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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Regulations under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1882."

Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. IN pursuance and exercise of every power and authority enabling me under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto respecting registry and procedure under the said Act, and the seal and forms to be used for such registry, and the duties and functions of the Registrar, and the inspection of documents kept by the Registrar under the said Act, and generally for carrying the same into effect. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this sixteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. W. J. M. LARNACH.

SCHEDULE. Application to register Societies. 1. Every application to register a society under " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882" (in these regulations termed " the Act"), shall bo in Form No. 1 subjoined to these regulations, and shall be sent to the Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Colony of New Zealand (hereinafter termed " the Registrar"). Application to register Amendments of Rules. 2. An amendment of the rules of a society may be either— (a.) A partial amendment, consisting of the addition of a new rule or rules, or part of a rule or rules, to the existing rules, or the substitution of a new rule or rules, or part of a rule or rules, for any of the existing rules, or any part thereof, or a rescission of any of the existing rules, or any part thereof, without any substitution, or more than one, or all, of those modes ; or, (6.) A complete amendment, consisting of the substitution of an entire set of rules for the existing set of rules. 3. An application to register a partial amendment of rules must be made by the secretary of the society in Form No. 2 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar, accompanied by a statutory declaration, in Form No. 3 annexed hereto, and by a printed copy of the existing rules marked to show where the alterations occur, and what they are, and by the following documents : — (a.) If the partial amendment consists of the addition or substitution of a new rule or rules, two copies of such rule or rules, signed" by three members and the secretary : (6.) If the partial amendment consists of the rescission of any of the rules without any substitution, two copies

of the resolution for such rescission, signed by three members and the secretary. 3a. An application to register a complete amendment of rules must be made by the secretary of the society in Form No. 2a annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar, accompanied by a statutory declaration, in Form No. 3 annexed hereto, and by a copy of the existing rules, and by two copies of the new rules, signed by three members and the secretary. Cancelling and Suspension of Registry, i. Every request to cancel registry shall bo sent to the Registrar in Form No. 4 annexed hereto, and shall name some newspaper circulating in the city, town, or place in which the registered office of the society is situated wherein it is desired that the cancellation of registry shall be published, and shall bo accompanied by the sum requisite to defray the expenses of such publication, and by such further sum as may be required for publication of such cancellation in the Gazette. 5. Where application is made to cancel registry under the compulsory powers of the Registrar, the Registrar may require such application to be made in duplicate, in such ' form and to be supported by such statutory declaration as he may direct, and shall transmit one copy of such application to the Governor for his approval. 6. Notice before cancelling or suspension of registry shall be in Form No. 5 annexed hereto. 7. The cancelling of registry shall be in Form No. 6 annexed hereto. 8. The suspension or renewal of suspension of registry shall bo in Form No. 7 annexed hereto. 9. The advertisement of cancelling or suspension shall be in Form No. 8 annexed hereto. Registered Office. Sec. 12 (la). 10. Every notice of a change in the situation of the registered office of a society shall be sent to the Registrar within fourteen days after every such change, in Form No. 9 annexed hereto. Notice of the situation of the registered office of a society on first registry shall be deemed to be given by the rule providing for the place of office. The place of business of a society enrolled or certified before the Ist January, 1885, as stated in the rules thereof, or in any notice of change duly sent to the Registrar, shall be deemed to be the registered office of the society until notice of change, duly sent as herein provided, is received by the Registrar. Trustees. 11. All resolutions appointing trustees shall be sent to the Registrar within fourteen days after the date of the meeting whereat any such resolution was passed, in Form No. 10 annexed hereto.



Nominations. Sec. 13 (4). 12. Every registered society (except as in the Act is provided) shall keep a record or register of all nominations made by the members, and of all revocations and variations of the same. Transfer of Funds or Money. 13. Every application to the Registrar to direct a transfer of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys shall follow as near as may be the Form No. 11 annexed hereto, and shall be accompanied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 12 annexed hereto, or as near thereto as the facts admit, and by the certificate of the funds or debentures, or by the securities in respect of which the application is made. 14. Before making the application the society shall submit to the Registrar for examination a draft copy, on foolscap paper, written on one side only, of the proposed application and declaration. 15. The Registrar, before directing the transfer, may require such further proof of any statement in the application as may seem to him to be necessary. 16. The Registrar shall give his direction in Form No. 13 annexed hereto, so framed in each case as to suit the particular circumstances. Juvenile Societies. Sec. 13 (10). 17. Societies and branches consisting wholly of members between three and sixteen years of age may be registered, provided they are— (a.) In connection with some institution or school, and managed by the managers or teachers thereof, or by a committee appointed wholly or partly by such managers or teachers; (6.) In connection with some society registered under the Act, or a branch of any such society, and managed by the committee or officers of such society or branch, or by persons appointed wholly or partly by them. 18. The rules of every such society or branch shall contain provisions for the following matters in addition to those equired in the case of societies by Schedule I. of the Act and Form No. 1 to these regulations, and in the case of branches by Regulation 50: — (1.) Whether or not parents and guardians of members shall bo entitled to be present and vote at meetings of the society, and to perform acts of membership on behalf of their children : (2.) The giving of security by the treasurer: (3.) The investment of the funds in a savings bank, or in Government or real securities, but not otherwise : (4.) The acceptance of a member into a registered society or branch, or the payment to him of a share of the accumulated funds, if any, on his attaining the age of sixteen years. The forms annexed to Regulations 1 to 63 may be modified by authority of the Registrar, to suit their application to juvenile societies or branches. Disputes. 19. The reference of a dispute to the Registrar shall be written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in Form No. 14 annexed hereto. 20. The Registrar, upon receipt of the reference, shall transmit one copy of it to the Governor for his consent. 21. Every notice of hearing by the Registrar, and every requisition for the attendance of parties and witnesses, and the production of books and documents, shall be in Form No. 15 annexed hereto. 22. Where it is necessary to enforce the attendance of a particular witness, or the production of a particular document, notice shall be in Form No. 10 annexed hereto. 23. If an order for discovery is necessary, it shall be in Form No. 17 annexed hereto. 24. The determination and order of the Registrar shall be in Form No. 18 annexed hereto, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case may in his judgment allow. Inspectors and Special Meetings. Sec. 28. 25. An application for appointment of inspectors or for calling a special meeting shall be sent to the Registrar, written on foolscap paper, in duplicate, in Form No. 19 annexed hereto, and shall bo accompanied by a statutory declaration, in Form No. 20 annexed hereto, by three at least of the applicants. 26. The Registrar may, immediately upon receipt of the application, transmit one copy to the Governor for his consent, or may, before such transmission, give notice of the application to the society, and send to the Governor any answer the society may make. 27. The appointment of inspectors shall be in Form No. 21 annexed hereto, or as near thereto as circumstances may allow. 28. The notice of special meeting shall be in Form No. 22 annexed hereto.

29. The chairman of the special meeting shall report to the Registrar as he may direct. Special Resolutions. Sec. 15 (2), and Sec. 9 (3). 30. Every application for approval of change of name must be made, in duplicate, in Form No. 23 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar, accompanied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 24 annexed hereto. If approved of, the word " Approved " shall be written at the foot or end of each such copy, and the same shall be signed by the Registrar. Sec. 15 (3). 31. Every application to register a special resolution for the amalgamation of societies must bo made by each of the societies, in duplicate, in Form No. 25 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar accompanied by statutory declarations from officers of each society in Form No. 24. No acknowledgment of registry shall be given to either society until special resolutions in the like terms have been submitted for registry by the other or others. 32. Every application to register a special resolution for the transfer of the engagements of a society to another must bo, in duplicate, in Form No. 26 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar accompanied by statutory declarations in Forms No. 24 and No. 27. Sec. 15 (4). 33. Every application to register a special resolution for converting a society into a company must be, in duplicate, in Form No. 28 annexed hereto, and must be sent to the Registrar accompanied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 24. Sec. 15 (4). 34. An application for registry of a special resolution for amalgamation with a company, or for transfer of engagements to a company, shall be in duplicate in Form No. 25 or No. 26, as the case may be, with the necessary modifications to suit the facts, and shall bo accompanied by statutory declarations in Forms No. 24 and No. 29. Sec. 15 (6). 35. A special resolution shall be registered by writing at the foot or end of each copy of the same the word " Registered," and by affixing to the same the seal or stamp of the Registrar. 36. Where the special resolution is for conversion into, amalgamation with, or transfer of all the engagements of a society to a company, the following words shall be added: " The registry of the Society is hereby cancelled." Registrar. Conversion of Registered Societies into Branches. Sec. 19. 37. Every application to register a society as a branch shall be made in the Form No. 30 hereto annexed, and shall be accompanied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 31 hereto annexed, made and signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the resolution for conversion was passed, and by the secretary of the society. 38. The notico of cancellation of the registry of the society, and of its registration as a branch, shall bo in Form No. 32 hereto annexed. Dissolution. Sec. 16 (2). 39. The instrument of dissolution shall be in Form No. 33 hereto annexed, and shall bo signed in duplicate and accompanied by a statutory declaration in Form No. 34 hereto annexed, and by a statement naming some newspaper circulating in the city, town, or place in which the registered office of the society is situated, wherein it is desired that notice of the dissolution shall be published, and by the sum requisite to defray the expenses of such publication, and by the further sum requisite for the like publication in the Gazette. 40. The Registrar shall return one of the duplicates to the society with an acknowledgment of registry in Form No. 35 hereto annexed. 41. Alterations in the instrument of dissolution shall be signed, declared to, and registered in like manner. 42. The advertisement of dissolution by instrument shall bo in Form No. 36 hereto annexed. Sec. 16 (8). 43. Every application for dissolution by award of the Registrar shall bo in Form No. 37 hereto annexed, and shall name some newspaper circulating in the city, town, or place in which the registered office of the society is situated, wherein it is desired that notice of the award shall be published, and with it shall be sent the sum requisite to defray the expenses of such publication, and the further sum requisite for the like publication in the Gazette. 44. The notico of investigation shall be in Form No. 38 hereto annexed, and the award in Form No. 39. 45. The award of the Registrar for distribution of funda shall be in Form No. 40 hereto annexed. 46. The notice of dissolution by award shall be in Form No. 41 hereto annexed.



47. Notice shall be sent to the Registrar of any proceeding to set aside the dissolution of a society or branch, not less than seven days before it is commenced, by the person taking such proceeding, in the Form No. 42; and of any order setting a dissolution aside, by the society or branch, within seven days after such order is made, in tho Form No. 43. Societies with Branches. Sec. 18. 48. No branch of a society can be registered under this Act which is already registered as a separate society, nor is any such branch to be included in any list of branches under section 18, unless and until its separate registry has been cancelled. 49. When the cancellation of the registry of any branch as a separate society is desired, with a view to its registration as a branch, the application must be made as required by Regulation 37. 50. In registering branch rules the Eegistrar shall see— 1. That the objects of the branch are not other than those, or one or more of those, of the society : 2. That provision is made for the control of the central body of the society over the branch : 8. That there is a separate fund administered by tho branch, or by a committee or officers appointed by tho branch: 4. That the matters specified in Schedule I. to the Act, except as to annual returns to the Registrar, are provided for, so far as the same are applicable to the branch in respect of any separate fund or funds. 51. Branch rules produced with the application for registry of a society with branches must be signed by three members and the secretary of the same. 52. An application to register an amendment of branch rules may be made by an officer of the society, in which case the statutory declaration in support thereof must be made by the secretary of the branch in Form No. 46 annexed hereto ; or by the secretary of the branch, in which case tho statutory declaration must bo made by an officer of the society in Form No. 45. 53. Notice of any change in the place where a branch is established, and of any appointment of a new trustee of a branch, or officer to sue and be sued on behalf of the same, shall be sent by the society to the Registrar within three months after such change of place or appointment, in Forms No. 47 and No. 48 annexed hereto respectively. 54. Notice of the establishment of a new branch under section 18 (2) of the Act shall be in Form No. 44 annexed hereto. 55. The annual returns of a society with branches shall include all branches of the society registered under the Act. The valuation of a society with branches shall include all funds under the control of tho central body of such society. A registered branch shall, in respect of the valuation of any fund or funds administered by itself, or by a committee or officers appointed by itself, be subject to the same obligations, and such branch, its officers or committee, shall bo liable to the same penalties as if it were a registered society. Application of the Act to Industrial Assurance Companies, and to Unregistered Friendly Societies. 56. For the purposes of the Act, so far as its provisions apply to industrial assurance companies or to unregistered friendly societies, the memorandum and articles of association of any industrial assurance company registered under tho Companies Acts, or the instrument constituting any company not so registered, and the rules, laws, or regulations of any unregistered friendly society, shall be deemed to be the rules of such company or society respectively ; the registered office under the Companies Acts, or the principal place of business of such company or society respectively, shall be deemed to be the registered office of the same under the Act; and the directors of any company shall be deemed to be included in the expression " the committee or managers" thereof. Fees. Sec. 40. 57. The following fees shall be payable for matters to be transacted, and the inspection of documents, under this Act:— £ s. a. For the acknowledgment of registry of a speciallyauthorized society .. .. ..100 For the acknowledgment of registry of every amendment of the rules of the same .. .. 010 0 For the registry of a special resolution by any society (to include, in the case of a change of name, the approval of the same) .. .. 0 10 0 For a direction to transfer funds or money .. 10 0 For every appointment of inspectors, or calling of a special meeting by the Registrar .. ..100 For the determination of the Registrar on a dispute, or for his award for dissolution or distribution of funds .. .. .. .. ..100

£ s. d. And if more than one hearing or adjournment become necessary, then £1 more for every hearing after the first, and for every adjournment. For any order of the Registrar dispensing with consents and conditions for amalgamation or transfer of engagements .. .. ..100 For every document (except as after mentioned) required to be signed by the Registrar, or to bear the seal of the Registry Office, not chargeable with any other fee to the Registrar .. ..026 For every inspection on the same day of documents (whether one or more) in the custody of the Registrar relating to one and the same society 0 10 For every copy or extract of any document in the custody of the Registrar, not exceeding 216 words, Is.; and if exceeding that number, 4d. per folio of 72 words (in addition to the fee, if any, for the signature of the Registrar, or seal of the Registry Office). No fee is payable for the registry or recording of— The cancelling or suspension of registry of a society: Any notice of change of office, or of the appointment of trustees: Any notice of the establishment of a branch, or the rules of the same, or any amendment thereof: Any instrument of dissolution, or any amendment therein: Any document or copy of document supplied to a public department: Any document in respect of which a fee is already chargeable under or by virtue of the Act or of any other statute. The Registrar may also dispense with the fee for inspection of documents in cases where he may consider it for the public interest to do so. Seal of Registry Office. Sec. 40. 58. The seal of the Registry Office shall bear the Royal Arms, with the words "Registrar of Friendly Societies" around or above, and the words " New Zealand " below. 59. The seal of the Registry Office shall be deemed a sufficient signature of the Registrar of Friendly Societies, or of the Revising Barrister appointed to certify the rules of Friendly Societies, for the purposes of section 5, subsection (5), of the Act. Modification of Forms. CO. The forms hereto annexed may be modified to suit particular cases, by authority of the Registrar. Limited Special Authorities. Sec. 8. 61. Where a limited application of the provisions of the Act is authorized for any purpose by the Governor, such limitation shall be stated, whether by way of enumeration or exception, in the rules of every society registered for such purpose. 62. The forms annexed to Regulations 1 to 54 may be modified, by authority of the Registrar, to suit any limited application of the provisions of the Act by special authority of the Governor. 63. The acknowledgment of registry of a specially-autho-rized society, where the application of the provisions of the Act is limited, shall be in Form No. 49 hereto annexed. 64. A society may be registered for any of the purposes specified in the Act, conjointly with any specially-authorized purpose. If the special authority is a limited one, such society shall not, in respect of any of its purposes, bo entitled to any of the privileges or exemptions of the Act beyond such as are contained in the provisions specified in the special authority, but shall, notwithstanding anything in such special authority contained, be subject, in respect of any purposes other than those specially authorized, to the same duties and obligations as if it were not a speciallyauthorized society. Valuations. 65. No valuation of the assets and liabilities of a society or branch shall bo deemed to bo a valuation under the Act where the person by whom the same is made has audited the accounts of the society or branch for the year next preceding the date at which the society or branch is valued. 66. The scale of payment to Public Valuers for valuation of societies shall bo as follows :— £ s. d. If the number of members does not exceed 75 .. 4 0 0 If over 75 but not exceeding 100 .. ..500 „ 100 „ „ 150 .. ..700 150 „ „ 200 .. ..900 „ 200 „ „ 250 .. .. 11 0 0 „ 250 „ „ 300 .. .. 12 12 0 „ 300 „ „ 400 .. .. 15 15 0 . 400 „ „ 500 .. .. 18 18 0 . 500 „ „ 600 .. .. 21 0 0 . 600 „ „ 750 .. .. 24 3 0 . 750 „ . 1,000 .. .. 29 8 9



In the case of societies with branches, payment shall be made for each branch according to the above scale, the valuation of the central body being made without extra fee. 67. Where a society or branch desires that its assets and liabilities shall be valued and reported on by an actuary to be named by tho Registrar, the return of benefits and contributions, funds and effects, debts and credits, which the society or branch is required to make in form prescribed by the Registrar, shall be accompanied with a fee on tho following scale, viz. :— If the number of members does not exceed 150 .. £10 If over 150 but not exceeding 250 .. 15 » 250 „ , 350 .. .. 20 „ 350 „ „ 500 .. .. 25 , 500 , „ 700 .. .. 40 „ 700 „ „ 1,000 .. ..55 With an additional £25 for every 500 members or portion thereof beyond 1,000. Where the number of members exceeds 2,500, a special fee shall be fixed by tho Registrar for the valuation. 68. If tho Registrar causes the assets and liabilities of a society or branch to be valued and reported on by tho Actuary attached to the Registry Office, the fee to bo received for the same shall be paid into tho consolidated revenue of the colony; but if he shall cause the same to be valued by any other actuary, three-fourths only of tho fee, as per Regulation 67, shall be paid to such actuary, and the remaining one-fourth into the consolidated revenue of the colony. Applications for Dispensing with Consents to Amalgamation, &c. Sec. 15 (c.) 69. Notice of an application that any of the consents and conditions prescribed for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements may be dispensed with shall be advertised in the Gazette at least ono month before application is made to the Registrar in that behalf. Such notice shall be in Form No. 50 hereto annexed. 70. The application that any of tho consents and conditions prescribed for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements may be dispensed with shall bo in Form No. 51 hereto annexed, and shall be sent to the Registrar, in duplicate, with a copy of the Gazette in which advertisement of the same is published. 71. If, after hearing the trustees or committee of management and other persons whom he considers entitled to be heard, and to whom such notice shall be sent as the Registrar directs, tho Registrar thinks fit to entertain the application, he shall transmit a copy of the same to the Governor for his consent thereto. 72. Whore any consents or conditions prescribed for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements ace dispensed with, Forms Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, and 30, as the case may be, may be modified by authority of the Registrar to suit the circumstances of the case. 73. In registering a special resolution for amalgamation or transfer of engagements, as prescribed by Regulation 36, where any prescribed consents or conditions have been dispensed with, the words "and confirmed by tho Registrar" shall be added after the word " Registered." 74. If, on an application for dispensing with any prescribed consents or conditions to an amalgamation or transfer of engagements, more than one hearing or adjournment become necessary, the same fee shall be payable in respect of the same as in the case of a dispute. Fees on certain Investigations. 75. Where application is made for an investigation into the affairs of a society, with a view to the dissolution thereof, upon the ground that tho rates of contribution fixed in the rules of such society are insufficient to cover the benefits assured, the Registrar may, if he thinks fit, at any time before making his award, require the payment of such fee as he may deem reasonable, not exceeding tho scale fixed by Regulation 67, and such fee shall be paid in manner prescribed in Regulation 68.

Form No. l.—Begs. 1-18. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION TO REGISTER A SOCIETY. Name of society: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application to register a society under the above-mentioned Act, undsr the name of , is made by the eight persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. ]. The society is a friendly society [or cattle insurance society, or benevolent society, or working-men's club, or specially-authorized society, as the case may be],

(a.) * Tho society is one having branches. (b.) * The society is one receiving contributions by means of collectors at a greater distance than ten miles from the registered office. 2. The name and place of the registered office of the society are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 3. Tho whole of the objects for which the society is to ba established, the purposes for which the funds thereof shall be applicable, the terms of admission of members, the conditions under which any member may becomo entitled to any benefit assured thereby, and tho fines and forfeitures to be imposed on any member, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 4. Tho mode of holding meetings and right of voting, and the manner of making, altering, or rescinding rules, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 5. The appointment and removal of a committee of management, by tho name of , of a treasurer and other officers, and of trustees, aro provided for in Rule No. [State number] . C. t Tho composition of the central body, and the conditions under which a branch may secede from the society, are provided for in Rule No. [State number], 7. The investment of the funds, tho keeping of the accounts, and the audit of the same once a year at least, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 8. Annual returns to the Registrar of the receipts, funds, effects, and expenditure, and number of members of the society, are provided for in Rule No. [State number'], 9. The inspection of the books of the society by every person having an interest in the funds of the society (except as in the said Act is mentioned) is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 10. Tho manner in which disputes between the society and any of its members, or any person claiming through a member or under the rules, shall be settled, is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 11. } Provision is made for meeting all claims upon the society existing at the time «f division before any such division takes place, in Rule No. [State number]. 12. § The keeping separate accounts of all moneys received or paid on account of every particular fund or benefit assured for which a separate table of contributions payable shall have been adopted, and the keeping separate account of the expenses of management [j| and of medical and surgical attendance, including medicine and medical and surgical requisites], and of all contributions on account thereof, are provided for in Rule No. [State number']. 18. II Annual returns to the Registrar of the sickness and mortality of the society are provided for in Rule No. [State member]. 14. A valuation once at least in every five years of the assets and liabilities of the society, including the estimated risks and contributions, is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 15. ""Provision for the voluntary dissolution of the society by consent of not less than five-sixths in value of tho members, and of every person for the time being entitled to any benefit from the funds of tho society, unless his claim be first satisfied or adequately provided for, is made in Rule No. [State number]. IG. The right of one-fifth of the total number of members [ft or of 100 members if tho society have 1,000 and not exceeding 10,000, or of 500 members if the society have more than 10,000 j to apply to the Registrar for an investigation of the affairs of the society, or for winding up tho same, is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 17. | J It being intended to assure to the members or some of them a certain annuity, the tables of contributions for such assurance are certified by , Esquire, an actuary qualified to give such certificate under section 9 of the said Act. 18. §§ Tho provisions of section 21 of the above-mentioned Act are contained in Rule No. [State number].

* If this is not the case, a line should be drawn through this statement. t If tho society is not one with branches, a line should bo drawn through this statement. I If tho society does not divide its funds, a line should be drawn through this statement. § If the society is not a friendly society, or a cattle insurance society, a line should be drawn through this and the remaining numbered statements, or if it be a specially-authorized society, through any which are not rendered applicable by tho authority for registering the same. || If the society does not grant a medical-attendance benefit, the words in brackets should be omitted. IT If tho society is a cattle insurance society, a line should be drawn through this and the next statement. ** If the society is not a friend] y society, tne words " three-fourths" to bo substituted for the words " live-sixths in value." tt If the number of members is limited to be less than 1,000 or less than 10,000 members, tho bracketed words relating to both or either of such cases should be struck out. II If this is not intended, a line should be drawn through this statement. §§ If tho society is not ono to which section 21 applies, a lino should bo drawn through this statement.



With this application are sent— (a.) Two printed [or written] copies of the rules [* together with the tables of contributions for annuities, certified as aforesaid], each marked A, and signed by each of the applicants : (b.) A list marked B of the names of the secretary, and of every trustee or other officer authorized to sue and be sued on behalf of the society : (c.) t A list marked C of every branch, and of the place where the same is established, and of the trustees or officers (if any) authorized to sue and be sued on behalf of each branch respectively : (d.) A copy [or copies] marked D of -the branch rules which are [or are not] intended to be identical. (Signed) 1 Member. 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 Secretary. Registered office : Date : day of ,18 . [If the society intends to avail itself of s. 14 (2) as to the holding of land, s. 24 as to loans to members, or s. 25 as to accumulating surplus of contributions for members' use, rules for those purposes must bo made, and it should be stated in what rules this has been done] * If the society docs not grant annuities, those words should be struck out. + A line should bo drawn through c and d if tho society is not one having branches.

Form No. 2. — Reg. 3. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION TO REGISTER A PARTIAL AMENDMENT OF RULES. Name of society: Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application to register a partial amendment of the rules of the is made by the person, being the secretary of the said society, whoso name is subscribed at the foot hereof. With this application are sent — (a.) A printed [or written] copy of the registered rules, marked to show where the alterations occur, and what they are: (6.) Two printed [or written] copies of tho amendment,* signed by the applicant, and three members of the society: (c.) A statutory declaration by an officer of the society that the amendment now submitted for registry has been duly made by the society, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to tho provisions of the above-mentioned Act in that behalf. (Signed) Secretary. Registered office: Date : day of , 18 . * This word includes a resolution rescinding a rule.

Form No. 2a. — Beg. 3a. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION TO REGISTER A COMPLETE AMEND MENT OF RULES. Name of society: Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application to register a complete amendment of the rules of the is made by the person, being the secretary of the said society, whose name is subscribed at the foot hereof. 1. The society is a friendly society [or cattlo insurance society, cr benevolent society, or working-men's club, or specially-authorized society, as the case may be].

(a.) * The society is one having branches. (i.) * The society is one receiving contributions by means of collectors at a greater distance than ten miles from the registered office. 2. The name and place of the registered office of the society are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 3. Tho whole of the objects for which tho society is established, the purposes for which the funds thereof shall be applicable, the terms of admission of members, the conditions under which any member may become entitled to any benefit assured thereby, and the fines and forfeitures to bo imposed on any member, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 4. The mode of holding meetings and right of voting, and the manner of making, altering, or rescinding rules, are provided for in Rule No. [State member]. 5. The appointment and removal of a committee of management, by the name of , of a treasurer and other officers, and of trustees, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 0. t The composition of the central body, and the conditions under which a branch may secede from tho society, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 7. The investment of the funds, the keeping of the accounts, and the audit of tho same once a year at least, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 8. Annual returns to the Registrar of the receipts, funds, effects, and expenditure, and number of members of the society, arc provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 9. The inspection of the books of the society by every person having an interest in the funds of the society (except as in the said Act is mentioned) is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 10. The manner in which disputes between the society and any of its members, or any person claiming through a member, or under the rules, shall be settled, is provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 11. J Provision is made for meeting all claims upon the society existing at the time of division, before any such division takes place, in Rule No. [State number]. 12. § The keeping separate accounts of all moneys received or paid on account of every particular fund or benefit assured, for which a separate table of contributions payable shall have been adopted, and the keeping separate account of the expenses of management [|] and of medical and surgical attendance, including medicine and medical and surgical requisites], and of all contributions on account thereof, are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 13. H Annual returns to the Registrar of the sickness and mortality of the society are provided for in Rule No. [State number]. 14. A valuation once at least in every five years of the as-ets and liabilities of tho society, including the estimated risks and contributions, is provided, for in Rule No. [State number]. 15. ** Provision for the voluntary dissolution of the society by the consent of not less than five-sixths in value of the members, and of every person for the time being entitled to any benefit from the funds of the society, unless his claim be first satisfied or adequately provided for, is made in Rule No. [State number]. 10. Tho right of one-fifth of the total number of members [tt or of 100 members if the society have 1,000 and not exceeding 10,000, or of 500 members if the society have more than 10,000] to apply to tho Registrar for an investigation of the affairs of the society, or for winding up tho same, is provided for in Rule No. [State member]. 17. JJ It being intended to assure to the members or some of them a certain annuity, the tables of contributions for such assurance arc certified by , Esquire, an actuary qualified to give such certificate under section 9 of the above-mentioned Act. IS. §§ The provisions of section 21 of the above-mentioned Act are contained in Rule No. [State number].

* If this is not the case, this statement should bo omitted. I If tho society is not one with tranches, this statement should bo omitted. t If the society docs not divide its funds, this statement should be omitted. § If tho society is not a friendly society, or a cattlo insurance society, this and tho remaining numbered statements should be omitted; or, if it be a spocially-authoiized society, any of them which are not renderod applicable by tho authority for registering the society should be omitted. II If the society does not grant a mocTical-attßndanco benefit, the words in brackets should be omitted. II If the society is a cattle insuranco society, this and the next statement should bo omitted. ♦•If the society is not a friendly society, the words " three-fourths" to be substituted for the words "nve-sixtl s in value." tt If the number of members is lin:i:ed to be less than I,COO, or less than 10,0U0, members, the bracketed words relating to both, or the latter, of such cases should ba omitted. tJ If this is not intended, this statement should be omitted. §§ If the society is not ono to which section 21 applies, this statement should be omitted.



With this application are sent— (a.) Two printed for written] copies of the registered rules: (6.) Two printed [or written] copies of the new rules proposed by way of complete amendment [• together with the tables of contributions for annuities certified as aforesaid], signed by the applicant and three members of the society : (c.) A statutory declaration by an officer of the society that the amendment now submitted for registry has boon duly made by the society, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned Act in that behalf. (Signed) Secretary. Registered office: Date : day of , 18 . [If the society intends to avail itself of s. 14 (2) as to the holding of land, s. 24 as to loans to members, or s. 25 as to accumulating surplus of contributions for members' use, rules for those purposes must be made, and it should be stated in what rules this has been done.] ♦ If the society does not grant annuities, these words should be omitted.

Form No. 3.—Beg. 3. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OP AN AMENDMENT OP RULES. Name of society: Register No.: I, ,of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of the rules of the said society, a copy of which is hereto annexed, has been duly made by the society, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to the provisions of the Act above referred to. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.

Form No. 4. — Reg. 4. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." REQUEST TO CANCEL REGISTRY. Name of society: Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. 1. The above-mentioned society desires that its registry under the Friendly Societies Act may be cancelled on the following ground, viz. [State reason for desiring cancelling of registry] ; and at a general meeting,* duly held on the day of , 18 ,it was resolved as follows : " That the trustees be authorized to request the Registrar to cancel the registry of this society." 2. This request is made by the trustees accordingly. 3. It is desired that notice of such cancelling be published in the [naming some newspaper], circulating in the city [town, or district] in which the registered office of the society is situated. 4. The sum of , to cover the cost of publishing such notice in the said newspaper and in the Gazette is herewith transmitted. (Signed) ) [• t Trustees. Registered office: Date : day of , 18 . ♦ If not at a general meeting, state in what manner the request has been determined upon, t All the trustees to sign.

Form No. s. — Beg. 6. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE BEFORE CANCELLING OR SUSPENSION OF REGISTRY. Name of society: Register No. : Notice is hereby given to the above-mentioned society that it is the intention of the Registrar to proceed on the* day of 18 , to cancel [or to suspend for (any term not exceeding three months)] the registry of the society, unless cause be shown to the contrary in the meantime. The ground of such proposed cancelling [or suspension] is that the acknowledgment of registry has been obtained by fraud [or issued in mistake, or that the society exists for an illegal purpose, or has wilfully and after notice from me violated the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, or has ceased to exist. The facts sliould be briefly specified where practicable]. (Signed) Registrar. Date : day of , 18 . * This will be not less than two months after the date of the notice.

Form No. 6.— Beg. 7. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." CANCELLING OP REGISTRY. Name of society: Register No.: The registry of the above-mentioned society is hereby cancelled at its request [or as the case may be. The Begistrar may, if he thinks fit, add a statement, as in Form No. 5, of the ground of the cancelling']. (Signed) Registrar. Date : day of , 18 .

Form No. 7.—Beg. 8. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." SUSPENSION OR RENEWAL OP SUSPENSION OF REGISTRY. Name of society: Register No.: The registry of the above-mentioned society is hereby [further*] suspended for [any term not exceeding'] three months from this date, on the ground that [Here state the ground of suspension, as in Form No. s]. (Signed) Registrar. Date: day of , 18 . * This word will be inserted only in case of renewal of suspension.

Form No. B.—Beg. 9. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ADVERTISEMENT OF CANCELLING OR SUSPENSION. Notice is hereby given that the Registrar of Friendly Societies has, pursuant to section 10 of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," by writing under his hand dated this day of 18 , cancelled [or suspended for (State the term)] the registry of the Society (Register No. ), held at [Here state the ground for cancelling or suspension}. (Signed) Registrar.

Form No. 9.—Beg. 10. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OP CHANGE OP REGISTERED OFFICE. Name of society: Register No.: Notice is hereby given that the registered office of the above-mentioned society is removed from , in the City



[Town or place] of , And is now situated at , in the City [Town or place] of Dated this day of , 18 . (Signed) ) I Trustees.* Secretary. To the Registrar. t Received this day of , notice of removal of the registered office of the Society, Register No. , to , in the City [Town or place] of [Seal of Registry Office, or signature of the Registrar.] • All trustees to sign. t This part to be detached by the Registrar when the notice is registered, and returned to the society.

Form No. 10.—Beg. 11. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF RESOLUTION APPOINTING TRUSTEES. Name of society: Register No.: At a meeting of the society, held the day of , 18 , it was resolved by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote, That ,of , , of , and , of \Oive full name, address, and description] , be a trustee [or trustees] of the society. [7/ it is not a first appointment, add in place of , deceased, or resigned, or removed, as the case may be.] (Signed) ) [ Trustees. Secretary. * Received this day of , 18 , notice of the appointment of as trustees of the Society, register No. [Seal of the Registry Office, or signature of the Registrar.] * This part to be detached by the Registrar when the notice is registered, and returned to the society.

Form No. 11.—Beg. 13. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR DIRECTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS, DEBENTURES, SECURITIES, OR MONEY. Name of society: Register No.: Application for a direction to transfer funds [debentures, securities, or moneys] is made by the four persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof, being the secretary and three members of the above-mentioned society. 1. The society, at a meeting held on the day of , by a resolution of a majority of the members present, and entitled to vote thereat, appointed ,of [Here name and describe all the trustees then appointed] , to be trustees. 2. A copy of such resolution, duly signed, was sent to the Registrar. 3. On the day of the sum of was invested [in the purchase of] [Describe nature of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] , in the names of the said trustees, and the same is still standing in their names, as follows [State exactly in what names the funds stand]. 4. The said is absent from New Zealand [or became bankrupt on the day of ,or filed a petition (or executed a deed) for liquidation of his affairs by assignment or arrangement or for composition with his creditors, on the day of, or has become a lunatic, or died on the day of ,or has not been heard of for years, and it is not known whether he is living or dead]. 5. On the day of the society, by a resolution of a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a meeting thereof, removed the said from his office of trustee, and appointed [Give full name and description"] in his place ; and a copy of such resolution, duly signed, was sent to tho Registrar. 6. Since such removal, application has been made in writing to the said [removed trustee] to join in the transfer of the said funds [debentures, securities, or moneys] into the names of the said [Here give the names of the other trustees, and of the new trustee appointed in the place of the

one removed], as trustees for the said society, but he has refused to comply [or has not complied] with such application. [This paragraph may be omitted, or varied, as the facts require.] 7. This application to the Registrar is made pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," section 13, that he may direct the said funds, debentures, securities, or moneys to be transferred into the names of the said , as trustees for the society, by . [This blank should be filled by the names of the surviving or continuing trustees, if any, and if they be willing and able to make the transfer; but if there be no such trustee, or if any such trustee refuse or be unable to make the transfer, then by the words by such officer or person or persons as the Registrar shall direct; and a full statement of the facts and of the grounds of such refusal or inability should be made.] (Signed) Secretary. Member. Member. Member. Registered office: Date : day of ,18 . To the Registrar.

Form No. 12.—Beg. IS. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION VERIFYING STATEMENTS IN AN APPLICATION FOR DIRECTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS OR MONEY. Name of society: Register No.: I, ,of , do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am tho secretary of the above-mentioned society. That and , whoso names aro subscribed at the foot of the application hereto annexed, are members of the said society. That and have been duly appointed trustees of the said society. That on the day of ,18 , the sum of was invested in [the purchase of] [Describe nature of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] , in the names of the then trustees of tho said society, and the declarant believes that the said funds [debentures, &c.] aro now standing vested in the names of the said and , aa follows [State as in Form No. 11]. That the said is absent from New Zealand [or as the case may be]. That on the day of ,18 , the said was removed from his office of trustee, and was ap pointed in his place. That since such removal application has been made in writing to the said to join in the transfer of the said funds [debentures, securities, or moneys] into the names of the said , as trustees for the said society, but he has refused to comply [or has not complied] with such application. [This paragraph may be omitted or varied as the facts require.] And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing tho same to bo true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " Tho Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signed) Secretary. Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.

Form No. 13-—Reg. 16. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DIRECTION BY THE REGISTRAR TO TRANSFER FUNDS, DEBENTURES, SECURITIES, OR MONEY. Whereas it has been made to appear to mo that [Describe nature of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] is now standing in the names of and , as trustees of , a society registered under the above-mentioned Act: And that the said is absent from New Zealand [or as the case may he] : And that has been appointed trustee of the said society in place of the said ;



(ay I, as Registrar under the said Act, hereby direct, pursuant to section 13 of the said Act, that the said [State nature and amount of funds, debentures, securities, or moneys] standing in the names of the said be transferred by the said into the names of the said and (b)* And that there is no surviving or continuing trustee of the said society [or that tho surviving and continuing trustees refuse or are unable to transfer the said funds (debentures, securities, or moneys), in pursuance of my direction]. I, as Registrar under the said Act, hereby direct, pursuant to section 13 of the said Act, that the said sum of , so standing in the books of [or in the control of] the Colonial Treasurer [or the Bank of , or ■ (Name corporation, body, person, or persons in lohose books the funds or moneys are standing, or in whose control they are)], be transferred by the said Colonial Treasurer [or by (designate officer, person, or persons by whom transfer is directed to be made)] into the names of the said (Signed) Registrar. Address : Date : day of , 18 . * The paragraphs marked (a) or (b) will be used as the case requires.

Worm No. 14. — Beg. 19. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." REFERENCE OF A DISPUTE. Dispute between and [ an officer of] the Society. Register No.: The above-named parties, by consent, refer the dispute between them to the Registrar. (Signed) Claimant. Officer or Trustees. The said states as follows :— 1. That he is a member [or claims through a member, or under the rules] of the said society. 2. That he claims to be entitled as follows [Giveparticulars of the claim]. 3. That the claim is proposed to bo supported by the evidence of the following witnesses, and by the production of the following books and documents [Give list]. Signature : Address: Date: day of , 18 . The said , as an officer [or as trustees] of the said society, states [or state] as follows : — 1. That he [or the society] disputes tho claim of the said on the following grounds [State grounds of dispute]. 2. That his case [or the case of the society] is proposed to be supported by the evidence of tho following witnesses, and by tho production of tho following books and documents [Give list]. (Signature of the officer or signature of trustees.) Registered office: Date: day of , 18 .

Form No. 15. — Beg. 21. New Zealand."Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE AND REQUISITION. Dispute between and [ an officer of] the Society. Register No. : To Take notice that I shall proceed to hear tho matter in dispute, which has been referred to mo pursuant to the said Act, on , the day of next, at o'clock, at ; and that I shall require the attendance there of all parties concerned, and of the witnesses named, and the production of the books and documents specified in the statement made by you in the reference of the dispute. (Signed) Registrar. Date : day of ,18 .

Form No. 16.—Beg. ts. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." SPECIAL REQUISITION TO WITNESS. Dispute between and [ an officer of] the Society. Register No.: To Pursuant to section 27 of the above-mentioned Act, you are required to attend at ,on , the day of next, at o'clock, to give evidence relating to tho matter in question, and to produce the following books and documents [State them]. (Signed) Registrar. Date : day of , 18 . N.B.—By section 27 (2) of tho said Act it is enacted that the Registrar, when any dispute is referred to him, may administer oaths, and may require the attendance of all parties concerned, and of witnesses, and the production of all books and documents relating to tho matter in question; and any person refusing to attend, or to prod::-" ntiy documents, or to give evidence before the Registrar, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act. The penalty for such offence is not less than one pound nor more than five pounds, and a new offence is committed in every week during which the default continues.

Form No. 17.—Beg. S3. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ORDER FOR DISCOVERY. In the matter of a dispute between and [ an officer of] the Society, Register No. , referred to me pursuant to the above-mentioned Act: I, , Esquire, Registrar, order and direct as follows :— 1. That within fourteen days from the service of this order do deposit at my office [State where], for inspection by the parties, the following documents [State the documents] . 2. That on the day of next, at o'clock, [*an officer of the society], do appear before me, at my office above named, and make discovery upon each of all things within his knowledge [*as such officer] relative to the following matters [State the matters as to which discovery is granted]. Given under my hand this day of , 18 . (Signed) Registrar. N.B.—By section 27 (5) of the said Act it is enacted that the Registrar, when any dispute is referred to him, may grant to either party such discovery as to documents and otherwise, or such inspection of documents, as might be granted by any Court of law or equity, such discovery to be made on behalf of the society or registered branch by such officer of the same as such Registrar may determine. * These words will bo omitted if the discovery is to be made by the other party to the dispute.

Form No. 18.— Beg. 24. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DETERMINATION AND OEDEK. In the matter of a dispute between and [ , an officer ofj the Society, Register No. , referred to me pursuant to the above-mentioned Act: I, , Esquire, Registrar, determine as follows: — The said [or the trustees of the society] shall, on or before the day of next, pay to the sum of [or the society or name of party shall, on or before the day of next, reinstate the said as a member, or whatever the act may be that the Registrar thinks ought to be done by the party. Other provisions may here be added if necessary, and the payment of a sum of money by way of damages may be provided for as an alternative to the doing of any act] : Or, the society is not indebted to [name of party, or as the case may require] . The expenses hereof aro ordered to be paid out of the funds of the society [or as the case may be]. Given under my hand this day of ,18 . (Signed) Registrar. N.B.—Under section 27 of the above-mentioned Act application for the enforcement of this order may be made to a. Resident Magistrate's Court.



Form No. 19.—lieg. 25. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION UNDER SPECIAL POWERS OP REGISTRAR. Name of society: Register No.: Application made pursuant to section 28 of the abovementioned Act. 1. The above-mentioned society has members. 2. This application is signed by one-fifth of the members [or by 100 members if the whole number exceeds 1,000 and does not exceed 10,000; or 500 members if the whole number exceeds 10,000]. 3. The application is, that the Registrar may appoint inspectors [or may call a special meeting] pursuant to the said section. 4. The grounds of the application are as follow [State the grounds fully] . 5. The applicants are prepared to support the application by the following evidence, for the purpose of showing that they-have good reason for making the application, and are not actuated by malicious motives in doing so—viz., a statutory declaration hereto annexed by [names], three of the present applicants, and [Here state the nature of the evidence proposed to be given]. 6. The applicants are prepared, if required, to give security for costs to the extent of [State amount]. (* Signatures of applicants.) Address to which communications are to be sent: Date : day of , 18 . * Signatures by mark only must be attested by a witness not being one of the applicants.

Form No. HO. — Beg. 2b. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." declarati6n in support op application under special powers op registrar. Name of society : Register No.: We, three of the members of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, in making the application, a copy of which is hereto annexed, we are not, nor to the best of our knowledge and belief is any person whose signature is appended to such application, actuated by malicious motives, and that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, there is good reason for making such application. And we make this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signatures.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.

Form No. 21.—Bag. 27. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPOINTMENT OP INSPECTORS. Name of society: Register No.: Poksuant to section 28 of the above-mentioned Act, I hereby appoint [and ] inspector [or inspectors], to examine into the affairs of the above-mentioned society, and to report thereon. One copy of the application for inspection is sent herewith for the guidance of the inspector [or inspectors]. , He [or they] may require the production of all or any of the books and documents of the society, and may examine on oath its officers, members, agents, and servants in relation to its business, and may administer such oath. The inspection is to commence on , the day of next, at o'clock, and to be held at (Signed) Registrar. Date day of , 18 .

Form No. 22.—Reg. 38. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD BY THE REGISTRAR'S DIRECTION. [To be given either by letter addressed to every member, or by advertisement, or in such other manner as the Registrar directs.] Name of society: Register No.: Notice is hereby given that a .special meeting of the abovementioned society will be held, by direction of the Registrar, pursuant to section 28 of the above-mentioned Act, on , the day of next, at o'clock, at , which meeting shall appoint its own chairman, and shall then proceed to discuss and determine on the following matters 'State them]. (Signed) Registrar. Date : day of , 18 .

Form No. 23.—Reg. 30. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE OP NAME AND REGISTRY OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION. Name already registered: Register No. : To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for approval of a change of name of the abovementioned society, and for registry of a special resolution tc that effect, is made by the three persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the society, of which notice was duly given, hold on the day of 18 pursuant to section 15 of the above-mentioned Act 'The resolution to he copied at length]. (Signed) (Chairman of the first ( general meeting. Secretary. | Chairman of the sub- -: sequent general I meeting. Registered office : Date : day of ,18 .

Form No. 24.—Regs. 30, 31, 3%, 33, 34. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION. Name of society : Register No.: I, , of ,an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, in making the special resolution, application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, the provisions of section 15 of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," have been duly complied with. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.

Form No. 25.—Begs. 81, 34. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR AMALGAMATION OF SOCIETIES. * Name of society : (a) Register No. : Name of society: (6) Register No.: [And so on if more than two.~\

* As this application must be made by each society, the order in hich the societies are named must be inverted or changed in each pplication.



To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for registry of a special resolution for the amalgamation of the above-mentioned societies is made by the three persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. ' 1. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the (a) , of which notice was duly given, held on the day of , 18 , pursuant to section 15 of the above-men-tioned Act [The resolution to be copied at length]. * 2. The number of votes to which all the members of the (a.) Society are entitled pursuant to section 16 (7) of the said Act is ; the number of votes of the members who assented at the said meeting is ; and the written oonsents of members entitled to votes, and of every person for the time being receiving or entitled to any reliof, annuity, or other benefit from tho funds of the society, are appended hereto [except the consents of , whose claims have been duly satisfied or have been provided for (State in what manner such provision has been made)']. (Signed) Chairman of the first general meeting. Secretary of the firstnamed society. / Chairman of the subsequent general ( meeting. Registered office [of the a] : Date : day of ,18 . • This will only be necessary when the society is a friendly aooiety, and the consents, or any of them, have not been dispensed with by the Begistrar.

Form No. 26.—Begs. 32, 34. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name of society transferring its engagements : Register No.: Name of society undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements : Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for registry of a special resolution for transfer of engagements of the first-named society is made by the* persons whose names are subscribed hereto. 1. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the first-named society, of which notice was duly given, held the day of , 18 , and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was duly given, held the day of ,18 [The resolution to be copied at full length]. t 2. The number of votes to which all the members of the first-named society are entitled pursuant to section 16 (7) of the said Act is ; tho number of votes of the members who assented at the said meeting is ; and the written consents of members entitled to votes, and of every person for the time being receiving or entitled to any relief, annuity, or other benefit from the funds of the society, are appended hereto, except tho consents of , whoso claims have been duly satisfied or have been provided for [State in what manner such provision has been made]. 3. The last-named society has [State in what manner] undertaken to fulfil the engagements of the first-named society, as testified by the signatures of tho trustees and secretary of the said last-named society to this application, and by the declaration of the secretary of the same sent with this application. (Signed) f Chairman of the first ( general meeting. J Secretary of the first- ( named society. < Chairman of the subsequent general ( meeting. [Trustees of the lastnamed society, j Secretary of the lastnamed society. Registered office of transferring society : Date: day of ,18 . * The number will vary according to that of the trustees of the society undertaking to fulfil transferred engagements. t This will only be necessary when the society is a friendly society, and the consents, or any of them, have not been dispensed with by the Eegistrar.

Form No. 27.—Beg. 32. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION BY OFFICER OF SOCIETY ACCEPTING TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name of society: Register No. : I, ,of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, by a resolution of a meeting of the society held on the day of , at [or as the case may be, stating by what authority the transfer is accepted] , the society has undertaken to fulfil all the engagements of the Society, Register No. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in tho Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for tho said colony.

Worm No. 28.—Beg. 33. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR REGISTRY OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR CONVERSION INTO A COMPANY. Name of society: Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application for registry of a special resolution for conversion of the above-mentioned society into a company is made by the three persons whoso names arc subscribed at the foot hereof. The following is a copy of a special resolution passed by the votes of throe-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice was duly given, held on the day of 18 , and confirmed by a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at a subsequent general meeting, of which notice was duly given, held on the day of 18 , pursuant to section 15 of the above-mentioned Act [The resolution to be copied at length]. (Signed) j Chairman of the first | general meeting. Secretary. {Chairman of the subsequent general meeting. Registered office : Date : day of , 18 .

Form No. 29. — Beg. 34. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION BY OFFICER OF COMPANY AMALGAMATING OR ACCEPTING TRANSFER OP ENGAGEMENTS. Name of company: I, , of , an officer of the above-named company, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, by a resolution of a special general meeting of the company, hold on the day of , at [or as the case may be, stating by what authority the amalgamation is agreed to or the transfer of engagements accepted"] , the company has agreed to an amalgamation with [or undertaken to fulfil all the engagements of] the Society, Register No. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.



Form No. 30.—Reg. 37. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR THE CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO A BRANCH. Name of society: Register No. : To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Application to register the above-mentioned society as a branch of the is made by the three persons whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. With this application are sent — (a.) Two copies, each marked A, of the resolution passed at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice was duly given, held on the day of , 18 ,by which it was determined that the said society should become a branch under this Act of the above-mentioned (6.) A copy, marked B, of the rules of tho first-mentioned society ['marked to show the amendments made at the above-mentioned meeting]. [*(c.) Two copies, each marked C, of such amendments of rulasj. (Signed) (Secretary of the first- ( named society, j Chairman of the general | meeting. J Secretary of the second- \ named society. Registered office: Date : day of , 18 . * If no amendments of rules were made at the meeting, the words in brackets should be struck out.

Form No. 31.— Reg. 37. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO A BRANCH. Name of society: Register No.: We, of , chairman of the meeting at which a resolution was passed for the conversion of the above-men-tioned society into a branch of the , and , of , secretary of the first-mentioned society, do solemnly Mid sincerely declare that the said resolution was duly passed by three-fourths of the members present and entitled to vote at a general meeting of the said society, of which notice was duly given, held on the day of , 18 , and that the amendments to the rules of the said society, accompanying this declaration, were duly made at the said meeting. And we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signatures.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for tho said colony. (Signed) Chairman of the general meeting. Secretary of the Society.

Form No. 32.— Beg. 38. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." CONVERSION OF A REGISTERED SOCIETY INTO A BRANCH. Name of society: Register No.: The registry as a separate society of the is hereby cancelled, and the said society is hereby registered as a branch of the (Signature.) Date : day of ,18 .

Form No. 33.—Reg. 39. New Zealand. "Friondly Socioties Aot, 1882." INSTRUMENT OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society: Register No.: Instrument of dissolution of the , made tho day of , 18 , pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," section 10, and signed by [in the case of a society not a friendly society three-fourths of the members, but in the case of a friendly society five-sixths in value] of the members, including honorary members, if any, and by every person for the time being receiving or entitled to receive any relief, annuity, or other benefit from the funds of the society [except , whose claims have been duly satisfied or have been provided for (State in what manner such provision has been made)]. It is agreed and declared as follows :— 1. The liabilities and assets of the society are the following [Here set them forth in detail]. 2. The number of members is , and the nature of their interests in the society respectively is as follows [Specify nature of benefits, dc] . 3. The society has no creditors other than such members [or if there be any, state the amount due to them and the provision to be made for its payment]. 4. The funds and property of the society shall be appropriated and divided in the following manner [or in such manner as tho Registrar may award]. [Here insert any other provisions the society desires to make as to the dissolution.]

N.B.—All signatures by mark only must be attested by & witness who does not sign as a member. * These consents may bo given separately.

Form No. 34.—Reg. 39. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION TO ACCOMPANY INSTRUMENT OP DISSOLUTION. Name of society: Register No.: I, ,of , one of the trustees [or we, , and three members and the secretary] of the abovenamed society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that, in making the instrument of dissolution [or the alteration of the instrument of dissolution] appended to this declaration, the provisions of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," have been complied with. And I [or we] make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing tho same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of Now Zealand intituled "The Justices, of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature or signatures.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony of New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony.

Signatures of Members. No. of Votes of each Member. Signatures of Persons receiving or entitled to receive any Relief, Annuity, or other Benefit from the Funds of the Society.* (Schedule.) List of Members who have not signed the foregoing J,?'.?, Instrument. *ȣ.



Form No. 35.—Reg. 40. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF REGISTRY OF INSTRUMENT OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society: Register No. : The foregoing instrument of dissolution [or alteration of the instrument of dissolution] of the Society is registered under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," this day of , 18 . (Seal or stamp of Registrar.)

Form No. 36. — Reg. 42. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ADVERTISEMENT OF DISSOLUTION BY INSTRUMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Society, Register No. , held at , is dissolved by instrument, registered at this office the day of , 18 , unless, within three months from the date of the Gazette in which this advertisement appears, proceedings be commenced by a member or other person interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, and the same is set aside accordingly. (Signed) Registrar. Friendly Societies' Registry Office, day of , 18 .

Form No. 37. — Reg. 43. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION TO REGISTRAR FOR AWARD OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society: Register No.: Application for an award of dissolution of the abovementioned society is made by the members whose names are subscribed at the foot hereof. 1. The society consists of members, one-fifth of the whole number of whom [or 100 or more of whom if the society has 1,000 members and not exceeding 10,000, or 500 or more of whom if the society has more than 10,000 members] have signed this application. 2. The funds of the society are insufficient to meet the existing claims thereon [or the rates of contribution fixed in the rules of the society are insufficient to cover the benefits assured]. 3. The grounds upon which such insufficiency is alleged are as follow [State grounds']. 4. The Registrar is hereby requested to make or cause to be made, pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," section 15, an investigation into the affairs of the society, with a view to the dissolution thereof. 5. It is desired that notice of the award of dissolution be published in the [naming some newspaper] , circulating in the City [Town or District] in which the registered office of the society is situated. 6. The sum of , to cover the cost of publishing such notice in the said newspaper and in the Gazette, is herewith transmitted. (Signatures of members.*) Registered office : Date : day of , 18 . * Any signature by mark only must be attested by a witness who does not sign as a member.

Form No. 38.—Reg. 44. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION. Name of society: Register No.: Notice is hereby given that the Registrar will proceed, by himself [or by (name of), Actuary, whom the Registrar hereby appoints for the purpose], to investigate the affairs of the above-mentioned society, in compliance with an application in that behalf, made pursuant to section 16 of the above-mentioned Act, on , the day of

,18 [two months at least after the date of the notice] , at o'clock, at (Signed) Registrar. Address: Date : day of ,18 . (To be addressed to the society at its registered office.)

Form No. 39.—Reg. 44. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." AWARD OF DISSOLUTION. Name of society: Register No.: Pursuant to section 16 of the above-mentioned Act, I hereby award that the shall bo dissolved and its affairs wound up as from the day of , 18 ; and I direct that the assets of the said society shall be divided and appropriated in the following manner :— (Signed) Registrar. Address: Date : day of , 18 .

Form No. 40.— Reg. 45. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." AWARD FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. Name of society : Register No. : Pursuant to section 16 of the above-mentioned Act, and to the instrument of dissolution of the same, registered on the day of , 18 , I hereby award and direct that the assets of the society shall bo divided and appropriated in the following manner :— (Signed) Registrar. Address: Date : day of , 18 .

Form No. 41. — Reg. 46. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ADVERTISEMENT OF DISSOLUTION BY AWARD. Notice is hereby given that, on the day of , the Registrar signed an award for the dissolution of the Society, Register No. , held at , and that such society is thereby dissolved, unless, within three months from the date of the Gazette in which this advertisement appears, proceedings be commenced by a member or other person interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, and the same be sot aside accordingly. (Signed) Registrar. Friendly Societies' Registry, Office, day of , 18 .

Form No. 42.—Reg. 47. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OP PROCEEDING TO SET ASIDE DISSOLULUTION OF SOCIETY [OR BRANCH]. Name of society: Register No.: [Name of branch :] [Place of branch:] To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Whereas on the day of the above-named society [or the above-named branch] was dissolved [or purported to be dissolved] by an instrument of dissolution purporting to be duly registered [or by the award of the Registrar] : I hereby give you notice that I intend, after not less than seven days from the date hereof, to take proceedings for setting aside such dissolution in the Resident Magistrate's Court of the District of Dated this day of , 18 . (Signature.) (Address.)



Form No. 43.—Reg. 47. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF ORDER TO SET ASIDE DISSOLUTION Name of society: Register No.: [Name of branch:] [Place of branch:] To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Whereas on the day of the above-namec sooiety [or the above-named branch] was dissolved [or purported to be dissolved] by an instrument of dissolution purporting to be duly registered [or by tho award of the Registrar] : The above-named society [or branch] hereby gives you notice that, by an order of the Resident Magistrate's Court of the District of , dated the day of , 18 , copy whereof is hereto annexed, the dissolution of tho said society [or branch] was sot aside. (Signed) | Trustees . Secretary. Registered office: Date : day of , 18 . ■ (This notice must be sent within seven days after the order to set aside dissolution is made. A copy of the order is to be annexed.)

Form No. 44. — Regs. 48 and 54. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF BRANCH.* Name of society: Register No.: To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. A branch of the above-named society has been established at , and is to be called 2. The branch is [or is not] to have trustees [or officers authorized to sue and be sued on its behalf] other than those of tho society [if so, add], and tho following are the names of such trustees [or officers]: — 3. The rules of tho branch are [or are not] identical with those of the other branches of the society [if not so, add], and a copy of the rules of the branch is sent herewith. (Signed) Secretary. Registered office of the society: Date : day of , 18 . * This form may bo adapted, by authority of the Eegistrar, so as to include any number of branches.

Form No. 45.—Reg. 52. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF AMENDMENT OF BRANCH RULES.* Name of society: Register No.: Name and No. of branch : I, of , an officer of the above-named society, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of the rules of the said branch, the application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, has been duly made in conformity with the rules of the society and branch in that behalf, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to the provisions of the above-men-tioned Act. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in the Colony cf New Zealand, this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said colony. * This form may be adapted, by authority of the Eegistrar, so as to include any number of branches.

Form No. 46.—Reg. 52. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF AMENDMENT OF BRANCH RULES.* Name of society: Register No.: Name and No. of branch : I, ,of , secretary of the above-named branch, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the amendment of tho rules of the said branch, the application for registry of which is appended to this declaration, has been duly made in conformity with the rules of the society and branch in that behalf, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the same is not contrary to the provisions of the above-men-tioned Act. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Justioes of the Peace Act, 1882." (Signature.) Made and subscribed at , in the Oolony of New Zealand, this day of , in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and , before me, , ono of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for tho said colony. • This form may be adapted, by authority of the Eegistrar, so as to include any number of branches.

Form No. 47.—Reg. 53. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF CHANGE OF PLACE OF BRANCH.* Name of society : Register No.: Name and No. of branch : Notice is hereby given that the place where the abovementioned branch is established is removed from to Dated this day of , 18 . (Signed) An Officer of the Society. Secretary of Branch. To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. f Received this day of ,18 , notice of the change of place of the branch of the Sooiety, Register No. , to (Seal of Registrar.) * This form may be adapted, by authority of tho Kegistrar, bo as to include any number of branches. t This part to bo detached by the Kegistrar when the notice i« registered, and returned to the socioty'a officer.

Form No. 48.—Reg. 53. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP NEW TRUSTEE [OR OFFICER TO SUE AND BE SUED] OF BRANCH.* Name of society: Register No.: Name, place, and No. of branch : Notice is hereby given that ,of , , of , and , of , was [or were], on the day of , 18 , duly appointed [Give full tames, addresses, and descriptions'] a trustee [or trustees] [or an officer or officers to sue and be sued on behalf] of the above-mentioned branch, in the place of , deceased or resigned or removed]. (Signed) An Officer of the Society. t Trustees. t Received this day of ,18 , notice of the appointment of as trustees [or officers to sue and bo ued] of the branch of the Society. (Seal of Registrar.) * This form may be adapted, by authority of the Eegistrar, so as io include any number of branches. + This part to be detached by the Kogistrar when the notioe is egisterod, and returned to the socioty's officer.



Form No. 49.—Beg. 63. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF REGISTRY OF A SOCIETY UNDER A LIMITED SPECIAL AUTHORITY. The Society is registered as a specially-authorized sooiety under " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," subject to the limitations expressed in the foregoing rules, this day of ,18 . (Seal of Registrar.)

Form No. 50.—Reg. 69. New Zealand. "Friendly Societies Act, 1882." ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR DISPENSING WITH CONSENTS OR CONDITIONS FOR AMALGAMATION OR TRANSFER OF ENGAGEMENTS. Notice is hereby given that the Society, Register No. , whose registered office is at , desires to amalgamate with [or transfer all its engagements to] the Society, Register No. , or the , a company under " The Joint-Stock Companies Act, 1882 ;" and that on the day of , 18 , the trustees [or committee of management] of the first-named society intend to apply to the Registrar that the following consents and conditions prescribed by " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements may be dispensed with, namely [State what consents and conditions], (Signed) ) Trustees [or Members of the f Committee of Management].

Form No. 51.—Beg. 70. New Zealand. " Friendly Societies Act, 1882." APPLICATION FOR DISPENSING WITH CONSENTS OE CONDITIONS FOR AMALGAMATION OR TRANSFExv, OF ENGAGEMENTS. Name of society: Register No.: Application is made by the trustees [or committee of management] of the above-named society, for the purpose hereinafter mentioned. 1. The above-named society desires to amalgamate with [or transfer all its engagements to] the Society, Register No. [or the Company, a company under " The Joint-Stock Companies Act, 1882 "J. 2. The trustees [or committee of management] of the first-named society hereby apply to the Registrar that the following consents and conditions prescribed by the Friendly Societies Act for an amalgamation or transfer of engagements may be dispensed with, namely [State what consents and conditions]. 3. Notice of the intention to mako the present application was advertised in the Gazette on the day of , being one calendar month previous to the date of this application, and a copy of the Gazette in which such notice appears is sent herewith. ) Trustees [or Members of the J Committee of Management].

[Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, £ ; printing (1,350 copies), £3 Is. 6d.]

Authority : George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB6.

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REGULATIONS UNDER "THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1882.", Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, H-01

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REGULATIONS UNDER "THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1882." Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, H-01

REGULATIONS UNDER "THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES ACT, 1882." Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, H-01

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