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Return to an Order of the Souse of Representatives, dated the 16th May, 1888. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return of the engineers, draughtsmen, clerks, inspectors, subinspectors, and overseers employed in the Public Works Department of the colony (other than working railways) for the year 1887-88 ; said return to give names, salaries, and travelling allowances of the various officers, and to specify the works on which they were employed."—(Mr. Seddon.)


Total number, as within ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 194 Deduct those who have been dispensed with since Ist April, 1887, or are under notice to leave 71 Net total remaining ... ... ... ... ... 123 Public Works Office, Wellington, 25th May, 1888.


RETURN of the Engineers, Draughtsmen, Clerks, Inspectors, &c., employed in the Public Works Department of the Colony (other than Working Railways) for the Financial Year 1887-88, giving the Names, Salaries, and Travelling Allowances of the various Officers, and specifying the Works on which they were employed. Note —The travelling allowances mentioned in this return are those that were in force up to the 31st January, 1888. Since that date officers in receipt of salaries exceeding £400 per annum have received 12s. 6d. per diem when travelling, and officers whose salaries are £400 or less, 10s.


No. Name. Salary. Travelling Allowance when absent from Head-quarters. Title. Work on which employed. Bemarks. HEAD OFFICE.--ENGINEEEING STAFF. 1 Engineers. Blackett, J. £ s. d. 700 0 0 Per arm. 3/3 % of salary* Engineer-in-Chief General supervision of engineering works throughout the colony; also Marine Engineer, with salary of £300. Assisting in general supervision of engineering works. Inspection of engineering works throughout the colony Preparation of designs for large bridges and other special works throughout the colony. General work in Draughting Office .. 2 3 4 Blair, W. N. Knorpp, G. B. Hay, P. S. 900 0 0 750 0 0 400 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Asst. Engineer-in-Chief Inspecting Engineer .. Resident Engineer Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 5 Taiaroa, R. G. 50 0 0 Ditto .. Junior Assistant Left, 31 July, 1887. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Draughtsmen. Wrigg, H. Beatson, 0. E. Koch, A. C. P. Gell, E. .. Welsby, J. Grichton, W. Rutherford, W.G. .. Stevenson, G. G. Jackson, E. Price, J. H. Bianchini, A. Leslie, W. J. Innes, D. G. Meek, E... Morice, J. M. Weber, G. H. Koch, R. .. Perham, H. G. Gell, G. H. 400 0 0 365 0 0 320 0 0 275 0 0 200 0 0 195 0 0 0 12 6 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 4 3 4 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Per day Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Per ann. Ditto .. Per month Chief Draughtsman Architect Draughtsman.. Ditto Ditto Ditto Temporary Draughtsman Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto General supervision of Draughting Office. Preparation of designs, estimates, &c, for buildings Preparation of maps, plans, &e. .. .. Preparation of drawings for contracts, &c. Preparation of plans for contracts. Preparation of drawings for building's, &c. Compilation of railway land plans, &c. General work Preparation of maps, plans, &c. Compilation of railway land plans, &c. Tracing plans of rolling-stock for lithographing, &c. .. .. ..? Preparation of drawings for contracts, &c. Ditto Ditto. General work Ditto Preparation of plans, &c. Tracing plans Ditto Left, 30 Nov., 1887. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. Left, 31 Aug., 1887. Left, 31 March, 1888. Left, 31 March, 1888. Left, 31 March, 1888. Left, 31 Aug., 1887. Left, 31 Aug., 1887. Left, 31 March, 1888. Prom 1 April, 1887. 12 March, 1888. Lefl 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Engineers' Clerks, &c. Gallcott, W. C. .. Putnam, P. Knapp, G. A. Godden, D. Rumsey, W. A. Poden, E. Dunne, E. D. 300 0 0 270 0 0 250 0 0 215 0 0 200 0 0 0 10 0 100 0 0 Per ann. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Per day Per ann. 10s. per day .. £1 per day Clerk Stores Auditor Computer Clerk Record Clerk Clerk Junior Clerk .. Clerk to Engineer-in-Chief. In charge of Public Works Stores throughout the colony. Compilation of estimates and calculations. Assistant Clerk to Engineer-in-Chief, also Private Secretary to Minister Recording of maps and plans. Assisting in audit of stores accounts Recording maps and plans .. Left, 30 June, 18S7. Left, 30 April, 1888. Left, 30 April, 1888. * Si :e no! ,e abi




33 34 35 36 37 Blow, H. J. H. Thomas, W. A. Peist, E. .. Giesen, E. Short, W. S. 400 0 0 425 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 X 771 Ujll-U. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. ojo y 0 01 salary Under-Secretary Asst. Under-Secretary.. Accountant Clerk Ditto Ditto General supervision, exclusive of engineering. Assisting in ditto. Public Works Accounts generally. Assisting in ditto. Correspondence, &c. Land purchase, and Proclamations for Government and local roads, railways, and tramways, &c. Record Clerk. General accounts. Permanent-way and rolling-stock accounts; also Private Secretary to Minister since July, 1887. General accounts. Ditto Ditto. Assisting in railway land-purchase-work, &c. General accounts. Ditto Correspondence, &c. Assistant to Record Clerk till May, 1887 ; then General Accounts. Assisting in Proclamation work, &c. Correspondence, &c. Private Secretary to Premier 38 39 40 Millais, H. W. Clapham, G. J. Bate, A. T. 250 0 0 240 0 0 230 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Ditto 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Wilson, P. C. Hullett, B.C. Bybles, A. E. Thompson, H. Dumbell, J. T. Woodford, T. G. Dumbell, W. D. .. Dasent, W. E. Greville, E. T. Redward, E. Y. Leckie, R 225 0 0 220 0 0 190 0 0 190 0 0 180 0 0 175 0 0 160 0 0 145 0 0 105 0 0 90 0 0 70 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Left, 24 Nov., 1887. Left, 31 Oct., 1887. Transferred to Colonial Secre tary's Dept., 1 Oct., 1887. 52 Watson, E. W. .. 60 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto Correspondence, &c.; also receives £15 per ann. lodging allowance on account of living away from home. Assisting in land-purchase records. General accounts Ditto 53 54 55 Driscoll, J. Jones, E... Lyons, E. H. 3 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 Per week Per day Ditto .. Temporary Clerk Ditto Ditto Left, 30 Sept., 1887. Transferred to Defence Dept, 31 March, 1888. Transferred to Defence Dept. 19 April, 1888. 56 Jones, E. L. 0 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto La 57 nd Purchase Officers. Mackay, T. 300 0 0 Per ann. 3/3 % of salary Land Purchase Officer.. Land purchase, North Island, and Nelson, Marlborough; and Westland ; also paid by Railways, £200, and by Crown Lands, £100. Land purchase, Middle Island, except Nelson, Marlborough, and Westland ; also paid by Railways, £250. 58 Calcutt, T. 250 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto 59 60 61 Hales, W. H. MeArthur, J. A. Hursthouse, G. W. 600 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 Per ann. Ditto .. Ditto .. 3/3 % of salary AUCKL. lND DISTEICT. £100 per annum District Engineer Office Engineer Resident Engineer General supervision of works in Auckland Provincial District. In charge of office-work, Auckland District Office. Pnniu, Te Kuiti and Waiteti Sections of the North Island Trunk Railway, and works and surveys, Waikato District. Poro-o-tarao Tunnel and surveys on North Island Trunk Railway. Kaipara Contract on Helensville-Northwards Railway and general works at and about Auckland. Survey of Helensville-Northwards Railway. Surveys of Mokau and Taumaranui Sections, North Island Trunk Railway ; also survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Surveys, Helensville-Northwards Railway, and survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Surveys, Auckland-Kaipara Railway, as constructed, and sundry minor surveys 62 63 : Simpson, G. G. Vickerman, C. R. .. 350 0 0 340 0 0 Per ann. Ditto .. 3/6 % of salary Ditto Assistant Engineer Ditto 64 65 Witherby, D. W. .. Cameron, J. M. 300 0 0 225 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto 10s. per day .. Ditto Ditto 66 Hamerton, R. A. 65 0 0 Ditto .. Actual expenses Junior Assistant Left, 31 July, 1887. 67 Louch, J. D. 4 15 0 Per week 10s. per day .. Survej ror



RETURN of the Engineers, Draughtsmen, Clerks, Inspectors, &c., employed in the Public Works Department, &c. — continued.

No. Name. Salary. Travelling Allowance when absent from Head-quarters. Title. Work on which employed. Remarks. AUCKLAND DISTRICT— continued. 68 Hewson, P. M. 69 Burd, T. .. 70 Ibbetson, G. R. H. 71 Tole, W. .. 72 Browne, J. £ s. d. 110 Per day 10s. per day .. Surveyor .. Survey of Woodhill deviation on Auckland-Kaipara Railway, and landpurchase surveys Auckland District. 0 15 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Survey of Hamilton-Cambridge and Hamilton-Te Aroha Railways, as Left, 6 Aug., 1887. constructed 4 0 0 Per week .. Temp. Draughtsman .. Preparation of plans. 0 10 0 Per day .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Under notice to leave, 30 June. 1888. 185 0 0 Per ann. .. Clerk .. .. Accounts ; also custody of and accounting for stores .. .. .. Accidentally drowned, 14 April. 1888. 73 Browne, J. W. 74 Gordon, A. 75 Mirfin, W. C. 76 Butterworth, B, .. 77 Burnand, H. 78 Grange, T. 79 Witheridge, J. 80 Nolan, P... 81 Chalmers, J. L. 82 , Newsham, W. 83 Ormsby, R. 2 10 0 Per week .. Temporary Clerk .. Clerical work. 2 10 0 Ditto .. .. Ditto .. Ditto. 5 0 0 Ditto .. Actual expenses Inspector .. .. Maintenance and repairs, public buildings, Auckland District. when specially authorised 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Puniu and Waiteti Sections, North Island Trunk Railway. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Poro-o-tarao Tunnel Contract, North Island Trunk Railway. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Additions to Wha'u Asylum, Auckland. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Kaipara Section, Helensville-Northwards Railway. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Hikutaia and Ohinemuri Sections, Thames-Te Aroha Railway. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Te Kuiti and Waiteti Sections and Te Kuiti station-buildings, North Island Trunk Railway. 3 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Maori piecework on Te Kuiti Section, North Island Trunk Railway .. Left, 16 June, 1887. 0 10 0 Per day Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. Left, 16 June, 1887. 84 Rochf ort, John 85 Brown, R. A. 86 Browne, C. B. 87 Turner, C. B. 88 Beere, G. B. SUEVEY OF WAIMAEINO-TAUMAEANUI SECTION, NOETH ISLAND MAIN TEUNK EAILWAY. (Not under District Engineer.) 10 0 0 Per week 3/3 % of salary Engineer .. .. Surveys, Waimarino-Taumaranui Section, North Island Trunk Railway, Left, 31 Oct., 1887. and construction of roads leading thereto 4 0 0 Ditto .. 10s. per day .. Surveyor .. .. Survey of Waimarino-Taumaranui Section, North Island Trunk Railway Left, 30 Nov., 1887. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 3 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 3 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 89 Crapp, S... 90 Mcintosh, W. 91 Mason, W. P. SUNDEY EOADS, AUCKLAND AND HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICTS. (Not under District Engineer.) 4 7 6 Per week £65 per annum Inspector .. .. Roads, Bay of Plenty District. 0 14 0 Per day Actual expenses Ditto .. .. Maintenance of Oropi-Ateamuri Section of Tauranga-Napier Road; also when specially roads between Tauranga and Rotorua, via Te Puke, and branch road, authorised Rotorua to Tarawera. 0 14 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. \ Maintenance of Kaiwaka-Ateamuri Section of Napier-Tauranga Road.



t u J. x'a.TjJ.J-^.vjJ.. 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Stewart, J. T. Holmes, R. W. Rawson, T. H. Blackett, J. W. .. Anderson, J. Gillies, J. D. Koch, A. C. Blake, G. B. Richmond, R. R. Hay, J. J. 600 0 0 350 0 0 340 0 0 330 0 0 300 0 0 275 0 0 156 0 0 156 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 Per ann. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. 3/3 % of salary 3/6 % of salary Ditto Ditto Ditto 10s. per day .. Ditto Ditto Actual expenses Ditto District Engineer Resident Engineer Assistant Engineer Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Junior Assistant Ditto General supervision of works in Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, and northern portion of Wellington Provincial District. Survey, Turangarere-Hautapu Section of North Island Trunk Railway, and improvement of service-road, Turangarere - Rangitikei, until January, 1888; then surveys of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. General works, Wanganui District. Porewa and Hunterville and Makohine Sections, North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, AucklandTaranaki. Wanganui River improvement, and construction Pipiriki-Ohakune Road Tamaki, Woodville, and Gorge Sections of Napier-JPalmerston Railway. Surveys, Turangarere-Hautapu Section of North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888; then survey of railway line, AucklandTaranaki. Surveys of portion of Turangarere-Hautapu Section, North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Surveys, Makohine-Hautapu Section of North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Dunedin District, until January, 1888; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Surveys, Turangarere-Hautapu Section, North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. General work in Head Office until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Survey, Makohine-Hautapu Section of North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Survey and construction, Pipiriki-Ohakune Road Woodville, Tamaki, and Gorge Sections of Napier-Palmerston Railway. Survey, Makohine-Hautapu Section; and portion of Hautapu-Tu-rangarere Section, North Island Trunk Railway, until January, 1888 ; then survey of railway line, Auckland-Taranaki. Survey of railway, as constructed, Greatford to Poxton Accounts and plans. Custody of and accounting for stores, Napier District, also paid £87 10s. by Railways Custody of and accounting for stores, Napier District, also paid £112 10s. by Railways Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 102 Gavin, W. H. 80 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto 103 Richmond, J. W. .. 65 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto . .. Ditto 104 Ross, D. .. 7 0 0 Per week 3/6 % of salary Surveyor 105 106 107 Lewis, H. J. Moody, H. P. Adams, W. H. 5 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. 10s. per day .. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Left, 31 July, 1887. 108 109 110 Galwey, 0. E. Young, John Harrup, J. T. E. 4 0 0 3 12 6 87 10 0 Ditto .: Ditto .. Per ann. Ditto Ditto Clerk and Draughtsman Storekeeper Left, 17 December, 1887. Left, 14 April, 1887. 111 Williams, W. 87 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto Prom 14 April, 1887. Transferred from Railway Stores Manager's Office, Wellington, Left, 31 May, 1888. Left, 31 July, 1887. 112 113 114 Gayne, W. P. Stewart, G. T. McGonagle, R. 170 0 0 2 15 0 4 0 0 Ditto .. Per week Ditto .. Actual expenses when specially authorised Ditto Ditto Ditto Temporary Clerk Inspector Custody of and accounting for stores, Wanganui District Woodville Office, correspondence and accounts Gorge Contract of Napier-Palmerston Railway. 115 116 Mackay, A. Ross, J. B. 4 0 0 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Tamaki and Woodville Sections of Napier-Palmerston Railway Service roads, Pukeore to Hautapu, and in Hautapu Valley, North Island Trunk Railway Makatote bridge on service road, North Island Trunk Railway Maintenance and repairs of public buildings throughout the district, maintenance of Gorge Road, and Sleeper Contracts Porewa and Hunterville Sections, North Island Trunk Railway, and Tiraumea Road-bridge. Left, 30 June, 1887. Left, 30 April, 1888. 117 118 Reid, J. .. Nye, G. .. 3 6 0 3 15 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Left 10 April, 1888. Left, 30 April, 1888. 119 Campbell, J. M. .. 3 15 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto I


RETURN of the Engineers, Draughtsmen, Clerks, Inspectors, &c., employed in the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.


No. Name. Salary. Travelling Allowance when absent from Head-quarters. Title. Work on which employed. Remarks. WELLINGTON DISTEICT. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Connal, E. Luff, G. .. Berry, G... Swan, W. G. Rushbrook, C. T. Cimino, S. Packard, W. Ahern, J. .. Majendie, P. A. .. Turnbull, P. £ s. d. 325 0 0 Per ann. 156 0 0 Ditto .. 3 15 0 Per week 0 10 0 Per day 250 0 0 Per ann. 170 0 0 Ditto .. 0 10 0 Per day 0 10 0 Ditto .. 0 10 0 Ditto .. 260 0 0 Per ann. Per ann. Ditto .. Per week Per day Per ann. Ditto .. Per day Ditto .. Ditto .. Per ann. 3/6 % of salary 10s. per day .. Ditto Assistant Engineer .. General supervision of works in southern portion of Wellington Provincial District. Ditto .. .. Wi Waka Section of Wellington-Woodville Railway. Surveyor .. .. General surveys and works in district "> Temporary Draughtsman Preparation of plans. Clerk .. .. Correspondence, accounts, &a. Storekeeper .. .. Custody of and accounting for stores, Wellington District. Temporary Clerk .. Accounts Ditto .. .. Clerical work. Ditto .. .. Ditto Inspector .. .. Maintenance and repairs of Government buildings in Wellington Left, 30 June, 1887. Left, 30 April, 1888. 130 131 132 Mahoney, D. Oliver, G. Hayns, H. J. 5 5 0 Per week 4 10 0 Ditto .. 4 10 0 Ditto .. 4 0 0 Ditto .. 3 10 0 Ditto .. 0 10 0 Per day Per week Ditto .. Ditto .. Actual expenses when specially authorised Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto .. .. Mount Cook Prison-works, Wellington. Ditto .. .. New Printing Office, Wellington. Ditto .. .. Additions to Hospital, and restoration of General Post Office, Wellington. Ditto .. ' .. Tunnels on Wi Waka Section, Wellington-Woodville Railway. Ditto .. .. Bridge-work on Wi Waka Section, Wellington-Woodville Railway. Ditto .. .. Bridges and general work on Wi Waka Section, Wellington-Woodville Railway. Left, 30 June, 1887. Under notice to leave, 30 June, 1888. 133 134 135 Fulcher, W. Cutler, A. Lucas, A. Ditto .. Ditto .. Per day 136 Dartnall, W. W. .. NELSON DISTEICT. 500 0 0 Per arm. 290 0 0 Ditto .. 185 0 0 Ditto .. 4 0 0 Per week 4 0 0 Ditto .. 3 10 0 Ditto .. 3/3 % of salary 10s. per day .. Actual expenses when specially authorised Ditto Ditto District Engineer .. General supervision of works in the northern portions of Nelson and Marlborough Provincial Districts Assistant Engineer .. Dashwood Section of railway Blenheim Southwards ; Clarence Bridge ; and general works, Marlborough, until 30 September, 1887; then general supervision of works in the northern portions of Nelson and Marlborough Provincial Districts. Clerk .. .. Correspondence and accounts. Inspector , .. Dashwood Section of Blenheim Southwards Railway. Ditto .. .. Motueka and Motupiko Road Bridge .. .. .. .. Ditto .. .. Motueka-Collingwood Eoad Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 137 PitzGerald, G. 138 139 Denton, J. H. Poison, J. Under notice to leave, 30 June, 1888. 140 141 Salmond, A. Winstone, J. Left, 31 May, 1887. Left, 13 April, 1888.



CANTEEBUEY DISTEICT. 142 Austin, A. D. 143 Wither, P. 144 Schwartz, A. 145 Dawe, E. M. 146 Welch, H. L. 147 Bolton, S. R. 148 Hall, T. .. 149 Dunn, A. 150 Lock, E. A. 151 Hurrell, U. .42 43 .44 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 550 0 0 Per ann. 3/3 % of salary District Engineer .. General supervision of works in Canterbury Provincial District and Retired on pension, 30 Sept., southern portion of Marlborough 1887. 330 0 0 Ditto .. 3/6 % of salary Assistant Engineer .. Mount Somers Railway Extension and Upper Waiau Road-bridge, until 30 September, 1887 ; then general supervision of works in Canterbury and southern portion of Marlborough. 260 0 0 Ditto .. .. Draughtsman .. Preparation of plans. 3 0 0 Per week .. Temporary Draughtsman Ditto .. .. ..' .. .. .. .. .. Left, 31 July, 1887. 195 0 0 Per ann. .. Temporary Draughts- Preparation of plans, and payment of wages on relief works. man and Clerk 210 0 0 Ditto .. .. Clerk .. .. Accounts. 190 0 0 Ditto .. .. Clerk and Storekeeper .. Correspondence and custody of stores .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 25 0 0 Permonth Actual expenses Inspector .. .. Upper Waiau Road-bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. when specially authorised 5 5 0 Per week Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Mount Somers Railway Extension, maintenance of Canterbury Section of Hokitika-Christehurch Road, and construction Kaikoura-Clarence Road. 5 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Sunnyside Asylum (Central Block) Contract; also maintenance and re- Under notice to leave, 9 July, pairs, public buildings, Christchurch. 1888. 50 .51 WESTLAND DISTEICT. 152 Martin, P. W. 153 Wilson, J. A. 154 Shain, W. A. 155 Covil, R. .. 156 Allen, T. .. 157 Atkinson, J. 158 Rawlings, E. 159 Turnbull, R. 160 Johnston, R. J. 161 Scott, J. .. 162 Sykes, B... 163 Richards, J. G. 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 425 0 0 Per ann. 3/6 % of salary District Engineer .. General supervision of -works in Westland and southern portion of Nelson Provincial Districts. 300 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Assistant Engineer .. Survey and improvement works, Buller Road, from Nine-mile Perry to Inangahua Junction, and general works about Westport. 4 12 6 Per week 10s. per day .. Surveyor .. .. Preparation of plans and general surveys and works, Greymouth District Under notice to leave, 30 June, 1888. 4 0 0 Ditto .. .. Temporary Draughtsman Preparation of plans for Buller Road improvement contracts, Westport Left, 30 June, 1887. Office 210 0 0 Per ann. .. Clerk .. .. Accounts ; also custody of stores since 1st October, 1887. 195 0 0 Ditto .. .. Clerk and Storekeeper .. Correspondence and custody of stores .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 5 0 0 Per week Actual expenses Inspector .. .. Maintenance of Westland Section of Hokitika-Christehurch Road .. Accidentally killed, 26 Dec, when specially 1887. authorised 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Greymouth-Hokitika Railway. 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Greymouth Wharf extension .. .. .. .. .. Left, 31 July, 1887. J 4 10 0 \ Ditt D ... D . fWaitahu Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. To 31 Dec, 1887. ( 3 10 0 J " ■' (Maintenance of Westland Section of Hokitika-Christehurch Road .. Erom 1 Jan., 1888. 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Buller Road improvements.. .. .. .. .. .. Left, 22 Aug., 1887. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. .. Hunterville Section, North Island Trunk Railway, until 17 February, 1888 ; then bridge over Buller at Lyell. 159 160 161 162 163 OTAGO DISTEICT. 164 Ussher, E. R. 165 Cook, G. L. 166 Pox, J. H. 167 Sharp, W. 550 0 0 Per ann. 3/3 % of salary District Engineer .. General supervision of works in Otago and Southland Provincial Districts. 400 0 0 Ditto .. 3/6 % of salary Resident Engineer .. Otago Central Railway. 350 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Assistant Engineer .. Dunedin overbridge and Roxburgh Bridge .. .. .. .. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. 110 Per day Actual expenses Ditto .. .. Glenham Tunnel of Edendale-Toitois Railway, Waimea Contract of Left, 14 Jan., 1888. Switzers Branch Railway, Oteramika Section of Seaward Bush Railway, and works generally in the Invercargill District



RETURN of the Engineers, Draughtsmen, Clerks, Inspectors, &c., employed in the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, £2 25.; printing (1,473 copies), £10 Gs. 6d.J

By Authority: Geoege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB,

No. Name. Salary. Travelling Allowance when absent from Head-quarters. Title. Work on which employed. Remarks. OTAGO DI! 3TEICT— continued-. 108 Marchbanks, J. £ s. a. 220 0 0 Per ann. 10s. per day .. Assistant Engineer .. Catlin's River Branch Railway, Edendale-Toitois Railway, and Awamoko Section of Livingstone Branch Railway ; and general surveys, Dunedin District. Otago-Central Railway. Preparation of plans. Ditto. Various surveys of extra land taken for railways and preparation of land plans. Preparation of plans, estimates, &c, for buildings. Preparation of plans General work Correspondence, &c. Custody of and accounting for stores. Accounts, &c. Clerical work Ditto. Ditto Otago Central Railway. 169 170 171 172 Macandrew, H. Wood, G. .. Stirling, T. W. Dundas, H. R. 156 0 0 260 0 0 240 0 0 200 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Draughtsman Ditto Draughtsman (doing work of Surveyor) Temporary Draughtsman Ditto Ditto Clerk Stores Clerk Clerk Ditto Ditto Office Boy Inspector 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Campbell, J. Leonard, P. B. Glegg, G. P. Black, W. Naden, C. J. Gibson, W. Douglas, T. Black, J. W. Bolt, J. T. Praser, A. 0 14 0 0 13 0 0 10 0 200 0 0 210 0 0 190 0 0 0 10 0 1 13 0 10 0 4 10 0 Per dav Ditto .. Ditto .. Per ann. Ditto .. Ditto .. Per day Per week Ditto .. Ditto .. Left, 30 April, 1888. Left, 30 April, 1888. Left, 31 July, 1887. Actual expenses when specially authorised Ditto Under notice to leave, 30 Juin 1888. 183 Knox, J. .. 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto Oteramika Section of Seaward Bush Railway, and works generally about Invercargill. Awamoko Section, Livingstone Branch Railway, until July, 1887 ; then on Catlin's River Branch Railway Relief-works. Maintenance and repairs, public buildings. Dunedin overbridge and other ironwork contracts Contract for 150,000 creosoted sleepers Submarine mining depot, Deborah Bay, Port Chalmers Mount Hyde Bridges Masonry Contract and Notches Bridges Masonry Contract, Otago Central Railway. Superstructure Contract of Wingatui Viaduct and other iron bridges on Otago Central Railway. Silver Peak Bridges Masonry Contract, Otago Central Railway. Hindon Tunnels and Taieri Bridge Contracts, and Hindon Road, Otago Central Railway. Catlin's River Branch Railway Relief-works until October, 1887; then Masonry Contract for Plat Stream Bridge, Otago Central Railway. Roxburgh Road-bridge 184 McMillan, W. 4 10 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Left, 2 Nov., 1887. Left, 30 Sept., 1887. Left, 5 April, 1887. 185 186 187 188 189 Hunter, J. Buchanan, J. Crawford, J. Millar, D. McKenzie, A. 4 10 0 4 10 0 4 10 0 4 10 0 4 4 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 190 Barclay, W. 4 0 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto 191 192 Goodlet, W. Fraser, D. 3 18 0 3 18 0 Ditto .. Ditto .. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Left, 11 May, 1887. 193 Cross, A. .. 3 12 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto 194 Lithgoe, J. 3 12 0 Ditto .. Ditto Ditto

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OFFICERS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (RETURN OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-07

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OFFICERS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (RETURN OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-07

OFFICERS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (RETURN OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, D-07

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