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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Government Printing Office, Sik, — Wellington, 28th July, JBB5. I have the honour to submit the following report on the operations of the Printing and Stationery Department for the year 1884: — MACHINERY, ETC. No new machinery has been added to the plant during the past year—though some important additions were necessary —for the reason that there is not an available corner in the present building where such could be placed. The machine-room at present contains six printing machines and one addressing machine, and these are erected in closer proximity to each other than is consistent with the safety or comfort of those employed in working them. Some of the machines, which have been in use for the last eighteen or nineteen years, should be replaced by new ones of a more modern type, but this has been deferred until new and more commodious premises are provided. In the binding branch more labour-saving machinery could be introduced with advantage, but cannot at present for the reason above stated. Since the introduction of the wire book-sewing machine, the statutes, which formerly were only " stabbed" and quarter-bound, are now sewn, and bound in cloth, rendering the volume much more serviceable and convenient for use. DEPARTMENTAL RETURNS. A number of returns will be found appended to this report giving information as to the value of printing and binding executed, the quantity and value of paper and parchment consumed, the number and classification of the employes, the number and value of printing and advertising accounts submitted to the department for examination, and the value of printing and binding executed at the Lyttelton Gaol. There will also be found balance-sheets not only for the past year, but also for the four previous years, commencing with 1880. These have been prepared by the Accountant to the department on the model of those constructed by the Auditor-General, and which were appended to his report on the Printing Department in 1874. This has been done with a view of presenting the transactions of the department in a form which will readily be understood by men of business, and show more correctly the relative value the work performed bears to the expenditure incurred in working the department. After taking into account all items justly chargeable against the department, these balance-sheets show a profit to the credit of the colony, amounting in the aggregate to £41,837 17s. for the past five years, or at the rate of £8,367 11s. sd. per annum. The return of the number of employes engaged in the departtSent during each month in the year exhibits the usual fluctuations, the lowest number (94) being in January, and the highest (148) in-October. The average per month for the year was ]29. I—H. 22.



THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. The electric light, which was introduced into this department in 1883, has proved a great boon to the employes, and has lessened to a considerable extent the ill effects which defective ventilation and overcrowding produced prior to its introduction. It is worked at comparatively little cost, the apparatus and engine being under the charge of the office engineer, who manufactures the copper brushes required, and effects all necessary repairs. The consumption of coal amounts to about 2i tons per week, which, at £1 4s. per ton, costs £3. The loss caused by breakages or premature exhaustion of lamp is exceedingly small, and does not average more than six per session. In this respect the experience of this department differs considerably from that of some of the private printing offices in the colony, where the destruction of lamps proved such a serious item, that the electric light was discontinued after a short trial. THE STEREOTYPE BRANCH. The operations of this branch have been extensive during the past year, and the work done of excellent quality. Of all statutes for which there is likely to be a large demand moulds are taken before the type is broken up, so as to be available in case of second editions being required. These have proved a great convenience in cases of sudden and unexpected demands for particular Acts. The number of stereotype plates produced last year was 1,202, and the number of electrotypes 1,090. The weight of leads of various sizes cast for the use of the office during the year was 4921b. The railway tickets are printed for all the Government lines in the colony under the supervision of the Stereotyper, and are forwarded by him to the various stations for which they are printed. The number which passed through the ticket machines last year was 2,186,075, which were distributed to 530 separate stations. Of season tickets, 8,868 were issued, and of left parcels and luggage labels, 85,100. The manufacture of rubber-stamps, carried on in this branch, has proved of considerable service to the departments, and is largely taken advantage of. The number supplied during the past year was 258. EXAMINATION OP PRINTERS' ACCOUNTS. The number of accounts for printing and advertising submitted to this department for examination before being passed by the Audit was 4,246, representing a total value of £14,771 11s. 3d., from which deductions to the amount of .£204 13s. Bd. were made, PUBLICATION OP HANSARD. The reduction, equal to one-half, made last session in the price of Hansard, gave a considerable impetus to the sale, the number of copies subscribed for reaching 1,500. No doubt this number would have been largely increased were it not for the free copies sent away by members of the Legislature. The number allowed for that purpose is 2,332, in addition to which all public libraries, County Councils, Municipalities, Road Boards, and Town Boards are also supplied with free copies. During the past year a commencement was made in the work of reprinting from the newspapers the debates of the New Zealand Parliament from 1854 to 1866. One volume has been issued, and a second is printed and now in course of binding : these embrace the period from 1854 to the middle of the session of 1858. The work is likely to prove of greater magnitude than was anticipated, and will probably make six or seven volumes, instead of two or three as was at first supposed. Many of the earlier debates are very fully reported, some of them extending to twelve or fourteen columns of the newspaper, printed in nonpareil type. The style in which the work is printed and bound is uniform with the current Hansard, and is being published under the editorship of Mr. Maurice FitzGerald. STATIONERY STORE. The Stationery Store, which has been for some years past under my management, is used as a medium for the distribution, to the respective Government departments, of all stationery and forms required, and for the sale of official publications. The number of requisitions received and complied with during the past year was 11,631, or at the rate of 37 per day. The number of separate items in the requisitions was 73,589. The articles are forwarded to all parts of the colony, principally through the post, but, when bulky, as freight. Writing-ink is the only article which is purchased locally, owing to the risk of damage to the mails incurred by sending that commodity through the post.



The receipts from the sale of official publications amounted to £1,536 6s. 10d., being a slight increase over those of the previous year. The quantity of waste paper shipped during the year was 47 tons, being an increase of 7 over that of last year. The price received for this material is £2 10s. per ton. Regarding colonial industries, I have not much to add to the remarks made in my report of last year, further than to express my regret at the discontinuance of the manufacture of parchment at Duncdin, the quality produced there being quite equal to that imported from England. I communicated with the manufacturer, with a view to giving him an order for 56500 worth —which is about the value of our annual requirements —but was informed that difficulties in obtaining skilled labour and suitable premises had compelled him to abandon the industry. The brown wrapping-papers made in the colony are now being used, and that item is omitted in our Home orders. I have also ceased to impart neatsfoot and lard oil, as the trotter oil manufactured by a local firm is not only far superior to that received from England, but has the recommendation of being very much cheaper. LYTTELTON GAOL PEINTING OFFICE. Since the year 1880 the printing executed at the Lyttelton Gaol has been placed under my control, and all paper, ink, and material required are supplied from the Government Printing Office. Returns of work done are furnished by the Gaoler at the end of every month, from which the table of results appended to this report is compiled. It will be seen that 566 orders were sent during last year, the number of copies printed being 1,418,565, and the value of the work, £722 3s. 7d. Since the date when I assumed control, 53 prisoners have been employed in the office and 54 discharged. The number at present employed is 9, but as many as 15 have frequently been placed under the charge of the Printers' Warder. Of the 54 discharged, only one remained in the office during the whole five years, the others being disposed of as follows : After three and under four years' service, 3 men; two years and under three, 9 men; one year and under two, 11 men; six months and under twelve, 12 men; one month and under six, 18 men. Of the nine at present employed, three entered during 1883; one in 1884; and five during the first half of the present year. With one exception none of them had any previous knowledge of the trade. The duties of Printers' Warder are discharged by Mr. W. Riley, and are of an important and multifarious character, requiring a knowledge of bookbinding, paper-ruling, presswork, and stereotyping, in addition to that of an ordinary compositor. The constant influx of "raw material," upon which he has to operate and render serviceable, entails many drawbacks, and increases the arduousness of his duties. Notwithstanding these difficulties, however, the work, as a rule, is very creditably done. CONCLUSION. Before concluding this report, I desire to express my thanks to the Overseer and Suboverseers of the respective branches of the department for the very efficient services they render, and for the intelligent and ready help they afford in cases of emergency. The important functions they perform, where so much depends upon their zeal and ability, constitute a claim to consideration on the part of the Government, which, I venture to hope, they will not refuse to recognize. Of the men also it is due that I should state that, under conditions which are far from favourable, they perform good and faithful service, and that, as regards both quality and quantity of work done, there is every reason to be satisfied w rith the result. I have, &c, George Didsbury, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Government Printer.



Return of the Value of Printing and Binding executed at the Government Printing Department during the Year ending 31st December, 1884.

Return of the Number and Classification of the Employes in the Government Printing Office for each Month during the Year ended 31st December, 1884.

Printing. Department. Number of Copies. Number Authors' of Pages. Corrections Value. Binding. Totals. iudit colonial Secretary— Gazette Stock.. Miscellaneous constabulary Customs Marine 3rown Lands Jrown Law Defence Education 3-eneral Assembly— House of Eepresentatives— Order Paper Papers Journals Miscellaneous Legislative Council — Order Paper Journals and Appendix Miscellaneous Joint Account Bills .. Hansard Statutes jeological JoldfleldB 3-overnor's Establishment insurance fustice Bankruptcy Jand Transfer liunatic Asylums and Hospitals \liscellanoous STative Post and Telegraph Money Order and Savings Banks Printing Prisons .. Property-tax 3ublie Trustee .. 3ublic Works Railways Jtegistrar-General Stamp Stationery Store Survey treasury 10,534 166 Hours. 5 £ s. d. 86 19 0 £ s. d. 24 1 3 £ s. d. Ill 0 9 773,067 56,112 137,882 94,056 215,966 272,975 108,506 1,822 31 255 241 195 138 261 379 6 2 65 2,805 19 6 30 7 9 134 12 0 387 7 0 174 2 0 95 0 3 192 0 3 532 4 5 20 15 4 41 15 8 105 3 4 177 1 3 13 6 7 120 2 6 7 18 9 16 1 6 158 17 6 3,338 3 11 51 3 1 17G 7 8 492 10 4 351 3 3 108 6 10 312 2 9 7 18 9 35 18 0 344 12 6 31 28,570 133,012 23 353 85 19 16 6 185 15 0 49,266 219,384 675 44,895 475 2,586 427 145 40 1,538 163 1 316 3 0 3,208 17 0 319 11 0 57 3 6 16 6 10 537 19 0 29 10 4 21 15 9 332 9 10 3,746 16 0 349 1 4 78 19 3 37,369 8,225 3,417 276,415 109,818 187,760 42,582 25,914 23,874 2,111 68,000 322,581 63,710 70,850 86,677 33,167 288,818 4,557,428 1,142,175 27,758 7,360 167,315 34,101 110,907 1,154,330 201,396 100,013 257,937 36,048 615,114 153 360 20 434 1,393 2,214 503 341 50 14 5 155 39 159 74 303 520 1,310 259 100 18 338 30 447 141 478 31 72 44 234 39 112 20 2,534 2,657 2 60 2 6 8 347 34 354 110 12 6 264 5 9 7 10 0 183 16 1 1,101 7 2 2,087 17 0 412 7 8 157 5 4 28 0 9 4 5 0 15 10 0 169 13 9 28 19 6 104 19 6 56 10 6 205 15 5 657 8 9 1,852' 12 6 346 1 9 24 1 0 12 6 0 343 18 0 19 9 0 315 13 8 148 10 9 764 3 3 45 15 0 86 5 9 24 9 9 261 1 3 5 19 5 30 4 5 7 17 0 302 17 0 60 7 0 515 18 4 368 15 1 24 4 4 19 17 6 13 19 9 13 4 1 83 19 0 17 4 8 162 1 5 36 9 9 97 2 8 116 9 9 659 8 0 213 3 0 7 17 8 19 5 0 87 7 3 14 13 0 127 0 2 203 10 1 208 16 2 5 16 0 360 13 6 152 0 2 482 6 5 11G 11 11 294 10 2 15 7 0 486 13 1 1,161 14 2 2,603 15 4 781 2 9 181 9 8 47 18 3 18 4 9 28 14 1 253 12 9 46 4 2 267 0 11 93 0 3 302 18 1 773 18 6 2,512 0 6 559 4 9 31 18 8 31 11 0 431 5 3 34 0 0 442 13 10 352 0 10 972 19 5 51 11 6 . 446 19 3 176 9 11 743 7 8 "252 108 104 97 11 9 9 Totals 24,095 14 8 12,208,136 IT,357 9,080 17,854 7 1 6,241 7 7

PI ft <! j I O "a CO i % o O 1 b 5 O CD o 0 1-5 )verseers loaders Compositors .. Machinists, pressmen, paperwetters, cutters, and engineer.. 3ookbinders, including one Over3 2 14 3 2 27 3 | 2 I 32 I 3 2 i 32 3 2 40 3 4 52 3 4 46 3 4 45 3 4 54 3 ! 4 ! 54 | 3 | 40 3 4 38 7 7 7 | 7 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 seer females in Binding Branch Apprentices, machine and errandboys Assistants jtereotypers 12 1G 13 17 13 16 13 17 13 18 13 19 12 19 12 19 12 18 11 21 11 21 11 21 34 4 2 37 4 2 36 5 1 40 5 1 38 5 1 39 6 1 41 41 7 1 40 6 1 40 6 1 39 7 1 35 7 1 112 115 120 126 144 139 146 ! ! 128 Totals 94 140 148 140



Return showing Quantity and Value of Printing Paper, &c., consumed in the Government Printing Office during the Year 1884.

Number of Vouchers examined during 1884, the Amount of Deductions made, and the Total Amount passed for Payment.

Return of the Value of Printing and Binding executed at the Lyttelton Gaol during the Year ending 31st December, 1884.

Quantity. Description. Amount. Quantity. Description. Amount. E. q. 4 5 69 0 Hand-made post folio Double post folio, cream wove, 481b. Double post folio (money-orders), 481b. 8vo. note, large, 4-Jlb. 4to. letter, lOib. Foolscap— Cream laid, 14Jlb. 18lb. „ hand-made, lSlb. .. Turkey mill, 181b. Buff double Bank double Copying double Yellow wove double, printing .. Blue wove double, printing Coloured double, blue „ yellow Cream wove double Toned double Demy— Coloured Blue laid Yellow wove double Hand-made Toned double Buff double Imitation hand-made Eoyal— Yellow wove, printing Coloured Hand-made .. „ superfine Imitation hand-made, superfine Imitation hand-made Medium, hand-made Imperial, hand-made £ s. d. 6 3 I E. q. 48 0 39 5 54 15 Imperial, imitation hand-macks .. Imperial, cartridge, hand-made .. Double demy, cartridge, glazed, ; buff .. .. .. ! Royal, cartridge .. Double elephant, drawing .. j Largo post, cheque .. Double crown, coloured „ imperial, brown ;. Demy blotting .. £ s. d. 137 18 0 38 15 2 81 13 ( 54 15 0 2 15 0 4 10 0 2 5 0 17 8 0 9 15 0 11 10 9 65 0 30 17 C 5 19 8 0 5 G 3 5 0 <J 1 10 29 0 9 15 14 10 42 5 1 0 5 5 10 15 68 10 8 10 194 5 3 3 25 15 ,149 10 ,259 10 13 0 23 5 497 10 49 0 1 18 0J 5 7 6! 09 7 2 7 13 0 60 14 0 18 4 5 13 8 1,573 7 0! 629 15 0, 8 4 8; 9 11 9' 310 15 7 19 3 10 750 100 1,600 200 84,900 286,750 286,000 65,500 29,750 39,000 1,200 6,000 12,000 Envelopes — 15 x 10, cartridge, lined 15 x 10 „ plain 14 x 5 13 x 6 Demy, cream wove Foolscap, cream wove Note, cream laid No. 11 B, cream laid .. Buff glazed foolscap .. „ note Cards, small „ double small large [4,936 5 5 17 ! 0 3 i: 1 17 II 0 4 ! 51 5 H 115 17 H 60 15 i 18 5 : 13 12 10 4 ' 0 6 i 1 4 I 3 10 i 73 15 156 15 196 5 156 10 329 0 37 15 9 0 44 14 2 80 19 9 114 9 7 207 7 3 250 17 3 19 3 8 8 6 6 283 6 I ,925 15 118 0 18 5 18 0 25 10 6 0 4 15 30 0 | 786 6 10 53 2 0 43 10 0 51 15 0 40 10 G 9 12 0 11 19 6 99 15 0 9,000 If gross Parchment = 150 rolls, 18" x 27" .. ! Pasteboards .. .. 517 10 1 1 Total parchment, &c. Total paper Total envelopes 518 11 4,986 5 283 0 Grand total .. £ 5,738 2

Period. Number. Deductions. Amount passed. Ixamined during the month of January „ „ February „ „ March , „ April May „ June July „ „ August , „ September .. „ October November .. , „ December .. 394 506 445 388 259 300 339 404 354 321 283 253 £ s. a. 16 9 9 8 19 5 12 3 23 17 7 11 11 1 0 1 G 20 3 0 32 8 10 31 13 4 6 7 3 3 2 9 45 4 7 £ s. d. 1,087 0 1 1,835 14 0 1,738 12 4 1,158 6 11 976 17 2 481 2 '9 1,517 11 8 2,153 0 10 1,007 10 3 ' 883 18 4 718 13 1 1,213 3 10 Totals 4,246 204 13 8 14,771 11 3

Department. Number of Copies. Number of Jobs. Value. tailway Department rovernment Printing Department 'risona Department Totals £ s. d. 26,500 3 20 0 0 1,282,175 412 556 15 9 109,890 151 145 7 10 1,418,565 566 722 3 7




1. —The Colony of New Zealand on 00' iUNT OP THE OVEENMENT 'binting IFFICE. De. To Value of work done Cash received, viz.:— Advertisements Gazette subscriptions Miscellaneous Official publications Land Transfer advertisements Balance £ s. d. .. 25,580 3 5 56G 11 4 152 9 6 30 5 6 .. 1,277 8 0 148 2 6 .. 8,668 19 6 Ce. £ s. a. By Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1880 .. .. .. 9,122 12 0 Cash paid for salaries and overtime .. 10,734 2 11 Working expenses .. .. .. 781 13 7 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant, 5 % .. .. 391 14 10 Interest on buildings, 5 % .. .. G4 7 8 Value of printing and binding materials 1,767 3 3 Profit and loss .. .. .. 7,412 5 6 £36,423 19 9 £36,423 19 9 Balance .. .. 8,668 19 6 8,668 19 6 2. —Stock and B •ildings Account. De. £ s. d. To Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1879 .. .. .. 8,835 4 0 Additions during year .. .. 287 8 0 Ob. £ s. d. By Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1880 .. .. .. 8,668 19 6 Depreciation, carried to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. 453 12 6 £9,122 12 0 £9,122 12 0 Value of stock brought down .. 8,668 19 6 3. —Salaei: is Account. De. To Wages—permanent hands ,, extra hands.. Overtime Moiety of night-watchman's salary £ s. d. . 7,825 1 4 . 7,292 8 5 . 1,525 6 6 91 6 8 Ob. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 16,734 2 11 £16,734 2 11 £16,734 2 11 4.—Working Expenses Account. De. To Fuel Gas Eepairs, oil, &c. Miscellaneous £ s. d. 152 1 1 329 12 10 61 13 8 238 6 0 Ce. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 781 13 7 £781 13 7 £781 13 7 5.—Peinting and Binding Account. De. £ s. d. To Value of binding materials, ink, &c, including 6J % to cover freight and other charges .. .. .. 1,767 3 3 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. 25,987 17 0 Oe. £ s. d. By value of work done and cash received .. 27,755 0 3 £27,755 0 3 £27,755 0 3 6.—Pbopit and Loss Account. De. To Depreciation on stock and buildings Salaries and overtime Working expenses Ground-rent Interest on plant Interest on buildings Profit to credit of colony £ s. d. 453 12 6 .. 16,734 2 11 781 13 7 150 0 0 391 14 10 64 7 8 .. 7,412 5 6 Ce. By balance of Printing and Binding Account £ s. d. 25,987 17 0 *9 £25,987 17 0 £25,987 17 0




HE ioLONT OP EW lEALAND ON CC< IUNT OF THE OVEENMENT 'einting Office. Db. £ s. d. To Value of work done .. .. .. 22,113 11 8 Cash received, viz.:— Advertisements .. .. .. 656 6 5 Gazette subscriptions .. .. 55 7 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 121 4 10 Official publications .. .. 1,385 12 2 Land Transfer and gold-mining advertisements .. .. .. 426 4 3 Value of articles made, repairs, &c, by office engineer .. .. .. 113 2 0 Balance .. .. 8,427 7 4 0b. By Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1881 Cash paid for salaries and overtime .. Working expenses Ground-rent Interest on plant and buildings, 5 % .. Value of printing and binding materials Profit and loss £ s. d. 8,870 18 2 13,817 15 7 561 5 10 150 0 0 443 10 10 1,728 17 11 7,726 7 10 £33,298 16 2 J Balance £33,298 16 2 8,427 7 4 £33,298 16 2 2.—Stock and B ildings Account. Dr. £ s. d. To Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1880 .. .. .. 8,668 19 6 Additions during year .. .. 201 18 8 Cb. By Value of stock, &c, 31st December .. Depreciation carried to Profit and Loss Account.. .. £ s. d. 8,427 7 4 443 10 10 £8,870 18 2 £8,870 18 2 Value of stock brought down .. 8,427 7 4 3.—Salaei: is Account. Dr. To Wages—permanent hands ,, extra hands.. Overtime Moiety of night-watchman's salary £ s. d. .. 6,889 4 6 .. 6,313 2 11 524 1 6 91 6 8 Ce. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 13,817 15 7 £13,817 15 7 _£13,817 15 7 4.— Woeking E: :penses Account. Dr. To Fuel Gas Miscellaneous £ s. d. 215 11 5 237 15 9 107 18 8 Ce. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 561 5 10 £561 5 10 £561 5 10 £561 5 10 5.—Pbinting and Binding Account. Db. £ s. d. To Value of binding materials, ink, &c,. including freight and other charges 1,728 17 11 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. 23,142 10 11 Cb. By value of work done and cash received £ s. d. 24,871 8 10 £24,871 8 10 £24,871 8 10 6.—Peofit an: Loss Account. Db. £ s. d. 'o Depreciation on stock and buildings .. 443 10 10 Salaries and overtime .. .. 13,817 15 7 Working expenses .. .. . ■ 561 5 10 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings .. 443 10 10 Profit to credit of colony .. .. 7,726 7 10 Cb. £ s. d. By balance of Printing and Binding Account .. .. .. .. 23,142 10 11 £23,142 10 11 £23,142 10 11 £23,142 10 11




1.—The Colony of New Zealand on \CC' IUNT OF THE OVEENMENT PeINTING IFFICE. Db. £ s. d. 'o Value of work done -. .. .. 23,422 0 1 Gash received, viz.:— ■ Advertisements .. .. .. 580 4 11 Gazette subscriptions .. .-. 136 4 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 287 15 8 Official publications .. .. 1,768 8 3 Land Transfer and gold-mining advertisements .. .. .. 236 9 3 Value of repairs, articles made, &c, by office engineer .. .. .. 86 16 10 Value of rubber-stamps, electros, &c, for other departments .. .. 75 12 8 Balance .. .. 8,780 1 5 Cb. £ s. d. By Value of stock, &c, 31st Dec., 1882 .. 9,242 3 7 Cash paid for salaries and overtime .. 14,100 0 2 Working expenses .. .. .. 689 17 10 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings, 5 % .. 462 2 2 Value of printing and binding materials 270 18 5 Profit and loss .. .. .. 10,458 11 5 £31,373 13 7 £35,373 13 7 Balance .. .. 8,780 1 5 £35,373 13 7 8,780 1 5 2.—Stock and B tldings Account. Db. £ s. d. 'o Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1881 .. .. .. 8,427 7 4 Additions during year .. .. 814 16 3 Cb. By Value of stock, &c, 31st December .. Depreciation carried to Profit and Loss Account £ s. d. 8,780 1 5 462 2 2 £9,242 3 7 £9,242 3 7 Value of stock brought down .. 8,780 1 5 3.—Salaei: ;s Account. Db. 'o Wages—permanent hands ,, extra hands Overtime Moiety of night-watchman's salary £ s. d. . 6,428 9 3 . 6,362 14 7 . 1,217 9 8 91 6 8 Cb. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 14,100 0 2 £14,100 0 2 £14,100 0 2 4.— Working Ex: ■enses Account. Db. To Fuel Gas Miscellaneous £ s. d. 105 3 9 442 19 3 141 14 10 Cb. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. d. 689 17 10 £689 17 10 £689 17 10 5.—Printing and Binding Account. De. £ s. d. To Value of binding materials, ink, &c, including freight and other charges 270 18 5 Balance to Profit and Loss Account ..26,322 13 9 Cb. By value of work done and cash received £ s. d. 26,593 12 2 £26,593 12 2 £26,593 12 2 6. —Pbofit and Loss Account. Db. To Depreciation on stock and buildings Salaries and overtime Working expenses Ground-rent Interest on plant and buildings Profit to credit of colony £ s. d. 462 2 2 .. 14,100 0 2 689 17 10 150 0 0 462 2 2 .. 10,458 11 5 £26,322 13 9 Ob. £ s. d. By balance of Printing and Binding Account .. .. .. .. 26,322 13 9 £26,322 13 9




2—H. 22.

1.—The iOLONT OF EW lEALAND ON .cc< >UNT OF THE rOVEENMENT PBINTING OFFICE. Dk. £ s. d. to Value of work done .. .. .. 23,958 10 9 Gash received, viz.:—■ Advertisements .. .. .. 461 18 1 Gazette subscriptions .. .. 105 19 4 Miscellaneous .. .. .- 21 1 0 Official publications .. .. 1,489 15 11 Land Transfer and gold-mining advertisements .. .. .. 219 9 3 Value of repairs, &c, by office engineer 51 19 0 Value of rubber-stamps, &c, for other departments .. .. .. 125 1 4 Balance .. .. 12,953 9 9 Ce. £ s. d. By Value of stock, &c.,31st December, 1883 13,635 5 0 Cash paid for wages and overtime .. 14,596 17 2 Working expenses .. .. .. 990 15 8 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings .. 681 15 3 Value of printing and binding materials 1,115 17 6 Profit and loss .. .. .. 8,216 8 10 £39,386 19 5 £39,386 19 3 Balance .. .. 12,953 9 9 £39,386 19 & 2. —Stock and B fiLDiNGS Account. Dr. & s. d. To Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1882 .. .. ., 8,780 1 5 Additions during year .. 4,855 3 7 Cr. £ s. a. By Value of stock, &c, 31st December .. 12,953 9 9 Depreciation carried to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 681 15 3 £13,635 5 0 £13,635 S 0 Value of stock brought down .. 12,953 9 9 3. —Salaei: is Account. Db. 'o Wages—permanent hands .. „ extra hands Overtime .. .. . > Moiety of night-watchman's salary £ s. d. . 6,553 11 3 . 7,091 8 2 860 11 1 91 6 8 Cr. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. a. 14,596 17 2 £14,596 17 2 £14,596 17 2 4.—WOEKING E: :pbnses Account. Dr. To Fuel Gas Miscellaneous £ s. d. 49 15 0 443 2 11 497 17 9 Cr. By transfer to Profit ana Loss Account .. £ s. a. 990 15 8 £990 15 8 £990 15 8 5.—Pbinting and Binding Account. Dr. £ s. d. Cb. To Value of binding materials, ink, &c, By value of work done, cash received, &c. including freight and other charges 1,115 17 6 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. 25,317 12 2 £26,433 9 8 £ s. a.. 26,433 9 8 £26,433 9 8 £26,433 9 8 6.—Pbofit and Loss Account. Dr. £ s. d. To Depreciation on stock and buildings .. 681 15 3 Salaries and overtime .. .. 14,596 17 2 Working expenses .. .. .. 990 15 8 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings .. 681 15 3 Profit to credit of colony .. .. 8,216 8 10 Ce. By balance of Printing and Binding Account £ s. a. 25,317 12 2: *• r £25,317 12 2 £25,317 12 2




By Authority: Gbobqe Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBs.

1.—The ioLONY op New iBALAND ON .OO< IUNT OP THE ■OVEBNMENT 'BINTING IPFIOB. Db. £ s. a. To Value of work clone .. .. .. 24,095 14 8 Cash received, viz.:— Advertisements .. .. .. 296 16 8 Gazette subscriptions .. .. 91 15 6 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 31 3 9 Official publications .. .. 1,536 6 10 Land Transfer and gold-mining advertisements .. .. .. 241 3 0 Value of repairs, articles made, &c, by office engineer .. .. .. 99 10 6 Value of rubber-stamps, electros, &c, for other departments .. .. 61 14 10 Balance .. .. 12,693 4 0 Cb. £ s. d. By Value of stock, &c, 31st December, 1884 13,361 5 3 Cash paid for salaries and overtime .. 14,648 2 10 Working expenses .. .. .. 670 4 6 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings, 5 % .. 668 1 3 Value of printing and binding materials 1,625 12 6 Profit and loss .. .. ... 8,024 3 5 £39,147 9 9 £39,147 9 9 Balance .. .. 12,693 4 0 £39,147 9 9 12,693 4 0 2.—Stock and B hldings Account. Db. £ s. d. To Value of stock and buildings, 31st December, 1883 .. .. .. 12,953 9 9 Additions during year .. .. 407 15 6 Ce. ■ £ s. d. By Value of stock, &c, 31st December .. 12,693 4 0 Depreciation carried to Profit and Loss Account .. .. .. .. 668 1 3 £13,361 5 3 £13,361 5 3 Value of stock brought down .. 12,693 4 0 3.—Salabi: is Account. Db. To Wages—permanent hands ,, extra hands.. Overtime Moiety of night-watchman's salary £ s. d. .. 7,021 13 0 .. 6,630 10 7 904 12 7 91 6 8 Ob. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. a. 14,648 9 10 £14,648 2 10 £14,648 2 10 4.—WoBKING E tenses Account. Db. To Fuel Gas Miscellaneous £ s. a. 71 7 i 441 6 4 157 10 10 Cb. By transfer to Profit and Loss Account .. £ s. a. 670 4 6 £670 4 6 £670 4 6 5.—Peinting and Binding Account. Db. £ s. d. To Value of binding materials, ink, &c, including freight and other charges 1,623 12 6 Balance to Profit and Loss Account .. 24,828 13 3 Ce. By value of work done and cash received £ s. a. 26,454 5 9 £26,454 5 9 £26,454 5 9 6.—Pbopit and Loss Account. Db. £ s. d. 'o Depreciation on stock and buildings .. 668 1 3 Salaries and overtime .. .. 14,648 2 10 Working expenses .. .. .. 670 4 6 Ground-rent .. .. .. 150 0 0 Interest on plant and buildings .. 668 1 3 Profit to credit of colony .. .. 8,024 3 5 Cb. £ s. d. By balance of Printing and Binding Account .. .. .. .. 24,828 13 3 £24,828 13 3 fin A nnn -* rt r* £24.828 13 3 £24,828 13 3 £24,828 13 3

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Bibliographic details

GOVERNMENT PRINTING DEPARTMENT (REPORT ON) FOR 1884., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-22

Word Count

GOVERNMENT PRINTING DEPARTMENT (REPORT ON) FOR 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-22

GOVERNMENT PRINTING DEPARTMENT (REPORT ON) FOR 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-22

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