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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Mr. B. P. Bayly to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaby. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office (Stock Branch), Wellington, 26th May, 1885. I have the honour to lay before you the annual sheep returns for the year ending 31st May, 1884. The total number of sheep in the colony on that date was 13,978,520, as against 13,306,329, or an increase of 672,191 on return of previous year. In the several districts the increase or decrease during the year have been as follows : Auckland, increase, 10,263; Napier, increase, 157,804 ; Taranaki, decrease, 3,292 ; Wanganui, increase, 8,233 ; Bangitikei, increase, 53,769 ; Wellington, increase, 67,983 ; Nelson, increase, 4,432 ; Marlborough, increase, 39,691; Canterbury, increase, 217,829; Westland, increase, 217; Otago, increase, 115,262, notwithstanding a decrease of 44,472 sustained in the Lake and Southland counties. The classification of sheep can be taken approximately as : Merino, males, 3,292,774 ; females, 4,173,008. Long-wool, males, 429,533 ; females, 785,208. Cross-bred, males, 1,977,646; females, 3,320,351. Total, males, 5,699,953; females, 8,278,567 : making a grand total of 13,978,520. On reference to the above return it will be observed that cross-bred sheep again show an enormous increase in comparison with those of other descriptions. Out of the total increase of 672,191, crossbred show 508,639, or five-sixths of the total increase in the colony for the year. During the year ended 31st March last, 491,066 frozen carcases of mutton have been exported, against 247,772 during previous year, being an increase of 243,294. Of these Otago furnished 133,964 ; Canterbury, 121,627 ; Marlborough, 15,950; Wellington, 130,436 ; Napier, 89,089. For meat-preserving purposes 100,490 sheep were utilized. During the same period Otago supplied 572; Canterbury, 26,374; Marlborough, 757; Wellington, 26,998; Wanganui, 19,270; Napier, 24,884 ; Auckland, 1,635. The total number treated exceeds that of last return by some 9,000 sheep. The number of sheep boiled down for the year ended 31st March last amounted to 52,206. Of these 20,800 were contributed by Marlborough, 22,251 by Wanganui, and 9,155 by Napier, showing a falling-off, as compared with previous year, of 2,667. There have been exported alive during the same period, 2,165. Of these 2,132 were fat sheep, shipped from Otago to Hobart, and 33 from Canterbury to the Chatham Islands. The number imported was 935. Of these 835 were stud sheep from Australia and Tasmania, and the remaining lOTTwere sheep from the Chatham Islands. Tabulated form B affords general information in re sheep districts, number of sheep-owners, number of infected sheep, &c. By referring to the return of infected sheep, it will be observed that a reduction of 204,943 has been effected during the year, leaving the number on the return for March 31st at an aggregate of 108,995. Of these about 5,500 are located in the North Island, distributed as follows : Wanganui, 1 owner, 195 sheep; Wairarapa, 2 owners, 5,300 sheep. Of these one flock, 800 in number, being the last flock infected, have been destroyed. The remaining flocks I fully anticipate will have obtained clean certificates prior to June 30th, leaving the North Island free from any known scabby or infected flocks. The remaining infected flocks, 16 in number, are depastured wholly within the Sheep District of Marlborough, and number 102,050, distributed amongst 15 owners. Out of these, three flocks, numbering 30,000, have obtained their clean certificates since March quarter, and fully 20,000 more



are expected to be in the same condition by June 80th. Should these anticipations (of which I have littlo doubt) be realised, the number of known scabby or infected sheep in the colony will amount to very little over 50,000. Of these latter one flock of 4,000 is being killed off, and another, the largest infected flock remaining, has now been reduced to under 30,000, which, after four or five miles of fencing now in course of erection is completed, will place this flock within fenced boundaries. These sheep have been continually mustered and dipped during the season with every probability of their coming in clean next year. As a matter of fact the infected flocks are now confined to the roughest as well as the most difficult country we have to deal with. This for many years past has been a fastness for wild scabby sheep, whose numbers were continually supplemented by stragglers from adjoining flocks. Before finality in these cases can be arrived at, all the roughest and inaccessible portions must be fenced off, and all sheep outside fences destroyed. Until this is effected, and the fenced-off portion left unstocked for a few years, the chances of reinfection from wild sheep and stragglers must be continuous. During the year about 10,000 sheep have become reinfected from this cause. With one exception these outbreaks have occurred in the Sounds, Marlborough District, in each case attributable to unfenced boundaries and wild sheep. Most of these flocks so reinfected were cleaned during the period that certain clauses in the Sheep Act were suspended in the Marlborough District: they have held clean certificates since ; but, being depastured on runs bounded by rough, hilly, and bush country, when this has been scoured for stragglers, either wild scabby sheep have been picked up, or, in other cases, scabby wild rams have joined the adjacent flocks. Any danger to be apprehended from these Sounds sheep is very remote, as they are either on islands or in such isolated positions that their mixing with the larger flocks is as a rule impossible. Further, the ■ owners, although of small flocks, are fencing in the available parts of their runs, and purpose scouring the unfenced portions; but with such country as Arapawa and D'Urville Island in the Sounds, Tophouse, Eed Hills, and the bush country in Blenheim Subdivision, before a thorough scour can be completed rather more comprehensive measures will be required than can possibly be effected within the means of owners occupying this description of country, or future danger from this source removed. Wild sheep, though not really numerous, or, as a rule, very scabby, are Bparsely distributed through the whole of this country. Only one case of reinfection to which I attach much importance has occurred during the year: this has taken place within the last few weeks, at Tophouse and Eed Hills, near a main road between the Marlborough and Nelson Districts, wild sheep again in this instance being the cause. No actual scab had been seen in thie flock for over four years, but during a portion of that period it appears on the infected list through legallyinfected sheep having mixed with them. Within the last two years this country has changed hands, the new owner increasing the stock from the original number, 800, to over 3,000, and during the same period has destroyed from 1,500 to 2,000 wild sheep and stragglers, some of which were stated to be diseased. As the country was scoured so the sheep were allowed to go back, and undoubtedly some of the flock have become reinfected from wild sheep remaining on the back country; the reinfection is but slight, only one diseased sheep having been seen by the Inspector. Prompt ■ measures have been adopted to have all sheep on this and adjoining runs mustered at once. The country available here for fencing is extremely limited; the block as a whole will not carry more than a sheep on from 7to 10 acres; very rough, part heavily timbered and poor ; boundaries practi- ■ cally unfenceable. This is a case where, if infection has spread, I see no other resource but to reduce the stock to the number that can be kept within fences, then thoroughly scour the country for stragglers, and leave it unstocked for some years. Whilst dealing with the subject of wild sheep on waste lands, I may mention that during the year, wherever fencing has been completed, a systematic muster of the above areas has either been initiated or carried out —in some places dealt with a second time; the result has been the destruction of several hundreds of wild and stray sheep. One large block mustered last season, and on which some 700 wild and stray sheep were destroyed, when gone over again this year but 32 sheep in all were found, 5 only of these being wild sheep, the remainder stragglers from adjoining runs; none were scabby. It is contemplated next season to gradually extend operations of this nature until all dangerous or suspected country has been thoroughly dealt with. Good progress having been made in the reduction of scab during the past year, and as it may be fairly anticipated that next season will see the number of infected sheep reduced to a minimum, it becomes a question should not some other means than those at present at our disposal be adopted to attain the desired end. By some it is advocated that within a given period all infected flocks should be purchased by the State, destroyed, and the country where they have been depasturing left unstocked for some years. With this suggestion Ido not wholly agree. I maintain that wherever fenceable country exists and available for sheep pasture, this land, if possible, should be retained. The sheep within the fences, when cleaned—and if kept so—would afford the best criterionas to the state of the country fenced off; at the same time the direct incentive would be given/to someone taking care that all wild and stray sheep were destroyed on the unoccupied country adjoining. The total abandonment of country, except where imperative, will leave large blocks with a few wild sheep scattered throughout, and with no one having a direct personal interest in their destruction. Further, would not the purchase of remaining infected sheep, unless at a very low figure, be offering a premium to those who have not used the same efforts to eradicate scab as their neighbours ? Another course, both feasible and more practical than the destruction of all infected flocks, appears open and worthy of consideration—that is, where owners of infected flocks are the lessees of Crown lands for runs, and are unable to erect fencing or make other improvements necessary for the thorough stamping out of the disease, could not the State in these cases, after due examination and inquiry being made, advance such owners a certain amount sufficient to fence in available country at a reasonable rate of interest, such advance to be the first charge against the estate ?



This course might obviate the abandonment of some areas, and give a greater probability of these being thoroughly cleaned, as well as afford labour and utilise country that would otherwise be left idle. Under present conditions it must be patent that the amount of fines levied per year must eventually dissipate the estate upon which they are levied without arriving at a thoroughly satisfactory termination of the scab question. Granting my deductions to be correct, and force of circumstances compel owners to throw up their holdings, the question arises, Who will take their places or responsibilities ? The course suggested means an improvement of State property, and the money so advanced affords actually a greater security to mortgagees where property is encumbered, as with this advance the tenant has a greater probability of cleaning his flocks, whilst the interest on the amount so advanced cannot possibly be more than a tithe in comparison with cost of fines and extra expenditure entailed in working scabby flocks. In previous reports I have referred to the necessity for amending some sections of the present Sheep Act. I would again express an opinion that from section 45 the word "negligently" should be expunged. The introduction of this word has hitherto been the means of retarding the eradication of disease ; and now that the area of infected country is being gradually narrowed, it becomes imperative that no loophole should be left by which the owners of scabby sheep can evade the consequences of, under any circumstances, allowing infected sheep to stray. It is further my opinion that section 26 should be amended so that the owners of infected flocks should not only be prevented from breeding lambs, but the possibility of their introducing foreign sheep on to their country, while remaining infected, should also be precluded. I look upon the introduction of strange sheep as fraught with more danger to surrounding owners than the fact of breeding on infected runs. With the above exceptions I see no further need for alteration in the present Act; so much having been effected under its provisions, it should, with alterations as indicated, suffice to complete the eradication of what scab now remains in the colony. I may further state that during the past year the Act has been strictly enforced, and where prosecutions have been instituted, with one or two exceptions, convictions have been obtained and fines inflicted; and further, all fines previously in abeyance have been collected. The total amount of fines which have been inflicted for breaches of "The Sheep Act, 1878," since that measure became law, up to the 31st March last, is £6,406 15s. 4d., of which sum fines amounting to £1,161 12s. have been remitted, leaving a balance of £5,245 3s. 4d. The amended Act of last session dealing with lice is doing much good, the objectionable practice of driving or taking lousy sheep to sale-yards has been put a stop to, and negligent owners compelled to dip their sheep where found to be infested. The frozen-meat trade has nearly doubled itself during the year, the number of carcases exported being 243,294 in excess of previous annual return; but the Home price now ruling being somewhat lower than that previously received, unless freight and other charges can be materially reduced, our maximum export in this direction may be considered as attained. It is satisfactory to observe that an increase of sheep is again shown in Otago; but two counties show any decrease this year; these embrace the roughest as well as the most rabbitinfested country in Otago, especially the Lake country. I deem it expedient to refer again this year to the " kea " question. The losses caused annually by this pest on runs in high country is still great—in fact, of such proportions that constant destruction of these birds should be carried out. The subsidy granted for this purpose two years since afforded great assistance to those who have to contend with this plague; and I would strongly urge the Government to again place a sum on the estimates, so that one shilling per beak may be paid, as previously, for all keas destroyed. Beviewing last year's operations, I submit that very fair work has been done in the eradication of scab. I believe the North Island now to be free from disease, and what remains in the South Island is wholly confined to rough, mountainous, and for the greater part poor country, which has been a refuge for wild sheep and stragglers for many years past. The difficulty in dealing with these lays in the fact that the adjoining country was not fenced, and until this is completed, the prospect of thoroughly cleaning the country is uncertain. As fencing has progressed so the adjoining waste lands have been or are being scoured. A good deal in this direction still remains to be done before thorough security can be attained. I can safely assert that the country for many years has not been so free from scab as at the present time, or with a greater certainty of its being eradicated at no very distant period. In conclusion, I may report the flocks generally throughout the colony are healthy, with a fair season's clip; severe weather during the lambing season, in many localities, reduced the general average, while in other places where for some years past the rabbit-plague permitted but poor returns, last year as much as 80 per cent, of lambs and full clip was obtained. I have, &c, Benjamin P. Bayly, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintending Inspector,



Table showing Increase or Decrease in the several Counties throughout the Colony.

Number of Sheep. County. Inobeask. Decbease. 1883. I 1884. Mongonui Bay of Islands Hokianga Bodney Whangarei Hobson .. Manukau Waitemata Eden Thames Coromandel Waikato Baglan .. Waipa Piako West Taupo East Taupo Whakatane Tauranga Cook Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa Taranaki Hawera Patea Wanganui Bangitikei Oroua Manawatu Hutt West Wairarapa .. East Wairarapa .. Waimea Collingwood Buller Grey Inangahua Sounds .. Marlborough Kaikoura Amuri Cheviot Ashley Selwyn Akaroa Ashburton Geraldine Mackenzie Waimate Westland Waitaki Maniototo Vincent Lake Waihemo Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri Bruce Clutha .. Tuapeka Southland Wallace 14,000 15,835 1,672 22,422 21,881 4,884 33,230 11,574 5,472 2,172 1,063 20,379 3,911 20,867 20,495 1,590 4,883 16,976 1,829 280,452 232,164 1,166,499 903,718 19,702 59,341 90,840 156,793 202,154 52,055 152,371 109,352 388,520 437,715 98,299 16,365 1,000 4,196 3,665 43,556 567,760 154,502 488,255 82,000 626,151 635,442 193,440 729,920 578,633 417,845 598,692 1,634 621,095 345,620 442,513 196,456 135,049 74,674 4,323 236,124 119,179 232,965 277,327 604,937 297,901 12,377 16,070 2,010 24,547 24,306 4,310 32,623 15,929 3,253 3,189 1,361 29,172 2,968 17,918 20,141 1,306 950 18,621 4,347 307,973 225,101 1,211,425 996,078 16,410 54,837 100,403 159,967 216,915 78,342 165,092 118,363 408,363 476,844 101,981 17,520 661 4,662 3,133 48,252 578,742 153,689 513,081 90,000 677,450 670,188 213,125 742,663 617,398 422,906 646,193 1,880 656,398 361,930 449,561 161,033 136,673 84,805 4,837 251,710 142,761 252,069 305,991 595,888 299,769 1,623 235 338 2,125 2,425 574 607 4,355 2,219 1,017 298 8,793 943 2,949 354 284 3,933 1,645 2,518 27,521 '7,003 44,926 92,360 '3,292 4,504 9,563 3,174 14,761 26,287 12,721 9,011 19,843 39,129 3,682 1,155 339 466 4,696 10,982 532 24,826 8,000 51,299 34,746 19,685 12,743 38,765 5,061 47,501 246 35,303 16,310 7,048 813 35,423 1,624 10,131 514 15,586 23,582 19,104 28,664 9,049 "i,868 13,306,329 13,978,520 746,632 74,441 74,441 672,191 Total increase,


BETUBN showing (in Totals under Counties) — 1. The Sheep Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of "The Sheep Act, 1878." 2. The Area of such Districts. 3. The Number of "Infected" Sheep in each District. 4. The Number of Sheepowners in each District. 5. The Number of Sheep upon which the Sheep-rate is collected. 6. The Amount of the Sheep-rate in each District. 7. The Number of Inspectors of Sheep, Cattle, and Babbits, and Begistrars of Brands, residing in each District. 8. The Amount payable for Salaries and Allowances in each District.



1 2 3 Number of Infected Sheep on 4 Number of Owners on 31st May, S Number of Sheep on 31st May, Names of Districts under Counties. Area. 31st March, 1884. 31st March, 1885. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. Auckland Counties Napier Counties ... New Plymouth County Wanganui Counties Eangitikei Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties ... ... Marlborough Counties, and Amuri County (part of) Canterbury Counties, and Amuri County (part of) .Westland County Otago Counties ... Acres. 12,269,000 5,688,000 1,631,000 2,434,000 2,009,400 2,510,800 5,020,000 2,709,300 996,000 8,301,000 635,700 2,702,000 14,039,000 1,459 None None 8,400 None 126,461 5,325 169,293 3,000 None None None None None None None 195 None 6,750 None 102,050 None None None None None 1,153 550 105 387 531 538 538 325 17 1,967 15 10 1,542 1,154 567 118 387 622 577 564 346 16 2,075 13 12 1,765 225,135 2,582,833 19,702 306,974 406,580 935,587 124,149 760,694 308,381 3,862,123 184,374 1,634 3,588,163 235,398 2,740,637 16,410 315,207 460,349 1,003,570 127,957 780,683 312,498 4,079,923 200,583 1,880 3,703,425 313,938 108,995 7,678 8,216 13,306,329 13,978,520 6 7 8 Sheep Bate for Number of Inspectors. Salaries, &c. Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. Auckland Counties... Napier Counties New Plymouth County Wanganui Counties Bangitikei Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties (Maryborough Counties, and I Amuri County (part of) (■Canterbury Counties, and ... Amuri County (part of) (Westland County... Otago Counties 225 2,583 20 307 406 936 124 761 309 3,862 184 2 3,588 235 2,741 17 315 461 1,003 128 780 313 4,080 200 2 3,704 { 9 4 1 7 3 8 4 1 7 3 1,425 1,040 250 1,875 648 1,400 1,040 250 1,875 675 { { 6 4 6 4 1,900 1,950 1,600 1,600 1 11 1 11 300 3,250 300 3,250 13,307 13,979 46 45 12,288 12,340



T3. BETUBN showing— 1. The Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of— "The Sheep Act, 1878;" " The Diseased Cattle Act, 1881;" also the Cattle Boards appointed under the Act. 2. The Number of Sheepowners, owning under 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 Sheep, also owning 20,000 Sheep and upwards; also Total Number of Owners of Sheep, and Total Number of Sheep, for the Y6ar ended 31st May, 1884. 3. The Number of Owners of Infected Sheep, and the Number of Infected Sheep, on 31st March, 1885. ■ 4. The Names and Besidences of Officers holding Appointments under the Sheep, Diseased Cattle, and Branding Acts.



1. 2. On the 31st 3. NtJMEEB OF 4. .Iay, 1884. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under o « Total Number of DQ Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by him. o o T— 1 of 8 to Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On March 31, 1885. o o Auckland Sheep District — Bay of Islands Subdivision (area 1,893,000 acres) — Mongomii Bay of Islands ... Hokianga Marsden Subdivision (area 1,632,000 acres) — Bodney Whangarei Hobson Auckland Subdivision (area 1,713,000 acres) — Manukau Waitemata Eden ... Thames Ooromandel North Auckland Cattle District. —Comprising the Counties of Mongonui, Bay of Islands, Hokianga, Rodney, Whangarei, Hobson, Manukau, Waitemata, Eden, Thames, and Coromandel. Cattle Boabd :— J. May, Chairman, J. Dilworth, B. Maclean, T. Morrin, and J. Wallace. Waikato Subdivision (area 1,734,000 acres) —• Waikato Waipa... Piako ... Eaglan Taupo Subdivision (area 2,188,000 acres) — Bast and West Taupo and Kawhia South Auckland Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waikato, Eaglan, Waipa, Piako, West Taupo, and Kawhia. Bayly, B. P., Superintending Inspector under the Sheep, Cattle, Branding, and Eabbit Acts, for the colony. Pasley, E. 0., Auckland, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 82 33 13 3 2 1 4 "i 86 42 15 12,377 16,070 2,010 Mawer, M., Waimate, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 215 182 55 2 3 i 218 185 55 24,547 24,306 4,310 Elliott, A., Kavio, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Bonar, A., Helensville, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Knyvett, W. H., Auckland, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 185 55 14 22 5 9 1 3 1 1 3 197 60 15 23 5 32,623 15,929 3,253 3,189 1,361 1 Edwards, D., Grahamstown, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 52 68 16 29 3 4 1 1 2 4 i i 58 75 23 29 29,172 17,918 20,141 2,968 Oldham, H., Hamilton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. l i 1 1 1 3 2,256 Oldham, H., Hamilton (see Waikato Subdivision.)



to 1— I Cattle Board : — E. Maclean, Chairman, A. A. Fantham, W. L. Martin, C. J. Storey, and B. H. Duncan. Bay of Plenty Subdivision (area 3,109,000a.) — Whakatane Tauranga Tauranga Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Whakatane, Tauranga, and East Taupo. Cattle Board :— O. B. Morris, Chairman, J. Brown, S. L. Clarke, B. C. Jordan, and J. Snodgrass. Napiee Sheep District — Poverty Bay Subdivision (area 1,775,000 acres) — Cook ... County of Cook Cattle District —Comprising the County of Cook. Cattle Board :— J. W. Johnson, Chairman, J. Clark, A. McKenzie, W. Smith, and G. L. Sunderland. Napier Subdivision (area 3,913,000 acres) — Wairoa Hawke's Bay ... Waipawa Hawke's Bay Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Hawke's Bay, Waipawa, and Wairoa. Cattle Board :— J. D. Ormond, Chairman, J. Heslop, W. Orr, Sir O. S. Whitmore, and J. H. Coleman. New Plymouth Sheep Disteict (area 1,631,000 acres) — Taranaki Taranaki Cattle District —Comprising the County ©f Taranaki. Cattle Board :— Bobert Trimble, Chairman, T. Bayly, W. Bayly, E. D. Vavasour, and J. Elliott. Wanganui Sheep Distbict — Wanganui Subdivision (area 2,434,000 acres) — Wanganui 31 20 31 16 8 1 15 2 1 2 2715 5 109 43 22 307,973 18,621 4,347 Bobson, E., Tauranga, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Lewis, E. C, Napier, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Thomson, O, Gisborne, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Fitzroy, C. A., Napier, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Munro, Donald, Waimata, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 25 40 91 9 19 28 10 17 31 13 29 18 13 27 15 3 19 12 20 19 73 171 214 225,161 1,211,425 996,078 115 118 16,410 Hately, W., Waitara, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. 1101 50 36 16 205 159,967 195 Blundell, A. K., Wanganui, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands, in charge. Monro, A., Patea, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Hawera Patea ... Wanganui Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Patea, Wanganui, Bangitikei, and Manawatu, 31 45 21 29 15 27 5 8 72 110 54,837 • 100,403 "l *



2. 3. Number op l. On the 31st ■AY, .884. 4. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under o o o o o o o o o ■ o a .B c o d Total Number of On March 31, 1885. to ■ ■« o Name and Address op Officer, and Appointments held by him. o o 5 o o Owners of Sheep. Sheep. Bangitikei Disteict — Bangitikei Subdivision (area 2,009,400 acres) — Bangitikei Oroua Manawatu 114 107 171 40 36 36 40 12 1C 21 11 4 1 220 162 240 216,915 78,342 165,092 Simpson, B. K., Marion, Sheep Inspector, Begistrar of Brands, in charge. Simpson, W., Foxton, Sheep Inspector. "i 2 Wellington Sheep Disteict — Wellington Subdivision (area 470,800 acres) — Hutt (together with the Islands of Kapiti, .Mana, and Somes) ... Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Hutt, and East and West Wairarapa. Cattle Board :— H. Bunny, Chairman, G. Beetham, C. Pharazyn, E. J. Biddiford, and J. Taylor. 131 41 15 11 200 118,363 6,750 Miehie, T., M.B.C.V.S.E., Wellington, Deputy Cattle Inspector (honorary). Wairarapa Subdivisions (area 2,040,000 acres) — West Wairarapa East Wairarapa 91 87 32 28 20 25 27 25 10 5 12 7 2 6 194 183 408,363 476,844 Orbell, E., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Drummond, J.,Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Price, E. G.. Nelson, Sheep Inspector deputy Cattle Inspector, in charge. Nelson Sheep Disteict — Nelson, Motueka, Golden Bay, Butter, and Grey Subdivisions (area 5,020,000 acres) — Waimea 416 101,981 Collingwood 371 76 31 4 7 2 7 1 83 17,520 Campbell, H. McN., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Moore, J., Motueka, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Clapcott, B., Hokitika (see Westland Subdivision, Canterbury). Buller... Grey ... Inangahua Nelson Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waimea, Collingwood, Buller, and Inangahua. Cattle Board :— 19 17 26 i 1 i 19 19 27 661 4,662 3,133



Marlborough Sheep Disteict — Picton, Blenheim, Awatere, Kaikoura, and Amuri Subdivisions (area 3,705,300 acres) — Sounds Bichardson, T. G, Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands, in charge. 109 48,252 Hull, B., Picton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Passau, A. H., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Clifton, E., Kaihoura, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. 79 21 14 Marlborough 103 15 15 5 14 16 6 174 578,742 15 102,050 Kaikoura Marlborough Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Sounds, Marlborough, and Kaikoura. Cattle Board :— Amuri (Part of)... 45 2 4 6 4 2 63 153,689 16 312,498 Cooke, G. S., Waiau, Amuri, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Danteebuey Sheep Disteict — Waiau Subdivision (area 635,700 acres) — Amuri (Part of)... Boulton, P. B., Christchurch, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. 1 2 1 5 4 13 200,583 "I Northern Subdivision (area 1,571,000 acres)— Cheviot Ashley 1 5 1 497 90,000 677,450 Foster, B., Amberley, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. 366 49 33 20 12 12 . Christchurch Subdivision (area 3,449,000 acres) — Selwyn Akaroa Ashburton 477 48 140 89 17 66 48 15 39 30 16 30 16 10 20 13 4 12 3 676 110 316 670,188 213,125 742,663 Holderness, B. F., Christchurch, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 9 Southern Subdivision (area 3,281,000 acres) — Geraldine Mackenzie Waima-te Canterbury Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Amuri, Cheviot, Ashley, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashburton, Geraldine, and Waimate. Cattle Board :— J. T. Peacock, Chairman, F. J. Eimbell, C. Newton, J. Studholme, and H. Mcllraith. 174 52 54 4 26 38 12 24 4 9 5 8 6 9 15 5 6 5 11 310 44 121 617,398 422,906 646,193 [ •" ... Bees, W. G., Timaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Westland Subdivision (area 2,702,000 acres)— Westland Westland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Westland and Grey. Cattle Board: — H. L. Bobinson, Chairman, J. A. Bonar, J. Giles, D. P. James, and S. H. Lahmann. Clapcott, B., Hokitika, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. 11 12 1,880



1. 2. On the 31st 3. Number of 4. !ay, 1884. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under O ■ O "o Total Number of no On March 31, 1885. Name and Address op Opticer, and Appointments held by him. o 8 8 O o o Q O 5 o o o o o o o o" CM .B o ■ Owners of Sheep. Sheep. Otago Sheep Disteict — Port Chalmers Subdivision (area 25,000 acres) — Peninsula Dunedin Subdivision (area 1,368,000 acres) — Taieri ... Bruce ... Waihemo Waikouaiti Oamaru Subdivision (area 1,570,000 acres) — Waitaki Dunstan Sicbdivision (area 5,009,000 acres) — Vincent Maniototo Lake ... Tapanui Subdivision (area 1,282,000 acres) — Tuapeka 9 66 140 27 14 2 14 24 10 3 2 11 18 9 4 5 6 8 6 5 4 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 13 108 194 57 30 4,837 251,710 142,761 136,673 84,805 Johnson, B. H., Dunedin, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Miles, T. J., Palmerston, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 86 29 18 13 8 9 11 174 656,398 Fullarton, B., Oamaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Shaw, C, Clyde, Sheep Inspector. Bouchier, B., Naseby, Sheep Inspector. Miller, W., Queenstoivn, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Hickson, F. E., Tapanui, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands, in charge. Mackay, T. T. W., Balclutha, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 36 60 25 5 9 1 2 8 4 2 4 5 1 2 7 3 6 2 8 7 2 57 96 46 449,561 361,930 161,033 115 26 15 5 3 4 4 '172 305,991 Clutha... Otago Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Peninsula, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, and Tuapeka. Cattle Board :— Mathew Holmes, Chairman, B. Charteris, J. Boberts, J. Shand, and J. Smith. Southland Subdivision (area 4,785,000 acres) — Southland 179 20 5 6 7 5 2 224 252,069 Wallace Southland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Southland, Wallace, Lake, Fiord, and Stewart Island. Cattle Board :— T. Brydon, Chairman, J. S. Slianks, J. B. Sutton, J. Holmes, and J. Shand. 318 80 63 16 32 9 20 9 14 7 10 9 5 2 462 132 595,888 299,769 Macdonald, A. A., Gore, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, in charge. Anderson, C., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Begistrar of Brands. Douglass, A., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector.


o. BETUBN of all Sheepowners, and Number of Sheep and Lambs, on 31st May, 1883 and 1884 ; showing the County in which Owners reside and their Sheep are depastured, so far as the information is supplied in the Schedule "A" furnished by Sheepowners under section 21 of " The Sheep Act, 1878."



)ETURN of Sheepowners and of tli L Sheep and Lambs in each count ay, 1883 and 1884. ie Number of )j on the 31st No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1834. MONGONUI COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Adamaon, Mis. E., Taipu, Mongoimi AperaLama Tengara, Parenga Begg, John, Whangaroa Bell, R., Totara, Whangaroa Bergham, D. A., Ahipara Bowman, John, Ahipara Bramley, W., sen., Kaeo Denny, John, Mongonui Dunn, B. H., Kaitaia Edwards, H. J., Westbury, Ahipara Edwards, Sarah, Mrs., Viotoria Valley Eparaima Kapa, Parenga Evans, J., Mangatete, Awanui Poley, Edmund, Kaitaia Foster, Cornelius, Mongonui Foster, Jabez, Oruaiti, Mongonui Foster, S., Land of Goshen, Mongonui Foster, S., jun., Oruaiti, Mongonui Frear, Annie, Totara Frear, J., Mongonui Gardiner, W. A., Mongonui Garton, W., Wainamu, Oruru Garton, W., jun., Mongonui Goulton, B., Kaeo, Whangaroa Graham, B., Maungatete, Awanui Hare, J., sen., Kaeo Hare, Wesley, Kaeo Hare, W. J., Kaeo Harris, A. A. B., Hi Hi, Mongonui Hayes, J. D., Mangiti, Whangaroa Hayes, Thomas, Kaeo Hayes, William, Whikora, AVhangaroa Hazard, W., Oruru Henderson, B., Haupapanui, Mongonui Herbert Karipa, Mangataeore, Victoria V. ... Hobson, William, Victoria Valley Hohepa Patana, Mongonui Hopa Toamia, Hauturu, Kaitaia Hori Korau, Whangaroa Hows, J. T. A., Waitapu, Whangaroa Jameson, George, Victoria Valley Jecentho, J., Oruru Johnson, B. V., Kaitaia Karena Hetaraka, Parenga Karena Kiwa, Kenana, Mongonui -I TT 1 1 259 61 96 5° 9 400 20 11 100 800 282 89 ■35 200 130 500 60 116 80 196 26 605 217 4 8 140 S° Nil 35° 28 Nil 140 4i7 3 63 123 200 1 S° 480 87 66 70 ,78 Nil 55° 40 120 6 26 180 3° H 90 82 >7 80 5° 10 '45 80 100 10 40 Nil 40 18 10 16 3° 62 «5i 21 120 54 S 2 5° 110 126 300 '60 70 34 300 '35 80 1—H. 11.

1. ui oueyp 31st May. 1883. 1834. Keratia Papavaiti, To Kao Kingi Hori Kirn, Whangaroa Kingi Wharerau, Victoria Valley Kingsford Brothers, Kaitaia Kitchen, Philip, Kohimaru, Mongonui Kitchen, John, Victoria Valley Lambly, J. W., Bellevue, Oruru Larrnei 1, W. E., Kaitaia MacRae, I\ F., Waiari, Kaeo Mario, N., Oruru Masters, C. M., Pukepoto, Mongonui Matthews Brothers, Aurere, Mongonui Matthews, H. B., Kaitaia Murray, W., Cavalii Island, Kaeo Ngarama Temaru, Parenga Panther, D. F, Kaiaka, Victoria Valley Paton, J., Campsie, Victoria Valley Penny, Joseph, Mongonui Penney, G-eorge, Kaeo Puckey, C. J., Woodville, Kaitaia Puckey, R. H. M., Woodville, Kaitaia Puckey, W. G-., Woodville, Kaitaia Putete Heke, Whangaroa Eapi Taniora Kohiti, Whangaroa Eewiri Hongi, Parenga Richards, Gr., Awanui Rose, Mrs. W., the Kumi, Awanui Shannon, J. W., Kaitaia Shepherd, A. B., Whangaroa Shepherd, Isaac, XJpokorau, Kaeo Shepherd, H. &., Tauranga, Whangaroa Shepherd and MoRae, Upokorau, Kaeo Shepherd, S. E., Tauranga, Whangaroa Shepherd, T. W., Whangaroa Silra, J., Oruru Simpson, J., Awanui Smith, Thomas, Awanui Spanhake, W. H., Awanui Stephenson E. (Trustee lale), Kaeo Sturge, Mrs. S. E., Olveston, Mongonui Subritzky, L. and II., Ohorc, Ahipara Switzer, J., Victoria Valley Tamati Rangitaumutu, Awanui Taylor, J., Toetoe, Oruru Te Teira, Kaitaia Thomas, Gh, Waikanga, Mongonui Tutere Wharerau, Kaitaia Wells, W., Victoria Valley Wells, W., jun., Waikanga, Oruru White, C, jun., Victoria Valley White, P., Maungatuuewhi, Oruru Whitehcad, W., Oruaiti, Mongonui Wi Kurukuru, Parenga 44 16 4 6 5° 47 S6 98 90 678 '35 248 200 78 20 5° 8 44 Nil 80 i 2 67 100 498 Nil 280 230 74 37 55 Nil 70 5° 130 20 3° 60 90 !5° 240 5 1 300 16 10 130 61 90 Nil to + 200 11.3 200 320 36 425 34 180 114 70 55° 40 Nil 52 190 9 1 100 15° 40 300 ' 79 84 44 20 800 130 Nil 37 200 45 60 45 57 900 59 18 45 90 78 40 n 12 45 60 96 300





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1SS4. RODNEY COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Anderson, Joseph, Cloveryard, Matakana Andrews, W., Warkworth Arkle, J., Featherwood, Upper Waiwera Armitage, William, Wellsford Armstrong, VV., Komokoriki Armour, W., Junction, Upper Matakana ... Barker, W. P., Fernbrook, Puhoi Barton, George, Warkwork Bayer, Peter, Upper Waiwera Beasley, J., Parua Becher, T., Puhoi Belcher, George, Hoteo North Bell, Hugh, Wharehine Birdsall, J., Matakana Blackburn, B., Wharehine Boler, Samuel, Frithwood, Tauboa Boon, J. W., Warkworth Bowman, G. A., Warkworth Brookes, G. II., Wharehine Brown, John, Te Arai Browne, Edward, Wellsford Brunton, R., Orewa Falls, Wade Buchanan, J., Lower Matakana Buck ton, J. I., Tauboa Burdett, J., Tauboa Butt, Tliurnwald, Puhoi Came, J. T., Drayton, Matakana Carran, D., Warkworth Carrie, I. G., Carriedell, Matakana Chamberlain, G., Warkworth Chandler, J., Mahurangi Heads Christian, A., the Lagoon, Matakana Clarke, C. S., Omaha Coates, T., Engton, Te Pahi Colbeck, A., Tokatapu, Pahi Cook, T. II., Bellvue, Waiwera Cooper, J. C., Warkworth Cray, C. D., Hillside, Wharehine Croker, S., jun., Sweet Hope, Matakana Croker, S., jun., Hillside, Matakana Cruickshank, Bros., Greenlaw, Matakana ... Cutforth, R., Kamo Darecourt, J. G., Matakana Darrach, J., To Kapa Dennis, G , Warkworth Dibble, G., Wellsford Dudding, J. G., Port Albert Ellen, W. N., Komokoriki Emson, II., Parua Eyre, Bros., Hillsbro, Te Arai Eyre, G., Woodleigb, Hoteo North Eyre, G., Fcrndale, Hoteo North Farrand, Of., Te Arai Farrand, W. B.. Te Arai Fennell, A., Wainui, Wade Fenton, W., Matakana Fitzgerald, T. E., Port Albert Fletcher, Thomas, Hoteo North Flynn, W. and P., Port Filzroy Fordham, Mrs. E. M., Omaha Fi'earson, W., Omaha Gibbs, James, Hoteo North Gittos, W., Batley Gozar, G., Te Arai Grant, Joseph, Port Albert Grant, Joel, Port Albert Green, C. V, Tauboa Greenwood, C. W., Lower Matakana Greenwood, James, Omaha Greenwood, John, Hill Top, Omaha Greenwood, R. C, Waiwera (Auckland) Greenwood, W., Spring Bank, Omaha Grey, Sir George, Kawau Island, Auckland... Grimmer, A. N., Warkworth Grimmer, W., Warkworth Grut Brothers, Orewa Gubb, T. A., Port Albert Hall, A., Upper Waiwera Hamilton, W., Wainui, Wade Handby, Thomas, Omaha Harbury, William, Hoteo North Havdwick, C. E., Port Albert 197 20 17 83 56 41 35 3° 26 '5° 28 38 14 12 35 440 121 17 160 90 95 100 300 120 80 27 300 300 161 110 1000 20 53 27 120 80 34° 13 131 45 9 '7 31 240 40 20 42 20 90 88 27 26 60 62 70 36 140 22 56 35 '3 40 420 136 8 95 82 i3S 148 280 170 80 23 247 250 'S 2 3° 1500 18 36 34 112 85 320 18 122 56 15 27 47 5 Si 700 120 130 116 Nil 700 15 Nil 120 140 70 850 6 95 84 145 60 1006 JO 400 27 400 35 35 90 40 60 300 195 30 75 38 77 60 400 i,'93 56 Nil 70 90 290 59 34 58 45 29 44 41 300 95 80 38 62 290 1219 5° 16 7i 67 300 90 73

No. of! 31st 18--3. iheep on May. 1884. Wilkinson, T., Mongonui Wiremu Wcka, Whangaroa Wrathall, J., Mongonui Yates, S., North Cape, Parenga 500 130 1593 400 100 <55 1400 14,000 12,377 BAY OF ISLANDS COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Alexander, A., Swarraton, Waimate Archer, H. J., Kaikobe Bedggood, W. II., Waiuri, Waimate Bindon, J. W., Wairuaroa, Kawakawa Brown, W. P., Wahapu, Russell Burleigh, II. O, Okaihau Busby, W., Waitangi, Ohaeawai Busby, W., Maungaluroto, Ohaeawai Clarke, J. B., Grove Cotlage, Waimate Clarke, M., Waimate Clarke, II. and W., Prospect, Waimate Cross, II., Te Ti, Paihia Earl, W., Omapere, Ohaeawai Edmonds, J. T., Ngawhitu, Ohaeawai Eruera Waikerepuru, Ohaeawai Groenway, J. H, Motu Arobia, Russell Hall, J. A. L., Kawakawa Hedley, II., Kawakawa Hedlcy, !., Kawakawa Henare Himi, Ohaeawai Hewitt, W. F., Waitangi, Waimate Hingston, J. W., Otahuo, Ohaeawai Hoone Rameka, Kerikeri Irving, J. II., Onewhero, Kawakawa Irving, W. A., Russell Kemp, 0, R. D., Kerikeri, Waimate Kemp, James, Kerikeri, Waimate King, W. S., Otaha, Waimate Kingi Rangaiti, Waimate Leece, J. W., Ngabeia, Ohaeawai Lemon, A., Kauri Hill, Kawakawa •Lloydd, W., Whakapakara, Otonga Ludbrook, S.B., (Est. of) Tupotupe, Ohaeawai Marshall, R., Whangai, Kawakawa Mongonui Rewa, Orokaua, Russell Morrow, Robert, Kawakawa Mountain, George, Purerua, Russell Ngapera Tani, Ohaeawai Owens, James, Kawakawa Parata Paraone, Kawakawa Parker, Henry, Waiari, Waimate Ruatara and Hapurona, Kawakawa Trenchard, Hugh, Pahake, Ohaeawai Wellby, A., Wangaruru, Russell, Williams, II., Paharaka, Ohaeawai Williams, J. W., Paharaka, Ohaeawai Wiremo Pokai, Waimate Wiremu Katene & Son,'Rcmuora, Ohaeawai 375 '5° 9' go 25 "95 975 35° 68.S 146 100 480 1C0 253 45° 160 '75 120 26 500 200 5° 1480 7° 375 Nil 127 90 53 28 1200 '°55 Nil 788 500 '90 283 1 io 60 '95 100 39 54 5° 180 141 25 118 25 525 Nil 56 3' '5°° Nil 9 77° 300 100 200 2 9 900 300 90 '4 180 40 3 200 Nil '37 146 33 '5°° 4080 154 16 7° 194 35 1200 395° 29 500 40 600 HOKIANGA COUNTV (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Burt, J., Onoke, Herd's Point Hardiman, G., Herd's Point Harris, F,, Herd's Point Henepere Te Tipene, Orongotea, Waitapu ... Heremia Te Wake, Hokianga Hone Pihama, Kohukohu Hori Karaka, Kohukohu Marriner, John, Hokianga Moka Kaio, Kohukohu Ngakcte Hapela, Hokianga Peri Paraibe, Orongotea, Waitapu Puhi Otene, Kohukohu Rakena Pou, Kohukohu Taniora Mato, Kohukohu Tawio Pou, Kohukohu Webster, J., Opononi, Herd's Point 'S.835 16,070 643 70 111 41 5° 106 20 100 21 '3 3° 29 40 no Nil 80 110 30 100 698 1,672 32 20 562 2,010





Mo. of S 31st -.licpp on May. 1SS-1 18S3. Harriett, E., Tauhoa Hay, D., Parua Hofford, R., Wellsford Hefford, W., Port Albert Henl, I., Puhoi Hey wood, Oliver, Port Albert Hood, Andrew, Stanley, Kaiparti Flats Hudson, J. II., Kaipara Flats [ngor, T., sen., Port Albert lackman, W. H., Pain lamieson, G-ovan, To Kapa Tennings, G., Te Arai Tesenzky, M., Puhoi Tohnson, Thos., Tongue Farm, Matakana Fones, M., Upper Waiwera Kaess,Wenzl, Puhoi ilasper, C. L., Warkwortli Kempt, Alexander, Omaha Kennedy, T., Pahoi King, S., Parakakau Krohn, C, Pulioi Lamont, W., Parakakau Lane, William, Sunnyside, Omaha Larkins, F., Matakana Lawrence, W., Te Arai Lee, L. T., Parua Legge, J., Port Albert Legge, Levi, Taulioa Lennan, P. J., Waiwera Lester, E., Wellsford Levet, C, sen., Wellsfovd Levet, Joseph, Hoteo North Linnell G-. J., Kaiwaka Logue, James, Oruawharo North Maeklow, Brothers, Warkwortli Malcolm, N., Tryphena Marcroft, E., Wharehine Marcroft, T., Kuatangata MaseSeld, J., Batley Mason, W., Warkworth Matheson, A., Omah:i McDonald, Malcolm, Parua Meaney, A., Pulioi Meiklejohn, James, Matakana Meiklejohn, S., Matakana Melville and Morison, Kaipara Flats Metcalf, J. M., Matakohe Milliken, James, Kaipara Flats Millon, T. J., Matakana Wills, (J. A., Kaipara Flats Moir, H., Warkworth Moor, G-, Woodlhorpe, Warkworth Sloor, J. and Son, Mohunga, Port Filzroy ... Morgan, C. E., Mahurangi Heads Morgan, Charles, Qlen Eden, Matakana Morrison, E , KedeliiT, Warkwortli Niehol, John, Matakana Nicholson, Edwin, Port Albert Nolan, C, Pulioi Dakes, E.., Creekdalc, Warkworth 3gle, George, llotco North 31dfield, F. O., Hoteo North Dldfield, W. G-., Piedmont, Hoteo North ... Paddison, E., Port Fitzroy Parker, C, sen., Clifton, Tauhoa Parker, John, Komokoriki Parry, J. G., Pakapuka, Puhoi Paul, J., Puhoi Paul, M., Puhoi Payne, William, Port Albert Perkins, Walter, Hoteo North Person, Aaron, Hoteo North Phillips, Charles, Warkworth Phillips, Isaac, Wark worth Phillips, Joseph, Warkworth Phillips, Robert, Warkworth Phillips, W. II., Matakana Phillips, William, Warkwortli Platz, John, Pulioi Prietor, W., Port Albert Pulham, II. W., Hoteo Lodge, Warkworth... Bamsbottom, J., Wellsford Rauner, M., Puhoi Remiger, B., Puhoi 3° 15° 1 1 39 Nil Nil Nil 1 2.3 120 200 120 22 5 29 74 200 7 70 72 33° j 60 Go Nil 53 70 10 49 5 2 31-2 140 70 39 84 139 48 67 67 70 35 45 80 116 15° 54 70 85 73 5° 48 75 42 25 5° 3° I05 120 200 140 140 250 118 220 78 5° 10 40 190 21 41 7 250 100 ■65 5° 5° 120 Nil 80 160 38 53 ■25 130 48 24 27 '5° 170 80 112 37 33 42 160 ■56 100 40 45 398 '5° 130 78 69 .76 90 11 45 120 85 200 104 29 77 72 35 28 140 40 "5 125 108 V 67 170 Nil '5° I25 82 194 80 10 120 74 200 118 . 27 54 20 56 126 US 116 110 5° 155 6 49 92 25 2 5 80 29 97 21 36 95

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1888. 1884. Richards, Evan, Oruawharo North Rogers, E., Tara, Mangawai Roper, J. 9., Matakana Rushbrook, Mrs. L., Wellsford Russet, Aiitoni, Puhoi Ryan, A. F., Kaiwaka Rye, Ciiptain L., Pahi Sainabury, T. C, Park Farm, Warkworth ... Salt, II., Kaipara Flats Sankey, Richard, Warkworth Scandrclt, G-., Mullet Point Schisclika, Mrs. L., Ahuroa, Puhoi Schischka, "V., Puhoi Schischka, W., Puhoi Schmidt, A., Puhoi Seholes, II., Warkworth Scholium, Joseph, Puhoi Scholium, John, Puhoi Scholium, Wcnzl, Puhoi Shannon, D., Oruawharo North Shepherd, II., Te Arai Silveira, Mrs. M. C, Port Fitzroy Smalhrood, J. P., Mangawai Smith, C, Matakana Smith, David, Wharehine Smitli, Joseph, Ruatatigata Snelling, W. H., Maungaturoto Somerville, J. T., Te Aiai Stark, a., at. Barrier Is., Port Fitzroy Slevanton, A. H., Tauhoa Stiller, J., Puhoi Stott, M., Wharehine Sturch, Thomas, Banksfee, Mangawni Taylor, John, The Pines, Warkworth Teed, TX, Lisalea, Warkworth * ,._ Telfer, John, Parua Thomson, J., Kauri Grove, Kaipara Flats ... Titidall, II. II., Matakana Tolhopf.W., Puhoi Tozer, J. H., Te Kapa Trethowen, J., jr., Parkvalo, Warkworth Turner, J. G-., Port Albert Turverv, Riohard, Komokoriki Tutin Brothers, Mangawai Vipond, E. C, Warkworth Vipond, J., GraBshill, Matakana Walker, A. 0., Gateaere, Wellsford Walsh, Thomas, Wharehine Ward, Frank, Wharehine Weeck, J., jun., Tipper Waiwera Wenzlick, j., Puhoi Western, J., G-lenwood, Tauhoa Western, John, Rosedale, Te Arai Wharfe, T., Linton, Oruawharo North Wluirfe, John, Oruawharo North Wilcockson, G., Wharehine Williams, J., jun., Matakana Williams, J. S. Bournedean, Warkworth WiLianis, John, Matakana Wilson, John, Hoteo North Witheford, Clement, Tauhoa Woodcock, A., Warkworth Woodcock, A. E. and a., Wellsford Worker, W., Pine Park, Wellsford Worsley, 0. E., Woodleigh, Warkworth Wyatt, G. Ohidham, Kaipara Flats Wjatt, S., Wellsford 108 9 1 33 95 6 9 80 82 i' 5 59 3° 45 40 66 27 70 87 46 140 43 300 16 42 68 51 202 43 194 40 2 3 55 200 'S3 45 '43 93 7 8? 123 89 14 "54 Nil Nil 82 42 88 66 90 44 46 Nil" 93 93 60 88 26 398 '3 55 38 42 i°5 76 195 3° 5° 3° 5° 170 93 48 "47 96 30 320 31 Nil 20 3° 84 65 7 '5 96 60 96 100 100 120 7° 80 97 "35 80 100 109 8 97 Nil 144 8 5 2 140 38 24 150 7 95 92 180 79 81 150 220 300 40 46 194 200 300 48 40 276 AVHANGAREI COIJNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Allaway, J., Kamo Anderson, J. E., Maungakaramea Aubrey, II. R., Whangarei Heads Bahe, Mrs. A. E., Mangapai Bailey, K., Tryphena Bell, James, Kaurihohoro Bell, Moses, Kaurihohore" Bisset, W., Whangarei Boldero, A. 9., Te Arai Boyil, Samuel, Hawksview, Mangapai Brooker, William, Whangarei Bullians, W., Mangapai ,.. 22,422 24.547 173 53 170 95 80 85 95 5° 200 45 180 93 98 85 90 Nil 42 196 25 99 183 17 180





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1881. Burrough, W. H, Kamo Butcher, J., Mangapai Butler, Mrs. B., Saltair, Whangarei Heads ... Campbell, J. G., Waipu Campbell, N., sen., Waipu Campbell, R., Waipu Darter, E., Mangapai Darter, J. H, Pah, Hikurangi Darter, J. W., Te Mata, Mangapai Darter, W., Woodford, Hikurangi Darter, W. R., Fe.rndale, Kamo Dhild, T., Rangiora, Maungakaramea Dleary, D., Kaitara, AVbangarei Diotworthy, N., Whangarei Dole, Mrs. C, Mangapai Dook, John, Kamo Dook, II. H, Maungakaramea Dork, Francis, Whangarei Courtney, John, Maungakaramea Dox, Thomas, Mangapai Crawford, H, Glcnbush, Maungakaramea ... Crawford, W. and J., Maungakaramea Cunningham, Mrs. E., Mangapai Davey, Miss Louisa, Maungakaramea Dent, Samuel, Whangarei Donaldson, J., Whangarei Donaldson, S., Mangapai Douglas, W., Douglas Dale, Mangapai Drever, W., Kaurihohore Durham, John, Waipu Edge, G., Willow Grove, Whangarei Edwards, J. A., Whangarei Eru Rohua, Otonga Evans, J., Ruatangata Falls, J., W Thangarci Fifield, John, Whangarei Finlayson, A. J., Waipu Finlayson, J., Waipu Foote, William, Otonga Fraser, Donald, Waipu Fraser, Hugh, Waipu Fraser, James, Waipu Fraser, W., Balure, Mangapai Freeman, A., Welhy Farm, Kamo Gell, Henry, Waipu Going, J., Clough Prior, Kamo Sraham, S., Mangapai Gtreenway, J. H, Whananaki, (Russell) Griffin, Joseph, Woodville, Whangarei Griffin, J. R., Kamo Gunson, G., Maungakaramea Gunson, J., Maungakaramea Gunson, R. B., Maungakaramea Hall Brothers, Tangihua Hall, John, Mangapai Harrison, W., Mangapai Haselden, C, Boycc, Te Arai Hawken, C, Maungatapere, Whangarei Hawken, William, Poroti Hayward, C. E., Maungakaramea Hilford, R., Wakuku, Mangapai. Hewlett, W. II., Whangarei Hodge, R. R., Ruatangata Hodgson, John, Ruatangata Howie, R., Whangarei Heads Huggins, R. A., Parua Hutchinson Bros., Huanui, Whangarei Jacob, Captain J., Waipu Kerr, George, Maungakaramea Kerr, J. W., Otonga King, W., Kamo Lambert, J., Peaehvale, Parua Lang, W., The Cove, Waipu Lowe, T., Mangapai Mackay, A., Periwaka, Waipu Mackay, Duncan, Waipu Maekie, Thomas, Whangarei Macleod, John, Whangarei Heads Maclcod, W. J., Whangarei Heads Mallabond, J., Parua Maslen, J., Ruatangata Mason, P., Mangapai McAllister, W., Mangapai McAulay, A., Waipu 25 79 45 i 50 60 60 12 100 Nil 160 60 150 56 100 90 150 32 100 90 5° '5' 10 140 47 41 no 95 '4 190 Nil 200 '33 20 100 196 40 260 180 92 290 140 "5 140 10 8 110 120 25° 57 280 190 90 290 3° 85 100 Nil Nil 100 54 90 56 85 100 Nil 100 '5 97 87 14 '5° 85 100 283 Nil 166 90 95 120 79 '5° 200 96 255 4' 40 70 75 243 10 85 '39 95 _85 40 87 100 72 120 9' 200 109 220 I36 95 120 '3 24 140 120 90 49 84 130 97 200 80 300 '59 90 77 Nil 70 40 95 55 260 Nil 98 Nil 200 80 33 98 80 26O 96 '75 5° 160 64 76 12 170 83 7° 11 25 175 '5 82 56 70 20 55 220 '4 89 83 65 3 2

"0. of Sheop 0: 31st May. 1833. I 1834. McCollough, Mrs. Mary, Mangapai MeConnell, William, Whangarei McCullough, G., Mangapai McCullough, Thomas, Mangapai McDonald, Allen, Belle Vue, Waipu McDonald, Hector, Waipu McDonald, John, Whangarei Heads McDonald, Murdoch, Kamo McGregor, Donald, Whangarei Heads McGregor, Donald, Waipu McGregor, Roderick, Whangarei Mclnnes, D., Kaurihobore Mclnnes, Hugh, Waipu Mclnnes, M., Kamo Mclnnes, R., Kaurihobore McKay, A., R. S., Waipu McKay, J. M., Waipu McKay, R., jun., Waipu McKenzie, Alexander, Kaurihobore McKenzie, Alexr.., Whangarei Heads McKenzie, Donald, Kaurihobore McKenzie, Duncan, Waipu McKenzie, Hector, Waipu McKenzie, M. W., Waipu McKenzie, Norman, Waipu McKenzie, William, Waipu McKenzie, Wm., Limestone Hill, Waipu ... McKinnon, John, Whangarei McLachlan, D., Maungakaramea McLean, Duncan, Waipu McLean, Ewen, Waipu McLean, John, Budgrove, Waipu McLean, John, Cave, Waipu McLean, M., Ruatangata, Waipu McLean, Murdoch, Waipu McLean, Neil, Whangarei McLean, Roderick, Waipu McLennan, J., Waipu McLennan, N., Kaurihohore McLeod, A., Waipu McLeod, D., Hikurangi McLeod, John, Waipu McLeod, J. G., Whangarei Heads McLeod, Robert, Whangarei McLeod, W., Kaurihobore McMillan, J., Waipu McPhee, Henrietta, Kaurihohore McRae, Murdoch, Whangarei Heads Miller, David, Mangapai Miller, Mrs. M., Maungakaramea Morgan, Mrs. Anne, Whangarei Heads Morrison, Angus, Waipu Morrison, John, Cave, Waipu Morrison, John A., Waipu Murphy, Nicholas, Whangarei Murray, George, Mangapai Neville, R., Mangapai Newton, William, Mangapai Nobes, G., Whangarei O'Carroll, T., Maungakaramea Ormandy, B., Mangapai Palmer, G., Mangapai Pidgeon, R., Mangapai Phillips, N., Maungakaramea Phillips, William, Mangapai Porter, Mrs. Selina, Maungakaramea Powell, Isaac, Oruawharo North Powlesland Brothers, Ruatangata Redman, J. Y., Te Arai Robinson, C. A., Whangarei Heads Robinson, T., The Nook, Parua Rogers, W. G., Maungakaramea Roose, R , Whangarei Ross, A., Waipu Rountree, J., Mangapai Sanderson, W., Barrier Island, Tryphena ... Sands, J., Maungakaramea Shaw, J., Whangarei Sinclair, A. F., Kamo Sinclair, D., Kaurihohore Sloan, James, Mangapai Sloane, James, Mangapai Smeaton, J., Whangarei Smith, F., Whangarei 40 38 300 35° 500 '50 74 3° 6 Nil Nil 300 400 3.569 65 Nil 25 4 70 16 70 32 70 230 '70 97 165 25 5 130 7 84 180 70 7' 4 200 5° 2 so 60 85 160 Nil Nil 160 3 60 180 70 100 '4 500 127 180 100 200 3° 200 10 6 5 7 137 160 90 200 40 '3° 199 100 5° 130 16 34 130 400 200 52 166 '9 40 240 36 70 84 60 55 95 9 140 3° 65 Nil 60 89 95 55 32 16 250 75 60 100 208 96 60 44 90 69 160 99 5° 25 9 260 95 5° 100 216 107 Nil 60 94 98 170 200 186 190 48 300 20 35 4'5 77 180 65 26 200 180 170 52 26 442 70 160 60 59 94 150 190 60 "5 95 84 554 300 119 '75 '5 60 95 45 98 5 6 3 289





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1881. Smith, W. A., Whangarei Snell, F. J., Maungakaramea bell, W. C, Tangihua Solon, John, Mangapai Spence, J., sen., Glenburnie, Whangarei Steele, P. M., Newforfar, Ruatangata Stephen, O, Charlton, Mangapai Street, F. J., Willsworthy, Kamo Sutherland, Hugh, Waipu Sutherland, J,, Waipu Symonds, H, Mangapaij Caylor, George, Mangapai Baylor, W., Whangarei Phomas, W., Kamo Jrqubart, John, Whangarei Heads Jrquhart, P., Waipu Vakelin, Thomas, Koraokaihau, Kamo Valker, J. C, Mangapai Valker, H. J., Mangapai Valker, James, Maungakaramea Vatson, Alfred, Maungakaramea Vatson, E. W., Mangapai Veir, Thomas, Mangapai Vhitelaw, J., Kamo Vintle, Alfred, Mangapai tYooley, J. F., Mount Denby, Kamo Vorsnop, J., Spring Grove, Ruatangata Vright, George, Whangarei fates, B., Ruatangata 24 93 f'5 85 55 97 80 87 86 78 90 42 20 11 Nil 84 72 Nil '77 25 90 60 90 100 96 Nil 43 20 '7 132 24 100 80 250 140 100 45 190 60 '45 40 5° 180 240 300 236 97 60 300 290 90 Jl 21,881 . 24,306 HOBSON COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Andrew, A., Marybank, Te Kopuru Lriell, J. B., Paparoa 3owman, Joseph, Kaiwaka 3utterworth, Isaac, Te Kopuru Cameron, A., Kaiwaka 3hadwin, W., Maungaturoto | Hark, Charles, Wbakahara Clarke, Fred., Kaiwaka 31ifF, G., Paparoa )oates, E., Matakohe Davies, O, Maungaturoto Davis, W., sen., Stickbrook, Paparoa Dennin and Co., Dargaville 3odd, Samuel, Mititai Jodds, John, Paparoa )readon, G., Pencarrow, Wbakahara Mlie, P., Matakohe Jilston, A. J., Mititai 3-oodall, J., Paparoa 3-riffin, G., Maungaturoto 3-ummer Brothers, Maungaturoto Tames, 0., Paparoa Tames, O. C, Paparoa Tardie, Joseph, Matakohe Tarding, W. B., Aoroa, Mangawhare Tuband, William, Maungaturoto Turndall, J., Maungaturoto "sbester, Joseph, Matakohe l~udd, Chas., Kaiwaka Leslie, W., Kaiwaka Hartin, John, Matakohe ilasefleld, Rich., Aratapu Mason, J. B., Maungaturoto tfassey, John, Wairau Creek Hasson, D. B., Paparoa vlcCallum, S., Paparoa McGregor, Duncan, Mititai Morrison, James, Kaiwaka S Tew, George, sen., Te Pahi Dvens, J. and G., Matakohe Paton, J., Arapohu, Wbakahara Phillmore, Mrs. C. H, Matakohe Powell, Samuel, Mititai Prince, S., Kaiwaka Jintoul, Andrew, Matakohe Joss, Robert, Kaiwaka ISkelton, G., Summer Hill, Paparoa Jmith, R., junr., Matakohe Stewart, Angus, sen., Kaiwaka Stewart, Angus, Point Curtis ... 3° '74 38 29 11 97 12 220 58 95 40 70 220 12 38 90 9 '9 58 300 i°S 36 100 35 '5° 25 25 11 32 '49 44 '4 16 94 '3 250 40 '45 10 Nil 236 16 35 96 8 Nil 58 300 "9 40 100 44 60 34 40 32 21 100 40 ico 75 32 34 42 70 19 24 74 45 '43 36 25 22 109 130 45 35 75 380 300 40 9 '9 65 75 28 3° 80 45 '35 '7 '3 Nil s(> 240 72 5° Nil 299

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1334. Stewart, Arch., Kaiwaka Taine, II. E., Maungaturoto Taylor, Samuel, Maungaturoto Thomson, G., Matakohe Tibbits, G., Stickbrook, Paparoa Trounson, James, Paparoa Watson, Thomas, Tangiteroria, Tangihua ... Weathers, James, Kaiwaka Webb, Brothers, Mititai Webster, T. W., Kaiwaka W Tebster, T. W., Mangawai, Kaiwaka - Whitehouse, E. C, Matakohe Wilson, John, Dargaville Wilson, T. W., Paparoa 5 5° 72 297 6 28 95 5° 98 Nil Nil 90 273 56 Nil 22 96 25 Nil 65 45 111 92 80 40 117 4,884 4.3'° MANUKAU COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision), Adams, Thomas, Mill Farm, Fukekohe Aitken, W., Karaka, Auckland Alexander, A., Wairoa Anderson, J. and A., Mangare Ashwin, Charles, Waiheke Atchison, J., Glen Glush, Wairoa Austin, F. G., Cranburn, Pokeno Badley, R. D., Otahuhu Bainbridge, Jeremiah, Otahuhu Bainbridge, William, Otahuhu Baird, S. 0., Otahuhu Ballantine, W., Papakura • Ballard, George, Buciiland Barnsley, J. I)., Motuihi I,, Auckland Barriball, C. T., Waiuku Barriball, John, Waiuku Baverstock, Mrs. Mary, Otahuhu Bell, George, Littlebrook, Hunua Bell, George, Papakura Bell, James, Home Farm, Wairoa Bent, R., Waiuku Bischofx, C. F., Woodlands, Waiuku Bodle, G. E., Papakura Broomfield, Mrs. E., Whitford Brown, Arthur, Tuakau Brown, Henry, Papatoitoi Brown, J. B., St. Michael's, Waiuku Brown, R: W., Otahuhu Bryant, J., Brookside, Otahuhu .Buckland, A,, Auckland Burnside, J. H., Papakura Butler, James, Hunua Cairns, D., Wairoa Campbell, D., Drury Carpenter, W., Ellerslie Carey, W., Waibeki Chamberlin and Porter, Miranda Cbamberlin, Bros., Ponui I., Auckland Clark, J. J., Pokeno Valley Clark, J. and Sons, Sea Grove, Mauku Clark, J. McL., Pollock Settlement Claude, F- R-> Papatoitoi Clemow, W., Otahuhu Clow, William, Papakura Comrie, Helen, Pukekohe East Constable, E., Waiuku Cooper, Charles, Sea View, Howick Cossey, F., Drury Coutts, R., Wairoa ■ ... Cox, G., Mauku Crago, 0. J., Otahuhu Crawford, James, Mossvale, Wairoa Crawford. W. R., Mauku Crispe, H., Mauku Dickey, A. J., Onehunga Dougal, J. A., Maungatawbiri Douglas, W., Kohekohe Dow, John, W 7airoa Duder, W. T., Wairoa Ellett, J., Mangare Elliott, C, Wairoa Enabling, J., Whitford Evans, II., Awhitu Fitzpatrick, L., Pakuranga Fitzpatrick Brothers, Papakura 36 318 20 150 56 60 278 309 412 181 85 53 448 86 6 10 271 200 Nil 120 93 '33 4 4 3 296 3 29 819 4' 70 202 Nil 670 20 '3 128 "5 290 146 3»9 '9 '77 95 43 Nil 97 Nil 6 237 12 25 244 98 132 5 Nil 3 12 11 1000 85 63 221 80 214 198 800 1000 5 92 189 5' 219 492 800 45 300 '43 273 70 22 93 '3 42 98 77 112 480 70 12 27 108 '7 23 130 40 116 485 22 '9 10 Nil 22 27 47 7 276 300 300 200 7' 33 170 200 4 210 400 Nil 250 86 3' 10 3 0<>





No. of 8 31st 1 ■heep on May. 1883. I 1834. Flavell, W., Waiuku Gallagher, James, Mauku Garland, E. & G., Awhitu Gearon, W. C, Patumahoe Gill, J., Pakuranga Given, J., Pollock Settlement Glasson, J., Linwood, Drury Godkin, G., Drury Goodfollow, J. A., Otahuhu Gordon, W. P., Eversley Grove, Papakura Grahame, J. S., Awhitu Grant, D., Razorback Grant, J., Tuakau Gregory, E. W. J., Buckland Gunson, G., Ferndale, Pukekohe Hair, L., Whitford Hale Bros., Wairoa Hall, J., Otahuhu Hamilton, J. S., Drury Hancock, J., Razorback Harris, Alfred, Otahuhu Harris, Major B., Tuakau Hattaway, R., sen., Pakuranga Hawke, G., Ilelland Farm, Bombay Hayre, J. II., Hillsborough, Epsom Heath, T., Ramarama Henricksen, P. C, Otahuhu Henwood, J. S., Otahuhu Herrold, J. W., Captain, Auckland Heyland, A. K., Waiheke Hill, Alfred, Papakura Hill, G., Hunua Hill, H. W., Mauku Hirst, George, Hunua Hockin, E., Waiuku Hodgson, J., Waiheke Hosking, Caleb, Waiuku Hoye, G., Wairoa Hunter, T., Mission Farm, Otahuhu Irwin, J., Awhitu Johns, J., Otahuhu Keith, J. II., Mauku Kemp, Richard, Wairoa Keith, William, M lungatawhiri Kelly, J., Whitford Kerr, W., Springfield, Ramarama Kiely, John, Ramarama Kimplon, F, Wairoa South Kirkbride, M., Mangare Lindsay, J., Howick Loverocn, J. A., Howick Lyell, W. S., Drury Lynch, Mrs. A.. Auckland Lyons, R. J., Maungatawhiri Mackey, H., Bombay Maclean, R. and E., Howick Macpherson, John, Drury Martin, J., Papatoitoi Martin, Robert, Mercer Maskrey, W., Papatoitoi Massey, J., jun., Mangare Matheson, J., Wairoa Matuschka, M., Otahuhu May, A., Waiuku May, John, Waiuku May, John, Pakuranga McDonald, A., Pukekohe East McDonald, George, Wairoa McDonald, John, Woodlands, Wairoa McKee, Robert, Hunua McLaughlin, W., Papatoitoi McLeod, Donald, Waiheke McNamara, J., Wairoa McNaughton, J. S., Tuakau McNichol, A., Wairoa Merrill, Edward, Howick Middleton, R. J., Papakura Moore C, Kazorback Muir, A., jun., Kobekohe, Waiuku MunrO, G., Wairoa Nathan and Co., Whitford Neudick, R., Mauku Oliver, A., Whitford Palmer, Sophia, Hunua 230 220 A 85 73 95 29 220 110 169 384 10 83 5° 72 5 6 4 9 0 75 90 90 200 110 300 510 Nil 43 90 54 Nil 6 300 '16 5°° 92 253 280 300 '9 494 87 243 290 400 400 400 21 220 98 95 3° 81 7' 75 60 Nil 5' 29 60 5° 45 36 251 128 73 27 '9 60 290 '5° '35 8 34 '93 65 24 25 36 116 27 197 Nil 3' 307 '57 22 294 164 36 88 60 100 6 92 84 100 10 80 200 100 93 250 Nil Nil 3 132 10 '44 64 26 44 520 5° 16 95 60 246 '7 103 69 10 96 580 60 240 3 86 40 243 62 5° 100 32 5° 650 400 6 420 493 11 '7 400 o 93 400 300 10 60 170 9 300 20 5° 160 29 285 3° 1244 Nil 360 4'

"0. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Paul, Walter, Mangare Pearman, A. C, Otdiuhu Pegler, C, Otahuhu Pellow, W., Tuakau Percy and Wills, Mangare Peters, W. R., Miranda Pilgrim, S. E.,.Mauku Porch, Norman, Otahuhu Proude, R., 'I hornville, Bombay Ramage, J. W., Papakura Reed, G., Mmngatawhiri Reid, S. H, Papikuri Reid, Thomas, Wsiuku Rhodes, Charles, Newmarket Richardson, J., Wairoi Hoberls, C, Pakuranga Roberts, E., Pakuranga Roberts, J., Pakuranga Robertson, D. S., Onehunga Robertson, James, jun., Mangare Robinson, A., Mangate Robinson, N., Mangare Roose, E., Pukekohe Routly, Thomas, Pukekohe R utly, W., Pukekohe Rowe, R., Springhill, Tuakau Roy, L. 0., Papikurt Rutherford, J. G., Bombay Sandford, A, Rakino, Auckland Scarrott, J., Auckland Scott, John, jun., Mangare Selby, G. H., Waiuku Shackell, A. J., Otahuhu Sharp, W\, jun., Pukekohe East Smales, Rev. G., Otahuhu Smeed, J. and W., Tuakau Smith, J. and G., Mangare Smith, J. Abel, Wairoa Smith, J. T., Razorback Smith, T. and A., Miranda Speechlay, T., Pakuranga Stephens, 0. W., Wairoa Storie, George, Maungatawhiri Sutherland, H., Wairoa Tebbutt, A., Wairoa Thomson, J., Otahuhu Thorn, Sidney, Hunua Thorp, W. H, Beckley, Wairoa Trace, H. M., Sunnyside, Waiheke Trail, William, Hunua Trice, W. and G., Poplar Farm, Howick Turner, R., Wairoa Udy, John, Underwood, Pakurangi Urquhart Brothers, Drury Vining, S. and J., Miranda Wade, I. and C, Whitford Wallace, A., Otahuhu Wallace, James, Hill-side, Papatoitoi Wallace, John, Mangare Wallace, John, Bothwell Park, Waiuku Wallace, M., Hunua Walter, G. G., Mauku Walters, V., sen., Waiuku Westney, W., Mangare Wheeler, J., Tili Farm, Mauku Wilkinson, T., Pukekohe Wilson, F. J., Wairoa Wilsou, J. S., Wairoa Woodward, M., Mount Albert Woodward, W., Otahuhu Woolfleld, T. R., Papatoitoi Wright, Henry, Hunua V. right, W., Whiteford Park, Whitford Wyllie, T., Papatoitoi Wyman, G. W., Mangare '3 9 54 252 '3» 5' 68 189 200 26 491 44 16? 8 '5 10 400 500 76 72 5°° 96 200 38 245 389 3 67 34° 95 80 43 138 142 9' 9 480 85 253 2 11 66 298 '73 36 81 262 200 46 40 446 45 l65 10 10 11 400 399 60 64 S°° 120 220 43 221 292 45° Nil Nil 300 76 98 62 140 281 87 46 580 72 203 25 160 '5 190 104 93 100 Nil 61 236 140 49 675 60 18 375 406 60 180 93 60 6 200 '78 67 660 60 Nil 360 632 46 100 84 70 Nil 27 170 120 72 190 200 171 3° 27 397 830 105 Nil Nil 373 639 75 112 70 344 '33 76 37° 1300 230 101 300 WAITEMATA COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alison Brothers, Devonport Bethell, F., Henderson's Mill Blake, J., Bankside, Wade Bond, E., Wade 33230 32623 97 70 5 75 Nil Nil Nil Nil

H. —11.




o. of S 31st ] hee,p on kl»y. 1883. I 1884. Boord, J. C, Kumeo Flat Bradley, W. W. L., Taupaki Brown, J. H., Waiheke Island, Auckland Brunton, R.,Wade Buckland, A., Auckland Cantwell, George, Henderson's Mill Casey, M., Wade Clinkard, C. H., Makarau Cottle, James, Taupaki Dawson, W., Phoenix, Kaukapakapa Dil worth, James, Auckland Dodd, J., Dairy Flat Feunell, Arthur, Wainui, Wade George, T., Henderson's Mill Goodwin, W. H., jun., Kaukapakapa Hand, James, Helensville Haughton, George, Henderson's Mill Henley, M. C, Kaukapakapa Henney, J. S., Whangaparoa Hotham, B. G., Cowes, Waiheke Hunter, H., Mount Albion, Taupaki Hutchinson, J., Kaukapakapa Iuglis, J., Dairy Flat Jack, A., Wade Kennedy, J. B., Captain, Waiheke King, Samuel, Wainui, Wade Kissling, C. F. E., Omaru, Waiheke Lamont, W. Parakakau Lee, W., Kaukapakapa Lees, Thomas, Wade Lloyd, H, Wade Lord, J., Wade Marks, H., Kaukapakapa McFadden, H, Parakakau McKay, James, Tiritiri Island, Auckland ... McLeod, J., Kaukapakapa McLeod, P. and I,, Helensville McLeod, R., Pakeha Island, Waiheke Menary, B., Dcvonport Moffat, J., Wade Monk, R,, Auckland Moyle, T., Oak Hill Farm, Wade Murray, G. W., Rurnside, Kaukapakapa Murray, J., Hafton, Auckland Naughton, W., Kaukapakapa O'Brien, L. Putiki Bay, Waiheke Phillipps, John, Helensville Rapson, S. S., Ferndale K.ukapakapa Reed, Brothers, Motutapu, Auckland Rikey's, Mrs. Emily, Kaukapakapa Roberts, T., Henderson's Mill Simcock, C. P., Kaukapakapa Simcock, J., Kaukapakapa Sinclair, John, Kaukapakapa Sinclair, R., Hdenvale, Kaukapakapa Smyth, Hibernia, Titirangi Smyth, J., Henderson's Mill Stevenson, W., Lucas Creek Stewart, D., Helensville Stoney, W. 13., Wade Thorburn, A., Wade Vaughan, G., Lucas Creek Vos, E. L. Taupaki Watkinaon, W., Wade Wilkins, J., Waikoukou Wilson, G., Dairy Flat Wilson, T., Wade Wilson, W., Dairy Flat 97 46. 35°° Nil 2370 9 140 3° 88 80 47 Nil 8 3286 Nil 3° '5° 60 150 40 47 84 45 100 '43 63 40 58 244 '95 70 1400 Nil Nil 20 53 300 '75 5° 5° 56 '5° If 5 150 200 3280 1200 53 90 60 20 70 16 70 3' 360 ' 26 70 66 24 Nil 86 '9 60 38 20 18 Nil 20 74 24 5° 3° 90 Nil 60 45 25 218 16 70 300 50 560 46 69 Nil 81 4 45 '7 61 5° 5° 61 66 30 16 76 60 60 75 94 20 '3 42 42 180 252 40 36 95 200 53 35 45 Nil 300 20 56 40 3' 72 3°° n.574 '5.929 EDEN COUNTY (I» Auckland Subdivision). Elam, J. E., St. John's College Gallagher, P. Avondale Gollan, Henry, St. Helier's, St. John's College Hall, R., One-Tree Hill, Newmarket May, Joseph, Mount Roskill, Epsom Mears, W., Epsom Motion, W., Western Springs, Auckland Newcombe, R., St. John's College N.Z. Stud and Pedigree Stock Co., Tamaki and Sylvia Park, St. John's College 42 49 90 352 320 32 3° 5° 53 Nil 94 383 289 12 10 72 96. 354

0. of 31st heep on May. 18S3. 1884. Osborne, A. J., Sandholme, Tryphena Pollen, Hon. D., Avondale Taylor, A, K., Auckland Taylor, R. J., Auckland Taylor, W. I., St. John's College Udy, R., Eden Terrace Wesleyan Inst., Three Kings, Onehunga Wickham, J. R., Avondale, Auckland Woodward, M., Mount Albert Wright, F. W., Dr., Cowes, Waiheke 190 400 'So 1170 1400 35 28 37 95 4' 100 261 130 Nil 1400 8 10 77 THAMES COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision.) Alley, II., Hikutaia, Thames Buchanan, John Paeroa Comer, Robert, Kirikiri Corbett, E. M., Waitekauri Crouclier, Charles, Tararu Earl, John, Owharoa Earl, William, Orongo, Thames Ehrenfried, L., Thames Elliot, John, Puriri Franklin, C, Owharoa Hawkes, R. M., Tapu Jacobs, H. M., Hastings, Tapu Manuel, C, Tapu Marshall, James, Thames Mitchell, T„ Tararu Newby, W. J., Tapu Quinlivan, Edmond, Owharoa Smith W. H, Thames Steedman, J. B., Tararu Taylor, W. A., Tararu Thorp, A. J., Paeroa Townsend, John, Thames Trotter, R. R., Waiomio Walters, E., Kirikiri Wick, II. C, Obinemuri 5,472 3,25 367 762 200 35 166 121 3° 5' 36 161 92 200 190 "5 150 22 21 6 158 5' 140 11 30 Nil' 60 140 106 55° 37 '53 21 41 4' 169 130 489 16 20 142 121 COROMANDEL COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision.) Bleohynden, John, Tokatea Hamiora Mangakahia, Auckland Iiohcpa (Joe), Mania, Coromandel Horsburgh & Wilkie, Mercury Island, Auckd. Lynch, J., Coromandel Meikle, —, Mercury Bay Thorley, W., Beeson's lis., Coromandel 2,172 _£''!? 103 90 80 285 Nil 121 45o '55 200 200 300 35° 1.361 WAIKATO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivison.) Alexander, W., Harlaw, Hamilton Arnold, J., Cambridge Auckland Agricultural Co., Cambridge Barugh, J. J., Wartle Farm, Hamilton Browning, F. W., Avoca, Hamilton Buckland, J. S., Cambridge BuBhby, J., Miranda Coates, I., Hamilton Cowley Brothers, Tamahere, Hamilton Davis, Thomas, Mercer Diprose, T. N., Tawhara Dodd, T. E., Hamilton Dougherty, N. J., Green Hill, Cambridge Douglas, J. A. & W. M., Cambridge Edney, James, Taupiri Ellis, John, Rangiriri Ewen, C, Tamahere Ferguaon, R. H. D., Gorton, Cambridge Findlay, W., Miranda Findley, R. G., Miranda Forrest, J., Cambridge Gillett, C, Hautapu Graham, S. S., Tamahere Greenwood, D., Hautapu Hay, T. H. Cambridge Hill, G., Matahuru, Rangiriri Hooton, W. & Co., Rangiriri ,., 1,063 24 392 3038 1220 124 460 286 162 2 '7 28 5 11,461 176 Nil 200 Nil 192 Nil 12 644 '9 216 '7 200 526 41 234 200 Nil Nil 460 130 '93 29 70 5o 200 32 65 Nil 92 j6 100 88 Nil 61 '83 80





~ I No. of 31 at Sheep on May. 1883. 1884. Wilson, Thomas, Okete Wright, 0., Okete 4 8 '3 82 18 WAIPA COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision.) Alderson, William, Tuhikaramea Anderson, A. and J., Whatawhata Atkinson, J., Springbank, Hamilton Atkinson, William, Pukerimu Bockett, D., Paikuhu, Te Awamutu Bosanko, J. and R., Te Awamutu Caley, D., Mona Hill, Pukerimu Cockerline, R., Kihikibi Corboy, P., Whatawhata Corboy, William, Kihikibi Cunningham, J., Te Awamutu Cunningham, R., To Awamutu Dawson, A., Obote, Whatawhata Day, Cornelius, Whatawhata De Quinccy, P. F., Hamilton Dillicar, Richard, Hamilton Ellis, Brothers, Kihikihi Finch, G., Alexandra Fisher, John, Pukerimu Fisher, R., Pukerimu Fleming, S., Ohaupo Fraser, P. R., Ngaruawhia Fry, J., Ngaroto Gane, J., Ohaupo Gelston, Samuel, Hamilton Germann, F. C, Paterangi Gibson, J., Te Awamutu Gifford, J. J., Te Awamutu Glasson, J., Tuhikaramea Goodfellow, H. and J., Te Awamutu Goodfellow, T., Alexandra Graham, J. II., Rangiriri Gribble, J., Hamilton Griee and Parker, Rolo-o-Rangi, Cainb. Gubbins, E. H, Innisfallcn, Ohaupo Harper, J., Ohaupo Henderson, A., Kihikihi Henderson, J., Kihikihi Hibbs, C, Hamilton Hicks, F., Cambridge Hindle, D. B., Knowle, Whatawhata Hunt, T., Te Awamutu Hunter, W, Ohaupo Hutchinson, J., Orakau, Kihikihi Iwersen, Peter, Whatawhata Kay, Roger, Te Awamutu Keighly, H. E., To Awamutu Kirkbam, William, Te Awamutu Krippner, M., Te Rore, Alexandra Kusabs, II., Ohaupo Lake, E., Fernside Farm, Ohaupo Lang, F. W., Tuhikaramea Livingstone, W. W., Tuhikaramea Long, II., Te Awamutu MacKinnon, Bros., Rangiriri Manders, J. H, Te Awamutu McDonald, T., Ngaruawahia McLaren, Duncan, Ohaupo McMicken, J. G., Tuhikaramea McNicol, A. and J., Lochiel, Ohaupo Newcombe, Henry, Cambridge Noble, Robert, Whatawhata Osier, Thomas, Hamilton Potts, J. T., Ngaroto Powell, W. W., Ngaruawahia Qualtrough, W., Kihikihi Ramsay, J., Te Awamutu Reynolds, R, Cambridge Richdale, George, Alexandra Kobinson, Edwin, Paterangi Rogers, H., Hamilton, Rutherford, W. T., Te Awamutu Ryburn, James, Ohaupo Salmon, A. M., Whatawhata Scott, A. J., Paterangi Scott, J. H, Paterangi Seccombe, R., Alexandra ... 1 3.9" 2,968 47 210 I 1 Nil Nil 76 23 120 35o 27 100 36 250 30 Nil 90 200 465 37 Nil Nil '85 100 "5 Nil Nil 85 35° '3 ioo 72 20 4 6 90 '39 245 26 '73 76 498 78 '38 '3 4 53° in '34 "9 8 '7 1170 259 33 176 1602 9S6 347 85 142 412 104 Nil Nil Nil Nil '35° Nil Nil 123 1320 14 Nil 101 208 234 Nil Nil 369 22 400 62 2500 52 340 60 90 47 121 7 106 47 '35 230 100 25 440 6 ico 27 170 225 18 3' 53 200 200 100 30 100 660 25 95 53 10 247 700 50 360 Nil 26 Nil Nil 220 Nil Nil 60 37 Nil 59 5' 250 53o 11 32 225 22 229 470 62 192 32 80 Nil 104

No. of &heep un 31st May. 1883. I 1881. Elorie Waka, Cambridge lefferis, John, Rangiriri lohns, E., Treehill, Ngaruawahia folly, T„ Hamilton Lovell, W. H. M., Taupiri Vlain, A., Hautapu Martyn, J., jun., Pencarrow, Tamahere Mclnnes, George, Miranda McPherson, J., Kirikiriroa Morgan, T., Hautapu Morgan, W. B., Hautapu Slew Zealand Stud and Pedigree Stock Co., Cranston, Cambridge Norris, G. T., Hautapu Parker, James, Cambridge Paton, Bros., Hautapu Pearson, A. W., Golborne, Hautapu Pickering, M. 11., Fernando, Hautapu Primrose, J., Kirikiriroa Ralph, R. R., Huntly Raynes, J., Hamilton Reid, W., Ngahinapouri, Hamilton Reynolds, R., Cambridge Racket, W, Te Awamutu Rumney, N., Taupiri Runciman, James, Kirikiriroa Runciman, John,Broad Meadows, Camb. iSeddon, S. T., Kirikiriroa •Selby, W., the Poplars, Cambridge Smith, J. H , Fairfield, Hautapu Steele, II., Hamilton Suttor, A. B., Eureka, Hamilton Swarlerich, A. I)., Kirikiriroa Paylor, William, Taupiri 1'aylor, J., Cambridge Phomas, F. G., Kirikiriroa twining, F. N., Mangatawhiri Vincent, Charles, Mercer Waikato Land Association, Taupiri Watt, G., Cambridge White, T. H, Ferndale, Taupiri Whyte, J. B., Hamilton Wilkinson, Thomas, Hautapu Wood, Browne, Woodlands, Hamilton IOO 110 67 29 126 390 680 I I 40 4' 1043 36 7 328 758 73 98 Nil 130 84 Nil Nil 216 6 23 200 47° 6,3 295 '7 32 35 1430 3° 11 2 os 603 18 '75 100 111 7' 353 12 20 69 339 '598 359 200 7' 290 290 294 72 Nil 82 75 Nil '52 45 '5' 9 4 530 9 200 45 4340 io 5 495 75 130 ,63 7616 12 2 75 94 264 94 Nil Nil _ 61 RAGLAN COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision.) Bell, Charles, Churchill Billington, R., Te Mata Bregmen, J., Te Mata Brooks, John, Rangiriri Dogswell, W. P., Lady Down, Waitctuna Dickey, E. W., Whatawhata 3ibb, Alexander, Churchill 3-ibbison, W., Okete Srilmour, C, Okete Drilmour and Sons, Raglan Grant, Alexander, Alexandra Harsant, M., Okete Harsant, R., Harapipi Hodgson, I., Harapipi Hone, Wetere, Kawhia Aotea lack son, James, Taupiri fames, W. H, Alexandra ferome, Alfred, Te Mata Kescel, A., Okete Martin, J. Ngarauawahia McDonald, C. E., Okete Mitchell, Thomas, Raglan Moon, J., Okete Murray, Thomas, Mercer Rosborough, T., Harapipi •Sherret, A. S. Harapipi Stewart, Robert, Taupiri •Studholme, and Co., Te Akau, Raglan Sutton, 0., Croekham, Waitetuna 3wann, J., Aotea Thompson, J. H., Harapipi Ihomson, W., Ruapuke Farm, Aotea Vernon, Robert, Te Mata Wallis, W. H, Okete Ward, W., The Kauri Farm, Okete 20,379 29,172 98 54 _85 78 282 Nil 69 27 120 97 272 100 '5' Nil 128 80 130 10 "3 '3 Nil Nil 99 90 37° 54 45 28 227 Nil 59 34 Nil 12 118 9 '33 11 105 37 375 100 50 Nil 30 282 98 50 190 300 88 77 250 '5 80 80 34 5° 120 120 28 240 Nil 78 105





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. J 1881. Selwood, George, Rangiriri Shepherd, E. C, Whatawhata Skeates, W., Whatawhata Smith, Alfred, Alexandra Steele, H. Pukete, Hamilton Steele, S., Ohaupo Stone, C. J., Ngaruawahia Storey, C. J., Woodstock, Te Awamutu Sturges, W. N., Ohaupo Sunderland, S., Whatawhata Taylor, M., Te Awamutu Taylor, W., Green Hill, Te Awamutu Tole, J. L., Kihikihi Tucker, W., Cambridge Vickers, C. B., Tuhikaramea Vinson, Thomas, Hamilton Walker, E. B., Moana, Cambridge Way, G., The Narrows, Hamilton Weal, James, Te Awamutu Weatherill, T. W., Te Awamutu Westney, S. N.,PuniuFarm, TeAwamutu ... White, A., Te Awamutu Williamson, James, Ohaupo Wilson, Robert, Te Awamutu 56 22 24 15 60 140 63O 212 45 4 650 5 116 109 165 Nil 30 Nil 60 100 600 171 Nil 9 900 300 92 118 74 3494 20 20 142 '93 90 680 92 17,918 2884 4 46 60 '79 140 327 65 20,867 PIAKO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Brunskill, W. S., Cambridge Burnett, Brothers, Walton, Waihou Collins, O, Waitoa, Waihou Ellis, G. C, Oakhurst, Cambridge Firth, J. and C, Cambridge Gould, J. and C, Morrinsville Graham, J. J. Cambridge Gubbins, A. W., Morrinsville Horrell, J., Morrinsville Hunt, J., Waihou Hunt, N. J., Gorton, Cambridge Jenkins, Thomas, Morrinsville McGlashan, J., Whangaitu, Wnihou Murray, E. D. and C. N., Otterburn, Waihou Murray, W. A., Annandale, Piako Paton, Brothers, Hautapu Rowe, J. H, Hamilton Seddons, S., Orongomairoa, Waihou Smith, J. B., Waihou Strange, F., Waihou Taylor, W. I., Teau O'Waikatou, St. John's College Tickelpenny, S., Morrinsville Turnbull, T., Morrinsville 142 98 2532 705 8854 1070 Nil 200 250 94 168 '97 1463 563 9273 1000 130 300 400 85 150 1010 100 5 1800 '5° 10 138 10 83 1013 140 15 2046 274 '9 44 90 324 45 2500 40 150 2816 140 WEST TAUPO COUNTY (In Taupo Subdivision). Morrin and Studholme, Okahukura 20,49s 20,141 1590 1306 1306 EAST TAUPO COUNTY. Lyon, James, Te Heinga, Kereru Morrin and Grace, Taupo Paurini Whio, Tokano, Taupo Te Hau Paimariro, Moawhango '59° 3033 1850 Nil Nil 50 900 WHAKATANE COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Addis, Thomas, Opotiki Appleton, J., Opotiki Armstrong, John Henry, Opotiki Behanovitcb, M., Opotiki Black, W., Opotiki Brown, C, Whangaparaoa, Opotiki Buckworth, E. F., Whakatane Butler, William, Opotiki 4883 950 si Nil 81 32 500 476 770 160 Nil 80 97 29 5°° 49° 6s° 180

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Chalmers, William, Whakatane Clark, Thomas, Opotiki Clay, J., Opotiki Dawson, T., Stirling, Opotiki Dette, C, Opotiki Eivers, E. J., Whakatane Gordon, J., Thornton, Opotiki Gow, J. and Son, Carmyllie, Opotiki Hiri Kanawa, Te Teko Hiri Weteri, Te Teko Hone Matenga, Te Teko Hood, J., Opotiki Kelly, S., Oporio, Whakatane Kingi, Wiremu, Torere, Opotiki Law, William, Opotiki Lewis, T. M., Ohui, Opotiki Maihi, Waikawa, Opotiki Maunsell, Rev. George, Opotiki Maxwell, F., Junction, Opotiki McGarvey, W., Te Teko Murray, J. P., jun., Opotiki Neri Taramea, Omaio, Opotiki Neto No and others, Ruatoki, Whakatane ... Paku Eruera, Omaramutu, Opotiki Paora Kingi te Puata, Whakatane Parkinson, A., Opotiki Pene Hana, Te Teko Pile, T. II., Opotiki Pilling, O. F., Whakatane Raimona Petera, Te Teko Reid, Dr. Alexander, Opotiki Rogers, C. B., Opotiki Ross, E. 0., Opotiki Savage, James, Opotiki Seccombe, Thomas, Orete, Opotiki Simpkins, G., Whakatane Swindley, F., Whakatane Taimona, Te Teko Tamati Waaka, Omaio, Opotiki Tauba, Opotiki Troutbeek, H, Te Teko Walker, Isaac, Rotbwell, Opotiki Wilkin, Robert, Whakatane Young, George, Opotiki 21 IOO i 3 6 300 306 201 800 75° 700 600 "34 2500 20 '93 25 130 5' "5 723 20 300 320 25 189 Nil 279 Nil 294 800 75° 100 700 700 1068 Nil Nil 60 180 Nil 25 79 130 661 Nil Nil 250 310 80 100 455 35°o IOO 430 200 488 28^ 138 300 54 '52 40 2660 '35 IOO 35 30 2500 170 60 Nil 90 Nil 86 800 7o 300 16,976 1150 800 50 100 18,621 TAURANGA COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision.) Boucher, E. W., Te Puke Brown, J., Welcome Bay, Tauranga Cbaytor, B. T., Maketu Crapp, A. A., Tauranga Crump, P. C„ Tauranga Douglas, G. A., Matiti Island, Tauranga Foley, Denis, Waterford Galbraith, R. S., Springdale, Tauranga Geisler, H. W., Fernhill, Waterford Gregory, Thomas, Waterford Harvey and Kirk, Ohinemutu Harvey and Kirk, Primrose, Tauranga Hori Ngatai, Tauranga Killen, John, Waterford Lee, Brothers, Te Puke Lockington, Jas., Waterford MacDonnell, B., Waterford McPherson, John, Tauranga Morris, G. B., Ohauiti, Tauranga Munro, 0., Oropi, 'tauranga Pinker, A., Maketu Smith, J. R., Waterford Stevenson, R. V., Tauranga Stewart, G. V., Waterford, Stewart, Hugh, Capt., Waterford Stewart, M., Waterford Stone, Brothers, and Co., Waterford Surtees, R. V, Waterford Tanner, Thomas, Tauranga Vercoe, H. W., Maketu J. 7 80 20 '5° 100 20 3° 39° 47 60 '7 80 1325 Nil 190 40 3 Nil Nil 27 344 500 80 260 Nil Nil Nil 25 Nil 9 24 6 47 60 45 86 3° 34 185 80 5 42 Nil 166 158 '55 100 170 400 200 '79 140 5° 1829 434/





RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1883, and 1884. No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1881. COOK COUNTY (In Poverty Bay Subdivision.) Allen, J., Gisborne Angus & Stamers, Gisborne Arthur, A. C, Tokomaru, Te Mawhai Arthur, A. C, Wbatatutu, Ormond Arthur, A. 0., Willows, Gisborne Bank of N. Z., Okahuatiu, Gisborne Bank of N. Z., Reay Station, Gisborne Barker, P., Wbatopoko, Gisborne Black, W., Patutahi Bloomfield, F. E. R., Oil Springs, Gisborne... Bond, P., Gisborne Borrie, P., Ormond Brown, C. A., Wbakawbitira, Gisborne Brown, J., Waibora, Gisborne Bruce, G , Ormond Burnett, G. G., Tangihanga, Ormond Calcott, Agnes, Prospect, Gisborne Cameron, E., Gisborne Campbell, A., Mangataikapua, Ormond Caulton, S. C, Combermere, Ormond Chambers, W. K., Waerangabika Clarke, John, Opou, Gisborne Coleman & Clark (Read's Trust), Oil Springs, Ormond Craill, Robert, Patutahi De Montmollin, Robert, Gisborne Dunlop, D., Toanga, Gisborne Eru Pohatu, Murewai, Gisborne Espie, J. E., Newstead, Gisborne Ferguson, J., jun., Gisborne Goldsmith, T., Gisborne Gray, C, Waiohika, Gisborne Hamilton, T., Marshlands, Ormond Hamon, J., Waerangahika Harris, H., Mrs., Waekanae, Gisborne Harris, T. J., Avondale, Patutahi Hemi Hone, Ruaohinetu, Gisborne Hemi Mahuki, Gisborne Henderson, E. H, Awanui, Gisborne Hindmarsh, A. H., Ormond Hirini Haereone, Ormond Hirtzell, C. A. M., Akuaku Hutchinson Bros., Waihuka, Ormond Ihaia Patutahi, Waerangahika Johnson, G. R., To Arai, Gisborne Johnson, J. W., Maraetaha, Gisborne Karepa Ruatapu, Oweta, Te Arai Bridge ... Kempthorne, A., W Testmere, Ormond Kenway Bros., Te Pahi, Waerangahika King, W., Gisborne Kinross and Co., Tologa Bay Kinross and Co., Lome, Ormond Knight, A. P., Lake View, Ormond Knight, E. E., Ormond Lambert, C. C, Rye Green, Ormond Lardelli, V. S., Kowai Flat Ormond Macfarlane, D. D., Broadlanda, TolagoBay... Matenga Taibuka, Waerangahika McDonald, A., Tutoko, Gisborne McDonald & Wyllie, Waerangahika, Gisborne McDonald and Wyllie, Puatae, Gisborne ... McDougall, R. D., Westwood, Ormond Mcintosh, L., Arohar, Ormond McKenzie, A., Ormond McKenzie, J., Patutahi McLean, A., Otirau, Te Arai McLean, A., Waikohu, Uavelock McNair, D., Waimata, Gisborne McPhail, A., Lome, Ormond Mills, E. W., Gisborne Moanaroa Pere, Kaiparo, Gisborne Morice, W., Matawhero, Gisborne Morice, W., Te Aroha, Gisborne Morris, J., Ormond Morris, J., Waibora, Ormond Morris, Maria, Ruangarehu, Ormond Morris, Wm., Mangaoae, Ormond 75o 3873 3067 5346 8100 6400 150 8100 1820 223 1900 2000 3000 4010 192 1500 S°3 0 Nil 6500 8600 200 6500 1174 200 870 82 3345 2000 740 200 1000 400 3°o 980 704 850 140 4997 2730 3600 io6co 3200 7300 Nil 3800 Nil 2000 Nil 35°° 3400 186 2900 5°5° 820 8000 8300 7644 310 Sooo Nil Nil 882 12 9° 3127 Nil 740 Nil 95° 700 400 '75° 600 300 9100 18963 12590 100 Nil 9527 100 19629 15285 204 1700 216 Nil '55° 900 202; 4334 997 1203 1300 2222 Nil 900 1200 1200 509 6256 300 2000 3170 6600 486 1000 1200 55oo 150 3500 6500 505 637 '475 300 "95 7'5° Nil 75° 1002 1500 3400 300 1771 743° 400 3880 610 Nip '795 4800 70 120 200 140 100 97

o. of Sheep 31st May. 1833. I 1884. Mossman, W. J., Gisborne Mullooly, M., Tuawhatu, Tologa Bay Nevin, P., Gisborne Newman, A. B., Ngakaroa, Ormond Newman, A. M., Ormond Norris, G. H, Ormond N.Z.N.L.S. Co., Wainui and Kaiti, Gisborne O'Meara, W., Tuparoa Ormond, J. D., Poremata, Napier Ormond, J. D., Anaura, Napier Orr, J., Rangatira, Ormond Page, D, Gisborne Patoromu Tawhaitari, Waerangahika Peach, Dixon, Topuri, Patutahi Peka Kerekere & Wi Pere, Gisborne Peters, Andrew, Ormond Porter, T. W., Akuaku Price, Joseph, Patutahi Raibania te Aopapa, Murewai, Gisborne Reeves, A., Tologa Bay Robertson, J., Alladale, Awanui Rutu, Rakaiketeroa, Gisborne Scott, G., Willows, Ormond Seymour, J., Wbangara, Gisborne Smith Brothers, Ponparae, Gisborne Smith, G. A., Tamberry, Ormond Smith, M., Busbmere, Makaraka Smith, M., Waipiro, Gisborne Smith, William, Watara, Gisborne Somerville and Haig, Taoroa, Akuaku Somerville, W. E., Tologa Bay Stevens, Alfred, Patutahi Stewart, S. It., Delta, Tologa Bay Sunderland, G. L., Lavenbam, Gisborne Sunderland, J. W., Gisborne Thelwall and Co., Gisborne Tiopira Korehe, Waerangahika Tipene Tutaki, Waituke, Waerangahika Trimmer, J., Tokomaru Walker, H. J., Makumi, Gisborne Wall, H. H, Hillside, Patutahi Walsh, Wm. O, Gisborne Weston, Alfred, Gisborne Westrup and Co., Matawhero, Gisborne White, R., Forest Hill, Gisborne Whitmore, Sir G. S., Tuparoa Williams, Henry, Tologa Bay Williams, J. N., Waipiro, Hastings Williams, J. N., Tawhiti, Hastings Winter & Hair, Patutahi Wi. Paraone, Tahoka, Gisborne Wipere, Matawhero, Gisborne Woodhead Brothers, Ahirau, Ormond Wyllie, and Bloomfleld, Gisborne 2'5 500 IO 5500 500 3000 I 0000 800 7280 4092 10652 45 300 500 '5'5 230 3000 2CO0 23OO 80OO 360O 400 165O 916 I25O 3487 1729 150 I30O 355° 980 Nil 200 500 Nil 6000 6oo 3000 10,000 Nil 8080 4380 12,766 Nil 400 75o 3440 Nil 26^2 18 338 3000 2300 169 2300 8000 353o 47° 1900 Nil 1400 379° 1802 Nil 1300 3900 1000 1800 '5° 80 2400 Nil 890 59 5 2200 450 97 Nil 3000 230 7» 5 Nil 500 8500 484 411 1 45° 9500 500 9124 2586 550 1700 780 Nil Nil 2000 300 3000 WAIROA COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). Apirana Kaimoana, Wairoa Areta-a-Patu, Waihirere, Wairoa Balfour, William, Pakihikura, Mohaka Bank of N.Z., Awa Mate, Wairoa Bee G. and F., Waikara, Mohaka Brathwaite, J. B., Mohaka Brown, J. H, Whataki, W rairoi Carroll, Thomas, Ilurumua, Wairoa Clunie, Thomas, Wairoa Couper, J., Frasertown, Te Kapu Couper, J. & R. J., Mangapoike, Te Kapu ... Donnelly & Sewell, Owbirikura, Pobui Doull, D., Opoiti, Te Kapu Duff Brothers, Wairoa Eden, T., Marumaru, Wairoa Elliott, William, Waiau, Wairoa Elwin, W. J., Turiroa Epeniha Taura, Wairoa Fleming, J. S., Mahia Fisher & Ledward, Inverleith, Te Kapu Fletcher, J. A., Marumaru, Wairoa Gamble, D., Ohuia, Wairoa Garland, Dr. A. J., Waihua, Wairoa Gilmour, William, Waikare, Mohaka Glenny, William, Mahia 280452 307,973 100 36 35oo 35 00 9000 6047 13610 34'o 600 40 40 2500 3500 8000 7102 11000 4100 3544 45° 3H5 600 5000 782 7500 400 1900 '93 44 15100 160 73° 8000 3050 610 7500 400 1500 229 Nil 16140 1407 180 706 7000 2800 1400 3400 1200





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Goldstone, W., Riverslea, Wairoa Goullet, Felix, Te Kapu Gray, C, Frasertown, Wairoa Griffiths, E., Tarawera Hamlin, J. P., Raikahu, Napier Hamshar, J., Waihua, Mohaka Hemi Wairea, Nahaka Mahia Heria Kopu, Wairoa Hird, J., Wairoa Hoani Ngarara, Wairoa Ihak'a Whaanga, Nuhaka, Wairoa Kent, Isaac, Wairoa Kingi Korouria, Opoho, Wairoa Kinross, J. G., Burnside, Te Kapu Komene te Ito, Portland Island, Mahia Komiti 0 te Iwi, Nuhaka, Mahia Lambert Brothers, Parkhurst, Te Kapu Macandrew, J. F., Awa-o-Totara, Mohaka ,.. Matene Tohu & others, Pilot Stn., Wairoa ... Matene Ruawai, Tukurangi, Wairoa Mayo, George, Wairoa McAnanama, Terence, Turiroa McOulloch, W., Mangaaruhe, Te Kapu Mclvor, Murdoch, Waikari, Mohaka MeKinnon, John, Arapawanui, Petane McLean and Co., Putere, Mohaka Meyrick, A. G., Lavindale, Mohaka Miller, M. R., Webbston, Napier Miller, M. R., Waireka, Napier Miller, M. R., & Co., W rakamahi, Wairoa ... Milne, A. D., Mohaka Murray, Roberts, and Co., Putere, Napier ... Nairn, II., Liston, Te Kapu JPalmer, Thomas, Te Kapu Paora Onekawa, Wairoa Peakman, W. H, Wairoa Peddie, T., Inverleith, Wairoa Powdrell, Joseph, Turiroa, Wairoa Ranapia, Mohaka Shrimpton, W. Tongoio, Napier Sim, John, Mou'awa, Mohaka Steele and Kinross, Cricklewood Stevens and Gorton, Waiau, TeKapu Strachan, R. N., Mohaka Taylor, J. E., Springhill, Mohaka Taylor, John, Moeangiangi, Petane Teira Toheriri, Kopuawhara Mahia Te Puiti Kotuhi, Wairoa Thorpe, Stephen, Turiroa Topira Tapabi. Te Ruatauiwha, Wairoa Torr, T. & W. H, Turiroa Tully, David, W rairoa Tunks and Worthington, Te Kapu Twigg, II. J., Ridgernount, Petane Walker, George, Waikokopu, Mahia Walker, Neil, Wairoa 5°9 40 90 i2oo 3700 80 400 35 263 300 37o 740 5°o 4500 717 350 45° 81 35° 7648 6000 5557 700 95° 4200 19000 1700 505 45 Nil IOOO 3300 61 450 42 188 250 4500 330 400 698 600 Nil 1370 9000 2'5 5°o 76 Nil 200 7400 6500 Nil 700 IOOO 4280 18000 1800 2458 20 46 226 800 1420 '50 16370 5000 3000 35oo 7000 9000 8979 1450 4500 2610 Nil 27 3'5 Nil 1410 5° 15801 5000 4500 4005 Nil 7600 8135 1300 110 403 80 190 '44 277 400 1200 6500 7400 7434 400 1200 6200 7706 77'4 232164 HAWKE'S BAY COUNTY. (In Napier Subdivision). Airini Tonore, and others, Taradale Anaru te Wanikau, Kaingaroa, Hastings Anderson, J., sen., Moteo, Puketapu Anderson and Co., Te Purotu, Napier Ani Manalii, Karamu, Hastings Baldwin and Mclvor, Hastings Beamish, N. E., Whana, Puketapu Beatson, John, Whareomarauui, Meanee Beecroft, W. A, Hastings Bennett, J., Newstead, Puketapu Bicknell John and Sons, Puketapu Birch Bros., Oruamatua, Erewbon Birch, W. J., Stoneycroffc, Hastings Bishop, T., Hastings Bolton, S., Mangatutu, Puketapu Bolton, S., Hawkestone, Puketapu Boyd, James, Wairoaite, Petane Boyle, James, Havelock Brathwaite, R., Mohaka Campbell, Hugh, Poukawa, Te Aute Cannon, William, Clive Carr and Ellison, Herepoho, Petane Oarswell, W., Kanganui, Petane 225161 3708 650 2240 13800 3200 640 2680 12000 500 17720 50 72 9000 1300 40400 281 .1700 4000 3000 5002 650 5733 20000 '74 8600 667 232 500 1438s 5° 59 8500 1450 42420 365 1100 5322 744' Nil 587 Nil 21000 107 n 000 760

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Chambers, J. B., Te Mata, Havelock ... 33459 Clark, G. M. and H. S., Wairoaiti, Petane ... — Clarke, Thomas, Havelock ... — Collision, E. D., Pakipaki, Napier ... 59:53 Collison, E. D. Smithfleld, Napier ... 7488 Condie, George, Redcliffe, Taradale ,,, 1300 Conroy, E., Napier ... 20 Couper, W. A., Havelock ... 18000 Cunningham & Smith, Tutira L., Napier ... 8000 Cunningham, J. A., Rakamuone and Titiokura, Napier ... ... ... 19081 Davis, E., Meanee Farm, Napier ... 372 Davis, E, Spring Vale, Napier ... 3600 Dolbel, P. and R., Taradale ... 16134 Donnelly and Hiraka, Moawhango ... — Donnelly & Hiraka, Tutupapa, Moawbango.., 3360 Donnelly & Hiraka, Otupai, Napier ... 21000 Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge, Taradale ... 5000 Donnelly, II. L., the Willows, Taradale ... 2000 Douglas, W., Te Mahonga, Napier ... 25286 Evans, F. J., Hengaston, Havelock ... 300 Eorde, Frank, Pakaututu, Puketapu ... 4040 Foreman, T., Hastings ... 750 France and Miller, Eskdale, Petane ... — Fulton, F. O.Whakamarumaru, Maraekakaho 8123 Giblin., J. S., Omatua, Puketapu .,. 8000 Gilbertson & Dixon, Brookfields, Meanee ... 2020 Gilbertson and Dixon, Waibau, Puketapu ... 5800 Gilligan, T. IT, Meanee ... 51 Gordon, Captain, Clifton, Hastings ... 19464 Graham, S., Puketapu ... 1800 Grant, A., Pakowhai, Meanee ... 6000 Groome and Ballantyne, Onipo, Te Aute ... ■— Hallett Brothers, Puketitiri, Puketapu ... 10000 Hamiora Tupaea, Te Aute ... 554 Haneta te Maero, Hastings ... 500 Harding, A., Kereru ... 22492 Harding, R., Patoka, Rissington ... 41496 Henare Kepa, Erewhon ... 4000 Heperi Pikirangi, Moawhango, Erewhon ... 700 Heslop, G., Prior Park, Taradale ... 9400 Heslop, G., Chosterhope, Taradale ... 8524 Heslop, J., Puketapu ... 722 Heslop, W., Omaranui, Taradale ... 13700 Higgins, John, Awatoto, Napier ... 100 Higgins, Lawrence, Tukirangi, Puketapu ... 5S44 Hill & Gordon, Fcrnhiil, Hastings ... 5884 IIirakaTeRango &AniPaki, Moawhango ... 8050 Hodge, H. K., Glenshee, Rissington ... 1320 Hollis, J. B., Clive ... 50 Hone Rautalii, Hastings ... 77 Hori Tupaea, Te Aute ... — Howse, George, Puketapu ... 1000 Hudson, S. M., Salisbury, Napier ... 1409 Hutchinson, F., Rissington, Puketapu ... 4150 Irimana Ngahou, Waiakaho, Erewhon ... 500 Johnston, §., Clive Farm, Takapau ... Nil Jones, W. J., Waikouini, Puketapu ... 560 King, J, Traveller's Rest, Kapier ... 150 Kingi Topia, Torongarere, Erewhon ... 1986 Kinross, J. G., Raukawa, Te Aute ... 12076 Kinross, J. G., Glenross, Puketapu ... 16018 Kirkpatrick, D., Omahu, Taradale .., 400 Knight Brothers, Clive ... 700 Lansdown, Richard, Meanee ... 53 Lincoln, J., Patoka, Rissington ... 350 Lockie, Allan, Glenlyon, Maraekakaho ... 900 Loughnan, J. II., Tukituki, Havelock ... 19000 Lowry, Thomas, Okawa, Puketapu ... 21200 Lyon, James, Whakarara, Kereru ... 8655 Lyon, James, Hawkeville, Maraekakaho ... — Mackenzie, R. II., Petane ... 3200 Manahi, Hastings ... 224 Marshall, James, Petane ... 1123 Martin, R., Napier ... 32 Mason, M., Tabeke, Maraekakaho ... 8405 Mason, R. IT, Te Ranga, Maraekakaho ... —■ Matenga Pekakeka, Clive ... 145 McDonald, D., Pukahu, Havelock ... 450 McDonald, James, Pukahu,-Havelock ... 1000 McDonald and Munro, Runahga, Napier .,, 10400 Mclvor, J., Havelock ... 800 McLean, Douglas, Maraekakaho ... 56368 McLean, Peter, Waipukurau .., i8*« 34557 2659 440 6000 8080 Nil 50 23300 9500 '7574 483 3858 17022 2100 3900 21000 5000 2500 30520 500 3500 '73 4150 9063 Nil 2200 6201 Nil 22100 1300 6600 2400 10000 624 5°o 20800 32449 4500 640 8074 500 720 12450 100 6050 7000 6000 1305 Nil 94 100 IOOO 1427 4440 450 200 500 100 1900 13222 17697 460 1003 69 400 Nil 16000 24643 83CO 1562 I IOO Nil 2000 40 5100 3070 Nil too IOOO 10000 Nil 61000 1600





0. of 31st heep on May. 1883. I 1834. McMillan, W., Havelock Meinertzhagen and Moore, Havelock Merritt, George, jun., Clive Miller, M. R., Mount Erin, Napier Miller, M. R., Ardlussa, Napier Murray, Roberts and Co., Onipo, Napier ... Na Peni Tepuna, Hastings Neal, William, Redelyffe, Napier Nelson, William, Omatua, Puketapu Nelson Bros., (Limited), Apley, Puketapu ... Nelson Brothers (Limited), Tomoana and Mangateretere, Hastings Nepia Hapuku, Te Aute N.Z.L. & M. A. Company, Napier Nikera te Koro, Oaturawha, Hastings Nikora Pura, Pakipaki, Napier Noa Huke and Aronoa, Ohiti, Hastings Noa Huke & Aronoa, Kangaroa, Moawhango... Ormond, J. D., Karamu, Napier Orr, John, Papakura, Taradale Orr, William, Orwell, Clive Otene Toatoa, Hastings Paora Pahi, Paki Paki, Napier Paora Kaiwbata, Moteo, Puketapu Parahi, Korongata, Hastings Paramena, Paki-Paki, Hastings Peacock, Gavin (Estate of), Puketapu Peddle, S. W. P., Hendley, Pohui Pobuka Hapuka, Te Aute Powdrell, Henry, Meanee Reignier, E., Mission Station, Meanee Reihana, Hastings Renal a Kawepo, Pukebamoemoe, Hastings ... Renata.Kawepo, & Broughton, Hastings Retia, Paki-Paki, Hastings Rewi Penetiki, Paki Paki, Napier Roberts, John, Clive Grange, Clive Rora Poneke, Hastings Royso and Anderson, Poporangi, Kereru Russell, II. R., Te Aute, Waipukurau _ ... Russell Bros., Flaxmcre & Tananui, Hastings Rymer, George, Napier Seale, Sanders and Toll, Puketapu Shield, Arthur, Waikonini, Puketapu Shirley, T. A., Wensley, Taradale Shrimpton, W., Maraekakaho Smith, J. J., Spit, Napier Smyth, C. G., Roseneatb, Napier Spence, George, Eskinount, Petane Sponce, George, Seafield, Petane Steven, John, Eskbank, Napier Stuart, Robert, Hawkville,Maraekakaho Studholme Bros., Owhauko,Napier Studholme, Morrin, and Co., Moawhango ... Sutton, Frederick, Royston, Clive Sutton, Spencer, Te Aute Tanner, T., Endsleigh, Hastings Tanner, T., Wai Puanga, Petane Tanner, T., Riverslea, Hastings Temuera, W raitio, Taradale Te Teira Tiakitai, Waimarama, Havelock ... Thompson and Higgins, Hastings Tiffen, H. S., Greenmeadows, Taradale Timirana Naku, Paki Paki, Napier Tolmie, Allan, Glenlyon, Maraekakaho Tongatake, Hastings Torr, J. A., Napier Tuxford, A., Petane Twigg, II. J., Petane Grange, Petane Villers, William, Petane Waitangi Boiling-down Est., Clive Walker, Malcolm, Maraekakaho Wallace, Neil, Willow Bank, Petane Watene Hapuku, Hauke, Te Aute Waterhouse and Fitzherbert, Mangawhare, Puketapu Watt (Estate of), Longlands, Hastings Watt (Estate of), Olrig, Maraekakaho Wellwood, Robert, Hastings White, Taylor, Glengarry, Rissington Willan, Thomas, Meanee Williams, J. N., Frimley, Hastings Williams, R. P., Mangateretere, Clive Williams, Rev. S,, Te Aute, Napier 230 3'2*75 900 14300 6440 1700 280 240 37000 2630 13970 7000 Nil 409 406 8198 7795 7000 6879 35° 7047 Nil 55 220 200 4400 500 4250 300 355 Nil '5° 250 4374 676 4630 500 486 554 •148 1400 160 300 3900 1788 2100 600 200 1500 140 300 4326 1980 Nil 644 1617 604 4000 8000 180 1500 400 4000 7220 140 9588 62 22428 5759 40170 140 5600 11400 845 15261 IOO '5 13000 4000 300 1500 4374o 35334 4012 99 10620 Nil 22000 54'o 45108 3 55oo 12000 1500 18000 100 Nil 13000 4000 Nil Nil 46960 36900 4020 204 8549 20177 10936 500 2753 34° 7190 140 IOOO 7000 20000 12278 250 4850 102 7400 IOOO 300 IOO 290 2000 700 Nil I IOO 230 250 2200 70O ' 7 I IOO 1200 2320 T400 2059 24000 16450 30728 3080 5290 240 13661 4640 '7546 22000 19450 33270 4660 6015 500 10475 483O 23466

No. of ! 31st leep on 1883. 1834. Wilson, J. W., Kohinarakau, Havelock Winiata te Whaaro, Waiakaha, Erewhon 2800 2523 33oo 1166499 1211425 WAIPAWA COUNTY (In Napier Subdivision). Alder, J., Stanley Farm, Blackburn Anderson, Anders, Blackburn Anderson, Lars, Ashley Clinton, Makeretu ... Ashton, John, Patangata Atua Mohi &, Hiri, Tikokeno, Hampden Austin, William, Hampden Aviaon, James, Waipawa Baker, Benjamin, Ongaonga Balsillie, John, Makeretu Beetbam Brothers, Te Apiti, Napier Bibby, E., Waipawa Bird, J., Woodlands, Wallingford Bowden, A , Kaikora Bradford, G. B., Woodville Bridge, H. H, Fairfield Ongaonga ' ... Bridge, II. H, Ashcott, Ongaonga Britten, J., Waipawa Buchanan, J., Elsthorpe, Patangata Burgess, Thomas, Hampden Callaghan, M,, Mount Erin, W'oodville Campbell, Angus, Kaikora Canning, J. D. (Est. of), Oakbourne, Wallingford Carlile and Saxby, Broomfiekl, Woodville ... Carlyon, G. G. (Exors. of), Gwavas, Hampden Christianson, P., Ongaonga Claridge, R. J., Triangle, Blackburn Clark, Edward, Tamumu Clark, George, Patangata Coles, Arthur, Makeretu Collins, J., Patangata Cowper and Knight, Kaitoki, Taboraiti Cox, Henry, Woodville Crane, J. F., Taboraiti Cripps, George, Herbertville Crosse, Thomas,Mangamairi, Porangabau ... Curling, Robert Te Kopanga, Patangata Davey, James, W'oodville Dickins, J., Woodville Dillon, A., Willow Bank, Kaikoa Drower, F. H, St. Vincent, Waipukurau Drower, F. II., Te Whiti, Waipukurau Drower and Gollan, Wanstead, Waipukurau Durham, William, Woodburn, Makeretu Ebbett, William, Purumo, Waipukurau Ellingham, Thomas, Takapau Elliott, W., Mount Pleasant, Woodville Ellison, W. J., Takapau Eriksen, Anders, Norsewood, Ormondville ... Evans, R., Homewood, Kaikora Fleming, D. S., Flemington, Motuotaria Fletcher, Samuel, Ongaonga Ford, John, Tamumu Foulger, Mrs., Ashley Clinton, Takapau Franklin, Robert, Wainui, Herbertville Franklin, S., Mangaone, Herbertville Franklin, S., Wainui, Herbertville Gaisford, II., Oringi, Taboraiti Giles, II. R., Woodville Glenny, T. S., Ongaonga Gollan, D., Mangatarata, Waipukurau Gollan, J. D., Eparaima, Wallingford Gollan, It, Senr., Tamumu Goodwin, W., Waipukurau Goose, J. E. (Trustees of late), Kaikora Gradwell, Frederick, Bl.ckburn Grant, A., Burnside, Takapau Gray, E., Willow Farm, Kaikora Guillard, P. L., Woodville Hall, William, Tikokino, Hampden Halvorsen, Andrew, Norsewood Hamilton, G. D., Mangatoro, Tahoraite Harding, E., Woodville Harding, J., Mount Vernon, Waipukurau ... Hardy, S. W., Hampden Harris, John, Woodville Harrison, A. V., Blackburn 142 40 IOO 400 580 2IOO IOO 21257 1600 II 10 200 10400 12748 68s 20300 1180 200 160 13323 56 17000 80 283 420 540 230 3000 9000 '34 3 500 9000 20762 126 270 2975 55° 200 14 i So 32 150 400 600 2232 190 99 25246 585 1900 1109 630 I I IOO 12745 705 22000 Nil 300 152 135°° 707 18000 40 480 490 400 152 3100 9500 92 12 700 io354 20939 99 770 3367 457 Nil IOOO 450 1191 IOOO 387 425 I IOO " 7700 295 17 52 300 300 500 9505 42 800 1100 240 1353 720 480 700 23 1258 8200 467 8 50 400 IOOO 600 3705' 1500 3009 IOOO 417 12330 80 I IOO 39'36 1200 2760 1100 Nil 10800 Nil 177 595 200 12400 140 Nil 800 37 20008 37° 21 IOO 876 Nil 16800 297 20500 764 92 200





No. of SI 31st! ieep on lay. 1833. I 1881. Hartree, H, Pukikura, Wanstead Hartshorn, E., Wanstead Hawken, Henry, Woodville Hayes, J., Waipukurau Haywood, J.E. &H, Silverleaf, Herbertville Healy, J., Porangahau Herbert, A. and A., Herbertville Herbert, J. &C, Farnbam, Herbertville Herbert, T. W. and A., Herbcrtvi le Herbert, W. J., Herbert's Mount, Herbertville Herrick, J. L., Forest Gate, Ongaonga Hewitt, J. A., Taboraite Hobin, J., Waipawa Hobaon, T., Takapau Holden, J. & T., Spring Vale, Hampden ... Holder, H. R., Riverside, Woodville Holloway, J., Woodville Hope, W., Woodville Howard Brothers, Hampden Howard, T , Holly Combe, Kaikora :.. Howse, Thomas, Makeretu Hughes, D., Woodville Hunter, George, Porangahau Hurst, A. W., Woodville Hyland, Patrick, Kumeroa, Woodville Inglis, J., Hampden Ingram, William, Hampden Ireland, J., Takapau Jensen, Hemming, Blackburn Jensen, N. P , Takapau Johnston, S., Tamumu, Takapau Johnston, S., Oruwharo, Takapau Knapp, J. E., Makakai, Hampden Knight Brothers, Tahoraiti Knight, J., Kaikora Lambert Alfred, Porangahau Lambert,Col. (Estate of), Takapau Lawrence, J., Homewood, Kaikora Leupold, Carl, Heavitree, Ongaonga Limpus, Charles, Patangata Little, James, Kumeroa Lloyd, J., Woodville L6gan, A., Tamumu Lomax, J. P. Woodville Loveday, James, Woodville Lowman, John, Woodville Loye, N., Mount Hope, Makeretu Majendie, F. A., Woodville Mackensen & Kayser, Woodville Mackersey and Sons, Lakes, W 7anstead Mackey, A., Ongaonga Mason, G. M., Waretoka, Hampden Mathews, J., Hampden McDonald, James, Woodville McDonald, J., jun., Woodville McDonald, John, Senr., Woodville McGreevy, S., Mount Erin, Waipawa McHardy, A., Pakowhai, & Blackhead, Pourere McKenzie, John, Tamumu McKenzie, It, Kaikora MeLenan M., Ongaonga McLeod, Mrs. E., Glen Erie, Hampden McLeod, David, Woodside, Ongaonga McNutt, Samuel, Wanstead Mills, E., Woodville Moore and Parkinson, Hampden Moorcock, John, Blackburn Morrison, Finlay, Blackburn Mulinder, George, Kaikora Mundell, D., Kaikora Murphy, William, Woodville Murray, J., Woodville Musson, George, Kaikora Nairn, C. J., Pourerere Nelson, W., Titoki, Tamumu Nepe te Apatu, Waipawa Newman, W. J., Arlington, Waipukurau ... 1000 800 1200 IOOO Nil 3' 9° 700 1300 800 7500 800 650 995° 205 74 1000 5500 409 3°o 95 8240 1000 95 650 1000 IOOO 7500 900 630 10704 335 49 5000 6900 690 400 107 8530 1200 84 36400 45 47 84 40025 38 73 685 '39 45 Nil 589 96 30 4 80 120 37792 30200 800 4500 2400 IOOO 7500 3027 1200 1382 170 240 1500 Nil 32700 28900 1000 4000 2400 900 6350 3394 1000 1380 '80 211 1390 590 250 '4 20 377 35 80 E 2000 80 2200 433 300 15000 '25 770 2200 '50 3°° 2-5 909 43574 1600 '55 700 38020 1600 280 410 103 300 200 400 178 500 300 93 250 75 810 IOOO 160 260 30 200 37882 3856 400O 9000 94 200 1029 700 170 250 16 38130 2570 2900 9000

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Obrist, S., Ongaonga Olsen, Ole, Makaloka Ormond, J. D., Napier Paora Tarona, Porangahau Pedersen, Jens, Makeritu Peers, James, Ongaonga Pettit, John, Merryvale, Kaikora Pocock, J., Napier Pope, Edward, Motutaria, Wanstead Potts, G., Kaikora Price Brothers, Tamumu Ramlose, C, Blackburn Rathbone, W., Abbotsford, Waipawa Ratbbone, W., Homewood, Waipawa Rathbone, W., Te Aute, Waipawa Rathbone, W., Tourere, Waipawa Renata to Powa, Hampden Rendle, E. T., Woodville Rhodes, J. B., Springhill, Ongaonga Roberts and Co., Tautane, Herbertville Ropata Riwai, Tikokeno, Hampden Ross, A. H., jun., Blackburn Ross, C. F., Holensburn, Blackburn Russell, T. P., Woburn, Waipukurau Russell, H. R., Mt. Herbert, Waipukurau ... Ryan, Denis, Table Hill, Porangahau Sanders, VV., Motuotaria Scrimgeour, A. O, Riverdale, Waipawa Sebley, Mrs. S. A , Willow Farm, Waipawa... Severinson, Martin, Blackburn Sian & Bargh, Kumeroa, Woodville Sid well, R. J., Porangahau Sims, David, Wallingford Siteman, William, Porangahau Small, W. II., Fernside, Kaikora Soley, Mrs. Mary, Kaikora Speedy, G., Sunny Brae, Herbertville Speedy, J., Burnview, Herbertville Speedy, W., Pipi Bank, Herbertville St. Hill, A., Wangaehu, Porangahau Steed, J. W., Ever-Green, Ongaonga Stewart, Thomas, Porangahau Stokes Brothers (Trustees), Kaikora Taylor, Robert, Wallingford Tiffen, F. J., Elms Hill, Patangata Tipene Matua, Porangahau Tod, James, Homewood, Kaikora Tod, Robert, Kaikora Troup, James, Woodville Tufiwevsen, John, Ashley Clinton, Takapau Tuhua Tangaru, Takapau Turfrey, Thomas, Blackburn Waldron, B., Waipawa Walker, Enoch, Woodville Ward, Alexander, Lineloe, Porangahau W Tard and Cheer, Sunnybank, Patangata Warren, W. A., Mangapuaka, Waipukurau,.. Watkins, Charles, Makeritu Watts, E., Early Mount, Kaikora Webster, P. F., Blackburn Weekes, J. B. B., Hampden Westoby, Mrs', Annie, Woodville White, G. II. M., Porangahau White, John, Porangahau White, T. (Extrs. of), Sherwood, Takapau ... White, William, Glentui, Kaikora Wilding, H., Waipukurau Wilkes, James, Ualfmoon, Waipawa Williams, J. N., Edenham, Patangata Williams, John, Woodville Williams, Rev. S., Mangakuri, Napier Williamson, James, Woodville Witherow, J., Elswortb, Patangata Yardley, William, Woodside, Ongaonga ... 33°°° 2.5 288 I 100 1000 8oo 784 97 7900 2820 Nil 47" 300 5' 6500 19500 200 1900 27515 22854 1307 22846 1400 120 3° 1952 900 1800 267 3290 6300 545° 3'944 '5» 475 355°° 100 11000 3000 2394 1880 3° 4° 55 38400 IOOO 20 366 "94 1400 700 400 845 97 9200 345° IOOO 6350 550 20 7000 19140 300 2200 180 300 21 247 05 1500 27791 Ml '33 26 320 IOO 1820 1000 2000 360 3320 64OO 035° 35236 323 480 355°0 Nil 11000 1212 5300 2798 1820 '5 56 Nil '5 5°o Nil 1282 9 37° 45 1110 400 5900 11 2000 200 49 7° 1800 14000 1900 3800 500 6800 16 2000 Nil 67 5° 145° 14500 2000 4200 439 140 2"9S5 18 125 23923 16 36001 682 3026 92 903718 35000 700 335° 95 996078





D ETITEN showing the Sheepowners and the NumLL ber of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 1st May, 1883 and 1884. No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1833. 1884. TARANAKICOUNTY. Allen, T., New Plymouth Allen, W., jun., New Plymouth Allen, W. S., New Plymouth Andrews, Fred, lluirangi Armstrong, J. II., Captain, Tikorangi Atkinson, II. D., New Plymouth Bayly, Albert, Omata Bayly, Thomas, Waitara Bayly, William, Stoney R., N. Plymouth ... Bell, P. T., Urenui Berridge, William, Omata Bewley, Walter, Inglewood Billiale, Thomas, Inglewood Bishop, Mrs. M., New Plymouth Bishop, Albert, New Plymouth Blake, W., New Plymouth Breach, S. A., Opunake Broughton, F., Inglewood Brown, Henry, Waitara Brown, Thomas. New Plymouth Buckle, John, Waitara Carter, George, Bell Block Chapman, F. M., Rabotu Charles, Thomas, Tikorangi Clare, Thomas, Bell Block Cleave, W. J., lluirangi Clemoe, Robert, New Plymouth Coad, Stephen, jun., New Plymouth CoUon, Alexander, Bell Block Colson, William, Bell Block Colville, A. L., New Plymott'ai Connett, J. B., Bell Block Cornwall, F. D., New Plymouth Crean, John, New Plymouth Crump, W., Tikorangi Cunningham, Robert, Tikorangi Curtis, George, New Plymouth Cutficld, W., Oakura Davis, W., Inglewood De Castro, E., Oakura Dingle, J. V, Okato Elliot and Bayly, Waitara Foreman, J. W., Waitara Foreman, W., Oakura French, William, New Plymouth Gane, G. W., Opunake Gernhorfer, Gottlub, Lepperton Gibbons, E. H, Inglewood Giddy, W, lluirangi Gray, R. C, Stoney River, Okato Hamblyn, C, jun., Belt Block liamblyn, C, sen., New Plymouth Harrison, Job, New Plymouth Ilawke. John, Omata Hicka, R. T., Tikorangi Hoby, 0. E., Bell Block Honeyfield, II. J., Bell View, New Plymouth Honeyfield, J. C, New Plymouth Honnor, William, New Plymouth Hoakin, A. J., Bell Block Iloskin.W.F., Penrose Farm, Bell Block ... Irvine, Hugh, Urenui Joll, Samuel, Waitara Julian, N. II., Oakura 3' 28 74 120 258 i6o 1400 420 160 255 110 3°3 6.3 '5° 80 80 294 500 5° 310 420 98 34 48 23 10 34 Nil 100 '5° 26 I2S IOO Nil 900 '5° 160 130 60 50 35° 39 3° 20 192 '45 295 21 65 99 61 290 35° 170 100 50 78 Nil 28 20 61 199 18 56 200 2'5 20 108 100 82 Nil 1500 8/5 39 20 200 37 23 20 '85 26 270 40 58 43 26 32 '3 270 42 170 5' Nil 63 70 4° 23 42 532 5'° 97 400 306 500 IOO 60 39° 300 Nil 400 335 20 7° 60

o. of ! 31st Iieep on May. 1883. 1884. Jupp, George, Waitara Jury, John, Omata Kelly,Thomas, Glenfern,Now Plymouth ... King, H, New Plymouth Kingdon, E. B., Inglewood Knuekey, Nicholas, Waitara Knvvett, J. G., New Plymouth Leech, T. G., Marwood, Inglewood Lepper, C, Lepperton Looney, J. J., Oakura Lye, Edward, Waitara Mace, F. J., the Wairau, Oakura Marsh, A., New Plymouth Marshall, Joseph, Urenui Marshall, W., Inglewood McGregor, J. D., Beaeonsfield, Midhurst ... Newland, H., New Plymouth Okey, Henry, New Plymouth Old, John, Tikorangi Oldfield, Thomas, Omata Oliver, G., Woodlands, New Plymouth Oxenham, O., Oakura Oxenham, W. J., Waitara Parkinson, A., Waitara Parsons, T. H, New Plymouth Pearson, William, Oakura Peattie, William, Waipnku Pott, George, Urenui Priske, P. T., Oakura Putt, John, senr., Omata Putt, Richard, Oakura Rattenbury, James, Waitara Raymond,W. T., The Woods, Waitara Rossiter and Sons, New Plymouth Rowe, .C. N., Urenui Rowe, H N., Bell Block Rowc, William, New Plymouth Bundle, Samuel, Bell Block Sampson, John, Bell Block Sargent, James, Bell Block Sarten, James, Waitara Sarten, Levi, Tikorangi Smith, J. and J., Midhurat Stead, C. V., Midhurat Stevenson, John, Rahotu Street, Romulus, New Plymouth Tarry, J. and G., New Plymouth Tate G. V., Waitara Taylor, R. H, Inglewood Thomson, W. D., Inglewood Thornton, James, New Plymouth Turnbull, W., Wellbourne, New Plymouth... Vickery, Francis, Tikorangi Vosper, P., Tikorangi Wareham and Morris, Oakura Warnock, John, Fern Glen, Lepperton Watkins, James, New Plymouth Wells, W. J., Mangorei, New Plymouth ... Wells, W. Z., New Plymouth Wells, Z. W., New Plymouth West, J. W., Waitara Western, Thomas, New Plymouth Wheeler, J., Inglewood Whitehouse, W., Inglewood Wilson, J. W., Oakura Wilson, Thomas, Urenui Wood, H. T., New Plymouth Wood, R. G., New Plymouth 4 6 250 275 5° 56 35' 260 400 no 5° 33 40 105 200 38 60 3' 3° Nil 80 Nil '3° 61 IOO 120 130 IOO 225 520 207 123 425 35 IOO 200 200 40O 25O Nil 400 60 5° 200 65 3° Nil 30 '93 346 IOO 26 IOO 225 32 300 200 '3 500 168 300 261 Nil 300 74 72 38 72 152 75 37 IOO 45 68 130 '5i 80 30 60 39 20 255 365 16 286 2 478 3 225 Nil Nil 100 170 35 25 9 97 298 6 3'4 '5' 120 3' 200 95 95 252 ?c 293 '°3 55° 4' 35 Nil 55° 36 3° 38 163 108 90 44 125 98 16410 19702





RETUEN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1883, and 1884. No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. HAWERA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Allan, Thomas, Manutahi Baird, M. F., Meremere, Hawera Barrow, Jesse, Normanby Bayley, T., jun., Manaia Bayly, G. T., Mokoia, Hawera Bremer, Adolph, Manutahi Brodie, O. S., Okaiawa Bruce, James, Mangawhero Buchanan, Donald, Hawera Buckrell, George, Manutahi Campbell, J. J., Manaia Campbell, W. J., Manaia Cowper, James, Hawera Orocker and McKenzie, Normanby Curtis, H. B., Manaia Davidson, James, Hawera Dingle, William, Hawera Douglas, John, Hawera Douglas, William, Hawera Duris, William, Manutahi Edwards, W., Manutahi Fantham, A. A., Hawera Finlayson, Farquhar, Normanby Foreman, R. W., Manutahi Forsyth, Simon, Pibama Glenn, G., Manaia Good, II. E., Ouri Reserve, Pihama Gocd and Pihama, Oeo, Pihama Goodson, M. J., Waibi, Hawera Gordon, George, Stratford Gore, John, Hawera Hair, William, Manaia Hastie, Andrew, Manaia Bendy, R. 0., Okaiawa Hicks, James, Fernlea, Hawera Hicks, John, Brookdale, Hawera Hicks, Richard, Brooklyn, Hawera Hicks, W. and R., Tongahoe, Hawera Hobbs, A. S., Hawera Holroyd and Kendall, Manaia Hughes, Daniel, Manaia Hunter, Moore, Burnside, Hawera Kelland, J., Senr., Otakeho Knight David, Otakel n Lambie, Robert, Oco, i'.h.i na Law Bros., Hawera Law, Robert, Hawera Livingstone, James, Waipawa, Hawera Lloyd, John, Hawera Lucena, W. L., Hawera Lysaght, J. R., Hawera Mason, J., Westward Ho, Hawera McCracken, T. and O, Manaia McGregor, Duncan, Manutahi McLacblan, A., Pihama McLean, Duncan, Hawera McLean, George, Hawera Mitchell, J. D., Manaia Moreeroft, H. G., Croftmoor, Hawera Muir, Quentin, Hawera Murdoch, A. D., Okaiawa Parsons, Thomas, Otakeho Partridge, J. W., Tautioni, Hawera Pearce, W. B. V., Pihama Perry, J. L., Junction, Hawera Peterson, Peter, Springhill, Hawera Rainie Bros., Hawera Riddiford, Fred., Hawera Schroder, F., Stratford Scott, J. W., Manutahi Scott, Thomas, Manaia Shearer, William, Okaiawa Sheat, John, Pihama Short, J., Junr., Hawera Stent, J. E., Hawera Sutherland, Alexander, Manaia Tait, Charles, Manaia 130 3°o 700 55°° IOOO 10 157 455 700 187 6 1500 600 25° 890 IOOO IOOO 18 IOOO 25 614 1930 300 1000 1506 40 982 1400 900 418 700 ''235 1042 630 2350 i86 500 200 3500 700 Nil 35 U2 483 800 160 Nil 2000 180 254 600 '44 IOOO 700 14 1800 1142 30 350 1368 Nil 1050 1810 Nil 945 15°° 40 500 100 5'4 ■45° 884 33 54° Nil i860 527 700 288 480 500 37°° Nil 286 500 3010 150 1034 5400 480 80 1016 600 54° 576 5° 900 '7 2103 400 Nil 56 2000 300 3021 1270 670 50 1267 1130 20 1020 1628 760 IOOO 800 Nil 700 190 1400 80 5°° 300 400 95° Nil 400 35° 610 37° 270 320 295 2031 67 1300 2300 12

No. of: 31st >heep on May. 1883. I 1884. Treweek, William, Hawera Williams, O., Deer Park, Manutahi Wilson, Gilbert, Hawera Winks, John, Woodsidc, Hawera Winks, John, Waimate, Hawera Yorke, J. C, Inabi, Hawera Young, W. S., Otakeho 1250 150 160 300 1120 Nil i5< i79 25 Nil 23 27. '5° PATEA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Aiken, Alexander, Gowanlee, Waverley Aiken, James, Stratmore, Waverley Allan, James, Waverley Allen, Thomas, Kakaramea Arundell and Ross, Otautu, Patea Babbage, C. W., Croftmore, Hawera Ball, James, Kaikura, Kakaramea Bourke, Patrick, Patea Bradley, John, Derry Farm, Waverley Bremer Brothers, Elmina, Patea Bremer, Bros., Kohi, Waverley Bretherton, A., Kakaramea Brewer & Durie, Seafield, Waitotara Brewer, William, Waihou, Waitotara Bridge, G. S., Waverley Brodie, R. W., Kakaramea Burke, John, Mungaroa, Kakaramea Campbell, Peter, Manutahi, Caverbill, J. S., the Lakes, New Plymouth ... Collins, Henry, Waverley Corrigan, S. B., Manutahi Dickie, James, Waverley - ,., Dickie, John, Netherby, Waverley Dickie, J. &., Bea-?en's Farm, Waverley Diekie, J. G., OteVa, Waverley Drake Brothers, Kaiwerawera, Patea Durie, Charles, Waitotara Durie, J. W., Waitotara Dyke, Henry, Waverley Elmslie, Peter, Fernydell, Waverley Fairweather, James, Racecourse, Patea Fleetwood, T. M., Waverley Fleming, David, Waverley Ginger Brothers, Trevor, Manutahi Gower, George, Patea Gower Brothers, Round Bush, Patea Gowland, P. C, Patea Hair, John, Waverley Hamilton, R. B., Manawapo, Manutahi Harris, Thomas, Waverley Hawes, O., Waverley Hawken, Joseph, Kakaramea llearn and Kennedy, Waverley Hone, W. and T., Kohi, Waverley Honeyfield, E. M., Park Farm, Patea Horner, Robert, Dunira, Patea Howie Brothers, Woodlands, Waverley Hunter, Andrew, Kakaramea Hunter, D. S., Waverley Huston, James, Kakaramea Hutchison, George, Wanganui Ulston/A. T., Manutahi Ion, John, Balgownie, Waverley Jardine, A., Kakaramea Johnston, G. and R., Waverley Johnston, Henry, Waverley Johnston, James, Denhead, Waverley Johnstone, John, Waverley Jollie, Edward, Coutt's Farm, Patea Keating, M., Pigroot, Waverley Lind, W. S., Waverley Lupton, Isaac, Waverley Macdonalcl, Duncan, Burnside, Waverley ... Marchant, W., Rosehill, Waverley Mathieson, James, Woodleigh, Waverley Maxwell, Mrs. Mary, Manutahi McDonald, Donald, Gateeide, Waverley McDonald, Watson, Waverley Mcintosh, Robert, Waverley McKenzie, John, Waitotara McLean, 1)., Waverley McLean, John, Annani, Waverley 5934' 548.? 1273 Nil 128 1385 25 130 95 70 900 1000 100 Nil 385 900 75° 1800 IOOO '34° 1800 1500 660 1500 2500 594 60 6S 886 900 250 600 8 0 896 Nil 1 600 '5° 44° 1100 600 Nil '55° 2000 IOOO 1080 240 A 4 620 600 300 I IOO "75 1200 850 145° 291 154° 600 59° 600 297 IOOO 500 500 2300 900 35° 33 Nil 1200 400 640 2824 2500 548 '575 308 1700 1100 1500 700 180 55 i°5° 290 860 2938 800 75° 1400 9 2546 1080 1200 34° 189 700 3294 4100 1010 30 3°° 5°7 850 33°° 8500 946 Nil Nil 135° 635 300 250 1274 400 45° 690 400 250 35° 700 163 1200 25 600 800 1238 400 '33 1235 396 496 585 338 275 300 1800 308 35°° 130°





No. of S 31st; :lieep on May. 1883. 188-1. McMeckin, James, Waverley McRae, R. E., Kakaramea Milham, William, Manutahi Miller, M. A., Mrs., Waverley Morgan, E. J., Oponga, Manutahi Morgan, W. E., Seafield, Waverley Morton, John, Waverley Mulree, Joseph, Stratford Sewing, Henry, Waverley Newland, W. and G., Waverley Nicholls,G.W., Springfield Mount., Waverley Nicholson Brothers, Kaihu, Waverley Nicholson, J. & H, Cawood Grange Patea ... Palmer, Alfred, Paranui, Patea Palmer, W., Fernglen, Waverley Parsons, John, Manutahi Paterson, John, Patea Peacock, H. S., Bellgrove, Manutahi Pearce, R. B., Patea Peat, James, Waitotara Powdrell, J. D. (Trustees of), Patea Riddel), James, Springwella, Waverley Saunders, G., Rata Park, Waverley Shaw, Hunter, Patea Sheild, J., Stotfold, Patea Sinclair, John, Mrs., Waverley Smith, Daniel, Patea Smith, J. V., Crescent Falls, Patea Symes, Francis, Westholm, Waverley Symes, Oacar, Waverley Symes, W. and A., Putahi, Waverley Symes, W. C. & E. F., Whenuakura, Manutahi Pbomas, Charles, Waverley Phompson, W., Manutahi rurner, H. T. G., Otoia, Patea John, Waitotara vTncent, W., Okutuku, Waverley Walker, Alexander, Waverley Walkinton, J. B., Waverley Wallace, William, Manutahi Watkins, William, Waverley Wieks, T., Waverley Wilford, A., Wainoa, Kakaramea Wilkie, John, Matuatah, Waitotara Wilkins, G., Waverley Williamson Bros., SpringG., Kakaramea Wilson, Peter, Sea View, Kakaramea Wilson, William, Elslea, Waverley Wybourne, M. H, Waverley 200 IOO 497 323 Nil 300 72 650 562 Nil A 900 59° 3° 192 80 4 333 IOOO 192 Nil 1400 2000 240 1700 I IOO 2400 400 498 600 3000 300 75° 388 33°5 190 Nil i°55 200 Nil 700 200 1500 '95 15° 1500 200 1320 709 240 3° 700 1300 99° 37°° 180 84 102 '73° 900 1260 1100 4680 Nil Nil 47° Nil 493 1500 1200 108 1670 57° Nil 900 136 '79 875 IOOO 200 183 700 300 33° 604 5° 1970 20 200 433 272 1900 20 WANGANUI COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Abbott, J., Wanganui Allen, Thomas, Wanganui Allswortb, E. G., Kennington, Taylorville .., Anderson, J. W., Makirikiri Anderson, M. S., Kai Iwi Anderson, Thomas, Wanganui Anderson, W. D., Makirikiri Awke Tionga, Kai Iwi Babbage, C. W., Te Korito, Makirikiri Baker and Allison, Brookvale, Fordell Buker and Allison, Lambbill, Fordell Bamber, W., Rustball, Wanganui Bamber, Wm.,Ellengowan, Taylorville Barlow and Lauder, Taylorville Batchelar, W., No. 1 Line, Taylorville Bayly, D., Kai-iwi Bennett, Alexander, Wanganui Bill, Charles, Upokongaro Blair, D. and W., Kapauui, Wanganui Blair. D. and W., The Grange, Wanganui ... Blair, Duncan, Fernhill, Wanganui Blyth, James, Waterdale, Wangaehu Biyth, T. L., Wangaehu Braithwaite and Black, Kukuta, Wanganui ... Braithwaite and Black, Kaikopu, Wanganui... Brown Brothers, Wanganui Brown, Chris., Wanganui Brown, Tbos,, Makirikiri Brownlee, James, Makirikiri Brownlie, John, Taylorville 90840 100403 186 IOO 6o 130 Nil 3 240 73° 690 500 320 59° 726 400 1200 40 600 230 860 IOO 400 1070 765 J 1830 6 II 3200 500 666 U '3 3060 600 800 2990 1009 509 35° 600 800 3000 1400 Nil 475 5°° 600 IOOO Nil Nil '9 178 11 800 151 11 1050 121

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Bryce, T. A., Waipuna, Brunswick Buchanan, John, Roseneath, Wanganui Bunting, John, Okohu, Maxwelltown Burnett, Alfred, Oneida, Fordell Burr, Patrick, Fordell Burr, William, Matarawa, Wanganui Caines, William, Upokongaro, Wanganui ... Cameron, John, Marengai, Wanganui Cameron and Lees, Kennedy's Campbell, A. and G., Brunswick Campbell, E. A., Wiritoa, Wanganui Campbell, George, Wanganui Campbell, John, Upokongaro Caasell, David, Wanganui Chapman, John (Trustees of), Fordell Christie, Robert, Fordell Clinton, R., Wangar.ui Corry, William, Brunswick Cotterill, James, Taylorville Cowper, C. W., Upokongaro, Wanganui Craig, William, Waiora, Wanganui Crawford, M., Fordell Crawley, H, Missionary St., Wanganui Crawshaw, Charles, Hiilfoot, Wanganui Cullinaue, John, Matatera, Upokongaro Darbyshire, William, Wanganui Davies, It., Maxwelltown Death, Henry, Waitotara Dempsey, James, Larch Hill, Wanganui Doole, John, Woodridge, Fordell Duncan, John, No. 2 Line, Wanganui Durie, Penelope, Glen Durie, Wanganui Dymoek, Herbert, Homelands, Wanganui Ellis, Thomas, Primrose Farm, Wanganui Enderby, Charles, Wanganui Fernie, John, Churchill, Taylorville Fernie, John, Kaiwaka, Taylorville Fisher, W. B., Rata Farm, Waitotara Flannary, T., Brunswick Line, Wanganui Fleetwood, J., Mataongaonga Forder, W. II., Wanganui Foreman, S., The Grange, Wanganui Friedrich, Albert, Pobuahua, Upokongaro ... Georgetti, A., Whataroa, Makirikiri Gihnour, Andrew, Wanganui Gould, John, Marshill, Taylorville Gower, II., Mingaroa, Upokongaro Grace, Dr., Makirikiri Gray, Robert, Both well, Wanganui Greig, Thomas, Kaitoki, Wanganui Hair, J. A., Brookland, Wanganui Hair, Robert, Woodstock, Brunswick Handley, John, Okehu Harle, J., Okehu Harris, Henry, No. 2 Line, Taylorville Harrison, C. F., Warrengate, Wanganui Harrison, H. N., Wangaehu Herlihy, Denis, Hazel Grove, Taylorville Iliggie, James, Wanganui Hogg, George, Taylorville Hogg, Henry, Murray Hill, Wanganui Hoskin, J. W., Denlair, Fordell Howie, Mrs. Jane, Learney, Wanganui Humphreys, John, Maxwelltown Huston, William, Okehu Jackaon, J. W., Wanganui Jacob, H, Wanganui Johnatone, A., Sea View, Waitotara Jones, J. N., Waikupa, Wanganui Kennedy, John, Strathdon, Makirikiri Kidd, Robert, Kai Iwi King, James, Kaitoki, Taylorville Kirkwood, G. D., Wanganui Kirkwood, W., Taylorville Knoake, M., Major, Wanganui Lambert, William, No. 3 Line, Wanganui Lockett, Mrs. Sarah, Wanganui Lomax, James, Sedge Brook, Wanganui MacLeod, G., Aird Fare;, Taylorville Mahoney, M., Wanganui Manaon, N. P., Rosemount, Wanganui Martin, Ronald, Fordell Mason, Archibald, Kennedy's, Wanganui ... Matthews, Jonas, Lake Farm, Taylorville ,.. '245 i8o 226 2000 670 760 170 2199 520 IOOO 2000 IOO 35° 1680 11 22 I IOO 230 I IOO 600 52 312 180 800 500 120 1200 480 2SO 500 258 200 400 775 500 43° 320 85° '5° 1200 70 155° 12 373 500 992 560 3000 500 190 97° 6 275 93° 1100 15 Nil Nil 2090 650 Nil Nil 2154 I IOO 44° 2000 170 5°° 200 75° 19 400 2500 5°° 1186 Nil 5° 15 190 1100 600 Nil IOOO 490 200 520 310 Nil 45° 600 650 700 380 Nil 95° 100 Nil Nil 150° 190 375 1 5°° 15° 600 400 "4 13 400 800 2200 700 2200 300 70 '35° 10 360 i3'S 149° 45° 5°° 1 45° 185 700 480 95 70 35° 1600 254 618 360 600 5° 15° Nil 270 Nil 800 1100 114 500 398 600 60 23 280 1214 2200 975 2500 1800 229 1200 bt870 320 1300 40 899 300







No. of Sheep on 3lst May. 1883. I 1884. Maxwell, John, Parkhead, Wanganui McDonald, James, Fordell McDonald, W., Taylorville « VlcGrail, W., Wanganui McGregor, A., Matarawa, Taylorville McGregor, J., jun., Cherry Bank, Wanganui... McGregor, J., jun., Long Acre, Wanganui ,., McGregor, J., jun., Wanganui McKain, James, Wanganui McKay, Daniel, Fordell McLoskey, A. 1M., Kelvin Grove, Taylorville McNair, J., Brunswick McNeill, A., Wanganui McPberson, J., Tamairi, Makirikiri McWilliam, W., Netherdale, Fordell Mitchell, George, Bushy Park, Kai-iwi Montgomerie, A., Eaglesham, Wanganui Montgomery, H, Opui, Wanganui Moore and Currie, Kai-iwi Morgan, E. R., Lakeside, Taylorville Morgan, John, Newtonlees, Taylorville Morrison, D., Armadale, Okehu Morse, N. G., Tiramona, Fordell Murchison, John, Seafield, Wanganui Murray, J. B., Southern Grove, Wanganui ... Nathan, Joseph, & Co., Otakino, Kai Iwi Neilson, Robert, Taylorville Newing, Edward, No. 2 Line, Taylorville Nlwa, Nukumara, Wanganui Norrish, John, Wanganui Did, Richard, Fordell Dwen, H. A., Waipakura, Makirikiri Dwen & Lethbridge, Featberstone, Wanganui Pairama, Waitotara Parker, C, Makirikiri Parks, Fred, Sandhirst, Wanganui Parsons, William, Sunnyside, Waitotara Paterson, George, Campbelltown Paterson, W. B., Gordon Park, Wanganui ... Pcake, G-eorge, Langridge, Kai Iwi Peake, J. W., Kaierau, Wanganui Pearson, William, No. 1 Line, Taylorville Peat, David, Pakaraka, Wanganui Peat, David, Wanganui Peel, S. W., Upokongaro Perry, George, Lansdown, Brunswick Pharazyn, Robert, Marahau, Okehu Philips, J., Fern Grove, Wangaehu Phillips, William, Fordell Piaramena, Kai Iwi Pickup, William, Taylorville Piercy, John, Kaiwhaiki, Upokongaro Plampin, John, No. 2 Line, Campbelltown ... Poison, D. &., Wanganui Porteous, William, No. 3 Line, Taylorville ... Powell, Samuel, Wanganui Provost, J., W Tanganui Prujean, J., Hillside, No. 3 Line, Fordell Bawlings, John, Wanganui 265 2200 45° ■5° 1700 i6oo 75 34° 850 180 800 170 564 280 708 2200 5°° 900 10500 5°° 687 160 '45° 2200 45 6 1300 500 '85 2000 400 600 200 800 '4 420 270 536 30 637 IOOO 800 653 12000 350 623 200 3" IIIO 1500 565 250 400 1410 1020 300 336 93 Nil 5° 77 2200 1600 '5° 2000 2020 Nil 93 1485 242 660 1100 34° 2148 284 400 '25 93° 260 1500 Nil 375 1079 7905 Nil 130 63 446 1400 387 30 45° 23 Nil 394 44° 174 220 200 Nil 5'5 68 800 5°74 138 45° 1284 310 25 45° 5' 2 39° °75 33° 75°

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. 1884. Reardon, John, Maxwelltown Reid,Brothert, Riverton, Fordell Reid, Richard, Edina Farm, Taylorville Rice, Samuel, Brandon, Wanganui Richards, C. M., Union Head, Wanganui ... Richardson, A. H, Matea, Wanganui Rider, A. E., Wanganui Ritchie and Wilson, Wanganui Ribertson, George St. Clair, Upokongaro ... Robertson, W., No. 3 Line, Wanganui Rodwell, P., Wangmui Roseoe, Joiseph, Brunswick Robs, David, Taylorville Ruscoe and Sons, J., Sea View, Wanganui ... Russell, William, Sherwood, Wanganui Ruteon, John, Aramaho, Wanganui Sargeant, H, Fordell Sargeant, Henry, Riverley, Fordell Sargeant, Isaac, Woodburn, Fordell ... Shield, R. T., Okui, Wanganui Slade, Isaac, Taylorville Small, G. J., Fernside, Wanganui Smith, S., Papaiti, Makirikiri Smyth, W., Bush Farm, Maxwelltown Sommerville, J. R., Fair View, Wanganui ... Stent, James, Perekama, Waitotara Stone Bros., Matarawa, Wanganui Stone, John, Ora Farm, Wanganui Strachan, Alexander, Lornty, Wanganui ... Sutherland, A., Fordell Sutherland, N., Fordell Sweeny, P., Mount Sweeny, Wanganui Symes, A. J., Blink Bonny, Taylorville fawse, Alexander, Kai-iwi lay lor, Joseph, Kukuta, Taylorville rhatcher, Thomas, Fernham, Wanganui lihi, Kai-iwi rod and Cochrane, Nukumaru, Waitotara ... I'owgood, S. H , Grassmere, Wanganui lunier, C, Blythwood, Wanganui. lyerman, B., Wanganui Walker, G. F. Aromabo, Wanganui Walker, G., Mount Hewitt, Wanganui Wall, Francis, Wanganui Wall, John, Rock Farm, Wanganui Wallace, John, Taylorville Watt, Mrs. M., Lily Bank, Wanganui Watt, W. H, Weatmere, Wanganui White, Samuel, Roeeville, Wanganui Wickstead, A., Kai Iwi Wilford, Arthur, Pukearaba, Kai Iwi Williams, R. L., Brunswick Wisdom, W. H, Taylorville Woon, Brothers, Wanganui Wright and Sons, Temple, Brunswick Wright, G S., Brunswick Young, William, No. 2 Line, Wanganui 145 "44 5°° 39' 900 200 28s 93° 1000 Nil 1297 65° 629 600 48 265 I IOO 200 6o 8o 3200 37° 1150 200 88 225 '38 2500 365 480 '55° 2900 900 374 200 47 1200 1500 2700 1000 493 324 300 •35° 200 45° 1100 700 600 700 1150 "5° 100 '379 170 600 54o 200 240 500 300 800 650 IOOO 1200 1200 Nil 1008 7° 600 53' 80 1000 '3°4 560 360 220 62 386 75° 3200 500 7 1586 200 1500 "83 548 55° 100 400 13 87 420 85° 3006 620 500 23 1800 Nil 45° 200 588 300 800 557 300 800 156793 '59.967

No. of Sheep on 31st May, 1883. I 1884. Anion, A., Lansdowne, Bull's Ani Pakeke, Houhou, Marton Aperahama Tahungu, Matatara, Fordell Arkwright, F., Marlon Atkinson, T., Hawkston, Crofton Awdry, J., Notton, Marton Awdry, T., Tadcroft, Marton Raker and Allison, Eccleaton, Fordell Baldwin, J., Turakina „ Bartlett, S., Marton Beard, James, Marton Beard, James, Mungatipuni, Fordell Beneemann J. A., Marton Blundell, W. A., Marton Bowen, James, Pembroke Vale, Turakina 25°° 1600 170 535 270 385 35° 346 246 .700 500 2000 8S 20 5° 100 74° 35° 367 374 Nil 100 IOO 300 2646 Nil Nil 2200 2000

) ETEEN of Sheepowners and of the Number of L Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st .ay, 1883, and 1884. No. of Sheep on 31st May. j 1883. 1884. RANC-TTTKET COUNTY RANGITIKEI COUNTY (In Rangilikei Subdivision), ubbott Brothers, Raumai, Bull's ..bbot., Bros., Omorihuri, Fordell .ddenbrooke Brothers, Fordell dken, A. and J., Norwood, Marton .itken, JameB, Marton idworth, Robert, Silverhope, Marton Jlman, L., Marton .Usop, C, Cranbrook, Turakina ItAlNU-lllIi-JljI tuunii (In Rangilikei Subdivision), abott Brothers, Raumai, Bull's ... — 1200 bbot, Bros., Omorihuri, Fordell ... 6000 7000 Idenbrooke Brothers, Fordell ... 280 589 ken, A. and J., Norwood, Marton ... 780 840 tken, JameB, Marton ... ■— 90 d worth, Robert, Silverhope, Marton ... — 25 lman, L., Marton ... 950 1000 lsop, C, Cranbrook, Turakina ... 200 300 6000 280 780 95° 200 3—H. 11. 3—H. 11.





No. of SI 31st 1 ieep on [ay. 1883. I 1884. Bowen, John, Turakina Brookie, William, Parawanui Brown, W. F. B., Netherton, Marton Bruce, J., junior, Glencairn, Turakina Bruce, R. O, Marton Bryce, Thomas, Fern Flat, Marton Bu'rdon, F. W., Marton Burne, J., Round Bush, Parawanui Bushby, A., Croftofi Cameron, A., Lochaber, Marton Cameron, Charles, Invermailie, Turakina ... Cameron, D., Waipu, Turakina GJameron, J., Marangai, Wanganui Campbell, C. R., Dingledell, Marton Darter, W. A., Marton Cash, T. R., Wilsden, Marton Dawood S., Daliaek, Marton Chubbin, John, Turakina Clark, Mrs. P., Turakina Dockburn, A., Hillside, Marton Cockburn, J. K., Sunnyside, Marton Coleman, W., Marton Coombe, J., Woodlands, Marton Coote R., Tyrone, Marton Dox, F. C, Crofton Crawford, W. H., Hunterston, Marton Curl, S. M., Marton Dalrymple, J. T., Waitatapia, Bull's Dawbin, Joseph, Marton Death, George, Pmea, Marton Death and Lynch, Patikipapa, Marton Dick, A., Eildon, Marton Doughty, Mary, Bull's Duncan, J. and A., Marton Eramiha Te Kiore, Tenewaitere, Turakina ,.. Ellis and Robinson, Kanangaroa Emens, Henry, Marton Fairfield, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton Farley, J., Tikimu, Fordell Farmer, W., Runnymede, Marton Ferguson, D., Woodside, Bull's Findlay, A., Woodside, Marton Fitzherbert, A. R., Marton Follett, James, Crofton Fox, Sir William, Westoe, Greatford Fowles Brothers, Makino FraBer, D., Pakiho, Bull's Frederick, A., jun., Bushybank, Marton Frederick, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton Friedrick, A., Brooklin Farm, Marton Galpin, A., Fairfield, Marton Galpin, C. M., Sedgcombe, Marton Galpin, W. T., Woodlands, Marton Glasgow, John, Ashley, Turakina Glasgow, Mary, Edenmore, Turakina Gleeson, J ohn, Fordell Goebel, G., Pukapapa, Marton Goile, B., Marton Goile, H, Marton Goile, R. and J., Marton Gordon and Son.Woodside Farm, Marton ... Gorton, E., Bull's Gower, B., Stanley Farm, Turakina Gower, G., Gowrie Glen, Marton Grant, A., Tullocbgorum, Turakina Grant, A., Closeburn, Turakina . ... Grant, Ewen, Marton Griffin, John, Marton Haimona Teiki, Wangaehu Haimona Tiki, Toturanui, Turakina Hair, W., Gowanbrae, Marton Hamilton, A., Turakina Hammond, Bros., Killeymoon, Bull's Hammond, F. J., Bull's Hammond, G., Bulls Hammond, J. P., Bull's Hammond, J. R., Clifton, Greatford Hammond, R., York Farm, Marton Hammond, R., junior, Bull's Hamuera Ngapuru, Parawanui Harmeke, C. F., Pukapapa Line, Marton H-apeta Pitimon, Wangaehu Harper, James, Bull's Harrison, C. J., Woodbury, Marton 900 190 59° 3294 I490 1200 49° 300 i6oo 2180 170 800 600 1870 400 1600 160 5°° 140 300 1400 1000 9' 280 1660 43°° '47 1780 1599 1100 85 '5° 427 180 900 13°° 400 300 1120 80 5000 49 3110 120 74' 800 800 280 490 3786 1250 1500 400 600 260 1800 2250 170 900 152 45° 1825 Nil 25'4 146 45° 140 300 1690 1100 ■58 300 197° 4454 80 1940 1900 1200 100 310° '125 813 95 IOOO 1400 5° 650 300 773 60 3800 Nil 5°° 800 1900 825 760 3020 170 146 79° 300 625 3'5° 95° 650 260 360 250 189 1180 280 25 900 Nil 1200 235 300 163 900 300 26 i5«° 100 1200 800 125 400 280 500 330 420 35° '45 300 155 Nil 699 354° 700 2800 IOOO 73° 953 700 3000 933 Nil 200 140 200 196 255 '37 250 180 35°

o. of Sheep 31st May. 1883. 1884. Hatau, Fordell Hempseed, J., Franklin Vale, Turakina Henderson, H., Mill Farm, Marton Hewett Bros., Marton Higgie, Alexander, Taylorville Hill, A., Marton Hintze, Louis, Crofton Hirini, Mohuia, Turakina Hoani Waitere, Kopinu, Turakina Hoani Nahona, Turakina Hone Pihama, Turakina Hogg, Mrs. A., Ettrickdale, Turakina Holden, Thomas, Marton Howie, W., jun., Lammermoor, Marton Howie, W., sen., Bellgrove, Marton Hunt, Charles, Marton Ingle, H, Willowbrook, Marton James and Jones, Marton Jefferson Brothers, Mungirapi, Marton Johnston, J., Bellevue, Marton Johnston, Hon. J., Brandon Hall, Bull's Kereti Kanara, Reu Reu, Marton Kilgour David, Earlston, Greatford Kilgour, James, Gowerfield, Bull's Kilgour, R., Woodward, Marton Knight, Abraham, Turakina Laird, C. R., Paraekarihi, Marton Lampp, Joseph, Marton Lattorff, Bros., Alma Farm, Marton Lethbridge, G. Y., Ann Bank, Turakina Lethbridgo, J. P., Philholm, Turakina Levett, E. H, Marton Lowrie, D., Glennevis, Turakina Marshall, Major J. W., Tuto Totara, Marton Marshall, W. S., Sudbury, Marton Maunder, &., Warleigh, Marton McBeth, A., Burnamwood, Marton McBeth, James, Forgan, Marton McBeth, W. & F., Dunsinane, Marton McDonell, A., Komiti, Fordell McDougall, W., School Reserve, Marton ... McGregor, Alexander, Taylorville McGregor, James, Cluny, Turakina Mclvor, F., Turakina .... McKelvie, John, r Parawanui McKenzie, T. U.', Pointafield, Parawanui ... McLaughlin, A., Ligmore Farm, Marton McLean, A., Balloin, Marton McLean, D., Spring Grove, Marton McLean, F., Bird Grove, Fordell McLeay, J., Poriri, Wanganui Meads, Z., Burnamwood, Marton Meyer, C, Mount View, Marton Midford, John, Marton Mills, W. F., Sudbury, Marton Milne, A., Rosebank, Marton Milne, J., Mount View Farm, Marton Milne, William, Marton Morgan, W. E., Turakina Morris, Elizabeth, Hereford Farm, Marton ... Morrison, D., Burnbank, Marton Murray, J. H., Ellieslie, Marton Neumann, T., Greenfield, Marton Newman, Edward, Turakina Newman, J., Whitehouse, Bull's Ngaparaka, Marton Nisbet, J., Marton Nitachke, G., Marton Nolan, Charles, Marton Owen and Lethbridge, Wangaehu Paetahai, 11. M., Porewa, Marton Paki Wahinemate, Turakina Parker, Charles, Marton Paulin, James, Woodend, Bull's Peacock, D., Homewood, Marton Piripi Panapa, Turakina Polgreen, G., Marton Poppe, A., Marton Poppe, F., Marton Read, E., Bull's Relemeyer, W. B., Greatford Reupena Ngarino, Tetewaiture, Turakina Rhodes, W.B. (Est.),Heaton Park,Bull's ... Richards, F., Wangaehu, Wanganui 3°° 38° I 10 38o 600 44 400 200 300 90 503 600 670 1300 650 155° 210 53° 900 2000 200 47° 500 200 400 200 34' 459° 1800 1300 3374 160 1320 325 487 1500 3000 248 1600 1700 1200 8000 1617 92 ico 500 1300 500 117 460 190 400 300 377 .220 1200 580 Nil 300 200 240 116 476 IOOO 850 1400 900 1400 270 53° 1058 1800 Nil 59° 55° 200 122 500 100 3°9 5200 2700 33o 1200 3678 Nil 1300 49° 500 1500 3000 37o 1700 1800 135° 7000 1667 '93 200 500 2000 500 136 400 220 547 1410 66 500 IOOO 145° 70 800 250 T250 257 430 2000 89 300 45° 300 93 9000 200 Nil "5 400 870 250 380 200 600 560 108 230 15945 6200 300 1310 250 427 3000 Nil 335 400 200 153 8600 200 200 130 400 IOOO 240 400 240 45° 413 128 800 16500 5400





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Richards, L. C, Kilkern, Bull's Richardson, T. F., Parawanui Robertson, John, Turakina Robinson, Richard, Feilding Ropera Tua, Fordell Ross, A., Cookley, Marton Rota Tuki, Matatera, Fordell Shuttleworth, H, Turakina Simpson, A., Dalvey, Turakina Simpson, A. G., Glenmowen, Marton Simpson, Alex., Waipu, Turakina Small, F. Marton Small, N., Gl'enbank, Marton Smith, A. F. and E. J., Marton Snellgrove, E., Wandsworth, Marton Stantiall, Charles, Marton Stevens, D., Junction Farm, Marton Stitt, W., Marton Sutherland, Edward, Kanangaroa rami ¥111111, Wangaehu ramihana Kohiti, Fordell rheed, W. V., Wellbury, Marton Choms, C, Riverdale, Marton rhomas, Rees, Marton fipine Waitere, Turakina lorns, J., Riverdale, Marton LTtiku Marumaru, Parawanui Walker, Edward, Drumfin, Marton Walker, M., Pukapapa, Bull's Warren, Walter, Marton Warring Brothers, Marton Warrington, E., Marton Watt, A., Marton Weston, S., Waistwood, Marton Whale, Henry, Crofton Whale, Sarah, Pukapapa, Marton Whittington, T., Westover, Turakina Willis, Mrs. E., Woodendean, Greatford ... Wilson, R., Green Bank, Bull's Wilson, R., Runnymede, Bulls Wilaon, R., Hill View, Bull's SViniata Te Puhake, Fordell Wiremu Takiri, Tenewaitere, Turakina Wirihana Hunia, Parawanui Wohlfeil, J., Marton 2300 661 IOO 76 560 60 300 2000 500 33°° 55° 25° 1200 160 70 140 18 '5° 300 40 112 277 249 200 380 . 85° 2000 700 Nil 7° Nil 45° Nil 400 2000 800 3000 53° 210 1400 200 79 100 Nil 190 300 40 102 270 125 205. 34° 600 200 1168 64 894 600 297 1200 100 5°o 550 2800 IOOO 500 360 1150 IOO 500 5°° 3000 604 IOOO 600 379 1227 140 IOO 120 800 180 90 1648 202154 216,91s OROUA COUNTY. (In Rangilikei Subdivision.) ikers, W., Riverdale, Palmerstou North ilderson, C, Palmerston North Anderson, F., Palmerston North Andrew, F., Newington, Feilding Andrewartha, R., Palmerston North Baker, John, Feilding Baker, W., Palmerston North Baker, William, Makino Banks, W. D. M., Kiwitea Barker, W. B., Makino Barrow, James, Kiwitea Banckham and Batterbee, Feilding Batchelar, J. O., Palmerston North Beale, Joseph, Palmerston North Bell, A., Makino, Halco'mbe Berguist, N., Palmerston North Boyes, Frederick, Palmerston North Brown, Captain S., Palmerston North Bryant Bros., Palmerston North Buick, James, Palmerston North Burrell Bros., Feilding Caldwell, L. A., Feilding Calleson, Hans, Karere Capper, A. E., Otamoe, Halcombe Chamberlain, Thomas, Palmerston North .., Christensen, A. C, Palmerston North Churcher, Isaac, Feilding Clausen Bros., Palmerston North ... Cockburn Bros., Marton Collins, Edward, Palmerston North Dollis, C, jun., Karere Coombs, William, Palmerston North Cooper, Thomas, Palmerston North Cotter, John, Ashurst 970 80 86 39° 200 39 200 202 114 320 150 160 95° 5° '5° 260 119 288 500 700 96 32 180 12 400 2007 700 256 188 302 1340 500 5°° 428 210 60 36° 112 800 55° 100 35° 6 127 6 5 93 7 600 300 135° ■ 249 1300 250 508 7 1250

No. of Sheep on 31at May. 1883. 18S4. Crabb, Hugh, Shady Side, Halcomb'e Cull, C., Iwiroa, Foxton dimming, W., Raukawa, Palmerston North Douglas, A. P., Strathendrie, Halcomhe Edwards, Thomas, Palmerston North Engels, G. H, Palmerston North Erenstrom, W., Palmerston North FerguBon, J., Rosebank, Halcombe Fitzherbert and McMillan, Makino FitzsimonB, II. II., Palmerston North Fry, J. H, Pungawai, Makino Galloway, Daniel, Hiaranga, Karere Gore, Mrs. H, PalmerBton North Gould, William, Makino Gower, John, Spring Farm, Halcombe Grammer, A., Ashurst Gray, Thomas, Palmerston North — Haggarty, P. S., Palmerston North Halcombe and Sherwin, Feilding Hamilton, M., Karere Hansen, G, Rangitikei Line, Palmerston North Harris, W. and A., Tokorangi, Halcombe ... Hayns, Mrs. E., Palmerston North Hitchings, V. T., BurnBide, Karere Holden, J., Ridgelands, Makino Howie, A., Riverswood, Marton Honore, A., jun., Palmerston North . Humphrey, John, Makino Jacob, W. F., Kiwitea Jamieson Bros., Palmerston North Jefferies, J., Bunnythorpe, Feilding Jeffries, F., Feilding Johnston, Henry, Makino Jones, H. P., Halcombe Kemberg, G., Palmerston North Kendal, George, Palmerston North Kirk, Robert, Palmerston North ... Kirkpatrict, Robert, Palmerston North Knight, John, Palmerston North Knight, Thomas, Palmerston North Knight, William, Palmerston North Lassen, L., Palmerston North Laurenson, Jainea, Palmerston North Lemon, Dr. C, Tua Paka (Wellington) Lethbridge and Downes, Feilding Liddle, Major J., Feilding Linton, James, PalmerBton North Linton, R., Woodlands, Halcombe Lovelock, J. W., PalmerBton North Macleod, F., Makino Manson, B., Palmerston North Manaon, John, Palmerston N. Marshall and Brennan, Feilding Mathieson, Roderick, Palmerston N. McCrea and Hey wood, Marton McEwen, Andrew, Karere McEwen, David, Karere McEwen, G. T., Longburn, Palmerston N.... McEwen, Henry, Karere McKenzie, Colin, Ashurst McKenzie, Kenneth, Palmerston N. McLennan, John, Palmerston N. Millerick, James, Palmerston N. Millner, G., jun., Halcombe Miilner, Stephen, Tokorangi, Halcombe Mills, William, Bull's Milsom, Robert, Palmerston N. Moffatt, Thomas, Palmerston N. Monrad, V., Karere Moore, Frederick, Feilding Morris, H., Palmerston N. Mun, C. J, Halcombe Murray, J. H, Waituna, Marton Newcombe, B., Palmerston N. Palmerson, H. S., Palmerston N Parkes, Thomas, Palmerston N. Parr, George, Palmerston N. Parsons, C, Marton Patterson, T., Collingwood, Trondbeim Petersen, Peter, Palmerstonr N. Pharazyn, C, Makino Pleasants, Owen, Feilding Podwin, S. J., Palmerston N. Pratt, J. R. F., Adderstone, Palmerston N..,. 250 195 2080 45° 250 1395 1600 206 834 11 1541 161 943 6 40 45 850 620 385 40 130 '16 780 144 5 22 70 150 7 160 49 90 5°° 36 5 37 235 108 53 1800 600 25 1620 460 5° 300 53 39 . 95 204 60 180 40 200 3°4 '5 1319 46 188 29 200 700 400 4 32 506 25°° 246 106 2200 . 400 700 400 5 5° 789 34°° 198 554 2800 200 800 290 800 500 148 '3 780 600 69 400 597 60 5°o 2315 30 120 255 '5 700 700 170 600 956 90 280 298 400 800 240 200 400 300 333 55 1700 237 112 45 200 385 12 195° 200 285 27 260 200 256 300 196 15° 433 200 '34° "4 948 894 595 686 863





No. of I 31st 1883. Sheep on May. 1884. Prendergast, M., Palmerston N. Quarrie, J., Halcombe Randolph and Walker, Palmerston N. Reid, R. K., Palmerston N. Rewiti Koote, Kakariki, Greatford Richardson, George, Palmerston N. Richter, Nanestead, and C, Palmerston N..,. Riddiford, D. G,, Burnside, Halcombe Riddiford, E. J., Longburn, Palmerston N.... Rogers, A., PalmerBton N. Roots and Co., Makino Row, John, Longburn, Palmerston N. Rowland, David, Karere Russell Bros., Te Matai, Palmerston N. Russell, John, Palmerston N. Saxon, J., junr., Feilding Skerman, James, Palmerston N. Sly, J. C, Palmerston N. Smith, Edward, Feilding Smith, Thomas, Fitzheibort (Makara) Soby and Powell, Palmerston N. Stace, A. R., Peach Grove, Palmerston N. ... Stace, T. W., Willow Lake, Palmerston N.... Stallard, R. H., Palmerston N. Stallard, W. S., Palmerston N. Stewart, Malcolm, Palmerston N. Stokes, A. L., Terrace End Stuart, E. and R., Makino Swainson, W. J., Brookfield, Palmerston N. Tanner, A., Palmerston N. Taylor, J. H,Makino Te Koinga, Karara, Halcombe Thomson Bros., Awaburi Toa Rangitira, Karaka, Halcombe Tremewan, B., Ashurst Vosb, M., Karere Walker, A. II., Palmeraton N. Walker, C. W., Palmerston N. Waugh, W., Sunnyside, Palmerston N. Wheeler, G. C, Halcombe Whibley Bros., Delaware, Ashurst Wiari Rawiri, Kakiriki, Halcombe Williamson, J. J. and S., Feilding Wilson, James, Makino ' 3'2 185 1IOO no 3000 ■ 1745 IOOO 800 2065 700 484 300 '5° 700 587 600 2150 '5 11 70 150 30 39 525 3000 •57° 1 32 82 900 796 3024 200 780 5°8 74 35° 270 39° 600 45° 600 400 689 90 200 321 44° 452 100 170 949 60 280 90 44 300 50 600 70 134 5 30 160 380 580 475 80 500 '3 59° 360 400 620 437 100 1096 102 MANAWATU COUNTY (In Rangitikei Subdivision). Acourt, James, Sanson Akuhota Henare, Otaki Amapiria Waiho, Foxton Amon Bros., Scott's Ferry Ariki Raorao, Horowhenua Atkins, William, Foxton Bailey, J. A., Sanson Barber Bros., Hunatangi, Foxton Barnett, Thomas, Hikaloto, Foxton Barnett, W. G., Atiki, Foxton Bassett, Francis, Palmerston N. Beazer, Mark, Bunnytborpe Bell, William, Otaki Bevan, Henry, Otaki Bevan, Thomas, jun., Otaki Bills, F., Otaki Bishop, R. W., Sanson Booth, Richard. Waianu, Otaki Bowater, H , Mrs. Sanson Braithwaite and Kebbell, Ohau Brcdow, Reinhold, Campbelltown Bright, Frederick, Pukerua, Otaki Brogden, W. F., Palmerston N. Bromley, James, Scottsferry Brown, S. and Co., Foxton Bruce, Alexander, Sanson Bruce, G. J., Tintea, Palmerston N. Bull, C, Aorangi, Feilding Bull, James, Pukanui, Bull's Burne, Mrs. J., River Bank, Carnarvon Cameron, Hugh, Kopero, Aw.aliuri Cameron, Thomas, Halcombe Campbell, A., Awahuri Carey, R. O. E., Palmerston N. Carter, J., Agley Farm, Foxton 52055 78342 170 80 650 140 Nil 697 260 1050 20 605 1200 3°o '9 5°°. 4553* 360 87 Nil 65 40 3° 200 '50 37° 140 290 35°2 233 625 '95 200 1200 600 Nil 400 600 123 20 IOO 60 300 100 160 3818 364 1600 160 130 820 600 768 230 2885 712 300 45° IOO 280 378 200 3°5° 75° 800 400 70 202 183

No. of I 31st iheep on May. 1883. I 1884. Cobb, Robert, Foxton Coker, Samuel, Sanson Collins, F. T., Palmerston N. Collia, H, Karere Cootes, James, Otaki Costall, Bros., Boston Farm, Campbelltown... Croucher, W. A., Sanson Curran, John, Makino Davies and Stuart, Wirokino, Foxton Dear, George, Taipo Bush, Awahuri Dearlove, W. and J., Foxton Death, G. G., Cheltenham Death, Joseph, Mission Station, Otaki Donald, James, Foxton Dove, J., Sanson Drake and Best, Otaki Drummond, R., Brookdale, Sanson Duncan, James, Foxton Dundas & Ferguson, Mingaroa, Halcombe ... Dunk, Charles, Bainesse, Foxton Easton, A. J., Foxton Edwards, C, Hillside Farm, Sanson Edwards, R , Motoa, Foxton Edwards, Thomas, Foxton Eglinton, B., Sanson Ellern, H. B., Sanson Enoka te Wano, Otaki Fagan, J., Sanson Farmer, A., Sanson Farmer, George, Sanson Ferguson, William, Mingiroa, Halcombe Fitzherbert, O, Feilding Fraser, Hugh, Inverhoe, Bulls Frazer, Thomas, Raikapu, Awahuri Garrett and Grey, Sanson Gear, J. Otaki, Wellington Gibbs, J. IT, Sanson Gibaon, T. F., Noton, Foxton Gilford, Thomas, Carisbrook, Sanson Gillies, John, Te Horo, Otaki Goodin, John, Feilding Gore, T., Mt. Stewart, Sanson Gower, Alfred, Sunnyside, Ashurst Gower, J. W., Foxton Grace, C, Pine Grove, Sanson Greenough, Mrs., Otaki Greig, William Campbelltown, Hadfield, A. J., Netley, Otaki Hakaria Rangikura, Otaki Hammond, H., Waitohi, Sanson Hapeta Ihaia, Horowhenua Hapeta Rangikatuku, Otaki Harris, James, Sanson Hema Ropata Te Ao, Foxton Hema te Ao, Otaki Henare Akubata, Otaki Henare Wirihana, Horowhenua Henson, Thomas, Feilding Henson, S., Sanson Henson, T., jun, Sanson Beta Ngatuhi, Foxton Ileta Te Whata, Horowhenna Hetariki Matao, Horowhenua Himiona Kohai, Horowhenua Hira Parata, Waikanae Hirst, Thomas, Sanson Hoani Puihi, Horowhenua Hoani Taipua, Otaki Hocken, Hugh, Feilding Hohepa Te Hana, Otaki Hone Tupou, Horowhenua Hopa Heremaia, Horowhenua Hopa To Piki, Horowhenua Hopkins, Henry, Awahuri Hori Tepa, Horowhenua Hori Te VVaru, Otaki Hugbey, David, Foxton , Hughey, John, Kaukawa, Feilding Hunt, William, Campbelltown Hurst, G. IT, Sanson Ihaka Eangibouhia, Horowhenua James, Lllis, Palmerston N. Jansen, C, Trondheim Jensen, A. C, Foxton 5°° 150 57 30 250 37° 1 53° 250 60 Nil 300 300 Nil 49 9100 800 975 214 165 . 1660 292 165 1600 95° 48 5°o 75 41 11500 900 190 280 998 380 no 1589 360 220 1800 500 400 Nil 380 47° 200 IOOO 2400 181 2500 260 IOOO 47 500 Nil 80 600 500 140 56 190 300 250 245 IOOO 2200 592 3000 300 9 5°o 75° Nil Nil Nil 660 400 35 200 1575 15° 3800 80 Nil 450 550 15° 70 123 800 45° 240 1200 162 3600 36 1500 120 250 200 900 100 57° 100 "5° 85° IOO 700 IOO 135° 955 260 Nil 130 40 90 160 600 710 795 '5° 100 IOO '°5° Nil 200 60 40 200 82 1300 21 IOO IOO Nil 5° 300 n4 1647 31 100 40 3 40 40 Nil Nil





No. of I 31st 1883. iheep on May. I 1884. Richmond, W., Sanson Rikihana Te Tarure, Otaki Risk, James, Sanson Robert, O W., Palmerston N. toberts, John, Sanson Robertson, A., Campbelltown Robinson, F., Herrinton, Foxton Robinson, F., junior, Omanuka, Foxton Roha Koroniria, Ohau Ropata Ranapiri, Otaki Ropata Tangaboia, Waikanae Sanson, H, Sanaon Sanson, T., Sanson Scarrow, C. D., Sanson Scott, D., Scott's Ferry Short, H., Sanson Simcox and Rutherford, Forest Lakes, Otaki Sinpson, Chris., Feildnig Small, Alexander, Otaki Smart, J. T., Sanson Smith, M., Feilding Speedy, J. H, Sanaon Splitt, John, Halcombe Staff, J. H, Campbelltown Standen, S., Foxton Stewart, A., PalmerBton N. Stewart, P., Feilding Stickle, Benjamin, Horowhenua Symons, C. H, Foxton Symons, H., Opiki, Foxton Tia Ihi Hawea, Otaki Tamiti Ranapiri, Otaki Tamiti Ranapiri, Ohou Tare Porotene, Horowhenua Taylor, W., the Pines, Carnarvon Te Hiwi Piahana, Ohau Teieti Turanga, Awahuri Teweata, Otaura, Foxton Tewiata Te Horu, Otaki Thompson, H. P., Sanson Thompson, W. J., Campbelltown Thynne, E. S., Foxton Tompkins, J., Sanson Tucker, W., Campbelltown Tuku Te Rangihirunga, Otaura, Foxton Turau, Otaura, Foxton Tutere Te Matau, Waikanae Verry, Thomas, Hillside, Sanson Waata Muruahi & Co., Horowhenua Wahle, R., Foxton Waldegrave, H., Palmerston N. Waldegrave, J., PalmerBton North Wallace, J. H, Otaki Waretini, Horowhenua Wehipeihana Taharape, Ohau Wheeler, G., Ferndale, Awahuri Whisker, James, Feilding Whisker, William, Feilding White, W. G., Foxton Whittle, J., Awahuri Wi Hemara, Papakiru, Foxton Williams, George, Sanson Wilson, J. G., Ngaio, Bulls Wingate, John, Karere Wiremu Paki and Raitiaki, Otaki W irihana Tawhati & Co., Horowhenua Wirimu Hori, Horowhenua Wirimu Tamiti, Waikanae W iti Wi Parata, Waikanae Woods, G. N, Notoa, Foxton Wordsworth, C. F., Palmerston North Wrey, G. C. B., Feilding Wright, Amos, Sanson Wrigley, Henry, Sanson Young, G. H, Killrudden Farm, Sanson Young, R. E., Feilding Nil 25 160 Nil 2 5° 7881 700 120 1800 35° Nil 70 100 8100 700 100 2000 200 200 670 1500 47 3°56 3° 262 600 200 260 200 5°° 1700 Nil 3419 18 250 75° 15° 400 28 15° 500 23 457 400 100 20 850 500 280 13° 40 10 1200 IOO 700 300 5°° 400 100 1080 1170 200 200 56 39 95 5° 442 184 200 Nil 12 86 97 488 190 40 Nil 24 I 9 97 1500 128 75° 13 850 25 4 560 397 900 2400 Nil 75 95° IOCO 400 35° 99° 2800 300 37° 354 8170 296. 36 55 280 Nil 347 8500 246 55 140 '33 250 290 98 Nil 2500 Nil 120 2700 290 190 5'o 90 298 165092 152371 *• **

no. ol ftneep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884, o. of Sheep on 31st May. Jenson, Kund, Palmerston, N. Karaitiana, Horowhenua Kerehi Tonio, Horowhenua Kew, Milo, Sanson King and Garrity, Awahuri Kingi Amorangi, Horowhenua Kingi Tepa, Horowhenua Larkworthy, F. B., Motoa, Foxton Larkworthy, F. 13., Carnarvon, Sanson Lucas, G. H., Campbelltown Lukerschouski, A., Halcombe Lumsden, Alfred, Sanson Lumsden, John, Sanson Maaka Pukehi, Otaki Macleod, R. M., Oroua Downs, Foxton Mahia Wi Parata, Waikanae Maihi te Koatu, Ohau Makere Rangimaerehau, Horowhenua Marsom, William, Sanson Masters, Thomas, Sanson Matiaha Ranapiri, Ohau Mathers, John, Foxton Matthews, A., Sanson McDonald, A., Rakapu, Awahuri McDonald, H. H, Horowhenua McDonald, W. H., Otaki McGuerin Bros., Foxton McKenzie A., Taipo, Sanaon McKenzie, D. D., Carnarvon McKenzie, R. B., Flaxmoor, Carnarvon McKenzie, Thomas, Carnarvon McLennan, John, Oroua Downs, Foxton McNab, Alexander, Sanson McWilliam, James, Otaki Midford, James, Gore Farm, Campbelltown... Mitchell, A., Palmerston N. Mitchell, W., Foxton Mitchell, Tbos., Riverside, Foxton Mohi Heremia, Ohau Mobi Wharewhiti, Otaki Moibi Te Kootu, Otaki Moore, H. A., Sanson Mowlem, J., Karere Nairn, John, Awahuri Newman, Frederick, Campbelltown Neylon, P., Foxton Nicholson, Neville, Horowhenua Nikora Huarau, Ohau Noa Te Wbata, Horowhenua ,.. Nuna Te Taeirei, Otaki Nye, George, Sunnyside, Foxton Oliver, J. and G. L., Okane, Foxton Oriwbia Kerehi, Horowhenua Osbourne, W., Foxton Paneta, Foxton Pascall, Brothers, Opakete, Foxton Pascal], Brothers, Puketotara, Foxton Pattullo, J. L., Foxton Pearce, R. E., Sanson Peka Hama, Maramahoi, Bulls Penny, B. S., Sanson Penny, W., Sanson Perreau, J. A., Foxton Peterson, Anders, Campbelltown Phillips, George, Sanson Phillips, W. F., Feilding Philps, Henry, Sanson Poneke te Momo, Otaura, Foxton Poole, D. A., Oroua. Foxton Pringle Bros., Feilding Prisk, James, Sinson Purcell, J., Foxton Balaton, Brothers, Hokianga, Carnarvon ... Rangimairihou, Horowhenua Ranginui, Horowhenua Ransom, V. C, Campbelltown Rawiri Hutukawa, Horowhenua Read, Micaiali, Sanson Rich, F. Cambelltown 5 Nil 80 5i 180 100 Nil 3200 3504 282 150 214 200 5° 80 3°34 4208 180 100 150 400 300 170 IOO 26 Nil 10 '79 140 81 '35 58 '47 1719 6200 IOO 88 60 97 296 1324 75°° 400 230 250 55° 900 974 '3793 7 10 500 77° 1400 800 1004 13863 3 3° 250 '5° 293 100 25 170 230 290 80 150 Nil 200 283 no 31 13° Nil Nil 160 220 50 366 80 • 25 34 140 62 '85 1500 70 580 Nil 31 200 900 49° 28 600 I5°° 62 100 700 1750 200 161 100 294 1200 40 67 95° 100 390 1200 14 58 95° 100 400 40 180 400 Nil 93 100 360 250 3272 30 350 43 100 40 343 255 2460 s°° 3' 25 140 190





pETUEN showing the Sheepowners a: Lt Number of Sheep and Lambs in each m the 31st May, 1883, and 1884. id the county No. of SI 31st 1 heep on Hay. 18S3. 1884. _ , HUTT COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Abbott, N. and R., Horokiwi Akanson, N., Upper Hult Allen, Eli, Grass Lees, Tawa Flat Allen, T. P., Walmer Farm, Hutt Allen, W. B., Graeefield, Hutt Aplin, Christopher, Wellington Arthur, J. H., Porirua Ferry Ashdown, J. D., Makara BanniBter, Edwin, Woodlawn, Jobnaonville Barrow, Stephen, Pabautanui Barton, John, Trentham Bassett, Thos., Willow Brook, Ohariu Beech, George, Ohariu Beech, William, Ohariu Beetham, William, Taita Benge Brothers, Upper Hutt Best Bros., Ohariu Blackey, Joseph, Horokiwi Blackey, William, Horokiwi Bould, Robert, Daisy Hill, Johnsonville Boulton, E., Pahautanui Brady, Frederick, Pahautanui Broderick, C. and W., Ohariu Broderick, Thomas, Woodland, Tawa Flat ... Brown, J. and G., Upper Hutt Brown, L., Ohariu Brvant Brothers, Mill Farm, Ohariu Buck, A. S., Taita Buick, David, Petone Burgess, Robert, Johnsonville Cameron, John, Hutt Campbell, Huston, Wainuiomata Carter, Charles, Pahautanui Carter, Edward, Pahautanui Carter, Gad, Pahautanui Caverhill, T. W., Lower Hutt Chapman, John, Hope Farm, Petone Clark, Robert, Wainuiomata Clout, William, Granfield, Hutt Cocking, William, Hutt Cook Brothers, Opau, Makara Cook, John, Makara Cooper, George, Kaitoke Corlet, E. G. M., Johnsonville Cotter, Thomas, Upper Hutt Cottle, Charles, Belmont, Hutt Crawford, J. C, Watt's Peninsula Cridland, C. J., York Bay, Hutt Crowther, J., Brookfield, Wainuiomata Cruywagen, J. C, Upper Hutt Darby, F. E., Ohariu , Death, Robert, Pahautanui Death, Samuel, Taita Dick, David, Ashfield, Wainuiomata Drake, T. J., Johnsonville Draper, Edward, Pahautanui Duncan, Charles, Linden Vale, Tawa Flat ... Earp, William, Boscobel, Tawa Flat Eglinton, Henry, Hutt Enoka Hohepa, Waikanae Erueini Teniarau, Waikanae Farrelly, John, Naina, Blackbridge Field, H. A., Waikanae Field, H. A., Waiorua, Waikanae Field, H. A., Wharekohu, Waikanae Field, James, Ohariu Fitzberbert, Sir William, Belmont, Hutt ... Flighty, Stephen, Pabautanui France, William, Ohariu Francis, Charles, Upper Hutt Futter, James, Kaiwarawara Galloway, D., Reserve, Pahautanui Galloway, William, Pahautanui Gardner, W., Pahautanui Garrett and Co., Wellington Gaskin, George, Makara Gaskin, William, Makara 3° 398 141 24 35 400 22 24 300 97° no 300 300 142 400 1600 600 200 200 54° 2500 IOOO 15° 300 140 4800 200 496 42 IOOO 52° 210 165 31 13° 200 1617 566 170 2 35° 335 4°53 '5 312 320 40 395 127 3' 97 68 34 30 400 1140 100 300 400 162 400 1700 900 199 200 560 2500 IOOO 140 250 180 4810 300 105 7 588 20 900 542 200 330 140 Nil 133 15° 2008 Nil 260 2 380 Nil 374° 14 35° 100 IOO 39° IOOO 790 691 200 400 IOOO 687 700 260 228 800 23° 900 400 547 200 5°° 2000 300 600 230 650 2000 2000 2000 2200 160 2000 170 1620 280 454 2 1300 280 380 2 55° 192 70 700 5°° 242 55 800 90 101 200

No. of ! 31st leep on lay. 1884. 18S3. GaBkin, J. and 0., Makara Geange, Richard, Upper Hutt Gear M. P. and F. Co. of N.Z., Lim., Wellington Gear, James, Okowi, Wellington Gilbert, Thomas, Ohariu Goldfinch, G. J., Pahautanui Gosling, William, Hutt Grace, John, Wainuiomata Grace, N., Wainuiomata Gray, James, Pahautanui Greer, Francis, Clarence, Tawa Flat Greer, Samuel, Tawa Flat Hagerty, John, Ohariu Harris, William, Pahautanu Harrison, J. G., Kaitoke Hawkings, Thomas, Kaiwarawara Hawkins, F. H, Makara Hayward, Thomas, Hutt Hemora Waiho, Waikanae Henare Nga Kote, Waikanae Hill, J. L., Pabautanui Hira Maeke, Waikanae Hira Parata, Waikanae Hitchens, John, Trentham Eobbs, George, Johnsonville Hooper, John, Karori Howell, William, Wharemoka, Waikanae ... Hume, Henry, Ohariu Inia Tuhata, Waikanae Jackson, J. and E., Wainuiomata Jillett, William, Porirua Jones, G. and W., Pahautanui Jones, William, sen., Pahautanui Joseph & Wright, Happy Valley, Wellington Judd, James, Hutt Judge, Alfred, Pahautanui Kilmister, John, Karori Kilsby, George, Ohariu King, Mrs., Porirua Ferry Laurent, W. J., Upper Hutt Logan, H. F., Papanui, Wellington London, H. W., Pahautanui Love, Daniel, Hutt Lowry, John, Makara Lowry, Joseph, Happy Valley, Wellington ... Lynch, H, Emerald Glen, Paikakariki Mabey, Joseph, Upper Hutt Mabey, Robert, Upper Hutt Mackay, Brothers, Whareroa, Paikakariki ... Marchant, George, Tawa Flat Matene Tauware, Petone' McDonald, J. D. G., Wellington McGrath, William, Aotea, Porirua Ferry ... Mcllvride, John, Wainuiomata MeMenaman, James, Terawhiti McPherson, A.,Willow Bank, Johnsonville ... Mei Wi Parata, Waikanae Mexted, George, Tawa Flat Mexted, Thomas, Porirua Ferry Millen, William, Horokiwi Mitchell, John, Burnside, Porirua Ferry ... Mitchell, John, Horokiwi Monaghan Bros., Makara Morgan, G. and T., Tawa Flat Morgan, John, Tawa Flat Mulhern, Roderick, Pahautanui Murphy, P. and M., Pahautanui Murray, T. H, Goathurst Farm, Wellington Neill, Robert, Wainuiomata Nichol Alexander, Horokiwi Norgrove, W. and O., Wainuiomata Nott, William, Ivy Bank, Tawa Flat Orbell, F. A., Johnsonville O'Shea, N., Belmont, Lower Hutt Pearce, James, the Streamlets, Pahautanui ... Philps, Jacob, Hutt Pirihira Piwa, Waikanae Poarore, Waikanae Pringle, Alexander, Hill Farm, Hutt Prouse, Richard, Wainuiomata Raiha Puaka Matenga te Hiko, Porirua Rawsoii, Charles, Upper Hutt Reid, N., Huntley Farm, Upper Hutt IOOO 194 S°8 700 100 34 35° 5°° 400 '95 275 5°° 200 h 1 IOO 180 88 10 70 55° 250 800 279 54 260 800 300 25° 600 1200 600 197 4449 600 281 160 800 45° 400 1600 35° 123 290 200 792 200 400 700 37 210 3° 55° 68 6600 295 200 300 80 700 161 549 800 Nil 100 Nil 15 400 500 240 300 650 200 11 Nil 160 9° Nil 100 600 300 Nil 465 76 250 IOOO 300 250 500 1200 700 195 6648 800 29O IOO 800 400 60O l800 330 157 33° Nil 785 13° 300 700 36 280 Nil 600 79 7800 284 Nil 400 Nil 1200 IOOO 5°8 120 985 5°° 160 52° 190 1190 700 Nil 280 190 300 300 2810 82 84 400 55° Nil 15° 475 400 98 200 5°, 100 238 39° IOO 9 250 200 Nil 60 270 404 15° 5° 220 330





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Repini, Waikanae Richardson, A. M., Upper Hutt Riddiford, E. J., Orongo Orongo, Hutt Robinson, Richard, Makara Robinson, T. H., Makara Rowlands, W., Tawa Flat Russell, E., and Son, Taita Russell, J. and J., Taita Sargent, Henry, Upper Hutt Saunders, William, Pahautanui Scholes, John, Belmont, Hutt Seagar, Charles, Upper Hutt (Wellington) ... Sim, James, Johnsonville Smith, Charles, Pahautanui Smith, F. W., Tunapo Paikakariki Smith, Richard, Horokiwi Smith, Thomas, Hill Farm, Makara Smith, Thomas, Horokiwi Smith, T. H, Wellington Speedy, David, Western Hutt, Hutt Speedy, Peter, Hutt Spieer, Richard, Ohariu Squires, G. J., Sea View, Hutt Stace, W. N., Pahautanui Stebbings, Benjamin, Johnsonville Stebbings, H., Johnsonville Stevens, George, Porirua Ferry Tamati Mukaka, Waikanae Tamihana Te Neke, Waikanae Taylor, James, Tawa Flat Te Hau Eruine, Waikanae Te Teira Iliakara, Waikanae Telford, J., Waikanae Thirkell and Hawkins, Karori Thomas, William, Upper Hutt Thompson, &., Porirua Ferry Thompson, Henry, Tawa Flat Thompson, J. W., Wainuiomata Tremewan, Thomas, Tawa Flat Trotter, Peter, Makara Tutere, Waikanae Vaughan, Edward, Hutt Wakeham, John, Wainuiomata Wakeham, W., Wainuiomata Walker, J., Taupo Station, Pahautanui Walker, John, Taita Wall, Antony, Porirua Ferry Wall, James, Porirua Ferry " Wall, John, Porirua Ferry Watene te Ahio, Waikanae Welch, W. E., Taita Wellington M. P. & R. Co., Lim., Wellington West, Daniel, Waiwitu, Hutt Whitehouse, J., Porirua Ferry Whiteman, W., sen., Upper Hutt Williams, C. H, Makara Wilmshurst, T. H, Tawa Flat Wilton, Elijah, Ohiro, Wellington Wilton, Job, Sunny Side, Wadestown Windley, Thomas, Porirua Ferry Wi Tamihana, Waikanae Wiremu, Waikanae Wood, G. (Executors of), Wainuiomata Woods, Crosbie, and Co., Wellington Wright, John, Wainuiomata Wright, J. F. E., Mana, Wellington 300 2200 959 .63 400 250 264 80 240 180 5° 700 160 3456 934 900 3' 275 120 100 75 290 600 60 797 235 200 597 35° 400 60 400 35° 200 32 1987 900 180 500 200 Nil 62 240 200 40 800 160 35°° 200 700 75° 2 40 400 160 300 87 Nil 289 800 Nil 75 876 100 235 Nil 586 360 500 48 Nil 300 86 Nil 160 1400 170 55° 64 2500 177 2000 1420 260 1300 7' 3000 Nil 2050 1420 285 40 7° 40 90 4' 1700 400 '94 40 •S3 33° 612 100 1068 4' 1800 400 160 Nil 925 300 500 150 Nil 200 15° 8,5 46 946 200 Nil Nil 867 WEST WAIRARAPA COUNTY (In South Wairarapa Subdivision). Akers, W., Wharepapa, Featberston ' ... Anderson, A., Woodside, Greytown Applin, Joseph, Carterton Baggarley, J. H. A., Carterton Bairstow, Isaac, Clareville Bambry, William, Carterton Barton Bros., W rhite Rock, Martinhorough .,. Barton, E. J. (Ext. of), Fernside, Featberston Bassett, John, Carterton Benton, Thomas, Kaiwaiwai, Benton, T., junr.,Featherston Bicknell, W., Kahautera, Featherston i°9352 "8363 1700 607 1600 660 288 96 20 187 17374 2750 198 44 800 600 92 140 182 16000 2870 180 5° 79° 800

o of sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Bidwill, J. and W., Pihautea, Featherston ... Blade, R. E., Matarawa, Greytown Bockett, F. V., Featberston Boys, Burton, Thanet Farm, Clareville Boys, John, Clareville Braithwaite, and Acock, Carterton Buchanan, W. C.,Tupurupuru, Gladstone ... Bunny, II. R., Abiaruhc, Gladstone Burt.'F. W., Featherston Burrell, II. Mrs., Carterton Burrow, J., The Pines, Carterton Burrow, J. Admiral, Carterton Busch, Basil, Greytown Cadwallader, E., Mrs., Fornridge, Carterton Callister, H., Carterton Cameron, Allan, Martinborough Cameron, Duncan, Moron, Greytown Cameron, Duncan, Glendhu, Greytown Cameron, J., Pahaua, Masterton Cave, M. B., Featherston Clifton, Alfred, Carterton Cooper, J., The Taipoa, Gladstone Cotter, P., sen., Riverside, Greytown Cross, Lot, Cross Creek Cundy, O, Featherston Cundv, John, Torahanga, Featherston Dakin, Charles, Cliff, Clarevills Daysh, Alfred, Clareville Donald, James, Featherston Dorset, E. W., Kahikatea, Carterton Dorset, J. E., Gladstone Douglas, A., Mount Adams, Martinborough Driscoll, Michael, Carterton Dudding, H, Panton Camp, Tauherinikau ... Dunn, E., Dock Creek, Tauherinikau Eglinton, H, Wharekaukau (Lower Hutt)... Fairbrother, R. W., Parklands, Carterton Farrington, E. K., Col, Clareville Fenwick, C. R., Swampside, Featberston Fitzgerald, J., Carterton Foreman, George, Pukanui, Gladstone Francis, W., Brookfield, Clareville Gaskin, G., Clareville Goodin, C, Clareville Goodrick, C. F., Kaiwaiwai Grace Br,->s.,Weraawhaiteri, Gladstone Grant, R. Mrs.,Bannockburn, Gladstone ... Gray, F., Fairburn, Masterton Haigh, S., Greytown Hakiaha Apiata, Kohunui, Martinborough ... Hales, C. (Exts. of), Flat Point, Gladstone ... Hanlon, E. J., Mrs., Martinborough Hannah, James, Carterton Harris Bros., Hautotara, Martinborough ... Harris, Charles, Wantwood, Martinborough Harris, G., Martinborough Heagerty, J. D., Greytown Hodder, W., jun., Featherston Hodge, H, Peach Grove, Greytown Hodge, Thomas, Battersea, Greytown flollard, George, Greytown Hooper, J. T., Carterton Hume, J., Clifton Grove, Greytown Hume, P., Tauanui, Martinborough Humphries, Mrs. M. A., Grove, Greytown ... Ingley, Joseph, Carterton Jackson, 0. W., Torohonga, Featherston ... Jackson, H. H, Stonestead, Greytown Jackson, II. W., Flaxbourne, Featherston Jackson, M.J. H.,Sunnyside, Featberston ... •iones, J., Matarawa, Greytown Jones, E. R., Wanstrow, Carterton Jones, W. II. P., Greytown Joseph & Phillips, Dry River,Martinborough Judd, John, Greytown ... Jury, C. J., Vermont & Glendower, Greytown King & Parker, Warahu, Carterton Kempton, O., Taratahi Weat, Clareville Kempton, T., jun., Elm Grove, Greytown ... Kimberley, Benjamin, Greytown Kummer, G. Kummerstein, Masterton Lawrence, W., Carterton ... Mace, John, Gum Grove, Masterton 99i8 747 200 11348 700 200 IOO '5° 300 1300 20069 2425 120 '35 100 1800 120O I gooo 2190 120 1300 400 163 48 Nil 8800 8500 209 74 5000 48 500 3°o 300 900 195 11 600 500 388 120 34 400 10000 7.500 252 100 5000 475 600 360 35° 1800 180 Nil 600 100 15° 1200 3°° 1000 1.200 298 1000 250 600 300 444 400 35° 500 473 400 500 46 270 1850 87 40 36 2500 3200 900 177 130 10200 1330 84 20 2700 2850 700 193 I70 I°35° 35° 190 7200 3300 300 39° 200 8000 4200 300 5°° 600 455 285 1360 93o 200 294 1300 75° 185 2000 52°° 140 125 9 2500 - Nil 800 453 80 380 11300 482 3070 55°° 130 Nil 2300 400 400 44° 35° 11000 400 2500 445 1067 1700 3600 1650 55 76 2506 35° 1000 2500 4719 1700 Nil Nil





11 o. 01 c 3ist: May. 1884. 1883. I Martin, E. E., Otaraia, Martinborough Martin, J. & W. J., Huangarua, Martinboro' Matthews, A., Wairongaraai, Featherston ... Maunsell, E. S., Riversdale, Greytown Maunsell & Parker, Te Parra, Carterton McDougall, D., Pirinoa, Martinborough McKenzie, A., Pigeon Bush, Featberston ... McKenzie, J., Rimutaka, Featherston McLachlan, Duncan, Clareville McLachlan, D., Springbank, Gladstone McLaren, D. & P., Wainuioru, Martinborough McLaren, R., Ngakonui, Martinborough McLaren, W., Kautara, Featherston McLeod, W., Whakaponi, Martiuborough ... McMaster, Angus, Greytown McMaster, A., Kilgour, Gladstone McMaster, D., Tubitarata, Martinborough ... McMaster, Hugh, Brooklyne, Gladstone McMaster, J., The Grove, Martinborough ... McPbee, H. and A., Taiuui, Martinborough Miller, W., Carlton Hill, Gladstone Mitchell, W, Morrison's Run, Greytown ... Moore & Krull, Glenburn, Gladstone Moore, Thomas, Carterton Morris, William, Carterton Monckton, F., Newatead, Featheraton Moriaon, D., Glenmorven, Greytown Murphy, John, Tirohanga, Featherston Nicols, W. H, Featherston Nicoleon, Donald, Melverton, Clareville Nix, LewiB, Parkhill, Carterton Nix, W. J., Tauherinikau Nopera Tiki, Mangabuia, Gladstone Oates, ,1., Qlendower, Carterton Oates, S., Peach Grove, Carterton Orbell, F. A., Clareville Pain, George, Martinborough Parker, John, Martinborough Parker, W., Martinborough Penny, J. B., Weatbourne, Carterton Perry, B. P., Penrose, Masterton Pharazyn, C, Awbea, Martinborough Pharazyn, C, Longwood, Featheraton Pharazyn, C.&E., Watarangi, Martinborough Rayner, J., Kuripuni Reid, Mrs. M. A., Clareville Renall, Roger, Kokotau, Carterton Reynolds, John, Mayfield, Clareville Riddiford, E. & R., Te Awaiti, Martinborough Ridgway, James, Junction, Carterton Roberts, Thomas, Clareville Robinson, J. F., Maungatiriri, Masterton ... Robinson, Robert, Carterton Rowe, R., Hurunuiorangi, Gladstone' Russell, J. P., WangaiMoaua, Martinborough Ryan, M , Clareville gayer, R. N., Dalefield Sinclair, D., Burnside, Martinborough Skey William, Clareville Smith James, Clareville Smith, John, Clareville Smith, Stephen, Wharekaka, Martinborough Smith, William, Martinborough Snell James, Ahiaruhe, Carterton Spearink, W., Featherston Standen, John, Gladstone Stoodley, James, Gladstone Strang, J. and W. Glenside, Gladstone Straw bridge, Eli, Waihekeke, Carterton Sutherland, W. and D., Ngaipu, Martinboro' Tancred, II. G., Ponatahi, Carterton Tancred, P. F., Te Ahikiore, Clareville Taplin, J. H., Masterton Tildesley, E., Glenhazard, Gladstone Tocker, J. F., Featherston '1 rotter, P., Greytown Tullock, L., Halford, Martinborough Tally, John, Ngawhakaakupe, Greytown Tunuiarangi, Pirinoa, Gladstone Tunuiarangi, Hinana, Gladstone Udy, II., junior, Greytown Udy, John, Temato, Greytown Udy, W., Flaxland, Greytown Varnham, W. A., Papawai, Greytown 1144° '7579 4850 95 3000 35°° 1921 14° 910 7000 88o 3000 96 300 439° 1625 171 1300 2'37 5 2°° 12500 5°° 1700 44 2500 250 6qo '38 2500 300 400 _65 400 935 385° 85™ 220.0 15000 300 92 400 800 32000 97 100 10160 19886 5°50 1010 210 3500 385° '74° 245 900 6000 600 IOOO 3000 89 45° 4148 2500 260 1300 2297 55°° 14040 600 160 95° 1800 32 3000 25° 900 190 3000 400 500 560 400 300 230 806 4000 8500 2800 '15000 400 5° 5°° 922 29000 Nil 99 165 200 230 45° 9414 300 77 1650 1485 39° 10821 300 45 1500 1400 300 300 - 469 1050 700 5°° 300 200 4000 5°° 10500 4061 190 284 400 IOOO 25 900 9250 600 700 180 Nil 700 800 125 322 1000 700 35° 200 39°° 600 11000 5°°o 160 267 480 1700 18 900 8500 504 600 400 800 800

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Vennell, S., Bank View, Gladstone Vennell, S., Forest Lee, Featherston Waldin, Thomas, Clareville Walker, T., York Farm, Featherston Wall Bros., Riverside, Martinborough Wallace, J., Riverside, Featberston Ward, T., Morrison's Bush, Greytown Wardell, II. S., Newstead, Featherston Watersen, George, Dalefield Watersen, John, Carterton Welch, R. G., Matarawa, Greytown Wilkerson, J. J., Kokatau, Carterton Wilkie, John, Poplar Farm, Greytown Wilkinson, H. 0., Featberston Wilkinson, J., Lake MeadowB, Featherston ... Williams, W. 0., Bleak House, Kaiwaiwai ... Wi Mahupuka, Long Bush, Gladstone Wood, W., Morrison's Bush, Greytown Wolters, H. H, Carterton Wratten, W., Birch Hill, Martinborough ... Wyett, Charles, Clareville Yule, Robert, Featherston 4000 2IOO 184 80 35°° 85 80 500 5°° 100 397 300 70 100 2083 800 4400 2100 '95 20O ?8oo 185 120 Nil 200 77 49° 45° 65 123 2174 IOOO 4000 15° 1600 85 1400 5°oo 180 60 1800 200 13°° 408363 EAST WAIRARAPA COUNTY (In North Wairarapa Subdivision). AlpasB, S. J. P., Brooklands, Alfredton Andersen, Alexander, Eketahuna Andersen, Nils, Mauriceville Andrew, Rev. J. O, lea, Tenui Andrew, W., Breakneck Flat, Tenui Anketell, W., Masterton Armstrong, J., (Ex. of), Akiteo, Castlepoint Bannister Bros., Opaki Mas te ton Bannister, II., Tutuatihui, Masterton Bassett, Job, Miki Miki, Masterton Baucke, E., Maunganui, Pahiatua Beetbam, W. and H, Brancepetb, Masterton Belliss, Hugh, Woodhurst, Tenui Bennett, Joseph, Otahuao, Masterton Bennett, William, Fernglen, Masterton Blatcbford, J., Masterton Brannijjan, Patrick, Alfredton Brodersen, R. P., Mauriceville Brown, T., Masterton Bruce, A., Hillside, Dreyerton Budden, B., Te Ore Ore. Masterton Buick, W. B., Burnaide, MaBterton Burling, G. A., Peep-o-Day, Alfredton Burling, H, jun., Brooklands, Alfredton Cade ai.d McKenzie, Black Rock, Masterton Cameron, Allan, Spring Hill, Tenui Cameron Bros, and Lowes, Masterton Cameron, J., Fernside, Masterton Campbell, Hugh, Pirau, Masterton Campbell, John, Opaki, Masterton Campbell, Robert, Opaki, Masterton Carman, D., Blink Bonny, Masterton Carman, D., Burnside, Masterton Carver, R. W. J., Pahiatua Cave, A. W., Woodleigh, Masterton Chalmers, F. B., Fernyhurst, Masterton Chalmers, F. B, Heatberleigh, Masterton Chamberlain, E. E., Meku Meku, Masterton Chamberlain, S. E., Meku Meku, Masterton Chamberlain, T. E., Masterton Christeneen, Hans, Opaki, Masterton Coekburn, R., Lower Manaia, Masterton Colway, J., Masterton Cottle, Charles, Opaki, Masterton Cox, J. G., Mai, Maitaikuna Cripps, Isaac, Seven Oaks, Masterton Crosa, John, Glen Side, Tenui Cross, William, Moroa, Alfredton Cuff, W. O, Maori Hill, Greytown Dagg, R. D., Upper Plain, Masterton Day, W., Tirobanga, Masterton Dillon, T., Glenwai, Tenui Donald, Donald, Waikaraka, Masterton Donald, Donald, Solway, Masterton Donald, Rhodes, Manaia, Masterton Donovan, S. W., Dreyertown Dorset, W. L., Kopuarangi, Dreyerton 388520 1600 1700 52 9' 20248 152 i°5 27000 600 18439 192 25000 600 301 5° 56000 1200 300 100 3000 75° 270 2000 860 260 _27 2400 45° 1400 95° 297 200 98 400 400 2500 800 4800 394 67980 1300 3000 800 270 IOOO 17 776 300 194 1300 3°° 3000 500 2000 33°° 120 200 86 45° 45° 2400 3° 946 59°° i°5 910 73° Nil 98 2000 80 360 35°° 200 110 800 290 200 1900 5' 406 3100 220 1700 1400 600 800 2000 1500 1400 IOOO 60s 1090 1017 4600 700 Nil 118 4200 900 600 81 500 400




4—H. 11.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. 1883. | 1884. Drummond, G. M. R., Masterton ... Duncan, G., Papakui, Masterton Elder and Co., Langdale, Masterton Flkins, A. A., Masterton Evans, L. J., Upper Plain, Masterton Everitt, W., View Field, Masterton Ewington, James, Masterton Falconer, W,, Fernridge, Masterton Goringe, Orlando, Masterton Groves, John, jun., Rock View, Tenui Gundersen, G., Mauriceville . ... Hall, J., Pahiatua Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Aohanga, Castlepoint Handyside, Roberts, & Co., Akitio, Castlept Hansen, R. P., Mauriceville Hare, R., Upper Plain, Masterton Harris, Walter, Opaki, Masterton Harvey and Sons, Berriedale, Masterton Hawkins, R. T., Bowlands, Masterton Herbert, J. and C, Hawkhurst, Masterton ... Hessey, John, Sherwood, Masterton Hitchings, T., Beaumont, Masterton Holmes, Bros., Matahiwi, Masterton Hosking, W. H, Dr., Weraiti, Masterton ... Hughes, John, Pahiatua Hunt, Brown, Miki Miki, Masterton Hurley, T., Rangitumau, Masterton Ihaia Whakamairu, Masterton Iorns, William, Masterton Isaacaen, Jacob, Mauriceville Jesaen, John, Mauriceville Johnston, A., Cumloden, Masterton Johnston, W. W., Castlepoint JohnBton & Co., Mataikuna James, Henry, Woodlands, Masterton Jones, Henry, Masterton Judd, J. and G., Manaia, MaBterton Kebbell, W. M., Springvale, Alfredton Langdou Brothers, Ngapopatu, Tenui Langdon, J. S., Pinelmrst, Tenui Larsen, Han b, Mauriceville Larsen, Jens, Mauriceville Larsen, Lars, Mauriceville Larsen, Peter, Mauriceville Leach Brothers, Waterfall Creek, Tenui Leech, H. W., Tent Flats, Tenui Levin & Co., Wildfell, Taueru Liverton, W., Pakowai, Mataikuna Livingston, J., Otabuao, Masterton Macara, James, Maaterton Mace, G. W., Bramerton, Taueru Mackay Bros., Fairfield, Bideford Macquarrie BroB., Moroa Park, Alfredton ... Madsen, P. C, Mauriceville Marsh, R., Te Hoe, Alfredton Martin, Albert, Forest Home, Masterton Matthews, Alfred, Opaki, Maaterton Maunsell, R. and F., Tenui Mawley, S., Ditton, Masterton McGregor Bros., Upper Plain, Masterton ... McHutcbon, A., Whakataki McKay, Robert, Dreyerton McKenzie, D., Myrtle Farm, Masterton McKenzie, D., Woodlands, Masterton McKenzie, Evan, Conon, Dreyerton McKenzie, J., Woodlands, Masterton McKenzie, M., Mrs., Boyne Ter, Maaterton McKenzie, R., Fernridge, Masterton McLachlan, Colin, Landle, Masterton 175 282 19200 321 358 23000 747 162 170 180 15° 700 414 53° 140 190 150 900 5°7 650 200 33 22900 16174 98 200 800 18576 20141 43 99 200 Nil 16909 3240' 108 14200 85 2800 7800 700 35° 890 3'5° 75°° 2180 600 300 210 890 14500 14000 288 1100 300 290 300 19 6 1189 13999 13080 749 4i5 1985 345° 1500 49° 13 10 54 15 1200 3800 1796 1200 800 34°° IOOO 900 1400 45°° Nil 171 4060 1500 1800 710 3800 1600 IOOO 140 I IOO 16700 2000 2000 40 1370 130 1200 16600 2600 600 450 70 379 120 131 477 85 1234 400 Nil 400 1582 373 120 163 392 140 170

No. of 81 31stl ieep on lay. 1883. 1884. McLachlan, D., Tirohango, Masterton McLachlan, J., Coruanan Masterton McLennan, T., Burnaide, Masterton McLeod, Angus, Rosebank, Masterton McPhee, Donald, Masterton ... Meredith, E., Llandeff, Maaterton Meredith, Edwin, Kobinai, Maaterton Meredith, B., jun., Waironga, Maaterton Meredith, E., jun., Riversdale, Masterton Meredith, R. R. Beaumaris, Masterton Miller, J., Fernlands, Bideford Moore, George, Eparaima, Masterton Moore, J., Wildfell, Taueru Morrison, John, Blairlogie, Masterton Mortensen, J., Mauriceville Mutrie, A., Springfield, Masterton Napier, A., Lower Tiraumea, Alfredton Neilson, Jens, Eketahuna Neilson, Magnus, Eketahuna Neilsen, Peter, Mauriceville Neilson, Swen, Eketahuna Nicholls, Arthur, Penrose, Te Nui Nitz, II., Kaiwhata, Maaterton O'Connor, Patrick, Tenui Olsen, Ole, Mauriceville Osborn, O. H, Dreyerton Peach, Charles, Thorplanda, Tenui Percy, H. J., Te Ore Ore, Maaterton Perry, B. P., Riverbend. Bideford Perry, Walter, Masterton Pickett, Thomas, Whakataki Prentice, S. G., Upper Plain, Masterton Printer, W. & C, Wangaehu, Masterton Robieson, James, Cavelands, Masterton Rose, Joseph, Pahiatua Rutherford, John, Wairere, Bideford Saunders, W. J., Alfredton Scbow, L. A., Mauriceville Shaw, F., Holmfield, Maaterton Shepherd, J. O., Abbotsford, Taueru Smith, Jesse, Pahiatua Smith, W. J., Spring Grove, Alfredton Stewart, Alexander, Opaki, Masterton Stewart, Duncan, Opaki, Masterton Stilborn, Thomas, Burtonfields, Tenui Stilborn, Thomas, Tborplands, Tenui Stuckey, J., Te Rangitumau, Masterton Taniati Henare, Te Ore Ore, Masterton Tancred and Hawkins, Bideford Tatham, F. E., Homewood, Masterton Taylor, W. W., Manawa, Tenui Telford, T. W., Fernhill, Ten ui Thompson, T. L. & Co., Te Ore Ore, Maatn. Vallance, C. A. (Ex. of) Kahumingi, Taueru Vile, John, sen., Tividale, Clareville Von Reden, F., Eketahuna Wardell, II. S., Te Whiti, Masterton Warren, Holmes, Tiraumea, Alfredton Welch, Henry, Opaki, Masterton Welch, J. R., Pairau, MaBterton Welch, R. R., Masterton Williams, John, Tiraumea, Tenui Williams, W. B , Flag Creek, Tenui Williams and Beetham, Te Nui Wingate, John, Meldrum, Alfredton Woodroofe, G. W., Masterton Wrigley, W. and F., Dreyerton Yates, A. B., Mrs. Woodlands, Masterton ... 800 309 9° 200 260 134 6boo 2550 14777 3100 2000 2400 2050 23700 340 570 1200 500 200 IOO 500 1400 2600 500 13° 45 300 300 800 800 40 2132 5° 297 180 250 4081 170 7200 4400 3°49 1400 2400 17620 Vso 1200 1400 400 460 8542 340O 295 20 47 '5° '75 900 400 SO 200 3°o 25' 6070 3375 14000 45'8 1986 3100 Nil 21000 6 5°° 600 i45 225 13 180 1000 54° 200 4 240 Nil 600 2800 500 '5° 5° 400 400 93 IOOO 900 5° 40 Nil 94 5° 489 193 300 840 4'5° 100 7181 4600 4841 Nil 2250 18580 IOOO 102 '650 9I0O IO78 5°0 500 Nil 35°° Nil 20 68 290 195 476844 437715 V9 r





QETEEN showing the Sheepowners and the NumLL ber of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the Hat May, 1883, and 1884. No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. WAIMEA COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). ilTport, A., Stoke mderson, R., Wakapuaka mderson, W;illiam, Wakapuaka mdrew, Richard, Waimea West Lndrews, J., Wakefield Lrnold, James, Waimea West Lrnold, John, Foxhill Lrnold, John, Waimea West Lskew, Mrs. R., Nelson Saigent, E., Wakefield Saigent, Isaac, Wakefield tanks, R., Richmond Sarnett, Henry, Nelson Sarnett, William, Nelson iartlett, J. E., Appleby iartlett, W. J., Richmond iatt, John, Wakefield Sell Bros., Hope Sell, Miss E., Hope Sell, W., Waimea West Serkett, Henry, Hope lest, Charles, Appleby Sest, G., Stoke ■est, John, Appleby Sest, Joseph, Appleby Sest, Phillip, Appleby Sest, W., Wakefield ' Sird, Ann, Nelson Sird, C, Nelson Sird, J., Wakefield Sirkitt, Mrs. C, Hope Slanchett, G., Wakapuaka Slick, Benjamin, Dishers, Hope Slick, J., Nelson Slundell, F. H, Waimea West Soddington, W T., Belgrove lolton, J., Appleby Srooks, W., Wakefield Srown, J., Wakapuaka Susch, H, Hope Susch, J., Hope Suxton, E. (Executors of), Stoke 'anning, C, Nelson lanton, G., Waimea East lhallies, E., Appleby Iballies, H, Appleby Jhing, R., Stoke Ihisholm, B. S., Nelson Hose, S., Wakapuaka Jole, T. W., Wakefield 'oleman, William, Hope Jollins, A. S., Hillwood, Nelson )ross, W. E., Hope )ummings, G., jun., Wakapuaka Jummins, Thomas, Nelson Jurrin, T., Wakefield )avies, Mrs. E., Belgrove )encker, C, Brigbtwater )isber, R., junr., Waimea West )odson Bros., Wakapuaka Sden, George, Hope Sden, S., Hope Sden, W., Hope Sdwards, E. II., Nelson Sllis and Co., Gordon Downs, Motupiko Byles, Mrs. A., Richmond Syles, Charles, Thorpe fairhall, G., Wakefield fanzelow, H., Hope Fleming, J. B., Foxhill ford, C. H., Appleby fowler, E., Spring Grove fowler, N., Stoke fowler, Mrs. S., Wakefield foy, T. H., Nelson frost, W., Wakapuaka vapper, T., Richmond 28 35 3° 5' 5° 8o 52 25 IOOO 1098 5° 90 88 86 25 63 58 98 39° 63 3° 118 38 300 84 61 159 47° 190 135 5° 64 80 300 5°° 245 35° 101 35 Nil 63 76 5° Nil 10 IOOO 699 60 5° 40 3° 124 190 12 85 43 118 39 402 52 4° 200 7o 306 Nil 140 45 72 67 140 505 45° 130 Nil 100 96 400 600 Nil Nil 64 700 46 37 25° 170 29 61 650 Nil Nil 280 170 40 IOOO 55° 53 100 60 237 28 120 184 3° 28 82 55 250 48 141 35 24 101 13° 170 60 3800 210 137 40 35°° '5 190 205 13° 35° 140 200 200 54 5' 5' 25 3° no 195 in 35° •55 250 180 5° 180 4' 45

o. of I 31st ieep on Lay. 1883. 1884. Gaukroge'', J., Foxhill Gibbs, Isaac, Wak> field Gibbs, T. W., Wakefield Gill, F, Appl by Gill, W., Wakapuaka Glasgow, A. J., Pine Glen, Nelson Green, E , the Sands, Nelson Groom W., Nelson Hall, Thomas, Thorpe Hammond, J. &., Appleby Harkness, W. D., Richmond Harley, A., Nelson Harley, T., Nelson Harvey, Isaac, Wakapuaka HemiMatenga, Nelson Higgins, 8., Spring Grove Higgs, W., Richmond Hill, Jabez, Brigbtwater Hill, Thomas, Brightwater Hill, W., Brightwater Hodden, T. R., Richmond Hodgson, William, Spring Grove Holdaway, H. O., Richmond Holland, George, Foxhill Holland and Thomas, Foxhill Hunt, T., Wakefield Hunter, G , Waimea West Johnson, D,, and Sons, Hope Jordan, A., Hope Jordan, C. and G, Appleby Kelling, F., Hope Kerr, D., Belgrove Kerr, John, Foxhill Kerr, Peter, Brigbtwater Kidd, R., Hope Kinzett, T., Wakefield Lankow, II., Hope Lankow, J., Hope Ledger, H. 0., The Waltons, Nelson Lines, T., Hope Lucas, R. S., Glen Nevis, Nelson Lyford, A., Wakapuaka Mackay, R., Wakapuaka Mackay, T., Drumduan, Wakapuaka Maeleod, Neil, Wakapuaka Malcolm, J., Richmond Malpas, C, Wakefield Marsden, J. W., Stoke Martin, Charles., Nelson Max, D., Hope McGowan, W., Spring Grove McRae, R., Bonovove, Richmond Mead, T., Foxhill Meads, W., Wakapuaka Mears, J. (Executors of), Wai-iti Meeson, John, Stoke Morrison, Mrs. C, Belgrove Muntz, C. A., Nelson Murcott, G., Hope Murcott, T., Hope Neal, Francis, Brightwater Newport, James, Nelson Newth, Bros., Waimea West Nieman, Brothers, Spring Grove Northam, W., Nelson O'C nno~, Mrs. B , Appleby O'Connor, P., Appleby Oldham, J., Nelson Olson, Henry, Wakapuaka Palmer, H T., Brightwater Palmer, Mrs. Job, Hope Palmer, J., Waimea West Palmer, J. W., Hope Palmer, W., Hope Parkes, G., Wakefield Paton, E. F., Hope Paton, C. S., Nelson Patteison, W., Nelson Pbipps, R. J., Wairoa Gorge, Wakefield Pitcher, W. T., Wakapuaka Pratt, J., Nelson Price, J., Wakefield Primmer, Mrs. Ann, Richmond Reay, G., Brightwater 13 23° 293 45 400 63 55° 285 22 270 290 84 300 21 IOOO 294 13 IOO 95 33 9 45 20 132 200 200 300 '5° 25° 70 58 300 '95 250 55 69 125 118 62 93 235 700 140 120 38 60 3' 3000 35°° 44 70 97 35° 843 4' 120 '9 52 46 3000 4000 312 100 67 70 5° 5 280 3° 235 100 83 7' 5° Nil 500 700 1200 60 96 400 156 500 270 7o 5 455 500 5°° 1200 99 15° 96 45° 172 675 270 52 Nil 43 5° 58 5° 35 700 75 48 3200 41 100 94 74 27 600 60 75 35°° 100 10 80 600 J>5 24 40 5°° 70 20 Nil no 260 368 98 '37 196 896 185° 16 "5 35i 70 97 245 710 2000 29 42 84 58 Nil 19 54 142 65 120 130 90 300





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1684. Revell, Edward, Wakefield Eticketts, W., Spring Grove Rout, W., Stoke Juss, J., Bearcroft, Appleby Suss, T., W;aimea West Satherley, J., Appleby _ Satherly, w illiam, Waimea West jaxton, J. W., Stoke Schwass, J., Appleby Sharp, G., Spring Grove Sheat, A., Richmond Shephard, J., Belgrove Shirlliff, T., Nelson Simmonds, J., Spring Grove Smith, James, Nelson Snowdon, Francis, Brigbtwater Snowdon, John, Brightwater Stafford, W., Nelson Stratford Bros., Hope Stratford, C, Waimea West Stratford, W. L., Hope Stuart, J., French Pass, Nelson Sutton, Henry, Richmond Sutton, J., Richmond Sutton, W., Richmond ralbot, G., Richmond Casker, H., Richmond rhomas, Edwin, Appleby Chomas, T., Brightwater rhompson, T. J., Richmond Comlmson, R., Waimea West rrask, F., Nelson Irolove, E., Stoke L'unnicliff, T., Spring Grove ryree, William, Hope rerry, G., Wakefield .:. Wagstaff, Mrs. Mary, Spring Grove Wait, R. H., Thackwood, Wakapuaka Wallace, R., Wakefield Wastney, W., Wakapuakai vVaterhouse, J. T., Wakapuaka Webby, Edward, Hope Weisenhaven, A., Brightwater Wells, W., Wakefield Wells, W. S., Nelson White, E., Wakefield Wither, C. B., Weualey Hill, Richmond ... 37 56 43 100 4' 'S3 800 185 43 120 273 '95 57 99 44 100 92 45° 200 400 160 130 200 ,36 80 26 34 S3 380 250 IOOO 4° 49 3' 9° 68 101 24 900 45 52 140 273 290 60 94 170 Nil 9' 200 525 300 Nil 127 Nil 250 156 80 25 48 5° 47° 160 900 29 Nil 24 30 40 55 255 125 300 3° 62 700 252 130 312 5° 700 '59 300 '65 4 '37 250 80 4 136 WAIMEA COUNTY (In Motueka Subdivision). Alexander, R. B., Motueka lrnold, J., Motupiko lrnold, R., Motupiko iskew, W., Riwaka itkins, W., Motueka luty, W., Motueka Beatson, D. G., Ngatimoti Beeby, R., Sherry Beniield, C. II., Motueka Bensemann, G. F. W., Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. D., Upper Moutere bensemann, J. IT, Upper Moutere Bensemann & Korte, Upper Moutere Best, J., Thorpe Beuke, D. J., Upper Moutere 3iggs, A., Upper Motueka Bosselmann, D. H. A., Upper Moutere Bosselmann, W., Upper Moutere 3oyce, G., Lower Moutere Broreton, John, Ngatimoti Brereton, W., Ngatimoti Brewerton, F. M., Motupiko Bromell, T. A., Motupiko 3rougbam, J., Lower Moutere 3urnett, E. K.., Thorpe Burnett,'T. R., Thorpe Burrell, E. F., Ngatimoti 3urrows, W. J., ntanley Brook Buxton, E., Executors of, Upper Motueka ... 3yrne, P., Thorpe 3anton, J., Ngatimoti barter Brothers, Motueka 48747 50327 500 298 200 120 95 5°° 36 300 '5° 130 '7 173 Nil 152 61 60 83 56 84 16 142 200 200 400 190 10 80 15° 37° 55 ■ 250 300 120 200 298 43° 180 10 40 no 420 56 277 190 93 32 Nil 24 40 1880 375 561 120 15° 2000 395 641 140 15°

o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Cederman, John, Riwaka Chapman, J., Motueka Chaytor, A., Upper Moutere Checker, H., Lower Moutere Clausen, Heinrich, sen., Upper Moutere Claaaen, J., Upper Moutere Clifford, J., Motueka Coleman, G., Motupiko Cook, George, Riwaka Cook, W., Upper Moutere Coppins, Mrs. Upper Moutere Cowin, James, Thorpe Creswell, W., Lower Moutere Cricbton, J., Stanley Brook Dapp, W., Baton Valley, Thorpe Deueker, F., Neudorf Donald, N. C, Mrs., Marahan, Riwaka Donald, R., Riwaka Douglas, W., Motueka Drogemuller, C, Upper Moutere Drogemuller, W., Upper Moutere Drummond, A., Riwaka Drummond, A., Upper Motueka Drummond, J., Lower Moutere Drummond, J. and W., Upper Moutere Diivel, F. H. C, Upper Moutere Eban, H. L., Thorpe Eden, Francis, Thorpe Edgar, John, Motupiko Edwards, W., Lower Moutere Edwards, A. R., Lower Moutere Eggers, H., Upper Moutere Evens, T., Motueka Evers, J., Upper Moutere Ewers, F., Neudorf Ewers, H, Upper Moutere Fawcet Bros., Tadmor Fearon, Mrs. E., Motueka Fenemor, J., Upper Motueka Fenemor, W., Stanley Brook Flett, D., Ngatimoti Flett, James, Lower Moutere Flower, J., Upper Motueka Ford, T., Upper Moutere Francois, F. R., Sherry F^ eeman, Thomas Thorpe Funnell, W r., Lower Moutere Gardner, I., Upper Moutere Gibbs, G., Upper Motueka Gibbs, W., Motupiko Gifford, Thomas, Neudorf Gilroy, Patrick, Ihorpe Glover, Or'., Motueka Green, C, Motueka Greenwood, F. D., Motueka Griffith, J., Stanley B 00k Griffith, T., Stanley Brook Grooby, E , sen. (Executors of), Motueka ... Grooby, F., jun., Motueka Grooby, G., jun., Motueka Grooby, G. jun., Riwaka (Motueka) Grooby, T., Ngatimoti Guy, W., Motueka Hall, J. H, Motueka Hammeriek, F, Upper Moutere Haivey, J . Upper Moutere Heath, John, Ngatimoti Heath,'1 homas, )\ gatimoti Heine, Rev J. W. C, Upper Moutere Herrick, A. G., Lower Moutere Derrick, W. J., Lower Moutere Hewetson, Thomas, Upper Moutere Hewitson, J., jun., Uppe ■ Moutere Hieliey, T , Stanley Brook Hocton, A., Wakefield Hodgens, M., 'Ihorpe Hodgins, Thomas, Thorpe Hodg inson, R., Sherry Hodgkinson T., Tadmor Holdaway Bros,, Brentwood, Lower Moutere Holdaway, E., Lower Moutere Holder, Francis, Motueka Holyoake, R., Riwaka Hopgood, Mrs. V. E„ Motupiko ,., 60 528 60 183 55 321 33 7i 27 180 34 195 400 200 132 600 100 So 500 180 140 11 457 100 70 59 60 45 160 120 58 180 15° Nil 120 63 190 480 15°° 200 250 108 IOO 1200 200 200 96 270 188 300 200 76 180 75 100 44 99 Nil 70 100 3° 33 9° 80 160 40 45 95 44 100 7° 13° 72 '85 400 64 200 90 140 90 190 460 78 25° 60 200 85 40 15° 70 300 7i9 21 35° 800 10 3° 135 600 710 120 169 214 300 500 40 91 55° 710 170 187 40 300 200 200 250 84 80 44° 52 80 63 140 15° 5°° 240 15° 254 31 200 38° 240 190 60 51 193 140 425 174 251 Nil 250 200 199 35 145 55 120 112 67 360 228 45 250 200 100 120





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Torneman, F. U., Motueka Humphreys, Captain, Thorpe Etyland, .)., Lower Moutere lyland, M., Lower Moutere lyland, R., Lower Moutere 'nwood, H, Motueka lackett, Jno., Motueka Senkins, W.. Riwaka Selling, F. A., Upper Moutere Selling, J. F., Wakefield Selling, R., Stanley Brook Senyon, H, Thorpe Sinzitt, R., Tadmor Snowies, J. D., Ngatimoti Lammas, J.. Thorpe trimmer, Charles, Motueka trimmer, J., Motueka trimmer, S.. Lower Moutere dimmer, W., Lower Moutere Lanes, George, Ngatimoti L/ines, W., Ngatimoti Lloyd, B., Ngatimoti t/loyd, J., Ngatimoti Lloyd, Roger, Ngatimoti Lodder, W.. Riwaka 1/overidge, J., Thorpe McCarthy, T., Thorpe HcGaveston. J. C, Ngatimoti HcMahon,.B., Riwaka tfcNab, R., Riwaka, Karamea UcRae, R.. Richmond Head, F., Motupiko Head, H, Motupiko Ueyer, James, Sherry Uickell, James, Motueka Miller, J. V., Riwaka Wills, H. T., Neudorf tfytton, Bros., Ngatimoti Sfagel, O, Upper Moutere Seedham, F., Upper Motueka Newport Brothers, Motupiko ... TBrien, A., Ngatimoti 3ahl, J. F., Sherry 3ahl, P. C, Tadmor Parker, G, Motueka 'arkea, Henry, Motueka Parkes, J. W., Motueka Paraons, W. H., Ngatimoti 'attie Bros., T., Riwaka Perry, W. G., Neudorf Phillips, W. H., Sherry Phillips, W- H . jun., Sherry 'restidge, H., Upper Moutere Price, G, Thorpe Price, T., Upper Moutere Juiuney, W., Motupiko Remnant, C, Ngatimoti Rigby, S. Mrs., Tadmor Riley, J., Sherry Roeske, W. H, Sherry Rose, C, and Son, Upper Moutere Rose, H. F. H, Neudorf Rose, J., Thorpe Ross, James, Pokororo Valley, Ngatimoti ... Rout, W., Stoke Rusb, Jacob, (Executors of), Dovedale Ryder, W., senior, Riwaka Saxon, J., Motueka Schildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Senior, S., Upper Moutere Simpson, W., Lower Moutere ... Sixtus, F. T. A., Neudorf Slatter, G. H., Ngatimoti Sloss, George, Motupiko .... Sloss, John, Motupiko Smartt, R., Sherry Snook, T., Thorpe Ipicer, G. R., Motueka Spicer, W. Motueka Itade, C, Upper Moutere Stade, J. T., Neudorf Stagg, J., Hope Stanley, E. C, Rams V., Up. Motueka itanley, E. B., Tadmor 13' 75 8 9 130 250 56 55° MS 180 192 180 99 "3 206 295 '45 60 220 249 181 198 75 160 5°o 300 7 35°° 70 80 200 5° 200 57 230 80 IOOO 260 700 7 73 175 200 70 80 120 IOO 15° 68 620 120 275 190 190 80 120 162 54 165 144 64 190 300 251 21 20 235 85 '5° 5°° 348 Nil 35°° 60 80 140 5° 15° 58 276 100 I IOO 300 55° 14 loo 165 38 114 IOO 600 7° 13° 49° 34° 800 125 '5° 137 130 253 290 95 80 4So 120 "3 2 600 68 100 400 300 800 97 300 97 15° 283 260 75 60 400 116 285 96 250 3" 18 37 65 52 265 60 60 15° 198 Nil 300 Nil 239 271 16 Nil 56 68 .268 60 60 182 190 18 180 190 200 72 100 7oo 199 70 80 100 1482

ro. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Stanley, J., sen., Upper Motueka ... Staples, R., Motueka Starnea, S., Lower Moutere Strachan, Benjamin, Ngatimoti ... Stringer, T. H., Nelson lannant, T., Lower Moutere rarrant, H. A., Lower Moutere I'aylor, John, Thorpe rhomas, J. IT, Upper Moutere Ihompson, A., Thorpe Ihompson, C. E., Motupiko Ihorn, J., Thorpe Ihorn, Joseph, Ihorpe l'horn, John, Stanley Brook Ihorp, F. W., Motueka I'rewanas, R. J., Motueka lucker, E., Motueka rurner, W. and J., Thorpe Wallis, R. D., Motueka White, A., Ngatimoti Wilkens, D., Upper Moutere Wilkinson, Charles, Upper Motueka Wilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, J. S., Stanley Brook Williams, Frank, Motueka Wills, A. F. W., Upper Moutere Wilson, J. E., Lower Moutere Win, J., Thorpe Win, W., Thorpe Woolf, J., Riwaka York, Henry, Riwaka (Motueka) 1506 565 100 400 350 120 400 34 IOOO 200 492 60 128 482 IOO 72 300 55 5°° 194 85 93 5°o 100 Nil 490 134 41 380 295 132 250 40 1100 200 492 96 230 3°o 125 78 5°° IOO 600 198 40 169 400 70 458 68 490 5° 400 300 37° "5 400 300 386 IOO 49552 5'6s Total in county 98299 10198 I COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Golden Bay Subdivision). Abbott, H, Takaka Baigent.T J., Takaka EaBt ESaird, Charles, Seaview, Takaka Ballantyne, J., Takaka Barnet, Charles, Takaka East Barnet, S. A., Mrs., Takaka East Barnett, W., Takaka Bate, H. and D., Takaka EaBt Beardmore, J., Takaka Boggis, G., Collingwood Boyce, J., Motupipi Burt, A. T., Motupipi Byrne, H, Takaka Caldwell, W., Greenhills, Collingwood Cann, R., Takaka Oederman, G., Collingwood Cole, James, Takaka Davidson, E., Cape Farewell, Collingwood ... Dodson, A., Takaka Edmonson, T., Takaka Ellis, F. H. M., Takaka Field, T. C. V., Pakawau, Collingwood Fletcher, J. E., Collingwood Gibbs, W., Totaranui Gilbert, G. C, Motupipi Goldney, W., Takaka ... Goocb, E. A., Springside, Takaka Hadfield, II. R., Able Head, Totaranui Hadfield, W. W-, L. River, Totaranui Hailes, G., Waitui Park, Takaka Haines, W. H, Takaka East Handcock Brothers, Takaka Harvey, A. H, Collingwood Harvey, A., Mrs , Collingwood Hitchcock, T., Takaka Hunter, Peter, Takaka lobnson, Nelson, Takaka East lohnson, W., Takaka Kteoghan, Mrs. Mary, Takaka (Seoghan, 0., Takaka Lash, J. G., Collingwood Lewis, C, Sunnyside, Takaka East Lewis, E., Spring Creek, Takaka East Lindsay, J. and J., Takaka East Manson, Brothers, Motupipi McArtney, R., Collingwood 150 30 65 180 93 32 7' 40 140 100 no 28 6 28 4000 125 70 170 58 60 80 400 85 35 246 175 500 108 66 198 260 80 78 4° 53 82 35 i6o Nil 95 4° 75 35 '5° 90 120 3° Nil 35 4100 165 70 219 70 76 60 400 95 60 300 210 29' 84 92 352 205 615 900 500 • 13° Nil Nil 260 25° 90 5° Nil 99 40 332 200 5oo 1200 20 32 23





o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. UcCallum, D., Takaka UcDonald, J., Takaka HcFarlane, A., Takaka HcGrane, F., Upper Gully, Collingwood Hiles, J. T., Collingwood S'airn, F. E., Pakawau, Collingwood J. C, Collingwood Newport, Joshua, Takaka Page, J. Takaka 3age, T., Takaka Dage, W r., Takaka faine, Rebecca, Takaka Detterson, John, Takaka Pollard, II., Takaka East Prussing, W., Collingwood Reddan, J., Collingwood Reilly, J., Takaka Riley, J. B , Collingwood Riley, J. W., Collingwood Riley, R. P., Collingwood Roach, F., Takaka tobertson, Francis, Takaka East lobinaon, Mrs. Mary, Motupipi Rogers, John, Takaka lose, J. F., Takaka Salisbury, J. P., Cobb Valley, Ngatimoti ,.. Sanders, A. E., Collingwood Scadden, W., Collingwood Scott, James, Takaka EaBt Scott, R , Takaka Shaw, John, Collingwood Snow, Mrs. Martha, Collingwood Sparrow Brothers, Eairleigb, Takaka East ... Spittal, A , Takaka Spittal, W., Takaka East Squire, J. S., Collingwood Stent, Jacob, Takaka Symes, Thomas, Takaka tyrrell, W., Takaka 7 ant, W., Takaka Valker, D., Collingwood Walker, E., Takaka Walker, Isaac, Collingwood Windle, T, Takaka Winter, D. J., Motupipi Vinter, G , Motupipi Winter, G., Wainui, Takaka Voodfield, A., Collingwood 70 280 94 9' 6o 170 34 50 3° Nil 130 68 73 49 80 200 35° 64 32 45 61 75 300 78 5° 61 Nil 35 i37 90 Nil 55° 170 87 7° 3 Nil 40 180 380 Nil 56 140 4' 5° 9° 1580 Nil 1700 40 5' "9 60 8 841 79 140 84 59 '5° 9' 96 '3 828 40 130 82 48 35 Nil 38 20 88 80 12 60 '4 73 100 213 52 Nil 380 190 '95 67 200 37o 190 BULLER COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Birlin, John, Westport Carruthors, George, Westport Carter, George, WeBtport Clinton, J., Murchison Cooper, G. J., Sea View, Karamea Dean, C, Karamea Drennan, E., CharleBton ttardner and Sutton, Charleston Sill, W., Charleston Sing, T. N., Westport Lines, Job, Westport Lucas, C, Westport tfartin, J., Westport UcPadden, Myles, Westport t)rgan, M., Nine-mile Road, Westport Parsons, James, Charleston Riding, W., Waimangaroa Simpson, J., Karamea 16,365 •7>52o 22 12 53 42 16 180 48 5° 60 16 42 32 15 60 20 59 102 20 44 7 75 5' 70 3 20 56 5° Nil 23 9 72 24 80 Nil

o. of hheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Suisted Brothers, Westport Sutherland and Mouat, Charleston Watson, Robert, Waimangaroa Wilson, William, Westport Wright, Stephen, Westport 22 58 8 '3 7 Nil 8, GREY COUNTY (In Grey and B idler Subdivision). Bellew, Charles, Ahaura 1 Bruce, T. W., Inchbonnie, Lake iSrunner ... Buttoli, P., Lake Brunner Coates, W. J., Greymouth Donald, D., Totara Flat Duncan, D., Montrose, Blaekwater Evans, John, Jackson's, Christchurch Road... Fox and O'Neill, Ahaura Gilmer, H, Totara Flat; Kennedy, P., Totara Flat Mackley, S. M., Little Grey Junction Mason, G., Ahaura McLaughlin.'^!., Ahaura Methven, W.", Totara Flat Mirfin, W. C, Little Grey Junction Pothan, Wdliam, Ahaura Rees, J., River View, Ahaura Rochfort, F., Greymouth Trotter, W, Ahaura Turner, John, Ahaura Wratt, W., Ahaura 1000 661 90 1400 1400 384 260 3 CO Nil 210 375 80 366 460 432 300 21 70 400 182 85 280 540 100 75 100 45 263 80 180 40 102 94 40 '34 Nil 33 27 4196 4662 INANGAHUA COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Bannon, G. M., Blaekwater Bateria, George, Little Grey Junction Brazil, John, Reef ton Bunting, James,'Murchison Carne, Aaron, Cronaden Dick, J., Reefton Doig Bros., Blaekwater Duncan, Alex., Antonio's Flat Evans, David, Murchison Gallagher, D., Cronaden Gibbs, Alfred, Longford Hunter, W-, Longford Johnston, J. F., Little Grey Junction Lyon, C, Cronaden McGinley, D., Cronaden McGregor, D., Longford McNeill, E. and Son, Little Grey Junction,.. McHardy, A., Little Grey Junction McEnroe, J., Litrie Grey Junction McMurray, R., Cronaden Mindermann, C, Inangahua Junction O'Loughlen Bros., Sutab, Fern Flat O'Rourk, Thomas, Longford Oxna,m,,J., Owen River Rait, J., Murchison Silcock, A., Reefton Smith, Alfred, Fern Flat Sullivan, D., Fern Flat 'Taylor, H., Inangahua Junction Walker J. & G., Maruia, Nelson Wann, J., Murchison Williams, Mary, Reefton . ... 250 39 190 88 3o 3° 200 .39 80 25 100 '9 200 34 36 36 3°o '62 500 124 7 180 Nil 148 32 96 128 80 Nil 38 Nil 52 75 20 '°5 97 31 '55 63 228 58 '9 Nil 53 500 382 Nil 60 no 500 22 46 300 46 182 300 27 46 no 120 3665 ' 3'33





H ETEEN showing the Sheepowners and the NumLL ber of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the list May, 1883, and 1884 No. of I 31st Sheep on May. I 1884. 1883. SOUNDS COUNTY. (Picton Subdivision). Aldridge Bros., Ocean Bay, Port Underwood Aldridge, M., Ngakuta, Picton Aldridge, W. S., Blenheim Archer, James, Picton Atkins, Alfred, Picton Avis, 0. Waitobi Valley, Koromiko Baillie, Hon. W. D. H.", Kennington, Picton Baldick, G. Wangatarua, Blenheim Barton, John, Onamalutu, Renwick Beaucbamp, 0., Anakiwa, Grove Bell, Alfred, Kenepuru Blake, J., Havelock Bourke, M., Goulter Bay, Kenepuru Bown, J., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Bragg, N. and W., Koromiko, Picton Brownlee, W. & Co., Long V., Havelock Caps, William, Picton Cawte, Bros., rvloitapu Mahakipawa Clarke, T. H, Koromiko Clifford, Thomas, Havelock Conolly, E. T., Picton Couper, D., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Cowling, Bros., Mukehanga, Nelson Creech, D. J. T., Kenepuru Crichton, G., Havelock Cullen, W. J., Linkwater Dale, Picton Dakin, T, Opihi Bay, Blenheim ... Dalton, J. H, Fernhill, Picton Dalton, W., Pelorus Valley, Havelock Dart, William, Picton Davidson, R., Loch Mara Farm, Picton Davis, John, Port Underwood Day, W., Blenheim Dorset, W. D., Homewood, Havelock Duncan, J., Grove, Picton Farnell, W., Havelock Flood, Bros., Starmount Run, Picton Fraser and Daines, Waitohi Valley, Picton ... Gibson, J. W., Kaituna Godfrey, Charles, Okukari, Picton Godsift, Henry, Peninsula, Kenepuru Gould, Thomas, Nydia Bay, Havelock Green, G., Greendale, Picton Guard Bros., Port Underwood Gullery, J., Kenepuru Gullery, S. J., Picton Harris firos., Havelock Hart Bros., Koromiko Harvey, Mrs., French Pass, Nelson Harvey, W., sen., Clava Bay, Kenepuru Hematine Timoti, Kai papa, Picton Hippolite, J. and C, Havelock Hippolite, John, D'Urville Eland, Nelson ... Holliday, Capt. J., Titurangi (Wellington) ... Hood, G. G., Picton Hope, 0. H, Admiralty Bay, French Pass ... Horn Bros., KoromiKo Houghton, Mrs., Kenepuru, St. Omer Hughes and Sons, Havelock Hughes, James, Havelock Hutchinson, Richard, Havelock Hyde, A. E., Grove Jack son Bros., hobin Hood, Tua Marina ... Jackson, Jas., Tory Channel, Picton Jackson, T. G, Forsyth Island, Havelock ... Jones, H. F., Ravenscliffe, Pieton Jones, S., Mrs., Pelorus Valley, Havelock ... Karira Watson, Picton Keenan, W. H., Etawa Channel, Picton Kelly, J., Port Gore, Picton Kennington, William, Kaituna Kenny, A., The Rocks, Kenepuru Kerr, F. J., Torea, Picton Lambert, J. A., Shrublands, Kaituna Landall, Isaac, Yellaton Run, Picton Loouib, Thomas, Kaituna Love, D., Onotohia, Picton 400 4° 84 26 213 3'7 77 '35° 96 136 200 800 29 45° 100 1000 61 22 15° 15° 300 135° 3000 33 400 300 5 95° M4° 298 1700 180 109 700 99 700 14 361 248 2595 600 100 800 380 Nil 5° 11 57 59 296 485 77 1300 '95 120 .87 650 61 654 100 1300 55 Nil 6 170 15° 300 1350 1700 89 700 300 Nil Nil 17 17 786 ■1443 363 1900 Nil 141 650 160 600 Nil 200 400 900 1734 55° Nil 800 100 200 923 6 37 250 280 126 500 1050 1100 90 600 400 '5° 440 1127 59i 1529 160 1400 101 180 700 i°73 23 5' 127 82 178 400 180 472 1500 1300 188 650 45 780 200 200 660 855 1030 596 1546 210 1466

No. of Sheep ou 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Love, J., Onahuku, Picton Maclaren, J., Croixelles, Nelson Maclellan and Symes, Elmslie's Bay Mnkore, N., Blackwood Bay, Picton MeCormick, Donald, Picton McMahon, P., Kenepuru Median, P. and Co., Tua Marina Mills, John, Ferndale, Kenepuru Mills, T. H, Kenepuru Newcomb, J. E., Black Point, Havelock Nicholls, John, Tuamarina Nicoll, C. and Son, Koromiko, Picton O'Sullivan, T., Kaituna Valley, Havelock ... Parfitt, Isaac, Mount Pleasant, Picton Randall, G., Picton Reader, Agnes, Mrs., Havelock Reader, W., Canvastown Reubin Takarua, Picton Rush, F. B„ Havelock Russell, J. W., Picton Rutland, H. W., Canvastown Simon, Robert, Picton Smith, C. W., Havelock Smith, William, Port Gore, Picton Spencer, J. H, Separation Run, Blenheim ... Standen, James, Koromiko Stavely, R. G., Picton Stuart, JameB, French Pass Suisted, F. A. S., Grove Swafford, W. E., Havelock Taylor, W., Havelock Thompson, W., Ngakuta, Picton Toms, Joseph, Lee's Bay, Picton Turner & Harvey, French Pass, Nelson Turner, M. A., Mrs., Pig Bay, French Pass... Twidle, James, Havelock Webber, W., Elmslie's Bay, Webster, T., Picton Well Bros., Waikawa, French Paas Wells, D., Havelock Western, J. O., Lindens, Picton White, Charles, Koromiko Williams, J. T., Mt. Pleasant, Koromiko ... Wilson, JameB, Koromiko, Witney, G., Skiddaw, Havelock 8oo 24 5°° 5° 300 167 200 _76 5 i47 230 248 435 290 140 646 5° 140 365 631 Nil Nil Nil 240 35° 130 233 Nil 21 610 120 620 300 45° 35° 93 249 77 100 120 200 7' 400 385 28 352 900 1800 80 700 315 25° 100 70 79 500 190 120 147 483 70 Nil 62 Nil 269 18 5°o 900 60 65° 160 100 76 700 150 IOO 105 552 81 65 51 480 MARLBOROUGH COUNTY (In Blenheim Subdivision). Adams, Frederick, Blenheim Adams, W., Langley Dale, Blenheim Allan, R., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Avery, William, Blenheim Barker, E., Wairau Valley Barnes, S., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim ... Bary, Gustaf, Renwick Town Batty, J., Middle Road, Blenheim Beal, R , New Renwick Road, Blenheim ISeatson, J. J., Bankfield, Blenheim Beatson, Robert, Clovernook, Blenheim Bell and SonB, W., Benopai, Renwicktown ... Bell Brothers, Wairau Valley Bell, H. G., Waihopai Reserve, Blenheim Bishell, D., Middle Road, Blenheim Blick, E., Blenheim Blick and Parkes, Spring Creek Bonnington, H, Wairau Valley Botham, H. B., Blenheim Botbam, J., Tua Marina Bowler, S., Blenheim Brace and McKenzie, Blenheim Brougban, D., Willow Brook, Blenheim Brydon, William, Renwick Burroughs, J., Tua Marina Cameron, Alexander, Mrs., Blenheim Cameron, J., jun., Kaituna Valley Carter, T., Richmond Dale, Wairau Valley ... Carter T., Hillersden, Wairau Valley Carter T., Stronvar, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Tearowhenua, Wairau Valley ... Carter, T., Wantwood, Wairau Valley Casey, Martin, Blenheim Chaytor, J. C, Marshlands, Tua Marina 43556 48252 42 2250 280 18 35°° 33° 300 Nil . 210 23 12 12 I36 170 58° 28 40 173 100 375 35° 15000 5000 "5° 281 165 5° 296 58 95 607 100 265 1050 195 20 600 45°° 300 201 175 261 40 97 4'3 15° 270 1100 175 3° 54° 4600 16000 12600 5°°° 10000 500° 16700 13000 51°° 10400 250 5 697 140 5258





No. of SI 3lst J! ieep on lay. 18S3. 1884. tTheesman, T, Blenheim Clifford, Wm, Vernon, Blenheim tlook, J. R. W., St. Andrews, Blenheim tlonnor, M., Longfleld Farm, Blenheim Dalziel, J., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Davies. James, Lydia Bank; Kaituna Davies, Thomas, Blenheim Dillon, P. G., Leefield, Renwick t)obson, Douglas, Blenheim Dodson, G., The Willows, Spring Creek t>odaon, J. H, Spring Creek Doel, W'illiam, Brookianda, Blenheim Douslin, W., Paul's Farm, Blenheim Draper, D., Home Farm, Blenheim Drew, Robert, Renwicktown 2yles, Charles, Watt's Farm, Blenheim ?airhall, E., Blenheim Tidier, R., Tua Marina Fleming, John, Blenheim roister, H, Onamalutu, Renwick ?ord, Mrs. Jane, Spring Creek Jowler, W. L., Top House, Belgrove ?ulton, C. McD., Blenheim Jane, James, Spring Creek Jane, S., Park Farm, Spring Creek Jibson, A. D., Kaituna Jibson, T. L., Kaituna 3-ifford, Isaac, Blenheim 3ifford, James, Rod well, Blenheim 3-ifford, W., Raglan Farm, Spring Creek 3-omez, C, Clyth Farm, Blenheim 3-oulter, C , Hawkesbury, Blenheim Jraham, G., Fairhall. Blenheim 3-regory, Thomas, Spring Creek 3-ridley, J., The Lakes, Blenheim Hall, lRobert, Spring Creek Emmond, H., Rlenbeim Harding, I homas, Blenheim lathaway, M. A.. Mrs,, Spring Creek Healy, John, Blenheim Herd, A., Grove Town Herd. D., Doctors Flat, Blenheim Todson, J. E., Racecourse, Blenheim tloldaway, James, Blenheim Topgood, Thomas, Renwicktown Hforgan, M., Meadow Bank, Blenheim Torne, L. K.. Dr., Blenheim Huggart, S., Tiptree Farm, B'enbeim Humphrey, H., Kaituna Valley tnman, Or, Kaituna Valley, Kaituna rackson, A. W., Runnymede, Blenheim racques, Daniel, Kaituna Valley reffries, T., Blenheim rellyman, Henry, Blenheim fones, W.. Big Bush, Blenheim rordan, Christian, Renwicktown Law, J., White's Bay Road, Tua Marina ... Leslie, J., Kaituna Litchfield, A. J., Livermere, Blenheim Lueas, C. W., Opawa Road, Blenheim Hacslister, S., Blenheim Maher, John, North Bank, Kaituna March, J., Spring Creek Matthews, R. Spring Creek Maxwell, W., Blenheim McCallum, A., Waterlea Farm, Blenheim ... McCallum, D., Blenheim McCallum, J., Renwick Road, Blenheim McDonald, G., Blenheim Monro, A., Bankhouse, Blenheim Monro, G. H. B., Renwick Morek E., Bason Lodge Farm, Renwick Mortimer, James, Blenheim Murphy, J. and D., Blenheim Murphy, 'lhomas, Blenheim Murray, W., Poplar Farm, Spring Creek Seal, T. N., Spring Creak Neumann Brothers, Kaituna Valley Newman, John, Cowslip Farm, Renwick Nicholson, J. WL, Benopai, Blenheim U.Z.L. and M.A. Co., Birch Hill and Mount Patriarch, Wairau Valley J'Dwyer, C, Blenheim 3'Dwyer, P., Blenheim 27 14500 1400 300 15 130 22S 10060 no 260 65 '95 74° 5°4 155 290 960 90 720 300 40 45°° 25 180 160 692 45 1684 300 300 190 5600 49° 15° '95 35° 120 5°° 130 Nil 199 300 no Nil 14800 1700 300 12 95 260 10798 Nil 260 '5° Nil 628 575 228 45° 1488 98 Nil 300 102 3000 Nil 190 190 985 90 1516 300 45° Nil 55°° 400 15° 194 100 400 IOOO Nil 96 • 70 369 700 13° 40 300 45° 200 28 Nil 480 245 97 231 205 3° 300 200 6 496 122 160 220 180 60 700 380 246 182 170 1290 5° 400 190 8.53 400 386 199 11 35° . 60 70 5° 11200 3000 15° 29 55 5° 250 1400 17 300 5' 37° 60 5° Nil 10976 2800 13° 46 Nil 51 400 250 286 700 Nil 29000 222 700 H737 28000 9i 75° 626 700

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. 1884. O'Dwyer, P. and J., Spring Creek O'Leary, Denis, Sunnyside, Blenheim O'Leary, J., Tua Marina O'Sullivan Charles, Tua Marina Parker W. B., Omaka and Ritson's, Blenheim Paul. J. and E., Moorlands Farm, Blenheim... Pike, William, Laurels, Blenheim Powick, J., Cloudy Bay, Tua Marina Redwood, Bros., Mill Farm, Spring Creek ... Redwood, Charles, Riverlands, Blenheim Redwood, H, Blenheim Redwood, T., St. Leonards, Blenheim Reeves, Henry, Spring Creek Renwick, Thomas, Delta Farm, Renwick Richardson, G. B., Meadow Bank, Blenheim Richertsen, M., Renwick Robinson, Mrs., M. Spring Creek Rogerson, H., Spring Creek ... Rose, John, Hegworth Farm, Blenheim Satherley, G., Spring Creek Satherley, II., Spring Creek Selmes and Barnett, Tua Marina Seymour, A. P., Tyntesfield, Blenheim Sinclair, James, Blenheim Sinclair, W., Blenheim Smith, F., Greenhill, Tua Marina Soper, R., Glenside Farm, Spring Creek Super, Rees, Scrub Island, Spring Creek Soper, Winsor, Spring Creek Soper. W., Spring Creek Storey, G., Kaituna Storey, G., Blenheim Sutherland. W. A. D., Blenheim Sutton, 'ihomas, Spring Creek Tapp, W., Renwick Teschemaker, C. de V., Avondale, Ren'k. Teschemaker and Gillow; Renwicktown Teschemaker, Major, Summerlands, Renwick Thomas, James, Tua Marina Thorns, G., Onamalutu, Renwicktown Thomson. James, Blenheim Wadey, T., Onamalutu, Renwicktown Walton, J., Lowfield Farm, Renwick "Ward, B. R., Brookby, Blenheim Ward, Felix, Wrekin, Blenheim Ward, Joseph, Blythefield, Blenheim Watson, G. 11., Blenheim Watson, S.. Renwicktown Watts, C. F, Wairau Valley Watts, G. F., Erina, Wairau Valley Whitwell, ThomaB, Blenheim Wratt, J., Spring Creek 700 1IOO 126 258 200 252 1060 3°o "58 2500 80 2500 90 96 I90 7020 97 1280 6270 780 6050 90 4800 10500 5° 15° 95 295 100 Nil 1200 9800 400 855° 90 54°° I05OO IOO 98 95 160 '3° 323 800 5i 100 270 200 290 316 9128 55 Nil 39° 100 230 500 70 820 873 80 700 79° no 400 249 17000 4200 Nil 140 670 28 48 1800 45° 157 16500 Nil 5000 99 90 710 3' 52 '75° 109S 198 124 35 8000 95° 170 27 '5° 8000 3500 134 40 264881 35oo 122 36 276,502 MARLBOROUGH COUNTY. (In Awatere Subdivision). Aroa, Robert, Blind River, Awatere Beaumont, R., Starborough, Awatere Busby, J. D., Upton, Awatere Cawthron, T., Fairfield, Blenheim Clifford and Weld, Flaxbourne, Blenheim ... Green, J. B., Upcot, Blenheim McRae, A., The Reserve, Awatere McRae, P. R., Weldshill, Blenheim McRae, P. R., Blairich, Blenheim Monro, G. H. B., Longridge, Renwick Mowat, Mrs., Artimarlock, Blenheim Mowat, Mrs., Middleburst, Blenheim Renwick, T. (Estate of), Dumgree, Blenheim Richmond, F. H, Richmond Block, Awatere... Tinline and Neville, Mt. Gladstone, Blenheim Watson, A., Sea View, Awatere Watson, Thomas, Burtergill, Awatere Willis and Fuhrmann, Molesworth, Awatere 1200 31300 '23789 7000 55658 13000 830 20000 12500 9800 13000 1100 10763 15564 8001 604 1170 17000 1300 32500 21590 8000 52959 12317 1300 20000 I IOOO 10000 13600 1600 11218 14750 8390 Nil 1150 19566 (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Trolove, F., Woodbank, Kaikoura Symons (Trust), Kekerangi, Kaikoura 242279 241240 9100 51500 60600 9200 51800 61000 Total in county 567760 57874*

H.- 11.






o. of Sheep on 31st May. I 1883. 1884. KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Barratt, H. J., Kaikoura Boyd, D., Kaikoura Boyd, Thomas, Kaikoura Broughan, W., Kaikoura Bullen,G. F., Kahutara& Greenhills.,Kaik'ra. Bullen, F. and G. F., Gooche's Pt., Kaikoura Campbell, Malcolm, Kaikoura Chapman, G., Kaikoura Chaytor, J. C, Shades, Kaikoura Clemett, C. G., Kaikoura CloBe, Alben, Kaikoura Collins, A. S., Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura Curtain, J., Kaikoura Davidson, J., Kaikoura Dee, M., Kaikoura .., Dickenson, T., Kaikoura Eaton, G., Kaikoura Evans, Charles, Kaikoura Garratt, J., Kaikoura Gibson, Gordon, Waipapa, Kaikoura Gibson, IT, Kaikoura Gibson, Walter, Clarence, Kaikoura Gibson,W.,Warden Tytier and Jam, Kaikoura Gray, James, Kaikoura Hailes, W., sen. (Executor), Kaikoura Hailes, W., the Terrace, Kaikoura Harnett, J., sen., Kaikoura Harris, H, Kaikoura Hately, J., Kaikoura Hawthorn, M., Kaikoura Hone, W. H, Kaikoura Huddlestone Bros., Hapuku, Kaikoura Ingles, A. W., Kincaid, Kaikoura Ingles, H. A., Waiwhero, Kaikoura Katterns, W., Rev., Kaikoura Keenan, P., Kaikoura Kir by, James, Kaikoura Lawson, W., Kaikoura Maguire, Patrick, Kaikoura McDonald, R., Kowhai Flat, Kaikoura McLaurin, A., Kaikoura O'Donnell, Jane, Kaikoura O'Donnell, Mrs. F., Kaikoura Paap, J., Wheatlands, Kaikoura Palmer, E. O., Kaikoura Parsons, Freeborn, Kaikoura Parsons, G. E., Swinley, Kaikoura Peoples, John, Kaikoura Peoples, J., Mrs., Kaikoura Reece, E., Waipapa, Kaikoura Robb, W., Anani, Kaikoura Rorison, J., Kaikoura Sharp, Stephen, Kaikoura Skevington, J. A., Kaikoura Smith, W. J., Bendmere, Kaikoura Smith, W., Sea View, Kaikoura Smith, W., Ludstone, Kaikoura 160 250 i°5 141 48477 420 4866 230 2922 180 225 160 3'6 187 35° 120 12000 96 3'49 43000 170 267 140 400 230 42 200 240 100 165 5°597 153° 7i 28 4588 20 300 2000 190 220 200 332 170 97° 147 Nil 94 2070 40000 22 290 280 160 500 86 76 106 101 93°° 3° 140 '5° 108 155° 6739 Nil 180 180 .83 81 35° Nil 300 45 35° 9' 193 191 125 1400 300 200 400 Nil 189 210 '95 1215 290 '5° 9500 100 108 114 81 49 380 255 2438 '55 220 2565

No. of Sheep on Sfst May. 1883. 1834. o. of Sheep on 31st May. Smith, W., Clavely, Kaikoura Taylor, G., Tui Farm, Kaikoura Tinline, R., Ferniehurst Run, Waiau Tinline, R , Conway Hills, Waiau Wallace, John, Kaikoura Wallace, W., Kaikoura Warren, Solomon, Kaikoura Woods, W. D., Kaikoura Woolven and Nesbitt, Kaikoura Workman, W., Kaikoura 4874 320 2900 4651 299 232 5200 304 2900 4600 400 '93 210 7900 1200 5272 1080 300 200 AMURI COUNTY (In Amuri Subdivision). Adams, W. Acton, Tarndale, Blenheim Anstey, G. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau Atkinson, W., jun., Woodbank, Hurunui Dalgety & Co., Hopefield, Upper Waiau Fowler, W. L, Hanmer Plain Fry, John, Hanmer Plain Low, W. A., St. Helen's, Clarence, and Acheron, Hurunui Macfarlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau McArthur Brothers, St. James and Lake Guy on, Hanmer Plain McDonald, A., Sherwood, Waiau McKay, G , Hanmer Plain Ross, Malcolm, Rogerson, Waiau Rutherford, A. W., Mendip Hills, Waiau Rutherford, George, Leslie Hills, Waiau Tinline, G. and J , Lyndon, Waiau Wharton, H, and Co., Cloudy Range, Waiau Wharton, H. and Co., Highfield, Waiau I54S02 1S3689 20010 332" 7000 3502 45oo 502 71000 27227 32628 7000 2786 4800 587 70000 25000 25000 24000 26000 2700 992 9000 17600 35364 10250 38250 2950 Nil 85° 9000 17600 38370 95oo 39200 (In Waiau Subdivision.) (Part of North Canterbury Subdivision.) Chapman, Brothers, Mount Palm, Rotherham Dalgety, F. G., Balmoral, Hurunui Earshman & Co.,Pahau Reserve, Hurunui ... Forrester, R. A., Rotherham Holmes, T, St. AndrewB, Waiau Jones, E., Rotherham Farm, Upper Waiau... Jonea, E., Waiau St., Upper Waiau Macfarlane, James, Achray, Rotherham Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Hurunui McRae, G. W., Glens of Tekoa, Hurunui Munaon, A., Upper Waiau Ferry . ■ Rutherford, Bros., Glynn Wye, Waiau Rutherford, W. 0., Montrose, Hurunui Wilkin and Davison, St. Leonard's, Hurunui Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executors), Culverden, Hurunui 303881 312498 11000 28782 34°° 1401 2900 33°° 3980 12486 18000 12028 29781 7690 1890 Nil 2400 4200 16487 19471 15000 Nil 21000 15000 35 18000 19000 26590 20500 19000 29100 22536 184374 488255 200583 513081 Total in county

o. of 31st heep on May. 1883. 1884. Armstrong, Thomaa, Waikari Arnott, W., Fernside Ash worth, James, Sefton Ashby, John, & Son, Twy Cross, Balcairn ... Ashworth, A., View Hill Atkinson, Robinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, W., Cust Atkinson, W., Marchmont, Rangiora Ay ton, George, West Oxford Bailey, Alexander, Balcairn Bailey, Drummond, Balcairn Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, John, Fernside Baird, Samuel, Sefton Baker, Fred., Waterclose, Southbrook 1225 95 1810 91 Nil 15° 240 108 64 159 200 183 140 Nil 1606 85 1870 71 43 160 233 260 Nil Nil 190 68 151 100 5°

RETEEN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the list May, 1883 and 1884. No. of 31st iheep on May. 1883. 1884. CHEVIOT COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). iobinson, Hon. W.,' Cheviot Hills, Cheviot... 90000 82000 ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision), .ddinell, John, West Eyreton Jliaon, Edward, Cust .nderaon, William, Clyde Grove, Cust .rmstrong, J., Loburn 865 200 388 15 883 35 48S 87




5—H. 11.


No. of ! 31st May. 1884. 1883. Jaker, J. P., Kaiapoi Janks, James, Ashley Bank 3arker, Joseph, Loburn Jarnes, J. Edward, Swynforde, Waikari Jarr, John, Arnberley Jarr, William, Amberley Jarrell, Samuel, Southbrook Sartrum, G-., The Willows, Eangiora Jassett, W. J., Woodstock, Oxford Jax, Charles, Ashley Bank 3axter, A., Oust Jayliss, Thomas, Oust Seal, Henry, Eyreton Jeattie, John, Oust 3eere, A. J., Oust ieere, W. H., Cust Jeloher, Kichard, Kaiapoi Jell, Jonathan, Foster, Eangiora Jell, J. and J., The Walls, Amberley Jenn, W. A., Amberley iennett, Alex., Homedale, Bennett's Jennett, G-eorge, Loburn Jennett, William, West Eyreton Jennie, Mrs. E., Sefton Jlackmore, T. D., Clarkville Slain, Mary, Lockhead, Oxford Jlake, John, Loburn Jlunden, E., Leigh Farm, Bennetts iosustow, Francis, Kaiapoi Joulton, John, Cust Jowie, J., Woodend and Waikari iowman, Edmund, Amberley Jowron, G-.,jun., Sea View, Ashley Bank Joyce, Christopher, Sefton Joyd, Robert, BallygarTie, Bennett's Jradley, William, West Eyreton Jramley, W., Woodend Jrettagh & Pearson, Worlingham, W. Eyreton Jristow, E., Amberley . ... Jroadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley irock, John, Ashley Bank Jrodie, J. McK., Berriedale, Amberley Jr'own, David, Amberley Srown, E. H., Mount Thomas, Eangiora ... Jrown, James, Clarkville Jrown, John, North Loburn Jrown, Jonathan, Eangiora Jruere, Graham, Sefton Juchanan and Wade, Waikari Jurgin, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa Jurrell, G-eorge, Fernside Jurton, W. H., Mount Benger, Hurunui ... Jusch, Frederick, Eangiora Juss, W. Eangiora iutters, G-. and H., Eyreton Jameron, D. and D., Saltwater Creek 'ameron, John, Balcairn 'ampbell, C. E., Springbank 'ampbell, Michael, Dalbeg, Amberley 'ancannon, John, Hurunui larmichael, H. S., Lobum !arr and Duthie, Asliley Bank Jatherwood, Hugh, Cust Jhamberlain Bros., Eastcolt, Waikari Jhambers, Frederick, Woodend 3hapman, Bros., Springbank ]harles, James, Cust ... 'hatterton, J. V., Flaxton Jhilton, Thomas, Eyreton )lark, Donald, Amberley Jlifford & Weld, Stonyhurst, Amberley Jlothier, E., Eyreton Jlothier, James, Clarkville Jole, Enock, Oxford Joleman, S., Eiverside, Amberley )ollie, Donald, Ashley Bank 'one, G-., Kangiora 'onway, Thomas, sen., Cust Jonway, W. F., Cust !ook, Henry, Eangiora Jorlett Bros., Cabbage Tree Flat, Amberley !ottle, Thomas, Cust !oup, Robert, Kaiapoi Jourage, F., Seadown, Amberley Nil •35 433 52 300 100 Nil 39° 900 61 92 148 92 799 180 191 2000 1300 190 212 777 218 100 250 811 119 270 1150 '569 364 H 200 125 19 7000 415 1967 240 695 '3 168 524 3i 250 Nil 40 393 10.H 80 Nil 267 74 126 69 760 200 106 1900 100 271 Nil 393 ■7 232 200 133 727 Nil 420 2300 1621 142 •13 200 95 40 8000 580 2038 240 890 4°S 70 88 122 Nil 60 '5° 97 2050 91 400 350 595 990 1582 100 1700 40 48 180 5427 106 12371 7i 60 63 i9!S I25 100 76 Nil 298 57° 182 1120 230 96 180 37«9 14000 140 310 300 19000 60 210 «7 600 20 15000 170 75 380 162 2O473 Nil Nil Nil 600 20 35 217 200 V '774 742 Nil 3° 850 369 110 2000 500 73 7500 9000

o. of i 31st teep on lay. 1883. 1884. Cousins, E., Waikuku Cowens, George, Bennett's Cowens, William, Bennett's Cowie, James, Waikari Cox, J. W. M., Weka Pass, Waikari Crainpton,.G. W., Amberley Crampton, J. and. M., Amberley Crampton, T., Amberley Crampton, W., Eskvale, Amberley Croft, R. E., Ashley Bank Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Cross, Joseph, Bennett's Crossley, C. D., Huranui, Woodend Crossley, C. D., Woodend Crowe, .Frederick, Oxford Crowe, Henry, Bast Oxford Crysell, Walter, West Eyreton Crysell, William, Cust Cunningham, A. and C, Loburn Curie, George, Bennett's Daily, Eobert, Swannanoa Dalzell, J., Sefton Dalzell, William, Waikari Dalziel, James, Fernside Dalziel, M., Bramdeen, Amberley Dalziel, M., jun., Amberley D'Auvergne, Charles, Rangiora Davies, John, Eyre Bank, Eyreton Davis, Henry, Coutts's Island Dawson, George, Ohoka Dawson, Eichard, AVest Eyreton Dench, Thomas, Southbrook Dennis, Charles, Leithfleld Denton, P. E., Eyreton Derbidgc, Charles, Longlands, Woodend Dick, David, Loburn Dick, John, Sefton Dicken, T. H. V., Waikari Diokenson, J. D., Hillview, Cust Dickson, Walter, Airlie, View Hill Dillon, A. W., Waikari Dixon, James, Ashley Bank Dixon, M., West Eyreton Dobson, Eichard, Sefton Dodd, M., Mrs., Waikari Dohrmann, Diedrich, Bennett's Doig, P., Cust Donovan, John, Horrelville Donovan, E., Bennett's Douds, John, Sefton Douglas, Greorge (Exetrs. of), Eangiora Douglas, James, Basin Farm, Waikari Dron, John, Balcairn Duder, William, Culverhouse, View Hill "... Duffull, Eichard, Ohoka Duncan, Malcolm, Eangiora Duncan, E., Loburn (Styx) Earshman and Co., Pahau, Hurunui Edmonds, George, Ohoka Edwards, George, Okair, Kaiapoi Egan, John, Eernside Elder Brothers, Clarkville Elderton, Henry, Amberley Elliott, William, Bennett's Ellwood, John, Ashley Bank Engelbrecht, Henry, Bennett's Ensor, C, Mount Grey, Balcairn Evans, Eichard, Ohoka, Kaiapoi Evans, T. H., Balcairn Eairweather, C, Eyreton Eearne, Peter, Eangiora Eerguson, James, Sefton Hitch & Sons, &., Woodstock, View Hill ... Fisher, G. and H., Loburn Fitzpatrick, Charles, Balcairn Eletcher, Samuel, Ashley Bank Ford, Joseph, Eangiora Pox, C. D., Eoxdown, Waikari Eox. C. D., Black Hills, Waikari Freer, John, Kaiapoi Frizzell, John, West Eyreton Galletly, John, Springbank Gardiner, Andrew, sen., Springfield, Cust .., Gardiner, G. G., Cust 8i 70 120 100 300 1370 20 191 IOOO 2OO 137O 35 600 488 100 181 i5° 160 95 219 182 190 190 9000 15° 7 1 62 i°S 69 6500 i°S 865 500 250 9500 54+ 228 78 220 60 250 400 200 98 795 18 60 205 3° 602 500 77 I 75 243 6000 97 2966 400 200 197 57° Nil 150 447 40 61 311 Nil 4S5 800 29 5° 5 IOOO mo 260 1050 387 28 12015 20 209 13300 98 100 1100 170 Nil 450 260 7026 1316 '95 364 5o 246 224 3°5S Nil 658 90 100 1030 179 1 400 700 7498 IOOO 95 285 63 157 240 4100 180 400 80 300 400 I37 l 7700 395 1030 80 170 5900 690 162 49 300 '64 1438 7500 "57 700 1205 84 264 5 25° 520 284 Nil 292 3100 1800 Nil 23 500 '2000 19 294 240 180 '75 230 267 20 S I8 7





No. of SI 31st i heep on Vlay. 1883. 1884. Gardiner, George, Eaat Oxford Gardner, Andrew, jun., Cust Garland, Helen, Mrs., Cust, Garrett, David, Cust George, J., Ashley Bank Gifkins, James, Bennett's ...5 Gilchrist, W. T., View Hill ...' Giles, L., Kaiapoi Gilmour, John, Loburn, Christchurch Gihgavon, Patrick, Mountain, Bennett's Glendinning, J., Waikari Gorrie, Daniel, Sefton Gorton, J. R., View Hill Gow, John, Fernside Graham, David, Cust 1.. Graham, George, Ashley Bank Grant, David, Cust Gray, James, Eyreton Greenwood Bros., Teviotdale, Amberley Greney, Michael, Amberley Gresson, II. B., Woodend Greftiths, Rees, Amberley Haidler, C, Amberley Hale, William, Amberley Hall, H. J., Motanau, Amberley Hanna, Thomas, Sefton Hanna, W. J., Amberley Harle, Thomas, West Oxford Harrison, William, Fernside Henderson and McBeath, Oxford Henry, Richard, East Oxford Henshall and Madeley, Bennett's Hey ward, James, Clarkeville Hiatt, C, Sefton Hicks, R. R., Kaiapoi Hide, Thomas, iBwannanoa Higgins, R. L., Tara, Cust Hoban, T., Waikari ... Hodgson, T., Loburn Hodgson, Anthony, Orton Valley, Loburn ... Hodgson, John, Rangiora Holclsworth, R. B., Balcairn Homersham, A. R., Leithfield Hopkins, Kobert, Ohoka Horn, Mrs. Agnes, East Oxford Horniblow, E., Sefton Horrell, II. J., Moorbarton, Horrelville Horrell, James, Woodend Horrell, William, Horrelville Hosegood, 0., Cust Houghton, C. S., Ashley Bank Hoult, Francis, Amberley Howell, Thomas, Fernside Huinpherys, W. D., Kaiapoi Hunter, A., Willow, Cust Hunter, Walter, Leithfield Hurse, James, Fernside Innes, J, and J., Mount Brown, Amberley Jack, David, Loburn Jack, James, Springbank Jackson, Joseph, Fernside Jackson, Levi, Ohoka Jacobs, William, Fernside James, J. A., Hurunui James. T. H.„ Leithfield Jeffs, E., Bennett's Johnstone, Robert, Waikari Jones, David, Cust Joyce, J., North Loburn Joynt, T. I. & T. A., Glasnevin, Waipara ... Judson, John, North Loburn Kelcher, Joseph, Fernside Kelly, Francis, Swannanoa Kennedy, Hans, Bennett's Kennedy, John, Rangiora Kennedy, Murtie, Hill Head, Springbank Kennedy, M., North Loburn Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside Kennedy, Robert, Ashley Bank King, C. G., Harleston, Leithfield King, Charles, Rangiora King, T. and R., Bennett's Kingsbury, Robert, Cust Kingsbury, Samuel, Ashley Bank 4 8 272 650 i66 3' 120 600 '59 170 54 294 6 150 8 600 600 200 270 300 '3'99 ■ 70 120 400 170 250 130 11 no 177 140 99 26 200 '5° 40 13000 314 1203 '37 180 335 20100 12912 429 890 160 200 Nil '5°5° 485 534 100 295 45° 190 5092 '55 97 559° 150 366 650 362 116 9' 1100 47° 3° '55 Nil 375 36° 213 80 2300 47° 33 199 280 3498 127 68 116 55 145° Nil 2106 3'4 7' 9.1 Nil 600 140 100 180 186 Nil 82 62 43 94 90 80 130 360 59° 1750 12000 86 342 580 23.50 12000 8S 390 59 Nil 65 204 Nil 1040 700 35 138 1376 5° 198 870 ' Nil 37 100 81 IOO 495 63 118 66 '54 300 59' 134 18 280 1643 9' 285 500 277' 158 100 Nil 800 42 576 43 IOO 800 80 388 II 106

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1 1884. Kingsbury, Seth, Cust Kingsworth, C. T., Waikari Kinley, George, Kaiapoi Kinley, James, Kaiapoi Kinley, John, Kaiapoi Lane, L. H, Waikari Larsen, Arnold, Bennett's' Latto, James, West Eyreton Leach, Charles, Ashley Bank Lee, G. W. H. (Exors. of), the Warren, Oxford Leech, G. J., Rangiora Lewton, James, Amberley Liggett, Robert, Waikuku Lilly, David, Sefton Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Little, Hudson, Bennett's Little James, Allandale, Waikari Livingstone, Hugh, Cust Lock, J. C, Hill, Ashley Bank Lord, Thomas, Eyreton Lough, Henry, jun., Amberley Low and Taylor, Clifton, Waikari Lowcock, John, Amberley Luers, F., Oxford Lukey & Noone, Pyramid V., Waikari Luxton Brothers, Rangiora .... Luxton, John, Rangiora Lynskey, M., Kaiapoi Macfarlane, M., Coldatream, Rangiora Macfarlane, W., Greenhill, Hurunui Machen, John, Ashley Bank Macintosh, Hector, Fernside Mahler, H, Sefton Mahon, Thomas, Oxford Maindonald, Hilary, West Eyreton Maindonald, John, West Eyreton Mair, John, Leithfield Major, William, West Eyreton Malloek and Lance, Waikari Mannering, T. S., Fernside Marshall, P. G., Cherry Farm, View Hill ... Marshall, R.", Fern Hollow, Cust Martin, D. C, Loburn Mason, G. E., Waikari Mason, Richard, Fernside Matheson's Agency, Ngapiri & Mirzapore, Chch. Matthews, Daniel, Waikari May, Robert, Cotham, Leithfield McAdam, James, Leithfield McAdam, Robert, Amberley McAdam, William, Leithfield McBriar, S. and J., Oxford McCandlish, G., Largs, Oxford McCHnton, H., East Oxford McConnell, Gordon, Waikari McConochie, J. G., North Loburn McCullough, D. T., North Loburn McDonald, Thomas, Waikuku McDowell, James, West Eyreton McEwan, David, Sefton McGrath, B., Oxford McGratb, T. Oxford McGregor, W., Flaxton McHugh, M., Swannanoa Mcintosh, Kenneth, Southbrook McKay, M. Hurunui . McKenzie, Duncan, Woodend McKie, James, Cust McLaren, Dugald, Leithfield McLauchlan, James, Bennett's McLean, Alexander, Balcairn McLean, Alexander, Sefton McLean, Hugh, Amberley McLean, Mrs. Isabella, Leithfield McLeod, John, Sefton McMorran, James, Kowai, Amberley McNally, J., Amberley McNaught, T. Amberley McPhedran, Duncan, Argyll, Oxford Meredith, Richard, Cust Michell, E. and J., Waitohi, Waikari Miles, Thomas, Fernside Millton, W. N., Birch Hill, Christchurch ... Milne, George, Rangiora 345 250 35 30 199 192 '35 4024 460 190' '35 3 24g '95 6530 '57 95 Nil 163 70 270 1070 500 no 275 2900 68 185 150 15° 99 35 100 65000 135° 21 200 290 16 90 '5° 3° 826 233 271 100 4400 43 298 132 3 Nil 246 6325 166 95 404 575 45°° 96 280 143° 198 90 445 280 3602 68 170 190 232 180 160 44 9i 7°33° 2045 8 13° 250 36 89 7352 39 34 59 48 180 270 Nil 197 200 456 10 i45 500 34 400 5° 250 74° 600 1400 180 80 20 290 65 16 128 Nil 72 400 500 34° 293 43° 1938 45° 18200 35 Nil 7334 27 47 47 5° 160 285 365 176 200 169 300 60 230 5' 300 377 300 70 75 230 65 S3 3° 25 3'8 500 90 200 1877 17800 20 40





No. of 31st Iheep on May. 1883. [ 1884. Milne, Thomas, Cust Moderate, R., Bennett's Moffat, John, Eyreton Moody, B., Kaiapoi Moody, Henry, Rangiora Moody ; Walter, Kaiapoi Moore, Francis, Eyreton Moore, G. H, Glenmark, Amberley Morriss, William, Waikuku Morten, R. M., Amberley, Christchurch Moss, J., Sefton Mulcock, E., Fiaxton Mungeam, Florence, Springhill, Loburn Murdin, William, Fernside Murray, James, Bennett's Musson, William, Bennett's Nalder, W. A., East Oxford Nankivell, G. H, Cust Neeve, M. E., Mrs. Asbtrop, Waikari N.Z.L. & M. A Company, Milford, Rangiora Nicholls, Walter, Havland, Rangiora Nicholls, Walter, Wliite Rock, Ashley Bank Norria, Thomas, Bennett's O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Connor, Edward, Loburn O'Farrell, Thomas, Cust O'Halloran, John, North Loburn O'Loughlin, A., Spring Bank O'Roarke, Mrs. M., Fernside O'Rourke, Charles, Fernside Overton, Charles, Swannanoa Packer, H W., Stokegrove, Amberley -Parkerson, William, Waikari Parkerson, William, the Lakes, Waikari ... Parlane, James, View Hill Parnham, E., Kaiapoi Parsons, A., Amberley (FernBide) Parsons, Albert, Fernside Partridge and Edwards, Waipara Pashby, Thomas, Elmwood, Kaiapoi .Paterson, George, Kaiapoi Paterson, John, Fernside Paterson, William, Midyear, Swanannoa Patterson, J., Fernhill, Ashley Bank Pawsey, B. S., Cust Pawsey, G, C, Springbank "Pawsey, J. R., Balcairn Peach, M., Clydesdale, Ashley Bank Peacock, J. T., Eyreton, Waiti, Eyreton Pearson, Joseph, Burnt Hill, Oxford Peebles, Andrew, Cust Penticost, E., Rangiora Penticost, P., Rangiora Penticost, Richard, Rangiora Perrptt, F. H, Waikari .'„ Perrott, Frank, Hurunui Pester, E. and W., West Eyreton Philpott, Adolphus, North Loburn Philpott, E. G., North Loburn Plaskett, William, Fernside Pole, Joseph, Rangiora Preece, James, Ohoka Pritchard, Joseph V., Loburn Prior ,Thomas, Fernside Prouse, Thomas, Cust Purchas, Charles W., Amberley Quigley, Ellen, North Loburn Ramsay, A., Kaiapoi Read, George, Kaiapoi Reece, E., Mont Serrat, Amberley Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, Robert James, Bennett's Rice, Robert, Clarkville Richardson and Co., Glenlui, Bennett's Roberts, Mrs. Jane, Cust Robertson, John, Ashley Bank Robinson, Isaac, Amberley Robinson, James, West Eyreton Ross, W. M., Coutt's Island '". Ruddenklau, J., Cust Russell, James, Leithfield Rutherford, Walter, Amberley Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Studholme, Waikari 200 487 5° 200 114 328 '63 Nil 600 400 260 34 79000 87 1400 a2o 80 76065 73 1478 4 210 30 78 160 160 151' 32 1721 7 45° 34 66 164 i7o 270 Nil 3000 18500 73 200 290 393 59° • 77 2 _! 7 2495 807 2500 19500 64 284 300 492 696 87 60 65 1383 2927 2371 2400 16500 699 225 ] 24570 515 214 IOOO 947 5600 IOIO 120 8200 943 '3° Nil 223 4°8 162 92 146 20 1900 '4 2720 13000 300 58 55 70 690 161 78 49 100 131 Nil 97 Nil '73o 6 1360 12871 200 '5 65 "5 170 1380 256 100 21 33 65 200 150 64 152 100 150 904 61 30 4750 500 170 25 100 1100 88 197 40 12000 460 160 20200 60 92 498 300 420 95 24955 57 100 4SO 48.3 550 2200 2400 30 122 9 350 18 17232 21 '9524

No. of Sheep on 31st May, 1883. I 1834. Sansom, W., Southbrook Searles, George, Cust Sharman, Bros., East Oxford Shaw, J. T., Rangiora Shearsby, Joseph, Kaiapoi Sheat, Stephen, Horrelville Shepherd, Robert, Swannanoa Skevington, 0„ Waikuku Skurr, John, Bennett's Sladden, Dilnot, SelBon, Oxford 31oper, Robert, Amberley Smart, Samuel, Ashley (Sydenham) Smith, H, Clarkeville Smith, James, Fernside Smith, John, Totara, Horrelville Smith, William, Southbrook Smith, Wiliiam, West Eyreton Smyth, Robert, Leithfield Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Starky, G. B., Braekenfield, Amberley Steffens, H. Bennetts Stephenson, M., Fernside Stevenson, John, Flaxton Stokes, John, Waikuku Stone, S., jun., Woodend Storer, William, Bennett's Stuart, John, Balcairn Stubbs, Thomas, East Oxford Sutherland, J., Sefton Thomas, Henry, Ashley Bank Thomas, E. F., Oxford Thomas, Samuel, Fair View, Ashley Bank Thompson, C. E., East Oxford Thompson, Richard, Summer Hill, Cust Thompson, William, Freefield, Cust Thompson, William, Greenfield, Cust Thomson, James Elliot, Bennett's Threlkeld,.P. G, Flaxton Tipping, C. and IT., Waikuku Tipping, J. C, Cust Tobin, Edward, Amberley Todd, D., Southbrook Todd, George, North Loburn Toohy, Matthew, Leithfield Tosswill, L. W , Karaka, Waikari Trail Bros., Leithfield Treacy, Edward, North Loburn Turner, James, Cold Spring, Waikari Turner, J. F., Fernside Turner, W. H, Waikari Turner, William, West Eyreton Vale, H, Bankshead, Coutts Island Vallancc, Alexander, Sefton Vallance, Hugh, Sefton Vallance, Joseph, Cust Vallance, W. W., Sefton Waiting, Isaac, Horrelville Wallace, Bros, Flaxton Wallace, G., Southbrook Wallace, Robert, Leithfield Waller, Jane, Loburn Walls, J. Kaiapoi Walsh, R., Oxford Ward, James, Huntly, Swannanoa Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, George, Southbrook Watson, John, Leithfield Wayland, E. A., Cust Webster J. P., Amberley W rebster, James, Cuat Weld, Dr. J. E., Oxford Weston, George, Kaiapoi Weylandt, G. E., East Oxford White, Bramsby, Swannanoa White, J. S., Ohoka White, W., Rangiora Whiteside, W. G., North Loburn Williams, William, Rangiora Wilson, Archibald, Ashley Bank Wilson, Alexander, Ashley Bank Wilson, E., Camside, Kaiapoi Wilson, James, East Oxford Wilson, Samuel D., Sefton Wilson, Thomas, Waikuku 260 i8o 190 '47 235 Nil Nil 38 20 45° 55° 192 453 .34° 45° 240 170 350 480 160 120 4°9 700 265 49' 389 820 203 284 290 47° 196 280 180 150 49' 2307 383 400 2950 393 300 '580 Nil 600 326 4 277 13 96 220 73 600 278 200 397 90 140 200 3 500 5 99 '3° 55 300 280 200 - 100 140 400 2650 497 900 96 100 1201 2681 44'. 1050 95 5° '9 393° 232 282 98 136 IOO Nil Nil 280 284 Nil 200 178 ■40 163 234 400 1301 26 1290 300 80 81 5° 144 228 300 2000 148 46 90 Nil 100 180 100 96 Nil 54 98 100 80 300 20 300 6 68 329 "4 436 355 93 68 3505 50 22 200 '43 170 '85 100 87 50 90 253 100 426 77° 186 63 3426 Nil 98 100 143 230 310 82 252 95





o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Winter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, Swannanoa Winter, Michael, Bennett's Witham, William, Rangiora Withell, C. W., Sefton Wolff, J. R., Bennett's Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford Wright, Peter, East Oxford Wright, Richard, Waikari Wright, W., Bennett's SToung, Charles, Kaiapoi SToung, James, jun., Sefton SToung, James, Sefton Zweibruck, D., East Oxford 180 IOO 260 72 1386 843 1662 700 75° 200 180 109 300 60 68 1487 939 1914 900 900 Nil 31 137 285 250 95 626151 45 100 375 182 100 SELWYN COUNTY (In ChriBtchurch Subdivision), ibbott, William, Clifton, Southbridge idams, Charles, Greendaie i.dams, T. W., Offord, Greendaie Udridge, Albert, Dunsandel ilington, W. H, Broadlands, Burnham Ulan, Robert, Hillsborough, Christch. illen, Alexander, Killincby Ulen, W. H., Kaiapoi i.myeB, Alfred, Holly, Kirwee tmyes, E., Oakhampton, Hornby <Lmyea, E. B., Terrace, Glentunnel Imyea, J. 0., Halswell \.myes, R. H., Meadow Bank, Kirwee Anderson, H., Yaldhurst i.nderson, W., Lakeside Vnderton, Thomas, Halkett Town Vndrewa, W. B., Springaton Andrews, W. B., Greenpark i.nson, T. H., Desert, Courtenay V.shworth, A., Addington Itkinson, W. Ayersdale, Springfield itkinBon, William, Grassdale, Springfield ... iitwood, Thomas, Southbridge Ittwood, William, WoolBton Baile, John, Templer's Island, Papanui Bailey, Charles, Halswell Bailey, Samuel, Templeton Bailey, William, Templeton Ballagh, Henry, Hororata Ballagh, S., Leeston Ballan, Thomas, Waddington Bank N.S.W., Heslerton, Christchurch Banks, Thomas, Brookside Barker, George, Rath way, Leeston Barnes, Anthony, Tai Tapu Barnett, J., Deep Spring, LeeBton Barr, J. P., Sheffield Barr, John, Russell's Flat Barrett, Charles, Briarfield, Tai Tapu Baxter, R. and G., Southbridge Baxter, William, Brookside Bealey, S., Rakaia Mead, Hororata Bealey, Samuel, Haldon, Hororata Bearman, Henry, Greenpark Beatty, A., Longford, Coalgate Beatty, Ambrose, Coalgate Bedford, George, Courtenay Begg, William, Greendaie Bell, George, West Melton Bell, James, Lincoln Bell, John, Templeton Benham, F., Kowai, Springfield Bennetts, Brothers, Christchurch Benney, Joseph, Southbridge Berry Brothers, Philipstown Bishop, William, Southbridge Blackler, James, Brookside Blake, Edwin, Belfast Blake, W., Bessingby, Upper Riccarton Blakemore, Bros., Springston Boag, John, Middlekigg, Brookside Boag, W., Burnaide and Selwyn (Chch.) Body, A. F., Killincby 67745 395 244 151° 108 680 '53 500 30 550 237 1640 70 613 '35 300 20 400 760 IOOO 600 "97 690 310 500 16 100 36 880 300 56 100 95 i7So 1545 2255 20 1110 1500 17 700 2300 132 380 40 2200 296 180 3OO 700 2300 122 293 400 Nil 2300 422 181 43 13484 60 83 240 1200 100 400 55 4000 954° 36 '5° 200 280 180 118 980 102 200 Nil 10691 90 100 68 220 1800 IOOO 295 475 52 4394 10574 Nil 230 248 335 301 129 580 99 1087 '33° 897 25 1100 130 500 20 47 9° 122 420 1600 46 25 30 100 Nil '543 3700 79 2500 90

o. of 31st leep on Lay. 1883. 1884. Boon, Charles, Russell's Flat Boon, Edward, Yaldhurst Boulton, Richard, Kimberley Boulton, T., Kirwee Boyd, James, New Brighton, Styx Boyle, W. H, Ellesmere Brabazon, John, Aylesbury Brake, Charles, Tai Tapu Brett, J. H, Courtenay Brittan, F. H., Kelsie, Burnham Brooks, Thomas, Brookside Brown, G. H., Lofftuss, Dunsandel Brown, James, Dunsandel Brown, James, Hororata Brown, James, Milburn, Coalgate Brown, John, Kimberley Brown, William, Broadfield Brownlee, Thomas, Hororata Brown, Richard, Christchurch Bruce, John, Weedon's, Rolleston Bruce, T. W., Cora Lynn, Bealey Bryenton, G. W., Sandhills, Christchurch ... Buckley, Andrew, Brookside Buddo, David, Ellesmere Bull, A. S., Addington Bull and Co., Christchurch Bull, Frederick, Waddington Burdon, Isaac, Burnham Burke, Martin, Burnham Bush, James, Dunmow, Courtenay Butler, Edward, Porter's Pass Butterfield, J., Broom, Springfield Button, Frederick, Springfield Calder, Alexander, Halkett Town Callan, William, Springston Campbell, Charles, Waddington Campbell and Co., Southbridge Campbell, John, Southbridge Campbell, John, West Melton Campbell, Peter, Killinchy Campion, John, Prebbleton Cannon, ThomaB, Southbridge Carpenter, G. F., Yaldhurst Carpenter, W. H, Prebbleton Carter, Charles, Templeton Carter, Thomas, Greenpark Chamberlain Bros., Waireka, Hawkins Chamberlain, Henry, Ellesmere Chamberlain, W., Hadstock, Ellesmere Chamberlain, P., Irwell Chapman, W., Hillsborough, Opawa ChiBnall, Alfred, Yaldhurst Clark, William, Leeston Clark, Philip, Broadfield Clarkson, H. and W., Christchurch Clarkson, W. B., Upper Riccarton Cleathing, J., Whitecliffs Clinton, P., Darfield Clougher, W., Hare wood Road, Papanui Cochran, J. M., (Excrs of) Mount White, Cass Coe, John, Irwell Colehan, Thomas, Upper Riccarton Coleman, George, Styx . ... Collins, William, Springston Colthart, Robert, Broomfield, Sheffield Comrie, David, Halkett Town Cook, John, Courtenay Cooney, Thomas, Rolleston Cooper, R., sen., Rolleston Corbett, Jamea, Burnham Cordy, James, Hororata Cordy, John, Hororata Cordy Brothers, Steventon, Whitecliffs Coton, Bentley, Hororata Cotton, R. M., Lake Coleridge Couzens, J. R., Butcher, Christchurch Cowan, Mrs., Southbridge . ... Craig, D. B. Brookvale, Sheffield Craighead, D., Russell's Flat Craze, Francis, West Melton Croskell, R., Kirwee Cross, W. P., Burnham Crowe, E., Mrs., Killinchy Crump, John, Springston 35 132 400 11 106 10000 8 280 5°34 120 300 500 300 179 300 200 88 25 'S5°o 39 101 670 187 95 90 10 Nil 40 300 60 96 294 89 466 2755 560 120 190 368 502 148 35 1 46 25 150 400 Nil 18 11000 150 7 4412 320 436 45° 270 174 5°3 140 300 83 25 14000 54 Nil 660 5 69 151 22 100 53 300 '88 97 300 124 424 6002 622 45 92 495 Nil 328 292 Nil 120 4545 1878 580 98 27 79 100 '3°. 7227 '334 784 5°° Nil 62 196 15° 4377 1150 886 7805 167 24883 3°o° 4192 44° 75° 6310 60 22918 35°° 300 385 281 156 100 172 80 300 Nil 76 333 136 225 60 400 1040 9000 7000 IOO 16500 21 4' 400 1100 9800 7000 '3° 16000 Nil 360 Nil 23O 435 84 290 200 127 287 248 80 120 200 294 95 396





No. of 31st iheep on May. 1883. 1884. Cryer, M., Waterford, Southbridge Crysell, W., Rolleston Cunningham, Andrew, Dunsandel Cunningham, J., Brookside Curragh, Robert, Templeton Dalgety & Co., DunBandel, Chritchurch Dalgety & Co., Grassmere, Christchurch ... Daniels, Mrs., Papanui Darroch, Duncan, Rakaia Davidson, A. S., Greenpark Davies, Rees, Hororata Davis, A. E., Lyppert, Halkett Town Davis, John, Papanui Dawson, Thomas, Hornby Day and Kimber, Irwell Day, Robert, Springston Deans, John, Riccarton Deans, John, Homebush Dearing, G, Christchurch Delamain, F., Christchurch Dennis, Samuel, Hororata Dent and Son, Burnham Derrett, E., Springbank, Hororata Dicken, E. B., Southbridge Dilloway, J., DunBandel Dingle, J. T., Christchurch Dixon, Thomas, Spreydon Dorman, William, Springfield Drummond, Peter, Rakaia Dudley and Lawrence, Leeston Duke, J. M., Springston Duncan, George, Dunsandel Duncan, John, Hororata Dunlop, William, Styx Dunn, David, Lincoln Dysart, James, Courtenay Eaglesome, M., Christchurch Early, Charles, Greendaie Easterbrook, R. R.. Styx Egan, Michael, Athmount, Aylesbury Elder Brothers, Christchurch Enys, Brothers, Christchurch Evans, J.C., Kowai Bush Everett, W., Glentunnel Ewans, Godfrey, Hororata Fantham, Joseph, Kaiapoi Fay, Anthony, Doyleston Fay, John, Doyleston Felloon, Ellen, Killinchy Ferguson, John, Springfield Fergusson, H. A. C., Halswell , Fessey, J. B., Weedon's Field, James, Russell's Flat Fineham, T., Willow Glen, Southbridge Finley, William, Courtenay Firth, George, West Melton Fisher, S., Glenthorne, Sydenham Fisher, S., Heathcote, Sydenham Fisher and Goldsmith, Irwell Fisher, William, Grassdale, Springfield Fleming, R. G., Willow, Sheffield Flood, John, Southbridge Follows, William, Halkett Town Ford, J. T., Riccarton, ChriBtcburch Ford, J. T. and Co., Milton, Christchurch ... Forrester, James, Sydenham Frankish J. D., Christchurch Frankish, Thomas, Leeston Fraser, Rev. C, West Melton Fraser, John, Sheffield Frere, Hugh, Kirwee Furze, J. M., Dunsandel Fussell, Thomas, Doyleston Gabbatis, Thomas, Prebbleton Gabbie, W., Mount Pleasant, Southbridge ... Gallagher, Bros., Prebbleton Gallagher, John, Southbridge Gamble, Charles, Waddington Gammack, James, Springston Gardiner, H. D., Irwell Gardiner, H, Wilson's Farm, Irwell Gardiner, J. S., Holcombe, Leeston Garfortb, S., Spreydon, Christchurch Garland, Dr., Lake Coleridge 68 58 5° 660 30 1038 8300 16 1800 91 238 273 250 204 6 3 6 Nil 258 14690 80 320 35' 500 700 70 5° 500 2899 900 346 53 118 80 '5° 200 198 60 45° 75°° 80 125 140 300 76 220 112 302 310 no 400 595 300 90 576o 137 i4So 270 77 82 '7 200 927 25 '555 8500 258 2400 100 35' 290 700 200 300 120 45° 16758 96 390 495 340 403 400 850 50 140 400 2600 1400 675 75 Nil 140 207 292 200 4'5 102 36 Nil 8500 80 9 178 Nil 180 180 80 294 5o Nil 300 496 600 Nil 5240 42 1290 396 5° 416 24 5° 35° 78 ■ 85 754 1360 596 Nil 1250 6S 50 1206 283 4°5 35o 2500 Nil 92 5° Nil 72 64 503 960 596 200 600 73 5° 1050 353 '5° 200 2000 1500 680 557 258 367 Nil 194 3070

o. of 31st iheep on May. 1883. 1884. Garland, E., Woolston Garland, Joseph, Woolston Gemmell, John, Dunsandel Gerard, W., Manuka Point, Christchurch Gerard, W., Snowdon, Christchurch Gibson, Robert, West Melton Giddings, George, Greendaie Gilbert, John, Dunsandel Gill, James, Kirwee Gillanders, Edward, Springfield Gillanders, Hector, Darfield Gillanders, M. IS., Greendaie Gillett, Jas., Easebury, Southbridge Glover, H W., Halswell Gough, Charles (Exors. of), Greendaie .." Gough, James, Greendaie Graham, J. A., Sumner Graham, John, Burn bank, Christchurch Graham, W., Southbridge Grant, G., Bishop's Corner, Southbridge Grant,, Peter, Springfield & Fendaltown, Chch. Gray, Ernest, Hon., Hoon Hay, Christchurch Gray, James, Springhill, Hororata Gray, Thomas, Armagh Street, East Chch. ... Griffiths, George, Hororata Griffiths, Thomas, Lakeside Grigg, Richard, Whitecliffs Groves, Amos, Eversfield, Sheffield Gudsell, Thomas, Rolleston Guiney, Edward, Halkett Town Gunn, John, Racecourse Hill Guy, M., Yaldhurst Hack, Edward, Papanui Hale, Benjamin, Kirwee, Christchurch Hall, Henry, Emsworth, Kirwee Hall, H. J., Riccarton Hall, Sir John, Hororata, Coalgate Hall, J. J., Windmill, Yaldhurst Halliday, John, Lakeside Hampton, Christopher Southbridge Hancock, Thomas, Sydenham Hannant, J. J., Darfield Hanson, J. E., Upper Riccarton Harding, John, Prebbleton Harris, Stephen, Styx Hart, John, Dunsandel Hart, John, Papanui Hartnell, J. N., Hororata Harvey, W. J., Rolleston Haskett and Hayes, Ellesmere Hawkins, R. W., Yaldhurst Hay, George, Kimberley Hay, William, Rolleston Hay don, Joseph, Prebbleton Hayward, Geo., Strathfield, Templeton Hayward, Joseph, Greendaie Heatley, Thomas, Halkett Town Hellewell, Wright, Tai Tapu Henderson, G., jun., Halkett Town Henderson, G., sen., Halkett Town Henderson and McBeath, Christchurch Henley, P., Lincoln Henry, John, Dunsandel Henry, Thomas, Russell's Flat Hibberd, William, Leeston Hight, Albert, Waddington Hill, John, West Melton Hinehcliffe, J., Styx (Christchurch) Hinton, Richard, Templeton Hocking, W. J., West Melton Hodgens, John, Prebbleton Hodgson, John, Lake, Irwell Hogan, M., Rolleston Hogg, Thomas, Killinchy Hole, William, Spreydon Holland, Frederick, Greendaie Holland, G. W., BrookBide Holland, H. and R., Greendaie Holly, William, Leeaton **., Holmes, Eliza, Bangor, Darfield Holmes, James, Upper Riccarton Hopkins, F., and Co., Christchurch Horwell, Job, New Brighton Howson, T. B., Southbridge 180 60 70 4000 20000 190 560 IOO 96 804 1200 600 86 '55° 5170 60 172 440 18 2650 '556 190 151 10 'So 95 IOO 136 422 180 107 700 93 675 31500 191 '45 237 316 140 30 250 498 427 28o 166 262 4000 20000 200 IOOO 95 200 81 400 Nil 600 18 1171 4.768 42 164 442 5 Nil 2190 '94 24 81 5° 200 64 120 280 394 210 121 500 110 500 32000 12 100 228 292 248 34 358 Nil 500 500 100 Nil 400 Nil "37 6 6S 195 1224 124 117 223 37° IOOO 200 35 7' 60 255 160 400 33 500 285 36 80 68 337 180 445 11 2 2 600 1 580 249 IOOO 75 5' 500 Nil IOOO 130 IOO 300 '594 300 31 112 400 93 398 263 '53 200 800 l60 700 8794 165O '35 3° 130 9072 2500 125 20 460





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Hughes, James, Greendaie Humm, William, Waddington Humphrey, J. and T., Killinchy Hurst, Charles, Oakley, Southbridge Hurst, John, Springston Illingwoi'th, Joseph, Kirwee Industrial School, Burnham Ingle, J. E., Armagh Street, Christchurch ... Inwood, J. and A. R., Southbridge Irvine and Learmonth, Ardlin, Rakaia Irvine, William, Dunsandel Jackson, Frank, Irwell Jackson, James, Papanui Jameson, J. P., Christchurch Jamieson, W. H, Leeston Jebson, David, Sheffield Jeffree, William, Ellesmere Jeffs, Charles, Templeton Jenkins, T., Springfield, Southbridge Jenkins, W. J., Courtenay Johns, J., Styx Johnson, Robert, Aylesbury Johnson, T. W., Kirwee Johnston, A., Russell's Fiat Johnston, James McC, Rolleston Johnston, Neil, Darfield Jones, Emily, West Melton Jonea, Jamea, Templeton Jones, John, West Melton Jonea, Milsom, Killinchy Jones, Percy, Templar's Island, Papanui Jones, William, North Road, Kaiapoi Jones & Stronach, Cragieburn, Cass Joseph, A. L., Whitecliffs Jude, J. C, Barton Farm, Sheffield Judge, John, Lincoln Kain, Thomas, Springfield Kellahan, Daniel, Leeston Kemp, J. S., Kirwee Kemp, Richard, Kirwee Kendall, W., LeeBton Kennedy, J., Halswell, Christchurch Kerr, John, Dunsandel Kimber, Charles, Green Park Kimber, James, Grafton, Greenpark Kime, Henry, Springston King, T. and J., Christchurch Kiver, C, Burnham, Christchurch Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, II., St. Albans, Christchurch Knight, J., Mount. Pleasant, Rolleston Knight, John, New Brighton Knight, Silas, Rolleston Kruse, D., Papauui Laffey, Thomas, Kirwee Laing, II., Templer Island, Christchurch Lambie, R., Lincoln Lament, John, Doyleston Lane, H. B, Christchurch Lane, James, Ellesmere Lane, James, Yaldhurst Langdon, Thomas, Christchurch Larlgdon and Judge, Christchurch Larcombe, H. Templeton ■ Lawrence, W. D., Ravensworth,-Leeston Leadley, C. R., Prebbleton Lean, W. S., Yaldhurst Lee, E. J., (Exors. of), Southbridge Lee, H. M., Southbridge Lee and Williams, Southbridge Legg, James, Aylesbury Leigh, J. M., Leybourne, Springston Lemon, Samuel, Doyleston . Leslie, H. J. P., Kirwee Levett, Henry, Killinchy Levett, James, Killinchy Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel Linnie, James, Woolston Lockhead, R. and J., Leeston Lockhead, Thomas, DunBandel Lord, Jabez, Kirwee Lorretts, Joseph, Stoney, Hororata Luddy, William, Killinchy Lukies, Joseph, Southbridge 230 325 83 4954 2580 193 116 2799 4260 460 76 1425. 353 950 150 272 900 346 4'3 765 300 IOO 388 '56 400 92 140 230 174 22296 286 570 70 152 IOOO 1300 '92 500 60 40. ,76 IOO 30 1411 445 50 83 160 52 80 240 200 1005 4211 2337 200 20 Nil 3249 3070 500 873 130 8 io 190 Nil 260 202 990 400 309 680 434 300 120 700 Nil 300 87 295 IOO 96 22800 '99 645 90 300 290 Nil 1300 102 43' 93 34 270 83 36 1873 "25 50 110 160 20 Nil ' 45° 4.00 _! 5 400 500 73 97 155 217 280 301 242 690 298 130 182 n 00 680 398 1691 645 846 Nil '85 3'° 253 48 375 63 374 800 666 498 248 231 1354 190 18 240 1031 Nil 467 Nil 894 152 5° 7 190 700 160 554 195 800 Nil 5° 240 199

No. of SI 31st 1 heep on May. 1883. 1884. Macintosh, Ewan, Hororata Maeleod, J. A., Leeston MacLeod, John Glendore, Dunsandel Maddisoii, J., Templeton Vladdison, W. R., Dunsandel Vlaffey, Richard, Hororata Maginness, John, Templeton Magon, Karl, Greenpark Haling, T. J., Christchurcli Vlanack, Richard, Christchurch Mangin, George, Greendaie Manion, P. Weedons, Rolleston Mann, John, St. Albans, Christchurch ... Hanson, James, Kimberley ... Marks, H, Weedons (Christchurc h Marr, John, Deanston, Halkett Town Marsden, Joseph, Heathcote Valley Marsh Bros., Christchurch Marshall, George, Springston . ' ... Marshall, John, Springston Marshall, John, Templeton Marston, Henry, Springfield Mason, R. J., Yaldhurst Malheson, J., Darfield Matbias and Randall, Dunsandel Matson, IE, and Co., Christchurch Matthews, William, Springston Mawson, Isaac, Brookside Maxwell and Mathias, Racecourse Hill MeBeath, Roderick, Kimberley McCarten, Thomas, Templeton McClelland, H. W., Kimberley MeClelland, W. W., Courtenay MeConnell, Henry, Fendaltpwn, Christchurch MeConnell, J. J., Lakeside McCormack, Thomas, Southbridge McCrostie, Hugh, Greendaie McDonald, Donald, Leeston McEvedy, Patrick, Leeston McEvedy, Peter, Southbridge , ... McGowan, George, Dunsandel McGregor, Donald, Aylesbury McGregor, R. and A., Burnham Mcllraitb, Robert, Southbridge Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllrath, J. L., Lakeside Mcllroy, Samuel, Southbridge McKay, Alexander, Halkett Town McKeage and Co., Southbridge McKellar, John, Southbridge McISie, T. and W., Burnside, Glentunnel McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston McLatchie & Mcintosh, Rockwood, Ch'ch. McLaucblan, W., Brookside McLennan, 1)., Halkett Town McLennan, William, Halkett Town McMillan, D., Waddington McMillan, John, Dunsandel McNae, Archibald, Courtenay McNeil, R., Doyleston McVinnie, William, Southbridge Mein, W. H, Christchurch Miles and Co., Hornby, Christchurch Miles, William, Folly, Springston Mills, John, Mrs., Greendaie Milne, J., Lincoln Road & Sth'bg., Christch. Hilner, J-, Leeston Mincbin, W., Weatwood, Waddington Mitchell, E., & Co., Hororata& Christch. ... Moffatt, Jennings, Halswell tfoir, William, Styx, Christchurch Monck, J. S., Sumner Moorhead, M, Southbridge Morgan, J. G., Hororata , Morrisb, Richard, Craigleigh, Springston ... Morten, R. M., Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch... Muir, Archibald, Springston Muirhead, John, Templeton Munro, Roderick, Greendaie Murchison, John, Lake Coleridge Murray, F. C, Lincoln Murray, F. C. H., Leeston Murray, J.G., Greenpark 2000 400 916 196 5 24 561 100 900 152 287 241 196 12 48. 40 195 30O 155 50O 1525 I76 122 154 II169 382 50 200 230 33° 14 140 1600 2 42 300 82 Nil 57° 45° 174 90 40 295 5° 192 877 625 387 7000 210 142 700 188 500 Nil 200 6 o 20 Nil 60 600 '53 221 150 56S 198 90 3° 90 2'5 282 64 10 600 2112 1621 173 Nil 13804 553 i47 200 500 5° 13 200 '55° 100 Nil 300 Nil 200 45° 298 275 74 Nil 238 Nil 285 886 75° 35° 7000 194 398 2000 976 418 393 394 197 Nil 2200 1067 269 44° 496 '7 60 895 107 2535 200 1525 '°5 2461 362 2140 35i 91 1 195° 336 136 220 230 7 500 278 200 '5° 250 75°° 369 270 460 11480 45° 458° 290 9000 33° 300 597 12480 280 20





No. of Sheep ou 31st May. 1883. i 1884. Roulston, S., Greendaie Rountree, J. W., St. AlbanB, Christchurch ... Rountree and Hart, St. Albans, Christchurch Rowe, Thomas, Christchurch Rowell, James, Springston Rudd, C, Greendaie Rudd, George, Greendaie Rudd, J. F., Greendaie Rutherford, D., High Peak, Windwhistle ... Rutherford, G., jun., Benmore, Russell's Flat Rutherford, G., jun., Dalethorpe, Russell's Flat Rutledge, John, Russell's Flat Ryan, M., sen., Templeton Ryan, Michael, Broadfield Ryan, Patrick, Templeton Sanderson, Crispin, Killinchy Sandford, J., Heatbcote Valley Sandrey, George, Leeston' Sanson, James, Darfield Saunders, A. E., West Melton Savage, George, West Melton Sawlo, J., Greendaie Sawle, J. W., Norwood (Ashburton) Sayers, A., Russell's Flat Scarlett, R., Waddington School of Agriculture, Lincoln Scott, C. G., Templeton Scott, David, Brookside Scott, James, Kimberley Scott, Moses, Coalgate Scott, Samuel, Southbridge Scott, W., Hockley, Dunsandel Searle, Joseph, Sheffield Seaton, George, Kirwee Seay, T. S., Springfield Sharp, John, Lincoln Sbarpe, Alexander, Halkett Town Sbarpe, G. H, St. Martins, Opawa Shaw, William, Doyleston .Sbeate, William, Greendaie Shepherd, H. J., Kirwee Sherlock, J., Sydenham Shipley, Burton, Greendaie Shirley, E. H, Hornby Skelton and Brinkman, Sydenham Sloan, J., Southbridge Smith, G. A., Broom, Lincoln Smith, G. F., Springfield, Southbridge Smith, Henry, Ellesmere Smith, Henry, Kaiapoi Smith, John, Spreydon , Smith, John, Prebbleton Smith, Moulds, Greendaie Smith, T., Spibby Grange, Aylesbury SmitliBon, John (Exors. of), Leeston Smithson, William, Christchurch Smyth, John, Killinchy Somerville, Mrs. Hororata Sowden, Jonathan, Dunsandel Spence, J., Killinchy Spencer, Edmund, Styx Spencer, Frank, Styx Staeey, Elizabeth, Hororata Stackhouse, James, Killinchy Stanford, E. J., Prebbleton Stanley, John, Broadway, Papanui Stead, G. G., Coringa, Christchurch Steele, J., Hororata Steele, Samuel, Hororata Stephens, George, Bush, Brookside Stewart, Colin, Springfield, Christchurch ... Stockbridge, T., Sheffield Stone, Thomas, Dunsandel Storey, Charles, Greendaie Storry, Andrew, Southbridge Stott, William, Kimberley Strange, William, Selwyn, Christchurch Sutherland, R. D., Christchurch Swinn, George, Greendaie ' ... Taiaroa, Hon. H. R., Southbridge, Ch. Ch. ... Tancred, H. J. (Exors. of), Christchurch ... Taylor, Andrew, Dunsandel Taylor, Charles, Brookside Taylor, W. J., Halkett Town 45° 204 70 7i 308 4° 500 6073 10151 15° 5° 300 150 90 230 145 1200 253 830 81 102 1030 286 290 500 200 162 90 21 400 400 12 250 696 1590 45 300 Nil Nil 32 64 90 620 994 400 6050 4000 10387 '52 100 300 70 78 40 7° 130 "57 n Nil 95° 59 176 "47 Nil 380 Nil 380 300 i77 162 95 7' 1.531 600 18 240 1540 1040 80 600 44 150 9 Nil 100 285 .600 163 3 211 128 200 190 209 Nil 260 75° 13° 331 Nil 15° 190 _56 157 IOOO 6 5 518 IOO 55° 16 736 7' 172 230 •IOO 36 62 73 1496 55 300 227 IOO 775 77 468 478 65 247 250 IOOO 180 59° 39° 600 120 345° Nil 192 !55° 2487 187 265 3° 193 485 205 600 182 3000 178 160 2549 187 233 IOO

0. of SI 31st J tcep 011 lay. 1883. 1884. Napier, George, Glentunnel Neave, F. D. S., Lake Coleridge Weave, F. D. S., Lawford, Lake Coleridge Nelson, Andrew, Dunsandel Nelson, J, II„ Rolleston Newlove, G. W., Dunsandel Nieklaus, J. F., Yaldhurst Nicoll, Alexander, Greenfield, Darfield Nixon, William, Killinchy N.Z. L. andM. A. Co., Brookdale, Springfield N.Z.L.&M.A. Co, Greenham Barton, S'thbrdg. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Rainham, Christchurch N.Z. Loan & Merc. A. Co., Kirwee N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Torlesse, Springfield N.Z. Produce and Provision Co., Christchurch Oakley, John, Halkett Town O'Boyle, Patrick, LeeBton O'Brien, Matthew, Killinchy O'Callaghan, D., Springston, CouttsIsland ... Odgers, Edward, Springfield Oliver, William, Hororata O'Neill, Benjamin, Doyleston Orr, W. J., Courtenay Osborn, James, Med way, Tai Tapu Osborn, Job, Doyleston Osbourn, D. J., Hororata Overton, Charles, Prebbleton Overton, F., Walsingham, Lakeside Overton, Henry, Ellesmere Palmer, E. J., Christchurch Palmer, Joseph, Burnham, Christchurch Palmer, S. W., Hororata Pannett, IT, Springston Pannett, J. A., Hatton, Springston Pannett, T., Springston Pannett, W. F. Lincoln Parish, John, Halswell Parker, Herbert, Burnham Patchett, D., jun., Millbrook, Styx Paterson, James, Prebbleton Paterson, Alexander, Kirwee Pajtrick, J. L., Christchurch Peagram, C. H, Halkett Town Pearce, Thomas, Templeton Pearson, William, Lincoln .... Peryman, H. E., Tai Tapu Phillips, G. S., Templeton Phillips, Henry, Leeston Phillips, T. A., Windwhistle Phillips, W., Rolleston Philpott, A. M., St. Albans, Christchurch ... Philpott, John, Upland, Papanui Pickering, William, Coalgate Pitt, William, Kimberley Powell, Joseph, Grove, Springston Prebble, Edward, Prebbleton Prebble, J. W., Prebbleton Prebble, William, Prebbleton Prestidge, Jesse, Hororata Preston, Thomas, Styx Proctor J., Russell's Flat Pyne, C. F., Lincoln Banger, T. H, Rolleston Bedfern, C. W., Springfield Reese, J. & Co., Hororata Bennie, John, Doyleston Beveley, B., Kimberley Reveley, B., junior, Kimberley Reveley, Groves, Kimberley Rhodes, R. H. (Estate of), Christchurch ... Richards, H. S., New Brighton Bidgen, George, Greendaie Riordan, P., Kirwee Robertson, George, Russell's Flat RobertBon, Jamea, Courtenay Robinson, T., Whincops, Christchurch Rogers, James, Templeton Rohde, M. H, Burnham Rollett and Trafford, Hororata Rollo, Janet, Irwell Roper, Robert, jfalpett Town Eosewarne, J., Christchurch Bossiter, William, Sheffield Bothery, Henry, Doyleston 75 11500 900 53 200 II 28 490 7894 842 2238 15°° 9900 700 5 400 500 500 35° 400 63 413 186 1536 2950 497 74o 98 7'2 55 180 176 300 240 198 185 760 10 35 200 180 .96 687 830 11000 63 20 300 250 40 192 360 167 290 '200 55 12000 650 74 170 74 180 362 500 8200 1216 2630 Nil 10205 36 '3 400 800 800 '5° 400 150 800 200 168 200 1470 454' 547 '75 907 98 73 300 220 2 28 400 Nil 270 '99 1012 Nil 59 60 38 270 529 500 10000 5° 16 340 200 206 162 45° 123 Nil Nil 70 162 '5 Nil 95 624 4 290 40 52° 360 537 20 21 800 320 37° 1290 278 9' 90 5° 47° 900 575 395 130 '5' 116 101 '85 IOO 258 137 Nil 39° 529 112 160 100 194 103 530 425





No. of S 31st I heep on Hay. 1883. 1884. Templer, E. M., Welldown, Christchurch ... Thompson, R. D., Southbridge Thompson, R., Dunsandel Thompson, W. M., Templeton Thomson, John, Halkett Town Thomson, John, Yaldhurst Thomson, William, Burnham Thorn, John, Christchurch Thwaites, James, Hororata Tiseh, Henry, Styx Tod, D., Doyleston Tod, John, Lincoln Tolerton, Thomas, Killinchy Topham, G. M., Lincoln Torrens, J., Spreydon Tosswill, J. N., Kirwee, Prebbleton Tosswill, J. N., Hayne, Prebbleton Tosswill, R. G. D., Highfield, Kirwee ... Townshend, H. and F., Lincoln Traves, J., Russell's Flat Trent Brothers, Templeton, Christchurch ... Trickett, H, WeBt Melton Irott, John, Springston Irott, IE, Springaton Troup, J., Glentunnel Truscott, A. C, West Melton Tuft Brothers, Broomfield, Riccarton Turner, John, Courtenay. Turner, W., Halkett Town lutton, A. E., Papanui Tweedy, Joseph, Courtenay Tyson, James, Papanui Unwin, II. J., Killinchy Upton, T. E., Springfield Vaugban, E., West Melton Vincent, H.W., Sheffield Voice, Thomas, Templeton Waby, G. C, Southbridge Wagner, J. S., Lincoln Walker, W., Weat Melton Walker, W., Brookside Wallace, Thomas, Russell's Flat Wallace, William, Russell's Flat Wallis, Henry, Springfield Wallis, Thomas, Kirwee Ward, A. E., Aylesbury Ward, Francis, Russell's Flat Washboume, E., Southbridge Washbourne, H, Riccarton Washboume, H, jun., Selwyn Wataon, George, Weat Melton Watson, John, Clayfield, Brookside Watson, John, Halkett Town Watson, M. W., Upper Riccarton Watson, W., Cordross, Coalgate Webb, W. C, Upper Riccarton Weir, Matthew, Porter's Pass Welburn, W. E., Aylesbury Westenra Brothers, Camla, Dunsandel White, Edwin, Southbridge White, G. F., Courtenay White, H, Lincoln White, W. H, Prebbleton Whyte, James, Waddington Whyte, P. & A., Clifton, Halkett Town Whyte, William, Halkett Town Wilkin, R., Christchurch Willis, R. B., Southbridge Wills, D., Leeston Wills, John, Irwell Wilson, E. R., Styx Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executor of), Cashmere, Christchurch Wilson, Thomas, Styx Withell, Charles, Brookside Withel), E., Brookside Withers, Drummond, Killinchy Witty, George, West Melton Woollerton, JR., Christchurch Wornor, Septimus, Killinchy Wraigbt, Douglas, Whystole, Dunsandel Wright, F., Dunsandel Wright, J. T., Dunsandel Wright, Richard, Ellesmere 680 164 IOO 300 44 180 IOOO 29 300 30 '37 10 58 33 112 973 1095 4847 40 416 66 39 6 280 25 '455 35° 5° 7 76 42 65 Nil 1840 353 300 600 900 20 560 Nil 188 426 190 300 200 5' 189 839 32 396 77 274 234 6S 79 Nil 942 1248 4524 40 3 234 70 685 375 3'2 969 300 34° 94 26 76 7 127 1630 302 3°4 5°o 680 Nil 229 150 161 3°° 98 3° Nil 149 35 164 IOOO 22 700 405 223 690 155 lO 4305 55 58° 31 95° 5'8 34° '5° 800 13° 55 Nil 6000 2300 379 IOOO 258' '83 300 83 10 200 5932 1500 22 1700 220 180 398 99 8 55° 7 357 6 5880 1405 12 93° 8 5994 6 26 2920 2420 5 Nil 9 300 110 180 3°9 Nil 63 400 495 1200 300 7o 650 690 1800

J.1 U. Ul CI 31st 1 Vlay. 1883. I 1884. Yarr, E. Tai Tapu Yates, J. W., Russell's Flat 393 66 272 99 670188 AKAROA COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Adams, Thomas, Akaroa Anderson, R., Charteris Bay, Lyttelton Anning, Frederick, Akaroa Armstrong, G., Mount Vernon, Akaroa Armstrong, G., jun., Akaroa Ashton, W. M., Decanter Bay, L. Akaloa ... Bailey, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Baker, T. 8„ French Farm, Barry's Bay Barnett,, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Barnett, T. and M., Tai Tapu Barnett, William, Le Bon's Bay Bevins, Thomas, Kaituna, Little River Birdling, W., Birdling's Flat Black, G. J., Damon's Bay, Akaroa Bloor, G. T., Governor's Bay Bradley, R. R., Lyttelton Breitmeyer, G., German Bay Buchanan, H., Trustees of the late, Kinloch, Little River Butler, George, Gebbie's Flat Cholmondeley, C. P., Port Levy Constable, A., Governor's Bay Cook, Brothers, Gollan's Bay, Lyttelton Coop, W., Spring Vale, Little River Dalgleish, James, Le Bon's Bay Daly, James, Akaroa Doyle, Jamea, Tai Tapu Edmonds, George, Gebbie's Flat Field, J. A., Port Levy Fleming Brothers, Port Levy Fleming, Richard, Port Levy Forrester, John, Lyttelton Gardiner, H. D., Purau, Lyttelton Garforth and Lee, Lyttelton Gebbie, David, Lyttelton Gebbie, John, Newton, Gebbie's Flat Gebbie, W. D. Governor's Bay Gerken, F. W., Tai Tapu Giddens, George, Barry's Bay Gilmour, William, Greenpark Goodwin Brothers, Pigeon Bay Goodwin, W., Green Park Gordon, J., jun., Stockdale, Little Akaloa ... Hammond, W., German Bay Harris, John, Okain's Bay Harris, R. E., Governor's Bay Harris, T. E., Gebbie's Flat Hart, F. J., German Bay Hawkins, Harvey, Lyttelton Hay, Brothers, Pigeon Bay Haylock, C, Flea Bay, Akaroa Haylock, 0., jun., Akaroa Holland and Tapley, Lyttelton Holmes, Eliza, Pigeon Bay Hunt, J., Pigeon Bay Hunt, Stephen, Barry's Bay Joblin, G. R., Little River Judge, Joseph, Tai Tapu Kennedy, Duncan, Wainui Knight, A. C, Barry's Bay Knight, J. T., Le Bona Bay Latter, Robert, Barry's Bay Leathern, Thomas, Tai Tapu Le Lievre, Eugene, Akaroa Le Lievre, E. E., Akaroa Le Lievre, F., Akaroa Le Lievre, Jules, Akaroa Lyon, Alexander, German Bay Lyon, Arthur, Birdling's Flat Macartney, Thomas, Tai Tapu Manson, S., Governor's Bay Marshall, Misses, Pigeon Bay Masefield Brothers, Gough's Bay, Akaroa ... McHale, Henry, Raupo, Little Akaloa McKay, George, Melness, Pigeon Bay McKay, William, Wainui McPhail, Archibald, Island Bay, Wainui ... 635442 '55 250 556 54 3612 500 1968 94 5 306 250 935 500 8000 20 345° 1852 137 5° 300 700 8950 400 30 1297 80 14603 11 48 1600 Nil 16000 120 640 207 54 2591 2800 175 1300 260 60 2890 3000 Nil 1300 700 200 95° 128 3000 7720 101 35°° 7324 100 14373 5° 8000 1400 12 13000 56 7500 1172 10 276 2 45i Nil IOO 1150 1695 800 13 200 25 200 200 2000 1768 IOOO 12 200 47 280 18 135° 1155° 1600 489 3° 9400 126 41 4240 400 710 5400 1823 661 70 IOO 2200 14OO IOOO 24OO 2050 20O l6lO 93IO 1450 487 35. 11880 65 10 47.00 305 507 5700 1923 987 80 2000 700 1200 300 I482 '379 250O 900 34 670 2000 2O0O 2040 25OO 9OO 26 548 2000





1. 01 oneep 31st May. 1883. 1884. Menzies, J. H, Macintosh Bay, Lyttelton ... Miles, J. F., Akaroa Morten, R. M., Ahuriri (Christchurch) Mould, T. B., Woodlands, Duvauchelle Narbey, Francis, Long Bay, Akaroa Narbey, F., junr., Akaroa Newton, C. and Son, Port Hills, Ch'ch Parkinson, A. J., Kaituna, Gebbie's Flat Parkinson, T. H. (Executors of), Gebbie's Flat Paton, William, jun., Pigeon Bay Pawson, J., Little Akaloa Pawson, T. and W. IT, Little Akaloa Perham, Luke, Barry's Bay Piper, Henry, Duvauchelle Porter, John, Aylmer's Valley, Akaroa Potts, T. H, Governor's Bay Price, J,, Kelvin Grove, Birdling's Flat Radford, John, Gebbie's Valley Reeve, Richard, Gebbie's Flat Reid, James, Wainui Rhodes, Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa Roberts, A. F., German Bay Robertson, Struan, Barry's Bay Savage, J. S. S., Pigeon Bay Saxton, G. H, Robinson's Bay Shadbolt, B. (Executors of), Duvauchelle ... Smith, A. A., Quail Island (Chriatchurch) ... Snow and Anson, Peraki, Wainui Spragge, H. W., Port Levy Stack, H. F. J., Duvanchelle's Stanbury Bros., Little River Sunckel, John, jun., German Bay, Akaroa ... Tanner, H. N., Tai-Tapu Tavender, Francis, Little River Thacker, J. E., Okain's Bay Urquhart, Hugh, Governor's Bay Waghorn, A., sen., Little Akaloa Wallis, George, Governor's Bay Ware, Thomas, Okain's Bay Wheelor, Matthew, Church, Gebbie's Flat ... Wright, JameB, Wainui 739° 75° 439' 16 i960 800 4000 1200 8300 7607 Nil 5 oop 12 1710 600 ■ 5200 Nil 998 460 45°° 1060 1800 298 242 28 1650 13000 258 788 100 Nil '55 600 4419 IOOO 147 53°° 707 49i° 258 832 1500 39° 300 20 3270 600 400 400 4819 910 32 5000 998 27 650 60 171 3°4 6,55° Nil 1800 45° 330 128 6200 5'° 1611 300 250 1800 29 75° 469 1760 ASHBURTON COUNTY (In Christchurch Subdivision). Adair, R. M., Christchurch Aitken, Wimam> Winslow Alexander, Bros., Rosedale, Lauriston Alington, C. S., Talbot Trees, Rakaia Alington, G. H, Cairnbrae Allen, W. F., Ashburton Aston, G., Ashburton Aynsley, H. P. M., Mount Hutt (Chch.) ... Ballance, M., Hinds Ballantyne, John, Mayfield Bk. N. Z., Waterton andWinchmore, Ch'ch.,.. Baxter, J., Rakaia Beach, Josiab, Winslow Beckett, Harry, Wakanui Bell, John, Waterton Bell, W. H, Tinwald Bishop, J., Flemington Black, John, Ashburton Blake, Richard, Tinwald Bland, J. S., Green Home, Greenstreet Bland, W., Orton Green, Greenstreet Boag, J., Cairnbrae Body, G. W., Tinwald Bonifant, J., Ashburton Boyce, S. E., Rakaia Boyle, Samuel, Methven Boyle, J., Greenstreet Boyle, H. G. C, Hinds Brake, James, Craeroft Brick, D., Seafield Brown, James, Netherby, Wakanui Brown, John, Ashburton Brown, J. T., Ashburton, Christchurch Brown, Matthew, Highbank, Rakaia Brown, W. J., Ashton Brown William, Wakanui Bruce, Murdoch, Seafield ... Brydone and Allan, Rakaia 193440 213125 1010 1822 2118 366 522 298 '37 12316 1191 7" 2820 4'5 1268 1364 i°S7 900 240 12461 252 124 1 Nil IOO 700 345 600 150 612 Nil 35° 100 427 324 75° 306 . 1178 4' 45° Nil 348 300 79° 467 55° 600 308 1800 495 250 5° 607 100 1700 9000 500 452 2500 283 560 Nil 710 639 300 1270 I IOOO 200 553 40O 3851700 6—H. 11.

\o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. | 1884. Buckley, D., Kyle Bullock, Thomas, Grange, Ashburton Burgess, George, Mayfield Butterick, David, Bainton, Elgin Cameron, Duncan, Clunes, Methven Campbell, John, Mifcham, Lauriston Campbell, Ronald, Chertsey Capon, Robert, Ashburton Carruthers, D. B , Rakaia Chalmers, J., ABhburton Chamberlain, A., Rakaia Chapman, E., Drayton, Methven Chapman, S. and H., Willowby Chat moss, Co., Winslow Chisnall Brothers, Hinds Cbianall, W., Hinds Church, E. J. Greenstreet Clark, A. McL, Rangitata (Temuka) Clark, A. McL, Waterton (Temuka) Clephane, Thomas, Wakanui Cochrane, John, Ashburton Ooe, George, Ashburton Cole, George, Ashburton Collins, James, Chertsey Oollison, E., Seafield Collison, G., Seafield Copland, James, Chertsey Corbett, Hugh, Mayfield Oorbett, John, Seaview Corsbie, L. E., Greenstreet Coster, Bros., Blackford, Rakaia Coster Bros., Lyndhurst, Rakaia Coster, BroB., Somerton, Rakaia Coward, Gerald, Methven Croskell Bro.s, Willowby Crosaon, James, Ash ton Crowe and Lysaght, Tinwald Dalton, Henry, Wiilowby Dalton, T., Wakanui Daly, Patrick, Lauriston Davies Brothers, Waterton Davies and Wilson, Tinwald Davison, H. R. and A., Rakaia Dawson, A., Waterton ' ... Dawson, A., jun.. Waterton Denshire, W. B., Seafield .', Dent, James, Lauriston Devery, John, Methven Digby, Octavius, Ashburton Doak, John, Wakanui Doherty, Charles, Mayfield Doig, Paul, Chertsey Doig, Peter, Chertsey Dolamore, G. W., Lauriston Dolan, Daniel, Kyle, Dougbarfy, G. II., Methven Dudley and Northey, Ashburton Dunbar Bros., Lake Heron, Mount Somers Duncan, J. and D., Rakaia Dunn, John, Flemington Dwyer, James, Ashburton Ede, Arthur, Alford Forest ),, Emerson, John, Hinds Fitzgerald, David, Ashburton Fitzgerald, N., Ashburton Foster, E. M., Winslow Frampton, H, Willowby Friedlander Bros., Lyndhurst, Ashburton ... Frisby, A., Barwell, Ashburton Frisby, Robert, Winslow Gralletly, James, Chertsey Gtardiner, J., Rakaia Gaul, George, Methven Gerard, W., Double Hill, Christchurch Gibson, Andrew, Hinds Gtibson, Mrs. M., Plainfield, Ashburton GS-iddings, G., Ashburton Reserve, Tiuwald ... Gill, William, Chertsey Gilmour, George, Asbton GS-oodwin, E. M., Ealing Gordon, James, Kyle Gould and Cameron, Methven Graham, J. R. C. C, Ashburton, Timaru ... Gray burn, H, Newland 800 322 1250 95° 2200 670 35° 695 140 800 59°° "74 4756 4010 IOO 425 498 265 500 IOO 154 1290 620 200 400 20300 180O 8530 792 297 224 23 Il6 522 770 60 1172 241 1412 960 2500 Nil Nil 45 191 872 45 5050 910 6005 2406 100 200 3000 2100 328 391 300 ' 327 341 500 245 800 120 600 I IOO 19000 47°° 6810 606 4'4 345 394 97 93 Nil 636 1780 3° 1974 388 2113 1084 220 Nil 4 2651 293 2050 "74 '3 '52 360 300 700 480 100 949 3212 5000 100 140 5° 474 1087 Nil 1 26 235° 3600 5000 Nil 161 100 10 5°7 182 270 290 99 3226 1014 313 49° 775 600 30000 ■ Nil 500 1820 748 200 14598 610 16873 9020 203 268 410 5°o 260 '3.5 1952 590 180 57° 770 400 30000 61 400 1680 526 223 15809 16011 9200 262





0. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Grant and Stewart, Rakaia, Riccarton Green and Scrint, Mayfield Greenaway, ThomaB, Elgin Grice, George, Winalow Grigg, John, Longbeach Gunn Brothers, Methven Hampton, Edward, Chertsey Hampton, James, Tinwald Hampton, Robert, Seafield Harper, C. J., Hackthorn, Winslow Harrison, H. J., Rakaia Harrison, Thomas, Ashburton Harrison, T., Taieri Farm, Rakaia Hart, George, Winch more, Ashburton Hartnell, Walter, Rakaia Hawdon, C. G., Westerfield, Ashburton Haydon, Joseph, Westerfield, Ashburton Hayman, Thomas, Willowby Henderson, David, Methven Helmore, J. C, Sherwood, Christchurch Hight, Henry, Newland (Brookside) Hill, Charles, Wakanui Hinds, William, Mitcham, Rakaia Holmes D. G., Mt. Harding, Rakaia Holmes D. G., Holmeslee, Rakaia Holmes, J., Ardagh, Rakaia Holmes, J. Kewmount, Methven Hood, John, Mount Somers Hood, Thomas, Rakaia Horsey, Edwin, Winslow Hudson, H, Waterton Huasey, W. J., Lauriston Innea, Peter, Ashburton Innes, William, Elgin Irwin, John, Fairfield, Rakaia Jackson, Adam, Ealing Jackson, J. and T., Barrhill Jamieson, James, Fernside, Ashburton Jephson and Maud, Tinwald Johnston, James, Ashburton Forks Johnston, J. A., Lauriston Jones, T. M., Ashburton Jones, Thomas, Seafield Kelly, Thomas, Seafield Kemp, John, Ashburton Kennedy, Hugh, Elgin Kidd, A., Waterton Kingsbury, H, Rakaia Knight Henry, Alford Forest Knox, J., Ashburton Lamb, G., Ashburton Lambie, J., jun., Kyle Lancaster, Richard, Ashburton Leadley, W. G., Wakanui Le Breton, F., Ashburton Leddy, Daniel, Ashburton Lee and Williams, Lauriston Leiteh, Charles, Ashburton Letham, A., Thistledown, Ashburton Lill, W. T., Newland Lloyd, Joseph, Hopton, Newland Loudon BroB., Cairnbrae Lowcliffe Company, Hinds Lowe, E. S., Kyle Lyttleton, W. MeN., Rokeby, Rakaia Mackie, C. N., Rakaia Mackie, C. S., Como, Rakaia Magson, Robert, Wellburn, Rakaia Maginness, W. H, Methven Maugham, L., Chertsey Mann, John (Estate of), Tiverton, Rakaia ... Marr, John, Methven (Halkett Town) Martin, Charles, Pine Farm, Winslow Mathieson, John, Ashburton Mawson, T. and J., Tinwald Maxwell, R. T., Wakanui McAnulty, E., Kyle McClimont, S., Mount Somers McCrory, James, Chertsey McDowall, John, Ashburton McFarlane, A.., Alford Forest Mcllraitb, Hugh, Broom Park, Ch'ch. Mcllraith, J. and A., Barrhill, Hororata McLauchlan, James, Ruapuna 6420 3°S 55° 21438 1098 95° 121 560 9000 '35 625 8462 44° 7 15837 240 494 2425 400 500 5000 2000 1200 35°° 1216 800 44° 800 160 '59 980 300 400 250 145 1200 190 Nil 700 500 300 31000 797 800 Nil 580 6000 160 248 460 8412 6514 14140 500 140 777 1991 483 305 Nil 2500 35°° 2336 3900 1488 30 400 296 Nil 200 400 290 2613 Nil ' 39° 33° Nil 1800 Nil 15'5 426 250 460 '5° 200 75° 300 777 2939 96 3890 202 344 545 44° 3000 8000 140 447 Nil 855 267 400 5° 200 400 95° 80 496 758 249 Nil Nil 198 59° 594 Nil 437° IOOO "77 300 3°o 1500 548 '34 '94 9000 784 4273 Nil 885 600 75 700 400 500 274 Nil 560 "3 127 500 53° '5 2300 6246 532° 200 53 300 600 1700 6308 4128 230

0. of 31st lecp on .ay. 1883. 1884. McLean Bros., Netherby, Ashburton MeLeary Bros., Wakanui McLean, John, Ashburton McLean, John, Dorie, Rakaia McLennan, D., Hinds McLeod, Archibald, Tinwald McLeod, Donald, Tinwald McMillan, D., Rakaia McMillan, William, Cairnbrae McPhail, Alexander, Rakaia McQuilkin, J., Willowby McRae, G., Mesopotamia, Mount Somers ... McRae, T. E., Mount Somers Meek, J. and T., Hill Park, Methven Merewether, A. E., Mount Somers Miller, Robert, Ashburton Moir, William, Lauriston, Christchurch Moore and Clucas, Seafield Moore, Adolphus, Christchurch Moore, G. IT., Ashburton, Amberley Moore, James, Hinds Moorhouso, Mrs., Peel Forest Morgan, William, Methven Morland, Thomas, Rakaia Morrow, William, Rakaia Morrow, David, Mayfield Mowbray, II., Mount Somers Muirbead, Hugh, Alford Forest Mulligan, R., Kyle Mullins, S. J., Ashburton Murdoch, George, Sandhills, Cairnbrae Murray, A., Lauriston Napier, A. B., Winslow N.Z. Alford Estates Co., Lim., Alford, Ashburton N.Z. L. & M.A. Co., Buccleugh, Springburn N.Z. & A.L. Co., Acton, Rakaia Oakley, Robert, Overdale, Rakaia Oliver, J. W., Greenstreet Orr, Alexander, Lauriston OBborn, James, Longbeach (Christchurch) ... Osborn, Job, Acton, Doyleston O'Shea, John, Ashburton Forks Parker, J. W., Newland Parkerson, R. K., Ashburton Temuka Parsons, H. W., Seafield, Ashburton Patton, Robert, Methven Peache, A. E., Clent Hills, Ashburton Peache, A. E., Mount Somers Pearce, T. A. C, Ashburton Peebles, J., Chertsey Peter, Hon. W. S., Anama, Mount Somers ... Pocock, George, Methven Polhill, F., Lake Heron, Greenstreet Potts, D. and A., Oropi, Ashburton Potts, T. H, Haketere, Ashburton Gorge ... Power, W., Ashburton Prebble, William, jun., Flemington Pusehel, J. and C., Springburn Quigley, James, Ashburton Raine, J. H, Maronan, Hinds Raine, F. J., Barford, Hinds Raymond, G. P., Tinwald Redmayne, M., St. Leonard's, Ashburton ... Redpath, J. A., Mayfield Reynolds, William, Methven Richards, J. D. C, Hinds Richards, T. B., Hinds Richardson, Thomas, Seafield Rickard, F. J., Ashburton Robb, James, Rakaia Robinson, H. W., Newland Rogers, J. H, Kyle Robs, E. and D., Lauriston Euddenklau, J. G., Hinds, ChriBtchurch Rule, W. H, Chertsey Rundle, W. H, Waterton Rutherford, J., Willowbank, Springburn Sargent, Isaac, Ashburton SargisBon, Charles, Waterton Saunders, William, Dundas, ABhburton Sawle, J. VV., Ashburton Shearer, John, ABhton Silvester, John, Chertsey 29239 8o 397 160 170 250 IOOO 4.00 350 1100 500 1495 900 1200 I2l6 4245 7 14500 300 1700 500 6275 200 800 700 2500 932 1300 11790 12400 27000 73 40 1400 233 946 150 140 250 24359 •93 Nil 280 700 180 i°95 560 15° 1000 200 1925 9632 55° Nil 4°3 1549 358° Nil 14400 37° 2600 700 7644 200 280 1100 1000 1300 1060 6000 11588 12684 27113 94 240 900 300 1024 Nil 3574 1150 2507 16000 8000 15° 3000 135° 859 16000 8000 500 21138 400 10300 201 300 20901 Nil Nil 1200 21000 400 360 700 400 11000 5000 20500 300 690 2024 1100 955° 6000 98 7°3 377 800 100 80 239 234 180 300 40 200 961 1062 74 300 600 78 Nil. 760 5°5 Nil 320 780 423 475 458 200 230 no 297 1130 2088 225 35° 630 100 5000 55° 104





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Small, John, Tinwald Smith, H. T., Ashburton Smith, Hugh, Ashburton Smith, John, Ashburton Smith, J. Mi, Flemington Smith, W. I., Springburn Somerville, A. F., The Terraces, Methven ... Sprott Bros.; ChertBey Stalker, John, Tinwald Stevenson, John, Mount Somers Stewart, Peter, Seaside, Wakanui Stoddart, William, Longbeach Strachan, W., Chertsey Strachey, R., Clearwell, Winslow Stringfellow, James, Chertsey Strouts, Frederick, Seafield, Christchurch ... Studholme, John, Coldstream, Hinds Sutherland, W., Greenstreet Tasker, James, Treverton, Ashburton Taylor, Thomas, Ashton Thomas, Edwin, Rowston, Wakanui Thomas, W., Methven Tickell, John F., Methven Tilson, George, Ealing Trevor, Dr. J. E., Barnswood, Ashburton ... Twentyman, J. H., Ruapuna, Rangitata Ullyett, William, Methven Vucetich, George, Chertsey Wake, W. H, Ashton Walker, W. C. and A. J., Mount Somers ... Walsh, Thomas, Seaview Wason, J. C, Corwar, Barrhill Watson John, Rakaia (Brookside) Watt, M., Forks of Hinds, Christchurch ... Wheeler, Joseph, Winslow White, J. F., Ashburton White, Leonard, Rakaia White, Thomas, Waterton Wilkin and Carter, Grove Farm, Tinwald ... Wilkin, R. and Co., Woodlands, Christchurch Wilkinson, T. W., Chertsey Williams, John, Glynn, Chertsey Williams, John, Willowby Williamson, Donald, Ashburton Wilson, Arthur, Winslow Wilson, David, Wakanui Wilson, James, Wakanui Wilson, Rev. J., Ashburton Wilson, James, Ashburton Wilson, Meredith, Wakanui Wilson, Thomas, Seaview Wilson and McCleary, Wakanui Wilson, W. J., Wakanui Winter, H. T., Ashburton Withell, John, Hinds Wood, S., Ashburton Worner, George, Ashburton Wright, E. G., Windermere, Winslow Wright, E. G., Gawler Downs, Winslow Wright, Samuel, Seaview 3°7 160 190 254 389 266 2648 3100 140 35' 922 900 2000 800 2425 22456 74 772 300 2600 200 1637 1778 554 185 156 21520 8000 300 100 200 281 384 6qo 2588 IOOO 195 200 698 8 5 0 235° 25OO 55° 2123 22173 436 25 675 35° 202 2000 247 37°° 866 664 254 121 21074 '47 10300 400 45°° '43 500 6000 300 5282 1630 1620 1084 100 725 90 260 169 10272 776 1714 305 Nil '5o 2800 55°° 250 720 3825 Nil 3'oo 1069 i860 998 150 400 50 IOOO 8996 960 544 396 300 6600 74° 100 60 1800 8300 500 706620 1320 Nil 40 2050 9400 75° (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Campbell Bros, Mesopotamia, Timaru 718324 23300 24339 742663 Total in county 729920 GERALDINE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Ackroyd, William, Temuka Acland, J. B. A., Mount Peel, Peel Forest ... Acton, Edward, Pleasant Point Airay, J., Rangitata Aitkin, John, Smithfield, Winchester Allan, J. and A., Geraldine Anderson, John, Waitohi, Temuka Anderson, Robert, Pleasant Point Archer, F., Timaru Armitage, W. S., Otaio Armitage, W., Pleasant Point Armstrong, M., Claremont Ashby, William, Spring, Geraldine Austin, James, Winchester Badham, F. W., Bulmer 200 46340 480 356 1190 270 44401 680 494 2640 855 234 364 328 3096 200 4 229 3000 '75 190 2116 49° 286 2120 100

o. of Sheep on 31»t May. 1883. 1884. Balfour, James, Pleasant Point Bank of N.Z., Arowhenua, Temuka Bank of N.Z., Riverslea, Temuka ' Barclay, J., Abbotsford, Timaru Barker, A. L., Winchester Barker, F. IE, Korari, Winchester Barker, J. M. Woodbury Barker, R. A., Orari Barker, S. D., Temuka Barney, George, Rangitata Bartrum, B. P., Creek Station, Geraldine Bayley, B., Moana, Woodbury Beattie, W. J., Hilton Bee, Samuel, Timaru Beedell, William, Pleasant Point Bell, John, Springfield, Winchester Bell, Joseph, Pareora Bishop, James, Pleasant Point Bissett, Christopher, Orari Blackler, J. G., Pleasant Point Blackmore, J., St. Andrews Blair, Thomas, Peel Forest Blair, William, St. Andrews Blue, Dougall, Totara, Pleasant Point Boag, W., jun., Landaboro., Timaru Borrell, W, Gapes' Valley Botherway, &., Pleasant Point Bourn, C, Sutton, Timaru Boutcher, C. B., Gapes Valley Braddick, John, Temuka Brasell, George, Pareora Breadley, S., Orari Brophy, Kyran, Pleasant Valley Brosnahan, John, Temuka Brown, H. F., PleaBant Valley Bruce and Holwell, Winchester Buck, Robert, Rangitata Island Budd, W'illiam, Winchester Burke, Edmund, Geraldine Butler, George, Pleaaant Point Button, R. T., Peel Forest Buxton, Searby, Rangitata Island Campbell, James, Kingsdown, Timaru Campbell, John, Fairfield, Pareora Canavan, George, Cnavan's Capps, J. R., Pleasant Point Carter, D. T. Pleasant Point Chapman, Evan, Waitohi Flat Chisholm, William, Sutherlands drivers, Charles, Otipua Christie, W. F., Seadown, Temnka Cleland, Andrew, Sutherlands Cliff, George, Winchester Clyne, Alexander, Temuka Coehran, B. F. G., Hilton Cole, W. F., Timaru Coll, James, Pleasant Point Coll, Patrick, Waitohi Flat Collier, George, Timaru Cone, Frederick, Waitohi Flat Connor and Niven, Timaru Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldine Conolly, Thomas, Winchester Cook, John, Pleasant Point Cramond and Meikle, Timaru Crocker, R. G., Waitohi Flat Cromie, John, Timaru Currie, Samuel, Waitohi Flat Crompton, T. R., Clarendon, Temuka Davie, R., Washdyke Dawe, Richard, Washdyke Donkin, F. W., The Warren, Geraldine Driscoll, Matthew, Pleasant Point Duncan, T. S., Heathcote, Geraldine Earl, Job, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edmiston, IT. F., Timaru Edmiston, W. F., Timaru EmpBon and Sheil, Rangitata Evana, W., Scarborough, Timaru Fanning, John, Clifton, PleaBant Point Fendall, W. C, Pleaaant Point Findlay, David, Hilton Fish, Dr. Robert, Geraldine 140O I 2 IOO I2869 280 231.3 700 3762 1485 21 IO 1600 12337 12000 290 2057 1100 3638 1391 943 75° 6 805 294 1414 243 218 204 300 70 120 100 557 393 86 35°° 200 81 128 600 378 191 Nil 800 43 800 214 100 97° 200 260 67 12 5° 100 445 '400 no 62 200 400 Nil 499 300 89 700 300 320 no 192 2388 300 698 240 99 1100 5° 700 230 138 409 2300 400 697 Nil 1100 135 239 1600 200 195 360 300 720 15° 49 236 "74 144 125 i.3° 270 2000 95 260 194 100 298 1562 140 44 35° 200 696 138 2000 300 245 47 25°5 190 318 220 1265 43 5° 130 700 300 455 129 399 no Nil 45° 1710 33 500 Nil Nil 360 393 196 270 Nil Nil Nil 700 300 i°S 523° 385 580 1031 Nil 149





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. i Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, William, Dirrah, Temuka Fleming and Hedley, Seadown, Temuka Foster, Rev. George, Timaru Frazer, J. & P., Pleasant Point Frew, William, Temuka ... Gaffaney, Michael, Temuka Gammie, James, Cave Gapes, William, Gapes Valley Garforth, Samuel, Kakahu (Christchurch) ... Garrick & Cowlishaw, The Brothers, Albury Gentleman, M. McS., Washdyke Gibson, John, Timaru Gilliatt, J. R., StumpB, Temuka Gladstone, H. J., Winchester Goodall, J., Timaru Gordon, Rev. D., Temuka Gosling, William, Coonoor, Timaru Gould, E. J., Waterfalls, Pleasant Point Graham, Archibald, Timaru ...• Grainger, Henry, Rangitata Island Grant, Andrew, Raincliff, Temuka Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Greenaway, Isaac, Bulmer Gregan, James, Pleasant Valley Greig, John, Pleasant Point Griffiths, Epbraim, Willow Bank, Orari Gudex, Michael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guscott, James, Timaru Haar, Conrad, Rangitata Hamilton, II., Clayton, Fairlie Creek Hamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hardcastle, T., jun., Woodbury Harman and Stevens, Winchester Harper and Co., Binder, Waitohi Flat Hatfield, S., Pleasant Point Hawke, Thomas, Temuka ... Hawkey, C, Pleasant Point Hay, John, Temuka ... Hay, William, Pleasant Point Hayhurst, J. T. M., Temuka Hesketh, H., Gapes Valley Heucban, John, Gillfoot, Pleasant Point ... Hewson, C, Geraldine Hewson, W., Woodbury Hide, F., Hilton Hide, William, Hilton Hitch, J., Raincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Henry, Raincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Richard, Kerry town Howell, W. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, Geraldine Hullen, Mrs. A. M., Willow Bdge, Waitohi Flat Hullen, H, jun., Waitohi Flat Hully, Daniel, Waitohi Flat Humphrey, A., Seadown, Temuka Inman, W. G., Rockwood, Albury Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Jack, W. J., Waitohi Flat Jackson, Hirinan, PleasantPoint Jones, H, Pleasant Point Kane, James, Pleasant Point Keay, W. R., Fairlie Creek Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, R., Kelland Barton, Timaru Kelland, J., sen., Hilton Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kennaway, Lee, & Acton, Pleasant Point Kennedy, W. M., Rangitata Island Kennedy, John, Geraldine Kerslake, R., Pleasant Point King, James, Timaru King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru Lawson, W. R. D., Geraldine Leary, John, Hilton Lee, Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannant, Winchester Love, John, Gapes Valley Luxmoore, Mrs. M., Marchwiel, Timaru Macdonald, A., Lower Orari, Geraldine MacDonald, A., Achablair, Pleasant Valley ... 500 35° 3000 45° 1088 610 200 Nil 80 600 Nil Nil 400 i°9S 2000 200 616 72 449 3°5° 400 500 670 1260 85 678 1200 3000 5 00 400 890 iS7o 660 392 600 •45 1350 1258 '33 1685 1380 5280 454 870 2286 239 140 631 1130 700 900 490 24850 3166 380 1497 2092 Nil 3° 1240 747 250 95 323 400 700 1030 500 224 24818 2986 293 1650 1532 180 400 IOO "77 3246 •587 102 58 800 600 Nil 292 295 27400 300 1680 160 35° 1240 4045 1598 7° 800 392 '95 95 37° 21400 Nil '3'5 250 400 300 400 4800 '95 40 500 43° Nil 72 785 4410 '95 200 300 900 500 723 2665 5°o 1400 340 230 SSO 690 3700 400 '79 200 1180 584 676 3632 500 2050 600 300 600 830 585° 77 100 80 5°o 198 220 260 540 10471 186 92 620 11080 35

0. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Macdonald, W. K. (Exec, of late), Orari ... Mathews and Trezise, Temuka Maxwell, D. Cave, Timaru McCabe, M., Waitohi Flat McCallum, O. P., Temuka McCormick, K. L., Cave, Timaru McCullough, Samuel, Temuka McCully, W., Pleasant Point McDonald, A., Riverside, Geraldine McDonald, Allan, Woodbury McDonald, James, Washdyke McDonald, J., Raincliffe, Pleasant Point McFadyen, James, Waiti, Timaru McGregor, Fergus, Cave, Timaru Mcintosh, Adam, Washdyke McKay, Donald, Peel Foreat MacKay, J. G., Pleasant. Point McKenzie, A., Riverford, Geraldine McKinnon, Donald, Rangitata Island McLean and Brown, Clayton, Timaru McLeish, J., Timaru McNab, Daniel, Rangitata . McMaster and Clark, Pleasant Point McShane, P. H, Winchester Medlicott, S., Pleasant Point, Waimate Mee, Alexander, Pleasant Point Menzies, W., Seadown, Temuka Metcalfe, Anthony, Geraldine Metherell, J. A. M., Pleasant Point Mitchell, Eli, Temuka Mitchell, Thomas, Washdyke Moody, W., Timaru Moore Brothers, Wierton, Geraldine Moore, Michael, Waitohi Flat Morrison, Thomas, Woodbury Mulcaster, T. G , Claremont Mulcaster, W., Claremont .,, Newton, W. J., Pleasant Point New Zealand Meat Company, Washdyke N.Z. and A. Land Co., Levels, Timaru N.Z., L. &M. A. Co., Newlands, Buhner ... N.Z.R.P. Co., Sherwood, Timaru Nicholson, C, Temuka Nicholson, II., Temuka Nicholson, H, jun., Kennford, Temuka Oldfield, E. R., Milford, Temuka Oldfield, William, Kerry Town Oliver, James, Pleasant Point Orr and Co., James, Waitohi Flat Osborne, George, Pareora Page, Joshua, Rockley, Timaru Painton, E., Pleasant Valley Palmer, William, Geraldine Palmer, Thomas, Cape, Temuka Parke, Thomas, the Beach, Temuka Parkerson, R. IS., Arowhenua, Temuka Parry and Breeze, Timaru Parry, Rupert, Kingsdown, Timaru Paterson, John, Temuka Patrick, John, Hillside, Hilton Patrick, W., Gapes Valley Peacock and Geaney, Timaru Pearse, D. S., Waitohi Flat Pearse, W. S., Waitohi Flat Perry, A., Storcroft, Timaru Pithie, James, Peel Forest Postlethwaite, W., Raukapuka, Geraldine ... Pringle, A. C, Roxburgh, Olaremount Quinn, Michael, Temuka Rae, David, Waitohi Plat Rae, Simon, Peel Forest Rapsey, James, Pareora Reddecliffe, R., Washdyke Rice, John, Pleasant Valley Rintoul, R. Mrs., Claremont Robertson, John, Rangitata Island Robertson, William, Rangitata Island Robinson, Joseph, Woodbury Rogerson and Paterson, Pleasant Point Rolleston, William, Canavan's Rooke, L. H., Hilton Ross, Alexander, Woodbury Ruddenklau, J. G., Rangitata Russell, P. H., (Exs. of), Otipua, Timaru ... '0555 400 100 203 83 200 I2O0O 800 87 253 Nil •223 15° 1962 120O 8oo 300 939 455 Nil 2408 Nil 100 300 7' 5° IOOO 10 28 5° 200 400 3800 263 100 3000 300 1200 1160 526 254 300 37 io Nil no 1500 500 710 145° 460 179 Nil 300 13 81 200 200 1795 135° 250 1226 170 '99 Nil 720 86 120 98 II00 353 84305 6634 20000 90 IOOO 300 91489 5754 20000 300 35° 500 300 200 24 102 IOO 500 298 170 Nil 180 7° 3000 180 128 80 2000 190 67 200 65° 605 597 433 1900 160 32 55 640 140 1806 152 10156 1475 1600 70 271 310 156 600 300 54° Nil 890 400 2500 264 76 100 645 2 2 1293 '5° 14152 1293 2000 95 221 480 195 676 100 359 396 1700 2600 7o 202 300 136 398 1800 2900 '3° Nil 5660 4609 3307





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. GuTingham, S., Fairlie Creek Godby and Clulee, Waratah, Timaru Goldsborough & Co., Ben Ohau, Omarama ,.. Goodwin J. E., Fairlie Creek Grant, Alex., Gray's Hill, Burke's Pass Grant, W., Irishman's Creek, Timaru Grant and Hope, Richmond, Lake Tekapo ... Hayter, Francis, Rollesby (Amberley) Hope and Musgrave, Richmond, Lake Tekapo Hunter, George, Cave ... Irving, Richard, Albury... Mackay, Duncan, Fairlie Creek ... Maitland and Stronach, Bola Hill, Omarama Matheson, John, Simon's Pass, Lake Tekapo McDonald, L„ Sawdon, Burke's Pass McGregor, John, Glenmore, Lake Tekapo ... McLean, Donald, Strathconan, Fairlie Creek Miller, Henry, Pleasant Point Milne, Evans and Le Cren, Strathallan, Fairlie Creek N..M. & A. Co., N.Z., Three Springs, Timaru N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Balmoral and Braemar, Lake Tekapo Nixon, John, Fairlie Creek Pringle, William. Haldon Timaru... Radove, Nicolo, The Mistake, Lake Tekapo... Richardson, Hon. E., Albury Rutherford, J. S., Opawa, Albury Rutherford, R. and E. S., Albury Saunders, W., The Wolds, Lake Tekapo Sibbald, W., Lily Bank, Burke's Pass Smart, David, Fairlie Creek Smith, Albert, Albury Snushall, Samuel, Langdon, Fairlie Creek ... Stevenson, J., and Co., Lake Tekapo Sutherland, E.& Co., Birch Hill, L. Tekapo... Sutton Brothers, Bola Hill, Omarama Sutton, J. A., Black Forest,Burke's Pass ... 38°° 4000 ioooo 1466 17000 9000 16000 13720 785 800 89 8000 10500 12200 6161 393 2832 42.35 457° 15000 1319 17150 8500 Nil 13807 16000 98S 74° 95 55°° 9000 I IOOO 12500 6646 400 2988 1596.5 16878 16480 16200 2318 22500 15000 3°345 20000 12750 20000 9000 380 500 280 I5S00 Sooo 9000 I IOOO 2020 23600 15000 36457 2OI5O 123OO 2000O 7000 6.30 400 22 164OO 5977 Nil Nil WAIMATE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Agnew, James, Burnside, St. Andrews Anderson, James, Deep Creek, Waimate ... Anderson, William, St. Andrews Andrews, James, Burley, Makikihi Allan and Stumbles, Timaru Armstrong, Robt., Craigieburn, Waimate ... Bailey, C. S., Col., Bourndale, Makikihi Bank of N.Z., Eskbank, St. Andrews Bank of N.Z., Waihaorunga, Temuka Baxter, R. G., Waimate Bell and Moorhead, Otaio Bell, Robert, Waimate Blyth, Alexander, Otaio Bennett, James, Waimate Bourn, Charles, Makihikihi Bourn, J. T., Makikihi Boyle and Reeves, Woolshed Gully, Otaio ... Bradshaw, John, Riverside, St. Andrews ... Brown and Burnley, Hafton, Otaio Brown, George, Deep Creek, Waimate Brown, J. A., Waimate Bruce & McLaren, Bankfield, St. Andrews ... Buchanan, R., Waimate Caird, David, Pareora Cameron, Dugald, Waimate Campbell, R. and Sons (Limited), StationPeak, Waimate Campbell, Robert, Pareora Cague, S., St. Andrews Carter, Andrew, Makikihi Chamberlain, T., Happy Home, Pareora ... Champion, Richard, Waimate Chianall W. H, Makikihi Cochrane, James, Waituna, Waimate Coe, F. W. Cloverdale, St. Andrews Copland, A., and Co., St. Andrews Copland, Alex., Haweburn, St. Andrews Crengle, John, Waimate Crow, E, Waihao Cumming, Thomas, Cave Douglas, John, Waihao, Waimate 417845 422906 300 300 '4 505 160 450 8100 850 80 373 1865 300 1250 3°3 Nil .36 3020 87°S 233 200 123 58000 200 270 Nil 364 2426 9838 24632 611 600 347 96 474 Nil 59° 1120 850 900 140 3000 7680 273 300 210 62500 686 80 425 100 40 15° 100 400 60 15° "5 Nil 500 Nil 900 556 Nil 55° 200 205 20022 334 39i 25887

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Ryan, Patrick, Hilton Samuel, John, Kerry Town Icott, James, Temuka leales, Mark, Waitohi Flat lealey, E. P., Ellerslie, Timaru Seaton, Daniel, Blar, Waitohi Flat leward, Bros., Geraldine Shaw, C. R., Stemdale, Timaru Shaw, David, Geraldine Shepherd, James, Sutherland's Skinner, J., Hilton Skinner, R., Hilton Slack, W. U., Woodside, Geraldine Smith, A. B., Mona Vale, Cave Smith, Dennistoun, & Co., Rangitata Isld. ... Smith, J. B., Pleasant Point Smith, John, sen., Cliff, Timaru Smith, J., jun., Timaru Smith, l^ichard, Hilton Snell, William, Rangitata Island Squire, Henry, White Rock, Cave Stevenson, William, Washdyke Stewart, R. E., Totara, Pleasant Point Stewart, W., Flaxbourne, Orari Stoddart, John, Washdyke Stumbles, J., Albion Farm, Cave Studholme, Banks, and Wigley, P. Point ... Sullivan, James, Guirteen, Pleasant Point ... Sutherland, Alexander, Pleasant Point Sutherland and Bisdee, Temuka Palbot, George, Rangitata Mand Palbot, John, Temuka Paylor, Duncan, Rangitata Island Pay lor and Flatman, Woodbury Pay lor, Robert, Bush Side, Geraldine Phateher, John, Woodbury Phew, Robert, Peel Forest Phomas, Rees, Temuka Phomson & McKenzie, Waitohi Flat Phomson and Smith, Temuka Poomey, E. H, Springfield, Hilton Pownsend, J., Glentire, Gapes Valley Pozer, Fred, Pleasant Point Pripp, C. G., Woodbury Purton, W. P., Woodbury i^allender, Edward, Temuka Walker, L., Mt. Four Peaks, Geraldine Walker, William, Longsight, Temuka Ward, John, Pareora Wareing, Philip, Milford, Temuka Watts, H. Rangitata Vhite, Thomas, Temuka Whittaker, John, Timaru Wightman, M., Waitohi Flat Willcock, Lot, Geraldine Wilson, J. and S., Allandale, Fairlie Creek ... Woodhead, G., Temuka Wooding, T. P., Woodland, Woodbury Voofindin, E., Geraldine Voolcombe, B., Timaru Vright, H, jun., Rangitata Island Vright and Perry, Claremont, Timaru Vright, James, Temuka Vright, William, Temuka Foudale, H, Pleasant Hill, Timaru fcrang, D., Waitohi Flat iToung, J. A., Winchester foung, Richard, Winchester 600 400 170 166 180 2070 125 '59 1701 95° 400 900 605 1600 4 1688 '35 292 2396 900 79° 800 480 2380 I IOO 18000 700 629 250 5° 300 474 609 889 958 IOO 648 26000 17000 600 700 400 65 569 395 1300 io59 800 '5° 735 27000 3000 600 3000 '800 17 560 "37 IOO 400 Nil 986 200 840 '5° 299 1198 240 Nil 87 49° 395 100 74° 660 400 1072 200 5° 482 484 Nil 48922 1545 14700 996 5268 i95 100 180 37 7213 35° 618 270 17 420 325° 280 800 295 300 '5° 49299 1300 266 15705 1090 140 5587 153 5° 257 Nil 100 14015 400 679 170 23 322 3200 375 800 279 IOOO 400 225 S78633 6'739: MACKENZIE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision), lllan, Robert, Fairlie Creek \.shby, F. J., Albury ... Brown and Gray, Ashwick, Timaru Burnett, A., Cave, Timaru Burnett, A., Mount Cook, Timaru Chapman and Co., Grampians, Burke's Pass Uowan, Andrew, Lake Tekapo Darke E., Glentanner, Lake Tekapo Dickson, S. R., Albury Donaldson & Gunn, Black Forest, Burke's Pass Duncan, J. & J., Rhoborough Dns., Omarama 692 1158 25000 1300 6100 21783 8000 IOOOO 650 472 1589 25046 1700 6288 22000 7000 IOOOO 740 I IOOO 14000 14000

H .—ll.




OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of I 31st Sheep on May. 1883. 1884. Easton, William, Waimate Elworthy, E., Pareora Evans, Benjamin, Pareora Evans and Mills, Waihao Forks, Waimate ... Ferguson and McQueen, Waimate Forrest, Robert, Waimate Gibson, E., Waitangi, Dunedin Gibson, James, Makikihi Godsell, J., Hakateramea Farm, Kurow Goostry, H, Makikihi aoostry, W., Makikihi Green, Samuel, Waimate 3 unn, David, Waimate Hamilton, Andrew, Makikihi Hare, William, Willow, Makikihi Harper, James, Makikihi >.. Hayes, Alpheua, Bush, Waimate Hendry, Charlea, Summerleigh, Pareora Hill, B. G., St. Andrews Hurst, C. J., Brooklands, Waimate lackson, Ambrose, Makikihi lackson, Charles, Makikihi fenkins, J. H, Makikihi fohn8ton, H. B., Otaio (Christchurch) fones, P., Waieri Farm, Studholme Junction Lane, Norman, Hakateramea, Kurow Laurie, G., St. Andrews Lavers, E., Mrs., St. Andrews Lees, James, Clarkesfield, Waimate Lovegrove, G. F., Highway, Makikihi Maddocks, J. H., Waimate Manchester, J. and G., Waimate Marshall, Thomas, St. Andrews Martin, A.., Otaio Martin, David, Otaio McGregor, J., & Co., Waihaorunga, Waimate McGoverin and Hardy, Waimate Mcllwrick, James, The Cliffs, Makikihi McKay, Robert, Waimate McKenzie,-John, St. Andrews McLean, Allan, Waitaki North McLean, A. F., Makikihi Medlicott, S., Waimate Meehan, James, St. Andrews Meek, J. and T., Huratlea, Kurow Merry, John, Hook, Waimate Miller, John, Strathnoon, Waimate Molloy, John, Waimate Moody and Burt, Craigmore, Timaru Mooney, P., Waimate Morria, G. A., Fairview, St. Andrews Mowat, A., Waiwate Newlands, William, Makikihi N.Z. & A. L. Co., St. Andrews N.Z. & A. L. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow 49920 285 2840 500 25000 363 3100 1500 5°57° 290 4'33 650 35° 25000 666 5048 35° 60 580 70 600 215 480 2045 275 395 99° Nil 489 400 '5° 3070 305 1265 60 180 896 2550 1850 2957 600 3° 325 4008 2128 57 5240 IOOO 495 310 2313 22237 1100 IOOO 12 25O 4430O I42 398 60 464O 320 196 4000 1080 Nil 6150 3° 69 79° 373 2816 745 Nil '979 900 3° 9' 49200 83 43° 85 6142 3° 344 500 14500 385 598 565 285 32949 58800 IOOOO 1105 54° 300 3°83i 573°°

no. Ol 1 31st 1883. May. I 1884. I N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow... O'Brien Bros., Waihao Downs, Waimate O'Brien, Michael, Woodland, Waimate Oliver, George, Waitaki North Orbell, C. N., Levels Palmer, J. G., St. Andrews ■ ' ... Parker Bros., Elephant Hill, Waimate Peacocke, G. R., Sherwood, Mikikihi Pelvin, Richard, Waitaki North Pigeon, A., Meadow Bank, St. Andrews Poff, James, Makikihi Potter, Alexander, Pinewood, Waimate Price, Leonard, Waimate Priest, John, Pareora Proctor, A., St. Andrews Quinn, N., Makikihi Rattray, A., Hook, Waimate Reid, John, Makikihi Rhodes, R. H., jun., Bluccliffs Rickman, F. M., Waimate Ritchie, J. M., Cannington, Cave Scrimgeour, W. T., Akaterawa, Oamaru Shearer, Allan, Ardyne, Waimate Simkinson, J. E. G., Mt. Harris,Waimate ... Slee, Frank, Waimate Smith, Andrew, Waimate Smith, Thomas, Waimate Stewart, R., Waitaki North Studholme, M., Studholme Junction Teschemaker, Thomas, Otaio Thomas, A. F., Makikiki Thompson, W., Makikihi Thomson, R., Otaio Ward, C. D. R., Kurow Wright, Richard, Hunter 27160 960 293 3840 2300 28 21937 1020 800 764 35° 3597 2 861 1867 200 200 29554 800 i°534 18000 650 2485 1546 ■ 90 285 735 57"4 18000 1062 28500 795 446 5210 150° 73 18304 1856 595 460 401 5i° 355i Nil 18 758 300 175° 28832 1650 "34° 18500 . 556 2378 58i 225 255 1360 5949° 19800 1460 163 260 919 1287 646193 200 1900 701 598692 WESTLAND COUNTY. (In Westland Subdivision.) Burrough, Joseph, Okarito Cumming, Andrew, Bloomfield, Kanieri Deidrich & Karnbach, Kokatahi, Kanieri Ecclesfield, Robert, Kokatahi, Kanieri Graham, John, Longford, Kanieri Harcourt, R. A., Arahura, Hokitika Harris, Thomas, Balmoral, Kanieri Harris, W., Rangiriri, Christchurch Road ... Jones, R. E., Arahura Keech, W., Kumara Passmore, William, Kumara Peart, T. F., Dillman'a Town Peart, Thomas, Dillman's Town Thomas, Hugh, Arahura 43 120 75° 90 87 120 218 55 106 900 96 Nil 52 296 36 134 102 28 44 3i Nil 91 90 25 1634 i88o

RETUEN showing the Sheepowners and the M"umi ber of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the flat May, 1883 and 1884. No. of 31st iheep on May. 1833. 1884. WAITAKI COUNTY. (In Oamaru Subdivision), .dam, Stephen, jun., Hampden itchison, A., Springfield, Herbert .itchison, G., Woodhouselee, Awamoko itchison, Peter, Waikoura, Awamoko .ndrew, John, Winterburn, Hampden .tkinaon, E. B., Gorge, Oamaru lalfour, A., Mansfield, Oamaru Sarr, J. H, Crighton, Oamaru larr, William, Maheno lissett, William, Oamaru Sorrie, Donald, Papakaio Sorton, J., Maerewhenua, Duntroon 3280 65 272 729 400 1500 IOOO 4"5 94 275 95° 21 1200 1714 410 83° Nil 2800 17600 250 1024 15° 700 15650

0. 01' Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Bruce, G. and J., Streamside, Maheno Bryce, Smith, Oamaru Budge, J., Otepopo Burgess, J., Herbert Burnett, James, Awamoko Butters, G., Papakaio Cameron, J., Horse Gully, Papakaio Campbell, C, Glenrose, Hampden Campbell, D., Creekside, Hampden Campbell, G., Ben Lomond Park, Duntroou Campbell, R. jun., Benmore, Omarama Campbell, R., jun., Otekaike, Duntroon Collis, Frederick, Oamaru Conlin, J., Ngapara CruickahankB, William, Enfield Culling, Joseph, Hillgrove, Moeraki Dasler, L., Otiake Davidson, John, Woodlands, Herbert DaviB, Oscar, Maheno 292 400 Nil 298 683 IOOO 1200 268 75 400 35° 260 296 8'3 Nil 3900 3'4 85 840 76000 47000 104 365 1076 555o 49 700 142 75000 48000 48 410 039 3300 37 5°° 53


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep oa 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Dennison, T., Hilderthorpe, Pnkeuri Dennison, William, Saltaire, Pukeuri Doig, William, Oamaru Donaldson, J. F., Hampden Dunbar, W., Waitaki South Duncan, Thomas, Pukeuri Dunn, David, Oamaru Easton, William, Weymouth, Pukeuri Edwards, IE, Green Bank, Oamaru Elder, J. R., Oaklands, Maheno Falconer, George, Warriaton, Ngapara Fen wick, Fairfax, Maheno Fenwick, L. G., Waimotu, Maheno Fenwiek, William, Maraweka, Maheno Findlay, James, Hillhouae, Hampden Forsytbe, C, Maheno Fricker, Edward, Georgetown Fricker, Mary, Georgetown Gard, W., Kurow Gardiner, W., Tapui Downs, Ngapara Garrow, James, Ardgowan, Oamaru Gemmell, James, Cowden, Maheno Gilchrist, J. C, Oamaru Gillies, Archibald, Hampden Gordon, Peter, Oamaru Grant, W. S., Georgetown Gray, A., Otiake Gray, W. L., Pukeuri Hall Brothers, Georgetown Hall, Thomas, Boutrig, Awamoko Hartley, Jonas, Pukeuri Hay, Robert, Awawcka, Oamaru -Henderson, John, Awamoko Henderson, T., Herbert Heron, David, Herbert Hill, T. C, Longslip, Omarama Hodgkinson, E., Longslip, Omarama Hodgson, J., Hampden Holmes, Hon. M., Awamoa, Oamaru Home, Thomas, Springside, Maheno Howden, W., Glenmore, Ngapara Hunter, John, Airedale, Papakaio Hutchison, George, Rockland, Ngapara Jardine, T. and J., Awamoko Johnson and Neilson, Pukeuri Johnston, John, Georgetown Johnston, R., Awamoko Jessop, C, Ferncliff, Ngapara Kemp, J. and T., Hampden Lane, Norman, Oamaru Laurence, John, River Bank, Maheno Ledingham, George, Maheno Lefevre, John, Westfield Park, Hampden Lindsay, H. and Co., Pukeuri Junction Little, H. & T., Ngapara Marshall, A., Herbert Maude, A. H, Elvington, Oamaru Macauly, R., Totara Park, Oamaru Maitland & Stronach, Lake Ohau, Omarama McBride, J., Maheno McDonald, Angus, Georgetown McDonald, George, Maheno McDonald, Peter, Otiake Melntyre, Malcolm, Papakaio McKay, H, Allday Bay, Kakanui McKeilar and Middleton, Kurow McKenzie, T., Allday Bay, Kakanui McKerrow, Andrew, Dunton, Hampden McLean, James, Allday Bay, Kakanui McLean, John, Redcastle, Oamaru McLeod, Hector, Hillgrove McMaster, A., Waikaura, Oamaru McMaater, A., Tokarahi, Duntroon McNaught, A., Georgetown McPhail and Jamieson, Omarama McPhee, Neil, Awamoko McPherson, Bros., Maheno McWilliam, A. A., Hampden Meek, W., Teaneraki, Enfield Menlove, E., Windsor Park, Oamaru Miller, H. J., Fernbrook, Oamaru Millington Brothers, Hensley, Papakaio Mitchell, H, Parkside, Weston Mitchell, James, Kakanui 52 79 487 250 5°5 400 4000 485 16000 1100 53°° '5° 200 167 274 20500 Nil 726 35°° 197 392 180 1100 300 200 '55 43° 500 I IOOO 41 435° 400 2500 5°4 786 300 336 35° '55° 55° 176 400 '3 93 3'° 890 100 2 80 167 300 200 200 465 170 245 163 4800 500 16138 2250 7100 180 197 363 300 70 21800 47° 780 4200 49 169 594 3° 80 1800 300 406 1445 146 700 600 Nil 12000 93 4240 200 590 37°° 1200 785 400 400 300 1310 600 Nil 38i 33° 90 37° 1080 420 IOO 409 245 1600 320 IOO 12000 100 Nil 75° 8050 372 200 384 290 1310 56 500 250 365 4' 14698 80 4947 24000 633 8150 61 74° 95 375° 24874 600 Nil 600 45° IOO 5100 23500 5" 7000 31 600 IOO 5000 20887 44° 80 796 220

No. of 31st iheep on May. 1883. I 1884. Morrisby, W. S., Herbert Morrison, Robert, Herbert Morton, M., Ardbeg, Herbert Morton, M., Kakanui Mt. Ida Co., Rugged Ridges, Oamaru Murcot, William, Hampden Murdoch, A., Centre Park, Ngapara Murray, W. M., Kurow N.Z. A. L. Co., Ardgowan, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Moeraki, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Mt. Dasher, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Kourow N.Z. A. L. Co., Totara, Oamaru Nicholson, T. IE, Pukeuri ■ Nicholson, W., Woodside, Hampden Nisbet, Henry, Otiake Oliver, Hon. R, Corriedale, Windsor Orr, John, Otiake Paterson, A., Woodlands, Herbert Paterson and Sons, Eskdals, Ngaparo Paton, J., Papakaio Paton, R., Pukeuri Pringle, J., Bowhill, Livingstone Reid, John, Balruddery, Enfield Reid, John, Elderslie, Oamaru Reid, T., Gibb's Lea, Ngapara Robertson, A., Herbert Robertson, J., Valleyfield, Maheno Robertson, T., Herbert Robertson, W., Maheno Ross, Bros., Hill Grove Ross, Hugh, Awamoko Roxburgh, H, Springhead, Ngapara Roxby, E. W., Awamoa, Oamaru Rutherford, W. G., Rugged Ridges, Kurow Scott, Joseph, Otiake Scott, R., CrosBlea Farm, Herbert Scddon, R., Kartigi, Shag Point Junctn. Shirres, W., Aviemore, Kurow Sim, Alexander, Tullymett, Maheno Simpson, William, Otiake Sise, G. L., Ashland, Hampden Smillie, Mrs. J., Awamoko Stevenson, T., Windermere, Maheno Stewart, R., Awamoko, Waitaki North Stringer, William, Duntroon Sutherland, W., jun., Duntroon Sutherland, W., senr., Livingstone Sutton Brothers, Ohau, Omarama Taylor, J. A., Duntroon Taylor, J. and T, Springbank, Duntroon Taylor, P., Hilton Farm, Duntroon Teschemaker and Co., Kurow TeBchemaker, W. H, Taipo, Maheno Teschemaker, W.H.,Kamoo Hill, Maheno ... Thomson, A., Kakanui Thomson, Hugh, Ngapara Thompson, Robert, Strathfield, Maheno Thorne, G., jun., Maheno Todd, C. and J. M., Tottenham, Enfield ... Turnbull, J., Swamp, Oamaru Turnbull, W., Herbert Wait, J. S. Dr., Oamaru Walker, Alexander, Pukeuri Watson, Garden, Pukeuri Westlake, T., Ngapara William, Joseph, WbitBtone, Oamaru Wilson, James, Papakaio Wilson, John, Papakaio Wilson, J. and S., Oamaru Young, Colin, Maheno Young & Dalgety, Omarama 362 185 403 Nil 190 38s 8 37022 Nil 45° 4416 8023 19036 12120 23865 17376 56 400 183S 9100 8482 19457 13542 22329 21826 46 100 291 8800 258 1300 500 375 200 78 14300 20000 300 10695 23 1020 IOOO 35° 300 151 12000 500 222 176 300 5° 500 200 608 70 21500 430 '57 '45 320 100 55° 300 1060 60 288 3000 696 IS2 1298 230 600 769 180 650 6000 1800 600 783 28000 3640 21265 1900 IOOO 489 75° 258 I IOO 2450 168 385 3200 IOIOO 869 Nil 135° 424 982 580 486 260 204 Nil 1400 810 59° 28000 121 300 460 9° l8o l6o 34°° 23061 Nil 280 99° Nil . 694 1820 Nil 6000 300 1430 182 732 230 95° 7059 IOOO 47726 656398 790 4000 150 47892 62IO95 MANIOTOTO COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Agnew, H. Blackstone Hill Anderson, J. F., Blackstone Hill Annett, William, Hyde Armstrong, William, Becks Baxter Bros., Hamilton's Beattie, J., Cambrian Blackely, John, Gimmerburn 9° Il8 90 III 99 167 22 644 128 IOO


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Botting, R. P., NaBehy Bruhnes, John, Hyde Buchanan, N. L., Naseby Buckland, J. C, Taieri Lake, Waikouaiti ... Campbell, John, Kyeburn Cleugh, A., Moa Farm, Naseby Connolly, P. A., Hyde Creighton, John, Kyeburn Qreighton, Joseph, Naseby Coyle, John, Kyeburn Crossan, S., Rough Ridge Currie and Sons, Kyeburn Dalgety, F. G., Ilawkdun, St. Bathan's Dowling, John, Hyde Dowling, William, Hyde Duncan, D., Naseby Durward, John, Kyeburn Elliott, Matthew, Hyde Fenton, John, Gimmerburn Flamank, Henry, Hyde Glenn, Robert, Naseby Greer, P. J., Patearoa Grummet!, Win., Naseby Guffie, W., Naseby Harman, S., Blackball, Linburn Heany, James, Hyde Henderson, J., Swinburn, Kyeburn Hickey, Thomas, Hyde Hicks, John, Naseby Hore, Jas., Naseby Hore, R. R., Naseby Howard, Peter, Swinburn Howell Bros., Hamilton's Inder, R. & S., Naseby Kearney, Patrick, Naseby Keenan and Morgan, St. Bathan's Kelly, Joseph, Fullarton'B, Hyde Kinney, Patrick, Hyde Laughton, John, Hyde Laverty, John, Hyde Law, John, Gimmerburn •Law, Peter, Sowburn, Naseby Logan, E. H. Mrs., Marietanga, Kyeburn ... Logan, Robert, Te Whare, Kyeburn Lory, John, Naseby Mackenzie, M. J. S., Kyeburn Maisey, J. M., Kyeburn Maniototo Farming Company, Kyeburn, ... Mann, William, Kyeburn Mathewson, L., Taieri Lake, Hyde Mawhinney, Wilson, Naseby ... McDevitt, Jas., Blackstone Hill McDevitt, William, Blackstone Hill McErleane, H, Gimmerburn McKay, Alexander, Hyde McISnight, J., Blackstone Hill .„ McLean, Charles, Riverside, Hyde McLenan, Alexander, Wedderburn McLuskey, P., Naseby McMaster, A., Middle Kyeburn McNamara, J. Lower, Kyeburn Mee, Thos., Becks Millar, W. J., Naseby Millward, A., Mrs , Becks Morton, Mark, Hyde Mount Ida P.I. Co., Eweburn, Naseby Mowat, Alexander, Kyeburn Mulholland, J., Naseby Murdoch, G., Naseby Murray, Roberts, & Co., Patearoa, Hamilton's O'Connell, Edward, Hyde Packman, Joseph, Eweburn, Naseby Paterson, Anthony, Kyeburn Pearson, A., Kyeburn PogBon, F. G., Becks Preston, Joseph, Longlands, Kyeburn Ramsay, J. J., Fairlegb, Hyde Roberts, Mark, Gimmerburn Ross and Glendinning, Lauder, Cambrian ... Rowley and Hamilton, Hamilton's Sbeunan, Watson, Puketoi, Hamilton's Scott, John, Kyeburn Smithson, R., Hyde St. Bathans Land Co., St. Bathans "5 IOOO '5744 19622 80 272 3000 5o 6000 17650 200 5° 1840 435 478 IOO 390 859 280 189 1227 86 255 240 20 200 6000 200 12 1600 820 299 690 1250 75° 45° 34200 8< 99: 1729: 1994! 2?< 141 49: 35°< 22< 12: 29: 4001 I959< 3°' ioi 11 5< Nil 29: 37' io< 1091 82< 23' 301 i6< Nil 13: l;< 201 3°' 44! 37: 701 3°' 500. 20! 5°' i6o< 961 'S< 1301 i88< 133: 20( 3'7°< I4< . 281 12; 1501 201 5' 5; 20( Nil 5< 20< 1828 1020 300 5° 53 178 200 60 200 I0( I 201 6oot 55°° 75 500 200 9! 5°' 25' 301 IOC 24201 2I< ■ 300 Nil 22602 200 830 250 28433 200 37661 14160 I IOI 201 2878I 2S< 301 3' 111 3714" 1291, 2 i8i 37i3' 2138; 32001 5°< 45< 4001 20 31*27 19386 32000 520 280 3357

0. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. I 1884. Tierney, A., St. Bathan's Trotter Brothers, Hyde Turnbull, C. A., Hamilton's Turnbull, G., Hillside, BlackBtone Hill Turnbull, R. M., Hamilton's Weir and Smith, Naseby White and Davidson, Naseby Williamaon, K., Hyde 393 280 25000 IOO 280 7, 39' 10001 301 15601 81 35' 801 513 345620 36193' VINCENT COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Anderson, James, Ida Valley Beatty and Jenkins, Ophir Bell, SirF. D., Ida Valley, Ophir (Black's) ... Bell, T. H, Clyde Bell, William, Bellvue, Bendigo Bennett, William, Cromwell Brady, William, Ophir Brown, Archibald, Becks Butler, John, Bald Hill Flat Campbell, R., jun., Galloway, Alexandra ... Chappie, J. C, Ophir Colquhon, C, Ben Wyvis, Albert T. Corrigall, James, Ophir Cowan, J. B., Bannockburn Dalgety and Co., Morven Hills and Ardgour, Cromwell Dawkins, James, Cromwell Drummy, J., Alexandra South Field, George, Alexandra Flannery, Thomas, Ophir Fraser, Howden and Fraser, Hawea Flat Fraser, William, Earnscleugh, Clyde Gibson, Charles, Bald Hill Flat Glassford, J. G., Matakanui, Ophir Glass, Joseph, Ophir Graham and Walton, Hawksburn, Clyde Grant, William, Luggate Hamilton, John, Black's, Clyde Harrington, P., Black's, Ophir Howell, Loughnan, & Cox, M. Pisa, Cromwell Jones, J. C, Ophir Kemp, J. R., Bald Hill Flat Laidlaw, W., Matakanui, Ophir McArthur, J., Clyde McGettigan and Sorrenson, Bald Hill Flat.,. McGregor, R., Hunter River, Hawea Flat ... MclntoBh, Robert, Ophir Mcintosh, R., Ida Valley Farm, Ophir McKellar, D., Cromwell McLaren & Turnbull, Moutere, Alexandra ... McRae, John, Bendigo Murphy Brothers, Tinker's Gully Naylor, Ben, Clyde Nevill, James, Ophir N.Z. & A.L. Co., ISawarau, Cromwell Nicolson, Donald, Ophir O'Connell, William, Nevis O'Donnell, Charles, Bendigo Oliver, A. A., Clyde Parks, James, Clyde Pedersen, James, Ophir Perriam, C, Mrs., Cromwell Pitches, John, Ophir Poison, John, Bendigo Ritchie, James, Cromwell Sloan, James, Ophir Smith, James, Ophir Spain, Thomas, Ophir Stewart, W. G., Makarora Symons, Mrs., Makarora Tobin, Henry, Cromwell ... Towan, John, Grove Farm, Cromwell White, James, Bald Hill Flat "Wilson, Arthur, Ophir Wilson, Thomas, Clyde 370 35072 204 94 2760 35 100 69000 121 4000 9800 118069 75 80 14700 22200 48 369H 400 '3973 500 220 550 44000 39 97 Nil 35805 400 20 Nil 30 IOO 800 68000 180 350° 15° 12000 "59°° 89 IOO 200 204 1358° 215OO '93 Nil 200 22348 Nil 35° 132° 47500 180 Nil 37965 500 253 3000 S°° 650 500 19000 300 Nil 600 3000 250 600 19200 80 3°2 300 72 335°° 180 80 182 338 98 31000 230 120 294 230 Nil 13° 60 70 74 3°5 160 120 15° 72 500 12 300 1700 7333 330 185 5 70 1610 6400 300 66 240 160 47 220 90 449561 442513 LAKE COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Baird, B. R., Arrow River 600 20


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of I 31st heep on May. 1883. 1884. 3oult, P. B., Queenstown 3oyes Brothers, Kawarau Falls, Frankton ... 3ritish & N.Z. M. & A. Co. Limited, Minaret, Pembroke 3rown, John, Queenstown 3utel, John, Arrow River 3 utel, Peter, Arrow River 3utement, J., North Station, Queenstown ... Cameron, D. A., Queenstown Cameron, Ewen, Matukituki, Pembroke Campbell, H., Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Minaret, Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Wanaka, Pembroke Chalmers, Archibald, Pembroke Chalmers, John, Malaghan's Dalgety & Co., Walter Pk., Queenstown Daniels, F., Queenstown )avidson, Robert, Queenstown Dewar, J. S., Saddle Hill, Queenstown Douglas, A. H., Douglas Vale, Arrow River ... ilvans, E., Cherry Farm, Frankton fenn, J. C., Paradise Flat, Queenstown flint, James, Frankton forbes and Co., Arthur Point, Shotover }rant, Alexander, Frankton Jrant, William, Dreadnought, Luggate I'aines, C. H., Queenstown rolly, D. C, Arrow River Serin, John, Cardrona Serin, P., Royal Burn, Arrow River jawton & Gardiner, Moke Ck., Queenstown McAllister, William, Queenstown tlcBride, Francis, Frankton HcBride, John, Glenorohy SIcDonnell, T., Arrow River Vlclntosh, AnguB, Skipper's tfeKay, J., Rev., Arrow River tlcKenzie & Mcintosh, Lome Peak, Kingston SlcLeod, D., Kingston kfcPherson, Hugh, Pembroke tfeiklejohn, Mrs. J., Queenstown tforrisby, A. H., Eastbourne, Arrow River ... ST.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Birchgrove, Queens. ... <T,Z. L. & M. A. Co., Birchdale, Queens. »T.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Fern Hill, Queens. n".Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Nicholas, Queens. ... tficol, J., Fernhill & Mt. Nicholas, Queenst'n Paterson, W., Ayrburn, Arrow River Mtchard, Robert, Arrow River lose, Bros., Arrow River Scoles, William, Arrow River Scott, John, Malaghan's Smith, W. J., Arthur's Pt., Queenstown Southland Investment Co., Kinloch Phompson, H. S.,WanakaWest, Pembroke ... Protter, W. S., Greenvale, Kingston Purner, J., Queenstown Vhelan, James, Arrow River Vhite, George, Arrow River Vithers and Co., Queenstown 21750 1485 6250 14700 60 120 500 36 30000 677 6479 10510 £4522 280 83 4Soo 300 2000 44° 27 26900 5 000 500 7428 Nil 36435 350 90 3943 100 Nil 45° 850 1030 100 Nil 260 2170 400 200 1100 Nil 1400 340 Nil 235 130 90 60 130 80 60 360 Nil 300 129 3° 96 Nil Nil 5000 400 100 400 IOOOO 400 3° 3° 140 39°° 6 200 4000 5000 1600 1500 3500 3000 45°° 4200 Nil Nil Nil Nil 11000 5000 10800 200 2200 207 36 100 2770 9000 8321 50 212 5° 1200 154 Nil Nil 35°8 Nil 8498 100 200 300 7000 196456 300 6000 WAIHEMO COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Lnderson, John, Palmerston Jell, A. D., Shag Valley Bennett, William, Hyde Cameron, H., Centrewood, Palmerston misholm, W., Green Valley jlark, George, Macrae's Flat Cochrane, James, Palmerston Jockerell, B., Macrae's Flat )urle, James, Palmerston Davies, A. G., Dunbaek Donaldson, Robert, Macrae's Flat flynn, Lawrence, Macrae's Flat eraser, A,, Macrae's Flat fraser, Hugh, Green Valley eraser, James, Macrae's Flat irarvan, Archibald, Dunbaek xifford, Peter, Macrae's Flat Hover, J. E., Shag Valley lanlon, D., Macrae's Flat 161033 200 48940 330 305 80 600 1500 42899 33°° 926 240 500 2825 5° 900 50 Nil 200 100 66 56 1000 1200 300 320 190 54i 97 500 200 75 90 455 300 7—H. 11.

1. oi dim ep 31 st May. 1883. 1834. Efartstonge, J., jun., Macrae's Flat Tayes, John, Macrae's Flat Teffernan, William, Moonlight robnstone, R., Hilhampton, Palmerston Silgour, Alexander, Flag Swamp Sitchener, H, the Grange, Palmerston Macdonald, John, Shag Valley tfassey, James, Inch Valley, Dunbaek Hatheson, John, Palmerston Matheson, M., Hyde Hatheson, R., Green Valley McAdie, James, Palmerston McKenzie, J., Oykell Farm, Dunbaek HcLeod, P., Islay Downs, Waihemo McRae, Duncan, Macrae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Green Valley Huir, David, Green Valley Muir, John, Shag Valley, Palmerston Munro, Donald, Palmerston Rich, F. D., Bushy Park, Palmerston Robertson, W. Terrace Farm, Palmerston ... Ross Bros., Meadow Bank, Palmerston Ross, George, Shag Valley Service, J., New Smithston, Palmerston Sloan, G., Roebank, Flag Swamp Stenhouse, James, Palmerston Sutherland, J. and A., Palmerston Swallow, Edward, Goodwood, Palmerston ... Wright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerston ... SToung, J. S., Goodwood, Palmerston 620 180 700 150 143 2430 350 18106 Nil 2188 90 3800 350 Nil 1400 792 392 '77 500 1740 101 1587 1107 2800 500 85 455 450 1510 Nil 500 180 3000 136 1805O 200 1796 90 2050 280 700 IO90 789 35° 187 388 1400 2000 970 2700 650 9' 300 1545 200 400 24O (In Oamaru Subdivision). Braithwaite, John, Palmerston Brunton, David, Palmerston Campbell, Donald, Shag Valley rordon, John, Dunbaek McDonald, Hugh, Palmerston McGregor, Charles, Palmerston McLeod, Donald, PalmerBton Miller, James, Palmerston Munro, Alexander, Shag Valley Murray, R. S., Shag Valley Murray, W. and D., Dunbaek Rich, F. D., Shag Point, Palmerston Sinton, Alister, Palmerston 93.871 98,449 254 500 90 273 100 112 19; Nil Nil 590 286 900 66 91 141 9' 49< 39' 1001 7' 2101 1071 Nil 2500 1000 1400 (In Dunstan Subdivision.) Matheson, J. E., Hartfield, Hyde ST.Z. and A.L. Co., Deep Dell, Macrae's Ceviotdale, Alexander, Hyde 8,071 5.66 32507 600 233' 2953. 701 Total in County 33107 3256. 135049 13667 WAIKOUAITI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Bannatyne, Alexander, Waikouaiti Borthwick, Robert, Waikouaiti Buckland, J. C, Tumai, Waikouaiti Jlyma and Nankivell, Waikouaiti 3outts, John, Jane Field, Palmerston )owan, W., Lower Tumai, Waikouaiti Douglas, J., Mount Royal, Palmerston Duncan, John, Cherry Farm, Waikouaiti ... Teckler, W., Hawkesbury, Waikouaiti Tertslet, H. N., Waikouaiti reffries, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp jindsay, John, Flag Swamp McDonald, Donald, Flag Swamp McLean, Hugh, Waikouaiti Drbell, Henry, the River, Waikouaiti Drbell, M. C, Matanaka, Waikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Pratt, Thomas, Karitane Puddy, W., Woodhead Farm, Waikouaiti Reed, John, Corner Bush, Merton Souter, William, Flag Swamp Stevens, James, Waikouaiti fownsend, J. A., Waikouaiti 580 2366 1962 1150 25 90 21900 4200 3000 2250 50 100 108 1000 16800 13350 72 3000 760 3700 3573 1200 150 '5 26390 4420 3500 3850 500 200 406 1600 18000 10700 55 2000 o 9 875 535 697 223 1338 1005 656 250 84277 74342


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of s: 31st i ieep on lay. 1883. I 1884. Harvey, Robert, Woodside Heenan, Daniel, Maungatua Heenan, Edward, Maungatua Heenan, John, Maungatua Heenan, William, Maungatua Henley Estate Company, Henley Hughan, David, Taieri Beach Hutchings, William, Dunedin Jaffray, W., Saddle Park, East Taieri Johnston, D. H., Mosgiel Kirkland, James, Outram Law, Robert, Riccarton, East Taieri Leishman, Robert, Whare Flat Macpherson, D. and A., Berwick Marehbank, J., Maungatua McColl, Duncan, Brighton McDiarmid, Angus, Maungatua McDiarmid, Gilbert, Maungatua McDiarmid, R., Kirkland, Woodside McDiarmid, William, Woodside McDonald, John, Whare Flat McEwing, Dugald, Whare Flat McLaren, Peter, Hillhead Farm, Otakaia McLean, Neil, Kilbride Farm, North Taieri McLeod, Archd., Middlemarch McLeod, Stewart, Woodside McLeod, Thomas, Brighton McMaster, Donald, Green Island McM aster, Hugh, Fairfield McNab,' James, Kuri Bush Milner, Celia, Longhill, Mosgiel Milner, Ralph, North Taieri Muir, Robert, MoBgiel Muir, Thomas, Maungatua Murray and Roberts, Gladbrook, Dunedin ... Nichol, G., Abbotsford Station, Clark's Nicholl, J. S., Clark's Nimmo, John, Mosgiel Oughton, James, Mosgiel Palmer, W.O., Otakaia Patrick, William, Balmoral Farm, Outram.., Peat and Son, Mt. Gowrie, Clark's Petrie, W. and A., Hindon Popham, Thomas, Middlemarch Proudfoot, D., Barewood Station, Hindon ... Reid, D., Salisbury Farm, Dunedin Reid, Mrs. M., BroomfieldMains, Outram ... Reid, W., Round Hill, Lee Stream Robertson, J. and A., Outram Robinson, R., Lake Waipori, Berwick Shand, James, Outram Shand, William, Greytown Shand, W. T., Otakaia Shaw, John, Mosgiel Simpson, A., Maungatua Smellie and Young, Mosgiel Smith, John, Gladfield, North Taieri Smith, S. G., High Street, Dunedin Snow, William, Outram Sutherland, James, Maungatua Thomson, W., Banks, Maungatua Thomson, W., Mosside, Mosgiel Todd, A., Islington, East Taieri Watson, Walter, Outram Webb, R., MoBgiel Wilson, Hannaway, & Co., Green Island ... Wilson, J. H, Rosebank, Berwick Wilson, Robert, Romarua, Clark's 700 160 I IOO 98 350 384 683 179 1810 118 500 200 I IOO 1090 100 7 11 75 200 93 255 24497 7000 508 245 962 59 189 800 '95 1050 2300 92 5'0 470 500 120 108 200 1989 "4 Nil 146 100 300 300 233 1100 500 IOO 70 II 13 Nil 95 186 200 Nil 96 174 24696 7000 948 400 220 1381 86 7070 648 IOOO 17641 1412 1900 2IOO 4996 768 "324 1237 3500 157 2800 14500 1350 781 140 3200 16600 1300 514 253 90 73 IOO 140 90 go 385 185 262 Nil 1108 Nil 285 10687 9° 69 910 263 295 "237 236124 BRUCE COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, J., Bon Accord Lodge, Milton Aitchison, James, Clarkesville Aitchison, W. A. and G., Kaitangata Aitken, John, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesville ... Allison, J. and J., Milton Anderson, A. H, Stirling Armstrong, W., N. Branch, Milton Bannatyne, J. C., Berryhill Farm, Waihola... Bastings, II. and Co., Berwick Begg Brothers, Hill End, Balclutha Bishop, James, Hillend, Bishop's 25171° 350 35< 45' it 400 350 500 130 18500 200 IOC 48c 5°< 6ot IOC 53< 2000c 30c

no. 01 o 31st 1 Hay. 1884. 1883. I (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Bartrice, Charles, Port Chalmers Green, James, Woodend, Blueskin Harrison, J. W., Port Chalmers Hogg, G., Mount Clifton, Blueskin MacKay, William, Blueskin MawBon, J., Broadleaf Farm, Purakanui ... Young, William, Purakanui i5 7 50 Nil 29 35 50 250 50 118 12 3' 36 31 Total in county 332 74674 528 84805 PENINSULA COUNTY (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Dickson, W., sen., Rosemount, Portobello Dickson and Ross, Belmont, Portobello Dougall, J., Quarantine Island, Pt. Chalmers Duckmanton, IE, Newstead, Portobello Geary, J., jun., Portobello Geary, W., jun., Portobello Geary, W., sen., Portobello Kellas, IE, Sandymount, Portobello Larnach, W. J. M., The Camp, Dunedin ... Macandrew, J., jun., N.E. Harbour Muir, James, Portobello North, Alfred, Portobello North, Mrs. S., Portobello Robertson, William, Sandymount Weipers, J., Sandymount 94 IOOO 15 26 135 483 40 60 400 I IOO 90 130 190 400 160 Nil 1100 53 33 1 36 480 57 550 1200 IOO 582 Nil 400 140 TAIERI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Alexander & Shepherd, George Street, Dunedin Allan, J., Bellfield, East Taieri Allan, J., Hopehill, Greytown Allison, Alexander, Otakaia Bathgate, John, Island Farm, Outram Beattie, John, Whinfield, Maungatua Black, D. L., Hindon Black, Ebenezcr, Hindon Black, James, Hindon Boyd, A. & J., Hindon Station, Mosgiel Boyd, A. and J., Rockland, Mosgiel Brown, Alexander and J., Green Island Bruce, John, Brighton Buchanan, Gilbert, Outram Buckland, J. C, Rock and Pillar, Waikouaiti Callander, J. and J. A., East Taieri Cameron, A. Mcintosh, Kaikorai, Dunedin ... Campbell, D., Lake Waipori, Berwick Charters, R., Ury and Springbank, Mosgiel... Christie, William, Otakaia Collins, John, Mount Hyde, Outram Craig and Wylie, Mosgiel Craigie, Richard, Henley Cullen, James, Greytown Currie, W., Mosgiel Dean, Alexander, Hindon Denniston and Co., Dunedin Dornwell and Rennie, butchers, Dunedin ... Dow, James, Dowfield, Outram Edmonds, David, M aungatua Pindlay, John, Mosgiel Finnic, Robert, East Taieri Finnic, Thomas, East Taieri Fleming, Alexander, Greytown Fleming Bros., Fairfield Freeman, Frederick, Green Island Freeman, J., Abbotsford Fulton, F. C, Lee Flat, Dunedin Fulton, J., Ravenscliff, Outram Fulton, J., General, The Downs, Outram ... Gatchell, M. C, Greytown Gellibrand and Co., Cottesbrook, Dunedin ... Gibaon, Robert, Keinton, North Taieri Gibson, William, North Taieri Gow, James, Invermay, Mosgiel Grant, Charles, Hindon Grant, D., Granton Farm, Outram Grant, Peter, Gowrie Farm, Outram Grant, William, Clairinch Farm, Outram ... 4323 48.37 IOO 5161 800 650 500 IOO 88 127 9000 20000 300 IOOO 300 11961 100 22 95 53 39 30 300 200 120 500 5864 Nil 500 520 76 90 80 8000 21000 35o 500 290 9669 450 Nil 95 100 27 35 3'5 160 "7 200 60 80 2400 3300 350 164 140 300 350 39 83 422 400 7»o 28 69 312 n Nil 150 19850 293 1907 24 300 19603 220 2030 40 56000 2120 348 525 300 2570 700 180 54000 3000 Nil 835 150 1805 700 190



OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of 31st iheep on May. 1883. I 1884. Bishop, T. C, Hillend, Stirling Bissett, Alexander, Stirling Blackie, D. N., Kaitangata Bowie, Charles, Hillend, Lovcll's Flat Boyd, Edward, Hillend, Stirling Brown, Alexander, Milton Bruce, James, Louisville, Milton Bryce Bros., Spring Hill, Lovell's Flat Bryce, James, Mount Cooey, Stirling Calder, A., Burleigh Farm, Lovell's Flat Cameron, Ewen, Clarksville Campbell, D., Stoney Creek, Balclutba Carrick, A., Lake Waipori, Waihola Chalmers, J. P., Rosebank, Milton Chapman, Robert, Waihola, Dunedin Clark, David, Clarkesville Clarke, Jasper, Adamsthorpe, Clarkesville ... Clegg, Brothers, Millburn Cockerill, George, Milton Corsan, D., Meadowbank, Milton Craig, R., senior, Springhill, Manuka Creek Crane, James, Taieri Beach, Waihola Cranston, J. C., Fernyhaugh, Milton Currie, John, Tuakitoto, Lovell's Flat Currie, William, Burnside, Lovell's Flat Denniston, S. E., Millburn Dolan, Frank, Milton Donachie, James, Milton Douglas, Anthony, Waihola Gorge Douglas, J„ Little Valley, Millburn Draper, John, Milton Drinnan, James, Milton Driver. H, Clarendon Estate, Dunedin Duff, William, Mary Hill, Waihola Dunlop, Archibald, Lovell's Flat Dunn, William, Riversdale, Milton Elliott, George, Lovell's Flat Evans, Charles, Milton Fairbairn, James, Taieri Beach Fairbairn, Robert, Taieri Beach Falconer, C, Glenkilrio Milton Farquharson, John, Milton Finch, John, jun., Millburn Flett, H. B., Table Hill, Milton Forsyth, Charles, Milton Foster, Godfrey, Millburn Fraser, Alexander, Clarkesville Frazer, James, Taratu, Kaitangata Gibb, Walter, Taieri Beach Gilroy, G. H, Stirling Glenlidi Estate Co., Akatore, Milton Glenn, John, Milton Graham, Joseph, Waihola Grant, George, Milton Grey, John &., Clarendon, Milton Grey, John G., Millburn, Milton Hagen, Samuel, Table Hill, Millburn Haggart, Peter, Wangaloa Hatpin, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Heads, George, Millburn Henderson, John, Millburn Hewitson, R. and W., Lovell's Flat Hislop, Duncan, Milton Hislop, John, Milton Hodgson, William, Milton Hood, David, Stirling Houliston, G., Mary Lea, Stoney Creek Howie, J., South Bridge, Milton Howie, T., South Bridge, Clarkesville Hughan, Thomas, Taieri Beach Inglis, George, Stirling Inglis, James, Milton Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johnston, T. A., Lorraine, Balclutha Kelly, William, Kaitangata . Keogb, P. D., Milton Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Milton Kerr, Alexander, Lovell's Flat Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat Kinlocb, Alexander, Milton Lawrence, 1\, senior, Kaitangata Lawrence, T. and J., SeaView, Kaitangata,.. Lindsay, George, Birkenshaw, Milton Little, A. and L., Mount Stuart, Milton 400 "3 70 98 480 324 '34 90 200 151 185 1200 810 1900 60 200 200 1500 260 1400 243 740 2000 60 180 180 1500 90 250 540 300 1800 275 570 203 88 98 '79 200 150 2000 578 200 163 193 '95 no 172 150 1220 '37 95 100 20 2900 1100 103 2200 200 3099 IOOO 117 4900 273 130 77 120 990 190 350 1737 200 140 900 260 300 I 80S 82 1000 200 985 80 108 207 130 Nil 937 IOOO 180 I IOO 64 Nil 6762 77 293 88 650 700 66 300 75 88 2500 500 100 80 95 Nil 200 90 185 2500 281 85 26 78 100 190 35 54 130 200 123 350 281 402 400 180 390 190 7' 869 530 360 85 80 90 182 480 580 5' 9' 1028 900

No. of S 31st J! 1883. iheep on May. 1884. Lockhart, William, Milton Lowery, Alexander, Lovell's Flat Lowery, Thomas, Clarkesville Macdonnell, John, Stirling Mackay, James, Waihola Mackay, J., Spring Vale, Millburn Marshall, James, Southbridge, Milton Marshall, M., Hillend, Stoney Creek Martin, John, Fairfax, Milton Matheson, W., Middle Bank, Milton Matthew, Charles, Millburn McCaw, William, Glenore McDonald, James, Millburn McDonald, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat ... McGilp, Neil, Milton Mcintosh, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton McKechnie, A., Milton McKenzie, Murdoch, Taieri Beach McKerrow, W., Broome House, Balclutha ... McLaren, A., Milton McLauchlan, Duncan, Milton McLean, James, Frazer's Flat, Milton McLean, William, Clarkesville McLennan, Donald, Taieri Beach McLeod, G., North Branch, Milton McMaster, D., (Exors. of), Waihola Miller, A., senior, Glenore Miller, John, Newstead, Wangaloa Miller, W., Roxburgh Station, Milton , ... Miller, W. H, Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. ... Milne, James, Taieri Beach Mitchell, A., Glenburn, Wangaloa Mitchell, D., Ardmore, Wangaloa Moir, Mrs. Margaret, Lovell's Flat Moir, Ralph, Hillend Farm, Balclutha Montgomery, W., Milton Morrison, Malcolm, Kaitangata Mortimer, J., Table Hill, Milton Murray, John, West Field, Milton Murray, Robert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville ... Nelson, A., Crofthead, Lovell's Flat Noble, W., Hillingdon, Milton Parker, Thomas, Milton Paterson, R., junior, Lovell's Flat Paterson, T., Hill End, Lovell's Flat -Patterson, John, Millburn Pearson, John, Akatore, Milton Pillans, F. S., Stirling Pink, John, Lovell's Flat Porter, John, Milton Prentice, James, Waipori, Berwick Pringle, J., Southbridge, Milton Pringle, Robert, Milton Quartly, S. R., Taieri Beach, Waihola Raitt, James, Wimbledon Farm, Stirling Reid, John, Mount Misery, Milton Robertson, David, Wangaloa Robinson, IE, Southbridge, Milton Robinson, W., Milton Robson, Robert, Lovell's Flat Ross, James, Clarkesville Ross and Cook, Mount Stewart, Manuka Ck. Roulston, Joseph, Millburn Russell, IE, Knowe Head, Taieri Beach Ruthven, George, Akatore, Milton Salmond, John, Milton Samson, William, Wangaloa Sanderson, Brothers, Broxsmith, Milton Scott, David, Berwick Scott, Henry, Table Hill, Milton Scott, Mark, Milton Scott, Peter, Table Hill, Milton Simpson, W., Hill End, Manuka Creek Sinclair, John, Waihola Sinclair, Sutherland, Waihola Sinclair, Walter, Waihola SmaillBros., Hawthornden, Kaitangata Smaill, Brothers, Mayfiield, Kaitangata Smith, Joseph, Stirling ... Smith, Peter, Stirling ... Smith, W., Stirling Somerville, R. (Executors of), Millburn Strain, Mrs. Agnes, Milton Strain, William, Waihola Gorge ,,, Il8 90 IOO 78 Nil 80 86 86 Nil 33 6o 85 77 250 22 120 80 42 740 300 8 650 300 30 80 200 100 70 100 50 200 Nil 200 400 140 295 14000 I IOO 220 557 579 171 1750 Nil 95 390 300 92 IOOO 228 190 60 400 250 250 149 14000 1300 222 777 597 210 1700 100 202 96 393 300 88 IOOO 100 190 '83 81 93 7619 220 '75 780 200 160 700 500 400 78 1200 '43 240 100 1100 7 150 150 430 140 200 690 100 121 7741 215 '75 140 4So 500 200 IOO 261 282 150 1300 100 354 500 Nil 132 226 475 190 500 600 65 300 1118 485 400 206 575 2365 98 120Q 40 80 IOOO 2490 1200


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. j 1881. Chalmers, Robert, Waitepeka ChirnBide, A., Balclutha Christie, James, Kelso Christie, Robert, Puerua Christie, William, Toiro Clarke, P. and D., Waipahi Couston, Edmund, Toiro Crawford, JameB, Waikoikoi Crossan, John, Kelso Cumming, John, Waipahi Cunningham, W. Y., Waikoikoi Dalglicsh, William, Waitepeka Dallas, Charles, Balclutha Dallas, John, Balclutha Dallas, William, Maryfield, Te Houka Davidson, John, Clinton Davidson, John, Kaihiku Dellow, William, Waipahi Dickie, Mrs. M. K., Tyburn Farm, Kaihiku ... Divers, George, Clinton Dobson, Joseph, Blinkbonnie, Puerua Docherty, Robert, Kelso Don, John, Warepa Dunn, D., Puerua Edwards, John, Waiwera Falconer, William, Owake Farqubar, Robert, Warepa Ferguson, R., Garlow Farm, Kelso Findlay, John, Balclutha Fleming, John, Eldon Farm, Kaihiku Fleming, Thomas, Kaihiku Gaw, Sam uel, Clinton Geggie, John, Mount Bell, Puerua Gibson, John, Waiwera South Gibson, R. B., Clinton Gilfillan, James, Waitepeka Glover, Robert, Kaihiku Gray, John, Waikoikoi Green, J. B., Owake Hamilton, A., Clinton Hay, J. J., Kaihiku Hay, Mrs. J., Hilly Park, Port Molyneux ... Heckler and Co., Glenfalloch, Warepa Henderson, Donald, Port Molyneux Hogg, Mrs. J., Toiro Houliston, Adam, Balclutha Houliston, Robert, Balclutha Howie, William, Kaihiku Hudson, David, Warepa Hunter, Peter, Balclutha Jefferis, B, J., Balclutha Jenkins^ T., Meadow Bank, Kelso Johnston, A. D., Paiwata Farm, Kaihiku Johnston, Alexander, Puerua Johnston, George, Kaihiku Johnston, John, Kaihiku Keys, Josiah, Newtoun, Toiro Kirk, Robert, Glenkenicb, Kelso Lamond, James, Waitepeka Lawson, David, Waitepeka Lees, Andrew, Owake Lindsay, John, Glenomaru Littlejohn, William, Millbank, Waiwera Livingston, Robert, Port Molyneux Lockhead, Thomas, Balclutha Logan, James, Greenvale, Kelso Logan, James, Popotuna, Kelso MacKenzie, P. W., Waipahi Mackenzie, G. IE, Glenkenicb, Kelso Mackie, Andrew, Toiro Madden, Thomas, Clinton Main, James, Kaihiku Main, Alexander, Castlemain, Waiwera Manning, H, Dr., Waitepeka McAdie, David, Balclutha McCall, James, Waikoikoi McCallum, George, Waiwera McCulloch, John, Clinton McDonald, D., Ahuiriri, Balclutha McDonald, Donald, Owake McDonald, G, Inch-Clutha, Stirling McEwen, D. J., Puerua McGaw, Alexander, Waiwera McGregor, Alexander, Alvie, Kelso 200 34 56 '35 300 1700 52 "9 392 155 187 8 ooo 40 47 97 300 1800 Nil '95 297 161 190 7990 190 Nil 95 6o 298 376 600 100 496 100 36S 600 300 3' 100 166 180 130 300 24 Nil 189 262 600 93 100 87 90 330 240 300 400 802 6833 1340 430 200 400 38.3 400 3100 300 347 6897 579 35 400 100 343 450 190 3425 4000 714 200 22 7i 94 120 280 600 560 170 50 66 64 100 350 150 298 323 293 7i 130 1150 195 192 96 265 100 1290 290 215 249 .56 202 28 196 250 200 20800 210 200 200 21086 8367 6555 130 172 295 132 10040 6807 476 . 90 90 176 240 51 99 105 300 Nil 300 55 80 600 139 85 1100 700 200 Nil 250

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Sutherland, J. and J., Millburn Sutherland John, Waitahuna Sutherland, Robert, Table Hill, Waitahuna... Sutton, J. B. (Extrs. of), Summerhill, Kaitangata raylor, E. B., Wangaloa Phomson, David, North Branch, ton Ihornton, Thomas, Milton rweedie, William, Milton Walter, S., Boundary Creek, Berwick Watt, J., North Branch, Milton Wayne Frederick, Akatore, Milton White, Mrs. J., Canada Bush, Millburn Willocks, William, Hill End, Stirling Wilson Brothers, Waihola Wisely, A., North Branch, Milton Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Coombe Hay, Milton Vyber, James, Milton Wyber, William, Milton iTorston, Hugh, Waihola 3149 1030 1008 97 60 220 374 141 5642 150 400 7000 2985 1400 1500 920 Nil 350 70 240 290 160 Nil 169 400 6025 400 6700 400 5300. 400 118836 70 40 400 141226 (In Tapanui Subdivision). 3ower Joseph, Balclutha Mosley, Brothers, Inch Clutha, Stirling Villocke, J., Hazledell, Stirling 46 162 1040 333 297 Total in County 343 119179 1535 142761 CLUTHA COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anderson, G., Balmoral, Stirling 3eattie, Robert, Whinficld, Wangaloa Bell, Adam, Stirling Bell, James, Stirling Bower, David, Hillend, Balclutha ?ahey, Martin, Rock View, Balclutha Taggart, J. and H., Wangaloa Jandels, A., Lakeside, Balclutha McKay, Gilbert, Balclutha Paterson, R.,Barnigo Falls, Lovell's Flat ... Wilson, James, Balclutha 150 182 96 360 80 19 Nil Nil 400 40 100 370 5329 175 4000 710 200 5596 300 3500 10464 11143 (In Tapanui Subdivision), iitken, Andrew, Waikoikoi inderson Brothers, Carol, Waiwera iyson, James, Toiro Ayaon, J. F., Albert Downs, Kaihiku iyson, Peter, Corrydon Farm, Toiro iyson, P. & J., Finegand Farm, Balclutha ... ESagrie, J., Waipahi Bagrie, Robert, Clinton Ballingall, D., Meadow Wells, Kelso Banks, Robert, Waitepeka Begg, A. C, Clinton (Dunedin) Beggs, Hugh, Woodview Farm, Kelso Blacklock, George, Caldervan, Waiwera Blacklock, Thomas, Waiwera Blaikie, William, Waiwera Boag, Robert, Waikoikoi Bradfield, F., Owake Broad, Samuel, Ashdown Farm, Waiwera ... Brooks, William, Church Hill, Waiwera Brown, Alexander, Wairuna, Waipahi Brown, George, Waiwera Brown, W., Cat Craig, Waitepeka Brownlie, Mrs., Kaihiku Bruce, J. and A., Balclutha Brugh, Sheddon, Port Molyneux Buchanan, David, Glenkenich, Kelso 3urnett, James, Waikoikoi Dameron, A., Te Horika, Lovell's Flat jameron, D., Waipahi jamoron, D., Waiwera Cameron, P. and A., Waiwera Campbell, Alexander, Waipahi Campbell, Archibald, Wairuna, Waipahi ... Campbell, Robert, Warepa 3200 164 835 700 180 195 740 1800 200 1600 297 200 95 40 231 400 6500 150 3000 88 450 900 6.33 80 200 190 325 4600 319 1800 350 280 100 23 289 400 7500 200 182 7255 151 200 173 '35 300 6905 198 225 Nil 65 '5o 160 16 220 Nil 4000





No. of ' 31st heep on day. 1883. 1884. Mclntyre, A., Waikoikoi Mclntyre, H., Merino Downs, Waikoikoi ... Mclntyre, J. P., Waikoikoi Mclntyre, James, Owake McKenzie, David, Waiwera McKenzie, William, Waitepeka McKinnon, James, Clinton McKinnon, Neil, Clinton McLachlan, D. A., Clinton McLaren, John, Clinton McLay, W. and D., Glenomaru McLeod, John, Waikoikoi McNeil, James, Warepa McNeil, James B., Blairdale, Balclutha Mo Vicar, A. McLeod, Puerua Melrose, Robert, Clinton Mereer, Archibald, Waitepeka Milligan, D. P., Warepa Mitchell, John, Owake Moffatt and Sons, Kaihiku Farm, Kaihiku Moffatt, John, Springbank, Clinton Moffat, William, Helenslea, Balclutha Monagan, T., Benfield, Balclutha Monfries, David, Waitepeka Morton, William, Puerua Mosley, Bros., Warepa Motion, James, Clinton Muir, Hugh, Clinton Munro, H. and D., Toiro Munro, William, Toiro Murdoch, James, Puerua Murray, Roberts, and Co., Caterbope, Warepa Murray, W. McG., Meadow Bank, Clinton... Nelson, J. H., Waipahi Nelson, William, Jesmond, Waipahi Newson, J. W., Moa Hill, Kaihiku N.Z. and A. L. Co., Clydevale, Waiwera N.Z. L. and M. A. Co., Kuriwao, Clinton ... Nicol, Walter, Kaihiku Olson, C. and Co., Waipahi Pagan, William, Waiwera Paterson, A. and J., Port Molyneux Paterson, Mathew, Kaihiku Petrie, Alexander, Puerua Rea, M., Wairuna, Clinton Reid, Thomas, Ashlea Farm, Tapanui Renton, Robert, Balclutha Renton, William, Warepa Riddell, Thomas, Warepa Riddell, W. L., Willowmede, Puerua Robertson, Alexander, Waitepeka Robertson, D., Kelso Robertson, James, Waitepeka Robson, Walter, Whiteleu, Balclutha Roseveare, Thomas, Waiwera Ross, John Warepa Rowland, J. F., Waipahi Roy, James, Wairuna, Clinton Russell, Alexander, Kelso Rutherford, A., Waiwera Sarginson, Isaac, Toiro Scobie, Robert, Clinton Scott, George, Port Molyneux Scott, James, Waiwera Shand, Charles, Shandon, Balclutha Shaw, John, Finegand, Balclutha Sheddan, James, Toiro Sheed, Gordon, Wairuna, Clinton Sheed, James, Waikoikoi Shennan, Watson, Conical Hills, Waipahi ... Shiels, J., junior, Port Molyneux Sim, Brothers, Owake Simmers, R., Springvale, Waikoikoi Simpson, Alexander, Puerua Slawson, G. H, Waitepeka Smaill, Charles, Balloon Farm, Kaitangata... Smith, Alexander, Toiro Smith, George, Toiro Smith, J., Dalmetta, Kelso Smith, J. McOall, Glenomaru Smith, J. R., Waipahi Somerville Brothers, Waitepeka Steel, George, Wairuna Bush, Clinton Steel, J. A., Kelso 200 20000 170 Zoo 200 50 150 500 300 400 94 92 281 220 no 248 600 200 190 375 400 180 100 250 3030 100 700 593 32255 4200 585 194 400 182 400 18000 180 600 375 57 200 400 380 320 39 100 Nil 232 285 37o '45 267 597 500 270 i?' '5o 200 29 Nil 190 120 150 400 290 Nil 183 Nil 500 '93 33153 6830 483 255 182 200 246 IOO 60 Nil 300 290 296 500 140 35o 400 188 800 302 295 50 830 260 200 298 900 200 220 44 160 141 298 350 '54 654 800 280 81 353 '8 285 170 325 900 400 7' 200 270 80 "274 150 '73 106 190 240 200 "'75 101 IOO 266 220 24O '75 495 200 3SO 200 '45 198 178 600 62 2379 170 188 1398 165

0. of 31st beep on lay. 1883. 1884. Stewart, Donald, Waitepeka Stewart, James, Warepa Stewart, William, Waiwera Strachan, Mrs. M., Warepa Sutherland, Alexander, Kelso Taylor, T. and J., Springlands, Clinton Telford, Robert, Derwentbank, Waiwera Telford, William, Waitepeka Thomson, J. W., Clinton Tolmie, John, Owake Tolmie, W. A. (Executors of), Waipahi Tout, Thomas, Waiwera Truster, Charles, Waipahi Tulloch, James, The Glen, Port Molyneux ... Turnbull, T., Goorgefield, Waipahi Turnbull, William, Burnside, Clinton Walker, W., Rosebank, Balelutha Wallace, David, Clinton Watt, John, Kaihiku Wilson, James, Annfield, Te Houka Wilson, Thomas, Clinton Wright, John, Kaihiku Wyllie, James, Waiwera Wylie, J. L., Port Molyneux Young, David, Riseland, Waipahi Youngson, Alexander, Clinton 170 IOO 139 IOO 400 36 IOO 800 24 94 500 250 12229 IOOO 122 I7I64 400 14323 985 '23 17400 409 100 130 101 20b Nil 76 233 3'5 700 47' 'So 130 200 90 282 800 288 85 160 200 150 300 297 240926 286 191 Total in county 222501 232965 252069. TUAPEKA COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aitchison, Samuel, Swift Creek Barr, Adam, Rae's Junction Bathgate, Charles, Crookston Beighton, James, Rae's Junction Bennett, James, Rae's Junction Beresford, William, Roxburgh Black, T., Green Hill, Waikoikoi Borton, J. B., Cottenham, Lawrence Bowden, James, Ettrick Bradshaw, J., Dunrobin Brazil, A. T., Ettrick Brooks, George, Evans' Flat Brown, Alexander, Beaumont Brown, John, Tuapeka Mouth Bruce, II., Tuapeka Mouth Bruce, Robert, Waitahuna Brydio, Alexander, Lawrence Buchanan, James, Evans Flat, Lawrence Bulfin, John, Woodley, Tuapeka West Byrne, W., Ettrick Cameron, D. A., Fassifern, Nokomai Cameron, Hugh, Lawrence Cameron, James, Waitahuna Cameron, John, Swift Creek Cargill & Anderson, Mt. Benger, Roxburgh... Clayton, H. C, Lawrence Cleghom, John, East Bank, Tapanui Clifford, Ashley, Dunrobin Collie, Allan, Ettrick Coskery, Robert, Clifton, Beaumont Cotton, Robert, Waipori Cowie, Robert, Weatherstone Crossan, Robert, Roxburgh Crossan, W., Roxburgh Crowley, Daniel, Lawrence Cullen, W. and J., Crookston Camming, William, Beaumont Dickison, David, Tapanui Dickison, John, Mainholme, Tapanui Drysdale, John, Evans Flat Duffy, Phillip, Lawrence Duncan, James, Tapanui Edgar, John, Burnfoot, Tapanui Edie, John, Springfield, Dunrobin Edwards, Thomas, Tapanui Elder, John, Roxburgh Elliott, Robert, Floddcn, Tapanui Elliott, R. T., Inglebank, Tapanui Eskdale, Mrs. J., Sunnyaide, Tapanui Fahey, T., Evans Flat Finlay, John, Dunrobin 200 450 98 1990 800 337 100 IOO '65 600 15000 '54 600 179 IOO 1847 300 700 900 37011 759 380 304 200 350 96 2091 1600 400 Nil 50 63 337 250 16392 235 200 100 152 '25 120 IOO 2104 350 700 800 40714 803 395 227 200 163 4900 200 583 165 200 695 300 400 1600 1400 200 500 900 600 160 700 IOOO 750 376 1495 200 200' S3 5020 200 287 '56 850 200 600 1292 1200 500 960 500 92 700 1550 784 300 790 126





I No. of SI 31st J Leep on tay. 1883. 1884. Salbraith, Henry, Waitahuna Galbraitb, J., Rosebank, Tuapeka West Graham, Moore, Ettrick, Graham, Thomas, Roxburgh Grieve, James, Tuapeka Mouth Grundy, J., Lawrence Gunn, Donald, Rae's Junction Hall, John, Tuapeka West Harvey, George, Swift Creek Heath, Robert, Dunrobin Henderson, J. M., Ormaglade, Ettrick Henry, S., Bellamy, Lawrence Herbert, David, Swift Creek Herbert, J. F., Ardmoro, Kelso Hewitt, John, Tuapeka Mouth Hogg, John, Evan's Flat Hopkins, James, Evans' Fiat Honner, William, Ettrick Howat, John, Tapanui. Hughes, John, Tuapeka Mouth Inglis, J., Roxburgh Keenan, Daniel, Tuapeka Mouth Kell, W. and T., Waitahuna Kerse, Charles, Dunrobin Kempthorne, E., Swift Creek Keppel, James, Lawrence Keogh, D. P., Moa Flat, Lawrence Kerr, John, Tapanui Kerr, John, Ettrick Kirk, Samuel, Kelso ... Klingst, C. F. A., Lawrence Lamb, William, Tapanui Laverty, James, Tapanui Livingstone, William, Waitahuna Lowe, Wright, Clarke's Flat, Lawrence Mackay Brothers, Rae's Junction Mackay, John, Tuapeka West Mackie, John, Riversdale, Tapanui Main, John, Beaumont Margetts, F. 8., Tuapeka West Matbeson, Norman, Crookston McAlister and Turnbull, Tapanui McCarthy, Michael, Dunrobin McClelland, W., Ettrick McColl, John, Vine Bank, Tapanui MeConnell, W., Roxburgh McCormack, Andrew, Tapanui McCormack, William, Tapanui McCormiek, J., Waitahuna McCormick, H., Waitahuna McDiarmid, J. and A., Evans Flat McDonald, Charles, Crookston McDonald and Matheson, Lawrence McDuff, J. and D., Tapanui McElwain, Samuel, Swift Creek McGregor Alexander, Roxburgh McGuire, M. A. J., Mrs., Ettrick McHarry, James, Kelso Melnnis, Malcolm, Lawrence Mcintosh, David, Lawrence McKay, Alexander, Tapanui McKay, Hugh, Tapanui McKay, William, IDunrobin McKellar, David, Brooksdale, Tapanui McKenzie, A. F., Dunrobin McKenzie, Donald, Beaumont McLean, John, Dunrobin McMillan, William, Waitahuna McRobert, John, Tuapeka Mouth MeWhirter, J. S., Ettrick Mervyn, D. H, Mount Benger, Roxburgh ... Michael, John, Lawrence Morrison, John, Lawrence Muir, John, Midpark, Dunrobin Mullin, Charles, Tuapeka West Munro, Finlay, Lawrence Murney, James, Moran Park, Tapanui Murray, David, Tapanui Murray, William, Waitahuna Nicoll, F. and Co,, Tuapeka West Ormond, Patrick, Roxburgh Osborne, William, Tuapeka West Phillips, W,, Beaumont Potts, Audrew, Tapanui i6oo 800 160 1600 800 190 IOO Nil 200 84 '52 14965 IOOOO 288 IOOOO 205 130 2O0 190 140 99 180 14787 IOOOO 303 IOOOO 250 140 989 380 1050 160 798 IOOO 482 550 190 900 200 80 36155 573 180 100 150 400 320 2000 300 500 1200 300 250 321 45620 350 380 '50 200 360 250 2300 300 500 168 595 50 Nil 495 50 1660 300 195 16 40 3So IOOO 1000 781 159 8750 520 IOO 300 "5 400 98 200 166 '9 90 80 '94 1006 1080 855 200 7020 500 150 900 100 188 400 240 320 351 250 25340 250 180 230 102 500 200 Nil 230 300 20085 200 100 150 500 "5 400 1600 200 400 '835 Nil 500 40 250 Nil 200 46 1400 180 300 1300 1622 160 595 100 276 277

I No. of I 31st 1883. iheep on May. I 1884. Poynter, G. F. B., Waipahi Pringle, F., Ettrick Rae, James, Rae's Junction Richardson, Robert, Roxburgh Robertson, Daniel, Spring Valley, Tapanui ... Robertson, Duncan, Waitahuna Robertson, James, Lawrence Robertson, Peter, Lawrence Robertson, T. G., Lawrence Robins, William, Lawrence Rodger, James, Tapanui Ross, Hugh, Lawrence Ross, John, Lawrence Rose, John, Waitahuna Shanks, William, Swift Creek Shearing, J., Springbank, Crookston Shearing, Samuel, Crookston Sheath, William, Tapanui Sheehan, John, Tuapeka West Shiels, Peter, Ettrick Sillar, John, Ettrick Sim, G. G., Crookston Sim, James, Crookston Sim, W. F., Crookston Smith and Son s, Greenfield, Lawrence Smith, G. A., The Downs, Roxburgh Smith, John, Avoca, Tuapeka West Stevenson, Adam, Beaumont Stevenson, Daniel, Waitahuna Swan, Adam, Swift Creek Taborn, James, Lawrence Thurston, C. G., Brookaland, Crookston Tubman, Edward, Ettrick Tubman, Francis, Beaumont Tubman, Robert, Moa Flat, Ettrick Walker, G. S., Lawrence Waugb, William, Ettrick Westcott, W. P., Cherry Farm, Lawrence Whyte, Peter, Lily bank, Tapanui Whyte, A. R., Tapanui Williamson, Sinclair, Waitahuna Woodhouse, James, Roxburgh 93 72 150 120 875 87 65 100 160 180 Nil 940 35oo 200 75 800 72 400 "97 130 3200 270 130 Nil 192 100 921 160 295 .85 5000 130 200 134 5000 240 300 190 400 320 260 400 200 47785 I IOO 730 97 3'2 300 80 Nil 600 357 700 200 398 191 100 133 195 3i7 4793S 900 433 92 140 70 9i 700 300 700 550 168 90 300 34i 269801 (In Dunedin Subdivision). Blaikie, Hugh, Hermitage, Waitahuna Buekland, J. C, Waipori, St., Waikouaiti ... Cowen, John, Waitahuna Procter & Douglas, Castle Hill, Waitahuna... 299247 160 7011 100 234 6110 255 IOO 300 6744 Total in county 7526 277327 30S99I SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aim, William, Wyndham Aitken, J. A., Lasswade Farm, Gore Aitken and Milne, Gore Allan and Purvis, Wyndham Anderson, George, Wyndham Anderson, John, Chatton Andrew, David, Kaiwera Archibald, Daniel, Chatton Armstrong, William, Gore Attwood, Edward, Pine Bush, Fortrose Ayson, Alexander, Gore Bain, J. M., Waipahi Baird, George, Gore Bank of Australasia, Glenary, Waikaia Bannerman, William, Gore Barron, W. and G., Waikaka Bathgate, John, Islay St., Otaraia Baxter, Robert, Otama Beange, Alexander, O ware, Wyndham Bennett, J. W., Otaraia Blackley Brothers, Glenoura, Wyndham Brown, Thomas, MataWa Brunton, J. F., Rocklands, Fortrose Brunton, C. R., Otara, Fortrose Byars, Alexander, Gore Calder, William, Chatton Cameron, A., Banvie, Mataura 200 180 380 1630 400 1142 7o 35° 1300 230 92 161 IOO 200 Nil 234 1500 400 980 90 298 1050 322 50 140 5400 145 455 4483 150 57o 196 184 3000 892 420 225 428 1050 no 6005 ■SO 480 173 4200 940 93° 250 286 IOOO

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.




No. of 31st ieep on [ay. 1883. 1884. Jameron, D. A., Glenfalloch, Nokomai Cameron, Donald, Mataura Cameron, Hugh, Otama Campbell, P., BOarland, Wyndham & Anderson, Glenham, Wyndham ... Carpenter, W., Tamlet, Wyndham Duncan, Pine Bush }arswell, Hugh, Pine Bush, Invercargill barter, W., Native Grass Farm, Mataura ... 3atto, James, Gore Uhisholm, John, Chatton 3hiltock, Benjamin, Gore mittock, Frederick, Gore Christie, Alexander, Waikaia Clarke, S., Wyndham Element, Brothers, Pukerau Douperthwaite, Robert,. Kai wera Crawford, JameB, Meadow Bank, Mataura ... >egan, John, Mandeville Brighton, William, Wyndham 3ruickshanks, Adam, Chatton humming, William, Gore humming, Robert, Gore Juslmie, James, Wyndham Davidson, J. H., Wakaia Davidson, Thomas, Wyndham Davys, Francis, Chatton Dawson, W. & Sons, Pine Bush Dawson, T. A., Gore Dennis, George, Waikaia Dickie, A., Mataura Dickie, James, Tamahill, Gore Dickie, M., Spring Bank, Mataura Dickie, Robert, Gainhill Farm, Mataura Dickison, John, jun., Chatton Dickson, Gavin, Gore Dickson, G., Gold Creek, Gore Dillon, Michael, Chatton Dixon, Henry, Mataura Donald, James, Chatton Donoghue, James, Wyndham Doull, David, The Crescent, Wyndham Dbull, David, Meadow Bank, Wyndham Dunlop, Robert, Gore Dunlop, W., Pine Bush Dunn, R. C, Mataura Slder, G. R., Chatton fSapie, John, Mataura falconer, Thomas, Gore fleming, Adam, Goto ford, Patrick, Chatton fowler, James, Gore ?raser, Donald, Gore fraser, E. D., Waiarikiki, Otaraia fyfe, G. G., Wyndham Gall, Alexander, Waikaia Ml, J., Hyde and Waikaia, Edendale Gait, Allan, Mataura Gardiner, David, Stanley Hill, Gore Gardyne, Robert, Waikaka Garrie, James, Mataura Gerkin, John, Chatton Gillanders, Duncan, Waikaia Gillespie, Lawrence, Chatton Golden, H, Pine Bush Golden, T. and Co., Wyndham Gourlay, Robert, Mataura Greenshields, John, Wyndham Gregory, William, Fortrose Tall, John, Edendale Taniy, Matthew, Gore Tarvey, Andrew, Waikaka Etarvey, James, Gore Elaatie, Mathew, Mataura Elay, James, Gore Backs, Thomas, Tutu Hill, Mataura Efolmes, James, Waimahaka, Wyndham Efolms, Colin, Pine Bush Tow, George, Gore Humphrey, R. W., Pukerau Tunter, Adam, Wyndham [bbotson, F. W., Otama, Riversdale Ebotson, T. H., Waikaka !rvine, John, Chatton 7375 464 300 290 1835° 980 6000 2034 80 420 254 184 90 400 588 60 '95 90 240 44° 5°o 294 186 '54 300 180 1800 245 180 400 140 400 600 269 80 55" 150 Nil 170 180 7175 458 300 490 17786 800 6000 1630 72 98 400 281 200 65O 400 500 47 Nil Nil 191 400 580 400 393 450 Nil 165 '974 162 '33 400 400 70 200 600 300 160 400 150 85 175 200 1258 120 300 in 564 94 15 800 300 Nil '53 698 Nil 250 7066 2996 93 320 100 90 17000 82 94 45° 95 473 60 84 800 300 78 90 229 18326 2499 96 287 160 15000 108 400 1500 106 169 200 280 3'° 384 170 37° '5° Nil 1551 261 176 220 600 19500 400 1500 150 164 240 150 400 380 20 270 56 .70 1600 385 270 248 400 19400 192 65 56

o. of 31st heep on May. 1883. 1884. Johnson, Walter, Mataura JohnBton, A. D., & Sons, Springfield, Gore ... Johnston, Adam, Waikaka Johnston, Benjamin, Briary Bank, Gore Johnston, Edward, Wyndham Jones, Henry, Gore Kay, David, Mataura Kean, Denis, Otaraia Keith, Robert, Gore Kelly, N., Mandeville Kennedy, R. H., Chatton Kidd, J. R., Fortrose King, Francis, Fortrose Kirk, John, Gore Kurtain, H. and E., Chatton Laidlaw, J., Wyndham Lamb, James, Chatton Landels, Adam, Eankend, Balclutha Lawson, D., Chatton Lumsden Brothers, Mimihau, Wyndham ... Mackay, John, Otama Maher and Hurley, Waikaia Mallon, Peter, Chatton Marshall, James, Chatton Mason, Andrew, Pukerau Maunsell, C. M., Lily Bank, Mataura McBain, Donald, Lynwily, Otama McDonald, Alexander, Wyndhan McDonald, G. H, Gore McDonald, Kenneth, Wyndham McFadzien, James, Fortrose McGill, Peter, Cairn Run (Milton) McGowan, Daniel, Mataura Mcintosh, Alexander, Oware, Wyndham Mcintosh, J., Fortrose Mcintosh, Samuel, Waikaka Mclntyre and Jackson, Wyndham ... McKay, Findlay, Mataura McKay, John, Wyndham McKellar, John, Glenaray, Waikaia McKenzie, Alex., Pukerau McKenzie, Donaid, Waikaka McKenzie, Kenneth, Fortrose McKernan, James, Fortrose M cKerrow, John, Fortrose McKinna, John, Otama McKinnon, Alexander, Gore McKinnon, Hugh, Gore ... McLaren, John, Wyndham McLean, Bros. & Co., Springfield, Pine Bush McLennan, Murdoch, Wyndham MeNab, Alexander, Knapdale, Gore McPhail, James, Chatton Farm, Gore McQueen, A. and J., Carslae, Gore McRae, D. K., Waikawa and Wyndham, Fortrose MeVey, Joseph, Wyndham Mee, Samuel, Riversdale Mee, William, Chatton Meeking, T. H, Pukerau Meikle, John, Mataura Menzies, J. A. R., Dun Alister, Wyndham... Millar, J. S., Lismoyle Farm, Chatton Miller, Alexander, Chatton Miller, Samuel, Fortrose Milne, James, Greenfield, Wyndham Milne, John, Chatton Moffatt, Richard, Waikaia Muir, Bros., Fortification, Fortrose Muir, Robert, Mataura Munro, Henry, Wyndham Murray, David, Pukerau Mutch, J. C, Mataura Nichol, William, Lillieshof, Waikaka Noble, Andrew, Cluny Farm, Wyndham Noble, John, Waikaka O'Hara, Cornelius, Chatton Oughton, John, Wyndham Parker, E. W., Otama (Dunedin) Paterson, Hugh, Waikaka Perkins, Edward, Gore Perkins, J. H, Prospect Hill, Mataura Playfair Brothers, Wyndham Pollock, James, Mataura U5 675 87 300 270 142 160 75° 64 338 370 95 150 200 300 300 196 282 808 200 400 425 241 280 600 300 1250 77° 600 2087 '97 2200 322 150 940 400 1897 190 1940 200 330 94 90 97 90 401 519 81 200 291 6790 389 800 90 200 190 200 93 221 '5° 88 298 34° 255 140 288 6000 107 200 120 200 1212 1550 30 330 Nil 250 34° 8100 70 190 600 240 300 800 300 500 400 125 130 200 15° 458 17900 190 "30 14000 300 600 370 156 Nil 300 5 500 18500 183 1532 12500 46 80 265 13'4 100 206 1354 76 800 150 2050 35° 13 2470 210 500 300 377 273 848 64 900 5i 2020 360 "5 2650 Nil 480 1069 102 481 1450 100 Nil 600 99 49' '395 5' 400 600 4000 360 260 604 75i 250 3000 590 180 384 743 1 150


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of 81 31st 1 teep 011 lay. 1863. 1884. Pollock, Thomas, Mataura Preston, Joseph, Fortrose Pryde, John, Gore Pryde, W. M., Mataura Pullar, Alex., Waikaka Qualter, Michael, Pukerau Quertier, A., Sunnyside, Kaiwera Rae, G. & R., Raeburn Farm, Mataura Rae, John, Hightofts Farm, Wyndham Read, Charles, Read Farm, Chatton Reburn, John, Gore Reid, Thomas, Gore Rich, W. G., Toitois Station, Fortrose Richardson, G. F., Wyndham Richardson, Malcott, Wyndham Riddle, John, Flag Hill, Fortrose Robertson, David, Pukerau Robertson, Donald, Otama Robertson, John, Riverbend, Gore Rogerson, Samuel, Otaraia Royd, Henry, Wyndham Royse, Stead, and Co., Fortrose Scott, James, Wyndham Seott, J. and S., Otaraia Scott, John, Mataura Scott, Thomas, Otaraia Sheddan, Robert, Gore Shirley, Matthew, Wyndham Smith, Alexander, Mataura Smith, James, Pukerau Smith, J. C, Mataura Smith, R. Mrs., Fortrose Speden, .Tames, Gore Stalker, D., Redan, Wyndham Stevenson, James, Mataura Stewart, Alexander, Otama Stewart, William, Otaraia Stewart, W. D., Otama Stirling, Charles, Waikaia Stirling, William, Wyndham Strangman, J. C, Wyndham Strover, Charles, Chatton Styles, John, Gore Swhan, Alexander, Clinton Syme, Alexander, Gore Templeton, John, Wyndham Thornbill, W. R., Venlaw, Wyndham Townshend, Joseph, Mataura Trotter, W. S., Robin Hood, Pine Bush Trumble, Thomas, Otaraia, Invercargill Vernon, E. S., Erne Hill, Fortrose Waddell, Wm., Gore Walker, J., Wyndham View, Wyndham Ward, A. R, Tuturau, Mataura Watson, Joseph, Riversdale Watt, Andrew, Otama Watt, John, Mataura White Samuel, Pukerau Whitefield, Gavin, Pukerau ... Williamson, Alexander, Chatton Williamson, Donald, Otaraia Williamson, James, Mataura... Wilson, John, Gore Woods, George, Chatton Young, Hugh, Pukerau Young, Robert, Pukerau Young, William, Burnside, Mataura 700 go8o 180 180 252 270 400 460 700 443 288 2711 75 480 100 180 100 400 400 6848 800 2600 600 98 192 6 300 190 814 74 i°5 2600 Nil IO234 '85 140 296 Nil 270 438 550 292 250 286 2600 '5 76 100 80 200 300 240 500 6550 IOOO 1160 400 Nil '95 Nil 300 200 760 99 "5 2750 141 200 200 250 182 392 200 200 160 Nil 187 2000 6000 Nil 1800 232 200 282 167 400 15° 200 160 1000 190 6000 i54 2128 3200 1125 99 692 220 70 233 345 250 172 1000 3200 1063 150 142 424 684 196 Nil 262 400 130 Nil 1200 18S 284 100 Nil 602 150 200 80 29 352 (In Southland Subdivision.) Adamson, James, Mabel, Grove Bush Alexander, W., Woodlands Allan, John, Mosaburn, Invercargill Allison, Robert, Mataura Anderson, David, Hokonui Baird, William, Forest Hill, Loehiel Baldy, Alfred, Ryal Bush Barclay, Thomas, Longbush Beaven, A., New River, Waianiwa Blakie, Andrew, Ryal Bush Blakie, James, Ryal Bush Blakie, Peter, Ryal Bush Booth Brothers, Gore 268135 256933 180 66 180 54 Nil 60 400 200 285 Nil 100 300 160 35° 300 583 350 800 290 350 840 400 120 500 386

No. of I 31st iheep on May. 1883. 1884. Boyd, F. R., Erroldale, Waimatuku Boyd, W., Waimatuku Brass, James, Waikivi Brockie, William, Winton Brook, John, Waimatuku Brotherton, H, Bay Road, Invercargill Brown, G. S., Wallacetown Brown, T. T., Forest Hill, Winton Bunn, Ernest, Longridge Butler, Bros., Springfield, Ryal Bush Buxton, Thomas, Makarewa, Invercargill ... Calvert, F., G., Roslyn Bush Cameron, Alexander, Ryal Bush Cameron, Archibald, Foreat Hill, Lochiel ... Cameron, Donald, Gap, Winton Campion, H. P., Gore Charlton & Rolleston, Woodstock, Woodlands Christie, John, Waimatuku Cochran Brothers, Lochiel Cockburn, John, Spar Bush, Waianiwa Collie, Donald, Fairfax Collins, J. F., Invercargill Colyer, J essie, Mrs., Awarua, Invercargill ... Coomer, R. J., Mataura Coster, J., Lochiel Coupland, Robert, Kennington Cowan, Cuthbert, Benmore Cowie, Andrew, Winton Cowie, John, Winton Craig, Andrew, Dipton Crosbie, George, Lochiel Cullen, P. S., Gummie's Bush Cunningham, James, Winton Dawson, George, Woodlands Deegan, James, Winton Diack, Francis, Benmore Dodd, Robert, Woodend, Myross Bush Donald, James, Lochiel Drysdale, Adam, Kennington Duncan, Henry, Benmore Dundas, J. F., Oteramika Dunlop, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Ellis, T. C. & C. C, Five Rivers, Invercargill Erskine, James, Invercargill Evans, John, Winton Evans, William, Winton Fairweather, Charles, Invercargill Falconer, John, Gore Ferguson, James, Myross Bush Finlayson, Archibald, Dipton Finlayson, Kenneth, Invercargill Fleming, Thos., Rakahouka, Roslyn Bush ... Forbes, Alexander, Lochiel Forbes, John, Woodlands Fosbinder, Joseph, Invercargill Fowler, John, Waikivi Fowler, Mrs. S., Bogburn Farm, Winton ... Fraser, A. W., Hedgehope Fraser, Duncan, Waimatuku Fraser, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Fraser, Lachlan, Waianiwa Friend, George, Mataura Gall, James, Edendale Gerrard, Alexander, Winton Gibson, John, Parrowa Farm, Athol Gillies and Quayle, Round Hill, Mossburn ... Givin, John, Mossburn, Ryal Bush Gorman, George, Hedgehope Grant, John, Grove Bush Gray, Alexander, Wallacetown Gray, Colin, Wallacetown Gray, John, Mataura Gray, Walter, Winton Gray, William, Riversdale Green, Thomas, Gore Halliday, William, Roslyn Bush Hamilton, Alexander, Ryal Bush Hamilton, James, Riversdale Hamilton, John, Winton Hamilton, Thomas, Forest Hill Hansen Brothers, Garston Heenan, Michael, Riversdale Henderson, Helen, Craighouse, Winton Henderson, John, Myross Bush 800 395 420 909 495 600 353 260 Nil 200 230 250 280 95 140 538 Nil 423 392 37 30 160 700 160 3550 34 4500 340 1080 I IOO 90 280 300 300 2740 550 500 187 44o 300 1600 80 200 500 60 30 Nil 420 81 Nil 53 5600 332 1050 955 99 82 2 300 2100 570 500 194 382 300 Nil 17 200 60 195 107 464 494 18000 320 140 IOOO 250 160 70 200 3435 155 18S 800 140 450 350 650 300 364 140 90 198 95 80 414 494 21590 140 130 1480 185 666 230 100 200 2700 290 200 152 300 5 700 1090 85 200 2200 190 194 800 146 94 Nil 450 300 298 70 3520 280 202 1655 141 395 Nil 574 1260 130 400 150 938 993 393 5" 940 135 100 200 498 Nil 200 750 300 985 148 130 450 74





No. of : 31st iheep on May. 1883. 1884. ffiehon, M., Limehills Todgkinson, Bros,, Ryal Bush Tolloway, Wiilliam, Longbush Holmes,'Hon. M., Castle Rock, Elbow Torman, C. H, Invercargill Norton, Robert, Grove Bush Humphries, J. E., Mataura renkins, Joseph, Gore Say, A C, Longridge Seir and Anderson, Mataura Serr, Patrick, Winton Serr, W. L., Bayfield, Oteramika Sidd, Henry, Winton Sing, Edward, Woodlands Sinross, Andrew, Myross Bush jadbrook, W. C, Mataura -ieece and Peacock, Winton jivingstone, Dougald, Lochiel Maben, J. and T., Benmore Main, Alexander, Invercargill Malone, Michael, Invercargill Marshall, T. E., Myross Bush McCallum, Duncan, Winton McConachie, D., Lochiel McConachic, M., Lochiel McCracken, Adam, Lochiel McCrostie, J. and J., Waianiwa McDonald, Christopher, Hokanui McDonald, John, Hunter's Farm, Dacre McDonald, John, Mabel, Grove Bush McDonald, John, Edendale MeFariane, John, Gladfield, Isla Bank McGregor, John, Makarewa McGregor, William, Winton Mcllraitb, J. and A. D., Mataura Mcintosh, William, Woodlands Mclntyre, John, Grove Bush Mclntyre, John, Long Bush McKay, Angus Long Bush McKay, Archibald, Dunsdale, Hedgehope ... McKay, J., Longbush McKay, John, Riversdale McKecbnie and Balneaves, Mataura McKellar, Donald, Mataura McKellar, Peter, Glenure, Longridge McKenzie, Abraham, Oteramika McKenzie, Hector, Riversdale McKercher, D., Winton McKercher, J. and J., Woodlands McKinnon, James, Ryal Bush McKinnon, John, Waianiwa McLachlan, R. D., Dipton McLean, Hugh, Round Hill Farm, Gore ... McLean, J. and D., Caroline Stn., Invercargill McLean, Thomas, Winton McLeod, George, Hedgehope McNaughton, David, Waianiwa McNaugliton, W., Waianiwa McNeil, Hector, Locheil McPbee, John, Longridge McPbee, Malcolm, Longbush McRae and Fraser, Hokonui McRae Brothers, Hokonui McRae, D. B., Hokonui McRae, Finlay, Hokonui Meat-preserving Company, Woodlands Merrifield, John, Winton Miller, Archibald, Annandale Milligan, Barnard, Waianiwa Milne, T. S., Woodlands Milne, William, Mataura Moffat and Sloan, Morton Mains, Woodlands Molliaon, William, Isla Bank Morison, John, Dipton Morris, A. W., Bushey Park, Mataura Morria, A. W., Glendhu, Mataura Moson Brothers, Grove Bush Mowat, J., Mataura Murcbiaon, Donald, Winton Say Tor, J., Garston ST.Z. and A. Land Co., Edendale S.Z. A. Co., Ardlussa & Eyre Creek, Gore ... S.Z. A. Company, Caroline and Otapiri ST.Z. A. Company, Croydon, Gore 400 200 30000 300 4' 351 i8o 158 543 336 100 60 440 700 31OOO Nil 50 33' Nil 162 850 90 .58 500' 400 36 350 140 400 Nil 280 Nil 80 32 100 39o 27 90 400 15000 250 100 73 34 190 535 300 300 300 200 '35 Nil 330 300 Nil 200 100 Nil 200 250 1011 10 250 1900 120 100 600 260 160 'SO 600 290 98 3°o 160 6,57 'So 7780 55 250 60 295 395 320 8000 58 60 700 440 64 800 '9 Nil 1600 158 '95 290 300 'SO no Nil 750 190 52 600 481 1000 28 'SO 191 Nil 8i95 275 7500 8069 563 850 77 100 23 2556 15200 11000 6000 47 800 225 900 296 200 100 260 "5 88 620 100 36 570 800 50 76 190 150 1909 300 9100 8791 560 900 196 4060 15000 12500 11500

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. N.Z. A. Co., Dome & Longridge, Gore N.Z. A. Co., Waimea Plains & Wantwood, Gore N.Z., Mort. & Invest. Association, Benmore Nicholson, Proctor, Oteramika Noble, John, Lochiel Norman, R. and T., Winton O'Brien, Thomas, Clifton O'Neill, John, Hedgehope O'Shannessy, Patrick, Winton Paterson, Thomas, Forest Hill, Winton Paterson, W. and A., Mossburn Perkins, W. R., Wianawa Poppelwell, Bros., Edendale Poston, W., Racecourse, Winton Price, J. M., Athol Pyper, A., Wrey's Bush, Annandale Reid and Duncan, Waimatuku Ritchie, James, Oteramika Ritchie, R. D., Mataura Robertson, Alexander, Lochiel Robertson, R. M., Gore Rogers, J., Glenguvich and Fairligbt, Athol... Ronald, William, Waianiwa Russell, John, Invercargill Scott, W. E. P., Mandeville Scott, W., Hokonui Shand, J. and J., Winton Sharp, Joseph, Winton Shaw, Mark, Winton Shepherd, J. D., Oteramika Sine'air, Peter, Hedgehope Sproull, CO.,Winton Stewart, David, Riversdale Sutton, J. B., Garryowen, Waianiwa Sutton, G. E., W rinton Swale, Ralph, Limehills Taylor, Angus, Hokonui • ... Taylor, Robert, Lora, Hokonui Taylor, Robert, Lochiel Templeton, John, Waimatuku Thomson, A. G., Hedgehope Thomson, James, Winton Thomson, John, and Sons, Winton Thomson, John, jun., Winton Thomson, Peter, Winton Thomson, Thomas, Winton Townsencl, Edwin, Mataura Trotter, W. S., Roslin Farm, Woodlands ... Turnbull, George, Isla Bank Urquhart, William, Longridge Vale, T., Te Wais Point, Campbelltown Walker, Bros., Longridge Walker, William, and Co., Half Moon Bay... Wallace, Angus, Airley, Invercargill Ward, Arthur, Gladfield Williams, Charles, Woodlands Willis and Co., Heddon Bush Wilson, Henry, Ryal Bush Wilson, James, One Tree Point Wilson, John, Waianiwa Wilson, J. W., Longridge Wilson, Thomas, Waianiwa Woblers and others, Ruapuke Campbelltown Wright, Thomas, Mataura 31700 403OO 136 250 786 IOO 400 255 8000 500 900 150 200 23OO 36 745 210 1348 21450 290 3500 380 2700 100 1900 '5 372 27800 37500 10777 180 300 796 Nil 390 30 360 8000 600 750 162 253 300 3050 5' 807 200 Nil 21940 262 100 Nil 45o 3620 '75 1500 Nil 61 47o 100 2070 1200 2015 1200 414 850 395' '55 47o 286 600 800 4200 95 498 120 600 1200 500 700 300 200 180 2285 1400 192 66 18 IOOO 400 700 340 340 '94 918 IOO 2296 29 1500 187 97 Nil 12594 400 65 360 600 360 2500 128400 74 300 360 2400 Total in county 336802 604937 338955 595888 WALLACE COUNTY. (In Southland Subdivision.) Aitcheson Brothers, Westwood, Riverton ... Allison, James, Gummie's Bush Anderson, D., Riverton Anderson, George, Isla Bank Arklay Brothers, Riverton Baird, Robert, Isla Bank Barwell, Samuel, Otautau Basstian, C, Dunrobin, & Woodstock, Otautau Bath, Richard, Gummie's Bush Beck, Joseph, Wairio - Birchall, W. T., Annandale Blackstock, William, Riverton Blackwood, Thomas, Kinloch, Otautau 40 146 160 398 178 500 210 10700 200 3°o 130 180 617 14 159 120 395 242 500 Nil 11500 200 300 105 400 790


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


By Authority : Geokge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington. —1885.

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1883. 1884. Borthwick, James, Mararoa Brown, William, Thornbury Browning, Allen, Mossburn Brownridge, James, Fairfax Butterworth, J. L., Mossburn Calder, George, Gummie's Bush Calder, William, Heddon Bush Campbell, R., jun., Mararoa Downs and Burwood, Mararoa Carmichael, Allan, Strathmore, Otautau Carniichael, A. and A., Wallacetown Carmichael & Co., Lynwood & Wairaki, Mararoa Clark, Thomas, Heddon Bush Craig, Arch., Wairio Crouch, E. T., Otautau Cummin g, George, Groper's Bush Cupples, R., Otautau Cuthbertson, R. F., Otahu, Invercargill Deacon, John, Thornbury Dean, C, Etal Creek, Nightcaps Dickson, Robert, Gore Dodd, Robert, Otautau Dodds, William, Wairio Drabble, F., Ermdale, Groper's Bush Edridge, A. E., Yellow Bluff, Otautau Ellis, J. C, Merivale, Otautau Ford, John, Groper's Bush Foster, Robert, Thornbury Fletcher, Peter, Thornbury Gallaber, James, Annandale Gardiner, J., Birchwood, Wairio Glendinning, R. W., Otautau -Grant, J., Woodburn, Eastern Bush Gray, Roderick, Wallacetown Gray, W. and K., Waimatuku Greive, John, Wallacetown Greive, J. G., Waianiwa Grieve, Robert, Waianiwa Grieve, James, Wallacetown Hailes, W., Wairio Hall, Andrew, Thornbury Halloran, R., Annandale Hamilton, J. W., Flint's, Thornbury Hannah, Andrew, Otautau Hard wick, John, Otautau Hare, A. R., Blackmount Hazlett, Robert, Thornbury Hodgkinson, Dr., Mount Fairfax, Invercargill Hodgson, William, Thornbury Holmes, Hon. M., Manipori, Mararoa Hopcroft, William, Gummie's Bush Instone, Matthew, Riversleigh, Thornbury... James, Richard, Otautau Johnston, William, Groper's Bush Johnston, William, Annandale Jones, Allan, Groper's Bush Jukes, M. D'A., Aparima, Ctautau Kennedy, T, W., Otautau Kingdon, N. S., Gore Kirke, J. A., Mavora, Elbow Kirkpatrick, Thomas, Wairio Lindsay, John, Isla Bank Lindsay, William, Strathmore, Otautau Lyon, W. A., Isla Bank MacKenzie, Lachlan, Otautau Mackintosh, Mrs. R., Wairio Mackintosh, James, Gladfield 165 I 8 Nil 244 368 160 2180 290 1189 150 55 38254 50 150 35927 786 800 30740 820 600 27188 200 20 800 396 350 6040 179 45 3374 545 220 6000 40 151 200 112 100 3500 4' 3700 1312 18000 3400 8 3600 1400 19000 205 80 6qo 80 10400 263 2500 560 700 93 •97 380 382 320 200 98 °43 300 80 16900 '95 1560 200 10000 380 358 490 200 500 IOO 7572 200 700 126 38s 500 332 180 150 497 200 14000 300 1610 10816 470 424 492 190 3800 Nil 120 400 198 3790 64 600 3100 170 210 340 Nil 7550 50 800 442 400 79 125 10627 234 600 93 30 5900

No. of ! 31st theep on May. 1883. I 1884. Manson, Donald, Annandale McCall, John, Wairaki McDonald, A., Flints, Thornbury McDonald, D ugald, Wild B ush, Riverton ... McDonald, Samuel, Wairio McHardy, Alexander, Isla Bank Mclntyre, J., Rothimurchis, Thornbury Mclvor, Kenneth, Centre Hill, Elbow McKenzie Bros., Forebank, Isla Bank McKenzie, William, Iala Bank McKinnon, R., Mt. Linton, Nightcaps McLean, J. B., Thornbury McNamara, M., Eastern Bush McNeill, Peter, Thornbury Melland & Williams, Cheviot, Mararoa Melland and Williams, Te Anau, Mararoa ... Millar, Robert, Groper's Bush Miller, Alexander, Thornbury Mitchell, John, Rosehill, Wairaki N.Z. L. M. A. Co., Sunnyside, Wairaki Nurse, Hon. W. H.,Blackwater,Riverton ... Officer, John, and Sons, Thornbury Patterson, William, Ryal Bush Philpott, G. and W., Waimatuku Pirie, James, Isla Bank Playfair, John, Gummie's Bush Power, Thomas, Annandale Reidie, David, Groper's Bush Reihill, Patrick, Scott's Gap, Otautau Riddle, W., Mossbauk, Dalmore Robbie, Francis, Isla Bank Roberts and Co., Ringway, Otautau Rowley, J. C, Avondale, Nightcaps Scobie, William, Wairaki Sinclair, John, Eastern Bush, Smith, J. H, Bayswater, Otautau Smith, J., jun., Otautau Spence, R., Heddon Bush, Otautau Spencer, IE M., Etalvale, Annandale Stevens, R. W. B., Nightcaps Stevens, W., South Grove, Gummie's Bush ,.. Stevenson, James, Isla Bank Sutherland, Robert, Nightcaps Sutton, Edwin, Isla Bank Sutton, Frederick, Thornbury Sutton, T., Mrs., Fairview, Thornbury Tapper, Robert, Clifden, Eastern Bush Tapper and Carmichael, Flint's Bush Tarlton, R. T., Mossburn Teviotdale, Peter, Iala Bank Thomson, Alexander, Otautau Thomson, G., Captain, Otautau Thornhill Bros., Centre Hill, Elbow Troup, Robert, Otautau Turnbull, James, Thornbury Vinning, H„ Bellmont, Wairaki Walker, William, Otautau Wallace, John, Thornbury Ward, Thomas, Yellow Bluff, Otautau Ward, C. and, H, Groper's Bush Watson, Douglas, Otautau Whyte, Robert, Heddon Bush Wiggins, C, Groper's Bush ... Williamson, George, Isla Bank Wilson, R. and Co., Woodburn, Otautau ... 100 900 202 10 95 "50 320 500 14563 500 3165 11675 450 140 4040 790 600 173 400 277 49 127 100 145 181 4980 15628 200 200 go ■59 278 Nil 123 n 00 7931 402 500 14251 125 75 300 4000 11080 500 256 68 3600 1250 580 65 160 290 102 Nil 108 100 Ni 200 5037 17001 82 120 5000 400 Nil 475o 100 15000 "79 100 260 1100 Nil 8000 1000 1209 677 55 Nil Nil 314 200 1083 46 220 52 680 56 27 183 Nil Nil 100 6500 80 13000 4320 12500 690 160 1190 170 1000 5o 5978 2976 183 583 20 188 687 5000 297901 299769

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1884., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-11

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-11

THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1884. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1885 Session I, H-11

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