & A. Co., Woodstock (Ch'chureh) Neeve, AI. E., Airs. Ashtrop, Waikari Nicholls, Walter, AVhite Rock, North Loburn Noone, Joseph, Pyramid V., Amberley O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Callaghan, D., Coutts Island O'Connor, Edward, Loburn O'Farrell, Thomas, Cust O'Halloran, John, Glentui, Bennett's O'Loughlin, A., Spring Bank O'Roarke, Airs. AL, Fernside O'Rourke, Charles, F'ernside O'Shoyke, J., East Oxford Overton, Charles, Swannanoa Packer, H. W., Stokegrove, Amberley Parish, John, Limehurst, AVaikari Parlane, James, View Hill Parnham, E., Kaiapoi Parsons, R. J., Newlands, Amberley Parsons, Albert, Fernside Partridge and Eelwards, AVaipara Pashbr, Thomas, Elmwood, Kaiapoi Paterson, AVilliam, Midyear, Swanannoa Pawsey, B. S., Cust Pawsey, J. R., Balcairn Peach, M., Clydesdale, Ashley Bank Peacock, J. T., Eyreton, Waiti, Eyreton Pearson, Joseph, Burnt Hill, Oxford Peebles, Andrew, Cust Pentieost, P., Rangiora Penticost, Richard, Rangiora Penwell, Ilenrv, Rangiora Perrott, P. II.,' Waikari Perrott, Frank, Hurunui Perrott, G. T., AVaikari Pester, AV, AVest Eyreton Philpott, Adolphus, North Loburn Philpott, E. G., North Loburn Pickering, Richard, Kaiapoi Plaskett, G., View Hill Plaskelt, William, Fernside Pole, Joseph, Rangiora Ponsonby, John, North Loburn Powell, Tliomas, AVest Eyreton Preeee, James, Ohoka Prins, H. II., Horsford Downs, North Loburn Prior, Thomas, Fernside Pritehard, Joseph V., Loburn Prouse, Thomas, Cust Pulley, G. P., Loburn Purchas, Charles W., Amberley Purvis, James, Fernside Quigley, Ellen, North Loburn Rainey, Andrew, Oxford Ramsay, Donald, Cust Read, George, Kaiapoi Reece, E. (Uxecutors of), \A Taipara Reeee, II. P., Alont Serrat, AVaipara Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, Alexander, Ashley lank Reid, R. J., Bennett's Renehen, AVilliam, Rangiora Rice, Robert, Clarkrille Richardson and Co., Glentui, Bennett's Roberts, Airs. Jane, Cust Robertson, John, Ashley Bank Robinson, Hon. W., Happy Valley, Cheriot Robinson, James, West Eyreton Ross, AV. AL, Coutt's Island Rowe, James, Ashley Bank Ruddenklau, J., Cust Russell, James, Leithfield Rutherford, Walter, Bennett's Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Studholme, Waikari Sansom, W., Soulhbrook Sehofield, H, AVest Oxford 90 4' 5' '50 i86 200 200 6678 2457 18000 I950 400 400 38 I287 95 40 _87 2299 2524 '45° 492 454 1200 400 3100 1122 203 275 2500 '4 1780 15010 300 So '53 90 586 '95 S6. 100 45 25 500 100 57 180 130 245 90S 30 300 90 7 34 Nil Nil '■85 'So '93 5745 2385 18000 2100 '95 30 200 35 149' 100 '4 96 20 1882 23 19 1700 276 125 400 20 Nil 992 '85 189 1394 70 1994 '35'4 400 95 'So 10 IOO '75 900 184 93 53 23 2 10 40 3' '3° .46 .76 1100 52 300 *50 217 980 '50 IOO 870 350 '5' 50 86 50 190 35 7500 5000 500 26 5000 600 120 140 250 80 24968 98 92 200 38 66 25000 282 SSo 96 2300 55 Nil 57 '7343 180 109 94 Nil 20000 279 Nil Nil 2200 23 783 70 17834 34o 52





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. J 1887. Searles, George, Cust Sharman, Bros., East Oxford Shaw, Hans, Sefton Shaw, Thomas, Ashley Bank Sheat, Stephen, West Eyreton Shepherd, Robert, Swannanoa Skevington, C, Waikuku Skurr, John, Bennett's Sloper, Robert, Amberley Smart, Samuel, North Loburn Smith, Hay, Clarkeville Smith, James, Fernside Smith, John, Totara, Cust Smith, AA Tilliam, Southbrook Smith, AVilliam, West Eyreton Smyth, Robert, Leithfield Spcir, Hugh, Cust Stackwood, Airs. S. A., Woodend Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Starky, G. B., Brackenfield, Amberley SteffenB, Henry, Bennett's Stephenson, AI., Fernside Stevenson, Mrs. John, Flaxton Stewart, John, Ashley Bank Stewart, James, Ashley Bank Stokes, John, Waikuku Stone, S., jun., Kaiapoi Storer, William, Bennett's Stringer, R., Ashley Bank Stuart, John, Balcairn Stubbs, Thomas, East Oxford Sutherland, George, Balcairn Sutherland, J., Sefton Tallott, Edwin, Cust Taylor, F. S., AVaipara Taylor, Joseph, Waipara Thomas, Henry, A ehley Bank Thomas, E. P., Oxford Thomas, Samuel, Fair View, Ashley Bank Thompson, C. E., East. Oxford Thompson, Richard, Summer Hill, Cust Thompson, AV., Saltwater Creek Thompson, AVilliam, Freefield, Cust Thompson, AVilliam, Greenfield, Cust Threlkeld, P. C, Flaxton Tipping, C. and II., AVaikuku Tipping, J. C, Cust Tobin, Edward, Amberley Tobin and Kennedy, Alotanau Todd, Andrew, Rangiora Todd, David, Southbrook Todd, George, North Loburn Toohey, Matthew, Leithfield Topi"), H-i Sefton Trail, AA Tilliam, Leithfield Treacy, Edward, North Loburn Tuer, Joseph, Loburn Turner, J. F., Fernside Turner, W. IL, AVaikari Turner, William, Bennett's A rallance and Co., Oxford Vallance, Alexander, Sefton Vallance, Hugh, Sefton Vallance, J., juu., Sefton Vallance, Joseph, Ashley Bank Vaughan, William, Amberley Wad worth, W, J., Graylands, Amberley Waiting, Isaac, West Eyreton AValker, Tliomas, Cust Wallace Brothers, Flaxton AVallace, David, AVaikari Wallace, George, Southbrook AVallace, Robert, Leithfield AValler, Jane, Loburn Walsh, R., Oxford Ward, James, Huntly, Swannanoa Watson, Edwin, Amberley AVatson, George, Southbrook Wayland, E. A., Oust Webster J. P., Amberley (Christchurch) Webster, James, Cust Weld, Dr. J. E., Oxford AVells, Charles, Ellerbeck, Amberley AVeston, George, Kaiapoi ... i go '95 80 455 495 400 484 59° 335 296 380 486 160 200 160 10 7° 354 180 '93 494 490 400 268 390 280 320 200 '35 46 500 2500 500 39° 490 200 98 140 300 300 '68 6 249 '75 170 266 25 482 1500 284 300 480 150 58 95 250 90 50 200 61 960 2740 97 190 1 21 399 300 72 270 140 4240 583 700 4 'SO 16 7o 70 990 3245 82 170 5' 59° 120 9 I/O 30 39'o 369 550 33 355 '7 89 160 5' '95 50 80 30 'SO 1 24 293 286 36 '575 90 '7 Nil 300 ■98 339 '35 840 2454 300 IOO IIOO 27 292 194 98 1500 73 30 3°o 30 300 5° 500 2274 400 100 6S 280 180 260 53 '95 130 300 IOO 98 89 296 90 20 42 64 95 300 160 5° 80 Nil 128 8 757 44' 296

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. AVeylandt, G. E, East Oxford AVheeler, John, Rangiora AVhite, A. St. John, Balcairn White, J. S., Ohoka Whiteside, AV. G., Ashley Bank AVhitbam, William, Rangiora AVilder and AVarner, Nga-pari, I^ernside Williams, William, Rangiora AA Tilson, Mrs. Archibald, Ashley Bank Wilson, E., Camside, Kaiapoi AVilson, Francis, Sefton Wilson, James, East Oxford Wilson, Samuel D., Sefton A\ Tilson, Thomas, Ashlev Bank AVilson, W. D., Ashley Bank AVinter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, Swannanoa Winter, Michael, Bennett's Withell, C. W., Cust Wolff, J. It., Cust Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford AVright, Peter, East Oxford Wright, Richard, Hawarden W rright, W., Bennett's AVyllie, John, Sefton Yates, Archibald, North Loburn Yaxley, Cornelius, North Loburn Young, Charles, Kaiapoi Young, James, jun., Sefton Young, James,.Sefton Zweibruck, D., East Oxford 12 '94 4000 84 92 49° '79 305 67 '7 214 3600 66 87 4611 490 74 68 25 180 Nil 60 350 200 110 400 110 280 490 220 1292 1280 2793 800 950 5°o 65 270 5° 80 40 394 232 100 220 192 300 400 125 1284 1049 1691 500 600 493 64 163 3°3 30 30 380 60 80 SELWYN COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Abbott, William, Clifton, Southbridge Acton-Adams, W., Island F, Christchurch ... Adams, Charles, Greendale Adams, T. W., Offord, Greendale Addinglon, George, Courtenay Albeit, John, Kirwco Aldred, T. R., Leeston Aldridge, Albert, Dunsandel Allan, Robert, Hillsborough, Christchurch ... Allen, Alexander, Killinchy Allen, AVilliam, Grange, Trwell Amyes, Alfred, Holly, Kirweo Amyes, J. 0., Hornby Amyes, R. H., Aleadow Bank, Kirwee Amyes, S. H., Lake View, Irwell Anderson, 11., Yaldhurst Anderton, Thomas, Halkett Town Andrew, AV. B., Springston and Greenpark Alison, T. H., Wintcrfold, Courtenay Archer, Thomas, Sheffield Ashworth, A., Addington Atkinson, Thomas, Springfield Atkinson, W. Ayersdale, Springfield Atkinson, William, Grassdale, Springfield ... Attwood, Thomas, Southbridge Bailey, Samuel, Templelon Bailey, William, Templeton Baker, G. T., The Downs, Hororata Balfour, William, Russell's Flat Ballagh, Henry, Hororata Ballagh, S., Leeston Ballantyne, Mrs., Riccarton Bank N.S.W., Heslerton, Christchurch Barker, George, Rathway, Leeston Barnes, Anthony, Tai Tapu Barnett, J., Deep Spring, Leeston Barr, J. P., Sheffield Barr, James, Sheffield Barrett, Charles, B riarfield, Tai Tapu Barter, Stephen, Templeton Bax, Charles, Sheffield Baxter, It. and G., Southbridge Baxter, William, Brookside Baynes, A. T., Templeton Bealey, R. and N., Rakaia Alead, Hororata... Bealey, S., Rakaia Alead, Hororata 726415 7'3835 850 600 396 2700 '65 122 IOOO 1353 225 2 IOO 200 1.30 Nil Nil 160 200 11 2 186 700 190 480 75° 400 92 ,76 2620 2400 200 123 223 1650 Nil Nil 485 140 150 2440 310 160 93 667 700 2300 122 2'95 290 400 110 180 30 272 5°o 2100 84 2000 275 '93 180 180 230 20 Nil 300 16 "2S3 5° 90 5°o 2000 9 76 310 2200 220 296 200 190 Nil Nil 600 121 600 25 97 2900 3070 I 34 75 2693 6300





No of S' 3;st . beep on May. 18S6. 18S7. Bealey, Samuel, Haldon, Hororata Beatty, A., Longford, Coalgate Beatty, Ambrose, Coalgate Bedford, George, Courtenay Begg, William, Greendale Bell, George, AVest Melton Bell, John, Templeton Benham, P., Kowai, Springfield Bennetts, A. P., Tai Tapu Bennetts Brothers, Christchurch Bouncy, Joseph, Southbridge Berry Brothers, Philipstown Biggs, Abraham, Springfield Bishop, AVilliam, Southbridge Bissett, Archibald, Rolleston Blake, AV., Bessingby, Upper Riccartoii Bleyard, AVilliam, Coalgate Boag, John, Aliddlekigg, Brookside Boag, W., Burnside and Selwyn (Chch.) Bond, J. II. C, Lake Coleridge Boon, Edwin, Yaldhurst Boswell, Thomas, Selwyn Boulton, Richard, Kimberley Boulton, T., Kirwee Bourke, William, Tai Tapu Boyle, W. H., Ellesmere Brabazon, John, Aylesbury Bradshaw, JameB, Waddington Brake, Charles, Tai Tapu Brett, J. IL, Courtenay Britlan, P. IL, Kelsie, Burnham Brock, William, West Alclton Brooks, Thomas, Brookside Brown, G. 11., Lofftuss, Dunsandel Brown, James, Dunsandel Brown, James, Hororata Brown, James, Milburn, Coalgate Brown, John, Kimberley Brown, J. and W., Hororata Brown, AVilliam, Broadfield Brownlee, Thomas, Hororata Bruce, and Irvine, Cora Lynn, Bealey Bryenton, G. AV., Sandhills, Christchurch ... Buchanan, N. L , Newstcad, Rakaia Buckley, Andrew, Brookside Buckley, Airs. A r., Papanui . ... Buddo, David, Ellesmere Bull, A. S., Addington Bull and Co., Christchurch Bull, Frederick, Waddington Bull, William, Burnham Burdon, Isaac, Burnham Burke, Martin, Burnham Bush, James, Dunmow, Courtenay Butler, Edward, Springfield Butler, J. B., Dunsandel Butterficld, J., Broom, Russell's Plat Button, Frederick, Springfield Calder, Alexander, Halkett Town Callaghan, A. K, Southbridge Callan, William, Springston Campbell, Charles, Waddington Campbell and Co., Southbridge Campbell, John, Southbridge Campbell, John, West Alelton Campbell, AL S., Yaldhurst; Gambpell, Peter, Killinchy Campion, John, Prebblelon Carpenter, G. F., Yaldhurst Carpenter, AV. II., Prebbleton Carter, Francis, Halswell Carter, Thomas, Greenpark Chamberlain, A., Brookside Chamberlain Bros., AVaireka, Hawkins Chamberlain, Henry, Ellesmero Chamberlain, P., Irwell Chamberlain, W., Hadstock, Ellesmere Chisnall, Alfred, Yaldhurst Clark, Charles, Christchurch Clark, Philip, Broadfield Clark, William, Leeston Clarkson, II. and AV., Christchurch Cleatbing, J., Whitecliffs Clifford Brothers, Springston 12624 400 400 299 300 5' 182 1170 240 4279 700 50 60 485 200 60 2382 6400 13500 24 36 200 500 200 60 IOOOO 300 Nil 20 3492 275 375 700 130 327 500 '5° 100 300 14500 22 9920 295 392 200 300 5' 72 1020 300 1203 500 Nil 81 24 270 100 Nil 2491 4000 12800 36 22 '95 500 130 60 9900 200 300 Nil 1600 5'° 270 150 620 90 278 300 IOO 99 IOO 14430 28 1982 Nil 64 600 38 650 Nil' Nil 10 95 5° 72 94 200 '5 79 57 200 48 300 Nil 89 49 227 55 '30 400 4817 '77 130 20 50 26,5 IOO 76 163 273 181 400 5600 297 j85 '73 1038 2'5 387 '5° 600 "9 200 39 26 5720 IOOO 500 700 44 52 60 '4 60 Nil Nil 597 190 840 26 26 5° 188 4'85 868 190 4494 947 67

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Clinton, P., Darfield Clougher, AV., Harewood Road, Papanui Coe, John, Irwell Cogan, James, Racecourse Hill Cofehan, Thomas, Upper Riccarton Collins, William, Springston Colthart, Robert, Broomfiold, Sheffield Comrie, David, Halkett Town Cook, John, Courtenay Cooney, Thomas, West Melton Cooper, It., sen., Rolleston Cooper, W. and G., Leeston Corbett, James, Burnham Cordy, James, Hororata Cordy, John (executors of), Hororata Cordy Brothers, Steventon, Whitecliffs Coton, Bentley, Hororata Cotton, It. AL (executors of), Lake Coleridge Cowan, Airs., Southbridge Craighead, Alexander, Sheffield Craighead, D., Russell's Flat Craighead, John, Russell's Flat Craighead, Thomas, Russell's Plat Cresswell, John, Hororata Croskell, R., Kirwee Cross, AV. P., Burnham Crump, John, Springston Cryer, AL, Waterford, Southbridge Crysell, W., Rolleston Cunningham, Andrew, Dunsandel Cunningham, J., Brookside Cunningham, P., Rockwood (Christchurch) Curragh, Robert, Templeton Dalgety & Co., Grassmere, Christchurch Daniels, Airs., Papanui Darroch, Duncan, Rakaia Davidson, A. S., Greenpark Davies, Roes, Hororata Davis, A. 15., Lyppert, Halkett Town Davis, John, Styx Davis, Thomas, Coalgate Dawson, Thomas, Hornby Deans, John, Riccarton Deans, John, Homebush Dearing, C, Christchurch Delamain, J. 0., Christchurch Dennis, Samuel, Hororata Dent and Son, Greendale Derrett, E., Springbank, Hororata Dilloway, J., Dunsandel Dingle, J. T., Richmond, Christchurch Dixon, Thomas, Leeston Dixon, Thomas, Spreydon Dorman, William, Springfield Doyle, P., Whitecliffs Doyle, S. 0.) Leeston Drayton, G. W., AVest Alelton Drummond, Peter, Rakaia Dudley and Lawrence, Leeston Duggan, William, Sheffield Duke, J. AL, Springston Dunlop, William, Styx Durey, G. P., Papanui Dysart, James, Courtenay Eaglesome, AL, Christchurch Earl, Mark, Killinchy Early, Charles, Greendale Ede, William, Kimberley Egan, Alichael, Athmount, Aylesbury Ellis Brothers, Rolleston Enys Brothers, Christchurch Evans, J. C, Springfield Ewans, Godfrey, Hororata Fay, Anthony, Doylestou Fay, John, Doyleston FAilloon, Airs. Ellen, Killinchy Fentz, Henry, the Desert, Courtenay Ferguson, John, Springfield Fergusson, II. A. C., Halswell Fessey, J. B., Lawford, Weedon's Field, James, Springfield Fincham, T., AVillow Glen, Southbridge Finlay, Robert, Halkett Town Finlay, W"illiam, Courtenay 9357 6o 5000 4O0 500 85 28o I20 '65 86 28 500 900 I IOOO 7000 200 l6800 395 89 Hi 93 '5 286 98 498 64 86 270 1380 76 9056 198 2000 90 600 180 2S4 47 180 1070 1858, 100 770 820 56.5 290 1000 5459 97 3200 150 400 83 55o 96 '95 293 Nil 87 400 100 I IOOO 7000 150 17000 350 120 95 55 58 260 255 108 47' 67 5' 260 1070 5959 57 8500 "5 1700 31 350 '95 Nil Nil 120 776 18884 Nil 50 665 33° 250 900 50 90 100 30 142 120 400 364 225 2000 600 384 592 253 190 172 39 373 2:500 Nil 400 592 235 58 288 392 '97 592 40 200 35 58 '7 8600 37° 20 77 5° 8449 9° 5° 329 400 50 97 100 140 250 10 240 60 100 1090 200 37 Nil 20 600 40 600 5' 500 132 400


B—H. 13.




No. of s: 31st; bee;, on Hay. 1886. 1887. Fisher, S., Glenthorne, Sydenham Fisher, S., Heathcote, Sydenham Fisher and Goldsmith, Irwell Fisher, William, Grassdale, Springfield Fleming, R. G., Willow, Sheffield Flood, John, Southbridge Follows, William, Halkett Town Forrester, James, Sydenham Frankish, O, Leeston Frankish J. D., Christchurch Frankish, T. AV., Leeston Fraser, Alexander, Dunsandel Fraser, Rer. C, West Alelton Fraser, John, Sheffield Furze, J. AL, Dunsandel Fussell, Thomas, Doyleston Sabbatis, Thomas, Prebbleton Gabbie, AV., Mount Pleasant, Southbridge ... Gallagher, John, Southbridge Gamble, Charles, Waddington 3 ammack, James, Springston Gardiner, IL, Wilson's Farm, Irwell Gardiner, J. S., Holcombe, Leeston Gardiner, AVilliam, Burnham Srarfortb, S., Spreydon, Christchurch Garland, E., AVoolston Gemmell, John, Dunsandel Gerard,AV., AlanukaPoint, Christchurch ... Gerard, AV., Snowdon, Christchurch Gibb, J., Glentunuel Gibson, Robert, West Alelton biddings, George, Greendale (Tinwald) Gilbert, John, Dunsandel Gill, James, Kirwee Gillanders, Edward, Springfield Gillanders, Hector, Darfield Glover, H. W., Halswell Gough, Airs. Hannah, Greendale Gough, James, Greendale Gould, George, Folly Farm, Springston Gourley, John, West Alelton Graham, J. A., Sumner 3raham, John, Burnbank, Christchurch Graham, Samuel, Leeston Graham, AV., Southbridge Grant, William, Halkett (Timaru) Gray, Ernest, Hon., Hoon Hay, Christchurch Gray, James, Springhill, Hororata Greares, Edwin, Springston Griffiths, George, Hororata Griffiths, Samuel, Rolleston Griffiths, Thomas, Lakeside Grigg, A. S., Airs., Whitecliffs Grores, Amos, Eversfield, Sheffield Gudsell, Thomas, Rolleston Guiney, Edward, Halkett Town Gunn, John, Racecourso Hill Guy, W. J., Yaldhurst Hack, Edward, Papanui Hale, Benjamin, Kimberley Hall, E. M., AVindmill, YaldhurBt Hall, Henry, Emsworth, Kirwee Hall, H. J., Riccarton Hall, Sir John, Hororata, Coalgate Halliday, John, Leeston Hampton, Christopher, Southbridgo Hancock, Thomas, Bellvue, Papanui Ilanley, Patrick, Kirweo Ilann, Eli, Greendale Ilannant, J. J., Darfield Hanson, J. E., Upper Riccarton Harding, John, Prebbleton Harris, Stephen, Styx Harris, Thomas, Burnham Hartnell, J. N., Hororata Harvey, W. J-, Rolleston Hawkins, R. AV., Yaldhurst Hay, George, Kimberley Hay, William, Rolleston Ha'ydon, Joseph, Prebbleton Hayes, B., Ellesmere Hay ward, David, Greendale Hayward, Goo., Strathfield, Templeton Heatley, Thomas, Halkett Town 5208 6193 Nil 1580 384 150 Nil 35 1770 294 I CO 10 89 80 300 '80 669 98 738 774 900 200 50 1400 70 325 2800 7' 300 21 78 Nil 58 347 90 Nil 493 600 100 5° 991 Nil 322 2400 IOO 476 400 290 4000 20000 370 400 S>3 200 184 4000 20000 85 600 25 400 190 500 50 93 4094 100 231 172 560 1800 1300 192 55 100 126 43 226 172 190 360 2^0 83 400 200 270 600 43° 38 600 160 200 190 400 6 600 4589 1460 Nil 285 152 96 480 IOOO 1916 186 10 '50 26 6 600 162 '77 185 35° 88 200 360 172 30 603 32000 161 95 280 3400O 50 178 370 42 300' 40 380 535 38s 600 40 Nil 87 38.5 1280 80 586 98 187 200 28 280 5o 3°o 292 7' 590 Nil 285 55 Nil 980 100 285 '9 Nil

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Hedge, P. J., Kirwee Hcllewell, Wright, Tai Tapu Henderson, G., jun., Halkett Town Henderson, G., sen., Halkett Town Henderson and McBeath, Christchurch Henley, P., Lincoln Henley, P. J., Leeston Henry, Arthur, Russell's Flat Henry, John, Dunsandel Henry, Thomas, Russell's Flat Hepworth, George, Yaldhurst Hibbard, William, Southbridge Hight, Albert, AVaddington Hill, John, Prebbleton Hill, J. AV., AVest Alelton Hinchcliffe, J., Styx (Christchurch) Hinton, Richard, Templeton Hocking, AV. J., AVest Alelton Hodgens, John, Prebbleton Hogan, M., Rolleston Hogg, Robert, Leeston Hogg, Thomas, Killinchy Hole, AVilliam, Spreydon Holland, Frederick, Greendale Holland, G. AV., Brookside Holland, H. and B., Greendale Holly, AVilliam, Leeston Holmes, Eliza, Bangor, Darfield Holmes, James, Yaldhurst Hooker, AVilliam, Broadfield Hopkins, F., and Co., Christchurch Horner, AVilliam, Papanui Horwell, Job, New Brighton Hoskin, AVilliam, Ellesmere Howson, T. B., Southbridge Hughes, James, Greendale Humphrey, J. and T., Killinchy Hurst, Charles, Oakley, Southbridge Hurst, John, Springston Illingworth, Joseph, Kirwee Industrial School, Burnham Inwood, J. and A. R., Southbridge Irvine, William, Dunsandel Jackson, Prank, Irwell Jackson Brothers, Papanui Jackson, R. IL, Upper Riccarton Jameson, J. P., Colegate Jamieson, W. H., Leeston Jane, Mired, Greendale Jeffs, Charles, Templeton Jenkins, W. J., Courtenay Johns, J., Styx Johnson, Robert, Aylesbury Johnson, T. AV., Kirwee Johnson, Walter, Greendale Johnston, A., Sheffield Johnston, James McO, Rolleston Johnston, Neil, Darfield Jones, James, Templeton Jones, John, West Alelton Jones, Milsom, Killinchy Jones, William, North Road, Kaiapoi Jones & Stronach, Cragieburn, Cass Joseph, A. L., Whitecliffs Jowers, J. E., Springfield Jude, J. C, Barton F'arm, Sheffield Kain, Thomas, Springfield Keeley and AVillcox, Springston Kemp, John, Courtenay (Christchurch) Kemp, Richard, Kirwee Kendall, W., Leeston Kennaway, William, Woolston Kennedy, J., Halswell, Christchurch Kerr, John, Dunsandel Keys, G. A., Sheffield Kimber, Henry, Springston Kimber, James, Grafton, Greenpark Kiine, Henry, Springston King, George, and Co., Christchurch King, J. J., Killinchy Kiver, C, Burnham, Christchurch Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, H., St. Albans, Christchurch Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill 800 22 96 60 70S 172 500 300 I 6 '4 '18 316 IOOO IOO 68 200 300 50 770 243 353 622 IOOO 10730 907 2'S 233 IOO 20 178 700 500 1330 49OO 4226 321 44 2625 700 600 95 110 Nil 28 30 26 35 150 359 50 304 7o 4i 10 26 Nilo 45o 8o 2 2o 6 Nil Q < 9 2 7o° 466 166 48° 6o4 9SO° 2 9 9 Nil 65 235 3° 22' '35° 30° 98 0 4475 H28 6 2 5 3 ; 8 460O 70O 75° 24 124 856 35° Nil 183 53 612 688 176 58 Nil 912 250 140 Nil 300 610 775 392 18 300 100 342 300 340 198 98 21500 287 86 906 500 "3 283 300 263 180 Nil 21412 172 94 429 300 720 1570 180 266 60 100 152 95 40 48 Nil 70 46 280 2130 98 1330 346 40 "973 92 35 18 40 90 109s 83 974 500 50 "437





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S6. 1887. Cnight, J., Alount Pleasant, Rolleston Cnight, John, New Brighton Cnight, Silas, Rolleston Cruse, D., Papanui Jaffey, Thomas, Kirwee jaing, IL, Templer Island, Christchurch ... jamport, Thomas, Glentunnel jane, H. B., Christchurch jane, James, Yaldhurst jangdon and Judge, Christchurch jarcombe, H. Templeton jaughton, Oliver, Halkett Town Jaw, James, AVeedon's, Rolleston Jawrence, AV. D., Rayensworth, Leeston jean, W. S., Yaldhurst jearmonth,T. L., Ardlin, Rakaia jee, Mrs. 11. M., Southbridge Jee, Mrs. Sarah, Glentunnel Jee, H. AL, Southbridge JCgg, James, Aylesbury jemon, Airs. W. J., Killinchy jemon, Samuel, Doyleston jeslie, H. J. P., Kirwee jerett, James, Killinchy Jill, George, Grange, Dunsandel jockhead, R. and J., Leeston Jockhead, Thomas, Dunsandel jong, AVilliam, Rolleston jord, Jabez, Kirwee Jord, Thomas, Burnham joyett, Joseph, Hororata Jow, Alexander, Dunsandel jukies, Joseph, Southbridge jyon, Arthur, Templeton Macintosh, Ewen, Hororata HacLeod, John, Glendore (Jjeoston) tfaddison, J., Templeton Haffey, Richard, Hororata Haginness, John, Templeton tfagon, Karl, Greenpark Hangers, Johann, Tai Tapu tfangin, George, Greendale Hanion, P. AVeedons, Rolleston Hann, Arthur, Greendale Hann, John, St. Albans, Christchurch Hanson, Hugh, Kimberley Hanson, James, Kimberley Harks, II., AVeedons (Christchurch) Harr, John, Deanston, Halkett Town Harrack, Richard, Christchurch Harsh Brothers, Christchurch Marshall, F. and AV., Templeton Harshall, George, Springston Harsball, John, SpringBton Hatheson, J., Darfield Matthews, William, Springston Mathias, Lewis, Southbridge McBeath, Roderick, Executors of, Kimberley HcCarten, Thomas, Templeton HcClelland, H. W., Kimberley HeClelland, W. W., Kimberley HcConnell, Henry, Fendaltown, Christchurch HcConnell, J. J., Lakeside HcCormick, Thomas, Southbridge HcCrostie, Hugh, Greendale HcDonald, Donald, Leeston HcEvedy, Peter, Southbridge McFetriek, Alexander, Hokitika McGregor, B. and A., Burnham Hcllraith, Robert, Southbridge Hcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllrath, J. L., Lakeside Mcintosh, Thomas, Rockwood, Christchurch McKay, Alexander, Halkett Town McKee, John, Killinchy McKellar, John, Southbridge HcKie, T. and AV., Burnside, Glentunnel ... McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston HcLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston HcLauchlan, W., Brookside HcLauchlan, J. and A., Erindale, Burnham HcLaughlin, Seaton, Dunsandel McLenaghan, D., Killinchy HcLennan, D., Halkett Town '35 100 182 7o 400 500 97 99 700 125 140 60 12 1300 700 2200 2488 328 170 50 '75 2470 86 800 555 186 140 500 1400 20 198 82 264 IOOO 370 300 136 38 285 600 153 '5° '5° 372 34° 2147 92 5° 3° 150 IOO 134 Nil 172 IOO 148 Nil 400 500 84 171 870 226 140 7 4 1500 497 Nil Nil 49 107 253 80 '5° Nil 45 IOOO 474 172 150 Nil 900 30 196 Nil 400 246 96 690 300 119 57 187 500 '53 Nil 106 '4 250 '775 •Nil Nil 2 024 2570 296 186 200 460 300 IOO 500 96 20 86 2163 192 165 '50 340 300 Nil 500 IOOO 16 500 1150 97 300 418 520 160 '93 24 8500 296 7° 348 987 700 388 200 700 5° 97 693 IOO 280 Nil 580 Nil 190 Nil Nil 298 59 287 994 780 271 287 34o 40 22 799

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. McLennan, William, Halkett Town McMillan, D., Beachoroft, Southbridge McMillan, John, Dunsandel MoNae, Archibald, Courtenay McNeil, R., Doyleston AlcPhedran, J. D., Darfield _ MoYinnie, William, Southbridge Miles, William, Folly, Springston Milliken and O'Halloran, Springfield ALUs, John, Airs., Greeudale Milne, J., Lincoln Road & Sth'bg., Christch. Minchin, W., Westwood, Waddington Moffatt, Jennings, Hals well Moffatt, William, Sheffield Aloir and Co., Hororata Aloir, William, Styx, Christchurch Alonck, J. S., Sumner Moore, John, Sheffield Moorhead, AL, Southbridge Moran, Charles, Templeton Morgan, J. G., Hororata Morrish, Richard, Craigleigh, Springston ... Morshead, J. T. P., Lincoln Morten, R. AL, Alt. Pleasant, Christchurch... Aluir, Archibald, Springston Aluirhead, John, Templeton Alunro, Roderick, Greendale Alunson, Mrs. Arthur, Dunsandel Alurchison, John, Lake Coleridge Murray, P. C, Lincoln Murray, P. C. II., Lincoln Murray, J. G., Greenpark Mutton, William, Lincoln Nankivell, J., Ashbourne Napier, George, Glentunnel Napier, James, Glentunnel National Mortgage and Agency Co., Kirwee Neave, F. D. S., Law-ford, Rolleston Needham, Thomas, Rolleston Nelson, Andrew, Dunsandel Nelson, John, Hororata Nelson, J. II„ Rolleston Newlove, G. AV., Dunsandel N.Z. L. and AL A. Co., Brookdale, Springfield N.Z.L. & ALA. Co, Greenham Barton, S'thbrdg. N.Z. L. & AL A. Co., Rainham, Christchurch N.Z. L. & At. A. Co., Alt. Torlesse, Springfield N.Z.L. & M,A. Co., Mount White, Cass ... Nicklaus, J. F., Yaldhurst Nixon, William, Killinchy Nuttall, Andrew, Annat, Springfield Oakley, John, Halkett Town O'Boyle, Patrick, Leeston O'Brien, Matthew, Killinchy O'Callaghan, D., Springston, Coutts Island ... Odgers, Edward, Springfield Oliff, W. T, Spreydon Oliver, William, Hororata O'Neill, Benjamin, Doyleston Orr, AV. P., Courtenay Orsbourn, D. J., Hororata Osborne, James, Aleclway, Tai Tapu Osborne, Job, Doyleston Osborne, John, Kirwee (Christchurch) Osborne, Patrick, Templeton Ovcrend, Edmund, Deanstean, Halkett Town Overend Thomas, Christchurch Overton, F., Walsingham, Lakeside Overton, Henry, Ellesmere Overton, John, Prebbleton Palmer, Joseph, Burnham, Christchurch Palmer, S. AV., Whitecliffs Pannett, H., Springston Pannett, J. A., Hatton, Springston Pannett, T., Springston Pannett, W. F\ Lincoln Park, Samuel, Burnham Parker, Airs. H., Burnham Patchett, D., jun., Millbrook, Styx Paterson, Alexander, Kirwee Paterson, James, Prebbleton Peagram, C. 11. , Halkett Town Pearce, Thomas, Templeton Pearce, H. J., Aylesbury 1200 1162 320 792 16 800 125 2306 5° 3833 376o 241 93 750 60 1000 183 21 'So 296 300 6385 260 300 5°o 160 13400 43° 45 5530 287 75 850 840 500 66 10 127 9200 2040 3000 11870 28104 200 1760 3'32 444 286 75 700 244 Nil 250 20 2761 1855 80 80 898 Nil 1000 103 187 Nil 190 300 '95 8796 200 • 250 7o 98 14980 300 140 4969 40 '4 422 IOO Nil 650 400 86 '5 Nil 129 8700 Nil 2453 11821 450 '4 600 480 190 90 60 380 163 300 500 93 292 323'4 270 500 5' Nil 400 200 Nil 100 16 400 72 96 300 2CO 200 32 95 8s 1910 3737 330 1146 275 '53 730 102 30 1920 3400 466 783 Nil 189 390 210 85 116 800 Nil 800 253 '5 4' IOOO 95 1506 9' 86 120 160 110 263





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Pearson, William, Lincoln Peat, Edward, Christchurch Peryman, H. E., Tai Tapu Phillips, G. S., Templeton Phillips, Henry, Leeston Phillips, T. A., Wind whistle Phillips, AV., Rolleston Philpott, A. AL, St. Albans, Christchurch ... Philpott, John, Upland, Papanui Philpott, J. AV., St, Albans, Christchurch ... Pickering, AVilliam Coalgate Pitt, William, Kimberley Poole, George, Killinchy Pope, John, Springfield Powell, Joseph, Grore, Springston Prebble, Edward, Prebbleton Prebble, J, W., Prebbleton Prestidge, Jesse, Hororata Proctor J., Russell's Flat Rainey, James, Sheffield Randall, J. A., Dunsandel Redfern, C. AV., Springfield Reid, A. J., Ardlin, Rakaia Reid, Robert, Darfield Rennie, John, Doyleston Rerele'y, B., Kimberley Rereley, B., jun., Kimberley Rereley, Groves, Kimberley Richards, H., Hororata Ridgen, George, Greendale Riordan, P., Kirwee Roberts, Phineas, Heslerton, Dunsandel Robertson, George, Russell's FTat Robertson, James, Courtenay Robinson, T., AVhinoops, Christchurch Rogers, James, Templeton Roilett and Trafford, Hororata Rollo, Janet, Irwell Roper, Robert, Halkett Town Rosewarne, J. R., Christchurch Rothery, Henry, Doyleston Rountree, William, St. Albans, Christchurch Rowe, Thomas, Christchurch Rowell, James, Springston Rudd, C, Greendale Rudd, George, Greendale Rudd, J. F., Greendale Ruddock, Edward, Southbridge Rutherford, G., jun., High Peak, Russell's Flat Rutherford, G., jun., Benmore, Russell's Flat Rutherford, G., jun., Dalethorpe, Russell's Flat Rutledge, Alexander, Bankside, Rakaia Rutledge, John, Russell's Flat Ryan, AL, sen., Templeton Ryan, Michael, Broadfield Ryan, Patrick, Templeton Sanderson, Crispin, Killinchy Sandford, J., Heathcote Valley Sanford, Martin, Papanui 3anson, James, Darfield Saunders, A. E., AVest Melton 3avage, George, AA rest Alelton Savill, William, Yaldhurst Sawle, J. AV., Bankside (Ashburton) Sayers, A. R., Sheffield School of Agriculture, Lincoln Scott, C. G., AVeedons, Templeton Scott, David, Brookside Scott, John, AVindwhistlo Scott, Robert, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch Scott, Samuel, Southbridge Searle, Frederick, Rolleston Searle, Joseph, Sheffield Searle, Airs. AL J., AVest Alelton Sears, James, Russell's Flat 3eaton, George, Kirwee 3eay, T. S., Springfield Sharp, John, Lincoln Shaw, William, Doyleston 3heate, AVilliam, Greendalo 3herlock, J., Sydenham Shipley, Burton, Greendale Shirley, E. H., Yaldhurst 36 80 290 376 300 I IOOO 67 60 433 409 200 300 '5 3° '97 250 9° 94 107 230 73 84 293 IOOOO 77 55 430 244 200 60 11 30 '75 Nil 300 23 '59 108 663 330 2097 Nil 840 70 Nil Nil 100 1500 580 477 IOOO 280 66 240 IOOO 790 IOOO 620 8148 197 12 466 142 Nil 343 7 286 '43 90 172 170 45 650 20 5° 100 140 96 33 S5o 38 Nil Nil Nil 95 2355 300 1032 225 420 6082 3389 11390 5973 3494 10960 200 200 200 '5° 100 100 3°o IOO 98 187 136 216 1058 200 35° IOO 63 182 152 281; 958 6S 60 Nil 76 14S1 20 140 IOOO 99 '337 370 355 .76 340 200 298 130 9' 90 9° 96 2020 3'2 300 60 190 96 102 2000 295 996 22 700 42 290 943 90 600 Nil

No. of s: 31st] beep on Hay. 18S6. I 1887. Smart, Amon, Templeton Smith, Arthur, Russell's Flat Smith Brothers, Spreydon Smith, G. A., Broom, Lincoln Smith, G. F., Springfield, Southbridge Smith, Henry, Springfield Smith, Henry, Kaiapoi Smith, John, Burnham Smith, John, Prebbleton Smith, Aloulds, Charing Cross Smith, Young, Aylesbury Smithson, J. (Executors late), Tjceston Smithson, William, Christchurch Smyth, John, Killinchy Sowden, Jonathan, Dunsandel Spence, J., Killinchy Spencer, Edmund, Styx Stacey, AVilliam, Hororata Staekhouse, James, Killinchy Stanh'y, John, Broadway, Papanui Starely, E. G., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch Stead, G. G., Coringa, Christchurch Steele, Samuel, Hororata Stephens, George, Bush, Brookside Stewart, Colin, Hornby Stockbridge, T., Sheffield Storey, Charles, Greendale Storry, Andrew, Southbridge Stott, William, Kimberley Strange, William, Selwyn, Christchurch Stubbs, William, Selwyn Sutherland, Robert, Christchurch Swinn, George, Greendale Taiaroa, Hon. II. R., Southbridge, Ch. Ch. ... Taylor, Andrew, Dunsandel Taylor, Charles, Brookside Taylor, W. J., Aylesbury Taylor and Harwood, Aylesbury Templer, E. M., Welldown, Christchurch ... Templeton, AVilliam, Upper Riccarton Thompson, R. D., Southbridge Thompson, W. M., Templeton Thompson, John, junr,, Halkett Town Thompson, John, ICillineliey Thomson, David, Halkett Town Thomson, John, Yaldhurst Thomson, AVilliam, Burnham Thorn, John, Christchurch Thwaites, James, Hororata Tisch, Henry, Styx Tod, D., Leeston Tod, John, Lincoln Tolerton, Thomas, Killinchy Topham, G. AL, Lincoln Tosswill, J. N., Kirwee and Ilayno, Prebbleton Tosswill, R. G. D., Highfield, Kirwee Townshend, II. and P., Lincoln Traves, J., Russell's Flat Tresidder, William, Sheffield Trickett, IL, West Alelton Trott, H. and J., Springston Troup, J., Glentunnel Truscott, A. C, West Melton Tubman, Thomas, Papanui Tuft Brothers, Broomfield, Riccarton Turner, John, Courtenay Turner, AV., Halkett Town Tutton, A. E., Christchurch Tweedy, Joseph, Courtenay Unwin, H. J., Killinchy Upton and Russell, Springfield Vaughan, E., AVest Alelton A roice, Thomas, Templeton Waby, G. C, Southbridge AVade and Fletcher, AA Taireka, Hawkins AVagnor, J. S. and Sons, Coalgato Walker, AV., AVest Melton AA ralker, AV., Brookside Wallace, Thomas, Russell's Flat Wallace, AVilliam, Russell's Flat Walles, Henry, Springfield Walles, T. C, Springfield AVallis, Thomas, Kirwee AVard, Francis, Russell's Flat 80 87 199 290 106 5° Nil 90 200 250 383 178 386 IOO '4 171 '97 150 87 70 73 Nil Nil 200 15 10 400 1170 50 400 200 I IOO 360 1090 48 805 200 665 270 26 900 172 280 900 '75 434 865 685 5600 200 250 3'5 Nil 140 403 95 292 500 170 360 57 200 47 1320 343 342 IOOO 166 403 900 69s 5970 162 53 47° 5'7 95 243 86 344 1650 200 240 200 250 55 182 116 849 21 40 130 8 830 280 '95 Nil Nil 190 9 300 292 60 81 2668 3°S3 340 80 7° 76 1021 190 960 240 50 100 "95 3018 293 80 295 300 130 48 9' 34 2150 242 600 400 40 95 944 ■56 45o 35° 285 50 37 40 62 65 2020 201 600 90 878 600 270 297 180 300 3805 700 589 68c 178 151 180 42 5 96 '°5 26 "8





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Fleming, R. and W., Port Levy ForreBter, John, Lyttelton ... Gardiner, H. D., Purau, Lyttelton Garforth, J. G., Lyttelton Gebbie, John, Newton, Gebbie's Flat Gebbie, AV. D. Gorernor's Bay Gerken, F. W., Tai Tapu Gilmour, AA Tilliam, Greenpark Glynan, John, Akaroa Goodwin Brothers, Pigeon Bay Goodwin, W., Green Park Gordon, J., jun., Stockdale, Little Akaloa ... Gray, W. A., Gebbie's Plat Greig, Thomas, Gebbie's Flat Griffiths, Thomas, Tai Tapu Hammond, J., jun., German Bay Hammond, James, Ben., German Bay Harris, H. H., Okain's Bay Harris, John, Okain's Bay Harris, R. E,, Governor's Bay Harris, Robert, Teddingtou Harris, T. E., Gebbie's Flat Hart, F.J German Bay Hawkins, Harrey, Lyttelton Hay, James, Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Hay, T. O., Pigeon Bay Hay, AVilliam, Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Hay lock, C, jun., Akaroa Holland and Tapley, Lyttelton Holmes, Eliza, Pigeon Bay Hunt, J., Pigeon Bay Hunt, Stephen, Barry's Bay Joblin, G. R., Little River Jones, Albert, Akaroa Kay Bros., Pigeon Bay Kennedy, Duncan, Wainui Knight, A. C, Barry's Bay . Knight, J. T., Lo Bons Bay Latter, Robert, Barry's Bay Leathern, Thomas, Tai Tapu Le Lierre, Eugene, Akaroa Le Lierre, E. E., Akaroa Lo Lierre, F., Akaroa Le Lievre, Jules, Akaroa Lewthwaite, John, Little River Lyon, Alexander, German Bay Alacphail, Archibald, Island Bay, Wainui.., Atacphail, D. and A., Wainui Alanson, John, Gebbie's Flat Manson, S., Governor's Bay Marshall, A. and G., Little Akaloa Alasefield Brothers, Gough's Bay, Akaroa ... McDonald, Coll, Wainui AlcHale, Henry, Raupo, Little Akaloa AicKay, G eorge, Alelness, Pigeon Bay McKay, William, Wainui Menzies, J. IL, Alacintosh Bay, Lyttelton ... Alortcn, R. M., Ahuriri (Christchurch) Alould, T. B., AVoodlands, Duvauchelle Narbey, Francis, Long Bay, Akaroa Narbey, F., junr., Akaroa Newton, C. and Son, (Trustees of), Port Hills, Prebbleton Newton, J. R., Akaroa Noonan, J. J. and Son, Robinson's Bay Norrio, W. J., Wainui Parkinson, T. H. (Executors of), Gebbie's Flat Paton, AVilliam, jun., Pigeon Bay Pawson, J., Little Akaloa Pawson, T. and AV. H., Little Akaloa Piper, Henry, Duvauchelle Porter, John, Aylmer's Valley, Akaroa Potts, T. H., Governor's Bay Price, J., Kelvin Grove, Birdling's Flat Radford, John, Gebbie's Valley Reed, James, jun., Barry's Bay Reeve, Richard, Gebbie's Flat Reid, James, Wainui Rhodes, Ambrose, Stoney Bay, Akaroa Rhodes, Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa Rhodes, William, Akaroa Roberts, A. F., Le Bon's Bay Robertson, Struan, Barry's Bay Saxton, G. H., Robinson's Bay 8060 80 11500 90 2440 '4 561 374 2420 2194 1150 452 24 45 200 12 55 296 4° 2300 15° '57S 2 IOO 465 30 10315 600 300 6005 312 340 1112 9265 3029 800 200 240 3000 1500 IOOO 8240 IOO 11289 75 2584 10 475 294 16 1680 2094 800 35° 700 109 61 '9 35 40 8 O 50 98 48 2650 120 13988 100 597 50 10900 400 40 6600 290 300 1 IOO 8863 3190 860 90 330 3000 700 IOOO 787 4005 2000 273 4743 2500 600 2875 5OO Nil 2414 IOO 2300 344 900 75 1500 8150 4292 10 3200 IOOO 3000 394 700 4' 1500 8540 597o 28 2800 800 6420 4500 482 156 335 12000 678 1293 '95 4800 255 25 2000 420 395 Nil Nil 12000 655 IOOO Nil 4280 Nil 22 200 750 210 3500 IOOO IOOO 986 5998 4000 566 66 Nil 33o 55 3500 7SO 3000 1000 575°

'0. of Sheep on 31st May. 188C. I 1887. Washbourne, E., Southbridge Washbourne, IL, Riccarton Washbourne, IL, jun., Selwyn Watson, F. and IL, Prebbleton Watson, George, West Melton Watson, John, Clayfield, Brooksido Watson, AI. AV., Upper Riccarton Watson, AV., Cordross, Coalgate Webb, AV. O, Upper Riccarton Weir, Alatthew, Hagley Park, Christchurch Welburn, AV. E., Aylesbury Westenra Brothers, Camla, Dunsandel White, Edwin, Southbridge White, G. F., Courtenay White, AV. IL, Prebbleton Why te, James, Waddington Whyte, Adam, Clifton, Halkett Town Whyte, Peter, Halkett Town Whyte, AVilliam, Halkett Town Williams, A. C, Southbridge Willis, R. B., Southbridge Willey, Willows, Selwyn Wilkin, R. (Executors of), Christchurch Wilkes, J. G., Prebbleton Wilson, E. R., Styx Wilson, James, Doyleston Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executor of), Cashmere, Christchurch Wilson, Thomas, Styx Wilson, W. AL, Styx Withell, Charles, Brookside Withell, R., Brookside Withers, Drummond, Killinchy Witty, George, West Melton Woodcock, A. P., AA Thiteeliffs Wooltorton, R., Christchurch Wotton, Thomas, Ferry Road, Christchurch Wraight, Douglas, Mystole, DunBandel Wright, F., Dunsandel Wright, J. T., Dunsandel Wright, Richard, Ellesmere Yarr, E. Tai Tapu Yates, J. AV., Russell's Flat Yeatnian, John, Charing Cross 1240 5' 8oo 574 •75 997 290 30 600 105 6543 2000 192 290 188 490 30 1566 851 4 1600 62 1500 280 495 Nil 170 280 4 2 73 86 7432 3000 30 35° 290 189 136 70 918 653 60 Nil 100 4 100 7600 29 97 5795 22 150 2725 32 56 4' 596 H3 '3 '47 2520 9 Nil 61 496 176 18 120 700 1090 1500 140 no 57 95 680 1065 2000 '73 100 AKAROA COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Adams, Thomas, Akaroa Allan, James, Governor's Bay Anderson, R., Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Anning, Frederick, Akaroa Armstrong, G., Alount Vernon, Akaroa Armstrong, G., jun., Akaroa Ashton, AV. AL, Decanter Bay, L. Akaloa ... Bailey, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Daker, T. S., French F^arin, Barry's Bay Barnett,, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Barnett, AVilliam, Le Bon's Bay Bennett, H. J., Little Akaloa Birdling, W., Birdling's Flat Black, G. J., Garfield, Akaroa Bloor, G. T., Governor's Bay Bradley, R. R., Lyttelton Brown, Charles, Okain's Bay Bruce, J. D., Akaroa Buchanan, H., Trustees of the late, Kinloch, Little River Butler, George, Gebbie's Flat Chappell, E. S., Akaroa Checkley, George, Akaroa Cholmondeley, C. P., Port Levy Constable, A., Governor's Bay Dook, Brothers, Gollan's Bay, Lyttelton Coop, AV., Spring Vale, Little River Dalglish, James, Le Bon's Bay Doyle, James, Tai Tapu Doyle, Dr. P., Ahuriri (Christchurch) Edmonds and Gebbie, Teddington Edmonds, George, Gebbie's Flat Field, J. A., Port Lery Fitton, Charles, Gorernor's Bay Fleming Brothers, Port Lery .,, 715298 651G51 380 436 400 240 4400 420 373 450 250 4236 500 2000 Nil 580 96 '99 500 13080 250 20 425 2215 130 650 1000 1100 13600 Nil 9 1986 50 45° 18500 1490 50 475 20000 200 301 570 '5 380 30 4800 4600 180 800 8500 800 100 170 50 100 9 279 '3 3500 3900 200 95° 8000 300 100 8550 1290 7000





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1086. | 1887. 3efton, Arthur, Okain's Bay Shadbolt, B. (Executors of), Dnrauchelle ... Shrimpton, E. and J., Okain's Bay Smith, A. A., Quail Island (Christchurch) ... 3now and Anson, Peraki, Wainui Spragge, H. AV., Port Levy 3tanbury, J. P., sen., little River Stewart, R. A., Barry's Bay Streeter, John, Greeupark Sunckcl, John, jun., Long Road, Akaroa Tanner, H. N., Tai Tapu Tarcnder, Prancis, Little Rircr Thacker, J. E., Okain's Bay Tosswill, L. AV., Wairiri, Akaroa Waghorn, A., sen., Little Akaloa Wallis, George, Gorernor's Bay Ware, Thomas, Okain's Bay Wheeler, Matthew, Church, Gebbie's Flat ... AVright, James, AA'ainui 180 '059 30 32 9000 1500 IOOO '30 350 354 400 10000 1000 2250 160 900 130 2000 So 1163 Nil 294 8150 1000 162 300 Nil Nil 292 597 7000 IOOO 2000 I 20 700 29O I50O ASHBURTON COUNTY (In Ashburton Subdivision). Adair, R. AL, Seafield (Christchurch Adams, Richard, AVakanui Aitken, William, AVinslow Alexander, Bros., Rosedale, Lauriston Alington, C. S., Talbot Trees, Rakaia Alington, G. II., Cairnbrae Allan, AVilliam, Newland Allen, W. F., Ashburton Anderson, William, Flemington Angus, James, Rosebank, Chertsey Ashton, Matthew, Ashton Aston, G., Ashburton Aynsley, II. P. AL, Alount Hutt (Chch.) ... Ayrton, A. II., Seafield Baker, 11. G, Methven Baker, John, Alethven Ballance, AL, Hinds Ballantyne, John, Alayfield Hatty, Joseph, Cairnbrae Baxter, J., Rakaia Beach, James, Winslow Beatty, Robert, Kyle Bell, John, AVaterton Bishop, J., Flemington Blake, Richard, Tinwald Bland, J. S., Green Home, Greenstreet Bland, W. (Executors of), Orton Green, Greenstreet Boag, J., Cairnbrae Body, G. W., Tinwald Bond, AV. E., Ashburton Bonifant, J., Ashburton Boyce, S. E., Rakaia Boyle, J., Greenstreet Boyle, H. G. C, Hinds Brake, James, Alayfield Brick, D., Seafield, Lauriston Brown, James, Netherby, AVakanui Brown, John, Ashburton Brown, Matthew, Highbank, Alethven Brown, AV. J., Ashton Brown AVilliam, Wakanui Bruce, Murdoch, Seafield Brydone and Allan, Rakaia Buckley, D., Kyle Bullock, Thomas, Grange, Ashburton Burgess, George, Alayfield Burnard, S. E., Ashburton... Butterick, David, Bainton, Elgin Cameron, Donald, Clunes, Alethven Campbell, John, Mitcham, Lauriston Campbell, Ronald, Chertsey Capon, Robert, Lauriston Carleton, J. H., Alt. Somer3 Carruthcrs, D. B , Rakaia Chalmers, J., Ashburton Chapman, E., Drayton, Alethven Chapman, S. and II., Willowhy Chapman, AV. T., Ashway, Alford Forest ... Chatmoss, Co., AA'inslow 270561 253237 3800 283 2620 1450 1049 90 625 700 IOOO 225 200 '7556 1184 2435 100 7' 1365 656 1074 87 Nil 500 Nil Nil 250 '4363 840 489 382 Nil 2633 77o 97 500 600 100 410 '5° IOO Nil 1400 2043 95 400 330 200 400 '52 358 280 445 357 97 990 360 490 1000 172 1350 686 265 183 '34 500 380 270 Nil Nil 1650 872 130 15100 26 104 489 2000 3°o 16200 200 495 275 3520 900 373 1460 '335 7600 275 - 3°o 2215 '5° 178 600 5900 1300 234 6361 430 251 95° 30 '345 600 '95 360 1708 Nil 191 600 54oo 1002 188 6553

No. of SI 31st I I I 1886. i __ I loop on ttay. 1887. Chisnall, W., Hinds Church, E. J. Greenstreet Church, G. P., Lauriston Clark, A. MoL, Rangitata (Tcmuka) Clephane, Tliomas, Wakanui Cochrane, John, Ashburton Coe, George, Ashburton Cole, George, Ashburton Collins, James, Chertsey Collison, E., Seafield Collison, G., Seafield Copland, James, Chertsey Corbett, Hugh, Alayfield Corbett, John, Scaview Corbitt, John, Ashburton Coster Bros., Blackford, Rakaia Coster Bros., Lyndhurst, Rakaia Coster Bros., Somerton, Rakaia Coward, Gerald, Alethven Crec, Rev. W., Alayfield (Leeston) Croskell Bros., Willowby Crosson, James, Ashton Crowe and Lysaght, Tinwald Croy, William, Ashton Cullen, Hugh, Willowby Cunningham, P., Dromore (Christchurch) ... Dailey, Jeremiah, Lauriston Dalton, Henry, Willowby Dalton, T., AVakanui Daly, Patrick, Lauriston Davies Brothers, Waterton Davies and Wilson, Tinwald Davison, H. R. and A., Rakaia Dawson, A., AVaterton Dawson, A., jun.. Waterton Deans, John, Waimarama (Riccarton) Dcllow, James, Alayfield Denshire, AV. B., Seafield Dent, James, Lauriston Dighy, Octavius, Ashburton Digby, T. N., Ashburton Doak, John, Wakanui Dobson, E. H., Hinds Doherty, Charles, Tinwald Doig, Paul, Chertsey Doig, Peter, Chertsey Dolan, Daniel, Kyle, Donaldson, Hugh, AVaterton Dougharty, G. H., Alethven Dudley and Northey, Tinwald Dunbar, Peter, Lake Heron, Mount Somers Duncan, J. and D., Rakaia Dunn, John, Flemington Dwyer, James, Elgin Emerson, John, Hinds F'crgus, William, Springburn Fitzgerald, David, Wakanui F'itzgerald, P., Ashburton Ford, Joseph, Ealing Foster, P. AL, AVinslow Poster, J. P., Scoltesden, Ashburton Frampton, H., AA 7illowby Friedlander, AL, Ashburton Frisby, A., Harwell, Ashburton Frisby, Robert, Ashburton Gale, Charles, Alayfield Galletly, James, Chertsey Gardiner, J., Rakaia Gardner & Pickering, Ealing, (Christchurch) Gaul, George, Methven Gerard, W., Double Hill, Christchurch Gibson, Mrs. AL, Plainfiehl, Ashburton Giddings, G., Ashburton Reserve, Tinwald ... Giles, AVilliam, AVakanui Gill, William, Chertsey Gilling, Robert, HincU Gilmour, George, Ashton Gilmour, Robert, Ashton Godfrey, H. P., Ealing Good, Joseph, Greenstreet Goodwin, E. M., Ealing Gordon, James, Kyle Gould and Cameron, Methven Graham, J. R. C. C, Ashburton 1501 182 730 520O 262 388 500 37 'S3 475 54 1385 200 410 70 2350a 6000 8123 1080 462 275 250 250 100 'S3 5800 200 293 500 130 2292 30 1740 579 7122 1819 IOOO 75 202 230 267 45 Nil 2500 122 500 8600 21 7 1.6 2 20O Nil Nil 404 Nil 1581 80 500 Nil 21700 5100 8570 Nil 632 186 250 IOOO IOO 330 7893 IOOO 40 243 120 Nil Nil Nil '947 Nil 8594 24 Nil 700 327 647 356 73o 45 164 2273 250 95 1265 Nil 6000 Nil Nil 2540 230 180 '937 3378 6000 200 18 200 303 324 400 250 354 670 374 25 8076 1190 160 100 397 Nil 200 300 570 Nil Nil Nil 4220 1090 6S 322 400 '35° 1200 500 30000 3400 3200 Nil 1820 Nil 200 5°o 1420 2000 850 30000 IOOO 3200 106 '9'5 290 200 '95 216 13179 400 24549 9450 100 270 102 14170 Nil 20774 8000





o. of Sheep :i:st May. 1888. I 1887. Grant, A., Springburn (Temuka) Grant, AVilliam, Ashburton (Timaru) Gray burn, IL., Newland Green and Scrint, May field Grice, George, Tinwald Griffin, Martin, Newland Grigg, John, Lonjbeach Gunn Brothers, Methven Hale, B., and Co., Ashburton (Kimberley)... Hampton, Benjamin, Chertsey Hampton, Edward, Chertsey Hanipton, Robert, Seafield Harding, Joseph, Hinds Hardley, Samuel, Ashburton Harper, C. J., Hackthorn, Wins'.ow Harrison, II. J., Rakaia Harrison, Thomas, Ashburton Harrison, T. and J., Clcnt Hills, Ashburton Harrison, T., Taieri Farm, Rakaia Harrison, William, Rakaia Hart, George, Winchmore, Ashburton Hartnell, Walter, Rakaia Hawdon, C. G., Westerfield, Ashburton Hawkins, Alice, Willowby Hayman, Thomas, Willowby Hayman, Walter, Flemington Helmore, J. C, Sherwood, Lauriston Henderson, David, Alethven Hewson, Alexander, Ashburton Hight, Henry, Newland Hoatten, G. P., Ashburton Holmes D. G., Alt. Harding, Rakaia Holmes D. G., Holmeslee, Rakaia Holmes, D. G., Jackson's, Rakaia Holmes, J, Viewmount, Methven Hood, John, Alount Somers Hood and Son, Tliomas, Rakaia Horsey, Edwin, AVillowby Houston, J. S., AVinchmorc Farm,Tinwald... Hudson, II., Elgin Hurley, Timothy, Seafield Huston, A. J., Flemington Innes, Peter, Elgin Innes, AVilliam, Elgin Irwin, John, Fairfield, Rakaia Ivory, William, Chertsey Jackson, Adam, Ealing Jameson, AV., Wakanui Jamieson, James, Fernside, Ashburton Johnston, J. A., Lauriston Johnston, James, Ashburton Forks Judd, Frederick, Tinwald Kelly, Thomas, Newland Kennedy, Hugh, Elgin Kidd, A., AVaterton Kingsbury, II., Chertsey Knox, J., Ashburton Lamb, G., Ashburton Lambie, J., jun., Kylo Lancaster, Richard, Ashburton Langdon, AVilliam, Westerfield, Tinwald Leadley, W. G., AVakanui Le Breton, P., Ashburton Leddy, Daniel, Wakanui Leech, G. J., Ealing Letham, A., Thistledown, Ashburton Lewis & Oakley, Rakaia Lill, W. T\, Newland Lloyd, Joseph, Hopton, Newland Loader. George, Chertsey Lowcliffe Company, Hinds Lownie, Peter, Asbhurton Lyne, R. R., Alethven Lylfleton, AV. AlcN., Rokeby, Rakaia Macdonald, Roderick, Chertsey Alackie, C. S., Como, Rakaia Alaginness, AV. H., Methven Alagson, Robert, Wcllburn, Rakaia Alahly Brothers, Alayfield Maidens, J. W., Tiverton, Rakaia Alarr, John, Methven Alartin, Charles, Pine Farm, AVinslow Mason, H., Ashburton Matson, Cox, and Co., Singletree, Ashburton 103 2300 97 763 500 345 27889 1052 Nil Nil 1986 78 400 180 260 200 470 5°o 136 19291 1082 3700 Nil 500 390 130 140 1 2000 Nil 11000 200 22 27 16000 Nil 16000 606 6328 8697 12955 '77 150 2116 3677 126 200 180 35 75io 3'37 12564 178 '5° 176 20 }8 30/8 22 330 3 4600 2400 2300 7900 1764 '7 5' 450 395 200 5000 4000 1000 7920 1666 28 25 800 882 200 405 120 140 790 910 630 250 360 1300 400 85 466 700 294 700 200 200 240 365 549 568 686 400 Nil Nil 400 235 75 'So 268 1100 65 12 6S9 Nil 170 600 25 200 1170 80 556 684 824 272 54 '44 180 293 93 528 "'95 350 927 260 8125 100 290 598 160 8000 5956 235 1811 1300 600 '3 600 5422 Nil Nil 1000 600 140 987 610 254 870 794 '79 Nil Nil '93 574 2300

No. of s: 31st j beep on May. 1866. 1887. Mawson, T. and J., Tinwald Maxwell, R. T., Ashburton Ale Arthur, Alexander, Flemington McOafferty, F., Lauriston McClimont, S., Alount Somers AlcCrory, James, Chertsey McDowall, John, Ashburton MeFarlane, A., Alford Forest AlcGregor, Lewis, Springburn Mollraith, J. and A., BarrhiH, Hororata McKay, Thomson, Winslow AlcKendry, Daniel, Cairnbrae McLauchlan, James, Ruapuna AlcLean, John, Ashburton McLean, John, Dorie, Rakaia AlcLeary Bros., AVakanui AIcLeod, Archibald, Tinwald McLeod, Donald, Tinwald AIcMillan, D., Rakaia AIcAlillan, AVilliam, Cairnbrae MoPhail, Alexander, Rakaia McQ.uilkin, J., Flemington AlcRae, G., Alesopotamia, Alount Somers ... AlcRae, T. E., Springburn Meek, J. and T., Hill Park, Methven Alegson, Joseph, Newland Alerewether, A. E., Alount Somers Allies and Co., Fairfield, Ashburton Miller, Robert, AVinchmoro, Ashburton Miller, AVilliam, Lismore Milne, James, Mt. Somers Alonson, Edward, Ashburton Moore and Clucas, Seafield Aloore, G. IL, Ashburton Aloore, James, Wakanui Morgan, William, Alethven Morland, Thomas, Rakaia Morrish, Robert, Ashburton Alorrow, David, May field Morrow, AVilliam, Rakaia Alorten, R. AL, Alethven (Christchurch) ... Mowbray, H., Alount Somers Muirliead, Hugh, Alford Forest Alulligan, R., Kyle Mullins, S. J., Ashburton Murdoch, George, Cairnbrae Murphy, Patrick, Chertsey Napier, A. B., Winslow N. M. & A. Co. of N.Z., Lira., Shepherd's Bush, Rangitata N.AI. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., The Grange (Christchurch) N.AI. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Upper Alethven (Christchurch) N.AI. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Lower Alethren (Christchurch) N.AI. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Dromore (Christchurch) N. AL and A. Co. of N.Z., Lim., Rosebank, Chertsey, N. AL and A. Co. of N.Z., Lim., Shepherd's Farm, Dromore £ N.Z. Alford Estates Co., Lim., Alford, Ashburton N.Z. & A.L. Co., Acton, Rakaia N.Z. L. & ALA. Co., Buccleugh, Springburn N.Z. L. & At. A. Co., Hakatere, Ashburton... Oakley, Robert, Overdale, Rakaia O'Grady, John, Lauriston O'Grady, William, Cairnbrae Oliver, Donald, Chelmsford, Ashburton Orr, Alexander, Lauriston Orr and Alcorn, Ashburton Osborn, James, AVillowby Osborn, Job, Acton (Doyleston) O'Shea, John, Ashburton Forks Packer, IT. AV., AVinslow Parker, J. AV., Newland Parkerson, It. IC, Ashburton (Temuka) Parsons, II. W., Seafield, Ashburton Paterson, Tliomas, Lismore Peache, A. E., Alount Somers Pearce, AV. A., Lauriston Peebles, J., Chertsey 378 290 2400 930 600 2000 2100 240 5097 275 1050 280 32252 150 600 170 360 190 2466 700 500 5000 653 1271 206 11500 1379 700 199 200 726 1900 IOO 870 1800 7840 1000 1400 300 238 1200 304 Nil 1500 250 6SS 400 3ooo 2500 187 5990 279 1470 300 31413 190 Nil Nil 25 200 2796 45° 255 5000 600 1800 181 12500 Nil 600 35 98 Nil 55o 1070 Nil 970 2750 4 8291 900 1200 300 ■95 1400 500 1400 98 Nil 12002 1200 IOOO 650 2500 141 00 202 540 360 Nil 2470 1050 I94O 900 670 422 17950 13186 35425 I I 900 19486 300 250 28^28 12185 20200 290 210 3400 20 908 1900 500 300 1289 Nil 5°0 1490 '59 3000 100 '3So 2400 IOO 408 900 '5° 9256 550 300 8000 500 300





No. of Sh 31st 1 1886. I icep on lay. 1887. Peter, Hon. AV. S., Anama, Ashburton Pitt, Richard, Thetford, Seafield Pocock, George, Ashburton Pocock, William, Ashburton Potts, D. and A., Oropi, Ashburton Gorge ... Power, W., Ashburton Prebble, William, jun., Flemington Primmer, Henry, Rakaia Protheroe, Alexander, AVakanui Purves, William, Springburn Quigley, James, Ashburton Raincy, Hugh, Lismore Raymond, G. P., Tinwald Redmayne and Carr, Seafield Redmayne, AL, St. Leonard's, Seafield Reid, J. M., Tinwald Rennie, W. K., Lismore Reynolds, AVilliam, Alethrcn Richards, Edward, Rakaia Richards, J. D. C, Hinds Richards, T. B., Hinds Richardson, Thomas, Seafield Robertson, Angus, Hinds Robinson, H. AV., Newland Ross, E. and D., Lauriston Ruddenklau, J. G., Hinds (Christchurch) ... Rule, AV. H., Chertsey Rutherford, J., Willowbank, Springburn Sargent, Isaac, Ashburton Sargisson, Charles, AVaterton Savill, E., Alethren Scott, Samuel, Elgin Shearer, John, Ashton Shcllock, George, Rakaia Simpson, Charles, Pendarres Sinclair, Henry, Seariew Small, John, Tinwald Smith, G. T., Rakaia Smith, Hugh, Ashburton Smith, James, Ashburton Smith, John, Ashburton Smith, J. AL, Flemington Smith, AV. T\, Springburn Soinerrille, A. F., The Terraces, Alethren ... Sprott Bros., Chertsey Stalker, John, Tinwald Stevenson, John, Alount Somers Stewart, Peter, Seaside, AVakanui Stoddart, AVilliam, Winslow Storrier & Sons, Ealing Strachan, W., Chertsey Strachey, Alexr., Barford, Ashburton Strachey, R., Maronan, Hinds Strange, William, Tinwald (Christchurch) ... Stringfellow, James, Chertsey Studholme, John, Coldstream, Hinds Sutherland, W., Greenstreet Syme, David, Springburn Taskcr, James, Treverton, Ashburton Taylor, Thomas, Ashton Thomas, Edwin, Rowston, AA rakanui Tliomas, W., Methven Tinims, AValter, Ashton Todd, George, Seafield Toner, James, Alford Forest Trevor, Dr. J. E., Barnswood, Ashburton ... Twentyman, J. H., Ruapuna Ullyett, William, Methven Upton and Russell, Sherwood, Lauriston Vucetich, George, Chertsey Wake, W. H., Ashton (Timaru) AYalker, W. C. and A. J., Mount Somers ... AValsh, Thomas, Seaview Wason, J. C, Corwar, Barrhill AVatBon John, Rakaia (Brookside) AA ratt and Coskering, Alayfield Welsh, Nicholas, Chertsey West, Christopher, Alethven Wheeler, Joseph, AVillowby White, Leonard, Rakaia AVileocks', William, Ashburton Wilkin, R. (Extrs. of), Grove Farm, Tinwald Wilkin, R. and Co., Woodlands, Christchurch Wilkinson, T. W., Chertsey 20798 20700 2000 100 8oo 700 1200 500 87 30 "45 45° '5 83 Nil Nil Nil 16^ 76 Nil 92 200 500 200 "S 1400 35° 35° 100 99° 200 95 100 '65 400 800 1099 257' 585 600 '95 200 140 Nil 290 Nil '53 10 380 150 570 1390 1850 400 1220 300 1265 240 200 30 Nil 25 300 '5 200 200 270 5' 95 55 250 281 57o 2880 241 189 7 10 2'59 2500 161 300 328 IOO 34° 2500 4257 13329 2200 190 200 240 72 200 Nil 4600 6257 2960 320 24345 80 77o 23393 580 44 64 1037 680 190 5° 6.H 170 30 293 150 90 1218 1297 3526 6225 365 5' 21680 253 '99 300 150 700 1080 920 6450 280 '75 21900 25 moo 500 3800 888 200 190 536o 1796 "74 3332 3 11700 45° 2500 Nil 400 170 6200 248 Nil Nil 2030

No. of Shoep on 31st May. I 1886. 1887. Williams, John, Glynn, Chertsey Williams, John, AVillowby Williamson, Donald, Ashburton AVilson, Arthur, AVinslow AA'ilson, David, Ashburton AVilson, Francis, Rakaia Wilson, James, Dromore, Ashburton AVilson, James, Wakanui Wilson, Meredith, AVakanui AVilson, Rev. J. (Exors. of), Ashburton Wilson, Thomas; Seaview AVilson, AV. J., Wakanui Withell, John, Hinds Worner, George, Ashburton Wright, E. G., Windermere, Winslow Wright, E. G., Gawler Downs, Winslow Wright, Samuel, Seaview 1294 200 900 70 300 700 '73 1467 8600 ■58 200 1098 ico 75° Nil 55° 124 590 40 1708 8231 395 Nil 1664 20 3262 "356 970 900 30 2 26o I 19OO 1075 838818 (In Timaru Subdivision). AlcMillan, George, Alesopotamia, Alt. Somers 75'409 Total in county I95OO 858318 20000 771409 GERALDINE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Ackroyd, AA Tilliam, Temuka Acland, J. B. A., Mount Peel, Peel Forest ... Acton, Edward, Pleasant Point Airay, J., Rangitata Aitkin, John, Smithfield, Winchester Allan, A. AI, Waitohi Flat Allan, John, Geraldine Anderson, Robert, Pleasant Point Andrews, A. J., AVaitohi Plat Andrews, W. N., Pleasant Point Armitage, AV., Kerry Town Armstrong, AL, Timaru Arras, George, Rangitata Island Aslihy, William, Spring, Geraldine Austin, James, Winchester Badham, F. AV., Buhner Balfour, James, Pleasant Point Balfour, William, Seadown, W rashdyke Barclay, John, Timaru Barker, A. L., Winchester Barker, P. II., Korari, Winchester Barker, J. AL, Geraldine Barker, R. A., Orari Barney, George, Rangitata Bartrum, B. P., Creek Station, Geraldine Bayley, B , Aloana, Geraldine Beattie, James, Temuka Beattie, W. J., Hilton Bee, Samuel, Timaru Beedell, William, Pleasant Point Bell, Airs. Sarah, Springfield, Winchester ... Bell, Joseph, Pareora Benbow, William, 'Temuka Bishop, James, Pleasant Point Bissett, Christopher, Orari Blackler, C, Totara Valley, Pleasant Point... Blackler, J. G., Pleasant Point Blue, Dougall, Totara, Pleasant Point Boag, AV., jun , Landsboro., Timaru Borrell, W., Gapes' A ralley Botherway, G., Pleasant Point Bracefield, N. P., Pleasant Point Braddick, John, Temuka Brasell, George, Pareora Bray, James, Gape's Valley Breadley, S., Orari Brogden, William, Temuka Brophy, Kyran, Pleasant Valley Brosnahan, John, Temuka Brosnahan, P., Kerry Town Brown, Alexander, Clayton, Fairlie Creek ... Brown, G. F., Woodbury Brown, John, Alilford, Temuka Bruce and Hoi well, AVinchester Buck, Joseph, Rangitata Island Budd, William, AVinchester Burke, Edmund, Geraldine 80O 48253 580 786 24OO 265 577 293 '7 272 275 80 293 800 200 2100 1200 '5° 2400 860 4827 '759 690 220 1893 95 192 205 400 200 440 473'3 1724 57° 1750 200 484 250 95 16 100 286 Nil 200 1100 300 1800 3000 250 2106 440 5°'4 '493 695 '75 1460 100 '97 '95 250 '93 52 4>S 170 916 330 493 IOOO 336 100 9' 275 200 752 8co 585 IIOO 340 200 200 200 I70 80 200 45° 5'0 694 200 140 IOO 274 65 70 Nil 700 470 '99 Nil 35°° 200 20O 3600 180 400 I200 800 40O 207 427 Nil 600 400 189





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. | 1887. Gudex, Alichael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guscott, James, Pareora llaar, Conrad, Rangitata Island Hamilton, H., Clayton, Fairlie Creek ITamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hammond, Robert, Geraldine Harman and Stevens, AVinchester Harper and Co., Dinder, Wailohi Flat Hawke, Thomas, Rangitata Hawke, William, Geraldine Hawkey, C, Pleasant Point Hay, John, Temuka Hay, AVilliam, Pleasant Point Hedley and Dunnett, Temuka Hesketh, IL, Geraldine Heuchan, John, Gilfoot, Pleasant Point Hewson, C, Geraldine Hide, AVilliam, Hilton Hitch, J., Raincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Henry, Raincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Richard, Kerry town Holwell, John, Temuka Howe, AV. AL, Fernhill, Timaru Howell, AV. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, Geraldine Hullen, Henry, AVaitohi Plat Hullen, Mrs. A.M., Willow Bilge, Waitohi Flat Hully, Daniel, AVaitohi Flat Humphrey, A., Seadown, Temuka Inmaii, W. G.. Rockwood, Albury Inwood, D., Winchester Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Johberns and Rice, Pleasant Valley Jones, II., Pleasant Point Kane, James, Pleasant Point Keay, W. R., Fairlie Creek Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, J., sen., Hilton Kelland, R., Kelland Barton, Timaru Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kompster, Alichael, Woodbury Kennaway, Lee, & Acton, Pleasant Point Kennedy, W. AL, Rangitata Island Kerslake, R., Pleasant Point King, James, Timaru King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru Kinnahan, T., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Lawrenson, James, South Rangitata Lawson, AV. R. D., Geraldine Leary, John, Hilton Leo, Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannant, Winchester Love, John, Gapes A ralley Luxmoore, Airs. AL, Marehwiel, Timaru Macdonald, A., Lower Orari, Bulmer AlacDonald, A., Aehablair, Pleasant Valley... Macdonald, Allan, AVoodbury Macdonald, Donald, Pleasant Point Macdonald, W. K. (Exec, of late), Orari Mathews and Trezise, Temuka Maxwell, A., Pleasant Point Alaxwell, D. Cave Alazc, Alichael, Pleasant Point AlcAteer, AL, Pleasant Point AlcCabe, AL, Temuka AlcCallum, 0. P., Temuka AlcCormick, K. L., Pleasant Point AlcCullough, Samuel, Temuka McCully, W., Pleasant Point McDonald, James, AVashdyke McDonald, J., Raincliffe, Pleasant Point AlcGregor, Fergus, Pleasant Point Mcintosh, John, Fairlie Creek McKay, Donald, Peel ForeBt AlacKay, J. G., Pleasant Point AlcKenzie, A., Riverford, Geraldine McKinnon, Donald, Waitohi Flat AlcLeod, James, Orari McAlaster, Angus, Waitohi Flat McNab, Daniel, Rangitata AlcRae, Murdo, Briggs' Gully, Timaru McShanc, P. H., Winchester 354 700 1010 600 '94 25602 29'5 500 1699 1900 45° 258 IOO 1490 4.580 12s 170 SO 741 '95 500 34800 300 3.00 '96 1750 100 178 500 48 700 57'3 36.5 568 700 35 5° 5°o 700 3,86 695 500 89 1716 450 ■750 993 435° 7' 61 7o 60 196 400 120 39° 290 1030 536 '95 25378 23'4 170 Nil 187S 450 397 '5° 1236 2011 90 70 SO Nil '85 833 36000 200 290 96 1600 99 Nil 400 Nil 485 5908 Nil 585 782 30 50 1000 700 2985 762 5°o 67 Nil 554 10^00 580 3419 400 900 972 3896 4' 78 40 Nil 300 400 140 675 11152 480 2523 900 9500 680 '53 7' 400 200 190 Nil 9780 800 189 97 1250 200 198 42 700 1410 788 Nil 400 1262 688 1200 300 Nil Nil 100 10 Nil 510 400 150 386 200 68 600 300 10 2.5 853 l60 338 190 61 800

! No. of SI 31st 5 1886. I .mop on .lay. 1887. Butler, George, Pleasant Point Button, R. T., Peel Forest Buxton, Searby, Rangitata Island Campbell, James, Kingsdown, Timaru Campbell, John, Fairfield, Pareora Campbell, John, Knock, Woodbury Campbell, Robert, Pareora Alains, Timaru ... Canavan, George, Canavan's Cargo, S., Temuka Carter, D. T. Pleasant Point Cartwright, It., Opihi, Timaru Chapman, Evan, AVaitohi Flat Cbisholm, AVilliam, Suthcrlands Chivers, Charles, Ot.ipua Clark, A. AL, Arowhenua, Temuka Clark, A. M., Riverslea, Temuka Cleland, Andrew, Sutherlands Cliff George, Winchester Cochran, B. P. G., Hilton Cole, Robert, Timaru Coll, James, Pleasant Point Coll, Patrick, Timaru Collier, George, Glen-iti Colonial Real Property Co., Sherwood, Timaru Cone, Frederick, Waitohi Flat Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldine Conolly, Thomas, Winchester Cook, John, Pleasant Point Coulter, Henry, Rangitata Cramond and Meikle, Fairlio Creek Crocker, R. G., Waitohi Flat Cromie, John, Timaru Crompton, T. R., Clarendon, Temuka Gumming, Thomas, Cave Cunningham, AV., Pleasant Point Dale, W., Timaru Davie, R., Washdyko Davis, Jesse, Cheddar, Geraldine Dawe, Richard, Timaru DcRenzy, Win., Hummington, Winchester... Dinnie, Alexander, Aloa Flat, Cave Donkin, F. W., The Warren, Geraldine Driseoll, Alatthew, Pleasant Point Earl, Job, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edgar, Robert, Temuka Edmiston, H. F., Timaru Edmiston, W. P., Glen-iti Elliot, John, Sutherland's Elms, Robert, Upper Pareora Fendall, W. C, Pleasant Poiut Parry, John, Pleasant Point Fifield, John, AVoodbury Findlay, David, Hilton Fish, Dr. Robert, Geraldine Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, William, Dirrah, Temuka Fleming and Hedley, Seadown, Temuka Ford, Henry, Geraldine Foster, Rev. George, Fairlio Creek Frazer, J. & P., Pleasant Point F>ew, William, Temuka Gaffaney, Michael, Temuka Galbraith, Samuel, AVaitohi Flat Gammie, James, Care Gapes, William, Gapes Valley Garforth, Samuel, Kakahu (Christchurch) ... Garrick & Cowlishaw, The Brothers, Alhury Gentleman, AL AlcS., Wasbdyke Gibson, John, Timaru Gilliatt, J. R., Stumps, Temuka Gladstone, H. J., Winchester Gosling, William, Coonoor, Timaru Gould, E. J., Waterfalls, Pleasant Point ... Graham, Archibald, Timaru Grainger, Henry, Rangitata Island Grant, Andrew, Raincliff, Temuka Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Green, S., Underwood, Glen-iti Greenaway, Isaac, Rangitata Gregan, James, Pleasant Valley Greig, John, Pleasant Point; Griffiths, Ephraim, Willow Bank, Orari '83 800 3000 700 700 3°o 604 300 90 1250 280 270 90 50 "777 12644 2420 IOO 107 232 170 871 260 32000 49 3°o 224 200 300 2100 148 200 379 '95 1590 86 500 '74 39 9* 90 0 '95° 8o° S°° 40 0 6 9 5 Nil 8° 1284 380 400 '5° 83 9400 13000 2520 60 20 Nil 77 790 '5° 30000 94 250 27 70 IOO 2200 Nil 185 30O 170 1077 IOO 34 34 43 '550 300 Nil 4=0 300 600 '57 Nil 262 800 400 285 600 396 1090 797 35 '5° 750 100 494 Nil 40 380 Nil 120 300 Nil 98 200 '9 200 190 70 8800 '47 3000 1250 1664 42 212 815 94 800 3433 55° 500 S'o 1400 900 180 1297 "47 4220 530 1210 Nil 3474 200 '94 283 300 4600 '5° 2400 1080 1750 97 182 295 55 900 593' 300 500 770 1400 60 174 896 1392 4476 95 680 12 1940 200 170 Nil


9.—H. 13.




No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Wedlicott, F. and J., Pleasant Point Mee, Alexander, Pleasant Point tfenzies, W., Seadown, Temuka Hetcalfe, Anthony, Geraldine Hiller, Henry, Pleasant Point Hiller, Joseph, Cave Hitcbell, Eli, Temuka Mitchell, John, Timaru Mitchell, Thomas, AVashdyke Woody and Ziesler, Castle Rock, Timaru ... Hoody, W., Burnbank, Timaru Hoore Brothers, Wierton, Geraldino Hoore, Alichael, Waitohi Flat Horris Brothers, North River, Fairlie Creek Horrison, Thomas, Woodbury Hulcaster, W., Timaru Hundy, Edward, SutberlandB tfusgrave, H. E., the Warren, Woodbury ... kelson, John, Cave Rowlands, G., Tasman Downs, Lake Tekapo tfew Zealand Meat Company, Washdyke and A. Land Co , Levels, Timaru ST.Z., L. & AL A. Co., Newlands, Bulmer ... Nicholson, C, Temuka Nicholson, H., Temuka PConnell, Patrick, Cave Oldfield, William, Temuka )liver, James, Pleasant Point )rr and Co., James, AVaitohi Flat )sborne, George, Pareora Dage, Joshua, Rockley, Gleniti Dainton, E., Pleasant Valley 'aimer, Thomas, Cadeby Farm, Temuka ... Palmer, AVilliam, Geraldine Parke, Thomas, the Beach, Temuka 3arr, James, Totara, Pleasant Point Parry, Rupert, Kingsdown, Timaru 3arry, William, Timaru Paterson, John, Pleasant Point 3aterson, John, Temuka Patrick, John, Hillside, Hilton 'atrick, W., Gapes Valley Peacock and Geaney, Timaru Pearse, D. S., Waitohi Flat i'earse, W. S., Waitohi Flat 3erry, A., Storcroft, Timaru Pithie, James, Peel Forest Postlethwaite, W., Raukapuka, Geraldine ... Pringle, A. O, Roxburgh, Claremount Juinn, Michael, Temuka lae, David, Waitohi Plat Jae, Simon, Peel Forest iapsey, James, Pareora iteid, Andrew, Geraldine ithodes, E. T\, Hadlow, Glen-iti ithodes, George, Claremont, Timaru Joberlson, John, Rangitata Island Itobertson, T. D., Lowlands, Washdyke itobertson, William, Rangitata Island itobinson, Joseph, Woodbury itobinson, W., Kingsdown, Pareora Jtolleston, William, Rangitata itooke, L. H., Hilton Hoss, Alexander, Woodbury ituddenklau, J. G., Rangitata [tussell, G. G., Otipua, Timaru Jyan, Patrick, Hilton Scannell, John, Kerry Town Scott, Duncan, Temuka Scott, James, Temuka Scott, Lewis, Waitohi Flat Seales, Mark, Waitohi Flat Sealey, E. P., Ellerslie, Timaru Seaton, Daniel, Blar, AVaitohi Flat Selbie, George, Timaru 3eward, Bros., Geraldine Shaw, C. R., Sterndale, Pleasant Point 3haw, David, Geraldine Sheehan, M., Temuka Shepherd, James, Sutherland's Shepherd, Mrs.M.S.,Willowbank, Pleasant Pt. Simpson, William, Pleasant Point Skinner, J., Hilton Skinner, R., Hilton 940 1466 240 620 370 87 200 800 988 37° 264 395 Nil 152 6lO 300 220 1644 1600 1650 I30O 194 '379 2.5' 207 950 1400 1072 200 '595 281 295 484 583 400 877 Nil 9'564 5305 Nil 250 260 92490 6833 945 800 340 400 150 467 192 2500 180 800 110 800 1470 55° 5°o 1250 1500 298 266 60 800 380 1416 200 10214 1471 1250 130 448 450 547 6430 4762 400 260 295 363 320 4" 5 Nil 400 280 100 180 320 94 1500 260 690 180 580 1150 360 300 800 935 205 97 97 400 33o 968 200 11100 '585 1200 130 490 37o 390 4827 384' 200 400 273 296 Nil 395° 6 200 5696 4600 270 100 400 116 200 4750 4100 100 7° 200 54 Nil 29 Nil 350 360 2783 130 '5° 40 2900 1500 160 144 7 124 1698 2000 180 1396 90 540 1470 580 1400 59 5'S 1400 696

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Slack, W. V., Woodside, Geraldine Smith, A. B., Alona Vale, Timaru Smith, Dennistoun, & Co., Rangitata Smith, J. B., Pleasant Point Smith, John, sen., Cliff, Timaru Smith, J., jun., Timaru Smith, Uichurd, Hilton Snell, William, Rangitata Island Squire, Charles, Gape's Valley Stericker, E. G., Sutton Farm, Timaru Stevenson, AVilliam, Washdyke Stewart, George, Orari Stewart, James, Fernside, Woodbury Stewart, R. E., Totara, Pleasant Point Stewart, AV., Flaxbourne, Orari Stoddart, John, AVashdyke Studholme and Wigley, Pleasant Point Sullivan, James, Guirteen, Pleasant Point ... Sutherland, Alexander, Pleasant Point Sutherland and Bisdee, Temuka Talbot, George, Kingsdown, Timaru Talbot, John, Temuka Tarbotton, Robert, Rmgitata Taylor, Duncan, Rangitata Island Taylor and Flatman, Woodbury Taylor, Robert, Bush Side, Geraldine Templer, E. H., Brooklyn, Geraldine Thatcher, John, AVoodbury Thew, Robert, Peel Forest Thomas, Rees, Temuka Tindall, John, Hilton Toomey, E. IL, Springfield, Hilton Townsend, J., Glentire, Gapes Valley Tozer, Fred, Pleasant Point Tripp, C. G., Woodbury Turton, W. P., AVoodbury Tutlon, AValter, Timaru Wake, W. H., Fairview, Timaru Walker, L., Mt. Four Peaks, Geraldine Walker, William, Longsighf, Temuka Wallace, Joseph, Waitohi Flat AVarden, James, Sutherland's Wareing, Philip, Alilford, Temuka Watts, II. Rangitata Island AVells, R. P, Gapes Valley White, Thomas, Temuka Whittaker, John, Timaru Whorton, Joseph, Geraldine AYilkinson, James, AVinchester Willcock, Lot, Geraldine AVilliams, Richard, Waitohi Flat Wilson, J. and S., Allandale, Fairlio Creek ... Woodhead, G., Temuka Wooding, T. P., Woodland, Woodbury Woofindin, E., Geraldine Woolcombe, B., Timaru AVright, II., jun., Rangitata Island Wright, James, Temuka Wright, AVilliam, Temuka Youdale, H., Pleasant Hill, Timaru Young, D., Waitohi Flat Young, J. A., Winchester 3050 IOOO 16000 600 "45 200 140 470 284 1024 1300 555 1300 1500 58 28000 3000 1100 400 600 1188 789 400 88c 1385 28 464 3196 600 240 180 300 '70 46810 1283 120 2700 1100 15000 585 Nil 200 36 39° 289 600 808 140 598 IOOO 1850 197 27000 3000 I IOO 300 380 '45° 545 380 900 5'° 29 500 2590 450 180 '5° Nil 97 42900 "SO 50 5' 18542 50 160 380 2^00 180 62 Nil 588 100 300 400 18 13649 100 680 Nil 18000 Nil 2326 224 192 100 783 'So 400 39o 89 12932 789 400 26 324 560 760 275 1200 38 188 658 700 281 IOOO 500 400 688081 63529' MACKENZIE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision). Allan, Robert, Fairlie Creek Ashby, C, Blainslie, Albury Askin, Tliomas, Aorangi Downs, Albury Bain, Donald, Highfield, Burke's Pass Brown, S. G., Glentanner, Lake Tekapo Brown and Gray, Ashwick, Timaru Burnett, A., Cave, Timaru Burnett, A., Mount Cook, Timaru Chapman arid Co., Grampians, Burke's Pass Corkery, Alichael, Horseshoe Bend, Fairlie Ck. Cowan, Andrew, Lake Tekapo (Timaru) Dickson, S. R., Albury Donaldson & Gunn, Black Forest,Burke's Pass Douglas, W., Silverstream Duncan, J. & J., Rhoborough Dns., Omarama Gillingham, F. R., Caufield, Fairlie Creek ... Gillingham Brothers, Fairlie Creek 383 1297 1470 27000 2300 7000 23300 290 75oo 1800 10000 450 14000 530 5285 372 Nil 1940 222 10370 24461 2200 8000 23037 Nil 7500 800 10000 400 14000 Nil 6547





No. of i 31st 1886. ihoep on May. I 1867. 3odby and Clulce, AVaratah, Timaru loldsborough & Co., Ben Ohau, Oamaru ... 3-oodwin, J. E., Eversley, Fairlie Creek Jrant, Alex., Gray's Hill, Burke's PaBS Jrant, AV., Irishman Creek, Timaru flayter, Francis, Rollesby, Burke's Pass tlennessy, John, Fairlie Creek Uiggs, AVilliam, Albury Hope and AIusgrare, Richmond, Lake Tekapo fluddleston, F. F. C, Lake Tekapo. Hunter, George, Cave irving, Richard, Blainslie & Brownhill, Albury Low, William, Pukaki, Lako Tekapo Vlackay, Duncan, Fairlie Creek Maitland and Stronach, Bola Hill, Omarama Matheson, John, Simon's Pass, Lake Tekapo McDonald, L., Sawdon, Burke's Pass McGregor, John, Glenmore, Lake Tekapo ... McLean, Donald, Strathconan, Fairlie Creek McLeod, Donald, Burke's Pass Milne & Le Cren, Strathallan, Fairlie Creek... ST.AI. & A. Co., N.Z., Three Springs, Timaru S\Z.L. & ALA. Co., Balmoral, Lake Tekapo Sixon, John, Fairlie Creek L'ringle, AVilliam. Ilaldon Timaru Elaine, J. IL, Melville Downs, Fairlie Creek Richardson, Hon. E., Albury Rutherford Bros., The Mistake, Albury Rutherford Brothers, Alount Nessing, Albury Rutherford, J. S., Opawa, Albury Saunders, AV., The AVolds, Lake Tekapo Sibbald, AV., Lily Bank, Burke's Pass Smart, David, Fairlio Creek Smith, Albert, Albury Snushall, Samuel, Langdon, Fairlie Creek ... Stevenson, J., and Co., Braemar (Henley) ... Sutherland, E.& Co., Birch Hill, L. Tekapo... Hie British and N.Z. AL and A. Co. (Limtd), Sawdon, Burke's Pass fhomson, R. B., Glentanner, Lako Tekapo,.. 38o6 15000 1546 17300 8200 16000 850 12 16000 4800 1 i;ooo Nil 17200 8000 15626 400 300 16000 785 800 400 990 1500 5° '93 6100 9000 Nil 13450 6731 100 4692 15920 17500 1718 26000 3000 3095' 13742 12308 20350 21000 1 3000 ' 280 300 6800 9000 10000 11800 7252 49 '3 15292 16500 2000 24000 3'5°8 '4039 12397 20900 21000 10000 400 760 M30 14529 5000 200 800 16036 5°SO 12280 10000 Nil WAIA1ATE COUNTY (In Timaru Subdivision), E. J. S., Brooklands, Waimate !\gnew, James, Bumside, St. Andrews ilexander, S., Riverside, St. Andrews Anderson, James, Deep Creek, Waimate ... Inderson, AVilliam, St. Andrews Andrews, James, Burley, Alakikihi Aristey, John, St. Andrews, Timaru Armitage, AV. S., Otaio Armstrong, Robt., Craigieburn, Waimate ... Bailey, C. S.,Col., Bourndale, Alakikihi Bain, Walter, Redcliff Bank of N.Z., Eskbank, St. Andrews Baxter, R. G., Waimate Beckett, W. II., Crosby, AVaimate Bell, Robert, Waimate Bennett, James, AVaimate Ulaekmorc, James, Pareora Blair, AVilliam, St. Andrews Blyth, Alexander, Otaio Bourn, J. T., Alakikihi Boyle, A., Woolshed Gully, Otaio Browne, George, Deep Creek, AVaimate Bruce, Archibald, The Grange, AA'aimale ... Bruce & McLaren, Bankfield, St. Andrews ... Buchanan, R., AVaimate Burt and Aloody, Craigmore, Timaru Burnley, AV. F., Hafton, Otaio S., St. Andrews vaird, David, Timaru Cameron and Bathgate, Waimate Jampbell, James, AVaihao Dampbell, R. and Sons (Limited), StationPcak, Hakateramea Campbell, R. & Sons (Lim.), Buscot, Kurow Jarter, Andrew, Makikihi Chamberlain, T., Happy Home, Pareora Champion, Richard, AVaimate Christie, AV., Windsor Downs, Hakateramea . ark, A. M., AVaihaorungo, Temuka 432724 440516 82 '73 720 100 'S8 393 370 4900 397 2666 600 I IOOO 75 200 500 100 500 161 3500 487 380 585 190 27 104 280 661 400 76 8089 322 16000 '576 IOO 430 940 •300 70000 392 3400 393 1840 40 9000 1400 278 270 488 300 22 90 60 440 400 40 8072 242 IOOOO '533 25 39o 338 149 62000 '74 298 82 4000 259 60 95 2000 24200 220 24529

No. of Shcop on 31st May. 1886. j 18S7. Clissold, E. and S., Benacle, Otaio ... Cochrane, James, Waituna, Waimate Copland, A., and Co., St. Andrews Copland, Alex., Haweburn, St. Andrews ... Crowe, E, Waihao ... ' Dooley, John, AVaimate Douglas, John, Waihao, Waimate Easton, William, Waimate (Pukeuri) Elworthy, E., Pareora, Timaru Evans, Benjamin, Pareora Ferguson and McQ.ueen, AVaimate Forrest, Robert, AA'aimato Gibson, E. (Executors of), AVaitangi, Kurow Gibson, Airs. Elizabeth, Alakikihi Godseil, J., Hakateramea Goostry, II., Alakikihi Goostry, AV., Alakikihi Green, Samuel, Waimate Gunn, David, AVaimate Hamilton, Andrew, Alakikihi Hanly, P., AYaihao Hare, William, AAlllow, Alakikihi Harper, James, St.. Andrews Harper, Joseph, Deep Creek, Waimate Hayes, Alpheus, Bush, AVaimate Hendry, Charles, Summerleigh, Pareora Hurst, C. J., Brooklands, AVaimate Jackson, Ambrose, Alakikihi Jackson, Charles, Alakikihi Jackson, Herman, Makihiki Johnston, H. B., Otaio Jones, P., Waieri Farm, Studholme Junction Lane, AAlilter, Rcdcliffe Laurie, G., St. Andrews Lovegrove, G. P., Highway, Alakikihi Luscombe, P. H. B., Alakikihi Alanehester, George, AA raimate Marshall, Thomas, St. Andrews Martin, A., Otaio Martin, David, Otaio AlcCulloch & AlcLean, Quamby, Waihao Forks McGoverin and Hardie, Waimate Mcll wrick, James, The Cliffs, Alakikihi AIcKay, Robert, AVaimate AlcKenzie, John, St. Andrews AlcLean, Allan, Waitaki North McLean, A. F., Alakikihi AlcNaughton, Angus, Waihao Aledlicott,.S., AVaimate Aleehan, James, Alakikihi Aleek, J. and T., Hurstlea, Hakateramea Alehrtens, Martin, Waituna, Waimate Alerry, John, Hook, AA raiuiate Aleyer, F. AV., Waimate Alcyer, H., Roseficld, Waimate Aliles, Archer, and Co., Sherwood, Timaru ... Miller, A. T., Akaterawa (Oamaru) Aliller, John, Stratlmoon, AVaimate Miller, J. AlcP., Limestone Peak, Waimate... ALUs, J., Pentland Hills, Waihao Forks ... Alolloy, John, AVaiinato Aloon, AVilliam, Fernhill, St. Andrews Alooney, P., AVaimate Morris, G. A., Fairview, St. Andrews Alorton, George, AVaihao Alowat, A., Waimate Newlands, William, Alakikihi N.Z. & A. L. Co., St. Andrews N.Z. & A. Jj. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow N.Z. L. & ALA. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow ... O'Brien, Alichael, AVoodlaud, AVaimate O'Brien, Nicholas, AYaihao, AVaimate Oliver, George, Waitaki North Orbell, C. N., Levels, Timaru Palmer, J. G. P., St. Andrews Parker Bros., Elephant Hill, Waimate Patterson, W., Hatton, AVaimato Pelvin, Richard, AA'aimate Perrin, Etlward, Marapuna, Alakikihi Pigeon, A., Meadow Bank, St. Andrews Potter, Alexander, Pinewood, Waimate Price, L. and Son, Waimate Proctor, J. E., Scotston, St. Andrews '5oo 35o 1030 1150 543 43o 2.V43 2052 5 2180 47° 600 400 25000 '50 4600 230 5° 600 138 300 16 290 Nil 40 1665 170 1190 200 233 500 3994 1500 '354 750 1600 140 468 424 2730 500 1870 1230 IOOO 80 280 53500 193 570 578 80 5389 125 380 80 700 2500 20000 81 520 4433 700 205 475 962 530 420 342 35000 59170 30807 590. 125 6400 1080 95 20315 IOO 500 230 755 400 3737 1600 1150 80 300 1030 300 375 23853 Nil 50020 49o 589 400 Nil '5 6000 250 5° 490 87 400 40 300 20 5° 4000 Nil 55o 400 80 190 3000 1216 1180 536 98 Nil 735 340 1621 276 1218 226 850 30 180 56000 61 400 492 70 7695 28 79 Nil 600 2100 21500 87 400 4425 250 93 300 80 400 274 286 3°459 S9S22 28000 372 86 5260 850 Nil 198S9 61 1080 '34 5°9 5/i 364s 1200




OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1886 and 1887.


No. of Bheep on 31st May. 1886. j I i Buttola, Pietro, Lako Brunner Gumming, Andrew, Bloomfield, Kanieri Diedrichs, H. G., Kanieri Dowling, John, Hokitika Eeclesficld, Robert, Duck Creek, Hokitika ... Eisfelder, P., Hokitika Foley, Patrick, AVestbrook Ford, Thomas, Butcher, Ross Furkert, G. AV., Ross Graham, John, Kanieri Harcourt, R. A., Humphrey's Harris, Thomas, Balmoral, Kanieri Harris, AV., Kawhaka Hende, Peter, Heude's Ferry Heslan, B., Kanieri Hodgson, John, Ross Jones, R. E., Hokitika Keech, W., Kumara Alacfarlane, Colin, Red Hill, Jackson's Bay... Alclntosh, G. I., Hokitika AIcKcchnic, AVilliam, Dunganville Aleharry, Airs. AL, Kokatahi Aleharry, Thomas, Kanieri Milburn, Edward, Hokitika Alillson, Robert, Dillman's Town Olsen, 0. O, Kumara Passmore, AVilliam, Kumara Peart, T. F., Dillman's Town Peart, T., Special Settlement, Dillman's Town Robertson, G. S., Mahinapua, Hokitika Russell, G. IL, Alarsden Ryan, Edwd, Cook River, Gillespies Beach Scott, A. O., Gillespie's Beach Skene, h., Hokitika Stewart, Colin, Hokitika Taminelli, R., Kanieri Tennant, John, Goldsborough Way, G. B , Kumara 80 227 IOOO 83 187 11 9' 97 2250 84 y6 '5 21 25 11 146 33" 392 40 47 '9 30 '55 7' 83 3' 15 '5 84 Nil 2 22 22 '47 576 38. 36 40 2 93 132 9' 207 42 '5 '9 4 122 28 66 94 122 45 12 557 212 28 50 89 120 Nil '5 40 400 40 '7 '5 5609 55° 456 45 500 30 Nil 23 6828

No. of Si) 31st I beep on uay. 1837. 1886. j Quinn, N., Makikihi Quinn, William, Alakikihi Rattray, A., Hook, AVaimate Reid aud Harper, AA'hitlaw, Alakikihi Reid, John, Alakikihi Ithodes, R. II., jun., Bluecliffs Rickman, F. AL, Waimate Ritchie, J. AL, Cannington, Cave Rohson, John, Waitaki North Rodgerson and Fleming, Chetnole, Bedcliffe Ryan, John, AVaihao Shearer, Allan, Ardyne, Waimate Simmons, William, Makikihi Simpkinson, J.E. G., Alt. Harris,Waimate ... Sinclair, David, Alakikihi Skerington and Dowthwaite, Waimate Slee, Frank, Waimate Smith, Andrew, AVaimate Smith, Thomas, AVaimate Sqnire, George, White Rock, Caro Stewart, Hugh, St. Andrews Stewart, R., Waitaki North Studholme, AL (Exrs. of), Studholme Junctn. Sutton, J. A., Waitangi, Oamaru Teschemaker, Thomas, Otaio Thomson, It., Otaio Wait and Bur-bury, Clarkesfield (Oamaru) ... Ward, C. D. It., Kurow Ward, John, Pareora Wellwood, J., Luscombe Farm, Waimate ... Wilson, Darid, Makikihi Wright, Richard, Alakikihi Young, James, Willowbank, St. Andrews ... 596 787 200 2100 Nil 24888 2000 11652 44 5000 35° 890 175 3280 200 1360 461 79 180 700 '73 95° 71442 68o '392 200 Nil '795 22579 1600 11540 220 400 250 434 .64 3080 Nil 2800 Nil 209 '5° 700 Nil 550 62323 27000 23580 600 8000 IOOO 23300 34° 9000 IOOO 293 193 1162 75 704986 303 900 103 813 Nil WESTLAND COUNTY. (In Westland Subdivision.) Allen, John, AVaitaha, Ross Anderson, Jeppe, Kanieri Burrough, Joseph, Okarito 656874 460 11 2 60 355 "7 90

:o. of f 31st eep on lay. 1880. 1887. Campbell, D., Creekside, Hampden Campbell, G., Ben Lomond Park, Duntroon Campbell, It. jun., Benmore, Omarama Campbell, R., jun., Otekaike, Duntroon Clement, Edward, Maheno Collis, Frederick, Oamaru Colonial Bank of New Zealand, Carteigi Estate, Palmerston Conlin, J., Ngapara Cooper, G. J., Herbert Cox, David, Herbert Cox, George, Pukeuri Junction Craig, James, Hilderthorpe, Pukeuri Junction Cruickshank, John, Herbert Culling, Joseph, Hillgrove Cunningham, R., Otiike Cuthbertson, T. and J., Pukeuri Junction ... Dasler, L., Oliake Davidson, John, AVoodlands, Herbert Davie, AVilliam, Pukeuri Junction Davis, Oscar, Alaheno Dennison,l\, Hilderthorpe, Pukeuri Junction Dennison, W., Saltairc, Pukeuri Junction ... Doig, William. Papakaio Donaldson, J. F., Hampden Duncan, Robert, Maheno Duncan, Thomas, Pukeuri Junction Easton, AV., AVevmouth, Oamaru Elder, J. It,, Oaklands, Alaheno Falconer, George, A\ rarriston, Ngapara Falconer, James, Kakanui Fenwick, AA rilliara, Alaraweka, Alaheno 80 500 76000 46000 97 300 5 00 300 '93 180 'S3 4000 300 171 60 200 32 65 295 1191 200 200 300 450 4300 700 200 6000 Nil Nil Soooo 42000 92 45 2588 3SO 180 IOO 190 Nil '4 353° 200 '75 96 Nil 400 20 16 200 1020 200 65 9' 50 3000 300 85 5000

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. WAITAKI COUNTY. (In Oamaru Subdivision). Adam, Stephen, jun., Hampden Adams, George, Alaerewhenua, Duntroon ... Aitchison, A., Springfield, Herbert Aitcbison, G., Woodhouselec, Awamoko Aitchison, Peter, AYaikoura, Awamoko Anderson, John, Kartigi, Palmerston Anderson, Thomas, Awakino, Kurow Archibald, George, Kurow Atkinson, Airs. A. J., Gorge, Weston Balfour, A., Mansfield, Ngapara Barr, J. IT, Crighton, Oamaru Barr Brothers, Maheno Barraclough, John, Waimotu, Oamaru Battersby, B., Alatapuna, Enfield Bissett, William, Oamaru Borrie, Donald, Papakaio Borton, J., Alaerewhenua, Duntroon Brown, Francis, Seaview, Herbert Bryce, Smith, Oamaru Budge, J., Herbert Burgess, J., Herbert Burnett, James, Papakaio Cagney, John, Seafield, Oamaru Cameron, J., Horse Gully, Papakaio Campbell, C, Glenrose, Hampden 3240 68 i8o 8.U 35oo 10150 60 800 509 1250 98 1261 3047 500 418 170 815 Nil 800 200 150 400 Nil 20 70 2300 161 90 200 I CO 1400 53 Nil 2600 16000 200 '5° Joo 379 753 595 1500 225 450 384 854 403 2007 307


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of 8 81st 1880. Sheep on May. j 18S7. Findlay, James, nillhouse, Hampden Forrester, John, Papakaio Forsythe, C, Alaheno Fobs, William, Oamaru Frame, W., Herbert Fricker, Edward, Georgetown Flicker, John, Georgetown Gard, AV., Kurow Gardiner, James, Island Cliff, Ngapara Gardiner, AV., Tapui Downs, Ngapara Garrow, James, Ardgowan, Camaru Geddes, George, River View, Georgetown ... Gemmell, James, Cowden, Alaheno Gibson, J. and D., Langside, Herbert Gilchrist, J. C, Oamaru Gillies, Archibald, Hampden Gordon, Peter, Oamaru Grant, John, Otiake Grant, W. S., Georgetown Gray, Andrew, Pukeuri Junction Gray, W. L., Pukeuri Junction Hall Brothers, Georgetown Hall, Mrs. Thomas, Boutrig, Awamoko namill, H. and D., Alaerewhenua Harrison, William, Pukeuri Junction Hartley, Jonas, Pukeuri Junction Hay, Robert, Awaweka, Enfield Henaro Mauhara and others, Hillgroro Henderson, John, Awamoko Henderson, T., Herbert Herald, David, Pukeuri Junction Heron, Mrs. Margaret, Herbert Hewton and Co., Herbert Ilille, Christian, Kurow Hodgkinson, E., Longslip, Omarama Hodgson, J., Hampden Holmes, Hon. M., Awamoa, Oamaru Howden, W.„ Glenmoa, Ngapara Hunter, John Airedale, Papakaio HutcbiBon, George, Rockland, Ngapara Hutton, James, Waimakarua, Herbert Hutton, John, Livingstone JameB, Joseph, Herbert Jamieson, C. B., Omarama Jardine, T. and J., Awamoko Jessop, C, Ferncliff, Ngapara Johnston, John, Georgetown Johnston, R., Awamoko Jones, William, Herbert Joyce, Thomas, Winterburne, Hampden ... Kemp, J. and T., Hillgrove Ketchin, J., Alaheno Laurence, John, River Bank, Alaheno Ledingham, George, Alaheno Lefevre, John, AVestfield Park, Hampden Lindsay and Hacquoil, Pukeuri Junction ... Little, H. & T, Ngapara Lowrey and Barr, Awaweka, Enfield Marshall, A., Herbert Macauly, R., Totara Park, Oamaru Alaitland & Stronach, Lake Ohau, Omarama Martin, Edwin, Kakanui McAulay, J., Pukeuri Junction McBride, J., Alaheno McCone, James, Otiake McDonald, Alexander, Herbert McDonald, Angus, Georgetown McDonald, George, Maheno McDonald, Peter, Otiake McGimpsey, James, Otiake Mclnnes, Murdoch, Otiake Alclntyre, Malcolm, Oamaru McKay, H., Allday Bay, Kakanui McKellar and Middleton, Kurow McKenzie, John, Heathfield, Palmerston ... McKenzie, T., Allday Bay, Kakanui McKerrow, Andrew, Dunton, Hampden McLay, Thomas, Pukeuri Junction AlcLean, James, Allday Bay, Kakanui McLean, John, Redcastle, Oamaru McLeod, Hector, Hillgrore McMaster, A., Waikaura, Oamaru McMaster, A. (Exors.), Tokarahi, Duntroon McNaught, A., Georgetown 170 700 120 50 55 333 192 213 20380 255 3'5 970 177 6000 '3 '55 .69 1080 76 180 1400 400 596 400 300 1762 2000 '95 900 54 600 850 1040 15000 78 2260 600 6024 125 208 ioo 400 7° '5 54 292 '57 3°o 1100 21892 3So 262 720 276 6000 Nil Nil 35' 840 140 180 1100 300 394 290 Nil 34 IOOO 93 560 32 500 550 "35 15000 90 2205 Nil 5010 181 26 500 30 9350 700 1300 500 200 8100 800 1400 600 280 jaS 700 275 675 377 180 111 304 400 270 Nil '93 80 Nil 855 660 290 900 70 1435 10700 300 150 298 100 800 95 550 9000 340 Nil 180 200 782 5° 599 90 262 200 Nil IOO 576 54 130 180 1700 40 500 47 500 77' 160 300 291 254 5° iS5i8 IOO 1208 20000 786 240 4' 56 18000 90 1300 2550° 583

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1880. I 1687. AlcPhee, Neil, Awamoko AlcPherson, A. and W., Maheno AlcPherson, George, Pukeuri Junction AlcWilliam, A. A., Hampden Meek, AV., Teaneraki, Enfield Alenlore, E., Windsor Park, Oamaru Miller, II. J., Fernbrook, Oamaru Alilmine, James, Otiake Mitchell, IL, Parkside, Weston Mitchell, James, Kakanui Alorrison, Hector, Herbert Morrison, Robert, Herbert Alortimer, Matthew, Hampden Alorton, AL, Weston Alorton, AL, Kakanui Alulrena, John, Livingstone Alurcot, William, Hampden Alurdoch, A., Centre Park, Ngapara Alurray, W. M., Forks Run, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Ardgowan, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Aloeraki, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Mt. Dasher, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Kurow N.Z. A. L. Co., Totara, Oamaru N.Z. Meat Preserving Company, Kakanui ... Naseby Pastoral Investment Company Limited, Naseby Nichols, J. O, Kureheka, Maheno Nicholson, T. H., Pukeuri Nicholson, W., AVoodside, Hampden Nisbet, Henry, Otiake Oliver, Hon. Ft., Corriedale, Windsor Paterson, A., Woodlands, Herbert Paterson, T. and A., Eskdale, Ngapara Paton, J., Papakaio Paton, R., Pukeuri Junction Perry, B., Oamaru Plenis, Adam, Kurow Porter, John, Otiake Pringle, J., Bowhill, Livingstone Q.uigley, Alfred, Otiake Reid, John, Balruddery, Enfield Reid, John, Elderslie, Oamaru Reid, John, Streamside, Maheno Reid, T., Gibb's Lea, Ngapara Riddcll, A., Peebles, Papakaio Robertson, A., Herbert Robertson, James, Hampden Robertson, J., Valleyfield, Alaheno Robertson, T., Herbert ... Robertson, W., Alaheno Ross, Angus, Rosebury, Herbert Ross Bros., Hill Grove Ross, Hugh, Awamoko Roxburgh, IL, Springhead, Ngapara Roxby, E. W., Awamoa, Oamaru Russell, Peter, Herbert Rutherfurd, W. G., Rugged Ridges, Kurow Schultcr, H., Pukeuri Junction Scott, Joseph, Otiake Scott, R., Crosslea Farm, Herbert Shaw, John, Incholme, Alaheno Shaw, William, Kurow Shirres, W., Aviemore, Oamaru Sim, Alexander, Tullymett, Herbert Simmons, John, Hillgrove Simpson, Donald, Otiake Sise, G. L., Ashland, Hampden Smillie, Airs. J., Georgetown Smith and AVatson, Keynton, Enfield Sterenson, T., Windermere, Alaheno Stewart, H., Otiake Stewart, R., Awamoko, Waitaki North Stewart, Robert, Blue Gums, Kurow Stringer, William, Duntroon Sutherland, A. G., Ngapara Sutherland, AV., jun., Duntroon Sutherland, W., senr., Liringstone Sutton, J. A,, AVaitoa, Oamaru Taylor, J. A., Duntroon Taylor, J. B., Springbank, Duntroon Taylor, P., Hilton Farm, Duntroon Teschemaker and Co., Kurow Teschemaker, W. H., Taipo, Maheno 60 550 96 100 4500 '95°4 340 220 1196 550 300 '74 60 363 '3 '95 400 1201 11300 7986 19241 17116 18660 19659 347 14000 53 20 350 10000 596 600 35° 300 580 '65 199 346 63 14000 16000 192 296 406 320 '4 434 105 150 300 500 350 21 270 99 56 IOOO 21460 350 72 300 90 290 18S Nil 277 11 167 400 1396 10500 9967 18710 17081 16500 21142 112 4500 13100 36 Nil 360 10100 680 35o 347 275 294 155 499 352 7' 16000 18500 170 231 3<S Nil Nil 487 40 20 '55 5°o 200 848 62 65 450 7500 380 100 IOO 200 156 9773 996 170 300 1673 660 500 7500 150 264 97 Nil Nil 10500 986 95 92 1298 500 Nil 977 5°o 307 300 245 30 100 IOOO 820 400 695 497 60 IOO 200 127 IOO 1298 800 4OO 280OO 3168 20 1290 400 Nil 28000 3345


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of fihoop on 31st May. 1S80. ) 1887. Teschemaker, W.H.,Kamoo Hill,Maheno ... Thomson, A., Kakanui Thomson, Hugh, Ngapara Thompson, Robert, Strathfield, Maheno Thompson, Thomas, Columella, Enfield Todd, C. and J. M., Tottenham, Enfield ... Trotter, R. A., Ilillgrorc AVait and Burbury, Oamaru AValker, Alexander, Papakaio AVatson, Garden, Hilderthorpe, Enfield AVestlake, T., Ngapara William, Joseph, Whitstone, Weston AA'ilson, James, Papakaio Wilson, John, Papakaio Wilson, J. and S., Oamaru Young & Dalgety, Omarama ■759' '75o 650 86o 18724 11500 Nil 550 220 873 598 1200 62 Nil 268 840 600 3000 380 250 l! 5 200 900 7940 49700 20 180 800 6770 48000 A1ANIOTOTO COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Afjnew, n. Blackstone Hill Aitkenhcad, J., Becks Anderson, J. P., Blackstone Hill Annett, AVilliam, Hyde Armstrong, AVilliam, Becks Baxter Brothers Hamilton's Beattie, J., Cambrian Benyie, James, Hyde Blakely, John, Gimmerburn Bolting, G., Naseby Botting, J., Naseby Bruhnes, John, Hyde Buckland, J. C, Taieri Lake (Waikouaiti) ... Campbell, Alalcolm, Cambrian Campbell, Airs. Catherine, Kyeburn Cleugh, A., Aloa Farm, Gimmerburn Connolly, P. A., Hyde Coram, J. and J., Hamilton's Coyle, John, Kyeburn Creighton, James, Kyeburn Crossan, S., AVedderburn Crutchley, John, Kyeburn Currie, G. and W., Kyeburn Dalgety, F. G., Hawkdun, Blackstone Hill... Dowling, John, Hyde Duncan, D., Naseby Fenton, John, Gimmerburn Fisher, William, Becks Puller, Robert, Gimmerburn Gerkens, Claus, Becks Glendinning, R. AV., Taieriside, Kyeburn ... Glenn, Robert, Naseby Graham, John, Blackstone Hill Greer, P. J., Hamilton's Grummett, Win., Naseby Guffie, W., Naseby Hamilton, J., Cambrian Harley, James, Itirerdale, Beck's narman, S., Blackball, Linburn Harris, Samuel, Kyeburn Hastie, Richard, Hamilton's Healy, Thomas, Naseby Heaney, James, Hyde Hickey, Tliomas, Hyde Hore, James, Naseby Hore, R. R., Naseby Howard, Peter, Hyde Howell, T. and J., Hamilton's Hughes, Hugh, Cambrian Inder, R. & S., Naseby Kearney, Patrick, Naseby Keenan, Tliomas, St. Bathan's Kelly, Joseph, Fullartou's, Hyde Kinney, Patrick, Hyde Laughton, John, Hamilton's Larerty, John, Hyde Law, John, Naseby Law, rcter, Sowhurn, Naseby LevingBtonc, T., Blackstone Hill Lewis, Patrick, Naseby Loan and Laud Co. of N.Z., Naseby Logan, E. IL, Mrs., Marietanga, Kyeburn ... Logan, Robert, To Whare, Kyeburn 645509 644661 160 250 190 360 80 198 460 37° 150 200 350 Nil 142 200 85 367 380 350 130 212 300 60 984 '9225 400 95 596 1370 5° 955 17868 5°o 360 95 720 2100 5° 15° Nil 190 353° 20921 300 35 200 45° 219 609 2335 200 9° 4000 23920 200 300 1500 6.35 500 280 190 200 500 Ni'l 706 2294 400 45° 600 Nil 500 375 430 300 190 1200 9' 200 '85 3°0 280 600 300 800 98 200 240 250 290 700 746 625 700 2500 200 436 1400 1190 57° 1300 198 5° 650 1912 975 I500 '38 740 700 25OO 300 355 1400 1100 650 1300 250 Nil Nil 2047 1190

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Lory, Jacob, Wedderburn Lory, John, NaBeby Lory, W. J., Naseby Alackenzie, AL J. S., Kyeburn Alaisey, J. M., Kyeburn Alaniototo Farming Company, Kyeburn Alann, AVilliam, Kyeburn Marshall, W., Blackstone Hill Mathewson, L., Taieri Lake, Hyde Alawhinney, E. and T., Naseby Mawhinney, Wilson, Naseby AlcCluskey, Patrick, Naseby AlcCready, D. and AV., Kyeburn AlcDevitt, James, Blackstone Hill AIcDeritt, AVilliam, Blackstone Hill AlcErleane, H., Gimmerburn AleKnight, J., Blackstone Hill AlcLean, Charles, Riverside, Hyde McLennan, Alexander, Wedderburn AIcAIaster, A., Naseby AIcNamara, J. Lower Kyeburn Alee, Thomas, Becks Messent, D. Naseby Millar, W. J., Naseby Alorton, Alark, Hyde Alowat, Alexander, Naseby Mulholland, J., Naseby Murdoch, G., Naseby Aiurray, William, Patearoa, Hamilton's Naseby Pastoral Investment Company (Ltd.), Eweburn, Naseby N. Z. L. and M. A. Company, Dunedin Packman, Joseph, Eweburn, Naseby Paterson, Anthony, Kyeburn Pearson, Alexander, Kyoburn Pogson, F. Or., Becks Preston, J. H., Longlands, Kyeburn Pugh, John, Gimmerburn Ramsay, J. and Sons, Springfield, Hyde Roberts, John, Patearoa, Hamilton's Roberts, Mark, Gimmerburn Ross and Glendinning, Lauder, Cambrian ... Rowley and Hamilton, Hamilton's St. Bathans Farming Company, St. Bathans Scolt, James, Gimmerburn Scott, John, Kyeburn Sharkey, Arthur, Gimmerburn Shennan, AVatson, Puketoi, Hamilton's Smithson, It., Hyde Spain, Thomas, Ida Valley, Ophir Spedden, James, Gimmerbiirn Tannahill, Margaret, Styx, Linburn Tierney, A., St. Bathan's Tregonning, W. 11., Hamilton's Trotter Alexander, Hyde Turnbull, G., Hillside, Blackstone Hill Turnbull, It. AL, Hamilton's Udy, AV. IL, Hamilton's AA Teir and Smith, Naseby White, Andrew, Naseby Williamson, K., Hyde 148 300 162 343" 250 2921 170 270 1400 220 300 37° 106 89 95 60 200 IOO 14500 96 500 170 300 200 40 IOOO 35° 13 101 29000 552' 400 65 220 5'490 I 3000 '180 238 12035 260 41767 22000 389' 397 600 IOO 150 500 101 34047 700 2783 233 345 1300 200 300 5'° 6020 146 95 180 160 200 IOO 9500 174 300 109 300 170 150 1360 300 '45'3 25520 7021 500 Nil 110 48353 13000 300 1095 13454 266 54578 23278 5°44 282 Nil 200 31000 30000 400 54 300 1036 200 300 940 2.53 363 160 28500 240 217 400 700 300 Nil 302 396 420 28076 '95 740 Nil 700 VINCENT COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Alexander, James, Ophir Allen, Peter, Ida Valley, Ophir Anderson, John, Cromwell Anderson, Peter, Ophir Aston, Charles, Ida Valley, Ophir Attficld, C. R,, Clyde Barnetson, AVilliam, Bendigo Beck, C. P., Alexandra South Bell, Sir F. D., Ida Valley, Ophir (Black's) ... Bell, T. IT., Clyde Brady, William, Ophir Brown, Archibald, Becks Butler, John, Bald Hill Flat Campbell, R., jun., Galloway, Alexandra S. Chappie, J. C, Ophir Colquhon, C, Ben Wyvis, Hawea Flat Cooper, Thomas, Hawca Plat Corrigall, James, jun., Ophir 390030 40838 400 490 600 172 236 5° 186 90 187 460 Nil 38230 290 182 '39 500 68000 200 300 3733' Nil 400 180 700 66coo IOOO Nil 500 5000 146 300 92 300


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheop on Slat May. 1886. I 1887. Cowan, J. B., Bannoekbiirn Crossan, Hugh, Bald Hill Flat Curran, Morris, Hawea'Flat Dalgety and Co., Limited, Alorven Hills and Ardgour, Bendigo Donnelly, Elizabeth, Airs., Ophir Drummy, J., Alexandra South Field, Geo., Butcher's Gully, Alexandra South Flannery, Thomas, Ophir Fleming, John, Kavvarau Gorge Eraser, William, Earnscleugh, Clyde Gibson, Charles, Bald Hill Flat Glass, Mrs. M. A., Ida V alley, Ophir Glassford, II. G., Drybread Graham and Walton, Hawksburn, Clyde Hamilton, John, Peek's Harrington, P., Black's, Ophir Henderson, John, Hawea Flat Horn and Anderson, Bannockburn Howell and Cox, Alount Pisa, Cromwell Jones, J. C, Ophir Kent, John, Ida A ralley, Ophir Kingan, AVilliam, Hawea Flat Laidlaw, W., Alatakanui, Ophir Leask, AVilliam, Ophir Lee, Edward, Ophir Lubcckie, A. D , Moutere, Alexandra South Macdonald, Malcolm, Ophir AlacKellar, D , Graudview, Cromwell McArthur, J., Clyde AlcAtamnay, James, Ida Valley, Ophir McGtttigan and Sorrenson, Bald Hill Flat... Mcintosh, G. N., Ida Valley, Ophir Mcintosh, Robert, Disputed Spur, Ophir ... Mcintosh, It., Ida Valley Farm, Ophir McLean, John, Bendigo AIcLennan, Donald, Hawea Flat AIcNally, Robert, Ida Valley, Ophir McNaughton, James, Alexandra South MeRae, John, Bendigo Moran, Daniel, Tinker's, Ophir Naylor, Ben, Clydo Naylor, George, Ophir Nevill, James, Ophir N. Z. L. and M. A.?_Co., Limited," Hawea Station, llawca Flat Nicolson, Donald, Ophir Noone, John, Ida Valley, Ophir O'Connell, AVilliam, Nevis O'Donnell, Charles, Bendigo Olds, Richard, Cromwell Oliver, A. A., Clyde Oliver, Lane, Bendigo Pedei'Eon, James, Ophir Perriam, C, Airs., Cromwell Pitches, A. E., Ophir Pitches, John, Ophir Pitches, W. 0., Ophir Poison, John, Bendigo Purvis, Alexander, Ida 'Valley, Ophir Read, Stephen, Ophir Ritchie, JameB, Cromwell Rowlands, William, Drybread Scott, James, Ophir Sheppard, John, Alatakanui ,.. Sloan, James, Ophir Sloan, John, Ophir Smith, James. Ophir Stewart and Mclvin, Kawarau, Bannockburn Stewart, AV. G., Makarora Symons, Airs., Alakarora Theyers & Beck, Alexandra South Tobin, Henry, Cromwell Tuohy, Tliomas, Cardrona Towan, John, Grove Farm, Cromwell Welsford, Samuel, Clyde AVhite, John, Ophir AVilliams, William, Clyde AVilson, Arthur, Ophir AVilson, John, Ophir AVilson, Thomas, Clyde 14000 40 104413 300 600 283 500 100 23000 '49 300 198 27500 100 1400 IOOO 42 36000 232 37396 293 61 19495 300 650 343 300 2400 140 169 '73 280 180 534 142 400 7600 14000 12 456 108633 300 880 Nil 500 IOO 24520 233 850 Nil 28000 64 3200 590 3' 38000 263 812 100 37613 500 68 '9'35 119 35° 800 100 373 IOOO 300 1900 70 60 Nil 181 300 '8.5 596 248 500 Nil 200 80 150 3°o 400 202 200 188 3000 190 300 250 '5° 100 345 1 22,0 487 1000 190 20 100 200 '993 200 1 70 116 2000 500 40000 1500 5Soo 203 294 66 5° 150 5° 400 160 3400 '30 80 40000 '499 57oo 100 200 1756 65 45 200 117 3 °o 400 400 355 304 300 45°235 457366

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. LAKE COUNTY (Tn Dunstan Subdivision). Ash worth, Airs. AL P., AlalaghanB Baird, B. R., Arrow River Barker, Jesse, Pembroke Birley, J. K. and Son, Glenorchy Boult, P. B., Queenstown British & N.Z. M. & A. Co. (Limited), Minaret, Pembroke Brit. & N. Z. M. & A. Co. (Lhntd.), Ayrbum, Pembroke Brown, John, Queenstown Butel, John, Arrow River Butel, Peter, Arrow River Butement, J., North Station, Queenstown Butement, T., North Station, Queenstown ... Cameron, Ewen, Matukituki, Pembroke Campbell, H., Pembroke Campbell & AlcLean, AVanaka, Pembroke Colquhoun, C, AVanaka West, Pembroke ... Cook, Henry, Gibbston Davidson and Hope, Aloke Creek Dewar, J. S., Saddle Hill, Queenstown Douglas, A. IL, Douglas Valo, Arrow River ... Evans, P., Cherry I'arm, Queenstown Fenn, J. C, Paradise Flat, Queenstown Forbes James, Alalaghan's Fraser, Andrew, Glenorchy Gallagher, P.,Island AA'anaka (Palmerston)... George, James, Glenorchy Grant, Alexander, Frankton Haines, C. H., Glenorchy Hansen, Christen, Frankton Hope, Thomas, Glenorchy Ironside, John, Pembroke Johnston Brothers, Glenorchy Johnstone, C, Victoria Bridge, Gibbston ... Jolly, D. C, Arrow River ... Kerin, John, Cardrona Kerin, P., Royal Burn, Arrow River Mason, AVilliam, Paradise Flat, Glenorchy... AlcBride, Francis, Frankton AleBride, John, Greenstone, Kinloch AlcDonnell, T., Arrow River McKellar, D., Mt. Barker, Luggato AlcKenzie, Hugh, Beech Bay, Queenstown ... AlcKenzie & Alclntosh, Lome Peak, Kingston AlcLeod, D., Kingston AlcAlillan, Finlay, Glenorchy MePherson, Hugh, Pembroke Meiklejohn, Mrs. J., Queenstown Miller, Lewis, Alalaghan's Alorrisby, A. H., Eastbourne, Arrow River ... Naylor, Frederick, Nokomai, Garston N. Z. L. & M. A. Co. (Limited), Eastbourne, Arrow River N. Z. L. & M. A. Co. (Limited), Kawarau Falls, Frankton Nicol, J., Fernhill & Alt. Nicholas, Queenst'n Paterson, J. O, Arrowtown Paterson, AV., Ayrbum, Arrow River Paulin, AVilliam, Glenorchy Pritchard, Robert, Arrow River Richards, T. F., Queenstown Scoles, AVilliam, Arrow River Scott, John, Queenstown Southland Investment Co., Kinloch Trotter, W. S., Greenrale, Kingston Turner, J., Queenstown Union Bank of Australia, Dooley's Creek, Kingston Wholan, James, Arrow River White, George, Arrow River AVithers and Co., Queenstown AVraytt, J. A., Garston 720 220 600 9500 7100 11 475 16 17650 IOOO 6250 38000 98 1700 2300 400 604 3000 2500 I 285 no 290 57 300 160 100 120 480 38 900 60 83 400 6000 50 590 160 100 Nil 9500 Nil 253 400 50 Nil 980 1500 6800 40500 6000 96 IOOO 2400 500 606 3845 13000 IOO 213 148 300 48 52 83 192 162 202 95 200 500 55 '590 98 70 390 IOOO 6000 500 500 260 50 3000 300 5-5'3 34 2900 198 Nil 63 54'9 7200 7000 4000 4600 Nil 200 IOOO 406 200 2834 6823 121 Nil Nil 6250 241 400 2000 650 845 2673 6546 96 3900 100 180 250 7000 200 300 7000 WAIHEMO COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Amyes, E. B., Hilhampton, Palmerston Anderson, John, Palmerston Arnot, Peter, Palmerston Askin, Thomas, Fleasant A'alley, Palmerston 145804 •47433 299 5°0 500 92 Nil 700 62 49


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Shoop on 31st May. 1886. 1687. Skimming, L., Springbank, Palmorston 200 2C< (Tn Duns!an Subdivision. Matheson, J. E., Hartfield, Hyde N.Z. and A.L. Co., Deep Dell, Macrae's Teviotdalc, Alexander, Hyde 10730 1800 20180 7708 2000 l8l66 500 550 Total in County 22480 '333'6 20716 125OOO WAIKOUAITI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Bannatyne, Alexander, Waikouaiti Bray, Benjamin, AVaikouaiti Borthwiok, Robert, Waikouaiti Buckland, J. O, Tumai, Waikouaiti Clyma, John, Spring Farm, Bcaconsfield ... Coutts, John, Jane Field, Palmerston Cowan, W., Lower Tumai, Waikouaiti Dempster, AAllliam, The Glen, Flag Swamp Douglas, J., Alount Royal, Palmerston Duncan, John, Cherry Farm, AVaikouaiti Duncan, Peter, Tumai, AVaikouaiti Heckler, W., llawkesbury, AVaikouaiti Uerlslet, H. N., AVaikouaiti Jefferis, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp Johnston, Thomas, Flag Swamp Kane, Peter, Fairview Farm, Beaconsfield ... Lindsay, John, Flag Swamp Maekclden, Walter, Waikouaiti AlcGill, James, AVaikouaiti AlcLean, Hugh, AVaikouaiti Nankivell ancl Sons, Waikouaiti North, Henry, Seacliff Orbell, Henry, the River, AVaikouaiti Orbell, AL C, Ballingdon, Waikouaiti Orbell, M. O, Matanaka, Waikouaiti Orbell, N. AL, AVaikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Pratt, Thomas, Karitane Reid, John. Corner Bush, Aferton Souter, William, Flag Swamp Sterens, James, Waikouaiti Stringer, Robert, Flag Swamp Townsend, J. A., AVaikouaiti Walker, Robert, Flag Swamp 12 600 3600 2050 1000 160 104 200 3'4o9 4'25 378 3000 359° 400 180 95° 200 336 700 1000 1010 600 3500 Nil 800 •5° 56 350 28676 4200 450 3000 3500 Nil '5° 800 300 300 500 1200 900 210 20400 26950 900 Nil 19000 27888 1471 650 '50 3000 1300 535 Nil 190 3000 1500 1200 800 200 300 60 200 160 80 (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Harrison, J. AV., Port Chalmers Hogg, G., Alount Clifton, Blueskin Jensen, Carl, Purakanui AlacKay, William, Blueskin Alaw-son, J , The Broadleaves Farm, Purakanui Sutherland, James, Purakanui Watson, James, Blueskin AVhite, Thomas, Alerton 109614 >S 27 65 25 '7 400 18 98 104876 Nil Nil 40 Nil 69 250 '7 92 Total in county 665 46, 110279 '05344 PENINSULA COUNTY (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Burns, Richard, Otago Heads Dick, A., Wicliffc Bay, Portobello — Dickson and Ross, Belmont, Portobello Dougall, J., Quarantine Island, Pt. Chalmers Duckmanton, H., Newstead, Dunedin Geary, AV., jun., Portobello Ilarwood, J. S., Portobello Kellas, H., Portobello Larnach, AV. J. AL, The Camp, Dunedin ... Alacandrew, J. and A., N.E. Harbour McAuley, J. J., Portobello Mitchell, Richard, Hooper's Inlet, Portobello Aluir, James, Portobello North, Alfred, Portobello Robertson, William, Sandymount Ryan, Patrick, Portobello AVoipers, J., Sandymount 97 '93 1800 23 34 490 98 7o 96 780 '93 3'8 100 Nil Nil 2000 50 38 500 100 75 23 900 46 284 59° 500 103 110 93 650 400 225 96 5604 S48<

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Bell, A. D., Shag Valley, Waihemo Bennett, William, Hyde Benton and Sutherland, Palmerston Cameron, H., Centrewood, Palmerstou Chislujlm, AV., jun., Green Valley Clark, George, Alaerae's Flat Cochrane, James, Palmerston Cockcrell, B., Alaerae's Flat Coekerell, G. P., Alaerae's Flat Cox, John, Dunback Cunningham, AVilliam, Dunback Curie, James, Palmerston Davies, A. G., Dunback Davis, Louis, Green Valley Day, Isaac, Palmerston Dent, George, Green Valley Duncan, John, Dunback Elston, H., Palmerston Pinnie, D. IL, Moonlight Flynn, Lawrence, Alaerae's Flat Eraser, Hugh, Green Valley Fraser, James, Moonlight Freeland, John, Pigroot, Palmerston Garvan, Archibald, Dunback Gilford, Peter, Macrae's Plat Glover, J. E., Shag Valley Hanlou, D., Aloonligbt Ilartstonge, J., jun., Alaerae's Flat Hayes, John, Alaerae's Flat Heffernan, AVilliam, Aloonlight Kilgour, Alexander, Flag Swamp Kitchener, II., the Grange, Dunback Lippert, Hugo, Waihemo Little, William, Palmerston Alassey, James, Inch Valley, Dunback Matheson, John, Palmerston Alatheson, AL, Hyde Alatheson, R., AVaihemo McDonald, Ewcn, Green Valley McDonald, Ewen, Lenie Farm, Green Valley McElwee, R., Palmerston McKenzie, J., Oykell Farm, Dunback McLaren, Alexander, Greenfold, Palmerston McLeod, George, Goodwood, Palmerston ... McLeod, P., Islay Downs, Green Valley McRae, Duncan, Alaerae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Green Valley Muir, David, Green Valley Muir Bros., Shag Valley, Palmerston Alunro, Donald, Palmerston O'Neil, B., Palmerston Philips, James, Shag Valley Rich, F. D., Bushy Park, Palmerston Ritchie, James, Dunback Robertson, AVm., Blue Mountain, Palmerston Robertson, AV., Terrace Farm, Palmerston ... Ross Bros., Meadow Bank, Palmerston Ross, George, Shag Valley Service, J., New Smithston, Palmerston Sloan, G., Roebank, Flag Swamp Stenhouse, James, Palmerston Stewart, John, Dunback Sutherland, J. and A., Palmerston AValsh, AVilliam, Green Valley Watt, John, Palmerston AVright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Young, J. S., Goodwood, Palmerston 40189 3164 60 1007 290 385 1360 80 '45 63 600 270 ■72 63 150 2 Nil 193 ■55 600 400 3244 89 190 132 500 997 290 200 660 17108 153 70 1467 9' 3000 59° 241 40500 3290 '55 818 Nil 350 1400 40 60 142 180 Nil 260 101 25 '35 Nil 90 610 152 500 500 2940 65 '83 '94 398 1358 400 200 650 17216 .46 Nil Nil 100 3000 750 35' 101 Nil Nil '39 895 516 '34 995 400 286 780 1564 100 370 177 1366 150 2000 500 5500 590 98 759 360 240 1500 289 40 500 140 100106 525 20 793 4500 358 600 1480 61 70 '44 Nil 100 270 Nil 55oo 886 90 680 210 200 1060 295 Nil 370 150 96,576 80 Nil 800 (In Oamaru Subdivision). Braithwaite, John, Palmerston Browne, J. S., Shag Point, Palmerston Campbell, David,AVoolshed Farm, Palmerston Dalziel, James, Shag Valley Dreaver, Mrs. Janet, Palmerston Campbell, Donald, Shag Valley Guffie, David, Palmerston Jack, W. J., Palmerston McDonald, Hugh, Palmerston AIcGregor, Charles, Palmerston McLeod, Donald, Palmerston Alenlove, E., Goodwood (Oamaru) Miller, James, PalmerBton Munro, Alexander, Shag Valley Murray, W. and D., Dunback 185 i°55 700 110 171 200 15° 100 160 90 180 95 93 100 250 164 479 2342 3°o 45° 2085 II1 700 2888 500 800 2700


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


31st May. 1886. I 1887. 'o. of Sheep on 31st May. TAIERI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, William, jun., Otakaia iitcheson, John, Island Farm, Waikouaiti ... Alexander, J. S., George Street, Dunedin ... Allan, James, Hopehill, Greytown Allan, J. A., jun., Middlemarch Allan, John, Bellfield, Aliddlemarch Allan, John, The Holmes, East Taieri Andrew, John, Mosgiel Iiallingill, David, Clark's Barron, Robert, Hindon Bathgate, John, Island Farm, Outram Beattie, John, Whinfield, Alaungatua Bell, J. T., Waikouaiti Bethune, W. R. M., Barewood Station, Middlemarch Black, D. L., Hindon Black, Ebenczer, Hindon Black, James, Hindon Boyd, A. & J., Hindon Station, North Taieri Boyd, A. and J., Rockland, North Taieri ... Brown, Henry, Otakaia Bruce, John, Brighton Buchanan, Gilbert, Outram Buckland, J. C, Rock and Pillar, Waikouaiti Callander, J. and J. A., East Taieri Carnie, Alexander, Hindon Charters, R., Ury and Springbank, Mosgiel... Christie, Alexander, Brighton Christie, William, Otakaia Collins, John, Alount Hyde, Outram Craigie, Richard, Henley Crawford, Peter, Green Island Cullen, James, Greytown Dean, Alexander, Hindon Denniston and Co., Terrace Range, Berwick Dornwell, Albert, butcher, Dunedin Dow, Charles, Aliddlemarch Dow, James, Dowfield, Outram Edmonds, David, Otakaia Ewart, J. B., Hindon Findlay, John, Mosgiel Finnic, Robert, East Taieri Finnie, Thomas, Saddle Hill Flett, George, Otakaia Fleming, Alexander, Henley Freeman, J., Abbotsford, Green Island Fulton, F. C , Lee Flat, Outram Fulton, J., Ravenscliff, Outram Gellibrand & Co., Cottesbrook, Aliddlemarch Cibson, Robert, Keinton, North Taieri Gibson, William, North Taieri Gordon, Tliomas, Alaungatua Gow, James, Invermay, Mosgiel Grant, Charles, Hindon Grant, D., Granton Farm, Outram 3-rant, Peter, Gowrie Farm, Outram Grant, William, Clairiiich Farm, Outram ... Harvey, Robert, Woodside Heenan, Daniel, Alaungatua Heenan, Edward, Maungatua Heenan, John, Alaungatua Heenan, William, Alaungatua Hughan, David, Taieri Beach tlutehings, AVilliam, Henley laffray, W., Saddle Park, East Taieri lohnston, D. H., Alosgiel Kempshell, R. A., Maungatua Kirkland, James, Outram ICirkland, William, East Taieri Law, Robert, Riccarton, East Taieri Leishman, Robert, Whare Flat Little, Thomas, Kuri Bush Macpherson, D. and A., Berwick Marchbank, J., Maungatua Marshall, David, North Taieri Marshall, John, Lee Stream Martin, AV. R., Lee Stream Matheson, George, Birch Hill, Hindon Matheson, James, Hindon Matheson, John, Aliddlemarch Matheson, Thomas, Hindon McDiarmid, Angus, Alaungatua 40 226 9 3580 2521 2650 408 110 70 600 45° 18311 140 144 170 6650 20000 16 400 290 9750 47o 127 26 90 200 344 100 3200 1200 351 300 148 450 18 30 500 Nil 5429 2800 1800 356 200 700 100 300 800 900 17619 97 80 163 6650 20000 Nil 240 160 860 523 369 140 85 27 80 190 50 330 95 3100 Nil IOOO 350 250 94 35° '7 3 29 100 282 30 60 400 260 21788 400 14617 3660 326 IOO 1240 100 1600 IOOO 170 25 290 500 90 IOOO 170 304 593 790 306 '80 21324 520 16357 3100 35° 150 1200 150 490 600 170 Nil 180 200 Nil IOOO 190 94 593 235 305 90 45° 160 Nil 400 394 120 1700 196 640 1500 S 1680 235 100 39° 200 2700 8'5 270 600 136 130

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S6. 1887. McDiarmid, Gilbert, Maungatua McDiarmid, R., Kirkland, Woodside AlcDiarmid, William, Woodside AlcDonald, Duncan, Lee Stream McDonald, John, Maungatua AlcDonald, R. and W., Whare Flat McEwing, Dugald, Whare Flat AlcLean, Neil, Kilbride Farm, North Taieri McLeod, Archd., Middlemarch AlcLeod, A. J., Lee Stream McLeod, Stewart, AVoodside McLeod, Thomas, Brighton McMaster, Hugh, Saddle Hill AIcNab, James, Kuri Bush AtcITiee, John, Aliddlemarch AlcRae, Alexander, Aliddlemarch Alilner, Celia, Longhill, North Taieri Aluir, Robert, North Taieri Muir, Thomas, Maungatua Murray, John, Middlemarch Murray, Roberts, & Co., Gladbrook, Dunedin N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Traquair, Outram Niehol, G., Abbot sford Station, Claik's Niehol, J. S., Clark's Nimmo, John, Mosgiel Nolan, John, Aliddlemarch O'Donncll, IL, Aliddlemarch Olive, James, Aliddlemarch Orbell, H, Mount Stoker (Waikouaiti) Oughton, James, Alosgiel Palmer Brothers, Otakaia Palmer, Henry, Otakaia Palmer, J. E., Kakeno, Otakaia Paterson, Charles, Middlemarch Patrick, William, Balmoral Farm, Outram ... Peat, Alexander, junior, Clark's Peat, Andrew, Clark's Peat and Sons, Mt. Gowrie, Clark's Peat, David, Clark's Peat, John, Clark's Petrie, W. and A., Hindon Popham, Thomas, Middlemarch Reid, D., Salisbury Farm, Dunedin Reid, Airs. Agnes, Otakaia Reid, Airs. M., Broomficld Mains, Outram ... Reid, AV. and N., Round Hill, Leo Stream ... Renton, John, Mosgiel Robertson, J. and A., Outram Robinson, R., Lako VVaipori, Berwick Scott, AV. A., Harden, Aliddlemarch Shand, James, Outram Shand, William, Greytown Shand, W. T, Otakaia Shaw, John, Mosgiel Simpson, A., Alaungatua Singer, Frederick, Hindon Smellie and Young, North Taieri Smith, C. D., Aliddlemarch Smith, John, Gladfield, North Taieri Smith, S. G., Rattray Street, Dunedin Snow, William, Outram Sutherland, J. IL, Alaungatua Thompson, Thomas, Aliddlemarch Thomson, W., Banks, Alaungatua Thomson, W., Alossido, North Taieri Todd Brothers, Islington, Mosgiel Walsh, Peter, Otakaia AA ratson, W. T., Hopewell, Middlemarch Webb, Pt., North Taieri AVhyte, John, Sandridge, North Taieri Wilson, J. H, Rosebank, Berwick AVilson, Robert, Romarua, Clark's Wilson, Thomas, Kuri Bush Wright, James, Langlea Farm, Alosgiel Wyllie, James, Outram 20 300 500 1600 300 .78 IOOO IOO 51 246 400 300 88 5' 810 200 310 280 27005 9000 7500 600 350 'SO '47 16000 Nil 700 450 1500 Nil 6490 Nil 400 35o 1500 100 200 IOOO IOO 61 303 150 20 25 97 1200 800 200 216 250 233 23675 9561 8000 700 400 200 IOO 140 15000 136 800 300 Nil 1548 7° 1125 900 2340 IOOO 490 1500 1610 140 IOOO 2000 160 150 3000 1200 1500 IOOO 1140 460 2172 I IOO IOO Nil 3600 213 '57 3000 1420 2000 1500 1850 .30 Nil 500 Ni'l 3069 300 110 Nil 350 71 898 IOO 1991 205 124 90 591 520 223 300 '66 1418 IOOO 92 400 11705 62 180 'So IOO 900 700 '75 90 97 5°o Nil Nil 300 9640 60 65 100 BRUCE COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision.) Adam, J., Bon Accord Lodge (Alilton) Aitchison, James, Clarkesville Aitken, John, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesville ... Allison, J. and J., Milton 239450 23'935 350 400 60 580 55° 400 '9 5°'

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

10—H. 13. '


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Anderson, A. IL, Stirling Anderson, &., Table Hill, Berwick Armstrong, AV., Milton Begg Brothers, Hill End, Balelutha Bell, William, Waihola Bishop, James, Hillend, Bishop's Biahop, T. O, Hillend, Balelutha Blaekie, D. N., Kaitangata Bowie, Charles, nillend, Lorell's Flat Boyd, Edward, Hillend, Stirling Brock, William, Taieri Beach Brown, Alexander, Alilton Bruce, James, Louisrille, Alilton Bryce Bros., Spring Hill, Lorell's Flat Bryce, James, Mount Cooey, Stirling Calder, A., Burleigh Farm, Lovcll's Flat Cameron, Alexander, Lovell's^Flat Cameron and Russell, Stirling Cameron, Ewen, Clarksville Campbell, D., Stoney Creek, Balelutha Campbell, Donald, Lake Waipori, Berwick... Carr, John, Manuka Creek Carrick, A., Lakeside, Waihola Chalmers, J. P., Rosebank, Milton Chapman, Robert, Waihola, (Dunedin) Clark, David, Clarkesville Clark, Jasper, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesville ... Clegg, Elias, Alillbum Cockerill, George, Milton Corsan, I)., Aleadowbank, Alilton Craig, R., senior, Springhill, Manuka Creek Crane, James, Taieri Beach, AVaihola Cranston, J. C., Fernyhaugb, Alilton Currie, John, Tuakitoto, Lovcll's Flat Currie, AVilliam, Burnside, Lovell's Flat Darling, Robert, Inchclutha, Kaitangata ... Dewes, Susan, Waitahuna Gully Dolan, Frank, Alilton Donachie, James, Clarkesville Douglas, Anthony, Milburn Douglas, J., Little A ralley, Alillburn Draper, John, Alilton Drinnan, James, Alilton Driver, II., Clarendon Estate, Dunedin Duff, William, Alary Hill, AA raihola Dunlop, Archibald, Lovell's Flat Dunn, William, Riversdale, Milton Elliott, George, Lovell's Flat Fairbairn, James, Taieri Beach Fairbairn, Robert, Taieri Beach FAdconer, C, Glenkilrie Alilton Farquharson, John, Milton Pinch, John, jun., Miilburn Flett, H. B., Table Hill, Millburu Forsyth, Charles, Alilton Forsyth, Charles, jun.,'Table Hill, Milton ... Foster, Godfrey, Alillbum Frascr, Alexander, Alilton Frazer, James, Taratu, Kaitangata Gibb, Walter, Taieri Beach Gilroy, G. H, Stirling Glenlidi Estate Co., Akatore, Alilton Glenn, John, Alilton Graham, Joseph, AVaihola Grant, George, Milton Green, S. E., Taieri Beach Grey, John G., Clarendon, Miilburn Grev, John G., Alillburn Hagen, Samuel, Table Hill, Alillburn Haggart, J. and H., Kaitangata Haggart, Peter, Wangaloa Halpin, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Heads, George, Alillburn Henderson, John, Alillbum Hewitson, R. and AV., Lovell's Flat Hislop, John, Milton Hodgson, William, Milton Houliston, G., Alary Lea, Stoney Creek Howie, J., South Bridge, Milton Howie, T, South Bridge, Clarkesville Hughan, Gordon, Waihola Inglis, George, Stirling Inglis, James, Alilton Johnson, H. L , Berwick 500 400 600 16500 182 300 185 747 492 100 '30 90 IOO 1150 177 650 70 720 2000 56 95 42 150 45° 1500 100 300 250 290 1200 380 580 255 90 180 1354 400 190 127 98 200 200 200 4657 900 140 4900 291 72 300 1180 500 Nil 500 17000 250 3°o 32 686 405 20 Nil 89 197 '34° Nil 53o 30 Nil 2500 '60 93 25 200 200 '549 100 200 120 200 1200 380 56' 353 182 'SO 442 448 160 200 '35 IOO IOO 198 3370 IOOO I 20 3800 '258 91 300 996 400 300 2777 60 500 900 180 35° IOO 2890 90 500 1098 195 1050 98 410 Nil 100 238 96 156 650 808 61 55° 250 ■35 184 3000 600 1090 65 200 5761 Nil 227 69 192 945 400 9' 400 '99 95 200 7° 80 41 98 200 230 200 275 450 3000 490 76 98 45 120 300 'SO 250 278 35°

No. of SI 31st I bcop on Hay. 1886. 1887. Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johnston, T. A., Lorraine, Balelutha Kelly, AVilliam, Kaitangata Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Alilton Kerr, Alexander, Lovcll's Plat Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat Lawrence, T., senior, Kaitangata Lawrence, James, Sea View, Kaitangata Lindsay, George, Birkcnshaw, Milton .., Lockhart, William, Alillon Lowery, Alexander, Alilton Lowery, Thomas, Clarkesville Alackay, James, Waihola Mackay, J., Spring Vale, Alillburn Marshall, James, Southbridge, Alilton Matheson, W., Middle Bank, Milton Matthew, CharleB, Miilburn McCaw, AVilliam, Glenore McCorkindale, Adam, Manuka Creek AlcDonald, James, Miilburn McDonald, J., Stoney Creek, Lorell's Flat ... McGillirray, Daniel, Waihola AlcGilp, Neil, Alilton Mcintosh, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton AlcKeclmie, A., Alilton McKenzie, Murdoch, Taieri Beach AlcLachlan, Duncan, Milton AIcLaren, A., Alilton McLaren, William, Butcher, Kaitangata ... AlcLean, William, Clarkesville McLennan, Donald, Taieri Beach AIcLeod, G., North Branch, Alilton AlcMaster, D., (Exors. of), AVaihola Aliller, A. 1 sen., Glenore Miller, W. H., Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. ... Alilne, James, Taieri Beach Mitchell, A., Glonburn, AVangaloa Alitchell, D., .Ardmore, Wangaloa Moffat, Archibald, Alount Stewart, Glenore... Aloir, Mrs. Margaret, Lovell's Flat Aloir, Ralph, Hillend Farm, Balelutha Montgomery, AV., Alilton Aloore Bros., AVaipori, Berwick Morrison, J. and A., Butchers, Stirling Alorrison, Afalcolm, Kaitangata Alorlimer, J., Table Hill, Alilton Murray, John, AVest Field, Alilton Murray, Robert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville ... Nelson, A., Crofthead, Lorell's Flat Noble, W., Hillingdon, Alilton N. Z. L. & M. Agency Co., Lim., A\ raihola (Dunedin) N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Roxburgh Station (Glenore) Paterson, R., jun., Lovell's Flat Paterson, T., Hill End, Lorell's Flat Patterson, John, Miilburn Pearson, John, Akatore, Alilton Pillans, F. S., Stirling Pink, John, Lorell's Flat Prentice, James, AA raipori, Berwick Pringlc, J., Southbridge, Alilton Pringle, Robert, Alilton Rabbit, Thomas, Alilton Itaitt, James, AVimbledon Farm, Stirling Reid, John, Mount Alisery, Alilton Robertson, Alexander, Circle Hill, Alillburn Robertson, David, Wangaloa Itobinson, II., Kaitangata Robinson, AV., Alilton Robson, Robert, Lovell's Plat Ross, James, Clarkesville Ross and Cook, Alount Stewart, Manuka Ck. Roulston, Joseph, Alillburn Russell, Clement, Knowe Head, Taieri Beach Salmond, John, Alilton Samson, William, Wangaloa Sanderson, Brothers, Broxsmitli, Alilton Scott, David, Berwick Scott, Henry, Table Hill, Alilton Scott, Alark, Milton Scott, Peter, Table Hill, Alilton Simpson, W., Hill End, Glenore Sinclair, Alexander, Berwick 400 290 Nil 400 500 Nil 48o 280 50 480 Nil 92 200 140 65 110 90 '5° 54 69 46 53 480 3'4 300 4 460 600 85 90 104 100 56 Nil 189 120 40 140 60 295 74 83 36 43 59° 33' 300 3 36 390 600 150 90 10 188 67 10 200 76 403 400 300 1600 186 694 395 1326 223 16,50 166 2000 452 180 98 490 400 92 1000 6200 190 98 400 480 200 1600 '65 589 458 1256 246 1600 Nil 1500 500 207 56 342 400 74 1000 Nil 14446 9882 140 221 62 125 7'3° 1 20 150 243 4' 176 7017 59i 230 IS' '35 300 500 100 52 150 200 200 200 596 200 95 200 100 500 IOO 44 117 '54 262 97 1200 84 200 285 145 300 700 100 28 360 500 130 100 I IOO 79 280 295 95 Nil 700 110 57 Nil 490 10


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


lo. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Sinclair, Sutherland, Waihola Sinclair, AValter, Waihola Smaill Bros., Ilawthornden, Kaitangata Smaill Brothers, Alayfield, Kaitangata Smith, James, AVaihola Smith, Joseph, Stirling Smith, Joseph, Wangaloa Smith, J. Lee, Waihola Smith, Peter, Stirling Smith, AV., Stirling Somerville, R. (Executors of), Miilburn Strain, Airs. Agnes, Alilton Strain, David, Avon Glen, Alillburn Strain, William, Alillburn Sutherland, J. and J., Alillbum Sutherland, Robert, Table Hill, Waitahuna... Sutherland, W., Round Hill, AVaitahuna ... Sutton, G. A. (Extrs. of), Summei'hill, Kaitangata Taylor, C. and J., Stirling Taylor, E. B., Kaitangata Thomson, David, North Branch, Milton Thornton, Tliomas, Milton Tweedie, David, Milton Tweedie, AVilliam, Milton AValter, S., Boundary Creek, Berwick Watt, J., North Branch, Alilton AVhite, Mrs. J., Canada Bush, Miilburn AVillocks, William, Hill End, Stirling AVilson and Scott, Waihola Wisely, A., North Branch, Alilton AVright, Stephenson, and Co., Coombe Hay, Milton AVyber, James, Alilton AVyber, William, Alilton YorBton, Hugh, Waihola Young, Isaac, Miilburn 98 300 601 59' 59° 200 300 54o 650 35°o 147 500 800 3100 1552 700 1200 55 87 400 700 380 231 250 Nil 4'7 436 500 327' '43 500 600 2800 1520 650 1200 50 97 760 31 88 160 379 66 270 30 56 80 397 62 168 494 132 500 4930 380 8000 370 8119 45 7° 400 240 Nil 40 400 250 (Iii Tapanui Subdivision). Bower Joseph, Hillend Bowler, E., Stirling Rutherford, Peter, Kaitangata (Caversham) Smith, William, Newton, Waitahuna Willocks, J., Hazledell, Stirling 141804 133646 90 490 25 1005 487 83 Nil 134 1634 597 2448 Total in County 2097 143901 136094 CLUTHA COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anderson, G., Balmoral, Stirling Bell, Adam, Stirling Boll, James, Stirling Bower, David, Stony Creek Fahey, Alartin, Rock A'iew, Balelutha Hewitson, John, Butcher, Balelutha Landels, A., Lakeside, Balelutha AlcICay, Gilbert, Balelutha Paterson, R., Barnigo Palls, Balelutha Wilson, James, Te Houka 31 184 IOO IOO 85 20 4979 70 100 200 5° 95 Nil 4700 800 4200 Nil 5500 380 "379 10215 (In Tapanui Subdirision). Aitken, Audrew, Waikoikoi Alexander, James, Clinton Allison, Alexander, Puerua Allison, John, Puerua Anderson Brothers, Carol, Waiwera Anderson, John, AVaiwera Arnott, George, Kaihiku Ayson, J. F., Albert Downs, Kaihiku Ayson, Peter, Corrydon Farm, Toiro Bagrie, J., Art burton Bagrie, Robert, AVaipahi Bain, J. AL, Waipahi Ballingall, I)., Aleadow Wells, Kelso Balloon, Alexander, Glenoamaru Banks, Robert, Waitepcka Bcgg, A. C, Clinton (Dunedin) Beggs, Hugh, Woodriow Kelso 70 180 167 90 3200 290 99 470 IOOO 146 300 1 30 196 65 1500 4000 200 280 190 193 94 3200 200 85 500 99o 180 IOOO 100 Nil Nil 1400 4200 300

31st May. 1886. I 1887. Black, Thomas, Waikoikoi Blacklock, George, Caldervan, Waiwera Blacklock, Tliomas, Waiwera Blaike, AVilliam, Waiwera Boag, Robert, Waikoikoi Bradfleld, P., Tahatika Brand, James, Kelso Broad, Airs. AI. A., Ashdown Farm, Waiwera Brock, Alexander, AVaikoikoi Brooks, William, Church Hill, Waiwera Brown, Alexander, VVairuna (Green Island) Brown, George, Waiwera Brown, L., P., Clinton Brown, AV., Cat Craig, Waitepeka Brownlie, Airs., Kaihiku Bruce, J. and A., Balelutha Brugh, Sheddon, Port Alolyneux Buchanan, David, Glenkenich, Kelso Burnett, James, Waikoikoi Cameron, D., Arthurton Cameron, D., Waiwera Cameron, P. and A., Waiwera Campbell, Alexander, Waipahi Campbell, Ann, Wairuna, Waipahi Carrick, John, Port Molyneux Chalmers, Robert, Owake Chirnside, A., Balelutha Christie, Robert, Puerua Christie AVilliam, Toiro Clarke, P. and D., A\ Taipahi Couston, Edmund, Toiro Crawford, James, AVaikoikoi Crossan, John, Kelso Cumine, Joseph, Aloa Hill, AVarepa Gumming, Alexander, Crieff, Clinton Cumming, John, Arthurton Cunningham, W. Y., AVaikoikoi Dalgliesli, William, AYiitepeka Dallas, Charles, Balelutha Dallas, AVilliam, Alary field, Balelutha Davidson, John, Clinton Dellow, W. J., Waipahi Dent, John, Puerua Dickie, Airs. AI. IC, Tyburn Farm, Kaihiku ... Divers, George, Clinton Dobson, Joseph, Blinkbonnic, Puerua Docherly, Robert, Kelso Donaldson, Tliomas, Clinton Dunn, D., Puerua Dunn, George, Puerua Edwards, John, Waiwera Eskdale, Airs. J., Alilley Creek, Tapanui ... Falconer, William, Owake Farquhar, A. 0., Owake Farquhar, Robert, A\ rarepa Ferguson, R., Garlow Farm, Kelso Findlay, John, Kakapuaka Fleming, John, Eldon Farm, Kaihiku Fleming, Thomas, Kaihiku Ford, AVilliam, Purekireki Forsyth, AVilliam, Owake Francis, Antonio, Clinton Fyfe, James, AVaiwera Garry, A., Tahatika Geggie, John, Mount Bell, Puerua Gibson, John, AA'aiwera Gibson, It. B., Clinton Gilfillan, James, Waitepeka GilleBpie, George, Purekireki Glover, Robert, Kaihiku Gordon, J., Grove Farm, Toiro Grant, John, Waitepeka Gray, John, Waikoikoi Green, J. B., Owake Gregg, W. & Co., Stirling Griffith, AV., Finegand, Balelutha Halcrow, Samuel, Tapanui Hamilton, A., Clinton Hay, George, Glenoamaru Hay, J. J., Kaihiku Hay, Airs. J., Hilly Park, Romahapa Haves, Edmond, Waipahi Heckler and Co., Glenfalloch, Warepa Henderson, Donald, Romahapa 700 1500 298 295 180 3°0 1500 250 200 24 192 300 91 250 8126 46 '5 85 250 '65 332 8300 200 123 140 168 400 280 180 700 6423 172 250 140 100 300 41 194 '95 290 95 136 400 2249 140 200 400 6251 120 485 101 200 300 44 170 Nil 290 61 170 400 2220 180 190 658 556 600 169 300 304 600 97 ,76 8950 80 798 200 745 26 191 8920 70 800 132 200 15 200 35i '85 7° 600 600 118 156 150 230 750 600 400 '53 80 80 200 Nil 31 140 300 '77 200 Nil i57 100 700 660 120 191 ■5° 240 IOOO 400 300 200 300 385 4203 250 73 100 345 42 64 39° 5° 41 98 400 280 1.5° 2700 '23 4020 1992 98 95 170 '5 400 ' 4821 Nil 63 169 390 190 39 25 400 35 Nil 200 500 300 200 285° 90 4000 962



OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of s: 31st I loop on lay. 1887. 1886. I Hogg, Mrs. J., Toiro Houliston, Adam, Kakapuaka Houliston, Robert, Balelutha Howie, AVilliam, Kaihiku Hudson, David, Warepa Hunter, Peter, Balelutha Irvine, James, AVairuna, Clinton Crring, Richard, AAliiwera lefferis, B. J., Te Hauka fenkins, T., Meadow Bank, Kelso lohnston, A. D., Paiwata Farm, Kaihiku ... lohnston, Alexander, Puerua lohnston, George, Kaihiku lohnston, James, Ashley Downs, Waiwera ... lohnston, James, Puerua lohnston, John, Kaihiku Keys, Josiah, Newtown, Toiro Kirk, John, Kelso Krk, Robert, Glenkenich, Kelso uamond, James, Puerua bawson, David, AA'aitepeka Lees, Francis, Owake JindBay, John, Glenoamaru [iittlejohn, William, Millbank, Waiwera jockhead, Thomas, Balelutha Logan, James, Greenrale, Kelso Logan, James, Popotuna, Kelso ilacKenzie, F. W., Waipahi Vlackenzie, G. H., Glenkenich, Kelso Maekie, Andrew, Toiro Madden, Thomas, Clinton Wain, Alexander, Castlemain, Waiwera Main, James, Kaihiku Manning, H, Dr., Waitepeka Matheson, J. and D., AVaiwera WcAdie, Darid, Balelutha McCall, James, Waikoikoi McCallum, George, Waiwera McDonald, D., Ahuiriri, Glenoamaru McDonald, Donald, Owake McDonald, G., Inoh-Clutba, Stirling McDonald, R., Clinton McGaw, Alexander, Waiwera Wclntyre, A., AVaikoikoi Mclntyre, II., Alerino Downs, AVaikoikoi ... Helntyre, James, Owake Mclntyre, J. Y., Waikoikoi McKenzie, Darid, Waiwera McKenzie, William, AA Taitepcka McKinnon, James, Clinton McKinnon, Neil, Clinton McLachlan, D. A., Clinton McLaren, John, Clinton McLay, R., Glenoamaru McLay, W. and D., Glenoamaru McLeod, John, Waikoikoi McNeil, J. B., Blairdale, Bah lutha MeNoe, S. and J., Ashlea, Kelso MeVicar, A. M., Puerua Melrose, D., AVaipahi Melrose, Robert, Clinton Mercer, Archibald, Waitepeka Miller, John, AVhitelea, Balelutha Milligan, D. P., Warepa Mitchell, John, Purekireki Moffat, John, Springbank, Clinton Moffat, William, Helenslea, Balelutha Moffatt and Sons, Kaihiku Farm, Kaihiku Vfonngan, T., Benfield, Balelutha Monfries, David, Waitepeka VIosley, Brothers, Roeklands, Balelutha Motion, James, Clinton Muir, Hugh, Clinton Mulhare, Owen, St. Alary's, Clinton Monro, II. and D , Toiro Munro, AVilliam, Toiro Murdoch, James, Puerua Murray, AVilliam, Kelso Murray, W. AL, Aleadow Bank, Clinton Mutch, A., Puerua S Telson, AVilliam, Jesmond, AVaipahi !I.Z. and A. L. Co., Clyderale, Waiwera S.Z. L. and AL A. Co., Kuriwao, Clinton ... N'.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Merino Downs, AVaikoikoi 200 80 52 52 IOO 250 400 391 380 100 400 140 76 1566 197 152 280 695 250 152 47 245 190 19500 9800 8071 1 no 138 90 200 287 5' '5° "5 76 300 90 100 520 93 290 500 9999 500 200 108 66 74 160 '83 800 190 400 287 322 100 600 '34 143 1248 190 290 450 500 130 122 40 275 188 20900 11000 8308 ii57 98 Nil. 250 397 90 Nil. 150 '3 300 ■96 100 Nil 84 270 400 Nil 600 300 300 170 250 400 600 380 31 62 35° 140 120 400 500 320 34 58 100 4'5 '99 300 Nil 100 469 34° 300 500 'SO 1300 200 587 190 400 300 300 237 250 200 180 540 190 390 344 200 45 Nil '95 1100 Nil 500 290 465 400 500 200 280 300 170 73 Nil 200 300 Nil 100 96 680 100 100 700 347'4 5300 507 1 3939' 5747

o. of 6 31st heep on May. issa. 1887. Nicholson, John, Owake Nicol, Walter, Kaihiku Olson and Linquist, Waipahi Orr, Alexander, Burnside, Clinton Pagan, William, Waiwera Paterson, A. A., Port Alolyneux Paterson, Alathew, Kaihiku Petrie, Alexander, Puerua Pollock, J. E., Balelutha Quin, J. R., AVairuna, Clinton Rea, AL, AVairuna, Clinton Reid, John, Kelso Renton, Robert, Balelutha Kenton, William, Warepa Riddell, Thomas, Warepa Robertson, Alexander, AVaitepeka Robertson, D., Kelso Robin, R. and A., Clinton Robinson, Gladstone, Waikoikoi Rosereare, Thomas, Waiwera Ross, John AVarcpa Rowland, J. P., Waipahi Roy, James, Wairuna, Clinton Russell, Alexander, Kelso Russell, John, Waikaka Rutherford, A., Waiwera Sarginson, Isaac, Toiro Scobie, Robert, Clinton Scott, George, Fort Alolyneux Scott, James, AVaiwera Shand, Charles, Shandon, Balelutha Shaw, John, Finegand, Balelutha Sheddan Bros., Toiro Sheddan, James, Toiro Sheed, Gordon, Wairuna, Clinton Sheed, James, Waikoikoi Shennan, W ratson, Conical Hills, Waipahi ... Shields, John, Puerua Sbiels, J., junior, Port Alolyneux Sim, Brothers, Purekireki Simmers, R., Springvale, Waikoikoi Simpson, Alexander, Puerua Slawson, G. H., AVaitepeka Smith, Alexander, Toiro Smith, George, Toiro Smith, James, Pukerau Smith, J., Gler.urie, Kelso Smith, J. AL, Glenomaru Smith, J. R., Arthurton Somerville Brothers, Waitepeka Stanbrook, Thomas, AA raipahi Steel, George, Wairuna Bush, Clinton Steel, J. A., Kelso Stewart, Donald, Waitepeka Stewart, James, Warepa Stewart, Robert, Ben Nevis, Clinton Stewart, William, AVaiwera Sutherland, Alexander, Kelso Sutherland, A., Balelutha Sutherland, Donald, AVaiwera Sutherland, Airs. E., AVaitepeka Sutherland, John, Port Alolyneux Sutherland, R , Kaihiku Tait, Thomas, Waiwera Taylor, T. and J., Springlands, Clinton Taylor, AVilliam, Low Bank, AVaipahi Telford, Robert, Derwentbank, Waiwera Telford, William, Waitepeka Thomson, J. AV., Clinton Tolmie, D. A., Clinton Tolmie, John, Owake Tolmie, W. A. (Pxecutors of), AVaipahi Tosh, William, Balelutha Tulloeh, James, The Glen, Romahapa Turnbull, T., Georgefield, AA'aipahi Turnbull, William, Clinton Walker, AV., Eosebank, Balelutha Wallace, David, Clinton Watt, John, Kaihiku While, Samuel, Pukerau Wilson, James, Annfield, Te Houka Wilson, Thomas, Clinton Wooliiams, Williams, Waipahi AYright, John, Kaihiku 70 586 270 '55 '93 240 200 200 33' Nil 776 295 90 86 389 162 200 559 180 95 100 89 7' 380 400 186 390 300 141 200 589 700 2839 SO 240 149 194 260 80 Nil 283 205 600 1100 Nil 1100 300 400 120 24c 141 172 3»8 95 SO 221 200 570 1200 360 1092 IOO 200 292 190 I 1862 25 200 383 234 200 312 140 300 350 300 495 95 2617 160 196 183 200 300 80 480 196 70 200 37 180 100 IOO 288 Nil 10^00 Nil 250 290 370 98 250 80 300 400 100 445 85 1900 Nil 280 160 160 Nil 90 450 193 70 20.) 33 Nil 100 484 992 160 5oo 20229 1200 5558 141 17470 120 160 15° 445 1490 Nil 600 19427 1400 5214 '43 17500 Nil 160 200 77 90 4'3 983 448 392 180 180 200 67 140 41 2 900 524 188 97 Nil 200 300


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. I860. 1887. Hall, John, Tuapeka West Hammond, Thomas, AVaitahuna Harvey, George, fieriot Haugh, Mrs. David, Dunrobin Hayes, James, Tuapeka AVest Heath, Robert, Dunrobin Henderson, J. M., Ormaglade, Ettriek Henderson, James, lleriot Henry. S., Bellamy, Lawrence Herbert, David, Heriot Herbert., J. F., Ardmore, Kelso Herriot, Samuel, Heriot Hewitt, John, Tuapeka Alouth Hiscock, Frank, Roxburgh Hogg, John, Lawrence Hopkins, James, Evans' Flat Homier, William, Ettriek Howat, John, Tapanui Hughes, John, Tuapeka Mouth Inglis, J., Roxburgh Johnston, J. A., Tapanui Keenan, Daniel, Tuapeka Alouth Kell, AV. and T., Waitahuna Kempthorne, E., Heriot Kerr, George, Waitahuna Kerr, John, Ettriek Kerse, Charles, Dunrobin Kidd, Robert, Ettriek Kirk, Richard, Heriot Kirk, Samuel, Heriot Kirke, Airs. J. P., Kelso Klingst, C. F. A., Lawrence Knowles, C. H., Tapanui Lamb, AVilliam, Tapanui Laverty, James, Tapanui Livingston, William, Waitahuna Lowe, Wright, Clarke's Flat, Lawrence Lundey, James, Ettriek McAra, Robert, AVaitahuna McCorkindale, Alalcolm, Waitahuna AlacDonald, Alexander, Roxburgh AlacDonnell Brothers, Tuapeka West Alaclimis, Alalcolm, Lawrence Mackay, Alexander, Tapanui Mackay Brothers, Rae's Junction Mackay, John, Tuapeka West Mackie, John, Rivcrsdale, Tapanui Mackintosh, Thomas, Roxburgh Main, John, Beaumont Alatheson, Norman, Crookston Mayow, Tliomas, Heriot McAlister and Turnbull, Tapanui McCarthy, Michael, Dunrobin AlcCaw, Robert, Waitahuna AlcClelland, W., Ettriek AlcCluskey, Daniel, Wetherstone McColl, John, Alne Bank, Tapanui McConnell, AV., Roxburgh AlcCormaok, George, Tapanui AlcCormiek, H., AVaitahuna AlcCormick, J., AA^aitahuna McDiarmid, J. and A., Evans Flat AlcDonald, Charles, Crookston AlcDonald and Alatheson, Lawrence AleDuff, J. and D., Kelso AlcElwain, S. R., Heriot McGregor Alexander, Roxburgh AlcIIarry, James, Kelso AIcKay, Hugh, Tapanui McKay, William, Roxburgh AlcKeilar, David, Brooksdale, Tapanui McKenzie, A. P., Dunrobin AlcKenzie, Colin, Dunrobin AlcLean, John, Dunrobin AlcLeod and Wallace, Tuapeka Alouth AIcLoughlin, John, Roxburgh McAlillan, Hugh, Evans Plat McMillan, William, Waitahuna McPhail, Argus, Ettriek McRobert, John, Tuapeka Mouth AleWhirter, J. S., Ettriek Mitchell, T. P., Roxburgh Aluir, John, Dunrobin Alunro, Finlay, Lawrence Murney, James, Moran Park, Tapanui 280 200 IOOO IOO 198 12178 39' 14000 203 10500 90 IOO 75 200 600 460 1000 160 698 1000 IOOO 282 500 'So 96 200 200 1740 200 105 500 200 2500 300 35o 100 1158 400 301 600 200 76s 260 50 500 IOO 363 94 90 220 1000 25 200 "347 672 14000 Nil 10500 52 84 61 100 Nil 300 1497 300 700 336 IOOO 1000 300 110 386 230 195 200 200 3500 200 34 400 '75 3500 300 150 235 190 IOO 1547 Nil 305 690 400 IOOO 200 5° 45° IOO Nil 400 500 Nil 38 182 66 170 161 700 800 IOO 132 100 170 800 IOOO 1098 400 8200 200 993 396 7500 424 100 1700 '93 600 IOO 2000 223 585 '50 26229 200 260 200 23400 200 35° 253 '52 90 100 27 900 300 200 300 400 85 72 IOO 32 900 300 190 80 24 300 30 300

;o. of £ 31st heep on 'lay. 1880. 1887. Wright, S. S., Balelutha Wyllie, James, Waiwera Voting, David, Riseland, Arthurton Voungson, Alexander, Clinton 5° 140 485 294 265078 100 190 489 284 Total in county 276457 255689 265904 TUAPEKA COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aitchison, Samuel, Swift Creek Arbuekle, Robertson and Co., Lawrence Armstrong, David, Ettriek Barclay, Andrew, Lawrence Barr, Adam, Rae's Junction Bathgate, Charles, Crookston Beard, Henry, Lawrence Beighton, James, Rae's Junction Bennett, James, Rae's Junction Beresford, William, Dunrobin Birch, Albert, Roxburgh Bowden, James, Ettriek Rradshaw, J., Dunrobin Brazil, A. T., Ettriek Brook, M. E., Evans' Flat Brown, Alexander, Beaumont (Green Island) Brown, John, Tuapeka Mouth Bruee, H., Tuapeka Mouth Bruee, Neil, Waitahuna Bruce, Robert, AVaitahuna Brydie, Alexander, Lawrence Buchanan, James, Evans Flat, Lawrence ... Bulfin, John, AVoodley, Tuapeka West Byrne, W., Ettriek Callanan, Patrick, Waitahuna Gully Cameron, D. A., Fassifern, Nokomai Cameron, Hugh, Lawrence Cameron, James, AVaitahuna Campbell, Alexander, Dunrobin Cargill & Anderson, Teviot Sin., Roxburgh ... Carson, John, Beaumont Clarke, J., Aloa Flat, Heriot Clayton, II. C, F>ans Flat Cleghorn, John, East Bank, Tapanui Crozicr, John, AVaitahuna Coskcry, Robert, Clifton, Beaumont Cotton, Robert, AVaipori Cowie, Robert, Weatberslone Crossan, Matthew, Roxburgh Crossan, Robert, Roxburgh Crossan, W., Roxburgh Crowley, Airs. Daniel, Lawrence Cullen, W. and J., Crookston Cumming, William, Beaumont Dalziel, Christopher, Tuapeka West Daniell, S., Tuapeka Alouth Dickison, David, Tapanui Dickison, John, Alainholme, Tapanui Donaldson, John, Roxburgh Drvsdale, John, Evans Flat Duffy, Phillip, Lawrence Dunibleton, Mrs. Eliza, Waitahuna Duncan, James, Tapanui Durward, Alexander, AA Tailahuna Edgar, John, Burnfoot, Tapanui Edie, John, Springfield, Dunrobin Edwards, Thomas, Tapanui Elder, John, Roxburgh Elliot, Robert, Flodden, Tapanui Elliot, It. T., Inglebank, Tapanui Elliott, Robert, Beaumont Fahey, James, Tuapeka AA Test Fahey, '(., Evans Flat Finlay, John, Dunrobin Friis, Peter, Waitahuna Salbraith, Henry, Waitahuna ualbraith, J., Rosobank, Tuapeka AVest Galvin, Patrick, Roxburgh 3oodwin, Alatthew, Lawrence Graham, Aloore, Ettriek, Grieve, James, Tuapeka Mouth Grogan, Samuel, Ettriek 3rundy, J., Lawrence junn, Donald, Rae's Junction ■95 180 92 5' 280 400 142 90 1924 1 j 00 1 70 Nil 283 275 100 18336 235 I 9 IOO 128 600 340 20 2002 300 700 5' 4S42S 480 59422 750 600 272 7000 250 296 492 126 IOO 200 Nil 120 86 300 500 106 76 1950 1500 1 no SO 288 351 Nil 18200 240 Nil 118 So 160 200 414 •55 300 2016 400 650 50 53000 390 69100 670 890 '55 IOO 7500 I IOO 200 594 170 50 1300 600 1200 95° 97 125 500 1500 490 1500 500 in 240 700 2000 600 500 1400 200 100 500 4(>5 IOOO 800 IOOO 600 300 700 1200 'SO 700 900 900 55° 1 22 Nil 1000 855 87 1594 282 260 1 eoo 800 75 222 300 200 272 Nil 1600 800 198 Nil 300 162 90 200 176 140 200 170


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep 011 31st May. 18S6. 1887. Murray, William, Waitahuna Nass, Airs. E., Waitahuna Gully Nieoll, F. and Co., Tuapeka West Ormond, Patrick, Roxburgh Osborne, William, Tuapeka West Oxenbould Brothers, AV'aitahuna Pearson, John, Lawrence Perry, William, Tapanui Petereon, Asmus, Waitahuna Potts, Andrew, Tapanui Poynler, G. P. B., AVaipahi Pringle.P., Ettriek Ramsay, William, Crookston Real, James, Tuapeka AVest Red path, George, Tuapeka West Reid, Simon, Crookston Richardson, Robert, Ettriek Robertson, Daniel, Spring Valley,Tapanui ... Robertson, Duncan, Waitahuna Robertson, Peter, Lawrence Robertson, T. G., Lawrence Robins, William, Lawrence Rodger, James, Tapanui Rose, John, AVaitahuna Ross, Hugh, Lawrence Rowe, Allied, Waitahuna Ryan, Jeremiah, AVaitahuna Shanks, William, Heriot Shearing, J., Springbank, Crookston Shearing, Samuel, Crookston Sheath, William, Tapanui Shiels, Peter, Ettriek Sillars, John, Ettriek Sim, G. G., Crookston Sim, James, Crookston Sim, Thomas, Crookston Sim, AV. F\, Tapanui Smith and Sons, Greenfield, Lawrence Smith, G. A., The Downs, Roxburgh Smith, John, Avoca, Tuapeka West Spencer, John, Roxburgh Stevenson, Adam, Beaumont Stevenson, Daniel, Waitahuna Stewart, John, Crookston Swan, Adam, Heriot Taborn, James, Lawrence Tamblyn, John, Coal Creek Flat Tamblyn, Joseph, Coal Creek Flat Thomson, Alexander, Tapanui Trimble, William, Waitahuna Tubman, Edward, Ettriek Tubman, Francis, Beaumont Tubman, Mrs. Alargaret, Aloa Flat, Ettriek Turnbull, George, Tapanui Walker, G. S., Lawrence Waugh, AVilliam, Ettriek W Tebster, John, Waitahuna Welch, G. P., Outram Westcott, AV. P., Cherry Farm, Ettriek Whyte, A. R., Tapanui Whyte, Peter, Lilybank, Tapanui Williamson, Sinclair, AVaitahuna Wood, Robert, Beaumont Woodhouse, James, Roxburgh 1200 485 1932 170 700 92 92 300 i 200 400 925 285 45° MS 280 246 200 300 92 3000 200 200 1 140 1290 200 400 1200 450 i58o ■75 650 107 97 388 Nil 400 1120 348 300 'So 140 400 300 220 165 3000 200 82 1100 1198 200 300 '70 100 198 360 45oo 300 500 467 450 400 500 44330 1500 75° 500 95 200 Nii 340 295 4500 300 400 520 500 5°o 40570 ■434 795 96 200 121 300 ~75 25' 111 55° 110 101 160 67 200 900 300 700 151 415 200 650 200 800 534 190 600 100 700 37° 110 200 550 Nil 808 396 170 '35 300 '53 465 90 196 3<3 470 360261 (In Dunedin Subdivision). Blaikie, Hugh, Hermitage, AVaitahuna Buckland, J. C, Waipori, St., Waikouaiti ... Cowen, John, Waitahuna Orozier, William, Waitahuna Edwards, John, AVaitahuna Evans, Thomas, Waitahuna Gullv Jackson, Ebenezer, Manuka Creek McOorkindale, Alargaret, Waitahuna l.'edpath, Thomas, Annslea, Waitahuna Hubert.-on, John, Waitahuna I.'osb, J. hn, Waitahuna r.yan, Martin, Waitahuna Sutherland, John, Waitahuna 3.HS32 '95 6.H5 ■ so ; 200 j 130 5878 90 1 21 260 82 105 101 100 150 84 2200 IS0 200 100 89 76 94 200 300 2000 Total in county 9942 9428 369689 34U74

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aim, William, AVyndham Aitken, J. A., Lasswade Farm, Gore Aitken, Mrs., Trustees of, Oaklands,AVyndham Anderson, George, Mokoreta Anderson, John, Chatton Andrew, David, Kaiwera Archibald, Daniel, Chatton Armstrong, AVilliam, Gore Attwood, Edward, Pine Bush, Fortrose Ayson, Alexander, Gore Baird, George, Gore Bank of Australasia, Glenaiy, Waikaia Bannerman, William, Gore Barron, AV. and G., Waikaka Baxter, Robert, Otama Beange, Alexander, Owaro, Wyndham Bennett, J. W., Otaraia Blackley Brothers, Glenoura, Wyndham Brown, A. & J., Tuturau, Malaura Brown, Thomas, Mataura Bruce, John, Otama Brunton, Mrs., Roeklands, Fortrose Burke, John, Pukerau Byars, Alexander, Gore Calder, AVilliam, Chatton Cameron, A., Banvie, Alataura Cameron, Donald, Alataura Cameron,D. A., Glenfalloeh, Nokomai Cameron, Hugh, Otama Cameron, John, AVendonside, Riversdale ... Campbell, P., Boarland, Wyndham Cargill & Anderson, Glenham, AVyndham ... Carpenter, W., Tamlet, Wyndham Carswell, Hugh, Pine Bush, Invercargill ... Catto, James, Gore Chick, George, Fortrose (Port Chalmers) ... Chiltock, Benjamin, Gore Chittock, C. and II., Gore Christie, Alexander, AA'aikaia Clarke, S., AVyndham Clement Brothers, Pukerau Couperthwaite, Robert, Otaraia Crawford, John, Pukerau Crighton, William, AVyndham Cruickshank, Adam, Chatton Cruickshank, jun., A., Chatton dimming, William, Gore Gumming, Robert, Gore Cushnie, James, AVyndham Davidson, J. IL, AVakaia Dawson, VV. & Sons, Pine Bush Dennis, George, Waikaia Dickie, A., Alataura Dickie, James, Tamahill, Gore Dickie, AL, Spring Bank, Alataura Dickie, Robert, Gainhill Farm, Alataura Dickison, John, jun., Gore Dickson, Gavin, Gore Dickson, G., Gold Creek, dire Dillon, Michael, Chatton Dixon, Henry, Alataura Dodd, Robert, AVyndham Dodds, Robert, Olania Bridge Donald, James, Chatton Donoghue, James, Wyndham Doull, David, The Crescent, Wyndham Doull, David, Aleadow Bank, AVyndham Dun, David, Chatton Dunlop, AY, Pine Bush Dunn, R. C, Alataura Eadie, William, Pukerau Elder, G. It., Chatton Elliott, James, Willow-Bank, Kaiwera Espie, John, Alataura Falconer, Tliomas, Gore ... Fleming, Adam, Waikaka Ford, Patrick, Chatton Flaser, Donald, Gore Frascr, E. D., Waiarikiki, Otaraia Gall, Alexander, Waikaia Gall, J., Hyde and Waikaia, Edcndale ... ! Gait, Allan, Mataura Gait, Allan, jun., Kyledale, Alataura 600 200 160O 45° 1000 96 '53 1500 184 50 8167 98 222 100 750 150 242 3100 200 546 140 I/O 338 1100 447 ■1773 400 290 760 16486 1100 1890 95 700 277 97 70 200 390 5' Nil 200 1600 1300 600 IOOO 80 166 1650 278 93 7300 Nil 1200 59 800 100 Nil 3000 300 200 Si' 'So 105 343 1026 457 10690 400 300 '780 18249 890 2000 Nil 700 287 Nil 250 Nil 700 360 550 '25 56,5 200 264 400 789 '75 500 386 470 266 45 300 350 500 95 570 3°o 203 400 930 150 600 360 540 200 600 200 50 600 700 200 90 500 300 300 1009 60 86 I 15° 183 196 '52 1245 '55 S° 1510 2j;0 400 102 310 220 j 35° 160 98 790 250 99 33O0 580 8060 3500 1263 95 380 100 180 '7 900 45° 98 361 2 400 9140 600 1300


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Gardiner, David, Stanley Hill, Gore Gardyne, Robert, AVaikaka Gerkin, John, Chatton Gillanders, Duncan, Waikaia Gillespie, Lawrence, Chatton Golden, H., Pine Bush Golden, T. and Co., AVyndham Gourlay, Robert, Alataura Greenshields, John, AVyndham Gregory, William, Fortrose Gutsehlay, AVilhelm, Gore Hall, John, Edendale Ilanly, Matthew, Gore Harvey, Andrew, \A Taikaka Harvey, James, Gore Harvey, Mrs. Jane, Riverside, Gore Hastie, Alathew, Mataura Hicks, Thomas, Tutu Hill, Alataura Holmes, James, AA Taimahaka, AVyndham HoIuib, Colin, Pine Bush Hoops, J. D., Otama Hunter, Adam, Wyndham Hurley Brothers, AVaikaia Hurley, J. A., Waikaia Ibbotson, F. AV., Otama, Riversdale lbbotson,T. H., Waikaka Irvine, John, Chatton Johnston, A. D., & Sons, Springfield, Gore ... Johnston, Adam, AVaikaka Johnston, Benjamin, Briary Bank, Gore Johnston, Edward, AVyndham Johnston, G. P. Comely Bank, Gore Johnston, Thomas, Otaraia Johnston, Walter, Alataura Johnston, William, Ashley Downs, Gore ... Jones, Henry, Gore Kay, David, Alataura Kean, Denis, Otaraia Keith, Robert, AVaikaka Kennedy, R. II., Otama Kidd, J" It., Fortrose Killoh, J. G., Ranana, Otaraia King, Francis, Fortrose ,,, Kirk, John, Gore Kurtain, Edward, Chatton Laidlaw, J., A\ ryndham Lamb, James, Chatton Landels, Adam, pankend, Balelutha Lawson, D., Chatton Logan, W. S., Otama Lumsden Brothers, Mimihau, AVyudliam ... Alaegregor, Alexander, AVakaia Alackay, John, Otama Alacphail, Hugh, Pukerau Alallon, Peter, Chatton Marshall, James, Chatton Ala-son, Andrew, Pukerau AlcBain, Donald, Lynwily, Otaina AlcCallum, Robert, Otama AlcDonald, Alexander, Wyndham AlcDonald, G. IL, Gore McDonald, Kenneth, AA Tyndham AIcFadzien, James, Fortrose AIcGill, Peter, Cairn Run (Alilton) AlcGiil and Robbie, Otara AlcGowun, Daniel, Alataura Mcintosh, Alexander, Oware, Wyndham Mcintosh, J., Fortroso Mcintosh, Samuel, Waikaka Alcfnlyre and Jackson, Wyndham Mclntyre, J. P., AVaikaka" McKay, Findlay, Alataura McKay, John, Wyndham AlcKenzie, Alex., Pukerau McKenzie, Alexander, and Biothers, Fortrose AlcKenzie, Donald, AVaikaka AlcKenzie, Kenneth, Fortrose AIcKernan, James, Fortroso MeKinna, John, Otama McKinnon, Alexander, Gore AIcKinnon, Hugh, Gore McLaren, John, Wyndham McLennan, Murdoch, Alokoreta AleNab, Alexander, Knapdale, Gore 170 345 118 20000 92 600 350 190 .76 260 123 212 390 487 162 280 146 1299 290 350 35° 356 239 22000 '93 Nil 985 75 260 250 If 5 183 200 300 400 270 345 939 800 400 1100 800 500 2324 279 1 70 1920 450 250 84 283 90 19000 ■45 600 50 144 170 90 52 260 500 397 22 387 330 84 '524 385 360 300 45° Nil 22000 290 74 792 100 390 200 110 110 150 33° Nil Nil 290 300 285 192 850 Nil 190 Nil 1110 400 2500 300 193 Nil 400 300 142 Nil 91 176 122 298 180 1200 ■55 200 198 10000 200 18 1 20 294 1 20 Nil 87 100 1 220 iij.86 Nil '95 700 160 190 2000 294 800 80 200 140 450 291 SO 456 500 1020 2200 70 400 267 34 45° 500 1050 330 580 90 Nil 300 480 '30 80 290 500 19852 200 498 21622

[o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. McPhail, James, Chatton Farm, Goro AlcQueen, A. and J., Carslae, Gore AlcRae, D. M., AA'aikawa and Wyndham, Mokoreta AlcVey, Joseph, Wyndham Alee, Samuel, Riversdale Alee, AVilliam, Chatton Meeking, T. H., Pukerau Aleikle, John, Wyndham Alein, W. H., AVoodslee, Pino Bush Alenzies, J. A. R., Dun Alister, Wyndham... Millar, J. S., Lismoyle Farm, Chatton Miller, Samuel, Fortrose Milne, James, Greenfield, Wyndham Milne, John, Chatton Aloffat, Richard, A\ raikaia Aluir Bros., Fortification, Fortrose Alullin, J. W, Otaraia Alunro, Henry, Wyndham Murray, David, Pukerau Alutch, J. O, Alataura Niehol, AVilliam, Lillieshof, Waikaka Nicol, L, D., Riverview (Invercargill) Noble, Andrew, Cluny Farm, AVyndham Noble, John, Waikaka N.Z. AL & Iurest. Assoc, Islay St., Otaraia... O'Hagan, Alichael, Pukerau Oughton, John, AVyndham Paterson, Hugh, AVaikaka Perkins, Edward, Gore Perkins, J. H, Prospect Hill, Mataura Peter, Alexander, Chatton Playfair, G. and W., Wyndham Pollock, James, Mataura Preston, Joseph, Fortrose Pryde, Thomas, Gore Pryde, W. AL, Alataura Pullar, Alex., Waikaka Puller, Joseph, Pukerau Purris, Henry, Wyndham Qualter, Alichael, Pukerau Quertier, A., Sunnyside, Kaiwera Rae, G. & R., Raeburn Farm, Alataura Rao, John, Highlofts Farm, AVyndham Read, Charles, Read Farm, Chatton Rehurn, John, Gore Reid. J. G., Otaraia Reid, Thomas, Gore Rich, W. G., Toi Toi Station, Fortrose Richardson, Malcott, AVyndham Riddle, John, Flag Hill, Fortrose Robertson Brothers, Kaiwera Robertson, Donald, Otama Robertson, John, Fairfield, Chatton Robson, Roger, Argyll Station, Waikaia Rogerson, Samuel, Otaraia Royd, Henry, Pine Bush Royse, AVilliam, Wyndham Rutherford Brothers and Richardson, Otakalama, Pukerau Sarginson, J. IL, Gore Scott, James, Wyndham Scott, J. and S , Kaiwera Scott, Alargaret, Thornhill, Alataura Sheddan, Robert, Gore Shirley, Matthew, Wyndham Smith, Alexander, Alataura Smith, J. C, Alataura Smith, R Airs., Fortrose Spedcn, James, Gore Squires, John, Riverdale, Stalker, D., Redan, AVyndham Stenning, Albert, Kaiwera Stewart, Alexander, Otama Stewart, AV. D., Otama Stirling, Charles, Wliikaia Stirling, AVilliam, Wyndham Strangman, J. O, Wyndham Slrover, Charles, Chatton Styles, John, Gore Syme, Alexander, Gore Thornhill, AV. It., Venlaw, Wyndham Thurston, C. G., Wendonside, Riversdale ... Trotter, W. S., Robin Hood, Wyndham 194 '7iS io8oo 698 IOO 286 456 200 8391 I422 96 320 3000 286 490 24OO 590 700 2150 300 497 2200 1800 200 3850 160 600 890 180 43° 200 995 1000 11096 180 373 290 520 45° 600 720 830 353 200 1450 250 3108 285 1445 13000 795 150 300 292 400 9786 1029 55 120 Nil 300 300 2500 449 690 1130 295 686 2100 1800 200 2379 180 600 960 100 400 100 995 600 11219 183 102 300 300 100 'So 200 89I 600 327 200 25OO 29I 3076 4OO 70 IOO 67 3° 5° 100 40 IOOO 3000 291 400 5640 I 2 IOO IOOO 3000 400 400 7'5° 9650 250 1400 3200 400 200 300 1200 3200 400 '95 Nil 3 500 500 150 95 5'° 480 200 3400 280 49o 360 285 192 200 180 180 6400 95 2172 140 700 3150 100 285 5°o 294 353 194 200 200 200 6200 88 2550


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Humble, Thomas, Otaraia, Invercargill Vernon, E. S., Erne Hill, Fortrose Waddell, John, Alataura Waddcll, William, Gore Walker Brothers, Otama Walker, J., AVyndham View, Wyndham Ward, A. R., Tuturau, Alataura Watson, Joseph, Riversdale Watt, Andrew, Otama Weathcrburn, AVilliam, Kaiwera White, James, Wendon, Riversdale Whitefield, Gavin, Pukerau ... Williamson, Alexander, Chatton Williamson, G. AL, Alataura Williamson, James, Mataura... Wilson, John, Chatton Wood Brothers, Brookside, Waikaia Woods, George, Chatton Wright, James, Tuturau, Mataura Voung, Hugh, Pukerau Voung, William, Bunvside, Alataura 3000 2297 ■512 300 500 i68 1170 683 100 500 400 98 Nil 1442 1500 200 ,67 IOO 642 595 Nil 200 450 500 ■75 1200 2000 160 410 320 2500 170 462 95° 78 75 Nil 83 395 (In Southland Subdivision.) Adamson, James, Alabel, Grove Bush Allan, John, Ryal Bush Allen, James, Benmore Allison, Robert, Alataura Anderson, David, Hokonui Anderson, —, Alonte Chris to, AVaimatuku ... BairJ, AVilliam, Forest Hill, Lochiel Baldy, Alfred, Ityal Bush Bcaren, A., New River, AVaianiwa Bell, G. AL, Wan I wood & Croydon, Mandeville Blakie, Andrew, AVaianiwa Blakie, James, sen., Ryal Bush Blakie, Peter, Ryal Bush Booth Brothers, Goro Bowmar, C. R., Goro Boyd, F. R., Erroldale, Waimatuku B:>yd, AV., AVaimatuku Brass, James, AVallacetown British and N.Z. Alorigage Company, West Dome, Alossbura British and N Z. Atortgago Co., Vernham and New River (Invercargill) Brockie, William, Benmore Brook, John, Wright's Bush Brown, Andrew, Oteramika Brown, George, AVaikiwi Brown, G. S., Wallacetown Brown, T. T., Forest Hill, Winton Bunn, Ernest, Hampton, Longridgo Burgoyne, James, Myross Bush Butler, William, Hokonui Buxton, Thomas, Alakarewa, Invercargill ... Calvert, F., G., Roslyn Bush Calvert, Francis, Roslyn Bush Cameron, Alexander, Ryal Bush Cameron, Archibald, F'orest Hill, Lochiel ... Cameron, Donald, Hedgehope Campbell, Murdoch, Gore Carmichael, A. and A., Wallacetown Carpenter, James, Edcndale Cassels, John, AAlnton Clark, Joshua, New River, Invercargill 3ochran Brothers, Lochiel Cockburn, John, Spar Bush, Waianiwa Qollina, J. F., Invercargill Jolyer, Jessie, Airs., Awarua, Invercargill ... Ooomer, R. J., Alataura Oorbitt, Edward, F'orest Hill, Winton Foster Brothers, New River, Winton Jouplaud, Robert, Kenningtou Coutts, Louis, Gore Ckjwan, Cuthbert, Benmore Jowie, Andrew, Winton 3owie, John, Winton 3owie, William, Longridge 3raig, Andrew, Dipton Jrosbie, George, Lochiel Junningham Brothers, Limehills, Davidson, A. and J., AVaimumu, Gore 312790 305898 70 7o .64 5°o 2045 200 160 80 ■65 162 372 637 34858 430 600 200 390 161 500 1745 198 320 800 3792' 500 1050 300 44' 107 1124 800 700 Nil 920 800 600 6723 1850 Nil 500 300 80 43 190 110 192 152 37o 400 75 100 IOO 95 1027 96 M8o 696 70 IOO 590 66 110 12 380 15 Nil 180 480 90 8000 360 960 100 '35 300 493 300 370 23.60 898 490 160 165 520 1400 128 IOO 500 140 100 200 8000 198 1115 152 160 387 592 300 200 2559 990 500 360 ■S3 680 Nil 230

No. of S 31st: hoop on iiay. 1886. I 186,7. Deegan, James, Winton Diack, Francis, Benmore Dickson, Robert, Gore Dodd, John, & Sons, Otapiri Gorge, Hokonui Dodd, Robert, Woodend, Myross Bush Donald, James, Lochiel Drysdale, Adam, Keniiington Duncan, Henry, Benmore Dundas, J. P., Oleramika Dunlop, James, Forest LTill, Lochiel Dyke, Thomas, Keniiington Ellis, T. C. & C. O, Five Rivers, Invercargill Erskine, James, Invercargill Evans, John, AYinton Evans, William, Winton Fairweather, Charles, Invercargill Falconer, John, Gore Ferguson, J. A., Alyross BubIi Finlayson, Archibald, Dipton Flnlayson, Kenneth, Invercargill Fleming, Thos., Rakahouka, Roslyn Bush ... Forbes, Alexander, Lochiel Forbes, John, Woodlands Fosbender, J. H., Invercargill Fowler, John, West Plains Fraser, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Praser, Lachlan, AVaianiwa Friend, George, Alataura Frisken, Airs. AL K., Myross Bush Gerrard, Alexander (Exors. of), Winton Givin, John, Ryal Bush Gorman, George, Hedgehope Grant, Robert, Longridge Gray, Alexander, Wallacetown Gray, Colin, AVallacetown Gray, John, Alataura Gray, Roderick, AVallacetown Gray, William, Riversdale Green, Sonness, Goro • Grey, Donald, Goro Grieve, James, AVallacetown Grieve, John, AVallacetown Grieve, J. G., AVaianiwa Grieve, Robert, AVaianiwa Grieve, Thomas, Glendhu, Alataura Guscott, James, the Retreat, Alandeville Hall and Alcason, Alataura (Timaru) Halliday, William, Roslyn Bush Hamilton, Alexander, Ryal Bush Hamilton, John, Winton Hamilton, Thomas, F'oreBt Hill, Lochiel Hansen Brothers, Garston Hansen, Charles, Waituna, Campbelltown ... Hardwick, Edwin, AA'est Plains Hartley, John, Winton, Heenan, Alichael, Riversdale Henderson, Airs. Helen, Craighouse, Winton Henderson, John, Myross Bush Henderson, John, AVinton Hesaion, Patrick, Fernhills, Benmore Hishon, AL, Lime-hills Hodgkinson, Bros., Ryal Bush Holloway, AViilliam, Longbush Horton, Robert, Grove Bush, Invercargill ... Humphries, J. E., Alataura Irving, J. O-i Roslyn Bush Irwin, AVilliam, Otapiri, AVinton Jack, Francis, Winton Jenkins, John, Wallacetown Jolly, Thomas, AVest Plains, Kay, A C, Longridge Keir and Anderson, Alataura Kelly, Nicholas, The Grange, Riversdale ... Keown, John, Longridge Kerr, Patrick, Springvale, Winton Kerr, W. L., Bayfield, Oteramika Kidd, Sophia, Winton King, Edward, Woodlands King, F. J., Benmore King, W. IL, Winton Kingdon, N. S., Goro Kingi Topi & others, Ruapuke, Campbelltown Ladbrook, W. C, Mataura Leece and Peacock, Winton 200 180 500 100 300 160 197 100 504 495 27 30500 350 '83 1287 300 450 15° 182 250 1700 380 190 1200 248 290 49' 60 215 180 180 57° 300 184 400 300 1000 18.5 98 70 633 59' 36 38000 390 '95 1500 290 Nil 100 700 1300 550 300 29 400 200 1670 290 150 600 280 300 484 75 262 197 ,67 690 199 700 600 200 700 Nil 5' 565 381 109 132 496 785 315° Nil 800 750 2000 '45 '45 77 50 Nil 244 90 540 490 780 3343 900 300 1500 130 'SO 52 100 232 300 370 94 300 495 170 310 90 400 390 '5° 60 225 397 100 395 80 3" 94 400 280 303 189 225 900 300 300 '55 200 2900 41 225 100 200 440 600 36 343 395 100 420 120 3i 95 800 390 138 465 400 IOO 200 120 200 2600 182 l6o


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


lo. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Afaedonald, Andrew, Greenhead, Hedgebope Macdonald, A. J., Reaty, Gore AtacDonald, Colin, Ryal Bush AlacGibbon, John, Dundonald, Gore Mackay, John, Strathnaver, Rirersdale MacLachlan, R. D., Dipton Alaclean, J. and D., Caroline Station, Dipton MaopheriOD, Duncan, Hokonui Macphcrson, John, Longridge Main, Alexander, Invercargill Majoribanks, David, Croydonvale, Gore Alalcolm, Francis, Winton Marshall, T. P., Alyross Bush Martin, William, Oteramika Matthews, Robert, Gore AlcCallum Brothers, AVeka Bush, Edendale AlcCallum, Duncan, Winton MeCallum, M., Seaward Gorge, Edendale ... McConachie, D., jun., Winton AlcConaehie, AL, Lochiel McCrostie, J., Waianiwa McDonald, Christopher, Hokanui McDonald, Hector, Hokonui McDonald, John, Mabel, Grove Bush McDonald, John, Edendale McGowan, T. AV. & A., Waiinumn, Mataura AlcGregor, George, Longridge AIcGregor, William, Winton Mcllraith, J. and A. D., Alataura Mcintosh, William, AVoodlands AlcTntyre, John, Grove Bush Mclntyre, John, Long Bush AlcICay, Angus Long Push Ali'Kay, Archibald, Dunsdale, Hedgebope AlcICay, James. Longbush AlcICay and Alorrison, Hedgebope AleKellar, P. (Exors. of), Glenure,Longridge AlcKenzie, Abraham, Oteramika AlcKenzie, Hector, Riversdale* AIcKcnzie, John, Alokomoko, Inrercargill ... AIcKercher, D., Winton McICercher, J. and J., AVoodlands AlcKinnon, James, Ryal Bush McKinnon, John, Wright's Bush AlcLean, Alexander, AVaianiwa AlcLean, John, Benmore AlcLean, Tliomas, Alount Pleasant, AVinton... McLeod, George, Hedgebope AIcNaughton, Darid, AVaianiwa McNaughton, AV., AVaianiwa McNeil, Angus, Lochiel McNeil, Hector, Locheil AlcPhee, John, Longridge McRae and Fraser, Hokonui McRae Brothers, Hokonui AlcRae, D. B., Hokonui AlcRae, Finlay, Hokonui Mein, William, AVallacetown Merrifield, John, AVinton Alilligan, Barnard, Waianiwa Moffat and Sloan, Morton Mains, Woodlands Aloorabool Estate Co., Dipton Alorison, John, Dipton Alorris, A. AV., Bushey Park, Mataura Alosan Brothers, Grore Bush Alurchison, Christopher, Winton Naylor, J., Garston N.Z. and A. Land Co., Edendale N.Z. A. Co., Ardlussa& Eyre Creek,Rirersdale N.Z. A. Company, Caroline, Riversdale N.Z. A. Co., Dome & Longridge, Riversdale ... N.Z. A. Co., Waimea Plains, Riversdale ... N.Z., Alort. & Invest. Association, Benmore Nicholson, Proctor, Woodlands Noble, John, Lochiel Norman, Thomas, Winton O'Brien, T. J., Winton O'Neill, John, Hedgehope O'Shannessy, Patrick, Winton Otago and Southland Investment Company, Limehills Estate, Limehills Park, William, Charlton, Gore Paterson, Thomas, Porest Hill, Winton Pateraon, W. and A., West Dome, Mossburn 400 2 84 '5° 30 3200 '364 200 200 272 200 100 82 5° 44 200 80 '93 469 300 300 200 100 300 2000 IOO 63 600 300 180 400 '85 8022 199 300 •98 IOO 484 5" IOOO 280 550 200 111 140 175 78 2000 385 Nil 200 259 293 100 88 100 Si 52 200 '95 243 499 300 350 300 100 377 ■93 250 1452 100 52 600 300 197 390 '55 8400 256 3°o 100 Nil 555 68 800 300 2 CO 296 250 Nil Nil 398 200 100 750 300 60 860 Nil 248 190 IOO 150 400 '97 IOO 778 347 95 790 250 980 200 19056 3000 6500 7228 860 82 12872 17000 I IOOO 20500 20000 16.85 50 314 996 1100 200 15772 4370 6390 6357 995 200 Nil '3437 17500 10500 20800 22700 13316 260 340 IOOO IOO 88 95 1276 254 70 400 375 Nil 300 t40 5938

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. I 1887. Patterson, William, Ryal Bush Pearce, Frederick, Winton Perkins, W. R., Wianawa Peterson, William, Half Aloon Bay Porteous, J. B., Winton Poston, Airs., Hedgebope, Invercargill Price, J. AL, Athol Reid & Son, Alonto Christo, Wright's Bush Richardson, J. W,, Alyross Bush Ritchie, James, Oteramika Ritchie, R. 1)., Mataura Robertson, Alexander, Lochiel Rogers, J., Glenguvich and F'airlight, Athol... Ronald, Charlotte E., Waianiwa Ross, James, Gap, Winton Ross, John, Grovebush Russell, John, Invercargill Sabine, Mrs., Invercargill Sadlier, Henry, Longbush Salmond, W. H., Riversdale Saunders, E. and AV., Drummond Saxelby, John, Woodlands Seott, W., Hokonui Scouler, AV. and J., Almondell,Wright's Bush Shand, J. and J., AVinton Sharp, Joseph, Winton Shaw, Alark, Winton Shepherd, J. D., Oteramika Simpson, John, AVoodlands Sinclair, Peter, Hedgebope Sleeman, C. P., Alataura . Sproull, C. C, AVinton Starbreck, Alark, Hokonui Stewart, David, Riversdale Stokes, Thomas, Goro Strauchan, John, Mataura Stuart, George, Longridge Stuart, Robert, Hokonui Sutton, G. E., Winton Swale, Ralph, Limehills Taylor, Angus, Hokonui Taylor, Robert, Lora, Hokonui Taylor, Robert, Lochiel Thomson, James, Winton Thomson, John, and Sons, Winton Thomson, John, jun., Winton Thomson, Peter, Winton Thomson, Tliomas, Winton Townshend, Edwin, Alataura Trimble, Hugh, Alataura Trotter, W. S., Roslin Farm, AA Toodlands Turnbull, J. C, Isla Bank Urqubart, William, Longridge A rale, T., Te AVais Point, Campbelltown Walker, S. and D., Longridgo Walker, William, and Co., Half AIoo nBay... Wallace, Angus, Airley, Wallacetown Walsh, Patrick, Goro AVard, Arthur, Drummond Wilson, Alexander, Alyross Bush Wilson, Henry, Ryal Bush Wilson, James, A'ernon, Makarewa Wilson, J. A., One Tree Point Wilson, John, Waianiwa Wilson, J. W., Longridge Wilson, Peter, Lochiel Wilson, Thomas, Waianiwa Wright, Thomas, Gore Young, James, Wright's Bush Young, Tliomas, Mataura Young, William, Alataura Zwies, Leopold, Winton 146 100 S8S ■75 100 600 1500 100 300 500 1950 97 37 980 35° 22500 300 46 160 75 40 95 380 Nil 93 300 2268 6000 Nil 2000 27 84 8.3 100 300 410 1480 44 42 830 34° 21600 300 37 100 96 60 100 300 3100 'OS '95 1317 47°7 400 1700 40 400 60 290 395 51 200 300 1700 369 100 ■2.57 600 850 4000 200 600 500 390 1200 275 300 404 1640 294 193 1242 700 900 4779 290 600 Nil 900 150 216:) 97 1600 180 400 427 ! 150 400 j 83 I 500 350! 400 476 168 390 600 Nil 500 ■49 400 '85 170 2316 '58 Nil 280 400 490 Nil 400 760 42 600 400 Nil 392 100 250 400 300 238 373 '68 679066 400 300 360079 Total in county 672869 WALLACE COUNTY. (In Southland Subdivision.) Allison, James, Gummie's Bush Allison, John, Drummond Anderson, D., Riverton Arlilay, George, Riverton Ashbury, James, Mcrivale, Otautau 150 103 252 330 23820 180 155 290 389 27772

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

11—H. 13.


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Si 31st I beep on May. 1887. iffie. I Baird, Robert, Isla Bank Barry, C. B., Oropuki Barwell, Samuel, Otautau Baskin, James. Heddon Bush Basstian, C, Dunrobin, & Woodstock, Invercargill Basstian, W. D., Mossburn Bath, Richard, Gummie's Bush Beal, William, Heddon Bush Beck, Joseph, AVairio Beer, George, Mossburn Blackstock, William, Riverton Blackwood, Thomas, Kinloch, Otautau Boyle, John, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush British and N.Z. Alortgago Co., Gladfield ... British and N.Z. Mortgage Co., Alarora Lake, LumBden Brown, William, Thornbury Browning, Allen, Mossburn Brownridge, James, Fairfax Buckingham, T. A., Isla Bank Butterworth, J. L., Alossbum Dalder, George, Gummie's Bush Dalder, William, Heddon Bush Cameron, Alexander, Mossburn Campbell, R., jun., Alararoa Downs and Burwood, Lumsden Carmichael, Allan, Strathmore, Otautau Carnie, Charles, Otautau Chartres, William, Mossburn Christie, A. and J., Di»,.ton Christie, John, Waimatuku Clark, Thomas, Heddon Bush Cody, L. and P., Heddon Bush Collie, Allan, F'airfax Collie, Donald, Fairfax Soombes, Alfred, Heddon Bush Craig, Arch., AVairio Drengle, John, Otautau Crouch, E. T., Otautau Sullen, P. S., Otautau Cummin g, George, Fairfax Supples, R., Otautau Cuthbertson, J. (exors.of), Otahu, Invercargill Daley, Patrick, South Hillend Davanney, Alichael, Annandalo Davis, E. and AV., AVairio Deacon, John, Thornbury Dodd, Robert, AVoodland, Myross Bush Drabble, P., Ermdale, Groper's Bush Duggan, John, Wairio Edridge, A. E., Yellow Bluff, Otautau Ellis, J. O, Ellerslie, Wairaki Fallow, James, Thornbury Filzgerald, Patrick, Orepuki Fleck, John, Riverton Fletcher, G. A\~., Lumsden Fletcher, Peter, Thornbury Ford, J. B., Heddon Bush Ford, John, Groper's Bush Forrest, A. S., Gummies Bush Foster, Robert, Thornbury Fraser and AlcLean, Mossburn Fraser, Duncan, AVaimatuku Fraser, AVilliam, Waimatuku 3-arden, Brothers, Dalmore ... Gardner, J., Birehwood, AVairio Gerrard, Alexander (Executors of), Otautau olibbs, Jesse, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush Grant, James, Etal Creek, Nightcaps Grant, J., Woodburn, AVairaki Gray, W. and K., AVaimatuku Griffin, John, AYrey's Bush Hailes, AV. AL, AVairio Hall, Andrew, Thornbury Halloran, R., AVrey's Bush Hamilton, J. W., Flint's, Thornbury Hannah, Andrew, Aparima, Alakarewa Hardwiek. John, Otautau Hare, A. R., Blackmount Harrison, Enoch, Dipton Hawkins, W., Otautau, Haywood Bros, and Linseott, Thornbury ... Uazlett, Robert, Thornbury 500 422 325 17600 500 200 590 231 18000 302 200 37 400 810 200 95° 60 250 200 96 500 650 250 156S IOO 11300 4089 II500 3886 200 200 294 Nil 88 1850 7 180 Nil 35155 293 116 2000 48 480 260 3°45° 700 534 92 3M 882 95 179 95 700 1100 93 48 300 3325 70 45° 200 Nil 573 89 200 ■83 93° 115 Nil 4812 400 300 5322 94 5° 3100 34SO 40 ■50 96 50 3500 Nil 163 Nil 2500 80 Nil 900 8111 100 40 110 400 650 480 387 iS° 30 1150 400 580 30 12200 95 180 198 300 485 495 45° '94 12 1060 200 490 190 13000 3000 1400 90 'SO 400 3500 1400 186 202 250 70 1120 580 170 12160 150 220 200 80 1560 300 '5° 11920 200 140 280 200 120 220

No. of S! 81st 1 188G. I loop on [ay. 1887. Telder and Awdry, Redcliff, Blackmount ... Tonderson, James, Otautau Till, E. B., Alossburn Hirst, Henry, Orepuki Todgson, William, Thornbury Tolloway, Benjamin, Fairfax Tolmes, Hon. AL, Castle Rock, Lumsden ... Tolmes, Hon. M., Manipori, Mararoa Toperoft, AVilliam, Gummies Bush listone, Matthew, Rivereloigh, Invercargill fames, Richard, Otautau lohnston, Airs. Elizabeth, Nightcaps rohnston, Airs. Isabella, Nightcaps rohnston, Airs. Margaret, Nightcaps rohnston, AVilliam, Groper's Bush rohnston, William, jun., Nightcaps rones, Allan, Groper's Bush rukes, AL D'A., Aparima, Otautau Ceen, Phillip, Wild Bush, Riverton Cennedy, Tliomas, Heddon BubIi ■Cennedy, T. AV., Otautau Cirkpatrick, James, AVairio Sirkpatriek, Thomas, AVairio Land and Loan Company of New Zealand, Centre Hill, Mossburn Jangford, AVilliam, South Hillend Lindsay, John, Isla Bank Lindsay, John, Slrathmore, Otautau Lyon, David, Isla Bank ilackay, Hector, Wairaki HacKenzie, Laehlan, Otautau Mackintosh, Airs. R., Wairio Hacnamara, AL, Eastern Bush Halonc, Alichael, Lumsden Hanson, Donald, Nightcaps Harris, William, Fairview, Thornbury Hartin, T., Duncraigen, Alararoa HeCall, John, AVairaki HcCallum, Robert, Thornbury HeDeritt, Cornelius, Alossburn HcDonald.Dugald, Wild Bush,Riverton ... HcDougall, Charles, Fairfax HcGarrie, W., Otautau HcHardy, Alexander, Isla Bank Hclntyre, J., Rothimurchis, Thornbury Hclvor, D., Otautau Hclvor, Kenneth, Centre Hll, Alossburn HcKenzie Bros., Forebank, Isla Bank HcKenzie, William, Isla Bank HcKinnon, R., Alt. Linton, Nightcaps HcLaien, N. C., Otahu, Otautau He Lean, J. B., Thornbury HeLeod, D., and Co., Winton HcN Tcill, Peter, Thornbury Heek, Robert, Fairfax Holland and Co., Cheviot, Alararoa Helland & Co., Te Anau, Alararoa Hichell, John, Roschill, Wairaki Hillar, Robert, Groper's Bush Hiller, Alexander, Thornbury Hiller, Archibald, Annandalc HofFat, Henry, Otautau Hollison, William, Isla Bank Horrhon, AVilliam, Drummond Houat, O, Thornbury tf.M. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Bayswater (Invercargill) U.M. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Te Anau & Lynwood, Mararoa SLM. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Wairaki Newton, J. J., Wreysbush SLZ. L. & M. A. Co., Sunnyside, AVairaki ... !C.Z. Alortgage and Investment Association, Waicola, Wairio H. (Executors of),Black water, Riverton 3'Brien, Daniel, Heddon Bush Dfficer, George, Annandale Dfficcr, John, and Sons, Thornbury Jfficer, R. and A., Fairfax Dfficer, AVilliam, Groper's Bush Paterson, John, Drummond Philpott, G. and AV., AYaimaluku 60CO 280 257 420 800 135 30000 85OO 120 700 380 300 252 142 230 600 310 38o 160 120 700 750 100 152 152 6 200 100 540 130 186 300 70 7000 80 250 420 Nil '5° 33000 10368 185 1800 390 200 210 225 25 55° - 89 Nil 55 Nil 400 200 127 7500 70 500 700 '55 190 ,78 Nil 200 200 25 650 700 180 95 Nil 297 80 92 251 2510 163 Nil 300 350 16510 6500 124 204 400 1152 3000 9000 95 600 259 200 400 350 284 75 9748 216 1150 9453 300 300 14388 98 200 2745 3200 10000 89 600 262 55 300 290 15000 IS498 12040 13404 4251 7280 230 3998 6100 1700 1756 32 Nil 247 50 37 187 150 200 Nil 305 180


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,400 copies), .£Bl 5s

By Authority : Geokge Didsbttby, Government Printer, "Wellington. —1888.


o. of Sheep on , 31st May. I 1886. I 1887. Pirie, James, Isla Bank Powell, James, Otautau Power, Thomas, Annandale Prendergast, Edmond, Annandale Procter, John, Heddon Bush Pyper, Alexander, Wrey's Bush, Annandale Juin, James, Otautau Iteidio, David. Groper's Bush Reihill, Patrick, Scott's Gap, Otautau Ritchie, James, Nightcaps Robbie, Andrew, Isla Bank Roberts and Co., Ringway, Otautau Robson, Edward, Thornbury EtowleyandHamilton,Avondale, Wrey's Bush Ryan, Patrick, Heddon Bush Salton, Mrs. Jaue, Otautau Saunders, Frank, South Hillend Scales and Broekman, Thornbury Scobie, A. P., Alossburn Scobie, William, Wairaki Shaw, John, Hermitage, Fairfax Sheehan, Denis, South Hillend Sheehan, Edward, Annandale Sheridan, Patrick, Groper's Bush Sinclair, John, Eastern Bush, Smith, James, Isla Bank Smith, J. H., Bayswater, Otautau Smith, J., jun., Otautau Southern, Walter, AVaimatuku Spencer, H. M., Etalvale, Annandale Spillane, C, Nightcaps Stenhouse, Robert, Groper's Bush 290 '55 400 146 200 2050 93 445° 356 16000 230 200 39 229 150 Nil 400 87 117 200 2044 87 3760 240 16000 263 100 94 Nil '83 200 400 30 78 156 100 200 Nil 660 '97 'So 35° 34 10200 500 150 S120 100 120 5328 194 105 141

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1SSG. I 1887. 'tevens Bros., Dalmore Itevens, R. W. B., Riverton Itevens, W., South Grove, Riverton Iterenson, James, Isla Bank lutherland, Robert, Nightcaps lutton, Edwin, Drummond lutton, Frederick, Thornbury Swhan, John, Riverton 'apper, Robert, Clifden, Wairaki 'arlton, R. F., Mossburn ?empleton, John, Waimatuku John, Heddon Bush Pcviotdale, Peter, Isla Bank liomson, Alexander, Otautau ?homBon, G., Captain, Otautau Aodd, William, Otautau Proup, Robert, Otautau ?urnbull, J. R., Thornbury /inning, II,, Bellmont, Otautau Valker, John, Isla Bank A ralker, William, Otautau A rard, C. and, H., Groper's Bush Yard, Thomas, Yellow Bluff, Otautau iVatson, Douglas, Otautau Vhite, John, Wairio Vhyte, Robert, Heddon Bush Viggins, C, Groper's Bush Voiilers, John, Thornbury 250 400 15800 1160 140 308 1196 680 7000 2278 580 '5550 793 180 20 400 16500 1100 95 300 13.00 Nil 9000 2271 395 1 2080 787 300 600 '75 4689 217 595 196 100 250 80 230 120 Nil 130 5181 290 100 798 225 •25 'So 55 260 260 200 143 395035 40348'

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1887., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, H-13

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, H-13

THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1887. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, H-13

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