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SESS. 11.—1884. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," Section 5, Subsection (8).

EEPOET FOE THE YEAE 1883. In order to publish the operations of friendly societies for the year 1882 at the earliest possible date* a table embodyii.g the chief features as to niKiberahip and funds, compiled from the returns which had up to date beeu received at thia office, wag printed and laid before Parliament during the session of 1883. The tables which are appended to this -report are compiled from the returns, as completed and amended, for the say io period, and show the transactions of the various societies in detail. 2. That societies are satisfied generally with the working of the Friendly Societies Act might at first sight seem to be evidenced by the large number of registrations effected during the year 1833. It is to be feared, however, in spite of this encouraging fact, t] iafr a considerable proportion of the societies are deeply dissatisfied with those sections of it which impose duties and obligations, although in the case of other societies the reverse can with confidence be affirmed. It is the earnest wish of the Ecgistrar to remove, as far as possible, any real ground of complaint, but it has been his duty to carry out the Act faithfully. lie has, however, been in correspondence with several leading members of friendly societies respecting suggestions they have made for modifying some of the provisions cf the Act, and has recently had personal interviews on this matter with gentlemen in Auckland and New Plymouth representing societies in those localities. 3. It is satisfactory to be able to report that the advice given by the Eegistrar, as well as by the Public Valuers, who have b^en unanimous in urging the adoption of a sufficient scale of contributions, has not been offered altogether in vain. Some of the societies, which on valuation showed a deficit, have raised the scale; but it must be admitted that the majority do not appear to place faith in the actuarial valuations. On the other hand, the secretary of a recently-formed lodge of Druids, in the return for 18-32, which showed a considerable number of lapses, stated, by way of comment, that many members had left the lodgi, fearing that, at the low rate of contribution adopted by this body, a society would not be likely to fulfil its promises. Very lately it has been decided by the Grand Lodge of Druids in Australia to adopt a higher scale. Pome of the reasons for the want of confidence displayed by so many New Zealand societies in the reports furnished by the Public Valuers are discussed, below, and suggestions are made towards increasing their faith in the conclusions of actuarial science. i. During the calendar year 1883 payments amounting to £236 16s. were authorized for valuations of societies; and Mr. Alfred Y/iggins, of Wellington, a gentleman who had given evidence of the requisite actuarial attainments and rare logical power, as well as much familiarity with the practical working of friendly societies, was appointed a Public Valuer under the Friendly Societies Act. One of Mr. Wiggins's valuation reports is appended as Schedule I. hereto. 5. The St. Patrick's (Christchurch) Branch of the New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society having neglected to furnish returns required by the Valuer, it was necessary to enforce compliance by prosecution. This was the only case in which legal proceedings were instituted during the year. 6. In consequence of applications from societies, the opinion of the Crown Law Officers has been taken on the interpretation of. sections 13 (2) and 29 (1) of " Tlie Friendly Societies Act, 1882." In reference to the former, it is held that bank cheques do not come within the exemptions made in favour of friendly societies ; and, in reference to the latter, that trustees are not included among the officers of a friendly society by whom security is required to be given. I—H. 1.



REGISTRATION OF SOCIETIES AND BRANCHES. 7. During the year the total number of registrations was 65, distributed as follows :— Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows... 31 Lodges. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) ... 2 Subordinate Lodges. Ancient Order of Foresters ... ... ... 5 Courts. United Ancient Order of Druids ... ... 6 Subordinate Lodges. Independent Order of Eechabites ... ... 13 Tents. New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society ... 5 Branches. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia ... 2 Subordinate Lodges. Working-Men's Club ... ... ... 1 Club. 8. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison between the number of societies on the register on the Ist January and the 31st December respectively : —

A complete list of societies and branches on the register at the end of 1883 is subjoined as Schedule 11. to this report. REGISTRATION OP NEW RULES. 9. Eegistration of complete amendments of rules, i.e., of a complete set of new rules, was made in respect of the following bodies :— Hawke's Bay District, Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American). REGISTRATION OF PARTIAL AMENDMENTS OF RULES. 10. Eegistration of partial amendments of rules was made in respect of the following bodies:— Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Fountain of Friendship Lodge (Auckland Hokitika Lodge (Hokitika District). District). Ashley District. Excelsior Lodge (New Plymouth District). Timaru Lodge (Lyttelton District). Marlborough District. Albion Lodge (Otago District). North Westland District. Caver sham Lodge ~ National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District. Ancient Order of Foresters. Court City of Auckland (Auckland District). Court Thistle of the Forest (Canterbury ~ Nil Desperandum ~ United District). „ Star of the South ~ United Otago District. ~ Sir George Grey (Wellington District). Court Excelsior (United Otago District). Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Grand Division of New Zealand. .. Wellington Working-Men's Club. CONVERSION OF REGISTERED SOCIETIES INTO BRANCHES. 11. During the year 1883 the status of the undermentioned courts was changed, in terms of section 19 of the Act, from that of societies independently registered into that of registered branches of the District:—

Name of Society or Class of Society. Statement as on 31st December, 1882. Statement as on 31st December, 1883. Manchester Unity of Odd Follows Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) National Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ancient Order of Foresters Ancient Order of Shepherds United Ancient Order of Druids Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society Independent Order of Bechabites Sons and Daughters of Temperance Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society .. New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society 13 Districts and 89 Lodges 1 Grand Lodge and 14 Subordinate Lodges 1 District and 2 Lodges 6 Districts, 72 Courts, and 2 Widow-and-Orphan Funds 2 Sanctuaries 24 Lodges 1 Central Body 2 Districts and 18 Tents 1 Grand Division and 8 Subordinate Divisions 7 Branches 1 Executive Directory and 5 Branches 1 Grand Lodge and 7 Subordinate Lodges 2 Branches Pour One Nine 1 Grand Lodge, 107 Subordinate Lodges, and 2 Temples 13 Districts and 120 Lodges. 1 Grand Lodge and 15 Subordinate Lodges. 1 District and 2 Lodges. 6 Districts, 77 Courts, and 2 Widow-and-Orphan Funds. 2 Sanctiiaries. 30 Lodges. 1 Central Body. 2 Districts and 31 Tents. 1 Grand Division and 8 Subordinate Divisions. 6 Branches. 1 Executive Directory and 10 Branches. 1 Grand Lodge and 9 Subordinate Lodges. 1 Branch. Three. One. Seven. 1 Grand Lodge, 107 Subordinate Lodges, and 2 Temples. One. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia New Zealand Eailway Employes' Benefit Society Isolated Friendly Societies Benevolent Society Working-Men's Clubs Independent Order of Good Templars Isolated Specially-authorized Society One .. .. ..



Court Sherwood Forest, Nelson District, Ancient Order of Foresters. ~ Eobin Hood „ ~ From Schedule 11. appended to this report it will be seen that 36 bodies, which are actually branches of societies within the colony, still retain their place on the register as separate societies. It is obvious that at the present rate of conversion it will be long before the registration of all these bodies will be placed on its proper footing—before their legal status will correspond to their de facto position; and, as the Friendly Societies Act makes the conversion dependent on the will of the branch, it is open to lodges and courts which value the anomalous position of independence secured to them to resist a change which would legally subject them to the control of the District authorities. CANCELLATIONS OP EEGISTEY. 12. The registry of the following societies was cancelled on the ground that they had ceased to exist:— Limehills Working-Men's Club. North Waimate Working-Men's Club. New Zealand Prudential Assurance Society. Instruments of dissolution were registered in respect of— Winchester Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. New Zealand Bail way Employ6s' Benefit Society (Christchurch Branch). Waimea Branch, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. STATISTICAL TABLES FOR 1882. 13. Appended to this report are seven tables, compiled from the returns for 1882, showing the progress during that year as respects both membership and funds ; the receipts and expenditure both of the Sick and Funeral Fund and of the Management Fund; the nature of the investments, with their respective rates of interest, &c. 14. The number of societies and branches (exclusive of central bodies) dealt with in these tables is 272, distributed according to orders as follows : — Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... 107 Lodges. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) ... ... 13 Lodges. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... ... 2 Lodges. Ancient Order of Foresters ... ... ... 75 Courts. Ancient Order of Shepherds ... ... ... 2 Sanctuaries. United Ancient Order of Druids ... ... ... 22 Lodges. Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society ... ... 1 Lodge. Independent Order of Eechabites ... ... ... 26 Tents. Sons and Daughters of Temperance ... ... ... 6 Divisions. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... ... 6 Branches. New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society..-. ... 4 Branches. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia ... 5 Lodges. Eailway Employes'Benefit Societies ... ... ... 2 Societies.] Isolated Local Society ... ... ... ... 1 Society. 15. The number of members of the above-mentioned lodges* was 19,206. The total funds amounted to £232,469 14s. Bd., of which £204,780 os. 9d. belonged to the Sick and Funeral Fund. This gives an average of £12 2s. Id. per member in respect of the total funds, and £10 13s. 3d. in respect of the Sick and Funeral Fund, and shows, as compared with the previous year, a decrease in the former of ss. 7d., and in the latter of 7s. Id. The difference is accounted for by the fact that nearly all the lodges which appear in these tables this year for the first time have been established at a recent date, and have therefore a small average fund per member. 16. The numerical progress, mortality, and sickness are shown in Table 11. The total number of admissions during 1882 was 3,386, of lapses (including transfers—styled " clearances " —to other lodges) 2,109, and of deaths 129, giving a net increase of 1,148. As in the year 1880 a net loss was reasonably assumed to be a consequence of depression of trade in the colony, it seems only fair to suppose that the above considerable increase in membership indicates that there was in 1882 some improvement in the general prosperity at any rate of the working-classes. The following table gives a comparative view of the numbers of lodges varying in membership from under 50 to over 400 :—

The average number of members in a lodge was 70-6. The number of deaths of members for the year was 129, or 6'92 per 1,000 members, as against 7'36 in the year 1881. The number of deaths of members' wives was 68, or 3'65 per I,ooo 'members, as against 3-86 in 1881. Owing to the incompleteness of the marriage statistics furnished, it is not possible to give the death-rate per 1,000 members' wives.

* The word "lodge" is to be understood throughout as embracing all synonymous terms, as court, tent, &c, as used respectively in the various affiliated orders.

Total. Under 50. 50 to 100. 100 to 150. 150 to 200. 200 to 250. 250 to 300. 300 to 350. 850 to 400. 400 to 450. umber of lodges 272 131 85 30 11



The number of members sick was 2,586, or 13'9 per cent.—a percentage almost identical with that of 1881. The total amount of sickness, 16,972 weeks 6 days, gives an average of rather more than 09 week per member, and of 6-6 weeks per member sick. The comparison of these results with corresponding averages obtained from the experience of eight of the earliest-established lodges of the Manchester Unity affords, like the similar comparisons instituted in the Registrar's former reports, striking proof of the rapid rate at which the sickness experience of a society increases with increasing age. The average ago of these eight lodges was 36 years, and the number of members sick was 16-5 per cent. The average sickness was 1-83 week per member, and above 11 weeks per member sick. The sickness experience for the years 1881 and 1882, when classified so that acute attacks may be distinguished from sickness more or less chronic, is divided as follows: — *First Six Months. fSecond Six Months. {After Twelve Months. 1881 ... ... ... 67-53 9-17 23-30 1882 ... ... ■ ... 66-44 8-89 24-67 —showing an exceedingly slight variation; but the experience of the eight lodges above mentioned is of a very different character, being 45-66 per cent, for the first six months, 12-01 per cent, for the second six months, and 42-33 per cent, after twelve months, the increase in the proportion of chronic sickness being thus very marked. The number of lodges which had sickness experience extending beyond the first six months of continuous sickness was 29-41 per cent, in 1882, as against 39-64 per cent, in 1881; and the number which had sickness experience extending beyond twelve months was 21-32 per cent., as against 31-36 per cent, in 1881. The diminished percentage is, of course, due to the inclusion of a large number of recently-established lodges in the tables for 1882. 17. Table 111. shows the number of members classified according to age and conjugal condition. The proportion of married to unmarried was very nearly as 13 to 7, the married members comprising 64-76 of the total number. From the columns relating to age, it will be seen that 808 or 4-21 per cent, of the members were under 20 years of age, 7,047 or 36'69 per cent, were between 20 and 30, 6,481 or 33-74 per cent, between 30 and 40, 3,784 or 19-70 per cent, between 40 and 50, 749 or 3-90 per cent, between 50 and 60, 95 or -49 per cent, between 60 and 70, and 16 or -08 per cent, over 70, while the ages of 226 or 1-17 per cent, of the members could not be ascertained. On the other hand, in the eight lodges established before the year 1850, it will be seen that, out of 1,727 members, 43 or 2-49 per cent, were under 20 years of age, 525 or 30-40 per cent, were between 20 and 30, 525 or the same percentage between 30 and 40, 396 or 22-93 per cent, between 40 and 50, 158 or 9-09 per cent, between 50 and 60, 54 or 3-13 per cent, between 60 and 70, and 11 or -69 per cent, over 70 years of age, while the ages of 15 or -87 per cent, were not specified. It will thus be seen that the percentage of members over 60 was between 6 and 7 times greater in these old lodges than in the societies taken altogether, while the percentage of members over 70 was between 8 and 9 times as great. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the absolute number of aged members in the long-established lodges is exceedingly small, and this result is doubtless due to the large number of secessions which have taken place. The secession-rate in the colonies is very high, and the average duration of -membership is consequently small (notwithstanding a lower mortality) as compared with that in English societies. 18. Table IV. deals with the Benefit Funds of the various societies, giving the particulars of the annual receipts and expenditure, together with the amount of the fund in each lodge at the beginning and end of the year. The contributions to this fund amounted to £25,177 os. 9d., being an average of £1 7s. per member. This average is nearly the same as that of the three previous years. Although several societies have increased their rate during that period, the effect on the statistical tables has been neutralized by the registration of a large number of Druid lodges with very low rates of contributions. The receipts from entrance and clearance fees were £1,766 17s. 3d., or 10s. sd. per member admitted. The average for the year 1881 was 10s. 9d. The total amount paid as sick benefits during the year was £13,738 12s. 3d., or 14s. 9d. per member, and £5 6s. 2d. per member sick, as compared with 15s. 6d. and £5 13s. 3d. in the year 1881; and the average weekly pay, which has been nearly constant for four years, was 16s. 2d. The funeral benefits amounted to £2,853 Bs. The amount of levies to the District Funeral Funds was £3,942 3s. lid., or an average of 4s. 6d. per member in those societies which have a District Funeral Fund. In 1881 the average was 4s. sd. The total receipts of the Sick and Funeral Funds were £46,459 9s. 4d., or £2 9s. lOd. per member, as against £2 10s. 3d. in the previous year. The total payments were £23,452 Bs. 10d., or £1 ss. 2d. per member. The expenditure, therefore, was, as in 1881, a little more than 50 per cent, of the receipts. 19. Table V. exhibits the transactions of the Medical and Management Expenses Funds. In each lodge there is a single fund, usually called tho "Incidental" or tho "Management" Fund, from which medical and management expenses are jointly defrayed. The total amount of expenditure from this fund, for all the lodges, was £31,567 Is. lid., distributed as follows : —■

* 1.e., sickness which had not yet lasted more than six months since the commencement of the attack. t Sickness which had already lasted more than six months, but not more than twelve months. For such sickness societies usually make a weekly allowance at a reduced rate. J Sickness which had already been protracted beyond twelve months. When illness is protracted beyond this, point, the weekly allowance is usually still further reduced.



£ s. a. Medical attendance and medicine ... ... ... ... 16,742 1 8 Expenses of management (inclusive of levies to central bodies) ... 10,568 7 5 Other payments ... ... ... ... ... 4,256 12 10 £31,567 1 11 This gives an average of 18s. per member for medical attendance, &c, and 11s. 4d. for expenses of management, a saving of Is. and lOd. respectively upon tho previous year's averages. The sum of the contributions and levies to these funds was less than in 1881 to the extent of 2s. Id. per member. This may probably be accounted for by a diminution in the levies required to be made during the year. 20. Table VI. shows the distribution of the societies' funds as on the 31st December, 1882. Of the total amount, £130,109 was placed at interest, and the value of laud and buildings was set down at £81,597. Cash in hand amounted to £13,876; and £6,888 represented value of goods, regalia, debts, &c. The following is a statement of funds and assets as at the end of tho year : — Funds. £ Assets. £ Sick and Funeral Funds ... ... 204,780 Investments at interest ... ... 130,109 Medical and Management Expenses 21,529 Value of land and buildings ... 81,597 Funds Cash not bearing interest ... ... 13,876 Other funds and property ... ... 6,161 Value of goods, regalia, &c. ... 5,728 Other assets ... ... ... 1,160 £232,470 £232,470 21. Table VII. shows how the funds at interest were placed, with the rates per cent, earned by the various investments. £13,263 was in the Post-Offiee Savings-Back, and £28,095 in other banks. The average interest on the latter was 4 T 7^ per cent. £731 was on deposit with companies, &c, at an average interest of 5f per cent.; £75,936 was on mortgage of freehold property, yielding on an average B T^j per cent. ; £7,648 was invested in Government and municipal debentures, at an average of 6£ per cent.; £3,561 in shares in companies, &c., yielding about 8 per cent.; and £875 on securities other than those above mentioned, at an average of 8^ per cent. QUINQUENNIAL STATISTICS OF SICKNESS AND MORTALITY. 22. In the year 1881 a report was issued by the department on the sickness and mortality experienced by New Zealand friendly societies during the five years ended 31st December, 1877. This report was based on the quinquennial returns supplied to the Eegistrar during 1878 in accordance with the Friendly Societies Act of the previous year. By the Amendment Act of 1878 an annual return of sickness and mortality, and an annual spt of cards for members newly admitted, were substituted for the quinquennial returns previously in use. These returns and sets of cards have been supplied to the Eegistrar year by year, and it follows, therefore, that in 1883 the materials for a second quinquennial tabulation had been accumulated-. It was found impossible, owing to excessive pressure of work, to enter upon this compilation during the year 1883; but at the present date tin; work is well in hand, and the Eegistrar subjoins herewith a summary table showing the percentages resulting from that portion of the statistics which has already been completely dealt with.

23. During the .year 1883, and to a still greater extent during the current year, much dissatisfaction has been expressed by societies at the requirement, imposed by the Act of 1878, to supply these sickness returns and sets of cards. The feeling among the complaining lodges has usually been that the department might reasonably demand an annual return of the finances and numerical

Average Number of Weeks' Sickness experienced per Annum. u Bates of per A per 1,000 Mortality Vnnuin Members. II O O S3 PJ1 Peri experit ;entage jncing £ aY of Members sickness during ear. "H " fcj O 3 8 111 S " a M Per Member. ir Member Si< *. Ages of Mernbera. o "4 sill II IP 3 o « a g || !i ii gi §a sa * 5 6a « Its? IP tO ID g 0) r QQ 3 2|S pi Of Members. Of Members' Wives. Jnder 20 iO to 25 !5 to 30 iO to 86 !5 to 40 10 to 45 15 to 50 iO to 55 55 to 60 50 to 65 55 to 70 f0 and upwards Jnspecified .. 10-56 10-95 10-31 11-29 13-58 15-72 17-21 13-55 22-38 22-22 28-57 23-53 12-62 10-56 10-86 10-18 11-02 13-34 15-10 16-18 13-01 19-58 10-07 21-43 11-77 11-23 •28 ■21 •47 ■58 •80 1-06 •09 •07 •41 •29 •62 1-24 •55 4-20 5-56 7-14 11-77 1-33 •40 •44 •40 •70 •84 1-15 1-73 1-01 4-47 5-13 4-80 8-24 1-73 ■40 •40 •41 ■50 •62 ■81 1-02 •73 1-57 2-15 1-07 2-10 •89 •04 ■02 •06 ■08 ■10 •15 ; -08 , -14 •14 •24 •56 •28 1-64 ! 2-90 I 3-73 6-14 ! -53 3-81 4-06 4-51 6-21 6-20 7-34 10-04 7-49 19-97 23-08 16-79 35-00 13-70 3-81 3-71 4-10 4-40 4-29 3-35 0-34 5-62 8-02 12-89 5-00 17-83 7-87 13-61 7-94 13-69: 13-13' 11-91 13-72 3-83 44-00 |33-83 |46-84 !39-05 44-93 52-17 39-00 52-17 52-17 52-17 40-25 5.8 13-0 9-5 8-8 7-o 3-5 3-2 2-8 1-4 7-07 y-63 2-81 1-35 4-65 10-71 10-70 0-92 2-80 2-03 006 8-55 5-32 12-3' 32-1: 28-Oi 16-5! 9-0 1 1-Gi 0-0! 5-59 2-78 1-26 •08 22-50 3-00 28-37 23-00 6-2 117-05 1-33 •81 •1! All ages .. 12-86 12-44-•56 •46 •88 •61 •19 •08 6-84 4-91 13-7! 41-39 8-2 5-05 3-37 100-01



progress of a society, but that it is unreasonable and vexatious to insist upon a series of detailed statistical documents, which shall enable the Eegistrar to trace the progress of each individual member. It was the desire of the Government to consider favourably any well-grounded complaint on the part of societies; but, as the Eegistrar could not report that the statistical documents, in question—which consist of the form of card and form of experience return appended as Schedules 111, and IV. hereto—were unessential to that periodical compilation of sickness and mortality experience which it is one of the objeois of the Act to secure, it was decided not to dispense with the requirement objected to. Nevertheless, as the compilations aimed at were recognized as not likely, owing to insufficiency of numbers, to possess any great actuarial value until the lapse of nearly a generation, it was considered only fair to remunerate secretaries for their trouble in supplying the necessary data. The experience returns and cards for the year 1883 have accordingly been paid for by fees graduated according to the following scale: For lodges with 50 members or under, 7s. 6d.; with an additional ss. for each additional 50 members or part of 50 members. VALUATIONS. 24. During 1883 no less than fourteen complete valuations were returned to the Eegistrar. Six of these were valuations of districts, each containing several affiliated lodges and courts, respecting each of which a separate valuation report was forwarded to the Eegistrar. The report made by Mr. Wiggins to the Wellington District of Manchester Unity Odd Fellows is given in extenso as Schedule I. hereto, as it deals in a very able manner with an unusually large number of important questions affecting the welfare of friendly societies; and a table summarizing the results of all valuations made under the Act, and returned to the Eegistrar before the Ist January of the present year, is appended as Schedule V. 25. From this table it will be seen that the majority of lodges hitherto valued exhibit what is technically called a deficiency. Much misapprehension appears to exist among members of lodges as to the intended significance of this term. By some it has been held to imply that the outstanding debts of the lodge are in excess of its present assets, and that the lodge is therefore, in the commercial sense of the word, insolvent. Great has been the indignation of members possessed with this idea at being told that their lodge, which has possibly a large accumulated fund, "exhibits a deficiency." It is necessary therefore to explain that the deficit announced by a Valuer is not one in the ordinary commercial sense. It arises by comparing the fund actually possessed by the lodge with the fund which, in the opinion of the Valuer, it ought to possess in order that, with the contributions and interest expected to be received, it may be reasonably certain to meet the liabilities of the future as they accrue. But even amongst those who are aware that the valuation is a discounting of the future, and not a mere inventory of present assets and liabilities, there is often a misunderstanding as to what is exactly implied when a lodge is pronounced "insolvent." It is readily understood that a certain standard is set up by the Valuer by which to discount or estimate the future. Certain assumptions are made as to the future experience of the lodge, both with regard to the interest its funds will realize, and with regard to the sickness and mortality which will befall its members. And when, as often happens, these assumptions are less favourable than what the experience of the past would indicate, great discontent is expressed at what is considered an unnecessarily severe valuation. A further assumption is uniformly made by the Valuers which is certainly contrary to all the experience of the past, and admittedly most unlikely to be realized in the future. It is assumed, namely, that all the existing members of a lodge will remain in it till death; whereas all experience shows that a large proportion secede after having been members for a comparatively short time, and after having paid into the funds far more than they have ever drawn out. It is easy to see that this assumption has a tendency to produce an over-estimate of the liabilities of a lodge. On all these grounds a considerable number of societies seem to have lost all faith in the valuations, and to be in no way disconcerted, but only indignant, when they are declared by a Valuer to be insolvent. What reply can be made to the position thus taken up by the societies? It must be admitted in the first place that the use of the term "insolvent," as applied to all societies which do not come up to the. Valuers' standards, is objectionable. The word " unsafe," or even " unsound," would be more legitimate.- - For it does not follow from the fact that a lodge is unable to stand the Valuer's test, that the lodge is certain or even likely to fail in fulfilling its obligations, but only that there is a very appreciable danger of its so failing. A distinction must be recognized between the most probable future liabilities of societies, and those heavier liabilities which, though not most probable, are not by any means very improbable. It is clear that a society must be able to face these heavier liabilities before it can be called " safe," although it cannot fairly be called " insolvent " unless it is unable even to cope with those lighter liabilities distinguished as the "most probable " ones. 26. Under these circumstances the Eegistrar has made the suggestion that, in the case of each lodge, a second valuation should be made, showing the sum the lodge ought to have in hand to meet its engagements on the most probable assumptions respecting its future experience. Where the funds are well invested, a higher rate of interest than 4 per cent, would be used in this second valuation, and also a reasonable allowance would be made for the profits likely to accrue from future secessions. The Valuer would of course point out candidly that the reserve fund thus indicated could not be sufficient to put the society in a reasonably safe position, and he would make his more rigid valuation as heretofore in order to indicate the heavier reserve fund required for safety. The two results would appear side by side, and each could be taken for what'jt is worth. Many societies, which now console themselves with the reflection that the deficiencies which Valuers allege against them are merely due to over-severity in the standards of valuation employed, would be wholesomely astonished to discover that even by the more lenient methods their financial condition was demonstrated to be unsound. 27. Although the Eegistrar thus considers that a change in the direction demanded by many of



the societies would have a beneficial effect, provided that the original and more severe method of valuation be conserved, and its results exhibited side by side with those of the proposed new method, he is bound in fairness to admit that some highly-competent judges hold the opposite opinion. A gentleman who has for many years been connected with one of the largest societies in the colony, and whose knowledge of friendly society finance is both accurate and extensive, has lately condemned the proposed change as decidedly impolitic. In a memorandum to the Eegistrar, courteously furnished in reply to a request for his opinion, he has expressed his views in the following terms:— " After full consideration of the subject, and conversations with Messrs. , I am decidedly opposed to effect being given to the desire expressed by Mr. Wright* and some others for the employment of a higher rate than 4 per cent, in our valuations, and for an allowance being made on account of secessions. " (1.) Because, in my opinion, 4 per cent, is as high a rate of interest as can be adopted with safety, and to employ a higher rate would therefore be misleading and dangerous. " (2.) Because neither the Valuer nor the Eegistrar can control the use to which the results of a valuation at a higher rate than 4 per cent, may be put. In the great majority of cases members would regard, and lead other persons to believe, that the valuation most favourable to their own society was the correct one; and, where much was required, little or nothing would be done to improve the condition of the society. " (3.) Because all, or nearly all, those persons who ask for the employment of a higher rate of interest and an allowance for secessions in the valuations, have not acquainted themselves sufficiently well with the nature and conditions of the various matters involved to be capable of forming a just opinion on the merits of the case. With fuller knowledge and more experience this agitation will soon die out in the North, as it has already died out here. " (4.) Because members generally will carp and cavil at any method of valuation which fails to show a surplus in their particular society. " (5.) Because Valuers ought to leave a margin for safety somewhere. Their advice regarding the rate of contributions to be charged is not taken; they cannot control the number of members, or the safe and profitable investment of the funds, or secure honest administration in the societies; and the determination of the rate of interest to be used, and the method of dealing with protracted sickness and secessions, are the only items left them. " For the foregoing reasons, and others that might be mentioned, but which will be obvious to yourself, I am decidedly opposed to any alteration being made in the rate of interest employed in our valuations. When sufficient experience of the rates, of sickness, mortality, secessions, &c, in this colony has been collected to afford some real guidance, then alterations may be required in our present methods of dealing with these matters; but that time has not arrived yet." Of the reasons here urged, the Eegistrar considers that the one marked (2) possesses great weight, although he holds that the danger there indicated is more than counterbalanced by the advantages to be anticipated from the introduction of the new method. The reasons marked (1) and (5) would bo conclusive if it were proposed to abolish the old method of valuation, but they do not seem to the Eegistrar to have any force against the proposal to establish the new method side by side with it. Lastly, arguments (3) and (4), though undoubtedly tending somewhat to weaken the grounds on which it has been proposed to make the change, can scarcely be held to remove those grounds. 28. It should be distinctly understood that, under the present Act, the Eegistrar has no power to determine the r^te of interest at which a valuation is to be made, nor whether secessions are to be taken into account or not. These points are left to the discretion of Valuers. The Eegistrar can only advise, and express his opinion after a valuation is completed as to the correctness or otherwise of the principles on which the valuation has been made. His opinion, however, as frequently expressed and still held, is to the effect that the standards hitherto adopted by the Valuers are necessary and sufficient to insure the safety of societies (with prudent management), although —or rather, because —they considerably over-estimate the most probable liabilities which the society under prudent administration is likely to have to meet. It is evident that if only the most probable liabilities are provided for, a society is in a thoroughly unsafe position,, even with the best management, for the chances of permanent success and ultimate failure are, so far as they depend on the existing contracts, nearly even. TRADE UNIONS. 29. By " The Trade Union Act, 1878," the Eegistrar of Friendly Societies is constituted Eegistrar of Trade Unions, and is required to report annually on his proceedings in that capacity. It therefore becomes his duty to report that, during the year 1883, applications for registry were made by two unions, viz., the "Wellington Licensed Victuallers' Trade Union Association," and the " Lyttelton Lumpers' Union." Both these societies were duly registered during the year, although the registration of the former has since been cancelled at its own request, on the ground that the number of its members had fallen below the minimum number required by the rules. F. W. Feankland, Friendly Societies' Eegistry Office, Wellington, Eegistrar of Friendly Societies. 20th August, 1884.

* Secretary of the Fountain of Friendship Lodge of Odd Follows, Auckland.



SCHEDULE I. Eepoet by Public Valuer on the afpaies op the Wellington District, 1.0.0.F., M.U. To the Grand Master, and other District Officers. Gentlemen, — In pursuance of instructions received from your Corresponding Secretary, in a letter dated the 10th<July last, I have made a valuation of the lodges in your district, the particulars for such valuation having been furnished me as at the 31st December, 1882. Prom the particulars thus furnished I find that there were in the district, at the date of valuation, 834 members, distributed among eleven lodges. This is exclusive of two lodges from which no returns have been received, viz., the Masterton and Petone Lodges. The latter, lam informed, has been formed so lately that at the date of valuation it had no members entitled to benefits. Of these 834 members, 532 were married, and 302 single. Their average age was 34 years and 9 months, and the total contributions to benefit funds, or net premium income of the lodges, amounted to £900 15s. Id. per annum. In Table A, appended to this report, you will find these and other particulars of the various lodges tabulated. With regard to the benefits promised, I find that they vary in different lodges. Six of the lodges allow 20s. per week during the first six months' sickness, and £20 on the death of a member ; while in the remaining five the benefits in these cases are respectively 15s. per week and £15. In nine lodges the rate of sick pay for the second six months is 10s. per week, in one it is 155., and in another 7s. 6d. Nine of the lodges pay 7s. 6d., after twelve months' continuous sickness, for the remainder of sickness; one pays 10s.; and the other divides the periods, and pays ss. per week during the third six months, and 2s. 63. thereafter. The contributions vary considerably. The District Rules prescribe a graduated scale of contributions for the following benefits: £1 per week sick benefit during the first six months, 10s. per week during the next six months, and 7s. 6d. during remainder of illness; £20 on death of member, and £10 on death of member's wife. These contributions vary from 2s. 7d. per lunar month for members entering at age eighteen, to ss. Id. for those entering at forty. An entrance fee varying from 20s. to £4 10s. is also prescribed. I regret to find, however, that only two lodges (the Combination and Kainapoura) have adopted this scale. In other lodges the contributions vary from 13s. per annum at all ages to 265. at all ages. In some of these lodges the inequality of these uniform contributions has been somewhat mitigated by the imposition of an annual additional rate varying with age from 2s. to 7s. 6d. In others, half the rates prescribed in the district rule appears to be charged. At present lam merely recounting the statements of fact on which this valuation was based. Any comments which it may be necessary to make on these circumstances I reserve for a later peribd of this report, and for my reports to the individual lodges. Before laying the valuation balance-sheet before you, it may be well, seeing that a great amount of misconception appears to prevail on the subject, to explain briefly what the valuation of a friendly society is, and why it is a necessity for every society which desires to be in a position to meet its engagements. A valuation of a friendly society, then, is exactly equivalent to the periodical stock-taking which every prudent man of business takes care to have made of his property and liabilities. The merchant who should neglect this precaution would rightly be held guilty of a grave neglect of duty, and if, in consequence of this neglect, he went on trading in a manner which brought him to the Insolvency Court, and involved others in disaster, he would lay himself open to the gravest censure. But all the considerations which affect the trader apply with even greater force to the case of a friendly society, for the latter receives money saved by the thrifty and selfdenying of the wage-earning class; these payments may often be continued for a long term of years, and frequently are made at the cost of great temporary inconvenience. In return the society promises help when that help is most sorely needed —when the bread-winner is stricken down by sickness, or laid low by the inevitable hand of death. How great is the responsibility, therefore, of those who direct the operations of the society! A harder case cannot well be conceived than that of a man who, during the best portion of his life, has made payments into a society, and in the evening of his days finds that the assistance on which he had relied, and which was his by right, is not forthcoming. Some over-sanguine members of societies appear to think such a supposition imaginary and impossible; but those who choose to acquaint themselves with the facts are aware that such cases have been only too frequent. In the inaugural address of the Grand Master of your own noble order, delivered at the Grand Annual Movable Committee, held in Nottingham on May Ist, the Grand Master, quoting from a return which had been laid before Parliament, said : " It appears that 647 Unions made returns, containing 11,304 adult male paupers who had been members of friendly societies, of which number 7,391 had ceased to be members from non-payment of contributions, &c, and 3,913 from the breaking-up of the societies." Now, how are such disastrous results to be rendered all but impossible for the future ? Various provisoes are necessary, on which I hope to touch briefly before concluding this report; but, however sound the basis and however good the management of a society, I have no hesitation in affirming that a periodical investigation into the state of its affairs is absolutely essential to its stability. Mr. Charles Kardwick, Past Grand Master of your order, and the author of a manual which is an acknowledged authority on friendly society matters, enumerates among the conditions which are " indispensably necessary to insure stability" the following : "A quinquennial or other periodical revision or investigation into the state of the assets and liabilities, with the view to the adjustment of any irftsgularity which the conditions may have failed to provide for." And, commenting on this periodical revision, he further says : " Even if all-powerful necessity did not demand it, a proper sense of equity and honour would suggest the adoption of some such provision, in order that the errors or imperfections of the passing years of any society should not be exclusively visited upon the heads of those who may join the club long after they were committed. On the other hand, if any particular institution, owing to the



generally healthy character of its members during any given period, or through superior management and investment, has realized a profit, it is but equity that they who have earned the surplus should receive a bonus upon their claims as in a regular assurance company. If the reverse be the case, it is equally an act of justice that they should be called upon to pay a small levy to counterbalance any deficiency in the ascertained assets resulting from the excess of their claims over the general average expectation." In contending thus for the necessity of a valuation, I am not supposing that the district officers are either unaware of its importance, or in any manner averse to its taking place. But in the course of the prosecution of my duties as valuer I have become aware that there is a feeling in existence among societies against the necessity or usefulness of valuations. As you will probably take some means of circulating this report among the lodges of your district, I take the opportunity of placing before members, who may be more or less imperfectly informed on the matter, some of the reasons which go to show that it is both necessary and beneficial. It has been urged that the returns required to enable a valuation to be performed are "inquisitorial and vexatious." I suppose by this is meant that information is asked for which the society wishes to keep secret. But, as before remarked, a friendly society offers certain future benefits in exchange for present payments of money. The question, therefore, naturally suggests itself, whether such an institution has any moral or equitable right to keep back from its members, or intending members, such information as will enable them to judge, with some degree of confidence, as to the stability or otherwise of the society. What would be thought of an assurance society which declined to permit any investigation into its affairs? Evidently the public would lose confidence in such an association, and its less reticent rivals would carry off its business. No sound society can possibly suffer by the most searching investigation into its affairs, and the widest possible promulgation of the results. On the contrary, a society constituted on a safe basis, and properly managed, must have everything to gain by such a proceeding. If, on the other hand, a society is in an insecure position, a valuation will point out the causes of such an unsatisfactory state of affairs, and the members may probably bo able to rectify it. If they fail to do this, they cannot complain if would-be members pass such a society by, and make choice of its financially sounder neighbour; and in this case men, who are incapable of judging correctly themselves on such a point, will be saved the disastrous consequences which must flow from uniting themselves to a society which is on a wrong path, and declines to amend its ways. It has been further alleged that valuations are worthless, because the dicta of actuaries are unwarranted by experience, that they are mere "theories," and are contrary to "practice." Now, if there is one branch of inquiry to which this objection is -more utterly inapplicable than any other, it is the one in question, viz., investigations as to the probabilities of human sickness and mortality. For the expectation of the rate at which these events will occur in the future is based —not upon any " theory," but—upon the results of careful, laborious, and extensive observations of the manner in which they have occurred in the past. How utterly groundless such an assertion is, and how valid the doctrine which lies at the basis of the science, viz-., that under given similar circumstances we may expect similar results, may be seen from the subjoined table, which I extract from the latest and, in many respects, the most complete contribution to vital statistics yet published, " The Rates of Mortality and Sickness according to the Experience of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, by Francis G. P. Neison, F.S.S., &c": —

Comparative Amount of Sickness in Various Periods of Years, according to the Adjusted Results of Different Inquiries.

From this table it will be seen how wonderfully close is the approximation between the sickness experience of the two largest orders and that of friendly societies generally, on which the Government returns are based; and this although nearly forty years have elapsed between the first and last dates included in the compilation. Whichever of these tables, be taken as the basis of a valuation, it seems to me, then, that the assertion that it was based-on "theory" as opposed to " practice " is & singularly groundless one. It has further been objected that these tables are derived from the experience of an old and thickly-populated country like Great Britain, and that here we may expect better results, as our conditions of life are superior to those of the members of friendly societies in England. Well, it may be so. Reasoning a priori we might reasonably hope that such will prove to be the case. But 2—H. 1.

Amount of Sia Less in each Period, in Weeks. Prom Age Neison: Government Eeturn, 1836-40. Manchi :ster Unity Odd Fellows. A.O.F. 1840-48. 185G-60. 1806-70. 1871-75. 20 to 30 30 „ 40 40 „ 50 50 ,, 60 60 „ 70 8-7 9-9 14-8 27-1 77-3 7-0 9-0 13-7 27-2 61-8 8'2 9-5 14-0 26-1 61-5 7-7 100 14-8 27-2 62-5 8-4 10-6 15-5 27-8 64-0 20 to 70 137-8 I 118-7 119-3 122-2 126-3



as yet no sufficient body of data has been procured to enable us to make such an assumption, and, as far as the collection of statistics has gone, such an hypothesis cannot be sustained. In the case of your own district, the sickness experienced during the past five years had been in excess of that to be expected according to the experience of the English societies. The question raised, however, shows the great importance of the collection of universal and reliable statistics of the experience of friendly societies in the colony. It is entirely in the interest of the societies that these statistics should be collected, and it is to be regretted that in some instances the department charged with the duty of collecting and compiling them meets with anything but cordial co-operation on the part of those who really are chiefly interested in their completeness and accuracy. The tables used in this valuation are those compiled by the late Mr. Ratcliffe, comprising the experience of your own order during the years 1866-70. This experience is the largest ever collected by any person or society, and includes the observation of persons passing through 1,321,006 years of life, and experiencing 1,975,032 weeks of sickness. It has been assumed that all funds will be invested, as fast as they accrue, at 4 per cent. I regret to find that this last assumption is not altogether warranted by the experience of the past. In Table C will be found the rates of interest which have been credited to the Benefit Fund of the lodges during the past quinquennium, and in six out of the eleven lodges composing your district less than this rate has been earned, while in three instances no interest at all appears among the receipts. The necessity of prompt investment of every shilling of capital as fast as it accrues cannot be too strongly impressed upon all officers of friendly societies. That this necessity is only too generally ignored is quite evident, and in many instances the neglect of the practice of prompt investment is sufficient of itself to account for the bad financial position of a society. In your district I find that, out of total funds amounting to £18,360, no less than £672 14s. 6d. was deposited on current account in banks or in the hands of officers, and thus earning no interest, while .£13,711 4s. Id. was invested in "land and buildings." Of this sum, £11,780 belonged to the two Wellington lodges, and was yielding some interest; but the remainder, nearly £2,000, the value of the halls belonging to country lodges, is yielding, I fear, only a nominal return. It is urged by some officers having control over lodge funds that it is necessary to have a considerable sum on hand in order to meet with promptitude any claims that may arise. No doubt these claims ought to be met without delay; but I would venture to suggest that, for such funds as it is deemed necessary to have ready access to, the Post-Office Savings-Bank offers a mode of investment which, while allowing the account to be operated on almost, if not quite, as easily as an ordinary bank account, yet yields interest on all that portion which it may not be necessary to draw out. I append the valuation balance-sheet of the district as a whole. The first two items on the debit side show the amount of capital which it would be necessary to have in hand to enable the lodges to provide the benefits promised to their members, supposing no further contributions were receivable from them. On the other side appears the capitalized value of those future contributions. The difference between these two sums ought to be in hand to enable the society to be in a position to meet its liabilities. I regret to say that in your district, as a whole, this is not the case, there being a net deficiency of £1,284 12s. 4d. Following is the balance-sheet :— Valuation Balance-sheet as at the 31st December, 1882. Dr. £ s. d. Gr. £ s. d. Present value of benefits assured Total funds as per Secretaries' by the district, as per sum- returns ... ... ... 18,360 5 2 mary— Present value of future contribuSickness ... ... 26,216 7 6 tions applicable to benefits, as Funeral ... ... 6,837 19 1 per summary ... ... 14,540 4 0 Value of Management Funds ... 1,084 12 2 j Value of Benevolent Funds ... 46 2 9 Deficiency ... ... ... 1,284 12 4 £34,185 1 6 J £34,185 1 6 While I regret that I cannot congratulate your district on showing a surplus, as a whole, I nevertheless submit that you will find it advantageous to be made aware of your real position, in order that means may be taken to remedy any evils which have brought about this state of affairs. It is also an encouraging fact that the deficiency is not so great but that it may probably be remedied if the matter be taken in hand at once. With regard to the causes of the deficiency, I am going into this matter in detail in my reports to the various lodges. The principal cause, however, is one that rests probably with the district to remove, viz., utter inadequacy of contributions. In the lodge in which the largest deficiency is found, the Eose of the Valley, the contributions range from 13s. to 20s. 6d. per annum for a sick benefit of 155., 10s., and 7s. 6d. per week for the usual periods, £15 on death of a member, and £10 on death of a member's wife. And out of the whole number of 167 members, 114 pay the minimum contribution of 13s. In the Antipodean, where similar rates prevail, even larger benefits are payable. As a natural result, this lodge would have come out with even a greater deficiency than the former but for its having reaped the benefit of a large increase ill the value of its landed property during the quinquennium. Now, I find in the District Eules (page 13) an excellent graduated scale of contributions for benefits, varying from 2s. 7d. to ss. Id. per lunar month for new members, and it is further provided that all members admitted previous to these laws coming into operation shall " continue to pay 6d. per week and an additional annual contribution, &c." I venture to state that, if this rule had been carried out, you would not have found your district exhibiting a deficiency on valuation. It appears



from a letter from Mr. Edwin Bannister, Permanent Secretary of the Antipodean Lodge, as well as Secretary to the District, that some twenty years ago members thought their sick and funeral funds were increasing more rapidly than was necessary, and so obtained leave of the district to appropriate half of the contributions due to the Sick Fund (6d. per week) to assist the Management Expenses Fund; and this arrangement has been continued ever since. Now, this circumstance shows, among others, most forcibly the necessity of periodical valuations of a friendly society. Members of the lodges and officers of the district were doubtless equally unaware how fast the benefit fund of a young society ought to increase to insure future solvency. Of the two lodges which reduced their rates by onehalf in consequence of this permission, one is about £2,000 behind in its funds, and the other is only saved from occupying even a worse position by a slice of good fortune which could not have been foreseen at the time the rates were reduced. There is perhaps no better method of utilizing a surplus than by reducing the rates of contribution to those members during whose membership the surplus funds have accrued. But a society should first be sure that such a surplus really exists, and this can only be ascertained by means of an actuarial valuation, not by mere observation of an increasing fund. For example, the old members of the Antipodean Lodge may now legitimately claim the benefit of the increased value of their property in the shape of contributions lower than would otherwise be necessary, but I see no reason why they should admit fresh members at rates that vmst entail a loss, and thus deprive themselves of the benefit of this increased value. I find that in your district the funeral benefits are provided for by an equal levy made from time to time as funds are required, each lodge being called upon to pay in proportion to its numerical strength alone, or, in other words, each member contributing equally quite irrespective of his age, or the time he has been in the society, and the consequent value of the risk undertaken by the district on his account. Now, the system of spreading the funeral liability over the whole district, and thus equalizing the risk, is an excellent one. In fact, it would be well worth consideration whether the various districts of your order in the colony might not unite, and form one funeral fund. The wider the area over which such risks can be spread the better. The system of equal levies, too, you have inherited from the fathers of your order, and there is no doubt that the plan was intended to be wise and equitable, and on the commencement of the operations of the society it may have been so. It is, however, perfectly clear that the system becomes utterly inequitable and the inequalities inseparable from it increase as time goes on, while the better it is understood the more will the numerical progression of your society be hindered, unless some remedy be applied in time. If a new lodge be started in an old district where there is no accumulated Funeral Fund, the effect is that it is at once burdened with a liability in the shape of its share of the funeral liabilities of the older lodges. Supposing its contributions to be just adequate to secure "the benefits promised, it would on valuation show an immediate deficiency on this account. Or, to put the case in another way, the contributions of a hundred young and healthy men, instead of being reserved against the time when they will be required to meet claims arising among them, are used up to meet claims arising among a hundred old men, for which no provision has been made. The effects of this system have not had time to develop themselves fully as yet here, as your district, as a whole, cannot be called an " old " one. Nevertheless, the difference in the amounts paid and received as funeral levies and funeral benefits respectively is sufficiently marked as between the old and the new lodges respectively. The old lodges receive more for benefits than they pay in levies. The conclusion is therefore irresistible that the newer ones pay more than they receive. But, as if the necessary inequality of the equal-levy system were not bad enough, I find it increased in your district by a further inequality. Some of your lodges grant a funeral benefit of £15, and others one of £20. Yet both these classes of recipients pay the same levy. I am informed that in the former the members pay a lower rate of contribution. This may be so, but, as just as much per head is exacted from them by the district, it merely means that they have so much less left to meet their sickness claims. I am aware that, when exception is taken to any apparent inequality in a friendly society, the objector is frequently informed that these societies are governed by the " principle of fraternity." And an admirable principle is this same fraternity. It is a moral agent which many of us hope will yet regenerate the world. But it cannot associate itself with injustice without being defiled. It may be very "fraternal" for A, whose representatives are to receive £15, to pay as much for that as B pays, whose heirs will receive £20, but it is difficult to discover the " fraternity "in B's share in the transaction. I should strongly recommend the district to put an end to this injustice at once. The remedy for the inequalities of the equal levy may need much thought and care to work out, but this is a mere question of arithmetic. As long as the equal levy prevails it should be really equal, and those members assured for only £15 should pay only three-quarters of the amount paid by those assured for £20. Before concluding, I will just notice briefly one further objection which is sometimes made to the principle on which the valuations of friendly societies are conducted. It is complained of them that no allowance is made for the possibility of future secessions. Now, in this point I will quote the testimony of a Past Grand Master of your order, Mr. Reuben Watson, Actuary to the Manchester Unity. He says: "If they wanted to calculate on secessions, he would like to know who would secede, how old the secessionists would be, and what the value of their relinquished contributions. Let them know all these things—for they should be ascertained with unfailing accuracy—before they calculated on secessions. He would leave that subject with the remark that, if there was any advantage received from secession, the next valuation brought out every farthing which had been gained by the society from that secession." In another place, the same gentleman describes taking future secessions into account as " counting the chickens before they are hatched;" and there is no doubt that this describes the operation correctly. The rates of contribution of a society should be sufficient to enable it to meet all its liabilities. If some of its members quit the society and forego their claims, the profit thus accruing may fairly be apportioned among those remaining, but it,



cannot be anticipated, for such anticipation would very likely be falsified. Every secession that has taken place in your district since the inauguration of the first lodge has necessarily been taken into account in the accompanying valuation, in that all the liabilities of the society in respect of members who have seceded have ceased, while the payments made by such members remain as a portion of the funds. Any secessions which may take place during the current five years will equally affect the next valuation, so that the rate of secession does materially influence the results as disclosed by valuation, only it is allowed to do its work first, and is only taken account of when its effects have been experienced. But, as a matter of fact, secessions are not nearly as profitable to a society as many members imagine them to be. If adequate rates are charged, most secessions would mean rather loss than gain to the society. For who are those who secede ? Generally the young and healthy members. The selection is against the society. Members who have once experienced its benefits, and feel that they are likely to do so again, will strain every nerve rather than lose a membership which promises to be so valuable an aid to them. That this is not conjecture, but is based upon experience, may be seen from the subjoined extract from the tables of the Foresters' experience, 1871-75 :— Bate of Withdrawal per Cent, per Annum among the Members who had been Sick and those who had not been Sick during the Five Years 1871-75. Ages. Members sick. Members not sick. 20 ... ... ... ... ... 3-281 15-505 25 ... ... ... ... ... 2-762 11-027 30 ... ... ... ... ... 1-993 7-656 35 ... ... ... ... ... 1-397 5-199 40 ... ..: ... ... ... -965 3-056 45 -682 1-676 50 -397 1-032 55 -324 -515 60 ... ... ... ... ... -287 -311 It will thus be seen what an enormous influence age and health have on the rate of secession from a society, and what a mistake it is to suppose that they are invariably even financially beneficial to the society. In conclusion, then, as a result of the valuation which I have made of the financial position of your district, I would simply recommend you to enforce your own rules. If the contributions prescribed in your District Eules are enforced for the future, I have little doubt that nearly, if not quite, all the lodges which now show a deficit will have got themselves into a sound condition by the time the next valuation is made. Of course I must be understood to include, in this recommendation, one that the contributions shall be proportional—that is, that those lodges which grant lower benefits shall pay lower rates of contribution, not only to their own Sick Fund, but also to the district funeral levy. An exception might be made in the case of the older members of the Britannia and Antipodean Lodges, on account of their ownership of a valuable property; but the latter should pay more than the utterly inadequate 13s. per annum at present contributed by so many of them. Besides the resumption of adequate contributions, some special effort will be requisite on the part of the members of the Eose of the Valley, St. George, and Heart of Oak Lodges, whose deficiencies amount to about £12, £13, and £14 per member respectively. Attached to this report you will find Tables A, B, C, and D, giving various particulars elicited in the course of the valuation in a succinct form. "Wishing you a large measure of success in your philanthropic work, I am, &c, Alfred G. Wiggins, Wellington, 20th November, 1883. Public Valuer.


Summary of the Results of Valuation of the Wellington District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity, as at 31st December, 1882. TABLE A.— General Balance-sheet.

TABLE B.—Showing Value of Management and other Funds, and how the Total Funds are invested.


No. if Members. Average Age of Members. Present Valui of Benefits. Present Value of Contributions for Benefits. Name of Lodge. Total Yearly Value of Benefit Funds. Deficiency. Net Deficiency. Total Assets. Surplus. lor Benefits. s. M. Total. Sickness. Funeral. Britannia... Antipodean Rose of the Valley St. George Unity Heart of Oak Eose of Sharon Combination Greytown Kainapoura t. United Brethren District Funeral Fund Years. 235 37-66 168 36-84 167 35-50 43 31-09 41 32-75 40 30-37 37 i 33-54 30 ! 30-03 28 27-71 27 : 32-74 18 : 39-61 1 834; 34-75 j £ s. d. 307 0 4 133 11 2 119 8 9 39 11 10 53 6 0 52 0 0 48 2 0 46 13 1 36 8 0 51 3 11 13 10 0 £ s. d. 8,143 9 2 6,362 11 1 4,568 9 1 1,029 6 10 1,012 0 0 1,188 13 8 965 6 6 882 10 11 784 19 7 835 8 3 443 12 5 £ s. d. 1,926 15 1 1,377 8 8 1,369 4 8 352 11 2 336 3 2 327 19 0 303 7 4 245 19 5 229 11 5 221 7 6 147 11 8 £ s. el. 10,070 4 3 7,739 19 9 5,937 13 9 1,381 18 0 1,348 3 2 1,516 12 8 1,268 13 10 1,128 10 4 1,014 11 0 1,056 15 9 591 4 1 £ s. a. 4,722 13 1 2,092 10 0 1,871 13 7 670 8 1 881 6 10 881 8 2 782 18 10 953 6 8 635 16 8 842 13 8 205 7 11 £ s. a. 7,472 1 0 5,852 16 8 2,090 5 9 156 4 2 364 13 9 69 7 1 405 17 9 240 18 0 198 16 6 145 17 3 190 2 0 42 10 4 £ s. d. 12,194 14 1 7,945 7 2 3,961 19 4 826 12 3 1,246 0 7 950 15 3 1,188 16 7 1,194 4 8 834 13 2 988 10 11 395 9 11 42 10 4 £ s. d. 2,124 9 10 205 7 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 84 I 51 78 14 6 19 11 15 14 9 1 151 117 89 29 35 21 26 15 14 18 17 1,975 14 5 555 5 9 102 2 7 565 17 5 79 17 3 65 14 4 179 17 10 68 4 10 195 14 2 42'lO 4 • • Totals 302 532 900 15 1 26,216 7 6 6,837 19 1 33,054 6 7 14,540 4 0 17,229 10 3 31,769 14 3 2,438 1 11 3,722 14 3 1,284 12 4

Vali :e of InBi jnks. Assets invested Name of Lodge. Arrears of Subscriptions. Interest due. Totals. Management Fund. Benevolent Fund. Bearing Interest. On Account Current. 1 On Mortgage. In Land and Buildings. Britannia Antipodean .. Rose of the Valley St. George £ s. d. 91 12 2 398 19 4 343 4 7 £ s. d. 28 3 0 17 19 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 180 13 2 186 13 1 98 11 7 (37 0 0 £ 15 0 10 £ s. d. 472 10 0 1,105 0 0 1,385 0 0 £ s. d. 6,870 15 4 4,909 4 7 867 6 0 £ s. d. 67 17 8 56 17 9 32 17 0 £ s. d. 12 0 4 9 G 4 £ s. d. 7,591 16 2 6,269 15 9 2,433 10 4 40* 9 5 95 17 8 200 1 0 3 252 1 10 Unity .. , Heart of Oak Rose of Sharon 14 13 9 33 10 1 7 12 1 50 0 0 173 0 0 52 17 2 13 15 6 f43 7 10 [13 0 42 11 4 18 2 8 350 0 0 226 14 4 29 7 6 379 7 6 102 17 2 413 9 10 Combination .. 12 12 1 ! ■• 171 3 3 37 10 0 253 10 1 Greytown Kainapoura United Brethren District Management and Goods Funds 25 2 2 26 6 0 4 14 3 30 8 0 60 0 0 19 0 0 113 16 3 72 18 4 110 0 0 135~ 0 7 81 0 0 11 7 4 223 18 8 172 3 3 194 16 3 72 18 4 Totals 236 3 3 '21 6 8 18,360 5 2 1,084 12 2 46 2 9 656 6 8 762 14 6 3,072 10 0 13,611 4 1



TABLE D.—Showing Mortality and Sickness experienced during the Period 1878-82.

Summary of the Results of Valuation— continued. TABLE C.—Showing Rate of Interest credited to Benefit Funds.

Name of Lodge. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. Average. Britannia Antipodean .. Rose of the Valley St. George Unity Heart of Oak Rose of Sharon Combination .. Greytown Kainapoura .. United Brethren ■ • 5-0 2-2 4-6 8-7 5-3 No information No information Nil Lodge opened No information Nil 35 2-5 5-5 60 1-5 No information 1-7 Nil in 1879 No information Nil 2-6 5-5 4-8 1-5 2-9 7-8 7-0 4-8 2-9 2-9 1-5 Nil 4-8 Probably nil Nil i 2-9 2-7 4-3 11-8 Nil 0-7 1-2 Nil 6-9 Probably nil Nil 4-4 4-0 4-8 62 2-5 2-0 Nil 5-8 Probably nil 16-2 Nil 5-8 Probably nil. 3-2 [

Number of ital Sickness e: :perienced during Average Sickness per Member per Annum. Morti lity. "Sears of Life under Observation. Sickness per Annum per Member sick. Bate per 1,000 per Annum. Rate Members' Wives per 1,000 Members. Members sick. Members died. Wives died. First Six Months. Second Six Months. Alter Twelve Months. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Total. Weeks. 3,370 Weeks days. 463 2 Weeks day. 2,374 1 Weeks days. 6,209 3 Week. 0-7326 Week. 0-1012 Week. 0-5161 Weeks. 1-3499 Weeks. 9-2882 6-522 4,600 647 30 13 2-82



SCHEDULE 11. List op Begistered Societies, with their Registered Branches, as on the 31st December, 1883. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order op Odd Fellows.

Eeg. No. 13. Auckland District— Auckland. 1. Howick Lodge, Howick. 2. Charles Bruee Lodge, Thames. 3. Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. 4. Waikato Lodge, Thames. 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 7. Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. 8. Ponsonby Lodge, Ponsonby. 19. Fountain of Friendship Lodge—Auckland. 79. Alexandra Lodge—Alexandra. 81. Duke of Cambridge Lodge—Cambridge. 107. Parnell Lodge—Parnell. 196. Haivke's Bay District —Napier. 1. Meanee Lodge, Taradale. 2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. 3. Clive Lodge, Clive. 4. Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 5. Victoria Lodge, Porangahau. 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 8. Napier Lodge, Napier. 93. New Plymouth District —New Plymouth. 1. Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. 2. Waitara Lodge, Waitara. 3. Union Lodge, Hawera. 125. Egmont Lodge—New Plymouth. 138. Wanganui Lodge—Wanganui. 7. Wellington District —Wellington. 1. Combination Lodge, Johnsonvillc. 2. Masterton Lodge, Masterton. 3. Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. 4. Greytown Lodge, Greytown. 5. Unity Lodge, Featherston. 6. St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. 7. Kinapoura Lodge, Tawa Flat. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 9. United Brethren Lodge, Kaikoura. 10. Eose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. 22. Antipodean Lodge—Wellington. 63. Rose of the Valley Lodge—Lower Hutt. 126. Britannia Lodge—Wellington. 77. Marlborouglt District —Blenheim. 1. Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 2. Eenwick Lodge, Benwick. 25. Nelson District —Nelson. 1. Howard Lodge, Nelson. 2. General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. 3. Evening Star Lodge, Waimea West. 4. Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. 41. Nelson Lodge—Nelson. 109. Travellers' Eest Lodge—Richmond. 92. North Westland District —Reefton. 1. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 2. Westport Lodge, Westport. 3. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 4. Alpine Lodge, Lyell. 40. Hokitika District —Hokitika. 1. Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika. 2. Albert Lodge, Kumara. 3. Waimea Lodge, StaSord. 27. Greymouth Lodge—Greymouth. 45. Ross Lodge—Ross.

Beg. No. 170a. Ashley District. 1. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 2. Oust Lodge, Cust. 3. Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 4. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 7. Sefton Lodge, Sefton. 8. Waikari Lodge, Waikari. 9. Bangiora Lodge, Rangiora. 10. Nil Dosperandum Lodge, East Oxford. 18. North Canterbury District —Christchurch. 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. 3. Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 5. Star of Waltham Lodge, Sydenham. 6. Waterton Lodge, Waterton. 7. South Eakaia Lodge, South Rakaia. 8. Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 9. Phillipstown Lodge, Phillipstown. 10. Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 11. Papanui Lodge, Papanui. 12. Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel. 13. Southbridge Lodge, Southbridge. 14. Addington Lodge, Addington. 15. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. 16. Malvern Lodge, Waddington. 17. Pride of the Valley Lodge, Heathcote Valley. 18. Doyleston Lodge, Doyleston. 19. Pioneer Lodge, Springburn. 16. City of Christchurch Lodge—Christchurch. 5. Lyttelton District —Lyttelton. 1. Dawn of Hope Lodge, Little River. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 3. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 6. City of Norwich Lodge—Lyttelton. 81. 'Arowhenua Lodge—Temuka. 128. Good Intent Lodge—Akaroa. 23. Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Outram Lodge, Outram. 2. Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux. 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawkesbury. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balolutha. 12. Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunodin. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. 19. Blue Spur Lodge, Blue Spur. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, Waikaia. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 23. Valley Lodge, North-East Valley. 61. Naseby Lodge—Naseby. 64. Invercargill District —lnvercargill. 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, Invercargill. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore.

11. Independent Oedeb op Odd Fellows (American).

146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 2. Star of Canterbury, Timaru. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunodin. . 6. Southern Gross Lodge, Wellington. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill.

16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 18. tHalswell Lodge, Halswell. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 20. Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 22. Eidgley Lodge, Christchurch, 28. Wallace Lodge, Eiverton.

* On the 7th. January, 1881, the district decided to close the lodge, but its registration has not yet been cancelled, t Since amalgamated with the Addington Lodge.



List op Eegisteeed Societies, etc. — continued. 111. National Independent Order op Odd Fellows.

Beg. No. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland.

lleg. No. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton.

IV. Ancient Order of Foresters.

17. Auckland District —Auckland. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 2. ~ Eureka, Auckland. 8. ~ Zealandia, Auckland. 4. ~ Robin Hood, Panmure. 5. ~ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 6. ~ Royal Oak, Tauranga. 7. ~ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 8. ~ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 9. ~ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 10. ~ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 11. ~ Northern Wairoa, Dargavillo. 85. Court Pride of Parnell—Auckland. 150. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 2. ~ Captain Cook, Napier. 3. ~ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock. 4. ~ Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 5. „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. C. ~ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 7. ~ Heretaunga, Hastings. 144. Wellington District —Wellington. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 4. ~ Clarendon, Picton. 5. „ Manawatu, Palmorston North. 6. ~ Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 7. ~ William Gladstone, Gisbornc. 8. ~ Pioneer, Tinui, Whareama. 9. ~ Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 10. ~ Blenheim, Blenheim. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 12. ~ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 13. ~ Little John, Marton. 14. ~ Wairarapa, Greytown. 15. ~ Egmont, Opunake. 34. Court Sir George Grey—Wellington. 65. Wellington District Widow and Orphan Fund— Wellington. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 2. ~ Concord, Greymouth. 3. ~ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 4. ~ Robin Hood, Nelson. 5. ~ Aorere, Collingwood. 6. ~ Inangahua, Reef ton.

11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington.

54. Court Patea—Patea. 55. „ Waireka —New Plymouth. 91. „ Unity—Havelock. 129. ~ Perseverance—Motuoka. 67. Court Waimea—Stafford. 28. United Canterbury District —Christchurch. 1. Court Pride of Courtonay, Courtenay. 2. ~ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 3. „ . Star of Ashburton, Ashburton. 4. ~ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 5. ~ Pride of Richmond, Richmond. 6. ~ Springfield, Springfield. 7. ~ Bollc of the Isle, Little Akaloa. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 2. Court Star of Canterbury—Christchurch. 143. ~ Queen of the Isles—Lyttelton. 139. United Canterbury District Widow and Orphan Fund —Christchurch. 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Court Enterprise, Dunedin. 2. ~ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 3. ~ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 4. ~ Royal Oak of Kawarau, Bannockburn. 5. ~ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 6. ~ Hope, Herbert. 7. ~ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 8. ~ St. Andrew, Caversham. 9. ~ "Tapanui, Tapanui. 10. ~ *Pride of the Forest, Winton. 11. ~ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 12. ~ Bruce, Milton. 13. ~ Pride of the Lake, Quoenstown. 14. ~ Excelsior, Mornington. 15. ~ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. ■16. ~ Havelock, Waitahuna. 17. ~ Star of the South, Invercargill. 70. Court Star of the Dunstan—Clyde. 114. ~ Star of Tuapeka—Lawrence. Courts not in Districts. 88. Court Coromandel—Coromandel. 35. „ Southern Cross—Timaru. 200. ~ Foresters' Pride—Waimate.

V. Ancient Oedeb of Shepheeds.

| 173. Sanctuary Star of Canterbury—Christchurch,

VI. United Ancient Order of Druids.

152. Pioneer Lodge—Christehurch. 155. Hope of St. Alhans Lodge—Christchurch. 158. Oak of Sydenham Lodge—Sydenham. 159. Mistletoe Lodgo—Christchurch. 164. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge—Lyttelton. 166. Enterprise Lodge—South Dunedin. 167. Ethelbert Lodgo—Springston. 168. Otago Lodge—Dunedin. 171. Ivanhoe Lodge—Dunedin. 174. Star of the West Lodge—Greymouth. 177. Excelsior Lodge—Wellington. 178. Star of New Zealand Lodge—Lower Hutt. 181. Bud of Hope Lodge—Rangiora. 184. Perseverance Lodge—Spreydon. 187. Gladstone Lodge—Dunedin.

188. Athelstan Lodge—Christchurch, 189. Eoyal Oak Lodge—Caversham, 191. Oxford Lodge—West Oxford. 192. Acorn Lodge—lnvorcargill. 193. Campbell Lodge—Christchurch.--194. Waikiwi Lodge—Waikiwi. 195. Star of Anglesea Lodge—Lincoln, 199. Timaru Lodge—Timaru. 201. Anchor Lodge—Woolston. 203. Ohoka Lodge—Ohoka. 204. Dunstan Lodge—Christchurch, 205. Auckland Lodge—Auckland. 206. Britannia Lodge—South Dunedin. 207. Trafalgar Lodgo—Kaiapoi. 208. Star of Ashburton Lodge—Ashburton.

VII. Independent Order of Eechabites.

2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 7. Pride of Christehurch Tent, Christchurch. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson.

100. Neiu Zealand District —Thames. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 2. Eden Tent, Newmarket. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 110. New Zealand Central District— Wellington. 1. Good Samaritan Tent, Timaru.

* These courts have been suspended by the District, but no notification of their having been finally wound up has yet been received.



List op Kegistered Societies, etc.— continued. VII. —Independent Obdee op Rechabites — continued.

Beg. No. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington— contd. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 14. Rose of Sharon Tent, Waipawa. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 16. Hope of Peilding Tent, Feilding. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sandon. 18. Southern Cross Tent, Palmerston North.

Eeg. No. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 20. Haste to the Eescue Tent, Wellington. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 22. Eay of Hope Tent, Kaikoura. 23. Ocean Pride Tent, Shag Point. 24. Helpmeet Tent, Dunedin. 25. Hope of Hastings Tent, Hastings. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 98. Star of Hope Tent—Hokitika.

VIII. Sons and Daughtebs ov Tempeeance op Austbalasia.

170. Grand Division of New Zealand —South Dunedin. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 5. Try-Again Division, Woodend. 112. Perseverance Division—Christchurch.

118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 147. Progress Division—Kaiapoi. 156. Kay of Hope Division—Greymouth. 157. Dawn of Light Division—Dunedin.

IX. Hibernian Austbalasian Catholic Benefit Society.

83. Grahamstown Branch —Thames. 84. Hokitika Branch—Hokitika. 100. Charleston Branch —Charleston.

117. St. Joseph's Branch—Dunedin. 123. Greenstone Branch—Kumara. 145. Auckland Branch—Auckland.

X. New Zealand Hibebnian Catholic Benefit Society.

198. Executive Directory —Christchurch. 1. St. Joseph's Branch, Christchurch. 2. St. John's ~ Leeston. 3. St. Patrick's ~ Christchurch. 4. Invercargill „ Invercargill. 5. St. Patrick's „ Lawrence.

6. St. Patrick's Branch, Lincoln. 7. St. Patrick's „ Patea. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 9. St. Mary's ~ Wanganui. 10. St. Joseph's ~ New Plymouth.

XI. Peotestant Alliance Fbiendly Society ov Austbalasia.

197. Grand Lodge of New Zealand—Thames. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 3. Excelsior ~ Green Island. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier.

5. "John Knox Lodge, Wellington. 6. Alexandra ~ Auckland. 7. Victoria ~ Timaru. 8. Star of Onehunga Lodge, Onehunga. 9. Triumph Lodge, South Dunedin.

XII. Railway Benefit Societies,

154. New Zealand Railway Employes' Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch—lnvercargill.

101. Otago Railway Employes' Benefit Society, Dunedin.

XIII. Miscellaneous Fbiendly Societies.

101. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society—Kaeo. 153. Loyal United Friends Benefit Society—Auckland.

183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund—Brunnerton.

XIV. Benevolent Society.

163. Southland Benevolent Institute—lnvercargill.

XV. Woeking-Men's Clubs.

151. Wellington Working - Men's Club and Literary Institute —Wellington. 162. Christcliurch Working-Men's Club and Mutual School of Arts—Christcliurch. 175. Invercargill Working - Men's Club and Mutual School of Arts —Invercargill.

176. Winton Working Men's Club—Winton. 179. East Road Working-Men's Club—lnvercargill. 180. Dipton Working-Men's Club —Dipton, Invercargill. 186. Greytown Working-Men's Club —Greytown. 202. Garibaldi Club—Wellington.

XVI. Specially-authoeized Societies.

169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 8. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 5. Pioneer Lodge, Addington. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 8. Star of Hope Lodge, Oamaru. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 10. Queenstown Lodge, Qucenstown. 11. Golden Arrow Lodge, Arrowtown. 12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 14. Pearl of Peace Lodge, Wellington. 15. Starlight of the Valley Lodge, Newtown. 16. Pride of Waitati Lodge, Waitati. 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 19. Hope of Westport Lodge, Westport. 20. Charleston Lodge, Charleston.

3—H. 1.

21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. 22. Hope of Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 23. Transit Lodge, East Oxford. 24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. 25. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 26. Normanby Lodge, Nelson. 27. Loyal Collingwood Lodge, Collingwood. 28. Hope of St. Bathans Lodge, St. Bathans. 29. Minerva Lodge, Blackstone Hill. 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. 31. Premier Lodge, Hokitika. 32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. 33. Providence Lod'ge, Courtcnay. 34. Eureka Lodge, Drybread. 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. 36. Hope of Goldsborough Lodge, Goldsborough. 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. 38. Hope of Greenstone Lodge, Greenstone. 39. Break of Day Lodge, Anderson's Bay. 40. Second-to-Nono Lodge, Pigeon's Bay. 41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock.



List of Eegistbeed Societies, etc. — continued. XVI. Specially-authorized Societies — continued.

Eeg. No. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent Order of Good Templars —Dunedin— continued. 43. Hopo to Prosper Lodge, Sawyers' Bay. 44. Now River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. 45. Crystal Fountain Lodge, Waihola. 46. Pride of Mahono Lodge, Maheno. 47. Victory Lodge, No-Town. 48. Victoria Lodge, Noble's. 49. Grey Valley Lodge, Ahaura. 50. Kumara Lodge, Kaimara. 51. New Life Lodge, Duvauchelle's Bay. 52. Northern Star Lodge, Kaiapoi. 53. Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 54. Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. 55. Unity. Lodge, Macetown. 56. Salem Lodge, Swannanoa. 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. 58. Star of Sefton Lodge, Softon. 59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. 60. Advance Lodge, Cust. Gl. Eaglo Lodge, Dillman's Town. 62. Hopo of Highcliffe Lodge, Highclifie. 63. Hope of Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 64. Hopo of Springfield Lodge, Springfield. 65. Clcarbrook Lodge, Waterton. 66. St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 67. Pride of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 68. Phoenix Lodge, Masterton. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. 70. Will and the Way Lodge, Tinwald. 71. Rising Sun Lodge, View Hill. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. . 73. Mount Fyfo Lodge, Mount Fyfe. 74. Olive Branch Lodge, Wellington. 75. Hopo of Little Akaloa Lodge, Little Akaloa.

Beg. No. 76. Hearts and Hands Lodge, Lumsden. 77. Pride of Mount Groy Lodge, Mount Grey. 78. St. Dunstan Lodge, Clyde. 79. Determination Lodge, Dunsandel. 80. Hope of Stoke Lodge, Stoke. 81. Princess Alice Lodge, Waikaia. 82. Norden's Haab Lodge, Napier. 83. Star of North Invereargill Lodge, Invereargill. 84. Hope of Pernside Lodge, Pernside. 85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invereargill. 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. 87. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston. 88. Hope of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 90. Saered Stream Lodge, Taitapu. 91. Undaunted Lodge, Owake. 92. St. Andrew's Lodge, Christchurch. 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. 94. Loyal Marino Lodge, Nelson. 90. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 97. Homo of Peace Lodge, Totara Plat. 98. Star of the Forest Lodge, One-Treo Point. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 100. Crystal Spring Lodge, Blenheim. 101. Star of Patoa Lodge, Patoa. 103. Safe Retreat Lodge, Ashburton. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 105. Hope of Gore Lodge, Gore. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 107. Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Wakefield. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 109. Hope of Hilton Lodge, Hilton. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 102. Unity Degree Temple, Ashburton. 185. Invereargili Total Abstinence Society, Invereargill,

SCHEDULE 111. Foem of Experience Caed. manchesteb unity independent obdeb of odd fellows.

Name, of District: Name of Lodge:

Name: Occupation : Mode of admission (whether by initiation, reinstatement, or clearance) : If by clearance, state where from : Was member married or single at time of admission? _ If married, is wife registered so that lodge will be liable for a funeral benefit in the event of her death ?

EXPERIENCE OF SICKNESS. From years of age to years of age.

Of Member. Of Wife. Date of birth Date of admission ... _18 at admission (last birthday) Date of exit Itlode of exit !f by clearance, state where to 3ause of death

Year in which Sickness occurred. Period for wl was all dch Sick-pay [owed. Bate of Paymi ait por Week. Weeks. Days. Shillings. Ponce.


SCHEDULE IV. Form op Experience Return.

" Friendly Societies Act, 1882."

Betukn of Sickness, Mortality, and other Contingencies experienced during the Year ended 31st December, 188^, by the , and of the Ages of Members at the Close of the Year. (Established in the Year 18 . Situated at .) Instructions. Particulars to be entered. 1. This form is to be filled up and returned to the Registrar of Friendly Societies, Wellington, on or before the Ist day of April next. No entry need be made of any members except such as have, during the year, either received sick-pay or other benefits, died, or otherwise left the , or married (if thereby entitled to a funeral benefit in event of wife's death), or whose wives have died during the year. Sickness. 2. The names of all members who received sick-pay during any portion of the year are to be entered first, in alphabetical order, in column 1; the period of sickness at each rate of sick-pay being entered in column 2, the rate in column 3, and the amount of sick-pay in column 4. If a member has received sick-pay at more than one rate, a separate line is to be taken for each rate, but the name is to be entered once only. In the same way, if a member has declared on the funds more than once during the year, a separate line is to be taken for each attack, but the name is to be entered once only. Registered wives. 3. The names of all members who married during the year (if thereby entitled to a funeral benefit in event of wife's death) are to be entered next in column 1. The letter Risto be inserted opposite their names in column 5, and the date of the wife's birth may be entered in column 6. Deaths. 4. The names of members who died or whose wives died during the year are to be entered next in column 1, the date of death being placed in column 7, the cause in column 8, and, where the entry refers to the death of a wife, the letter W in column 10. Members leaving. 5. The names of members leaving from any other cause than death are to be placed last in column 1, the date of leaving being entered in column 7, and the cause in column 9. Columns to be added. 6. The figures in columns 2 and 4 are to be added, and the total of the latter column must agree with the amount entered under the same head in the " General Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure, Funds, and Effects." Remarks. 7. Particulars respecting any member not provided for in the earlier columns, but which it appears desirable to place on record, are to be entered in column 10 as Remarks. Ages of members. 8. The number of benefit members under 20 years of age on the 31st December is to be entered in line (1), on page 8, the number between 20 and 25 years of age in line (2), and so on, care being taken that the total so obtained agrees with the total as given in the " General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, Funds, and Effects."


Pahtici TO SlCKl JLAIiS RELATING IESS DUBING THE YEAE. Paetic BELATIi liEGISTI OP Wi ILAES (G TO ATION VES. PABTIc TO ME1 DUE :ulars n: Di-:athk [BEKS LEj tNG THE ' ELATING AND LVING ?EAE. (10.) Membees who have received Sick-pay or other Benefits, who have married (if thereby entitled to a Funeral Benefit in event of Wife's Deatli),who have died, or whose Wives have died, or who have left during the Year. (2.) 15 I si ■s 1 Sic! (3.) Is Pay. (4.) (5.) Q a fcJD a ■5 s ® § "So ti E o (0.) (7.) a £ i I (ft) s» IP en en O ft d^ lei ataH I ■3 ® Q ft O i 'i-i |3 a O of s« Q (1.) (8.) Name. Cause. Wks. dys. £ s. a. Carried forward



Ages of Members. Return showing the Ages of Benefit Members on the 31st December, 1883.

Note.—The particulars furnished in this return and also on the cards to be filled in by Secretaries will be used for statistical purposes only. The information, in so far as it relates to indiyiduals, will be treated as strictly confidential.

1. Under 20 2. 20 to 25 3. 25 to 30 4. 30 to 35 5. 35 to 40 6. 40 to 45 7. 45 to 50 8. 50 to 55 9. 55 to 60 10. 60 to 65 11. 65 to 70 12. 70 and upwards Ages unknown » Total (L.S.) Signafr ire of Secretary: day of Date: ,188



SCHEDULE V.—Summary of Valuations made under the Friendly Societies Acts.

Name of Society and Branch. Where and when Established. Date of Valuation. O TO 1 P" at 43 a © a (5 3 S3 ■m 2 3 £ © © n Pi B S R -lis gggpq Cause to which Valuer attributes Surplus or Deficiency. Steps (if any) taken in Consequence of Valuation. Name of Valuer. Manchester Unity Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Charles Bruce Lodge £ 3,089 £ 2,239 £ 850 £ 1,161 £ *311 £ s. d. 6 5 Thames, 1865.. Dec. 31,1878; 80 ■ 4 6 5 Low rate of sickness and secession of members G. Leslie. Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Eose of the Valley , Rose of Sharon „ Kainapoura Wellington, 1843.. 1848.. Lower Hutt, 1849.. Upper Hutt, 1857.. TawaFlat, 1857.. pec. 31,1882! „ 235 168 167 37 27 10,070 7,740 5,938 1,269 1,057 4,723 2,092J 1,872 783 : 843; 5,347 5,648 4,066 486 214j 7,472 5,853 2,090 400 146 2,125 205 1,976 80; 68 3 17 2 Increased value of freehold .. 13 17 2 3 3 7 4 16 0 1 12 0 t 3 3 7 ;4 16 0 Inadequate contributions jl 12 0 Inadequate contributions and bad investments t Unprofitable investment of funds and excessive sickness experience 6 3 7 Inadequate contributions .. ,, ,. 3 4 10 Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of benefit funds 2 10 5 Inadequate contributions and bad investment Nil Adequate contributions .. t Inadequate contributions and malversation of funds i5 16 8 Inadequate contributions I - I '" 1 - I " i -Contributions for new members raised throughout the District St. George „ United Brethren „ Pahautanui, 1867.. Kaikoura, 1868.. 43 18 1,382 591 671 205 711 386; 156 190 555 196! 6 3 7 3 4 10 A. G. Wiggins. Unity „ Combination „ ,. Heart of Oak Greytown „ District Funeral Fund Featherston, 1872.. Johnsonville, 1876.. Carterton, 1877.. Greytown, 1879.. ft 41 30 40 28 1,348 1,129 1,516 1,015 881 953 881 636 467 176! 635 379i 365 241 69 199 43 "65 102 '. '566J 180, 2 10 5 Nil t ,5 16 8 •„ « •• •• •■ Total of District ; 1,285 I District adopted a ' graduated scale of contributions, and lowered the rate of sick-pay ) 834 33.055J 14,540] 18,515! 17,230 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge ., Eenwick „ Blenheim, Eenwick, I860.. 1867.. Dec. 31,1881 113 41 5,420 1,803 2,269 875 3,151 928 2,389 ■ 471 762 457 8 5 8 Inadequate contributions and excessive sickness 5 18 0 Inadequate contributions and bad investments 8 5 8 5 18 0 W.Nosworthy, - Total of District 1,219 154 7,223 3,144 4,079. 2,860 •• •• Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Howard Vg Travellers' Best „ ., Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Nelson, 1844.. 1847.. Eichmond, 1847.. Wakefield, 1859.. Brightwater, 1865.. Deo. 31,188C 221 198 72 79 54 10,346 8,760 3,097 3,081 2,242 4,887 4,056 1,501 1,751 1,156 5,459 4,704 l,596i 1,330 1,086 2,712 3,567 816 725 272 2,747 1,137 780 605 814; 6 11 6 Inadequate contributions and bad investments 5 8 5 Inadequate contributions, excessive sickness, and low rates of interest 4 4 1 Inadequate contributions and neglect re investments 3 18 5 ;4 7 9 Inadequate contributions, excessive sickness, and neglect re investments 7 10 3 Inadequate contributions -Subject submitted to Mr. Eeuben Watson, Actuary, England ! G. Leslie and P. Black. Widow and Orphan Fund .. Nelson, 1865.. [624] 6,971 2,668 4,303; 1,178 3,12o| 9,208 ; Total of District ., I 624J 34,497 16,019 18,478; 9,270 North Westland District — Westport Lodge 59 2,726 356! .. 7 9 7 Adequate contributions, good investments, low rate of sickness, and profit on secessions J5 15 P Adequate contributions, good investments, and profit on secessions 4 12 10 Inadequate contributions prior to August, 1879 Capital of lodge since invested at a higher rate Westport, 1807.. Dec. 31,1882 1,652 1,074! 1 1,430 356 Charleston „ Charleston, 1867.. 59 2,873 1,523 1,350 1,529 1,743 1,249 393; .. I 393 Eeefton „ Eeefton, 1872.. 96 I 4,318 ; 9,917 2,789 280 •• I G. Leslie and P. Black. Total of District !—- 214 5,964 3,953 4,422! 469 1 .. * C01 itingent on sp] Ivency )i the Di itrict Funeral Fund, wJ ioh has not y< it been valued. t Information incomplete,



SCHEDULE V.—Summary of Valuations made under the Friendly Societies Acts — continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Where and when Established. Date of Valuation. O to ft ® © >C<a a © ©^ ©^ © m a a ■3 -2 u o 3 © o a *> a aft, ■3 a a © a <a © ID'hOB ' "2 aJTg Cause to which Valuer attributes Surplus or Deficiency. a©gpq Steps (if any) taken in Consequence of Valuation, Name of Valuer. Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss Waimea „ Greymouth „ Goldsborough „ Albert „, Total of District £ 7,848 3,121 2,122 £ 3,208 1,291 899 4,640! 1,830 1,223 £ 2,650 1,469 1,057 & £ 1,990 361 166 £ s. d. 4 6 9 4 3 2 3 10 4 Hokitika, I860.. Boss, 1867.. Stafford, 1867.. Dec. 31,1878 164 65 45 Inadequate contributions .. .. .. I Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of funds Inadequate contributions Inadequate contributions and excessive sickness Inadequate contributions, bad investments, misappropriation of funds, and losses by fire Some .lodges increased con tributions to benefit funds for a while, but reverted to old scale on finding that .management funds were getting into debt G. Leslie. Greymouth, 1867.. Goldsborough, 1870 Kumara, 1871.. 114 33 74 5,363 1,495 2,965 2,287 670 1,612 3,076 825 1,353 1,921 38 321 1,155 787 1,032 5 9 11 3 13 10 1 12 ] . 495 22,914! 9,967 12,947 7,456 5,491 •• •• North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge.. Kaiapoi „ Volunteer ! 356 955 Increase in value of property and adequate contributions Bad investments and excessive sickness Adequate contributions, favourable sickness experience, and profit from secessions Ditto .. Losses on hall property Adequate contributions, favourable sickness experience, and profit from secessions Adequate contributions and profit from secessions .. Adequate contributions, favourable sickness experience, and profit from secessions Adequate contributions and favourable sickness experience Bad management, and extra reserve deemed necessary through smallness of number Ditto .. Bad management, misappropriation of funds, and extra reserve deemed necessary through smallness of number Ditto .. 1 Christchurch, 1854 Dec. 31,1881 15,267i 10,802 4,465 5,420 I Kaiapoi, 1858.. Sydenham, 1866.. 91 74 3,796 3,120 2,748 2,289 1,048 831 968 1,216 ~385 80 3 12 10 Benevolent Perseverance Ashburton „ Christchurch, 1866 Woolston, 1872.. Ashburton, 1873.. 87 127 71 i 3,479 4,971 2,548 2,825 3,960 2,372 654 1,011 176 1,420 897 423 766 '247 'il4 2 8 0 * " t6 5 3! Southbridge „ Doyleston „ Southbridge, 1873.. Doyleston, 1874.. 64 17 2,318 791 2,056 566 262 225 530 345 268 120 4 19 4 0 19 5 Efforts will be made in the District generally to invest the moneys of tho lodges more closely and to better advantage G. Leslie and P. Black. Star of Waltham , Sydenham, 1876.. ft 55 2,029 1,737 292 308 16 Phillipstown „ Linwood, 1879.. 58 2,145 1,918 227 154 73 Nil Leeston Pride of the Valley „ Leeston, 1880.. Heathcote Valley, 1880 31 1,231 788! 1,038 693 193 95 77 12 116 83 •• Papanui « Papanui, 1880.. - 18 649! 569 SO ■■ 60 Total of District , .. 1,071 43,132 33,573 9,559 11,7901 2,231 I " •■ Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge .. Good Intent „ Timaru Heart of Friendship Lyttelton, 1850.. Akaroa, 1859.. Timaru, 1865.. Waimate, 1871.. Dec. 31,1880 . 208 63 95 39 9,315 3,427 3,614 2,087; 7,057 2,267 2,523! 1,483 2,258 1,160 l,09ll 604! ! 310 2,866j 1,407 1,117 690 160 608 247 26 86 I •■ I 150 }5 11 3 * 5 11 3 # Adequate contributions and good investments Adequate contributions, favourable sickness experience, and profit from secessions Favourable sickness experience and good investments Adequate contributions, favourable sickness experience, and profit from secessions Carelessness re investment of funds and extra reserve deemed necessary through smallness of number Ditto .. Misappropriation of benefit funds and extra reserve deemed necessary through smallness of number Carelessness re investment of funds and extra reserve deemed necessary through smallness of number Hand of Friendship Okains Bay, 1875.. 22 1,099 789 G. Leslie and P. Black. Hand and Heart „ Dawn of Hope „ Pigeon Bay, 1876.. Little Eiver,'1877.. 25 11 1,163 582 931 394 232 188 220 7 ■■ 12 181 1 12 0 Nil Hand in Hand „ Little Akaloa, 1878 13 620 376 244 33 211 , i Total of District 475 21,907; 15,820 6,087, 6,500 413 I " " I ! .' * Information incomplete. f Eeturns for three years only. J Approximate only.



Otagn District — Hand and Heart Lodge .. Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion , Dunedin, 1848.. 1862.. Balclutha, 1863.. Port Chalmers, 1864 Dec. 31,1879 I 298 trtA 298 194 50 76 13,442 8,538 2,189 3,348 6,839 4,658 1,186 1,795 6,603 3,880 1,003 1,553 6,566 3,441 641 995 *36l 439. 362! 558: 1 6 11 10 4 13 4 2 7 8 3 19 5 Inadequate contributions Misappropriation of benefit fund .. • .. Inadequate contributions and inefficient management Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and neglect re investments Inadequate contributions, laxity in management, misappropriation of funds, and excessive sickness Misappropriation of funds Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, excessive sickness, and carelessness in management prior to 1875 Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and neglect re investments Misappropriation of funds and neglect re investments Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and carelessness in management Inadequate contributions and excessive sickness Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and neglect re investments Inadequate contributions, laxity in investment of funds, and misappropriation of funds Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, carelessness in management prior to 1875, and excessive sickness Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and carelessness in management Misappropriation of funds and former neglect re investments Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and neglect re investments Ditto .. Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and carelessness in management Large number of secessions Inadequate contributions and carelessness in management Inadequate contributions and neglect re investments 76 Dunedin, 1864.. • 111 111 4,786 2,647 2,139 803; 1,336 !4 15 7 Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Oamaru, 1864.. Lawrence, 1865.. # m 71 on 71 80 3,179 3,823 1,683 1,757 1,496 2,066 1,119 803 377 1,263 2 15 0 4 17 3 » Waitahuna « , Waitahuna, 1866.. 65 65 3,038 1,455 1,583 931 652 3 15 3 I Prince Alfred » Waipori , Hawkesbury, 1866.. Waipori, 1867.. 50 50 34 2,239 1,602 1,153 753 1,086 849 804 483 282 366 1 2 5 0 4 2 5 Bluespur , Naseby ' „ Bluespur, 1867.. Naseby, 1868.. 70 OCT 70 85 3,110 3,974 1,621 1,904 1,489 2,070 503J 1,688 986 382; 7 11 0 4 5 11 Shortly before the valuation was made,the District raised its contributions for new members, but the new scale, having been only a short time in operation, could not affect the result appreciably Alexandra „ Port Molyneux, 1869 i 1 27! 27 1,167 6341 533 356 17 T 2 9 10 G. Leslie and P. Black. Eoxburgh „ Eoxburgh, 1869.. w 53 53 2,419 1,253 1,166 478 688, 4 13 7 Tapanui „ Tapanui, 1869 " 51 2,176 1,212 964 345! 619 3 0 6 Lake Wakatipu ,, Queenstown, 1869.. * 37 1,593 906 687 623 64 ;4 4 0 Palmerston „ ... Palmerston, 1870.. a 19 i » 839 444 395 233 162' 3 0 9 ! Cromwell „ Mount Wendon . Cromwell, 1870.. Waikaia, 1871.. # 56 69 2,467 3,082 1,320 1,578 1,147 1,504 550 759 597 745 4 0 21 3 5 5| Band of Friendship „ Arrow „ Kakanui, 1872.. Arrow, 1872.. - „ 13 23 578 963 302 550 276 413 287 270 111 143; |3 16 2! JO 19 2; Outram , * Outram, 1875.. 88 3,530 2,187 1,343 431 913! 'o 17 4 Total of District 1,020 72,082; 37,837 34,245 23,109 11,136 •• Ancient Obder of Foresters. Auckland District — Court Pride of Parnoll 1680 5 14 10 Inadequate contribution to District Funeral Fund, favourable sickness experience, good investments, and secessions Increase in value of freehold Inadequate contributions and bad investments Inadequate contributions and loss by embezzlement Inadequate contributions and neglect re investments Inadequate contributions and bad investments Thames, 1865.. pec. 31,1880 165 4,797 3,260 1,537 2,217 G. Leslie. •• Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Eobin Hood .. „ Little John .. „ Eoderick Dhu „ Sir George Bowen Wellington, 1861.. Dec. 31,1881 1865.. ' Marton, 1866.. Wanganui, 1867.. Wellington, 1868.. 210 176 80 72 191 9,223 7,029 3,045 2,657 7,454 5,165 4,030 1,801 1,775 4,438 4,058 2,999 1,244 882 3,016 5,077! 1,678! 739 305| 1,199! jU.019 505 577 1,817! j2 5 7 4 3 9 5 8 0 0 12 2 5 2 8 ; •• * As this lodge had a very large management fund (about £2,000), this deficiency may be treate actuarially solvent. There is reason to believe that this assumption is not, as a matter of fact, reali District come to be valued. J Freehold property, now worth £4,000, granted to the Court by :d as merely n< ized ; but it if Provincial Go 1 iminal. f On the assumption that the funeral fund of the District to which this Court is affiliated is impossible to ascertain how far the funeral fund falls short of solvency until all the other Courts of the 'eminent.



SCHEDULE V.—Summary of Valuations made under the Friendly Societies Acts — continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Where and when Established. Date of Valuation. f->. O •*■ a a © ©-Q ©^H © a © to o a *> a apq 2^ m □a 3 © © '© © - © otg . Cause to which Valuer attributes Surplus or Deficiency. SgcJPQ Steps (if :niy) taken in Consequence of Valuation. Name of Valuer. Ancient Oeder of Foresters — continued. Wellington District —continued. Court Blenheim „ Wairarapa .. „ Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding » William Gladstone .. , Pioneer .. ■ .. Blenheim, 1869.. Dec. 31,1881 Greytown, 1870.. £ 3,543 3,135 £ 2,203 1,754 £ 1,340 1,381 £ 1,568 763 £ 228 £ |£ s. d.j I .. 9 14 2 Low rate of sickness and good investments 618 0 9 0 Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, and bad investments 878 2 17 5, Inadequate contributions and neglect re investments 449 3 19 1; Inadequate contributions 8401 6 3 Inadequate contributions and neglect re investments 247j0 4 01 Inadequate contributions, bad investments, and misappropriation of funds 39 2 17 4 Inadequate contributions and bad investments 458 3 10 2 Inadequate contributions 320,1 14 6 94 80 Masterton, 1871.. Picton, 1874.. Palmerston, 1875.. Carterton, 1876.. 92 64 98 32 3,547 2,367 3,716 1,242 2,053 1,487 2,477 708 1,494 880 1,239 534 616 431 399 287 I W. Nosworthy. Feilding, 1876.. Gisborne, 1877.. Tinui, 1878.. 29 67 31 1,093 2,563 1,172 806 1,778 671 287 785 501 248 327 181 Total of District 1,316 51,786| 31,146 20,640 13,818 6,822 .. Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood .. „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest .. „ Taranaki Nelson, 1863.. Motueka, 1863.. Wakapuaka, 1864.. New Plymouth, 1864 Deo. 31,1880 „ I 182 60 36 71 9,198 2,779 1,721 2,994 3,804 1,327 781 1,521 5,394 1,452 940 1,473 2,705 467 432! 682. •• I 2,689 4 7 6 Inadequate contributions 985 3 6 0 Inadequate contributions and bad investments 5085 17 8 Inadequate contributions 7912 15 3 Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of funds 1,677 2 16 7 Inadequate contributions, misappropriation of funds, excessive sickness, and neglect re investments 1,17514 0 0 Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of funds 269) * Inadequate contributions 1,664!2 18 0 Inadequate contributions and bad investments 437 3 8 1 Ditto 4753 3 3 Inadequate contributions, inefficient management, and misappropriation of funds 851 Nil Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of funds 623 1118 Inadequate contributions 292 0 16 2 Inadequate contributions and mismanagement of funds 347 Nil Inadequate contributions and misappropriation of funds " , Concord Greymouth, 1867.. 96! 4,283' 2,244 2,039; 3621 ! „ Waireka New Plymouth, 1867 J 100! ' 4,180 2,225 1,955! 780 , Patea . Unity » Charleston .. . Sherwood Forest Patea, 1868.. Havelock, 1871.. Charleston, 1871.. Stoke, 1872.. ■ ! 22| 81 27. 28j 1 ii 995! 3,790 . 1,361 1,284: 493 1,781 689 626 502: 2,009 672 658 233 345 235 183 G. Leslie and P. Black. , Aorere .. .<.* Collingwood, 1873.. 43 i 2,015 1,502 1 880 944 694 457 1,071 220 „ Eoyal Oak .. .. „ Inglewood Forest .. 1 Westport, 1875.. Inglewood, 1876.. 29! 808 429 185 137| » „ Inangahua Inangahua, 1878.. 16! 723 359 364 ' Total of District 811 37,711 : 17,945 17,945 19,766 6,983 !12,783 United Westland District — Court Waimea Stafford, 1879.. jDec. 31,1882 16 988 315 673 258 178 415 4 19 9 Inadequate contributions prior to October, 1881, and necessity for extra reserve in consequence of small number of members ! .. 3 19 0 Favourable sickness experience, good investments, -I and profit from secessions G. Leslie and P. Black. •' Court not in any District — Court Coromandel 33 1 1,175 178 1 A. G. Wiggins. Coromandel, 1871.. Dec. 31,1883 830 345I 523 •• i * Doubtful.



• United Ancient Order of Druids. Pioneer Lodge k. Mistletoe „ Total Independent Order of W Eechabites. Star of Hope Tent Christchurch, 1875 1879 Dec. 31,1882 124 75 4,489 2,862 7,351 2,703 1,607 4,310 1,786 1,255 3,041 725 456, 1,061 799 * 0 8 0 Inadequate contributions and defalcation of former officers Inadequate contributions [■The Order has in- ) creased contributions to benefit funds A. G. Wiggins. . " 199 1,181 1,860 .- - 33 960 * Inadequate contributions The tent has raised members' contributions 20 per cent. A. G. WigginB. Hokitika, 1869.. Dee. 31,1882 2,045 525 1,5201 560 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Grahamstown Branch Grahamstown, 1870 Deo. 31,1882 3,017 1,270-; 1,747 1,033 714 3 11 2 Inadequate contributions and bad investments A committee of Branch recommended increase of contributions, but proposal rejected by general meeting of Branch G. Leslie. Waimea I Favourable sickness experience and profit from secessions Inadequate contributions, excessive average in ago of members, and high rate of sickness A. G. Wiggins. Goldsborough, 1870 12 535 230 305 415! 110 I 415! 2 4 0 H ■• Hokitika „ Hokitika, 1870.. 15' 678 276 402 98 .. 98 304 * A. G. Wiggins. Total ' 92 4,230 1,776 2,454i 1,546 .. 908 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society ! i 201 147j * Adequate contributions .. .. A. G. Wiggins. Kaeo, 1870.. Dec, 31,1882 16 301 247 54 Grand Total i 8,248' i '358,200 199,457 158,743 111,085 .. 47,658 .. •• * Information incomplete.



SCHEDULE VI. General Statistics of Friendly Societies for 1883.

Name of Society and Bbanch, and PnACK of Establishment. admitted Left during during 1883. 1883. Numl >er of [embers. Total Worth at Beginning of Year. Total Worth at End of Year. Number of Years estab'shd Died during 1883. At begiimi'g of Year. At end of Year. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Auckland Good Intent Lodge, Auckland Parnell Lodge, Parnell Waikato Lodge, Thames Duke of Cambridge Lodge, Cambridge Gisborno Lodge, Gisborne National Lodge, Coromandel.. Howick Lodge, Howiok Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu Delta Lodge, Helensville Also Lodges Charles Bruce, Devonport, Ponsonby, Whangarei, and Mercury Bay.* 24 28 27 1 12 1 7 9 23 23 20 19 8 14 4 2 5 2 343 254 88 159 19 27 17 50 40 342 261 107 146 27 26 24 56 60 23 £ 16,763 3,149 1,445 2,858 342 750 266 243 96 £ 16,805 3,394 1,641 3,137 385 788 316 355 136 35 39 33 24 IT 16 9 7 7 2 2 3 "l Total 155 72 997 1,072 25,912 20,992 Eawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge, Napier Meanee Lodge, Taradale Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa Clive Lodge, West Clive Hastings Lodge, Hastings Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau Woodvillo Lodge, Woodville Also Victoria Lodge. 18 6 21 8 16 4 4 20 5 7 2 4 7 2 2 "l 1 136 32 139 36 71 39 ' 22 127 33 153 41 82 36 24 2,364 134 1,550 252 255 133 101 2,534 150 1,695 310 311 189 141 27 12 10 7 5 4 3 Total 72 47 475 496 4,789 5,330 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth Excelsior Lodge, Now Plymouth Waitara Lodge, Waitara Union Lodge, Hawera 5 4 7 24 5 5 2 148 64 38 27 146 63 45 39 1,388 999 186 41 1,547 1,056 237 58 26 18 7 2 11 "l Total 40 21 277 293 2,614 2,898 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge, Wellington.. Antipodean Lodge, Wellington Boso of Sharon, Upper Hutt St. George Lodge, Pahautanui Unity Lodge, Featherston Combination Lodge, Johnsonville Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton Masterton Lodge, Masterton Greytown Lodge, Greytown Also Lodges Eose of the Valley, Kainapoura, United Brethren, and Potone. 32 11 6 1 13 17 1 1 1 5 2 3 4 4 230 168 36 43 41 29 40 39 28 245 162 41 43 40 30 58 47 34 7,471 6,201 413 257 618 216 103 236 248 7,672 6,205 416 364 661 176 169 275 304 40 35 26 16 12 7 6 G 4 6 20 11 10 Total 97 47 654 700 15,763 16,242 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim Eenwick Lodge, Eenwick 6 2 5 2 1 107 42 107 42 2,543 598 2,686 715 23 16 Total 149 149 3,141 3,401 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge, Nelson Travellers' Best, Bichmond Howard Lodge, Nelson Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield .. General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater.. Evening Star Lodge, Waimea West .. 13 ia 16 29 6 2 5 4 13 2 4 "l 223 85 204 84 61 14 227 93 207 110 67 14 2,027 835 3,562 1,064 387 25 2,859 955 4,033 1,282 466 41 39 36 86 24 18 2 "2 Total 78 26 671 718 8,500 9,636 North Westland District — Westport Lodge, Westport Charleston Lodge, Charleston Eeefton Lodge, Beefton Also Alpine Lodge. e 2 7 4 3 7 1 59 59 96 60 58 96 1,370 1,726 1,235 1,478 1,834 1,439 16 16 11 Total 15 14 214 214 4,331 4,751 * The names of Lodges which have not furnished retur] given at the end of each District. is, and of those tho returns from which are incomplete,



General Statistics of Friendly Societies— continued.

Name of Society and Branch, and Place of Establishment. Num Admitted Left during during 1683. 1883. Number of Died during 1883. [embers. At beginni'g of Year. Total Worth at Beginning of Year. Total Worth at Bud of Year. Number of Years ustabVhd At end of Year. Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge, Hokitika Boss Lodge, Boss Waimea Lodge, Stafford Greymouth Lodge, Greymoutb. Albert Lodge, Kumara 4 6 2 1 146 43 59 84 57 143 41 59 81 54 £ 3,211 1,774 1,287 2,295 557 £ 3,395 1,906 1,249 2,410 623 17 16 16 16 13 1 2 "3 5 "l Total 16 389 378 9,124 9,583 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge, Eangiora Nil Desperandum Lodge, Bast Oxford.. Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield Oust Lodge, Oust Woodend Lodge, Woodend Oxford Lodge, West Oxford Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka Amborley Lodge, Amberley Sefton Lodge, Sefton Waikari Lodge, Waikari 12 4 1 6 5 2 3 2 2 5 12 5 1 6 3 1 3 6 11 7 1 142 52 24 24 24 31 38 58 27 36 141 51 24 24 26 32 38 54 18 34 2,276 801 347 288 240 236 203 290 39 109 2,426 888 397 331 275 245 252 342 50 158 23 15 10 9 9 7 7 7 5 3 Total 42 65 456 442 4,829 5,364 North Canterbury District — City of ChristchurchLodge.Christchurch Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch Perseverance Lodge, Woolston Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton.. Southbridge Lodge, Southbridge Star of Waltham Lodge, Sydenham .. Malvern Lodge, Waddington Phillipstown Lodge, Linwood Leeston Lodge, Leeston Pride of the Valley Lodge, Heatheote Valley Papanui Lodge, Papamii Waterton Lodge, Waterton South Rakaia Lodge, South Eakaia .. Pioneer Lodge, Springburn .. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald Addington Lodge, Addington Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel 32 3 83 14 10 20 1 5 2 12 5 1 22 6 6 8 3 4 19 9 2 6 8 3 1 1 2 "l 2 1 361 97 121 99 143 113 62 59 12 74 45 23 370 93 146 105 150 128 44 53 12 79 42 21 7,401 1,165 1,526 1,447 1,044 732 498 304 40 255 110 35 7,909 1,213 1,648 1,645 1,163 841 547 268 55 305 161 53 29 25 17 17 11 10 10 7 6 4 3 3 7 2 5 10 4 21) 85 "7 2 20 33 35 36 20 13 27 28 38 46 23 42 35 49 47 122 60 23 3 57 73 209 119 49 66 41 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Total 230 106 1,366 1,482 14,861 16,422 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay .. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay Uso Lodges Timaru, Hand in Hand, Dawn of Hope, and Heart of Friendship. 27 18 2 6 9 21 4 1 1 206 58 25 20 19 211 67 27 25 28 3,583 1,516 264 318 68 3,867 1,516 334 331 97 S3 '24 8 7 2 Total .. ■ 57 20 328 358 5,749 6,145 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin Dalton Lodge, Balclutha Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers Albion Lodge, Dnnedin Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna Prince Alfred Lodge, Waikouaiti Waipori Lodge, Waipori Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyneux Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown .. Palrnerston Lodge, Palmerston South.. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell Mount W.endon Lodge, Waikaia Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui .. Outram Lodge, Outram Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel Caversham Lodge, Caversham Valley Lodge, North-East Valley 50 10 6 7 9 8 7 1 8 2 2 17 6 1 18 16 3 3 8 10 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 "l 1 309 156 51 67 90 69 87 54 48 27 69 24 53 49 45 22 47 65 15 44 50 29 340 149 54 70 88 67 92 50 45 26 74 26 46 59 49 21 43 73 16 48 66 35 33 10,912 4,520 832 1,391 1,212 2,274 1,080 1,133 1,113 625 673 578 597 375 931 341 926 1,073 382 545 272 69 11,646 4,882 830 1,499 1,345 2,382 1,228 1,197 1,253 687 785 661 644 468 1,023 339 1,052 1,201 397 624 372 113 73 35 21 20 19 19 19 18 17 17 16 16 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 11 8 4 2 11 2 9 16 8 33 9 5 2 2 4 2 1 5 6 2 2 1 Total 213 108 11 476 1,570 31,854 34,701



General Statistics of Friendly Societies— continued.

Numl ler of [embers. Name of Society akd Bbanoh, and Place op Establishment. of Year. ot YoarTotal Worth at Beginning of Year. Total Worth at End of Year. Number ol Years estab'shd. Admitted during 1883. Left during 1883. Died during 1883. r nvercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistlo Lodge, Inveroargill St. George Lodge, Invercargill United Gore Lodge, Gore Awarna Lodge, Campbelltown Uso Lodges Winton and Lumsden. 14 11 17 17 16 17 3 1 185 162 9 180 155 26 17 £ 5,133 2,448 114 £ 5,403 2,589 187 35 28 15 5 Total 59 33 356 378 7,695 8,214 Total of Order 1,073 578 53 7,808 8,250 139,162 149,679 Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin Leith Lodge, Dunedin Alfred Lodge, Oamaru Unity Lodge, South Dunedin Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invorcargill Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton Tai Tapu Lodge, Tai Tapu Alma Lodge, Wyndham Uso Lodges Star of Canterbury, Alexandrovna, Linden, Star of Auckland, Addington, Victoria, Wallace, and Ridgley. 13 8 11 6 26 28 3 4 11 9 5 4 1 11 14 1 1 1 2 "2 79 74 44 21 82 68 14 12 L6 82 76 49 2G 95 77 16 16 22 1,185 1,166 300 54 617 296 32 62 45 1,195 1,221 331 56 739 390 58 89 80 21 21 15 8 6 5 2 2 1 "5 Total 105 50 410 459 3,757 4,159 National Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge, Auckland United Brothers Lodge, Auckland 386 181 471 278 5 4 47 4'J 29 15 3 175 126 190 160 Total 96 44 301 350 567 749 Ancient Order op Foresters. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland, Auckland ,, Pride of Parnell, Thames „ Zealandia, Auckland .. ,, Pride of the North, Grahamstown ,, Robin Hood, Panmure ,, Northern Wairoa, Dargavillo ,, Eureka, Auckland „ Pride of Newmarket, Newmarket ,, Nil Desperandum, Newton ,, Royal Oak, Tauranga .. ,, Star of the South, Otahuhu „ Star of Helonsville, Helensville .. Uso Court Pride of Onehunga. 26 33 3 6 20 25 10 8 7 1 65 18 9 5 4 5 8 23 9 20 7 9 1 2 "2 312 134 88 46 36 44 98 40 45 41 26 319 123 116 45 37 54 100 46 33 40 18 65 3,805 2,624 783 332 203 289 210 114 92 95 55 4,164 2,739 913 346 182 270 322 108 129 106 66 107 20 18 10 8 7 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 Total 204 117 916 996 8,602 9,452 lawlce's Bay District — Court Lord Clyde, Wairoa „ Captain Cook, Napier .. ,, Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri ,, Ruahine, Waipukurau.. ,, Heretaunga, Hastings .. ,, Little John, Waipawa .. Uso Courts Sir Charles Napier and Sir Henry Havelock. 24 5 8 9 19 5 17 9 7 1 1 20 122 32 38 31 15 128 28 39 39 19 211 532 134 143 44 214 658 165 181 69 19 10 8 4 4 1 65 Total 39 243 208 1,064 1,306 Varanaki District — Court Waireka, New Plymouth Uso Courts Taranaki, Inglewood Forest, and Raleigh. 16 116 124 863 981 17 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey, Wellington „ Robin Hood, Wellington ,, Little John, Marton „ Roderick Dhu, Wanganui „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington .. ,, Blenheim, Blenheim .. ,, Wairarapa, Grcytown .. ,, Fjnterprise, Masterton .. ,, Clarendon, Picton „ Manawatu, Palmerston „ Marquis of Norrnanby, Carterton „ Feilding, Feilding .. ,. 32 a;» 17 86 (il 12 22 19 4 13 15 21 18 26 9 2 12 8 8 9 6 16 12 9 1 3 2 2 1 209 178 108 78 204 107 72 84 63 137 62 51 222 178 114 112 •851 no 86 94 61 133 63 63 5,351 1,723 807 354 1,256 1,706 954 564 465 884 ' 314 302 5,671 1,768 845 475 1,574 1,977 1,009 623 530 990 294 370 22 18 17 h; 15 lit 13 12 9 8 7 7 1 2


General Statistics of Friendly Societies— continued.


Numl lor of [embers. Name of Society and Bbanob, and Place of Establishment. idmitted during 1883. Left during 1883. Died during 1883. At beginni'g of Year. Worth at Beginning of Year. Total Total Worth at End of Year. Number of Years estab'shd. At end of Year. Wellington District —continued. Court William Gladstone, Gisborne .. „ Pioneer, Tinui „ Egmont, Opunake 9 2 11 5 2 13 65 29 48 69 29 45 £ 365 198 41 £ 451 261 88 6 6 1 1 Total 303 155 IB 1,495 1,630 15,284 16,926 Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood, Nelson .. „ Perseverance, Motueka ,, Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka „ Concord, Greymouth .. „ Patea, Patea „ Charleston, Charleston „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke ,, Inangahua, Eeefton Also Courts Unity, Aorere, and Eoyal Oak. 11 1 8 9 3 6 7 3 2 9 9 2 2 6 2 1 182 51 31 71 48 24 28 18 188 49 31 70 48 25 32 19 2,970 623 590 354 246 279 325 44 3,004 709 642 347 268 296 355 64 21 20 19 16 16 12 11 5 Total 45 33 453 462 5,431 5,685 United Westland District — Court Waimea, Stafford 16 10 206 188 14 ■■ Canterbury United District — Court Star of Canterbury, Christchurch „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham „ Woodford, Kaiapoi „ Pride of Eiohmond, Bichmond .. Also Courts Queen of the Isles, Pride of Canterbury, Ashburton, Springfield, and Papanui. 31 25 18 12 23 15 11 22 4 1 431 66 80 64 435 76 86 54 4,679 173 146 122 4,955 234 198* 167 31 4 3 2 Total 86 71 641 651 5,120 5,554 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown.. ,, Enterprise, Dunedin .. „ Eobin Hood, Port Chalmers „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin „ Bruce, Milton „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde „ Prido of Oamaru, Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka, Lawrence „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra .. „ Havelock, Waitahuna .. „ Hope, Herbert „ Eoxburgh, Eoxburgh .. ,, St. Andrews, Caversham „ Excelsior, Mornington.. ,, Eoyal Thistle, Mount Benger .. Also Court Star of the South. 4 9 17 11 13 7 9 16 2 9 4 8 4 7 4 5 6 5 7 6 4 1 "l "l 1 208 37 137 114 126 73 31 52 81 28 46 18 59 85 26 14 203 42 147 120 134 79 34 62 76 30 46 18 51 82 36 18 4,352 517 1,894 1,156 837 599 286 204 558 209 298 315 157 360 144 16 4,627 537 2,160 1,131 945 679 289 292 600 254 360 351 192 437 182 31 21 20 20 19 19 18 17 15 15 14 14 13 10 8 6 1 1 9 5 10 6 17 7 1 "2 Total 131 82 6 1,135 1,178 11,902 13,067 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross, Timaru ,, Coromandel, Coromandel Also Court Forestors' Pride. 23 1 10 200 33 213 34 4,098 538 4,251 601 18 12 Total of Order 874 513 37 5,248 5,572 53,108 58,011 Ancient Order of Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey, Wellington ,, Star of Canterbury, Christchurch 5 1 a i 42 36 45 36 264 51 302 67 18 4 Total 78 81 315 369 United Ancient Order of Druids. Pioneer Lodge, Christchurch.. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans .. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch Excelsior Lodge, Wellington .. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham .. Ethelbert Lodge, Springston Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton 40 18 29 73 64 1 63 15 16 14 22 19 5 1!) 1 1 2 124 73 75 123 136 37 100 149 .. 74 -90 173 179 33 140 464 204 238 294 341 90 269 672 227 302 471 423 118 433 8 4 4 4 4 3 8 "i * Amount as at 30th September, 1883.


General Statistics of Friendly Societies— continued.


Nnm] ler of [embers. Namk op Boctety and Branch, and Place or Establishment. Admittei during 1883. Left during 1883. begtani'g end of Year. 01 yearTotal Worth at Beginning of Year. Total Worth at End ol Year. Number of Years ostab'shd. Died during 1883. Jhited Ancient Order op Druids — contd. Otago Lodge, Dunedin Bud of Hope Lodge, Eangiora Star of Anglosea Lodge, Lincoln Ivanhoe Lod<,'e, Dunedin Gladstone Lodge, Dunedin Perseverance Lodge, Addington Anchor Lodge, Woolston Enterprise Lodge, South Dunedin Star of tho West Lodge, Greymouth .. Campbell Lodge, Christchurch Aeorn Lodge, Invercargill Eoyal Oak, Caversham Dunstan Lodge, Christchurch Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi Britannia Lodge, South Dunedin Auckland Lodge, Auckland .. Iso Lodges Star of New Zealand, Athelstan, Oxford, Waikiwi, and Timaru. 38 21 27 17 6 L>8 34 ISO 9 20 ■12 33 I!0 11 28 58 75 8 8 4 23 7 2 16 19 12 17 14 23 27 10 1 15 39 86 41 65 43 28 74 69 55 81 84 49 43 33 44 59 99 64 59 42 54 92 80 52 84 111 57 45 37 71 42 75 £ 131 187 65 108 66 17 106 87 132 96 166 48 21 18 57 £ 192 264 133 181 108 32 218 164 133 147 158 67 108 48 124 52 118 S 3 9 3 3 3 a 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Total 788 316 18 1,502 1,961 3,205 4,893 iOyal United Friends Benefit Society. Reliance Lodge, Auckland Jso Alpha Lodge. 14 51 65 200 265 Independent Order o." Rechabites. Jew Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames Eden Tent, Newmarket Northern Star Tent, Aratapu Northern Wairoa Tent, Mangawhare .. -10 5 10 a 6 3 8 8 15 1 114 102 56 43 12 151 98 58 71 18 646 870 269 82 706 941 317 104 11 20 13 9 2 1 Total 105 84 327 396 1,867 2,079 Jew Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington.. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier.. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau Perseverance Tent, Wellington Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sandon Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson.. Excelsior Tent, Wellington Pride of Christchurch Tent, Christchurch Murihiku Tent, Invercargill Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville .. Eay of Hope Tent, Kaikoura Hope of Peilding Tent, Feilding Southern Cross Tent, Palmerston North Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton Nil Dcsperandum Tent, Halcombe Haste to the Rescue (Female Tent), Wellington L lso Tents Unity (New Plymouth), Rose of Sharon, Unity (Marton), Hope of Dunedin, Good Samaritan, Ocean Pride, and Masterton 19 2 3 6 1 8 10 21 2 3 10 2 9 7 11 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 116 11 26 24 37 16 51 23 35 46 12 22 20 9 13 n 113 9 26 21 30 13 48 17 32 56 12 18 17 8 15 18 21 15 7 1,752 239 413 396 289 121 244 185 104 413 66 54 63 42 19 10 1,924 229 415 410 283 116 262 210 182 500 76 59 84 37 29 23 10 18 201 17 13 12 12 11 9 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 4 1 1 1 3 8 23 15 1 8 195 11 Total 99 79 480 496 4,665 5,0G8 Mbert District — Star of Hope Tent, Hokitika 33 31 134 145 14 Total of Order 210 121 840 923 6,666 7,292 Sons and Daughters of Temperance. hand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division, Dunedin Perseverance Division, Christchurch .. Progress Division, Kaiapoi Eay of Hope Division, Greymouth Dawn of Light Division, Eothcsay Also Divisions Resolution and Try Again. 8 9 1 1 i 9 10 6 8 2 5 132 81 30 30 15 126 80 25 23 17 1,127 732 319 111 54 1,161 845 367 121 28 12 11 11 5 4 Total U5 288 271 2,343. 2,522



General Statistics of Friendly Societies— continued.

By Authority: Geobqb Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB4.

Name of Society and Bbanch, and Flack op Establishment. Admitted during 1883. Left during 1883. Numi Died during 1883. >er of Members. embers. Total Worth at At At end Beginning S? o1Ve na d, "I Year. Total Worth at End ol Year. Number of Years estab'shcL Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch, Charleston Grahamstown Branch, Thames Hokitika Branch, Hokitika Greenstone Branch, Kimara.. Auckland Branch, Auckland Also Branch Waimea. 1 1 2 4 2 £ 21 23 64 14 13 198 21 61 13 9 225 £ 214 897 93 43 1,528 £ 210 924 111 47 1,687 13 13 18 12 10 "50 "2 Total 52 33 312 329 2,775 2,979 New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. Executive Directory of New Zealand — St. Joseph's Branch, Dunedin St. Patrick's Branch, Lawrence St. Mary's Branch, Timaru Also Branches St. Mary's (Invercargill), St. Patrick's (Patea), St. John's (Leeston), St. Joseph's (Christchurch), St. Patrick's (Christchurch), St. Patrick's (Lincoln), St. Mary's (Wanganui), and St. Joseph's (New Plymouth). 4 4 24 10 4 17 55 35 51 49 35 58 423 191 447 209 137 10 » 1 Total 32 31 141 142 614 793 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society op Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin Excelsior Lodge, Green Island John Knox Lodge, Wellington Alexandra Lodge, Auckland .. .. Star of Onehunga Lodge, Onehunga .. Triumph Lodge, South Dunedin 6 9 sa 18 24 1 64 13 6 4 5 13 "l 1 118 66 19 47 83 20 111 68 37 60 94 21 52 896 111 66 170 131 19 975 118 125 198 159 32 62 10 9 7 4 3 1 'il "l Total 145 52 353 443 1,393 1,669 Bailway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes Benefit Society, Dunedin New Zealand Railways Employes Benefit Society, Invercargill 18 11 15 5 5 1 222 79 215 84 1,295 1,454 8 4 351 345 Total 21 20 301 299 1,646 1,799 • • Isolated Local Societies. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society, Kaeo Also New Plymouth Friendly Society. 16 16 203 226 18 Grand Total 3,442 1,796 134 17,649 19,161 215,954 235,405 ■ •




Table I.—Membership and Funds .. .. .. .. .. 1 II. —Numerical Progress, Mobtality and Sickness .. .. 8 „ lll.—Ages of Members .. .. .. .. ..IV IV.—Sick and Funicral Funds .. .. .. .. 2i! V.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds VI. —Assets .. .. .. .. .. .. 4» Vll.—lnvestments at Intebest .. .. .. .. -I:)



MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDS. TABLE I.—Showing the Number of Members, and the Amounts of the several Funds, as on the 31st December, 1882, of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

Ke.g. Goods, regalia, &c. b There appears some doubt as to the respective values of these two funds. c Approximate values. Return furnished was of very doubtful accuracy. d The bracket is used to indicate that the amounts in the hands of the central bodies are not included in the totals of their respective districts. e Hall furniture, scenery, and goods. f Eoso of Sharon, Kainapoura, Unity, Combination, Heart of Oak, Masterton, Greytovvn, and Petone Lodges omitted. s Widow and Orphan Fund. h Widow and Orphan Fund, £1,355 lCs. 4d.

I—H. 1.

Name or Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. •§.=3 h a . S. Q O Total Worth. Sick and Funoral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Property, a Manchester Unity Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruoo „ Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Devonport „ National „ Howick „ Ponsonby „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ [Central Body] Auckland Parnoll Thames Cambridge Gisborne Devonport Coromandel Howick Ponsonby Whangarei Otahuhu [Auckland] 343 254 88 57 164 19 27 18 17 50 53 30 40 £ s. d. 16,762 10 9 3,149 0 5 1,445 9 10 1,538 1 2 2,863 2 7 341 10 1 750 4 5 =238 14 2 265 14 8 243 2 1 176 2 10 102 1 7 96 3 5 4[3,879 5 0] £ s. d. bll,164 9 11 1,944 8 0 1,394 1 5 1,523 14 4 2,770 0 4 341 10 1 626 4 5 °201 9 3 234 10 8 224 6 11 77 14 0 82 19 5 96 3 5 [3,850 5 6] £ s. d. "5,598 0 10 1,204 12 5 51 8 5 14 6 10 -13 8 9 -6 4 3 28 0 0 C17 4 11 30 18 0 3 15 2 98 8 10 19 2 2 -2 19 4 [11 12 8] £ s. d. 93"2 3 96*0 0 "20 0 0 15 "o 0 [17**7 4] Total 1,160 27,971 18 0 20,681 18 2 7,065 17 7 224 2 3 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsf ord „ Clive Hastings „ Victoria „ Tavistock „ Woodville „ [Central Body] Napier Taradale Waipawa West Clive Hastings Porangahau Waipukurau Woodville [Napier] 136 32 140 35 71 32 38 22 2,363 18 3 134 5 8 1,550 4 10 251 13 8 255 2 0 155 17 G 132 U 3 101 6 5 [121 9 3] 2,350 13 2 134 5 8 1,402 18 5 251 13 8 201 8 2 142 17 6 107 14 3 80 2 10 [72 16 3] 4 13 1 -13 19 3 0 6 5 -5 12 1 41 13 10 -10 13 2 -8 9 11 21 3 7 [18 13 7] 8 12 0 e147 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 25 0 0 [29 19 5] Total 506 4,945 2 7 4,671 13 8 67 16 11 205 12 0 New Plymouth District — Bgmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ [Central Body] New Plymouth .. Waitara Hawera [New Plymouth] 148 64 38 27 1,388 9 0 998 19 3 185 13 5 41 7 11 [102 17 8] 1,363 1 7 998 19 3 176 15 5 41 7 11 [93 0 7] 25 7 5 -0 4 3 8 18 0 -2 4 11 [9 17 1] Total 277 2,614 9 7 2,580 4 2 34 5 5 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge Wanganui 85 3,430 18 6 3,434 0 2 2 18 4 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ [Central Body] Wellington Lower Hutt Pahautanui Kaikoura [Wellington] 230 168 164 43 26 7,471 8 6 6,200 17 8 2,391 7 0 257 1 10 194 16 3 [72 18 4] 7,385 12 2 5,812 7 6 2,064 10 11 156 4 2 190 1 11 [42 10 4] 57 13 4 370 10 5 326 16 1 95 17 8 4 14 4 [3 12 6] 28 3 0 17 19 9 5 0 0 [26 15 6] Total 631 16,515 11 3 15,608 16 8 855 11 10 51 2 9 Marlborough District*— Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ [Central Body] Blenheim Eenwiok [Blenheim] 107 42 2,542 16 8 597 18 3 [373 11 7] 2,490 7 3 548 12 8 [2 6 7] 39 9 6 14 3 4 [2 10 2] 12 19 11 35 2 3 e [368 14 10] Total 149 3,140 14 11 3,038 19 11 53 12 10 48 2 2 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star „ [Central Body] Total Nelson.. Bichmond Nelson.. Wakefieia Brightwater Waimea West .. [Nelson] 223 85 205 84 61 14 2,627 9 7 834 U 1 3,561 17 7 1,004 8 0 386 14 3 24 13 6 [1,639 19 3] 2,618 6 8 797 16 7 3,545 3 11 949 5 3 366 9 6 24 13 6 [121 13 10] 9 2 11 36 17 6 16 13 8 115 2 9 20 4 9 -1 18 6 [102 2 9] h [1,416*'2 8] 672 8,499 17 0 8,301 15 5 198 1 7




0 These amounts are extremely doubtful. They represent the most probable reconstruction of the accounts furnished, which presented features irreconcilable even after much correspondence. bTho Management Fund had been in debt to the Sick and Funeral Fund to the amount of £157 3s. 2d., but this indebtedness was written oft at the end of the year (the lodge being then unregistered), as it was considered that there was no possibility of repaying it. c Amount of indebtedness not stated. a Amount doubtful. e Goods Fund. f Tirnaru, Hand in Hand, Dawn of Hope, Heart of Friendship, and Perseverance Lodgos omitted. s Distress Relief Fund.

Name or Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. Mi Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Property. Maxchesteb Unity Independent Oedek of Odd Fellows — contd. North Westland District— Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton „ Alpine „ [Central Body] Wcstport Charleston Eeefton Lyoll .. [Eoofton] 59 59 96 38 £ s. d. 1,370 2 3 1,726 9 2 1,235 7 2 80 5 0 [83 11 11] £ s. d. 1,370 2 3 1,714 8 3 1,209 4 2 50 5 0 [27 14 7] £ s. d. -20 14 6 12 0 11 -6 2 5 -39 0 10 [45 17 4] £ s. a. 20 3 0 30 0 0 [10 0 0] Total 252 4,418 3 7 4,349 19 8 12 0 11 56 3 0 Holdtilca District — Hokitika Lodgo Boss Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert [Central Body] Hokitika Eoss Stafford Greymouth Kumara [Hokitika] 140 43 59 83 57 3,211 0 0 1,773 12 8 1,286 11 0 2,295 4 4 557 5 6 [211 10 2] 3,211 0 0 1,677 17 0 1,170 11 3 2,252 17 1 517 5 0 [189 17 2] -36 0 2 35 0 2 21 12 11 42 7 3 60 15 0 94 0 10 [21 IS 0] 40*0 0 Total 388 9,123 13 6 8,829 11 4 99 0 4 195 1 10 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield „ Oust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka Amberley „ Sef ton Waikari „ [Central Body] Rangiora East Oxford Leithfield Oust Woodend West Oxford .. Ohoka Amberley Sefton Waikari [Rangiora] 142 52 24 24 24 31 38 58 27 36 2,275 17 9 801 2 7 347 3 9 288 1 6 239 11 4 235 10 0 203 3 0 290 3 1 39 0 4 109 0 6 [98 4 4] 2,275 17 9 801 2 7 347 3 9 288 1 6 239 11 4 235 16 0 203 3 0 258 12 4 39 6 4 77 7 0 [93 4 4] -53 6 11 -18 2 1 -0 19 -75 1 3 -14 5 3 -8 9 6 -23 17 0 21 10 9 -26 11 0 31,13 6 [-2 15 4] io"o o Total 456 4,829 5 10 4,700 1 7 53 4 3 10 0 0 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge .. Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Ashburton Southbridge „ Doylcston „ Star of Waltham „ Malvern Pliillipstown „ Leeston „ Pride of the Valloy Papanui „ Waterton „ South Eakaia „ Pioneer „ Tin-wald /; Addington „ [Central Body] Christchurch Kaiapoi Sydenham Christehuroh Woolston Ashburton Southbridge Doyleston Sydenham Waddington Linwood Leeston Heathcoto Valley Papanui Waterton South Eakaia .. Springburn Tinwald Addington [Christchurch] .. 301 97 121 99 143 113 02 15 59 12 74 44 23 22 33 35 35 20 13 "7,250 17 8 1,104- 10 3 1,520 1 10 1,445 5 10 1,044 4 6 731 19 9 498 1 5 316 19 9 303 14 0 37 4 5 254 15 1 110 5 4 35 0 9 48 19 3 46 18 9 122 8 6 43 19 7 22 19 7 3 4 4 [389 14 5] "5,747 7 8 982 12 9 1,451 8 1 1,445 5 10 984 14 1 609 15 0 498 1 5 316 19 9 298 11 6 37 4 5 233 11 9 100 5 4 30 6 9 41 19 3 46 18 9 55 9 5 35 12 9 13 0 6 3 4 4 [62 6 0] "1,509 10 0 181 17 6 74 13 9 -13 0 5 59 10 5 95 19 0 b ti -18 1 2 -15 17 1 -6 15 2 21 3 4 -0 4 1 C -17 11 1 1-15 6 6 66 19 1 8 6 10 9 19 1 -2 9 2 [20 8 0] 26*5 9 5 2 6 10 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 °[3O7"o 5] Total / 1,381 15,013 10 7 12,932 9 4 2,027 19 0 53 8 3 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge .. Good Intent Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ [Central Body] Lyttelton Akaroa Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay [Lyttelton] 206 58 25 20 3,583 0 7 1,515 10 5 263 16 1 317 11 0 [62 1 8] 3,535 4 3 1,507 11 7 260 16 10 317 2 2 [0 9 2] 47 16 4 7 18 10 2 19 3 [48*12 6] o"8 10 [13 0 0] Total' 309 5,679 18 1 5,620 14 10 58 14 5 0 8 10 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodgo Dunedin „ Dalton Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Dunedin Balclutha Port Chalmers .. Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence 309 156 51 67 90 09 87 10,911 16 4 4,519 13 5 831 14 10 1,390 15 0 1,211 16 9 2,273 12 11 1,080 0 7 8,540 7 2 4,295 5 9 788 14 10 1,350 12 2 1,386 19 9 1,557 9 7 1,056 12 1 1,930 12 2 204 7 8 -12 17 9 34 2 10 9 17 0 716 3 4 23 3 6 E434 17 0 20 0 0 43 0 0 15*0 0 05 0




•Belief Fund, £211 ss. lid. ■ " Goods and furniture, £162 13s. lOd. c Win ton Lodge omitted. d Motueka District omitted. ' " Including Widow and Orphan Fund, £88 18s. 9d.; and furniture, £127 15s. 3d. 'Goods, £100; Relief Fund, £57 4s. Bd. 8 Including organ, furniture, and regalia, £106 ss. Od. h Addington, Victoria, Wallace, and Eidgley Lodges omitted, 'Courts Star ol the South, Northern Wairoa, and Royal Oak omitted,.

Name of Society and Bhanch. Place of Establishment. ■ggg 2nd Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Property. Manchester Unity Independent Oedeb of Odd Fellows— contd* Otago District —continued. Waitahuna Lodge .. Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Bluespur „ Alexandra „ Boxburgh. „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham „ [Central Body] Waitahuna Waikouaiti Waipori Blucspur Port Molyneux .. Boxburgh Tapanui Queenstown Palmers ton South Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham [Duncdin] 54 48 27 69 24 53 49 45 22 47 65 15 44 56 29 £ s. d. 1,133 5 2 1,112 10 6 625 2 0 672 11 4 578 3 9 596 10 9 374 17 9 931 9 11 341 1 11 925 12 5 1,072 14 10 378 11 3 545 9 7 271 17 3 68 10 8 [487 17 3] £ s. a. 1,131 19 2 1,058 19 7 625 2 0 636 12 7 494 3 4 581 11 6 327 2 9 931 9 11 330 8 11 905 12 5 1,037 1 8 331 7 11 504 7 3 261 17 3 61 4 5 [142 17 4] £ s. d. -47 1 9 -72 13 2 -23 12 9 33 18 9 84 0 5 14 19 3 2 6 4 -42 9 8 -46 17 7 -88 3 7 10 13 2 47 3 4 19 11 10 -10 18 5 7 6 3 [26 19 11] £ .s. a. 1 6 0 53 10 11 2*'o 0 45 8 8 10 13 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 2110 6 10 0 0 «[318"o 0] Total 1,476 31,847 18 11 28,007 2 0 3,138 5 10 702 11 1 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. Georgo Lodge United Goro „ Lumsden „ [Central Body] Invorcargill 185 162 9 34 5,133 5 2 2,448 0 8 114 8 8 105 17 3 [207 10 2] 5,000 13 3 2,426 2 2 114 8 8 84 13 11 [-2 15 5] 41 14 6 -3 4 10 -66 17 9 6 3 4 [-64 6 2] 90 17 5 21 18 6 Gore .. Lumsden [Invercargill] .. 15 0 0 •>[207 10 2] Total • 390 7,801 11 9 7,625 18 0 47 17 10 127 15 11 Total of Order 4 8,132 145,839 0 1 130,449 4 11 13,715 7 1 1,674 8 1 Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of Neio Zealand — Pioneer Lodge .. Leith Alfred „ .. Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Linden „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Prebbleton „ Tai Tapu Alma [Central Body] Dunedin Oamaru Timaru Temuka South Dunedin .. Kaikorai Wellington Invercargill Auckland Prcbblcton Tai Tapu Wyndham [Dunedin] 74 74 50 31 42 23 36 85 67 99 16 17 13 1,184 18 7 1,165 17 0 299 12 3 681 1 4 533 3 8 53 19 1 165 13 0 617 G 1 296 2 R 367 5 8 17 10 2 48 3 8 45 6 0 [2,9G4 7 5] 756 15 1 1,017 11 1 296 G 3 434 13 9 362 1 3 23 14 9 150 0 0 423 2 8 254 4 9 211 9 0 16 1 1 27 15 3 19 4 6 [2,746 2 8] 220 11 9 98 19 10 0 6 0 -77 16 7 169 2 5 30 4 4 15 13 0 36 18 9 -17 9 6 17 4 9 19 1 0 8 5 15 11 6 [178 9 3] 207 11 9 49 6 1 3 0 0 "246 7 7 2 0 0 f157 4 8 41 17 6 el38 11 5 20 0 0 10 10 0 [39 15 6] Total 1' G27 5,475 18 9 3,992 19 11 COG 9-10 876 9 0 National Independent Obdee op Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ [Central Body] Auckland 256 10 4 156 9 6 [568 8 4] 54 0 2 19 5 2 [1 19 8] 75 0 0 5 0 0 [31 17 G] 175 126 385 10 6 180 14 8 [602 5 G] Total 301 56G 5 2 412 19 10 73 5 4 80 0 0 Ancient Ordeb of Fobestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland , Pride of Parnoll „ Zealandia , Pride of Onehunga , Pride of the North „ Eobin Hood .. . Eureka , Pride of Newmarket .. „ Nil Desperandum [Central Body] Auckland Thames Auckland Onehunga Grahamstown .. Auckland 312 134 88 96 46 36 98 46 44 3,778 1 5 2,623 15 8 782 17 6 295 7 1 331 10 8 187 14 1 210 4 9 113 13 1 91 16 9 [1,282 10 0] 3,672 7 8 2,525 3 0 735 7 6 273 9 6 298 10 8 186 3 8 181 4 10 90 14 1 71 17 8 [1,203 9 4] 58 5 3 -29 13 7 -9 11 8 5 17 7 -10 15 7 1 10 5 -2G 8 3 -11 14 10 5 G 8 [26 5 8] 47 8 6 98 12 8 47 10 0 10 0 0 33 0 0 Newmarket Newton [Auckland] 28 19 11 22 19 0 14 12 5 [52 15 0] Total 1 900 8,415 1 0 §jO34 18 7 70 19 11 309 2 6




Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. SB* Son Total Worth. Sick and Management Funeral Fund. Fund. Other Funds and Property. Ancient Order of Foresters— continued. Hawke's Bay District— Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde , Captain Cook .. . Sir Henry Havelock , Eobin Hood .. ..' Euahine „ Hcretaunga [Central Body] Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock Port Ahuriri Waipukurau Hastings [Napier] 160 21 122 57 32 38 31 £ s. d. 1,054 12 2 210 12 0 532 1 10 315 18 9 134 7 2 143 1 1 44 6 8 [155 4 11] £ s. d. 900 13 1 156 10 7 508 5 4 311 5 11 121 0 7 115 17 3 40 10 2 [139 17 3] £ s. d. 93 19 1 54 1 5 4 10 6 4 12 10 5 16 7 13 3 10 3 16 6 [14 18 3] £ s. d. 19**0 0 710 0 14 0 0 [0**9 5] Total 461 2,434 19 8 2,214 2 11 180 6 9 40 10 0 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Eobin Hood .. „ Little John , Boderick Dhu Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby .. » Loyal Feilding , William Gladstono „ Pioneer „ Egmont [Central Body] Wellington Marton Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Greytown Masterton Picton Palmerston North Carterton Feilding Gisborne Tinui Opunake [Wellington] 209 176 108 81 204 107 72 84 63 137 56 51 65 29 48 5,350 10 4 1,723 2 10 806 18 5 354 2 1 1,255 11 5 1,705 10 2 953 11 11 564 8 10 465 8 9 884 9 4 314 8 6 302 9 7 364 16 10 197 18 8 40 10 5 [1,750 10 2] 5,189 4 3 1,574 1 9 759 0 11 313 11 6 1,099 2 3 1,066 19 11 940 7 3 560 17 6 442 7 11 321 3 9 311 17 11 299 9 9 360 0 6 179 0 6 28 9 6 [1,344 3 11] 54 14 1 118 16 1 12 17 6 40 10 7 70 14 2 13 10 3 13 4 8 3 11 4 8 0 10 13 5 7 2 10 7 2 19 10 4 16 4 18 18 2 0 15 11 [412 6 3] "106 12 0 30 5 0 35 0 0 85*15 0 25 0 0 15**0 0 b550 0 0 11**5 0 Total 1,490 15,283 18 1 14,045 15 2 379 5 11 858 17 0 Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood .. „ Perseverance .. , Pride of the Forest , Taranaki „ Concord „ Waireka „ Patea „ Unity Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorero „ Eoyal Oak Inglewood Forest „ Inangahua [Central Body] Nelson.. Motueka Wakapuaka New Plymouth .. Greymouth New Plymouth .. Patea Havelock Charleston Stoke .. Collingwood Westport Inglewood Beefton [Nelson] 182 51 31 64 71 116 49 49 22 29 41 35 34 18 2,970 0 7 622 11 0 590 -7 6 775 1 11 353 12 7 862 16 3 245 15 8 450 6 2 279 4 8 325 5 11 486 8 0 293 7 3 158 2 1 44 5 3 [014 9 3] 2,758 1 5 487 16 6 498 19 10 727 16 5 304 13 0 862 16 3 245 15 8 437 6 2 255 15 4 238 5 11 269 5 10 248 5 1 144 3 5 29 13 7 [216 13 lj 211 19 2 134 14 6 91 7 8 47 5 6 5 9 1 -2 11 5 -23 15 9 -0 16 2 3 9 4 87 0 0 207 2 2 10 2 2 13 18 8 14 11 8 [74 3 10] 43*10 0 13"o 0 20 0 0 10'0 0 35 0 0 ° [323*12 4] Total 792 8,457 4 10 7,508 14 11 826 19 11 121 10 0 United Westland District <* — Court Waimea Stafford 205 12 10 16 183 8 3 14 7 21 0 0 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Star of Ashburton „ Belle of the Isle ,. . Thistle of the Forest .. Woodford Pride of Eichmond „ Papanui [Central Body] Christchurch Lyttelton Courtenay Ashburton Little Akaloa Sydenham Kaiapoi Eichmond Papanui [Christchurch] .. 431 82 37 24 6 66 74 61 16 4,678 15 4 1,526 19 2 175 0 10 43 3 1 33 5 6 172 10 7 145 16 4 121 18 0 3 19 5 . [1,002 7 4] 3,809 0 8 1,038 8 2 148 19 4 23 3 1 32 0 0 168 5 9 101 6 2 76 1 7 3 19 5 [1,492 1 9] 555 15 4 488 11 0 1 4 10 -26 19 5 15 6 -5 19 6 36 8 2 6 11 7 -14 13 5 [53 3 3] 1 "313 19 9 24*16 8 20 0 0 4 4 10 8 2 0 39 4 10 [57**2 4] Total * 797 6,901 8 3 5,401 3 9 1,089 16 5 410 8 1 "Benevolent Fund. * Hi 'ride of the West and Pride of Ki ,11 and furniture, imara omitted. cIm °Inci eluding Widow : [dental and fete and Orphan Fui funds. * *C( id, £261 19s. 2( >urt Springfieh 1. d Courts ! omitted.



a Land and furniture. b Land, court property, and goods. c Including Eelief Fund, £433 45..9d. « Courts Tapanui and Pride of the Forest omitted. e This Order constitutes a sort of higher degree within the Ancient Order of Foresters. f Central body in Melbourne. s Waikiwi, Enterprise, and Royal Oak Lodges omitted. t Alpha and Shamrock Lodges omitted. '"District members," i.e., members belonging to no particular Tent. i This District apparently includes also the following Tents : Hope of New Zealand (Juvenile), and Excelsior (Juvenile).


Name of Society and Beanch. Place of Establishment. o o <fc if" S H O d. © o Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Othor Funds and Property. Ancient Ordeb of Foresters— continued. United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood .. „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havclock „ Hope „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrew's .. „ Excelsior [Central Body] Dunedin Quccnstown Dunedin Port Chalmers .. Dunedin Milton Clyde .. Barmockburn .. Oamaru Lawrence Alexandra Waitahuna Herbert Roxburgh Invercargill Caversham Mornington [Dunedin] 208 37 137 112 126 73 31 22 52 81 28 46 21 59 126 85 26 £ s. d. 4,351 10 4 517 4 0 1,894 9 1 1,155 12 10 837 6 9 598 11 8 285 17 7 227 2 3 204 8 5 558 9 1 209 6 5 297 14 6 315 0 3 156 19 1 910 8 6 359 16 9 144 8 10 [2,672 13 1] £ s. a. 4,180 13 4 149 8 7 1,550 3 5 457 7 4 659 4 1 289 13 9 261 4 0 15G 5 1 115 9 11 492 11 1 65 7 8 166 1 7 256 0 10 145 14 8 681 15 5 311 6 11 111 4 0 [1,915 7 4] £ s. d. 125 3 0 367 15 5 316 2 2 513 5 6 178 2 8 260 6 5 6 13 7 70 17 2 52 8 2 47 19 6 128 3 9 17 12 5 7 6 5 9 4 5 155 8 1 21 9 10 18 4 10 [170 1 0] £ s. a. 40 0 0 28**3 6 »185 0 0 4811 6 18 0 0 36 10 4 17 18 6 15 15 0 »114 0 6 51 13 0 2 0 0 73 5 0 27 0 0 15 0 0 " [587 4 9] Total d 1,270 13,024 12 4 10,055 11 8 2,296 3 4 672 17 i Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel .. „ Foresters' Pride Timaru Coromandel Waimate 200 33 44 4,097 10 3 537 19 9 189 4 2 3,850 15 11 529 19 9 179 0 7 227 3 4 -21 9 1 10 3 7 19 11 0 8 0 0 Total of Order 6,003 59,547 11 2 52,003 11 6 5,082 3 9 2,461 15 11 Ancient Order of Shepherds.0 Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. „ Star of Canterbury Wellington Christchurch 13 30 263 11 7 50 18 4 244 2 3 34 0 6 19 9 4 9 16 7 16 4 Total 79 314 9 11 278 2 9 28 10 10 7 16 4 United Ancient Ordeb of Druids. ' Christchurch St. Albans Christehurch Wellington Sydenham Springston Lyttelton Dunedin Rangiora Lower Hutt Lincoln Christchurch Dunedin Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ Bud of Hope „ Star of Now Zealand „ Star of Anglesca „ Athclstan „ Ivanhoo „ Gladstone „ Perseverance „ Anchor „ Star of the West Campbell „ Acorn „ Oxford Dunstan „ Timaru „ 132 73 80 123 137 38 100 27 83 50 44 58 06 39 28 73 55 81 91 65 43 110 463 12 2 203 14 5 237 17 0 293 17 4 341 0 1 90 1 9 269 1 10 87 13 2 187 6 2 135 3 4 64 13 5 116 19 10 108 8 10 51 16 8 17 5 3 100 2 6 131 15 0 96 3 0 148 16"" 4 63 0 3 21 1 4 121 1 3 399 11 9 152 5 8 195 11 7 218 2 3 230 18 5 47 1 1 196 7 3 87 13- 2 173 11 0 102 7 8 64 13 5 96 19 10 88 8 10 51 16 8 16 3 9 SI 2 6 110 3 0 60 16 8 102 19 11 51 9 0 20 2 10 69 16 0 38 11 2 15 3 7 13 4 2 35 8 1 62 6 7 23 0 8 37 6 0 -8 15 5 0 0 9 11 15 8 -19 19 0 -0 9 1 -31 15 3 -6 17 3 -2 3 2 -2 15 1 12 0 22 19 3 7 16 5 11 11 3 -8 13 11 51 5 3 25 9 3 30 5 2 29 1 3 40 7 0 47 15 1 20 0 0 35 8 7 7 U 5 21 0 0 20"0 0 20 0 0 Addington Woolston Greymouth Christchurch Tnvcrcargill West Oxford Christchurch Tirnaru 110 25 0 0 20 0 0 12 7 1 38 0 0 018 6 Total s 1,596 3,356 10 11 2,618 2 3 338 0 10 400 7 10 Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society. h Reliance Lodge [Central Body] Auckland 200 0 5 [41 15 9] 137 18 11 51 [41 15 9] 62 1 6 Independent Order of Rechabites. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ [Central Body] .. — .. Auckland Thames Newmarket Aratapu [Thames] 114 102 56 43 '[4] 646 2 2 869 18 1 268 17 3 82 8 2 [1,624 19 5] 619 2 2 790 12 4 265 1 7 61 0 11 [1.58W6. 7] -43 6 5 -8 13 0 3 15 8 18 8 9 [43 2 10] i 27 0 0 79 0 9 2*18 6 Total) , 315 1,867 0 8 1,735 17 0 22 4 5 108 19 3




0 Relief Fund, £169 11s. -7d. b Unity (New Plymouth), Unity (Marton), and Eose of Sharon Tents omitted. c Central body in Adelaide. This District comprises also the Crusader and Greymouth Pioneer Tents in New Zealand. d Try Again Division omitted. " Central body in Melbourne. This society comprises also the Greymouth, Oamaru, Onehunga, Otahuhu, Eeefton, Napier, Wellington, Nelson, Taradale, Gisborne, Blenheim, and Waipawa Branches in New Zealand. • St. Joseph's (Christchurch) and St, Patrick's (Christchurch) Branches omitted, ' Star of Onehunga, Wicklific, and Alexandra. Lodges omitted.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. |!s Egg Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funda and Property. Independent Order of Rechabites — conid. M Tew Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Excelsior „ Perseverance „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise „ Excelsior „ Hopo of Dunedin „ Good Samaritan „ Prido of Christchurch „ Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondrille „ Hope of Woodville „ Bay of Hope „ Ocean Pride „ Mastorton „ Hopo of Feilding „ Southern Cross „ Haste to the Rescue (Female) Tent [Central Body] Wellington Napier Blenheim Waipukurau Wellington Sandon Nelson Wellington Dunedin Timaru Christchurch Invercargill Norsewood Ormondville Woodville Kaikoura Shag Point Masterton Feilding Palmerston North Wellington 116 11 26 27 41 13 53 23 63 19 40 48 13 22 19 9 11 37 13 11 7 £ s. d. 1,751 16 2 239 7 3 412 12 9 396 1 6 288 12 0 120 17 11 244 7 4 184 14 1 302 4 10 232 16 10 164 7 11 413 6 1 66 1 7 53 11 2 62 12 2 41 16 1 31 17 8 33 14 0 19 4 5 9 12 3 194 14 8 £ s. d. 1,727 6 7 235 17 2 397 1 3 352 1 10 281 9 0 111 10 8 208 13 11 182 9 9 300 8 1 175 4 8 146 6 0 413 6 1 62 15 7 49 1 2 50 19 10 31 11 5 16 14 9 33 7 9 4 16 4 2 16 5 89 11 8 £ s. d. 24 9 7 2 10 1 3 5 7 43 19 8 7 3 0 9 7 3 14 3 5 2 4 4 1 16 9 -56 10 2 18 1 11 £ s. d. l"o 0 12 5 11 2l'lO 0 57*12 2 0 10 0 -1 16 2 1 17 4 0 16 8 10 2 11 0 6 3 4 3 1 6 15 10 105 3 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 9 15 0 9 8 0 5 0 0 io"5 0 [1,356 6 3] [1,027 8 3] [119 6 10] "[209 11 2] Total" 622 5,264 8 8 4,873 9 11 257 2 8 133 16 1 [Ibert District °— Star of Hope Tent Hokitika 10 0 0 S3 134 6 6 83 0 7 41 5 11 Total of Order 970 7,265 15 10 6,692 7 6 320 13 0 252 15 4 Sons and Daughters op Temperance. hand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division Persoveranes „ Progress „ E,esolution „ Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ [Central Body] Dunedin Christchurch Kaiapoi Rangiora Greymouth Rothesay [Addington] 132 81 31 52 28 14 1,127 4 4 732 9 8 318 15 9 405 19 10 110 12 0 53 19 5 [8 13 8] 1,085 5 2 709 5 4 277 19 10 296 9 2 101 19 8 53 19 5 23 14 11 -17 9 2 40 15 11 99 10 8 3 12 4 -14 5 [8 13 8] 18 4 3 23 4 4 io"o o 5 0 0 Total d 338 2,749 1 0 2,524 18 7 167 13 10 56 8 7 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society.0 Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimca „ Hokitika „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ Charleston Thames Goldsborough .. Hokitika Kumara Auckland 23 71 12 14 13 195 214 5 7 896 12 5 426 13 5 93 5 8 42 11 3 1,527 11 7 189 7 0 635 12 11 414 14 8 93 5 8 5 0 7 813 4 9 24 0 7 260 19 6 6 10 9 -4 5 1 36 10 0 632 14 4 0 18 0 5 8 0 1**0 8 81 12 6 Total • 328 3,200 19 11 2,151 5 7 960 15 2 88 19 2 New Zealand Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. Executive Directory of New Zealand — St. Joseph's Branch St. Mary's St. Patrick's „ St. John's „ [Central Body] Dunedin Invercargill Lawrence Leeston [Christchurch] .. 55 34 35 22 423 7 2 157 G 9 191 9 8 31 5 4 [335 10 3] 379 6 10 139 6 9 159 1 8 19 12 8 [208 10 2] 34 1 10 -32 19 0 2 8 0 11 12 8 [66 7 4] 9 18 6 18 0 0 30 0 0 [60*12 9J Total' 146 803 8 11 697 7 11 48 2 6 57 18 6 'botestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. }rand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ Excelsior „ John Knox „ Victoria „ [Central Body] Thames Dunedin Green Island Wellington Timaru [Thames] 118 66 19 47 68 896 8 3 110 13 9 65 19 11 169 15 1 59 8 0 [568 2 9] 805 11 7 88 3 6 65 17 1 140 8 8 ..56 8 0 [462 5 9] 0 16 8 11 15 9 0 2 10 8 14 5 -21 18 5 [44 1 1] 90 0 10 14 6 20 12 0 3 0 0 [61 15 11] Total s 318 1,302 5 0 1,156 8 10 21 9 8 124 6 6




Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. «aoi O Oco a ©rH gs© s © © Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds and Proporty. Bailway Benefit Societies. Otago Bailways Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Bailways Employ6s Benefit Society Dunedin 222 £ s. d. 1,295 1 0 £ s. d. 1,270 3 9 £ s. d. 7 11 3 £ s. d. 17 6 0 Invorcargill 79 350 14 7 194 3 4 156 11 3 Total of Bailway Societies 301 1,645 15 7 1,464 7 1 164 2 6 17 6 0 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society Kaeo .. 10 202 12 0 200 5 2 2 6 10 Grand total (exclusive of Central Bodies) 19,206 232,469 14 8 204,780 0 9 21,529 1 2 6,160 12 9 Total of Central Bodies 8 23,311 7 3 17,605 6 1 1,566 14 2 4,139 7 0 Grand total (inclusive of Central Bodies) 19,210 .255,781 1 11 222,385 6 10 23,095 15 4 10,299 19 9 » Omitting central bodies of Wanganui District, M.U.; United Westland, A.O.F.


NUMERICAL PROGRESS, MORTALITY, AND SICKNESS. TABLE II.—Showing the Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness, for the Year 1882, in all Friendly Societies and Branches included in Table I.


No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year, No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Boll Sickness Experience. Name of Society and Beaxch. Total. tf'o ° By g« a ClearSi -g ance. sion, &e. anceOf Members. OfBegistered Wives. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. No. of Members Sick during Year. No. of W< seks' Sickness e: ;perienced duri ig Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Manchester Unity Independent Obder op Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell Charles Bruce „ Waikato (' Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Devonport „ .. National „ Howick „ .. Ponsonby „ .. Whangarei „ .. Franklin „ 15 2G 7 2 10 5 1 5 2 5 35 9 Id 7 2 9 5 1 5 1 5 32 9 13 1 2 "l 19 22 9 10 7 3 6 3 14 21 9 9 7 3 6 3 5 1 "l 4 1 1 1 1 1 351 251 91 65 161 17 32 16 15 47 20 32 28 343 254 88 57 164 19 27 18 17 50 53 30 40 G6 45 8 9 22 1 3 3 2 10 4 2 8 Wks. ds. 721 4 223 4 34 1 69 1 160 6 6 2 13 4 11 0 7 0 73 2 14 2 6 0 12 0 Wks. ds. 351 3 168 2 34 1 17 1 108 6 6 2 13 4 11 0 7 0 73 2 14 2 G 0 12 0 Wks. ds. 116 0 7 2 Wks. ds. 254 1 48 0 52 0 52 0 1 "3 1 1 11 2 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 Total 136 127 94 8G 1,126 1,160 183 1,352 5 823 2 123 2 406 1 Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ .. .. Clive Hastings „ Victoria „ Tavistock „ « ' .. .. Woodville 19 7 21 9 37 3 14 8 11 14 9 35 3 8 7 5 "7 2 12 G G G 9 1 9 6 2 5 2 8 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 130 32 126 32 39 38 25 19 136 32 140 35 71 32 38 22 14 3 10 3 9 7 3 1 145 3 27 2 49 4 18 0 42 3 28 5 12 6 6 0 87 3 3 0 49 4 18 0 42 3 28 5 12 6 6 0 6 0 52 0 24 2 1 "6 1 1 4 Total 118 97 21 48 3G 12 441 506 59 330 2 248 0 6 0 76 2 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge .. Excalsior. „ Waitara „ Union „ .. .. .. 6 12 16 27 6 12 15 21 "l 6 5 4 1 1 1 1 148 53 22 0 148 64 38 27 23 4 3 181 4 123 0 8 3 77 4 48 5 8 3 52 0 104 0 22 2 Total 61 51 223 277 30 313 0 134 5 52 0 126 2 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 13 12 CO So 12 49 4 49 4



2—H. 1.

Wellington District — Britannia Lodge .. Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ I 8 17 7 1 7 14 7 1 1 3 18 13 13 7 17 9 9 6 1 4 4 1 6 "l 1 3 246 164 171 49 26 230 168 164 43 26 38 31 31 G 3 584 5 322 3 286 2 13 0 20 0 132 4 150 3 154 5 13 0 20 0 48 3 16 0 58 0 403 5 156 0 73 4 Total tarlborough District-^-Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ 33 29 51 41 10 656 631 109 1,226 3 470 5 122 3 633 2 4 5 3 5 1 10 4 9 3 1 1 113 41 107 42 12 1 222 1 1 5 21 5 1 5 55 0 145 3 Total U 12 154 149 13 223 6 23 3 55 0 145 3 Jelson District — Nelson Lodge .. Travellers' Eest „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star , „ 16 8 17 15 11 2 16 8 17 11 11 1 1 3 9 5 3 2 "7 4 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 212 77 200 75 54 12 223 85 205 84 61 14 37 13 37 10 11 1 433 3 104 4 461 1 22 4 44 0 1 0 205 0 52 4 275 1 22 4 44 0 1 0 78 1 44 5 150 2 52 0 141 2 1 Total 69 G7 20 13 630 672 109 1,066 5 600 2 122 6 343 4 Jorth Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton „ Alpine „ C 3 g 39 6 3 9 39 7 13 1 7 10 1 "3 1 1 X 61 57 100 59 59 96 38 12 17 13 69 5 115 3 115 1 35 5 63 3 63 4 34 0 52 0 51 4 Total 57 57 21 18 218 252 42 300 2 162 5 137 4 lokitika District — Hokitika Lodge.. Ross „ .. Wairnea „ Greymouth „ .. Albert „ .. 7 1 6 1 1 11 1 1 5 9 9 1 1 3 9 2 2 1 152 44 60 88 66 146 43 59 83 57 2G 9 23 18 9 190 5 21 4 155 2 135 5 57 3 154 5 21 4 103 2 83 5 36 3 6 0 30 0 52 0 52 0 1 "l "2 1 21 0 Total • 27 23 410 388 85 560 5 399 5 27 0 134 0 .shley District — Rangiora Lodge .. Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield „ Cust Woodend „ Oxford „ Ohoka Amberley „ .. Sef ton „ .. Waikari „ * • L8 6 7 2 5 12 4 11 1 14 18 6 7 2 4 12 4 11 1 12 1 6 3 2 9 2 12 2 8 5 3 2 9 2 7 2 7 1 "2 1 1 130 51 19 22 19 28 36 59 28 30 142 52 24 24 24 31 38 58 27 36 24 8 3 4 3 97 0 75 1 2 5 20 4 11 0 97 0 23 1 2 5 20 4 11 0 52 0 "5 4 10 5 3 17 2 49 3 20 2 34 0 17 2 46 6 20 2 17 6 2 4 "2 1 16 1 Total • • SO 327 3 256 5 77 44 37 456 01 18 5 52 0




No of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Koll Sickness Experience. Name or Society and Branch. g'S 2 ; By g«a Cleared n3 .2 ance. W sion, &c. anceOf OfBegisMembers. At Begin- At End ning of of Year. Year. No. of Members Sick during Year. No. of \V( ieks' Sickness experienced during Year. Total. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows — continued. North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent | „ Perseverance „ Ashburton „ Southbridge „ Doyleston „ Star of Waltham „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Pride of the Valley „ Papanui „ Waterton „ South Bakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Addington „ 27 8 41 18 23 42 4 13 2 19 14 1 2 23 8 32 17 22 42 4 13 2 17 11 1 2 4 9 1 1 21 1 11 6 6 6 6 15 9 3 12 1 17 1 9 6 6 2 4 13 1 2 10 4 2 4 2 2 8 1 2 1 1 1 "2 1 1 "l 356 91 91 89 126 77 64 30 55 13 68 31 22 20 35 26 25 3G1 97 121 99 143 113 62 15 59 12 74 44 23 22 33 35 35 20 13 46" 13 8 8 30 12 5 10 1 5 8 3 Wks. ds. 410 4 131 0 20 3 47 3 122 5 29 4 63 4 63 5 3 0 12 1 41 0 19 5 Wks. ds. 220 3 27 0 20 3 47 3 104 5 29 4 63 4 63 5 3 0 12 1 41 0 19 5 Wks. ds. 34 W 18 0 18 0 Wks. ds. 156 0 86 0 2 3 1 10 14 20 13 10 14 17 11 2 1 4 "2 1 ' 1 2 1 1 10 1 7 0 5 3 10 1 7 0 5 3 "3 2 4 Total 271 246 25 104 75 29 5 1,219 1,381 153 987 3 675 2 70 1 242 0 Lyttelton District-^ City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ 23 5 1 22 5 1 1 31 7 2 3 27 5 2 2 4 2 214 60 26 23 206 58 25 20 40 10 1 7 250 0 77 3 1 0 16 2 150 0 27 3 1 0 16 2 100 0 50 0 1 1 Total 28 1 13 36 7. 323 309 58 344 5 194 5 150 0 Otaqo District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ 30 11 6 1 10 7 11 28 11 6 1 9 5 11 2 "l 2 16 29 7 3 4 11 2 5 8 11 27 7 3 4 11 1 4 7. 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 298 174 53 70 84 73 79 59 55 309 156 51 67 90 69 87 54 48 31 21 4 8 10 5 16 G 1 239 5 371 2 56 4 81 3 90 0 26 0 76 0 83 0 5 3 118 1 169 0 45 3 40 3 38 0 26 0 76 0 31 0 5 3 17 4 76 2 11 1 26 0 104 0 126 0 is o 52 0 1 1 1 1 52 0 1 1



Waipori Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham „ 9 3 4 16 5 4 5 4 3 10 15 8 2 3 16 5 4 2 5 4 3 9 14 1 1 1 2 5 5 2 1 4 3 1 11 7 1 4 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 ' 1 1 2 1 1 1 27 2L 55 40 43 19 49 68 12 53 54 14 27 24 53 49 45 22 47 65 15 44 56 20 7 14 11 8 4 2 9 7 5 6 1 40 3 102 4 94 5 106 2 18 5 20 0 43 5 28 3 13 0 19 3 8 2 40 3 50 4 42 5 33 1 18 5 20 0 41 5 28 3 13 0 19 3 8 2 •• - - " 52 0 52 0 73 1 1 2 1 1 "fl 0 "l 1 9 6 1 1 .. Total 157 147 !0 126 106 20 12 1,457 1,476 176 1,525 0 865 6 133 0 526 1 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George United Gore Lumsden 9 7 1 36 8 6 1 1 1 17 19 6 2 17 6 2 1 1 2 "l 194 176 14 185 162 9 34 22 27 1 304 5 158 5 5 3 135 5 88 5 5 3 17 0 28 0 152 0 42 0 36 Total 53 50 U 43 384 390 50 468 6 229 6 45 0 194 0 Total of Order 1,095 1,006 89 650 539 111 58 25 7,745 8,132 1,143 9,077 0 5,134 6 775 3 3,166 5 Independent Okdek of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred , ,, Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna Unity Linden „ Southern Gross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Prebbleton Tai Tapu Alma „ • 10 16 10 6 8 2 5 28 25 33 6 6 18 10 16 8 4 8 2 5 27 24 30 6 6 18 "2 2 20 8 12 7 5 15 6 11 6 4 5 2 1 1 1 >\ 1 2 85 67 52 32 39 21 33' 82 55 16 15 74 74 50 42 23 36 85 67 99 16 17 13 8 9 2 1 6 6 46 0 52 4 23 3 55 4 10 3 37 5 88 1 46 0 52 4 23 3 3 4 10 3 37 5 46 1 52 0 1 1 3 2 25 13 10 6 4 5 2 22 12 8 5 4 5 3 1 2 1 3 7 8 19 2 22 6 19 2 22 6 26 0 16 0 1 1 Total 173 164 117 100 17 576 627 49 356 0 262 0 26 0 68 0 National Independent Okder of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District— Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers 183 0 37 5 24 43 24 4a 20 14 ■20 14 3 4 174 97 175 126 34 19 183 0 37 5 Total 67 67 34 34 271 301 o3 220 5 220 5




No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Eoll Sickness Experience. Name op Society and Bkanch. Total. ■hi «»S By SB I Clear_m . By sion, &c. By Clearance. Members. Of Registered Wives. At Beginning of Year. of Year. No. of lembers Sick during Year. No. of W( «ks' Sickness experienced di First Second Six Months. Six Months. ing Year. Total. After Twelve Months. . Ancient Ordeb op Fobestebs. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia .. „ Pride of Onehunga Pride of the North .. „ Robin Hood „ Eureka „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum 37 19 29 6 2 37 9 9 32 1 16 29 6 2 33 8 9 5 "3 8 18 17 1 2 1 5 7 3 6 9 14 1 2 1 4 7 3 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 284 147 87 09 43 35 66 44 38 312 134 88 96 46 36 98 46 44 53 29 15 17 14 10 15 11 5 Wks. ds. 273 3 192 3 48 4 112 2 54 3 22 4 37 0 23 0 10 2 Wks. ds. 259 6 148 3 48 4 109 6 24 1 22 4 37 0 23 0 10 2 Wks. ds. 13 4 34 0 *3 3 30 2 Wks. da. 10 0 4 1 1 Total 149 136 13 57 47 10 813 900 169 774 0 683 5 80 2 10 0 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier .. , Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook .. . . „ Sir Henry Havelpck „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine .. „ Heretaunga 24 4 34 7 7 10 31 23 4 31 7 6 10 29 1 "3 9 6 8 5 3 9 6 6 7 3 3 7 3 "l 2 •• 1 1 2 2 1 1 145 23 97 56 28 38 160 21 122 57 32 38 31 19 3 17 4 4 6 81 2 4 0 59 5 38 0 20 0 10 2 73 5 4 0 59 5 34 0 20 0 10 2 7 4 '4 0 "l "2 "2 1 .. Total 1 3 I 117 110 40 32 387 401 53 213 2 201 5 11 4 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin .Hood . LittlfttTohn „ Roderick Dhu „ Sir George Bowen .. „ Blenheim .. „ Wairarapa.. „ Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon .. „ Manawatu.. „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone .. „ Pioneer „ Bgmont 19 25 32 28 42 27 7 8 5 ■17 25 33 9 2 4S 18 23 31 26 39 27 6 7 4 45 23 32 8 1 48 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 20 25 4 18 28 13 14 16 6 7 5 10 11 4 18 23 1 17 24 11 13 12 4 4 4 7 10 2 2 2 3 1 4 2 1 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 "2 1 210 176 80 72 191 94 80 92 64 98 36 29 67 31 209 176 108 81 204 107 72 84 63 137 56 51 65 29 48 35 29 8 5 35 18 7 8 8 20 4 5 5 189 2 214 3 48 0 9 1 184 3 39 0 62 1 51 0 13 5 160 2 14 4 8 3 13 0 134 2 89 4 48 0 9 1 155 3 39 0 56 1 51 0 13 5 110 2 14 4 8 3 13 0 3 0 10 6 29 0 6 0 52 0 114 0 1 "l 8 0 42 0 1 Total 357 338 150 19 181 81 1,320 1,490 18a 1,007 3 742 4 56 6 208 0



) Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest.. „ Taranaki .. „ Concord „ Waireka .. „ Patea „ Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorere .. „ Royal Oak.. „ Inglewood Forest .. „ Inangahua Total United Westland District — Court Waimea 12 3 1 3 5 19 26 1 1 11 2 1 2 5 16 26 "l 1 1 1 3 1 15 3 6 1 14 6 7 21 4 10 2 6 1 14 3 7 20 1 5 1 "3 "l 3 1 "l "2 2 1 "l 186 51 37 62 82 103 30 71 26 29 41 35 23 18 182 51 31 64 71 116 49 49 22 29 41 35 34 18 39 3 1 9 16 13 6 21 6 2 7 6 2 375 4 16 0 3 5 34 1 76 2 143 0 17 2 43 3 43 4 4 2 24 5 17 5 34 0 194 6 16 0 3 5 34 1 58 2 67 2 17 2 43 3 43 4 4 2 24 5 17 5 28 0 73 2 18 0 52 0 107 3 23 6 4 6 11 4 4 4 10 4 2 1 3 6 2 5 1 1 1 •• 4 4 6 0 149 2 96 86 10 go 75 15 794 792 131 833 5 553 2 131 1 16 16 22 2 22 2 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury .. „ Queen of the Isles .. „ Pride of Courtenay .. „ Star of Ashburton .. , Belle of the Isle „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford .. „ Pride of Richmond .. „ Papanui 33 4 8 6 1 17 15 22 11 20 3 7 6 1 14 15 22 11 4 1 1 32 9 1 2 2 9 15 5 10 32 8 1 1 2 9 14 4 9 1 "l 4 2 4 434 87 32 20 7 58 74 44 15 431 82 37 24 6 66 74 61 16 66 IS 5 2 1 7 9 1 1 472 2 108 6 36 4 3 0 2 0 19 4 48 i 2 5 5 6 334 1 56 6 36 4 3 0 2 0 19 4 48 4 2 5 5 5 17 0 121 1 52 0 3 1 1 1 Total 108 80 117 85 771 797 110 699 2 509 1 17 0 173 1 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin .. „ Pride of the Lake .. „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood Pride of the Leith .. „ Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra .. „ Havelock .. „ Hope „ Roxburgh .. „ Star of the South .. „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior 15 12 18 9 14 2 5 18 4 12 9 13 12 17 8 11 1 5 18 3 12. 9' 2 1 1 3 1 8 8 6 23 5 4 5 8 5 2 2 11 L6 15 3 8 7 10 6 23 3 4 5 5 13 3 1 2 11 14 13 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 204 33 131 110 139 76 30 27 42 91 21 39 23 57 134 88 18 208 37 137 112 126 73 31 22 52 81 28 46 21 59 126 85 26 19 1 12 14 23 7 1 1 252 2 7 0 40 1 93 1 111 1 75 1 3 0 28 0 86 3 7 0 40 1 41 1 99 6 35 1 3 0 113 5 7 0 11 2 26 0 52 1 45 0 14 0 28 0 1 10 1 3 3 8 16 13 2 61 0 3 0 11 4 18 0 53 2 121 3 75 5 4 2 61 0 3 0 11 4 18 0 53 2 69 3 61 5 4 2 13 10 13 11 11 8 12 11 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 14 0 52 0 Total 165 151 U 146 129 17 12 1,263 1,270 134 958 1 595 0 172 0 191 1




No. of Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Boll Sickness Experience. Name of Society and Branch. Ill «og By l-g M e Clear-fl-g-a ance. Arrears, r i?J T Expul- Cleaxsion, &c. ancenf Of RegisMembers. « No. of Members Sick during Year. No. of \V( ieks' Sickness experienced during Year. Total. Total. At Beginning of Y/ear. At End of Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Akcient Oedee of Foresters — continued. Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Cororhandel „ Foresters' Pride ' I 14 2 10 5 1 192 31 42 200 33 44 31 7 5 Wks. ds. 263 0 19 5 32 2 Wks. ds. 165 0 19 5 32 2 Wks. ds. 41 0 Wks. ds. 57 0 ■23 4 12 22 4 12 1 9 9 1 - Total of Order 528 0 1,041 968 73 626 534 92 41 20 5,629 6,003 830 4,823 1 3,524 5 770 3 Ancient Obdee op Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey „ Star of Canterbury 2 4 2 4 2 C 2 G 43 38 43 36 6 4 40 2 8 5 15 0 8 5 25 2 Total SI 70 10 49 0 23 5 25 2 United Ancient Order op Druids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbort Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ Bud of Hope „ Star of New Zealand „ Star of Anglesea „ Athelstan < „ Ivanhoe „ Gladstone , „ Perseverance „ Anchor „ Star of the West Campbell „ Acorn „ Oxford Dunstan „ Timaru „ 17 19 8 28 52 2 29 14 35 10 8 14 13 11 4 32 9 25 24 66 43 110 15 17 8 22 49 2 28 14 34 10 8 13 11 11 3 31 9 25 23 65 40 89 2 2 6 3 1 1 1 2 16 15 11 15 15 4 27 23 12 19 8 20 22 9 4 19 18 20 15 14 6 12 14 4 26 21 8 13 7 20 20 7 4 17 18 20 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 4 6 i 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 "l 133 69 83 110 100 41 100 36 61 59 36 52 74 50 33 45 66 75 87 132 73 80 123 137 38 100 27 83 50 44 58 66 39 28 73 55 81 91 65 43 110 9 6 8 9 17 6 19 1 9 7 4 3 ■ 5 6 1 21 7 5 1 35 1 27 2 24 2 48 4 66 6 42 4 93 0 8 5 50 5 27 4 14 0 9 0 6 0 30 3 41 4 0 2 37 5 62 0 20 2 5 3 35 1 27 2 24 2 48 4 66 6 42 4 93 0 8 5 50 5 27 4 14 0 9 0 6 0 30 3 41 4 0 2 37 5 62 0 20 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 "l 1 1 3 21 1 Total 573 527 4G 277 246 31 10 1,310 1,596 146 651 3 651 3 Loyal United Feiends' Benefit Society. Reliance Lodge 51 13. 13 39 17 0 17 0



Independent Oeder of Rbchabites. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent .. .. Star of Hauraki „ Eden „ Northern Star „ .. .. [Central Body] Total I 24 4 13 25 [5] 17 3 25 7 1 13 10 14 6 13 7 13 5 3 1 1 1 104 108 57 24 114 102 56 43 16 11 2 4 85 0 78 2 3 0 7 2 33 0 78 2 3 0 7 2 52 0 "[5] "[1] 66 58 8 43 38 5 293 315 33 173 4 121 4 52 0 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Perseverance „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson n Bud of Promise „ Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hope of Duriedin „ Good Samaritan „ Pride of Christchurch „ Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodville „ Ray of Hope „ Ocean Pride „ Masterton „ Hope of Peilding „ Southern Cross „ Haste to the Rescue (Female) „ 10 3 3 6 5 4 12 5 8 1 15 10 2 8 4 1 1 7 15 11 9 2 2 6 5 4 12 5 4 1 12 9 1 8 3 1 1 6 14 10 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 29 1 3 4 6 6 11 11 5 10 9 18 2 10 6 2 9 10 2 27 3 3 4 6 9 9 7 8 18 1 7 6 2 8 10 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 5 3 1 3 1 1 1 138 9 26 25 42 15 52 29 60 28 35 56 13 24 21 10 19 41 116 11 26 27 41 13 53 23 63 19 40 48 13 22 19 9 11 37 13 11 7 13 1 1 5 6 12 5 13 7 5 1 6 4 3 2 1 51 2 4 0 4 3 11 0 26 1 61 5 14 4 108 1 20 1 14 2 6 0 20 3 17 5 18 5 10 0 6 0 51 2 4 0 4 3 11 0 26 1 58 5 14 4 102 6 20 1 14 2 6 0 20 3 17 5 18 5 10 0 6 0 '3 0 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Total 131 115 10 154 130 24 650 622 85 394 4 386 2 8 2 Albert District — Star of Hope Tant Total of Order 4 i ;M 33 11 43 1 43 1 201 177 24 202 172 30 977 970 129 611 2 551 0 8 2 52 0 Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division Perseverance „ Progress „ Resolution „ Ray of Hope Dawn of Light „ 12 8 2 9 3 3 12 . 5 2 9 3 3 3 16 2 7 3 2 3 13 2 7 2 1 3 3 1 136 75 36 46 27 14 132 81 31 52 28 14 17 8 3 9 4 1 99 3 26 0 8 4 32 1 12 0 2 0 78 3 26 0 8 4 32 1 12 0 2 0 3 0 18 0 1 1 Total 37 34 28 334 338 42 180 1 159 1 3 0 18 0




■», No. ot Members Admitted during Year. No. of Members who Left during Year. No. of Deaths during Year No. of Members on Eoll Sickness Experience. Name op Society and Branch. Total. S 3 s go 2 By Clearance. Tntnl Arrears, rnJZ r TotaL Expul- Clcaision, &c. anceMembers. OfBegistered Wives. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. No. of Members Sick during Year. No. of W< ieks' Sickness e: :perienced duri ig Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ .. .. Waimea' „ .. .. - .. Hokitika „ Greqnstone „ Auckland \ „ Total 2 4 2 4 8 ' 6 2 1 22 75 12 14 20 207 23 71 12 14 13 195 6 11 3 7 2 47 Wks. ds. 15 3 74 1 10 2 55 4 38 4 180 4 Wks. ds. 15 3 74 1 10 2 19 0 13 4 175 1 Wks. ds. 26 0 25 0 5 3 Wks. ds. 10 4 1 28 1 27 "l 8 37 8 37 3 35 34 53 51 350 328 76 374 4 307 4 56 3 10 4 N. Z. Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. Executive Directory of New Zealand — St. Joseph's (Dunedin) Branch St. Mary's „ St. Patrick's (Lawrence) „ St. John's „ 15 13 22 15 12 6 22 "l 7 9 7 9 47 30 29 55 34 35 22 3 1 2 29 4 5 3 7 2 29 4 5 3 7 2 Total 56 55 16 16 106 146 42 2 42 2 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer Excelsior „ John Knox „ Victoria 7 17 2 12 22 6 '17 2 11 21 1 6 7 4 5 . 2 2 1' 1 118 56 17 35 64 118 66 19 47 68 21 9 3 2 3 133 0 92 5 5 1 6 0 5 3 97 0 45 2 5 1 6 0 5 3 26 0 29 3 10 0 18 0 1 1 18 15 "3 Total 60 57 31 21 290 318 38 242 2 158 6 55 3 28 0 Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Eailways Employes Benefit Society .. New Zealand Railways Employes Benefit Society 12 12 17 47 1 1 258 222 47 277 3 173 3 30 0 74 0 17 10 7 13 11 2 75 79 7 15 2 15 2 Total of Railway Societies 29 22 00 58 333 301 51 292 5 188 5 30 0 74 0 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and "Whangaroa Friendly Society 17 16 35 2 35 2 Grand total (exclusive of central bodies) District members 3,386 5 3,130 256 5 2,109 1,812 297 129 1 68 18,058 19,206 4 2,588 16,972 6 11,277 2 1,507 6 4,187 5 Grand total (inclusive of central bodies) 3,391 3,130 261 2,109 1,812 297 130 G8 18,058 19,210 2,588 16,972 6 11,277 2 1,507 6 4,187 5


AGES OF MEMBERS. TABLE III.—Showing the Number of Members, Classified according to Age, on the 31st December, 1882, of all Friendly Societies and Branches included in Table I.

3—H. 1.


Name of Society and Bkaxch. & 4 isi . o a o 8 ■3 g 3 I *6 © I a a S fa I S S s 8 o i 8f O I 3 $ 8 Ages of Members. c i 2 5 o 8 8 S s o I o 2 ■eg 4 ,1 3 Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge Gisborne „ Devonport „ National Howick „ Ponsonby „ Whangarei Franklin „ 1844 1850 1859 18C5 1866 1867 1874 1875 1876 1876 1879 1881 IK8.1 343 254 88 57 164 19 27 18 17 50 53 30 40 241 188 55 47 131 8 15 13 9 18 24 14 17 102 66 33 10 33 11 12 5 8 32 29 16 23 11 11 1 2 2 1 2 37 46 20 5 10 8 3 2 4 18 15 14 16 59 40 20 7 23 2 8 7 2 8 17 6 11 58 51 15 11 29 7 5 4 5 9 12 4 7 62 48 23 10 43 5 2 5 7 3 48 32 6 12 42 29 9 "e 13 1 11 8 3 "2 8 8 12 1 6 2 4 1 1 1 7 6 6 3 "3 Total 780 380 52 198 210 217 217 147 58 24 16 13 2 i,ieo 1 Sawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings „ Victoria „ Tavistock „ Woodville 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1878 1879 1880 136 32 140 35 71 32 38 22 103 24 85 23 36 11 19 7 33 8 55 12 35 21 19 15 1 8 6 14 6 23 5 22 10 6 6 34 8 31 6 19 13 18 6 34 8 33 8 16 19 4 20 6 11 6 4 4 17 4 15 4 3 3 1 1 11 "*6 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 "#8 3 Total 506 308 198 17 92 135 74 48 18 9 3 110 Ve«) Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ 148 64 38 27 92 32 19 15 56 32 19 12 2 2 3 8 23 9 6 34 12 10 7 15 9 11 10 25 7 5 4 29 5 17 5 12 1 1857 1865 1876 1881 1 Total 277 119 7 63 45 41 34 22 12 6 1 158 46 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 85 50 35 1 10 i 25 10 5 11 7 12 3 1 '' 1858 I Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Bose of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ 1843 1847 1849 1867 1868 230 168 164 43 26 151 120 115 25 24 79 48 49 18 2 3 1 1 21 23 22 16 2 39 39 30 8 3 45 30 29 7 9 30 17 21 5 5 24 22 31 4 2 18 14 11 2 3 17 I 7 12 ! 9 9 6 3 1 1 5 2 4 1 15 1 i 631 196 5 119 I 120 1 78 48 37 25 5 7 5 15 Total 435 84 83 MarTborough District — Marlborough Lodge Benwick „ 1860 1867 107 42 74 19 33 23 2 4 6 2 j 19 10 18 12 12 5 26 4 18 3 4 2 1 1 Total 149 6 ~T' 29 30 17 30 21 6 1 1 93 66 i | I I I Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Eest Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star „ . 4 1844 1847 1847 1859 1864 1881 223 85 205 84 61 14 156 43 141 44 34 2 67 y7 64 40 27 12 4 3 17 5 4 i 26 18 36 21 15 6 i 33 15 32 21 12 3 35 12 28 14 10 1 29 15 24 11 7 31 6 24 7 7 21 2 19 5 4 20 6 13 9 5 5 10 1 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 *2 672 247 122 116 100 86 i 51 41 19 6 4 Total 425 87 . 75 15 forth Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ Beefton „ Alpine „ ! 1867 1867 ISTii 1882 59 59 . 96 38 43 35 57 12 16 24 39 26 4 2 2 9 9 3 14 6 6 5 20 4 I 10 7 23 10 20 21 29 3 10 17 8 1 4 5 i •• 252 147 5 17 | 32 50 73 36 i 4 I Total 105 35 . . ; I i .


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. ■e 3 2g| .§£§ Ill id i V | a 1 a Q i 6 o i o i Agos of Members. s 9 s s 3 i 3 S 3 o 3 o 3 4 B as Manchbsteh Unity Independent Okdek of Odd Fellows— contd. Sokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss „ .. Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert 1866 1867 1867 1867 1870 146 43 59 83 57 111 34 32 56 32 35 9 27 27 25 1 8 12 3 7 13 6 3 3 11 9 15 12 8 13 13 46 13 25 25 16 33 11 16 17 4 21 4 i 5 4 4 2 i Total 388 265 123 1 14 35 32 61 125 81 34 5 Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Oust Woodend Oxford Ohoka Amberley „ Sefton Waikari „ 1860 1868 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1878 1880 142 52 24 24 24 31 38 58 27 36 83 28 8 9 8 19 23 28 8 4 59 24 16 15 16 12 15 30 19 32 7 2 2 2 2 29 11 14 5 6 7 11 22 14 12 33 20 1 6 4 7 11 13 9 16 22 8 4 2 4 9 11 3 3 14 4 1 2 3 7 2 10 1 3 18 2 6 6 6 3 3 10 5 1 3 1 9 'i 1 Total 456 218 238 18 131 120 66 47 45 20 9 North Canterbury District —■ City of Christohurch Lodgo Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Ashburton „ Southbridge „ Doyleston „ Star of Waltham Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Pride of tho Valley Papanui „ Waterton „ South ftakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Addington „ 1854 1858 1866 1866 1872 1873 1873 1874 1876 1877 1879 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 361 97 121 99 143 113 62 15 59 12 74 44 23 22 33 35 35 20 13 213 53 85 76 74 68 40 11 29 8 34 21 8 5 12 13 8 7 6 148 44 36 23 69 45 22 4 30 4 40 23 15 17 21 22 27 13 7 4 2 12 3 18 2 2 1 5 7 5 1 2 37 30 24 14 32 27 15 3 18 2 23 9 10 11 12 13 17 6 2 64 16 22 24 40 41 15 2 17 4 18 13 7 4 10 11 9 8 3 86 19 25 24 30 31 14 3 14 2 17 5 1 3 5 4 5 1 2 64 16 22 18 14 14 11 2 4 2 8 7 62 9 10 12 7 5 4 4 1 3 3 25 3 4 3 2 11 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 i .. _ 3 4 6 1 1 3 4 5 "l 1 Total 1,381 771 610 76 305 328 291 194 122 37 12 5 1 4 ' Lyttelton District —■ City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ 1850 1859 1875 1876 206 58 25 20 107 35 13 16 09 23 12 4 12 1 3 46 g 3 2 53 13 8 8 33 11 2 4 21 7 4 2 16 6 3 2 13 8 2 2 5 2 4 1 3 Total 309 171 16 | 60 82 50 34 27 25 7 3 138 5 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodgo Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ ,. Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Bluespur „ Alexandra „ Boxburgh „ Tapamii „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ • .. Caversham „ I 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 309 156 51 67 90 69 87 54 48 27 69 24 53 49 45 22 47 65 15 44 56 29 183 121 30 44 61 52 55 88 25 13 46 12 31 22 29 14 33 32 8 "23 26 14 126 35 21 23 29 17 32 21 23 14 23 12 22 27 1G 8 14 33 7 21 30 15 4 1 1 1 2 2 i 2 39 11 10 8 '} 2 7 13 - 4 5 2 10 4 4 10 7 1 2 1 4 10 22 14 56 34 10 12 20 14 11 5 11 2 13 3 7 8 14 1 7 10 49 26 8 9 15 10 11 5 5 2 8 7 9 9 7 6 5 8 1 10 9 3 41 22 6 11 11 14 5 8 3 5 11 4 7 6 6 7 12 •10 4 8 5 59 27 11 8 13 14 20 12 8 6 10 2 12 6 5 4 15 12 4 7 1 2 37 13 4 9 13 5 19 14 5 5 12 2 10 8 4 16 18 2 7 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 5 6 14 1 4 i i 1 1 4 8 17 6 1 Total 1,476 907 5C9 29 200 269 222 206 258 182 80 24 4 2



AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.

Name op Society and Branch. If ■a 9 3? 3 c-i rt rH " 0 fl © ■Sgg 1 o 1 | P S a s o I If s 8 Si o Ag, >s|of Mi 4 s 9 lbors. to TV 2 S s o 8 3 O 8 t -3 3 4 T3 a Manchester Unity Independent Oedeb of Odd Fellows— contd. Invercargill District — Shamrock, Eose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge United Gore Lumsden " 1860 1868 1878 1882 185 162 9 34 107 117 6 14 78 45 8 20 3 4 20 20 2 9 46 31 2 9 35 43 2 7 19 27 32 19 2 1 14 10 1 13 5 3 'a '6 2 Total I 390 I 244 146 51 88 87 48 54 25 18 3 3 13 Total of Order 8,132 4,972 3,160 283 1,338 1,051 1,415 1,158 1,132 305 116 45 21 13 24 631 Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand— Pioneer Lodge .. Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Linden „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Prebbleton „ Tai Tapu Alma ,/ 1862 1862 1868 1869 1874 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1881 1881 1882 74 74 50 31 42 23 30 85 67 99 16 17 13 60 61 40 27 36 21 31 67 37 56 13 10 2 14 13 4 4 6 2 5 18 30 43 3 7 11 1 1 \ "i 10 6 16 2 21 2 5 15 27 18 8 6 5 14 16 8 3 6 7 10 22 18 22 2 4 3 11 16 3 8 4 2 5 21 5 25 3 8 2 10 17 2 7 6 5 8 17 4 17 2 3 2 16 11 1 10 3 5 2 7 8 9 3 1 11 7 1 2 2 10 2 2 "l 5 1 3 "7 'i Total 627 467 160 18 136 135 108 100 76 29 2 B8 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ 1878 1879 175 126 110 84 65 42 6 11 44 27 41 28 25 18 27 38 18 2 6 1 7 1 1 Total 301 194 107 17 71 69 '43 65 20 7 8 1 Ancient Oedeb of Fobestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnoll „ Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of tho North „ Robin Hood „ Eureka „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum 1863 1865 1873 1875 1875 1876 1879 1879 1880 312 134 88 96 46 36 98 46 44 230 96 69 37 29 17 07 21 27 82 38 19 59 17 19 31 25 17 10 2 8 9 1 9 2 1 5 28 9 25 25 12 10 27 12 9 53 20 18 18 8 7 30 14 13 52 18 13 12 5 C 18 7 8 65 40 24 23 3 4 14 4 5 65 33 14 27 12 1 3 12 7 8 4 Total 900 593 307 47 181 139 182 139 43 12 157 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook .. „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Herotaunga 1872 18731 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 160 ;| 21 122 57 32 38 31 93 15 92 35 20 24 15 67 6 30 22 12 14 16 6 1 7 8 2 4 2 44 3 23 7 2 7 9 ■33 1 23 15 11 12 7 31 6 33 14 5 7 6 14 5 17 11 7 4 7 27. 5 19 5 5 i 5 "2 Total 461 294 167 95 102 102 65 65 7 25 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Roderick Dhu .. „ Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim Wairarapa Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby .. „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Egmont 1861 1865 1866 1867 1808 1869 1870 1871 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1882 209 176 108 81 204 107 72 84 03 13756 51 65 29 I 48 158 147 53 61 170 64 46 64 42 98 36 25 47 19 21 51 29 55 20 34 43 26 20 21 . 39 20 26 18 10 27 11 4 3 2 5 6 1 2 20 14 28 16 33 23 10 8 18 25 10 11 6 5 9 40 28 25 29 62 33 16 19 17 26 13 14 13 8 20 39 59 21 13 45 14 17 11 12 35 8 11 26 5 11 45 30 16 14 30 16 6 10 10 38 15 7 16 6 5 30 30 7 3 22 10 19 3 4 5 3 5 3 5 14 8 5 3 5 3 3 2 8 4 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 i 31 5 3 2 3 Total 1,490 1,051 439 47 363 327 264 149 52 10 9 1 32 236


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.


Name op Society and Branch. '£■£ O d o n I i 1 a U Si 6 5 0 i s $ s o I Ages of Members. 4 o 9 o 10 I 3 S 3 £ ■§*! S ° 3 S *' g 18 S 3 Zg ii a p Ancient Order of Foresters — continued. Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood „ Perseverance . „ Pride of the Forest „ Taranaki „ Concord „ Waireka „ Patea „ Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorero „ Koyal Oak „ Inglewood Forest „ Inangahua 18G2 1863 1864 1864 18G7 1867 1867 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 187G 1878 182 51 31 64 71 116 49 49 22 29 41 35 34 18 130 28 16 30 43 45 16 30 10 1G 25 21 21 7 52 23 15 34 28 71 33 19 12 13 1G 14 13 11 12 3 1 1 8 7 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 30 10 8 7 5 30 20 12 3 7 7 4 13 7 20 12 6 12 13 30 9 8 2 5 9 5 9 2 22 7 3 9 13 21 12 10 5 9 10 6 6 4 31 10 4 19 12 18 3 9 2 4 7 4 3 2 21 7 4 11 22 8 4 8 6 2 5 8 2 3 20 2 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 10 1 1 1 3 Total 792 I I 438 354 42 163 148 128 111 31 11 4 3 1 13 137 United Westland District — Court Waimea 1879 16 6 10 4 1 1 4 6 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtonay „ Star of Ashburton „ Belle of the Isle „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford „ Pride of Richmond „ Papanui 1852 1861 1876 1878 1879 1879 1880 1881 1881 431 82 37 24 6 66 74 61 16 330 66 12 5 2 4G 39 29 10 101 16 25 19 4 20 35 32 G 16 1 1 2 8 13 3 48 4 11 5 2 18 22 19 6 62 6 9 5 75 5 11 8 1 14 18 12 3 63 13 I 1 9 9 7 1 70 21 3 4 38 14 33 9 13 2 7 1 5 1 1 *5 "i 18 17 18 5 "2 'i Total 797 539 258 39 135 140 110 100 52 42 15 8 6 1 7 142 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin , „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau .. „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapcka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havolock „ Hope „ Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrew's .. „ Excelsior 1862 1863 18G3 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 18G8 I860 1869 1870 1873 1ST! 1875 1877 208 37 137 112 126 73 31 22 52 81 28 46 21 59 126 85 20 173 2G 107 91 92 59 20 13 26 48 17 26 20 28 98 65 17 88 11 30 21 34 14 11 9 26 33 11 20 1 31 28 20 9 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 5 10 4 14 8 18 7 4 2 15 18 3 5 28 3 18 11 24 8 4 16 15 4 3 2 12 28 2G 5 13 6 34 24 33 11 3 3 6 10 8 9 5 18 25 18 7 3G 8 21 11 23 29 7 3 4 15 1 8 7 15 24 13 1 44 8 18 20 16 7 4 7 3 11 6 9 3 8 22 8 3 42 2 14 11 7 7 3 e 3 11 7 4 4 1 10 23 13 11 1 A 2 1 2 8 2 3 6 i 2 2 3 16 io 3 4 1 3 12 11 19 7 2 1,270 ! 926 ! 344 41 I 152 223 221 132 67 11 26 Total 207 187 3 I I I ] Courts Not in Districts —• Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel „ Foresters' Pride 1865 1871 1875 200 33 44 161 18 32 39 15 12 1 1 4 16 4 6 43 1 17 46 7 8 35 7 8 35 7 1 15 6 4 3 1 1 Total of Order 6,003 4,058 1,945 247 968 1,203 1,132 1,020 j 798 344 146 42 15 8 1 79 ■ 1 ■ VHA UA V.' 1 \ * », ■ * * Ancient Obder of Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey „ Star of Canterbury.. 1865 1879 43 36 39 27 4 9 "4 4 5 8 9 10 12 2 8 3 4 2 4 2 1 1 Total 66 13 19 14 7 6 3 1 i 79 13 12 1 United Ancient Order of Druids. Pioneer Lodge.. Hope of St. Albans ,, ■ • Mistletoe „ Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ • • Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ .. Otago „ • • Bud of Hope „ • • Star of New Zealand „ Star of Anglesea „ 1875 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 132 73 80 123 137 38 100 27 83 50 44 87 3G 57 88 101 -28 62 20 61 30 24 45 37 23 35 36 10 38 7 22 20 20 8 7 1 1 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 31 22 18 26 22 8 14 5 19 11 7 32 15 11 34 27 7 37 7 24 18 5 21 18 15 28 44 8 22 10 20 5 1 20 12 18 20 18 0 14 8 12 10 4 17 4 15 12 10 8 10 3 2 2 1 1 "5 5 26


ll.— 1.

AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.

*3J O fj O ill Ages of Mo: ibors. Name or Society and Branch. |3 o I 8 I g C o i si o a I o o CO o 8 4 o o 5j 3 13 8 3 S •g'g S S S 2*1 g 18 8 3 Sa •a o CfiO a U United Ancient Oedee of Dbuids — continued. Athelstan Lodge Ivanlioe „ Gladstone „ Perseverance „ Anchor „ Star of the West Campbell „ Acorn „ Oxford Dunstan „ Timaru „ 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 58 G6 39 28 73 55 81 91 65 43 110 40 47 25 22 48 32 69 04 34 29 76 18 19 14 6 25 23 12 27 81 14 34 8 4 9 3 9 16 8 2 12 12 10 18 22 5 15 16 12 13 4 14 10 20 18 18 14 35 8 23 5 11 18 10 19 27 17 10 38 17 9 10 6 23 10 20 16 6 10 15 5 3 5 2 3 8 6 2 "s 1 3 5 4 3 0 4 Total 1,596 1,080 516 G2 318 386 373 290 119 13 j j 85 iOyal United Fbiends' Benefit Society. Reliance Lodge 51 43 8 4 5 12 17 3 1879 6 4 I ! Independent Obdeb of rechabites. Tew Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ [Central Body] 1863 1870 1874 1881 114 102 50 43 M 315 74 78 34 13 [3] 199 40 24 22 30 [1] 116 10 2 8 0 21 11 4 11 19 12 18 14 16 14 10 7 15' 15 7 5 15 25 6 4 12 2 8 6 1 1 5 1 9 M Total 26 47 63 47 42 46 18 10 0 1 lew Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Perseverance » Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise „ Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hope of Dunedin „ Good Samaritan „ Pride of Christchurch „ Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodville „ Ray of Hope „ Ocean Pride „ Masterton „ Hope of Feilding „ Southern Cross „ Haste to the Rescue (Female) „ I860 1870 1871 1871 1872 1874 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1882 1872 116 11 26 27 41 13 53 23 63 19 40 48 13 22 19 9 11 37 13 11 7 79 6 8 14 23 5 19 14 44 6 29 41 11 11 18 3 6 11 6 9 G 37 5 18 13 18 8 34 9 19 13 11 7 2 11 6 6 5 20 7 2 1 8 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 2 7 15 4 6 11 1 17 8 3 10 8 2 2 6 3 1 8 2 1 21 2 5 3 9 4 11 5 7 4 8 8 1 2 2 22 3 2 5 7 1 3 2 12 3 4 10 2 5 2 1 3 8 1 8 1 20 5 5 5 1 6 4 2 3 11 7 3 8 13 4 2 3 4 1 9 5 8 4 3 0 5 4 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 2 2 6 3 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 6 18 1 4 2 5 4 4 5 2 i 2 G 4 2 1 3 12 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 8 2 8 1 2 1 38 Total i 622 j I 364 258 108 111 95 8G 20 ! I 2 54 82 20 llbert District— Star of Hope Tent I I I 1809 33 23 10 1 3 2 3 5 7 9 3 Total of Order 970 586 384 81 158 17G 145 133 135 65 39 8 29 Sons and Daughtees op Tempebance. Wand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division Perseverance Progress „ Resolution „ Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ 1871 1872 1872 1873 1878 1879 132 . 81 31 52 28 . 14 82 47 18 23 15 13 50 34 18 29 13 1 33 16 4 6 6 1 22 9 8 13 3 14 15 4 7 2 25 18 6 5 G 2 18 12 4 4 3 G 20 5 4 4 8 5 4 2 1 7 1 6 Total | 338 I 198 140 65 I 55 42 62 47 46 11 j 3 1 IlBEENIAN AUSTBALASIAN CATHOLIC Benefit Society. Charleston Branch —>. Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Hokitika „ ... Greenstone „ Auckland „ 1 I ! 1870 1870 1870 1870 1871 1873 23 7] 12 14 13 195 13 50 - 6 13 6 105 10 21 6 1 7 90 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 34 1 5 a -24 "2 2 24 6 25 4 I 5 3 10 3 9 6 G 2 6 1 3 20 68 8 40 '2 Total 328 193 135 21 57 44 49 60 59 32 6


AGES OF MEMBERS— continued.


Name of Society and Bkanch. U 111 Wo 1-.m i.7 cm q o a o » Jei K n ■ *6 I S H | o s o I 5 a 3 Ages of Members. •4 3 O O a s s s s S3 8 O 3 i c 3 II rd a tic o ■ a N. Z. Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. Executive Directory of N. Z., — St. Joseph's (Dunedin) Branch St. Mary's (Invcrcargill) „ St. Patrick's (Lawrence) „ St. John's „ 1873 1874 1875 1882 55 34 35 22 35 15 25 8 20 19 10 14 2 9 12 5 11 5 6 10 5 9 4 5 1 10 3 4 3 10 9 5 7 2 1 5 i '2 Total 146 83 63 4 37 26 20 24 12 1 19 I I Protestant Alliance Feiendly Society of Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ Excelsior „ .. John Knox „ Victoria „ 1873 1873 1870 1879 1880 118 66 19 47 68 79 46 16 35 41 39 20 3 12 27 1 11 10 R 14 6 13 12 12 4 5 19 6 22 8 8 4 0 28 5 4 2 5 32 4 1 3 8 1 6 1 1 5 1 7 8 19 13 Total 318 217 48 53 46 43 44 37 7 1 18 101 9 ii Eailway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Railways Employes Benefit Society 1875 222 201 21 8 11 28 42 52 39 19 10 1 ia 1879 79 68 11 1 0 18 13 12 9 11 9 .Total of Eailway Societies 301 269 32 14 29 41 54 61 50 28 10 1 12 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and "Whangaroa FriendlySociety 16 12 4 1 5 6 2 1870 1 1 Grand total (exclusive of central bodies) 19,206 12,438 6,768 808 3,211 3,836 3,463 3,018 2,543 1,241 561 188 05 30 16 226 District members 4 S 1 Grand total (inclusive of central bodies) 19,210 12,441 6,769 808 3,211 3,836 3,463 3,018 2,543 1,241 561 188 6§ 80 16 230


SICK AND FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE IV.—Showing the Receipts and Expenditure, for the Year 1882, of the Sick and Funeral Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches included in Table I.


Name of Society and Bkakch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Receipts. 111 Pj Sick Pay to own Members. Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, j Expenditure. if *a Other Expenditure. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 1882. Amount on 31st December, 1882. Interest and Kent. Other Beceipts. Manchester Unity Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Frienaship Loags Gooa Intent „ Parnell Charles Bruce u\, Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ ., Devonport „ National „ Howick „ Ponsonby „ Whangarei Franklin „ [Central Body] £ s. a. 510 3 7 353 3 10 159 3 1 101 3 5 302 1 4 32 3 8 50 1 2 28 11 0 32 4 5 91 4 3 55 11 8 40 18 5 59 19 7 [345 9 3] £ s. a. 0 6 0 9 13 6 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 18 6 2 0 G 0 12 0 £ s. a. 452 7 11 121 13 6 65 19 8 41 16 0 143 0 5 8 15 0 24 5 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 8 3 8 2 7 0 £ 137 37 25 12 £ s. a. 5,860 14 4" 41 0 3 5 15 5 4 8 0 71 3 9 3 9 2 5 19 7 £ s. a. 549 1 3 187 8 4 34 3 4 51 16 8 144 6 8 5 12 0 11 13 4 12 0 0 7 0 0 73 5 2 9 5 0 GOO 12 0 0 £ s. a. 104 6 6 71 7 0 26 2 0 18 14 6 46 2 0 9 12 5 8 0 0 5 16 0 4 3 6 14 9 0 10 19 0 8 8 6 8 11 0 £ 137 37 25 "ia £ s. a. 201 5 2 36 11 11 5 15 4 8 6 74 7 3 15 3 1 4 3 5 £ s. d. G,966 11 10 562 17 1 25S 4 2 147 13 5 529 4 0 46 8 4 80 17 9 34 11 0 50 8 3 128 6 6 60 8 1 45 18 0 63 6 7 [537 18 4] £ s. a. 991 12 11 332 7 3 90 G 9 74 19 8 276 15 11 30 7 6 23 16 9 17 16 0 12 19 10 115 16 3 46 4 0 15 11 7 20 11 0 [271 0 6' £ s. d. 5,189 11 0 1,713 18 2 1,220 4 0 1,451 0 7 2,517 12 3 325 9 3 569 3 5 184 14 3 197 8 3 211 16 8 57 9 11 52 13 0 53 7 10 [3,583 7 8] £ s. a. 11,164 9 11 1,944 8 0 1,394 1 5 1,523 14 4 2,770 0 4 341 10 1 626 4 5 201 9 3 234 16 8 224 6 11 77 14 0 82 19 5 96 3 5 [3,850 5 6] 0 4 0 1 17 6 4 11 6 3 3 6 3 7 0 25 11 16 4 2 11 3 17 5 1 16 1 25 25 1 16 4 3 2 1 10 0 13 1 [192 "9 1] [260] [11 '6 6] ■• I Total .. 1,816 9 5 35 5 0 880 12 8 23G 0,012 7 11 1,103 11 9 330 11 5 201 343 2 3 8,980 15 0 2,049 5 5 13,750 8 7 20,681 18 2 Hawhc's Bay District— Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsfoixl „ Clive Hastings Victoria „ Tavistock „ j Woodvillo „ [Central Body] 190 10 11 44 1G 7 197 18 10 36 11 2 84 7 7 49 13 8 44 2 0 29 18 6 [64 0 0] 10 18 0 5 10 0 11 1 0 7 0 0 31 8 6 7 14 6 8 0 6 3 7 9 121 2 11 86*10 0 5 0 0 40 20 is" 5 1 5 13 0 102 10 0 9 4 10 50 7 4 18 0 0 42 12 8 28 10 0 12 19 6 6 0 0 13 9 0 5 1G G 14 13 6 3 8 6 13 9 0 3 17 0 2 16 6 0 10 0 30 20 4 7 3 4 10 0 362 11 10 70 12 7 252 14 11 54 4 2 115 16 1 61 19 1 52 2 6 35 5 3 [64 0 0] 145 19 0 39 8 7 69 10 10 21 8 6 56 1 8 43 0 2 15 16 0 11 0 6 [40 0 0] 2,134 0 4 103 1 8 1,219 14 4 218 18 0 141 13 9 123 18 7 71 7 9 55 18 1 [48 10 3] 2,350 13 2 134 5 8 1,402 18 5 251 13 8 201 8 2 3 42 17 6 107 14 3 80 2 10 [72 16 3] 4 10 11 10 13 2 119 0 4 4 6 [40] •• Total 23 14 11 677 19 3 85 C 3 158 2 10 60 23 18 1 270 4 4 58 0 0 50 1,005 0 5 402 5 3 4,068 12 6 4,671 13 8 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ [Central Body] 107 17 8 CG 14 6 28 17 0 13 10 3 [22 6 8] 7 3 0 10 19 0 11 5 0 33 1 6 83 16 0 01 10 0 8 5 0 25 11 1 1 17 9 2 92 7 0 80 7 3 0 0 6 3 0 2 10 8 8 5 3 0 3 9 2 25 10 15 7 19 5 7 0 6 0 5 2 2 299 17 9 156 12 8 48 7 6 49 10 3 [23 1 8] 554 8 2 138 11 3 104 10 4 10 1 8 8 2 4 T25 0 0] 1,201 15 1 947 2 11 138 9 7 1,363 1 7 998 19 3 176 15 5 41 7 11 [93 0 7: fois o] •■ 2*18 6 [9418 11] '[25] ■■ Total .. i 35 9 4 276 19 5 62 9 0 158 11 0 25 31 8 9 182 0 11 19 1 4 31 8 9 182 0 11 19 1 4 25 201 11 7 2,287 7 7 2,580 4 2 Wanganui District — Wangauui Lodge I ! 73 8 6 15 7 2 3G 5 0 22 1 0 15 88 0 5 15 7 2 3G 5 0 22 1 0 14 14 5 88 15 8 3,433 4 11 3,434 0 2 uding £5,828 15s., estimated increase in value of 1 . I *Inc] TO' •cif




Name of Society and Bbanch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Receipts. -sg.S 3 H g Sick Pay to own Members. Levies to Funeral Fund! of District, j Grand Lodge, &c. Expenditure. II Other Expenditure. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 1882. Amount on 31st December, 1882. Interest and Rent. Other Receipts. Manchesteb Unity Independent Oedeb of Odd Fellows — contd. Wellington District — Britannia Lodge .. Antipoaean „ Bose of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ [Central Body] .. & s. a. 285 14 0 123 7 9 107 5 5 44 4 3 17 4 7 [155 2 0] £ s. a. 2 9 2 5 12 4 2 13 4 0 7 0 s s. a. 214 9 0 155 6 6 89 3 2 15 1 0 70 * s. s. a. 56 9 2 22 16 5 1 14 0 10 0 s s. a. 298 6 2 210 4 2 174 12 6 9 15 0 15 0 0 £ s. a. 40 8 0 30 12 0 31 18 0 8 0 0 3 11 6 £, 120 '40 £ s, a. 69 8 0 24 19 1 11 18 3 0 10 0 0 15 0 £ s. a. 629 1 4 307 3 0 225 15 11 60 12 3 [155 2 0] £ s. a. 528 2 2 265 15 3 263 8 9 18 5 0 29 G G [160 0 0] £ s. a. 7,284 13 0 5,770 19 9 2,102 3 9 113 16 11 202 3 10 [47 j| 4] £ s. d. 7,385 12 2 5,812 7 G 2,064 10 11 156 4 2 190 1 11 [42 10 4] | ■• io [160] •■ ! Total .. Marlborough District — Marlborougli Lodge Kenwick „ [Central Body] 577 16 0 11 1 10 473 19 8 i S 81 19 7 707 17 10 114 9 6 175 107 10 4 1,239 17 1 1,104 17 8 15,473 17 3 15,608 16 8 ! ! i i I 131 15 5 54 1 0 7 17 6 6 13 0 171 9 10 36 10 0 12 2 13 0 0 8 6 184 17 7 1 14 3 3 13 0 325 15 9 97 12 6 188 10 7 1 14 3 [12 0 0^ 2,353 2 1 452 14 5 T14 6 71 2,490 7 3 548 12 8 [2 6 7] .. [12] Total 185 16 5 14 10 6 207 19 10 12 3 16 186 11 10 3 13 0 423 8 3 190 4 10 2,805 16 6 3,038 19 11 •• Kelson District — Nelson Lodgo Travellers' Eest „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star „ [Central Body] I I i : I 309 19 9 97 11 6 254 12 10 110 10 8 71 17 3 15 17 0 [142 2 6] 22 13 6 8 10 6 18 14 0 17 1 6 13 15 0 15 0 159 1 4 20 13 5 191 18 3 59 18 0 21 14 0 * 0 16 8 369 7 6 87 3 4 401 17 8 22 13 4 44 0 0 10 0 47 18 0 17 G 0 45 4 0 j 16 15 6 12 1 0 2 18 0 * 492 11 3 126 15 5 465 5 1 187 10 2 121 15 7 26 2 0 [142 2 6] 417 5 6 126 8 6 447 1 8 39 8 10 70 10 4 12 0 0 [139 0 0] 2,543 0 11 797 9 8 3,527 0 G 801 3 11 315 4 3 10 11 6 [118 11 4: 2,618 G 8 797 16 7 3,545 3 11 949 5 S 366 9 6 24 13 6 [121 13 10] - 21 19 2 .. | 14 9 4 9 0 0 14 9 4 8 2 0 [1 0 0] [138] .. Total 860 9 0 81 19 6 453 5 0 .. 24 6 0 926 1 10 142 2 6 44 10 6 1,419 19 6 1,112 14 10 7,994 10 9 8,301 15 5 North Westland District — Westport Lodge m Charleston „ < * .. Eeefton „ Alpine „ [Central Body] 97 12 5 101 0 9 174 15 3 36 4 4 [63 14 0] 5 5 0 2 10 0 14 6 0 59 7 C 94 14 8 79 5 0 77 5 4 30 18 2 16 0 0 6 1 10 3 4 48 11 8 92 17 6 82 17 0 14 5 6 14 10 0 24 5 0 18 30 18 24 19 6 27 0 7 39 0 10 200 8 1 213 1 10 294 9 11 95 11 10 [63 14 01 105 1G 8 137 7 6 152 2 7 39 6 10 [48 0 0] 1,275 10 10 1,638 13 11 1,066 16 10 1,370 2 3 1,714 8 3 1,209 4 2 56 5 0 [27 14 7] [48] [12 0 7] Total .. 224 6 2 53 0 C 66 91 6 11 803 11 8 434 13 7 3,981 1 7 4,349 19 8 409 12 9 81 8 6 251 5 0 48 13 5 5 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Eoss „ Waimea „ Greymouth Albert [Central Body] ! 233 10 2 58 11 7 79 8 10 102 17 9 79 18 11 [138 12 0] 6 10 0 150 3 9 65 17 0 45 17 0 88 9 8 11 0 0 40 173 14 8 21 13 4 129 6 8 129 12 10 50 12 6 48 0 0 16 0 0 23 0 0 31 8 0 20 4 0 40 20 36 0 2 430 3 11 124 8 7 125 15 10 197 7 5 117 14 9 [138 12 0] 297 14 10 57 13 4 152 16 8 176 12 2 97 9 10 [60 0 0] 3,078 10 11 1,611 2 3 1,197 12 1 2,232 1 10 497 0 7 [111 5 2: 3,211 0 0 1,677 17 6 1,170 11 3 2,252 17 1 517 5 6 [189 17 2; 0 10 0 c"o o G 13 4 "20 [60] 0 10 0 15 11 4 6 13 4 0 "2 6 20 Total 60 782 6 10 554 7 3 7 2 6 361 7 5 12 13 i 505 0 0 138 12 0 80 58 14 10 995 10 6 8,616 7 8 8,829 11 4



* In this district the funeral benefit is paid directly out of the district funds • Refunds from, and receipts on account of, other lodges. •> Eefunds to, and payments on account of, other lodges, £163 6s. 6d.; payments on account of new hall £294 3s 9d « TndnrKno eon <■ ?i paid on account of hall. " Including £58 13s. 9d. interest on mortgage. « Refund from Jlanagement Fund. ' mciuamg tyo ss. 3d.

Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge .. Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Oust I Woodcnd Oxford f*r[ Ohoka , Amberley l_i Sefton " Waikari „ [Central Body] Total .. 205 8 6 87 11 6 33 17 0 36 6 7 39 12 5 39 17 10 56 11 4 95 11 0 26 19 3 52 15 4 [63 9 6] 3 14 4 2 3 8 2 7 8 0 16 8 1 18 2 5 7 10 2 5 4 5 15 2 0 10 0 8 13 10 167 8 0 24 11 11 17 10 10 17 0 7 2 5 0 24 1 0 5 10 2 4 10 0 50 0 10 10 3 2 6 0 9 5 17 17 6 0 8 3 2 0 0 4 16 3 95 10 0 34 13 4 2 16 8 20 13 10 11 0 0 17 6 8 49 10 0 20 6 8 16 15 9 20 2 0 7 13 0 2 17 6 3 6 0 2 18 6 3 12 0 5 8 0 8 17 0 4 4 0 4 10 0 50 io 31 2 0 5 13 9 19 3 6 5 12 7 1 15 9 68 9 0 377 1 8 167 9 7 54 4 11 54 3 10 43 15 7 87 4 2 64 15 1 107 16 2 32 5 6 65 9 2 [95 0 2] 146 14 0 98 0 1 24 17 8 29 12 5 25 14 3 72 1 0 22 14 8 63 0 6 24 10 8 22 14 0 [45 0 0] 2,045 10 1 731 13 1 317 16 6 263 10 1 221 10 0 220 12 10 161 2 7 213 16 8 31 11 6 34 11 10 [43 4 2] 2,275 17 9801 2 7 347 3 9 2S8 1 & 239 11 4 235 16 0 203 3 0 258 12 4 39 6 4 77 7 [93 4 4J 4 13 6 4"0 0 18 3 [15 0 0] [31 10 8] [30] 674 JO 9 33 12 8 2G6 17 6 50 29 4 9 268 12 11 63 8 0 60 137 18 4 1,054 5 8 529 19 3 4,241 15 2 4,766 1 7 North Canterbury District — City of Christehurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent . „ Perseverance Ashburton Southbridge „ Doyleston Star of Waltham Malvern „ Pkillipstown „ Lceston „ Pride of the Valley „ Papanui „ Watcrton „ South Bakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Addington [Central Body] I I 627 11 7 159 15 4 166 9 7 151 1 10 222 6 11 178 0 3 89 5 8 17.16 4 83 5 0 20 5 10 81 8 5 65 17 7 32 15 4 28 9 5 51 4 11 52 7 5 23 19 5 8 10 6 2 13 6 [73 17 3] 214 0 9 5 0 6 5 0 10 10 0 0 17 6 458 G 11 80 1 0 12G 13 7 76 10 11 36 8 9 3 10 0 21 5 9 15 0 5 0 4 0 12 7 10 15 0 30 20 10 20 10 124 17 3« 2 16 8 11 19 4 14 2 2 20 0 0 11 13 0 0 15 2 4 13 289 18 8 56 10 0 20 10 0 47 13 8 116 16 8 29 13 4 63 13 4 22 0 0 5 12 3 5 8 0 6 7 3 8 13 S 12 3 3 7 6 0 8 G 3 9 0 10 6 3 4 0 2 6 0 14 9 12 3 2 3 9 1 15 6 19 9 50 20 10 20 10 457 10 3 b 158 0 9 C 157 4 4 d 101 13 0 62 18 6 9 15 0 45 3 3 3 6 3 40 13 1 G 15 2 40 17 11 0 4 1 1,240 15 9 265 7 0 324 7 6 261 14 11 295 0 8 203 13 3 112 4 1 23 2 7 91 10 4 27 8 5 159 3 5 69 2 7 47 6 3 28 19 5 57 5 9 63 7 5 27 19 5 13 0 6 5 18 6 [73 17 3] 819 8 11 240 3 0 193 2 4 174 13 11 197 16 5 45 0 7 112 4 1 3 14 9 107 18 9 10 15 8 56 5 3 43 9 1 21 1 5 18 13 4 32 19 5 27 5 6 6 19 9 5,326 0 10 957 8 9 1,320 2 11 1,358 4 10 887 9 10 451 2 4 498 1 5 297 11 11 314 19 11 20 11 8 130 13 7 74 11 10 4 1 11 31 13 2 22 12 5 19 7 6 14 13 1 5,747 7 8 982 12 9 1,451 8 1 1,445 5 10 984 14 1 609 15 0 498 1 5 316 19 9 298 11 6 37 4 5 233 11 9 100 5 4 30 6 9 41 19 3 46 18 9 55 9 5 33 12 9 13 0 G 3 4 4 [62 6 0] - " 3 5 0 0 10 0 7 0 0 3 5 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 2 10. 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 3 5 0 - 63 16 8 3 0 0 12 3 4 40 19 0 19 16 8 - 60 0 0 13 15 11 •• - 5"5 10 8 10 0 10 3 4 7 0 0 5 10 0 'io 17 11 1 20 12 4 8 10 0 '[90] 2 14 2 [2 2 0] 2 14 2 [92 2 0] [80 10 9] Total Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ [Central Body] 2,069 4 10 59 16 6 820 9 10 90 277 16 7 787 4 8 73 12 6 120 1,133 9 2 3,317 7 9 2,114 6 4 ill, 729 7 11 1 |12,932 9 4 ; 397 17 9 121 9 11 58 1 8 47 13 8 [10 1 8] 6 15 0 2 8 6 0 12 6 143 6 6 13 16 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 2 9 1 12 2 190 8 0 52 10 0 10 0 16 6 8 4 G 8 3 14 11 1 11 4 0 12 1 io 14 11 8 57 10 0 1 13 0 547 19 3 140 3 6 71 16 4 57 13 8 [10 1 8] 209 6 4 113 14 11 14 4 4 16 18 9 [10 0 0] 3,196 11 4 1,481 3 0 203 4 10 276 7 3 [0 7 6] 3,535 4 3 1,507 11 7 260 16 10 317 2 2 [0 9 2] • • '[io] • • Total 625 3 0 9 16 0 179 2 6 2 11 3 260 4 8 10 5 0 10 73 14 8 817 12 9 354 4 4 5,157 6 5 5,620 14 10 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge .. Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ 399 8 10 221 7 6 64 19 11 99 7 9 34 17 6 14 13 0 7 0 0 10 0 537 13 9 306 18 2 47 0 0 70 0 0 80 23 8 11 15 3 4 2 2 0 100 0 0 c 172 4 0 275 2 4 53 5 3 65 7 10 81 17 0 46 11 0 14 11 6 19 5 0 80 5 15 0 5 0 0 5 17 10 16 0 0 1,075 9 0 558 2 0 151 1 11 300 7 9 339 16 0 326 13 4 93 14 7 130 19 in 7,810 14 2 4,063 17 1 731 7 6 1 1flfi 17 Q 8,546 7 2 4,295 5 9 788 14 10 30 30 20 30




Name of Society axd Branch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance °s § and Interest ao'S Clearance and Bent. a a g Fees. irg o Eeceipts. Other Receipts. Sick Pay to own Members. Levies to Funoral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, &c. Expenditure. a a Other Expenditure. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 18S2. Amount on 31st December, 1882. Manchester Unity Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows — contd. Otago District—continued. Albion . Lodge Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahulia „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori Bluespur „ Alexandra „ Boxburgh. ' „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu , Palmerston Cromwell „ Mount Wendon Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel Caversham [Central Body] £ s. d. 119 6 0 90 7 3 117 0 7 78 16 2 66 19 10 36 18 0 92 6 6 30 8 4 77 6 7 64 9 8 66 4 4 26 14 0 73 14 10 100 17 3 15 15 10 58 11 10 85 10 7 28 9 5 [416 9 6] £ s. a. 13 2 6 6 5 0 13 9 0 l"l 0 17 10 6 2 13 0 5 11 6 27 2 0 8 15 0 8 10 2 10 0 5 3 0 4 2 0 4 13 0 11 9 3 18 9 0 £ s. a. 100 15 6 99 2 0 70 12 0 71 1 9 44 12 8 31 2 1 52 0 0 31 8 0 38 9 0 29 0 0 63 15 0 10 0 0 64 0 0 54 12 6 16 0 0 30 10 7 8 13 4 20 20 io 20 40 20 10 £ s. a. 9 2 5 2 18 11 37 11 7 19 6 0 19 7 0 £ s. a. 64 0 0 26 0 0 76 0 4 34 5 0 5 10 0 40 10 0 92 13 0 68 12 0 69 14 4 18 16 8 £ s. d. 23 12 0 20 1 6 21 18 6 15 18 6 15 0 6 7 8 6 17 7 0 5 17 6 15 0 6 11 4 0 11 12 6 5 12 6 13 9 6 17 12 6 3 6 0 13 19 6 15 1 0 £ 20 'l2A io 20 40 20 10 £ s, a. 0 12 8 10 0 16 0 30*2 0 £ s. a. 262 6 5 195 14 3 221 1 7 152 16 10 150 5 1 87 6 1 191 4 0 64 9 4 141 7 1 160 11 8 168 0 4 58 3 4 166 5 5 199 15 3 45 17 10 133 16 5 105 13 2 46 18 5 [417 3 0] £ a. a. 108 4 8 4G 1 6 111 0 10 51 9 6 20 10 6 47 18 6 140 2 0 5 17 6 103 13 0 120 18 4 50 19 2 17 16 9 33 13 10 82 16 8 41 16 0 66 19 6 45 9 5 8 6 8 [330 0 0] £ b. a. 1,032 18 0 1,407 16 10 946 11 4 1,030 11 10 929 5 0 585 14 5 585 10 7 435 11 6 543 17 5 287 9 5 814 8 9 290 2 4 773 0 10 920 3 1 327 6 1 437 10 4 201 13 6 22 12 8 [55 14 4] £ s. a. 1,186 19 9 1,557 9 7 1,056 12 1 1,131 19 2 1,058 19 7 625 2 0 636 12 7 494 3 4 581 11 6 327 2 9 931 9 11 330 8 11 905 12 5 1,037 1 8 331 7 11 504 7 3 261 17 3 61 4 5 [142 17 4] 9 6 0 3 8 4 26 0 7 19 2 6 20 0 0 43 2 8 28 10 0 18 0 0 19 10 0 8 6 8 0 10 0 2 4 3 0 4 4 2 16 20 10 40 20 10 40 o"i o 10 18 5 [013 6] [330] Total .. 2,015 1 0 207 7 3 1,777 6 4 350 286 18 7 1,194 10 T 396 6 6 332-A 71 12 0 4,636 13 2 1,994 11 1 25,364 19 11 28,007 2 0 Invcrcargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge United Goro Lumsden „ [Central Body] .. < J 262 5 8 240 9 0 17 18 10 18 2 11 [42 9 0" 17 0 0 6 3 0 4 13 0 66 11 0 315 7 7 94 11 8 20 70 209 9 9* 29 14 6 1 16 11 209 3 8 127 18 11 5 10 0 17 6 0 15 9 0 20 70 7 15 824 3 0 440 18 2 24 8 9 84 13 11 [80 13 7] 253 11 1 213 7 11 5 10 0 4,430 1 4 2,198 11 11 95 9 11 5,000 13 3 2,426 2 2 114 8 8 84 13 11 [-2 15 5] [33"4 7] [130] [130 0 0] [46 il 0] Total .. 538 16 5 94 7 0 409 19 3 241 1 2 342 12 7 32 15 0 90 7 15 1,374 3 10 472 9 0 6,724 3 2 7,625 18 0 Total of Order [11,355 14 0 784 2 6 16,398 18 10 1,116 7,057 0 1 6,995 5 1 1,460 11 3 1.284A !2,151 12 1 26,711 15 5 ill, 891 10 5 115,628 19 11 130,449 4 11 Independent Obdeb op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Linden „ .. 139 16 3 82 10 10 57 18 0 37 12 8 41 18 4 39 7 0 57 14 1 18 10 0 20 20 37 0 0 52 13 4 23 8 4 16 17 6 10 8 6 37 16 8 63 3 4 35 2 3 11 13 10 20 20 159 16 3 121 0 10 57 18 0 37 12 8 45 3 8 39 7 0 61 9 1 92 2 3 72 13 4 35 2 2 16 17 6 10 8 6 46 12 5 80 9 0 689 1 1 969 3 7 273 10 5 413 18 7 327 6 1 31 0 2 168 19 11 756 15 1 1,017 11 1 296 6 3 434 13 9 362 1 3 23 14 9 150 0 0 3 5 4 8 15 9 17 5 8 315 0



Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland Star of Auckland Prebbleton „ Tai Tapu Alma [Central Body] 146 2 3 79 13 0 159 15 2 26 1 1 37 1 1 19 4 6 [320 16 4] 37 8 3 *20 io 7*IS 7 13 15 6 19**6 8 22 18 0 34 16 9 38*i6 9 9 5 10 20 10 10 13 15 6 183 10 6 87 9 7 193 10 8 26 1 1 47 1 1 19 4 6 [521 13 8] 34 16 9 19 6 8 95 10 3 10 0 0 19 5 10 274 8 11 186 1 10 113 9 1 423 2 8 254 4 9 211 9 6 16 1 1 27 15 3 19 4 6 [3,746 2 8] [200 17 4] [130] [10**3 9] [140**3 9] [2,364 12 9] Total ..' ■• .. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ > ,\ [Central Body] .. 924 14 3 230 5 7 143 7 7 [160 2 10] 7 0 4 10 3 7 10 15 0 12 19 4 55 18 3 70 21 12 1 283 12 4 155 16 10 80 13 15 6 1,079 4 11 533 4 8 j 172 0 2 • 256 10 4 40 3 7 ! 156 9 6 [472 4 OJ | [568 8 4! 212 3 9 j 412 19 10 3,446 19 8 3,992 19 11 88 2 3 4 183 1 8 37 16 8 76 343 11 10 154 2 7 [184 4 4] 259 1 8 37 16 8 [88 0 0] [24**1 o; '[88] •■ Total .. Ancient Order of Foresters. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia .. „ Pride of Onehunga .. „ Pride of the North .. ■ „ Eobin Hood „ Eureka „ Pride of Newmarket Nil Desperandum [Central Body] .. 373 13* 2 20 18 7 12 19 4 88 2 3 4 220 18 4 70 497 14 5 296 18 4 ! 3,399 19 0 3,672 7 8 2,430 6 9 2,525 3 0 672 7 3 735 7 6 236 6 7 273 9 0 250 1 0 298 10 B 152 6 1 186 3 8 120 17 1 181 4 10 66 14 10 90 14 1 33 3 10 71 17 8 [964 4 4] [1,203 9 4] 458 6 0 236 4 6 132 8 5 147 8 1 70 12 2 57 2 3 113 18 0 44 1 1 41 14 2 [272 7 6] 24 7 6 0 10 0 16 6 0 10 19 6 3 12 6 0 10 0 25 10 0 6 10 0 8 2 6 151 11 6 119 0 6 14 4 4 10 11 2 6 10 8 4 10 2 7 2 1 2 10 [65 9 0] 20 20 20 6 15 10 20 13 4 12 0 0 16 5 10 270 10 0 189 3 4 48 13 4 112 6 8 37 12 6 19 18 4 31 0 0 23 0 0 10 6 8 90 12 6 41 6 6 27 8 6 13 19 6 10 7 0 21 10 6 5 14 0 12 10 0 20 20 20 20 20 7 10 2 31 2 3 21 12 4 9 2 4 10 0 661 1 4 376 8 4 180 14 5 178 11 11 121 1 8 04 2 11 145 2 10 52 18 3 83 10 6 [369 5 0] 388 12 8 281 12 1 117 14 2 141 9 0 72 12 0 30 5 4 84 15 1 28 19 0 44 16 8 [130 0 0" 113 4 32 4 7 0 5 0 22 0 0 10 22 11 0 [31 8 6] [130] Total .. 1,301 15 2 102- 8 0 309 9 8 70 79 19 4 742 10 10 223 8 6 100 124 16 8 1,863 12 2 1,190 10 0 7,362 2 5 8,034 18 7 Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier .. „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook Sir Henry Havelock . „ Bobin Hood (." „ Buahine .. „ Heretaunga [Central Body] 174 1 5 25 3 6 141 16 6 75 12 7 42 18 9 47 8 0 25 3 11 T89 18 9] 13 17 6 2 13 19 10 0 5 0 0 4 16 0 7 6 3 21 11 9 32 19 10 16 8 1 29 2 8 7 19 3 4 4 0 10 0 20 20 35 10 10 20 2 "o 0 4 11 6 75 5 10 4 0 0 58 6 8 36 0 0 20 0 0 10 4 8 30 8 9 5 19 23 10 3 11 17 6 6 14 3 7 13 6 0 5 6 20 35 10 10 20 4 18 10 240 18 9 63 12 10 227 9 2 103 9 4 61 18 9 76 4 3 46 15 8 [89 18 9] 125 14 7 9 19 116 16 11 62 16 4 36 14 3 37 18 2 6 5 6 [115 0 0] 845 8 11 101 19 6 397 13 1 270 12 11 95 16 1 77 11 2 960 13 1 156 10 7 508 5 4 311 5 11 121 0 7 115 17 3 40 10 2 [139 17 3] 0 10 0 [ii5] [164 18 6] Total .. 532 4 8 74 8 9 91 13 10 115 7 16 203 17 2 91 11 6 95 4 18 10 820 8 9 395 7 6 1,789 1 8 2,214 2 11 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Bobin Hood Little John „ Boderick Dhu Sir George Bowen .. „ Blenheim 297 16 4 211 18 3 112 15 2 84 15 7 248 11 7 119 14 1 13 0 9 9 11 6 19 8 9 9 9 0 14 3 1 9 6 6 167 12 4 20 6 10 23 8 10 4 10 11 10 4 4 130 4 6 10 20 41**9 2 143 1 8 122 12 10 48 1 8 5 3 4 166 5 0 32 15 0 43 12 6 37 8 0 20 5 6 14 12 0 42 2 6 20 13 0 10 20 3 0 0 48 4 9 488 9 5 303 5 9 155 12 9 98 15 6 314 2 4 269 5 1 199 14 2 228 5 7 68 7 2 29 17 10 253 4 2 63 13 0 4,900 9 0 1,499 1 7 671 15 4 244 13 10 1,038 4 1 1,461 7 10 5,189 4 3 1,574 1 9 759 0 11 313 11 6 1,099 2 3 1,666 19 11 *40 10 l'*3 4 10 40 10 0 2 6 4 16 8 0 5 0 * Estimated increase in value of property.




Namb of Society and Branch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Receipts. Sick Pay to own Members. Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, Expenditure. §•43 Other o Expenditure. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 1S82. Amount on 31st December, 1882. Interest and Bent. Other Eeceipts. Ancient Obder of Foresters — conkl. Wellington District —continued. Court Wairarapa „ Loyal Enterprise .. „ Clarenaon .. „ Manawatu.. B Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone .. „ Pioneer .. ' .. „ Egmont [Central Body] £ s. a. 95 19 7 98 15 10 78 12 6 143 G 9 45 18 1 70 4 9 88 1 G SS 2 9 17 19 9 [278 8 9] £ S. d. 2 4 6 3 4 3 21 4 3 10 1 9 11 10 9 6 9 0 0 14 9 18 0 3 £ s. a. 5 0 0 14 11 10 4 0 0 14 14 0 13 5 9 21 12 2 5 15 0 £ 20 '45 £ s. d. 218 17 4' 0"7 6 . £ s. d. 59 4 0 42 10 0 13 16 8 119 0 0 14 13 4 7 18 4 13 0 0 £ s. d. 15 15 9 16 11 9 13 1 3 26 19 9 9 5 0 11 3 6 11 15 0 6 6 9 7 8 0 £ 20 45 £ s. d. o'io 0 0 7 G 2 5 3 0 2 6 0 2 6 £ s. a. 339 16 11 101 0 4 06 16 1 213 11 0 70 13 10 95 1 3 11G 2 8 49 17 1 36 0 0 [373 14 2] £ s. d. 94 19 9 59 11 9 26 17 11 190 19 9 23 18 4 19 9 4 27 0 3 6 9 3 7 10 6 [135 0 0] £ s. a. 695 10 1 519 8 ±1 372 9 9 298 12 6 265 2 5 223 17 10 270 18 1 135 12 8 £ s. a. 940 7 3 560 17 6 442 7 11 I 321 3 9 311 17 11 299 9 9 360 0 6 179 0 6 28 9 G [1,344 3 11] 1 5"4 7 [95 5 5] 1135] [l,105"9 9] Total .. 1,752 12 6 148 9 1 435 6 6 145 207 1 11 788 1 10 297 0 3 155 59 10 8 2,748 10 0 1,299 18 9 12,597 3 11 14,045 15 2 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest.. „ Taranaki .. „ Concord „ Waireka .. „ Patea „ Unity „ Charleston Sherwood Forest „ Aorero „ Itoyal Oak.. . t t „ Inglewood Forest !. „ Inangahua [Central Body] .. . .y 232 14 3 63 12 0 42 14 0 82 0 6 102 14 0 142 19 3 51 8 6 73 10 6 41 10 2 36 4 0 51 11 7 49 4 11 32 9 6 19 18 9 [238 17 0] 15 0 0 3 3 0 10 0 3 2 6 3 8 0 19 9 6 30 11 0 169 14 8 16 10 2 14 5 0 18 10 6 12 10 0 38 16 0 15 10 0 35 15 70 25 35 4 10 1 50" '4 0 821 19 6 16 0 0 3 14 2 34 2 2 66 10 0 101. 10 6 17 5 8 43 10 0 43 11 0 4 6 8 17 3 4 17 16 8 31 0 0 57 19 3 22 11 0 10 0 0 24 19 0 25 18 6 34 4 0 16 ] 2 0 16 0 1 13 6 35 15 70 21} e"o 9 3'6 5 3 12 0 452 8 11 87 15 3 72 19 0 103 13 G 188 12 0 201 4 9 97 15 G 148 14 G 82 15 2 44 14 0 53 9 1 63 1 5 47 15 6 24 8 9 [246 6 6] 414 18 9 44 11 9 29 0 2 59 1 2 162 8 0 139 0 11 23 7 8 81 17 0 75 8 0 6 0 2 17 3 4 32 8 8 40 2 0 5 12 6 [112 14 0] 2,720 11 3 444 13 0 455 1 0 683 4 1 278 10 0 800 12 5 171 7 10 370 8 8 248 8 2 199 12 1 233 0 1 217 12 4 130 9 11 10 17 4 [83 0 7] 2,758 1 5 487 16 6 498 19 10 727 16 5 304 13 6 862 16 3 245 15 8 437 6 2 255 15 4 238 5 11 2G9 5 10 248 5 1 144 3 5 29 13 7 [216 13 1" 0 13 0 0 10 0 1 17 6 5 16 6 G 13 9 4 10 0 5 12 0 8 0 0 8"o 0 9 18 0 8 12 0 5 12 6 4 14 0 0 10 0 812 3 [7 9 6] [iio] [2 14 0] • • Total 1,022 11 11 95 14 9 307 14 4 180 03 6 4 718 9 8 219 11 9 174| 18 3 2 1,6G9 7 4 1,131 0 7 6,970 8 2 7,508 14 11 United Westland District— Court V/aimea 21 7 6 10 0 7 4 0 22 6 8 6 12 0 29 11 6 28 18 8 182 15 5 1S3 8 3 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury .. „ Queen of the Isles .. „ Pride of Courtenay .. „ Star of Ashburton .. „ Belle of the Isle „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford 575 11 11 137 10 2 49 3 10 29 9 7 17 4 6 83 16 0 95 10 0 31 8 0 0 15 0 12 6 0 3 0 0 0 8 6 15 14 0 7 15 0 237 19 5 73 9 8 80 40 35 5 8 365 2 6 70 10 0 36 13 9 3 0 0 2 0 0 18 3 4 36 6 8 170 10 8 27 17 6 11 6 2 12 12 6 2 18 4 22 17 9 20 1 1 80 40 50 15 0 26 19 5 900 5 0 211 14 10 101 9 10 32 9 7 17 13 0 99 10 0 103 5 0 G66 8 2 98 7 6 87 19 11 42 11 11 4 18 4 41 13 7 5G 7 9 3,515 3 5 925 0 10 135 9 5 33 5 5 19 5 4 110 9 4 54 8 11 3,809 0 3 1,038 8 2 148 19 4 23 3 1 32 0 0 168 5 9 101 6 2 0 12 6



„ Pride of Eichmond .. „ Papanui [Central Body] 73 14 11 24 2 4 [249 6 101 9 9 6 2 15 0 > I •• 18 4 5 16 8 22 9 2 7 15 4 [120] u'is 5 83 4 5 26 17 4 [322 16 10] 23 17 6 28 5 5 [120 0 0] 16 14 8 5 7 6 [1,289 4 11] 76 1 7 3 19 5 [1,492 1 9] [73'io 0] Total .. 1.0S6 3 3 83 11 0 311 9 1 ! I I 120 35 5 8 539 1 3 298 8 6 120 93 0 4 1,636 9 0 1,050 10 1 4,815 4 10 5,401 3 9 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin .. „ Pride of the Lake Enterprise „ Bobin Hood Pride of the Lei th ... „ Bruce .. A „ Star of the Dunstan „ Eoyal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru Star of Tuapeka .. „ Pride of Alexandra .. „ Havelock .. „ Hope .. ' „ Eoxburgh Star of the South .. „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior [Central Body] .. I I 249 8 6 42 16 9 168 18 0 131 16 6 163 11 9 95 12 5 42 0 0 32 5 10 55 5 1 103 18 10 49 0 7 50 8 2 25 14 1 94 5 8 250 0 2 114 8 4 34 9 9 [261 13 6270 14 4 3 19 8 112 10 0 50 182 7 6 3 10 0 40 3 4 56 2 6 100 0 0 51 13 4 3 0 0 7 0 0 40 1 0 8 5 0 25 7 0 23 7 0 24 5 0 15 2 0 2 12 0 4 8 0 10 1 0 3,898 19 0 113 6 2 1,338 5 9 395 0 4 535 3 4 249 6 7 218 2 8 130 7 3 64 16 6 447 4 9 25 5 7 132 10 9 238 8 9 118 3 2 608 7 2 266 10 7 85 2 11 fl.844 3 10] 11 0 3 10 0 60 570 2 10 47 17 5 284 18 0 171 16 6 338 5 9 107 2 6 48 13 4 37 5 10 82 12 11 112 18 10 50 1 7 55 5 2 39 15 11 94 5 8 370 15 2 160 17 10 34 9 9 [411 3 6] 282 8 6 11 15 0 73 0 4 109 9 6 214 5 0 66 15 4 5 12 0 11 8 0 31 19 6 67 12 6 9 19 6 21 14 4 22 3 10 66 14 2 297 6 11 116 1 6 8 8 8 T340 0 0] 4,186 13 4 149 8 7 1,550 3 5 457 7 4 659 4 1 289 13 9 261 4 0 156 5 1 115 9 11 492 11 1 65 7 8 166 1 7 256 0 10 145 14 8 681 15 5 311 6 11 111 4 0 [1,915 7 4j *40 110 30 90 7 io 0 44 8 0 11 10 1 6 13 4 5 0 0 5 6 0 9 0 0 110 4 0 0 12 0 0 20**6 0 'io 12**1 10 io 11*18 6 6 12 6 • •• 0 17 0 2 1 10 61 0 0 3 0 0 11 12 10 15 10 0 53 6 8 82 10 0 67 15 0 4 6 8 6 19 6 8 2 0 4 12 0 13 7 6 23 15 0 18 6 6 4 2 0 119 6 2 1 10 14 15 0 20 "o 0 10 9 6 80 30 *60 30 131 "l 11 [149 'io 0] - [340] - Total .. 1,704 0 5 14 15 0 528 11 11 320 39 17 8 742 17 10 232 12 6 280 161 4 3 2,607 5 0 1,416 14 7 8,865 1 3 10,055 11 8 Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel ,, Foresters' Pride : 237 0 10 47 13 5 50 3 0 13 14 0 4 15 6 14 4 9 70 2 8 16 0 0 3 0 0 lo'is 6 213 0 0 19 16 8 32 6 8 20 11 19 0 11 14 6 320 17 6 79 4 5 67 7 9 244 19 0 31 11 2 32 6 8 3,774 17 5 482 6 6 143 19 6 3,850 15 11 529 19 9 179 0 7 Total of Order 7,755 12 8 553 0 10 2,080 12 0 950 503 7 11 4,022 8 7 1,309 5 0 944f 485 13 5 11,842 13 5 6,822 3 0 46,983 1 1 j52,O03 11 6 Ancient Order of Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Star of Canterbury I I I 42 12 0 14 0 7 0 17 6 0 10 0 13 1 10 0 4 6 13 16 8 2 13 0 56 11 4 14 15 1 13 16 8 2 13 0 201 7 7 21 18 5 244 2 3 34 0 6 I Total .. 56 12 7 17 6 13 6 4 16 9 8 71 6 5 16 9 8 223 6 0 278 2 9 United Ancient Order of Druids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe Excelsior Oak of Sydenham Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago Bud of Hope Star of New Zealand Star of Anglesea Athelstan „ 159 18 10 77 13 0 82 7 0 139 11 8 121 17 1 44 3 9 127 8 2 46 13 6 82 12 11 60 17 0 47 11 0 58 18 1 8 9 9 8 8 3 4 2 9 12 15 0 29 4 3 3 7 9 17 5 3 3 11 0 19 9 0 6 10 3 4 0 6 10 8 3 12 4 8 2 14 6 5 13 0 9 12 8 50 10 90 20 40 0 10 0 0 2 2 35 3 4 27 6 8 24 6 8 48 16 1 66 17 4 40 7 10 80 13 4 8 17 0 41 6 8 27 3 4 14 0 8 8 19 8 35 3 6 20 14 6 21 4 0 43 6 0 36 4 0 11 16 6 35 19 6 11 13 6 13 4 10 16 9 6 12 9 9 16 18 6 50 10 20 *25 40 o'io o 7 13 3 230 13 3 96 1 3 89 4 3 178 9 8 160 16 2 67 11 6 191 16 8 50 4 6 142 16 5 73 16 0 61 11 6 69 6 4 120 6 10 58 11 2 45 10 8 112 2 1 110 14 7 77 4 4 156 15 4 29 5 11 75 4 0 46 12 2 38 19 9 32 12 3 289 5 4 114 15 7 151 18 0 151 14 8 180 16 10 56 13 11 161 5 11 66 14 7 105 18 7 75 3 10 42 1 8 60 5 9 399 11 9 152 5 8 195 11 7 218 2 3 230 18 5 47 1 1 190 7 3 87 13 2 173 11 0 102 7 8 64 13 5 96 19 10 7**3 3 0 2 6 8 15 5 0 12 6 2 19 4 2 9 4 6 14 1 4**4 0 3 9 5 *20 16*io 6 2 19 4 *20 'io io ! .. * Estimated increase in value of property.




Name or Society and Branch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Interest and Kent. ih W Other Receipts. Sick Pay to own Members, Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, &c. ?! Other Expenditure. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 1882. Amount on 31st December, 1883. [Jkited Ancient Osder of Deuids — continued. Ivanhoe , Lodge Gladstone „ , .. Perseverance „ Anchor „ Star of the West „ .. Campbell „ Acorn \ „ Oxford ■' „ .. Dunstan k „ Timaru ■ „ £ s. a. 64 15 8 53 16 6 34 8 0 22 14 0 79 16 3 79 11 6 93 1 10 52 15 3 20 11 0 41 2 9 £ s. d. 5 15 6 4 0 3 2 2 6 11 8 0 2 15 3 16 0 3 13 17 11 23 16 3 19 7 6 46 13 9 £ s. d. 117 6 2 2 11 £ 10 '30 £ s. d. 0 2 6 £ s. d. 5 17 1 30 8 7 41 13 4 0 6 8 37 15 0 45 0 0 10 3 4 2 15 0 £ s. d. 16 8 0 12 14 6 10 C 0 18*10 6 30 11 6 £ 10 30 £ s. d. 5 18 5 6 17 3 2 3 2 2 15 £ s. d. 80 13 8 57 16 9 36 10 6 34 2 0 114 9 0 97 14 8 106 19 9 76 11 6 40 1 9 87 16 6 £ s. d. 38 3 6 50 0 4 54 2 6 2 8 1 86 5 6 75 14 0 31 0 10 25 2 6 19 18 11 18 0 6 £ s. d. 45 18 8 44 0 3 38 15 9 49 8 7 81 19 6 38 16 0 27 1 0 £ s. d. 88 8 10 51 16 8 16 3 9 81 2 6 110 3 0 60 16 8 102 19 11 51 9 0 20 2 10 69 16 0 02 6 20 17 6 o"3 3 22 7 6 11 0 0 18 0 6 8*18 11 Total .. 415 2-7 76 15 7 2,145 3 7 1,304 15 9 1,777 14 5 2,618 2 3 1,592 4 9 273 9 2 49 1 11 210 20 7 9 597 17 7 215 Loyal United Fkiends' Benefit Society. Reliance Lodge [Central Body] 63 15 9 21 10 0 21 63 15 9 24 0 0 98 3 2 137 18 11 Independent Okdeb of Eechabites. Neiv Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star [Central Body] 189 5 7 195 6 6 83 2 7 40 13 1 [195 15 1] 3 4 6 0 10 6 2 18 3 4 2 0 29 12 0 54 10 7 7 12 9 21 - 68 16 0 82 5 0 3 3 0 0 19 6 45 6 0 47 15 0 25 1 0 10 9 8 21 34 17 9 0 11 4 243 2 1 250 7 7 93 13 7 44 15 1 [320 7 1] 169 19 9 130 0 0 28 15 4 11 9 2 [31 10 0] 545 19 10 670 4 9 200 3 4 27 15 0 [1,292 19 6" 619 2 2 790 12 4 265 1 7 61 0 11 ri, 581 16 7 [94*15 0] [29 17 0J [31J] •• Total .. 508 7 9 10 15 3 91 15 4 21 155 3 6 128 11 8 21 35 9 1 631 18 4 340 4 3 1,444 2 11 1,735 17 0 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Perseverance „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise „ Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hope of Dunedin „ Good Samaritan „ Pride of Christchurch „ Muriliiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville „ 162 7 3 14 0 11 31 2 7 33 5 10 44 4 1 13 15 8 48 3 7 33 5 3 82 8 6 40 17 4 56 0 4 58 1 5 19 10 9 38 17 5 53 0 10 12*ie o 10 11 8 10 0 5 19 7 17 6 10 15 0 2 0 0 60 10 9 6 7 10 19 5 - 3 14 2 51 7 2 4 0 0 4 8 0 9 10 9 26 3 2 61 16 8 14 13 4 98 1 8 5 10 6 20 6 2 14 6 0 6 0 0 21 14 0 12 19 7 0 13 8 3 4 8 4 17 7 10 2 6 14 4 4 18 10 3 14 5 60 'io 2 15 9 4 14 4 6 10 0 0 17 5 0 5 10 4 17 0 0 11 0 275 8 1 23 7 6 54 18 0 33 5 10 54 15 9 14 15 8 66 19 6 41 2 9 99 3 6 42 17 4 76 0 4 93 15 5 19 10 9 3S 17 5 127 2 6 8 14 4 11 11 8 12 15 5 31 18 2 16 0 83 8 0 20 3 2 101 16 1 5 10 6 47 9 0 15 12 4 8 3 10 28 19 9 1,579 1 0 221 i 0 353 14 11 331 11 5 258 11 5 98 1 0 225 2 5 161 10 2 303 0 8 137 17 10 117 14 8 335 3 0 51 8 8 39 3 6 1,727 6 7 235 17 2 397 1 3 352 1 10 281 9 0 111 10 8 208 13 11 182 9 9 300 8 1 175 4 8 146 6 0 413 6 1 62 15 7 4? 1 2 - ao 7 2 10 16 4 1 18 4 6 16 6 '20 814 0 27*0 0 0 5 6 0 9 3 .. ..



Hope o£ Woodville Ray of Hope „ ., Ocean Pride „ Masterton „ Hope of Feilding , Southern Cross „ Haste to the Ecscue (Female) „ [Central Body] Total .. 24 13 6 10 13 4 15 13 4 34 8 5 5 18 2 3 10 11 4 15 11 [94 10 5] -• " •• - I 17 16 8' 18 13 8 10 0 0 6 0 0 2 17 0 2 9 3 2 12 0 9 8 2 10 4 0 13 2 0 10 1 t 0 8 0 0 5 5 0 18 0 0 16 0 14 24 13 6 10 13 4 15 13 4 34 8 5 5 18 2 3 10 11 9 6 1 [146 10 5] 21 1-8 21 2 11 12 17 5 16 6 2 1 1 10 0 14 6 0 10 1 [150 0 0] 47 8 6 42 1 0 13 18 10 15 5 6 50 19 10 31 11 5 16 14 9 33 7 9 4 16 4 2 16 5 89 11 8f [1,027 8 3] - 410 2 [52 0 0] [150] 80 15 8 [1,030 17 10] 775 14 6 8 14 0 140 12 11 90 24 0 2 390 7 9 74 17 3 4,873 9 11 00 23 0 4 1,039 1 7 578 5 4 4,412 13 8 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Total of Order .. 35 6 2 5 0 0 2 15 0 •■ 43 3 0 13 8 0 43 1 2 56 11 0 96 10 5 83 0 7 1,319 8 5 24 9 3 235 3 3 111 24 0 2 588 14 3 216 16 11 6,692 7 6 111 58 9 5 1,714 1 1 975 0 7 5,953 7 0 Sons and Daughters op Temperance. Grand Division of New Zealand — ■ Antidote Division Perseverance „ Progress „ ;, Eay of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ I |. 140 17 2 110 15 8 42 3 6 75 10 6 44 0 11 20 10 2 0 3 0 0 15 4 G7 2 4 10 2 8 0 8 0 77 6 6 26 0 0 8 13 2 31 15 8 12 1 6 2 0 0 27 7 9 21 2 2 10 3 8 13 13 10 8 12 6 6 0 0 10 4 13 9 0 14 11 15 7 208 10 6 116 15 8 53 1 6 75 10 6 48 8 8 20 10 2 119 8 0 47 17 1 20 2 5 45 9 6 20 14 0 8 0 6 996 2 8 G40 6 9 245 0 9 2G6 8 2 74 5 0 41 9 9 1,085 5 2 709 5 4 277 19 10 296 9 2 101 19 8 53 19 5 0 19 0 3"8 9 Total .. 439 17 11 1 17 4 80 13 9 0 8 0 157 16 10 87 0 5 10 6 14 3 522 17 0 261 11 6 2,263 13 1 2,524 18 7 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Hokitika „ Greenstone „ Auckland , .1 I 24 16 10 94 13 3 15 12 0 18 8 3 16 10 2 228 0 0 4 2 6 1 10 0 40 8 0 0 37 16 0 11 13 7 2 10 0 3 13 2 19 6 0 16 8 15 3 4 73 1 8 10 G 8 37 18 4 28 19 4 179 5 10 18"2 0 20 76 19 4 113 19 3 27 5 7 23 19 6 19 19 8 293 6 8 35 3 4 91 3 8 10 6 8 37 18 4 32 15 5 274 19 2 147 11 0 612 17 4 397 15 9 107 4 6 17 16 4 794 17 3 189 7 0 635 12 11 414 14 8 93 5 8 5 0 7 813 i 9 0 10 0 23 0 0 2110 0 -20 3 16 1 55 13 4 '40 Total .. 60 398 0 6 29 2 6 61 9 7 6 17 5 344 15 2 77 11 5 GO 555 10 0 482 6 7 2,078 2 2 2,151 5 7 N. Z. Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. , Executive Directory of N. Z., — St. Joseph's (Dunedin) Branch St. Mary's (Invereargill) „ St. Patrick's (Lawrence) „ St. John's „ [Central Body] 51 13 6 24 11 6 24 6 9 6 19 11 [208 10 2] 10 17 6 10 14 0 4 5 0 17 0 9 23 0 0 '20 3 14 9 22 6 7 29 13 4 5 10 0 7 6 8 13 16 0 8 0 6 85 11 0 59 0 3 50 18 4 24 0 8 [208 10 2] 43 9 4 13 10 6 7 6 8 4 8 0 337 5 2 93 17 0 115 10 0 379 6 10 139 6 9 159 1 a 19 12 8 [208 10 2] 4 8 0 Total .. 107 11 8 42 17 3 23 0 0 20 26 1 4 42 10 0 26 4 6 219 10 3 68 14 6 546 12 2 697 7 11 psotestant alliance friendly Society of Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand— Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ ., .. 151 13 5 81 18 0 761 5 6 86 10 3 I 805 11 7 88 3 6 3 11 0 6 7 9 49 7 11 i 10 0 40 3 18 9 118 2 6 64 2 & U 16 0 23 6 0 ■to 16 6 3 14 0 248 11 1 92 15 9 204 5 0 91 2 6 * >




Receipts. Expenditure. Name of Soctety and Branch. Contributi&ns of own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Interest and Rent. OH CO a s'S a 5 5 Sh ° Other Receipts. Sick Pay to own Members. Levies to Funeral Fund of District, Grand Lodge, &c. to 2.2 ©43 a «a Other Expenditure. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount on 1st January, 1882. Amount on 31st December, 1882. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia — continued. Grand Lodge of Ncio Zealand —contd. Excelsior' „ John Knox Victoria ji„ [Central Body] £ s. d. 19 19 0 53 6 0 77 11 11 [179 14 0] £ s. d. 0 10 3 5 3 9 12 13 3 £ s. d. 5 13 7 £ £ s. d. 17 0 1 18 6 [40 16 0] £ s. d. 5 2 9 6 6 0 5 15 6 £ s. d. 6 0 0 25 1 0 34 12 0 £ £ s. d. 0 10 6 £ s. d. 20 15 3 65 10 4 92 3 8 [230 15 0] £ s. d. 11 13 3 31 7 0 67 13 11 [65 0 0] £ s. d. 56 15 1 106 5 4 31 18 3 [296 10 9] £ s. d. 65 17 1 140 8 8 56 8 0 [462 5 9] 27**6 5 [10**5 0] [65] Total .'. 384 8 4 28 12 0 59 11 6 40 7 4 3 199 9 3 133 15 0 40 32 17 5 519 16 1 406 1 8 1,042 14 5 1,156 8 10 Bailway Benefit Societies. Otago Bailways Employes' Benefit Society New Zealand Railways Employes' Benefit Society 296 10 0 96 19 3 0 12 214 7 6 30 92 7 0* 399 10 5 336 14 6 1,207 7 10 1,270 3 9 88 0 0 15 4 2 88 0 0 15 4 2 121 7 6 194 3 4 Total of Eailway Societies .. 384 10 0 96 19 3 0 12 229 11 8 30 92 7 0 487 10 5 351 18 8 1,328 15 4 1,464 7 1 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society 20 16 9 7 13 10 17 13 6 28 10 7 17 13 6 189 8 1 200 5 2 Grand total (exclusive of central bodies) :6,459 9 4 23,452 8 10 181,773 0 3 204,780 0 9 25,177 0 9 1,766 17 3 9,175 7 10 2,665 7,675 3 6 13,738 12 3 |3,942 3 11 2,853^' 2,918 4 8 Total of central bodies 4,087 14 6 959 10 10 179 6 3 2,747J 42 0 3 5,226 11 7 2,789 10 3 15,165 9 4 !17,605 6 1 * Inclusive of £86 15s., defalcation of late secretary.

MEDICAL AND MANAGEMENT EXPENSES FUNDS. TABLE V.—Showing the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1882 in the case of all Friendly Societies and Branches included in Table I. of the Funds destined to meet Medical and Management Expenses.



6—H. 1.


Eeceipts. Expenditure. Name of Society and Branch. Contributions and Levies from own Members. Medical Attendance and Medicine. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Entrance and Clearance Pees. Other Eeceipts. Expenses of Management. Other Expenditure. Manchester Unity Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato Duka of Cambridge „ Gisbome „ Dc/onport „ . . National „ Howiek „ .. Ponsonby „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 308 12 11 335 17 7 107 8 6 91 6 0 212 18 5 21 6 8 45 12 1 18 7 6 24 15 4 54 10 4 78 14 0 46 10 5 47 12 10 [178 9 7] 1,393 13 3 £ s. d. 10 4 0 8 0 6 7 16 0 0 5 0 12 10 6 3 16 £ s. d. 3,257 9 1* 1,077 16 lit 11 18 6 9 8 6 45 2 8 38 2 10 9 15 4 4 0 £ s. d. 304 15 0 242 7 6 60 16 0 32 10 10 135 5 0 26 6 0 35 14 0 12 6 12 15 0 30 19 0 28 1 0 13 7 7 31 18 0 £ s. d. 140 2 9 89 18 6 35 8 7 32 16 8 90 5 7 30 19 7 6 12 6 4 2 0 5 6 0 15 4 0 12 17 0 10 11 6 18 5 0 [166 16 11] 492 9 8 £ s. d. 56 7 4 35 17 2 12 19 2 8 18 2 23 13 9 3 11 7 3 11 5 3 13 0 2 6 8 7 18 9 5 5 7 15 5 6 11 16 8 £ s. a. 79 10 8 71 5 10 12 1 6 12 7 0 21 7 1 2 13 10 8 15 7 4 4 0 10 0 0 £ s. a. 3,576 6 0 1,421 15 0 127 3 0 100 19 6 270 11 5 62 11 0 54 13 6 22 11 6 26 12 10 57 10 4 122 0 8 50 13 5 63 4 8 [178 9 7] £ B. d. 580 15 9 439 9 0 121 5 iS 86 12 8 270 11 5 63 16 0 54 13 6 13 1 6 30 7 8 54 1 9 49 13 0 39 4 7 63 4 8 [166 16 11] £ s. d. 5,593 0 10 1,204 12 5 51 8 5 14 6 10 -13 8 9 -6 4 3 28 0 0 17 4 11 30 18 0 3 15 2 98 8 10 19 2 2 -2 19 4 [11 12 8J 1 17 6 3 0 0 8 7 0 34 19 0 4 3 0 3 2 10 39 5 12 9 0 i* 5 0 Total ,, 67 11 0 4,495 8 7 955 17 5 191 4 9 227 4 11 5,956 12 10 1,866 16 9 7,065 17 7 Hawke's Bay District— Napier Lodge Meraiee „ .. •. Abbotsford „ Clive „ .. Hastings „ Victoria . „ .. .. Tavistoek < „ Woodvillo „ [Central Body] 157 19 1 35 15 9 165 4 8 39 17 8 72 8 4 41 17 8 37 15 0 22 5 4 [45 15 0] 10 18 0 5 16 0 15 4 0 7 0 0 33 10 6 7 7 0 8 19 0 2 9 9 6 4 6 4 13 3 25 15 6 5 0 0 0 3 3 14 15 8 2 17 0 2 3 0 [26 11 1] 124' 15 0 24 8 3 128 0 0 27 10 0 53 19 0 63 2 0 33 7 0 9 10 0 42 5 3 15 1 0 42 7 8 18 12 0 9 12 11 16 3 15 3 2 2 12 1 [50 11 2] 14 11 0 6 15 9 19 3 3 5 6 7 16 8 2 5 19 0 3 16 1 1 16 0 2 10 0 16* 6 10 0 9 1 175 1 7 46 5 0 206 4 2 51 17 8 106 2 1 64 0 4 49 11 0 26 18 1 [72 6 1] 184 1 3 46 5 0 205 17 9 51 17 8 80 0 1 84 17 6 52 11 3 22 4 3 [57 19 6] 4 13 1 -13 19 3 0 6 5 -5 12 1 41 13 10 -10 13 2 -8 9 11 21 3 7 [18 13 7] 14 10 3 0 5 0 8 6 2 [7 8 4] Total .. .. 573 3 0 464 11 3 147 0 4 73 15 10 42 7 4 725 19 11 727 14 9 67 16 11 91 4 3 61 12 2 New Plymouth District— Egmont Lodge ., .. Excelsior „ .. .. Waitara „ Union „ .. .. [Central Body] 216 14 3 96 17 G 46 12 4 29 12 7 [40 19 3] 6 9 0 7 18 6 5 13 0 7 19 11 [22 12 8] 150 18 9 64 12 0 33 17 3 12 7 6 39 9 9 22 4 3 10 1 0 23 7 8 [67 7 8] 28 18 2 9 15 4 5 6 6 1 17 4 0 7 6 8 4 5 0 9 0 223 3 3 104 16 0 52 5 4 37 12 6 [63 11 11] 219 14 2 104 16 0 49 13 9 37 12 6 [67 7 8] 25 7 5 -0 4 3 8 18 0 -2 4 11 [9 17 1] Total 261 15 6 95 2 8 45 17 4 9 0 11 417 17 1 411 16 5 34 5 5 389 16 8 28 0 5 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge .. 26 7 0 I 15 9 0 7 19 11 I 90 18 1 87 19 9 2 13 4 68 15 5 14 8 6 7 14 2 38 3 10 ♦Incl Lding £3,010 17s ;. 5d., estimate! increase in val .e of property. t Includ ling £1,000, es1 .ated increase in value of prope: •ty.




Receipts. Expenditure. Name of Society and Branch. Contributions and Levies from own Members. Entrance ana Clearance Fees. Medical Attendance and Medicine. Expenses of Management. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Other Expenditure. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Tear. Other Receipts. Manchester Unity Independent Okder of Odd Fellows — contd. Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ .. Rose, of the Valley „ .. St. George . „ United Brethren „ .. [Central Body] £ s. d. 285 14 1 209 6 1 135 16 4 35 7 11 17 4 7 [80 0 3] £ s. d. 5 0 10 11 4 8 5 11 8 0 14 0 £ s. d. 12 16 11 24 1 8 16 1 8 4 16 4 15 1 0 [5 2 8" £ s. d. 146 0 0 135 7 6 137 2 0 4 10 0 18 18 9 £ s. d. 74 2 2 45 12 1 60 12 5 22 5 3 14 3 0 [51 10 2] £ s. d. 21 2 0 18 1 8 16 19 9 4 7 0 3 10 2 £ s. d. 8 16 7 0 0 0 5 0 £ s. d. 303 11 10 244 12 5 157 9 8 40 18 3 32 5 7 [85 2 11] £ s. d. 249 5 8 206 1 3 214 19 2 31 2 3* 36 11 11 [114 16 2] £ s. d. 57 13 4 370 10 5 326 16 1 95 17 8 4 14 4 [3 12 6] [63' 6 0] Total .. 683 9 0 22 11 2 72 17 7 441 18 3 216 14 11 64 0 7 15 6 6 778 17 9 738 0 3 855 11 10 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge .. Eenwick „ [Central Body] 140 10 3 57 8 7 [15 i 6] 10 18 10 10 5 6 [0 10 0] 85 5 0 29 4 6 37 4 11 17 3 8 [18 3 9] 9 12 6 5 12 0 5 16 6 9 3 0 [0 10 0] 151 9 1 67 14 1 [15 14 6] 137 18 11 61 3 2 [18 13 9] 39 9 0 14 3 4 [2 10 2] Total 197 18 10 21 4 4 114 9 6 54 8 7 15 4 6 14 19 6 219 3 2 199 2 1 53 12 10 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Best „ .. Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star „ [Central Body] 284 18 11 77 6 3 202 14 4 66 10 0 57 2 10 13 3 0 [94 16 0] ■ I.. 12 5 4 0 5 0 3 14 11 4 18 0 0 3 0 3 6 8 [19 15 6] 203 0 0 39 3 6 98 3 9 40 2 6 35 16 6 6 16 0 51 15 8 27 2 0 60 1 2 16 17 0 15 5 10 2 5 8 [60 5 6] 31 19 0 11 11 0 30 3 0 11 3 6 8 0 6 1 19 0 21 10 0 10 3 22 16 1 10 0 10 0 0 5 11 0 [32 15 10] 297 4 3 77 11 3 206 9 3 71 8 0 57 5 10 16 9 8 [114 11 6] 308 4 8 78 16 9 211 4 0 69 3 0 69 2 10 16 11 8 [93 1 4] 9 2 11 36 17 6 16 13 8 115 2 9 20 4 9 -1 18 6 [102 2 9] 198 1 7 Total North Wcsiland District-*-Westport Lodge Charleston „ .. Eeefton „ .. Alpine „ [Central Body] 701 15 4 128 17 7 146 9 3 236 3 3 33 14 11 [31 12 6] 45 2 0 4 18 6 25 8 3 52 0 0 [38 6 4] 24 12 11 423 2 3 101 14 1 90 15 9 171 13 7 25 0 0 173 7 4 37 17 6 32 0 0 50 8 11 12 1 5 [39 7 6] 94 16 0 10 10 9 10 3 0 17 10 0 31 12 3 6 8 1 49 19 0 48 13 6 [31 4 2] 61 17 4 726 8 3 173 19 7 151 7 9 261 11 6 85 14 11 [69 18 10] 753 2 11 181 14 7 139 6 10 289 11 6 85 14 11 [70 11 8] -20 14 6 12 0 11 -6 2 5 -39 6 10 [45 17 4T Total .. 545 5 0 127 8 9 389 3 5 132 7 10 38 3 9 136 12 10 672 13 9 696 7 10 12 0 11 Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ .. Waimea „ .. .. Greymouth „ Albert [Central Body] 261 10 8 100 12 4 165 12 8 203 16 0 153 3 7 [103 19 0] 61 11 2 19 2 7 12 2 0 3 7 0 48 17 4 [9 7 61 221 4 3 44 16 0 86 3 9 85 11 1 91 1 4 64 5 0 35 9 0 48 10 0 88 8 0 56 0 0 [63 3 0] 30 0 0 13 1 0 17 5 0 23 11 0 15 3 0 12 3 0 6 7 0 36 14 0 12 6 45 5 10 [32 14 0] 323 1 10 119 14 11 177 14 8 207 3 0 202 0 11 [113 6 6] 333 12 3 99 13 0 188 12 9 198 12 7 207 10 2 [95 17 0] -36 0 2 35 0 2 21 12 11 42 7 3 [21 13 0] Total 884 15 3 145 0 1 528 16 5 292 12 0 105 0 0 101 12 4 1,029 15 4 1,028 0 9 99 0 4



Ashley District — Eangiora Lodge .. Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield , Cust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka Arnberley „ Sef ton „ Waikari „ [Central Body] .. Total .. 140 13 1 46 11 0 17 3 4 19 15 0 16 13 4 19 18 4 29 1 10 46 3 10 13 15 2 24 0 4 T63 9 6] 7 8 8 4 7 4 5 0 4 1 13 4 3 16 4 10 14 0 4 10 8 12 0 0 10 0 17 7 8 6 5 8 6 4 0 0 10 6 5 19 3 2 3 3 2 16 6 1 13 6 11 6 9 8 12 0 17 1 6 [48 2 11 80 12 6 24 5 0 10 15 0 14 3 6 8 19 1 8 0 0 18 9 5 20 7 6 10 15 11 17 0 0 52 2 1 15 10 9 8 12 3 9 18 1 9 6 8 5 18 2 11 0 4 15 17 9 7 15 0 7 11 6 [54 2 01 20 2 0 7 13 0 2 17 6 3 6 0 2 18 6 3 12 0 5 8 0 16 8 4 1 10 10 9 13 7 0 9 5 18 8 15 18 8 0 8 3 2 16 8 4 16 3 8 14 6 157 9 7] 154 7 5 57 2 4 22 14 2 27 7 7 22 12 11 33 8 10 35 6 0 69 10 7 23 7 2 58 9 6 [111 11 7] 154 7 5 57 2 4 22 14 2 27 7 7 22 12 11 33 8 10 35 6 0 55 10 3 23 7 2 37 16 0 [111 11 7] -53 6 11 -18 2 1 -0 19 -75 1 3 -14 5 3 -8 9 6 -23 17 0 21 10 9 -26 11 6 31 13 6 f-2 15 4] 4* 10 0 373 15 3 67 18 4 62 12 11 213 7 11 143 12 7 66 15 4 45 16 10 504 6 6 469 12 8 53 4 3 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer '' „ Benevolent Perseverance „ Ashburton „ Southbridge „ Doyleston „ Star of Waltham , Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Pride of the Valley „ Papanui „ Vv Taterton , South Bakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald Addington „ [Central Body] ., ** 377 13 6 75 11 4 94 7 3 101 8 0 138 11 4 102 14 11 39 2 0 10 3 4 40 4 9 11 2 10 38 4 6 43 9 4 17 3 5 21 7 8 22 18 0 22 14 0 26 2 8 3 19 4 114 [93 11 01 46 10 6 2 14 0 20 17 0 12 15 0 13 13 6 21 18 0 3 0 0 5 3 6 0 10 0 13 13 0 6 0 6 15 6 0 10 0 0 15 0 9 2 0 7 10 6 12 16 6 7 6 0 339 15 5 25 8 3 13 4 8 18 8 0 10 4 8 24 19 9 51 19 7 31 2 10 8 15 8 7 17 8 4 14 0 3 1 10 19 0 5 60 19 6 44 2 5 18 18 0 9 9 11 2 11 0 [42 14 2] 288 2 6 44 15 0 45 15 0 49 10 0 86 5 0 105 10 4 48 14 7 32 10 0 9 15 0 22 7 6 45 19 10 9 15 0 13 1 0 21 17 4 32 17 6 19 5 0 2-15 0 242 8 4 36 8 10 34 0 0 47 12 11 35 3 2 36 14 11 32 0 1 5 5 6 23 5 0 6 15 3 15 10 11 5 16 5 10 0 7 5 5 19 19 9 14 19 2 3 5 2 1 18 7 10 13 4 [122 19 2] 25 17 0 6 14 6 6 10 6 6 8 6 9 14 6 6 15 6 3 19 6 0 16 7 4 3 0 17 8 3 15 6 2 0 0 19 6 16 6 2 12 6 2 3 0 1 15 6 165 1 9 6 19 3 18 5 11 30 19 7 29 3 11 16 12 2 9 7 5 4 13 16 13 1 4 0 0 11 15 10 9 12 0 4 16 3 2 13 5 40 2 11 763 19 5 103 13 7 128 8 11 132 11 0 168 9 6 149 12 8 94 1 7 10 3 4 76 11 1 20 8 6 59 15 2 54 3 10 21 10 9 40 18 1 84 12 6 75 18 5 52 11 2 26 5 9 10 18 4 [136 5 2] 721 9 7 94 17 7 104 11 5 134 11 0 160 6 7 165 12 11 94 1 7 10 3 4 76 11 1 21 17 11 53 9 9 62 13 4 21 10 9 24 6 4 84 12 6 49 19 8 46 2 8 26 5 9 10 18 4 [163 18 8] 1,509 10 0 181 17 6 74 13 9 -13 0 5 59 10 5 95 19 0 -13 1 2 -15 17 1 -6 15 2 21 3 4 -0 4 1 21 17 0 21 12 2 0 5 0 [40 19 6] -17 11 1 -15 6 6 66 19 1 8 6 10 9 19 1 -2 9 2 [20 8 0] Total 1,187 19 6 186 0 6 700 13 7 878 15 7 583 17 10 87 9 9 413 18 11 2,074 13 7 1,964 2 1 2,027 19 0 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent » Hand of Friendship , Hand and Heart „ [Central Body] .. 179 10 11 112 8 8 11 15 2 9 4 2 [49 14 0] 174 9 7 33 1 11 3 0 8 0 6 1 [68 9 8] 134 8 2 94 10 0 119 17 8 31 15 2 7 14 6 6 13 2 [39 5 5] 21 10 0 6. 14 0 1 19 7 14 0 82 3 4 10 11 6 3 2 0 1 16 0 [91 4 0] 354 0 6 145 10 7 14 15 10 9 10 3 [118 3 8] 357 19 2 143 10 8 12 16 1 9 13 2 L130 9 5] 47 16 4 7 18 10 2 19 3 [48 12 6] Total • » 312 18 11 210 18 3 228 18 2 166 0 6 31 7 7 97 12 10 523 17 2 523 19 1 58 14 5 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge »» Dunedin , . ■ Dalton , PrincB of Wales „ ., Albion „ ,, 377 12 0 232 3 3 83 2 10 129 6 7 158 12 7 0 2 6 379 16 2 314 12 0 49 17 8 171 13 1 17 17 7 69 15 4 79 7 9 64 13 0 8 7 0 89 14 6 * Amount of indebti 190 5 1 76 1 3 25 0 7 27 10 11 46 2 8 idness not stated. 22 6 0 12 8 0 3 19 6 5 5 0 6 11 0 154 7 2 38 1 8 2 5 0 149 9 0 14 14 5 757 10 8 282 0 11 101 0 5 208 14 4 166 19 7 681 10 3 298 4 0 101 0 5 246 17 11 157 2 7 1,930 12 2 204 7 8 -12 17 9 34 2 10 9 17 0 * • ? »




Receipts. Expenditure. Name of Society a>td Bbakch. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Contributions and Levies from own Members. Medical Attendances and Medicine. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Other Expenditure. Total Eeceipts. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Other Eeceipts. Expenses of Management. :L_ i Manchester XJkity Independent Okder 6s 1 Odd Fellows — contd. Otago District —continuea. " . Oamaru Lodge .. .. Tuapeka Pioneer „ .. .. Waitahuna „ », .. Prince Alfred „ .. .. Waipori , „ .. Bluespur „ ... ,. Alexandra „ .. Roxburgh „ ., .. Tapanui „ ., .. Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ ,. .. Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ ... .. Band of Friendship „ .. .. Outran! „ .. .. Mosgiel „ .. .. Caversham „ ,. .. [Central Body] .. £ s. a. 124 15 6 167 10 5 116 11 0 75 2 10 33 5 0 128 17 0 2? 14 4 123 16 6 121 13 2 101 17 1 38 14 4 139 0 6 127 5 4 25 12 11 89 3 5 100 7 3 23 14 2 [113 8 C] £ e. a. 0 7 6 i'i o 6'14 0 £ s. a. 73 17 8 24 18 0 2 14 0 0 5 6 0 13 0 9 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 104 16 0 40 16 1 1 15 6 10 3 0 7 2 0 1 13 9 8 2 3 31 1 5 14 3 11 [5 10 0] £ s. a. 84 15 9 105 7 0 80 16 10 16 1 0 107 3 0 43 0 0 81 0 10 86 10 0 87 17 0 27 3 9 80 18 9 93 12 0 18 9 0 72 15 5 94 8 1 23 7 0 £ s. a. 54 11 0 40 16 3 28 5 6 17 14 3 10 9 6 33 6 3 5 15 0 41 19 5 24 0 0 13 18 1 7 4 6 35 9 8 16 2 0 12 16 8 35 17 1 47 11 6 7 5 6 [151 3 0] £ s. d. 5 8 6 6 0 6 4 5 6 4 16 2 0 6 4 16 0 1 12 6 4 1 G 5 2 0 3 2 6 2 17 6 3 13 6 4 17 6 0 18 0 3 13 6 4 3 0 £ s. a. 53 13 9 15 18 3 6 18 2 37 11 7 21 8 0 14 15 0 2 2 0 10 0 0 ISO 13 1 37 15 6 3 4 1 29 1 7 14 13 5 2 10 0 6 10 0 9 3 0 4 18 10 [0 5 0] & s. a. 199 0 8 192 8 5 120 6 0 75 8 4 33 18 0 130 7 0 28 14 4 134 11 6 226 9 2 142 13 1 4C 9 10 149 3 6 134 7 4 27 6 8 92 5 8 131 9 11 38 0 7 [118 18 6] £ s. a. 198 9 0 168 2 0 120 6 0 75 8 4 33 18 0 160 0 3 52 9 6 137 1 9 244 10 1 142 13 1 40 9 10 149 3 6 129 4 11 34 13 8 118 16 0 155 5 7 35 11 4 [157 8 0] £ s. a. 716 3 4 23 3 6 -47 1 9 -72 13 2 -23 12 9 33 18 9 84 0 5 14 19 3 2 6 4 -42 9 8 -46 17 7 -88 3 7 10 13 2 47 3 4 19 11 10 -10 18 5 7 G 3 [26 19 11] 0 13 0 2 6 Total .. ,. 2,545 17 11 2 8 9 872 19 3 1,813 13 4 798 2 8 109 3 6 759 18 6 3,421 5 11 3,480 18 0 3,138 5 10 Invercrtrgill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge United Gore „ .. .. Lumsden ,, .. .. [Central Body]t *,. 242 11 6 222 17 G 26 15 2 14 13 0 [42 9 0] 1* 1 0 74 1 3 12 14 0 0 0 6 15 11 4 [51 9 0] 163 15 0 142 0 0 24 18 9 51 5 6 34 10 6 17 6 0 19 5 0 82 7 9 40 17 0 1 16 11 18 0 6 [18 4 7] 316 12 9 236 12 6 26 15 8 30 4 4 [93 18 0] 314 14 3 236 12 6 26 15 8 24 1 0 [93 18 0] 41 14 6 -3 4 10 -66 17 9 6 3 4 [-64 6 2] 6 0 6 [75 13 5] Total .. 506 17 2 110 102 7 1 330 13 9 91 16 6 36 11 0 143 2 2 610 5 3 602 3 5 47 17 10 Total of Order 10,306 1 0 453 3 6 6,933 10 1 7,083 6 7 3,414 0 5 974 18 11 2,077 10 10 17,752 14 7 13,549 16 9 13,715 7 1 Independent Obder op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity „ Linden „ Southern Cross „ ,q Pioneer of Southland „ ., 139 8 5 151 10 5 57 12 2 57 4 11 83 16 10 31 13 2 57 14 1 163 7 4 142 13 11 27 4 6 18 0 0 10 1 0 11 16 0 6 10 8 10 0 3 15 0 5 5 0 28 0 0 6 4 8 101 12 0 38 2 8 96 18 7 93 4 10 49 15 7 36 11 3 45 7 6 24 1 9 44 16 0 63 10 0 67 7 10 26 11 0 60 7 7 16 2 4 30 4 5 21 7 3 20 3 6 21 7 0 79 8 4 50 4 4 31 1 0 44 11 1 8 3 9 29 5 9 22 17 3 5 14 0 7 16 5 16 2 6 58 5 5 19 14 11 51 0 0 16 10 0 0 11 6 12 5 0 3 2 0 17 16 7 171 17 11 197 10 5 73 17 10 170 12 11 128 10 2 32 13 2 61 9 1 163 7 4 193 14 2 174 5 6 198 3 6 74 1 8 147 1 5 106 2 0 50 10 9 86 4 5 162 2 10 193 14 2 220 11 9 98 19 10 C 6 0 -77 16 7 169 2 5 30 4 4 15 13 0 36 18 9 -17 9 6 32*13 0 18* 7 3



Star of Auckland „ ■ H •«.- Prebbloton „ Tai Tapu „ Alma „ .. [Central Body] .. 116 16 7 I 26 1 1 52 7 7 35 15 3 [185 16 4] 1,116 1 9 47 4 6 3 0 0 10 10 0 38 0 10 6" 18 0 70 16 10 12 15 0 25 1 0 79 18 3 4 6 6 1 13 0 12 10 9 [116 10 11] 27 11 3 3 8 0 17 0 9 7 13 0 13 9 0 7 2 6 19 12 5 202 1 11 29 1 1 63 15 7 35 15 3 [234 15 10] 191 15 4 27 12 0 63 7 2 20 3 9 [253 12 4] 17 4 9 19 1 0 8 5 15 11 6 [178 9 3] [48*19 6] [137' 1 5] Total .. National Independent Obder of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland 'Pioneer Lodge . • United Brothers „ „ .. [Central Body] .. 171 14 8 230 10 5 630 6 2 424 4 3 279 10 2 161 3 11 1,524 6 10 1,495 4 6 606 9 10 210 3 7 123 13 8 [6 5 B] 7 19 9 10 15 0 20 9 6 7 5 1 [17 3 1] 84 2 0 86 18 0 70 2 11 38 2 0 [26 1 0] 14 19 0 3 11 0 43 12 0 238 12 10 141 13 9 [23 8 7] 212 15 11 128 11 0 [26 1 0] 54 0 2 19 5 2 [1 19 8] - Total .. Ancient Ordeb op Fobestebs. Auckland District — Court City of' Auckland .. ,. „ Pride of Pamell .. .. „ Zealandia .. ,. .. „ Pride of Onehvmga .. Prids of the North .. ■ „ Robin Hood ... ,. „ Eureka .. .. .. „ Pride of Newmarket ■ Nil Desperandum [Central Body] 410 15 11 192 7 5 106 1 4 135 9 11 60 11 10 44 2 8 '103 3 5 62 15 4 47 12 9 [143 0 2" 333 17 3 18 14 9 3 17 6 i 10 0 20 1 11 18 14 11 18 3 2 11 6 11 5 4 0 1 15 4 33 6 8 1 12 6 3 15 0 [24 5 6] 27 14 7 171 0 0 285 0 0 112 15 0 70 5 0 70 6 10 31 10 0 26 0 0 82 11 0 24 18 0 25 15 0 108 4 11 91 11 4 59 2 8 49 11 2 44 11 0 18 19 6 16 7 1 51 1 7 19 12 6 21 0 0 [87 7 2] 18 10 0 46 19 0 21 18 9 16 6 6 12 10 9 7 0 6 5 9 0 11 16 6 11 4 3 5 3 9 22 17 9 17 5 11 3 15 10 17 15 6 17 5 10 2 0 0 17 3 8 18 6 15 14 11 [53 12 10] 43 12 0 434 15 4 211 2 4 128 14 6 146 16 10 74 15 10 45 18 0 149 11 7 64 7 10 54 2 9 [167 5 8] 380 6 7 446 8 1 211 2 4 139 18 6 145 4 1 74 15 10 49 16 1 162 12 9 57 3 3 67 13 8 [141 0 0] 341 6 11 58 5 3 -29 13 7 -9 11 8 5 17 7 -10 15 7 1 10 5 -26 8 3 -11 14 10 5 6 8' [26 5 8] 73 5 4 13* 1 6 2*15 0 ■ ' Total .. 1,172 0 7 24 4 0 114 0 5 729 0 10 371 ( 16 10 138 9 0 115 7 11 1,310 5 0 1,354 14 7 70 19 11 HaioTce's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier .-. ■ .. „ Lord Clyde .. .. Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock .. „ Robin Hoqd .. .. „ Ruahine' .. .. .. „ Heretaunga .. .. [Central Body] 200 1 9 25 3 6 167 4 6 116 1 7 47 17 10 54 1 6 29 1 8 [39 16 9] 13 17 6 2 13 19 10 0 5 6 0 4 17 6 7 6 3 21 8 0 18 2 3 21 15 2 13 0 7 19 0 8 15 0 1 11 0 [18 13 0] 105 4 0 33 5 0 105 18 9 81 0 0 29 19 3 38 4 9 17 18 4 07 9 4 8 8 9 52 7 6 25 9 9 19 0 11 19 3 11 28 4 10 [47 15 5] 14 5 9 2 2 0 10 11 3 5 13 6 2 17 9 3 8 0 2 10 36 10 4 36 17 0 5 14 0 7 5 0 2 0 3 232 1 6 27 4 9 208 9 8 122 10 7 60 14 4 70 2 9 52 0 8 [58 9 9] 223 9 5 43 15 9 205 14 6 117 17 9 59 2 11 62 16 11 48 4 2 [47 15 5] 93 19 1 54 1 5 4 16 6 4 12 10 5 16 7 13 3 10 3 16 6 [14 18 3] Total .. 639 12 4 74 6 6 59 5 5 411 10 1 220 5 0 40 19 3 88 7 1 773 4 3 761 1 5 180 6 9 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood .. .. „ Little John „ Roderick Dhu .. Sir George Bowen „ Blenhoim .. „ Wairarapa ., „ Loyal Enterprise .. „ Clarendon.. ... .. 252 18 3 227 8 4 105 11 10 124 3 7 289 3 8 132 0 1 114 10 7 113 3 10 88 9 3 9 6 3 19 8 9 9 9 0 14 3 1 9 6 6 57 3 0 15 3 5 8 10 6 30 18 7 16 18 5 23 10 2 28 17 0 11 2 5 17 10 6 184 1 0 134 0 0 53 11 0 106 13 0 162 5 0 84 10 0 57 5 0 77 17 9 54 15 8 100 14 5 80 11 10 60 3 8 20 7 0 60 0 7 49 1 4 51 4 6 23 17 4 22 6 10 20 12 6 15 5 0 8 19 6 5 18 6 21 15 0 9 0 0 7 15 3 7 15 3 6 13 61 17 9 12 2 5 0 13 0 37 3 10 34 12 8 21 14 0 26 14 9 13 18 9 19 3 7 310 1 3 251 18 0 133 11 1 164 11 2 320 5 2 164 16 9 143 7 7 126 10 9 108 4 9 367 5 8 241 19 3 123 7 2 176 2 4 278 13 3 164 5 4 142 19 6 123 9 1 102 7 4 i 54 14 1 118 16 1 12 17 6 40 10 7 70 14 2 13 10 3 13 4 8 3 11 4 8 0 10 2 4 6 2 5 0




Receipts. Expenditure. Name of Society and Bbakch. •SHsH<==Other Receipts. Medical Attendance and Medicine. Expenses of Management. Levies to ,-.4, Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Ancient Okkeb op Fobesters— contd. Wellington District —continued. Court Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby ,. „ Loyal Peilding „ William Gladstone .. „ Pioneer .. .. ,. „ ■ Egmont [Central' Body] .. £ s. d. 157 8 6 53 4 1 75 19 7 122 11 4 44 0 9 21 5 9 [121 11 9] £ s. d. 27 11 3 10 1 9 12 11 9 5 9 6 0 14 9 18 0 3 £ s. d. 18 9 6 2 2 6 4 0 9 0 17 6 0 7 0 5 11 4 [166 16 4] £ s. d. 106 11 10 34 11 0 62 17 3 90 0 0 27 2 6 4 13 4 £ s. d. 32 17 11 16 19 9 19 18 2 29 8 6 6 5 6 21 4 10 [141 6 5] £ s. d. 10 17 9 3 6 1 3 10 6 6 2 0 2 15 0 0 14 0 £ s. a. 51 3 8 15 5 2 11 0 3 3 19 1 11 12 5 17 9 3 [84 8 3] £ s. d. 203 9 3 65 8 4 92 12 1 128 18 4 45 2 6 44 17 4 [288 8 1] £ s. d. 201 11 2 70 2 0 97 6 2 129 9 7 47 15 5 44 1 5 [225 14 8] £ s. d. 13 5 7 2 10 7 2 19 10 4 16 4 18 18 2 0 15 11 [412 6 S] 1,921 19 5 140 12 4 241 2 7 1,240 14 4 601 2 2 130 7 7 338 10 7 2,303 14 4 2,310 14 8 379 5 11 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance .. .. „ Pride of trie Forest.. .. „ Taranaki .. „ Concord „ Waireta .. .. *. „ Pat'ea „ Unity .. ., ., , Charleston .. .. „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorero „ P.03»al Oak.. .. .. „ Inglewood Forest .. .. „ Inangahua .. ,. [Central Body] * 271 10 4 63 12 0 41 12 0 82 11 0 143 3 6 152 14 3 51 8 6 132 8 0 67 16 4 36 4 0 51 11 7 85 18 11 32 14 1 45 15 6 [121 0 9] 2* 7 0 11 15 8 8 16 4 23 6 3 21 16 6 0 14 6 23 2 8 30 1 0 37 0 9 0 9 0 0 7 4 2 0 3 6 15 0 5 6 3 4 7 0 r81 10 2] 174 15 0 25 5 0 17 0 0 66 3 0 87 10 3 112 0 0 43 14 0 78 17 1 41 6 6 11 12 0 10 8 0 54 13 11 30 9 0 24 17 . 0 105 5 5 14 11 4 12 14 1 20 14 5 39 3 0 37 14 5 16 3 8 20 7 10 24 8 7 7 8 7 7 15 9 20 2 9 5 11 6 4 11 9 [102 1 10] 17 3 9 17 13 0 8 11 0 9 8 0 6 13 6 31 8 0 2 16 10 8 6 0 2 12 0 2 16 6 16 17 0 2 15 0 4 6 0 19 6 3 10 6 21 19 10 3 18 10 12 12 6 5 11 0 18 15 0 61 17 10 1 10 0 4 4 6 8 3 9 6 3 3 12 16 3 4 12 7 [45 0 0] 283 6 0 72 8 4 64 18 3 104 7 6 146 5 0 175 16 11 81 9 6 169 8 9 68 5 4 36 11 4 55 9 4 92 13 11 44 14 1 50 2 6 r202 10 11] 297 4 2 60 19 10 60 4 11 100 4 3 146 5 3 186 13 5 81 9 6 169 8 9 69 17 1 26 1 7 43 4 6 83 14 11 53 2 9 35 10 10 [147 1 10] 211 19 2 134 14 6 91 7 8 47 5 6 5 9 1 -2 11 5 -23 15 9 -0 16 2 3 9 4 87 0 0 207 2 2 10 2 2 13 18 8 14 11 8 [74 3 10T 117 6 6 13 9 Total .. 1,259 0 0 10 18 3 175 18 6 778 16 9 336 13 1 132 16 1 165 15 10 1,445 16 9 1,414 1 9 826 19 11 United Westland'JDistrict — Court Waimea 46 16 0 2 10 20 2 4 11 1 0 4 13 0 14 11 3 48 17 0 50 7 7 14 7 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury .. „ Queen of the Isles .. .. „ Pride of Courtenay .. „ Star of Ashburton .. .. , Belle of the Isle „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford .. .. .. » Pride of Richmond,. .. „ Papanui [Central Body] 485 12 2 67 11 11 35 9 0 22 7 10 3 10 3 59 8 2 72 4 0 53 2 7 16 14 8 [74 18 0] 4 4 0 0 15 0 642 2 6 77 11 11 7 6 3 27 7 8 31 12 11 16 2 1 13 6 4 16 11 5 [66 2 1] 390 12 6 58 18 6 27 5 0 32 15 11 51 5 0 27 15 0 41 12 6 18 10 0 175 11 3 35 4 0 12 3 6 21 0 0 3 6 0 18 17 0 22 6 2 12 19 4 8 4 9 [60 6 4] 8*11 0 3 4 7 39 19 9 22 7 2 5 7 8 3 5 7 7 0 9 26 9 9 6 11 0 6 11 4 [70 15 4] 1,131 18 8 145 18 10 42 15 3 49 15 6 3 10 3 91 1 1 93 4 1 66 8 11 33 0 1 [141 0 11 606 3 6 125 0 8 48 0 9 57 1 & 3 6 0 77 2 9 81 15 11 61 2 10 33 6 1 [131 1 8] 555 15 4 488 11 0 1 4 10 -26 19 5 15 6 -5 19 6 36 8 2 6 11 7 -14 13 5 [53 3 3] i'l8 0 5' 5 0 Total .. 816 0 7 9 17 0 832 1 1 648 14 5 309 12 0 17 0 7 117 13 0 I 1,657 18 8 I 1,093 0 0 1,089 16 5



United Otago District— Court Pride of Dunedin .. .. „ Pride of the Lake >. .. „ Enterprise .. «. „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith .. „ Bruce .. .. „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ,. „ Star .of Tuapeka „ Pride o£ Alexandra.. ,. „ Havelock .. .. .. „ Hope .. .. .. „ Roxburgh ., „ Star of the South .. „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior .. .. .. [Central Body,] 268 2 G 47 12 3 194 11 10 159 13 11 184 13 3 109 1 11 44 2 0 30 10 8 84 15 3 139 0 4 57 4 2 67 10 6 9 11 0 95 3 4 102 11 4 123 18 2 39 7 0 [124 11 6] 19 18 10 11 6 0 26 7 0 9 12 0 14 14 6 2 2 6 6 11 0 20 1 6 3 12 6 13 0 6 10 3 6 78 16 1 36 5 0 37 15 5 9 11 6 37 17 3 19 11 11 4 2 0 4 10 23 15 5 16 18 6 10 8 6 17 19 0 230 2 6 58 11 3 143 3 0 146 13 2 144 11 9 88 10 0 44 11 3 42 0 0 85 1 8 106 10 4 44 10 4 59 14 0 112 10 9 23 4 0 77 19 0 25 11 3 58 0 3 30 9 4 21 3 0 11 3 6 26 1 3 36 11 0 18 4 6 19 4 6 2 17 8 33 2 2 76 1 5 31 10 4 11 7 0 [90 18 6] 19 2 0 3 8 0 12 4 0 11 10 0 14 13 6 7 14 0 18 0 2 4 0 4 7 0 14 7 6 3 16 4 0 0 2 6 0 5 17 6 11 10 0 8 8 0 2 18 6 65 17 4 6 7 9 18 1 0 37 2 0 23 2 11 2 9 3 110 18 0 21 17 3 19 17 9 10 4 10 7 16 6 0 7 0 306 17 5 95 3 3 258 14 3 178 17 5 237 5 0 130 16 4 54 15 0 34 11 8 128 12 2 159 11 4 80 13 2 95 13 0 9 11 0 109 15 4 103 17 4 160 i 6 56 5 4 [186 8 6] 427 12 7 91 11 0 251 7 0 220 16 5 240 8 5 129 2 7 68 3 3 56 15 6 137 7 2 177 6 7 76 1 2 90 15 0 5 10 8 150 14 0 110 3 10 160 14 6 41 12 0 [139 2 2] 125 3 0 367 15 5 316 2 2 513 5 6 178 2 8 260 6 5 6 13 7 70 17 2 52 8 2 47 19 6 128 3 9 17 12 5 7 6 5 9 4 5 155 8 1 21 9 10 18 4 10 [170 1 0] 11*15 0 2 17 0 16 0 22 15 4 7 11 4 [61 17 01 111 14 i 13*11 0 9 7 0 81*15 3 27 6 6 22* 12 5 39 0 11 [48* 3 8] Total 1,757 9 5 432 15 11 331 11 3 1,414 15 4 615 0 11 128 19 6 277 5 11 2,261 3 6 2,436 1 8 2,296 3 4 Courts Not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Corornandel Foresters' Pride 293 4 3 44 1 7 -84 0 2 015 0 70 10 6 6 2 11 0 16 0 150 17 6 19 15 0 51 9 4 52 10 10 18 17 10 22 10 0 77 6 6 12 6 8 3 14 8 363 14 9 50 19 6 84 16 2 280 14 10 50 19 6 77 14 0 227 3 4 -21 9 1 10 3 7 Total of Order 8,034 4 4 432 15 11 1,833 9 8 5,465 15 11 2,559 9 8 593 5 0 1,210 19 5 10,300 9 11 9,829 10 0 5,082 3 9 Ancient Order of SHEPHEBD8. Sanctuary Sir George Grey „ Star of Canterbury 12 0 C 3 8 4 4 1 10 8 2 0 7 16 3 3 1 10 7 13 6 10 11 4 12 10 4 15 9 9 3 8 10 19 9 4 9 10 10 0 07 0 Total .. 15 17 10 10 0 12 3 10 10 18 1 0 7 0 7 13 6 29 1 8 18 18 7 28 10 10 United Ancient Oedeb of Dbuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albaus „ Mistletoo „ Excelsior „ .. Oa,k of Sydenham „ .. Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ Bud of Hope „ St*r of New Zealand „ Star of Anglcsea „ Athelstan „ Ivanhoe „ Gladstone , Perseverance „ Anchor „ .. Star of the West Campbell . 159 18 10 95 7 0 101 2 0 175 16 8 151 5 2 44 3 9 162 18 8 75 14 6 109 19 4 75 3 6 58 12 0 77 12 8 83 18 6 68 1 0 39 18 6 30 3 0 129 8 3 100 11 6 8 14 9 8 15 9 4 2 9 13 18 0 29 14 3 3 7 9 17 15 9 3 13 6 19 9 0 6 10 3 4 0 6 10 10 9 6 6 0 4 5 3 2 2 6 12 3 0 4 2 9 16 0 3 9 0 0 7 2 0 9 14 3 20 5 6 25 19 6 8 12 8 15 7 6 14 0 8 11 5 6 19 7 0 4 8 2 17 19 10 6 19 5 11 5 6 3 5 2 3 15 1 16 0 4 16 118 0 0 57 5 0 65 1 6 99 15 0 130 10 0 38 0 0 100 10 0 52 0 0 66 19 11 58 7 2 41 4 6 57 0 0 57 8 0 53 0 6' 28 15 6 16 5 0 88 2 6 80 0 0 43 5 11 31 18 9 31 0 0 49 5 0 47 4 10 14 2 10 50 11 10 28 6 5 26 9 5 24 10 9 18 10 1 43 10 9 28 13 7 24 17 9 13 0 8 12 6 3 41 8 6 26 18 6 13 12 0 6 4 0 7 4 0 13 7 0 10 0 6 3 15 6 11 1 6 3 13 0 25 17 6 5 16 3 12 9 18 9 7 7 14 10 11 17 8 19 19 11 11 1 11 18 0 12 16 8 0 12 0 15 6 3 9 15 9 3 13 4 5 12 6 6 2 10 18 0 10 0 25 13 11 177 13 7 111 4 9 114 19 0 210 0 2 206 18 11 56 4 2 196 1 11 93 8 8 140 13 10 101 0 9 67 0 8 106 3 3 97 3 11 83 11 9 45 6 2 45 7 5 135 7 0 120 13 3 193 7 6 103 2 7 115 3 2 182 G 11 198 17 3 57 6 4 ' 175 0 0 84 11 5 134 13 1 97 15 2 67 0 8 106 3 3 97 3 11 83 11 9 46 3 2 55 11 8 137 2 5 129 7 3 38 11 2 15 3 7 13 4 2 35 8 1 02 6 7 23 0 8 37 6 0 -8 15 5 6 0 9 11 15 8 -19 19 0 -6 9 1 -31 15 3 -6 17 3 -2 3 2 -2 15 1 12 0 22 19 3 4 19 6 4 5 6 3 7 0 16 6 7 11 5 8 13 0 13* 15 9




Name of Society and Branch. Contributions and Levies from own Members. Eeceipts. Medical Attendance and Medicine. Expenditure. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Other Eeceipts. Expenses of Management. Other Expenditure. United Ancient Oedeb of Druids — continued. Acorn Lodge .. .. .. Oxford „ .. Dunstan „ .. .. Timaru ■„ £ s. d. 120 13 5 65 3 9 26 4 0 56 5 1 £ b. d. 14 12 6 30 10 3 19 7 6 53 1 9 £ s. d. 3 6 10 22 11 5 10 3 8 5 10 8 £ s. d. 79 0 0 45 7 0 19 10 0 17 15 2 £ s. d. 60 1 0 53 6 8 20 12 5 24 13 6 £ s. d. 8 0 6 15 7 9 1 15 4 £ s. d. 34 2 4 £ s. d. 138 12 9 118 5 5 55 15 2 114 17 6 £ s. d. 173 3 4 106 14 2 55 15 2 63 12 3 £ s. d, 7 16 5 11 11 3 -8 13 11 51 5 3 05 0 19 8 3 Total .. 2,008 1 1 293 4 9 235 4 2 1,369 16 9 714 15 5 158 15 9 220 4 6 2,536 10 0 2,463 12 5 338 0 10 Loyal United Fbiends' Benefit Society. Beliance Lodge [Central Body] 0 19 10 [20 14 1] 3 5 0 5 15 2 [21 1 8] 10 0 0 10 0 0 [41 15 9] 10 0 0 [41 15 9 Independent Obder of Kechabites. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ .. [Central Body] 126 13 1 164 13 10 67 6 6 48 6 10 [90 18 6] 14 16 4 14 18 0 11 6 9 40 4 8 [29 0 5] 65 16 10 117 5 0 38 18 4 21 3 2 44 15 2 44 4 10 27 15 7 11 10 3 [49 17 11] 22 3 0 21 0 6 11 11 6 4 14 0 3 4 0 3 2 6 18 6 34 10 9 [26 18 2] 141 9 5 179 11 10 78 13 3 88 11 6 [119 18 11] 135 19 0 185 12 10 79 13 11 71 18 2 [76 16 1] -43 6 5 -8 13 0 3 15 8 18 8 9 [43 2 10' Total .. 407 0 3 81 5 9 243 .3 4 128 5 10 59 9 0 42 5 9 488 6 0 473 3 11 22 4 5 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier „ .. Bon Accord „ .. Excelsior (Waijrakurau) „ Perseverance „ .. Sir Wilfrid Lawson . „ Bud of Promise „ Excelsior (Wellington) „ Hops of Dunedin „ .. Good Samaritan „ Pride of Christchurch „ Mrrihiku „ Scandia's Hope . ••<!»• Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodvilla . » .. Kay of Hope «. Ocean Pride „ Masterton » .. Hope of Feilding « Southern Cross „ Haste to the Kesoue (Female) » ,. 151 4 5 8 11 4 30 9 8 41 7 4 43 17 0 15 3 3 59 9 0 25 3 2 89 5 7 44 13 2 56 17 8 94 5 1 7 10 10 22 2 5 24 3 11 7 15 7 3 7 0 39 14 6 4 9 0 4 10 2 5 12 6 1 17 0 2 10 0 5 10 0 0 15 0 3 12 6 10 2 0 310 0 8* 5 0 6 0 0 21 15 6 2 16 9 0 17 4 1 10 0 7 16 3 7 17 0 13 19 8 30 13 6 20 2 4 0 0 0 4 8 1 6 10 2 4 0 2 0 6 5 1 10 58 18 0 5 11 0 16 10 0 28 13 1 22 8 9 9 18 017 17 6 10 4 0 48 13 0 34 12 6 32 12 6 49 5 6 6 17 6 15 15 6 20 11 6 2 16 0 38 16 9 0 2 7 15 13 10 9 8 3 11 18 6 1 15 0 10 18 6 15 19 5 25 0 9 4 16 9 10 6 2 24 4 6 0 18 0 9 3 11 12 18 9 4 18 1 14 2 9 11 9 12 11 5 7 19 4 4 15 11 31 11 10 2 18 1 7 14 5 5 17 0 9 18 4 3 6 7 14 12 0 12 17 4 6 3 3 9 9 10 14 18 11 2 17 4 5 4 10 4 10 8 2 5 3 2 17 4 10 5 7 0 16 0 0 14 4 18 0 5 6 7 11 11 4 8 19 8 0 18 8 37* 1 6 12 4 9 13 0 4 41 12 1 31 4 8 0 3 7 4 2 10 151 4 5 16 8 4 54 15 2 49 14 1 45 9 4 20 5 9 77 7 3 25 3 2 100 12 7 58 12 10 95 16 2 114 7 5 8 14 4 30 8 0 31 14 11 9 19 7 5 17 6 47 16 4 17 11 6 17 7 3 5 12 6 129 6 7 13 18 3 51 9 7 52 18 0 45 3 6 14 19 7 80 9 6 26 3 5 98 15 10 58 12 10 94 0 7 119 13 7 10 16 5 34 7 1 38 0 11 9 2 11 4 15 1 53 9 4 13 8 5 10 11 5 33 19 0 24 9 7 2 10 1 3 5 7 43 19 8 7 3 0 9 7 3 14 3 5 2 4 4 1 16 9 -56 10 2 18 1 11 13 0 3 17 6 1 10 0 0 16 0 -1 16 2 1 17 4 0 16 8 10 2 11 0 6 3 4 3 1 6 15 10 105 3 a 0 10 0 3 0 0 13 2 6 12 17 1 32* 3 0 0 3 7 19 0 0 10 0 0 11 25 1 1 i'l6 10 2 14 0


6—H. 1.


[Central Body] .. .. .. I [164 6 5] [87 2 6] [93 4 7] [38 17 6] [251 8 11] [132 2 1] [119 6 10] Total .. 779 12 7 72 1 7 133 4 3 417 17 5 232 15 11 150 6 11 193 1 7 984 18 5 994 1 10 257 2 8 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 74 13 9 18 7 46 19 0 18 12 6 3 15 4 2 0 0 76 2 4 71 6 10 41 5 11 Total of Order 1,261 6 7 72 1 7 215 18 7 707 19 9 379 14 3 213 11 3 237 7 4 1,549 6 9 1,538 12 7 320 13 0 Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote . Division Perseverance „ Progress „ Resolution Bay of Hope Dawn of Light „ [Central Body] 187 1 10 90 7 9 21 1 9 43 18 1 52 1 1 23 1 2 [45 12 4] 10 10 6 7 4 6 0 7 8 10 6 10 1 16 0 3 9 0 0 13 6 14 2 0 5 14 23 12 5 12 6 2 11 5 [1 7 0] 118 18 9 70 2 6 19 7 6 61 9 7 37 2 6 28 19 6 47 7 5 23 10 1 10 12 0 16 19 0 9 13 0 3 5 0 [43 2 10] 15 17 0 9 14 8 5 3 0 6 2 8 3 12 6 2 10 8 8' 7 0 5 12 9 198 5 10 111 14 3 26 10 9 77 17 4 54 19 7 29- 1 7 [46 19 4] 182 3 2 111 14 3 40 15 3 84 11 3 53 5 0 34 15 2i" [43 2 10] 23 14 11 -17 9 2 40 15 11 99 10 8 3 12 4 -14 5 [8 13 8] a"i7 o Total 417 11 8 33 14 6 47 3 2 336-0 4 111 6 6 43 0 6 16 16 9 498 9 4 507 4 1 167 13 10 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Hokitika „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ 52 13 9 93 7 3 32 15 6 39 6 3 35 9 4 302 14 11 7 7 6 2 15 0 21 6 5 23 16 6 15 0 41 8 7 56 7 6 21 8 6 22 15 0 18 12 6 179 6 4 12 16 0 27 6 6 13 0 0 11 8 0 12 15 6 74 2 3 1 12 0 4 0 0 1 11 0 47 10 6 81 7 8 119 18 9 34 0 6 39 6 3 56 5 4 374 5 2 57 7 7 135 4 G 34 8 6 39 6 3 51 3 2 280 7 5 24 0 7 260 19 6 6 10 9 -4 5 1 36 10 0 632 14 4 010 0 28 0 0 20' 0 0 43 10 3 2 2 0 0 17 8 10 8 4 3 13 18 17 6 16 10 6 Total .. 556 7 0 38 12 6 110 4 2 339 18 5 151 8 3 19 0 0 87 10 9 705 3 8 597 17 5 960 15 2 N. Z. Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society. Executive Directory of N.Z., — St. Joseph's (Dunedin) Branch St. Mary's (Invercargill) „ St. Patrick's (Lawrence) „ St. John's „ [Central Body?'.. 69 13 6 38 12 6 50 14 3 10 7 9 [151 14 9J 10 7 6 12 13 6 4 5 0 19 15 9 23 7 9 4 2 0 52 10 4 42 3 5 22 15 0 46 2 6 7 14 0 30 3 6 14 2 5 20 5 3 4 6 10 [85 7 5] 4 13 11 3 7 6 12 12 10 0 17 0 7 14 9 26 5 0 6 10 0 103 8 9 55 8 0 107 15 7 30 3 6 [151 14 9] 77 17 10 47 19 8 105 5 7 18 10 10 [85 7 5] 34 1 10 -32 19 0 2 8 0 11 12 8 [66 7 4] Total .. 169 8 0 47 1 9 80 6 1 118 14 11 68 18 0 20 14 3 41 6 9 296 15 10 249 13 11 48 2 6 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer » Excelsior „ John Knox „ Victoria „ [Central Body] 166 3 3 128 9 10 21 18 11 62 12 9 80 6 1 [89 15 4] 3 IS 0 6 7 9 0 16 3 5 3 9 12 18 3 2 9 6 7 17 6 6 19 6 100 5 0 65 19 6 20 10 0 38 5 0 67 0 0 43 11 2 24 6 9 7 9 2 31 16 3 31 14 7 [59 14 01 22 8 0 12 5 5 3 4 0 7 4 0 25 2 0 5 6 11 16 15 7 172 7 9 142 15 1 29 14 8 67 16 6 117 1 8 [123 8 7] 171 11 1 119 7 3 31 3 8 77 5 3 129 3 0 [94 6 6] 0 16 8 11 15 9 0 2 10 8 14 5 -21 18 5 [44 1 1] 23 17 4 [33 13 3] 5 6 5 [34 12 6] Total .. 459 10 10 29 1 0 41 3 10 292 0 0 138 17 11 70 3 5 27 8 11 529 15 8 528 10 3 21 9 8




Receipts. Expenditure Name op Society and Bkasch. Contributions ,nd Levies from own Members. Entrance and Clearance Fees. Medical Attendance and Medicine. Expenses of Management. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Other Expenditure. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount at End of Year. Other Eeceipts. Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes' Benefit Society New Zealand Railways Employes' Benefit Society £ s. a. 314 18 0 £ s. d. 13 10 0 £ s. d. 0 4 0 £ s. d. 147 17 7 £ s. d. 48 5 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. 124 18 2 £ s. a. 328 12 0 £ s. a. 321 0 9 £ s. d. 7 11 3 88 0 0 7 10 0 14 5 0 79 5 3 24 1 10 109 15 0 103 7 1 156 11 3 Total .. Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and , Whangaroa Friendly Society 402 18 0 i I 21 0 0 14 9 0 227 2 10 72 6 10 124 18 2 438 7 0 424 7 10 164 2 6 5 15 0 12 G 8 | 5 15 0 12 6 8 2 6 10 Grand total (exclusive of central bodies) 1 ! 25,148 0 2 1,615 9 11 9,793 12 9 16,742 1 8 8,176 11 2 j 2,391 1G 3 4,256 12 10 36,557 2 10 31,567 1 11 21,529 1 2 Total of central bodies 2,333 10 3 996 2 2 1,964 3 0 921 10 8 3,329 12 5 2,885 13 8 1,560 14 2



ASSETS. TABLE VI.—Showing the Modes in which the Funds of all Friendly Societies included in Table I. were Invested and Otherwise Disposed on 31st December, 1882.

Name of Society and Branch. Total. Investments at Interest. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Manchesteb Unity Independent Okdeh of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodgo Good Intent „ Parnell Charles Bruce „ Waikato Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Devonport „ National Howick „ Ponsonby „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 16,762 10 9 3,149 0 5 1,445 9 10 1,538 1 2 2,863 2 7 341 10 1 750 4 5 238 14 2 2G5 14 8 243 2 1 176 2 10 102 1 7 96 3 5 [3,879 5 6] £ s. d. 736 14 2 1,833 3 6 892 12 3 1,510 0 0 2,250 0 0 473 0 0 160 0 0 200 0 0 185 0 0 82 7 6 £ s. d. 15,500 0 0 1,150 0 0 450 0 0 383 9 4 300 0 0 200 0 0 £ s. d. 90 2 2 135 16 11 61 9 1 28 1 2 13G 11 0 25 5 1 49 4 5 58 14 2 43 17 2 13 2 1 8 15 4 102 1 7 56 3 5 [259 5 6] £ s. d. 250 0 0 4l"8 G 93 2 3 16 5 0 28 0 0 20 0 0 21 17 6 15 0 0 30 0 0 £ s. a. 185 14 5 30 0 0 30 0 055 0 0 40 0 0 [3,620 0 0] ■■ Total .. 27,971 18 0 8,362 17 5 18,068 9 4 809 3 7 515 13 3 215 14 5 Hawlcc's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings Victoria „ Tavistook „ Woodville „ [Central Body] 2,303 18 3 134 5 8 1,550 4 10 251 13 8 255 2 0 155 17 6 132 14 3 101 6 5 [121 9 3] 550 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 105 17 1 1,761 10 2 629 16 6 52 2 1 134 5 8 273 8 4 151 13 8 43 2 0 37 0 5 107 14 3 8 8 5 [22 15 2] 147"o 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 25 0 0 92 18 0 [82 0 0] [16 'l4 1] Total .. 4,945 2 7 1,548 15 1 2,391 12 8 807 14 10 197 0 0 Neiu Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ ' Union „ [Central Body] 1,388 9 0 998 19 3 185 13 5 41 7 11 [102 17 8j 1,300 0 0 930 0 0 150 0 0 88 9 0 G8 19 3 35 13 5 41 7 11 [52 17 8] [50 0 0] Total .. 2,014 9 7 2,380 0 0 234 9 7 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 3,436 18 6 • 3,436 18 6 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Koso of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ [Central Body] 7,471 8 6 6,200 17 8 2,391 7 0 257 1 10 194 16 3 [72 18 4] 420 0 0 1,095 0 0 1,425 9 5 200 1 0 6,870 15 4 4,909 4 7 867 6 0 180 13 2 180 13 1 98 11 7 52 0 10 113 16 3 [72 18 4] 5*0 0 10*0 0 81 0 0 Total .. 3,140 10 5 12,728 5 11 631 14 11 5 0 0 10 0 0 16,515 11 3 Harlhorough District — Marlborough Lodge Renwick „ [Central Body] 2,542 16 8 597 18 3 [373 11 7] 2,384 10 3 525 0 0 [275 0 0] 91 8 8 06 17 9 4-2 18 3 [98 11 7 1 30 0 0 Total 3,140 14 11 2,909 10 3 91 8 8 109 16 0 30 0 0 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Host „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Evening Star „ [Central Body] 2,G27 9 7 834 14 1 3,5G1 17 7 1,064 8 0 386 14 3 24 13 6 [1,639 19 3] 2,159 0 0 411 1 G 3,175 0 0 964 8 0 367 14 0 20 0 0 [1,380 16 6] 898 6 0 375 0 0 100 0 0 03 9 7 25 G 7 G 6 2 15 2 9 4 18 6 [198 16 5] 375 0 0 s'ii 5 317 G [60 " 6 4] Total 8,499 17 0 7,097 3 0 873 6 0 144 18 7 384 8 11 North Westland District— Westport Lodge Charleston „ Reef ton Alpine „ [Central Body] 1,370 2 3 1,726 9 2 1,235 7 2 86 5 0 [83 11 11] 1,250 0 0 1,695 0 0 700 0 0489*5 2 •120 2 3 31 9 2 69 19 0 56 5 0 [73 11 11] 26 3 0 30 0 0 [10 0 0] Total 4,418 3 7 3,645 0 0 439 5 2 277 15 5 56 3 0


ASSETS— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Total. Investments at Interest. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Othor Assets. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows — contd. Hokitika District —■ Hokilika Lodge Boss „ Waimea „ Greymouth „ Albert [Central Body] £ s. d. 3,211 0 0 1,773 12 8 1,286 11 0 2,295 4 4 557 5 6 [211 10 2] £ s. a. 2,203 15 0 1,025 0 0 1.250 0 0 2.251 7 0 509 8 8 £ s. d. G79 0 5 £ s. d. 328 4 7 87 17 8 14 11 0 39 17 4 7 16 10 [211 10 2] £ a. d. GO 15 0 22 0 0 £, s. d. i"o o 40 0 0 Total 9,123 13 6 7,839 10 8 079 0 5 478 7 5 122 15 0 4 0 0 Ashley District — Rangiora Lodge .. Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield Oust » . ■ •. Woodend „ .. .. Oxford Ohoka Amberley ,, • ■ • • Sefton Waikari „ [Central Body] ,. 2,275 17 9 801 2 7 347 3 9 288 1 6 239 11 4 235 16 0 203 3 0 290 3 1 39 6 4 109 0 6 [93 4 4] 1,850 8 7 6G6 3 8 337 10 10 271 19 1 39 7 7 391 10 6 120 0 0 194 8 0 180 18 5 100 18 0 33 18 8 14 18 11 9 12 11 16 2 5 5 15 9 54 17 7 20 0 0 70 3 1 39 6 4 29 0 2 [93 4 4] 76 5 0 210 0 0 io"o o 80"0 4 Total 4,829 5 10 3,451 14 9 1,073 15 3 293 15 10 10 0 0 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent » Perseverance „ Ashburton . Southbridge „ Doyleston „ •. Star of Waltham „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ .. Leeston „ Pride of the Valley „ Papanui u • • Waterton „ . ■ South Rakaia „ Pioneer „ Tinwald „ Addington „ [Central Body] 7,256 17 8 1,164 10 3 1,526 1 10 1,445 5 10 1,044 4 6 731 19 9 498 1 5 316 19 9 303 14 0 37 4 5 254 15 1 110 5 4 35 6 9 48 19 3 46 18 9 122 8 6 43 19 7 22 19 7 3 4 4 [389 14 5] 400 0 0 172 16 0 700 4 4 372 0 0 255 14 0 230 0 0 10 1 11 16 2 7 6,200 0 0 915 0 0 1,459 15 2 560 0 0 520 0 0 450 0 0 170 0 0 232 0 11 277 3 9 233 11 9 25 0 0 5 0 0 174 17 8 7G 14 3 27 15 8 179 1 6 2 4 6 98 1 5 79 18 8 0 14 4 21 1 10 21 3 4 20 5 4 26 6 9 41 19 3 46 18 9 20 13 8 43 19 7 6 19 7 3 4 4 [177 17 6] 482 0 0 38*11 0 150"0 0 26 5 9 lb'it o 5"o 2 55"o 0 4 0 0 io"o o 7"o 0 40"0 0 61 14 10 ie"o o [211' 16 11] Total 15,013 16 7 2,261 18 10 11,109 6 5 892 0 5 745 10 9 5 0 2 Lyttclton District — City of Norwich Lodgo Good Intent » Hand of Friendship Hand and Heart » .. [Central Body] 3,583 0 7 1,515 10 5 203 1G 1 317 11 0 [62 1 8] 1,848 9 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 275 0 0 1,650 0 0 1,050 0 0 84 11 7 115 10 5 G3 16 1 42 2 2 [49 1 8] 15o"o 0 o'*8 10 . [13 0 0] Total .. 5,679 18 1 2,523 9 0 2,700 0 0 300 0 3 150 8 10 Otago District— Hand and Heart Lodge .. Dunedin „ Dalton „ • • •. Princo of Wales Albion » Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ .. •. Waitalmna „ • ■ ■. Prince Alfred „ .. . • Waipori „ •• •• Bluespur • . • • • Alexandra » •. Roxburgh „ .. .. Tapanui Lake Wakatipu ,, Palmerston „ ., Cromwell „ •• Mount Wendon „ ' .. Band of Friendship „ Outram ,/ . • Mosgiel „ ,. Cavorsham „ [Central Body] .. 10,911 16 4 4,519 18 5 831 14 10 1,390 15 0 1,211 1G 9 2,273 12 11 1,080 0 7 1,188 5 2 1,112 10 6 625 2 0 672 11 4 578 3 9 596 10 9 374 17 9 931 9 11 341 1 11 925 12 5 1,072 14 10 378 11 3 * 545 9 7 271 17 3 68 10 8 [487 17 31 7,568 0 0 4,480 17 0 750 0 0 1,245 19 11 1,175 0 0 1,350 0 0 1,000 0 0 670 0 0 864 2 6 615 12 1 580 0 0 475 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 505 0 0 300 0 0 800 0 0 S00 0 0 300 0 0 345 0 0 210 0 0 50 0 0 [216 5 0] 3,235 19 7 700"0 0 430 G 6 150 0 0 80"0 0 107 16 9 18 10 5 38 14 10 144 15 1 21 10 9 102 9 11 79 15 7 31 12 8 94 10 0 9 9 11 90 11 4 23 3 9 60 14 9 29 9 1 55 16 10 30 8 11 105 12 5 117 14 10 29 14 3 28 19 1 51 17 3 18 10 8 [119 10 4] 20"0 0 43 0 0 15 0 0 75 0 0 0 5 0 1 G 0 3 17 G 2"o 0 29 1G 0 30 0 0 11 0 7 10 13 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 40 17 0 21 10 G 10 0 0 46"3 0 10 0 0 359 12 G c"8 8 30 0 a 8-0 0 150 0 0 [lsa'i n] Total ,. 31,847 18 11 24,984 11 0 5,145 18 7 1,298 11 7 359 5 7 59 11



ASSETS— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Total. Investments at Interest. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Manchester Unity Independent Oedeb op Odd Fellows — contd. Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge United Gore „ Lumsden „ Central Bod}'] ,. .. ,. £ s. d. 5,133 5 2 2,448 0 8 114 8 8 105 17 3 [207 10 2] £ s. d. 3,830 7 8 2,282 5 8 80 0 0 88 15 4 £ s. d. 1,193 15 9 £ s. d. 69 1 9 48 13 4 34 8 8 ' [44 16 4] £ s. a. 40 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 97**1 8 15 0 0 [162 13 10] Total .. 1,7,801 11 9 6,281 8 8 1,193 15 9 154 5 8 75 0 0 97 1 8 Total of Order 145,839 0 1 76,426 10 1 59,931 2 8 6,438 14 1 2,206 16 5 775 16 10 Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Lcith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Linden „ Southern Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland „ Prebbleton „ Tai Tapu Alma „ [Central Body] 1,184 18 7 1,165 17 0 299 12 3 681 1 4 533 3 8 53 19 1 165 13 0 617 6 1 296 2 3 367 5 8 17 10 2 48 3 8 45 6 0 [2,964 7 5; 20'16 6 218 17 0 120 6 8 389 7 8 150 0 0 1,131 15 10 926 14 11 500* 0 0 533 3 8 66 8 10 80 15 3 53 6 1 53 19 1 45 6 4 127 18 5 96 2 3 253 17 2 17 10 2 28 3 8 62**1 10 127'l5 3 53 2 9 89 14 11 100 0 6 50 0 0 113 8 6 45"6 0 [1,646 0 0] 20"o 0 [30 "0 0] [790' 16 9] [9o"o 0] [407 'lO 8] Total 5,475 18 9 944 13 10 3,091 14 5 823 7 3 473 5 7 142 17 8 National Independent Obder of Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ [Central Body] 385 10 6 180 14 8 [602 5 6] 293 6 6 171 2 6 [549 1 01 17 4 0 4 12 2 [21 7 0] 75 0 0 5 0 0 [31 17 0] • ■ Total .. 506 5 2 464 9 0 21 16 2 80 0 0 Ancient Obdeb or Fobestebs. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland .. .. „ Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia .. „ Pride of Onehunga .. „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood , Eureka „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum [Central Body] 3,778 1 5 2,623 15 8 782 17 6 295 7 1 331 10 8 187 14 1 210 4 9 113 13 1 91 16 9 ri,282 10 0] 2,540 15 8' 2,490 0 0 716 14 1 273 9 6 294 10 0 170 6 8 28 19 5 65 16 0 57 12 10 [1,195 12 3] 1,148 4 2 19 3 7 38 G 2 18 13 5 5 17 7 5 0 8 17 7 5 24 11 1 24 18 1 20 10 9 [34 2 9] 69 18 0 95 9 6 47 10 0 16 0 0 32 0 0 135*0 0 21 14 3 22 19 0 13 13 2 [52 15 0] Total .. 8,415 1 0 0,638 4 2 1,283 4 2 174 8 9 319 ' 3 11 Haivke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier .. „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Eobin Hood „ Ruahine .. „ Heretaunga [Central Body] 1,054 12 2 210 12 0 532 1 10 315 18 9 134 7 2 143 1 1 44 6 8 [155 4 11] 740 0 0 207 6 2 200 0 0 259 12 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 313 12 8 300 0 0 0 19 6 3 5 10 13 1 10 56 6 9 26 17 2 27 6 7 44 6 8 [100 17 0] 19*'o 0 7*io o 15 14 6 [54 "7 11] Total .. 2,434 19 8 1,606 18 2 613 12 8 172 4 4 42 4 6 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Roderick Dhu „ Sir George Bowen .. „ Blenheim .. „ Wairarapa .. ., „ Loyal Enterprise .. „ Clarendon.. „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby Loyal Feikling „ William Gladstone .. „ Pioneer .. ■ ■ „ Egmont [Central Body] 5,350 10 4 1,723 2 10 806 18 5 354 2 1 1,255 11 5 1,705 10 2 953 11 11 564 8 10 465 8 9 884 9 4 314 8 6 302 9 7 364 16 10 197 18 8 40 10 5 [1,756 10 2] 1,179 2 4 397 4 5 70 0 0 310 0 11 282 19 5 1,644 16 9 194 10 5 70 0 0 418 13 1 100 0 0 4,000 0 0 1,084 10 10 633 0 0 660'18 5 600' 0 0 490 16 6 61 8 0 141 5 8 68 18 5 14 1 2 132 18 4 35 13 5 59 1 6 31 15 8 164 9 4 60 4 2 32 9 7 28 4 8 47 18 8 29 5 5 [193 10 11] 110 0 0 100 1 11 35 0 0 30 0 0 178 15 3 25 0 0 100 0 0 3 12 4 15 0 0 100 0 0 2 19 10 520 "0 0 251 4 •« 270 0 0 336 12 2 150 0 0 [1,308*10 7] ll"5 0 [241 12 1] [12 10 7] Total .. 15,283 18 1 5,423 19 6 8,240 10 3 907 14 0 711 14 • •



ASSETS— continued.

Name of Society and Bbanch. Total. Investments at ■ Intorost. Invested in Hull, Laud, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets, Ancient Ordeb of Foeestebs — contd. Nelson District — Court Eobirf Hood ".. . „ Perseverance Pride of the Forest.. „ Taranaki .. „ Concord „ Wairoka .. „ Patca „ Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorero „ Royal Oak.. „ Inglewood Forest .. „ Inangahua [Central Boay] £ s. a. 2,970 0 7 622 11 0 590 7 G 775 1 11 353 12 7 8G2 16 3 245 15 8 450 6 2 279 4 8 325 5 11 486 8 0 293 7 8 158 2 1 44' 5 3 [614 9 8] £, s. a. 2,795 0 0 685 14 8 500 0 0 775 1 11 250 0 0 821 18 1 2C0 0 0 250 0 0 220 0 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 £ s. a. £ s. a. 175 0 7 36 16 4 90 7 6 GO 2 7 40 18 2 45 15 8 187 6 2 39 4 8 75 5 11 12G 8 0 158 7 3 8 2 1 44 5 3 [302 10 1] £ s. cl. 43'io 0 13 "0 0 20 0 0 £ s. a. 10 0 0 35 0 0 [250 "0 OJ [Cl 13 2] Total 8,457 4 10 7,247 14 8 1,088 0 2 121 10 0 United Westland District — Court Waimca 14 12 10 21 0 0 205 12 10 170 0 0 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury .. „ Queen of the Isles .. „ Priae of Courtenay .. „ Star of Ashburton .. „ Belle of the Isle „ Thistle of the Forest „ Woodford .. „ Pride of Richmond .. „ Papanui [Central Body] 4,678 15 4 1,526 19 2 175 0 10 43 3 1 33 5 G 172 10 7 145 16 4 121 18 0 8 19 5 [1,602 7 4] 3,710 17 8 1,214 13 4 100 0 0 150 (I 0 140 0 0 950 0 0 250 0 0 12 0 0 17 17 8 62 5 10 53 0 10 23 3 1 33 5 6 22 10 7 5 1G 4 G8 0 0 3 19 5 [195 5 Oj io"o o 20 0 0 40 0 0 13 12 0 [1,350 0 0] [57"2 4"! Total .. 6,901 8 3 5,315 11 0 1,252 0 0 290 5 3 43 12 0 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin .. „ Pride of the Lake .. „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith .. * .. „ Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra .. „ Havelock .. „ Hope „ Roxburgh .. „ Star of the South .. „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior [Central Body] 4,351 16 4 517 4 0 1,894 9 1 1,155-12 10 837 6 9 598 11 8 285 17 7 227 2 8 204 8 5 558 9 1 209 G 5 297 14 6 315 0 3 15G 19 1 910 8* 0 359 16 9 144 8 10 [2,672 13 V 4,118 2 5 107 16 7 1,595 0 0 755 0 0 509 10 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 262 7 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 281 13 0 129 0 0 [2,375 0 0' 279 0 0 i,oio"o o 193 13 11 97 12 5 271 5 7 88 14 5 82 6 9 40 10 2 17 17 7 27 2 3 07 18 1 40 10 7 G8 11 5 58 14 0 10 3 4 19 1 190 8 0 51 3 3 0 8 10 [143 13 r 40 0 0 32 15 0 28 3 0 40 0 0 48 11 G 18 0 0 36 10 4 17 18 G 15 15 0 34 0 6 15 0 0 2 0 0 70 0 0 27 0 0 15 0 0 [154 0 0] 16 18 5 SO 0 0 36 13 0 4Oo"o 0 Total .. 13,024 12 4 9,458 9 0 1,805 13 0 1,302 17 1 440' 14 i 16 18 5 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coroman<lel Foresters Pride 4,097 10 3 5S7 19 9 189 4 2 750 0 0 590 0 0 125 0 0 3,000 0 0 156 10 3 29 19 9 G4 4 2 191 0 0 8 0 0 Total of Order 59,547 11 2 37,285 17 0 16,195 0 1 4,200 1G 7 1,898 19 1 16 18 5 Ancient Order of Shepheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey „ Star of Canterbury 203 11 7 50 18 4 242 19 1 34 4 6 2 7 9 8 17 6 13 4 9 7 1G 4 Total .. 314 9 11 277 3 7 11 5 3 20 1 1 UmtBD Ancient Oedeb of Deuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe Excelsior „ Oak of Sydenham Etholbert „ _ Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago „ .-r Bud of Hope Star of New Zealana .'„• Star of Anglesea „ Athelstan Ivanhoe „ 463 12 2 203 14 5 237 17 0 293 17 4 341 0 1 90 1 9 269 1 10 87 13 2 187 6 £ 135 3 4 04 13 5 116 19 10 108 8 10 445 17 4 173 10 0 199 11 6 272 14 5 287 13 2 62 3 7 214 8 9 75 0 0 114 4 0 99 9 5 50 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 0 14 10 0 4 5 18 5 0 21 2 11 18 G 11 7 18 2 "-3 3 1 12 13 2 51 5 2 14 13 11 14 13 5 6 19 10 38 8 10 16 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 20 0 0 20 10 0 25 0 0 l"l 0 21 0 0 14 10 0 * 20 0 0 20 0 0



ASSETS — continued.

Name of Society and Beanch. Total. Investments at Interest. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &o. Other Assets. United Ancient Obdeb of Druids —continued. Gladstone Lodge Perseverance „ Anchor „ Star of the West „ Campbell ,, . • Acorn „ Oxford Dunstan „ Timaru „ £ s. d. 51 16 8 17 5 3 106 2 G 131 15 0 9G 3 0 148 16 4 63 0 3 21 1 4 121 1 3 £ s. d. 50 0 0 11 0 0 81 2 6 75 0 0 69 2 11 £ s. d. £ s. a. 1 16 8 G 5 3 3G 15 0 16 10 1 110 16 4 33 0 3 21 1 4 £ s. d. 25 0 0 20 0 0 10 10 0 38 0 0 £ s. d. 30 0 0 121 1 3 Total 3,356 10 11 2,572 18 10 434 15 1 309 7 0 39 10 0 Loyal United Fbiends' Benefit Society. Eeliance Lodge [Central Body] 8 2 4 [24 11 0] 02 1 6 [17 4 9] 200 0 5 [41 15 9] 129 16 7 Independent Order of Bechabites. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ [Central Body] 646 2 2 8G9 13 1 268 17 3 82 8 2 [1,624 19 5] 520 0 0 755 19 11 244 14 2 99 2 2 113 13 2 20 7 5 79 9 8 [89 1 0] 27 0 0 8*16 8 2 18 6 [1,474 10 10] [Gl'> 7] Total 1,867 0 8 1,520 14 1 312 12 5 33 14 2 New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord „ Excelsior (Waipukurau) „ Perseverance „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson „ Bud of Promise Excelsior (Wellington) , Hope of Dunedin „ Good Samaritan „ Pride of Christehurch Murihiku „ ; • Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondvillc „ Hope of Woodville „ Ray of Hope „ Ocean Pride Masterton „ Hope of Feilding Southern Cross „ Haste to the Rescue (Female) „ [Central Body] 1,751 16 2 239 7 3 412 12 9 39G 1 G 288 12 0 120 17 11 244 7 4 184 14 1 302 4 10 232 16 10 164 7 11 413 6 1 66 1 7 53 11 2 62 12 2 41 16 1 31 17 8 33 14 0 19 4 5 9 12 3 194 14 8 [1,356 6 3] 207 14 2 150 0 0 411 10 1 326 13 0 281 15 1 81 0 0 142 14 9 181 19 0 250 0 0 163 7 0 875 0 0 50 0 0 49 1 2 42 9 0 20 0 0 1,530 16 0 148"2 5 13 0 0 88 7 3 0 16 8 69 8 6 6 16 11 39 17 11 80 2 7 2 15 1 52 4 10 63 14 5 1 0 11 38 6 1 13 11 7 i"o o ai'io o ig"o o 10 8 2 12 8 1 26 17 8 33 14 0 8 19 5 9 12 3 2 12 7 [216 6 3] 2 10 0 4 10 0 9 15 0 9 8 0 5 0 0 10"5 0 . . 192 2 1 [1,100 0 0] [40 "o 0] Total 5,264 8 8 2,925 11 4 1,678 18 5 580 0 11 79 18 0 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 134 6 6 86 16 6 10 0 0 37 10 0 Total of Order 7,265 15 10 4,533 1 11 1,678 18 5 892 13 4 123 12 2 37 10 0 Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Grand Division of New^ Zealand — Antidote 'Division .. Perseverance „ Progress „ Resolution „ Ray of Hope „ Dawn of Light „ [Central Body] 1,127 4 4 732 9 8 318 15 9 405 19 10 110 12 0 53 19 5 [8 13 8] 1,110 1 4 150 0 0 290 0 0 335 0 0 58 8 9 53 19 5 500'16 8 7 3 0 46 13 0 28 15 9 60 19 10 47 3 3 10 0 0 35 0 0 10**0 0 5 0 0 ro 1 O Ql Total .. 2,749 1 0 1,997 9 6 500 16 8 . 190 14 10 60 0 0 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society., Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ . ■ • Hokitika „ .'-".. Greenstone Auckland „ 214 5 7 89G 12 5 426 13 5 93 5 8 42 11 3 1,527 11 7 200 0 0 430 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 200 0 0 " 14 5 7 " 56 19 5 33 19 4 18 3 4 42 11 3 120 18 10 186*0 0 5413 0 92 14 1 5 2 4 I,328"i2 9 re"o o Total .. 3,200 19 11 2,328 12 9 200 0 0 286 17 9 238 2 4 147 7 1



ASSETS— continued.

Name of Society and Beanch. Total. Investments at Interest. Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Intcrost. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets, New Zealand Hibeenian Catholic Benbfit Society. Executive Directory of New Zealand — St. Joseph's Branch .. St. Mary's „ St. Patrick's (Lawrence) „ St. John's . „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 423 7 2 157 6 9 191 9 8 31 < 4 [335 10 3] & s. d, 300 0 0 60 0 0 150 0 0 £ s. a. & a. d. 123 7 2 79 6 9 11 9 8 31 5 4 [66 7 4] £ s. a. 18' 0 0 30 0 0 & s. d. [208'lO 2] [60*12 9] Total .. 803 8 11 510 0 0 245 8 11 48 0 0 pnotestant alliance friendly Society of Australasia. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer „ .. .. Excelsior „ John Knox „ .. .. Victoria „ [Central Body] 896 8 3 110 13 9 65 19 11 169 15 1 59 8 0 [568 2 9] 750 0 0 75 0 0 65 19 11 148 0 0 56 8 3 24 19 3 90 0 0 10 14 6 13 1 56 8 0 [206 6 10] 20 12 0 3 0 0 [61 15 11] [300 "o 0] Total .. 1,302 5 0 1,038 19 11 138 18 7 124 6 6 Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Railways Employes Benefit Society 1,295 1 0 1,270 5 3 7 9 9 17 6 0 350 14 7 200 0 0 150 14 7 Total .. 1,645 15 7 1,470 5 3 158 4 4 17 6 0 Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society 202 12 0 178 14 4 23 17 8 Grand total (exclusive of central bodies) ,81,597 12 3 232,469 14 8 130,108 12 7 13,875 12 2 5,727 17 8 1,160 0 0 Total of central bodies 23,311 7 3 17,381 12 4 30 0 0 3,808 11 7 1,549 14 6 481 8 10 Grand total (inclusive of central bodies) 255,781 1 11 147,490 4 11 81,627 12 3 17,744 3 9 7,277 12 2 1,041 8 H




7—H. 1.

Name or Society and Beanch. Total. Post Office Savings Bank. Deposited with °1 Companies, ° <§ Building « & Societies, &c. <f-s Mortgages on Freehold Property. o* Government a g and "§ g Municipal fi S3 Debentures. P3S Shares in Companies, Building Societies, &c. «>2 Other Investments. — — #5 Other Banks. Manchester Unity Independent Oedeb of Odd Fellows. Auckland District— Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato )( Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne c ,, Devonport „ National ,, Howick ,, Ponsonby ,, Whangarei „ Franklin „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 736 14 2 1,833 3 6 892 12 3 1,510 0 0 2,250 0 0 473 0 0 160 0 0 200 0 0 185 0 0 82 7 6 £ s. d. i.ios'o o ioo"o o £ s. d. 586 14 2 193 3 C 292 12 3 155 0 0 450 0 0 50 5-0 5-0 4-0 4-0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 150 0 0 1,640 0 0 600 0 0 250 0 0 350*0 0 160 0 0 8-0 7-0 8-0 5-5 8-0 4-5 £ s. d. l,800"0 0 6-8 £ s. d. •• £ s. d. I 23 "6 0 6.0 200 0 0 135 0 0 22 7 6 4-5 5-0 5-0 5o"o 0 60 0 0 8*0 4-0 40' 0 0 [3,620 o o; 40 0 0 5-6 Total .. [3,620*0 0] 3,260 0 0 [V-0" 7'1 8,362 17 5 1,205 0 0 2,074 17 5 4-7 1,800 0 0 6-8 23 0 0 6-0 •• Hawke's Bay District — Napier Lodge Meanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive „ Hastings ,, .. Victoria „ Tavistock ,, Woodville J [Central Body] 550 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 105 17 1 , . '• ''/ 550 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 8-0 10-0 10-0 5-0 •• .. I •• - 105 17 1 5*6 •• •• •• •• 92 18 0 [82 0 0] 22 18 0 [82"o 0] [5-6] 7o"o 0 8-0 •• •• •• •• •• •• .. •• Total.. 1,548 15 1 22 18 0 105 17 1 50 1,420 0 0 8-4 ■ • New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ [Central Body] 1,300 0 0 930 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 5o"o 0 •' 5-0 1,100 0 0 930 0 0 8-4 9-5 ioo"o o •■ 7-6 •• - •• •• •• - [50 0 0] 2,380 0 0 •• 200 0 0 I [5o"o 0] [4-6] I 5-0 - Total.. i 50 0 0 2,030 0 0 8-9 100 0 0 7-0 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge




Name oj? Soceety and Branch. Total. Post Office n+'npr BflnVs Savings Bank. utner uaniSDepositee with O co © !h i; a o © u "§-2 pa d Mortgages on Freehold Property. P3 a Government and Municipal Debentures. *S"g Shares in *o~£ « £ Companies, © £ ta® Building -g« P^hS Societies, &c. #fl Other Investments. — —- o - «5 Companies, Building Societies, &c. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows — continued. Wellington District — Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Eose of the Valley „ St. George „ United Brethren „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 420 0 0 1,095 0 0 1,425 9 5 200 1 0 £ s. a. 40**9 5 £ s. d. •■ £ s. d. •• £ s. d. 1,095**0 0 1,385 0 0 *6*-0 8-0 £ s. d. •• £ s. d. 420 0 0 9-0 £ s. d. 200 "l 0 4-5 " •• I "I - • ■ i ., 4-5 ! —: 2,480 0 0 7-1 i ! 420 0 0 9-0 I I Total Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Eenwick ,, [Central Body] 3,140 10 5 40 9 5 200 1 0 .. .. ! 9-5 9-7 [10-0] •• .. i I 2,384 10 3 525 0 0 [275 0 0] 2,384 10 3 525 0 0 [275 0 0] i i I Total 2,909 10 3 2,909 10 3 9-5 - Nelson District — Nelson Lodge Travellers' Best ,, Howard ,, Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron ,, Evening Star ,, [Central Body] ! I 1 I 2,159 0 0 411 1 6 3,175 0 0 964 .8 0 367 14 0 20 0 0 [1,380 16 6] 194 11 6 141 10 0 199 8 0 117 14 0 20 0 0 [256 0 6] 400 "o 0 4*6 1,205 0 0 200 0 0 2,535 0 0 750 0 0 250 0 0 8-0 6-0 7-5 7-8 8-0 954 0 0 98*io 0 6-0 60 16 "o 0 10-0 16 io 0 5*( I-'- • * i •• • • [352 10 0] [8:6] [772**0 0] [6*6] i 10-0 16 10 0 Total 7,097 3 6 673 3 6 400 0 0 4-6 4,940 0 0 7-5 1,052 10 0 60 15 0 0 5-1 North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston ,, Eeefton ,, .. Alpino ,, .. [Central Body] ! ! I I 1,250 0 0 1,695 0 0 700 0 0 53 6 8 1,095 "O 0 5*5 1,030 0 0 100 0 0 700 0 0 9-5 8-0 10-0 500 "o 0 6*6 166 13 4 9-i •• •• Total 166 13 4 3,645 0 0 53 6 8 1,095 0 0 5-5 1,830 0 0 9-6 ; 500 0 0 6-0 9-. Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss ,, Waimea ,, Greymouth ,, Albert ,, [Central Body] i i I I ! ! ! 2,208 15 0 1,625 0 0 1.250 0 0 2.251 7 0 509 8 8 230 15 10 60 0 0 865 0 0 1,250 0 0 2,020 11 2 429 8 8 5-0 5-1 4-9 5-7 4-0 2,143 15 0 • 8-9 I 760 "o 0 4*6 - •• 80**0 0 8-0 •• • • ■ •• ■• •• Total 7,839 10 8 230 15 10 4,624 19 10 5-2 2,223 15 0 8-9 760 0 0 4-0 .. • n


Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge .." Nil Desperandum ,, Leithfield ,, Cust Woodend ,, Oxford ,, Ohoka Amberley , ,, Waikari ,, | Central Body] Total v. * " * 1,850 8 7 666 3 8 337 10 10 271 19 1 39 7 7 76* 5 0 210 0 0 785 8 7 666 3 8 207 10 10 103 12 7 76**5 0 110 0 0 18**6 6 39 7 7 40 4-6 1,035 0 0 130 "o 0 150 0 0 035 0 0 j 130 "o 0 150 0 0 7-1 8-0 8-0 •• * * *l •• 30 0 0 8-0 100 0 0 100 0 0 9*0 " " •• 3,451 14 9 1,949 0 8 57 14 1 4-3 415 0 0 7-4 I 1 30 0 0 80 1,415 0 0 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge .. Kaiapoi „ Volunteer p. „ .. Benevolent ,, Perseverance ,, Ashburton ,, Southbridge ,, Doyleston ,, Star of Waltham „ V. Malvern ,, Phillipstown •' „ '.-. I^ceston- - Pride of the Valley „ ,, Papanui ,, Watertoh „ South Eakaia „ .. Pioneer ,, Tinwald ■ „ .. Addington ,, "Centra! Body] f ! I 400 0 0 172 16 0 200 0 0 4-0 200 0 0 4-0 - I ! - *8*-0 •■ i 172 i6 0 706 4 4 372 0 0 255 14 0 230 0 0 253 "l 3 372 0 0 453**3 1 4*6 25 0 0 ; 230 0 0 •• 8-0 9-5 230 14 0 4*5 10 1 11 16 2 7 10**1 11 10 2 7 55* 0 0 4 0 0 55. 0 0 8-0 40 0 0 80 4 '6 0 1*0-0 40* 0 0 • • l • • i i ■• •' •• .. •• Total 2,261 18 10 8-0 I 4 0 0 100 651 5 9 883 17 1 4-1 i £00 0 0 40 350 0 0 9-0 172 16 0 I •• Lyttelton District— \ CHy of Norwich Lodge .. Good Intciit ,, Hand of Friendship ,, Hand and Heart ,, [Central Eedv] i i I ! 1,848 9 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 275 0 0 380 0 0 8-0 I j 1,468 9 0 8-0 200 0 0 50 0 0 275 0 0 50 4-0 4-5 150**0 0 80 •• •• •■ • • ! - i • .. .. _ Total .-. 2,523 9 0 525 0 0 4-6 530 0 0 | 8-0 1 ! < 1,468 9 0 j ! I •• 8-0 •• Otago Dktrict— Hand and Heart Lodge ., Dunedin - ,, .-. - Dalton Prince of Wales Oamaru ,, ■ i l ! i i ! I 7,568 0 0 4,480 17 0 750 0 0 1,245 19 11 -1,176 O--0 1,350 0 0 < 545' 17 0 45 19 11 7,568 0 0 3,935 0 0 750 0 0 1,200 0 0 1,175 0 0 800 0 0 7-0 9-8 7-3 8-0 8-5 8-0 350 0 0 4*6 I .. I 200 6 0* 8-0 .. * Mortgag




Name of Society axd Branch. Total. Deposited with Post Office Orhflv Rinks =S Savings Bank, "tnex L-iniss. .gg Deposited with Companies, ° g Building | Sg Societies, &s. j J-g on Freehold Property. ivl *o "S Government o 2 and o 2 "§S Municipal ! -g® mQ Debentures. | M^ Sharos in Compauies, Building Societies, &c. Other o 2 Investments. Manchester Unity Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows— continued. Oiacjo District —continued. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge Waitiahuna ,, Prince Alfred ,, Waipori A ,, Blue Spur „ .. ,. Alexandra „ Boxburgh ,, Tapanui ,, Lake Wakatipu ,, ! Palmerston ,, Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon „ ~Z7T. Band of Friendship „ Outram „ Mosgiel „ Caversham „ [Central Body] £ s. d. 1,000 0 0 670 0 0 864 2 6 615 12 1 580 0 0 475 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 505 0 0 300 0 0 800 0 0 900 0 0 300 0 0 345 0 0 210 0 0 50 0 0 [216 5 0 1 £ s. d. 265 12 1 £ s. d. 130 0 0 464 2 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 8o"o 0 180 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 45 0 0 60 0 0 5-0 1 4-6 40 5-0 4-0 4-3 4-5 4-0 5-0 4-0 4-0 4-0 £ s. d. • • i i : . £ s. a. 870 0 0 670 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 480 0 0 475 0 0 420 0 0 300 0 0 i 325 0 0 ; 8-2 6-0 8-2 8-0 9-0 7-8 10-0 9-7 10-6 £ s. a. & s. A. ■■ .. I £ s. d. •■ | " " .. : 700 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 ! 10-0 8-0 8-0 7-7 8-0 50"o 0 [16 5 0] •• [2O0"o 0] [9-0] ■• ■• I •■• •• 200 0 0 I Total.. 24,984 11 6 907 9 0 2,459 2 0 4-5 i i i 21,418 0 0 7-9 •• •• •• 8"( Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodga St. George „ United Goi'3 ,, Lumsden . „ [Central Body]' .. .. I I l I , | 3,830 7 8 2,282 5 8 80 0 0 88 15 4 35 7 8 47 5 8 80 0 0 4-5 3,720 0 0 2,235 0 0 7-2 8-3 75 0 0 5-; 88 15 4 - -. • • .. • • ... To;al.. 6,281 8 8 171 8 8 80 0 0 4-5 5,955 0 0 76 75 0 0 5'; •• Total of Order 76,426 10 1 6,104 17 6 12,556 9 0 4-9 200 0 0 4-0 50,761 5 3 8-0 4,212 10 0 6-0 2,076 5 0 8-2 515 3 4 8-1 Independent Obdee of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of Neio Zealand — ■ Pioneer Lodge .. .. Leith „ Alfred „ Star of Canterbury ,, .. Alexandrovna „ Unity „ Linden ,, Southern Cross „ i I ! 20 16 6 218 17 0 2o'l6 6 s'6 » • 218 17 0 *8-0 120' 6 8 389 7 8 120"6 8 4-5 " 102"9 8 •• 286' 18 0 9-5 - - • • I .. I



8— H. 1.

Pioneer of Southland ,, Star of Auckland „ Prebbleton ,, Tai Tapu Alma ,, [Central Body] Total 150 0 0 I 45' 6 0 [1,646 0 0] 944 13 10 45"6 0 [15 "8 11] [8-6] 150 0 0 [484 15 7] 7-0 , i [8-0] 8-6 [1,145 15 6] •• 1 [10-0] 8-0 I •• 147 15 8 120 6 8 4'5 20 16 6 8-0 436 18 0 218 17 0 •- National Independent Oedeb op Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers ,, [Central Body] Total 293 6 6 171 2 6 [549 1 Q293 6 6 171 2 6 [549 1 0] 5-0 I 5-0 ! [5-0] J 5-0 •• •• •• •• •• .. ■ ■ ! ■j I 1 i 464 9 0 464 9 0 .. 1 •• ! ■■ " ' : ; ! 1 Ancient Obdeb op Fobestees. iuckland District — Court City of Auckland ,, Pride of Parnell ,, Zealandia ,, Pride of Onehunga ,, Pride of the North „ Bobin Hood ,, Eureka ,, Pride of Newmarket .. ,, Nil Desperandum Uentral Body] 2,540 15 8 2,490 0 0 716 14 1 273 9 6 294 10 0 170 6 8 28 19 5 65 16 0 57 12 10 [1,195 12 3] 2,540 15 8 1,190 0 0 716 14 1 273 9 6 294 10 0 170 0 8 28 19 5 65 16 0 57 12 10 [1,195 12 3] 4-8 4-0 50 5-0 4-0 4-4 50 5-0 50 [4-8] • • '' •• : " 1,300 0 0 "' 7'0 i '• .. .. •• : ; •• •• •• - - .. •• •• I - i •• Total .. . \ 6,638 4 2 5,338 4 2 4-6 1,300 0 0 j 7-0 I 1 •• •• •• ■• Hawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier ,, Lord Clyde .. „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock ,, Bobin Hood ,. ,, Buahine ,, Heretaunga [Central Body] I ! 1 740 0 0 207 6 2 200 0 0 259 12 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 107 6 2 40 0 0 50 700 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 i 8-0 7-0 7-0 • I •• 259 12 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 5-0 4-5 4-0 .. ! ■• •• " " i "" I - - I " •■ "• I • " • - I . ; l •■ ! - - - • - .. •• •• I •• i • • i • • ■• • • ! •• •• •■ Total 1,606 18' 2 : 107 6 2 I 499 12 0 4-7 1,000 0 0 7-7 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ,, Bobin Hood .. ,, Little John .. ,, Boderick Dhu ,, Sir George Bowen ,, Blenheim ,, Wairarapa .. ,, Loyal Enterprise .. ,. 1,179 2 4 397 4 5 70 0 0 310 0 11 282 19 5 1,644 16 9 194 10 5 70 0 0 423 17 4 227 4 5 310 0 11 152 19 5 49 16 9 I •• i 670 0 0 170 0 0 70 0 0 130 "0 0 1,595 0 0 8-4 8-4 100 I 1 85 5 0 ! 8-o ; ■• I I . . I . . 8-0 93 I 194 io 5 5-6 8-0 I •• I '• T0"0 0 ! .. I




Name of Society and Branch. Depositfc Deposited with with Mortgages =w-p - on °3 Companies, I °g Freehold $ S3 Building (Sg Property. ■g-B Societies, SCO. 3-£ 'o Is Government *S "m Shares in ■£ In <o g and a, £ Companies, o g la! Municipal , -go Building | ■§« R£ Debentures. : (3,3 Societies, &c. | s^ Total. Post Office ] othp-Rni-liq Savings Bank. uttle± Ua^^ sOther Investments. -2 Ancient Oedeb of Fokesteks — continued. Wellington District —continued. Court Clarendon ,, ."Manawatu, '.'. ,, Marquis of Normanby . ",", Loyal Feild ing ■ „ \ William Gladstone ,, Pioneer [Central Body] £ s. d. 418 13 1 100 0 0 270 0 0 336 12 2 150 0 0 & s. d. 338 13 1 186 12 2 50 0 0 £ s. d. 170 0 0 5-6 £ s. d. 100 0 0 8*6 H £ s. d. ioo o o ! 150 0 0 50 0 0 •• 9-0 10-0 10-0 £ s. a. .. ■ .. £ s. d. I 80 0 0 j ■• 6-5 £ s. d. •• .. •■ •• 50 0 0 3-6 .. .. • ■ :: • [1,308 16 7, [88 16 7] .. [1,220 0 0] 3,005 0 0 [8-7] •■ ! •• •• ■■ i •• Total i i r ■ 165 5 0 7-3 i , I 5,423 19 6 1,739 4 1 414 10 5 4-8 100 0 0 8-0 ■• Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood .. ,, Perseverance ,, Pride of the Forest .. , ,, Taranaki ,, Concord ., ,, Waireka ,, Patea ,, Unity ,, Charleston .. ,, Sherwood Forest ,, Aorere ,, Eoyal Oak .. „ Ingle wood Forest ., Inangahua [Central Body] 2,795 0 0 585 14 8 500 0 0 775 1 11 250 0 0 821 18 1 200 0 0 250 0 0 220 0 0 250 0 0 350 1 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 55 1 11 66 IS 1 700 0 0 385 14 8 500 0 0 250 0 0 5-0 4-5 5-0 4-5 100 "o 0 ■•! ! j ■■ \ 7-0 495 0 0 200 0 0 720 0 0 755 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 I 100 8-0 8-4| 8-3 12-0 9-4 !— — i 1,600 0 0 • • ■• •■ I 6-0 6-0 .. [ [ " "' _^______ ! • •■ i •• i I I •• • • •• 220 0 0 100 0 0. 5-5 60 I. I .. 150 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 7-0 7-5 8-0 7-2 .. •• I •• .. | 60 0 0 .. ! 7-0 ! 7-6 ! •• ■• i •• i [250 0 0] [250 0 0] [4-5] •' ! ■• - I i I 'Total 7,247 14 8 122 0 0 2,155 14 8 5-0 , 100 0 0 7-0 3,210 0 0 86 1,660 0 0 _ 6-0 _ 6-0 ! . ! I i United Westland District — Court Waimea I — i I i 4-0 170 0 0 170 0 0 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury ,, Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay ,, Star of Ashburton ,, Belle of the Isle ,, Thistle of the Forest .. ,, Woodford „ Prido of Richmond .. ,, Papanui [Central Body] 3,710 17 8 1,214 13 4 100 0 0 150 0 0 140 0 0 54 4 4 133 16 8 100 0 0 150 "o 0 " I ■■ 3,656 13 4 80 0 0 I 7-6 7-0 •• | I 1,000 16 8 — 1 7-9 • • i •• •• •• 140 "o 0 4-5 •• •• [1,350* 0 0] [100 "o 0] [200 0 0] [5-6] [400 0 0] [6-0]| 7-6 ! ■• [650 "o 0] [5-8] .. ■• - Total .. I 5,315 11 0 438 1 0 140 0 0 .. ! •• 3,736 13 4 1,000 16 8 7-9



United Otago District — Court Pride of Duncdin ,, Pride of the Lake ,, Enterprise .. '. ,, Bobin Hood .. ,, Pride of the Leith ,, Bruce .. .. ',', ,, Star of the Dunstan .. i. ,, Boyal Oak of Kawarau ,, Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka . „ "Pride of Alexandra ,, Haveldek ,, Hope . ,,. Boxburgh ,, Star of the South ,, St. Andrew's.. ,, Excelsior [Central Body] Total 4,118 2 5 107 16 7 1,595 0 0 755 0 0 509 10 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 262 7 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 281 13 6 129 0 0 T2,375 0 0' 218 2 5 100 0 0 299 10 0 200* 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 112 7 0 32 16 7 4-5 5'° 3-6 4-5 4-5 4-0 60 0 0 5-6 3,900 0 0 1,595' 0 0 755 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 400**0 0 8-0 8-0 8-0 6-0 100 8-0 100 0 0 •• •• 8-0 75 0 0 •- - - •• •• •*•• 100 150 "o 0 150 "0 0 8-0 - 9613 6 129 0 0 250* 0 0 185 0 0 8-0 8-0 j - - I I I- - - [2,375 'o 0] [8-0] 80 - - ••■ - 9,458 9 6 693 15 11 894 13 7 4-4 60 0 0 50 7,635 0 0 100 0 0 8-0 75 0 0 10-0 Court not in District — Court Southern Cross ,, Coromandel .. ,, Foresters' Pride 750 0 0 500 0 0 125 0 0 750 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 4-5 4-8 5-0 b'-o " ■• •• •■ •• •• 25' 0 0 •■ Total of Order .. 37,235 17 0 3,100 7 2 10,962 14 10 4-7 260 0 0 — 69 18,611 13 4 8-2 2,960 0 0 j 6-4 1,266 1 8 7-8 75 0 0 10-0 Ancient Order of Shepherds — Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. ,, Star of Canterbury 242 19 1 34 4 6 277 3 7 8-0 102 19 1 34 4 0 •• 140 0 0 t . •• •• •• •• Total 137 3 7 j ■• 140 0 0 8-0 •• United Ancient Obdeb of Dbuids. Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans ,, Mistletoe } ,, Excelsior ,, Oak of Sydenham ,, Ethelbert ,, Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Otago ,, Bud of Hope ,, Star of New Zealand ,, Star of Anglesea ,, Athelston ,, Ivanhoe ,, Gladstone ,, Perseverance ,, Anchor „ Star of the West Campbell ,, 1 ! : ! I 1 ! 1 446 17 4 173 10 0 199 11 6 272 14 5 287 13 2 62 3 7 214 8 9 75 0 0 114 4 0 99 9 5 50 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 11 0 0 81 2 6 75 0 0 69 2 11 366 17 4 173 10 0 199 11 6 137 0 0 287 13 2 62 3 7 214 8 9 I 135 W 5 6-6 80 0 0 4-0 I - - - •• •■ •• - 114 4 0 5*7 75**0 0 8-0 - - •• 99**9 5 50 0 0 •• - - •• •• • 9o"o 0 50 0 0 3*6 4-5 " " •• - 50 "o 0 60 •• 11 0 0 81 2 6 75 0 0 69 2 11 I •• - •• •• .. I •• ' < .. i .. I I •• I •• i..




Deposits! with Name or Society and Eeancb. Total. - 9 is Companies, Building Societies, &c. - - Mortgages on Freehold Property. O to "5 © Government and Municipal Debentures. Si Shares in Companies, Building Societies, &c. •t-l+3 Other Investments. If i x 9 Post Office Savings Bank. Other Banks. United Ancient Obdeb of Dbuids — continued. Acorn Lodge Oxford „ Dunstan ,, Timaru „ . £ s. d. 30* 0 0 £ s. d. 30**0 0 £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. - - 121* 1 3 - 121*1 3 4*5 - - Total 2,572 18 10 1,856 19 2 261 1 3 4-0 249 18 5 5-9 205 0 0 60 - Loyal United Fbiends Benefit Society. Beliance Lodge [Central Body] 129 16 7 129 16 7 50 •• •• Independent Obdeb of Bechabites. Jew Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki ,, Eden „ Northern Star ,, [Central Body] 520 0 0 755 19 11 244 14 2 5*19 11 200 0 0 244*14 2 5-0 5*6 320 0 0 350 0 0 8-0 9-0 400* 0 0 C*5 •• [1,474*10 10] [206**8 9] [1,268**2 1] [7-0] •• •• Total .. 1,520 14 1 5 19 11 444 14 2 5-0 670 0 0 8-5 400 0 0 05 •• .. Tew Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier ,, Bon Accord ,, Excelsior ,, Perseverance ,, Sir Wilfrid Lawson ,, Bud of Promise ,, Excelsior „ Hope of Dunedin ,, Good Samaritan ,, Pride of Christchurch ,, Murihiku „ Scandia's Hope „ Hope of Ormondville ,, Hope of Woodville ,, Bay of Hope ,, Ocean Pride „ Masterton ,, Hope of Feilding ,, Southern Cross ,, Haste to the Bescue (Female) ,, [Central Body] .. 207 14 2 150 0 0 411 16 1 326 13 0 281 15 1 81 0 0 142 14 9 181 19 0 250 0 0 163 7 0 375 0 0 50 0 0 49 1 2 42 9 0 20 0 0 207 14 2 2116 1 281 15 1 181 19 0 163**7 0 150 "o 0 326* 13 0 50 "o 0 142 14 9 50* 0 0 4-6 60 4*-5 4-7 6-6 390**0 0 31**0 0 20o"o 0 875*'o 0 50 0 0 8*4 i'o'o 8*0 80 100 - - •• •• •• - •• ■• " - - " •• 42**9 0 49 "l 2 4*5 •• •• i 20 0 0 5i •• 1 192* 2 1 [1,100 0 0] 2,925 11 4 192 2 1 [200 0 01 [900 "o 0] [8*5] - - Total 1,091 2 5 768 8 11 20 0 0 I 5-2 1,046 0 0 S-3 ! ., I 5-1 f • t t



9—H. 1.

Ibert District — Star of Hope Tent .. .If , 86 16 6 I 86 16 6 •• •■ Total of Order 4,533 1 11 6-5 1,183 18 10 1,213 3 1 | 5-1 •• 1,716 0 0 8-4 400 0 0 j 20 0 0 j 5-0 •• i l Sons and Daughtees of Tempeeance. Wand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division Perseverance ,, Progress ,, Besolution ,, Bay of Hope , „ Dawn of Light „ [Central Body] 1,110 1 4 150 0 0 290 0 0 335 0 0 58 8 9 53 19 5 185 1 4 •• 100 "o 0 ■• 3*5 925 0 0 150 0 0 190 0 0 120 0 0 9-0 9-3 8-0 9-0 - " 58**8 9 53 19 5 •• - | 215 '6 0 90 - i •• " I •• Total 1,997 9 6 297 9 6 100 0 0 I 3-5 8-9 215 0 0 | i i 9-0 ! ' •• •• 1,385 0 0 i i •• 1 •• — •• ! •• hlbeenian austbalasian catholic benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown ,, Waimea ,, Hokitika ,, Greenstone ,, Auckland ,, 200 0 0 430 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 200 0 0 160 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 4-0 5-0 4-5 40 •• 270 "o 0 7-0 •• •■ .. j i .. .. - 1,328 12 9 1,228*12 9 5*6 100 "o 0 7*0 •• •• •• Total 2,328 12 9 1,958 12 9 4-8 370 0 0 7-0 ! | ; I i l • — New Zealand Hieebnian Catholic Benefit Society. Ixecutive Directory of New Zealand — St. Joseph's (Dunedin) Branch St. Mary's (Invereargill) ,, St. Patrick's (Lawrence) ,, St. John's ,, [Central Body], Total 300 0 0 60 0 0 150 0 0 - 150**0 0 ' •• 4-5 •■ 300 0 0 60 0 0 7-7 8-0 •■ •• ■• •• ■• .. .. ' [208 10 8] 510 0 0 [172 5 8] [36 4 6] 150 0 0 [4*6] I i •• i •■ ' '■ i I 360 0 0 7-7 I j L_ I I 1 .. .. •• .. ' I I i ■ i , ' Pbotestant Alliance Friendly Society op Australasia. Wand Lodge of Neil) Zealand — Prince of Wales Lodge Pioneer ,, Excelsior ,, John Knox ,, Victoria ,, [Central Body] 750 0 0 75 0 0 65 19 11 148 0 0 150 0 0 65 19 11 148 0 0 •■ 550 0 0 8-0 I 75 "o 0 ! 6-6 50 0 0 I 6-0 ! '* !•• .. .. I •• [300 0 0] [300 0.0]' [4*7] - - •■ - - Total 1,038 19 11 I 363 19 11 i I I 550 0 0 8-0 ! 00 •• 75 0 0 6-0 50 0 0



By Authority: Geoege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.— 1881.


Name of Society and Beanch. Post Office n+1-.ov n«nVa ® £ Savings Bank. Other Hank*. Deposited with Oil Freehold Property. i -§2 j M5 Government and Municipal Debentures. 1H +i Shares in Companies, Building Societies, &c. 5S ■ Other Investments. II Total. Companies, Building Societies, &c. PiAilv.'ay Benefit Societies. Otago Railway Emplo^res Benefit Society New Zealand Railway Employes Benefit Society Total I 1,270 5 3 200 0 0 70 5 3 j ■• •• I •■ 1,200 0 0 i 8-2 200 0 0 j 7-0 1,400 0 0 I 8-1 ■■ •• | 1,470 5 3 1 ! 70 5 3 I i • ■ •• I I •• I I Isolated Local Society. Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society Grand Total (exclusive of Central Bodies) 178 14 4 178 14 4 4-0 — H 5-8 75,935 16 7 . . I •• !— I • ■ 4-7 7,047 10 0 ! &A 81 130,108 12 7 13,962 16 7 128,095 7 6 730 14 11 8-1 I I 3,561 3 8 ; 8-0 875 3 4 Total of Central Bodies 2,580 17 9 4-8 97 8 11 5-5 111,00S 7 8 ' 5-8 87,031 4 3 i 7-7 772 0 0 \ 6-0 1 I 1,795 15 6 i 1 I 8-5 ■■ 17,381 12 4 1,040 2 6 Grand Total (inclusive of Central Bodies) I i ' i . ! 1 14,302 19 1 [30,676 5 3 ! 4-7 828 3 10 8-0 8,419 10 0 1 I 6-2 5,356 19 2 ; 8-1 875 3 4 8-1 [147,490 4 11

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session II, H-01

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session II, H-01

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (SEVENTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session II, H-01

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