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Mr. Speakee,— Although I am making the annual Statement of the proceedings of the Public Works Department at a period much earlier in the year than has been the cttstom_ in previous sessions, I have no doubt that a good deal of the interest which is usually felt on such an occasion as the present has been allayed, owing to my colleague the Colonial Treasurer having already given in his Financial Statement an outline of the proposals of the Government regarding public works generally for the year we have just entered upon. It will not, therefore, be necessary for me to extend my remarks to such a length as I did last year. DISTBICT BAIL WAYS. Honourable members may remember that I announced last session that arrangements had been come to for the purchase of all the district railways authorized to be purchased, except the Waimea Plains line, but that we had failed to arrange for that line. During the recess, however, negotiations were again opened with the Waimea Company, and, after a considerable amount of correspondence, an arrangement has been come to for the purchase of the railway, subject of course to the ratification of Parliament. The correspondence on this subject will be laid upon the table in a few days. I also think it right to mention that, when I brought this matter before the Cabinet, three of my colleagues—the Premier, the Colonial Treasurer, and the Minister for Mines—requested that they should in no way be consulted, and the negotiations between the company and the Government have been carried on by the other members of the Cabinet and myself. Should Parliament see fit to ratify the agreement now entered into, a very great source of trouble and expense will be got rid of in the working of the Government railways in that district, and at the same time the public will be better served and the ratepayers greatly relieved. Although steps were taken immediately after the end of last session to complete the purchases, and make payments for the railways then arranged for, it is only quite recently that we have been enabled to complete these purchases, the necessary conveyances having been delayed from a variety of causes, chiefly difficulties as regards titles to land, and, consequently, the lines have had to be worked all through last year under the same arrangements as existed previously. I—D. 1.



As the landowners around these railways have to pay rates to make up any deficiency in the interest on cost, as fixed by statute, separate accounts will have to be kept, and the question of rates and charges will have to be watched with great care, as the ratepayers' interests do not always coincide with the interests of those who use these railways. The charges on all these lines require revision, and the matter is now being carefully considered. BAIL WAYS IN COUESE OF CONSTEUCTION AND PBOPOSED, INCLUDING ADDITIONS TO OPENED EAILWAYS. Whangaeei-Kamo Eailway. A survey has been made of the proposed extension of this railway to deep water, and the probable cost is estimated at about £40,000. As an alternative to this project, inquiries have also been made as to whether the navigation can be in any way improved, and I am informed that a good effect may be produced by removing some of the rock from the channel. If this can be done at a moderate cost, the work will be put in hand, but, till there is money forthcoming to extend this railway to the kauri forest at Puhipuhi, the Government cannot recommend the expenditure necessary to take the coal alongside ocean-going steamers. The railway to Puhipuhi and extension to deep water are estimated together to cost about £100,000. Extension of the Teunk Line Nobthwabds feom Helensville. The Government has not altered its opinion, as given in my Statement last year, with reference to the merits of this line, and therefore again proposes that a vote shall be taken to provide for its extension to the first point which will be found remunerative, a distance of about 9 miles. The line can then be continued northward, section by section, as funds are provided. As was also shown last year there are timbered lands and valleys containing considerable areas of rich agricultural land, well fitted for settlement throughout the proposed route of this railway, and the cost per mile would not be more than the average of our railways already constructed. It is estimated that the cost of extending this line to Omapere, a distance of 110 miles, will be about £715,000. I am also assured that, if found desirable, the railway can be continued northwards to the Victoria Valley, at about the same average cost per mile. The authority which I propose to ask the House for, on account of this railway, will provide for about 12 miles of formation, but, as no working survey has as yet been made, a contract cannot be let for some months to come, and the actual expenditure during this financial year will not therefore exceed about £4,000. Kaipaea-Waikato. Several further improvements in the curves and gradients of this railway have been made during the year, with the view of reducing the cost of working the line between Helensville and Auckland. Plans have been prepared for a considerable deviation in the vicinity of the Kingsland Station, but the cost of the work is too much to permit of its being undertaken at present. Between Mercer and Taupiri we have also cut down the two steep gradients that existed, and we shall thus be able to do all the work on that line with a lighter class of engine than that hitherto used. A new siding has been laid in at the Newmarket Junction, which will be the means of making considerable saving both in the time of running the trains and the cost of working the traffic ; and at the same time we have prepared the ground at Newmarket for additions to the workshops. The new passenger-station at Auckland has been opened and in use for some months, and, although long delayed, Auckland has now a station well suited to its requirements. It has also been found necessary to make large additions to the accommodation at the Euakura Junction in order to work the lines which are so rapidly increasing in length in this district, and still further expenditure will be necessary at this spot.



The inadequacy of this railway to carry the traffic between Auckland and Penrose has long been felt, and the Government now considers that the time has come to lay a second line alongside existing track, or else to construct a relieving-line, either via Eemuera to Penrose, or vid Freeman's Bay to join the Kaipara line. The first of these plans would probably be the cheaper, but, as against that, the grade along that route is considerably steeper than it would be along either of the loop-lines, and the question of route has not as yet been absolutely determined. As it is necessary that the work should be commenced very shortly, however, I have decided to ask the House to authorize a sum of .£23,000 to cover so much of the work as may be undertaken this year, but of this sum not more than about £5,000 will be expended before end of March next. The survey of the branch railway to coal-mine at Huntly has been completed, including plans for a bridge over the Waikato River, ready to call for tenders, but as the promoters have not as yet been able to see their way to accept the terms offered in "The Railways Authorization Act, 1884," nothing further has been done in the matter. Hamilton-G/Rahamstown. Hamilton-Te Arolia. —This line was opened for public traffic on the Ist March last. Grahamstown-Te Arolia. —Considerable progress has been made with the construction of this line during the year. Some difficulties have occurred owing to the Native landowners objecting to the surveys being proceeded with; but the officers of the Native Department have agreed with the Natives, and no further trouble is anticipated. The authority which will be asked for in Estimates provides for completing the two sections of this railway on which work has already been done, namely, the Kaueranga section, 4j miles, and the Hikutaia section, 8J miles. The former of these requires stations and fencing, &c, and the latter requires bridges, platelaying, and stations. MORRINSVILLE TO RoTOEUA RAILWAY. The purchase of this railway was completed on 21st December last, and its construction is being carried on under the agreement sanctioned by the House last year. Morrinsville to Lichfield. —On the portion from Morrinsville to Lichfield the first length from Morrinsville to Oxford was opened on the Bth March last, and the remainder to Lichfield is now practically finished. I found, on examination, that the works on the line had been very satisfactorily carried out, and the rolling-stock imported is all of good quality. Putaruru to Botorua. —On the Putaruru to Rotorua division the first section, some 8 miles, is now ready for contract, and tenders can be advertised for it at any time. A great deal of trouble has been taken to locate this line, but, although the route, throughout, has been definitely determined upon, the detailed surveys of the portion of the Rotorua Bush are not yet completed. The authority proposed to be asked for in this case will provide for the letting of two formation contracts, of about 8 miles in each, amounting in all to £70,000 or £75,000, of which, however, only about £15,000 would be expended during present year. The length from the Rotorua Bush to Rotorua is surveyed and staked out ready for contract, but it is not proposed to put this portion in hand till the remainder of the line is well advanced; and, owing to the recent changes that have taken place in this district, the location of the Rotorua end of the line, and its construction, will be very carefully considered before any works are undertaken. Main Trunk Railway, North Island. As my colleague, the Colonial Treasurer, has already stated, there is now every prospect of the Government becoming possessed of large tracts of land along the route of this railway, and we consider that the work ought to be



pushed on vigorously, and propose asking the authority of the House to expend, or to enter into contracts for, a much larger amount this year, than during last year. The works which were in hand during last year on this railway are as follows: — At the Northern End. —Commencing from Te Awamutu, the Puniu Contract (length about 15 miles), including permanent-way, has been steadily progressing, and is expected to be completed ready for traffic about October next. The Te Kuiti section, length about 11 miles, which was also to include permanent-way, was advertised for tender in August last, but had to be withdrawn in consequence of a reduction made in the Estimates last session. Beyond the end of this section there is the Waiteti section, length about 9 miles, of which working plans are complete and ready for contract. The Puro-o-tarao section, length (including tunnel) about 1J miles, which is distant about 48 miles from Te Awamutu, was let by contract in August last, to be completed in August, 1887. To the southward of the tunnel the working survey is completed for a length of 4£ miles. Contracts have also been let for G6,000 sleepers, and 18,000 more have been taken over from Working Railways Department. In addition to these works a large amount of work has also been done in the shape of approach-roads to get access to the railway; and also a large amount of exploration and preliminary surveys, to get the best line throughout the portions of railway which have not as yet been undertaken. For further details concerning these latter items I would refer honourable members to the report of the Engineer-in-Chief, which will be attached to this Statement. I would also wish to take this opportunity of stating distinctly that, in cases where contracts have been let to Natives, they have done a great deal of work very satisfactorily and at moderate prices; and, whenever they have demanded excessive prices, the contracts have been advertised and let by public tender. At the Southern End of the line the requisite railway-station at Marton Junction has been completed, including such buildings as will be necessary for probable present traffic. The Porewa Contract, length about 12 miles, including platelaying, commencing from Marton Junction, was let in April, 1885, but has had to be taken out of the hands of the original contractor and relet to another contractor. It is now going on satisfactorily, and will probably be completed about November next. The re-letting of the work involved no loss to the colony, except in the matter of delaying completion. Commencing at the end of the Porewa Contract is the Hunterville section, length about 6 miles, which was advertised for tender some time back, but had to be withdrawn on account of the limited funds provided; and beyond the end of this section the working surveys and plans have been completed for a further length of about 5 miles. At this end of the line also a considerable amount of work has been done in the construction of approach-roads and further survey-works, which will be found detailed in report of the Engineer-in-Chief. The work required for improving the navigation of the Wanganui River was commenced in August last, and an available depth of about 2ft. of water has already been obtained as far as Kaiwaka, forty-six miles above Wanganui, and between Kaiwaka and Pipiriki similar work is in progress. At Pipiriki a branch road will leave the river to go into the interior. Both Ends. —The works and surveys at both ends of this railway were much delayed last year in consequence of reductions made in the votes, and, although every effort was made to stop all the works which could be stopped, in sufficient time to keep the expenditure and liabilities within the vote, it was found impossible to altogether attain this in consequence of the difficulty of communication, and there has consequently been an excess of about ,£13,000.



The authority which I now propose to ask for, on account of this railway, will provide for completing all the work at present in hand, and also for additional works as follows. The Te Kuiti section, 11 miles, and the Waitete section, 9 miles, at north end, and the Hunterville section, 5 miles, at south end; and also further improvements in the navigation of the Wanganui Eiver, and the construction of further approach-roads to give access to the rail way-works. Line connecting New Plymouth with Main Trunk Line. During the recess, although no further actual surveys have been made, still a good deal of exploration has taken place both by officers of the Lands Department and that of the Public Works, and we now have every reason to believe that a fairly good line can be got, starting from a point on the main line about 60 miles south of Te Awamutu, following the course of the Ohura, the Eao, and the Tangarakau Rivers, thence south-westerly across the range to one of the branches of the Mimi Eiver, and along that river towards the coast, and southward to Waitara. This line would traverse a large tract of first-class arable land in the valley of the Ohura, and intersect the upper portion of the extensive coalfield now well defined, and will make that coal available for use all over that portion of the Island from the Waikato to where the navigation of the Wanganui and Eao ceases. We have sufficiently reliable surveys and information to be able to say that the line will not be exceptionally expensive, that the length of the connecting link between Waitara and the main line would be about 75 miles, the cost will not exceed about £8,000 per mile all through, and the greater portion of the very heavy country on the line reported upon from Stratford two years ago will be avoided. Whenever the House so directs a detailed survey of this line can be put in hand. Reconnaissance Survey of Country between Napier and Opotiki via Gisborne. During the last recess I instructed the Engineer-in-Chief to send the Inspecting Engineer (Mr. Knorpp) to visit the district between Napier and Opotiki, traversing the country through Wairoa, Gisborne, and from thence to the East Cape, as well as from Gisborne to Opotiki. He has made a reconnaissance survey of the country, with a view of ascertaining how it can best be opened up by railways or roads. His report contains a great deal of useful information, and shows that the district lying to the north and east of Gisborne can be best served by railway communication, while that between Gisborne and Napier is so broken that a railway would almost be impracticable, and could therefore only be opened up by roads. This report (with maps) will be printed and laid on the table of the House within a few days. Napier- Wood ville . The contractors for the extension from Tahoraite towards Woodville are making very fair progress with the work. A contract will shortly be let for completing the line to Woodville, including the railway-station there, to be finished and opened for traffic in about twelve months. Woodville-Palmerston. A contract is now ready to be let for the construction of this line through the Gorge. This section will take about two years to complete, owing to the heavy nature of the works, and while in progress the plans will be prepared for the completion on to Palmerston. Wellington-Masterton. Very considerable additions have been made to the station-accommodation, to the rolling-stock, and to the workshops on this line during the year, and much more will be required to keep pace with the increasing traffic.



MaSTERTON-WoODVILLE. Honourable members are aware that the extension of this line has been very recently opened as far as Mauriceville. A further section of about four miles will be opened in October next. It is proposed to let a contract to extend this line as far as Eketahuna, so soon as Parliament has sanctioned the expenditure. The large amount of settlement taking place along the route of this line between Mauriceville and Pahiatua points to the desirableness of continuing the construction of this line, and, if funds are provided, this will be done. Foxton-New Plymouth. The branch line from New Plymouth to the breakwater has recently been opened, and, with some slight modifications in the rates, is sure to prove of great benefit to the district. PICTON-AwATEBE EAILWAY. An addition of 100 ft. in length has been made to the Picton Wharf. The formation of railway is completed, except bridges, for 4j miles to the southward of Blenheim, and a further length of 3^ miles is in progress. Although the contractor was urged some considerable time since to expedite the work it is still going on very slowly, and it is calculated that it will take at least twelve months more to finish it. The amount which I propose to ask the House for this year will provide for a further formation contract of about 3 miles, and also for the bridges required in the first 3 miles from Blenheim. East and West Coast and Nelson (Midland) Eailway. The subject of the construction of this railway has been so fully discussed in this House that it is unnecessary for me to make much reference to it to-night. My opinion as to the desirableness of its construction is well known; and ever since the Public Works scheme brought forward by my honourable colleague Sir Julius Vogel in 1870, I have taken every opportunity that has offered itself to promote railway connection between the East and West Coast of the Middle Island. It was suggested to me immediately after last session that fuller and more reliable information as to the resources and nature of the country should be procured, in the event of anything occurring to cause the contract, now happily settled, to fall through. I therefore instructed Mr. Blair, the Assistant Engineer-in-Chief, to visit the district and report more fully than had previously been done, and to collect such information as would probably be required by Parliament in case the Government had to ask for a vote for the construction of this line. The report will be very useful, and the maps attached to it will also, I am sure, be very interesting to honourable members, and of the greatest service for future reference. The first of these maps shows the present settlement of the country, the second the description of the land, the third the description and area of the forests, and the fourth the localities of the several descriptions of minerals as far as at present known throughout the district. On all of these maps the railways constructed, in course of construction, and the lines now under contract, as well as those lines which the Government considers will be required in the northern part of the Middle Island, are clearly marked. This report, with maps, will be printed and laid on the table of the House in a day or two. I am now justified in expressing the hope that, before the House meets next year, the works on this great railway will be fairly started. In connection with the railway it is proposed to construct branches from the Inangahua Junction to Westport, and from Tophouse to Blenheim ; but as neither of these lines have as yet been surveyed for contract it would not be possible to do any work upon them within the present financial year, and I therefore only



propose to ask for sufficient authority to enable the necessary surveys to be made during this year. Hokitika-Geeymouth Eailway. A short length of this line was completed at the Hokitika end some months since, but has not yet been used for traffic. Some delay took place in calling for tenders for the Arahura Bridge, owing to the necessity of preparing new designs, and as soon as the appropriations are passed this contract will be put in hand. The continuation of this line has been also put in hand by employing a large number of men who were out of work in Christchurch. It was considered better to put them on this directly-serviceable work than to find non-remunera-tive work near Christchurch. The question of route of this railway between the Arahura and Teremakau has been again raised, and it has been suggested that the line should go through Kumara instead of along the beach. The question is one upon which the Government has not sufficient information to deal with it at once, so it has been decided that a survey should be made of the proposed deviation before proceeding with the works along the portion of direct route which would be affected. The works at the Hokitika and Greymouth ends of the line will, however, in the meantime be proceeded with. Otago Centeal Eailway. During the year two contracts have been finished, making the line complete up to the Wingatui Viaduct, about seven miles and. three quarters from the junction with the main line. There has been a short delay with the construction of the masonry piers and abutments of the viaduct, owing to the necessity which has been proved to exist to go very much deeper with the foundations for two of the piers. This delay, however, will not retard the completion of the superstructure. The whole of the materials for this work are now in the colony, and will soon be ready to be taken to the site, when the process of erection will be rapidly pushed on. The " Mullocky " formation contract was completed on the 3rd February, 1886, but the contractors for the other four sections are all considerably behind time, and are being urged to make better progress. Contracts are now being let in short lengths to complete that portion of this line known as the Hindon section, which was commenced several years since, and on which much money was spent in relief works. It is hoped that these works will very sensibly relieve the pressure on the Government for employment in and around the City of Dunedin. Contracts are also being prepared for the erection of the several bridges which are required between Wingatui and the end of the Nenthorn section, all of which it is proposed to put in hand during the year; and the Engineer-in-Chief has instructions to push forward all these works as rapidly as is consistent with economy. But, as I have before pointed out, the non-completion of the Wingatui Viaduct retards all the other works beyond it. The expenditure on this line up to the 31st March, 1886, was .£267,218, and there were liabilities then existing of ,£51,200. It is estimated that to complete this railway to Sutton, a distance of thirty-three miles, will require a further sum of £128,350, and that to take the line on to the Taieri Lake, thirty-four miles further, will cost ,£180,000; or a total cost for the sixty-seven miles of ,£626,768. After reaching the Sutton the country becomes comparatively easy, so that the average cost per mile beyond that point may be expected to be very much less than it has been throughout the portion hitherto undertaken. The authority which I now propose to ask for on account of this railway will provide for the completion of the formation and bridges up to the Sutton, including platelaying for a further length of 5 miles, beyond the end of the 8 miles already laid, and also for a new formation contract between the Sutton and Middlemarsh, length 7 miles.



Hurunui-Bluff and Branches, The extension of this railway for 11 miles northward to Culverden was opened for traffic in December last, which was, unfortunately, too late to insure the carriage of all the wool this season. There has, however, been a good deal of passenger-traffic, and I have no doubt that this section will be much used by visitors and invalids during next summer. A road-bridge of considerable magnitude is in course of erection over the Waiau, and when complete will give a safe road to the Hanmer Plains Hot Springs. Further additions have been made to the Dunedin Station and a large increase in the rolling-stock. Lincoln-Little Biver. —This line was completed to Little Eiver and opened for traffic in March last. Ashburton Branch. —The formation of this line was completed up to Mount Somers, including bridge over Ashburton River, in March last, and a further contract has been let for platelaying between the bridge and Mount Somers; length, about 1 mile. The amount which will be asked for in the Estimates provides for a further extension of 4 miles to Springburn. Livingstone Branch. —On this railway, which is 12 miles in length, the first 4 miles is now practically completed, including platelaying, and the amount to be asked for in the Estimates provides for completion of the remaining 8 miles, including platelaying. Catlin's Biver Branch. —The first division of this railway, length 8 miles, was completed and opened for traffic in December last, and the authority which I now propose to ask for will provide for the formation of a further length of 5 miles. Toitois Branch. —As described in my Statement last year, the formation of this railway is already completed to a point about 4 miles beyond Wyndham, and the authority I now propose to ask for will provide for the formation of a further length of 2 miles, including a short tunnel. Waimea-Stvitzer's Branch. —As mentioned in my Statement last year the formation of the first 7 miles of this railway was then completed, and the amounts which I now propose to ask for will cover cost of building bridge on that length, and also a further length of about 7 miles. Seaward Bush Branch. —This railway is practically completed for a distance of 5 J miles, including platelaying, and the authority which I will ask for this year will provide for the formation of a further length of 5 miles. Invercargill-Kingston and Branches. Mararoa Branch. —The first section of this railway, 6J miles in length, was completed and opened for traffic in March last, and the authority which I now propose to ask for will complete the line, including platelaying, to Mossburn, being a further length of about 4 miles, which is already under contract. ADDITIONS TO OPENED RAILWAYS GENERALLY. Work of this character (exclusive of permanent-way and rolling-stock) to the extent of about £91,000 was executed during last year, and we propose to expend .£93,000 for similar work during the present year, to include liabilities already incurred. The principal items leading up to this amount are in round numbers as follows: Auckland Section, £20,000; Napier-Woodville, £7,000; WellingtonWoodville, £7,000; Foxton-New Plymouth, £5,000; and Hurunui-Bluff and branches, and Invercargill-Kingston and branches, £50,000. MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CEMENT. It will be interesting to honourable members to know that the manufacture of Portland cement in New Zealand has been commenced on a substantial scale, and considerable quantities are now being delivered to the Government for their various works, at a cost not exceeding that of imported cement, and at the same time being reported upon by the Engineer-in-Chief as of good quality and being capable of standing a very fair test. I take this opportunity of drawing the attention of the various local bodies throughout the country to this matter, in the hope



that they may be able to help this industry, and so obviate the necessity of importing so much from England. WOBKING BAIL WAYS. I now come to the subject of working railways. Honourable members will remember that on the 31st March, 1885, there were 1,477 miles of railway open for traffic, having cost the colony £11,810,194; and on the 31st March, 1886, there were 1,613 miles of railway open for traffic, having cost the colony .£12,472,814. In this latter result is included 77 miles of railway purchased by the Government from various district railway companies at a cost of £283,349. The total revenue from all sources was £1,047,418, and the expenditure amounted to £690,340, leaving a net profit of £357,078. Taking the cost of the opened railways at the average for the whole year, in view of the dates at which the several sections of new railways were opened for traffic (namely, £12,243,295), this represents a profit of £2 18s. 6d. per cent, on the cost as thus deduced, or, if the total cost of all the lines opened at the end of the year be taken as prevailing throughout the whole year, which is scarcely a fair way of looking at it, then the percentage earned would be £2 17s. 3d. The total expenditure on railways opened and unopened up to the 31st March, 1886, including expenditure by Government on Greymouth and Westport harbour works, has been £13,726,166, and the profit earned by the opened lines gives £2 12s. Od. per cent, on this gross outlay. Last year, with 1,477 miles of open railways, we had a revenue of £1,045,712 and an expenditure of £690,026; this year, with 1,613 miles open, we have a revenue of £1,047,418 and an expenditure of £690,340 ; and at the end of the year we have outstanding accounts amounting to considerably less than at the end of the previous year. We have also during the year made many reductions in the rates of carriage of goods, all in the direction of helping local productions, which, had our rates remained unaltered, would have produced fully £50,000 more revenue without increasing the cost of working. This amount represents the benefit derived by the general public using the railways. It will therefore be seen that, although we have had to provide for the maintenance of and work 136 miles more railway, we have so curtailed the expenditure that it has only amounted to £314 in excess of that of last year. It should also be remembered that the railways do not get credit for the large amount of work done for the other departments of the Government, the carriage of mails representing a very large sum. The facilities given to the Education Department also are very great; and if full credit were given for all these services it would make a very perceptible addition to the railway revenue. On the whole, the proportion of expenditure to revenue has been slightly reduced during the year, having been 65*91 against 65*99 the previous year. I think honourable members, when they realize these facts, will admit that the result is a favourable one. The rates of profit have, as in previous years, varied very much on the different lines, having amounted on the Greymouth section to £5 9s. 3d. percent., on the Napier section to £4 18s. 9d., on the Hurunui-Bluff section to £3 ss. 9d., on the Wellington-Masterton section to £2 11s. 2d., on the Auckland section to £2 9s. Id., and. on the Wanganui section to £0 12s. lOd. It has been my constant endeavour to resist as far as possible the continued demand for fresh stations on the several lines, each new one being a source of additional expenditure, and have only granted them in cases where there appeared a reasonable prospect of increasing the traffic. The total number of passengers carried on the railways was — For the year 1883-84 .... .... .... 3,272,644 For the year 1884-85 .... .... .... 3,232,886 For the year 1885-86 .... .... .... 3,362,266 —showing an increase over last year of 129,380. 2—D. 1.



The total traffic in goods and live stock for the same year has been— Goods Teaffic. Wool. Timber. Firewood. Grain. Minerals. Merchandise. Chaff, &c. q° 0 |j s Year. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1883-84 ... 62,066 183,449 81,255 432,223 574,313 350,263 16,470 1,700,039 1884-85 ... 68,523 178,909 86,670 414,590 618,511 365,623 17,030 1,749,856 1885-86 ... 74,778 202,572 80,280 413,846 669,081 368,225 14,985 1,823,767 Live Stock. Year. Horses. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. 1883-84 ... 9,555 26,393 3,282 627,090 29,522 1884-85 ... 10,358 29,963 2,775 666,522 30,268 1885-86 ... 9,518 34,107 2,527 781,470 40,558 These figures show —and a reference to the tables will make it more clear— that there is a substantial increase in the total quantity carried, and also in all of the important items, except grain, and that has remained almost stationary. Now, a few words on the subject of the workshops. Much has been said during the past year as to the way in which they have been conducted. As far as I am able to judge, after again going very closely into the expenditure in three workshops, I can repeat the opinion I then expressed to the effect that the colony is getting very fair value for the money expended in them. The largely-increasing mileage now being worked is bringing with it larger repairs and, consequently, the necessity for further accommodation; and it must also be remembered that many of the locomotives have been running for a longtime, and therefore are requiring heavier repairs. Provision is being made for all this, and the shops at Petone and Hillside are now being largely increased, with a view of our being able to keep up the stock in a state of first-class efficiency. In Auckland, also, additions are being made, and both there and at Hillside much greater additions will very soon be forced upon the Government; also at Wanganui to a smaller extent. Already additional machinery has been ordered for these shops, and provision to meet the necessary expenditure has accordingly been made by the Government. No additions are likely to be required at Addington, except an enlargment of the erecting-shed, which now hardly accommodates the engines working on the lines running through the Hurunui-Waitaki district, which are constantly coming in for large repairs. Nearly everything in the shape of rolling-stock is now being made in the colony, the orders sent to Great Britain being confined in most cases to the raw materials and some few articles which cannot at present be manufactured in the colony. By carefully arranging the work put in hand at the various shops we have been able to bring about much economy in many directions, and we have endeavoured to bring into useful operation the valuable machinery which had been provided by previous Governments. In the item of tarpaulins alone a saving of fully £3,000 per annum has been effected during the year by improved arrangements and the use of improved appliances. Fair progress is being made by the contractors who undertook the manufacture of the ten locomotives last year, and, judging from the work they are doing, the engines ought to prove to be of a very serviceable nature. The contractors imported some portions of the material required for these engines partially worked up, but sooner than altogether condemn these articles a valuation was made, and a reduction has been agreed upon equal to the amount of work so executed in England outside the terms of the contract. Honourable members will see, on reference to the tables which will be attached to this Statement, that the amount of work which has been done during last year in the workshops throughout the colony has been very extensive both as to repairs and renewals. On the Foxton-New Plymouth line very heavy expenditure has occurred by way of repairs to the bridges, and a still larger expenditure will probably be required during the current year. This has been caused by the mistake made in using rimu timber Avhen constructing the line, and it is only fair to the Engineer-



in-Chief to state that the use of this timber was insisted upon against his strong protest, and it is now found that it would have been much better to have adopted his recommendation and used more lasting timber: these bridges ought not to have required much repairs for the next ten years instead of having to be rebuilt at this early stage in the life of the railway. In connection with the railways generally, I doubt if many honourable members realize the effect produced on their revenue by the works of the Harbour Boards of Otago, Oamaru, and Timaru. As these works progress, so the railway revenue suffers, and to such an extent have the works of the Otago Harbour Board—by which most classes of vessels can now get up the harbour to Dunedin—affected the revenue, that it is estimated that the railway suffers this year a loss of fully £8,000 ; and, from the information in the possession of the Government, it is not likely that by the end of this year there will be any goods traffic from Port Chalmers except that brought there by the large direct steamships. And lam advised by those interested that, if the Government did reduce the rates by one-half those now prevailing, the bulk of the goods would still go direct to Dunedin. Such a reduction would, therefore, only have the effect of throwing away a great deal of the revenue left to the railway which otherwise must remain, at all events for some considerable time to come. No doubt the residents in the parts of the colony in which these great works have been carried out are reaping great benefit from them, but it must be borne in mind that the railways constructed by the Government are suffering in proportion as the harbour works succeed. Since supplying my honourable colleague the Colonial Treasurer with the estimate of the revenue and expenditure on the railways for the current year, the severe floods we have had will affect the expenditure in the way of repairs; and, should any considerable number of our population be attracted to the newlydiscovered goldfields in Western Australia, the traffic may be sensibly reduced. It is very certain we are now losing the carriage of a large amount of farmproduce, which has been destroyed by the exceptionally-heavy autumn rains; but, on the other hand, we have calculated on a much larger acreage of grain being put in this year than last, and consequently expect a larger revenue therefrom. We have also calculated upon considerable additions to our receipts from the extensions of the railways, which we hope to have under construction in a few weeks. It is too early in the year to make any safe calculation, and there is no reason to suppose there will be any serious falling-off in the revenue : should there be, there will certainly be a reduction in the expenditure. It has been the custom for some years to publish the very elaborate statistical information with the annual Public Works Statement in connection with opened railways, and the same course will be adopted on the present occasion; but it is a matter for serious consideration whether it is worth while to publish these tables. Much discussion has taken place on the subject of the system of charges now in force, and a Committee of this House is now taking evidence on a proposal for a radical change. I shall not therefore venture an opinion on the particular proposal which that Committee has under consideration, but remind the House that the system we now have in use is similar to that adopted^in the adjoining colonies, as also in the railways in other countries ; and before making any change, the probability of its success should be clearly demonstrated. The want that is felt is more in the direction of some authority to whom any member of the public can make their grievances known, and feel that they get fair consideration. I have hesitated to reintroduce the Bill I laid before the House last year, as I feel certain that it would not meet with general support; and, although two other Bills have been sketched out to meet the case, I cannot see any practical good that would come from them so long as this Parliament is not prepared to part with a great deal more of its control than it has done hitherto. The exigencies of the country are so diversified that to work our railways to the best advantage some parts of the country require very different rates to those in other parts; but so jealous are those who use our railways in the several provincial districts of any changes made in the charges with a view of securing



traffic, that one always has to hesitate in making such changes; and if a body, or several of them, were appointed in the country, such as that suggested above, I am of opinion that it would be found that it would take a considerable time for them to become acquainted with the necessary information to enable them to deal practically with the subject, and that nothing but a permanent Board, whose members would give their whole time to the subject, would meet the case. EOADS NOETH OP AUCKLAND. With reference to the sum of £70,000 allocated to the counties north of Auckland in 1884 for these roads, the following table shows the allocations made to each county, and also the payments thereon up to the 31st March last:—

The total expenditure for last year on these roads was .£33,763, and the difference between this sum and the amount £31,303 referred to above represents amounts which Government has had to expend in respect of liabilities incurred before the allocation of the £70,000 was made. EOADS AND BEIDGES GENEEALLY, INCLUDING MAIN EOADS AND MISCELLANEOUS EOADS AND BEIDGES. The amounts authorized for works under this heading (which are exclusive of Eoads north of Auckland, Eoads to open up Crown lands, Eoads on Goldfields, and Eoads under the Eoads and Bridges Construction Act) have gradually decreased for some years, and the amount which I propose to ask the House to authorize for them this year is, in round numbers, £77,000 less than the amount authorized for the year 1883-84. Speaking still in round numbers, the amounts authorized for the last few years have been as follows: 1883-84, £178,000; 1884-85, £154,000; and 1885-86, £119,000; and the amount which I propose to ask the House to authorize this year is £101,000. It will be seen, therefore, that the works of this class which have been undertaken from year to year have been gradually of less and less magnitude, and it will therefore not be necessary for me to dwell to any great extent upon those which were undertaken during last year. A brief summary of those worth mentioning is as follows :— In the North Island.—The roads from Tauranga to the East Cape, and from Cambridge and Tauranga to Taupo, and from Taupo to Napier, and also the Manawatu Gorge Eoad, have been maintained during the year in fair order, and subsidies have been given to the local bodies, as hitherto, towards the maintenance of the Seventy-Mile Bush Eoad. In the South Island. —The Takaka Bridge, in the Collingwood District, has been brought close to completion.

Payments. County. Allocation. 1884-85. 1885-8G. Total. Waitomata • ■ £ s. d. 12,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,000 0 0 £ s. d. 0,350 0 0 £ s. d. 7,350 0 0 Rodney.. 11,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,815 0 0 6,815 0 0 Hobson.. .. 9,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 4,500 0 0 Whangarei • • 12,000 0 0 1,750 0 0 5,250 0 0 7,000 0 0 Bay of Islands .. 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Hokianga 7,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 l,50d 0 0 Mongonui .. • • 9,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,888 0 0 5,888 0 0 Totals 70,000 0 0 G,750 0 0 31,303 0 0 38,053 0 0



The bridge over the Pelorus Eiver, on the road between Nelson and Blenheim, was completed in August last, and this road has thus been made available for coach traffic. A contract has been let for the Motueka Bridge, on the line of road from Nelson to Westport and Greymouth. Surveys of site for bridge over Buller, near Lyell, on same road, have also been made, and the design, which will require to be of somewhat exceptional character, is under consideration. A contract has been let for a bridge over the left-hand branch of the Inangahua Eiver, near Eeefton, also on same road. The Hokitika to Christchurch road has also been maintained as usual; and the bridge over the Taipo, which has long been a great necessity on this road, has just been finished. The bridge over the Clarence Eiver, between Kaikoura and Blenheim, has been steadily progressing, and it is hoped that it will be finished in November next. The road between Kaikoura and Waiau is also tending towards completion, extensive work having been done upon it during last year, partly by aid of "unemployed;" and contracts for metalling some of the sections thus formed have recently been let, and are expected to be completed about November next. The bridge over the Upper Waiau, near the Hanmer Plains, has been commenced, and is expected to be finished about April next. The bridge over the Taieri, and the bridges over the Clutha at Beamont and Eoxburgh, are in progress. The bridge over the Clutha at Cromwell has not as yet been undertaken by the County Council, under the subsidy of £1 for £1 voted last year, but negotiations on the subject are still in progress. On the Haast Pass track a party of men has been set to work to render travelling practicable between the mouth of the river and the Haast Saddle. BOADS TO OPEN UP CEOWN LANDS BEFOEE SALE. On the numerous works under this designation, the laying-out and construction of which are entirely under the control of the Minister of Lands, a sum of £61,794 has been expended within the twelve months ended the 31st March last, and the liabilities on works in progress at that date were £61,372. It is proposed to continue the expenditure at the rate of £61,500 during the current year in further extension of road-formations through the blocks of Crown lands under survey in the several land districts of the colony. Full details of the works executed and in progress will be given in the annual survey reports. EOADS UNDEE THE EOADS AND BEIDGES CONSTEUCTION ACT. Main Roads: One-fourth of Cost of Work to be provided, or repaid in Ten Years, by the Local Body, and the Balance to be found by the Government. Under this heading the total amount of the applications received on the 30th June, 1885, when reduced in accordance with the Act of 1883, came to £255,476. Of these applications, those that were for the completion of bridges already commenced, amounting to £8,336 were granted in full, but all the rest were refused, owing to the repeal of the Act last session. In addition to these ordinary applications, there were also applications for repairs of extraordinary damages by floods, amounting to £7,591, and grants were made on these to the extent of £5,287, namely, £4,753 for bridges and £534 for roads. The total applied for altogether on account of main roads was, therefore, £263,067, and the total granted £13,623, of which £13,089 was for bridges and £534 for roads. The amounts granted within each of the several provincial districts will be found in the following table :—



District Roads and River Works: Total Amount granted to be paid in Fifteen Years. On account of this class of works the total amount applied for during the year ended the 31st March last was £12,399, but owing to the repeal of the Eoads and Bridges Construction Act no grants were made, with the exception of £191 to complete works in terms of section 46 of the Act. The amounts of the several applications, and of the loans made within the different provincial districts, are shown in the table below : —

SUMMABY. It will thus be seen that the total amount applied for under the Act for works on main and district roads has been £275,466, and the total amount granted £13,814. PUECHASE OF NATIVE LANDS, NOET.H ISLAND. During the past financial year the Native Land Purchase Department, under the control of my colleague, the Native Minister, has completed the purchase of some twenty blocks of land, containing in the aggregate over 100,000 acres. Good progress has also been made in the acquisition of lands adjacent to the Northern Trunk Line of railway. The Waimarino Block, of 490,000 acres, has been passed through the Native Land Court and awarded to about one thousand owners, the majority of whom have already sold their interests to the Crown.

rrani iS. Provincial Districts. Applications. Bridges. Eoads. Total. Auckland £ s. d. 78,017 0 0 £ s. a. 3 0 0 £ s. a. £ s. d. 3 0 0 Hawke's Bay 15,502 0 0 4,500 0 0 4,500 0 0 Taranaki 8,883 0 0 Wellington 32,504 0 0 2,817 0 0 2,817 0 0 Nelson 29,474 0 0 3,229 0 0 3,228 0 0 Marlborough 7,550 0 0 Westland 7,431 0 0 2,525 0 0 2,525 0 0 Canterbury 21,771 0 0 15 0 0 534 0 0 549 0 0 Otago 61,875 0 0 Totals 203,007 0 0 13,089 0 0 534 0 0 13,023 0 0

Provincial Districts. Applications. Grants. Auckland £ s. d. 3,830 0 0 £ s. d. Hawke's Bay .. 450 0 0 Taranaki Wellington 4,602 0 0 191 0 0 Nelson Marlborougli .. Westland Canterbury 2,967 0 0 Otago 550 0 0 Totals 12,399 0 0 191 0 0



Over 1,500,000 acres of land in the Taupo District have also recently passed the Court, and the Government is negotiating the purchase of several blocks within this district which are contiguous to the railway and otherwise suitable for settlement. Sketch-maps and returns giving full details of the complete and incomplete transactions of this department are in course of preparation, and will be shortly laid before the House by the Minister for Native Affairs. IMMIGRATION. The number of immigrants introduced for the period between the Ist June, 1885, and the 30th April, 1886, was 545. This shows a considerable falling-off from the numbers given in last year's Statement, but the falling-off can be accounted for by the fact that the engagements with persons whose passages had been held over were, as stated last year, nearly all fulfilled, and, further, by the increased rate of payment for passages required to be made on making the nomination in the colony. Fresh regulations for nominated immigration were issued on the 28th September, 1885. By these a payment of ,£lO was required towards the passage of each adult, and £5 towards the passage of each child over twelve years of age. These sums it is estimated represent half the total cost to the colony of an immigrant from the time he leaves his home in Great Britain until he becomes a settler in New Zealand. Since the date of the regulations 658 nominations have been received and forwarded to the Agent-General, and an average of from 50 to 60 nominations are sent monthly, on which cash payments are made in the colony of sums varying from £400 to £500. From this it would seem that the settlers in New Zealand are not loth to induce their friends to join them, and that they are willing to prove their earnestness in the matter by paying half the cost of the expenses to which the colony is put in assisting them. A new feature in the regulations is the assistance which is given towards the emigration of farmers and agriculturists possessed of small capital. Under this scheme intending emigrants are assisted by the Agent-General to the same extent as persons who may be nominated in the colony. They are, however, required to prove that they are possessed of £100 in cash, and a sum equal to £50 for each child over twelve years of age. The steps taken by the Agent-General to give effect to these regulations will be found in the correspondence which will be laid upon the table. The total number of immigrants of all classes introduced into the colony since the inauguration of the immigration scheme by the Colonial Government is 112,493. A return will be laid before the House giving the details of the classes and the nationalities of these immigrants. TELEGEAPH EXTENSIONS. The telegraph extensions during the year consisted of the erection of 199 miles of new lines and 545 miles of additional wire, less 1$ miles of line and 88 miles of wire dismantled. The telegraph lines in use in the colony at the end of March last extended to a total length of 4,463 miles, carrying 10,931 miles of wire, of which 2,820 miles is duplexed. Telephone exchanges were set up during the year at Napier, Wanganui, and Timaru, making the exchanges now in operation ten, namely, at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, Nelson, Christchurch, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill; and they yielded a gross revenue during the last financial year of £12,294. The expenditure on new works and extensions of all classes last year was £36,009, and the vote proposed to be asked for this year is £21,700.



PUBLIC BUILDINGS. In my Statement of last session I showed that a decrease had been effected in expenditure on this class of works as compared with previous years; and I am happy to say that during last financial year a still further decrease in this class of expenditure has been effected. Thus, the expenditure for the year 1885-86 has been only £86,859, as against £117,361 for 1884-85, £164,376 for 1883-84, and £153,072 for 1882-83. A very large number of buildings have been dealt with during the year to a greater or less extent, but most of the work has consisted of small additions and repairs chiefly to police-stations and courthouses in the out-districts, and the only works of sufficient magnitude to call for special mention are the prisons at Auckland and Mount Cook. Plans have been completed for the Printing Office in Wellington, and alternative tenders in brick and timber respectively have been called for, but have not yet been dealt with pending the requisite amount being authorized by the House. In the Estimates, which will shortly be laid before honourable members, I have included amongst amounts for which authority is asked a sum of £13,000 for a portion of this building proposed to be undertaken at present, but of this amount, if granted, only about £5,000 will probably be expended during the current financial year. Competitive designs have also been obtained by the Government for Departmental Buildings in Auckland, and have been considered by the Engineer-in-Chief, who has selected the one which he considers the best for adoption. The sum of £12,000 has been provided for this building in the Estimates, and of this sum £2,000 would probably be required during the current year. The other important buildings proposed to be undertaken during the current year are considerable additions to the Auckland and Sunnyside Lunatic Asylums, and some further additions in the shape of outbuildings, &c, to the Lunatic Asylum at Seacliff, all of which are reported to be absolutely necessary works in order that the asylums may be anything like adequate to present requirements. A sum of £2,000 has also been provided on the Estimates for a building on tbe Lunatic Asylum reserve at Porirua, of which about £1,000 would probably be expended during the year. HAEBOUE DEFENCES. During the past twelve months considerable progress has been made in the scheme of defence. The works commenced in April last year, and which were designed to temporarily accommodate the guns already in the colony, have been in almost all cases carried to completion. At the same time they have been made of a thoroughly durable and substantial, instead of a temporary, nature. Additions have been made where necessary to accommodate the guns now being constructed for the colony in England, and fresh works have also been added, so that, provided there is no further delay in shipping the guns, two-thirds of the number can be mounted in the next few months, and the batteries in which they will be mounted completed. Submarine mining stations are being constructed in each of the four ports, and arrangements are also being made for lighting the harbours with very powerful electric lights. The contracts for the delivery of all these appliances are approaching completion, consequently within two or three months the colony will possess all the necessary equipment for providing a suitable submarine system of defence to supplement its other defence works. Owing to the delay in supplying the guns, submarine mines, and other material, a sum of £72,833 out of the amount voted last year has remained unexpended. The total amount required to carry on the works during this year, including the sum above mentioned, will be £120,000. The work was carried out last year principally by the Armed Constabulary, but the large amount of cheap labour which has become available since the commencement of the year has decided the Government to provide work for the unemployed on the batteries, and at the same time to make a considerable reduction in the Constabulary Force.



PUBLIC WOKKS FUND. The balance to the credit of the Public Works Fund on the 31st March last was £768,780, and, in addition to this amount, and such further funds as may be required to be raised for North Island Trunk Eailway, we propose a loan of £1,500,000, as described in the Financial Statement of my colleague, the Colonial Treasurer. . As against the credit balance of £768,780 existing at the end of March last, we had liabilities then existing to the extent of, nominally, £1,094,590; but these liabilities include an item on account of purchase of Native lands, North Island, amounting in all to £238,600; and, of this amount, £202,145 is for prospective liabilities, which will probably not come in for payment for a very considerable time, and which may therefore for the present be disregarded. Deducting this £202,145 from the total liabilities above stated, the actual liabilities which we have to deal with amount to £892,445, of which £387,592 is on account of railways, and the balance, £504,853, on account of works and undertakings other than railways. . Of the £387,592 liabilities on railways, the sum of £376,740 is on account of items covered by proposed loan, as set forth in the Financial Statement, leaving £10 852 to be covered by other funds. The liabilities on account of works and undertakings not covered by proposed Loan Schedule amount therefore to £892,445 less .-£376,740— namely, to £515,705. In connection with this question of liabilities, I have also to state here that the Government proposes that the purchases of Native lands in the vicinity of the North Island Trunk Eailway should be temporarily charged to the loan for that line, and that the proceeds of the sales of these lands should be credited to the same fund from time to time as the lands are disposed of. The amount which we propose to so expend upon these lands during the next two years is £100,000, of which about £80,000' would be expended this year, and the balance next'year. On this basis the liabilities at present existing on account of land purchases along this railway, which are estimated to amount to about £20,000, out of the £36,455 of actual liabilities on account of Native land purchase, will become a oharge against the North Island Trunk Loan ; and if this amount of £20,000 be deducted from the £515,705 of liabilities before arrived at, it leaves £495,705 as the amount of the liabilities which will be chargeable to the funds available for general purposes. . _ In addition to the £768,780 to credit of general Public Works Fund at the end of March last, that fund is also entitled to be recouped from the North Island Trunk Eailway Loan to extent of £60,780 for expenditure on that railway up to the 31st March last, so that the proper cash credit of the general fund, allowing for this repayment, was £829,560. Besides these assets we had also assets to the extent of £300,241, being the value of rails, sleepers, and rolling-stock in hand, unlaid, at the end of the year Of this material there would be required rails and sleepers to the value of about £10,241 for railways other than the North Island Trunk Eailway not covered by proposed Loan Schedule, leaving material to the value of, say, £290,000 available for use on the North Island Trunk Eailway and the several railways which are included in the Loan Schedule. Assuming that this material, to the value of £290,000 (which was purchased out of general Loan Fund), will be paid for from time to time as it is used, out of the amounts provided for the North Island Trunk Eailway and the railways included in the Loan Schedule, the £290,000 will be recouped to the general fund, and will thus be available for works other than railways. Taking credit for this amount then, our assets for general purposes at the end of March last would amount to £768,780, plus £60,780, plus £290,000, equal in all to £1,119,560, as against liabilities amounting to £495,705; so that we will have available for voting for absolutely new works other than railways a sum ol £623,855, in addition to re-voting the liabilities on same, amounting to £495,705. Our votes for undertakings other than railways can therefore reach up to fully £1,100,000 for the two years. 3-D. 1.



In assuming that £290,000 worth of the stock in hand, in the shape of permanent-way and rolling-stock, could fairly be allocated to the railways which are provided for in the proposed loan, I am keeping well within the requirements of these railways, as the value of the permanent-way and rollingstock which will be required to complete the lengths provided for in the Loan Schedule will be about £447,000. This is shown in detail in table marked A, which will be attache:! to this Statement, from which it will be seen, that of the 'total amount so required, £77,000 is for the North Island Trunk Railway, and the balance, £370,000, for the railways in the proposed Loan Schedule. Assuming that the loan of £1,500,000 will be authorized for new railways, the total funds which we will have available for voting during next two years will therefore be as follows :— 1. For the railways included in proposed Loan Schedule, after deducting, say, £213,000, to be recouped to the General Loan Fund for materials in hand, we will have available for construction works and further permanent-way and rolling-stock (including the expenses of floating the loan) the sum of £1,287,000. 2. For the North Island Trunk Eailway, after deducting similarly the sum of £77,000 for materials (which are in hand), and £60,780 for expenditure already incurred, to be recouped to the General Loan Fund, we will have available for construction works and land purchase, out of an allocation of £500,000 for two years, the sum of £302,220. 3. For general purposes (including railways other than the North Island Trunk and Loan Schedule Eailways), we will have £1,119,560. This is exclusive of permanent-way, in hand, for the railways included in this item, to the value of £10,241. The total amount which will thus be available for voting, during the next two years, out of the three funds in question, would be £2,768,780, and the result arrived at in this way of course agrees with the gross total of the funds themselves ; namely, new loan £1,500,000, plus North Island Trunk Eailway (allocation for two years) £500,000, plus balance of General Fund £768,780. As against these funds we propose to take votes for expenditure, including existing liabilities, during the present year to the extent of £1,538,700; but we will not expend quite so much as this, and the actual expenditure will not probably exceed, say, £1,400,000. The amounts proposed to be voted for expenditure this year on account of the several funds which I have described are as follows, the cost of general departmental supervision, amounting in all to £28,000, being allocated to the different items on a proportional basis : — (a.) For railways included in proposed Loan Schedule, £604,000. This includes expenses of raising loan £30,000, and supervision £11,000. (b.) For North Island Trunk Eailway, £213,000. This includes land purchases £80,000, and supervision £3,000. (c.) For general purposes, £721,700. This includes £16,400 for railways other than the North Island Trunk and Loan Schedule Eailways, and £14,000 for supervision. Assuming that we will spend in all during this year £1,400,000, and that our assets are, as before stated, £2,768,780, we will thus have available for expenditure next year on all accounts the sum of £1,368,780; and bearing in mind that our expenditure will never practically reach up to the amount of our votes on all the items, we will thus be in a position to bring down estimates for expenditure next year to about same amount as this year, namely, to extent of, say £1,400,000. Our ways and means for the next year's votes will therefore be ample— in fact, for railways and land purchases along the North Island Trunk line, they will be more than ample; and, as regards undertakings other than railways and land purchases along the North Island Trunk Eailway, it will be seen that the amount proposed to be voted for expenditure this year is £721,700 out of available funds amounting to £1,119,560, so that we will have £397,860 for expenditure on this class of items during next financial year. In considering whether or not this will be sufficient for the purpose, it has to be borne in mind that many of the votes appearing in the Estimates this year will, we hope, either disappear



or be greatly reduced next year. Thus, for instance, we have this year to spend for Defence £120,000, while next year the amount will be only about £40,000. In connection with the Eoads and Bridges Construction Act we have to spend this year £39,740, while next year there will be no further expenditure asked for. For the roads north of Auckland £34,600 is required this year, and that practically fulfils all our engagements under that heading, and if our proposals for charging school buildings to Local Loans are approved of, the £55,000, or so, which we have been accustomed to vote yearly for school buildings, will also disappear from the Public Works Estimates. We are also in hopes, that with the liberal provision which has been made for loans to local bodies, the claims upon colonial funds for roads and bridges will not be so numerous. It seems probable, therefore, that the £397,860 above referred to will be quite ample for all that is required for general purposes (outside of railways and land purchases along North Trunk line) during the next financial year. ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITUEE DTJBING CUBBENT YEAB. The large amount of the votes which have been asked for from year to year for public works purposes, in comparison with the amounts which are actually required for expenditure, having frequently led to misunderstandings as to the real state of the case, I have framed my Estimates this year in a form which I believe will be more acceptable to honourable members, as they show in one column the amount required to be voted for actual expenditure on each work during the current year, and, in an adjoining column, the total amount which is required to be authorized in all, to cover contracts which will have to be let before further votes are granted by the House, but which will not come in for payment till next financial T7AQ I 1 The amounts in the second of these columns therefore correspond in character with the votes heretofore asked for, as they show the total authority required to cover the proposed expenditure this year, which provides for liabilities at present existing, together with the further undertakings to be entered into before this time next year, in order to keep the works going. By this means the House will see more clearly what our proposals actually are for the current year, and there is also what may seem, at any rate to some honourable members on the other side of the House/to be the additional advantage, that the Government is more strictly tied down to carry out its proposals than certain Governments have hitherto been, as our expenditure on any class of works will now be limited by the actual amount which we propose to expend on that class for the current year, instead of being capable of being extended up to a larger proportion of the authority granted for some classes, and a lesser proportion of other classes, as has hitherto been the case; that is to say, in fact the Government could gam nothing under the system which I now propose by retarding any one class of works with the view of unduly pushing others, as they will be limited on each class by the amount granted for actual expenditure on that class during the current year. With regard to the gross total so asked for for expenditure during any year, however, I should mention that it is not probable that this will in practice be quite reached up to, because we must necessarily provide for the full amount of payments which are estimated to fall due during the year on each class of works; and of course some of these may not so fall due, and besides that it would not be possible in any case to expend the full amount provided for all classes of work, without risk of exceeding on some of them, and as we cannot exceed on any of them, the inference is plain that the total expenditure must still be somewhat less than the total votes. I should also, however, make it perfectly clear that, while the House is only being asked to actually vote for expenditure this year the amount given in the first of the columns referred to, it is also being asked to authorize the entering into further contracts, and the incurring of further liabilities generally, up to the difference between the amounts in the first column and those in the second



column, in order to keep the works going on during next year, so that the Government would be authorized in having liabilities at the end of this financial year, or shortly afterwards, reaching up to the amount of the difference between the first and second columns, in addition to expending during the current year the amount in the first column. Thus, the figures in the second column represent the full measure of the authorities which would be given to the Government for all purposes, while the figures in the first column represent the portions of the amounts so authorized which the Government would be warranted in expending on each class of work during the current year. If this arrangement is agreed to, it should also be placed properly on record; and I would, therefore, propose that the Public Works Estimates, after revision by the House, should be bound up with the Appropriations, as is, I believe, already the custom in some of the adjoining colonies. The adoption of the system which I have here advocated would also do away with the present anomaly that, while over a series of years we have voted hundreds of thousands of pounds for some works, we have in reality only expended tens of thousands on those works, but have expended close up to the full amount voted on other works. The preparation of the Estimates in this new form has taken rather more time than if I had adhered to the old plan, and has given me a great deal of personal trouble, as the amounts required for expenditure during the year had to be very carefully considered, but if I have succeeded in meeting the wishes of the House in this particular I shall not at all regret the labour I have devoted to it. The amounts which we propose to ask the House to vote for expenditure during the current year are as follows :— For Immigration, with liabilities at the end of March last amounting to £7,000, we ask for a vote of £19,200. For Departmental Expenditure, with liabilities of £719, we ask for a vote of £28,000. For Eailway works of all classes, with liabilities of £387,592, we ask for a vote of £709,400, the details for the several classes of works being as follows: New works, Construction and Land, with liabilities of £224,113; amount asked for, £463,400. Additions to Opened Lines, with liabilities of £50,160; amount asked for, £93,000. Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Boiling-stock, with liabilities of £112,072; amount asked for, £150,000. Surveys of New Lines of Eailway, with liabilities of £1,247; amount asked for, £3,000. For Eoads of all classes, with liabilities of £254,350, we ask for a vote of £327,600. This includes various classes of roads, as follows: Eoads North of Auckland, with liabilities of £32,147 ; amount asked for, £34,600. Main Eoads, with liabilities of £14,277 ; amount asked for £24,900. Miscellaneous Eoads and Bridges, with liabilities of £34,881; amount asked for, £52,600. Grants-in-aid under the Eoads and Bridges Construction Act, and subsidies to local bodies, with liabilities of £66,884; amount asked for, £97,000. Eoads to open up Crown Lands, with liabilities of £61,372; amount asked for, £61,500. Improvements Village Special Settlements, with no liabilities as yet; amount asked for, £5,000. Eoads on Goldfields, with liabilities of £44,789; amount asked for, £52,000. For Waterworks on Goldfields, with liabilities of £14,963, we ask for a vote of £15,100. For the Purchase of Native Lands, with presently accruing liabilities amounting to £36,455, we ask for a vote of £100,000, that being sufficient to meet the probable payments which will become due during the current year, the further prospective liabilities on this item (amounting to £202,145) being left out of consideration, as not applying to present year. For Telegraph Extension, with liabilities of £3,700, we ask for a vote oi £21,700. For Public Buildings, with liabilities of £23,255, we ask for a vote of £112,000. This includes school buildings, £55,000, as against liabilities at end of March last of £1,400.



For Lighthouses and Harbour Works (including Harbour Defences), with liabilities of ,£164,411, we ask for a vote of ,£127,800. The amount included in this for Harbour Defences is .£120,000, as against liabilities at 31st March of £160,751, but as all the liabilities will not mature this year a vote for £120,000 will probably be sufficient. For Charges and Expenses of raising Loans we ask for a vote of £30,000. For Contingent Defence we ask for a vote of £12,500. This is for the purpose of supplementing the amount provided in Consolidated Fund Estimates for the Armed Constabulary Field Force, in consequence of their being employed on construction of batteries. We also ask for a vote of £35,400 to cover payments in respect of rates payable to local bodies on Crown and Native lands. The total amount proposed to be voted is thus, £1,538,700, which includes liabilities (comprising £36,455 for native lands) amounting to £892,445. It will thus be seen that it is contemplated to spend this year about £646,255 on new works, outside of those included in the liabilities existing at 31st March last. Sir, I have trespassed on your patience and that of honourable members to a much greater extent than I should have felt justified in doing had I not been convinced that it was of the greatest importance to lay before the House a clear statement of the position of the works already in hand by the Government, and also our proposals for the future. In conclusion, I venture to express the hope that before the time comes round for the next Public Works Statement the rise which has recently taken place in the great staple productions of the colony may prove to be the precursor of a general improvement in the position of all classes of the community, and that by careful administration during the year the Government may be able to come down to the House with a statement as favourable as that I have now delivered. It only now remains for me to thank you, Sir, and the House for the kind consideration you have shown to me this evening. The usual reports by the several permanent officers of the Department will be attached to this Statement, and also the usual tables showing cost of works, and results of working railways.



Table A. (To accompany Public Works Statement, 1886.) NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS, 1886-7 and 1887-8. Statement showing suggested Allocation of proposed Loan of £1,500,000; and also Analysis showing how much of the amount so allocated will be required for Permanent-way and Rolling-stock, and the Balances which will thus be left available for Construction Works; also the Liabilities (at 31st March, 1886,) on proposed Loan Items and North Island Trunk Railway.

Name of Eailway, &c. 4 'a <S H o (0 I o H a % Ol-l 31 u SB 3 ffl U14H 3 3 tS O 3 g O I £ 1 a § 1 .24 aoce o Ills Sggs lisl! Miles. 12 £ 70,000 £ 20,000 £ 50,000 £ £ 4,000 £ 40,000 I Helensville northward Penrose, double line 6 33,000 10,000 23,000 5,000 18,000 Hamilton-Grahamstown .. 17 80,000 27,000 53,000 12,754 20,000 33,000 Putaruru-Botorua 17 120,000 27,000 93,000 15,000 78,000 Napier-Palmorston North .. 5 100,000 8,000 92,000 23,643 40,000 52,000 Mauriceville-Woodville 15 125,000 24,000 101,000 12,346 40,000 61,000 Blenheim-A watero 9 50,000 14,000 36,000 9,058 15,000 21,000 Hokitika-Greymouth r 15 100,000 24,000 76,000 4,062 30,000 46,000 Wcstport-Inangahua 8 75,000 12,000 03,000 2,000 61,000 Blenheim-Tophouse 20 100,000 32,000 68,000 2,000 66,000 Mount Somers 4 14,000 6,000 8,000 3,883 8,000 Livingstone Branch 15,000 15,000 918 15,000 Otago Central 40 200,000 60,000 140,000 51,203 87,000 53,000 Catlin's Eiver 8 50,000 12,000 38,000 584 13,000 25,000 Riversdale-Switzers 14 40,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 15,000 Seaward Bush 8 20,000 12,000 8,000 1,558 6,000 2,000 Lumsden-Mararoa 5,000 5,000 4,872 5,000 Edendale-Fortrose 8 40,000 12,000 28,000 225 5,000 23,000 Additions to opened railways 200,000 50,000 150,000 50,160 93,000 57,000 Ditto, liabilities transferred from construction items 3,824 Eaising loan and contingencies 63,000 63,000 30,000 30,000 This includes surveys of new lines of railway 1,247 3,000 Also liabilities transferred from construction items 64 Totals 206 1,500,000 370,000 1,130,000 180,401 443,000 687,000 Permanent way material: Amount required to cover liabilities, and further orders this year for the above items 112,072 150,000 North Island Trunk Eailway : Present liabilities and vote proposed; also value of permanent-way materials required for immediate use, which will be supplied from stock in hand 48 77,000 84,267 130,000 Grand Totals 254 1,500,000 447,000 1,130,000 376,740* 723,000t 687,000 * In addition to this amount there Island Trunk Eailway not provided for £387,592, as shown in Estimates. t If from this amount there be ded Estimates under a separate class, and i: provided in Estimates for railways othei the total provided in Estimates for all r arc lia in p« ,bilities amounting to £10,852 on acco aposed Loan Schedule, so that the toi >unt of raih tal liabilitii rays other than North ss on railways come to luctcd i to tin r than railway the sum of £30,000 for expenses of n e balance thus deducted (£093,000) the the North Island Trunk and Loan Sol] -s, namely, £709,400. aising loan, ire be added icdule Eaib which appears in the the amount (£16,400) vaj 7s, it will agree with



Table B (To accompany Public Works Statement, 1886.) Summary of all Services chargeable to Public Works Loan, showing Liabilities at End of March, 1886, and the further Amounts required to be authorized for Expenditure during the Year 1886-7, and for Liabilities to exist at the End of that Year.

Item No. Class of Work or Service. Liabilities at End Of March, 18S6. Estimated Amount requirod to be voted for Expenditure during 1886-7. Estimated Amount required to be authorized to cover Expenditure during 1886-7, and also Liabilities current on 31st March, 1887. £ £ & 1 Immigration 7,000 19,200 19,200 2 General Departmental Expenses, including Cost of defending Messrs. Brogden's Claims, and Expenses of Railway Commissions 719 28,000 28,000 Railways— 3 New works —Construction and land 224,113 403,400 900,400 4 Additions to Open Railways 50,160 93,000 150,000 5 Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock 112,072 150,000 220,000 6 Surveys for New Lines of Railway 1,247 3,000 3,000 Total Railways 387,592 709,400 1,273,400 Roads— 7 Roads North of Auckland 32,147 34,600 34,600 8 Main Roads 14,277 24,900 32,100 9 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges 34,881 52,600 69,000 10 Grants-in-aid under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, including Subsidies to Local Bodies 66,884 97,000 122,000 11 Roads to open up Crown Lands 61,372 61,500 147,000 12 Improvements, Village Special Settlements 5,000 5,000 13 Roads on Goldfields 44,789 52,000 78,400 Total Roads 254,350 327,600 488,100 14 Waterworks on Goldfields 14,963 15,100 23,700 15 Purchase of Native Lands, North Island 36,455* 100,000 100,000 16 Telegraph Extension 3,700 21,700 21,700 17 Public Buildings 23,255 112,000 177,500 18 Lighthouses and Harbour Works, including Harbour Defences 164,411 127,800 140,900 19 Charges and Expenses raising Loans 30,000 30,000 20 Contingent Defence 12,500 12,500 •21 Bates on Crown Lands 35,400 35,400 Grand Totals 892,445* 1,538,700 2,350,400 ' These amounts are exclusive of £202,145 prospective liabilities inter into the question of this year's transactions. m account of Native land pun jlmses, which di tot



INDEX TO TABLES. IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WOBKS LOAN. Table 1. —Summary showing Total Expenditure and Liabilities on all Public Wobks out of Page Immigration and Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. 4 ~ 2. —Statement showing Total Expenditube and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Pbovincial Lines, to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. .. S „ 8. —Statement showing Cost op District Railways to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. 0 „ 4.—Statement showing Expenditube and Liabilities on Roads to 31st Mabch, 188G .. 7 ~ 0. —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads undeb the Control op ticti Survey Department to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 „ (i. — Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads usdep, the Control of the Mines Department to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 „ 7.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1886 13 „ B.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Watee-races to 31st March, 1886 .. 14 ~ 9. —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1886 .. 15 ~ 10.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour Works to 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services, out of Immigration and Public Works Fund only, to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.

VV. A. Thomas, Public AVorks Department, 13th May, 1886. Accountant, Public Works.

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1885. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1886. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1886. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 31st March, 1886 Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. Kili 1 ways : 2 Government lines 3 District lines 4, 5, 6 Roads Roads and Bridges Construction Act ... 8 : Water supply on goldfields ... 9 < Telegraphs 7 ! Public buildings io Lighthouses, hurbour works, and harbour defences j Departmental 18 of 1878 Coal exploration and mine development 11 of 1877 ' Aiding "works on Thames Goldfields ] Immigration Purchase of Xative land Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund ... £ s. d. 11,616,754 8 1 2,273,129 15 9 256,380 it 11 492,228 12 8 484,017 2 o 1,420,914 7 5 462,619 10 3 227,596 3 8 10,835 8 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 544,028 3 10 112,160,782 11 11 188,300 o o J 188,300 o o J-329,071 18 7 2,858,582 6 3 9,031 19 2 501,260 11 10 36,009 19 o j 520,027 1 o 86,859 6 3 I 1,507,773 13 8 '33.974 l6 6 59 6>594 6 9 29,632 6 8 257,228 10 4 10)835 8 o £ s. d. 387,592 1 6 254.35° ° " 14,963 o o 3,700 o o 23,255 5 9 164,410 10 3 718 16 11 £ s. d. 12,548.374 13 5 188,300 o o 3,112,932 7 2 516,223 11 10 523,727 1 o 1,531,028 19 5 761,004 17 o 257.947 7 3 10,835 8 o Railways : Government lines. District lines. Roads. Water supply on goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings Ligh 1 houses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Coal exploration and mine development. Aiding works on Thames Gold Fields. Immigration. Purchase of land. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. 50,000 o o 2,093,942 1 11 992,264 6 3 392,218 19 3 808,933 o 6 218,500 o o J 50,000 o o 11,675 2 4 2,105,617 4 3 34,544 10 6 1,026,808 16 9 25,000 o o 417,218 19 3 47,258 3 2 856,191 3 8 218,500 o o 7,000 o o *36,455 9 6 50,000 o o 2,112,617 4 3 1,063,264 6 3 417,218 19 3 856,191 3 8 218,500 o o Totals 1,475,386 6 o 23. 275.72O "3 8 892,445 4 10 24,168,165 18 6 Totals. 21,800,334 7 8 * This is exclusive of £202,144 ios. 6d. prospective liabilities. f This is exclusive of value of Provinci: il Railways taken over by Government.



TABLE No. 2. Total Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1886, and Liabilities on that Date.

2 J_). 1.

Lines op Railway. Total Expenaiture by General Government, 31st March, 1885. New Works. W Additional Works. Expendituke duhikc Yeab 1885-86. Works on Open Lines. i^orks on Open Lines. Permanent- j Total Works way. I on Open Lines. Surveys. Rolling-stock. Additions to. deductions from. Rolling-stock. Exponaiture by General Government, New Works. Works on Open Lines. Liabilities. Surveys. Total Liabilities. Total Expenaiture by General Government, ana Liabilities, 31st March, 1886. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces. Total Expenaiture ana Liabilities, 31st March, 1886. Lines op Railway. „ .. PermanentConstruction. w Total New Works. 31st March, 1886. Kawakawa Whangarei to Eamo Kaipara to Waikato Huntly Branch Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Main Trunk Line—Marton to Te Awamutu Gisborno to Ormon3 Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston Forth Wellington to Woodville Wellington to Foxton Foxton to Waitara .. ... East to West Coast ana Nelson— Nelson to Roundell Greymouth to Rcefton Greymouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau Picton to Awatere Hurunui to Red Post Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbriage Branch Springfieia, Whiteclifis Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxfora to Malvern Whiteeliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, incluaing Port Chalmers Branch Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzer's Kelso to Gore .. Seawara Bush Branch Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line Makarewa to Orepuki .. Thornbury to Wairio .. ] Mararoa Branch Expenses re Brogden's claims Expenses of Railway Commissions.. Compensations and allowances Surveys of New Lines — North Islana Middle Island Stock .. .. .. \ £ s. a. 86,282 16 0 64,031 15 1 1,231,660 11 6 34 10 11 53,155 1 4 £ s. a. 1,105 10 9 629 3 11 £ s. a. 1,215 12 8 £ s. a. 1,105 10 9 1,844 16 7 £ s. d. 636 8 3 854 10 1 25,483 9 4 £ s. d. 168 17 8 £ s. d. 805 5 11 854 10 1 29,478 19 8 £ s. a. £ s. d. 1,246 18 9 1,510 1 6 £ s. a. £ s. d. 89,440 11 5 68,241 3 3 1,253,589 6 2 190 7 9 57,197 1 7 £ s. a. 1,891 13 3 40 9 11 £ s. d. 447 4 6 7 5 7 11,395 16 9 £ s. a. £ s. a. 2,338 17 9 47 15 6 11,395 16 9 2 7 6 509 14 8 £ s. d. 91,779 9 2 68,288 18 9 1,264,985 2 11 192 15 3 57,706 16 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 91,779 9 2 68,288 18 9 1,264,985 2 11 192 15 3 57,706 16 3 Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo. Kaipara to Waikato. Huntly Branch. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Main Trunk Line, Marton to Te Awamutu. Gisbome to Ormond. Wellington to Napier- - Napier to Wooaville and Palmerston North Wellington to Woodville. Wellington to Foxton, Foxton to Waitara. East to West Coast and Nelson — Nelson to Eounaell. Greymouth to Reefton. Greymouth to Hokitika. Westport to Ngakawau. Picton to Awatere. Hurunui to Rea Post. Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line. Oxfora Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbriago Branch. Springfield, Whiteeliffs Branches. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern. • Whiteeliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. Waihemo Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Toitois Branch, Riversdale to Switzer's. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush Branch. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. [ Makarewa to Orepuki. ( Thornbury to Wairio. Mararoa Branch. Expenses re Brogaen's claims. Expenses of Railway Commissions. Compensations ana allowances. Surveys of New Lines— f North Island. I Middle Island. 155 16 10 408 2 8 3,995 10 4 7,550' 5 0 155 16 10 408 2 8 80 9 8 0 9 3,62o'l6 10 2 7 6 500 16 2 8 18 6 104,911 12 11 33,943 15 11 2,440 19 3 12,205 4 0 6,106 10 0 58,338 15 10 12,205 4 0 6,106 10 0 58,338 15 10 2,087 1 7 119,203 18 6 40,050 5 11 60,779 15 1 '5,415 3 2 7,338 7 7 84,267 6 7 5,415 3 2 7,338 7 7 84,267 6 7 124,619 1 8 47,388 13 6 145,047 1 8 124,619 1 8 47,388 13 6 145,047 1 8 4,975 1 7 4,975 1 7 4,975 1 7 4,975 1 7 551,880 19 5 12,129 12 7 12,129 12 7 3,301 3 5 583 17 8 3,885 1 1 4,676 11 3 572,072 4 4 23,642 17 6 3,104 10 0 26,747 7 6 598,819 11 10 598,819 11 10 849,550 9 3 41,403 17 7 1,334,573 1 5 42,748 14 4 411 6 4 18,286 11 11 42,748 14 4 411 6 4 18,286 11 11 4,803 12 8 5,189' 1 4 3,468 14 4 I,738'l9 0 8,272 7 0 6,928 0 4 7,026 16 5 8,442' 4 3 907,598 7 0 41,815 3 11 1,368,229 17 11 12,345 12 4 478 7 10 5,078 8 1 3,268 16 7 3,01911 1 15/614 8 11 478 7 10 8,097 19 2 923,212 15 11 42,293 11 9 1,376,327 17 1 923,212 15 11 42,293 11 9 1,376,327 17 1 171,990 2 4 192,985 8 11 30,109 13 7 210,886 9 9 209,509 18 9 18,722 15 5 702 1 6 3 13 0 2,876 6 11 4,701 0 0 702 1 6 3 13 6 7,577 6 11 Cr. 18 18 0 2,084 6 4 167 1 8 1,730 5 6 225 18 4 182 11 4 281 10 C 207 0 4 2,266 17 8 448 17 8 1,730 5 6 2,014 12 8 1,003 3 4 3,066 17 4 553 16 4 174,913 16 10 196,259 3 5 37,777 0 6 214,402 4 9 219,005 0 1 37,471 9 0 64 5 6 4,061 18 3 172 0 0 20 0 0 236 5 6 20 0 0 4,061 18 3 175,150 2 4 196,279 3 5 41,838 18 9 214,402 4 9 229,738 2 9 39,046 6 7 175,150 2 4 196,279 3 5 41,838 18 9 214,402 4 9 229,738 2 9 39,046 6 7 7,810 19 6 5,926 3 3 12,822 10 4 7,810 19 6 18,748 13 7 9,058 3 10 1,574 17 7 1,074 18 10 10,133 2 8 1,574 17 7 1,668,390 1 10 55,034 12 1 47,560 5 9 89,422 13 3 98,828 9 9 104,750 7 0 73,624 18 1 15,360 0 3 38,291 19 8 70,003 4 5 S,840 18 7 2,032 9 11 193 9 2 1,437 3 4 10,278 1 11 2,032 9 11 193 9 2 9,685 2 9 115 13 4 4 10 0 1,294 7 8 11 13 11 258 9 1 951 0 8 789 15 4 10,636 3 5 115 13 4 4 10 0 1,294 7 8 789 15 4 11 13 11 258 9 1 •15,212 18 G 1,704,517 5 8 55 ,150 5 5 47,564 15 9 90,717 0 11 99,618 5 1 106,794 10 10 74,070 16 4 15,360 0 3 42,937 4 10 82,207 13 3 450 16 1 166 6 8 3,109 16 6 46 6 8 67 10 9 344 2 8 15 0 0 3,560 12 7 46 6 8 67 10 9 510 9 4 15 0 0 1,708,077 18 3 55,196 12 1 47,564 15 9 90,784 11 8 99,618 5 1 107,305 0 2' 74,091 16 4 15,360 0 3 46,820 6 3 85,929 2 8 416,135 0 0 240,500 0 0 75,124 0 0 2,124,212 18 3 55,196 12 1 47,564 15 9 331,284 11 8 99,618 5 1 107,305 0 2 149,215 16 i 15,360 0 3 40,820 G 3 85,929 2 8 4,02012 8 12,196 12 8 4,020 12 8 12,196 12 8 624 12 6 7 16 2 624'12 6 7 16 2 3,883 1 5 3,721 9 5 3,883 1 5 3,721 9 5 53,525 2 11 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 33 18 7 33 18 7 53,559 1 6 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 53,559 1 6 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 53,559 1 6 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 2,592,345 17 6 31,467 11 0 5,522 12 4 36,990 3 4 •15,212 18 7 2,644,548 19 5 21,633 4 8 21,633 4 8 2,666,182 4 1 82,258 17 3 2,748,441 1 4 34,607 13 8 20,232 8 10 7,283 12 11 14,573 18 0 169,228 15 4 40,469 17 0 21,441 11 10 20,372 9 2 93,190 18 0 27,004 5 10 3,768 9 6 602 2 5 6,834 3 3 191,389 13 4 6,636 8 1 5,130 7 5 9,725 8 8 67 4 8 99 0 3 t20 11 6 4,S17 7 4 9,083 9 0 6,636 8 1 9,947 14 9 18,808 17 8 67 4 8 99 0 3 20 11 6 248 5 9 937 14 9 9 10 0 232 0 2 114 10 4 248 5 9 937 14 9 9 10 0 232 0 2 114 10 4 34,855 19 5 27,170 3 7 7,283 12 11 14,583 8 0 169,400 15 6 53,106 5 1 31,503 16 11 39,181 0 10 93,290 1 4 27,397 7 3 3,789 1 0 602 2 5 10,378 1 8 267,218 9 5 918 9 7 365 5 2 583 10 2 44 13 1 225 1 2 5 15 0 441 17 10 26' 0 0 23o' 9 8 5 15 0 441 17 10 20 0 0 918 9 7 600 14 10 583 10 2 235 18 10 310 1 2 34,861 14 5 27,612 1 5 7,283 12 11 14,5«3 8 0 169,480 15 6 54,024 14 8 32,104 11 9 39,764 17 0 93,526 0 2 27,707 8 5 3,789 1 0 602 2 5 11,936 1 6 318,421 5 1 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 72,361 14 5 85,621 1 5 20,112 12 11 44,274 8 0 169,480 15 6 54,024 14 8 32,104 11 9 39,764 17 0 93,526 0 2 27,707 8 5 3,789 1 0 602 2 5 11,936 1 6 318,421 5 1 31 18 8 294 1 2 31 18 8 294 1 2 19l' 5 9 85 0 0 3,543 18 5 75,828 16 1 3,543 18 5 75,828 16 1 1,557 19 10 51,202 15 8 1,557 19 10 51,202 15 8 289,826 18 0 555 7 1 469 3 0 1,024 10 1 290,851 8 1 607 19 0 607 19 6 291,459 7 7 91,937 5 2 383,396 12 9 200,944 8 8 2,909 1 4 12,237 10 0 15,146 11 4 829 18 11 829 18 11 222,920 18 11 360 15 11 837 19 4 1,198 15 3 224,119 14 2 60,297 0 0 284,416 14 2 15,605 13 4 5,422 4 11 4,350 7 3 564 7 9 1,184 3 2 1,184 3 2 16,849 16 6 5,422 4 11 4,350 7 3 564 7 9 4,871 11 11 4,871 11 11 21,721 8 5 5,422 4 11 4,350 7 3 564 7 9 21,721 8 5 5,422 4 11 4,350 7 3 56-1 7 9 16,612 6 4 36,117 2 4 272,822 17 6 517 3 5 17,129 9 9 36,117 2 4 } 1,246 12 9 1,246 12 9 54,493 4 10 54,493 4 10 11,616,754 8 1 Cr. 24,896 19 8 I •• 52,314 19 6 300,240 17 4 112,072 7 5 112,072 7 5 412,313 4 9 412,313 4 9 Stock. Totals 12.160,782 11 11 336,184 18 7 1,104,281 2 5 13,652,655 15 10 Totals. 11,591,857 8 5 302,307 15 0 46,314 12 8 348,622 7 8 90,962 i 7 18,378 16 0 109,341 0 7 517 3 5 117,994 16 10 7,550 5 0 50,160 10 2 1,246 12 9 387,592 1 6 12,548,374 13 5 Charj ;erl as unauthorized. * This rollinj [-stock is common to both main ind bri inch li: ■s see noi ;e on Table



TABLE No. 3. STATEMENT showing Cost of District Railways.

Agreement of Public Works Tables of Expenditure on Eailways, with Return No. 6 attached to Report of General Manager for Railways. Expenditure to 31st March, 1886, on railways constructed by General £ s. d. £ s. d. Government (as per Table No. 2) .. .. .. .. .. 12,160,782 11 11 Purchase of district railways (as per Table No. 3) .. .. .. 324,736 5 9 Valuation of provincial lines (as per Table No. 2) .. .. .. 1,104,281 2 5 Expended on Greymouth and Westport Harbour works, forming part of railway system (as per Table No. 10) .. .. .. .. 141,341 2 1 —— 13,731,141 2 2 Less expenditure on permanent-way for a tramway from Gisborne to Ormond, which is charged in railway expenditure (Table No. 2) .. .. .. 4,975 1 7 Leaves amount shown by General Manager for Railways .. .. .. £13,726,166 0 7

Expenditure to 31st March, 1886. Amounts still to be paid on account of Open Line. Amounts still to be paid on account of Line under Construction. Total. Estimated Cost of Construction of Section not yet commenced. Grand Total. Thames Valley-Rotorua— Morrinsville-Litohfleld .. £ s. d. 115,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 41,387 7 11 £ s. a. 156,387 7 11 & s. a. £ s. d. Putaruru-Eotorua 180,000 0 0 j |336,387 7 11 Wainiate 33,913 0 0 33,913 0 0 33,913 0 0 Eakaia-Ashburton Forks .. 73,335 17 10 73,335 17 10 73,335 17 10 Duntroon-Hakateramea .. 61,100 0 0 61,100 0 0 61,100 0 0 Totals *188,335 17 10 95,013 0 41,387 7 11 324,736 5 9 180,000 0 0 504,736 5 9 * £35 17s. lOd, of this amount was paid out ot Consolidated Fund, and the remainder, £188,300, out of Public Works Fund.



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that date.

3-D. 1.

Expenditure) to 31st March, 1885. Expenditure during 12 Mouths ended 31st March, 1836. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contraots, Ac, 31st March, ls»6. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. ,oads, Bridges, and Wiiabves, Norm of Auckland £ s. d. 102,101 16 7 £ s. d. 33,102 17 10 £ b. d. 195,204 14 5 £ s. d. 32,140 19 11 £ s. d. 227,111 14 4 Cain Rchps : — Cambridge to Taupo Cambridge to Rotorua Taurangn, East Cape, Whal<atane,TeTelco, and sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Tauranga to Napier, via Taupo Kurupapanga to inland Patea Seventy-Mile Bush Mar.awatu Gorge Road Nelson, Tophouse, and Tarndale Nelson, Westport, and G-reymouth ... Inangahua Bridge, maintenance . . Slain road through Pelorus District and Rai Valley ... Haast Pass Track... Hokitika to Christchureh ... OtiraToll Roads and bridges in Native districts 1,046 10 0 13,164 7 9 3,606 8 10 10,607 12 4 4,500 0 0 58,334 5 7 116,520 19 6 3,192 18 0 33,946 5 8 267 10 6 505 1 )0 1,100 5 II 3,423 13 2 500 0 0 1,992 0 0 270 12 8 481 2 9 5,282 15 0 110 11 0 1,314 1 0 13,729 9 7 4,700 14 9 14,031 5 6 5,000 0 0 00,320 5 7 116,813 12 2 8,674 1 3 39,229 0 8 110 11 0 240 0 <J 434 0 I 2,102 14 5 152 19 7 720 0 0 98 7 3 413 0 3 3,305 16 4 39 13 9 1,554 1 9 14,163 10 1 6.SG9 9 2 14,181 5 1 5.000 0 0 61,010 5 7 110,911 19 5 4.1 87 1 6 42,594 17 0 150 4 9 24,269 19 7 2,308 1 4 78,647 7 4 3,919 12 10 140 16 0 7,695 7 3 500 0 0 505 17 9 28,189 12 5 2,454 17 10 86,342 14 7 500 0 0 11.300 11 3 286 10 2 883 1 2 5,171 2 4 28,476 8 7 3,337 19 0 91,513 16 11 500 0 0 11.070 15 0 10,791 13 6 370 3 9 Total* 300,955 10 5 20,833 7 2 387,788 17 7 14,277 16 3 40^,066 13 1< Iiscelianeous Roads and Bridges:— Great South Road Waikomiti Bridge and approaches ... Payment to Ferryman, Port Waikato Road from Pukekohe Railway-station to Waiuku Punt at Tuakau ... Road, Tuhikaramea to Hamilton Road, Raglan to Waipa Bridge over Waikato at Hamilton, contribution Road, Cambridge to Tauranga Road, KatikalitoTeAroha (horse-track) Road, Thames to Tauranga... Repairing flood damages, Cook County Sundry roads and bridges, Auckland Bay of Islands District Mangere Bridge .., Thames ... Waikato... Bay of Plenty Poverty Bay Taupo Tools, &c. Main road, Mahurangi to Whangarei .. Road from Pukekohe Railway-station, through East Pukekohe, to Bombay Eoad to Buckland Stalion ... Bridge over Waipa,on Raglan Main Road Road, Te Awamutu Station to Township To free Hamilton Bridge from tolls ... Waimapu Bridge... Repairing Hood damages at the Thames Thames County Thames Borough Tararu Tramway ... Eoad, Taurai'ga to Opotiki... „ Ormond to Opotiki ... „ Hamilton to Cambridge ,, Coromandel to Thames „ „ Port Charles ... „ „ Tairua „ Maungatavvhiri Valley „ Maketu to Ararimu ... „ to Ohaupo Station ... ,, Whau to Henderson's Creek ... ,, Eukuliia Swamp ,, South Bombay to Paparata ... „ Tuakau to Waikato .. Sundry roads, Waitoa District Eoad, Wade to Wainui Eoad, i Iclensville to Kaukapakupa ... Komorau Bridge ... Eoad, Whangaroa to Kaeo ... Clark's Road Eoad to Omaha Wharf 8(5 18 8 150 0 0 7 10 0 5,274 2 1 270 9 6 500 0 0 1,389 12 0 284 12 3 3,400 0 0 4,054 8 0 1,490 12 0 8.708 14 'I 31,903 l(i £ 15,486 7 8 75 2 f 27,582 11 7 90,048 19 11 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 0 129 15 E 15 2 2 300 0 0 1,006 4 f315 10 3 6,700 0 ( 5,055 3 ( 077 7 0 11813 0 350 0 0 157 13 2 169 0 0 42(3 4 0 764 5 8 150 0 0 7 10 0 5,274 2 1 270 9 6 500 0 0 1,508 5 6J 284 12 3 3,750 0 0 3 57 13 2 4,823 8 0 1,490 12 0 9,134 18 2 34,903 1G 5 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 27 5H2 11 7 90,018 19 11 21,199 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 16 2 2 300 0 ( 1,000 4 >• 315 10 ? (5,700 0 C 5,055 3 < 108 1S 0 18 14 9 250 0 i 212 6 10 500 0 0 1,669 8 8 704 5 8 150 0 0 7 10 0 5,274 2 1 270 9 6 500 0 0 1,617 0 6 303 7 0 4,000 0 0 400 0 0 5,323 8 0 1,490 12 0 10,704 6 10 34,903 10 5 15,480 7 8 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 90,018 19 11 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 15 2 2 300 0 0 10,16 4 8 315 16 3 0,700 0 0 5,055 3 0 4,928 10 ( 2,452 10 ( 1,000 0 ( 100 0 c 912 18 {■ 100 0 0 200 0 ( 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 l"0 0 < 250 0 V 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 C 50 0 ( 400 0 C 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 4,928 10 C 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 912 18 t 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 ( 400 0 ( 693 1 £ 100 0 ( 50 0 0 400 0 C 103 0 0 658 19 ] 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 912 18 8 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 103 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 633 1 8 103 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 mo o o 658 19 1 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 a Carried forward 1,898 17 8 255,363 11 4 2,089 5 3 258,052 16 253,464 13 8



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1835. Expenditure duriug 12 Months ended SlstMaroli, J88S. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1836. Liabilities on Authorii ies, Conducts, &c., Slut March, Ib8t) Total Expenditure and Liabilities, IlSCEIXASEOUS ROADS AND BeIDGES — coiUimted. Brought forward Road, Stokes Point to Lucas Creek ... ,, Lake District... Removal of snags, Thames River Wbatawhata Bridge Coromandel Wharf Coromandcl to Mercurv Bay Road, Aroha Township to Gold Mines Removal of punt, Te Kori to Churchill Removal of Churchill punt... Road between Manawatu and Makotuku Rivers, Ormondville Sundry roads and bridges, Hawke's BayRoads, Napier District Roads, Wairoa Tools, &e. Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour Bridge over Wangaehu Bridge approach, Orepuhi ... Road, Foxton to Olaki, inland Grrant-in-aid for bridge over Manawatu Eiver ... Roads in Fitzherbert Block Sundry roads, Wellington ... Patea to AVanganui Wangnnui to Taupo Hutt to Lowry Bay Tools, &o. Bridge over Waiohine Paraiuiretu Block ... To relieve Warganui Bridge from tolls Deviation,Karori Koadnr. Waterworks Wavcrley to Patea Koad Manawatu Bridge at Foxton Roads and bridges in unsettled districts, Fatea and Taranaki Completion of Great South Road between Opunake and Manaia Bridge over Stony River, and approaches Inglewood to W'hiteeliffs ... Henwood and Upland Road Sundry roads, Taranaki New Plymouth, inland Haweni to Waitara Wai-iti to Patea ... Tools, &c. Waverley to Patea Road General salaries, &c. Refund expenses, T. Kelly, Mountain Road Commission Roads, Lower Moutere, flood damages Bridge over Granity Creek... Bridge over Owen Creek Horse-bridge over Matakitaki Bridge over Matiri River ... Bridge over Inangahua, at Buller Junction Bridges on roncl, Nelson to Reefton ... Bridge over Little Grey, at Dcvery's... Bridge over Grey, at Cobden Bridge over Waiati, in Amuii County Bridge over Waiau. at Haimier Plain... Sundry roads and bridges, Kelson Buller to Arnould Main Road to Boatman's ... Westport to Lyell Ah aura to Amuri Nile Bridge Takaka Valley Collingwood to Quartz Range Takaka Eoad Takaka Tramway Bridge over Wairoa, in Waimea District Bridge over Inangahua, at Reefton ... Bri( ge over Ahaura Trni ks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Pounds Bridge over Wairau, near Blenheim... Bridge over Clarence River... Road, Kaikoura to Clarence £ s. d. 253,4(!4 13 8 100 0 0 20:1 0 0 G36 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 (i 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 430 0 0: 400 0 0 32,189 19 2! 1,212 7 8 248 15 0 625 16 1 5C0 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 2.002 10 0 1,050 5 3 278 6 8 36,275 18 9 5.37G 18 1 290 0 0 504 9 8 13 15 6 149 0 0 17.000 0 0 153 1 8 130 0 0 0 18 0 48,290 1G 3 2,940 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 993 12 10 250 3 0 3.760 17 3 14.469 19 2 58.5C6 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 0 402 18 8 £ s. d. 1,898 17 b 8 9 6 500 0 0 61 14 1 £ s. dJ I 255,363 11 4 100 0 0! 2C0 0 0 630 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 450 0 0 408 9 fi 32,189 19 2 1,212 7 8 248 15 0 625 16 1 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 2,002 16 0 1,050 5 3 340 0 9 36,275 18 9 5,37 G 18 1 280 0 0 504 9 8 13 15 (< 149 0 0 17.C0O 0 0 K3 1 8 130 0 0 0 18 0 48,296 16 3 2,946 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 993 12 10 250 3 0 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58.5CG 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 Ci 402 18 8 £ a. d. 2,089 5 3 34 3 4 54 0 0 £ s. d. 238,052 1G 7 lnO 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14. 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 450 0 0 408 9 6 32,189 19 2 1,212 7 8 2-18 15 0 625 10 1 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 599 10 9 2,002 1G 0 1,050 5 3 374 4 1 8R.276 18 9 5,376 18 1 280 0 0 501 9 8 13 15 6 149 0 0 17,000 0 0 153 1 8 130 0 0 0 18 0 48,29G 16 3 3,000 0 0 1,151 6 2 5,000 0 0 993 12 10 250 3 0 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,5G6 6 9 254 4 2 70 0 0 402 18 8 19 8 0 1,515 G 7 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 146 12 3 19 8 0 1,661 18 10 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 889 13 i 2,841 16 0 89 16 4 19 8 0 1,751 15 2 762 19 11 1,797 10 1 808 7 7 2,841 1G 0 889 13 2 8 14 5 2,841 1G 0 8,629 11 4 3,870 18 1 4,971 8 £ 11,240 14 11 124 1 5 408 1G 4 73,1S7 4 & 844 10 0 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 21 6 0 3,000 0 0 3 18 0 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 21 13 E 19 17 0 2,552 19 9 9 19 3 8,051 5 1 19 17 0 3,870 18 ] 4,971 8 £ 11,240 14 11 2,677 1 5 418 15 7 73,197 4 k 844 10 ( 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,( 00 0 0 507 1 1 21 6 C 3,000 0 ( 3 18 ( 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 178 1 C 120 3 0 11,137 5 9 272 2 4 8,829 6 7 110 0 0 3,870 18 1 4,071 8 5 11,240 14 11 13,814 G 11 (590 17 11 73,197 4 8 841 10 0 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 1G 4 2,0i 0 0 0 507 1 1 21 G 0 3,000 0 0 3 18 0 2,099 6 7 125 14 0 348 6 1 4,162 15 9 9,086 13 7 1,001 15 4 2,395 8 7 278 10 9 348 6 1 4,162 15 El 12,382 2 2 1,283 6 1 0.303 13 6 348 6 1 4,162 15 9 18,685 15 8 1,283 6 1 Carried forwar. 1 638,885 8 8 8,783 15 9i 647,fi69 4 5 20,887 5 5 638,556 9 10



TABLE NO. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure Expenditure during to 12 Mouths ended 31st March, 18S5. 31st March, 28SJ. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1836. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, issli. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges — voullttue'i. Brought forward Road, Kuikouru to Waiau ... Wharf at Uavelock Sundry Roads & Bridges, Marlborough Roads, Grey mouth to Okarito Bridge over Teremakau, Kmnara Bridge over Donnelly's Creek Exten ion of road south of Ok'irito ... Sundry loads, &c., Westland Dray-road through Cheviot Hill Country Bridge over Grey, at C'obden Greyinouth to Arnould South Creek to Main Line ... Junction Line Greenstone to Lake Brunner Marsden to Maori Creek Marsden to Paroa Stillwater to Maori Gully ... ICanieri Forks, Kanieri Lakes Hokitika to Bluespur Kanieri Bridge Waimea Bridge ... Wosi land, general Bridge over Upper Waitaki Bridge, Ashburton, subsidy to county of half cost Sundry roads, Canterbury ... Completion of road, Waikari to Waitati Completion of road from Maori Kaika to Taiaroa Head Lighthouse Anderson's Bay Road Road, Green Island to Brighton Bridge over Taieri, Main (South Road Bridges over Clutba at Beaumont and Roxburgh, grant-in-aid towards roereetion Bridge over Mataura, Otama District, grant-in-aid Sundry roads and bridges, Olago Road, Stewart Island Queenstown Jetty Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai, on M»in South Road Subsidy to complete Clutha Bridge ... Bridge over Oreti at Elbow Warrington Road Bridge over Clutria at Alexandra, grant-in-aid 'Expenditure under Miscellaneous Public Works Votes (see Table No. 7 of 1884) & s. d. £ b. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ a. d. C3S,885 8 8J 7,200 18 9 441 G 10 103,417 12 11 1,079 18 0 2,010 13 7 1,033 10 0 8,783 15 9 15,078 17 1 254 17 11 647,669 4 5 22,31.5 15 10 441 (i 10 25 1. 17 11 103,417 12 11 1.079 IS 0 2 010 13 7 1,033 10 0 GOO 20,887 5 5 1,743 12 10 121 7 0 068,550 9 10 24,0S9 8 8 411 0 10 379 4 11 103,117 12 1L 1,079 18 0 2010 ]3 7 1,033 10 0 32 1 0 G 9 0 25 12 0 100 8 0 13 10 0 5,"58 1 5 281 17 G 3,923 9 5 2,750 5 0 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 0 1,578 1 0 2,520 3 5 489 15 0 207 12 G 2,618 13 3 510 18 3 100 8 0 18 10 0 5,0 8 15 2-0. 17 G 3,923 9 5 2,750 5 G 2,588 3 0 79S 8 0! 1,869 2 0 1,578 1 0 2,520 3 5 481) 15 0 207 12 6 2,013 13 3 510 18 3 100 8 0 13 10 0 5,058 1 5 281 17 G 3,1)23 9 5 2750 5 G 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,889 2 0 1,578 1 0 2,520 3 5 489 15 0 207 12 6 2,G13 13 3 510 18 3 443 11 5 3,011 6 4 7,000 0 0 307 19 3 210 0 0 7,000 0 0 751. 10 8 3,257 G 4 29 3 9 7,000 0 0 780 14 5 3,257 6 4 200 8 0 100 0 0 990 13 0 5,053 17 0 552 14 8 753 2 9 li'0 0 0 990 18 0 7,959 3 9 147 5 9 900 8 0 100 0 0 990 13 0 11.908 4 2 2,905 6 3 3,949 0 5 6,011 11 5 2,260 17 10 8,272 9 3 7,559 6 5 15,831 15 8 1,998 17 2 245 10 9 217 19 11 1,998 17 2 493 1G 8 414 12 7 1,998 17 2 908 9 3 453 2 3 400 0 0 453 2 3 400 0 0 453 2 3 400 0 0 456 0 0 2,500 0 0 9 0 0 200 0 0 45G 0 0 2,500 0 0 9 0 0 200 0 0 456 0 0 2,500 0 0 9 0 0 200 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,030 0 0 5,000 0 0 318,918 10 3 318,918 10 3 318,943 10 3 Totals 1,125,477 11 7 37,G14 17 3 1,103,092 8 10 34,880 G 2 1,197,972 15 0 GltANTS-IN-AID : — Grants-iii-aid under "The Roads and I! i lges Construction Act, 1882 " Grants to complete works already commenced Portion of subsidies to local bodies ... Contingencies and subsidies to local bodies lor pro\iding work for unemployed 25G,3S0 11 111 90,021 8 3 1,728 o o 35,032 1 4! 353,002 0 : 1,725 0 ( 35,032 1 20.111 5 1 L3,6 '0 0 0 2j,8uS 0 0 379,113 5 3 15,334 0 0 01,500 1 4 4,066 14 1 4,066 14 1.275 It 3 5,312 8 7 Totals 256,830 11 11 138,045 3 11 394,425 15 J t:G,S^3 19 4 461,309 15 2 SUMMARY. Roads, Bridges, &c, North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges ghants-in-aid ... , Roads to open tip Lands (see Table N... 5) Through Lands eecentlt purchased (see Table No. 5, 1883) Goldpields Roads («ee Table No. 0) Payiiknts to Road Boards (see Table No. 11, 1877) 102,101 10 7 300.955 10 5 1,125,477 11 7 250,380 11 11 32G.395 6 7 •38,162 17 10 26,838 7 2 87,614 17 3 138,013 3 11 61,791 4 G 195.204 14 I 887,788 17 ', 1,163,092 8 li 891,426 15 11 388,189 11 ] 32,140 19 11 14,277 10 3 31,880 0 2 (iG,Sj3 19 4 01,371 19 3 227.411 14 4 4 2,000 13 10 1,1.97,072 15 0 461,309 15 2 419,561 10 4 21,527 14 5 51,671 10 2 81,621* 7 11 21,527 14 6 83,293 4 ] 44,7S9" 0 0 21,527 14 5 128,082 4 1 225,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 Grand Totals 2,529,510 7 8 329,071 18 7 251,350 0 11 3,112,932 7 2 2,S58,5S2 G 2 * For the distribution of this expenditure under the several roads, see Table No. 7 of 1884, which should be referred to in ascertaining tho otal expenditure on road-lines mentioned in this table.



TABLE No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads under the Control of the Minister of Lands, to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.

„ ,., ExpenJiture Total Liabilities on m , , Expenditure duri . 12 Expenditure Authorities, ' F J ot*\ n1 . *° r , Months ended to Contracts, &c, B^¥* 0W 31st March, 31st Maroh 31st March, 31st March, rJSSi 188°- 1886. 1886. 1880. ] ■biablllfcleslOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEFOBE SALE. Kurlh Island. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .uckland — Kaihu to Kaikohe Homestead Blocks, Manganui Pakiri Block Wairua to Sandy Bay Wairua to Helena Bay Whangarei through Taheke Puma and Mangakahia Tangihua No. 3 .. Manganui Bluff to Kaihu .. Takahuc to Mangonuiowae Okaihu to Victoria Valley.. Helensvillo to Kaipatiki Waikato to Block XVI., Awaroa Lake Whangape to Blk. VII., Awaroa Hikutaia to Oliinemuri Tauranga to To Puke and Matata .. Opotiki to Waiotahi Opotiki to Ormond Te Aroha Block Takahue to Herd's Point Block II., Tangihua .. _ .. Wairoa and Waikaremoana bridletrack through the Waiau District, Poverty Bay Huihuitaha to Patetere .. Buakituri Block Ormond to Waiapu Gisbomo to Waimata Gisborne to Wairoa Taupo, /"</ Rotoaira and Murimotu, to West Coast Katikati to Te Aroha Tolago Bay to Arakihi Kohukohu to Eahutapu Ohuka to Waikaremoana .. Whantraroa to Kahuru Hamilton-Whatawhata Drain Warci'cnga Road Waimamaku Bridge Awaroa Swamp, drains and roads .. Paparoa to Waikiekie Otamarakau Bridge Pakoka Bridge Churchill Punt Otonga Bridge Kawhiato Waipa.. Rotorua to Galatea via Rotomahana Galatea to Te Kapu via Waikaremoana Alexandra to Hikurangi .. Wangaro to Akatea Akaaka Swamp Waihou Perry through Komata Whiriwhiri Awaroa Swamp Puriri to Tairoa Draining Tatarariki Drain, Te Aroha Cabbage Bay to Capo Colvillo Miscellaneous 'aranaki — Road through bush, Waimate Plains Roads oast of Stratford Bush land inland of Patea Continuous Reserve (to bo refunded) Mountain Road to blks. under survey Opening up Iluiroa Block.. Huiroa Block, bridge over Manganui River To complete bush-felling, Stratford.. Through parts of Blocks I., II., V., VI., X., Ngairo District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire District Block X., Iluiroa Egmont District Kahouri Bridge .. Eltham and Branch Roads Native Trust Blocks Tronsand Blocks Taviki Road Road through bush, Waimate Plains 385 1 0 414 15 6 282 7 C 1,540 3 6 1,041 10 2 862 9 10 1,411 5 3 827 8 2 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 71 3,794 14 9 2,236 5 7 3,806 19 11 3,035 10 41 4,022 7 7 12,853 0 11 502 10 0 9,980 3 11 5,037 19 C 2,712 18 5 635 6 0 544 18 C 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 7,920 10 1 2,750 9 6; 7.42L 16 0 1 4,583 2 1 785 11 1 53 1 0! G8 2 0! 100 0 01 873 10 0 .. 23 8 0 1,649 10 4 109 0 3 2,962 12 0 121 13 0 4,541 10 0 1,490 0 0 2,100 8 0 1,691 2 8 185 0 0 ICG 18 0 292 11 0 577 7 9 372 15 0 159 18 9 378 19 0 385 1 0 414 15 6 282 7 0 1,540 3 6 1,041 10 2 885 17 10 1,411 5 3 827 8 2; 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 7 5,444 5 1 2,236 5 7 3,806 19 11! 3,035 10 4 4,022 7 7 12,902 1 2 562 10 0| 12,948 15 11 5,162 12 6 2,712 18 5 635 6 0 544 18 6 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 12,462 6 1 4,240 9 0 9,528 4 0 6,274 4 9 785 11 1 53 1 0 253 2 0 100 0 0 980 8 0 292 11. 0 577 7 9 372 15 6 159 18 9 378 19 0 85 0 0 250 0 0 4 12 0 346 18 9 8G1 10 3 158 19 7 10 0 0 2,424 8 0 1,808 17 4 1,950 0 0 245 0 0 843 0 0 500 0 0 257 9 0 120 0 0 340 1 3 5 0 0 50 0 0 97 6 0 24 5 9 215 6 4 456 10 0 193 2 6 327 15 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 385 1 0 499 15 6 282 7 6 1,540 3 6 1,291 10 2 890 9 10 1,411 5 3 827 8 2 4,018 15 0 2,931 7 7 5,791 3 10 2,230 5 7 3,800 19 11 3,035 10 4 4,022 7 7 12,962 1 2 502 10 0 13,810 6 2 5,321 12 1 2,712 18 5 635 6 0 544 18 6 705 8 2 2,149 14 4 12,462 6 1 4,250 9 6 11,952 12 0 7.5S3 2 1 785 11 1 2,008 1 0 498 2 0 100 0 0 1,823 8 0 500 0 0 550 0 0 G97 7 9 372 15 6 500 0 0 383 19 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 249 10 0 1,582 2 0 999 19 6 971 0 0 717 12 10 500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 3 10 0 2 14 0 221 14 3 1,366 15 8 543 3 0 777 17 6 389 17 10! 2 14 0 225 4 3 1,360 15 8 543 3 6 777 17 6 389 17 10 100 0 0 150 0 0 350 0 C 328 14 2 100 o 0 150 0 0 350 0 0 2,281 2 0 1,464 8 6 487 19 4 1,952 7 10 15,714 8 9 1,108 4 11 1,340 14 11 5,045 10 4 890 14 0 906 0 9 781 1 3 15,714 8 9 1,108 4 11 1,340 14 11 5,045 10 4! 890 14 0 906 0 9 781 1 3 15,714 8 1,108 4 11 1,340 14 11 5,045 10 4 890 14 0 900 0 9 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 1,146 3 G 1,146 3 0 1,140 3 G 745 17 0 158 12 0 745 17 0 158 12 0 600 0 0 2,071 15 3 Cr. £0 4 1 254 15 0 921 9 3 745 17 0 158 12 0 600 0 0 3,251 15 3 649 15 11 498 9 6 1,571 9 3 1,150 0 0 325 19 4 600 0 0 2,345 15 11 Cr. 50 4 1 239 15 6 921 9 3 580 0 0 700 0 0 243 14 0 650 0 0 1,150 0 0 15 0 0 Carrried forward 122,076 9 3 24,018 IS 11 140,695 8 2 17,027 15 11 1G3.723 4 1



TABLE No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1885. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1886. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1886. Liabilities on I T , , Authorities, ! „ , al. Contracts, &oj Expenditurs 31st March, I T . ? 1} a. 1886. ! LlabllltieslOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEFORE SALE — continued. Brought forward North Island —continued, 'aranaki— continued. Bush land inland of Waverley Pukearnho to Mokau Bridge on Stratford-Opunake Koad Inglewood to Waitara Miscellaneous lawke's Bay— Puketitiri"Block .. Norsewood District, Ngamoko, and Maharahara Ahuturanga Block Tautane and Tahoraite Tukituki to Waipawa Mohaka and Waitara Waitara Block Umutaoroa Block Maharahara Block Victoria and Bush-mills Settlements Wairoa to Eotolsaiaranga.. Makaretu, Te Olm Miscellaneous .. Vcllington— Pahiatua, Mangaone, &c. Repairs, Fitzherbert Bridge Eoads, Fitzlierbcrt Block Otamakapua avid Waitapu East side of Pohangina River Momahaki Block.. Tokomaru Block .. WanganUi to Murimotu Marton to Murimotu Eangitumau Block Eandon Township Wairarapa East .. Mungaroa to Waikanae Miscellaneous Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston N. Blocks V., VI., IX., X., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston N., 24 miles, to open 8,582 acres Karewarewa Block Paratieke Crown land, Mangahao and Mangatainoke Kaiwhata Otairi Block Mikimiki Makakahi Road Road, Wairoa Survey District Kaironga Drain Miscellaneous £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 122,076 9 3 24,618 18 11 146,G95 8 2 17,027 15 11 163,723 4 1 100 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 1C0 0 0 400 0 0 1,CCO 0 0 520 0 0 2,709 1C 6 520 0 C 2,709 1G C 520 0 0 2,709 16 6 1,883 7 11 6,289 3 8 985 1 5 151 G 4 781 0 G 229 0 £ 9 10 9 25 0 C 3,904 11 1 1,883 7 11 10,193 14 '. 985 1 £ 151 G 4 781 0 t 1,441 11 ', 1,755 10 1] 636 7 ( 268 14 ', 19 19 ( 800 0 C 1,883 7 11 10,993 14 9 985 1 5 151 6 4 781 0 G 2,C41 11 7 1,875 10 9 800 0 0 1,015 9 i 500 0 0 1,212 10 1( 1,746 0 S Gil 7 ( 268 14 ', 19 19 ( 600 0 C 119 19 It 163 12 I 746 14 I 480 1 0 510 18 C 99 5 \ 610 4 ] 500 0 ( 1,110 4 1 16,054 9 6 500 0 0 400 0 C 1,678 6 10 252 15 0 2,350 10 5 1,202 10 2 2,COO 0 0 1,470 G G G03 8 6 1,430 7 9 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 336 6 3 3,738 8 0 865 17 C 989 11 4 186 17 6 441 10 0 52 19 11 21G 17 0J 600 0 0 322 19 0 17,520 7 t 500 0 ( 400 0 C 2,667 18 S 439 12 C 2,792 0 i 1,255 10 1 2,216 17 ( 2,070 C C 926 2 C 1,430 7 t 1,500 0 ( 4,373 2 1] 336 6 8 3,738 8 C 1,325 13 4 1,027 11 f G50 0 C 350 0 ( 187 0 1 783 3 ( 400 0 t 640 G C 18,846 0 4 500 0 0 4C0 0 0 3,695 9 10 1,089 12 6 3,142 0 5 1,442 10 2 3,000 0 0 2,470 6 G 1.5CG 8 6 1,430 7 9 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 336 6 3 3,738 8 0 1,524 7 2 1,524 7 2 1,524 7 2 42 12 8 7 2 6 276 9 1 559 10 1 319 1 G 566 12 7 298 10 1] 233 9 11 617 12 8 800 2 6 1,063 0 C 600 0 C 1,063 0 0 600 0 0 9 16 6 9 ig e 240 10 C 250 0 C 250 6 6 250 0 0 350 0 0 371 9 4 350 0 0 371 9 4 350 0 0 371 9 4 Middle Island. Telson — Cobden to Seventeen-Mile Diggings.. Hampden to Maruia Grey Valley to Teremakau Wakefield to Stanley Brook Aorere Valley to Karamea Tadmor and Sherry to Buller Baton to Karamea Marina to Amuri Takaka to Anatoki and Collingwood Takaka to Karamea Aliaura tc Kopara and Amuri Oronoko to Roscdale Brooklands Valley Road Karamea to Mokihinui Turakina and adjacent valleys Maruia to Amuri.. Miscellaneous 1 irlborough— Awatere Valley Road yjstland— Mapourika to Gillcspie's .. Maintain to Haast Mathias Pass Road In the County of Wcstland Kumara to Beach Kokatahi River to Holdtika River .. Moeraki dossing to Otumotu 1,G78 11 0 10,507 5 9 2,6S8 2 1 200 0 0 4,699 7 5 3,757 11 2 200 0 0 205 8 6 74 6 4 289 3 4 1,965 1 8 9G3 14 0 1,678 11 0 10,507 5 9 2,688 2 1 200 0 0 4,699 7 5 3,757 11 2 200 0 0 265 8 6 2,890 3 10 289 3 4 1,963 1 8 963 14 0 1,037 10 C 1,078 11 0 10,507 5 9 2,688 2 1 200 0 0 4,699 7 5 4,795 1 2 200 0 0 2G5 8 6 4,348 8 G 289 3 4 2,065 1 8 963 14 0 175 0 0 1,500 0 0 2,815 17 6 1,458 4 8 100 0 C 250 0 0 250 0 C 175 0 ( 1,250 0 0 366 12 1 49 10 6 289 10 2 49 10 G 650 2 3 1,146 9 6 378 1 1C 1,196 0 0 1,034 4 1 8,484 11 1 8,484 11 1 8,484 11 1 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 1,000 0 0 970 0 0 3 15 0: 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 2,000 0 o 970 0 0 1,510 18 5 8,077 5 0 16,234 16 9 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 2,000 0 0 970 0 0 1,510 18 5 1,000 0 0 1,507 3 5 Carried forward .. .. ! 240,977 13 11 43,637 G 6 284,615 0 51 35,532 14 11 320,147 15 4



TABLE No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c. -continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1885. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 183G. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 18SG. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1886. Total Expenditure) and Liabilities. lOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEFOBE SaLE — continued. Brought forward Middle Iskwd— continued, Vestland — continued. Mount Bonar to Poerua River Wataroa and Waitangi-taone Terennikau to Bell Hill Hoad Waikukupa to Cook's River Flat .. Gillespie'a to Cook's Eiver Flat Cascade Valley Road Miscellaneous Janterbury— Mathias Pass Road To Upper Ashley over Kuku Pass .. Irrigation works, Eyre & Waimakariri Oxford Bush to Upper Ashley Burke's Pass, Mackenzie County .. To deferred-payment lands, Teviotdale To deferred-payment lands, Waikari To village & deferred-payment blocks Blackford to Rcdcliffe Blackhill'sEoad .. Hoad to Mount Cook Blackford Road .. Waihno to Hakateramea, .. Miscellaneous )tago— Beaumont to Miller's Flat Through Blocks VIII. andX., Benger Run K-G Kelso to Greenvalo Tapanui Railway to Run 140 To open up Otago and Southland runs Through Runs 171 and 171a Otara to Waikawa, and bridgo over Tokanui Creek Arrowtown to Crown Terrace Waitahuna to Run 52c Run No. 75 (Boyd's) Education reserves Through Runs 177 and 257 Glenorchy up Roes and Dart Laudei 1 Block Upper Clutha Blocks Waikaia Bush to Clutha Valley Pembroke to Matukituki Block II., Blackstone Taieri Lake, Block XV., Maniototo Taieri Bridge to Nenthorn Bridge .. Waikawa special-settlement blocks.. Waikaia Bu&h Ida Valley Kuiow Run Jetty, Waikawa Harbour .. Pyramid Bridge to Waikaia Taieri River Road Hummockside District Wyndham to Otaraia Miscellaneous Seaward Forest to coast .. Forest Hill Tramway Waikawa to Catlin's Orcpuki to Waiau Branch Road to Forest 11 ill Tomogalak Creek to deferred-pay-ment land Bay Road to Otara Bush Bush land east of Makarcwa Port William to Halfmoon Bay Wyndham, via Mimihau, to Otaraia Waikaka to Pyramid Pyramid Bridge to Waikaia Wendonside .. .. • • Pyramid Bridge .. Otatara Bush West's to Mokohua Waimatuku Bush Blackmount to deferred-payment land Bush land, Makarewa Seaward Moss to Awarua Bay Blocks II. and III., Campbelltow.n.. Hedgehope Road Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island luudry roads iundry roads, Native labour £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 240,977 13 11 43,637 0 0 284,615 0 5 35,532 14 11 320,147 15 4 900 0 C 1,500 0 0 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,920 0 0 1,120 0 0 279 15 6 1,400 0 C 1,000 0 ( 1,920 0 ( 1,120 0 I 279 15 6 279 15 0 2,046 15 10 7,093 3 5 2,724 0 C 3,390 2 S 249 18 1C 1,764 4 11 784 19 1 1,249 15 10 200 0 C 520 0 C COO 0 0 2,046 15 10 7,893 3 5 3,250 0 0 3,990 2 3 249 18 10 1,764 4 11 784 19 1 1,249 15 10 300 0 0 220 0 0 760 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 2,046 15 10 8,193 3 5 3,400 0 0 4,490 2 3 599 18 10 1,704 4 11 784 19 1 1,523 15 10 300 0 0 720 0 0 1,200 0 0 274 0 0 97 G 6 300 0 0 122 13 7 700 0 0 500 0 0 440 0 0 1,069 3 0 71 9 10 109 12 0 71 9 10 1,178 15 0 928 10 0 133 10 0 999 19 10 1,312 5 0 3,500 0 0 l,0C0 0 C 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 12,941 15 7 1,500 0 C 1,000 0 C 1,648 19 5 5,148 19 5 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 12,941 15 7 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 351 0 7 5,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,145 2 3 12,941 15 7 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 C 3,000 0 C 1,821 3 8 321 12 1C 2,559 1 8 1,293 16 9 189 17 9 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,821 3 9 2,559 1 8 1,615 9 7 189 17 9 160 0 0 3,000 0 0 2,559 1 8 300 0 0 610 2 3 340 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 125 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,821 3 9 5,118 3 4 1,915 9 7 800 0 0 500 0 0 3,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 175 0 0 175 0 0 500 0 0 050 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 050 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,351 6 2 4,364 15 11 9,498 14 4 2 14 0 900 0 0 1,494 19 5 4'J9 5 C 1,108 13 4 750 0 C 2,539 3 2 4,519 19 0 5,114 15 11 12,037 17 0 2 14 0 900 0 I 1,494 19 5 499 5 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 260 0 0 500 0 0 49 19 10 1,450 0 0 1,300 0 0 1,278 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 4,509 19 4 6,504 15 11 13,337 17 C 1,280 14 0 900 0 0 1,494 19 5 499 5 0 1,179 18 3 520 0 G 250 0 0 1,179 18 3 520 0 C 250 0 C 399 18 2 200 0 C 200 0 C 100 0 i. 850 0 C 1,179 18 3 520 0 0 230 0 0 999 18 2 200 0 0 2G0 0 0 100 0 0 850 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 9,494 2 11 9 9 0 399 18 2 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 (. 850 0 C 000 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 8,170 19 ', 1,223 3 4 9 9 ( 9,394 2 11 9 9 0 Totals 320,395 0 ', 01,794 i C 3S8.189 11 1 61,371 19 449,501 10



TABLE No. 6. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Goldfields Roads (Class VII.) out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1886, and Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 7. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Expenditure during Twelve Months ending 31st .March, 1880. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1886. Liabilities Tntil on Authorities, PTt ,i°*5L r « Cont.-acts, &x, Expenditure StttMgroh, Lia £mios. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Roads on Goldfields — Moiety of subsidies towards the construction of tracks and minor works, upon a subscription of one-third being contributed 43,511 3 9 15,224 0 0 58,735 3 9 Auckland — Assistance to Piako County Council towards constructing tramway from To Aroha Mountain to batteries Mokau Biver snagging 24,258 0 8 19,253 3 1 6,000 0 0 440 1G 9 6,000 0 0 440 10 9 59 0 C G,C03 0 0 49J 10 0 Nelson— Lycll to Mokihinui >■?'« Eight-Milo Mokihinui Quartz Reefs to Specimen Creek Mokihinui to Karamea via Rough-and-Tumble .. Brighton to Seventeen-Mile Beach via Terraces Improving tracks, Motueka to Collingwood, and Collingwood to Karamea .. Ahaura to Amuri Cobden to Seventeen-Mile Beach Aorero Valley to Karamea Owen Valley Road Wangapeka to Karamea 3,199 17 0 3,818 1 11 1,199 9 4 300 0 0: 891 13 3 2,830 14 G 3,499 17 0 891 13 3 G,G4S 10 5 1,199 9 4 1,354 0 0 608 0 0 5,109 0 0 3,000 0 0 4,853 17 G 1,499 13 3 11,817 1G 5 4,199 9, 78 9 Ci 1,154 3 4 248 19 7 2,42G 10 1 248 19 7 2,504 19 7| 1,154 3 4 250 0 0 42 7 0 0,751 0 0 0,999 19 7 2,504 19 7 1,954 8 4 1,000 0 0 499 7 G 1,500 0 0 250 0 0 42 7 0 800 0 0 750 0 0 457 0 0 1,500 0 0 Mablbohough— Wakamarina Valley 11 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 Canterbury— Road to open up Wilborforce Quartz Reefs 12 10 0 1,718 7 7 1,730 17 7 281 0 0 2,011 17 7 Westland— Browning's Pass to Reef, subsidy £2 for £1 Cedar Creek Road 442 14 0 442*14 0 2,000 0 0 2,557 0 C 2,000 0 0 2,999 14 0 Otago— Arthur's Point to Skipper's Waikaia Bush Hoad Arrowtown to Macetown Quartz Reefs and Motutapu Bush Road to Criffel Diggings Waitaliuna Bridge, on account of reconstruction 2,069 17 3 9,270 G 8 2,534 G 2 241 15 5 5,204 3 5 241 15 5 9,270 G 8 1,771 0 0 758 0 0 1,000* 0 0 G.975 3 5 999 15 5 9,270 0 8 1,000 0 0 750 0 0 750 0 0 Totals 51,071 10 2 31,G21 7 11 83,293 4 1 44,789 0 0 128,082 4 1

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1885. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1886. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1886. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1886. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Judicial Postal and Telegraphic Customs Offices for Public Departments Lunatic Asylums School-buildings Hospitals Miscellaneous Quarantine Stations Survey Parliament Buildings £ s. d. 201,782 4 0 131,541 3 2 4,650 8 2 144,928 6 8 226,042 9 9 664,243 17 0 20,775 0 10 9,838 14 10 3,128 8 5 53 8 11 13,930 5 8 £ s. d. 11,106 8 10 4,879 13 10 98 14 0 4,007 6 2 02,883 17 0 3,299 2 2 £ s. d. 212,888 12 10 130,420 17 0 4,749 2 2 144,928 6 8 230,049 15 11 727,127 14 0 24,074 3 0 9,838 14 10 3,251 8 5 514 13 2 13,930 5 8 £ s. d. 6,094 8 11 1,296 12 9 16 19 1 6,789 14 2 1,400 0 0 7,098 13 1 £ s. d. 218,983 1 9 137,717 9 9 4,766 1 3 144,928 6 8 236,839 10 1 728,527 14 0 31,173 1 1 9,838 14 10 3,562 15 5 761 18 11 13,930 5 8 123 0 0 461 4 3 311 7 0 247 5 9 Totals 1,420,914 7 5 86,859 6 3 1,507,773 13 8 23,255 5 1 1,531,028 19 5



TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-85. Survey and Construction 1885-80. Authorities Authorities on on Construction. Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Kaoe. Subsidies, 1870-85. Subsidies, 1885-86. Totals. Contracts. Totals. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovincial District — Thames. 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 £ MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — ■ Hohonu .. .. ,. Hibernian New River Kanieri Ross Sludge-channel.. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Government Works — Waimea Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point Otago Provincial Distbict — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drain age-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Crifiel Maerewhenua Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 3 7 f 12 5 t 21 5 ( 1 5 C 173, 07G 10 7 22,018 12 4 89,833 19 7 257 1G 7 12,743 16 9 244 9 0 i 6 2 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,490 0 8 10,310 18 4 .. G12 10 0 G40 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 •• " 3,605 1G S 317 19 G 1,439 12 6 - I 1,440*13 9 ! 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 . 1,440 13 9 173,070 10 7 25,024 2 7 I 90,151 19 l! 257 16 7 14,183 9 3 244 9 0 612 10 0 644 G 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 2,150 0 0 610 13 6 550 5 11 217 3 9 200 0 0 3S2 0 o! 351 0 0 •• 1,500 0 0 1,327 0 0 ■■ •• •• 2,331 0 0 •• 1,500 "() 0 1,327 0 0 200 0 0 2,331 0 0 3S2 0 OJ 351 "o 0 1,958 19 ] 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 i 10,312 3 li 1,500 0 ( 2,707 13 £ 173,270 10 \ 27,955 2 r, 90.533 19 1 257 16 ', 14.534 9 i 244 9 I 612 10 ( 644 6 i 9,249 13 1 200 0 ( 2,750 0 C 999 13 ( 850 5 11 1,000 3 i 2,000 0 ( 1,500 0 C MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial Distbict Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Government Works — Waimea. Mikonui. Nelson Provincial Disteict — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. Otago Provincial Distbict Subsi lies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Crifiel. Maerewhenua. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Southland Provincial Distbict Subsidy — Round Hill. Genkbal — Increased water-supply. Depabtmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising,&c. " 150 0 0 610 13 G 550 5 11 217 3 9 .. 600 0 0 3S9 0 C 300 0 0 783 0 0 2,000 0 C GOO 0 0 389 0 0 300 0 0 783 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 - - - - 1,500 0 0 • 65.0GG 3 8 11,203 1 0 700 0 01 65,766 3 8 11,263 1 0 65,766 3 £ 11,263 1 I 1,600 0 C 1,600 0 0 1,000 0 C 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 C 6,515 6 2 6,515 6 'a 200 0 0 200 0 0 6,715 6 i Totals 381,002 5 C '420,551 12 7 2,033 0 Oj Totals. 30,457 8 5 0,063 2 3 2,908 10 11' 9,999 0 0 2,331 0 014,903 0 0 435,514 12 ', SUMMARY. Noetii Island .. .. .. Middle Island 1 80,708 19 3 381,062 5 0 80,708 19 3 2,968 16 11 420,551 12 7 2,633 0 0 2,968 16 11 501,200 11 10 2,633 0 0 9,99g"o 0 2,33l"o 0 I 14,963 0 0 80,708 19 £ 435,514 12 1 SUMMARY. Nobth Island. Middle Island. 30,457 8 5 6,063"2 3 Totals .. ,. 461,771 4 3 6,063 2 3 9,999 0 OJ 2,331 0 o| 14,963 0 oi Totals. 30,457 8 5 516,223 11 1C



TABLE No. 9. STATEMENT showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Immigration and Public Work Loan to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.

4—D. 1.

Line. Mil :S of Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1880. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Poles. Wire. £ s. d. £ s. a, Expenditure to the 31st March, 1885 lelephone Exchanges Sherry Lino S'gatimote Line Oape Farewell Line Motueka Wharf Lino Longford Fern Flat Line rhe Lake Line rotara Flat Line ikaroa Lighthouse Line Dxford View Hill Lyttelton Lighthouse Line Etolleston Springfield Kurow Line Waipori „ ST.E. Valley „ Seriot „ Eiirstfiold-Orepuki Line.. Balfour Line Liovell's Flat Line Dpua Dsaihau „ Alternate Line, Auckland South—Cambridge-Taupo Eowick Line .. Cairua „ .. vVaitangi „ .. Bombay „ .. .. • 3mapere „ Waipu-Maungatoroto Line Dtakeho Line Eltham „ Paradale „ Havelock „ Danevirk „ Makatoka „ Fahoraite „ vVainuiomata „ vVairoa-Frasertown Line vVoodville-Pahiatua „ Mahia Line Colago Bay „ Kavvhia „ S'ulson Creek „ (Vairio „ jable repaired Stock in hand 11,705 14 10 277 10 2 0 10 0 1,137 2 1 48 11 0 CC 12 6 175 10 6 193 8 0 61 17 11 7 3 0 126 8 4 73 9 8 67 3 6 102 15 5 16 0 293 17 0 763 1 3 1 15 0 105 9 4 141 17 0 7 13 0 9,976 2 4 384 19 3 1,257 5 3 280 12 11 52 16 3 847 9 2 37 8 6 10 0 0 131 18 0 8 8 6 7 7 6 197 14 7 16 13 7 23 14 4 163 15 6 76 7 9 572 3 2 506 18 0 1 10 0 32 3 2 2 2 0 3 10 0 218 8 4 5,841 14 11 484,017 2 C 1 i* *8 7 i 14 2 7 11 G 8 7 6 14 14 5 18 14 3 9 18 *8 m 7 17 167J 14 17 16 b 1G 7 14 3 14 27 30,009 19 0 Liabilities on 31st March, 1886 520,027 1 0 3,700 0 0 Total Expenditure and Liabilities £523,727 1 0


TABLE No. 10. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses and Harbour Works out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1886, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Net Total Net Expenditure Expenditure during 12 to 31st March, Months ended 1885. 31st March, 1880. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 18S0. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1880.Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. ikaroa Brothers .. jape Egmont jape Foulwind Dape Maria van Diemen jape Saunders Dentro Island French Pass Beacon French Pass Sokitika .. Jackson's Reef Beacon Kaipara Marine Store Moeraki Mokohinau javier Island Portland Island Puyscgur Point Stephen's Island rimaru Piritiri Cable Fory Channel •Vaipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s. " Hinemoa "and " Stella " .. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,986 0 1 7,028 14 8 C.0G6 6 3 5,785 19 0 0(58 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 G91 9 4 5,571 8 0 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 £ s. a. 300' 2 7 ■ £ s. a. 7,148 10 5 0,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 G,OGG G 3 5,785 19 0 668 IS 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 991 11 11 5,571 8 0 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 £ s. a. 395 0 0 £ s. ' <1 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 C 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 0,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 1,380 11 11 5,571 8 0 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 3,200 0 0 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,110 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 5,909 18 11 3,200 0 0 6,554 14 6 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,110 17 3 1,085 19 G 353 7 7 5,909 18 11 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 , 353 7 7 5,969 18 11 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 20,590 5 9 Hahboub Works. Pollock Wharf, Manukau Wharf, Whangarei Heads .. Matakana Wharf .. Straightening Waiuku Channel 3oromandel Wharf Waitara Harbour Removing eel-weirs, Patea River Napier Harbour Works 3astlepoint Jetty .. Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf jollingwood Harbour Works Wharf at Karamea Westport Harbour Works .. 3-reymouth Harbour Works Hokitika Harbour Works rimaru Harbour Works Removal of rock, Martin's Bay Port Levy Jetty roitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Removal of rocks, Catlin's River Jetty at Catlin's River Beacon jueenstown Jetty .. Jackson's Bay Jetty Miscellaneous 150 0 0 GOO 0 0 556 10 3 357 11 G Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,G93 14 10 94 0 0 737 7 2 13,593 1 7 127,018 0 2 49,525 0 0 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 0 4 400 0 0 2l6' 2 0 8 11 G 75 0 0 517 17 0 212 3 4 5,475 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 55G 10 3 357 11 G Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 10 10 94 0 0 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,110 18 7 127,230 3 6 55,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 6 4 400 0 0 53' 0 0 12 3 9 150 0 0 600 0 0 556 10 3 . 357 11 6 Cr. 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 328 0 0 51 14 1 2,912 16 10 94 0 0 745 18 8 75 0 0 14,163 18 7 127,242 7 3 55,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 5 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 32 0 4 400 0 0 Harbour Defences 52,231 2 11 127,107 0 1 179,398 3 0 160,750 G G 340,148 9 6 Totals .. 462,019 10 3 133,974 16 6 596,594 6 9 104,410 10 3 701,004 17 0



INDEX TO APPENDICES. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Appendix A.—Audited Statement of Expenditure on Public Works out of the Immigration and Public Wobks Loan for the Year 1885-86 .. .. .. .. .. 19 „ B.—Statement of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Wohks Department OUTSTANDING AT THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL PERIOD ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1886, PREPARED IN TEEMS OF " THE PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1882," AND FOBWABDED AS THEREIN PROVIDED TO THE AUDIT OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 C.—Schedule of Railway Contracts curbent on Ist April, 1885, and Contracts entered INTO BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1886 22 D. Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1885, and Contracts entered INTO BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1886 24 „ E. —Schedule of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Wobks curbent on Ist Apbil, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Public Wobks Department during the Yeab ended 31st March, 1886 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 M F.—Schedule of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works curbent on Ist April, 1885, AND CONTBACTS ENTERED INTO BY THE SUBVEY DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAE ended 31st March, 188G .. •• .. .. .. .. ~ .. 26 G, Schedule of Contracts for Wateb-baces current on Ist April, 1885, and Contracts ENTERED INTO BY THE MINES DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1886 26 H. Annual Report on Railways by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 27 „ I. —Annual Report on Roads, Miscellaneous Works, and Buildings, by the Engineeb-in-Chief, with Enclosures .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. ~ 36 H 3. —Annual Report on Lighthouse Works by the Marine Engineer .. .. .. 42 Enclosures in Appendix H. and Maps .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 ~ X. —Annual Report of General Manaoer op Railways .. .. .. .. .. i





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1882."

Sib, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 21st May, 1886. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1882," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year upon all Government works authorized by Parliament under " The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1885." 1 have, &c, Edwaed Eichaedson, Minister for Public Works, The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on Government Works for the Year 1885-86 out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to be forwarded to the Audit in compliance with Section 8 of "The Public Works Act, 1882."

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, Accountant, Public Works. 28th May, 1886. Examined and found correct. James Edwaed FitzGebald, Controller and Auditor-General.

Class. Summary. Appropriation. Net Expenditure. III. IV. V. VI. VIII. IX. X. Railways .. Surveys Roads Waterworks on Goldfields Telegraph Extension, Public Buildings .. Lighthouses and Harbour Wobks £ s. d. 975,337 0 0 3,000 0 0 551,314 0 0 22,'JOO 0 0 32,200 0 0 144,518 0 0 215,510 0 0 £ s. d. *543,490 8 11 517 3 5 329,071 18 7 9,031 19 2 3G,009 19 0 *f6,858 14 7 133,974 1G 6 Total Net Expenditure on Works out op Immigration and Public Works Loan 1,9(14,779 0 0 1,138,955 0 2 * Exclusive of unauthorized expenditure under Kailway Class, £20 lls. Gd., and Public Buildings Class, 11s. 8d.



Appendix A—continued. Public Works Net Expenditure, 1885-86.

A o > Particulars. Appropriation. Expended out of Appropriation. Exponded in excess of Appropriation. Total Expenditure. Class III. —Railways. £ s. d. 4,100 0 0 3,200 0 0 600 0 0 1,400 0 0 29,000 0 C 49,100 0 0 46,500 0 0 26,300 0 0 1,000 0 0 130,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 7,100 0 0 17,500 0 f 7,200 0 C 9,200 0 C 7,900 0 0 15,900 0 0 300 0 0 4,100 0 C 9,400 0 0 8,800 0 0 11,100 0 C 1,200 0 0 5,000 0 0 120,600 0 0 5,100 0 0 7,121 0 0 5,200 0 0 & s. d. 1,105 10 i 629 3 11 155 16 1C 408 2 8 18,311 14 C 12,129 12 7 42,748 14 4 18,286 11 11 411 6 4 58,338 15 If 705 15 f 2,870 6 11 7,810 19 ( 5,920 3 ; 8,840 18 ', 4,020 12 f 12,190 12 1 193 9 i 2,000 8 f 6,030 8 1 5,130 7 f 9,725 8 ( 67 4 f 99 0 ; 75,828 10 1 1,184 3 i 3,543 18 : 2,909 1 4 £ s. d. £ s. a. 1,105 10 9 C29 3 11 155 16 10 408 2 8 18,311 14 0 12,129 12 7 42,748 14 i 18,286 11 11 411 6 4 58,338 15 10 705 15 0 2,876 6 11 7,810 19 6 5,926 3 3 8,840 18 7 4,020 12 8 12,196 12 8 193 9 2 2,006 8 0 G,636 8 1 5,130 7 5 9,725 8 8 67 4 8 99 0 3 75,828 16 1 1,184 3 2 3,543 18 5 2,909 1 4 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 80 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9G 97 98 99 100 1C1 Kawakawa Wliangaroi to Kamo Huntly Branch Hamilton to Cambridge Hamilton to Grahamstown Napier to Woodvillo and Palmerston North.. Wellington to Woodville New Plymouth to Poxton Wellington to Poxton Main Trunk Line —Marton-Te Awamutu East to West Coast and Nelson Qreymouth to Hokitika Pioton Southwards .. .. .. ,. Hurunui Northwards Hnrunui to Waipara Upper Ashbnrton Branch Lincoln to Little River Albnry Branch Extension .. Oxford to Shi mold and Whitocliffs Extension Livingstone Branch Palmerston to Waihemo Cntl'n's River Branch Waipahi to Heriot Burn .. Edendale to Toitois Otago Central Lumsden to Mararoa Seaward Bush Piiverton to Orepuki Additions to Open Lines, — Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Kaipara to Waikato Hamilton to Cambridge Napier to Woodville Wellington to Woodvillo Foxton to New Plymouth Nelson to Belgrovo Picton to Blenheim Westport to Ngakawau Grevmouth to Brunnerton Hurunui to Waitaki and Branches Waitaki to Bluff and Branches Invercargill to Kingston with Branches, including Western Railways Compensation for railway, &c, Oamaru Harbour Board Permanent-way, sleepers, &c. 2,200 0 0 1,300 0 0 45,600 0 0 300 0 0 11,500 0 0 11,000 0 0 9,400 0 0 200 0 0| 3,100 0 0! 600 0 0 2,000 0 0 11,8G9 0 0 49,087 0 0 G36 8 £ 854 10 1 25,483 9 4 8 0 i 3,301 3 f. 4,803 12 t 5,189 1 4 Cr. 18 18 0 1,730 5 t 167 1 i 2,084 G i 11,869 0 f 24,019 11 1( 636 8 3 854 10 1 25,483 9 4 8 0 9 3,301 3 5 4,803 12 8 5,189 1 4 Cr. 18 18 0 1,730 5 6 107 1 8 2,084 G 4 12,002 5 5 24,019 11 10 133 5 t 7,744 0 0 1,385 G f 1,385 6 0 9,310 0 0 268,000 0 0 9,316 0 f 150,241 0 1( 9,316 0 0 150,241 0 10 102 Total Appropriation andExpenditurc,ClasslII., exclusive of £20 11s. Gd. Unauthorized Expenditure under this Class 975,337 0 543,376 1 C Cr. 18 18 0 543,357 3 C 133' 5 £ •>43,509 6 11 Cr. 18 18 0 i43,490 8 11 Class IV.—Surveys op New Lines op Railways. Surveys of new lines, North Island.. 103 3,000 0 0 517 3 6 517 3 5 104 108 ICG 107 Class V. —Roads. North of Auckland Main roads Miscellaneous roads and bridges Grants-in-aid, under " The Roads and Bridges Construction Act, 1882 " .. Roads to open up lands before sale Eoads on goldfields 54,229 0 0 45,100 0 0 73,974 0 0 33,102 17 If 20,833 7 5 37,014 17 £ 33,162 17 10 20,833 7 2 37,014 17 3 108 109 243,329 0 0 82,432 0 0 52,250 0 0 138,045 3 11 01,794 4 6 31,021 7 11 138,045 3 11 61,794 4 6 31,021 7 11 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class V. 551,314 0 0 529,071 18 7 329,071 18 7 Class VI. —Waterworks on Goldfields. Waterworks on goldfields 110 22,900 0 0 9,031 19 i 9,031 19 2 Class VIII.— Telegraph Extension. Telegraph extension 112 32,200 0 0 32,200 0 ( 3,809 19 ( 30,009 19 0 Class IX.—Public Buildings. 113 114 115 11C 117 118 119 120 Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Survey Lunatic asylums Hospitals .. Quarantine stations School-buildings .. 29,227 0 0 8,322 0 0 239 0 0 2,000 0 0 23,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 500 0 0 68,230 0 0 11,105 17 J 4,879 13 K 98 14 ( 401 4 3 4,007 6 2 3,299 2 2 123 0 0 62,883 17 0 11,105 17 2 4,879 13 10 98 14 0 461 4 3 4,007 6 2 3,299 2 2 123 0 0 62,883 17 0 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class IX., exclusive of lls. 8d. Unauthorized Expenditure under this Class 144,518 0 0 86,858 14 7 80,858 14 7 2'1 28 Class X. —Lighthouses and Harbours. Lighthouses Harbour works Haibour Defences 8,440 0 0 7,070 0 0' 200,000 0 0 300 2 7 1 6,507 13 10 ;i27,167 0 1 300 2 7 0,507 13 10 127,167 0 1 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class X. 215,510 0 0 133,974 16 6 133,974 16 6



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the financial Period ended 31st March, 1886, prepared in terms of Section 9, Subsection (2), of "The Public Revenues Act, 1882," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1886. Accountant, Public Works.

Class. Votes. Summary. Total. II. III. IV. V. IX. X. 72 73-102 103 104-107 113-120 122-123 Public Works Fund— Departmental Railways Surveys, New Lines Roads Public Buildings Harbour Works £ s. a. 718 16 11 3SG,345 8 9 1,246 12 9 148,189 1 8 23,255 5 9 100,815 10 3 Consolidated Fund — Government Domains, Public Buildi lings, and Miscellaneous Services .. 720,570 16 1 XI. 55-57 9,961 1 9 Vote No. Namo of Vote. Works under \yf^' Contract. B,Z?£'&0. Material from England. Total. 72 73 74 75 7G 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 8G 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9G 97 98 99 100 101 102 Public Works Fund. Departmental— Head Office Railway's— Kuvakawa .. .. Whangarei-Kamo Huntly Branch Hamilton-Cambridge Hamilton-G rahamstown Napier-Woodville, &o. .. Wellington-Woodville .. New Plymouth-Foxton .. Wellington-Fozton Main Trunk Line, &c. Et si to West Coast and Nelson Railway .. Greymouth-Hokitika Picton Southwards Hurunui Northwards Hurunui-Waipara Upper Ashburton Branch Lincoln-Little River Albury Branch Extension Oxford, Sheffield, &o. .. Livingstone Branch Palmerston-Waihemo Catlin's River Branch Waipahi-Heriot Burn Edendale-Toitois Otago Central .. Lumsden-Mararoa Seaward Bush .. Riverton-Orepuki Works on Open Lines Permanent-way, &c. .. ... 29 7 0 8,759 7 8 21,388 2 G 3,524 19 9 1,998 3 0 77,774 3 G 22 14 0 8,578 G 8 275 0 0 365 0 0 3,033 9 4 2,434 18 8 £ s. d. 1,891 13 3 40 9 11 2 7 0 471 9 2 3,994 3 1 2,254 15 0 8,820 12 7 3,080 5 1 478 7 10 G,493 3 1 64 5 6 4,039 4 3 479 17 2 1,299 17 7 85 16 1 849 12 1 1,280 10 9 £ s. d. ! 665 1G 8 1,891 13 3 40 9 11 2 7 0 500 1G 2 12,753 10 9 23,042 17 6 12,345 12 4 5,078 8 1 478 7 10 84,207 0 7 04 5 G 4,CGI 18 3 9,058 3 10 1,574 17 7 450 1G 1 3,8t3 1 5 3,721 9 5 £ s. d. 53 0 3 £, s. d. 718 1G 11 589 4 G 232 17 3 40,564 15 11 4,396 15 4 677 7 6 16G 6 8 329 5 1 132 7 11 5S3 10 2 44 13 1 225 1 2 4,037 19 9 474 1G 7 880 12 4 360 15 11 39,593 0 3 30,049 10 1 1GG G 8 918 9 ' 7 3G5 5 2 5S3 30 2 44 13 1 £25 1 2 51,202 15 8 4,871 11 11 1,557 19 10 3G0 15 11 50,100 10 2 30,952 17 10 112,072 7 5 10,567 9 11 50,469 13 G 30,952 17 10 113,710 14 11 30,952 17 10 ! 380,345 8 9 Surveys, New Lines— Surveys, North Island 241,081 10 0 I 1.24G 12 9 | 1,24G 12 9 103 104 105 106 107 Roads— Roads, North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads, &c. Grants in aid 3,744 8 0 29,066 16 8 32,140 19 11 10,533 8 3 5,802 14 0 60,883 19 4 1015 G 32,146 19 11 14,277 1G 3 34,880 G 2 60,883 19 4 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Public Buildings— Judicial—Courthouses, &c. Post and Telegraph Customs Survey Lunatic Asylums Hospitals, &c. .. Quarantine Stations School Buildings* 32,811 4 8 3,019 3 8 731 13 0 119' 0 0 425 19 5 115,307 1 G 3,074 4 7 5G4 19 9 10 19 1 128 5 9 0,363 14 9 7,098 18 1 305 7 0 1,400 0 0 10 15 6 10 8 148,189 1 8 6,094 8 11 1,296 12 9 16 19 1 247 5 9 C,789 14 2 7,098 18 1 311 7 0 1,400 0 0 GOO Harbours — Harbour Works' Harbour Defences 4,301 16 1 18,952 9 0 j 1 0 8 I 23,255 5 9 122 123 65 3 9 .. 65 3 9 783 12 0 22,779 16 5 137,180 18 1 160,750 6 6 Consolidated Fond. Government Domains Public Buildings .. Miscellaneous Services 783 12 0 | 22,845 0 2 | 137,180 18 11 100,815 10 3 06 50 57 149 5 5 279 0 0 8,197 0 2 879 1G 2 456 0 0 149 5 5 8,932 0 2 879 16 2 279 0 O] 9,226 1 9 456 0 0 | 9,961 1 9 *Th includei le vote for school buildings is under the control o & in the above statement for the purpose of showing tl if the Minister for Education, but the liabilities on that voto are he total liabilities on account of public buildings.



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts current on the 1st April, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Particulars. Length of Contract. Length of Sidings in Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Eemarks. Nov. 17, 1884 Whangarei-Kamo H a in i 11 o n - Grahamstown — Hamilton-To Aroha Whauwhau Coal-mine Branch F. & P.L. M. ch. Ik. 19 0 Ik. Larkins and O'Brien .. April 13, 1885 Aug. 1, 1885 £ s. d. 2,447 2 8 April 7, 1885 Feb. 17, 1886 Aug. 3, 1885 Te Aroha Te Aroha Station-buildings Hikutaia u 12 25 0 2 41 0 J. Livingstone W. Cameron Larkins and O'Brien .. Feb. 2, 1886 April 26, „ Jan. 28, 1887 7,373 17 0 1,874 4 0 10,879 9 0 Te Aroha - Grahamstown Napier-Woodville Formation 8 25 0 May 15, „ July 6, „ Tamaki Woodville Station- buildings No. 1 2 Platelayers' Cottages, Tamaki Kopuaranga Cast-iron Cylinders, Waipoua Bridge Opaki Station-buildings Tangahoo Station-buildings Moturoa .. .. .. Goods-shed, Moturoa Porewa .. . ■ Punui Marton Junction Stationbuildings Hunterville Station-buildings No. 1 Punui Cart-bridge Purotarau Tunnel Building 2 Snagging-punts .. 2 6-roomed Houses and 2 Platelayers' Cottages Hokitika Permanent-way .. Dashwood Culverden Permanent-way .. Hurunui F. & P.L. 13 43 28 1 10 0 Mullenger and Brett .. Buchanan and Collard Feb. 8, „ Sept. 6, 1885 Nov. 30, 1885 35,550 0 0 325 0 0 Aug. 13, „ Illingworth and Walker Oct. 19, „ Oct. 26, „ 271 6 0 Feb. 19, 1884 Nov. 12, „ Wellington- Wood ville Formation 8 9 0 T. H. Downes.. Kincaid, McQueen, & Co. Aug. 18, 1885 March 3, „ Jan. 14, 1886 April 17, 1885 31,425 0 10 1,112 19 0 19, 1886 n 3, 1885 May 18, „ Jan. 19, 1886 April 28, 1885 30, „ May 0, „ New Plymouth-Foxton Main Trunk Line F. & P.L. F. & P.L. 2 34 0 12 54 0 15 2 9 1 37 0 1 30 0 1 10 0 Wriglcy and Kose Alexander & McFarlane George J. Newman George Cliff J. A. Johnston Isaac Coates Carrol and Bosselmann May 17, 1886 March 20, 1885 Nov. 15, „ March 29, 188G April 11, „ April 13, „ July 20, 1885 April 3, 1885 1,742 13 6 840 2 2 8,990 0 0 065 18 0 27,300 0 0 28,920 8 3 597 2 6 Contract assigned to Bell and Howe, 26th September, 1885. Sept. 30, 1885 July 9, „ V * • William J. Timms Sept. 8, „ Feb. 1, 1S86 329 19 0 18, „ Aug. 14, „ 6, „ 14, „ Formation 1 34 0 ti Wells and Gardiner J. J. O'Brien George Cadman Smith and Nelson Jan. 17, 1886 Aug. 11, 1887 Aug. 6, 1885 Jan. 12, 188G Dec. 19, 1885 Oct. 6, 1885 Feb. 27, 1886 1,119 0 0 4b,849 0 0 180 0 0 1,412 16 0 | Contract assigned \ to M. O'Connor, I 13th June, 1885. It ■ • May 1, 1885 July 9, 1884 Nov. 16, 1885 Dec. 5, 1884 Greymouth-Hokitika Picton Southwards .. Hurunui Northwards Hurunui-Waipara P.L. Formation P.L. F., P.L., & Bridges 3 71 0 3 40 0 9 50 33 1 14 33 0 65 0 J. M. Watson Parker and Maddock .. Stocks and Wallace Oct. 30, 1885 July 9, 188G Dec. 17, 1£85 Sept. 20, „ Dec. 21, 1885 Dec. 31, 1885 Jan. 23, 1886 2,295 0 0 17,740 0 8 3,970 10 0 9,190 0 0 March 19, 1880 Feb. 28, 1885 Main Line, Upper Ashburton Painting Hurunui Bridge . ■ Fencing Branch Line W. A. Taylor .. R. Alcorn May 17, 1886 May 23, 1885 May 23, 1885 305 0 0 022 0 0 • •



June 8, „ May 8, „ Main Line, Upper Ashburton Lincoln-Little River Mount Somers Little River F., Bdge., & Fencing F., P.L., & Station F. & Bdge. 1 47 49 5 38 0 0 63 0 H. McKenzie and Co. .. A. Swanston Jan. 29, 1886 Jan. 6, „ Mar. 30, 1886 Mar. 6, „ 5,741 19 4 13,488 2 3 Contract assigned to Findlay and Co., 24th Nov., 1885. Oj March 5, „ I April 5, 1884 Q Dec. 3, „ • Nov. 17, 1885 y-j. . 28, 1884 Oxford - Sheffield and Whitecliffs Exten'on Livingstone Branch .. Palrnerston-Waihemo Whitecliffs Extension Windsor Section Tunnel No. 2 Waihemo Dunback Station-buildings.. Puerua 0 24 0 6 76 G8 0 40 0 Jesse Coates Cuthbert and Stewart .. Miller and Smillie W. Duncan Alexander Watson July 23, 1885 March 31, „ Aug. 29, „ Feb. 16, 1886 July 25, 1885 Sept. 28, 1885 April 21, . Aug. 29, „ 1,847 10 0 6,311 0 0 G,887 18 8 682 17 3 7,303 1 9 P.L.'& Ss. f Contract determ'd, and relet -| to Miller and Smiltie. [(See I, below.) Cafclin's Kiver Branch F.,Bdges., P.L. & Ss. G 76 0 0 39 0 Dec. 14, 1886 Dec. 8, 1883 March 3, 1884 Nov. 19, . Dec. 24, „ Jan. G, 1885 March 5, „ May 11, , July 10, , Aug. G, . July 22, „ Otago Central Deep Stream (completion) .. Nenthorn Hindon Section Tunnels .. Deep Stream (completion) .. Wingatni Viaduct Hindon Wingatui Permanent-way .. Wingatui Viaduct Mullocky .... Murray Creek Formation 9 12 65 Collier and Clephane .. R. Meiklo and Co. C. and W. Gore Miller and Smillie R. S. Sparrow and Co. .. Mathison Brothers John Whitaker John Black and Co. John G. Dick John Conehcr June 8, 1885 May 3, 1886 May 15, „ Aug. 22, „ Sept. 29, „ March 3, „ March 6, „ Jan. 3, „ Oct. 28, 1885 Jan. 15, 1886 23,924 8 6 42,333 0 0 20,560 11 4 32,874 13 0 13,922 14 10 10,790 0 0 10,944 7 2 8,037 11 8 936 0 0 2,4<J6 9 4 i Formation P.L. Masonry Formation F., P.L., and S. Ditto Formation P.L., and Station P.L. 2 65 16 6 65 0 0 57 0 Lumsden-Mararoa .. 0 69 0 2 50 0 0 23 0 Feb. 3, 1886 Feb. 16, 1886 Sept. 13, 1883 Aug. 3, 1885 Seaward Bush Mossburn Waimatua Kilbrony 4 10 0 2 40 0 5 40 0 0 18 33 0 25 0 Martin Hughes Henry Jaggers John Concher.. Aug. 10, „ March 11, 1885 Feb. 27, 1886 June 15, 1885 3,721 4 0 2,771 16 8 3,158 7 G March 24, 1884 Dec. 17, , Riverton-Orepuki Pahia Permanent-way Station-buildings 10 30 0 John Campbell Dec. 15, 1884 April 6, 1885 April 27, 1885 April 27, „ 4,417 0 6 2,751 0 0 July 30, , Fob. 13, 1885 Additions to Open Lines — Kaipara-Waikato .. Auckland Passenger-station Stationmaster's House at Penrose Fencing at Pukekohe Porter's Cottage at Te AwamutQ Fencing at Taupaki Stationmaster's House, Auckland Papakura Fencing Fencing at Orua Bridge Mangahuia Outlet-drain Eastown Workshops Extension Picton Wharf Extension .. Piers, &c, Dunedin Station Overbridge Locomotive Workshops, Invercargill Ed en dale Stationmaster's House 10 Locomotive Engines 3 3-ton Steam-cranes William Ahern John Cornwell Nov. 21, , April 11, „ Oct. 31, , April 11, „ 12,168 3 7 394 0 0 Sept. 27, 1884 March 23, 1885 T. H. Wilkinson John M. Lord Dec. 13, 1884 May 18, 1885 April 16, , Juno 9, „ 144 14 0 204 11 2 April 18, „ Aug. 24, „ John Dall W. G. Bunting Sept. 15, „ Nov. 21, „ Oct. 16, „ Nov. 18, „ 417 16 0 493 2 0 I Oct 13, . Feb. 9, „ March 23, „ Oct. 13, „ Foxton-N. Plymouth John Dall Bredow and O'Grady .. Jan. 6, 1886 May G, 1885 May 25, „ Feb. 12, 1886 Jan. 15, 1886 April 30, 1885 May 23, „ Mar. 18, 188C 261 2 6 55 0 0 222 0 0 2,0S0 0 0 Labour only. J. and C. Bull May 12, „ '.Sept. 7, 1883 Picton-Blenhoim .. Waitaki- Bluff, Pal-merston-Clinton Clinton-Bluff G. A. Smith and Co. .. Kincaid, McQueen, & Co. May 12, „ March 6, 1885 2.45S 13 8 13,826 19 8 -Jufls 15, 1885 Alexander Menzies Dec. 11, „ Jan. 27, 1886 1,503 7 0 Feb. 14, „ Edendale-Toitois .. James McXicol May 11, „ May 14, 1885 289 13 8 March 12, 188G Rolling-stock Scott Brothers S. Luke and Sons ,. Oct. "s, 1886 1S.8E0 0 0 1,345 0 0 ••


APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries on 1st April, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1886.


Data of Contract | or Agreement. I Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Bate por Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Bate per Month. Date of Completion. Total delivered to Date. Bemarks. l NOETH ISLAND. AUCKLAND DISTBICT. 20 March, 5 1885 John Moore .. .. Mauku ,, Waikato Timber Co. .. Auckland .. „ New Zealand Timber Co. „ J 2,000 totara* \ 4,000 puririf .. 30,000 totara* .. 30,000 kauri* s. d. | g I Pukekohe .. .. .. 27 Feb., 1886 j 3 9 Ngaruawahia .. .. .. 27 ,, 1886 ; 3 6 Auckland .... .. 27 ,, ,, ! 731* 4,000f 24,108' 27,576' WANGANTJI DISTBICT. 4 March, 26 „ 26 „ 26 1885 Alexander Bell .. Halcombe .. ,, Alfred Grammer .. Ashurst ,, Whibley Brothers .. ,, 1885 Nils Martensen .. Palmerston North „ A. H. Ihle .. „ T. C. Hensen.. .. „ .. 15,000 totara* .. 7,000 totara* .. 1,000 totara* .. 1,299 totara t .. 1,056 totarat .. 1,023 totarat 3 6 Halcombe .. .. 1,250 .. .. .. 4 Mar., 1886 : 3 3 Terrace End, Palmerston N. 600 ... .. .. 4 „ „ 3 3 „ „ 100 .. .. .. 4 „ „ 2 6 ,, „ ) ( 15 „ 2 6 Bnnnythorpe .. Y Per arrangement .. i 16 ,, „ 2 G Foilding .... j { 25 „ „ 15,000 Completed. 7,000 „ 1,000 „ 1,299 „ 1,056 „ 1,023 „ WELLINGTON DISTBICT. 21 January, 21 21 1886 Duncan Brothers .. Woodside .. „ Alexander McLeod .. Masterton .. „ N. Campbell .. .. Woodside .. .. 3,000 totara .. 3,000 totara .. 6,000 totara 3 3 In trucks at Armstrong's 1,000 siding 3 11 Dreyertown .. .. 1,000 .. .. .. 21 April, 1886 3 3! „ .. .. 2,000 .. .. .. 21 „ 3,000 Completed. 650 1,253 MIDDLE ISLAND. OTAGO DISTBICT. 10 June, 1885 Campbell and Co. .. Dunedin .. 150,000 creo- I soted 3/llf Woodend .. .. 10,000 per month after the I 27 May, 1887 Nil first nine months i " WESTLAND DISTEICT. 16 Sept., 31 October, 1885 Weenink and Smith .. Greymouth .. „ Peterson, Anderson, and ,, .. Co. .. 275 silver pine} .. 78 red pine* 2 5 Brunnerton .. .. 200 .. .. .. 21 Nov., 1885 1 10 „ .. ..78 .. .. ..31 Oct., 275 Completed. * Sawn. t Split. I Hewn. Note.— The 18,000 puriii sleepers purchased at 4s. 2d. each, ana 294 silver pine at Is. 6a., from the Kailway Department in March ana September last, are not incluaed in the above schedule.



APPENDIX E. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on the 1st April, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

Date of Contract. Line of Road or Work. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Jan. 9, 1885 Main Roads — Tauranga-East Cape Bridle-road, Hawai River to Maraenui .. Te Tataua Ngatatori and another Wiremu Kingi Pirika Tieri and another Maddock and Steven3 .. John W. Halpin Foldie and Kirkpatriok John M. Watson .. May 9, 1885 £ s. d. 450 0 0 Feb. 17, „ Dec. 11, „ March 15, 1884 March 18, „ March 19, „ May 9, 1885 »j • ■ Pelorus District and Rai Valley Repairs, &c, Opape-Torere Section Reforming, &c, Matata-Te Puke Road .. Pelorus Cart-bridge .. .. Rai Saddle Completion Taipo Bridge Timber Bridge over Taipo River Feb. 17, „ April 11, 1886 March 10, 1885 Jan. 15, ,, June 30, 1884 March 8, 1886 Aug. 10, 1885 June 10, ,, April 17, „ 150 0 0 200 0 0 1,312 0 0 2,853 13 4 1,408 2 0 5,972 3 0 Hokitika-Christchurch May 11, „ May 20, „ Aug. 19, ,, March 15, 1884 March 16, 1885 April 20, ,, March 24, 1886 March 24, „ Jan. 10, 1885 May 11, „ Feb. 9, 1886 April 10, 1885 Nov. 6, ,, Feb. 8, 1886 March 3, „ March 11, „ Miscellaneous Roads — Great South Road Horso-bridge over Matakitaki Bridge over Waiau Bridge over Clarence Kaikoura to Waiau .. Rebuilding Drury Bridge Matakitaki Horse-bridge Upper Waiau Road- bridge Clarence Bridge Quail Range Section Greenhills Section Repairs, &c, Southward Section ,, Mason Section Taieri Bridge Beaumont Bridge Superstructure Roxburgh Bridge Kaiwarra Jetty, Wellington Store Shed, Wellington Traversing Gear, Wellington 400 Yards Road Metal, Wellington Officers' Quarters, Auckland J. J. Marshall M. M. Dixon J. Anderson Blackie and Malcolm P. Honeybone Mackle Brothers .. R. Johnstono May 11, 1885 Nov. 15, ,, April 28, 1887 May 16, 1886 Oct. 23, 1885 Nov. 19, „ July 16, 1886 June 23, ,, Oct. 9, 1885 July 23, 1886 Sept. 20, „ May 28, 1885 Jan. 6, 1886 April 6, ,, April 13, „ May 18, „ May 8, 1885 Jan. 21, 1886 435 0 0 720 14 10 13,482 15 0 11,871 15 1 3,568 0 0 4,082 14 6 677 16 0 470 12 8 5,731 19 8 4,643 12 6 3,340 4 8 214 0 0 175 10 0 232 7 0 95 0 0 456 5 0 Jan. 1, 18S6 Jan. 28, „ >! • • Bridge over Taicri Bridges over Clutha, &c. Watson Rhodes J. Andprson Daulby and Millar H. Jacobsen M. Murdoch D. Robertson and Co. Henry Cole Bphraim Mills M • • Harbour Defences June 5, 1885 Jan. 6, 1S86



APPENDIX F. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on the 1st April, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Minister of Lands during the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

APPENDIX G. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Water-races current on the 1st April, 1885, and Contracts entered into by the Minister of Mines during the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

late of Contract. I Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date when Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. AUCKLAND. .5 Feb., 1885 .5 Feb., .5 Feb., „ .5 Feb., 11 Jan., 1884 10 Jan., 1886 1 Jan., ,, 1 Dec, 1884 Ormond to Opotiki, Nos. 7-8 ... Okaihu to Victoria, No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 114 ... No. Waimamakau Bridge, No. 135... Otongo Bridge J. White Fraser and Macdonald McKenzic and Mclnnes Fraser and Macdonald J. Anderson W. McGechie W. McGechie J. Monro ... 31 Aug., 1885 31 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ 31 May, „ 30 June, 1886 31 Mar., „ 30 April, 1885 30 Nov., 1885 1 Aug., „ 25 Sept., „ 30 Sept., „ £ s. d. 3,511 2 6 285 4 0 515 17 0 448 1 6 388 12 0 380 0 0 560 0 0 132 0 0 1 Mar., 1886 30 June, 1885 1 Dec, 1884 1 March, 1885 1 March, „ 27 Sept., „ L5 Oct., „ 5 Dec, 29 Dec, 5 Jan., „ 5 May, „ 5 Jan., „ 1 Oct., „ 6 Nov., „ S3 Nov., „ HAWKE'S BAY. 30 Sept., 1885 31 July, „ 31 July, „ 25 Dec, „ 31 Dec, „ 31 Mar., 1886 30 April, ,, 30 June, „ 31 Aug., „ 30 June, „ 31 Jan., ,, 81 Mar, „ 31 Mar., „ 30 July, 1885 10 Nov., „ 15 Dec, „ 30 Nov., „ 30 Nov., „ 15 April, 1886 1,136 4 10 584 0 0 503 10 0 418 10 0 446 7 0 245 16 6 632 0 0 995 15 0 649 15 0 638 6 8 4*5 0 0 lf>3 16 8 159 2 3 Tautane Roads, Nos. 4-7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 „ No. 11 „ No. 13 Nos. 14-16 ... Maharahara Block, Nos. 2-6 ... „ Nos. 8-11... Umutaoroa Block, Nos. 1-4 „ Nos. 5-8 ... „ Nos. 9 10 ... No. 11 ... Sid well and Co. M. Deck ... J. Cripps ... Sidwell and Co. Sidwell and Co. J. Cripps ... Sidwell and Co. Miller and Janson ... Bellshaw and others... Beaumont and Co. ... McDonald and Co. ... P. McCarthy J. Henry ... 30 Aug., 1885 30 Sept., „ 20 July, „ 15 Mar, 1886 50 Feb., 1885 !0 Feb., „ !0 Keb., „ !5 March, 1SS6 1 March, ,, W Feb., „ 5 April, ,, 5 April, ,, 1 Oct, 1885 •A July, „ !8 Aug., „ !0 May, „ WELLINGTON. 30 June, 1885 30 June, ,. 30 June, „ 3'i Sept., 1H86 30 .luue, „ 30 April, „ 81 July, „ 31 July, „ 31 Dec, 1885 81 Dec, „ 81 Dec, „ 3(J Sept., „ 30 June, 1885 15 Aug., „ 30 June, ,, 259 4 4 133 8 1 234 6 7 1,243 17 6 613 1 2 253 13 0 161 12 0 89 15 7 2il3 3 4 286 2 8 175 13 0 234 0 0 Mangaone Roads, No. 2 No. 3 No. 5 Nos. 6-7 ... Pohangina ... Otamakapua, No. 2 ... Makakahi, No. 16 No. 17 ... Karewarewa, No. 1 Paratieki, No. 1 No. 2 Awakino Bridge Handbrook and Co. ... J. McCarthy Bright well and Co. ... Taniiuey and Co. A. Piiugle ... Jameson Brothers ... F. Ginvood T. Chish-lm M. Howard M. Howard J. Costigan A. Reese ... 3 Dec, 1885 16 Feb., 186ti 16 Feb., „ 20 Nov., 1885 !1 March, 1885 1 Feb., 1886 !0 March, „ !0 March, „ NELSON. 31 Oct., 1885 31 Aug., 1886 30 Sept., „ 30 Sept., „ 3,308 10 4 1,175 0 0 710 0 0 520 0 0 Takaka Bridge Cannibal Gorge Tadmor Road, No. 20 No. 22 Manson Brothers Connington & Searight J. Lawson ... F. Needham 1 March, 1885 WESTLAND. 31 Dec, 1885 25 Nov., 1885 1.3S6 15 0 Moeraki to Otamotu ... ... | | P. Jameson OTAGO. 31 July, 1885 5 Dec, 1885 1,240 17 0 .9 Jan., 1885 Precipice Creek ... ... | | F. Mangan Not., 1883 SOUTHLAND. 31 Dec, 1885 5,455 2 8 Forest Hill Tramway, No. 2 ... H. Jaggers... Nov., 1881

Date of Contract. Name of Water-race. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Additions authorized. )ec. 15, 1883 Lprili, 1885 Mikonui Water-race Argylo Water-race Extension Ditto Section 7-2 Section 12 part 1.. William Richards George Harbury Feb. 28,188G Mar. 28,1885 July 20,' 1885 £ s. d. 2,754 5 0 50 0 6 £ s. a. 1,281 0 0 68 2 o II If ,, part 2.. Alexander Macdonald Patrick Kelly .. Pearce and Buckingham June 14, „ Nov. 25, „ 475 5 0 97 15 1 'lay 2, une 23,1883 Mikonui Water-race ,, parts.. Section 7-1 Sept. 2, „ Deo. 15 „ Aug. 14, ,, 678 18 3 4,743 15 0 2 0 0 3,200 0 0




The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, 31st March, 1886. I have the honour to submit the following report on railway works executed and in progress throughout the colony during the year ending the 31st March, 1886 ;—

General. The following statement shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1886: —

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or i Section. Open lor Traffic Expenditure to 31st March, 1SSS. Liabilities 31st March, 18S0. Kawakawa .. .. .. .. .. Whangarei-Kamo Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames, including Cambridge Branch Wellington-Napier and Palmcrston North Wellington-Foxton .. Foxton-New Plymouth Main North Island Trunk Nelson-Eoundell Groymouth-Nelson Creek Groymouth-Hokitika .. Westport-Ngakawau Picton-Hurunui —Picton-Awatere Section „ Red Post Section Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Oxford-Malvern Waitaki to Bluff, with Branches Otago Central —Chain Hills-Blair-Taiori Section Invercargill-Kingston, with Branch Western Railways Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of permanent-way and rolling-stock on hand M.oh. 7 41 0 52 150 69 73 32 227 31 M.oh. 7 41 6 52 138 79 42 57 150 42 £ s. d. 89,440 11 5 63,241 3 3 1,253,779 13 11 216,451 6 0 1,479,670 11 4 41,815 3 11 1,368,229 17 11 60,779 15 1 174,913 16 10 196,259 3 5 37,777 0 6 214,402 4 9 219,605 0 1 37,471 9 0 2,318,943 18 4 59,210 11 0 3,157,151 1 4 267,218 9 5 337,701 4 7 222,920 18 11 53,210 12 1 15,312 1 6 300,240 17 4 £ s. a. 2,33S 17 0 47 15 6 11,398 4 3 13,263 5 5 42,361 16 5 478 7 10 8,097 19 2 84,267 6 7 236 5 6 20 0 0 4,061 18 3 202 63 210 0 52 0 10 3 23 51 19 63 34 40 9 50 444 0 11 44 471 5 37 0 117 4 57 55 195'25 22 73 7 69 19 19 17 73 9 50 397 10 11 44 353 71 10,133 2 8 1,574 17 7 11,804 10 2 93 34 57 53 26,307 11 11 51,202 15 8 5,479 11 5 1,198 15 3 1,216 12 9 112,072 7 5 Total 2,172 44 1,533 1 12,100,782 11 11 337,592 1 G Provincial Government Lines. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago „ „ „ 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 District Railways. Thames Valley-Rotorua Eakaia-Ashburton Forks Walmato Duntroon-Hakateramca 22 20 73 00 8 21 15 38 22 20 30 63 8 21 15 38 115,000 0 0 73,300 0 0 t t V t Grand total .. 12,263 44 1,591 1 •13,453,863 14 4 387,592 1 G * If the amount paid out of Consolidated Fund on account still to bo paid out of loan on account of same railways—viz., £Vi and Westport Harbour Works (£141,341 2s. Id.), loss £4,075 Is. 7d. ex bo added to this amount, it will show the amount stated as the cost + The cost of these railways is not shown here as the purchase-i not included amongst tho liabilities, as thoy are not properly 111 special Act. The lengths only of these linos are now therefore put traffic, and tho cost will be included in next year's tablo after they t of district railways— 36,400 7«. lid., together :pended on permanentt of tho railways L>y the money is not paid yet, abilities against tho p in this table in order t< are paid for. -viz., £35 17s. 104., and :■ with tho expenditure -way for the Crisborne-I ! General Manager in R< , and the amounts to be public works votes, boil ;o show total lougth of i also tho amount an the Q-reymouth )rniond Tramway, Jturn G. paid for them aro ig provided for by ■ailway opened for



A total length of 135 miles 28 chains of railway has been opened during the year—43 miles 50 chains in the North Island, and 91 miles 58 chains in the Middle Island. The sections making up these lengths are as follow, and include certain railways purchased by Government from private companies:—

Appended to this report is a coloured diagram which shows the length of railway opened each year from the commencement. Kawakawa Bailway. A few minor works, such as road-crossings, and fencing near Taumarere, are all that have been done on this line during the year. Whangaeei-Kamo Railway. Tho proposed extension of this railway to deep-water at Grahamstown has been surveyed, and plans and estimates of the cost have been prepared. A branch railway to the Whauwhau coalmine, 1 mile 9 chains long, has been made by the proprietors, and connected with the main line at 1 mile 79 chains from port. The work was done under the supervision of this department, and passed as fit for traffic on the 18th August. Kaipaea-Waikato Railway and Beanch. Works in Auckland. —The new passenger-station contract was completed on the 27th November last; the station-yard was also completed about the same time, and the station was opened for public traffic on the 30th November. The only work now being done is the completion of the metalling of the approaches. A few small items of work have been done at Newmarket workshops. Minor Improvements, —A considerable amount of fencing has been done on the main line at Pukekohe, Taupaki, Manurewa (Papakura), and Papakura. Cottages have been built at Penrose and Te Awamutu, and a statiomnaster's house in Auckland new passenger-station yard Surveys. —The proposed new line of railway from Auckland to Penrose, via the beach, has been surveyed, and plans and estimates for two alternative lines have been prepared. The survey of the proposed railway route through the City of Auckland and suburbs, commencing at Kingsland Railway -station, and going northward to Auckland new railway-station, via Freeman's Bay and Customhouse Street West, was begun in February last, and it is expected that the field-work and plans will be finished in about a month. The survey of the Huntly Branch Railway has been completed, and plans of the same, including a bridge over the Waikato River, have been prepared in readiness to call for tenders. Pukckohe-Waiuku Branch. —The survey of this line has been completed, and plans and sections have been prepared, as well as plans showing the amount of land required for the railway. The survey of the main railway as constructed is well advanced, viz., the survey up to 98 miles and the levelling up to 77-J- miles, leaving 22-J miles of field-work to be completed. The plans of 27 miles have been finished, and the remainder up to 77-J miles will, it is expected, be finished in about two months. Waikato-Thames Railway. Hamilton-Te Aroha Section. —The works connected with the swing-bridge over the Thames at Te Aroha have been completed for some time, and the works on the permanent-way and part-forma-tion contract, Morrinsville to Te Aroha, were so far completed as to allow of the line being opened throughout for public traffic on the Ist instant. There are still a few minor works to be attended to, as well as the completion of the station-buildings contract, which was only let on the 15th February last; consequently, the great bulk of the work is yet in hand, and is spread over five different stations. The permanent water-supply at Te Aroha is also in hand, as well as the fencingin of the station ground.

Railway. Section. Length. Date of Opening. Kaipara-Waikato Hamilton-Grahamstown ... Thames Valley-Eotorua ... Greymouth-Nelson Creek ... Pioton-Hurunui ... Hurunui-Waitaki Little Eiver-Akaroa Eakaia-Ashburton Forks ... "Waimate Gorge ... Duntroon-Hakateramea Palmerston-Waihemo Catlin's Eiver Lumsden-Mararoa Orepuki Branch ... Auckland Station Morrinsville-Te Aroha Morrinsville-Oxford Still water (portion) Culverden-Hurunui Hurunui-Medbury Birdling's Flat-Little Eiver Eakaia—Methven Waimate-Waihao Downs... Duntroon-Hakateramea ... Palmerston-Dunback (part) Balclutha-Eomahapa Castle Bock-Murray Creek Colac-Orepuki ... M. oh. 0 15 12 55 30 60 0 10 9 50 1 14 5 38 22 20 8 21 15 38 6 77 7 66 4 9 10 35 30 Nov., 1885. 1 March, 1886. 8 March, 1886. 1 Sept., 1885. 9 Feb., 1886. 9 Feb., 1886. 16 March, 1886. 1 April, 1885.* 1 April, 1885.* 1 April, 1885.* 1 Oct., 1885. 15 Dec, 1885. 13 March, 1886. 5 May, 1885. Total 135 28 * In these cases the dates given are the dates on which the railways became the property of the Government.



Grahamslown-Hikutaia Section. —Hikutaia contract, formation only, commencing at end of Kauaeranga section, 4£ miles, and terminating at 12 miles 65 chains, was let by contract on the 28th July, 1885, and should be finished on the 28th January, 1887. The work is progressing fairly well, and is about one-half done. Surveys. —The survey of the remaining portion of this line—from Hikutaia to Te Aroha—was begun in February last, and has progressed as far as 22 miles 26 chains. It was slightly obstructed at times by the Natives, but their opposition appears to have been withdrawn. Hamilton-Cambridge Branch Railway. —ln connection with this the Victoria Eoad has been formed and metalled from Hautapu Railway-station to Cambridge town boundary. Some requisite fencing has also been erected. Main Teukk Railway : Nokth End. Puniu Contract. —Formation and permanent-way, 15 miles 2 chains, reaching from Te Awamutu southward. This contract was let on the 13th April, 1885, and the contract-time will expire on the 13th April, 1886. The works will not be completed by that time, but the contractor is making steady progress. The Puniu bridge has been completed, and the rails have been laid for Z\ miles. A portion of the formation of this contract, viz., from the 6th to the 12th mile, was reserved for Maori piecework, which was begun in April, 1885, with eight parties of Natives. In all thirty sections were let, and twenty-five of these have been satisfactorily completed. Three will be finished in a few weeks, and the rest in about three months. The latter comprises the long embankment across the Ivawa swamp, 7 miles 45 chains to 8 miles 25 chains. In connection with the Kawa Railway-station a branch road to connect with the main road leading south from the Puniu, let on piecework in nine sections to parties of Natives, was satisfactorily completed in May last. The length of this road is 3 miles 70 chains. Te liuiti Contract, including formation and permanent-way, 10 miles 58 chains long, was advertised in August last, but was withdrawn from tender in September. This contract joins the Puniu contract, and the formation on the first five miles was reserved for piecework by the Natives living near. Puro-o-tarao Tunnel Contract. —This is about forty-eight miles south of Te Awamutu, and was let on the 11th August last, the date for completion being the 11th August, 1887 ; its length is 1 mile 34 chains. The principal work done has been in connection with getting the materials to the ground. This was accomplished by the use of punts on the Waipa River from Alexandra to Te Kuiti, from whence to the tunnel the contractors formed a rough road suitable for bullock-teams. Other preliminary work has been done, such as bush-felling and clearing, and the cutting of timber for bridgework. Euad-ivorhs in Connection with the Main Trunk Raihuay. —The Puniu River cart-bridge was one of the works found to be absolutely necessary to give safe and convenient access to the railway works and to the Native lands south of the Puniu River (confiscated lands boundary), and a contract for the work was let the 17th July, and was finished the 19th December of same year—lßßs. The bridge consists of three spans of 40ft. each and six spans of 20ft. each—total, 240 ft. It was also deemed necessary to form a road alongside the Ongaruhe River above the point to which it is navigable for canoes—viz., Te Koura, and leading northwards towards the Puro-o-tarao tunnel. This work has been done for about fourteen miles. It was offered to the Natives in July last, but they refused to take it, except at prices which were much too high. It was then offered to Europeans, who took it at fair rates in four sections, on which sixty men were set to work, and who finished it satisfactorily. Another portion of this road—Waimiha to Te Koura, five miles—was advertised for public tender on the 11th August, but all the tenders were declined, being too high. Proposed railway connection between New Plymouth and Auckland. —This question has been under consideration, and, judging from the amount of information in possession of the department, there is little doubt that a fairly workable line at a not immoderate cost could be obtained. It would start from "Waitara, along the coast to th.c Mimi River ; thence up one of the branches of that river, crossing the range into the Tangarakau, and onwards towards the Ohura, up which valley a fair route could be found, joining the Mam Trunk line at a point about 60 miles south of Te Awamutu The length of this line would be about 75 miles. Cottages have been built for the accommodation of the engineering staff at 11 miles 61 chains and at 14 miles 14 chains, both four-roomed ; also at 17 miles 38 chains, three-roomed ; at 19 miles 77 chains, two-roomed ;at 25 miles 68 chains, six-roomed; at 48 miles 25 chains, six-roomed. The latter is near the tunnel described above. Sleepers. —Contracts for sleepers have been let to the extent of 66,000, and 18,000 have been taken over from the Working Railways Department. Surveys. —Southwards of the Te Kuiti contract comes the Waiteti contract, 8 miles 52 chains long. The contract survey of this was completed and plans and sections made in January last. The Mokau section follows next, of which a trial survey four miles in length, extending to the saddle between the Mokau and Paretikoura Rivers, has been completed. At this point the survey was stopped, along with other works, to reduce expenditure. Southwards of the Puro-o-tarao tunnel for 4-| miles a survey of the railway-line was also finished, but was stopped at the same time and for the same reason as the one described. Revision and Correction of tlie first preliminary Survey made by Mr. Rochfort. —During the year Mr. Rochfort has been surveying, locating, and grading the line between Turangarere to Waimarino, 14-J- miles; all in bush. He also explored for a suitable cart-road from Ohakune to the Wanganui River, and, as before described, the one starting from Pipiriki was found to be the best and shortest. Other lines were explored, viz.—from Ranana and Hiruharama respectively—but were found to be too rough, as was also another line explored down the Manganui-a-te-ao River. Pack-tracks have been made by Mr. Rochfort's party to the extent of 35 miles in all, viz., from Ohakune towards



Pipiriki, 14 miles; thence to Turipo on the Native track to Eanana, 7 miles; from Ohakune northwards towards Waimarino, 6f miles ; from Waimarino southwards towards Ohakune, 1-J---miles ; and from Ohakune southwards to the Murimotu Plains, 6-| miles: leaving a gap of about 6J miles to complete. From Taumaranui towards Waimarino some 21 miles are fit for packhorses, leaving about four miles to complete the track through to the Waimarino Plains. The routes followed by these pack-tracks have been surveyed. When these gaps are cut through we shall have a continuous paok-track from Taumaranui to Murimotu, which will represent a saving of sixty miles of travelling between Ohakune and Waimarino alone. Mr. Bochfort has also executed a compass survey of the Wanganui River from Taumaranui to Upokongaro, 129 miles; and has also reported on the suitability of the river for navigation. For the convenience of these inland surveys and explorations two plank-houses and two storehouses have been built at Taumaranui; at Waimarino one plank-house, and at Ohakune two plank-houses and one storehouse has been built. It is proposed to increase the number of these houses and stores from time to time. Thames Valley and Eotoeua Eailway.-—(Peivate Eaiiway purchased by Goveenment.) A portion of this work—(constructed by a company bearing title as above) —viz., 31 miles, from Morrinsville to Oxford, was inspected by this department, and passed as fit for public traffic on the sth March, and on the Bth March it was formally opened. The Engineers for the work, Messrs. Stewart and Hunter, reported as follows, viz.: — "Morrinsville to Oxford. —On the Bth March this portion of first section of the Thames Valley and Eotorua Eailway was formally opened for traffic by the Working Eailways Department. The works were not as fully completed at the time as we could have wished, but most of the shortcomings have since been rectified by the contractor, and station-buildings and other works fully completed." " Oxford to Lich field (12 miles). —Tho works are still in progress, the contractors being very much behindhand with contract. We hope, however, to have everything ready for handing over by the latter end of next month; but everything will depend upon the time occupied in constructing the Lichfield water-supply and tanks." Tho second section of this railway, extending from Putaruru Junction, five miles north of Lichfield, is now under survey, and contract plans for the first eight miles are expected to be ready by about the end of April or beginning of May. Wellington-Napier Eailway—Napiee to Woodvjlle. Tamaki Contract. -This extends southwards of Tahoraite (the end of the opened line) for a distance of 13 miles 4328 chains, and includes formation and platelaying. It was let on Bth May, 1885, and the time for completion is Bth February, 1887. The contractor has made fair progress with his work : the earthwork is about two-thirds done, bridge-work about half, concrete work and culverts almost complete, platelaying not yet begun. This contract reaches to within a mile and a half of Woodville Eailway-station, and for this distance it is proposed that a small formation contract will shortly be let. Woodville Station ground and the approach road to it has been partly formed by a number of unemployed sent from Napier : the number never exceeded thirty ; many of them left as better work offered, and the last of them departed early in February. Awapurua Bridge Contract. —This work was satisfactorily completed and the bridge opened for public traffic on the 9th July, 1885. Some extra protective works considered to be necessary at five of the piers at the north end of the bridge are still in progress, bat will shortly be completed. Works on Open Lines. —Sundry small works have been executed, and water-supplies, to be used in case of fire, have been constructed at the viaducts over the Manawatu and Makatoku rivers, and arrangements are being made to protect in the same way those over the Mangarangiora, Mangatewainui, Mangatera, and Whakaruatapu. Erection of Bolting-stock. —Under an authority issued in 1883 the work of erecting three goods-brakes, three horse-boxes, ten cattle-trucks, five sheep-trucks, twelve timber-trucks, twenty low-side wagons, and twenty high-side wagons has been completed at the workshops, Napier. Wellington-Napiee Eailway—Wellington to Woodville. Opaki Contract (8 miles 6 chains, formation and permanent-way).—The works described in last year's report as being in progress are now completed. Station-buildings are now being erected, in view of the opening of the line. Kopuaranga Contract (8 miles 9 chains, formation only).—This work was satisfactorily completed on the 14th January. As a means of increasing the public convenience, it was decided to proceed with the extension of the platelaying over this latter contract as soon as that on the Opaki contract was finished, and the rails are being laid to Mauriceville, 12 miles beyond Masterton, with the view of making this a temporary terminus from and to which the coaches to Woodville and Napier will depart and arrive. Sufficient station accommodation will be provided (under contract) to meet this arrangement, and it is expected that this portion of the railway will be ready for public traffic sometime in May. Arrangements are also being made to extend the platelaying beyond Mauriceville to Mangamahoe, the end of the Kopuaranga contract, about four miles further, and to erect the necessary station-buildings, &c. This work may probably occupy a further period of three months. Sleepers. —Contracts for 12,000 sleepers were entered into for the above sections. Surveys. —The survey of the railway-line south of Woodville has been in hand for some time— eight miles have been located and pegged, and eight miles of trial survey have been completed. It is intended to complete the survey as far as Eketahuna, to ■ which place it has already been made from the Wellington cud, viz., about 89 miles in all.



Foxton-New Plymouth Eailway. Moturoa Contract (2 miles 35 chains) extends from New Plymouth to the Breakwater. It consists of formation and permanent-way, and is now nearly finished ; it will probably be opened for traffic early in May. The necessary station-buildings and appliances are in progress. Works on Open Lines. —Various necessary works have been done at several stations, fencing at several places along the line, and large additions to the workshops at East Town, Wanganui, have been made, to give room for additional requisite machinery, &c. The Carnarvon-Sandon Tramway, which joins the main line at Carnarvon, has been extended 4-| miles bo Sandon by the Manawatu County Council; and this was ready for traffic on the 11th November, 1885. The "Wanganui Heads Eailway, constructed by a company, joins the Wanganui Railwaystation at the west end; it is 3 miles 50 chains long, and was ready for traffic on the 29th September, 1885 ; it has a station and small wharf just inside the entrance of Wanganui Eiver. Erection of Rolling-stock. —At Sentry Hill workshops were erected two brake-vans, nine cattle-trucks, one horse-box, and ten high-side wagons ; and at East Town workshops were erected two bogie-carriages 44ft. long, and 1 locomotive engine. There are now five bogie-carriages on this line. Surveys. —l 7 miles 45 chains of the survey of the railway as actually constructed from Waitara towards Hawera have been completed. Land-plan Surveys. —The following have been done during the year, viz., Waiongona to Stratford, 15-J miles ; land for Moturoa section (2 miles 35 chains); also other small surveys. Palmebston-Woodville Eailway. The survey between Palmerston North and the west end of the Gorge (8 miles 6 chains), described as being in progress last year, has been completed, and plans and sections have been prepared. The survey of the railway-line through the Gorge (4 miles 32 chains) has also been completed, and plans and sections have been prepared, in view of calling tenders for the work. Noeth Island Main Tkukk Eailway : South End. Marton Junction Station. —The execution of this work, being on the main line of railway (Foxton-New Plymouth), was placed in the hands of the Working Eailways Department, and is now completed. Engine-shed, coal-store, passenger-platform, and stationmaster's house have been erected. Porewd Contract (12 miles 54 chains) adjoins the Marton Junction Station. It was let by contract 11th April, 1885 ; but, the contractor having failed to make good progress, the work was taken out of his hands, after the usual notices had been given, and a new contract was entered into, under which good progress has been made. The work is now about five-eighths completed. Munteroille Contract (5 miles 57 chains) joins that last described. It was advertised for public tender, and tenders were received, but none were accepted, owing to the necessity for limiting the expenditure on railways. Surveys. —From 18 miles 31 chains, the end of Hunterville contract, the survey has been completed and plans prepared ready for a new contract as far as 23 miles 18 chains. Between 23 miles 18 chains and 26 miles several trial lines have been run, crossing the large gully called Makohine : but this portion of the line has not yet been decided on; the rough nature of the country demands further exploration, and more trial lines. It is expected, however, from recent observations, that the difficulty will be surmounted when the survey is again taken up. From 26 miles onwards the line has been located as far as 31 miles 16 chains. This portion is generally favourable for construction, except at the Powhakaroa spur, where a tunnel of about 27 chains will be needed. Trial surveys have been carried on as far as 37 miles (corresponding to 39J miles on Mr. Bochfort's line), and the country has been further explored as far as the Hautapu, to 41 miles. Some parts of this will be rather heavy, including crossing of gullies, and deep cuttings through spurs, with a few small tunnels, although the remainder is reported as involving work of a more moderate character. Service-roads to and along Railway-line. —This work was begun the 16th April, 1885. It starts from the Marton-Murimotu Eoad at Pukeore, about twenty miles from Marton ; at 3 miles it joins the railway-line at 22-J- miles, and thence follows the general direction of the railway. A length of 13f miles has been opened. The work includes several small bridges and culverts. It is laid off as a dray-road, but has been formed for the present as a good pack-track. In the bush it is cleared 16ft. to 22ft. wide, leaving the larger trees standing; and the side-cuttings are sft. to 6ft. wide in the solid. Boad, Pipiriki to Ohakune. —Pipirikiis on the left bank of the Wanganui Eiver, and about fiftyseven miles from Wanganui; it has been selected as the most favourable starting-point for a road to connect with the Murimotu District, and the work of forming it as a dray-road is now in progress. The total length is about 25 miles, of which about three miles have been completed, besides about 14 miles which have been opened out as a pack-track. It is intended to bridge the various streams substantially, and to make the road serviceable for the conveyance of railway material to the interior. Wanganui River; Snagging and Clearing. —This work was started in the beginning of August, 1885, about twenty-five miles above Wanganui, with one old punt. Two more punts were speedily built, and properly fitted for lifting snags and rocks; another punt has also been built, as a dwelling for the workmen engaged in the work of snagging : by this means comfortable quarters have been provided for them near their work. Thirty-one rapids have been cleared, and a number of isolated. 6—D. 1.



snags removed from the reaches between the rapids. The number of snags to be removed is very great. From some of the rapids from three to eight hundred snags have been removed ; and at one rapid a reef of "papa" rock had to be blasted and broken up, 60ft. long, 30ft. wide, and 3ft. deep ; in other places boulders weighing from three to four hundredweight up to a ton had to be lifted at>d moved. The work has progressed as far as Kaiwhaika, forty-six miles above Wanganui. The object has been to obtain about 2ft. of water on the various rapids at the ordinary summer level, although a few of the shingle bars may have less than this, viz., from 15in. to 18in. : these, however, it is proposed to improve so as to obtain the necessary depth. Some of the long flat reaches have not more than 2ft of water in them during the summer. It is expected that by about May or June the snagging will have been completed as far as Pipiriki—that is, to where the road to the interior, described above, will begin. Mr. J. T. Stewart, District Engineer, who inspected the river, in October, 1885, from Taumaranui downwards, made a special detailed report on it, accompanied by sketches illustrative of the nature of the falls and rapids, and of the varied and striking scenery on its course. This report is very interesting, and is attached hereto. A private company in Wanganui has built a stern-wheel steamer, intended to navigate the river, and to carry material for the railway when required. She has, however, been only a partial success : she has navigated the river as far as Pipiriki; but her limited power and speed (about seven miles per hour) will prevent her being usefully employed in carrying heavy cargo as intended. This will be obvious when it is stated that some of the rapids, in their swiftest portions, have a speed of seven miles an hour. A vessel, to make good headway and to surmount these, should have a speed of at least twelve or thirteen miles an hour in still water. I should recommend that at least two stern-wheel steamers of the most improved form should be ordered from England at an early date : there are firms there who have made the construction of such vessels a speciality, and who, on the requisite information being supplied to them, would send out exactly what would be required. Nelson-Roundell Railway. The present railway is opened to Belgrove, 22 miles ; and a formation contract (Wai-iti) was completed last year for 2| miles further, beyond which no further work has been done this year. Picton-Hueunui Railway. The Dashivood Contract, 3J miles long, formation only, is the only work in progress at this end of the line ; it begins at a point 22J miles from Picton. The work has proceeded slowly during the year, and is as yet only half done; it is calculated that it will take at least fifteen months yet to finish it. The contractor has been urged to expedite the work. Picton Wharf Extension. —This is a contract for lengthening the Picton Wharf 100 ft., a work much needed to accommodate' the steam vessels calling at the port; it is expected to be finished in about a month. Surveys. —Land surveys and plans have been made for the Wai-iti section, and the land has been taken by Proclamation. Land survey plans for the Vernon section have been made, and the land has been taken by Proclamation. The survey for land and plans for the Dashwood section is not yet done, but will be attended to soon. Number of Men employed in Nelson and Marlborough Districts. —This has averaged 141, of which 125 have been employed by contractors, the rest by Government. Gbeymouth-Hokitika Railway. A contract for laying the permanent way from 0 miles 9 chains, in the Town of Hokitika, to 4 miles, near the Arahura River, was entered into early in the year, and the work was completed in December last. This portion, it is believed, will be found useful in conveying sawn timber to the port. During last month a number of unemployed men were sent from Canterbury to work on this railway (about one hundred): they were set to work on a section between the sth and 7th miles, immediately north of the Arahura River. A small number of local unemployed were also set to work between the 16th and 17th mile pegs, the rate of pay being limited to ss. per day of eight hours. The bridge-site at the Arahura River has been re-surveyed, with a view of preparing plans of the bridge and calling for tenders for the work. This will be done shortly. Work has been done in the proposed Greymouth Station yard, in the way of levelling and filling up, about 7,000 tons of quarry-rubbish having been deposited there. Westpokt-Ngakawau Railway. No additional works have been carried out on this open line during the year. The Westport Harbour Board have opened out two quarries near Cape Fouhvind Lighthouse, one of granite and one of limestone, both good in quality; and a railway has been constructed thence to the southern or main breakwater, on which a beginning has been made. It is expected that by the beginning of May the Harbour Board will be in a position to begin the work of construction in good earnest. The half-tide training-wall in the river on the north side has been completed for some time, and with good effect. Gbeymouth-Beunnerton Railway. Some additional moorings have been fixed to the Johnston Street Wharf, at Greymouth; and a footway has been constructed on the top of the Grey Gorge Bridge at Brunnerton : this was considered necessary to insure the safety of foot-passengers.



Plans have been prepared for the extension of the wharf at Greymouth, and tenders will shortly be call for its construction. It will be 650 ft. long, and will be fitted with two 8-ton cranes, intended to lift the bodies of the coal wagons, containing 6 tons each, at one lift and deposit their load in one operation in the vessels hold. The Greymouth harbour works have been carried on by the Harbour Board during the year with success. The southern or main breakwater has now nearly reached its intended limit, and the works on the northern side of the river have been begun. The effect of all these works on the bar is most marked, and there is little doubt that on their completion a steady deep-water channel over the bar will be secured. The works are standing the assaults of the sea very well, as the stones used are of great size and weight and very soon settle themselves into a permanent position. Number of Men employed in Westland District. — These are as follows, viz., under contractors, 60 ; under Government, 19 : total, 79. Hueunui-Waitaki Railway and Beanches. Hurunui Northwards. —The contract for the erection of the Hurunui bridge and a section of formation and permanent-way south of the bridge —1 mile 14-| chains—was satisfactorily completed on the 23rd January ; and the Culverden Permanent-way contract, extending from the last-named contract to Culverden, 9 miles 50 chains, was completed on the 31st December, 1885, the work having been done within two months. Both sections were opened for public traffic on the 9th February. The painting of the Hurunui bridge is now in hand under contract. Works on Open Lines. —During the year 1,697 cubic yards of heavy stone-work have been tipped over the cliff at Timaru, to prevent encroachment of the sea. Further protection may yet be necessary, but the encroachment is not now so rapid as formerly. There have been 520 chains of single fence erected on the Upper Ashburtou Branch. Water-services at Oust and West Oxford have been improved; and new water-services have been put in hand at Medbury and Culverden. A considerable amount of tree-planting has been done by the "unemployed" on the Canterbury railways. Upper Ashburton Branch; Mount Somers Contract.— This contract—l mile 47f chains—includes the formation of a bridge over the Ashburton River 1,204 ft. in length, and was completed on the 30th March, 1886. Platelaying and ballasting have also been done as far as the south end of the bridge. Mount Somers Extension Contract. —This work is now advertised for public tender. It includes completion of permanent-way to Mount Somers and the necessary station-buildings; length, 75 chains. Lincoln-Little Biver Branch ; Little Biver Contract.— -This includes formation and permanentway between Birdling's Flat and Little River—s miles 38 chains—as well as station-buildings at Little River. It was finished on the 6th March, and opened for public traffic on the 16th March. Oxford to Sheffield and Whitecliffs Extension. —The contract for the extension of the Whitecliffs Branch (24 chains), including a bridge over the River Selwyn, was completed on the 28th September. The rails have not yet been laid. Surveys. —The trial survey of a proposed railway from Little River to Duvauchelles' Bay (Akaroa) has almost been completed, but the work has not yet been all plotted. _ The ruling gradient is lin 50, and the hill would require a tunnel of about 140 chains long to obtain this grade. The sections, so far, do not indicate any other very heavy work. Land-plan Surveys. —The following have been made, viz., Birdling's Flat to Little River, 5£ miles ; Culverden sections, Whitecliffs Branch extension, Upper Ashburton Branch extension. Land Plans.— The following have been completed during the year, viz., Hurunui northwards, 10} miles; Kaiapoi, Eyreton, 20 miles; Lincoln, Little River, 22J miles; Upper Ashburton Branch, 23} miles : total, 76 miles. Number of Men employed. —ln the Canterbury District this has averaged as follows for the year, viz., employed by Government, 280 ; employed by contractors, 194 : total, 474. Waitaki Bluff Railway and Beanches. Dunedin Goods Yard. —Several extra sidings, a coal store, ashpits, and a 50-ft. turntable were compbted in this yard by the Public Works Department up to the 9th November, at which date the works were handed over to the Working Railways Department, to complete as occasion required. Dunedin Station Overbridge Contract. —The materials for this contract did not arrive in the colony till long after the specified time, consequently the work is much behindhand. The contractor is now making fair progress with its construction. The filling-in of the approaches^ to this bridge, which did not form part of the above contract, was used as a means of providing work for the unemployed in Dunedin, and the western approach is now well in hand, and will probably be completed in three or four weeks. The unemployed were set to work on the formation and metalling of Cumberland Street from Rattray Street to Anderson's Bay Road, and this work will be completed in a week or two. They were employed in levelling and reclaiming the site of the old railway-station, which work is now nearly done; and also in the formation of half the width of Crawford Street, between Rattray Street and Anderson's Bay Road: on this there are about seventy to eighty men employed. Beclamation North of Stuart Street.— This work was completed in October last. Biver Protection at Balclutha. —This work, since its completion, has stood the action of two or three considerable floods without being injured, and the result may be considered satisfactory. The vegetation—gorse, willows, and other shrubs —planted along the face of the embankment have grown well and clothed the embankment from end to end,



Locomotive Workshops, Invercargill. —These have been provided by the erection of four extra bays to the circular engine-shed, and the work was finished under contract on the 27th January. Minor Improvements and additions on the main line have been effected at Pukerua, Arthurton, Otakarama, Waikaka, Edendale, Henley, Gore, Mataura, and other places. Beanch Lines. Duntroon Branch. —The re-laying of this—2l miles 28 chains—with heavier rails (531b.) has been completed, with some extra earthwork and ballasting; and a shelter-shed has been built at Black Point. Ngapara Branch. —The work of re-laying this branch with heavier rails (401b.) has been completed, with extra earthwork and ballasting, and the strengthening of bridges. Livingston Branch (Eakis' Contract). —This includes four miles of formation and platelaying, starting from its junction with the Ngapara Branch. The work is practically finished, and will be taken over in a short time. The survey of this branch to the end of the 12th mile has been made and contract plan completed, in view of calling for tenders for this work. Palmerston-Waihcmo Railway. —A contract for laying permanent-way and erecting stations has been completed during the year —length, 6 miles 77 chains, making a total length, from its junction with the main line near Palmerston, of 8 miles 55 chains. It was opened to Dunback (the terminal station) on the Ist October. Gatlins River Railway. —The contract for permanent-way and stations on this line was completed on the 14th December, and on the 15th December it was opened for public traffic. Its length, from the junction with Balclutha Station to Eomahapa, at the Port Molyneaux Eoad, is 7 miles 72 chains. Waimea-Switzer' s Railway. —A further portion of this line has been surveyed to Switzer's, and a contract can be prepared at short notice. The formation and fencing for the first seven miles have already been executed. Seaward Bush Railway (W&ima,tua, Contract). —2-J-miles long, formation only, extending from the end of the Appleby contract, which was three miles long from its junction with the Bluff line. This work was completed on the 15th June. A contract for platelaying over both these sections was let on the 27th July, 1885, and the work is now nearly finished. The next section of 5 miles 45 chains (Otaramika contract) is now ready, and tenders may be called for when thought desirable. Inveecabgill-Kingston Eailway, with Beanches, including Westeen Eailwats. A few minor improvements and additions have been made on the above at various stations. Lumsden-Mararoa Branch. —This branch was opened for public traffic on the 13th March for a distance of 6 miles 30 chains, the latest work executed being formation from 6 miles to 6 miles 30 chains and the laying of permanent-way from 3 miles 60 chains, also the erection of necessary station accommodation. Beyond this a contract for formation and permanent-way as far as Mossburn— 10 miles 40 chains—has been entered into, and the work is now in progress. Riverton—Orepuki Branch. —The laying of permanent-way and erection of station-buildings over the last section of this line—lo miles 35 chains—terminating at the Government township of Hirstfield, was completed on the 27th April, and opened for public traffic on the sth May, 1885. Otago Centbal Eailway. Wingatui Permanent-way Contract (6 miles 65 chains) includes permanent-way, also formation of junction station at main line and laying sidings therein, erection of engine-sheds and coal store and engine-pits, and all sleepers. The work is now all but finished. Mullocky Contract. —This includes the completion of some unfinished formation from 6 miles 65 chains to 7 miles 54 chains, and was completed on the 3rd February, 1886. .Hindon Section Tunnels Co?itract includes five tunnels. The work will not be completed within the date specified, viz., 15th May, 1886. Wingatui Viaduct; Masonry Piers and Abutments Contract. —This tender was let on the 3rd July, 1885, to be completed by the 3rd January, 1886. The works are, however, behindhand, owing to various causes for delay —amongst others, that of the nature of the foundations in piers 2 and 7, which demanded extra precautions. Wingatui Viaduct; Piers and Superstructure Contract.- —This work is now going on in a satisfactory manner. The whole of the piers will be ready to be conveyed to the site in a few weeks. The contractor will then take up the construction of the superstructure. All the iron required for this contract has been delivered in New Zealand. Hindon Contract (formation only). —A considerable amount of work yet remains to be done, and the contract time has expired (3rd March). It will take fully two or three months to complete. Completion of Deep Stream Contract. —This work, according to contract, should be finished by the 22nd August, 1886 ; but it is not probable that it will be done until some two or three months later. Nenthorn Contract. —Time of completion, 3rd May, 1886. This work will be several months behind time. It has therefore become necessary to urge those contractors who are behind time to a more vigorous prosecution of their works. Boring for testing Foundations of other Bridges. —Nearly all these borings have been completed, and the information will soon be available. Average Number of Men employed on Public Works. —The numbers for this district stand as follows, viz., Government labourers, 74; contractors'labourers, 674; unemployed (four months), 170 : total, 918,



Geneeal. Creosoted Sleepers Contract. —A contract has been let for the supply of 150,000 sleepers creosoted according to specifications. Messrs. Campbell, the contractors, have imported the necessary plant, which they are erecting near Woodend Eailway-station. They hope to begin creosoting about the Ist May. Surveys. —A preliminary survey of a railway extension from Lawrence to Eoxburgh was begun on the 15th instant, and good progress is being made. It will take fully three months to complete the whole distance—about thirty-five miles. The survey of the extension of the Seaward Bush Railway was begun on the sth January, and a distance of about 20J miles, reaching to the Mataura Eiver, has been surveyed. It is expected that the remainder, about nine miles, will take about four to six weeks. This will carry it to a point where it will meet the Edendale-Toi-tois Branch, at the Waimahaka Creek. Enclosures. This report is accompanied by the following enclosures (page 43): — 1. Maps of the North and Middle Islands showing the railways open, those in progress, and those proposed. 2. Diagram showing mileage of railways opened each year. 3. Statement showing lengths of railways authorized, constructed, and surveyed. 4. Eeport on the Wanganui Eiver : Snagging and improvement, &c. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.



.A-iPiPEi^nDiEix: i.

ANNUAL EEPOET ON EOADS, MISCELLANEOUS WOKKS, BUILDINGS, AND DEFENCE WOEKS BY THE ENGINEEE-IN-CHIEE. The Engineeb-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Wobks. Sir,— Public Works Office, 31st March, 1886. I have the honour to submit the following report on roads, miscellaneous works, and buildings for the year ending the 31st March, 1886. AUCKLAND DISTEICT. Great South and Onehunga Boad. —The usual repairs and maintenance of this road was attended to until the 9th February, when the Public Works Department ceased to have control over the work. Drury Creek bridge was rebuilt during the year. Cambridge-Bo torua Boad. —The maintenance of this road has been attended to. It is in fair order, and steps are being taken to keep it in good repair during the ensuing winter. The land plans (29 miles) have been completed, and were forwarded to the Suivey Department for the usual certificate in June last. Waipa-Baglan Boad. —Several of the bridges on this road have been repaired or rebuilt, and the rebuilding of one on the Waipa side of the range, which broke down lately, is in progress. Whangarei-Kawakawa Boad. —A portion of this, about seven miles from Whangarei, has been widened and improved for cart traffic, and about 28 chains of metalling have been laid. Katikati-Te Aroha Track. —Various repairs have been attended to during the year, including several bridges, some of which required rebuilding. Cambridga-Taupo Boad. —The maintenance of this road has been attended to. Katikati Boad via Thompson's Track.— -The survey of this was begun in November, and various trial lines were cut. A favourable route has been obtained, and the permanent survey is now in progress. The length is about twelve miles, extending over a high range covered with bush, and broken ground. Sundry Boads, Auckland. —Under this head repairs were executed at Point Curtis Wharf to the extent of £60; other sums in inspection and contingencies. BAY OF PLENTY. Taubanga-East Cape Eoad.—ln sections, viz.,— Whakatane-Opotiki (section 1, 3 miles). —This section has been maintained during the year, and is in a good state for wheeled traffic. W hakatane-Ohope (4 miles). —This has been maintained during the year, and is in a good state for horse traffic. Opape-Torere (7 miles). —Of this road 3| miles have been repaired and widened to 10ft. The whole is in a good state for horse traffic. Ilaivai-Maraenui (5-J- miles). —Of this a length of 3f miles have been formed Bft. wide, and the work is still in progress over the remainder. The road is not open for traffic. Maraenui-Omaio (5f miles).— This road has been maintained, and is in a good state for horse traffic. Te Kaha-Baukokore (20 miles). —This road has been maintained, and is in fair order for horse traffic. Baukokore-Whangaparawa (3-J-miles). —This section has been laid off for construction, and a contract has been let to Te Hata, the Native chief at Raukokore, for its formation. Forty chains of side-cutting have been executed. The road is not open for traffic. Te Teko-Galatea (33 miles). —The whole of this road has been re-formed and put in a state of good repair for wheeled traffic, and has since been maintained in that state. Te Telco-Matata (15 miles). —Four new bridges have been erected on this road, to replace old ones broken down, viz., one of L6ft., three of Bft., also one of 10ft. repaired, approaches made up, and general repairs executed. The road is, however, not yet in good order, and is only passable by horsemen. It will require a considerable amount of work to fit it for wheeled traffic. Matata-Te Puke (10 miles). —This has been re-formed and widened from 12ft. to 18ft. The work included 4-| miles of side-cutting, 5-| miles of level formation, and twenty-seven 12in. culverts; also one bridge 70ft. long (one span of 50ft. and two of 10ft. each) erected over the Waitahanui Eiver. To make this road fit for coach traffic it will require the erection of four more small bridges. This would complete the road from Tauranga to Matata via Te Puke (52 miles) as a coach road. Whakatane-Te Teko Swamp Boad.— Section 1, 6-|- miles : This is now being repaired and improved by Whakatane Natives, under contract. Section 2, 6f miles : This length is being repaired and improved by Te Teko Natives. Neither section is yet fit for traffic. Opotiki-Ormond Boad (93 miles). —The work of widening this road from 4ft. to Bft. wide has been going on during the year, and the road has been maintained through the forest (60 miles) by a small party of men. There remain about twenty-three miles of road to be widened to Bft., and when this is done the road will in summer be suitable for stock-driving, if fenced in precipitous places.



Tauranga-Taupo Boad. —This road has been maintained in good order for traffic throughout the year. Two bridges (Ohaupora and Waitaua) were burnt down, and were speedily replaced, and others have been substantially repaired. Tauranga-Botorua via To Puke. —This road has been maintained in good order- for traffic during the year. A deviation has been made between Te Ngae and Eotorua Township, to avoid a swamp and shorten distance ; and the Puharinga bridge has been renewed. Botorua-Tarawera Boad. —This has been kept in good order. It was damaged by a heavy flood in April. Atiamuri-Taupo and Taupo-Napier.— -This road is in a fairly good state for traffic, but it will require the renewal of several timber culverts and other works to keep it good for the future.' This work should not be lost sight of, as, since the opening of the railway to Oxford, the traffic has increased. WELLINGTON DISTEICT. Awakino Boad Bridge Contract. —This was satisfactorily completed on the 6th January, 1886. It consisted of one span of 40ft. (truss) over the Awakino Stream, about twenty miles from Masterton. MANAWATU DISTEICT. Manawatu Gorge Boad. —This has been maintained during the year, and sundry repairs done to the bridges. Works under the Eoads and Bridges Construction Act have been inspected and reported on for the Counties of Wairoa, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay, Hawera, Eangitikei, Oroua, and Manawatu. NELSON DISTEICT. Clarence Bridge. —This work is about one-half done. The cast-iron cylinders are all sunk and filled with concrete, and the abutments are finished. One span of 120 ft. is also erected, and the bulk of the timber is on the ground, although delay has been caused by its non-delivery in time. The work includes four spans of 120 ft. each, and one span of 60ft., besides protective works to the river banks. Wairau Cart-hridge. —The work of painting this is being put in hand. Clarence-Eaikoura Boad. —An engineering survey of this was made in the beginning of the year, viz., 17 miles, from Clarence to Hapuka. The work itself was placed in the hands of the county. Tophousr-Tarndalc Boad. —The repairs of this road are now in hand. Be/grove-Tophouse and Upper Buller Boad. —This has been well attended to, and many excellent repairs and improvements have been effected. Nalson-Lyell Boad. —A portion of this, viz., that over the Hope Saddle, very much needed improvement aiid re-grading, and a survey was made, which resulted in finding a better route and an easier grade, viz., lin 14, instead of lin 8, without sharp curves. The work of deviation was put in hand, and, it is hoped, will be finished in about a month. The metalling of about 155 chains of road over Spooner's Bange has been completed, besides sundry repairs. Sundry new culverts have been put in between Fern Flat and Lyell, besides general repairs over this portion of the road. Boad to Owen Beef. —The desired survey of this has been made—9 miles 22 chains. It is proposed to form a road suitable for sledging, Bft. wide, as a means of transporting mining machinery to the reefs, at an estimated cost of £1,300. The plans and sections are now being plotted. Main Boad from Nelson through Pclorns and Bai Valley .—The, Pelorus Bridge contract was completed in August, 1885. The Eai Saddle contract was completed in June. The completion of these works fully opened the communication between Nelson and Blenheim, and a coach occasionally runs between those places. On a portion of this road called Collins's Hill the grades are being improved from linBto 1 in 12—a work much needed. The maintenance of this road was handed over to the respective local bodies on the 24th December, 1885. Biwaka to Gollingwood Boad. —Two contracts have been let for the improvement of the road over the Takaka Eange, beginning at Eiwaka—in all, five miles. The whole length over the range is about 16-§- miles, and the survey of this will be finished in a few weeks. Another contract is in preparation for tender. Takaka Bridge Contract. —This work is not yet finished; it will take about three months yet. A contract for an approach-road to the bridge, on the Collingwood side, 2 miles 29 chains long, has been let, and should be finished in July. Matakitaki Horse-bridge Contract. —This work was completed and opened in January; it consists of five trussed spans of 60ft. each. Some further expenditure will be required for approachroads. Motueka and Motupiko Cart-bridge. —Surveys have been made of alternative sites, and plans prepared for the upper site, as being most convenient and on the line of the main road. Tenders will shortly be called for its construction. It will include eleven spans of 60ft. each and six spans of 24ft. each, with approaches and protective groins. Eve's Valley Boad Contract (1 mile 4 chains). —This provides a road up from the head of the valley to the top of the range, with an improved grade of 1 in 12 instead of 1 in 7, as on the old track. The time for its completion is next July. VAEIOUS EOADS AND TEACKS, Etc., MAELBOBOUGH. Torea Creek Contract. —This is for the construction of a bridle-track, Queen Charlotte Sound, from Torea Bay to the summit of the hill leading to Portage Bay, 52 chains. The work was completed in October. Manama Contract. —1 mile 56 chains of bridle-track leading from Manaroa (Clova Bay) towards Waitaria was finished in December.



Waikawa- Waitamonga (4 miles 5 chains). —A survey has been made of this track, but no work has been undertaken. Taylor's Biver Survey. —A survey has been made by the Public Works Department for the Blenheim Borough Council, and at their cost, to ascertain the practicability of diverting the river from its present uncertain channel into a permanent one. WESTLAND DISTEICT. Nelson-Westport Road. —A survey (plan and sections) is being made of a portion of this, with a view to its improvement, viz., from what is called the Nine-Mile Ferry, on the Buller, to the Inangahua Junction, about twenty miles. About twelve miles of this survey have been completed. Westport-Reefton Road. —Plans have been prepared for a bridge over the Inangahua left-hand branch, called also the Waitahu, about four miles from Reef ton, and tenders are being called for the work of erection. It will consist of four spans of 80ft. each and six spans of 30ft. each, as well as protective w rorks of considerable extent. Westport-Lyell Road. —Surveys have been made of the site of a proposed bridge over the Buller River a short distance below the Lyell, where the river is comparatively narrow, with rocky banks. The floods here rise to a great height, over 40ft., and the water-way will be about 320 ft. wide. The designs for the bridge are now being prepared, and will demand great consideration, from the nature of the site. Cheistchukch-Hokitika Road. The maintenance of this has been executed as usual during the year : no extraordinary slips or flood-damage has occurred. A further length of 5f miles has recently been added to the length maintained by Government. This was formerly maintained by the Westland County. In this section the Waimea Creek bridge was carried away by a heavy flood, and is being replaced as rapidly as possible. The Taipo bridge is well advanced : all the cylinder piers are fixed, and the timber for the superstructure is being prepared for erection. It is expected to be finished about the beginning of June.. The work consists of four spans of 110 ft. each, with heavy earthwork and rockwork approaches. Roads to open up Lands befoee Sale. Ahaura-Kopara (6 miles 35 chains). —This work was satisfactorily completed in July; it is metalled 4ft. wide, and is a good track for horses. Teremakau-Bell-hill. —Surveys and plans have been made of this road, and handed over to the Grey County Council, who will carry out the work. Roads on Goldpields. Mohikinui to Karamea via Rough-and-Tvmibla. —Thirteen miles of a survey of this road have been completed, leaving about six miles to survey. Of this road 2 miles 50 chains were completed under contract in December last; a further section o£ 1 mile 15 chains has been let, and is progressing satisfactorily. The plans and sections of the rest of the road will, as they are completed, from time to time, be handed over to the Buller County Council, who will carry out the work. Designs are being prepared for a bridge over the Mohikinui River, 210 ft. clear span, with the view of calling for tenders after another vote has been taken for this road. Brighton to Seventeen-Mile Beach via Terraces. —The plans prepared by this department for this work were handed over to the county (Grey), and the work is now being carried out by the Council. The plans of that portion of the road lying within the Buller County will, when completed, be handed to the County Council. Gobden to Seventeen-Mile Beach. —A contract has been let for widening a portion of this road— 1 mile 35 chains—in the Coal Creek Valley into a dray-road, and the work is now progressing ; the completion of this will make the road from Cobden to Seven-Mile Creek (north of Point Elizabeth) available for light dray traffic. Watek-baces. Argyle Race, Charleston. —Reports have been supplied by the department on the works of extension in progress on this race, the works on which are in charge of the Buller County Council. Mikonui Bace. —Contract No. 71, being 50 chains of the long tunnel, was completed in July last; although driven in rock, it had all to be timbered. Contract No. 72, having a length of 35 chains, was completed for about 21J chains, when the works came to a standstill, the contractor stating his inability, from want of funds, to proceed further ; the work at present remains in this incomplete state. Sludge-channel, Borough of Ross. —■ A report on this work was supplied on the 28th July, 1885. CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch-Uokitika Boad. —This road has been in good order during the year. Kaikoura-Waiau Boad. —In sections, viz :— Greenhills Section Contract. —2 miles 58$ chains, formation, bridge, and culverts, was satisfactorily completed on the 28th January, 1886. Quail Range Contract. —6 miles 64 chains, formation and culverts, was completed on the Ist January. Mason and Whales-back Sections — Relief Works. —The relief works for " unemployed" were commenced on these sections on the Ist April, 1885, and the formation was completed, with the exception of those parts where culverts had to be built. The men were then moved to the Southwards section, and the whole of the formation and culverts were completed in November, 1885. A contract was then let for the repair and metalling of this section, to be completed in July, 1886, as well



as a similar contract for the Mason section, to be finished in June. Tenders have been invited for repairs and metalling of the Greenhills, Charwell, and Quail Bange Sections—as also for culverts, repairs, and metalling of the Whales-back sections—to be completed in November. The above is all the work remaining to bo done on the Kaikoura-Waiau Eoad, which should be completed right through by December. _ Upper Waiau Boad Bridge.— This contract was let on the 28th July, 1885, the date for its completion being April, 1887. The superstructure and piers will be of wrought-iron, resting on concrete foundations ; the central span is 150 ft., with two side spans of 75ft. each. A good deal of work has been done towards the formation of the approach-roads, mostly m rock ; the excavations for the pier foundations are in hand, and cement is arriving on the ground. Belief Works under Grants in Aid.— At the Christchurch Drainage Board reserve at the Sandhills sixteen acres of land have been levelled for irrigation; a considerable amount of work has also been done here in making roads, cutting races, grubbing up scrub, fencing and trimming live fences, &c, over an area of about 420 acres. A good deal of clearing and planting has also been done on the Corporation reserves m the neighbourhood of Christchurch, and in Hagley Park. OTAGO DISTEICT. Haast Pass Track. —ln December, 1885, a party of men was despatched to Jackson's Bay for the purpose of forming and clearing and putting in good repair the track from the mouth of the Haast Eiver to the Haast Saddle, about sixteen miles distant from the head of Lake Wanaka. The length of the track to be operated on is about thirty-five miles, and it is hoped that by the end of May the whole length of the track will be placed in a good state of repair. Completion of Boad from Maori Kaih to Taiaroa Head Lighthouse.— This work was finished Bridge over Taieri Biver Contract.— This work was let on the 9th January, 1885, to be completed on the 9th October, 1885. The soft nature of the foundations has given great trouble, and additional means have been resorted to to make them safe. "Up to date the cylinders have been sunk in piers Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 ; those in 5 are now in hand. The south abutment is completed, and the north abutment is in hand. None of the superstructure has yet been erected. Beaumont Bridge, over Clutha Biver.— -The contract provides that the work shall be completed by the 23rd July, 1886, and includes the supply and erection of the superstructure, which is of iron. The material did not arrive in the colony by time specified ; but the contractor has conveyed it to site of bridge, and has erected workshops and machinery there, so that good progress may now be expected. . . „,.., Boxburgh Suspension-bridge Contract.—The date of completion for this work is the 20th September, 1886. The contractor has conveyed the wire cables to the site, and has made a start with the work. . Cromwell Bridge. —The state of this bridge was reported on in December, 1884, since winch time the work has remained in abeyance. It has lately been handed over to the county to Improving Tracks, Steivart Island.— Plans are being prepared for this work, with the view of letting it in petty contracts. Forest Hill Tramway.—Contract No. 2, 5 miles 4 chains. This contract was completed on the 16th October, 1885, the first contract, 5 miles 21 chains, having been completed for some considerable time previously. Arrangements for working it have not yet been made. BUILDINGS. Auckland. Extensive alterations have been made in the Chief Post and Telegraph Office here; they were completed in July. Numerous alterations and additions to the Lunatic Asylum have also been executed at a recent date. , , New Prison.-Fair progress has been made with this work during the year. The whole of the foundations of the work authorized at present are completed, and the walls are up 6ft. to 16ft. high, in some places ready to receive the wrought-iron beams and joists for the first floor. A 4-ton crane has been erected in the quarry, and a 1-ton crane has been ordered for setting stonework on the building. Old Gaol. —Eepairs to drainage have been executed. Telegraph-station, Katikati.— Additions and alterations ; contract completed in September. Post and Telegraph Office, Te Awamutu. — Additions and alterations; contract completed in Post and Telegraph Office, Opotiki. —Additions; contract completed in February. New Police-station, Ngaruaioahia.— Contract in progress. Courthouse and Post-office combined, Mercury Bay.— Contract now advertised. Additions to Police-station, Mercury Bay.— Contract now advertised. General repairs and maintenance to all the other public buildings have been attended to. Wellington. Mount Cook Prison.— The works at the new prison have progressed fairly well during the year. In. order to provide some accommodation at an early date for convicts, most of the work has been concentrated on the south wing. An average of about seventy convicts has been engaged on the work During the year 1,361,000 bricks were made and burned. The progress of the work may be judged from the statement that the south wing is completed to an average height of 23ft., 7 —D. 1.



the west wing to a height of 12ft., and the remainder to an average height of 7ft.; the total quantity of brickwork put in place during the year being 2,520 cubic yards, of timber 5,000 superficial feet, and of wrought-iron work 13,8001b. Masterton Lockup Contract, including erection of three cells and alterations to police-station, was completed in May. Carterton Police-station Contract, consisting of the erection of two rooms at police-station, and sundry repairs and alterations, was duly completed. Tinui Police-station. —Sundry repairs and other work was done during the year. Johnsonville Lockup. —A two-cell lockup was erected at this place during May and June. Paikakariki Lockup, consisting of two cells, is now being erected under contract. Quarantine-station, Somes's Island. —A general repair and overhaul of all the buildings is now in hand, and is about three-quarters done. Hospital and Lunatic Asylum. —Several repairs and improvements have been effected at these institutions, and have given satisfaction. Government Printing Office —Plans for a new building were prepared, both in wood and brick, and tenders were called for each design. The amount of the tenders so largely exceeded the money voted that no tender was accepted. Piles for the foundations and timber for the flooring were provided, in. anticipation of the tenders for a wooden building being accepted ; these have been stacked, and will be suitable for any building that may be erected. The ventilation of the old building having been much complained of, means were taken to improve it, and with success ; the work was completed in September. Industrial Exhibition Building Contract. —The plans for this were prepared by the Public Works Department, and a contract was let on the 18th March, 1885 : to this was added extras to a large amount; but the whole was satisfactorily completed on the 20th August, 1885. The Public Works Department contributed exhibits to the Exhibition, as detailed in the following list, viz., (1) Timber, polished and unpolished, 411 pieces ; (2) photographs, &c, 101 frames ; (3) specimens of New Zealand stone, 16 pieces ; (4) models of bridges, &c, 7 pieces. On the closing of the Exhibition the following specimens, &c, were selected and forwarded to London, to be placed in the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, viz., timber, 191 pieces; photographs, 47 frames; stone, 5 cases; besides other specimens forwarded from the other districts. Tabanaki, Manawatu, and Hawke's Bay Disteicts. New Plymouth. —A three-cell lockup has been erected here, and drainage pipes laid to the gaol. Hawera. —Additions and alterations to post and telegraph station. Wanganui. —Repairs and addition of two rooms to post and telegraph office; also repairs to Courthouse. Marion. —Repairs and painting to post and telegraph station. Sanson. —Repairs and painting to post and telegraph station. Pungarehu.- —Conversion of blockhouse into police-station, and addition of two-cell lockup. Manaia. —Removal of buildings from redoubt for purposes of Courthouse, and for additions to police-station. Normanby. —Repairs to police-station. Patea and Pahnerston A Tor£k—Repairs to Courthouses. Ormond, Cook County. —A contract for dwelling for police has been accepted. Woodville. —Courthouse—contract completed ; post and telegraph office—contract nearly completed. Danevirke, Waipawa, and Waipukurau. —Two-cell lockup at each, and cottage for police at the latter; all completed. Napier. —Sundry repairs at Courthouse. Nelson and Maelboeough. Cable Bay Telegraph Station. —Repairs and painting completed. Lunatic Asylum.— Addition of rooms to two wings, also a laundry, in progress. Hospital and Lunatic Asylum.—A joint water-supply (gravitation) is now being laid down, also a telephone connection to each. A complete drainage scheme for these buildings is being arranged for, and several minor works have already been done in the way of repairs, fencing, ventilation, &c. The other public buildings in Nelson and Marlborough have been attended to in the way of repairs and maintenance. Westland. Greymouth. —A contract has been let for a new prison, and the work is proceeding satisfactorily; and tenders have been called for additions to the police-station. A new post and telegraph office has been erected. Brunnerton and Boatman's. —New lockups have been erected. Denniston. —A police-station is being built here. Minor repairs have been effected on all the other public buildings. Canteebuey. Lyttelton. —Channelling and asphalting at police-station completed. Christchurch. —-Additions to post and telegraph office completed. Sundry works at Supreme Court and drainage and sanitary works at hospital completed. A karoa.— Additions to police-station and to post and telegraph office all completed. 4shburton. —New cells to lockup completed.



Bjirnham.—B,epaka and water-supply completed at Industrial School. Sunnyside Asylum. — The drainage works and erection of new closets completed, besides numerous minor repairs. Eepairs as required in all other public buildings have been attended to. Otago. Waikaia.— Courthouse contract completed and handed over in November. _ Winton.— Courthouse and police-quarters contract completed and handed over in September. Gore. —Additions to Courthouse in hand. , Alexandra South.— Constables' quarters completed and handed over in November. Clyde .—Police stables completed and handed over in March. Portobello. —Lockup completed in September. Orepuki. —Police-station in hand. Pembroke. —Constables' quarters in hand. Jnvereargill— Additions and alterations to police-quarters in hand. Bluff —Post and telegraph office completed and handed over m January. Wyndham.— Additions to post and telegraph office completed m January. Palmerston.— Post and telegraph office completed in March. _ ...... , General repairs and maintenance of other departmental buildings m the district have been >e\tacliff Lunatic Asylum.— A portion of this building was affected by the unequal subsidence of the foundations, causing cracks in the walls and damage to the plaster inside. These damages have been made good, and no further complaints have been made as to any farther subsidence; as a precaution against which measures are now being taken to thoroughly dram the ground where the subsidence took place. The long dry summer produced apprehensions that the watersupply might fail; measures were taken to avert this, and two additional sources of supply were utilized the largest from the Omimi Creek, at an elevation sufficient to command the present reservoir. The supply now seems ample, but it may be worth while to build another storage reservoir, to guard against any possibility of a want of water in the future. DEFENCES. These works have been planned by the military officers, on surveys made by this department; but the contracts have been prepared and the works have been carried out under the immediate supervision of the Public Works Department, directed by the military officers. ' In this way extensive batteries and other defence works have been established at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.





The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Marine Department, 31st March, 1886. I have the honour to forward, for the information of the Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, and on other works during the year, viz. : — Light on Cuvier Island. —An order for the lantern and lighting apparatus for this lighthouse has been sent to England for execution. cmoval of Snags and Bocks from the Mokau River. —The amount voted for this work has been expended with a good result for a distance of twenty-seven miles from the mouth of the river. The work has been carried out with the view of securing a channel 35ft. to 40ft. wide, and 7ft. deep at low-water spring-tides ; but this depth has not been attained, there being places yet where only 3-Jft., 4ft., and sft. of water can be found. Jackson's Head Beacon. —This is now being erected in the shape of a circular tower of solid concrete, and the work has progressed to a height of about 12ft. from the foundation-level, which corresponds nearly with the low-water line. The height of the tower will be 38ft., but the lateness of the season will prevent the whole of this being completed; enough, however, will be built to serve the purpose of a beacon meanwhile, and the remainder will be finished next summer. Kaipara Harbour. —Some changes in the soundings in the channels and on the bar pointed to the necessity for a new survey : this is now being carried out, and a new chart will be prepared containing all the necessary information. Nelson Harbour. —During a visit to Nelson in February I made a survey of the changes in the direction of the channel of the Waimea Eiver, and the results of the survey will be described in a separate report. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.

Number of miles open of Government lines. NORTH ISLAND. MIDDLE ISLAND.

Number of miles open of Government lines. NORTH & MIDDLE ISLANDS COMBINED.


U, 1

Enclosure 3 in Appendix H. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1886. NORTH ISLAND.

State of Line. ■ i Appropriation. Name of Line. 3 Subdivisions. Main Line. I Total. t3 Under Under Opened. tion. laying. Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-G 1876-7 . 1S77-S 1878-9 1883-4 1885-6 Total. [1879-80 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 1884-5 1 I 2 3 M. chs 7 41 4 5 M. chs. 2 30 6 M. chs. 0 20 7 M. chs. 2 50 8 ]\I. chs. 0 M. chs. 10 M. chs. 11 12 M. chs. 13 M. chs. 14 M. chs. 15 M. chs. 2 30 16 M. chs. 17 II. chs. 18 M. chs. 19 M. chs. 20 M. ehs. 21 M. chs. 22 M. chs. 23 M. chs. 24 M. chs. 25 M. chs. 1 7 41 Ivawakawa I Kawakawa Kawakawa - Taumarere Taumarere - Opua Wharf Kamo-Whangarei .. Whangarei - Opau Wharf Kaukapakapa-Helens-ville Hslensville Terminus, —Helensville Helensville-Kurncu Kumeu-Henderson.. Henderson-Waikomiti Waikomiti - Newmarket Ponrose-Onehunga .. Onehmiga Wharf .. Auckland Wharf Auckland Station .. Auckland-Mercer .. Mercer-Newcastle .. N ewcastle-Hamilton Hamilton-Ohaupo .. Ohaupo-To Awarnutu Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch 22 Feb., 1877 Whangarei-Kamc ! I Whangarei-Kamo .. 5 11 0 37 5 48 7 April, 1884 5 11 6 52 4 50 2 2 0 76 1 31 5 46 3 33 28 Oct., 1880 30 Nov., 1882 4 50 2**2 | 6 52 .. Kaipara-Waikato Kaipara-Auckland .. 38 33 2 40 2 40 Estimated 0 43 0 70 1 33 18 Sept., 1880 '' 0 43 Onehunga Branch .. 12 79 11 0 1 50 9 01 0 65 1 25 0 20 3 46 13 64 12 25 1 70 13 27 29 Oct., 1875 18 July, 1881 21 Dec., 1880 29 Mar., 1880 12 79 1*60 11 0 35 7i 9 61 •• Auekland-Waikato .. 2 73 100 13 2 53 0 20 0 15 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 6 24 1 50 0 20 0 55 0 66 10 15 3 50 0 60 4 23 0 40 0 55 1 1 53 7 34 52 11 13 9 27 7 4 .. 24 Dec, 1873 28 Nov., 1878 30 Nov., 1885 20 May, 1875 13 Aug., 1877 19 Dec, 1877 4 June, 1878 1 July, 1880 2 53 020 o is ...« flOOli 42 72 31 2 10 33 9 27 Pukekohc-Waiukvi Waikato-Tharnes Au ckl and- Penrose — Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch ■—Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Waikato-Thames 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 0 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 00 Prelim. • • 6 24 •• 12 5 61 30 Paerata-Waiuku Frankton Junction, —Hamilton Hamilton-Morrinsville Morrinsville-Te Aroha 12 5 1 1 0 65 12 5 1 66 12 5 20 Oct.,' 1879 l"l ■30 16 79 12 55 2 55 2 41 19 54 15 16 1 Oct., 1884 1 Mar., 1886 16 79 12- 55


Enclosure 3 in Appendix H— continued. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1886. NORTH ISLAND.


4 State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. to 9, Subdivisions. Main Line. i 53 Total. i Under Under Forma- Platetion. laying. Opened. Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 1879-80 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-6 Total. 1 Waikato-Thames — continued'. 2 Waikato-Thames — continued. 3 M. chs. 4 5 M. chs. 17 70 8 25 4 40 12 2 6 M. chs. 7 M. chs. 17 70 8 25 5 75 15 16 8 M. chs. Estim. 9 M. chs 10 M. chs. 11 11 12 13 14 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 12 M. chs. 13 M. chs. 15 M. chs. 16 M. chs. 17 M. chs. 18 M. chs. 19 M. chs. 20 M. chs. 21 M. chs. 22 M. chs. 23 M. chs. 24 M.chs. 25 [. chs. Hamilton - Cambridge Thames Yalley"Rotorua Hamilton-Cambridge Te Aroha-Hikutaia.. Hikutaia Contract .. Kauaeranga Contract Kuakura Junction, —Cambridge Morrinsville-Oxf ord.. 1 35 3 14 825 4 40 8 Oct.,' 1884 __ 12 2 12 2 12 2 )ct., 186 84 Thames Valley-Roto-rua 69 57 30 60 2 40 33 20 8 Mar., 1886 Har., 186 86 30 60 30 60 Putarura - Lichfield Branch Napier-Woodville .. Oxford-Putaruru Putaruru-Rotorua .. Putaruru-Lichfield.. 6 77 32 0 4 3 6 77 32 0 4 3 Estim. 6 77 4*'3 •• Napier -Woodville and Palmerston North 4 3 96 59 Spit-Napier Napier-Hastings Hastings-Pakipaki .. Pakipaki-Te Aute .. Te Aute-Waipawa .. Waipawa-Waipukurau Waipukurau -Takapau Takapau-Kopua Kopua-Makotuku .. Makotuku-Matarnau Matamau-Tahoraite Tamaki Contract 2 16 11 64 4 27 10 17 12 53 4 49 12 79 5 63 5 22 ■ 4 22 7 43 13 43 3 42 2 34 0 18 0 44 1 20 0 70 0 48 0 35 0 51 0 22 1 18 1 10 5 58 14 18 4 45 10 61 13 73 5 39 13 47 6 18 5 73 4 44 8 61 14 53 25 Nov., 1874 12 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1875 17 Feb., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 1 Sept., 1876 12 Mar., 1877 25 Jan., 1878 9 Aug., 1880 23 June, 1884 15 Dec, 1884 STov., 181 3ct., 181 ran., 181 ?eb., 18"; Vug., 181 74 .. 2 16 74 .. 11 64 75 .. 4 27 i76 .. 10 17 176 2 16 11 64 4 27 12 53 4 49 12 79 - 3ept., IS; 76 81 5/ Vlar., 181 r nr 77 170 5-63 ran., 181 78 5 22 Vug., 18f 180 .. .. I 4*22 7 43 fune, 18S ;84 Wellington- Woodville 13'43 3ec, 18f ■84 • • .. Woodville Section .. Woodville -East End of Gorge East End of GorgePalmerston North Woodville-Eketahuna 1 41 2 72 1 41 2 72 1 41 2 72 Prelim. Woodville-Palmerston North 15 30 • • 12 38 12 38 12 38 Woodville-Wellington 112 15 26 70 26 70 f 8 0 J18 70 Prelim. }- ., Eketahuna-Kopuara-3 30 3 30 3 30 nga Kopuaranga Contract Opaki Contract Masterton-Woodside Woodside-Featherston Featherston-Kaitoke 8 9 8 6 16 22 4 19 17 48 2 46 0 39 1 67 8 9 8 6 18 68 i 58 19 35 8 9 8 6 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 12 Oct., 1878 16'22 4 19 • • ) 17 48 " I .. I .. f ..



Kaitoke-Upper Hutt Upper Hutt - Silverstream Silverstream - Lower Hutt Lower Hutt-Pipitea Pipitea-Wellington.. Woodside-Greytown Foxton-Palmerston.. Palmprs ton-Feilding Feilding-Halcombe.. Halcombo-Marton .. Marton-Turakina .. Turakina-Aramoho .. Aramoho-Kai Iwi .. Kai Iwi-Waitotara .. Waitotara-Waverley Waverley-Patea Patea-Manutahi Manutahi-IIawera .. Hawera-Normanby.. Normanby-Eltham.. Eltham-Ngaire Ngaire-Stratford Stratford-Inglewood Inglewood-Sentry Hill Waitara - New Plymouth Moturoa Contract .. Taonui Branch Bull's Branch Aramoho Loop Aramoho-Wanganui Marton Junction Station Porewa Contract Hunterville Section Surveyed Trial Survey Southward from Tunnel Porotarau Tunnel Contract Trial Survey Mokau Section Waititi Section Te Kuiti Section Puniu Contract S tratf ord-Te Awamutu Waitara-Te Awamutu j Hastings-Te Awamutu j 7 47 3 35 0 29 0 62 7 76 4 17 Jan., 1878 1 Feb., 1876 3*35 7 47 •• I I " I " •■ •• I - I '• i •• I - I 65 60 8 0 0 58 8 58 15 Dec, 1875 8 0 8 2 0 47 3 7 23 39 11 28 7 76 10 49 9 10 20 25 9 31 13 2 6 73 8 31 8 57 9 24 3 35 8 32 2 60 3 20 13 40 8 60 11 13 3 49 6 72 0 64 3 5 1 75 1 42 0 37 0 48 3 41 1 17 1 3 0 67 0 60 2 33 0 40 1 7 1 42 0 49 0 65 0 50 0 28 2 30 11 51 7 39 3 71 26 44 13 23 9 38 11 6 9 58 23 66 10 48 14 5 7 60 9 11 11 10 9 64 4 42 9 74 3 29 4 5 14 10 9 8 13 43 14 April, 1874 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 27 April, 1876 20 Oct., 1876 22 April, 1878 20 May, 1878 4 Feb., 1878 17 May, 1877 28 June, 1879 20 Sept., 1880 23 Mar., 1881 28 Aug., 1883 28 Aug., 1883 23 Mar., 1885 20 Oct., 1881 18 June, 1881 7 Feb., 1881 27 Sept., 1880 17 Dec, 1879 30 Nov., 1877 14 Oct., 1875 8 2 0*47 3 7 - Foxton-New Plymouth Greytown Branch .. Foxton-Patea 3 7 120 44 23 *39 11 28 - - 3 T 7 76 10 49 9 10 " - 20*25 " " 120 44 Patea-Waitara 9 31 13 *2 6 73 I •• I I •• - 8 31 8 57 I I I I 71 56 I - - 9 24 8 35 8 32 - - - 2 60 3 20 " 69 21 13 40 - Taonui Branch Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. 8*60 - - 11 13 2 35 3 15 3 79 0 10 3 19 0 22 1 37 0 20 3 72 3 35 3 79 0 10 5 32 1 5 1*4 3 79 2 35 ail 17 Nov., 1879 2 11 North Island Main Trunk Railway 3 15 3 79 3 29 Prelim. 0 10 3 19 2 13 0 63 21 Jan., 1878 21 Jan., 1878 I 3 29 0 22 - Marton-Te Awamutu 210 0 12 54 5 57 9 67 127 66 4 20 1 30 14 4 5 57 9 67 127 66 4 20 5 57 9 G7 127 66 4 20 12 54 - I I Prelim. Under Survey 1 34 % _ 1 34 1 34 0 9 47 4 0 8 53 10 58 15 2 148 0 120 0 170 0 9 47 4 0 8 53 10 58 16 12 148 0 120 0 170 0 9 47 4 0 8 53 5 58 Prelim. Prelim. - 5 'o - 1 10 15 2 - Stratf ord-Te Awamutu Waitara-Te Awamutu Hastings-Te Awamutu 148 0 120 0 170 0 148 0 120 0 170 0 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. - 1402 33 10 55 ! 61 19 69 23 22 G7 2 2 I 17 8 55 21 I 1*43 50 572 36 Totals .. • • 1402 33 105 26 1507 59 687 17 14 59 75 51 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 83 6S 39 * This comprises 12m, 70ch. of railway constructed by Government and 30m. 60ch. of line constructed by private company under the District Railways Act, and afterwards purchased by the Government.



Enclosure 3 in Appendix H. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1886. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. IS'amo of Line. Mileage. Subdivision. Main Line, Sidings. Total. Under Formation. Under i Opened. SurYeyed. laying. Date. Tj^" e'|l8-2-r3. 1873-7*. 187i-7S. i 1875-70 J 1S7G-77. !J 877-78. 1878-79.; 1S7D-S0. ' 1830-81. 1831-82 1883-S4.'l831-85.| 1882-83.1 1835-86. 1 Total. 1 2 3 M. ch. 70 10 5 M. ch. 1 0 18 73 3 0 2 47 17 9 9 31 18 10 6 M. eh. 0 21 2 a 0 29 0 20 7 SI. eh. 1 21 20 75 3 29 2 67 17 9 9 31 18 10 8 M. ch. 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 M. ch 13 M. eh. 14 . M. ch. 15 M. eh. 16 II. ch 17 M. ch 18 M. ch. 19 M. eh 20 K. ch 21 11. eh.! 1 0 I 22 M. ch 23 M. ch 24 M. ch. 25 SI. ch. 26 M ch . 27 M. ch. Nelson - Greymouth Nelson -Roundell, with extension to Hope Junction Port Extension Nelson-Foxhill Belgrove Wai-iti Surveyed Trial survey Roundell-Hope Junction, Trial Survey Greymouth-Brunner-ton Extension Stillwater (portion).. 2 47 17 May, 1880 31 Jan., 1876 25 July, 1881 " •• " i j 18>3J I I 3 01 - 22 73 •• •' Grevmouth - Nelson Creek 17 9 9 31 18 10 Prelim. Prelim. 1 ■ i I - - .. 16 3 7 50 3 32 11 2 7 April, 1876 .. 7 50 I o ioj 0 5 0 4 0 10 0 49 7 45 0 29 6 20 3 60 8 70 0 44 3 51 1 32 13 38 1 20 3 70 16 51 1 22 4 40 3 40 2 50 5 77 26 15 13 30 9 50 1 14 8 40 9 10 6 77 7 64 3 63 1 71 1 63 0 5 0 4 0 10 0 49 7 45 2 22 7 75 3 70 9 9 0 44 3 51 1 32 13 38 1 20 3 70 18 64 2 2 4 40 3 40 2 50 5 77 26 15 13 30 10 52 1 Feb., 1881 14 Mar., 1881 1 Sept., 1885 ■• 0 5 0 4' 7 69 • • •■ I 0 49 •• I Westport-Nga-kawau Westport-Ngakawau 19 63 Surveyed Station Westport Waimangaroa Ngakawau Survey of Extension Gre3'mouth Paroa Surveyed Arahura Hokitika Picton-Blenheim Blenheim Vernon Contract Dashwood Contract Surveyed Surveyed (trial) Kahautera-Waiau .. Reconnaissance Culverden-Hurunui Hurunui-Medbury .. Medbury-Waikari .. Waikari-Waipara .. Waipara-Amberley .. Amberley-Ashley(part) Ashley-Rangiora Rangiora-Southbrook 1 73 1 55 0 10 0 19| 745 17 Dec., 187S 5 Aug., 1873 5 Aug., 1876 26 Sept., 1877 •• I I - - I - I 0 29 - ••. 6 20 3 60 19 19 GreymouthHokitika Greymouth-Hokitika 0 44 - 8'70 - - - - 23 51 2'ii 1 32 l'io 13°38 Picton - Hurunui 1 20 •• 2 13 0 60 370 - Pioton-Awatero 34 40 18 Nov., 1875 24 May, 1880 16 51 1 22 " - ••_ ") 4 40 3 40 •• I •• i I •• •• I 17 73 •■ I ■• ! • ■ •• ! Kahautera-Waiau.. Waiau-Hurunui •• 2 50 5 77 20 15 13 30 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. ■ - 26 15 23 0 .. i' 2 9 Feb., 1886 9 Feb., 1886 28 Oct., 1884 17 April, 1882 6 Oct., 1880 3 Nov., 1875 9 Feb., 1876 17 April, 1875 5 Nov. 1872 9 50 1 14 "j 950 iurunui-Wai-taki, with Blanches Main Line 196 37 " • • ■■ 9*10 8*40 •• ! <j'77 7 64 3 63 .. I - ■■ I - 171 - - 168 - •• - .. .. I .. I I •• .. .. I I •• I



B—D« 1.

Southbrook-Kaiapoi Kaiapoi-Addington .. Christehurch-Selwyn Selwyn-Dunsandel .. Dunsandel-Eakaia .. Eakaia-Ashburton .. Ashburton-Ealing .. Ealing-Woodbridge.. Woodbridge-Temuka Temuka-Timaru Timaru-St. Andrews St. Andrews-Otaio .. Otaio-Makikihi Makikihi-Hook Hook-Nortli Waitaki North Waitaki-South Waitaki 5 1 11 68 22 43 1 77 10 66 17 7 19 29 2 59 13 65 11 15 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 1 40 59 29! 155 66 i 2 Sept., 1872 1 April, 1872 2 Oct., 1867 15 Feb., 1873 29 May, 1873 4 Aug., 1874 I 31 May, 1875 24 Aug., 1875 4 Feb., 1876 22 Oct., 1875 1 July, 1876 1 Sept., 1876 30 Oct., 1876 1 Feb., 1877 1 Feb., 1877 17 April, 1876 ! 11 68 22 43 • • 5 II 177 10 66 •-• ■■ " ■• 17 7 19 29 - 2 59 13 65 11 15 " •• •• s •• i96 37 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 140 .. I Branches, — Eangiora-Oxford.. 21 76 Eangiora-Cust Cust-Carlton Carlton-Oxford West Main Line - West Eyreton Eyreton-Bennett's .. Lyttelton - Christchurch Hornby-Ellesmere .. EUesmere - Southbridge Lincoln-Birdling's Plat Birdling's Flat-Little Eiver Eeconnaissance Eolleston-Shefaeld .. Sheffield- Springfield Springfield Coal-mine Darfield-Whitecliffs Extension Section .. Eakaia-Methven 11 77 5 53 4 26 14 25 [ 2 17 I 1 49 24 13 J 1 Dec, 1874 6 April, 1875 21 June, 1875 27 Dec., 1875 11 77 5 53 4 26 •• •■ 21 76 Eyreton (from Main Line) 20 7 21 56 li' 25 5 62 6 26 1 Feb., 1878 9 Dec, 1867 5 62 20 7 Lyttelton 6 26 6 26 " 6*26 6 26 I I Southbridge 25 31 14 62 10 49 |.". 28 35 • ■ 26 April, 1875 30 July, 1875 14 62 10 49 •■ 1 25 31 Little Eiver-Akaroa 42 10 17 8 I 2 16 24 62 ■■{ 7 June, 1882 17 8 5 38 j 5 38 16 Mar., 1886 22 46 Springfield 19 44 24 4 5 59 0 77 11 33 0 24 22 20 19 44 19 44 Prelim. 1 Dec, 1874 3 Jan., 1880 10 Feb., 1880 3 Nov., 1875 24 4 30 60 j- 3 14 33 74 "1 559 0 77 = } Whitecliffs Branch 11 57 30 60 1 63 13 16 0 24 22 20 0 24 •• 1133 - 11 33 Eakaia-Ashburton Porks Ashburton Branch 22 20 29 46 Tinwald-Westerfield Westerfield-Anama .. Anama-Cavendish .. Cavendish- Mount Somers Survej 7ed Washdyke - Pleasant Point Pleasant Point- Albury Albury-Winscombe .. Winscombe-Eversley Preliminar}- Survey.. Studholme Waimate Wai mate- Waihao Downs 10 47 8 39 2 47 1 48 I 0 68 22 41 1 48 1 Aprii, 1885* 8 April, 1880 7 Oct., 1882 1 Mar., 1884 •• •• 10 47 839 •• 22 '20 ::| 22 20 2 47 21 53 Opawa and Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke's Pass Branches 1 48 1 6 25 8 67 •• 6 25 6 25 24 Dec, 1875 8 67 •• 55 8 16 61 7 7 3 30 19 3 4 42 8 21 J- 2 39 38 44 : . "I 1 Jan., 1877 22 Aug., 1883 30 Jan., 1884 16 61 7~ 7 3 30 ;} 36 5 Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge .. 19 3 5 27 8 21 19 3 Prelim. 4 42 8 21 0 65 19 Mar., 1877 1 April, 1885* 4*42 4~42 8 21 • • ! •• 8-21 .. •• .. •• • • I • • In these cases the dates given, are the dates on whhic the railways became the property of the Government.


Enclosure 3 in Appendix H— continued. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1886. MIDDLE ISLAND.


State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. Mileage. Subdivision. Main LiLe. Sidings. Total. Opened. Under Under Surveyed. riatemation. layiug. ToJune. 1872. ' 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76. 1876-77. 1377-78. 1878-79. 1881-82 1882-83. 1S83-84. Date. 1872-73 1879-80. 1880-81. 1884-85. 1885-86. Total. 1 2 Main Line ( 3 M. ch. 246 69 4 5 M. ch13 8 6 M. ch. 7 M. ch. 8 M. eh. 9 M. ch. 10 H. ch 11 12 M. ch. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch.i 13 8 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch. 22 M. ch. 23 M. ch. 24 M. ch 25 M. ch. 26 M. ch. 27 M. ch. faitaki-Blufi and Branches South Waitaki - Oamaru Oamaru-Hillgrove .. Hillgrove-Palmerston Palmerston - Waikouaiti Waikouaiti-Waitati Waitati-Glendermid Glendormid-Dunedin Dunedin-Abbotsford Abbotsford - Clutha River Clutha River - Balclutha Balclutha-Clinton .. Clinton-Waipahi Waipahi-Gore Gore-Mataura Mataura-Woodlands Woodlands - Invercargill Invercargill-Bluif .. 25 Sept., 1875 .. ••] 24 52 12 68 9 3 4 Nov., 1876 22 May, 1878 6 Sept., 1878 24 52 18*68 9' 3 • • - ■" .. " ••! 14 33 9 77 7 6 5 7 46 36 7 May, 1878 20 Dec., 1877 9 April, 1873 1 July, 1874 1 Sept., 1875 •• .. i' e 5' 7 ■• I 14 33 9 77 " * * .. I •• .. 1 " I •• I 46'36 - •• I 58 6 304 75 . • •• 246 69 0 60 22 Jan., 1878 0 60 20 76 9 62 16 11 7 40 20 68 11 21 22 Jan., 1879 1 Nov., 1877 21 June, 1877 30 Aug., 1875 7 June, 1875 11 Feb., 1874 740 16 11 962 20 76 li 21 20'68 17 1 5 Feb., 1867 17 1 • J Branches, — Duntroon Branch 21 75 Pukeuri-Marawhenua Marawhenua - Duntroon Duntroon - Hakatera21 29 0 46 1 1 35 23 30 1 Dec, 1875 11 July, 1881 21 29 6'46 • • 1 21 75 '• 1 Duntroon-Haka-teramea Ngapara Branch.. Livingston „ 15 38 14 76 16 40 mea Waiareka-Ngapara .. Windsor-Livingston Survey (trial) Palmerston-Dunback (part) Palmerston-Dunback (part) Surveyed Glendermid - Port Chalmers Burnside- Walton Park Walton Park - Saddle Hill Mosgiel-Outram 15 38 14 76 12 0 4 40 1 58 15 38 1 26 16 22 12 0 4 40 8 0 Prelim. 4 0 1 April, 1885* 2 April, 1877 14 76 15 38 15 38 14 76 4 40 30 July, 1882 •• •■ I 1 58 Palmerston - Waiherno 9 40 6 77 [• 0 32: 9 7 -{ 1 Oct., 1885 .. 6 77 t 8 55 "' Port Chalmers Branch Green Island 0 65 1 9 0 65 3 51 4 60 0 65 9 April, 1873 i' 9 1 9 .. 1 9 .. 2 44 1 74 0 50 J 0 52 1 3 16 0 65 9 63 J 1 July, 1874 4 Sept., 1879 1 74 0 50 ::■] 2 44 .. Qutrain Branch .. 8 78 78 1 Oct., 1877 I - .. i 8 78 .. I • • I .. I • ■ .. 1 8 78



Lawrence ,, 21 76 Clarksville-Waitahuna Waitahuna-Lawrence Balclutha-Romahapa Surveyed Waipahi-Kelso Kelso-Heriot Surveyed Surveyed Preliminary Survey.. Riversdale Section .. Surveyed Edendale-Wyndham Mokoreta Section .. Surveyed Appleby Section Waimatua Section .. Surveyed Reconnaissance Temuka Bridge Oxford-Sheffield .. Surveyed Reconnaissance Wingatui Section .. Hindon Section Deep Stream Section Nenthorn Surveyed Invercargill-Winton Winton-Cai oline Caroline-Elbow Elbow-Lowther Lowther-Athol Athol-Fairlight Fairlight-Kiiigston .. Kingston Wharf Lumsden-Castle Rock Castle Rock - Murray Creek Mossburn Section .. Surveyed Reconnaissance Makarewa Junction to Riverton Thornbury (Aparima June.) to Otautau Otautau-Wairio Riverton-Oraki Oraki-Colac Colac-Orepuki 15 4 1 6 72 7 66 11 30 15 27 4 56 6 19 9 58 14 22 7 0 6 70 4 0 3 53 11 57 3 0 2 40 15 0 3 40' 0 15 11 44 20 72 50 29 C 05 12 50 4 22 9 0 149 79 38 58 22 10 8 27 5 70 13 18 10 10 8 35 0 10 2 21 4 9 I' 1 2 2 0 44 | 2 3 6'43 | 0 25: I 0 2S 6'57 - 5 5 I 0 43 1 2 2 23 78 | ■I 22 Jan., 1877 2 April, 1877 15 Dec, 1885 15 4 6 72 766 ■■ •• •' •• • • •• - " •■• •• 21 76 Catlin's River 19 16 •• 0 44; 8 30 11 30 11*30 .. , 7 G6 Waipahi - Heriot Burn 26 22 •• 15 27 ». ]• 2 3 22 6 -I 1 Dec, 1880 1 April, 1884 4*56 •• 1 20 3 j Kelso-Gore Waimea-Switzers 24 0 13 70 .. 6 19 9 58 14 22 7 0 6 70 4 43 3 53 11 57 6 19 9 58 14 22 6 70 Prelim. 7 0 • • • • - Edendale-Toitois 19 30 9 Oct.,' 1882 •• 1 0 i 0 11 57 353 Seaward Bush .. Canterbury Interior Main Line 24 0 5 65 5 40 I IS 0 3 40 0 15 11 72 20 72 50 29 7 42 12 50 4 22 9 0 149 79 15 0 3 40 " - I I •• •• •• .. .. Oxford-Temuka 83 0 Prelim. 0 15 I - ■ •• •• I - •• I 20'72 50 29 t 7 Aug.',' 1884 " 11*44 __ 1! H •• Otago Central Waitaki Blufi Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 Prelim. ,. 11 46 4 22 9 0 6 65 1 4 '• I i " •• .. ■• i InvercargillKings ton and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Invercargill-Kingston 86 74 149 '79 22 Feb., 1871 20 Oct., 1875 7 Feb., 1876 15 Jan., 1877 28 Jan., 1878 29 April, 1878 10 July, 1878 14 Dec, 1878 1 April, 1881 13 Mar., 1886 18 58 2210 8 27 5 #76 - - Kingston Wharf .. Lumsden-Mararoa 5 5 92 9 13*18 10 10 - - 87 4 8*35 0 10 - 0 10 30 0 2*21 0 43 6 73 I I I .. .. I I • • I I •■ .. .. I I .. i-iH 6 30 4 10 8 20 11 20 17 53 n \ 4 10 8 20 11 20 8 20 11 20 4 10 Western Railways Wallacetown Branch .. Prelim. ••J 17 53 9 June, 1879 •• 1753 17*63 Otautau Branch .. 11 40 11 40 15 Dec, 1879 11 40 11 40 Otautau-Nighteaps Orepuki Branch 10 55 17 68 10 55 6 3 1 30 10 35, V 5 67 5 67 63 43 3 Mai., 1882 25 July, 1881 24 Sept., 1883 5 May, 1885 •■ 10 55 6 3 i'3oj 1035) i 10 55 .. 17 68 ■• I • • Totals 1 I ! 1 I I 1614 62 1614 62 176 4 1790 66 484 2 59 79 28 37 76 36 27 62 11 21 Il26 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 18 66 35 22 22 45 24 60 t91 58 1042 24 176 4 40 35 14 34 - * In these cases the dates give t This comprises 45m. 59oh. oi ;n are the dates on which the railways became the property of the Government. [ railways constructed by the Government and 45m. 79ch. of lines constructed by private companies under the District Railways Act, and afterwards mrchased by the Go 1 ■ernmi ■nt. «



Disteict Engineer to the Engineer-in-Chief. Public Works Office, Wanganui, 11th December, 1885. I forward notes taken when coming down the Wanganui Biver from Taumaranui, where the North Island Main Trunk Line approaches the Wanganui Eiver, in end of October and beginning of November, 1885. General Note. —ln regard to the following notes : — The course being down river, where, in describing positions, the right is mentioned, it refers to proper right bank of river, and similarly in regard to left. The Native kaingas mentioned are many of them old and abandoned settlements. The water-level of river at the time was said to be about one foot above what is known as the " low level." The character of the Wanganui Eiver — generally that of well defined banks, not much liable to scour or widen out—is what renders it of a promising nature as to adaptability to suitable lightdraft navigation. This character is in contrast to such rivers as the Manawatu in its upper course above Ngawhakarau, which is by the river about forty miles above Foxton, and the Eangitikei from a few miles from the sea, both which rivers widen out, wash away their banks from time to time, and spread their channels over wide shingle beds. In the Wanganui Eiver this stable, defined character of channel is more especially the case in the portion from about fifty-seven miles above Wanganui to 123 miles above Wanganui, where the character of the river between the distances mentioned is that of a course confined between well defined banks or faces of papa rock on both sides. (Sketches Ito 6 attached will give some idea of appearance of this portion of river.) The banks, however, on the lower course from Wanganui up to the fifty-seven miles are also well defined, and do not alter much, and still give to the river the definite character referred to as favourable to navigation. For about eight miles below the junction of the Eiver Ongaruhe, near Taumaranui, to Taumaranui, about 136 miles above Wanganui, the character of the river is not so favourable, although the banks here are also generally fairly defined ; and this portion will be more difficult, and take more work to improve it. A good dray road could, it is said, be got from Taumaranui for eight miles down the Wanganui River; but, as this would break the water carriage, it would be preferable to give more attention and work to improving this portion of the river also for a suitable light-draft navigation. The numbers of the rapids coming downwards from Taumaranui are shown on the tracing in blue figures giving approximate position. Where no work is mentioned in the notes to be done at a rapid, it means that none appeared to be required, although possibly on more detailed examination some might be found necessary. Although the list of rapids appears formidable (200 between Taumaranui and Atene), yet it will be observed that many of them are easy and many noted as requiring no work in clearing. There is, however, a very large amount of work to be done in those requiring clearing and improving. Between the rapids there are good reaches requiring no work and easily navigated, so that the length occupied by the rapids bears but a small proportion to the total length of the river between Wanganui and Taumaranui. In the state of the river at this time—viz., as said to be about one foot above " low level," the greatest speed of current observed in the rapids was a little over six miles per hour. There are several rapids with approximately this speed, and a speed of current of four to four and a half miles per hour occurs more frequently in others. i—D. 1.



With this speed in the rapids, ami in many of them bends in direction more or less sharp, the navigation will obviously have some difficulties to contend with and to overcome. After the general clearing and snagging of a passable channel is done there will be a question of maintenance of the clear channel owing to probable occasional lodgement of snags, and it may be in some cases alteration of channel after heavy floods. However, when the present snags, boulders, &c, which have evidently lain in the channels for a very long time, have been removed, the maintenance should not be so heavy a matter, provided prompt attention is given to removal of drift and snags that may from time to time lodge in the channels, before they have time to act as a nucleus for gathering further drift. 129 miles above Upokongaro ; 136 miles above Wanganui : 29th October, 1885, started from Taumaranui, the canoe being in the Ongaruhe Eiver, a short way above the junction of that river with the Wanganui. The most suitable landing place for traffic here would appear to be in the Ongaruhe, on its left bank. Between this and the junction of the two rivers there is one rapid in the Ongaruhe, but not a difficult one. Went down the Ongaruhe to the junction and entered the Wanganui Eiver. Two snags to remove just below the junction. Eapid No. 1: A number of snags to move; a good deal of work here. Eapid No. 2 : Some snags to move, and large stones to move all across. Eapid No. 3:At a papa bluff on left bank; no snags, but pick up some stones. Eapid No. 4 : Swift run, straight; not much work. Eapid No. 5 : Snags to move on right bank. Eapid No. 6: At bend of river to left, papa rock on right in shelves. Some stones to move; some snags just below rapid : not a difficult rapid. Eapid No. 7 : Straight run; little work to be done. Eapid No. 8: At bend to right rocks and large boulders to move; channel on left bank. Some more stones to move just below rapid; some of these want blasting as too large to lift. Eapid No. 9: On bend to right; channel on left bank; large stones to move; plenty of water; very swift run. Tried speed of current with patent log, and found four miles per hour in upper part of rapid. Eapid No. 10 : Pretty straight; some big stones to pick up, and some rocks to blast. Eapid No. 11: Channel to right; not much work required ; papa rock on right. This is a long rapid just above Waitapu Creek, which joins on the right; below the creek bold bank on right of stratified papa, dipping to westward ; good reach below this, with bold bank and channel on right; sharp turn to left. Eapid No. 12 : Eapid at sharp turn; clear; not much work; very swift run, and difficult on account of sharp bends. Speed of current by patent log, 4 miles an hour; some big stones to move; papa on both sides; in lower part might be improved by cutting off point at A, but this would involve a good deal of work. Some stones to move in the reach below. See diagram No. 1. Eapid No. 13 : Large boulders on right; stones to take out of channel, also some snags. Channel to left very swift. Current runs 4$ to 5 miles per hour; bad turns; might be improved by moving the large stones at A, involving a good deal of work. See diagram No. 2. Eapid No. 14 : Straight run ; some stones to move, and three large boulders. There is a considerable current for about ten chains below this rapid, with some large boulders to clear out. 123-J- miles above Upokongaro ; 130£ miles above Wanganui ; 5J miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 15 : Straight run ; not bad; some stones to move; Makokomiko, a stream, joins on left bank; river good for some distance below this. Ikamutu Stream to left. Eapid No. 16 : Straight run; a long rapid; probably require some stones moved out of channel; at foot of rapid river turns to right. Eapid No. 17 : At bend easy run ; not requiring work. General Note. —On these rapids, from starting-point, the least depth observed in present state of river was 2ft. 6in., the river being said to be about lft. over low level or state, occurring probably for six to eight weeks in summer or autumn. Eapid No. 18 : Straight run ; a good many boulders to move in lower part of rapid; below this a good reach; stratified papa seams on right bank; dipping westwards at slight incline, say 1 in 10. Eapid No. 19 : Quick run, but straight and clear, not requiring work ; would be shallow in low level of water. 121 miles above Upokongaro ; 128 miles above Wanganui; 8 miles below Ongaruhe Junction at Taumaranui: Eapids Nos. 20 and 21: Omaka, about eight miles from Taumaranui, sharp turn to right, high hill on left, and a round detached fern hill on left, just below rapid ; a shelf of papa rock on left confines the channel. This is a long difficult rapid, and turns to left at foot of the first run ; some stones to move ; another turn to right at foot of second run, with some boulders to clear. This rapid is about 8 chains or 10 chains long, with several turns, and may be said to consist of several runs in close succession.



General Note. —For the eight miles above this to Taumaranui the river is of a more open character, and consequently more spread in the channels, rendering the navigation more difficult and uncertain than further down the river. Eapid No. 22 : Straight, but some large boulders to clear. 120 miles above Upohongaro ; 127 miles above Wanganui; 9 miles below Ongaruhe Junction at Taumaranui : Eapid No. 23: Te Whakarae turns to left, the channel is to right, with swift run, and not straight, but a good deal of water; papa shelf on right. Eapid No. 24 : Straight a short way below No. 23; some stones to move. Eapid No. 25 : Above a turn to right not a bad rapid; straight and clear. Eapid No. 26 : Straight run, short and clear. Eapid No. 27 : Straight and clear; may be shallow in low level of river. Eapid No. 28 : A long rapid, but not very quick, and good water. Some large boulders to clear on right side of channel and some stones to move in parts; a stream to left. 118 miles above Upohongaro; 125 miles above Wanganui; 11 miles below Taumaranui: Good reach ; river about 100 ft. wide. The stratified layers of papa continue on right bank. Eapid No. 29 : Straight run, little work required. Eapid No. 30 : Straight run, and clear. Eapid No. 31: Straight run; a large boulder to clear, and some stones; good water; below this the river turns to right with a good reach, the stratified papa cliffs showing on left bank. 117 miles above Upokongaro; 124 miles above Wanganui; 12 miles below Taumaranui: Eapids Nos. 32, 33, and 34: Matawhero—this is a long difficult rapid, or rather several successive runs with several turns. No. 32 quick run, but clear shingle island to left of channel. No. 33 is close below No. 32, and is a quick run, with easy turn to left; a long run, with some stones to clear; some large boulders to clear in bend below where it turns to right. These boulders, and some of those previously noted in other rapids, will require blasting as too large to lift. No. 34, some boulders to clear, but good direction of run. Otnnui, a stream to right, falls over a papa shelf. Eapid No. 35 : Quick run, and turn to left; some stones to move. Eapid No. 36 : Strong run, but clear; no work required; a papa shelf both on the right and on the left bank. Eapid No. 37 : Quick run ; a papa point on right, and turn to the right at foot; one snag to move. Eapid No 38 : Channel on left; no work required. 116 miles above Upokongaro ; 123 miles above Wanganui ; 13 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 39 : A large boulder to clear in mid-channel. Note. —The gorgy character of river becomes more marked here, and continues downwards. A good long reach, with still water and papa faces on both sides. These, however, are solid, and not in stratified bands as before mentioned. Eiver about 100 ft. wide. Eapid No. 40: Moderate run and straight; no work required; a good reach; papa rock on both banks. Eapid No. 41: Moderate run ; no work required. 114J miles above Upokongaro; 121|- miles above Wanganui ; 14J miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 42 : Moderate run; no work required; good reach; papa faces on both banks. Te Eakura Stream comes in on right bank over a papa shelf. There is a Native track to the Ohura from here, and the Natives say a fair road can be got across country from here to Taumaranui. Kaimatia, a Native kainga, to left. Eapid No. 43 : Quick run ; shingle bed on left channel to right; no work required. Eapid No. 44 : Long quick run, pretty straight; channel to left; shingle bank on right; no work required; papa rock on both banks. Pairiki, Native kainga, on right bank; good reach. Eapid No. 45 : Straight run, moderate and short; no work required. Eapid No 46 : Easy run; no work required. 113 miles above Upokongaro ; 120 miles above Wanganui ; 16 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 47 : Easy run; close below Taurakawau ; no work required; good reach; papa faces both sides ; still water; about 100 ft. wide. Eapid No. 48 : Bend to right; rapid run ; no work required ; old clearing on right. 112 miles above Upokongaro; 119 miles above Wanganui ; 17 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 49 : Long, swift run, and winding ;no work required; a large stone in channel below wants moving. Whenuatero, a Native kainga, on left bank; a stream on left over a papa shelf; river good and deep ; papa faces on both sides. Eapid No. 50: Just below Whenuatore ; quick run, but straight and clear; no work required ; good reach. Eapid No. 51 : Moderate run ; good water; no work required.



11l miles above Upokongaro; 118 miles above Wanganui ; 18 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No 52 : Paparoa—a difficult rapid current, very swift, and channel narrow. An island of large, loose rocks divides the river into two channels, that on the right bank being the one used for navigation. This channel runs against a rocky ledge. There is a large snag at bottom of the narrow run to move, and also a piece of the rocky point at B, say 10ft. wide, to blast and cut off to straighten the run somewhat. The rock is hard, with embedded shells ; there are also some rocks to clear out of side of channel. Two strong ring-bolts let into the rocky shelf on right bank might assist in warping up this pinch if found necessary. By patent log tried current in channel, and found speed to be six miles per hour. Some widening by moving rocks at A would also improve, but might be left for the present. The channel between island and the rocky lodge is about 30ft. to 50ft. in width. There is considerable current for some way below this rapid, but clear. Nuku Nuku, a Native kainga, on right bank, with willows and fruit-trees. See diagram No. 3. Eapid No. 53 : Quick run ; channel on left; some papa rock in bottom might with advantage be removed. Rapid No. 54 : Short rapid run ; channel on right; some timber to clear out on right side. Eapid No. 55 : Quick run, but clear channel on right; a rock to clear in channel. Okeria, a Native kainga, on left. Eapid No. 56: Short and swift run ; some timber to move on left. Eapid No. 57 : Fair course ; some snags and timber to move ; good reach ; Pakapiopio, a flat rock in river, but a good channel to right. This might be found a good site for a roadbridge if nature of adjoining country suited. Te Ohu, a stream, to left. Eapid No. 58: Moderate run ; good channel. Eapid No. 59: Moderate run ; good channel; flat reef on left. Te Euawhakaunga, a stream, to left. Eapid No. 60 : Channel on left; some rock to move; not much work ; river about 2 chains wide. Eapid No. 61: Straight run ; not much water, but clear. Eapid No. 62 : Short run and clear. 106J miles above Upokongaro ; 113J miles above Wanganui; 22J miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 63 : Straight run and clear. Otuiti Stream on right ; falls over two papa ledges into river. Eapid No. 64 : Moderate run ; good channel; good reach. Defined papa banks about 80ft. wide. Eapid No. 65 : Short run, with turn to left; but clear channel on right bank. Eapid No. 66 (just below 65) : Channel good; a snag to move. Eapid No. 67 : Swift run ; bluff on right. 105$ miles above Upokongaro; 112 i miles above Wanganui; 23-J- miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 68 : Eairakau : short swift run ; shingle bank on right; some snags to move on upper part of loft side. Eapid No. 69 : A long rapid channel on left against papa ; face clear ; no work required. Kokakariki, double waterfall, on left over papa ledges; good reach. Eapid No. 70 : Short run ; one large snag to move. Eapid No. 71: Easy run ; no work required. Note. —Good still reaches prevail between the rapids here, and this may be said of the river in general in great part. 105 miles above Upokongaro ; 112 miles above Wangamd ; 24 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 72 : Te Puha, a long rapid channel, on left ; channel clear; one snag to move. Eapid No. 73 : Moderate run ; straight; clear. Eapid No. 74 : Short swift run ; channel to right against papa ; clear ; a shingle bed on left. Eapid No. 75 : Swift run ; clear channel on right bank. 103^ miles above Upokongaro ; 110J miles above Wanganui ; 25^ miles below Taumaranui : Kakahi Stream and waterfall on right falls over papa. Eapid No. 76 : Short run, and rather swift; but clear. Tapara, a stream, to left. Eapid No. 77 : Moderate run and clear. Eapid No. 78 : Moderate run ; no work required ; good reach. Eapid No. 79: Moderate run and clear, just above junction of the Ohura, Eiver. 102| miles above Upokongaro ; 109 i miles above Wanganui ; 26^ miles below Taumaranui : Ohura Eiver joins on right. Maraekowha, Native kainga, once a large settlement. The Ohura falls over a papa ledge into the Wanganui. Eapid No. 80 : Moderate fall; straight and clear ; good reach. 101 miles above Upokongaro ; 108 miles above Wanganui; 28 miles beloiu Taumaranui : Tawhata, Native kainga, on left; two snags in deep channel to move. Eapid No. 81: A swift run with bend, but clear. Eapid No. 82 : Swift short run, but clear.



Eapid No. 83 : Easy run ; one large boulder to move. These last three are close together; a good reach below these. Eapid No. 84 : Moderate run ; one or two large boulders to move. Mangaotu Stream to left. 100 miles above Upokongaro ; 107 miles above Wanganui ; 29 miles below Taumarauui : Eapid No. 85 : Some boulders to move. Eapid No. 86 : Swift run, with bend, but clear. Ti Eata, a hill on left bank, said by Natives to have been cleft by lightning. Omaruiti, a stream, to right. Eapid No. 87 : Moderate run and clear; good reach. Eapid No. 88 : Moderate run and clear; river about 2 chains wide ; good reach. Eapid No. 89 : Straight run and clear; good reach ; river about 120 ft. wide. 98 miles above Upokongaro; 105 miles above Wanganui; 31 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 90: Moderate run and clear; a brackish spring in papa face on right bank; good reach; papa faces on both sides. A large snag, but room to pass it. Waipahihi, a waterfall, to left. Eapid No. 91: Easy run; clear and straight; good reach, about 130 ft. wide. Note. —From Eapids Nos. 88 to 91 a straight run of river, three-quarters to one mile long. Eapid No. 92 : Moderate run ; shallow, but clear. General Note. —The least depth observed generally on rapids has been 2ft. 6in., the river being said to be lft. above the low level. 97 miles above Upokongaro ; 104 miles above Wanganui; 32 miles beloiv Taumaranni : Eetaruke Creek on left, a considerable stream. Whakahoro, a Native kainga, on left. Eapid No. 93 : Straight run ; shallow, but clear; a long run—no work required. Makokoti, a large stream, on left. Kaiwhakauka, a Native kainga, on left. Eapid No. 94 : Swift run, but short and clear; channel on left bank; a good reach. Eapid No. 95 : Moderate run; one snag and one boulder to move. 95 miles above Upokongaro; 102 miles above Wangatiui; 34 miles beloiv Taumaranui : Eapid No. 96 : Easy run, wide and clear. Mangapapa, small waterfall, to right over papa ledge; good reach. Eapid No. 97 : Waikoriri—a swift run ; two large rocks in middle, but there is a passage to right of them ; a snag to move, and a small rock. The rock here conglomerate; good reach; river about 2 chains wide. Otawa, a stream, on right. Eapid No. 98 : Moderate run, long and straight; no work required. Te Arakaiwhiria, a stream, on left; good reach; river about 80ft wide ; high papa banks. 94 miles above Upokongaro; 101 miles above Wanganui; 35 miles beloiv Taumaranui : Eapid No. 99 : Haukopai—water runs against papa face on left; one boulder in middle to move. Eapid No. 100 : Straight easy run ; good reach ; bold banks ; winding course. Eapid No. 101: Otaupea—shingle bank on right; swift run; narrow channel; papa rock on left; some timber to move on left near top, and two snags on right below rapid. Eapid No. 102 : Wairau—shingle bank on left; snag to move ; good reach about 70ft. to 100 ft. wide, deep water; papa faces both sides, and steep hill sides above covered with bush, Motutahiora, a stream, to left; good reach continues. 91 £ miles above Opokongaro ; 98f miles above Wanganui; 37|- miles below Taumaranui: Mangapapapa, a stream, to left. Eapid No. 103; Just below the stream ; moderate run and clear. 91 miles above Opokongaro : 98 miles above Wanganui ; 38 miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 104 : Ohei—shingle bank, in middle; channel on right; a number of snags to clear out. This is a swift run ; a good deal of work here ; good reach about 80ft. wide ; regular papa banks. Te Eerenga-o-koinaki, a bold cliff on right bank, said to be where Inaki committed suicide. This papa bluff has a resemblance to fore part of an ironclad steamer, and may be recognized by this. Eapid No. 105 : Shingle to left, and swirl against papa face to right, but good water. 90-J miles above Upokongaro ; 97-J miles above Wanganui; 38-J miles beloiv Taumaranui : Eapid No. 106 : Kirikiriroa—channel on right against papa ; large shingle bed on left; Native eel pas in river; quick turn to left; some snags to clear. The river makes a long bend here, with narrow neck of land across. 90 miles above Upokongaro ; 97 miles above Wanganui; 39 miles beloiv Taumaranui : Eapid No. 107 : Swift run; shallow but clear; a snag to move. Ohauiti, Native eel pa, in river, but room to pass on right bank; good reach. Eapid No. 108: Easy run, and clear at bend of river to right. The narrow neck of land between bends of river above referred to is about here. A snag to move. Eapid No. 109 ; Easy run and clear; a snag to move. In reach below two papa ledges project out, one on each side, overhanging the water, with about a chain wide of river between them—Waitaiti. Omakutapu, a stream, to left. Eiver bends to right.



88 miles above Upokongaro; 95 viiles above Wanganui; 41 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 110: Taurapokiore—a large slip on left bank came down here about five years ago, according to the Natives, and this has confined the river channel. The whole hill side from a great height seems to have slipped, with large masses of rock, soil, and boulders. This has caused a swift and difficult rapid. To improve, take boulders out to line AA, depositing them behind this line on left bank; or, if practicable, and work affords to line 88, but probably line AA is all that can now be attempted. This will give a straight channel with good water, but rapid run. The river turns to the right below the rapid with a deep place on left against a papa face. This will be a heavy piece of work. Three ring-bolts, fixed in papa face on right bank, would give facility for using warps if required. There is said to be a heavy surf just below the rapid in floods, rendering it dangerous to canoes, but not probably to any vessel used for stoam navigation. Measured current at X with patent log and got six miles per hour surface current. See diagram No. 4. Eapid No. 11l (a short way below 110): This rapid is caused by stuff which has been carried down in floods from the slip mentioned and deposited in river-bed; two snags to move, and probably some large stones to move out of the channel; good reach, about 120 ft. wide ; bold papa faces both sides; a snag to move in channel. Taireaka, Native kainga, on right. Kohaumia, a stream, on right, just below the kainga. Eapid No. 112 : Swift run ; channel to right against papa face, but clear; no work required ; a snag below rapid to move; good reach. Amate, a stream, on the left. Eapid 113 Earatu —clear, but shallow, and wide. Note. —There is more drift timber now in places lodged .against the river banks than was observed higher up the river. Eapid No. 114: Easy run, straight and clear; good reach; bold papa faces on both sides; river about 100 ft. wide. 85 J miles above Upokongaro ; 92 J miles above Wanganui ; 43-J- miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 115 : Tautara Kapua—swift run ; a few snags on left to move ; current runs quickly for some way down ; some snags to move in reach below. Mararoa Stream on right; some snags to move just below this. Eapid No. 116 : Channel to right, with bend to left; short, quick run, and current extends some way below the rapid " Houeneika." 84J viiles above Upokongaro ; 91J miles above Wanganui ; 44^- miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 117 : Moderate run ; wide and shallow ; clear; no work required. Eapid No. 118 : Tarawhata, Native kainga, on left; swift run, with bend to right, and a second swift run close below, river still bending to right; runs against papa faces on left; some stones to move on loft at lower end; good reach; a stream on right. Eapid No. 119 : Swift run, with curve to left; channel on right, against papa face ; a snag at lower end to move. Eapid No. 120 (a few chains below 119) : A small waterfall on right; no work required. Eapid No. 121 : Easy run ; river bending to left; a snag a short way below to move ; opposite small stream on right. 82-J miles above Upokongaro; 89f miles above Wanganui ; 46J miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 122 : Auroa—swift run against papa bank ; channel curves to left; several snags to move on right. Eapid No. 123 : Moderate run, with curve to right; some snags at upper end to move. Eapid No. 124 : Swift run, with curve to right; some snags to move ; the run continues some way below ; good reach; small waterfall on left bank. Eapid No. 125: Short run; some snags to move; good reach, with bold papa faces both sides, and good still water ; small waterfall to left and another to right. Note. —The streams falling into river have cut deep into papa rock here, while some distance back up river they have the opposite effect of throwing out buttresses, or rather of preserving the wearing away of the papa ; probably owing in that part of river to some substance, perhaps lime, being held in solution in the water of the stream, and which has a hardening effect on the surface of the papa, where the stream falls over it. Eapid No. 126 : Moderate run; some boulders to move at upper end, and some snags; curved to left; streams and small waterfall on right bank ; good reach. 81 miles above Upokongaro ; 88 miles above Wanganui ; 48 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 127 : Moderate run ; snag in centre to movo ; papa shelf on left; good reach; stream on right. Eapid No. 128 : Moderate run ; some snags to move ; stream to left; good reach ; straight and good water; stream to left and another to right. Makokomiko, a Native kainga, to left on a hill. Eapid No. 129 : Moderate run; wide and shallow; no work required; stream to left. Eapid No. 130 : Moderate run; a snag to move. Eapid No. 131: Swift run against papa on right bank; some snags at top to move ; good reach; stream on right.



78 miles above Upokongaro ; 85 miles above Wanganui ; 51 miles below Taumaranui : Puketapu, Native kainga, on right; stream on right. Eapid No. 132 : Swift run ; bend to left; some snags to move; a sharp run round the papa face on right bank. Eapid No. 133 : Swift run against papa face on left, but clear ; no work required ; two small waterfalls to left; good reach; some snags at one part to clear. Eapid No. 134 : Moderate run; channel on left; no work required. Eapid No. 135 : Kaiaroha—swift run againt right bank; a snag to move; current continues .some way below the rapid. 76£ miles above Upokongaro ; 83|- miles above Wanganui; 52£ miles below Taumaranui: Tangarakau Eiver joins on right bank; its channel is deep cut in, and about 50ft. wide ; good reach ; a snag to move. Tahunaroa, a shingle bank, on left. Eapid No. 136 : Easy run ; no work required. General Note. —Hitherto shallowest depth observed on rapids 2ft. 6in. to 3ft., the river being said to be lft. above the low-level; good reach ; a stream to right. Eapid No. 137 : Moderate run ; a snag to move on left; good reach; a small waterfall to left. Note. —The streams falling into the river over papa appear about here again to preserve it from wear, and cause it to jut out, where they fall over. (See former note re this.) Eapid No. 138 : Te Moari—swift run; a snag at lower end to move. Eapid No. 139 (close below 138) : Mangatoatoa—a stream to left, with deposit of largo stones jutting out from bank at its junction with river; several snags to move ; two rocks on left bank of river, and a snag to move opposite to them. 74£ miles above Upokongaro ; 81-| miles above Wanganui; 54J miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 140 : Moderate run ; two snags to move. Te Kowhai, river about 140 ft. wide. Eapid No. 141: Slight run; two snags to move ; curve to left. 73| miles above Upokongaro ; 80-J- miles above Wanganui; 55-| miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 142 : Clear run ; a snag to move. Whangamomina, a large creek, to right; good reach; a snag to move. Eapid No. 143 :Te Aukopai—swift run ; snag at top to move; stream to left; some snags in reach below to move. 72 miles above Upokongaro ; 79 miles above Wanganui; 57 miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 144 : Moderate run against face on left bank. Mangawai iti Stream to left; river turns to left. Eapid No. 145 : Moderate run ; some snags to move. Eapid No. 146: Moderate run; snag at lower end to move. Eapid No. 147 : Whakakapa, moderate run; some snags to move; river here bold papa banks both sides, about 120 ft. wide; long; good reach; some snags in one part to move. Otamonga, a stream, to left; deeply cut into papa; a snag to move ; a stream to right. 70J miles above Upokongaro; 77-J miles above Wanganui; 58f miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 148 : Okareroa—moderate run ; straight; some snags to move at lower end, also two snags a few chains below ; small waterfall to left; good reach ; about 120 ft. wide ; bold papa banks. Eapid No. 149 : Swift run; straight; some snags to move; good reach; a snag to move. Otaikohatu, shingle beach on right; small waterfall on left. This is a good long reach. 69 miles above Upokongaro; 76 miles above Wanganui ; 60 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 150: Otaua —easy run ; a snag a little way below to move ; good reach. Eapid No. 151: Easy run ; several snags to move. Eapid No. 152 : Easy run; no work. Eapid No. 153 : Short, quick run; swirl against papa face to left; shingle bank to right. 68 miles above Upokongaro ; 75 miles above Wanganui ; 61 miles below Taumaranui : Mangapurua, large stream, to left; a snag to move; shingle beach on right; river to right. Eapid No. 154 : Easy run near the stream named above ; good long reach. 66f miles above Upokongaro ; 73f miles above Wanganui; 62J miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 155 : Swift run ; a good many snags to move in the channel on right. Opopo, good long reach ; river about 130 ft. wide; bold papa faces both sides. Te Arapoto Stream on right; river turns to left. Eapid No. 156 : Oparia—shingle beach on right; easy run ; some snags above, and also in rapid to move ; stream to left. Eapid No. 157: Easy run and clear; a snag to move ; good reach; river about 130 ft. wide; bold banks. Tangahoe stream to right; a snag to move near this. 65-J miles above Upokongaro; 72% miles above Wanganui ; 63J miles below Taumaranui: Kahuiroa Stream on left. Eapid No. 158 : Epeka, Native kainga, on left; eel pas in river; stream to left; a passage probably found without moving eel pas ; some snags to move, Tukipo, Native kianga, to right; good reach.



6i miles above Upokongaro ; 71 miles above Wanganui; 65 miles below Taumaranui: Rapid No. 159: Easy run, some snags to move. Utapu and Parenui, Native kaingas, on right; good reach below Utapu ; stream to left. Rapid No. 160 : Puwhawha—moderate run ; a good many snags to move. Tieke, Native kainga, on left bank. Rapid No. 161: Easy run ; some snags to move ; Native kainga on right; a snag and boulder to move. Rapid No. 162: Easy run; some snags to move; good reach, with bold papa faces ; river about 130 ft. wide. Rapid No. 163 : Moderate run ; some snags to move, and some more just below the rapid; good reach ; stream to right deeply cut into papa ; papa faces at both banks ; small waterfall to left deeply cut into papa. Good reach continues. Rurupopo Cave on right; a stream to right; some snags to clear opposite it. Otawa, Native kainga, on left; a few snags to move. This fine reach is some miles long. Papaka, a rock in river ; this is a taniwha ; a snag to move. Waipahihi Stream on left. 59 miles above Upokongaro ; 66 miles above Wanganui ; 70 miles below Taumaranui: Rapid No. 164 : Slight run ; some snags to move ; broad and shallow ; good reach ; bold papa faces both sides ; river about 2 chains wide ; a few snags to move. 57f- miles above Upokongaro; 64 J miles above Wanganui; 7lf miles below Taumaranui : Manganuioteao River comes in on left. 57 miles above Upokongaro ; 64 miles above Wanganui; 72 miles below Taumaranui: Rapid No. 165 : Moderate run below junction of the Manganuioteao ; a few snags to move; good reaches continue, with bold papa faces on both sides ; river about 2J chains wide. The strata in papa faces still dip to westward ; small waterfall to left, deeply cut into papa. Rapid No. 166 : Easy run ; no work required. 55J miles above Upokongaro ; 62J miles above Wanganui ; 73f miles below Taumaranui: Rapid No. 167 (close below 166) : Ngaparoa —very swift run, with bond; runs against right bank. Speed of current found by patent log to bo between 4J and 5 miles per hour. This is a difficult rapid ; some snags and stones to move. Rapid No. 168: Quick run; not far below 167 ; course straight; no work required; good reach ; bold papa faces. Mangaio Stream to right. 54-§- miles above Upokongaro ; 61^ miles above Wanganui ; 74-J- miles below Taumoranui: Rapid No. 169 : Swift run, and curve to left runs against papa face ; on right some snags and stones to move. Rapid No. 170 (a little below 169) : Swift run, and bend to right; runs against left bank ; some snags to move; a snag below rapid to move. Rapid No. 171 : Moderate run ; nearly straight; some rocks above rapid to move. Purarotu, a cave and waterfall, on right, and bold rock at edge of river on left. 53 miles above Upokongaro ; 60 miles above Wanganui .• 76 miles below Taumaranui : Rapid No. 172 : Autapu —very swift run against left bank, with curve to right; a difficult rapid. Namahanga, Native kainga, on left; good reach ; river about 3 chains wide. Kairiria, Native kainga, on left; some karaka trees at edge of river. Porangitautahi, Native kainga, on right. 51^ miles above Upokongaro; 58|- miles above Wanganui; 77-f miles below Taumaranui : Rapid No. 173 : Te-au-Tumutu—swift run ; slight curve to right; some snags to move ; stream on left shingle bank; large stones on right. Te Aomarama, a Native kainga, on right. Rapid No. 174 : Paparoa (being the second rapid of that name); swift run ; eel pa, but passage to right of eel pa ; some rocks to move at lower end. This rapid curves to left, and runs against right bank. Rapid No. 175 : Swift run; straight; a long rapid ; some snags to move. 49-| miles above Upokongaro ; 56^ miles above Wanganui ; 79|- miles below Taumaranui : Rapid No. 176 : Easy run. Pipiriki, Native kainga, on right bank ; a snag to move. Kaukore, a stream, on left bank, with water-power flour-mill. Mr. Rochfort's road from railway-line comes in here to the river. Kaweiopou, Native kainga, on left, opposite Pipiriki. Note. —The small steamer " Motoa " is said to have come up to this place (Pipiriki) with troops during Native disturbances. The Natives say there was a small freshet in the river when she came up, which gave more depth of water. Rapid No. 177 (close below Pipiriki) : Swift run; some rocks to move at the upper end. Rapid No. 178 (close below 177): Easy run. Good reach. Rapid 179 : Swift run, with curve to left, but clear. 48|- miles above Upokongaro ; 55-J- miles above Wanganui; 80f miles below Taumaranui : Rapid No. 180 :To Puha—swift run close below 179; straight; a snag and some stones to move; a stream comes in to right, with deposit of large stones at its junction with river. Rapid No. 181: Otauwiri —easy run ; some snags to move.



43-J- miles above Upokongaro ; 50J miles above Wanganui ; 85-J miles below Taumaranui : Bapid No, 182 : Easy run; clear and good water; good reach; about 3 chains wide. Tahaerapa, Native kainga, to right, and a stream. Oau, a stream, to left. Te Karaka, a stream on left, with small waterfall. Te Anatararoa, Native kainga, on right. Kauwai Stream on right; good reach continues. Te Eipo, Native kainga, on right; stream on right, with deposit of large stones at junction with river. This reach continues and goes on as far as Hiruharama. Hiruharama (Jerusalem), Native kainga, on left bank. Mangoia, a stream, to left, just below. Hiruharama Eiver turns sharply to right. Eapid No. 183 : Kukupai, a little below Hiruharama ; moderate run; eel pa just below, but passage at side of it; bend to left; no work required. 43 miles above Upokongaro ; 50 miles above Wanganui; 86 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 184 : Kawaroa —very swift run ; eel pas curved to right. Speed of current by patent log, 5 miles per hour. The eel pa should be removed, as it is in channel; no other work required ; large stones on shinglo bank to right. Kauaeroa, Native kainga, on left, close below the rapid; good reach ; some snags to remove in it. 42 miles above Upokongaro ; 49 miles above Wanganui; 87 miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 185 : Swift run ; eel pa, but room to pass it; some snags to move near top on left ; good reach. Tawhitinui, Native kainga, on right; snag in channel to move. 41-J- miles above Upokongaro; 48-J miles above Wanganui: 87J miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 186 : Moutoa Island; the channel is to right of island ; some snags to move at upper end of island on right; moderate run. This is where the fight with Hauhau Natives took place in 1864. 40 miles above Upokongaro ; 47 miles above Wanganui; 89 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 187 : Eapid at lower end of island ; very swift run. Speed of current by patent log, 4f miles per hour; curve to left runs against righo bank; a snag to move. This is a difficult rapid ; a moderate run continues for some way below the rapid. Eanana (London), Native kainga, on left bank. Eapid No. 188 : Easy run; a snag to move. Ngatama Stream on left; large bank of big stones at its junction with river. Opawa, a hill, on left, below the stream, close to river ; good reach. 39 miles above Upokongaro ; 46 miles above Wanganui ; 90 miles below Taumaranui : Eapids Nos. 189 and 190 : Kawaka ; very swift run. Speed of current by patent log, just above rapid, 3f miles per hour ; in lower part of rapid 6-fo miles per hour ; some stones to move at top ; turns to left; eel pa, near bottom, should be removed. This is a difficult rapid ; a bank of large stones on right just below rapid, and a similar bank on left, a little lower down, at a stream, Porongatia. Kawana, Native kainga, on left. There is a stream and a flourmill here; good roach. Stream on right, Tokanganmtu, with bank of large stones jutting into river at its junction ; a little below a similar point of large stones juts into river from left bank, at a stream, Matahiwi; a snag to move here. Note. —These deposits of large stones are a feature at the junction of the streams with the river at about this part of its course. They are of considerable extent, and seem remarkable in connection with the apparent size of the streams. They must affect the river current in floods considerably, as they extend some way out from the general run of the river banks. There is, however, no necessity to touch them as ample width is left clear of them in river channel. Eapid No. 191: Island ; channel to left of island ; swift run ; a papa reef to remove in middle of channel, also some snags ; curve to right; a good deal of work here ; there is an eel pa in the other channel, to right of island. 36J miles above Upokongaro ; 43J miles above Wanganui; 92J miles beloio Taumaranui : Karaitia (Galatea), Native kainga, just below the rapid. 35 miles above Upokongaro ; 42 miles above Wanganui; 94 miles below Taumaranui : Eapid No. 192 : Swift run, with turn to right; two eel pas to remove ; a long rapid shallow; some stones and snags to move ; good reach; a large snag to move. Euapirau on right bank ; streams come in on both sides here, each having a point of large stones at its junction with river ; shingle bank on right. Eapid No. 193: A long swift rapid, with bend ; a good deal of work at this rapid; some snags at upper end, and snags in channel to move ; bluff on left and a stream to right; a point with large stones at junction of stream to right, a little below rapid ; short good reach. Eapid No. 194 : Moderate run ; a snag to move ; good reach ; a snag to move ; stream to left with point of large stones at its junction, and a little below it a stream to right, with similar point of large stones. These points here jut well out from river banks, and confine channel to some extent. Eapid No. 195: Kawakawa —moderate run; a number of snags on upper part to move; a point with large stones at junction of a stream on left, just below the rapid. ii—D. 1.



34 miles above Upokongaro ; 41 miles above Wanganui ; 95 miles below Taumaranui : Bapid No. 196 : Moderate run and clear. Opariki on left bank. There is a water-mill here, and stream with point of large stones at its junction. Putiki, Native kainga, on right, with stream; good reach. 32J miles above Upokongaro ; 39^- miles above Wanganui; 96-| miles below Taumaranui : Koriniti (Corinth) on left bank; a stony point at stream on right narrows the channel. There is a mark put in here by the Natives on bank above river of the height of large flood of 23rd February, 1883. (Levels will be got to this afterwards.) Bapid No. 197 : Swift run, with bend to left; a number of snags to move ; a stream to left, with point of large stones. Eapid No. 198 (a short way below No. 197): Swift run ; curve to right; some snags and stones to move. Eapid No. 199: A short way below No. 198; a number of snags to move at upper end on right; moderate run; some snags in channel to move; curve to left; good reach; a stream on right with stony point; and a stream on the left with a similar stony point; small waterfall to left; point of large stones jutting out for about \ chain from left bank at junction of a stream ; a snag to move. 30J miles above Upokongaro ; 37J miles above Wanganui; 98J miles below Taumaranui : Karakerake, Native kainga, on left; good reach continues; papa face on right; shingle bank on right. Opapaku Stream to left, with stony point and Native kainga. 29 miles above Upokongaro; 36 miles above Wanganui; 100 miles below Taumaranui: Eapid No. 200 : Otumairi—very swift run ; a good many snags to move near top on left; channel to left; shallow bank on right. Speed of current by patent log, \.\ miles per hour; curve to right; channel runs against left bank ; good roach. Ahuahu, Native kainga, on right; large creek to right. Eapid No. 201: Just below Ahuahu channel on right; some snags to move at upper end on right; a good deal of work here ; also some snags a little below in channel to move ; river curves to left; good reach. Mungapapapa Stream on right bank. Eapid No. 202 : Moderate run; some snags to move; stony point on left at foot of rapid, and a similar point on right. Otuhi, Native kainga, on right; a stream on right, with stones at junction with river. Te Arakaiwhiria ; good reach. Eapid No. 203 : Moderate run; channel on left; a number of snags to move at upper end, and also snags to clear out of bottom of channel; a good deal of work here. 25 miles above Upokongaro ; 32 miles above Wanganui; 104 miles beloiu Taumaranui: Atene (Athens); from here down to Parekino (18 miles below Upokongaro; 25 miles above Wanganui; 111 miles below Taumaranui) there are twelve rapids; these, with the exception of the one next Athens (still incomplete beginning of November), have been cleared by the snagging parties. Below Parakino down to Eaurikia (8 miles above Upokongaro ; 15 miles above Wanganui; 121 miles below Taumaranui) a former snagging party were at work last year; the channel is fairly good as far as Kennedy's. 7 miles above Wanganui; 129 miles below Taumaranui : Upokongaro, and also from there on to Wanganui (136 miles below Taumaranui). When the present snagging operations were started the river was reported clear for traffic up to Parekino, so that the work was commenced at' Parekino and continued on upwards; but although there is a passable channel up as far as Parekino, yet in the distance between Parekino and Wanganui, some snags about eighteen miles above Wanganui, and some in the reach opposite the quarries ; and a few sundry snags here and there in different places, would be better of being removed, as in this part of the river it is desirable that the channel should be more opeii and clear, and wider than can be attempted in the upper course of the river, above Parekino, and it would be advisable to have this part gone over, as the cost would not be great; but it is not desirable to detach either of the two parties now up river for this purpose, as it is important to proceed with the upper work. John T. Stewart, District Engineer.

No. 1.-PAPAROA RAPID.-ON THE WANGANUI RIVER, LOOKING UP THE RIVER. ABOUT 118 MILES ABOVE WANGANUI. The channel used is on right bank of River, where the canoe is (a snag in entrance).





No. 6.-JUNCTION OF THE MANGANUI-O-TE-AO WITH THE WANGANUI RIVER, FROM A SHORT WAY UP THE MANGANUI-O-TE-AO. The Wanganui runs from right of sketch between the two Bluffs, opposite the canoe (looking down river). ABOUT 64 MILES ABOVE WANGANUI.

i—D. 1.






The General Managee, Now Zealand Eailways, to the Hon. the Ministee for Public "Woeks. SlE,— I have the honour to report upon the opened railways for the financial year ending the 31st March, 1886. There were 1,613 miles open at tho end of the year, including 77 miles of line built by the District Railway Companies. Of these latter, the Ashburton Forks, Duntroon and Waimate lines, 46 miles in length, were previously worked by the Government on behalf of the companies, and arrangements having been recently made for their purchase as from the Ist April, 1885, the working accounts have been now incorporated with the annual accounts for the New Zealand railways. The Eotorua District Eailway was taken over and opened for traffic between Morrinsville and Oxford, 31 miles, on the Bth March, 1886, and is worked as a part of the Auckland Section. The length of lines open at the end of the year, including these recent purchases, was 137 miles in excess of the Government lines open in the previous year. Particulars of the lengths opened will be found in Return No. 19. Seventeen new stations have been opened. The lines have paid £2 17s. 3d. per cent, on the cost of the opened portions, and £2 12s. per cent, on the gross outlay on opened and unopened. Comparative rates of interest paid for the past four years are shown in Return No. 6. The highest rate is paid by the Greymouth Section, £5 9s. 3d. per cent., and the next highest by the Napier Section, £4 18s. 9d. The lines Morrinsville to Te Aroha and to Oxford, 12|- and 30£ miles respectively, opened in the early part of March, were too late in the year to materially affect the revenue or profits on the Auckland Section, and the cost of the opened lines there thus appears high in proportion to the net revenue realized, and the rate of interest appears relatively low. According to the terms of purchase of the District Eailways, there will be a sum of about £2,768 in rates on land, which will be a contribution towards the payment of interest on their cost. The proportion of expenses to revenue is 65-91, as against 65-99 for the previous year. The most marked improvement in the proportion of expenses to revenue is on the Kawakawa Section; the next in order in this respect is the Wellington Section. The traffic has on the whole increased moderately, but shows a decrease under certain heads in some parts of the colony. The passenger traffic has increased under all three heads of first-class, second-class, and seasonticket travellers. This increase has chiefly occurred in Auckland, Napier, "Wellington, Greymouth, and Westport. In other parts of the colony the growth is but small. A large number of cheap excursion trains have been run in various parts of the colony during the year; 47,836 passengers have been carried, giving a gross receipt of £6,184. The great depression in prices of grain has checked the production of, and the traffic in, agricultural produce; the commercial depression arising from the fall of prices of this and other local productions has greatly affected the railway business and revenue in many respects, directly and indirectly. A comparative statement of the cost of working is shown in the table next following, which should be considered in connection with table of traffic and revenue below :—

Comparison of Traffic and Revenue for Seven Years.

Year. Maintenance. Locomotive and Stock. Traffic. General Charges, &c. Totals. Miles. Total per Mile. .880-81 ... .881-82 ... .882-83 ... .883-84 ... .884-85 ... .885^-86 ... £ 145,517 132,520 158,203 165,303 177,388 184,551 Wages. £ £ 109,477 125,782 106,204 126,739 118,689 140,840 134,125 151,319 140,436 156,586 144,775 164,871 Stores and Miscella; £ 31,926 28,428 31,032 32,635 36,871 37,601 & 412,701 393,891 448,764 483,382 511,281 531,798 No. 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,613 £ 323 298 330 346 346 330 .880-81 ... .881-82 ... .882-83 ... .883-84 ... .884-85 ... .885-86 ... 35,931 47,602 51,620 68,633 76,941 63,015 sous. 109,256 129,208 144,058 172,608 178,745 158,542 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,613 85 97 106 123 121 98 58,117 14,266 65,928 14,205 73,805 15,494 79,736 15,529 82,385 15,236 73,388 15,481 942 1,071 3,139 8,710 4,183 6,658

Year. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure. Tonnage. Parcels, &c. Cattle, Shoep, &c. Passengors. Season Tickets. 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 1,172 1,277 1,319 1,358 1,396 1,477 1,013 £ 762,573 836,454 892,026 953,347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 £ 580,030 521,957 523,099 592,821 655,990 690,026 690,340 1,108,108 1,377,783 1,437,714 1,564,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 No. 180,331 280,865 316,011 341,186 359,896 347,425 349,428 No. 285,209 300,704 343,751 477,075 680,287 729,528 858,652 No. 2,967,090 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,206 No. 5,077 0,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 19,717



The traffic in local productions of the colony during the past seven years is as follows :— Wool. Timber." Gram. Minerals. J^^ J^ Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1879-80 ... 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 1880-81 ... 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,230 280,683 1881-82 ... 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,511 319,837 1882-83 ... 51,703 197,231 367,428 510,088 37,455 449,470 1883-84 ... 62,066 183,449 432,223 574,312 39,230 656,612 1884-85 ... 68,523 178,909 414,590 618,512 43,096 696,790 1885-86 ... 74,778 202,572 413,847 669,081 46,152 822,028 Particulars in greater detail of the last two years' traffic will be found in Eeturn No. 5. It will be observed that the agricultural produce traffic has remained stationary. The diminished area of land under grain-crop in the Middle Island during last season must lead to a diminished traffic and revenue under this head for the current year. The live-stock traffic in all parts of the colony shows a rapid growth ; and there is every reason to expect that it will continue to increase. Hurunui-Bluff shows the greatest growth in this class of traffic ; Auckland, Wellington, and Wanganui follow next in order. A large increase in the wool traffic has occurred almost exclusively on the Napier and Hurunui-Bluff Sections. The general merchandise traffic shows an increase on the Auckland, Napier, and Wanganui Sections, but a marked decrease on the Wellington and Hurunui-Bluff. The timber traffic has increased very largely on the Napier Section, and in a less degree on Auckland, Wellington, and Wanganui, but is practically stationary on the Hurunui-Bluff. The traffic in native brown coals has decreased on the Hurunui-Bluff Section notwithstanding reduced rates for carriage, the West Coast and Newcastle coals being apparently preferred by the public. On the Auckland Section it has slightly increased. On the Greymouth and Westport Sections the mineral traffic has increased largely. During the past two years large reductions have been made in railway rates, chiefly affecting local productions of various kinds, as agricultural produce, agricultural lime, native coals, timber for export, sheep and pigs, agricultural implements, cheese and milk, grass seed, flax, &c, and in passenger fares and others. Particulars of these alterations will be found in the table No. 32. While, therefore, the traffic has grown, there has not been a corresponding increase in the gross revenue. By the exercise of economy, however, and owing to the great improvement in the conditions of the lines made and the better appliances for working available, during the past five years the expenses have been kept down, so that the net revenue for the year is £357,078, against- £355,685 for the previous year. The lines and rolling-stock have been maintained in good order, and in many respects have been improved. There have been no serious mishaps during the year, but it is as well to bear in mind that the railway over the Taieri Plain is liable to damage at present, which may seriously affect both the revenue and expenditure. In Auckland the new passenger-station building and yard have been opened, with great advantage to the public and the department. The goods-station re-arrangement is now being completed. At Wellington the passenger-station removal has been completed, and the re-arrangement of the goods-yard nearly so. Increased workshop accommodation and machinery have been found necessary at Dunedin, Invercargill, Napier, Wanganui, and Wellington, and have been provided for. The construction of carriage and wagon stock in the colony has been successfully carried on in the various shops. A contract for building ten locomotives in the colony has been let to a Christchurch firm, and is now being executed. Colonial-made lubricating oil has been introduced as an experiment for the rolling-stock, and its use, so far, promises to be economical. The ticket-accounting, formerly done by the Audit Department, is now conducted by the Eailway Accountant, and the Audit Department has ceased to audit the receipts of railway revenue, the audit and inspection conducted by the Eailway Department being considered complete and efficient. It is desirable to bear in mind the need for restricting the increase in the numbers of level crossings, and for increased care in their location and dimensions. It would be well that the public, as proprietors and users of the railways, should be alive to the important bearing these features have on the general safety of life and property on the railways. It is also desirable to continue to bear in mind the need to restrict the stations and stoppingplaces on the score of public safety, convenience, and economy. Too many stations make the line more unsafe and expensive to work, and less convenient to the general public, without giving any adequate return of revenue. It often happens that demands are made which, if complied with, would sacrifice the convenience of extensive districts for comparatively insignificant local advantages. It is desirable that the public should recognize that, in the general interest, many of these demands should not be agreed to. The usual tables are attached, giving the details of traffic, revenue, and other statistical information. The conduct of the staff has been satisfactory, and organization for working is, as a rule, very complete and satisfactory. J. P. Maxwell, Wellington, 13th May, 1886. General Manager.




ii—D. 1.

Nature. Return No. Description. .ccounts -BjfEBAt Returns 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 II .12 18 14 15 18 37 is 19 20 21 22 28 21 26 26 27 2S 21) 80 :si 82 Revenue accounts. Expenditure account. Detail of classified expenditure, Classified expenditure and revenue. Comparative statement of passenger and goods traffic. Cost of construction and rate of interest. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for six financial years. Trailic ton mileage, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Hurunui-Bluff. Classified maintenance expenditure. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Stores contracts. Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock, f Weighing machines. | Weighbridges. -{ Traversers and turntables. | Cranes. [Pumps. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private siding traffic. Mileage of lines. Sleepers laid and removed. Number of employes. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Repairs to rolling-stock, Hurunui-Bluff. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Huruntii-Bluff. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for eight years, Hurunui-Bluff. Average rate of classified expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of Hurunui-Bluff. Account, of transactions with private companies. Alterations in scale of charges. Special Retttens <



RETURN No. 1. Summaey of Eevenue Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1886. Dr. £ s. d. £ a. d. Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1885 ... ... ... ... 22,868 97 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1886 ... 1,109,804 15 3 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1886 ... ... 1,042,157 5 6 Less Refunds, ... ... ... 11 8 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, District Railways, 31st March, District Railways ... ... 5> 26i 810 1886 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,261 810 ' 64,500 210 1,047,418 14 4 _ *i,045,304 12 5 Amount for Volunteer service, 1885-86, unrecovered, written off ... ... 3,460 o 2 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... ... 21,522 11 4 . £1,070,287 311 £1,070,287 311 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1886 ... 1,045,304 12 sBy Expenditure to 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... 685,851 12 2 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist Expenditure District Railways ... ... ... ... 4,488 12 6 April, 1885 ... ... ... £22,868 97 ■ 690,340 4 8 Amount for Volunteer service written Balance available for interest ... ... ... ... 356,305 13 4 off ... ... ... ... 3,460 o 2 Balance available for District Railways ... ... ... 772 16 4 19,408 9 5 357-078 9 8 1,025,896 3 o Cash, in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... ... 21,52211 4 * Keceipts as per Treasury £1,044,304 1110 bl °'>o t Less double entry by Treasury ... ... 817 0 1,044,295 14 10 Balance refund account, March 31,1885 ... 6,548 16 3 1,050,844 11 1 Balance refund account, March 31,1886 ... 5.539 18 8 £1,045,304 12 5 £1,047,418 14 4 £1,047,418 14 4

Eetuen of Eevenue for Haeboue Boaeds, &c, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1886. Dr. £ s . a. Or. £ s . d. To Balance, 31st March, 1885 ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,548 16 3By Treasury payments, to 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... ... ... 67,865 310 District Railway transfers ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,356 35 | " Balance due to Harbour Boards, &c. ... .., ... ... ... 5,539 18 8 Wharfages, &c, 31st March, 1886 ... ... ... ... „, 64,500 210 £73^405 _2 6 £73.405 2 6 A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



d £ a d £ s d. £ s. d. * s. d. ' By Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1885, To Balance brought forward:- > brought forward ••• 93.982 15 3 Outstanding accounts,— Classified expenditure, N.Z. Eailways 68 5' 85' I 2 % Other Government departments for— " r District Railways . •■• 4>4 88 I 2 6 Stores 442 13 10 .. " - 690,340 4 8 Workshops ... 5,684 9 a Recoveries per Treasury to credit of Vote 54*A\ ay and works ... ... ... -.0/7 17" Other Government departments for— Miscellaneous ■■■ „ Soe „ „ Stores 7.431 « 5 8,805 011 Workshops 44,680 2 8 Personal accounts for— Way and works 35,362 16 7 S^res °o 2 ° Miscellaneous... 1,600 81 Workshops ... ... •■• 473 '3 s° 89,074 8 9 Way and works ... 817 3 7 Personal accounts forMiscellaneous '4 8 l 6 ' 6 Stores 908 8 3 ZZ_L_ ,0,304 16 5 Workshops 3,&>3 11 5 >J 4 Way and works 2,248 4 2 Stock in hand— Miscellaneous 397 7 5 Stores ... ■■• •■■ 110,082 13 1 7)I^ 7 M 3 Less value in suspense 271 7 ° g { Miscellaneous recoveries 19,086 17 6 l 8 6 Workshops £51i!I! ia sjffl7 ,6 11 „ Manawatu County Council 423-20 _ -1' t * Rno nni 010' n Balance carried forward :— „ Payments per Treasury, \ote 54* - «°9,094 010 „ Outstanding accounts,- -»•' , . ••• ■' '" - fi f- . „ Other Government departments for— —*"" _^°_L_ 2 812;764 s o Stores g«7 _ _ _ „.,. ~ A -~ ~ n Woi-kshops ... ... ... 1,39° ° 3 „ Recovery from Mr. J. Saunders for locomotive sold ... ... ... ■■• 473 4 o Way and works ... ■■■ 4,5^3 8 o „ Work done and locomotive sold to Mana^vatu County Council ... 42312 o Miscellaneous ... ■•■ ■■■ 71 611 Less amount included in balance above ... ... ■■■ I2 7 10 o 6,150 16 9 " ■ 295 10 o r . „ -r, ■, rt Tfi 1-7 -; Personal accounts tor— ~ Overpayment by Waimate Gorge Kail way Company ... ... ... •■■ l« '/ / Stores ... ••• 35 3 7 „ Deposit forfeited through non-fulfilment of contract ... ... ... ••■ I°° ° ° Workshops' ... 45 2 5" „ Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1886, carried forward 77=836 8 8 Way and works '.'.'. 508 15 10 Miscellaneous ... ■■• ••• . 4.5 2 9 1,041 8 1 * Payments as per Treasury, Vote 54 £809,094 010 7,1Q2 4 10 Recoveries to Tote 11<,3i8 1? 6 Net charge to vote ... £6gi,lli 3 4 Stock in hand,— . Stores " B'3f ° !° Workshops ... ... ■•■ ■■• I>sao1 >sao 9 ° r 120,221 10 4 r £1,027,479 4 7 £1,027,479 47 ' A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

RETURN No. 2. Dk GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1886. Cb^



RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1886.

Maintenance of Way and Works. Locomotive Power. Sections. Permanentway. Structures. Buildings. Miscellaneous. Lo£S&. Iceland Water. Oil, Tallow, &c. Kenewals and Repairs. Total. Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. General Charges. Sundries. Grand Total. Total. wag: £ s. d. 26 2 5 o 17 6 569 17 1 3 12 2 570 14 6 145 7 2 2,599 4 ° IS. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Blufi .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 558 6 8 644 5 o 16,066 12 6 8,314 9 o 6,501 5 11 16,111 10 3 77,629 15 7 1,552 6 5 1,916 12 11 1,476 o 5 1,622 14 6 £ s. d. 754 o 6 88 18 6 3., 858 17 3 1,981 1 4 1,688 14 o 4,032 16 11 19,844 6 2 377 16 o 169 17 10 171 I 9 442 3 11 £ s. d. 15 7 6 90 8 6 868 3 4 307 7 6 452 17 1 360 4 7 6,546 15 9 346 9 2 23 1 o 43 9 9 64 1 9 £ s. a. £ s. d. 1,327 14 8 835 2 o 21,978 2 3 ",055 15 2 8,753 17 6 21,422 9 9 107,396 3 3 2,414 14 11 2,109 11 9 1,722 5 10 2,129 o 2 £ s. d. 294 1 7 729 15 2 9,248 1 6 3,79O 5 7 5,553 16 S 5,267 12 1 40,623 13 o 822 5 2 1,017 19 10 75O 5 o 489 3 7 £ s. d. o 15 o 976 £ s. d. 17 18 6 81 11 9 4,323 16 9 1,319 12 7 3,818 8 o 3,378 8 4 14,823 19 1 451 13 9 436 10 4 188 13 9 460 18 1 £ s. d. 338 17 6 821 11 11 14,141 15 4 5,139 19 1 10,030 12 7 8,791 7 7 58,454 5 6 1,273 18 11 1,454 10 2 968 3 4 955 17 2 £ 25 o s. d. 3 9 11 4 3 9 ■ 5 1 15 o o 10 £ s. d. 414 16 1 1 14 3 2,606 13 11 735 19 6 1,766 7 9 1,838 1 5 10,562 13 9 541 1 1 966 5 4 145 9 8 169 17 9 £ s. d. 930 3 2 1,109 18 1 18,791 1 8 5,993 X9 3 7,158 1 3 9,592 10 10 105,745 3 8 4,156 8 6 1,672 13 6 2,436 on 1,057 8 2 £ s. d. 388 10 11 301 13 o 4,226 12 5 1,655 i° 6 2,278 3 2 2,461 10 2 18,008 1 2 856 5 6 608 4 3 791 19 9 373 1 10 £ s. d. 6 16 o 28 13 4 614 3 10 378 11 8 574 o 9 604 6 8 1,242 12 4 119 15 2 103 ig 10 41 18 11 60 4 9 £ ». a. 3,432 2 1 3,099 3 n 64,365 13 2 26,100 o 3 32,323 18 o 45,7oi 7 3 309,954 1 8 9,674 13 4 7,067 4 4 6,211 1 5 4,818 4 10 11 10 o 1,184 9 2 452 17 4 in o 6 917 18 o 3,375 5 9 138 3 4 26 8 9 87 13 5 u 2,007 1,1401 1,762 9911 8,545 312 151 105, 4°7 9 5 , 2 o 29 4 7 5 15 6 9 3 19 6 ■ 3 o 15 o 31 13 11 Total 132,393 19 2 33,409 14 2 9,118 5 11 6,222 18 o 181,144 r-7 3 68,586 19 2 3,950 14 11 53i,i4 1 29,301 10 11 102,370 19 1 15," 8 6 19,749 o 6 158,643 9 o 31,949 12 8 3,775 3 3 512,747 10 3 Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Blufi .. Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton 85 o 7 140 17 5 3,871 2 1 i,972 15 5 2,113 T4 8 2,303 1 7 25,603 13 5 590 17 7 473 19 6 581 17 2 432 19 4 515 11 6 100 1,197 14 3 1,024 9 5 I,500 7 9 2,006 9 3 8,639 13 9 277 8 2 102 o 3 81 16 9 266 9 11 31 6 4 16 4 9 401 14 o 243 7 7 620 11 3 165 18 1 3,820 5 8 63 19 6 56 9 5 41 17 2 28 15 4 474 9 3 245 16 8 61 9 3 241 5 8 I,5H 17 3 631 18 5 158 2 2 5,944 19 7 3,486 9 1 4,296 2 11 4,716 14 7 39,575 10 1 932 5 3 665 11 8 716 9 4 728 4 7 stob: 60 10 6 130 5 o 3,236 14 4 1,947 5 11 4,150 18 4 3,172 19 8 26,369 8 7 119 16 10 274 4 7 536 17 6 280 13 4 iS. 169 7 o 982 2 4 361 11 5 577 1 ° 433 3 9 2,892 9 7 54 3 10 82 5 11 61 13 2 54 9 4 17 7 3 36 6 o 830 1 2 481 7 3 867 1 7 1,022 on 5,736 15 4 77 17 9 335 18 o 5,048 17 10 2,790 4 7 5,595 o 11 4,628 4 4 34,998 13 6 174 o 8 524 17 10 655 5 8 545 18 6 52 73 65/l 4S2! 619I 5i9J 3.I7 1 7 13 10 14 7 8 9 6 7 15 6 2 3 17 5 4 11 9 9 II 2 3 6 53 o 5 11 15 5 758 10 9 440 19 11 890 1 6 7°6 4 3 5,088 o 5 278 14 4 191 2 3 48 13 8 56 14 o 56 o n 83 10 8 1,935 8 1 734 2 4 938 16 2 1,059 15 1 9,196 19 7 639 o 10 66 14 5 141 14 9 43 9 1 6 1 5 6 14 4 279 18 11 105 16 5 143 12 9 98 15 2 1,205 7 4 31 10 1 24 16 1 13 1 2 40 1 7 26 1 8 3 11 2 26 9 3 28 8 8 204 19 4 877 12 9 671 15 2 14,651 5 7 8,043 Io 1 12,509 19 o ".757 4 4 93,441 7 8 2,062 16 1 1.474 1 7 1,597 18 8 1.475 5 o 33 2 6 10 18 3 168 7 4 56 15 o 210 15 10 d 22 58 097 o. 2 11 2 13 9 Total 38,169 18 9 15,613 1 o 5,49O 9 1 2,578 18 10 61,852 7 8 40,279 14 7 5,668 7 4 9,426 17 8 55,374 19 7 5,66' 8 3 8,523 16 11 14,895 11 n 1,955 15 3 292 16 4 148,562 15 11 miscellan: 10US. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-Blufi .. Greymouth Westport Nelson .. Picton .. o 10 11 204 6 2 28 5 3 769 58 6 10 125 8 7 o 19 5 103 1 1 80 16 3 2 11 10 160 5 4 53 5 10 10 11 2 20 16 11 11 18 3 540 o 14 1 16 13 4 28 13 7 11 12 4 o 15 3 14 16 9 I 10 4 334 11 9 158 12 o 33 9 2 224 11 5 194 5 3 o 19 11 64 o 10 6 18 10 4 19 3 12 10 8 956 7 11 35O 5 1 588 18 9 594 17 3 2,490 on i° 7 3 1232 5 7 11 19 19 6 12 10 8 1,020 8 9 35O 5 1 588 18 9 601 16 1 2,495 o 2 10 7 3 12 3 2 5 7 11 19 19 6 48j 27a 353 226; o 5 ; 4 9 1 7 o o 11 I 13 8 19 10 33 2 9 o 10 o 605 6 3 217 8 10 395 8 5 383 17 11 1,851 16 2 604 663 0 9 2 1 18 2 2'i5 6 425 6 6 332 5 11 7 l8 13 5 416 16 11 4,024 6 6 15 17 6 8 18 6 040 18 i 3 65 3 2 57 15 6 222 8 9 761 4 7 2 15 o 45i 2 4 72 13 11 99 5 10 56 7 6 4,420 9 4 40 1 6 34 13 I 38 12 10 3,387 3 6 1,401 12 9 2,245 12 o 2,132 12 3 15,150 1 10 72 6 7 28 .7 10 19 12 9 30 10 7 1,40a o 19 11 752 o 9 16 3 5 5 9 4 16 8 Total 424 4 6 400 19 9 947 J9 io 75 18 11 5,040 18 5 5,n6 17 4 1,132 18 5 50 4 4 72 11 3 2,74: 3 7 3,502 4 3 5,945 4 9 5,152 17 10 24,541 6 o District Eailways (Huru-nui-Bluff 3,620 15 11 867 16 7 4,488 12 6 Grand total N.Z.E. 170,988 2 5 49,4 23 14 11 14,658 19 4 8,874 8 1 247,566 o 8 68,586 19 2 44,306 8 5 6,200 1 5 43,769 7 ° 162,862 16 o 23,52. o 4 31.775 1 8 180,352 2 3 35,038 6 4 9,220 17 5 690,340 4 8 . C. Fife, ■ailway Acco' intent. in—D. 1.



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

[ileage. ;venue. Classified Expenditure. Proportion ►f each Class of Expei iditui e to Miles Lge and Reven ie. Section. I c * u a A TrainMileage. Total. Per Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). I I Maintenance of WarLocomotive i Power. Bepairs Carriages and Waguns. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. I " Total. Total for Tear. cm fc p. * Pi — a. Maintei lance. I s Locomotive. III h -a = <l Carriage and Wagon Repairs. Traffic Expenses. a "It General Charges. Sundries. i I 1885-86. [awakawa Vhangarei ... Luekland «apier Wellington ... Vanganui lurunui-B luff ireymouth ... Vestport felson 'ieton 8 7 211 82 69 191 97 8 18 23 18 11,904 17.438 409,127 188,927 218,184 271,295 i.79°>37' 21,688 28,121 38,209 25,286 £ s. d. 5,302 15 4 4,426 10 10 120,333 » 9 63,192 1 3 67,929 18 6 68,241 4 11 662,634 13 8 21,660 3 7 17,061 12 5 10,034 7 8 6,602 4 5 £ s. d. s. d. 662 17 o 8 icj 632 7 3 5 o| 704 16 2 5 io£ 770 12 8! 6 8i 984 9 10 6 25 357 5 7 5 oi 728 5 7 7 4i 2,707 10 5 19 114 947 !7 412 ll 436 5 7. 5 3 366 15 9 5 2i £ ». d. 1.961 3 5 993 4 2 28,257 13 7 14,700 16 3 13.083 9 7 26,363 15 9 150,786 14 6 3-347 o 2 2,776 3 4 2,438 15 2 2,857 4 9 £ s. d. 413 18 5 1,170 o 7 20,211 1 11 8,280 8 9 16,214 12 3 14,021 8 o 95,947 19 2 1,458 6 10 1,991 11 2 1,628 16 11 1.521 15 2 £ s. d. 581 13 8 92 6 o 7,119 8 2 3,287 6 11 5,786 9 1 4,665 o 4 30,622 9 7 1,145 9 " 1.316 3 " 323 7 5 363 4 8 £ s. d. 986 4 1 1,196 4 3 21,151 16 3 7,060 7 6 8,815 10 10 11,069 2 10 119,834 6 4 4,811 6 10 i,748 6 5 2,577 19 « 1,100 17 3 £ s. d. 394 12 4 326 8 7 4,572 14 6 1,761 6 11 2,479 11 5 2,782 14 1 19,974 13 l! 887 19 I 633 o 4 812 6 1 413 3 5 £ s. d. 6 16 o 31 8 4 1,091 7 10 454 16 9 699 15 10 689 2 10 5,868 1 o 159 13 2 104 9 5 47 7 7 67 15 2 £ s. d. 4,344 7 11 3,809 11 11 82,404 2 3 35,545 3 i; 47,079 9 o 59,59i 3 10 4 23,°34 3 8 11,809 16 o: 8,569 13 9j 7,828 12 10 6,324 o 5 £ Si'93 8606 6848 56-25 69-31 87-32 6384 54-52 5023 7802 9579 £ 543'05 54423 48266 433-48 682-31 31200 46494 1,47623 4760c 34038 35133 d. 87'5c 5 2-43 48-34 45-I5 S«7S 5272 5671 i3O'6c 7314 49' 17 6o'oi £ *45"i5 141 89 1 179-28 189-62 13803 16572 ;i8- 3 8 154 23 106-03 15874 160-32 d. 39'54 13-67 16-58 18-67 H'3!; 3333022 £ j d. 5I741 8-35 167-15 1610 118-3811-85 100-98 10-52 234-99 1783 7341 1241 10545 12 8C 182 30 16-14 110 64 17 oc 7082 I0-2J 84 54 I4'4< 105-46 12-94 £ 1 d. 72-70 11 72 13-18 1-27 41-70 4-18 40-09 4-17 85-86 637 2443 413 3316 4-10 143-19 12'68 73-12 11-23 14-06 2-03 20-18 3-45 35-8I 440 £ 123-28 170-89 123-89 8610 127-76 57'95 131-71 001-41 97'iJ 112-09 6116 d. 19-88 16-47 12-41 8-97 970 979| 16 06 53'24! 14-92 16-19 10-45 £ 4933 46-63 26-79 21-48, 35'94:' r 4-57 21-95 moo 3S"i7 35-32 22-95 i d-7-96 449 2-68 ■2-24 273 2-46 2-68 983 S'4i 5'!° 3'92 £ •85 4'49 6 39 5'55 1014 361 645 :995 5-80 2-06 376 d. '43 64 58 77 •61 '79 176 ■89 '3D •64 3704 2361 '53-27-11 1967 Totals ... 'ostalservices n 1,613 ot re 1,047,418 14 4 20,000 o o 678 5 5 6 11 247,566 o 8 162,859 19 2 55,302 18 10 180,352 2 3 35,038 9 10 690,340 4 81 659; 54'85 116-79 I4-33 22'69 2-78 5'97 73 3,020,550 covered 9,220 13 11 447-04 ... j ... I 1,067,418 14 4 i 690,340 4 8 646; 1884-85. Cawakawa Vhangarei ... Luekland f apier Wellington ... Vanganui Iurunui-Blu£E jrreymouth ... Ve-tport kelson 'icton 8 7 168 82 69 191 885 8 12,284 15,658 339,201 151,011 194,121 255.159 1,808,407 21,510 23.527 37.56s 23>979 5,575 5 11 3,9i5 13 2 106,363 o 5 51,688 1 2 6i,435 11 7 66,493 12 3 701,991 1 10 19,045 19 8 12,906 16 3 9,687 13 1 6,609 J8 6 710 11 7 559 7 7 695 9 o 685 13 2 890 7 5 363 1 ° 801 14 2 2,380 15 o 717 1 o 421 4 o 367 4 2 9 oj 5 ° 6 3i 6 10 6 3! 5 2i 7 9 17 8i 10 ni 5 1* 5 6 1,797 8 11 857 '5 o 25,318 2 1 12,388 1 3 12,811 18 7 23,632 10 9 166,629 9 1 3,267 1 9 1,865 8 8 2,477 IO 7 3,283 7 8 989 19 6 948 7 8 17,804 5 4 7,785 2 10 15,994 6 10 13,722 19 5 103,001 9 o 1,666 19 3 1,958 16 4 i,653 !3 3 1,050 4 7 592 3 2. 173 17 2, 6,361 17 11 1,926 16 o 5,864 18 1 3,032 16 3 36,022 13 11 75i o 3 773 18 3 450 7 3 294 18 8 1,102 16 9 1,135 S3 " 17,313 6 o 5,775 12 9 7,197 4 3 10,763 14 6 119,602 12 7 4,054 4 2 1,526 17 8 2,260 14 4 1,089 1 2 429 15 4 297 17 4 4,509 15 10 i,359 15 3 1,987 3 o 2,422 7 4 21,522 8 o 697 16 2 557 13 1 593 9 9 407 13 1 7 17 6 13 15 3 781 3 2! 287 5 6 781 16 6 556 16 1 3,430 12 8 113 1 4 96 6 6 81 3 11 118 19 1 : 4,92O I 2 3,427 6 4 72,088 10 4I 29,522 13 7 44.637 7 3 54.I3 1 4 4 450,209 5 3 10,550 2 11 6,779 o 6 7,516 19 1 6,244 4 3 88-2i 87-5: 67-7! 57'ii 72-61 81-4: 64-1; 55 3! 52-5: 77'5! 944! 627-07 489-62 471'34 391-63 646 92 295'55 514-16 1,31877 37661 326-82 346-90 96-15 52 53 51-01 46-92 55-I9 50-92 59-75 117-71 69^5 48-03 62-50 229-09 12254 165-54 164-33! 18568! 129 03' 19030' 408-39' 103-63 10772 182-41 IS'" 3-15 7-92 969 584 !2-23 !2"II (6-45 903 5-83 !2-8 7 126'17 i35-4« 116-41 10327 23i'8o 74-92 117-63 20837 10882 71-90 58 35 I9'34 I4"54 1260 1237 19-77 12-91 1367 iS-59 19-98 io-57 10-51 75'47 24-84 4i'6o 25-56 85-00 1656 41-14 93-88 43-00 I9-58 16-39 "'57 2-66 4-5O 3'o6 7-25 2-85 4-78 8-38 7-89 2-88 2'95 140-56 162-24 113-20 76-62 104-31 5878 I36-59 50678 8483 9829 6050 2i'55 17-41 1225 918 890 1012 1587 45-24 15-58 14-44 10-90 5478 42-55 29-49 18-04 28-80 13-22 24-58 8722 30-98 25-80 22 65 8-40 4-56 3-i9 2-16 2-46 229 2-86 7'79 5-69 3-79 4-08 1 00 1-97 381 11'33 3-O4 392 14 13 535 3'53 6-6o ■15 •21 ■55 •46 ■97 ■52 •46 1 26 •98 ■52 vig O 18 23 18 Total ... 'ostal services n 2,882,422 covered 254,328 14 166,576 4 o 56,245 6 11 171,821 18 1 34,785 14 2 6,268 17 6 690,026 15 o 65-9E 479 87 5745 176-87 21-18 115-84 13-87 39-12 468 11949 14-30 24-19 2 90 4-36 ■52 1.477 ot re 1,045,712 13 I< 19,150 o 727 4 7 7 3 1,064,862 13 10 690,026 15 o 64-81 1 A. C. Fi: 'E, Eailwi •J Ai :countant.



RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passengers and Goods Traffic for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1886.

iv—D. 1.

Sections. to First Class. I Passenge: Seconi Passengers. Total Season Tickets. Parcels, &c. °&c yS ' CattIe. i Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Wool. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Firewood. Merchandise. Minerals. Class. Total. Parcels. Horses. Carriages. Dogs. Total. Total Equivalent Tonnage. Chaff, &c. Timber. Grain. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. 1885-86. Cawakawa ... Vhangarei ... .uckland rapier Vellington ... Vanganui turunui-Bluff •istrict Rail'ya rreymouth ... Vestport relson 'icton 8 7 211 82 69 191 932 46 8 18 23 18 Single. 2,242 2,032 35,727 34.603 16,402 28, 064 177,602 Return. 1,696 4.554 44,886 18,812 43,000 14,410 312,662 Single. 2,734 4,7» 151.7'7 78.987 71,561 107,582 617,050 Return. 2,5l6 10,978 204,160 70,874 150,322 77,204 877,644 No. 9,188 22,275 436,490 203,276 281,285 227,260 1,984,958 No. 4i 1,668 384 1,098 337 6,692 No. 3,700 183 29, 400 22,650 24, 940 26, 770 200,372 No. 32 57 754 861 558 1,180 5,975 No. 5 2 46 49 40 61 436 No. 50 46 2,674 1,796 I.S27 2,518 13,509 No. 3.787 288 32,874 25>356 27,065 30,529 220,292 No. 7 90 43 37 48 43i No. 9 83 17,302 45i 274 2,085 13, 862 No. 2 1.153 35 47O 403 422 No. 52 45 63,093 14,328 '49-749 49.034 504.751 No. 30 4,816 695 757 5,811 28,376 No. 9 1 137 86,454 15,552 151,287 57.386 547,842 Tons c. q. 482 21 12 O 5,68s 4 o 582 18 1 4,800 2 o 2,175 6 1 19,669 4 1 Tons c. q. 5OO 25 o o 2,695 o ° 545 ° O 820 O O 575 o o 9,855 o o Tons c. q. 28 16 o 23 16 o 56O 12 o 4,3H 0 O 7,416 0 o 2,030 12 O 60,192 4 o Tons c. q. 65 o o 20 O O 6,815 o o 12,420 o o 11,125 o o 10,530 o o 30,250 o o Tons c. q. 226 10 o 75 16 o 21,760 10 o 33,658 4 o 25,333 !O O 23,207 12 O 85,196 4 o Tons c. q. 566 o o 138 2 2 6,874 I 3 2,719 9 o 2,969 19 o 5,126 7 2 389,976 1 1 Tons c. q. 1,124 o 1 3,228 13 2 37,105 18 3 15,081 IO 2 12,602 15 3 15,437 O O 275,007 I 3 Tons c. q. 29,494 12 o 29,883 18 o 67,922 I I 10,077 ! O 3,907 19 I 3,501 S I 295,746 19 2 Tons c. q 31,509 18 I 33,395 6 o 143,733 3 3 78,815 4 2 64,175 4 o 60,407 16 3 1,146,223 10 2 Tons c. q. 3i,5i4 6 3 33,416 18 o 149,418 7 3 79,398 2 3 68,975 6 o 62,583 3 o 1,165,892 14 3 1,798 4,870 2 5.760 6,032 12,155 8,780 29,426 6,100 43.470 I7.8SO 36, 422 19,486 62,293 26,632 73,062 35,547 218 14 140 118 1,970 2,034 3,869 1,354 17 7 77 6 5 3 77 144 137 190 2,047 2,201 4,018 1,624 2 2 37 12 16 4 5 7 7° 56 285 17 26 28 36 90 88 359 170 3 9 0 3 3 1 19 8 2 225 o o 240 o o 186 4 o 2S 12 O 27S ° O 2,785 o o 5,995 o o 3,238 10 o 5,338 9 o 2,881 6 o 1,655 o o 2,539 9 2 2,937 1 1 2,982 18 I 1,897 6 o 2,247 7 3 1,510 5 o 129,247 10 o 95,986 11 o 2,062 15 o 1,250 5 o 135,743 18 1 103,222 6 o 12,927 3 o 13,613 3 1 135.745 5 1 103,225 IS o 12,930 6 1 13,632 11 3 1.454 3.929 4 Total ... 1,613 303,853 456.684 1,090,803 1,510^926 3,362,266 10,717 '317,242 9.318 653 22,668 350,081 660 31.107 !2, C27 781.470 40.558 859,322 32,966 3 o 14,985 o o 74,777 16 o 80,280 o o 202,571 11 o 413,846 11 3 1368,224 17 2 669,080 18 o 1,823,766 14 1 !.856,732 17 1 1884-85. [awakawa ... VTiangarei' ... .uckland rapier ... Wellington ... Wanganui [urunui-Bluff 1-reymoutli ■.. Vestport felson 'icton 8 7 168 82 69 191 885 8 18 23 18 3.373 4,638 37,512 32,045 17,216 29,184 207,135 1,002 1.030 7.3 10 44,064 18,122 29,272 9. 65O 280,826 3.230 20 3.838 5.050 3,954 4, 112 149,949 81,716 77,827 108,183 707.315 11,024 6,752 28,817 6,326 140 12,538 180,220 56,358 102,478 70,748 777,962 37,8i8 14,910 35,476 18,382 8,497 28,598 4",745 188,241 226,793 217,765 1,973,238 53,074 21,682 69,894 33-359 5 13 1,385 282 869 154 5,856 161 18 173 83 3,ii6 415 28,896 19,839 21,408 27,030 202,987 2,086 1,630 3.945 1,695 29 129 851 807 476 1,203 6,811 4 54 60 38 78 549 69 2,582 1,808 1,511 2,539 14,670 120 183 202 3,206 613 32,383 22,514 23,433 30,850 225,017 2,206 1,816 4,163 2,017 2 8 73 50 So 53 505 28 14,039 128 129 1,294 14,319 2 i,69o 57 279 65 692 4 6 6 81 342 44.722 15,024 143.570 45.i8i 417,368 3 8 4,494 186 857 4,148 20,491 13 1 8 59 86 388 64,988 IS,445 144,885 So,74i 453,375 18 87 57 214 3 12. 2 20 12 3 4,465 6 o 528 15 1 4.578 1 3 1,830 1 2 16,833 19 3 o 12 3 9 16 2 4 2 1 8 19 2 15 o o 60 o o 2,130 o o 605 o o 1,205 o o 1,385 o o 11,160 o o 3 0O 21 12 O 454 12 o 3,518 12 o 7,57i 8 o 1,866 4 o 54,808 16 o 30 o o 10 o o 6,340 o o 13,235 o o 12,160 o o 11,115 o o 33,700 o o 380 o o 161 10 o 566 15 o 139 7 O 196 12 O 16,491 17 o 8,068 15 1 20,882 16 O 2,656 4 2 21,607 8 o 2,443 12 1 22,218 o o 6,356 3 1 86,343 8 o 389,635 14 1 2,650 00 3.945 5 o 2,509 12 o 2,098 o o 1,959 I2 ° 2,567 l6 2 1,145 18 3 2,830 7 2 28,138 10 1 i3,i75 5 1 H.234 3 2 13,869 13 3 284,508 11 o 2,401 10 1 1,441 8 o 2,184 11 1 1,693 10 o 29,296 16 o 23,051 6 2 54,968 18 2 7,584 1 1 3,389 8 1 4,207 7 1 310,093 5 3 116,196 13 o 66,639 7 1 1,344 8 1 i,739 19 o 31,218 19 3 26,309 5 o 116,592 13 o 61,656 19 o 62,611 o o 61,017 8 1 1,170,249 15 o 121,628 3 1 72,026 o 1 11,986 7 2 14.559 9 2 31,222 12 1 26,329 17 3 121,057 19 o 62,185 14 1 67,189 1 3 62, 847 9 3 1,187,083 14 3 121,628 16 o 72,035 16 3 11,990 9 3 14,568 9 o 1,763 3,601 3 11 38 5 5 7 4 4 22 2 1 51 37 145 140 o o 330 o o 189 16 o 88 12 o 3,520 o o 6,180 o o 279 2 4 Total ... 337,469 402,412 i,i8S.97S 1,307,030 3,232, 886 8,999 313,047 10,358 793 24,020 348,218 756 29,963 J2,775 666,522 30,268 730,284 28,284 O 2 17,030 o o 68,522 12 O 86,670 o o 178,908 15 o 414,589 13 o 365,623 9 2 618,511 11 o 1,749,856 O 2 1,778,140 1 o 1.477 Revenue. Mile; travelled by 'rains. Sections. OrdinaryPassengers. Season Tickets. Parcels and Luggage. Total Coaching, j Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue. Passengers and Mixed. Total. Shunting | and Ballasting. ! Total. Goods. IVUUa 1885-86. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui ... Hurunui-Bluff District Rail'ys Grey mouth. ... Westport Nelson Pioton £ s. d. 5" 13 8 538 19 o 41.790 3 4 22,991 16 i 25,496 8 3 30,957 19 2 212,709 13 o £ s. d. 48 7 II 28 1 10 2,519 5 3 810 8 3 1,506 2 1 865 2 11 9,963 3 5 £ s. d. 80 14 2 32 16 5 3,385 11 o 2,024 3 7 2,496 14 10 3.093 15 2 21,723 12 1 £ s. d. 640 15 9 599 17 3 47,694 19 7 25,826 7 11 29,499 5 2 34,916 17 3 244,396 8 6 £ s. d. 4,573 10 6 3,756 7 6 70,907 12 6 37,096 19 3 37,737 13 1 3i,443 13 2 390,895 4 5 £ s. d. 17 8 6 25 4 9 261 12 9 100 17 7 89 16 11 i,439 14 7 14,037 3 8 £ s. d. 71 o 7 45 1 4 1,468 16 11 167 16 6 603 3 4 440 19 11 8,044 8 3 £ a. d. 4,661 19 7 3,826 13 7 72,638 2 2 37,365 13 4 38,430 13 4 33.324 7 8 412,976 16 4 £ 5. d. 5,302 15 4 4,426 10 10 120,333 1 9 63,192 1 3 67,929 18 6 68,241 4 11 6S7>373 4 10 5,261 8 10 21,660 3 7 17,061 12 5 10,034 7 8 6,602 4 5 11.352 14,307 398.915 i44,54i 156,973 269,350 [,562,341 552 3.131 10,212 44,386 61,211 1.945 1228,030 11,904 17.438 409,I27 188,927 2l8,l84 271,295 I> 790, 371 4,110 2,344 132,862 56,159 70,272 78,642 691,273 I 16,014 19,782 S4i-989 245,086 288,456 349.937 2,481,644 2,974 16 2 1,811 15 9 4,i53 13 o 2,958 12 2 226 5 9 79 6 o 298 10 8 136 17 1 97 9 6 94 15 10 139 2 6 102 8 4 3.298 11 5 1.985 17 7 4,591 6 2 3.197 17 7 17,685 4 7 14,957 1 10 5.341 5 10 3,153 19 3 561 7 7 42 8 o 24 13 8 131 8 7 115 o o 76 5 o 77 2 o 118 19 o 18,361 12 2 15,075 14 10 5,443 1 6 3,404 6 10 2i,68S 28,121 38,209 25,078 21,688 28,121 38,209 25,286 28,756 16,847 7,075 5,687 50,444 44,968 45,284 3C973 208 Total ... 346,895 9 7 16,481 11 2 33,271 3 5 396,648 4 2 617,548 11 11 16,731 16 7 11,228 12 10 645,509 1 4 1,047,418 14 4 2,670,875 349.675 3,020,550 1,094,027 4,»4,577 1884-85. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth. ... Westport Nelson Picton H-.11^.^// 561 15 9 776 5 8 38,774 2 7 20,828 12 3 21,446 5 5 28,194 3 8 226,880 4 11 2,492 14 11 1,440 6 8 4,396 10 8 2,836 19 3 52 10 3 37 11 10 2,355 6 8 667 10 6 1.336 13 4 921 4 10 10,289 18 4 201 1 7 79 2 4 299 4 6 165 19 2 81 15 6 63 10 4 3,608 4 5 i,930 14 3 2,279 ° 7 2,927 6 1 24,304 15 o 76 18 6 69 6 o 151 18 11 98 7 3 696 1 6 877 7 10 44,737 13 8 23,426 17 o 25,061 19 4 32,042 14 7 261,474 18 3 2,770 15 o 1,588 15 o 4,847 14 I 3>ioi 5 8 4,836 o 7 2,993 10 6 60,342 12 1 28,081 2 8 35,606 15 11 30,772 14 3 414,231 7 1 15,700 6 o 10,864 15 3 4-735 12 3 3,339 > 9 7 17 o 14 4 o 261 o 5 102 12 3 i57 18 5 3,178 19 11 18,529 17 4 . 457 13 8 368 1 o 34 6 9 47 11 1 35 6 10 30 10 10 1,021 14 3 77 9 3 608 17 11 499 3 6 7,754 19 2 117 s o 85 5 o 70 o o 122 o o 4,879 4 5 3,038 5 4 61,625 6 9 28,261 4 2 36,373 J2 3 34,450 17 8 440,516 3 7 16,275 4 8 11,318 1 3 4,839 19 o 3,508 12 10 5,575 5 11 3,9i5 13 2 106,363 0 5 51,688 1 2 6i,435 11 7 66,493 12 3 701,991 1 10 19,045 19 8 12,906 16 3 9,687 13 1 6,609 18 6 11,688 15,353 335,519 138,969 151,606 255,159 1,542,379 21,510 23,527 36,587 23,670 59 6 305 3,682 12,042 42,515 266,028 12,284 15.658 339.2OI 151,011 194,121 255.159 1,808,407 21,510 23>527 37,565 23,979 2,449 2,203 122,122 58,427 61,949 66,651 737.219 25,568 12,593 5,740 4,782 14.733 I7,86l 461,323 209,438 256,070 321,810 2,545,626 47,078 36, 120 43.305 28,761 .978 309 Total ... 348,628 i 9 16,406 3 4 35,591 16 10 400,626 1 11 611,503 18 4 23,160 ■ 1 10 10,422 II 9 1645,086 II II 1,045,712 13 10 2.555,967 326,455 2,882,422 1,099,703 3,982,125


RETURN No. 6. Statement showing Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Opened Lines for the Years ending 3lst March, 1883, 1884, 1885, and 1886.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.


<1 1883. 1884. 1883. 1886. Section. Line. Cost of Construction.* Net Eevenue. Eate of Interest. Cost of Construction.* Net Eevenue. Kate of Interest. Cost of Construction.* Net Eevenue. Rate of I Interest.! Cost of Construction.* Eate of Interest. Net Revenue. Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo Auckland Opened Unopened Opened £ s. d. 26,603 0 1 36,948 17 11 54,153 0 5 1,112,719 14 11 64,592 2 8 £ s. d. 621 2 4 420 4 9 27,295 2 3 £ s. d. 2 6 8 0 15 6 2 9 1 £ s. a. 26,603 6 1 47,371 19 8 61,557 14 11 1,179,937 0 0 106,209 1 1 £ s. d. 621 2 4 -20 4 0 28,079 0 11 £ s. d. 2 6 8 £ s. d. 86,283 0 0 64,032 0 0 1,319,672 0 0 106,441 0 0 £ s. a. 655 4 9 488 6 10 34,274 10 1 £ s. d. 0 15 2 0 15 3 2 12 0 £ s. d. 89,441 0 0 68,241 0 0 1,545,181 0 0 81,437 0 0 60,780 0 0 559,800 0 0 12,109 0 0 815, 000 0 0 92,762 0 0 1,349,900 0 0 18,330 0 0 41,815 0 0 £ s. d. 958 7 5 •616 18 11 37,928 19 6 £ s. d. 115 0 18 1 2 9 1 Unopened 2 V 7 Main Trunk Line, North Island Napier Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 419,298 14 11 32,003 0 0 764,860 12 6 3,017 4 0 1,097,046 3 8 72,714 0 0 40,237 8 9 103,729 19 5 3,890 12 3 2,506 19 6 6,299,302 15 10 326,035 9 8 163,096 14 2 43,895 4 9 80,802 0 4 14,553 9 10 3 9 5 469,533 16 6 22,200 0 0 781,416 16 0 7,963 4 0 1,221,567 5 8 10,875 18 5 41,191 15 8 163,361 13 7 7,534 18 3 5,168 9 11 6,615,631 6 1 325,003 11 2 166,268 17 0 88,094 17 7 78,665 6 0 43,000 0 0 206,944 17 1 8,467 9 11 156,682 7 0 5,700 0 0 192,307 3 3 14,567 3 0 139,742 2 1 27,343 7 4 5,168 10 0 18,572 5 4 3 19 1 551,218 0 0 22,165 7 7 4 0 5 27,646 18 2 - 4 18 9 Wellington .. 12,989 14 10, jl 14 0 11,126 7 5 1 8 6 799,714 0 0 50,000 0 0 1,334,573 0 0 16,798 4 4 2 i 0 20,850 9 6 2 11 2 Wanganui 15,499 0 0 1 8 3 7,691 7 10 0 12 7 12,362 7 11 0 18 6 8,650 1 1 0 12 10 Wellington-Foxton (private line) Stock Surveys Miscellaneous Hurunui-Bluff ._ 41,404 0 0 16,612 0 0 5,168 0 0 6,908,840 0 0 311,389 0 0 176,975 0 0 46,200 0 0 127,018 0 0 17,129 0 0 5.168 0 0 7,288,049 0 0 355,199 0 0 180,300 0 0 15,959 0 0 127,230 0 0 37,777 0 0 214,402 0 0 14,111 0 0 166,700 0 0 8,214 0 0 195,800 0 0 23,805 0 0 300,241 0 0 36,117 0 0 5.169 0 0 Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 273,656 1 5 4 6 11 222,099 11 9 3 V 2 251,781 16 7 3 12 10 239,600 10 0 3 5* 9 Greymouth . . 7,554 12 1 4 12 8 8,311 4 0 4 19 9 8,495 16 9 4 16 0 9,850 7 7 5 9 3 „ Harbour Works Hokitika Harbour Works Westport „ Harbour Works Nelson Opened 199,891 3 7 1,334 18 1 2 3 4| 6,618 14 9 3 3 11 210, 8S6 0 0 13,593 0 0 164,490 0 0 7,500 0 0 193,511 0 0 16,000 0 0 263,823 0 0 36,117 0 0 5,168 0 0 6,127 15 9 2 18 1 8,491 18 8 3 19 2 Opened Unopened Opened Unopened 153,223 13 4 2,000 0 0 188,801 15 6 13,567 3 0 81,249 0 11 20,785 1 6 2,506 19 7 2,460 13 0 1 12 1 1,827 11 1 1 3 4 2,170 14 0 1 6 5 2,205 14 10 1 (S 6 Picton Stock Surveys Miscellaneous 1,140 16 5 0 12 1 386 18 7 0 i 0 365 14 3 0 3 9 278 4 0 0 2 10 - .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • Total opened Total unopened 10,478,997 14 11 930,481 10 3 360,525 16 0 3 8 10 11,078,500 9 7 1,147,629 7 8 1305,314 0 0 2 15 1 11,810,194 0 0 1,040,433 0 0 355,685 18 10 3 0 3 12,472,814 0 0; 1,253,352 0 0 357,078 9 8 2 17 3 • • • • .. .. ■ ■ Gross total.. 11,409,479 5 2 360,525 16 0 3 3 2 12,226,129 17 3 305,314 0 0 2 9 11 12,856,627 0 0 355,685 18 10 15 4 13,726,166 0 0 357,078 9 8 2 12 0 • The amount stated as cost of construction includes tha Proving il ani Gfaneral G^73"i n^ai espnlifcnre 01 railways o)ii)Unlun)3iil anl al Government, viz., £156,387 for Eotorua, £73, 3;!0 for Ashburton Forks, £31, 103 for DuntroDn, an 1 £ii,'Jl3for Waiaufce Iins3 arran'amiatsfoi.' those piyjiiaabi hwi under the Auckland Section, and the amounts for the othar Iine3 under She Hurunui-Blu£f Section. so the purchas3-money f Lai bjja concluded. Tt for the District Railways taken over he amount for the liotorua line is in> by the eluded



RETURN No. 7. Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure for the last Six Financial Years.

RETURN No. 8. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working, for Five Chief Sections.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

Year. Expenditure Miles. Revenue. Expenditure, per cent, of Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Cattle, . Horses, and Sheep, and Passengers. 4.. e, s"n Dogs. Pigs. lionets. 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 18S4-85 1885-86 1,277 1.319 1.358 1.396 1.477 !,6i3 £ 836,454 892,026 953.347 961,304 1,045,712 1,047,419 S2i,9S7 523,099 592,821 655,990 | 690,026 690,340 62-40 58-64 62-18 68-24 65'99 65'9T i»377.783 i,437.7H i,504,793 1,700,040 1,749,856 1,823,767 No. 286,865 316,611 341,186 359,896 347.425 349,428 No. 300,704 343,751 477,075 686,287 729,528 858,662 No. 2,849,561 2,911,477 3,283,378 3,272,644 3,232,886 3,362,266 No. 6,499 7,207 8,621 9,036 8,999 10,717 A. C. Fife, Bail ay Accou; .taut.

1881-8: 1882-i 1883-84.* 1884-8J.* I88J-86.* Section. Ton-Mileage. 6 g.ill Ton-Mileage. o.So Ton-Mileage. Jsf p- 2 Ton-Mileage. <- « c H *i in i|f& Ton-Mileage. Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hurunui-B luff 4,467,896 1,984,211 2,182,966 2,859,978 37,305,649 48,800,700 2-65 2'2O 3'44 2'40 2'34 5,239,016 2,144,707 2,623,227 2,322,819 39.697.746 2-47 2-47 3'25 3Si 2-47 6,372,609 2,370,420 3,100,324 2,591.3c 1 44,627,125 59,061,779 2-25 2'I0 3'°4 3'47 2*36 7,oSs,574 2-43 2,983,237 2-13 3,388,92s 1 3-18 2,536-332; 3'3^ 42,877,369 2-47 58,871,437 2-53 8,539.210 3,880,550 3,992,644 3,497,669 41,097,413 2-24 2-15 2- 7 8 3-81 2-48 Totals 2-42 52,027,515 2'SS 2-42 61,007,486 2-52 * These statements are for twelve months ending the 5th January; that for 1SS3-81 overlaps the previous year.


A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.


Classification ot Work. Jf c-3 a a ■si .2§ a ■Sri II id Co s a 11 o Co id So r 13 g. a m II g§ £ Track surfacing.. £ s. d. 439 19 6 £ s. d.j 412 6 7 & s. dJ 13.203 7 ": £ s. d. 5,854 8 7 £ s. d. 6,017 17 8 £ s. d.j 13,457 6 I: £ s. d. 25,023 19 II: £ s. d. 22,298 6 9: £ s. d. 11,176 18 2 £ s. a. £ s. a.j 571 3 o £ s. a. 1,426 18 o £ s. d. 597 J6 i. S a. d.| 1,338 16 8 ] £ s. a. 101,819 4 11 Track renewals 149 10 3 266 12 4| 5,070 19 11; 3,092 7 11 1,753 3 5 3,502 19 3 17,775 9 6 11,919 6 9 3,102 17 11 1.4*3 15 4, 827 o 10 1.31S 7 7 397 9 o 50,587 o o Ballasting 25 8 6 73 6 o i,3 69 IS 2 911 14 6 325 11 8 I 593 8 » 591 14 11 3.J76 14 ° 1,878 5 3 65 14 o 109 10 o 122 4 o 158 9 8J 9,401 16 7 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels Bridges, culverts, drains 16 19 4 32 17 6 497 '7 9: 457 12 8 520 12 1 919 4 5 661 6 9 : 3,951 19 10 1,801 17 10 92 IO 8: 14 12 O 7 19 2 160 18 6 9,136 8 6 156 o 10 23 16 6 2,668 14 9 2.43 1 17 7 i,347 2 9 4,182 15 4 5,412 4 11 4,637 6 o ; 1,822 10 5 35 4 7 225 15 2 54 18 11 439 J7 2 23.438 4 " Fences, gates, cattlestops, hedges Roads, approaches, &c. 43 O o 1,288 9 6 89 13 io' 1,167 17 10 1,361 9 9 3.S7 8 *7 2 5.700 7 4 1,417 1 10 i 14 3 " 139 8 7 48 16 8 14,849 6 5 762 23 2 O 455 7 S, 37 11 5 232 13 9 237 9 6 846 17 5 832 19 8 501 6 5 300 16 2 8 21 1 7 12 6 o 3.227 4 3 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances Wharves 1,090 10 10 261 1 1 496 10 10 449 1 9 35 1 X3 6 1.787 5 > 998 6 3 527 11 6 76 14 o[ 17 6 o 24 to 6 30 14 5 6,111 5 9 28 14 2 485 19 7 3° 13 4 66 3 5 3 18 7 420 16 3 49 16 11 540 6 7 I 27 9 8 176 19 7 1,830 18 1 Buildings 46 13 10 106 13 3 i»273 5 5 575 2 7! 1,085 6 7 1 531 6 8 5,075 12 2 4,210 12 5 1,081 10 11 410 8 8 90 10 4 85 6 11 92 17 1 14,665 6 10 Miscellaneous II 10 O 1,682 14 10 723 3 o 184 2 i! 1,159 18 11 2,776 o 8 1.193 7 4 932 11 9 138 3 4 34 4 5 42 12 2 •• 8,878 8 6 Total expenditure.. 1>9^i 3 5 1993 4 2 28,257 :3 7, 14,700 16 3 9 7! 26,363 15 9 63,533 7 1 S9.34O 2 7 24,292 8 11 3,620 15 11 3.347 o 2 2.776 3 4 2,438 15 2 2,857 4 9, 247,566 o Mileage 8 £ s. d. 245 2 II 82 £ s. d. 179 5 7 69 £ s. d. 189 12 3 418 £ s. d. 151 19 10 46 £ s. d. 78 14 3 8 £ s. d. 418 7 6 18 £ s. a. 154 4 7 18 £ s. a. 158 14 8 1,613 £ s. d. 153 9 £ Comparative rates per mile for the year £ s. d. 141 17 9 211 £ s. d. 133 l8 5 191 £ s. d. 138 o 7 300 £ s. d. 197 16 o 214 £ s. d. 113 io 8 23 £ s. a. 106 o 8



RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

Coaching. Livo Stock, Gdods, &c. Stations. H o s ffl •6 9 "o'S eg m Total Expenditure. Nurnbe] 8* of C3 Ph ID » <D CO ra n a p o Outward. Inward. .2 £ o m oj g a . Equiv. Tons? 3» \ > £ S> nage for m,„# iv„ I " 1 13 £ E Livestock, Chaff, &c. Wool, Firewood. Timber, Outward. Grain. Merchandise. | Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. £ 2 3 & „; Equiv.Ton- £ § £ ■ S « T ? ag^for , Chaff &c £ % « ja £ Live Stock, #cO z> O S3 * &c. Wool. Inward. Rev* mue. Total Valuo forwarded. Stations. as Ph o Timber. Grain. Merchandise. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Firowood. Minerals. Goods. Kawakawa Section— Opua Kawakawa Accountant 9 9 5 2 £ s. d. 676 19 3 309 4 10 3,55! 3,52< 39 2 2,114 1,580 20 12 5 24| 26 1,586 2,114 12 20 26 24 1 8 52 30 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 5 0 0! I Ts. c. q. 28*16 0 Ts. c. q. 15 0 0 50 0 0 Ts. e. q. 225 13 0 0 17 0 Ts. c. q. 506 0 0 Ts. c. q. 768 13 0 355 7 1 Ts. c. q. 65 0 0 29,429 12 0 Ts. c. q. 1,645. G 0 29.SG4 12 1 Ts. c. q. 8 1 "52 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 5' 0 0 Ts. c. q. 28 10 0 Ts. c. q. 50 0 0 15 0 0 Ts. c. q. 0 17 0 225 13 0 Ts. c. q. 5G6* 0 0 Ts. c. q. 355 7 1 768 13 0 Ts. c. q. 29,429 12 0 65 0 0 Ts. c. q. 29,804 12 1 1,645 6 0 Ts. c. q. £ s. a. 803 15 5 311 2 5 25 17 11 & s. d. 840 15 3 3,821 4 4 £ s. d. 1,144 10 8 4,132 0 9 25 17 11 Kawakawa Section— Opua. Kawakawa. Accountant. "30 ■■ •• Totals 980 4 1 7,081 41 3,701 32 50 3,700 32 6 50 ■32, 30; 4 8 2 5 0 28 16 0 05 0 0 226 10 0 506 0 0 1,124 0 1 29,494 12 0 31,509 18 1 31,514 6 52 30 4 8 2 5 0 28 16 0 G5 0 0 220 10 0 566 0 31,509 18 1 31,514 6 3 640 15 9 4,601 19 7 5,302 15 4 Totals. 1,124 0 1 29,494 12 0 Whangarei Section — Wharf Whangarei Kamo Accountant 10 11 9 4 3 1 1,196' 4 3 4,399 7,604 2,506 13 115 55 81 1' 2 12 22 12 23 34 126 19 80 8 21 12 13 5 2 49 34 2 12 "83 25 0 12 10 0 11 0 0 20 0 0 70 10 0 5 0 0 135 19 0 2 12 0 2 0 2,319 9 2 083 17 2 225 6 2 37 10 0 10,117 8 0 19,729 0 0 2,608 14 2 10,810 3 0 19,970 8 2 2 5 34 • 45 4 "2 31 7 16' 0 15 0 22 12 0 14 0 26' 0 0 5 0 0 62 18 0 7 18 0 12 0 120 11 0 16 9 2 880 16 2 1,473 0 0 874 17 0 28,082 6 0 450 10 0 1,351 2 0 28,991 16 2 2,138 3 0 2,265 G 2 170 19 4 282 9 0 125 7 2 21 1 9 GIG 17 5 1,106 9 3 2,043 6 11 787 1G 9 1,448 18 8 2,168 14 1 21 1 9 Whangarei Section— Wharf. Whangarei. Kamo. Accountant. Totals 1,196 4 C 14,509 183 57 46 183 5.7 83 45 21 12 25 0 23 16 0 20 0 0 75 16 0 138 2 2 3,328 13 -2 29,883 18 33,395 6 0 33,416 18 0 88 45 21 12 25 0 23 16 0 20 0 0 75 16 0 138 2 2 3,228 13 2 29,883 18 0 33,395 6 33,416 18 0 599 17 3,820 13 4,420 10 10 Totals. Auckland Section— Hcleiisvillo Waitakarci Avondale Mount Eden Auckland (Coaching) \ „ (Goods) .. J Newmarket Remuera Ellerslie Penrose Junction Onehunga Wharf .. Otalmlm .. Papatoitoi Manurewa Papakura Drury Pukckohc Tuakau Pokeno Mercer Huntly Taupiri Ngaruawahia Frankton Junction.. pramilton West Cambridge . Morrinsville Matamata Oxford To Aroha Ohaupo Ngaroto Te Awamutu General Accountant Head Office 14 18 11 12 18 18 18 13 18 17 9 15 13 14 14 13 13 13 14 13 10 9 10 12 11 10 13 9 12 12 10 9 9 11 1 1 2 52 5 3 1 3 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 3 1 2 2 2 4 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 1,791 12 10 140 1 5 157 1 10 269 14 5 8,237 18 5 706 18 5 379 15 11 187 9 8 361 9 8 j1,524 18 3 149 10 10 154 0 10 135 1 8 152 13 9 256 19 8 301 2 6 163 15 2 154 12 11 619 13 3 301 13 10 138 3 10 437 19 9 207 10 0 243 15 4 005 11 0 392 5 6 33 5 S 51 1 7 15 18 6 166 0 8 151 15 11 557 19 7 2,003 17 7 13,861 6,064 3,441 8,971 (119,224 I •• 30,380 5,509 12,560 5,774 J 30,560 I ■■ 12,373 2,462 2,258 5,855 5,706 6,216 2,123 1,699 4,614 2,144 976 2,746 3,634 5,251 6,461 4,562 53 319 187 2 2 27 12 •2313 401 55 84 48 283 81 14 18 47 70 4 691 187 827 564 15,235 1,254 99 104 73 1,120 73 435 12? 580 278 440 1,446 236 110 542 407 210 617 332 1,429 977 330 46 10 ' 9 107 55 33 20 1-i 23 1 56 IS 47 11 12 83 18 1 15 22 33 58 16 2 "l 23 "2 "l "l 1 "l 95 8 13 87 656 324 71 79 55 108 136 43 82 96 110 88 18 33 54 24 14 43 56 72 100 68 4,015 982 89 178 4,496 l,o92 184 308 113 374 1,027 530 230 • 235 . 726 1,018 1,218 576 472 776 906 836 792 140 1,820 2,290 1,382 25 49 66 27 4 16 119 36 81 ' 29 9 3 1 34 10 1 33 18 59 5 13 16 22 2 11 3 12 68 18 1 "l "l "l "4 1 152 91 11 26 547 251 72 95 49 109 25 128 111 64 91 125 81 26 27 40 55 10 57 20 142 68 74 64 1 'g 1 1 1 1 1 1 192 13 3 "oi 2,357 14 990 3 1 167 194 505 195 1,220 18 172 317 303 422 822 886 890 2,908 081 0 "s 1 170 '31 1 'io 70 65 353 2 1,119 291 9G 1 5,942 451 1 21 45 3,030 1,692 3,201 109 4G4 1,848 40 2,874 211 1,483 10,158 6,656 11,782 440 124 "75 '42 'l47 4 4 489 "36 44 177 30 493 22 215 486 163 420 80 90 15 0 0 10 0 0 85 0 0 16' 0 0 5 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 65 0 0 95 0 0 155 00 480 0 0 425 0 0 105 0 0 61 12 0 4 4 0 7 1G 0 44 12 0 119 4 0 5G 8 0 12 4 0 0 16 0 5 16 0 5 12 0 10 4 0 8 8 0 10 0 2 8 0 9 8 0 480 0 0 655 0 0 665 0 0 20 0 0 125* 0 0 5 0 0 40' 0 0 035 0 0 290 0 0 335 0 0 60 0 0 2,500 0 0 190 0 0 5 0 0 85 0 0 15 0 0 12,773 8 0 3,200 14 0 515 7 0 158 10 0 1,748 18 0 88 5 0 2 8 0 10 18 C 147 12 0 51 18 0 14 0 0 14 0 2 16 0 304 12 0 428 18 0 27 7 0 65 16 1 4 10 0 5 0 0 2,594 1 0 73 19 1 1 19 1 20 16 3 86 4 0 665 6 0 181 15 0 425 0 0 GO 17 0 08 10 0 67 19 0 290 3 1 161 4 0 11 6 0 134 4 3 2 15 2 79 15 0 230 0 0 11 11 2 234 1G 0 111 7 0 15 8 2 2,1G5 10 2 198 16 1 199 12 2 362 9 0 21,784 11 2 G73 5 2 13 0 3 G 2 8 1,750 17 1 100 14 2 2.GG7 19 1 484 9 2 24 0 3 38 19 2 123 13 1 232 19 3 471 7 1 171 10 3 137 4 1 351 4 2 57 13 8 59 14 3 3,506 6 2 57 2 0 4G9 6 3 445 17 0 79 0 1 17 0 0 51 1 0 7,655 7 0 2,546 15 0 4,222 0 3 112 2 0 6,369 6 3 121 6 0 8,960 2 3 53 2 0 11 5 0 i' 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 2 18 0 3,700 0 1 33,484 3 3 15,578 0 3 4,114 5 1 9,058 2 2 3,087 14 0 30,G04 3 1 947 11 3 27 8 0 11 2 3 8,276 2 3 593 4 2 13,012 10 0 739 2 2 526 9 3 493 8 2 996 7 1 1,275 0 3 3,722 5 2 653 14 3 169 2 1 4,700 1 2 33,577 5 0 283 16 3 4,942 10 2 90 19 2 1,892 3 3 1,491 16 0 25G 12 3 17 1 "3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 530 58 1 6 223 10 9,919 24 19 10 124 70 9 94 241 48 38 132 353 31 450 GO 8 702 271 5 5 88 "7 814 '40 "3 17 2,528 114 "58 574 136 44,170 3,647 4 J 707 697 314 684 43 373 686 704 742 685 413 77 262 504 41 245 123 4,131 20 'iso 26 2 1 155 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 65 0 0 1,930 0 0 160 0 0 35 0 0 26' 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 115 0 0 508 0 0 6 12 0 46 0 0 30 0 0 240 0 0 165 0 0 1,550 0 0 690 0 0 1,225 0 0 215 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 45 0 0 75 0 0 5 0 0 114 6 0 322 2 0 214 11 0 3,435 13 0 8,467 2 0 721 17 0 59 14 0 188 10 0 11 16 0 64 2 0 2,647 16 0 191 16 0 64 8 0 156 2 0 122 4 0 107 15 0 300 16 0 120 12 0 133 12 0 119 14 0 219 4 0 39 18 0 147 8 0 64 12 0 474 8 0 326 12 0 1,319 12 0 8 12 0 10 12 0 498 6 1 43 17 1 4 11 0 16 18 0 3,079 18 2 559 14 2 14 14 2 6 0 0 2 6 0 193 5 3 88 13 2 158 2 2 59 6 0 31 13 0 133 8 0 56 6'0 201 11 0 23 2 1 76 2 1 391 11 1 50 9 2 29 0 0 273 0 3 4 0 0 159 15 1 379 7 1 80 14 3 4 7 3 G 15 0 3,084 10 2 555 17 3 83 11 3 101 8 0 9,501 17 1 386 11 0 27 12 1 38 12 0 70 0 2 619 2 3 8,485 9 2 2,054 11 0 174 13 3 266 3 3 388 11 2 839 19 3 1,114 17 2 441 18 2 357 5 1 358 1 1 386 2 3 247 10 1 455 5 1 90 17 0 1,020 7 3 1,764 6 2 5,753 2 2 1 1 2 22 5 0 .878 10 2 3,498 15 2 2,137 14 3 1,888 12 0 36,535 16 1 6,095 17 2 216 6 1 804 17 0 1,623 14 1 2,808 16 3 5,161 17 0 1,208 10 3 166 12 1 89 7 3 313 4 2 190 3 2 529 8 0 74 16 0 78 3 2 61 7 0 31 0 0 82 9 0 132 12 2 10 0 0 680 0 8 1,109 5 2 991 0 2 10 0 0 5 7 0 4,760 13 1 4,685 12 2 2,610 8 2 7,057 11 0 60,712 14 0 9,149 0 0 568 7 0 557 19 0 1,717 16 3 3,736 19 1 11,383 16 0 3,989 0 1 495 0 0 588 6 2 1,037 8 0 1,269 4 1 2,151 12 2 775 8 3 600 3 0 935 13 2 711 1G 1 348 17 1 1,008 6 2 169 9 0 2,361 11 3 3,099 11 1 9,790 15 3 29 1 1 49 19 0 2,344 14 3 809 12 5 229 2 11 981 18 1 17,273 17 1 3,254 12 2 731 14 9 873 2 8 482 2 1 2,473 1 7 9 17 5 1,214 8 7 . 258 9 3 282 o 10 885 10 4 950 10 3 1,466 18 0 384 14 3 387 15 0 1,001 4 11 489 1 11 237 18 2 699 17 10 908 18 2 1,453 18 5 2,847 18 0 1,520 11 10 28 7 1 178 17 8 8,660 1 2 1,534 2 8 1,317 17 9 653 16 10 304 17 8 22,351 9 0 904 10 1 082 14 2 17 14 10 1,905 7 2 201 7 5 3,335 12 0 423 11 2 214 14 8 95 2 10 419 5 6 606 17 8 1,901 11 0 350 8 1 215 10 10 1,921 11 7 12,058 1 2 396 11 2 2,634 1 11 286 12 5 1,693 6 11 2,120 18 3 1,001 3 7 28 1 9 12 11 11 11,004 IS 5 2,343 14 8 1,547 0 8 1,635 14 11 17,578 14 9 22,351 9 0 4,159 2 3 1,414 8 11 890 17 6 2,387 9 3 2,674 9 0 3,345 9 5 1,637 19 9 473 3 11 377 9 8 1,304 15 10 1,517 7 11 3,368 9 0 735 2 4 603 5 10 2,922 lo 6 12,547 3 1 631 9 4 3,333 19 9 1,255 10 7 3,117 5 4 4,968 16 3 2,521 15 5 51 8 10 191 9 7 Auckland Section— Helonsville. Waitakerei. Avondale. Mount Eden. Auckland (Coaching.) (Goods.) Newmarket. Eemuera. Ellerslie. Penrose Junction. Onehunga. Wharf. Otaliuhu. Papatoitoi. Manurewa. Papakura. Drury. Pukekohe. Tuakau. Pokeno. Mercer. Huntly. Taupiri, Ngaruawahia. Frankton Junction. Hamilton West. Cambridge. Morrinsville. Matamata. Oxford. Te Aroha. Ohaupo. Ngaroto. Te Awamutu. General. Accountant. ■ Head Office. "l "l 1 2 1 2 2 8 8 2 1 "2 1 2 61 32 1 12 ' 46 31 ■1: 39 305' 0 0 105 0 0 55 0 0 5 0 0 350 0 0 85 0 0 25 0 0 21 4 0 8 10 0 5 12. 0 35 4 0 66 12 0 37 8 0 5' 0 0 10 G 0 165 4 0 17 12 0 18 3 0 1,047 8 0 1 14 0 119 12 0 273 0 0 94 16 0 84 0 0 10 0 0 453 5 0 10 0 0 2 1 0 5 8 ] ] 2 1 12G 42 23 4 4 2 23 81 15 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 "2 2 1 1 1 5 2 230 0 0 500 0 0 5 0 0 1 32 "l2 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 80 0 0 1,600 0 0 5 0 0 13 1 1 4 i*18 0 'i 18 0 5' 0 0 1,395 346 4,415 : 242 148 7G9 8 2 46 34 8 92 582 210 1,620 G 3 29 "3 1 48 8 68 1 1 2,384 977 1,101 ~94 52 51853 1,355 3,802 39 180 1,521 105 0 0 60 0 0 90 0 0 0 12 0 8 16 0 20 16 0 20 0 0 279 8 0 256 4 0 0 8 0 34 0 0 407 7 0 822 9 3 101 5 S 01 9 1 301 15 2 2 0 0 548 5 3 793 16 1 1,207 15 1 2 2 16 3,590 75 190 i£< 656 97 215 " 1 5 0 0 45 0 0 40 0 0 315 0 0 31 8 0 2 0 0 1,491 16 0 82 17 2 12 2 2 140 4 0 485 6 0 217 12 1 2,711 0 2 217 4 0 159 13 0 680 12 0 866 15 2 431 7 3 5,419 18 2 405 3 5 143 14 2 1,795 0 7 1,084 18 2 866 13 4 1,723 17 6 1,490 1 7 1,010 7 6 3,518 18 1 16' 0 0 22' 6 0 75' 0 0 634'l9 6 6*15 0 752 5 5 635 14 6 752 5 5 Totals ... 132 21,151 16 3 311,967 l,6o! 29,400 73 ! 46 2,674 29,4001 75: 2,674 90 17,302 1,153 63,093 4,811 5,685 4 0 2,695 0 560 12 0 6,815 0 0 21,760 10 0 0,874 1 37,105 18 8 07,922 1 1 143,733 3 3 149,418 7 8 90 17,302 1,15! 63,093 4,816 5,685 4 2,095 0 0 560 12 0 6,815 0 149,418 7 8 47,094 19 7 72,038 2 2 120,333 1 9 Totals. 21,700 10 0 0,874 1 3 37,105 18 3 67,922 1 1 143,733 3 3 Napier Section— Spit Napier .. Earndon Hastings To Aute Kaikora Waipawa Waipukurau Takapau .. Ormondville Makatoku Tahoraite General Head Office Accountant 9 111 w.l 10» 1(3, H, 12 12j10J US 12 18$ 4 12 2 6 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 4 622 19 10 1,912 16 6 277 13 4 885 11 2 153 12 1 295 3 5 294 4 6 491 5 6 191 12 2 148 7 2 368 18 11 638 16 7 729 6 4 1,660 52,018 13,725 39,061 2,138 ' 4,563 11,528 13,346 3,714 4,334 3,371 8,975 1 114 35 34 151 19 26 1,591 11,500 -531 1,673 433 694 1,979 1,219 708 1,021 545 750 24 120 15 273 12 99 43 108 21 6 14 126 1 20 "2 8 6 2 1 2 3 3 80 470 106 486 76 82 103 81 100 10 72 130 307 2,724 643 4,205 980 1,590 2,843 2,078 1,070 1,430 081 2,639 43 88 15 230 15 101 42 113 36 14 11 153 .1 3 3 I 2 4 6 5 60 331 83 511 96 J to 175 Ml 52 44 31 172 "c I 1 11 2 2 2 4 27 99 15 74 11 35 1 1 120 "l 24 1 2 1 5 1 1,093 131 109 3,091 97 2,372 1G3 4,G12 507 2 2 277 300 3 4 10 0 30 0 60 0 325 0 25 0 25 0 45 0 25 0 135 0 0 4 8 0 455 12 ■ 0 1,239 4 0 150 8 0 582 12 0 740 16 0 594 8 0 228 12 0 10 0 0 8 0 181 12 0 265 0 0 20 0 0 105 0 0 65 0 0 2,960 0 0 40 0 0 225 0 0 390 0 0 2,485 0 0 795 0 0 4,985 0 0 85 0 0 72 0 0 288 12 0 7 8 0 69 16 0 20 4 0 28 12 0 1,499 8 0 4,114 0 0 7,479 0 0 174 12 0 13,258 16 0 0,045 16 0 1,158 2 1 92 10 0 118 16 2 1,048 16 1 120 9 0 45 0 1 99 10 0 15 0 0 19 4 3 6,032 11 2 1,728 17 2 5,187 3 3 1,004 1 3 02 18 3 130 13 3 372 1 3 192 4 1 116 6 3 108 13 0 103 19 3 91 13 0 5,969 3 0 3,680 3 1 241 6 3 20 18 0 8 0 0 98 0 0 13,641 16 3 5,844 10 8 6,125 7 0 3,772 16 0 3,346 19 3 820 18 0 3,059 15 3 5,350 12 1 10,353 3 2 . 1,121 0 0 18,350 3 3 7,022 1 0 2 2 1 : 1 3 7 2 13 29 30 8 100 7 13 8 21 2 30 8 134 1 1 3 1 1,404 326 0,182 3,685 133 207 35 074 103 360 259 900 74 1 1 2 191 87 233 155 0 0 120 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 65 0 0 120 0 0 4,018 12 0 71 4 0 204 0 0 0 16 0 5 0 0 2 16 0 2 8 0 0 4 0 1,000 0 0 2,800 0 0 2,320 0 0 4,245 0 0 20 0 9 320 0 0 850 0 0 755 0 0 0,587 4 0 8,326 12 0 1,051 0 0 5,373 0 0 65 12 0 713 12 0 173 8 0 10,888 8 0 99 12 0 185 10 0 54 8 0 139 12 0 455 9 1 269 6 0 G3 8 1 412 8 3 44 10 0 74 7 0 492 12 0 207 12 3 83 3 a 151 10 1 114 0 2 351 5 2 5,340 13 2 573 18 1 457 7 2 2,675 4- 1 299 11 0 403 11 2 972 14 0 C65 19 0 3G1 13 1 420 3 2 270 5 1 2,580 9 2 2,461 18 1 1,846 13 3 338 10 3 4,804 14 1 61 19 3 63 13 1 106 8 0 219 14 0 16 14 0 .16 0 0 62 17 0 77 18 0 20,078 17 0 14,007 14 0 4,439 1 2 17,535 3 1 506 12 3 l,o50 3 3 2,602 18 0 12,744 1 8 571 7 0 813 9 3 581 10 3 3,284 5 0 266 5 9 8,914 7 5 1,008 11 4 4,819 10 4 345 15 2 854 1 8 2,383 2 2 2,500 6 3 618 0 7 727 5 7 566 7 0 2,518 3 2 7,829 7 7 2,021 19 C 2,287 8 0 1,490 10 S 602 15 2 ■ 784 14 10 1,804 15 6 2,756 3 6 3,435 9 3 486 4 1 10,032 13 9 3,018 12 4 8,095 13 4 11,530 6 5 8,295 19 4 0,310 0 7 1,008 10 4 1,038 16 C 4,187 17 7 5,250 9 9 4,053 9 10 1,213 9 8 10,599 0 9 5,536 15 6 Napier Section— Spit. Napier. Faradon. Hastings. Te Aute. Kaikora. Waipawa. Waipukurau. Takapau. Ormondvillo. Makatoku. Tahoraite. General. Head Office. Accountant. "78 25 41 10 0 C 1 1 19 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 "l 4 10 M91 2" 0 0 is' 0 0 "88 "8 304 11 6 148* 6 2 0 15 0 148' 5 2 305 G 6 •■ Totals 40 7,060 7 6 Totals. 158,433 384 22,650 861 49 1,796 22,050 861 1,791 43 451 35 14,321 69! 582 18 1 545 0 4,314 0 0 12,420 0 0 33,058 4 0 2,719 9 0 15,081 10 2 10,077 1 0 78,815 4 2 79,398 2 3 43 451 35 14,32! 695 582 18 1 545 0 0 4,314 0 12,420 0 0 33,658 4 2,719 9 0 15,081 10 2 10,077 1 0 78,815 4 2 79,398 2 3 25,826 7 11 37,365 13 4 63,192 1 8 Wellington Section— Masterton.. Carterton Greytown .. Ecatherston Cross Creek Summit .. Kaitoke Upper Hutt; Lower Hutt Petono Wellington .. \ (Wharf) J „ (General) (Head Office) .. Accountant 14* 12 j 13* 12 12 12 11 18* 17* 17 7 3 2 5 2 1 1 5 4 4 928 13 9 850 10 8 381 14 5 405 19 11 603 18 11 78 10 3 654 2 5 504 19 3 505 15 2 15,010 7,731 7,111 7,547 1,035 7,364 21,462 19,977 j 96,731 "3 22 72 20 295 251 422 2,005 1,405 1.05S 1,420 140 634 0,831 441 11,000 87 31 14 123 8 119 169 **4 3 228 96 45 224 15 71 224 80 544 4,190 2,349 1,897 2,898 887 882 828 711 10,348 87 88 20 96 2 3 114 1 197 s 11 "2 2 310 114 60 296 21 83 135 111 397 2 8 "2 213 4 "20 1 02 64 269 45 1 24 08,000 31,870 225 47,424 170 GO 1,307 27 ■86 14 368 1 ,530 0 0 210 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 55 0 0 840 8 0 891 1G 0 75 8 0 643 12 ■ 0 ,22 12 0 8 4 0 21 0 0 25 0 Oj 655 0 0 55 0 0 445 0 0 1,095 0 0 0,475 0 0 2,360 0 Oi 5 0 0; 10 0 0 24 1G 0 10,478 16 0 1,574 10 0 8,626 1 0 732 10 0 2,091 10 0 ; 1,057 16 0 19 4 0 475 0 0 "252 0 0 154 5 1 4 10 0 31 18 1 48 10 2 8 10 0 10 10 0 410 0 0 282 1 0 193 16 2 232 14 2 22 3 1 153 10 0 62 9 3 3,346 10 3 7,801 10 2 37 19 2 227 0 0 34 16 3 9 10 0 27 18 0 90 0 0 4 0 0 GO 0 0 757 9 0 2,064 8 2 G32 17 0 2,211 9 1 12,050 19 3 1,945 8 3 10,034 2 0 1,902 11 1 8,751 G 0 3,626 15 3 4,128 3 3 . 18,380 14 0 1,077 13 2 l: 44 2 "s 'l7 1 1,101 004 2 802 3 26 65 115,677 31,409 8 5 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 5 00 6'l6 0 8 25 0 C 5 0 0 5 0 ( 280 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 C 025 0 0 465 0 0 9,655 0 0 1,193 16 15 16 692 16 222 4 9 0 29 16 544 12 2,304 17 20,139 5 181 8 1,188 9 S 307 5 1 288 10 0 317 14 3 193 10 1 203 13 2 128 10 3 200 12 8 15 0 0 3,497 4 1 915 11 3 547 4 1 028 19 . 3 131* 0 1 20G 1G 1 257 9 8| 760 5 0 4,277 19 1 1,020 5 1 238 17 3 47 19 3 88 5 2 117 9 2 40 4 0 128 1 0 1,525 12 0 1,712 9 3 6,148 7 8 1,362 8 3 1,642 9 8 1,871 8 0 180 0 1 504 12 2 1,818 16 1 5,184 4 3 38,777 18 3 6,624 17 1 5,131 17 G 1,871 15 3 1,439 16 9 2,205 5 1 144 9 1 980 10 1 2,702 14 11 1,335 8 0 13,355 14 11 4,041 5 10 7,828 12 0 1,311 4 1 7,737 D 2 781 18 11 2,084 2 1 736 4 0 1,036 14 4 12,114 3 1 56 14 2 1 9,773 8 4 i 9,700 7 3 2,751 0 10 9,942 11 3 876 8 0 3,014 18 2 1 3,438 18 11 2,372 2 10 25,469 18 0 50 14 2 Wellington Section— Masterton. Carterton. Greytown. Featherston, Cross Creek. Summit. Kaitoke. Upper Hutt. Lower Hutt. Petono. Wellington. „ (Wharf.) „ (General.) ,, (Head Offioe.) Acoountant. "l 27 "5 *2i2 6 15 3 2S5 "1 8 2 221 8 254 147 16 869 359 18 23 3,437 11 3 5,408 4 0 4 16 0 2,561 11 0 149 12 0 780* 0 0 2,000*12 5,108 4 1,003 8 10 "? 33l' 7 1 lo9 15 G 32 13 2 I6g'i5 6 364 0 3 Totals 57 8,815 10 10 184,024 1,091 24,941 558 40 1,527 24,940 551 40 1,527 87 271 47( 149,741 757| 4,800 2 0 820 0 0 7,416 0 0 11,125 0 0: 25,333 10 0 2,969 19 12,602 15 3 3,907 19 1 64,175 4 0 68,975 0 0 149,749 3,907 19 1 Totals 274 470 757 4,800 2 820 0 0 7,416 0 |11,125 0 0 25,333 10 2,909 19 0 12,602 15 3; 64,175 4 68,975 6 0 29,499 0 2 38,430 13 4 67,929 18 vi—D. l.



RETURN No. 10- continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

>acl iicg. Live Stock, Goods, &c. Stations. © o & O 0,0 la d n Total Expenditure. Numbs: of Outwi ireL Inward. S CO IB Equiv. Tonnage for £ Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &e. Wool. Firewood. Outward. Timber. Grain. Minerals. Total. a 3 Inward. Rev< snuo. Goods. Total Value forwarded. I Stations. S© $■3 «3 Ah W o o P o 5 Q © > o Merchandise. Grand Total Tonnage. 49 03 I? s Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Wool. Firowood. Timber. Grain: Morchandiso. Minerals. Total. Grand Total n„'.«i,« Tonnage. Coaching. Wanganui Section— New Plymouth Waitara Inglewood Stratford .. Normanby Ha-wera Patea Waverley Waitotara Aramoho Wanganui Pordell Turakina Marton .. • • * • Greatford Halcombe Feilding Palmerston Foxtoh General Head Offico Accountant £ s. a.I 749 5 0 553 19 9[ 230 6 9! 121 7 8 149 9 9 856 17 9! 467 14 9' 170 18 3 156 6 3 175 9 8 3,035 11 2 110 2 5 181 18 11 263 0 4 180 8 9 293 2 7 420 19 2 745 3 10 1,178 14 7 1,028 5 6 1,776 502 538 446 444 1,765 765 501 371 547 10,351 330 376 1,315 444 601 1,079 2,441 2,178 46 ! 16 11 5: 8 97i 45! 55 23 51 ■274 3 57 83 52 35 50 182 97 4 2 1 2 1 15 85i 55| 87 74l 1:11 195 127 70 122 58 430 54 75 217 75 42 197 307 117 2 17 17 2 2 60 59 22,694' 12,837 1,378' 4,498 2,322 102 1,884 26 97 449 294 300 606 1,329 595 2 11 1 26 258 1,423 1,340 501 351 74 391 35 17 78 610 3 323 312 55 Ts. Ts. c. q. 30 0 0 30 0 0 Ts. c. q.[ Ts. c. q. 55 0 0 5 0 0 1,320 0 0 135' 0 0 1,145. 0 0 320 0 0 235 0 0 10 0 0 350 0 0 745 0 0 15 0 0 105 0 0 Ts. c. q. 24 4 0 84 8 0 1,990 16 0 3,146 2 (1 1,302 IS 0 142 12 0; 101 8 (ll 4 0 0 0 4 0[ 5 0 0! 314 0 0! 0 4 0 26 16 0 51 0 0 4 8 0 4,923 8 0 7,346 10 0 3,711 0 0 28 8 0 Ts. c. q. 45G 13 1 172 18 1 131 2 2 17 6 0 147 19 2 378 10 2 600 11 0 516 16 1 156 7 1 .442 5 3 385 18 2] 189 2 2 7G 2 0 316 4 3 76 9 2 55 1 0 113 5 2 69 10 3 764 2 3 Ts. c. q. 1,114 19 3 1,215 18 2 639 18 3 211 10 2 233 7 3 607 10 1 1,175 14 1 157 10 0 95 6 3 132 0 2 4,810 17 1 104 10 0 102 17 0 263 9 0 120 12 2 131 13 1 315 15 0 787 1 1 3,210 7 3 Ts. c. q. SO 1 3 794 4 3 44 2 0 Ts. c. q. ! 1,760 18 8 2,315 9 2l 4,128 11 1 3,510 2 2 2,883 13 1 1,697 0 3 2,244 7 1 892 10 1 638 14 0 1,814 18 l| 6,905 6 2: 751 0 2 450 4 0 888 19 3 841 2 0 9,270 10 1 8,687 0 2 6,499 6 0 4,222 1 2 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 15 0 0 Ts. 0. q. 16 12 0 Ts. c. q.! 1,130 0 0 425 0 0 20 0 0 Ts. c. q. 2,725 10 0 1,835 12 0 157 2 0 135 4 0 299 8 0 1,613 14 0 525 8 0 492 8 0 314 16 0 407 10 0 5,851 10 0 336 4 0 261 0 0 3,395 4 0 243 8 0 81 4 0 561 4 0 612 0 0 3,298 8 0 Ts. c. q. 408 15 1 167 19 1 284 0 2 140 2 1 124 9 2 382 4 3 83 6 0 82 6 0 46 15 0 42 4 3 1,491 2 3 205 16 2 S3 15 0 108 2 0 65 17 2 246 14 0 242 8 0 881 2 1 83 6 1 Ts. c. q. 1,140 18 0 577 9 2 584 7 0 655 18 1 402 12 0 1,430 13 3 331 10 2 326 11 0 285 19 1 194 1 1 747 7 2 131 13 1 208 16 1 2,041 7 3 1,241 8 0 442 7 3 1,118 4 0 2,894 6 1 615 2 3 Ts. c. q. 699 17 1 45 11 3 90 3 0 53 7 2 35 11 2 360 11 2 174 6 3 140 16 0 98 17 0 22 1 0 273 0 0 99 4 3 44 19 0 177 0 0 63 0 0 60 0 0 868 18 0 458 14 1 234 14 0 Ts. c. q. G,142 18 2 3,051 12 2 1,175 12 2 995 12 0 897 1 0 4,978 4 0 1,951 5 1 1,237 1 0 836 15 1 1,687 7 0 12,4S0 10 1 947 18 2 978 14 1 7,102 15 3 1,788 13 2 915 9 3j 2,40G 14 0 5,159 14 3 5,673 11 0 Ts. c. q. £ s. a. 3,121 7 3 1,232 2 10 984 13 1 421 2 5 471 6 4 4,047 14 4 1,654 18 9 6G3 9 8 487 2 4 538 11 1 8,489 10 0 278 2 11 483 8 G 2,078 9 2 651 10 7 911 1 0 1,386 4 10 3,293 4 9 2,965 14 0 £ s. a: 1,174 3 ll 1,083 12 10 967 17 0 1,379 3 10 1,484 9 11 1,538 10 11 1,578 0 7 594 0 8 326 7 1 415 12 2 6,551 11 7 241 10 2 240 11 7 527 5 2 317 10 10 3,342 8 4 4,818 2 8 2,306 16 8 4,416 14 1 £ s. d. 4,295 10 4 2,315 15 8 1,952 10 1 1,800 G S 1,955 10 S 5,586 11 3 3,232 19 4 1,257 10 4 813 9 5 954 3 S 15,041 1 7 519 13 1 724 0 1 2,005 14 4 969 1 5 4,253 9 4 5,704 7 6 5,000 1 5 7,382 8 1 . Wanganui Suction— 4 New Plymouth. 3 Waitara. 1 Inglewood 3 Stratford. Normanby. Hawera. i Patea. 1 Waverley. > Waitotara. i Aramoho. 1 Wanganui. Fordell. Turakina. I Marton. i Greatford. Halcombe. > Peilding. > Palmerston. Poxton. General. Head Office. Accountant. 10} 10 10 11 10 13 l 2 i 9 9} 10 11 10J 10} ■ 10 10 10} 12 13 10 5 4 2 2 1 6 4 1 1 2 20 1 2 2 1 3 4 6 10 15,635 9,410 6,593 2,313 3,547 22,556 9,013 3,028 2,529 3,489 30,427 2,320 2,010 9,534 3,030 6,204 9,269 18,644 21,302 32 •4 39 22 8 14 96 39 46 28 57 329 3 47 90 40 18 38 149 119 4 4 1 1 2 7 1 158! 174 1 26 29 46 302 65 65 ' 85 57 542j 49 48 118 82 53 143 249 227 860 389 • 750 1,580 703 1,871 1,033 1,208 1,617 276 2,828 757 1,138 2,289 1,149 1,127 2,357 3,293 1,545 "l3i 41i 13 0 0: 2 12 Ol 0 4 0' 32 8 0 ! 153 8 0! 2 4 0, 184 4 0 30 16 0 118 12 0 "2! 1 1 1 8 3 1 111 676 - 1 3 54 122 1 33 3 11 404 1 99 1 19 16 9 4,471 34,637 170 41 387 61 57 61 17 529; 414| 403! 66 194 1 217 1 25 18 7 31 88 35 33 308 3 5 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 70 0 0 64 10 0 80 212 127 548 115 34 5,727 30 120 126 61 275 194 878 1,223 2 2 4 112 272 125 74 173 3,402 119 62 43 173 12 40 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0' 1,175 0 0 485 0 0 165 0 0 90 0 0 960 0 0 3,070 0 0 170 0 0 365 0 0 1,375 0 0 170 0 0 10 0 0 95 0 0 230 0 0 545 0 0 8 1* 0 0 351 8 0 6 2 12 25 29 "l 1 *3 1 1 3 0 8 0 14 0 937 4 0 1 24 *6 '14 30 0 0 80 0 0 75 0 0 342 0 0 1,259 10 3 61 0 0 0 10 4 6 0 4, 4' 1, 1 9 1 2 242 110* 0 0 5 0 0 1 14 "l 2 6 1 2 3 I **2 2 2 1 8 "I 50 0 10 0 0 210 4 0 244 8 0 234 0 0 38 12 0 06 8 0 91 4 0 595 0 0 18 0 15 0 0 585 0 0 4,100 0 0 705 0 0 685 0 0 .. J 22 13 28 239 75 288 2 3 12 2 5 0 0 5 0 0 75 0 0 20 0 0 75 0 0 190 0 0 5* 4 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 10 0 8 12 0 707 0 0 "5 1 2 0 7 2 3 10 75* 0 0 185 0 0 40 0 0 466 14 0 217 15 0 2 8' 2 189 621 ii •• I a' 0 0 752 3 5 478* 1 2 41 11 4 483* 1 2 793 14 9 Totals 181,453 337 26,770[ [1,181 01 2,518 26,770! 1,181 61 2,518 48 2,085 408 49,034 5,811 2,175 6 1 575 0 0 2,030 12 0 10,530 0 23,207 12 0 5,126 7 2 15,437 0 0 3,501 5 l| 00,407 16 3 62,583 3 0| 48 2,085 408 49,034! 5,811 2,175 6 1 575 0 0 2,030 12 0 10,539 0' 0 123,207 12 0 5,126 7 2 15,437 0 0 3,501 5 1 60,407 16 3 Totals. 77 11,069 2 10 62,583 3 0 34,910 17 3 33,324 7 8 08,241 4 11 Greymouth Section— Greymouth Brunner General Head Office Accountant 11 10 14 6 3,232 9 5 1,563 19 11 14 17 0 22,047 15,476 179 88 "l 1,513! 457 42 35 457 1,513 35 42 3 9 5 2 8 9 50 0 225 0 1,012 0 0 2,226 10 0 2,834 10 2 148 7 3 141 2 0 129,100 8 0 4,037 12 2 131,706 5 3 9 8 2 5 9 8 225 0 0 50 0 0 2,220 10 0 1,012 0 0 148 7 3 2,834 10 2 129,100 8 0 141 2 0 131,70G 5 3 4,037 12 2 1,905 6 11 1,361 4 9 4,388 13 7 13,971 8 7 6,294 0 0 15,332 13 4 Greymouth Section. Greyraouth. Brunner. General. Head Office. Accountant. 717 9 24 2 0 i*10 0 9* 7 S 24 2 C Totals 20 4,811 0 1( 38,12! 218 1,971 77 1,970 77 17 0 275 0 3,238 10 0 2,982 18 1 129,247 10 0 135,743 18 1 135,745 5 lj ■12 17 1 7 0, 275 0 0 3,238 10 0 2,982 18 lj 129,247 10 0 135,743 18 1 135,745 5 1| 3,298 11 5 18,301 12 2 21,000 3 7 Totals. Westport Section — Westport Accountant 8 6 1,748 6 5 17,701 14 2,0317 6 144 2,034 17 6 144 2 II 70 5,338 9 0 1,897 6 0 95,986 11 0 103,222 6 0 2 16 70 2 5,338 9 0 1,897 6 0 95,986 11 0 103,222 6 0 1,931 13 1 54 4 6 15,075 14 10 17,017 7 11 54 4 6 Westport Section. Westport. Accountant. Totals 17,700 14 2,03' 17 144 2,03' 17 144 70 3 9 0 5,388 9 0 1,897 6 0 95,980 11 0 103,222 6 0 103,225 15 0 1-3 70 2 3 9 0J 5,338 9 0 1,897 0 0 95,986 11 Totals. 1,748 6 6 103,222 6 0 103,225 15 Oj 1,985 17 7 15,075 14 10 17,061 12 5 Nelson Section— Port and Wharf .. Nelson Richmond Brightwater Wakefield Belgrove General Head Office Accountant 9 9 9 10 10 11 13 6 1 1 1 3 1,056 4 6 696 4 11 117 0 11 140 10 11 138 15 11 350 12 6 72 10 0 23,185 10,244 4,921 4,611 9,010 •■• 4l| 55 16 26 1 151 2,3G5 471 880 401 101 **6 1 **3 1 1 1 63 2G 7 18 22 54 727 970 709 743 000 1 1 "l 4 1 **4 4 47 29 14 17 26 2 .. 1 4 **40 10 12 1 18 10 0 0 95 0 0 35 0 0 85 0 0 10 0 2 16 0 11 12 0 51 10 0 37 0 0 82 0 0 95 0 0 1,745 0 0 945 0 0 11 10 0 78 14 0 3 0 0 43 10 0 1,836 2 0 907 18 0 062 2 0 26 5 0 1,326 7 0 406 15 0 118 0 2 491 19 0 1,139 15 1 170 17 0 210 11 2 139 10 3 88 8 1 1,400 15 2 70 0 0 26 12 0 194 14 0 3G0 14 1 4 0 0 2,573 12 2 1,327 10 1 1,633 14 0 1,043 6 2 4,321 13 2 2,027 6 1 1 "4 '*4( II **25 " 1 175 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 20 0 0 120 8 0 62 12 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 2,295 0 0 880 0 0 100 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 .65 3 0 2,441 12 0 224 18 0 65 10 0 64 1 0 20 2 0 1,046 1 3 918 9 2 125 0 1 372 1 0 59 4 0 18 13 0 259 14 3 534 13 0 349 1 2 234 0 1 344 5 1 525 13 0 351 2 1 929 19 0 599 12 0 19 18 0 124 12 2 37 12 0 2,017 9 3 7,207 5 2 1,678 15 3 794 9 1 602 2 3 627 0 0 5 0 10 2,014 17 10 082 12 1 427 7 3 550 4 9 822 19 8 2,573 18 3 681 16 7 385 6 2 2G9 13 6 932 2 9 505 4 10 2,578 19 1 2,-696 14 5 1,067 18 8 697 0 8 1,482 7 o 1,328 4 1 Nelson Section. Port and Wharf. Nelson. Richmond. Brightwater. Wakefield. Belgrove. General. Head Office. Accountant. 1 "l 18*18 5 69 5 9 94 19 6 113*17 11 69 5 9 •• Totals 3,869 187 8,669 5 137 56 26 3 3 1 225 0 0 186 4 0 2,785 0 0 2,881 6 0 2,539 9 2 2,247 7 8 2,062 15 3 12,927 3 0 12,930 6 1 56 20 3 3 1 225 0 0 186 4 2,785 0 0 2,881 6 0 2,539 9 2,247 7 3 Totals. 25 2,577 19 8 51,971 140 2,062 15 3 12,927 3 0 12,930 G 1 4,591 6 2 5,443 1 6 10,034 7 8 Picton Section — Picton Blenheim General Head Office Accountant 10 9 2 4 754 0 4 273 14 11 73 2 0 14,642 8,146 117 "l 510 844 37 40 3 97 93 844 510 40 37 "3 98 97 4 33 "5 13 272 20 8 240* 0 25 4 0 0 8 0 5,545 0 0 450 0 0 898 10 0 756 l0 0 221 13 2 2,715 7 3 1,171 18 3 338 6 1 1,245 5 0 5 0 0 9,107 11 1 4,505 12 0 "4 4 33 5 272 13 21 240 0 0 0 8 0 25 4 0 450 0 Oi 5,545 0 0 756 10 0 898 10 0 2,715 7 3 221 13' 2 338 6 1 1,171 18 3 5 0 0 1,245 5 0 4,605 12 0 9,107 11 1 1,859 12 8 1,204 19 4 1,962 1G 0 1,440 0 10 3,822 8 8 2,705 0 2 Picton Section. Picton. Blenheim. General. Head Office. Accountant. 19* 1 1 54 4 6 i'10 c 2011 1 54 4 0 •• •• Totals 1,100 17 8 22,788 118 1,354 77 191 1,354| 77 190 37 285 28 19 8 2 240 0 0 25 12 0 5,995 0 0 1,655 0 0 2,937 1 1 1,510 5 0 1,250 5 13,013 3 ll 13,032 11 3 37 285 28 19 8 2J 240 0 25 12 0 5,995 0 0 1,655 0 0 2,937 1 1 1,510 5 1,250 5 0 13,013 3 1 13,032 11 3,197 17 7! Totals. 3,404 6 10 6,602 4 5 Hurunui-Bluff Section— Culverden Waikari Amberley Sefton Rangiora Kaiapoi Belfast Styx _ Papanui Addington Christchurch (Passengers) j (Parcels) ) (Goods) (Head Offico) .. " (Cashier) : .* I Opawa Woolston .. .* Hcathcoto Lyttelton (Coaching) ) , ' (Goods) .. (Wharves) J Hornby Templeton Rolleston 12 Hi 12 12} 11 11 12* 12 13} 15 17 *9 1 4 3 2 5 6 1 1 3 10 38 51 85 11 11 572 16 1 398 17 11 201 18 3 788 16 0 933 1 11 126 16 11 201 18 2 354 10 5 1,381 7 0 7,419 1 5 9,119*12 3 284 10,564 5,095 3,193 16,920 18,360 5,122 2,137 15,971 7,797! 214,990 2 3 10 25 23 37 6 86 50 1,060 57 995 1,000 707 1,9G5 1,975 418 8G 500 1.1501 44,686 8 84 64 9 88 19 *24 279 447 1 11 5 4 4 1 6 12G 10 204 187 75 201 101 22 9 126 223 1*533 291 3,845 2,741 1,420 2,891 1,623 614 92 382 760 13*710 16 140 54 4 74 3 1 18 249 528 1 14 5 4 5 1 "l *50 35 881 140 52 204 95 15 3 07 165 1464 1 1 4 2 **2 7 'hi 57 40! 4 33 19 4 "lO 646 "61 1 12 *68 5 3,535 13,274 14,664 518 6,040 1,426 261 15*377 *205 'l08 218 751 154 220 101 1 3,665 **64 10 0 0 150 0 0 35 0 0 75 0 0 180 0 0 30 0 0 190 0 0 155 0 0 215* 0 0 61 16 0 1,756 8 0 509 4 C 74 8 0 327 1G 0 457 8 0 381 0 0 3 4 0 9 10 0 50 8 0 3,562* 4 0 65 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 85 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 35* 0 0 40 0 0 273 4 0 295 12 C 4 10 0 255 4 0 70 10 0 24 12 0 6*10 0 582 10 0 2,899 10 0 244 0 0 2,583 8 2 638 2 3 2,439 13 3 5,128 0 1 15,410 11 2 2,473 15 1 8,091 3 0 2,882 19 0 IS,333 4 1 6,91814 1 9 11 0 602 0 2 213 0 3 287 7 3 626 18 0 518 5 2 4,790 10 0 67 17 1 364 7 1 1,694 19 0 25,162* 8 1 202 10 0 18 1 1 30 0 0 27 0 0 508 9 1 932 1 0 346 7 0 11* 0 0 501 0 1 3,561*10 1 517 17 0 5,308 2 1 1,921 19 2 2,888 5 2 7,000 7 2 17,574 2 0 8,040 4 1 8,192 4 1 3,458 18 1 21,412 1 2 42,359 12 3 1 10' 2 2: ' 5 1 *8 *7 107 8 1 8 5 4 37 750 **70 1 **4 "l 2 'ii 15 259 342 340 " 5 494 209 83,303 *767 85,767 *754 1 28 G 54 71 156 460 71 83 5,336 "46 195 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 275 0 0 55 0 0 25* 0 0 40* 0 0 310* 0 0 ' 0 4 0 30 4 0 i 187 8 0 23 8 0 182 4 0 58 8 0 .. 36* 8 0 2,52316 0 25 0 0 420 0 0 490 0 0 135 0 0 1,170 0 0 430 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 490 0 0 620 0 0 4,365* 0 0 215 8 0 1,120 10 0 1,075 4 0 174 0 0 1,348 12 0 835 4 0 53G.12 0 2 16 0 40 16 0 1,414 0 0 18,649*16 0 36 3 2 62G 19 1 273 17 2 131 1 0 820 11 1 2,777 4 0 22 9 3 1,950 10 1 3,774 8 1 17,727 13 2 10,647* 0 2 343 11 2 2,191 13 2 936 18 2 397 1 2 985 14 0 716 13 2 665 18 3 79 17 1 130 4 2 2,549 7 2 48,037* 0 3 74 17 3 1,062 8 3 822 1 3 460 19 2 2,590 15 2 3.04G 12 0 3,819 14 0 263 19 2 2,669 0 1 4,109 0 3 49,142* 4 3 G95 0 3 6,613 1 2 8,638 5 3 1,490 10 0 7,214 0 3 8,142 17 2 5,118 2 2 2,302 3 0 7,104 9 0 26,49G 9 3 133,074 18 0 142 7 6 2,529 2 11 1,065 13 1 ' 459 17 C 2,539 1G 0 1,987 17 1 314 11 6 107 13 7 1,974 4 4 1,480 2 8 35,493 10 11 4,205 18 10 397 3 0i 4,371 5 2 1,505 0 3 1,079 G 9 2,715 15 2 5,074 0 3 2,991 14 10 868 9 2 923 10 7 6,220 1 9 453 12 10 41 11 1 19,490 17 3 25 10 0 1,719 11 6 Cr.O 0 5 585 11 6 491 16 2 0 IS 0 48,300 19 7 2,552 4 3 1,491 0 2 . 476 14 0 1,500 17 1 539 10 5 6,900 8 1 2,570 19 4 1,539 4 S 5,255 11 2 7,062 3 4 3,300 0 3 97G 2 9 2,897 14 11 7,700 4 5 35,947 3 9 4,307 9 11 19,490 17 3 25 10 0 1,719 11 G 335 14 2 960 1 5 1,020 5 0 7,068 9 3 48,300 19 7 2,552 4 3 2,095 4 G 764 10 9 2,195 11 2 Hurunoi-Bluff Sec. Culverden. Waikari. Amberley. Sefton. Rangiora. Kaiapoi. Belfast. Styx. Papanui. Addington. Christchurch (Passen.) „ (Parcels.) (Goods.) (H. O.) » (Cashier. Opawa. Wools ton. Heathcote. Lyttelton (Coaching.) • „ (Goods.) (Wharves.) Hornby. Templeton. Rolleston. 11 16* 16 1 2 4 , s ( 2 1 3 100 7 8 282 12 7 593 11 3 2,115 7 11 18,510 3 0 8,275 9,271 10,351 87,871 99 87 209 241 79 541 1,475 3,304 4 4 15 48 245 366 171 176 9,866 1 203 "l 33 19 12 16 498 " 9 ■**27 45* 0 0 014 0 0 26 12 0 10* 0 0 28 12 0 4 12 0 8*19 1 2,771 18 2j 570*19 -2 112 1 1 2,321*12 2 130 10 0 3,554 3 1 3,096 13 8 "l 1 **51 15* 0 0 227*10 0 100* 0 0 5 0 0 64* 4 0 48*17 0 965 0 0 0 4 0 2,012 2 2 84 9 3 1,627*13 1 315 13 C 0 4 0 4,01G 8 3 1,439 G 3 33G 0 7 374 9 11' 528 8 10! 7,007 11 3 108 'l3 *45 13 1,585 107 C *736 *199 11,771 4 0 2,991 16 0 83 0 0 37 0 0 87 0 0 2,920* 0 0 22,921 1 0 1,164 18 0 0 12 0 25,445 16 o' 751 8 1' 2,692 6 2 1,705 9 2 2,851 15 3; 58,007 15 2 34,201 1 1 312 G 1 28 11 0 902 1G 1 59,449 14 0 21,676 17- 1 6,865 0 0 180,515 10 2 60;786 0 8 9,923 4 3 1,776 0 2 3,938 13 2 *26 42 *507 1,576 *60 7,574 77 5,622 48 57 738 3 4,228 90 15 17 730* 0 0 13,282*12 0 11,422 4 0 35* 0 0 1,599 2 0 26 2 0 100 0 0 21 0 0 24 0 0 99,334 13 1 24,952 17 3 145 13 0 27 4 2 27 0 2 50,399 15 1 6,210 0 0 61 8 0 68 8 3 219 8 0 25,225 15 1 46 17 8 1,827 4 1 331 9 2 243 19 0 196,000 17 3 42,658 1 2 2,159 5 1 458 2 3 524 7 2 13 12J 124 313 7 10 13G 17 5 394 G 8 44,096 2 7 2,358 2,620 2,840 424,025| 7 12: 11 211 109 220! 258 15 0 "l 61 01 81 222 229 256 222 18 15 72 58 93 "l 270 172 6 *271 104 20* 0 0 10* 0 0 5* 0 0, 5 0 Oj 7 5* 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 • 603 18 4 287 1G 9 C94 14 1 1 22* 1 2 "l 22 211 ■ 00,124, ,1,399 39,605 135, 3,045 129 2,482 87 56,484! 5,883 1,115 0 022,814 4 0 3,240 0 0 28,527 1 0 90,371 0 1128,532 10 1 90,675 14 1 377,276 1 3 107 3,102| 94 ! 1,665 0 0! I I 27,974 12 0 Carried forward. Carried forward 11,984 172 3,201 1,601 ,185,079 11,43' 8 380 0 0, ,26,743 12 0 '164,289 4 3 122,089 17 2 98,270 G 2 449,412 12 3 02,253 15 6103,278 1 ll! i I 165,531 17 5:



RETURN No. 10- continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

loaehi Live Stock, Goods, &c. big. ? I •°a p CO £ Eev< mue. Stations. ft o h P O ft Total Expenditure. Number of Outwi ird. Inward. itward. Q O o Equiv. ToncD H, nage for m,«« *- a a Livestock, ChaH,&c. B n &o. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Inward. Grain. Merchandise. forwarc )tal Value led. Stations. .5 J* ■c.2 5 H as 3 o o O % SO 3 3 * M O P •A U P oi "3 o s "3 ft w Equiv. Tong, nage for £ Live Stock, H &o. Chaff, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Grain. Merchandise. ' Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Goods. Hurunui-Bluff Section — ctd. Brought forward Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Rakaia Chcrtsey Ashburton ■ ■ Tinwald Winslow Hinds Rangitata.. Orari Winchester Temuka Oust Bennett's Oxford (East) „ (West) Prebbleton Lincoln Springston (closed 27th Feb.) Ellesmere Doyleston Leeston Southbridge Birdling's Flat Kirwee Darfield Sheffield .. Springfield Coalgate Westeriield Washdyke Timaru (Coaching) ) (Goods) (Wharf) J St. Andrew's Otaio Makikihi .. Stuaholme Junction Waitaki North Pukeuri Junction Oamaru (Coaching) ) (Goods) f Breakwater Waiareka Junction Mahcno Herbert Hampaen Pleasant Point Albury Fairlie Creek Waimate .. Duntroon Ngapara Palmerston Dunback Waikouaiti SeaclifT Waitati Purakanui Port Chalmers Upper Sawyer's Bay Port Chalmers (Coaching) 1 (Goods) ) Burko's Ravensbonrne Pelichet Bay Dunedin (Passengers) ) (Parcels) J (Goods) .. Caversham Burnside Abbotsfora Mosgiel Greytown Henley Waihola Milburn .. Milton Clarkesville Stirling Balcluth'a Clinton Outran! Waitahuna Lawrence Waipahi 12 11 12 li; iii 13J 12 12 10 ,12 12 12 12 10J 13 14 11 9i 12', 10 J 12J 12 12 I2J 121 13 1 I 1 , 14 13 13J .12 12 12 12 10 13 211 1 2 2 6 I 2 14 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 27 2 1 2 2 3 1 £ s. d. 44,096 2 7 163 1 4 250 14 6 247 5 4 667 8 7 264 9 8 2,079 10 5 145 9 7 229 15 3 210 16 3 196 2 4 219 2 10 225 5 7 398 17 0 171 13 7 137 5 6 136 19 0 404 16 11 248 17 10 289 14 11 135 13 5 144 14 5 150 19 8 328 1 4 445 7 0 202 7 11 156 9 2 410 19 9 141 19 2 409 17 7 1G1 2 11 154 5 3 5,637 0 11 219 0 0 138 0 2 208 1 11 237 1 5 398 4 2 145 3 2 424,025 1,856 1,607 3,296 6,563 1,608 21,278 1,73S 920 1,078 1,750 5,228 3,432 9,752 1,973 1,442 2,425 8,001 2,771 4,099 1,009 854 1,982 3,927 6,117 2,438 1,883 5,641 1,618 3,660 1,842 2 *20S ( 41,478 4',110 1,523 3,100 1,921 1,742 1,686 f 44,861 1 •• 1,981 26 45 5 14 19 fi 6 44 11 16 1 *7 11 9 4 8 1 1 18 1 *47 120 9 14 1 6 17 84 5 20 00,124 142 215 407 612 342 3,451 257 145 221 648 820 578 1,718 610 251 800 493 104 G75 181 243 646 712 884 19 383l 590 522 308 430 221 90 12,869 395 207 340; 126 264 276 7,622 1,399 2 15 64 105 4 4 275 22 12 18 101 51 38 2 3 2 5 13 6 11 45 15 1 7 16 5 25 15 4 21 431 10 13 20 13 172 3 1 16 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 "4 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 i "l "l 3,20G 39 39 50 159 27 2S9 68 30 45 28 98 83 121 19 17 30 40 11 41 0 17 11 46 28 3 34 61 44 60 51 7 G6 551 122 75 83 24 49 25 456 39,605 589 409 864 2,107 631 5,181 252 357 895 915 2,196 971 '2,228 1,389 1,087 1,014 1,334 305 2,830 300 394 985 1,900 2,092 66 1,095 1,408 1,137 1,213 1,224 977 234 6,871 1,006 763J 979[ 310| 939 216 4,493 1,601 3 4 Gl 4G 9 157 13 8 18 18 78 34 35 4 6 1 5 1 35 2 5 31 13 1 16 22 8 45 25 13 15 348 "s 26 4 11 45 167 125 1 l! 3' 5 ! 20 2 1 1 5 5 1 2 4 2 3 ' 6 "3 *4 3 **4 6 4 | 0 li 1 4 1 3,045 56 49 64 116 31 275 36 39 64 76 82 23 81 38 33 34 46 1.3 73 G 23 17 37 45 5 50 123 42 55 51 63 51 572 117 54 49 32 66 26 391 129 1 **3 3 7 1 1 3 1 1 I "l "l 1 *21 6 1 2 2,482 38 26 8 7 200 51 651 3 85 128 81 611 17 2 6 1 27 40 42 28 4 9 62 1 41 2 659 119 2 52 1 171 , 562 12 116 1 • ■ *21 87 "l ii 9. J 56,484 69 2,230 4,024 42,221 2,518 8,591 . 6,077 35,140 5,842 2,526 4,325 1,263 5,297 1,905 13 740 13 374 58 I 3,259 1,920 ! 2,878 8,684 122 2,780 4,464 664 8 1, 6,102 i 57j 715 *239 16,349 30 1 7,G07 I 9,185 10,405 16,811 I *012 14 17,417 10,620 2,641 2,300 611 5,064 3,204 89G 210 7,000 I 7,312 i 0*024 5,883 47 243 410 145 56 335 263 1,017 246 66 180 436 914 7 *306 ' 30 668 914 2,699 1,669 225 355 81 15 97 *715 **25 190 93 244 226 88 37 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 1,115 0 0 05 0 0 10 0 0 190 0 0 35 0 0 115 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 325 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 30* 0 0 25 0 0 15* 0 0 25* 0 0 315 0 0 65 0 0 100 0 0 55 0 0 Ts. 0. q. 22,814 4 0 97 8 0 40 10 0 148 0 0 403 8 0 180 12 0 460 0 0 140 4 0 199 8 0 251 12 0 320 12 0 424 12 0 255 12 0 430 0 0 117 12 0 139 8 0 22 8 0 126 8 0 20 0 0 253 12 0 40 8 0 94 16 0 23 8 0 46 8 0 163 0 0 66 12 0 239 12 0 94 16 0 322 0 0 561 8 0 628 16 0 84 4 0 4,295 12 0 5 4 0 348 16 Q 73 16 0 176 16 0 ■ 266 16 0 835 8 0! 303 16 0 Ts. c. q. 3,240 0 0 25 0 0 30* 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 240 0 0 315 0 0 35* 0 0 790 0 0 3,185 0 0 145 0 0 1,720 0 0 50 0 15* 0 0 75 0 0 140 0 0 50 0 215 0 0 15* 0 0 50 0 230 0 0 Ts. c. q. 28,527 1 0 0 12 0 7 10 0 9 10 0 0 8 0 294 4 0 0 8 0: 5 8 0 0 8 0 8 12 0 18 0 2 16 0 47 12 0 2 8 0 16 0 0 23 8 0 959 8 0 293 17 0 1,980 12 0 ioo oi' 4 0 7 16 0 94 4 0 0*12 0 1,171 0 0 3,659 4 0 0 12 0 78*16 0 Ts. c. q. 96,371 6 1 2,941 5 0 778 9 3 2,741 14 2 4,703 19 3 5,682 6 0 14,190 3 2 1,843 4 0 1,986 1 0 2,256 9 8 1,762 9 1 1,407 3 1 2,698 17 2 4,096 12 2 1,638 17 3 3,180 1 3 122 4 3 653 19 2 3,374 19 3 4,848 5 0 1,341 0 1 3,834 13 1 2,039 19 0 2,419 1 0 3,693 14 2 13 3 0 3,340 0 8 4,002 13 3 1,126 3 0 498 5 8 1,189 2 8 817 6 2 377 3 0 26,323 1 0 10 0 0 2,627 6 3 2,350 6 0 2,986 6 1 2,185 15 2 4,144 3 0 6,365 1 0 Ts. c. q. 128,532 16 1 84 4 0 66 19 2 162 12 2 200 13 2 101 1 1 1,291 8 3 56 13 1 179 11 0 44 6 3 63 9 3 132 19 1 125 19 0 418 7 3 66 3 0 23 0 0 59 12 2 81 5 0 38 12 0 892 19 2 24 17 3 109 6 1 307 15 2 149 7 1 422 15 1 8 2 1 78 14 3 120 11 8 93 0 1 57 16 2 62 17 3 60 17 1 1,621 6 0 6,656 13 0 9,770 7 2 88 16 1 59 7 0 94 14 1 28 6 1 88 13 1 346 10 0 Ts. c. q. 96,675 14 1 12* 0 0 63 10 2 408 15 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 32 16 2 73 19 2 4 0 0 14 17 0 4 0 0 896 1 0 1,358*12 2 5 0 0 20 10 0 8,176 10 3 883 3 1 727 12 1 543 3 2 837 11 3 49 16 1 7,167 16 2 9,442 8 3 4 12 3 27 16 0 5 10 3 8 0 0 31 0 0 Ts. c. q. 377,276 1 3 3,188 9 0 894 1 1 3,074 7 0, 5,716 7 3 5,999 7 1 16,789 11 1 2,054 9 1 2,384 '8 0 2,557 16 2 2,395 3 0 2,286 2 2 3,121 1 0 5,111 11 3 1,854 0 3 3,704 6 3 1,021 13 1 5,902 1 2 3,882 8 3 10,004 1 0 1,411 0 0 4,059 15 2 2,391 2 2 2,654 16 1 4,349 19 3 147 9 1 3,495 7 2 12,562 4 1 2,446 6 2 1,605 14 2 2,361 12 0 2,590 3 2 2,157 9 1 45,G44 2 2 22,887 4 1 3,100 3 3 2,483 9 0 3,909 8 2 2,551 8 2 4,676 12 1 7,121 15 0 Ts. c. q. 107 3 1 2 7 "l 3 1 6 4 6 2 "l 2 **8 7 "l 3,102 1 1 11 85 43 10 21 5 2 2 6 20 2 4 ll 23 1 6 9 2 3 15 52 8 14 27 3 111 90 3 4 9 6 127 *25 "l 1 "l "3 1 "l **4 1 5 2 94 "l 185,679 149i 168 677 5,265 ! 188! 3,018 383 431 128 173 659 16 428 145 220 137 673 16 452 12 105 594 89 181 370 111 640 51 454 984 11,192 4,584 50 2,107 21 52 205 166 1,396 11,437 ; "27 182 9 328 150 164 41 4 16 1 32 'ioi 3 o 41 19 385 - 450 493 10 **31 1 104 76 111 428 'l59 1 21 Ts c. q. Ts. c. q. 1 1,665 0 0: 5* 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 70 0 0 25 0 0 30* 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 55 0 0 65 0 0 130 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 35 0 0 365 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 Ts. c. q. 27,974 12 0 66* 4 0 12 4 0 48 0 0 106 4 0 101 4 0 31 8 0 6*12 0 3,67316 0 4,012 12 0 6*16 0 Ts. c. q.| 8,380 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 60 0 0 75 0 0 30 0 0 825 0 0 75 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 60* 0 0 70 0 0 15 0 0 195 0 0 15* 0 0 120* 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 0 145 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 1,985 0 0 195 0 0 105 0 0 45 0 0 20 0 0 180 0 0 15 0 0 Ts. c. qj 26,743 12 0: 26 4 0 79 8 Oi 111 12 Oi 505 16 Ol 27 0 0 3,0G5 0 0 24 4 0 131 12 0 70 0 0 20 0 0 28 4 0 68 8 0 438 12 0 64 16 0 43 0 0 18 4 0 9 0 0 44 8 0 978 9 0 56 4 0 39 18 0 115 12 0 419 16 0 303 4 0 1 12 0 89 0 0 360 16 0 92 4 0 48 0 0 192 0 0 736 16 0 443 16 0 5,099 4 0 17 8 0 101 16 0 36 0 0 117 12 0 15 18 0 256 8 0 93 4 0 Ts. c. q. 164,289 4 3: 83 11 1 38 8 3 87 5 0 170 14 0 41 1 1 2,368 12 1 156 15 1 485 13 3 79 11 3 48 12 3 61 11 2 741 4 2 ' 367 4 1 118 7 3 502 4 2 76 0 0 73 18 0 209 14 0 480 17 3 70 15 1 14 2 2 69 14 1 GOO 83 12 2 10 9 1 134 4 2 113 3 0 110 6 2 115 5 0 233 8 2 147 13 0 82 5 3 27,948 7 1 23,895 9 3 85 5 1 71 18 2 28 43 59 0 2 101 17 2 21 5 0 Ts. c. q. 122,089 17 2 146 6 0 136 18 2 294 17 3 846 14 2 274 18 1 2,698 13 8 157 12 3 232 3 0 235 13 3 246 16 3 596 3 1 521 12 1 1,026 2 3 270 16 3 366 0 1 225 15 3 800 14 0 65 7 2 1,184 18 2 76 18 3 95 17 1 204 4 1 413 15 1 511 11 2 28 1 3 298 3 0 412 8 0 277 16 3 306 12 0 424 16 2 583 8 2 323 16 0 12,940 14 2 1,318 18 0 382 6 8 162 0 8 271 18 1 155 5 3 454 7 3 70 18 0 Ts. c. q. 98,270 6 2 275 8 0 302 5 1 447 19 1 1,155 10 0 280 12 2 3,804 5 1 478 0 3 465 17 1 173 16 2 105 0 2 282 14 2 320 2 1 1,431 11 3 248 15 1 538 18 2 49 12 0 95 4 3 268 12 0 1,084 14 0 215 19 1 137 11 1 365 8 2 1,098 9 3 1,063 14 3 5 8 0 600 5, 3 862 19 3 282 19 0 58 16 2 72 12 3 805 7 2 1,006 17 2 10,240 18 1 1,256 5 1 354 18 3 201 0 0 189 13 1 200 7 1 348 13 3 40 18 2 Ts. c. q. 449,412 12 3 551 4 1 577 0 2 1,011 14 0 2,753 14 2 658 12 0 12,897 15 1 916 12 3 1,385 6 0 619 2 0 452 14 0 1,016 13 1 1,757 11 0 3,424 14 3 772 15 3 1,481 11 1 379 11 3 533 16 3 668 1 2 4,053 19 1 419 17 1 802 9 0 755 11 0 2,058 1 0 2,042 2 3 45 11 0 1,126 13 1 1,904 6 3 779 6 1 638 13 2 957 17 3 1,818 5 0 1,826 15 1 62,253 0 0 30,500 13 0 1,119 6 3 581 15 1 652 8 1 450 11 2 1,346 7 0 241 5 2 Ts. c. q. £ s. d. 62,253 15 6: 314 2 10 292 s 18 3 785 9 3 1,827 8 3 373 12 1 6,788 0 5 242 2 8 221 4 3 249 0 4 461 0 1 1,279 16 2 605 9 9 1,978 0 6 369 11 10 227 17 11 569 11 11 920 5 5 213 3 6 529 18 7 152 12 0 153 1 3 404 10 7 790 3 6 1,158 8 8 598 17 5 372 0 11 1,243 4 10 823 5 0 1,084 2 5 523 16 0 25 17 6 213 5 4 12,316 19 4 628 13 8 253 17 3 623 16 10 351 8 1 318 5 10 162 17 4 10,216 1 9 £ s. d. 103,278 1 11: 1,013 8 7 386 14 1 1,253 8 1 3,999 14 0 2,949 10 10 9,651 14 6 1,378 16 G 3,115 4 0 1,694 19 6 ' 1,184 18 1 1,079 2 0 1,096 16 1 2,101 6 3 8O0 15 10 1,092 0 5 359 3 0 2,037 1 11 965 16 9 3,473 16 7 378 12 2 1,835 17 2 1,057 17 G 1,208 10 0 2,255 0 11 70 13 5 1,244 7 5 4,275 1 5 1,009 19 0 960 4 10 1,393 0 7 1,849 12 11 4,131 17 10 142 11 1 11,278 6 6 1,721 18 9 1,594 2 6 588 0 10 1,441 15 0 1,573 0 7 1,690 11 0 2,596 13 6 4 8 11 7,171 13 4 1,360 3 11 3,323 o 4 4,940 10 8 524 19 7 2,173 18 0 1,560 5 3 950 3 7 1,499 5 0 1,924 12 11 342 5 0 1,820 0 5 3,385 14 2 678 8 5 1,104 5 5 394 8 8 429 O 4 71 19 6 636 3 7 '169 2 3 £ s. a. 165,531 17 5 1,327 11 5 G79 12 4 2.038 17 4 5.827 2 3 3,323 2 11 16,439 14 11 1,620 19 2 3,336 8 3 1,943 19 10 1,G45 18 2 2,358 18 2 1,702 5 10 4,079 6 9 1,176 7 8 1,319 18 4 928 14 11 2,957 7 4 1,179 0 3 4,003 15 2 531 4 2 1,488 18 5 1,462 8 1 1,998 13 6 3,413 9 7 669 10 10 1,616 8 4 5,518 6 3 1.333 4 0 2,044 7 3 1,916 16 7 1,875 10 5 4,345 3 2 12,459 10 5 11,278 6 G ' 1,721 18 9 2,222 1G 2 841 18 1 2,065 11 10 1,924 14 8 2,008' 17 4 2,759 10 10 10,220 10 8 7,171 13 4 1,360 3 11 3,484 0 8 5,572 7 5 899 16 4 2.828 2 6 2,206 7 7 1.334 8 3 2,488 12 2 8,759 6 1 965 10 8 1,700 5 11 7,109 12 7 907 11 6 2.039 0 6 884 9 0 920 3 11 250 6 5 1,874 4 11 637 18 9 4,794 10 4 12,096 13 7 224 14 5 1,011 1 11 1,810 17 1 39,231 8 3 5,321 9 5 35,923 16 10 1,247 9 11 5,067 6 1 4,397 18 6 ' 3,702 6 5 ' 1,097 G 3 1 1,063 8 2 > 735 19 1 3,754 G 4 7,801 10 3 Hurunui-Bluff— contd Brought forward. Burnham. Selwyn. Dunsandel. Rakaia. Chertsey. Ashburton. Tinwald. Winslow. Hinds. Rangitata. Orari. Winchester. Temuka. Oust. Bennett's. Oxfora East. „ West. Prebbleton. Lincoln. Springston. Ellesmere. Doyleston. Leeston. Southbridge. Birdling's Flat. Kirwee. Darfield. Sheffield. Springfield. Coalgate. Westerfieia. Washayke. Timaru (Coaching.) „ (Gooas.) „ (Wharf.) St. Andrew's. Otaio. Makikihi. Stuaholme Junction. Waitaki North. Pukeuri Junction. Oamaru (Coaching.) (Gooas.) Breakwato-. Waiareka 7 unction. Maheno. Herbert. Hampden. Pleasant Piint. Albury. Fairlie Creek. Waimate. Duntroon. Ngapara. Palmerston. Dunback. Waikouaiti. Seacliff. Waitati. Purakanui. Port Chalmers Upper. Sawyer's Bay. P.Chalmcrs (Coaching.) (Goods). Burke's. Ravensbourne. Pelichet Bay. Dunedin (Passengers.) „ (Parcels.) (Goods.) Caversham, Burnside. Abbotsford Mosgiel. Greytown. Henley. Waihola. Milburn. Milton. Clarkesville. Stirling. Balclutha. Clinton. Outram. Waitahuna. Lawrence. Waipahi. "l 15* 0 0 6' 8 0 5 8 0 46 163 *18 14 1,004 8 1 6,344 12 3 4,557 8 8 1,964 16 3 13 0 0 3,705 4 0 12 0 0 **5 288 71 50 47 15 5 1 4 17 15 10 16 51 **9 3,596 1,183 1,366 18,409 540 105 262 2,063 1,483 34 153 226 1,107 *226 388 493 2 "l5 250* 0 0 55 0 0 l,42i' 8 0 3,539 8 0 2,165 0 0 115 0 0 50 0 0 315 0 0 35 0 0 55 0 0 190 0 0 80 0 0 195 0 0 3,918 4 0 91 12 0 27 0 0 358 4 0 71 16 0 102 16 0 216 12 0 308 4 0 828 12 0 66 12 0 211 4 0 601 4 0 1,693 0 0 275 5 0 168 12 0 191 16 0 78 4 0 30 16 0 3 2 0 112 16 0 19,030 10 0 22,457 12 0 247 3 1 579 6 3 74 11 0 554 0 0 150 2 1 81 15 3 134 10 3 399 14 2 145 18 8 205 1 1 379 10 2 10 0 0 105 0 1 153 1 2 213 19 3 2 0 0 7,658 11 1 2,593 0 1 69 3 2 662 18 3 172 12 0 418 9 3 638 15 2 468 0 1 636 6 8 860 1 3 718 2 1 1,517 17 3 2,706 16 3 475 5 3 387 13 2 421 12 0 118 17 2 71 13 2 30 3 2 1,838 0 0 9,409 2 3 2,726 8 1 137 19 0 1,251 7 0 819 8 3 264 6 0 683 10 3 251 3 3 688 15 1 887 11 2 427 19 2 573 11 1 1,708 3 2 264 6 8 690 13 2 902 17 3 178 8 2 33 0 0 214 5 2 1,026 1 0 43,852 16 0 31,578 0 2 531 5 3 3,571 0 2 078 7 3 1,454 11 3 1,794 0 2 1,244 3 3 1,933 4 3 1,723 19 8 1,758 4 2 3,162 14 1 7,051 10 3 1,224 17 2 1,678 19 1 1,799 7 1 664 4 3 137 9 2 252 11 0 3,268 12 0 15J 10 15 12 13 10. 11 12 12* 12 13 13 15 12J 14 13 13 14 12J 18 23 5 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 7 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3,047 14 5 1,078 9 9 312 2 3 302 9 1 148 7 4 67 13 9 180 9 1 146 5 5 391 10 1 426 18 5 234 16 9 97 4 7 1,300 18 4 236 10 6 205 11 6 190 17 4 284 2 4 170 12 9 105 9 8 338 6 8 1,178 4,087 2,405 2,943 4,885 1,027 3,408 5,981 2,024 2,684 19,339 1,918 4,203 3,253 3,962 1,874 9,285 6,962 ( 60,054 ' 2*451 18,624 19,227 184,618 3 7 2 *62 36 9 20 202 403 252 460 885 341 537 1,005 279 238 1,616 146 ' 1,042 530 351 801 306 98 1,094 31 30 10 16 23 31 27 104 G 7 203 1 41 7 7 "3 "l **5 **4 14 71 41 57 47 45 112 110 36 27 185 11 84 30 46 21 80 17 206 3 91 1,2S5 709 1,480 1,819 2,022 1,988 1,674 1,675 1,959 3,908 405 1,575 1,221 381 352 186 328 3,718 3 .16 9 14 9 39 89 101 8 13 89 1 25 12 9 1 5 2 317 1 1 3 5 3 3 6 16 50 68 65 53 64 115 117 59 63 202 19 103 85 45 30 35 15 198 **6 1 1 2 1 1 **23 135 747 114 110 11 11 12 **8 1 1 1 *21 2 "go 93 29 348 36 48 7 60* 0 0 35* 0 0 190 0 0 10* 0 0 60 0 0 25* 0 0 2,724 16 0 84 4 0 551 12 0 92G 4 0 36 16 0 161 12 0 577 12 0 298 4 0! 873 0 Oj 07 0 0 10 10 0 181 4 0 1,284 12 0 378 8 0 154 8 0 128 0 0 0 16 0 450 0 0 125 0 0 5 0 0 950 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 4,480* 0 0 1,845 4 0 2,127 8 0 2 16 0 6 16 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 4 8 0 1 10 0 41 10 0 22,049 15 3 214 12 0 4,321 2 1 5,453 5 0 1,212 9 2 1,347 6 2 4,559 6 2 1,440 13 2 1,061 19 0 436 8 3 801 2 0 3,047 14 0 1,977 1 1 539 13 3 1,021 10 0 377 4 3 26 4 2 5,301 17 0 6,240 5 3 874 3 1 660 12 3 71 G 0 158 2 1 366 12 0 44 18 2 74 G 1 354 4 3 71 14 3 81 3 0 474 15 0 27 6 1 290 6 2 87 16 0 228 19 3 46 12 2 42 16 0 548 9 1 5*15 1 23 4 0 33,436 1 0 15,136 2 2 10,342 2 1 9,201 14 2 1,338 11 2 6,333 0 3 5,616 2 2 1,813 4 0 2,041 16 2 5,402 7 2 883 12 3 3,417 17 2 5,503 1 1 948 4 0 2,036 6 2 1,314 16 3 1,201 4 1 206 16 2 3,841 12 3 577 15 2 "l "l 2 10 1 3 32 112 44 **30 11 50 0 5 0 0 15* 0 0 55 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 .25 0 0 5 0 0 399* 4 0 160 14 4 631 16 9 374 16 9 654 4 6 646 2 4 384 4 8 '989 7 2 1,834 13 2 623 5 8 380 5 6 3,783 18 5 289 3 1 931 15 1 490 0 4 491 3 7 178 0 11 1,238 1 4 408 16 6 4,794 10 4 109 01 28 31 14 11 50 0 120 0 0 7 8 0 115 1 0 2 10 0 10 2 0 1 16 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 16 0 10 8 0 95* 8 2 1,516 12 0 "l 31 4 4 1 250 0 0 240 0 0 550 0 0 200 0 0 325 0 0 10 0 0 75 0 0 *27 **6 16 2 2 **4 72 258 *29 75* 0 0 8 1 9* 0 0 50 9 11 18 **2 2 1 1 453 6 886 58 1 ' 18 ) ' 80 320 0 0 25 0 0 305 0 0 240 0 0 695 0 0 635 0 0 160 0 0 1,655 0 Ol 5 0 0. 40 0 "l 20 5 19 13 1 62 120* 0 0 20 0 "29 *77 200 "l 1 .. 2* 0 0 418 1 2,14i* 1 3 9 0 0 •■ *605 178 10* 0 0 5* 0 0 65 0 0 216 15 0 '■ I ii 1 .. 3 ■ ■ 12,696 13 7 4 3 10 19 6 11 482 19 11 1,340 2 11 1 0 10 35,923 10 10 121 1 1 4,377 0 0 • 3,478 7 8 1,140 19 10 624 15 10 643 11 8 227 4 0 3,438 12 1 ■ 4,473 8 11 17 15 4,327 16 11 *3 1 42 10 0 *69 52 24* 8 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 188* 7 0 20 12 2 0 6 0 49,531 14 3 2 0 2 9 12 0 58 4 1 5,246 8 0 55,026 10 1 7 6 2 22 0 0 2,742 1 3 *704 *8 554 7 'ioo 270* 0 0 7,489* 8 0 245* 0 0 338 4 0 8 12 0 26 16 0 66 4 0 5,724 15 0 22,714 12 3 3 0 0 12 15 1 82 17 0 5,286* 3 0 42,008 2 3 11 12 0 741 15 0 15,427 18 1 220 10 7 991 15 0 1,327 17 2 37,891 5 4 5,320 8 7 13 17,', 19 20 2 2 3 60 302 12 5 254 17 3 374 0 2 j 8,970 14 3 I 8,371 12 7 323 12 1 403 2 7 411 19 1 556 10 4 113 14 11 169 6 8 210 8 6 153 0 11 570 1 1 112 7 3 440 17 11 749 3 3 1,187 4 5 422 10 1 171 2 4 053 1 0 263 4 0 230 629 103 886 185 142 G29 "lj 3 51 82 34 590 522 2 34 26 **5 5* 0 0 10 0 0 2 8 01 961*17 1 1,712 0 1 7 1 **2 7 "98 00* 0 0 915 0 0 2 8 0 50* 0 0 425 0 0 i t 94 14 1 3,514 18 3 497 9 2 10,421 10 2 37,559 785J iii 1*793 14j 712 891 *4( 1,368 "00 46 65 203 161 140 31 29 165 13 1 016 1 4,940 84 164 16 726 4 18 118 15 735 1 152,593 1 3,686 1,539 684 151 410 865 **91 3,645 0 0 65 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 2,871 12 0 1,275 0 0 385 0 0 35 0 0 75 0 0 40 0 0 1 7,194 7 0 i 33 16 0 1 242 8 0 1 292 4 0 1 1,536 8 0 80 12 0 I 132 8 0 1 28 12 0 I 63 4 0 1 678 8 0 1 38,293 11 2 1 182 12 2 1 2,954 5 3 1 24 5 3 I 320 16 3 I 37 5 3 I 151 1G 3 I 112 10 1 I 33 8 3 I 2,712 6 3 59,980 19 3 7,078 5 i 4,416 0 0 1,205 17 0 2,859 11 0 220 3 8 820 12 1 530 7 8 3,842 0 3 2,701 4 2 151,375 8 3 7,815 15 0 8,503 12 1 1,921 10 1 6,558 1 0 454 19 1 1,414 14 3 1,001 2 2 4,159 18 0 7,141 19 1 9 19 18 17 18J 13 11 13 14 18 Hi 13 18 10 14 15 15 15 53 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 5 9 3 1 4 2 11,838 16,342 15,432 24,681 3,209 2,434 2,897 2,137 14,630 306 110 40 80 5 390 304 910 2,794 222 160 275 140 2,275 259 40 18 17 13 214 **2 3 149 27 91 185 79 72 49 47 166 343 399 400 1,085 380 632 590 411 2,138 41 ll "l *48 1 8 1 4 *172 711 86 65 95 11 82 19 220 *13 3 1 13 ! *304 1 8*886 1 ) 749 1,228 1 711 I 1,834 I 4,537 5 5,249 63 2 2,332 *158 74 372 339 50* 0 0 330 0 0 5 0 0 1,550 0 0 200 0 0 435 0 0 125 0 0 105 0 0 725 0 0 2,822* 0 0 341 4 0 289 8 0 100 0 0 33 4 0 67 16 .0 50 4 0 25 8 0 317 12 0 40 0 0 15* 0 0 5 0 0 3,459 16 0 7 0 0 5 4 0 7 4 2 4,42413 2 1,181 13 2 5 0 0 2,387 5 1 1,787 18 1 964 16 3 169 3 1 373 1 0 0,047 14 0 28,414 14 3 93 18 0 3,147 19 2 76 0 0 378 7 3 49 10 3 79 5 3 38 15 3 149 7 1 801 15 0 17,797 9 2 81 6 Oj 17,010 2 2 29,457 17 1 049 10 0 57,008 13 3 175 4 0 22,617 19 2 29,853 9 1 5,077 7 0 2,070 19 0 2,033 14 2 442 7 0 5,900 2 3 9,584 8 2 **2 126 1 1 7,640 62 96 143 143 146 5 806 11 4 0 47 16 0 28 0 0 38,608 18 2 1 71 1 1 809 14 2 246 7 2 1,768 5 1 116 17 3 1 304 1 3 319 12 2 1 206 4' 2 1 905 8 0 1,126 8 10 689 19 7 919 10 9 2,561 6 7 472 10 5 409 10 6 508 15 1 315 14 3 3,328 1 4 17 37 154 "l 4 21 18 147 1 1 1 2 1 6 360* 0 0 25 0 0 11616 0 34 4 0 10* 0 0 5,307* 6 2 1,533 19 2 2 1 7 8 *42 "l 2 6*16 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 *9 7 *360 30* 0 0 18* 8 0 10* 0 0 44*12 0 0,085 13,567 15,178 9,244 4,752 11,386 3,482 68 82 2 17 21 12 563 1,740 930 798 545 1,354 437 37 89 74 9 8 85 23 1 1 3 3 74 199 141 65 65 108 62 1,930 2,280 2,549 2,270 1,345 8,531 866 36 30 07 11 22 78 8 3 3 5 3 1 13 175 1GG 177 214 112 127 58 2 1 1 277 275 82 4 10 70 41 29 1 1 ) 3*673 1 5,703 L 6,556 119 629 433 1 3,045 51 150 101 65 0 0 195 0 0 100 0 0 130 0 Oj 75 16 0 545 12 0! 136 0 0 591 0 0 101 8 0 1,032 12 0 238 4 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 135 0 0 55 0 0 2 16 0 21 16 0 11 16 0 13 0 0 10 0 9 0 0 20 8 0 2,032 11 2 5,300 0 1 1,148 17 2 874 13 0 1,129 4 0 1,383 5 0 2,346' 1 0 239 0 1 509 4 0 207 5 2 163 2 1 94 16 3 471 13 2 87 8 0 37,252 19 0 67 0 0 8 0 0 28 0 0 772 10 0 4811 3 25 4 Oj 39,063 2 3 6,643 18 1 1,746 19 0 1,854 15 1 2,158 18 3 3,145 2 1 2,762 5 0 5 5 1 7 43 43 43 36 32 1 140 1 19 1 1 18 1 263 1,249 811 445 1,101 1,001 471 **28 7 7 137 60 447 15 0 0 5 0 01 30 0 0 15 0 0 I - 358 8 0 I 30 0 0 170 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 55 0 0 50 0 0 140 0 0 I 590 12 0 I 672 2 0 I 315 4 0 I 813 16 0 I 294 8 0 I 1,138 16 0 I 171 16 0 I 303 4 2 I 278 9 3 I 1G6 7 0 I 252 14 1 ) 257 19 2 I 225 7 0 I 25 0 0 ! 718 19 1 I 1,131 5 3 I 853 15 1 1,820 19 2 ! 532 10 1 I 3,098 0 1 ) 226 1 3 536 10 3 1,740 10 1 2,971 5 3 2,197 0 2 1,511 19 0 3,425 15 0 601 13 0 2,194 6 2 3,997 7 3 4,426 12 0 5,517 18 1 2,651 16 3 7,948 4 1 1,164 16 3 1,172 7 8 2,597 8 7 2,849 0 10 1,003 17 9 755 14 0 2,764 7 0 660 7 11 1 12,198 10 5 ' 4,684 5 11 1 1,520 10 7 1 746 5 5 I 1,001 11 G I 2,863 9 5 . 2,217 10 0 ' 13,371 4 1 7,281 14 6 ' 4,375 17 5 ' 1,810 3 2 I 1,757 5 0 1 5,627 10 5 i 2,878 4 5 **3 1 **2 2 "l3 24 .. 200 0 0J 35 0 0 10* 0 0 "2 2 10* 0 0 1 Carried forward 567 100,107 8 4 1,102,400 5,840: 1102,962! 5,231 410 10,95' 158,269 5.087J 361 8,165 0 955,624 15 2 261 12,178 395, 421,243 24,830 8,185 0 0 51,752 16 21,015 0 64,768 5 0 324,646 11 1 248,647 19 2 263,888 1 2 982,903 13 1 199,713 5 2 314,913 19 9, 514,627 4 11 Carried forward. 10,918 279' 10,980 354443,257, ,23,90! 50,370 8 0, ,20,705 0 0 ■45,352 10 0 311,400 3 1, ,253,143 19 1 266,487 15



RETURN NO. 10-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1886.

Stations. a ft o 3 o H oc* £1 ft d n -d Expenditure. ' * 3-2 c'eh Numbei of Outwi Coaching. ird. CO tn a to 1 0 Q P4 Inward. I ° § ■ 1 ■3 Q fl Q O Firewood, j Outward. Timber. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Live Stock, Gooi Is, &c. Wool. Firewood. Timber. Inward. Grain; (Merchandise. Revt mue. Total Value forwarded. Station!. S-fj ] m£ I "3 o j . i ■ o I« o H <3 3 a o A w S Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Wool. Grain. Grand Total Tonnage. i o © "3 o ft o 03 Equiv. Tonnage for Live Stock, &c. Chaff, &c. Minerals. Total. Grand Total Tonnage. Coaching. Goods. Hurunui-Bluff Section— ctd. Brought forward .. Pukerau Gore Mataura .. Eaenaalo .. Wooaianas Longbush Invercargill (Coaching) 1 (Goods) f Bluff .. •■ I (Wharves) .. ) Makarewa Winton Dipton Lumsden Kingston Tapanui Kelso Wyndham Thornbury Riverton Orepuki Otautau General Accountant Rakaia (Through) .. ' Waimate (Through) Duntroon (Through) District Railways 13 13 10 12 13. 12 14 11 567 1 6 1 2 2 1 83 7 b s. a. 100,107 8 4 150 12 2 888 10 8 252 8 4 258 3 2| 215 6 3' 185 11 0 ( 3,383 13 10 1 1,740 5 0 1,458 4 7 1,162,400 ; 2,198 1 11,512 4,538 l) 8,102 5,420 1 5,084 1 97,386 1 8,183 5,840 10 55 i3 24 3 248 123 34 42 39 38 162,962 285 1,534 655 608 740: 179 19,605 427 553 980 773 1,209 475 576 454 214 740 2,029 209 902 5,231 9 62 9 93 3 2 63 "l 9 48 8 63 26 35 19 84 23 20 15 42 410 **4 1 **2 "l 10,957158,269 48 706 242 4,053 54 1,418 156 1,543 67i 1,184 21: 372 616! 5,566 24 2,365 5,087 14 84 13 55 6 7 265 "4 14 38 11 40 80 49 22 13 21 16 21 300 5 11 1 1 *21 10,918 46 225 65 176 47 18 485 "68 73 129 82 151 140 81 46 16 104 68 52 92 279 1 6 1 ioo "1 10,980 47 267 90 351 137 *730 2 33 332 17 195 22 9 117 46 108 1 208 354 2 10! *3 *25 7 '443,257 2,219 1 5,012 905 9,554 439 42 *983 2,019 1,220 1,640 5,603 37 21 5,504 2 4,141 3 23,901 "88 167 265 1 47 **72 489 620 38 765 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 8,165 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 90 0 0 35 0 0 95 0 0 35 0 0 235* 0 0 420 0 0 65 0 0 50 0 0 105 0 0 5 0 0 Ts. c. q. 50,370 8 0 89 16 0 727 16 0 145 8 0 59 12 0 101 12 0 3 4 0 839 0 0 2,393 12 0 54 4 0 156 8 0 192 4 0 84 12 0 572 12 0 374 4 0 120 8 0 290 0 0 339 12 0 121 0 0 4 8 0 2 16 0 558 12 0 Ts. 0. q. Ts. c. q. 20,705 0 0 45,352 10 0 7 12 0 60 0 Ol 46 8 0 5 12 0 185 0 0 2,299 10 0 335 0 0 9,336 4 0 1,290 0 0 9,307 8 0 660* 0 0 7,232 12 0 495 0 0 1,906 10 0 20 0 0 0 12 0 1,420 0 0 3,137 0 0 780 0 0 1,438 8 0 1,080 0 0 800 8 0 325 0 0 3 4 0 20 0 0 8 12 0 850 0 0 67 4 0 15 0 0 6 12 0 10 0 0' 0 12 0 95 0 0 741 8 0 780 0 0! 2;069 2 0 835 0 0. 690 16 0 10 0 0 0 4 0 Ts. c. q. 311,400 3 1 1,641 1 2 11,807 16 1 2,201 10 3 1,942 8 0 347 5 2 13 3 0 5,273 10 0 13,909 13 1 865 17 0 4,228 4 1 3,695 1 3 805 8 8 4,573 12 1 1,565 18 3 862 11 3 3,334 7 S 1,022 16 2 2,586 1 1 233 6 1 29 13 0 5,107 5 1 Ts. c. q. 253,143 19 1 78 2 1 475 1 0 454 17 1 273 13 3 299 3 3 66 12 3 7,857 1 8 7,578 19 3 479 3 1 309 0 0 407 9 1 87 18 3 221 5 3 190 8 3 1S7 17 3 130 18 1 173 3 0 304 13 0 669 9 0 49 7 0 322 3 1 Ts. c. q. 266,487 15 0 1,724 5 0 34 0 0 198 13 2 4 0 0 121 0 0 792 7 0 2,917 11 2 8,092 1 2 1,279 13 1 7,884 4 0 344 0 0 17 4 2 230 0 0 54 15 0 26 2 0 0 10 25 14 2 252 6 3 302 0 1 844 19 0 2,492 2 2 Ts. c. q. 955,624 15 2 3,570 16 3 13,176 1 1 3,096 1 2 4,799 3 3 10,635 5 1 11,507 14 3 25,014 15 1 34,435 lo 2 2.199 9 2 17,554 16 1 6,982 3 0 2,991 12 0 6,030 14 0 2,218 18 2 2,064 3 2 3,816 19 0 1,586 18 0 4.200 9 0 4,223 5 2 2,492 11 0 8,590 7 0 Ts. c. q. 266 2 16 3 14 3 "ii 3 1 9 8 9 11 1 12,178 27 74 45 157 11 340 40 50 45 31 44 125 58 1 94 138 21 86 126 395 "5 "8 3 421,243 6,229 11,418 94 6,589 449 5,137 558 1,130 5,971 9,274 2,103 6,133 1,409 145 335 911 625 665 3,818 24,830 28 34 12 40 73 *358 2 787 177 3 128 772 Ts. c. q. Ts. c. q. 8,185 0 0 15 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 595 0 0 375 0 0 35 0 0 ■ 80 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 90 0 0 Ts. c. q. 51,752 16 0 3 4 0 15 4 0 830 0 0 2,553 8 0 2,884 12 0 31 8 0 19 8 0 Ts. c. q. 21,015 0 0 160 0 0 320 0 0 185 0 0 805 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 2,680* 0 0 515 0 0 110 0 0 60 0 0 645 0 0 1,300 0 0 195 0 0 10 0 0 500 0 0 140 0 0 435 0 0 920 0 0 90 0 0 390 0 0 Ts. c. q. 64,768 5 0 562 4 0 2,619 12 0 615 4 0 414 8 0 70 16 0 33 4 0 5,218* 6 0 3,394 0 0' 317 16 0 67 8 0 249 8 0 1.225 4 0 866 0 0 75 12 0 212 8 0 1,023 8 0 182 12 0 968 12 0 473 4 0 1.226 17 0 Ts. 0. q. 324,646 11 1 94 3 3 287 6 2 81 15 0 38 6 2 229 11 3 69 13 2! 9,078 15 3 ' 25,818 3 l| 13,615 14 2 120 10 1 374 14 3 217 9 1 356 2 2 185 10 0 137 6 2 41 0 1 207 12 3 593 4 0 372 8 3 84 10 1 296 5 0 Ts. c. q. 248,647 19 2 413 15 2 2,258 9 0 757 5 1 329 6 3 893 11 3 187 18 0 9,157 13 2 I 2,419 12 1 519 19 1 125 2 2 790 5 2 441 10 1 975 18 0 1,823 4 1 557 5 3 467 1 2 752 9 0 623 10 3 496 IS 2 405 3 0 1,226 13 8 Ts. 0. q. 263,888 1 2 62 10 2 2,042 18 1 854 10 2 40d 11 . 1 464 2 0 253 16 3 15,607 6 1 4,474 7 1 296 18 2 273 18 1 514 7 0 152 11 3 496 18 1 1,674 12 3 264 19 1 690 0 1 526 9 0 545 1 3 291 8 1 272 4 0 571 3 0 Ts. 0. q. 982,903 13 1 1,307 13 3 7,556 9 3 1,948 14 3 1,508 12 2 1,218 5 2 584 12 1 43,167 1 2 39,549 10 3 16,817 4 1 1,013 15 Oj 1,856 3 V 1,725 19 1 4,370 10 3 4,841 15 0 1,045 3 2 1,910 10 0, 2,671 2 8 2,485 12 2 3,099 2 2! 1,415 1 11 3,816 2 3 Ts. 0. q. 1 .. .. :: i £ s. d. '199,713 5 2 388 4 0 ; 3,997 8 4 977 3 1 1,755 14 6 1. 611 8 7 391 8 10 16,986 5 11 1,445*11 2 £ s. d.| 314,913 19 .9 1,551 5 G 8,634 19 71 1,940 6 0' 3,464 4 ll 8,629 10 7! 6,444 17 8 3 4 2 14,884 3 5 7,018 6 9 145 2 10 5,286 18 6 3,029 5 1 1,343 15 11 4,25.5 18 11 2,517 17 5 1,111 0 6 3,329 14 11 997 9 5 1,670 14 11 1,801 11 2 511 18 0 4,382 7 2 £ s. d. 514,627 4 11 1.939 9 6 12,632 7 11 2,917 '9 1 5,219 18 7 9,240 19 2 6,836 6 6 16,989 10 1 14,884 3 5 8,463 17 11 145 2 10 5,517 10 0 8,987 0 5 1,792 15 4 0,851 19 8 3,863 13 3 2,006 1 3 3,884 11 11 1,081 6 4 2,522 0 11 4,454 9 6 1,681 18 11 5,482 10 10 Hurunui-Bluff— contd. Brought forward. Pukerau. Gore. Mataura. Edendale. Woodlands. t Longbush. Invercargill (Coaching. (Goods.) Bluff. (Wharves.) Makarewa. Winton. Dipton. Lumsden. Kingston. Tapanui. Kelso. Wyndham. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Otautau. General. Accountant. Rakaia (Through.) Waimate (Through.) Duntroon (Through.) District Railways. 12 13 13 15 14 9 10 9 12 12 10 13 i 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 163 7 10 234 6 2 138 6 8 469 2 4 420 10 2 147 19 0 330 4 10 136 1G 4 286 8 2 512 18 3 336 9 6 308 12 9 6,840 18 5 1 2,522 ! 6,318 1 1,946 14,784 5,290 1 3,307 3,986 330 6,362 19,438 10,162 4,769 1 1 3 2 "l 1 63 1 874 89 2,239 90! 1,483 170 2,011 85! 2,597 50J 1,343 43 941 9 1,535 76 1,872 99 2,247 24 1,895 89 2,691 "l75 1*504 10| 66 252' 2,098 - I - **2 3 6 . 4 3 4 "2 4 "l 2 "l 12 300 48 109 220 121 40 0 0 15 0 0 100 0 0 165 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 "l "l 2 45 7 31 426 38 20 0 0 105 0 0 50 0 0 90 0 0 105 0 0 i 8 0 7 8 0 1* 4 0 14 0 230 11 6 957 15 4 448 19 5 2,596 0 9 1,345 15 10 895 0 9 554 17 0 83 10 11 851 G 0 2,652 18 4 1,170 0 11 1,100 3 8 *47 110 "l **4 1 7 1 7 "2 i "4 3 1 "l 1 1 1,035 484 0 4 0 23 ii '3 1,557 1 4,210 *66 1,504 66 2,098 *83 "5 '83 **5 175 10 252 "l 7 69 89 1,397 11,258 7,860 314 286 40 30* 0 0 562 16 0 262 12 0 1,765 8 0 77 4 0 63 16 0 280 0 0 470 16 0 10,225 13 1 388 11 3 2,465 0 1 513 0 0 110 6 3 607 6 2 649 7 1 530 8 2 442 7 2 12,058 0 2 1,311 15 0 6,040 18 1 "l **7 7 69 89 1,397 11,258 7,860 814 286 40 30 0 0 562 16 0 262 12 0 1,765 8 0 77 4 0 63 16 0; 470 16 0| 10,225 13 1 338 11 3 2,465 0 1 513 0 0 116 6 3 607 6 2 649 7 1 530 8 2 442 7 2 12,058 0 2 1,311 15 0 6,040 18 1 3,674 18 9 551 0 1 6 18 7 1,009 15 1 1,818 5 11 7,134 17 1 1,670 10 3 4/478 10 10 5,493 4 8 7,685 17 2 1,683 8 10 5,488 5 11 5,261 8 10 u i *77 "3 '77 **3 "7 10 0 0 10* 0 0 280 0 0 867*16 7 • • Totals 046 119,834 6 4 1,389,805 6,692 5,975 430, :13,509J200,372| J6,975: 430, 13,509 431 '13,862 422 504,751)28,376 19,609 4 1 9,855 0 0 ,60,192 4 .0 '30,250 0 0 85,190 4 0 389,976 11 275,007 1 3l !295,746 19 2 1,146,223 10 21,165,892 14 431 !l3,862j 422 J504,751 28,376; 19,669 4 1 9,855 0 0J ■60,192 4 0 30,250 0 oj 412,976 16 4 662,634 13 8 Totals. J200.372 85,196 4 J389.976 1 1 275,007 1 3 295,746 19 2 1,146,223 10 1,165,892 14 3 244,396 8 6 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.



RETURN No. 11. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Service. Horse forage Christchurch Iron castings Wellington „ Christchurck „ ... ... Auckland Brass castings „ Year ending 30/6/85 ... ,, ... E. II. Banks Luke, Sons, and Williams Robert Buchanan ... A. Beaney Brans ton and Forster As per schedule. 12/9& i2/6percwfc. 12/0 and 11/ „ 20/ and 18/ „ 1/3 per lb. brass. 1/6 perlb. gun-metal. 1/9 „ phosphorbronze As per schedule. Printed stationery ... Christehurch „ ... Wellington Fencing posts ... Warrington (broad leaf) Seacliff „ (kowhai) Tapanui „ (black pine) Winton „ (kamai) Colac Bay 1 2 years ending 30/6/86 Whitcombc and Tombs Fcrgusson and Mitchell William Pullar Delivery by 15/4/85 ... 11 59/ per 100 posts. ,, James Donald C. W. Dale P. Devereux Dennis Corkery 62/6 & 50/6 „ 85/ 35/ 3°/ M Railway Supplies, as under — 12 tons cotton waste For 1885 T. S. Morrin and Co. Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. S. Nashelski /39 per ton. £40 9/ m 8-ff d. per yard. 5iH „ £35 10/ per ton. 24 » 40,000yds. 3ft. canvas 13,000 „ aft. „ S tons barbed fencing Auckland wire 20 tons barbed fenc- Christcliurck and ing wire Dunedin 25 tons white-lead ,, ,, 3) ... ••• Acme Company, Timaru £35 Si » >3 ,, ... ,j ... T. S. Morrin and Co. £24 12/6 „ General stores, viz.— Ironmongery and drain-pipes Auckland Oils, ship chandlery, leather ,, Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, leather * Wellington Drain-pipes, &c. ... ,, Ironmongery, oils, ship chandlery, leather Christchurch Drain-pipes, &c. ... ,, Ironmongery ... Dunedin Oils, colours ... ,, Ship chandlery .. ,, Leather, and drainpipes „ Coal supply Whan gurei „ Auckland „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui 2 years ending 31/12/86 i) jj 5 , ,, E. Porter and Co. T. S. Morrin and Co. E. W. Mills and Co. P. Hutson and Co. ... S. Nashelski As per schedule. n it » >» » j 5 Ford and Ogdon N.Z. Hardware Company A. Biiscoe and Co. Esther and Low .. Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. ,, j> 3> tt ,, n ,, ••• it t) Foxton Year ending 3 1 /12/85... SJ ,, ,, ... Kamo Colliery Company Taupiri Coal Company B runner ,, W. K, Williams ,, ... 10/ per ton. 10/ & 11/ per ton. 29/9 21/11 per ~\ Westton ( port 29/3 per I or ton J Grey. 19/9 per ton 35/ .. 23 .. 21/ „ Wellington „ ... ... Napier ,, .. ■•• Picton „ Nelson J, J» ' •• Brunner Coal Company Westport Colliery (Jompany... Brunner Coal Company Collingwood „ )» Jl ••■ Murunui- Bhiff. Coal supply Whitecliffs „ Springfield ,, ... ... Glentunnel „ ... ... Timaru „ Oamaru ,3 J) William Wilson Springfield Coal Company ... J. A. Mcllraith Brunner Coal Company W.R.Williams ... Brown, 12/ per ton. j) 11 22/9 per ton. 22/3 „ Westport or Grey. 7/4 per ton. 8/ „ 12/6 „ 12/ „ 9/10 »» 23/8 „ 20/9 >. 22/9 „ 24/ II ,, »> ... ,, Abbotsford Fernhill Coal Company Smith and Fotheringham Kaitangata Coal Company ... Nightcaps „ Orepuld „ Westport ,, Brunner Coal Company ',', Stirling „ ... ... Nightcaps ... Ilii-stficld Bluff ... ... Addington shops „ ... ... Hillside ,, .-.. Newmarket „ Sleepers, as under — 3,000 birch ... Oxford 8,0°° „ ... „ 3,000 ,, ... i, 3,000 „ ■■■ ,, 5,000 „ ...Sheffield 5,000 „ ... View Hill viii—D. 1. ,, ,, JJ ■•• Jj J, ... „ Coalpit Heath Colliery Co. ... it Year ending 31/12/85... Youngman Brothers D. Sladdcn Jolm Sharplin 3 / each. 3/ .. 2/10 „ 3/ 3/ ,. 3/ » >» ,, ,, Feary Brothers Lace and Maddrell... ,,


RETURN No. 11-continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Sleepers, as under— continued. S,ooo birch ...Oxford 1,000 ,, ... ,, 6,000 black pine ... Lyttelton 4,000 „ ... Birdling's Flat 8,000 birch ... Oamaru 10,000 „ ... Henley 3,000 black pine ... Tapanui 3>ooo „ 2,500 „ ... Orepuke Bay 500 totara ... ,, 9,000 black pine ... Pahia 1,000 totara ... ,, 4,000 black pine ... Centre Bush 1,000 totara ... „ 1,000 black pine ... Waianiwa 2.000 ,, ... „ 7,000 „ ... Pahia 1,000 totara ... ,, 3,000 b. pine & totara Wright's Bush „ „ Timber supplies, as under— Native timber ... Christchureh Kauri and foreign ... „ ,, ... Dunedin Native timber ... Southland Year ending 31/12/85... ,, ,, ... ,, ,, C. H. Petrie John M. Booth H. Baigcnt Johnston, Wood, and Co. W. and. J. Marris ... John Lawson John Perry D. D. Macfarlane ... Perkins, Martin, and Perry ... | Watson Brothers ... A. F. Dawson 3/ each. 3/ " 3/ „ , 3/10 „ 3/6 „ 3/i „ 2/9 ., 3/3 » 2/11 „ 3/ ,. 2/10 „ 2/10 „ 2/9 » 2/10 „ 2/11 „ 3/ 3/3 » 3/ 3/ ». ,, Boyd and Edwards „ ,, ... Frew and Co. ,, ... John Murdoch ,, >> II ,, ... Johnston, Wood, and Co. As per schedule. Dunedin Iron & Woodwarc Co. A. Tapper C. W. Dawson Samuel Geard :j 3) j) ••• ,, 50,000 ft. puriri junk Auckland Timber Supply— Ironbark Waitara „ Spit „ ... ... Dunedin. ,, ,, II 15/ per 100 feet. Delivery by 20/7/85 ... Delivery by 18/11/85... Delivery by 3/2/86 ... W. D. Webster James Fox Hewn, 27/9 per 100. 25/6 24/ 25/ 2/8 per l.f t. for piles Hewn, 24/5 to 26/4 per 100ft., and 2/1 p| per lit. piles Hewn, 23'10 per 100 Sawn, 29/ ,, 10/ per 1 ooft. 6/3 , Bluff „ ... ... Wellington Delivery by 6/3/86 ... ;; ::: "j Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. James Fox Henry Aubrey J. and J. B. Foster „ . ■ ■ ... Lyttelton Delivery by 3/2/86 ... Delivery by 5/8/86 ... Delivery by 31/10/85... Delivery by 5/10/85 ... 5) ■ ■ - ■ •■ ), Puriri junk Auckland Kauri junk... ... Waimanku Eailway supplies, as under — 10,000 gallons peanut oil For 1885 James O'Shea 3/0! per gallon. 10,000 gallons colza oil ,, T. and S. Morrin and Co. 3/2 9,000 gallons boiled linseed oil 2,000 gallons raw oil Sleepers, as under— Crossing sleepers Birdling's Flat 8,000 totara ... Waipukurau 3,000 birch ... Belgrove 5,000 silver-pine Lyttelton 4,000 „ ... " „ 5,000 „ ... Port Chalmers 5,000 birch ...Bennett's 2,000 „ ... East Oxford 1,000 „ ... West Oxford 2,000 „ ... „ 4.000 „ 3,000 „ ... Sheffield 2,500 „ „ ... West Oxford 1,000 totara ...Lyttelton ., ... " „ 1,000 „ ... Eangitata 1,000 rata ... Timaru 5,000 black pine ... Little Eiver 1,000 ,, ... Eangitata 2,000 „ ... Little Eiver 5,000 totara ... One-Tree Point 5,000 „ ... Eiverton 500 ,. . ... Whakapatu 3,000 rata ... Oraki 3,000 kamai ... Hiverton 5,000 „ ... Pahia 5,000 „ ... Woodend 4,000 „ 7ft. x loin, x 5111, Whakapatu 3,500 birch, ditto Oxford 4,000 „ 7ft. x 8in. x 5m. Wakefield )) ••• ,, ... 2/6J jj 111 ,, 2/4 Delivery by 28/12/85... Delivery by 14/2/86 ... Delivery by 31/12/86... )) 11 ... j, hi ,, ,, ,, ,, )» Johnston, Wood, and Co. Wilding and Co. Higgins Brothers ... E. Stratford J. Johnson H. and J. Adamson J. Landers and Co.... Vincent, Lee, and Co. E. B. Toungman ... J. M. Booth Walter Eyde C. H. Petrie Feary Brothers J. Nliarplin J. Ingram J. Smith ... T. A. Cook E. T. Button John Jackson Johnston, Wood, and Co. Taylor and Flatman W. Coop ... W. Guthrie and Co. Small and Co. C. Campbell Frew and Co. James More Watson Brothers ... J. Murdoch C. Campbell 14/6 per 100ft. sup. 2/9 each. 2/ 3/9 » 4/ „ 3/9 ;; 3/9 » 3/ ,. 3/ 3/ ;: 3 „ 3/ 3/ » 3/ " 3/3 •> 3/6 .. 3/6 „ 4/ „ 3 „ 3/3 » 3/2 " 3/3 .. 3/4 ii 4/ „ 2/ „ 2/ 2/ „ 1/11 „ )) ,, II |j ... >> j, ff ,, j, Delivery by 28/2/87 ■■• 11 ,, Delivcrv by 19/11/86... J. Ingram Edwin White 4/ „ 1/8 „


RETURN No. 11—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts, &c. — continued.

E. Careow, Eailway Stores Manager.


Service. Period. lame ol Contractor. te. EEorse forage Christchurch iron castings ... ...Auckland „ ... Wellington ... Christchurch Delivery by 30/6/86 ... ,, >) )> E. H. Banks A. Beaney S. Luke and Sons ... John Anderson George Fraser ... i As per schedule. 18/ per cwt. 12/ & 12/3 per cwt. Il/ & 12/ 1/2 per lb. brass. i/3 » gun-inetal 1/6 „ phosphorbronze. 65/ per 100 rails. Brass castings Auckland a ?encing rails (manuka) Birdling's Elat iailway supplies, as under — 35 tons barbed fencing wire, two strand, galvanized S tons, single wire, black 15 tons cotton waste Punedin 30 „ ,, Other stores 4,000 yards heavy canvass, 2ffc. wide 16,000 yards light ditto 36,000 yards heavy canvas, 3ft. wide 12,000 gallons colza oil 7,500 gallons boiled linseed oil 2,000 gallons raw linseed oil 3,^00 gallons lubricating oil, N. Z. manufacture 16 tons white-lead, genuine, in oil 3oal supply "Whangarei ,, ... ... Auckland Delivery by 31/12/85... W. Coop ... For 1886 Acme Company, Timaru £26 per ton. ,, ,, ... £21 10/ per ton. j, J) •■• T. and S. Morrin and Co. ,, £36 19/9 » £37 4/2 „ / 6 per yard. j, ,, ... ,, ... Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. I Si >• II Kosb and Glendining hi » ,, ... S. Nashelski 2/9 per gallon. )> N.Z. Hardware Company 2/41 )> ... 2/25 „ Delivery by 31/5/86 ... Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Auckland 2/S per „ For 1886 £21 17/6 per ton. ,, ... ... ,, „ ... ... wanganui „ ... ... Waitara ,, < ■■ j, ... Kamo Colliery Company J. J. Craig and Co. Kamo Colliery Company Brunner Coal Company Mokau Coal Company Union Steam Shipping Co. ... John Orr and Co. ... Union Steam Shipping Co. ... Anchor Steam Shipping Co. ... 7/ per ton. 9/8 12/ „ 20/6 28/6 21/ ,. 22/11 „ 25/6 „ 21/S 20/ „ „ ... ... Wellington ,, ... ... Napier „ ... ■ ... Picton ,, ... ... Nelson i) „ j) ... j) ••• Hurunui-TShiff. 3oal supply Lyttelfon ,, ... ... Springfield u Whitecliffs „ Timaru „ ... ... Shag Point „ ... ... Stirling „ ... "... Nightcaps ... ... Newmarket shops „ ... ... Hillside shops Fiinber supplies, as under — Native timber ... Christchurch Kauri and foreign ... ,, „ ... Dunedin Native timber ... Southland Uniforms ... ... Hurunui-Bluff „ Northern lines Freight, 7,000 sleepers Pelorus to Oamaru „ 10,000 „ Ditto )> II ... j, ... ti >» j» ... >» ■ •• t) ... ,, ... Westport Coal Company Springfield Coal Company Smart and Gun dry ... Brunner Coal Company Shag Point Coal Company ... Kaitangata ,, Nightcaps „ Weatport ,, a it •'• 22/9 it 12/ „ 11/6 „ 24/9 .. 12/6 9/3 9/ i8/9 .. 19/7 »> Johnston, Wood, and Co. As per schedule. >y Dunedin Iron & Woodware Co. John Murdoch Eoss and Glendining »> >t ji it j> ••• H 1885-86 . ... Cuff and Graham ... f /10J per sleeper. ji •" >


RETURN No. 12. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.


j- \x. Statement of Caeetage and Wa> ON TOCK, , an 1, lb! I Tahpatjli: 16. s, for e Tear sndi: ig 3 St tlarch Dcscription. ■5 cd r. J I rt I < ■ o C *3 E p o t o fit I u z o • Carriages. st class, 6-wheel i) 4 ,, „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet Composite, 6-wheel ,, 4 >■ ,, Bogie, 30-feet ,, „ 40-feet „ „ 44-feet 2nd class, 6-wheel 4 „ ,, Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet „ „ 44-feet 1 5 9 3 2 S 15 9 5 7 43 29 18 61 1 2 1 22 3 1 S 8 75 "5 18 81 20 87 61 1 1 2 "8 s 1 5 4 3 8 12 9 1 2 2 2 8 12 14 13 15 7 1 4 5 "6 11 10 49 17 4 5 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 6 3 3 Total ... 6 75 26 486 36 55 262 10 Wagons, etc. 'assenger brakes F xoods „ F ?ell „ F .'rucks, &e, — Platform coal P Timber N Cattle II Sheep, double floor J „ „ bogie S Horse-boxes G Covered goods K ,, (Refrigerating) K2 High-side ... L ,, Bogie R Low-side ... M Iron hopper, mineral O Unclassified 2 68 2 1 1 1 5° 6 2 M 1 77 81 27 1 8 32 24 iS 10 2 72 16 35 5 6 18 21 92 55 45 $■*} 303 172 165 2 4 2 3 8 2 2 6 1 i 165 2 119 602 354 287 s 96 408 S3 3,52S 31 1,602 403 50 i 3 2 8 13 35 3 228 5 185 80 7 7 10 133 16 82 16 34 i*7<5 5305 40 2,846 10 895 7 1 1 2 25 2 3 !9 4 "s 77 in 280 14 157 166 34 10 18 "16 Total ... 81 ?S 761 330 375 720 • 4,871 184 204 So 5i 7,705 Taepaumns 6 12 . 3,87s 12 339 IOI 124 250 20 -3 4,77° RETURN of Locomotive Stock fo; N 0. 13. .e Tear ending 31st March, 188' STATEMEN' tt Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheeli. True Whei :Jcels. I I I 1 I 3 $ j I g tta I 1 S. rt 2 ° £■ a: o □ a, i a "to w o £&.|*-ta Ho. «£ No. )ialeter 1 D c o In. 9 • 10 In. 16 18 18 16 16 20 20 18 18 18 20 Ft. in. 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 o 3 ° 4 o 4 o 3 o 4 o 3 ° 3 5 4 o In. Double Fairlie B E "| 8 8 8 6 6 1 1 3 1 5 3 2 6 Single Fairlie American ii )> ii ;> English Fell B s K H o Q T P T H 10 I2j 13 12 IS 15 II 15 15 15 Cl4 (.12 8 9* 9i ioi 10* H ioi 13 8 20 i6\ 14) 15 18 18 18 18 20 18 4 6 8 4 8 8 6 4 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 26 28^ 28i 30 2&i 26i 3 3 3 6 4 6 8 6 6 2 6 3 S i 1 18 6 8 6 6 n 6 6 5 4 A C D F G J L M 4 4 4 6 4 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 18 18 i 1 i 1 1 2 8 13 12 22 69 4 3 2 10 4 1 3 o 3 o 3 o 3 6 3 o 3 6 2 6 1 o 4 3 3 8 3 8 3° 4 26 1 4 1 2 3 i 2 I 4 2 20 24 24 2 3 11 9 3 2 6 4 6 4 2 4 4 1 20 20 Total 3 3 30 12 23 27 130 4 4 4 3 243

j- \x. Statement of Caeetage and Wa> ON TOCK, , an 1, lb! I Tahpatjli: 16. s, for e Tear sndi: ig 3 St tlarch Dcscription. ■5 cd r. J I rt I < ■ o C *3 E p o t o fit I u z o • Carriages. st class, 6-wheel i) 4 ,, „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet Composite, 6-wheel ,, 4 >■ ,, Bogie, 30-feet ,, „ 40-feet „ „ 44-feet 2nd class, 6-wheel 4 „ ,, Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet „ „ 44-feet 1 5 9 3 2 S 15 9 5 7 43 29 18 61 1 2 1 22 3 1 S 8 75 "5 18 81 20 87 61 1 1 2 "8 s 1 5 4 3 8 12 9 1 2 2 2 8 12 14 13 15 7 1 4 5 "6 11 10 49 17 4 5 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 6 3 3 Total ... 6 75 26 486 36 55 262 10 Wagons, etc. 'assenger brakes F xoods „ F ?ell „ F .'rucks, &e, — Platform coal P Timber N Cattle II Sheep, double floor J „ „ bogie S Horse-boxes G Covered goods K ,, (Refrigerating) K2 High-side ... L ,, Bogie R Low-side ... M Iron hopper, mineral O Unclassified 2 68 2 1 1 1 5° 6 2 M 1 77 81 27 1 8 32 24 iS 10 2 72 16 35 5 6 18 21 92 55 45 $■*} 303 172 165 2 4 2 3 8 2 2 6 1 i 165 2 119 602 354 287 s 96 408 S3 3,52S 31 1,602 403 50 i 3 2 8 13 35 3 228 5 185 80 7 7 10 133 16 82 16 34 i*7<5 5305 40 2,846 10 895 7 1 1 2 25 2 3 !9 4 "s 77 in 280 14 157 166 34 10 18 "16 Total ... 81 ?S 761 330 375 720 • 4,871 184 204 So 5i 7,705 Taepaumns 6 12 . 3,87s 12 339 IOI 124 250 20 -3 4,77° RETURN of Locomotive Stock fo; N 0. 13. .e Tear ending 31st March, 188' STATEMEN' tt Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheeli. True Whei :Jcels. I I I 1 I 3 $ j I g tta I 1 S. rt 2 ° £■ a: o □ a, i a "to w o £&.|*-ta Ho. «£ No. )ialeter 1 D c o In. 9 • 10 In. 16 18 18 16 16 20 20 18 18 18 20 Ft. in. 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 o 3 ° 4 o 4 o 3 o 4 o 3 ° 3 5 4 o In. Double Fairlie B E "| 8 8 8 6 6 1 1 3 1 5 3 2 6 Single Fairlie American ii )> ii ;> English Fell B s K H o Q T P T H 10 I2j 13 12 IS 15 II 15 15 15 Cl4 (.12 8 9* 9i ioi 10* H ioi 13 8 20 i6\ 14) 15 18 18 18 18 20 18 4 6 8 4 8 8 6 4 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 26 28^ 28i 30 2&i 26i 3 3 3 6 4 6 8 6 6 2 6 3 S i 1 18 6 8 6 6 n 6 6 5 4 A C D F G J L M 4 4 4 6 4 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 18 18 i 1 i 1 1 2 8 13 12 22 69 4 3 2 10 4 1 3 o 3 o 3 o 3 6 3 o 3 6 2 6 1 o 4 3 3 8 3 8 3° 4 26 1 4 1 2 3 i 2 I 4 2 20 24 24 2 3 11 9 3 2 6 4 6 4 2 4 4 1 20 20 Total 3 3 30 12 23 27 130 4 4 4 3 243


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.


Description. i 5 ■g a ca is -3 I I a o a 9 s S3 a 3 s E j3 O I O c J is o a o £ 7i (ViioniNa Machines : — 100 lb. 2 cvvt, -> 2 2 3 .. 4 „ 5 >. Si » '6 „ 17 8 „ 1 10 10 8 3 4 1 1 7 4 2 24 4 9 13 30 3 26 4 1 2 10 37 33 84 3 35 5 66 27 4 1 1 4 4 9 3 2 5 26 2 4 2 8 11 3 TO „ 11 ,, 12 „ iai „ 13 „ 14 „ 15 ., 16 „ 20 „ 22 „ 27 „ 50 „ 1 i 3 1 "8 3 1 5 1 13 17 4 2 2 2 5 1 27 17 11 2 3 3 1 i ... ... 2 1 Total 2 3 55 20 22 53 . 202 4 1 9 7 i!f /VEIGIIBEIDGES : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ „ 7 .. .. 8 „ „ 10 „ (wagon) 12 „ „ 14 „ „ 20 „ „ 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 3 13 Total 2 1 7 2 2 2 26 1 1 1 1 Ceaveesees i 1 11 I 1 CUENTAUIES : — 40 feel (engine) 5° „ » 11 „ (wagon) 12 „ 13 .. 14 „ „ 16 „ 3 1 2 13 3 6 16 1 5 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 35 17 3 3 1 ... ... 1 Total 8 7 I 3 ■ 6 ! 46 2 1 1 1 )KATTES : — 1 ton, stationary, hand ii „ ,, >, 2 ,, j, ,> 3 » '» » 4 .. .. » 5 » » » 8 „ i 1 3 14 : 5 5 7 4 1 28 1 4 ' 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 ... I 29 I 10 „ „ „ 1 „ travelling „ 2 ,, 3» 31 5 „ 7 » 10 „ „ ■ „ 1 „ „ steam i I 1 1 3 [ 3 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 M I i 1 I 1 2 j] ,, 3 2 3 i "' ... I I 2 1 1 3 >. 12 ,, 11 ,, 1 1 Total 3 2 io 5 « 20 62 6 7 3 131 I 7 DUMPS : — Steam Hand Windmill ... Hot-air Hydraulic ... Gravitation 2 5 j 13 ; 28 7 2 5 16 2 I 6 62 29 11 1 1 ! 1 1 I. I 3 3 14 "3 33 '9 1 1 < i a 1 1 12 5 11 23 '" ... 32 3S ... 1 Total 16 8 37 I 142 \ I I !__ 3 4 3 1 241


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Rails relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 16. Statement of Sleepers relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 17. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.


No. 15. e Tear eni Statement of Iails eelaid for ling 31st Mi irch, 1886. Weight. j 1 ! I T3 d 5 u •5. M z, p c bO 3 q 1 q 5 "5 o O I I i o h Iails belaid :— 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 52-lb. iron 753 2.75° 535 13 1,161 7 10 572 396 910 6,457 650 650 70 105 no 29 56 1,483 2,102 11,622 117 90 Total 90 3,503 548 1,168 • 978 7.367 1,300 28s 29 56 15,324 RE1 RN No. 16. for the Year ending 31; Statement of Sleep: :rs eela it Mai •ch, 1886. Description. i n ta a 3 3 3 1 Si a s I Ha p cc a s c E a 5 "55 § d c S tj rt 2 iIEEPEKS BELAID : — Black pine Totara Black birch. ... Kauri Blue gum Jarrah Red pine Puriri Silver pine Eata 20 27 87 64 667 4,Si6 211 2,048 8,169 915 20 47.H3 4,557 27,828 4 12 24,907 477 4,134 1,712 47. H3 17,560 37,178 69S 32 24,907 189 6,899 2,560 721 6,514 189 215 170 2,560 560 105,011 2,560 i'(51 Total 262 170 7.33 2 4.5I6 2,259 9.454 477 4,134 1,712 137.887 Statement of Sl: :epe: EMOTE :d for the Y "ear ei iding 31st M arc. i, 1886 55,469 25,063 24,408 11,121 4495 6,o 18 1,831 2,648 263 451 6,127 99 Ileepers ebmotbd : — Black pine Totara Black birch Kauri Oregon Blue gum Jarrah Eed pine Puriri ... Manuka Eed wood Kamai 262 5 27 6,873 1,741 792 318 819 144 702 550 1,071 280 31 7 303 1,987 3,124 465 353 1,064 50,684 20,018 15,230 2,560 2,783 ... 4,35i 4,245 •■■ 1,528 ... 316 2SI 4,i34 502 31 1,170 170 2,332 93 4Si 6,127 99 Total 262 6,998 4,516 2,242 9,325 105,832 2,560 251 4,i34 1,703 137.993 170 Eetuen of Nxjmbee of St. RETURN No. 17. .tions and Peivate Sidings on ei 31st March, 188G. .ch Section for the Tear ending Miles. Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sidings. Sections. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. [awakawa Vliangarei Luckland fapier Wellington Vanganui lurunui-Bluff... rreymouth Vestporfcfelson 'ieton 8 7 211 82 69 193 982 8 3 4 82 26 26 87 354 5 6 1 6 10 2 12 146 3 4 5 6 2 IO IS 9 18 186 5 40 2 !9 23 18 12 9 1 1 4 4 Total 1,620 614 185 65 250

No. 15. e Tear eni Statement of Iails eelaid for ling 31st Mi irch, 1886. Weight. j 1 ! I T3 d 5 u •5. M z, p c bO 3 q 1 q 5 "5 o O I I i o h Iails belaid :— 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 52-lb. iron 753 2.75° 535 13 1,161 7 10 572 396 910 6,457 650 650 70 105 no 29 56 1,483 2,102 11,622 117 90 Total 90 3,503 548 1,168 • 978 7.367 1,300 28s 29 56 15,324 RE1 RN No. 16. for the Year ending 31; Statement of Sleep: :rs eela it Mai •ch, 1886. Description. i n ta a 3 3 3 1 Si a s I Ha p cc a s c E a 5 "55 § d c S tj rt 2 iIEEPEKS BELAID : — Black pine Totara Black birch. ... Kauri Blue gum Jarrah Red pine Puriri Silver pine Eata 20 27 87 64 667 4,Si6 211 2,048 8,169 915 20 47.H3 4,557 27,828 4 12 24,907 477 4,134 1,712 47. H3 17,560 37,178 69S 32 24,907 189 6,899 2,560 721 6,514 189 215 170 2,560 560 105,011 2,560 i'(51 Total 262 170 7.33 2 4.5I6 2,259 9.454 477 4,134 1,712 137.887 Statement of Sl: :epe: EMOTE :d for the Y "ear ei iding 31st M arc. i, 1886 55,469 25,063 24,408 11,121 4495 6,o 18 1,831 2,648 263 451 6,127 99 Ileepers ebmotbd : — Black pine Totara Black birch Kauri Oregon Blue gum Jarrah Eed pine Puriri ... Manuka Eed wood Kamai 262 5 27 6,873 1,741 792 318 819 144 702 550 1,071 280 31 7 303 1,987 3,124 465 353 1,064 50,684 20,018 15,230 2,560 2,783 ... 4,35i 4,245 •■■ 1,528 ... 316 2SI 4,i34 502 31 1,170 170 2,332 93 4Si 6,127 99 Total 262 6,998 4,516 2,242 9,325 105,832 2,560 251 4,i34 1,703 137.993 170 Eetuen of Nxjmbee of St. RETURN No. 17. .tions and Peivate Sidings on ei 31st March, 188G. .ch Section for the Tear ending Miles. Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sidings. Sections. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. [awakawa Vliangarei Luckland fapier Wellington Vanganui lurunui-Bluff... rreymouth Vestporfcfelson 'ieton 8 7 211 82 69 193 982 8 3 4 82 26 26 87 354 5 6 1 6 10 2 12 146 3 4 5 6 2 IO IS 9 18 186 5 40 2 !9 23 18 12 9 1 1 4 4 Total 1,620 614 185 65 250

No. 15. e Tear eni Statement of Iails eelaid for ling 31st Mi irch, 1886. Weight. j 1 ! I T3 d 5 u •5. M z, p c bO 3 q 1 q 5 "5 o O I I i o h Iails belaid :— 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 52-lb. iron 753 2.75° 535 13 1,161 7 10 572 396 910 6,457 650 650 70 105 no 29 56 1,483 2,102 11,622 117 90 Total 90 3,503 548 1,168 • 978 7.367 1,300 28s 29 56 15,324 RE1 RN No. 16. for the Year ending 31; Statement of Sleep: :rs eela it Mai •ch, 1886. Description. i n ta a 3 3 3 1 Si a s I Ha p cc a s c E a 5 "55 § d c S tj rt 2 iIEEPEKS BELAID : — Black pine Totara Black birch. ... Kauri Blue gum Jarrah Red pine Puriri Silver pine Eata 20 27 87 64 667 4,Si6 211 2,048 8,169 915 20 47.H3 4,557 27,828 4 12 24,907 477 4,134 1,712 47. H3 17,560 37,178 69S 32 24,907 189 6,899 2,560 721 6,514 189 215 170 2,560 560 105,011 2,560 i'(51 Total 262 170 7.33 2 4.5I6 2,259 9.454 477 4,134 1,712 137.887 Statement of Sl: :epe: EMOTE :d for the Y "ear ei iding 31st M arc. i, 1886 55,469 25,063 24,408 11,121 4495 6,o 18 1,831 2,648 263 451 6,127 99 Ileepers ebmotbd : — Black pine Totara Black birch Kauri Oregon Blue gum Jarrah Eed pine Puriri ... Manuka Eed wood Kamai 262 5 27 6,873 1,741 792 318 819 144 702 550 1,071 280 31 7 303 1,987 3,124 465 353 1,064 50,684 20,018 15,230 2,560 2,783 ... 4,35i 4,245 •■■ 1,528 ... 316 2SI 4,i34 502 31 1,170 170 2,332 93 4Si 6,127 99 Total 262 6,998 4,516 2,242 9,325 105,832 2,560 251 4,i34 1,703 137.993 170 Eetuen of Nxjmbee of St. RETURN No. 17. .tions and Peivate Sidings on ei 31st March, 188G. .ch Section for the Tear ending Miles. Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sidings. Sections. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. [awakawa Vliangarei Luckland fapier Wellington Vanganui lurunui-Bluff... rreymouth Vestporfcfelson 'ieton 8 7 211 82 69 193 982 8 3 4 82 26 26 87 354 5 6 1 6 10 2 12 146 3 4 5 6 2 IO IS 9 18 186 5 40 2 !9 23 18 12 9 1 1 4 4 Total 1,620 614 185 65 250



RETURN No. 18. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1886.

II Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amounc of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during t] Year ending 31st March, 1886. In. Out. Total. WHANGAREI SECTK DN. 341 R. 84/3701 .. M. oh. Kamo Colliery Company Kamo .. .. | Grantee £ s. d. 10 years*.. Premium.. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 17 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,894 12 0 1,902 9 0 7 I P.W. 77/730 March 6,1877 8 | E. 81/2509 .. Aug. 25, 1874 79 j P.W. 77/4093 Oct. 18, 1877 267 R, 82/2043 .. Mar. 25, 1882 279 E. 83/917 .. Oct. 27, 1882 300 E. 83/1564 .. Sept. 18, 1883 303 E. 83/3494 .. Jan. 10, 1884 317 j E. 83/2680 .. Jan. 1, 1883 318 j , .. Jan. 1, 1883 331 ! E. 84/2620 .. March 1,1884 333 ! R. 84/3379 .. July 20, 1885 J. Bycroft and Co. .. .. J 7 43 W. J. Fisher and Co. .. .. 7 48 Eobert Lamb .. .. .. 73 23 Helensvillo Timber Co. (Limited).. 35 41 William Hunt .. .. 6 26 | Thames Valley and Rotorua Eail- 74 55 way Company (Limited) Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Com- 7 34 pany (Limited) Hammond and Byron (Lease) ., 0 0 (Lease) .. 0 0, Onehunga Iron-sand Company .. 8 0 N. Z. Frozen Meat Co. (Limited) .. 0 0 j AUCKLAND SECTK Onelmnga .. Govt. .. Otahuhu .. .. „ .. Ngaruawahia .. „ Helensville South Grantees New Lynn .. Grantee Ngaruawahia .. Grantees )N. 10 years*.. 300 0 0-1 Undefined 10 years* .. 200 0 0 „ * .. Premium.. * 105 0 0 50 0 0 164 7 6 473 10 0 60 0 0 6 7 4 684 16 7 14 11 10 189 4 7 13 0 9 19 8 1 617 11 3 1,302 7 10 1,972 2 8 1,986 14 6 527 7 0 716 11 7 Otahuhu .. I „ * 86 0 0 388 4 10 211 15 0 599 19 10 ! Auckland .. I „ 7 years .. „ Undefined ; 10 years* .. Premium.. 40 0 0 \ 40 0 0 } 420 "o 0 3,406 10 9 3,406 10 9 Onehunga .. Govt. .. Auckland .. Grantees | 275 18 10 732 4 8 11 10 11 287 9 9 177 15 4 910 0 0 24 C.E. 75/845.. : 1875 56 P.W. 77/1129 , Mar. 19, 1877 76 E. 81/2318 .. Oct. 9, 1877 222 E. 84/3632 .. : 1880 Napier Gas Company .. .. I 2 30 T. P. Russell .. ' .. .. 50 40 Murray, Eoberts, and Co. .. 0 4 W. B. Harding .. .. .. 40 59 NAPIER SECT! Napier .. .. Govt. .. Waipukurau .. „ Spit Waipawa .. „ [ON. j Undefined I 10 years* .. 300 0 0 j Undefined ; on sufferance 10 years *.. Premium.. Undefined 10 years* .. Premium.. 6 years* ., „ 10 years* .. * 125 0 0 240 0 0 134 4 10 206 0 0 133 0 0 60 0 0 192 0 0 95 0 0 84 10 0 172 0 0 72 0 0 194 4 3 1 19 10 705 3 6 21 0 0 2 16 2 197 0 5 137 4 3 139 4 1 54 0 7 759 4 1 77 1 2 98 1 2 229 R. 81/1671 .. Feb. 16, 1881 233 R. 85/812 .. May 11, 1881 252 E. 85/813 .. 1881 301 E. 83/3089 .. Oct. 26, 1883 322 R. 84/3540 .. Dec. 8, 1884 328 R. 85/794 .. April 4, 1885 329 E. 86/1028 .. April 11, 1885 332 R. 85/171 .. June 1, 1885 334 R. 85/1508 .. July 24, 1885 335 R. 85/2840 .. ' Dec. 1, 1884 336 R. 85/2434 .. ! Nov. 19, 1885 M. S. Bell .. .. .. 2 0 Wilding and Co. .. .. 60 0 .. 45 29 Nelson Brothers (Limited) ... 12 8£ Ruddock and Fryer .. 14 1 Tamaki Timber Company .. 81 15 H. Smith .. .. .. 70 78 Wilding and Co. .. .. 63 00 Tanner and Mortensen .. .. 73 56 Guy and Towers .. ., 69 21 Robert Holt .. .. .. I 1 72 Napier .. .. Grantee Takapau .. .. Grantees Waipukurau .. Govt. .. Tomoana .. Grantees Hastings .. .. „ Tahoraite .. „ Makotuku .. Grantee Kopua .. .. Grantees Matamau .. „ Makotuku .. „ Napier .. .. Grantee 68 13 5 2,828 18 8 1,172 2 11 1,098 16 3 466 15 4 68 12 5 137 5 10 2,000 4 7 4,829 3 3 1,735 10 9 2,907 13 8 1,098 16 3 2,179 9 8 2,179 9 8 2,761 14 4 3,228 9 8 16 0 16 0 564 2 8 567 18 0 1,083 5 2 1,083 5 2 315 4 | 188 C.R. 79/155 .. I Feb. 26, 1879 216 P.W. 81/2948 July 7, 1880 221 R. 80/1588 .. Deo. 13, 1880 227 R. 82/2026 .. Feb. 8, 1881 237 R. 81/1723 .. July 28, 1881 242 R. 82/1335 .. Oct. 6, 1881 253 R. 83/598 .. Jan. 1, 1882 272 R. 84/133 .. July 26, 1882 296 R. 83/2850 Sept. 21, 1883 313 R. 84/1443 .. May 9, 1884 325 R. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 1884 326 R. 84/3359 .. Oct. 6, 1884 Charles Lett .. .. .. 28 44 William Booth and Co. .. .. 57 34 i Gear Meat-preserving and Freezing 6 37 Company (Limited) Eobert Donald .. .. .. 62 8 John Chew .. .. .. 54 55 W. Booth and Co. (Lease) .. 0 0 Wellington Harbour Board (Lease) 0 0 Williams and Beetham .. .. 62 15 A. S. Duncan(Woodside Saw-mill Co.) 51 0 Wellington Meat-preserving and 3 21 Refrigerating Company (Limited) William Chalmers (Lease) .. 0 0 T. C. Williams, W. H. Beetham, 0 0 and H. H. Beetham (Lease) WELLINGTON SEC! Kaitoke .. .. Govt. .. Carterton .. „ Petone .. .. Grantees TON. 10 years* .. 300 0 0 „ * .. 300 0 0 „ * .. Premium .. 70 0 0 90 0 0 117 19 11 0 2 0 65 0 8 379 15 9 80 10 10 80 12 10 4,327 5 11 4,392 6 7 642 2 0 1,021 17 9 Middleton .. Grantee Dalefield Wellington .. Grantees * 21 years 42 years 10 years *.. Premium.. * „ * 82 1 8 63 5 0 220 12 9 150 1 4 425 19 7 3410 1 1,50410 8 l,539"o 9 .. Middleton .. „ Matarawa .. „ Ngahauranga .. „ 27 5 6 26 3 3 973 10 5 254 12 0 281 17 6 799 15 825 4 8 182 3 6 1,155 13 11 Wellington .. Govt. .. 18 years .. .. . .. .. * Three months' notice,


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1886.


8 6 Ofto §1 Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1880. In. Out. Total. in. Out. Total. WANGANU JI SECTION. 19 P.W. 78/678 52 P.W. 77/4300 55 P.W. 78/619 57 P.W. 78/678 93 P.W. 77/5168 1-87 P.W. 80/4929 138 P.W. 78/1923 147 P.W. 78/3795 153 P.W. 78/3808 154 P.W. 78/4565 191 P.W. 79/815 218 R. 80/1145 223 R. 81/116 244 R. 82/2306 264 R, 82/946 287 R. 83/338 310 R. 84/1399 M. ch. Jam. 14, 1878 Richter, Nannestad, and Go. .. 61 41 Hokowhitu .. < Nov. 6, 1877 J. and 0. Bull .. .. 52 20 Aorangi Mar. 6, 1877 P. and J. Bartholomew .. .. 50 72 Feildmg April 3, 1877 Richter, Nannestad, and Co. .. 54 28 Trondjeim Dec. 20, 1877 Henry Brown .. .. .. 15 31 Inglewood May 9, 1878 Wanganui Sash & Door Factory Co. 0 0 Wanganui June 10, 1878 Bailey Brothers, W. H. Lash, and 42 34 Halcombe others Sept. 6, 1878 Bailey Brothers .. .. 53 50 Taonui Oct. 26, 1878 Wanganui Meat Company .. 3 36 Aramoho Oct. 26, 1878 Corpe and Co. and others .. 48 68 Makino Road .. Mar. 24, 1879 Gillies and Henderson .. .. 60 10 Kelvin Grovo, near Terrace End Oct. 22, 1880 Thomas Marnes .. .. .. 21 65 Tariki Road .. i Jan. 13, 1881 Mooro and Currie .. .. 13 46 Kai Iwi .. .. < Oct. 20, 1881 Wanganui Harbour Board (Lease) .. Wanganui Mar. 2, 1882 Newberry and Millard .. .. 7 46 Okoia Jan. 27, 1883 Wellington and Manawatu Railway 66 28 Longburn JuneCompany (Limited) tion April 5, 1884 James Robson .. .. .. 33 20 Ngaire .. £ s. d. Govt. .. 10 years*.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 „ * .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 . • .. ioo o o „ .. 6 months .. 10 years *.. 300 0 0 .. 10 years *.. 300 0 0 , * .. 300 0 0 „ * .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. 156 0 0 80 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 35 0 0 175 0 0 150 0 0 127 0 0 i 445 0 0 135 0 0 & s. d. £ s. d. 106 15 7 249 4 9 2 7 9 66 16 3 11 11 6 1,452 19 6 6 4 11 187 8 6 14 6 9 425 17 2 1,012 19 2 64 18 8 10 0 694 6 5 38 14 7 1,676 15 5 6 17 6 2 9 7 • 252 15 11 £ s. d. 356 0 4 69 4 0 1,464 11 0 193 13 5 440 3 11 1,077 17 10 695 6 5 1,715 10 0 6 17 6 255 5 6 Grantee „* .. Premium.. Grantees 10 years*.. Premium.. „ 14 years * .. „ 10 years *.. 37 14 0 86 0 0 162 0 0 381 19 6 7 9 6 8 10 0 846 1 1 5 3 10 0 12 104 1 1 193 17 10 66 10 7 15 19 6 851 4 11 104 2 3 260 8 5 ■ Govt. and „ * .. „ grantee Grantees „ * .. „ 200 0 0 273 12 0 29 11 10 501 4 5 352 18 2 188 11 2 530 16 3 541 9 4 315 B. 84/1846 Sept. 4, 1884 Manawatu County Council .. I 79 61 I Carnarvon .. ! PICTON £ SECTION. . 26 27 C.R. 76/679 260 R. 81/2812 299 R. 83'2271 1875 Captain J. H. Dalton .. .. 5 70 Kororniko 1875 A.T.Thompson.. .. .. 7 30 Para Jan. 19,1882 Pell Brothers and Co. .. ..17 73 Blenheim.. Oct. 2, 1883 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 Company (Limited) Govt. .. Undefined Grantees 10 years* .. Premium.. 163 10 0 275 1 7 67 15 2 348 14 10 38 17 10 12 17 9 32 4 9 70 7 7 416 10 0 51 15 7 102 12 4 NELSON SECTION. 238 I R. 81/1947 \ I Aug. 31, 1881 | Neale and Haddow .. .. | 1 0 | Nelson .. .. | Grantees | 10 years* .. | Premium.. | 150 0 0 | 297 3 7 | 44 1 6 | 341 5 1 GREYMOUT CH SECTION. 5a R, 84/2978 22 P.W. 76/603 105a P.W. 76/3446 112a P.W. 77/5000 319 B. 84/2977 Aug. 1, 1873 Westport Coal Co. (Limited) (Lease) 6 70 Wallsend Dec. 31, 1875 T. W. Wilson .. .. .. 2 53 Kaiata Feb. 15, 1877 Coalpit Heath Coal-mining Com- 7 10 Branner pany (Limited) (Lease) Feb. 16, 1877 Brunner Coal - mining Company . 7 10 Brunner (Limited), M. Kennedy (Lease) Oct. 28, 1884 A. McKenzie and Co. .. .. 5 70 Wallsend Grantees 21 years Govt. .. Undefined Grantees „ .. Premium.. „ 10 years*.. „ 143 19 0 624 19 2 55 0 0 50 10 6 275 2 0 2,984 10 8 ■ 9,727 15 10 9 12 6 197 15 3 50 10 6 275 2 O 2,984 10 8 9,727 15 10 207 7 9




3 5 • 12 H-* 13 * 20 29 31 32 33 34 P.W. 73/573 R. 84/2927 Dec. 28, 1870 Feb. 25, 1873 July 19, 1873 Oct. 2, 1874 Wood, Sinclair, and Co. Moir and Co. N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. Timaru Harbour Board .. 1 17 16 77 7 1 105 59 Riccarton Southbrook Belfast Timaru Grantees Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. For ever .. Undefined 1,052 8 4 226 11 0 392 10 9 526 12 5 755 18 10 350 15 6 6F5 0 4 76 9 2 1,808 7 2 577 6 6 1,047 11 1 603 1 7 R. 80/318 R. 82/2186 P.W. 76/3501 P.W. 76/2946 P.W. 76/686 R. 84/2770 R. 82/432 P.W. 76/823 April 19, 1877 Aug. 14, 1874 Dec- 18, 1874 Dec. 11, 1875 Feb. 29, 1876 Mar. 29, 1876 April 7, 1876 April 22, 1876 May 18, 1876 J. and T. Meek White and Co. Oamaru Harbour Board .. Kaiapoi Produce and Milling Co. .. John Tosswill J. Ingram Miles, Archer, and Co. James A. Mcllraith National Mortgage and Agency Company of N.Z. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) James Bruce A. Tapper Studholme Brothers 158 18 21 29 157 77 1 52 2 78 20 60 105 54 8 75 374 60 Oamaru Leeston Oamaru Wilson's Siding .. Prebbleton East Oxford Timaru Glentunnel Invercargill Undefined ; on sufferance 10 years*.. For ever .. Undefined i * 300 0 0 280 0 0 457 io 8 (See No. 263.) 457 10 8 (See No. 123.) 629 1 0 84 15 9 48 16 8 (See No. 230.) 81 3 2 605 19 1 Grantees Grantee Govt. .. + 229 0 6 11 12 10 400 0 6 73 2 11 48 16 8 B • • 20"9 4 423 7 2 789 13 10 182 11 11 26 P.W. 76/3056 June 19, 1876 25 23 Southbridge tr • • 10 years*.. (See No. 78.) 37 P.W. 76/3721 July 18, 187G 166 27 Maheno Undefined 217 10 0 265 10 5 483 6 11 38 39 41 P.W. 77/1189 B. 81/341 P.W. 77/5044 April 13, 1877 Sept. 2, 1876 Nov. 27, 1877 106 20 366 27 128 43 N. pts. 374 9 121 71 Timaru Longbush Studholme Junction /r • • 10 years*.. Undefined 10 years* .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 73 0 0 93' 0 0 1,711 1 0 35 9 3 18 3 6 2,1S4 5 5 5,222 12 11 38 3 4 3,895 6 5 5,258 2 2 56 6 10 mr • • 44 40 R. 83/2227 P.W. 76/5252 Oct. 4, 1876 Dec. 24, 1876 Fleming and Gilkison Quinn Brothers Invercargill Between Otaio and Makikihi Woodlands One-Tree Point .. Undefined 10 years*.. 300' 0 0 62 0 0 847 10 7 15 5 1 325 12 11 30 5 7 1,173 3 6 45 10 8 48 49 50 53 68 59 61 64 68 69 71 R. 83/2072 R. 82,606 R. 83/44 R. 81/1905 R. 83/2301 P.W. 77/2857 P.W. 77/2C04 R. 8-4/3062 It. 81/2299 R. 82/239 1876 1876 1876 Jan. 13, 1877 Apiil 18, 1877 April 21, 1877 April 30, 1877 June 27, 1877 July 20, 1877 Aug. 27, 1877 Sept. 1, 1877 Sept. 7, 1877 Woodlands Meat-preserving Co. .. Brown and J. H. Dawson and Sons C. W. Dawson .. C. W. Turner Peter McGill S. Smart John Murdoch .. E. G. D. Tosswill W. M. White Ireland and Co. Talbot and McClatchie (Lease) Miles and Co., William Booth and Co. C. W. Turner C. A. Ulrich, Miles and Co., and N. Tapling Wigram Brothers N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. H. Hargreaves Thomas McKenzie Reid and Gray .. Richard Allen .. W. White, jun. J. Craig 3C3 52 !368 2 369 2 57 77 271 42 12 7 379 21 10 23 236 79 158 26 0 0 6 1 Ashburton Milton Hornby Junction Woodend Kirwee Kensington j Oamaru Lyttelton Christehurch Grantee Govt. .. Undefined 10 }"ears* .. 42 14 10 386 13 9 1,565 17 1 7 13 10 27 16 8 987 1 10 180 18 3 2,007 1 11 1,284 13 4 532 0 3 27 16 8 1,029 16 8 180 18 3 2,393 15 8 2,850 10 5 539 14 1 * * 21 years .. 10 j'ears * .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 32 12 10 40 0 0 26 18 9 120 0 0 32 5 10 45 0 0 92 9 8 17 19 5 177 18 8 92 9 8 399 8 5 383 4 9 (See No. 158.) 1,479 7 10 381 9 0 2C5 6 1 " 30o"o 0 233 0 0 1,216 3 10 203"4 0 73 74 P.W. 77/3965 R. 85/287 Sept. 26, 1877 Sept. 26, 1877 6 19 6 48 >f * • * # 300 0 0 300 0 0 35 0 0 100 0 0 2.9C6 18 5 1,098 18 5 599 18 11 121 19 2 3,506 17 4 1,220 17 7 *. • • 75 78 R. 78/176 R. 84/867 Oct. 6, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 1 77 25 39 Heathcote Southbridge * 300 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 25 0 0 34* 6 2 418 0 11 (See No. 130.) 452 7 1 * 80 82 83 84 85 86 P.W. 77/4596 P.W. 77/3862 P.W. 77/4422 R,. S5/5O?) P.W. 77/4862 iC. 7S/113 Oct. 22, 1877 Oct. 24, 1877 Nov. 1, 1877 Nov. 5, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 Nov. 20, 1877 6 46 21 76 236 45 106 8 25 32 157 42 Christehurch Lawrence Dunedin .. | Timaru I Southbridge I Oamaru * * 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 40 0 0 20 3 4 27 13 0 35 0 0 33 0 0 152 0 0 424 6 10 501 11 6 299 10 11 658 17 0 396 6 7 741 3 8 11 11 3 102 19 0 647 2 5 1 17 6 438 11 6 435 18 1 501 11 6 402 9 11 1,305 19 5 398 4 1 1,179 15 2 . .. * Three months' notice. t Six months' noisier J Terminable if traffic fails.


RETURN No. 18— continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1886.


B1« Papers. Dato of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1886. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. :URTJNUI-BLUPF SECTION — continued. 91 94 95 P.W. 77/4421 P.W. 77/5196 Dec. 4, 1877 Dec. 22, 1877 1877 James Goss W. Montgomery and Co... Christchurch Gas, Coal, and Coke Company (Limited) William Vaughan N.Z. Provision and Produce Co. .. E. Menlove Logan's Point Quarry Company .. Henry and Co. Wilson, Harraway, and Co. Green Island Coal Company Invercargill Corporation .. M. ch. 6 61 6 50 6 1 Christclrurch Govt. .. I 10 years *.. Undefined £ s. d. 300 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. 95 0 0 240 0 0 £ s. d. 779 2 5 74 6 8 392 6 7 £ s. d. 22 15 2 10 1 4 34 1 9 £ s. d. 801 17 7 84 8 0 426 8 4 96 97 100 101 102 103 105 107 108 109 110 112 113 115 R. 84/2368 R. 82/2356 B. 81/2017 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 24 49 13 7 14 37 234 53 236 45 236 45 241 70 374 60 2 39 0 43 6 42 377 14 378 20 389 1 Sefton Factory Ngapara Pclichet Bav Dunedin Abbotsford Invercargill Waikiwi Buxton's 300 0 0 49 12 9 30 14 4 16 15 0 245 13 5 A 13 3 229 4 11 326 19 0 13 0 3 10 5 2 164 14 2 2 14 9 1,038 5 1 376 11 9 43 14 7 10 5 2 181 9 2 248 8 2 1,057 18 4 229 4 11 E. 85/647 .. T. Buxton" .. .. .. Hodgkinson Brothers Dunedin Iron and Woodware Co... J. H. Gillies W. Parsons 27 7 7 29 17 10 1 19 3 218 17 2 96 3 9 1,419 3 7 1,196 9 6 110 246 4 9 126 1 7 1,421 2 10 1,196 9 6 9 14 11 R. 84/1373 Kew Clifton Between Greenhills and Ocean Beacli Milton Christchurch Oamaru (1st sidg.) (2nd sidg.) Oamaru Ashburton Tinwald Oamaru Heath cote Christchurch Ashburton Christchurch 8 13 11 116 117 R. 79/722 P.W. 77/5147 Nov. 6, 1878 Jan. 14, 1878 J. A. Duthie W. Langdown Oamaru Harbour Board .. J 271 24 6 9 157 64 157 65 157 77 58 72 60 65 157 41 1 77 5 76 58 73 6 51 6 15J 204 10 1 67J 351 60' 10 years * .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 112 15 0 56 0 0 52 4 1 590 14 7 318 15 6 41 17 7 370 19 7 632 12 2 . .. 120 P.W. 77/4412 Jan. 23, 1878 1 • 300 0 0 50 0 0 (See No. 123.; 123 125 12S 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 140 142 P.W. 77/4413 R. 78/63 B. 78/G5 P.W. 77/4833 R. 78/176 R. 78/61 R. 78/199 R. 78/162 R. 81/120 P.W. 78/1573 B. 78/360 R. 78/649 Jan. 23, 1878 Jan. 26, 1878 Feb. 4, 1878 Feb. 18, 1878 Mar. 2, 1878 Mar. 7, 1878 Mar. 14, 1878 Mar. 14, 187S May 1, 1878 May 8, 1878 June 28, 1878 Aug. 3, 1878 A. Roberts Joseph Clark Oamaru Corporation Wigram Brothers J. T. Brown Friedlander Brothers Springfield Coal Company McClatchie and Mclntoali Anderson and Co. Oamaru Stone Company (Limited) N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Ditto (Lease) .. ..' C. W. Turner Thomas and E. Pavitt J. and J. Shand.. Talbot and McClatchie (Lease) Grantees Govt. .. Undefined 10 years *.. # 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 90 0 0 95 0 0 60 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 73 0 0 260 0 0 5,874 12 5 131 10 4 320 14 5 48 12 0 1,617 0 6 567 17 9 287 16 8 214 3 10 1,884 10 6 76 9 3 2,850 12 1 423 19 10 582 19 10 7 12 10 546 15 0 10 4 10 1,041 3 C 16 3 1 171 13 3 51 18 11 8,7:25 4 6 555 10 2 903 14 3 50 4 10 2,103 15 6 578 2 7 1,329 0 2 230 6 11 2,056 3 9 128 8 2 Waikouaiti Weston Edendale " * " * • 74 0 0 48 0 0 266 13 4 259 G 1 525 19 5 149 R. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 0 0 Lyttelton 21 years .. } (See No. 159.) 150 152 155 156 158 R. 78/506 R. 78/539 R. 78/544 R. 81/467 Sept. 21, 1878 Oct. 22, 1878 Nov. 5, 1878 Nov. 0, 1878 Nov. 19, 1878 0 0 6 64 6 61 26 26 0 0 Christchurch 10 years* .. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 55 0 0 52 0 0 64 0 0 402 16 11 34 5 1 88 2 5 716 18 5 (See No. 73.) 437 2 0 88 2 5 5,903 3 3 Centre Bush Lyttelton.. 21 yeara .. 5,186 4 10 . „ ..



159 R. 81/467 Nov. 19, 1878 N.Z. Grain Agency and Mercantile Company (Limited) (Lease) Fleming, Gilkison, and Co. Lyttelton Borough Council I 0 0 Lyttelton.. Govt. .. j 21 years .. . 3,722 15 3 975 6 8 4,698 1 11 1G0 161 R. 78/540 E. 84/409 Dec. 2, 1878 1878 335 2 2 71 Gore Heathcote 10 „ * Undefined ; on sufferance i Undefined 300 0 0 64 0 0 99 15 7 34 10 5 204 19 9 304 15 4 34 10 5 162 163 164 165 R. 84/2333 1878 1878 1878 1878 J. Grigg Clarke and Wright Findlay and Co. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) McLean Brothers T. Tomlinson and Co. British and N.Z. Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) Dunedin City Corporation Smith and Fothcringham Wilsonr, Harrawny, and Co. J. Runciman Walton Park Coal Company B. C. Calvcrley J. Freeman W'alton Park Brick and Tile Co. .. Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company J. McDonald W. M. White J. Nelson Maxwell and Mathias Fricdlamler Brothers (Lease) W. White N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agcncy Company (Limited) Francis Jack W. Conyers Charles Tullock James A. Mcllraith Martin and Watson M. Instone James McDonald Anderson and Co. Dunedin Iron and Woodware Co . T. P. Baber Dunedin Saleyards Company N.Z. and Australian Land Company (Limited) Matson, Cox, and Co. Springfield Coal Company (Limited) James Shand Wood, Sinclair, and Co. McCallum and Co. Miles, Archer, and Co. N.Z. Shipping Co. (Limited) (Lease) Hon. Mathew Holmes George Jameson G4 51 235 59 235 59 236 0 Winslow Dunedin 341 3 8 348 14 6 1,341 18 7 5,981 4 9 C04 12 0 55 15 10 214 12 4 532 11 2 945 15 8 404 10 4 1,556 10 11 6,513 15 11 , 166 167 168 E. 81/2017 1878 1878 1878 236 37 236 37 23C 37 i 270 19 4 157 19 7 1,118 10 9 1 16 11 3 19 7 76 1G 9 272 16 3 1G1 19 2 1,225 7 6 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 ISO 181 183 185 186 189 197 R. 84/3315 R. 83/2302 R. 83/2302 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 Jan. 15, 1879 Feb. 19, 1879 Mar. 20, 1879 Aug. 21, 1879 236 53 237 11 0 21 0 26 2 7 241 70 241 71 2 7 243 42 0 73" 267 51 278 51 283 45 19 46 GO 67 7 40 391 61 Kensington Burnside Walton Park Abbotsford Walton Park .. Wingatui Mosgiel Millburn Lovell's Flat Stirling Racecourse Hill.. Tinwald Addington Bluff 13 6 11 590 9 1 512 4 5 16 4 11 6 10 11 447 8 11 284 16 6 308 9 9 350 0 0 18 6 5 168 3 6 117 14 4 1,809 4 9 164 2 10 1,038 5 1 23 18 6 68 18 5 1,594 6 3 93 11 1 772 14 3 352 19 9 85 12 0 314 15 7 423 14 2 350 0 0 31 13 4 758 12 7 629 18 9 1,825 9 8 164 2 10 1,044 16 0 471 7 5 353 14 11 1,902 16 0 93 11 1 784 18 2 404 5 4 98 9 10 1,320 10 9 3,194 11 2 .. R. 78/592 R. 83/2304 R. 79/110 R. 79/591 10 years* .. 21 years* .. 10 years* .. 300 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 104 0 0 22 0 0 27 0 0 12 3 11 51 5 7 12 17 10 1,005 15 2 2,770 17 0 198 199 200 201 202 204 205 209 210 211 214 215 R. 79/609 R. 79/607 R. 79/627 B. 79/684 R. 79/801 R. 79/1087 R. 79/799 R. 81/2017 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Oct. 21, 1879 Oct. 22, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 Oct. 30, 1879 1879 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 Jan. 28, 18S0 Mar. 23, 1880 6 32 386 23 5 22 6 15! 235 54" 12 5 22 79 23C 35 236 35 7 59 239 22 116 9 Wright's Bush .. Greenhills Wallacetown Christchurch Dunedin Thornbury June. Lady Barkly Dunedin Grantees Govt. .. # „ * # ,! * „ * # Undefined 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 54 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 100 0 0 81 0 0 80 0 0 0 8 0 172 16 4 1,220 4 5 143 3 9 3 15 0 868 16 3 1,283 13 1 930 17 0 6,992 11 2 41 12 10 53 10 0 303 18 2 121 1 10 217 18 3 249 4 5 43 0 9 81 10 9 244 12 3 543 0 9 592 19 6 371 6 11 53 10 0 303 18 2 121 9 10 172 16 4 1,438 2 8 392 8 2 46 15 9 950 7 0 1,528 5 4 1,473 17 9 7,585 10 8 412 19 9 R. 80/44 It. 83/204 It. 80/1 Addington Burnside St. Andrew Grantee Govt. .. Grantees ' 10 years*.. 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 60 0 0 ": • ■ * 217 219 224 225 228 230 231 232 235 R. 80/987 R. 81/201 R. 81/63 It. 85/861 R. 81/835 R. 85/523 R. 81/1343 R. 82/2538 R. 81/1479 Sept. 22, 1880 Nov. 25, 1880 Jan. 14, 1881 Jan. 20, 1881 Feb. 8, 1881 Mar. 1, 1881 Mar. 21, 1881 April 1, 1881 June 6, 1.881 58 76 29 63 257 58 7 60 365 32 105 57 0 0 2 0 59 4 Ashburton Springfield Henley Addington Longbush Timaru Lyttelton Castlerock Ashburton Grantee Grantees * " . • • » • • * -: Premium.. 250 0 0 35 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 325 0 0 283 12 11 31 10 0 1G 19 4 2,572 10 0 72 18 1 971 16 0 775 6 11 1,456 18 1 191 3 3 99 17 5 1,941 13 2 4,596 14 7 318 1 6 129 0 6 1,740 11 0 222 13 3 116 16 9, 4,514 3 2 4,669 12 8 1,289 17 b 904 7 5 i Govt. .. Grantee Undefined 18J years.. 10 years *.. * Premium.. lO2"o 0 180 0 0 * Three months' notice.


RETURN No. 18-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1886.


Papers. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1885. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. [URUNUI-BLUF] SECTION— continued. 236 R. 81/1405 June 27, 18S1 Kernpthorne,Prosser, and Go.'sN.Z. Drug Company (Limited) National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) W. D. Wood T. C. Moorhouse and Co. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. S. White F. J. Hopkin W. Nicholls Frew and Co. N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) (Lease) Bourn and Lovegrove (Lease) Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Ford and Ogden Smith and Fotheringham M. ch. 239 24 Burnside Grantees 10 years* .. £ s. d. Premium.. £ s. d. 93 0 0 £ 5. d. 278 6 8 £ s. a. 313 2 1 s s. a. 591 8 9 238a R. 83/2223 Sept. 1, 1881 7 57 Addington _. ' - 1,690 10 6 736 6 10 2,426 17 4 239 240 245 R. 81/1982 R. 83/502 R. 81/2332 Sept. 9, 1881 Sept. 19, 1881 Nov. 1, 1881 7 60 7 0 58 70 Belfast Ashbur on Grantee » * Grantees » * Premium.. 84 0 0 80 0 0 200 0 0 198 12 1 53 3 10 19618 4 1,023 12 11 (See No. 225.) 395 10 5 1,076 16 9 . 246 247 248 249 250 254 R. 81/2501 R. 81/1747 R. 83/3241 R. 83/1171 R. 83/1556 R. 82/1738 Nov. 24, 1881 Dec. 14, 1881 Dec. 16, 1881 April 18,1883 Dec. 22, 1881 Jan. 1, 1882 2 51 287 79 0 26 22 72 239 23 47 12 Jackson's Road .. Balclutha Rangiora Oraki Burnside Chertsey .. Grantee , • :• „ - .. : Grantees m * B • • 145 0 0 261 0 0 70 0 0 3 15 6 116 2,281 1 4 53 7 6 8 8 0 1 12 6 444 13 11 871 15 9 646 14 0 12 3 6 1 12 6 445 15 5 3,152 17 1 700 1 6 - • . Premium.. 492 0 0 Govt. .. ", .. 255 256 R. 82/717 R. 81/2820 Jan. 1, 1882 Jan. 3, 1882 123 06 106 10 Makikihi Timaru .. Grantees 21 years .. „ 10 years* .. Premium.. 300 0 0 484 0 0 1,272 7 0 39 9 2 443 17 8 39 9 2 1,716 4 8 257 258 259 R. 81/2672 R. 82/379 R. 83/1043 Jan. 5, 1882 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 10, 1882 0 3 10 71 227 78 Studholmo Junction South Malvern .. Port Chalmers Upper Christchurch * Govt. .. For ever .. Grantees 10 years*.. 310 0 0 3 14 8 207 19 5 32 12 6 19 10 1 226 11 10 437 11 2 23 4 9 434 11 3 470 3 8 261 262 R. 82/2303 R. 82/49 Feb. 8, 1882 Feb. 20, 1882 H. W. Packer N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) J. and T. Meek .. S. Bailey P. Cunningham .. W. A. Moss (Lease) John Waller (Lease) N.Z. Farmers' Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Ld.) (Lease) Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Co. (Limited) D. Reid and Co. National Mortgage and Agency Co. of N.Z. (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Invercargill Corporation .. 6 53 6 50i Govt. .. . * Grantees , * Premium.. 510 0 0 Extension,£174 222 0 0 153 0 0 374 0 0 140 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 581 1 7 1,522 18 7 161 0 9 588 15 9 742 2 4 2,111 14 4 263 266 268 269 270 271 R. 82/378 R. 82/554 R. 82/692 R. 82/2320 Feb. 28, 1882 Mar. 24, 1882 April 14, 1882 May 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 May 1, 1882 158 7 15 0 105 75 7 0 7 0 7 0 Oamaru Templeton Timaru Christchurch Grantee , • 21 years .. * ■ • 791 19 2 87 10 0 125 18 10 631 14 3 646 11 6 496 5 9 52 14 2 135 0 0 1,288 4 11 52 14 2 212 10 0 125 18 10 633 5 11 931 18 9 » »• m ■ * 1 11 8 285 7 3 Grantees , m • • 274 R. 83/334 Sept. 15, 1882 7 8 Belfast , 10 yeara* .. m * ■ 321 0 0 3,939 5 8 1,947 14 7 5,887 0 3 275 276 R. 82/2105 R. 82/2334 Sept. 26, 1882 Oct. 23, 1882 236 12 105 75 Dunedin Timaru .. ■ 310 0 0 514 0 0 5,452 19 6 849 1 4 476 7 4 639 6 8 5,929 6 10 1,488 8 0 277 R. 82/2354 Oct. 23, 1882 105 75 • * • • 292 16 0 797 1 0 472 17 8 1,269 18 8 278 R. 82/1997 Oct. 23, 1882 0 7 Makarewa June. Govt. and „* Grantees 5 0 0 576 0 0 576 0 0



2S0 281 282 E. 82/2706 II. 82/2605 B. 83/332 Dec. 2, 1882 Deo. 2, 1882 Jan. 1, 1883 P. C. Threlkeld Moody and Zicsler N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) (Lease) Rountree and Co. R. M. Morten .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) W. A. Benn {Lease) William Vaughan (Lease) Lyttelton Borough Council 2 51 105 57 41 53 Jackson's Road .. Timaru Bakaia Grantee Grantees Govt. .. 10 years* .. Premium.. 300 0 0 40 0 0 167 2 11 590 8 0 359 IT 3 185 8 6 757 15 0 527 0 2 775 16 6 757 15 0 284 285 286 E. 83/50 E. 82/2955 E. 83/165 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 26, 1883 3 31 11 76 336 14 Papanui Hornby Junction Gore Grantees Granteo Grantees * • • Premium.. 220 0 0 132 0 0 275 0 0 78 0 7 33 3 2 C2 11 9 366 15 10 31 1 8 1,324 0 6 444 16 5 64 4 10 1,386 12 3 288 289 290 E. 83/996 E. 83/998 E. 83/669 Feb. 1, 1883 Feb. 1, 1883 April 3, 1883 48 21 48 22 0 0 Waikari Govt. .. 275 4 4 178 14 1 3,340 17 5 354 15 0 532 14 2 591 16 5 629 19 4 711 8 3 3,932 13 10 Officers' Point, Lyttelton Abbotsford Grantees * Premium.. 312 0 0 291 E. 83/1503 April 9, 1883 Fenihill Railway and Coal Company (Limited) N chol Brothers William Evans 241 15 I Undefined 10 3 1 1,044 17 4 1,055 0 5 292 293 E. 83/1007 E. 83/717 April 18, 1883 April 24, 1883 391 63 105 75 Bluff Timaru .. Grantee 10 years* .. Undefined ; temporary Premium. * 145 0 0 134 0 0 Turntable, &c, £106 130 0 0 140 0 0 422 0 0 326 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 3,085 6 7 637 17 0 1,153 0 1 394 15 0 4,238 6 8 1,032 12 0 » • • 294 295 297 293 302 304 305 306 E. 83/2987 E. 83/1690 E. 83/2672 E. 83/2904 It. 83/3196 R. 84/71 E. 84/694 R. 84/813 May 21, 1883 June 28, 1883 Sept. 18, 1883 Oct. 1, 1883 Nov. 22, 1883 Jan. 25, 1884 Mar. 12, 1884 Mar. 1, 1884 David Stuart H. Driver James Gore Benjamin Perry John Jackson J. G. Ward W. H. Symes, M.D. John Murdoch, jun. (Lease) 105 57 240 33 244 8J 163 6 106 11 391 44 7 29 335 7 „ .. .. Burnside Wingatui Totara Timaru Bluff Addington Gore 10 years* .. 248 0 G 169 2 8 166 13 3 8 6 0 798 19 0 1,310 3 11 107 3 5 453 16 10 194 16 1 175 10 1 214 4 9 23G 9 9 169 9 6 378 19 2 3 4 3 2 4 6 442 16 7 344 12 9 380 18 0 244 15 9 968 8 6 1,689 3 1 170 7 8 461 1 4 Govt. .. 4 years* .. 3 years cerfcainf 7 years J .. m • • 307 E. 84/1104 Feb. 1, 1884 British and N.Z. Mortgage and Agency Co. (Limited) (Lease) A. Tapper N.Z. Refrigerating Co. (Limited) .. John Murdoch Otago Meat-freezing and Produce Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantilo Agency Company (Limited) Morton Mains Freehold Estates Company N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 374 60 Invercargill 966 0 3 496 10 0 1,462 10 3 308 309 311 312 E. 84/996 B. 84/1239 R. 84/1324 E. 84/1490 April 21, 1884 May 10, 1884 May 23, 1884 June 5, 1884 335 6 155 16 G 39 228 67 Gore Oamaru Town Belt Wright's Bush .. Sawyer's Bay Grantee Grantees Grantee Grantees 10 years* .. * Premium.. m • ■ 105 0 0 175 0 0 192 0 0 G6 0 0 64 19 5 50 18 4 1,036 19 5 115 17 9 1,036 19 5 » • • 316 * • • E. 84/2669 Sept. 9, 1884 235 79 Dunedin * 190 0 0 (See No. 165.) 320 R. 84/3312 Nov. 1, 1884 355 23 Oteramika * 1G0 0 0 19 13 1 1,741 8 11 1,701 2 0 321 R. 84/3313 Nov. 7, 1884 374 55 Invercargill 10 years; 1 month's notice 10 years * 75 0 0 337 13 3 99 1 5 436 14 8 323 324 E. 84/3646 E. 84/1670 Deo. 8, 1884 Deo. 31, 1884 James Waddel and Co. South Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited) Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Co. (Limited) (Lease) A. Tapper Instono and Cleaves 391 65 103 64 Bluff .. Washdyke Juno. # • • 145 0 0 500 0 0 1.6S9 18 7 564 9 8 158 9 6 520^4 5 1,848 8 1 1,084 14 1 327 m * • R. 85/778 Mar. 27, 1885 391 65 Bluff 21 years .. it • • 120 0 0 337 338 E. 85/3780 R. 85/3974 Dec. 9, 1885 Dec. 24, 1885 374 46 374 49 Invercargill Govt. .. Grantees 10 years* * Premium.. 435 0 0 . * Three months' notice. t After that, from year to year, subject to one month's notice. J Terminable at end of three or five years of this period, by twenty-one days' previous notice.


RETURN No. 19. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1886.


Mileage Open for Trallic on 31st MarcV, 1885. Additional Length Opened for Traffic during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintennnce tor whole Period. Length Closed during Year. I\\t Addition to .Mileage Open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Ojcn for liatlic on 31st March, 1886. Section. Line Opened. Date of Opening. Length Opened. Line. Length. "M. ch. M. ch. M. oh. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. Ka-.vakawa ... 7 41 7 41 "Whangarei 6 45 ... 6 45 Auckland ... 1C8 73 JIorrinsTille-Te Aroha 1st March, 1886... 12 54 ... - 43 26 210 57* Napier 81 15 Morriusyille-Oxford 8th March, 1886... 3° 52 81 14' Wellington 63 40 68 40 Wanganui... 19-1 47 192 47 Hurunui-Bluff 887 65 Culrerden Little Eirer 9th February, 1886 16th March, 1886 10 67 5 38 j- 17 51 Palmerston-Danback 29th August, 18S5 8 55 47 42 I? 51 Bnlclutlia-Bomahapa nth Dec, 1885 .. 7 76 1- 979 3i # J Colac-Orepuki Castle Bock-Murray Creek 5th May, 1885 ... 13U1 March, 1886 10 36 4 10 Ditto, District Eailnayst r i 46 6-! Rabaia and Asliburton Forks Branch 1st April, 1885 ... 22 20 h J- 45 79 J Waimafe Gorge Branch ... 1st April, 1885 ... 8 21 45 79* 45 79 Ditto, Private Lines — i Duutroon-Hakateramea ... 1st April, 1885 ... 15 3S Nightcaps Lin 2 24 I 1 2 24 Shag Point Line 2 10 I 2 10 Orreymouth 7 20 Extension to Coal-mines ... 1st Sept., 1885 ... o 10 ° 5 o 10 o 5 7 30 AVcstport ... 18 36 ... 18 61* Nelson 22 73 ... 22 73 Picton 17 70 17 70 Total ... I 1,53° 25 136 77 6.3 55 136 77 63 55 ".617 34 owing to re-chainage of lino. i District railways taken over by Government, previously worked for the companies by the Government.


RETURN No. 20. Statement showing Approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employes for March, 1885, and March, 1886.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.


Approximate Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island. Middlo Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 par mile.) Romoyed during Maintenances 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 M. ch. 10 55 61 19 6g 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 08 39 22 6 7 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 II 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 7 1 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 II 68 27 62 21 76 1S8 17 3 J7 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o go 78 96,333 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455,254 417,217 176,006 94,998 212,888 100,354 88,751 76,991 168,000 137,8S7 74,26i 73,947 106,763 125,632 '48>325 137,993 Totals 3.254,969 666,921 * Nino months only. t Complete information not recorded until 1880-81.

RETURN No. 20. iY Sleepees laid and behoved up to 31st March, 1886. Statement showing Approximate: Approxii iatc Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island. Midaio Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Romoved during Maintenances 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 M. ch. io 55 6i 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 7 1 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 II 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 37 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 96,333 39.323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455.254 417,217 176,006 94,998 212,888 100,354 88,751 76,991 168,000 I37.8S7 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 I4 8,325 137,993 22 19 56 o 43 26 Totals 3*254*969 666,921 * Nino months only. + Complete information not recorded until 1880-81. COMPAEATIVE STATEMENT of the RETUR :nt of the Number of IETURN No. 21. ibeb of Employes for March, 1885, and March, 18: No . 21. )YES fi Implo or Marc 16. Department. E I ■d q M < hi "5. C c M p "5 I a 5 a 9 o a o o v a c 2; 0 ■j O 1884-85. General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 10 11 6 160 222 237 619 53 101 66 "09 79 120 92 184 '33 904 1.135 755 "38 11 10 12 14 35 "26 15 9 13 21 6 39 1,381 1,796 i.364 4<S8o 7 7 10 Totals 25 24 217 263 409 2,794 59 50 40 1885-86. General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 9 12 5 26 163 379 21S 53 126 77 256 64 83 124 "83 . 204 130 876 1,029 83a 27 12 13 17 20 28 15 10 9 21 9 4i '•333 1,909 1.450 11 9 19 Totals 28 757 271 417 2,737 58 50 53 39 4.733 Increase Decrease 3 2 138 39 3 8 14 3 I 210 59 57 1 RETURN N Statement of Accidents for the Yi d. 22. iar ending 31st Marc! 1, 1886. Passengc or In ■rs Killed iured. Servants of the Department Killed or Injured. Persons Killed or Injured while Crossing at Level Crossings. Trespassers. Workshops. Miscellaneous. Section. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution, From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. 1! | a H Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured, Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Cawakawa Vhangarei ... mekland f apier Wellington ... Vanganui lurunui-Blufi l-reyinouth ... Vestport felsou 'ic ton 2 1 1 2 I I I 17 I I 3 2 8 I I I 7 i 2 2 19 3 1 1 30 1 I 7 2 33 4 I I I 3 1 73 1 Total) ... 4 9 2 S3 14 I S 2 2 3i i I 10 11,

RETURN No. 20. iY Sleepees laid and behoved up to 31st March, 1886. Statement showing Approximate: Approxii iatc Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. North Island. Midaio Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Romoved during Maintenances 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80* 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 M. ch. io 55 6i 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 7 1 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 M. ch. 45 7° 18 58 II 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 37 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 80 o 90 78 96,333 39.323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455.254 417,217 176,006 94,998 212,888 100,354 88,751 76,991 168,000 I37.8S7 74,261 73,947 106,763 125,632 I48,325 137,993 22 19 56 o 43 26 Totals 3*254*969 666,921 * Nino months only. + Complete information not recorded until 1880-81. COMPAEATIVE STATEMENT of the RETUR :nt of the Number of IETURN No. 21. ibeb of Employes for March, 1885, and March, 18: No . 21. )YES fi Implo or Marc 16. Department. E I ■d q M < hi "5. C c M p "5 I a 5 a 9 o a o o v a c 2; 0 ■j O 1884-85. General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 10 11 6 160 222 237 619 53 101 66 "09 79 120 92 184 '33 904 1.135 755 "38 11 10 12 14 35 "26 15 9 13 21 6 39 1,381 1,796 i.364 4<S8o 7 7 10 Totals 25 24 217 263 409 2,794 59 50 40 1885-86. General ... Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 8 9 12 5 26 163 379 21S 53 126 77 256 64 83 124 "83 . 204 130 876 1,029 83a 27 12 13 17 20 28 15 10 9 21 9 4i '•333 1,909 1.450 11 9 19 Totals 28 757 271 417 2,737 58 50 53 39 4.733 Increase Decrease 3 2 138 39 3 8 14 3 I 210 59 57 1 RETURN N Statement of Accidents for the Yi d. 22. iar ending 31st Marc! 1, 1886. Passengc or In ■rs Killed iured. Servants of the Department Killed or Injured. Persons Killed or Injured while Crossing at Level Crossings. Trespassers. Workshops. Miscellaneous. Section. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution, From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. 1! | a H Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured, Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Cawakawa Vhangarei ... mekland f apier Wellington ... Vanganui lurunui-Blufi l-reyinouth ... Vestport felsou 'ic ton 2 1 1 2 I I I 17 I I 3 2 8 I I I 7 i 2 2 19 3 1 1 30 1 I 7 2 33 4 I I I 3 1 73 1 Total) ... 4 9 2 S3 14 I S 2 2 3i i I 10 11,





RETURN No. 23. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1886. KAWAKAWA SECTION.


1 Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cos: per Engine-Mile in Pcnc< ill age. Detail. Rum ling. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. t- 1 S rt H c ■- 3 I c Q 'ype. c o d a. ex I < Train. Shunting. Ballast. Tallow. Waste. Stores. Fuel. i Stores.; Fuel. Wages, i Total. Wapes and Materials. Total. Wajres and Materials. Total. Ton-Miles Gross. Coal. Oil. Wages. A i 6 16 F 2 io 11,833 Total 3 ... 11,904 7SS 3 ■09° 205 60 976 •5.038 Cwt. 2,637 190 lb. lb. £ 26 37 347 312 IS 373 349 IS £ £ 2 3 18 66 20 69 17 22 ... -40 73 4-18 5-41 3,070 40 293 392 '24 "28 1 "05 4'67 6'25 890,372 74'8g '105 312 310 414 -22 -30 1-03 4-64 620 893,442 75-05 -in 352 3.845 265 l6,OI4 2,742 204

iS 17.43-3 1,890 454 19,782 5,934 640 3'7 3>5 56 63 142 722 933 187* ■63 77 172 875 11-92 967,466 55 -244 316 I -046*1

C J P 1 I I ti6 6 4 3 3 17 14 13 16 17 17 16 ii,8ii 220 170,184 44,OII 37.464 5,876 3751 47,766 12,743 17,641 3,106 25,514 15,228 243,464 158,180 76,83o 40,570 4,294 935 587 48,230 45"9 11,728 599 159 110 8,401 3,696 3-441 1,678 299 5 2 46 1,908 2,166 549 665 287 128 9 1 4,494 2,761 1,619 826 7S 442 395 2,476 867 650 1,010 20 3S 10 363 213 146 94 116 25 17 1,281 1,212 407 322 265 157 10S 4,52i 2,167 688 497 634 525 8,641 4,459 2,735 2,114 20 1 "44 18-06 23'9O 2-44 1-31 2-03 5'97 •70 •40 ■30 •36 •32 ■45 ■55 2-13 1-03 101 126 184 1-27 1-90 4-87 6-52 4-46 3' 29 4-78 4 -o3 9-14 894,747 25-87 3I- 73 i>372 8-52 10,673,627 676 14.851,439 8'53 3379,962 12-50 2,244,013 8-69 32,545,160 ■26* 76 6 55 102 66 60 •i33 91 '845 ■194 •072 •169 •216 167 97 68 2,842 1,362 964 432 ... ... Total 35 18,084 5,68s 10,206 5,938 869 3,38o 9,438 19,625 586*1 2-63 •39 4-18 1 409,127 92,120 40,742 541,989 126,410 1'49 72 ■i45 •004* 5 932

A D 1 1 15 15 4.313 29,969 1,970 15 15,698 2.532 6,283 2.589 48,832 73' 539 7,849 \ 12,129 16,089 13.139 l4 8 80 1,217 137 17 '65 no 44 747 34 24 572 8 3 5o 39 31 403 108 55 930 189 "3 '.955 1-30 2'22 2-8l ■31 •28 ■25 1-49 287 1-98 4-12 510 4'57 7*22 10-47 9'6i 54,483 4.024 1,163,662 12-6 38-8 •571 ■109 •247 126 4i 764 4 II 4 6 13.665 3.323 16,988 - 1,969 259 1,189 1,172 108 1,284 1,030 3.594 I6-56 1-52 18-14 «4"5S 5O-77 1,142,597 83-6 •607 772 L S 4 3 6 15 15 14 70,683 45.486 '5.473 ".925 372 92 2,216 86,582 57.5O3 69.733 2,855 1.675 3.670 I 11614 189 847 1,070 1,214 819 1,2^9 773 934 1.378 107 85 '50 822 672 948 1.337 1,048 1,118 3.039 2,739 3-594 2-14 3'co 474 '30 •35 "52 2-28 2-80 3-26 37i 4-37 3-85 S-43 "■43 12-37 5,032,705 4.126,312 4,733.798 71-2 90-7 87-6 ■11S •126 ■141 919 692 965 Total 23 218,184 ! £6,693* (69,050 2,684 5.412 4,887 511 4,199 5,626 15,223 4-07 •43 3'49 •170 •014* 61,895 8,377 288,456 4-68 12-67 l6' 257.58i •82*! 74'5 4,279 * Miscellaneous Charges; t Including 4 imported for Rotorua Railway Company. % Coke.




x—D. 1.



A 1 2 8 16 16 4,984 20,273 163,670 8,713 10,922 20,389 225 492 13,922 31,687 •99,477 1.378 3>8 7 6 28,361 370 934 5,9 21 192 422 2,420 262 490 2,460 56 167 1,865 2,088 i 20 42 274 336 1,867 244 2,306 411 970 6,312 7.693! 587*1 ■96 1 -26 •35 •32 ■33 '•57 1'90 2-25 2l6 4-20 386 2-77 7-08 7'34 7'59 204,880 1,208,901 4i'io 59'63 87-68 •481 •192 •105 2SS 456 1,826 2'04 Total 11 7.225 3.034 3.212 2,209 3,060 2 "04 ■33 3-00 7'53 •57* 15.765>oi9 83-44 •117 •009* 2.537 188,927 40,024 i6,i3S 245,086 33.6iS

A C E L 2 12 18 1,668 10,256 3,708 35,479 100,626 12,807 87,032 954 4,989 2,262 7,446 17,059 2,617 10,055 2,622 11,786 16,457 22,179 42,967 141,242 15463 97,221 393 2,188 2,690 9,690 18,269 i,94i 16,788 77 365 468 457 1,492 2,979 36c 2,455 3° 3i 177 160 388 801 86 38 171 216 169 647 1,202 '117 1,109 52 332 160 752 74 1,064 5 15 28 27 62 29 108 199 262 529 1,114 no 916 74 122 39i 303 623 1,840 166 1,199 160 577 778 i,344 4,472 365 3,288 47' 676 2'33 8-14 S-8 4 2"34 1-14 2-62 '49 ■30 ■41 •29 "34 •24 •24 •28 2'6s 2'20 2'gi 2-84 296 1-89 171 2-26 672 2-49 57O 3-28 3-48 3"i3 2-58 2-96 I4-57 "•75 n-35 I4-55 12-62 7'6o 5-67 8-12 45,937 5 ",656 302,332 942,295 2,290,273 5,8i7>793 584,264 4,775,4So Z7'54 49-89 67-94 4779 64-55 57-82 45-62 54-87 ■52 ■24 "7 ■30 ■20 -I 3 •12 •15 60 114 388 240 478 1,249 158 997 3,684 I 7,760 198 42 23,557 39 «34 3 3 4 7 i 5 12 16 18 16 16 18 143 15 109 Total 1 9-08 I ■54*1 26 46,912 55,687 8,653 2,194 3,669 4,854 404 3,267 4,718 13,243 778* 3'33 ■28 2-23 3'24 15,270,010 56-29 .20 •012* 271,295 3i,730 349,937 Note. —One Class B engine transferred from Hurunui-Bluff Section during year. One Class D engine transferred to Hurunui-Bluff Section during year. One Class F engine transferred from Hurunui-Bluff Section during year. One Class F engine working for contractor fortlireo months.

A C E a K L M to Q R 9 6 2,144 10,529 100,447 44.775 400,441 30,983 612,611 iS7, 2I 5 io,937 51,763 77,600 24,386 2,454 37,9" 94,287 103,190 4,475 109,809 11,823 I,38l 55i 1,263 1,041 87 378 1,056 1,450 ! 4,i93 288 6,563 3,094 106 880 515 257 91 403 1,758 1,881 83 580 1 1,026 2,148 1,129 11,077 9,010 2,005 389 1,109 1,047 441 42 573 2,6O9 1,601 3,838 88 1,763 4,210 3,548 21,107 2,414 24,575 7>!54 695 2,816 2,876 1,126 180 i,443 6,365 5,7Oi 2-27 •18 •16 ■27 •20 •21 ■23 •20 •18 •22 •28 •30 "35 •27 "22 29 I-2 7 4-66 S- 3 8 208,062! 3 1'43 ■086 i,7S2 ... 18 18 20 20 20 25 35 20 20 18 18 35 20 18 6,155 728 11,192 53,234 14,529 7,271 140 7,8 16 822 295 252 36 18 4,762 3,2" 57,"6 !5°.575 66,753 665,821 74,483 695,353 173,343 23, 11 7 73,004 85.733 29,984 2,741 42,919 168,071 112,205 7,56'4 23,456 30,837 147,632 16,033 220,169 43,631 5,891 16,415 30,880 14,761 1,860 9,507 67,768 58,432 695 1,828 1,374 9,900 1,208 11,644 2,507 316 1,116 i,450 633 79 731 2,557 2,497 242 919 879 5,186 596 6,785 i,436 239 394 780 288 36 404 2,201 i>5O3 22,439 586 1,262 857 7,383 893 7,993 i,954 256 765 850 348 27 627 1,821 1,651 1 39 103 75 562 67 657 145 18 69 98 37 48 155 135 320 903 894 5,275 665 8-345 I.QIO l82 758 I,2l6 391 43 414 1,843 2,084 4"3> 3'42 4-06 3'99 4'49 277 4-04 3-65 2'93 353 3"67 3'23 372 3'42 3-58 7-40 671 1275 7'6o 777 8-48 9-90 7-2 1 9'25 8-05 1576 8-o6 9 -oS I2'ig 1 8-52 496,360 5,"9,i73 3,311,202 27,849,072 2,475,182 62,573.903; 12,359,160 875,7 12 5.989,001 8,217,804 2,656,615 270,834 3,165.626' 9.332,66s 10,760,026 155,660,397 29-63 5O'59 59' 16 61-92 5571 100-94 73-54 46-69 113-89 105-49 105-84 108-76 83-46 68-29 110-36 ■157 •172 •109 •097 •083 ■126 •090 •080 ■076 ■082 ■142 •096 •128 ■106 3 7 3 4 26 8 40,432 49,400 10,786 212,146 28,966 75.47 1 15,988 4,364 20.419 7,838 5,346 251 4,990 31,426 14,707 i-68 5-21 1-51 •93 ■-2-26 4-28 no 2-89 1 -44 2'o6 7-98 2-25 2-51 4-O2 I'34 1-44 3 -2I I'90 2-14 2-88 2"65 1-89 2-49 3'4O 3-12 376 2-31 2 63 4-46 773 1,704 668 7,882 1,069 5373 1,266 271 736 631 305 23 422 1,653 1,245 26,273 I 4 ii 6 3 2 6 6 Total Cr. by rei i 1 129 eoy'b] lemil i i» 79O,37 1 .eage & ex] 625,720 enditure 114,936 49,383 2,531,027 49,383 706,659 39,9i6 28,536 24,041 J \ 2,295 25,823 37.74O 89,899 2,333 87.566 8,382 2-28 •21 2'45 81-89 •098 ■ 1 ... ... ... Oeneral c 65.553 I 12,481,644 8-47t •81J «74§ I-I2§ 12-86 Total cliarj 129 '3 .. ... ... 1 1 —I 1 28.536 I 1 ... : 1 ' i 1=0.660,397 i 1 ... i,79°,3i x 625,720 65.553 12,481,644 706,659 39,916 122,439 1 1 24,041 2,295 ' 25,823 I 137,740 i 05,048' q-28 ! ■2! I 2-45 *< 2 1 81-89 I •098 i 26-273 * Miscellaneous Charges. t Classes N, O, P, V. These engines unmenced to run during last quarter of year. t Per engine mile. 5 Per train mile.




Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. .ulage. Type. a "ft ■s d it If! u Is Detail. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. < Up. c Train. Shunting. Ballast. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Materials. Stores, Fuel. Wages. Total. Wagea j and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Total. Wages. Ton-Miles Gross. *0 R 1 3 1 IS is 72 8,958 12,658 4,861 18,387 5.508 4.933 27.345 18,166 Cwts. 64S 3.970 2,768 qt. 483 320 864 lb. lb. 56 344 238 638 £ 4 348 90 £ 3 I 35 I 15 £ 11 70 . 48 £ 449 299 £ 79 -18 902 3-06 452 i'i9 1,433 2-10 •16 "3 1 •20 ■54 •61 ■64 2'97 3'94 3'94 3'8S 3-85 7-92 5'97 6,860 1,186,404 i,794,82o 95 132 141 2-777 ■182 ■060 66 392 197 Total 1 5 21,688 28,756 50,444 7.383 ... 442 53 129 809 •25 •61 6-8 1 2,988,084 137 •us •002X 655 WESTPOBT SECTION. C 3 IS 15.032 ! 9.305 F 2 15 13,089 | 6,965 Total 5 ... 28,121 16,270 9.305 550 27 24,887 20,081 j 5,218 1,527 3ioi 448 188 42 142 612 984 r8i -40 1-37 5-90 9-48 1,480,125 98-46 '09 438 4,754 1,405 2i2* 460 106 40 132 492 770 1-26 -47 1-57 5-86 9-18 1,637,041 124-86 -07 354 9,972 2,932 523 908 294 82 274 1,104 !>754 i"5 6 '43 I-46 S'88 9-35 3,117,166 110-76 -08 792 238! i-z7t -oi8t 577 I 44,968 NELSON SECTION. D 3 IS 12,247 P 1 15 25,962 Total 4 ... 38,209 2,051 3.3O3 1,721 16,019 3,095 464 140 238 122 2O 161 309 6l2 29,265 6,238 667 283 509 93 3.8 326 435 892 1,721 45.284 9.333 1.13 1 423 747 215 58 487 744 1,504 125I 1*820 "304 2-419 4-627 9-170 511,240 4175 '219 224 763 -302 2-671 3-570 7-316 1,140,296 43-92 -166 269 1-135 '3io 2-582 3-944 7-971 1,651,536 43-22 -184 493 -662! -oi8t 5,354 PICTON SECTION. C 2 15 18,842 D 1 15 6,444 Total 3 ... 25,286 2,448 921 1,830 488 23,120 7.853 3,767 746 397 ; 346 255 40 215 362 872 2-65 -41 [ 2-23 3-76 9-05 701,053 37 -298 293 1,184 260 157 103 400 17 66 117 600 12-22 -52 I 2-oi 3-58 18-33 256,979 40 -560 98 4,951 1,006 554 449 655 57 281 479 1,472 5-07 -44 2-18 371 11-40 958,032 38 -368 391 Sot -Q39t 'oo't 3.369 2,318 30,973 • C, 1. Sent to Hokitika, July, 1885, t F, 3. Commenced running February 1, 1886; received from Christchurch, September, 18S5. t Miscellaneous Charges.



RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Repairs executed to Rolling-stock and Tarpaulins for Year ending 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

No. 24. HURUNUI-BL [JFF SECTION. Statement of Kepaibs executed to Eolli 31st Mai no-stock and Tabpaotins for Tear ending ■ch, 1886. Number. Nnmber. Description. Description. ENGINES : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs ... Heavy „ (running shed) Undergoing repairs, &c. Erected (new) 47 23 22 HOBSE-BOXES AND WAG0N3 : — Erected (new or manufactured) Rebuilt ... Thoroughly overhauled ... ... ) General repairs ... ... • ■ • i Converted 7 9 3>327 19 20 1 Total I3 1 Total 3,344 Cabeiages : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Light repairs Converted Erected (new) Rebuilt £353 17 10 16 Paint-woee : — Engines, painted or varnished Carriages ,, ,, Brake-vans ,, ,, Horse-boxes, &c. ,, Engines, paint renewed Carriages ,, Brake-vans ,, Horse-boxes, &c. ,, 35 62 22 589 31 20 8 489 Total 396 Bbatce Vans : Converted Manufactured Rebuilt ... General repairs Thoroughly overhauled Total ',256 1 2 TaEPAULINS: — New (manufactured) Thoroughly repaired (New) manufactured to replace condemned ones 100 4,107 114 }i56 Total 159 Total 4,321 RETURN N 3. 25. HURUNUI-B DUFF. Eettjen of Coal Teaffic from Local Mines < luring the Tear ending 31st March, 1886. 1885-86. 1884-85. Increase. Decrease. Mine. Wilson, W. Mcllraith, J., Glentunnel Hartley Coal Company ... Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Kowai Pass Colliery Austin and Kirk, Sheffield Smart and Lock, Whitecliffs Smart, W., Wbitecliffs ... B uckingham, Wliiteeliffs... Smart and Sundry, W hitecliffs W. Studholme, Waimate... Kurow Papakaio Herbert Ngapara Shag Point Walton Park ... Green Island Freeman's Fernhill Nelson's Kaitangata Lovel's Flat Milton Saddle Hill Pukerau ... ... Fairfax Nightcaps Waikaka Orepuki Coal Company ... Tons. 104 3,790 4,624 2,650 Tons. 2,287 7.643 2,289 4,572 136 7S3 Tons. 2:335 Tons. 2,183 3,853 1,922 136 "883 61 139 117 720 89 18 135 61 139 117 720 89 18 14 4 31 4 29 6,448 16,514 7,i9i 11,600 7,500 4,392 42,920 14 39 83 i,53o 30 7,852 28 1,764 17 101 360 23,641 8,787 10,556 ">4O5 4,982 37>3 23 10 46 6,088 1,044 72 7,127 1,596 3,905 590 5,597 4 "83 7 1,748 "218 3° 3.882 11,734 "186 28 i,578 Totals ... 121,164 128,581 18,074 25,491

No. 24. HURUNUI-BL [JFF SECTION. Statement of Kepaibs executed to Eolli 31st Mai no-stock and Tabpaotins for Tear ending ■ch, 1886. Number. Nnmber. Description. Description. ENGINES : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs ... Heavy „ (running shed) Undergoing repairs, &c. Erected (new) 47 23 22 HOBSE-BOXES AND WAG0N3 : — Erected (new or manufactured) Rebuilt ... Thoroughly overhauled ... ... ) General repairs ... ... • ■ • i Converted 7 9 3>327 19 20 1 Total I3 1 Total 3,344 Cabeiages : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Light repairs Converted Erected (new) Rebuilt £353 17 10 16 Paint-woee : — Engines, painted or varnished Carriages ,, ,, Brake-vans ,, ,, Horse-boxes, &c. ,, Engines, paint renewed Carriages ,, Brake-vans ,, Horse-boxes, &c. ,, 35 62 22 589 31 20 8 489 Total 396 Bbatce Vans : Converted Manufactured Rebuilt ... General repairs Thoroughly overhauled Total ',256 1 2 TaEPAULINS: — New (manufactured) Thoroughly repaired (New) manufactured to replace condemned ones 100 4,107 114 }i56 Total 159 Total 4,321 RETURN N 3. 25. HURUNUI-B DUFF. Eettjen of Coal Teaffic from Local Mines < luring the Tear ending 31st March, 1886. 1885-86. 1884-85. Increase. Decrease. Mine. Wilson, W. Mcllraith, J., Glentunnel Hartley Coal Company ... Springfield Coal Company, Springfield Kowai Pass Colliery Austin and Kirk, Sheffield Smart and Lock, Whitecliffs Smart, W., Wbitecliffs ... B uckingham, Wliiteeliffs... Smart and Sundry, W hitecliffs W. Studholme, Waimate... Kurow Papakaio Herbert Ngapara Shag Point Walton Park ... Green Island Freeman's Fernhill Nelson's Kaitangata Lovel's Flat Milton Saddle Hill Pukerau ... ... Fairfax Nightcaps Waikaka Orepuki Coal Company ... Tons. 104 3,790 4,624 2,650 Tons. 2,287 7.643 2,289 4,572 136 7S3 Tons. 2:335 Tons. 2,183 3,853 1,922 136 "883 61 139 117 720 89 18 135 61 139 117 720 89 18 14 4 31 4 29 6,448 16,514 7,i9i 11,600 7,500 4,392 42,920 14 39 83 i,53o 30 7,852 28 1,764 17 101 360 23,641 8,787 10,556 ">4O5 4,982 37>323 10 46 6,088 1,044 72 7,127 1,596 3,905 590 5,597 4 "83 7 1,748 "218 3° 3.882 11,734 "186 28 i,578 Totals ... 121,164 128,581 18,074 25,491



RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1886.

RETURN No. 27. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1886, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

Port. 1884-85. 1SSS-86. Increase. Decrease. IISCHAKGED : — Lyltelton Tunaru Oamaru Port Clialmcrs Dunedin Bluff No. 1,580 298 320 34i Ko. 1,726 356 363 341 69 251 No. 146 58 43 No. 217 34 Totals 2,756 3,106 35° lOABET) : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunodin Bluff 299 320 317 1,410 357 363 316 23 251 58 58 43 I 219 23 32 Totals 2,507 2,720 214

Main Line. Sidings. Total Equivalent of Single Track. Line of Railway. Branches. Total Railway. Single, Double. Main Line. Branches. Total. 3nRiSTcnuacn Division :— ■ Main Line ... Bangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Soutlibridge and Little liiver Branches Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Rakaia and Ashburton-Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. eh. 6 28 M. ch. M. ch. 218 s M. ch. 60 31 M. ch. M. eh. 60 31 M. ch. 278 36 57 7° 53 57 4 13 48 7 S 21 53 28 42 21 4 77 47 18 21 60 36 13 4 46 22 20 o 68 2 40 o 65 2 38 22 48 38 S3 5 31 24 58 8 21 237 5 o 69 21 71 9 10 Totals Christchurch Division 211 57 6 28 237 S 4SS 10 60 31 21 71 82 22 537 32 Dttnedin" Division : — Main Line ... Duntroon Branch Oamaru-Breakwator Branch ... Ngapara Branch Shag Point Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch... Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Tapanui Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's Eiver Branch Duntroon-Hakateramea Branch 190 65 22 3 0 63 14 77 2 10 1 27 2 49 9 o 22 o 20 4 8 55 7 76 15 38 190 65 44 8 1 35 0 18 1 26 o 10 3 5i o 52 o 65 o o 2 3 o 32 o 44 o 72 44 8 234 73 23 38 1 1 16 23 2 20 4 78 3 21 9 65 24 2 22 7 9 7 8 40 16 30 127 2 14 10 Totals Dunedin Division 190 65 127 2 317 67 44 8 14 10 58 18 37 6 5 JTTBBOABCULl; DIVISION : — Main Line ... Wyndham Branch Kingston Brancti Makarewa-Orepuki Branch Thornbury-Wairio and Wairio— Nightcaps Branch Lumsden-Marnroa Branch 57 9 3 73 87 o 35 52 24 51 57 9 J3 77 o 43 5 5 3 54 2 2 *3 77 71 6 4 36 92 5 39 26 26 S3 6 30 '57 46 o 42 11 66 6 72 Totals Invercargill Division 57 9 i57 46 214 55 "3 77 11 66 25 63 240 38 Grand Totals—Whole Line 6 28 987 52 118 36 47 67 166 23 "53 75 459 5 1 521 53


RETURN No. 28. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway for Eight Years, 1878 to 1886, showing Rates per Mile per Annum for each Classification in each Division.


Years. A 1.—Track Surfacing. A 2.—Track Renewals. A 3.—Ballasting. A 4.—Banks, Cuttings, &c. A. 5 —Bridges, Culverts, &c. A 6.—Fences, Gates, &c. A 7.—Road Approaches, &c. A 8.—Water Services, &c. A 9 .— Wharves. A 10.— Buildings. Total Maintenance. A II.— Miscellaneous. Total Expenditure. Mileage maintained. Christehurch Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 18S1-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 Duneilin Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 Invercargill Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 Whole Line. Hnrunui-Bluff — 1878-79 1879-80 i83o-8i 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 £ 73-06 72- O2 5993 51-87 58-76 6o'o6 6 1-88 62'0I 93-08 110-89 79-95 6955 72-71 8o-6o 76-44 76-18 £ 30-55 3575 2977 40-82 40-56 42'12 44-07 79'43 49-66 62-53 46-41 52-52 69-81 70-46 40-82 £ 5-07 6-24 8-32 4-03 3-12 4-03 1-82 10-53 23-40 1690 1C27 14-30 8-97 10-92 8-97 16-25 6-76 3'9° 2-34 2-86 2'34 1-69 9'io 22-36 21-84 16-77 16-38 19-11 1352 £ 33'28 23-01 10-40 10-53 14-43 22'IO 15-60 I3-52 20-02 I9-5O 16-77 I5-73 I4-95 16-25 15-86 £ 9'io 3-64 5'46 6-24 IC27 8- 7I 8-97 4'94 5-98 io'66 10-53 24-83 22-49 I9-37 I9-37 £ 1-30 4-55 1-56 1-69 2-08 1-82 1'95 2-08 »95 2'34 2-60 2'73 5'59 2-73 1-69 2-86 £ 6'37 4-29 2-73 3'64 5-59 4-81 4-68 4-42 1-69 1-82 3-64 4'55 5-59 3-90 3-38 3-38 £ ■00 ■00 ■00 00 •00 •00 00 ■00 •91 ■'3 2-73 •78 ■39 •78 •39 i'43 £ 1300 8-32 9'23 9-62 "•57 H'43 12-48 I2'6l 6'24 5-85 5-98 "'57 21-15 1C27 14-43 £ 180-70 174-07 134-16 132-34 148-72 163-41 168-87 150-80 227-89 241-93 223^60 185-25 228*02 235-95 226-33 19877 £ 21-97 26-65 9'23 4-94 6-89 10-40 923 6-89 7"O2 15-47 17-81 8-71 6-50 6-63 16-25 4'16 £ 202-67 200-72 I43-39 137-28 i55-6i 173-81 178-10 i57'69 234-91 257-40 241-41 193-96 234-52 242-58 242-58 202-93 Miles. 310 312 330 334 352 373 383 404 252 265 265 290 282 282 286 293 55-5I 58-63 47-58 42-77 47'45 57-59 52-00 13-26 I5-73 9'49 22'62 26-00 28-21 39-39 14-69 11-96 14-30 6-50 8-58 8-58 4-8 1 15-08 8-97 2ro6 7'54 975 5-98 377 598 8-71 6-24 6-89 11-96 8-97 11-44 10-40 871 ■91 2-08 1-82 2-73 4-68 6-76 6-24 6-76 •78 1-30 1-04 2'2I 1-17 2'2I 2-47 117 78 1-56 377 4-55 2-08 2-47 2-47 ■00 •00 ■13 ■13 •00 •00 •26 i'43 1-69 4-16 780 10-79 7'93 5-20 ii6'6i 113-10 86-71 112-32 118-56 129-09 141-70 ni'8o 9'io 767 2'6o 2-60 3-38 3-77 3-64 4-42 12571 12077 89-31 114-92 121-94 132-86 I45-34 Il6'22 144 173 173 176 191 198 200 208 76-57 82-68 64-09 56-16 6136 66-30 64-35 64-74 44-46 36-01 36-53 38-87 48-10 36-27 8'45 10-92 7-28 7-93 7-54 7-i5 6-24 11-70 57-55 12-22 8-45 8-19 7'54 8-71 7-15 23-92 I7-94 11-83 12-74 '3'39 16-90 14-56 5-85 4-16 6-37 7'O2 14-04 13-9! 11-70 11-83 i-43 2'99 1-82 2-21 3-25 1'95 ''95 2-34 3-64 2'6o 2-73 4-03 5-33 3-90 3-77 3-64 •26 •00 1-14 ■39 ■13 •39 •52 8'ip 5-98 6-89 9-88 14-30 13-00 io'66 11-44 184-47 184-08 147-03 169-26 I79-53 181-48 157-30 14-04 18-33 io'66 5-85 5-98 9-67 10-14 5-46 198-51 2O2-4I 165-10 I52-88 I75-24 l87"2O 191-62 162-76 706 750 768 800 825 853 869 905 Note. —The expenditure on Eati iia and Ashburton Fork; i, Waimate Gorge, and Duntroon-Hakateramca Branches, cot being classified, is omi itted from above stateni( 'Ut.


RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Comparative Average Rates per Mile per Four Weeks of Classified Expenditure of Maintenance Department on each Division and Whole Line, Hurunui-Bluff and Branches, for Financial Year ending 31st March, 1886.


Classification, Divisioni. Mileage. Ai. Surfacing. Aj. Renewals. A 4 . A;. A3. Banks, Bridges, Ballasting. Cuttings, Culverts, &c. &c. A6. Fences, Gates, &c. A^. A8. Roads. Ap- Water A9. preaches, Services, Wharves. &c. &c. Aio. Buildings. Total An. Total Mainten- Miscella- Expendianee. neous. ture. Christcliuroh Division —Main Line Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's ... Southbridge and Little River Branches ... ... ... Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Mount Soniers Branch Albury Branch 207 43 42 22 S'93 3"S7 4'oi 367 1'93 3'93 4'97 1'35 4"°3 1-42 •26 •92 13 12 ■03 •18 '00 ■10 ■I() ■17 •06 •06 I'69 •18 •58 74 '00 ■08 1-18 ■21 '45 •00 ■01 ■03 ■26 II •07 '02 ■OO •63 ■06 •02 ■00 '00 00 1'64 ■32 •18 •28 •06 ■39 16-59 6'O7 9'47 2-28 _S'6i •97 •11 "OS ■14 •00 •00 6-18 9'52 6-SS 2-28 •00 ■10 Total, Christchureh Division 404 477 3'39 11 •13 1'04 •69 16 '34 36 16 ■°3 •01 "00 ■97 ir6o ■53 12-13 Dunedin Division —Main Line Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Waihemo Branch Walton Park Branch ... Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch i9S 22 5 9 22 6-40 4-68 6-16 3'44 8-94 6'34 4-41 373 3'6S 3'99 ■65 163 370 2-63 3'27 •46 •87 I 02 119 •00 •01 '00 •21 •87 •OO 1-25 ■07 1-49 ■03 '00 •01 •86 ■02 •86 1-41 ■03 'OS 1'36 677 5'47 ■31 ■02 •09 189 "32 ■69 •30 •IO Il6 ■03 ■28 •28 OO '22 •55 '00 ■20 •06 '20 •04 •09 OI •07 ■00 •OS •'7 ■00 ■00 ■00 '00 ■00 ■00 •00 •00 •08 ■09 •14 •00 •15 ■93 •01 ■05 18-29 6'53 9-38 7'47 i960 1618 12-30 4'47 5'9! •46 •00 '00 .00 ■00 ■II '02 'OO ■OO l87S 6'53 9-38 7'47 I9'6o i6- 29 12-32 4'47 5'9i 2 20 '02 Total, Dunedin Division ... 293 S'86 3""4 84 1-04 I'22 1-49 •22 ■26 ■II I'll i5'29 ■32 iS'6i Invercargill Division —Main Line Matarewa-Orepulii and Thornbury-Wairio Branches 150 58 4'O2 4-39 I'20 '94 ■66 79 'So no •58 ■90 'S3 ■50 '21 •12 •18 •22 ■03 •00 •43 ■31 8-34 9-27 ■33 •23 872 9'5« Total, Invercargill Division 208 4"I2 i'i3 09 ■67 '<■>! '52 •to •19 '02 ■40 8-6o •34 8-94 Whole Line 90S 4-98 279 48 ■55 roi •91 •l8 ■28 ■04 ■S3 I2'I0 •42 12-52 Note. —The expenditure on Eakaia and Ashburton Forks, Waimate Gorge, and Duntroon-Hakateramea Branches, not being classified, is omitted from above statement.



RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Cost of Maintenance of Various Sections of Main Line and Branches.

RETURN No. 31. Account of Teansactions between the New Zealand Railways and the Waimea Plains Railway. De. Cb. April i, 1885, £ b. d. £ s . d. to To Waimea Plains Railway, By Balance, ist April, 1885, due to Government 214 18 4 Mar. 31, 1886. proportion of passengers, Expenditure ... ... ... 1,112 3 1 parcels, goods, &c, receipts 1,462 9 7 Balance paid to company ... ... 330 8 3 To Cheque, 25th April, 1885 ... ... 102 7 9 Cheque, 10th June, 1885 ... ... 63 12 4 Cheque, 10th October, 1885 ... ... 89 o o £i»7i7 9 8 £1,717 9 8

Mileage. Average for Fourweekly Period. Rate per Mile per Annum. Line of Railway. Actual Mileage. Reduced Mileage. Expenditure for Year ending 31st March, 1886. g£- "ssr Mileage. Jhristchtjech Division i — Main Line Rangiora to Sheffield, and Eyreton Junction to Bennett's Branches Southbridge and Little River Branches Springfield and Whiteolifft ,, Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Eakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Waimate Gorge Branch M. oh. Ik. 216 23 29 53 56 69 M. oh. Ik. 206 77 86 53 56 69 £ s. d. 46,999 4 10 4,341 10 9 £ 3.615 334 £ I7"47 6-18 £ 227-05 80-40 48 6 84 42 21 33 •21 59 84 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 42 67 88 42 21 33 21 59 84 36 12 76 22 20 18 8 21 16 5,342 15 10 3,574 3 6 651 8 1 2,627 14 5 1,454 6 10 232 o 7 411 275 50 202 112 18 9-56 6-55 2-28 5-61 5'O9 2-23 124-25 85-10 29-61 72-99 66-n 29-00 Totals 448 62 9 434 17 70 65,223 4 10 5.017 11-56 150-28 Dttnedin Division : — Main Line ... Duntroon Brunch Ngapara ,, Waihemo ,, Walton Park ,, Outram ,, Lawrence „ Catlin's River „ Tapanui „ D untroon-Hakateramea B ranch 195 5 7 6 22 2 86 14 77 13 8 55 o 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 7 76 1 20 3 77 15 37 64 195 5 76 22 2 86 14 77 13 5 9 38 2 49 20 9 o 24 22 o 34 2 33 42 20 3 77 15 37 64 47.533 4 3 1,868 13 9 1,829 JS 5 418 11 4 636 19 4 1,906 3 8 3,523 12 10 H3 3 8 i>536 4 6 1,934 8 6 3>6S6 144 141 60 49 146 271 36 118 149 18-75 6'53 9'38 7'47 19-60 16-29 12-32 4'47 5'9' 9-64 24375 84-89 121-94 97-11 254-80 211-77 160-16 •58-11 76-83 I25'32 Totals 317 67 95 3°8 59 74 6i,339 17 3 4,77° I5"27 198-51 !nvebcakoill Division : — Main Line ... Makarewa, Orepuii, and Thornbury - Wairio Branches 154 31 83 60 23 8 150 39 24 57 77 63 17,011 7,221 7 7 4 10 1=309 555 873 9'57 113-41 124-50 Totals 214 54 92 208 36 87 24,232 12 5 1,864 8-g6 116-50 Grand Totala ... 150,786 14 6 11,651 I58-56 981 24 96 95i 34 31 12-25



RETURN No. 32. Statement of Alterations effected in, and Additions made to, the Scale of Charges, during the Year ending 31st March, 1886. PART I.—PASSENGERS. Free school season tickets: Certificates to be forwarded to District Managers instead of Minister. Limit of age extended to 15 years. Introduction of market tickets. Privilege tickets : Minimum charges altered. Local Fakes and Eegulations. Daily issue of return tickets on suburban lines. Kawahaiva Section. Passengers fares reduced, and issue of return tickets introduced. Auckland Section. Special fares between Auckland and Ecmuera, and Auckland and Newmarket. Pelichet Bay fares : Eeturn tickets issuable daily between Pelichet Bay and stations on Dunedin-Port Chalmers line. Eeturn tickets issuable daily at Saturday return rates between Bluff and Invercargill. Passenger fares established for New Plymouth Breakwater line. Eevision of rates on Greymouth section. Dobson's station opened. PART lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, ETC. Parcel rates revised, and adoption of new rates for 31b. parcels. Lost luggage : Property to be treated as lost luggage after each train. Parcels: Certain parcels reduced to rate and a quarter. Valuable-document parcels to be double rates. Dogs exceeding 12 in number to be charged half rates. Horses. New regulation regarding carriage of hunters. Eegulation respecting carriage of milk to cheese and butter factories altered. PART 111.- GOODS. Classified Bates. General reduction in rates forgoods of Class E. Further reduction for short distances. REGULATIONS. New rate fixed for loading and unloading Classes N, O, P goods when cranage is charged for or provided. Lime-gas refuse included under regulation Class 0. Class F : Eeduced charges for small lots of turnips, &c. Classes E and F : New regulation about mixed consignments. New rates for store sheep in large mobs. New rates for Classes F, X, L, M goods in double bogie trucks. Drain-tiles included under Class P regulation. Stock, implements, &c, exhibited at agricultural shows: Limit of time fixed for return of exhibits. PART IV.—LOCAL RATES. Kawahawa Section. Coals for shipment: Charge to include weighing. Whangarei Section. Class P rate to include weighing. New rate for coal from mines to Whangarei. Auckland Section. Class P : Local regulation cancelled. New rate for kauri logs, Waimauku to Auckland and Onehunga. Coal rates reduced from local mines. Fisher's siding: Special rate for raw materials extended; minimum increased. New rate adopted for oil, &c, to Auckland. Cancellation of through rates to Kaipara ports. New rate, Auckland to Helensville, for locally-manufactured sugar. Eotorua District Eailway: Special rates for Classes H, X, N, 0, P. Napier Section. White-pine export rates to Spit reduced, and made applicable to consignments shipped to any port outside New Zealand. Local rates adopted for wool to Napier from Hastings, &c.



Wellington Section. White-pine export rates to Wellington reduced, and made applicable to consignments shipped to any port outside New Zealand. Wool, &c, to Wellington : Special rate from Masterton, &c. Class C : Local regulation cancelled. Class D : To be charged as C instead of B. Cheese from factories : Eegulation altered. Wanganui Section. White-pine export rates to New Plymouth, &0., reduced, and made applicable to consignments shipped to any port outside New Zealand. Local rate established for timber, Waitara to New Plymouth. Adoption of rate for native coals between Waitara and New Plymouth. Cast-iron water-pipes to be charged at classified rates for Class D. Class C : Local regulation cancelled. Class D : To be charged as C instead of B. Class E : Eegulation amended. Cheese from cheese factories : Eegulation now applies to cheese whether for export or otherwise. New Plymouth Breakwater Line : Local goods rates adopted. Picton Section. Timber rate from Mount Pleasant, &c, to Para adopted. Class E : Special storage charges at Tuamarina and Spring Creek stations. Ilurunui-Bhiff Section. Ships' goods rates: Classes A, B, C, D—Eate of 18s. adopted between Bluff and Dunedin; afterwards cancelled. Cancellation of 18s. rate between Port Chalmers and Invercargill. Bates extended, Timaru and Oamaru to Christchurch and Dunedin. Port Chalmers rate extended to Dunedin. A, B, C, D goods from Dunedin and Port Chalmers to Invercargill: New rates established. Eegulation regarding Class E : Goods carried between stations north of Oamaru cancelled. White-pine export rates to Invercargill and Bluff reduced and made applicable to consignments shipped to any part outside New Zealand. Local rate, Orepuki to Bluff and Invercargill for native coal, shale, &c. Special storage rates, Class E, at Bluff. Native coals, &c.: Eeduction of rates from local collieries. Special rate adopted for green sheepskins, Christchurch to Balcairn. New rates for lime from local kilns to stations for agricultural purposes and export. Eeduction of storage rates on Class E goods at Lyttelton. Local rate established for ships' ballast, Hornby to Lyttelton. Adoption of special rate for limed pelts, Maheno to Burnside. Special rate for nightsoil, Dunedin to Abbotsford. View Hill, East Oxford, and West Oxford: Timber rate extended. Lowered rates fixed for wool to Timaru from Albury Branch Stations; also reduced rates from main line stations within 25 miles. Special wool rates, Invercargill to Bluff. Eough stone to Port Chalmers for export from Deborah, Totara, and intermediate stations : special rate. Special rate for rubble, Logan's Point Quarry to Dunedin Jetty. Special rates for native bricks and eathenware tiles from Buxton's, Invercargill, and Longbush. Native brown coals, &c, to Port Chalmers: Special rates adopted from Shag Point and Stirling. Eeduced timber rates from Southland saw-mills to Dunedin, Oamaru, and Timaru. Wool, Culverden to Christchurch and Lyttelton : New rates. Eeduction of shunting charge for traffic hauled between private sidings at Addington and private sidings at Eiccarton. New rate for fat, Oamaru refrigerating siding to Dunedin. Bluff and Invercargill, A, B, C, and D ships' goods traffic : Amended regulation. Duntroon and Hakateramea and Eakaia and Ashburton Forks District Eailways: New schedule of rates. Bluff-Invercargill line excepted from regulation about charging half rates on combines, &c. carried by measurement. Eegulation regarding carriage of exhibits for New Zealand Industrial Exhibition at Wellington cancelled. New regulation inserted respecting Colonial and Indian Exhibition.

xi— D. 1.



Cancellation of special demurrage rate, Oamaru and Breakwater, and Invercargill Jetty and Eailway-station traffic. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OP GOODS. Animals and birds stuffed in cases. Reduced from rate and a half to rate and a quarter ... ... ... ... ... As parcels Bath chairs. Reduced from rate and a half to rate and a quarter ... As parcels Beer in bulk (four hogsheads to the ton)... ... ... ... C Birds in cages. Owners'risk ... | Reduced from rate and si half) . , Birds and animals stuffed, in cases J to rate and a quarter j " Boilers, steam engine. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... C ™' -s> ~, ■" "' Reduced from rate and a half to) . , Chairs, bath ... ... .. \ . , nt nwtar \ As parcels China, parcels containing ... j late an" a l™rter J Cheese, packed, consigned directly from makers' factories, in consignments of not less than one ton ... ... ... ... D Cheese cases, empty, not " returned empties" ... ... ... Half rate. A Combines. Reduced from A t0... ... ... ... ... B Copper, scrap ... ... ... ... ... ... N Creosote ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Engines, portable and traction. Reduced from Ato ... ... B Fish cans, empty, for carriage of ova for acclimatization purposes ... Free Fruit cases, empty, not " returned empties'' ... ... ... Half rate. A Fungus in bales or bags ... ... ... ... ... B Game, dead. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... A Gas water in tanks ... .. ... ... ... ... C Glass, parcels containing. Reduced from rate and a half to rate and a quarter ... ... ... ... ... ... As parcels Grain, phosphorized. Double rate ... ... ... ... A Implements, agricultural, not otherwise specified. Reduced from Ato B Jam, packed, consigned direct from local factories in consignments of not less than 10 cwt. ... ... ... ... ... B Lime, gas refuse ... ... ... ... ... ... O Machines, above 2 tons. Reduced from Ato ... ... ... B Manganese ore. Reduced from Dto ... ... ... ... N Metal scrap ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N Perambulators, loose ... ...) Reduced from rate and a half to) A 1 Racecourse stalls ... ...j" rate and a quarter j as parcels Seeds, grass. Reduced from Bto rate and a half... ... ... E Sheepskins, green, loose or in bundles, between private sidings ... B Tables, billiard or bagatelle, packed. Reduced from double rate to single rate ... ... ... ... ... ■ ... A Tanks, filled with gas water ... ... ... ... ... C Tarred shingle. Owners' risk ... ... ... ... ... N Umber, for paper-making purposes ... ... ... ... D Velocipedes, unpacked. Reduced from rate and a half to rate and a quarter ... ... ... ... ... .. ... As parcels Whiting, native. Owners'risk.. ... ... ... ... N "Writings. Double rate ... ... ... ... ... As parcels Zinc, scrap ... ... ... ... . . ... ... N PART VI.—WHARVES. Kawakawa Section. Opua wharf: Regulation regarding local wharfage rates amended. Auckland Section. Onehunga wharves : Alteration in rates. Transhipment regulation amended. Helensville wharf : Alteration in rates. Mercer wharf : Returned empties to be "free." Wanganui Section. Wanganui station : New storage rates for ships' goods. Nelson Section. Nelson wharf: Alteration in rates. Dunedin Section. Port Chalmers wharves: Amendment of regulation regarding lightered goods.

By Authority: Geoboe Didsbuhy, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB6.

Comparison of Traffic, Revenue and Expenditure for THE LAST SEVEN FINANCIAL YEARS.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, 25th JUNE, 1886., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, 25th JUNE, 1886. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, 25th JUNE, 1886. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886 Session I, D-01

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