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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Mr. B. P. Bayly to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office (Stock Branch), Wellington, 4th May, 1887. I have the honour to lay before you the annual sheep returns for the year ending 31st May, 1886. The total number of sheep in the colony on that date was 15,174,263, as against 14,546,801 for the previous year, or an increase of 627,462 —viz., Auckland, 13,158; Napier, 174,662; Taranaki, 1,274; Wanganui, 1,127; Rangitikei, 83,285; Wellington, 87,148; Nelson, 10,975; Marborough, 12,968; Canterbury, 93,867 ; Otago, 148,998. The classification can be taken approximately as: Merino —males, 3,083,201; females, 3,851,379. Long-wool — males, 574,279; females, 1,010,731. Cross-bred — males, 2,420,590; females, 4,234,083. Total—Males, 6,078,070; females, 9,096,193: making a grand total of 15,174,263. The returns again this year show a very considerable increase in long-wools and cross-breds, whilst merinos have decreased nearly 300,000; the total increase in the North Island being 360,654, and in the Middle Island 266,808. I have to draw your attention to the large increase that has taken place in the export of frozen meat. During the year ended 31st March last, 706,967 carcases of mutton have been shipped, or an increase of 132,775 over the year 1885. Of these, Auckland furnished 19,913; Napier, 157,800 ; Wellington, 140,302 ; Canterbury, 235,631; and Otago, 153,321. The number of sheep boiled down amounted to 325,480, and the number used at preservingworks, 86,876. The increase in the number of sheep boiled down is very marked, being 256,266 more than last year. The imports consist of 1,680 sheep from the Australian Colonies, and the exports to 2,824 —viz., 19 to Australia, 110 to New Caledonia, and 2,695 to the South Sea Islands. The infected list for the year ended 31st March last shows three flocks still remaining with an aggregate of 10,909 sheep. Two of these flocks have since obtained clean certificates, leaving only the Okukari flock unclean, and it is now about to be mustered for final examination. Should it come in clean, as there is every reason to believe will be the case, all the flocks in the colony will be free from scab. It is just possible there may be a few wild infected sheep in the Kaikoura Subdivision which aye not yet been destroyed, and every effort is being made to completely exterminate them. Three outbreaks in small flocks occurred during the year : One in the Wairarapa, one in the Sounds, and one at Hopefield, in the Amuri. On a close investigation being made, the Wairarapa one was distinctly attributable to the fact that, in reality, the flock could never have been clean, although it had obtained a clean certificate a few months previously. It has since been subjected to such close supervision and careful treatment that not the slightest danger exists of re-infection. The one at Hopefield was of a more serious nature, especially as the flock had been shorn for two seasons without showing the disease. This outbreak was plainly traceable to bush stragglers on the rough portion of the country; and the evil intensified through the manager concealing the fact for several months, after being aware of its existence. Vigorous measures were adopted, and several convictions obtained for breaches of the Act. The sheep are now believed to be clean, with every probability that they will remain so. Fortunately the outbreak was confined to the one flock; the adjoining flocks have since been mustered for shearing and other purposes, but no further disease has been seen. The small flock in the Sounds, which was found to be diseased, has broken out twice, and on each occasion the infection was found in, and confined to, a few sheep that actually ran about the homestead; and no scab was found in the bulk of the flock, or the bush sheep, where it might have been expected. On this occasion continuous dipping was carried out for a longer time than usual so that all chance of becoming reinfected from latent causes might be removed. I—H. 15.



The Tophouse and Nelson country has stood the test of shearing and straggling muster without any scabby sheep being seen. The waste lands on Tophouse Block have been scoured again this year and found clean. D'Urville and Arapawa Islands have again been mustered, but no scab was found, although a few stragglers were killed on each place. In the Kaikoura Subdivision great energy has been used in the destruction of wild sheep, with the result that about 4,000 have been killed up to the end of March, or a total of 8,500 since the work was first initiated in 1885. In these a considerable percentage of scab existed, and even since the Ist January last three scabby wild sheep ha,ve been killed. The expenditure as shown has been very considerable, and must be continued up till the end of this month. Subsequent to that date, and until after next shearing, one gang of men will be retained to rescour the whole block, by which time it is hoped that the utter extermination of wild sheep will have been effected, and this menace to adjoining flocks removed. From the extraordinary number of wild sheep and stragglers that were killed it can easily be understood what little chance existed of cleaning the neighbouring flocks had not this work been undertaken and carried out, and it must be continued until this area is thoroughly safe. Three thousand two hundred and sixty wild sheep were killed during the season, for which the sum of £3,627 Us. Bd. was paid in wages and scalp-money at Is. per head on number killed. No flocks have been destroyed during the past twelve months, nor has any expenditure been incurred for compensation. I may mention that, since last year's report was furnished, the Clarence Bun, there alluded to as having been seized by the department, has been cleaned and returned to the owners, and all expenses incurred in cleaning it have been refunded. The adjoining run of Waipapa, on which all sheep were destroyed in 1885-86, has been restocked during this year. The sheep are within fences, and, as they adjoin the lands that have been one of the principal fastnesses for wild sheep and stragglers, I look upon the restocking of this run as a test case which will prove that the country is safe for the future, or the reverse. Every precaution having been taken, the fences put into thorough repair, the country well scoured prior to restocking, and the present owners are working cordially with the department to prevent, if possible, any further chance of reinfection. With a view of promptly dealing with scab in the future should occasion require it, an amendment to the present Act is proposed, by which all infected sheep can be destroyed on compensation at half their value; and it further provides that all infected Crown land runs can, where necessary, have the licenses cancelled without compensation. The word " negligently " in section 45 is also omitted from-the proposed amendment to the Act; this renders it imperative that owners should keep infected sheep from straying. It is further proposed, as soon as the colony is clean, to amend the sections referring to shipped sheep within the colony from clean district to clean district, or within districts. The country should now be sufficiently free from disease to render a great deal of the present legal inspection unnecessary without running any risk. Other slight alterations are being carried out with a view to meet the altered aspect in the status of the officers who replace those dispensed with consequent upon retrenchment. The ravages of the kea have not been complained of this year as much as in some former seasons. The bonus given, for their destruction by the County Councils, supplemented by the Government, has caused considerable reduction in their numbers, and, if increased sufficiently, would terminate this pest. It is also evident that although the rabbit pest is spreading over a large area, and is- taxing the sheep industry to a ruinous extent, yet, withal, the number of sheep is annually increasing, nor can any great decrease be observed in any one rabbit district. This, I submit, shows that the repressive measures employed are keeping the pest well in check, and a decided increase in the number of sheep is shown on some runs which a few years back could be classed as essentially rabbitty. Generally speaking, .throughout the colony a more than ordinary clip was experienced, with one of the best lambings known for years, and flocks unusually healthy. In Otago an exceptionally good season for autumn feed has prevailed. I may conclude by stating that the colony is this year more free from scab than it has ever been; in fact, no actual scab is known to exist, and I shall be greatly disappointed if lam not able to report before the close of this month that the last infected flock has obtained its clean certificate; and that the Australian ports will bo open to our sheep before long without present restrictions, which amount to prohibition. I have, &c, Benjamin P. Bayly, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintending Inspector.

Postscript.—Since writing the above, the last infected flock (Okukari) has obtained a clean certificate. All flocks within the colony arc now clean, and all hold clean certificates. Benjamin P, Bayly, 16th May, 1887. Superintending Inspector.



Table showing Increase or Decrease in the Number of Sheep in each County throughout the Colony.

County. Number of Sheep. Increase. Decrease. lass. 1880. Mongoirui Bay of Islands Hokianga Iiodney Whangarei Hobson Manukau Waitemata Eden Thames .. Ooromandel Ohinemuri Waikato Raglan .. Waipa Piako West Taupo and Kawhia .. Bast Taupo Whakatane 12,646 17,076 1,326 24,602 23,037 5,812 32,205 13,388 5,388 2,286 1,299 1,190 35,709 5,472 20,122 27,852 2,804 1,0.00 24,184 8,465 324,399 245,161 1,188,286 441,956 571,861 12,698 52,086 106,409 203,152 213,690 91,098 113,921 47,266 110,428 427,372 503,607 101,066 18,395 564 4,289 3,668 49,130 577,858 139,480 513,117 95,000 736,369 712,041 248,467 846,931 658,100 413,071 699,659 2 778 689^082 367,804 441,444 142,189 131,173 97,450 7,770 247,939 151,782 250,700 327,988 588,921 350,723 13,405 18,305 1,532 28,520 26,795 7,499 32,526 13,940 4,710 5,323 1,965 997 31,338 4,604 15,946 31,790 2,136 494 28,022 9,174 386,387 272,801 1,222,702 471,087 593,348 13,972 50,554 96,455 215,765 248,621 127,644 123,521 49,474 121,583 464,441 548,531 107,900 18,875 1,025 6,023 5,134 50,403 572,233 139,392 530,525 105,000 726,415 715,272 270,561 858,344 688,081 432,724 704,986 5,500 645,509 389,976 450,289 145,804 133,310 96,279 5,604 253,450 146,451 273,914 340,574 673,762 395,035 759 1,229 206 3,918 3,758 1,687 321 552 3,037 666 678 193 4,371 868 4,170 3,938 668 506 Tauranga Cook Wairoa .. Hawke's Bay Waipawa Patangata Taranaki 3,838 709 61.9S8 27,640 34,416 29,131 21,487 1,274 Hawera, .. Patea Wanganui Rangitikei Oroua Manawatu Horowhenua Hutt West Wairarapa East Wairarapa Waimea Collingwood Buller .. Grey Inangahua Sounds ,. Marlborough Kaikoura Amuri Cheviot Ashley Selwyn Akaroa .. Ashburton Geraldino Mackenzie _ Waimate Westland Waitaki Maniototo Vincent Lake Waihemo Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri '1,532 9,954 12,613 34,931 36,546 9,600 2,208 5,155 37,069 44,924 6,834 480 461 1,734 1,466 1,273 '5,625 88 17,408 10,000 9,95-4 2,631 22,094 11,413 29,981 19,653 5,327 2,722 43,573 22,172 8,845 3,015 2,143 1,171 2,166 5,511 5,331 Bruce Clutha .. Tuapeka Southland Wallace 17,214 12,586 84,841 44,312 14,546,801 15,174,263 718,316 90,854 90,854 Total im ;rease 627,462



EETUEN showing (in Totals under Counties) — 1. The Sheep Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes ol "The Sheep Act, 1878." 2. The Area of such Districts. 3. The Number of "Infected" Sheep in each District. 4. The Number of Sheepowners in each District. 5. The Number of Sheep upon which the Sheep-rate is collected. 6. The Amount of the Sheep-rate in each District. 7. The Number of Inspectors of Sheep, Cattle, and Babbits, and Eegistrars of Brands, residing in each District. 8. The Amount payable for Salaries and Allowances in each District.

2—H. 15.




1 2 3 Number of Infected Sheep on 4 Number of Owners on 31st May, S Number of Sheep on 31st May, Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. Area. 31st March, 1886. 31st March, 1887. 1885. 1886. 1885. 1886. Auckland Counties Napier Comities ... New Plymouth County Wanganui Counties Kangitikei Counties Wellington Counties, including Oahanga Sheep District Nelson Counties ... f Marlborough Counties, and { Amuri County (part of) [Canterbury Counties, and \ Amuri County (part of) { Westland County Otago Counties ... Acres. 12,269,000 5,688,000 1,631,000 2,434,000 2,009,400 2,510,800 None None None None None None None None None None None 5,196 1,217 576 105 396 643 633 1,200 622 92 396 712 642 265,863 2,805,133 ' 12,698 326,177 467,975 1,047,407 279,021 2,946,325 13,972 362,774 549,260 1,134,555 5,020,000 2,709,300 996,000 8,301,000 635,700 2,702,000 14,039,000 9,803 129,450 None None None None None None , 713 5,000 None None None None 568 357 16 2,202 15 17 1,886 642 355 16 2,299 15 35 2,123 127,982 766,468 312,961 4,410,238 200,156 2,778 3,800,965 138,957 762,028 326,877 4,501,383 203,648 5,500 3,949,963 139,253 10,909 8,631 9,149 14,546,801 15,174,263

6 7 Number of Inspectors, on 31st March. 8 Salaries and Travelling Allowance. Sheep Rate for Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1887. _* Auckland Counties ... Napier Counties New Plymouth County Wanganui Counties Bangitikei Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties fMarlborough Counties, and { Amuri County (part of) /•Canterbury Counties, and ... •j Amuri County (part of) IWestland County... Otago Counties 266 2,805 13 326 468 1,047 128 766) 313 1 4,410i 200 [ 3 3,801 279 2,946 14 363 549 1,135 139 762 327 4,501 204 5 3,950 8 4 1 1 2 4 3 1,500 1,040 250 300 500 1,525 750 5 1,275 5 1,925 1 13 300 3,750 14,546 15,174 47 13,115



18. RETUBN showing— 1. The Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of— "The Sheep Act, 1878;" " The Diseased Cattle Act, 1881;" also the Cattle Boards appointed under the Act. 2. The Number of Sheepowners owning under 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 Sheep, also owning 20,000 Sheep and upwards; also Total Number of Owners of Sheep, and Total Number of Sheep, for the Year ended 31st May, 1886. 3. The Number of Owners of Infected Sheep, and the Number of Infected Sheep, on 31st March, 1887. 4. The Names and Eesidences of Officers holding Appointments under the Sheep, Diseased Cattle, and Branding Acts.




i. 2. On the 31st Mat, 1886. 4. Number of Sheep and Cattlf, Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under 9 § Total Number of « I a IS 1 Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by him. o o o o of S o rH cq •3 I Owners g "g of Sheep. Sheep. On March 31, 1887. Bayly, B. P., Superintending Inspector under the Sheep, Cattle, Branding, and Eabbit Acts, for the colony. Lewis, F. C., Auckland, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands. Auckland Sheep District — Bay of Islands Subdivision (area 1,893,000 acres) — Mongormi Bay of Islands ... Hokianga Marsden Subdivision (area 1,632,000 acres) — Bodney Whangarei Hobson Auckland Subdivision (area 1,713,000 acres) — Manukau Waitemata Eden ... Thames Coromandel Ohinemuri North Auckland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Mongonui, Bay of Islands, Hokianga, Eodney, Whangarei, Hobson, Manukau, Waitemata, Eden, Thames, Coromandel, and Ohinemuri. Cattle Board:—/. May, Chairman, J. Dilworth, B. Maclean, T. Morrin, and J. Wallace. Waikato Subdivision (area 1,734,000 acres) — Waikato Waipa... ...• Piako ... ... ... ... ... Eaglan Taupo Subdivision (area 2,188,000 acres) — East and West Taupo and Kawhia South Auckland Cattle Distkict —Comprising the Counties of Waikato, Eaglan, Waipa, Piako, West Taupo, and Kawhia. 85 32 15 200 168 61 164 57 42 18 9 6 5 4 1 3 2 1 9 2 2 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 i 1 2 1 1 2 i 91 42 16 207 171 62 176 62 43 21 10 7 13,405 18,305 1,532 28,520 26,795 7,499 32,526 13,940 4,710 5,323 1,965 997 Mawer, M., Waimate, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Elliott, A., Kama, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Bonar, A., Helensville, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Clapcott, B., Auckland, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Edwards, D., Grahamstown, Sheep Inspector. Deputy Cattle Inspector. 62 68 21 39 2 3 5 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 66 75 33 39 31,338 15,946 31,790 4,604 Oldham, H., Hamilton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 6 1 7 2,630 I



Cattle Boabd : — E. Maclean, Chairman, A. A. Fantham, W. L. Martin, C. J. Storey, and B. H. Duncan. Bay of Plenty Subdivision (area 3,109,000a.) — Whakatane 33 9 3 3 48 28,022 Eobson, E., Tauranga, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Tauranga Tauranga Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Whakatane, Tauranga, and East Taupo. Cattle Boabd :— G. B. Morris, Chairman, J. Brown, S. L. Clarke, B. C. Jordan, and /. Snodgrass. APIER SHEI3P DlSTBICT Poverty Bay Subdivision (area 1,775,000 acres) — Cook County Cook Cattle District —Comprising the County of Cook. Cattle Board :— J. W. Johnson, Chairman, J. Clark, A. McKenzie, W. Smith, and G. L. Sunderland. Napier Subdivision (area 3,913,000 acres) — Wairoa Hawke's Bay ... Waipawa Patangata Hawke's Bat Cattle Disthict —Comprising the Counties of Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, Waipawa, and Patangata. Cattle Boakd :— J. I). Ormond, Chairman, J. Heslop, W. Orr, Sir G. S. Whitmore, and J. 3. Coleinanew Plymouth Sheep District (area l;631,000 acres) — Taranaki Taranaki Cattle Distbict —Comprising the County of Taranaki. Cattle Boabd :— Robert Trimble, Chairman, T. Bayly, W. Bayly, H. D. Vavasour, and J. Elliott. /anganui Sheep Distbict — Wanganui Subdivision (area 2,434,000 acres) — Hawera Patea ... ... ... ... Wanganui Wanganui Cattle Distbict — Comprising the Counties of Patea, W Tanganui, Eangitikei, and Manawatu. 21 41 37 36 86 26 14 23 21 6 1 16 6 24 20 20 1 2-3 14 24 9 8 1 15 14 IS 9 5 11 5 23 10 3 1 1 20 14 135 91 168 162 66 24 272,801 1,222,702 471,087 593,348 386,387 9,174 Pasley, E. C, Napier, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands. Thomson, C, Gisborne, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Fitzroy, C. A., Napier, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Munro, Donald, Waimata, Sheep Inspector. Deputy Cattle Inspector. Hately, W., Waitara, Sheep Inspector, Deputj Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 89 92 13,972 52 SD 19 51 10 23 40 5 10 19 2 3 i 84 109 203 50,554 96,455 215,765 Monro, A., Wanganui, Sheep Inspector, Deputj Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge.



1. 2. OH THE 31ST 3. Number of 4. tlAY, .886. Sheep and Cattle Distbicts in Counties. Number of Owners ow 7ning under o" 3s o a Owners of Sheep. Total Number of Sheep. • On March 31, 1887. Name and Addbess of Offices, and Appointments held by him. o z d 8 o of 10" o 1 Bangitikei Disteict — ■ Bangitikei Subdivision (area 2,009,400 acres) — Eangitikei Oroua Manawatu Horowhenua Simpson, E. K., Marion, Sheep Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. 123 164 90 62 52 48 25 7 44 24 13 4 22 9 7 5 4 4 2 1 1 1 247 245 140 80 248,621 127,644 123,521 49,474 Simpson, W., Foxton, Sheep Inspector. Wellington Sheep Distbict — Wellington Subdivision (area 470,800 acres) — Hutt (together with the Islands of Kapiti, Mana, and Somes) ... Wellington Cattle Distbict — Comprising the Counties of Hutt, and East and West Wairarapa. Cattle Boaed :— H. Bunny, Chairman, G. Beetham, C. Pharazyn, E. J. Biddiford, and J. Taylor. Wairarapa Subdivisions (area 2,040,000 acres) — West Wairarapa 199 121,583 Eichardson, T. G., Wellington, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands. Michie, T., M.E.C.V.S.E., Wellington, Deputy Cattle Inspector (honorary). 130 42 14 11 110 37 22 29 15 11 2 226 464,441 Orbell, E., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Drummond, J., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Bast Wairarapa 104 34 30 27 9 7 6 217 548,531 1 5,196 Nelson Sheep Disteict — Nelson, MotueJea, Golden Bay, Butter, and Grey Subdivisions (area 5,020,000 acres) — Blundell, A. K., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Campbell, H. McN., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Moore, J., Motueka, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Knyvett, W. H., Greymouth (see Wesbland Subdivision, Canterbury). Eeynolds, C, Westport, Sheep Inspector. Waimea 390 37 6 5 1 439 107,900 Collingwood 85 2 3 1 91 18,875 Grey Inangahua Biiller... Nelson Cattle Distbict —Comprising the Counties of Waimea, Collingwood, Buller, and Inangahua. Cattle Board :— 33 42 31 3 2 1 37 44 31 6,023 5,134 1,025



Marlboeough Sheep District — Picton, Blenheim, Aiuatcre; Kaikoura, Amuri, and Ho2]efieldStibdivisions(aTe&3,705,300a,cms) — Sounds 116 « 713 Passau, A. H., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Marlborough 81 106 20 14 12 10 3 11 17 15 5 178 50,403 1 Hull, E., Picton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Quartley, S. E., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector. 572,233 Kaikoura Mablborough Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Sounds, Marlborough, and Kaikoura. Cattle Boabd :— Amuri (Part of)... 40 6 6 4 2 3 61 139,392 Clifton, E., Kailcoura, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 16 326,877 5,000 Cooke, G. S., Waiau, Amuri, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Cantebbuey Sheep Disteict — Waiau Subdivision (area 635,700 acres) — Amuri (Part of)... ... ... ... I Boulton, P. B., Christchurch, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands. 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 15 203,648 :;) Northern Subdivision (area 1,571,000 acres) — Cheviot Ashley 1 6 1 557 105, 000 726,415 Foster, E., Amberley, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 408 52 44 27 10 10 Christchurch Subdivision (area 3,449,000 acres)— Selwyn Akaroa Ashburton 490 59 177 96 15 02 39 15 51 40 19 31 14 9 23 14 15 4 697 124 368 715,272 270,561 858,344 Holderness, E. P., Christchurch, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Sutton, W. A. P., Ashburton, Sheep Inspector. 9 Southern Subdivision (area 3,281,000 acres) — Geraldine Mackenzie Waimate Cantebbuky Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Anruri, Cheviot, Ashley, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashburton, Geraldine, and Waimate. Cattle Boabd :— J. T. Peacock, Chairman, F. J. Kimbell, C. Newton, J. Studliolmc, and H. Mcllraith. 187 71 74 26 47 17 27 4 13 5 8 5 7 15 3 7 6 14 354 49 149 688,081 432,724 704,986 ... ... Eees, W. G., Timaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Westland Subdivision (area 2,702,000 acres) — Westland Westland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Westland and Grey. Cattle Boaed: — H. L. Robinson, Chairman, J. A. Bonar, J. Giles, D. P. James, and H. H. 32 85 5,500 Knyvett, W. H., Grey-mouth, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands.



1. 2. On the 31st 3. Number of 4. (Iay, 1886. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under be ft 'dm 5 Total Number of CD Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by Him. O i— I C\] 1O i— t CM Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On March 81," 188Y. Otaq-o Sheep Disteict — Port Chalmers Subdivision (area 25,000 acres) — Peninsula Dunedin Subdivision (area 1,368,000 acres) — Taieri ... Bruce ... Waihemo Waikouaiti Oamaru Subdivision (area 1,570,000 acres) — Waitaki Dunstan Subdivision (area 5,009,000 acres) — Vincent Maniototo Lake ... Tapanui Subdivision (area 1,282,000 acres) — Tuapeka 13 82 150 48 22 3 12 28 21 5 1 18 8 4 7 9 6 6 5 3 1 6 2 1 1 3 2 2 17 133 207 87 40 5,604 253,450 146,451 133,316 96,279 Johnson, E. H., Dunedin, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Chief Eegistrar of Brands. Thomson, John, Port Chalmers, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Hickson, F. B., Outram,' Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Price, E. G. Palmerston, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 129 40 18 9 6 15 6 223 645,509 Fullarton, B., Oamaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Shaw, C, Clyde, Sheep Inspector. Bouchier, E., Naseby, Sheep Inspector. Miller, W., Queenstoivn, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Miles, T. J., Tapantd, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Mackay, T. T. W., Balclutha, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 50 72 28 7 16 5 4 8 3 2 5 7 3 1 8 2 5 1 8 8 1 76 115 53 450,289 389,976 145,804 140 37 22 4 3 4 4 214 340,574 Chitha... Otago Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Peninsula, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, and Tuapeka. Cattle Board :— Mathew Holmes, Chairman, B. Charteris, J. Roberts, J. Shand, and J. Smith. Southland Subdivision (area 4,785,000 acres) — Southland ... ... ... ... '< 209 21 10 9 9 3 2 263 273,914 ;352 71 ■37 29 10 12 518 673,762 Macdonald, A. A., Gore, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, in charge. Anderson, C, Invercargill, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Douglass, A., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector. Wallace ... ... ... ■•■ - Southland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Southland, Wallace, Lake, Fiord, and Stewart Island. Cattle Board :— T. Brydon, Chairman, J. S. Shanks, J. B. Sutton, J. Holmes, and /. Shand. 110 2-1 la 1-2 177 395,035


o. BE TURN of all Sheepowners, and Number of Sheep and Lambs, on 31st May, 1885 and 1886 ; showing the County in which Owners reside and their Sheep are depastured, so far as the information is supplied in the Schedule "A" furnished by Sheepowners under section 21 of " The Sheep Act, 1878."



RETURN of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Slieep on 31st May. I 1885. 1886. Kitchen, Philip, Kohimaru, Mongonui Lambly, J. W., Bellevue, Oruru Larmer, W. K., Kaifcaia Leslie, W. D., Kaeo MacRae, F. F., Waiari, Kaeo Mario, N., Oruru Masters, C. M., Pukepoto, Mongonui Matthews Brothers, Aurere, Mougonui Matthews, IT. B. and F., Kaitaia Meinata Te Haara, Oitahue, Kaitaia Murray, W., Woodside Farm, Kaeo Ngaraina Tomaru, Parenga Panther, D. F., Kaiaka, Victoria Valley Paton, J., Campsie, Victoria Valley Penney, George, Kaeo Penney, Joseph, Mongonui Pita Te Hara, Talcahue, Kaitaia Puckey, C. I., Woodyille, Kaitaia Puckey, K. H. M., Wood?ille, Kaitaia Puckey, W. G-., Woodville, Kaitaia Eewiri Hongi, Parenga Richards, Q-., Awanui liosp, Mrs. W., the Kumi, Awanui Shepherd, A. B., Whangsroa Shepherd, Isaac, Upokorau, Kaeo Shepherd, II. Gr., Tauranga, Whangaroa Shepherd, J. G\, Waitangi, Whangaroa Shepherd, T. W., Whangaroa Silva, J., Oruru Simjison, J., Awanui Smith, Thomas, Awanui Spanhake, W. H, Awanai Sturge, Mrs. S. E., Olreston, Mongonui Subritzky, W. H., Ohore, Ahipara Switzer, J., Victoria Valley Tadrnan, F. and Q-, Peria Taylor, J., Summerdale, Oruru Te Tira, Kaitaia Thomas, Gr., Waikanga, Mongonui Tutere Wharerau, Victoria Valley Wells, W., aenr., Victoria Valley Wells, W., Jan., Waikanga, Oruru White, 0., jun., Victoria Valley Wliiiehead, W., Oruaiti, Mongonui Wi Kurukaru, L Jarenga Wilkinson, T., Mongonui Wiremu Weka, Whangaroa Wrathall, J., Mongonui Wrathall and Burke, Back Eirer, Mongonui Yates, S., North Cape, Parenga 43 6 95 62 120 117 710 3 275 200 80 49 25 5° 10 80 21 100 200 So 90 87 200 460 182 34 205 43 6o 21 '5° 77 130 15° 784 200 A. 4 3°° 100 84 57 98 32 21 100 3° 100 130 9-1 7° 151 155 600 110 H5 39 200 ' 45 192 24 190 70 95 180 5° 150 16 54 20 900 ;8 11 60 81) 4co 4S° '5° 140 45 1690 12,646 So 43 14 900 3O 6S 4' 80 95 3°° 600 100 160 70 1480 13,405

No. of Sheep on Sist May. 1885. 1886. MONGONUI COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Adamson and Claudet, Taipu, Mongonui ... Aperahama Tengara, Parenga Begg, John, Whangaroa Bell, B., Totara, Whangaroa Bowman, John, Ahipara Bramloy, John, Waipuna Bramley, W., sen., Kaeo Buckingham, N., Victoria Valley Dawson, James, Victoria Valley Dunn, B. II-, Kaitaia Edwards, H. J., Bev., Westbury (Auckland).., Foley, Edmund, Kaitaia Poster, Cornelius, Mongonui Foster, Jabez, Oruaiti, Mongonui Foster, S., Land of Goshen, Mongonui Foster, 8., jun., Oruaiti, Mongonui Frear, Annie, Totara Frear, J., Mongonui Garton, W., Kainamu, Oruru Garton, W., jun., Mongonui Goulton, B., Kaeo, Whangaroa Graham, B., Maungateto, Awanui Hare, J., sen., Ilaeo Hare, Wesley, Kaeo Hare, W. J-, Kaeo Haye8, J. D., Mangiti, Whangaroa Hayes, Thomas, Kaeo Hayes, William, Wliikora, Whangaroa Hazard, W., Oruru Henderson, B., llaupapanui, Mougonui Hindson, William, Peria [lobson, William, Victoria Valley Hohepa Patana, Mongonui Flopa Toamia, Hauturu, Kaitaia ... Hori Korau, Whangaroa Hows, J. T. A., Waitapu, Whangaroa Hows, J. M., Tauranga, Wbangaroa Huirama tu Kariri, Kenana, Mongonui lacentho, J., Oruru lohnston, E. V., Kaitaia Earena Kivva, Kenana, Mongonui Kingi Wharerau, Victoria Valley Kingsford Brothers, Kaitaia Kitchen, George, Victoria Valley Kitchen, John, Victoria Valley t f t a 222 27; 50 Nil 115 i8( 40 21 200 15c IS 2< '7 3 - 2. i/ I 2< 130 17c 320 K"il 200 23; 140 Sf 400 45c 83 6; 55 7c 5° 5< 156 20c 57° 65<: 40 4; 100 ic,c 7 '<■ 40 4; 9 >c 40 4c 5° 3f 50 6c 4 Nil 26 1^ I25 121 13 2(1 I40 l6c 36 24 20 14 5° 'cc 106 12; 100 9 = 35 4<: 400 40c 15 22 10c 15 Nil 39 29c 28 3c 222 5° "5 40 200 15 17 17 130 320 200 140 400 83 55 5° 156 57° 40 100 7 40 9 40 5° 50 278 Nil 186 25 150 26 3' 22 20 170 Nil 23 S 86 45° 62 70 50 200 650 42 150 6 45 ■3 40 36 60 Nil 14 1 2 r 23 160 4 26 125 13 140 36 20 5° 100 100 35 400 '5 5° 15 39 28 24 14 1 CO 125 95 40 400 22 100 Nil 2Q0 3° 3 1—H. 2.





No. of Sheep on Slst May. 1885. 18S0. BAY OF ISLANDS COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Alexander, A., Swarraton, Waimate Bodggood, W. H., Waiuri, Waimate Bindon, J. W., Wairuaroa., Kawakawa thrown, W. P., Wahapu, Russell Burleigh, II. C, Okaihau Busby, W., Waitangi, Obaeawai ,.. Busby, W., Maungaturoto, Ohaeawai Chappcll, Joseph, Waimate Clarke, II. and W., Prospect, Waiinato Clarke, M., Waimate Cross, II., Te Ti, Paihia Karl, W., Omapere, Obaeawai Edmonds, J. T., Ngawhitu, Ohaeawai Eruera Waikerepuru, Obaeawai Green way, J. H., Motu Arohia, Russell Hall, J. A. L., Kawakawa Medley, II., Kawakawa Iledley, '!'., Kawakawa Henare Ilirai, Ohaeawai Hewitt, W. I\, Waitangi, Waimate Kingston, J. W., Otalmo, Obaeawai Ihaka Hakuerte, Russell Irving, J. H., Onewliero, Kawakawa Irving, W. A., Russell Karena 1'ulii, Tapuelabi, Kerikeri Kemp, C. R. D., Kerikeri, Waimate King, W. S., Oiaha, Waimate Kingi Rangaiti, Waimate Leece, J. W., Ngabeia, Obaeawai Lloydd, Helen, Mrs., Whakapakara, Russell... Ludbrook, S.B., (Est. of) Tupetupe, Ohaeawai Mita to Tai, Russoll Marshall, R., Wbangai, Kawakawa Morrow, Robert, Kawakawa Mountain, G-eorge, Purerua, Russull Ngapera Taui, Ohaeawai 3 wens, James, Kawakawa Paraaapa Taurau, Ohaeawai Parata Paraone, Kawakawa Pukepuke, Te Akau, Russell Ruatara and Hapurona, Kawakawa I'renchard, Hugh, Pahake, Obaeawai Wiremu Kaire, Waimate YVcllby, A., WangarurUj Russell, Williams, II., Pouerua, Kawakawa Williams, J. W., Paharaka, Ohaeawai Wiremu Katene & Son, Remuera, Obaeawai 394 140 88 9 o 4 o I2OO I IOO 557 86o 9° 306 80 5° 250 35 56 20 98 180 13' 30 92 28 395 '58 100 Nil 60 1200 1100 44 670 875 90 257 120 60 292 '5 5' Nil 75 180 200 Nil 87 18 100 1 oo 600 479 20 7° 20 1990 13 850 2000 22 r 000 59 200 200 15 190 98 3 j6 Nil Nil 20 170 70 i53 149 2;o 240 3° 100 236 4i 1650 4'5° 700 17,076 54 1800 4f>55 000 HOKIANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Burt, J., Onoke, Herd's Point Danger:, H., Hokianga Halliwell, G-., Kohukohu Hardiman, Gr., Waitapu Harris, I"., Herd's Point Henepere Te Tipone, Orongotea, Waitapu ... [lerbert, Joseph, Herd's Point tleremia Te Wake, Herd's Point Bone Pihama, Kohukohu Eori Karaka, Kohukobu Marriner, John, Hokianga Mbka Kaio, Kohukohu Muriwai Hepehi, Upper Waihou, Hokianga Puhi Otene, Kohukobu Rakcna Pou, Kohukobu Faniora Mato, Kohukohu fawio Pou, Kohukohu Webster, J., Opononi, Herd's Point "8,305 710 48 766 70 38 60 5° 20 93 2! Il6 IO 20 Nil 41 20 22 Nil 9 20 1 27 H 3° 60 io 9 24 32 5 13 210 Nil 289 RODNEY COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Angore, William, Warkworth Anderson, Joseph, Cloveryard, Matakana Andrews, W., Warkwortb Armitage, William, Wellsford Armour, John, Brooniland, Hataknna Armstrong, W., Komokoriki Baldock, <3 corge, Whareliine '.326 ',53 240 59 '7 3 1 250 55 Nil 21 80 58 21 130

No. of Sheep 011 31st May. 1838. 1880. Barker, W. P., Fcrnbrook, Puhoi Barton, George, Warkworth Bayer, Peter, Upper Waiwera Bayer, Wenzl, Puhoi Beasley, J., Parua Bccher, T., Puhoi Belcher, George, Hoteo North Bell, Hugh, Wharehino Birdsall, J., Blackburn, B., Wliarehiue Boldero, G. T., Bridge Brook, Te Arai Boler, Samuel, Frith wood, Tauhoa Boon, J. W., Warkworth Bowman, G. A., Warkworth Breese, J. T., Kaipara Flats Breton, G. R., Te Kapa Brookes, Edwin, jun. , Wharehine Brown, John, Tc Arai Browne, Edward, Wellsford Brunton, R., Orewa Falls, Wade Buchanan, J., Lower Matakana Buokton, J. I., Tauhoa Burdett, J., Tauhoa Butt, Thurnwald, Puhoi Came and Sons, Drayton, Matakana Campbell, John, Te Kapa Carran, I)., Warkworth Carrie, I. G., Oarriedell, Matakaua Chamberlain, &., Warkworth Chandler, J., Mahurangi Heada Christian, A., the Lagoon, Matakana Clarke, C. S., Omaha Colbeck Bros., Tokatapu, Pahi Cooper, J. C, Warkworth Cooper, S., Ralvestou, Port Fitzroy Cray, C. D., Hillside, Wharehine Croker, S., jun., Sweet Hope, Matakana Croker, S., jun., Hillside, Matakana Cruickshank Bros., Greenlaw, Matakana Culfortli, R., Kamo Darecourt, J. G., Matakana Darrach, J., Te Kapa Dennis, G , Warkworth Dibble, G., Wellsford Dudding, J. G., Port Albert Edlington, W. and A., Great Barrier, Port Fitzroy Ellen, W. N., Komokoriki Engster, Ernest, Port Filzroy Eyre Bros., Hillsbro, Te Arai ... Eyre G., Woodleigh, Hoteo North Farrand, G., Te Arai Farrand, W. B., Te Arai Fenton, W., Matakana Fitzgerald, T. E., Helensville Fletcher, Thomas, Port Albert Flynn, W. and P., Port Filzroy Fordham, Mra. E. M., Omaha Frearson, W., Omaha Gibbs, James, Hoteo North Gozar, G., Te Arai Grant, Joel, Hoteo North Grant, Joseph, Port Albert Green, C V., Tauhoa Greenwood, C. W., Lower Matakana Greenwood, James, Omaha Greenwood, John, Hill Top, Omaha Greenwood, R. C, Waiwera (Auckland) Greenwood, W., Spring Bank, Omaha Grey, Sir George, Kawau Island, Auckland... Grimmer, A. N., Warkworth Grut Brothers, Orewa Gubb, T. A., Port Albert Handby, Thomas, Omaha Hardwiek, C. E., Port Albert Hargreaves, Mrs. Joseph, Port Albert Hen), Joseph, Puhoi Heywood, Oliver, Port Albert Hood, Andrew, Stanley, Kaipara Flats Hudson, J. H., Kuipara Flats Inger, T., sen., Port Albert Jaekman, W. H., Pahi Jamieson, Govan, Te Kapa Jennings, G., Te Arai 98 3° 44 % 34 73 39 112 20 140 4' 60 60 86 40 75 40 118 Nil 5° 24 25 22 40 18 Nil i>3 60 37° 40 12 131 79 63 45' 3° Nil 160 120 100 74 152 140 287 243 180 80 170 200 253 38' 180 no 34 260 35 240 400 135 1500 46 53 25 100 64 490 18 96 49 15 24 66 98 35° •SO 3000 45 30 Nil 100 9° 596 4 140 5° 26 36 76 '53 25 45° 700 9^ 74 120 80 IOOO IO 300 19 35 80 81 2? 300 600 170 26 95 3° 1300 18 300 180 28 80 47 60 300 15 45 30 "5 160 166 36 80 60 61 400 300 1200 341 300 1108 50 62 80 43 8 56 70 /5 64 8 40 58 75 222 36 5° 230 16 86 250 3° 100 10 84 1130 36 80





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. fesenzky, M., Puhoi lohuson, A. F., Tryphena fohnson, Thos., Tongue Farm, Matakana Kaess,Wenzl, Puhoi Kempt, Alexander, Omaha Kennedy, T., Puhoi King, S., Parakakau Krohn, C., Puhoi Lane, William, Sunnyside, Matakana Larkins, F., Matakana Lawrence, W., Mangawai Lee, L. T., Parua Legge, J., Port Albert Legge, Levi, Tauhoa Le Roy, E. G-., Port Fitzroy Levet, C, and Son., Wellsford Levet, Joseph, lloteo North Linnell G. J., Kaiwaka Linton, J. G-., Te Ihu, Batley Logue, James, Oruawharo North Macklow, Brothers, Warkworth Malcolm, N-, Xryphena Maroroft, E., Wharehine Mason, W., Warkworth Matheson, A., Omaha Mayall, John, Tryphena Meiklejohn, James, Matakana Meiklejohn, S., Matakana Melville and Morison, Kaipara Flats Millon, T. J., Matakana Mills, G-. A., Kaipara Flats Moir, Mrs. Eliza, Puhoi Moor, G, Woodthorpe, Warkworth Moor, J. and Son, Mohunga, Port Fitzroy ... Morgan, C. E., Malmrangi Ileada Morgan, Charles, Glen Eden, Matakana Morrison, E., Bedcliff, Warkworth Mulligan, James, Warkworth [STiehol, Jolm, Matakana Nicholson, J. E., Port Albert Neal, Alfred, Port Albert 3akes, R., Cieekdale, Warkworth Ogle, George, Hoteo North Osborne, A. J., Sandholme, Tryphena Oldfield, F. O., Hoteo North Oldfleld, W. G-., Piedmont, Hoteo North ... Paddison, B., Port Fitzroy t*arkor, C, sen., Tauhoa Parker, John, Komokoriki Parry, J. G., Pukapuka, Puhoi Paul, J., Puhoi Paul, M., Puhoi PaTne, William, Port Albert Pearson, Aaron, Hoteo North Perkins, Walter, Hoteo North Phillips, Charles, Warkworth Phillips, Isaac, Warkworth Phillips, Joseph, Warkworth Phillips, Kobert, Warkworth Phillips, W. H, Matakana Phillips, William, Warkworth Phillips, William, Tryphena Pollock, Thomas, Tongue Farm, Matakana ... Prictor, W., Port Albert Pulham, H. W., Hoteo Lodge, Warkworth... Eamsbottom, J., Wellsford Rauner, M., Puhoi Remiger, B., Puhoi Roper, J. S., Matakana Russek, Antoni, Puhoi Sainsbury, T. 0., Park Farm, Warkworth Salt, H., Kaipara Flats ■Sankey, Biehard, Warkworth Scandrett, G., Mullet Point Schedawey, Anton, Puhoi Schischka, Mrs. L., Ahuroa, Puhoi Schischka, V., Puhoi Schischka, W., Puhoi Schmidt, A , Puhoi Scholium, Joseph, Puhoi Scholium, John, Puhoi Scholium, Wenzl, Puhoi Shannon, D., Oruawharo North Smith, C, Matakana 7 2 26 321 70 160 130 60 60 130 66 53 34 80 40 27 '5° 270 131 230 5° 186 76 55 5" '5 1 3° '5° ■5° 36 160 175 5° 95 437 180 120 94 57 40 '73 2 7 3° 120 126 84 180 95 42 Nil 85 170 '5° 1O 79 '39 71 6o 4 1 66 86 36 175 300 150 272 5 2 166 62 46 Nil 146 5 2 140 150 45 160 170 7° 150 500 200 Nil 75 Nil 3 '55 Nil ■> 3 Nil 75 130 103 200 90 23 '°5 80 77 24 138 95 62 Nil 40 20 5° 98 124 108 126 80 60 72 44 5° 100 I25 140 ,46 55 45 98 68 13 112 18 ' 18 '5° 27 41 100 78 110 40 98 83 90 48 87 53 2t 200 80 64 88 60 100 74 40 66 74 68 63 "9 43 37 95 82 72 5' 84 108 92 116 4i

. 01 isneop 31st May. 18SG. 1886. Smith, David, Whareliine Smith, Joseph, Buatangata Somerville, J. T., Te Arai Stark, G-., (It. Barrier Is., Port Fitzroy Steventon, A. H., Taulioa Stiller, J., Puhoi Slott, M., Wharehine Sturcli, Thomas, Banksfee, Mangawai Taylor, John, The Pines, Kaipara Flats Taylor, Robert, Tryphena Teed, J)., Lisalea, Warkworth Telfer, Mrs. Annie, Parua Thomson, J., Kauri Grove, Kaipara Flats ... Tindall, II. H., Mataiana Tolhopb.W., Puhoi Trethowen, j., jun., Parkvale, Warkworth ... Turner, J. G-., Port Albert Tutin Brothers, Manga wai Yipond, E. C, Kaipara Flats Vipond Brothers, G-leuedin, Matakana Vipond, Harold, Grasshil], Matakana Walker, A. C, Grateacre, Wellsford Walsh, Thomas, Wharehine Ward, Frank, Whareliine Week, Joseph, Warkworth Week, Mrs. Anna, Puhoi Week, J., jun., Upper Waiwera Wenzlick, J., Puhoi Western, J., Glenwood, Taulioa Western, John, Te Arai Wharfe, T., Linton, Oruawharo North Whittle, Charles, Tryphena Williams, J. S., Bournedean, Kaipara Flats WiLiams, John, Matakana Williams, J., jun., Matakana Wilson, Herbert, Wells&rd Wilson, John, Hoteo Nortli Witheford, Clement, Taulioa Woodcock, A., Warkworth Woodcock, A. E. and G-., Wellsford Worker and Sutton, Pine Park, Wellsford ... Worsley, C. E., Woodleigh, Warkworth . ... Wyatt, (i. Chidham, Kaipara Flats Wyatt, S., Hoteo North Ye'arbury, W. Or., Hoteo North Yearbury, William, Hoteo North 44 16 62 197 80 45 10 54 190 ■7 160 40 •35 93 37 16 22 7° '3° 18 ICO '77 S3 Nil 48 196 49 40 28 7° 200 3° 160 40 i S 8 86 jo 26 28 24 80 100 75 J4 100 130 5° 40 54 90 122 82 32 q6 95 115 116 95 18 137 S° 125 12 32 80 9' 145 80 230 45° 5° 45 193 44 83 37 82 95 120 80 300 35° 39 4' 250 55 88 24,602 28,320 WHANGAREI COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Allaway, J., Whangarei Armstrong, M. "W,, Whangarei Aubrey, H. R., Whangarei Heads Babe, Mrs. A. E., Mangapai Babe, John. Mangapai Bailey, II., Tryphena Bell, Moses, Kaurihohore Blomer, H. ¥., Hikurangi Boldero, A. S., Te Arai Boyd, Samuel, Hawksview, Mangapai Brooker, William, Whangarei Bullians, W., Mangapai Butcher, J., Mangapai Buttress, James, Hikurangi Calvert, A. S., Boyce, Te Arai Campbell, J. G\, Waipu Campbell, N., sen., Waipu Campbell, It., Waipu Carter, E., Mangapai Carter, J. II., Pah, Hikurangi Carter, J. W., Te Mata, Mangapai Carter, W., Woodford, Hikurangi Carter, W. R, Ferndale, Kamo Child, T., Eangiora, Maungakaramea Clark, W. N., Tara Hill, Otonga Clements, W. H., Kamo Clotworthy, N., Whangarei Cole, Mrs. C., Mangapai Cook, John, Kamo Cook, H. II, Whangarei Courtney, John, Maungakaramoa Cox, Thomas, Mangapai Crawford, H., G-lenbush, Mangapai 40 140 86 18 "S 100 62 186 15 90 130 58 8r 170 70 60 165 2 5 130 53 9 250 28 210 28 160 97 27 139 100 5° Nil 152 20 180 7° » 4 Nil 180 85 90 170 20 140 66 Nil 90 110 Nil 85 170 66 280 205 74 72 90 i'7 5 78 180 76 280





No. ol hhcop on 31st May. ISO). I 1886. McLennan, Mr?. C, Waipu McLennan, N., Kaurihohore MoLeod, D., Ilikurangi McLeod, Jolm, Waipu MoLeod, J. G., Whangaiei Heads McMillan, J., Waipu MoRao, Murdoch, Whangarei Heads Miller, David, Mangapai Miller, Mrs. M., Maungakaramea Morgan, Mrs. Anne, Whangarei Heads Morrison, John, Cave, Waipu Morrison, John A., Waipu Murphy, .Nicholas, Whangarei Murray, G-oorge, Mangapai Neville, R., Mangapai Newton, William, Mangapai Nobes, George, Whangarei O'Carroll, 'J 1., Maungakaramea Ormandy, B., Mangapai Pnhner, G., Mangapai Phillips, N., Maungakaramea Phillips, William, Kaurihehors Pnlgeon, R., Mangapai Porter, Mrs. Selina, Maungakaramea Powlesland, J. B , Kamo Presoott, Jas., Waipu Reiman, J. Y., Te Arai Robinson, C A., Whangarei Heads Robinson, T., The Nook, Parua Rogers, W. G\, Maungakaramea Roose, R., Whangarei Rountree, J., Mangapai Rutherfurd, J. S., The Island, Whangarei ... Sanderson, W., Barrier Island, Okupu Sands, J., Maungakaramea Sinclair, A. P., Kaurihohore Sinclair, D., Kaurihohore Sloane, James, Mangapai Smeaton, J., Whangarei Smith, ¥., Whangarei Snell, P. J., Maungakaramea Snell, W. C, Tangihua Spence, J., sen., Glenbuniie, Whangarei Steele, P. M., Newforfar, Euatangata Stephen, C, Charlton, Mangapai Street, IT. J., Willsnorthj, Kamo Sul.herland, Hugh, Waipu Sutherland, J., Waipu Thomas, W., Kan o Tremain, George, Euatangata Urquhavt, John, Whangarei Heads Walcelin, Thomas, Koraokaihau, Kamo Walker, H. J., Mangapai Walker, J. C, Mangapai Walker, James, Maungakaramea Watson, Alfred, Mangapai Watson. E. W., Mangapai Wafts, Thomas, Kaitava, Kamo Weir, Thomas, Mangapai Whitelaw, J., Kamo Wilson, Brothers, Ruatangata Wintle, Alfred, Mangapai Wolf, Henry, Olonga East, Kamo Wooley, W. If., Mount Dcnby, Kamo Worsnop, J., Spring Grove, Ruatangata Wright, George, Whangarei Yates, B., Ruatangata 130 14 36 62 60 120 8 180 83 2 3 33° 1 20 5° 100 I7 8 157 85 92 'S3 200 77 ■85 180 300 28 45 400 54 150 42 140 122 190 80 130 11 o 586 250 72 80 75 35 90 33 80 85 41 9 8 8 9 6 o 300 100 5° 100 212 <3° 5° 96 97 2O0 200 7 2 "95 190 426 SS 2 5 85 35° 88 180 57 150 121 200 35 150 '3° 580 320 77 98 75 7 150 Nil 80 98 63 i? 1 1. Nil 5' '5' 21 20 35 140 iO 20 5° 190 48 Nil 90 40 60 85 60 180 .46 338 47 300 290 12 71 43 85 120 60 200 Co 360 "52 365 290 5 93 26,795 UOBSON COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Andrew, A., Marybank, Te Kopuru Ariell, J. B., Paparoa Bowinar, Joseph, Kaiwaka Butter worth, Isaac, To Kopuru Cameron, A., Kaiwaka Chadwin, W., Maungaturolo Clark, Charles, Whakahara Clarke, Fred., Kaiwaka Clilf, G., Paparoa Ooates, E., Malakohe Coates, Thomas, Engton, Kaiwaka Davies, 0., Maungaturoto 23,037 38 '93 3° 6 3° ■7 45 2.2 90 54 200 267 36 20 Nil 100 55 300 155 385 35 3°

No. of Slieop on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Crawford, W. and J., Maungnkaramea Dunninghnm, Mrs. E., Mangapai Davey, Miss Louisa, Maungakaraniea Dent, Samuel, Whangarei Donaldson, J., Wliangarei Donaldson, S., Mangapai Durham, John, Wnipu Kdge, G-., Willow Grove, Wliangarei Eru Rehua, Otonga Falls, J., Whangarei Fifield, John, Whangarei Ifinlayson, A. J., Waipu Finlayson, J., Waipu Foote, William, Otonga Fraser, Donald, Waipu Fraser, Hugh, Waipu Fraser, James, Waipu ETraeer, W., Balure, Mangapai Gell, Henry, Waipu Efoing, J., Clough Prior, Kamo Graham, S., Mangapai Greenway, J. H., Mimi-whanga!a, (Russell)... Griffin, Joseph, Woodville, Wliangarei Gunson, (Jr., Maungakaramca Gunson, J., Maungakaramea Ounson, R. Ji., Maungakaramea Hall Brothers, Tangihua Hall, John, Mangapai Harrison, W., Mangapai Hawken, 0., Maungntapere, Wliangarei Flawken, William, Wliangarei Hayward, C. E., Maungakaramea Hewlett, W. IL, Wliangarei Hilford, R., Waikiekie, Mangapai ECowie, It., Wliangarei Heads Huggins, A. G-., Parua Bay Huggins, R. A., Parua Hutchinson Bros., Iluanui, Whangarei Tackson, Thomas, Otonga lames, H. J., Maungakaramea Kerr, George, Maungakaramea King, W., Eanio Lang, W., Tlie Cove, Waipu Lawrenee, Thomas, Mangapai Lowe, T., Mangapai Mackay, A., Feriwaka, Waipu Mackenzie, W. J., Waipu Mackie, Thomas, Whangarei Macleod, John, Whangarei Heads Maeleod, W. J., Parua Mallabond, J., Parua Maslen, J., Ruatangata Mason, Henry, Mangapai Mason, P., Mangapai McAllister, W., Mangapai McAulay, A., Waipu MeCullough, G., Mangapai McCullough, Thomas, Maugapai McDonald, Allen, Belle Vue, Waipu McDonald, Hector, Waipu McDonald, Murdoch, Kamo McDonald, Malcolm, Parua McGregor, Donald, Waipu Melnnes, D., Kaurihohore IMcTnneB, Hugh, Waipu M'elnnes, M.,-Kamo Mclnnes, R , Kaurihohore Mclvenzie, Alexander, Kaurihohore McKenzie, Donald, Kaurihohoro McKenzie, Duncan, Waipu McKenzie, Hector, Waipu McKenzie, M. W., Waipu McKenzie, Norman, Waipu McKenzie, Wm., Limestone Hill, Waipu McKinnon, John, Whareora McLachlan, D-, Maungakaramea McLean, Duncan, Waipu McLean, Ewen, Waipu McLean, John, Budgiove, Waipu McLean, John, Cave, Waipu McLean, M., Ruatangata, Waipu McLean, Murdoch, Waipu McLean, Neil, Whangarei McLean, Roderick, Waipu 120 K* 5 140 <P 100 97 58 120 100 21 110 50 2 140 I 85 <;8 56 ; 96 ! 108 95 I 11 140 I 130 j 90 i 53 79 1 iS '95 38 300 70 ; 138 60 21 45 97 2 4S0 246 84 140 84 90 70 .2 80 7° 490 165 9' ioo 93 94 '93 Nil 24 140 93 Nil '5° Nil 81 300 ■98 97 140 <)i 6 120 120 90 70 79 100 180 60 300 '85 '43 55 Nil 40 119 27 Nil 248 79 '5° 140 97 70 So Nil 49 , 20 240 8 8.5 56 87 75 45 300 400 2900 60 24 44 50 8 300 56 85 170 80 I8 5 60 96 100 10 500 138 180 32 290 2 "5 75 127 90 60 37° 400 38 3° 5° 60 Nil 35° 45 96 160 (io 172 280 '35 190 12 90 200 180 130 35° 200 500 130 140 90 150 170 '3° 200 170 35 3°





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S3. 1886. Bullcr, James, TTnnua ... Cairns, D., Wairoa Campbell, D., Drury Carer, W., Waiheke Carpenter, W., Ellerelie Chamberiin Bros., Ponui I., Auckland Clark, tT. J., Pokeno Valley Clark, iT. and Sons, Sea Grove, Mauku Clark, J. McL., Pollock Settlement Clcmow, W., Otahuhu Comrie, Helen, Pukekolin East Cornier, Joseph, Mangare Constable, E., Waiuku Cooper, Charles, Howick Cossey, F., Drury Coutts, B., Cbvcdon Cox, G., Mauku Orago, 0. J., Olahuhu Crawford, James, Mossvale, Clevedon Crawford. W. B., Mauku Crispe, H., Mauku Douglas, W., Kohekohe Dow, John, Clevedon Duder, TV. T., Clevedon Ellett, J., Mangare Elliott, C, Olevedon Embling, J., Brookby Evans, H., Awhilu Fagan, James, Maungatawhivi Fitness, C, Mrs., Razorback Filzpatrick Brothers, Papakura Flavell, W., TVaiuku Galbigher, Jamc?. Manku Garland, E. & G., Awliitu Gearon, W. 0., Patumahoo Giles, It. D., Auckland Gill, J., Pakurangvi Given, J., Pollock Settlement G-lasson, J., Lin wood, Drury Godkin, G., Drury Goodfellow, J. A., Otahulm Gordon, W. P., EversleyGrove,Papalura Grant, D., Eazovback Grant, J., Tuakau Gregory, E. W. J., Buokland Hair, L., Whitford Hale Bros., Clevedon Hale, K. W., Clevedon Hall, J., Otahuhu Hamilton, J. S., Drury Hancock, J., Iiazorback ... Harris, Alfred, Otahuhu Harris, Mnjor B., Tuakau Hattaway, li., sen., Pakuranga Havre, J. H., Leicester Farm, Epsom Heath, T., Opahclio Henriclisen, P. C, Otahuhu Henwood, J. S., Otahuhu Hill, G., Hvrnua fiirst, George, Hunua llockin, E., VVaiuku Hodgson, J., Waiheke Hosting, Caleb, Waiu'u Howard, Samuel, Mangare (Auckland) Hoye, G., Clevedon Hunter, Scott, Mercer Hunter, T., Mission Farm, Otahuhu Irwin, J., Awliitu Jenkins, Dani.-l, Putiki Kay, Waiheke Keith, J. 11., Mautu Kelly, J., Whitford Kemp, Richard, Brookby Kerr, W., Springfield, Kamarama Kew, M., Clevedon Kiely, John, llaniarama Kimpton, F., Brookby Liudsey, Wright, Bombay Lovcrocii, J. A., Howick Lushington, C. IT., Greenmount, Otalmhu , . Lycll, W. S., Drury Lynch, Mrs. A., Auckland Mackey, H., Bombay Maclean, R. ami E., Howick Macpherson, John, Drury SO 100 79 373 210 8oo 4 79 148 60 S = 85 '4 26 99 52 100 450 f.S 18 3 310 400 86 '95 63 3° 295 220 55 92 55 G 81 90 190 1 47 243 190 49 117 ifi 3 280 Nil 4' 4 44( Mil ICO' 9< 1 8. 6 5' <S< 19: 26 '75 '5 100 4 ? o 18 20 3 3 250 400 5° ,78 6.5 3° 80 12 2CO 290 6 U <3° 46 Nil 80 ICO 200 132 261 Nil 42 97 39 6 :.o iS 487 90 185 278 384 16 110 60 '5 78 30 5" 240 3i 12 '30 49 '30 38 o 75 46 '7 492 82 234 218 .84 10 '5 62 Nil 80 96 49 25S 20 Nil 60 49 Nil 43 680 '4 '53 20S 12 '3 ico 240 Nil 50 86 49 Co 8.3 Nil 34 3 (> -00 5 108 160 80 26 346 2 5 6 2

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1880. Dennin and Co., Dargaville Dodd, Samuel, Mititai Dod<ls, Joliri, Paparoa Dowaon, T. W., Kaiwaka Dreadon, G-., ten., Pencarrow, Wlmkahara ... Gallic, P., Matakohe G-oodall, J., Paparoa Griffin, G-., Maungaturoto Ghimmer Brothers, Maungaturoto Harnes, O. C, Paparoa Hames, R. and C, Paparoa Hardio, Joseph, Matakolie Harding, Maurice, Mangawharo Hempbill, James, Maungaturoto Huband, W. E., Maungaturolo Huband, William, Maungaturoto Isbisler, Joseph, Matakohe Leslie, W., Kaiwaka Littin, Alfred, Kaiwaia Martin, John, Matakohe Masefiehl, Rich., Aratapu Mason, J. B , Maungaturoto Ma53ey, John, Wairau Creek Masson, D. B., Paparoa MeCallum, S., Paparoa Metealf, J. M., Matakohe Moonej, Samiiel, Maungaturoto Morrison, Jijmes, Kaiwaka New, George, sen., Te Pahi Ovens, J. and G., Matakohe Paton, J,, Arapohu, Whakaliara Phillmore, Mrs. C. H., Matakohe Prince, S., Kaiwaka Rinioul, Andrew, Matakoho Koss, Robert, Kaiwaka Simpkin, Joseph) Mititai Skelton, &., Summer Hill, Paparoa Slater, X. W., Paparoa Smith, R., jun., Matakohe Snelling, W. H., Maungatoroto Slevvart, Angus, jun., Kaiwaka Stewart, Angus, Point Curtis Taylor, Samuel, Maungaturoto Thomson, &., Matakohe Tibbits, G-., Stickbrook, Paparoa Trounson, James, Paparoa Watson, Thomas, Tangiteroria, Tangihua Weathers, James, Kaiwaka Webb, W. G., Mititai Webster, T. W., Kaiwaka Whitehouse, E. C, Matakohe Wilson, John, Dargaville Wilson, T. W., Paparoa i8o 20 39 Nil 3° 5 7 20 '45 1 2 95 300 128 120 5° 61 196 '4 85 300 2.3' 1 IS 181 73 595 3° 2 83 2O5 I 54 Nil 56 13 100 100 40 8 54 35 53 14 '3 7° 64 3° 24 100 80 40 160 93 69 3' 28 '55 70 58 164 10 '5 '7 67 300 (>o Nil 100 61 '94 55 2 50 161 63 68 53 300 200 240 34 200 80 397 7° 280 300 39 :JOO '6o 270 33 90 10 80 87 5° 160 3° 90 io 93 11 2 50 279 MANUKAU COUNTY . (In Auckland Subdivision). Aitken, W., Karaka, Papakura Alexander, A., Clevedon Alexander, Henry, Waipipi, Waiuku Ashwin, W. C. D. Wailieke Atchison, J., Glen Glush, Clevedon A_ustin, F. G., Cranburn, Pokeno Badley, R. D., Otahuhu Bajnbridge, Jeremiah, Otahuhu Baird, S. C, Otahuliu Ballanline, W\, Brookby Ballard, George, Bucland Barriball, C. T., Waiuku Bell, George, Littlobrook, Brookby Bell, George, Papakura Bent, R., Waiuku Bischoff, C. F., Woodlands, Waiuku Bodle, G. E., Manurewa Briggs, W. J., 1'onsonby Broomfield, Mrs. E., Wliitford Brown, Henry, Papakura Brown, J. B., St. Michael's, Waiuku Bryant, J., Brookside, Otahuhu Buckland, A., Kaipara, Auckland Buckland and Shipherd, Cameron Town, Pukekohc mTfliside, J. H., Ardmore 5,812 7.499 733 21 7 'S3 '?.o 260 400 31 1 2 190 5° '5° 2S6 302 n6 44 147 26 23 150 45 29 92 227 20 450 139 187 30 10 i 46 60 221 Nil 440 ■77 220 13 •3 2980 i 35 55 3° 3305 98 157 2C0





No. of Siieep 01 8l6t May. 1885. 188G. o. of Sheep on 31st May. Martin, J., Manurewa Martin, Robert, Mercer Maskrey, W., Papatoitoi Hassey, J., jun., Mangare Matheson, j., Clevedon Matuschka, M., Otalmliu May, A., Waiuku May, J. and J., Waiuku McCaw, James, Mangare McDonald, A., Pukekohe Eaat McDonald, George, Clevedou McDonald, John, Woodlands, Wairoa McKee, Robert, llunua McLaughlin, W, Papatoitoi McLeod, Donald, Waiheke Mcyainara, J., Clevedon Mc.Naughton, J. S., Tuakau MeNiohol, A., Clevedon Merrill, Edward, Howiek Middleton, R. J., Papakura Moore C, Kazorback Muir, A.. Koliekohe, Waiuku Munro, Gt-., Clevedon Nathan and Co., Whitford Nichols, John, Papatoitoi Oliver, A., Brookby Oram, H., Clevedon Palmer, Sophia, Hunua Paul, Walter, Mangare Peiu-man, A. C, Ot.huhu Peeler, C, Otahuhu Pellow, VV,, Tualau Percy and Wills, Mangare Peters, W. E., Miranda Porter, W. F., Miranda Proude, R., Ihornville, Bombay Reed, G., Mmngatawhiri Reid, S. H., P.pikun Reid, Tliomas, Wi.iuku Rhodes, Charles, Newmarket Koberls, C, l'akuranga Roberts, E., Pokuranga Roberlp, J., Pakurangi Robertson, 1). S., Onehunga Eobinson, A., Mangare Eobinson, N., Mangare Roose, E., Pukekohe Routly, M. B., Fukekohe E utly, VV., Pukekohe Eoy, L. O., Papikura Ruth, Captain W., Waiheke (Auckland) Rutherford, J. GK, Bombay Sanford, A,, Rakino, Auckland Selby, G. H., Waiuku Sharp, W., jun., Fukekohe East Smales, Rev. G., Otahuhu Smeed, J. and VV., Tuakau Smith, G., Ascot, Mangare Smith, J. Abel, Cleved in Smith, J. T., Kazorback Smith, T. and A., Miranda Speeehlay, T., Pakuranga Stephens, V. W., Clevedon Storie, George, Maungatawhiri Sutherland, il., Clevedou Tebbutt, A., Brookby Thorn, Sidney, Hunua Thorp, W. II., Beckley, Clevedon Trace, H. M., Sunnyside, Waiheke Trail, William, Hunua Trice, W., Poplar Farm, Howiek Turner, R., Clevedon Urquhait Brothers, Drury Vining, S. and J., Miranda Wade, I. and C, Wliitford Wallace, A., Otahuhu Wallace, James, Hill-side, Papatoitoi Wallace, M., Uunua Walter, G. G., Maulu Walters, V., sen., Waiuku Ward, Isaac, Ness Valley, Clevedou Washer, C, Mangare Westney, Jabez, Cowes, Waiheke Westney, W., Mangare 83 86 10 9' 598 50 2 70 5 1 223 108 45 72 20 400 12 32 495 20 300 '9 70 60 1370 325 362 63 300 5 10 18 287 275 700 88 5° 388 70 70 14 6 52 93 6 7i 623 70 Nil 1 io Nil '93 3° 55 61 Nil 597 24 '5 395 32 300 Nil 5° 9 1156 34° 356 15° 55 70 85 Nil Nil 295 37° 8,4 20 75 60 500 65 6 '9 Nil Nil '5° 5' 59 350 50 190 222 46 76 400 9° 180 ■95 191 386 400 33° 54 87 112 296 95 Nil 760 85 190 Nil 285 39° 295 89 130 122 326 89 9 680 81 121 24 70 120 55 99 68 280 252 45 59° 46 380 904 65 64 93 Nil 170 Nil 53 196 217 49 690 60 284 726 59 80 89 39 170 JOO 5° 30 37 92 5° 40 57 106

. 01 tsneep .■31st May. 1885. 188G. W ilson, J. E., Clevedon Wilson, J. S., VVairoa Woodward, W., Otahuhu Wright, Henry, Hanua Wyllie, James, Papatoitoi Wyllic, T., Papatoitoi Yonge, F. D., Otahulm 223 756 62 383 42 250 130 25O 762 140 298 Nil 270 107 WAITEMATA COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Archibald, James, Gleneairn, Helensville ... Arkle, John, Featherwood, Upper Wain-era... Avenell, William, Devonport Bond Brothers, Devonpovt Bond, E., Wade Bcord, J. C, Kumeo Flat Brunton, R., Wade Buekland, A., Auckland Casey, M., jun., Wade Clinkard, C. II., Makarau Cook, Albert, Waiwera Collie, James, Taupa'd Crown, J. M., Dairy Flat Dawson, W., Phoenix, Kaukapakapa Dodd, J., Dairy Flat Fennell, Arthur, Wainui, Wade Fordyce, Charles, Elino, HelonBville G-eorge, T., Henderson's Mill Hall, A., Upper Waiwera Hamilton, W. Parakakau Hand, James, Helensville Etaughton, George, Waitakerei Henley, M. C, Kaukapakapa Henney, J. S., Whangaparoa Hotham, B. G., Cowea, W 7aiheke Inglis, J., Dairy Flat Jack, A., Wade Jones, Mark, Upper Waiwera Kelly, J. S., Waitakerei Kennedy, J. B , Captain, Waiheke King, Samuel, Wainui, Wade Lamont, W. Parakakau Lee, VY ., Kaukapakapa ... Lees, Thomas, Wade Lord, J., Wade Marks, II., Kaukapakapa McEwen, D. J., Helensville McFadden, H., Parakakau McKay, James, Tiritiri Island, Auckland ... McLeod, P. and I., Helensville MofFat, J., Wade Monk, R., Auckland Moyle, T., Oak Hill Farm, Wade Murray, Q-. W., liurnside, Kaukapakapa Murray, J., Haflon, Kaukapakapa Naughton, W., Kaukapakapa O'Brien, L. Putiki Bay, Waiheke O'Neill, John, Waitakerei Phillipps, John, Helensville Phillips, Mrs. M., Lucas Creek Eapson S. S., Ferndale Kaukapakapa Reed Brothers, Motutapu, Auckland Roberts, T., Henderson's Mill .^imcock, J., Helensville ... Sinclair, John, Kaukapakapa Mnclair, H., H denvale, Kaukapakapa Smyth, Hibornia, Waikomili Smyth, J., Waitakerei tevenson, W., Te Heke, Helensville Stewart, D., Helensville Stoney, W,. Wade Taylor, A. K., Mount Albert, Auckland Xhorburn, A. W., Wade Vaughan, G-., Lucas Creek Watkinson, W., Wade Wilkins, J., V\ aikoukou \\ ilson, T., Wade Wilson, W., Dairy Flat 32205 32526 20 55 5° 120 110 12 407 100 5° 27 61 5 93 182 30 13° 8o 20 2.3 98 94 '3 830 90 5° 20 66 Nil 46 •5° 24 162 70 280 95 48 400 144 70 "93 180 100 184 28 3010 10 100 72 240 95 60 400 170 60 1150 '5° "5° '45 80 2620 (>o 79 80 60 55 20 100 40 75 23 75 Nil Nil 11 3 •5 43 407 9 70 256 5° 630 250 36 40 3100 18 55 580 51 78 319 60 Nil 200 3 11 59 63 53 70 69 18 '58 40 260 Nil Nil 3'S° 32 11 68 55 70 44 40 18 45 3°3 7° '5' 46 3< 81 240 40 200 62 18 97 180 I '3.388 13.940 1 ~~*r~





No. of t 31st iliecp on May. 1885. 1880. EDEN COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Auckland Freezing Company, Auckland AuBtin, Andrew, Ellerslie Austin, Loftus, Ellerslio Badley, John, Auckland Bailey, Captain J., Penrose Barnes, R. C, Newton Barrington, E., Auckland Binsted, H. and J., Auckland Botting, E. P., Newton Briggs, J. R., Ponsonby Briggs, R. T., Parnell Buckland, John, Onehunga Carter, A. 0., Auckland Cochran, AV., jun., Ponsonby, Cochran, W., sen., Ponsonby Dickey, A. J., Onehunga Eady, W., Auckland Elam, J. E., St. John's College Fisher and Co., Auckland Gardner, William, Epsom Garratt, Robert, Oakleigh Park, Avondale ... Carrett, J. H., Eden Terrace, Auckland Glanfield, James, Onehunga Griffiths, W. C, Parnell Hall, R., One-Tree Hill, Newmarket Hallett, Edvrtird, Parnell Hawke and Lincoln, Ponsonby Hedger, 'Jhomas, Auckland Hellaby Bros., Auckland Hogg, Ernest, Auckland Hulme, Geoi'ge, Ellerslie (Auckland) Kilgour, James, Newmarket Knight, James, Ponsonby Langley, Edward, Aucklnnd Lennard, J. P., Mount Roskill Lumpkin, John, Newmarket May, Joseph, Mount Roskill, Epsom Mead, T. S., Auckland Mears, W., Epsom Meekan, Samuel, Epsom Motion, W., Western Springs, Auckland Nowcombe, R., St. John's College > .Z. Stud and Pedigree Stock Co., Tamaki and Sylvia Park, St. John's College Neilson, I)., Onehunga Parkinson and Maddams, Auckland Pasco, R. P., Western Springs, Auckland ... Pollen, Hon. D., Avondale Salmon, Robert, Auckland Skinner, Richard, Onehunga Stephens, Thomas, St. John's College Taylor, W. I., St. John's College Walker, Thos., Karangahape Road, Auckland Walters, J. R., Mount Roskill Wesleyan Inst., Three Kings, Onehunga Wickham, J. R., Avondale, Auckland Williamson, Hon. J., Pah Farm, Onehunga Wood, Arthur, Auckland Wood, Ebenezer, Newton Wood, Knoch, Mount Albert, Auckland Woodward, Mark, Mount Albert Wright, F. W., Dr., Cowes, Waiheke 250 25 5 66 2OO s 27 27 2.5 38 2 5 2 'S 35 8 15 47 7° 94 12 380 12 5 29 56. 29 300 iS 60 Nil Nil Nil 20 300 Nil 21 23 19 3° 10 12 28 Nil 4 Nil Nil 125 •33 400 22 "9 Nil 373 Nil 20 Nil 35° Nil 40 12 29 '5 3° 25 3 40 32 11 13 13 24 20 69 Nil 8 39 34 66 385 Nil 5 '3 288 36 2 ■9 1300 Nil7' 4 277 Nil Nil 5 1700 33 6 3° 18 15 20 21 201 Nil 24 45 11 7° 82 46 23 75 Nil THAMES COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alley, H., Hikutaia, Thames Bagnall Bros., Turua, Thames Bennett, James, Tapu Chatton, S , Netherton Croucher, Charles, Tararu Deeble, William, Tapu Earl, William, Orongo, Thames Ehrenfried, L., Puriri Elliot, John, Puriri Hawkes, R. M., Tapu Jacobs, H. M., Hastings, Tapu Marshall, James, Thames Mitchell, T., Tararu Newby, J. D., Mrs., Tapu 5388 4.7'° 218 35 171 560 493 33 25 183 164 8 15.8 5° 193 5 34 60 472 720 920 4' 4' 354 161 9

No. of Fhecp on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Smith, W. II., Grahamstown Steedman, J. B., Tararu Taylor, W. A., Tararu Tizard, E. F., Kopu, Thames Townsend, John, Thames Walters, E., Kirikiri Wright, R. A., Paeroa 46 140 130 4 190 142 192 100 60 20 20 97 COROMANDEL COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Blechjnden, John (Estate of), Thames Hobepa Mataitana, Mania, Ooromandel Horsburgh & Wilkie, Mercury Island, Auckd. Jeffcoat, E., Cabbage Bay Lynch, J., Coromindel Meredith, J. L., Coromandel Euffin, R., Patapata, Coromandel Surflin, E. J., Waimate Island, Coromandel Thorly, W., Beeson's Us., Coromandel Uncles, John, Coromandel 2,286 5.3*3 174 '35 55C 200 250 57° 5° 223 54 43 100 300 '75 140 300 OHINEMURI COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Corbetfc, E. M., Waitekauri Earl, John, Owharoa Franklin, 0., Owharoa, Kennedy, John, Paeroa Quinlivan, E., Owharoa Thorp, A. J,, Paeroa Wick, H. 0., Paeroa 1,299 1,965 236 28 130 24 100 60 34 500 149 i33 100 560 100 1,190 997 WAIEATO COUNTY (In Waikalo Subdivison). Alexander, W., Harlaw, Hamilton Arnold, J., Cambridge Auckland Agricultural Co., Cambridge Bngj, George, Cambridge Bamgh, J. J , Wartle Farm, Kirikiroa Batkin, John, Tamahero Booth and Roberts, Cambridge BucUfind, J. S., Cambridge Chitty, Walter, Kirikiriroa Clark, G. E., Cambridge Coates, I., Hamilton Cochrane, Joseph, Riverside, Hamilton Coop, Walter, Hamilton Cudworth, C. W., Pukekura Daly, E. D. H., Woodside, Hautapu Davis, Thomas, Mercer Diprose, T. N., Tauwliare Dodd, T. E., Tauwliare Dougherty, N. J., Green Hill, Cambridge ... Douglas, W. M., Cambridge Duncan, John, Meremere, Mercer Ellis, John, Rangiriri Ewen, L. B., Tamahere Findlay, W., Miranda Findley, R. Gr., Miranda Forrest, J., Cambridge Grillett, Henry, Cambridge Graham, S. S., Tamahere Gregory, M. W., Mercer Greenwood, D., Hautapu Hill, G.,jun., Huntly Hill, John, Burnside, Cambridgs Hinton, Clias, Hamilton Hooton, W. & Co., Rangiriri Jefferis, John, Rangiriri Johns, E., Treehill, Ngiruawahia Kenny, John, Kirikiroa • Lovell, W. II. M., Taupiri Maclean and Lowe, Taupiri Main, A., Hautapu Martyn, J., jun., Pencarrow, Tamahere Mclnnes, George, Miranda McPherson, J., Kirikiriroa Morgan, T. Hautapu '9 33° 17,8or 160 101 6 55° "5 180 27 160 4 100 655 120 124 H 286 17,848 ■65 100 Nil 48 Nil 20 294 180 12 18 52 Nil' 4 72 21 200 336 60 149 3' 87 142 260 no 25 160 17 82 Nil 80 92 »4 76 Nil 61 Nil 40 100 139 398 4 230 480 Nil 35° 38i 400 85 150 20 52 269 700 20 112 42





No. of S! 31st ] 1885. Sheep on May. 18S6. I I Morgan, W. B., Hautapu Niccolls, W. O. S., Taipouri Island, Huntly Norris, G. T., Hautapu Patpn, Bros., Hautapu Pearson, A. W., Golborue, Haulapu Pickering, M. II., Fernando, Hautapu Primrose, J., Kirikiriroa Ralph, R. R., Huntly Raynes, J, Tamabere Rumney, N., Taupiri Runoiman, James, Kirikiriroa Runciman, John,Broad Meadows, Camb, Seddon, S. 1\, Kirikiriroa Sciby, W., the Poplars, Cambridgo Sol wood, G. J., Churchill Sorby, >\'m., Te Awamutu Suitor, A. B., Eureka, Hamilton Taylor, William, Taupiri Taylor, J., Cambridge Teas, Samuel, Kirikiriroa Thomas, P. G., Kirikiriroa Twining, F, N., Alangalawhiri Vincent, Charles, Mercer Waikato Land Association, Taupiri Watt, G-., Cambridge Webster, H B., Hamilton Wheeler Brothers, Tamahere White, T. 41., Ferndale, Taupiri Wood, Browne, Woodlands, Hamilton Nil i 20 6 20 , 354 676 I 300 190 81 58 84 !5° 1,840 294 220 180 210 55 297 760 35 190 61 99 85 260 Nil 244 240 280 1,085 500 16 60 101 79 63? 64 12 97 150 4,337 20 102 22 100 6,221 12 135 7f> 30 44 4 208 RAGLAN COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Barker, William, Harapipi Billington, K., Kaglan Bregmen, J., Tc Mata Brooks, John, Churchill Burgess, J. G., Raglan Calder, Alexander, Whntawhata Cogswell, W. P., Lady Down, Waitotuna ... Dickey, E. W., Whatawhata Duncan, William, Aolea Fortune, John, Harapipi Gibb, A. and It., Churchill Gibbison, W., Okete Q-ilmour, C, Okete Gibnour and Sons, Raglan Ha ris, L. B., iiuntly Harsant, K., Harapipi Hodgson, I , Harapipi Jack eon, James, Taupiri James, W. II., To Rori Jerome, Alfred, Raglan Jordan, William, Harapipi Kesoel, A., Okete Martin, J. NgaruawaMa McDonald, J. K., Okote McGuirk, James, Harapipi McKinnon Brothers, Rangiriri Mitchell, Thomas, Raglan Moon, J., Waitetuna Murray, Thomas, Mercer Noble, Robert, Whatawhata Rathborne, R., Ngaruawahia Ko lo, David, Harapipi Sherret, A. S. Harapipi Stewart, Robert, Taupiri Studholme and Co., To Akau, Raglan button, 0., Crockham, Waitetuna Swann, Ann, Aotea Thomson, W., Ruapuke Farm, Aotea Underwood, R. B., Tuakau Wallis, W. II., Okete Ward, W., The Kauri Farm, Okelo Wilson, Thomas, Okete Wright, 0., Okete Zolfel, Henry, Harapipi 3S,7°9 3L333 ! 68 32 I 794 ! 66 ! 17 70 9 j 330 I 136 23 95 284 Nil 98 I 9 74 i ■65 j8o 73 68 60 220 3 2 ! 26 I 170 "3 Nil 23 4' 100 168 60 45 20 161 190 •3 20 97 '93 14 69 Nil 190 70 487 98 310 226 Nil >3 2 190 73 45° 111 39° 227 20 197 86 • 95 66 1 3>° 120 3° 229 100 38 138 76 81 90 Nil 7° 4,604 12 101 66 76 80 2 5 5° WAIPA COUN'TY (In Waikato Subdivieiou). Alderaon, William, Ohaupo 5,472 60 [ 70

No. of Sheep on Slat May. 1835. j 1886. Atkinson, J., Springbank, Hamilton Blaokett, T. C, Tuhikaramea ljockctt, I)., Paikuhu, Te Awanrutu Bond, W., Te Awarantu Bosanko, John, To Awamutu Bosanko, Richard, To Awamutu Burke, Richard, Ngaroto Bycroft, u. and Co., Ngaruawahia Caley Brothers, Mona Hill, Pukerimu Carter, Richard, Tuhikaramea Cockerline, K., Kihikihi Corboy, P., Whatawhata Corboy, Mrs. Mary, Kihikihl Corrigan, Mrs. Hannah, Ohaupo Cowley, Thomas, Oliaupo Cunningham, J., Te Awamutu Dawson, A., Oliote, Whatawhata Day, Cornelius, Whatawhata De Quineey, P. F., Hamilton Dillioar, Richard, Hamilton Drabble, Robert, Tuhikaramea Ellis Brothers, KihHihi Farrell, James, Kihikihi Fisher, John, Pukerimu Fleming, S., Ohaupo Foster, F. R., Te Awamutu Fry, J., Ngaroto Gane, J., Ohaupo Germanu, F. C, Paterangi Gifiord, J. G., Te Awamutu Goodfellow, II. and J , To Awamutu Good fellow, T., Alexandra Grice, W., and Co., Roto-o-Rangi, Cambridge Grierson, J. 0., Alexandra G-ubbins, E. H., Innisfallen, Ohaupo Hall, Robert, Alexandra Itawke, Gc. P., Ngarolo Henderson, A., Kihikihi Henderson, J., Kihikihi ilibbs, C, Hamilton Hudron, R. T., Alexandra Hughes, T. H, Olinupo Hunt, T., Te Awamutu Flunler, W., Ohaupo ITutchinson, J., Orakau, Kihikihi Iwersen, Peter, Whatawhata Jolly, Thomas, Hamilton Jones, Edward, Alexandra Jones, Wallace, Te A.wa!iiutu Karl Brother?, Ohaupo Karl, Vincent, Ohaupo Kay, Roger, Te Awamutu (Panmure) ICeighly, H. E., Te Awamutu Krlppner, M., Te Roro Kusabs, H., Ohaupo Lake, E., Fernside Farm, Ohaupo Lamb, J. A., Ngaruawahia Livingstone, W. W., Tuhikaramea Long, II., Te Awamutu Mandeno, J. II., Te Awamutu McDonald, T., Ngaruawahia McKnight, S., Hamilton McLaren, Duncan, Ohaupo MoMieken, J. G., Tuhikaramea McMicken, J. and T., Tuhikaramea McNicol, A. and J., Lochiel, Ohaupo Monericff, Henry, Kihikihi Peacock, J. F. B., Hamilton Potts, J. T., Ngaroto Powell, W. W., Ngaruawahia Qualtrough, T., Hamilton Ramsay, Hugh, Te Awamutu Ramsay, J., To Awamutu Keid, W., Tuhikaramea Reynolds, R., Cambridge Robinson, Edwin, Paterangi Rogers, It., Hamilton Ryburn, James, Ohaupo Salmon, II. M., Hamilton Scott, A. J., Paterangi Scott, J. H., Paterangi Shepherd, E. C, Whatawhata Smith, Alfred, Alexandra Storey, C. J., Woodstock, Te Awamutu ' ... 6.3 6o 1$ 24 4-4° 276 18 20 100 160 l! 5 16 26 60 100 15 129 2L 184 9' 59 27 199 M7° 808 1,676 108 I 290 96 48 30 Nil 3°4 246 28 53 40 95 Nil 180 220 3° Nil 18 Nil 98 Nil 225 60 Nil 42 20 Nil Nil Nil 28 Nil 17 Nil Nil 21 42 Nil ?-5 Nil 1,248 930 1,230 140 5° 60 12 H 242 72 10 45° 27 3° Nil 395 I 34 170 f>S 5° 5'° 66 j 11 j 45° 200 ■58 Nil 8 5'6 7» : 86 1 425 I 20 ; 96 i 86 100 49 '5° 6 106 11 2 600 I 6 405 86 85 Nil 35 177 89 5° 44 80 Nil !I5 95 425 35 311 25 81 5 70 25 120 I 68 485 49 43 164 17 8 124 170 Nil 98 260 Nil 54 128 29 Nil 200 200 17 S61 200 Nil 90 560





2—H. 15.

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. WHAKATANE COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Addis, Thomas", Opotiki Appleton, J., Opotiki Armstrong, J. H., Opotiki Backhouse, James*, Opotiki Behanovitch, M., Opotiki Black, W., Opotiki Brown, C, Whangap&vaoa, Opotiki Buckworth, B. E., Whakatane Burnett, A. and A., Opotiki Butler, William, Opotiki Clark, Tliomas, Opotiki Dawson, T., Stirling, Opotiki Eivers, E. J., Whakatane Glyn, J. II., Opotiki Gordon, J., Thornton, Opotiki Gordon, S. C, Opotiki Goulstone Brothers, Glendovver, Waiotahi ... Hakiaha, Whakatane Heketora Hikairo, Whakatane Hiri Kanawa, Wliakatane Hiri Weteri, Te Teko Hogg, II. R., Opotiki Hono Matenga, Te Teko Hood, J., Opotiki Law, William, Opotiki Maihi, Waikawa, Opotiki Matutaera, Te Teko Maunsell, Rev. George, Opotiki Maxwell, F., Junction, Opotiki McGarvey, W., Te Teko McGinley, James, Opotiki Meihana Koata, Whakatane Menehira, Whakatane Murray and Gow, Carmyllie, Opotiki Natalia, Ruatoki, Whakatane Paku Erucra, Om'aramutu, Opotiki Paora Kingi te Puata, Whakatane Pene liana, Te Telio Pile, T. II., Opotiki Pilling, O. E., Whakatane Reid, Dr. Alexander, Opotiki Rogers, C. B., Opotiki Ross, E. O., Opotiki Savage, James, Opotiki Seccoinbe, Thomas, Orete, Opotiki Sitnpkins, G., Whakatane Stafford, C. S., Opourao, VVhakatime Swindley, P., Whakalane Taimona, Te Teko Tauhaura Wiapa, Whakatane Te Rangitukehu, Te Teko Te Rivviru, Whakatane ,. Thompson, James, Opotik Toma, Whakatane Troutbeek, II., Te Teko (Napier) Waata, Whakatane, Walker, Isaac, Roth well, Opotiki Wepiha, Whakatane Wilkin, Robert, Whakatane I I Nil 162 60 42 500 940 700 99 180 236 300 424 393 856 ■32 700 77° 700 1162 40 61 108 100 170 122 Nil 130 190 12 Nil 55° 850 850 245 188 240 280 395 758 1100 75 360 100 100 170 700 888 800 1107 60 Nil 200 131 139 300 140 100 100 960 Nil 870 100 250 190 100 4f'S 3900 5°4 148 95 140 '7 Nil 230 Nil Nil 423 Nil 800 200 2iz Nil Nil 4000 130 200 4298 4500 100 98 Nil 200 200 2580 98 305 100 3050 100 867 400 60 1050 Nil 24,184 40 28,022 TAU1UNGA COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision.) Akuhata Tupaea, Tauranga Brown, J., Welcome Bay, Tauranga Burclieli and McOlure, Katikati Crapp, A. A., Tauranga Crump, P. C, Tauranga Darley, J. D., Tauranga Douglas, G. A., Matiti Island, Tauranga Duthie, D. W., Tauranga Galbraith, R. S., Springdale, Te Puke Gregory, Thomne, Water£ori ... Harvey, W., Oliinemutu Harvey and Kirk, Prirnrc; 1 t.Tauranga llori Ngatai, Tauranga Hunter, George, Aongatete Killen, John, Glenville, ICatikati Lee, Brothers, Te Puke Mansel, Miss, Yatton, Tauranga 4400 43 375 70 99 230 500 182 192 4300 Nil 13 3 5 1508 '5° Nil 380 30 60 '45 600 80 28 240 3° 128 67 480 18 34 1100

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. | 1886. Sturges, "VV. N., Ohuipo Taylor, VV., Green Hill, Te Avramutu Te Munu, Wairaka, Kihikihi Pole, J. L., Kihikihi Tucker, W., Cambridge Puniey, Michael, Ngaroto Vickers, C. B., Tuhikaramea Vinson, Thomas, Hamilton Walker, E. 33., Moana, Cambridge Way, Or., The Narrows, Tamahere Weatherill, T. W., Te Awamutu Westney, S. N., Puniu Farm, Te Awamutu... White, A., Te Awamutu Whitfield, John, Whatawliata Williamson, Jaines, Ohaupo 228 800 96 1050 '16 116 3° 2985 97 182 176 70 90 975 Nil 8oo Nil 97 10 114 Nil 2081 '9 80 170 5 2 Nil 1894 15,946 PIAKO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Allen, W. S., Annandale, Piako Browning, E. W., Avoca, Hamilton Brunskill, W. S., Cambridge Burnett Brothers, Horrinsville Campbell Brothers, Waihou Cox, E. Y., Shafteabury Ellis, G. C, Oakhurst, Cambridge Firth, J. C, Iijatamata GHassford, H. G., Richmond Downs, Morriusvillo 3-ould, Charles, Morrinsville Errant, G. L., Waitoa, Waihou 3ray, E. H., Morrinsville 3-ubbina, A. W., Morrinsville tlanmer, E. W., Manawaru, Te Aroha Horrell, J., Morrinsville Hume and Morrin, Paparumu, Okoroire Hunt, J., Morrinaville Hunt, N. J., Gorton, Cambridge Jenkins, Thomas, Morrinsville Maclean, Every, Cranstoun, Cambridge McGlashan, J., Wbangaitu, Morrinsville ,., McNicol, >Tohn, Waitoa, Morrinsville Moon, William, Waitoa, Waihou Morrin and Sludholme, Morrinsville Murray, B. D. and 0. N., Otterburn, Waihou Murray, W. A.., Annandale, Piako New Zealand Stud and Pedigree Stock Company, Cransloun, Cambridge New Zealand Thames Valley Land Company (Limited), Lichfield Parr, Keuben, Waihou Pat on Brothers, Tauwhare Ring, W. C, Cambridge Rockliff, E., Morrinsville Rowe, J. H., Morrinsviile ■eddon, S., Orongomairoa, Waihou 3mith, J. B., Waihou Strange, F., Waihou Walker, G., juu., Matamata Wood, John, Te Aroha ! 20,122 200 205 3'5 221 8584 75° 254 200 60 55° 5>° 12 594 1336 300 5" j8o 93 628 700 8 9149 '5'4 600 2037 220 200 3° 600 586 3° 245 1492 1185 170 Nil Nil 8.331 20 Nil Nil i 20 2184 429 S3°3 9 2420 1082 11 235 Nil 186 '77 Nil 100 Nil 449 1222 200 300 8 if .-,? 294 2000 185 44° 24 27,852 31.790 WEST TAUPO COUNTY AND KAWHIA (In Taupo Subdivision). Grrace, L. M., Okahukura ECaukiutu, Kihikihi Langley Brothers, If awhia Munu Huiraina, Wairaka, Kibikihi Paratene Kepa, Pitoritori, Alexandra I'arahuia, Kopua, Alexandra i'e Puke Huirama, Kihikihi 25 2S 180 1405 95 166 96 170 204 Nil 99 EAST TAUPO COUNTY. Grace, J. E., Taharua, Taupo Pauriui Whio, Toliano, Taupo Ie Hau Paiinarire, Moawhauga 2804 2136 494 1000 1000 494






RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1880. llunro, C, Oropi, Tauranga 3inker, A., Maketu Pratt, C. A., SpringGeld, Tauranga Stewart, G. V., Waterford, Stewart, Hugh, Capt., Katikati Stewart, M., Katikati Surtees, K. V., Waterford 42 4 60 Nil 11 294 200 142 9S '58 '74 103 Nil

No. of Sheep on 31st May. I 1SS5. 1886. Tanner, Thomas, Tauranga Tulhill, William, Stanford, Katikati Vercoe, II. W., Te Puke Wi Parera, Tauranga 200 8 3ao 100 30 '5' 8465 9' 74

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Karepa Ruatapu, Oweta, Gisborne Kemplhorne, A., Westmere, Ormond Kenway Bros., Te 1'ahi, Gisborne King, W., Gisborne Kinross and Co., Tangihnnga, Ormond Kinross and Co., Tologa Bay Knight, B. E., Ormond Lambert, C. C, Rye Green, Ormond Lardelli, V. S., Kowai Flat, Ormond Locke, S., Makauri, Gisborne j Macfarlane, D. D., Broadlanda, TolagoBay... Matenga Taihuka, \\ aerangabika McDonald and Wyllie, Puatae, Gisborne McDonald, A., Tuvehau, Gisborne Mclntosh, L., Aroliar, Ormond MuKcnzie, A., Seaforth, Gisborne McKenzie, J., Patutahi McLean, A., Te Rahau, Te Aral Bridge McLean, A., Waikohu, Puhatikotiko McLennan, Simon, Waipaoa, Wbatatutu ... McNair, D., Waimata, Waerangahika McPhail, Archibald, Bushmere, Gisborne ... Mills, E. W., Gisborne Morice, VV., Matawhero, Gisborne Morice, W., To Aroha, Gisborne Morris, Catherine, JVIangaoae, Ormond Morris, J., Oi'mond Morris, J., Wailiorn, Ormond Morris, Maria, Ruangarehu, Ormond Morris, Wru., Mangaoae, Ormond .Vossman, W. J., Gisborne Mullooly, M., Tuawhatu, Tologa Bay Murphy, Edward, Kaiariki, Gisborne Netana Puba, Tabamiti, VVhatatutu Newman, A. 13., Ngakaroa, Ormoiid Newman, A. M., Ormond Norris, G. II., Onr.ond N.Z.N.L.S. Co., Wainui and Kaiti, Gisborne Ormond, J. D., Poremata, Napier Ormond, J. D., Anaura, Napier Orr, J., Kangatira, Puhatikotiko Otene Pitau, Te Kowbai, Te Arai Bridge ... Partridge, J. T., Gis'ome Patorotnu Ngarangi, Te Arai Bridge Fatoromu Xawhaitari, Waerangahika Peaoli, Dixon, Topuri, Patutahi Peddle and Hyland, VVaerangahika Peka Kerekere & Wi Pere, Gisborne Price, Josopli, Patutahi Eaihania te Aopapa, Murewai, Gisborne Beeves, A., Tologa Bay Keid, David, Toroa, Waerangahika Reynolds, R. J., Mangaheia, Gisborno Itorongotipare Tawhiao and lletariki Ta- ! ' whiao, Ormond Rutene Ahuroa, Gisborne Rutu, Rakaiketeroa, Gisborne Rymer, George, Patutahi ... I Scolt, Or., Willows, Ormond Seymour, Charles, W hangars, Gisborne Smith Brothers, Ponparae, Gisborne Smith, G. A., Tarnberry, Ormond Smith, William, Waitana, Gisborne ... i Somerville, A. P. & W. F., Taoroa.Waipiro Bayj Somerville, W. F., Tologa Bay ... | Stewart, S. R., Delta, Tologa Bay ... 500 1800 400 75 3072 1400 2100 Nil 8326 45° 7000 8 5 o ] Coo 400 2051 7'5° 656 700 1848 560 1610 42(10 170 140 220 90 200 500 9.4 690 2300 710 267 3458 3557 1200 2100 787 3600 8234 400 10500 445° 8.S 1605 500 3077 7774 4360 i°75 2000 700 1320 4300 120 Nil 300 Nil 124 200 Nil 737 360 6000 800 6000 700 2500 IOI 1O 7280 4100 12300 362 200 3000 11500 7800 555° 16194 200 690 34i 700 400 3°4 12000 42 Nil 400 400 11167 Nil J70 3200 1000 3300 1000 12 go 385 34° 300 2.6 290 500 3'° 3'47 9000 3200 650 '398 S'35 2100 2200 2400 9000 355° 500 1500 4028 1829 1700

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. COOK COUNTY (In Poverty Bay Subdivision.) Allen, J., Gisborne Angus & Stamers, Patutahi Arthur, A. C, Tokoinaru, Te Mawhai Arthur, A. C, Whatatutu, Onnond Arthur, A. C, Willows, Gisborne Atkins, Kobert, Patulalii Bank of N. Z., Okahuatiu Gisborne Barker, P., Whataupoko, Q-isborno Barker, P., Poututu, Gisborne Bee, Francis, Patutahi Billiam, T. W., Gisborno Black, Waller, Gisborne Bond, P., Gisborne Brown, C. A., Whakawhitira, Gisborne Boland, Michael, Waerangahika Bruce, G , Ormond Burnett, G-. G,, Tangihnnga, Ormond Burgess, John, Bush Farm, Patulalii Calcott, Agnes, Quarry Farm, Patulalii Cameron, IS., Gisborne Campbell, II., Mangataikapua, Whatalulu ... Carroll, J., Matokiloki, Gisborne Caul tan, S. C, Combermere, Ormond Chambers, W. K., Waerangahika Clark, John, Opou, Gisborne Coleman & Clark (Read's Trust), Oil Springs, Gisborne Cooper, William, Waerangahika Craill, Robert, Patutahi Dewing, A., Taureka, Ormond Dixon, jas., Mangakouku, Gisborno Esrjie, J. E., Newstead, Gifeborne Ferguson, J., jnn., Gisborne Gilmnn Brothers, Wharewai, Tologa Bay ... (3-oldsmith, T., Gisborne Gray, C, Waiohika, Gisborne Hair, Stephen, Gisborne Hare Rawenga, Papatu, Te Arai Hale, W. F., Mangarara, Gisborne Hami Paehia and Te Teira Teikilai, Kawahawa Hamon, J., Waerangahika Hamon, W. J., Eiyerside, Ormond Harris, T. J., Avondale, Patutahi Hatton and Score, Patutahi Hemi Hone, liunohinctu, To Arai Bridge ... Hemi Mahuki, Gisborne Henare Potae, llarahea, Gisborne Henderson, K. H., Awanui, Gisborne Herbert, John, Gisborne Hori Puru, Gisborne Hirini Haereone, Hakanui, Gisborne Hohepa Waikore, Te Waitutu, Waerangahika Hutchineon Bi-os., Waihuka, Ormond Ihiiia Patutahi, Waerangahika Jobson & Sisterson, Eeay Stn., Te Arai Bridge Johnson, G. K., Te Arai Bridge Johnson, J. W., Maraefaha, Gisborne Jones, Daniel, Ormond 650 185 5436 2380 5 l0° 54 12460 7°73 122 81 250 35'4 2600 3100 3000 230 2450 6950 487 '3'4 9462 9000 9249 400 400 6oo 2 7 8 5226 1 500 5100 2.i IJ9I8 10100 IOOO Nil Nil 5200 2130 4f>5 39°° Nil 400 255 2200 7500 95° 1200 10 200 8800 11600 .3°° 600 870 19 59° 397 850 ■2S 3>4 '5° 4030 700 182 110 3109 700 202 57' 800 800 900 1100 260 700 1108 O20 !95° 1150 1500 >5° 830 153° 800 2000 190 307 300 300 11093 '5° 40 13080 200 3O16 21981 l602O Nil I9'S4 14310 3°3





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Stubbs, Mrs., Isabella, Gisborne Sunderland, G-. L., Lavenham, Gisborne Sunderland, J. W., Gisborne Tiffen, F. J Puhatikotiko, Gisborne Tiopira Korehe, Waerangahika Tipene Tutaki, Waituke, Waevangahika Tucker, W. H., Captain, Matoki, Gisborne ... Walker, II. J., Makumi, Gisborne Wall, H. H., Gisborne Walsh, Win. C, Makaraka Weir, John, Gisbome Wells, E. W., Blackwood, Putulahi Werenetene Poneke, Wlmtatutu Western, Alfred, Gisborne Wetheretl, Waller, Lome, Puhatikotiko White, J., Combermere, Ormond Whilmore, and Co., Tuparoa Wi Mahuika, Waituhi, Waerangahika Williams, Henry, Tologa Bay Williams, J. N., Waipiro, Hastings Williams, J. N., Matahuia, Hastings Williams, Eobert, Te Apua, Waerangahika... Wi. Paraone, Tahoka, Gisborne 3900 8io 4500 35° 100 1300 3000 700 81 596 547 8 4100 5'° 9000 180 650 10500 3406 94 3800 2000 6000 400 93 1 300 Nil 1400 f'7 75° 580 360 Nil 4300 800 11000 240 1000 8956 6067 604 2080 400 2000 WAIROA COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). Apirana Kaimoana, Wairoa Areta-a-Patu, Waibirere, W Tairoa Asliwin, M. R., Opoiti, Wairoa Balfour, William, l 5akihikura, Mohaka Bank of N.Z., Awa Mate, Wairoa Bee, G-., Mohaka Brathwaite, J. B., Mohaka Brown, J. H., Whalaki, Wairoa Carroll, Thomas, ITurumua, Wairoa Clunie, Thomas, Wairoa Couper, J., Fra'ertown Couper, R. J., Mangapoike, Frasertown Dalgety, F., Ruakituri, Wairoa Dooney, Patrick, Mohaka Duff Brothers, Wairoa Eden, T., Marumaru, Te Kapu Elliott, William, Frasertown Elwin, W. J., Turiroa Fisher & Ledward, InvcrleiUi, Frasertown ... Fletcher, J. A., Marumaru, Wairoa Gamble, IX, Ohuia, Wairoa Gilmour, William, Waikave, Mohaka Glendining, J., Waihua, Napier Glenny, William, Mahia Goldstone, W., Rirerslea, Wairoa Goullet, Felix, Te Kapu Giiffin, W. E , Liston, Frasertown Hami te Rarere, Mahia Hamlin, J. P., Ohuia, Wairoa Hamshar, J., Waihua, Mohaka Hemi Waerea., Tahaenui, W Tairoa Heria Kopu, Wairoa Hird, J., Wairoa Hirini Kercru, Mahia Hoani Ngavara, Opoho, Wniroa Horomonataruna, Opoho, Wairoa Ihaka Kemara, Mahia Ihaka Paeowe, Mahia Ihaka Whnanga, Nuhaka, Wairoa Ingram, II. 8., Mangaaruhe, Frasertown Karena Eawhi, Clyde, Wairoa Kataraina Kopu, Waihirere, Wairoa Kent, Isaac, Wairoa Kingi Korouria, Opoho, Wairoa Kinross, J. G., Burnside, Te Kupu Komene te Ilo, Portland Island, Mahia Lambert Brothers, Parkliurst, Te Kapu Macandrew, J. F., Awa-o-Totara, Mohaka ... Makoare Hirini Mam and Watene Paioncone, Mahia Matene Huka, Nuhaka, Wairoa Matene Tolia Kingi, Pilot Station, Wairoa ... Matene Ruawai, Tukurangi, Frasertown Mayo, George, Wairoa Meretana Karena, Waipopo, Mohaka McCulloch, W., Mangaaruhe, Te Kapu 324399 386387 20 '5° 2200 60 7° Nil 2500 4000 8000 8308 12400 3601 5°° 3600 1100 1698 37 J900 500 2200 247 1607 i 195 73° 3800 6910 1 300 670 35 2500 4600 9000 9622 13300 4300 600 5000 1409 3183 72 95°° 500 2700 «5 175° 200 Nil 4000 8000 1 ;oo 936 236 4'3 2 460 4660 Nil 401 s 191 400 57 194 S °o Nil 300 296 1.67 130 92 '25 100 4600 62 4600 764 soo 891 600 125 40 600 6co Nil 600 1800 159° JOOOO I 1OCO 800 '80 216 1000 300 '70 600 69 395 745

No. of Bheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Mclvor, Murdoch, Waikari, Napier McKinnon, John, Arapawanui, Petane Mein Brothers, Turiroa, Wairoa Meyrick, A. G., Lavindale, Moliaka Miller, M. R., Webbston, Napier Miller, M. R-, Waireka, Napier Murray, Roberts, and Co., Putere, Mohaka... Niwha Kiriti, Clyde, Wairoa Ormond, G. C., Mahia Otene Toatoa, Whakaki, Hastings Palmer, Thomas, Te Kapu Paora Onekawa, Wairoa Peakman, W. IT., Wairoa Pirika Toatoa, Hastings Powdrell, Joseph, Turiroa, Wairoa Poyzer, A., Clyde, Wairoa I'yke, Charles, Wailii, To Kapu Ranapa, Mohaka Riwhaia to Kauru and Taituharu, Mahia... Shrimpton, W., Tongoio, Napier Smyth, J. II., Clyde, Wairoa Stacey, S. G., Erasertown Stark, James, Mohaka Steele and Kinross, Cricklewood Stevens, George, Wairoa Stevens, R. E., Broadlands, Wairoa Stevens and Gorton, Waiau, Te Kapu Taylor, John, Moeangiangi, Petane Taylor, J. E., Burnside, Erasertown Teira Toheriri, Kopuawhara Mahia Te Puiti Kotuhi, Waihirere, Wairoa Te Una Hemi, Clyde, Wairoa Thorpe, Stephen, Turiroa Tiopira Tapahi, Te Eato, Wairoa Tiopira Tapahi. Te Ruataniwha, Wairoa Torr, T. & W. II., Turiroa Tully, David, Wairoa Tunks and Worthinglon, Te Kapu Twigg, H. J., Ridgemount, Petane Twist, T. K., Riversglen, Mohaka Walker, George, W Taikokopu, Mahia Walker, Neil, Wairoa Warnes and Sirn, Moutawa, Mohaika Warnes and Sim, Maungaharuru, Mohaka ... Watene Huka, Nuhaka, Wairoa Wiremu Tamiti, Wairoa 7°75 7500 20000 650 1600 4700 5000 14100 290 44 400 500 1996 42 7200 8500 2I00O 700 1500 54°° 553' 7° 17140 500 170 54 400 600 2389 9 4060 70 115 IS448 5° 170 460 8oco 5° 15666 11 220 6000 223 2500 4°5° 8.354 39' 4300 Nil 1500 230 100 79.34 '45° 400 158 Nil 294 290 47 800 400 2000 7000 2400 7502 8121 4100 9300 475 100 970 400 2500 8500 2100 7867 8458 > moo 245161 300 3' 272801 HAWKE'S BAY COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). Airini Donnelly, Otupai, Napier Airini Tonore and others, Taradale Anaru le Wanikau, Kaingaroa, HastingB Anderson, J., sen., Moteo, Puketapu Anderson and Co., Te Purotu, Napier Ani Manabi, Waipatu, Hastings Ani Kingi, Wainui Run, Moawhanga ... Batley and Paerau, Moawhanga Baldwin and Melvor, Hastings Beamish, N. E., Whana, Puketapu Beatson', John, Wbareomaranui, Meanee Bennett, J., Newstead, Puketapu Bickni'll J. and T., Puketapu Birch Bros., Oruamatua, Napier Birch, W. J., Stoneycroft, Hastings Bishop, T., Hastings Bolton, S., Mangatutu, Pukelapu Bolton, S., Hawkeatone, Puketapu Boyle, James, Havelock Bryfon and Robertson, Puningi, Clive Campbell, Hugh, Poukawa, Te Aute Cannon, William, Clive Carr and Ellison, Herepoho, Petane Carswell, John, Petane Chambers, J. B., Te Mata, Haveloek Chambers, T. M., Tauroa, Havelock Chambers, John, jun., Mokapeka, Havelock Clark, G. M. and H. S., Wairoaiti, Petane ... Clarke, Thomas, Havelock Collifon, E. D., Pakipaki, Hastings Collison, E.D. Smithfield, Rissington Cooper, James, Mount Erin, Havelock Couper, D. M., Petane 21000 4'75 600 2110 12778 254 6000 50 14512 20 8000 1500 44200 110 22700 3000 500 1831 20192 100 6000 4220 Nil 15000 50 8000 1500 50140 Nil 900 447° 753° 594 1100 22325 98 8833 45 349°3 [ 12000 681 1200 20350 '25 8700 Nil 104 10 10532 12910 2400 757 2400 53° 6477 7268 > 12000 55° 12 so Nil 1100





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I860. Douper, W. A., Ilavelock Brighton and Lubbook, Mangaone, Rissington Ounningham & Smith, TutivaL., Napier ... Davis, E , Spring Vale, Puketapu Dolbel, P. and R., Napier Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge, Napier Donnelly, II. L., the Willows, Taradale Donnelly, G. P., Owhirikura, Napier Donnelly, G. P., JTgatarawa, Napier Douglas, W\, To Mahanga, Napier Duff and Mackie, Whakarara, Keruru " ... Evans, F. J., Hengaston, Havelock Forde, Frank, Pakaututu, Puketapu Foreman, T., Hastings France and Miller, Eskdale, Petane Fulton,F. CWhakamarumaru, Maraekakaho Sordon, Captain, Clifton, Hastings Graham, S. C, Roseinount, Puketapu Graham, S. C, Waihau, Puketapu Gl-rant, A., Pakowhai, Meanee Griffiths, Evan, (exors. late), Tarawera G-roome and Ballantyne, Onipo, Te Aute ... Hallett Joseph, Puketitiri, Puketapu Kamiora Tupaea, Te Aute Hanita te Maro, Hastings Harding, A., Kereru Harding, B., Patoka, Kissington Harding,,W. B., Pungarehu, Havelock Kenare Kepa, Moawhanga Heperi Pikirangi, Monwhanga Heslop, G., Prior Park, Taradale Heslop, G-., Chesterhope, Taradale Heslop, J., Puketapu Heslop, W., Omaraimi, Taradale Higgins, John, Waitangi, JMapier tJiggins, Lawrence, Tukirangi, Puketapu Hill & Gordon, Fernhill, Hastings Etindmarsh, J., Eakaumoana, Napier Elirnka te Rango, Tutupapa, and Pungatawa Moawhanga Hodge, H. K.,, Kissington Elohepa Pura, Puki Paki, Hastings Elone Rantahi, Hastings Hovima Paerau, liakokorniko, Moawhanga... Hori Tupaea, Te Aute Howse, George, Puketapu Hudson, 8. M., Salisbury, Napier Hulchinson, P., Rissington [rimaiiM Ngnhou, Waiakaho, Erewhon [haia te Ngira, Waitio, Taradale Johnston, §., Clive Farm, Toknpau Jones, W. J., Waikonini, Puketapu Jeffries, jun., Thomas, Taradale King, J, Traveller's Kest, Napier Kiugi Topia, Torongarere, Krewhon Kingita Tohunga, Hauke, Te Aute Kinross, J. G\, Raukawa, Te Aute Kinross, J. Gr., Glenross, Puketapu Kirkpatrick, D., Oinahu, Taradale Knight Brothers, Clive Lansdown, Pvichard, Meanee Lincoln, J., Patoka, Rissington Lopdell, Jas., Papakura, Meanee Louglmaii, J. H., Tukitulfi, Ilavelock Lowry, Tliomas, Okawa, Puketapu Mackenzie, R. II., Mount Erin, Ilavelock ... Marshall, James, Petane Martin, B., Napier Matiu Whilild, Waimarama, Havelock Mason, M., Taheke, Maraekakalio Mason, R. II., To Banga, Maraekakalio McDonald, D., Pukahu, ilavelock McDonald, James, Pukahu, Haveloek McDonald and Munro, Runanga, Napier McLean, Douglas, Maraekakalio McLean, Hugh, Hastings McMillan, W., Havelock Meinei'tzhagen and Moore, Harelock Meriana Poneke, Korongata, Hastings Merritt, G. J., Clive Miller, M. B., Mount Erin, Napier Miller, M. B., Ardlussa, Napier Millican, Francis, Meanee, Napier 235°° 1600 10500 4°9' 19679 2652 2300 2000 29026 9000 400 37 3S 220 6000 95" 1940 1 2000 7200 1050 2300 10000 520 22000 39980 5000 600 9300 5760 727 12403 57 6664 479 1 14000 5000 1140 300 112 24200 1800 11000 3»'9 22079 1470 2000 1500 1516 30232 IOIOO 200 35°° 1020 4900 Nil 18690 I800 4000 75°° 800 2200 10000 5<)6 45° 27090 42000 2789 55°° 700 8000 9960 7.8 12400 43 6653 4'37 Nil 7400 Nil 400 110 500 "5° 1000 1100 4468 500 388 800 1000 250 700 1122 497° 600 1000 573 700 '5° 2000 400 12823 '7932 700 2000 Nil 4°5 1500c 25700 9000 2000 35 4 230 Ml 660 1 393 1 19964 500 1400 54 600 45 15000 21200 8000 1800 3 1 5° 553° 3500 400 1000 11000 68000 S326 35°° 700 1200 IO2OO 66coo 211 34'/68 512 Nil 37210 400 3200 Nil 375° 1600 6600 9100 Nil '5°

No. of Shoep on 81st May. 1835. I 1886. Milne and Sons, Petane Murray, Roberts, &Co., Glengarrie, Rissington Na Peni Tepuna, Hastings Neal, William, Bedclyffe, Taradale Nelson Bros., (Limited), Dartmoor, Eslcrnount, Apley and Oinatua, Puketapu Nelson Brothers (Limited), Tomoana and Mangateretere, Hastings Ngarape, ICorokonui, Moawhanga Nikora Pura, Pakipaki, Hastings Noa Huke and Aronoa, Ohiti, Hastings Northern Investment Co. of New Zealand, Rakaumoana, Napier Nyhan, John, Maraekakaho N.Z. Loan and M. A. Co., Seafield, Napier ... Ormond, J. I)., Karamu, Napier Orr, John, Papakura, Taradale Orr, William, Orwell, Clive Paora Kaiwhata, Moteo, Puketapu Paora Pahi, Paki Paki, Napier Paramena, Paki-Paki, Hastings Peacock, Gavin (Estate of), Puketapu Peddle, S. W. P., Hendley, Pohui Pine Tuakau, Opaea, Moawhanga Powdrell, Henry, Meanee Eeignier, Kev. E., Mission Station, Meanee... Beihana, Hastings Benata,Kawcpo, & Broughton, Hastings Retia Pareihe, Paki-Paki, Hustings Rewi Penetiki, Paki Paki, Napier Roberts, John, Clive Grange, Clive Bora Poncke, Hastings Royse and Anderson, Poporangi, Kereru Russell Bros., Flaxtnere & Tananui, Hastings Russell, Hon. H. R., Te Aute, Waipukurau... Rymer, George, Napier Scullion, John, Meanee Shield, Arthur, Waikonini, Puketapu Shirley, T. A., Wcnsloy, Taradale Shrimpton, W., Maraekakaho Skerman, A. W., Uplands, Te Aute Smith, J. J., Port Aliuriri Spence, George, Eskmount, Petane Spence, George, Seafield, Petane Studholme, Bros., Owhauko, Napier Sutton, Frederick, Royston, Clive Sutton, Spencer, Te Aute Takerei, Oaturawba, Hastings Tanner, T., Eudsleigh and Riverslea, Hastings Tanner, T., Wai Puanga, Pctaue Temuru, Waitio, Taradale Te Teira Tiakifai, Waimararna, Havelock Thompson and Higgins, Hastings Thompson, II. J., Hastings The Land and Loan Company of New Zealand (Limited), Whakamarumaru, Napier Tiliuii, IF. 8., Greenmeadows, Taradale Timirana Ratima, Paki Paki, Napier Tolmie, Allan, Glenlyon, Maraekakaho Torr, J. A., Napier Tuxford, A., Petane Twigg, H. J., Petane Grange, Petane Villors, William, E'etano Waala Bakaiwerohia, Taradale Walker, Malcolm. Maraekakaho Wallace, Neil, Willow Bank, l'etano Watene Ilapuku, Hauke, To Aute Waterhouse and Fitzherbert, Mangawhare, Puketapu Watt (Kslate of), Longlands, Hastings Watt (Estate of), Olrig, Maraekakaho Wellwood, Robert, Hastings White, 'J'aylor, Glengarry, Rissington Willan, Thomas, Meanee Williams, J. N., Friniley, Hastings Williams, R. P., Mangateretere, Napier Williams, Rev. S , Te Aute, Napier Wilson, J. W., Kohinnrakau, Havelock Winiata te Wliaaro, Waiakahu, Erewhon Wi te Orihau, Waimarama, Havelock 55° 400 ioi 6 15000 95°o ! 600 300 4500 545° 200 4=5 1500 300 ! 500 I 4128 2247 1600 550 300 204 9200 210 100 11239 200 25000 45000 6299 210 14220 I 194 I8OO8 160 75OO 35^0 50000 349° 5'5 300 2O45S 20390 1 100 4752 382 400 43° 7000 300 95° 27449 6818 Nil 37° 4500 '53 00 1300 2400 4.900 200 57* 1400 300 ;oo 4018 2622 120 57° 278 Nil 7000 '3° 95 10970 Nil 26200 4^000 645* 120 67 '3>5° M54 18000 286 200 Nil Nil 5679i 2050 460 Nil 14^09 18219 800 4884 Nil Nil 10284 7484 100 1275 80 6111 '75 1600 250 2000 950 600 40 220 1500 75° 600 1200 1100 1300 4059 22400 1200 3037 21500 200:58 38725 4050 5300 j 55° 11670 4535 22606 2935 3700 21514 38500 2100 Nil 6do 12398 4021 2345' 2775 5000 180 1188286 122270





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. WAIPAWA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Adams and Hewitt, Woodvillo Alder Mrs. C, Stanley Farm, Blackburn ... Anderson, Lars, Ashley Clinton Anstis, James, Kuineroa Atua Mohi & Hiri, Tikokeno Austin, William, 'I ikokeno Avison, James, Waipawa Baker, Benjamin, Ongaonga Baker, Henry, Woodviilo Balsillie, John, Ashley-Clinton Beachen, J. B., Ongaonga, Bergersen, A., Makaretu Bibby, E., Waipawa Bird, J., Woodlands, Wallingford Bowdcn, A., Kaikora Bradford, G. B., Woodville Bridge, H. H., Fairfield Ongaonga Bridge, H. II., Ashoott, Ongaonga Britten, J., Waipawa Buchanan, H. 1)., Riverly, Kumcroa Burkin, G., Ongaonga Dallaghan, M., Mount Erin, Woodville Campbell, Angus, Kaikora Darlile, W. W., Broomfield, "Woodville Carlyon, A. S. Gh, G wavas, Tikokino Garr, Samud, Ongaonga Carver, R. W. J., Tawanui, Woodville Christian son, P., .Vakaretu Coles, Arthur, Ashley-Clinton Cook, Joseph, Ashley-Clinlon Cowper and Knight, ICaitoki, Tahoraiti Cox, Henry, Woodville Davey, James, Woodville Dearlore, W. R., Piiketoi, Kumcroa Diekins, J., Woodville Doar, Joseph, Tikokeno Drawer, F. H. (Exeoutors of), St. Vincent, Waipukurau Durham, William, Woodburn, Ashley-Clinton Eager, William, Blackburn Edgecombe, J. W., Glenburn, Takapan Edwards, James, Silverleaf, Herbertville Ellinghain, Thomas, Ashley-Clinton Elliott, W., Mount Pleasant, Woodville Ellison, W. J., Takapau Eriksen, Anders, Norsewood, Ormondville ... Firth, A., Ongaonga Fleming, I). S., Flemington, Motuotaria Fletolier, Samuel, Ongaonga Foulger, Mrs., Takapau Graisford, H., Oringi, Waipukurau Gilbert, T., sen., Woodville Giles, H. R., Woodville Glenny, T. S., Ongaonga Gradwell, Frederick, Blackburn Graham, W. J., Tahoraite Grant, A., Burnside, Takapau Gregory, Robert, Kumeroa Hall, William, Tikokino, Hampden Halvorsen, Andrew, Pourerere Hamilton, G-. D., Mangatoro, Tahoraite Harding, E., Woodville Harding, J,, Mount Vernon, Waipukurau ... Hardy, S. W., Tikokino Harrison, A. V., Blackburn Hartshorn, E., Wanstead Hayes, J., Waipukurau Herbert, T. W., Herbertvi le Herbert, W. J., Herbert's Mount, Herbevtvillo Herbert, John, Woodville Herrick, J. L., Forest Gate, Ongaonga Hewitt and Bargh, Kumeroa Hobin, J., Ongaonga Hobson, T., Takapau Holden, J. & T., Spring Vale, Tikokeno Holder, H. R., Riverside, Woodville Hope, W., Woodville Hope, Robert, Ongaonga Howard, Josiah, Hampden Howse, Thomas, Takapau Hughes, Thomas, Woodville 26 S 16 43 123 400 '5° 2243 280 ■ 33 '3° 1083 2000 1160 560 11020 1 3000 '6 5 4 400 199 1700 21400 75 215 10251 75 45° 400 45° 620 200 33° 20 60 180 300 '75 2169 250 280 '25 100 93 1; 00 2000 1630 457 11243 13358 7' S 360 9 200 160 '93° 23400 102 200 60 285 20 •'597 45 Nil 597 480 21 600 400 21 80 I2OO 1000 797 850 990 25 99° 77° 93° '7 2 9320 545 60 12290 300 93 810 9600 . 59° 64 10389 600 45 1300 200 Nil 190 19 13000 800 14000 10 Nil Nil 33 19269 252 21500 983 300 800 132 400 850 22217 250 2O1OO 1O2O 293 Nil 180 400 I00O 80 1093 1 95° 44 6oco 7000 910 94 11402 Nil 45 6000 8500 1'53 ■25 66 10024 72 265 1 n 00 92 300

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1SS5. 1886. Hyland, Patrick, Kmneroa, Woodvillc Inglis, J., Tikokino Ingram, William, Hampden Ireland, .!"., Ashley-Clinton Jensen, N. I 5 , Ashley-Clinton Johnson, G. E., Woodville Johnston, S., Oruwharo, 1 akapau Kayser, Max, Woodville Kemp, Daniel, Kumeroa Kemp, Edward, Kumeroa Kelly, Thomas, Te Whiti, Norsewood Knapp, J'. E., Makakai, Tikokino Knight Brothers, Tahoraiti Knight, J., Kaikora Lambert, II. A., Takapau Leupold, Carl, Heavitree, Ongaonga Lewis, Anthony, Kaikora Little, James, Knmeroa Logan, Andrew, Woodville Loveday, George, Woodville Lawman, John, Woodville Loye, N., Mount Hope, Makeretu Lynch, P. H. Kumeroa Maekey, A., Ongaonga Mason, G. M., Waretoka, Tikokino Mathews, J., Tikokino McDonald, James, Woodville McDonald, J., jun., Woodville McDonald, John, Senr., Woodvillo McGreevy, S., Mount Erin, Waipawa MeLenan, M., Ongaonga McLennan, A., Kaikora McLcod, David, Wooclside, Ongaonga McLcod, Mrs. E , Glen Erie, i ampden Mills, E., Woodville Millett, II., Kumeroa Moore and Parkinson, Tikokino Morrison, Finluy, Makaretu Mulinder, George, Kaikora Mundell, D., Kaikora Murphy, J. J., Woodville Murphy, William, Woodville Musson, George, Kaikora Nepe te Apatu, Waipawa Nevill, W. J., Woodville Newman, W. J., Arlington, Waipukurau Obrist, S., Ongaonga Paora Ropiha, Waipawa Pedersen, Jens, Makaretu Peers, John, Ongaouga Pctei'den, H. P., Ongaonga Pettit, John, Merryvalp, Kaikora Pocoek, J., Napier Price, R. I)., Tamumu Ramlose, C, Makaretu Rathbone, W., Abbotsford, Waipawa Rathbone, W., Homevrood, Waipawa Ralhhone, W., Te Aute, Waipawa Rathbone, W., Tourere, Waipawa Eathbone, W., Rivordale, W^aipawa Reid, John, Ongaonga Kenala te Pewa, Tikokino Rhodes, J. B., Springlull, Ongaonga Eood, Albert, Tikokino Ropiita Riwai, Tikokeno Ross, A. II., jun , Blackburn Eussell, T. P., Woburn, Waipukurau Russell,H. R., Fon , Mt. Herbert/Waipukuran Ryan, Denis, Table Hill, Porangahau Sabin, T. W., Kaikora Scrimgeour, A. C, Riverdale, Waipawa Stbley, Mrs. S. A., Willow Farm, Waipawa... Severinson, Martin, Blackburn Soley, Mrs. Mary, Kaikora Speedy, G., Wood Bank, Herbevtville Steed, J. W., Ever-Green, Ongaonga Stewart, Thomas, Porangahau Stokes Brothers (Trustees), Kaikora Troup, James, Woodville Tuehu Pomare and Eriata Nopcra, Waikoperu, Waipawa Tufwerson, John, Ashley-Clinton, Takapau... Tuhua Tangaru, Takapau ,87 670 202 5' 170 800 29540 180 81 748 146 97 200 400 30126 60 1200 1000 4500 2000 7290 1200 1.300 220 393 57 i 400 470 1800 1000 5200 2000 7830 "34° Nil 370 1147 43° 4'5 99 8co 300 1250 2500 ■75 5 | »54 800 323 700 -120 •39 400 i/5o 2^00 Nil Nil 213 600 343 1185 800 127 88 35° '293 900 190 300 4000 9000 3 •300 1600 Nil 180 89 Nil Nil .35°° 132 9000 40 500 25 480 5° 5°o 2 5 85° 20 1196 1500 I 873 97 I 10700 Nil 95° I 7500 1392 Nil 858 100 11700 2500 8co 7800 1000 500 7000 280 2500 3 1600 23040 1600 •35° 167 34 240 3500 475 495 38000 43 500 7000 35° 400 3800 35 1O° 26952 1600 184 Nil 172 5° 238 4400 596 592 39000 35 30 96 300 500 296 400







RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1S86. Turfrey, Thomas, Blackburn Waldron, B., Waipawa Walker, Q-eorge, Scotston, Ongaonga Warren, W. A., Mnngapuaka, VS'aipukurau... Watkins, Charles, Ashley-Clinton Watts, E., Early Mount, Kaikora Watson, J. S , Kumeroa White, G. II. M., Porangahau White, J. Oakbourne, Wallingford "White, John, White, T. (Extra, of), Sherwood, Tatapau ... Whiteheacl, Mark, Kumeroa Wilkes, Jamos, Halfinoon, Waipawa Williamson, James, Woodville Yardley, William, Woodaide, Ongaonga I 37 i 483 4= 3° ( 6000 60c ■9 I £ 2200 I 19c — ic 1430 i 14c 13313 1 140,: 14443 1 '54* 2100 ' 22: 2OO I 2C 140 14 800 ! 8c 91 1 Nil AA r O fifi A V t Of1885. j 1886. 37 8° 4«3 45° 3° 67 6000 6000 IQ \ 54 2200 I 1900 — 102 1430 I 1400 133'3 I '4°3O 14443 1 '.U60 2100 ' 2250 200 I 200 140 145 800 I 800 91 1 Nil 4419,56 I 471087 PATANG ATA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Ashton, John, Palangata Beetiiam Brothers, Te Apiti, Napier Brougb, Peter, Porangahau Bruce, D. W., Wansteud Buchanan, J., Elsthorpe, Patangata Clark, Edward, Tamumu Chirk, George, Pata.ngala Collins, J,, 1'atangala Collins and Cheer, Sunnybank, Patangata ... Cripps, George, Herberlyille Crosso, Thomas, Mangamairi, Porangahau ... Crosxe, Thomas, Wanstead Curling, Robert Te Kopanga, Patangata Dillon, A., Willow Hank, Patangata Bbbett, William, Purumo, Wanstead Evans, 1^., BComewood, Kaikora Fleming and MeKenzie, Tamumu Pord, John, Tamumu Franklin, Robert, Ingiewood, [lerbertville ... Franklin, S., Wainui, Herbeitville Franklin, S., Mangaone, Hcrbertville G-ollim, Donald, \\ anstead, Waipukurau Gollan, D., Mangafcarata, Waipukurau Gollan, J. D., Eparaima, Wallingford ■Gollan, K., sen , Kaikova 441950 4710;90 I 4 25050 , 2342 - 8c 21000 220c 47° ! 4(. 425 ! 15 35°° i 37 C 445 3« 1000 13c 10009 j 'Ioc — ! ioc 24328 j 272c 2850 j 30c 1197 12c 1258 I 13/ 1600 17c 16 2 600 6c 5=0 j 5c IOOO IOC 1000 I 11c 39189 j 410c I3OO I2C 289O 321 90 1 40 2505° 23429 — 250 — 800 21000 : 22000 47° ! 495 425 ! '7° 35°o i 37°° 445 3O0 7 OOO 13OO 10009 j ' i°oo — ! 1000 24328 I 27204 2850 1 3000 1197 1200 1258 J 1376 1600 I 1700 16 25 600 600 500 j 500 1000 1 1000 1000 j 1100 39189 i 41000 1300 1200 2890 3210

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Goodwin, W\, Waipukurau Gray, E., VI illow Farm, Kaikora Hartree, II., Pukikura, Wanstead Healy, J., Porangahau Herbert, A. and A., Herbertville Herbert, J. & C, Parnham, Herbertville Howard, T , Holly Combe, Kaikora Hunter, George, Porangaliau Johnston, S., Tamurau Lambert, Alfred, Porangaliau Lawrence, J., Homewood, Kaikora Lirapus, Charles, Patangata Logan, Andrew, Burnbrae, Tamumu Mackersey and Sons, The Lake, Wanstead ... McHardy, A., Blackhead, Ponrere MoKenzie, K., Knikora McLean, Peter, Waipukurau McNult, Samuel, Wanstead Monk, William, Kaikora Nairn, C. J., Pourere Nelson and Brown, Titoki, Tamumu Ormond, J. D., Wallingford, Napier Pops, B., Motutariu, Wanstead Roberts and Co., Tautane, Herbertville St. Hill, A., Wangaehu, Porangaliau Sanders, W., Motuotaria Sidwell, R. J., Porangaliau Sims, David, Wallingford Siteman, William, Herbertville Small, W. II., Fernside, Kaikora Speedy, J., Burnview, Herbertville Speedy, W., Pipi Bank, Herbertville Tiffen, P. J., Kims Hill, Patangata Tipene Matua, Porangahau Tod, Jame?, The Park, Kaikora Tod, Robert, Kaikora Ward, A., Linelow, Porangahau White, William, Glentui, Kaikora Williams, J. N., E-.lenham, Patangata Williams, Rev. S , Mangakuri, Napier Witherow, J., Elsworth, Patangata 1100 108 1200 1000 1060 8000 900 40600 38746 1000 2999 1256 1565 '4493 40081 280 1650 800 35336 5670 40300 650 I973O 35942 27615 100 1721 960 "383 5035 6100 noo 140 1085 1000 1400 7600 1000 42600 34100 800 39°i '54' 1442 14000 39S 00 290 1800 720 100 40329 5443 44I5O 700 2 "439 36473 27000 100 1659 1300 2°7S 6239 734° 13500 7900 2690 1990 1400 3225 27082 36150 3446 r 2000 b686 2733 1870 1400 2800 27000 38380 !295 571861 593348

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Clare, Thomas, Bell Block Cleave, W. J., Huirangi Clemoe, Koberfc, New Plymo ith Coad, Stephen, jun., New Plymouth Colson, Alexander, BeU Block Colville, A. L,, New Plymou'.n Corkill, W., Oakura Cornwall, F. ])., New Plymouth Crenn, John, New Plymouth Crump, W., Tikorangi Cunningham, G-. W., Tikorangi Curtis, George N., Inglewood Curtis, George, New Plymouth Cut field, W., Oakura Davis, W.j Inglewood De (astro, E., Oakura Elliot, and Buyly, Waitara Foreman, J . VV., Waitara Foreman, W., Oakura George, Harry, Omata Gibbo]]?, E. II., lnglewood Giddy, W., 11 uirangi Gray, It. C, Stoney River, Okato Hamblyn, C, jun., Beli Block Harrison, Job, New Plymouth ffai>'ke, John, Omata Ilieks, R. T., Tikorangi 7° 250 360 42 Nil 9' 75° '9 22 80 276 60 20 63 100 75 Nil 72 280 400 60 3° 75 26 25 80 270 Nil 2 5 270 200 Nil 80 183 Nil '25 2 5 106 76 57 184 60 45 «2 2 3 Nil 5 2 35 80 56 75 97

No. ot Sheep on 31st May. I 1885. 1886. TARANAKI COUNTY. Allen, T., New Plymouth Allen, W. S., New Plymouth Andrews, Fred, Huirangi Armstrong, J. H., Captain, Tikorangi Atkinson, II. P., New Plymouth Atkinson and Thornton, Wiiitara Bayly, Thomas, Waitara Bayly, William, Stoney E., N. Plymouth ... Beil,*P. T., TJrenui Berridge, William, Omata Bewley, Walter, Inglewood Billiale, Thomas, Inglewood Bishop, Albert, New Plymouth Bishop, Mrs. M., New Plymouth Blake, W., New Plymouth Bliickburrow, Thorn is, New Plymouth Breach, S. A., Opunake Broughton, F., Inglewood Brown, Henry, Waitara Chapman, 1<\ M., Rahotu Charles, Thomas, Tikorangi 54 99 125 24 1 3 8 22O 56 4° '74 56 78 5° 40 55 2 5 '5° y 24 '38 650 2000 80 98 25 260 57 Nil la 35 80 Nil 12 24 160 95 70 16 180 Nil 23







RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Shcop on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Kossiter and Sons, New Plymouth Bovve, C. N., Urenui Eowe, William, Huirangi Rundle, Samuel, Bell Block Sampson, John, Bell Block Sargent, James, Bell Block San en, James, Waitara Sarten, Levi, Tikorangi Smith, J. and J., Midhurst Sole Brothers, New Plymouth Stead, C. V., Midlrarst Stevenson, John, Raholu Stockman, E., jun., Waitara Street, Romulus, New Plymouth Tate, G. V., Waitara Thomson, A. McL., Inglewood Thomson, W. D., Inglewood Teieti Hoera, Waitara Turnbull, YV., Wellbourne, Now Plymouth.... Vickery, Francis, Tikorangi Vosper, P., Tikorangi Wareham and Morris, Oakura Warnoek, John, Fern Glen, Leppcrton Watkins, James, New Plymouth Wells, W. J., Mangorei, New Plymouth Wells, Z. W., New Plymouth West, J. W., Waitara* Western, Thomas, Waitara Wheeler, J., Inglewood Wilson, Thomas, Uronui Wood, H. T., Omala Wood, It. G., Oakura Wood, Mrs. Mary, New Plymouth 100 300 Nil 83 130 4 88 21 25 100 12 58 277 3° 200 3°3 24 IOI Nil Nil Nil 2 I Nil I 20 Nil 2OO 2OO 426 300 49 227 100 So 120 506 150 28 198 Co 48 181) 95 24 5°°. 40 117 97 [00 18 300 Nil Nil Nil 118 Nil Coo 82 Nil 96 Nil 100 1269S '397 2

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Hoby, 0. E., Bell Block Honeyfield, II. J., Bell View, New Plymouth Iloneyfield, J. C, Oakuru Honnor, William, New Plymouth Hoskin, A. J., Bell Block Eloskin, W. ¥., Penrose Farm, Bell Block ... Irvine, Hugh, Urenui Toll, Samuel, Waitara Julian, N. II., Oakura Jupp, George, Waitara Jury, John, New Plymouth Kelly, Thomas, GHeiifern, New Plymouth ... King, H., New Plymouth Kingdon, E. B., Inglevrood Kyngdon, Plymouth Leech, T. Gr., Marwood, Inglevrood Looney, J. J., Oakura Mace, F. J., the Wairau, Oakura Marsh, A., New Plymouth Marshall, W., Ingluwood Martin, P., New Plymouth McGregor, J. I)., BeaconsSeld, Midhurst ... Mills, Thos., Pungarehu Morgan, E. J., Kahotu Newland, II., New Plymouth Okey, Ilenry, New Plymouth Old, John, Tikorangi Oliver, G-., Woodlands, New Plymouth Osenham, Thomas, Oakura Oxenham, W. J., Waitara Parkinson, A., Waitara Parsons, T. II., New Plymouth Pott, George, Urenui Priske, P. T., Oukura Putt, John, sen., Omata Battenbnry, James, Waitara Raymond,"W. T., The Woods, Waitara 26 45 54 160 2J0 210 35 '5 0 250 100 265 70 35 35 354 251 30 90 160 213 12 Nil 60 23 5° 35° 420 Nil 26 23 18 8 15 100 62 T20 6 60 8 140 S 2 90 Nil 4 1 120 '7 200 240 Nil 200 120 35° 26 300 25 Nil 3° 90 45 294 100 200 5° Nil 174 94 •5° Nil Nil 230 238

No. of Sheop on 31st May. 1885. 1SSG. Foreman, R. W., Manutahi Forsytb, Simon, Pihama Fowler, Nathaniel, Manaia Gibson, George, Pihama Glenn, G., Manaia Gocd and Co., Thomas, Oeo, Pihama Goodson, M. J., Waihi, Hawera Gore, John, Hawera Hair, William, Manaia Hastie, Andrew, Manaia llendy, K. 0., Okaiawa Hicks, James, Ferndale, Hawera Hicks, Richard, Brooklyn, Hawera Hicks, Robert, Tongalioe, Hawera Ilobbs, A. S., Hawera Holroyd and Kendall, Manaia Hunter, Moore, Burnside, Ilawera Inkster, Gideon, Normanby Iredale, J. II. and F., Hawera Kelland, J., sen., Otakebo Knight, David, Otakeho Lambie, Robert, Oeo, Pihama Livingston, James, Waipapa, Hawera Lowiek, F., Okaiawa Lucena, W. L., Hawera Lysaght, 3. R., Hawera Mason, J., Westward Ho, Hawera Matheson and Law, Hawera Matthews, James, Normanby McCarty, Johnston, Manaia McCraeken, T. and 0., Manaia McGregor, Dunoan, Manutahi McKenzie, William, Normanby McLachlan, A., Pihama (Doyleston) McLean, Duncan, Hawera 6 46 2 664 500 ' 2.35 Z30 1900 6.55 879 700 80 1060 500 98 1 900 580 900 100 zoo 500 610 Nil 140 7 = 0 4°7 7° 300 1000 440 1600 244 5 co Nil Sf>94 280 500 970 85 5° 494 2103 870 1 188 1700 100O 993 3' 00 1253 20 21 800 47 30 1200 1 OO Kil Nil Nil 990 27 2000 1200 374

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. HAWERA COUNTY (Fn Wangamii Subdivision). Allan, Thomas, Manutahi Babbage, C. W., Croftmore, Hawera Baird, M. F., Meremere, Hawera Barrow, Charles, Otakeho Barrow, Jesse, Norinanby Bayley, T., 31111., Manaia Bayly, G. T., Mokoia, Hawera Beavel, Frederick, Manutahi Best, J. and H., Norm mby Borrie, William, Otalielio Box, William, Manaia Bremer, Adolph, Manutahi Buchanan, Donald, Hawera Buckrell, George, Manutahi Buekthougbt, P. C, Noruianby Campbell, J. J., Manaia Campbell, W. J., Manaia Carroll, Thomas, Okaiawa Cowper, James, Hawera /Dubbin, William, Normanby Curtis, H. B., Inglewood Davidson, James, Hawera Dingle, \\ illiam, Hawera Douglas, William, Hawera Duris, William, Manutahi Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth, Manutahi Fantham, A. A., Hawera Finlayson, Farquhar, Normanby 200 140c 300 45° 140 1700 161 250 53 500 600 160 '744 Nil 100 400 1 I 335° 100 380 Nil 3.5° 664 360 202 104 100 35° Nil Nil Nil '3 45° 32 420 75° 54° 11 1966 39° 250 360 Z7 Nil 600 411 10 1490 44





No. oi Sheep on 31st May. 1835. 1886. McLean, G-eorge, Hawera MoRae, I). E., Manaia .... Milne, A., Hawera Morison, William, Ngaire Muir, Quentin, Hawera Murdoch, A. D., Okaiawa Newahain, C, Okaiawa Niehol and Lnw, Hawera Nicholas, T. G-. L., Hawera O'Sullivan, James, Normanby Oughton, J. S., Okaiawa Parsons, Thomfis, Otakeho Partridge, J. W., Xautioni, Hawera Pearce, W. B. V., Pihaina Perry, J. L., Manaia Peterson, Peter, Sp inghill, Hawera Rainie Brothers, Hawera Ividdifoi'd, Fred., Hawera Scott, J. W., Manutahi Scott, Thomas, Manaia Shearer, William, Okaiawa Sheat, John, Pihama Short, J., Jan., Okaiawa Siggs, J. H., Manaia Stent, J. E., Hawera Struthers, Thomas, Okaiawa Sutlierland, Alexander, Manaia Tait, Charles,«Manaia Taylor, William, Ngaro Turner, Gr. 0., Eltham Willans, H. W., Piliama AVilson, Gilbert, Hawera Winks, John, Woodside, Hawera Torke, J. 0., Inahi, Hawera Young, W. S., Otakeho 600 410 750 Nil 300 650 990 580 2 400 254 840 220 55° 45° I 248 '5 645 300 630 Nil' 37° 100 4.S° 1160 Nil Nil 20 100 500 59° 400 2200 130 Nil 5° 220 37° 400 2800 3 500 Nil 650 4500 20 3000 5 64 11 3° 75° 1516 3° 45° 27 '5 200 300 400 PATEA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Aiken, Alexander, Q-owanlee, Waverley Aiken, James, Stratmore, Waverley Allan, James, Waverley Allen, Thomas, Kukaramea Ball, James, Kaikura, Kakaramea Bourke, Patrick, Patea Bradley, John, Derry Farm, Warerley Bremer Brotliers, Elmina, Patea Bremer, Bros., Kohi, Waverley Brothcrlon, A., Kakaramea Brewer & Durie, Scafield, Waitotara Brewer, William, Waihou, Waitotara Bridge, G-. S., Waverley Burke, J. (Trustees for), Mungaroa, Kakaramea Campbell, Peter, Manutahi, Caverhill, J. S., the Lakes, New Plymouth ... Death, George, Cawood Grange, Patea Death, George, Waverley Dempster, R., Kakaramea Dickie, J. Or., Beaven's Farm, Waverley DicHe, J. G., Oteka, Waverley Dickie, J. H., Netherby, Waverley Dickie, James, Waverley Dickie, James, jun., Waverley Drake Brotliers, Kaiwerawera, Patea Durie, Charles, Waitotora Durie, J. W., Waitotara Dyke, Henry, Waverley Elmslie, Peter, Fernydell, Waverley Fairweather, James, Racecourse, Patea Fleetwood, T. M., Waverley Fleming, David, Waverley Foreman, Win,, Kakaramea Frisby, Arthur, Ferndale, Waverley Ginger Brotliers, Trevor, Manutahi Gower, George, Paten, Grower Brothers, Hound Bush, Patea Hair, John, Waverley Hamilton, R. B., Manawapo, Manutahi Hiinsen, J. (Mrs.), Kakaramea Harris, Thomas, Waverley Hawes, 0., Waverley Hawken, Joseph, Kakaramea 52086 5 O554 973 35 120 I2OO Nil 94 1200 1000 1100 1800 1500 1250 3200 1700 686 622 8S4 •5° 1800 92 62 400 1200 1080 1600 J500 300 Nil 5700 495 40 737 Nil 1100 2100 800 560 Nil 200 1012 500 500 750 Nil 800 1270 387 900 580 575 686 740 1400 8 700 1400 11 270 890 2677 190 475 525 35° 1080 1000 Nil 1280 287 1000 700 475 4 681 Nil 1400 11 1550 1400 20 37° 1150 23/0

iso. ol Mioeii oi 31st May. 1885. 1886. o. ol tiiioei) 31st May. Hearn and Kennedy, Waverley Hone, W. and X., Kohi, Waverley Honeyfield, E. M., Park Farm, Patea Hoi'ner, Robert, Dunira, Patea Howie Brothers, Woodlands, AVaverley Hunter, Andrew, Kakaramea Hunter, D. S, Waverley Huston, James, Kakaramea Hutchison, George, Wanganui Illston, A. T., Mauutalii Ion, John, Balgownie, W'averley Jardine, A., Kakaramea Jobnsou, J. A., Momohaka, Waverley Johnston, G., Waverley Joimstone, John, Waverley Jolmstone, W. J. H., Momahaka, Waverley Jollie, Edward, Coutt's Farm, Patea Jonea and McMenamen, Kakaramea Keating, M., Pigroot, Waverley Knopili, J., Waverley Lind, W. S., Wnverley Lupton, Isaac, Waverley Macilonald, Duncan, Burnside, Waverley ... MacDonogh. L, S., Woodlande, Kakaramea... llarcliant, W., Kosehill, Waverley Mathieson, James, Woodleigh, Waverley Maxwell, Mrs. Mary, Manutahi McDonald, Donald, Gatoside, Waverley McDonald, Watson, Waverley Mclutosh, Bobcrt, Waverley McKenzie, John, Waitotara McLean, D., Waverley McLean, John, Annani, Waverley McMeckin, James, Wavci-ley ... Milham, William, Manutahi Miller, M. A., Mrs., Waverley Morgan, E. J., Opongn, Manutahi Morgan, W. E., Scafield, Waverley Newing, Henry, Waverley ,., Nevvland, G. S., Waverley Nicholls, Gh W., Springfield Mount., Waverley Nicholson Brothers, Kaihu, W Taver!ey Palmer, Alfred, Paranni, Patea Palmer, W., Fernglen, Waverley Parsons, John, Manutahi Paterson Brothers, Patea Paterson, John, Patea Peacock, II. S., Bellgrove, Manutahi Pearce, B. B., Kakaramea ■ ... Powdrell, J. D. ('trustees of), Kakaramea ... Ransom, Henry, Waverley BiddeU, James, SpvingweLU, Waverley Robertson, Wm., Kakararaea Sauniers, G., Rata Park, Waverley Scoun, Thomas, Kakaiamea Sheild, J., Stotfold, Patea Sinclair, John, Mrs., Waverley Smith, J. V., Crescent Falls, Patea Stott, C. II., Opungo, Manutahi Symes, Francis, Westholm, Waver'ey Symes and Banks, Waverley Symes, W. and A., Pulahi, Waverley Symes, W. C. & E. F., Wlienuakura,Manutahi Turner, H. T. G., Otoia, Patea Vincent, W r., Okutuku, Waverley Walker, Alexander, Waverley Walkinton, J. B., Waverley Watkins, William, Waverley Wicks, T., Waverley Wilford, A., Wainoa, Kakaramea Wilkie, John, Matuatahi, Waitotara W Till<ins, G., Waverley Williamson Bros., Spring G., Kakaramea Wilson and Frere, Waverley W Tilson, Peter, Sea View, Kakaramea Wilson, William, Elslea, Patea Wybourne, M. H., Waverley 3200 <>93 1400 Nil 1980 1100 20 380 1010 600 2997 7000 39° 957 1500 1200 35° 70 97 '57° 400 490 700 500 230 270 1420 36 500 3900 220 300 96 800 648 J°3 Nil 395 1200 3000 700 1614 4i7 2260 440 10 265 901 286 2500 5000 94 766 1200 680 1000 45° 400 61 95 696 400 480 491 700 600 180 '5° 1180 Nil Nil Nil Nil 500 196 Nil 6.33 154 58 393 1200 3000 300 800 2500 250 5"4 86 677 3000 480 6^8 6C0 i 491 3000 '485 540 900 3926 200 200 36 850 100 1500 1400 1100 4200 200 850 150 1700 1100 Kil 1200 j 4560 1245 20 17OO Nil 1200 1300 3555 356 10 2200 '3 '95 327 800 300 400 886 133 I 400 1460 300 330 730 82 2260 42 106409 500 5° 1856 95 96455 WANGANUI COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Abbott, J., Wanganui 300 I 2200





3—H. 15.

No. of SI n'.st 1 hoep on Slay. 1885. 186G. Hewitt, Henry, Taylorville Higgle, James, Okoia Hogg, Henry, Murray Hill, Wanganui Hoskin, ,1. W., Denlair, Fordell Howie, Mrs. Jane, Learney, Taylorville Humphreys, John, Maxwelltown Hurley, John, Brunswick Huston, William, Okehu Jackson, J. W., v> anganui Jackson Bros., Brunswick Jacob, H., Wanganui Johnstone, A., Sea View, Waitotara Jones, J. N.,Waikupa, Wanganui Kennedy, John, Strathdon, Makirikiri Zing, James, Kaitoki, Taylorville Kirkwood, G. D., Wanganui Kirkwood, W., Taylorville Lander, Thos., Taylorville Law, J. K., Lornty, Wanganui Lees, A. C, Upokongaro Lomax, Jamos, Sedge Brook, Wanganui MacLeod, G., Duwagen Farm, Taylorville ... Manson, N. P., Rosemount, Wanganui Martin, llonald, Fordell Mason, Archibald, Kennedy's, Wanganui ... Matthews, Jonas, Lake Farm, Taylorville ... Maxwell, John, Parkhead, Wanganui May, James, Okchu McDonald, James, Fordell McDonald, N., Seyton, Wanganui McDonald, W., Taylorville McGrail, W., Wanganui McG-regor, A., Matarawa, Taylorville McGregor, Alexander, Auchinore, Taf lorville McGregor, J., juti., Cherry Bank, Watigmui... McGregor, J., Jan., Long Acre, Wanganui ... McKain, James, Fernhill, Wanganui McKay, Daniel, Fordell McLoskey, A. M., Kelvin Grove, Wanganui McNair, J., Brunswick MeNeill, A., Wanganui McPhcrson, .T., Tamairi, Makivikiri Me William, W., Netherdale, Fordell Mitchell, George, Bushy Park, Kai-iwi Montgomerie, A., Eaglesham, Wanganui ... Montgomery, H., Ettrick, Wanganui Montgomery, J., Brunswick Moore and Currie. Kai Iwi Moore, Jas , Kai Iwi Moore, Joseph, Sea View, Wanganui Morgan, B. E., Lakeside, Taylorville Morgan, John, STewtonlees, Wanganui Morrison, D., Armadale. Okehu Morse, N. &., Tiramona, Fordell Murchison, John, Seafield, Wanganui Murray, J. B.,Southern Grove, Wanganui ... Nathan, Joseph, & Co., Otakino, Kai Iwi Neilson, Robert, Taylorvillo Siwa, Nukumara, Waitotara Old, Kichard, Fordell Owen, H. A., Waipakura, Makirikiri Owen, W. T., Makirikiri Parker, G.. Maldrikiri Parsons, William, Sunnyside, Waitolara Paterson, G-i'oree, Campbelltown Paterson, W.B.,Gordon Park,Wanganui ... Peake, (,+eorge, Longridge, Kai Iwi Peake, J. W., Kaierau, Wanganui Peat, David, Pakarnka, Maxwelltown Peel, S. W., Upokongai-o Perry, A. C, Lansdown, Brunswick Pharazyn, Kobert, Marahaa, Okulm Philips, J., Fern Grove, Fordell Phillips, Mary Ann, Fordell Peramuna Tami Huki, Kai Iwi Pickup, William, Taylorville Pierey, John, Kaiwhaiki, Makirikiri Plampin, John, No. 2 Line, Campbelltown ... Poison, D. G., Wanganui Porteous, William, No. 3 Line, Taylorville ... Powell, Samuel, Wanganui Prujean, J., Hillside, No. 3 Line, Fordell Eawlings, John, Wanganui Soo 495 600 ;oo 33 ■38 170 700 60 33' 800 625 80 500 55 "35° 1000 2500 1700 1 136 3° 35° 3.V 596 96 2000 240 Nil 190 1757 2000 y;° 210 75°' 255 740 300 271 12 664 2100 800 449 196 8300 400 500 466 20O 500 1OJO Nil 156 Nil 233 400 Nil 290 954 i6 S 80 3° Nil Nil 1050 Nil 1000 993 50 37o 35° 856 Nil 2000 200 280 28,0 1068 1110 Nil . 1400 300 300 500 130 5° 55° 3200 75° 688 3.3° 700 200 4.?f> 325° 1640 1025 35° 100 '5° 9176 1005 2500 400 780 140 49° 2650 1700 1300 375 180 200 140 1800 1500 i6co 1080 2400 2000 F /OO 1/79 7OC 600 1364 1 Nil 410 100 216 373 23CO 200 1000 85 7° 1 10 3000 7682 Nil 1 »5 700 1000 346 10 '35 '5° 400 1200 290 Nil 45° 44 300 305 45° 126 39C 617

So. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Albert (Maori), Pakaraka, MaxwelHown Allen, Thomas, Wangenui Alleu, William, Upokongaro Allison, Alexander, Lambhill, Fordell Anderson, 3. W., Wanganui ... Anderson, M. S., Kai Iwi Anderson, Thomas, Preston Hill, Taylorville Anderson, W. 1)., Wanganui Baker, J. W., Brookdale, Fordell Baker, J. B., Wanganui Bamber,W.,Rusthall&Ellengowan, Wanganui Barns and Higgie, Wanganui Bayly, D., Wanganui Bennett, Alexander, Wanganui Bill, Charles, Makirikiri Black, Richard, Kaikokopu, Wanganui Blair, D. and W., Kapanui, Wanganui Blair. D., The Grange, Wanganui Blyth, James, Waterdale, Wangaehu Braithwaite, Arthur, Kakutu, Waitotara ... Braithwaite, William, Xvukuta, Wanganui ... Brown Brothers, Ifai Iwi Brown, Thos, Makirikiri Browne, A. Ok, Beaufort, Wanganui Brownlee, James, Makirikiri Brownlie, John, Taylorville Browne, Walter, Poplar, Wanganui Bryce, John, Waipuna, Brunswick Bunting, John, Okohu, Maxwelltown Burdon, C. W.,, Wangaehu Burnett, Alfred Oneida, Fordell Burr, Patrick, Fordell Burr, William, Malarawa, Wanganui Cameron, John, Marengai, Wanganui Campbell, A. T., Brunswick Campbell, E. A., Wiritoa, Wanganui Campbell, G. W., Brunswick Campbell, John, Upokongaro Cassels, David, Wanganui Chapman Brothers, Fordell _ ... Chapman, Benjamin, Fernside, Wanganui ... Chapman, Joseph, Long Acre, Wanganui ... Clinton, K., Maxwelltown Conder, Thomas, Brunswick Corry, William, Brunswick Cotterill, James, Taylorville Cowper, C. W., Kukuta, Wanganui Craig, William, Sedge Brook, Wanganui ... Crawford, M., Fordell Crawley, H., Missionary St., Wanganui Cullinane, John, Matatera, Makirikiri Ounnabell, H. I)., Wanganui Darbyshire, William, Maxwelltown Davey and Co., J., Eastown Davies, R., Maxwelltown Death, Henry, Waitotara Dempsey, James, Larch Hill, Wanganui ... Doole, John, Woodridge, Fordell Duncan, John, No. 2 Line, Wanganui Durie, Penelope, Glen Durie, Wanganui Ellis, Thomas, Primrose Farm, Wanganui ... Enderby, Charles, Wanganui Fernie, John, Churchill, Taylorville Fernie, John, Ivaiwaka, Taylorville ... ! Fisher, W. B., Kara Farm, Waitotara Fletcher, E. E., Wangaehu Forder, W. H., Wanganui Foreman, S., Wairoa, Wanganui Georgetti, A., Whataroa, Makirikiri Gihnour, Andrew, Wanganui Gould, John, Marshill, Taylorville Gower, H., Mingaroa, Upokongaro Grace, Dr., Lismore and Aries, Wanganui ... Gray, Robert, Bothwell, Wanganui Greig, Thomas, Kaitoki, Wanganui Hair, J. A., Brookland, Wanganui Hair, Robert, Woodstock, Brunswick Handley, John, Okehu Harle, J., Okehu Harris, Ilenrv, and Sons, Okoia Harrison, C. F., Warrengate, Wanganui Harrison, H. N., Fordell Herlihy, Denis, Hazelgrove, Taylorville 34 130 140 844 900 300 838 1200 685 100 1900 300 35 500 93° 900 3100 1400 680 600 184 >4 600 1000 35 Nil 100 7° '95° 700 600 2312 440 2020 28,5 800 247 1 ioo Nil 130 100 595 77° 630 900 700 180 Nil 1608 900 960 600 1060 900 3380 1420 1142 1520 600 1100 18 400 975 100 280 '99 280 171 2200 640 3°°' 2378 200 2000 120 800 20c 1900 361 75° 6co Nil 2000 300 195 2500 300 800 150 100 Nil JOOO 1.54 600 5OO 1200 IOO 7° 28O 1500 12 6oO 5° 286 2000 41 2O I^OO Nil 5S 2 230 400 410 400 200 5OO 400 34° IO >3 600 400 I 1OO Nil i8o Nil 75° 150 532 ICO 250 2700 223 400 1000 2600 75° 2000 35° 2300 213 Nil 1200 500 250 600 5500 1000 I 1800 650 250 300 24 132 1770 1250 480 10 200 2000 1406 480







RETURN of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Sbcop on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Reardon, John, Maxwelltown Reid, Brothers, Riverfcon, Fordell Reid, Richard, Edina Farm, Taylorville Rice, Samuel, Brandon, Wanganui Richards, C. M.,Uni.m Head, Wanganui ... Richardson, A. II., Matea, Wanganui Rider, A. E , Wang>nui Ritchie and Wilson, Wanganni Robertson, George St. Clair, Wanganui Robertson, W.,No. 3 Line, Okoia Rod well, P., Wang uui Boss, David, Taylorville Rusooe, John, Headlands, Wanganui Ruscoeand Sons, J., Sea View, Wanganui ... Ruseoe, Joseph, Wanganui Russell, William, Sherwood, Wanganui Rutson, John, Aramaho, Wanganui Sarjeant, II., Woodburn, Fordell Sarjeant, Henry, Riverley, Fordell Sarjeant, Isaac, Woodburn, Fordell Slade, Isaac, Taylorvillo Smith, Charles, Te Korito, Wanganui Smith, W. E., Wanganui Smyth, W., Busli Farm, Okehu Sommerville, J. R., Fair View, Wanganui Stent, James, Perekauia, Waitotara Stone Bros., Matnr.iwn, Wanganui Stone,'John, Ora farm, Wanganui Straclnm, David, Lornty, Wanganui Suister, George, Fordell Sutherland, A., Fordell Sutherland, N., Fordell Symes, A. J., Blink Bonny, Taylorville Tuwse, Alexiinder, Kai Iwi Taylor, Joseph, Kukuta, Taylorville Tliatoher, Thomas, Fernham, Wanganui Tliurslon, E , Makirikiri 170 1165 6oo 690 1O00 Nil 1265 900 569 600 2JO Nil 33° 330 1C40 1200 500 1000 260 250 126 800 90 217 IOOO Nil 500 5 29 4°5 1700 345° IOOO 160 8 3000 400 554 400 1700 2800 900 300 '5 1070 280 400 87 700 700 Nil 1500 220 43° Nil 600 75° 660 '3° 1300 1300 1270 470 400 621 16 200 1400 1400 1200 700 Nil 942 Nil

No. ot Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 18S6. Tod and Cochrane, Nukumaru, Waitotara ... Towgood, S. II, Q-rassinere, Wanganui Turner, C, Blytliwood, Taylorville Tyerman, B., Wanganui Waaka bfakaraia, Ivai Iwi Walker, Cx. F. Aromaho, Wanganui Walker, G-., Mount Hewitt, Wangaimi Walker, J. T., Wanganui Wall, Francis, Wanganui Wall, John, Kock Farm, Wanganui Wallace, John, Taylorville Watt, Mrs. M., Lily Bank, Wanganui Watt, W. II., Westmere, Wanganui White, Samuel, Boseville, Wanganui Wickstead, A., Wanganui Wiloox, Alfred, Long Acre, Taylorville Wilford, Arthur, Pukearaka, Xai Iwi Williams, K. L., Brunswick Wisdom, W. H., Taylorville Woon, Brothers, Wanganui Wright and Sons, Temple, Brunswick Wright, Gr. S., Brunswick Young, William, No. 2 Line, Wanganui 300 93° 498 ! 100 '3° 200 300 Nil 930 680 498 645 "MOO 1000 130 170 200 Nil 400 400 — 533 138 no 100 100 400 '38 100 450 85° 3700 6oo 5° 2OO I 170 I5O 450 169 665 232 75° 164812 450 400 850 I 860 37°o 35°° 600 600 5° 5 200 Nil 1170 1900 150 160 4.5° Nil 169 214 665 708 232 433 75° 7°o 34812 176721 (In Napier Subdivision). Craig, William, Tuihirangi, Wanganui Eruini te Wiki, Kerioi, Moawhanga lliruki te Rango, Kangipo, Moawhanga Ihakara te Raro, Bjuapehu, Moawhanga Tiemi te Wiki, ICerioi, Moawhanga Studholmo, Morrin, and Co., Moawhanga ... 1720 2OO I I 2OO 1720 2000 200 j 125 1200 — I7OO 5° 3347° 1700 i8oo 5° 55 5347° 35°&4 Total in county 38340 3 834°j 39°44 203152 2'5765 203152

No. of Sheep on 31st May. IBM. 188G. Bryce, Thomas, Fern Flat, Marton Burdon, F. W., Marton Burne, J., Round Bush, Parawanui Bushby, A., Crofton Cameron, A., Lochaber, Mai'ton Cameron, Angus, Hunterville Cameron, Charles, Inrormailie, Turakina Cameron, D., Waipu, Turakina Cameron, Duncan, Whakaware, Turakina ... Cameron, Hugh, Benmore, Marlon Campbell, C. &., Dingledell, Marton Carter, W. A., Marton Cash, T. K., Wilsden, Marton Cliubbin, John, Marton Clark, Mrs. P., Turakina Cockburn, A., Hillside, Marton (Jockburn, S. IC, Sunnyside, Marton Coleman, George, Marton Coombe, J., Woodlands, Marton Coote R., Tyrone, Marton Cox, F. C., viarton Crawford, W. II., Hunterston, Marton Curl, S. M., Greatford Dalrymple, J. T., Waitatapia, Bull's Dalziell, A., Otairi, Hunterville Dawbin, Joseph, Croflon Death, J. and H., Pines, Marton Death and Lynch, Patikipapa, Marton Death, Thomas, Marlon Dick, A., Eildon, Marton Doole, John, Fordell Doughty, A. a., Bulls Doughty, Mary, Bull's Duncan, J., Otairi, Marton Edwards, W. K. H., Marton Ellis and Robinson, Kanangaroa Enimens, Henry, Marton 1400 800 495 300 '55° 1400 180 100 300 1408 2900 '5 2 800 120 Nil 1500 1000 '45° 800 470 300 1800 650 2000 191 2000 150 Nil 37° '35' 3000 200 5°° 1 20 108 1470 1000 '54 310 I 3 8° /.8OO 200 470 1580 5000 33O 140 1 180 1600 '35 1090 1700 20 100 460 120 140 4500 5° 2100 80 100 1400 1200 150 140 8300 Nil 235° 100

No. of Shocp on Sist May. 1835. 1886. RANGITIKEI COUNTY (In Rangilikei Subdivision). Abbot Brothers, Rauinai, Bull's Abbot Brothers, Omorihuri, Fordell Addenbrooke Brothers, Fordell Aiken, A. and J., Norwood Marion Aitken, James, Marlon AldworUi, Richard, Marfcnn Aldwortli, Eobert, Silvei'liope, Marton Allison, A., Eccleston. Fordell Allison, Jami'S, Ma Ion Allinan, h., Marton Allsop, C, Cranbrook, Turaliina Amon, A., Lansdowne, Bull's Pakeke, llouhou, Marton Aperahama Taliungu, Matatara, Fordell Arkwright. F., Marlon Atkinson, T., Uawkston, Marton Awdry, J., Noiton, Marton Awdry, T., Tndcroft, Marlon Baldwin, J., Turakiiia Bavtlett, 8., Marton lieanl, James, Marton Beard, Jame-s Mungalipimi, Fordill Bosselman Bros., Crofton, Marlon Bowen, James, Pembroke V rale, Turakina Bowen, John, Turakina Broikic, William, Bull's Brown, W. F B , Netherton, Marton Bruce Brothers, Turakina Bruce, J., junior, Glencairn, Turakina Bruce, It. C , Marton 2000 66oo i '59 75° Nil 620 850 700 300 1000 60 100 59O 286 33° 270 5° 34° 200 2700 4500 6600 1600 7.i° •9 200 1908 463 ' '45 700 300 1000 94 200 824 365 325 250 5° 54° 400 2000 2.5 5 1000 800 1800 800 180 800 "793 2381 1200 '95 95° 1622 253S j 100





No. of Sn yist a icep on lay. 1885. 188G. Letlibriclge, H. Y., Maputaln, Turakina Lefchbridge, J. P., Philholm, Turakina Levott, E. II., Marton Lowrie, D., Gleunevis, Turakina Marshall, Major J. W., Xuto Totara, Marton Maunder, G-., Warleigh, Marton McAlley, Robert, Turakina McAlley Brothers, Ngapuni, Marton McBeth, A., Groveley, Marlon McBcth, James, Forgan, Marton McBeth, J. F., Dunsinane, Marlon McDonell, A., Komiti, Fordell MoDougall, W., School Eeserve, Marton ... McGregor, James, Cltiny, Turakina McHugh, II. J., Turakina Mclvor, Bros., Turakina, Mclnlosh & McDonell, Moutere, Kanangaroa McKelvie, John, Parawanui McKenzie, T. U., Poyntzfield, Parawanui ... McLiuighlin, A., Ligmore Farm, Marton McLean, A., Balloin, Marton McLean, D., Spring Grove, Marton McLean, F., Bird Grove, Fordell McLcay, J., Puriri, Wanganui Meads, David, Marton Meads, Z., Burnainwood, Marton Meyer, C, Mount View, Marton Middleton, John, Marton Midford, John, Marton Mills, W. F., Sudbury, Marton Milne, A., Rosebank, Marton Milne, J., Mount View Farm, Marton Milne, William, Marton Morgan, W. E., Turaluna Morris, Elizabeth, Hereford Farm, Marton ... Morrison, D., Burnbank, Marton Murray, J. H., Ellieslie, Marton Nekehia Pirika, Parawanui Neumann, Hobert, Marton Neumann, T., Greenfield, Marlon Newman, Edward, Turakina Nisbet, J., Marton Nitsehke, G., Marton Nolan, Charles, Marton Owen and Lethbridge, Wangaehu Parker, Charles, Marton Parsons, C, Marton Paulin, James, Woodend, Bull's Peacock, D. P., Homewood, Marlon Piripi Panapa, Turakina Polgreen, Cr., Marton Poppe, A., Marton Poppe, F., Marton Prosser, James, Marton Rangipo Mete Paetahai, Porewa, Mai-Ion ... Read, E., Bull's Eeupena Ngarino, Telewaiture, Turakina ... Rhodes, C. H. E., Marton Rhodes, W.B.(Est.),Heaton Park,Bull's ... Richards, L. C, Kilkern, Bull's Richards, L. M., Spring Hill, Bulls Richardson, T. F., Parawanui Ross, A. E., Cokeley, Marton Robinson, Thomas, Hunterville Kuruhira Ngakuira, Turakina Seherf, W., Marton Shepherd, J. P., Wellbury, Turakina Simpson, Thomas, Turakina Simpson, A., Dalvey, Turakina Simpson, A. G., Glenmorven, Hunterville ... Simpson, Alex., Waipu, Turakina Small, F. Marton Small, N., Glenbank, Marton Smith, A. F. and E. J., Marton Snellgrove, E., Wands worth, Marton Stantiall, Charles, Grealford Stevens, D., Junction Farm, Marton Slitt, W., Marton Sutherland, Edward, Kanangaroa Taiaroa Taukina, Wangaehu Tami Wunu, Wangaehu Tamihana Kohiti, Fordell Theed, W. V., Summerhill, Mavton I20O 268O 5° 1300 34 1° 1200 177 55° 445 5°° 1500 2600 1800 2600 300 1480 2838 '55° 170 55° 35° 404 1500 1500 200 3°3 1800 68 1300 2000 '3° 1 200 '50 7232 1 605 7 loo 1700 192 200 294 200 400 2000 500 3000 "800 500 '33 '79 54° 700 192 400 'Jj3 (> 7 500 700 263 1 100 I 56 22:) 7° ioo 800 260 800 1280 4 59° 900 145 1300 212 39' 3830 400 300 190 8500 300 200 56 250 2 93 3900 450 25° 335 10000 700 200 160 '5 800 1000 100 600 120 4*5 200 '5° 500 239 300 400 600 500 20000 1600 5°° 300 4TO 45° 17500 1300 552 16S 2J0 562 480 '93 3011 86 250 80 55° 700 Coo 2000 1600 2oco 2500 47° 210 2700 3000 470 '55 1500 160 90 160 1500 170 90 100 40 34° 160 850 80 Nil 200 400 200 700 Nil 47S

No. of Sheep on 81st May. 1883. 1886. Eparamia Paid, Turakina Eramiha Te Kiore, Tone-waiters, Turakina ,.. Fairfield, W. F., Dry Greek, Marton Farley, J., Tikiinu, Fordell Farmer, W., Runnymede, Marton Ferguson, D., Woodside, Bull's Findlay, A., Woodside, Marton Fitzherbert, A. B-., Marlon Fitzherbert, N., Norbury, Turakina Flood, R. P., Turakina Follett, James, Croft on Fox, Sir William, Westoe, Greatford Fraser, D., Pakilio, Parawanui Frederick, A., jun., Bushybant, Marton Frederick, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton Friedrick, A., Brooklin Farm, Marton Galpin, M., Mrs , Fail-field, Marton Galpin, C. M., Sedgcombe, Marton Galpin, W. T., Woodlands, Marton Glasgow, Jolm, Ashley, Turakiim Glasgow, Mary, Edenmore, Turakina Goebel, G., Pukapapa, Marton Goilo, B., Marton Goile, H., Marton Goile, R. and J., Marton Gordon and Son,Woodside Farm, Marion ... Gorton, B., full's Gower, B., Stanley Farm, Marton Grant, A., Tullocligorum, Turakina Grant, Ewen, Hunterville Gray, W. J., Marton Greaves, H., Marton Griffin, John, Marton Haimona Teiki, Wangaehu Haimona Teutupoto, Turakina Hamilton, A., Turakina Hammond, F. J., Bull's Hammond, J. P. (Estate of), Bull's Hammond, J. R., Clifton, Greatford Hammond, M. G., Bull's Hammond, R., York Farm, Marton Hammond, R., jun., Bull's Hainuera Ngapuru, Parawanui Hanneke, C. F., Pukapapa Line, Marton Hapeta Pitinion, Wangaehu Harper, James, Bull's Harrison, C. J., VVoodburv, Marton Hempseed, J., Franklin Tale, Turakina Henderson, H., Mill Farm, Marton Hewett lirothers, Martou Higgie, Alexander, Taylorville Hill, A., Marton Hinekura, Wangaehu Hirini Moliuia, Turakina Hoani Naliona, Turakina Hoani Waitere, Kopinu, Turakina Hogg, Mrs. A., Ettrickdale, Turakina Holden, Thomas, Marton Iloneyman, Alexander, Marton Hore Teko, Wanuaehu Howard, F., Pukepapa, Marton Howard, James, Westoe, Grentford Howie, W., sen., Bellgrove, Mai-Ion Howie, W., jun., Lammermoor, Marlon Huatau, Fordfll Hunt, Charles, Marton Hyde, James, Marton Ingle, H., Willowbrook, Marton James and Jones, Marton Jefferson Brothers, Mungirapi, Marton Johnston, J., Bellevne, Marton Johnston, Hon. J., Brandon Hall, Bull's ... Kendiick, W. J., Morton Kilgour, David, Earlston, Greatford Kilgour, James, Gowerfield, Bull's Kilgour, R., Greatford Knight, Abraham, Turakina Knox, R. J., Turakina Krebs, William, Marton Laird, C. R., Paraekarihi, Marton Lampp, Joseph, Marton Lattorff, Bros., Alma Farm, Marton Lelhbridge, G. Y., Ann Bank, Turakina ... i8o 5° 800 1400 70 600 380 410 1500 74i 100 2700 3000 185 290 790 37° 726 3000 900 710 45° 212 '93 IO2 ! 35° 42 1 too 1100 400 560 275 400 250 120 95° 980 700 500 3000 583 '5° 100 j ] 200 Nil 800 1100 80 40 300 760 1150 Nil 63 Nil 1 700 15° 279 77° 650 1000 4000 1 000 850 Nil 284 56 1 185 400 28 95° 900 200 560 300 300 500 100 98 10(17 1026 1700 1000 4100 1000 Nil 400 110 298 200 34 400 200 394 200 35° 575 1400 700 200 700 120 333 Nil 2,00 800 300 700 I OO 400 39° 37° 820 5OO 55° 900 800 200 200 6 7 o 550 37° 75° 556 14 jo 600 1210 1632 62 481 400 3° '37 1127 4990 1100 8co 300 700 boo 1500 '298 700 '37° 1569 80 Nil 63 500 ]OO i 400 J^OO 167 650 '53 490 100 260 4500 320 4240





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1685. j 1880. Thorns, C, Riverdale, Marton Thomas, Rees, Marton Thow, George, Marton Tipene Waitere, Turakina Toi Toi, Wangaehu Toms, J. Gr., Riverdale, Marton Utiku Marumaru, Parawanui Voelk?rlin£r, GI-., Mavton Walker, M., Pukapapa, Bull's Warren, Walter, Marton Warring Brothers, Marton Warrington, E., Marton Watene Ranginu, Wangaehu .,, Watt, A., Marton Weston, S., Waistwood, Marton Whale, Henry, Croft on Whale, Sarah, Pukapapa, Marton Willey, James, Whitehouse, Bull's Willis, Mrs. E , Woodendean, Greatford Wilson, K., Green Bank, Bull's Wilson, R.,Runnymede, Hull's Wilson, 11., Hill 'View, Bull's Wing, Thomas, Crofton Winiata Te Puhake, Fordell Wiremu Takiri, Tenewaitere. Turakina Wirihana Ilunia, Paraiyanni Wollfile, J., Marton 270 !I3 40,5 250 400 380 800 2Q0 Nil 33° 100 37° 500 700 164 Nil 70 93° «3 1800 300 100 385 1200 110 117 2800 200 200 35° 1220 7° 6co ,500 102 2720 685 1200 200 140 3000 700 900 200 235 176 60 Nil 137 100 110 1200 100 130 OROUA COUNTY (In Rangitikei Subdivision). Alters, W., Racecourse, Palmerston North ... Alters, W., Riverdale, Pulmerstou North Alderson, C, Palmerston Worth Aldrich, G. II., Bunnythorpe Allerby, 0., Feilding Anderson, F., Palmerston North Andrewartha, R., Palmerston North Arnott, William, Eeilding Awdry, Bros., Feilding Bailey, W. H,, Kiwitea Baily, Henry, Feilding Baker, Walter, Palmorston North Baker, Win., Feilding Baker, William, Makjno Baker, W. C, Palmerston N. Banks, W. D. M., Kiwitea Barker, W. B., Makino Barrow, James, Kiwitea Bassett, Frank, Palmerston N. Bassett, Jolin, Ashurst Batehelar, J. O., Palmerston North Beale, Joseph, Palmerston North Beazer, Mark, Bunnythorpe Bell, A., Makino, Halcombe Bell, John, Palmerston N. Benson, Gr. M., Feilding Benson, William, Makino Berguist, N., Palmerston Nortli Bismark, F., Makino Booth, H. J., Makino Botting, W. J., Haloombe Boyes, Frederick, Palmerston North Brogden, W. F., Palmerston N. Brown, Captain S., Palmerston Nortli Brown, L. T., Feilding Brown, Mrs. L., Moorlands, Feilding Bruce, John, Fielding Bryant Bros., Palmerston North Buchanan, D. P., May field, Makino Buiek, James, Palmerston North Bull, C, Aorangi, Feilding Burrcll Bros., Feilding Burr, Ainos, Foxton Ctilleson, Hane, Karere Cameron, Hugh, Kopero, Awahuri Copper, A. E., Otamoe, Halcombe Carey, R. O. E., Palmerston N. Chamberlain, Thomas, Palmerston North Christensen, Jens, Palmerston N. Churcher, Isaac, Feilding Clausen Bros,, Palmerston North 213690 248621 95° 200 300 1110 180 270 253 6 40 380 1000 980 Nil 220 C70 297 1200 j 20 5° 2,50 217 150 480 300 1700 100 170 25 300 375 86 760 760 200 Nil 520 1320 200 10,50 57° 320 160 12 7° 200 430 r,6o 298 !3° 680 72 185 196 54° I 200 1741 600 400 200 400 6.5 700 2200 1870 800 640 295 15° 250 650 5° 1200 190 600 55 39° 300 160 10 300 138 190 16

>To. of Hhcep on Slst May. i L3S3. 1880. Coekburn Eros., Marfcon Collins, Edward, Palmerston North Collins, F. T., Palmerston N. Collis, C, jun., Karere Coombs, William, Paluierstoii North Cooper, Thomas, Palmerston North Oornfoot, Henry, Haloombe Corry, Mrs. Annie, Kiivitea Colter, John, Aslmrat G'owdrey, William, Forest Hill, Elalcombe ... Grain© brothers, Monavale, Haloombe Cumming, W., Raukawa, Palmerston North Davies, J. B., Kiwitea Death, G. G , Feilding Denton, T. 0., Feilding Desmond, Patrick, Awahuri Donald, James, Palmerston N. Dougherty, John, Palmerston North Douglas, A. P., Strathendrie, Halcombe Dunbar Brothers, Feilding Edwards, Thomas, Palmerston North Engels, d. H., Palmerston North Erenstrom, W\, Terrace End Eustace, John, 1'alcombe Faukhauser, C, Ilalcombe Fergusson, Mrs. John, Rosebankj Halcombe Fitzherbert and Cox, Makino Fitzherbcrt, C, Feilding Fitzsimons, Ellen, Palmerston North Forlong Brothers, Bull's Powell, James, Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Francis, P. Gr., Ashurst Fry, J. II., Pungaiwi, Makino G-arliclc, James, Feilding Garlick, J. H., Fellding darrity, Peter, Awahuri George, S. M., Palmerston N. Godfrey and Oldershaw, Makino • Gore, Mrs. II., Palmerston North dower, John, Spring Farm, Ilalcombe drammer, A,, Ashurst Gray, Thomas, Palmerston North dreen, Andrew, Makino Hall, Thomas, Palmerston North Hamilton, M., Karere ) [arisen, G., Kangitikei Line, Palmerston North Harris, W. and A., Tokorangi, Halcombe ... Hartgill and Manning, Feilding Hedges, A. W., Kiwitea Henaghan, M., 8t,oney Creek, Palmerston N. Hewitt, Captain, Palmerston North Hitchings, V. T., Burriside, Karere Hocking, J. H., Feilding Holden, J., Ridgelands, Makino Honore, A., j an., Palmerston North Howie, A., Riverswood, Marton Humphrey, John, Makino Hunt, C. A. W., Ashurst Irwin, E., Beaeonsfleld, Makino Jacob, W. F., Kiwitea James, T. P., Ilalcombe Jainieson liros., Palmerston North Jc[]"orii i3, F., Bunnythorpe Jefferies, J., Hunnythorpe Jeffrey, J. VV., Haleombe Johnston, John, Feilding Jones and Haythorn, Feilding Jones, H. P., Haleombe Kereti Karara, Marton Kilford, W. T., Ashurst K'lsbj 1 Brothers, Palmerston N. ICirk, Robert, Palmerston North ICirkpatrick, Robert, Palmerston North Knight, John, Palmersfcon North Knight, Thomas, Palmerston North Knight, William, Palmerston North La3sen, L., Palmerston North Laurenson, James, Palmerston North Lemon, Dr. 0., Tua Paks (Wellington) Levett, C A. J., Ilatanui, Kiwitea Linton, James, Palmerston North Linlon, R., Woodlawn, Halcombe Lockyer, William, Kiwitea. 400 1000 20 200 1100 18 500 1 Boo 240 1450 45O 170 100 6 1420 22 559 1 00 800 204 73° 150 495 16 20 400 93 9'5 144 13 400 900 90 1900 Nil ] 100 900 3000 45° 230 '37° 55° 400 160 128 16 3800 Nil 06 846 4. 4 50 101 90 Nil 680 900 cS6 63 53 7/8 300 150 15 67 30 96 330 ,67 21 31 132 10 270 '4 180 16 "7 100 49 1650 1600 100 277 200 88 )6oo ■750 140 1500 467 180 80s 3 75 '50 Nil 132 200 126 184 600 90 70 398 5° 24S 676 95 277 497 Nil 994 11 96 1250 90 68 53 240 200 700 400 4 35 962 200 65 290 250 700 600 Nil 36 1007 400 Nil 2900 290 101 2400





No. ox S: heep on May. 1880. [ Lovelock, J. W., Paltnerston North Lowes, Thomas, Ashurst Luxford and Sons, Palmerston North Macleod, F., Makino Madsen, H., Kiwitea Managh, Charles, Haleombe Manson, B., Palmerston North Manson, John, Palmerston N. Marshall and Brennan, Feilding Marshall, Isaac, Makino Matheson, 1)., Palmerston N. Mathieson, Roderick, I'alrnerston N. Maxwell, W., Feilding McBeth, Robert, Cawdor, Kiwitea McCrea and Heywood, Marton McDonald and Haycock, Makino McEwen, David, Karere McEwen, G. X., Longburn, Palmerston N.... McEwen, Henry, Karere McEwen, Mrs. M. A., Karere McKenzie, Colin, Ashurst McKenzie, Kenneth, Palmerston N. McLennan, John, Halcoiube Mexted, Jesse, Feilding Miller, Gibson, Palmerston N. Millerictj James, Palmerston N. Miilner, Q-.,jjin., Haleombe Millner, Stephen, Tokorangi, Haleombe Mills, William, Cheltenham Milsom, Robert, Palmeraton N. Mitchell, William, Kiwitea t ... Moffatt, Thomas, Palmerston N. Monrad, D. Gr., Karere Moore, Frederick, Feilding Morris, II., Palmergton N. Mowlem, James, Palmerston N. Mun, C. J , Haleombe Murray, J. IT., Waituna, Martou Nathan, J. C. Palmerston N. Nelson, Thomas, Ashurst Newcome, B., Palmerston N. Nga.paraU, Marton Nilsson, John, Feilding Palmerson, H. S., Palmerston N. Parkes, Thomas, Palmerston N. Parkins, Thomas, Palmerston N. Parr, George, Palmerston N. Patterson, T., Collingwood, Feilding Pearee, W. G., Feilding Peck, C, Stoney Creek, Palmerstou IN". Peterseii, Peter, Palmerston N. Pharazyn, C, Makino Plea.sants, Ovren, Feilding Podwin, S. J., Palmerston N. Pollock, John, Feilding Powell, H., Palmerston S". Pratt, J. R. F., Adders!one, Palmerston N.... Prendergast, M., Palmerston N. Pringle Brothers, Feilding Pruce, Captain, Palmerston North Quarrie, J., Huleombe Randolph and Walker, Palmerston N.' Reid, R. K., Palmerston N. Relf, S. J., Palmerston N. Rewiti Koote, Kaka.riki. Haleombe Richardson, George, Palmerston North Richter, Nanestead, and Co., Palmerston N. Riddiford, D. Gr., Burnside, Haleombe Riddiford, E. J., Longburn, Palmerston N.... Riley, J. A., Haleombe Roots and Co., Makino Row, John, Longburn, Palmerston N. Rowland, David, JIarero Rowles, Thomas, Kiwitea Russell Bros., Te Matai, Palmerston N. Russell, John, Palmerston N. Saxon, J'., junr., Feilding Shannon, Gr., Haleombe Shepherd, Samuel, Mangaone, Feilding Sinclair, Donald, Makino Skerman, James, Palmerston N, Sly, J. C, Palmerston N. Smith, Edward, Feilding 200 7° 200 5° 1.54 800 105 Nil 7oo 20O 5 00 Nil 500 2450 600 '35 1:9 j 70 ! ;o "6 200 600 Soo 60 845 1050 520 4.00 660 60 15 044 Nil 2 5 438 1086 800 '45 160 75 280 462 600 805 329 320 1400 260 97 1420 281 95 73 580 8 297 468 200 400 332 94 '75 H57 '33 54 39° Nil 1281 55 5° 420 =,60 623 Nil Nil 10 100 78 1 ()8 449 >94 200 610 '37 200 2032 72 649 293 35 2CO 2846 589 1042 400 400 994 3000 'f»5 193 180 883 3300 40 200 137a 47 1450 300 5° 14 8oo 50 46 I0OO 3O0O 1699 3500 2000 1420 850 600 35 1450 800 700 3039 200 300 5 40 2312 300 '45 200 5° 170 760 35° 600 1000 697 400

of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. j 1880. Smith, Thomas, Palmerston North Soby and Powell, Palmerston N. Sobye, Arthur, Palmerston N. Sobye, William, Palmerston "N. Splitt, .Tolin, Halcombe f-tace, A. R., Peach Grove, Palmerston N. ... Stace, T. W., Willow Lake, Palmerston N.... Sr.allard, It. H., Palmerstcn N. Stallard, W. S , Palmerston N. Standen, S.. Pnlmereton N. Stevens and Grorton, Palmerston N", Stewart, A., Palmerston N. Stewart, Malcolm, Palmerston If. Stewart, W. IC, Kiwitea Stokes, A. L., Terrace End Stuart, E. and E., Makino Stubbington, II., Makino Swainson, W. J., Brookfield, Palmerston N. Symonds, William, Halcombe Tanner, A., Palmerston N. Taylor, J. H.,Makino Taylor T. E., Xurakina To Koinga, Karara, Halcombe Thebridge, Francis, Hulcombe Thomson Brothers, Awahuri Thomson, F.,Feilding Toa Eangitira, Karakit, Halcombe Tyerman, Mrs. Mary, Kiwitea Voss, M., Karere Waldegrave, J., Palmerston N. Walker, A. H., Palmerston N. Walker, C. W., Palmerston N. Wallia and Smith, Palmerston N. Watson, Walter, Halcombe Waugh, W., Sunnyside, Palmerston N. Wheeler, Gr. C, Halcombe Whiblcy Bros., Delaware, Ashurst Whishaw, H. Y., Kiwitea Whisker, James, Feilding Wiari Eawiri, Kakiriki, Halcombe Wilhelm, J. H., Kiwitea Williamson, J. J. and St., Feilding Wilson and Eiohardson, Feilding Wilson, James, Makino Wingate, John, Palmerston K\ 600 150 600 200 60O 4.OO 500 673 2OO 250 57 308 9 60 60 800 Hil 82 36.5 130 600 200 600 400 800 54 57° Mil 150 I O 370 Nil 323 600 Nil 500 210 5° 242 600 600 5° 142 20 3° 40 1291 39° 1022 200 .52 885 986 1090 1720 162 39° 1200 400 9io 460 1923 100 146 i8io 1450 400 Nil 70 98 1810 460 j 00 3 GO 160 9 1098 190 127644 MAWAWATU COUNTY (In Eangitikei Subdivision). Acourl, James, Sanson Amapiria Waiho, Foxton Amon Brothers, Scott's Ferry Bailey, J. A., Sanson Bank of Australasia, lumkawa, Feilding Barber Bros., Himatangi, Foxton Bennett, Henry, Awahuri Bishop, E. W., Sanson Bowater, H , Mrs. Sanson Bowater, James, Sanson Bredow, Eeinhold, Oroua Downs Bromley, James, Bull's Brown, S. and Co., Foxton Bruce, Alexander, Sanson Bull, James, Pukauui, Bull's Bnrne, Mrs. J., Eiver Bank, CarnarYOn Cameron, Thomas, Halcombe Campbell, A., Awahuri Carnarvon Estate, Foxton Carter, J., Agley Farm. Foxton Oobb, Eobert, Foxton Coker, Samuel, Carnpbelltown Costall, Bros., Boston Farm, Campbclitown Cull, 0., Oroua Bridge Curran, Joim, Makino Dall, Charles, Campbclitown Dear, George, Taipo Bush, Awahuri Dearlove, John, Foxton Donald, James, Foston Dove, J., Sanson Drummond, K., Brookdalc, Sauson Duke, H., Sanson Duncan, James, Foxton 3 7 "1 487 480 1064 5412 240 291 186 2C0 97° 600 3306 600 377 400 893 Nil 6000 240 270 680 135 28., 130 000 600 5620 700 400 90 3454 2 5 500 95 200 500 ! '70 80 500 125 320 28.5 44 320 Nil [CO 123 500 190 35° 80 21 I 40 700 150 400 195 4 1° 432 214





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. | 1886. Richmond, W., Sanson Risk, James, Sanson Roache, Michael, Greatford Roberts, Jolm, Sanson Robertson, A., Campbelltown Robinson, F., Ilerrinton, Foxton Robinson, F., jun., Omanuka, Foxton Rouse]l, James, Foxton Rout, G., Campbelltown Sanson, II., Sanson Sanson, T., Sanson Scarrow, G. P., Sanson Scott, D., Scott's Ferry Simpson, Chris., Feikling Simpson, K. and II., Foxton Smart, J. T., Sanson Smith, John, Foxton Speedy, J. H., Sanson Staff, J. H., Campbelltown Standen, S., Palmerston North Stewart, P., Foilding Synions, C. H., Foxton Taylor, W., the Pines, Carnarvon Teieti Turanga, Awaliuri Tennent, IT. P. L., Te Kohai, Sanson Thompson, H. P., Sanson Thompson, W. J., Campbelltown Thynne, E. S., Foxton Tompkins, J., Sanson Towers, J. EL, Awahuri Tucker, W., Campbelltown Verry, Thomas, Hillside, Sanson Wahle, R., Foxton Wallace, J. H., Otaki Wheoler, G., Forndale, Awahuri White, W. G., Foxton Whittle, J., Awahuri Williams, Geoi'ge, Sanson Wilson, J. G., Ngaio, Bulls Wrey, G. C. B., Feilding Wrigley, Henry, Sanson Young, Gr. H., Killrudden Farm, Sanson 20 400 60 '75 8200 700 89 4> 2C0 200 470 I5OO 10 300 600 200 24 5°0 JOO 44 75° Nil 800 82 85 110 '7 28 6 9 2 400 400 60 Nil Nil 9000 800 90 32 76 120 500 1400 21 '5 Nil 35° 100 21 500 200 73 656 100 845 '5° '5° 80 249 709 35 6 Nil Mil 720 1000 3° 186 316 7718 4300 106 3° 240 34' 8200 3Soo 310 100 100 IIOROWUENTTA COUNTY ([n Eangitikei Subdivision). Ariki Raorao, Horowhenua Bell, William, Otaki Best, Walter, Netley, Otaki Bevan, Henry, Otaki Bevan, Thomas, son., Otaki Boolli, Richard, Waimanu, Otaki Bright, Frederick, Otaki Cootes, James, Otaki Davies and Stuart, Wirokino, Foxton Death, Joseph, Mission Station, Otaki Drake Bros., Waikawa, Otaki Enoka te Wano, Otaki Gear, J., Otaki (Wellington) Gillies, John, TeHoro, Otaki Hakaria Rangikura, Otaki Hariata, Horowhenua Hcma te Ao, Otaki Henia Ropata te Ao, Otaki Ilenare to Hatete, Otaki Ifetariki Matao, Horowhenua Heta te Whatn, Horowhenua HimioTia Kohin, Hovowhenua Hira Parala, Waikanae lloani Puihi, Horowhenua Hoani Taipua, Otaki Hohepa te Hana, Otaki Hona Taupo, Otaki Hone Tupou, Horowhenua Hopa Heremaia, Hotowhenna Ilopa te Piki, Horowhenua Hori Tepa, Horowbenua Hori te Waru, Otaki Ihuka Rangihouhia, Horowhenua Kuraitiana, Horowhenua Kebbell, John, Te Ranawa, Ohau Korehi Tomo, Horowhenua 113921 123521 21)0 I0O 200 10 20O 225 I2OO 45° 1650 3° 200 400 1070 500 9900 897 2000 180 500 I I5OO 995 1800 '5° 2140 854 100 5° 250 100 325° "50 160 100 110 70 160 600 5° 440 1 20 '?5 '3° 3° 140 500 100 859 '95 40 1100 200 7° 90 120 37 100 60 90 40 200 20 110 300 25 ICO ICO 3533 ■5° 3950 100

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 188G. Dundas & Fergusson, Mingiroa, Halcornbe ... Dunk, Charles, Bainesse, Foxton Easton, A. J., Foxton Edwards, C, Hillside Farm, Sanson Edwards, Thomas, Foxton Eglinton, B., Sanson Ellern, H. B., Sanson Fagan, J., Sanson Farmer, A., Sanson Farmer, George, Sanson Fergusson, William, Burnside, Halcombe ... France, Frederick, Sanson Eraser, Hugh, Inverlioe, Bulls Frazer, Thomas, Eaikapu, Awalmri Garretfc and Grey, Sanson Gibbs, J. H., Sanson Gifford, Thomas, Carisbrook, Sanson Goodin, John, Fcilding G-ower, J. W., Foxton Grace, C, line Grove, Sanson Gray, Joseph, Sanson Gust, August, Campbelllown Hadfield, A. J., Neliey, Otaki Hammond, H., Waitohi, Sanson Harris, James, jun., Sanson Henare Wirihana, Horowhenua Henson, S., Palmcrslon North Henson, Thomas, Feilding Hepe, Awaliuri Hiekford, Henry, Sandon Hirst, Thomas, Sanson Hughey, David, Foxton Hunt, William, Campbelltown Hurst, Gk II., Sanson Jensen, A. C, Foxton Kew, Milo, Sanson King, Solomon, Awahuri Knight, James, Campbelllown Knight, Samuel, Campbelltown Larkworthy, F. B., Motoa, Foxton Lethbridge, F. Y., Feilding Liddle, J., Major, Feilding Lucas, G. II., Campbelltown Lumsden, John, Sanson Maeleod & Cameron, Ponsbourne, Oroua Downs Maemillan, William, Awahuri Marsoin, William, Sanson Masters, Thomas, Sanson Mathers, John, Foxton Matthews, A., Sanson McDonald, A., Rakapu, Awahuri McKenzie, D. D., Carnarvon McKcnzie, B. B., Flaxinoor, Carnarvon McKenzie, Thomas, Carnarvon McLennan, John, Oroua Downs, Foxton Midford, James, Gore Farm, Campbelllown... Mitcheil, Thos., Riverside, Foxton Moore, H. A., Campbelltown Nairn, J. L., Sanson Newman, Frederick, Campbelltown Neylon, P., Foxton Nye, George, Sunnyeide, Foxton Oliver, J. and G-. L., Okane, Foxton Oabourne, W T., Campbelltown Paseull Brothers, Opaketo Pascall Brothers, Puketotara, Foxton Pattullo, J. L., Foxton Pearce, I?.. E., Sanson Penny, B. 8., Sanson Penny, W., Sanson Perreau, J. A., Foxton Perry, A. J., Kiwitea Phillips, George, Sanson Philps, Henry, Campbelltown Pitavcy, E., Woodlands, Foxton Poole, Mrs. M. E., Oroua, Foxton Port, Bit-hard, Sanson Prisk, James, Sanson Pureell, J., Foxton Balston Brothers, ITokianga, Carnarvon Eansotn, V. C, Campbelltown Bead, Mioniah, Sanson Rioliards, C. M., Mt. Stewart, Wanganui ... 1640 800 147° i8oo 100 600 35 500 4»S 70 35° 260 175 20 500 18 Coo 490 Nil Nil 600 Nil 500 1300 806 114 200 '835 Nil 300 '55 760 34° 395 460 300 922 327 8.4 26 Nil 2018 33°° 710 100 4000 6co Nil 1060 i°95 170 80 95 '54 '4 Nil Nil 900 1100 193 188 19 170 20 57 1.10 5345 2866 333 90 3°° 7' 5 5'° 59 120 200 2890 3400 300 200 300 Nil 40 81 94 297 1257 600 1249 ] I 2 96 '5° 290 1028 Nil 900 1090 18710 100 196 398 80 9 6 280 i9S 1300 595 700 1400 400 225 648 1100 22 7co 850 19132 90 252 520 100 99 300 192 1200 700 j 45°° 3° 289 800 1000 20 1000 700 490 400 920 400 i"5 124 100 130 257 197 338.5 46 4' H50 140 300 3176 170 63 1500







RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Kheop on 31st: May. 18S5. 1886. Kingi Amorangi, Horowhenua Kiugi Tepa, Horowlienua Maaka Pukehi, Otaki MacDonald, B., Mrs., Kelvin Grove, Otaki... Mahia Wi Pavata, Waikanae Martini and Poripi, Otaki Matera te Karaha, Otaki Matiaba Eanapiri, Ohau McDonald, H. If., Horowlienua Mohi Heremia, Ohau Mohi Wharewhiti, Otak Moihi Te ITootu, Otaki Nicholson, Neville, Horowlienua Noa te Wbata, Horowbenua Nuna te Taurei, Otaki Oriwia Kerehi, Horowhenua Rangimairehau, Horowhenua Ranginui, Horowhenua Rawiri Hutukawa, Horowhenua Retter, J. C, Horowhenua Roha Koroniria, Ohau Ropata Ranapiri, Otaki Ropata Tangahoe, Waikanae Seymour, Thomas, Otaki 5° I 10 200 400 45 80 7000 100 28 140 5° '5° 5° 100 3° 400 5° 5° 5° 250 45° 5° 45 50 100 6000 100 5i 150 40 100 7 8 80 5° 400 60 100 1880 200 95 100 i75° 200 100

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 188G. Simcox and Rutherford, Eorest Lakes, Otalri Small, Alexander, Clif'den, Otaki Stickle, Benjamin, llorowhenua Symons, Henry, Opiki, Foxton Tamiti Ranapiri, Otaki Tamiti Ranapiri. Ohau Tare Porotene, Horowlienua Te Hiwi Piahana, Otaki Tia Ihi Hawea, Otaki Turau, Otauro, Foxton Tutere te Matau, Waikanae, Waata Muruahi and Co., Horowlienua Waretini, Horowheuua Wehipeihana Taliarape, Ohau Werehana Tawhati, Horowlienua Weti Wi Parata, Waikanae Wiremu Hori, Horowlienua Wiremu Paki, Otaki Wirimu Tamate, Waikanae Wood, G. "N\, Otauro, Foxton 295° 2O0 200 '7 480 66o 8o 100 250 no 1600 800 30 300 170 35° 140 60 200 "5° 47266 2949 180 200 24 500 800 80 I3O 3OO IOO 2O0O 9OO 25O 388 IOO IOO 60 75 25o 250 4947

;o. d 1 Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Corlet, E. G. M., Johnsonville Cotter, Thomas, Upper Hatt Crawford, J. C, Watt's Peninsula Cridland, 0. J., York Bay, Hutt Crow, Patrick, Johnsonville Crowther, J., Brookfield, Hutt Cruickshank, A., Upper Hutt Cruywagen, J. C, Upper Hutt Darby, F. E., Ohariu Death, F. A., Pahautanui Death, Samuel, Taita Dick, David, & Sons, Ashfield,Wainuiomata... Drake, T. J., Johnsonville Draper, Edward, Pahautanui Duncan, Charles, Linden Vale, Tawa Flat ... Earp, William, Boscobel, Tawa Flat Ebden Bros., Hntfc Eglinton, Henry, Hutt Enoka Ilohepa, Waikanne Erueini Temarau, Waikanae Farrelly, John, Nainai, Blackbridge Field, H. A., Waikanae Field, H. A., Waiorua, Waikanae Field, H. A., Wharekohu, Waikanae Field, James, Ohariu Fitzherbert, Sir William, Belmont, Hutt ... Flighty, Stephen, Pahautanui France, William, Mrs., Ohariu Fredriekson, Lars, Wainuiomata Futter, James, Kaivrarawara Galloway, D., Reserve, Pahautanui Galloway, George, Judgeford, Paliautanui ... Galloway, William, Pahautanui Gardner, W., Pahautanui Garrett avid Co., Wellington Gaskin, George, Makara Gaskin, J. and C, Makara Gaskin, William, Makara Geange, Richard, Upper Hutt Gear M. P. and F. Co. of W.Z., Lim., Wellington Gear, James, Okowi, Wellington Goldfinch, G. J., Pahautanui Grace, John, Wainuiomata Grace, N"., Wainuiomata Gray, James, Pahautanui Greer, Francis, Clarence, Tawa Flat Greer, Samuel, Tawa Flat Hagerty, John, Ohariu 2 250 245° l6 70 280 72 800 300 1 100 7°5 728 300 200 900 5° 688 140 55O 2000 2000 2000 200 175° 280 9 Nil 3000 '4 go 286 103 82 600 300 1000 675 658 35° 190 800 55 9 700 100 Nil 2000 2000 2400 200 1550 280 108 225 55° 248 Nil 400 '55 5°o 199 55 15 800 60 37 "5 700 200 150 600 900 26 107 695 200 160 728 850 95 40 45° 400 240 300 75° 720 Nil Nil 500 500 219 Nil 8op

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. HUTT COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Abbott, N. and II., Horokiwi Allen, Eli, Grass Lees, Tawa Flat Allen, T. P., Walmer Farm, Hutt Aplin, Christopher, Up. Kaiwarra, Wellington Arthur, Henry, Porirua Ashdown, J. £>., Makara Bannister, Edwin, Woodlawn, Jolmsouville Barber, E., Wellington Barrow, Stephen, Pahautanui Burton Brothers, Upper Hutt Bassett, Thos., Willow Brook, Obnriu Beech, Geoi'ge, Ohariu Beech, William, Ohariu Beuge Brothers, Upper Hutt Best Bros., Ohariu Blackey, Joseph, Horokiwi Blackey, William, Horokiwi Boden, Anthony, Johnsonville Bould, Robert, Daisy Kill, Johnsonville Boulton, E., Pahautnnui Brady, Frederick, Pahautanui Broderick, C. and W., Ohariu Broderick, Thomas, Woodland, Tawa Fiat ... Brodie, Mrs., Belmont, Hutt Brown, J. and G., Upper Hutt Brown, M. A., Mrs., Long Point, Porirua Bryant Brothers, Mill Farm, Ohariu Bryant, J. W., Ohariu Buck, A. S., Taita Burgess, Kobert, Johnsonvillo Cameron, John, Hutt Campbell, Huston, Waimiioniata Carter, Charles, Pahautanui Carter, Edward, Pahautanui Carter, G-ad, Pahautanui Caverhill, T. W T., Hutt Chapman, John, Hope Farm, Petone Clout, William, G-ranfield, Hutt Cocking, William, Hutt Cook Brothers, Opau, Makara Compton, C. H., Newtown Cooper, George, Kaitoke 45° 360 130 56 16 35 3° 285 400 5°° 167 300 400 375 1900 700 240 61 200 55° 3000 1000 200 650 487 ■38 98 Nil 42 37 77 400 870 250 300 700 400 1900 900 250 59 200 580 3000 1100 '95 '5° 210 250 5° 45°° 110 3600 700 200 4 568 46 1000 548 300 570 160 130 15° 2000 31 39° 200 5 591 64 1100 455 200 300 125 130 100 1972 39°





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1685. I 1886. Sim, James, JoTmsonvilie Smith, J. M., Mount Knot, Horokiwi Valley Smith, Charles, Pahaut&nui Smith, P. W., Tunapo Paikakariki Smith, Richard, Horokiwi Smith, Thomas, Hill Farm, Makara Smith, Thomas, Horokiwi Smith, T. H., Wellington Speedy, David, Western Hutt, Hntt Speedy, Peter, Hutt Spicer, Richard, Ohariu Sfacc, W. N., Pahautanui Stebbings, II., Johnsonville Slovene, George, Porirua Tamihana Te Neke, Waikauae Taylor, James, Tawa Flat Taylor, G-. H., Pahautanui Taylor, William, Pahautanui Te Hau Eruine, Waikanae Te Teira Ihakara, Waikauae Thirkell and Hawkins, Karori Thomas, William, Upper Hutt Thompson, G., Porirua Thompson, Henry, Tawa Flat Tremewan, Thomas, Tawa Flat Trotter, Peter, Makara Vaughan, Edward, Hutt Vella, Mariano, Mana Island, Paremata Wakehaai, Jolm, Wainuiomata Wakeham, W., Wainuiomata Walker, J., Taupo Station, Pahautanui Wall, Anlony, Porirua Wall, James, Porirua Wall, John, Porirua Watene te Awhio, Waikatiae Welch, W. E., Taita Wellington M. P. & li. Co., Lim., Wellington West, Daniel, Waiwitu, Hutt Whitehouse, J., Porirua Whiteman, W., sen., Upper Hutt Williams, 0. H., Makara Wilton, Elijah, Ohiro, Wellington Wilton, Job, Sunny Side, Wadestown Windley, Thomas, Porirua. Wi Tamiliana, Waikanae Wright, J. E\ E., Mana, Wellington 7oo 148 4000 45° 600 600 Nil 600 160 r 8 280 3°5° 400 800 Nil Nil 2S0 69 ■5° 58 420 900 '60 853 45° 1000 3° 700 400 127 no 300 586 370 500 57 35° 126 171 200 400 593 35° 500 60 410 121 ■50 800 IjOO So 1400 I 78 3S°° 2300 l600 ! 39S 5° 9° 49 S° 1600 4000 1900 1600 440 60 100 4.8 36 i8co 300 140 800 I 43° 20c 636 284 = 00 Nil Nil 315 500 7° , 782 116428 I ; I2-5S3 WEST WAIRAKAPA. COUNTY (In South Wairarapa Subdivision). Akers, W., Wharepapa, Featherston Allen, W. B., Clareyille Alien, Alfred, Clareville Anderson, A., Woodsiclo, Greytown Andrews, Edwin, Sherwood, Carterton ■ ... Andrews, G-. K., Carterton Apiata Hakiaha, Kohunui, Martinborough ... Applin, Joseph, Carterton Buggavley, J. II. A., Carterton Bairstow, Isaac, OlarevQle Bambry, William, Carterton Barton Bros .White Eoek,Martinborough ... Barton, R. J. (Exfc. of), Fernside,Featherston Bassett, John, Carterton Bennett, T. F., Featherston Benton, Thomas, Kaiwaiwai, Benton, T., jun., Featherston Bioknell, W., Kahautera, Featlserston Bidwill, Brothers, l Jibautea, Featherston ... Beckett, F. V., Featherston Bond, Malachi, Carterton Boys, Burton, Thanet Farm, Clarevillo Braithwaite, and Aeoi'ks, Carterton Buchanan, W. C, Tupurupuru, Gladstone ... Bunny, H. E.., Ahiaruhe, Gladstone Burch, Basil, Greytowu Burrow, J., Admiral Run, Gladstone Burrow, J., Whites Line, Carterton Burt, F. W., Featherston Cadwallader, E., Mrs., Fernridge, Carterton Callister, H., Lartorton Cameron, Allan, Martinborough 1800 162 482 650 158 95 104 360 90 35 1 '5 18140 3300 300 100 70 800 800 13081 250 200 ■5° 1300 I 21149 2590 891 1 320 Nil 120 1800 200 400 95° 20 192 66 400 70 57 Nil 16080 Nil 300 Nil 64 800 '55 10681 300 I S O Nil 1200 19418 2700 1600 3000 55° 70 290 52 45 300 119 38

Slst -hoop on Hay. 1885. 1880. Harris, William, Pahautanui Harrison, J. G., Kaitoke ... Hawkings, Thomas, Kaiwarawara Hawkins, F. H., Makava Hay ward, Thomas, Hutfc Ilenaro Nga Kote, Waikanae Hill, J. L., Paliautanui Hiniri Tangahoe, Waikanae Hira Maelce, Waikanao Hobbs, George, Johnsonville Hooper, John, Karori Honiana te Puni, Petone Sowell, William, Wharomoka, Waikanae ... Hume, Henry, Oliariu [haraira Toanui, Paikakariki tnia Tuhata, Wa,ikanae fackson, J. and E., Wainuiomata Fillett, William, Porirua Fones, G. and W., Paliautanui Fones, William, sen., Paliautanui Foseph, Wright, & McKerrow, Happy Valley Wellington Fudd, Albert, Waiwetu, llutt Fudd, James, !i utt Fudd, Stephen, Mayfield, Hutt Fudge, Alfred, Pahaulanui Eilsby, George, Oliavin Cing, Mr*., Porirua Lewis, Thomas, G-racefie'd, Hult bogan, H. F., Papanui, Wellington London, II. W., i'ahauianui Love, Daniel, Hutt jowry, John, Makara Lyneli, H., Emerald Glen, Paikakariki Vlabey, J. 0., Upper Hutt Vlabey, Robert, Upper Hutt ilaekay, Brothers, Whareroa, Paikakariki ... Vlarchant, George, Tawa Flat Watene Tauware, Petono Vlatekohuru, Paikakariki VtcEwen, A. II., Petono VlcQrath, Willia,m, Aotea, Porirua Vlcllvride, John, Wainutomala VlcMenamen, James, Terawhiti dlcPherson, A.,Willow Bank, Johnsonville ... VIexted, George, Tawa Flat Mexted, 8. "W., Porirua Vlillen, William, Horolciwi Hiteliell, John, Bumside, Porirua Hiteholl, John, Horokivvi Honaghan Bros., Makara Morgan, G. and T., Tawa Mat \Iorgan, J ohn, Tawa Flat Vlulhern, Roderick, Paliautanui Vlurphy, P. and M., Paliautanui Murray, T. H., Goathurst Farm, Wellington N"eill, Robert, Wainuiomata Alexander, Hovokiwi JTott, William, Ivy Bank, Tawa Flat 3'Shoa, M. G. R.,Mra., Belmont, Hutt Pearoe, James, the Streamlets, Pahautauui... Petherick, James, Johnsonville (Wellington) Philps, Jacob, Hutt Piriana Tungia, Porirua Pirihira Piwa, Waikanae Poarore, Waikanae Pringle, Alexander, Hill Farm, Hutt Prosser, J. H., Porirua Prouse, Richard, Wainuiomata Raiha Puaha and Matenga te Hiko, Porirna Rawson, Charles, Upper Hutt Beid, N.,Huntley Farm, Upper Hutt Bepini, Waikariae Fviddiford, E. J., Orongo Orongo, Hutt Robinson, Richard, Makara Robineon, T. H., Makara Rowlands, W., Tawa Flat Russell, B., and Son, Taita Sargent, Henry, Upper Hutt launders, William, Paliautanui icholes, John, ISelmont, Hutt 3eagar, Charles, Upper Hutt (Wellington) ... 3haw, Alfred, Wainui-o-mata 3°° 2IO I 60 I23 '5° 5f>5 100 270 ICO 265 70 1OOO 300 2JO 500 1200 800 196 7°54 600 410 277 800 400 3° 1600 400 168 310 781 120 1 00 700 5° 200 '33 650 65 7200 290 '182 1200 478 190 1200 75° '5° 2 5 O 300 373° 90 130 498 150 250 39° 18 140 160 130 130 535 100 '80 295 80 1400 300 150 300 500 1200 700 198 933° 60 600 45° 285 900 •500 "28 2300 Nil 222 34° 870 121 80 70O 37 210 200 130 450 7 [ 7500 260 400 ■5° 1200 700 190 1200 6,o Nil 250 300 3523 80 489 Nil 300 200 200 100 JOO 34 60 316 100 70 Nil 186 405 100 Nil Nil Nil 1800 400 241 5" 100 250 1500 75° 183 400 100 63 700 188 Nil 100 300 200 35 70 35° 250 32 24





4—H. 15.

No. of Sheep 011 31st May. 18S5. I 1886. Cameron, Duncan, Moroa, Greytown Cameron, Duncan, Glendhu, Grey town Cameron, J., Pahaua, Martinborough Cave, M. B., Featherston Champeney, George, Clareville Clifton, Alfred, Carterton Cooper, J., The Taipos, Gladstone Cotter, P., sen., Riverside, Q-rejctown Cross, Lot, Cross Creek Cross, Thomas, Moraoa, Grey town Cuff, AV. C, Grey town Cundy, C, Featherston Cundy, John, Torahanga, Featherston Dakin, Charles, Kakare, Clareville Dakin, Charles, Parklands, Clareville Dakin, Charles, The Cliff, Claieville Dakin, Charles, Woodlands, Clareville Daysh, Alfred, Clareville Daysh, R., Clareville Deihl, Charles, Carterton Dodds, Mrs., Otaraia, Martinborough Donald, W., Featberston Dorset, E. W., Kahikatca, Carterton Dorset, J. B., Masterton Douglas, A., Mount Adams, Martinborough Driscoll, Michael, Carterton Dunn, E., Do,ck Creek, Tauherinikau Eaton, John, Kokotau, Carterton EglintOB, H., Wharekaukau (Hutt) Elgnr, Charles, Eernside, Featherston Fabian, John, Pawhatu, Greytown Fairbrother, B. W., Parklands, Carterton ... Farrington, Gr- B., Col., Clareville Fensham, Jolm, Carterton Fenwiek, C. H-, Swampside, Kaiwaiwai Fitzgerald, J., Carterton Foreman, George, Pukanui, Gladstone Francis, W., Brookfield, Clareville Frcebody, John, Carterton Gaskin, G., Clareville Goodin, C, Lenard, Clareville Goodin, Kobert, Waihakeke, Carterton Gooding, Charles, Tauherinikau Goodrick, C. F., Featherston Grace Br. 'is., Weraawhaiteri, Gladstone Grant, A. S.,Bannockburn, Gladstone Gray, F-, Fairburn, Masterton Haigh, S., Greytown Hales, C. (Exts. of),Flat Point, Gladstone ... Hanlon, E. J., Mrs., Martinborough Hannah, James, Carterton Harris Bros., Hautotura, Martinborough ... Harris, Charles, Wantwood, Martinborough Harris, G., Martinborough Heckler, J. F., Greytown Hodder, Walter, jun., Featherston Hodder, William, Featherston Hodge, H., Peach Grove, Morrison's Bush ... Hodge, Thomas, Batteraea, Morrison's Bush Hollard, George, Greytown Holms, James, Gladstone Hooper, J. T., Carterton Hume, P., Tauanui, Martinborough Humphries, Mrs. M- A., Grove, Greytown ... Hutton, G. T. F., Teatherston Ingley, James, Cliif, Masterton Jackson, C. W., Matarawa Jackson, C. W., Torobonga, Featherston ... Jackson, H. H., Stonestead, Greytown Jackson, M. J. H., Sumryside, Featherston ... Jones, •!., Matarawa, Jones, W. H. P., Greytown Joseph & Phillips, Dry River, Martinborough Judd, Henry, Clareville Judd, John, Greytown Jury, C. J., Vermont & Glendower, Greytown Kempton, O., Taratahi West, Clareville Kempton, T., jun., Elm Grove, Greytown ... Kimberley, Benjamin, Greytown King, Alfred, Featherston Knapp, George, Greytown Kummer, G. H., Kummerstein, Masterton ... TOO IOOOO 7003 136 389 985 5000 404 800 584 300 100 1100 36 100 100 S°° 150 1600 380 100 62 600 f.80 54° 144 400 8 241 1420 587 67 35 100 84 27 3100 3000 '750 114 9700 400 200 100 10000 7500 Nil 480 1029 7000 450 990 80 22 Nil '5° I0OO 1500 I9OO 600 l6 l6o 85 2OO 200 5OO l6o I8OO 400 180 72 8OO 33°° '30 Nil S27 '74 S°° Nil 300 1250 Nil 166 4' Nil 120 11 37°° 480c 900 67 10500 380 ?oo 8000 7000 4000 700 200 620 169 258 I19S 860 5S°° 600 Nil 500 325 268 200 266 5920 '25 85 1800 900 77c 200 280 6000 1 20 80 Nil 585 Nil 500 3000 '800 432 360 13233 3000 ' 800 500 37° 13250 285 500 3O97 300 259 • 400 2200 3278 100 470 2769 4608 26 40 1800 12 2200

No. of S: 31st: loep on ttay. I 1885. I 1830. Laurie, George, Featherston Manoa Natanahira, Rangatanga, Gladstone Martin, E. E., Otaraia, Martinborotigh Martin, J. & W. J-, Huangarua, Martinboro' Martin, John, jun., Martinborough Mason, H. S., Glenhazard, Gladstone Matthews, A., Wairongamai, Featherston ... Maunsell, E. S., Rivorsdale, Greytown Maunscll & Parker, Te Parra, Carterton McDougall, D., Pirinoa, Martinborough McKenzie, A., Pigeon Bush, Feathcrston ... McKenzie, Alex., Kahantara, Featherston ... McKenzie, J., Rimutaka, Featherston MeLachlan, Duncan, Clareville McLaehlan, D., Spriugbank, Gladstone McLaren, D. & P., Pukuatua, Martinborough McLaren, D. & P., Wainuioru, Martinborough McLaren, Wm., Bush Gully, Martinborough McLeay ■& Read, Clifton Grove, Martinbro' McLeod, A., Glendrynesch, Martinborough... McLeod, James, Moeraki, Martiuborough ... McLeod, W. M., Whakaponi, Martinborough McMaster, Angus, Greytown McMaster, Angus, Tuhitarata, Martinborough McMaster, Archd., Kilgour, Gladstone McMaster, D., Matawhero, Martinborough... MoMaster, Hugh, Brooklyne, Gladstone MoMaster, J., The Grove, Martinborough ... MoPhee, II. and A., Glenrowan, Gladstone Miller, J. andR., Bamiookburn, Gladstone... Miller, W.. Calton Hill, Gladstone Mitchell, W., Morrison's Run, Morrison's Bush Moncrieff, J., Wesibourne, Cartorton Monckton, F., Newstead, Featherston Monckton, F., Forest Lee, Featherston Moody, Alfred, Carterton Moore F., Glenburn, Gladstone Moore, Thomas, Carterton Morgan, Edward, Carterton Morison, D., Glenmon'en, Greytown Murphy, John, Tirohanga, Fealherston N.Z. Loan and Merc. Agency Co., Limited, Glenrowan, Masterton jSTicols, W. H., Featherston Nicolson, Donald, Melverton, Clarcvillo Nix, W. J., Tauherinikau Nopera Tiki, Mangahuia, Gladstone Oates, .)., Glendower, Carterton Oales, J. G., Peach Grove, Carterton Pain, George, Martinborough Parker, John, Martinborough Parker, W., Martinborough Penny, J. B., Ghissmere, Claveville Perry Bros., Penrose, Masterton Pharazyn, C, Awliea, Featherston Pharazyn, C, Longwood, Featherston Pharazyn,C.&E., Wataraugi, Martinborough Ray, John, Carterton Ray, Thomas, Clareville Rayner, Henry, Carterton Rayner, J., Kuripivni Reid, David, Clareville Renall, Roger, Kokotau, Carterton Reynolds, John, Mayfield, Clareville Riddiford, E. J., Te Awaiti (Hutt) Roberts, Thomas, Clareville Robinson, J. F., Maungatiriri, Carterton Robinson, Robert, Carterton Rowe, R., Huriinuiorangi, Gladstone Russell, J. P., Wangai Moana, Martinborough Ryan, M., Clareville Sayer, R, N., Dalefield Sinclair, John, Burnside, Martinborough ... Skeet, VV., Witimanuka, Greytown Skey William, The Pines, Olareville (Welln.) Skeet, J. C, Phatu, Greytown Smith, James, Clareville Smith, John, Clareville Smith, Moses, Wharariki, Gladstone Smith, Stephen, Wharekaka, Martinborough Smith, Wallace, Tauherinikau Smith, William, Martinborough IO Nil 10500 22364 26 200 10000 4700 1280 •5° 3s 00 4020 25102 96 400 52SO 15 10 200 •75° 98 1000 35°° 45°° 1300 2025 Nil 1000 3000 6000 6000 4000 800 5000 3000 800 3000 5000 4000 Nil S3 35 65 400 1874 33oo 160 1800 33H 400 1585 2150 180 Nil 2284 6200 1300 1383 7000 '54 468 366 14000 700 197 1800 18 140 630 2450 600 >3°5° 500 235 2000 34 1200 2900 300 170 37S1 500 633 400 500 250 45 4400 9000 2800 2800 300 443 4120 800 700 300 400 200 15000 200 40 186 SCO 47 500 1000 29000 100 59 45°° 9000 2500 ISOOO Nil 21 I08 680 53 500 1000 i5S 187 35° 54° 11863 100 80 '93 300 418 10767 100 60 1400 283 1465 1250 5°° 2026 5° 200 200 Z55 300 200 Nil 850 1200 302 35° 1300





]\o. of Eheci) on 31st May. I 1885. 1S85. Snell, James, Ahiarulie, Carterton Spearink, W., Featherston Standen, John, Gladstone Stoodley, James, Gladstone St.rang, J. and W. Glenside, Gladstone Strawbridgo, Eli. Waihekeke, Carterton Sutherland, 1)., Pahaua, Martinboro' ISwan, Thomas, Cartei-tou Tanoi'od, H. G*., Ponahdii, CaHerton Tailored, P. F., To Aliikiore, Clareville Tiiplin, J. II., Masterton Tell'ord, T. VV\, Oartertqn Thompson, J. A., Kakare, Clareville Ticehurst, -lames, Matarawa Tildesley, E., Glenhazard, Gladstone looker, J. F., Featherston 'J rotter, P., Greytown Tullock, L., Haiford, Martinborough Tully, John, Greytown Tully, John, Ngawhakaakupe, Greytown Tunuiarangi, II. P., Pirinoa, Martinborough Tunuiarangi, II. P., Hinana, Gladstone Udy, H., jun., Greytown Udy, John, Tomato, Carterton TJdy, W., Fhixland. Grevtown Varnhum, W. A., Papiiwai, Greylown Veniiell, S., V'w\x, Gladslone "Vennell, Fotvst Lee, Featherston A ricki-rsta(f. William, Carterton Vili', Josiah, Ricadow Bank, Feathcrston Waldin, Thomas. Claveville AV rnlker, T., York Farm, Featherston Wall, George, & Sons, Riverside, Marlinbro' Wallace, J., Riverside, Featherston Ward, T., Morrison's Bush Watersen, George, Dalefield Wayte, T. P., Masterton Welch, R. G., Malarawa Wilder, M., Carterlon Wilkie, John, Poplar Farm, Greytown Wilkinson, A. M., Tauhei'iiiikau Wilkinson, II. C, Peatlierstun Wilkinson, J., Lake "Meadows, Fealherslon ... Williams, W. O., Bleak House, Kaiwatwai ... Williams & Beetham, Sloneleigh, Maslerlon Wi Mahupuka, Long Bush, Gladstone Wollere, H. H., Carterton Wood, W., Morrison's Bush, Greytown Wratten, W., Birch Hill, Martinborough ... Wyett, Charles, Claieville Yule, Alexander, Featherston 700 500 560 200 5000 400 55°° 80 5300 ,87 95 2 500 130 400 1000 26 1000 162 12800 800 800 »33 440 200 500 4400 2500 100 8oo 400 45° 200 5000 400 6500 53°° 180 347 2S Nil TOO Nil 800 26 1200 138 16800 700 800 5° 600 200 500 4700 Nil 170 192 73 4200 183 90 200 160 500 31 38 200 100 188 52 179 4500 253 70 190 207 600 Nil 45 250 280 ! .To 1000 ; 2494 1000 690 6000 4300 41 15° 2800 200 1800 100 192 2200 300 1500 EAST WAIRAEAPA COUNTY (In Wairarapa Subdivision). Alposs, S. J. P., Brooklands, Alfredton Andersen, Nils, Mauriceville Anderson, Alexander, Eketahuna Anderson, Allan, Masterton Andrew, Rev. J. C, lea, Tenui Anketell, W., Masterlon Armstrong, J., (Ex. of), Glenora, Castlepoint Balfour, A. J, Pahiatua jinnnisier Bros., Opnki Mastelon Bannister, II., Tutuat.ihui, Masterton Baucke, E., Whareponga, Pahiatua Beeiliam, W. and 11., Brancepelh, Masterton Belliss, Hugh, V\ Toodhurst, Tenui Bennett, Joseph, Otahuno, Masterton Bennett, William, Fernglen, Masterton Billington, Joseph, Masterton Blatchford, J., Willow Farm, Masterton ... Bi'anni«an, Patrick, Alfredton Brodersen, R. P., Mauriceville Brown T., Masterton Bruee, A., Hillside, Dreyerton Budden, B , Te Ore Ore, Masterlon Bui<'k, \Y\ B., Burnside. Masterton Burling, G. A., Peep-o-Day, Alfiedton Burling, IT., jun., Brooklands, Alfredton Buriiett and Pike, To Whiti, Masterton Cade a d McKeuzie, Black Rock, Masterton 427372 464441 1600 u8 171 33° H323 38 t 27000 2°35 700 400 5 oo 75794 Nil '75° Nil 136 198 20360 4.' 27000 4090 770 400 5oo 3000 900 '95 300 1800 69037 1800 2900 1000 80 330 2400 IS "45° c;oo '87 400 400 4000 25 1100 400 63 600 400 3150 100 5° 800 700

Ko. oi >■■ iu.'P on viay. 1SSG. Cameron, Allan, Spring Hill, Tenui Cameron Broo., Strontian, Masterton Cameron, Donald, Matipihi, Masterton Cameron, J., Fernside, Masterton Campbell, Hugh, Piran, Masterton Campbell, John, Opaki, Masterton Campbell, Robert, Opaki, Masterton Campbell, Charles, Masterton Carman, D., Burnside, Masterton Carver, B. W. J., Hankopua, Woodville Cave, A. W., Woodleigh, Masterton Chalmers, F. B., Fernyhurst, Masterton Chalmers, P. B., Heatherleigh, Masterton Chamberlain, E. E., Meku Meku, Masterton Chamberlain, Mrs. Elizabeth, Rocky Springs, Masterton Chrisiensen, Hans, Fernhill, Masterton Cliristensen, H. J., Opaki, Masterton Cockburn, Hood, and Walker, Glendonald, Bideford Colway, J., Masterton Cottle, Charles, Pine Grove, Masterton Cox, J. G., Mai, Te Nui Cripps, Isaac, Seven Oaks, Te Nui Cross, John, Waitiwiti, Tenui Cross, John, Grlen Side, Tenui Cross, William, Moron, Alfred ton Dngg, J. G-, Spring Valley, Masterton Dngg, R. ])., Upper Plain, Masterton Day, W., Tirohanga, Masterton Dixon, George, Manawa, Tenui Donald, Donald, Waikaraka, Masterton Donald, Donald, Solvvay, Masterton Donovan, S. W., Dreyerton Dorset, W. L., Kopuarangi, Dreyerton Douglas, George, Opaki, Masterton Drummond, G. M. R., Otahuao, Masterton... Duckett, John, Mikimiki, Masterton Dudding, H., Makahakaha, Taueru Duncan, G-, Papakui, Masterton Elder, II. It., Lnngdak-, Masterton '• Ikins, A. A., Masterton Blliotte, R. H., Glentanna, Mauricevillo Evans, L. J., Upper Plain, Masterton Everett, W., View Field, Masterton Kvvington, James, Masterton Falconer, W, Pine Grove, Masterton Falloon, Henry, Pine Bank, Masterton Farrer, T. S., Hautotara, Bideford Farrell, William, Pahiatua Good, C. G., Maori Hill, Alfredton Goringe, Orlando, Masterton Groves, John, Jan., Bush Grove, Tenui Groves, John, jun., Rock View, Masterton ... Gundersen, G., Mauriceville Hall, J., Pahiatua Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Aohanga, Castlepoint Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Mai-amanga, Casllepnint Harris, Walter, Opaki, Masterton Harvey, George, Berriedale, Dreyerton Hawkins, R. S., Bowlands, Bideford Henare Tamati, Te Ore Ore, Masterton Herbert, J. and C, Hawkhurst, Masterton ... Hessey, John, Sherwood, Masterton Hitchings, T., Beaumont, Masterton HitchLngs, Thomas, Waironga, Masterton ... Holmes, Bros., Matahiwi, Masfcei'ton Holmwood, Charles, Bush Croft, Masterton llosking, W. H., Dr., Weraiti, Masterton llowngan and Watson, Manaia, Masterton ... Hughes, J. and W., Pahiatua Hunt, Brown, Miki Miki, Masterton Ihaia Whakamairu, Masterton lorns, William, Masterton Isaksen, Jacob, Mauricevifle James, Henry, Woodlands, Masterton Jackson, H. \V., Avondale, Dreyerton Jessen, Jolin, Mauriceville Johnston, A., Cumloden, Masterton Johnston) W. W., Castlepoint Johnston & Co., Mataikuna, Castlepoint 3700 3000 IO2O 200 4000 33°o 1300 250 300 90 490 200 2700 200 300 92 495 490 9° 1063 5200 no 935 800 1020 5000 110 1000 800 130 300 7712 90 395 9000 100 560 3200 250 2000 130 55° 4100 200 2000 1200 4000 -5°° 1200 '47 680 1283 6046 4600 900 118 400 5°° 1100 200 670 1270 7100 4500 600 250 45° 500 425 130 2000 Nil 21780 500 98 -5° 40 900 39O 490 490 25000 500 I02T 1 70 240 Nil 1300 400 600 28 1700 582 440 45° 260 35 11781 1300 506 700 Kil 280 304 11909 27759 28272 300 800 395 Nil 14400 j 40 357° 300 4100 995 8470 20 3050 561 1000 17100 190 3000 215 3565 764 7150 27 3017 500 1100 250 45° 5 4 480 1100 1700 Nil 500 8 900 1200 ■5234 15000 992 20 i°75 14621 14700





No. of Shcop on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Osborne, Thomas, Upper Plain, Masterton... Osborne, William, Upper Plain, Masterton... Palmer, F. G-., Bushy Park, Dreyerton Percy, H. J., Te Ore Ore, Masterton Perry, B. P., Kiverbend, Bideford Perry, Walter, Masterton Perston, W. R., Fairiield, Masterton Petersen, August, Opaki, Masterton Peterson, Christen, Mauriceville Pickett, Thomas, Whakataki Piripi and Tiwi Waaka, Kaihoata, Masterton Potter, J. H., Carisbrooke, Pahiatua Prentice, S. G., Upper Plain, Masterton Printer, W. & C, Wangaehu, Masterton ... Kcnall, Frank, Te Oreore, Masterton Bioux, W., Pahiatua Eobieson, James, Caveiands, Carterton Rose, Joseph, Longlands, I >ahiatua Butherfurd, John, Wairere, Bideford Saunders, W. J., Kaitawn, Alfredton Schow, L. A., Mauriceville Sedcole. A. W., Paliiatua Shaw, 1''., jl.ilinfiold, Masterton Smith, Jesse, Paliiatua Smith, John, Wariri, Alfredton Smith, W. J., Spring Grove, Alfredton Smith and Burling, Spring Grove, Alfredton Speedy, D. and A., Flag Creek, Tenui Stewa;t, Alexander, Opaki, Masterton Stewart, Duncan, Opaki, Dreyerton Stilborn, Thomas, Burionfields, Tenui Stilborn, Thomas, Tliorplands, Tenui Stuckey, J., Te Rangilumau, Masterton Stunnell, Brodie, & Co., Olionga, Castlepoint Tatham, F. E., Homewood, Maeterton Thompson, T. L. & Co., Te Ore Ore, Maeterton Tonner, J. B., Eketahuna Vallanee, J. C, Knhuinin»i, Taueru Taughan Brothers, Eden Vale, Pohiatua ... Vile Brothers, Tividale, Clareville Vile, W., Papakui, Masterton Von Reden, F., Annadene, Eketabuna Wakeliu, Arthur, Mungarae, Bideford Wardell, H. S., Te Wluli, Mastertou W ratson, Gr., Homebusb, Masterton W rarren, Holmes, Tiraumca, Alfredton Welch, II. (Executors of), Opaki, Masterton Welch, J. K., Paivau, Maeterton Welch, B. B., Pairau, Masterton V, elcli, B. R , Mikimiki, Masterton Welch, W. and G-., Ernspast, Masterton ... Whatman Brothers, Abbotsi'ord, Taueru ... Whitcombe, Ct. and E., Englefield, Paliiatua Wiggins, George, Masterton Williams, W. B , Flag Creek, Tenui Williams and Beetham, Annidale, Te Nui ... Williams & Beelham, Lansdowne, Masterton Wilton, Henry, Rata Hill, Bideford Wilton, H. It., Feniridge, Masterlon Wingate, John, m eldrum, Tenui Woodroofe, G-. W., Masterton Wrigley, W. and F., Dreyerton Yates, A.. B., Mrs. Woodlands, Mastevton ... 95 '73 400 3200 116 89 266 800 400 700 35°° 400 1700 200 i 5 o 107 203 60 600 74 5° 140 3" 200 45 Nil 175 500 45° 134 600 500 80 76o 1000 80 1200 95 2 8S 75 39 40 90 100 7° Nil fioo '55 3480 850 200 197 280 77° 3706 400 680 5200 .48 5000 1781 Nil 5000 235° 59 18480 135° 500 180 60 1700 1921 1 175 1800 Nil 190 Nil 2510 10 934° 1000 9100 1000 500 SCO 500 400 700 400 4609 JOCO 420 1000 1050 233 3000 811 200 Nil 75°5 268 62 65 20 89 34,5 '95 193 25 Nil 395 300 503607 54 S53'

10. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. | 18S6. Jones, E. jun., Masterton Judd, J. and G., Manaia, Masterton Kebbell, W. M., Springvale, Alfredton Langdon Brothers, Ngapopatu, Tenui Langdon, J. S., Pinehurst, Tenui Larsen, Hans, Mauriceville Larson, Jen b, Mauriceville Larsen, Lars, Mnuricevillo Larsen, Peter, Miiiiriceville Leach Brothers, Waterfall Creek, Tenui Leaeli, H. \V., Tent Flats, Tenui Levin & Co., Wildfi-11, Tauern Liverton, W., Pakowai, Castlepoinfc Livingstone & Douglas, Okurupetu, Masterton Macara, James, Masterton Mace, Gr. W., Brainerton, Taueru Macquarrie Bros., Moroa Park, Alfredton ... Madsen, P. C, Maurireville Manning, George, Dreyerton Marsh, R., Te Hoe, Alfredton Martin, Albert, Forest Home, Masterton Mason and Foreman, Sherwood, Ohonga Matthews, Alfred, Opaki, Masterton Matthews, Jacob, Upper Plain, Masterton ... Maunsell, K. and F., Tenui Mawley, S., Ditton, Masterton McCar'dle, W, W., Pahiatua McGregor Bros., Lower Manaia, Masterton McGregor Bros., Upper Plain, Masterton ... McJTutcbon, A., Whakataki MeHutchon, A., Woodhurst, Whakataki ... McKay, Robert, Koperangi, Dreyerton McKenzie, T)., Myrtle Farm, Dreyerton McKenzie, D., Woodlands, Masterton McKenzie, Evan, Conon, Dreyerton McKenzie, M., Mrs., Boyne Ter, Masterton McKenzie, R., Fernridge, Masterton MeKenzie, liicliard, BurnBide, Masterton ... McLachla.n, Colin, Landle, Masterton McLachlan, D., Tirohango, Masterton McLacblan, J., Coruanan Masterlon MeLeod, Angus, Kosebank, Mastert.on, Donald, Masterlou ... Meredith, E., Llandeir, Maslcrton Meredith, Eduin, Kohinae, Masterton Meredith, i£., jun. (trust: est. of), Riversdale, Masl erton Mereditli, R. R. Beaumaris, Masterton Meredith, R. R., Waironga, Masterton Miller, J., Fernlands, BWeford Montgomery, John, Manaia, Mastertou Moore, George, Eparaima, Masterton Morrison, John, Blairlogie, Masterton Mortenten, J., Mauriceville Mutrie, A., Springfield, Masterton Napier, A., Strath Eden, Alfredton Ncilson, Jens, Eketahuna Neilson, Magnus, Eketahuna Neilsen, Peter, Mauriceville Neilson, Swen, Eketahuna Nicholls, Arthur, Peurose, Te Nui Nitz, II., Kaiwhata, Masterton O'Connor, John, Taueru Road, Taueru O'Connor, Patrick, Tenni Olsen, Ole, Mauriceville Osborne, 0. H., Mulgrave, Dreyerton 43 > 1100 393° 1700 600 16 8 60 '3° 1400 900 !4°5 45°° 1420 312 4300 2000 1S4 190 1200 120 i 200 16060 2800 2700 700 160 1200 476 1OO '343 5°° 3°7 190 CO 1 So 800 580 1100 4200 '75° 665 20 8 80 100 1400 1000 Nil 5000 1800 500 4600 2000 Nil 45° 1300 '92 400 i 200 40 17000 4200 362 2000 650 '95 Nil 385 170 '336 600 440 270 Nil '93 800 400 240 400 186 6950 14244 400 300 400 200 7100 14082 4000 6600 2189 2100 2580 360.0 230C0 1 2 59° 700 200 290 21 3* 3 '5° 23000 650 95° 300 400 300 95° £5° 160 7 '95 i 5 300 956 800 <3 190 Nil 240





RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of Shoep on 31st May. 188J. 1880. Green, E , the Sands, Nelson Griffith, Elijah, Wai-iti Griffith, L. B., Wai-iti Groom W., Nelson Hall, Thomas, Thorpe Hammond, J. G., Appleby Harkness, W. D., Eichmond Harley, Alfred, Stoke Harley, T. H., Nelson Harman, A. J., Brightwater Harvey, Isaac, Wakapuaka Higgins, S., Spring Grove Higgs, Richard, Richmond Higgs, W., Kiohmond Hill, Jabez, Brightwater Hill, W., Brightwater Hodder, T. R., Eichmond Hodgson, William, Spring Grove Holdaway, Bros., Eichmond Holland, George, Belgrove Holland, Joseph, Belgrove Hubbard, William, Hope Hunt, T., Wakefield Hunter, G , Waimea West Johnson, D., and Sons, Nelson Jordan, A., Dovedaie Jordan, C. and C, Appleby Kelling, F., liope KeiTj I)., Belgvove Kerr, John, Nelson ICerr, Peter, Brightwater Ken-, Bobert, Hope EMd, R., Hope Kinzctt, T., Wiikelield Lankow, H., Hope Lankow, J., Hope Livesey, Thomas, Hope Lucas, R. S., Glen Nevis, Nelson Lyford, A., Wakapuaka Mackay, R., Wakapuaka Mackay, T., Druinduan, WaUapuaka Macleod, Neil, Wakapuaka Malcolm, J,, Richmond Malpas, C, Wakefield Marsden, J. W., Shoke Martin, Charles., Nelson Martin, James, Wakapuaka Max, D., Brightwater McGowan, W., Spring Grove M cRae, R., Bonovove, Richmond Mead, T. W., Foxbill Meads, W., Wakapuala Meeson, John, Stoke Morrison, Mrs. C, Belgrove Muntz, 0. A., Richmond Murcott, G., Brightwater Mureott, T., Hope Neal, Francis, Brightwater Newport, James, Nelson Newth, Bros., Waimea West Nieman, W. IT., Spring Grove Norgate, Frank, Nelson Northam, VV., AVakapuaka O'Brien, Alexander, Knnerglynn, Nelson O'C' nno , Mrs. B , Appleby O'Connor, P., Appleby Oldham, J., Nelson Olson, Henry, Wakapuaka Palme", Mis. Job, Hope Palmer, John, Waimea West Palmer, J. W., Hope Palmer, W., Hopn Parkes, G., Wakefleld Paton, E. F., Hope Paton, C. S., Nelson Patterson, W., Nelson Phipps, R. J., Wairoa Gorge, Wakefield Pitcher, W. T., Wakapuaka Pratt, J., Nelson Primmer, Mrs. Ann, Richmond Reay, G., Brightwater Rcvell, Edward, Wakefleld Revell, W. C, Wakefield Ricketts, W., Spring Groye 35° 3 28 27 9° 75 5° 300 igo 220 2 5 O 5 1 70 '95 S 3 46 ,46 294 963 7° 280 66 73 3100 4000 40 325 80 8j 65 577 S°° 500 1052 174 39 97 347 f>5 400 40a 380 271 7 40 3' 58 4 700 116 290 45 37 348 35 ■45 92 99 60 10 400 230 200 200 40 80 60 58 60 43 26 1000 81 320 58 75 38 4200 4300 25 250 346 80 69 80 65 612 45° 600 800 Nil 48 129 45° 6i 500 45° 200 100 Nil 5° 64 40 10 600 Nil 80 3° 340034 60 4000 22 100 Nil 70 500 75 23 92 3°3 S3 87 250 592 2000 40 48 95 24 80 53 26 1850 150 500 3<> 3' 49 35° 56 90 250 576 Nil 60 95 136 74 100 200 56 5 2 82 '5° Nil 68 72

No. of Sheep on 31st May. ifcSf). 1886. WAIMEA COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Adams, P. B., Hillwood, Wakapuaka Allport, A., Stoke Anderson, R., Nelson Andrew, Rieha>d, Waimea West Andrews, J., Wakefield Arnold, James, Waimea West Arnold, John, Waimea West Askew, Mrs. R., Nelson Baigent, E., Wakefield Baigent, Isaac, Wakefield Barnett, Elizabeth, Nelson Barnott, William, Nelson Bartlett, J. E., Appleby Bartlett, W. J., Richmond Batt, Harry, Wai-iti Batt, William, Wai-iti Bell, Miss B., Hope Bell, James, Hope Bell, W., Waimea West Berkett, H. S., Hope Best, Chal'les, A.ppleby Best, G-., Stoke Best, John, Appleby Best, Joseph, Richmond Best, Phillip, Appleby Best, W., Wakefield " Bird, C, Nelson Bird, J., Wakefield Birkitt, Mrs. C, Hope Blanchett, G-., Wakapuaka Blick, Benjamin, Dishers, Hope Bliok, J., Nelson Boddington, W., Belgrove Brooks, W., Wakefield Brown, J., Walapuaka Busch, H., Hope Busch, J., Hope Buschael, M., Brightwater Challies, E., Appleby Challies, H., Appleby Close, S., Wakapuaka Cole, T. W., Wakefield Cummiugs, G-., sen., Nelson Cummins, Thomas, Nelson Currin, T., Belgrove Bavies, Mrs. E., Belgrove Dencfeer, C, Brightwater Dislier, R-, junr., Brightwater Dodson Bros., Nelson Dolamore, Q-. W., Hopo Efcan, R., Stanley Brook Eden, G-eorge, Hope Eden, S., Hope Eden, T. Gk, Wakefield Eden, W., Hope Edwards, E. H., Nelson Ellis Bros., Gordon Downs, Motupiko Ellis, Robert, Motupiko Fairhall, B., Wakefield Kairhall, &., Wakefield Fanselo-w, H., Hope Eaulkner, Henry, Wakefield Fleming, J. B., Belgrove Ford, C. H., Appleby Fowler, E., Spring Grove Fowler, Mrs. S., Vv'atefield Foy, T. H., Nelson Frost, W., Wakapuaka G-apper, T., Richmond Gaukrodger, J., Foxhill G-ibbs, Albert, Lone Oak, Wakefield Gibbs, Isaac, Wakefield Gibbs, T. W., Wakefield Gill, Edward, Nelson Gill, F., Appleby Gill and Anderson, Wakapuaka Glasgow, A. J., Pine Glen, Nelson 88 40 55 Nil 40 8 1000 790 62 60 Nil 117 166 77 S> 79 80 27 45° Nil Nil ■45 8 198 170 70 99 51 101 520 97 90 123 300 4'5 60 66 710 94 35 41 32 24 Nil 500 829 80 40 H 81 ■55 32 52 47 90 5° 82 400 10 21 120 120 200 i 21 70 Nil 41 142 53° 170 90 85 Nil 700 66 7i 900 200 '5° 170 78 220 1000 200 200 51 100 236 62 74 3° 31 2 97 7 16 475 90 81 '75 109 i37 190 6526 700 8 143 I°3 11 35° 104 82 64 32 51 72 20 172 261 170 26 40 5° 21 58 210 170 130 7° 35°° 400 43 123 '5° 3,5° 140 122 60 58 5' 33 270 35° 55 300 24





No. of S! 31st] beep on May. 1885. 18SG. Kout, W., Stoke Russ, J., Bearcroft, Appleby Russ, T., Waimea West St. Mary's Orphanage, Stoke Satherley, J , Appleby Saxton, J. W., Stoke Schroder, F., Hope Schwass, J., Appleby Sharp, G-., Spring Grove Sheat, A., Richmond Shephard, J., Belgrove Shirtliff, T., Nelson Simmonds, J., Spring G-rove Smith, Jame"?, Maitai, Nelson Snowdon, B\ H., Brightwater Stagg, James, Hillwood, Hope Stratford Bros., Hope Stratford, C, Appleby Stratford, W. L., Hope Stuart, J., French Pass, Nelson Sutton, Henry, Richmond Sutton, W., Richmond Talbot, G., Riclimond Tasker, H., Richmond Thomas, Edwin, Appleby Thomas, T., Briglitwater Tomlinson, R., Waimea West Trask, F., Nelson Trolove, E., Stoke Tuck, W. A., Wakefleld Tunnicliff, T., Spring Grove Turner, Charles, Happy Valley, Wakapuaka Verry, G., Wakefield Wait, R. H., Thackwood, Wakapuaka Walker, F T., Wakapuaka Wallace, R., Wakefield W^astney, W., Wakapuaka Waterliouse, J. T., Wakapuaka Webby, Edward, Hope Wells," W., Wakefield Wells, W. S., Nelson Wiesenkaven, A., Brightwater Wilkie, Alex., Nelson Withers, John, Hazelmere, Nelson 38 100 34 170 1000 60 5 2 45 100 250 '5° 61 Nil 5° 80 200 27S 300 700 100 150 117 85 17 60 I 10 Nil 2OO IQO I IOO 6, 40 280 271 98 47 100 87 80 200 350 :)00 Nil 80 200 90 75 4 49 260 35° 250 1 100 200 900 24 36 45 260 53 22 240 4° 265 Nil 944 95 325 67 700 200 160 90 300 •35 800 200 400 200 •57 5 270 WAIMEA COUNTY (In Motueka Subdivision). Alexander, R. B., Motueka Arnold, J., Motupiko AsSew, W., Riwaka Atkins, W., Motueka Auty, W., Motueka Barrow, George, Riwaka Beatson, D. G., Ngatimoti Beeby, R., Sherry Bensemann, G. F. W., Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. D., Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. H., Upper Moutere Bensemann & Korte, Upper Moutere Best. J., Thorpe Beuke, D. J., Neudorf Bipgs, A., Upper Motueka Biggs, George, sen., Upper Motueka Biickmann, i\, Upper Moutere .ijockinunn, J., Upper Moutere Bosselmann, D. H. A., Neudorf Bosselniann, J. W., Neudorf Bowden, M., Miss, Ngatimoti Bovce, G., Lower Moutere Boyes, Edward, Motueka Brereton, John, Ngatimoti Brereton, W., Ngatimoti Brewerton, F. M., Motupiko Bromell, T. A., Motupiko Brougham, J., Lower Moutere Burnett, E. K., Dovedale Burnett, T. R., Dovedale Burrows, W. J., Stanley Brook Buxton, E., executors of, Upper Moutere ... Byrne, P., Thorpe Canton, J., Ngatimoti ... Cederman, John, lliwaka 49202 54293 82 600 83 600 394 300 ■5° 18 45° 200 160 5° 123 60 80 10 51 S 1 ■37 60 Nil 190 260 292 420 21 240 250 242 9 480 76 21 5" 10 180 8 '5° 10 Ci 62 Nil 30 100 320 85 342 i°5 175 49 816 3i9 687 120 163 100 400 77 62 "5° 100 3' 81 34i 679 no 475

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Chaytor, A., Upper Moutere Clausen, Heinrich, sen., Upper Moutere Claaaen, J., Upper Moutere Clifford, J., Motueka Coieman, A.. G., Motupiko Colornan, Gr., Motupiko Coieman, B. H., Motupiko Cook, George, Biwaka Cook, W., Lower Moutere Cowin, James, Thorpe Cresswell, W\, Lower Moutere Criehton, J., Stanley Brook Dapp, W., Baton Davies, E. B., Dovedale Donald, N. C, Mrs., Marahan, waka Douglas, W., Motueka Drogemullcr, C, Upper Moutere Drogemuller, W., Upper Moutere Drummond, A., Dehra Doon, Riwaka Drummoud, A., Eiverina, Stanley Brook Druoinond, J. and D., Lower Moutere Drummond, J. and W., Upper Moutere Diicker, P., Neudorf Duncan, James, Kiwaka Diivel, F. H. C, Upper Moutere Eban, H. L., Thorpe Eban, E., Stanley Brook Eden, Francis, Dovedale Edgar, John, Motupiko Edgar, R., Motupiko Edwards, A. B., Lower Moutere Edwards, W., Lower Moutere Eggers, II., Upper Moutere Evens, T., Motuclia Evers, J., Upper Moutere Ewers, F., Upper Moutere Ewers, H., Neudorf Eyles, Charles, Thorpe Eawcet Brothers, Tadraor Fearon, Mrs. E., Motueka Fenernor, J., Upper Motueka Fenemor, W., Stanley Brook Fitcli, Isaac, Tadmor Flett, D., Ngatimoti Flett, James, Lower Moutere Flower, J., Upper Motueka Fogden, W. F., Motupiko Ford, T., Upper Moutere Forayth, Evan, Stanley Brook Freeman, Thomas Thorpe Fry, Brothers, Biwaka Funnell, Brothers, Lower Moutere Funnell, II. E., Lower Moulere Funnell, VV., Lower Moutere Gardner, I., Upper Moutere Gray, Greorge, Tadmor Gribbs, G-., Upper Motueka Gibbs, W., Motupiko Gifford, Thomas, Upper Moutere Gilroy, Patriek, Baton Glover, G., Motuo a Green, C, Motuu! a Greenwood. F. D., Motueka GiifT'ith, J., Stanley B ook Griffith, T., Stanley Brook Grooby, E , sen., executors of, Motnelia Grooby, F., sen., Motueka Grooby, F., jun., Motueta Grooby, T., sen., Motueka Grooby, T., Motueka Guy, W., Motueka Hall, J". H., Motueka Hammorick, F., Upper Moutere Haivey, J.. Upper Aloutere Harford, Charles, Ngatimoti Harwood, Thomas, Motupipi Haycock, J. A., Graham lUver, Kgatimoti ... Heath, John, Ngatimoti Heath, 'J homas, A!gatimoti Heine. Kev. J. W. 0., Upper Moutere Herrick, A. G., Motueka Herriok, W. J., Motueka Hewetson, ,T., jun., Upper Moutere Hewetson, Thomas, Upper Moutere 179 70 28 220 300 '5° 130 580 85 40 61 "5° 98 87 190 500 1500 225 250 40 48 '53 300 197 3° •4 108 100 100 40 26 100 'S0 97 182 120 130 '5° 8o 33 187 55 300 56 120 500 100 46 99 2 100 120 62 170 800 2000 150 200 60 55 '51 3/8 90 193 Nil 50 140 65 100 100 5° 25 100 '5° 244 190 5° ■5° 31 90 '35 349 90 161 90 160 400 98 42 95 '3 so 80 Nil 12 97 80 42 75 230 250 900 33 62 300 800 20 48 1 ft 2 600 T5° 700 650 160 455 170 '3° 20 12S Nil 4i 100 10 1100 72 I0S 5° 100 4,5 130 >9 800 53 81 60 164 5' 3« 33 go 500 134 180 120 600 220 150 260 200 56 294 200 22





No. of SI: 31st J hoop on May. 18S5. i860. Hiciey, 'J\, Stanley Brook Bocto'n, A., Wakefield Hodgens, M., Dovedale Hodgens, Thomas, Dcvedale Hodges Bros., Ngatimoti Kodgfcinson, R., Sherry Hodgfcinson, T., Tadmor Holdaway Bros., Brentwood, Lower Moutere Holdaway, 15., Lower Moutere Holder, Francis, Motueka Holyoake, B., Riwaka Horneman, F. U., Motueka Humphreys, Captain, Ihorpa Hyland, J., Lower Moutere Hyland, M., Lower Moutere Hyland, R., Lowe:' Moutere Inwood, H., Motueka Jaekett, Jno., Motueka Jenkins, W.. Riwaka Kelling, Charles Upper Moutere Selling, J. F., Stanley Brook Kelling, K., Stanley Brook Kenyon, H., lliorpe Einzett, !'., Tadmor Kinzett, W. J., Tadmor Knowles, J. D., Motueka Lammas, J.. Dovodale Limmer,'Charles, Motueka Limmei', J., Motueka Limmer, S., Lower Moutere Limmer, W., Lower Moutere Lines, fteorge, Ngatimoti Lines, W., Thorpe Lloyd, B., Ngatimoti Lloyd, J., Ngatimoti Lloyd, Eoger, Ngatimoti Lodder, Fanny, Mies, Kiwaka Loveridge, J., Thorpe Malpas, M. S., Stanley Brook Marshall, W., Ngatimoti McCarthy, T., Baton McGaveston. J. C, Ngatimoti McMahon, B., Biwaka McHae, B.. Richmond Mead, F., Motupiko Mead H., Motupiko Meyer, James, Sherry Mickell, James Riwaka Miller. J. V., Kiwaka Mills, H. T., Neudorf Mytton, Bros., Ngalimoti Nagel, C, Neudorf Needham, F., Upper Mottieka T ewport Brothers, Motupiko O'Brien, A., Ngatimoti Pahl, J. F., Sherry Pahl, r. C, Tadmor Palmer, James, Motupiko Parker, 0., Motuela Parkes, Henry, Motueka Panes, J. W., Motueka Parsons, W. H., Ngatimoti Pattie Bros., Hiwala Pe.ry, W. Gh, Neudorf Philiips. W. H., Sherry Phillips, W. H.. jun., Sherry Prestidge, H., Upper Moutere Price, 0., Baton Price, T., Upper Moutere Quiuney, W., Motupiko Kemnant, C, Ngatimoti Eemnant, "W. and Gr., Ngatimoti Kiley, J., Sherry Robinson, Robert, Ngatimoti Hoeske, W. II, Sherry Eolet, F. P., Sherry liose, Christian, Neudorf Rose, H. F. II., Neudorf Eose, J., Thorpe Ross, James, Pokororo Valley, Ngatimoti ... Rout, W., White Bluffs, Stoke Ryder Bros., Motueka Ryder, W., sen., Motueka Saxoii, J., Motueka ,,. 360 29° i?7 82 8o 133 116 20 400 295 168 130 100 80 75 23 Nil 225 200 245 7° 3° 7° 120 200 66 545 20 190 I 276 100 125 69 1.5° 61 295 150 57 '95 33' 200 ij 26 267 83 158 500 400 56 5° 100 5°' 140 63 400 100 226 200 200 Nil 20 7 77 100 75 55° i S 6 283 . 180 190 30 '65 63 140 Nil 454 178 87 260 454 220 Nil 36 5' 97 5° 280 180 6co 500 3500 45 40 152 54 24 58 560 101 1300 35° 55° JOO 15° '93 43 134 90 59 1 70 197 600 33° 900 j 120 160 190 240 160 300 200 53 80 600 110 348 25° 358 I 1000 '37 760 90 100 146 160 4' ] F2 80 700 80 2CO 400 300 900 106 193 20 Nil 2^0 '83 35° 264 70 19 500 140 298 260 288 244

No. of Sheep on 31st May. j 1885. 188S. Schildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Simpson, W., Lower Moutere Sixtus, T. A. I\, Neudorf Blatter, GK H., Ngatimoti Sloss, George, Molupiko Sloss, John, Molupiko Smartt & Wolf, Sherry Smith, Edward, Motueka Smith, James, Thorpe Smith, John, Molueka Smith, Stephen, Tadmor Snook, T. A., Dovedale Spicer, G-. E , Motuelca Spicer, W., Motueka Stade, C, Neudorf Stade, J. T., Neudorf Stagg, J., Hope Stanley, E. B., Mrs., Tadmor Staples, E., Motueka Starnes, S., Lower Moutere Strachan, Benjamin, Ngatimoti Stringer, T. H., Kelson Tnnnant, T., Motueka Tarrant, H. A., Lower Moutere Taylor, John, Baton Teece, Charles, Lower Moutere Thomas, J. II., Nelson Thomson, A., Baton Thompson, C. B., Motupiko Thomson, W. B., Motupiko Thorn, John, Dovedalo Thorn, John, Stanley Brook Thorn, Joseph, Dovedale Thorn, Walter, Sfotnley Brook Thorp, 3?. W., Motueka Trewanas, E. J., Motueka Tucker, E., Motueka Turner, W. and J., Dovedale Wallis, E. D., Motueka Wendelboon, J., Motueka White, A., Ngatimoti Wilkens, D., Upper Moutere Wilkinson, Charles, Upper Motueka Wilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, J. 8., Stanley Brook Williams, Frank, Motueka Wills, A. P. W., Upper Moutere Wilson, J. E., Lower Moutere Win, G-. Gh, Dovedalo Win, J., Dovedale Win, W., Dovedale Woolf, J., Riwaka Wright, G-. M., Upper Motueka York, Henry, Ehvaka (Motueka) 19 67 70 289 80 70 127 40 37 JOO 188 9 180 275 70 88 1362 49 S 98 141 300 196 93 300 60 1100 13 80 72 250 100 90 160 40 22 24 75 97 18 180 200 70 Nil 1629 49.5 94 200 300 150 66 300 100 1100 100 170 60 59° >3X 208 5° 25 74 600 200 Nil 100 593 244 142 172 40 62 500 40 43 700 300 5° 244 407 82 4S 6 60 75 450 400 325 I 95° 190 Nil 200 577 13 4<;o (jo 100 400 4c 0 ' 18 90 51864 ; "5 536o7 Total in county 101066 107900 COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Golden Bay Subdivision). Abbott, H., Takaka Andrews, W., Sunnyside, Takaka East Baigent, T J-, Takaka East Baird Brnthers, Takaka Baird, Charles, Seaview, Takaka Ballantyne, J., Tabaka Barnet, Charles, Upper Takaka Barnett, S. A., Mrs., Takaka East Bate, H., Upper Takaka Beardmore, J., Upper Ta'^aVa Boggis, G., Collingwood Boyce, J., Motupipi Brewer, Thomas, «.ollingwood Bmt, A. T., Motupipi Burt, F. K., Motupipi Byrne, If., Takaka Cakhvell, W. S. C, Greenhills, Collingwood Cann, Ii., Takaka Cole, James, Tnkaka Davidson, E., Cape Farewell, Collingwood ... Dodeon, A., Takaka Edmonson, T., Takaka ,,. 9& 300 60 60 98 40 180 135 52 56 37 29 100 70 100 120 45 80 <>5 70 Nil 82 5° 180 1'5 67 34 3° 49 "5 Nil 95 "5 Nil 42 43 4000 5 2 3S°o 128 85 IS' 80





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1SS5. j 1888. Ellis, F. H. M., Motupipi Ellis, John, Collingwood Fanchelle, M. A. E., Mrs., Takaka East Fellowes, E. R., Takaka Field, T. C. V., Pakawau, Collingwood Fletcher, J. E., Collingwood Gibbs, W., Totaranui Gilbert, a. C, Motupipi Goldney, W., Takaka Good), E. A., Spi'ingside, Takaka Hadfield, H. E., Able Head, Totaranui Iladfield, W. W., L. River, Totaranui Hailes, G., Waitui Park, Takaka Haines, W. H., Takaka East Harvey, A., Mrs ; Collingwood Hitchcock, T., Takaka Hunter, Peter, Takaka Johnson, Nelson, Upper Takaka Keoghan, Mrs. Mary, Takaka Keoghan, O., Takaka Lash, J. G\, Collingwood Lewie, C, Sunnyside,'Takaka East Lewis, E., Spring Creek, Takaka East Lindsay, J. and J., Takaka East Lunn, James, Collingwood Manson Brothers, Takaka McArtney, E.* Collingwood McCallmn, D., Takaka McDonald, Andrew, Takaka McDonald, J., Takaka McFavlane, A., Takaka MoG-rane, E., Upper Gully, Collingwood Miles, J. T., Collingwood Newport, J, A., Takaka East Niehoff, J. 0., Collingwood Organ, Charles, Motupipi Page, J. Takaka Page, W., Takaka Paine, Rebecca, Takaka Petterson, John, Taknka Pollard, H., Takaka East Beilly, J., Takaka Eent'oul, W. O., Takaka Eilev, J. B , Collingwood Eiley, J. VV., Collingwood Riley, R. P., Collingwood Eoach, F., Takaka Robertson, Francis, Takaka East Robinson, Mrs. Mary, Motupipi Rogers, John, Upper Takaka Rose, J. P., Takaka Salisbury, .1. P., Cobb Valley, Ngatimoti ... Scadden, W., Collingwood Scott, James, Takaka Scott, E., Takaka Sorimgeour, William, Ferntown Shaw, John, Collingwood Smith, James, Takaka Snow, Martha, Collingwood Sparrow Brothers, Fairleigh, Takaka East ... Spittal, A , Takaka Spittal, W., Takaka East Squire, J. S., Collingwood Stent, Jacob, Takaka Syiues, Thomas, Takaka Vant, W., Takaka Walker, D., Collingwood Walker, E., Takaka Walker, Isaac, Puramahoi Windle, T., Takaka Winter, D. J., Motupipi Winter, G , Motupipi Winter, G., Wainui, Takaka Woodfield, A., Collingwood 191 55 9 1 116 5° 45° 100 75 298 198 500 160 200 285 59 100 15° 40 97 206 474 1000 j 1 8 35 80 102 290 81 2 34 170 37 90 500 230 105 62 240 70 12 IS 1 S o 58 t;oo "6 4 95 300 200 500 130 300 260 40 100 170 3° 206 466 1200 12 3°3 25 85 94 270 '35 Nil 4' 180 53 18 117 420 160 130 61 3° 183 360 80 54 5° 49 80 75 1600 60 40 77 180 380 140 43 98 66 130 70 1700 68 300 102 200 138 9 100 80 21 9 100 98 22 1280 75 170 80 1000 60 154 81 60 4' 69 IS 76 80 184 7° 200 360 •95 •839S 5S 5° 76 Nil 96 90 190 64 300 "285 130 18875 BULLER COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Berlin, John, Berlin's Carruthers, George, Westport Carter, George, Westport Cooper, Or. J., Sea View, Karamea 3° 12 55 Nil 44 '9 5° 16

No. 01" Shoep on Slst May. 1885. 1886. Curlin, John, Karamea Elford, Joseph, Karamea Grant, L. K , Mokihinui Hill, W., Charleston Johnson, Robert, jum\, Karamea Kerr, Thomas, Wairriangaroa King, T. N., Westport Lamplough, G. B>., Addison's Linehain, Alfred, Karamea Lineham, H., Karamea Lines, Job, Westporfc Mairs, Arthur, Lyell Martin, J., Westporfc Mathews, Charles, Karamea McMahon and Colvin, Wesfcport McNabb, Robert, Karamea MeNabb, R. G-., North Terrace, Karamea ... McPadden, Myles, Westporfc Organ, M., Nine-mile Road, Westporfc Parsons, James, Charleston Riding, W., Waimangaroa Shepherd and Warno, Charleston Simpson, Jas., Karamea Smith, H. T., Karamea Suisted Brothers, Westport Sutherland and Mouat, Charleston Walker, J. and Gr., Rocklands, Westport Watson, Robert, Westporfc Weitzel, Chas., Westport Wilson, William, Westport Wolf and Fielderson, Lyell Wright, Stephen, Westport 1O — 142 100 100 — 6 — 14 54 53 40 — 5 —- o 19 Ml — 10 22 23 — 20 — 120 — 16 — 18 12 Nil 62 Nil 10 Nil 50 62 — 16 20 40 75 63 — >5 6 is — 32 21 27 '3 8 10 GREY COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Austin, Frederick, Greymouth Baybut, John, Camptown Bellew, Charles, Ahaura Brace, T. W., Inchbonnie, Lake Brunner ... Buttola, P., Lake Brunner Carter, George, Ahaura Clough and Keating, Grevmouth Coates, W. J., Greymouth Craig, 'Thomas, Ahaura Craig, William, Ahaura Donald, D., Totara Fiat Evans, Joim, Lake Brunner Foley, Patrick, Westbrook Kox and O'Neill, Ahaura Fraser, B., Haupiri Lake, Ahaura Gilmer, H., Totara Flat Hildebrand, A., Greymouth Hill, Samuel, Greymouth Hunter, John, jun., Nelson Creek Hynes, Coleman, Greymouth Kennedy and O'Meara, Totara Flat Kennedy, P., Totara Flat Mackley, S. M., Little Grey Junction Magill, Arthur, Ahaura Marshall, James, Greymouth Mason, G., Ahaura McKechnie, W., Dunganville MoLaughlin, J., Ahaura Pavfitt, Clement, No Town Perrett, R. S., Totara Flat Pothan, William, Ahaura Rees, J.. River View, Ahaura Russell, G. H., Marsden Ryall, Denis, Barryfcown ... Ryan, Edward, Nelson Creek Thurogood, William, Totara Flat Turner, John, Ahaura Weewink and Wessels, Greymouth 564 1025 — 34 24 33 60 179 1400 1181 7,5 80 361 138 250 290 46 — 92 195 486 400 500 4°4 557 5° 5° 270 160 140 — 25 4 — 3O 130 80 — 370 360 — 88 31 22 5'5 5°5 — 15 100 20 — 3° 24 Nil 35 60 157 — [2 — 7 40 160 7 6 — 24 4289 6023 INANGAHUA COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Archer, F. A. Q-., Tlio Landing, Inangahua Junction Bannon, Gh M., Blaokwater 9 88 98

ft.—l 6.






RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of 31sSheep on May. 1886. 1885. Valeria, G-eorge, Eeefton 3eamsley, W., llurchison 3ell, Thomas, Murobison 3razil, John, Beofton hunting, James, Murchison 3arne, Aaron, Cronaden Clinton, J., Murchison >aig, Robert-, Eeefton )iek, J., Beefton )oig Bros., Blaukwater )ully Brothers, Eeefton )uncan, Alex., Antonio's Flat £vans, David, Murchison 3-allagher, D., Cronaden Hbbs, Alfred, Longford lodgkinson, W., Tutaki, Murchison lunter, W., Longford "ohnston, J. P., Little Grey Junction jyon, C, Cronaden icQ-eedy, P., Eeefton D., Cronaden icQregor, D., Longford IcHardy, A., Little &rey Junction Iclnroe, J., LitJe Grrey Junction 32 40 J9 go 5° 29 40 24 4 59 40 72 15 5° '5° 40 100 6 Nil 12 35 12 49 140 38 94 55 280 1 go 63 37 193 184 67 4 100 98 55 31 95 74 100 35

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. McNeill, R. W. J., Little Grey Junction Mindermann, C, Inangahua Junction Mirfln, W. 0., Little Grey Junclian O'Loughlen Bros., Sutiih, Fern Flat O'Malley, James, Lit tie Grey Junction O'Neill, Timothy, Reefton O'Regan, P., Cronaden O'Rourk, Thomas, Longford Orerend, John, Reefton Paine, Edward, Reefton Rait, J., Murehison Ross, James, Reefton Siicock, Brothers, Reefton Smith, Alfred, Fern Flat Sullivan, D., Fern Flat Taylor, H., Inangahua Junction Thompson, John, Maruia, Hampden Trower, George, Owen River Walker J. & G., Maruia, Westport Williams, Michael, Reefton 55° 600 142 90 435 63 575 Nil 500 1 [ 24 149 30 14 84 170 350 5° 57 15° 18 245 20 3° _£ 6 5° 300 406 100 3668 S l$

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1385. 1886. G-uard Bros., Port Underwood Gullery, J., Kenepuru Gullery, S. J., Picton Haimona Turi, Whakaterepapanui Island, French Pass Harris Bros., Havelock Hart Bros., Koromiko Hart, E., Njdia Bay, Havelock Harvey, YV., sen., Clora Bay, Kenepuru Harvey, "VV., jun., Beatrix Bay, Kenepuru ... Hawker, H. T., Kororaiko Hematine Timoti, Kaipapa, Pioton Higgins, Sydney, Havelock Himes, P. J., Dryden's Point, Picton Hippolite, Josh., Tinui Island, French Pass... Hippolite, John, D'Urville Island, Nelson ... Hoera Kuruku, Puangiangi Is., French Pass Holiiday, Capt. J., Titurangi (Wellington)... Hood, G-. G., Blenheim Hope, O. H., Admiralty Bay, French Pass ... Horn Bros., Picton Houghton, Mrs., Kenepuru, St. Omer Hughes, James, Havelock Hutrchinson, Richard, Havelock Hyde, A. E., Grove Jackson Bros., Kobin Hood, Tua Marina Jackson, Jas., Tory Channel, Picton Jackson, T. C, Forsyth Islaud, Havelock Jones, H. F., Ravenseliffe, Picton Jones, S., Mrs., Pelorus Valley, Havelock ... Karira Watson, Picton Keenan, W. H., Etawa Channel, Picton Kelly, J., Port Gore, Picton Kenny, A., The Rocks, Picton Kerr, F. J., Torea, Picton Landall, Isaac, Yellaton Run, Picton Lere Haneta, Elmslie's Bay Looms, Thomas, Kaituna Love, D., Onotohia, Picton Love, J., Onahuku, Picton Maule, A., Havelock McCormick, Donald, Picton McMahon, P., Picton. Mills, John, Ferndale, Kenepuru Mills, T. H., Homewood, Picton Ncal, E., Koromiko Neal, F., Koromil.o JSTeweomb, J. E., Black Point, Havelock O'Sullivan, T., Kaituna Valley, Havelock ... 2.30 450 782 1800 59o 4 10 800 100 120 129 700 I2QO 63 6l 328 186 S'o 150 296 2000 1500 150 670 40 700 200 200 1548 1050 1158 100 300 600 900 200O 57° 377 800 13° I()O 7° 120 60 5 1 Nil 45 997 225 80 283 177 645 81 239 Nil 1500 300 600 40 400 300 200 200 1200 400 102 400 410 2094 986 1227 '3° 300 1000 Nil 170 420 401 35° 793 100 90 128 34 I4I5 9 187 1020

Xo. ol-bi hoe') on May. itS5. 1886. SOUNDS COUNTY. (Picton Subdivision). Aldridge Bros., Ocean Bay, Port T7' ilerwood Aldridge, M., Ngakuta, Picton Alrtridge, W. S., Blenlieim ircher, James, Port Underwood itkins, Alfred, Picton (Vvis, C., Waitohi Valley, Picton ivis, J., Koromiko Baillie, Hon. W. D. II., Kennington, Pieton Baldick, Eliza, Mrs., Wangalarua, Picton ... Beauehamp, C, Anakiwa, Picton Bell, Alfred, Kenepuru Blake, J., Havelock Bourke, M., Gonlter Bay, Kenepuru Bown, J., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Bragg, N., ICoromiko, Picton Bragg, William, Mount Pleasant, Picton ... Brown, H. E., Pelorus Sound, French Pass Brownlee, W. & Co., Long V., Havelock Butt, Ellen, Mrs., Euakaka, Picton Daps, William, Piclon Dawte Bros., Moitapu Mahakipawa Dhaytor, J. C, Waikawa (Tuamarina) Clarke, T. H., Koromiko Donolly, E. T., Picton Couper, D., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Creech, D. J. T., Kenepuru Crichton, G-., Havelock Cullen, W. J., Linkwater Dale, Picton Dakin, T., Opihi Bay, Port Underwood Dalton, J. H., Fernh'ill, Picton Dalton, W., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Davis, John, Port Underwood Davies, James, Lydia Bank, Kaituna Day, W., Port Underwood Dorset, W. D., Homewood, Havelock Duncan, J., Grove, Picton Parnell, W., Havelock Flood Bros., Starmount Run, Picton Godfrey, Charles, Okukari, Picton Grodsiff, Henry, Manaroa Gi-ould, Thomas, Nydia Bay, Havelock &regg, W. S., Grove 195 : 49 36 3 2 84 13 8l 28O 395 1150 250 120 241 734 ■93 720 25 1800 5 11 24 8 180 300 1246 1300 148 "S3 445 37 172 250 59 3° 119 95 15 83 400 470 1100 "45 Nil 280 800 297 260 28 844 198 5° 1825 500 Nil 9 170 300 1124 1400 120 400 73 130 32 Nil 24 788 '7'3 296 1900 650 180 ■545 270 2000 660 200 150 243 1050


O—H. 15.




No. of Slieop on 31st May. 1885. | 1886. Parfit, Isaac, Mount Pleasant, Picton Pickering, 0., Haveloek Randall, G., Picton Reader, Agnes, Mrs., Havelock Reader, W., Canvastown Reid, James, Koromiko Hush, F. B., Haveloek Russell, J- W., Picton Rutland, H. N., Canvastown Simmonds, II. A., Koromiko Siinonsen, R., Canvastown Smith, C. W., Hayelock Smith, William, (Exors.) Port Gore, Picton... Stace, H. J., Robin Hood, Blenheim Standen, James, Koromiko Stavely, R. G-., Port Underwood Stuart, James, French Pass Suisted, F. A. S., Grove Swafford, W. E., Haveloek Taylor, W., Grove Thompson, A. II., Mount Pleasant, Picton ... Thompson, W., Ngaknta, Picton Toms, Joseph, Lee's Bay, Picton Turner & Harvey, French Pass, Nelson Turner, M. A, Mrs., Pig Bay, French Pass... Twidle, James, Haveloek Webb, J. J., Beatrix Bay Webber, W., Elinslie's Bay, Webster, T., Pioton Wells Bros., Waikawa, French Pass Wells, D., Haveloek Wells, Jabez, Kiuma, Haveloek Western, J. O., Lindens, Picton Wilson, James, Koromiko, 34° 43 6 476 160 35 68 i°5 110 10 80 45° 200 420 700 1300 85 75° 100 300 21 500 600 196 12 7° '39 110 100 14 95 775 •935 200 300 600 Nil 290 180 150 80 95 5° 700 180 120 94 75° Nil 37° 260 140 100 95 100 5°o ■97 60 223 96 554 53 194 8) 476 39 MARLBOROITGH COUNTY (In Blenheim Subdivision). Adams, Frederick, Blenheim Adams, W., Langley Dale, Blenheim Allan, R., Old Renwick Road, Blenlieim ... Avery, William, Blenlieim Barnes, S., Old Renwick Koad, Blenheim ... Barton, John, Onamalutu, Renwick Bary, Gustaf, Renwick Town Batty, J., Middle Road, Blenheim Beal, R , New Renwick Road, Blenheim ... Beafcson, J. J., Bankfield, Blenheim Beatson, Robert, Clovernook, Blenheim Bell and Sons, W., Benopai, Eenwicktown ... Bell Brothers, Wairau Valley Bell, H. G., Waihopai Reserve, Blenheim ... Bishell, D., Middle Road, Blenheim Bliok, B., Spring Creek Bonnington, II., Wairau Valley Bothum, H. B., Blenheim Botham, J. C, Tua Marina Bowler, 8., Blenheim Bi-oughan, I)., Willow Brook, Blenheim Brydon, William, Renwick Burroughs, J., Tua Marina Cameron, J., jun., Kaituna Valley Carter, T., Richmond Dale, Wairau Valley ... Carter T., Hillersden, Wairau Valley Carter T., Stronvar, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Tearowhenua, Wairau Valley ... Carter, T., Wantwood, Wairau Valley Casey, Martin, Blenheim Chaytor, J. C, Marshlands, Tua Marina ... Clifford, William, Vernon, Blenlieim Coleman, Frederick, Spring Creek Connor, M., Longfield Farm, Blenheim Crudis, G-corge, Spring Creek Dalziel, J., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim ... Davies, Thomas, Blenheim Dillon, P. G., Leefield, Renwick Dodson, G., The Willows, Spring Creek ... DouBlin, W., Waverley Farm, Blenheim ... Draper, D., Home Farm, Blenheim Drew, R. T-, Renwicktown Eyles, Charles, Watt's Farm, Blenheim ... Fairhall. E., Blenheim Fidler, R., Tua Marina 49 > 3° 50403 40 3000 190 37° 39 3000 210 4 120 20 i°5 100 141 2.? 170 9 13' 132 I25 192 16500 5000 800 j 20 290 '55°° 55°° 1000 182 US 98 Si 117 650 240 1190 200 700 5 coo 17000 r.^ooo 5000 ■ 10000 107 1 5762 16500 190 130 297 160 '53 186 130 1150 112 800 5000 17000 13000 cooo 10000 3° 4360 161 ,o 80 201 280 300 130 33 170 10882 359 67 35° 260 n6o 2854 90 12 Nil 11665 285 90 280 220 470 2450 90

No. of Snoop on Slafc May. 1885. 1880. Foist er, H., Onamalutu, Renwick Ford, Mrs. Jane, Spring Creek Fowler, W. L., Top House, Belgrove Fullon, C. MeD., Blenheim Q-ane, James, Spring Creek Gane, S., Park Farm, Spring Creek Gibson, A. 1)., Kaituna Gibson, J W., Kaituna Gibson, T. L., Kaituna Gifford, Isaac, Spring Creek Gifford, James, Rodwell, Spring Creek Gifford, W., Raglan Farm, Spring Creek ... Goulter, C , Hawkesbury, Blenheim Graham, G., Fairhall. Blenheim Gregory, Thomas, Spring Creek Gridley, J., The Lakes, Blenheim Hall, Margaret, Spring Creek Hammond. H., Blenheim Harding, Jhovnas, Blenheim Healy, John, Blenheim Herd, D., Doctors Flat, Blenheim FJoldaway, James, Blenheim llopgood, Thomas, Renwicktown Horgan, M., Meadow Bank, Blenheim Home, L. K. Dr., Blenheim Huggart, S., Tiptree Farm, Blenheim Humphrey, II., Kaituna Valley Inman, C, Kaituna Valley, Kaituna Jackson, A. W. Runnvniede, Blenlieim Jacques, Daniel, Kaituna Valley Jeffries, T., Blenheim Jones, W.. Big Bush, Blenheim Jordan, Christian, Renwicktown Kenningfcon, W",, Kaituna Valley Lambert, J. A., Shrublands, Kaituna Law, J. trustees of, White's Bay Road, Tua Marina Lawson, B., GHenfleld, Kaituna Leslie, J., Okaraimo Litchfield, A. J., Livermere, Blenheim Litchfleld, Walter, Blenheim Lucas, C. W., Opawa Eoad, Blenheim MacDonald, George, Wairau Valley Maher, Jolm, North Bank, Kaituna Mai thews, R. Spring Creek Maxwell, W. and J., Ilenwicktown McCallum, A. Wat-crloa Farm, Blenheim ... McCallum, D., Blenheim McCallum, J., Eenwiok Roud, Blenheim McKenzie and Co., J., Blenheim Meehan and Western, Spring Creek Monro, A., Bankhouse, Blenheim Monro, G. H. B., Renwick Morck B., Bason Lodge Farm, Renwick Mortimer, James, Wairau Valley Murphy, 'Ihomas, Spring Creek Murray, W., Poplar Farm, Spring Creek ... Neal, T. N., Spring Creek Neumann Brothers, Okaramio Newman, John, Cowslip Farm. Eenwick ... N.Z.L. and Mi, Co., Birch Hill and Mount Patriarch, Wairau Valley N.Z.L. and M.A. Co., Top House, Wairau Valley O'Dwyer, C, Blenheim O'Dwver, Piter, Blenheim O'Dwyer, P. and J., Spring Creek O'Leary, Denis, Sunnyside, Blenheim O'Leary, J., Tua Marina O'Sullivan Charles, Tua Marina Parker W. B., Omaka, Blenheim Paul, J. and E., Moorlands Farm, Blenheim... Pike, William, Laurels, Blenheim Eedwood Bros., Mill Farm, Spring Creek ... Redwood, Charles, Riverlands, Blenheim Redwood, II., Blenheim Redwood, T., St. Leonards, Blenheim Reeves, Henry, Spring Creek Renwick, Thomas, Delta Farm, Renwick ... Richardson, G. B., Meadow Bank, Blei,hcim Rickertsen, M., Renwick Robinson, Mrs. M., Spring Creek Rogerson, U., Spring Creek ... Rose, John, Hegworth Farm, Blenheim 400 43 4000 14 170 180 1300 129 130 2020 190 395 5000 500 130 198 "5° 300 965 53 379 130 40 300 400 200 33 5<5 420 198 '53 1 So 180 800 600 797 200 700 3,8 120 210 360 29 Nil 52 190 190 1000 ■57 '3° 2010 97 38S 5000 400 97 96 iS° 200 700 Nil 356 150 24 251 640 100 46 44 475 230 143 180 100 1 [80 775 Nil 200 475 33° 60 140 240 1,384 300 300 355 5° 3° 200 40 i0323 2671 170 62 f'3 Nil 1320 300 i8 S 400 55 41 15° 3° 11000 2746 140 54 61 400 300 266 700 30000 250 379 600 32000 2oro 400 54° 600 200 420 500 100 282 230 250 240 1079 2500 91 >3° 6400 130 5748 90 5456 10500 200 90 16 230 1050 2400 82 97 6820 I !O 55°O 90 5397 10500 100 553 140 8





No. of Blieop on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Satherley, Gh, Blenheim Satherley, H., Spring Creek Selmes and Burnett, Tua Marina S ymour, A. P., Tyrvtesfield, Blenheim Sinrlair, James, Blenheim Sinclair, W., Blenheim Smith, F., Grreelihill, 1 1.a Marina Soper, R., Qlensiile Farm, Spring Creek Soper, R. !'., Scrub Island, Blenheim Soper Winsor, Spring Greek Soper W 7., Spring Creek Storey, Or., Blenheim Storey, John. Kaituna Sutherland W. A. D.., Blenheim Sutton 1 homas, Spring Creek Tapp, \V., Ren wick Teschemaker, 0. de V., Avondalc, Ren'k. ... Teschemaker 0. de V., Glen Lee, Renwicktow Teschemaker, Major, Summerlandg, Renwiek Thomas, James, I'ua Marina Thorns, GK, Onnmnlutu, Renwicktown Thomson James, Blenheim Wadey, T., Onamnlutu, Renwicktown Walton, J., Lowfield Kami, Renwiek Ward, B. R., Brookby, Blenheim Ward, Felix, Wiekin, Blenheim Ward, Joseph, Biythcfield, Blenheim Watson, Q-. If ' Blenheim Watts, C. F., Lansdovvne, Blenheim Watts, Gr. F., Erina, Wairau Valley Whitwell, Thomas, Blenheim AVilkin, Thomas, Spring Creek Wratt, J., Spring Creek 100 (84 8oo 756.? 46 202 395 227 260 400 5° 690 860 110 800 200 10000 n 6500 5000 121 100 200 700 8000 3° 3 U4 .i9° 290 280 260 100 800 800 7° 800 200 10500 6500 4800 200 140 495 '7 6S 1850 95° 1.14 82 8000 93 43° 98 7° 1850 990 54 80 8000 35°° 1 [2 3s 00 '77 40 273961 5' 230 270523 (In Awatere Subdivision). Allen, R., Sea View, Blenheim Aroa, Robert, Blind River, Awatere BsHiiment, R., Slarborongh, Awaiere Bu?bv, J. 1) , Upton, Awatere (awthron, T.. Fiiirfieltl, Blenheim Clifforfl and Weld, Flaxbourne, Blenheim ... Green, J. B., Upeut, Blenheim McKae, A., The Rei*erve, Awafere McRae, V. R., Weldshill, Blenheim McKae, P. R., Blairioli, Blenheim McRae, P. R, Braes of Sutherland, Blenheim MeKae, P. R., Ciimden, Blenheim Monrn, Gr. II. H , l.on^ridge, Renwiek MoUat, Mrs., Artimarlock, Awntere Mowat, Mrs, Middlehurst, Awntere I^'ewcombe, l!ros., Awnteie Rt serve, Hlenheitn Renwiek, T. (Hslate of), Dumgree, Blenheim Richmond, F. Jf., Kiehinonrl Brook, Awatere Taylor, W. S., Mulesworlh arid Lake McRae, Awatere Tinline and Neville, Mt. Gladstone, Blenheim Watson, Thomas, Buitergill, Awatere 500 1300 .^ 1 500 20000 : 8300 56-34 13600 1 200 7547 9000 5000 5600 ] 0700 900 15000 1650 I I 2o6 "75° 19651 55° 1300 31000 19500 8798 S33O6 1 2000 2071 7200 9'5° 4100 5800 10691 1300 14353 1700 10360 '39 29 21000 8200 8000 IO59 1000 (In FTaikoura Suhdiii.-ion). Trolove, F., Wondbnnk, Kuikoura Trolove, J. K-, The Shades, Kaikoura Sytnons (Trust), Kekerangi, ICaikoura 2^97 237308 9100 4900 50000 64000 9302 5 100 50000 64402 Total in county 57/8s8 572233 KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Barratt, H. J., Kaikoura Boyd, D , Kaikoura , ... j Boyd, Thomas, Kaikoura Broughan, W., Kaikoura Bullen,F. and Gr. F., Kahutara and Greenhills, Kaikoura Bulleri, F. and G-. F., Gboclie's Pt., Kaikoura Campbell, Malcolm, Kuikoura Chapman, G., Kaikoura Clemett, C. Gh, Kaikoura Close, Alben, Kaikoura Collins, A. S., Mount Fyfle, Kaikoura 236 300 200 200 50600 >85 300 200 200 50691 2870 958 20 I 2142 116 82 20 400 2000 55° 1900

No. nfKli 31st :\ 1S8.3. I leep on 'lay. 1SSG. Curtain, J., Kaikoura Davidson, J., Kaikoura Dee, M., Kaikoura Eaton, G., Kaikoura Evans, Cliarles, Kaikoura Garratt, J., Knikoura Gibson, If., Kaikoura Gibson, Mrs W., Kaiwarrn, Kaikoura Gibson, Waller, Clarence Ferry, Kaikoura ... Gibson,VV., Warden Tvtier and Jam,Kaikoura Gill, Thomas, Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Gray, James, Kaikoura Gray, William, Kaikoura Hailes, J. M., Pine Terrace, Kaikoura Hailes, VV. (Executor), Kohai, Kaikoura Harnett, J., sen., Kaikoura Harris, H., Kaikoura Hawthorn, M., Kaikoura Houl, W. II., Kaikoura Huddlestone Bros., Hapuku, Kaikoura Ingles, A. W., Kincaid, Kaikoura Ingles, II. A., Wfdwhero, Kaikoura Ingram, John, Kaikoura Keenan, P., Kaikoura Kerr, Peter, Kaikoura Kirby, James, Kaikoura Lawson, W., Kaikoura Maguhv, Patrick, Kaikoura McDonald, R., (Executors), Kowhai Flat, Kaikoura O'Donncil, Jane, Kaikoura O'Donnell, Mrs. F. (Executors of), Kaikoura Paap, J., Wheatlands, Kaikoura Palmer, E. O., Kaikoura Parsons, Freeborn, Kaikoura Parsons, G. B., Swinley, Kaikoura Peoples, John, Kaikoura Peoples, J., Mrs., Kaikoura Reece, E. (Extr. of), Waipapa, Kaikoura liobb, W., Anani, Kaikoura Korison, J., Kaikoura Skevinglon, J. A., Kaikoura Smith, Culeb, Ashwiek, Kaikoura Smith, VV. J., Bendrncre, Kaikoura Smith, W. D., Sea View, Kaikoura Smith, W., Ludstone, Kuikoura Smith, W., Claverly, Kaikoura Taylor, G., Tui Farm, Kaikoura Tinline, R., Ferniehurst Bun (Waiau), Tinline, B , Conway Hills (Waiau), Wallace, John, Kaikoura Wallace, W., Kaikoura Warren, Solomon, Kaikoura Wood, W. D., Kaikoura Workman, W-, Kaikoura Workman, John, Hapuku, Kaikoura Woollen and Nesbitt, Kaikoura 190 262 200 190 960 'S3 89 220 2762 30200 25 21 230 285 308 650 86 164 171 ■95° 5700 148 '37 55 190 80 90 500 240 3°4 240 260 1240 '33 95 75° 1453 26700 25 40 Nil 53° I2S 283 800 74 '95 Nil 2900 Nil 200 T5° Nil 250 106 92 700 407 112 .84 188 '57 1058 270 120 297 295 266 '95 i5S 1084 245 120 Nil 300 I25 Nil 90 100 "7 '43 ' 465 i 240 ] 3°'5 5337 293 3000 5000 390 355 600 12744 450 '4 410 270 3000 S'87 292 3000 5200 389 360 1088 20248 601 80 1900 1500 (39480 "39392 AMUBI COUNTY (In Amuri Subdivision). Acton-Adams, W., Tui-ndale, (Christchurch) Acton-Adams, VV. Slanley Vale (Chch.) Ansley, G. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau Atkinson, W., jun., Woodbank, Culverdeu ... Fowler, W. L., Stanley Vale, llanmer Plain Fry, John, llanmer Plain Low, W. A., St. Helen's, Clarence, and Acheron, Culverden Macfarlane, D. and A., Lyndon, Waiau Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau McArthur, John, St. James and Lake Q-uyon, llanmer Plain McDonald, A., Sherwood, Waiau Ross, Malcolm, Eogerson, Ilurunui Rutherford, A.'W., Alendip Hills, Waiau ... Butherford, Duncan, Leslie Hills, Culverden Wharton, II., und Co., Cloudy Range, Waiau Whiirton, II. and Co., Highfield, Waiau ... 26332 32687 7000 5°5° 600 67500 3'55° 5300 32400 7100 Nil 700 68289 38141 25000 27000 42663 25000 30000 345° 800 9000 17 100 9800 39000 2?7S 800 8800 17000 10000 38500 308460 320877






CANTERBURY, Etc., DISTRICT— continued.

RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of s; 31st: loejo on May. 1885. 1886. Macfarlane, Jame?, Aehray, Rotherham Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... MoEae, G. W., Glens of Tekoa (Oheh.) ... Rutherford Bros., Glynn Wye, Waiau Rutherford, W. O., Montroee, Culverden ... Wilkin (Executors of), Robert St. Leonard's, Culverden Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executors), Culverden, 12259 20774 15000 25000 19000 27000 '493 2160 i6oo< 235°' 19001 2717. 2 135° 20201 Total in county 20015(1 20364I S<3«'7 S.30525

No. of SJicop on 31st May. 1885. 1880. (In Hopefield Subdivision.) Fowler, Thomas, Hopefield, Culverden 6000 (In Wniau Subdivision.) (Part of North Canterbury Subdivision.) Barker, I)., Pahau Pastures, Culverden Chapman Brothers, Mount Palm, Ilotherham Palgety, F. Gt., Balmoral, Hurunui Earshman & Co.,Pabau Reserve, Hurunui ... ForreBter, 11. A., Eolherham Praser, Thomas, Iieserve, Waiau Holmes, T., Upper Waiau Keiry Jones, E., Kotherham Farm, liotherhnm ... Jones, E., Waiau St., Rotherham 4SOi 479° I2OOO 31972 4OOO I38O 591° 12700 3' 644 3785 997 200 Nil 1000 5000 3' 1400 4200

1> 'o. of R aist: leep on Jay. 1886. 1SSG. Boulton, John, Oust Bowie, J., Woodend and Waikari Bowman, Edmund, Amberley Bowron, G.,jun., Sea View, Ashley Bank Boyce, Christopher, Sefton Boyd, Robert, Ballygarvie, Bennett's Bradley, William, West Eyreton Bramley, W., Woodend Brettagh & Pearson, Worlingliarn, W. Eyreton Bi'istow, E., Amberloy Broadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley Brook, Donald, Ashley Bank Brook, John, Ashley Bank Brodie, J. McK., Berriedale, Amberley Brown, David, Amberlev Brown, E. II. & H. S., Mt. Thomas, Rangiora Brown, James, Clarlcville Brown, John, North Loburn Brown, Jonathan, Kangiora Bruere, Graham, Sefton Buchanan and Wade, Waikari Burgin, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa Burreil, G-eorge, Fernside Burton, W. H., Mount Benger, Hurunui ... Busch, Frederick, Kangiora Buss, W\ Rangfora Butlers, G. and II., Eyreton Cameron, D. and P., Saltwater Creek Cameron, John, Balcairn Campbell, C. K., Springbank Campbell, Michael, Dalbeg, Amberley C.-meannon, John, Huranui Carmiclmel, H. S., Loburn Carr and Duthie, As'dey Bank Carson, William, VVaipara Catherwood, Hugh, Cust Chamberlain Bros., Eastcolt, Waikari Chamber.", Frederick, Woodend 1 hapman, A. T., Springbank Chapman, R. W., Lowlands, Fernside Chapman, T. nnd E., Springbank Chapman, Walter Swannanoa Charles, James, Cust Chatlerton, J. V., Flaxlon Chilton, Thomas, Eyreton Clark, Donald, Amberley Cleere, Thomas, View Hill Clifford & Weld, Stonyhurst, Amberiey Clothier, K., Eyreton Clothier, James, Clarkville Coates, J", and S , Fernside Co'eman, S., Riverside, Amberley Collie, Donald, Ashley Bank Colonial Invest. Co., Ashley Downs (Dunedin) Condon, Joseph, Cusfc Cone, Gt-., Rangiora Conway, Thomas, Pleasant Yiew, Cust Conway, Thomas, sen , Cust 53° 2200 203.S 192 27 200 191 54 91150 650 1901 81 280 8,iO : 14956 80 10 124 ■65 1020 220 80 2300 286 300 35° 5'5 539 2672 60 560 1450 1871 2'S *5 80 97 32 7260 55° 1900 67 59' 476 1650 14728 75 225 ■53 400 •395 '94 98 2600 373 200 360 700 420 2225 1720 122 12 1800 Nil 114 96 290 ■95 32S9 266 180 5325 77 4000 j 4300 4440 4C00 180 61 485 200 4191 4630 5108 4480 240 3 425 181 2i86i 60 80 80 700 35 240C0 70 57 87 6oo 24 704 7i 3° 3° 1069 100 5° 700 192 3'4 !

:o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. CHEVIOT COU.NTY (In JSTorth Canterbury Subdivision). Robinson, Hon. W., Cheviot Hills, Cheviot ... ASHLEY COUNTY (In Norlh Canterbury Subdivision)". Addir.ell, Jobn, West Eynton Allan, Alexander, Rockvale, Waikari Allison, Edward, Oust Anderson, William, Clyde Grove, Gust Ausliss, J. O., Amberley Armstrong, J-, Loburii Armstrong, Thomas, Waika:i Arnott, W., Fernside Asbby, J. S., Twy Cross, Balcaira Ashworth, James, Scfton Atkinson, liobinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, W., Cust Atkinson, W., Marchmont, Rangiora Bailey, Prummond, Balcairn Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, Jobn, Fernside Bailie, Robert, Amberley Baird, Samuel, Sefton Baker, J. F., Kaiapoi Banks, Daniel, Loburn Banks, James, Ashley Bank Barker, Joseph, Loburn Barnes, J. E., Ssvynforde, Hawarden Barr, Jobn, A inberley Barrell, Samuel, Southbrook Barwell, George, Loburn Bassett, W. J., Woodstock, View Hill Baxter, Andrew, Mountain Farm, E. Oxford Baxter, John, Hillside, View Hill Baylis?, Thomas, Cust Beal, Henry, Eyrcton Bcattie, John, Cust Beere, A. J., Cust Beere, W. II., Cust Belcher, Richard, Kninpoi Bell, Jonathan, Foster, liangiora Bell, J. T., Swannanoa Benn, W. A., Amberley Bennett, Alex, Homedale, Bennett's Bennett, William, West Eyreton Bennie, Mrd. E., Si'flon Birnie, William, Kaiapoi Island Bluek, Andrew, Wnikari Blackmore, T. D., Kninpoi Blain, Mary, Locklicad, Oxford Blake, Jolm, Loburn Blunden, R., Leigh Farm, Bennetts 95000 105000 937 980 200 69 455 " °5 94 1306 150 58 1090 240 39° 300 200 94 488 1510 129 1626 163 90 1810 2;o 2/3 35° 1 :o 285 '95 460 277 ■7 34° 1 20 500 194 13 Co 220 43° 3" 500 98 ! 90 947 251 293 63 Nil I I25 1266 74 7° 220 380 11 92 7' 4H 235 43° 7°7 180 292 374 185 100 440 '95 500 262 i°35 9> 470 86 6 5 4 400 198 496 1500 375 292 Nil 7° 350 400 296 1650






No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Donway, W. F., Oust Cook, IJenry, .Rnngiora Dorboy, Jeremiah, Loburn Oorboy, William, Loburn Doriett Bros., Cabbnge Tree Flat, Amberley Dostello, William, Waikari Cottle, Thomas, Cust Courage, F., Seadown, Amberley Cousin?, R., Wailiuku Dowcns, George, Bennett's Oowie, James, Hawarden Dox, J. W. M., Weka Pass, Waikari Crampton, G". W., Amberley Orampton, J. B., Fei-nside Drampton, M. H., Amberley Drampton, T., Amberley Orampton, W., Eskvale, Amberley Croft, R. F., Ashley Bank " Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Dross, Joseph, Bennett's Crosslev, C. D., Hurunui, Woodend Drossley, C. ]) , Woodend Crowe, Frederick, Oxford Crowe, Henry, Oxford Drozier, B., Amberley Crysell, Walter, West Eyreton Ovysell, William, Cust Durle, Genrge, Bennett's Dailcy, Robert, Swannanoa Dalgety and Co., Lobum Dalzcll, J., Sefton Dulzell, William, Waikari Dalziel, James, Fernside Dalziel, M., Jan., Amberley D'Auvergue, Charles, Rangiora Davies, Jolm, Eyre Bank, Eyreton Dayies, John, Kaiapoi Davis, Henry, Coutls's Island Dawson, George, Ohoka Dawson, Richard, AVest Eyreton Dennis, Charles, Leithiield Denton, F. R., Eyreton Derbidge, Charles, Longlands, Woodend Dick, ])avid, Loburn Dick, Jolm, Sefton Dicken, T. H. V., Waikari Dickenson, J. D., Hillview, Cust Dickson, Walter, Airlie, View Hill Dixon, James, Ashley Bank Dixon, M., West Eyreton Dobson, John, Esperanza, Oxford Dobson, Richard, Sefton Dodd, M , Mrs., Waikari Dohrmann, Diedrich, Bennett's Donovan, R., Bennett's Doody, Michael, Oxford Douds, John, Sefton Douglas, George (Exetrs. of), Rangiora Douglas, James, Amberley Douglas, James, Basin Farm, Waikari Downs, Thomas, Ashley Bank Dron, jolm, Balcairn Duder, William, Culverhouse, Yiew H:'ll Duffull, Richard, Ohoka Duncan, Malcolm, Rangiora Duncan, R., Loburn (Styx) Earshman, Archibald, Fahau, Hurunui Edwards, George, Okair, Kaiapoi Egan, John, Fernside Elder Brothers, Kaiapoi Elderton, H. T., Amberley Elkin, William, Kaiapoi Elliott, William, Bennett's Ellwood, John, Ashley Bank Engelbrecht, Henry, Bennett's Ensor, C, Mount Grey, Raleairn Evans, Richard, Ohoka, Kaiajioi Evans, T. H., Baicairn Fairweatlier, C, Eyreton Pearne, Peter, Rangiora Feather, James, North Loburn Fen wick, William, East Oxford Ferguson, James, Sefton Fisher, G-. and H., Loburn 400 82 67 55° 573 9900 11S 100 139° 55 787 474 693 120 256 ■45 400 321 10496 53° 23° n 403 265 70 190 3955 4300 f»5° 250 200 200 200 560 12 60 70 384 485 900 70 500 293 95 100 74 35° 3°° 780 9000 5° 68 1180 3 400 293 596 140 180 237 200 398 13000 400 240 5° Nil 255 126 170 3395 399° 600 Nil :5 2 39° 95 586 20 5 2 90 360 380 1400 98 700 70 1470 1370 260 2'5 2GOOO 415 Nil 2 850 "97 260 284 13000 84 172 1'53 55° 170 1539 300 I 10 326 7216 300 1172 72 ■65 360 300 8440 180 495 295 310 40 3°5 Nil 1884 698 168 '5° 8/ 43 400 60 1249 8000 1400 480 950 7° 393 96 6 43 35 242 800 2390 480 180 272 42 34 300 60 1339 8800 1060 900 1141 Nil 49 1 100 180 75°

No.' f 'jlwop on .'■ 1 ■ j May. 186!. 1886. Fisher, John, Oxford Ktzpatriok, Charles, Baloairn Forrester, R. A., Hurunui Forsyth, Robert, Coutt's Island Fox, 0, D., Foxdown, Waikari Fox. C. D., Black Hills, Waikari Freer, John, Kaiapoi Freshwater, Robert, East Oxford EYizzell, John, West Eyroton G-alletly, John, SpringbarA G-avdiner, Andrew, sen., Springfield, Cust Gardiner, Andrew, jun., Cust Gardiner, G. 0-., Cust Gardner and Pickering, The Lakes (Gheh.) Gardiner, George, East Oxford Garland, Helen, Mrs., Cust Garrett, David, Cust George, J., Ashley Bank G-ilchrist, W. T., View Hill Giles, L., Kaiapoi Gilmour, John, Loburn (Christcliurch) Gingavon, Patrick, Mountain, Bennett's Glendinning, J., Waikari Gorrie, Daniel, Sefton Gorton, C. H., View Hill Gorton, J. R., View Hill Gow, John, Fernside Graham, David, Rangiora Grahauj, George, Ashley Bank Grant, David, Mrs., Cust Gray, James, Eyreton Greenwood, G, D., Teviotdale, Amberley ... Greney, Michael, Amberley Grresson, II. B., Woodend Griffiths, Rees, Amberley Hadler, C, Amberley Hall, 11. J., Motanau, Amberley Hanna, Miehael, Seftou Hanna, Thomas, Sefton Hanna, W. J., Amberley Hardy, F., Loburn Harle, Thomas, West Oxford Harrison, William, Fernside Henderson and McBeath, Oxford Henry, Richard, East Oxford Henshall, Lydia, Mrs., Cust Hey ward, James, Clarkeville Hiatt, Richard, Sefton Hicks, It. R., Kaiapoi Hide, Thomas, Swannanoa Hide, William, Swannanoa Higgins, R'. L., Tara, Cust Hobun, M. J., Waikari Hoban, Peter, Waikari Hobiiii, T., Hawarden Hodgson, T., Loburu Holdsworth, R. B., Balcairn Homersham, A. R., Leithfiel.l Hopkins, Kobert, Ohoka Horrell, IT. J., Moorbiirton, West Eyreton ... Horrell, James, Woodend Horrell, Samuel, West Hyrelon Hosegootl, O., Cust Houglilon, 0. S., Athley Hank lioult, Francis, Amberloy Howell, Thomas, Fernside Huuipherys, W. D., Kaiapoi Hunt, John, Loburn Hunter, A., Willow, Cust Hunter, Walter, Leithfield Hurly, Thomas, West Eyreton Hurse, James, Fernside Innes, J. and J., Mount Brown, Amberley .., Inch, David, Oxford Jack, David, Loburn Jack, James, Springbank Jackson, Joseph, Fernside Jacobs, William, Fernside ... James, J. A., Hurunui James, T. 11., Leilhfleld Jeffs, E., Bennett's Jennings, G. C, East Oxford Jennings, H. J. J., East Oxford Johnstoue, Robert, Clarkeville ,,, 210 2J0 759 . S 0 800 97 1910 1500 i<) 100 2IOO I4OO «5 320 1 9 8 270 130 15° 400 240 300 100 57 600 210 190 '4 650 2'5 25' 700 152 201 24 79 600 80 85 290 29 700 280 344 500 632 12920 «5 576 280 7° 40 13000 ~395 45° Nil 13701 120 252 260 98 60 13000 3H 520 241 300 19100 586 546 72 130 198 6030 190 '5 2 55° 328 1 '5 290 58 2200 300 M344 380 470 520 85 250 205 6140 280 Nil 500 375 91 180 97 Nil 37° 700 1606 700 80 580 Nil 1888 232 80 2/47 ■56 90 34° 35 Nil 10^0 Ml 500 60 45 62 26 500 40 5' 492 770 120 2/5° 12000 92 380 80 52 Nil 80 97 48S 390 '5° 2150 12000 400 '50 200 6o 87 164 140 1400 141 97 59 43 270 57 920 93





No, of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 18S6. McDonald, Thomas, Waikuku McDowell, James, Fernside McEwan, David, Sefton McG-ratb, B., Oxford McGratb, T. Oxford McGregor, W., Flaxton McHugh, M , Swannanoa Mclntosb, Kenneth, Pouthbrook McTntyre, D., Fernside McKay, M. Hurunui McKenzie, Duncan, Woodend McKenzie, John, Sefton McKie, James, Oust McLaren, Dugald, Leithfield MeLauchlan, James, Bennett's McLean, Alexander, Balcairn McLean, Alexander, Sefton McLean, Hugh, Amberley McLean, Mrs. Isabella, Leitlifleld McLeod, John, Sefton McLelland, James, Motanau McMorran, James, Kowai, Amberley MeNally, J , Amberley McNally, Nicholas, Ainberley McNaught, T. Amberley McPhedran, Duncan, Argyll, Oxford McRobert, William, Ohoko Meredith, Richard, Cast Metherall, J. A. M., North Loburn Michell, E. and J., Waitohi, Waikari Miles, Thomas, I oburn Million, W. N., Birch Hill (Christchurch) ... Milne, G-eorge, Raugiora Milue, Thomas, Oust Moderate, R., Bennett's Moffat, John, Eyreton Moffafc, Robert, Amberley Moody, Walter, Kaiapoi Moore, Francis, Eyreton Moore, G-. II., CHenmark, Amberley Morriss, William, Waikuku Morten, R. M., Mt. Brown Flat, Christchurch Moss, J., Sefton Mulcock, E., Flaxton Mungeam, Florence, Springhill, Loburn Murdin, William, Fernside Murphy, William, Fernside Murray, James, Bennett's Musson, William, Bennett's Nalder, W. A., East Oxford National M & A. Co., Woodstock (Cli'eliurch) Neeve, M. E., Mrs. Ashtrop, Waikari Nicholls, Walter, Hayland, Rangiora Nieholls, Walter, White Rock, North Loburn O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Connor, Edward, Loburn O'Farrell, Thomas, Oust O'Halloran, John, Glentui, Bennett's O'Loughlin, A., Spring Bank O'Roarke, Mrs. M., Fennide ■ O'Rourke, Charles, Femsidj Overtoil, Charles, Swanuanoa Packer, II. W., Slokegrove, Amberley Parish, John, Limeliurst, Waiknri Parkerson, William, the Lakes, Wni'.;ari Parlane, James, View Hill Parnham, E., Kaiapoi Parsons, A., Amberley Parsons, Albert, Rangiora Partridge and Edwards, Waipara Pashby, Thomas, Elm wood, Kaiapoi Pateman, E. J., Woodend Paterson, George, Kaiapoi Paterson, William, Midyear, Swanannoa Pawsey, B. S., Cust Pawsey, J. R., Balcairn Peach, M., Clydesdale, Ashley Bank Peacock, J. T., Eyreton, Waiti, Eyreton Pearson, Joseph, Burnt Hill, Oxford Peebles, Andrew, Gust Pcnticost, E., Rangiora Penticost, P., Rangiora Peniicost, Richard, Rangiora Perrott, F. H., Waikari 960 90 45° 200 260 457 1200 5° 1886 290 85 40 377 160 48 242 99 130 1 200 400 500 580 500 688 1944 298 19100 iSS 200 397 9' 203 498 97 82060 100 1820 60 '3° 59° 75 400 140 280 970 1000 90 2355 90 60 70 lS° Nil 117 28 93 Nil 97 5 980 Nil 300 57° Nil 66 45 6 335 1697 253 18900 Nil 470 188 5' Nil 55° '35 85000 81 1568 95 90 41 5' '5° 186 200 400 28 36 1 ;o ,S 4 1 20 33° 35' ' 278S 35 00 18500 39° 300 483 990 95 5° 1 20 200 f.678 2.457 Nil 18000 2299 2501 900 i86;o 486 59 7 1690 220 400 400 38 1287 95 40 8/ 2299 25H 1450 Nil 492 454 1200 400 3 100 ] 1 22 Nil Nli 203 2/5 2500 ■4 1780 15010 300 Nil 75°° 175° 5 254 150 i/7 1920 Nil 1897 15400 274 15 99 56 45 c 5° '53

No. oi: Sliccp on 31st May. 1833. j 1888. Johnstone, Robert, Waikari Jones, David, Oust Jones, «Tame3, Eyreton Jones, John, Waiiiari Joyue, J., North Lobiu-n Joynt, T. I. & T. A., Glasnevin, Aniberley ... Judson, J. H., North Loburn Judson, John, North Loburn Kavanagh, Patrick, Loburn Kearney, James, Fernside Keene, A. A., Waikari Kelcher, Joseph, Fernside Kelly, Francis, 8 wannanoa Kennedy, Murtie, Hill Head, Springbank Kennedy, M., North Loburn Kennedy, Patrick, FernBide King, C. G., Harleston, Leithfleld King, Charles, Rangiora King, T. and R., Bennett's Kingabury, Robert, Oust Kingsbury, Samuel, Ashley Bank Kingsbury, Seth, Oust Kinioy, George, Kaiapoi Kinley, James, Kaiapoi Kinley, John, Kaiapoi Kyrrison, G-., Sefton Lane, L. H.j Waikari Larsen, Arnold, Bennett's Lassen, Henry, Oxford Latto, James, West Eyreton Leach, Charles, Ashley Bank Lee, G. W. II. (Exors. of), the Warren, Oxford Lee, Jane, West Oxford Leech, Charles, Kangiora Leech, G-. J., Rangiora Leonard, Elias, W est Oxford Lewton, James, Amberley Ligget, Robert, Waikuku Lilly, John, Ashley Bank Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Little, Hudson, Bennett's Little James, Allandale, Hawarden Livingstone, Hugh, Oust Lock, J. C, Hill, Ashley Bank Lord, Thomas, Eyreton Lough, Henry, jun., Amberley Low and Taylor, Clifton, Wuikari Lowcoek, John, Amberley Luers, F., Oxford Lukev & Noone, Pyramid Y., Waikari Luxton Brothers, Rangiora Luxton, John, Rangiora Lynskey, M., Kaiapoi Macfarlane, D. and A., Greenhill, Waiau ... Macfarlane, M., Coldstream, Rangiora Machen, John, Ashley Bank Macintosh, Hector, Fernside Mahler, H., Sefton Maboii, Thomas, Oxford Maiudonald, Hilary, West Eyrelon Maindonald, John, West Eyreton Mair, John, Leilhfleld Major, William, West Eyreton Mallock and Lance, Hawarden Mannering, T. S., Fernside Marshall, John, Sefton Marshall, P. G., Cherry Farm, View Hill ... Marshall, R., Fern Hollow, Oust Martin, D. C, Loburn Mason, G. E., Waikari Mathers, John, Saltwater Creek Matheson's Agency.Ngapari & Mirzapore, Chch. Matthews, Daniel, Waikari May, Robert, Cotham, Leithfield McAdam, James, Leithfield MoAdam, Robert, Amberley McAdam, William, Leithfield McBriar, S. and J., Oxford McCaw, Hugh, Balcairn McClinton, If., East Oxford McConnell, Gordon, Waikari McOonnell, W. G., Cust McConochie, J. Or., North Loburn McCracken, James, Hayland, Cust Nil I COO 67 Nil 39 290 494 182 2338 42 Si 354 255 1800 60 9' 99 Nil 70 557 285 1727 250 150 160 800 51 45° 20 Nil 300 95° 167 Nil 300 1644 207 500 279 95° 200 380 100 800 80 185 76 57 281 300 300 129 4444 181 704 107 453 184 127 130 20 178 6600 181 43 160 1916 389 100 300 130 4700 200 ■^00 "82 283 190 13' 191 Nil 278 7 102 171 170 Nil 790 454° 160 282 '95° 4'5 75 480 31 10 1920 56 140 60 .84 200 175 180 619 6250 ij' 298 1663 300 100 440 3385 134° 65 170 '5° 375 180 580 7' 100 74061 1920 256 3 130 260 S3 7 6280 5° 70 63 270 35° 400 7 7 100 68918 1 ;oo Nil 55 90 460 37 10 54°f> 250 19 65 17 170 33° '45 273 200 236 Nit 3848 295 400 160





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Tipping, J. C, Oust Tobiri, Edward, Amberley Tobin and Kennedy, Amberley Todd, Andrew, Eangiora Todd, D , Southbiook Todd, George, North Loburn Topp, H., Sefton Trail, William, Leithfield Treaoy, Edward, North Loburn Tuer, Joseph, Loburn Turner, J. F , Fernside Turner, W. H., Waikari Turner, William, Bennett's Vallance, Alexander, Sefton Vallance, Hugh, Sefton Vallanee, J., jun., Sefton Vallanee, Joseph, Oust Vallance, W. W., Sefton Vaughan, William, Amberley Wadworth, W, J., Gray lands, Amberley Waiting, Isaac, West Eyreton Walker, Thomas, Oust Wallace Brothers, Flaxton Wallace, Gh, Soutlibrook Wallace, Robert, Leithfield Waller, Jane, Loburn Walsh, E., Oxford Ward, James, Ilunlly, Swannanoa Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, George, Southbrook Wayland, E. A., Oust We'bater J. P., Amberley (Christclrarch) Webster, James, Oust Weld, Dr. J. E., Oxford Weston, George, Kaiapoi Weylandt, G. E., East Oxford White, A. St. John, Balcairn White, J. S., Ohoka Whiteside, W. G., Ashley Bank White, James, Oxford Williams, William, Kangiora Wilson, Mrs. Archibald, Ashley Bank Wilson, Alexander, Ashley Bank Wilson, E., Oamside, Kaiapoi Wilson, James, East Oxford Wiiaon, Samuel ])., Sefton Wilson, Thomas, Ashler Bank Wilson, Thomas, Waikuku Wilson, W. D., Ashley Bank Winter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, Swannanoa Winter, Michael, Bennett's Witham, William, Eangiora WitheH, C. W., Ashley Bank Wolff, J. R., Cust Wood, Richard, Bennett's Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford Wright, Peter, East Oxford Wright, Richard, Ilawarden Wright, W., Bennett's Wjilic, J., Saltwater Creek Yates, Archibald, North Loburn Yaxley, Cornelius, North Loburn Young, Charles, Kaiapoi Young, James, jun., Sefton Young, James, Sefton Zweibruck, D., East Oxford 700 68 75 98 1OO 25 355 291 Nil 1390 '75 180 45 100 217 197 600 816 35° 95 1200 2 93 67 196 100 '5° 190 5° 88 375 121 352 527 94 204 3902 205 302 '5° 134 290 190 2,)(, 60 300 1OO 700 S [ '95 5° 80 •3° 5° 124 29.3 286 36 '575 90 300 ■98 339 '35 Nil 840 2454 300 100 1100 260 53 '95 '3° 300 100 98 89 296 90 20 757 12 194 4000 84 Nil 490 179 Nil 3°5 35° 2 jo > io Nil 2IO 400 92 Nil 400 110 280 490 92 220 1292 Nil 1280 2 793 800 1900 ■95° 1498 2238 1000 920 9' 81 166 95° 500 270 5° 80 56 e.s 296 200 100 40 394 232 100 SELWYN COUNTY (l"n Chrietoburch Subdivision). Abbott, William, Clifton, Southbridge Acton-Adams, W., Island F, Christchurch ... Adams, Charles, Greendale Adams, T. W., OiFord, Greendalo Addinglon, George Courtenay Albeit, John, Kir wee Aldre.l, T. R., Leeston Aldridge, Albert, Dunsandel Alington, W. H., Broadlands, Burnham Allan, Robert, Uillsborougli, Christehurch ... 736369 72641 500 438 2197 124 85< 6oi 39' 27O( 16. 201 3° 980 149 12; 2G( 201 Nil 11

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Perrott, Frank, Hurunui Perrott, G. T., Waikari Pester, E. and W., West Eyreton Philpolt, Adolphus, Norlli Loburn Philpott, E. G-., North Loburn Pickering, Richard, Kuiapoi Plaskett, G., View Hill Plaskett, William, Ferneide Pole, Joseph, Rangiora Ponsonby, John, North Loburn Powell, Thomas, West Eyreton Preece, James, Ohoka Prine, H. H., Horsford Downs, Aehloy Bank Prior ,Thomas, Fern-Bide Pritchard, Joseph V., Loburn Prouse, Thomas, Cust Purehas, Charles W., Aniberlej Purvis, James, Fernside Quigley, Ellen, North Loburn Rainoy, Andrew, Oxford Kead, George, Kaiapoi Reece, H. F., Mont Serrat, Waipsira Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, Alexander, Ashley liank Reid, Robert James, Bennett's Renehan, William, Leithfield Rice, Robert, Clariiyille Richardson and Co., Glentui, Bennett's Roberts, Mrs. Jane, Cust Robertson, John, Ashley Bank Robinson, James, West Eyreton Robs, W. M., Coutt'a Island Rowe, James, Ashley Bank Ruddenklr.u, J., Cust Russell, James, Leithfield Rutherford, Walter, Amborley Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Studholmo, Waikari Sar.som, W., Southbrook Schofield, II., West Oxford Searles, George, Cust Shnrman, Bros., East Oxford Shaw, Thoinas, Ashley Bank Slieat, Stephen, Horrelvillo Shepherd, Robert, Swannanoa Skevingtnn, 0., Waikuku Skurr, John, Bennett's Sladdeii, Dilnot, Selson, Oxford Sloper, Robert, Amberley Smart, Samuel, North Loburn Smith, II., Clarkeville Smith, James, Fernside Smith, John, Totara, Horrelville Smith, William, Southbrook Smith, William, West Eyreton Smyth, Robert, Leithfield Speir, Hugh, Cust Stackwood, Mrs. S. A., Woodend Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Sl&rky, G. B., Br.iekenfield, Amberley Steffenp, II. Bennetts Stephenson, M., Fernside Stevenson, M.V3. John, Flaxton Stewart, John, Ashley Bank Stewart, James, Ashley Bank Stokes, John, Waikuku Stone, S., jun., Woodend Storer, William, Bennett's Stringer, R , Ashley Bank Stuart, John, Baleairn Stubbs,, East Oxford Sutherland, J., Sefton Taylor, F. S., Waipara Taylor, Jo?epli, Waipara Thomas, Henry, Ashley Bank Thomas, E. F., Oxford" Thomas, Samuel, Fair View, Ashley Bank Thompson, C. B., East Oxford Thompson, Richard, Summer Hill, Cust Thompson, W., Saltwater Creek Thompson, William, Freefidd, Cust Thompson, William, Greenfield, Cust ThrelkelJ, P. C, Flaxton Tipping, C. and H., Waikuku 1190 480 100 42 58 260 130 3' '45 Co 405 190 100 100 974 140 3° 122CO 6oO 108 IOO 90 Nil 25000 '33 170 328 45° !26 2400 80 400 30 17264 250 96 200 288 80 586 •95 561 100 45 25 500 100 57 180 130 245 9°5 3° 300 90 870 35° '5' 50 86 5000 600 120 140 250 80 24968 98 92 282 55° 96 2300 55 Nil 57 17343 180 109 190 195 80 500 967 22O 455 495 400 484 Nil 573 250 906 ■250 388 490 380 190 35° 180 59° 335 296 380 486 160 320 200 39 488 33°° 383 300 55° 100 190 500 4 i6 '35 46 500 2500 £00 39° 490 200 98 140 300 '68 6 200 61 960 2740 97 190 121 Nil 37i 0 7 946 1980 86 220 82 400 275 3° 190 140 3620 399 300 72 270 140 4240 583 4Si





No. of E 31st May. ■e; 1885. 1886. Allen, Alexander, Killincliy Allen, William, Grange, Irwell Aniyes, Alfred, Holly, Kirwee Amyes, J. 0., Hornby Amyes, R. II., Meadow Bank, Kirwee Amyes, 8. II., Lake View, Irwell Anderson, II., Yaldhurst Anderton, Thomas, Halkett Town Andrew, W. B., Spvingston and Greenpark Aneon, T. H., Desert, Courtenay Archer, Thomas, Sheffield Ash worth, A., Addinglon Atkinson, Thomas, SpringfieldAtkinson, W. Ayersdale, Springfield Atkinson, William, Grassdale, Springfield ... Attwood, Thoma3, Southbridge Attwood, William, Woolston Baile, John, Templer's Island, Papanui Bailey, Samuel, Templeton Bailey, William, Templeton Baker, George, The Downs, Hororata Balfour, William, Russell's Flat Ballagh, Henry, Hororata Ballagh, S., Leeston Ballantyne, Mrs., Riccarton Bank N.S.W., Heslerton, Christchurch Banks, James,/Tai Tapu Banks, Thomas, Brookside Barker, George, Rathway, Leeston Barnes, Anthony, Tai Tapu Barnett, J., Deep Spring, Leeston Ban-, J. P., Sheffield Barrett, Charles, Briarfield, Tai Tapu Barter, Stephen, Templeton Bax, Charles, Sheffield Baxter, R. and G., Southbridge Baxter, William, Brookside Bnynes, A. T., Templeton Be'aley, R. J. & N. R., Rakaia Mead, Hororata Bealey, S., Rakaia Mead, Hororata Bealey, Samuel, Haldon, Hororata Beatty, A., Longford, Coalgate Beatty, Ambrose, Coalgate Bedford, George, Courtenay Begg, William. Greendale Bell, George, West Melton Bell, John, Templeton Benliam, 1<\, Kowai, Springfield Bennetts, A. F., Piebbleton Bennetts Brother?, Cliristchurch Benney, Joseph, Southbridge Berry Brothers, Philipstown Bishop, William, Southbridge BUsett, Archibahl, Rolleston, Blackler, James, lirookeide Blake, Edwin, Belfast Blaise, W., Bessingby, Upper Riccarton Bleyard, William, Coalgate Boag, John, Middlekigg, Brookside Boag, W., Burnside and Selwyn (Chch.) Bond, J. H. 0., Lake Coleridge Boon, Edwin, Yaldhurst Boswell, Thomas, Selwyn Boulton, Richard, Kimberley Boulton, T., Kirwee Bourne, William, Tai Tapu Bojle, W. II., Ellesmere Bi'abazon, John, Aylesbuiy Bradshaw, James, Waddington Brake, Charles, Tai Tapu Brett, J. H., Courtenay Brittan, P. H., Kelsie, Burnliam Brooks, Thomas, Brookside Brown, G. H., Lofftuss, Dunsandel Brown, John, Kimberley Brown, J. and W., Hororata Brown, James, Dunsandel Brown, James, Hororata Brown, James, Milburn, Coalgate Brown, William, Broadfield Brownlee, Thomas, Hororata Bruce, John, Weedon's, Rolleston Bruce, and Irvine, Cora Lynn, Bealey Bryenton, G. W., Sandhill's, Christchurch ... 200 186 9 8 600 500 43° 240 174 3160 2050 '25 18 585 700 2?00 S36 45° 2270 39° 700 190 480 75° 400 92 ■ 76 2620 2400 200 93 667 700 2300 122 Nil Nil 2I9S 290 400 110 180 •39 190 250 112 300 16 12200 118 "253 Nil Nil 100 100 68 45° 2200 296 S° 90 ;oo 2C00 100 600 38 97 296 200 121 600 25 6829 10579 34° 271 300 400 80 212 1 120 97 2900 3070 12624 400 400 299 300 5' 182 11 70 240 4279 700 103 '599 5°° ' 25 22 20 5° 198 5° 60 485 Nil Nil 200 60 2382 6400 '35°° 24 •9'3 5100 13600 34 28 250 597 36 200 32 95°° 500 200 60 10000 300 Nil 149 25 4420 15° 484 4°3 100 580 93 37 2 30 37° 480 16000 20 3492 275 375 500 ■5° 700 130 32; 100 00 Nil 14500 22 25

No. of Sli sist a loep on Hay. 1885. I 1886. Buckley, Andrew, Brookside Baddo, David, Ellesmere Bull, A. S., Addington Bull and Co., Cltristehurch Bull, Frederick, Waddington Bull, William, Burnham Bunion, Isaac, Burnham Burke, Martin, Burnliam Bush, James, Dunraow, Courtenay Butler, Edward, Springfield Butler, J. B., Dunsandcl Buttcrficld, J., Broom, Russell's Flat Button, Frederick, Springfield Calcler, Alexander, llalkett Town Callan, William, Springston Campbell, Charles, Waddington Campbell and Co., Southbridga Campbell, John, Southbridge Campbell, John, West Melton Campbell, Peter, ICillinchy Campion, John, Prebbleton Carpenter, Gr. F., Yaldhurst Carpenter, W. II., Prebbleton Carter, Thomas, Grreenpark Chamberlain Bros., Waireka, Hawkins Chamberlain, Henry, Ellesmere Chamberlain, P., Irwcll Chamberlain, W., Hadstock, Ellesmere Chisnall, Alfred, Yaldhurst Clark, Charles, Christchurch Clark, Philip, Broadfield Clark, William, Leeston Clarksor,, H. and W., Christchurch Ciarkson, W. B., Sydenham Cleathing. J., Whitaoliffs Clifford Brothers, Springston Clinton, P., Darfield Clougher, W., Harewood Road, Fapanui Coe, John, Irwell Cogan, James, Racecourse Hill Colehan, Thomas, Upper Riccarton Collins, William, Springston Collhart, Robert, Bi-oomfleld, Sheffield Coinrie, David, Halkett Town Cook, John, Courtenay Cooney, Thomas, Rollcstou Cooper, R., sen., Rolleston Corbelt, James, Burnham Cordy, James, Hororala Cordy, John, Hororata Cordy Brothers, Stevenlon, Whitecliffs Coton, Bentley, Hororata Cotton, R. M., Lake Coleridge Cowan, Mrs., Southbridge Craighead, Alexander, Sheffield Craighead, D., Russell's Flat Craighead, Thomas, Russell's Flat Cresswell, John, Hororata Croskell, R., Kirwee Cross, W. P., Burnham Crowe, E., Mrs., Killinchy Crump, John, Springston Cryer, M., Waterford, Southbridge Crysell, W., Rolleston Cunningham, Andrew, Dunsandel Cunningham, J., Brookside Curragh, Robert, Templeton Dalgety & Co., Grrassmere, Christcliurch Daniels, Mrs., Papanui Darroch, Duncan, Rakaia Davidson, A. S., Greenpark Davies, Reos, Hororata Davis, A. E., Lyppert, Halkett Town Davis, John, Styx Davis, Thomas, Coalgate Dawson, Thomas, Hornby Deans, John, Riccarton Deans, John, Homebush Dearing, C, Christchurch Delamain, J. 0., Christehurch Dennis, Samuel, Hororata Dent and Son, Grreendale Derrett, E., Springbank, Hororata Dicken, E. B., Southbridge 144 700 42 ■59 60 6 6oo 10 95 5° 72 94 200 5 2 26 300 72 35° 110 83 127 272 154 275 8468 500 60 178 495 258 37i Nil 2983 1273 45° 630 94 105 132 160 4288 400 997 184 9768 100 3000 SO 265 100 76 163 273 181 400 5600 297 85 '73 1038 2'5 387 39 5720 1000 500 700 44 52 60 190 ■4494 Nil "84 205 140 258 100 947 67 9357 60 3000 400 500 85 280 120 165 86 28 500 goo J IOCO 3° 400 l6;o 10920 7000 180 16000 466 7000 200 168OO 39S 89 141 93 15 286 98 Nil 123 52 290 90 100 575 "5 29 300 1657 7 1 8300 39° 175° 72 500 295 99 63 200 855 18000 498 64 86 270 1380 ■76 9056 198 2000 90 600 180 284 47 180 1070 18581 100 77° 820 565 290 Nil 100 680 622 392 175 419





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 188G. Dilloway, J., Dunsnndel Dingle, J. T., Ohristohuroh Dixon, Thomas, Leeston Dixon, Thomas, Spreydon Dorman, William, Springfield Doyle, P., Whitecliffs Drayton, G-. W., West Melton Drummond, Peter, Itakaia Dudley and Lawrence, Leeston Duggan, William, Sheffield Euke, J. M., Springston Dunlop, William, Styx Dunn, David, Lincoln Dysart, James, Courtenay Baglesome, M., Christchuroh Early, Charles, Greendale Easterbrook, R. R.. Styx Ede, William, Kimberley Egan, Michael, Athmount, Aylesbury Ellis Brothers, Rolleston ... Enys Brothers, Christehurch Evans, J. C, Springfield Ewans, Godfrey, Hororata Fay, Anthony, Doyleston Fay, John, Doyleston Feiloon, Ellen, Killinchy Ferguson, John, Sheffield Fergusson, H. A. C, llalswell Fessey, J. B., iiawford, Weedon's Field, James, Springfield Fiueham, T., Willow Glen, Southbridge Finlay, Robert, Ilalkott Town Finley, William, Courtenay Fisher, S., Glenlhorne, Sydenham Fisher, S., Heathcot e, Sydenham Fisher and Goldsmith, Irwell Fisher, William, Grassdale, Springfield Fleming, R. Gk, Willow, Shettield Flood, John, Southbridge Follows, William, Halkelt Town Ford, J. T., R'ccarton, Christehurch Forrester, James, Syiienham Frankish, C, Lccslon Frunkish J. D. Christehureh Frankish, T. W., Leeston Fraser, Alexander, Dunsandel Fraser, Rev. C, West Melton Fraser, John, Sheffield Furze, J. M., Dunsandel Fussell, Thomas, Doyleston Gabbatis, Thomas, Prehbleton Gabbie, W., Mount Pleasant, Southbridgo ... Gallagher, John, Southbridge Gamble, Charles, Wadding! on Gammaelc, James, Springston Gardiner, H., Wilson's Farm, Irwell 3-ardiner, J. S., Holcombe, Leeston Garforth, S., Spreydon, Christehurch Garland, E., Woolston Garland, Joseph, Woolston Gemmell, John, Dunsandel Gerard, W., Manuka Point, Christchurch Gerard, W., Snowdon, Christehurch Gibson, Robert, West Melton Giddings, George, Greendale (Tinwald) Gilbert, John, Dunsandel Gill, James, Ifirweo Gillanders, Edward, Springfield Gillanders, Hector, Darfield Gillett, Jas., Easebury, Southbridge Glover, 11. W., llalswell Gough, Mrs. Hannah, Greendale Gough, James, Greendale Gourley, John, West Melton Graham, J. A., Sumner Graham, John, Burnhank, Christchurch Graham, W., Southbridge Grant, William, Halkett (Timaru) Gray, Ernest, Hon., Moon Hay, Christchurch Gray, James, Springhill, Hororata Greaves, Edwin, Springston ,., Griffiths, George, Hororata Griffiiths, Samuel, Rolleston Griffiths, Thomas, Lakeside 1050 33 9 o 7° 300 '99 1000 3° 142 120 2997 1400 61 4 190 100 300 197 540 193 400 364 225 2000 600 384 592 253 Nil 39 2 197 37° Nil 20 77 So 8449 90 ■5° 329 400 5° 240 60 roo 5 2 8°73 85 1 21 276 260 80 257 60 10 20 600 700 90 500 5400 27 1640 300 Nil 80 96 20 76 51 500 5208 35 1770 294 100 10 89 Nil 80 300 80 669 98 738 774 900 200 5° 1400 70 32.S 2800 61 605 ■1298 757 407 95 5° 1100 326 364 3000 20 3°5 367 45° 185 383 4000 20000 7i 300 476 400 Nil 290 4000 20000 8S 600 200 800 100 125 400 190 500 Nil 300 132 500 600 38 747 501 1 160 5° 693 4094 100 121 I8 5 525 231 172 560 1800 2090 192 87 '35 1300 192 55 100 126 44 43

' No. of Sheep on 31stll.iy. 1685. 1886. Groves, Amos, Erersiield, Sheffield G-udscU, Thomas, Rolleston G-uiney, Edward, Halkett Town Gunn, John, Racecourse Hill Guy, W. J., Yaldhurst Hack, Edward, Papanui Hale, Benjamin, Kimberley Hall, Henrv, Emsworfch, Kirwee Hall, IT. J., Riooarton Hall, Sir John, Hororata, Coalgate Hall, J. J., Windmill, Yaldhuret Halliday, John, Lakeside Hampton, Christopher, Southbridge Hancock, Thomas, Sydenham Hann, Eli, Grecndale Hannah, John, Southbridge Hannant, J. J., Darfield Hanson, J. E., Upper Riecarton Harding, John, Prebbleton Harris, Stephen, Styx Harris, Thomas, Burnham Hartnell, J. N., Hororata Harvey, W. J., Rolleston Hawkins, R. W., Yaldhurst Hay, George, Kimberley Hay, William, Rolleston Haydon, Joseph, Prebbleton Hayes, B., Ellesmere Hay ward, Geo., Strathfield, Tcmpleton Hayward, Joseph, Greendale Heatley, Thomas, Halkett Town Hedge, F. J., Kirvvee Hellewell, Wright, Tai Tapu Henderson, G-.,jun., Halkelt Town Henderson, G., sen., Halkelt Town Henderson and McBeath, Christchureh Henley, P., Lincoln Henley, P. J., Leeston Henry, John, Dunsandel Henry, Thomas, Russell's Flat Hibberd, William, Southbridge Ilight, Albert, Waddington Hill, John, Prebbleton Hill, J. W., West Melton Hinehcliffe, J., Styx (Chrislohurch) Hinton, Richard, Templeton Hocking, W. J., West Melton Hodgens, John, Prebbleton Hogan, M., Rolleston Hogg, Thomas, ICillinchy Hole, William, Spreydon Holland, Frederick, Greendale Holland, G-. W., Brookside Holland, H. and E., Greeudale Holly, William, Leeston Holmes, Eliza, Bnngor, Darfield Holmes, James, Yaldhurst Hooker, William, Broad fii Id Hopkins, F., and Co., Christehurch Horner, William, Papanui Horwell, Job, New Brighton Hoskin, William, Ellesmere Howson, T. B., Southbridge Hughes, James, Greendale Humm, William, Waddington Humphrey, J. and T., Killincby Hurst, Charles, Oakley, Southbridge Hurst, John, Springston Illiogworth, Joseph, Kirwee Industrial School, Burnham Inwood, J. and A. R., Southbridge Trvine, William, Dunsandel Jackson, Frank, Irwell Jackson Brothers, Papanui Jackson, R. II., Upper Riecarton James, William, Courtenay Jameson, J. P., Colegatc Jamieson, W. IT., Leeston Jane, Alfred, Greondale Jeffs, Charles, Templeton Jenkins, T., Springfield, Southbridgo Jenkins, W. J., Courtenay Johns, J., Styx Johnson, Robert, Aylesbury 8 9 130 2QO 39° 196 20O 45° 8 9 4/° 32000 226 172 190 360 230 83 400 270 600 5° Nil 248 3'4 34000 20O 5° 178 37O 42 Nil. 100 300 60 300 40 380 535 385 600 500 695 302 700 160 140 173 490 1200 80 40 Nil 87 385 1280 80 98 586 187 800 139 395 ■97 2220 42 98 84 47' 172 230 418 61 22 96 60 705 172 500 3co /6 '4 300 ' 18 3,6 1000 5 500 287 1000 74 100 250 300 100 388 2'5 383 368 1000 I CO 68 2CO 300 5° 770 243 353 622 TOOO 10730 907 2'5 233 100 9940 Nil 101 125 S° Nil 56 392 480 250 1075 5400 3300 280 3' 3420 600 650 170 103 66 910 390 20 178 700 Nil 1330 4900 4226 321 44 2625 700 600 95 110 Nil 912 250 140 Nil Nil 170 1100 586 520 770 300 610 775


6—H. 15.




No of R] Slat 1 I 1885. 1hh!i> on May. 1880. Johnson, T. W., Kirwee Johnson, Walter, Greendale Johnston, A., Sheffield Johnston, James McC, Eolleston Johnston, Neil, Darfield Jones, Emily, West Melton Jones, James, Templeton Jones, John, West Melton Jones, Milsom, Killinchy Jones, Percy, Templar's Island, Papanui Jones, William, North Road, Kaiapoi Jones & Stronach, Cragieburn, Cass Joseph, A. L., Whiteeliffs Jowers, J. E., Springfield, J. C. Barton Farm, Sheffield Judge, John, Lincoln Kain, Thomas, Springfield Kemp, Richard, Kirwee Kendall, W., Leeston Kennaway, William, Woolston Kennedy, J., Halswell, Christchurch Kerr, John, Dunsandel Ember, Henry, Springston Kimber, James, Grafton, G-reenpark Kime, Henry, Springston King, George, and Co., Christchurch King, J. J., Killinchy King, T. and J., Christchurch Kiver, C, Burnham, Christcliurch Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, H., St. Albans, Christchurch Knight, IT. A., Racecourse Hill Knight, J., Mount Pleasant, Rolleston Knight, John, New Brighton Knight, Silas, Rolleston Kruse, I)., Papanui Laffey, Thomas, Kirwee Laing, H., Templer Island, Christchurch Lamport, Thomas, Grlentnnnol Lane, H. B , Christchurch Lane, James, Ellesmere Lane, James, Yaldhurst Langdon, Thomas, Christchurch Langdon and Judge, Christchurch Larcombe, H. Templeton Law, James, Weedon's, Rolleston Laughton, Oliver, Halkett Town Lawrence, W. D., Rarensworth, Leeston Lean, W. S., Yaldhurst Learmonth,'! 1. L., Ardlin, Rakaia Lee, Mrs. H. M., Southbridge Lee, II. M , Southbridge Legg, James, Aylesbury Lemon, Mrs. W. J., Doyleston Lemon, Samuel, Doyleston Leslie, H. J. P., Kirwee Levett, James, Killinchy Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel Lockhead, R. and J., Leeston Lockhead, Thomas, Dunsandel Long, William, Rolleston Lord, Jabez, Kirwee Lord, Thomas, Burnham Lovett, Joseph, Hororata Low, Alexander, Dunsandel Lowe, Levi, jun., Rolleston Luddy, William, Killinchy Lnkies, Joseph, Southbridge Macintosh, Ewan, Hororata Maeleod, J. A., Leeston MacLeod, John, Glendore (Dunsandel) Maddison, J., Templeton MaiTey, Richard, Hororata Maginness, John, Templeton Magon, Karl, Grreenpark Mangels, Johann, Tai Tapu Man gin, George, Greendale Manion, P. Weedons, Rolleston Mann, Arthur, Greendalo Mann, John, St. Albans, Christchurch Manson, Hugh, Kimberley Manson, James, Kimberley Marks, H., Weedons (Christchurcli) Marr, John, Deanston, tlalkett Town 708 130 300 '198 590 433 25° 262 39 Z 18 300 100 342 Nil 300 34° 198 Nil 100 260 98 20500 595 98 21^00 287 86 906 Nil 699 70 500 300 97 63 Nil ijOO 266 60 130 95 *>95 166 '95 635 200 IS 2 95 70 46 280 2130 98 Nil 35 109 1 360 3° 14718 54 100 '33° 346 40 n 973 '35 100 182 70 400 5°° 97 99 Nil 700 Nil >25 140 12 60 1300 700 2200 2488 328 170 5° 175 2470 86 800 555 186 140 500 . 1400 20 198 Nil Nil 82 264 Nil 1000 37° 300 136 38 285 600 '53 150 150 37 2 34° 2147 92 TOO 1S° 700 5OO 3° 129 35° 695 425 200 523 7i 1720 597 137° 2863 186 268 80 320 800 77 700 O40 176 100 250 '°S 130 245 197 400 1000 490 200 96 70 40 75° '53 188 '5° 2622 2q6

I No. of Snoop on 31st May. 1885. 188C. Marrack, Richard, Christchuroh Marsden Brothers, Heatkeote Valley Marsh Brothers, Christchurch Marshall, F. and VV., Templeton Marshall, George, Springaton Marshall, John, Springslon Matheson, J., Darfield Matthews, William, Springston Mathias, Lewis, Sjuthbridge McBeath, Roderick, Kiinberley McCarten, Thomas, Templeton McClelland, H. W., ICiuiberlcy McClelland, W. W., Courtenay McConnell, Henry, Fendaltown, Christchurch McConnell, J. J., Lakeside McCormick, Thomas, South bridge McCrostie, Hugh, Greendale McDonald, Donald, Leeston McBvedy, Peter, Southbridge McFetrick, Alexander, Hokitika McGregor, R. and A., Burnham Mcllraith, Robert, Southbridge Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllfath, J. L., Lakeside Mcllroy, Samuel, Southbridge Mclntosh, Thomas, Rockwood, Christchurch Mciiay, Alexander, Halkett Town McKee, John, Killinohy McKellar, John, Southbridge McKie, T. and W., Burnside, Glentunnel ... McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston McLauchlan, W., Brookshle McLaughlan, James, Erindale, Burnham ... McLaughlin, Seaton, Dun3andel McLenaghan. D., Killinchy McLennan, D., Halkett Town McLennan, William, Halkett Town McMillan, D , Waddington McMillan, John, Dunsandel McNae, Archibald, Courlcnay McNeil, R., Doyleston McPhedran, J. D., Darfield McVinnie, William, Southbridge Miles, William, Folly, Springston Mills, John, Mrs., Greendale Milne, J., Lincoln Road & Sth'bg., Christch. Minchin, W., Westwood, Waddington Molfatt, Jennings, Halswcll Moffiitt, William, Waddington Moir and Co., Hororata Moir, William, Styx, Christchurch Monck, J. S., Sunnier Moorhead, M., Southbridge Moran, Charles, Templeton Morgan, J. G., Hororata Morrish, Richard. Craigleigh, Springston ... Morshead, J. T. P., Lincoln Morten, R. M., Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch... Muir, Archibald, Springston Muirhead, John, Templeton Munro, Roderick, Greendale Munson, Mrs. Arthur, Dunsandel Murehison, John, Lake Coleridge Murray, F. C, Lincoln Murray, ]?. C. II., Lincoln Murray, J. G., Greenpark Napier, George, Glentunnel Napier, James, Glentunnel National Mortgage and Agency Co., Kirwee Neaye, IT. D. S., Lawford, Rolleston Needham, Thomas, Rolleston Nelson, Andrew, Dunsandel Nelson, J. H,, Rolleston Newlove, G. W., Dunsandel Nicklaus, J. I\, Yaldhurst Kicoll, Alexander, Greenfield, Darfield Nixon, William, Killinchy N.Z. L. and M. A. Co., Brookdale, Springfield N.Z.L. & M.A. Co, Greenham Barton, S'thbrdg. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Rainham, Christchurch N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Torlesso, Springfield N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Mount White, Cass ... Oakley, John, Halkett Town 5° . 8o 35 284 170 240 12 395 481 ,36 280 500 300 • !7 300 1700 196 33° 75° 280 97 40 32 6670 34i 77 252 8*4 764 397 222 41 45 5°9 3010 1236 557 806 200 5° Nil 3° ■5° 100 '34 Nil 240 2570 296 186 200 460 300 ' 16 500 1 150 97 300 418 520 ] 60 "93 24 Nil 8500 296 70 348 987 700 388 200 700 5° 97 693 1200 JJ62 320 792 .6 800 1 »S 2306 5° 3833 3760 241 93 75° 60 132 1850 152 3080 2838 190 100 436 l60 7°9 365 178 300 9960 200 1000 '83 21 300 300 95° I3°5° 75° 60 5806 396 '5° 296 300 6385 260 300 500 160 13400 43° 45 553° 287 75 850 840 500 66 800 6S 84 78 200 310 600 853° 1240 2864 2935° 11 10 127 200 Ni 45° 9200 2040 3000 11870 28104 H





No. of Sliocx") on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. O'Boyle, Patrick, Leeston O'Brien, Matthew, Killinchy O'Callaghan, D., Springston, Coutts Island ... Olivers, Edward, Springfield Oliff, W. T, Spreydon Oliver, William, Hororata O'Neill, Benjamin, Doyleston Orr, W. P., Courtenay Orsbourn, D. J., Hororata Osborne, James, Medway, Tai Tapu Osborne, Job, Doyleston Ovcrton, F., Walsingham, Lakeside Overton, Henry, Ellesmere Ovcrton, John, Prcbbleton Palmer, E. J., Christchurch Palmer, Joseph, Burnham, Ohristoburch Palmer, S. W., Whitecliffs Pannett, H., Springston Pannett, J. A., Hatton, Springston Pannett, T., Springston Pannett, W. F. Lincoln Parker, Herbert, Burnham Patchett, D., jun., Millbrook, Styx Paterson, Alexander, Kirwee Paterson, James, Prebbleton Peagram, C. II., Halkett Town Pearce^ Thomas, Templeton Pearce, H. J., Aylesbury Pearson, William, Lincoln l'eryman, H. E., Tai Tapu Phillips, Or. S., Templeton Phillips, Henry, Leeston Phillips, T. A., Windwhistle Phillips, W., Bolleston Philpott, A. M., St. Albans, Christchurch ... Philpott, John, Upland, Papanui Philpott, J. W., St, Albans, Christchurch ... Pickering, William Coalgate Pitt, William, Kimberley Poolc, G-eorgo, Killinchy Pope, John, Springfield Powell, Joseph, Grove, Springston Prcbble, Edward, Prebbleton Prebble, J, W., Prebbletou Prestidge, Jesse, Hororata Proctor J., Russell's Flat Randall, J. A., Dunsandel Redfern, C. W., Springfield Reid, Robert, Darfield Rennie, John, Doyleston Reveley, B., Kimberley Reveley, 15., jun., Kimberley Reveley, Groves, Kimberley Ridgeii, George, Greendale Riordan, P., Kirwee Robertson, George, Russell's Flat Robertson, James, Courtenny Robinson, T., Whincops, Christchurch Rogers, James, Templeton Rollett and Trafford, Hororata Rollo, Janet, Irwell Roper, Eobert, Halkett Town Rosewarne, J., Ohristehurch Rothery, Henry, Doyleston Rountree, William, St. Albans, Christchurch Rowe, Thomas, Christchurch Kowell, James, Springston Rudd, C, Greendale Rudd, George, Greendale Rudd, J. F.,~ Greendale Rutherford, G., jun., High Peak, Russell'sFlat Rutherford, G., jun., Benmore, Russell's Flat Rutherford, G%, jun., Dalethorpe, Russell's Flat Rutledge, Alexander, Bankside, Rakaia Kutledge, John, Russell's Flat Ryan, M., sen., Templeton Ryan, Michael, Broadfield Ryan, Patrick, Templeton Sanderson, Crispin, Killinchy Sandford, J., Hcathcote Yalley Sanford, Martin, Papanui Sanson, James, Darlield Saunders, A. E., West Melton 400 57° 900 197 75° 180 3° 454 189 358 1700 4386 600 96 1101 171 100 900 208 5° 77 1700 169 70 126 260 184 S76 . 475 10480 52 22 445 3-00 160 '5 37 284 400 1O3 3° 127 2930 350 603 914 480 60 600 480 190 90 60 380 163 300 500 93 292 1910 3737 33° Nil 1146 275 'S3 730 102 4' 1000 95 150b 9' 86 120 160 36 290 376 300 11000 67 60 433 409 200 300 '5 3° 197 250 90 94 107 1500 580 477 1000 280 66 240 1000 190 1400 75° 388 790 343 7 286 9 148 '53 260 '43 90 172 170 45 659 20 19.5 296 111 440 75 60 •5° 59'. 1080 500 6091 3/85 5° 100 95 2355 300 5973 3494 10936 280 10960 2CO 179 100 400 100 80 36 100 184 1060 2OO IOO 300 100 98 187 136 216 1058

No. of Sheep on 31st May.' 1885. I 1880. 1886. Savage, George, West Melton SaviH, William, Yaldhurst Sawle, J. W.j Bankside (Askburton) Sayers, A., Sheffield School of Agriculture, Lincoln Scott, David, Brookside Scott, Robert, Cashmere Hills, Christchurcli Scott, Samuel, Southbridge Searle, Frederick, Eolleston Searle, Joseph, Sheffield Seaton, George, Kirwee Seay, T. S., Springfield Sharp, John, Lincoln Shaw, William, Doyleston Sheate, William, Greendale Shephevd, H. J., Kirwee Sherlock, J., Sydenham Shipley, Burton, Greendale Shirley, E. H., Yaldhurst Smart, Amon, Templeton Smith, Arthur, Russell's Plat Smith, G. A., Broom, Lincoln Smith, G. F., Springfield, Southbridge Smith, Henry, Springfield Smith, Henry, Kaiapoi Smith, John, Burnham Smith, J. C, Spreydon Smith, John, Prebbleton Smith, Moulds, Greendale Smithson, J. (Executors late), Leeslon Smithson, William, Christchurcli Smyth, John, Killinchy Somerville, Mrs. Hororata Sovvden, Jonathan, Dunsaiidel Spence, J., Killinchy Spencer, Edmund, Styx Spencer, Frank, Styx Stacoy, Elizabeth, Hororata Stackhouse, James, Killinchy Stanford, E. J.. Prebbleton Stanley, John, Broadway, Papanui Stavely, E. G., Upper Eiccarton, Cliristcliurch Stead, G. G., Coringa, Christchurcli Steele, Samuel, Hororata Stephens, George, Bush, Brooksido Stewart, Colin, Springfield, Cliristcliurch ... Stockbridge, T., Sheffield Storey, Charles, Greendale Storry, Andrew, Southbridge Stott, William, Kimberley Strange, William, Selwyn, Christchurcli Stubbs, William, Selwyn Sutherland, Robert, Christchurcli Sutton and M'onkhouse, Halswell Swinn, George, Greendale Taiaroa, Hon. H. B., Southbridge, Cli. Oh, ... Taylor, Andrew, Punsandel Taylor, Charles, Brookside Taylor, W. J., Aylesbury Taylor and Harwood, Aylesbury Te'mpler, E. M., Welldown, Christehurch ... Templeton, William, Upper Kiccarton Thompson, John, Greendale Thompson, E. P., Southbridge Thompson, R., Dunsandel Thompson, W. M., Templeton Thomson, David, Halkett Town Thomson, John, junr., Halkett Town Thomson, John, Yaldhurst Thomson, John, Killinehey Thomson, William, Burnham Thorn, John, Christchureh Thwaites, James, Hororata Tisch, Henry, Styx Tod, D., Doyleston Tod, John, Lincoln Tolirton, Thomas, Killinchy Topham, G. M., Lincoln Tosswill, J. N., Kirwee and Hayne, Prebbleton Tosswill, R. G. D., Highfield, Kirwee Townshend, H. and F., Lincoln Traves, J., Russell's Flat Tresidder, William, Sheffield Trickett, II., West Melton 100 85 Nil 62 '39° 354 200 170 97 100 1500 3°5 i'5° i'5S 96 700 227 81 400 80 162 200 295 10 '5° Nil 59i 75 1200 3° 674 225 300 580 86 383 357° 343 267 500 171 392 "55° 594 5200 '43 1800 300 520' JS 0 405 290 968 375 200 160 150 300 240 75 275 1085 76 470 273 42.5 438 38 96 3040 4807 266 33 100 116 200 140 IO0O 99 '337 37° 3'2 SOO 60 190 96 102 20OO 29S 996 Nil 22 700 42 80 87 290 106 250 3«3 178 199 386 100 •5 10 400 Nil 1170 400 Kil 200 1100 Nil 360 47 1320 343 342 1000 166 4°3 900 69S 597° 162 470 5>7 95 243 86 344 1650 200 Nil 240 Nil 200 182 250 n6 55 849 21 190 9 3°o 292 60 81 2668 3°S3 340 80 7° 76





No. of SI 31st ] 1885. I Jieep on May. 1888. Trott, H., Springston Trott, John, Springston Iroup, J., Glont unnel Truscott, A. 0., West Melton Tuft Brothers, Broomficld, Riecarton Turner, John, Courtenay Turner, W., Halkett Town Tutton, A. E., Christchurch Tweedy, Joseph, Courtenay Tyson, James, Papanui Unwin, H. J., Killinchy Upton and Russell, Springfield Vaughan, E., West Melton Vincent, II. W., Sheffield Voice, Thomas, Templeton Waby, G. C, Southbririge Wagner, J. S., Coalgate Walker, W., West Melton Walker, W,, Brookside Wallace, Thomas, Russell's Flat Wallace, William, Russell's Flat Walles, Henry, Springfield Walles, T. C, Springfield Wallis, Thomas, Kirwee Ward, Francis, Russell's Plat Washbourne, E., Sonthbridgo Washbournj, II., Riecarton Washbourne, H., jun., Selwya Watson, G-eorge, West Melton Watson, John, Clayfield, Brookside Watson, John, Halkett Town Watson, M. W., Upper Riccarton Watson, W., Cordross, Coalgate Webb, W. 0., Upper Riccarton Weir, Matthew, Hagley Park, Christchurch Welburn, W. E., Aylesbury Westenra Brothers, Oamla, Dunsandel White, Edwin, Southbridge White, G-. F., Courtenay .,. White, H., Lincoln White, W. H., Prebbleton Whyte, James, Waddinglon Whyte, P. & A., Clifton, Haikett Town Whyte, William, Halkett Town Wilkin, R. (Executors of), Christchurch Williams, A. C, Southbridge Willis, R. B., Southbridge Wills, John, Irwell Wilson, E. R., Styx Wilson, James, Doyleston Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executor of), Cashmere, Christchurch. Wilson, Thomas, Styx Wilson, W. M., Styx Withell, Charles, Brookside Withell, E., Brookside Withers, Drummond, Killinchv Witty, George, West Melton Woodcock, A. P., Whitecliffs Wooltorton, R., Christchurch Wornor, Septimus, Killincliy Wraight, Douglas, Mystole, Dunsandel Wright, F., Dunsandel Wright, J. T., Dunsandel Wright, Richard, Ellesinere Yarr, E. Tai Tapu Yates, J. W., Russell's Flat 495 694 188 080 300 340 130 48 9' 57 88 576 445 i 90 960 295 300 130 48 9< Nil 11 70 300 400 8;o 1000 696 500 125 222 34 2I 5 O 242 Nil 600 400 90 878 600 270 297 180 i°5 26 118 '57 24 99 1150 34 1000 1240 5> 800 574 Nil 5 997 290 3° 600 529 360 200 996 250 193 280 6580 1500 30 700 300 186 i°5 6543 2000 192 Nil 55° '35 22 290 188 490 3° 1123 744 999 48 4 1566 Nil 5 5800 4 100 7600 93 '3' 3420 199 100 •43 22 '5° 2725 32 56 4' 596 '53 Nil 308 92 88 700 950 2100 289 90 95 680 1065 2000 '73 100 AKAROA COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Adams, Thomas, Akaroa Allan, James, Governor's Tiny Anderson, R., Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Arming, Frederick, Akaroa | ... Armstrong, G., Mount Vernon, Akaroa Armstrong, G., jun., Akaroa Ashton, W. M., Decanter Bay, L. Akaloa ... Bailey, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Buker, T. S., French Farm, Barry's Bay Barnett,, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Barnett, William, Le Bon's Bay BevinB, Thomas, Kaituna, Little Rivei" 7 1 264 1 715272 184 55' 60 3880 500 2200 102 5 88 800 1000 2400 380 436 400 240 4400 425 2215 '3° 650 1000 1 j 00 Nil

No. of Sliecp on 31st May. 1885. I 18SG. Birdling, W., Birdling's Flat Black, G. J., Damon's Bay, Akaroa Bloor, Gr. T., Governor's Bay Bradley, R. R., Ljttelton Brown, Charles, Okain's Bay Bruce, J. D., Akaroa Buchanan, II., Trustees of tlie late, Kinloch, Little River Butler, George, Gebbie's Plat Chappell, IS. S., Akaroa Cheekley, George, Akiiroa Cholmondeley, 0. P., Port Levy Constable, A., Governor's Bay Cook, Brothers, Gollan's Bay, Lyttelton Coop, W., Spring Vale, Little River Dalgleish, James, Le Bon's Bay Doyle, James, Tai Tapu Doyle, Dr. P., Ahuriri (Cliristchurcb) Edmonds and Gebbie, Teddington Edmonds, George, Gebbie's Flat Field, J. A., Port Levy Fleming Brothers, Port Levy Fleming, R. and W., Port Levy Forrester, John, Lyttelton Gardiner, H. I)., Purau, Lyttelton GarCorth and Lee, Lyttelton Gebbie, John, Newton, Gebbie's Flat Gebbie, W. D. Governor's Bay Gerken, F. W., Tai Tapu Gilmour, William, Greenpark Goodwin Brothers, Pigeon Bay Goodwin, W., Green Park Gordon, J., jnn., Stoekdale, Little Akaloa ... Gray, W. A., Gebbio'e Plat Green, Edward, Akaroa Hammond, James, sen., German Bay Harris, II. II., Okain's Bay Harris, John, Okain's Bay Harris, R. E., Governor's Bay Harris, Robert, Teddington Harris, T. E., Gebbie's Flat Hart, F. J German Bay Hawkins, Harvey, Lyttelton Hay, James, Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Hay, T. O., Pigeon Bay Hay, William, Charteris Bay, Lyltelton Hayloek, C, jun., Akaroa Holland and Tapley, Lyttelton Holmes, Eliza, Pigeon Bay Hunt, J., Pigeon Bay Hunt, Stephen, Barry's Bay Joblin, G. R., Little River Jones, Albert, Akaroa Judge, Joseph, Tai Tapu Kay Bros., Pigeon Bay Kennedy, Duncan, Wainui Knight, A. C, Barry's Bay Knight, J. T., Le Bons Bay Latter, Robert, Barry's Bay Leathern, Thomas, Tai Tapu Le Lievre, Eugene, Akaroa Le Lievre, E. E., Akaroa Le Lievre, F., Akaroa Le Lievre, Jules, Akaroa Levvthwaite, John, Little River Lyon, Alexander, German Bay Lyon, Arthur, Birdling's Flat Manson, John, Gebbie's Flat Manson, S., Governor's Bay Masefield Brothers, Gough's Bay, Akaroa McDonald, Coll, Wainui Mellale, Henry, Raupo, Little Akaloa McKay, George, Melness, Pigeon Bay McKay, William, Wainui McPhail, Archibald, Island Bay, Wainui Menzies, J. II., Macintosh Bay, Lyttelton ... Morten, R. M., Ahuriri (Christchurch) Mould, T. B., Woodlands, Duvauehelle Narbcy, Francis, Long Bay, Akaroa Narbey, F., junr., Akaroa Newton, C. and Son, (Trustees of), Port Hills, Prebbleton Newton, J. R., Akaroa Noonan, J. J. and Son, Robinson's Bay 9700 1080 17 1680 45 279 18000 '79 500 1600 345 24 3840 5000 300 8000 900 100 4000 9000 80 13576 200 3536 7 ■375 394 3000 2260 1000 300 21 37 27c 40 288 80 13600 Nil n 9 1986 5° 45° 18500 200 301 57° '5 380 3° 4800 4600 180 800 8500 800 100 8550 8060 80 11500 90 2440 ■4 5«< 374 2420 2194 1150 45* Nil 24 45 200 12 55 296 40 2300 15° IS752 100 465 3° io.S'5 600 300 6005 312 Nil 1910 130 15890 100 59° 3° 9282 639 40 4785 300 54 1221 577O 2719 1096 300 160 3000 ]55° 1000 34° 1112 . 9265 3029 800 2883 2700 200 240 3000 1500 1000 2 73 4743 Nil 600 287S 3000 394 700 2495 2500 230 1000 25 9'3 2000 8746 4970 Nil 4' 1500 2500 8540 597° 28 2800 800 6420 3200 80 4805 282 482 '56 194





No. of SI 31st] heep on May. 1885. 18S0. Nome, W. J., Wainui Parkinson, T. H. (Executors of), Gebbio's Flat. Parkinson, T. W., Big Bay, Q-ebbie'e Flat ... Paton, William, jun., Pigeon Bay Pawson, J., Little Akaloa Pawson, T. and W. II., Little Akaloa Piper, Henry, Duvauchelle Porter, John, Aylmer's Valley, Akaroa Potts, T. H., Governor's Bay Price, J., Kelvio Grove, Birdling's Fiat Bad ford, John, Gebbie's Valley Reeve, Richard, Gebbie's Fiat Reid, James, Wainui Rhodes, Ambrose, Stoney Bay, Akaroa .K bodes, Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa Rhodes, William, Akaroa Roberts, A. F., German Bay Robertson, Struan, Barry's Bay Savage, J. S. S., Pigeon Bay Saxton, G. II., Robinson's Bay Sefton, Arthur, Okain's Bay f ... Shadbolt, 13. (Executors of), Dnvauchelle ... Shrinipton, E. and J., Okain's Bay Smith, A. A., Quail Island (Christelmrch) ... Snow and Anson, Peraki, Wainui Spragge, II. W., Port Levy Stack, H. F. J., Duvanchelle's Stanbury, J. P., sen., Little River Streeter, John, Greenpark Sunckcl, Jolin, jun., Long Road, Akaroa Tanner, H. N., Tai Tapu 'lavender, Frnncis, Little River Thaeker, J. E., Okain's Bay Tosswill, L. W., Wairiri, Akaroa Waghorn, A., sen., Little Akaloa Wallis, George, Governor's Bay Ware, Thomas, Okain's Bay Wheeler, Matthew, Church, Gebbie's Flat ... Wright, James, Wainui 360 "549 1000 484 n s 8 141 5300 399 27 1800 59° 344 385 3600 1000 650 1000 400 6348 .67 99° 335 1 2000 Nil 678 129.? '95 4800 255 25 2000 420 200 75° 210 35°° 1000 1000 986 Ml 5998 180 32 6500 1000 235 900 224 Nii 247 730 6030 i°59 30 32 9000 1 Nil 1000 130 35° 354 400 10000 J (100 1900 '5° 660 487 •773 248467 2250 160 900 130 2000 ASHBURTON COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Adair, R. M., Seafield (Christchurck Ail kenj1 William, Winslow Alexander, Bros., Rosedale, Lauriston Alington, C. S., Talbot Trees, Rakaia Alington, G. II., Cairnbrao Allan, William, Newliiid Allen, W. F., Ashburton Anderson, William, Flemington Angus, James, Rosebank, Chertsey Asliton, Matthew, Ashton Aston, G., Ashburton Aynslev, H. P. U., Mount Ilutt (Chch.) ... Ayrton, A. II., Seafield Bullance, M., Hinds Ballantyne,. John, Mnyfield ... Baxter, J., Rakaia Beacli, James, Winslow Beatty, Robert, Kyie Bell, John, Waterton Bell, W. H., Tinwald Bishop, J., Flemington Blake, Richard, Tinwald Bland, J. S., Green Home, Greenstreet Bland, W. (Executors of), Orton Green, Greenstreet Boag, J., Cairnbrae Body, G. W., Tinwald Bond, W. E., Asliburton Bonifant, J., Ashburton Boyce, 8. E., Rakaia Boyle, J., Greenstreet Boyle, II. G. C., Hinds Boyle, Samuel, Rakaia Brake, James, Mayfield Brick, D., Scafield, Lauriston Brown, James, Netherby, Wakanui Brown, John, Ashburton Brown, Matthew, Ilighbank, Methven Brown, W. J., Ashton 270561 4219 495 1418 360 1428 279 780 700 38OO 283 262O Nil 14706 ■45° 1049 90 625 700 1000 225 2CO 17556 H84 I4OO 2043 ys 400 33° 200 Nil Nil 2198 100 53 400 200 3" 491 327 280 35° 400 '5 2 358 280 45° 5'° 171 810 527 380 900 2500 200 1150 7°5 300 [ 1200 445 357 97 99° 360 490 1000 Nil 172 I3S° 686 300 16200 JS° 200

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Brown William, Wakanui Bruce, Murdoch, Seafleld Brydono and Allan, Rakaia Buckley, I)., Kylo Bullock, Thomas, Grange, Asliburton Burgess, George, Mayfield Butterick, David, Bainton, Elgin Cameron, Duncan, duties, Methven Campbell, John, Mitcham, Lauriston Campbell, Ronald, Ohertsey Capon, Robert, Asliburton Carleton, J. H., Mt. Somers Carmthcrs, D. B , Eakaia Chalmers, J., Asliburton Chamberlain, A., Brookside Chapman, E., Drayton, Methven Chapman, S. and ft"., Willowby Chapman, W. T., Ashway, Ali'ord Forest ... Chatmoss, Co., Winsiow Chisnall, W., Hinds Church, E. J. Greenstreefc Church, G. F., Lauriston Clark, A. Mel., Rangitata (Temuta) Clephane, Thomas, Wakanui Cochrane, Jolin, Ashburtou (Joe, George, Ashburton Cole, George, Ashburton Coleman, William, Mayfield Collins, James, Chertsey Collison, E., Seafleld Coilisou, G., Seafleld Copland, James, Cliertsey Corbett, Hugh, Mayfield Corbett, John, Seaview Corbitt, John, Ashburton Coster Bros., Blackford, Rakaia Coster Bros., Lyndhuvst, Eakaia Coster Bros., Soinerton, Rakaia Coward, Gerald, Methven Cree, Eev. W., Ma'yiield (Leeston) Croskell Bros., Willowby Crosson, James, Ashton Crowe and Lysaght, Tinwald Croy, William, Ashton Cullen, Hugh, Willowby Cunningham, P., Dromore (Christchurch) Palton, Henry, Wiiiowby Dallon, T., Wakanui Daly, Patrick, Lauriston Davies Brothers, Waterton Davies and Wilson, Tinwald Davison, H. E. and A., Rakaia Dawson, A., Waterton Daweon, A., jun.. Waterton Day and Strouts, Seafleld, Deans, John, Waimarama (Riccarton) . . Denshire, W. B., Seafield Dent, James, Lauriston Digby, Octavius, Asliburton Digby, T. N., Ashburton Doak, John, Wakanui Dobson, E. II., Hinds Doherty, Charles, Mayfield Doig, Paul, Chertsey Doig, Peter, Chertsey Dolan, Daniel, Kyle, Donaldson, Hugh, Waterton Dougharty, G. H., Methven Dudley and Northey, Tinwald' Dunbar Bros.. Lake Heron, Mount Somers Duncan, J. and D., Rakaia Dunn, John, Flemington Dwyer, James, Elgin Emerson, John, Hinds Ennis, Robert, Tinwald Fergus, William, Springburn Fitzgerald, David, Wakanui Fitzgerald, P., Asliburton Ford, Joseph, Baling Foster, F. M., Winsiow Foster, J. F , Scottesden, Ashbuiton Frampton, H., Willowby Friedlander, M,, jishburton 400 394 2°55 I IO0 Nil 1222 10G8 5000 45° 400 IS 3 182 700 47 5700 966 6223 2207 '5° 3S°o 349 395 900 188 500 163 480 Nil 12 Q3 '83 400 22500 4000 9026 1243 39O 286 495 275 352O 900 373 1460 1335 7600 275 300 2215 '50 J 7 8 600 26 5900 1300 234 6361 1501 182 730 5200 262 388 500 37 Nil 'S3 475 54 1385 200 410 70 235Jt) 6000 8123 1080 462 275 250 2JO IOO 200 240 153 58OO 200 89 253 S°5 538 2132 80 1916 554 773 7388 2069 1200 138 293 5OO 130 2292 30 I74O 579 Nil 7122 1819 1000 75 202 380 230 267 45 Nil r7 ° 600 1089 2540 230 180 2273 ioor6 1937 3378 6000 5000 200 Nil 200 200 18 737 770 200 3°3 Nil 497 95 790 600 107 8496 324 400 250 354 670 374 2 5 8076





Ko. of Sheep on Slat May. 188S. 1886. Frisby, A., Barwell, Ashburton Frisby, Eobert, Willowby Galletly, James, Chertsey Gardiner, J., Rukaia Gardner & Pickering, Ealing, (Christchureh) Gaul, George, Mcthven Gerard, W., Double Hill, Christchurch Gibson, Mrs. M., Plainfleld, Aahburton Giddings, G-., Asliburton Reserve, Tmwald .,. Giles, William, AVakanui Gill, William, Chertsey Gitling, Robert, Hinds Gilmour, George, Ashton Gilmour, Robert, Ashton Godfrey, H. P., Ealing Goodwin, E. M., Baling Gordon, James, Kyle Gould and Cameron, Methven Graham, J. R. C. C, Asbburfcon Grant, A., Springbuni (Tcmuka) Grant, William, Asliburton (Timaru) Grayburn, II., Newlaud Green and Scrint, May field Grice, George, Tiuwald Griffin, Martin, Newland Grigg, John, Longbeach Gunn Brothers, Methven Hale, B., asd Co., Asliburton (Kimberley)... Hampton, Benjamin, Chertsey Hampton, Edward, Chertsey Hampton, Robert, Seafield Harding, Joseph, Hinds Elarper, C. J., Hackthorn, Winslow Harrison, H. J., Rakaia Harrison, Thomas, Asliburton Harrison, Thomas, Clent Hills, Asliburton ... Harrison, T., Taieri Farm, Rakaia Hart, George, Winohmore, Asliburton Hartnell, Walter, Rakaia Hawdon, C. G., Wosterfield, Asliburton Hawkins, Alice, Willowby [layman, Thomas, Willowby Helmore, J. C, Sherwood, Lauriston Henderson, David, Methven Hewson, Alexander, Asliburton [light, Henry, Newland (Brookside) Hill, Charles, Wakanui Hoatlen, Or. P., Ashburlou Holmes I). G., Mt. Harding, Rakaia Holmes 1). G-., Holmeslee, Rakaia Holmes, D. G-., Jackson's, Rakaia Holmes, J. Viewmount, Methven Hood, John, Mount Somers Hood and Son, Thomas, Rakaia Horsey, Edwin, Willowby Houston, J. 8., Winchmore Farm, Tin wald... Hudson, H., Elgin Hurley, Timothy, Seafield Elusion, A. J., Elemington limes, Peter, Elgin [nnes, William, Elgin Erwin, John, Eairlield, Rakaia Evory, William, Hinds Jackson, David, Baling lameson, W., Wakanui Tamieson, James, Fernride, Asliburton lohnston, J. A., Lauriston Johnston, James, Ashburton Forks Jones, Thomas, Seafield Judd, Frederick, Tinwald Kelly, Thomas, Newland Kennedy, Hugh, Elgin Kidd, A., Waterton Kingsbury, H., Chertsey Knox, J., Ashburton Lamb, G., Ashburlon Lambie, J., jun., Kyle Lancaster, Richard, Ashburton Ejangdon, William, Westerfield, Tinwald Leadley, W. G., Wakanui Eje Breton, F., Ashburton Leddy, Daniel, Wukanui Leech, G. J., Ealing Lemon, James, Ashbnrton 1400 '5° 500 640 1100 32000 1000 '95° '74 '470 266 400 1179 13661 500 23899 9100 354° 283 73° 20 306 393oo 693 1100 96 35° 8500 200 '5° •585° 447 95'° 9189 18000 35° '993 2854 384 333 453 1190 160 500 1420 2000 850 30000 1000 3200 106 >9'5 290 200 '95 216 13179 400 24549 945° 103 2300 97 7 fl3 500 345 27889 1052 Nil 200 470 c;oo 136 11000 200 22 16000 606 6328 8697 12955 177 150 2116 3677 126 200 Nil 180 4700 2800 1200 745° 161 5 Nil 285 600 '595 r 70 5000 4000 1000 7920 1666 28 25 800 882 200 405 120 200 400 965 140 790 910 630 25O 360 I3O0 400 Nil 85 466 700 294 700 200 200 1900 52 446 1200 100 8,7 625 296 Nil 500 300 Nil 26 61 9 9°5 885 2 73 203 1000 240 365 549 568 686 293 93 Nil

Ko. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Letham, A., Thistledown, Ashburton Lewis & Oakley, Rakaia Lill, W. T., Newland Lloyd, Joseph, Hoplon, Newland Loader George, Chertsey Lowoliffe Company, Hinds Lownie, Peter, Asbhuiion Lyttleton, W. McN., Rokeby, Rakaia Macdonald, Roderick, Chertsey Maekie, C. S., Corao, Rakaia Maginness, VV. II., Methven Magson, Robert,.Wellburn, Rakaia Mahly Hrothers, Mayfield Maidens, J. \V\, Tiverton, Rakaia Margetts, David, Newland Markey, Lawrence, Methven Marr, John, Methven (Halkett Town) Martin, Charles, Pine Farm, Winalow Mason, II., Ashburton Matson, Cox, and Co., Singletree, Asliburton Matson, Cox, and Co., Wakanui Mawson, T. and J., Tinwald Maxwell, R. T., Asliburton MeAnulty, E., Kyle McArtlmr, Alexander, Flemington McClimont, S., Mount Somers McCosker, Hugh, Ashburlon MeCrory, James, Chertsey McDowall, John, Ashburton McFarlane, A., Alford Forest McGregor, Lewis, Springburn Mellraith, J. and A., Barrhii), Hororata McKay, Tlionison, Winslow McKendry, Daniel, Cairnbrae McLauchlan, James, Kunpunu McLean Bros., Netherby, Ashburton McLean, John, Ashburton McLean, John, Doric, Rakaia McLeary Bros., Wakanui McLeod, Archibald, Tinwald McLeod, Donald, Tinwald McMillan, D., Rakaia McMillan, William, Cairnbrae McPhail, Alexander, Rakaia McQ.uilkin, J., Flemington McRae, G., Mesopotamia, Mount Somers ... McRae, T. E., Springburn Meek, J. and T\, Hill Park, MetliTcn Megson, Joseph, Newland Merewether, A. E., Mount Somers Miles and Co., Fairfield, Ashburlon Miller, Robert, Winchmore, Ashburton Milne, James, Mt. Somers Monson, Edward, Asliburton Moore and Clucas, Seufield Moore. G. II., Asliburton Moore, Jame?, Wakanui Moorhouse, Mrs., Peel Forest Morgan, William, Methven Morland, Thomas, Rakaia Morrow, David, Mayfield Morrow, William, Rakaia Morten, R. M., Methven (Christchurch) Mowbray, H., Mount Somers Muirhead, Hugh, Alford Forest Mulligan, R., Kyle Mullins. S. J., Ashburton Murdoch, George, Cairnbrae Murphy, Patrick, Chertsey Murray, A., Lauriston Napier, A. B., Winslow N. M. & A. Co. of N.Z., Lim., Shepherd's Bush (Christchurch) N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Tlie Grange (Christchurch) N.M. and.A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Upper Methveil (Cliristchurt'h) N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim., Lower Methven (Chrisl church) N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. Lim,, Dromorc (Christeliurch) N.Z. Alford Estates Co., Lim., Alford, Ashburton N.Z. Grain Agency and M. Co., Cherlsry ... 263 893 7178 328 46;5 2426 '57° looo 700 45 983 5° 1500 273 249 2376 1200 448 293 97 2100 880 200 700 600 1800 5020 '25 s 184 5° 27867 '37 800 300 560 170 2176 600 46S 2446 '85 980 528 '95 35° 927 260 8.25 100 S956 l8ll I3OO 6oO I4O 987 Nil Nil 610 '95 574 2500 Nil 378 290 Nil 2400 93° Nil 600 2030 2 100 240 5°97 275 io;o 280 Nil 32252 150 600 170 360 190 2466 700 500 5000 653 1271 206 11500 1379 700 '99 200 726 1900 100 Nil 870 1800 7840 1000 1400 238 1200 1200 9030 6350 1200 400 820 2250 200 14900 480 2900 8132 800 240 298 1000 1100 2100 1000 650 Nil 930 4000 2500 14100 5 202 3oo 360 '45° 2470 800 1940 '34'3 '795° 4320 Nil





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. N.Z. & A.L. Co.,;Acton, Rakaia N.Z. L. & M.A. Co., Buccleugh, Springburn N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Hakatere, Asliburton... Oakley, Robert, Overdale, Rakaia O'Grrady, John, Lauriston Orr, Alexander, Lauriston Osborn, James, Willowby Osbovn, Job, Acton (Doyleston) O'Shea, John, Ashburton Forks Packer, H.'W.,' Winslow Parker, J. W., Newland Parkerson, R K., Asliburton (Temuka) Parsons, H. W., Seafleld, Asliburton Peache, A. E., Mount Somers Pearoe, W. A., Lauriston Peebles, J., Chertsey Peter, Hon. W. S., Anama, Asliburton Poeock, George, Asliburton Pococlc, William, Ashburton Potts, D. and A., Oropi, Ashburton Potts, T. H., Ilaketcre, Ashburton Power, W., Asliburton Prebble, William, jun., ITemington Piotheroe, Alexander, Wakanui Purves, William, Springburn Quigley, James, Ashburton Raine, J. H., Maronan, Hinds Raine, I?. J., Barford, Hinds Rainey, Hugh, Wmslow (Timaru) Raymond, G. P., Tinwald Redmayne and Carr, Seafield Redmayne, M., St. Leonard's, Seafield Reynolds, William, Methven Richards, Edward, Rakaia Richards, J. D. C, Hinds Richnrds, T. B., Hinds Richardson, Thomas, Seafield Rickard, F. J., Ashburton Robb, James, Rakaia Robertson, Angus, Hinds Robinson, II. W., Newland Ross, E. and I)., Lauriston Ruddenklau, J. G-., Hinds (Christchurch) ... Rule, W. H., Oherfcey Bundle, W. H., Ashburton Rutherford, J., Willowbank, Springburn Sargent, Isaac, Ashburton Sargisson, Charles, Waterton Savill, E., Melhven Shearer, John, Ashton Small, John, Tinwald Smith, G-. '!'., Rakaia Smith, H. T., Ashburton Smith, Hugh, Ashburton Smith, John, Ashburton Smith, J. M., Flcmington Smith, W. T., Springburn Somerville, A. I\, The Terraces, Metlrren ... Sprott Bros., Chertsey Stalker, John, Tinwald Stevenson, John, Mount Somers Stewart, Peter, Seaside, Wakaimi Stoddart, William, Winslow Starrier & Sons, Baling S trachan, W., Ch erteey Strachey, Alexv., Barford, Aoliburton R., Maronan & Clearwell, Lismore Stringfe'llow, James, Cliertsey Studholme, John, Coldstream, Hinds Sutlierland, W., G-reenstveet Syme, David, Springburn Tiisker, James, Treverion, Ashburton Taylor, Thomas, Ashton Thomas, Edwin, Rowston, Wakanui Thomas, W., MetliTsn 'J'imms, Walter, Waterton Todd, George, Senfield Toner, James, Alford^Forest Trevor, J)r. J. E., Barnswood, Ashburton ... Twcntyman, J. H., Ruapuna TJllyett, William, Methven ITpton and liussell, Slierwood, Lauriston ... Vucetich, G-eorge, Chertsey 32518 11800 100 3300 495 1322 1 3000 ■5° 2850 1240 8000 440 200 21000 135° ' 16696 35° 43° 200 1500 9000 455° '3' 598 ■97 890 '5° ■5° iJS 600 198 610 683 • 1119 2HOO '38 1483 295 58 510 320 35425 11900 19486 300 250 3400 500 1490 ■59 3000 100 Nil '35° 8000 500 300 20798 800 700 1200 Nil 5 00 87 92 200 Soo Nil Nil 200 115 1400 35° 990 200 95 100 ,6 5 Nil Nil 400 Nil 800 1099 2571 Nil S85 600 '95 200 300 1265 240 Nil 150 290 300 "5 1 54° 2499 2150 230 200 373 300 200 241 189 710 2159 2500 161 328 100 1650 2597 990 25409 736 34° 2500 4257 13329 77° 23193 580 80 855 400 Nil 230 100 2600 44 64 1037 68 > 253 199 300 !5° 700 1080 920 6450 280 1712 580 6450 284

Xo. of Sheep on Slst Hay. 1885. I 1880. Wake, W. H., Ashton (Timaru) Walker, W. C. and A. J., Mount Somers ... Walsh, Thomas, Seaview Wason, J. C, Corwar, Barrliill Watson John, Rakaia (Brookside) Watt and Coskering, Mayfield Welsh, Nicholas, Chertsey West, Christopher, Methven Wheeler, Joseph, Willowby White, Leonard, Rakaia White, Thomas, Watorton Wilkin, R. (Extra, of), Grove Farm, Tinwald Wilkin, R. and Co., Woodlands, Christchurch Wilkinson, T. W., Cbertsey Williams, John, Glynn, Cliertsey ' ... Williams, John, Willowby Williamson, Donald, Ashburton ... Wilson, Arthur, Winslow Wilson, David, Ashburton Wilson, Francis, Rakaia Wilson, James, Dromore, Ashburton Wilson, James, Wakarmi Wilson, Meredith, Wakanui Wilson, Rev. J. (Exors. of), Ashburton Wilson, Thomas, Seaview Wilson, W. J., Wakanui Withell, John, Hinds Worner, George, Ashburton Wright, E. G., AVindermere, Winslow Wright, E. G-., Gawler Downs, Winslow Wright, Samuel, Seaview 312 20200 247 11800 380 4500 '725 196 6426 150 1764 '385 2822 1066 100 850 95 Nil '75 2190c 25 1110c S°c 888 20c 19c 5360 Nil 1796 1174 3332 1294 20c 90c 70 30c Nil 700 '73 1467 860c 129 97° 148 1614 10112 500 300 530 4° 3400 8754 I275 '58 200 900 3° 2260 1190c IO75 (In South Canterbury Subdivision). McMillan, George, Mesopotamia, Mt. Somers 827867 838844 Total in county 19064 846931 19500 85834 GERALDINB COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Ackroyd, William, Temuka Acland, J. B. A., Mount Peel, Peel Forest ... Acton, Edward, Pleasant Point Airay, J., Rangitata Aitkin, John, Smithfield, Winchester Allan, A. M., Waitohi Flat Allan, James, Glengummel, Timaru Ailan, J. and A., Geraldine Anderson, Robert, Pleasant Point Andrews, W. N., Pleasant Point Armitago, W., Kerry Town Armstrong, M., Timaru Arras, George, Rangitata Island Ashby, William, Spring, Geraldine Austin, James, Winchester Badham, F. W., Bulmer Balfour, James, Pleasant Point Balfour, William, Seadown, Washdyke Barclay, J., Claremont Barker, A. L., Winchester Barker, F. H., Korari, Winchester Barker, J. M., Geraldine Barker, R. A., Orari Barker, S. D., Temuka Barney, George, Rangitata Bartrum, B. P., Creek Station, Geraldine Bayley, B , Moana, Geraldine Beattie, James, Temuka Beattie, W. J., Hilton Bee, Sanriel, Timaru Beedell, William, Pleasant Point Bell, John, Springfield, Winchester Bell, Joseph, Pareora Benbow, William, Temuka Bishop, James, Pleasant Point Bissett, Christopher, Orari Btackler, C. Tolara Valley, Pleasant Point .. Bladder, J. G., Pleasant Point . ... Blue, Dougall, Totai-a, Pleasant Point Boagj W., jun., Landsboro., Timaru Borrcll, W., Gapes' Valley Botherway, G-., Pleasant Point Bourn, C, Sutton, Tiraaru 34° 46284 7'3 693 2065 207 600 1087 4«S 198 39° 350 1818 300 2000 280 1900 1190 3289 1219 20 800 48253 S 8o 786 2400 265 Nil 577 293 '7 272 275 80 293 800 200 2100 1200 '5° 2400 860 4827 Nil 59 690 220 '893 95 192 205 400 200 742 329 1440 200 178 487 260 400 81 91 275 200 102 a 8 678 1000 752 800 585 1 roo 41 1 '75 j8o 34° 200 200 ATM 250





No. of Slioep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Bourn, W., Rangitata Bracofleld, N. P., Pleasant Point Braddick, John, Temuka Brasell, George, Pareora Bray, James, Gape's Valley Breadley, S., Orari Brogden, William, Temuka Brophy, Kyran, Pleasant Valley Brosnahan, John, Temuka Brosnaban, P., Kerry Town Brown, Alexander, Clayton, Fairlie Creek ... Brown, G. P., Woodbury Brown, John, Milford, Temuka Bruce and Holwell, Winchester Buck, R-obert, Rangitata Island Budd, William, Winchester Burke, Edmund, Geraldine Butler, George, Pleasant Point Button, R. T., Peel Forest Buxton, Seai-by, Rangitata Island Campbell, James, Kingsdown, Tiraaru Campbell, John, Fairfield, Pareora Campbell, John, Knock, Woodbury ... Campbell, Robert, Pareora Mains, Timaru ,.. Canavan, George, Canavan's Cargo, S., Temuka Carriek, James, Rangitata Carter, D. T* Pleasant Point Cartwright, II., Raincliff, Pleasant Point ... Chalmers, Adam, Rangitata Chapman, Evan, Waitohi Flat Chisholm, William, Sutherland's Chivers, Charles, Otipua Clark, A. M., A.rowhenua, Temuka Clark, A. M., Riverslea, Temuka Cleland, Andrew, Sutherlands Cliff George, Winchester Cochran, B. F. G., Hilton Cole, Robert, Timaru Coll, James, Pleasant Point Coll, Patrick, Timaru Collier, George, Glen-iti Colonial Real Property Co., Sherwood, Timaru Cone, Frederick, Waitohi Flat Connor and Niyen, Washdyke Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldiue Conolly, Thomns, Winchester ■ Cook, John, Pleasant Point Conifer, Henry, Kangitata Cramond and Meikle, Fairlio Creek Crocker, R. G., Waitohi Flat Crornie, John, Timaru Crompton, T. R., Clarendon, Temuka Cumming, Thomas, Cave Cunningham, W-, Pleasant Point Dale, W., Washdyke Davie, R., Washdyke Davis, Jesse, Cheddar, Geraldine Dawe, Richard, Timoru Dinnie, Alexander, Moa Flat, Cave Donkin, F. W., The Warren, Geraldine Driscoll, Matthew, Pleasant Point Ear], Job, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edgar, Robert, Temuka Edmiston, H. P., Timaru Edmiston, W. F., Glen-iti Elliot, John, Sutherland's Elms, Robert, Upper Pareora Eendall, W. 0., Pleasant Point Forry, John, Pleasant Point Fifield, John, Woodbury Findlay, David, Hilton Fish, Dr. Robert, Geraldine Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, William, Dirrah, Temuka Fleming and Hedley, Seadown, Temuka Ford, Henry, Peel Forest Foster, Rev. George, Timaru Frazer, J. & P., Pleasant Point Frew, William, Temuka Gafianey, Micliael, Temuka Galbraith, Samuel, Waitohi Flat 204 ■35 Nil 80 180 500 200 '57 4046 1100 55° 196 192 545 345° 600 699 26 r 300 120 3 23 1194 142 108 260 88 286 12300 13100 2520 2 138 233 34° 1616 160 26800 200 170 80 200 45° 5'° 694 200 200 3600 ' 180 400 1200 800 400 207 183 800 3000 700 700 300 604 300 90 Nil 1250 280 Nil 270 go 5° ii777 12644 2420 j 00 107 23 2 170 87. 260 32000 53 57' 300 5'ji 250 600 49 Nil 300 224 200 2000 498 200 284 97 287 73 6 20 300 2100 r 4 8 200 379 ■95 1590 86 38 490 400 298 383 1640 773 23 C80 500 '74 39 262 800 400 285 600 39 U 1090 797 35 '5° 75° 100 120 200 200 18 300 Nil 300 217 4'52 190 70 8800 ■47 3000 1250 1664 42 212 2500 '395 '5°4 200 ■5 2

No. of s: 81st: 1885. heep oa May. 1ESG. Gammie, James, Cavo G-apes, William, Gapes Valley Q-arforth, Samuel, Kakahu (Ohristohuroh) ... Garrick & Cowlishaw, The Brothers, Albury Gentleman, M. McS., Washdyke Gibson, John, Timaru Gilliatt, J. E., Stumps, Temuka Gladstone, H. J., Winchester Gosling, William, Coonoor, Timara Gould, E. J., Waterfalls, Pleasant Point . ... G-raham, Archibald, Timaru Grainger, Henry, Eangitata Tsland Grant, Andrew, EaincTifF, Temuka Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Green, S., Underwood, Gien-iti Greenaway, Isaac, Eangitata G-regan, James, Pleasant Valley Gregg, James, Orari Greig, John, Pleasant Point Gi-i(l!ths, Ephraim, Willow Bank, Orari Gudex, Michael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guscott, James, Timaru Hoar, Conrad, Eangilata Tsland Hamilton, H., Clayton, Fairlic Creek Hamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hammond, Robert, Geraldine Harm an and Stevens, Winchester Harper and Co., Hinder, Waitohi Flat Hawke, Thomas, Eangitata Hawk©, William, Geraldine Hawkey, C, 1'lcasant Point Hay, John, Temuka Hay, William, Pleasant Point Hayhurst, J. T. M., Temuka Hedley and Dunnett, Temuka Hesketh, II., Geraldine Heuchan, John, Waterfalls, Pleasant Point... Hewson, C, Geraldine Hide, William, Hilton Hitch, J., EainclifEe, Timara Hoare, Henry, EaincliiFe, Timaru Howe, Eichard, Kerrytown Ilolwell, John, Temuka Howe, W. M., Fernhill, Gape's Valley Howell, W. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, Q-ernldine Hullen, Henry, Waitohi Flat Hullen.Mrs. A. M.,Willow Bdge, Waitohi Flat. Hully, Daniel, Waitohi Flat Humphrey, A., Seadown, Temuka Inman, W. &.. Eockwood, Albury Inwood, D., Winchester Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Jack, W. J., Waitohi Flat Jackson,, PleasantPoint Jobberns and Eice, Pleasant Valley Jones, H., Pleasant Point Kane, James, Pleasant Point Keav, W. E., Fairlie Creek Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, J., sen., Hillon Kelland, E., Kelland Barton, Timaru Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kempster, Michael, Woodbury Kemiaway, Lee, & Acton, Pleasant Point Kennedy, W. M., Eangilafa Island Kerslak'e, E., Pleasant Point Ring, James, Timaru King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru .Kinnalian, T., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Lawrensou, James, South Eangitata Lawson, W. E. D., Geraldiue Leary, John, Hilton Lee, Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannont, Winchester Love, John, Gapes Valley Luxmoore, Mrs. M., Marehwiel, Timaru Macrlonald, A., Lower Orari, Geraldine MacDonald, A., Achablair, Pleasant Valley... Macdonald, Allan, W^odbury no 80 837 3°5° 653 500 S»S 1400 1000 100 1071 1348 332° 400 1086 40 2938 200 95 90 295 392 Nil 1040 490 197 22967 3323 4'3 1830 T2OO 300 IOO "35 4600 1128 180 122 36 900 295 500 2979S 400 250 '55 1400 70 8'5 94 Soo 3433 55° 5°° 510 1400 900 180 1297 "47 4220 35° 1210 Nil 3474 200 Nil 194 283 354 700 1010 600 194 25602 2915 500 1699 1900 45° 258 J OO 1490 4580 Nil 125 170 5° 74' '95 800 34800 300 300 '96 17 jo 100 .78 500 48 700 57'3 Sfia 568 Nil Nil ,500 53 700 3940 238 793 VSo 08 2 '57 Nil 1100 700 2706 852 500 700 35 5° 5°° 700 3186 695 500 89 1716 45° 75° 993 435° 7' 6. 2203 55o 700 890 4737 152 Nil 80 380 '298 !2O 6f)O 11947 478 24'5, 70 60 196 400 120 554 10^00 580 3419





No. of Sheep on 31st May. ' 1885. 1880. Macdonald, W. E. (Exec, of late), Orari ... Mathews and Treziso, Temuka Maxwell, A., Pleasant Point Maxwell, D. Cave Maze, Michael, Pleasant Point McAteer, O., Pleasant Point McAteer, M., Pleasant Point McAteer, T., Waitohi Flat McCabe, M., Waitohi Flat MoCallum, 0. P., Temuka McCormick, K. 1., Pleasant Point McCullough, Samuel, Temuka McCully, W., Pleasant Point McDonald, James, Washdyke McDonald, J., Raineliffe, Pleasant Point MeFadyen, James, Waiti, Timaru McGregor, Fergus, Pleasant Point Mcluiy, Donald, Peel Forest MacKay, J. G., Pleasant Point McKenzie, A., Riverford, Geraldine MeKinnon, Donald, Waitohi Flat McLeod, James, Orari McMaster, Angus, Waitohi Flat McNab, Daniel, Rangitata McRae, Murdo, Bri»gs' Gully, Timaru McShane, P. II., Winchester MedlicoU, S., Pleasant Point, Waimate Mee, Alexander, Pleasant Point Menzies, W., Seadown, Temuka Metcalfe, Anthony, Geraldine Miller, Henry, Pleasant Point Miller, Joseph, Cave Mitchell, Eli, Temuka Mitchell, John, Pleasant Point Mitchell, Thomas, AVashdykc Moody, W., Burnbank, Timaru Moore Brothers, Wierton, Geraldine Moore, Michael, Waitohi Flat Morris Brothers, North River, Fairlie Creek Morrison, Thomas, Woodbury Mulcaster, W., Timaru Mundy, Edward, Sutherlands Nelson, John, Care Newton, W. J., Pleasant Point New Zealand Meat Company, Washdyke N.Z. and A. Land Co , Levels, Timaru N.Z., L. & M. A. Co., Newlands, Buhner ... Nicholson, C, Temuka Nicholson, H., Temuka O'Connell, Patrick, Cave Oldlield, F. E., Milford, Temuka Oldfleid, William, Temuka Oliver, James, Pleasant Point Orr and Co., James, Waitohi Flat Osborne, George, Pareora Page, Joshua, JJockley, Glenili Painton, E., Pleasant Valley Palmer, Thomas, Cape, Temuka Palmer, William, Geraldine Parke, Thomas, the Beach, Temuka Parr, James, Tolara, Pleasant Point Parry, Rupert, Kingsdown, Timaru Parry, William, Timaru Paterson, John, Pleasant Point Puterson, John, Temuka Patrick, John, Hillside, Hilton Patrick, W., Gapes Valley Peacock and Gcaney, Timaru Pearse, D. S., Temuba Pearse, W. S., Waitohi Flat Perry, A., Storcroft, Timaru Pithie, James, Peel Forest Postlethwaite, W., Raukapuka, Geraldine ... Pringle, A. C, Roxburgh, Claremount Quinn, Michael, Temuka Rae, David, Waitohi Flat Rae, Simon, Peel Forest Rapsey, James, Pareora Redde'cliffe, R., Washdyke - Reid, Andrew, Geraldine Rhodes, IS. T., Hadlow, Glen-iti Rliodes, George, Claremont, Timaru Riutoul, W., Timaru 12000 480 3°7 87 120 400 400 240 26 600 1279 49.5 Soo 800 'S 2 100 Nil no 401 650 35° 593 '47 700 908 1663 55° 879 39° 186 270 114 1550 1800 i] 68 244 264 212 700 240 135° 600 9780 800 189 97 1250 Nil 200 Nil j 98 42 700 1410 788 Nil 1200 . Nil 100 1 o Nil 5'° 400 1.SO 386 200 68 600 940 1466 240 620 37° 87 200 ■5 2 610 1650 1300 '94 1379 251 207 95° 2 S O Nil 260 92977 6480 460 500 92490 6833 945 800 800 34° Nil 190 77 '95 1800 400 ■5° 467 192 2500 '180 800 7° 400 Nil 75° 1270 898 900 1400 2100 254 130 69 738 380 '45° i?S 11250 1390 1250 140 290 460 83 587 6207 3°44 200 1 10 800 ■47° 55° 500 1250 J500 298 266 60 800 33? 1416 200 10214 1471 1250 130 448 45° Nil 547 6430 4762 Nil

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. 18S6. Robertson, John, Rnngitata Island Robertson, T. D., Lowlands, Washdjle Robertson, William, Rangitata Island Robinson, Joseph, Woodbury Robinson, W., Kingsdown, Pareora Rolleston, William, Rangitata Rooke, L. H., Hilton Ross, Alexander, Woodbury Ruddonklau, J. G., Rangitata Russell, P. II., (Exs. of), Otipua, Timaru ... Ryan, Patrick, Hilton Scimnell, John, Kerry Town Scott, Duncan, Teniuka Scott, James, Temuka Scott, Lewis, Waitohi. Flat Seales, Mark, Waitohi Flat Sealey, E. P., Ellerslie, Timaru Seatou, Daniel, Blar, Waitohi Flat Selby, George, Clarernont Soward, Bros., Geraldine Shaw, C. R., Sterndale, Pleasant Point Shaw, David, G-eraldino Sheehan, M., Rangitata Island Shepherd, James, Sutherland's Shepherd, Mrs.M.S.,Willowbar,k, Pleasant Pt. Simpson, William, Pleasant Point Skinner, J., Hilton Skinner, R., Hilton Slack, W. IT., Woodside, Geraldine Smith, A. B., Mona Yale, Timaru Smith, Dennistoun, & Co., Rangitata Smith, J. B., Pleasant Point Smith, John, sen., Cliff, Timaru Smilh, J., Jan., Timaru Smith, Hiclmrd, Hilton Snell, William, Rangitata Island Squire, Charles, Gape's Valley Stericker, E. G-, Sutton Farm, Timaru Stevenson, William, Washdyke Stewart, James, Eernside, Woodbury Stewart, R. E., Totara, Pleasant Point Stewart, W., Flaxbourne, Orari Stoddart, John, Washdyke Studholme, Banks, and Wigley, P. Point Sullivan, James, Guirteen, Pleasant Point ... Sutherland, Alexander, Pleasant Point Sutherland and Bisdee, Temuka Talbot, George, Kingsdown, Timaru Talbot, John, Temuka Tarbotton, Robert, Ringitata Taylor, Duncan, Rangitata Island Taylor and Flatman, Woodbury Taylor, Robert, Bush Side, Geraldine Teuipler, E. H., Brooklyn, Geraldine Thatcher, John, Woodbury Thew, Robert, Poel Forest Thomas, Rees, Temuka Thomson and Smith, Tomuka Tindall, John, Hilton Toomey, E. H., Springfield, Hilton Townscnd, J., Glentire, Gapes Valley Tozer, Fred, Pleasant Point Tripp, C. G., Woodbury Turton, W. P., Woodbury TuMon, Walter, Timaru Vallender, Edward, Temuka Verity, C. IL, Albury Walker, L., Mt. Four Peaks, Geraldine Walker, William, Longsight, Temuka Wareing, PMlip, Milford, Temuka Watts, II. Rangitata Island Wells, R. P., Gapes Valley White, Thomas, Temuka Whittaker. John, Timaru Whorton, Joseph, Geraldine Wilkinson, James, Winchester Willcock, Lot, Geraldine Williams, fiiehard, Waitohi Flat Wilson, J. and S., Allandale, Fairlie Creek ... Woodhead, G., Temuka Wooding, X. P., V/oodlimd, Woodbury Woolindin, E., Geraldine Woolcombe, B., Timaru 500 500 360 3^9 700 3800 76 6os9 4668 300 '5° 150 387 28 is 138 Nil .3595 j8oo 160 ■55° 400 800 684 2850 1300 16070 600 1000 640 98 680 1060 1660 13.52 150 26500 2500 800 400 260 295 ?,(>?, 320 4115 Nil 200 5696 4600 270 100 400 116 350 360 2783 130 150 40 2900 1500 160 1400 59 5>5 1400 696 3050 1000 16000 600 'MS 200 140 470 284 1024 1300 555 1300 1500 58 28000 400 600 1230 37° 486 695 898 469 3485 55° 48 3000 1100 400 600 1188 789 400 88c 1385 28 464 3196 600 Nil 240 180 300 70 4681 o 1283 120 Nil Nil 18000 Nil 100 '94 46 46348 "85 690 16220 1160 2356 265 80 Nil 689 86 425 300 140 I3'39 480 647 Nil 2326 224 192 100 783 150 400 39° 89 12932 500 789 400 26 25


7—H. 15.




No. of Sheep oil 31st May. 1885. 1886. Wright, H., jun.i Rangitata Island Wright, James, Temuka Wright, William, Temuka Youdale, H., Pleasant Hill, Timaru Young, D., Waitohi Flat Young, J. A., Winchester 422 460 700 280 324 560 760 275 1200 400 900 59° 658100 688o8i MACKENZIE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Allan, Eobert, Fairlie Creek Ashby, C, Blainslie, Albury Askin, Thomas, Aorangi Downs, Albury Brown and Gray, Ashwick, Timaru Burnett, A., Cave, Timaru Burnett, A., Mount Cook, Timaru Chapman and Co., Grampians, Burke's PaBs Corkery, Michael, Horseshoe Bend, Fairlie Ck. Cowan, Andrew, Lake Tekapo (Timaru) Diekson, S. R., Albury Donaldson & Gunn, Black Forest, Burke's Pass Douglas, W., Silverstrcam Duncan, J. & J., Rhoborough Dns., Omarama Gillingham, F. B., Caufield, Fairlie Creek ... Gillingham, S., Fairlie Creek Godby and Clulee, Waratali, Timaru Goldsborough & Co., Ben Ohau, Oamaru ... Goodwin, J. E., Eversley, Fairlie Creek Grant, Alex., Gray's Hill, Burke's Pass Grant, W., Irishman Creek, Timnru Hayter, Francis, Rollesby, Burke's Pass Ilennessy, John, Fairlie Creek Higgs, William, Albury Hope and Musgrave, Richmond, Lake Tekapo Hunter, George, Cave Irving, Richard, Albury... Mackay, Duncan, Fairiie Creek Maitland and Stronach, Bola Hill, Omarama Matheson, John, Simon's Pass, Lake Tekapo McDonald, L., Sawdon, Burke's Pass McGregor, John, Glenmore, Lake Tekapo ... McLean, Donald, Strathconan, Fairlie Creek Milne, Evans and Le Cren, StraLhallan, Fairlie Creek N.M. & A. Co., N.Z., Three Springs, Timaru N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Balmoral, Luke Tekapo Nixon, John, Fairlie Creek Pringle, William. Haldon Timaru,., Richardson, Hon. E., Albury Rutherford Bros., The Mistake, Albury Rulhei ford Brothers, Mount Nessing, Albury Rutherford, J. S., Opawa, Albury Saunders, W., The Wolds, Lake Tekapo Sibbald, W., Lily Bank, Burke's Pass Smart, David, Fairlie Creek Smith, Albert, Albury Snushall, Samuel, Langdon, Fairlie Creek ... Stevenson, J., and Co., Braemar (Henley) ... Sutherland, E.& Oo., Birch Hill, L. Tekapo... Thomson, R. B., Glentanner, Lake Tekapo,.. 578 1316 1640 25000 1630 6080 22150 7500 40 10000 500 14000 379 4762 4214 15000 1660 17250 8500 13958 300 15000 850 79° i 5600 I 9000 : 1 1000 11 600 6224 3909 j 383 1297 1470 27000 2300 7000 23300 290 7500 1800 10000 45° 14000 S28S 3806 15000 1546 17300 8200 16000 850 12 16000 ?8S 800 300 6800 9000 10000 11800 7252 49'3 15335 1 6000 I3I5 23050 33647 11022 12460 20200 15292 16500 2000 24000 3iS08 M°39 12397 20900 21000 20000 7000 620 976 240 14700 4300 11700 10000 400 760 1430 '4539 5000 10000 WAIMATE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Adams, E. J., Brooklands, Waimate Agnew, James, Burnside, St. Andrews Alexander, S., Riverside, St. Andrews Anderson, James, Deep Creek, Waimate Anderson, William, St. Andrews Andrews, James, Burley, Makikihi Anstey, John, St. Andrews Armitage, W. S., Otaio Armstrong, Kobt., Craigieburn, Waimate ... Bailey, 0. S., Col., Bourndale, Makikihi Bain, Waller, EedelifE Bank of N.2i., Eskbank, St. Andrews Baxter, It. G., Waimate Beckett, W. H., Crosby, Waimate Bell, Kobert, Waimate Bennett, James, Waimate Blackmore, James, Pareora Blair, William, St. Andrews 4'3°?' 432724 100 600 100 170 433 82 173 720 100 4800 35' 25°3 9800 2500 ,58 393 37° 4900 397 2666 600 11000 45° 595 100 5° 35 00 487 380 5§S 190 27

' No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1888. Blyth, Alexander, Otaio Bourn, J. T., Makikihi Boyle, A., Woolshed Gully, Otaio Brown and Burnley, Haffcon, Otaio Browne, George, Deep Creek, Waimate Bruce, Archibald, The Grange, Waimate ... Bruce & McLaren, Ba.nkfield, St. Andrews ... Buohanan, It., Waimate Burt and Moody, Craigmore, Timaru Cague, S., St. Andrews Caird, David, Timaru Cameron and Batbgate, Waimate Campbell, James, Waibao Campbell, R. and Sons (Limited), Station Peak, Hakateramea Campbell, R. & Sons (Lim.), Busoot, Kurow Carter, Andrew, Makikilii Chamberlain, T., Happy Home, Pareora Champion, Richard, Waimate Clark, A. M., Wailiaorunga, Temuka Clissold, E. and S., Bcnacle, Otaio Cocbrane, James, Waituna, Waimate Copland, A., and Co., St. Andrews Copland, Alex., Haweburn, St. Andrews C-ow, E., Waihao Dooley, John, Waimate Douglas, John, Waibao, Waimate Easton, William, Waimate (Pukcuri) Elwortby, E., Pareora, Timaru Evans, Benjamin, Pareora Evans and Mills, Waibao Eorks, Waimate ... Ferguson and McQueen, Waimate Forrest, Robert, Waimate Gibson, E. (Executors of), Wuitangi, lvurow Gibson, James, Makikihi Godsell, J., Hakateramea Goostry, IT., Makikihi Goostry, W., Maldkihi Green, Samuel, Waimate Gunn, David, Waimate Hamilton, Andrew, Makikihi Ilanly, P., Waihao Hare, William, W rillow, Makikilii Harper, James, Makikibi Harper, Joseph, Deep Creek, Wniniate Hayes, Alpheus, Bush, Waimate Hendry, Charles, Summeiieigh, Pareora Hill, B. G., St. Andrews Hurst, C. J., Brooklands, Waimate Jackson, Ambrose, Makikihi Jackson, Oharles, Makikibi Jackson, Herman, Makibiki Johnston, H. B., Otaio (Christchurch) Jones, P., Waieri Farm, Studholme Junction Lane, Norman, Hakateramea, Kurow Lane, Walter, Rcdcliffe Laurie, G., St. Andrews Lovegrove, G. F., Highway, Makikihi Luscombe, P. H. B., Matikihi Manchester, George, Waimale Marshall, Thomas, St. Andrews Martin, A., Otaio Martin, David, Otaio McOullooh & McLean, Quamby, Waihao | Forks McGoverin and Hardie, Waimate Mcllwrick, James, The Cliffs, Makikihi McKay, Robert, Waimate McKenzie, John, St. Andrews McLean, Allan, Waitaki North McLean, A. F., Makikihi McNaugbt >n, Angus, Waibao Medlicott, S-, Waimate Meehan, James, Makikihi Meek, J. and T., Ilurstlea, Hakateramea Mehrlens, Martin, Waituna, Waimate Merry, John, Hook, Waimato Meyer, F. W., Waimate Meyer, H., Rosefield, Waimate Miles, Archer, and Co., Sherwood, Timaru ... Miller, A. T., Akalerawa (Oamaru) Miller, John, Strathnoon, "Wttimate Miller, J. McP., Hakateramea Mills, J., Peutland Hills, Waihao Forks ... I 190 160 36 1374 220 76 8269 297 14500 190 387 990 650 64400 3000 397 67 168 28160 1656 360 890 829 465 26599 1400 51660 395 4522 580 400 26148 45» 4545 270 5° 59S 35° 556 306 200 104 280 661 '576 400 ?6 80S9 322 16000 100 430 940 300 70000 174 298 82 220 24529 1500 35° 1030 1150 S43 43O 23143 2052 52180 470 Nil 600 400 25000 150 4600 230 5° 600 138 300 j6 290 Nil 4780 300 5'° 1125 270 196 40 1665 170 Nil 1190 200 399' 2300 2000 970 95° 30 300 965 427 245c 698 233 500 3994 1500 Nil '354 75° 1600 140 468 424 2730 500 1870 1800 1000 1230 1000 80 280 53500 '93 57° 578 80 5389 I25 380 80 700 2500 20000 8i 90 230 5554O 282 9C0 496 "5° 6400 200 700 2400 20000 236 400 520 4433





OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 188S. Wait and Bur-bury, Clarkesfield (Oamaru) ... Ward. C. D. R., Kurow Ward, John, Pareora Wilson, David, Makikilii Wright, Biohard, Makikihi Young, James, Willovvbank, St. Andrews ... 579.=; Nil ago 203 1291 5 3 699659 900c 1 ooc 293 193 1162 75 WESTLAND COUNTY. (In Westland Subdivision.) Allen, John, Waitaha, Ross Anderson, Jeppe, Kanieri Burrougli, Joseph, Okarito Gumming, Andrew, Bloomfield, Kanieri Dcidriolis, H. G., Kanieri Dowling, John, Hokitika Eeclesfield, Robert, Duck Creek, Hokitika ... Eisfelder, F., Hokitika Ford, Thomas, Butcher, Rosa Furkert, G. W., Ross G-raham, John, Kanieri ... Hareourt, R. A., Humphrey's Harris, Thomas, Biilinoral, Kanieri Harris, W., Rangiriri, Christchureh Road ... Haylock, Edward, Kawliaka I Fende, Peter, Hende's Ferry Heslan, B., Kanieri Hodgson, John, Ross Jones, R. E., Hokitika Keech, W., Kumara Maefarlane, Colin, Red Hill, Jackson's Bay.., Mclntosh, G. J., Hokitika Meharry, Thomas, Kanieri Milburn, Edward, Hokitika Millson, Robert, Dillman's Town Olsen, C. C , Kumara Passmore, William, Kumara Peart, T. F., Dillman's Town Peart, T., Special Settlement, Dillman's Town Robertson, G-. S., Mahinapua, Hokitika Ryan, Edwd , Cook Eiver, Gillespies Beach Skene, Xj., Hokitika Stewart, Colin, Hokitika Taminelli, R., Kanieri Tennant, John, Goldsborough Way, G-. B., Kumara 704986 43' 111 56 106 75° 460 112 60 227 1000 83 187 11 7° 22 40 38s 13 15 22 147 576 381 36 Nil 40 2 124 122 308 2 93 132 91 207 42 J9 A 128 4 122 22 49 30 1 28 66 94 122 45 557 40 400 40 17 >5 2778 55°°

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1880. Molloy, John, Waimate Moon, William, Femhill, St. Andrews Mooney, P., Waimate Morris, G. A., Fairview, St. Andrews Morion, George, Waihao Mowat, A., Waimate Neniamis, William, Makikihi N.Z. & A. L. Co., St. Andrews N.Z. & A. L. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow BT.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow ... O'Biien lii-os., Wailmo, Waimate O'Brien, Michael, Woodland, Waimate Oliver, George;, Waitaki North Orbell, C. N., Levels, Timaru Palmer, J. G. P., St. Andrews Parker Bros., Elephant Hill, Waimate Patterson, W., Hatton, Waimate Pelvin, Richard, Waimate Perrin, Edward, Marapuna, Makikihi Pigeon, A., Meadow Bant, St. Andrews Potter, Alexander, Pinewood, Waimate Price, Leonard, Waimate Proctor, A., St. Andrews Proctor, J. E., Scotston, St. Andrews Quinn, N\, Makikihi Quinn, William, Miikikihi Ruttray, A., Hook, Waimate Reid and Harper, Whillaw, Makikihi Reid, John, Makikihi Rhodes, E. H., jun., Bluecliffs Riokm'an.F: M, Waimate Ritchie, J. M., Cannington, Cave Robson, John, Waitaki North Rudgeraoii and Fleming, Chetnole, Redcliffe Ryan, John, Waihao Shearer, Allan, Ardyne, Waimate Simmons, William, Makikihi Simpkinson, J.E. G., Mt. Harris,Waimate ... Sinclair, David, Makikihi Skevington and Dowthwaite, Waimate Sice, Frank, Waimate Smiih, Andrew, Waimate Smith, Thomas, Waimate Sqnire, George, While Rock, Care Stewart, Hugh, St. Andrews Stewart, R., Waitaki North Sl.udhohne, M., Studholme Junction Tesehemaker, Thomas, Otaio Thomas, A. F., Makikiki Thomson, R., Otaio 500 500 I214 5 2° 393 3953' 58272 31000 59a 39i 5220 1389 '55 19152 200 700 55S 45° 454° 700 1250 lO.l/l 180 1800 694 244.i8 ■ 850 1 ii 14 7oo 205 47S 962 S3O 420 342 35000 59'7° 30807 ' 2; 590 6400 1080 95 2031S 100 500 230 755 400 3737 Nil 1600 596 787 200 2100 Nil 24888 2000 11C52 44 5000 35° 890 '75 3280 200 1360 461 79 180 700 173 95° 7M42 23300 Nil 4574 250 764 248 2800 248 1108 361 111 160 679 207 811 6733° 19904 700 410 340

No. of SI sist: licep on May. 18S3. 18f«. Borton, J., Maerewhenua, Duntroon Brown, Francis, Seariew, Herbert Bryce, Smith, Oamaru Budge, J., Herbert Burgess, J., Herbert Burnett, James, Papakaio Cagney, John, Seafield, Oamaru Cameron, J., Hoi-Be Q-ully, Papakaio Campbell, C, GHenrose, Ilampden Campbell, D., Creekside, Harnpden Campbell, G-., Ben Lomond Park, Duntroou Campbell, R. jun., Benmore, Omarama Campbell, R., jun., Otekaike, Duntroon Christie, William, Oamaru Clement, Edward, Herbert Collis, Frederick, Oamaru Conlin, J., Ngapara Cooper, Gr. J., Herbert Oox, George, Pukeuri Junction Ortiig, James, Hilderthorpe, Pukeuri Junction Cruickshank, John, Herbert Culling, Joseph, Ilillgrove Cunningham, R., Oti'ke Cuthbertson, T. and J., Pukeuri Junction ... '5'S° 35° 500 300 29S 798 16190 2OO 2409 400 •95 220 76000 46000 1160 74 520 500 IOO 45a 384 854 2007 3° 7 8d 500 76000 46000 Nil 97 300 500 300 193 180 153 4000 300 171 190 6340 186

No. of fihoep on Slut May. 1885. I 1886. WATTAKL COUNTY. (In Oamaru Subdivision), idam, Stephen, jun., llampden liti-liison, A., Springfield, Herbert iitchison, G-., Woodhouselee, Awamoko iitciii^on, Pi'tov, Waikouva, Awamoko Anderson, John, Kartigi, Palmcrston inderson, Thomas Awakino, Ivurow indrew, John, Wiulerburn, Hampden Archibald, George, Kurow Atkinson, E. B., Gorge, Oamaru Balfour, A., Mansfield, Ngapara Bnplisf, John, Hillgrove P.arr, J Hj Crighton, Oamaru Barrl William, Maheno Barraolough, John, Waimotii, Oamaru Battersbv, B., Matapuna, Enfleld Bisaett, William, Oamaru Borrie, Uonald, Papakaio 3386 89 1300 2000 740 300 3 2 4° 68 180 834 35°° 1050 Nil 60 800 5°9 Nil 95° 700 42 994 444 262 1250 98 1261 Nil 70 2,500 1000 3200





No. of Sheep oil 31st May. 1885. 1886. McDonald, George, Maheno McDonald, Peter, Otiake McGimpsey, James, Otiake Mclnnes, Murdoch, Otiake Mclntyre, Malcolm, Oamaru McKay, H., Allday Bay, Kakanui McKeilav and Middleton, Kurow MeKenzie, T., Allday Bay, Kakanui MeKcrrow, Andrew, Dunton, Hampden Me Lay, Thomas, Pukeuri Junction McLean, James, Allday Bay, Kakanui McLean, John, Redcastle, Oamaru MeLeod, Hector, Eillgrove McMasler, A., Waikaura, Oamaru McMaster, A. (Exors.), Tokarahi, Duntroon McNaught, A., Georgetown McPliee, Neil, Awamoko MePhereon, Bros., Hulieno McPlierson, George, Pukeuri Junction McWilliam, A. A., Hampden Meek, W., Teanernki, Rnfield Menlove, E., Windsor Park, Oamaru Miller, II. J., Eernbrook, Oamaru jYlilmine, James, Otinke Mitchell, H., Parkside, Weston Mitchell, James, Kakanui Morrison, Hector, Herbert Morrison, Robert, Herbert Mortimer, Matthew, Hampden Morton, 11., Ardbeg, Herbert Morton, M., Kakanui Mulvena, John, Livingstone Murcot, William, Hampden Murdoch, A., Centre Park, Ngapara Murray, W. M., Forks Run, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Ardgowan, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Mocraki, Hampden N.Z.A. L. Co., Mt. Dasher, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Kurow N.Z. A. L. Co., Tolara, Oamaru N.Z. Meat Preserving Company, Kakanui ... Nichols, J. C, Kureheka, Maheno Nicholson, T. H., Pukeuri Nicholson, W., Woodside, Hampden Nisbet, Henry, Otiake Oliver, Hon. JR., Corriedale, Windsor Paterson, A., Woodlands, Herbert Paterson and Sons, Eskdalc, Ngapara Paton, J., Papakaio Paton, R, Pukeuri Junction Perry, B., Oamaru Plenis, Adam, Kurow Porter, John, Otialie Pringle, J., Bowhill, Livingstone Quigley, Alfred, Otiake Reid, John, Balruddery, Enfield Reid, John, Elderslie, Oamaru Reid, John, Streamside, Maheno Rdd, T., Gibb's Lea, Ngapara Itiddell, A., Peebles, Papakaio Robertson, A., Herbert Robertson, James, Hampden Robertson, J., Valleyfield, Maheno Robertson, T., Herbert Robertson, W., Maheno Ross, Angus, Rosebury, Herbert Ross Bros., Hill Grove Ross, Hugh, Awamoko Roxburgh, IT., Springhead, Ngapara Roxby, E. W., Awatnoa, Oamaru Russell, Peter, Herbert Rulhorfurd, W. G., Rugged Ridges, Kurow Schulter, H., Boundary Creek, Oamaru Scott, Joseph, Otiake Scott, R., Croselea Farm, Herbert Shaw, John, Incholme, Maheno Shaw, William, Kurow Shirres, W., AA'iemore, Oamaru Sim, Alexander, Tullymett, Herbert Simmons, John, Hillgrove Simpson, Donald, Otiake Sise, G. L., Ashland, Hampden Smillie, Mrs. J., Awamoko ... 59° 300 110 190 1580 SS ,s°° 300 470 45 '4439 180 6400 26:500 696 106 625 227 155 43°o 24653 554 995 460 300 197 106 388 12 T5 2 400 2.3 5 6 9178 9258 21217 16603 21752 21415 1350 15700 S76 54 '3° 180 1700 40 500 300 291 254 5° 'S5' 8 100 1208 20000 786 60 55° 96 TOO 4500 19504 34" 220 1 196 55« 300 '74 60 '3 195 400 1201 11300 7986 19241 17116 18660 19659 347 14000 35 120 294 10467 600 490 400 35° 598 ,67 266 12000 18000 498 790 330 26 637 440 '5° 628 600 300 1300 100 53 20 35° IOOOO 596 600 350 300 580 165 199 346 63 14000 16000 192 296 406 320 14 434 105 15° 300 500 35° Nil 6S 45° 7500 380 100 100 6500 252 277 98 10:522 988 122 300 1561 660 200 >56 9773 996 170 300 i673 660

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Dasler, L., Otiake Davidson, John, Woodlands, Herbert Davie, William, Pukeuri Junction Davis, Oacar, Maheno Dennison,T., Hilderthorpe, Pukeuri Junction Dennison, W., Saltaire, Pukeuri Junction ... Doig, William. Oamaru Donaldson, J. F., Humpden Duncan, Robert, Maheno Duncan, Thomas, Pukeuri Junction Dunn, David, Oamaru Easton, Vf., Wevmouth, Oamaru Elder, J. R., Oa'klands, Maheno Falconer, George, Warrislon, Ngapara Falconer, James, Kakanui Fenwick, L. G., Waimotu, Maheno Fenwick, William, Mavaweka, Maheno Findlay, James, Ilillhouso, llampden Forrester, John, Papakaio Forsythe, C, Mabeno Fobs, William, Oamaru Frame, W., Herbert Fricker, Edward, Georgetown Flicker, John, Georgetown Gard, W., Kurow Gardiner, W., Tapui Downs, Ngapara G arrow, James, Ardgowan, Oamaru Qeddes, Ge»rge, River View, Georgetown ... Gennnell, James, Cowden, Malieno Gibson Brothers, Langside, Herbert Gilchrist, J. C, Oamaru Gillies, Archibald, Hampden Girdon, Peter, Oamaru Grant, John, Otiake Grant, W. 8., Georgetown Gray, Andrew, Pukeuri Junction Gray, W. L., Pukeuri Junction Hall Brothers, Georgetown Hall, Mrs. Thomas, Boutrig, Awamoko Btamili, H. and D., Maerewhenua Harrison, William, Pukeuri Junction Hartley, Jonas, Pukeuri Junction Hay, Robert, Awawcka, Enfleld Henare Maubara and others, Hillgrove Henderson, John, Awamoko Henderson, T., Herbert Herald, David, Pukeuri Junction Heron, David, Herbert Hewton and Co., Herbert Hille, Christian, Kurow Hodges, Gabriel, Otiake Hodgkinson, E., Longslip, Omarama Hodgson, J., Hampden Holmes, Hon. M., Avvamoa, Oamaru Home, Thomas, Springside, Maheno Howden, W., GHenmoa, Ngapara Hunter, John, Airedale, Papakaio Hutchison, A., Georgetown Hutchison, George, Rockland, Ngapara Hutton and Huttons, Waimakarua, Herbert Jamieson, C. B., Omarama Jardine, T. and J., Awamoko Jessop, C, Fcrncliff, Ngapara Johnston and Neilson, Pukeuri Junction ... Johnston, John, Georgetown Johnston, R., Awamoko Jones, William, Herbert Kemp, J. and T., Hillgrove ICetchin, J., Mabeno Laurence, John, River Bank, Maheno Ledinghnm, George, Maheno Lefevre, John, West field Park, Hampden Lindsay and Haequoil, Pukeuri Junction ... Little, H. & T., Ngapara Marshall, A., Herbert Maeauly, R., Totara 1'ark, Oamaru Maitland & Stronaeh, Lake Ohau, Omarama Maitin, Edwin, Kalcanui McAulay, J., Pukeuri Junction McBride, J., Maheno McCone, James, Otiake McDonald, Alexander, Herbert McDonald, Angus, Geovgetown 500 84 90 394 1643 200 500 500 90 495 4300 700 443 1500 8000 180 1300 210 69 364 250 >$° 21885 H3 860 468 6000 33 160 192 9*3 180 2000 400 3°4 300 2626 2000 190 900 800 Nil 60 200 32 65 295 I I9I 200 2OO 3OO Nil 45° 4300 700 200 Nil 6000 170 700 120 SO 55 3.« 192 213 20380 25S 3'5 970 '77 6000 13 '55 169 1080 76 180 1400 400 596 400 300 1762 2000 '95 900 54 600 850 1040 Nil 1400 100 12000 96 2700 290 600 4212 100 1 78 2260 Nil 600 6024 Nil 1100 125 208 8100 800 7500 '45 1 J900 300 650 300 79 700 290 800 284 93 111 1085 130 1050 7500 T400 Nil 600 280 98 700 275 675 377 180 290 900 70 1435 10700 300 150 298 100 800 203 287 300 300 100





No. of ! 8ls1 1885. Sheep on t May. I 1886. Howard, Peter, Hyde Howell, Thomas, Hamilton's Inder, R. & S., Naseby Keenan and Morgan, St. Bathan's Kelly, Joseph, Fullarton's, Hjde Kerncy, Patrick, Naseby Kinney, Patrick, Hyde Laughtou, John, Hyde Laverty, John, Hyde Law, Jolm, Naseby Law, Peter, Sowburn, Naseby Lcvingstone, T., Blackstone Hill Lewis, Patrick, Naseby Loan and Land Co. of N.Z., Naseby Logan, E. II., Mrs., Marietanga, Kyeburn ... Logan, Robert, To Whare, Kyeburn Lory, Jacob, VYedderburn Lory, John, Naseby Lory, W. J., Naseby Mackenzie, M. J. S., Kyeburn Maisey, J. M., Kyeburn Maniototo Farming Company, Kyeburn, Mann, William, Kyeburn Marshall, W., Blackstone Hill Mathewson, L., Taieri Lake, Hyde Mawhinney, E. and T., Wedderburn Mawhinney, Wilson, Naseby McCready, David, Kveburn McCready, W., Bweburn, Naseby McDevilt, James, Blackstone Hill McDevitt, William, Blackstoue Hill McErleane, II., G-immerburn McKnight, J., Blackstone Hill MoLean, Charles, Itivcrside, Hydo McLennan, Alexander, Wedderburn McMaster, A., East Kyeburn (Duntroon) ... McNamitra, J. Lower, Kyeburn Mee, Thomas, Becks Messent, D. Naseby Millar, W. J., Naseby Morton, Mark, Hyde Mowat, Alexander, Naseby Mulholland, J., Naseby Murdoch, OS-., Naseby Murray, William, Patearoa, Hamilton's Naseby Pastoral & A. Assn., Eweburn, Naseby N. Z. L. and M. A. Company, Naseby Nichols, T., Eough Eidge Packman, Joseph, Eweburn, Naseby Paterson, Anthony, Kyeburn Pearson, A., Kyeburn Pogson, F. G-., Becks Preston, J. H., Longlands, Kyeburn Pugh, John, Gimmorburn Ramsay, J. J., Fairlegb, Hyde Roberts, John, Patearoa, Hamilton's Roberts, Mark, Giinmerburn Ross and Glendinning, Lauder, Cambrian ,.. Rowley and Hamilton, Hamilton's St. Bathans Farming Company, St. Bathans Scott, James, Giinmerburn Scott, John, Kyeburn Sharkey, Arthur, Grirnmerburn Shennan, Watson, Puketoi, Hamilton's Smithson, R., Hyde Tannahill, Margaret, Styx, Linburu Tierney, A., St. Bathan's Tregonning, W. H., Hamilton's Trotter Brothers, Hyde Turnbull, C. A., Hamilton's Turnbull, G., Hillside, Blaekstone Hill Turnbull, R. M., Hamilton's Udy, W. H., Hamilton's Weir and Smith, Naseby White, Andrew, Naseby Williamson, K., Hyde Coo 500 5°°° 200 400 500 1400 1 200. 35° 1300 165 1386 900 2 54 33926 90 2981 153 344 1400 200 97 77 77 180 90 200 100 6500 100 500 700 746 625 2500 200 700 43f> 1400 1190 57° 1 300 198 50 650 1912 975 148 300 163 343 1 1 250 2921 170 270 1400 220 300 290 80 106 89 9S 60 zoo 100 14500 > 500 170 300 200 400 130 '3° 95° 200 14378 25000 40 1000 35° 13101 29000 552' Nil 400 65 220 15° 300 160 34018 1 2650 5'49° 13000 180 238 12035 260 41767 22000 389' 397 600 100 31000 174 13330 260 40470 22058 3600 294 501 3 loco 300 400 300 940 253 363 Nil 160 28500 240 217 400 700 389976 100 400 8000 300 18800 80 39° 700 367804 VINCENT COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Alexander, James, Ophir Anderson, Peter, Ophir Aston, Charles, Ida Valley, Ophir 400 j '72 I 236 100

No. of Snoop on 31st May. 1885. j 1886. Smith and Watson, Keynton, Enfleld Stevenson, T., Wiudermere, Maheno Stewart, H., Otiake Stewart, E., Awamoko, Waitaki North Stringer, William, Duutroon Sutherland, A. G., Ngapara Sutherland, W., jiin., Duntroon Sutherland, W., senr., Livingstone Sutton, J. A , Waitoa, Oamaru Pay lor, J. A., Duntroon Paylor, J. B., Springbank, Duntroon L'aylor, P., Hilton Farm, Duntroon reschemaker and Co., Kurow reschemaker, W. H., Taipo, Maheno reschemaker, W.H.,Kamoo Hill, Maheno ... rhomson, A., ICakanui rhomson, Hugh, Ngapara rhompson, Robert, Strathfleld, Maliono l?odd, C. and J. M., Tottenham, Enfleld ... Crotter, E-. A., Hillgrove Furnbul], J., Swamp, Oamaru Wait, J. S. Dr., Oamaru Walker, Alexander, Papakaio Watson, Garden, Hildertliorpe, Enfleld Westlake, T., Ngapara William, Joseph, Whitstone, Oamaru Wilson, James, Papakaio Wilson, John, Papakaio Wilson, J. and S., Oamaru foung, Colin, Maheno foung & Dalgety, Omarama 1266 300 800 496 35° 260 262 100 1000 820 400 695 497 6o ioo 2OO too 1298 800 2195 990 850 28000 4050 22956 800 400 28000 3168 1759' 175° 650 860 840 600 Nil 3000 .380 250 165 Nil 200 1050 95° 1138 214 '95° 4300 700 35io 160 496 275 1200 7436 '95 48700 689082 900 7940 Nil 49700 MANI0T0T0 COUNTY (In Duns tan Subdivision). iguew, H. Blackstone Hill iitkenhead, J., Becks inderson, J. F., Blackstone Hill innett, YVilliam, Hyde irmstrong, William, Becks Baxter Brothers Hamilton's Beattie, J., Cambrian Benyie, James, Hyde Blakely, John, Gimmerburn Botting, G., Naseby Sotting, J., Naseby Botting, P. P. D., Kyeburn Brulmes, John, Hyde Buchanan, N. L., Naseby Buckland, J. C, Taieri Lake (Waikouaiti) ... Dampbell, John, 31eugh, A., Moa Farm, Gimmerburn Connolly, P. A., Hyde 3oram, J. and J., Hamilton's 3oyle, John, Kyeburn 3reighton, John, Kyeburn Drossan, S., Wcdderburn 3urrie and Sons, Kyeburn Dalgety, E\ G., Hawkdun, Blackstone Hill ... Dowling, John, Hyde Dowling, William, Hyde Duncan, D., Naseby Elliott, Matthew, Hyde Fenton, John, Gimmerburn Fisher, William, Becks Plamank, Henry, Hyde Fuller, Kobert, Gimmerburn 3-erkens, Claus, Becks 3-lendinning, K. W., Taicriside, Kyeburn ... 31enn, Robert, Naseby Graham, John, Blaekstone Hill 3-reer, P. J., Hamilton's 3rrummett, Wm., Naseby Muffle, W., Naseby Hamilton, J., Becks ETarman, S., Blackball, Linburn [lastie, Richard, Hamilton's Elealy, Thomas, Naseby lenny, James, Hyde [lickey, Thomas, Hyde Sicks, John, Naseby Hore, Jamas, Naseby lore, B. R., Naseby 64S509 191 95 139 60 160 200 250 5 2> 142 200 85 3f'7 380 35° 130 212 173 600 300 '60 Nil 984 Nil 120 985 18912 18222 360 100 48 19225 400 95 596 1370 5° Nil '5° 2500 200 4000 21162 278 185 19 >*S 198 290 400 188 190 35°° 20921 300 Nil 35 Nil 200 45° Nil 2O35 '5° 400 1200 1010 53O ■5° 300 60 189 142 127 300 300 219 609 2335 200 300 1500 635 500 280 300 800 98 200 240 Nil 250 290





| No. of Snoop on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Attfield, 0. R., Clyde Barnetson, William, Bendigo Bell, Sir I 1. D., Ida Valley, Opliir (Black's) ... Boll, T. H., Clyde Brady, William, OpMr Brown, Archibald, Becks Butler, John, Bald Hill Flat Campbell, R., jun., Galloway, Alexandra S. Chappie, J. C, Ophir Colquhon, C, Ben Wyvis, Hawea Fiat Cooper, Ihoraae, Hawea Flat Corrigall, James, Ophir Cowan, J. B , Bannockburn Crossan, Hugh, Bald Hill Flat Dalgety and Co., Limited, Morven Hills and Ardgour, Bendigo Dawkius, James, Cromwell Donnelly, Elizabeth, Mrs., Ophir Drummy, J., Alexandra South Field, George, Butcher's Gully, Alexandra South Flannery, Thomas, Ophir Fleming, John, Kawarau Gorge Fraser, William, Earnsoleugli, Clyde Gibson, Charles, Bald Hill Flat Glass, Joseph, Ida Valley, Ophir Glassford, H. G., Drybread Graham and* Walton, Hawksburn, Clyde Hamilton, John, Hlack's, Ophir Harrington, P., Black's, Ophir Henderson, John, Hawea Flat Horn and Anderson, Bannockburn Howell, Loughnan, & Cox, M. Pisa, Cromwell Jenkins, Robert, Ophir Jones, J. C, Ophir Kemp, J. E., Bald Hill Flat Laidlaw, W., Matakanui, Ophir Leask, William, Ophir Lee, Edward, Ophir Lubeckie, A. D , Moutere, Alexandra South McArthur, J., Clyde McGettigan and Sorrenson, Bald Hill Flat... Mclntosh, ltobert, Disputed Spur, Ophir ... Mclntosh, R., Ida Valley Farm, Ophir McKellar, D,, Luggate MoLaohlan, George, Bendigo McLennan, Donald, Hawea Flat McNally, Robert, Ida Valley, Ophir McNaughton, James, Alexandra South McRae, John, Bendigo Moran, Daniel, Tinker's, Ophir Naylor, Ben, Clyde Naylor, George, Ophir Nevill, James, Ophir N. Z. L. and M. A. Co., Limited, Hawea Station, Hawea Flat Nicolson, Donald, Ophir Noone, John, Ida Valley, Ophir O'Connell, William, Nevis O'Donnell, Charles, Bendigo Olds, Richard, Cromwell Oliver, A. A., Clyde Pedersen, .lames, Opliir Perriam, C, Mrs., Cromwell Pitches, John, Ophir Poison, John, Bendigo Ritchie, James, Cromwell Scott, James, Ophir Sheppard, John, Tinker's, Ophir Sloan, James, Ophir Smith, James, Ophir Spain, Thomas, Ophir Stewart and Melvin, Kawarau, Bannockburn Stewart, W. G., Makarora Symons, Mrs., Makarora Theyers & Beck, Alexandra South robin, Henry, Cromwell Towan, John, Grove Farm, Cromwell White, James. Bald Hill Flat Williams, William, Clyde Wilson, Arthur, Ophir Wilson, Thomas, Clyde 2.5° 180 36100 280 5° 100 800 69000 500 6000 3° '93 13500 80 102563 140 200 258 29 45° 90 22500 198 250 27095 192 "4°5 100 20 41000 102 238 02 37719 293 19200 600 287 45° 750 35° i 7° 3° 5° 186 38230 290 182 i39 500 68000 500 5000 146 300 14000 40 104413 Mil 300 600 283 jOO ! OO 23OOO 149 300 198 275OO 100 1400 1000 42 36000 Nil 232 Nil' 3739 6 293 61 I949S 650 343 300 2400 300 Nil 240 140 169 i73 280 180 534 142 400 7600 424 95 300 9°ij 250 200 80 '5° 300 400 202 100 266 200 100 100 140 286 160 78 1OO 200 ■993 200 Nil 170 116 300 Nil Nil ; 38000 '57' 6000 2000 500 54 40000 1500 55oo 203 294 66 Nil 290 117 300 300 300 300 441444 450289

31st May. 1885. 1886. ;o. of Sheep on 31st May. LAKE COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Baird, B. K., Arrow Kiver Birley, J. K., Glenorchy Boult, P. B., Queenstown BoyesBrothers,Kawarau Falls,Frankton ... British & N.Z. M. & A. Co. (Limited), Minaret, Pembroke Brit. & N. Z. II. & A. Co. (Limtd.), Ayrburn, Pembroke Brown, John, Queenstown Butel, John, Arrow River Butel, Peter, Arrow River Butement, J., North Station, Queenstown ... Cameron, Ewen, Matukituki, Pembroke Campbell, H., Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Wanaka, Pembroke Chalmers, Archibald, Pembroke Chalmers, John, Malaghan's Cook, Henry, Gibbston Davidson and Hope, Moke Creek Dewar. J. S., Saddle Hill, Queenstown Douglas, A. II., Douglas Vale, A rrow River ... Evans, F., Cherry Farm, Q.ueenstown Femi, J. C., Paradise Flat, Q.ueenstown Forbes James, Malaghan's Fraser, Andrew, Glenorchy Gallagher, Francis, Island Wanaka (Palmerston) George, James, Grienorchy Grant, Alexander, Frankton Haines, C. H., Glenorchy Hope, Thomas, Glenorchy Jolly, D. C, Arrow River Kerin, John, Cardrona Kerin, P., Royal Burn, Arrow Riyer Mason, William, Paradise Flat, Glenorchy ... McAllister, William, Queenstown McBride, Francis, Frankton McBride, John, Greenstone, Kinloeh McDonnell, T., Arrow River McKellar, D., Mt. Barker, Luggate McKenzie & Mclntosh, Lome L'eak, Kingston McLeod, D., Kingston MePherson, Hugh, Pembroke Meiklejonn, Mrs. J., Q.ueenstown ... i Miller, Lewis, Malaghan's Morrisby, A. H., Eastbourne, Arrow River ... N. Z. L. & M. A. Co. (Limited), Kawarau Falls, Frankton Nieol, J., Fernhill & Mt. Nicholas, Q.ucenst'n Paterson, J. C, Arrowtown Paterson, W., Ayrburn, Arrow River Prifcehard, Robert, Arrow River Richards and Eyans, Skippers Scoles, William, Arrow River Scott, John, Queenstown Southland Investment Co., Kinloeh Trotter, W. S., Greenyale, Kingston Turner, J., Queenstown Whelan, James, Arrow River White, George, Arrow River Withers and Co., Q.ueenstown 776 1000 545° 11220 20 48S 26 19800 Nil 7220 35 200 Nil 67 1800 2250 400 200 1150 2000 310 60 720 220 600 Kil 950c 7100 11 475 16 17650 1000 6250 38000 160 Nil 5 S 1700 2300 400 604 3000 2500 130 285 no 290 5 7 300 100 120 480 38 Nil 80 '5° 400 60 597 55 130 900 60 83 400 6000 5000 500 Nil 500 5° 3000 300 55'.3 7200 4000 300 4050 5000 5' 00 10000 4000 4600 Nil 200 200 200 2667 6616 1000 406 200 2834 6823 12 1 •5° 140 300 7000 142 189 j 100 300 7000 WAIHEMO COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anvyes, E. B., ITilhampton, Palmerston Anderson, John, Palmerston Arnot, Peter, Palmerston Askin, Thomas, Pleasant Valley, Palmerston Bell, A. D., Shag Valley, Waihemo Bennett, William, Hyde Benton and Sutherland, Palmerston Cameron, H., Centrewood, Palmerston Chisholm, W., inn., Green Valley Clark, George, Macrae's Flat Cocbrane, James, Palmerston Cockerel], B., Macrae's Flat Cox, John, Dunback Cunningham, William, Dunback Curie, .Tames, Palmerston Dayios, A. &., Dunback Davis, Louis, Green Valley I 1458=4 500 900 35° 39.03 3290 299 500 500 49 40189 3164 60 1270 290 37° 3015 140 1007 290 385 1560 '80 145 63 600 270 172 900 7> 100





No. of Sheep on yisfc May. j 18S5. 188G. Day, Isaac, Palmerston Dent, George, Green Valley Duncan, John, Dunback Elston, II., Palmerston Finnie, D. II., Moonlight Flynn, Lawrence, Macrae's Flat Fraser, A., Macrae's Flat Fraser, Hugh, Green Valley Fraser, James, Macrae's Flat Frcelund, John, Pigroot, Palmerston Garran, Archibald, Dunback Gifford, Peler, Macrae's Fiat Glover, J. E., Shag Valley Hanlon, D., Moonlight Hartstonge, J., jun , Macrae's Flat Hayes, John, Macrae's Flat Heffernan, William, Moonlight Kilgour, Alexander, Flag Swamp Kitchener, II., the Grange, Dunback Lippert, Hugo, Waihemo Little, William, Palmerston Massey, James, Inch Valley, Dunback Matheson, John, Palmerston Matheson, M., Hjde Matheson, It., Waihemo McDonald, Ewen, Green Valley McElwee, R., Palmerston McKenzie, J, Ojkell Farm, Dunback McLaren, Alexander, Grcenfold, Palmorston McLeod, George, Goodwood, Palmerston ... McLeod, P., Islay Downs, Green Valley McKae, Duncan, Macrae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Green Valley Muir, David, Green Valley Muii* Bros., Shag Valloy, Palmoreton Munro, Donald, Palmerston O'Neil, B., Palmerston Philips, James, Shag Valley Rich, F. D., Bushy Park, Palmerston Ritchie, James, Dunback Robertson, Wm., Blue Mountain, Pulmertton Robertson, W., Terrace Farm, Palmerston ... Ross Bros., Meadow Bank, Palmerston Ross, George, Shag Valley Service, J., New Suiilhston, Palmerston Sloan, G., Roebank, Flag Swamp Stenhouso, James, Palmerston Stewart, John, Dunback Sutherland, J. and A., Palmerslon Walsh, William, Green Valley Watt, John, Palmerston Wright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Young, J. S., Goodwood, Palmerston 63 140 'SO 7. 900 8 4 900 8 oo 2 5 O Nil 2 87 180 474 295 922 240 160 584 I&S93 '47 2 200 90 300O 440 2O7 5° 1000 193 '55 Nil 600 400 3244 89 190 132 500 997 290 200 660 17108 "53 70 1467 9' 3000 590 241 139 895 5'6 134 995 400 286 780 'S64 100 370 177 1366 150 2000 500 5500 59O 98 759 360 240 1500 289 790 320 286 600 1465 100 16S 1550 1010 5600 500 135 735 480 1500 200 400 600 116 40 500 140 (In Oamaru Subdivision). Braithwaite, John, Palmerston Browne, J. S., Shag Point, Palmerston Campbell, David, Woolshed Farm, Pnlmerston Dalzul, James, Inch Valley, Waihemo Dreaver, Mrs. Janet, Palmerston Campbell, Donald, Shag Valley G-uffie, David, Palmerston Jack. W. J., Palmerston McDonald, Hugh, Palmerston McGregor, Charles, Palmerston McLeod, Donald, Palmerstou Menlove, E , Goodwood (Oamaru) Miller, James, Palmerston Munro, Alexander, Shng Valley Murray, VV. and D., Dunback Rich, F. D., Slmg Point, Palmerston Skimming, L., Springbank, Palmerston 97>°54 100106 194 185 i°S5 700 110 171 200 100 198 122 150 150 490 '5° 100 160 398 800 in 700 2888 500 800 2700 Nil 2500 1205 200 (Tn Dunstan Subdivision.) Matheson, J. E., Hartfleld, Hyde N.Z. and A.L. Co., Deep Dell, Macrae's Teviotdale, Alexander, Hyde 6307 10730 1800 25S '^ 500 1800 20180 500 Total in County 27812 22480 I3ii73 133316

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. WAIKOUAITI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Bannatyne, Alexander, Waikouaiti Bray, Benjamin, Waikouaiti Borthwick, Robert, Waikouaiti Buckland, J. C, Tumai, Waikouaiti Clyma, John, Spring Farm, Beaconsfield Coutts, John, Jane Field, Palmcrston Cowan, W., Lower Tumai, Waikouaiti Dempster, William, The Grlen, Plug Swamp Douglas, J., Mount Royal, Palmerston Duncan, John, Cherry Farm, Waikouaiti Duncan, Peter, Tumai, Waikouaiti Heckler, W., Hawkesbury, Waikouaili Hertslet, H. N., Waikouaiti Jefferis, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp Johnston, Thomas, Flag Swamp Kane, Peter, Fairview Farm, Beaconsfield ... Lindsay, John, Flag Swamp Maekelden, Walter, Waikouaiti McDonald, Donald, Flag Swamp McGill, James, Waikouaiti McLean, Hugh, Waikouaiti Nankivell and Sons, Waikouaiti North, Henry, Seaeliff Orbell, Henry, the River, Waikouaili Obeli, II. C, Matanaka, Waikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Pratt, Thomas, Karitane Puddy, W., Woodhead Farm, Waikouaiti Reed, John, Corner Bush, Merton Souter, William, Flag Swamp Stevens, James, Waikouaiti Stringer, Robert, Flag Swamp Xownsond, J. A., Waikouaiti Walker, Robert, Flag Swamp 8 4 i 3600 2S4S 1024 200 381 292r 4 455° 3 '5° 3600 700 502 1360 200 12 600 3600 2050 1000 160 104 200 3'4°9 4125 378 3000 35 00 400 180 95° 200 576 '735 1001 797 Nil 700 1000 900 210 21700 '0950 200 4600 8 1367 1400 887 204 250 20400 12950 190 3000 Nil 1500 1200 800 200 300 60 (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Green, James, Woodend, Blueskin Harrison, J. W., Port Chalmers Hogg, G., Mount Clifton, Blueskin Jensen, Carl, Purakanui MacKay, William, Blueskin Mawson, J , Broadleaf Farm, Purakanui Sutherland, James, Purakanui Watson, Juries, Blueskin White, Thomas, Merton 96942 95 6l 4 Nil 3° Nil 18 15 27 65 25 '7 32 28 400 400 18 98 665 Total in county 508 97450 96279 PENINSULA COUNTY (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Burns, Richard, Otago Heads Dick, A., Wicliffe Bay, Portobello — Dickson and Koss, Belmont, Porlobello Dougal], J., Quarantine Island, Pt. Chalmers Duckmunton, H., Newslead, Portobello Geary, J., jun., Portobello Geary, W., jun., Portobello Harwood, J., Maori Kaik, Otago Heads Kellas, H., Portobello Larnach, W. J. M., The Camp, Dunedin Macandrew, J., jun., N.E. Harbour McAuley, J. J., Portobello Mitchell, Robert, Hooper'a Inlet, Dunedin... Muir, James, Portobello North, Alfred, Portobello Robertson, W'illiain, Sandymount Ryan, Patrick, Portobello Weipers, J., Sandymount 280 2100 54 35 47 792 49 80 600 1600 7'3 97 193 1800 23 43 Nil 490 98 70 96 780 193 3'8 100 99 630 631 160 59° 500 103 110 TAIERI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, William, jun., Otakaia Aitcheson, John, Island Farm, Waikouaiti ... Alexander, J. S., GeorgeStreet, Dunedin ... Allan, James,], Greytown Allan, J. A., jun., Middlemarch Allan, John, Bellfield, Middlemarcli 7770 5604 100 40 226 n 34 6420 1689 9 358o 2521 2650





No. of s: sist: iccp OU lay. 1885. 1S8G. Muir, Robert, North Taieri Muir, Tliomas, Maungatua Murray, Roberts, & Co., Gladbrook, Bunedin N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Traquair, Outram Nicliol, G-., Abbotsford Station, Claik's Nicholl, J. 8., Clark's Niuimo, John, Mosgiel O'Donnell, H., Middlemarch Olive, James, Middlemarch Orbell, II., Mount Stoker (Weikouaiti) Orbell, M. C, Matanaka (Waikouaiti) Oughton, James, Mosgiel Palmer, Henry, Olakaia Palmer, J. E., ICakeno, Olakaia Palmer, W. C, Otakaia Paterson, Charles, Middlemarch Patrick, William, Balmoral Farm, Outram ... Peat and Son, Mt. G-owrie, Clark's Petrie, W. and A., Hindou Popham, Tliomas, Middlemarch Reid, D., Salisbury Farm, Dunedin Reid, Mrs. James, Otakaia Reid, Mrs. M., Broomfield Mains, Outram ... Reid, W. and N., Round Hill, Lee Stream ... Renfcon, John, Mosgiel Robertson, J. and A., Outram Robinson, R., Lake Waipori, Berwick Sanderson, John, Dunedin Shand, James, Oufcram Shand, William, Greytown Shand, W. T., Otakaia Shaw, John, Mosgiel Simpson, A., Maungatua Singer, Frederick, Hindon Smellie and Young, North Taieri Smith, 0. D., Middlemarch Smith, John, Gladfield, North Taieri Smith, S. G-., High Street, Dunedin Snow, William, Outram Sutherland, J. II., Maungatua Thompson, Tliomas, Middlemarch Thomson, W., Banks, Maungatua Thomson, W., Mossido, North Taieri Todd, A., Islington, Mosgiel Walsh, Peter, Otakaia Watson, W. T., Hopewell, Middlemarch ... Webb, R., North Taieri Whyte, John, Sandridge, North Taieri Wilson, J. H., Rosebank, Berwick Wilson, Robert, Romania, Clark's Wilson, Thomas, Kuri Bush Wright, James, Langlea Farm, Mosgiel Wylie, James, Outram 130 298 14722 7500 1100 285 '5999 ■4750 250 400 553 6886 495 1300 1798 90 1500 2500 J27 218 3000 11688 12400 1500 1050 222 310 280 27005 9000 7500 600 350 150 147 16000 14000 Nil 700 45° Nil 1500 Nil 6490 490 1500 1610 140 1000 2000 160 150 3000 Nil 1200 1 5 00 IOOO 350 7' 898 100 120 150 400 172 100 1991 205 Nil 90 530 180 123 900 124 90 59i 520 223 300 66 1418 IOOO 92 400 11705 62 180 "50 297 12780 250 320 M7939 25345° BRUCE COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, J., Bon Accord Lodge, Milton Aitchison, James, Clarkesville Aitken, John, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesville ... Allison, J. and J., Milton Anderson, A. H., Stirling Anderson, G., Table Hill, Berwick Armstrong, W., Milton Begg Brothers, Hill End, Balclutha Bell, William, Waihola Bishop, James, Hillend, Bishop's Bishop, T. 0., Hillend, Balclutha Blackie, D. N., Kaitangata Bowie, Charles, Hillend, Lovell's Flat Boyd, Edward, Hillend, Stirling Brock, William, Taieri Beaeh Brown, Alexander, Milton Bruce, James, Louisville, Milton Bryce Bros., Spring Hill, Lovell's Flat Bryce, James, Mount Cooey, Stirling Calder, A., Burleigh Farm, Lovell's Flat Cameron, Alexander, Lovell's Flat Cameron and Russell, Stirling Cameron, Evren, Clarksville Campbell, D., Stoney Creek, Balclutha Campbell, Donald, Lake Waipori, Berwick... 350 440 200 580 500 500 600 22000 122 250 l6l 35° 400 60 580 500 400 600 16500 182 300 185 747 492 100 130 90 100 1150 177 650 70 720 2000 56 95 505 439 178 74 160 1290 '.35 45° 181 5'2 1800 50 95

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. illarij John, The Holmes, East Taieri Andrew, John, Mosgiel Bavron, Robert, Hindon Bafchgate, John, Tsland Farm, Outram Beatlie, John, Whinfield, Maungatua Bethune, W. R. M., Barewood Station, Middlmarch Black, D. L., Hindon Black, Ebenezer, Hindon Black, James, Hindon Boyd, A. & J., Hindon Station, North Taieri Boyd, A. and J., Rockland, North Taieri ... Brown, A. and J., Green Island Brown, Henry, Otakaia Bruce, John, Brighton Buchanan, Gilbert, Outram Buckland, J. C, Eock and Pillar, Waikouaiti Dallander, J. and J. A., Bast Taieri Charters, E., Ury and Springbank, Mosgiel,.. Ohristie, William, Otakaia Collins, John, Mount Hyde, Outram Draigie, Eichard, Henley Dullen, James, Greytown Ourrie, W., Mosgiel Dean, Alexander, Hindon Denniston and Co., Dunedin Dornwell, Albert, butcher, Dunedin Dow, .Janies,*Dowfield, Outram Kduionds, David, Otakaia Ewart, J. B., Hindon Findlay, John, Mosgiel Finnie, Robert, East Taieri Frame, Thomas, East Taieri FleU, George, Ofcakaia Fleming, Alexander, Greytown Freeman, J., Abbotsroyd, Green Island Fulton, F. C, Lee Flat, Dunedin Fulton, J-, Ravenscliff, Outram Gellibrand & Co., Cottesbrook, Middlemarch Gibson, Robert, Keinton, North Taieri Gibson, William, North Taieri Q-ordon, Thomas, Maungatua Gow, James, Invermay, Mosgiel Grant, Charles, Hindon Grant, D., Granton Farm, Outram Grant, Peter, Gowrie Farm, Outram Grant, William, Clan-inch Farm, Outram ... Harvey, Robert, Woodside Heenan, Daniel, Maungatua Heenan, Edward, Maungatua Heenan, John, Maungatua Heenan, William, Maungatua Henley Estate Company, Henley Hughan, David, Taieri Beach Hntchings, William, Henley Jaffray, W., Saddle Park, EaBt Taieri Johnston, D. H., Mosgiel Kempshell, R. A., Maungatua Kirkland, James, Outram Kirkland, William, Mosgiel Law, Robert, Eicearton, East Taieri Leisliman, Robert, Whare Flat Macpherson, D. and A., Berwick Marcbbank, J , Maungatua Matheson, George, Birch Hill, Hindon Mathesou, James, Hindon McDiarmid, Angus, Maungatua McDiarmid, Gilbert, Maungatua McDiarmid, R., Kirkland, Woodside McDiarmid, William, Woodside McDonald, Duncan, Lee Stream McDonald, John, Maungatua McDonald, R. and W., Whare Flat McEwing, Dugald, Whare Flat McLean, Neil, Kilbride Farm, North Taieri McLeod, Archd., Middlemarch McLeod, A. J., Lee Stream McLeod, Stewart, Woodside McLeod, Thomas, Brighton McMaster, Hugh, Fairfield McNab, James, Kuri Bush MeVhee, John, Middlemarch Milner, Celia, Longhill, North Taieri 9»B 100 60 500 800 H5°7 408 110 70 600 45° 18311 182 180 162 7650 20000 7'5 32 800 300 8786 498 126 28 152 200 108 200 75 3060 109 3>4 250 600 3° 56 140 144 170 6650 20000 Nil 16 400 290 9750 470 J27 26 90 200 344 Nil 100 3200 1200 35' 300 148 45° 18 30 60 400 260 21788 400 14617 3660 326 100 400 250 I9S58 300 20548 3100 400 100 1162 122 1501 1000 200 25 240 700 98 1200 200 160 427 572 1069 5°o 70 298 1600 180 1240 100 1600 1000 170 25 290 500 90 1000 Nil 460 249 30 33° 400 440 170 3°4 593 790 306 80 400 394 120 1700 196 640 1500 130 20 300 500 1600 300 ,78 1000 100 5 1 246 400 300 88 252 1000 100 50 270 400 400 72 ■75 5i 810 200 200





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. | 1880. Can1, John, Manuka Creek Carrick, A., Lake Waipori, Wailiola Chalmers, J. P., Rosebank, Milton Chapman, Robert, Wailiola. Duncdin Clark, David, Clai'kesville Clarke, Jasper, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesvilie ... Clegg, Elias, Millburn Cockerill, George, Milton Corsan, D., Meadowbank, Milton Craig, R., senior, Springhill, Manuka Creek Crane, James, Taieri Beach, Wailiola Cranston, J. C., Fernyhaugh, Milton Currie, John, Tuakitoto, Lorell's Flat Currie, William, Burnside, Lovell's Flat Darling, Robert, Inehclulha, Kaitangata ... Dewes, Susan, Waitahuna Gully Dolan, Frank, Milton Donachie, James, Milton ... Douglas, Anthony, Wailiola Gorge Douglas, J., Little Valley, Millburn Draper, John, Milton Drinnan, James, Milton Driver, H., Clarendon Estate, Dunedin Duff, William, Mary Hill, Waihola Dunlop, Archibald, Lovell's Flat Dunn, William, Riversdale, Milton Elliott, George, Lovell's Flat Fairbairn, James, Taieri Beach Fairbairn, Robert, Taieri Beach Falconer, C, Gleukilrio Milton Farquharson, Jolin, Milton Finch, John, jun., Millburn Flett, II. B., Table Kill, Milton Forsyth, Charles, Milton ITorsytll, Chnllca, jut)., Tablo Hill, Milton ... Foster, Godfrey, Millburn Fraser, Alexander, Milton Frazer, James, Taratu, Kaitangata Gibb, Walter, Taieri Beach Gilroy, G. II., Stirling Gienlidi Estate Co., Akatore, Milton Glenn, John, Milton Graham, Joseph, Waihola Grant, George, Milton Green, S. E , Taieri Be ch Grey, John G., Clarendon, Millburn drey, John GK, Millburn Hagen, Samuel, Table Hill, Millburn Haggart, J. and [I., Wangaloa Haggart, Peter, Wangaloa Ilalpin, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Heads, George, Millburn Henderson, John, Millburn Hewitson, R. and W., Lovell's Flat Hislop, Duncan, Milton Hislop, John, Milton Hodgson, William, Milton Houliston, G., Mary Lea, Stoney Creek Howie, J., South Bridge, Milton Howie, T., South Bridge, Clarkesville Hughan, Thomas, Waihola Inglis, George, Stirling Inglis, James, Milton Johnson, H. L , Berwick Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johnston, T. A., Lorraine, Balclutha Kelly, William, Kaitangata Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Milton Kerr, Alexander, Lovell's Flat Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat Lawrence, T., senior, Kaitangata Lawrence, T. and J., Sea View, Kaitangata... Lindsay, George, Birkenshaw, Milton Little, A. and L., Mount Stuart, Milton Lockhart, William, Milton Lowery, Alexander, Milton Lowery, Thomas, Clarkesville Macgregor, Gregor, Millburn Mackay, James, Wailiola Mackay, J., Spring Vale, Millburn Marshall, James, Southbridge, Milton Martin, John, Fairfax, Milton Matheson, W., Middle Bank, Milton Matthew, Charles, Millburn 200 170 1500 100 250 250 265 1700 600 50' 204 96 196 180 136 300 160 390 200 3550 1000 130 4600 265 100 200 998 140 300 1808 500 1147 170 1100 81 374 5487 Nil 297 98 61 630 880 93 800 600 42 150 45° 1500 100 300 250 290 1200 380 580 25 i 90 180 '354 400 190 127 98 200 200 200 4&S7 900 140 4900 291 72 300 1180 35° 100 2890 90 500 1098 ■95 1050 98 410 Nil 100 238 96 156 650 808 61 ■25 300 355° 490 100 5' 99 67 140 200 181 250 395 609 480 260 5' 300 500 60 Nil 195 97 1080 178 120 60 100 55° 250 135 184 3000 600 Nil 70 80 4' 98 200 230 200 27S 450 400 290 Nil 400 500 Nil 92 200 140 Nil 65 110 90 Nil 200 79 84 100 70 44 150 54 69 Nil 46 53

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. McCaw, William, Glenore McCorkindale, Adam, Manuka Creek McDonald, James, Millburn McDonald, J., Sfconey Creek, Lovell's Mat ... McGilp, Neil, Milton Mclntosb, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton McKechnie, A., Milton McKenzie, Murdoch, Taieri Beach McKerrow, W., Broome House, Balelutba ... McLnchlnn, Duncan, Milton McLaren, A., Milton McLaren, William, Butchers, Kaitangata ... McLean, William, Clarkesville McLennan, Donald, Taieri Beach McLeod, G., Worth Branch, Milton McMaster, D., (Exors. of), Waihola Miller, A., sen., Glenore Miller, W. H., Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. ... Milne, James, Taieri Beach Mitchell, A., Glenburn, Wangaloa Mitchell, D., Ardmore, Wangaloa Moifat, Archibald, Mount Stewart, Glenore... Moir, Mrs. Margaret, Lovell's Flat Moir, Ralph, HUlend Farm, Balclutha Montgomery, W., Milton Moore Bros., Waipori, Berwick Morrison, J. and A., Butchers, Stirling Morrison, Malcolm, Kaitangata Mortimer, J., Table Hill, Milton Murray, John, West Field, Milton Murray, Robert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville ... Nelson, A., Crofthead, Lovell's Flat Noble, W., Hillingdon, Milton W. Z. L. & II. Agency Co., Lira., Waihola (Dunedin) N.Z. Trust and Loan Co., Roxburgh Station (Dunedin) Patersou, -R., inn., Lovell's Flat Paterson, T., Hill End, Lovell's Flat Patterson, John, Millburn Pearson, John, Akatore, Miltou Pillans, F. S., Stirling Pink, John, Lovell's Flat Porter, John, Milton Prentice, James, Waipori, Berwick Pringle, J., Southbridge, Milton Pringle, Hobert, Millon Qaartly, S. R., Taieri Beach, Waihola .Rabbit, Thomas, Milton Eaitt, James, Wimbledon Farm, Stirling Eeid, John, Mount Misery, Milton Eobcrtson, Alexander, Circle Hill, Millburn Eoberlson, David, Wangaloa Eobinson, H., Kaitangata Robinson, W., Milton Robson, Robert, Lovell's Flat Eoss, James, Clarkesville Ross and Cook, Mount Stewart, Manuka Ck. Eoulston, Joseph, Millburn Russell, II., Knowe Head, Taieri Beach Ruthven, George, Akatore, Milton Salniond, John, Milton Samson, William, Wangaloa Sanderson, Brothers, Broxsmith, Milton Scott, David, Berwick Scott, Henry, Table Hill, Miltou Scott, Mark, Milton Scott, Peter, Table Hill, Milton Simpson, W., Hill End, Manuka Creek Sinclair, Alexander, Berwick Sinclair, Sutherland, Waihola Sinclair, Walter, Waihola SmaillBros., Hawthornden, Kaitangata Smaill Brothers, May field, Kaitangata Smith, Joseph, Stirling Smith, Joseph, Wangaloa Smith, J. Lee, Waihola Smith, Peter, Stirling Smith, W., Stirling Somerville, R. (Executors of), Millburn Strain, Mrs. Agnes, Milton Strain, David, Avon Glen, Millburn Strain, William, Waihola Gorge Sutherland, J. and J., Millburn ,., 600 230 10 300 400 255 80 100 162 400 240 5.5 400 290 300 1500 209 768 566 250 1640 100 2000 240 81 5'3 400 92 1000 13400 T 364 44 96 6841 ■5° 8.5 600 480 314 300 4 460 600 85 90 Nil 104 100 ro 200 76 400 400 300 1600 186 694 395 1326 223 1650 166 2000 452 180 98 490 400 92 1000 6200 14446 140 221 62 125 7 '30 120 Nil 240 168 1000 SO' 230 ■5 1 Nil 292 600 78 Nil J90 250 162 J2OO 75 200 150 420 650 363 800 300 36 300 500 114 76 300 300 800 59° 200 530 45 6 57° 2780 98 135 300 500 100 52 '50 200 200 97 1200 84 200 Nil 285 '45 300 700 100 28 360 500 130 98 300 601 59i 590 200 300 54° 650 35°° «47 500 800 3100 1200 3600


B—H. 15.




No. ol S: 31st ] lflSS. I JioexJ on May. 1880. I Sutherland John, Waitahuna Sutherland, Robert, Table Hill, Waitahuna... Sutherland, W., Round Hill, Waitahuna ... Button, G. A. (Extra, of), Summerhill, Kaitangata Taylor, C. ancl J., Stirling Thomson, Da-rid, North Branch, Milton Thornton, Thomas, Milton Tweedie, David, Milton Eweedie, William, Milton Walter, S., Boundary Creek, Berwick Watt, J., North Branch, Milton White, Mrs. J., Canada Bush, Millburn Willocks, William, Hill End, Stirling Wilson Brothers, Waihola Wisely, A., North Branch, Milton Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Coombe Hay, Milton Wyber, James, Milton Wyber, William, Milton STorston, Hugh, Waihola Young, Isaac, Millburn 1800 1400 2 200 <55 2 700 1200 1600 100 Nil 90 165 293 89 122 55 270 3° .56 80 397 62 168 400 5850 390 7820 494 Nil 3/O 8119 70 41 400 45 70 400 240 (In Tapanui Subdivision). Bower Joseph, Hillend Dreig ant Co., Balclutha Bowler, E., Stirling MosU-y, Brothers, Woodside, Stirling Rutherforri, Peter, Kaitangala Smith, William, Newton, Waitahuna Willocks, J., Hazledell, Stirling Wright, S. and S,, Balelutha 150242 144004 180 312 650 go 5° 490 250 n 1005 487 5° 398 Total in Coxmty 1540 IS'782 2447 146451 CLUTHA COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anderson, G., Balmoral, Stirling Bell, Adam, Stirling Bell, James, Stirling Bower, David, Hillend, Balclutha Fahey, Martin, Rock View, Balclutha Hewitson, John, Butcher, Balclutha Landels, A., Lakeside, Balclutha McKay, Gilbert, Balclutha Paterson, Ii., Barnigo Falls, Balclutha Wilson, James, Te Houka 143 244 200 100 200 31 184 100 JOO 85 20 4979 Nil 4922 200 4500 200 5500 380 (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aitken, Andrew, Waikoikoi Alexander, James, Clinton Allison, Alexander, Puerua Allison, John, Puerua Anderson Brothers, Carol, Waiwera Anderson & Mowat, Waiwera Arnott, Geoi-ge, Kaihiku Ayson, J. F., Albert Downs, Kaihiku Ayson, Peter, Corrydon Farm, Toiro Bagrie, J., Waipahi Bagrie, Robert, Clinton Bain, J. M., Waipahi Ballingall, I)., Meadow Wells, Kelso Balloeh, Alexander, Glenoamaru Banks, Robert, Waitepeka Begg, A. C, Clinton (Dunedin) Beggs, Hugh, Woodview Farm, Kelso Blacklock, George, Caldervan, Waiwera Blaoklook, Tliomas, Waiwera Blaikio, William, Waiwera Boag, Robert, Waikoikoi Bradfield, F., Owake Brand, James, Kelso Broad, Samuel, Ashdown Farm, Waiwera ... Brook, Alexander, Waikoikoi Brooks, William, Church Hill, Waiwera Brown, Alexander, Wairuna (Green Island) Brown, George, Waiwera Brown, L. F., Clinton 10709 "379 150 170 97 91 3000 70 579 955 140 300 114 190 70 180 167 90 3200 290 99 470 1000 146 300 130 196 65 1500 4000 200 1500 298 Z95 180 24 192 300 9 1 250 8126 1100 4500 229 1500 291 300 140 j8 290 110 298 7900 300 400 280

No. of Sli 31st i ISSj. leep oa ktay. 1680. Brown, W., Cat Craig, Waitepeka Erownlie, Mrs., Kaihiku Bruce, J. and A., Balolutlia Brugh, Slieddon, Port Molyneux Buchanan, David, Glenkenich, Kelso Burnett, James, Waikoikoi Cameron, D., Waipahi Cameron, D., Waiwera Cameron, P. and A., Waiwera Campbell, Alexander, Waipahi Campbell, Ann, Wairuna, Waipahi Carriok, John, Port Molyneux Chalmers, Robert, Owake Chirnside, A., Balclutha Christie, Robert, Puenia Christie, William, Toiro Clarke, P. and 1)., Waipalii Couston, Edmund, Toho Crawford, James, Waikoikoi Cros^an, John, Kelso Cumine, Joseph, Moa Hill, Warepa Gumming, Alexander, Ci'ieffi, Clinton Cumining, John, Waipahi Cunningham, W. Y., Waikoikoi Dalglieeh, William, Waitepeka Dallas, Charles, Balclutha Dallas, William, Maryfield, Balolutha Davidson, John, Clinton Dellow, W. J., Waipahi Dent, John, Puerua Dickie, M'rs. M. K., Tyburn Farm, Kaihiku ... Divers, George, Clinton Dobson, Joseph, Blinkbonnie, Puerua Docherty, Robert, Kelso Donaldson, Thomas, Clinton Dunn, D., Puerua Dunn, George, Puerua Ed wards, John, Waiwera Falconer, William, Owake Farquhar, A. C, Owake Farquhar, Robert, Warepa Ferguson, B., Garlow Farm, ICelso Fincllay, John, Balclutha Fleming, John, Eldon Farm, Kaihiku Fleming, Thomas, Kaihiku Ford, William, Purekireki Forsyth, William, Owake Francis, Antonio, Clinton Fyfe, James, Waiwera Garry, A., Owake Gaw, Samuel, Clinton Gcggie, John, Mount Bell, Puorua Gibson, John, Waiwera Gibson, R. B., Clinton Gilfillan, James, Waitepeka Gillespie, George, Purekireki Glover, Robert, Kaihiku Grant, John, Waitepeka Gray, John, Waikoikoi Green, J. B., Owake Griffith, W., Finegand, Balclutha Halcrow, Samuel, Kelso Hamilton, A., Clinton Hay, George, Gleuoamaru Hay, J. J., Kaihiku Hay, Mrs. J., Hilly Park, Romabapa Hayes, Edmond, Waipahi Heckler and Co., Glenfalloch, Warepa Henderson, Donald, Roniahapa Hogg, Mrs. J., Toiro Houliston, Adam, Balclutha Houliston, Robert, Balclutha Howie, William, Kaihiku Hudson, David, Warepa Hunter, Peter, Balclutha Jefferis, B, J., Balclutha Jenkins, T., Meadow Bank, Kelso Johnston, A. D., Paiwata Farm, Kaihiku Johnston, Alexander, Puerua Johnston, George, Kaihiku Johnston, James, Ashley Downs, Waiwera ... Johnston, James, Puerua Johnston, John, Kaihiku Keys, Josiah, Newtoun, Toiro '30 i6o 700 7 252 181 300 13' 150 300 50 200 Nil 180 700 6423 172 2 S 0 140 100 200 97 80 170 300 2040 300 41 194 '95 290 95 136 400 2249 140 200 300 304 600 192 300 400 160 198 7998 J90 494 140 550 21 120 '95 20 9 97 176 8950 80 798 200 745 26 132 200 185 67 650 81 35 ICO 180 1000 500 230 15 200 35i 185 70 600 118 156 '5O 230 75° 600 400 '53 80 80 75 3 500 400 6426 1 100 59 300 Nil 335 4203 250 73 100 500 "26 345 42 64 90 293 402 390 4' 98 400 280 '5° 2700 123 4020 1992 200 80 5 2 5 2 100 400 300 200 3000 4000 1230 200 40 75 81 200 330 500 300 348 97 'S 3 250 400 39i 380 100 400 140 76 .566 197 4' 1298 173





No. of Shoep on 91st May. I 1885. I 1886. Kirk, John, Kelso Kirk, Robert, Gtlenkenich, Kelso Lamond, James, Puerua Lawson, David, Waitepeka Lees, Francis, Owake Lindsay, John, Grlenoamaru Littlejohn, William, Millbank, Waiwera Lockhead, Thomas, Balclutha Logini, James, Greenvsle, Kelso Logan, James, Popotuna, Kelso MacKenzie, F. W., Waipalii Mackenzie, G-. H., Glenkenich, Kelso Mackie, Andrew, Xoiro Madden, Thomas, Clinton Main, Alexander, Oaetlemain, Waiwe,ra Main, James, Kuihiku Manning, II., Dr., Waitepeka Matheson, J. and D., Waiwera M'cAdie, J)avid, Balclutha McCall, James, Waikoikoi McCallum, George, Waiwera McDonald, T>., Aliyiriri, G-lenoamaru McDonald, Donald, Owake McDonald, &., Inch-Clutiia, Stirling McDonald, R., Clinton McKwen, D. J\, L'uerua McGaw, Alexander, Waiwera Melntyre, A.,'Waikoikoi Mclntyre, H., Merino Downs, Waikoikoi Molnlyre, James, Owake McKenzie, Dayid, Waiwera MeKenzie, William, Waitepeka McKinnon, James, Glintoii McKinnon, Neil, Clinton McLachlan., D. A., Clinton McLaren, John, Clinton MeLny, R., G-lenoamaru McLay, W. and D., Glenoamoru McLeod, John, Waikoikoi McNeil, James B., Blairdale, Balclutha McNoe, S. and J., As'nlea, Ifelso Me Vicar, A. MeLeod, Puerua Melrose, D., Waipahi Melrose, Kobevt, Clinton Mercer, Archibald, Waitepeka Miller, John, Whitelea, Te Houka Milligan, D. P., Warepa Mitchell, John, Purekireki Moffatt and Sons, Kaihikn TTarm, Kailiiku Moffatt, John, Spriugbaijli, Clinton MofEat, William, Helenslea, Balclutlia Monagap, T., Benfield, Balclutha Monfries, David, Waitepeka Morton, William, Puerua Motion, James, Clinton Mnir, Hugh, Clinton Mulhare, Owen, St. Mary's, Clinton Munro, H. and D., Toiro Munro, William, Toiro Murdoch, James, Puerua Murray, William, Keiso Murray, W. McGh, Meadow Bank, Clinton ... Mutch, A., Puerua Nelson, William, Jesmond, Waipahi Wewson, J. W., Moa Hill, Kaihiku N.Z. p.nd A. L. Co., Olydevale, Waiwera N.Z. Ij. and M. A. Co., Kuriivao, Clinton ... Nicholson, John, Ou-ake Nieol, Walter, Kaihiku Olson and Linquist, Waipahi Orr, Alexander, Burnside, Clinton Pagan, William, Waiwera l Jaterson, A. and J., Port Molyneux Paterson, Mathew, Kaihiku Petrie, Alexander, Puerua Pollock, J. E., Balclutha Itei, M., Wairuna, Clinton Keid, John, Kelso Renton, Eobert, Balclutha Benton, William, Warepa Eiddell, Thomas, Warepa Kobertson, Alexander, Waitepeka Kobertson, D., Kelso IOI 194 275 182 30 250 200 19500 9390 74'5 1058 140 90 300 400 100 190 100 74 300 150 100 300 72 823 300 600 8911 600 280 9.1 160 500 380 300 25 SO 200 688 263 292 140 2T5 1^° 1074 270 586 450 290 305 200 !S2 280 69S 250 152 47 245 190 I9S9O 9800 8071 1110 138 90 200 287 5' 150 US 76 300 90 100 520 93 Nil 290 500 9999 500 350 J40 120 400 500 320 34 58 100 4'5 199 300 Nil 500 '.SO 1300 200 587 300 190 400 300 237 Nil 200 384 190 250 200 180 546 190 39° 344 200 179 300 310 100 100 59° 193 35O45 5000 100 96 680 Nil 636 248 3939' 5747 70 586 270 ■55 193 240 200 200 176 123 183 300 321 90 380 40c 190 300 376 53i 89 380 400 186 300 400

No. of Sheep on 8lst Hay. 18R5. 1886. Robertson, James, Waitepeka Roseveare, Thomas, Waiwera Boss, John Warepa Rowland, J. P., Waipahi Roy, James, Wairuna, Clinton Russell, Alexander, Kelso Rutherford, A., Waiwera Sarginson, Isaac, Toiro Scobie, Robert, Clinton Scott, George, Fort Molyneux Scott, James, Waiwera Shand, Charles, Shandon.Balelutha Shaw, John, Finegand, Balclutba Sheddan Bros., Toiro Sheddan, James, Toiro Sheed, G-ordon, Wairuna, Clinton Sheecl, James, Waikoikoi Sliennan, Watson, Conical Hills, Waipahi ... Shields, John, Puerua Sliiels, J., junior, Port Molyneux Sim, Brothers, Owake Simmers, R., Springvale, Waikoikoi Simpson, Alexander, Puerua Slawson, G. H., Waitepeka Smaill, Charles, Balloon Farm, Kaitangata ■. Smith, Alexander, Toiro Smith, George, Toiro Smith, J., Dalmetta, Kelso Smith, J. Met'all, Glenomaru Smith, J. R., Pukerau Somerville Brothers, Waitepeka Stanbrook, Thomas, Waipahi Steel, G-porge, Wairuna Bush, Clinton Steal, J. A., Kolso Stewart, Donald, Waitepeka Stewart, James, Warepa Stewart, Robert, Ben Nevis, Clinton Stewart, William, Waiwera Sutherland, Alexander, Kelao Sutherland, A., Balclntha Sutherland, Donald, Waiwera Sulherlanrt, Mrs. B., Waitepeka Sutherland, John, Port Molyneux Sutherland, E , Kaihiku Tait, Thomas, Waiwera Taylor, T. and J., Springlands, Clinton Taylor, William, Low Bank, Waipalii Telford, Robert, Derweutbank, Waiwera Telfprd, William, Waitepeka Thomson, J. W., Clinton Tolmie, D. A., Clinton Tolmie, John, Owake Tolmie, W. A. (Executors of), Waipahi Tosh, William, Balclutha Tulloch, James, The G-lon, Romahapa Turnbull, T., Georgefield, Waipahi Turnbull, William, Clinton Walker, W., Rosebank, Balelutha Wallace, David. Clinton Watt, Jolm, Kaihiku Wilson, James, Annfield, To Houka Wilson, Thomas, Clinton Wooliiams, Williams, Waipahi Wright, John, Kaihiku Wyllie, James, Waiwera Young, David, Riseland, Waipahi Youngson, Alexander, Clinton 103 Nil 25c 40 •95 262 5° 2.54 394 110 1200 899 100 390 300 11127 200 294 100 Nil "5 96 190 200 160 476 73 2014 204 252 200 100 Nil 120 240 141 172 3'8 50 221 200 57° 1200 390 1092 100 200 292 190 11862 200 3S3 234 200 312 Nil 140 300 3°° 495 95 2617 160 196 183 200 400 182 60 300 So 480 196 7° 200 37 180 31 100 100 484 992 160 294 600 300 17.524 1020 53°> 103 18000 90 '5° 200 70 95 320 900 120 500 20229 1200 5558 141 1747° 120 160 200 77 90 413 983 392 180 180 200 140 4»S 294 198 200 400 200 Total in county 245991 262535 256700 273914 TUAEEKA. COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aitchison, Samuel, Swift Creek Arbufkle, Robertson and Co., Lawrence Armstrong, David, Ettrick Barclay, Andrew, Waitahuna Barr, Adam, Rac's Junction Barron, J., Lawrence. Bathgate, Charles, Crookston Beard, Henry, Lawrence Beighton, James, Rae's Junction 9° 81 [9I i8( 9 5 28< Nil 220 650 400 162 98 40< 14' 9!





Ko. of Sheep on Wist ilay. 1SS5. 1880. Bennett, James, Rac's Junction Beresford, William, Dunrobin Birch, Albert, Roxburgh Black, T., Green Hill, Waikoikoi Bowden, James, Ettrick Bradshaw, J., Dunrobiu Brazil, A. T., Ettrick Brook, M. 35., Evans' Flat Brown, Alexander, Beaumont (Green Island) Brown, John, Tuapeka Mouth Bruce, H., Tuapeka Mouth Bruce, Robert, Waitahuna Brydie, Alexander, Lawrence Buchanan, James, Evans Flat, Lawrence Bulfin, John, Woodley, Tuapeka West Byrne, W., Ettriok Cameron, D. A., Fassifern, Nokornai Cameron, Hugl), Lawrence Cameron, James, Waitahuna Cameron, John, Heriot Campbell, Alexander, Dunrobin Cargill & Anderson, Teviot Stn., Lawrence ... Carson, John, Beaumont Clarke, J., Moa Flat, Heriot Clayton, H. 0., Eviins Plat Cleghorn, John, East Bank, Tapanui Clifford, Ashley, Dunrobin Coskery* Robert, Clii'ton, Beaumont Cotton, Robert, Waipori Cowie, Robert, Weatnerstone Crossan, Matthew, Roxburgh Crossan, Robert, Roxburgh Crossan, W-, Roxburgh Crowley, Mrs. Daniel, Lawrence Cullen, W. and J., Crookston Summing, "William, Beaumont Dalziel, Christopher, Tuapeka West Daniel!, S., Tuapeka Moulh DickisoB, David, Tapanui DIokison, John, Mainholme, Tapanui Donaldson, John, Roxburgh Drysdale, John, Evans Flat Duffv, Phillip, Lawrence Duncan, James, Tapanui Edgar, John, Burnt'oot, Tapanui Edie, John, Springfield, Dunrobin Edwards, Thomas, Tapanui Elder, John, Roxburgh Elliot, Robert, Flodden, Tapanui Elliot, R. T., Inglebank, Tapanui Elliott, Robert, .Beaumont Eskdaie, Mrs. J., Sunnyside, Tapanui Fahey, -Tames, Tuapeka West Fahey, 'J'., Evans Flat Finlay, John, Dunrobin Friis, Peter, Waitahuna Gfalbraith, Henry, Waitahuna Galbraith, J., Rosebank, Tuapeka West Calvin, Patrick, Roxburgh Goodwin, Matthew, Lawrence Graham, Moore, Ettrick, Grieve, James, Tuapeka Mouth Grrogan, Samuel, Ettrick Grundy, J., Lawrence Gunn, Donald, Rae's Junction Hall, John, Tuapeka West Harvey, George, iieriot Haugh, Mrs., Dunrobin Hayes, James, Tuapeka West Heat!!, Robert, Dunrobin Henderson, J. M., Ormaglade, Ettrick Henderson, James, Kelso Henry, S., Bellamy, Lawrence Herbert, David, Heriot Herbert, J. F., Ardmore, Kelso Herriot, Samuel, Heriot Hewitt, John, Tuapeka Mouth Hiscoc'k, Frank, Roxburgh Hogg, John, Evan's Flat Hopkins, James, Evans' Flat Honner, William, Ettrick Howat, John, Tapanui Hughes, John, Tuapeka Mouth Inglis, J., Roxburgh 1660 1400 200 5 00 'so 291 -73 540 1/954 234 94 90 ■87 j.30 376 300 1.580 400 700 2730 443 5 6 990 490 2/3 S 2 6500 200 394 1.54 200 1300 600 500 1640 1500 300 500 900 600 180 700 1200 788 »J24 15OO 170 700 Nil 283 375 ioo 18336 235 69 100 128 600 340 20 2002 300 700 Nil 5' 45425 480 59422 75° Coo Nil 272 7000 2.-0 296 492 126 100 1200 95O 97 125 500 1500 490 1500 500 5 oo 1000 600 300 700 1200 270 95 1800 192 142 1 coo 800 1000 855 600 87 1594 282 260 1 >;oo 800 75 222 180 200 80 300 200 90 200 176 280 200 200 195 320 150 300 150 13831 160 12000 200 10250 112 '3.5 1000 100 198 12178 39' 14000 203 10500 90 100 75 200 600 460 1000 160 C98 200 880 350 1085 250 700

No. <>: Sheep on 31st iiny. 18S.3. 1886. Keenan, Daniel, Tuapeka Mouth Kail, VV. and T., Waitahuna Kempthorne, E., Heriot Keogh, D. P., Moa Flat, Lawrence Kerr, John, Tapanui Kerr, John, Ettrick Kerse, Charles, Dunrobiu Kidd, Robert, Ettrick Kirk, Richard, Heriot Kirk, Samuel, Heriot Kirke, Mrs. J. P., Tapanui Klingst, C. F. A., Lawrence Knowles, C. H., Tapanui Lamb, William, Tapanui Laverty, James, Crookston Livingston, William, Waitahuna Lowe, Wright, Clarke's Flat, Lawrence Lunday, James. Horseshoe Bend MacDonald, Alexander, Roxburgh MacDonnell Brothers, Lawrence Maclnnis, Malcolm, Lawrence Mackay, Alexander, Tapanui Mackay Brothers, Rao's Junction Mackay, John, Tuapeka West Muckie, John, Riveradale, Tapanui Mackintosh, Thomas, Roxburgh Main, John, Beaumont Matheaon, Norman, Crookston Mayow, Thomas, Heriot McAlister avid Turnbull, Tapanui McClelland, W., Ettrick McCluskcy, Daniel, Wetherstone McCoil, John, Vine Bank, Tapanui McConnell, W., Roxburgh McOormack, G-eorge, Japanui McCormaek, William, Tapanui MoCornrick, H., Waitahuna McCormick, J., Waitahuna McDiarmid, J. and A., Evans Flat McDonald, Charles, Crookston McDonald and Matheeon, Lawrence McDuff, J. and D., Tapanui McElwain, S. K,., Heriot McGregor Alexander, Roxburgh Mcllarry, James, Eelso McKay, Hugh, Tapanui McKay, William, Dunrobin McKay, VVilliatn, Roxburgh McKellar, David, Brooksdale, Tapanui McKenzic, A. F., Dunrobin McLean, John, Dunrobin McLeod and Wallace, Tuapeka Mouth McLoughlin, John, Roxburgh McMillan, Hugh, Evans Flat McMillan, William, Waitahuna McPhail, Argus, Kttrick McRobort, John, Tuapeka Mouth McWhirtcr, J. S., Ettrick Mitchell, T. P., Roxburgh Morrison, John, Lawrence Mullin, Charles, Tuapeka West Munro, Finlay, Lawrence Murney, James, Moran Park, Tapanui Murray, William, Waitahuua Nass, Niels, W raitahuna Nicoll, J\ and Co., Tuapeka West Ormond, Patrick, Roxburgh Osborne, William, Tuapeka West Oxenbould Brothers, Waitahuna Pearson, John, Lawrence Perry, William, Tapanui Peterson, Asmus, Waitahuna Phillips, W., Beaumont Potts, Andrew, Tapanui Poynler, Gr. F. B.,*Waipahi Pringle, F., Ettrick Ramsay, William, Crookston Real, James, Tuapeka West Redpath, George, Tuapeka West Reid, Simon, Grookston Richardson, Robert, Ettrick Robertson, Daniel, Spring Valley,Tapanui ... Robertson, Duncan, Wuitahuna Robertson, James, Lawrence 1000 1000 300 S2277 500 395 300 100 1000 1000 Nil Nil 100 100 5 oo I S 0 96 200 200 I74O 200 IO5 500 200 200 400 Nil 2000 296 69 293 400 295 550 200 7'3 25OO 300 'So JOO 1 158 400 30 1 600 zoo 260 S° S 00 140 356 Nil 50 500 100 36.5 38 183 66 203 25 130 ■S3 304 800 170 161 Nil 700 800 993 396 7.500 424 100 1700 193 600 Nil <ico 897 440 7S2O 416 !O0 1800 186 446 100 200 22293 200 400 23400 200 75 100 40 700 250 182 1700 500 99 300 1200 S'S 1772 190 700 35O 253 '5 2 90 100 27 goo 300 200 Nil Nil •S3 98 60 296 1020 264 300 3° 300 1200 485 1932 170 700 92 92 300 200 Nil 400 925 283 450 MS 280 246 200 293 100 300 253 755 300 92 Nil





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1880. Robertson, Peter, Lawrence Robertson, T. G., Lawrence Robins, William, Lawrence Rodger, James, Tapanui Rose, John, Waitanuna Ross, Hugh, Lawrence Ross, John, Lawrence Rowe, Alfred, Waitahuna Shanks, William, Heriofc Shearing, J., Springbank, Crool<ston Shearing, Samuel, Crookston Sheath, William, Tapanui Sheehau, John, Tuapeka West Shiels, Peter, Ettrick Sillars, John, Ettrick Sim, Gr. Gr., Crookston Sim, James, Crookston Sim, W. P., Crookston Smith and Sons, Greenfield, Lawrence Smith, G-. A., The Downs, Roxburgh Smith, John, Avoca, Tuapeka West Stevenson, Adam, Beaumont Stevenson, Daniel, Waitahuna Stewart, John, Crookston Swan, Adam, Heriot Taborn, James, Lawrence Tamblyn, John, Roxburgh Tamblyn, Joseph, Coal Creek Flat Thomson, Alexander, Tapanui Trimble, William, Waitahuna Tubman, Edward, Ettrick Tubman, Francis, Beaumont Tubman, Robert, Moa Flat, Ettrick Walker, Gr. S., Lawrence Waugh, William, Ettrick Webster, John, Waitahuna Welch, G-. V., Outram Westcott, W. P., Cherry Farm, Ettrick Whyte, A. R., Tapanui Whyte, Peter, Lilybank, Tapanui Williams, T. E., Tuapeka West Williamson, Sinclair, Waitahuna Wood, Robert, Beaumont Woodhouse, James, Roxburgh 2800 300 200 1'54 1300 194 100 140 290 358 5000 '3° 300 400 440 600 336 43803 1600 649 98 270 3000 200 200 1140 1296 200 Nil 400 Nil 34° 4500 Nil 300 400 520 coo ,500 40570 '434 795 96 200 1 21 300 77 149 38 500 300 75 25> 11 [ 55° 110 800 300 700 200 500 100 660 35° ,87 .65 7 198 _SS6 900 300 700 200 55° Nil 808 170 '35 Nil 300 '53 465 (In Dunedin Subdivision). Blaikie, Hugh, Hermitage Waitahuna Suckland, J. C, Waipori, bb., Waikouaiti Coivcn, John, Waitahuna Crozier, William, Waitahuna Evans, Thomas, Waitahuna Gully Jackson, Ebenezer, Manuka Creek iUcCorkindnle, Margaret, Waitahuna Procter & Douglas, Castle Hill, Waitahuna... Redpath, Thomas, Annslea, Waitahuna Robertson, John, Waitahuna Ross, John, Waitahuna Ryan, Martin, Waitahuna 320745 332832 200 6613 150 "95 6 3'5 '50 200 260 82 280 ■°5 Nil 101 100 150 84 Total in county 7243 7742 327988 340574 SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Tapauui Subdivision). Aim, William, Wyndham Aitken, J. A., Lasswade Farm, Gore Allan and Purvis, Wyndham Anderson, George, Wyndham Anderson, John, Chatton Andrew, David, K-jtiwera Archibald, Daniel, Chatton Armstrong, William, Gore Attwood, Edward, Pine Bush, Fortrose Ayson, Alexander, Gore Baird, George, Gore Bank of Australasia, Glenary, Waikaia Bannerman, William, Gore Barron, W. and G., Waikaka Baxter, Robert, Otama Beange, Alexander, O ware, Wyndham Bennett, J. W., Otaraia Nil 203 800 1700 4OO 800 90 IS? I2SO 256 "5 7128 172 249 100 800 600 200 520 1600 45° 1000 96 •53 1500 184 5° 8167 98 222 100 75° 150 '75

lso. of bi 3ist: 1885. naep on May. 18S6. Blackley Brothers, Glenoura, Wyndham Brown, Thomas, Mataura Bruce, John, Otama Brunton, J. P., Rocklands, Fortrose Brunton, C. R., Otara, Forlrose Burke, John, Pukerau Byars, Alexander, Gore Calder, William, Chatton Cameron, A., Banvie, Mataura Cameron, Donald, Mataura Cameron, D. A., Glenfalloch, Nokomai Cameron, Hugh, Otama Cameron, John, Wendonside, Riversdale ... Campbell, P., Boarland, Wyndham Cargill & Anderson, Glenham, Wyndliam ... Carpenter, W., Tamlefc, Wyndham Carswell, Hugh, Pine Busli, Invercargill Carter, W., Native Grass Farm, Mataura ... Catto, James, Gore Chick, George, Fortrose (Port Chalmers) ... Chittock, Benjamin, Gore Ohittook, C. and H., Gore Christie, Alexander, Waikaia Clarke, S., Wyndham Clement Brothers, Pukeran Couperthwaite, Robert, Iiaiwera Crighton, William, Wyndham Cruickshank, Adam, Cliatton Cruickshank, jun., A., Chatton dimming, William, Gore Gumming, Robert, Gore Cushnie, James, Wyndham Davidson, J. H., Wakaia Pawson, W. & Sous, Pine Bush Dennis, Georgp, Waikaia Dickie, A., Mataura Dickie, James, Tamahill, Gore Dickie, M., Spring Bank, Mataura Dickie, Robert, Gainhill Farm, Mataura Dickison, John, jun., Gore Dickson, Gavin, Gore Dickson, G., Gold Creek, Gore Dillon, Michael, Chatton Dixon, Henry, Mataura Dodds, Kobert, Otama Bridge Donald, James, Chatton Donoglme, James, Wyndham Doull, David, The Crescent, Wyndliam Doull, David, Meadow Bank, Wyndham Dunlop, W., Pine Bush Dunn, R. C, Mataura Elder, G. R., Chatton Espie, John, Mataura Falconer, Thomas, Gore Fleming, Adam, Waikaka Ford, Patrick, Chatton Eraser, Donald, Gore Frasor, E. D., Waiarikiki, Otaraia Gall, Alexander, Waikaia Gall, J., Hyde and Waikaia, Edendale Gait, Allan, Mataura Gait, jun., Allan, Kyledale, Mataura Gardiner, David, Stanley Hill, Gore Gardyno, Robert, Waikaka Gerkin, John, Chatton Gillanders, Duncan, Waikaia Gillespie, Lawrence, Chatton Golden, H., Pino Bush Golden, T. and Co., Wyndliam Gourlay, Robert, Mataura Greenshiolds, John, Wyndham Gregory, William, Fortrose Gutschlay, Wilhelm, Gore Hall, John, Edendale Hanly, Matthew, Gore Harvey, Andrew, Waikaka Harvey, James, Gore Hastie, Mathew, Mataura Hicks, Thomas, Tutu Hill, Mataura Holmes, James, Waimahaka, Wyndham Holms, Colin, Pine Bush Hoops, J. D., Otama Humphrey, R. W., Pukerau Hunter, Adam, Wyndham 188 2800 1444 1260 200 407 1006 487 I 1500 395 600 16854 948 1950 46 '5° 7 25 290 100 600 400 700 Nil 274 380 594 300 378 400 1490 200 500 380 440 '77 700 34° 9' 500 200 242 3100 200 546 Nil 140 170 338 1100 447 "773 400 20,0 760 16486 1100 1890 Nil 95 700 277 97 70 200 39° 360 550 125 565 200 264 400 789 '75 500 386 470 266 700 200 9° 500 300 150 183 196 152 'MS 310 220 35° 160 98 790 250 99 3300 580 8060 3500 1263 170 345 118 100 18s 393 1280 290 '65 419 180 4 795 300 130 350° 35° 8025 2800 145 385 32 18000 92 400 1000 185 182 20000 92 600 350 190 176 260 190 208 35° 449 Nil 33° 1361 39° 61 123 21 2 390 487 162 280 146 1299 290 350 Nil 45° 350





j No. of S! Slstl 1883. hoep on May. 1886. Hurley Brothers, Waikaia Hurley, J. A., Waikaia Ibbotson, F. W., Otama, Riversdale Ibbotson, T. H., Waikaka Irvine, John, Chatton Johnston, A. D., & Sons, Springfield, Gore ... Johnston, Adam, Waikaka Johnston, Benjamin, Briary Bank, Gore Johnston, Edward, Wyndham Johnston, Walter, Mataura Jones, Henry, G-ore Kay, David, llataura Kean, Denis, Ofcaraia Keith, Robert, Waikaka Kennedy, R. II., Chatton Kidd, J. R., Fortrose Killoh, J. &., Ranana, Otaraia King, Francis, Fortrose Kirk, John, Gore Kurtain, Edward, Chatton Laidlaw, J., Wyndham Lamb, Jame.s, Gore Landels, Adam, Bankend, Balelutha Lawson, D., Chatton Logan, W. S., Otama Lmnsden Brothers, Mimihau, Wyndham ... Macgregor, Alexander, Wakaia Muckay, John, Olarna Mallon, Peter, Chatton Marshall, James, Chatton Mason, Andrew, Pukerau McBain, Donald, Lynwily, Otama McCallum, Robert, Otama McDonald, Alexander, Wyiidhani McDonald, G. II., Gore McDonald, Kenneth, Wyndham McFadzien, James, Fortrose McGill, Peter, Cairn Run (Milton) McGill and Robbie, Otara McGowan, Daniel, Mataura Mclntosh, Alexander, Oware, Wyndham Mclntosh, J., Fortrose Mclntosh, Samuel, Waikaka Mclntyre and Jackson, Wyndham Mclntyre, J. P., Waikaka McKay, Findlay, Mataura McKny, John, Wyndham McKenzie, Alex., Pnkerau McKenzic, Alexander, Fortrose McKenzie, Donald, Waikaka McKenzie, Kenneth, Fortroee McKernan, James, Eortrose McKerrow, John, Fortrose McKinna, John, Otama MeKiimon, Alexander, Gore McKiimon, Hugh, Gore McLaren, John, Wyndham McLean, Bros. & Co., Springfield, Pine Bush McLennan, Murdoch, Wyndham McNab, Alexander, Knapdale, Gore MePhail, James, Chatton Farm, Gore McQueen, A. and J., Carslae, Gore McRae, D. M., Waikawa and Wyndham, Mokoreta McVey, Josepli, Wyndham Mee, Samuel, Riversdale Mee, William, Chatton Meeking, T. II., Pukerau Meikle, John, Wyndham Mein, W. II., Woodslee, Pine Bush Menzies, J. A. R., Dun Alister, Wyndham... Millar, J. S., Lismoyle Farm, Chatton Miller, Samuel, Fortrose Milne, James, Greenfield, Wyndham Milne, John, Chatton Moffut, Richard, Waikaia Muir Bros., Fortification, Fortrose Mullins, J. W., Otaraia Munro, Henry, Wyndliam Murray, David, Pukerau Mutch, J. C, Mataura Nichol, William, Lillieshof, Waikaka Nieol, L. D., Riverview (Dunedin) Noble, Andrew, Cluny Farm, Wyndham 142 19200 93 782 7° 280 200 170 Nil 110 294 300 264 186 726 397 480 750 400 2000 194 1613 250 200 Nil 1.SO '45 398 5 5° 193 230 397 8617 196 1000 200 170 2000 139 34° 368 356 239 22000 193 Nil 985 75 260 250 18S '83 200 300 400 270 345 939 800 400 1100 800 500 2324 279 170 1920 45° 250 176 122 298 180 1200 155 200 198 10000 200 195 700 160 190 2000 140 450 291 50 456 500 1020 40 180 35° 800 300 600 47° 160 98 300 '3 500 17844 185 2180 12800 300 Nil 480 130 80 290 Nil soo 19852 194 I7!5 10800 686 698 100 286 456 200 8391 1422 96 320 3000 '286 490 2400 59° 700 2150 300 497 2200 1800 140 98 S°° 100 8440 995 54 200 2900 37° 200 2527 600 1370 '85 492 1700

No. of Sheep on 31st May. j 1B85. j 1886. Noble, John, Waikaka N.Z. M. & Invest. Assoc., May St., Otaraia... O'Hagan, Michael, Pukerau Ougliton, John, Wyndham Parker, E. W., Otama (Dunedin) Pal erson, Hugh, Waikaka Perkins, Edward, G-ore Perkins, J. H., Prospect Hill, Mataura Peter, Alexander, Chatton Playfair Brothers, Wyndham Pollock, James, Mataura Preston, Joseph, Fortrose Pryde, John, Gore Pryde, W. M., Mataura Pullar, Alex., Waikaka Quarter, Michael, Pukerau Quertier, A., Sunnyside, Kaiwera Rae, G\ & R., Raebum Farm, Mataura Rae, John, Hightofts Farm, Wyndham Head, Charles, Read Farm, Chatton Reburn, John, G-ore Reid, J. G-., Otaraia Reid, Thomas, Gore Rich, W. G., Toi Toi Station, Fortrose Richardson, Malcott, Wyndham Riddle, John, Flag Hill, Fortrose Robertson Brothers, Kaiwera Robertson, Donald, Otama Robertson, John, Fairiield, Chatton Robson, Roger, Argyll Station, Waikaia Rogerson, Samuel, Otaraia Royd, Henry, Pine Bush Royse, William, Fortrose (Dunedin) Ruesoll, John, Waikaka Rutherford Brothers and Richardson, Otakarama (Dunedin) Sarginson, J. H., Gore Seott, James, Wyndham Scott, J. and S., Kaiwera Scolt, Margaret, Thornhill, Mataura Sheddan, Robert, Gore Shirley, Matthew, Wyndham Smith, Alexander, Mataura Smith, James, Pukerau Smith, J. C, Mataura Smith, R. Mrs., Fortrose Speden, James, Gore Stalker, D., Redan, Wyndham Stewart, Alexander, Otama Stewart, William, Otaraia Stewart, W. D., Otama Stirling, Charles, Waikaia Stirling, William, Wyndham Strangman, J. C, Wyndham Strover, Charles, Chatton Styles, John, Gore Syme, Alexander, Gore Templeton, John, Wyndham Thornhill, W. R., Venlaw, Wyndham Thurston, C. G\, AVendonside, Riversdale ... Trotter, W. S., Robin Hood, Wyndham Trumble, Thomas, Otai-aia, Invercargill Vernon, E. S., Erne Hill, Fortrose Waddell, John, Mataura Waddell, William, Gore Walker Brothers, Otama Walker, J., Wyndham View, Wyndham Ward, A. R., Tuturau, Mataura Watson, Joseph, Riversdale Watt, Andrew, Otama White, James, Wendon, Riyersdale White Samuel, Pukerau Whitefield, Gavin, Pukerau ... Williamson, Alexander, Chatton Williamson, James, Mataura... Wilson, John, Gore Wood Brothers, Brookside, Waikaia Woods, George, Chatton Young, Hugh, Pukerau Young, William, Bumside, Mataura 2OO 2982 200 3850 160 600 Nil 890 180 6oo igoo 488 200 29S 200 1039 7° 9641 200 140 280 430 200 995 1000 400 480 397 470 292 34° 1080 11096 180 373 290 45° 600 720 830 353 200 250 3388 400 100 1450 250 3108 3° 5° 100 90 97 960 3200 192 400 4650 5° 9000 40 1000 3000 29: 400 5640 95 12100 1000 2050 400 190 1170 392 250 55° 100 60 250 1400 3200 400 200 3200 90 191 400 264 395 250 200 iS° 190 2025 5500 3 500 350 500 150 95 3400 280 Nil 490 360 285 192 200 180 180 Nil 6400 95 2172 3000 2297 1512 300 500 168 1700 3200 2465 1500 100 200 1200 688 295 1170 683 100 500 448 400 98 2000 160 410 320 83 395 313683 388 400 97 2000 185 250 95 554 289646





No. of 81s Sheop on ; May. I 18S5. j 1886. (In Southland Subdivision.) Adamson, James, Mabel, Grove Bush Allan, John, Rval Bush Allison, Robert, Mataura Anderson, David, Hokonui Anderson, —, Monte Ohristo, "Waimatul'U ... Baird, William, Forest Hill, Lochiel Baldy, Alfred, Ryal Bush Beaven, A., New River, Waianiwa Bell, G-. M., Wantwood & Croydon, Mandeville Blakie, Andrew, Waianiwa Biakie, James, sen., Ryal Bush Blakie, Pete)-, Ryal Bush Booth Brothers, G-ore Bowman, 0. R., Gore tfoyd, F. R., Erroklale, Waimatuku Eoyd, W., Waimatuku Brass, James, Wallaeetown British and N.Z. Moi'tgage Company, West Dome, Mossburn British and N Z. Mortgage Co., Vernham and New River (Invereargill) Brockie, William, Benmore Brook, John, Waimatuku Brown, Andrew, Oterauiika Brown, George, Waikiwi Brown, G. S., Wallaeetown Brown, T. T., Foj-est Hill, Winton Bunn, Ernest, Hampton, Longridge Burgoyne, James, Myroes Bush Burton, Thomas, Makarewa, Invereargill ... Calvert, ¥., G., Roslyn Bush Catvert, Francis, Roslyn Bush Cameron, Alexander, Ryal Bush Cameron, Archibald, Forest Hill, Loehiel ... Cameron, Donald, Hokanui Campbell, Murdoch, Gore Carmichael, A. and A., Wallaeetown Carpenter, James, Edendale Cochran Brothers, Loehiel Cockburn, John, Spar Bush, Waianiwa Collins, J. F., Invercargill Colyer, Jessie, Mrs., Awarua, Invercargill ... Coomcr, R. J., Mataura Corbet, Edward, Forest Hill, Winton Coster Brothers, New River, Winton Coupland, Robert, Keniungtou Coutts, Louis, Gore Cowan, Cuthbert, Benmore Cowie, Andrew, Winton Cowie, John, Winton Cowie, William, Longridge Craig, A.ndrew, Dijtton Crosbie, George, Loohiel Cullen, V. S., Riverton Cunningham Brothers, Limehills, Dawson, George, Woodlands Deegan, James, Winton Diaek, Francis, Benmore Dickson, Robert, Gore Dodd, John, Otapiri Gorge, Hokonui Docid, Robert, Woorlend, MyrossBush Donald, James, Loehiel Drysdale, Adam, Kennington Duncan, Henry, Benmore Dunclas, J. F,, Otevamika Dunlop, James, Forest Hill, Loehiel Dvke, Thomas, Kennington Eilis, T. C. & C. C, Five Rivers, Invercargill Eivkine, Jamep, Invercargill Evans, John, Winton Evans, William, Winton Fairweatlier, Charles, Invercargill Falconer, John, Gore Ferguson, J. A., Myross Basil Finlayson, Archibald, Dipton Finlayson, Kenneth, Invercargill Fleming, 'I'hos., Rakahouka, Roslyn Bush Forbes, Alexander, Loehiel Forbes, John, Woodlands Fosbinder, Joseph, Invercargill Fowler, John, West Plains Fi'aser, Duncan, Waimatuku i6o 96 500 1650 100 160 684 22304 45° 800 300 Nil 1206 55° 790 430 300 140 9S 119 490 60 33 9 290 488 495 6^00 '260 810 59 Nil 70 70 164 500 2045 200 zr637 34858 430 600 200 390 161 920 800 600 6723 1850 500 300 80 43 190 110 192 T 5 2 590 66 1 10 12 -,80 N;l 1 So 480 90 8000 360 960 100 300 2400 1180 500 135 300 493 300 37° 2360 898 490 s 60 165 V20 Nil 206 480 70 16 200 96 170 1400 Nil 300 180 100 180 185 100 550 496 24600 278 130 1600 '95 Nil 500 100 300 160 '97 100 504 495 27 30500 35° 183 1287 300 450 150 182 2J0 1700 38O 190 1200 248 Nil 130 177 200 1850 186 189 1100 475 410

Ko. ot 1 Slieny on Slot, May. 1R83, I 1880. Eraser, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Eraser, Laoblan, Waianiwa Friend, George, Mataura Friskun, Margaret, Myross Bush Gerrard, Alexander (Exors. of), Winton Gillies and Quayle, .Bound Hill, MoBsburn ... Givin, John, Mossburn, Ryal B113I1 Gorman, George, Hedgehope Gray, Alexander, Wallacetown Gray, Colin, Wallaeetown Gray, John, Mataura Gray, Roderick, Waliacetown Gray, William, Riversdole Grave, Thomas, Glendhu, Mataura Green, Thomas, Gore Grieve, John, Wallaeetown Grieve, .J. G., Waianiwa Grieve, Jamee, Wallaeetown Giieve, Robert, Waianiwa Hall and Meason, Mataura (Tirnarn) Halliday, William, Roslyn Busli Hamilton, Alexander, Ryal Bush Hamilton, John, Winton Hamilton, Thomas. Forest Hill, Locliiel ETansen Brotliers, Garston Hanson, Charles, Waituna, Ca.mpbelltown ... Hare! wick, Edwin, West Plains Hartley, John, Winton, Heenan, Michael, Biversdale Henderson, Helen, Craighouse, Winton Henderson, John, Myross Bush Hession, Patrick, Fernhills, Benmore Hishon, M., Limehills Hodgkinson, Bros., InvercargUl Holloway, Wiilliam, Longbush Horton, Robert, Grove Bush, Invercargill ... Humphries, J. E., Mataura Irving, J. C, Roslyn Bush Irwin, William, Olapiri, Winton Jack, Francis, Winton Jenkins, John, Wallaeetown Jolly, Thomas, West Plains, Kay, A C, Longridge Keir and Anderson, Mataura Kelly, Nicholas, Waimea, Kivcrsdale Kerr, Patrick, Springvale, Gap Kerr, W. L., Bayfield, Oteramika Kidd, Sophia, Winton King, Edward, Woodlands Kind, Frederick, Benmore King, W. H., Winton Kingdon, N. 8., Gore Kingi Topi & others, Euapuke, Campbclltown Kinross, Andrew, Myross Bush Ijadbrook, W. C, Mataura Leece and Peacock, Winton Livingstone, Dougald, Lochicl Macdonald, Andrew, Greenhead, Hedgeliope MacGibbon, John, Duudonald, Goro Mackay, John, Sfrathnaver, Rivcrsdale MacLachlan; R. D., Bipton Macpherson, Duncan, llokonui Maepherson, John, Longridge Main, Alexander, Invercargill Majoribanks, David, Croydonvale, Gore Malcolm, Francis, Winton Marshall, T. F., Myross Bush Martin, William, Oteramika MeOallum Brothers, Weka Bush, Edendalo MoCallum, Duncan, Winton McCallum, M., Seaward. Gorge, Edendale ... McConachie, !)., iuton McConachie, M., Lochiel McCrostie, J., Waianiwa McDonald, Christoplier, Hokanui McDonald, John, Mabel, Grove Bush McDonald, John, Edendale MeGowan, T. W., Waimumu, Mataura McG-regor, George, Longridge McGregor, William, Winton Mcllraith, J. and A. D., Mataura Molntosh, William, Woodlands Mclntyre, John, Grove Bush 300 249 SO 200 760 '39 400 700 1000 183 583 200 322 Nil *i 5 198 323 400 700 400 1000 144 i-,o 38 250 530 91 Nil 380 600 3° 61 9 426 290 49i Co 2>5 180 Nil 1 So 570 700 1300 Nil 55° 300 780 29 90 54o 244 490 3343 900 300 1500 J30 :5° 52 100 232 300 370 94 100 200 440 600 06 343 395 100 420 120 31 95 800 39° 138 4»5 400 100 200 96 480 95 560 400 400 120 2000 28 85 193 45 5 200 2600 Nil 182 160 Nil 160 21 400 284 150 30 364 200 200 272 200 230 95 100 82 5° 44 200 80 '93 469 300 300 200 Nil 100 44 1 50 187 386 300 204 JOO .87 100 250 2000 81 Nil 300 2000 100 63





No. of Sheep on Slst May. 1885. 188S. 1SMO. Stewart Broth. Holonui Stewart, DarviR versdale Strauchsm, Job , Mataura Stuart, George, Longridge Sutton, G-. E., Winton Swale, Ralph, Limehills Taylor, Angus, Hokonui Taylor, Robert, Lora, Hokonui Taylor, Robert, Loo'uiel Thomson, A. G., Hedgehope Thomson, James, Winton Thomson, John, and Sons, Winton Thomson, John, jun., Winton Thomson, Peter, Winton Thomson, Thomas, Winton Townsend, Edwin, Mataura Trotter, W. S., RoslinFarm, Woodlands ... Urquhart, William, Longridge Tale, T., Te Wais Point, Campbelltown Walker, J. and D., Longridge Walker, William, and Co., Half Moon Bay... Wallace, Angus, Airley, Wallacetown Walsh, Patrick, Gore Ward, Arthur, Drummond Wilson, Alexander, Myross Bush Wilson, Henry, Ryal Bush Wilson, J. A., One Tree Point Wilson, John, Waianiwa Wilson, J. W., Longridge Wilson, Peter, Lochiel Wilson, Thomas, Waianiwa Wright, Thomas, Gore Young, James, Wright's Bush Savvies, Leopold, Wanton 200 1710 700 400 800 3900 200 241 650 1000 400 800 290 100 550 130 2289 40 1600 189 IOO 30O 1700 369 1257 600 85O 400O 200 Nil 600 500 390 1200 275 300 9OO 150 2169 97 1600 180 400 427 '50 400 83 500 35° 400 47 6 198 400 300 360079 673762 292 400 59 346 300 4<J5 395 ?6 S 7° Total in county 299275 588921 WALLACE COUNTY. (In Southland Subdivision.) Allison, James, Gummie's Bush Allison, John, Drummond Anderson, D., Biverton Anderson, G-eorge, Isla Bank Arklay, G-eorge, Biverton Ashbury, James, Merivale, Otautau , ... Baird, Robert, Isla Bank Barry, Henry, Grlanmire, Orepuki Barwell, Samuel, Otautau Basstian, C, Dunrobin, & Woodstock, Invercargill Basstian, W. D., Mossburn Bath, Richard, Gummie's Bush Beal, William, Heddon Bush Beck, Joseph, Wairio Beer, George, Mossburn Birchall, W. T., Annandale Blackstock, William, Eiverton Blackwood, Thomas, Kinloch, Otautau Boyle, John, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush British and N.Z. Mortgage Co., Gladfield ... British and N.Z. Mortgage Co., Marora Lake, Lumsden Brown, William, Thornbury Browning, Allen, Mossburn Brownridge, James, Fairfax Butterworth, J. L., Mossburn Calder, George, Gummie's Bush Calder, William, Heddon Bush Cameron, Alexander, Mossburn Campbell, R., Jan., Mararoa Downs and Burwood, Lumsden Carmichael, Allan, Strathmore, Otautau Carmichael & Co., Lynwood & Wairaki, Lumsden Christie, A. and J., Dipton Christie, tlohn, Waimatukn Clark, Thomas, Heddon Bush Cody, Lawrence, Heddon Bush Collie, Donald, Fairfax Coombes, Alfred, Heddon Bush Craig, Arch., Wairio Crouch, E. T., Otautau 100 J75 535 250 >9S° 6 400 270 14000 200 300 27S 569 4500 '5° 103 2^2 Nil 330 23820 500 422 325 17600 302 200 37 400 8to Nil 200 950 60 11300 4089 35° 192 258 1768 48 '47 81 35900 200 293 116 2000 48 480 260 3°45° 374 26800 700 Nil 7i 189 573 89 200 183 93° l:5 Nil 4812 720 49 It. Ad

No. of S: aist: hoc}! on May. 18(3. 18S6. Mclntyre, John, Long Bush McKay, Angus Long Bush McKay, Archibald, Dunsdale, Hedgehope McKay, J., Longbush McKay and Morrison, Hedgehope McKellar, P. (Exors. of), GHenure,Longridge McKenzie,- Abraham, Oteramika McKenzie, Hector, Riversdale McKenzie, John, Mokomoko, Invercargill ... McKercher, D., Winton McKcrcher, J. and J., Woodlands McKinnon, James, Ryal Bush McKinnon, John, Wright's Bush McLean, Alexander, Waianiwa Mcljean, J. and D., Caroline Station, Dipton McLean, Thomas, Mount Pleasant, Winton... McLeod, George, Hedgehope McSTaughton, David, Waianiwa McNsiugbton, W., Wright's Bush McNeil, Angus, Lochiel McNeil, Hector, Loeheil McPhee, John, Longridge McBae and Fraser, Hokonui McRae Brothers, Hokonui McRae, D.B., Hokonui McRae, Finlay, Hokonui Mein, William, Wallacetown Merrifield, John, Winton Milligan, Barnard, Waianiwa Molfat and Sloan, Morton Mains, Woodlands Moorabool Estate Co., Dipton Morison, John, Dipton Morris, A. W., Bushey Park, Mataura Moson Brothers, Grove Busb Mowafc. J., Mataura Murcliison, Donald, Winton Naylor, J., Garston and A. Co., Garryowen (Invercargill)... N.Z. and A. Land Co., Edendale N.Z. A. Co., Ardlussa & Eyre Creek, Eiversdalc ~S.Z. A. Company, Caroline, Riversdale N.2. A. Co., Dome & Longridge, Riversdale ... TS.Z. A. Co., Waimea Plains, Kiversdale ... N.Z., Mort. & Invest. Association, Benmore Nicholson, Proctor, Oteramika Noble, John, Lochit'l Norman, R. and T , Winton O'Neill, John, Hedgehope O'Shonnessy, Patrick, Winton Park, William, Charlton, Gore Paterson, Thomas, Forest Hill, Winton Paterson, W. and A., Mossburn Patterson, William, Ryal Bush Pearce, Frederick, Winton Perkins, W. R., Wianawa Poppelwell Bro?., Edendale Porteous, J. B., Winton Poston, W., Racecourse, Winton Price, J. M., Athol Eeid & Son, Monte Christo, Wright's Bush Richardson, J. W., Mjross Bush Ritchie, James, Oteramika Ritchie, R. D., Mataura Robertson, Alexander, Lochiel Rogers, J., Gienguvich and Fairlight, Athol... Ronald, Charlotte E., Waianiwa JRoss, James, Gap, Winton Ross, JoVm, Grovebush Russell, John, Invercargill Sabine, Mrs., Invercargill Sadlier, Henry, Longbush Salmond, W. H., Riversdale Sounders, E. and W., Drummond Saxelby, John, Woodlands Scott, W., Hokonui Scouier, W. and J., Almondell, Waimatuku Shand, James, Edendale Shand, J. and J., Winton Sharp, Joseph, Winton Shaw, Mark, Winton Shepherd, J. D., Oteramika Simpson, John, Woodlands Sinclair, Peter, Hedgehope Sproull, C. 0., Winton 600 ■96 400 8242 282 60 JOO 45 700 2600 I/O 200 191 100 209 95 750 170 45 600 1000 160 12245 2100 7240 7996 Soo 88 92 14 90 31S1 17000 13000 23000 15500 119:52 80 300 688 380 50 600 300 180 400 185 8022 199 '98 100 484 50 1000 280 :J2OO " 248 190 100 ■ 150 400 197 100 778 .347 95 790 250 980 200 19056 3000 6500 7228 860 Nil Nil 82 Nil 12872 17000 11000 20500 20000 16185 50 314 996 254 70 400 375 Nil 450 8300 100 573 5 420 220 146 100 585 Nil 300 Nil 250 1240 54 50 574 280 21100 2S4 22 410 1480 44 42 830 340 21600 300 37 100 100 96 60 100 300 300 3100 105 400 1884 5327 .S500 200 1600 ■95 '3'7 Nil 4707 400 1700 58 383 40 400 60 290




By Authority : Geoegb DidSbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB7.


No. of Sheep on 31st Hay. 1885. I 1886. Molvor, Kenneth, Centre nil, Mossburn McKenzie Bros., Porebank, Ma Bank MeKenzie, William, Isla Bank McKinnon, E., Mt. Linton, Nightcaps McLean, J. B., Tbornbury McNeil], Peter, Tbornbury Meek, Robert, Fairfax Melland and Williams,Cheviot, Mararoa ... Melland and Williams, Te Anau, Mararoa ... Michel], John, Roschill, Wairaki Millar, Robert, Grroper's Bush Miller, Alexander, Xhornbury Miller, Archibald, Annandale MollisoBj Williarn, Isla Bank Morrison, William, Drummond N. M. and Agency Go. of N.Z., Te Anau and Lynwood, Mararoa N. M. and Agency Co. of N.Z., Wairaki N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Sunnyside, Wairaki ... N.Z. Mortgage and Investment Association, Waicola, Otautau Nurse, Hon. W. II. (Executorsof),Blackwater, Riverton O'Brien, Daniel, Ileddon Bush Officer, John, and Sons, Thornbury Officer, William, Groper's Bush Philpott, G-. and W., Waimatuku Piric, James, Isla Bank Procter, John, ieddonBush Pyper, Alexander, Wrey's Bush, Annandale Reidie, David, Grroper's Bush Eeihill, Patrick, Scott's Grap, Otautau Ritchie, James, Nightcaps Robbie, Fr.iiKMP, Tsia Bank Roberts and Co., Ringway, Otautau Fobson, Edward, Thornbury Rowley and Hamilton, Avondale, Wrey's Bush Ryan, Patrick, Heddon Bush Scales and Brockman, Thornbury Scobie, A. P., Mossburn Scobie, William, Wairaki Shaw, John, Hermitage, Fairfax Sinclair, John, Eastern Bush, Smith, J. II., Bayswater, Otautau Smith, J., jun., Otautau Southern, Walter, Waimatuku Spencer, II. M., Etalvale, Annandale Stenhouse, Robert, G-roper's Bush Stevens Bros., Dalmore Stevens, R. W. B., G-ummie's Bush Stevens, W., South G-rove, Gkimmie'sBush ... Stevenson, James, Isla Bank Sutherland, Robert, Nightcaps Sutton, Edwin, Drummond Sutton, Frederick, Tliornbury Swhan, John, Riverton Tapper, Robert, Clifden, Wairaki Tapper and Carmichael, Flint's Bush Tarlton, R. T., Mossburn Templeton, John, Waimatuku Tennant and Co., Ileddon Bush Tevioldale, Peter, Drummond Thomson, G-., Captain, Otautau Troup, Robert, Otautau Turnbull, J. E., Thornbury Vinning, II,, Bellixiont, Otautau Walker, William, Otautau Wallace, John, Thornbury Ward, C. and, H., Groper's Bush Ward, Thomas, Yellow Bluff, Otautau Watson, Douglas, Otautau White, John, Wairio Whyte, Robert, Heddon Bush Wiggins, C, Grroper's Bush Wohlers, John, Thornbury 7500 355 300 14152 120 300 4400 10500 77 600 269 93 2*5 4000 1450 598 400 285 300 130 180 2300 98 4400 18100 53 945.3 300 300 14388 98 200 2/45 3200 1000O 89 600 262 55 300 290 15000 12040 4251 7280 1700 32 247 305 180 290 '55 400 ,46 200 2050 93 445° 356 16000 230 660 197 150 35° 34 10200 500 150 ; 120 141 250 400 15800 1160 140 308 1196 680 '35 100 9000 Nil 80 5100 100 14000 490 80 Nil 1097 7000 700 397° 59° 10698 667 102 7000 Nil 2278 580 «555° 793 180 600 '75 4689 217 Nil =99 230 59" 99 '43 775 190 40 595 196 100 250 80 93 37' 200 '43 350723 395035

No. of i: 3lst iheop on May. I 188G. 1883. Cumming, George, Groper's Bush Cupples, R., Otautau Cuthbertson, J. (exors.of), Otahu,InYercargill Daley, Patrick, Heddon Bush Deacon, John, Thornbury Dempsey and Cormack, Mossburn Dodd, Robert, Woodland, Wairnlri. Drabble, F., Ermdale, Groper's Bush Edridge, A. E., Yellow Bluff, Otautau Ellis, J. C, Ellerslie, Wairaki Fallow, James, Thornbury Fitzgerald, Patrick, Orcpuki Fleck, John, Rivcrton Fletcher, G. W., Luinsden Fletclier, Peter, Thornbury Ford, J. B., Heddon Bush Ford, John, Groper's Bush Forest, A. S., Gummies Bush Foster, Robert, Thornbury Fraser and McLean, Mossburn Fraser, Duncan, Waimatuku Fraser, William, Waimatuku Garden, Lewis, Dalinore Gardiner, J., Birchwood, Wairio Gerrard, Alexander (Executors of), Otautau Glibbs, Jesse, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush Glendinning, R. W., Otautau Grant, J., WoodBurn, Wairaki Gray, W. and K., Waimatuku Hailes, W. M., Wairio Hall, Andrew, Thornbury Halloran, R., Annandale Hamilton, J. W., Flint's, Thornbury Ffannnh, Andrew, Otautau Hardwick, John, Otautau Hare, A. R., Blaekmount Harrison, Enoch, Dipton Hay wood and Linscott, Thornbury Hazlett, Robert, Thornbury Helder and Awdry, Redcliff, Blaekmount ... Henderson, James, Otautau Hill, E. B., Mossburn Hirst, Henry, Orepuki Hodgkiuson, Dr., Mount Fairfax, Invercargill Hodgson, William, Thornbury Holloway, Benjamin, Fairfax Holmes, Hon. M., Castle Rock, Lumsden ... Holmes, Hon. M., Manipori, Mararoa Hopcroft, William, Gumrnie'e Bush [nstone, Matthew, Rivorsleigh, Inyercargill James, Richard, Otautau Johnston, William, Groper's Bush Johnston, William, Annandole Johnson, William, jun., Nightcaps Jones, Allan, Groper's Bush Jukes, M. D'A., Aparima, Otautau Keen, Phillip, Wild Bush, Riverton Kennedy, Thomas, Heddon Bush , Kennedy, T. W., Otautau Kirko, J. A., Mavora, Elbow Kirkpatriok, James, Wairio Kirkpatriek, Thomas, Wairio Lindsay, John, Isla Bank Lindsay, John, Strathmore, Otautau Lyon, David, Isla Bank Mackay, Hector, Otautau MacKenzie, Laclilan, Otautau Mackintosh, Mrs. R., Wairio Macnamara, M., Eastern Bush Manson, Donald, Annandale Marris, William, Fairview, Thornbury MeCall, John, Waivaki McDeyitt, Cornelius, Mossburn McDonald, A., Flints, Thornbury McDonald,Dugald, Wild Bush, Riverton ... McDougall, Charles, Fairfax McHardy, Alexander, Isla Bant Mclntyre, J., Rothimurchisi, Thornbury ... 262 Nil 6250 400 300 5322 94 50 Nil 5° 900 3500 3260 710 3100 345° 900 8111 100 40 110 300 565 420 276 400 6^0 480 387 150 30 1150 400 580 30 12200 60 moo 95 180 Nil .S87 2800 1000 150 280 130 300 500 95 11 000 3000 1400 202 250 70 1120 S 8o 170 12160 300 6000 250 1500 143 150 120 220 6000 2S0 257 420 Nil 800 135 30000 8500 120 700 380 300 Nil 32000 9600 108 375 400 600 55° 8 160 252 142 230 600 310 380 Nil 160 igo 6039 120 5° 850 546 120 700 750 100 140 8 Nil Nil >5 2 IS6 97 200 100 54° 130 186 Nil 100 297 300 " 70 216 1150 100 1001

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1886., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-15

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1886. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-15

THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1886. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1887 Session I, H-15

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