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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Audit Office, Wellington, 12th July, 1888. To His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. Sib,— I have the honour to submit to your Excellency a brief analysis of the total Eevenue and Expenditure of the Government of New Zealand, from the establishment of the first Agency by the Government of New South Wales in 1832, until the 31st March, 1888 ; and respectfully to request that you will be pleased to lay the same before Parliament. Much time and labour have been bestowed upon this compilation, in the hope that it may be found not without interest or usefulness as a contribution to the history of New Zealand. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's faithful and obedient servant, Jambs Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.


INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. I have endeavoured in the following pages to tell in a brief and intelligible form the financial history of New Zealand from its first settlement to the cud of the last financial year. Public accounts are of necessity more or less complicated, and are not readily understood except by those who have made them a study. This arises partly from the necessity of showing the expenditure as balanced not only with the receipts, but also with the authority under which the expenditure is made —that is, with the votes of Parliament ; and partly from the fact that the expenditure is not charged against the receipts as a whole, but different classes of expenditure are charged upon different sources of revenue; so that several accounts are required to show the whole transactions of the Government. In England various kinds of expenditure were formerly charged upon particular receipts. Pensions, for example, were frequently made payable out of a particular duty or tax : and it was not until towards the close of the last century that all the ordinary revenue was made payable into one fund called the Consolidated Fund, upon which all expenditure was jointly charged. In New Zealand the term Consolidated Fund was first introduced by the Public Revenues. Act of 1867. It was intended to comprise all the ordinary revenue, but three other funds, the Land Fund, the Public Works Fund, and the Public Trust Fund were constituted by the same Act. By the Public Revenues Act of 1878 these were reduced to two, the Consolidated Fund, and the Public Works Fund. The Land Fund was merged in the Consolidated Fund, and the Trust Funds were handed over to the Public Trust Office, which had been previously established. The Public Works Fund consisted solely of moneys raised by loan : but this has again been divided practically into three separate funds, each of which is credited with the produce of separate loans, and is charged with the expenditure upon different services. The public accounts have been rendered additionally obscure by the frequent occurrence of advances and transfers from one account to another. The object of the following tables is to present in the simplest form an account of the moneys actually received and expended in each year by the Government of New Zealand, from the year 1840 to the 31st March, 1888, arranged under a few heads, which are, as far as possible, the same throughout the whole series ; so that the figures under any head, arranged in a table of successive years, may suggest the history and progress of the colony in respect of each class of expenditure. Thus, the expenditure on military services should tell the tale of our Native wars; and the expenditure on the charges of the Public Debt, and on the Legislative or Civil services, would form an interesting record of the advance of the colony in various directions. The form of account adopted is that in which the quarterly account of the Exchequer is published in England. Until the year 1856 sufficient information to complete the form was wanting > but, after that year, it will be observed that each year's account comprises two balance-sheets. The first shows on the receipt side the whole of the money received from all sources except from loan—that is to say, the total revenue raised annually within the colony ; and, on the disbursement side, the total payments made within each year : and the account is balanced by the excess of revenue over expenditure, or of expenditure over income, as the case may be. In the second balance-sheet the excess as above is brought down, and the debt created and paid off, with the cash in hand at the beginning and end of the period, complete the account. I have adopted this form in order to avoid raising any question in which matters of opinion may be involved. If the ordinary expenditure is contrasted with the ordinary revenue, and the extraordinary expenditure with the loans raised, the question immediately arises, What should be regarded as ordinary expenditure, and what such as might legitimately be charged against loans ? That some expenditure of an ordinary kind has been paid for out of borrowed money is evident from the fact that a-part of our debt, that raised by Treasury and Deficiency Bills (a large part of which has since been funded and added to the permanent debt), has been created to supplement the ordinary revenue. Again, the


effect of separating the current expenditure from that charged on loans would be that a part of the annual current charges for services of the same kind would appear in two places in the account. For this reason I have adopted the simpler form of stating the whole expenditure in one account, leaving it to the reader to contrast such heads of expenditure as he may deem " extraordinary " with the net amount of the debt incurred in each year, and what he may consider to be " ordinary" with the current receipts. The financial history of New Zealand might be divided into four chapters, each dealing with a separate epoch. The first extends from 1840 to 1847 inclusive, during which time New Zealand was one undivided colony. The second from 1848 to 1852, during which, xmder Lord Grey's Constitution Act of 1846, the colony was divided into two provinces, New Ulster and New Munster, each having its separate finance and separate accounts. The third commences with the Constitution Act of 1852, under which Now Zealand again became one colony with a general Treasury chest, but during which it was divided into provinces, each having its own internal financial organization. The fourth epoch extends from the abolition of the provinces in 1876 to the present time. It has not been thought desirable to deal with the transactions of the provinces in these tables. They only appear as the recipients of so much of the ordinary and land revenues as were handed over to them by the General Government. During the provincial period, however, certain classes of revenue and expenditure disappear from these tables. The provinces raised an independent revenue both by taxation and loan, and by them were administered some of the most important departments of government: those, for example, of immigration, public works, education, and police. The provincial loans, which were considerable, were incorpor-atod in-to the general debt upon the abolition of the provinces. The following tables have been prepared from printed and published statements. All transfers from one account to another, which constitute a perplexing element in public accounts, and are unavoidable where different kinds of expenditure are charged on different sources of revenue, have been eliminated. The first table shows the expenditure in New Zealand by the Government of New South Wales, of which colony it formed a part, and which, maintained an agency at the Bay of Islands. The figures are given in a return of the expenditure of New South Wales from 1825 to 1838, prepared by the Audit Office of that colony in 1840. The public accounts of New Zealand commence in 1840. They were originally published quarterly in the Gazette, and consisted of a simple statement of the receipts and expenditure for each quarter, but did not include the balances in hand at the beginning and end of the period. No balanced account of the colony is to be found until after the Constitution Act came into force. Nor did these statements comprise accounts of the colony as a whole. In the earlier years they give the transactions at Auckland and Russell (the Bay of Islands) separately ; then of New Plymouth, to which were subsequently added those of Wellington, Wanganui, and Nelson; and, at a later date, of Otago and Canterbury, as those settlements were successively formed. The labour of reducing all these statements, scattered throughout the Gazettes, into a general account for the whole colony for each year, has been considerable, often enhanced by misprints in the figures; and in some cases a quarterly account of one or other of the settlements seems to have escaped publication. A return was, however, made to the Legislative Council in 1847 of the revenue and expenditure of the colony for each of the years from 1840 to 1845 inclusive, and I have adopted this as the account for those years. It was not until the year 1857 that.accounts were published providing the materials out of which a complete balance-sheet could be constructed in the form presented in these pages. Up to the end of 1852 the accounts are made up to the end of December. After the Constitution Act came into force the quarterly accounts of receipts and expenditure were abandoned, and an account was presented by the Treasury for the nine months ended on the 30th September, 1853, and for the nine months ended on the 30th June, 1854, the day on which it was then settled that the financial year should end in future. This arrangement continued in force until 1879—80, when the end of the financial year was altered to the 31st March. The first debt of the colony was incurred under Governor Fitzroy. The abolition of all Customs duties had put an end to the ordinary revenue, and the waiver of the Crown's preemptive right over Native lands had practically abolished the Land Fund. The Government was nearly penniless, and its immediate wants were supplied by the issue of debentures from


time to time. The whole debt appears to have reached the amount of from thirty to forty thousand pounds, and statements occasionally appear of the bonds issued and redeemed, but there are no sufficient materials for making a complete account. It has therefore been omitted in these tables. The whole debt appears to have been liquidated when the finances fell into the hands of a Responsible Ministry. A few remarks may be necessary to explain the heads into which these accounts are divided : — On the revenue side— (1.) The receipts in aid in the earlier years comprise advances by the Government of New South Wales, one amounting to £18,000, which does not appear to have been repaid; and receipts from the Imperial Treasury in the form of Parliamentary grants and drafts on the Commissariat chest. As the expenditure is compared with the revenue raised in the colony, the receipts in aid are not included in the latter. It will be observed that the receipts in aid continued until 1852, when the Constitution Act was passed, and then ceased. On the expenditure side— (1.) Interest includes Sinking Fund. (2.) Postal, up to the year 1846, is included in the Civil services. (3.) Education, in the earlier years, comprises the grants made to the Established Church and to Native schools —part of the latter may be included in the Native expenditure. (4.) Marine, in the earlier years, is included in the Civil services. - (5.) Under the head of Lands is comprised all the expenditure on surveys and on the goldfields. (6.) The payments to the New Zealand Company arose from the claim of that corporation to the land fund of the settlements which it had founded. This was commuted by the Constitution Act into a definite contribution of one-fourth of the Land Fund of the whole colony, which was finally redeemed by a payment out of the first loan guaranteed by the Home Government in 1856. It is possible that in the analysis of the earlier years services of the same kind may, in a few instances, have been included sometimes under one head and sometimes under another. It has been impossible, for example, always to distinguish the expenditure on Military services and that on the Civil police. If any such errors can be detected they are of such small amount as not to detract from the substantial accuracy of the whole account. In conclusion, I may state that this work was commenced by myself many years ago, but has been from time to time postponed. It has now been completed, with the assistance of Mr. Peter Webb, of the Audit Department, who has devoted his evenings to the task, and to whom the principal credit is due that it has been finally brought to completion. James Edwahd FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.


Expenditure by the Government of New South Wales on the British Residency in New Zealand. £ s. d. £ s. d. In 1832 ... ... ... 188 17 9 In 1836 ... ... ... 632 16 9 „ 1833 974 8 8 „ 1837 585 0 2 „ 1834 609 0 1 „ 1838 634 18 9 „ 1835 ... ... ... 739 13 1 „ 1839 ... ... ... 589 10 0

Receipts and Expenditure by the Government of New Zealand. 1840. Beceipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Eevenue ... ... 2,857 12 0 Civil Services ... ... 6,551 7 5-J Excess of Expenditure ... 18,883 6 5* Native „ ... ... 1,028 10 7 Lands 1,152 5 10 Native Land Purchases ... 1,152 0 0 Public Works ... ... 4,004 2 5 Education ... ... ... 68 19 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 7,783 12 9 £21,740 18 5J £21,740 18 5J Eeceipts in aid ... ... £18,000 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ...£18,883 6 5£

1841. Beceipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. a. Ordinary Eevenue ... ... 12,325 5 6 Civil Services ... ... 13,822 12 6J Lands ... ... ... 29,136 12 3 Native „ ... ... 977 6 2 Lands ~. ... ... 5,909 17 1 Native Land Purchases ... 1,510 11 6 Public Works ... ... 12,123 11 5 Education ... ... 209 17 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,547 11 5 40,101 7 1| Excess of Eevenue ... ... 1,360 10 7J £41,461 17 9 £41,461 17 9 Eeceipts in aid ... ... 8,500 0 0 Excess of Eevenue ... ... 1,360 10 7| £9,860 10 7j


1842. Receipts. Payments. £ s. a. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue ... ... 25,147 16 2 Civil Services ... ... 22,742 2 1 Lanas ... ... ... 10,611 17 0 Native „ ... ... 1,307 2 6 ■ ■ Lanas ... ... ... 8,845 3 1 35,759 13 2 Native Land Purchases ... 1,454 15 1 Excess of Expenaiture ... 15,937 1111 Public Works ... .. 7,629 16 1 Immigration ... ... 3,928 13 4 Education ... ... ... 700 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,089 12 11 £51,697 5 1 £51,697 5 1 Receipts in aid ... ... £13,97117 8 Excess of Expenditure ... £15,937 1111

. —. 1843 . Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue ... ... 22,049 19 4 Civil Services ... ... 20,896 12 10 Lands ... ... ... 4,185 8 6 Native „ ... ... 1,972 17 10 Lands ... ... ... 5,594 14 7 26,235 7 10 Native Land Purchases ... 112 13 11 Excess of Expenditure ... 14,89117 2 Public Works ... ... 2,917 18 11 Immigration ... ... 1,733 14 7 Education ... ... ... 200 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 7,698 12 4 £41,127 5 0 £41,127 5 0 Receipts in aia ... ... £9,562 15 8 Excess of Expenditure ... £14,89117 2

1844. Receipts. Payments. £ s. a. £ s. a. Ordinary Revenue ... ... 16,143 11 8 Civil Services ... ... 21,024 18 11 Lands ... ... ... 1,077 17 2 Military „ ... ... 866 2 9 Native „ ... ... 2,161 110 17,221 8 10 Lands ... ... ... 5,657 9 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 21,405 15 5 Native Land Purchases ... 1,045 811 Public Works ... ... 3,467 6 10 Education ... ... 200 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 4,204 15 4 £38,627 4 3 £38,627 4 3 Receipts in aid ... ... £28,477 9 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £21,405 15 5


_ 1845. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. a. Ordinary Eevenue ... ... 13,066 13 2 Civil Services ... ... 17,953 18 9 Lands ... ... ... 936 18 0 Military „ ... ... 7,108 11 2 _ Native „ 2,017 6 0 14,003 11 2 Lands ... ... ... 2,734 14 2 Excess of Expenditure ... 24,837 810 Public Works ... ... 2,808 610 Education ... ... ... 875 0 0 New Zealand Company ... 1,311 0 0 Miscellaneous 4,032 3 1 £38,841 0 0 £38,841 0 0 Eeceipts in aid ... ... £38,745 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £24,837 8 10

— 1846. — Receipts. Payments. £ b. a. £ ■ s. a. Customs ... ... ... 21,321 16 8 Interest ... ... ... 2,012 7 2 Licenses ... ... ... 1,905 7 5 Legislative .. ... ... 252 6 9 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 1,168 6 9 Civil Services ... ... 27,773 19 6 Property-tax ... ... 26 8 9 Military „ ... ... 10,256 18 11 Miscellaneous ... ... 257 610 Native „ ... ... 1,569 16 1 Lands ... ... ... 2,008 7 4 24,679 6 5 Native Land Purchases ... 470 18 2 Lands ... ... ... 1,173 5 1 Public Works ... ... 2,537 10 2 Education ... ... ... 1,253 6 8 25,852 11 6 New Zealand Company ... 323 19 1 Excess of Expenditure ... 22,734 9 4 Miscellaneous ... ... 127 11 0 £48,587 0 10 £48,587 0 10 Eeceipts in aid ... ... £35,673 15 0 I Excess of Expenditure ... £22,734 9 4


1847. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 36,474 17 1 Interest ... ... ... 2,915 0 1 Licenses ... ... ... 1,831 0 0 Civil Services ... ... 31,634 6 2 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 1,605 11 5 Military „ ... ... 10,828 0 2 Property-tax ... ... 512 6 Native „ ... ... 1,276 15 8 Postal ... ... ... 1,398 4 1 Postal ... ... ... 426 16 3 Miscellaneous ... ... 730 11 11 Lands ... ... ... 5,048 9 4 —.— Native Land Purchases ... 305 10 7 42,045 17 0 Public Works ... ... 32,381 5 3 Lands ... ... ... 897 1 6 Education ... ... ... 1,100 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,806 11 9 42,942 18 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 44,779 16 9 £87,722 15 3 £87,722 15 3 Eeceipts in aid ... ... £37,752 19 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £44,779 16 9

. . 1848. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 43,383 16 2 Interest ... ... ... 2,982 8 5 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 1,322 17 6 Civil Services ... ... 36,522 3 6 Licenses ... ..-. ... 2,007 18 6 Military „ ... ... 705 4 4 Postal ... ... ... 1,584 3 3 Native „ ... ... 1,193 16 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 548 4 0 Postal „ ... ... 964 10 1 Lands ... ... ... 4,559 12 2 48,846 19 5 Native Land Purchases ... 1,402 16 3 Lands ... ... ..." 3,492 15 10 Public Works ... ... 30,292 10 9 Education ... ... ... 3,466 0 0 52,339 15 3 Miscellaneous ... ... 7,411 12 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 37,160 19 6 £89,500 14 9 £89,500 14 9 Eeceipta in aid ... ... £49,250 0 01 Excess of Expenditure ... £37,160 19 6


1849. Bcceipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 35,242 9 9 Interest ... ... ... 2,151 11 0 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 2,203 13 1 Legislative.. ... ... 433 0 8 Licenses ... 2,116 9 6 Civil Services ... ... 25,045 4 7 Postal ... ... ... 1,229 11 9 Military „ ... ... 4,308 3 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 516 19 0 Marine „ ... ... 91 311 —— Native „ ... ... 736 12 2 41,309 3 1 Postal „ ... ... 589 19 7 Lands ... ... ... 3,600 21 ! Lan_as ... ... ... 3,134 17 8 ———■ Native Land Purchases ... 1,486 15 5 44,909 5 2 Public Works ... ... 18,387 3 5 Excess of Expenditure ... 21,940 8 5 Education... ... ... 3,722 6 8 Miscellaneous ... ... 6,762 15 6 £66,849 13 7 £66,849 13 7 Eeceipts in aid ... ... £21,067 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £21,940 8 5

1850. Bcceipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... ... ... 40,548 1 7 Interest ... ... ... 2,282 5 5 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 2,196 13 4 Legislative... ... ... 764 13 11 Licenses ... ... ... 2,517 18 2 Civil Services ... ... 30,16112 4 Postal ... ... ... 1,474 17 3 Military „ ... ... 7,053 1 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 711 711 Marine „ ... ... 62 15 2 ■ Native „ ... ... 1,150 011 47,448 18 3 Postal „ ... ... 357 3 9 Lanas ... ... ... 8,560 13 9 Lan<ls ... ... ... 3,125 12 2 Native Land Purchases ... 1,369 9 11 56,009 12 0 Public Works ... ... 8,794 4 7 Excess of Expenditure ... 8,982 110 Education... ... ... 4,400 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,470 14 1 £64,991 13 10 £64,991 13 10 Eeceipts in aid ... ... £11,500 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £8,982 110


_____ ■ 1851. — —— Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 49,207 1 8 Interest ... ... ... 2,691 13 0 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 2,669 19 9 Legislative... ... ... 658 18 10 Licenses ... ... ... 3,481 10 3 Civil Services ... ... 35,915 11 9 Postal ... ... ... 1,130 2 9 Military „ ... ... 5,568 3 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,101 2 1 Marine „ ... ... 1,040 3 9 , Native „ ... ... 1,590 13 4 57,589 16 6 Postal „ ... ... 1,474 5 7 Lands ... ... ... 12,325 12 7 Lands ... ... ... 2,998 2 5 Native Land Purchases ... 1,060 7 9 69,915 9 1 Public Works ... ... 12,715 4 4 Excess of Expenditure ... 5,360 14 11 Education... ... ... 2,574 14 2 Miscellaneous ... ... 6,988 5 8 £75,276 4 0 £75,276 4 0 Receipts in aid ... ... £9,200 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... £5,360 14 11

_ 18 52. — Receipts. Expenditure. & s. a. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 49,975 13 9 Interest ... ... ... 2,533 0 2 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 3,729 19 9 Civil Services ... ... 41,862 19 9 Licenses ... ... ... 4,028 0 5 Military „ ... ... 1,248 2 3 Postal ... ... ... 1,507 910 Marino „ ... ... 2,540 911 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,459 11 11 Native „ ... ... 2,812 11 10 ■ Postal „ ... ... 1,810 9 0 60,700 15 8 Lands ... ... ... 2,231 13 6 Lands ... ... ... 14,241 4 9 Native Land Purchases ... 3,227 18 8 ■ — Public Works ' ... ... 15,604 12 6 74,942 0 5 Education ... ... ... 3,614 5 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 13,795 15 1 Immigration ... ... 193 18 0 , Miscellaneous ... ... 11,057 14 5 £88,737 15 6 £88,737 15 6 Receipts in aid ... ... £15,538 4 11, Excess of Expenditure , ... £13,735 15 1


———— 1853. — Receipts, Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 49,190 611 Interest ... ... .... 2,177 3 7 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 7,711 6 8 Civil Services ... ... 35,729 910 Postal ... ... ... 1,207 5 9 Military „ ... . ... 3,483 0 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,223 8 9 Native" .„. ... ... 10,105 210 Postal „ ... ... 1,394 10 1 59,332 8 1 Lands 18,179 0 0 Lands ... ... ... 41,694 14 11 Native Land Purchases ... 15,774 7 4 Public Works 9,013 6 0 101,027 3 0 Education ... ... ... 1,134 14 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 2,059 9 9 Immigration ... ..'. 99 2 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,996 16 0 £103,086 12 9 £103,086 12 9 Excess of Expenditure ... £2,059 9 9 Note.—This account includes the transactions for nine months only from Ist Janup.ry to 30th September, 1853.

1853-54. Receipts. I . Expenditure. B s. d. I £ s. d. Customs ... ... 68,996 4 6 ! Interest ... ... ... 1,568 1110 Fees Fines, &c. ... ... 2,200 09 j Civil Services ... ... 18,357 11 8 Postal ... ... ... 1,24.6 14 1 I Military „ ... ... 1,256 12 9 Miscellaneous ... ... 424 12 7 ! Native „ ... ... 8,061 7 1 Postal „ ... ... 1,631 4 3 72,867 11 11 I Lands ... ... ... 41,713 2 7 Lands ... ... ••■ 125,887 18 11 ■ Native Land Purchases- ... 37,696 5 7 ; Payments to Provinces ... 99,455 611 198,755 10 10 i Miscellaneous ... ... 2,361 6 4 Excess of Expenditure ... 13,345 18 2i £212,101 9 0 £212,101 9.Q Excess of Expenditure ... £13,345 18 2 Note.—This account iiicludes the transactions for nine months only, frota 30th September, 1853, to 30th June, 1854.


1854-55. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 111,862 11 2 Interest ... ... ... 2,459 8 7 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 3,842 6 8 Legislative ... ... 9,548 0 9 Postal ... ... ... 2,287 14 0 Civil Services ... ... 22,694 12 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,546 16 0 Military „ ... ... 1,357 18 8 Native „ ... ... 1,363 12 1 119,539 710 Postal „ ... ... 10,155 0 1 Lands ... ... ... 107,720 12 6 Lands ... ... ... 44,087 11 5 , Native Land Purchases ... 38,605 3 5 227,260 0 4 Public Works ... ... 1,606 17 10 Excess of Expenditure ... 1,850 15 7 Education... ... ... 7,200 0 0 | Payments to Provinces ... 84,475 1 9 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,557 8 9 £229,110 15 11 £229,110 15 11 Excess of Expenditure ... £1,850 15 7

1855-56. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... ... ... 99,200 210 Interest ... ... ... 3,171 13 0 Fees, Fines, &c. ... ... 3,577 11 4 Legislative... ... ... 3,421 0 0 Postal ... ... ... 2,769 12 8 Civil Services ... ... 36,979 17 11 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,268 2 1 Postal „ ... ... 9,362 9 6 Marine „ ... ... 1,198 10 4 106,815 811 Lands ... ... ... 46,175 12 8 Lands ... ... ... 72,334 5 7 Native Land Purchases ... 14,637 12 8 Education ... ... ... 7,200 0 0 179,149 14 6 Payments to Provinces ... 51,923 18 4 Excess of Expenditure ... 4,021 8 6 Miscellaneous ... ... 9,100 8 7 £183,171 3 0 £183,171 3 0 Balances. Balance ... ... ... ... Excess of Expenditure ... 4,021 8 6 Deposits ... ... ... 13,441 9 3 Deposits ... ... ... 10,000 10 10 Balance on 30th June, 1856*... 29,602 13 3 £43,624 12 7

* This is the first year in which a balance is shown in the public accounts.


■ 1856-57. ■ Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 117,414 7 3 Interest ... ... ... 1,635 0 3 Postal ... 3,107 2 2 Legislative ... ... ... 10,318 16 0 Fees, Fines, &c. 2,567 5 6 Civil Services ... ... 33,323 14 2 Miscellaneous ... 10,047 14 1 Military „ ... ... 106 16 0 ■ 133,136 9 0 Native „ ... ... 8,992 19 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 84,401 5 3 Postal „ ... ... 10,99116 9 Lands ... ... ... 2,156 15 11 Native Land Purchases ... 28,075 7 3 Payments to Provinces ... 64,C00 15 3 Miscellaneous ... ... 57,035 13 2 £217,537 14 3 £217,537 14 3 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1856 ... 29,602 13 3 Excess of Expenditure ... 84,401 5 3 Debt created ... ... 92,700 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... 3,995 12 6 Deposits ... ... ... 3,257 2 8 Balance on 30th June, 1857 ... 37,162 18 2 £125,559 15 11 £125,559 15 11

1857-58. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 138,575 8 7 Interest ... ... ... 16,807 15 7 Postal ... 4,351 17 10 Legislative ... ... ... 6,994 9 7 Fees, Fines, &c. 3,476 18 9 Civil Services ... ... 37,348 19 6 Miscellaneous ... 9,713 13 5 Military „ ... ... 1,421 10 2 156,117 18 7 Native „ ... ... 8,730 1 0 Excess of expenditure ...282,664 18 7 Postal „ ... ... 6,162 10 10 Lands ... ... ... 5,366 1 0 Native Land Purchases ... 90,323 14 10 Payments to Provinces ... 80,286 0 8 Payments to New Zealand Company ... ... ... 167,026 10 11 Miscellaneous ... ... 18,315 3 1 £438,782 17 2 £438,782 17 2 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1857 ... 37,162 18 2 Debt paid off ; ... 27,203 1110 Debt created ... ...300,000 0 0 , Excess of expenditure ...282,664 18 7 Deposits ... ... ... 3,986 10 2 Deposits .. ... ... 4,422 7 6 Balance on 30th Juno, 1858 ... 26,858 10 5 £341,149 8 4 £341,149 8 4


1858-59. — — Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 160,471 17 6 Interest ... ... ... 24,119 19 3 Postal ... 6,814 3 1 Legislative ... ... ... 5,292 12 2 Fees, Ac. ... 8,016 10 5 Civil Services ... ... 53,663 17 7 Miscellaneous ... 5,008 2 3 Military „ ... ... 4,415 15 7 180,310 13 3 Native „ ... ... 10,908 14 1 Lands ... ... 364,715 1 6 Postal „ ... ... 37,664 4 8 . Lands ... ... ... 34,876 18 2 545,025 14 9 Native Land Purchases ... 68,860 5 11 Excess of Expenditure ... 46,684 6 9 Payments to Provinces ...342,244 1 9 Miscellaneous ... ... 9,663 12 4 £591,710 1 6 £591,710 1 6 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1858 ... 26,858 10 5 i Debt paid off ... ... 926 8 1 Debt created ... ... 80,000 0 0' Excess of Expenditure ... 46,684 6 9 Deposits ... ... ... 4,253 3 2 Deposits ... ... ... 4,073 17 11 Balance on 30th June, 1859 ... 59,427 010 - .■ ■ £111,111 13 7 £111,111 13 7

1859-60. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 177,703 5 5 Interest ... . ... ... 26,217 7 5 Postal ... 8,999 15 8 Legislative ... ... ... 2,404 17 2 Pees, &c, ... 11,886 7 5 Civil Services ... ... 60,025 0 1 Miscellaneous... 12,557 7 4 Military „ ... ... 11,653 13 2 — 211,146 15 10 Native „ ... .. 26,572 12 7 Lands ... ... 234,374 18 0 Postal „ ... ... 41,292 8 9 Lands ... ... ... 23,936 1 6 445,52113 10 Native Land Purchases ... 17,816 16 7 Excess of Expenditure ... 51,839 14 6 Payments to Provinces ... 277,340 19 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 10,101 11 6 £497,361 8 4 £497,361 8 4 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1859 ... 59,427 0 10 Excess of Expenditure ... 51,839 14 6 •Debt created ... ... 60,000 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... 5,566 5 9 Deposits ... ... ... 8,814 13 9 Balance on 30th June, 1860 ... 70,835 14 4 £128,241 14 7 £128,241 14 7


1860-61. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ ■ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. Customs ... 204,360 1 6 Interest ... ... ... 21,571 11 10 Postal ... 11,194 19 5 Legislative .. ... ... 8,479 14 7 Fees, Fines, &c. 10,709 17 2 Civil Services ... ... 67,684 19 9 Miscellaneous ... 10,012 13 0 Military „ ... ... 28,698 6 9 236,277 11 1 Native „ ... ... 45,086 9 6 Lands ... ... ... 273,180 15 7 Postal „ ... ... 33,279 4 0 -. Lands ... ... ... 27,619 6 9 509,458 6 8 | Native Land Purchases ... 9,967 10 9 Excess of Expenditure ... 95,475 5 3 i Payments to Provinces ... 338,423 1 8 I Miscellaneous ... ... 24,123 6 4 £604,933 11 11 £604,933 11 11 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1860 ... 70,835 14 4 Excess of Expenditure ... £95,475 5 3 Debt created ... ...108,000 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... 10,254 18 5 Deposits ... ... ... 13,548 110 Balance on 30th June, 1861 ... 86,653 12 6 £192,383 16 2 £192,383 16 2

— 1861-62. Receipts. Expenditure. & s. a. £ s. a. & s. a. Customs ... 339,406 17 6 Interest ... ... ... 38,387 19 6 Postal ... 18,903 4 6 Legislative ... ... 10,916 3 6 Fees, Fines, &c. 20,693 13 4 Civil Services ... ... 96,195 6 5 Miscellaneous 9,583 4 8 Military „ ... ... 24,645 14 2 : 388,587 0 0 Native" „ ... ... 49,607 6 8 Lands ... ... ... 632,580 7 9 Postal „ ... ... 38,120 7 1 .—. Public Works ... ... 2,526189 1,021,167 7 9 Lands ... ... ... 93,259 16 7 Excess of Expenditure ... 34,357 15 1 Native Land Purchases ... 24,550 1 3 Payments to Provinces ... 670,270 11 2 Miscellaneous ... ... 7,044 17 9 £1,055,525 2 10 £1,055,525 2 10 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1861 ... 86,653 12 6 Debt paid off ... ... 24,000 0 0 Debt created ... ... 76,000 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 34,357 15 1 Deposits ... ... ... 25,221 910 Deposits ... ... ... 24,583 17 2 Balance on 30th June, 1862 ...104,933 10 1 £187,875 2 4 £187,875 2 4


1862-63. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 486,614 18 2 Interest ... ... ... 37,119 2 2 Postal ... 39,618 19 11 Legislative... ... ... 14,244 1 3 Fees, Fines, &c. 30,736 311 Civil Services ~, ... 90,025 13 5 Miscellaneous... 9,621 15 3 Military „ ... "... 65,457 2 1 566,591 17 3 Native „ ... ... 166,302 5 1 Lands ... ... ... 512,844 10 6 Postal „ ... ... 96,751 14 3 Lands ~. ... ... 86,845 1 2 1,079,436 7 9 Native Land Purchases ... 11,663 12 11 Excess of Expenditure ... 117,065 11 1 Public Works ... ... 42,758 13 3 Payments to Provinces ... 562,472 7 1 Miscellaneous ... ... 22,862 6 2 £1,196,501 18 10 £1,196,501 18 10 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1862 ... 104,933 10 1 Excess of Expenditure ...£117,065 11 1 Debt created ... ... 124,000 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... 29,830 3 7 Deposits ... ... ... 33,579 2 9 Balance on 30th June, 1863 ... 115,616 18 2 .'■'.- • £262,512 12 10 £262,512 12 10

- 1863-64. Receipts. 'Expenditure. £ s. el. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 612,537 18 3 Interest ... ... ... 47,798 11 0 Postal ... 38,591 17 1 Legislative ... ... 12,116 19 5 Fees, Fines, &c. 46,267 13 0 Civil Services ... ... 131,788 14 4 Miscellaneous 4,251 6 4 Military „ ... ... 786,102 16 6 701,648 14 8 Native „ ... ... 38,271 4 1 Lands ... ... ... 740,423 13 4 Postal „ ... ... 138,674 13 11 ■ Lands ... ... ... 115,632 13 5 1,442,072 8 0 Native Land Purchases ... 18,669 15 3 Excess of Expenditure ... 911,664 12 0 Public Works ... ... 81,210 13 1 Immigration ... ... 36,230 19 7 Payments to Provinces ... 895,869 6 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 51,370 12 10 £2,353,737 0 0 £2,353,737 0 0 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1863 ...115,616 18 2 Excess of Expenditure ...911,664 12 0 Debt created ... ...945,48113 6 Deposits ... ... ... 58,754 19 6 Deposits ... ... ... 68,521 0 7 Balance on 30th June, 1864 ...159,200 0 3 £1,129,619 11 9 £1,129,619 11 9


-- 1864-65. — Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. Customs ... 632,809 210 I Interest... ... ... 95,544 5 2 Postal ... 43,237 18 10 Legislative ... ... 7,667 0 11 Fees, Fines, &c. 48,688 9 0 Civil Services ... ... 147,342 8 5 Miscellaneous... 184 6 5 Military „ ... ... 362,055 15 4 724,919 17 1 Native" „ ... ... 57,367 6 3 Lands :.. ... ... 391,213 4 5 Postal „ ... ... 125,058 10 6 — Lands ... ... ... 149,273 11 11 1,116,133 1 6 Native Land Purchases ... 1,241 911 Excess of Expenditure ... 919,313 7 0 Public Works ... ... 145,574 0 3 Immigration ... ... 33,090 5 0 Payments to Provinces ... 582,853 5 7 I Expenses of raising Loans 203,578 19 8 Miscellaneous ... ... 124,799 9 7 £2,035,446 8 6 £2,035,446 8 6 Balances. ■ Balance on Ist July, 1864 ... 159,200 0 3 j Debt paid off ... ... 304,483 610 Debt created ... ...1,315,928 16 4 • Excess of Expenditure ... 919,313 7 0 Deposits ... ... ... 118,439 11 0 Deposits ... ... 125,513 12 6 Balance on 30th June, 1865 244,258 1 3 £1,593,568 7 7 I £1,593,568 7 7

1865-66. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a.: £ s. a. Customs ...798,100 12 8 I Interest... ... ... 210,132 11 1 Postal ... 54,284 0 7 j Legislative ... ... 15,776 13 11 Fees, Fines, &c. 29,95113 1 Civil services ... ... 195,746 10 11 Miscellaneous... 39,372 15 9 Military „ ... ... 302,832 16 4 921,709 2 1: Native „ ... ... 49,848 9 2 Lands ... ... ... 696,173 16 7 Postal „ ... ... 145,837 0 7 . Lands ... ... ... 146,605 12 1 1,617,882 18 8 Payments to Provinces ... 953,811 2 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 408,653 12 8 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,945 14 7 £2,026,536 11 4 £2,026,536 11 4 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1865 ... 244,258 1 3 Debt paid off ... ...1,262,583 18 4 Debt created ... ...1,678,932 19 1 Excess of Expenditure ... 408,653 12 8 Deposits ... ... ... 96,398 17 2 Deposits ... ... 66,110 7 6 Balance on 30th June, 1866 282,24119 0 £2,019,589 17 6 £2,019,589 17 6


1866-67. Baceipis. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 870,430 2 6 Interest... ... ... 252,724 11 0 Stamps ... 31,003 5 1 Legislative ... ... 13,167 0 0 Postal ... 57,151 13 8 Civil Services ... ... 203,231 5 9 Fees, Fines, &c. 32,205 12 11 Military „ ... ... 290,838 11 9 Miscellaneous... 39,807 19 10 Native „ ... ... 35,992 9 8 1,030,598 14 0 Postal „ ... ... 193,097 19 0 Lands ... ... ... 572,778 2 6 Lands ~. ... ... 152,086 17 10 Payments to Provinces ... 865,330 1 0 1,603,376 16 6 Miscellaneous ... ... 7,755 3 5 Excess of Expenditure ... 410,847 211 £2,014,223 19 5 £2,014,223 19 5 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1866 ... 282,24119 0 Debt paid off ... ... 325,625 2 5 Debt created ... ... 761,455 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 410,847 211 Deposits ... ... ... 124,501 4 4 Deposits ... ... 86,294 16 10 Balance on 30th June, 1867 345,431 1 2 £1,168,198 3 4 £1,168,198 3 4

1867-68. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ a, a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 794,664 18 8 Interest ... ... 176,959 4 0 Stamps ... 58,405 0 4 Legislative ... ... 13,384 1 2 Postal ... 58,075 1 1 Civil Services ... ... 196,186 19 10 Fees, Fines, &c. 32,882 5 4 Military „ ... ... 117,235 13 2 Miscellaneous... 36,714 17 7 Marine „ ... ... 7,307 3 6 ■ 980,742 2 7 Native „ ... ... 33,153 8 2 Lands ... ... ... 458,746 16 8 Postal „ ... ... 165,250 17 9 (Lands ... ... ... 114,125 12 0 1,439,488 19 3 Payments to Provinces ... 661,220 4 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 57,976 1 9 Miscellaneous ... ... 12,641 16 9 £1,497,465 1 0 £1,497,465 1 0 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1867 ... 345,431 1 2 Debt paid off ... ... 564,00111 0 Debt created ... ... 712,703 3 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 57,976 1 9 Deposits ... ... ... 174,133 13 2 Deposits ... ... 90,805 16 11 Balance on 30th June, 1868 519,484 8 2 £1,232,267 17 10 £1,232,267 17 10


1868-69. Beccipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 810,612 16 3 Interest ... ... 688,339 11 8 Stamps ... 60,045 3 10 Legislative ... ... 17,705 13 0 Postal ... 63,907 17 11 Civil Services ... ... 176,459 17 2 Fees, Fines, &c. 33,586 15 6 Military „ ... ... 280,662 10 1 Miscellaneous ... 49,302 4 3 Marine „ ... ... 6,533 16 2 ■ 1,017,454 17 9 Native „ 48,593 2 5 Lands ... ... ... 404,374 17 5 Postal „ ... ... 132,366 11 0 Lands ... ... ... 97,199 6 1 1,421,829 15 2 Payments to Provinces ... 913,013 11 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 950,517 4 1 Miscellaneous ... ... 11,473 0 2 £2,372,346 19 3 £2,372,346 19 3 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1868 ... 519,484 8 2 Debt paid off ... ...4,284,202 16 5 Debt created ... ...4,847,650 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 950,517 4 1 Deposits ... ... ... 160,709 17 6 Deposits ... ... 77,421 17 2 Balance on 30th June, 1869 215,702 8 0 £5,527,844 5 8 £5,527,844 5 8

1869-70. Beccipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 813,025 8 6 Interest ... ... ... 431,078 10 6 Stamps ... 62,410 15 6 Legislative ... ... 15,568 4 9 Postal ... 65,357 12 2 Civil Services ... ... 203,861 8 0 Fees, Fines, &c. 31,160 19 3 Military „ ... ... 311,178 10 11 Miscellaneous ... 46,394 11 2 Marine „ ... ... 17,120 10 4 1,018,349 6 7 Native „ ... ... 43,406 13 7 Lands ... ... ... 362,635 210 Postal „ ... ... 157,700 10 9 Sinking Funds released ... 46,251 0 0 Lands ... ... ... 122,237 16 7 Payments to Provinces ... 443,456 18 5 1,427,235 9 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 18,358 11 5 Excess of Expenditure ... 336,732 510 £1,763,967 15 3 £1,763,967 15 3 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1869 ... 215,702 8 0 Debt paid off ... ... 248,186 12 3 Debt created ... ... ... 536,100 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 336,732 510 Deposits ... ... ... 138,372 8 7 Deposits ... ... 74,199 14 4 Balance on 30th June, 1870 231,056 4 2 £890,174 16 7 £890,174 16 7


1070 ry-t J-O / KJ— I _L. Receipts. Expenditure. & s. a. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Customs ... 745,062 10 2 Interest ... ... 362,123 9 9 Stamps ... 55,365 16 6 Legislative ... ... 18,172 17 1 Postal ... 65,155 8 2 Civil Services ... ... 277,281 17 8 Fees, Fines, &c. 58,797 1 2 Military „ ... ... 231,117 16 6 Miscellaneous 32,590 6 6 Marine „ ... ... 9,124 2 2 956,971 2 6 Native „ ... ... 44,914 10 5 Lands ... ... ... 343,634 13 2 Postal „ ... ... 144,555 411 — Lands ... ... ... 94,096 12 3 1,300,605 15 8 Native Land Purchases ... 230 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 477,772 311 Public Works ... ... 69,745 1 1 Eailways Construction ... 11,726 12 10 Immigration ... ... 2,798 15 5 Payments to Provinces ... 378,523 9 9 Expenses of raising Loans... 8,061 11 2 Miscellaneous ... ... 125,905 18 7 £1,778,377 19 7 £1,778,377 19 7 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1870 ... 231,056 4 2 j Debt paid off ... ... 753,642 0 0 Debt created ... ...1,228,895 6 6 ! Excess of Expenditure ... 477,772 311 Deposits ... ... ... 334,984 19 11 Deposits ... ... 366,252 13 11 i Balance on 30th June, 1871 197,269 11 11 £1,794,936 9 9 £1,794,936 9 9

1871-72. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 787,537 17 5 Interest ... ... 514,008 19 3 Stamps ... 73,834 5 9 Legislative ... ... 17,516 17 5 Postal ... 74,750 9 2 Civil Services ... ... 255,049 19 4 Fees, Fines, &c. 59,792 13 9 Military „ ... ... 177,292 12 4 Miscellaneous 14,889 19 8 Marine „ ... ... 7,216 0 8 1,010,805 5 9 Native „ ... ... 34,163 111 Lands ... ... ... 486,287 10 4 Postal „ ... ... 143,064 13 1 Lands ... ... ... 23,262 15 6 1,497,092 16 1 Native Land Purchases ... 49,432 5 6 Excess of Expenditure ... 804,392 17 9 Public Works ~. ... 124,805 11 0 Railways Construction ... 234,351 5 3 Immigration ... ... 39,588 12 0 Payments to Provinces ... 570,909 14 7 Expenses of raising Loans... 62,571 9 4 Miscellaneous ... ... 48,251 16 8 £2,301,485 13 10 £2,301,485 13 10 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1871 ... 197,269 1111 Debt paid off "... ... 656,655 6 6 Debt created ... ...1,644,117 110 Excess of Expenditure ... 804,392 17 9 Deposits ... ... ... 280,909 4 5 Deposits ... ... 261,327 13 8 Balance on 30th June, 1872 399,920 0 3 £2,122,295 18 2 £2,122,295 18 2


1872-73. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 866,209 311 Interest ... ... 466,815 11 8 Stamps ... 79,175 16 1 Legislative ... ... 21,729 16 10 Postal ... 89,599 1 7 Civil Services ... ... 255,973 19 4 Fees, Fines, &c. 58,611 6 4 Military „ ... ... 162,580 6 8 Miscellaneous 38,699 310 Marine „ ... ... 6,385 4 4 1,132,294 11 9 Native „ ... ... 35,716 16 9 Lands ... ... ... 1,014,822 10 11 Postal „ ... ... 126,216 10 3 — Lands ... ... ... 33,468 7 11 2,147,117 2 8 Native Land Purchases ... 64,808 9 4 Excess of Expenditure ...1,048,340 6 4 Public Works ... ... 202,132 7 4 Eailways Construction ... 645,712 6 10 Immigration ... ... 164,252 13 9 Payments to Provinces ... 965,060 12 9 Expenses of raising Loans... 33,883 19 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 10,720 510 £3,195,457 9 0 £3,195,457 9 0 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1872 ... 399,920 0 3 Debt paid off ... ... 315,600 0 0 Debt created ... ... 1,623,800 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 1,048,340 6 4 Deposits ... ... ... 412,966 14 4 Deposits ... ... 411,094 18 1 Balance on 30th June, 1873 661,651 10 2 £2,436,686 14 7 £2,436,686 14 7

— 1873-74. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,128,471 13 5 Interest ... ... 613,000 15 7 Stamps ... 94,510 14 2 Legislative ... ... 25,011 18 3 Postal ... 106,275 14 0 Civil Services ... ... 279,874 2 5 Fees, Fines, &c. 62,791 4 7 Military „ ... ... 163,342 17 5 Miscellaneous 81,911 12 7 Marine „ ... ... 9,977 3 7 1,473,960 18 9 Native „ ... ... 33,118 13 7 Railways ... ... ... 2,713 14 11 Postal „ ... ... 147,815 12 11 Lands ... ... ... 1,229,572 9 5 Lands ... ... ... 56,675 19 5 Native Land Purchases ... 87,163 2 9 2,706,247 3 1 Public Works ... ... 336,027 13 2 Excess of Expenditure ...1,672,043 910 Eailways Construction ...1,120,431 5 8 „ " Working ... 1,541 17 2 Immigration ... ... 273,206 14 6 Payments to Provinces ... 1,150,327 511 Expenses of raising Loans... 27,229 15 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 53,545 15 7 £4,378,290 12 11 £4,378,290 12 11 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1873 ... 661,65110 2 Debt paid off ... ... 595,765 0 0 Debt created ... ...2,439,300 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ...1,672,043 910 Deposits ... ... ... 476,218 13 6 Deposits ... ... 438,984 18 8 Balance on 30th June, 1874 870,376 15 2 £3,577,170 3 8 £3,577,170 3 8


1874-75. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,242,483 19 8 Interest ... ... 785,387 1 4 Stamps ... 110,069 3 4 Legislative ... ... 28,951 13 1 Postal ... 126,674 13 5 Civil Services ... ... 306,824 511 Fees, Fines, &c. 72,937 611 Military „ ... ... 157,490 18 0 Miscellaneous 58,136 12 5 Marine „ ... ... 10,808 10 6 1,610,301 15 9 Native „ ... ... 38,355 19 0 Eailways ... ... ... 23,472 9 4 Postal ... 204,635 7 3 Lands ... ... ... 877,319 18 10 Lands ... ... ... 57,313 710 ■ Native Land Purchases ... 112,705 6 0 2,511,094 311 Public Works ... ... 351,153 15 11 Excess of Expenditure ...3,368,562 2 8 Eailways Construction ...1,852,084 16 7 „ * Working ... 20,033 17 0 Immigration ... ... 607,464 1 9 Education ... ... 8,311 11 4 Payments to Provinces ...1,022,332 0 8 Expenses of raising Loans... 279,088 16 2 Miscellaneous 36,714 18 3 £5,879,656 6 7 £5,879,656 6 7 Balances. Balance on 30 June, 1874 ... 870,376 15 2 Debt paid off ... ...1,695,330 0 0 Debt created ... ...6,704,416 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ...3,368,562 2 8 Deposits ... ... ... 577,869 0 1 Deposits ... ... 674,177 211 Balance on 30th June, 1875 2,414,592 9 8 £8,152,661 15 3 £8,152,661 15 3

. : 1875-76. — Receipts. Expenditure. . £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,246,138 19 2 Interest ... ... 1,023,124 7 0 Stamps ... 114,101 14 6 Legislative ... ... 31,581 9 0 Postal ... 154,645 11 4 Civil Services ... ... 319,749 13 4 Fees, Fines, &c. 79,150 0 0 Military „ ... ... 146,120 18 5 Miscellaneous 80,352 6 1 Marine „ ... ... 10,296 11 8 . 1,674,388 11 1 Native ,; ... ... 36,068 7 7 Eaihvays ... ... ... 63,939 6 2 Postal „ ... ... 222,908 10 1 Lands ... ... ... 971,014 510 Lands ... ... ... 66,306 17 7 Native Land Purchases ... 113,980 15 5 2,709,342 3 1 Public Works ... ... 340,729 2 7 Excess of Expenditure ... 2,753,629 19 11 Railways Construction ... 1,460,290 210 „ " Working ... 52,596 10 7 Immigration ... ■ ... 340,739 19 5 Education ... ... 11,179 4 11 Payments to Provinces ... 1,139,255 19 9 Expenses of raising Loans... 138,245 15 9 Miscellaneous ... ... 9,797 17 1 £5,462,972 3 0 £5,462,972 3 0 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1875 ...2,414,592 9 8 Debt paid off' ... ...1,499,445 0 0 Debt created ... .. 2,045,431 0 0 Excess of Expenditure , 2,753,629 19 11 Deposits ... ... ... 360,189 2 2 Deposits ... ... 190,461 13 9 Balance on 30th June, 1876 376,675 18 2 £4,820,212 11 10 £4,820,212 11 10


1876-77. — Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,223,364 210 Interest ... ... 1,140,020 10 2 Stamps ... 122,170 10 10 Legislative ... ... 39,574 11 4 Postal ... 160,998 610 Civil Services ... ... 422,069 4 2 Fees, Fines, &c. 87,861 5 5 Military „ ... ... 106,520 6 5 Marine ... ... Marine „ ... ... 25,584 1 5 Miscellaneous 71,046 4 1 Native „ ... ... 35,281 17 2 1,665,440 10 0 Postal „ ... ... 239,090 19 1 Eailways ... ... ... 285,220 310 Lands ... ... ... 406,175 19 8 Lands ... ... ...1,622,930 18 10 Native Land Purchases ... 71,129 7 7 Public Works ... ... 244,657 15 0 3,573,59112 8 Eailways Construction ... 944,383 15 3 Excess of Expenditure ...1,631,006 710 „ Working ... 224,907 10 4 Immigration ... ... 183,495 4 3 Education ... ... 13,838 4 9 Payments to Local Bodies... 974,262 7 4 Expenses of raising Loans... 9,956 12 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,404 4 4 Provincial Liabilities ... 118,245 9 8 £5,204,598 0 6| £5,204,598 0 6 Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1876 ... 376,675 18 2 Debt paid off ... ... 899,800 0 0 Debt created • ... ..3,371,400 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ~,,1,631,006 710 Deposits ... ... ... 346,605 16 2 Deposits ... ... 444,726 11 3 Balance on 30th June, 1877 1,119,148 15 3 £4,094,681 14 4 £4,094,681 14 4

1877-78. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,272,961 5 3 Interest ... ... 1,077,860 0 3 Stamps ... 151,068 16 9 Legislative ... ... 42,447 16 1 Postal ... 135,969 17 6 Civil Services ... ... 544,012 4 3 Telegraph ... 72,361 1 7 Military „ 174,150 10 10 Fees, Fines, &c. 167,065 9 2 Marine „ ... ... 35,567 11 11 Marine ... 19,491 11 4 Native „ 38,258 14 6 Miscellaneous 66,454 19 3 Postal „ ... ... 135,661 411 1,885,373 010 Lands ... ... ... 266,537 5 3 Bailways ... ... ... 572,490 11 6 Native Lana Purchases ... 46,132 911 Lands ... ... ...1,738,69112 1 Public Works ... ... 302,250 7 0 Provincial Liabilities- ... 61,182 16 2 Eailways Construction ... 775,668 14 10 „ Working ... 387,654 13 8 4,257,738 0 7 Immigration ... ... 116,227 16 9 Excess of Expenaiture' ...1,156,854 4 4 Education ... ... 197,048 18 8 Payments to Local Bodies... 818,561 19 10 Expenses of raising Loans... 2,404 18 4 Miscellaneous ... ... 69,519 14 10 Provincial Liabilities ... 333,187 18 10 5,363,153 0 8 Balances transferred from the Public Account to the Commissioners of Sinking Funds, Public Trust Office, and Government Insurance 51,439 4 3 £5,414,592 4 11 £5,414,592 4 11 ■Balances. Balance on 30th June, 1887 ...1,119,148 15 3 Debt paid off ... ... 674,000 0 0 Debt createa ... ... 1,067,000 0 0 Excess of Expenaiture ... 156,854 4 4 Deposits ... ... ... 152,348 6 4 Deposits ... ... 77,988 16 4 Balance on 30th June, 1878 429,654 011 £2,338,497 1 7 £2,338,497 1 7

* Funds accruing to the general revenue on the abolition of the provinces.


1878-79. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,307,736 1 11 Interest ... ... 1,182,317 10 11 Stamps ... 197,501 8 0 Legislative ... ... 41,412 19 7 Postal ... 128,673 11 4 Civil Services ... ... 409,939 5 1 Telegraph ... 82,968 410 Military „ ... ... 172,127 18 11 Fees, Fines, &c. 180,717 18 3 Marine' „ ... ... 42,866 0 1 Marine ... 24,269 0 3 Native ... 48,229 19 3 Miscellaneous 203,278 3 6 Postal „ ... ... 242,056 13 4 ■ 2,125,144 8 1 Lanas ... ... ... 195,121 110 Eailways ... ... ... 770,785 17 10 Native Lana Purchases ... 124,412 1 1 Lanas ... ... ... 955,922 18 4 Public Works ... ... 338,471 0 6 Eailways Construction ... 819,280 14 1 3,851,853 4 3 „ Working ... 540,830 6 3 Excess of Expenaiture ...1,915,773 13 3 Immigration ... ... 144,984 18 3 Eaucation ... ... 244,676 7 5 Payments to Local Boaies... 928,756 7 4 Expenses of raising Loans... 46,384 1 1 Miscellaneous ... ... 245,759 12 6 £5,767,626 17 6 £5,767,626 17 6 ' - _. - - - - Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1878 ... 429,654 011 Debt paia off ... ...2,796,000 0 0 Debt create^ ... ...5,079,800 0 0 Excess of Expenaiture ...1,915,773 13 3 Deposits '... ... ... 46,947 13 5 Deposits ... ... 101,479 14 5 Balance on 30th June, 1879 743,148 6 8 £5,556,401 14 4 £5,556,401 14 4

1879-80. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ a. a. £ s. a. £ ■ s. a. Customs ... 902,664 14 7 Interest ... ... 1,006,397 3 8 Stamps ... 92,078 1 2 Legislative ... ... 66,852 18 0 Postal ... 114,336 9 3 Civil Services ... ... 380,510 19 1 Telegraph ... 56,665 5 0 Military „ ... ... 210,768 11 10 Fees, Fines, &c. 111,527 14 10 Marine „ ... ... 32,483 8 6 Marine ... 16,970 13 5 Native „ ... ... 53,115 10 9 Lana-tax ... 92,803 5 1 Postal „ ... ... 200,642 13 2 Miscellaneous 89,767 10 8 Lanas ... ... ... 149,861 3 2 —— 1,476,813 14 0 Native Lana Purchases ... 82,884 3 4 Eailways ... ... ... 561,927 14 2 Public Works ... ■ ... 596,600 17 6 Lianas ... ... ... 257,01116 11 Eailways Construction ... 863,673 16 3 „ Working ... 456,483 2 3 2,295,753 5 1 Immigration ... ... 122,112 14 1 Excess of Expenaiture ...2,570,672 16 5 Eaucation ... ... 195,818 2 9 Payments to Local Boaies... 415,891 13 10 Expenses of raising Loans... 3,816 1 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 28,513 111 Deposits £4,866,426 1 6 £4,866,426 1 6 Balances. Balance on Ist July, 1879 ... 743,148 6 8 Debt paia off ... ...2,747,500 0 0 Debt createa ... ...6,147,500 0 0 Excess of Expenaiture ...2,570,672 16 5 Deposits ... ... ... 124,511 3 3 Deposits ... ... 129,567 15 3 Balance on 31st March, 1880 1,567,418 18 3 £7,015,159 9 11 £7,015,159 9 11

Note.—The end of the financial year having been altered from the 30fch June to the 31sfc March, this account includes only nine months.


1880-81. Receipts. Expenditure. ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,307,634 19 3 Interest ... ... 1,469,854 2 1 Stamps ... 142,803 8 4 Legislative ... ... 38,923 14 4 Postal ... 149,042 12 7 Civil Services ... ... 526,441 10 0 Telegraph ... 67,437 18 8 Military „ ... ... 299,483 7 2 Fees, Fines, &c. 175,533 14 0 Marine „ ... ... 84,618 6 1 Marine ... 14,220 5 3 Native „ ... ... 23,862 12 8 Land-tax ... 276,144 6 9 • Postal „ ... ... 255,446 3 1 Beer-duty ... 45,986 19 8 Lands 266,222 10 7 Miscellaneous 69,574 18 8 Native Land Purchases ... 56,887 5 5 2,248,46113 2 Public Works ... ... 599,144 18 6 Eailways ... ... ... 838,622 10 8 Eailways Construction ... 934,30119 6 Lands ... ... ... 500,294 9 9 „ Working ... 554,527 1 9 ■ Immigration ... ... 29,701 0 7 3,587,378 13 7 Education ... ... 271,766 310 Excess of Expenditure ...2,177,29113 8 Payments to Local Bodies... 160,132 15 3 Expenses of raising Loans... 193,356 16 5 £5,764,670__J7_ 3 £5,764,670 7 3 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1880 ...1,567,418 18 3 Debt paid off ... ... 6,200 0 0 Debt created ... ...2,194,200 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ...2,177,29113 8 Deposits ... ... 55,711 15 5 Deposits ... ... 87,229 4 1 Balance on 31st March, 1881 1,546,609 15 11 £3,817,330 13 8 £3,817,330 13 8 Note.—Miscellaneous expenditure is charged in departments this year.

1881-82. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,470,107 18 8 Interest ... ... 1,502,033 4 11 Stamps ... 161,115 11 8 Legislative ... ... 41,389 411 Postal ... 152,516 9 6 Civil Services ... ... 460,854 4 0 Telegraph ... 77,555 8 6 Military „ ... ... 258,159 10 4 Pees, Fines, &c. 180,944 9 6 Marine „ ... ... 70,979 12 7 Marine ... 15,133 8 5 Native „ ... ... 23,590 12 11 Land-and Pro- Postal „ ... ... 226,586 11 7 perty-tax ... 252,402 010 Lands ... ... ... 184,772 18 1 Beer-duty ... 58,555 17 11 Native Land Purchases ... 37,912 0 4 Miscellaneous 35,862 0 2 Public Works ... ... 329,705 15 3 2,404,193 5 2 Eailways Construction ... 431,734 18 9 Eailways ... ... ... 884,733 7 8 „ Working ... 496,604 11 9 Lands ... ... ... 558,025 18 6 Immigration ... ... 4,333 15 0 Education ... ... 270,984 1 7 3,846,952 11 4 Payments to Local Bodies... 236,580 3 5 Excess of Expenditure ... 748,316 011 Expenses of raising Loans... 13,576 311 Miscellaneous ... ... 5,471 211 £4,595,268 12 3 4,595,268 12 3 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1881 ...1,546,609 15 11 Debt paid off ... ... 94,200 0 0 Debt created ... ... 364,700 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 748,316 011 Deposits ... ... ... 54,672 10 4 Deposits ... ... 48,898 511 Balance on3lst March, 1882 1,074,567 19 5 £1,965,982 6 3 £1,965,982 6 3


1882-83. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,494,463 8 9 Interest ... ... 1,566,759 11 5 Stamps* ... 444,389 2 0 Legislative ... ... 45,300 12 7 Telegraph ... 93,135 3 4 Civil Services ... ... 586,034 511 Fees, Fines, &c. 65,549 13 7 Military „ 238,552 7 2 Marine ... 15,656 10 6 Marine , 33,677 16 4 Property-tax 157,793 9 4 Native „ ... ... 21,912 18 5 Beer-duty ... 62,639 8 3 Postal „ ... ... 247,849 19 2 Miscellaneous 49,169 11 11 Lands ... ... ... 206,224 4 3 . , 2,382,796 7 8 Native Land Purchases ... 29,843 15 9 Eailways ... ... ... 954,740 3 1 Public Works ... ... 427,208 211 Lands ... ... ... 462,430 5 4 Eailways Construction ... 435,470 2 7 „ " Working ... 585,812 14 1 3,799,966 16 1 Immigration ... ... 3,999 5 8 Excess of Expenditure ... 985,374 0 3 Education 307,784 7 5 Payments to Local Bodies... 38,402 5 4 Expenses of raising Loans... 516 5 10 Miscellaneous ... ... 9,992 1 6 £4,785,340 16 4 £4,785,340 16 4 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1882 ...1,074,567 19 5 Debt paid off ... ...2,096,700 0 0 Debt created ... ...2,802,000 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 985,374 0 3 Deposits '... ... ... 70,709 11 8 Deposits ... ... 76,233 11 5 Balance on 31st March, 1883 788,969 19 5 £3,947,277 11 1 £3,947,277 11 1 * Includes Postal.

- 1883-84. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,396,686 12 11 Interest and Sinking Fund... 1,567,075 16 5 Stamps* ... 471,858 18 1 Legislative ... ... 43,823 1 5 Telegraph ... 92,87114 4 Civil Services ... ... 549,333 911 Fees, Fines, &c. 40,870 1 0 Military „ ... ... 199,349 13 9 Marine ... 15,943 0 5 Marine „ ... ... 34,024 4 7 Property-tax 268,774 0 9 Native „ ... ... 25,068 1 2 Beer-duty ... 57,016 8 2 Postal „ ... ... 246,327 16 2 Miscellaneous 35,578 11 1 Lands ... ... ... 220,763 0 3 -— 2,379,599 6 9 Native Land Purchases ... 24,479 16 0 Eailways ... ... ... 963,118 19 0 Public Works ... ... 513,496 14 2 Lands ... ... ... 439,772 14 11 Eailways Construction ... 661,846 0 9 „ " Working ... 641,324 2 8 3,782,491 0 8 Immigration ... ... 107,040 16 3 Excess of Expenditure ...1,599,124 13 7 Education ... ... 319,979 10 6 Payments to Local Bodies... 194,219 2 9 Expenses of raising Loans... 33,464 7 6 £5,381,615 14 3 £5,381,615 14 3 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1883 ...1,188,969 19 5 Excess of Expenditure ...1,599,124 13 7 Debt created ... ...1,289,000 0 0 Deposits ... ... 84,518 10 2 Deposits ... ... ... 99,696 6 9 Balance on 31st March, 1884 894,023 2 5 £2,577,666 6 2 £2,577,666 6 2

* Includes Postal. Note.—Miscellaneous is charged to the departments.


1884-85. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,411,102 811 Interest ... ... 1,577,436 8 6 Stamps ... 510,018 14 7 Legislative ... ... 70,211 19 4 Telegraph ... 95,787 18 11 Civil Services ... ... 570,286 11 0 Fees, Fines, &c. 39,695 12 10 Military „ ... ... 182,586 9 2 Marine ... 13,393 6 4 Marine' „ ... ... 32,140 4 4 Property-tax 145,379 12 1 Native „ ... ... 27,606 18 9 Beer-duty ... 55,714 13 10 Postal „ ... ... 255,160 15 3 Miscellaneous 57,729 16 3 Lands ... ... ... 199,082 10 9 2,328,822 3 9 Native Land Purchases ... 70,57113 0 Eailways ... ... ...1,050,742 18 6 Public Works ... ... 405,067 12 9 Lands" ... ... ... 403,305 6 1 Eailways Construction ... 663,063 7 7 „ " Working Expenses 686,341 8 8 3,782,870 8 4 Immigration ... ... 57,148 9 2 Excess of Expenditure ... 1,605,262 6 7 Education ... ... 340,446 17 6 Expenses of raising Loans... 19,255 4 4 Payments to Local Bodies 231,726 4 10 £5,388,132 14 11 £5,388,132 14 11 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1884 ... 849,023 2 51 Debt paid off ... ... 418,900 0 0 Debt created' ... ...2,452,600 0 0 j Excess of Expenditure ... 1,605,262 6 7 Deposits ... • ... ... 437,366 3 3 ! Deposits ... ... 437,697 18 2 Balance on 31st March, 1885 1,322,129 0 11 £3,784,089 5 8 £3,784,089 5 8

1885-86. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,414,824 12 10 Interest ... ... 1,694,441 10 6 Stamps ... 607,008 14 2 Legislative ... ... 46,627 810 Fees, Fines, &c. 37,876 2 1 Civil Services ... ... 559,290 13 6 Marine ... 12,113 7 9 Military „ ... ... 186,106 19 1 Property-tax... 326,276 6 0 Marine „ ... ... 29,973 510 Beer-duty ... 55,165 7 2 Native „ ... ... 28,414 15 9 Miscellaneous 70,421 410 Postal „ ... ... 287,523 14 6 2,523,685 14 10 Lands ... ... 185,429 16 3 Bail ways ... ... ...1,044,304 1110 Native Land Purchases ... 34,544 10 6 Lands ... ... ... 381,571 4 2 Public Works ... ... 582,681 1 3 Local Bodies, refund of Loans ... 7,263 13 0 Eailways Construction ... 732,343 12 4 „ Working ... 693,775 3 4 3,956,825 3 10 Immigration ... ... 11,675 2 4 Excess of Expenditure ... 1,851,319 17 10 Education ... ... 365,555 15 0 Local Bodies ... ... 214,189 15 11 Expenses of raising Loans 155,571 16 9 £5,808,145 1 8 £5,808,145 1 8 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1885 ...1,322,129 011 Debt paid off ... ...1,630,200 0 0 Debt created ... ...3,423,840 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ...1,851,319 17 10 Deposits ... ... ... 40,507 111 Deposits ... ... 56,257 18 2 Balance on 31st March, 1886 1,248,698 6 10 £4,786,476 2 10 £4,786,476 2 10


1886 87. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs ... 1,285,764 13 0 Interest ... ... 1,642,946 1 5 Stamps ... 601,162 12 8 Legislative ... ... 46,572 711 Fees, Fines, &c. 39,410 8 6 Civil Services ... ... 609,793 17 0 Marine ... 13,070 11 5 Military „ ... ... 202,086 16 10 Property-tax... 310,897 2 3 Marine „ ... ... 30,694 7 4 Beer-duty ... 53,493 19 4 Native „ ... ... 35,633 16 2 Miscellaneous 145,231 12 3 Postal „ ... ... 290,046 2 7 2,449,030 19 5 Lands ... ... ... 192,810 5 5 Eailways ... ... ... 992,186 17 4 Native Land Purchases ... 88,835 18 2 Lands ... ... ... 339,347 7 5 Public Works ... ... 570,304 11 0 Sinking Funds set free ... 172,429 9 5 Eailways Construction ... 461,977 19 11 ■ „ " Working ... 695,771 5 8 3,952,994 13 7 District Eailways Purchase 166,187 7 11 Excess of Expenditure ...1,669,852 16 8 Immigration ... ... 12,453 17 11 Education ... ... 371,602 11 11 Local Bodies ... ... 116,553 811 Expenses of raising Loans... 86,932 3 8 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,644 10 6 £5,622,847 10 3 £5,622,847 10 3 Balances. Balance'on Ist April, 1886 ...1,248,698 610 Debt paid off ... ...4,372,800 0 0 Debt created ... ...3,001,062 711 Excess of Expenditure ...1,669,852 16 8 Deposits ... ... ... 57,163 11 1 Deposits ... ... 38,568 1 4 Balance on 31st March, 1887 1,225,703 7 10 £4,306,924 5 10 £4,306,924 5 10

1887-88. Beceipts. Expenditure. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Customs ... 1,251,651 8 0 Interest ... ... 1,765,864 9 6 Stamps ... 587,318 12 0 Legislative ... ... 55,799 6 5 Pees, Fines, &o. 35,596 5 1 Civil Services ... ... 475,247 7 0 Marine ... 16,899 2 1 Military „ ... ... 287,810 10 9 Property-tax... 376,576 12 10 Marine „ ... ... 32,657 16 4 Beer-duty ... 52,000 12 2 Native „ ... ... 16,816 16 10 Miscellaneous 35,860 10 1 Postal „ ... ~. 268,591 3 0 2,355,903 2 3 Lands ... ... ... 157,841 4 2 Eailways ... ... ... 981,826 4 0 Native Land Purchases ... 25,643 3 8 Lands ... ... ... 266,921 1 7 Public Works ... ... 390,270 0 0 ■ Eailways Construction ... 403,726 18 10 3,604,650 710 „ Working ... 700,006 18 8 Excess of Expenditure ...1,738,376 2 2 Immigration ... ... 15,597 14 10 Education ... ... 376,098 0 5 Local Bodies ... ... 284,886 3 7 Expenses of raising Loans... 86,168 16 0 £5,343,026 10 0 £5,343,026 10 0 Balances. Balance on Ist April, 1887 ...1,225,703 710 Debt paid off ... ... 477,800 0 0 Debt created 2,473,884 0 0 Excess of Expenditure ... 1,738,376 2 2 Deposits ... ... ... 57,707 210 Deposits ... ... 73,247 12 5 Balance on 31st March, 1888 1,467,870 16 1 £3,757,294 10 8 £3,757,294 10 8


APPENDIX. The following deductions may be drawn from the foregoing tables : — For the purpose of showing the progress of the revenue, and the expenditure of different kinds per head of the population, the following table gives the average for periods of five years from 1855, the first year for which population is given in the statistical tables, to 1887; the last period comprising only three years. The columns below give the average per head of the population under the following heads : — I. Kevenue raised by Taxation. 11. Payment of Interest and Sinking Fund. 111. Cost of the Legislature. IV. Cost of the Civil Service as stated in the tables. .V. Cost of the Departments described in the tables as Legislative, Civil, Military, Marine, Native, and Postal. These comprise all the ordinary cost of the Government, which is paid for out of current revenue. Public Works, Eailways, Education, and Immigration are omitted, as, during the existence of the Provinces, most of the expenditure under those heads does not appear as expenditure of the General Government. VI. The total expenditure of the Government.

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (2,000 copies), £24.]

Authority: Gbobqe Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.

Years. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. .855-59 .860-64 .865-69 .870-74 .875-79 .880-84 .885-87 £ s. a. 2 18 10 3 5 8 4 6 9 3 18 4 5 9 4 3 6 4 2 7 £ s. a. 0 3 8 0 5 4 16 5 1 13 2 2 9 7 2 14 6 2 15 6 £ s. a. 0 2 8 0 16 0 13 0 14 0 18 0 19 0 19 £ s. a. 0 14 2 0 13 10 0 17 0 0 17 9 0 19 2 0 19 2 0 19 8 £ s. a. 1 4 10 3 5 0 3 2 0 2 6 1 2 13 2 2 4 1 19 5 £ s. a 6 8 £ 8 18 £ 9 4 7 9 7 £ 13 5 6 9 1 t 9 10 £

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Bibliographic details

BALANCE-SHEETS OF THE COLONY, 1832 to 1888., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-12

Word Count

BALANCE-SHEETS OF THE COLONY, 1832 to 1888. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-12

BALANCE-SHEETS OF THE COLONY, 1832 to 1888. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1888 Session I, B-12

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