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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sm, — General Post Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1886. I have the honour to submit to your Excellency the report on the Postal and Telegraph Service for the year 1885, with a statement of revenue and expenditure to the 31st March last. I have, &c, Julius Vogel, Postmaster-General and Electric Telegraph Commissioner. His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand.

EEPOET. Theee has been a very large increase of business in all branches for the year, as shown by the several statements and tables appended. An unusually large number of new telephone-lines were constructed and offices established, while the telephone-exchange system extended in a very marked degree. One of the more important matters dealt with during the year has been, in conjunction with New South Wales, the renewal of the San Francisco mail service under a contract with the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited) on very favourable terms to the colonies. An acceleration of time has been secured —a saving of twenty-two hours —for a subsidy considerably less than paid the Pacific Mail Company for the late service. A highly satisfactory feature of the new service is the fact that the United States Post Office contributes directly towards its cost. Negotiations relating to the renewal of the Australian and New Zealand cable subsidy have been in progress for some time, but so far without definite results. The cable contract made in 1875 providing for the payment by New Zealand of an annual subsidy of £5,000 for ten years expired in February last. The question was brought under the notice of Parliament last session, and it was agreed that the subsidy should be renewed for five years conditionally on the rates being reducedto sixpence per word for ordinary messages and threepence per word for Press, without any minimum as to the length of message. The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company declined to accept these terms, and demanded a ten years' renewal, which was refused. As there appeared to be little inclination on the part of the company fco agree to the proposal the House of Eepresentatives had sanctioned, inquiries were made as to the cost of laying a new cable. It was ascertained that this could be done at a moderate expenditure such as it is supposed would leave a fair profit even after reducing the rates considerably below the present tariff. Subsequently the Cable Company proposed to leave matters in abeyance for a time, in the hope of the colony agreeing to one or other of their proposals. In the meantime no subsidy is being paid the company, and negotiations are still proceeding. Many improvements in the Post Office and Telegraph service and changes in the interests of the public have been effected during the year. An amendment in the delayed-telegram regulations has been made, by which these_ messages are transmitted over the wires at any time of the day whenever the ordinary work admits of this being done, and immediately posted for delivery. The change has had the effect of largely increasing the business in delayed telegrams without any apparent decrease in the ordinary messages. Postal-notes were introduced on the 2nd January last with very great success, as will be seen by a reference to page xi. A circular halfpenny post has also been established, which promises to be largely used. The weight of a circular is limited to half an ounce, and delivery is restricted to delivery from the post office at which posted, including delivery from a branch office or by letter carrier. Reply post-cards are to be introduced immediately. i.—F. 1.



Arrangements for establishing within the colony a parcels post are under consideration ; and, if the Bill now before Parliament be passed, it is intended to have everything in readiness for introducing the scheme before the end of the year. The cash receipts of the department for the financial year amounted to £297,375 10s. 10d., an increase of £13,130 Bs. Id., or 4-62 per cent. The revenue and expenditure for the year are given in the following statement:—

The revenue was £7,603 16s. sd. in excess of the expenditure; and it may be stated that the Post Office and Telegraph expenditure has been considerably less than the receipts for the past five years. This highly satisfactory position, however, is not generally known. The value of work performed gratuitously for other departments of the Government service was no less than £95,075 4s. Bd., and, taking credit for this sum, the gross earnings of the department will be found to have amounted to £392,450 15s. 6d. for the year. £29,452 Is. 3d. was expended on account of telegraph extension, and £7,569 4s. sd. on buildings, repairs, &c, out of Public Works Votes. 35,829,855 letters were dealt with. 1,774,273 telegrams of all codes were transmitted. 58 additional offices were opened, and the total number open at the end of 1885 was 1,049. 20 new mail services were established, and the total number maintained for the year was 553. The number of miles of telegraph lines increased by 190, and the total number of miles at the end of the year was 4,463. The number of miles of wire increased from 10,474 to 10,931. The telephone-exchange system was very largely extended during the year. Excluding the free connections, there was an increase of 506 subscribers for the twelve months. The total number of connections on the several exchanges on the 30th April last was 1,755. 3 new exchanges were established, namely, at Napier, Wanganui, and Timaru. £1,341,001 3s. 2d. was deposited by Savings-Bank depositors during the calendar year ; and the sum at the credit of depositors on the 31st December was £1,638,035 19s. sd. 38 officers on the permanent staff were appointed, 26 resigned, 8 were dispensed with, 4 dismissed, 1 disrated, and 4 died. Departmental changes involved 193 transfers. 65 telegraph message-boys were appointed, 24 resigned, and 12 dismissed. The following table and return give the number of offices and officers of all classes on the 31st December last: —

Revenue. Stamps used for postage tfoney-order commission collected in the colony iloney-order commission received from foreign offices Private box and bag fees Postage from foreign offices Miscellaneous receipts (postal) Ordinary and press telegrams telephone exchange Miscellaneous receipts (telegraph) £ s. d. 141,500 0 0 9,271 15 3 455 0 4 4,051 10 0 30,853 5 7 9,264 9 8 88,013 15 3 12,294 1 2 1,671 13 7 Expenditure. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. 126,190 12 2 Conveyance of mails by sea .. .. 84,357 17 3 Conveyance of inland mails .. .. 28,925 19 9 Conveyance of mails by rail .. .. 739 10 0 Money-order commission credited to foreign offices .. .. .. 1,335 5 10 Maintenance and repairs to telegraph lines, and miscellaneous .. .. 42,872 9 5 Cable subsidies .. .. .. 5,350 0 0 £289,771 14 5 Balance of revenue over expenditure .. 7,603 16 5 £297,375 10 10 £297,375 10 10

Postal Distriota. DD B Q e o ~ £ s 4 r■o <3 IO O P. en 8 i o 0 Pn t» M fl o o o to Q 2 | o o Q M P 5 GJ H pq o Clerks and Postal Cadets. Operators (including Cadets). O cri ah .23 S « S m a g gj 55 I to o d B o Letter-carriers. o i O O Telegraph Message Boys. o .5 Town. Country. Town. Country. Town. Country. to a o m 9 r3 Town. Country. tuckland Thames >Tew Plymouth .. xisborno Napier iVanganui Wellington 31enheim kelson. iVesport greymouth Hokitika Christchurch Pimaru Damaru Dunedin invercargill 45 11 6 1 17 13 19 0 11 5 4 3 50 16 9 37 20 177 27 14 17 32 19 60 17 32 18 21 26 101 25 12 105 07 1 10 35 1 2 1 12 8 40 3 5 21 7 5 3 22 11 87 82 9 2 7 4 27 6 6 21 7 8 7 1 40 11 6 1 18 13 21 6 11 5 4 3 61 16 9 38 20 177 27 14 17 32 19 60 17 32 18 21 26 101 25 12 105 67 u o 2 1 3 2 7 1 2 1 1 1 14 2 2 14 2 4 1 2 15 4 3 3 6 4 33 2 5 2 3 2 16 3 3 14 3 11 4 2 1 1 1 i 2 1 3 30 5 4 35 8 2 5 4 9 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 6 3 i 3 i 4 8 6 2 2 2 3 1 15 2 1 16 6 1 4 1 6 2 l l l l l 'i 2 i ■i i 2 2 ii l 1 8 6 3 1 273 770 10 25 193 230 65 279 770 71 20 14 121 85



Retuen of Ofpicees of the Postal and Telegraph Department for the Year 1885. Postmaster-General .. .. .. 1 Sorters in Clearing-room .. .. 6 Superintendent .. .. .. 1 Mail Agent (permanent) .. .. .. 1 Secretary .. .. .. .. 1 Storekeeper and Assistant ; .. .. 2 Inspector of Post Offices.. .. .. 1 Chief Postmasters .. .. 17 Assistant Inspector of Post Offices .. 1 Postmasters and Officers-in-Chargo on PerAccountant .. .. .. .. 1 manent Staff .. .. .. .. 262 Telegraph Inspectors .. .. .. 3 Clerks and Cadets .. .. .. 199 Sub-Inspectors .. .. 3 Operators .. .. .. .. 295 Electrician .. .. .. .. 1 Country Postmasters .. .. .. 770 Mechanicians .. .. .. .. 3 Letter-carriers .. .. .. 97 Clerks in General Post Office — Messengers (Post Office) .. .. 14 Secretary's Branch .. .. .. 7 Linemen .. .. .. 50 Dead Letter Branch .. .. .. 3 Telegraph Message Boys .. .. .. 206 Clerks in Money Order and Savings Bank —— Branch .. .. .. ..16 Total .. .. .. 1,961 The general conduct of the officers has been good ; and it is especially gratifying to be able to state that offences of a serious nature are comparatively rare. The complete business of the Post Office and Telegraph in detail will be gathered from the information which follows. POST OFFICE. The proportionate increase of correspondence (excepting post-cards) for the calendar year is shown to be less than in 1884. This is not to be accepted as a falling-off in business, but to the fact that the countings, on which the estimate of correspondence has been based, were taken at less favourable periods of the year. The number of letters, post-cards, book-packets and pattern-parcels, and newspapers delivered and posted during the year, compared with the number dealt with in 1884, was as under : — 1885. 1884. Increase. Letters—Delivered .. .. .. .. 19,371,378 19,237,790 Posted .. .. .. .. 16,458,477 16,020,056 35,829,855 35,257,846 572,009 Post-cards—Delivered .. .. .. .. 653,722 561,652 Posted .. .. .. .. 666,211 591,903 1,319,933 1,153,555 166,378 Books and parcels— Deliversd .. .. .. 1,670,708 1,529,603 Posted .. .. .. 1,595,252 1,511,510 3,265,960 3,041,113 224,847 Newspapers—Delivered .. .. ... .. 7,685,370 7,525,596 Posted .. .. .. .. 6,548,508 6,568,146 14,233,878 14,093,742 140,136 The letters increased 1-62, post-cards 14-42, books and parcels 7-39, and newspapers 0-99 per cent. The increase in 1884 was—letters 4-97, post-cards 3-51, books and parcels 20-73, and newspapers 8-16 per cent. The average number of letters posted by each person was estimated to be 28-26. The increase of business in the several branches has been large and of a profitable character. Services have been established and accelerated, and additional conveniences provided where the public wants seemed reasonably to require them. The receipts for the financial year were £195,396 os. 10d., an increase of £9,329 4s. 3d., or 4-77 per cent. The expenditure amounted to £190,474 os. 4d., which was £29,404 ss. 5d., or 15-43 per cent, more than the sum expended the previous year, but £4,922 os. 6d. less than the receipts. The expenditure was abnormally large, and was due to the Direct contract and South Sea Islands services, established during the latter part of 1884 and in June, 1885. The payments made within the last financial year in respect of these services (inclusive of arrears of the previous year) were £23,852 19s. 3d. The sum spent, under the head of conveyance of mail :by sea, during 1884-85, was £59,681 18s. 7d., while £84,357 17s. 3d. was expended last year—an increase of £24,675 18s. Bd. The estimated value of the official free correspondence was £70,434 6s. 7d., which, added to the £4,922 os. 6d., the balance of revenue over expenditure, as previously stated, gives £75,356 7s. Id. as the net earnings of the Post Office for the year. £218,714 7s. lOd. was collected for the Property-Tax Department, in 12,847 payments. 858 game licenses were issued at post offices, and fees amounting to £1,000 collected. 1,682 certificates, under the Inspection of Machinery Act, were distributed, and £2,494 in fees received. Letter-carriers' deliveries were established, extended, and altered to meet the requirements of the several districts. The delivery at Napier extended so as to include the hospital and immediate neighbourhood. The Wellington delivery now includes the suburb of Kilbirnie. Deliveries are now made over the suburbs of Ashburton. An extra delivery in the principal streets of Sydenham has been provided. The deliveries at Thames, Wanganui, and Onehunga have been extended.



28 additional receivers were opened, 1 at Auckland, 1 at Cambridge, 1 at Thames, 3 at Wanganui, 2 at Napier, 3 at Wellington, 1 at Eeatherston, 1 at Nelson, 1 at Greymouth, 6 at Christchurch, 1 at Akaroa, 5 at Ashburton, and 2 at Dunedin. 7 receivers were abolished during the year. The total number of pillar, wall, and lamp-post receivers at the close of the year was 227. 6,141,091 letters, 246,525 post-cards, 394,239 books, parcels, and circulars, and 1,725,680 newspapers were delivered by letter-carriers during the year. This was an increase of 242,710 letters, 43,677 post-cards, 119,993 books, and 83,081 newspapers. 54 additional post-offices were established, 4 reopened, and 16 closed during the year:— Opened. Archhill, Auckland. Makarowa, Invercargill. Saddle Hill, Dunedin. Ardmore, Auckland. Manaroa, Blenheim. South Hillend, Invercargill. Baton, Nelson. Mataiwi, Napier. Springlands, Blenheim. Bruce Bay, Hokitika. Mohikinui, Westport. Tahatika, Dunedin. Bunnythorpe, Wellington. Mount Roskill, Auckland. Taonui, Wellington. Culverden, Christchurch. Netherton, Thames. Taumaranui, Auckland. Dobson, Greymouth. Newtown, Wellington. Te Kuiti, Auckland. Doric, Christchurch. Okoia, Wanganui. The Beach, Christchurch. Dovedale, Nelson. Opuku, Auckland. Tiniroto, Gisborne. Drummond, Invercargill. Oroua Bridge (reopened), Wellington. Waipiro Bay, Gisborne. Endeavour Inlet, Blenheim. Otorohanga, Auckland. Waiotahi, Thames. Hampstead, Christchurch. Poroaterao, Auckland. Walton's, Wellington. Hillend, Dunedin. Puni, Auckland. Wedderbum, Dunedin. Hunterville, Wanganui. Puramahoi, Nelson. Wendonside, Dunedin. Jerusalem, Wanganui. Purokireki, Dunedin. West Plains, Invercargill. Karangahake, Thamos. Putiki Bay, Auckland. Whare Flat (reopened), Dunedin. Kare Kare, Auckland. Rodcliffo (reopened), Timarn. Woodhill, Auckland. Little Kyeburn, Dunedin. Rees Gorge, Invercargill. Woodstock (reopened), Hokitika. Maerewhenua, Oamaru. Remuera, Auckland. Wright's Bush, Invercargill. Makaretu, Napier. Closed. Craigioburn, Auckland. Mataikuna, Wellington. Trondheim, Wellington. Gladfield, Invercargill. Parihaka, New Plymouth. Wangaparapara, Auckland. Harben, Westport. Springlands, Blenheim. Wendonside, Dunedin. Harcourt's Ferry, Hokitika. Sylvan Bank, Invercargill. Wharekahika, Wanganui. Ida Valley, Dunedin. Tawatapu, Wellington. Woodstock, Hokitika. Kopua, Napier. The total number of post offices at the close of the year was 1,043. The names of the following post offices have been changed : Kaituna Valley to Okaramio (Blenheim), Muddy Creek to Brooklynn, Wairoa to Cleveden (Auckland), Hampden to Tikokino (Napier), Haast Eiver to Okuru (Hokitika), Campbelltown to Biuff (Invercargill). Government Insurance agencies have been established at the post offices at Newmarket (Auckland), Katikati, Makotu, Paeroa (Thames), Danevirk, Mohaka, Port Ahuriri, Takapau, Taupo (Napier), Eketahuna, Mauriceville (Wellington), Boatman's, Longford (Westport), Cheviot (Christchurch). Government Insurance business is transacted at 190 post offices. 20 newspapers were registered for transmission through the Post Office. The total number registered is 187. 175 magazines are registered under the magazine post. 6 were registered during the year. The sum paid for the carriage of interprovincial and intercolonial mails by unsubsidized vessels was £4,869 13s. Id. 3,989 private boxes were let, which, together with the fees on 288 private bags, produced a revenue of £4,051 10s. The offices at Wangarei and Waipawa were destroyed by fire. Fortunately, the correspondence and property of any value were saved in both cases. The offices are to be rebuilt. A large number of offices were inspected during the year, with beneficial results. The rapid growth of the service made it necessary to appoint an Assistant-Inspector, whose especial duty for a time will be to visit the country offices. Amalgamation with the railway has been carried out at Matamata, Te Aute, Fairlie Creek, Little Eiver, and Dunback. The extension of the railway from Orepuki to Colac Bay, Morrinsville to Oxford, and Ellesmere to Little Eiver, admitted of an acceleration in the delivery of the mails. Free Official Correspondence. The estimated value of the official or free correspondence for the year is given in the statement underneath:—

The estimated value of the free correspondence for 1884 was £70,830 Is. sd.

Postal Districts. Letters. ' Boolis. Value. Postal Districts. Letters. Books. Value. Auckland Chames Sew Plymouth .. 3-isborne STapier Wanganui Wellington kelson Westport jreymouth lb. oz. 21,614 5 516 9 3,432 9 658 0 2,802 5 5,063 1 130,080 5 2,641 7 1,400 0 2,259 6 lb. oz. 15,003 2 845 1 1,800 0 603 0 5,226 0 5,080 0 279,532 0 2,148 0 201 0 4,704 8 £ s. d. 6,309 0 1 167 2 1 1,008 3 3 197 6 4 921 9 8 1,542 12 2 49,387 8 0 784 3 5 380 0 8 761 0 4 Hokitika Blenheim Christchurch .. Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill lb. oz. 1.946 12 2,340 7 3,121 0 2,447 15 1,098 8 9,401 7 2.947 0 lb. oz. 820 8 2,160 0 11,903 2 1,860 0 1/400 0 13,043 1 2,809 12 £ s. d. 546 9 8 698 9 10 2,567 0 11 716 4 5 339 12 0 2,948 3 10 880 3 0 Totals 205,374 0 319,859 2 70,214 15 8



Dead Letters. The number of unclaimed letters received and disposed of during the under-mentioned years is shown in the following table :—

The unclaimed letters dealt with show a decrease of 2-82 per cent, compared with the number disposed of in the previous year. 9,442 book-packets and circulars were returned to foreign countries, 5,171 were returned to the senders through the Dead Letter Office, and 8,571 were returned by Chief Postmasters : a total of 23,184 book-packets and circulars, against 17,132 in 1884. The under-mentioned articles of value were found enclosed in letters opened in the Dead Lette Office, and returned to the senders where practicable : — £ s. d. 159 money orders .... ... ... ... ... 474 4 7 39 bank drafts ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,560 11 1 108 cheques ... ... ... ... ... ... 644 9 8 5 promissory notes ... ... ... ... ... 346 16 4 Stamps ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 16 2 Banknotes ... ... ... ... ... ... 182 0 0 Gold 25 0 0 Silver and copper ... ... ... ... ... 413 10i Eepresenting a total of ... ... £5,243 11 8J In addition, 5 gold rings, 9 gold rings set with precious stones, 2 sets of gold shirt studs and sleeve-links, 1 sleeve-link, 1 gold scarf pin set with amethyst, 1 gold locket, 1 gilt watch-guard, 1 packet of gold dust, 4 silver hunting watches, 1 silver Geneva watch, 1 silver watch with silver chain and locket attached, 1 silver watch with silver chain, 2 silver brooches, 1 silver bracelet, 1 silver ring, and 1 New Zealand war medal. 4,204 unclaimed registered letters were dealt with. 30 letters detained for postage were received, 20 of which were subsequently forwarded. 558 newspapers and 293 books and other articles without addresses were also received: of these, 50 were delivered, and 83 book-packets forwarded to London and other countries for return to the senders. 98 letters were posted without addresses. 11 letters with libellous addresses were intercepted. 164 letters were imperfectly and wrongly addressed. 2,490 letters were refused by the addressees. 4 letters were posted with previously-used stamps. Eegistered Letters. The number of registered letters dealt with, compared with the numbers in 1882, 1883, and 1884, is shown below : —

Manner of Disposal. 1675. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Dpened and returned to the writers .. Returned unopened to other countries Reissued Destroyed Returned unopened by Chief Post- | masters 39,051 10,321 78 6,081 60,977 10,503 240 5,135 52,038 9,372 159 3,969 53,507 8,539 54 0,189 69,452 8,143 G7 3,302 68,942 9,134 107 3,986 60,592 8,115 185 2,872 11,160 12,810 14,378 15,833 17,593 19,187 Totals 55,531 88,015 78,348 82,607 90,797 99,762 90,951

1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Postal Districts. From Places beyond the Colony. Registered in the Colony. Totals. From Places beyond the Colony. Registered in the Colony. Totals. From Places beyond the Colony. Registered in the Colons'. Totals. From Places beyond the Colony. Registered in the Colony. Totals. Auckland Thames .. Now Plymouth Gisborne .. Napier Wanganui Wellington Nelson Westport .. G-reymouth Hokitika .. Blenheim Christchurch Timaru Oamaru .. Dunedin .. Invercargill 4,642 161 507 130 921 439 3,137 805 100 187 220 215 4,271 512 271 4,217 1,484 15,459 1,136 2,589 745 4,141 4,771 15,147 2,581 809 1,999 1,700 1,280 13,677 2,853 1,712 13,344 5,100 20,101 1,297 3,096 875 5,062 5,210 18,284 3,386 915 2,186 1,920 1,501 17,948 3,305 1,983 17,501 6,584 4,964 . 292 401 155 973 522 3,252 988 80 194 174 209 4,250 506 277 4,425 1,230 15,831 3,337 2,738 1,024 4,574 4,845 16,945 2,707 1,014 2,100 1,662 1,319 13,678 2,865 1,985 12,358 5,837 20,795 3,629 3,139 1,179 5,547 5,367 20,197 3,695 1,094 2,300 1,836 1,528 17,934 3,371 2,262 16,783 7,007 5,803 217 560 141 1,037 316 3,654 969 61 133 185 112 4,429 341 228 4,677 1,456 19,852 2,913 3,266 903 4,518 4,898 18,250 3,065 1,290 1,911 1,333 1,397 17,297 3,311 1,638 12,192 7,649 25,655 3,130 3,826 1,044 5,555 5,214 21,904 4,034 1,351 2,044 1,518 1,509 21,726 3,652 1,866 16,869 9,105 5,890 205 675 108 892 283 4,757 559 45 125 173 181 3,717 440 316 5,645 1,614 22,124 2,879 2,876 922 5,453 4,500 19,218 2,432 1,438 2,835 1,907 1,413 13,678 3,153 1,947 12,737 6,001 28,014 3,084 3,551 1,030 6,345 4,783 23,975 2,991 1,483 2,960 2,080 1,594 17,395 3,593 2,263 18.3S2 8,275 Totals 22,225 89,049 111,274 22,898 94,825 117,723 24,319 1105,683 130,002 125,625 106,173 131,798



Buildings. The new offices at Woodville, Greymouth, Palmerston South, and Bluff have been completed. Additions and alterations have been made to the offices at Katikati, Opotiki, Hawera, Wanganui, Takaka, Christchurch (additional accommodation for letter-carriers), and Akaroa. Minor repairs and alterations have been, or are being, effected at the following offices: Thames, Waiwera, Mercer (residence), Gisborne, Marton, Sanson, Lower Hutt, Blenheim, Westport, Eeefton, Kaiapoi, Ternuka, Oamaru, Invercargill,' Queenstown, Greymouth (residence), and Mataura (residence). New offices are to be built at Mercury Bay (combined with courthouse), Waotu, Ophir, Clyde, Herbertville, Waipawa, and Wangarei; also additions to Eangiora and Dargaville, and a residence for postmaster, Lawrence. Inland Mail Services. The following are the particulars of the several inland mail services for the year : — Performed by coach and mail-cart ... ... ... ... 153 „ on horseback ... ... ... ... ... ... 251 „ on foot ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 „ by water ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 „ by railway ... ... ... ... ... ... 63 Total number of services ... ... ... 553 Aggregate mileage ... ... ... ... ... 8,797 Total number of miles travelled ... ... ... ... 3,601,238 Cost to the department ... ... ... ... ... £27,464 2s. Id. Average cost per mile ... ... ... ... ... l-83d. The total cost in 1884 was ... .. ... ...£25,689 lis. lOd. And the cost per mile ... ... ... ... ... l-87d. There was a net increase of 26 services, and 305,337 in the number of miles travelled. The following new services were established : — Twice weekly between Blackburn and Makeretu. Weekly between Owake and Purekireki. Weekly between Coromandel and Kennedy's Bay. Thrice monthly between Kihikihi and Taumarunui. Thrice weekly between Paeroa and Karangahake. Weekly between Kenepuru and Manaroa. Weekly between Sherry Eiver and Baton. Thrice weekly between Brunnerton and Dobson. Daily between Ashburton and Hampstead. Thrice weekly between North Taieri and Whare Flat. Twice daily between Auckland, Putiki Bay, Te Eori, and Arch Hill. Daily between Green Lane and Eemuera. Weekly between Gisborne and Tiniroto. Weekly between Gisborne and Wairoa. Daily between Waikanae and Walton's. Thrice weekly between Christchurch and Dorie. Weekly between Queenstown and Eee's Gorge. Thrice weekly between Okoroire and Eotorua. Twice daily between Te Aroha Post Office and Eailway Station. Thrice weekly between Wedbury Eailway Station and Hurunui Post Office. The frequency of the following services has been increased:— Between Nelson and Eeefton, from twice to thrice weekly. Between Westport and Inangahua Junction, from thrice weekly to daily. Between Ophir and Tinker's, from once to twice weekly. Between Dunedin and Heriot, from thrice weekly to daily. Between Auckland and Kihikihi, from once to twice daily. Between Thames and Puriri, from four times a week to daily. Between Napier and Taradale, from once to twice daily. Between Waipawa and Ongaonga, from twice to thrice weekly. Between Normanby and Okaiawa, from thrice weekly to daily. Between Masterton and Woodville, from thrice weekly to daily. Between Wellington and Petone (providing for mails from Petone), thrice instead of twice daily. Between Wellington and Hutt; extra mail despatched from the Hutt on Monday morning. Between Bull's and Sanson, from thrice weekly to daily. The following services were discontinued : — Between Colac Bay and Orepuki (in consequence of opening of railway). Between Te Aute Post Office and Eailway Station. Between Cambridge and Eotorua (service rearranged between Eailway Station, Okoroire, and Eotorua). The following services have been extended or rearranged : — Omarama and Ben Ohau, extended to the Wire Eope,



Green Island and Brighton, rearranged so as to include Saddle Hill. Gisborne and Puhatikotiko, extended to Whatatutu. Christchurch to Akaroa, via Little Eiver, and Waiau and Hanmer Plains (both); in consequence of railway extension the services are accelerated. Mail Steam Services. Papers presented to Parliament disclose the nature of the negotiations which have taken place in connection with the renewal of the San Francisco service. The Pacific Mail Company's contract expired in November last. As far back as the 9th of May, 1885, the New South Wales Government were apprised of the intention of this colony to continue the service, and asked if they would contribute £7,000 a year towards the cost of a service which provided for the main boats stopping at Auckland, with a branch service to Sydney. The Postmaster-General of New South Wales was disposed to favour the proposal. Conditions and particulars of such a service were accordingly prepared in anticipation of the meeting of Parliament, and, on its assembling, the question was brought under the notice of the House of Eepresentatives, when the following resolution was agreed to : " That the Government be authorized to negotiate for a fresh mail service between Auckland and San Francisco for three years, at a cost not exceeding £30,000 per annum." Tenders were thereupon invited for alternative services, for eighteen and nineteen days, between San Francisco and Auckland by the main boats, with a branch service between Auckland and Sydney. No tender was received for either service. Subsequently the time between San Francisco and Auckland was increased to twenty days, and fresh offers invited. Two tenders were then sent in, viz.:— 1. From the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited), for a service between San Francisco and Auckland, in twenty days, with a branch service between Auckland and Sydney, on the following basis : Subsidy to be £30,000 per annum. The company to receive all contributions from other colonies or countries. Government to assist in securing such contributions. Twenty-day service for three years, to be extended to five years should company be prepared after two years to shorten voyage to nineteen days. Free of all port-charges, including dock charges at Auckland; and also subject to following provisions: (a) Company to be at liberty to employ any of their present boats to open service, even though not up to contract speed ; (b) company to be at liberty, if found necessary for docking purposes or for other considerations, to employ a third steamer in the through service, and to extend voyage to Sydney in lieu of branch service ; (c) provision to be made for an earlier termination of the contract should it be found impossible to secure satisfactory contributions from other colonies or States. Vessels proposed for main line: New s.s. " Mararoa," and vessel equal to " Australia;" and 2. From Mr. William Pearce, owner of the "Australia" and " Zealandia," for a service between San Francisco and Auckland (but without branch service between Auckland and an Australian port), on the basis of twenty days between San Francisco and Auckland, for the sum of £40,000 per annum. Or between Sydney and San Francisco for the sum of £30,000 per annum, the contractor to receive all mail moneys obtainable from the Government of New South Wales, in addition to the said sum of £30,000. Vessels to be employed: s.s. " Australia," 2,737 tons, 500 horse-power; s.s. " Zealandia," 2,730 tons, 500 horse-power. Neither of these offers came within the Parliamentary limit. The question was again brought before the House of Eepresentatives, and, after considerable discussion, the Government were authorized to further negotiate on somewhat different lines, but within the terms of the following resolution: — " That the Government be authorized to contract for a service between Sydney, Auckland, and Honolulu, or Auckland and Honolulu, with efficient provision for the carriage of the mails to and from San Francisco, so that the whole time between Auckland and San Francisco shall not exceed twenty days, at a cost to the colony (after computing estimated receipts, if any, from the other colonies), not exceeding £18,000; and, failing such arrangement being practicable, that the Government be authorized to contract for a service between Auckland and San Francisco, or between Sydney, Auckland, and San Francisco, at the same rate of time, at a cost to the colony (after computing estimated receipts, if any, from other colonies), not exceeding £23,000." Communication was at once opened up with the Union Steamship Company, Mr. W. Pearce's attorney, and the representative of the Oceanic Steamship Company of San Francisco, who had specially visited New Zealand in connection with the renewal of the service. After considerable negotiation an agreement was arrived at, substantially as follows : The Union Company to contract for a three years' service between San Francisco, Honolulu, Auckland, and Sydney. Time to Auckland twenty days, and to Sydney twenty-five days. The main boats to run between Sydney, Auckland, and Honolulu, connecting at Honolulu with steamers of the Oceanic Company, already trading with San Francisco ; subsidy, £30,000 a year. The " Australia " and " Zealandia "to be employed between Sydney, Auckland, and Honolulu, and the " Alameda" and "Mariposa" between Honolulu and San Francisco. All three parties had therefore an interest in the new service—Mr. Pearce having arranged for his boats being employed. The New South Wales Government in the meantime had agreed to join in the service, and to contribute £10,000 a year, thus leaving £20,000 as New Zealand's share of the cost. In view of the probable satisfactory termination of the negotiations for the renewal of the service, it was decided to ascertain whether a contribution towards its cost could not be obtained from the United States. The following cablegrams between the Postmaster-General of this colony and the Postmaster-General, Washington, show the success the application met: —



Postmaster-General, New Zealand, to Postmaster-General, Washington. " Wellington, 23rd September, 1885. " Negotiating for service, Sydney, Auckland, Honolulu, 'Frisco, connecting at Honolulu with Spreckel's steamers. Will you undertake for three years give twenty thousand dollars yearly in excess of present payments for carriage American mails ? Eeply immediate definitely, as continuance service probably depends on your decision." To which the following very favourable reply was received :— " Such continuous contract not authorized. Will allow such sum while desirable unless Congress forbids." And within the past few weeks the United States Post Office has announced that the subsidy is being paid to the contractors, and that it was improbable Congress would interpose and forbid payment. The formal contract for the new service was executed by the Postmaster-General of New Zealand and the contractors on the 9th October, and subsequently signed by the Postmaster-General of New South Wales, subject, however, to ratification by his Parliament. It may be stated that, among other things, the contract provides for the contributions from non-contracting colonies being divided between New South Wales and New Zealand, and for the payment of the £4,000 from the United States being shared equally between New South Wales, New Zealand, and the contractors —the colonies' proportions, in fact, to be deducted from the subsidy-payments. Demurrage, premiums, and penalties to be paid and received in the proportion of two-thirds by New Zealand and one-third by New South Wales. Premiums for any one voyage not to exceed thirty-six hours. Just as everything appeared to be definitely settled, an unlooked-for difficulty arose. From some cause or other Mr. Pearce declined to confirm the agreement with the Union Company for running his steamers under the new contract. They were suddenly withdrawn, and advertised to run on owner's account between Sydney and San Francisco direct. This happened within a fortnight of the date on which the new service was to start from San Francisco. Fortunately, the difficulty was fully met. The contractors immediately cabled to the Oceanic Company, San Francisco, and asked that they would commence the service from their end by one of their own vessels instead of the " Zealandia," the contractors on their part providing for opening the service from Sydney by their new steamer " Mararoa " (then on her way from Glasgow) in the place of the " Australia." The Oceanic Company promptly responded by arranging for the " Alameda "to replace the " Zealandia," and also agreeing to place the " Mariposa " on the line as well. Everything was in readiness by the contract day for sailing; and the " Alameda," which had to wait two days for the mails, left San Francisco on the initial voyage of the new service on the 23rd November. The "Mararoa" (having only arrived from Glasgow a week previously) began the service from Sydney on the 4th December, a day late. What at one time threatened to be a serious hitch was therefore overcome without detriment to the service, which, it may be added, is being performed by the three vessels in a creditable manner. Owing to this forced change, the through service has practically taken the place of the one contracted for, which provided for transhipping at Honolulu. With only three vessels the service could not be carried out except by running them through to San Francisco and Sydney—a service, it may be stated, which had always been preferred by New South Wales. Negotiations for placing the through service on a permanent basis, at an additional cost of £7,000 a year, have just been concluded, this colony to pay two-thirds and New South Wales one-third of the extra subsidy. The necessary alterations to be made in the contract only await the approval of the service by the New South Wales Parliament. The payments in respect of the service as amended will now be—New Zealand £24,667, and New South Wales £12,333 per annum; but, deducting the proportions of the United States' contribution, the net annual payments are reduced to £23,334 by New Zealand and £11,000 by New South Wales. The "Alameda" and "Mariposa" have done excellent work. They are boats of a superior type, and more than confirm the favourable reports made to this office respecting their passenger accommodation and speed. The "Mararoa".is also a fine boat. She has, unfortunately, had to contend against a series of accidents to her machinery, and has otherwise been unfortunate. The difficulties with her machinery now appear to have been overcome, as her last voyage to San Francisco was made in a day within contract time. Her accommodation is very superior. There has been a considerable increase in the passenger traffic, which will no doubt expand as the boats and the greater attractions of the route become better known. In rearranging the service for collecting and distributing the San Francisco mails, coastwise, a saving in the cost has been effected. The subsidy is now £5,000 for the first year, with a reduction of £500 per annum for the remaining term of two years. Eeference to the San Francisco service would be incomplete without an acknowledgment of the excellent manner the Pacific Mail Company carried out its several contracts, extending over a term of ten years. The success of the San Francisco route as a mail and favourite passenger line is very much due to the business arrangements of the company and the proverbial punctuality of their steamers. The Direct contract service has been performed with a regularity so much within the contract time as to completely upset the most liberal calculations as to the capabilities of the line. The shortest time within which mails have been delivered in London has been 38 days, and in the colony 42 days. Some exceptionally fast steaming has been accomplished; 37 days 9 hours from Wellington to Plymouth and 39 days 13 hours from Plymouth to Port Chalmers, including stoppages, have been the best performances. The contractors have now fixed Port Chalmers as the first port of arrival in the colony for the delivery of mails. This, in the company's interests, may



have its advantages, but the colony as a whole does not benefit by the arrangement, while the drawbacks and risks attending the transhipping of mails and passengers in an open roadstead when the steamers are bound for another port are by no means insignilicant. This has already been manifested, as one of the steamers, after a delay of several hours at Port Chalmers Heads, had to pass on without being able to land mails or passengers in consequence of rough weather ; and in another case, while the mails were transhipped, it was impossible to transfer the passengers, who had to be brought on to another port. The net cost of the service for the year was £6,552 13s. 9d. Since the establishing of the Direct service correspondence forwarded by the Brindisi route has been rapidly diminishing. Last year there were only 4,034 letters sent from the colony by both the P. and 0. and Orient services, and the net cost for both services was £1,050 10s. 2d. The net cost in 1884 was £8,040 10s., and in 1883 £4,873 12s. 3d. The San Francisco service is in the unusual position of having a credit balance on the year's operations. After setting the receipts against the expenditure, there is a balance of £422 12s. 4d. on the credit side, compared with a debit cf £.7,736 10s. 7d. the previous year. The result is due to exceptional causes, mainly from the fact that the colony retained the whole of the contributions from non-contracting colonies, in the place of sharing them with Sydney, as in former years; and in addition received a direct payment for the carriage of the New South Wales mails. These items now show a considerable falling off, as not only is there no payment from New South Wales, but the non-contracting colonies' contributions are again divided with Sydney under the new contract. But, on the other hand, there is a substantial reduction in the subsidy, viz., from £31,250 to £23,334 ; and the loss for the current year, if any, should be merely a nominal one. A change has been made in the running of the South Sea Island service. Finding that trade with the Southern ports was not showing signs of developing, the contractors asked to be relieved of the coastal part of the service, and to be allowed to make Auckland the terminal port, they undertaking to arrange for the transport of passengers and cargo to and from the other ports at the same rates as fixed by the contract; and also agreeing to make two additional trips to the Islands per annum without additional charge. After consulting the several Chambers of Commerce, whose ports would be affected by the change, and otherwise giving the proposal full consideration, it was finally agreed to comply with the request, and the change was given effect to in February last. The trade with the Islands has increased since the steam service was established, and there are indications of it further developing. The steam service between Hokitika and certain southern ports of the West Coast of the Middle Island has been rearranged, at a considerable saving in cost. The service by the steamer "Napier" was terminated in January last; and a contract entered into for a service once every two months with the owners of the " Waipara," for £700 per annum. It has not as yet been possible to arrange a service for serving Karamea; but it is expected this may be effected in the course of a month or two, at a'reasonable cost. The maximum, minimum, and average number of days within which the mails were delivered between London and New Zealand, Sydney, and Melbourne, by the San Francisco and Brindisi services, and also between London and the colony by the Direct contract packets, are given below:— San Francisco Service. Direct Mail Service. Brindisi Service. London to Auckland ... 39—37 = 37-85 ... 53—45 = 47-92 ... 47—40 = 46-58 Wellington ... 41—38 = 39-46 ... 49—43 = 4561 ... 52—42 = 47-31 Christchurch ... ... 48—43 = 45-15 ... 53—40 = 46-65 Dunedin ... 42—40 = 40-92 ... 48—42 = 44-54 Bluff... ... ... 49—43 = 45-54 ... 52—33 = 45-05 Sydney ... 45—41 = 42-62 ... 41—33 = 38-15 Melbourne ... 47—42 = 44-15 ... 40—32 = 36-46 Auckland to London ... 39—35 = 37-15 ... 44—39 = 42-15 ... 48—44 = 46-59 Wellington „ ... 43—37 = 39-31 ... 43—38 = 40-00 ... 49—43 = 46-00 Christchurch „ ... ... 44—38 = 40-31 Dunedin „ ... 44—38 = 40-38 ... 45—39 = 41-31 Bluff , ... ... 46—40 = 42-31 ... 50—42 = 44-74 Sydney „ ... 44—39 = 42-08 ... 43—36 = 38-42 Melbourne „ ... 45—41 = 43-15 ... 42—35 = 37-05 The estimated receipts and payments in respect of the San Francisco, Direct contract, and the Suez-Brindisi (Peninsular and Oriental and Orient) services for the year were as follows :— Eeceipts and Payments on account of the San Francisco, Direct, Colombo-Brindisi, and SuezBrindisi Mail Services for the Year 1885. San Francisco Service. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Subsidies to Pacific Mail and Union Companies ... 29,798 0 4 Bonus paid contractors ... ... ... 3,030 6 8 Light-dues (charged on Estimates) ... ... 663 0 0 Interprovincial service, Mail Agents, &c. ... 6,796 8 1 40,287 15 1

ii.—F. 1,



Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postages from London Post Office ... ... 9,777 13 5 Postages collected in the colony ... ... 16,984 16 11 Eeceipts from non-contracting colonies... ... 13,947 17 1 — 40,710 7 5 Net profit to the colony ... ... ... £422 12 4 The estimated net cost of the service for 1884 was £7,736 10s. 7d. 324,682 letters, 193,284 books, and 715,964 newspapers were received from, and 365,439 letters, 39,143 books, and 388,134 newspapers despatched to, the United Kingdom, &c, by the San Francisco service. Direct Steam Service, New Zealand Shipping Company. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments on weight of correspondence ... 12,760 14 8 Bonus paid contractors ... ... ... 7,850 0 0 Light-dues (charged on Estimates) ... ... 936 0 0 Interprovincial service ... ... ... 3,500 0 0 ■ 25,046 14 8 Cb. Postages from London Post Office ... ... 11,210 14 4 Postages collected in the colony ... ... 7,283 6 7 18,494 0 11 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... £6,552 13 9 260,597 letters, 151,986 books, and 614,821 newspapers were received from the United Kingdom, &£., by the direct service; and 166,181 letters, 19,759 books, and 126,378 newspapers despatched. Colombo-Briudisi, Victorian Packet Service. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments to Victoria ... ... ... 1,756 11 9 Intercolonial service ... ... ... 160 1 9 1,916 13 6 Cb. Postages from London Post Office ... ... 727 3 11 Postages collected in the colony ... ... 413 17 3 1,141 1 2 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... £775 12 4 The following shows the number of letters, books, and newspapers conveyed by the Victorian packets: Eeceived, 31,306 letters, 11,893 books, 50,904 newspapers; despatched, 1,755 letters, 60 books, 237 newspapers. Suez-Brindisi, New South Wales Packet Service. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments to New South Wales ... ... 557 5 9 Intercolonial service... ... ... ... 92 5 1 ■ 649 10 10 Cr. • Postages received from London ... ... 234 14 8 Postages collected in the colony ... ... 139 18 4 374 13 0 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... ...£274 17 10 38,563 letters, 23,404 books, and 73,147 newspapers were received from the United Kingdom, &.c, by the Suez-Brindisi service; and 2,279 letters, 101 books, and 235 newspapers despatched. The payments made for the year for the transmission of correspondence by the Torres Strait mail service amounted to £8 9s. 2d. 5,959 letters, 544 books, and 7,316 newspapers were received from, and 11,061 letters, 806 books, and 2,454 newspapers were despatched to, the United Kingdom by direct non-contracting steamers.



Return showing the several Subsidized Mail Steam Services, the Subsidy Payments for the Year 1885, the Dates when established, and the Date on which each terminates.

Money Orders. 20 additional money-order offices were opened —namely, Danevirk, Half-moon Bay, Herbertville, Kaikora North, Kekerangu, Kirwee, Kurow, Newtown, Ongaonga, Orcpuki, Pembroke, Eangiriri, Eolleston, Spring Creek, Tinwald, Waikaka, Waimangaroa, Wairio, Whangapoua, White Cliffs. The name of the office formerly known as Ohinemutu has been changed to Eotorua. 261 money-order offices were open at the close of the year. 188,622 money orders for £581,395 Bs. 9d. were issued, compared with 186,052 orders for £572,666 ss. 2d. in 1884, an increase of 2,570 orders, and £8,729 3s. 7d. in amount. 159,201 orders for £490,326 3s. 4d. were paid, against 155,116 orders for £475,199 14s. Bd. in 1884, the increase being 4,085 orders and £15,126 Bs. Bd. The number of money orders issued for payment in the United Kingdom, the Australian Colonies, United States, Canada, and other foreign countries, was 42,216, for £141,525 ss. 12,929 orders for £50,816 3s. Bd. were issued in those countries for payment in New Zealand. The balance against the colony was, therefore, £90,709. In 1884 the difference was £97,110 7s. 4d., and in 1883, £99,721. 17,806 telegraph orders for £62,202 7s. were transmitted, compared with 16,496 orders for £65,241 Is. 7d. in 1884. There was, therefore, an increase of 1,310 orders, but a decrease iu amount of £3,038 14s. 7d. The revenue from money-order commission was £9,553 os. 7d. compared with £9,525 3s. Bd. in 1884, an increase of £27 16s. lid. only. The increase in 1884 over 1883 was £502 13s. 2d. The falling off has been in the commission on money orders issued for payment in the colony. The exchange of money orders with foreign countries, through the intermediary of the London Post Office, is extending. 514 orders of this class were issued, compared with 278 in 1884. Postal-Notes. Postal-notes were introduced in January last; and although it is scarcely within the scope of this report to notice the results already ascertained, yet the very marked success of the scheme even thus early, has suggested a brief reference to the postal-note business for the quarter ended 31st March last. 16,542 postal-notes for £7,037 6s. 6d. were sold. The commission received was £128 19s. 10d., the average rate being 1-83 per cent. One-shilling notes were most in demand, then twenty shillings, ten shillings, one shilling and sixpence, and five shillings, in the order given. Nearly 50 per cent, of the notes sold were of the values of one shilling, one shilling and sixpence, and twenty shillings. Only £845 worth, or about 12 per cent., of the notes sold were unpaid at the end of the quarter From this it is inferred that the public had not completely understood that the notes could have been used as a circulating medium. The notes enter largely into competition with money orders, but the loss of money-order commission will, in a comparatively short time, be more than covered by the development of the business in postal-notes. A new class of customers has been brought to the post office, and the notes are used for a variety of purposes for which the money orders are not adapted. The relative falling off in the number of money orders issued for payment within the colony (as shown by the March quarter returns) is not altogether to be attributed to the issue of postal-notes, but rather to " The Gaming and Lotteries Amendment Act, 1885," which has caused, it is estimated, a loss of revenue (money-order commission, postage, &c), of about £3,000 a year.

Duration if Service. Annual Subsidy. Number of Voyages per Annum. Mileage for Complete Voyage. Cost per Mile. Service. When established. When terminated or when terminable. Auckland and San Francisco Direct Steam Service* Auckland and Fiji New Zealand and South Pacific Islands New Zealand and Chatham Islands! •■• Helensville and Matakohe ... "^ Helensville and Dargaville ... ) Auckland and Great Barrier Island Nelson and Golden Bay Nelson, Karamea; Westport, Karamca; Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito, Bruce Bay, Haast Kiver, Okuru, Jackson's Bay, Martin's Bay, and Caswell Sound Bluff and Stewart Island Interprovincial Service in connection with San Francisco Line Interprovincial Service in connection with direct steamers £ s. d. 29,951 18 6 20,610 14 8 1,690 o 0 4,200 o o 150 o o Nov., 1885 Dec, 1884 June, 1880 June, 1885 Nov., 1888 Dec, 1889 i «3 13 13 6 4 52 104 52 72 11,916 23.019 2,334 6,992 1,050 n8 170 120 130 £ »• d. 0 3 io£ o 1 4i o 1 i| 020 o o 8i May, 18S7 400 o o Jan., 1881 Dec, 1886 j o o 4 200 o o 240 o o Dec., 1884 Nov., 1886 o o 7| 006 1,800 o o 300 o o Jan., 1885 July, 1885 Jan., 1886 June, 1887 6 1,092 40 056 O 2 10J S 3 5,000 0 o '3 ',742 0 4 5 3,500 o o Dec, 1884 Dec, 1889 13 1,742 031 •L icludin bonus ments. tli. sailin vessel



The cost of management in connection with the postal-note scheme so far does not exceed £100 a year. The expenses of inauguration, including cost of engraving, &c, printing, paper, forms, &c, and a twelve months' supply of notes, is under £100, while the note commission for the first year is expected to be over £500. Savings-Banks. Savings-bank business was extended to 20 offices, and the total number of offices open at the end of the year for the transaction of savings-bank business was 260. 20,661 new accounts were opened compared with 20,228 in 1884. 16,421 accounts were closed against 16,447 the preceding year. The number of accounts open on the 31st December last was 69,957, compared with 65,717 at the close of the previous year. Of the 69,957 open accounts, 52,366 had balances at credit under £20; 8,198 from £20 to £50; 4,926 from £50 to £100 ; 3,131 from £100 to £200; 889 from £200 to £300 ; 253 from £300 to £400 ; 109 from £400 to £500 ; and 83 over £500. The following Table gives the Total Number of Savings-Bank Accounts open on the 31st December, 1885, with Balances at Credit, classified. Also, the Number of Open Accounts compared with the number open at the end of 1834 :—

131,373 deposits, amounting to £1,341,001 3s. 2d., were received during the year. Each deposit averaged £10 4s. Id. In 1884, the average was £9 9s. lid. 84,832 withdrawals for £1,264,305 Bs. 3d. were made, the average of each being £14 18s. The average in 1884 was £14 16s. The total sum standing to the credit of depositors on the 31st December last was £1,638,035 19s. 5d., against £1,499,112 os. 7d. at the close of 1884—an increase of £138,923 18s. lOd. during 1885. The deposits exceeded the withdrawals by £76,695 14s. lid. The difference in favour of deposits in 1884 was £31,978 10s. sd. Interest amounting to £62,228 3s. lid. was credited depositors during the year, compared with £57,381 13s. 7d. in 1884. The average cost of each Post Office Savings-Bank transaction, deposit or withdrawal, for the year was 4-*d.; and for the whole period of the existence of the Post Office Savings-Banks in the colony, 6d. The total amount of interest paid and credited depositors since the Post Office Savings-Banks were established in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1885, has been £551,316 12s. 4d. TELEGRAPHS. There has been a steady increase of business, to which the opening of new lines and services materially contributed. 1,774,273 telegrams of all codes were transmitted—an increase of 119,968 telegrams, or 7-25 per cent. 1,363,124 ordinary telegrams were forwarded, on which £80,320 lis. Id. was received. The number sent in 1884 was 1,257,818, of the value of £72,414 ss. 2d. The increase for 1885 was, therefore, 105,306 telegrams, and £7,906 ss. lid. in amount. 170,282 Press telegrams were dealt with, the receipts from which amounted to £7,597 10s. lOd.— a decrease of 5,358 telegrams and £614 19s. 4d., compared with previous year's figures. The number and value of the telegrams of the several codes transmitted during the calendar years 1885 and 1884 are given below : —

Postal District. Not Over £20 exceeding and under £20. £50. Over £50 and under £100. Over £100 and under £200. Over £200 and under £300. Over £300 Over £400 and under and under £400. £500. Over £500. Total. Auckland Blenheim Christchurch .. Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth.. Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 0,859 1,000 11,033 9,415 307 1,155 687 1,913 2,051 2,043 929 955 1,680 1,499 2,049 8,121 604 1,056 186 1,788 1,531 44 180 110 370 374 275 172 197 235 287 321 989 83 642 109 1,130 911 34 110 80 190 191 153 108 120 154 186 166 582 60 452 05 713 611 18 76 50 121 105 90 71 81 82 88 85 379 38 118 12 191 157 3 17 21 32 29 35 17 17 32 25 26 147 10 32 5 65 45 2 6 3 7 9 7 3 4 6 1 11 45 2 24 "20 16 1 4 3 2 4 8 17 24 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 5 4 11 9,191 1,383 14,957 12,710 408 1,547 952 2,039 2,765 2,612 1,307 1,375 2,194 2,093 2,666 10,296 800 4 2 4 22 3 Total 52,306 8,198 4,920 3,131 889 253 109 83 69,955 Totals for 1884 48,262 8,352 4,791 3,179 754 225 65,717 84 70


Ordinary Telegrams. Press Telegrams. Government Telegrams. Number. £ s. d. Number. £ s. d. Number. £ s. d. 1885 ... 1,363,124 80,320 11 1 170,282 7,597 10 10 240,867 24,860 9 0 1884 ... 1,257,818 72,414 5 2 175,640 8,212 10 2 220,847 20,855 19 7 T f 105,306 7,906 511 . ... ... 20,020 4,004 9 5 increase ... | B . 37pc _ 10-91 p.c. ... ... 9-06 p.c. 19-19 p.c. „ ( ... ... 5,358 614 19 4 Decrease'"l ... ... 3-05 p.c. 7-47 p.c. The gross cash revenue for the financial year, inclusive of telephone-exchange receipts, private wire rents, &c, amounted to £101,979 10s. The expenditure during the same period (exclusive of £29,452 Is. 3d. for construction, &c, charged to loan) was £99,297 14s. Id. The receipts, therefore, were £2,681 15s. lid. more than the ordinary expenditure. Taking into account the value of Government telegrams, viz., £24,860 95., and fees amounting to £890 6s. collected on money-order telegrams but not paid over by the postal branch, the actual value of the services by telegraph for the year will be found to have been £127,730 ss. This leaves an apparent profit of £28,432 10s. lid. on the year's operations, an amount equal to 4-99 per cent, on the capital cost. 36,912 urgent telegrams, of the value of £4,365 45., were dealt with, which, compared with previous year's figures, shows a falling off of 6,881 messages, and of £1,177 12s. in the receipts. The decrease was no doubt the result of the business degression which existed in parts of the colony. But while there was this decrease in the urgent telegrams, there was, on the other hand, an exceptionally large increase of delayed messages, no less than 265,422 having been transmitted, compared with 201,769 the previous year and 168,141 in 1883, the increases being 63,653 and 33,628 telegrams respectively. The advantages of the delayed system have been further extended since the Ist January last, by arranging that this class of message shall be sent over the wires at any time of the day whenever the ordinary telegraph work will admit of this being done. The messages are at once posted for delivery by post offices either through private boxes, over the counter, or by letter-carrier. Already this has had a marked effect on the extended use made of the delayed system by the public. Previously, the practice was not to post delayed telegrams until late at night, in order to prevent their delivery until next morning. Government telegrams increased in number by 20,020, and £4,004 9s. sd. in value, compared with a decrease of 930 telegrams and £699 19s. 7d. in value the previous year. The average number of telegrams sent for every 100 letters posted was 10-78 compared with 10-32 in 1884. Comparing the number of telegrams forwarded to every 100 letters posted from offices within the under-mentioned districts in 1885 and 1884, the following are the results : — 1885. 1884. 1885. 1884. Auckland ... :.. 9-69 8-92 New Plymouth ... 17-40 16-09 Christchurch ... ... 6'73 6-46 Wellington ... ... 16-32 14-93 Dunedin ... ... 8-02 7-57 Westport ... ... 30-34 24-97 Nelson ... ... 13-16 17-92 17,806 money-order telegrams for £62,202 7s. were transmitted, the commission on which amounted to £1,036 14s. and the fees to £890 6s. The number of orders increased by 1,310, but decieased in amount by £3,038 14s. 7d. compared with the former year's business. The number and the value of money-order telegrams forwarded from offices within the several postal districts will be found in Table No. 27. Telegraph offices were opened at Templeton, Culverden, Little Eiver (Christchurch District); Te Aute (Napier); Waotu (Auckland). Waikaia (Dunedin District) is now worked by Morse instrument in the place of a telephone. The following telegraph offices were closed: Hurunui, Springston (Christchurch District). Telephone offices were established at Bombay, Howick, Kawhia, Omapere, Waitangi (Auckland District) , Tairua (Thames); Newtown, Pahautanui (reopened) ; Pahiatua (Wellington) ; Glentunnel (Christchurch) ; White Cliffs (Timaru) ; Anderson's Bay, Heriot, Lovell's Flat, Mornington, Eoslyn, Woodhaugh (Dunedin) ; Orepuki (Invercargill); Danevirk (Napier) ; Makaraka (Gisborne) ; East Takaka, Farewell Spit, Ferntown, Motueka Wharf, Sherry Eiver, The Lake (Nelson) ; Fern Flat (Westport); Totara Flat (Greymouth). The telephone office at South Malvern has been closed. 134 offices are connected by telephone, an increase of 24 offices. The number of offices, both telegraph and telephone, open at the end of the year, was 375, against 350 in 1884. Telegraph forms of a new pattern, and printed on stout paper, will be issued on the Ist July, a change which no doubt will be appreciated by the public. The number of miles of line maintained was 4,463, an increase of 199 miles. The average cost for maintenance per mile was £4 15s. 9d., as against £4 18s. 4d. for the former year. The number of miles of wire increased from 10,474 to 10,931, which, with 2,820 miles of duplex wire, give 13,751 miles of available wire accommodation. The expenditure out of loan for telegraph extension, &c, was £29,452 Is. 3d. The total sum expended up to the 31st December last, on telegraph lines, cables, &c, amounted to £571,893 Bs. 9d. The business of the telephone exchanges is rapidly extending. Exchanges have been established at Napier, Wanganui, and Timaru. There are now ten telephone exchanges, and one branch exchange.




The number of telephone-exchange subscribers at the date of the opening of the several exchanges, and the numbers recorded on the 30th April last, are given in the following statement :— Auckland: 26 subscribers on 24th October, 1881; 399 (including 10 free) on 30th April. Napier': 40 subscribers on 24th September, 1885 ; 78 (including 9 free) on 30th April. Wanganui: 48 subscribers on 15th March, 1886; increased to 75 subscribers (including 8 free) on 30th April. Wellington :31 subscribers on Ist March, 1883; 285 (including 36 free) on 30th April. Nelson : 29 subscribers on Ist November, 1884 ; 68 (including 7 free) on 30th April. Christchurch :27 subscribers on Ist October, 1881; 246 (including 17 free) on 30th April. Timaru : 42 subscribers on 16th October, 1885 ; 60 (including 4 free) on 30th April. Oamaru: 30 subscribers on 25th November, 1884; 43 (including 6 free) on 30th April. Dunedin: 56 subscribers on 26th April, 1882 ; 434 (including 33 free) on 30th April. Invercargill: 32 subscribers on 7th November, 1883; 67 (including 5 free) on 30th April. The total number of subscribers (including the free connections) on the 30th April last was 1,755. The receipts on account of the telephone exchanges are at the rate of £14,404 a year. The exchanges at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin are now open continuously day and night. The capital expended up to the 31st December last in connection with establishing the several telephone exchanges was £37,319 12s. Id. Bureau offices have been established at Anderson's Bay, Mornington, St. Clair, Eoslyn, Woodhaugh (Dunedin), Newtown (Wellington), Motueka Wharf (Nelson). The number of private wires decreased from 90 to 81, and the receipts fell off from £1,330 4s. lOd. to £1,165 15s. Bd. per annum. The following gives the result of the operations carried out in the several districts during the year under the immediate direction of the Inspectors : — Auckland District. The following extensions have been completed during the year : Auckland to Howick, Pukekohe to Bombay, Whitianga to Tairua, Mercer to Cambridge (two wires), Ohaeawai to Waitangi, Herd's Point to Omapere : making a total of 46 miles of line and 186 miles of wire. The section Auckland to Cambridge has been reconstructed, and the Manukau Heads line is at present undergoing extensive repairs. The lines north of Kawakawa, including the Eussell, Hokianga, and Mongonui lines, have also received a thorough overhaul, and a considerable number of the kauri poles have been rebutted with totara or puriri blocks. The lines throughout the district are in good order, and show excellent insulation. The total mileage of wire is 1,726. Napier District. The following lines have been constructed since last report: Between Otuparahaki (12 miles north of Taupo) and Cambridge (two wires), a distance of 67 miles. This lessens the distance to Auckland by 8.9 miles, enabling a higher rate of speed to be kept up between Wellington and Auckland. . Twenty-four miles of new line was erected to replace Nos. 1 and 2 wires between Taupo and Otuparahaki. The line to Frasertown (7£ miles) has also been completed. A wire connecting Wairoa with Te Mahia has been erected for telephonic communication. The Hastings racecourse has been connected with the Post Office at Hastings, a distance of 1J miles. A new wire of 82 miles is in course of erection, to provide for the increased railway work between Napier and Tahoraite. • The Napier-Waipukurau section has been considerably strengthened and renewed. Further renewals are also being made between Tenui and Waipukurau. Some 67 kauri poles have been butted between Tauranga and Katikati, and the line generally overhauled. The section between Gisborne and Wairoa has been thoroughly overhauled, and 20 kauri poles have been butted between Wairoa and Napier. Further improvements and strengthening have been executed on the section between Napier and Taupo, and the branch line, Gisborne to Ormond, has been carefully overhauled. The lines in this district are now in first-class order. Wellington District. All the lines in this district arc in good order, and call for no special remark. On the 12th of June last year all three wires in the old Cook Strait cable parted, and the resources of the Department were severely taxed by the loss of the three wires. The faulty cable was not repaired till the 20th December; the delay in repairs was caused by the vessel usually employed not being in a position to at once comply with the request of the Department. The cable, on examination, showed that the break was caused by the slow but gradual corrosion of the armour-covering by its coming in contact with rock impregnated with copper. The above action had been going on for close on twenty years. The faulty cable was only some three or four fathoms in extent, the cable on each side of the break, with the above exception, being as sound and in as good a condition as when first laid in 1866. A single wire line was erected between Woodville and Pahiatua, and the latter office placed in charge of the postmaster as telephonist.



Nelson District. Since last report the following lines have been erected for telephonic communication : Collingwood to Cape Farewell, Tophouse to Lake, and Ahaura to Nelson Creek. The following additions have also been made to the line : Longford to Fern Flat, 7 miles ; Ahaura to Totara Flat, 6 miles. The sections between Collingwood and Eichmond, Westport and Charleston, and Westport and Greymouth have been thoroughly overhauled. Kumara to Eoss section is now being overhauled. The Greymouth to Kumara section has been entirely reconstructed. Blenheim to Kaikoura section has been thoroughly overhauled, and the Nelson to Blenheim and Nelson to Tophouse sections will shortly be overhauled. Canterbury District. Christchurch to Kaikoura : Between Christchurch and Papanui a few poles have been renewed and several angle poles strengthened. Several renewals will be made shortly on the Papanui and Amberley section. Christchurch to Waitaki: On this section 385 poles will be replaced shortly. The Taipo to Gorge section is about being overhauled. There will be 87 new poles put in; and 55 new poles between Gorge and Bealey, to replace decayed ones. Christchurch Eailway to Amberley : 170 poles on this section will be renewed shortly. With this exception the section is in good order. Kaiapoi to Oxford and View Hill: 60 poles require replacing on this section; in other respects the line is in good order. Christchurch to Southbridge: A number of poles on this section have been condemned, and will be replaced at an early date. Christchurch to Akaroa: This line will be overhauled shortly: a number of poles require replacing. All other sections in the district are in thoroughly good order. The Springfield-Kolleston wire has been extended to Christchurch Eailway and public office. Otago Disteict. The following new lines have been erected since last report: Lawrence to Waipori, 14 miles ; Tapanui to Heriot, 9 miles of wire ; Milton to Lovell's Flat, 8 miles of wire ; Eiverton to Orepuki, 18 miles ; Dunedin to North-East Valley, 3 miles; Dunedin to St. Clair, 3 miles of wire; Dunedin to Anderson's Bay, 3 miles of wire ; Dunedin to Mornington, 1J miles of wire ; Dunedin to Eoslyn, 1J miles of wire ; Dunedin to Woodhaugh, 2-J- miles of wire ; Dunedin to Seacliffe Asylum, 19 miles. The principal works of maintenance have been the overhauling of Bluff to Invercargill, Invercargill to Eiverton, and Invercargill to Winton lines. All decayed poles have been either replaced or strengthened. The whole of the line from Invercargill to Dunedin has also been overhauled. The Milton to Queenstown section has been thoroughly overhauled, especially the Cromwell to Queenstown section. All lines in this district are in thoroughly good order.

The usual tables and telegraph charts are appended.


Table No. 1. Table showing the Number and Amount of Money Orders issued and of Money Orders made payable in New Zealand, Year by Year, since the Year 1867.

Money Orders drawn on the Colony.

Table No. 2. Table showing the Money Orders issued in New Zealand on Offices beyond the Colony during the Years 1884 and 1885.

Table showing the Money Orders issued at Offices beyond the Colony on New Zealand during the Years 1884 and 1885.

1 ¥..— l.


Money Orders issued in the Colony. Where payable. Year. Commission received. In the Colony. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices. Austral lian Colonics, &c. £ »• d. 1,815 19 6 1,863 1 0 1,932 3 o 2,357 3 6 2,608 3 6 3,068 17 6 3,562 3 2 4,393 2 3 4,950 19 4 5,261 19 2 5.7M l8 4 6,288 13 o 7,285 1 6 7,943 15 4 7,582 8 5 8,267 9 8 9,022 10 6 9,525 3 8 9,553 o 7 No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 1867 :868 :86g 1870 1871 1872 873 :8 74 :8 7 5 1876 :8 77 1878 :8 7 g :88o 881 :882 883 :88 4 :88 5 io,293 n,8g8 14,305 16,821 20,514 28,156 34,288 40,968 48,611 55,748 64,000 7o,53i 83,479 97,275 99,523 108,916 132,232 144,227 146,406 £ s- d49,496 13 o 54,342 18 6 63,897 I IO 73,344 11 9 88,546 9 7 120,125 14 8 142,642 4 10 171,683 6 1 193,551 13 9 212,089 1 6 233,804 15 10 250,861 6 o 297,290 13 8 320,260 19 n 321,635 3 3 360,196 4 9 402,558 12 11 430,446 18 10 439,870 3 9 9,242 9,241 9,263 9,624 10,407 10,619 11,913 14,379 16,949 17,331 18,369 21,169 24,461 27,587 25,376 25,898 26,211 28,712 28,722 £ »■ d. 40,998 14 11 40,581 13 9 39,939 8 6 41,472 3 7 44,197 18 3 44,535 9 9 48,547 11 4 57,821 2 6 66,332 14 9 66,977 4 2 69,670 II 10 80,681 15 8 91,665 4 o 104,149 5 10 90,229 5 3 91,530 17 9 91,634 4 7 96,901 14 o 95,920 9 10 4,938 4,715 4,859 5,419 5,37o 5,885 6,150 7,365 7,467 7,176 8,303 9,3i7 10,059 10,786 10,657 13,348 H,ii3 i3,"3 13,494 £ s- d25,115 5 1 23,286 11 5 23,381 14 7 25,637 12 7 24,653 5 9 26,347 17 7 28,068 5 5 33,659 19 2 33,597 2 3 31,202 o 3 31,498 o 1 36,711 15 2 39,717 2 4 40,994 15 4 40,317 19 2 47,641 7 5 46,939 17 11 45,317 12 4 45,604 15 2 24,473 25,854 28,427 ' 31,864 36,291 44,660 I 52,351 62,712 73,027 80,255 90,672 101,017 117,999 ,135,648 135,556 148,162 |i72,556 186,052 188,622 £ s- d. 115,610 13 o 118,211 3 8 127,218 4 11 140,454 7 11 157,397 13 7 191,009 2 o 219,258 1 7 263,164 7 9 293,481 10 9 310,268 5 11 334,973 7 9 368,254 16 10 428,673 o o 465,405 1 1 452,182 7 8 499,368 9 n 541,132 15 5 572,666 5 2 581,395 8 9

Where issued. Total. Year. In the Colony. United Kingdom & Foreign Offices Australian Colonies, &c. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. :867 :868 :86g :87o :8 7 i 1872 :8 7 3 :8 74 :8 7 5 :876 :8 77 :87s 879 :88o :88i 882 883 884 885 io,353 ",9°3 14,250 16,798 20,514 27,983 34,288 40,968 48,611 55,748 64, 000 70,531 83,479 97,275 99,523 108,916 132,232 144,227 146,406 £ s- d. 49,931 17 2 54,349 8 3 63,820 15 5 73,245 8 3 88,592 o 3 119,676 1 2 142,642 4 10 171,683 6 1 193,551 13 9 212,089 I 6 233,804 15 10 250,861 6 o 297, 2go 13 8 320,260 19 11 321,635 3 3 360,196 4 9 402,558 12 11 430,446 18 10 439,870 3 9 1,198 1,401 1,218 1,156 1,396 1,504 1,482 1,603 1,969 2,243 2,258 2,260 2,544 3,466 3,466 3,421 3,725 4,535 5,204 £ s. d. 5,649 2 10 6,502 3 o 5,630 18 8 5,523 4 4 6,217 11 5 7,078 8 6 6,625 14 5 7,284 10 7 9,262 9 7 10,202 13 6 9,744 8 8 9,833 18 6 10,673 3 11 14,811 14 8 14,078 17 3 13,416 1 9 15,553 3 11 17,679 o 6 20,091 17 4 i,io8 1,294 1,272 1,267 1,318 1,459 1,668 1,800 i,995 2,385 2,568 2,528 2,942 3,913 4,649 5,07r > 5,697 6,755 7,725 £ s' d. 5,570 6 4 6,685 1 3 6,382 4 3 6,055 6 11 5,914 18 7 6,803 15 3 7,689 6 8 8,316 17 5 9,340 19 11 10,838 16 8 11,056 2 7 10,698 14 3 12,295 5 4 15,829 o 3 18,863 4 2 2i,ogo 4 10 23,2gg 12 11 27,429 18 6 30,724 6 4 12,659 14,598 16,740 19,221 23,228 30,946 37,438 44,371 52,575 60,376 68,826 75,319 88,965 104,654 107,638 H7,4I3 141,654 155,517 159,335 £ '• d. 61,151 6 4 67,536 12 6 75,833 18 4 84,823 19 6 100,724 10 3 133,558 4 11 156,957 5 11 187,284 14 1 212,155 3 3 233,130 11 8 254,605 7 1 271,393 18 9 320,259 2 11 350,901 14 10 354,577 4 8 394,702 11 4 441,411 9 9 475,555 17 10 490,686 7 5

1884. 1885. Where payable. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Jnited Kingdom Foreign Offices through London [Jnited States of America .. Canada Victoria South Australia Slew South Wales Queensland Tasmania A'estern Australia 28,434 278 i,97i 7i 5,868 446 3,763 322 656 16 / S. d. 95,891 3 5 1,010 10 7 5,105 2 2 237 14 7 21,080 15 2 1,658 4 10 12,894 15 5 1,411 8 7 2,886 o 10 43 10 9 28,208 5H 2,043 76 5,66i 402 4,398 277 612 25 £ »• d. 93,983 19 2 1,936 10 8 5,271 5 6 340 13 10 20.394 16 6 i,333 7 6 14.395 14 3 1,142 17 6 2,606 18 1 119 2 o Totals 4!,825 142,219 6 4 42,216 141,525 5 o

1884. 1885. Where issued. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. [Jnited Kingdom and Foreign Offices [Jnited States of America .. Canada Victoria South Australia Mew South Wales [Queensland Tasmania Western Australia 4,535 242 45 2,172 304 2,809 406 748 29 £ •• d. I7,67g o 6 I,i5g 19 8 262 10 3 7 ,8g8 7 7 i,i47 13 1 n,734 13 " 1,812 1 11 3,241 3 7 173 8 6 5,204 220 58 2,657 323 3,238 524 672 33 £ s. d. 20,091 17 4 1,019 9 7 343 13 8 9,344 12 5 1,148 14 10 13,463 15 4 2,377 12 5 2,860 4 8 166 3 5 Totals 11,290 45, 108 19 o 12,929 50,8i6



Table No. 3. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money Order and Savings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1885.

Money Orders. Saving! Hanks. I Office. Issued. Paid. > " v o «i a, < ° Deposits. in go Withdrawals. No. -I Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. j Amount. .oOi.Lt:J 10,726 .UCKLAND Alexandra Aratapu Bombay Cambridge Coromandel Dargaville Devonport Drury Hamilton Helensville Herd's Point .. Huntly Kaeo Kaitaia Kamo Kawakawa Kihikihi Kohukohu Mangapai Mangawai Mangawhare .. Maungaturoto .. Mercer Mongonui Morrinsville Newmarket Newton Ngaruawahia .. Ohaeawai Ohaupo Onehunga Otahuhu Pahi I'.'ipakura l'uparoa Parnell 1'okeno l'or.sonby Port Albert Pukekohe Kaglan Rangiriri Russell .. Taupiri Te Awamutu .. Te Kopuru Tuakau Upper Symonds Street Wade Waipu Waiuku Waiwera Wangarei Wangaroa Warkworth Whangapona .. Whitianga iLENHEIM Havelock Kaikoura Kekerangu Picton Renwicktown .. Spring Creek .. Ihristchurch .. Akaroa Amberley Ashburton Cheviot Coalgate Darfield Dunsandel Duvauchelle Hurunui Kaiapoi 14,173 518 684 95 1,188 550 466 281 207 982 603 386 360 273 300 419 6g4 366 214 26g 116 £ >■ d. 967 7 o 20 1 4 25 11 2 3 11 6 52 14 4 21 18 4 24 16 6 13 o 8 706 39 17 8 24 o o 26 12 o 12 IO 8 12 2 8 9 17 6 16 14 8 31 9 2 14 15 o 16 15 4 986 4 19 0 18 5 10 5 4 10 962 17 o o 10 12 8 16 13 o 36 6 6 1266 18 10 6 5 19 6 29 18 8 11 o 10 6 g 10 4 10 8 3 13 2 824 270 482 10 g 6 13 15 o 15 3 6 076 16 5 10 2 19 4 20 10 4 30 3 8 4 4 2 6 8 6 £ »• d48,2ig 14 11 i,573 7 8 2,277 4 o 312 4 o 3,271 2 2 1,423 g 10 1,540 18 g 815 13 8 638 8 6 2,6ig 6 7 1,773 o 9 1,638 9 3 904 14 11 851 7 4 1,194 11 4 1,277 19 I 2,122 3 9 863 4 11 960 14 7 I,204 3 4 276 7 8 i,547 15 10 457 iS 8 683 13 10 1,373 5 3 626 5 10 702 17 2 1,606 6 11 834 4 11 950 10 10 53i 5 o 1,657 9 5 567 4 8 444 o 9 357 9 10 272 17 5 4i9 13 3 232 o 9 186 2 1 810 7 2 1,209 411 2,070 9 4 23 7 9 1,040 2 g 243 16 8 i,36g 12 6 2,252 4 6 377 13 10 277 18 g 22,769 284 108 23 6/3 207 145 154 169 758 230 102 70 49 32 87 209 182 40 42 70 32 33 84 165 86 179 573 180 82 £ s- d73,856 17 o 920 13 g 405 14 3 71 16 9 1,885 6 10 622 6 11 428 16 10 582 17 6 661 3 o 2,027 11 1 650 4 3 293 3 8 244 15 ° 2og 5 1 120 17 8 333 5 ! 707 14 1 715 17 9 197 13 o 213 1 io 382 n 4 118 13 7 159 9 o 357 17 8 486 13 8 245 12 io 568 17 6 1,598 17 7 506 15 5 376 10 I 319 12 1 2,855 3 4 929 1 5 148 o 9 265 3 6 157 14 6 447 13 7 287 5 10 701 3 IO 375 4 7 520 16 8 ig4 16 10 6 15 o 957 3 7 63 o 10 928 3 11 226 3 4 128 4 6 196 7 10 1,603 20 25 7 70 22 47 18 13 42 49 12 15 3 5 39 37 45 8 6 8 27 18 18 23 26 9,426 159 218 76 349 148 216 86 81 310 270 56 9i 33 28 340 357 193 29 27 29 136 44 82 118 82 298 536 203 17 56 300 258 43 92 50 239 26 98 67 99 51 2 £ s. d. 130,719 o 5 954 3 o 2,016 8 o 752 1 8 1,972 11 4 846 7 6 2,120 15 o 689 6 6 1,109 6 o 1,910 6 4 2,093 5 o 316 19 o 511 II o 385 6 o 34° 3 o 1,878 15 11 3,004 13 4 878 3 o 336 10 o 309 IO o 353 7 o 1,855 8 0 500 1 0 726 13 1 1,466 12 o 5g6 18 6 843 10 o 2,125 6 3 593 13 o 143 6 o 222 10 o 1,979 o 6 1,325 5 o 715 17 o 396 13 1 426 13 4 253 12 o 149 o o 175 2 6 549 18 o 694 8 o 158 19 6 18 o o 879 5 7 260 19 o 2,050 O IO 1,636 IO o 115 9 7 g7 16 o 2,163 5 17 3 33 24 22 2 3 34 17 8 3 4 28 39 5 5 3 3 8 2 40 66 13 136 58 69 32 10 127 102 26 37 21 10 82 ng 39 14 18 15 70 11 22 50 15 3i 102 56 21 9 68 82 £ 1 d. 163,525 1 6 453 12 2 924 5 5 114 18 10 1,787 9 5 560 17 2 1,475 5 2 308 16 2 177 18 8 1,789 16 11 1,241 16 7 823 7 6 407 16 9 556 4 7 113 14 o 924 17 7 3,4i8 4 2 260 2 9 269 8 10 34i 15 8 33i 5 5 961 12 4 109 14 5 150 n 6 985 1 7 105 o 11 109 13 8 625 4 4 474 9 6 370 6 9 149 8 4 645 6 7 631 o 7 234 15 11 206 2 9 441 17 9 40 12 7 154 14 2 ng 18 6 615 5 5 338 7 4 67 8 5 394 139 269 464 283 273 669 353 275 191 485 228 163 132 92 162 81 45 7 1 35 4 4 49 39 15 ii 3 17 3 6 15 16 4 9i 825 285 46 82 46 158 68 17 17 5 2 24 20 go 249 376 37i 12 454 94 55i 606 122 139 219 83 155 68 1 265 24 267 45 39 51 10 39 5 12 3 2 2 5 9 4 17 18 14 21 34 49 12 25 11 14 7 39 27 16 15 105 38 211 165 56 54 8 2 7 10 33 13 45 38 4 8 "84' 5 2 66 3 6 1,102 10 11 573 9 5 12 8 o 1 40 17 o 86 484 274 251 1,144 384 43o 10 372 2,600 465 641 49 59i 69 34 io,943 561 425 2,103 85 177 141 89 174 149 528 308 16 11 2 10 2 6 10 15 o 46 10 4 18 6 4 15 3 4 o 17 4 19 14 4 134 3 10 20 11 6 40 1 8 248 26 o 10 3 1 10 2 15 o 717 17 2 23 13 IO 16 12 8 94 9 2 4 5 8 750 5 5 6 4 14 6 7 3 4 600 24 3 4 238 11 3 1,704 18 8 go3 1 2 633 9 o 3,47° g 7 1,265 3 o 1,282 ig g 43 5 6 1,168 15 o 8,360 o 10 1,623 1 11 2,357 14 1 116 3 I i,746 5 o 220 10 7 143 1 8 37,988 2 10 1,542 4 " 1,022 12 3 5,698 15 10 299 15 4 474 14 IO 319 8 o 274 4 10 420 18 8 418 3 11 1,396 18 10 37 149 143 54 434 46 241 116 17 9 799 1 6 55o 11 5 266 13 3 1,423 9 9 157 3 11 814 1 1 6 21 22 9 60 12 92 136 68 300 122 125 6 178 1,874 99 92 35 273 14 128 3 o 2,309 19 o 1.040 14 o 561 13 o 2.041 1 3 1,638 6 o 1,37° 14 o 89 o o 1,443 16 o 22,730 11 6 780 5 o 891 15 1 463 17 o 2,752 2 7 97 8 1 4 57 64 12 25 14 1 1,113 1 4 685 10 4 174 17 o i,949 19 5 588 2 o 597 12 3 i8 33 13 3 42 315 16 32 16 38 3 27 16 8 "5 44 54 34 950 166 171 3 373 23 8 20,863 192 126 997 5 42 33 30 37 21 44i i6g 10 9 3,362 15 4 552 8 6 708 16 3 10 10 6 5 228 5 14 17 1,362 39 44 4 87 7 168 18 9 23,472 1 9 938 4 10 796 13 1 13 19 o 1,068 17 3 81 15 5 1,324 5 1 44 o o 22 8 IO 51,877 14 1 592 7 11 392 g 2 3,246 9 3 14 8 o 171 18 4 43 17 9 120 11 10 155 8 11 84 4 1 1,343 16 8 22 1 2,622 43 3° 251 1 19,989 368 210 1,164 8 225,020 14 o 3,245 11 3 1,264 6 o 8,963 6 6 215 o o 2,414 15 20 16,082 5i 97 446 4 239,869 13 8 1,605 o 3 1,079 11 11 5,934 19 1 25 15 2 152 1 3 2 8 17 41 54 108 555 165 2 2 340 7 6 228 13 o 235 6 o 4,489 1 1 1 3 10 8 7 24 15 274 21 17 6 83 10 8 459 12 O 78 6 5 4,622 18 8 9 100 79


Table No. 3 — continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money Order and Savings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1885 — continued.


Money Orders. Saving! Banks, Office, Issued. Paid. e ~ v III <° Deposits. i2 . With a -a s u S o |3 No. Withdrawals. hdrawals. Amount. No. Commission. Amount. No. I Amount. No. Amount. Christchurch— continued. Leeston Lyttelton Methven Oxford Papanui Rakaia Rangiora Rolleston Sheffield Southbridge Springfield Sydenham Tinwald Waiau Waikari Woolston Whitecliffs Dunedin Albany Street .. Alexandra South Balclutna Bannockburn .. Blueskin Caversham Clinton Clyde Cromwell Green Island .. Greytown Hamilton's Kaitangata -Lawrence Milton Mosgiel Naseby Ophir Outram Owake Palmerston Pembroke Port Chalmers Portobello Roxburgh St. Bathan's South Dunedin Stirling Tapanui Waihola Waikaia Waikouaiti Waitahuna Gisborne Ormond Greymouth Ahaura Barrytown Brunncrton Nelson Creek .. Reei'ton Hokitika Goldsborough .. Kumara Rimu Ross Stafford £ a. d. £ . d. £ s- d. £ *■ d. £ * a 175 288 1,540 298 411 39 525 677 8 349 289 300 362 14 348 321 43 118 '1,445 1, 516 i">44 1,174 169 152 21S 515 439 712 187 78 250 545 1,054 913 334 742 412 345 307 804 45 1,587 42 526 317 301 249 945 123 526 518 269 1,962 58 2,525 720 24 705 226 g82 1,422 73 1,005 216 39i 265 4,188 6 10 10 14 19 6 90 n 2 13 19 8 14 2 4 1 14 6 20 10 10 35 11 6 040 13 5 10 1228 11 3 8 20 15 2 080 16 16 o 13 9 4 200 4 1 4 640 o 8 83 1 2 25 10 2 42 19 o 5 4 10 6 6 8 9 4 6 19 3 2 16 3 o 30 14 6 10 4 10 3 15 8 970 19 3 10 41 3 6 35 18 o 16 7 8 32 9 6 14 4 4 15 11 o 9 5 8 32 3 8 264 98 13 10 1 19 4 20 14 8 13 1 6 15 16 8 9 16 2 34 3 o 470 17 5 6 16 7 6 9 16 2 114 1 8 3 5 2 146 16 8 33 16 4 100 40 17 8 10 6 o 51 6 o 75 14 2 366 44 J7 6 7 16 6 17 3 8 11 13 6 212 n 10 23 16 o 24 4 2 8 10 6 629 18 7 809 14 7 5,346 12 2 859 15 1 916 3 9 78 13 6 I,5H 5 4 1,864 13 8 15 14 o 1,060 o o 746 7 n 871 10 5 921 5 5 32 12 o 1,197 9 4 840 ig 7 122 19 7 312 12 8 35,689 16 5 3,996 14 10 i,93i 4 9 2,812 8 4 308 16 8 427 8 4 506 19 3 1,238 17 7 1,162 n 6 1,855 2 10 538 o 1 159 6 3 693 1 7 1,391 13 ol 2,872 7 11 2,419 15 9 916 10 3 2,116 12 10 93i 13 10 1,064 13 8 1,017 1 3 2,048 12 5 173 10 o 5,085 3 9 106 8 10 1,467 13 10 797 9 10 6gg 7 1 667 7 11 2,393 6 7 347 7 6 1,604 3 9 1,414 2 10 736 10 5 6,799 1 5 162 12 11 8,825 17 4 3,377 " 5 93 5 10 2,274 l8 5 786 11 o 3,067 o 7 4,773 3 o 196 1 1 2,823 11 4 482 7 3 1,148 19 6 700 19 8 12,070 10 4 1,844 1 o 1,504 10 1 649 5 o 535 9 7 59i 14 6 4,250 ig 8 120 12 2 434 14 5 1,694 19 °i 32 103 882 96 163 66 97 526 1 132 180 73 611 9 47 "3 56 129 26,955 7i8 92 612 5 104 254 170 163 185 137 1 3I 15 141 778 463 185 461 73 120 28 454 19 1,088 14 136 VI 420 66 262 41 89 317 103 917 20 72 i 9 366 9 9 3,002 2 o 235 4 3 642 14 10 230 3 3 296 4 6 1,665 16 10 o 10 o 417 12 1 768 14 6 300 13 9 1,815 2 7 14 1 7 166 17 n 377 o 5 154 17 2 1,100 5 5 72,484 3 1 2,862 4 3 274 4 2 1,859 15 7 23 4 6 319 5 5 698 15 8 421 6 io 332 15 o 668 13 9 550 7 11 87 4 11 46 3 o 409 12 5 2,399 1 3 i,473 4 8 635 5 7 863 6 o 208 2 8, 387 10 10 131 13 4 1,462 14 10 95 17 3 3,669 1 5 25 16 7 443 o 9 186 6 o 1.153 8 7 150 18 8 805 4 5 136 10 3 320 16 3 718 7 o 367 15 7 3,648 3 9 94 4 6 6,385 4 8 313 14 8 52 5 6 377 o 6 76 8 4 3,133 18 6 4,239 1 4 64 16 7 1,146 14 3 94 19 6 697 17 4 170 16 6 13,215 9 6 373 3 4 1,857 16 2 157 9 1 in 3 2 92 ig 7 I,8ig 19 4 61 14 10 142 17 6 286 6 2 8 21 199 18 30 6 26 83 18 25 18 ng 10 30 11 16 12 2,080 416 10 62 8 15 25 20 17 18 32 16 8 37 67 72 35 26 5 19 13 33 19 127 1,322 56 205 38 207 503 7 94 I5i 97 i,ii7 23 l62 56 99 36 14,068 3,853 97 278 20 93 219 145 65 no 225 54 39 172 315 403 275 156 30 100 54 l5 o 1,048 18 n 12,916 2 10 864 15 10 2,093 J4 9 159 10 o 1,667 7 ° 5,697 11 9 41 10 o 850 8 10 1,113 11 6 493 4 o 4,313 17 8 87 2 o 2,333 11 9 995 19 6 472 8 3 248 2 o 176,573 15 7 17,725 17 2 583 5 o 2,877 8 g 56 6 o 634 10 o 817 7 o 778 17 o 462 13 o 397 19 5 1,462 1 3 432 5 2 735 5 o 960 3 8 2,536 12 6 3,651 8 3 1,264 ig 4 575 9 6 124 2 3 582 g 2 608 ig 6 1,152 18 g 1 13 112 8 34 I 19 57 13 3i 6 24 I 14 6 8 2,077 226 12 3 2 8! 14 9 5 13 18 3 5 28 42 44 12 1 13 6 22 11 - 43 507 28 87 7 70 217 1 47 73 28 100 6 49 28 24 7 12,256 738 27 "2 31 36 39 23 37 53 11 39 57 106 154 57 23 8 28 « 62 76 15 7 654 7 4 6,138 13 10 377 4 7 1,673 5 5 17 o 8 1,588 14 7 4,084 10 1 16 o o 477 9 1 847 9 5 636 15 7 47i 10 5 22 2 n 1,095 o 6 435 2 5 135 14 11 37 17 2 177,354 18 10 8,285 11 8 255 6 1 i,572 15 3 4 9 11 295 17 2 71 12 11 431 8 n 173 12 11 222 o 4 762 8 5 172 1 11 661 8 7 981 14 9 1,960 8 8 1,966 o 2 1,162 15 5 200 18 8 92 3 2 3" 1.3 7 53i 1 5 8g7 18 6 25 332 294 13 36 2,006 38 11 ,1 14I 653I 42 204 65 55 152 •I 1 1,071 6 1,618 13,898 13 5 322 12 o 871 14 1 203 o o 3.106 o o 130 15 01 1,087 6 o 467 9 o 1 1,099 19 8 697 2 2 356 10 3 10,706 13 o 67 2 4 17,558 16 5 1,456 ig o 179 I 18 I '589 7 54 5 139 25 49 32 24 38 15 750 1 7,941 14 3 138 18 o 1,007 3 ° 38 15 6 1,152 8 10 145 o 10 522 15 11 496 5 10 964 10 7 369 6 8 166 5 8 7,857 17 9 500 16,678 18 o 446 1 11 262 1,106 4 11 398 9 3 1,977 n 8 7,521 16 11 31 1 7 3,154 8 4 569 15 6 796 19 5 272 o 1 33,142 15 o 933 4 11 574 19 11 99 15. 2 138 17 1 4 70 9 36 10 8 20 n 218 33 17 10 13 1 15 8 138 i,743 81 8 103 18 1,077 i,335 13 317 38 265 50 4,243 142 543 54 27 22 596 16 35 85 4 262 20 61 10 59 104 1 67 20 124 163 "3 326 678 6 504 121 228 67 2,604 143 215 22 56 i,976 5 4 379 12 o 2,265 n 5 5,250 9 3 43 3 o 5,435 10 7 1,202 o o 1,287 16 1 654 3 o 28,650 4 9 930 16 10 1,626 7 2 156 13 o 328 8 7 175 5 2 18 3 50 149 1 36 8 1,023 34 2 47 32 go 555 3 175 69 69! 24, 2,i3ij 36 57 8 10 Invercargill Arrow River .. Campbelltown .. Dipton Eclendale Fortrose Gore Half-Moon Bay Kingston Lumsden 29 II 453 29 27 5 11 24 6 481 17 17 4 574 468 249 218 231 1,601 37 145 485 7 9 4 8 3 o 60 10 o 1 1 6 5 9 10 20 14 4 "61 143 2 3,105 4 6 24 2 8 96 2 ■■. 1 860 15 S 8 3 2 12 332 15 52 91 2,754 9 7 47 10 o 79 9 o 1,044 3 II 47 1 3 15 7 53



Table No. 3— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money Order and Savings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1885 — continued.

Money Orders. Savings Ranks. j — Issued. Office. Paid. £ 5 u ||S r- < ° No. Deposits. eposits. Amount. w 8 I 'ithdrnwals. No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. [HVERCARGILL— continued. Mataura Orepuki Otautau Pukerau Queenstown Riversdale Riverton Thornbury Waikaka Waipahi Wairio Winton Woodlands Wyndham Mapier Danevirk Hastings Herbertville Kaikora North Mohaka Ongaonga Ormondville .. Porangahau Port Ahuriri .. Takapau Taupo Waipawa Waipukurau .. Wairoa Kelson.. Belgrove Brightwater Collingwood Motueka Port .. Richmond Takaka Wakefield <ew Plymouth.. Inglewood Opunake Parihaka Stratford Waitara 3amaru Duntroon Hampden Herbert Kakanui Kurow Maheno Ngapara ["hames Katikati Maketu Opotiki Paeroa Rotorua Tauranga Te Aroha Te Puke Waiorongomai Whakatane riMARU Fairlie Creek .. Geraldine Pleasant Point.. St. Andrew Temuka Waimate Wanganui Bull's Fordell Hawera Manaia Manutahi 689 193 345 214 719 4°9 768 149 21 26g 24 525 217 656 4,og3 I 967 9 3S 100 20 508 246 439 355 45i 858 438 355 3,286 54 106 566 367 238 236 289 ■ 123 2,376 238 583 41 390 584 3,192 219 344 258 201 56 176 167 / s. d. 23 11 o 6 14 o 13 4 4 6 17 o 35 9 2 15 17 4 32 12 4 6 16 8 o 16 6 976 0 17 o 18 14 6 8 10 4 26 12 10 267 9 o 010 60 18 4 096 1 9 2 7 5 IO 0 14 6 16 15 6 16 4 2 25 18 8 12 7 8 22 16 10 40 13 4 20 g o 19 3 8 165 6 8 250 4 14 2 21 3 4 16 13 10 15 7 o 11 8 2 13 I 10 5 17 4 113 16 8 960 23 5 2 1 14 o 13 18 o 24 4 2 146 18 IO 9 5 10 12 14 2 9 7 8 IO O 4 280 6 12 10 5 15 o 93 6 o 6 ig 10 6 12 o 21 14 4 14 6 6 26 18 o 44 10 10 32 10 8 402 17 10 2 5 5 6 175 18 10 10 ig 2 29 16 8 508 4 4 2 25 16 2 47 5 o 183 15 2 23 1 o 3 4 0 53 5 6 18 12 4 702 £ s. d. 1,780 13 4 587 8 2 871 17 I 620 7 6 2,435 9 o 1,232 8 1 2,022 8 4 339 9 9 47 1 I 630 ig 8 80 o 10 1,307 11 7 486 11 2 1,766 11 7 14,564 14 8 goo 3,075 19 7 24 18 6 103 7 6 405 7 o 42 11 4 1,285 g 7 845 18 9 1,430 ig 3 889 3 1 1,587 3 1 2,657 14 1 i,i73 1 10 1,067 IO 8 io,359 5 1 120 11 5 355 9 8 2,174 4 3 1,162 4 9 1,038 15 4 781 11 7 728 2 g 33i 15 8 7,3H 13 7 800 13 1 1,615 2 g 135 19 5 1,053 16 8 1,762 o 4 9,97° 13 2 937 3 9 1,141 15 2 7°9 2 5 772 14 5 164 18 g 380 18 6 43i 13 1 5,753 1 5 382 o 9 336 o 1 1,284 16 9 956 15 3 1,576 12 5 2,505 8 g 2,166 17 4 i6g 12 4 1,228 5 5 263 16 8 10,372 7 o 817 5 11 1,847 6 o 381 g 11 28g 10 o 1,910 14 2 2,801 g 6 11,984 14 2 1,509 15 7 271 17 4 3,624 16 5 1,231 o 9 524 6 2 153 12 75 go 319 59 439 52 1 43 5 2ig 96 163 4,061 '389 1 6 17 141 3i 127 40 122 440 151 180 4,125 36 91 114 213 go "9 88 108 2,172 113 256 14 146 297 2,057 49 183 52 47 18 / s. d. 387 19 2 32 11 11 261 2 10 275 o 3 988 16 7 244 4 4 1,326 II 4 287 18 6 1 1 o 152 5 6 786 745 2 o 344 11 11 550 17 8 12,098 15 1 1,500 9 10 2 g 6 19 16 3 68 o 3 318 14 10 go 4 6 439 I 6 137 12 11 506 12 7 1,152 13 6 461 13 5 557 2 10 15,490 8 4 170 ig 11 343 18 6 469 4 o 837 8 11 467 10 1 478 12 o 280 17 o 301 5 6 7,292 7 2 434 3 6 758 13 9 58 16 4 670 19 4 887 16 11 7,342 1 5 204 13 9 54o 2 4 105 2 1 156 6 11 78 1 3 161 17 1 101 11 9 4,gg7 18 11 196 5 10 262 2 6 613 8 8 346 5 4 1,374 o 11 2,244 2 2 1,086 o 4 101 12 10 322 14 4 86 3 7 7,086 o 1 418 19 1 780 1 5 135 8 8 138 9 2 882 8 2 1,166 3 11 g,5io 2 11 6go 18 1 116 3 3 2,607 16 7 830 18 o 248 15 6 32 6 12 10 27 9 39 1 7 21 20 37 630 134 4 2 4 3 7 10 35 14 20 70 41 15 309 1 n 16 49 19 21 9 15 320 25 13 270 27 73 30 171 56 346 7 22 1 85 76 161 3,36g 546 4 4 8 6 34 2g 185 86 75 34i 168 86 2,352 23 62 133 332 igi 155 42 93 1,948 125 124 12 55 187 2,277 100 53 5i 27 11 53 52 2,250 70 26 87 92 66 368 213 4 199 10 2,739 7o 267 25 22 243 421 3,o53 292 17 49i 79 51 £ s- d. 55o 9 o 101 19 o 418 o o 133 15 o 2,220 17 2 419 6 7 3,324 5 10 59 o o log 13 2 140 805 8 1 4gi 12 o 952 1 1 40,796 14 8 5,56o 9 4 890 38 3 o 94 16 o 30 8 o 2g3 12 10 521 3 1 i,o7g 17 6 507 11 10 1,672 19 11 3,162 1 7 1,220 6 2 473 6 4 2g,228 12 4 103 18 o 839 19 o 896 5 o 3,3i6 10 5 975 6 o 1,528 6 7 361 10 o 8g2 8 6 30,545 7 4 866 17 7 1,886 7 7 gi 2 o 618 17 o 1,653 9 2 22,248 8 2 425 15 o 34i 3 o 641 4 o 307 14 8 90 10 o 262 16 7 267 8 o 21,016 3 6 166 4 2 2gg 19 10 715 iS 8 1,108 15 10 1,343 IO 9 2,380 12 o 1,726 6 4 40 7 8 7 J7 5 o 17 17 9 26,567 12 o 548 4 9 1,283 12 0 350 17 o 280 6 9 i,339 14 5 3,799 8 3 31,297 15 7 984 18 5 151 19 o 4,918 19 6 i,75o 4 9 312 9 1 22 3 7 4 14 7 27 5 5 12 6 14 528 21 1 2 8 4 8 6 6 43 11 13 363 2 3 35 11 8 3 334 10 14 66 4 12 8 31 15 98 14 n 5i 10 35 2,660 "l82 I i 3 2 29 9 56 25 18 146 42 30 1,900 7 13 16 155 46 33 14 27 1,600 5i 63 4 28 69 1,540 12 17 18 £ s. d. 407 19 11 64 9 4 49i 3 2 63 17 3g56 18 10 297 18 1 2,111 o 5 161 5 2 136 17 5 392 18 g> 62 o 7 634 3 10 42,917 10 2 2,721 13 5 650 500 106 11 3 7 18 8 509 10 3 359 6 1 431 16 10 174 6 7 363 13 7 2,064 1 1 901 16 3 554 13 5 36,473 6 11 46 18 1 144 3 2 312 o o 2,272 1 5 318 12 11 781 15 2 194 9 9 2gg 14 6 36,206 g g 618 16 4 1,719 2 2 28 IO o 388 II 3 1,119 1 4 21,780 2 g 144 14 4 124 15 o 267 13 8 257 15 3 56 4 4 2gg 18 7 171 1 9 20,381 18 o 100 o 3 278 10 4 793 9 8 420 11 3 924 3 o 1,963 10 9 964 15 6 47 15 7 54° 19 3 10 10 o 25,688 7 11 181 6 8 957 6 7 156 4 1 108 12 8 1,185 3 4 2,182 14 7 31,856 11 4 943 o 4 40 3 4 3,33° 16 2 1,239 15 10 230 17 5 17 34 37° 18 8 15 329 4 2 40 23 1,666 57 58 194 107 276 810 3i5 26 7 7 6 3 10 7 280 8 4 3 1 5 1 301 12 6 13 12 1,680 16 24 23 28 76 102 73 3 43 2 1,924 18 1,908 179 153 462 323 533 1,039 758 93 458 "3 3,455 269 691 141 120 652 1,164 3> 847 513 79 1,236 419 171 94 38 2,175 76 234 4i 37 306 407 3,38i 208 35 776 247 62 7 16 20 25 68 52 2 32 3 448 12 54 8 8 61 87 5o9 49 7 97 19 12 3 8 7 6 16 32 26 2 13 309 i 29 4 34 45 392 22 1 55 20 8 75 17 23 "5 144 2,091 81 5 222 75 17



Table No. 3— continued. Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money Order and Savings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1885 — continued.


Money Orders. Saving; Hanks. Office. Issued. Paid. t 3 c 5- S C Deposits. ss Withdrawals. No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. Wanganui— contd. Marton Normanby Patea Turakina Waitotara Wavtrley Wellington Carterton Castlepoint Chatham Islands Exhibition Featherston Feilding Poxtcn Greytown North Halcombe Hutt .. Kaitoke Martinborough Mastcrton Newtown Otaki PalmerstonNorth Petone Pukerua Sanson Te Aro Tenui Upper Hutt Woodville 1,219 323 771 2l6 171 378 14,533 767 153 67 22 415 1 1 299 753 631 522 256 88 216 2,048 6 766 1,513 210 £ s- d. 56 2 o 13 1 4 33 5 o 8 13 6 7 3 6 15 9 2 788 19 6 33 8 10 14 o 2 2 15 6 o 17 2 17 7 10 56 16 4 35 10 o 27 15 o 19 15 4 15 1 6 3 11 6 11 1 2 103 1 8 030 44 5 2 69 3 4 9 17 2 12 14 6 8 15 6 71 o 11 21 1 2 6 14 o 4g 10 8 91 11 10 21 4 6 18 15 2 13 o 6 36 7 6 13 o 6 £ s- d. 3,566 11 3 710 8 8 2,003 o 4 634 8 5 497 2 3 1,042 1 o 43,582 15 8 2,211 o 2 680 7 3 283 10 5 82 g 3 1,005 12 o 3,626 1 5 2,218 g 10 1,886 14 5 i,444 14 1 g62 13 4 293 4 7 719 19 7 6,584 4 o 7 12 10 3,234 11 1 4,328 8 10 575 5 7 i,47g 8 6 556 14 8 3,632 10 6 i,o8g 12 4 546 2 g 3,631 4 1 5,612 12 g 1,387 9 6 890 17 5 1,ogo 8 6 3,842 12 7 6g2 2 6 649 171 613 61 50 139 15,557 302 38 5 200 659 323 280 138 210 9 33 1,034 £ s. d. 2,137 12 3 633 9 7 i,g76 10 10 162 12 5 I7g 12 6 373 6 8 51,877 !5 o 931 8 6 133 7 11 13 18 4 693 15 4 2,026 9 2 967 3 2 781 18 3 480 17 11 665 8 7 20 18 6 I4g 2 8 3,218 16 2 130 21 52 13 9 19 2,349 73 13 38 75 50 44 16 67 4 13 215 2 84 "7 32 17 18 532 86 226 83 45 79 16,017 457 49 3 184 414 267 364 84 382 29 35 1,075 5 380 556 185 69 105 2,534 140 102 £ 8. d. 4,732 16 4 1,156 6 4 2,320 3 4 49i 5 9 443 3 o 47i 17 8 184,039 11 o 3,g8g 18 10 755 11 o 4 10 o 1,548 5 o 3,085 7 10 2,229 1 4 2,373 s 2 519 o 9 2,776 15 4 97 5 o 646 5 10 10,962 2 7 15 17 o 3,046 17 9 5,i5i 13 11 1,667 19 1 883 11 6 585 8 6 8,556 2 o 1,628 3 11 757 16 o 2,022 3 7 10,525 19 9 750 4 4 373 3 o 1 15 o 1,529 o 3 656 17 o 57 7 39 3 3 10 2,123 53 1 18 56 22 30 18 32 3 10 ic6 1 185 41 100 19 13 31 12,229 167 4 68 L79 67 146 45 107 9 23 506 5 129 255 47 4 39 328 42 30 93 653 22 £ »■ d. 2,746 8 1 g52 12 7 2,020 o 1 195 17 7 60 11 2 354 14 8 175,233 i° II 2,g50 6 10 215 J3 8 598 10 1 2,519 14 ' 1,237 IO 7 2,324 12 11 467 16 5 1,546 10 8 76 11 7 334 !5 4 7,837 7 10 13 2 1 825 g 2 4,448 15 g 513 1 1 59 1 10 660 6 II 1,617 2 o 723 12 8 373 11 5 1,428 10 7 10,031 7 2 605 1 236 15 5 20 o o 263 7 o 78 II 2 294 22g 1,312 357 176 1,144 1,561 322 33i 234 797 184 "5 972 57 20 90 99 76 85 377 928 66 88 18 465 17 11 2,787 16 1 201 g 8 112 7 4 26S 13 1 317 18 4 326 16 o 356 19 IO 1,433 18 7 3,679 5 11 358 18 4 256 7 9 78 5 10 420 19 2 57 17 9 302 38 7 83 202 24 3 1 29 50 15 65 12 2 14 97 14 8 28 17S 8 Westport Boatman's Charleston Longford Lyell Waimangaroa .. 292 945 97 60 1 87 200 3 19 1 133 21 6 1 20j 5

'ostal District of — Auckland 31enheim Christchurch 3unedin jisborne jreymouth Hokitika [nvercargill Napier kelson Slew Plymouth .. Damaru rhames rimaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 34,296 4,449 21,480 28,403 2,020 5,182 3,372 13,394 8,878 5,265 4,212 4,6i3 6,019 6,492 9,343 27,777 3,429 £ s. d. 1,837 8 o 228 19 4 1,203 16 6 1,371 10 o 117 6 10 284 2 8 160 11 10 578 n o 512 16 2 255 17 4 186 4 o 203 2 8 273 14 o 2gg o 8 422 12 8 1,423 6 11 194 o o £ s- d. 109,595 o 6 14,566 17 2 67,994 7 10 81,592 1 8 6,961 14 4 18,425 5 7 10,125 1 10 37,905 12 11 29,162 18 11 17,052 o 6 12,682 5 10 1/,508 19 3 16,623 7 2 18,420 2 6 27,600 2 4 84,663 7 2 I3,5I 6 3 3 31,773 i,6g4 26,103 34,758 937 3,030 2,018 7,489 5,706 4,984 2,998 2,469 3,641 3,276 6,392 20,67g 1,254 £ s- d. 103,956 5 4 6,025 4 6 69,669 18 7 96,677 18 5 3,742 8 3 10,338 12 2 6,414 5 6 23,724 10 2 17,353 7 o 18,840 4 3 10,102 17 o 8,689 16 7 ",630 15 5 10,607 10 6 19,467 18 7 68,232 16 4 4,85114 9 2,917 420 3,719 3,545 222 412 232 824 989 450 409 428 513 678 937 3,657 309 17,087 2,387 26,833 24,463 1,077 2,344 1,604 4,855 4,94i 3,383 2,451 2,624 3,385 3,787 5,034 23,728 1,39° £ s- d'185,078 3 o 27,715 19 3 279,620 o 1 237,331 14 10 io,773 15 4 23,637 4 2 13,873 6 11 45,205 13 9 55,459 19 3 38,133 15 10 35, 662 o 8 24,584 19 5 29,543 I 6 34,i6g 15 2 4g,o3i 18 9 237,342 15 11 13,836 19 4 2,677 270 3,049 2,907 138 253 224 714 651 425 381 349 414 428 617 2,728 196 13,014 1,: 43 18,341 14,890 75i 1,228 895 2,802 3,204 2,211 1,815 1,630 2,070 2,316 2,880 H,522 720 £ s. d. 195,231 17 9 26,371 11 4 272,566 ig 10 211,311 12 4 7,862 17 9 20,6og 11 11 12,346 1 10 44,756 10 3 51,124 2 7 40,843 1 11 40,080 10 10 23,102 5 8 26,426 3 7 30,459 15 10 43,971 8 7 206,005 14 5 11,235 1 10 188624 9,553 o 7 j58i,395 8 9 159201 490,326 3 4 20,661 I3I373 1341001 3 2 16,421 84,832 1264305 8



Table No. 4. Table showing the Business of the Post Office Savings Banks in New Zealand Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment to the 31st December, 1885.

Postal Districts. Number of Post Office Savings Banks Open at the Close of the Year. Number of Deposits received during the Year. Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of each Deposit received during the Year. Number of Withdrawals during the Year. Total Amount of Withdrawals during the Year. Average Amount of each Withdrawal during the Ysar. Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals j over Deposits I during the Year.' Cost of Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit, or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Number of Accounts Ope"tieii during the Year. Number of Accounts Cosed during the Year. Number of Accounts remaining Open at Close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all open Accounts, inclusive of Interest to tile Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit of each open Account at Close of the Year. £ s. d. '85,078 3 o 27.7'5 19 3 279,620 o 1 '4 10 io,773 15 4 23637 4 2 13,873 6 11 45,205 13 9 55,459 '9 3 38,133 15 10 35,662 o 8 24,584 19 5 29.543 1 6 34,i69 15 2 49.031 18 9 2.17.342 15 11 1.I.836 19 4 £ s. d. £ s. d 216,141 1 3 30,410 3 4 355.297 6 4 299,439 9 4 9.193 16 5 34.7 7' 5 " 24,286 6 ic 62,662 14 4 60,321 16 ic 49,8.15 '3 8 34,780 7 6 35.70 1 3 " 45.8 = 2 4 7 49.764 1 4 55,360 16 9 256,286 9 8 17,981 1 5 '.638,035 19 5 1,499,112 o 7 1,409,751 16 7 '■470,950 11 6 1,232,787 if) 9 903,765 16 10 787.005 19 o 819,071 8 2 767,375 '7 8 723,910 17 5 727,295 7 8 770,836 18 c 664,807 5 ic 490,066 7 c 357,654 14 fj 295.372 1 7 23',3" 5 3 '63.518 15 7 £ s. d. 23 10 4 21 19 9 23 16 1 23 11 2 19 12 11 2296 25 10 3 23 14 11 2116 o 19 1 8 26 12 2 25 19 10 20 17 6 23 15 6 20 15 4 24 19 9 2296 Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier ... Nelson ... New Plymouth Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui "Wellington Westport ... 58 29 33 2 6 6 17,087 24,463 '.077 1,604 4,94' 3.383 2,45' 2,624 3.787 5.034 23,728 '.39o £ s. d. 1016 7 I 1 12 3 1085 9 14 o 1000 10 1 8 8 1 2 1 1 9 6 3 II 46 11 5 5 14 11 o 9 7 4 8 H 7 905 9 14 9 IO o o 9 19 1 13.014 ',543 18,341 14,890 751 1,228 895 2,802 3,204 2,21 1 ■ .630 2,070 2,3 16 2,880 •4,522 720 £ s- d. '95,231 17 9 26,371 '1 4 272,566 19 10 211,311 12 4 7,862 17 9 20,609 '' '' 12.346 1 10 44,756 10 3 51,124 2 7 40,843 1 11 40,080 IO IO 23,102 5 8 26,426 3 7 3°,459 15 i° 43,97' 8 7 206,005 14 5 1 1,235 ■ '° 1,264,305 8 3 1,195,931 o 1 1 '.295.719 '8 3 '.142,599 o 1 902,195 1 8 780,504 13 4 876,180 19 3 742,053 14 3 667.023 7 5 696,281 7 4 729.759 i? 9 620,155 8 9 425,908 3 5 313,176 7n 261,34/ 16 3 209.509 13 2 180,518 4 1 107,094 17 3 £ s. d. 15 00 17 1 9 ■4 '7 2 14 3 10 i° 9 5 16 15 8 13 '5 8 15 19 5 15 '9 1 1896 22 1 8 1,344 7 " 7.053 o 3 26,020 2 6 2,910 17 7 3,027 12 3 1.527 5 ' 449 3 6 4,335 l6 8 £ s. d. 10,153 14 9] £ s. d. ... I £ s. d. 8,560 9 3 1,168 19 6 '3,6'3 '9 3 ",308 15 5 291 9 3 1,280 1 1 2 927 11 4 2,473 '7 3 2,182 4 9 2,006 12 o 2,91; 420 3,7'9 3,545 222 2/>77 270 3.049 2,907 '38 2.53 224 7'4 651 425 381 349 414 428 61 7 2,728 196 16,421 '6,447 '0.967 '4,505 12,718 12.217 12,786 9,634 8,59' 9-4 7 2 8,68 1 5.736 3,816 3,188 2,383 2,277 1,801 1,186 9,191 ',383 '4,957 1 2,7 10 468 ',547 952 2639 2.767 2,612 ',375 2,194 2,093 2,666 10,296 800 Totals for Colony in 1885 ••• ., 1884 ... 1883 ... „ 1882 ... „ „ 1881 ... ,, » 1880 ... •> „ 1879 ••■ „ „ 1878 ... 1877 ... 1876 ... » >, 1875 ... ,, „ '87a ... '873 ... „ „ '872 ... 1871 ... 1. >. 1870 ... 1, „ 1869 ... 1868 ... Totals for Colony from 1st Feb. to 31st Dec., 1867 ... 24 '5 9 5 8 11 7 12 23 6 261 243 222 207 190 .78 '65 147 '38 124 "9 ■°3 97 92 81 70 59 55 '3',373 129,279 127,609 129,952 ■25,855 81,660 7',865 69,908 6o,953 57.295 56,129 52,627 39,223 3' ,68 1 24,642 20,489 "7. '33 1,341,001 3 2 1,227,909 1 1 4 1,178,474 4 1 1,325,852 2 1 1 1,189,012 2 7 864,441 18 10 812,399 11 11 762,084 12 o 681,294 13 2 664,134 I2 6 657,6.53 4 o 699,249 '4 3 580.542 5 5 430,877 o o 312,338 18 4 264,328 5 7 240,898 5 9 194,535 1' ( > 10 4 1 9 911 948 10 4 o 9 811 10 11 9 11 6 1 1018 o 11 36 1 1 11 9 11 14 4 '3 5 8 14 16 2 13 1 2 o 1213 6 1218 o 84,832 80,800 78,405 69,308 60,137 57.446 54,698 42,746 39,363 39.486 36,977 29,778 21,268 '4,773 ",934 9,292 6,365 ■4 3 5 12 '5 5 '3 3 o 15 5 4 H 3 8 15 12 1 1418 o 1416 o 1610 6 16 9 8 15 o 1 13 11 8 16 04 17 7 2 16 18 10 1712 8 1914 8 20 16 5 20 o 5 18 3 o 17 1.3 9 17 11 1 19 8 7 16 16 6 1,482 13 9 3,1 16 17 11 3.709 '9 4 5,060 10 2 3',337 ■ 6 2,601 17 6 76,695 14 11 31.978 10 5 183.253 2 10 286,81 7 Oil 83,937 5 6 2,709 6 1 4,418 10 2 117,245 14 2 4,000 4,coo 4,000 4,000 3.500 3.5°° 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,250 1,800 1.556 1,264 1,186 789 ... o 4J o 4ts o 4§ o 4t o 6^ o 5} o 6 o 6J o 6f o 6f o 7s 0 1-h o 8f o 9& o 10J3 o 9§ 1,429 14 3 1,407 18 2 ',735 '6 10 '.937 5 4 2,058 6 9 9.2.55 11 o 589 2 5 62,228 3 11 57,.38i 13 7 56,046 17 3 54.909 13 11 42,204 19 o 32,822 12 4 31,715 18 2 3 1,664 ■ 2 9 29,193 14 6 28,762 4 7 28.565 3 5 26,935 6 8 20,106 16 10 14,711 o 5 1 1,291 10 10 9.242 3 11 7,412 8 o 4,880 7 3 4' 2 2^2 824 989 450 409 428 678 93 7 3,657 309 20,661 20,228 20,386 2 1,014 25. 059 16,137 15,401 '3,005 11,255 ' ',273 10,346 7.382 6,205 4.615 4,304 3,839 3,282 69.957 6.5.7 '7 6 1,936 5 7,5 '7 51,008 38.667 34,747 28.761 26, 1 17 24,334 21,742 '7,'32 '3.566 10,549 8,3 '7 6,290 4,252 23 8 4 2216 3 2215 2 25 'i 5 24 3 4 2.1 7 6 22 12 11 63,781 7 4 20,030 17 9 '4.271 5 9 25 9 9 26 13 7 27 14 4 29 17 9 35 9 o 38 16 1 36 2 5 33 '8 1 3^ 10 3 ■I6 15 5 38 9 ' 32,146 14 10 7 2, 106 13 9 79,094 5 6 154,634 2 o 117,700 12 1 50,991 2 1 54 8 18 1 2 5 60,380 1 8 87.440 M 3 14 1 2 14 18 11 46 6,977 96,372 7 ic ■3 16 3 1,919 26,415 18 9 '3 15 3 69.956 9 1 822 ■ <°b 1,241 5 o 364 2,520 2,156 71,197 14 1 33 6 5



Table No. 5. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended the 31st December, 1885.

Table No. 6. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General, on Account of the Post-Office Savings Bank Fund, on the 31st December, 1885.

Balances on 1st January, 1885. Transactions. Balances on 31st December, 1886. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. tfoNEY Okdeb Accounts :— Money orders Commission United Kingdom United States of America Victoria South Australia New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Western Australia £ s. d. 13,154 14 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 632,689 13 5 1 1,364 16 4 97,063 5 4 5,658 13 0 20,565 7 0 1,346 2 6 14,541 19 9 2,658 7 6 3,132 8 5 179 19 6 £ s. d.' i 632,004 9 10' 1,348 14 8 ; 104,317 4 2 i 5,934 16 11 i 20,970 16 11 1,559 11 4 13,606 4 0 2,415 8 11 2,887 13 2. 167 5 ll 1 I £ s. d. ' 13,839 18 4 £ s. d. 473 5 8 1 457 4 0 18,844 0 6 371 11 4 748 0 8 256 7 6 11,590 1 8 95 7 5 342 10 9 42 18 8 632 6 10 J i 303 8 11 346 3 0 630 1 7 13 18 3 .. i 103 4 5 385 6 4 14 8 "" I Javtngs Bank Accounts :—• Deposits and withdrawals Transfers 1,499,149 16 1 2,215 16 9 1,403,191 11 7 89,983 5 2 I 1,264,305 8 3 91,307 19 l! I 1,638,035 19 5 831 2 10 ['eleoeapii Accounts :— Receipts New South Wales New Zealand and Australian Cable 2,352 2 4 964 6 6 392 0 4 135,608 2 5 22,676 19 0 10,613 4 8 138,198 0 11 22,951 12 9 10,640 1 3 689 12 9 365 3 9 237 16 a Ievenue Accounts :— Stamps Postal Guides Private box and bag rents Miscellaneous revenue Money order commission Revenue —Total 100,106 3 3 261,806 6 1 320 0 0 4,153 0 0 370 2 0 9,553 0 7 190,252 13 3 253,069 19 7; 319 13 6 4,153 0 0 370 2 0 9,553 0 7 190,043 0 9 108,842 9 9 0 6 6 2,551 3 9 2,760 16 3 rENEKAL ACCOUNTS : — Post Office Account Postmasters and Telegraphists .. Investments Accrued interest on investments Advances to Treasury for payment of foreign money orders Commission on postage stamps .. Gratuities for carriage of mails .. Miscellaneous expenses.. License fees—Game Government Insurance receipts .. Registration of births, &c. Receipts under Live Stock Acts .. Machinery fees Property-tax Maintenance private wires Postal notes Profit and loss 119,975 15 1 128,552 1 7 1,383,521 10 0 7,131 16 8 21,168 18 10 12 1 8 421 17 5 1,123 0 9 721,777 18 7 2,558,179 19 10 2,500 0 0 7,131 16 8 29,871 1 9 623 13 2 4,954 16 10 20,426 1 1 1,051 18 0 9,773 1 3 1,145 13 3 14,819 19 5 2,536 0 0 181,041 2 3 1,143 19 9 8,007 14 2 72,606 12 10 848,285 4 3 2,572,005 15 3 2,000 0 0 11,263 15 2 28,000 0 0 673 8 1 4,942 14 10 21,597 8 1 1,051 18 0 9,744 0 5 1,122 9 11 14,482 18 3 2,595 0 0 187,028 14 3 1,148 19 9 246,483 0 9= 142,377 17 0 1,383,021 10 0 11,263 15 2 19,297 17 1 61 16 7 409 15 5 2,294 7 9 619 11 0 78 7 6 498 14 10 227 0 0 13,535 15 2 648 11 10 101 10 10 835 16 0 168 0 Oj 8,148 3 2 7,608 7 2 69,798 15 7 8,007 14 2 10,416 4 5 Totals 1,603,673 19 5 1,663,673 19 5 6,545,925 16 4 6,545,925 16 4 1,800,394 15 4 1,806,394 15 4 •

Description of Securities, &c. Nominal Value. Value at Cost Price. Interest and Dividends accrued but not rocoived at End of tbo Year. Oamaru Harbour Mortgages, 5J per cents Patca Harbour Debentures, 7 per cents Oamaru Town Corporation Debentures, 7 per cents Consolidated Loan, 4 per cents Westland Loan, 5 per cents Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870, 4 per cents ,, „ 4J per cents General Purposes Loan, 4 per cents Defence Loan, 4 per cents Waimakariri River Bonds, 6 per cents Immigration and Public Works Loan, guaranteed 5 per cents. Waimakariri River Bonds, 5J per cents North Rakaia River Bonds, 5 per cents General Purposes Loan, 5 per cents Defence Loan, 4J per cents Deficiency Bills, 5 per cents Inscribed Stock, 5 per cents Post Office Account £ s. d. 33,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 173,200 0 0 14,900 0 0 5,200 0 0 75,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 553,600 0 0 2,000 0 0 5,500 0 0 49,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 144,500 0 0 250,000 0 0 £ s. d. 33,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 12,480 0 0 50,800 0 0 106,272 0 0 14,527 10 0 4,342 0 0 72,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 553,600 0 0 2,000 0 0 5,500 0 0 49,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 144,500 0 0 250,000 0 0 £ s. d. 2,575 16 1 101 12 8 132 6 6 109 13 11 527 7 11 1,461 10 4 141 8 11 43 17 7 632 17 6 44 7 8 2,350 18 1 27 14 6 114 10 5 108 9 10 1,027 7 11 1,863 15 4 Totals 1,393,900 0 0 1,383,021 10 0 11,203 15

Table No. 7.-DIRECT MAIL SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the Direct Mail Service of the New Zealand Shipping Company.



FROM LONDON. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch. DUNEDIN. Invercargill. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Auckland. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Wellington. No. of Days. Date of Date of No. Despatch from Arrival in of London. Christchurch. Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Duuedin. No. of Days. Date of Despatch fiom London. Date of Arrival in Invercargill. No. of Days. 1885. January 16 February 14 March 13 April 10 May 8 June 5 July 3 July 31 August 28 SeptemKr 25 October 23 1885. March 6 April 5 May 3 May 26 June 25 July 23 August 19 September 22 October 12 November 10 December 10 1886. 49 48 48 47 53 45 4 6 48 1885. January 16 February 14 March 13 April 10 May 8 June 5 July 3 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 23 1885. March 3 April 1 April 29 May 25 June 24 July 21 August 17 September 18 October 10 November 8 December 8 1886. January 4 January 31 46 46 47 45 47 46 45 49 43 44 46 1885. January 16 February r4 March 13 April 10 May 8 June 5 July 3 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 23 1885. March 4 March 31 April 30 May 24 June 23 July 20 August 16 September 17 October 10 November 7 December 7 1886. ■ 47 45 48 44 46 45 44 48 43 43 45 1885. January 16 February 14 March 13 April 10 I May 8 1 June 5 July 3 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 23 1885. March 4 March 30 April 30 May 23 June 22 July 19 August 16 September 16 October 9 November 6 December 7 1S86. January 2 February 1 47 44 43 45 44 44 47 42 42 45 1885. January 16 February 14 March 13 April 10 May 8 June 5 July 3 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 23 1885. March 5 March 31 May 1 May 24 June 23 July 20 August 17 September 17 October 10 November 7 December 7 1886. 4 S 45 49 44 4 6 45 45 48 43 43 45 November 20 December 18 January 5 February 2 46 46 November 20 December 18 45 44 November 20 December 18 January 3 February 1 44 45 November 20 December 18 43 45 November 20 December 18 January 4 February 2 45 46 Maximum Minimum Average 53 45 4792 49 43 45-61 48 43 45-15 48 42 44'54 49 43 45'54 TO LONDON. Auckland. Wellington. RISTCHURCIf. Dunedin. IVERCARGILL. Date of Despatch from Auckland. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from ! Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Christchurch. Date of Arrival in London. No. Date of of Despatch fiom Days. Duaedio. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Inrercargill. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. 1885. January 15 February 12 March 12 April g May 8 June 4 July 3 July 30 August 27 September 24 October 25 November 17 1885. February 24 March 27 April 25 May 22 June 20 July 15 August 15 September 12 October 8 November 7 December 5 December 28 1886. January 24 40 43 44 43 43 4 1 43 44 42 44 41 41 1885. January 16 February 14 March 13 April 13 May 12 June 7 July 6 August 2 August 30 September 27 October 23 November 19 1885. February 24 March 27 April 25 May 22 June 20 July 15 August 15 September 12 October 8 November 7 December 5 December 28 1886. January 24 39 41 . 43 39 • 39 38 40 4 1 39 41 43 39 1885. January 17 February 13 March 15 April 11 May 13 June 6 July 8 August 1 August 29 September 26 October 22 November 18 1885. February 24 March 27 April 25 May 22 June 20 July 15 August 15 September 12 October 8 November 7 December 5 December 28 1886. 38 42 41 41 38 39 38 42 40 42 44 40 1885. January 16 February 12 March 14 April 10 May 12 June 5 July 7 Jul y 31 August 28 September 25 October 21 November 17 1885. February 24 March 27 April 25 May 22 June 20 July 15 August 15 September 12 October 8 November 7 December 5 December 28 39 43 42 42 39 40 3D 43 41 43 45 41 1885. January 15 February 11 March 13 April 9 May 11 June 4 July 6 July 30 August 27 September 24 October 20 November 16 1885. February 24 March 27 April 25 May 22 June 20 July 15 August 15 September 12 October 8 November 7 December 5 December 28 18S6. 40 44 43 43 4° 41 40 44 42 44 46 42 December 16 39 December 17 38 December 16 January 24 39 December 15 1886. January 24 40 December 14 41 January 24 Maximum Minimum Average 44 39 42^5 43 1 40-0 I 44 38 40-31 45 39 46 40 4231



Table No. 8.-SAN FRANCISCO MAIL SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the San Francisco Mail Service.

from; londox via san francisco. Auckland. Wellington. Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. I— 1 Date of Despatch from London. Date ol Arrival in Auckland. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Wellington. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Dunedin. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Sydney. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Melbourne. No. of Days. 1885. January 1 January 29 February 26 March 26 April 23 May 2 1 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 1885. February 8 March 8 April 4 May 4 June 1 June 28 July 26 August 22 September 20 October 18 November 14 December 13 1886. January 9 37 39 30 38 38 37 38 38 37 38 1885. January 1 January 29 Februarj 26 March 26 April 23 May 2 1 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 1885. February 9 March 9 April 6 May 6 June 3 June 30 July 28 August 24 September 2 1 October 20 November 15 December 15 1886. 39 3') 39 4' 4^ 4= 4° 1885. January 1 January 29 February 26 March 26 April 23 May 2 1 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 1885. February 1 o March 1 1 April 8 May 7 June 4 July 2 July 29 August 25 September 23 October 2 1 November 17 December 16 1886. 40 4' 41 42 42 42 4' 43 41 41 40 41 1885. January 1 January 29 February 26 March 26 April 23 May 2 1 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 1885. February 13 March 12 April 9 May 10 June 6 .1 "! y 3 August 1 August 26 September 25 October 23 November 18 December 17 1886. 43 42 45 44 4.; 44 43 43 4' 42 1885. January 1 January 29 February 26 March 26 April 23 May 2 1 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 .885. February 14 March 14 April 10 May 12 June 8 Jul y 4 August 3 August 27 September 26 October 26 November 19 December 19 1886. January 14 44 44 43 47 46 44 46 42 ■ 44 46 42 44 December 3 37 Dec-smber 3 January 10 38 December 3 January 12 43 December 3 January 13 41 December 3 42 Maximum Minimum Average 39 37 3785 4" 38 39 46 42 40 45 4' 4262 47 42 44'' 5 •O LONDON VIA SAN FRANCISCO. Melbourne. Sydney. DUNEDIN. Wellington. Auckland. Date of Despatch from Melbourne. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. :S8 S . January 1 Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Dunedin. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Wellington. Date or Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch !rom Auckland. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. 1884. December 31 1885. 1885. February 14 45 '885. February 14 44 1885. January 3 I885. February 14 42 1885. January 4 1885. February 14 4' 1885. January 6 1885. February 14 39 January 28 February 25 March 25 April 24* May 20 June 17 July >s August 12 September 9 October 7 November 4 March 10 April 9 May 7 June 8 July 3 July 28 August 28 September 24 October 2 1 November 19 December 17 1886. 41 43 43 45 4+ 4' 44 43 43 43 43 January 30 February 26 March 26 April 25* May 21 June 18 July 16 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 5 March 1 o April 9 May 7 J une 8 July 3 July 28 August 28 September 24 October 22 November 19 December 17 1886. 39 42 42 44 43 4° 43 42 42 42 42 January 31 February 28 March 2S April 25 May 23 |une 20 July 18 August 15 September 12 October 1 o November 7 March 1 o April 9 May 7 June 8 ,l"iy 3 J uly 28 August 28 September 24 October 22 November 19 December 17 1886. January 15 38 40 40 44 4' 38 4' 40 40 40 40 February 1 March 1 March 29 April 26 May 25 June 21 July 19 August 16 September 13 October 1 1 November 8 March 10 April 9 May 7 June 8 July 3 July 28 August 28 September 24 October 22 November 19 December 17 1886. January 15 37 39 39 43 39 37 40 39 39 39 39 February 3 March 3 March 3 1 April 30* May 26 June 23 J uly 2 1 August 18 September 1 =, October 1 3 November 10 Mnrch 10 April 9 May 7 June 8 Ju| y 3 July 28 August 28 September 24 October 22 November 19 December iy 1886. January 15 35 37 37 39 38 35 38 37 37 37 37 December 3 January 15 43 December 4 January 15 42 December 5 4' December 6 40 December 9 37 Maximum Minimum Average 45 4' 43" ■ 5 44 39 42-08 44 38 40-38 43 37 39 '3 » 39 35 37' '5 * Detained at Sydney two days through seamen's strike



Table No. 9.-PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL MAIL SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the Mail Service viâ Colombo and Brindisi.

PROM LONDON VIA BRINDISI AND COLOMBO. Melbourne. Sydney. Bluff. Christchurch. Wellington. Auckland. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Melhnurne. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Sydney. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from ; London. Date of Arrival at Bluff. No. of Davs. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Christchurch. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Wellington. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from London. Date of Arrival in Auckland. No. of Dai?. 1885. 1885. Feb. 16 March 3 March 16 March 3 1 April 12 April 27 May 10 May 2 5 June 1 June 22 July 5 July 22 August 2 August 17 August 30 Sept. 13 Sept. 27 October 11 October 25 Nov. 1 1 Nov. 24 Dec. 7 Dec. 2 1 1886. Jan. 3 Jan. 18 Jan. 31 38 39 38 39 37 38 37 38 37 38 37 40 37 38 37 37 37 37 37 40 39 38 38 1885. 1885. Feb. 17 March 4 March 17 April 1 April 14 April 28 May 12 May 26 June 9 June 23 July 7 July 23 August 4 August 18 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Sept. 29 October 13 October 27 Nov. 12 Nov. 25 Dec. 8 Dec. 22 1886. 39 40 39 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 4' 39 39 39 i 39 i 39 41 40 39 39 1885. Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 Nov. 13 1885. Feb. 23 March 9 March 22 April 6 April 21 May 4 May 18 June 1 June 16 June 30 Jul y '3 August 3 August 11 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 20 October 4 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 16 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 28 1886. 45 45 44 45 46 45 45 45 46 46 45 52 46 45 45 44 44 45 45 45 52 45 45 1885. 1885. Feb. 25 March 10 March 24 April 7 April 22 May 5 May 19 June 3 June 18 July 1 July 14 August 4 August 13 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 October 6 October 20 Nov. 3 Nov. 17 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 30 1886.' Jan. 12 Jan. 27 Feb. 9 47 46 46 46 47 46 46 47 48 47 46 53 48 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 53 46 ; 47 1885. 1885. Feb. 25 March 12 March 25 April 8 April 24 May 9 May 20 June 5 June 20 July 3 July '5 August 1 August 15 August 26 Sept. 9 Sept. 23 October 7 October 2 I Nov. 5 Nov. 19 Dec. 7 Dec. 16 Dec. 30 1886.' 47 48 47 47 49 50 47 49 50 49 47 50 5° 47 47 47 47 ; 47 48 48 52 47 47 I ■ 885. 1885. Feb. 25 March 1 o March 24 April 8 April 22 May 5 May 20 June 3 June 16 July 1 July 14 July 28 August 12 August 26 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 Oct. 7 Oct. 2 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 18 Dec. 2 Dec. 16 Dec. 30 1886. Jan. 13 Jan. 26 Feb. 9 47 46 46 47 47 46 47 47 47 46 46 47 47 46 46 4/ 47 46 47 47 47 47 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 1 s May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 9 Tan. 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 | October 16 ; October 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 2 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 Nov. 13 Jan. 9 Jan. 2} Feb. 6 Feb. 20 March 6 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 2 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 j Nov. 13 Nov. 27 I Dec. 11 j Dec. 25 1 37 38 37 Nov. 27 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Jan- 5 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 39 39 : 39 1 Nov. 27 Dec. 1 1 Dec. 25 Jan. 11 Jan. 26 j Feb. 7 45 46 44 Nov. 27 Dec. 1 1 Dec. 25 46 47 46 Nov. 2 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 25 Jan. 15 Jan. 29 Feb. 10 49 49 47 Nov. 27 Dec. 1 1 Dec. 25 47 46 46 Maximum Minimum Average 40 37 ... 3781 4' 39 39'27 52 44 45-58 53 46 46 92 52 47 47 46 46-58


Table No. 10.-PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL MAIL SERVICE-Continued. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the Mail Service viâ Colombo and Brindisi— continued.


TO LONDON VIA COLOMBO AND BRINDISI. Auckland. Wellington. Bluff. Sydney. Melbourne. Date of Despatch from Auckland. Date of Ar. ivat in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Bluff. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Melbourne. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. 1885. 1885. 1885. 1885. 1885. 1885. 1885. January 14 January 27 February 11 February 25 March n March 25 April 8 April 20 May 5 May 18 June 1 June 15 June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 October 7 October 21 November 4 November 18 1885. February 23 March 9 March 24 April 7 April 20 May 5 May 19 June 2 June 16 June 30 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 6 Sept. 20 October 4 October 20 November 3 November 16 November 30 December 13 December 28 1886. 1885. January 15 January 29 February 12 February 26 March 12 March 26 April 9 April 21 May 6 May 19 June 2 June 16 June 30 July 14 July 28 August 1 1 August 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 October 8 October 22 November 5 November 19 1885. February 23 March 9 March 24 April 7 April 20 May 5 May 19 June 2 June 16 June 30 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 Sept. 6 Sept. 20 October 4 October 20 November 3 November 16 November 30 December 13 December 28 1886. February 5 February 18 March 18 March April May 24 7 5 47 48 48 March April 31 25 May 1 g June 16 August 10 49 52 48 February 20 March 7 March 20 April 4 April 7 April 20 May 5 May 19 46 -14 46 45 40 41 41 41 40 4 1 41 43 42 43 42 42 42 42 41 4 1 -13 43 40 40 39 40 39 39 40 40 39 40 42 4 1 42 4 1 4 1 40 40 40 42 42 39 39 38 39 June 23 August 3 September 20 48 August 28 October 20 53 October 3 October 16 October 31 November 13 November 16 November 30 December 13 December 28 1886. January n January 25 February 8 44 45 43 45 November 27 December n December 26 45 45 44 December 2 December 16 December 30 January 11 January 25 February 8 40 40 .40 December 3 December 17 December 31 January n January 25 February 8 39 39 39 Maximum Minimum Average 48 47 47-67 52 48 4925 53 43 45-42 43 39 4112 42 38 40 o3



Table No. 11.-ORIENT MAIL SERVICE. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the Mail Service viâ Suez and Brindisi.

FROM LONDON VIA BRINDISI AND SUEZ. Meleourne. Sydney. Bluff. Christchlpch. Wellington. Auckland. Date of Despatch from London. 1885. Jan. 2 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 3 1 August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Da'e of Arrival in Melbourne. 1885. Feb. 7 Feb. 23 March 6 March 2 1 A pril 6 April 18 May 3 May 17 May 26 June 13 June 27 July 9 July 25 August 8 August 23 Sept. 4 Sept. 29 October 1 October 1 7 October 30 Nov. 17 D;c. 1 Dec. 1 1 No. of Da\ s. 38 35 36 38 36 37 37 32 06 36 34 36 36 37 35 46* 34 36 35 39 39 35 Date of Despatch from London. I88 S . Jan. 2 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 2 7 March 13 March 27 A pril 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 .1 uly 3' August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Date of Arrival in Sydney. i88 5 . Feb. 9 Feb. 24 March 7 March 23 April 7 April 20 May 5 May 19 May 27 June 15 June 29 July 10 July 27 August 10 August 25 Sept. 5 Sept. 30 October 3 October 19 Nov. 2 Nov. 19 Dec. 3 Dec. 12 No. of Days. 38 39 36 38 39 38 39 39 33 38 38 35 38 38 39 36 47* 36 38 38 4' 4' 36 Date of Despatch from London. 1S85. Jan. 2 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 2 7 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 2 2 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 3' August 14 August 28 Sept. 11 Sept. 25 October 9 Octobei 23 Ncv. 6 Date of Arrival at Bluff. .885. Feb. 17 March 2 March 16 March 30 April 13 April 26 May 11 June 2 June 1 J une 2 2 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 16 August 31 Sept. 14 October 4 October 12 October 26 Nov. 8 Nov. 23 Dec. 14 Dec. 2 1 1886. No. of Days. 46 45 45 45 45 44 45 S3 38 45 45 45 45 44 4 5 45 51* 45 45 44 4 5 52 45 Date of Despatch from London. 1S85. Jan. 2 Jan. 16 |an. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 31 August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Date of Arrival in Christchurch. 1885. Feb. 18 March 3 March 17 March 31 April 14 April 28 May 12 May 3 1 J uue 3 June 2} July '7 July 21 August 4 August 18 Sept. 1 Sept. 16 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 27 Nov. 1 o Nov. 25 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 1886. Jan. 6 No. of Days. 47 46 46 46 46 46 46 5' 40 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 53* 46 46 46 47 53 46 Date of Despatch from London. , 1885. Jan. 2 Jan. 16 I an. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 2 2 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 J uly 3 1 August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Date of Arrival in Wellington. 1885. Feb. 16 March 4 March 18 April 2 April 16 A pril 27 May 14 May 30 June 5 ]une 26 July 8 July 24 August 4 August 18 Sept. I Sept. 13 October 7 October 13 October 28 Nov. 9 Nov. 2 5 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 1886. No. of Da\ s. 45 47 47 48 48 45 48 50 42 49 47 49 46 46 46 44 54* 46 47 45 47 54 47 Date of Despatch from London. 1885. Jan. 2 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 13 Feb. 2 7 March 13 March 27 April 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 3 July 17 July 31 August 14 August 28 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 25 October 9 October 23 Nov. 6 Date of Arrival in Auckland. 1885. Feb. 18 March 3 March 17 March 3 1 April 20 May 1 May 18 May 26 June 3 June 23 July 13 July 21 August 8 August 17 Sept. 4 Sept. 15 October 7 October 12 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 o Dec. 2 Dec. 8 Dec. 28 1886. Jan. 5 No. of Days. 47 46 46 46 49 40 46 46 5° 49 46 54* 45 46 54 46 52 Nov. 20 Dec. 25 1886. 35 Ncv. 20 Dec. 26 1886. Jan. 12 Jan. 26 36 Nov. 20 Jan- 5 ! , 46 Nov. 20 47 Nov. 20 Jan. 8 49 Nov. 20 46 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 o Jan. 24 37 37 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 39 39 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Ian. 18 Feb. 1 45 45 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 46 46 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 20 Feb. 3 47 47 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Jan. 22 Feb. 1 49 45 ! I i Maximum Minimum Average 46 32 36 46 47 33 38-15 53 38 45'S 40 4665 54 42 47'3' 54 40 47"9* * Delayed one week at Pi :t Said through accident to machim rrjr.


Table No. 11.-ORIENT MAIL SERVICE-continued. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the under-mentioned Places by the Mail Service viâ Suez and Brindisi.


TO LONDON VIA SUEZ AND BRINDISI. Auckland. Wellington. Bluff. .Sydney. Melbourne. Date of Despatch from Auckland. Date of Arrival in London. In f Date of „ ° I Despatch from -"ays. Wellington. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Bluff. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Sydney. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. Date of Despatch from Melbourne. Date of Arrival in London. No. of Days. 1884. December 31 1885. January 14 January 27 February 13 February 25 March 10 March 24 April 7 April 21 May C May 19 June 2 June 16 June 30 July 15 July 28 August 12 August 26 Sept. 9 Sept. 23 1885. February 15 February 27 March 16 March 29 April 14 April 28 May 11 May 23 June 8 June 22 July 5 July 18 August 3 August 15 August 29 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 October 10 October 25 November 7 46 44 48 44 48 49 46 48 -17 47 46 48 46 45 53 45 45 46 45 1885. January 15 - . ■• 24 I •• May 4 1885. February 27 April 14 June 22 43 49 49 1885. January 3 January 30 February 13 March 13 April 10 April 24 May 9 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 4 July 18 July 31 August 14 August 21 Sept. 11 Sept. 19 October 9 October 23 November 6 1885. February 15 March 16 March 29 April 28 May 23 June 8 June 22 July 5 July 18 August 3 August 15 August 29 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 October 10 October 25 November 7 November 23 December 4 December 22 1886. 43 45 44 46 43 45 44 -14 43 45 42 42 50 43 44 49 45 42 46 1885. January 8 January 22 February 5 February 19 March 3 March 19 April 2 April 16 April 50 May 14 May 28 June 11 June 25 July 9 July 23 August 6 August 20 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 October 1 October 15 October 29 November 12 1885. February 15 February 27 March 16 March 29 April 14 April 28 May 11 May 23 June 8 June 22 July 5 July 18 August 3 August 15 August 29 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 October 10 October 25 November 7 November 23 December 4 December 22 1886. 38 36 39 42 40 39 37 39 39 38 37 39 37 37 44 37 37 38 37 39 36 40 18S5. January 9 January 23 February 6 February 20 March 2 March 20 April 3 April 17 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 12 June 26 July 10 July 24 August 7 August 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 18 October 2 October 16 October 30 November 13 1885. February 15 February 27 March 16 March 29 April 14 April 28 May II May 23 June 8 June 22 July 5 July 18 August 3 August 15 August 29 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 October 10 October 25 November 7 November 23 December 4 December 22 1886. January 3 January 17 February 2 37 35 37 43 39 3S 38 37 36 33 43 37 38 35 59 I •• October 25 43 Sept. 12 •• October 20 December 4 45 November 18 1886. January 3 46 ■ ■ November 20 December 4 December 18 44 44 46 November 26 December 10 December 24 38 38 4° November 27 December n December 25 37 37 39 January 3 January 17 February 2 January 3 January 17 February 2 ■• Maximum Minimum Average 53 44 46-59 49 43 46 50 42 4474 44 36 38-42 43 35 37'5

¥.— 1


Table No. 12. Comparative Table showing the Postal Revenue, and Number of Letters, Post-cards, Books, and Newspapers delivered and posted, within the several Postal Districts, during the Years 1875, 1880, 1884, and 1885.

Postal Districts. Revenue. Letter Delivered. Letters. :rs. Posted. Post-cards. Books. Newspapers. Delivered. Posted. Delivered. Posted. Delivered. Posted. uckland — 1875 1880 1884 1885 £ s. '3,'33 " 22,764 11 37,832 1 37.636 12 d. o o 9 5 782,329 ',940,536 3,675,880 3.776,630 779.6i7 1,900,808 3,'55.594 3.206.294 42.24' 109,135 1 26,646 43.905 98,917 127.946 109,720 236,405 277.927 173.966 230,087 1 76,150 647>325 965,822 '. 342,783 1,400,906 326,248 672,187 1,633,216 1,339.468 i'hames— '875 1880 1884 1885 1,664 ° 6 '.584 6 3 3,774 3 5 3.887 n 3 119,418 106,895 403,377 369.100 ' 09.954 1 '7,9°' 370,162 359.550 4.524 9.035 1Q.374 2,886 8,255 11,310 4.9H 26,546 24/>74 6,95' 18,954 18,681 52,323 65,468 241,423 240,569 52,886 7',49' 159,861 ■87,3'7 49,6.12 72,592 97,3'8 98,280 lew Plymouth — 1875 1880 1884 1885 ■.8 '5 9 5 1,987 16 7 3,206 7 8 3.210 16 4 97.040 168.549 267,^88 261,426 89,469 ■45.589 222,365 225,966 8,017 8,476 23.'79 13,104 14,924 24.037 "4.499 37.323 34.545 '",'37 21,164 26,6-6 72,462 1 24,644 169,104 168,844 risborne— '875 1880 1884 '885 1,598 6 ",545 '3 7 o 162,084 153,998 "39,308 132,210 1,196 1,846 4,641 2.990 15,69' 10,699 '4,768 12,870 124,969 115,089 80,548 71,682 apier — '875 1880 18S4 1885 4,076 19 8 7,225 13 3 6,996 15 1 7.953 '6 o 186,993 377.979 740,688 795,236 23 0.973 446,697 628,303 711,282 5.599 18,083 21,203 7.505 21,138 21,437 35,438 69,017 75,283 38,957 4',66,5 52,286 1 28,480 261,785 356,291 354.1.59 ■50,750 201,621 259.558 309.985 anganui— "875 1880 1884 1885 6,850 12 11 7,953 5 0 8.219 18 7 521,872 888,108 872,430 476,381 679,952 7'0,775 11,689 36,621 34,6.58 ",449 37,687 36.504 38,480 121,732 137.056 25,012 48,516 52,871 329,446 456,014 441,792 167,275 190,398 i93.7°o ellington — 1875 1880 1884 1885 51.050 5 8 58,386 9 o 65,902 o 5 68,085 14 7 802,950 1.590,897 2,632,110 2,813,460 922,177 1,658,436 2,358,200 2,375.529 25,679 45,383 66,443 27,395 51,480 65.104 109,191 186,992 241,020 187,131 3 74.'40 38 7.'4Q 596,768 773.145 759,187 848,601 470,650 585,836 703,430 897,728 [elson — ■875 1880 1884 1885 2,399 " 10 3,82 1 2 O 4.886 14 3 4.667 18 I 205.716 286,962 561,015 456,222 180,707 335,5'9 391,248 4' 1,034 6,327 ",245 10.543 11,249 '2,57' '3,234 21,485 59,63' 55,536 26,615 19,058 32,526 ■45,47° 156,286 ■74,356 203,346 11 1,769 ■23.578 109,291 ■■7.923 estport — 1875 1880 1884 1885 1,053 6 2 908 5 2 1,635 " 2 1,432 19 2 73,527 62,374 103,922 121,589 57.447 49,227 118,417 1 14,699 1,499 2,990 3w'8 1,213 1.599 2,73° 4.056 9,477 10,634 1,560 5.798 5.547 95.237 70,547 72,020 83,772 51,258 24,856 40,118 45."9 heymouth ■875 1880 1884 1S85 2,17' '3 7 2,514 19 9 4,100 17 3 2,920 o 8 146,702 ■ 67,079 26-5,172 266,682 167,980 196,603 232,79' 227,929 2,011 5,642 6,240 2,236 5.057 .5.33° 12,159 29,679 26,546 22,967 14,61 2 14,690 130,734 ■32,851 207,480 i90,554 '53.'°6 79.889 134,680 '36,552 iiokitika— '875 1880 1884 188; 1,816 o 9 3,072 17 " 2,217 8 11 2,154 3 « ■ 21,517 '41,483 215,007 208,975 12 1,743 137,6/0 163,826 169,065 1,976 6,123 6.214 2,912 2,249 6,071 10,833 30,602 21,615 7,124 7.2'5 10,361 151,832 131,092 ■74,629 168,766 68,695 66,135 85,35S 85,003 ilenhcim — 1875 1880 1884 1885 1,719 9 o 2.3'3 8 3 2,284 6 2 2,952 6 o 153,723 134,680 297,622 308,529 '31,624 129,705 202,397 242,619 1.569 8,320 ",479 1,213 5.226 4.173 13,702 30,576 3',52.5 3,961 '9,396 '3,936 ■53.124 129,818 149,019 '54.544 60,787 50,8.39 78,442 78,520 Jhristchurch— •875 1880 1884 188 5 17,582 19 8 26,088 6 3 3',475 1° 5 31,836 10 o 1,052,07 1 2,171,819 3.326,895 3,212,638 1,000,864 2,528,623 2,751,372 2,848,443 75,699 126,048 129,549 92,326 143,013 '45.054 '08,933 2.59.376 266,223 214,285 274.495 269,438 529.554 685,756 1,025,700 ',051.934 295,420 737.184 '.'57.767 1,195.558 Timaru— 1875 1880 1884 1885 7,259 '9 2 6,543 8 3 6.454 6 2 479,423 769,95' 783,900 534,369 602,264 607,516 i5,7>9 33,4io 33,670 '7.342 22,893 33,553 23,573 66,924 69,593 20,609 26,572 35,204 170,213 272,779 234.260 '87,772 176,813 127,036 'amaru — '875 1880 1884 1885 3-735 6 5 3,833 10 1 3.908 7 6 331.977 527.904 569.IOI 3'5,432 3S7»3i8 370,72' 5,9" 12,lO^ 15,587 8.797 10,205 15,990 19,604 53.040 52.'56 "2,2.55 25,l8l 26,403 176,939 247,572 271,180 104,624 "2,54' 106.444 'unedin — '875 1880 1884 1S83 20,891 5 9 32,837 8 7 32,551 17 5 32,468 19 10 1,106,168 1,916,001 3,276,884 3.231.124 ■ ,343.748 2,308,696 2,797.977 2.820.025 42,224 85,189 97,812 77.393 123,526 119,119 110,327 233.675 240,409 221,234 3'°,°37 373.035 1,142,015 1,105,693 1,186,068 1,168,778 872,706 1,252,281 1,284,660 1,284.114 invercargill— ■875 1880 1884 ■885 3,121 5 9 7,453 17 1 9, 1" 5 5 9-873 '4 '° 205,249 564,486 1,125,683 ','70.338 238,145 579,800 848,562 924,820 13,823 42,653 54.56' 13,459 28,522 31,629 36,755 62,917 94-367 26,017 59,8,52 87,438 181,133 37i,765 566,202 588,276 120,913 223,487 264,147 274,079 otals— 1875 18S0 1884 1885 122.495 '8 9 188,804 '9 7 225,993 9 3 229,299 7 6 5.053.403 10,963,012 '9.237,79° 19,37L378 5,374,448 11,861,456 16,020,056 16,458.477 264,507 561,652 6S3.722 334>384 59',9°3 666,211 673,669 1,529,603 1,670,708 999.781 1,511,510 '.593,252 4,026,457 5,65I,270 7,525,596 7.685.37° ;z,784,820 14,621,647 6,568,146 6,548,508



Table No. 13. Table showing the estimated Number of Letters, Post-cards, Book-packets and Parcels, and Newspapers delivered and posted, within the several Postal Districts of New Zealand, during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Table No. 14. Table showing the Number of Letters, Post-cards, Books, &c., and Newspapers delivered by the Letter-carriers from the Post Offices within the several Postal Districts during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Table No. 15. Table showing the Number of Letters, Book-packets, and Newspapers received from and despatched to Places outside the Colony during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Delivered. Posi ted. Postal Districts. Letters. Post-cards. . _ Books and ., „ M Parcels. Newspapers. Letters. Post-cards. Books and Parcels. Newspapers. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Sisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington Nelson Westport jreymouth Hokitika Blenheim Christchurch Timaru Damaru Dunedin Invercargill 3,776,630 369,100 261,426 153,998 795,236 872,430 2,813,460 456,222 121,589 266,6S2 208,975* 308,529 3,212,638* 783,900 569,101 3,231,124 1,170.338 i9.371.378 126,646 10,374 23,179 1,846 21,203 34,658 66,443 10,543 3,7i8 6,240 6,214 ",479 129,549 33,67° 15,587 97,812 54,56i 653,722 277,927 24,674 34,545 10,699 75.283 137,956 241,020 55,536 10,634 26,546 21,615 3i,525 266,223 69,593 52,156 240,409 94,367 1,670,708 1,400,906 240,569 168,844 j 115,089 ! 354,159 j 441,792 ; 848,601 203,346 83,772 190,554 168,766 154.544 1,051,934 234,260 271,1 So 1,168,778 I 588,276 3,206,294 359,550 225,966 132,210 711,282 710,775 2,375,529 411,034 114,699 227,929 169,065 242,619 ! 2,848,443 607,516 370,721 2,820,025 924,820 127,946 11,310 24,037 2,990 21,437 36,504 65,104 13,234 2,73° 5.330 6,071 4,173 145,054 33,553 15,990 119,119 31,629 176,150 iS,68i 26,676 12,870 52,286 52,871 387,14° 32,526 5,547 14,690 10,361 13,936 269,438 35,204 26,403 373,°35 87,438 1,339,468 187,317 98,280 71,682 309,985 193,700 897,728 117,923 45,"9 136,552 85,003 78,52c 1,195,558 127,036 106,444 1,284,114 274,079 Totals 7,685,370 16,458,477 666,211 1.595,252 6,54S,5o8 Previous year.. 19.237,790 561,652 1,529,603 17.525,596 16,020,056 591,903 1,5",5io 6,568,146 * Official correspondence decreased.

Postal Districts. Letters. Post-cards. Books, Circulars, and Parcels. Newspapers. Auckland Thames .. New Plymouth Gisborne Napier .. Wanganui Wellington Nelson .. Westport jreymouth Hokitika Blenheim Christchurch rimaru .. Damaru .. Dunedin invercargill 1 .. 1,500,498 118,178 108,324 40,343 122,234 208,103 791,198 138,896 26,478 78,568 47,886 72,454 1,333,922 155,261 109,233 1,003,519 285,996 51,946 5,584 8,211 2,265 7,i68 14,536 22,4S0 4,146 2,820 2,121 1,926 17.593 49,°55 10,870 5,335 29,274 io,595 87,845 4,716 11,360 5,180 8,912 18,946 37,075 6,992 1,674 5,201 8,307 5,629 76,029 18,240 8,504 74,418 15,211 396,610 30,626 66,880 24,893 27,772 97,009 199,937 47.334 17,208 37.321 24,419 39,752 3°3,589 39,888 24,998 284,368 63,076 Totals 6,141,091 246,525 394.239 1,725,680 Previous year 5,898,381 202,848 274,246 1,642,599

Received. Despatched. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. United Kingdom— Vid San Francisco By N.Z. Shipping Co.'s packets By Victorian packets By New South Wales packets .. By Shaw, Saville, & Co.'s steamers By other routes Australian Colonies Other places 324,682 260,597 31,306 38,563 5,959 130 456,548 90,294 193,284 151,986 n.893 23.404 544 9 180,500 45,419 715,964 614,821 50,904 73.147 7.316 67 562,058 167,712 365.439 I66,i8i 1.755 2,279 11,061 13 453.9™ 83,859 39.M3 19.759 60 101 806 388,134 126,378 237 335 2,454 3 312,488 96,018 37.484 10,238 Totals 1,208,079 607,039 2,191,989 1,084,497 926,047 107,591


Table No. 16. Statement of Correspondence received from the United Kingdom viâ San Francisco, and per New Zealand Shipping Company's, Victorian, and New South Wales Packets, during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Table No. 17. Statement of Correspondence despatched to the United Kingdom viâ San Francisco, and per New Zealand Shipping Company's, Victorian, and New South Wales Packets, during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.


Per New Zealand Shipping Compaq's Packets. Per Victorian Packets. Per New South Wales Packets. rid San Francisco. Date of Receipt. Letters. ., , NewsBooks- papers. Letters. Books. pa^* Letters. Books. Nejj. Letters. Books. £««. January February March April 30,820 24.457 27,004 24,836 11,650 4,896 9,634 7,274 59.176 51,690 59,5°2 25,850 27,650 25,236 9,990 ii,33° 12,307 12,686 43,oi4 57,558 34,062 2,955 2,177 1,466 1,459 1,233 1,299 1,038 1,029 996 656 1,005 994 936 967 798 1,095 896 964 1.438 319 426 318 383 346 423 140 377 608 58S 520 344 335 191 342 3,135 8,463 2,446 2,563 1,709 2,115 1,835 1,806 1,668 727 1,259 1,045 1,017 1,152 1,000 1,469 1,294 18,524 1,527 1,745 942 897 683 733 991 7°3 971 456 674 722 15,769 1.346 874 425 151 349 19 201 238 359 105 172 275 43,124 4,160 2,437 1,768 1,282 1.334 991 1,059 346 913 54i 795 655 57,576 25,054 51,273 May 25,859 8,557 55,44° 21,356 8,694 60,484 June 21,638 20,320 i3,59o 12,828 55,938 55.794 i8,347 10,159 57,922 July ;; August 25.347 26,764 11,126 13,776 53,532 53,3i6 16,214 iS.363 10,262 13.8S1 5i,i97 5°,H4 655 575 878 547 718 623 335 334 99 181 125 508 681 862 563 1,046 862 849 September .. October 22,888 25,985 55,519 22,748 52,248 51,894 19,651 8^53 15,606 55,699 816 988 1,284 948 195 482 305 339 1,128 1,318 3.344 1,380 774 609 618 556 1,051 669 722 168 144 221 182 2,036 1,271 833 1,093 1,166 1.177 1,303 20,472 49,725 November December 25,421 23,343 9,170 12,516 53,202 56,656 20,788 21,616 17,279 21,639 52,404 51,369 1,124 1,150 1,279 1,011 1,707 230 355 460 645 820 1,821 i,73° I,74 2 1,703 2,035 313 202 309 Totals .. 324,682 193,284 7!5,964 260,597 151,9S6 614,821 b1^05 111,893 50,904 38,563 23,404 73,147

Per New Zealand Shipping Company's Packets. Per Victorian Packets. Per New South Wales Packets. Fid San Francisco. Date of Dispatch. . . r, 1 NewsLetters. Books. papers „ , NewsBooks- papers. Letters. D , NewsBooks- papers. Letters. Books. ££* Letters. January 23,264 32,538 2,926 2,243 28,716 3^848 11,366 11,792 976 9,3i8 8,322 211 38 50 181 16 170 122 170 1 6 I 31 2 48 25 210 217 8 3 31 2 4 2 21 1 31 24 3 February 1,277 22 I 14 21 59 4 March April 29,096 27,932 2,132 2,855 29,898 29,604 13.747 12,507 1,235 '738 9,018 9,i74 4 4 11 4 1 9 37 168 227 no "8 1 8 4 23 29 5 14 6 May 31,493 27,150 29,755 3,021 2,334 4,091 28,524 26,400 31,962 15.879 1,015 1,534 10,764 16,110 1 2 1 June 13.328 7 93 134 in "3 119 108 48 2 7i 56 19 96 22 104 19 64 July 27,048 2,401 29,214 15,692 1,191 10,458 10,692 10,590 3 3 23 15 12 27 11 August 27,660 2,780 30,768 u.365 13.498 1,607 2,037 23 33 5 4 September .. October 25,764 24,752 2,401 2,409 27,984 33,37s 12,925 10,103 12,887 1,601 1,270 3.74 1 9,780 8^268 7,332 43 116 102 173 43 9i 67 98 1 1 6 6 4 8 2 4 4 10 I 2 5 3 16 3 6 '"16 7 3 8 8 18 16 2 November 32,041 5,130 30,426 13 9 12 8 December 26,946 4,420 29,412 11,092 i,537 6,552 22 Totals .. 365,439 39,143 388,134 i66,i8i 19,759 126,378 1,755 60 237 2,279 101 335



3—F. 1

Table No. 18. Table showing the Estimated Correspondence posted and delivered, with the Expenditure and Revenue of the Post Offices, in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand, and of the General Post Office, for the Year 1885.

Total Estimated Correspondence posted and delivered. Expenditure. Revenue. Postal Districts. No. of Offices. Contingencies. Total. Letters. Post-cards. Books and Parcels. Newspapers. Cost of Conveyance of Mails. Salaries. Estimated. Official Postage. Total. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Gisborne Napier Wanganui Wellington 216 38 20 17 47 31 78 6,982,924 728,650 487,392 286,208 I,506,518 1,583,205 5,188,989 254,592 21,684 47,216 4,836 42,640 71,162 131,547 454,°77 43.355 61,221 23,569 127,569 190,827 628,160 2,740,374 427,886 267,124 186,771 664,144 635.492 1,746,329 £ s. d. 4,328 19 10 1,878 18 o 336 8 10 375 o o 1,827 ° 5 656 4 9 2,924 o o 10,254 10 ° 2,403 8 10 978 10 o 663 o o 3,107 o o 2,6cg o o 6,945 o o 1,979 15 8 4 J3 3 o 253 7 7 130 1 o 293 15 2 174 5 3 1,7*5 o 1 £ s. d. 16,563 5 6 4,695 9 10 1,568 6 5 1,168 1 o 0.227 15 7 3,439 IO o 11,584 O I £ a. d. 31,267 12 4 3,720 9 2 2,202 13 I 1,348 6 8 7,032 6 4 6,677 6 5 18,698 6 7 £ s. d. 6,369 o 1 167 2 1 1,008 3 3 197 6 4 921 9 8 1,542 12 2 49,387 8 o £ s. d. 37,636 12 5 3,887 11 3 3,210 16 4 i,545 13 o 7,953 16 o 8,219 18 7 68,085 14 7 Totals for North Island .. 447 I 16,763,886 573,677 1,528,778 6,668,120 12,326 II IO 26,960 8 10 4,959 7 9 44,246 8 5 1 70,947 o 7 59,593 1 7 130,540 2 Nelson Westport Grevmouth Hokitika Blenheim Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 38 23 24 28 21 143 42 21 138 86 867,256 236,288 494,611 378,040 551,148 6,061,081 1,391,416 939,822 6,051,149 2,095,158 23,777 6,448 ",570 12,285 15,652 274,603 67,223 31,577 216,931 86,190 88,062 16,181 41,236 31,976 45.461 535,661 104,797 78,559 613,444 181,805 321,269 128,891 327,106 253,769 233,064 2,247,492 361,296 377,624 2,452,892 862,355 2,055 8 8 200 19 6 715 8 8 1,167 2 4 72i 13 4 3,507 9 8 621 o o 219 16 8 5,298 9 6 1,770 1 11 2,069 O O 823 o o 1,187 I0 ° 1,247 ° ° 1,035 o o 8,035 o o 1,950 10 o 1,078 o o 8,826 o o 183 13 8 79 4 2 160 7 2 125 15 7 621 18 5 1,368 19 n 226 17 o 118 17 7 1,679 17 8 588 15 8 4,3o8 2 4 1,103 3 8 2,063 5 10 2,539 17 11 2,378 n 9 12,911 9 7 2,798 7 o 1,416 14 3 15,804 7 2 5,597 17 7 3,883 14 8 1,052 18 6 2,158 14 4 1,607 13 5 2,253 16 2 29,269 9 1 5,738 1 9 3,658 15 6 29,520 16 o 8,993 " 10 784 3 5 380 o 8 761 6 4 546 9 8 698 9 10 2,567 on 7i6 4 5 339 12 o 2,948 3 10 880 3 o 4,667 18 I 1,432 19 2 2,920 o 8 2,154 3 1 2,952 6 o 31,836 10 o 6,454 6 2 3,998 7 6 32,468 19 10 9,873 14 10 3,239 o o Totals for Middle Island .. 564 19,065,969 746,256 1,737,182 7,565,758 16,277 IO 3 29,490 0 0 5,154 6 10 50,921 17 1 88,137 11 3 10,621 14 1 98,759 5 General Post Office 70,879 4 1 822 11 10 76,113 13 6 38,372 2 2 38,372 2 •• 4,411 17 7 Totals for the Colony ! i,on 35,829,855 1,319,933 3,265,960 14,233,878 99,483 6 2 60,862 6 5 10,936 6 5 171,281 19 o 197,456 14 o 70,214 15 8 1267,671 9



Table No. 19. Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private and Press Messages. Total Number of General Govt. Messages. Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations. lead Office .uckland Alexandra Aratapu Avondale Bombay Cambridge Coromandel Dargaville Devonport IJrury Kllerslie Hamilton Heawa Helensville Herd's Point Hikurangi Howick Huntly Kaeo Kaikohe Kamo Kaukapakapa .. Kawakawa Kihikihi Kirikiriroa Kohukohu Mangapai Mangawai Mangawhare Manukau Heads Maungaturoto .. Mercer Mongonui Morrinsville Newmarket Newm'ket Bureau Newton Ngaruawahia .. Ngawha Northcote Ohaeawai Ohaupo Okaihau Onehunga Onehunga Wharf Otahuhu Opua Pahi Papakura Paparoa Papatoitoi Parnell Penrose Pokeno Ponsonby Port Albert Puhoi Pukekohe Raglan Rangiriri Russell Takapuna Tamahere Taupiri Taumarere Te Awamutu Te Kopuru Tokatea Tuakau Up'r Symonds St. Wade Waihou Waimate North Waipu Waitakerei Waitangi £ s. d. 9,844 15 8 124 13 o 80 12 6 11 5 2 on 6 640 7 5 135 16 6 172 2 6 102 5 S 43 16 8 39 2 2 371 9 o 23 7 2 173 6 1 123 12 9 45 15 8 5 14 2 38 15 6 78 1 n 54 4 I 65 5 3 17 10 2 190 5 2 117 17 8 40 1 8 109 5 10 24 n 2 35 8 5 56 11 10 7 3 7 29 10 7 42 5 7 97 5 9 84 3 ° 79 8 ]o 14 1 1 115 18 10 72 2 7 4 7 4 22 8 4 31 9 0 86 9 4 19 4 4 257 11 II 31 6 7 81 8 8 43 o 8 40 16 1 16 n 4 26 6 2 1 16 1 no 10 5 8 12 1 12 7 4 73 19 10 46 17 8 15 10 7 53 5 7 28 15 n 17 10 11 174 5 11 5 4 3 38 13 4 26 6 1 10 o o ng 9 8 143 3 2 16 13 n 10 n 8 58 2 6 15 17 2 25 15 7 36 1 5 66 9 2 4 12 1 on 6 £ *■ d. 1,808 o 10 351 15 8 1 6 3 o 11 o gg 6 8 93 12 5 16 13 8 11 2 o 2.5 6 5 o 16 6 165 2 5 £ *. d. 11,652 16 6 476 8 8 81 18 9 11 16 2 on 6 739 14 1 229 8 11 158 16 2 113 7 8 69 3 1 39 18 8 536 11 5 23 7 2 294 2 8 186 3 4 45 15 8 5 14 2 43 3 7 87 3 1 54 4 1 77 11 9 17 10 2 222 19 10 183 12 9 40 1 8 116 5 10 26 13 2 41 14 2 56 11 10 67 14 7 29 10 7 226 3 7 159 3 4 89 6 o 119 6 1 16 11 1 124 17 10 114 17 9 4 7 4 22 8 4 38 17 o 114 o 11 19 4 4 428 8 9 31 6 7 95 7 2 72 13 6 41 19 1 29 3 10 29 16 10 1 16 1 119 3 1 10 12 10 13 4 9 75 J6 6 53 10 8 16 1 7 59 12 7 35 14 7 19 9 10 343 9 1 5 4 3 41 2 I 26 6 1 10 o o 180 14 3 173 12 6 16 13 11 22 19 2 58 13 6 18 5 1 25 15 7 36 15 2 67 4 9 6 12 5 o 11 6 161,196 2,094 1,423 206 23 10,848 2,509 2,619 2,343 7 J3 605 5.205 424 3.222 1,944 781 113 756 I.4I3 782 1,241 273 3,036 2,128 774 1,611 583 649 1,004 904 513 967 1,978 1,404 1,619 611 2,533 1,389 71 73i 583 1,529 345 4,45i 1,513 1,538 824 869 3i8 470 56 2,819 232 229 2,203 994 298 963 710 364 3,636 157 583 411 240 2,265 2,320 284 170 i,738 274 487 75i 1.3*3 92 23 13,957 1,463 34 11 1,031 f>95 306 127 261 i75,i53 3.557 i,457 217 23 11,879 3,204 2,925 2,470 974 616 6,665 424 4,036 2,998 781 "3 779 1,528 782 1,403 273 3,3 69 2,518 774 i,75i 618 672 1,004 2,066 513 1,809 2,789 1,507 i,955 667 2,645 2,113 7 1 73i 721 1,912 345 7,074 1,513 1,720 1, 062 892 423 515 56 2,910 267 240 2,247 1,074 309 1,032 811 387 5,6i3 157 594 411 240 2,813 2,807 284 247 1,760 3i8 487 762 1,324 103 23 £ s. d. 3,696 10 o 5,177 o o 70 10 o 5 10 o 241 o o 115 10 o 101 10 o £ s. d. 606 16 8 863 1 10 5 8 10 28 1 3 3 17 o 3 17 o 32 3 6 33 8 6 42 15 8 52 2 10 15 4 9 3 17 o 25 13 9 4 J3 5 20 18 1 £ s. d 4,303 6 i 6,040 1 ic 75 18 ic 28 1 2 9 7 c 3 17 c 273 3 t 148 18 e 144 5 1 52 2 IC 100 4 c 8 17 c 243 13 £ 4 13 ; 96 8 j IOO 12 C 8 6 ic 11 1,460 85 o o 500 218 o o 120 16 7 62 10 7 '814 1,054 75 10 o 88 10 o 4 8 1 912 1266 32 14 8 65 15 1 700 220 6 5 9 60 11 o 183 18 o 61 17 7 5 3 0 39 17 3 2 10 o 8 19 o 42 15 2 780 27 11 7 170 16 10 13 18 6 29 12 10 1 3 o 12 12 6 3 10 8 23 "5 162 333 390 140 35 23 1,162 842 811 103 336 56 112 724 138 383 2,623 182 238 23 105 45 10 o o 87 10 o 162 10 o 67 10 o 75 o o 88 10 o 80 o o 20 o o 48 o o 124 o o 133 o o 72 o o 70 o o 218 o o 91 10 o 12 2 o 8 6 10 4 10 6 496 15 13 6 17 o o 6 19 4 7 18 3 43 16 4 44 5 6 23 2 3 23 6 6 645 8 17 6 16 16 5 7 14 o 10 14 3 13 11 1 38 17 6 3 17 0 11 2 7 3 17 o 892 696 768 13 17 9 8 8 6 25 9 2 8 1 2 21 4 9 36 13 9 29 10 1 3 17 o 28 8 10 12 17 o 966 3 17 o 40 9 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 36 15 9 6 6 6 8 19 3 3 17 o 14 1 o 682 39 6 9 4 9 0 720 3 17 o 6 17 6 563 21 18 5 8 13 o 3 17 o 34 5 10 3 17 o 9 19 5 24 1 4 4 3 9 3 17 o 3 17 o 4 10 ( 14 9 t 15 13 £ 17 o c 94 9 A 7 lS 2 206 6 4 in 15 t 23 2 ; 23 6 e 6 4 ■ 8 17 I 16 16 ; 82 14 c 10 x 4 c 102 1 ] 118 17 £ 23 17 c 59 2 3 3 17 c 132 9 2 139 9 < 7 6 i 13 17 5 80 8 t 95 9 s 8 1 5 239 4 i 36 13 S 121 o ] 3 17 C 65 18 ic 24 10 t. 9 6 e 8 17 c 40 9 c 13 17 c 18 17 c 36 15 £ 26 6 C 8 19 2 5i 7 « 14 1 c 6 8 a 190 6 c 37 10 o 11 13 4 500 8 12 8 209 0 17 5 1 16 8 6 13 o 0 11 o 670 6 18 8 1 18 11 169 3 2 9i 35 11 44 80 10 o o 15 o o 20 O 0 11 69 101 23 1,977 47 10 o 151 o o 289 61 4 7 30 9 4 1276 o 11 o 2 7 II 11 548 487 77 22 10 o o 95 o o 78 o o 5 10 o 4 9 C 72c 13 17 c 6 17 £ 100 6 2 99 J8 2 8 13 c 9 7 c 34 5 ic 3 17 C 9 19 ' 24 1 4 97 3 i 8 17 c 3 17 c 44 o 13 9 o 15 7 204 11 11 93 o o 500 11



Table No. 1—continued. Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 31st December, 1885 — continued.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private and Press Messages. Total Number of General Govt. Messages. Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations. .uckland — continued Waitetuna Waiuku Waiwera Wangarei Wangaroa Warkworth Whangapoua .. Whatawhata Whitiangi Slenheim Havelock Kaikoura Kekerangu Licton Renwicktown .. Spring Creek .. Wairau Bar .. j White's Bay .. Christchurch Adclington Akaroa Akaroa Li'thouse Amberley Ashburton Bealey Burnham Chertsey Cheviot Coalgate Cust Darfiekl Dunsandel Duvauchelle's Bay Ellesmere Glentunnel Hinds Hornby Hurunui Kaiapoi Kir wee Leeston Lincoln Lyttelton Methven Oxford Papanui Rakaia Rangiora Rolleston Sefton Sheffield Southbridge Springfield Springston Sumner Sydenham Templeton Tinwald View Hill Waiau Waikari Winslow Whitecliffs )unedin Dunedin North.. Dunedin Railway Abbotsford Alexandra South Anderson's Bay.. Balclutha Bannockburn .. Bluespur Cape Saunders.. Caversham a. Clinton Clyde Cromwell £ ■■ d. 12 12 7 53 11 9 87 10 o 304 18 o 134 11 IJ 45 15 7 18 13 11 16 5 o 69 14 10 i,233 7 9 86 19 7 302 10 10 17 16 9 165 o 3 22 6 10 36 1 5 4 16 6 o 12 o 7,323 ° 9 509 208 14 n o 15 o "4 o 5 690 12 3 24 17 10 7 14 3 15 6 o 55 7 o 19 1 10 20 o 9 13 1 5 25 9 4 29 7 « 15 15 9 260 11 11 2 13 5 7 43 15 7 174 5 3 16 14 9 73 11 6 27 5 7 724 11 7 34 3 1 82 9 n 14 8 4 124 2 6 124 15 2 13 8 1 21 18 8 25 13 6 180 12 5 62 2 7 7 13 4 28 4 5 47 13 1 £ b. d. 3 10 4 160 7 o 16 13 2 73 18 o 21 10 1 81 5 o 8 16 6 777 " 7 79 5 o 17 14 3 95 9 4 40 18 o 13 ° 4 272 4 18 9 < £ a. d. 12 12 7 57 2 I 87 10 o 304 18 o 134 II II 45 15 7 18 13 11 16 5 o 69 14 10 1,393 14 9 103 12 9 376 8 10 39 6 10 246 5 3 22 6 10 44 17 11 4 16 6 o 12 o 8,100 12 4 509 287 19 TI o 15 O 131 14 8 786 1 7 65 15 10 20 14 7 1560 57 14 2 24 o 7 20 o 9 13 1 5 3° 9 9 31 I2 8 15 15 9 260 n n 2 13 5 7 45 17 7 197 3 11 21 9 8 78 4 1 33 4 11 1,291 9 o 34 3 1 89 14 2 14 8 4 133 11 6 136 9 7 13 8 1 . 21 18 8 28 18 1 181 13 6 66 5 n 7 13 4 28 4 5 50 9 10 292 1,219 1.779 5.58i 2,646 899 261 318 1,183 i7,3io 1,884 5,043 379 2,966 446 595 238 12 112,778 101 3,395 2,142 10,255 573 160 296 483 489 452 243 493 566 259 57 265 274 749 2,945 308 1.393 56l 15,850 689 1,542 349 1,857 2,550 238 391 579 3.027 1,095 150 505 934 57 2CJ2 2, 4 68 509 112 2,331 220 I,l68 319 1,227 93 6,757 1,274 240 631 629 14S 47 47 292 1,276 2,071 8,049 3.155 911 261 318 1,183 19,641 2,104 6,211 698 4,193 446 688 238 12 119,535 101 4,669 2, 3S2 10,886 1,202 308 296 530 536 452 243 5i5 611 £ B. d. 9310 o 75 o o 129 o o 86 10 o 85 o o 2,642 o o 85 o o 136 10 o 72 10 o 177 o o 77 10 o 5,701 o o 163 10 o 69 10 o 467 10 o 65 0 o 500 600 57 10 o 6 o o £ ». d. 5 1 4 8 16 c) 22 12 6 25 on 15 9 2 13 12 o 596 6 15 5 17 18 8 256 16 10 13 13 6 26 9 2 12 3 3 33 6 7 10 1 3 6 18 6 4 5 4 22 16 2 526 18 6 3 17 o 6 3 2 3 17 ° 5 on 43 10 10 12 12 2 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 0 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 7 7 6 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 0 6 17 8 10 12 2 £ s- d5 1 4 102 6 9 97 1- '' 154 o 11 101 19 2 98 12 o 5 9 6 6 15 5 17 18 8 2,898 16 10 98 13 r. 162 19 2 84 1.3 3 210 6 7 10 I 'j 6 iS 6 4 5 4 100 6 2 6,227 '8 6 3 17 ° 169 13 2 3 17 o 74 10 11 511 o 10 77 12 2 8 17 o 9 17 ° 61 7 o 9 17 o 3 17 ° 8 17 o 8 17 o 74 17 6 8 17 o 3 17 ° 16 7 o 8 17 o 93 17 8 190 12 2 11 7 o 28 9 9 28 17 o 475 18 2 28 17 o 89 8 5 8 17 o 122 12 4 182 9 10 8 17 o 3 17 ° 93 7 £> 80 17 o 16 17 o 6 II 2 9 12 3 271 11 8 14 7 o 16 7 o 3 r7 ° 72 13 6 71 17 o 8 17 o 11 9 9 6,186 4 8 120 6 7 26 4 3 3 17 ° 122 o 4 3 17 ° 209 10 4 6 18 II 3 17 ° 3 17 ° 47 17 ° 140 17 10 91 18 6 153 0 9 505 250 22 45 500 500 67 10 o 500 220 22 18 8 4 14 11 4 12 7 5 19 4 5CC 17 5 7 4 3 22 197 33 67 34 7,261 114 259 57 265 274 771 3,142 34i 1,460 595 23,111 689 1,656 349 1,948 2,687 238 391 636 3.038 1,139 150 565 991 12 IO O 5 0 0 87 0 0 1 So o o 7 10 o 18 o o 25 o o 447 o o 25 o o 85 10 o 500 103 10 o 165 o o 500 3 17 o 10 9 9 3 17 ° 28 18 2 3 17 o 3 18 5 3 17 o 19 2 4 17 9 10 3 17 o 3 17 o 476 3 17 o 3 17 o 5 1 2 9 12 3 37 11 8 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 7 13 6 3 17 o 3 17 o 899 463 4 8 967 26 4 3 3 17 o 29 o 4 3 17 o 2104 6 18 II 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 7 17 10 16 18 6 25 10 9 990 11 14 5 91 137 3 4 7 111 57 11 89 o o 77 o o 13 o o I 10 o 4 3 4 44 2 16 9 57 234 ° ° 10 10 o 9 13 6 400 98 7 6 79 13 6 19 8 3 13 14 6 8,202 5 2 228 14 o 1 13 3 17 14 6 109 9 1 0 5 9 141 18 7 13 9 7 290 20 l8 2 6 5 3 23 12 O 1,293 2 7 20 3 O 9 13 6 400 119 5 8 85 18 9 19 8 3 37 6 6 9.495 7 9 248 17 o 1 13 3 18 6 o 114 14 2 0 5 9 182 o 0 15 5 7 290 ■; 4 8 7 1 1,650 1.493 399 490 135,409 4,953 56 380 1,823 23 2,869 329 47 237 68 '389 8,991 203 148 71 1,887 1.561 399 879 144,400 5,156 56 391 1)902 23 3,528 365 47 12 IO O 65 o o 68 o o 500 300 5,723 o o III o o o 11 6 5 5 1 11 79 93 o o 40 1 5 1 16 o 659 36 188 10 o 34 3 6 92 4 10 103 5 8 201 10 11 8 16 2 143 o 10 154 13 7 21 o 1 42 19 8 235 5 8 257 19 3 222 n o 827 2,116 1,700 3,540 93 2,240 969 394 920 4,356 2,669 3,940 44 o o 133 ° o 75 o o 127 10 o



Table No. 19— continued. Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 31st December, 1885 — continued.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private and Press Messages. Total Number of General Govt. Messages, Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Dunedin— continued. Greytown Henley Heriot Kaitangata Kelso Lawrence Lovell's Flat Millburn Milton Mornington Mosgiel Naseby North-East Valley Ophir Otago Heads .. Outram Owake Palmerston Pembroke Port Chalmers .. Port Molyneux.. Portobello Ravensbourne .. Roslyn Roxburgh St. Bathan's St. Clair Seacliff South Dunedin.. Stirling Tapanui Waihemo Waihola "Waikaia Waikouaiti Waipori Waitahuna Waitati Woodhaugh Gisborne Makaraka Ormond Greymouth Ahaura Brunnerton Reefton Totara Flat Hokitika.. Dillmanstown .. Goldsborough .. Kanieri Kumara Ross Stafford Invercargill Arrow Bluff .. Dipton Edendale Fortrose Frankton Gore Kingston Lumsden Macetown Mandeville Mataura Orepuki Otama Bridge .. Otautau Pinebush Pukerau Queenstown Riversdale Riverton Skipper's Thornbury £ s- d13 15 <> 15 13 9 II 2 10 53 o s 34 5 11 202 2 5 16 9 5 128 14 6 1 11 7 53 3 11 192 15 7 17 17 S 84 2 1 17 5 S 47 19 9 23 14 8 I? 0 13 5 97 2 II 404 11 9 11 16 11 9 3 10 7 3 9 3 10 o 85 2 o 70 7 4 6 5 10 8 15 9 28 1 II 30 18 8 120 17 2 40 11 11 26 4 9 58 7 2 63 3 4 12 2 3 33 " I 13 o o 102 1,486 8 4 3 12 10 29 6 10 1,661 16 1 57 9 o 133 17 o 614 I 2 17 3 8 1,069 15 8 19 17 9 12 12 11 3 7 4 201 13 4 142 16 11 15 9 & 1,946 15 8 127 5 7 364 14 4 25 ig 11 46 10 1 38 7 11 33 1 3 249 9 1 16 10 1 119 14 11 13 3 6 24 in 69 19 9 11 10 o £ s- d5 18 3 1 5 4 22 3 o 28 18 8 102 13 o 24 9 11 5 15 0 57 o 5 o 17 3 o 14 o 68 9 10 36 5 2 86 9 7 3 3 6 393 15 7 2 IO 7 30 2 I 17 13 6 12 16 5 390 O II O 3 6 9 5 0 12 O 1 II o 22 II 3 10 9 9 120 140 £ s- d19 13 9 16 19 1 11 2 10 75 3 8 63 4 7 304 15 5 16 9 5 153 4 5 1 11 7 58 18 11 250 2 o 18 14 11 S4 16 1 85 15 6 84 4 11 23 14 8 257 3 o 100 6 5 798 7 4 11 16 11 11 14 5 7 3 9 3 I0 o "5 4 1 88 o 10 6 5 10 21 12 2 31 10 11 31 9 8 157 o 7 41 3 11 27 15 9 80 18 5 73 13 1 1223 34 13 1 14 4 o 102 1,750 16 3 3 12 10 30 10 10 2,140 13 11 75 3 11 162 19 11 658 17 o 17 3 8 1,311 8 I 19 17 9 14 14 6 3 7 4 267 12 11 151 3 3 18 12 1 2,194 17 8 149 1 7 545 17 4 44 15 o 55 12 5 38 7 11 33 1 3 267 4 8 21 17 1 167 9 1 13 3 6 24 in 101 11 11 11 10 0 4 17 4 103 15 10 17 7 5 17 1 6 360 18 9 101 6 6 254 3 2 48 8 4 38 9 9 437 343 160 1,055 526 3,c04 276 2,500 58 1,081 2,645 455 i,490 617 1,129 390 3.i6i 1.438 12,286 2S4 217 272 "5 1.57i 1,096 255 183 644 563 2,526 5i7 501 903 1.133 199 652 288 46 21,325 81 490 26,684 992 2,455 11,900 286 17,057 456 249 68 68 ii '378 194 1.33i 153 4 S 861 11 12 1.132 401 1,252 57 5,269 446 243 95 69 II 523 12 12 173 94 22 12 505 354 160 1,433 720 4,935 276 2,653 58 1,129 3,506 466 1,5°2 1.749 1,530 390 4>4:3 1.495 17,555 284 239 272 "5 2,017 1.339 255 278 713 574 3.049 529 512 1 ? 076 1.227 199 674 300 46 24,476 81 514 31,460 1,165 2,833 12,464 286 19,726 456 284 68 3,071 2,423 3G7 34,259 2,289 12,571 828 9.17 827 949 4,616 468 2,743 287 374 1.712 265 80 1,654 256 388 6,088 1,880 3-3S7 665 679 £ s- d1000 85 IO o 199 O O 500 137 o o 23 o o 118 o o 86 o o 500 1800 20 10 o 185 IO o 389 IO 0 IOOO 114 o o 75 10 o 12 IO o 7.8 o o 1300 106 o o II 00 90 o o 39 o o 13 10 o IO o o £ ». d. 5 C 5 642 3 17 o 626 3 17 o 28 6 2 3 17 o 3 17 o 11 19 6 3 17 o 6 6 6 19 9 7 8 13 10 iS 19 o 3 17 o 5 13 3 3 17 o 11 6 3 17 11 8 81 13 10 4 10 1 3 17 o 4 10 1 3 17 o 10 16 6 5 18 9 3 17 o 3 17 o 5 7 6 3 17 o 3 12 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 17 8 7 3 11 6 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 91 16 3 3 17 o 9 4 6 101 1 1 6 12 6 £ s- d15 6 5 642 3 17 o 91 12 6 •3 17 o 227 6 2 3 17 o 8 17 o 148 19 6 3 17 o 29 6 6 137 9 7 8 13 10 104 19 o •8 17 o 23 13 3 24 7 o 196 16 3 17 11 8 47i 3 10 4 10 1 13 17 o 4 10 I 3 17 o 124 16 6 81 8 9 3 17 o 16 7 o 83 7 6 16 17 o 109 12 o 3 17 o 14 17 o 107 8 7 42 II 6 3 17 o 17 7 o 13 17 o 3 17 o 741 16 3 3 17 o 946 852 1 1 106 12 6 31 7 o 516 19 7 3 17 o S36 IO o 7 9 7 503 3 13 8 22S 16 6 116 7 3 8 10 3 1,712 17 8 133 8 9 375 18 4 8 17 o 8 17 o 7 4 11 8 10 o 229 15 o 8 17 o 5i 7 o 9 7 3 8 1 7 146 3 8 16 7 o 3 17 o 13 17 o 4 15 4 2107 204 10 7 46 7 o 129 11 9 9 13 <> 8 17 o 264 7 11 3,151 650 o o 140 478 17 10 17 14 11 29 2 11 44 15 10 24 4,77 6 173 378 564 75i o o IOO o o 27 IO o 472 o o 241 12 5 217 65 19 7 864 327 248 2 o 21 16 o 181 3 o 18 15 I 924 17 15 7 5 7° 47 14 2 2,774 2,350 320 31,914 2,157 9,581 444 802 827 949 4,379 379 2,022 2S7 374 1,176 265 So 1,52.3 256 388 5,135 i,7i3 3,029 665 655 2,669 35 297 73 47 2,345 132 2,990 3S4 115 237 89 721 767 o o 205 o o 103 o o 1,549 10 o 120 10 o 355 o o 500 500 197 10 o 500 47 IO o 3 17 o 44 19 7 3 17 o 69 10 o 7 9 7 503 3 13 8 23 16 6 13 7 3 8 10 3 163 7 8 12 18 9 20 18 4 3 17 o 3 17 o 7 4 11 8 10 o 32 5 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 9 7 3 817 11 3 8 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 4 15 4 607 28 10 7 3 17 o 9 11 9 9 13 6 3 17 o 31 12 2 53° 135 o o 12 IO O 4 17 4 94 18 o 17 7 5 17 1 6 268 17 8 87 2 6 183 13 6 48 8 4 37 5 9 8 17 10 92 I 1 14 4 o 70 9 8 131 953 167 358 IOOO 15 o o 176 o o 42 I o o 120 o o 140 24 500



Table No. 19 — continued. Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 31st December, 1885 — continued.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue Value of derived from General Private Government and Press Messages. Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. t- , Total Total N , , Number Number Number r .- of Private Gclle , al Messages and Press; Goyt of a » Messages., Mt . ssagef . Codes , Amount paid for Contingencies. Salaries. Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Invercargill— contd. Waipahi Winton Woodlands Wyndham Napier Danevirke Farndon Hastings Havelock North Herbertville Kaikora North .. Makatoku Mohaka Ormondville Petane Porangahau Spit Takapau Taraclale Tarawera Taupo Waipawa Waipukurau Wairoa Nelson Belgrove Brightwater Collingwood F.ast Takaka Farewell Spit .. Ferntown Motueka Motueka Wharf Motupiko Richmond Sherry River .. Takaka The Lake The Port Tophouse Upper Moutere.. Wakapuaka Wakefield New Plymouth Inglewood Opunake Pungarehu Stratford Waitara £ *■ d. 30 6 3 60 7 4 30 o 4 98 15 o 3,049 4 9 61 13 o 49 4 6 507 15 5 2S 9 o 50 17 4 50 4 o 4s I5 3 50 15 9 31 17 o 149 9 9 89 6 11 457 9 6 49 " 9 25 4 0 29 8 8 141 11 9 284 14 4 128 5 7 250 19 3 2,042 1 4 21 5 8 47 13 9 58 14 7 7 1 10 £ ■■ cl. 712 23 16 7 £ s- d37 7 5 84 3 11 30 o 4 140 13 7 3,629 17 3 65 n 10 53 ° n 577 4 4 28 9 o 59 10 7 72 12 10 83 o 7 54 2 3 44 19 6 149 9 9 96 14 5 51/ 13 6 55 18 7 25 15 11 29 8 8 297 6 8 328 o 1 159 2 3 3 24 6 5 2,440 12 8 22 7 8 5° 9 3 78 11 4 7 1 10 130 9 9 5 177 11 2 5 18 10 18 5 4 58 10 6 4 3 9 108 5 2 592 1,171 615 1,630 43,612 1.057 999 8,915 4S9 800 786 813 984 630 1,302 1,376 7,498 877 254 301 2,744 4,880 2,512 3,799 32,669 433 850 1,213 104 69 124 3,094 127 217 1,034 83 2,115 33 362 625 1.533 615 2,227 49,132 1,092 1,058 9.658 4S9 899 832 1.143 1,050 756 1,302 I.5M 9,297 957 276 312 3.737 5,"9 2,841 5,073 36,266 455 905 1,405 104 92 124 3,429 127 297 1,091 83 2,227 £ a. d. 5 io o 40 o o 26 o o £ s- d3 17' ° 6 6 6 £ '. d. 9 7 0 46 6 6 29 17 o 95 1 6 4,398 17 9 9 14 1 16 7 o 128 3 7 901 89 13 9 22 17 o 13 3 6 91 17 o 970 7 15 ° 69 18 o 207 8 n 79 3 6 7 14 9 85 2 6 93 3 1 193 4 7 101 19 o 119 16 o 1,566 16 9 58 17 o 9 17 o 104 6 5 490 896 3 17 o 136 5 10 3 17 o 5 18 8 85 4 3 3 17 0 84 4 o 3 17 o 54 4 ° 79 18 5 4 9 5 562 16 7 15 7 o 798 10 9 29 7 o 139 1 o 18 17 o 24 7 o 134 9 3 1,203 19 2 51 7 o 3 17 o 63 17 ° 55 7 o 100 6 7 8 17 o 9 o 10 18 17 o 5 17 o 3 17 ° 1,212 10 2 95 9 3 166 10 6 89 3 o 160 3 9 104 16 7 1S9 2 9 3 17 o 5 1 11 404 6 7 117 5 10 19 18 3 6 13 4 96 4 6 26 8 1 1,447 18 I 19 7 o 9 9 5 148 3 11 5 18 10 12 9 5 55 12 1 4 3 9 101 10 8 191 2 10 19 6 8 13 o 5 13 1 o 14 6 2 1,183 11 5 68 15 4 129 18 5 27 6 7 67 17 1 389 7 4 1,560 2 1 47 4 1 10 11 1 43 15 4 21 5 4 62 2 6 11 8 10 33 " 8 17 S 7 10 1 1 2 9 5 1,190 19 7 53 9 o 95 8 3 9 16 1 338 16 o 155 13 7 417 17 6 13 7 4 8 10 4 5C4 11 10 222 17 3 29 14 8 23 4 § 116 6 9 76 16 II 1,902 10 8 43 8 2 41 18 7 5S0 12 6 3 18 10 3 16 5 69 8 11 8 13 3 22 8 10 34 5 4 3 6 6 13 2 6 776 60 4 o 6 6 10 o 11 11 155 14 11 43 5 9 30 16 8 73 7 2 398 11 4 120 2 15 6 19 16 9 130 29 7 3 5 15 11 2 18 5 614 6 32 11 1 19 19 1 223 13 II 39 5 9 13 o 5 16 16 o 14 6 2 1,730 10 7 81 14 1 216 15 2 50 11 8 S3 14 o 515 19 o 1,749 18 3 64 13 7 10 11 1 47 14 2 21 5 4 62 2 6 15 8 6 34 2 8 29 11 10 10 1 1 2 9 5 1,358 9 2 57 1 1 no 11 3 9 16 1 412 8 3 166 8 1 603 1 2 13 7 4 9 iS 5 SoO 9 8 243 4 9 30 12 8 23 4 8 118 15 7 79 6 4 2,150 10 2 45 6 3 3,896 385 268 278 299 19,274 1,297 2,345 514 1,082 7.3" 25,86s 781 161 9°3 421 925 345 615 275 259 45 19,54° 1,075 1,527 193 5,150 3,549 6,443 230 J79 8,700 3,934 505 481 2,035 1,366 28,992 787 597 5,520 35 59 743 99 46 33° 66 126 ■; 4 8 1,799 80 11 993 239 329 1,274 3.597 22 55 192 23 335 80 57 112 2,061 314 5,957 699 268 302 299 23,644 1,416 3,325 742 1,232 8,960 28,680 1,066 161 90 o o 4,017 o o 12 10 0 88 o o 82 10 o 19 o o 7 10 o 85 o o 5 10 o 60 10 o 192 o o 75 o o 80 o o 75 o o 173 10 o 95 o o 113 o o 1,405 o o 55 ° ° 600 81 15 o 4 12 6 130 10 o 79 o o 73 10 ° 50 o o 75 o o 3 17 o 5 1 6 381 17 9 9 14 I 3 17 ° 40 3 7 901 7 3 9 3 17 o 5 13 6 6 17 o 3 17 o 7 15 o 980 15 8 11 4 3 6 7 14 9 526 18 3 1 19 14 7 6 19 o 6 16 o 161 16 9 3 17 o 3 17 o 22 n 5 4 9 0 3 17 o 3 17 o 5 15 10 3 17 o 5 18 8 6 4 3 3 17 o 10 14 o 3 17 0 440 4 18 5 4 9 5 254 16 7 3 17 o 109 10 9 3 17 o 11 1 o 3 17 ° 3 17 o 11 9 3 149 9 2 3 17 ° 3 17 ° 3 17 o 3 17 ° 22 6 7 3 17 o 4 o 10 3 I? ° 3 17 o 3 17 ° 168 10 2 12 19 3 36 10 6 4 3° 5 3 9 967 44 2 9 3 17 o 5 1 II 38 16 7 14 15 10 19 IS 3 6 13 4 iS 4 6 26 8 1 167 18 1 3 17 o 3 15 o 54-6 19 2 12 18 9 86 16 9 23 5 1 15 16 n 126 n 8 189 16 2 17 9 6 24 4.37° 119 9S0 228 150 1,649 2,812 2S5 308 o o II 10 o 689 o o 25 10 o 128 o o 15 o o 20 10 o 123 o o 1,054 10 o 47 10 o Oamaru Duntroon Enfield Hampden Herbert Kakanui Kurow Maheno Ngapara Pukeuri Weston Thames .. Katikati Maketu Miranda Opotiki Paeroa Rotorua Tairua Tapu .. Tauranga Te Aroha Te Puke Turua Waiorongomai .. Whakatane Timaru Albury 3 18 10 3 19 S o 11 o 12 3 3 167 9 7 3 12 1 15 3 o 46 79 11 169 1,627 68 216 949 421 925 424 626 444 259 45 21,167 1,14.3 1.743 193 6,156 3,7o6 7,296 230 201 Co o o 51 10 o 78 o o 500 500 15 o o 500 1,044 o o 82 10 o 130 o o 85 o o 155 o o 95 10 o 145 o o 73 12 3 10 14 6 185 3 8 1,006 157 853 i"'8 1 241 17 10 20 7 6 o 18 o 22 2,407 178 11 II,107 4,112 516 481 2,083 1,399 31.846 809 365 10 o 102 10 o 2 8 10 2 9 5 247 19 6 1 18 1 4 S 33 2,854 22 78 o o 1,280 o o 15 10 o

F.— l.

Table No. 19— continued Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 31st December, 1885 — continued.


Name of Station. Total . Cash Revenue Value of derived from General Private Government and Press Messages. Messages. Total Total Total vi Number Value of dumber of Messages of "jX^ General all Codes. ?, PreSb Govt. Messages. Messages , Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations. 'imaru — continued. Fairlie Creek .. Geraldine Hakateramea .. Makikihi Orari Pleasant Point .. Rangitata St. Andrew Studholme June. Terauka Waimate Waitaki Washdyke Winchester Wanganui Bull's .. Fordcll Greatford Hawera Manaia Manutahi Marlon Normanby Okaiawa , .. Otakeho Patea Turakina Waitotara Waverley Vellington Ashurst Carterton Castlepoint Featherston Feilding Foxton Gladstone Greytown North Halcombe Hutt .. Kaitoke Manawatu Heads Martinborough.. Masterton Newtown Otaki .. Pahautanui Pahiatua Palmerston North Petone Sanson Taueru Te Aro Te Nui Upper Hutt Wainuiomata .. Woodville Vestport Boatman's Charleston Fern Flat Longford Lyell .. Murchison Waimangaroa .. £ s- d38 6 6 5i 13 9 8 9 5 20 6 o 24 4 n 31 ig 8 14 4 11 30 18 6 21 13 11 104 8 g 170 18 11 11 18 7 20 11 7 20 18 o 1,837 9 9 166 6 10 23 18 1 g 2 1 602 3 6 113 10 7 60 13 6 368 3 7 49 5 o 19 15 9 21 o 5 262 5 11 95 4 11 47 7 3 106 2 n 9,267 2 2 21 8 4 189 n 3 89 ig g 230 17 10 381 10 8 385 7 10 12 n 7 i6g g 5 88 12 6 71 11 6 16 13 o 1 4 11 77 7 o 790 7 10 3 9o 221 o 5 12 4 9 12 4 4 756 12 4 21 13 o 60 4 10 52 2 11 247 16 g 103 15 5 33 7 6 1 10 o £ a. d. I 10 O 5 8 4 120 111 o 12 7 102 4 17 3 68 17 11 1 3 o 496 18 11 9 13 o 12 17 g 3 15 8 70 13 10 5 3 9 766 25 11 7 12 5 3 £ a. d. 39 16 6 57 2 1 8 9 5 2180 24 4 11 33 o 9 14 17 6 30 18 6 22 14 1 109 6 o 23g 16 10 13 1 7 20 11 7 20 18 o 2,334 8 8 175 ig 10 36 15 10 12 17 9 672 17 4 118 14 4 C8 o o 757 i,397 184 374 442 627 274 62g 397 2,845 2,867 860 429 398 31,876 3,oii 399 182 g,oo6 2,279 597 6,039 1,073 250 477 4,710 1,563 852 1,963 238,635 408 3,638 1,390 4,067 5,645 7,940 321 2,934 1,518 1,494 273 79 1,327 12,883 115 3,012 217 115 12,067 457 1,082 8gi 4,993 1.734 665 59 6,154 ig,6oo i,725 993 92 89 3,576 519 1,125 24 9i 11 11 12 11 go 773 23 5,620 182 252 44 839 108 69 365 194 781 1,488 184 385 442 638 286 629 408 2,935 3,640 883 429 398 37,496 3,193 651 226 9,845 2,387 666 6,404 1,267 250 477 5,704 2,og6 1,005 2,156 302,158 408 4,116 2, igi 4,925 6,ig2 9,356 321 3,i97 2,020 1,621 273 79 1,361 13,868 "5 3,497 217 218 £ '. d. 25 o o 123 o o 500 600 25 o o 600 560 500 150 IO o 219 IO o 10 o o 500 500 1,625 o o 132 IO o 20 O O 27 10 o 295 10 o IOO 10 o 70 o o 176 10 o 63 o o £ «• d. 3 17 o 26 15 9 4 1 5 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 34 11 5 18 11 10 3 17 ° 3 17 o 3 17 o 389 5 10 16 14 o 3 17 o 3 17 o 54 6 6 23 o 4 14 18 9 37 19 11 3 17 o 5 10 7 829 23 17 7 3 17 o 5 12 7 13 11 3 g40 6 11 8 6 6 22 9 8 15 6 8 13 10 11 25 16 9 32 11 7 5 17 3 20 14 g 4 II o 3 18 3 7 11 o 3 17 o 18 14 4 37 17 9 3 17 o 10 9 4 3 17 o 3 17 o 16 7 3 3 17 o 820 11 18 2 28 12 5 4 4 3 3 17 o 3 17 o 22 17 11 54 4 2 29 15 6 13 12 3 3 17 o 6 1 1 13 3 6 8 12 o 27 2 3 £ a. d. 28 17 o 149 15 9 4 1 5 8 17 o 9 17 o 28 17 o 9 17 o 8 17 o 8 17 o 185 1 5 238 1 10 13 17 o 8 17 9 8 17 o 2,014 5 10 149 4 ° 23 17 ° 31 7 o 349 16 6 123 10 4 84 18 9 214 g 11 66 17 o 5 10 7 829 222 17 7 22 17 o 25 12 7 120 11 3 10,216 6 11 8 6 6 144 19 8 95 16 8 125 10 11 183 16 g 260 11 7 88 g 4 34 17 9 6 2 11 14 o 1 8,329 1.5 4 27 11 8 65 11 9 no 10 4 3i 15 3 75 18 8 24 6 2 34 3 3 18 1 3 1 14 6 74 10 4 393 15 2 61 10 3 19 15 g 2105 350 15 3 130 2 8 53 10 2 120 3 o 17,596 17 6 21 8 4 217 2 11 155 11 6 341 8 2 413 5 11 461 6 6 12 11 7 193 15 7 122 15 g 8g 12 9 16 13 o 1 4 11 79 1 6 864 18 2 3 9 0 254 13 11 12 4 9 33 12 8 811 17 7 105 7 5 61 8 10 52 2 11 266 o g 115 18 6 33 18 6 1 10 o 458 3 5 1,615 16 8 95 o 1 58 18 2 7 2 g 4 18 1 229 16 1 28 11 7 131 1.3 2 994 533 153 193 63,523 478 801 868 547 1,416 263 502 127 34 985 I9g o o ig o o 20 o o 107 o o g,276 o o 122 10 o 80 10 o 112 o o 158 o o 228 o o 125 o o 43 1 8 122 10 o 35 o o 346 o o 5 17 3 145 14 g 47 12 8 126 8 3 42 11 o 3 17 o 18 14 4 3S3 17 9 3 17 o 82 19 4 3 17 o 3 17 o 313 17 3 13 17 o 108 12 o 11 18 2 48 12 5 67 4 3 59 7 o 3 17 o 121 17 11 458 4 2 114 15 6 86 12 3 3 17 o 78 11 1 105 13 6 8 12 o 27 2 3 33 13 6 '485 72 10 o 21 8 4 55 5 3 83 14 5 140 103 948 1,156 24 13,015 1,613 1,106 891 5,33i i,949 676 59 6,931 24,899 i,932 1,141 92 89 3,886 5i9 2,24g 297 10 o 10 o o 100 10 o 18 4 o 12 3 1 O II o 338 215 11 20 o o 63 o o 55 10 o 359 2 5 1,198 17 10 83 1 4 46 o 5 7 2 g 4 18 1 191 3 5 28 11 7 56 14 5 99 1 o 416 18 10 n 18 9 12 17 9 777 5,299 207 148 99 o o 404 o o S5 o o 73 o o 38^2 8 310 72 10 o 92 10 o 74 18 9 1,124 Totals 87,918 1 n 240,867 1,774,273 24,860 g o 112,778 10 11 i,533.4°6 67,130 2 6 9,952 I 10 |77,o82 4



Table No. 20. Number of Letters posted in each Postal District during the Year ended 31st December, 1885; Number of Telegrams forwarded in each Postal District during the Year ended 31st December, 1885; and the Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters; together with a similar Return for the previous Year.

Table No. 21. Ordinary and Press Telegrams despatched during the Four Quarters ended 31st December, 1884, also for each Quarter of the Year ended 31st December, 1885, and the Revenue derived from each Class.

1884. , i88j. Districts. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters. Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin jisborne 3,155,594 202,397 2,751,372 2,797,977 139,308 232,791 163,826 848,562 628,303 391,248 222,365 357,3i8 370,162 602,264 679,952 2,358,200 118,417 282,078 29,3H '77,952 212,009 25,033 44,689 25,650 76,824 80,153 70,148 35,786 33,522 63,572 39,567 76,284 352,154 29,57° 8-92 14-48 6-46 7-57 17-96 19-11 15-65 9-05 12-75 17-92 1609 9-38 17-17 6-56 11*21 J4'93 24-97 3,206,294 242,619 2,848,443 2,820,025 132,210 227,929 169,065 924,820 711,282 411,034 225,966 370,721 359,550 607,516 710,775 2,375,529 114,699 310,898 34,231 191,963 226,281 25,071 48,208 26,395 83,182 96,547 54,130 39,319 34,000 6i,533 46,181 73,823 387,704 34,807 969 14-10 6-73 802 18-96 21-15 15-61 8-99 I3-57 13-16 17-40 9-17 17-11 7-60 10-38 16-32 3034 greymouth Hokitika invercargill .. Napier Sfelson Sew Plymouth Jamaru rhames Fimaru iVanganui Wellington kVestport

Year. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent to every 100 Letters. 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881-82 1880-81 1879-80 (for nine months only) .. 1878-79 1877-78 1876-77 1875-76 1874-75 1873-74 1872-73 1871-72 1870-71 1869-70 1868-69 1867-68 16,458,477 16,020,056 14,834,217 H, 546,748 11,059,677 10,895,998 7,065,510 7,374.786 6,078,384 5,540,920 4,731,873 4,059,517 3,209,837 2,828,372 2,418,021 2,626,947 2,374.060 2,749,488 1.938,578 1,774,273 1,654,305 1,599,400 1,570,189 1,438,772 1,304,7*2 I, 008,409 1,448,943 1,260,324 1,124,432 1,051,086 917,218 752,899 568,960 411,677 312,874 185,423 146,167 106,104 10-78 10-32 10-78 10-79 13-00 1197 14-27 1964 20-71 20-29 22'2I 22-59 23-45 19-76 I7-02 11-91 7-81 6-12 5-47

March Quarter. June Quarter. September Quarter. Dece; iber Quarter. "otals. Telegrams. Number. Revenue derived. Number. Revenue derived. Number. Revenue derived. Number. Revenue derived. Number. Revenue derived. 1884. (rdinary .. 319,744, 42,661 £ '. d. 18,700 2 9 2,030 2 5 307,616 4i,369| |. £ s. d. 17,900 16 4 2,128 5 g\ 299,500 47,091 £ s. d 17,602 O I 2,158 3 7\ 330,958 44,519 £ s. d. 18,211 6 o' 1,895 18 5 1,257,818 175,640 £ s. d. 72,414 5 2 8,212 IO 2 'ress Totals .. 362,405 20,730 5 2 348,985 20,029 2 1 346,59i |i9,76o 3 8 375,477 20,107 4 5 ii.433.458 80,626 15 1885. )rdinary .. 358,270 43, J4 2 20,692 16 6 2,063 J5 8 34 I>796 48,024 19,779 !3 T 1,645 13 o 311,821 43,769 19,242 14 8 2,330 10 o 351,237 35,347 20,605 6 10 1,557 " a 1,363,124 170,282 80,320 11 7,597 10 i' 'ress Totals .. 22,756 12 2 389,820 21,425 6 1 355,590 21,573 4 8 386,584 22,162 19 o 1,533,406 87,918 1 1 401,412



Table No. 22. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878; to the 31st March, 1880, 1881, and 1882; and to the 31st December, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.

(a) From this mileage 78 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. (!) From this mileage 116 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. (b) 32 » » « . (i) „ 109 „ (°) ~42 „ „ „ „ (k) „ 95 C) 106 „ „ . . (>) . 102 (8) ~31 - . » (m) . 66 (f) ,174 „ . . „ (») 100 (8) 150 ; . . (») „ 190 (h) * 85 . (p) „ 199

Year ended Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. S so S Number of Teleirrams forwarded during the Year. Private, r- . Press, and g"*™ 1 T . . Provincial GovL' ln- r °taL Government. mcnt' Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages, Money-order Telegrams, and Incidental Receipts. Value of Government Uessa ges. Total Value of Business done daring the Year. Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Cost of Maintenance of 1 i-.-es. excluding Australian cable subsidy. Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tariff in Operation. 30th June, 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1S73 1874 1S75 1876 1877 1878 1879 31st March, 1880 1881 1882 31st Dec, 1882 1883 1884 1885 699 757 1,110 1,329 1,661 1,976 (■) 2,185 (") 2,356 c, 2,530 (d) 2,986 (•) 3.154 (') 3,259 (B) 3,434 (h) 3,512 (') 3,638 (') 3,758 (k) 3,82 4 (') 3.974 (m) 4,o74 (n) 4,264(0) 4,463 (p) 1,498 2,223 2,495 2,897 3,247 3,823 4,574 5,782 6,626 7,247 7,423 8,035 8,117 9,333 9,587 9,653 9,848 10,037 10,474 10,931 13 21 31 45 56 72 81 93 105 127 142 155 182 195 214 227 234 264 302 330 375 24,761 55,621 72,241 106,070 122,545 253,582 344,524 485,507 645, 067 786,237 890,382 952,283 1,065,481 1,201,982 824,734 1,058,342 1,215,849 1,361 ,817 1,379,483 1,433,458 1,533,406 2,746 I5,33i 26,244 50,097 62,878 59,292 67,243 83,453 107,832 130,891 160,704 172,159 194,843 246,961 183,675 246,370 222,923 208,372 219,917 220,847 240,867 27,237 70,952 98,485 156,157 185,423 ' 312,874 411,767 568,960 752,899 917, 128 1,051,086 1,124,432 1,260,324 1,448,943 1,008, 409 1,304,712 !.438, 772 I,570,189 1,599,400 1,654,305 J.774. z73 £ a. d. 5,56l 19 2 9,070 IO I 11,652 3 7 18,520 10 4 17,218 1 4 22,419 8 8 28,121 10 o 39,680 18 9 46,508 18 IO 55,301 12 3 62,715 10 4 65,644 15 3 73,284 1 10 85,402 O 2 58,120 3 3 73,002 2 0 78,828 19 8 90.633 11 2 93,822 3 3 95.634 5 5 101,652 8 o £ s. d. 483 3 2 3,770 4 8 6,672 o 3 13,430 11 9 12,252 6 o 9,876 17 6 11,043 3 9 11,105 2 o 12,618 11 6 13,679 10 9 16,154 6 o 17,024 8 9 19,148 12 4 26,949 2 2 19,707 6 3 27,021 3 8 22,737 16 4 20,608 11 11 21,555 19 2 20,855 19 7 24,860 9 o £ '. d. 6,045 2 4 12,840 14 9 18,324 3 10 31,951 2 1 29,47o 7 4 32,296 6 2 39,164 13 9 50,786 o 9 59,127 10 4 68,981 3 o 78,869 16 4 82,669 4 o 92,432 14 2 112,351 2 4 77,827 9 6 100,023 5 8 101,566 16 o 111,242 3 1 "5,378 2 5 116,490 5 o 126,512 17 o 3,934 3 4 8,017 J4 7 9,489 17 10 14,26(5 12 7 16,417 7 4 21,254 4 3 23,593 9 9 27,040 18 10 38,801 19 4 45,814 11 4 61,696 14 5 63,353 JO 10 69,340 1 8 79,502 o 5 68,651 IO IO 78,224 1 8 69,165 5 o 73,554 9 1 73,054 4 6 70,036 6 2 77,o82 4 4 £ s. d. 2,443 2 11 2,541 4 11 5,4o6 7 3 8,547 4 9 14,120 4 10 ii,344 3 8 8,858 19 7 9,479 5 4 15,021 17 11 14,240 19 7 21,074 8 8 17,931 8 o 18,259 4 9 17,299 7 10 I4.758 4 5 23,154 8 3 18,292 13 4 22,451 6 3 19,210 6 6 20,041 15 10 20,900 6 2 £ s. d. 6,377 6 3 10,558 19 6 14,896 5 1 22,813 47 4 30.537 12 2 32.598 7 11 32,452 9 4 36,520 4 2 53.823 17 3 60,055 10 11 82,771 3 1 81,284 *8 10 87.599 6 5 96,801 8 3 83,409 15 3 101,378 9 11 87,457 18 4 96,005 15 4 92,264 11 o 90,078 2 o 97,982 10 6 ;£ *■ d* 3 9 10 3 7 1 4 17 4 6 8 6 8 9 11 5 19 6 423 4 1 II 6 3 11 4 16 4 5 18 10 5 12 11 5 10 o 509 4 3 4 667 4 17 4 5 17 5 4 16 8 4 18 4 4'5 9 Mileage tariff. Mileage tariff in operation up to 1st Sept.. i860; uniform 2S. 6d. tariff from 1st Sept., 1869. to 31st March, 1870; and is. tariff from 1st April, 1870. From 1st November, 1873, address and " signature given in free.



Table No. 23. Cost of Maintenance of Telegraph Lines for the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

Note,— Howick line (7 miles), Tairua line (17 miles), Waitangi line (6 miles), Omapere line (16 miles), Taupo to Cambridge (71} miles), Wairoa to Mahia (3 miles), Wairoa to Frasertown (7 miles), Woodville to Pahiatua (14 miles), Tophouse to the Lake (ij miles), Motueka Wharf (1 mile), Oxford to View Hill (7 miles), Akaroa Lighthouse (8 miles), Lyttelton Lighthouse (J mile), Lawrence to Waipori (^miles), Tapanuito Heriot (5 miles), Riverton to Orepuki (18 miles), Dunedin to St. Clair (§ mile), Dunedin to Anderson's Bay (J mile), Dunedin to Roslyn (| mile), Dunedin to Woodhaugh (f mile), not included in this table.

4—F. 1.

Section. Number of Miles.' Travelling Expenses of Linemen and Inspectors. Extra Labour. Cost of Material used for Repairs. Salaries of Linemen and Inspectors. Total Cost of Maintenance of Inland Lines. Cost per Mile. Riverton to Balclutha Tokomairiro to Queenstown Balclutha to Waitaki Waitaki to Christchurch Christchurch to Greymouth Greymouth to Lyell Lyell to Nelson Nelson to Blenheim Blenheim to Christchurch Wellington to New Plymouth Wellington to Napier Napier to Tauranga Tauranga to Thames Auckland South (to Waikato) Auckland North (to Hokianga and Kawakawa) Kawakawa to Mongonui 302| 216 342 198 1934 269 97i 2534 433 287 373l 91 401 382 53 £ s. d. 226 17 8 201 6 3 268 17 3 249 3 1 299 3 4 283 12 8 240 4 9 180 14 8 326 1 11 360 7 8 579 1 4 651 13 10 143 3 1 370 12 11 163 1 9 38 2 8 £ a. A. 22 13 7 no 17 o 173 9 10 219 n 1 78 9 o 246 IO o 162 19 4 121 9 o 362 6 o 260 12 8 500 3 o 617 7 2 70 n 6 718 9 7 96 8 4 15 10 o £ '. d. 163 8 11 46 1 3 489 13 9 114 18 7 670 1 8 84 7 2 77 19 o 68 19 6 149 4 6 230 1 9 364 16 5 343 14 7 57 10 1 612 15 4 90 o 1 10 7 5 £ s. d. 523 6 8 648 6 8 639 6 8 593 6 8 518 6 8 260 o o 140 o o 280 o o 733 6 8 862 10 o 990 16 8 766 13 4 410 o o 533 6 8 288 6 8 298 6 8 £ a. d. 936 6 10 1,006 11 2 1,571 7 6 1,176 19 5 1,566 o 8 874 9 10 621 3 1 651 3 2 1,570 19 1 1,713 12 1 2,434 I? 5 2,379 8 11 681 4 8 2,235 4 6 637 16 10 362 6 9 £ a. d. 3 1 11 4 13 2 4 4 S 3 8 10 7 18 2 4 10 7 262 6 14 3 642 3 19 2 8 9 S '6 7 7 7 9 9 5 11 6 1 13 5 6 16 9 "" Telephone exchanges 4,264 .. 4.582 4 10 3.777 7 1 3.574 o o 8,486 o o 20,419 n n 480 14 3 4 15 9* 20,900 6 2 I * Total average cost per mile.



Table No. 24. Insulation Tests of the First and Second Cook Strait Cables for the Year ended 31st December, 1885, showing the Resistance per Knot after Two Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance).

Table No. 25. Insulation Tests of the Wanganui and Wakapuaka Cable for the Year ended 31st December, 1885, showing the Resistance per Knot after Ten Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance). Length of Cable laid, 108.69 Knots.

First Cook Strait Cable. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Second Cook Strait Cable. DielectricResistance per Knot. )anuary 156 178 317 January 1.375 February 161 183 312 February 1,289 March .. 176 190 334 March i>361 \pril April .. May 154 170 299 May .. 989 [une* June .. 769 fuly .. July .. 487 \ugust .. August 510 September September 498 October October 516 November November 346 December 160 168 326 December 279 * Cable broken from 12th June to 20th December.

Date. Dielectric Resistance per Knot. Copper Resistance per Knot in Ohms. Mean Temperature of Sea-bottom calculated from the Observed CR. Twenty Cells. Deg. Fahr. January .. 5,128 1099 5S-5 February 4,801 11-02 60 March 4,639 1102 60 April 4,944 11-04 60 May 4,804 IO99 58-5 June 4,913 iro2 60 July 6,206 1099 58-5 August .. 6,153 10-95 56-5 September 4,689 11 02 60 October .. 5,729 11-02 60 November 5,920 10*99 58-5 I )ecember 5,282 1097 57-5


Table No. 26. Cost of Telegraph Lines and Cables throughout the Colony.

Table No. 27. Return of the Number and Amount of Telegraph Money Orders Issued within the several Postal Districts during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.


Section of Line, Number of Miles of Line. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. North Island. £ s. d. £ a. d. 'otal, North Island, to 31st December, 1884 'xpenditure on sundry lines constructed during year 1885 (402 miles, less 88 miles dismantled) 1,962 142 20S,182 O IO 13,849 13 2 9; IO o )educt lines dismantled 2,104 I* Totals .. 2,I02J 222,031 14 o South Island. 'otal, South Island, to 31st December, 1884 expenditure on sundry lines constructed during year 1885 (143J miles) 2,302! 57i 226,801 I 5 4,460 18 II 55 i 5 'otal, South Island, to 31st December, 1885 2,360 231,262 o 4 'otal, North Island, to 31st December, 1885 2,102J 222,031 14 o Totals .. 4, 4 62r} 453,293 14 4 Strait cables, repairs 81,280 2 4 'elephone exchanges .. 37,319 12 1 Total £571.893 8 9

Districts. Nomber. Commission. Amount. Auckland .. 31enheim .. Christchurch Dunedin jisborne .. ireymouth hokitika invercargill N'apier kelson Slew Plymouth )amaru rhames rimaru Wanganui .. Wellington Westport .. 3,446 604 1,699 1,614 34° 758 332 759 i,545 480 419 J74 736 330 822 2,983 765 £ '. d. 172 6 o 30 4 o 84 19 o 80 14 o 17 o o 37 18 o 16 12 o 37 19 o 77 5 o 24 o o 20 ig O 8 14 o 36 16 o 16 10 o 41 2 O 149 3 o 38 5 o £ a. d. 12,375 18 9 2,465 13 11 5,536 4 2 6,568 11 7 1,437 8 10 2,843 o 1 956 19 8 2,511 o 7 5,113 14 10 1,991 7 9 1,404 19 7 490 19 5 2,261 14 8 1,083 13 9 2,856 19 o 9,749 1 1 2,554 19 4 Totals 17,806 890 6 o 62,202 7 O



Table No. 28. Cash Value of Shipping and Weather Telegrams and Amount chargeable to each Department of the General Government for Telegrams transmitted during the Year ended 31st December, 1885.

[Approximate Cost of Paper*.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,660 copies), £53 105.]

Authority: George DIDSBUBY, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB6.

Deportment. Value. Colonial Secretary Customs Defence judicial Postal Registrar-General Treasury Public Works Shipping Reports Weather Reports £ •■ d. 3,329 o 9 702 7 6 3,229 14 o 2,245 1 11 2,373 7 5 213 o 3 1,898 11 10 5,718 14 4 3,610 16 6 1,539 14 6 Total 24,860 9 o







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Bibliographic details

POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR 1885., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, F-01

Word Count

POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR 1885. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, F-01

POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR 1885. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, F-01

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