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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Mr. B. P. Batl,y to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaby. Sib, — Colonial Secretary's Office (Stock Branch), Wellington, 6th June, 1884. I have the honour to lay before you the annual sheep returns for the year ending 31st May, 1883. The total number of sheep in the colony on that date was 13,306,329, the previous year being 12,408,106, showing an increase of 898,223 in the twelvemonths. Of this increase, Canterbury and Napier contribute over 542,000; Wellington and Marlborough, 290,000; Auckland, stationary; Nelson, a slight increase ; whilst for Otago, which last year showed a decrease, I am able to report that the returns this year show an increase of more than 42,000. The classification of sheep can approximately be taken as follows: Merino, males, 3,250,733; females, 4,064,499. Long-wool, males, 432,322; females, 769,417. Cross-bred, males, 1,837,502 ; females, 2,951,856. Total, males, 5,520,557; females, 7,785,772 : making a grand total of 13,306,329. The exports have amounted to 250,154: of these, 2,382 were shipped alive; the balance, 247,772, being shipped in a frozen state, Port Chalmers contributing 86,781; Lyttelton, 80,920; Wellington, 46,803 ; Bluff, 16,297 ; Napier, 9,003 ; and Auckland, 7,968. The boiling-down establishments have treated 54,873, of which Napier has furnished the greater portion. For meat-preserving purposes 91,490 were used, chiefly in Napier and Canterbury. The imports have amounted to 1,020; Australia supplying 423; England, 357; Chatham Islands, 171; and Tasmania 69. Tabulated form B, attached, shows the number of sheep in each county on the 31st May, 1883, together with the number of infected sheep in each district on the 31st March, 1884. It will be seen that there is, unfortunately, an increase of 107,354 infected sheep for the year. This has taken place principally on the east coast of the North Island, and in the Marlborough District: in both cases the effect was caused through wild sheep having mixed with clean flocks. This occurred in late winter or early spring, which, being succeeded by a season of unprecedented severity, precluded the owners from employing measures for the treatment of their stock with the same promptness as otherwise might have been done. Fencing, in the first case, and a thorough scouring of the unoccupied country in Marlborough, together with the destruction of all wild sheep found thereon, will, I hope, prevent a recurrence of infection from this cause. Since the weather has settled, and continuous work carried out, I am happy to state a great reduction in the number has been effected. From March quarter to the present date about 120,000 have been taken off the infected list, and I trust to see a still further reduction by the end of the June quarter. Another serious drawback to the extermination of the disease is caused by many owners persisting in using patent dipping fluids, not one of which, in my experience, being thoroughly reliable as a curative for scab. For lice and ticks they may be serviceable, but for scab the sulphur and lime dip is always thoroughly effective, nor do I think any other treatment should be recognized by the department as satisfactory when dealing with that disease. Few, if any, of the patent dips can be used at a sufficient heat to be efficacious, and without heat dipping is very uncertain in its effect. The composition of these patent dipping fluids often varies, which renders the result most unsatisfactory. The Kaikoura Subdivision still contains the largest number of infected sheep. Since last year's report two of the infected runs in that subdivision have changed ownership. Fencing is now being proceeded with, and there is every likelihood of scab being eradicated. It is but fair to state that the last season has been specially hard upon these owners: having high mountainous and part bush country to deal with, severe weather is felt more than on lower country. I still retain the opinion I held last year, that on portions of this country the only solution of the difficulty will be in fencing off the rough and timbered portions, and destroying all sheep that may be found thereon. During the past twelve months several convictions have been obtained against the owners of scabby sheep, and, although severe penalties have been inflicted, their flocks are still infected. Had the same steps been taken three years since that are now being followed by the owners a different state of affairs would exist, and it becomes a question whether the estreating of these heavy fines •will tend to clean the country any more expeditiously.



I have been under the impression for some time that amended legislation is now required todeal with these cases, and that an alteration in the present Sheep Act would render it more workable. The substitution of either section 47, " Otago Diseased Sheep Act, 1875," or section 2 " Canterbury Sheep Ordinance 1864 Amendment Ordinance, 1869," would meet all requirements' and be more easily administered than section 23 of our present Act, which deals with the possession of infected sheep. The introduction of either of the above sections, together with the excision of the word "negligently," in section 45, "Sheep Act, 1878," would meet all requirements. I may state that I had some years' experience of the working of the sections in the Otago Act referred to: no great difficulty was found in carrying out its provisions, and its efficiency was shown by the results obtained. Other alterations of a minor nature are, I think, advisable. With these I purpose dealing in a special paper, submitting proposed amendments. It will be seen by returns that the frozen-meat trade has made rapid progress during the past year. This has provided an outlet for all surplus stock. It may now be looked upon as a special' industry, that, under ordinary conditions, must increase annually, as well as give a great impetus to the sale of store sheep. Stock of this description, hitherto almost unsaleable, has been in good demand, and early in the season realized such prices as have not been obtained for years An increasing demand for good cross-bred stock is firmly established, this class beino- admitted to be the best description for freezing purposes. It is a noticeable fact that, of the totaf increase shown on return, out of 898,233 nearly 690,000 are classed as cross-breds. Beviewing last year's operations, I may remark that, although the severe spring and summer militated against the eradication of scab and prolonged the shearing (light clips predominating) yet it had the effect, principally in the South, of causing one of the best seasons known for pasture for some years, the lambing being good and the sheep in excellent order on runs where quite the reverse was the case for some years past. Both the increase and the improved condition of the flocks in Otago must in a certain measure be attributed to the constant destruction of rabbits during the year 1883, which, in reality, was the first year in which anything like vigorous or combined action was adopted. On reference to the attached table, showing the number of sheep in each county in Otago and comparing the number for 1883 against the previous year, the increase or decrease of sheep shows at once where the rabbit pest was most, felt, or, as a rule, where its destruction had been greatest This is specially observable in the Counties of Wallace and Lake. In the former, the plague had been overtaken; in the latter in 1883 the pest was at its worst. ° Whilst dealing with the Lakes, I may refer to the "kea" question. Not only had the sheepowners in the mountainous portion of that county to contend with the rabbits, but the destruction of sheep by keas was something almost incredible, a loss of as high as 20 per cent, being, in one or two cases, attributed to this cause on runs far back and at high altitude : in fact, some 'country has lately been abandoned through their ravages. Their propensities for sheep destruction seem tobe increasing, and lately I have been informed that they are developing the same carnivorous habits in Canterbury, sheep having been destroyed by these birds on country at the head of the Eangitata. Some forty or fifty of them have been killed, and lam informed that it is the first year of their appearance in that locality. The subsidy granted by Government to amount raised by the Lake County had a good effect, about one thousand five hundred beaks having been paid for ; and I would strongly recommend that a further sum be placed on the estimates this year as "The Kea Destruction Fund." In conclusion, I may report generally that the flocks throughout the colony are healthy; lung-worm is prevalent m a few places, but to no greater extent than in former years; and that the revenue of this department for the past year has been increased by nearly £1,000. I have, &c, Benjamin P. Bayly, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintending Inspector.

Table showing Increase or Decrease in the several Counties of Otago District.

Number of Sheep on County. Increase. Decbeasu. 31st May, 1832. 31st May, 1883. Waitaki .. Maniototo Vincent .. Lake Waihemo Waikouaiti Peninsula Paieri Bruce 31utha .. Fuapeka seuthlaiiil Wallace .. 5G2,568 343,996 464,270 242,557 90,892 72,073 4,257 252,894 99,510 237,990 298,411 609,552 266,809 621,095 349,994 471,246 196,456 101,942 74,674 4,323 237,299 115,677 234,202 278,357 606,295 296,543 58,527 5,998 6,976 11,050 2,601 60 46,101 16,167 15,595 3,728 20,054 3,25729,734


EETUEN showing (in Totals under Counties)— 1 The Sheep Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of "The Sheep Act, 1878." 2. The Area of such Districts. 3. The Number of "Infected" Sheep in each District. 4. The Number of Sheepowners in each District. 5. The Number of Sheep upon which the Sheep-rate is collected. 6. The Amount of the Sheep-rate in each District. 7. The Number of Inspectors of Sheep, Cattle, and Babbits, and Eegistrars of Brands, residing in each District. 8. The Amount payable for Salaries and Allowances in each District.

&-H. 3.

H.—3. ■;



1 2 . icted Sheep on 4 Number of Owners on 31st May, S Number of Infi Number of Sbeep on 31st May, Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. Area. 31st March, 31st March, 1883. 1884. 1881. 30th June, ■ 31st March, 1881. ; 1882. 1882. I I 1883. ■ 1881. 1882. 1883. Auckland Counties Napier Counties New Plymouth. County .. Wanganui Counties Eangitikei Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties Marlborougli Counties, and Amuri County (Part of)f Canterbury Counties Amuri County (Part of) J Westland County Otago Counties .. Acres. 12,269,000 5,688,000 1,631,000 2,434,000) 2,009,400 [ 2,510, 800 J 5,020,000 2,709,300 996,000 8,301,000 635,700 2,702,000 14,039,000 8,359 None 600 108,879 1,372 445,064 106,955 None None None None 3,884 None None 53,1,64 1,850 354,269 ' 122,138 None None None None 231 None None 30,579 4,174 147,600 24,000 None None None None 1,459 I None None I 8,400 \ None ( 126,461 5,325 169,293 3,000 None Nona None None 1,366 386 77 1 1,285 510 302 15 1,678 11 9 1,218 1,246 414 96 1,328 510 308 16 1,787 13 7 1,340 { 1,153 550 105 387 531 538 538 325 17 1,967 15 10 1,542 } 421,451 2,041,857 12,559 1,407,180 108,931 714,669 285,100 3,434,725 173,630 3,217 3,586,896 456,899 2,097,734 18,817 1,467,898 111,578 712,127 287,561 3,528,145 180,133 1,435 3,545,779 { "225,135 2,582,833 19,702 306,974 406,580 935,587 124,149 760,694 308,381 3,862,123 184,374 1,634 3,588,163 671,229 535,305 206,584 313,938 I 6,857 7,064 7,678 12,190,215 12,408,106 13,306,329 Names of Sheep Districts under Counties. 1881. 6 Sheep Rate for 7 Number of Inspectors. 8 Salaries, &c. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1881. 1882. 1883. Auckland Counties Napier Counties New Plymouth County .. Wanganui Counties Bangitikei Counties Wellington Counties Nelson Counties (Marlborough Counties, and I Amuri County (Part of)t (Canterbury Counties •I Amuri County (Part of) J (Westland County Otago Counties 1 422 2,042 13 1,408 109 715 285 3,435 174 3 3,587 457 2,098 19 1,468 112 712 287 3,528 180 2 3,545 { 225 2,583 20 307 406 936 124 761 309 3,862 184 2 3,588 1 12 3 1 8 2 10 3 1 7 4 9 4 1 7 3 1,640 715 250 1,825 498 1,700 715 250 1,775 1,048 1,425 1,040 250 1,875 648 1 J 5 4 6 4 6 1,650 1,650 1,900 4 1,700 1,700 1,600 1 11 1 11 1 11 150 3,300 300 3,300 300 3,250 12,193 12,408 13,307 47 47 46 11,728 12,438 12,288 * The County of Cook having been added to the Napier District, accounts for the reducti t Befers to Amuri Subdivision. 1 Befers to Waiau Subdivision. ion in the tumber of shi ■eg.



EETUEN showing— 1. The Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of— "The Sheep Act, 1878;" " The Diseased Cattle Act, 1881;" also the Cattle Boards appointed under the Act. 2. The Number of Sheepowners owning under 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 Sheep, also owning 20,000 Sheep and upwards ; also Total Number of Owners of Sheep, and Total Number of Sheep, for the Year ended 31st May, 1883. 3. The Number of Owners of Infected Sheep, and the Number of Infected Sheep, on 31st March, 1884. 4. The Names and Eesidences of Officers holding Appointments under the Sheep, Diseased Cattle, and Branding Acts.




1. 2. On the 31st 4. '.ay, 1883. NUMBEB OF Number of Owners owning under o ""^ Total Number of - 3 is Name and Addbbss os . Officer, and Appointments held by him. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. o r-C cm" tff s § O e Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On March 31, 1884. Auckland Sheep Distbict— Bay of Islands Subdivision (area 1,893,000 acres) — Mongonui Bay of Islands ... Hokianga ... .... Marsden Subdivision (area 1,632,000 acres) —- Bodney Whangarei Hobson Auckland Subdivision (area 1,713,000 acres) — Manukau Waitemata Eden ... Thames Coromandel Noeth Auckland Cattle District. —Comprising the Counties of Mongonui, Bay of Islands, Hokianga, Eodney, Whangarei, Hobson, Manukau, Waitemata, Eden, Thames, and Coromandel. Cattle Boabd:—/. May, Chairman, J. Dilworth, B. Maclean, S , . Morrin, and J. Wallace. Waikato Subdivision (area 1,734,000 acres) — Waikato Waipa... Piako ... Eaglan Taupo Subdivision (area 2,188,000 acres) — East and West Taupo and Kawhia South Auckland Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waikato, Raglan, Waipa, Piako, West Taupo, and Kawhia. Bayly, B. P., Superintending Inspector under the Sheep, Cattle, Branding, and Babbit Acts, for the colony. Lewis, F. C, Auckland, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 58 31 5 4 5 2 "3 1 62 40 7 14,000 16,078 1,672 Mawer, M., Waimate, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 203 189 62 2 3 1 206 192 62 22,292 21,464 4,936 2 170 Elliott, A., Kamo, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Bonar, A., Helensville, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Knyvett, W. H., Auckland, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 199 56 20 14 7 8 2 1 1 1 2 "2 208 59 24 15 7 32,411 11,514 6,603 2,161 1,074 3 1 1,008 281 Edwards, D., Grahamstown, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 1 53 77 14 32 4 7 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 62 88 21 32 20,572 21,214 20,495 3,371 Sharp, A., Hamilton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. 1 Oldham, H., Baglan, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Sharp, A., Hamilton (see Waikato Subdivision). 2 1 3 6,473



Cattle Boaed : — E. Maclean, Chairman, A. A. Fantham, W. L. Martin, C. J. Storey, and B. H. Duncan. Bay of Plenty Subdivision (area 3,109,000a.) — Whakatane Eobson, B., Tauranga, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Matravers, W., Tauranga, Eegistrar of Brands. 31 8 1 2 42 16,976 Tauranga Taurajtga Cattle Distbict — Comprising the Counties of Whakatane, Tauranga, and East Taupo. Cattle Board :— G. B. Morris, Chairman, J. Brown, S. L. Clarke, B. C. Jordan, and J. Snodgrass. Napiek Sheep Distbict — Poverty Bay Subdivision (area 1,775,000 acres) — Cook ... ... ' ... County of Cook Cattle Distbict —Comprising the County of Cook. Cattle Board :—/. W. Johnson, Chairman, J. Clark, A. McKenzie, W. Smith, and G. L. Sunderland. Napier Subdivision (area 3,913,000 acres) — Wairoa Hawke's Bay ... Waipawa Hawke's Bay Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Hawke's Bay, Waipawa, and Wairoa. Cattle Board :— J. t>. Ormond, Chairman, J. Reslop, W. Orr, Sir G. S. Whitmore, and J. H.' Golcman. New Plymouth Sheep Distbict (area 1,631,000 acres) — Taranaki . ••• Taranaki Cattle District —Comprising the County of Taranaki. Cattle Board :— Robert Trimble, Chairman, T. Bayly, W. Bayly, H. D. Vavasour, and J. Elliott. "Wanganui Sheep Disteict — Wanganui Subdivision (area 2,434,000 acres)— Wanganui 23 23 1,829 27 18 17 24 16 4 106 280,452 Pasley, E. C, Napier, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Thomson, C, Gisborne, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 26 41 84 10 20 24 7 19 31 11 25 19 13 29 16 4 20 10 17 18 71 171 202 218,185 1,171,899 912,297 Fitzroy, C. A., Napier, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Munro, Donald, Waimata, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 96 105 19,702 Hately, W., Waitara, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 104 60 34 14 213 156,793 ,400 Eichardson, T. G., Wanganui, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Monro, A., Patea, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Hawera Patea ... Wanganui Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Patea, Wanganui, Eangitikei, and Manawatu. 31 47 13 3 17 25 5 11 68 106 59,341 90,840 1 5,000 »



l. 2. Ok the 31st 3. NUMBEB OF :at, 1883. 4. Sheep and Cattle Distbicts in Counties. Number of Owners owning under §•1 o » Total Number of On March 1884. Name and Addbess of Ofpicee, and Appointments held by him. © cf o — i 5 Owners of Sheep. Sheep. Bangitikei Distbict — Bangitikei Subdivision (area 2,009,400 acres) — Bangitikei Manawatu 109 215 44 -58 33 27 16 18 5 4 1 1 208 323 196,660 * 209,920 Simpson, E. K, Marion, Sheep Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Simpson, W., Foxton, Sheep Inspector. Wellington , Sheep Distbict — Wellington Subdivision (area 470,800 acres) — Hutt (together with the Islands of Kapiti, Mana, and Somes) ... Cattle Distbict — Comprising the Counties of Hutt, and East and West Wairarapa. Cattle Boabd :— H. Bunny, Chairman, G. Beetham, C. Pharazyn, E. J. Biddiford, and J. Taylor. 140 39 13 ii 204 109,352 Mackenzie, W., Wellington, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Michie, T., M.E.C.V.S.E., Wellington, Deputy Cattle Inspector (honorary). Wairarapa Subdivisions (area 2,040,000 acres) — West Wairarapa Orhell, E., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Drummond, J., Masterton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Price, E. G., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, in charge. 37 28 21 23 12 3 1 180 375,577 Bast Wairarapa 65 25 18 27 5 11 3 154 450,658 7 126,461 Nelson ' Sheep Disteict — Nelson, Motueka, Golden Bay, Buller, and Grey Subdivisions (area 5,020,000 acres) — Waimea 348 32 9 5 394 98,923 6 5,205 Hunt, T., Nelson, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Moore, J., Motueka, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Clapcott, B., Hokitika (see Westland Subdivision, Canterbury). Collingwood 74 4 1 79 16,365 Buller Grey ... Inangahua Nelson Cattle Distbict —Comprising the Counties of Waimea, Collingwood, Buller, and Inangahua. Cattle Boabd :— 22 17 23 1 i i 23 18 24 1,500 4,512 2,849 1 120



Maelboeough Sheep Disteict — Blundell, A. K., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, of Brands, in charge. Picton, Blenheim, Awatere, Kaikoura, and Amuri Subdivisions (area 3,705,300 acres) — Sounds 45 19,269 Marlborough 32 139 7 30 5 16 1 9 11 15 6 226 586,923 9 101,393 Hull, E., Picton, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Cooke, GL S., Blenheim, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Passau, A. H., Kaikoura, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Kaikoura Mablbobough Cattle Distbict —Comprising the Counties of Sounds, Marlborough, and Kaikoura. Cattle Boabd :— Arnuri (Part of)... 40 2. 7 2 1 2 54 154,502 6 67,900 2 7 17 308,381 1 3,000 Scaife, W. A., Waiau, Amuri, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Canteebuby Sheep Disteict — Waiau Subdivision (area 635,700 acres) — Amuri (Part of)... i Boulton, P. B., Christchurch, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 1 1 4 6 3 15 184,374 ;i Northern Subdivision (area 1,571,000 acres) — Cheviot Ashley 1 474 82,000 626,151 Foster, E., Amberley, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 359 38 31 19 11 12 1 4 Christchurch Subdivision (area 3,449,000 acres) — Selwyn Akaroa Ashburton 469 41 133 83 15 61 46 20 36 29 12 29 16 21 10 3 10 4 657 100 300 629,682 193,440 735,680 Holderness, E. P., Christchurch, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. 10 Southern Subdivision (area 3,281,000 acres) — Geraldine Waimate Cantebbuby Cattle Disteict — Comprising the Counties of Amuri, Cheviot, Ashley, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashburton, Geraldine, and Waimate. Cattle Boabd :— J. T. Peacock, Chairman, F. J. Kimbell, C. Newton, J. Studholme, and H. Mcllraith. 158 45 61 16 36 13 29 12 12 3 22 3 13 12 331 104 1,006,478 588,692 ... Eees, W. G., Timaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Westland Subdivision (area 2,702,000 acres) — Westland Westland Cattle Distbict — Comprising the Counties of Westland and Grey. Cattle Boabd: — H. L. Robinson, Chairman, J. A. Bonar, J. Giles, D. P. James, and H. H. Lahmann. • 10 1,634 Clapcott, B., Hokitika, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands.



2. 3. Number of 4. 1. On the 31st .AT, .883. Sheep and Cattle Districts in Counties. o w S a O o Pi Name and Address of Officer, and Appointments held by him. Number of Owners owning under Total Number o£ T-4" of iS o I g> go * Owners of Sheep. Sheep. On March 31, 1884. 8 ~~ ■ Johnson, E. H., Dunedin, Chief Sheep Inspector, Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Otago Sheep District — Port Chalmers Subdivision (area 25,000 acres) — Peninsula Dunedin Subdivision (area 1,368,000 acres) — Taieri ... Bruce ... Waihemo Waikouaiti Oamaru Subdivision (area 1,570,000 acres) — Waitaki Dunstan Subdivision (area 5,009,000 acres) — Vincent 13 54 86 31 14 13 11 10 4 2 7 13 7 3 7 6 5 5 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 "i 1 15 92 122 55 29 4,323 237,299 115,677 101,942 74,674 Miller, W., Palmerston, Sheep Inspector, DeputyCattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. 84 27 15 10 6 8 11 161 621,095 Fullarton, B., Oamaru, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Miles, T. J., Clyde, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Shaw, C, Naseby, Sheep Inspector. Bouchier, E., Queenstoivn, Sheep Inspector. 32 4 1 3 2 3 9 54 471,246 Maniototo Lake ... Tapanui Subdivision (area 1,282,000 acres) — Tuapeka 42 26 9 3 7 3 2 8 3 6 5 3 7 3 75 52 349,994 196,456 89 136 28 19 13 7 2 6 4 7 4 3 4 3 144 181 278,357 234,262 Hickson, F. E., Tapanui, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands, in charge. Mackay, T. T. W., Balclutha, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector. Clutha... Otago Cattle District —Comprising the Counties of Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Peninsula, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, and Tuapeka. Cattle Boaed :— Mathew Holmes, Chairman, R. Charteris, J. Roberts, J. Shand, and J. Smith. Southland Subdivision (area 4,785,000 acres)— Southland 313 58 27 26 12 11 4 451 111 606,295 Macdonald, A. A., Gore, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, in charge. Anderson, C., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector, Deputy Cattle Inspector, Eegistrar of Brands. Douglass, A., Invercargill, Sheep Inspector. Wallace Southland Cattle District — Comprising the Counties of Southland, Wallace, Lake, Fiord, and Stewart Island. Cattle Board ;— T, Brydon, Chairman, J. S. Shanks, J. B. Sutton, J. Holmes, and J. Shand. 63 16 6 9 5 10 2 296,543


c. EETUEN of all Sheepowners, and Number of Sheep and Lambs, on 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883; showing the County in which Owners reside and their Sheep are depastured, so far as the information is supplied in the Schedule "A" furnished, by Sheepowners under section 21 of "The Sheep Act, 1878."


AUCKLAND DISTRICT. RETURN of Sheepowners and of the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.

of Sheep on olsfc May. 1881. j 1333. j ISSa. MONGONUI COUNTY (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Adamson, Mis. E., Taipu, Mongonui ... Aperahama Tengara, Parenga Bull, Thomas, Ouaiti, Mongonui Begg, JoJin, VVhangaroa Bell, It., lotara, Whangaroa Bergham, Edward, Oruaiti, Mougonui... Bergham, D. A., Ahipara Bowman, John, Aliipara Bramley, W., sen., Kaeo Carr, S. H., Oarston Manor, Kaitaia ... Conrad, W., Awanui Comes, E. C., Tetgere, Whangaroa Denny, C. B., Mount Pleasant, Mongonui Denny, John, Mongonui Dunn", B. H., Kaitai Edwards, II. J., Weetbury, Ahipara ... Edwards, Sarali, Mrs., Victoria Valley... Eparaima Kapa, Parenga Evan?, J., MangHtete, Awanui Foley, Edmund, Kaitaia Foster Brothers, Mongonui Foster, Cornelius, Mongonui Foster, Jabez, Oruaiti, Mongonui Foster, S., Land of Goshen, Mongonui... Foster, S., jun., Oruaiti, Mongonui Frear, Annie, Totara Frear, J., Moiigonui Frear, W., sen., Matnkalca, Oruaiti Frear, W., Mongonui Gardiner, W. A., Mongonni Gallon, W., Wainamu, Oruru Goulton, B., Kaeo, Whangaroa Hakaraia Avrarau, Awanui Hare, J., sen., Whangaroa Hure, Wesley, Kaeo Hare, W. J., Kaoo, Whangaroa ... I Harris, A. A. K-, Hi Hi, Mongonui ... j llarrie, W. J. N., Mongonui ... j Hazard, W., Oruru Hayes, J. D., Mangiti, Whangaroa Hayes, Thomas, Kaeo Hayep, William, Whikora, Whangaroa Henderson, B., Haupapanui, Mongonui Herbert Karipa, Mangataeore, Victoria V.! 1—H. 3. '55 43 6c 90 -■•: 606 -4 170 200 8 3» 2.59 96 200 290 20 60 3° 50c! 5° 75°) 3° 92 12 ■ 60 5° 40 ■40 15 2(>i 3 s 55 96 ] 20 65s 21 9 6 I , 32 60O 26l 122 243 5OO ' 27 259 61 Nil 96 50 Nil 9 400 20 Nil Nil Nil Nil j 1 ICO 800 282 89 200 Nil '3° 'Co 116 80 196 Nil Nil 60 "5 80 20 710 ! 180 26 60: 180 Nil 80: t 44 '3 136 5°: 20! 14 i 00 82 Nil ■7 80 5° 10 '45 80 140! 0<>

No. of Sheep on 31st Muy. 1881. 1882. 18S3. IIob?on, William, Victoria Valley Hohepa Palana, Mongonui Holmee, J. E., Mangatarire, Mongonui Hopa Toomia, Hauturu, Kaitaia Hows, J. T. A., Waitapu, Whangaroa... Jecentho, J., Oruru Johnson, i>. V., Kaitaia Kuniihe and Rapine, Ahipara K&rena Hetaraka, Parenga Kerntia Paparaiti, Tc Kao Kitchen, Philip, Kohinmru, Mongonui... Kitchen, John, Vicloria Valley Lamblv, J\ W., Bellovue, Oruru MacEae, IT. F., Waiari, Kaeo Mario, N., Oruru, Mougomii Masters, 0. M., Pukcpoto, Mongonui ... Matthews Brothers, Aurere, Mongonui... Matthews, II. U., Kaitaia Matthews, B. II., Kaitaia MoEae, J., Kaeo Moore, II., North Cape, Parengarenga... Murray, VV., Cavalii Inland, Kaeo Ngarat»a, Mongonui Ngaraina Temani, Parenga Ncho, Waata, Grassmere, Kaitaia Panther, D. F, Kaiaka, Victoria Valley Paton, J., Campsie, Victoria Valley Penny, Joseph, Mongonui Poimey, George, Kaeo Puckey,W. G-., Woodville, Kaitaia Puekey, C. J., Woodville, Kaitaia Puckey, B. II. 11., Woodville, Kaitaia... Bangitauinutu, 'i'amati, Awanui Eewiri Hongi, Parenga Beacle, J., Muriwhenua, Ahipara Kewe, Na, Ahipara Kichards, G-, Awanui Robertson, «1. II., Grassmere, Kaitaia ... Kos", Mt-iv W., the Kumi, Awanui '' ii up, Mrs. M., the Island, Mongonui on . ' ''■■■ aituia Sliephoi'd, A. B., Whangaroa, Sli iphL'rd, TJpokorau, Kaeo Sheplievd H 0-., Ta iranga, Whangaroa Slrepiierd, J. G., Whangaroa Shepherd, J. N., Upokorau, Kaeo Shepherd, S. }£., Taurangu, Whangaroa Shepherd, Thomas W., Whangaroa Silva, J., Oruru Simpson, J., Awanui Smith, Thomas, Awanui Stephenson E. (Trustee late), Kaeo ... 7° 40 24 C>3 95 2C0 60 7 100 70 594 246 83 250 J84 9.8 140 48 51 100 j 00 40 Nil ] r! 250 12 55 35 10 7° 80 5»8 250 80 195 62 100 3° Nil 62 126 300 60 Nil 70 44 46 5° 47 56 98 9° 678 ■35 Nil Nil Nil 248 Nil 200 Nil 78 20 Nil 59 7° 20 200 So 250 100 89 9c 3° '5° 60 90 74' 14 195 100 90 84 240 Nil Nil 5 [ Nil 5 2 110 190 '4 19 1 20 230 3co Nil 136 106 3 oo 420 36 ■3 5°o 16 200 432 22 113 200 320 Nil 11 475 160 41 180 97 36 425 34 180 114 70 150 95 13°' 120





of Sheep on 3ist May. 183). I 18S2. 18S3. Stevena, John, Whangnroa Sturge, Mrs. S. E., Olveston, Mongonui Subritzky, L. and H., Olioro, Ahipara... Switzer, J., Oruru Taylor, J., Toetoe, Oruru To Teira, Kaitaia Thomas, G-., Waikanga, Mongonui Wells, W., sen., Victoria Valley Wells, W., jun., Waikanga, Oruru White, C, Victoria, Kaitaia White, C, jun., Oruru White, I* , ., Maungatuiicwhi, Oruru Whitehead, W., Oruaili, Mongonui Wilkinson, T., Mongonui Wrathall, J., Oruru' Yates, S., North Cape, Parenga — 4 C Nil 49 200 5f' 60 49 37 40 20O 25O 3OO 56 55 79 60 5 1 44 — ■ — 20 800 800 800 4c 37 250 55 51 80c 800 3« 33 20 60 33 3** 59 20 — 18 60 — Nil 45 5° 92 700 '5° 1500 45 4° 45 50 80 90 '9 2 73 78 700 600 500 150 98 130 ■5° c l B7S 1593 40 80 73 600 98 12,630 BAY OF ISLANDS COUNTY (In Bay of Islande Subdivision). Alexander, A., Swarraton, Waimate Archer, II. J., Kaikobe Bedggood, W. H., Waiuri, Waimate ... Bindon, J. W., Wairuaroa, Kawakawa Burleigh, H. C, Busby, W., Waitangi, Russell Busby, W., Maungaturofco, Ohaeawai ... Clarke, J. B., Grove Cottage, Waimate Clarke, M., Waimate Clarke, W., Prospect, Waimate Cross, H., Te Xi, Puihiu. Deakin, G-. Waimate Earl, W., Omapere, Ohaeawai Edmonds, J. T., Ngawhitu, Ohaeawai ... Gray, J. R., Pahake, Ohaeawai Greenway, J. H., Motu Arohia, Russell G-rcenway, J. H., Whanauki, Russell ... Hall, J. A. L., Kawakawa Hansen, J., Moturoa, Russell Hewitt, W. F., Waitangi, Waimate ... Higginson, J., Pikiponga, Kawakawa ... Kingston, J. W., Olahuo, Paihia Ireland, H., Paihia Irving, J. H., Onewhero, Kawakawa ... Irving, W. A., Russell Kemp, F. and C, Kirikeri, Waimate ... Kemp, James, Kirikeri, Waimate King, W. S., Otaha, Waimate Leece, J. W., Ngaheia, Ohaeawai Lemon, A., Kauri Hill, Kawakawa Letcher, James, Ureti, Russell Lloydd, W., Whakapukara, Wangaruru Ludbrook, S. B., Tupetupe, Ohaeawai Marshall, R., Wbangai, Kawakawa Mollard, F., Orongo, Russell Mongonui Rewa, Orokaua, Russell Mountain, George, Purerua, Russell ... Owens, James, Kawakawa Parata Paraone, Kawakawa ' Parker, Henry, Waiaii, Waimale Riria, Paraone, Kawakawa Ruatara 'i ualiine, Kawakawa Scott, Isaac, Waimate Trenehard, Hugh, Pahake, Ohaeawai Well by, A., Russell Williams, J. M., Ngawba, Ohaeawai ... Williams, H., Paharaka, Ohaeawai Williams, J. W., Paharaka, Ohaeawfti... Wiremo Pokai, Waimate Wiremu Katene, Eeiimera, Ohaeawai ... 12,924 12,924 12,630 14,000 39° 100 125 195 116 1032 1252 664 45° ■3i 390 424 375 100 80 150 125 8n 91 195 loo 90 I' f> 37 25 1032 1065 1195 ]2J2 997 975 664 320 350 45O 680 685 131 168 146 70 IOO 28 50 Nil 437 480 480 1O0 16c 160 2:0 — j Nil 424 80 89 100 37 1065 997 320 680 168 7° 5° 480 16c 28 437 ]()0 2:0 5° 250 5° '§5 253 250I 290 243 45° 60 !0 Nil 150 180 160 210 150 Nil i .85 290 60 150 210 !0 ]8o 150 199 190 142 112 190 199 175 142 — Nil ] O 112 98 120 io ]8 26 98 18 546 lOOj 240 380 60! 240 546 500 380 lOOJ 200 I ■5° 35° 1 6o ! 451 50 — j — 14S0 ■5° 95 7° 35° - Nil 45 95 1 1 9 700 650 770 350 400 300 165 200 Nil 1 700 35° .65 650 400 200 200 — — 100 200 300 200 300 — — 2 — — 154 — — 16 149 202 Nil 149 87 40 "9 1600 1500 545° 87 80 70 40 50 Nil — 190 194 19 27 3s 1600 980 Nil 202 80 5° 190 i 27 980 1200 4650 35 1500 1200 1200 5450 4650 3950 35 39 — — 500 17,945 15,601 16,078 '7.945 15,601 HOKIANGA. COUNTS _ (In Bay of Islands Subdivision). Burt, J., Onoke, Herd's Point, Auckland Hardiman, G-., Herd's Point, Waitapu ... HenepereTe Tipene,Orongotea, Waitapu Heremia Te AVake, Hokianga Hori Kai-aka, Kohukohu Hudson, Thomas, Talicko Leef, William, Whiriwaki, Hokianga Ngakete Hapeta, Hokianga 594 60 594 661 643 60 80 70 — I 80 100 100 78 Nil 661 80 80 78 100 Go Go 70, Nil — ' Nil J 70 3°

I No. of Sheep on 31st May. J 1881. j 1832. J 18S3. Peri Faraihe, Orongotea, Waitupu ... | Webster, J., Opononi, Omauere ... ! 542 1,386 24! 695 3° 698 RODNEY COUNTY (in Ifarsden Subdivision). Anderson, John, Waiwera Anderson, Joseph, Oloveryard, Matakana Arkle, J., Featherwood, Upper Waiwcra Armstrong, W., Komokorilii Armstrong, M. W., Wliarehine Armour, W., Junction, Matakana Banker, W. P., Fernbrook, Puhoi Beasley, J., Parua Becher, T., Puhoi Belcher, Greorge, Ho'.eo North Bell, Hugh, Wharehine Birdeall, J., Matakana Blackburn, I!., Eden, Port Albert Boler, Samuel, Frithwood, Tauboa Boon, J. W., Warkworth Boryer, B. W., Upper Waiwera Bowman, G. A., Warkworth ... j Brookes, Gh H., Wharehine Brown, John, Te Arai Browne, Edward, Wollsford Brunton, K., Orewa Falls, Wade Buchanan, -3., Lower Matakana Buchanan, J. L., l'auhoa Buckton, J. I., Tauboa Burdett, J., Tauhoa Butt, Thurnwald, Puhoi Came, John T., Draytou, Matakana ... Carran, D., Warkworth Carrie, I. Gh, Carricdell, Matakana . ... Chamberlain, G-., Wark worth Chandler, J., Mahurangi Heads Christian, Arehi, the Lagoon, Matakana Clarke, C. S., Omaha Clements, E. G., Sop worth, Kaipara Flats Cliff, Gγ., Paparoa Colbcck, A., Tokalapu, Palii Collinge, J., Port Albert Cook, T. H., Bellvue, Waiwera . Cooper, J. C, Kaipara Flats Craig, K. W., Bellevue, Warkworth ... Crawford, K., Maugapai Cray, C. D., Hillside, Wharehine Croker, S., jun., Sweet Hope, Matakana Croker, S., jun., Hillside, Matakana ... Cruiokshank, A., Greeulaw, Matakana... Outforth, R., Kamo Darecourt, J. G., Matakana Darrach, J., To Kapa Dennis, G-, Warkworth Dibble, Gk, Wellsford ... ! Dudding, J. Gr., Port Albert Emson, H., Parua Eyre, Bros., Hillsbro, Te Arai Eyre, Gr., Woodleigh, Hoteo North Eyre, Gr., Ferndule, Hoteo North Farrand, G., Te Arai Farrand, W. B.. Te Arai Fennell, A., Waimii, W r ado Eenton, W., Matakana Fitzgerald, T. E., Port Albert Fletcher, Thomas, Tauhoa Flynn, W. and 1 J ., Port Filzroy Fordham, Mrs. E. M., Omaha Fry, C, Matakana Gi'bbs, E., Hoteo North Q-ittos, W., Batley Gozar, G-., Te Arai Grant, Joseph, Port Albert Grant, Joel, Port Albert in enwood, C. W., Lower Matakaua ... (' -nvood, James, Omaha Gi■ i'uwood, John, Hill Top, Omaha ... Greenwood, W., Spring Bank, Omaha Grimmer, A. N., Warkworth Grimmer, W., Warkworth Grrut Brothers, Orewa Gubb, T. A., Port Albert ! J '.763 1,672 I 140 1 7 , 5° 6 Nil 197 20 200 40 8 '7 Nil S3 56 4' 35 30 26 150 28 38 14 Nil 4 Cj 4' '9 40 24 97 45 42 3' 3° 22 130 17 20 21 115 20 45 90 5° 40 400 218 42 85 69 5° 375 166 18 35 440 121 J7 160 Nil 9° 95 100 300 120 80 2 7 300 •joo 161 Nil 2 5 90 100 1 84 130 95 157 190 100 24 240 295 13° 35 80 96 94 271 '55 96 260 43° '5' 650 140 7° 856 58 1000 Nil 20 . >6 20 61 19 40 28 S3 Nil Nil 34 100 I }O 80 390 8 164 33 2 7 10 3° 40 600 60 160 27 120 80 280 34° '3 131 45 9 '7 3' 5' 700 120 23 2! 7 3' 37 600 80 9; 238 130 116 23 600 '45 174 98 120 67 662 16 120 140 70 850 '6 26 140 39 40 230 400 3° '4 46 290 98 74 35 70 300 89 5° 79 ■ S3 400 27 Nil 29 44 4i 300 95 80 38 62 290 5° 16 4' 26 55 300 IOC 42 55 45' 7i 67





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18s 1. 1883. 1833. Hail, A., XTiaper Waiwera Hamilton, W., Wainui, Wade llnrdwick, C. E., Port Albert Haruett, IS., Tauhoa Hay, I)., Pania Heiford, K,, Wellsford Hefford, W., Port Albert Haul, I, Puhoi llevwood, Oliver, Wellsford Holder, C. IT, Pakiri Hood, J. and A., Stanley, Kaipara Fiats Huggins, A. G-., Parua Inger, T., son., Port Albert Jackroan. W. H., Pahi Jamieson, G-ovaii, To Kapa Jennings, G\, Te Arai .Tesenzky, M., Pulioi Johnson, Tlios., 'i'ongue Farm, Matakana Jones, M., Waiwera Kaea?,Wenzl, Puhoi ... ! Xttsper, C. L., Wnrkworlli Kennedy, T., Pulioi Kelly, A., Mangawai Kempt, Alexander, Omaha Keyes, J., Parua King, S., Parakakau Krohn, C., Puhoi Lamont, W., Parakakau Lane and Pratt, Sunnyside, Omaha Larkins, F., Matakana Lawrence, W., Te Arai Lawrie, J., Mahurangi Heads, Te Kapa Lee, L. T., Parua Legge, J., Port Albert Legge, Levi, Tauhoa, Onehunga Lennan, P. J., Waiwera Lester, R., Wellsford Levet, 0., sen., Wellsford Levet, Josepli, Iloteo Noi-lli Lewis, Charles, Kaihu Linnell G. J., Kniwaka Lush, S. B., Port Albert Macklow, Brothers, Warkworth Marcroit, E., Whareliine Marcroft, T., Kualangata Martin, A., Matakana Masefield, J., Batley Mason, W., Wark worth Matheson, A., Omaha Matthew, J. E., Matakana McDonald, Malcolm, Parua McDonald, Malcolm, Pavua Meaney, A., Pulioi Meiklejohn, S., Matakana Meiklejohn, Jamea, Ma,takana Melville and Morisou, Kaipara Flats ... Metealf, J. M., Matakohe Milliken, James, Kaipara Flals Millon, T. J., Matakana Mills, G-. A., Kaipara Flats Moir, H., Warkworth Moor, Gr, Woodlhorpe, Warkworth Morgan, C. E., Mahurangi Heads, Te Kapa Morgan, Charles, Glen Eden, Matakana Morrison, E-, Keddiff, Warkworth Nicholson, Edwin, Port Albert Nolan, C, Puhoi Oakea, R., Creekdale, Warkworth Oldlield, F. 0. find W. E., Hoteo North Oldfield, W. G., Piedmont, Hoteo North Paddison, B., Port Fitzroy Parker, C, sen., Clifton, Tauhoa Parker, John, Komokoriki Paul, J., Puhoi Paul, M., Puhoi Ptiyne, William, Port Albert Penman, Margaret, Te Arai Pearson, W. W., Warkworth Phillips, Charles, Warkworth Phillips, Isaac, Warkworth Phillips, Joseph, Warkworth Phillips, Robert, Warkworth Phillips, W. II., Matakana Phillips, William, Warkworth 2S4 60 '7 '5° '5 3' 21 170 '3 800 t^2 300 1 20 ■ 7° 3 2 21 92 6 5° 41 62 5' 19 5 5Q 65 ■9 64 90 180 6c 457 177 185 27 3« 300 100 82 290 60 22 2 1 210 2O T 1 2O 8 220 '5 180 15 300 12O 75 40 99 1 A '35 11 36 U 62 5 2 3° 45 78 3' 104 91 200 182 191 33 3°| 35° 100 97 140 10 50 3co 9° 7.? 3° 1.5° ] i 1 120 Nil 2OO Nil S3 7° io 49 312 140 7° 39 84 Nil '39 Nil 48 27. 67 67 70 35 Nil 45 80 5° 3° 105 120 200 Nil 140 Nil 220 50 io Nil 2 5 O 100 165 Nil '5° 9 180 f>0 5° Nil 2 5 i6o 140 20 14.0 125 90 46 140 160 78 33 '75 140 33 5° 5° 180 128 97 44 160 50 120 I \2 37 33 42 160 ■36 100 40 150 T25 82 150 10J 60 2 7 69 6 )')4 So 10 120 120 (n 200| 73 '55 2.5 33 4' 74 200 118 32 5° 2/ 54 20 56 Nil Nil 60 44 '5 100 44 92 60 97 90 74 161 126 115 128 160 28 180 115 1,6 I !O 5° 1 SS

No. of Sheep on 31at May. 1881. J 1882. 1883. Pilkington, E., Oruawharo North PJatz, John, Puhoi Prictor, W., Port Albert Pulham, H. W., Hoteo Lodge,Wavkworth Ramsbottom, <T., Wellsford Banner, M., Puhoi Remiger, B., Puhoi Richards, Evan, Oruawlmro North Roper, J. S., Matakana Rushbrook, Mrs. L., Wellaford Russek, Antoni, IVihoi Ryan, A. F., Kaiwsika Rye, Captain L., Patii Sainabury, T. 0., Park Farm, Warkworth Salt, H., Kaipara Flats Sankey, Richard, Warkworth Seandrett, Gγ., Mullet Point Schischka, Mrs. L., Ahuroa, Puhoi Sehischka, V., Puhoi Schisohka, W., Puhoi Schmidt, A., Puhoi Scholea, II., Warkworth Scholium, Joseph, Puhoi Scholium, John, Puhoi Scholium, Wenzl, Puhoi Seaborn, John, JJrury Shannon, D., Oruawharo North Sharpe, N. W., Wellsford Shepherd, IJ., To Arai Silveira, M. J., Port Filzroy Small, G-., Korndale, Hoteo North Smallwood, J. P., Mangawai Smith, C, Matakana Smith, David, Wiiarehine Smith, Joseph, Kawau Island, Auckland Smith, Joseph, Kuatangata Smith, J. W. C, Birkenroyd, Port Albert Snell, Henry, Sunnyeide, Warkworth ... Snelling, W. IX., Mauugaturoto ... Somerville, J. T., Tβ Arai Stacpoole, II., Matakana Stark, a., Gt. Barrier Is., Port Fitzroy Stiller, J., Puhoi Stott, M., Wharchine Sturch, Thomas, Banksfee, Mangawai ... Sullivan, J., Tβ ICapa Taylor, John, Willow, Warkworth Teed, ])., Lisalea, Wavkworth Telfe) , , Jolin, Parua Thomson. J., Kauri Grove, Kaipara Flats Tindall, H. H., Matakana Tolhopf,W., Puhoi Tostevin, John, Warkworth ,... Trethowen, J., jr., Parkvole, Warkworth Turner, J. Gh, Port Albert, Tutin Brotliers, Mangawai Vipond, E. 0., Kaipara Flats Vipond, J., Gfrasshill, Matnkana Ward, W. A., Wharehine Weeck, J., jun., Upper Waiwera \'v r eish, Thomas, Tauhoa Wenzliek, J., Puhoi Western, J., Grlenwood, Tauhoa Wharfe, T., Linton, Oruawharo North... Wharfe, John, Oruawharo North Wilcockson, (J., Wharehine Williams, J. S. Bournedean, Kaipara Flats Wilson, John, Hoteo Nortli Wilson, John, Port Albert Witheford, Clement, Tauhoa Woodcock, A., Warkworth Woodcock, A. 15. and Gr., Wellsford ... Worker, W., Pine Park, Wellsford Worsley, C. B., Woodleigh, Warkworth Wyott, Gr. Chidham, Kaipara Flats Wyalt, S.. Welleford Young, George, Warkworth 64 10 47 54 49 13 70 96 98 16 72 12 62 6 33 78 Nil 6 18 85 85 93 2C 49 92 2 5 2 5 80 108 94 9 53 40 60 77 42 20 40 68 2; 76 73 40 2T 9 1 33 95 6 33 4' 93 34 90 3° 16 9 80 82 5° 28 66 US 59 3° 45 40 t>6 '•7 70 87 46 Nil 140 Nil 20 93 5 25 123 32 152 100 43 Nil 40 49 1,623 20 43 56 1,018 16 42 68 20 34 7 5 '39 48 1219 Nil Nil 202 43 Nil 60 36 i6 S 3° * 5 40 170 22 22 48 2 200 194 40 23 55 Nil 4 97 98 40 130 _58 28 84 8 10 94 40 J 34 91 200 133 45 143 9?, Nil 90 j>6 60 55 18 20 90 44 180 7' 100 60 62 46 16 63 150 97 118 JOlj 140 22 20 3° 84 65 120 7° 100 80 97 144 8 90 40 5° 59 6 29 160 _55 5 2 140 79 Nil 81 '5° 220 95 106 350 5° 26 160 280 48 34 195 3 .300 40 46 '94 Nil 100 WHANGAREI COUNTY (In Marsdcn Subdivision). Allaway, J., Kamo Anderson, Johu E., Maungakaramea ,., 20,206 2',334 22,292 '73 53 5 2 49





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1831. 1832. 1883. Aubrey, H. K., Wbangarei Heads Austin, Edward, Waipu Babe, Mrs. A. E., Mangnpai ... I Bell, James, Kaurihohore Boll, Moses, Kauriholiore Bishop, Charles, Waipu ]3iss,et, W., Wliangarei Blaokmore, Albert, Thomas, Mangapai... Blake, E. J., Wliangarei Boyd, Samuel, Hawksview, Maugapai ... Brooker, WilHain, Wliangarei Buchanan, 1)., Kauriliohore Bullians, W., Mangapai Burrough, W. H., Kamo Butler, Mrs. B., Saltair, Wliangarei Heads Butler, H., Wliangarei Heads Butober, ,T., Mangapai Campbell, 1£., Waipu Campbell, N., sen., Waipu Campbell, J. G., Waipu Campbell, N. J., Waipu Carter, J. II., l J a, Hikurangi Carter, W., Woodford, Hikurangi Carter, E., Mangapai Carter, E., jun., Mangapai Carter, J. W., Te Mattt, Mangapai Carter, William, Kauriliohore Carter, W. B., Ferndalfe, Kamo Carter, Alfred, Hikurangi Child, T., Eangiora, Maungakaramea ... Ohisholm, W., Kanrihohere Cbisholm, J., Kamo Cleary, D., Kaitara, Whangarei Cloary, B. B., Wliangarei Ciofcworthy, N., Whangarei Colo, Mrs. C, Mangapai Cook, John, Kamo Cook, H. H., Maungakaramea Cork, Francis, Wliangarei Courtney, John, Maungiikaramea Cox, Thomas, Mangapai Crawford, H., GHenbueh, Maungakaramea Crawford, W. and J., Maungakaramea... Cunningham, Mrs. E., Mangnpai Davey, Miss Louisa, Maungakaramea ... Dent, Samuel, Wliangarei "Donaldson, J., Whangarei Donaldson, S., Mangopai Douglas, W., Douglas Dale, Mangapai... Drever, W., Kauriholiore Durham, John, Waipu Edge, Or., Willow Grove, Whangarei ... Edward (half-easte), Kauriliohore Edward?, J. A., Whangarei Brans, J., Euatangata Falls, J., Whangarei Farmer, A., Mount Pleasant, Whangarei ITinlayson, Bran, Olonga, Kauriholiore Knlayson, J., Waipu Jfinlayson, A., Waipu pinlayson, Roderick, Waipu Knlayson, A. J., Waipu Fraser, James, Waipu Eraser, W., Balure, Mangapai Eraser, Hugh, Waipn Eraser, Donald, Waipu Freeman, A., Welby Farm, Kamo Gell, Henry, Waipu Going, J., Clough Prior, Kamo Gordon, P., Cainifiekl, Whangarei Graham, S., Mangapai Griffen, Josepli, Woodville, Whangarei Q-riffen, J. B., Kamo Grunson, O., Maungakaramea Gunson, J., Maungakaramea Grtinson, K. B., Maungakaramea Hall, John, Mangapai Lionel, Whangarei ...* Harp, W. G., Mungakaramea Harrison, W.,. Mangapai Haselden, C, Boyue, Te Arai Hawken, Harding, Whangarei Hawken, C, Maungatapere, Whangarei Hawken, G-., Whangarei ,,. •75 8 1 100 i8o 170 Nil 130 95 85 95 Nil 5° Nil .Nil ■S3 '7 Nil 1S0 190 80 5° 126 Co 70 ,62 18 S «9S 44 1 158 170 40 60 76 )OO 64! 1 20 60; 25 45 Nil 79 60 60 ICC 64 90J 130 Nil 35 54 78 150 154 160 79; J 50 98 80 73 56 90 ■5° Nil 100 Nil 1 92 64 5° Nil ! 2O 125 14 140 82 151 Nil Nil 75 100 9? 75 89 5° 1 r^ 5° 271 160 ■■■.' 11 f, 9° 94 80 85 «5 180 10 Nil 140 47 4' 110 93 280 196 130 15° 60 24 9S 54 27c 19c 1 2 1 290 cSo 100 .96 40 260 180 92 290 140 "5 140 10 8 100 54 166 Nil 1 1C 129 3° 2 5 9° 46 '75 54 96 90 12 84 290 72 — 90 95 Nil Nil 0 83 94 88 79 Nil Nil 300 150 12c 400 120 IOC 1 20 06 255 200 i.5° 4' 40 70 Nil 230 80 180 250 200 187 68 loo 42! 44 J4 3° 26 :i 125 90 42 47 58 46 18 95 1 ic 100 90 60 6: 75 10 85 139 95 85 72 Nil Nil i 20 20 140 58 IOO! 200 58! 120 82 60 180 9 1 Nil 200 Nil

I No. of Sheep on 3Ut Miiy. 1681. 1882. I 1883. Hawken, Harry, Alpha, Whangarei Hawkeu, William, i'oroti Hay ward, 0. E., Maungakaramea Hilfbrd, B., Wakciku, Margapai Hewlett, W. H., Whangarei Hodgson, John, Buatangata Howie, B., Whangarei Heads Huggius, U. A., Parna 11 utchinaon Bros., Huanui, Whangarei Jacob, Captain J., Waipu Kerr, J. W., Oionga Kerr, George, Maugapai King, W., Kamo lumggs, K., Eaetburn, Mangapai Lambert, J., Peachvule, i'urua Lang, W., The Cove, Waipu Lee, Thomas, Mangapai Lilipv, W., Kuatangata Lowe, T., Mangtipai Mackay, A., Periwaka, Waipu Mackay, Duncan, Waipu Maeken, Mrs.. Whangarei Macleod, John, Whangarei Heads Maoleod, W. J., Whangarei Heads Mallabond, J., Parua Maslen, J., Kamo Mason, P., Mangapai Matheson, 1),, Kaurihohore McAllister, W., Mangapai McAulay, A., Waipu McAuley, Murdoch, Waipu McCollough, Mrs. Alary, fliangapai MeConnell, William, Whangarei MeCullough, G., Mangapai McCullough, Thomas, Mangapai McDonald, Alien, Belle Vue, Waipu ... McDonald, Hector, Waipu McDonald, John, Whangarei Heads ... McDonald, J., Whangarei McDonald, Murdoch, Kamo McDonald, N., Estate of Waipu McDonald, W., Whangarei Heads McDonald, W., Waipu McElwain, CK, Mangapai McGregor, Donald, Whangarei Heada... McGregor, Donald, Waipu McGregor, M., Waipu McGregor, Roderick, Huatangata Mclnnee, Hugh, Waipu Mclunes, D., Kaurihohore Mclnnes, K., Kaurihobore Melnnes, M., Kamo McKay, J. M., Waipu McKay, A., B. S., Waipu McKay, A. J., Waipu McKay, Gh, Woodaide, Kamo McKay, K., Waipu McKay, B., (Executor?) Waipu McKay, Daniel, Periwaka, Waipu McKay, '&., jun., Waipu McKcnzie, A. E., Waipu Mc.Kenzie, Alexander, Kauriliohove McKenzie, Alexr., Whangarei Heads ... McKenzie, Donald, Kaurihohore McKenzie, Duncan, Waipu McKenzie, Hugh, Waipu McKenzie, Hector, Waipu McKenzie, 1ST. W., Waipu McKenzie, Norman, Waipu McKenzie, William, Waipu McKeiizie, Wm., Lirneatoue Hill, Waipu McKenzie, W., Waipu McE innun, John, Whangarei McLaclilan, D., Maungakaramea McLean, Duncan, Waipu McLean, Ewea, Waipu McLean, John, Budgrore, Waipu MoLean, John, Cave, Waipu McLean, M., Buatangata, Waipu McLean, Murdoch, Waipu McLean, Neil, Whangarei McLean, Roderick, Waipu McLennan, J., Waipu McLennan, ft., Kaoriholiore Co 130 140 119 81 160 73 26 90 65 97 256 110 6 60 150 142 18 76 62 16 140 35 5° 3« 49 ICO 10 44 300 300 44 70 164 86 44 3° 80 ii8 180 <H So 3° 9? 4 6 130 260 <58 60 170 62 90 12 40 20 162 20 75 S3 67 90 28 5° 35° 85 75 150 J 7 Nil 109 220 136 95 200 So 33 98 So 96 26O "75 Nil 50 160 Nil Nil 64 76 12 Nil 25 '75 15 82 56 Nil 70 20 Nil 40 38 300 35° 500 1 ;o Nil 74 30 Nil Nil Nil Nil 215 Vo 60 60 140 260 88 100 80 Vo 140 38 140 160 10 60 6 80 270 95 100 90 75 '5° 5° 120 6 70 Nil 32 230 70 97 7° 2 5 165 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 160 16 1.3 140 Nil 5° Q. °i 7 9C 180 62 96 15° ,110 5 5° 90 7 86 Nil' 130 7 • 84 780 Nil 70 7< 4 200 190 5° 89 Nil 20 40 200 100 29 500 87 60 501 9' 192 60 200 '4 Nil 500 127 180 100 90 200 200 5 2 110 400 ««S 85 160 25 5° 120 150 40 163 23 34 130 400 2CO 52 169 l6





No. oi" Sheep on 31st May. 1881. [ 18S3. j 18S3. McLeod, A., Waipu McLeod, ])., Hikurangi MeLeod, Donald, Sumiyside, Waipu ... MoLeod, John, Waipu McLeod, J. A., Whangarei McLeod, John A., Whangaroi Heads ... McLeod, J. G-., Whangaiei Heads McLeod, Robert, Whangarei McLeod, W., Kamo McMillan, J., Waipu McPhee, Henrietta, Kaurihohore McKae, Murdoch, Whangarei Heads ... McRae, Roderick, Waipu Miller, Mrs. M., Maungakaramea Millington, E., Oakley, Ruatangata Morgan, Mrs. Anne, Whangarei Heads Morley, Walter, Waipu Morrison, Angus, Waipu Morrison, John, Cave, Waipu Morrison, John A., Waipu Morrison, J., Waipu Morrison, K., Waipu Munro, J)., Whangarei Heads Murphy, Nicholas, Whangarei Murray, George, Mangapai Neville, E., Mangapai Newton, William, Mangapai Nobes, G\, Whangarei O'Cnrroll, T., Maungakaramea Ormandy, B., Mangapai Osborne, C. J., Mangapai Palmer, Or., Mangapai Pidgeon, R., Mangapai Phillips, N., Maungakaramea Phillips, William, Maungakaraniea Porter, Mrs. Selina, Maungakaraniea ... Powell, Isaac, Oruawharo North ... Powlesland Urotheri, Ruatangata .Kiichardson, J. P., Castlehill, Whungarei Robinson, C. A., Whangarei Heads Robinson, T., The Nook, Parua Kogers, W. Gk, Maungakaraniea Roose, E., Whangarei Ross, A., Waipu Rountree, J., Mangapai Bands, J., Maungakaraniea Somadini, Antonio, Ruatangata Shaw, J., Whangarei Sinclair, A. P., Kaurihohore Sinclair, D., Kaurihohore ■ ... Sissons, R., Kamo Sloan, James, Mangapai Sloane, James, Mangapai Smeaton, J., Whangarei Smith, I\, Whangarei Smith, W. A., Whangarei Snell, F. J., Maungakaramea Snell, W. C, Maungakaramea Snell, W., Mangapai Solon, John, Mangapai Steele, P. M., Nevvforfar, Ruatangata ... Stephen, C, Charlton, Mangapai Street, F. J., Willsworthj, Whangarei Sutherland, Hugh, Waipu Sutherland, J., Waipu Symonds, H., Mangapai Taylor, Georgo, Mangapai Taylor, W., Whangarei Thomas, W., Kamo Thomson, R., Mangapai Urquhart, John, Whangarei Heads ,., Urquhart, K., Whangarei Heads Urquhart, P., Waipu Vyle, E., Tikorangi, Whangarei Wakejin, Thomas, Koraokaihau, Kaino Walker, Heni'y, Mangapai Walkor, James, Maungakaramea Watson, Alfred, Maungakaramea Weir, Thomas, Mangapai Whitelaw, J., Kamo Willing, W., Whangarei Wilson, H. S., Maungakaramea Wilson, D. C, Maungakaramea Wintle, Alfred, Mangapai 282 43 12 59 180 95 200 7 5° 48 5° 100 60 120 35° 12 260 60 180 6., 140 95 98 f'S 108 2 = 5 120 170 86 42 167 85 170 «*5 22 3' 260 40 100 20 65 95 90 44 100 7 52 2 7 40 16 280 84 85 200 230 80 80 92 58 135 280 170 160 53 3 00 362 7i 200 76 5° '3° 35 320 60 165 97 90 75 469 400 23 83 64 20 64 140 90 5' 94 •5° 58 58 100 40 240 Nil 36 Nil Nil 70 84 60 55 95 9 Nil 55 Nil 32 Nil 16 250 75 Nil Nil Nil 60 100 208 96 60 44 ()0 Nil 69 160 200 180 170 5 2 Nil Nil 26 442 70 160 60 59 '5° Nil 190 60 100 265 i 5 g 2.14 85 65 484 300 98 60 65 30 ""5 Nil 95 84 554 300 24 93 f>5 Nil 85 55 97 Nil 80 87 86 78 90 42 Nil 20 Nil 11 Nil 150 80 100 80 120 95 5° 94 44 92 45! 35| 14 75 3 7° 45 49 59 12 48 .1 80 170 I5S 3° 300 354 150 52 140 3° 275 272 180 40 >7 80 250 140 45 190 Nil Nil Nil 60

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1833. 1883. Wolfe, A. E., Whangarei Wooley, J. 1\,Mount Denby, ICamo Worsnop, J., Spring Grove, Whangarei Wright, George, Maungakaramea Yates, B., Kftmo 5° So 20c 6; 19S 90 94 Nil 110 80 300 290 90 67 25AS8 23,741 21,464 HOBSON COUNTY (In Marsden Subdivision). Andrew, A., Marybank, Te Kopuru Ariel!, J. B., Papavoa Bailey, W. J., Waimu Crfek Bailey, Thomas, Wairau Creek Balderston, D., Kaiwaka Bowman, Joseph, Kaiwaka Buttervyorth, Isaac, Te Kopuru Cameron, A., Kaiwaka Cliadwin, W., Maungaturofo Clark, Charles, Wbakabara Clarke, Fred., Kaiwuka Coates, E., Matakohe Coatee, T., Engton, Te Pahi Cook, John, Ivaiwaka Cullen, Mrs. 8., Wairau Creek Daere and Co., Dargaville Davies, C, Maungaturoto Davis, W., fen., Stickbrook, Paparoa ... Dennin and Co., Dargaville Dodd, Samuel, Mititai Dodd, S., Te Topuru Dodds, John, Paparoa Dreadon, G-., Pencarrow, Whakahara ... Flower, W. M., Maungaturoto Gallie, P., Matakobe Gilston, A. .7., Mititai Goodall, J., Paparoa Grilferi, G., Maungaturoto Summer Brothers, Maungaturoto Hames, C, Paparoa Harnes, L., Paparoa Hames, O. C, Paporoa Hnrdie, Joseph, Matakohe Harding, W. B., Aoroa, Mangawhare ... Ilnband, William, Maungaturoto Hull, F. H., Kaiwaka Hurndall, J., Wairau Creek Isbester, Joseph, Matakobe Jenkyns, R., Heraku, Tokatoka Johnson, Jo3h, Paparoa Jones, Edward, Itichwood, Mititai Judd, Chas., Xaiwaka Leslie, W., Kaiwaka Martin, Eeuben, Wairau Creek Martin, John, Matakoe Masefield, Rich., Aratapu Mason, J. B., Maungaturoto Maesey, John, Wairau Creek Maseon, David B., Paparoa MeCallum, S., Matakohe McGregor, Duncan, Mititfli Morrieon, James, Kaiwaka Neild, T., Paparoa New, George, sen., Pahi, Kaipara Ovens, J. and G., Matakobe Paton, J., Arapohu, Wbakabara Phillmore, Mrs. C. E., Matakohe Powell, Samuel, Mititai Prinoe, S., Kaiwaka Red fern, Geo., Pahi Rintoul, Brothers, Matakobe Rogers, G. W., Belmont, Tokatoka ... Ross, Robert, Kaiwaka Rowsell, W., Maungaturoto Skelton, G., Summer Hill, Paparoa Slater arid Nield, Paparoa Smith, Richard, Matakohe Sjffth, It., jvmr., Matakobe S ..wart, Angus, sen., Kaiwaka Stewart, Angus, Point Curtis Stewart, Arch., Kaiwaka Taine, H. E., Maungaturoto Taylor, Samuel, Maungaturoto 20 96 ;O 100 48 5 76 12 97 26 62 85 60 7° 300 80 38 18 37 370 3 38 180 100 70 85 1000 0 300 21 135 98 120 20 46 8 84 18 280 93 82 20 GO 200 21 50 34 40 3'i 4 13 57 25o 80 28 53 89 37 700 8 25 16 1 3° '74 Nil Nil Nil 38 29 11 97 12 220 95 110 Nil Nil Nil 40 7° 220 12 Nil 33 90 Nil 9 i<) S8 3 00 IO 5 36 Nil 100 35 "5° Nil 7 11 6 2 5 11 Nil no 16 90 48 190 140 8 14 28 50 18 37 34 120 14 49 75 40 100 Nil 75 32 34 42 70 19 24 74 Nil 14 ! 9 70 130 1 , 7 3 2 ■9 32 131 31 30 20 98 5 110 45 143 36 2 5 22 no 109 Nil 130 Nil 23 28 39 5° 160 j 20 45 Nil 30 112 20 63 63 350 100 35 Nil 75 380 300 S 5° 72 35° 80 18 100 80 13 jo





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Thomson, G., Matakohe Trounson, James, Paparoa Walker, John, Mamigaturoto Watson, Thomas, Tangiteroria, Tangihua Weathers, .Tames, Kaiwaka Webb, Brothers, Mititai Webb, 8., Eockvale, Whakabara Webster, T. W., Kaiwaka Webster, T. W., Hangawai, Kaiwaka ... Whitehoiise, A., sen., Matakolie Wilson, John, Dargaville Wilson, T. W., Paparoa 238 90 3° '5 '3' 300 185 297 6 40 94 120 20 79 Nil 28 95 5° Nil 23 45 38 3° 98 Nil 65 45 111 48 31; 88 62 MANTJKATJ COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). A. Agricul. Co. Tamaki Estate, Ho wick Adams, Thomas, Mill Farm, Pukekohe Aitken, W., Richmond Park, Papakura Alexander, A., Wairoa Anderson, J. and A., Mangare Andrew, H., Howiek Ashwin, CharZes, Waiheke Atchison, J., Glen Q-lush, Wairoa Austin, F. C., Cranburn, Pokeno Badley, B. D., Otahuhu Bainblidge, Jeremiah, Otahuhu Baird, S. C, Otiihuhu Ballantine, W., Papakura Ballavd, George, Buc»)aud Barnsley, J. 1)., Mofuiln I.,'Auckland ... Barriball, 0. T., Waiuku Barriball, John, Waiuku Barriball, 8., Waiuku Baverstoek, Mrs. Mary, Otahuhu Bell, George, Littlebrook, Hunua Bell, James, Home Farm, Wairoa Bell, John, Papakura Bent, E.., Waiuku Bischoli; C. F., Woodlandi3, Waiuku ... Blewett, J., Otahuhu Bodle, G. E., Papakura Broomfield, Mrs. E., Howiek Brown, Arthur, Tuakau Brown, Henry, Papatoitoi Brown, J. B., St. Michael's, Waiuku ... Brown, K. W., Otahuhu Bryant, J., Brookside, Otahubu Buckland, James, Mangare Burnside, J. H., Papakura Butler, James, Hunua Cairns, I)., Wairoa Campbell, D., Drury Cargo, J ., O tahuh u Carpenter, W., Home Bay, Howiek Camith, U., Papatoitoi Cliamborlin and Porter, Wiranda Chamberlin, Bros., Ponui I., Auckland... Clark, J. J., Pokeno Valley Clarke, J. and Sons, Sea Groye, Mauku... Clark, J. MeL., Pollock Settlement ... Claude, P. R., Papatoitoi Clemow, W., Otahubu Comrie, Helen, Pukekohe East Constable, E., Waiuku Cooper, Charles, SeaView, Howiek Oossey, J. I , , and B , ., Drury Coutts, It., Wairoa Cox, &., Mauku Crago, 0. J. 1 Otahuhu Crawford, James, Mossvale, Auckland... Crispe, H., Mauku Dickey, A. J., Onehunga Dougal, J. A., Maungat&whiri Douglas, W., Kohekohn Dow, C, Maungalawhiri Dow, Jolm, Wairoa Duder, W. T., Wairoa Ellett, J., Mansjare Elliott, C, Wairoa Erabling, J., Wairoa Evans, H., Awhitu Fitness, J, Bazorback 5.840 5,862 4.956 I,o32 35 Nil 36 318 20 150 Nil 5G 60 273 309 412 181 85 53 448 8G 6 J 40 3o 17o 14 2.S° 3o 195 16 ' 31o 2oo ■loo 318 177 46 lfio 275 319 314 18o 5] 280 lo<J 28 52 15 33o 255 354 126 9 16 8< : 27 53 Co 357 3 48 9o 28 172 225 lo 238 27c 13 87 92 8 82 75 355 12 fio 17o 7o 58 24o 54 256 92 4'3 8oo Nil 10 271 200 Nil 120 93 Nil 133 4. 4 3 296 3 1 20 Nil 41 70 202 51 Nil 219 Nil 492 800 45 300 143 273 70 22 93 13 42 98 7.7 112 480 22 27 47 7 422 900' 4o 95 394 4oo 137 227 61 38 GO 15o lo 6c Io4 487 23 29 4o 'J 0c 2:io 25o 75 27o 4o 3o 6o 8o llo 45o 13 1 25! 39i 6 16 218' 3oo! i Nil 276 300 3< 20t-, 83 Nil 18o ! 41, 28J 5l

So. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. Fitzpatriek, L., Pakuranga Fitzpatrick Brothers, Papakura Flayell, W., Wuiuku Garland, E., Awliitu Gearon, W. C, Patumahoe George, Major F. N., Newmarket Gibson, H. C, Mangare Gill, J., Pakuranga Given, J., Pollock Settlement Gladding, Henry, Woorlside, Papatoitoi Glassou, J., Linwood, Mauku Godkin, G., Drury Goodfellow, J. A., Otahuhu Gordon, \V. P., Eversley Grove, Papalura Gfahame, J. S., Awhitu Grant, D., Kazorback Grant, J., Tuakau Gregory, E. W. J., Buekland Gunson, G., Ferndale, Puliekolie Hair, L., Whitford Hale, It. W., Wairoa Hall, J., Otalmhu Hamilton, J. S., Drury Hancock, J., Bazorback Harris, Alfred, Otahuhu Hanis, Major I!., Tuakau Harris, W. J., Waiuku Hattaway, K., eon., Howick Hawke, G., Helland Farm, Bombay ... Hayre, J. IT., Hillsborough, Onehunga Heard, G. S.,-Drury Heath, T., Bamarama Henwood, J. S., Otahuhu Henricksen, P. C, Otuhuhu Heyland, A. K., Waibeke Hill, Alfred, Papakura Hill, G., Hunua Hill, H. W., Mauku Hirst, George, Hunua Hookin, E., Waiuku Hodgson, ■(., Waiheke iiosking, Caleb, Waiuku Hosking, C. T., Longwood, Waiuku ... Boye, G-., Wairoa Hull, J., Park Farm, Waiuku Hunter, X., Mission Farm, Otahuhu ... Irwin, J., Awliitu James, W. J., Waiuku Johns, J., Otahuhu Jones, John, Mangare Keith, J. H., Pukekoho Kelly, J., Whitford ICemp, Charles, Wairoa Keith, William, Mmwgatawhiri If err, W., Springfield, Rarnaiama Kiely, John, Kamarama Kiely, T., Springfield, Bamarama Kimp'on, F., Wairoa South Kingsford, I 1 '. B., Buzorback Kirkbride, M., Mangare Lindsay, J., iiowick, Auckland Loverock, James A., Howiek Lyell, W. S., Drury Lynch, Mrs. A.. Auckland Lyons, B. J., Maungatawhiri Mcickey, H., Bombay Maclean, B. and E., Howick Maclean and Co., Howick Macpherson, John, Drury Martin, J., Papatoitoi Martin, Kobert, Mercer Maskrcy, W., Papatoitoi Maseey, J., jun., Mangare Matheson, j., Wairoa Matuschka, M., Otahuhu Maunder, G. H., Mauku May, A., Waiuku May, John, Waiuku May, John, Pukuranga May, Joseph, Tuakau McDonald, A., Pukekohe East McDonald, John, Woodlands, Wairoa... McKee, Eobcrt, Hunua McLaugiilin, W., Papatoitoi 326 2oo 155 B8 67 25 15o 9o iSo 85 258 323 86 37 4o 45 136 12 325 lo 5oo 72 25 o 276 16 39° 4oo 25 99 So 40 49 37 272 265 4o 198 63 lo lo 16 2o 3 28 328 14c 188 2 00 75 66 5 5 95 21 42 200 95 231 395 133 48 55 39 116 7 3oo 12 39o 82 273 28o 400 3oo 35 9> 96 7° C2 42 272 141 170 200 230 85 73 Nit Nil 95 39 Nil 220 110 169 384 10 83 50 72 5 c> 300 16 £00 92 253 280 Nil 400 400 21 Nil 120 98 95 51 29 GO 50 45 36 251 128 Nil 193 Nil 65 24 Nil 25 Nil 36 307 116 31 157 22 Nil 02. Nil 84 100 10 80 200 100 3 132 Nil 10 144 64 26 44 520 50 Nil 16 95 60 Nil 240 32 50 650 17G 67 22 15 365 24 128 31 29 91 31 loo 95 128 1 96 9o 304 12o 91 12 95 260 80 21 929 75 149 142 12 19 40o 48o 73 25 123 12o 3oo 22o 29 81 llo 26o 3o loo 625 6-45





jSo. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. j 1S82. 1863. McLeod, Donald, Waiheke MoNamara, J., Waii-oa McNaugliton, J. S., Tuakau MoNichol, A., Wairoa Middleton, R. J., Papakura Moore C. Kazorback Morgan, W., Pukekohe East Mowbray, Q-. H. K, Pokeno Muii", A., jun.. Koliekohe, Waiuku Munro, Gh, Wairoa Neudick, i<. , Mauku Oliver, A., Wliit.forJ Page, M., Howick. Palmer, Sophia, Hunua Parkinson, T., Waiuku Pcarman, A. C, Ofc-huhu Peeler, O'.j Maiigai'o Pellow, VV., Tuakau Percy and Wills, Mangare Peters, W. R., Miranda Pilgrim, S. E., Mauku Porch, Norman, Otahuhu Porter, W. H., Pokeno Proude, R., 'Ihornville, Bombay Ramage, J. W., Papakura Rend, G-.. M-mngatawhiri Keid, S. H., PapiWin Reid, Thomas, Wniuku Rhodes, Charles, Hunua Richardson, J., Wiiiro* Boberis, C, Pakuranga Roberts, E., Pakurungi Roberts, J., PdKurangi Robertson, l>. S., Onehunga Robertson, James, jun., Mangare Robinson, A., Mangare Robinson, N., Mangare Roose, E., Pukekohe Routly, Thomas, i'ukekohe R.utly, W., Pukekohe Rowe, K.j Springhill, Tuiktm Rowe, T., Pupatoiloi Boy, L. 0., l J upiliuiu Rutherford, J. 0., Bombay Scarrott, J., Smale's Farm, Auckland ... fcjeott, John, jun., Mangare Scott, B. M., Papakura Selby, a. 1!., Waiuku Bhaokell, A. J., Otahuhu Sharp, W., Jan., Pukekoho East Sinclaire, John, Papakura Smales, Bev. Gk, Otututu Smeed, J. arid \V\, Tuakau Smith, G. 1)., Papatoitoi Pmith, John, Mangare Smitli, J. Abel, Wairoa Smith, J. T., Kazoi'bacn Smith, T. and A., Miranda Smith, W. B., Papakura Speeehlay, T., Pakuranga Stephens, C. W., Wairoa Storie, George, Maungatawhiri Kutlierland, U., Wairoa 'laylor, K. 0., Buckland Tebbutt, A., Wairoa Thomson, J., Otaliuhu Thorp, W. li., Beckley, Wairoa Thorp, E. J., Awharoa Trace, H. M., Sunnyside, Waiheke Trail, William, Drury 'J rice, W. and G., Poplar Farm, llowick Turner, B., Wairoa 'lyldon, 0. R., Buekland TJdy, John, Underwood, Pakurangi Urquhart lirothers, Mauku Tining, S. J., Miranda Wade, I. and C, Whitford Walker, S., V\ airoa allace, A.., Mangare Wallace, James, it ill-side,'Papatoitoi ... Wallace, James, Mangare Wallace, John, Mangare Wallace, Jolni, BoUiwell Fark, Waiuku Wallace, M., Hunua 280 Io5 5 ] 3o 11 4-1 o 4lo 3oo 3oo 22 24 23 — 323 — 45 56 80 0o 15 3oo 35o lo — — 21 8 — 22 27 72 43 192 336 92 118 39 55 33 — 99 2o6 143 22o 199 98 11 18 C7o 397 27 29 132 149 142 4o 1--! J 4 b 12 37o 35o 37o 44!J 57 7o 600 05o 158 1S7 26 3o 3o 1 192 22o 29o 36o 136 143 I80 2o7 8 5 257 33o 66 ' 67 41 7S loa 13o 4-Jo 3oo 22 23 323 4a 8o 3oo 8 22 72 192 9 2 33 39 3a 99 143 199 11 evo 27 132 142 1! S 37o 37o 57 fiSo 158 20 3o 392 29o 136 18o b 257 66 41 6 400 <; 93 400 300 10 Nil Nil 60 170 29 285 Nil 30 Nil 22 9 54 252 138 51 08 Nil 189 200 Nil 26 491 44 163 8 ]5 1C 400 500 76 72 500 96 2 0 38 Nil 215 380 3 07 Nil 340 \}O 80 Nil 43 138 Nil 142 91 9 480 Nil 85 253 2 190 Nil 104 93 236 Nil 140 •19 675 CO Nil 18 375 406 (50 Nil 180 93 (!0 Nil 6 — — 120 96 127 I06 87 66 141 60 9o 96 loG 66 Go 3o 260 J 3 60 2o2 3o 50 260 350 J 3 — 60 2o2 236 196 2oo 35 32 44 75 12 :U!o 189 I80 196 35 44 12 189 115 115 — — <>? 2« 700 63o 33 37 186 174 20 26 3SG 354 3!o 41.5 45 42 700 33 18G 20 3SG 31o 45 117 180 92 117 — 180! 19o 92 I80 148 -- ! 24i i 36S| 54 971 MS 241 i 54 f, 72

No. of Sheep on 31sfc May. 1881. I 1882. 1883. Wnllis, C, Papakura Walter, G: &., Mauku Walters, V.. sen., W'aiuku Waters, W., Papatoitoi Westney, VV., Mangare Wheeler, J,, Mauku Wlieeler, J., Tili Farm, Mauku Whitchureh, IT., Papakura Wight, It. A., Kiverside, Otahuhu Wilkinson, T., Pubekohe Wilson, John, Drury \A ilson, F. J., Wairoa Wilson, J. 8., Wairoa V\ oodivard, W., Otahuhu Woolfield, T. It , Papatoitoi Wright, llenrv, ilunua W right, W., Whiteford Park, Whitford Wyllie, T., Papatoitoi Wjmuii, G. V\ ., Mangare 71 196 135 ■ 172 87 80 29 28 18o 17c llo 25 128 375 9oo 142 15 Nil 190 200 Nil 171 Kil 30 Nil Nil 27 Nil 397 830 133 76 370 1300 230 101 46 37S 600 129 1312 300 Ioo3 291 31,839 32,210 32,411 WAITEMATA COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision). Alison Brothers. Devonport Arklo, George, Whangaparoa Bethell, F., Henderson's Mill Bishop, Mrs. K., Titirangi Blake, J., Bankside, Wade Blucher, 0. F. W., Dairy Flat Bollard, J., Whau Bridge Bond, Ji., W r ade U.ord, J. C, Kumeo Flat Bradley, W. W. L., laupnki Brown, J. II. , Waibeke Island, Auckland Brunton, R., Wade Buckland, A., Auckland Buchanan, J., Eosebank, Whau Bull, James, Devonport Cantwell, Q-eorge, Henderson's Mill ... Casey, M., Wade Clinkard, C. H., Makarau Cottle, James, Taupaki Dawson, W., PhcBiiix, Kaukapakapa ... DilwortJt, James, Auckland Dodd, J., Dairy Flat Fearnley, 8., Lucas Creek Foley, B., Dairy Flat Francis, P. L., Waiheke George, T., Henderson's Mill Goodwin, W. H., jun., Kaukapakapa ... Hand, James, Heleneville Haugliton, George, Henderson's Mill ... Henley, M. C, Kaukapakapa Henney, J. S., Whangaparoa Hunter, H., Mount Albion, Taupaki Hutchinson, J., Kaukapakupa Inglis, J., Dairy Flat Jack, A., Wade Kelly, Thomas, Wade Kissling, C. F. E., Ooiaru, Waiheke ... Kretcliinar, C. F., Parakakau Lee, Vt'., Kaukapakapii Lord, J., Wade Lloyd, H., Wade Marks, II., Kaukapakapa McFadden, H., parakakau ivi cKny Island, Tiritiri Island, Auckland Mclntosh, W.,Taratara Island, Waiheie McLeod, Isaac, Hclensville lleLeod. J., Kaukapakapa McLeod, It., Pakeha Island, Waiheke Menary, IS., Devonport Mikkleson, N. A., Lucas Creek Moflat, J., Wade Monk, E., Auckland Moyle, T., Oak Hill Farm, Wade Murray, ii. W., liurneide, Kauhapakupa Murray, J.. Kankapakapa Naugliton, W., Kaukapakapa Polkinghorne, U. H., Wade Po kinghonie W., Whang ip roa Pugl), W., Titirangi 7:' 6c 145 14 27 63 33 35 45 25 Go 60 1'° 95: 88 2oo 15 18 315o 56 27 32 203 197 28 43 27 108 162 is 12oo 48 78 182 15o 14 88 15o 21 13 74 ISo 5o 18 1895 17o 61 98 Ico 29oo 73 19 47 3oo 157 36 45 35 143 loo 97 Nil 7o Nil 5 Nil Nil 75 97 4,6 3,5oo Nil 2,370 Nil Nil 9 140 3o 88 8o 3o 150 Nil Nil Nil tio 2o 53 3oo 175 5o 5o 56 150 )85 Nil 1.2oo Nil 9o 7o 20 16 7o 31 Nil 26 3fio 2o 74 Nil 24 5o So 9o Nil 6o Nil Nil Nil lllo 75 8o 8o Oo 21 64 8 21 3oo 43 112 So 11 31o 64 72 3 oo 4o 15 12 2o 26 5o 3oo 12o 43o 65 8o 45 1-i





Ko. of Slieep on 31st May. 18S1. 1SS2. 18S3. Eapson, S. S., Fcrndalo Ktmkapakapa... Biiey's, Mrs. Emily, Kaukapakapa Boberts, T., Henderson's Mill iuesell, I)., Kumeo Flat Sjincock, C. P., Kaukapakapa iMmeock, J., Kaukapakapa Sinclair, John, Kaukapakapa fcinclair, It., Hdenvale, Kaukapakapa ... Srnyth, Hibernia, 'i'itirangi Smyth, J., Henderson's Mill fc-tevenson, W., Lucas Creek Stewart, D., HelensviUo Stoney, VV. B,, Wade Tliorburn, A., Wade Vaughan, GK, Lucas Creek Watkinson, W., Wade Wilkins, J., Waikoukou Wilson, G., Dairy Mat Wilson, T., Wado Wilson, W., Pairy Flat 232 36| 15 59 42 45 4.-> 7o 153 25 55 42 52 56 35 ■ 35 64 15o Io7 48 35 26 81 4 45 Nil 17 61 5o 5o 61 66 13 42 42 ISo 252 53 35 45 Nil 3oo 31 245 200 42 43 5 45 210 27o 6,877 11,175 11,514 EDEN COUNTY (Iβ Auckland Subdivision). Atkin, W., St. John's College Bailey, B., Tryphena Buokland, A., Auckland Buddie, Thomas, Three Kings, Auckland Cleghorn, '1.'., Auckland Clow, William, l J apakura Klam, J. E., Weet Tarnaki, Auckland ... Gallagher, 1'. Avondale Golkii, A. T., Sγ. John's College Gollan, Henry, St. Helier's, St. John's College Greenwood, Joseph, Onehunga Hall, B., One-Tree Hill, Newmarket ... Lees, ThoniMS, Pamitakau Maclean, B., St. John's College Malcolm, N., Tryphena May, Joseph, Mount Bosktll, Epsom ... Mears, W., Epsom Morrin, T. & 8., Meadowbank, Auckland Motion, VV., Western Springs, Auckland Mudd, W., Newmarket Neweombe, It., St. John's College t .Z. Stud & Pedigree Stock Co., Tamnki and Sylvia Park, St. John's College Osborne, A. J., Sundholme, Tryphena ... Pell, T., Wainui, Auckland Pennell, T., Panniure Pollen, Hon. D., Avondale ■ Sanderson, W., B α-rier Island, Tryphena 'J a)lor, A. K., Kden Terrace 'laylor, ft. J., Auckland Taylor, W. I., St. John's College U<ly, 1?., Kden 'lerrace Wesleyan Inst., Three Kings, Onehunga Wickhain, J. K., Avondale Wood, E , EUerslie Woodward, M., Mount Albert Wright, P. W; Dr., Auckland 38 49 1643 lo 54 4oo io 353 41 15 3o5 7 8 6 14 3d 59 96o 77 6 55 28 326 62 9 2oo 23 Nil 8o 819 Nil Nil Nil 42 49 Nil 9o Nil 352 Go Nil 78 32o 32 Nil 3o Nil 5o 8o 8o 13o 14 21 164 42 15o 23 ! lloo 120 3oo 72 IGo 1224 12oo 9fil 19o Nil Nil 4oo 91 15o l,17o ],4oo 35 ! g Nil 93 41 64 - ! 6o 75 __ 4,568 5,173 6,603 THAMES COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision.) Alley, H., Hikutaia Coombes, B., Thames Corbett, E. M., Waitekauri Earl, John, Owaroa, Thames Elliot, John, Puriri Franklin, C, Owliaroa, Tliames Hawkee, K. M., tapu Jiicoba, H. M., Hastings, Thames Manwell, 0., T'apu Marshall, James, Thames Mitchell, T., Tararu Steedman, J. B., Tararu Taylor, W. A , Tararu Thorp, A. J., Paeroa Townsend, Jolm, Thames Wick, H. C, Oliinemuri, Paeroa 2ooo 5 60 284 1698 65 150 1 I ■ I 367 Nil 121 ao 92 200 21 G 158 51 140 140 10G 550 37 142 i I i I 'J2 109 5oo 54o 2911 2161

o. 0: Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1832. I 1883. COROMANDEL COUNTY (In Auckland Subdivision.) Anderson, T., Coromandel Blechynden, John, Tokalea Hamiora Mangakahia, Auckland Hobepa (Joe), Mania, Coromandel Lynch, J., Coromandel MoMabon, M. J., Coromandel Moikle, —, Mercury Bay Newby, W. J., Xapu Tborley, W., Beeson's Ik., Coromandel lOo ! 35o 2oo 77' 18o Io3 19o Nil 193 90 80 20l> Nil 200 11 300 510 750 1074 WAIKATO COUNTY (In Wailiato Subdivison.) Alexander, W., Harlaw, Hamilton Arnold, J., Cambridge Auckland Agricultural Co., Cambridge Barugh, J. J" , Wartle Farm, Hamilton Beauehamp, E. H., Hamilton Beere, C+. B., Hamilton Brown, James, Hamilton Buckland, J. S., Cambridge Biishby, J., Miranda Browning, E\ W., Avoca, Hamilton Clark, G-. E., the Grove, Cambridge ... Coates, I., Kirikiriroa Cochrane, J., Kirikiriroa Cowley Brothers, Tamahere, Hamilton Dindsdale, T., Hamilton Dougherty, N. J., G-reen Hill, Cambridge Douglas, J. A., Cambridge Ewon, C, Ilaiiiilton Fantham, A. A., Cambridge Ferguson, K. H. D., G-orton, Cambridge Findlay, VV., Miranda Findley, R. G-., Miranda Forrest, J., Cambridge Gillett, C, Haiitapu Graham, S. S., Tamahere Greenwood. D., Hautapu Harris, 8., Eangiriri Hay, I. H. Cambridge Hinton, H., Hamilton llorie Waka, Cambridge Howie, W., Cambridge Hunt, T. de V., Hamilton Hunt, W. F., Hamilton Jefferies, Jolin, Kangiriri Jolly, T., Hamilton Lovell, W. JT. M., Taupiri Mackinnon Brothers, Itangiriri Main, A., Hautapu... Martyn, W. and J. ,Penearrow, Hautapu McLean and Co., Cambridge MePherson, J., Kirikiriroa Morgan, X., Hautapu Morgan, W. IS., Hautapu New Zealand Stud and Pedigree Stock Co., Cranston, Cambridge Norgrove, Henry, Cambridge Norris, Or. T., Hautapu Oemerod, S., Hamilton East Parker, James, Hautapu Paton, Bros., Hautapu Pearson, A. W\, Golborne, Haulapu ... Pearson, H. M. D., Cambridge Pickering, M. H., Fernando, Hautapu Primrose, J., Kirikiriroa Ralph, R. R, Huutlj Baynee, J., Hamilton Eeid, W., Ngahinapouri, Hamilton Reynolds, Henry, Eureka, Kirikiriroa... Reynolds, E., Cambridge Ricket, W., To Awamutu Ruroney, N., Taupiri Runehnan, James, Kirikiriroa Runcimiu], John,Broad Aleadoivs, Camb. Russell, W., Hautapu Seddon, S. T., Hamilton Selby, W., the Poplars, Cambridge Seymour, S., Cambridge Smith, J. H , Pairfield, Hautapu 16 310 7f> 2 55 290 37° 94 34 5° 184 863 344 2000 1326 ■98 69 40 800 12 64 37 28 70 2-f 29; 3040 90 IO6 2 I 243 42 l62 8 100 812 35° 1392 132 40 27 55° 81 88 60 24 39 2 3>°.5*> 1,220 Nit Nil Nil 460 286 124 Nil 162 Nil 2 Nil 12 644 460 Nil 1 3° 193 29 70 5° 200 92 80 46 Nil 100 Nil Nil Nil 3°3 22 220 no 29 126 300 3!)° 14S1 8 56 197 53° 1 5°o 200 39=> 680 Nil 1 1 40 4' 11 77 21 55 23 40 '.°43 Nil 36 Nil 6 14 7 328 758 Nil 170 244 1010 118 1 ! 77 92 7° ,20 6 7i 73 97 ! Nil 100 97 210 47O 83 44 99 "5 280 5<> 12S 54 406 300 .30 : 84 Nil Nil 20 69 339 1,598 Nil 359 200 Nil 10 .40! .28 152





JN'o. of Sheep oh 31st May. 1831. I 1832. 1883. _j I Corboy, P., Whatawliota Corboy, William, Kihikihi Cunningham, J., Te Awamutu Cunningham, R., To Awamutu Daweon, A., Ohote, Whatawliata Day, Cornelius, Whatawliata De Quincey, P. F., Hamilton Dilliciir, Richard, Hamilton Ellis, Brothers, Kihikihi Finch, Gγ., Alexandra Fisher, John, Pukerimu Fieher, E., Pukerimu Fleming, S., Ohaupo Floyd, G., Te Awamutu Fraser, P. R., Ngaruawhia Fry, J., JN T ga,roto Gane, J., Ohaupo Gelston, Sumuel, Hamilton Germann, F. 0., Paterangi GHbson, J., To Awamutu Gifford, J. J., Tβ Awamutu Glasson, J., Tuhikaramca Goodfcllow, H. and J., Te Awamutu ... Goodfellow, T., Alexandra Graham, J. H., Eangiriri Gribblc, J., Hamilton Grice and Parker, Eoto-o-Knngi, Camb. Gubbins, E. H., Innisfallen, Ohaupo ... Hall, G., Ngaruawahia Harper, J., Ohaupo Henderson, J., Kihikihi Henderson, A., Kihikihi Hicks, F., Cambridge Hindle, D. B., Knovvle, WhatawUala ... Hunt, T., Te Awamutu Hunter, W., Ohaupo Hutchinson, J., Orakau, Kihikihi Iweraen, Peter, Whata.wl.iata Johns, W., Tree Hill, Ngaruawahia Key, A., Kihikihi Kay, Roger, Te Awamutu Keighly, H. E., Te Awamutu Kirkham, William, Te Awamutu Krippner, M., Te Eore, Alexandra Kusabs, H., Ohaupo Lake, E., Ferneido Farm, Ohaupo Ijung, F. W., Tvihikaramea Livingstone, W. W., Tuhikararnea Long, H., To AAvamutu Macky, W., Paterangi Mainwaring, R., Whatawhala Mfinders, J. H-, Te Awamutu McDonald, T., Ngaruawahia McLaren, Duncan, Ohaupo McNicol, A. and J., Lochiel, Ohaupo ... Osier, Thomas, Hamilton Parsons, E., Te Awamutu Powell, W. W., Ngaruawahia Qualtrough, W., Kihikihi liamsey, J., Te Awamutu Reynolds, If., Cambridge Reynolds, R., Cambridge Richdale, George, Alexandra Rogers, H., Hamilton Rothwell, T., Whatawliata Rutherford, W. T., Te Awarautu Salmon, A. M., Wliatawhata Scott, A. J., Paterangi Scott, J. H., Paterangi Scott, W. and G\, Pukerimu Secoombe, R., Alexandra Shepherd, Fj. C, Wliatawhata Short, J., sen., Te Awamutu Skeates, W., Whatawhata Smith, Alfred, Alexandra Steele, H. Pukete, Hamilton Stone, C. J., Ngaruawaliia Storey, C. J., Woodstock, Te Awamutu Sturges, W. N., Cambridge Sundorland, S., Whatawhata Taylor, M., Te Awamutu Taylor, W., Green Hill, Te Awamutu.., Tole, J. L., Kihikihi Tucker, W., Cambridge 42 5° 55 80 47 264 35 82 Nil 130 198 315 H4 100 375 20 46 90 139 245 26 173 76 498 78 '38 Nil 127 3 43 234 20 101 396 142 170 90 7 .,, '4 1200 145 200 57 300 149 55 1000 5 45° 23 126 1; 12c "5° 188 130 947 100 '3 406 I! 5 60 300c 6c 853 13 4 53° 111 134 119 8 '7 1170 259 176 1602 956 Nil 347 142 85 2500 5 2 34° 60 90 47 67 Nil 121 109 '43 iooj ■ 1 68 70 95 56 41 106 47 •35 230 100 92 248 93 199 9 98 36 160 4 20 25 Nil Nil Nil 100 3° 100 660 25 Nil 55 191 500 5 10 698 99 !°39 96 9 150 .67 54° 230 220 59 51 250 Nil 11 535 26 4 26c 20 32 Nil 11 254 793 196 102 37 4 2 200 600 225 22 229 470 Nil 62 5<5 Nil 400 92 59 22 97 120 59 6 116 640 170 5° 2 650 22 24 15 140 630 212 45 4 650 Nil 5° 800 70 270

K"o. oj Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1832. 1833. Steele, H., Hamilton Steele, S., Obaupo Stokes, Ii., Hamilton Suttor, A. B., Eureka, Kirikiriroa Swarlerieli, A. i>., Kirikiriroa Taylor, William, Taupiri Taylor, J., Cambridge Thomas, F. (3K, Kirikiriroa Twining, F. N., Mangatawhiri Vialone, F. B., Hamilton Vincent, Charles, Mercer Waikato Land Association, Taupiri Watt, Gr., Cambridge White, T. H., Ferndale, Taupiri Whjto, J. B., Hamilton Wilkinson, Thomas, Hautapu Wood, Browne, Woodlands, Hamilton Wratt, J., Hautapu 470 3° 26 184 45 60 Nil "Si 9 4 53° 9 200 Mil 252 35 7 70C 6 600 9 20 1422 8 4 5 4.34° 10 21 4 460 24 2 214 12 82 88 75 94 264 Nil 14,818 15,270 1 20,572 RAGLAN COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision.) Bell, Charles, Churchill Billington, E., Te Mata Bregmen, J., Te Mala Cogswell, W. P., Lady Down, Waitetuna Dickey, E. W., Whatawhata Duncan, W., Aotea G-ibbison, W., Okete Gilmour, C, Okete Gilmour and Sons, Baglan Grant, Alexander, Alexandra Harsant, M., Okete Harsant, E., Harapipi Hodgson, I., Harapipi Hone, Wetere, Kawhia Aotea Jackson, James, Taupiri James, W. H., Alexandra Jerome, Alfred, Te Mata Keseel, A., Okete La Trobe, J., Waitetuna Martin, J. Ngarauawahia McDonald, C. E., Aotea McMinn, H. G., ilarapipi Mitchell, Thomas, Raglan Moon, J., Okete Murray, Thomas, Mercer Phillips, T., Eaglan Pokepoke, Kihia, Eaglan Eobertson, W., Waitetuna Eosborough, T., Harapipi Sherret, A. S. Harapipi Studholme, and Co., Te Akau, Raglan... Swann, J., Aotea Thompson, J. II., Harapipi Thomson, W., Kuapuke Farm, Aotea ... Vernon, Robert, Te Mata Wallis, W. H., Okete Ward, W., The Kauri Farm, Okete ... Wilson, Thomas, Okete Wilson, T. and S , Raglan Wright, C, Okete 90 45 49 38 104 73 210 96 2 f 276 82 7' 69 6 8 81 66 62 57 97 150 92 104 88 182 84 8 98 54 «5 78 282 Nil 128 80 130 10 99 90 37° 54 45 12 118 Nil 9 Nil Nil 171 284 3 2 288 3° 282 98 Nil Nil Nil 5° 190 300 '88 3° 56 9 100 14 67 100 '95 75°° 40 13 5 00 '59 7600 55 35 300 6.5 7° 53 6 61 Sr 65 77 2,50 15 80 80 48 Nil 7 13 10)333 9.935 3.37' WAIPA COUNTY (In Wnikato Subdivision.) Alderson, William, Tuhikaramea Anderson, A. and J., Whatawhata Atkinson, J., Springbank, Hamilton Barton, C. J. W., Ngaruawahia Bockett, D., Paikuhu, Te Awamutu Bosanko, J. and R., To Awamutu Brooks, John, Churchill Burke, E., Ngaroto Buttle, H., Ohaupo Caley, D., Mona Hill, Pukerimu Carpenter and Byron, Ngaruavvahia Cawkwell Thomas, Ohaupo Churches, George, Te Kahu, To Awamutu Cockerline, R.<, Kihikihi 9 TT '-' 88 58 3Q 234 43° 170 54 "3 295 240 80 187 '3 15 256 47 2 IO 6 7 Nil 85 350 54° Nit Nil 120 2 168 94 93 ! 3 Nil Nil Nil 96 100 z— n. rt.





No. of Sheep i May. 1881. J 1S32. in 31st I 18S3. Turner, H. J., Woodland Farm, Pukerimu Tickers, C. B., Tuhikaramea Wainrighfc, A. M., Tβ Awamnlu Walker, E. B., Moana, Cambridge Walters, J. H., Tβ Awamutu Washer, W., Ngaruawnhia Watson, K. & G., I'ukerimn, Cambridge Way, G-., The Narrows, Hamilton Weal, James, Te Awamutu Weatlierill, T. W., To Awamutu Westaey, S. Jf.,PuniuFann, TeAwamutu While, A., Te Awamutu Williamson, Jamee, Oliaupo Wilson, Robert, Te Awamutu 152 125 37 2976 8 119 2380 Nil n6 Nil 2884 Nil Nil Nil 14 37 "5 iob 4 46 60 97 r8o 108 90 202! 179 140 327 6? 92 — j PIAKO COUNTY (In Waikato Subdivision). Bremner, A., Morrinsville Brunskill, W. S., Cambridge Burnett, Brothers, Walton, Wailiou ... Collins, C, Waitoa, Wailiou Duly, 15. W. H., Tokoroa, Cambridge ... Ellis, G. C, Oakhurst, Cambridge Firth, J. and C, Cambridge G-ould, J. and C, Morrinsville Graham, J. J. Paterangi ... Gubbins, A. W., Morrinsville Horrell, J., Morvinsvillo Hunt, J., Waihou Jenkins, Thomas, Morrmsville McCormick, W. J., Waihou McGlashan, J., Whangaitu, Waihou ... Murray, E. D. and C. N., Otterburn, Waihou Murray, W. A., Atinandale, Morrinsville Paton, Brothers, Hautapu Bnwe, J- II., Hamilton l-'eddons, S., Orongomairoa, Waihou ... Smith, J. B., Waihou Strange, F.., Waihou Taylor, W. I., Teau O'Waikatou, St. j John's College Tiekelpeany, S., Morrinsrille Turnbull, T., Morrinsvillo 12,004 20,827 2 1,214 5' 64 27 9°l Nil 853 252 2560 7681 13 142 98 2533 Nil 7°5 8854 1070 S Nil 6430 6 160 J22 4' 37 600 200 175 18 250 94 1013 j Nil 5° 100 I 100! 140 ioi 800 103 1,361 •5 I 204ft 274 i>) 44 90 3=4 11 2 20 20 '50 2000J 45 j 2.S 00 1850 40 WEST TAUPO COUNTY (In Taupo Subdivision). Grace, J. E., Okahukura, Taupo Jury, C. J., jun., Vermont Morrin and Studholme, Okahukura Smith and Walker, Kangipo, Taupo ... 10,587 15,269 20,495 8807 Nil Nil 1 i;oo 3100 1590 Nil 7500 10,307 4,600 1,590 EAST TAUPO COUNTY. Morrin and Grace, Taupo ... Northern Investment Company of New Zealand, Kangipo, Napier, care of P. S. McLean, Tapuaeharuru Lyon, James, Te ileinga, Kerero 1500 1850 4500 1 60001 1 Nil I 3°33 4,883 WHAKATANE COUNTY (In Bay of Plenty Subdivision). Addis, Thomas, Opotiki Appleton, J., Opotiki Armstrong, John Honry,"Opotiki Behanofitch, M., Opoliki Black, W., Opotiki Bluett, H. P., Te Teko _ ... Brown, C, Whangaparaoa, Opotiki ... Buokworth, E. I , ., Wbakatane Butler, William, Opotiki 64 . 118 5' Nil 81 43^ 54 70c 500 32 soo Nil 559; 1 4/6 77° 160 144

No. of Sheep c Moy. 18S1. j 1882. nSlat 1883. Chalmers", William, Whakatane Clark, Thomas, Opotiki Clay, J., Opotiki Dawson, T., Stirlii)g,*Opotild jDetle, C, Opotiki ]£ivers,12. J., Whakatane Gordon, J., Thornton, Opotiki Gow, J. and Son, Carmyliie, Opotiki ... Hamiora Wepu, Omaio, Opotiki Iliri Wei tero, Te Teko Hood.. .T., Opotiki. Hone Matengo., Te Teko Kelly, S., Oporio, Whakatane Kingi, Wireinu, Xorere, Opotiki Lewis, T, M., Ohul, Opotiki MeMiken, William, Opotiki Mailii, Waikawii, Opotiki Maunsell, Rev. George, Opotiki Maxwell, F., Junction, Opoliki McGaryey, W., Te Teko Murphy, 0. 0-., Wlmkatane Murray, J. P., jun., Opotiki Neri Taramea, Omaio, Opotiki Neto No and others, Kuatoki, Wliakaiane Paku Eruera, Ornaramutu, Opotiki Paora, Pita., Opotiki Paora, Ngatnoki, Omaha Pera, Atua, Omaio Pile, T. IT., Opotiki Reid, Dr. Alexander, Opotiki Rogers, 0., Opotiki Rose, E. O., Opotiki Savage, J nines, Opotiki, Thomas, Orete, Opotiki Simpkins, G., Whakatane Stewart, R. 0., Wliakatane Wilkin, & Co., Whaliatane ... Taulia, Opoliki Taimona, Opotiki Tamati Waakft, Omaio, OpotiU Thomson. 0. W., Opotiki Walker, Isaac, Kotliwell, Opotifei Wilkin, Robert, Wliakatane Young, Gcooge, Opotiki 5° 295 100 5S0 57° 72 650 95° 310 40 267 30 104 55 2922 480 '7 106 359 260 800 648 530 898 50c 196 77 38 164 68 2736 652 20 21 loo ,36 300 306 201 800 75° Nil 700 "34 600 2500 20 193 Nil *5 '3° 51 "5 Nil 723 20 300 320 Nil Nil Nil 488 283 '38 300 54 152 40 Nil 2660 230 12 5° 29 389 300 21 400 ■97 608 1100 7' 344 59.3 goo 102 93 3474 3110 40 '5 708 180 48 90 Nil 86 Nil. 800 800 ■5.775 16,242 7° 300 16,976 TAUB,ANGA COUNTY (Tn Bay of Plenty Subdivision.) Brown, J., Welcome Bay, Tauranga ... CUadwiek, J. A., Yatton, Tauranga Clarke, W. A., Wairoa, Tauranga Crump, V. C,, TaurangQ. Esdaile, J., Waipapa, Tauranga Foley, Denis, Waterford Galbraith, 11. 8., Springdale, Te Puke... Geisler, II. W., Fernhill, Waterford ... Gregory, Thomap, Waterfot'd Harvey, Williim, Ohinemutu Harvey and Kirk, Primrose, Tauranga Jordan, Ii. C, Jndea Farm, Tauranga... Killen, John, Vi aterford Loekingfon, Jas., Waterford MacDonnell, B., Walerford McPherpon, Jolm, Tauranga Morris, G-. B., Ohaniti, Tauranga Munro, C, Oropi, I auranga Pinker, A.. Srlaketu Smith, J. R.j Waterford Stevenson, R. Y., Tauranga Stewart, Q-. V., Waterford, Ivatikati ... Stewart, Hugh, Capt., Waterford Stewart, M., Wafeiford Surtees, R. V., Waterford Tanner Bros., Tflnrrmga Vercoe, U. W., Maketu 8oo 21C 250 200 40 32 800 14 150 240 56 955 225 '7 Nil Nil 80 Nil 20 i5° 100 20 3° 39° Nil 12 35 128o 47 9 24 6 47 60 3OOO 73 1 2 40c 45 38 16 380 122 45 8& 3° 34 ■85 80 22 120 50 100 179 140 5° 1829 5059 4638

NAPIER DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1888.




! No. of Sheep on 31st ___M»y. 1881. I 1883. 1833. COOK COUNTY (In Poverty Bay Subdivision.) Allen, J., Gisborne Arthur, A. C, Tokomaru, 'Xβ Mawhai... Arthur, A. C, Whatatutii, Ornumd ... Arthur, A. C, Willows, Gisborne '.., Baker, H. E., Seaeombe, Gisborne Bank of N. Z., Okahuatiu.Gisborue Barker, P., Whatopoko, Gisborne Black, W., Patulahi Bloomfield, F. E. B., Oil Springs, (Jisborne Bond, P., Gieborne Borrie, P., Ormond Breingan, P., Taurika, Gisborne Brown, C. A., Wbakawhitira, Gisborne Brown, J., Waihora, Gisborne Browne, Wi., Tahoka, Gisborne Bruce, G, Ormond Burnett, G. G., Tangihnngn, Gisborne... Calcott, Agnes. Proepect, Patulahi Cameron, E., Gisborne Campbell, A., Mangataikapua, Ormond Cannon, H., Tologa Bay Oaulton, S. C,Oomberinere, Mataraka... Chambers, W. K., Waerangahika Clark and Dobbie, Gisborne Clark, C, Anaura, Tologa Bay Clarke, John, Opou, Gieborne Clark, J., Ormond Craill, Robert, Patutahi Cuff, A. F., Mangatu, Ormond Davios, H., Pouparne, Gisborne Davis, J. and A., Makaraka Be Montmollin, Robert, Ormond Dunlop, D., Taanga, Giaborue Dunne, L., Matawhero Kru Pobatu, Murewai, Qisborno Kspie, J. E., Newsteud, Gisborno Ferris, C. W., Ormond Goldsmith, T., Gisborne Gray, C, Waiohika, Gieborne Greeno, W. S., Kaiariki, Gisborne Hamilton, T., M-arshlande, Ormond .XJamon, J., Waerangahika Hamon, W. J., Gisborne Harris, H., Mrs., Waekanae, Gisborne... Harris, T. J., Avondale, Pututahi Harries. J. D., Ormond Hemi Hone, Runohirielu, Gisborne Hemi Mahuki, Gisborne Henderson, E. H., Awanui, Gisborno ... Hindmarsh, A. H., Ormond Hirtzell. C. A. M., Akuakn Hoera Rangimii, Waitui, Gisborne Huddleston, O., Mangataikapua Ormond Hutchinson Bros., Waihuka, Ormond Irvine, J. and Co., Reay, Gieborne Johnson, G. R., Te Arai, Gisborno Johnson, J. W., Maraetaha, Gisborno... ; Kenipthorne, A., Westmere, Ormond ... ! King, W., Gisborne ... j ICinroBs and Co., Tologa Bay Kinross and Co., Lome, Ormond Knight, A. P., Lake View, Ormond Knight, E. E., Ormond Lambert, C. C, Rye Green, Ormond ... Loisel, If., Puatae, Gisborne Macfarlane, D. I)., Broadlands, Tolago B. Matenga Taihuka, Ormond McDonald, A., Waerangahika, Gisborne McDonald, A., Wainui, Gisborne McDonald, A., Puatae, Gisborne McDougall, R. D., Lornp, Ormond .., McDougall, R. D., Westwood, Ormond... Melntosh, L., Karawau, Ormond McKenzie, A., Ormond McKenzie, J., Gisborno MoLean, A., Otirau, Te Arai McLean, A., Waiiobi, Huvclock 45< : 4500 2777 4146 1100 5400 5000 i s«« 200 670 185c 2009 2600 2189 2340 3 124 5200 3620 204 81 2200 88 700 900 626 65 287o 605 4059 22011 3260 5000 08 6570 900 250 500 2200 2000 2000 2500 5000 165 1760 5054 6500 3700 8500 80 440 52 050 1100 1000 81 2806 75° 387.3 3067 53+6 Mil 8100 6400 150 8ioo 1S20 223 Nil 1900 2000 2000 3000 4010 192 1500 ii°3 0 Nil Nil 6^oo Mil Nil 8600 Nil 200 Nil Nil Nil 6500 1174 Nil 200 870 Nil 82 3345 Nil • 2400 2 300 650 420 10000 2300 740 2000 74° Nil 236 200 596 600 590 460 200 1000 Nii 3°4 400 300 980 704 300 Nil Nil 9.5° 3300 3000 '5055 j 11856 1000 680 S370 5040 800 17793 13500 1330 800 2000 9100 Nil 18963 12590 •55° 900 202; 4334 997 1203 7 Nil 1 1100 3 000 1100 1200 3500 3300 9000 3S00 9000 55 00 35OO Nil 6^00 Nil 3800 3°o 33 380 iS° Nil. 3500 506 800 800 250 1500 505 637 '475 300 119s

"0. 01 Sheep on May. l':Sl. 18S2. 1883. McNair, I)., Luke View, Ormond Mills, E. W., Gisbome Moamu'oa Pere, Koiparo, Gisborne Moriee, W., Matawhero, Gisborno Morice, W., Te Aroha, Gisborno Morris, J., Waihora, Orasond Home, Win., Mangaoae, Ormond Morton, C. E., Ormond Mosaman, W. J., Gieborne Mullooly, M., Tuawhatu, Gisborne Murphy, E., Tologa Bay Newman, A. B., Ngakaroa, Orrnoud ... Newman, A. M., Orraond Nevin, P., GHeborne Noble, Ii. and Co., Broadlands, Tologa Bay Norris, G. 11., Ormond N.Z.I;, and M.AC'o., Gisborne N. Z. N. l"j. S. Co., Waiiiui and Kaiti, Gisborne O'Mearo, W., Tuparoa Orraond, J. D., Poremata, Napier Ormond, J. D., Anaura, Napier Orr, J., Kangatira, Ormond Page, D., Gisbomc I'ahurn, Wi, Waiapu, Qisborne Patoromu Tawhaitari, Waeraagabikii ... Peters, Andrew, Ormond Porter, T. W., Giebome Poynter, J. B., Buslimere, Gisborne ... Eaihania te Aopapa, Murewai, Gisborne Reeves, A., Tologa Bay Kobertson, J., Alladale, Awanui Scott, G., Wiliowe, Ormond Seymour, J., Whangara, Gisborne Smith Brothers, Ponparae, Giaborne ... Smith, G. A.., Tarnbevry, Gisborne Smith, M., Busbmere, Giaborno Smith, M., Waipiro, GHeborne Smith, Willia.m, Watara,'Gisborne Somerrille and Haig, Taoroa, Akuaku ... Somerrillc, W. F., Tologa Bay Stevens, Alfred, Patutahi Stewart, S. R., Delta, Tologa Eay Sunderland, G-. L., Lavenbam, Gisborne Sunderland, John W., Gieborne Thelwall and Co., Gisborne ... Tipene Tutalii, Waituke, G-isborno Topira Korehe, Ormond Trimmer, J., TokomarQ Tntclien, J., Gisborne Walker, II. J. (8. Lock), Giisborne ... Wail, H. H.. Hillside, Patutahi Walsh, Win. C, Makaraka Westoby, R., Waihuka, Ormond Weston, Alfred, Makaraka Weetrup and Co., Matawhero, Gisborne White, It., Forest Hill, G-i;borne Whitmore and Co., Tuparoa Whitlook, E., Te Arai, Ormond Williams, Henry, Tologa Bay Williams, J. 11., Hastings Woodhead Brothers, AUirau, Ormond... Wyllie, and Bloomfield, Gisborne 8 oo 4io '3.50 4 6 500 5900 55°° 22& 300 3400 77 2 3 232 1370 109 3459 1700 3000 7000 250 870 700 760 3785 128 126 1210 500 6015 5500 600 60 4777 2800 28! 000 9250 250 100 308 2010 110 3100 1900 2500 7500 2850 320 Nil 75* 1002 1500 3400 140 I GO Nil ■ 21S 500 Nil 55°° 500 10 Nil 3000 Nil 10000 800 7280 4092 10652 45 Nil 300 500 'S'5 Nil 230 3000 2000 2300 8000 3600 977 490 IS4 6 1000 1750 1896 400 1650 916 1250 3487 1729 '5° 1300 355° 980 Nil 80 1300 2600 1250 SHOO 586 1530 500 2400 1327 200 2200 8000 150 2400 Nil Nil 890 59 Nil 41 6500 11 17 6553 590 4612 5000 5 2200 S°° 8 ",00 Nil 484 4111 300 3000 280452 300 35' 300 2900 WAIROA COUNTY. Apirnna Ivaiicoana, Wairoa Areta-a-Pntu, Waihirere, Wairoa Balfour, William, Pakihikura, Mobaka Bank of N.Z., Awa Mate, Wairoa Bee G., Wuikara, Mohaka Bee, George, Mangaharura, Mohaka ,., Braithwaite, J. B., Mohaka Brown, J. H., Whalaki, Wairoi Carroll, Thomas, Hurumua, Wairoa. Clunie and Taylor, Wairon Couper, J., Frasertown, Wairoa Donll, J)., Opoiti, Te Kapu Duff Brothers, Wairoa Eden, T., Marumaru, Waiifwa Elliott, William, Elwin, W. J., Turiroa ,,■, Epeniha Taura, Wairoa, Fleming, J. 8., Mahia. ,,, 210483 231801 2500 7821 10500 300 3700 9645 <)i 00 6812 9500 2734 560 344° 773 750a 300. '95° 2 34 100 11 UO 10O 36 35 00 35 00 9000 Nil 6047 13610 34 'O 600 9500 2391 2000 79° 7300 300 1200 410Q 78? 7500 400 1900 l<3.3 44 15100 H9 19099





I I\'o. o, 1881. f Sheep Mny. 1882. in 31st I 1SS3. Fletcher, J. A., Marumaru, Wairoa Gamble, D., Ohuia, Wairoa Garland, Dr. A. J., Waihua, Wairoa ... Gilmour, William, Waikare, Mohaka .., Glennv, William, Mahia Goldatone, W., Frascrtown, Wairoa ... Goullet, Felix, Te Kapu Gray, C, Frasertown, Wairoa Griffiths, E., Tarawera llamliu, J. P., Raikahu, Wairoa Hamehar, J., Waihua, Mohaka Hemi Wairoa, Nahaka Mahia Heria Kopu, Wairoa Hird, J., Wairoa Hoani N garara, Waivoa Kent, Isaac, Wairoa Kinross, J. &., Burnside, To Kapu Komeno te Ito, Portland Island, Mahia Komiti ote Iwi, Nuhaka, Mahia Lambert Brothers, Parkhurst, Te Kapu Maney, II. D., Mangaruhe, Wairoa Matene Tohu & others, Pilot S tn., Wairoa Matene te Ruawai, Frasertown Mayo, George, Wairoa McAnanama, Terence, Turiroa MuCulloch, W., Mangaruhe, Wairoa ... Melvor, Muvdock, Waikari, Mohaka ... McKinnon, John, Arapawanui, Petane... McLean and Co., Putere, Mohaka Meyrick, A. G., Lavindale, Mohaka ... Milne, Alexander D., Mohaka Miller, M. B., Webbston, Mohaka Miller, M. R., Waireka, Turiroa Miller, M. R., & Co., Wakamahi, Wairoa Nairn, H., Liston, Te Kapu Palmer, Thomas, Te Kapu Paora Onekawa, Wairoa Peakman, W. If., Wairoa Peddie, T., Inverleith, Wairoa 1'owdrell, Joseph, Turiroa, Wairoa Royse, Stead, and Co., Wairoa Shrimpton, W. Tongoio, Maraekakaho... Sim, John, Moutoua, Mohaka Steele and Kinross, Cricklewood, Wairoa Stevens and Gorton, Waiau, Te Kapu ... Strachan, K. N., Mohaka Stuart & McKenzie, Tutira Lake, Wairoa Tamati Waka, Waiherere, Wairoa Taruke, Ihaka, Nuhaka, Mahia Taylor, J. E., Springhill, Moliaka Teira Toheriri, Kopuawhara Mahia Te Ranopia Kuta, Mohuka Thorpe, Stephen. Turiroa Topira Tapalii, Te Ruataniwha, Wairoa Tully, David, Wairoa Tanks, T. J., Te Kapu 'J'wigg, H. J., Ridgmount, Petane Walker, George, Waikokopu, Mahia ... Walker, Neil, Wairoa Winiala, Kaihote, Wairoa Witty, James W r ., Orere, Wairoa Young, A., Kakariki, Mohaka 194 7 2 5° 2600 1320 1500 43io 123 268 400 499 418 6000 102 114 220 7320 5°97 80 2050 55° 200 7ooo 2 4 So I4OO 1200 4335 70 250 297 37° 650 494 139° 2900 180 4 oo| 80 35° QOO 6/45 57OO 7302 2 800 1 60 73° 8000 3400 I2OO 5°9 40 90 r2oo 3700 80 400 35 263 300 37° 740 500 4500 717 Nil 35° 45° 81 35° 300 7648 6000 5557 700 1700 95° 4200 19000 2458 20 46 226 800 4050 '45° 80 1700 100 98 600 601 1250 21000 5 000 3000 2700 7000 9022 2700 '35° 20000 17000 5000 3 000 3000 6coo 1420 Nil 16370 5000 3000 3 5 °o 7000 Nil Nil Nil 1000c 39°° 1400 453 200 1 o 10 13 35 250 39/ »5 C 300 90c 300c 853c 71 11 9000 '45° '5° 4°3 80 400 1 200 620 J 7706 77'4 Nil Nil Nil 7553 5900 40 1782 176496 5°? 1 too HAWKE'S BAY COUNTY. Airini Tonore, and others, Taradale Anaru te Wanikau, Kaingaroa, Erewhon Anderson, J,, sen., Moteo, Ifitpier Anderson and Co., To Purotu, Napier Australasia, Bank of, Korokipo, Taradale Baldwin and Melvor, Hastings Beeeroft, W. A., Hastings Beamish, N. E., Whana, Pukelapu Beatson, John, Wbareomaranui, Meanoe Bennett, J., Newstead, Pukctapu Benhett, J., Omaranui, Tai'jidale Bieknell John and Sons, Puketapu Birch, W. J., Stoneycrof't, Hastings ... Birch Bros., Oruamatua, Erewhon Bishop, T., Hastings Bolton, S., Mangatutu, Pulcetapu Bolton, S., Hawkestone, Puketapu Boyd, James, Wairoaito, Petane Boyle, James, Haveloc-k 221471 218185 376 1700 1000 2129 14502 37=8 650 2240 n8oo Nil 13058 1387? 1420 45 ( - S300 6/5 '55° 15200 500 17720 5° 9000 Nil 5° 8000 38900 35° 2530 990 i 5 ocj 404 38000 1300 3500 1300 281 40400 [ 700 4000 3000 5002 650 2400 S oo 2500 504

No. of Sheen on 3]sc May'. 1881. I 1882. 1883. Brathwaite, R., Mohaka Burke, W. U., Mohaka Campbell, Hugh, Poukawa, Te Auto ... Caiiuoii, William, Clive Carr and Ellison, Herepoho, Petane ... Carswell, W., Kanganui, Petane Chambers, J. B., To Mala, Havelock ... Collieon, E. D., Pukipaki, Napier Collison, E. D. Smithileld, Napier Condie, George, Redclift'e, Taradale Conroy, B., Napier Ooupei", W. A., Havelock Cunningham & Smith, TutiraL., Napier Cunningham, J. A., Kakamuone and Titiokura, Napier Davis, E., Meanee .Farm, Napier Davis, E , Spring Vale, Napier Dolbel, P. and K., Taradale Donelly and Sowell, Owhirikura, Pclmi Donnelly and Hiraka, Xutupapa,Erewhon Donnelly and Hiraka, Otupai, Napier Donnelly, G. P., Crissoge, l'aradale Donnelly, H. L., the Willows, Taradale Douglas, W., Te Mahonga, Napier Duff, H. A., Kereru Evans, F. J., Hengnston, Havelock Fairbrother, II. H., Ness .Bank, Havelock Foreman, T., Hastings Forde, J., Pakaututu, Puketapu Fulton, F.C.,\\ r lmkarun)aru,Maraekal;aho Giblin., J. S.,, Puketapu Gilbertson & Dixon, Brooku'elds, Meanee Qilberfceon and Dixou, Waihau, Puketapu Gilligan, T. H., Meauee Gordon, Captain, Clifton, Hastings Graham, S., Puketapu Grant, A., Pakowhai, Meanee llallett Brothers, Puketitiri, Puketapu Hainiora 'Tupae, Te Auta Harding, A., Kereru Harding, K., Patoka, Rissington Haromai, Ani, and others, laradale Honare Kepa, Erewhon Heslop, J., Puketapu Heslop, G., Prior Park, Turadide Heslop, G., Chesterhope, Taradale Hesiop, W., Omaranui, Taradale Hcperi Pikirangi, Moawhango, Erewhon Higgins, E., Napier Higgins, John, Awatoto, Napier Higgins, Lawrence, Tukirangi, Puketapa Hill, K., Clifton, Hastings Hill & Gordon, Fernhill, Hastings liindniarsli, J., Kakaumoana, Napier ... Hindinarsh, J., Titiokura, Napier Hiraka Te Kango and Ani Paid, Erewhon Hudson, S. il., Salisbury, Kissington ... Hulchtiison, V., Kibsington, Puketapu... Hoadley ami Lyon, Taradale Hodge, 11. K., Glenshee, Petane Mollis, J. B., Clive Hone Kautahi, Hastings Howse, George, Puketapu lriman* Ngahou, Waiakaho, Erewhon... Joll, D. I., Hastings Jones, W. J., Waikonini, Pukelapu Johnston, S., Clive Farm, Takapau King, J., Traveller's Kest, xNapier Ivingi Topia, Turangitarere, Erewhon ... Kinross, 3. G., liaukawa, Te Aute Kinross, J. G., Qlenross, Puketnpu Kirkpatrick, D., Oinahu, Taradale Kniglit Brothers, Clive Lansdown, Richard, Meanee Lincoln, J., Patoka, Puketapu Lockie, Allan, Glenljon, Maraekakaho... Loughnan, J'. H., Tukituki, Harelock ... Lowry, Thomas, Okawa, Puketapu Lyon, James, Wliakarara, Kereru Mackenzie, R>. H., Petane Manahi, Hastings Martin, B., Napier Petane Mason, Bros., Te Taheke, Maraelakaho 5508 49 8 5j 5733 6906 — I Mil 15000] 15200! 20000 125 130 174 6718 7100 8600 1010 806; 667 29893 3'4°o 33459 4015 6200 59 Si -- ' - 7488 1200 1170 1300 20 100 20 15000 16000 18000 —• — 8000 55°8 6906 15000' "5 6718 1010 29893 4015 1200 20 15000 — — 19081 3620 350 373 400 3560 3600 15457 14200 16134 — 5020 5000 8150 5400 3360 11700 20480 21000 3030 3700 5000 2014 245O 2003 201,30 2385O 25286 664 564 Mil 335 300 1117 572 N il 200 53° 75<5 — — 4040 — 6446 8123 8000 8000 8000 2692 3250 2020 — 1500 5800 — — 19464 1720 1800 1800 73 '6 7638 6coo 11816 ■ 1194 10000 554 23000 22191 22492 — — 41496 900 900 Nil — —■ 4000 3260 630 722 9000 10103 9400 5000 9930 8524 — 11800 13700 1000 — 700 no — Nil 3620 400 '5457 8150 11700 2014 20130 664 1117 200 8000 2692 1720 73i6 11816 23000 900 3260 9000 5000 1000 no 100 100 100 5°42 5542 5544 17116 18400 Nil 5500 5100 5884 8000 8330 Nil 6000 7800 Nil — — 8050 — — 1409 — 3210 4150 12 41 Nil 1200 1300 1320 50 — " 50 — — 77 900 1000 1 coo 581 t;oo ijoo — 230 Nil 400 300 560 2000 2000 Nil IOO 150 I e^0 800 2024 1986 13834 16756 12076 14400 14445 16018 280 250 400 — 139 ;oo 53 300; 300 350 1100! J 150 900 — 15900 19000 18720 20000 21200 10571 12038 8655 3100 3000 3200 — — 224 21 38 32 —■ 1300 1123 712; 8140 8495 100 5042 17116 55 00 8000 6000 12 1200 5° 900 581 400 2000 100 800 '.S834 14400 280 300 1100 18720 10571 3' oc 21 7121


11.— 8.



No. of Sheep May. m31st 1831. I 1882. ]8S3. Matenga Pekakeka, Clive McDonald, James, Pukahu, Havelock ... McDonald, D., Pukaliu, Havelook McDonald and Munro, Runanga, Napier Mclvor, J., Havelock McKeown, Patrick, Taradale McLean, Allan, Tukituki, Havelock McLean, Douglas, Maraekakabo McLean, Hugh, Onipo, Tβ Aute McLean, l*eter, IJavclock McMillan, W., Havelock Meinertzhagen and Moore, Havelock ... Merritt, G-eorge, juii., Clive Miller, &1. R-, Mount Erin, Napier Miller, M; R., Ardlussu, Napier Mitchell, Charles, Clive Murray Roberts and Co., Port Ahuriri and Hawkestone Murray, Roberts and Co., Onipo, Napier Na Peui Tepuria, Napier Nelson Bros., (Limited), Apley, Hastings Nelson Brothers (Limited), Tomoana and Mangateretere, Hastings Nelson, l< , . & VY\, Mangateretere,Hare]ock! Nepia Hapuku, J e Aute Nikera le Xoro, Oaturawha, Hastings... i Aoa Huko and Aronoa, Ohiti, Hastings ! Noa Huke & Aronoa, Kangaroa, Hastings Ormdnd, J. D., Karamu, Napier Orr, William, Orwell, Clive Orr, John, Papakura, Taradale Orr, William, Orwell Farm, Clive Otene Toatoa Hastings Paki Pailiau, Wainui, Erewton 1'aora Pain, Paki Paki, Napier Paora Kaiwliata, Mbteo, Puketapu Parahi, Korongatn, Hastings Paramena, Paki-Paki, Hastings Parsons, J., Papakura, Taradale Peacock, Gavin (Estate of), Puketapu... Peddle, S. W. P., Hendley, Pohui Pdhuka Hapuku, Ie Auta Powdrell, Henry, Meaneo Pura Nikora, Pakipaki, Napier Reignier, E., Mission Station, Napier ... Reihana, Hastings Renata Kawepo,Pukehamoemoe, Hastings Renal a,Kawepo, & Brougliton, Hastings Retia, Paki-Paki, Haslinrs Rhodes and Co., Rissington, Puketapu Rich and Slirimpton, Muraekakaho Roberts, John, Clive G-range, Clive Robertson. Peter, West Clive Rora Pout'ke, Hastings Kovee and Anderson, Poporangi. Kereru Busaell Bros., l f laxmerc and Tananui, j Hastings Rymer, George, Napier Seule, banders and Toll, Puketapu Shirley, T. A., Wensley, Taradale Shield, Arthur, Waikonini, Napier Slacjen, Harvey, Graesmere, Meaneo ... Smith and Walker, Rangipo, Taupo Smith, J. J., Spit, Napier Smyth, C. G-., Roseneath, Napier ... j Spence, George, Kskniount, Petane Sperice, George, Seafield, Pelane Steven, John, Jiskbank, Napier Stevens, R. E., Bush View, Puketnpu ... IStuart, Robert, Hawkville, Mai'iieknkaho ( Studholme Bros., Owhauko,Paten, Napier j Sludholme, Morrin, and Co., Erevvhon... Sutton, Frederick, Royslon, Clive Tiikamoana Hirini, Ngiitarawa, Hastings | Tanner, T., Hndsleigh, Hastings ... i Tanner, T., Wai Puanga, Petane ... j Tanner, T., Riverslea, Hastings Taylor, John, Moeangiiingi, Petane Tehoni te Hapukii, Hanke, Tβ Aute ... Temuera, Waitio, Taradale TeTeira Tiakitai, Waimarama, Haveloek Tiil'en, H. S., Grreenmeadows, Taradale Thompson and Higgina, Hastings Todd and Cochrane, Maraekakalio Tomoana, Henare, Waipatu, Hustings,.. MS 1000 I 000 2(10 7600 900 35° 8S00 840 186 45° 10400 800 Nil Nil 56368 Nil lSco 2.30 31275 900 14.300 6440 Nil 35° i i2004 42101 2.340 10S0 161 4M37 1S56 I IOO 187 2943O 800 13782 6200 25920 1000 48 I 54°° 53°° Nil 182 220 1700 280 7000 6500 3935 6982 68 79 Ml 43" 1062 ' 2O 5° 706 506 2Oj 3475 700 3020 500 603 .^00 464 8100 35° '5° 4374 676 4630 486 Soo Nil 55.4 Nil 148 1400 160 6OOO 1200 l6o 1000 160 432 68() 5212 1727 I5OO 700 300 466 4i5 o 1728 1816 800 180 1406 35° 4000 6000 300 Nil .3900 1788 2100 600 '35° 300 4000 6 1 40 80 67419 1 500 8850 2400 100 2:0 1500 400 4000 7220 140 Nil 15261 9^88 Nil 62 22428 14500 9000 17665 34 1 ()( > 19553 40170 35400 10000 3926 1050 10100 140 <;6oo ' 84S 11400 Nil Nil 1900 7500 44 5° 100 12000 5000 400 1500 1800 46000 36033 1310 900 18112 7836 8920 700 500 1620 6446 6050 800 13000 5000 35° 1150 >55°| 439<>3i 3957'; '733 15 13000 4C00 300 Nil 1500 4374° 35334 401 2 Nil 6600 7000 20000 12278 8979 Nil 20332 8537 9256 1100 398 359 2 5 6 93 250 4850 7400 102 Nil Nil

i Ku. of Sheep on 3lnt May. j 1381. j 1833. I 1883. Tongataki, Hastings Torr, J. A-, Petauo Towgood, E., Tangoio, Petane Troutbeck, Hutton, Petane Tuxford, A., Petano Twigg, If. J., Petane Grange, Petane ... Villers, William, L'etane Waitangi Boilmg-down Est., Clire Walker, Malcolm, Maraekakabo Wallace, Neil, Willow Bank, Petane ... Waoakau, Te Aute Waterhouse and Fitzlierbert, Jlangawhare, Puketapu Watt (Estate of), Longlande, Hastings Watt (Estate of), Olrig, Maraekakaho AVellwood, Robert, Hastings White, Taylor, Glengarry, Petane Wlllan, Thomas, Meanee ... William?, J. N., Frimley, Hastings Williams, B. P., Mangateretere, Clive... Williams, Kev. S , Te Aute Winiata te Whaaro, Waiakaha,Erewlion ■— 500 1000 200 200 230 18000 — Nil 20017 — Nil 200 iSooo 500 200 20017 29 :> 2 95 2 5° 2071 2567 2200 950 800 700 ' 7 290 2071 930 295 2567 800 1100 1100 1100 900 950 1200 150 — Nil I 1 00 1100 900 I50 95° 20054 22810 24000 16950 16300 16450 29849 30116 30728 2500 2500 3080 4175 4602 5290 — ■—' 240 9466 11108 13661 3443 3631 4640 17050 16630 17546 2854 3000 2800 20054 16950 29849 2500 4175 9466 3443 17050 2854 1036914 22810 16300 30116 2500 4602 1 n 08 3^3' 16630 3000 1037917 WAIPAWA COUNTY. Anderson, Anders, Mokeretu Anderson, Lars, Ashley Clinton, Makoretu Ashton, John, Patangata Atua Mohi & Hiri, Tikokeno, Hanipden Austin, William, Hampden Avison, James, Waipawa Balllaw, William, Swamp, Makaretu ... Baker, Benjamin, Ongaouga lieetham Brothers, Te Apiti, Napier ... Bird, J., Woodlands, Wallingford Bowden, A , Kaikora Bradford, Gr. B., Woodrillo Brewer, Adolph, Makeretu Bridge, H. H., Fairfield Ougaonga Bridge, II. H., Asheott, Ongaongn Britten, J., Waipawa Buchanan, J., Eisthorpe, Patangata Burgess, Thomas, Hampden Callaghau, 14., Mount Erin, Woodville... Campbell, Angus, Kaikora Canning, J. X)., Oakburne, Wallingford. ., Carlile, W. W., Broomfield, Woodville... Carlyon, G-. G., Gwavas, Hampden Cliristianson, P. Makeretu Claridge, K, J., Triangle, Blackburn ... Clarke, Thomas, Waipukurau Clarke, James, Ongaouga Clark, Edward, Taniumu Clark, George, Patangata Coles, Arthur, Makeretu Collins, J., Patangata Cowper and Knight, lCaitoki, Tahoraiti Cox, Henry, Woodville Crane, J. l< , ., Tahoraiti Cripps, George, Wainui Crosse, Thomas, Mangamairi, Porangahau Davie, Jiimes, Woodville Diokins, J., Woodville Dillon, A., Willow Bank, Kaiko a Dillon, A., Patangata Drower, F. 11., St. Vincent, Waipukurau Drower, I , '. H., Te Whiti, Waipukurau Durham, Williatn, Woodburn, Makeretu Ebbetf, William, X'arumo, Waipukurau Edwards, J., Woodville Ellinghani, Thomas, Jakapau Elliott, W., Mount Pleasant, Woodville Ellison, AV. J., Takapau Evniis, It., Homewood, Kaikora Fannin, E. C, Kichmount, Moeangi ... Fleming, D. S., Flcmiugton, AVanstead... Fletcher, Samuel, Ougaonga Foulger, Mrs., Ashley Clinton, Makeretu Ford, John, Tainumu Franklin, Eobert, AVainui Franklin, S., Mangaone, AVainui Franklin, S., Wainui, Graisi'ord, H., Oringi, Tahoraiti eiles, H. E., AVoodville Glenny, T. S., Ongaonga 1036914 1037347 1171899 120 141 142 24 19 40 — — 100 500 400 400 66 190 580 1950 1580 2100 — 72 Nil ,20 24 141 500 66 1950 400 190 1580 72 150 19180 I4°3 9S0 S6 140 150 100 16500 19180 21257 1200 1403 1600 1990 9S0 1110 140 16500 1 200 1990 56 200 2 — Nil 9638 10000 10400 11682 12040 12748 394 685 14000 17130 20300 780 800 1180 2 9638 11682 394 14000 780 7" 10000 12040 634 17 130 800 '5° 127 12284 1 71 150 2CO — 127 160. i1000 12284 l 33 2 Z - - 5<> 16000 15000 17000^ 80 93 80 298 354 283, 600 500 Nil 145 185 Nil 1 1000 16000 80 298 600 15000 350 420 420. 232 110 540. — 150 230 3400 2997 3000 7840 7840 9000 62 12! 134 S 94 3 200 400 500 9405 9400 9000 — 71 126 '45 35° 232 3400 7840 62 S 200 93 354 185 420 110 '5° 2997 7840 12! 94 400 9400 T 120 2900 100 486 400 500 "93 9-l°5 97 120 270 2750 2900 2975 164 loo Nil 280 486 550 600 400 200 97 2750 164 280 600 360 1900 8 360 500 45a I9OO Iig-! I ! 9 E 8 — "' Ml 1100 550 1000266 300 387 52° 425; 1120 1100 1 ico> 3000 — Nil I 6409 6500 7700 672 678 295 47 4y 52 5 3 1 7 — — 3°° ■— — 300 500 500 500 8963 8679 9505 — — 42 19 320 800 1100 266 1120 3000 I 6409 672 47 5 55° 300 520 1100 6500 678 4y 3 500 8963 500 8679 '9 320

IL—3, 1




Ho. oJ 1881. I of Sheep on 31st May. j 1883. j 1883. Moore and Parkinson, Hampden Morrison, Fiulay, Blackburn Mulinder, George, Patangata Muudell, D., Kaikora Murray, J., Woodville Murphy, J. J., Woodville Murphy, William, Woodville Nairn, C. and J., Pourerere Nelson, W., Waiwhoro, Tarawera ISepe te Apatu, Waipawa Newbould, 8., Kaikora Newman, W. J., Arlington, Waipukurau Ormond, J. D., Napier Pedersen, Jens, Makeritu Peers, .lames, Ongaonga 1'etlit, John, Merry vale, Waipawa 1'ocock, j., Napier Poole, T., Hampden Pope, Edward, Motutaria, Waipukurau Price Brothers, Tamumu Rainloee, C, Blackburn Kathbone, W., Abbotsford, Waipawa ... Rath bone, W., Homewood, Waipawa ... Kathbone, W., Te Ante, YVaipawa Eathbone, W., iourere, Waipawa Read?, J., Woodville Renata te Pewa, Hampden Rcndle, E. T., Woodville Rhodes, J. B., Springhill, Ongaonga ... Koberte and Co., Tautane, Napier liopata Kirai, Tikokeno, Hampdeu Ross, A. H.,jun., Blackburn Russell, T. P., Woburn, Waipukurau ... Russell, H. R., Mt. Herbert, Waipukurau Ruasell, H. R., Te Aute, Waipukurau ... Ryan, Denis, Table Hill, Porangahau ... Sanders, VV r ., Motuotaria, Wallingford... Saxby, G-. 11., To Eopanga, Patangata.... Scrimgeour, A. C, Riverdalc, Waipawa... Sebley, Mrs. S. A., Willow l'"arm, Waipawa Severineon, Martin, Blackburn Sims, David, Wallingford Siteman, William, Porangahau Small, W. H., Fernside, Kaikora Soley, Mrs. Mary, Kaikora Speedy, J., Wainui, Napier Speedy, Graham, Wainui, Napier Speedy, William, Wainui, Napier Sporle, R. J., Waipawa St. Hill, A., Waugaehu, Porangahau ... Stewart, Thomas, Porangahau Steed, J. W., liver-Ureeu, Ongaonga ... Stokes Brothers (Trustees), Kaikora ... Taylor, Robert, Wallingford linen, F. J., Kims Hill, Patangata Tipeno Matua, Porangahau Tod, Robert, Kaikora Tod, James, Homewood, Kaikora Troup, Janiee, Woodville Tuliua Tangaru, Takapau Turfrey, 'Thomas, Ongaonga, Blackburn Waldron, B., Waipawa Walker, Enoeli, Woodville Ward, Alexander, Lineloe, Porangahau Ward and Cheer, Simnybauk, Patangata Warren, W. A., Mangapuaka, W onsjead Watene Hapuku, Hauke, Te Aute Watts, B., ICarly Mount, Kaikora, Watkins, Charles, Makeritu Webster, P. 1?., Blackburn W r eokes, J. B. B., Hampden Westerby, R., Woodville White, George, Porangahau White, John, Porangahau White, T. (Extra, of), Sherwood, Takapau White, William, Glcntui, Kaikora Willies, James, Halfmoon, Waipawa ... Williams, J. If., Edenhaui, Patangata.., Williams, John, Woodville ... Williams, Rev. S.> Mangakuri, Napier... Williamson, James, Woodville Witherow, J., Elsworth, Patangata ... Yardley, William, Woodside, Ongaonga 300 . 670 750 42 94 33534 600 4000 600 1 6500 28585 900 600 395 700 125 7» 6600 •45° 1240 2519 i? 408 '6520 17606 10 200 20O o 857 1029 10 600 700 .2 4 170 14 (JO 16 400 Nil 150 250 4 38710 38130 0 2300 2570 0 3300 2900 o 400 Kil 0 7000 9000 5 3°3°o 33000 3° 25 — 288 0 995 1100 0 900 1000 5 — Nil o 600 800 5 498 784 8 92 97 0 6000 7900 0 2130 2820 0 950 Nil 9 4925 471i 7 36 Ml 8 — 300 0 6000 6500 6 19300 19500 0 30c 200 0 180c 1900 'j 2620c 27515 ;> 24207 22854 0 S'SS 5759 4 1116 1307 3 20061 22846 8 19346 20762 j 1300 1400 2 98 120 — 30 3 l60O 1952 5 800 900 3 I8OC 18OO 1 267 267 i 484O 63OO J 32OO 329O 1 495° 5450 3 92 Nil a 30921 31944 > 458 475 — 156 } 3-170" 355°° — 100 200 1500 25000 .1 23500 4170 1104 20000 18898 1200 1 92 1200 775 1700 258 4300 2990 3847 20 3°55° 479 32000 9000 2000 1367 1988 ) 10000 11000 > 2600 3000 ' 1342 1880 '' 2I 75 2394 — 3° ) 2200 1212 — 9 1 400 370 <- 45 > Soo mo 1200 360 ___ 980 281 3500 2500 1930 430 400 3100 5900 1770 2320 1600 2000 11 11 17 1 200 60 49 5° 70 — 1800 13900 14000 1624 1900 3100 3800 100 125 2'593 2 3923 — 16 36056 36001 800 68 z 2525 3026 — 92 100 73 14500 3200 I GO 18000 36000 2750 141 7731098, 83831691229;

ito. oi 1881. j Sheep ou tflat May. 1883. 1833. Gollan, Donald, Wanstead, Waipukurau Gollan, J. D., Eparaima, Wallingford ... Gollan, K., Senr, Xnmumu Goodwin, W., Waipukarau Goose, J. 1?. (Trustees of late), Kaikora Grant, A., Burneide, X'akapau Gray, E., Kaikoni Gniilard, P. L., Woodville Hall, William, Tikokino, Hampden Hallgarth, II., Marumaru, Te Kupu ... Hamilton, G. P., Mangatoro, lahoraite Harding, E., Woodville Harding, J., Mount Vornon, Waipuki irau Harris, John, Woodville Harrison, A. V., Blackburn Hartree, II., Pukikura, Wanstead ... j Hartshorn, E., Wanstead Hawken, Henry, Woodville ... j Hayes, J., Waipukurau ... j Hay wood, J. E. & II., Silverieaf, Wainui Healy, J., Porangahau Haneta te Maero, Takapau Hentselike, J., Ongaonga Herbert, A. and A., Wainui Herbert, ,T. & 0., Faruliam Placa, Wainui Herbert, T. W. and A., Wainui Herbert, W. J. and J., Silverleai:, Wainui Herbert, W. J., Herbert's Mount, Wainui Herrick, J. L., Forest Gate, Onyaonga Hewitt, J. A., Tahoraite Hiekey, H.', Kaikora Hirtzel, 0. A. M., Porangahau Hitchings, V. T., Sherwood, Tajcapau ... Hobin, J., Waipawa Hobson, T., Waipawa Hodd, S. J., Makara Farm, Patangata... Holden, J. & T.i Spring Vale, Hanipden Holder, H. It., Biverside, Napier Holloway, J., Woodville Hope, W., Woodville Howard Brothers, Hampden Howard, T , Holly Combe, Kaikora ... Hughes, D., Woodville Hunter, George, Porangahau Hurst, A. W., Woodville Ingram, William, Hampden Inglie, J., Hampden Ireland, J., Tokupau Jensen, Hemming, Blackburn Jensen, N. P., Takapau Johnston, 8., Tanmmu, Takapau Johnston, S., Oruwharo, i akapau King, 15. Rev., Woodville 1., Knupp, J. E., Makakai, Hampden Knight, J., Kaikora Knight Brothers, Tahoratti Lambert Alfred, Porangahau Lambert,Col. (Estate of), Takapau ... j Lawrence, J., Homewood, Kaikora, Leupold, Carl, Heavitree, Ongaong'a ... Limpus, Charles, Patangata Little, Jamce, Tahoraili Lloyd, J., Woodville Logan, A., Tanmmu Lomai, J. P. Woodrille Lownum, John, Woodvillo Love, N., Mount Hope, Makeretu Lyons, A. E., Mangatarata, Waipukurau j TVIackei'sey and Sons, Lakes, Wanstead JVIackey, A., Ongaonga MalJiews, J., Hampden McDonald, James, Woodville McDonald, John, Senr., Woodville McGreevy, S., Mount Erin, Waipawa... McIIardy, A., Pakowhai, and Blackhead, Po.urei'o ... ... ... I , McKenzie, Hector, Porangahau McKenzie, John, Waipawa McKenzie, K., Kaikora McLean, Rachel, Kaikora McLenan M., Ongaonga McLeod, Mrs. E., Glen Erie, IJampden McLeod, David, Woodside, Ongaonga ... Hills, E., Woodville MonteitU and Fountain, Woodville IOOO 95<= 2749 1100 355 9250 / 490 3° 17000 19500 6 59 500 500 68 IOOO 90 300 6400 840 719 45 6 8636 IOOO 40c 1250 38 700 78 4100 250 72 5000 800 33000 48 48c 21 269OO 2000 800 23OC 4000 7 8O 6845 3803 850 I.76 '4 II70 1.3 2Q59' 11200 30 1100 399 32469 400J 900 20 600 110 200 62 3' 1000 IOOO 2820 900 146 10250 587! 5° 16010 '75 20150 25c 595 650 5° 53° 1000 650 7000 690 525 8929 192 2000 389 5° 1020 86 4500 200 93 6020 85^ 51 3S282 V42 467 22 5 H t I - 20200 26800 282 800 1800 38OO 800 045' 3533 IOOO 1228 1OO0 IOOO IOOO I ;, 00 2820 3009 900 J 000 146 417 10250 10800 — Nil — '77 587! 595 50 NU 16010 16800 '75 297 20150 20500 —' 764 25C <)2 595 looo 650 800 — 3' 50 <;o 530 700 1000 1300 SOO — Nil 650 800 7000 7500 690 800 — Nil 525 650 8929 9950 192 20; 2000 Nil 389 Nil — Nil 50 74 1O2O IOOO 86 Nil 4500 5500 — 409 200 300 93 95 6020 8240 ldbo 5' 8 4 35282 36400 7= 45 42 90 467 589 22 30 5 4 72 80 29200 32700 26800 28900 282 Nil 800 1000 212 IO99 180c 2400 3800 4000 800 900 645 ! 635O 3533 3394 1000 1000 1228 1380 — '80 212 211 1099 1390 — 590 131 250 10 14 32045 37051 11579 j 2000 12 80 '3' 10 32045 "579 12 1600 1600 2200 — 433 ~ '55 550 700 55° 338 23I 1300 100 '43 900 53823! 38020 — Nil 1300 1600 100 280 143 Nil 900 410 2 103 300 300 98 94 — I Nil 2 300 93 —- 1



NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883 1882. I 1833. TABANAKI COUNTY. Allen, W., jun., New Plymouth Allen, T., New Plymouth Allen, W. S., New Plymouth Andrews, Fred, ITuirangi Atkinson, H. A., Waitara Atkinson, II. D., New Plymouth Bayly, F., Urenui Bayly, Albert, Ornata Bayly, Thomas, Waitara Bayly, William, Stoney E., N. Plymouth Bell, John, Kent Eoad, New Plymouth Berridge, William, Omatu Bewley, Walter, Inglewood Billiale, Thomas, Inglewood Bishop, W., New Plymouth Bishop. Albert, New Plymouth Blake, W., New Plymouth Breach, S. A.) Opunake Broughton, F., Inglewood Brown, II. II. Bev., New Plymouth ... Brown, Thomas, New Plymouth Buckle, John, Waitara Chapman, Peter, Waitara Chapman, F. M., Eabot.ii Clare, Thomas, Bell Block Cleave, W. J., Huirangi Clemoe, llobert, New Plymouth Coad, Stephen, New Plymouth Colvillo, A. }j., New Plymouth Connett, J. B., Bell Block Cornwall, F. D., Bell Block Crean, John, New Plymouth Cunningham, Robert, Waitaia Curtis, George, New Plymouth Outfield, W., Oakura Duvis, W., Inglewood Dingle, J. V., Okato Elliot", and Bayly, Waitsira foreman, J. W., Tikorangi Foreman, R. II., Waitara Foreman, W., Oakura Gane, G. W., Rahotu Gray, Robert, Stoney River, Oftrtfo Gernhorfer, Gotthib, Lepperton Gibbons, E. H., Inglewood Giddy, W., New Plymouth ffamblyii, C, jun., Bell Block liamblyn, C, sen., New Plymouth Harrison, Job, New Plymouth Henderson, A. W., Okato Hill, James, New Plymouth Honeyiiold, J. C, New Plymouth Honeyfield, H. J., Bell View, Npw Ply. Honor, Williatn, New Plymouth Hosltin, W. F., Penrose Farm, Bell Block Hoskin, A. J., Bell Block Irvine, Hugh, Urenui Toll, Samuel, Waitara Julian, N. H., Oakura Tury, John, Omata lury, William, Waitara 3o 99 12o 277 12 15o 86 25o 54 05 17 43 210 8oo 4oo 28 30 11 16o 27 27 22 21 180 406 61 1,600 -10 160 40 102 50 230 15 20 145 700 250 270 050 29 32 16 180 18 57 150 400 1000 42 28 31 74 1 20 Nil 258 Nil 160 1400 420 Nil 160 255 110 Nil 303 63 ■5° ») Nil 80 294 Nil. 500 5° 310 420 98 34 48 23 10 ii)9 18 S6 200 1^00 875 39 Nil 32 5o5 35 72 23 20 185 26 [ 51 (>() 8(i 25 44 51 30 70 37 37 23 44 300 270 40 43 26 42 Nil Nil 9 25o 278 3oo l!)o 5 10 532 97 306 400 500 100 60 46 Nil 334 5 oo 66o 98 34 33 48 303 180 1200 200 50 30 64,

No. of Phfcp 01 May. 1-81. j 18S2. j in 31st j IStfS. i Kelly, Thomas, GUenfern Farm, Bell Block King, H., New Plymouth Knuekey, Nicholas, Waitara Knvvett, J. Gh, New Plymouth Leech, T. G., Marwood, Inglewood Lepper, C, Lepperton Little, Joseph, Omata Looney, J. J., Oakura Lord, John, Lopperton Lye, Edward, Waitara Mace, F. J., the Wairau, Oakura Marsh, A., Nevr Plymouth ... Marshall, W., Inglewood Morgan, E. R., Urcnni Newland, H., New Plymouth Okey, Henry, New Plymouth Old, John, Waitara Oldfield, Thomas, Omata Oliver, G., Woodlands, New Plymouth Oxenhani, O., Oakura Oxenhain, W. J., Waitara Parkinson, A., Waitara Pearce, John, Clubworthy, Oakura Pearson, William, Oakura ... Peattie, William, Waipnku Pott, George, Urenui Priske, P. T., Oakura Putt, John, Omnta Putt, Richard, Oukura Rattenburv, James, Waitara Raymond. W. T., Tho Woods,Waitara... Riggall, W. T., Bell Block Rossiter and Sons, New Plymouth Rowe, C. N., Urenui Rowe, H. N., Bell Block Rowe, H. G., Bell Block Rowe, William, New Plymouth Bundle, Samuel, Bell Block Sargent, James, Bell Block Sarten, James, Waitara Sarten, Levi, Tikorangi Skeet, H. L., New Plymouth Smith, J. nnd J., Midhurst Stead, C. V., Midhurst Street, Romulus, Bell Block Tate G. V., Waitara Taylor, R. II., Tnglewood Thomson, W. D., Inglewood Vavasour Brothers, New Plymouth Vickery, Francis, Tikorangi Vosper, P., Tikorangi Wareham and Morris, New Plymouth... Warnoek, John, Fern Glen, Lepperton Watkins, James, New Plymouth Webster, W. W., New Plymouth Wells, W. J., Mangorei, New Plymouth Wells, W. Z., New Plymouth Wells, Z. W., New Plymouth Western, Thomas, Bell Block Wheeler, J., Inglewood ... Whitehouse, W., Inglewood Wilson, J. W., Oakura Wilson, Thomas, Urenui Wood, H. T., New Plymouth Wood, Robert &., Oakura 122 61 i 122 170 61 82 — 203 25° 275 So 33 40 IO 5 Nil 200 Nil 25 25 44 — 51 5 — 1(58 18C> 95 — 5 168 95 2o loo 2o 31 loo 100 — 35 — 60 — 400 2oo 196 38 Nil 60 120 Nil 2oo 225 520 200 123 45 o 45o 300 38o 31 38o 384 S4 26 — 70 loo 350 25 18 425 35 100 loo 25 200 Nil 30 193 316 12o 2oo 32 12o 100 2oo 170 32 30 — 220 132 740 100 225 32 Nil Nil 132 8o 42o 8o — 42o — 300 74 72 Nil 9o — 230 — 47 9o 54 log ifio 7o 85 27 26 — 29 — 46 57 244 280 log 7o 27 24.4 l,3oo l,3oo — — 78 — 70 31 957 3oo 170 — 36 22 14 5) 72 95 31 3oo 33 72 153 75 37 Nil 100 39 255 365 l<! 286 Nil 170 35 *& 9 97 Nil 298 6 314 550 3S 30 38 163 108 90 9o — 115 203 125 75 5oo 436 6oo 600 25 25 — 280 498 343 25 41 14 72 9o 115 125 5oo 6oo 25 498 25 12769 i i 12769 18302 19702



WANGANUI DISTRICT. RET URN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.


Ko. of Sheep A!.iy. 1831. 1882. in 31st 1SS3. PATEA COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Aiken, Alexander, Growanleo, Waverley Aiken, James, Stratmore, Waverley Allan, James, Waverley ... Allen, Thomas, Kakaramea Arundell mid Itoss, Otaufcu, 1'atea Ball, James, ICaikura, Kakaramea' Balmforth, George, Huritoto, Manutalii Balmforth, William, Seaview, Mauutalii Bourke, Patrick, Patea Bradley, John, Derry Farm, Waverley... Bremer Brothers, Elmina, Patea Bremer, P. L., Kohi, Waverley Brewer, William, Waihou, Waitotara ... Bridge, G. S., Waverley Brodie, R. W., Kakaramea Burke, John, Mungaroa, Kakaramea ... Campbell, Peter, Manutahi, Caverhill, J. S., the Lakes, New Plymouth Christie, J. 1)., Annbank, Manulahi ... Collins, Henry, Waverley Corrigan, S. B., Mauutahi Davis, Ii. I., Patea Derritt, William, Pine Hill, Patea Dickie, James, Waverley Dickie, John, Nctherby, Waverley Dickie, J. Or., Beaven'e Farm, Waverley Dickie, J. P. A., Momohaki, Waverley... Drako Brothers, Kaiworawera, Patea ... Dukes, James, Waitotara Durie, Charles, Waitotara Durie, J. W., Waitotara Dyke, llonry, Waverley Emslie, Peter, Fernydell, Waverley Fairweather, James, Racecourse, Patea Fleetwood, T. M., Waverley Fleming, David, Waverley Frisby, Arthur, Ferndale, Waverley Guno Brothers, Manutahi Ginger Brothers, Trevor, Manutalii Gower, George, Patea Grower Brothers, Round Bush, Patea ... Gowland, P. C, Patea Hair, John, Rosemont, Waverley Hamilton and Maxwell, Mauutahi Hamilton, E. B., Manawapo, Manutahi Harris, Thomas, Waverley Ilawcs, 0., Waverley liawken, Joseph, Kakaramea Haywood, Thomas, Patea Hone, W. and T., Kolii, Waveriey Honeyfield, B. M., Park Farm, Patea ... Horner Brothers, Patea Horner, Robert, Dunira, Paten. Howie Brothers, Woodlands, Waverley Howie, John, Waverley Hunter, Andrew, Kakaramea Hunter, D. S., Waverlev Huston, James, Kakaramea Hutchison, George, Wanganui lllston, Alfred T., Manutahi Ion, John, Balgownie, Waverley Jacob, Fdvvin De G., Kakarame:i Jardine, A., Kakaramea Johnston, G. and R., Waverley Johnston, Henry, Waverley Johnston, James, Denhead, Wayerley ... Johnstone, John, Wavorley Jollie, Edward, Coutt's Farm, Patea ... Keating, M., Pigroot, Waverley Kenagh, J. W., Waverley Kennedy and Hearn, Waverley Knopily, J., Waverley Lind, W. S., Waverley Lupton, Isaac, Waveiley Macdonald, Duncan, Burnside, Waverley Marchant, W., Rosehill, Waverley Martyn, W. L., Manaia Mathieson, James, Woodleigh, Waverley Maxwell, Mrs. Mary, Manutahi McDonald, Donald, Gateside, Waverley McDonald, Watson, Waverley Melntosh, Robert, Waverley McKenzie, John, Waitotara 197 950 55 ]2oo 600 400 800 618 399 30 1300 2850 367 1200 359 3500 109(i 480 20 looo 43o 53o 292 49o 25 18 2100 12oo 0l!o 293 loo 32o 3oo 5oo 17o 262 878| 13001 55 1X5C 102 100 300 600 1200 950 1200 1200 3000 600 67 40 476 35 1100 610 850 51 1200 49 3250 120 650 2500 1200 970 400 800 446 400 150 975 94 40 1273 Nil 128 100 Nil 385 Nil Nil 900 750 1800 1500 2500 594 60 65 88G 1 Nil 600 150 Nil Nil 440 1100 600 Nil 1550 Nil 2000 1000 1080 297 1000 500 500 Nil Nil 2300 900 350 33 Nil Nil 1200 400 640 282 A Nil 548 1575 Nil 308 1700 Nil 1100 1200 340 189 700 3291 Nil 4100 1010 25 600 800 1238 400 Nil 2500 Nil 133 1235 396 496 Nil 585 338 275 300 1800 308 fio! 65o 15oo 46o 72o 3 385 V50 1600 490 690 1850 45 540 1566 375 310 1900 4251 1402 462 168o 190 55 9oo 235 997 1000 280 550 218o 45o 124o 1114 250 4oo 1135 600 3300 70 700 1294 400 600 600 573 330 4oo 311 looo 190 770 3441 383 399 400 400 400 765 542 549 13o 2oo 7 oo 176 340 250 941

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1831. J 832. 1883. HAWERA COUNTY (Tn Wangnnui Subdivision). Allan, Thomas, Manutahi Baird, M. F., Mcrcmere, Hawera Barnett and Dunton, Manutahi Barrow, Jesse, Normanby Bayly, G. T., Mokoia, Hawera Bayly, 31. M., Manaia Bremer, Adolpb, Manutalii Brodie, O. S., Okaiawa Buchanan, Donald, Hawera Buckrell, George, Manutalii Campbell, W. J., Manaia Campbell, J. J., Manaia Cowper, James, Ilawera Crocker and McKenzie, Normanby Curtis, IT. B., Inglewood Davidson, James, Hawera Douglas, William, Hawera Douglas, .Tohn, Hawera Duris, William, Manutalii Edwards, W., Manutabi Finlayson, Farquhar, Normanby Foreman, R. W., Manutalii Forsyth, Simon, Pihama Glenn, Q\, Manaia Good, II. E., Ouri Reserve, Pibama Gocd, T., and Co., Oeo, Pibama Goodson, M. J., Waibi, Hawera Gordon, George, Stratford Gore, John, Hawera Hare, William, Manaia Hastie, Andrew, Manaia Hicks, James, Fernlea, Hawera Hicka, John, Brookdale, Hawera Hicks, W. and R., Tongahoe, Hawera ... Hicks, Richard, Brookly, Ilawera Hobbs, A. S., Hawera Hughes, Daniel, Manaia Hunter, Moore, Burnside, Ilawera Law Bros., Hawera Law, Robert, Hawera Livingstone, James, Waipawa, Hawera Lloyd, John, Hawera Lueena, W. L,, Hawera Lysaght, J. R., Patea MeCracken, T. and C, Manaia McGregor, Duncan, Manutabi McLean, Duncan, Hawera McLean, George, Hawera Mitchell, J. D., Manaia Morecroft, II. G.. Croftmoor, Hawera... Muir, Q lien tin, Ilawera Murdock, A. D., Okaiawa Nichol and Shearer, Grantham, Hawera Nichol and Shearer, Hawera Nicholas, Thomas, Hawera Partridge, J. W., Tautiorii, Hawera Perry, J. L., Junction, Hawera Kainie Bros., Hawera Parsons, Thomas, Otakeho Peterson, Peter, Sp'inghill, Ilawera ... Riddiford, Fred., Hawera Schroder, F., Stratford Scott, J. W., Manutahi Scott, Thomas. Manaia Sheat, John, Pihama Short, J., , ., Hawera Stent, J. E., Hawera Sutherland, Alexander, Manaia Taifc, Charles, Manaia Trewcek, William, Hawera Treweek and Co., Normanby Williams, 0., Deer Park, Manutahi Wilson, Gilbert. Hawera Winks, John, Woodside, Hawera Winks, John, W'airnnte, Hawera Yorte, J. C, lnahi, Hawera ]20 190 90 225o 500 415 45 0 500 600 4 19 755 1136 55o 735 825 525 1671 8fi 150 106 300 4900 460 1000 6 1250 300 800 700 300 18 1535 1100 1256 — ! 795j 150 4KI 690 650 117 1833 130 300 Nil 700 5,500 Nil 1000 10 157 455 187 700 0 1500 600 250 1000 890 lOOd 18 1000 25 614 1930 300 lboo 1506 40 982 1400 900 Nil 418 1235 700 104-2 630 2350 286 — ! ! 8000 ; 400 334 12 2400 600 436 100 987 500 3010 '50 )°34 5400 480 80 56 2000 3021 1270 670 Nil Nil Nil 1267 Nil 151o 2900 230 242 600 1000 470 9i7 498 574 9oo 812 57o 138 1000 199 5° 700 1400 80 200 500 j 00 300 270 320 295 20^1 67 1250 Nil '5° 100 1079 1 10 2360 15 18 770 350 150 300 1 120 ISO 20305 06567 59341


3—H. 3.




Ao. of Sheep on 31st hlify. 1881. JSS2. j 1883. McLean, John, Annani, Waverley McMeckin, James, Waverley McB-ae, R. E., Kakaramea Milne, J. and A., Fernylea, Waverley ... Milne, "William, Manutahi Mitchell, W. W., Waverley Morgan, E. J., Longmoor, Manutalii ... Morgan, W. E., Seafield, Waverley Morton, John, Waverley Newing, Henry, Waverley Newland, W. and G-., Waverley Nicholls, Q-.W.,Springfield Mt., Waverlej Nicholson Brothers, Waitotara Nicholson, J. and H., Cawood, Pafcea ... Pain, J. A., Bath Estate, Manutahi Palmer, Alfred, Paranui, Patea PaLmer, W., ITernglen, Waverley Paterson, John, Patea Peacock, II. S., Bellgrove, Manutahi ... Pearce, R. B., Patea Powdrell, J. I)., Kakaramea Kiddell, James, Springwells, Waverley... Riseley, Henry, ITernglen, Waverley ... Saunters, G-., Kata Park, Waverley Shaw, Hunter, Patea Sheild, J., Stotfold, Patea Sinclair, John, Mrs., Waverley Smith, Daniel, Patea Symes, W. and A., Putahi, Waverley ... Byrnes, W. C. & E. P., Wheauakura, Manutahi Symes, Francis, Westholm, Warerley ... Symes, Oscar, Waverley XhQmas, Charles, Waverley Thompson, W., Manutahi Turner, H. T. &., Otoia, Patea Verry, John, Waitotara Walker, Alexander, Waverley Walkinton. J. B., Waverlev Wallace, William, Manutahi Watkins, William, W r averlev Wicks, T., Waverley Wilford and Eeid, Wainoa, Patea Wilkins, G., Waverley Wilkie, John, Matuatah, Waverley Williamson Bros., Spring G-., Kakaramea Wilson, Peter, Sea View, Kakaramea ... Wilson, William, Elslea, Waverley Wybourne, M. H., Waverley Young, Andrew, Manutahi 285o 3o5 72 555 2299 213 90 3500 200 100 Nil 497 Nil 900 590 SO 192 80 102 Nil 1400 Nil 2000 700 200 2500 195 150 1500 Nil 200 1320 709 240 30 990 300 2o 119 4Q0 497 19 25o 22o 3 85 1450 172 150 960 611 10 4oo 1500 510 37 2000 19o 225 23o 54 18o 3 4oo 950 3oo 165 55o 3 750 190 260 1600 155 1250 900 360 98 790 12oo 73o 12oo 1800 700 12C0 3700 700 1300 180 84. 102 493 3 500 1200 900 3 36 3 79 875 200 1000 433 272 1900 20 Nil 10 386 100 1034 1303 700 200 336 2 45 170 3171 1385 900 100 242 450 200 600 405 214! 2fi50 170 500 385 98 1960 560 73234 7970! r" 90840 WANGANUI COUNTY (In Wanganui Subdivision). Abbott, J., Wanganui Alexander, J., Pakaraka, Wanganui Allen, Thomas, Wanganui Allsworth, E. G-., Kennington.Taylorvillo Anderson, M. S., Kai Twi Anderson, Thomas, Wanganui Anderson, W. D., Makirikiri Andrews, Edward, Waitotara Anderson, J. W., Makirikiri Babbage, C. W., Te Korito, Makirikiri Baker and Allison, Brookvale, Fordell Baker and Allison, Tjamhhill, Fordell Bamber, W., Eusthall, Wanganni Bamber, Wm.,Ellengowan, Taylorville Bashford, Jas., Marshill, Wanganni Batchelar, W., No. 1 Line, Taylorville Bayly, D., Kai-iwi ... Bennett, Alexander, Wanganui Bill, Charles, Makirikiri Blair, D. and W., Kapanui, Wanganui... Blair, D, and W., Gordon, Taylorville... Blair, Duncan, Eernhill, Wanganui Blyth, James, Iiolo Kawau, AVangaehu Blyth, T. L., Wangaehu Braithwaite & Black, Kukuta, Wanganui Braithwaite & Black, Kaikopn, Wanganni Brodio, O. S., Valley Field, Wanganui... Brown Brothers, Wanganui 60 400 390 500 550 870 100 420 286 690 198 285 100 570 . 589 680 170 3082 450 500 740 iS6 Eil ioo 3 73O 690 <;oo Nil 240 1200 IOO 400 1070 765 Nil 195 534 20 2400 450 11 3200 500 666 3077 8S0 2950 2I)()O Nil 1009 5°'.» 600 800 Nil '9 724 200 600 3020 630 360 600 4S7 35(J 355

No. of Sherp on 31sfc May". 1881. I 1832. 1883. Brown, Chris., Wanganui Brown, r J'ho3., Makii'ildri Brownlee, James, Makivikiri Brownlee, John, Taylorville Bryce, T. A., Waipuna, Brunswick Buchanan, John, Roseneath, Wanganui Bunting, John, Okohu, Maxwelltown ... Burnett, Alfred, Oneida, Fordell Bun-, Patrick, Fordeil Burr, William, Matarawa, Wanganui ... Caines, William, Upokongaro, Wanganui Cameron, John, Marengai, Wanganui ... Cameron, John, Wanganui Cameron and Lees, Upokongaro Campbell, Allan and George, Brunswick Campbell, E. A., Wirifoa, Wanganui ... Campbell, George, Taylorvilln Cassell, David, Taylorville Chapman, Marie Ann, Fordell Christie, Robert, Fordell Clinton, K., Wanganui Corry, William, Brunswick Cotterill, James, Tayloryille Cowper, C. W., Upokongaro, Wanganui Craig, William, Waiora, Wanganui Crawford, M., Fordell Cravvley, H., Missionary St., Wanganui Crawahaw, Charles, Hillfoot, Wanganui Cullinane, John, Matatera, Upokongaro Darbyshire, William, Okehu Davies, H., Maxwelltown Death, Henry, Wnitotara Dempsey, James, Larch Hill, "Wanganui Doole, John, Woodridge, Fordell Duncan, John, No. 2 Line, Wanganui... Dime, Penelope, Glen Durio, Wanganui Dymook, Herbert, Homelands, Wanganui Ellis, Thomas, Primrose Farm, Wanganui Fernie, John, Churchill, Taylorville Fernie, John, The Island, Taylorville ... Fisher, W. B., Rata Farm, Waitotara... Fisher, W. B , Wanganui. Flannary, T., Brunswick Line, Wanganui Fleetwood, J., Matnongaonga Fleetwood, C. and J., Mangawbero Foison, Frank, Kokowainui, Makirikiri Forder, W. II., Wanganui Foreman, S., The Grange, Wanganui ... Friedrich, Albert, Pohuahua, TJpokongaro Georgetti, A., Whataroa, Makirikiri ... Gilmour, Andrew, Wanganui Gould, John, Marsliill, Wanganui Gower, H., Mingaroa, Upokongaro Grace, Dr., Makirikiri Grail, W., Mount Misery, Wanganui ... Gray, Robert, Bothwell, Wanganui Greenway, Robert, Makirikiri Greig, Thomas, Kaitoki, Wanganni Hair, J. A., Brookland, Wanganui Hair, Robert, Woodstock, Brunswick ... Handley, Jolm, Okcliu Handley, S., Nukumaru, Maxwelltown... Harle, J., Okehu Harris, Henry, No. 2 Line, Taylomlle Harris, John, Kai Iwi Harrison, Henry N., Wangaebu ... Harrison, H. S., Warrengate, Wanganui' Herliliy, Denis, Hazel Grove, Taylorville Healop, John, Kai-iwi Line, Wanganui... Higgie, David, Wanganui Higgie, James, Wanganui Higgie, John, Kaukatea, AVanganui Higgie, Robert, Kaukatea, Wanganui ... Hilford, R., Waikiekie, Mangapai Hogg, George, Taylorville Hogg, Henry, Murray Hill, Wanganui... Hoskin, John W., Denlair, Wanganui... Howard, M., Long Acre Valley, Wanganui Howie, Mrs. Jane, Learney, Wanganui... Humphreys, John, Maxwelltown Huston, William, Okeliu Jacob, —, Wanganui Jolmslone, A., Sea View, Waitotara Jones, J. N.,"Waikupa, Wanganui 7 500 900 340 314 Ki52 G00 140 1947 100 880 1700 300 12G0 400 c<95 350 610 160 810 420 154 600 20o 408 17o 5oo 85o 78o 37o 22o I600 I800 Go 250 6 fiOO 200 1000 96 190 2300 050 390 2112 800 ]700 350 1100 450 590 600 450 200 600 438 435 276 700 300 400 250 400 676 895 196 I7 8 it 8oo 151 1245 180 226 2000 670 760 170 2199 Nil 520 j 000 2000 100 35° 1680 11 22 ii 00 230 1100 600 52 3 [2 l8o 80O 50O I2O I20O 48O 2!0 5 00 258 200 400 775 500 43° Nil 320 850 Nil Nil j 3800 65o 60 17oo ' 1100 70 1650 105 200 '5° 1200 70 '55° 12 373 500 992 Nil 560 Nil 3000 500 190 970 Nil 6 275 Nil 450 100 2ooo 5oo 3o 60 4,80 40 1700 500 50 1350 looo 25 1113 looo 384 4o8 2oo 4oo 55o 5 220 100 1050 850 GO 470 400 300 300 300 91 1 460 soo I 100 930 190 Nil Nil 375 Nil Nil Nil 5oo 75 123 720 600 260 91 1 500 150 Kil 600 400 114 800 1100 75 7oo 1700 110 114





No. of Rheep OD 31st May. 1831. 1832. j J883. Pickup Brothers, Taylorville Piercy, John, Kaiwhaiki, Upokongaro ... Plampin, John, No. 2 Line, Taylorville Poison, 1). G-., Wanganui Portions, William, No. 3 Line, Fordell ... Povvoll, Samuel, Wanganui Provost, J., Wanganui Prujcim, J., Hillside, No. 3 Line, Fordell Rawlings, John, Wanganui Renrdon, Jolm, Maxwelltown Beid, Binbard, Edina Farm, Wanganui Reid, William, Rivorton, Wanganui Bice, Samuel, Brandon, Wanganui Richards, 0. M., Union Head, Wanganui Richardson, A. II., Malea, Wanganui... Rider, A., Wang>mui Robertson, George St. Clair, Upokongaro Robertson, W., Matarawa, Tayldrville ... Rod well, P., Makirikiri Ross, David, Taylorville Ruscoe and Sons, J., Sea V-iew, Wanganui Russell, J. S., Russell Vale, Wanganui... Russell, William, Sherwood, Wauga-nui Sargeant, H., Fordell Sargeant, Henry, Riverley, Fordell Sargeant, Isaac, Woodbnrn, Forciell Sheriff ana Jones, Rusthall, Wanganui ... Shield, R. T., Okui, Wanganui Slade, Isaac, No. 3 Line, Wanganui Small, G. J., Fernside, Wanganui Smith, Charles, Te Korita, Wanganui ... Smith, S., Papaiti, Wanganui Smyth, W., Bush Farm, Mtixwelltown Sommervillo, J. R., Fair View, Wanganui Stent, James, To Karaka, Waitotara ... Stone Bros., Matarawa, Wanganui Stone, John, Ora Farm, Wanganui Straehan, Alexander, Lornty, Wanganui Sutherland, A., Fordell Sutherland, N., Fordell Svyeeny, P., Mount Sweeny, Wanganui Symes, A. J., Blink Bonny, Wanganui.., Tawee, Alexander, Kai-Iwi Taylor, ]). S., Tayforth, Wanganui Taylor, Joseph, Kukuta, Taylorville ... Thatcher, Thomas, Fernham, Wanganui Thurston, E., Q-lenburn, Makirikiri Tihi, Kai-Iwi Tod and Cochrane, Nukumaru, Waitotara Towgood, S. H , Grass;nere, W'anganui Turner, C, Blythwood, Taylorville Walker, GK, Mount Hewitt, Wanganui Wall, Francis, Wanganui Wall, John, Rock Farm, Wanganui Wallace, Jolm, Taylorville Wapshare, II., Maxwolltown Watt, A., Missionary Line, Wanganui.., Watt, Mrs. M., Lily Bank, Wanganui... Watt, W. II., Wostmere, Wanganui ... White, Samuel, Roseville, Wanganui ... Wickatead, A., Wanganui Wilford, Arthur, Pukearaka, Ivai Iwi ... Williams, C F., Kukuta, Wanganui Williams, R. L., Brunswick Wilson and Ritchie, Wanganui Wisdom, W. H., Taylorville Wright and Sons, Temple, Brunswick ... Wright, G-. S., Brunswick Wright, J. J., Taylorville Yates, W. F., Makirikiri Young, William, No. 2 Line, Wanganui 4oo 808 319 437 958 390 4.5° 1284 3 to 45° 5 1 2 675 H.i 500 1144 39" 900 zoo 285 IOOO 200 60 80 3200 Nil 4oo 450 295 280 230 811 700 20o 540 433 925 440 950 300 1000 900 40 15 2200 4oo 43 0 145o 195o lloo 800 181 175 Io4 128o 1250 1000 943 40 23 2500 301 5G0 1500 2500 900 800 423 260 250 37° 1500 2700 IOOO Nil 493 324 300 Nil 45o 158o 1350 250 3S0 127 '35° 200 45° 1100 60 5 1161 ]ooo looo 244 126o 480 310 1170 1170 200 1470 700 600 700 1150 1150 100 I60 '379 170 Nil 600 7o 100 15 54° Nil 200 67o 513 310 (10 70 ' 2200 985 520 300 187 98 IOOO 1304 560 360 220 62 Nil Nil 75° 3 2O ° 5°° 1586 Nil 200 200 30 390 I 4 200 450 15 560 290 26 660 3800 500 3 2000 240 j 475 500 200 13 910 520 G20 270 930 500 557 300 Nil Nil. 800 700 1865 740 135480 148420 ■5 6 793

No. u Sheep o] May. 1882. in 31st 1881. 18S3. Keith, W. H., Wanganui Kennedy, John, Stratlidon, Makirikii'i... Kidd, Robert, Kai Iwi, Wanganui King, James, Putiki, Taylorville Kirkwood, G. D., Wanganui Ktioake, M., Major, Wanganui Lambert, William, No. 3 Line, Wanganui Lockett, Mrs. Sarah, Wanganui Lotnax, James, Sedge Brook, Taylorville Lowes, William, Nukumaru, Wanganui Martin, Ronald, Fordell Mason, Archibald, Kennedy's, Wanganui Matthews, Jonas, Lake Farm, Taylorville I Maxwell, John, Parkhead, "Wanganui ... May, James, Okcbu McDonald, James,. Fordell McDonald, John, Upriver, Wanganui ... McDonald, W., Wanganui McGrail, W., Wanganui McGregor, A., Matarawa, Taylorvillo ... McGregor, J.,jun.,Cherry Bank, Wang mui McGregor, J., jun., LongAcre, Wanganui McGregor, J., jun., Wanganni McKain, James, Bevcrley, Fordell McKay, Daniel, Fordell McKay & Manson, Rosemount, Fordell... MacLeod, G., Aird Farm, Wanganui ... McLoskey, A. M., Kelvin Grove, Wanganui McNair, J., Brunswick McNeill, A., Wanganui McPherson, J., Tamairi, Makirikiri McWiUiam, W., Thornhill, Tnylorville McWilliam, W., jSfetherdale, Wanganui Mei, Oromahe, Wanganni Mitchell, George, Bushy Park, Kai-iwi Montgomerie, A., Eaglesham, Makirikiri Montgomery, H., Opui, Wangtumi Moore and Currie, Kai-iwi Morgan, E. R., Lakeside, Taylorville ... Morgan, John, NWtonlees, Wanganui Morrison, D., Armadale. Okehu Morse, N. G., Tiramona, Fordell Murehison, John, SeaBeld, Wanganui ... Murray, J. B., Southern Grove, Wanganui j Mussen, Philip, Waipuna, Brunswick ... Nathan, Joseph, & Co., Otakino, Kai Iwi Neilson, Robert, Taylorville Newing, Edward, No. 2 Line, Taylorville Norris, F., Watless Flat, Taylorville ... Norrish, John, Wanganni Norwood, W., Concord Line, Taylorville Oliver, S., Taylorville 31d, Richard, Fordell 3wen, II. A., Waipakura, Wanganui ... Dwell and Lethbridge, Featlierstone, Wangaehu Pairama, Waitotara Parker, C, Kennedy's, Wanganui Parks, Fred, Sandhirst, Wangamii Parsons, William, Sunnyside, Waitotara Paterson, John, Campbelltown Paterson, W. B., Gordon Park, Wanganui Peake, George, Langridge, Kai Iwi Peake, J. W., Kaierau, Wanganui Pearson, William, No. 1 Line, Taylorville Peat, David, Pakaraka, Wanganui Peat, David, Wangamii Peel, S. W., Upokongaro Peel and Yates, Knollmere, Makirikiri... Perry, George, Lansdown, Brunswick ... Pharazyn, Robert, Marahau, Okehu Philips, J., Fern Grove, Wangaehu 2500 500 295 800 Nil 300 300 1100 398 600 60 150 3 160 23 280 27oo 106H 2300 1214 2200 Nil 961 230 210 26 912 280 350 130 40 899 300 2G5 Nil 602 8i 2 ooo 98o 52o 80 2000 3OS2 400 2200 Nil 450 150 1700 1600 8oo 1000 75 34° 850 180 1300 975 looo 1300 920 1100 314 250 387 9o 8oo 63o loo 185o 12oo looo 8ooo 546 397 18o 86o 25 oo 475 190 370 61 716 724 2400 ] 100 937 10200 4,40 400 160 1300 200i I 2100 340 60 500 3B5 160 800 170 5 6 4 280 Nil *;oS Nil 2200 500 900 10500 c ( oo 687 160 '45° 2200 355 460 250 130 I 100 Nil 565 250 400 Nil 850 17 5° Nil Nil 1903 2600 11 2200 2ooo 1270 1C00 lloo 3oo 141o 24o 187 35o 1300 263 1330 162 400 130 395 160 9:t 1485 242 660 394 440 '74 220 2o4 15oo 200 Nil Vool 19oo 65o COil 147 600] 700 6204 115 5'S 68 Nil 800 5 6 74 138

RANGITIKEI DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.




JSio. of Sheep on 31st Alay. 1881. 1882. 1883. _, I RANGITIICEI COUNTY (In Bangitikei Subdivision). Abbott Brothers, Kaumai, Bulls Abbot, Bros., Omorihuri, Fordell Addenbrooke Brothers, Fordell Aiken, A. and J., Norwood, Marton Allman, L., Marton Allsop, C, Cranbropk, Turakina Ani, Pakeke, Houhou, Marton Aporahama Taliungu, Matatara, Fordell Arkwright, F., Marlon Ariki Banginui, Parawanui Atkinson, T., Hawkston, Crofton Awdry, T., Tadcroft, Marton Awdry, J., Notton, Marton Baker and Allison, Eccleston, Fordell ... Baldwin, J., Turakina Bartlett, 8., Marton Beard, James, Marton Beard, James, Mungatipuni, Fordell ... Bensemann J. A.., Marton Blundell, W. A., Marlon Bowen, James, Pembroke Vale, Turakina Bowen, John, Turakina Brookie, Williain, Bull's Brown, W. F. B., Netherton, Marlon ... Bruce, ~R. C, Marton Bryce, Tlioinas, Fern Flat, Marlon Burne, J., Bound Bush, Parawanui Bushby, A., Crofton Cameron, A., Lochaber, Marton Cameron and Simpson, Waipu, Turakina Cameron, Charles, Invermailie, Turakina Cameron, D., Waipu, Turakina Cameron, J., Mavangai, Wanganui Cameron and Simpson, Oman', Fordell Carter, W. A., Marton Cash, T. E, Marlon Cash, T. E., Wilsden, Marlon Cawood S., Daliack, Marton Chubbin, John, Turakina Clark, Mrs. P., Turakina Cockburn, A., Tlillfide, Marton Cockburn, Bros., Marton Cockburn, J. K., Sunnjsido, Marton ... Cole, J., Malarara, Fordell Coleman, W., Marton C'oombe, J., Woodlands, Marlon Cooto R., Tyrone, Marton Cox Brother?, Crofton Crawford, W. II., Hunterston, Marton Curl, S. M., Marton Dalrymple, J. T , Tβ Matai, Parawanui Dalryraple, J. T., Wnitatapia, Balls ... Dawbin, Joseph, Crofton Death, George, Pines, Marton Death, H., Ramsay Granges, Marton Death and Lynch, Patikipapa, Marton Derby, John, Marton Derails, John Femridge, Bulls Dick, A., Eildon, Marton Doughty, J., Bull's Emeus, Henry, Marton , Eramiha To Kiore, Tenewaitere, Turakina Ellis and Robinson, Kanangnroa Fairfield, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton ... Farley, J., Tikiniu, Fordell Ferguson, D., Woodside, Bull's Findlay, A., Woodside, Marton Fitzherbert, A. R., Marton Follett, James, Crofton Fox, Sir William, Westoe, Grealford ... I"owles Brothers, Makino Fraser, D., Pakiho, Bull's Frazer, H., Inverhoe, Parawanui Frederick, A., Brooklin Farm, Marton... Frederick, W. F., Dry Creek, Marton ... Frederick, A., Jan., Bushybank, Marton Galpin, C. and W., Marton 50 800 990 150 200 300 300 274 257 500| 450 500 400 1500 40 2100 1000 300 820 200 1382 559 300 845 2000 4700 174 850 4400 100 1500 565 300 5000 125 800 020 240 100 100 240 300 391 360 320 650 400 2000! 60 2100 800 135 595 1055 1500 492 250 1650 2900 153 900 200 1842 310 105 160 500 300 80 50 60 1300 1250 172 189 1500 Nil 6000 280 780 950 200 170 535 270 350 385 346 246 700 500 2000 85 20 2200 900 190 590 1490 1200 490 300 1600 Nil 2180 170 800 Nil 600 170 i7oo 400 1600 160 500 300 140 Nil 300 1400 1000 01 280 1660 Nil 4300 47 1780 Nil 1599 Nil Nil 1100 85 180 150 427 900 1300 400 300 1120 80 5000 49 3110 Nil 800 74 120 Nil 140 500 200 85 50 80 1100 3200 105 1500 770 3916 193 1700 1450 1606 80 4100 16 1780 1300 1516 693 100 100 350 700 G50 520 340 385 200 3220 275 1200 105 100 300 20 750 30(!0 450 300 575 150 2750 20 3000 2020 1300 800 130 140 1450 799 150 170

.No. of bheep on 3ibt May. 1881. 18S3. 1B83. Galpin, A., Fairfield, Marton Galpin, C. M., Sedgeombe, Marton G-alpin, W. r i\, Woodlands, Marfcon Glasgow, Mary, Edenmore, Turakina ... Glasgow, John, Ashley, Turakina Groebel, G., Pukapapa, Marton Goile, B., Marton Goile, H., Marton Goile, E. and J., Marton Gordon and Son.Woodsidc Farm, Marlon Gorton, E., Bull's Gower, B., Stanley Farm, Turakina Grower, G., Gowrie Glen, Marton Grant, A., Tulloobgorum, Turakina Grant, A., Closeburn, Turakina Grant, Ewen, Marton Gray, W., Marton Griffin, John, Marton Hair, W., Growanbrae, Marton Haiinona Teiki, Wangaehu Hakeramxi, Huatau, Fordell Hammond, E., York Farm, Marton Hammond, Bros., ICilleymoon, Bull's ... Hammond, J. R., Clifton, Greatford ... Hamuera Ngapuru, Parawanui Hannek, C. F., Pukapapa Line, Marton Hapeta Pitiinon, Wangaehu Harper, James, Bull's Harrison, C. J., Woodburg, Marton Hempseed, J., Franklin Vale, Turakina Henare Teburi, Wai Tuna, Marton Henderson, H., Mill Farm, Marton Hewett Bros., Marton Higgle, Thomas, Taylorville Hill, A., Marton Hintze, Louis, Crofton Hirina, Wangaehu Hone Pihama, Turakina Hoani Waitere, Kopinu, Turakina Hoani Nabona, Turakina Hone, Wiremu, Marton Hogg, Mrs. A., Efctriekdale, Turakina ... Holden, Thomae, Marlon Howie, W.j jun., Lammermoor, Marton Howie, W., sen., Bellgrove, Marton Hui Tehuri, Wai Tuna, Marton Hunt, Charles. Marton Ingle, H., Wiliowbrook, Marton King te Hanea, Matatara, Fordell James and Jones, Marfcon Jefferson Brothers, Mungirapi, Marton Johnston, J., Bellevue, Marton Johnston, Hon. J., Brandon Hall, Bull's Kereti Kanara, Eeu Ecu, Marion [ulgour David, Earlston, Greatford Silgour, James, Gowerfield, Bull's vilgour, E., Woodward, Marton llass, J., Eden Farm, Marton Cumeroa-Buae, Marton Jaird, C. E., Paraekarihi, Marton jampp, Joseph, Marton Lattorff, Bros., Alma Farm, Marton ... jethbridge, G. Y., Ann Bank, Tnrakina jetlibridge, J. P., Philhohn, Turakina... jowrie, I)., Glennevis, Turakina Vlarsliu 11, Major J. W. ,TutoTotara, Marton tfarehall, W. S., Sudbury, Marion Maunder, G., Warleigh, Marton UcBefcb, J. F., Dunsinane, Marton llcUetb, A., Burnamwood, Marlon McBeth, James, Forgan, Marton ileUonell, A., Komiti, Fordell vIcDougall, W., School Reserve, Marton VIcGregor, Alexander, Taylorville McGregor, James, Cluny, Tarakina ... Vlolvor, F., Turakina ttcKehzie, T. TJ., PointsCcld, Parawanui McKelvie, John, Parawanui VlcLauehlan, A., Ligmore Farm, Marton VlcLean, A., Balloin, Marton McLean, X)., Spring Grove, Marton McLean, 3T., Bird Grove, Fordell McLeay., J., Poriri, Ivanangaroa Meads. Z,, Bumamwood, Marton 500 600 650 1150 700 800 700 246 190 1056 410 8 1200 270 1200 650 500 800 1900 760 825 235 300 163 900 300 26 1500 100 1200 800 125 Nil ■ 400 699 280 7.10 900 800 167 985 300 175 1300 350 1000 880| 700 72 600 200 200 3750 4200 600 70 190 200 300 2800 3850 200 130 111 5G5 300 400 401 300 332 150 140 150 200 400 1100 100 794 1500 63 178 480 900 1941 300 490 380 116 286 25 200 140 130 701 300 380 450 300 200 115 350 590 1000 680 1500 207 590 1000 1405 200 488 400 100 2800 3540 700 200 140 200 196 255 300 Nil 380 110 380 600 44 400 90 200 300 Nil 503 600 670 1300 Nil 650 1550 Nil . 210 530 900 2000 200 470 500 200 Nil Nil 400 200 341 4500 1800 1300 3373 160 1320 1500 325 487 3000 240 1600 1700 1200 1617 8000 92 100 500 1300 500 117 62 289 4500 1800 1000 27S0 585 1200 1800 280 567 2500 300 1400 1600 1400 1200 7000 260 150 343 4500 1700 1000 3244 1000 1230 1500 340 501 3000 348 ]65O 1700 1300 1148 7000 84 82 500 1000 400 70 500 700 460 44





No. of Sheep on 31at May. 1881. I 18S2. 18S:j. Meyer, C, Mount View, Marton Midford, John, Marton Mika, Kakariki, Greatford Milne, J., Mount View Farm, Marton Milne, A., Rosebank, Marton Morgan, W. E., Turakina Morris, Elizabeth, Hereford Farm,Martoi Morrison, D., Burnbank, Marfcon Murray, J. H., Ellieslie, Mavton Neumann, T., G-reenfield, Marton Newman, J., Whitehouse, Bull's Newman, Edward, Turakina Ngaparald, Marton Nisbet, J., Marton' Nitsehke, Or., Marton Noa Rauhihi, Reureu, Marton Nolan, Charles, Marton Owen and Letlibridge, Wangaeliu Paetahai, II. M., Porewa, Marlon Paki Wahinomate, Turakina Parker, Charles, Marlon Parsons, C, Marton i'aulin, James, Woodond, Bull's Peacock, 1)., Homewood, Marton Piri])i Pannpa, Turakina Polgreen, O., Marton Poni, sen , OnepuUi, Marton Poppe, A., Marton Poppe, F., Marton Ramaewa, Tβ Houhou, Marton Eamiba Potaka, Ponewa, Marton Read, E., Marton Retemeyer, W\ B., Greatford Reupena Ngarino, Tetowaiture, Turakina Rewiti Koote, ICakariki, G-reatford Rhodes, W.B. (Est.),Heaton Park.Bull's Richards, F., Rankita-wa, Wnngaobu ... Richards, L. C, Kilkern, Bulla Richardson, T. .F, Parawanui Robertson, John, Turakina Eopera Tua, Fordell Ross, A., Cookley, Marton Kota Tuki, Matatera, Ford ell Ruruhira, Ngakuira, Turakina Signal Brothers, Porewa, Marton Shuttleworth, II., Turakina Simpson, A., Dalvey, Turakina Simpson, A. G., Glenmowen, Marton ... Simpson, Alex., Waipu, Turakina Small, F. Marton Small, N., Glenbank, Marton Smith, A. F. and E. J., Marton Simson Brothers, Lake Farm, Turakina ISnellgrove, E., Wandsworth, Marlon ... Stantiall, Oharle*, G-reatford Stevens, D., Junction Farm, Marton ... Stevens, B., Bull's Stevenson, J ohn, Bull's Stitt, W., Marton Sutherland, Edward, Xanangaroa Swanton, T., Bull's Tami Wroon, Wangaehu Tamihana Kohiti, Fordell Tapine, Reureu, Mai-ton Taylor, T. R., Turakina Theed, W. V., Wellbury, Marton Thorns, C, liiverdalc, Marton Thomas, Rees, Marton Toms, J., Rivprdale, Marton Tipine Waitere, Tura.kina Tipirini, Reureu, Marton Trott, T. C, Marton Tupe, Marton Utiku Marurnaru, Bulls Walker, M., Pukapapa, Bull's Warring Brothers, Marton Walt. A., Marton Weston, S., Waistwood, Marton Whale, Sarah, Pukapapa, Miirton Whale, Henry, Croft on Whittington, T., Westover, Turakina ... Williams, Gr., Section 7, Bull's Williamson, B. P., Eildon, Marton Willis, W. J., Woodendean, G-reatford 420 90 30 53 1520 800 300 1300 312 40 150 240 ■ 201.1 50 5900 100 2 to 70 1020 169 1302 J 00 263 50 195 500 100 200 70 400 150 13891 6000 1700 430 500 50 492 31 300 700 500 150 (10 1756 600 350 1080 251 352 57 ISO 250 300 11100 221 300 85 400 970 200 250 200 500 100 100 367 63 300 70 14600 6400 2400 590 400 50 480 40 200 400 290 1800 660 3300 460 182 910 460 190 70 1450 800 250 1250 257 430 89 2000 300 450 300 Nil 83 9000 200 Nil 115 Nil 400 870 250 380 Nil 200 600 Nil 560 108 230 15945 6200 2300 GGl 100 70 560 SO Nil Nil 300 2000 500 3300 550 250 1200 Nil ]fi0 70 . 140 Nil Nil 18 150 : Nil 300 40 Nil Nil 112 277 249 380 200 Nil NilNil 850 ' 894 (i00 297 1200 500 100 550 Nil Nil 2800 2000 550 182 900 750 130 95 50 60 401 12(i 40 120 20 ' I 224i 600 40 40 340 600 33 120 295 2SG 360 170 60 82 50 750 907 400 ISO 950 650 120 500 268 40 2700 890 200 132 7921 600 170 983 500 130 500 2700

So, of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. j 1883. Wilson, R., Green Bank, Bull's Wilson, R., Runny mede, Bulls Wilson, R., Hill View, Bull's Wing, T., Trig, Farm, Crofton Winks, A., Lansilowne, Parawanui Wircmu Takiri, Xenewaitere. Turakina... Wirihana Huuia, Pavawanui 434 134 130 1100 40 900 600 1169 300 150 Nl 35 1000 1000 600 379 Nil Nil 90 1648 176148 182774 196660 MANAWATU COUNTY (In Rangitikei Subdivision). Acourt, James, Sanson Akers, W., liiverdale Farm, Karere Akuhata Henare, Otaki Amapiria Waiho, Foxton Anion, A., Lansdowne, Scott's Ferry ... Andersen, Frederick, Pali.nersl.on N. Andrewartha, Richard, Palmerston N.... Arama Karaka, Oroua, Foxton Afiki Raorao, Horowhenua, Atkins, William, Foxton Bailey Brothers, Sanson Baker, W., Makino, Feilding Baker, W., Palinerston N. Banckham and Balterbee, Makino Barnett, W. Or., Atiki, Foxton Barnett, Thomas, Hikaloto, Foxton ... ; Barrow, James, Kiwitea ... Barber Bro9., Himatangi, Foxton ... j Barker, VV. B., Makino Betsaett, Francis, Palmerston N. Batolielar, J. O., Palmerston N. Bell, Alexander, Burp side, llaleombe ... Berg Bros., Palinerston N. Berguist, N., Palmerston N. Bevan, Henry, Otaki Bevan, Thomas, jun., Otaki Bills, F., Otaki Bishop, R. W.| Sanson Booth, Kichard, Waianu, Otaki Bowafcer, H., Sanson Boycs, Frederick, Palmerston N. Braithwaite and Kebbell, Ohau Bredow, Reinhold, Campbelltown Bright, Frederick, Pukerua, Otaki Brogdcn, W. F., Palmerston N. Bromley, James, Scottsi'erry Brown, S. and Co., Foxtou Bruce, Alexander, Sanson Bruce, Q. J., Tintea, Palmerston N. Bruce, James, jun., GHencaivn, Turakina Bryant Bros., Palinerston N. Bryce, F". Gγ., Feilding Buick, James, Jaekeytown, Karere Bui!, C, Aoraugi, Feilding Bull, James, Pukanui, Bull's Burnc, Mrs. J., Pviver Bank, CarnarTOii Caldwell, L. A., Makino Cameron nnd Simpson, Puke, Foxton ... Cameron, Hugh, Kcpero, Awaliuri Oameron, R., Mount Stewart, Sanson ... Cameron, Thomas, Halcombo Campbell, A., Awaliuri Capper, A. E., Otamoe, llaleombe Carey, R. O. E., Palmerston N. Carter, J., Agley Farm, Foxton Chamberlain, Thomas, Palmerston N. ... Chrietensen, A. 0., Palmerston N. Chrystal and Anderson, Campbelltown, Isaac, Feilding Clausen Bros., Palmerston 5T. Cobb, Robert, Foxton Coker, Samuel, Sanson Ooley, Jamos, Foxton Collins, Edward, Palmerston N". Collins, F. T., Palmerston N. Collis, C, jun., Karere Collis, H., Karere Cootes, Janies, Otaki Costall, Broa., Boston Farm, Campbelltn. Crabb, Hugh, Shady Side, llaleombe ... Crouoher, W. A., Sanson. Cull, C, Oroua 740 300 1500 30 950 300 70 230 580 1249 41 13 270 05 2984 1100 • 270 880 80 393 1500 40 700 010 3S5 600 2130 50 70 325 175 140 3404 202 1500 37 100 862 500 725 2082 170 970 80 650 2500 80 86 Nil 1050 20 605 200 390 202 600 400 200 1200 39 123 Ii4 330 Nil 150 2o 100 6o 300 loo 160 160 3818 36-1 1600 160 130 820 600 768 3294 112 500 328 2140 85 140 2259 700 30 380 300 3295 500 419 Mil 370 100 800 230 2885 712 550 Nil 300 1099 350 1000 100 450 100 100 280 378 350 6 Nil 127 6 500 150 Nil 1350 57 249 30 250 370 250 1 195 151 290 80 100 231 352 370 12 450 500 70 34 16C 1961 51 1208 6o 183 75 220 390 500 5 260 188 227





No. of Sheeu on 31st May". J 18S1. J 18S2. 1883. Ourraa, John, Makino Gumming, W., Eaukawa, Palmerston N. Davies arid Stuart, Wirokino, Foxton ... Davis, W., Jordan's Creek, Sanson Dear, George, Taipo Bush, Awalmri ... Death, Joseph, Mission Station, Otaki... Donald, James, Foxton Douglas, A. P , Stratliendrie, Halcombe Dove, J., Sanson Drake and Best, Otaki Drummond, E., Brookdale, Sanson Duncan, James, Foxton Dundas, A., Mingaroa, Halcombe Dunk, Charles, Bainesse, Foxton Easton, A. J., Foxton Edwards, C, Hillside Farm, Sanson ... Edwards, E , Motoa, Foxton Edwards, Thomas, Palmerston If. Eglinton, B., Sanson Ellern, H. B., Sanson Bagels, a. H., Palmerston N. Bngels, G. H., To Horo, Palmerston N. Enoka te Wano, Otaki Erenston, W., Terrace End Eruera Taika, Oroua Bridge, Fordell ... Fagan, J., Sanson Farmer, A., Sanson Farmer, George, Sanson Farmer, W., Bunnymeade, Sanson Ferguson, William, Mingiroa, Halcombe Ferguson, J., Eosebank, Halcombe Forster, Thomas, Ball's Eraser, Hugh, Inverhoe, Bulls Fraser, Thomas, Carnarvon Frazer, Thomas, Kailcapu, Awalmri Fry, J. H., Pungawi, Makino Qarrett and Grey, Campbelltown Gear, J. Olaki, Wellington Gibbs, J. H., Sanson Gibson, T. F., Foxton Gifford, Thomas, Carisbrook, Sanson ... Gillies, John, Te Horo, Otaki Goodin, John, Feilding Gore, T., Mt. Stewart, Sanson Gore, Mrs. H., Palmerston N. Gower, J. W., Foxton Gower, John, Spring Farm, Halcombe Gower, John, Taipo Beach, Halcombe... Gower, Alfred, Sunnyside, Ashurst Grace, C, Pine Grove, Sanson Grammer, A., Ashurst Gray, Thomas, Palmerston W. Greeves, F. J., l J almerston N. Greis; and Denton, Campbelltown, Hadtield, A. J., Net ley, Otaki Hnggarty, P. S., Palrneraton N. Hakaria Kungiluira, OLaki Hall, Thomas, Sanson Hamilton, M., Jackey Town, Karere ... tlamiora te Kuri, Otawara, Foxton Hammond, H., Wnitohi, Sanson Hapeta Bangikatuku, Otaki Harris, William, Tokorangi, Halcombe Harris, James, Sanson Haynes, II. J., Palmers! on 1ST. Hema Ropata To Ao, Otaki Hema te Ao, Otaki Hraare Hateto, Otaki Henson, Thomas, Feilding Ilenson, T., jnn., Sanson Henson, S., Sanson lleta Ngatuhi, Foxton Hewson, N. G., Otaki Himiona Hanita, Horowhenua Hirawana, Halcombe liitehings, V. T. Burnside, Kai'ere Hoani Taipua, Otaki Hoani Takiri, Foxtou Hocken, Hugh, Feilding fTohepa Te Hana, Otaki Holden, J., Makino Flonore, A., jun., Palmerston M". ttopkins, Henry, Awahuri Uori Tβ Waru, Otaki 1350 8560 12 625 800 182-4 180 1450 164 107 1200 ___ I 40 800 77 300 230 291 290 100 HiO 300 200 1250 314 32 1800 2100 690 255 r> 121 300 1900 8060 800 lOOfi 1528 195 1334 300 9fi 140 760 90 500 100 350 490 422 220 53 370 290 1400 40 43 1200 2550 26 1G00 245 It) 150 130 20Q 40 90 49 2080 91,00 Mil 800 975 214. 1541 165 16*60 292 1G5 1G00 950 . 48 500 75 101 500 400 913 Nil G Nil Mil 380 470 Nil 200 40 1000 Nil 2400 49 181 2500 2G0 Nil 450 550 150 70 90 800 500 Nil 123 450 38 5 90 100 300 46 400 18 900 10 8 61 42 3200 1200 25 200 132 900 6 80 310 1300 30 Nil 240 1200 37 162 Nil 235 Nil 3GO0 36 108 1500 515 12o 250 200 1150 HJO 850 700 Nil 130 950 100 830 250 1G0 1050 2G0 985 17 70 50 100 10 650 200 116 100 194 1800 710 Nil 795 150 600 180 40 2oo 51

jS'u. o 1881. if Sheep o May. I 1882. I n 31st 1B83. Hori Urupn, Awaliut'i llowan, S., Foxton Howe, W. R., Foxton Ilughey, David, Foxton Hughey, John, Kaukawa, Feilding Hunt, William, Campbelltown Hurst, G. II., Sanson Jackson, G-. A., Bunnythorpe', Feikling James, Ellis, Palmerston N. Jansen, C, Trondiicim Jeneou, Kund, Palmerston, N. Jones, J. and J., Otaki Kemberg, Gustav, Palmerston N. Kevv, Milo, Sanson King and Garrity, Awahuri Kirk, Robert, Palmerston N. Kirkpatriek, Robert, Palmerston N. Knight, D., Palmerston North Knight, T., Palmerston N. Knight, Wm., Palmerston N. Kovoiiii'ia to Whakawiti, Ohau Larkworthy, F. B., Motoa, Foxton Larkworthy, F. B.,Carnarvon, Sanson... Lassen, L , Palmerston N. Laurenson, James, Palmerston W. Lemon, C, Dr., Tua Paks, Wellington Lethbridge and Downes, Feilding , Liddle, J., Major, Feilding Linton, R., Woodlands. Haloombe Lintou, K,, Barnside, Kavere Linton, James, Palmersfcon N. Lovelock, J. W., Palmerston N. Lueas, Gr. H., Campbelltowu Lnkersehouski, A., Haicombe Lumsden, Alfred, Sanson Maaka Pukehi, Otaki Mace, C, Orua Bridge, Foxton Maeleod, F., Makino Macrae, J. A., Msikino Maihi te Koatu, OUau Maka Tupatahi, Foxton Manson, B., Palmerston N. Marshall and Brennan, Palmerston If.... Marsom, William, Sanson Masters, Thomas, Sanson Matiaha Ranapiri, Otaki Mathers, John, Foxton Matthews, A., Sanson Maxwell, P., Palmerston S\ McBeth, Robert. Feilding McDonald, A., Hakapu, Awahuri McDonald, H. H., Horowhonua McDonald, W. H., Otaki MoEweti, G., Palmerston ~N. MoEwen, Henry, Karere MeEweu, Andrew, Karere MoEwen, D., Jackey Town, Kavere McKenzie, Bros., Ponsbovirne, Carnarvon McKenzie Bros., Taipo, Kaiwitea McKenzie, Colin, Asliurst McKenzie, I). D., Carnarvon McKenzie, Kenneth, Palmerston N. ... McKenzie, 11. B., Flaxmoor, Carnarvon McKenzie, T. &D., Clvdesdale.'Carnarvon McKenzie, Thomas, Carnarvon McLennan, John, Orowa Downs, Foxton McLennan, John, Palmerston N. McNab, Alexander, Sanson McNeil, Henry, Palmerston N. Midford, James, Gore Farm, Foxton ... Millerick, James, Palmerston N. Milner, Stephen, Tokorangi, Haicombe Milner, G., jiin., Halcombs Milson, Robert, Palmerston N. Mitchell, A., Palmerston N. Mitchell, W., Foxton Mitcliell, Thos., Riverside, Foxton Mohi Heremia, Ohau Mohi Wharewhiti, Otaki Moihi Te Kootu, Otaki Monrad, V., Kavere, Moore, IT. A., Sanson Morris, H., Palmerston N. Mowlem, J., Karere 150 170 76 Nil Nil 82 1300 21. 40 Nil 2 I _ 1780! ! — i 1150 ! < _ 17 22 "~ ! _.__ ! ! - 3 40 5 Nil 4a 51 180 29 200 Nil 700 400 Nil 3200 3504 4 32 5o6 2500 246 2200 Nil 106 290 282 150 214 150 Nil 800 148 179 Nil 500 Nil ■ 140 81. 135 58 147 Nil Nil 1719 6200 5oo 600 69 13 780 Nil 77o 400 1400 597 80O Nil 1004 13863 fiO 3 Nil 30 24a 400 200 300 250 150 293 100 25 170 1950 230 200 290 43| 32 j J 400' 490 20 GO I 500' 400 95 120 3811 3483 600 700 497 120 4688 3282 40 30 1200 2228 1020 900 140 255 1800 22"' l>92 170 150! 150 35 600 480 . 130 87 500 1200 140 130 100 600 1500 80 91 115 9: 95 20 450 1319 5500 130 17 1490 6000 500 400 700 698 1235 400 11 500 800 229 500 923 15770 13791 97 40 100 20 140 400 153 350 50 100 500 60 1300 1550 50 230 106





No. o. 1' Sheep o May. I 1832. I in 31st 1831. 1SS3. Munro, J., Feilding Nairn, John, Awahuri Newcomn li., Palmerston North Neylon, P., Foxton Nikora Huarou, Ohan Nuna Te Taeirei, Otaki Wye, George, Suiiuyside, Foxton. Oliver, G. L., Okaue, Foxton Osborne, W., Oroua Psilmerson, H. S., Palmerston N. Paneta, Foxlon Paratene, Papnkiri, Foxton Parawetu, Otaura, Foxton Parkes, Thomas, Pal-merslon N. Parr, G., Palmerston W. Pascal], Claude, Paika, Foxton Pasoall, Claude, Pukelotara, Foxton ... Pasrol, C, Foxton Patterson, Thomas, Oroua, Wan^anui.-. Pearoe, R. E , Sanson Peka ilama, Marauiahoi, Bulls Penny, W., Sanson Penny, B. S., Sanson Perry, Alexander, Feilding Perreau, J. A., Foxton Peterson, Anders, Sanson Pharazyn C, Makino Phillips, George, Sanson Phillips, W. F., Feilding Pliilps, Henry, Sanson ... Pod win, S. J., Palmerston N. ... | Poneke tc Motno, Otaura, Foxton ... ; Poole, l>. A,, Oroua Potatau Wrey, Feilding ... Pratt, J. R. ¥., Adderstone, Palm. N.... | Prendergast, Michael, Palmerston N. ... Price, T., Feilding ... j Prisk, James, Sanson ... i Purcell, J., Foxton ... I Quarrie, J., Ilalcombe ... j Kale ton, B., Hokiangn, Carnarvon ... Randolph and Walker, Palmerston N.... Banginui, Horowlienua Ransom, V. C, Campbelltown Read, Mieaiah, Sanson Rich, F. and Co., Campbelltown Richardson, George, Karere ... | Richmond, W., Sanson ... Riddiford, D. G., Burneide, Ilalcombe Riddiford, E. J., Lougburn, Paltnsfcn. N. f Rikihana Tβ Tarure, Ottiki ... Robert, C. W., Palmerston N. ... I Roberts, John, Sanson ... I Robinson, F., Herrinton, Foxton Robinson, 1<\, jun., Omanuka, Foxton ... Roha Koroniria, Ohau Jloore, Rangihevva, Papakiru, Foxton ... Roots and Co., Feilding Ropala Ranapiri, Otaki Row, John, Longburn, Palmerston N. ... Rowland, D., Karere Russell, Bros., Tβ Matai, Palmerston N. Sanson and Acourt.^Sanson Sanson, H., Sanson Sanson, T. Sanson Scarrow, W.. Sanson Scarrow, C. D., Sanson Scott, D., Scott's Ferry Short, H., Sanson Siincox& Rutherford, Forest Lakes, Otaki Simpson, Chris., Feiiding Skerman, J., Palmerston N. Skipworth, F. R., Otaki Sly, J. C, Palnierslon, N. Small, Alexander, Otaki Smart, Bros., Sanson Smith, Edward, Feilding ,,, ] 28 205 1 /3 550 200 20 140 18 60 25 18 3oo 420 290 100 45 800 99 34 18 2200 274 70 2f> 170 700 350 39 100 3 J 404 1300 60 4oo 460 286 72 800 120 80 555 40 2000 280 300 154 Nil 80 285 220 25 31 21)0 900 490 27 28 Nil Nil 2fiO 200 600 1500 Nil i 256 02 loo 1200 294 Nil 40 67 595 950 100 400 686 40 180 2700 863 3i2 Nil 343 255 185 2460 1100 500 31 25 140 110 Nil 3000 1745 25 2 50 7881 700 ]2o Nil Nil 1800 1000 800 2065 Nil 200 200 Nil 670 1500 47 3056 30 700 Nil 484 262 600 300 850 400 11 42 68 2096 1060 450 10 57 88 i I I 251 7400 400 237 7582 440 i 700 554 2900 560 600 801 576 1500 850 7')0 2688 *\ 1 T T \ 1 1 \ 485 330 200 J \ 8 \ 3200 I i \ 1850 88 360 300 1000 1001 25501 98 650 \ \ \ \ 5 50 200 400

Iv T o. oi Sheep on 31st May. 1882. I ]883. 1881. I Smith, Thomas (Fitzherbert), N. Makara Smith, Thomas, Sanson Southee, J., Foxton Speedy, J. H., Sanson Splitt, John, Halcombe Stace, A. R., Peach Grove, Palmerston N. Stace, T. W., Willow Lake, Palmerston N Staff, J. II., CampbelHown Stallard, R. H., Palmerston N. Stallard, W. 8., Palmerston N. Standen, 8., Oroua Stewart, A., Palmerston N. Stewart, A., Palmerston N. Stewart, M., Palmerston North Stewart, P., Feilding Stickle, Benjamin, Horowhenna Stokes, John, Terrace End Stuart, E. and E., Makino Swainson, W. J., Te Rakihou, Palm. N. Syinonds, W., Spring Farm, Halcombe Symone, II., Opiki, Foxton Tia lhi Hawea, Otaki Taki Kauri and others, Otaki lamiti Eanapiri, Otaki Tamiti Tima, Ohau Tanner, A., Palmerston North Tarapata, Karaka, Halcombe Taylor, A., Spring G-rove, Sanson Taylor, J. H., Makino Taylor, W., the Pines, Carnarvon Te Hiwi and Hakaria, Otaki Te Hiwi Piahana, Otaki Teipo, Otaura, Foxton I'eweata, Otaura, Eoxtou Tewiata Te Horu, Otaki Te Kiha, Otaura, Foxton Te Ivoinga, Karaka, Halcombe Thompson, H. P., Sanson Thompson, W. J., Campbelltown Thomson, J. J. and 13., Pine Creek, Sanson Thynne, E. S., Foxton Toa Eangatira, Karaka, llalcombe Tompkins, J., Sanson Tremewan, B., Asliursfc Tuku Te Rangihirunga, Otaura, Foxton Turau, Otaura, Foxton Verry, Thomas, Hillside, Sanson Vile, James, Dingly Dell, Halcombe Voss, Max, Karere Waata Muruahi, Horowhenua Waldegrave, J., Palmerston North Wallace, J. H., Otaki Waretini, Horowhenua Waugh, W., Sunnyside, Palmerston N. Wekipeibana Taharape, Ohau Wheeler, G-., Ferndale, Awahuri Wheeler, G. C, Halcombe Wheeler, Leslie, Makino Whibley Brothers, Delaware, Ashurst... Whisker, James, Feilding Whisker, William, Feilding Whittle, J., Awahuri ',',' Whiteman, W. W., Pousburne, Sanson Wiari Eawiri, Kakiriki, Halcombe Wi Hemara, Papakiru, Foxton Williams, George, Sanson Williamson, J. J. and S., Feilding ... i Wilson, J. G., Ngaio, Bulls Wimira, Otaura, Foxton Wingate, John, Karere Wiremu Paki and Eaitiaki, Otaki Wordsworth, C. F., Palmerston North... Wright, Amos, Sanson Wright son, J., Awahuri Sfoung, G-. H., Killrudden Farm, Sanson 532 600 r. 500 N 330 11 31 190 335 230 11 120 678 260 750 300 700 800 40 50 150 830 150 220 53 28 114 120 52 )0 400 )0 400 iO 300 .1 7 420 11 2 10 GOO [g ;( 460 1 375 10 100 8 1100 0 366 0 700 250 0 300 0 700 0 200 0 3 (J — 3 283 200 0 1050 3 102 3 150 3 — i 50 i — ) 80 150 36 15o 150 Nil 30 500 23 30 700 JO 587 7 Nil 600 20 410 2 457 )0 500 Nil )0 452 '5 400 tO 100 9 100 170 10 949 16 Nil iO 1200 0 250 iO — 0 700 0 — 3 60 Nil 3 Nil 0 280 0 1170 0 200 Nil 0 56 39 Nil 0 90 3 95 S 50 Nil 3 442 3 70 1 184 3 134 24 ) 69 i 75 Nii 5 950 1000 Nil 400 380 350 990 580 Nil 475 2800 98 300 Nil 80 370 354 500 8170 Nil 29G 36 120 290 Nil 100 i 450 446 100 ) , :i 370 ) 50 112 I 106 7 2 69 113 180 31 17 38 180 750 16 700 440 100 223 1405 620 290 144 2000 850 450 250 300 1178 720 391 2700 200 3110 120 220 200 70 290 299 7050 30 152 6383 156 259 100 170 150 12 200 100 153582 15 172290ISC :209920

WELLINGTON DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.




No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1681. 18S2. 18S3. list HUTT COUNTY (In Wellington Subdivision). Abbot, Henry, Gayfield, Faliautanui ... Akanson, N., Upper Unit Allen, Eli, Grass Lees, Tawa Mat Allen, T. P., Walmer Farm, Hutt Allen, W. B., β-racelield, Hutt Aplin, Christopher, Wellington Arthur, J. H., Porirua Ashdown, J. D., Makara Bannister,Edwin,Woodlawn, Johnsonville Barber, J. and II., Hutt Barrow, Stephen, Pahautanui Barton, John, Trentham Bassett, Thos., Willow Brook, Ohariu ... Bayliss, James, Upper Hutt Beech, George, Ohariu Beech, William, Ohariu Beetham, William, Taita Benge Brothers, Upper Hutt Best Bros., Obariu Blaekey, Joseph, Horokiwi Blaekey, William, Horokiwi Bould, .Robert, Daisy Hill, Johnsonville Boulton, E., Pahautanui Brady, Frederick, Pahautanui Brodeiiek, C. and W., Obariu Broderiot,Thomas, Woodland, Tawa Flat Brown, J. and &., Upper Hutt Brown, L., Ohariu Bryant Brothers, Mill Farm, Obariu ... Buck, Alfred S., Taita Buck, F., Wainuiomata Burgess, Robert, Johnsonville Burton, C, Mrs., Wainuiomata Cameron, John, Hutt Campbell, Huston, Wainuiomata Carter, Charles, Pahautanui Carter, Edward, Pahautanui Carter, Gad, Pahautanui Chapman, John, Hope Farm, Petone ... Clark, Robert, Wainuiomata Clout, William, Granlield, Hutt Cocking, William, Hutt Cook Brother?, Opau, Makara Cook, John, Makara Cooper, George, Kaitolie Corlet, E. G. M., Johnsonville Cotter, Thomas, Upper Hutt Cottle, diaries, Belmont, Hutt Crawford, J. C, Watt's Peninsula Cridland, C. J., York Bay, Hutt Crowther, J., Brookfield, Wainuiomata. Death, Robert, Pahaularrai Death, Samuel, Taita Dick, David, Ashfield, Wainuiomata ... Drake, Thomas John, Johnsonville Draper, Edward, Pahautanui Duncan, Charles, Linden Tale, Porirua Earp, William, Boscobel, Tawa Flat Eglinton, Henry, Hutt Enoka, Hohepa, Waikanae Erueini Temarau, Waikanae F.-irrelly, Jobi\ Naina, Taifca Field, H. A, VVaikanae Field, H. A., Waiorua, Waikanae Field, H. A., Wbarekohu, Waikanae ... Field, James, Ohariu Finnimore, W., Wellington Fitzherbert, Sir William, Belmont,Hutt Flighty, Stephen, Pahautanui Florence, William, Pahautanui Prance, William, Ohariu Francis, Charles, Upper Hult Flitter, James, Kaiwarawara G-nlloway, D., Reserve, Pahautanui Galloway, William, Pahautanui Gardner, W., Pahautanui G-askin, J. and 0., Makara 33 310 121 457 17 14 102 350 100 1000 300 102 300 1540 450 200 700 2000 000 145 300 420 4700 200 195 765 35 1150 noo 29 395 125 30 300 20 18 300 115 300 200 250 1500 400 200 510 2050 850 15S 300 140 4400 200 163 4 24 470 70 900 63fi 200 160 31 101 18fi 1540 527 Nil 30 398 151 24 35 400 22 24 Nil 300 970 110 Nil 300 300 142 400 1600 600 200 200 540 2500 1000 150 300 140 4800 200 Nil 7 Nil 496 42 1000 520 210 165 31 130 200 1617 506 170 2 350 335 4053 14 312 300 1000 790 691 200 230 900 400 547 200 500 2000 2000 2200 160 Nil 1300 280 Nil 380 2 550 192 70 700 1000 t, a j *] t j j i 1 J 1 J 1 J I ] T I 1 I 130 36 110 200 1765 832 350 142 4184 26 330 410 1000 620 434 210 900 300 80 400 2302 2000 2500 170 3000 1350 250 308 725 225 600 65 400 250 4000 26 330 480 1000 7G1 620 230 950 350 ioo 430 2200 2000 2000 170 2200 1100 250 350 330 125 500 130 X 1 1 1 J J 1 1 I 1 S J 1 1 J J 1 i 1 a j j s IV IS ]S c p p p I 400 lOOOi 550 1000

Ko. o j )8SI. f Siieep c May. 18S2. )n 31 s t 1S83. Geange, Bicbard, Trentham Gear, James, Okowi, Wellington Gilbert, Thomas, Ohariu Goldfinch, G-. J., Paliautanui G-osliiig, William, HuLt Grace, John, Wainuiomata Grace, N., Wainuiomata Gray, James, Paliautanui Greer, Francis, Clarence, Tawa Flat Greer, Samuel, Tawa Flat Griffiths, 15., Hut-t Hagcrty, John, Ohariu Harris, William, Paliautanui Harrison, J. Gk, Kailoke Hawkings, Thomas, Kaiwarawava Hawkins, F. 11., Makara Hayward, Thomas, Hutt Henare Nga Kote, Waikanae Hemora Wailio, Waikanae Hill, J. L., Paliautanui Hipirini, Kotua, Waikanae Hira Maeke, Waikanue Hira Parata, Waikanae Hitchons, John, Trentham Hitchins and Co., Wellington Hobhs, George, Johnsonville Hooper, John, Karori Hooper, Robert, Upper Unit Howell, William, Wharemoka, Waikanae Hume, Henry, Ohai'iu Iiiia Tuhata, Waikanae Jackson, J. and E., Wainuiomata Jillett, William, Porirua Johnston, Hon. J., Karori, Wellington... Jones, William, sen., Pahautanui Jones, G. and W., Paliautanui Joseph and Wright, Happy Valley Judd, James, lhitfc Judge, Alfred, Pahaulanui Kilsby, George, Obaiiii Kilmister, John, Karori King, Mrs., Porirua Ferry Laurent, W. J., Upper Hult Lett, Charles, Kaitoko Logan, H. F., Papanui, Wellington London, H. W., Paliautanui Lore, Daniel, Hutt Lowry, John, North Makara Lowry, Joseph, HappjValley, Wellington Lynch, II., Emerald Glen, Paikakariki Mabey, Joseph, Upper Hull, Mabey, Robert, Upper Hutt Waekay, Brothers, Wharcroa,Paikakariki Marchant, George, Tawa Flat Mason, S., S., Black Bridge Matene Tauware, Pctono McDonald, J. D. G., Wellington HcGrath, Jolm, Aotca, Porirua Ferry.. Ylcllvride, John, Wainuiomala McMonaway, Thomas D., Makara McMcnaman, James, Terawhiti VTeNab, J., Hult \TcPherson, A.,Willow Bank, Johnsonville Vlei Wi Parata, Woikanae Vlexted, George, Tawa Flat ;.. Vlcxted, Thomas, Porirua Ferry Vlillen, William, Paliautanui tlitchell, Janet, Horokiwi Uitchell, John, Burnside, Porirua Ferry Mitchell, Jolm, Horokiwi vlonaghan Bros., South Maknra tforgan, Edward, Upper Hutt Horgan, G. and T., TawaElat vtorgan, John, Tawa Flat Howbray, J. C., Wellington ... Hulhern, Roderick, Paliautanui tfurphy, P. and M,, l'ahautanui STeill, Robert, Wainuiomata !fott, William, Ivy Bank, Tawa Flat ... )rbell, F. A., Johnsonvillo 3 earce, James, the Streamlets,Paliautanui ?hilps, Jacob, Hutt Pirihira Piwa, Waikanae Poarore, Waikanae 135 156 300 700 194 508 700 100 34 350 500 400 ]9'> 275 Nil 500 200 7 100 180 88 70 10 550 Nil 250 800 279 Nil 54. 260 Nil 800 300 250 600 1200 Nil 197 600 4419 BOO 281 800 160 450 400 Nil 1600 350 123 290 200 792 200 400 700 37 Nil 210 30 550 68 Nil 6000 Nil 295 200 300 80 1000 Nil 508 120 985 Nil . 500 160 Nil 190 300 ]50 475 400 9S 200 50 100 600 1643 533 20 83? 420 198 195 50 360 259 197 6C 500 200 200 50 300 170 70 490 200 210 500 500 200 200 500 5000 56 200 12 800 350 200 1100 550 42 250 400 23 45 210 800 300 250 600 1200 500 197 400 300 300 197 600 3668 500 235 525 265 700 320 0 1000 400 282 1400 300 333 195 700 139 450 600 280 190 775 180 300 700 100 220 93 500 140 698 5500 7 254 270 286 6 256 45 600 105 660 5700 60 284 200 300 65 800 100 431 700 93 455 995 i 98 400 19 8-1 100 200 94 48'.' 400 80 200 900 490 160 ICO 3CO 96 450 400 ICO 200 j _





I >'o. ol j 1881. 'ShePD o May. 1882. j lSIet 1883. I Pringle, Alexander, Hill Farm, Hutt ... Prouse, Richard, Wainuiomata Raiha Puaka Matenga te Hiko, Porirua Reid, N.,Huntley Farm,Upper Hutt ... Rppini, Waikanao Richards, Daniel, Porirua Ferry Riddiford, E. J., Orongo Orongo, Hutt Riddler, Thomas, Tawa Flat Robinson, Mrs. Mary, Upper Hutt Robinson, Richard, Makara Robinson,.T. H., Makara Rowlands, W., Tawa Flat Russell, E., and Son, Taita Russell, J. and J., Taita Sargent, Henry, Upper Hntt Saunders, WiHiam, Pabautanui Sclioles, John, Belmont. Hutt Soagar, Charles, Hutt, Wellington Sim, James, Johnsonville Sinclair, Duncan, Wainuiomata Smith, Charles, Pahautanui Smith, F. W., Tunapo Paikakariki Smith, Stephen (Estate of), Paikakariki Smith, Thomas, Hill Farm, Makara ... Smith, Thomas, Horokiwi Speedy, David, Western Hutt, Hutt ... Speedy, Peter, Hutt Spicer, Richard, Oliariu Squires, G-. J., Sea View, Petono Stace, Thomas Hollis, Pahautanui Stebbings, Benjamin, Johnsonville Stevens, George, Porirua Ferry Stratford, John, Sea View, Hutt 1'ainati Mukaka, Waikanao Taylor, James, Tawa Flat Taylor (Native), Waikanae Telford, J., Waikanae Thirkell and Hawkins, Karori Thomas, William, Upper Hutt Thompson, G-., Porirua Ferry Thompson, Henry, Tawa Flat Thompson, J. W., Wainuiomata Tremewan, Thomas, Tawa Flat Tutere, Waikanae Vaughan, Edward, Hutt Wakeham, John, Wainuiomata Wakeham, W., Wainuiomata Walker, J., Taupo Station, Pahautanui Walker, John, Taita Wall, Antony, Porirua Ferry Wall, James, Porirua Ferry Wall, John, Porirua Ferry Wallace, J. M., Upper Hutt Walton, H., Tawa Flat Walene te Ahio, Waikarae Watene Te Nahu, Waikanae Welch, W. E., Tail a West, Daniel, VVaiwitu, Hutt Wliite, E., Kaiwarra Wbiteliottse, J., Porirua Ferry Whiteman, W., sen., Upper Hutt Williams, C. II., Makara Wilmshurst, T. H., Tawa Flat Wilton, Elijah, Ohiro, Wellington Wilton, Job, Sunny Side, Wellington ... Windley, Thomas, Porirua Ferry Wi Parata, Knpiti Island, Waikanae ... Wi Tamihana, Waikanao Wiremu, Waikanae Wood, G-., Wainuiomata Woods, Crosbic, and Co., Wellington ... Wright, John, Wainuiomata Wright, J. F. E , Mana Island 2fiO 750 306 373 238 390 100 230 300 Nil 2200 Nil Nil 959 163 400 2"0 264 80 240 180 50 700 Nil 160 3456 Nil 934. 900 31 275 120 100 75 29o (500 Nil 60 797 235 200 597 350 400 00 400 350 1400 170 550 64 2500 177 2000 1420 260 Nil Nil 40 Nil 90 41 Nil 1700 400 194 40 153 330 612 Nil 100 200 150 85 46 916 600 200 900 2140 230 150 160 200 480 275 479 70 165 150 30 800 2000 140 1600 1300 700 900 24 260 650 200 1672 187 170 400 280 350 72 165 182 3S 700 1500 117 3200 75fi 667 27 250 72 360 300 350 130 66 300 500 200 170 603 292 400 50 600 1130 150 300 132 2300 260 3350 920 200 200 521 300 400 60 320 300 1100 160 245 60 2300 220 1700 1350 170 500 129 8 250 160 49 52 1700 40(1 200 300 80 51 1700 350 230 385 330; 330 300 98 12 230 200 25 300 190 60 170 943 160 1000 109924 101072 109352 WEST WAIRARAPA COUNTY (In South Wairarapa Subdivision). Akers, W., Wharepapa, Featherston ... Allen, W. B., Taratahi Anderson, A., Woodside, Greytown Avery Brothers, Brightfield, Masterton Bacgurley, J. II. A., Carterton Bairstow, Isaac, Clareville Bambry, William, Carterton 18oo 23o 591 loo 1515 018 1700 Nil 607 Nil 93 20 187 83 17o 20 156

No. oi'Sbppp on 31st May. 1881. 1832. iBM.S. Barton Bros ; White Uock, Martinborough 15000 Barton, R. J. (Ext. of), Fernsidc, Featherston ... ... ... 35oo Bassett, John, Carterton ... 15o Benton, Thomas, Kaiwaiwai, ... J08 Bonlon, T., junr., Kaiwaiwai ... — Bickncll, W., Kahautcra, Kahvaiwai ... 4oo Bidwill, ,T. and W., Piliautea, Featherston 8525 Blade, R. B., Matarawa, Grejtown ... 642 Bockett, F. V., Featherston ... — Boys, Burton, Thanet Farm, Clareville 12o Braithwaite, and Acock, Carterton ... 12oo Buchanan, W. C, Tupurupuru, Gladstone 17338 Bunny, H. R., Ahiariilie, Gladstone ... 175o Burrow, John, Fairfield, Carterton ... — Burt, F. W., Featberston ... Ho Cadwallader, W., Fernridge, Carterton... 38o Callister, H., l.arterton ... 231 Cameron, Allan, Martinborough ... 34 Cameron, Duncan, Moroa, Greytown ... 221 Cameron, J., Pahaua, Martinborough ... 145oo Cave, M. B., Taulierimkau ... — Clifton, Alfred, Carterton ... 3ol Cockbum, R., Lower Manaia, Masterton 155o Cooper, J., Wainuioru, GHadetone ... 6000 Cotter, P., sen., Riverside, Greytown ... 33Co Cross, Lot, Cross Creek ... ... 4oo Cundy, C, Featherston ... 3oo Cuudy, John, Torahanga, Featherston... 2oo Dakin, Charles, Cliff, Clareville ... 9oo Dalgefcy, D. (Trustees of late), Clareville 28o Daysh, Alfred, Clareville ... 121 Deiler, G. W., Ca.terton ... 31 Donald, J ainea, Featherston ... 41 Donald, J. and D., Aukarui, Masterton 288 Dorset, E. W., Kahikatea, Carterton ... — Dorset, J. E., Masterton ... 12o Driscoll, James, Clareville ... 15o Drummond, Mrs. A., Kuripnni ... 7 Dudding, IT., Panton Camp, Tauherinikaii l-loo Dunn, !E., Dock Creek,Taulierinikau ... 3oo Eglinton, IT., Wharekaukau, Featherston 6oo Everett, William, Viewfield, Masterton 19o Fairbrother, R. W., Parklanda, Carterton 2o2 Farrington, E. 1C, Col., Clareville ... — Ken wick, C. R., Swampside, Featherston 4oo Fret.liey, Thomas, Groytown ... loB5 Fitzgerald, J., Carterton ... 5o Gasliin, G., Clareville ... 71 Goodrick, C. F., Kaiwaiwai ... 4o Gorriiige, Orlando, Masterton ... ' 265 Grace Br.;S.,Weraawhaiteri,Gladstone... 2300 Grant, R. Mrs., Bannockburn, Gladstone 5000 Grey, F., Fairburn, Masterton ... — Haigb, S., Grey town ... 62 Uakialia Apiata, Koliunui, Martinborough 200 Hales, C. (Exts. of), Flat Point, Masterton 13000 ITanlon, E. J., Mrs., Martinborough ... 250 Hannah, James, Carterton ... 16o Harding, J. H., Biverdale, Masterton ... 8 Harris Bros., Hautotara, Martiuborough 5000 Harris, E. R., Martinborough ... 100 Harris, G., Martinborough ... 200 Harris & Krull, Wantwood, Martinboro' 4400 Harrison, William, the Cliffs, Waihenga 8oo Hercock, C, Carterton ... 121 Hill, T. II., Sedgely, Masterton ... 251 Hodder, W., Featherston ... 45o Hodge, H., Peach Grove, Greytown ... 135 Hodge, Thomas, Battersea, Greytown ... ! — llollard, George, Greytown ... ■— Hooper, J. T., Carterton ... 115 Hume, J., Pines, Carterton ... 687 Hume, P., Tauanui, Martinborough ... 54,00 Humphries, Mrs. M. A., Grove, Greytown ]oo Jackson, C. W., Torolionga, Featherston 591 Jackson, II. H., Stoneslead, Greytown... 22oo Jackson, H. W., Flaxbourne, Featherston 4fio Jackson, M. J. H., Sunnyside, Featherston 5oo Jones, W. H. P., Greytown ... 195 Jones, J., Matarawa, Grey town ... 398 Joseph & Phillips, Dry River,Martinboro' 2200 Jury, C. J., Vermont and Glendower, Carterton ... ... ... 2120 15ooo 17374 1770 181. 14 500 9442 760 250 100 1280 19218 2310 2200 120 300 222 42 20 694o 200 1750 6000 560 500 304 4'JO 95 600 150 1100 350 800 128 450 250 500 1015 65 78 29 360 2400 2840 456 36 150 8050 390 156 6 4700 100 250 3200 800 2750 198 44 800 600 9918 747 200 100 1200 1900O 2190 Nil 120 400 163 48 Nil 8500 209 74 1900 5000 48 500 300 300 900 Nil 195 Nil 11 Nil 600 100 Nil Nil 1000 250 600 180 300 444 400 Nil 84 84 20 414 2700 2850 700 193 170 10350 330 190 Nil 7*00 Nil 300 3300 Nil Nil Nil 455 285 1360 930 200 Nil 5500 130 Nil 2300 400 400 350 440 11000 480 84 1000 183 500 6600 300 350 2250 280 400 225 500 11000 500 2500


4—H. 3.




Ko. of Sheep on (ilafe M»y. 1881. 1682. 1883. I Kempton, T., jun., G-oodwood, Greytown Kempton, T., jun., Elm Grove, Greytown Kimberley, Benjamin, Greytown La,wrence, VV., Oarterton Lee, W. P., Goodwood, Clareville Lister-Kaye, G. H., Kahikatea, Carterto Lueona, W. L., Pigeon Bush, Feathersto Maaka, Ratima, and Kelly, Masterton.. Mace, John, G-iim G-rove, Masterton .. Martin, E.E.. Otaraia, Martinborough... Martin, J. & W. J., Huangarua, Martinborough Matthews, A., Wairongamai, Featherston Maunsell, E. S., Riversdale, Greytown MeDougall, D., Pirinoa, Martinborougli McGregor Bros., Upper Plain, Masterton McKenzie, A., Pigeon Bush, Featherston McKenzie, J., Rimutaka, Featherston ... McKenzie, R., Fernridge, Masterton ... McLachlan, Duncan, Clareville McLachlan, D., Springbank, Gladstone... McLaren, D. & P., Wainuioru, Martinborough. McLaren, R., Ngakonui, Martinborougb McMaster, Angus, Greytown McMaster, A., Kilgour, Gladstone McMaster,D., Tuhitarata, Martinborough McMaeter, Hugh, Brooklyne, Gladstone McMaster, J., The Grove, Martinborough Mitchell, W., Morrison's Bun, Greytown Moore, Thomas, Carterton Morison, D., Glenmorven, Greytown ... Murphy, John, Tirohanga, Featherston Nicols, W. H., Featherston Nicols, Jobn, Clareville Nicolson, Donald, ClarcTillo Nix, Lewis, Parkhill, Carterton Nix, W. J., Tauherinikau Nopera Tiki, Mangahuia, Gladstone Oates, .1., Glendower, Carterton Oates, S., Peach Grove, Carterton Pain, George, Martinborough Parker, W. and J., Martinborough Penny, .T. B., Wcstbourne, Carterton ... Perry, B. P., Penrose, Masterton Pharazyn, C, Awhea, Martinborough ... Pharazyn, C, Longwood, Feathereton ... Pliarazyn, C.&E., Kawakawa,Featherston Philp, VV., Underhill Road, Featherston Ray, Thomas, Clareville ... Bayner, J., jun., Kuripuni Beid, Mrs. T., Clareville Benall, Boger, Kokotnu, Carterton Beynolds, John, Mayfield, Clareville ... Bidgway, James, Junction, Carterton ... Biddifoi-d, E. & B., Te Awaiti, Martinbro. Boberts, Thomas, Clareville Bobinson, Robert, Carterton Bowe, B., Hurunuiornngi, Gladstone ... Bussell, J. P., WangaiMoana, Feathn. Ryan, M., Clareville Sayer, E, N., Dalefield Saywell, W., jun., Greytown Sinclair, D., Burnside, Featherston Skey, William, Clareville Smith, Donald, Masterton Smith, John, Clareville Smith, J. Y., Lansdowne, Masterton ... Smith, Stephen, Wliarekaka, Martinbro. Smith, T., Willow Brook, Kaiwaivvai ... Smith, William, Martinborough Snell Brothers, Ahiaruhe, Carterton ... Spearink, W., Featherston Stoodley, James, Gladstone Strang, J. and W. Glenside, Gladstone... Sfrawbridge, Eli, Waihckeke, Carlerton Tanered, II. G., Ponatahi, Carterton ... Tancred, P. F.,Te Ahikiore,Clareville... Taplin, J. H., Masterton Thomson, H. C, Carterton Tildesley, E., Glenhazard, Gladstono ... Tinsley, A., Fernridge, Kuripuni Tocker, J. F., Featherston Tremewan, D., Clareville 4oo 2281 383 2oo 2983 2o2 GOO 1900 30G0 40 10G7 1700 3600 55 Nil Nil Nil Ml 76 11440 2500 204 8630 10190 20647 5ooo 8oo 3000 45o 12047 5200 800 3500 400 17578 4850 910 3000 450 3500 1921 120 140 910 15oo 8o 65 900 1500 80 89 900 3500 1100 7o 430 3500 2514 202 3ooo 23o I78o 66 25oo 4oo 21o 5oo 78 1500 54o 24o 250 2500 1000 180 400 3822 2374 204 4700 235 1(300 187 2500 7000 8S0 96 300 4390 1625 171 5200 500 1700 44 2500 Nil 250 f>90 138 2500 300 400 65 400 935 3850 8500 2200 15000 Nil Nil 300 92 400 800 97 32000 100 250 450 9414 300 77 Nil 1650 1485 Nil 125 Nil 322 Nil" 1000 700 350 200 3900 600 5000 100 267 Nil 400 Nil 1700 Nil 200 1130 72 2000 500 300 300 3o2 2278 7ooo 25oo 155oo 15o 3oo 224 7o 4oo 84o 7! 31830 97 2oo 360 8100 846 2800 9000 2400 15000 205 05 400 750 80 29500 9S 250 320 8774 250 Io5 1700 lloo 7 31 442 202 8 1170 7oo 3oo 150 3000 551 3ooo ]J5 298 8o 350 4o 48o 221 35 1736 1360 16 95 294 300 1100 700 300 200 2708 600 3500J 180 262 400 800

No. oi 1891. j of Sheep 0; May. I 1832. on 31st 1883. Trotter, P., Greytown Tuck, John, Masfcerton Tullock, L., Halford, Martinborough .. Tully, John, Ngawhakaakupe, Greytown Tunuiarangi, Pirinoa, Gladstone Tunuiarangi, Hinana, Gladstone TJdy, John, Tomato, Greytown TJdy, W., Flaxland. Greytown Varnham, W. A., Papawai, Greytown,.. Waldin, Thomas, Clareville Wall Bros., Riverside, Martinborough... Walker, T., York Farm, Featherston .. Wallace, J., Riverside, Featherston Ward, T., Morrison's Bush, Greytown... Wardell, 11. 8., Newstead, Featlierston Waterson, George, Diilefield Waterson, John, Dalefield Welch, K. &., Matarawa, Greytown ... Wilkerson, J. J., Kokntau, Carterton ... Wilkie, John, Poplar Farm, Greytown... Wilkinson, J., Lake Meadows, Featherston Wilkinson, H. C, Featherston Williams, W. O., Bleak House, Kaiwaiwai Wi Mahnpuka,Long'Bash, Gladstone... Wood, W., Morrison's Bush, Greytown Wratten, W., Birch Hill, Martinborough Wyett, Charles, Clareville Yatee, Mrs. A. B., Woodlands, Masterton Yule, Robert, Featherston 13 14oo 170 5923 402 404 35o 75o 4oo 121 3700 10 & 5oo 4oo q p-J 0 17 0 900 3 7000 2 500 4 500 0 470 0 600 0 800 1 181 0 3400 C 51 6 60 0 600 0 4oo 18 Nil 900 8500 504 600 400 800 800 181 3500 80 85 80 500 500 100 397 300 70 2083 100 800 4000 150 1600 85 175 1400 800 13o 165 2541 39 524 4500 13o 900 5o 15o 344 0 49o 0 187 5 65 1 1961 d 165 i 850 3 4120 3 150 ) 1490 ) 100 ) 170 I 700 312028 i 305036 337229 (In North Wairarapa Subdivision). Burrow, J., Admiral, Carterton Cameron, P., Glondhu, Greytown Cave, A. W., Woodleigh, Masterton ... Douglas, A., lit. Adams, Martiubro. ... Driacoll, Michael, Cartcrlon Francis, W., Brookfield, Carterton Hume, J., Oliften Grove, Greytown ... Kumnier, G., Kummerstein, Masterton Lister-Kaye, George, Fairfield, Taueru McLaren, N., Tainui, Martinborough ... McLaren, Win , Leatherslad, Carterton McPhee, H. and A., Tainui, Martinbro. Moore and Krull, Glenburn, Gladstone... Veunell, S., Bank View, Gladstone Vennell, S , Forest Lea, Tauherinikau ... 3500 400 900 ) 1100 7777 > 785 1200 > 990 3300 i 1600 700 1300 8800 800 1200 298 1330 3070 1G50 Nil Nil Nil 1300 12500 4000 21C0 1350 24001 3000 11013 11000 2050 2150 24713 30502 38348 Total in county 3367413 335538 375577 EAST WAIRARAPA COIINTY (In North Wairarapa Subdivision). Alpass, S. J. P., Brooklands, Masterton Andrew, Rev. J. C, lea, Tenui Armstrong, J., (Ex. of), Akiteo, Castlep. Armstrong, J., (Ex. of), Akiteo, Castlep. Armstrong, Jame3, CasUepoint. Baseett, Job, Miki Miki, Masterton Bellies, Hugh, Woodhurst, Tenui Bennett, William, Waikaraka, Masterton Bennett, Joseph, Otahuao, Masterton... Beetliam, W. and H., Brancepetb, Masterton ... Blatchford, J., Masterton Branpigan, Patrick, A.lfredton Bruee, A., Hillside, Masterton Sudden, B-, Te Ore Ore. Masterton ... Burling, H., jun., Brooklands, Alfredton Cade and McKenzie, Black Rock, Masterton ... ... Cameron, Allan, Spring Hill, Tenui Cameron Broo. and Lowes, Masterlon Carman, D., Blink Bonny, Masterton ... Chalmers, F. B., Ferryhurst, Masterton Cox, J. G\, Maitaikuna Cripps, Isaac, Seven Oaks, Masterton ... Cross, John, Glen Side, Tenui Cross, William, Moron, Alfredton Day, W., Tirohanga, Masterton 1200 I6600 U800 24,198 201oo I600 77o 2702 49694 200 1700 200 1400 17516 194oo Nil 15oo 660 3200 S3'82 300 1700 250 68 2388 1600 18439 Nil 25000 .Nil 5° 1200 75° 3000 56000 270 2000 260 27 2400 2191 2200! 146 3000 45° 1400 95° 400 4800 3100 220 1700 1400 800 _ I 40O 65OO 3ooo llfi 15oo 34C 472? 81ot 2oo 15oo 13OD 700 120c 70c





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. I 1882. I 1883. Dillon, T. and Co., Bushy Park, Tenui... Donald, Donald, Waikaraka, Masterton Donovan, S. W., Dreyertown Dorset, W. L., Kopuarangi, Dreyertown Drnmmond, Or. M. R., Masterton Elder and Co., Lnngdale, 'Tenui Fergusson, J. C, Puketiritiri, Taueru... Groves, John, jun., Rock View, Xenui Grundersen, G-., Mauriceville Handyside, Roberts, and Co., Grlencoe, Castlepoint Handyside, Roberts, and Co., Aohanga, Castlepaint Handyside, Roberts, and Co., Akitea, Castlepoint Harrcy and Sons, Berriedalo, Maeterton Hawkins, It. T., Bowlands, Masterton... Hiteliings, T., Beaumont, Masterton ,.. Hosking, W. II., Dr., Weraiti, Masterton Hughes, John, Pahiatua Iorns, William, Masterton ... Johnston, W. W., Castlepoint Johnston, "VV. W., Mataikuna Kebbell, W. M., Spring Vale, Alfredton King and Pavker, Warahu, Carterton ... Langdon Brothers, Ngapopatu, Tenui ... Leach Brothers, Waterfall Creek, Tenui Leech, H. W., Tent Flute, Tenui Liverton, W., Pakowai, Mataikuna Livingston, J., Otahuao, Masterton Macara, Jnmes, Masterton Mace, G. W., Bramerton, Taueru Mackay Bros., Fairfield, Bideford Marsh, R., Te Hoe, Alfredtou Maunsell, R. and F., Tenui Martin, Albert, Forest Home, Masterton McHutchon, A., Whukataki McKay, Robert, Dreyerton ... McKenzie, D., Myrtle Farm, Masterton MeKenzie, Evan, Conon, Dreyerton MeKenzie, J., Woodlands, Masterton ... McLachlan, Colin, Landle, Masterton ... MeLachlan, D., Tirohango, Masterton... Macquarrie Bros., Moroa Pk., Alfredton. Mawley, S., Ditton, Masterton Meredith, Kdwin, Kohinai, Masterton ... Meredith, E., jun., Waironga, Masterton Mereditli, E., jun., Riversdala, Masterlon Meredith, R. R. Beaumaris, Masterton Miller, J., Fernlands, Bideford Moore, George, Fparaima, Masterton ... Moore, J., Wildfell, Taueru Morrison, John, Blairlogie, Masterlon... Napier, A., Lower Tirauraea, Alfredton Nicholls, Arthur, Penrose, Te Nai Nitz, H., Kaiwhata, Masterton O'Connor, Patrick, Tenui Osborn, O. H., Dreyerton Peach', Charles, Thorplands, Tenui Percy, H. J., Te Ore Ore, Mastert6n ... Perry, B. P., Riverbend. Bideford Pickett, Thomas, Whakataki l > rinter, W. & C, Wangaehu, Masterton Richardson, J., Rangiora, Tenui Robiesoii, James, Cavelands, Masterton Rutherford, John, Wairere, Bideford ... Saunders, W. J., Alfredton Shaw, P., Holmfield, Masterton Smith, Burr, Oahanga, Tenui Smiih, Hair, Akiteo, Tenui Smith, W., Spring Grove, Alfredton ... Stewart, Alexander, Opaki, Mnsterton ... Stewart, Duncan, Opaki, Maaterton Stilborn, Thomas, Burtonficlde, Tenui ... Stuckey, J., Te Rangitumau, Mftsterton Sutherland, W. & D.,Ngaipu, Martinbro. Tamati llenare, Te Ore Ore, Masterton Tancred nnd Hawkins, Bideford Tatham, F. E., Hoinewood, Masterton... 29oo 36 35° 1825o 46o 54' 13ooo 29oo 5° 35ooo 14ooo 3ooo 122 1677 J 800 2ooo 1500 351o 75o I6U00 77 410 170 '93° 600 1500 1500 54oo 64o llooo 9oo I600 22oo 2o27 155oo 460 43oo 47 35° 17ooo Iol5 485 12635 27oo 698 198 1415o 15562 37oo 360 I600 ] 2oo 600 3ooo 1500 101 36oe looc 1655o 97 06 475 388 1380 95 775 1600 2000 4200 81 S oo 19200 Nil 530 140 15000 7900 16174 800 14200 2800 700 35° 210 14500 14000 3800 445 1796 1200 800 3400 1000 171 4060 '5°o 1000 16700 J 40 70 379 1 20 400 -582 163 800 1800 1400 54oo 2049 Ioo21 3675 1696 2ooo 2ooo 23ooo 2000 6600 2550 '4777 3'00 2000 2400 2050 23700 57° 1200 44o I60 530 Soo 5oc 2oo 500 200 55o 6go 2700 75| 4oo 1000 100 500 1400 2600 2000 '30 300 Nil 14oo ' 35° 600 800 80 300 600 800 300 800 800 loooo 19ooo 40 Nil Nli "3 '73 2oo 184 169 Soo 2800 5° 297 180 2i;o 4081 11000 2100 12000 j 00 7000 39oo 12000 190 6800 38oo 170 7200 4400

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1891. 1882. 1883. Taylor, W. W., Manawa, Tenui Telford, T. W., Fernhill, Tenui Thompson, T. L. atid Co., Tβ Ore Ore Masterton Vallance, C. A. (Ex'tra. of) Kaliuming Taueru Vile, John, sen., Tividale, Clareville .. Wardell, H. S., Te White, Maeterton .. Welolj, Henry, Opaki, Masterton Whishaw, John H., the Fords, Tenui .. Williams, John, Tiraumea, Tenui Williams, W. B., Flag Creek, Tenui .. Williams and Beetham, Te Nui Wingnte, John, Meldrum, Alfredton .. Wrigley, W. and F., Masterton 6000 >o 4525 13oo !5 3049 to 1400 1300 10 1300 10 2400 16700 470 1268 1700 2ooo 92oo 25oo 10 17500 ■o 7oo 18 1250 10 "445 10 812o 10 3ooo 10 17620 10 750 O I 20O 5 '4°o Nil !o 8542 10 3400 295 20 6 150 56 (In Sonth Wairarapa Subdivision). Anketell, W., Masterton Bannister Bros., Opaki, Masterton Bannister, H., Pairau, Masterton Brown, T., Masterton Cameron, J., Ferneide, Masterlon Campbell, Hugh, Pirau, Masterton Campbell, John, Opaki, Masterton Campbell, Robert, Opaki, Masterton ... Carman, P, Burnaide, Masterton Chalmers, F. B., Heatherleigh, Maeterton Chamberlain, E. E., Mcku Meku, Masterton ... ... ,i. Chamberlain, S. E., Mnstorton Chamberlain, T. E., Masterton Colway, J., Masterton Cottle, Charles, Opaki, Masterton Dagg, R. p., Upper Plain, Masterton ... Donald, I)., Sol way, Masterton Donald, Rhodes, Manaia, Masterton ... Duncan, G., Papakiri, Masterton Evans, L. J., Upper Plain, Maeterton ... Ewingion, James, Masterton... Falconer, VV., Fernridgc, Masterton ... Grurdon, E.Barrett, Admiral, Gladstone Hadfield, F. M., Abbotsford, Taueau ... Hare, R., Upper Plain, Masterton Harris, Walter, Opuki, Masterton Hessey, J., Sherwood, Masterton Holmes, Bros., Mafcahiwi, Masterton ... Hunt, Brown, Miki Miki, Masterton ... Hurley, Thomas, Port Ru, Masterton ... Johnston, A., Cumlodon, Masterton Jonea, Henry, Masterton Judd, John, Greytown Mason, II. S., Pahaua, Martinborough... Matthews, Alfred, Opaki, Masterton ... MoKenzie, M., Mrs., Boyne Ter., Mast'n McLachlan. J., Coruanan Masterton ... McLaren, N., Taimii, Taratahi MeLennan, T., Burnside, Masterton ... McLeod, Angus, Rosebank, Masterton... McLeod, W., Wakapuni, Martinborough Mcl'hee, Donald, Masterlon ... Meredith, E., Llandefl', Masterton Miller, William, Gladstone Mutrie, A., Springfield, Masterton Perry, Walter, Masfcerton Prentice, S. &., Upper Plain, Masterton Shepherd, J. 0., Abbotsford, Taueru ... Smith, G-. F., Upper Pahaua, Waihenga Standen, John, Gladstone Welch, J. E., Maeterton Welch, R. R., Mastejton liiaia VVhakamairu, Masterton Woodroofe, G-. W., Masterton 370203 3 382354 4 4"7473 167 45° 7 1.58 o 560 2 260 8 192 o 600 202 406 400 85 '93 2184 7° 6 — 0 200 5 88 3 Hi 4 1800 301 0 860 297 o 200 8 98 5 400 o 2500 0 110 0 120 600 3 700 3 30O 194 ' 3' D 80O 200 0 290 4. 200 70 1 5 1 406 3 f)00 3 900 D 60O i 282 1 I7O ! I50 > 7OO Nil 1 Nil 460 1000 600 100 3 57° 3 700 3 600 5 268 ! 'SO !S 2 > 700 '43 700 125o 2399 98 Qi 83 5600 55° ) 2361 i 91 '5° i 3°o > 6280 > 778 5J00 i 365 : 252 1 98 ) 200 ' 8 5 > 7800 i 890 > — 345 242 > 896 ! 288 4OO . Nil 1000 1100 288 256 1 1100 i 2S6 1 2 95 7oo > 1100 ' 373 i 3°9 1 Nil ' '45 32oo 140 23 45° 28 1470 22 200 1 3ooo 112 68 2800 130 75° 40 90 1 200 3000 260 134 2137 34° 500 45 2132 Nil Nil 400 460 300 47 33'85 450658 35° 35° 200 __f>5 400 400 414 39 Total in county a 26 775 . 396978 4 30307 . 412661 4

NELSON DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.




No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1681. 1882. 1883 1883. 1883. WAIMEA COUNTY (In Nelson Subdivision). Allport, A., Stoke Anderson, R., Wakapuala Anderson, William, Wakapuaka Andrews, ,T., Wakefield Andrew, Richard, Waimea West Arnold, John, Eoxhill Arnold, John, "Waimea West Arnold, James, Nelson Askew, Mre. R., Nelson Baigent, A., Wakefield Baigent, E., Wakefield ... Baigent, Isaac, Wiikefield Banks, R., Wakefield Barnett, D , Wakapuaka Barnett, Henry, Nelson Bartlett, J. E., Appleby Barllett, William J., Appleby Batt, John, Wai-iti Bell Bros., Hope Bell, Miss E., Hope ..[ Bell, J., Appleby Bell, W., Waimea West Best, Charles, Appleby Best, G., Stoke Best, John, Appleby Best, Joseph, Appleby Best, Phillip, Appleby Best, W., Wakefield " Bird, Ann, Nelson Bird, C, Nelson Bird, J., Wakefield Birkitt, Mrs. 0., Hope Blick, Benjamin, Diehers, Hope Blick, Mrs., Nelson Blundell, F. H., Waimea West Boddington, W., Foxhill Bolton, J., Appleby Broois, W., Wakefield Brown, J., Walapuaka Bullard, Mrs. M., Wakefield ,,, Burnett, E. R., Doredule, Eoxhill „[ Busch, H., Hope Busch, J., Hope Buxton, E. (Executors of), Stoke Canning, C, Nelson Challies, E., Appleby Challies, H., Appleby * ... Clung, R., Stoke Chisholm, B. S., Nelson Clayden, S., Wakefield .'" Close, S., Wakapuaka Cole (Executors), Mrs. E., Hope Cole, T. W., Wakefield Collins, A. S., Hillwood, Nelson Cross, W. E., Brightwater Cummings, a., Wakapuaka ... Cummins, Thomas, Nelson Currin, T., Wakefield Davidson, Walter, Richmond Dencker, C, Brightwater Disher, R., junr., Waimea West Dodson, G-., Wftkapuata D'Urville and Co., French Pass D'Urville and Co., French Pass D'Urville and Co., French Paes Eden, Greorge, Hope Eden, S., Hope Eden, W., Hope Edwards, E. H., Nelson Ellis and Co., Gordon Downs, Motupiko Eyles, Charles, Thorpe Eyles, Mrs. A., Richmond Pairball, G., Wokefield Fanzelow, If., Hope Fleming, J. B., Foxhill Ford, C. H., Appleby ;;; Fowler, E., Spring Grove 182 30 100 41 110 44 1000 20 798 37 30 U 50 166 26 109 28 70 320 75 120 152 64 61 50 500 107 140 12 46 55 64 155 250 300 55 134 30 31 42 20 74 1100 780 49 50 90 85 26 118 I 52 320 83 130 40 250 90 74 50 225 700 250 275 30 38 75 50 92 300 300 80j 28 35 30 BO 51 52 25 80 1000 Nil 1098 50 Nil Nil 90 88 86 25 63 58 Nil 98 390 63 30 1)8 38 300 84 Nil Nil 61 159 470 190 135 50 64 80 Nil Nil 300 500 245 350 64 700 46 37 Nil 250 Nil 170 550 53 100 60 237 Nil 184 30 28 Nil Nil Nil 82 130 170 60 3800 110 SO 195 111 350 155 250 L ji 65 720 51 70 670 36 SI 190 213 20 22] 700 31 90 213 61 235 56 30 200 230 5 165 29 8 170| 50 13 800 700 600 M 11 M Ni 94 135 20 3800 53 146 150 38 4000 50 38 160 100 400 160 42 o : o o; Pi Pi Pi Pi Ps Po Pe ±';: Pa 41 119 102 350 81 100

JN'o. ui' Sheep on 31st May. 1881. I 1882. 18S3. Fowler, N., Stoke Fowler, Mrs. S., Waltefield Franklyn, *T., The Briars, Richmond ... Foy, T. H., Nelson Frost, W., Wakupuaka Frost, G-., Wakapuaka G-iipper, T., Richmond Gapper, C , Richmond Gaukroge"-, J., Foxhill Glasgow, A. J., Pino Glen, Nelson Gibbs, Isaac, Wakeiield Gibbs, T. W., Wakefield G-ill, F., AppL-by Gill, W., Wakapuaka Gill, E., Wakapuaka G-reen, E , the Sands, Nelson &room W., Nelson Hammond, J. G\, Appleby Elarknoss, W. D., Richmond Harley, A., Stoke Harley, T., Nelson Harvey, Isaac, junr., Wakapuaka Higgins, S., Spring Grove Higgs, W., Hiohmond Hill, Jabez, Brightwater Hill, Q., Brightwater Hill, Thomas, Brightwater Hill, W., Brightwater Holdaway, H. O., Richmond Holland, George, Foxliill Holland and Thomas, Foxhill flunt, T., Wakefield Hunter, G , Waimca West Johnson, D,, and Sons, Nelson lordan, A, IIopo fordan, C. and C, Appleby Jelling, F., Hope lerr, D., Belgrove lerr, John, Foxhill Cerr, Peter, Brightwater udd, R., Hope finzett Biothers, Spring Grove Cinzett, T., Wakeficld jankon , , H., IIopo jankow, J., Hope jedger, H. O., The Waltons, Nelson ... jnes, T., Hope ivingstone, Mrs. A. M., Waimea West jucas, R. S., Sheppy Farm, Spring Grove jyford, A., Wakapuaka 1'aclaren, J., Croixelles, Nelson lackay, R., Wakapuaka facliay, T., Drnmdunn, Wakapuaka ... lalcolm, J., Richmond lalpus, C, Wakefield larsden, J. W., Stoke lartin, Charles., Stoke laitin, J., Walapuaka lax, D., Hope IcGowan, W., Spring Grove IcRne, R., Bonovove, Richmond lead, T., Foxhill lead, W., Wakapuaka Iears, J., Wakefield torrison, Mrs. C, Foxhill] luntz, C. A., Richmond rurcott, T., Hope lureott, G-., Hope eal, Francis, Brightwater eiman, Brothers, Spring Grove ewport and Sons, Nelson "ortham, W., Walapuaka 'Connor, Mrs. B , Appleby ''Connor, P., Appleby ldham, J., Nelson aimer, IT T., Brightwater aimer, Mrs. Job, Hope aimer, J., Waimea, West aimer, J. W., Hope aimer, W., IIopi , arkes, &., Wakefield at'ji), K. F., Hope. ... at on, C S., Nelson W., Nelson 200 50 44 80 41 11 40, 17 260 245 ' 98j 260: 30 600 196: 84! 16 20 300 _ I 250 114 170 66 70 34 170 719 60 60 15 60 2500 3000 14 274 180 ]00 50 51 0 200 0 54 4 — 0 245 1 4] 0 — 7 25 0 236 5 ; 149 8, 84 0 ! 300 0 9 3 500 n\ 152 t\ 92 5 60 25 ) 22 ) 200 100 1 250 i 87 3 30 i ) ) ) I < ) I 36 50 ) 179 ) 689 ) 61 ) 90 J 23 ) 78 ) 2500 ) 4500 { ■ ■ I. I. 325 I 100 i 67 60 180 50 Nil 180 41 Nil 45 Nil J 8 63 230 293 45 400 Nil 550 285 95 33 9 Nil 200 150 250 70 Nil 58 Nil 62 93 235 700 140 120 38 60 31 3000 3500 Nil 313 Nil 100 (57 70 50 6 Nil ' 280 50O 24 700 1200 60 96 400 156 300 500 270 70 5 Nil 94 74' 27 60 600 75 100 3500 10 80 600 65 110 260. 38S 98 137 296 896 1850 w 3 60 192 350 211 i 400 600 1494 58 600 1500 50 93 374 247 300 650 160 360 J34 300 600 140 69 5 62 27 47 60 502 2500 16 100 600 75 99 482 350 2 79 64: 50 10 90 700 100 3000 14 75 450 60 51 376 300 70 121 290 745 1722 41 . ■ 94 350 69 n 1900 19





No. of Sheep on 31st May. lbSl. 1882. 1883. Phipps, R. J., Wairoa Gorge, Nelson ... Pitcher, W. T., Wakapuaka Pratt, J., Nelson Price, J., Wakefield Primmer, Mrs. Ann, Richmond Reay, G., Brightwater Beeves, Richard, Stoke Bevell, Edward, Wakefield Richmond, A. (Executors of), Nelson ... Rieketts, W., Spring Grove Robertson, J., Brightwater Rout, W., Stoke Buss, J., Beareroft, Appleby Buss, T., Appleby Satherley, J., Appleby Saxton, J. W., Stoke Schwass, J., Appleby Sharp, G., Spring Grove Sheat, A., Richmond Sheat, J., Richmond Sbephard, J., Belgrove Shirtliff, T., Nelson Silcock, G., Brightvvator Simmonds, J., Spring Grove Smith, James, Nelson Snowdon Brothers, Brightwater Snowdon, Francis, Brightwater Snowdon, John, Brightwater Spicer, U., Motueka Stafford, W., Nelson Stratford, C, Waimea West Stratford, W. L., Hope Stuart, J*., Trench Pass, Nelson Stuart, James, French Pass, Nelson Button, Henry Richmond Button, J., Richmond Button, W., Richmond Talbot, G., Richmond Tasker, H., Richmond Thomas, Edwin, Appleby Thomas, T., Brightwater Thompson, T. J., Richmond Tomlinson, R., Waimea West Trask, P., Nelson Trolove, E., Stoke Tunnicliff, T., Spring Grove Tyree, William, Hope Verry, G., Wakefield Wagstaff, Mrs. Mary, Spring Grove Wait, R. H., Thackwood, Neison Wallace, R., Wakefield Warren, H., Hope Wastney. W., Wakapuaka Webby, Edward, Hope Wells (Butcher), Nelson Wells Bros., French Pass, Nelson Wells, W., Wakefield Wells, W. S., Wafeapuaka White, E., Wakefield Witlier, C. B., Wensley Hill, Richmond 3 S3 99 9 80 630 110 75 88 51 160 500 50 03 07 100 100 96 19 no 150' 6 1 i 90 70 550 200 440 J 12 5 50 ) 88 ) 61 72 ) 150 41 ) 50 )■ 49 1 97 30 i 160 I 650 I 54 ; 44 197 i — I 220 : 140 19 88 25 i I 180 200 315 300 360 3 19 .)| 54 9 142 1 65 2 120 ) 130 L Nil 37 Ml ) 56 Nil ) 43 i 100 ) 41 153 800 185 43 120 Nil 273 195 Nil 57 99 Nil 44 100 190 92 450 200 400 500 160 130 200 136 80 26 34 53 380 250 1000 24 30 40 55 255 125 Nil 300 700 Nil 100 250 80 4 130 41 145 132 107 375 200 800 17 40 108 100 190 20 IS 41 325 120 1000 24 70 30 80 259 130 40 60 256 125 100 350 650 300 600 '130 52 210 60 20 250 110 316 167 47,638 '. 45,672 ■ 49,561 (In Motueka Subdivision). Arnold, J., Motupiko Astiew, W., Riwaka Atkins, T., Executor, Motueka Atkins, W., Motueka Auty, W., Motueka Beeby, B,, Sherry Benli'eld, C. H., Motueka Bensemann, G. F. W., Upper Moutere Bensemann, J. D., Upper Moutere Bensemann & Korte, Upper Moutere ... Best, J., Thorpe Best, T., Upper Motueka Beuke, D. J., Upper Moutere Biggs, A., Upper Motueka Bosaelmann, D. H. A., Upper Moutere Bosselmann, W., Upper Moutere Boyee, G., Lower Moutere Boyes, E., Motueka Brereton, John, Ngatimoti 500 150 150 140 132 290 41 60 130 ISO 21 200 350 500 270 150 90 171 107 50 60 70 114 200 500 298 Nil 200 120 152 61 60 83 142 2.°0 Nil 200 400 190 10 80 Ni ] 150 180 3fiO 180 16 160 36 186 100 350

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. Brereton, W., Ngatimoti Brewerton, F. M., Motupiko Brornell, T. A., Motupiko Brougham, J., Lower Moutere Burnett, T. R., Thorpe Burrell, E. F., Ngatimoti Burrows, W. J., Stanley Brook Buxton, E., Upper Molueka Byrne, P., Thorpe Canton, Gγ., Ngatimoti Canton, J\, Ngatimoti Carter Brothers, Motuekii Chamberlain, J., Lower Moutere Chapman, J., Motueka Chaytor, A., Upper Moutero Clausen, lleinrioh, sen., Upper Moutere Ciaassen, J., Upper Moutore Clausoti, J. 11., Upper Moutore Clifford, J., Motueka Coleman, G., Motupiko Cook, George, Riwaka Cook, W., Upper Moutero Coppins, A., Upper Moutero Cowin, James, Thorpe Creswell, W., Lower Moutere Criehton, J., Stanley Brook Deucker, F., Upper Moutere Donald, II., Riwaka Douglas, W., Molueka Drogemuller, C., Upper Moutere Drogemuller, W., Upper Moutere Drummond, A., RiwaLa Drummond, A., Upper Motueka Drudmond, J. and D., Lower Moutere Drummond, J. and W., Upper Moutere Diivel, P. H. C, Upper Moutere Eban, II. L., Thorpe Eden, Francis, Thorpe Edwards, W., Lower Moute e Edwards, A. R., Lower Moutere Edwards Brothers, Lower Moutere Eggers, II., Upper Moutere Evens, T., Motuoka Evess, J., Upper Moutero Ewers, F., Upper Moutere Ewers, H., Upper Moutere Fawcet Bros., Tadmor Fearon, Mrs. E., Motueka Fenemor, J., Upper Motueka Fenemor, W., Stanley Brook Flett, D., Ngatimoti Fletl, James, Lower Moutere Flower, J.. Upper Motueka Ford, T., Upper Moutere Francois, F. R., Sherry Freeman, Thomas Thorpe Funnell, W., Lower Moutere Gardner, I., Upper Moutere Uibbs, W., Motupiko G-ibbs, G., Upper Motueka Gifford, Thomas, Upper Moutere G-ilroy, Patrick, 'ihorpe Glover, G., Moluela Green, C, Motueta, Greenwood, F. D., Motueka GiiSith, J., Stanley Brook Griffith, T., Stanley Brook G ooby, E , sen., Executors, Motuela ... Grooby, F., sen., Motueka Grooby, G., jun., Ngatimoti Grooby, T., Ngatimoti Guun, I). W., Upper Moutere Guy, J. A., and Co , Ngatimoti Guy, W., Lower Mouteie Hall, J. H., Motueka Hammeriek, F., Upper Moutere Harvey, G., Upper Moutere Heath, John, Ngatimoti Heath, Thomas, Ngatimoti Heine, liev. J. W. C, Upper Moutere... Herriek, W. J., Lower Moutere Hewitson, J., jun., Uppe- Moutere Hiekey, T., Upper Motueka Hocton, A., Thorpe 190 50 110 300 46 193 1198 630 375 100 81 150 170 30 560 43 31 151 300 300 302; 350 78 98 65 60 120 49 140 130 550 300 300 78 200 198 170 36 100 60 38 95 60 123 90 96 65 170 ■400 50 180 0 261 0 60 0 105 0 200i 6 26 3 200 8 1200 0 405 5 386' 0 100 1 75 0 100 0 12 0 40 0 636 50 3 31 L — 1 1043 430 3 230 21 103 10 3 450] 3 96! 3 70: 5 70! ) 160 ) 140 } 52 ) 150 ) 110 ) 1300 ) 275 ) 250 i 90 ) 175 i 195 90 164 i CO ) 100 ) 48 i 38 » 100 ) 60 : 170 I 100 i 95 64 i 200 400 i 43 ' 200 370 55 250 300 24 40 1880 375 561 Nil 120 150 Nil 60 528 60 34 Nil 195 400 200 132 Nil 600 100 80 45 160 120 58 180 100 1200 200 200 96 270 188 76 180 Nil 75 100 40 45 95 44 150 70 130 72 185 400 64 200 40 150 70 719 300 2L 30 135 600 710 120 169 214 300 500 250 Nil Nil 84 80 51 193 140 425 174 251 Nil 250 200 64 54 500 270 8 70 60 700 250 15 91 500 520 94 120 280 300 87 600 700 120 104 105 200 270 260 130 108 71 33 200 150 8l46 160 90 300 12" 233 129 200 240 300 139 199 175 230 163





No. oi Sheep May. in 81 at 1881. 1682. 1883. Hodgens, M., Wakcfield Kodgkinson, E., Tadmor Hodgkinson. T., Tadnior Holdaway, E., Lower Moutere Holder, Francis, Motueka Holyoake, R., Riwaka Hopgood, G-., Motupiko "Valley Hopgood, Mrs. G-., Motupiko Huddleston, H. B., Hiwaka Humphreys, Captain, Thorpe Hyland, M., Motueka Hylaiid, B., Lower Moutere Hyland, ..I. and W., Lower Moutere ... Inwood, H., Motue'<a Jackett, Jno., Motueka Jenkins, W. Motueka ... Kelling, P. A., Upper Moutere Kelling, J. P., Stanley Brook Kelling, K., Stanley Brook Kenyou, II., Thorpe Ivinzitt, K., Tadmor Kinzett, J. W., Sherry Knowles, ■!. D., Ngatimoti Lammas, J. Thorpe Liramer, J., Motueka Limmer, S.. Lower Moutere Limmer, W., Lower Moutere Lines, George, Ngatimoti Lines, W., Ngatimoti Lloyd, B., Ngatimoti Lodder. W.. Kiwaka Loveridge, J., Thorpe McCarthy, I., Thorpe MeG-aveston J. C, Ngatimoti McMahon, B.. Eiwaka McNab, R., Kiwaka, Karamea McKne, R.. Richmond Mead, F., Motupiko Mead H., Motupiko Meyer, James, Sherry Mickell, James Kiwaka Miller, J. V., Kiwaka Mills, H. T., Upper Moutere Mytton, Bros., Ngatimoto Mytton. E., Ngatimoti Nagel, C, Upper Moutere Keedham, P., Tadmor Va'ley, Tadmor... Needham, P., Upper Motucka F'ewport Brothers, Motupiko Noden, J, Motucta O'Brien, A., Ngatimoti Pahl, J. P., She'ry Pahl, P. 0., Tadmor Parker, C. MotueVa Porkes, J. W.. Motueka I'a'eons, J., r-galimoti Pattie Bros., 'J .. Hiwata Perry, W. G., Neudorf Philiips. W, Hi, Sheny Phillips, W, II., jun., Sherry Pinny, S., Motueka Prestidge, H., Upper Moutere Price, C., Thorpe Price, T., Lower Moutere Quinney, W., Motupiko Remnant, C, Ngatimoti Eigby, J., Tadmor Eiley, J., Sherry Eiley, J., Tadmor Eoeske, W. H, Sherry Rose, C, and Son, Neudorf Kose, II. P. H., Neudorf Eose, J., Neudorf Boss, James, Pokororo Talley, Ngatimoti Eout, W., Stoke Euss, Jacob, (Executors of), Dovedale Eyder, W., Eiwaka Saxon, J., Motueka Schildhauer, W., Upper Moutere Senior, S., Upper Moutere Simpson, W., Lower Moutere Sixtue, P., Upper Moutere Slatter, G. H., Ngatimoti Sloss, George, Motupiko ,,, 150 20 85 49 75 150 767 125 89 65 200 380 50 350 400 175 85 55 200 193 120 128 180 236 20 216 120 50 400 300 60 3000 58 100 98 80 132 55 200 26 117 57 15S 130 200 136 100 55 100 57 385 327 93 1G0 05 50 70 90 145 197 134 68 200 236 195 160 1G0 380 275 3500 55 100 100 80 216 G3 199 35 145 67 360 228 Nil 100 Nil 131 89 ]30 75 250 56 550 145 180 192 180 99 Nil 113 2')6 295 145 GO 220 249 181 198 75 160 500 300 7 3500 70 80 200 50 200 57 230 Nil 80 400 600 260 Nil 700 7 73 175 113 2 600 68 100 400 Nil 300 800 97 300 97 150 283 Nil 260 75 60 400 116 275 96 250 811 18 37 55 52 265 60 80 54 400 300 185 45 650 80 95 60 400 500 200 160 62 155 196 46 140 350 186 250 500 90 275 172 156 225 80 200 50 65 400 76 264 100 175 250 18 30 156 38 237 60 700 6 7 175 72 20 235 50 130 362 300 600 100 286 65 140 168 200 55 70 500 100 200 200 298 14 40 87 38 239 60

No. of Shepp on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. S!oss, John, Motupiko Smartt, R., Sherry Smith, C, Ngatimoti Smith, George, Stanley Brook, Thorpe Snook, T., Thorpe Spieer, G-. K., Motueka Stade, C, Upper Moutere Stade, J. T., Upper Moutere Stagg, J., Hope Stanley, E. C, Rams V., Up. Motueka... Stanley, J., sen., Upper Motueka Staples, R., Motueka Starnes, S., Lower Moutere Stringer, T. II., Nelson Tiinnant, T., Lower Moutere Tarrant, H. A., Lower Moutere Taylor, .1. P., Thorpe Taylor, John, Thorpe Thomas, J. H., Nelson Thomaaon, E., Ngatimoti Thompson, A., Tliorpe Thompson, C. E-, Motupiko Tliorn, J., Tliorpe Thorn, Joseph, Thorpe Thorn, .Tohn, Stanley Brook Thorp, C, Motueka Trewanas, R. J., Motueka Tucker, E., Motueka Turner, W. and J., Thorpe Wallis, R. D., Motueka White, A., Ngatimoti Williams, Frank, Motueka Wilkens, D., Upper Moutere Wilkinson, J. 8., Stanley Brook Wilkinson, Charles, Stanley Brook Wilkinson, J. A., Stanley Brook Wills, A., Upper Moutere Wilson, J. E, Lower Moutere Win, J., Thorpe Win, W., Thorpe Woolf, J., Riwaka York, Henry, Riwaka 60 145 185 92 100 9fi 38 64 80 1200 420 100 350 200 98 70 125 23 12 850 130 490 60 100 142 167 47 95 50 800 1302 490 120 368 240 75 23 150 32 1000 130 498 60 150 Nil Nil 198 Nil 200 ' 72 100 500 150R 565 100 400 350 120 Nil 400 34, Nil 1000 200 492 60 128 482 100 72 300 55 500 100 194 500 85 93 490 50 400 300 370 115 264 90 100 300 51 250 300 80 46 300 ;.S5 275 195 198 200 476 46 401 275 139 130 476 64 398 250 187 125 40834 42901 49362 Total in county ... 88472 88573 98923 COLLINGWOOD COUNTY (In Golden Bay Subdi7ision). Abbott, H., Takaka Avery, J., Rockville, Collingwood Baird, W., Seaview, Takaka Ballantyne, J., Takaka Barnett, W., Takaka Bate, H. and. D., Takala Beardmore, J., TaVako, Boggis, G., Collingwood Boyoe, J., Motupipi Brace, J. D., Collingwood Burt, A. T., Motupipi Byrne, H., Takaka Byrne, P., Takaka Caldwell, W., Greenhills, Collingwood Cann, R., Takaka Cedei'man, G., Collingwood Cockburn, A , Tiikaka Cole, Jamen, Takaka Davidson, B., Cape Farowell,Collingwood Davidson, E., Collingwood Dodc-on, A., Takaka Edmonson, T., Takaka Ellis, P. H. M., Takaka Fellows, R. R, Takaka Field, T. C. V., Pakawau, Collingwood Fletcber, J. E., Collingwood Gibbs, W., Totaranui, Nelson Gilbert, G. C, Motupipi Goldney, W., Takaka Gooch, E. A., Springside, Takaka Hadfield Bros., TotaraNui, Collingwood Hadlield, H. R., Able Head, Motupipi Hadfield, W. W., L. River, Motupipi... Handcock Brothers, Takaka 150 17 28 57 150 65 25 58 22j 395 50 40 90 45 53 13 95 38 49 180 110 30 62 32 40 100 100 30 6 150 Nil 30 65 180 93 32 71 40 Nil 140 100 Nil 130 28 6 4100 149 43 62 50 33 41 363 60 90 500 20 4000 400 124 54 220 44 14 49 58 370 75 114 Nil 28 4000 Nil 125 70 170 Nil 58 60 80 400 85 35 Nil 246 175 66 105 250 250 110





■ No, ol' Sheep on 31st May. its:. 1882. 18b:j. Hailes, G., VTaitui Park, Takaka Haines, W. H., Takaka Harvey, A. H., Collingwood Hitchcock, T., Takaka Huffam, T. B., Collingwood Hunter, Peter, Takaka James, George, Collingwood Johnson, N., Collingwood Johnson, W., Takaka Keoghan, Mrs. Mary, Takaka Keoghan, O., Takaka Lash, J. G-., Collingwood Ledger, H. O., Collingwood Lewis, C, Sunnyside, Takaka Lewis, E., Spring Creek, Takaka Lindsay, J. and J., Takaka McArtney, R., Collingwood MeCallum, D., Takaka McDonald, J., Takaka McFavlane, A., Takaka McGrane, F., Upper Gully, Collingwcod Miles, J. T., Collingwood Nairn, F. E., Pakawau, Collingwood. ... Neihoff, J. C, Collingwood Page, J. Takaka Page, T\, Takaka Page, W., Takaka Paine, Rebecca, Takaka Pollard, H., Takaka Pruseing, \V., Collingwood Reddan, J., Collingwood Eeilly, J., Takaka Eiley, R. P., Collingwood Riley, J. B , West Wanganui Robinson, Mrs. Mary, Motupipi Roach, F., Takaka Rogers, John, Upper Takaka Rose, J. F., Takaka Salisbury, J. P., Up'r Takaka, BTgafamoti Sanders, A. E., Collingwood Scadden, W., Collingwood Scott, R, Takaka Shaw, John, Collingwood Sinclair, A., Takaka Snow, Mrs. Martha, Collingwood Sparrow Brothers, Fairleigh, Takaka, ... Spittal, A, Takaka Spittal, W., Takaka Squire, J. S., Collingwood Tilby, W., Motupipi Tyrrell, W., Takaka Vant, W., Takaka Wallis, H , Motupipi Walker, D., Collingwood Walker, E., Takaka Walker, Isaac, Collingwood Washbourne, H. P., Collingwood Windlc, T., Takaka Winter, G , Motupipi Winter, G., Wainui, Takaka Winter, D. J., Motupipi Woodfleld, A., Collingwood 400 99 185 250 12 70 400 95 170 225 ' 500 108 i 198 260 Nα 80 Nil Nil 29 84 92 352 Nil 205 615 900 32 70 280 94 91 60 170 34 50 30 Nil 130 68 73 49 80 350 200 32 64 45 61 1700 40 51 119 60 Nil 8 841 79 140 84 Nil 12 60 Nil 14 73 100 Nil 213 Nil 380 52 190 85 41 10 22 66 491 150 140 698 900 28 38 240 97 27 52 333 8fi 170 798 800 43 65 258 95 27 75 120 26 50 59 43 412 100 60 450 565 ]20 65 300 80 300 192 60 40 59 1200 35 24 90 90 300 180 71 63 24 61 1302 40 41 95 14 45 5 800 80 130 63 40 6 1160 90 140 61 198 75 125 25 45 70 95 153 200 3fiO 47 95 91 70 • 130 21 04 100 93 194 200 360 50 158 16939 17050 i 16365 BULLER COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Carruthers, George, Westport Carter, George, Westport Clinton, J., Murchison Cooper, G. J., Sea View, Karaniea Costello, J., Charleston Courtney, Francis, Junction, Buller ... Craddock, G. T., Westport Dean, C, ICaramea Brennan, E., Charleston Gardner and Sutton, Charleston Hill, W., Charleston Johnston, James, Hampden King, T. N., Westport Lines, Job, West.porb Road, Weetport... Lucas, C, Westport Martin, J., Westport 42 2 2 8: 28 5o| 3o 22 48 12 53 4,2 16 Nil Nil Nil 180 48 50 60 Nil 59 102 20 41 200 38 69 80 17 36 31

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1S81. 1882. I 1883. McNair, W., Weslport McFadden, My lee, Weatporb O'LougMen Bros., Longford Organ, M., Nine-mile Road, Westport... Parsons, J amen, Charleston Riding, W., Wainiangaroa Simpson, J., ICaramea Spencer, Miss E., Hampden Suisted Brothers, Westport Sutherland and Mount, Charleston Watson, Robert, Waimangaroa Wilson, William, Westport Wright, Stephen, Weetport 5 10 31 53 8 35 lo 2oo 20 Nil 7 500 75 51 70 3 Nil 22 58 8 13 7 414 661 1500 GREY COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Banuon, G. M., Blaekwater Bournes, W., Ahaura Bruce, T. W., Inchbonnie, Jackson's ... Buttoli, P., Lake Brunner Coates, W. J., Greymouth .,. Doig Brothers, Blaekwater Donald, D., Totara Plat Duncan, D., Montrose, Blaokwater Evans, John, Jackson's, Christcliurch Road Fox and O'Neill, Ahaura Garth, T. H., Ahaura Gilmer, H., Totara Flat Grillin and Devery, Twelve-Mile Landing Kennedy, P., Totara Flat Maekley, S. M., Little Grey Junction... Mason, G., Ahaura Magill, Henry, Totara Flat Mclnroe, J.. Little Grey Junction. McLennan, J., Blaekwater Methven, W., Totara Flat Mirfln, W. C, Little Grey Junction. ... Mitchell, II., Camptown Rees, J., River View, Ahaura Reid, J., Ahaura Rochfort, F., Greymouth Trotter, W , Ahaura Turner, John, Ahaura 45 25 1780 40 250 28 74 8fi 35 15 95 1804 14 37o 400 3o 2 S O Nil 1400 384 260 30 3CO Nil 210 375 Nil Nil Nil 80 366 460 Nil 36 Nil 75 100 Nil 40 Nil 102 94 40 230 276 5o 380 284 25 40 165 200 2 15o 4 3oo 2oo 90 3,495 3,992 4.5*2 INANGAHUA COUNTY (In Grey and Buller Subdivision). Archer, Frederick, Sanding, Buller Beteri, George, Little Grey Junction ... Brazil, John, Heefton Carrie, Aaron, Cronaden Dick, J., Reefton Duncan, Alex., Antonio's Flat ... Evans, David, Murchison Gallagher, D., Cronaden Gibbs, J., Longford Hunter, W., Longford Lyon, C, Cronaden McGinley, D., Cronaden McGregor, D., Longford Mctlardy, A., Little Grey Junction McMurray, R., Cronaden Mindermann, C, Inangahua Junction... O'Malley, J., Little Grey Junction O'Neill, T., Reefton O'Rourk, Thomas, Longford Oxnarn, J., Owen River Paine, E., Reefton Rait, J., Longford Sileock, A., Cronaden Smith, Alfred, Fern Flat Sullivan, D., Fern Flat Taylor, H., Inangahua Junction Walker J. & G., Maruia, Nelson Wann, J., Murchison Williams, Mary, Reefton 39 180 15 100 10 293 26 5o 12 22 5o 8o 26 loo 2oo 36i 5o Nil 39 190 88 3o 200 39 80 2 S 100 '9 200 34 36 300 62 Nil Nil 124 Nil t8o Nil 86 22 76 12 5o 17 7o 62 45 103 45 56 320 99 28 63 25o 500 22 46 300 46 182 1,391 1,302 2,8 4 9

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.




No. of Sheep May. in 3l8fc ]831. 18S2. 1883. SOUNDS COUNTY. (Picton Subdivision). Atkins, Alfred, Picton Baldiok, G-. Wangatarua, Picton Bell, Alfred, Kenepuru Bourke, M., Gonlter Boy, Kenepuru ... Bragg, N. and W., Koromiko, Pieton ... Brownlee, W. & Co,, Long V., Havelock Caps, William, Pioton Cawte, Bros., Moitapu Mahakipawa ... Clifford, Thomas, Havelock ... Connolly, E. T., Picton Couper, D., Pelorus Valley, Haveiock ... Cowling, Bros., Mukehanga, French Pass Creech, D. J., Kenepuru Crichton, ft., Havelock Cullen & Gregg, Linkwater Dale, Pictou Dakin, T., Opihi Bay, Port Underwood Dart, William, Picton Davidson, R., Loch Mara Farm, Picton Flood, Bros., Starmount Run, Picton ... Godsift, Henry. Peninsula, Picton Harvey, Mrs., French Prtes, Nelson Hematine Timoti, Kaipapn, Picton Hippolite, J. and C, Havelock Holliday, Capt. J., Titurangi, Wellington Houghton, Mrs., Kenepnru, St. Omer... Hughes, James, Ilavelock Hutchinson, Richard, Havelock Jackson, Jas., Tory Channel, Picton Karora Watson, Picton Keenan, W., Etawa Channel, Picton ... Kenny, A., The Rocks, Kenepuru Maclellan and Symes, Elmslie's Bay ... Makore, N., Blackwood Bay, Picton ... Meehan, P. and Co., Tua Marina Mills, John, Ferndale, Picton Mills, T. H., Kenepuru Wicoll, C. and Son, Koromiko, Picton ... Spencer, J. II., Separation Run, Picton Suisted, F. A. S., Picton Turner & Harvey, French Pass, Nelson Twidle, James, Havelock Webber, W., Elmslie'a Bay, Webster, T., Picton Wells, D., Havelock Wilson, James, Koromiko, Picton 35° 270 S 00 14 i3 5 300 794. 3200 22 97-1 1400 j 00 100 1*5 377 12.4 255 58 497 25 13 5 130 900 2831 23 950 1490 63 loo IS' 783 31 180 84 3'7 96 2oo 29 45° 100 1000 61 22 15° "5° 300 3000 33 5 95° 1700 99 100 100 200 9^3 37 280 126 1100 600 3250 802 280 1444 1100 500 300 952 500 400 11 27 500 5° 167 200 765 '47 269 900 100 76 700 1*0 105 s< 192G9 95 32 320 100 230 I400 230 900 46 550 5° 5<>0 95 73 70 _58 15733 14755 MARLBOROUGn COUNTY (In Picton Subdivision). Aldridge, M., Ngakuta, Picton Aldridge, Bros., OceanBay, P. Underwood Allport, Thomas, sen , Tua MarinaAtwood, George, Ren wick Avis, 0., Waitohi Valley, Picton Baillie, W. D. H., Kennington, Picton Beauchamp, C, Anakiwa, Picton Blake, J., Havelock Boon, J., Ravenscliff, Picton Boon, J., Long Island, Picton Bown, J., Pelorns Valley, Havelock Dalton, J. H,. Fern Hill, Picton Dalton, W., Pylorus Valley, Picton Douslin, W., Paul's Farm, Blenheim ... Duncan, J., Grove, Picton Fnrnell, W., Havelock Fraser and Daines, Waitohi Valley, Picton Godfrey, Charles. Okukari, Picton Gould,'Thomas, Nydia Bay, Havelock... Green, ft., Greendale, Picton Guard Brothers, Port Underwood Gullery Brothers, Portage Farm, Picton Harris Brothers, Havelock Hart, Bros., Picton Harvey, W., sen., Clava Bay, Kenepuru Hood, G. G., Picton ' ... Hughes and Son, Havelock Hyde, A. E., Grove, Picton 30 300 2 r> 58 170 937 107 1253 783 11 66 44f 1701 272 400 80( 280 190 28<i 140 1500 295 730 35 350 26 241 53 220 1007 128 10(1 700 500 200] 1000: 1550 320 398 700 370 190 280 130 2200 390 900 40 400 Nil Nil 26 213 1350 136 Nil Nil 800 400 300 740 1440 298 ]80 700 700 14 361 248 2595 600 800 6 250 500 95 409 300 397

No. of Sheep on 31aC JUnv. 1681. 18S2. 18S3. Jackson, Broa , Robin Hood, Tua Marina Jacques, Daniel, Kaituna Valley Jones, Mrs. S.,Pelorus Valley, Haveloek Kelly, J. (Maori), Port Gore, Picton ... Landall, Isaac, Yellaton Run, Picton ... Love, D., Onotobia, Picton Lore, John, East Bay, Picton McAlpine and Jensen, Pictou McMalion, P., Kenepuru Mills Brothers, EH Bay, Haveloek Mitchell, C, Koromiko, Picton O'Sullivan, I , ., Kaituna Valley, Haveloek Parfitt, Isaac, Mount Pleasant, Picton... Patterson, H., Mahakipawa Randall, G., Picton Reader, W., Canvastown Reader, Mrs. Agnes, Haveloek Rush, F. B., Haveloek Russell, John W., East Bay, Picton ... Rutland. H. W., Haveloek Simon, Robert, Picton Standen. James, Pieton Swafford, W. E., Haveloek Takarua, Reuben, Pictou Taylor, E., Haveloek Thomas, James, Blenheim Thomson, A. X., Para, Picton Toms, Joseph, Lee's Bay, Picton Western. J. O., Linden's, Picton While, C, Koromiko, Picton Williams, J. T., Mount Pleasant, Picton Witney, Q-., Skiddaw, Haveloek 1000 6( 111 1267 1452 484 203 1686 6C 22 102 18 325 158 325 45 50 117 100 101 54 555 807 1000 92 80 134 1350 1565 78: 253 1250 50 170 355 97 290 50 1050 122 90 150 ]529 1400 800 300 Nil Nil 230' 248 Mil 435 140 290 50 Nil 140 365 18 60 646 650 Nil Nil 160 552 81 65 480 120 275 1] 54 555 500 64 290 145 412 50 39 640 250 521 80 31 500 22009 23205 23148 (In Blenheim Subdivision). Adams, Frederick, Blenheim Adams, .lolin, Blenheim Adams, "W., Langley Dale, Blenheim ... Adams, M. B., Fern Flat, Haveloek ... Allan, R., Old Renwick Road, Blenheim Avery, William, Blenheim Barker, E., Wairau Valley Barnes, S., Old Renwiek Road, Blenheim Bartlett, Thomas, Wairau Valley Barton, John, Onamalutu, Renwick ... Bary, G-ustaf, Renwick Town ..; Batty, J., Middle Road, Blenheim Beal, R , New Renwiek Road, Blenheim Beatson Brothers, Clovernook, Blenheim Bell Brothers, Wairau Valley Bell, H. G\, Waihopai Reserve, Blenheim Bell and Sons, Erina, Wairau Valley ... Bishell, D., Middle Road, Blenheim ... Blick, E., Spring Creek Bonnington, H., Wairau Valley Botham, H. B., Tua Marina Botham, J., Tua Marina Bowler, S., Blenheim Bowser, R. W., Blenheim Brindell, Charles, < 'maka Farm, Blenheim Brougiian, D., Willow Brook, Blenheim Brydon, William, Renwick Burroughs, J., Tua Marina ... Cameron, Alexander, Mrs., Grove Town Cameron, J., jun., Kaituna Valley Carter Bros., Richmond Dale, Wiiirau V. Carter T., Hillcrsden, Wairau Valley ... Carter T., Stronvar, Wairau Valley Cartel , , T., Tearowhenua, Wairau Valley Carter, T., Wantwood, Wairau Valley... Casev, Martin, Blenheim Chaytor, J. C, Marshlands, Tua Marina Cheesman, T , Grove Town Clifford, Win, Vernon, Blenheim Cook, J. R. W., St. Andrews, Blenheim Connor, M., Longfie'd Farm, Blenheim Dalziel, J., Old Renwiek Road, Blenheim Davies, James, Lydia Bank, Kaituna ... Davies, Thomas, Blenheim Dickson. J. M., Kaituna Dillon, P. G., Leefleld, Renwiek Dobson, Douglas, Blenheim Dodson, G., Sandhills, Spring Creek ... Dodson, J. H., Spring Creek 86 24 1700 31 220 308 97 30 150 76 26 375 350 689 4500 70 3600 290 172 99 101 414 320 600 175 1000 77 28 239 80 9 1810 220 170 75 27 180 68 30 147 300 567 4500 200 3500 670 171 98 98 587 1 500 148 102C 150 46 283 42 Nil 2550 Nil ' 280 210 23 12 Nil 77 12 13S 170 580 4500 300 Nil 201 175 26 L 40 97 413 Nil Nil 270 1100 175 30 54o 46(iO 16000 12600 5000 10000 140 5258 27 14500 1400 300 15 130 225 Nil 10060 110 260 65 15000 12500 4000 10000 16000 12600 4800 10000 2678 4800 i 1106 48 55 73 14480 911 683' 4o; 94 1 10300 10, 11500 394 384 t I





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1831. 1832. j 1833. D.oel, William, Brooklands, Blenlieim ... Draper, D., Home Farm, Blenheim Drew, Robert, Eenwicktown Eyles, Charles, Watt's Farm, Blenheim Fairhall. E., Spring Creek Fidler, R., Xua Marina Fleming, John, Blenheim ... Folster, II., Onamalutu, Renwick ... ! Ford, Mrs. Jane, Spring Creek ... ] Fraser, Hugh, Hisk Farm, Renwick ... ! Fulton, C. McD., Blenheim ... j G-ane, James, Spring Creek ... Gane, S., I'ark Farm, Spring Creek Gibson, A. D., Kaituna Gibson, J. W., Blenheim Gibson, T. L., Renwicklown ... Gifford, Isaae, Blenheim Gifford, James. Spring Creek ... I Gifford, W., Raglan Farm, Blenheim ... I Gomez, C, Clyth Farm, Blenheim Goulter, C , Hawkesbury, Blenheim ... Graham, G., Fairhall. Blenheim Green, J. B., Vernon Farm, Blenheim... Gregory, Thomas, Spring Creek Gridley, J., The Lakes, Blenheim Hall, Robert. Spring Creek Hammond, H., Blenheim Harding, Thomas, Blenheim Hathaway, M. A.. Mrs., Spring Creek ... Herd, A., Grove Town Herd. D., Doctors Flat, Blenheim Henriekson,Antoni, Onamalutu, Renwick Hodson, J. E., Racecourse, Blenheim ... Holdaway, James, Blenlieim Hopgood, Thomas, Renwiektown Horgan, M., Meadow Bank, Blenheim Huggart, S., Tiptroe Farm, Blenheim ... Inman, C., Kaituna Valley, Kaituna ... Jackson, A. W., Runnymede, Blenheim Jeffries, T., Blenheim Jeffries, W., Summerlandi, Blenheim ... j Jellyman, G., Marlborough lown ... Jeliynian, Henry, Blenheim Jellyman, W., Blenheim Jones, VV., Big Bush, Blenheim Jordan, Christian, Renwicktown Kelly, N., Fitzgerald Farm, Blenheim... Kennir.glon, William, Kaituna Lambert, J. A., Shrublanda, Kaituna ... Law, J., White's Bay Road, Tua Marina Leslie, J., Kaituna Litchfield, A. J., Livermere, Blenheim Looms, Thomas, Kaituna Lucas, C. W., Opawa Road,Blenheim... Maealister, S., Blenheim Maher, John, North Bank, Wairau Maroh, J., Spring Creek Matthews, R.. Spring Creek McCallum, A.. Waterlea Farm, Blenheim McCallum, J., Renwick Road, Blenheim McCallum, D., Blenheim .:. McDonald, G., Blenheim Mclvor, R., Renwick MeKenzie, J., Blenheim Monro, A., Bankhouse, Renwiek Monro, G. H. B., Renwick Morck E., Bason Lodge Farm, Renwick Mortimer, James, Wairau Valley Murphy, Cornelius, Blenheim Murphy, J. and D., Blenheim Murphy, Thomas, Spring Creek Murray, W., Poplar Farm, Spring Creek Neumann Brother?, Kaituna Valley ... Newman, John, Cowslip Farm, Renwick Nicholson, J. W., Benopai, Blenheim ... Ohison, Charles, Grove Town O'Dwyer, C, Blenheim O'Dwyer, P., Blenheim O'Dwyer, P. and J., Spring Creek O'Leary, J., Tua Marina O'Sullivan, Charles, Tua Marina Parker W.B.,Omaka & Eitson'e, Blenhm. Paul, J. & E., Moorlands Farm, Blenheim Phillips, S., Blenheim 630 81 90 1)09 70 180 I 240 40 290 145 781 111 39 1668 400 2*5 180 7000 492 130 78 500 300 450 129 80 187 20 350 75 50 200 430 150 4700 165 220 200 130 3050 88 120 31 100 180 690 91 40 1510 250 350 160 6500 055 149 104 300 300 500 116 10 200 150 95 70 158 450 280 195 504. 155 290 960 90 720 300 40 Nil 25 180 160 692 109 45 1684 300 300 190 5600 490 Nil 150 195 350 120 500 130 Nil 199 Nil 300 110 30 300 200 6 49<5 160 Nil Nil 220 Nil 180 60 Nil 440 591 700 380 216 160 182 170 1290 50 400 350 70 60 50 Nil 150 11200 3000 150 29 Nil 55 50 250 222 700 14737 Nil 91 750 700 126 300 1158 2500 Nil 80 105 35 180 260 80 458 398 109 234 48 165 70 493 438 300 251 85 175 950 294 280 60 60 145 200 205 11300 2000 130 1045 80 400 430 44 (50 156 150 100 11165 2700 150 300 47 65 200 194 550 14343 85 100 450 (51 200 700 14124. 70 620 141 370 750 2000 98 110 262 1434. 2326

Ko. of Sheep on 31st May. 1891. J 1882. 1SS3. Pike, William, Laurels, Blenheim N.Z.L.& M.A.Co.,Biroh Hill and Mount Patriarch, Blenheim Powick, J., Cloudy Bay, Tua Marina ... Redwood Bros., Mill Farm, Spring Creek Redwood, Charles, Riverlands, Blenheim Redwood, II., Spring Creek Redwood, T., St. Leonards, Blenheim ... Redwood's Trustees, Vernon, Blenheim Reeves, Mrs. M. A., Spring Creek Renwick, Thomas, Delta Farm, Renwick Richardson, G-. I!., Meadow Bk., Blenhm. Richertsen, M., Renwick Robinson, Mrs., M. Spring Creek Rogerson, H., Spring Creek ... Rose, John, Hegworth Farm, Blenheim Satberley, G., Blenheim Satherley, II., Tua Marina Selnics and Barnett, Tua Marina Seymour, A. P., Meadow Bk., Blenheim Seymour, A. P., Tynteefield, Blenheim,.. Sinclair, James, Blenheim Sinclair, W., Blenheim Smith, P., Greenhill, Tua Marina Soper, It., Qlenside Farm, Spring Creek Soper, W., Scrub Island. Spring Creek Soper. Windsor, Spring Creek Storey, Or., Eaituna Storey, Q-., Blenheim ... Sutherland, W. A. D., Blenheim Sutton, Ihomas, Spring Creek Tapp, W., Renwick Terrill, F., Sunnyside Farm, Blenheim Tesehemaker, C. de V., Avondale, Ren'k. Teschemaker and Gillow, Renwicktown Thorns, Oh, Onamalutu, Renwicktown... Thomson, James, Blenheim Wadey, T., Onamalutu, Renwicktown ... Walton, J.. Lowfleld Farm, Ronwick ... Ward, B. R., Brookby, Blenheim Ward, Felix, Wrekin, Blenheim Ward, Joseph, Blythefield, Blenheim ... Watson, Gγ. II., Blenheim Watson, Jacob, Renwick Watson, S., Renwicktown Watts, C. F., Wairau Valley Watts, a. F., Erina, Wairau Valley ... Wbitwell, Thomas, Blenheim Wiesenhavern, A., Tophouse Williams, II. D., Wairau Valley Wratt, J., Spring Creek 670 150 1300 1900 354 2982 21700 108 4080 175 100 15 50 800 10241 75B0 50 150 225 250 142 625 319 90 230 231 754 16500 130 25000 90 1255 4150 370 2500 362fi 50 5051 70 100 110 30 61 101 1000 9640 7918 51' 182 150 300 173 750 834 252 400 225 80 28000 97 1280 6270 780 6050 Nil 90 4800 10500 50 150 95 295 100 Nil 1200 Nil 9800 51 100 270 200 290 316 700 790 110 400 249 Nil 17000 4200 14) 670 28 48 1800 950 170 27 Nil 150 8000 3500 134 Nil Nil 40 19 630 25 25 1800 900 80 88 Nil 65 800U 16500 4200 93 818 8 48 1750 915 107 8 30 250 8000 800 19947 40 35 (In Awatere Subdivision). Aroa, Robert, Blind River, Awatore .,. Alkinson, William, Burtergill, Awatere Bank of N.Z., Upton, Awatere Beaumont, R., Starborough, Blenheim... Busby, J. D., Upton, Awatere Cawthron, T., Fairfleld, Blenheim Clifford and Weld, Flaxbourne, Blen. Green, J. B., Upeot, Blenheim McRae, P. R., Weldshill, Blenheim ... McRae, P. R., Blairich, Blenheim McRae, A.., The Reserve, Awatere Monro, G-. II. B., Langridge, Renwick... Mowat, Mrs. K. P., Artimarlock, Awatere Mowat, Mrs. K. P., Middlehurst, Awatere Otterson, II., Mount Gladstone, Renwick Renwick, T. (Est. of), Durngree, Blen. Richmond, F. II., Richmond Bk., Awatere Tinline & Neville, Mt. Gladstone, Wairau Watson, A., Sea View, Awatere Watson, Thomas, Burtergill, Awatere... Willis & Fuhrniann, Molesworth, Awat ere 235024 243493 260890 60 2700 20232 34000 7000 59425 12052 19000 7550 110O 1073 Nil 30300 22879 6090 57135 11850 19000 9500 I20O Nil Nil 31300 23789 7000 55658 13000 20000 12500 830 9800 13000 1100 Nil 10763 >55 6 4 8001 604 1170 17000 9700 13000 1285 6500 11784 15313 9200 12500 1100 7000 11366 13908 600 12200 10600 1231801 225201 242279 (In Kaikoura Subdivision). Troiove, F., Woodbank, Kaikoura Symons (Trust), Kekerangi, Kaikoura... 930(i 50000 9000 51500 9100 60600 59300 60500 Total in county 548134 552399 586923

TT .|,.,.,,.Q






Mo. o: ' Sheep c May. 1882. )u31st rssr I 1883. I Wallace, Jolin, Kaikoura Wallace, W., Kaikoura Ward, J,; Warden Tytler, Kaikoura ... Warner, B., Kaikoura Woods, W. ])., Kaikouvii Woolven and Nisbett, Kaikoura Workman, W., Kaikoura 370 38000 120 i 324 i Nil i Nil 3922 299 232 Nil Nil 5272 1080 300 152146 200 1144973 154502 AMURI COUNTY (In Amuri Subdivision). Adams and Kerr, Tarndale, Nelson Ansley, G-. A., Mount Parnassus, Waiau Atkinson, W.,jun., Woodbank, Hurunui Dalgety & Co., Hopefield, Upper Waiau Fowler, W. L., Hannier Plain Fowler, W. L., Top House Fry, John, Hanmer Plain Hayter & Wharton, Cloudy Enge, Waiau Hayter and Wharton, Highfield, Waiau Low, W. A., St. Helen's, Clarence, and Acheron, Hurunui McArt.hur Brothers, St. James and Lake Guyon, Hurunui McDonald, A., Sherwood, Wainu Marfnrlane, J. D., Hawkeswood, Waiau McKay, G-, Hanmer Plain Rutherford, A. W.,Mendip Hills, Waiau Rutherford, George, Leslie Hills, Waiau Tinline, Gγ. and J , Lyndon, Waiau ] 8000 31107 7200 2109 4500 206 41452 i 18261 ' 3239o i 6500 i 095 i 47oo 4oo i 454 ; 4oooo 20010 33211 7800 8502 4500 4500 502 10250 38250 73785 71290 71000 21000 2000 24000 650 9(00 17002 33089 i 21ooo I 2542 i 25000 i 781 i 9000 : 1775o i 86798 25000 2700 25000 993 9000 17600 35361 318100 1287561 308381 (In North Canterbury Subdivision.) Chapman, R., (Extrs. of), Mount Pam, Rolherham Dalgety, F. G., Balmoral, Hurunui Earshtnan & Co., Pahau Reserve, Hurunui Forrester, R. A., Rotherham... Holmes, T., Hope, Upper Waiau Ferry Holmes, T., St. Andrews, Waiau Jones, E., Rotherham Farm, Up. Waiau Jones, E., Waiau St., Up. Waiau Low, W. A., Glynn Wye, Upper Waiau Macfarlane, James, Achray, Rotherunni Maefarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Hurunui Mcllae, G-. W., Glens of Tekoa, Hurunui Munson, A., Upper Waiau Ferry Rutherford, Bros., Glynn Wye, Waiau Rutherford, W. O., Montrose, Hurunui Wilkin and Davison, St. Leonard's, Hurunui Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executors), Culverden, Hurunui lHW 31227 3250 998 16547 8318 18132| 14850 i 10600 ■ 32527 i 3ooo i 996 5oo 4500 175oo i 12719 I77oo i 15ooo 11000 28782 3400 1401 Nil 2900 3300 3980 Nil 124S6 18000 15000 35 18000 19000 18000 1 19ooo 30800 t 26091 26590 20508 2oooo 20500 173630 180133 184374 Total in county 491730 467694 492755

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1831. I 1882. I 1883. KAIKOURA COUNTY (In Kaikoura Subdivision), Ba-ratt,H. J., Kaikoura Boyd, D, Kaikoura Bo'yd, Kichard, Kaikoura Boyd, Tliomns, Kaikoura Broughan, W., Kaikoura Bullen.G. F.,Kahutara&Greenhli».,Kaik. Bullen, F. & G. F., hoodie's Pt., Kaik. Oliaytor, J. C, Shades, Kaikoura Clemett, C. G., Kaikoura Close, Alben, Kaikoura Collins, A. S., Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura ... Curtain, J., Kaikoura Davidson, J., Kaikoura Dee, II., Kaikoura Dickenson, 'J , ., Kuikoura Eaton, Gγ., Kaikonra Kvans, Charles, Kaikoura Carratt, J., Kaikoura Gibson, Gordon, Waipapa, Kaikoura ... Gibson, H., Kaikoura Gibson, Walter, Kaikonra Gibeon, W., Warden Ty tier & Jam, Kaik'ra Gooeh, E. G. T., Kaikoura Hailes, W., sen. (Executor), Kaikoura... Hailes, W., tlie Terraee, Kaikoura Harriett, J., sen., Kaikoura Harris, H., Kaikoura Hately, J., Kaikoura Hawthorn, M., Kaikoura Ingles, A. and II., Kincaid, Kaikoura ... Katterns, W., Rev , Kaikoura Keen, G. B., Swyncombe, Kaikoura ... Keenan, P., Kaikoura Kirby, James, Kaikoura Lawson, W., Knikoura McDonald, Tt., Kowbai Flat, Kaikoura McLaurin, A., Kaikoura Nisbett, J., Kaikoura O'Donnell, Jane, Kaikoura O'Domiell, Mrs. F., Kaikoura Paup, J., AVheatlands, Kaikoura l'alnier, li. O., Kuikoura Parsons Brothers, Ashwick, Kaikoura... Parsons, Freeborn, Ivaikouva Parsons, G. 1C, Swinley, Kaikoura Peoples, John, Kaikoura Peoples, P., Kaikoura Korison, J., Kaikoura Schroder, Mrs , Kaikoura Smith, W. J., Bendmere, Kaikoura Smith, W., Sea View, Kaikoura Smith, W., Ludetone, Kaikoura Smith, "W., Clavely, Kaikoura Taylor, G., 'i'ui Farm, Kaikoura Tenny, A. F., Kaikoura Tinline, B., Ferniehurst Run, Waiau Tinline, E , Conway Hills, Waiau J 77 250 100 70 39936 6550 50 4500 99 185 95 330 175 79 700 121 ■ 400 24000 600 165 170 154 400 180 17 9000 122 20(1 100 150 45445 5083 50 140 4000 140 185 180 295 170 120 11000 97 2000 40000 400 190 205 178 400 170 3! 9000 160 250 Nil ]05 141 48477 420 48(56 Nil 230 2922 180 225 160 316 187 850 120 12000 96 3U9 43000 Nil 170 267 140 400 230 42 9300 30 Nil 140 150 108 300 45 Nil 350 91 193 191 Nil 125 1400 300 200 108 Nil 155 220 2565 4874 320 Nil 2900 4651 6S9S 95 180 44 280 95 200 125 300 7* 65C 300 190 1S9 112 320 60 170 2202 300 130 90 400 400 200 206P 4500 17) 250 2894 4000 137 1658 200 200 85 500 315 198 2455 4900 250 Nil 2883 4400

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1681. 1882. J 1883. Armstrong, J., Loburn Armstrong, Thomas, Waikari Arnott, W,, Fernside Asliworth, James, Sefton Ashby, John, & Son, Twy Cross, Balcairn Ashworth, A., View Hill Atkinson, Robinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, W., Cust Atkinson, W. H., Cnst Atkinson, W., Marchmont, Kangiora ... A yton, George, West Oxford ' ... Bailey, Alexander, Baleairn Bailey, Drummond, Baloainx Bailey, Q-corge, Eyretou 6 987 65 895 61 5 153 12 1140 120 1360 56 36 116 283 185 60 55 15 1225 95 1810 91 Nil 150 240 Nil 108 64 47 ,84 '.59 200 183 23

T> ETUEN showing the Sheepowners and the _Lli ber of Sheep and Lambs in each county i 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883. Num311 the No. of Sheep 0] May. 1681, 1S82. 31st 1883. CHEVIOT COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Kobinson, Hon.W., Cheviot Hills, Cheviot 73000 80000 82000 ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Addinell, John, West. Eyreton Allison, Edward, Cust Anderson, William, Clyde Grove, Cust 5—H. 3. 1048 985 8C5 200 388 299 194

H.— 3.




No. of Sheep on 31st May. —ss1881. I 1882. 1883. I Bailey, John, Fernside Baker, Fred., Waterclose, Southbrook ... Baker, J., Kaiapoi Banks, James, Ashley Bank Barker, Joseph, Loburn Barnes, J. Edward, Swynforde, Waikari Barr, John, Amberley Ban-, William, Amberley Barrell, Samuel, Bangiora Bartrum, G., The Willows, Rangiora ... Harwell, Samuel, Blinkwatev, Rangiora Bassetfc, S. 1C, Woodstock, View Hill... Baxter, A., Cuafc 3eal, Henry, Eyreton Beattie, John, Oust Beere, W. H., Oust Beere, A. J., Cusfc Benn, W. A., Amberley Bennett, George, Loburn Beharrell, John, Kaiapoi Bell, Jonathan, Foster, Eangiora Bell, J. and J., The Walls, Amberley ... Belcher, Richard, Coutt's Island Bennett, William, West Eyreton Bennett, Alex., llomedale, Bennett's ... Blackmore, T. D., Clarkville Blake, John, Fernside Blain, Mary, Lockhead, Oxford Blunden, R., Leigh Farm, Bennetts Hosustovr, Francis, Kaiapoi Boulton, John, Cust Bowie, J., Woodend Bowie, John, Waikari, Woodend Bowron, G.,jun., Sea View, Ashley Bank Bowman, Edmund, Amberley Boyce, Christopher, Sefton Boyce, David, Sefton Boyd, Eobert, Ballygarvie, Bennett's ... Bradley, William, West Eyreton Bramley, W., Woodend Brettagh & Pearson, Worlingham, Oxford Bristow, E., Amberley Broadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley Brock, John, Ashley Bank Brodie, J. McK., Berriedale, Amberley Brown, James, Clarkville Brown, Jonathan, Kangiora Brown, E. H., Mount Thomas, Kangiora Bruere, Graham. Sefton Buchanan and Wade, Waikari Burgon, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa ... Burrell, George, Fernside Busch, Frederick, Rangiora Buss, W. Eangiora Butters, Or. and H., Eyreton ... Cameron, John, Balcairn Cameron, D. and D., Saltwaler Creek ... Campbell, C. E., Springbank Campbell, Michael, Dalbeg, Balcairn ... Carr and Duthie, Ashley Bank ' Catherwood, Hugh, Cust Chamberlain Bros., Eastcolt, Waikari ... Chapman, Eobt. (Extrs. of), Springbank Chapman, Thomas, Eyreton Charles, James, Cust Chilton, Thomas, Eyreton Chinnery, Charles, Drain, Eangiora Clark, Donald, Ashley Bank Clifford & Weld, Stonyhurst, by Amberley Clist, George, sen., Woodgate, Ohoka ... Clothier, K., Eyreton Clothier, James, Clarkville Cole, Enock, Oxford Coleman, S., Eiverside, Amberley Collie, Donald, Aehley Bank Cone, G., Rangiora Conway, Thomas, Cust Conway, W. F., Cust Cook, Henry, Kangiora Cooper Bros., Oxford Cooper, George, sen., Oxford Corlett Bros.,Cabbage Tree Flat, Amberley Cottle, Thomas, Cust Coup, Eobert, Kaiapoi ,,, 127 12 1 105 140 Nil Nil 7 491 26 448 63 '35 433 52 79 247 205 860 98 453 50 50 75 1300 195 225 63 395 286 27 578 59 537 832 61 100 598 75 330 300 100 Nil :i90 Nil 900 61 92 148 799 92 1300 21 2 Nil 191 2000 180 777 190 218 250 100 811 119 270 89 1583 280 226 224! 202 35 530 100 188 700 220 3055 300 150 340 2 1196 I 1150 13 100 94 8000 300 3764 9K 101 29 17000 85 2085 120 89 450 400 100 689 3242 100 97 59 7700 420 1841 9fi 836 71 44 14986 2500 130 96 87 150 80C 16] 600 1022 181 41 150 2416 12700 4 140 250 364 15G9 13 Nil 200 125 19 7000 415 1967 240 695 71 60 12371 63 1915 125 100 76 Nil 298 ]82 570 1120 230 96 ]S0 3789 14000 Nil 1*40 310 Nil son 19000 Nil 60 210 17 600 20 41 35C 32371 5 145 496 96 17000 5 70 90 18000 7 70 85 15 700 15 540 22 1194 166 1295 168 20 3° 850 360 110 Nil Nil 2000 500 '73 100 3 200 1260 30 23

I A'o. of Sheep on31et May. 1331. j 1892. ]883. Courage, F., Seadown, Ambcrley Cousins, R., Waikuku Cowens, William, Bennett's Cowens, George, Warren, Bennett's Covvie, James, Waikari Cox, J. W. II., Weka Pass, Waikuri ... Crampton, Gr. W., Aniberley Crampton, J. and. M., Amberley Crampton, I , ., Amberley Crampton, W., Eskvale, Amberley Crawshaw, Stephen, Loburn Croft, E. P., Ashley Bank Oroffc, S., Sefton Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Cross, Joseph, Bennett's Crossley, C. D., Hurunui, Woodend Crossley, C. D., Woodend Crowe, I<>ederick, Oxford Crowe, Henry, Oxford Crysell, Walter, West Eyreton Crysell, William, Cust Cunningham, A. and C, Loburn, Loburr Curie, George, Bennett's Daily, Robert, Svvannanoa Dalzell, J., Sefton Dulziel, James, Eernside Dalziel, M., Bramdeen, Amberley Dalziel, M., Jan., Amberley .<j D'Auvergne, Charles, Rangiora ... Davies, John, Eyre Bank, Eyreton ,,. Davis, Henry, Cout's's Island ... Davcson, George, Ohoka Dawson, Richard, West Eyreton Deneh, Thomas, Soutbbrook Dennis, Charles, Leithfield Denton, E., Eyreton Denton, T. C, East Oxford Derbidge, Charles, Longlands, Woodend Diek, David, Loburn Dick, Gavin, Lobuni Diek, John, Sefton Dickenson, J. D., Hillview, Cust Dickson, Walter, Airlie, View Hill Dixon, Joseph, Ashley Bank Dixon, M., West Eyreton Dixon, James, Ashley Bank Dohrmann, Diedrich, Bennett's Doig, P., Oust Donovan, John, Horrelville Donovan, R., Bennett's Douds, John, Sefton Douglas, George (Exctrs. of), Rangiora Douglas, Thomas, Newland, Amberiey... Douglas, James, Baein Farm, Waikari... Dron, John, Balcairn Duder, William, Culrerhouse, Oxford ■>. Duffell, William, Willow, Sefton Duffull, Richard, Olioka Duncan, Malcolm, Rangiora Duncan, R., Loburn, Styx Earshman and Co., Pahau, Hurunui ... Edmonds, George, Ohoka Edwards, George, Okair, Kaiapoi Egan, John, Eernside Elder Brothers, Kaiapoi I., Christehurch Elliott, William, Bennett's Ellis*, Thomas, Ashley Gorge, Oxford ... Ellwood, John, Ashley Bank Henry, Bennett's Ensor, O., Mount Grey, lialcairn Evans, T. II., Baieairn Evans, Richard, Ohoka, Kaiapoi Fair weather, C , Evretou Fearne, Peter, Kangiora Kendall, W. C, Balcairn Ferguson. James, Befton Ffitoh & Sons, G., Woodstock, View Hill Fisher, G. and H., Loburn Fitzpatrick, Charles, Balcairn Fletcher, Samuel, .Ashley Bank Ford, Joseph, Rangiora Fox, C. D., Foxdown, Waikari Freer, John, Kaiapoi Frizzell, John, West Eyreton 7000 61 7500 72 154 7500 81 300 j 00 1370 2U 191 100U 95 219 Nil 182 Nil 190 190 9000 150 7' 62 105 60 6500 105 865 500 250 400 200 98 795 18 60 200 1520 30 291 483 1200 6 268 500 60 124 91 150 140 125 8900 202 155 30 30 147 8393 120 47 61 6000 98 41 6200 100 290 400 45 360 117 94 35 30 565 457 45 47 100 350 52 82 200 25 1157 85 110 9500 48 210 100 3 376 100 7000 360 987 50 ]30 107 50 294 51 290 400 20 171 398 125 1066 275 9000 45 160 100 15 280 200 7439 445 1238 40 200 30 177 311 205 30 602 500 Nil 77 75 Nil 243 1050 387 Nil 12015 28 103U 170 1 400 700 7498 Nil 1000 95 285 Nil 63 157 240 4100 180 400 80 300 400 Nil Nil 1371 7700 Nil 395 1030 80 Nil 170 5900 690 162 23 50J 2O0O 19 294, 40361 537 100 550 200 6305 77 1327 6800 149 458 508 40 450 300 1056 7000 24 780 190 40 5530 750 96 18 330 1700 93 275 272 87 550(i 650 154 22 196 1890 16 384





Wo. of Kheep on illst May. Ib81. 1883. I 1883. King, C. G., Harleston, Leitbfield King, Thomas, Storer, Bennett's King, T. and B., Bennetts King, Robert, Coutts Island Kingsbury, Robert, Cust Kingsbury, Seth, Cust Kinley, George, Kaiapoi Kinley, James, Kaiapoi Kinley, John, Kaiapoi Ladbrook, J. W., Cust Lareen, Ai-nold, Cust Latto, James, West Evreton Lawrence, K. G., Amberley Leach, Charles, Ashley Bank Lee, G. W. H., the Warren, Oxford ... Leech, G. J., Rangiora Lewton, James, Amborley Liggett, Robert, Waikuku Lilly, David, Sefton Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Little Jarnes, Allandale, Waikari Little, Hudson, Bennett's Liringstone, Hugh, Cust Lock, J. C, Hill. Ashley Bank Lord, Thomas, Eyreton Lough, Henry, Jan., Amberley Lowcoek, John, Amberley Luers, I?., Oxford Lukey & Noone, Pyramid V., Waikari ... Luxton Brothers, Rangiora Luxton, John, Rangiora Maefarlane, John, White Rock, Rangiora Maei'arlane, M., Ooldstreain, Rangiora... Maefarlane, W., Greenhill, Hurunui ... Machen, John, Ashley Bank Macintosh, Hector, Feruside Mahler, H., Sefton Maindonald, Hilary, West Eyreton Maindonuld, John, West Eyreton Mair, John, Leithiield Major, William, West Eyreton Mallook and Lance, Waikari ... Mannering, T. 8., Fernside Marsh, H., Oxford Marshall, P. G., Cherry Farm, View Hill Marshall, R., Fern Hollow, Cust Martin, Miss 8. E., Eyreton Mason, G. E., Waikari Mason, Richard, Bennett's Matheson's Agency, Ngapivi and Mirzapore, Christchurch Matthews, Daniel, Waikari May, Robert, Gotham, Leithfield McAdam, James, Leithfield McAdain, Robert, Amberley McAdam, William, Leithfield McBriar, S. and J., Oxford MeCandlish, Gγ., Large, Oxford McClinton, H., Oxford McConnoll, Gordon, Waikari McDonald, Thomas, Waikuku McDowell, James,, West Eyreton McEvvan, David, Sefton McGrath, 12., Oxford McGrath, Peter, Willow, Cust McGrath, T. Oxford McGregor, W\, Flaxton McHugh, M , Swannanoa Melntyre, D., Fernside McKenzie, Duncan, Woodend MeKie, James, Cust McLaren, Dngald, Leithfield - McLauehlan, j:imes, Bennett's McLean, Alexander, Balcairn MviLean, Alexander, Sefton McLean, Mrs. Isabella, Leithfield McLean, Hugh, Amberley McLeod Brothers, Waikari McMillan, George, the Lnkes, Hurunui McMorran, James, Kowai, Amberley ... McNally, J., Amberley McNaufjht, T. Amberley McPhedran, Duncan, Argyll, Oxford ... Mehrtens, D. and H., Rangiora ,., 700 239 13 140 70 62 15 100 4227 76 173 129 5470 151 91 190 91 60 776 200 190 18000 1078 2400 55 85 140 87 55 60500 1600 30 33 140 24 37 32 800 237 230 244 120 73 200 10 152 4160 180 196 190 224 5097 221 136 98 62 70 70 406 750 425 l^6 780 2823 58 128 140 140 72 4( 57255 1600 800 Nil 576 Nil 43 3j5 250 35 30 Nil 199 192 Nil 135 4024 460 190 135 3 248 6530 195 157 95 Nil lf!3 70 270 1070 500 110 Nil 275 29uO fi8 185 150 150 99 35 100 65000 1350 Nil 21 200 Nil 85 Nil 59 201 18 41 88 4272 26 230 28 185 250 482 151 197 28 150 30 220 446 4507 34 50 270 175 260 496 190 200 102 220 40 240 7334 27 47 47 50 160 285 365 176 200 169 300 60 230 Nil 72 200 110 161 250 65 31 19 ; 33 16 6450 45 285 60 220 85 80 50 50 Si 300 377 Nil 300 7° 7S ; 230 ■ 65 53 25 30 Nil Nil 318 .500 6300 400 270 40 300 9° 200 Nil

No. of SheeD on 31st May. 1881. I 1882. I 1883. Galletly, John, Springbank Gardiner, Andrew, een., Springfield, Cust Gardiner, G. G., Cust Gardiner, George, Oxford Gardner, Andrew, jun., Cnst Garland, Helen, Mrs., Cust Garretr, David, Cust Giles, L., Kaiapoi Gilmour, John, Loburn, Christchurch ... Gingavon, Patrick, Mountain, Bennett's Glendinning, J., Waikari Gorrie, Daniel, Sefton Gilchrist, W. T., View Hill Gorton, J. E., Yiew Hill Gow, John, Fernside Graham, Dai-id, HorrelsYille Graham, George, Ashley .Bank Grant, David, Cust Gray, James, Eyreton Greeney, Michael, Amberley Greenwood Bros., Teviotdale, Amberley Gresson, H. B., Woodend GriflHhe, Rees, Amberley Guild, James, Ohoka Hadler, 0., Amberley Hale, William, Amberley Hall, II. J., Motnnau, Amberley Hanna, Thomas, Sefton Hanna, W. J., Amberley Harrison, William, Fernside Henderson and McBeath, Oxford Heney, D., Kaiapoi Henry, Richard, Oxford Henry, Robert, Oxford Henwood and Sons, John, Kaiapoi Heyward, James, Clarkeville Heywood, S., Banner Downs, Fernsiole... Hiatt, C, Sefton Hicks, R. R., Kaiapoi Hide, Thomas, Swannanoa ... Higgins, R. I/., Tarn, Cust Hoban, T., Waikari Hodgson, Anthony, Orton Valley, Loburn Hodgson, T., Loburn Hodgson, John, Rangiora Holdsworth, R. B., Balcairn Homersham, A. R., Lcithfield Hood, Thomas, Waikari Hopkins, Robert, Ohoka Horn, Mrs. Agnes, Oxford Horniblow, B., Sefton Horrell, James, Woodend Horrell, John, Moorbarton, Horrelville Hosegood, O., Cust Houghten, C. S., Ashley Bank Hoult, Francis, Amberley Howell, Thomas, Fernside Howson, T. B., Cust Hunter, A., Willow, Cust Hunter, Walter, Leithfield Hurse, James, Kaiapoi Ingrain, J., Oxford Innes, J. and J., Mount Brown, Amberlej Jack, David, Loburn Jack, James, Springbank Jackson, Joseph, Ferneide Jackson, Levi, Ohoka Jaoobs, William, Fornside James, J. A., Ilurunui James, T. H., Leithfield Jeffs, E., Bennett's Johnstone, Robert, Waikari Jones, David, Cust Jones, Edgar, Rotherham Joyce, J., Loburn Joyiit, T. I. &T. A., Glasnevin, Amberlej Judson, John, Loburn Kelckeiy Joseph, Fernejde Kelly, Francis, Swannanoa Kennedy, Hans, Bennett's ... Kennedy, Murtie, Hill Head, Springbank Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside Kennedy, Robert, Ashley Bank King, Charles, Rangiora 140 105 198 82 19fi 183 240 180 175 48 272 650 168 8 600 .200 270 300 51 800 120 34 92 600 64 48 811 100 ]81 150 170 400 275 13167 78 18G 13193 70 260 130 102 80 216 13000 1070 '5° 13199 70 120 200 150 40 314 13000 1203 '37 Nil 180 47 218 1S000 fc98 1600 100 200 17500 173 112 195 19500 292 186 190 5700 60 170 335 20100 295 450 190 5092 Nil 155 Nil Nil 375 Nil 360 213 80 2300 470 199 33 280 3498 127 Nil 68 116 55 Nil 1450 186 Nil 82 62 Nil 360 590 1750 Nil 12000 86 495 63 118 66 154 300 591 134 18 Nil 280 1643 91 285 277 158 100 Nil 70 19 950 541 131 850 757 233 151 150 1700 320 390 45 140 800 340 37 2785 52 30 74 12G 2700 163 42 89 150 1400 194 7 30 1350 197 200 411 200 547 254 395 800 147 12000 250 2500 12000 75 90 18 c; 182 397 30 880 21 700 21 46 282 200 1142 4 A 283 114 100 75 9 J. 100 42 42





'o. oJ Sheep on Way. 1681. J 1882. J 1893. Meng, Charles, Ohoka Merrin, John, Coutts Island Michell, E. and J., Waitolii, Waikari ... Millton, W. N., Birch Hill, Christclmreh Milne, George, Rangiora Milne, Thomas, Gust Moderate, R., Bennett's Moffat, John, Eyreton Moody, B., Kaiapoi Moody, Henry, Rangiora Moody, Walter, Kaiapoi Moore, Francis, Eyreton Moore, G-. H., Glenmark, Amberley ... Morriss, William, Waikuku Morten, K. M., Amberley, Christchurch Moss, J., Sefton Mulcock, E., Flaxton Mungeam, Florence, Springhill, Loburn Murriin, William, Fernside Murray, James, Bennett's Musson, William, Bennett's Musson, William, View Hill Mycroft, Matthew, Tippings, Bennett's Nalder, W. A., Oxford Nankivell, G. H., Oust Neeve, M. E., Mrs. Ashtrop, Waikari ... Neilson, P. L., Rangiora N.Z. Loan and Merc. A. Co., Swannonoa Nicholls, Walter, Hayland, Kangiora ... Nicholls, Walter, White Rock, Kangiora Norris, 'JJhotnas, Bennett's O'Brien, D., Amberley O'Callaghan, I)., Coutt's Island O'Connor, Edward, Lobura O'Farrell, Thomas, Cust O'Halloran, John, Loburn O'Loughlin, A., Spring Bank O'Neill, B., Ashley Bunk 0'Roarke,'Mrs. M., Fernside O'Rourke, Charles, Fernside Packer, H. W., Stokegrove, Amberley... Parkerson, William, Waikari Parkerson, William, the Lakes, Waikari Parlane, James, View li ill Parnham, E., Kaiapoi Paraone, Albert, Fernside Partridge & Edwards, Waipara Amberley Pashby, Thomas, Elmwood, Kaiapoi ... Pateman, E. J., Beaconfield, Woodend Paterson, George, Clarkeville Paterson, John, Fernside Paterson, William, Midyear, Swannnnoa Patterson, J., Fernhill, Ashley Bank ... Pawsey, B. S., Cust Pawsey, G, C, Springbank Pawsey, J. B., Balcairn Peach, M., Clydesdale, Ashley Bunk ... Peacock, J. T., Eyreton, Waiti, Eyreton Pearson, Joseph, Burnt Hill, Oxford ... Pearson, William, Flaxton ' Peebles, Andrew, Cust Penticost, E., Rangiora Penticost, P., Rangiora Penticost, Richard, Rangiora Penwell, II., Mount Pleasant, Rangiora Perrin, John, Ford, Kaiapoi Perrott, Frank, Hunmui Pester, Edward, West Eyreton, Papanui Philpott, Adolphug, Loburn Philpott, E. G., Loburn Plaskett, William, Fernside Pole, Joseph, Rangiora Pritohard, Joseph V., Loburn Preece, James, Ohoka Protkeroe, Alexander, Springbank Prouse, Thomas, Cust Pruden, George, Pine Grove, Waikari... Purchas, Charles W., Amberley Ramsay, A., Kaiapoi Read, George, Kaiapoi Reece, B., Mount Serrat, Christclmrch Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, Robert James, Bennett's Rich, James, Highiield, Kaiapoi 22 82 1183 17800 78 Nil Nil 1877 17800 1540 17500 460 2 340 350 140 88000 70 17 35 240 50 156 20 480 50 850 500 70 87500 100 2 31 100 100 20 200 487 50 200 400 260 34, 79000 87 1400 4 210 30 78 160 160 Nil Nil 151 32 1721 Nil Nil 3000 38500 73 200 Nil 290 393 33 90l 770 2000 63 1100 15 500 2000 18500 200 20 181 150 10 120 397 59° Nil' 159 32 90 1031 2132 7700 81 87 333 1850 7800 2 87 2371 2400 16500 699 225 947 5600 1010 Nil 223 408 162 92 146 20 1900 14 2720 13000 Nil 300 58 55 70 Nil Nil 690 161 78 49 100 33 200 65 Nil 150 Nil 904 61 30 4750 500 170 Nil 138 110 3250 436 126 192 228 163 63 89 143 985 6736 14370 524 180 70 30 8t 346 550 4350 466 168 293 295 155 90 98 48 1270 15 5080 9300 200 71 81 100 82 74 54', 200 140 482 197 75 213 130 1 100 200 61 48 70 250 20 640 170 60 1200 365 150 8 150 800 55 21 85671 500 200 213

Is'o. of J D on 31st May. 18S1. I 1882. 1883. Richardson and Co., Glentui,Christchurch Roberts, Mrs. Jane, Oust Robertson, David, Amberley Robertson, John, Ashley Bank Robinson, Isaac, Amberley Robinson, James, West Eyreton Kolleston, A. H. V., Waikari Ross, W. M., Coiitt's Island Ruddeiiklau, J., Oust Russell, James, Leithfield Rutherford, Walter, Amberley Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Studholme, Waikari Sansom, W., Southbrook Scoon, W., Executors of, Woodend Scrimgeour, W. T., Dudhope, Amberley Searles, George, Cust Shaw, J. 1\, Rangiora Shearsby, Joseph, Kaiapoi Shepherd, Robert, Swannanoa Sheat, Stephen, Horrelville Simpson, Henry, West Eyreton Skevington, C, Waikuku Skurr, John, Bennett's Sladden, Dilnot, Selson, Oxford Sioper, Robert, Amberley Smart, James, Boroughlield, Rangiora... Smart, Samuel, Ashley, Christchurch ... Smith and Knock, Southbrook Smith, II., Clarkerille Smith, James, Fernaide Smith, John, Totara, Horrelville Smith, William, Southbrook Smith, William, West Eyreton Smyth, Robert, Leithfield Stace, H., Leithfield Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Starky, G. B., Brackenfield, Amberley Steffens, H. Bennetts Stevenson, John, Flaxton Stewart, John, Rosebank, Ashley Bank Stokes, John, Waikuku Stone, S., Jan., Woodend Storer, William, Bennett's Stuart, John, Balcairn Stubbs, Thomas, East Oxford Sutherland, J., Sefton Taylor, James, Woodend Thomas, Henry, Ashley Thomas, R. F., Oxford Thomas, Samuel, Fair View, Ashley Bank Thompson, Charles E., Oxford Thompson, Richard, Summer Hill, Cust Thompson, William, Freefield, Cust ... Thompson, William, Greenfield, Cust ... Thomson, James Elliot, Bennett's Threlkeld, P. C, Flaxton Tipping, C. and H., Waikuku Tipping, J. C, Cust Tobin, Edward, Amberley Todd, ])., Southbrook Tooliy, Matthew, Leithfield Tosswill, L. W , Karaka, Waikari Trail Bros., Leithfield Treacy, Edward, Loburn Turner, James, Cold Spring, Waikari ... Turner, J. F., Loburn Turner, William, West Eyreton Vale, II., Bankshead, Coutts Island ... Vallance, Alexander, Sefton Vallance, Hugli, Sefton Vallance, Joseph, Cuat Vallance, VV. W., Sefton Vincent, William, Eyreton Waiting, Isaac, Horrelviile Wallace, Bros , Flaxton Wallace, Robert, Leithfield Wai it, Jane, Loburn Win s, J. Kaiapoi Walli, R., Oxford Ward, James, lluntly, Swannanoa Watson, Charles, Rangiorii Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, George, Rangiora 22735 83 3 14 298 2009 14 1150 12 Go 11 20300 114 61 3250 160 28 55 272 20 195 280 310 175 160 160 208 352 219 147 ' 240 250 600 250 52 48 22100 63 8 280 1600 75 50 12 19852 290 80 30 238 330 200 200 353 360 7 166 172 293 280 134 92 150 986 2600 120 294 53 20200 HO Nil 93 498" 300 Nil 420 2J00 30 122 2L 19524 260 Nil Nil 180 38 20 550 450 Nil 192 453 310 450 Nil 240 Nil 170 350 480 160 120 150 Nil - 491 2300 383 397 Nil 90 140 200 3 500 113 2 3 187 3 700 100 26 170 250 150 1813 3211 397 519 200 94 42 200 200 89 50 2530 460 700 5 Nil 99 130 55 300 280 200 100 1201 2681 441 1050 95 50 19 3930 232 282 98 136 200 Nil 178 40 163 SO 12 173 260 348 40 25 3403 290 297 365 90 100 40 74 56 87 300 310 500 340 234 Nil 400 41 63 17 90 200 21 24 200 46 12 55 70 200 8 17 200 1301 54 98 10U 80 3U0 Nil 20 300





!No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1831. I 1883. 1883. Watson, John, Leithfield Wayland, J., jim., Gust Webster Bros., Amberley Webster, James, Cust Weld, Dr. J. R, Oxford Weston, Geovge, Kaiapoi Weston and bumphery's Kaiapoi Weylandt, G. E., Oxford White, Bramsby, Swannanoa White, J. S., Darnley, Ohoka White, J. S., Ohoka White, W,, Bangiora Wkiteside, W. G., Loburn Williams, William', Rangiora Williams, G. P., Upper Riccarton Wilson, Archibald, Kangiora Wilaon, Alexander, Ashley Bank Wilson, E., Camside, Kaiapoi Wilson, Isaac, Eckisfield, Kaiapoi Wilson, James, Oust Wilson, James, Oxford Wilson, Samuel D., Sefton Wilson, Thomas, "Waikuku Winter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, 8\vamianoa Winter, Michael, Bennntl's Witham, William, Rangiora Wolff, J. R., Bennett's Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford Wright, Peter, Oxford Wright, Richard, Waikari Wright, "W., Bennett's iToung, Charles, Kaiapoi Sfouiig, James, jun., Sefton ifoung, James, Sefton Zweibruck, D., Oxford 24 60 113 1 lo 94 54 150 1500 3544 100 1523 198 250 49 65 23 83 101 lf.8 ]62] 4001 71 20 3199 30 190 15L6J 240 156 6 68 329 114 436 I 355 i.S° 93 68 Nil 3505 50 22 200 ! Nil 143 170 185 Ml Nil 100 87 50 180 100 260 72 1386 843 1662 700 750 2OO 31 45 71 75 130 100 96 800 710 11881 250 200; 350 270 CO 170 200 86 953 653 119G 500! j 1000: 24j 96 380 100 430 96 137 285 250 95 589734 573180 C26151 I SELWYN COUNTY (In Chrietclmi'ch Subdivision). Abbott, William, Clifton, SouLhbridge... Adams, Charles, Greendale Adams, T. W., Offord, Greendale Addington, George, Courtenay Allan, Robert, liillsborough, Christch. Allen, Alexander, Killinchy Allen, William, North Brighton Allen, W. H., Kaiapoi Aldridge, Albert, Dimsandel Alington, W. H., Broadlands, Burnham Amyes, Alfred, Holly, Kirwee Amyes, E., Oakhamuton, Hornby Amyee, E. B., Terrace, Glentunnel Amyes, J. O., Halswell Amyes, R. H., Meadow Bank, Kirwee Anderson, H., Yaldhurst Anderson, W., Lakeside Anderton, Thomas, Halkett Town Andrews, W. B., Springston Andrews, W. B., Greenpark Angell, R. Whateley Road, Christchurch Aneon, T. H., Desert, Courtenay Ansliss, J. O., Heathcote Valley Ashworth, A., Addington Atkinson, W. Ayersdale, Springfield ... Atkinson, William, Grassdale, Springfield Attwood, Thomas, Southbridge Aynsley, H. P. M., Windwhistle Baile, John, Templer's Island, Papanui Bailey, Charles, Halswell Bailey, Samuel, Templelon Bailey, Thomas, Templeton Bailey, William, Templeton ballagh, Henry, Ilororata Ballagh, S., Leeston Ballan, Thomas, Waddingfon liank N.S.W., Heslerton, Christchureh Banks, Thomas, Brookside Barker, George, Rathway, Leeston Barnett, J., Deep Spring, Leeston 3oo 25o 1856 122 210 55 7o 3oo 295 296 1% ISo 13o 175o J9 144o 31o 3o 141o 1 180 loo 6oo 96 1312 660 292 38o 238 6oo 767; 102o 35 14oo 'JO 3 394 244 1510 Nil 153 500 Nil 30 108 680 Nil 1197 690 310 500 1C 100 36 880 1110 Nil 1500 Nil 17 700 2300 132 Nil 380 40 2000 Nil 295 3 80 300 43 13484 60 83 240 13 2ooo 3o4o 44.2 54o 254 ' 53o 126p Pol 2iH 192 2oo| 2o8 15oo ]5o 3oo 192 22o 76 loo 376 12814' 6o loo 173 1

Ko, of Sheep on 31st May. iS3i. 1882. 1853. Barrett, Charles, 33riarficld, Tai Tapu ... Ban-, J. P., Sheffield Bashi'ord, William, Courtenay Baxter, R. and Or., Southbridge Baxter, William, Brookside Bealey, Exors. of the late John, Hororata Bealey, S., Rakaia Mend, Hororata Bealey, Samuel, Khuddlan, Hororata ... Bealey, Samuel, Haldon, Hororata Bearman, Henry, Greenpark Beatty, A., Longford, Coalgate Beatty, Ambrose, Coalgate Bedford, G-eorge, Courtenay ... Begg, William, Qreendale Bell, George, Halkett Town Bell, James, Lincoln Bell, John, Terapleton Benham, P., Kowai, Springfield Bennetts, Brothers, Christchuroh Benney, Joseph, Southbridge Berry Brothers, Philipstown Bishop, William, Southbridge Bladder, James, Brookeide Blackler, Win., Aylesbury Blair, J., Lincoln Blake, W., Bessingby, Upper Riecarton Blakemore, Bros., Springston Bluett, W. J. G\, Leeston Boag, W., Burnside and Selwyn Boag, John, Middlekigg, Brookside Boag, William, Dunsandel Body, A. F., Killinchy Boon, Charles, Mrs., Upper Ricearton ... Boon, Edward, Yaldhurat Bordon, Isaac, Burnham Boulton, Richard, Kimberley Boulton, T., Kirwee Boyd, .Tames, New Brighton, Styx Boyle, W. II., Ellesmero Brabazon, John, Aylesbury Brake, Charles, Tai Tapu Brandt, Conrad, Broadfield Brawley, J., Southbridge Brett, De Renzie, Kirwee Brett, J. II., Courtenay Brittan and G-ardiner, Burnham Brittan, F. H., ICelsie, Burnham Brooks, Thomas, Brookside Brown, G-. H., Lofftuss, Dunsandel Brown, James, Dunsandel Brown, James, Hororata Bvown, James, Milburn, Coalgate Brown, John, Kimberley Brownlee, Thomas, llororata Brown, Richard, Christenurch Bruce, John, Weedon's, Rolleston Bruce, T. W., Cora Lynn, Bealey Bryenton, G. W., Sandhills, Christcli.... Buckley, Andrew, Brookside Buddo, David, Ellesmere Bull, A. S., Addington Bull and Co., Christclmrch Bull, Frederick, Waddington. Burgess, George, Duneandel Burke, Martin, Burnham Bush, James, Dunmow, Courtenay Butler, Edward, Porter's Pass ButterHcld, J., Broom, Russell's Flat ... Button, Frederick, Springfield Calder, Alexander, Halkett Town Cullan, William, Springston Campbell, Charles, Waddington Campbell and Co., Southbridge Campbell, John, Southbridge Campbell, John, West Melton Campbell, Peter, Southbridge Campbell, Peter, Killinehy Campion, John, Halswell Cannon, Thomas, Southbridge Curdale, A., Coulgate Carpenter, G-. F., Yaldhurst, Carpenter, W. 11., Prebbleton Carter, Charles, Templeton Carter, Francis, Hartley, Spreydon 231 looo 15o 485 5o 27oo 1735 1194o loo 3oo 35o lUo 98 2o5o 9oo 5o 3o 6o 3o 5 123 4o6 .1250 1684 2'15o 32 loo 10o 2oo 4 7585 145 3o 76 Io5o 18o 4oo 35 3000 Nil 91o3 35 2oo 3oo 15o 40 12o 18oo 5o 986 893 4o 16 9o Io3 17b 452 255o 15o5 4o 5o 6 loo 8oo loCoo 67 92 Nil 100 1200 Nil 400 55 Nil 4000 Nil 9540 3G 150 200 280 180 118 980 102 1100 130 500 20 47 90 Nil Nil 122 4.20 Nil 2500 1600 Nil yo Nil 35 10 132 400 II 106 10000 8 Nil Nil Nil 280 Nil 5034 120 300 5C0 300 179 300 200 88 19 15500 39 101 670 187 95 90 Nil Nil 40 300 60 96 294 89 466 2755 560 120 Nil 190 368 502 Nil 148 35 1 Nil 122o 25 32oo 23o 25o 5oo 26o 4oo 2oo 173 319 109oo Nil 35oo 24o 2oo 45o 286 198 3 oo l4o 18o 394 145oo 64, 806 loi looo 45o 3o3 41 320 67 9o 36o 34 3oo 66 262 3oo 101 too 39oo 27o 4948' 3ol 7oo 24 348 573 4o4o 157 7o 4 47 42o 94 38p 4oi\ lol 65 1 1

k— 3.




No. of Sheop on 31st May. Ifc81. 1882. 1883. Carter, Samuel, Groenpark Cat ton, J. Wi, Lansdowne, Halswell ... Chamberlain, Henry, Ellesmere Chamberlain Bros., Waireka, Coalgate Chamberlain, W., Hadstock, Ellesmerc Chapman, W., Hillsborough, Opavva ... Chisnall, Alfred, Ynldburst Clark, William, Leeston Clark, Philip, Broadfield. Clarkson, Eraereon, Upper Eiccarton ... Clarkaon, H. and W., Christohureh Clarkeon, Thomas, Christchuroh Clarkson, W. B., Upper Eiccarton Cleathing J., Whiteclifls Clifford, A. A., Duneandel Clinton, P., Darfield Clougher, W., Harewood Eoad, Fapanui Cochrane, James, Styx Coohran, J. M., Mount White, Cass Coe, John, Irwell Colehan, Thomas, Upper Eicearton Coleman, George, Styx ... Collins, William, Springston Colthart, Eobert, Broomfield, Sheffield Coriirie, David, Halkett Town Connor, Thomas, Tai Tapu Cook, George, Courtenay Cooney, Thomas, Rollesbon Cooper, Koberr, Weedon's Corbctit, Hugh, Greendale Corbett, James, Burnham Cordv, James, Hororata Cordy, John, Hororata Cordy Brothers, Steventon, Whiteeliffs Cotton, E. M., Lake Coleridge Coton, Bentley, Hororata Couzens, J. R., Butcher, Christehurch... Cowan, Mrs., Southbridge Coward, E. B. Coalgate Craig, D. H. Brookvale, Sheffield Ci'aighend, D., Eussell'e Flat Oraik, John, West Melton Craze, Francis, West Melton Croskell, K., Kirwee Cross, W. P., Burnham Crowe, Patrick, Mrs., Killinohy Crump, John, Springston Cryer, M., Waterford, Southbridge Cryse.ll, W., Eolleston Cunningham, Andrew, Dunsandel Cunningham, J., Brookside Curragh, Eobert, Templeton Dalgety & Co., Dunsandel, Chritchurch Dalgety & Co., Grassmere, Christehurch Daniels, Mrs., Papanui Dann, James, Manchester Street, Ch'eh. Darroch, Duncan, Eakaia Darroch, Kobert, Eakaia Davidson, A. S., Greeupark Davis, A. E., Lyppert, Halkett Town ... Davis, John, Papanui Davies, Eees, Hororata Dawson, Thomas, Hornby Day and Kirnber, Irwell Day, Eobert, Springston Deans, John, Eiccarton Deans, John, Homebush, Eiccarton Dealing, C, Christehurch Delamain, P., Christehurch Dennis, Samuel, Hororala Derrett, E., Springbank, Hororata Dilloway, J., Dunsandel Dingle, J. T., Christchureb. Dixon, Thomas, Spreydon Dorman, William, Springfield Drummond, Peter, Eakaia Dudley and Lawrence, Dunsnndel Dudley, C. T., Irwell J. M., Springston Dulien, E., Tai Tapu Duncan, Andrew, Exors. of, Christehurch X'uncan, George, Dunsandel Duncan, George, Earn Valley, Opawa ... Puncan, John, Hororata 60 9o 120 198 441 Nil 193o 873 1878 3864 5o66 4545 3So 482 580 182 — 98 — 97 27 — 80 79 — . — 100 55 175 Nil 396o 41oo 41.92 55 — Nil 7o9 — 440 453 62o 750 675 — Nil 22oo 39on 6310 323 286 60 18 — Nil 1718o 23542 22918 3 loo 3 loo 3500 93 97 300 — — 385 137 7 281 4 — 156 55 74 100 80 48 Nil 265 261 172 4o loo 80 35 31 Nil 2oo — Nil 3oo 300 400 1280 925 1040 9784 9170 9000 69oo 7000 7000 155oo 15500 10500 5o 90 10O — 21 25o 200 230 — 145 Nil — 570 435 — — 84 — 335 Nil _ — 290 llo 185 200 96 116 120 100 — 200 282 278 294 82 49 68 — — 58 6 35 50 63o 570 660 68 — 30 — 1466 1038 — 9076 8300 95 188 16 ' 2(>o — Nil — 1700 1800 4oo — Nil 5 71 91 187] 290 273 5o2 160 250 186 250 238 4o 120 204, 4 70 636 19o — Nil 85 401 258 15872 13500 14690 4o ■ 80 80 483 — 320 3oo 225 351 75 300 500 57o 750 700 76 40 70 388 91 50 231 4,90 500 looo 1500 2899 250 950 900 680 1000 Nil 289 390 346 225 100 Nil 120 108 Nil 63 35 53 25o 160 Nil 12 25 118 60 198 193o 3864 3So 182 55 396o 55 7o9 453 675 22oo 323 18 1718o 31oo 93 137 4 55 80 265 4o 35 2op 3oo 1280 9784 695o 155oo 5o 25o 9o 441 873 5o66 482 97 80 175 41oo 62o 39oo 286 23542 31oo 97 7 74 48 261 ]oo 31 300 925 9170 7000 15500 90 200 145 570 ]35 llo 96 ]oo 282 82 185 116 278 49 6 63o 68 35 570 1466 9076 188 95 ■ 26o 1700 4oo 5 187] 6o2 186 do 4 19o 85 15872 4o 483 3oo 75 57o 76 388 231 looo 250 680 289 225 120 63 25o la 71 290 160 250 120 70 401 13500 ' 80 225 300 750 40 91 490 1500 950 1000 390 100 108 35 160 25

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 3881. I 1882. ! 1883. Dunlop, William, Styx Dunn, David, Lincoln Djsart, James, Courtenay Eaglesome, M., Christchurch Baglesomo, M., Ellcsraere libeling, II., Greenpark Ede, William, Ivimberley Egan, Michael, At.hmount, Aylesbury ... Elder Brothers, Ohristchunjh Ellis Brothers, Rolleston Enys, Brothers, Christchurch. Evans, J.C., Kowai Bush Everett, W., Glentunnel Ewans, Godfrey, Hororata Fantham, Joseph, Kaiapoi Eay, Anthony, Doylestou Fay, John, Irwell Felioon, Ellen, Killinchy Ferguson, John, Springfield Ferguseon and Lewin, Lansdowne, Cheh. Fcrgusson, II. A. C, Halswell Fessey, J. B., Weedon's Field, James, Russell's Flat Fincbam, T., Willow Glen, Southbridge Finley, William, Courtenay Firth, George, West Melton Fisher, Stephen, Heathcote, Sjdenliam... Fisher and Goldsmith, EUesmere ... Fisher, William, Grassdale, Springfield Fleming, T)i\, Lake Coleridge, Christch. Fleming, R. G., Willow, Sheffield Fleming, Kobert, jun., Cyilian, Tai Tapu Follows, William, Halkett Town Ford, J. T., Kicearton, Christchureh ... Ford, J. X., and Co., Springston, Uh'ch. Ford, J. T. and Co., Milton, Christchureh Forrester, James, Sydenham Forsyth, Simon, Southbridge Foster, John T., Springfield Frankiah Brothers, Irwell Frankish J. D., Christchureh Frankish, Thomas, Leeston Fraser, Rev. C, West Melton Eraser, John, Sheffield Frere, Hugh, Kirwee .., Furze, J. M., Dunsandel Fussell, Thomas, Doyleston Pussell, W., Tai Tapu Gabbie, W., Moant Pleasant, Southbridge Gabbatis, Thomas, Prebbleton . ... Gulp, Levi, Rakaia Gallagher, Bros., Prebbleton Gallagher) John, Southbridge Galletley, Andrew, Yaldhurst Gamble, Charles, Waddington Gammack, James, Springston Gardiner, H. I)., Irwell Gardiner, H., Wilson's Farm, Irwell ... Garforth, S., Spreydon, Christchureh ... Garland, Dr., Lake Coleridge Garland, E., Woolston Garland, Joseph, Hillsborough Gemmell, John, Dunsandel Gerard, W., Manuka Point, Chrietchureh Gerard, W., Snowdon, Christchureh ... Gibson, Eobert, West Melton Giddings, John, Greendale Gilbert, John, Dunsandel Gillandere, Edward, Springfield Gillanders, Hector, Darfield Gillanders, M. K., Greendale Giilett, Jas., Esisebury, tSouthbridge Glover, H. W., Halswell Gordon and Fergusson, Ilalswell Gorle, Captain J. S., Yaldhurst Gougli, Charles, Exors. of, Greendale ... Gougli, James, Greendale Graham, J. A., Sumner Graham, John, Burnbanlf, Chrislchurch Graham, W., Southbridge Grant, G., Bishop's Corner, Southbridge Grant & Stewart, Springfield & Fendaltoyra Gray, James, Springhill, Hororafa, 2o 115 80 150 200 198 Nil Kit Mil 60 450 Nil 7500 80 125 140 300 76 220 112 302 Nil 310 110 400 595 300 90 137 1450 270 Nil 77 Nil 92 50 Nil Nil 72 Nil Nil Nil 64 503 060 596 200 eoo 73 Nil 1050 50 Nil 353 150 Nil 200 2000 1500 680 194 3070 180 GO 70 4000 20000 190 560 100 96 804 1200 600 86 Nil Nil 1550 5170 60 172 440 18 25o «3o 158 3oo loo 47 35o 16 8296 180 202 190 36 800 7447 58 9o 325 45 35 9o 100 400 62 200 80 128 5o 334 48o 2oo 50 80 580 HO 7o 825 272 277 88C 270 8363 SO 5o 13 19o 2oo 23oo -3oo 44 27o 87 650 34 363 20 580 47 955 69 133o 442 450 393 29o 58 2o 75o So 150 56 — y 614 50 100 270J 159 - I 2 224 2ooo 14oo 280 1900 866 95 138 271 32 4000 2oooo 2o 555 96 51 95 120 303 4000 2oooo 25 500 131 91 305 26 500 66 164 46 923 1628 3248 53 Io5 436 32 107 1297 4115 45 180 460 3J 1420 182i 2920 237 2650 190


H.~ 3,



No. oi'Sheepon31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Gray, Ernest, Hoon Hay, Christcuurch Greaves, Edwin, Sprirtgston Gregg and Moore, Butchers, Christclnu'ch Gregg, James, Riooarton Green, Jesse, Rolleston Green. T. H., Cliristchurch Griffiths, George, Hororata Griffiths, Thomas, Lakeside Giigg, Richard, WhitoclifTs Groves, Amos, Eversfield, Sheffield Gudsell, Thomas, Bolleslon Guiney, Edward, Halkett Town Gunn, John, Racecourse Hill Guy, M., Yaldlmrsfc Hack, Edward, Papanui Hale, Benjamin, K.irwee, Christohuroh Hall, Henry, Ems worth, Kirwee Hall, H. J., Ricearton Hall, Sir John, Hororata, Coalgate Hall, J. J., Windmill, Yaldhurtt Halliday, John, Lakeside Hannant, J. J., Darfield Hampton, B., Southbridge Ham|)ton, Christopher Southbridge Hancock, Thomas, Sydenham Hankins, R. II., Christchureh , Hanson, J. E., Upper Riccarton Harding, John, Prebbleton Harris, Stephen, Styx Hart, John, Dunsandel Hartnell, J. N., Hororata Harvey, W. J., Rolleston Haskett and Hayes, Ellesmere Hawkins, R. W., Yaldhurst Haydon, Joseph, Prebbleton Hay, George, Kimberley Hay, William, Rolleston Hayward, Geo., Strathfield, Templeton Heatley, Thomas, Halkett Town Hellewell, Wright, Tai Tapu Henderson, G., jun., Halkett Town ... Henderson, G., sen., Halkett Town Henderson and McBeath, Christchurch Hcnnah, H. H., West Coast Road Henley, P., Lincoln Henry, John, Dnnsandel Henry, Thomas, Russell's Flat Hibberd, William, Leeston Higham, William, Papanui IIight, Albert, Waddington Ilinton, Richard, Templeton Hill, H. P., Sedgemere, Southbridge ... Hill, J., Shirley Hinchcliffe, J., Styx Hocking, William, West Melton Hodgens, John, Templeton Hodgson, John, Lake, Irwell Hogun, M., Rolleston Hogg, Thomas, Killinchy Hole, William, Spreydon Holland, G. W., Brookside Holly, William, Leeston Holmes, Eliza, Bangor, Darficld Holmes, James, Upper Ricearton Hopkins, P., and Co., Christohurcli Horwell, Job, New Brighton Howson, T. B., Southbridge Ilubbard, J. 0., Cliristchurch Hughes, James, Greendale Humm, William, Waddinglon Humphrey, J. and T., Killinehy Hunter, William, Dunsandel Hurst, Charles, Oakley, Southbridge ... Hurst, John, Springston Industrial School, Burnham Ingle, J. E., Armagh Street, Christchureh Inwood, J. and A. R., Southbridge Iryine and Learmonth, Ardlin, Rakaia... Irvine, William, Dunsandel Jackson, James, Fapanui Jameson, J. P., Christchureh Jamieson, W. H., Leeston Jebson and Atkinson, Sheffield Jebson, David, Sheffield 1734 98 85 28 8 5oo 173 101 22o 294 142 13 310 3o 746 3ooG7 18 15o 68 58 4o 12o 46 J 34o 3oo lBo 45o 2 35o loi 66o ■ 149 47 7o 347 92ol 163 1514 40 70 187 40 99 41 175 272 215 84 430 20 780 30500 300 165 193 190 49 130 156 385 434 400 357 20 1002 94 200 107 80 52 143 6C 190 1556 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 151 10 150 95 300 136 422 180 107 700 93 675 31500 191 145 140 Nil 237 316 Nil 30 250 498 427 400 Nil 1137 6 1224 65 195 124 200 35 71 60 255 Nil 160 400 2 2 160 44 2o 20 Nil 600 130 Nil Nil 1000 100 300 594 300 31 112 160 700 8794 1650 135 30 ISO Nil 230 325 83 Nil 4954 2580 193 116 2799 4260 4fiO 76 1425 353 Nil 950 73o 196 J823 400 8 ■ 1070 Bo 363 4oo llo 86 84 190 270 300 ]7C 273 106 820 8900 904 228 20 9ooo looo 131 65 157 48o 223 460 74 151 4400 2229 800 142 55oo 1638 Eot o 2945 14oo 5oo 195 942 36o 584 291] 1740 400 30 440 216 6S0

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. J lg§2. J 1883. Jeffree, William, Ellesmere Jeff*, Charles, Templeton Jenkins, T., Springfield, South')ridge ... Jenkins, W". J., Courtenay Johns, J., Styx Johnson, Robert, Ayleshury Johnston, A., Bussell's Flat Johnston, James McC. West Mellon ... Johnston, Neil, Darfield Jones, Emily, West; Melton Jones, James, Templet on Jones, John, West Melton Jones, Milsom, Killinchy Jones, Percy, Templar's Island, Papamii Jones, William, North Road, Kaiapoi... Jones & Stronach, Cragieburn, Cliristch. Joseph, A. L., Whiteclifla Joynt, T. I., Christehurch Jude, J. C. Barton Farm, Sheffield Judge, John, Lincoln Seat, Philip, Hiilkett Town Kellahan, Daniel, Leeston. Kemp, J. S., Kirwee Kemp, Richard, Kirwee Kendall, W., Leeslon Kennaway, J. and W., Woolston Kennedy, J., Halswell, Christchurch ... Kerr, John, Dunsandel Ken , , Mrs., Sandhills, Christchurch Kimber, Charles, Green Park Kimber, James, Grafton, G-reenpark ... Kime, Henry, Springston King, T. and J., Christchurch Kiver, C, Burnham, Christchurch Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, H., St. Albans, Christchurch ... Knight, J., Mount Pleasant,Rolleston... Knight, John, New Brighton Knight, Silas, Rolleston Kruse, D., Papanui Laffey, Thomas, Kirwee Laing, H.,Templer Island, Christchurch Lam bio, R., Lincoln Lane, H. B., Christehurch Lane, James, Ellesmere Lane, James, Yaldhurst Langdon, Thomas, Cnristchurch, Langdon and Judge, Christehurch Larcombe, H. Templeton Laughton, Oliver, Halkett Town Lawrence, W. D., Ravensworth, Leeston Ijawrey, Francis, West Melton Leadley, C. R.. Prebbleton Lean, W. S., Yaldhurst Lee, E. J., Southbridge Lee, IT. M., Southbridge Lee and Williams, Southbridge Legg, James, Aylesbury Leigh, J. M., Leybourne, Springston ... Lemon, Samuel, Doyleston Leslie, H. J. P., Kirwee Levett, Henry, Killinchy Lewis, Charles, Clayfield, Brooksido ... Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel Linnie, James, Heathcote Valley Loekhead, R. and J'., Leeston Lockhcad, Thomas, Dunsandel Loe, J. J. (estate), Heslerton, Dunsandel Lord, Jabez, Kirwee Lorretts, Joseph, Stoney, Hororata Loughnan, R., Christ church Lovegrove, G. F., Leeston Lowe, Edward, Summerhill, Rolleston Lowe, Thomas, Rolleston Lukies, Joseph, Southbridge MacLeod, John Glendore, Dunsandel ... Maddison, Henry, Leeston Maddison, J., Templeton Maddison, W. R., Dunsandel Maffey, Richard, Hororata Maginness, John, Templeton Magon, Karl, Greenpark Maling, T. J., Christohurch .,, Manack, Richard, Christchurch 15o 27o 91o 54 500 910 150 272 900 346 413 765 300 100 388 156 400 92 140 230 174 22296 286 Nil 570 70 Nil 152 10CO 1300 92 Nil 500 60 Nil 40 17G 100 30 1411 415 50 83 160 52 80 450 400 65 301 24a 690 298 130 182 Nil 1100 Nil 680 398 1661 645 846 Nil 185 810 253 48 Nil 467 Nil. 894 152 Nil 50 7 412 296 800 'Jo 216 68 2u 98 116 550 295 300 125 287 365 110 130 150 142 182 611 85 475 9o 601 454 50 35 100 449 1670 72 32 467 CO 40 55 16 54 13 1520 410 92 14oo 80 77 93 80 22 782 291 10 I60 71 240 19a 5oo 52 74 263 250 32 100 46 94 205 400 71 193 240 329 215 H 1420 50 400 297 2306 h 1000 500 510 397 2140 690 200 931 145 2So 345 80 427 3oo 25 680 31 214 135 470 1331o 7oo 400 1 1345 135 2oo ] Nil 184 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1C9 2000 Nil 400 916 196 5 24 561 100 7oo 44o 76o 4oo 24 6 500 41 65





No. of Sheep on 31et May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Neave, F. D. S., Lawford, Lake Coleridge Nelson, Andrew, Dunsandel Neebitt, J. B., Sydenham Nieoll, Alexander, Greenfield, Dariield Nicklaus, J. E., Biccarton Nixon, William, Killirichy N.Z. L. aud M. A. Co., Brookdale, Ch'oli. N.Z.L. & M.A.Co, Greenham Burton, Ch. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Rainham, Aylesbury N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Craigieburn, Ch'ch. N.Z. Loan & Mere. A. Co., Kirwee N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Torlesse, Spgfd. N.Z. Produce and Provision Co., Ch'eh. Oakley, John, Ilalkett Town O'Boyle, Patrick, Leoston O'Brien, Matthew, Killinchy O'Callaghan, D., Springston, Couttsls.... Ogden and Tharrat.t, Papanui Oliver, William, Hororata Orr, W. J., Courtenay Osborn, James, Medway, Tai Tapu Osborn, Job, X)oyleston ... Osborne, John, Kirwee Osbourn, D. J., Hororata Overlou, Charles, Prebbleton Overton, F., Walsingham, Lakeside ... Overton, Henry, Elleemere Orerton, J. W., Prebbleton Palmer, E. J., Christchureh Palmer, Joseph, Burnhain, Christchureh Palmer, S. W., Hororata Pankhurst, Daniel, Christchureh Paimett, H., Springston Pannett, J. A., Hatton, Springston Pannett, T., Springston Paimett, T. A., Southam, Lincoln Pannett, W. P. Lincoln Parish, John, Halswe>l Parker, Herbert, Burn..;tm Patchett, D., jun., Millbrook, Styx Paterson, James, Southbridge Paterson, Mrs., Prebblelon Patterson, Alexander, Kirwee Patlrick, J. L., Christ church Peacocke, G. B., Rockwood, Windvvhistle Peagram, C. Ii., Ilalkett Town Pearee, Thomas, Templet on Pearson, William, Lincoln Peryman, II. E., Tai Tapu Phillips, G. S., Templelon Phillips, Henry, Leeston Phillips, T. A., Windwhislle Phillips, W., Rolleston Philpott, A. M., St. Albans, Christclvuroh Philpott, John, Upland, Papanui Philpott, Wm., St. Albans, Christchureh Pickering, William, Coalgate Pitt, William, Kimberley Pope, George, Upper Riccarton Powell, Joseph, Grove, Springston Prebble, Edward, Prebbleton Probble, J. W., Prebbleton Prebble, William, Prebbletou Prestidge, Jesse, Hororata Proctor J., Russell's Flat Pyne, C. E., Lincoln Radelilfe, James, Woolston Ranger, T. H., Rolleston Redfern, C. W., Springfield Reece, Edward, Bottle Lake, Christchureh Rennie, John, Doyleston Revely, 13. and T., Kimberlev Rhodes, R. H., Papanui Road, Christch. Ridgen, George, Greendale Rionlan, P., Kirwee Roberts, W., jun., St. Alban's Roberts, H., Kimborley Rnbcrlson, S., Russell's Flat Robertson, George, Russell's Flat Robinson, Robert, Templeton Robertson, T. D., Springston Robinson, T., Whincops, Chrislchurch Rogers, James, Templeton ... Rollett and Traft'ord, Hororata 875 7o 3o 716 2oo 26o 582 1376 18894 746 25o 365 780 5o 81 5oo 12o 19o 3o6 19oo 2262 4o7 21 535 32 54 164 147 600 46 368 190 300 8000 210 1930 19530 168 250 490 550 280 400 155 305 131 07 414 2000 2042 407 587 59 66 216 900 53 m 1128 200 490 7891 842 2238 Nil 1500 9900 700 5 400 500 500 Nil 350 400 63 413 Nil 186 Nil 153(! 2950 497 Nil 740 98 Nil 72 55 180 Nil 176 300 240 198 Nil 185 760 10 Nil 35 200 180 196 687 630 11000 63 20 300 Nil 250 40 Nil 192 360 167 290 200 95 624, Nil 35o 121 300 171 195 972 32 58oo 283 911 10 29 96 Io9 45o 15 201 564 9948 5o 12o llo 8 9242 60 12 200 5oo 300 44 loo 87 155 160 237 185 6o 15o 6o 30 10 77 149 696 96 4 290 Nil 520 3fiO 21 800 320 Nil Nil Nil 370 Ail Nil 529 112 160 loo 158o 52o 348 22 655 540 500 20 600 273 5o 25o 8 197 48 114 70 284 10 30 506 114

No. of Sheep on 31st May. I 1681. I 1883. 1883. Mangin, George, G-reendale Mauion, P. Weedons, Rolleston Mann, John, St. Albans, Christehurch... Manson, James, Kimberley Manson, IX, Coulgate Man , , John, Deanston, Ualkett Town ... Marsh, II., Ohristchuroh Marsden, Joseph, Heathcote Valley Marshall, G-eorge, Springeton Marshall, John, Springeton Marshall, John, Templeton Maskrey, James, Prebbleton Mason and Vallanee, Yaldhursfc Matheson, D., Easdale Nook, Spring0eld Matheson, D. S., MtTorlesse, Kowai Bush Mafcheson, J., Darficld Matbias arid Eandall, Southbridge Matson, II., and Co., Christchurch Matthews, William, Springaton Matthews, John, Ashburton Matthews, William, Lakeside Mawson, Isaac, Brookside Maxwell and Mathias, Racecourse Hill McBeath, Roderick, Kimborley McCarten, Thomas, Templeton McCartney, Thomas, Tai Tapu McClelland, II. W., Ivimberley McClelland, W. W., Courtenay MeConnell, Henry, Fendaltown, Ch'ch. McConnell, J. J., Leeston McCormack, Thomas, Southbridge McCrostie, Hugh, Groendale McDonald, Donald, Leeeton McEvedy, Patrick, Leeston McEvedy, Peter, Southbridge MeGowan, George, Dunsandel McGregor, Robert, Clydesdale, Burnham McGregor, Donald, Aylesbury McGregor, R. and A., Burnham Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllraith, J. A., Wairiri, Homebush ... Mcllrath, J. L., Lakeside Mcllraith, Robert, Southbridge Mcllvoy, Samuel, Southbridge McKay, Alexander, Ualkett Town McKellar, John, Southbridge McKenzie. D., Southbridge McKeage and Co., Southbridge McKie, T. and W., Btirnside, Glentunnel McLachlan, Archibald, Poyleston McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLatchie & Mclntosh, Rockwood, Oh. MeLaueblan, W., Brookside McLennan, William, Halketfc Town ... McMillan, D , Waddington McMillan, John, Duusandcl Archibald, Courlenay McNeil, R., Doyleston McVinnie, William, Southbridge Mein, W. II., Christchureh Mercer, James H., Dunsandel Miles, William, Folly, Springston Mills, John, Greendale Milne, J., Lincoln Rd. & Sth'bg., Clich. Minchin, W., Westwood, Waddington Mitchell, E., & Co., Hororata& Chch.... Moflfatt, Jennings, Halswell Moir, William, Styx, Christchureh Monck, J. S., Sumner Moore, R. Preston Farm, W. Melton ... Morgan, J. Or., Hororata Morrish, Richard, Craigleigh, Springston Morten and White, Mt Pleasant, Ch'ch. Moule, S. C. Prebbleton Muir, Peter, Springston Muirhead, John, Templeton Munro, Roderick, Greendale Munroe, Robert, Kolleston Murchison and Cartmel, Lake Coleridge Murray, F. C, Lincoln Murray, J. Gγ., Greenpark Napier, George, Glentunnel Napier and Reese, Hororata •TeaTe/F, D. S., Lake Coleridge 196 8o 4 8oo 128 15 12o 82 fil 37o 75oo 13ooo loo 165o 7 2o 150 18 12829: 17o 341 114 23o Ifi 25 34 1800 3oo 3oo Goo 227 Io6 loo 161 76 100 191 (!2 95 30 98 193 84 140 12500 650 120 50 23 10891 274 100 70 250 165 15 130 700 120 300 430 150 290 900 152 287 241 Nil 196 48 12 40 195 300 Nil 155 Nil Nil 500 1525 176 122 Nil Nil 154 11169 382 50 Nil 200 230 330 14 140 1G0O 2 42 300 82 Nil Nil 570 174 Nil 90 450 40 295 192 Nil 50 877 387 625 7000 210 2200 10fi7 269 440 496 17 60 Nil 895 107 2535 1950 336 136 220 230 Nil 150 250 7500 Nil 369 270 460 Nil ! 11480 450 4580 75 40 11500 96 92 21o 5o 843 293 48o 185 114 148 582 254 490 7000 — I looo 781 1300 580 62 loo 1d3o 35o 696 10 26 A 2305 187o 311 82 820 100 2467 1100 2364 136 9o 23o 655o 90 95 190 5695 183 109 250 17 2oo 3o 12124 35oi 3267 20 10560: 350 2929 12ooo 40 11000


6—H. 3.




So. of Sheop on 31st May. 1831. . 1682. 1883. Rollo, Janet, Irwcll Roper, Robert, Halkett Town Rosewarne, J., Ohrisfcehuroh Rossiter, William, Sheffield Rothery, Henry, Doyleetou Rouleton, g., Greendale Rountree, J. W. ( St. Albans, Oh. Oh, ... Rountree, William, St. Albans, Ch. Oh. Rowe, Thomas, Chris! church Rowell, James, Springston Rudd, C, Greendale Rudd, George, Q-reendale Rudd, J. F., Greendale Rutherford, D., High Peak, Windwhistle Rutherford, Gh, jun., Dalelhorpe, Russell's Flat Rutledge, John, Russell's Flat Ryan, M., sen., Templeton Ryan, Micliael, Broudfield Ryan, Patrick, Templeton Sanderson, Crispin, Killinchy Sandford, F. W., Seaview, Heathcoto V. Sandford, J., Heathcote Valley Sandrey and Bladder, Leeoton Sanson, James, Darfield Saunders, A. E., West Melton Saville, William, Yaldhurst Sawle, •!., Greendale Sawle, J. W., Greendale Sayers, A-, Russell's Flat Scarlett, R., Waddington School of Agriculture, Lincoln Scott, C. Cγ., Templeton Scott, David, Broolcside Scott, James, Kimberley Scott, Samuel, Sout.hbridgo Scott, W., Hockley, Duneandel Seaton, G-eorge, Kirwee Seay, T. S., Springfield Sharp, John, Lincoln Sliarpe, Alexander, Halkett Town Sharpe, a. n., St. Martins, Ch. Ch. ... Shaw, William, Doyleston Sheafe, William, Greendale Shepherd, H. J., Eirwee Slierlock, J., Sydenham Shields, J., Hororata Sliipley, Burton, Greendale Sloan, J., Southbridge Shirley, E. H., Hornby Smith, G. A., Broom, Lincoln Smith, G. F., Springfield, Southbridge Smith, Henry, Ellesmere Smith, Henry, Xaiapoi Smith, John, Spreydon Smith, John, Dnnsandel Smith, John, Prebbleton Smith, T-, Spilsby Grange, Aylesbury ... Smith, Moulds, Greendale Smilhson, John, Leeslon , Smithsou, William, Christchurch Smyth Brothers, KiUincliy Sowden, Jonathan, Dunsandel Spenee, J., Killincliy Spencer, Edmund, Styx Stacey, Elizabeth, Hororata Stackhouse, Jainee, Killincliy Stanley, John, Broadway, Papanui Stead, G. G., Coringa, Christchurch ... Steele, J., Hororata Steele, Samuel, Hororata Stephens, George, Bush, Brookside Stewart, Colin, Springfield Stockbridge, T., Sheffield Stone, Thomas, Dunsandel Storey, Charles, Greendale Storry, Andrew, Southbridgo Stott, William, Kimberley Strange, William, Selwyn, Christehureh Sutherland, R. D., Christehureh Sutton, Thomas, Lansdownc, Halswell... Swinn, George, Greendale Sylvester, James, Kaiapoi Tanpred, II. J., Christchurch 16o 2oo 3Hn> 24 o 2(50 298 92 170 390 100 194 103 530 425 450 201 70 71 Nil 308 40 500 6073 10151 1 00 19 25 loo 67o 100 50 20 50 190 201 700 6580 10855 i 6762 s Io9o4 loo 85 150 50 300 150 90 Nil 239 Nil 145 1200 Nil 253 830 81 102 1030 286 290 500 200 162 90 21 400 400 12 250 696 1590 45 Nil 300 100 44 285 600 163 3 211 Nil 128 190 150 56 Nil 157 1000 65 518 100 550 16 736 71 172 230 100 1£3 485 205 600 182 3000 178 Nil 160 Nil 2549 2oo 63 45 300 100 97 127 looo 90 271 1050 50 65o 900 100 100 787 120 300 7o6 29 J Soo 42 118 lo] 200 100 95 6oo 5o 110 15o Io88 3oo 15 3o5 205 90 205 551 905 82 200 200 26o 134 61 183 248 108 loo 16o 71 loo 452 52 100 33 43 lo 29o (Ho 200 850 5oo 495 124 2 227 3( 152 2o6 190 140 175 27o 75 o Io4 275o 179 2oo 200 475 149 450 103 2700 173 300 2(1 37 2390 2979

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1681. I 1882. I 1883. Taylor, Andrew, Dunsandel Taylor, Charles, Brookside Taylor, Robert, Halswell Taylor, W. J., Halkett Town Templer, E. M., Wclldown, Oh. Ch. ... Thomson, John, Tiddhurst Thomson, W. M., Templelon Thompson, R. I), Southbridge Thompson, R., Dunsandel Thompson, John, Halkett Thomson, William, Burnham Thorn, John, Christchurch Thwaites, James, Hororata Tiech, Henry, Styx Tod, J)., Doyleston Tod, John, Lincoln Todd, Andrew, Waddington Tolerton, Thomas, Killinehy Tomes, John B., Scotston, Papanui Topham, Gγ. M., Lincoln Tosswill, J. N., Kirwee, Prebbleton Tosswill, J. N., Hay lie, Prebbleton Tosswil!, R. Q-. ])., Highfield, Kirwee ... Toswill, II. G-. Tenipleton Towneend, Edward, Streamlet, Lincoln Torrens, J., Spreydon Traves, J., Russell's Flat Trent Brothers, Templeton, Christehurch Trickett, II., West Melton Trott, John, Springston <.. Trott, H., Springston Troup, J., Glentunnel Tni'cott, A. C, West Melton Tuft Brothers, BroomQeld, Ricearton ... Turnbull, Dr., Mai vera, Christehurch ... Turner, John, Courtenay Turner, W., Halkett Town Turrell, Charles, Upper Ricearton Tut ton, A. E , Papanui Tweedy, Joseph, Courtenay Tyson, James, Papanui tlnwin, H. J., Killinehy Upjohn, A. E., Addington Upton, T. E., Springfield Vaughan, E., West Melton Vincent, H. W., Sheffield Voice, Thomas, Tenipleton Waby, G-. C, Southbridge Wagner, J. S., Lincoln Wainwright, C, Feathernest.Springslon Wallace, Thomas, Russell's Flat Wallace, William, Russell's Flat Wallis, Thomas, Kirwee Walker, W., West Melton Walker, W., Brookside Ward, A. B,, Aylesbury Ward, S., Prebbleton Washbourne, E., Southbridge Wasliboume, Henry, Selwyu Washbourne, II., Ricearton Washbourne, If, jun., Selwyn Watson, George. West Melton Watson, John, Clayiield, Brookside Watson, M. W., Upper Ricearlon Watson, W., Cordross, Coalgate Webb, W. C, Upper Ricearton Weir, Matthew, Porter's Pass Westenra Brothers, Camla, Dunsandel White, Edwin, Southbridge White, Or. F., Courtenay White, H., Lincoln White, Leonard, Southbridge White, W. H., Prebbleton Wliyte, James, Waddington Wliyte, P. & A., Clifton, Halkett Town Whyte, William, Halkett Town . ... Wil'kin, R., Christehurch Willis, R. B., Southbridge Wills, D., Leeston Wills, Jolm, Irwell Wills, Richfird, Springston Wilson, E. R., Styx Wilson, Sir J. C. (Eiecuto? pf), Cashmere, Christchurch; 2o 13o 12BO 92 Io6 3oo 3o 529 68 34o 155 444 154 62 125 75 87o 1184 5oll 37o 56o 43 8o 374 65o 4oo 417 6 34 2o 65 60 2o 12o 183 25 1285 87 200 91 400 34 606 75 290 318 190 80 102 799 125s 4878 800 64 159 75 103 300 47 972 400 20 ■ 100 —_ 4] 2300 187 233 Nil 100 680 180 300 164 100 44 1000 29 300 30 137 10 Nil 53 Nil 33 973 1095 4847 Nil Nil 113 40 416 66 396 2SO 25 1455 350 Nil 50 7 Nil 7G 42 65 Nil Nil 1840 353 300 600 900 20 Nil 188 149 35 560 Nil 164 Nil 1000 Nil 22 700 405 223 690 155 10 4305 6000 2300 379 1000 Nil 258 183 300 83 10 1405 12 930 Nil 22o 4oo 30 16 750 500 30 38 270 297 55 330 155 146 17 3-lo lo 7oo 41o 385 298 11 360 750 17 900 284 295 340 So 6446 6H34 13oo 528 7o 43o 368 97 63 25 4701 5755 1500 16 600 703 150 93 190 54 18 563 139! 1S9 71 46 15 619 2o 571 51 8 6069 5711 5994





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1SS2. 1883. Wilson, Thomas, Styx Withell, Charles, Brookside WiLhell, B., Brookside Withers, Drummond, Killinehy Woollerton, R., Ohristohurok Wornor, Septimus, Killinchy Wraight, Douglas, Whystole, Dunsandel Wright, F., Springston Wright, James, Christcliurch Wright, J. T., Dunsandel Wright, Ricliard, Ellesmere Wright, Walter, Springslou Yarr, E. Tai Tapu Yates, J. W., Russell's Flat 22 2o2o 45 59 Io8 295 25 22o 202 1810 5 100 116 50 800 50 380 1250 6 2420 5 Nil 309 Nil 63 400 Nil 495 1200 Nil 393 60 368 600 185 69 136 25 572595 569242 629682 AKAROA COUNTY (In Chrietchureh Subdivision). Adams, Thomas, Akaroa Allan, A. D. M., Little River Allan, William, Oliinetahi Aiming, Frederick, Akaroa Armstrong, Or., Mount Vernon, Akaroa Ashton, W. M., Decanter Bay, L. Akaloa Bailey, Henry, Le Bon's Bay Baker, T. S., French Farm, Barry's Bay Barnett, T. nnd M., Tai Tapu Bevins, Thomas, Kaituna, Little River Birdling,,W., Durauchelle Black, Gγ. J., Damon's Bay, Akaroa Bloor, G. T., G-overnor's Bay Bradley, R. R., Lyttelton Breitmeyer, G., German Bay Buchanan, H., Trustees of the late, Kinloch, Little River Butler, George, Gobbio's Flat Cholmondeley, 0. P., Port Levy Cook, Brothers, Gollan's Bay, Lyttelton Constable, A., G-overnor's Bay Coop, W., Spring Vale, Little River ... Dalgleish, James, Le Bon's Bay Daly. James, Akaroa Edmonds, George, Gebbie's Flat Fleming Brothers, Port Levy Fleming, Richard, Port Levy Ford, J. T., and Co., Port Hills Ch'ch. Forrester, John, Lyttelton Gardiner, H. D., Purau, Lyttelton Garforth and Lee, Lyttelton Gebbie, David, Gebbies Flat Gebbie, John, Newton, Gebbies Flat ... Gebbie, W. D. Governor's Bay Gerken, F. W., Tai Tapu Giddens, George, Barry's Bay Gilmour, William, Ttii-Tapu Goodwin Brothers, Pigeon Bay Goodwin, W., Green Park Gordon, J., jun., Stockdale, Little Akaloa Hammond, W., German Bay Harris, John, Okain's Bay Harris, R. E., Governor's Bay Harris, T. E., Gebbie's Flat Hawkins, Harvey, Lyttelton Hay, Brothers, Pigeon Boy Haylock, C, Flea Bay, Akaroa Haylock, C, jun., Akaroa Holland and Tapley, Lyttelton Holmes, Eliza, Pigeon Bay Hunt, J., Pigeon Bay Hunt, Stephen, Barry's Bay Joblin, G. R., Little River Judge, Joseph, Tai T»pu Kennedy, Duncan, Wainui Knight, A. C, Barry's Bay Knight, J. T., Le Bons Bay Latter, Robert, Barry's Bay Lelievre, Eugene, Akaroa Le Lievre, E. E., Akaroa Le Lievre, F., Akaroa ■ Le Lievre, Jules, Akaroa Lyon and Roberts, German Bay Magee, Henry, Akaroa 18o 21 6o 4185 lo 6oo 200 6834 152o 75 o67o 6oo 1100 18oo 131o 3oo Ioo5 592o 5ooo loo 8oll 14o 65 oo 22o 68 6 55 2600 16 812 198 7570 30 1300 11933 400 11 180C 280C 150C 200 800 500(» 4000 8! 8500 90 7120 280 25 387 155 Nil Nil 20 3450 1852 137 50 300 700 8950 400 30 1297 80 14603 120 640 54 207 2591 2800 1300 700 3000 7720 Nil 101 13000 56 7500 1172 10 276 2 100 1150 1695 800 13 200 25 200 J 610 9310 1450 487 36 11880 65 10 4700 305 507 5700 1923 987 80 2000 700 1200 300 Nil 6o7 1369 1804 6oo 1200 1491 700 145 195 45 396 95 oo 21oo G4 810 9329 1400 Io5oo 84 10300 86 5679 4 4600 50 55oo 815 35o 5500 1250 93 35oo 143o 25o looo 2000 1000 1000 100

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S1. J 1882. I 1883. Mausori, R., Lyttelton Manson, S , Governor's Bay Marshall, Misses, Pigeon Bay Masefield Brotliere, Q-ougli's Bay, Akaroa McHale Brothers, Raupo, LitlJe Akaloa Mclntosli, T., Pigeon Bay, Lyttelton ... McKay, George, Melness, Pigeon Bay ... McKay, William. Wainui McPhail, Archibald, Island Bay,Wainui Menzies, J. H., Macintosh Bay, Lyttelton Miles, J. F., Akaroa Morten, R, M., Ahuriri, Christclmi'ch... Moses, Joe (Molii), Lyttelton Mould, T. B., Woodlands, Duvauehe'le Narbey, Francis, Long Bay, Akaroa ... Narbey, F,, junr., Akaroa Newton, C. and Son, Port Hills, Ch'cli O'Callaghan, A. P., Gebbie's Flat Parkinson, A. J., Kaifnna, Gebbie's Flat Parkinson, T. EC., Gebbie's Flat Pawson, J., Little Akaloa Perham,, Barry's Bay Piper, Henry, Duvauchelle Pott?, T. H., Ohinetahi Price, Joseph, Kelvin Grove, Littlo Rivor Bedford, Joseph, Gebbie's Flat Radford, John, Gebbie's Valley Reeve, Thomas, Gebbie's Flat Reid, James, Wainui Rhodes, Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa Ridder, J. H., Tai Tapu Robertson, Struan, Barn's Bay Savage, J. S. S., Pigeon Bay Saxton, G. H,, Robinson's Bay Seaton, Andrew, A aroa Staadbolfc, B. (Executors of), Duvauchelle Smith, A. A., Quail Island, Christehurch Smith, Robert, Lyttelton Snow and Anson, Peraki, Wainui Sprngge, Herbert, Port Levy Stanbury Bros., Little River Sunckel, John, jun., German Bay, Akaroa Tanner, 11. N., Tai Tnpn Thacker, J. E., Okain's Bay Urquhart, Hugh, Governor's Bay Waghorn, A., sen., Little Akaloa Ware, Thomas, Okain's Bay Wheeler, Matthew, Church, Gebbie'eFlat Wright, James, Wainui, Akaroa 97o 25oo 8oo 700 45 2o looo 37oo 1115 4S9o 3o 15 25oo 671 8882 5o6 415o 1186 16oo 15o 218 2230 980 1800 2400 850 23 603 1500 6867 6«) 2938 50 10 1800 690 340 9006 476 4270 1160 2000 90 212 Nil 1482 3379 2500 900 Nil 34 670 2000 7390 750 4391 Nil 16 I960 800 4000 Nil 1200 8300 998 460 4500 1060 1800 Nil 298 242 28 1050 Nil 155 600 4419 Nil 1000 147 Nil 5300 707 450 350 12S 6200 510 1611 300 250 1800 45 443 4o 30 950 96 20 450 4310 400 913 48 525o 357 17oo 2o 5000 4650 33o 3oo 136 6ooo ]o34 3o9o 24o 18o 1689 540 150 13+ 5800 522 1250 300 190 1789 161571 162277 193440 ASHBTTRTON COUNTY Adair, R. M., Cliristehurch Alexander, Bros., Ural, Lauriston Alington and Coward, Crosby, Methvcn Alington, C. S., Talbot Trees, liakaia ... Alington, G. H., Cairnbrae Allen, W. F., Ashburton Annett, William, Mount Somers Aston, G., Newland Aynsley, H. P. M., Mount Hutt, Rakaia Ballance, M., Hinds Ballantyne, John, May field Bk. N. '£., Waterton and Winchmore, Ch. Barr, John, Spring Side, Waterton Baxter, J., Rakaia ... Beach, Josiah, Winslow Beckett, Harry, Wakanui Bell, John, Mayfield Bishop, .1., Fleminglou Black, John, Ashburton Blake, Richard, Tinwald Bland, J. S., Green Home, Greenstreet Bland, W., Orion Green, Greenstreet... Boag, J., Cairnbrae Bonifant, J., Ashburton Boyle, J. C, Methven Boyle, J., Ashburton Forks Boyle, II. G. C, Hinds Brake, James, Cracroft Brick, D., SeaEeld Brown, W. J., Ashton 95o 560 1491 585 125 94o4 13o 299 5o 800 820 361 386 216 11419 394 2575 60 Io21 1010 2118 Nil 366 522 298 Nil 137 12316 1191 711 2820 Nil 100 700 345 600 35° 100 427 324 75° 3°6 308 1800 495 250 SO Nil I 500 33 561 28o 6oo 367 290 600 2oo 7o2 1100 28o Ioo9 Io4





\o. o: Sheep on May. 1881. 18S2. 18S3. Brown, Matthew, Highbank, Barrliill .. Brown, James, Netherby, Wakanui Brown, John, Ashburton ,. Brown, J. X.| Ashburton, Christoburoh Bruce, J. Stanley, Elgin, Ashburlon .. Bruce, Murdoch, Seaiield Buckley, D., Kyle Bullock, Thomas, Grange, Ashburton .. Burgess, George, Mayfield Butterick, David, Wainton, Wakanui ... Cameron, Donald,Winchmore, Ashburto Cameron, Duncan, Clunes, Methven Campbell, John, Mitcham, Laurieton ... Campbell, James, Ashburton Campbell, Ronald, Chertsey Capon. Robert, Ashburton Carruthers. D. B , Bakaia Chalmers, P. and J., Aehburton Chapman, E., Drayton, Methven Chapman, S. and II., Willowby Chapman, W. T., Alford Forest Chatmoss, Coy, Winslow Chisnall Brothers, Hinds Chisnall, W., Hinds Church, E. J. Greenslreet Clark, Joseph, Winchmore, Tinwald ... Clark, Joseph, Waterton, Xinwnld Clark, W., Winslow Clephane, Thomas, Wakanui Cochrane, John, Aehburton Coe, George, Ashburlon Cole, George, Ashburton Colle8on. E. and G., Seafipld Col. Invest, and M. Co., Chertsey Collins, James, Chertsey Conway, Brothers, Chertpey Copland, James, Chertsey Corbilt, Edward, Ashburton Corbett, Hugh, Mayfield Corbett, John, Wakmui Coster, Bros., Blaekford, Eakaia Coster Bros., Lyndhurst, Raknia Coster, Bros., Somerton, Eakaia Coward, Gerald, Cairnbrae Croskell Bro.s, Willowby Crowe and Lyeaght, Tinwald Dalton, Henry, Willowby Dallon, T., Wakanui Daly, Patrick, Lauriston Davies Brothers, Waterton Davies and Wilson, Tinwald Davison, H. E. and A., Eakaia Dawson, A., Waterton Daweon, A., jun.. Waterton Denshire, W. B., Seafield Dent, James, Lauriston Dicken, E. B., Tiverton, Lauriston ... Digby, Octavius, Ashburton Doak, John, Aahburton ' Doherty, Charles, Mayfield Doig, Paul, Chertsey Doig, Peter, Chertsey Dolarnore, G. W., Lauriston Dolan, Daniel, Kyle, Dougharty, G. H., Methven Dudley and Northey, Tinwald Dunbar Bros., Lake Heron, Mt. Somers Duncan, J. and D., Eakaia Dwyer, James, Ashburton Ede, Arthur, Alford Forest Elder, Peter, Woodland, Ashburton Fisher, Stephen, Eakaia, (Sydenham) ... Fitzgerald, David, Ashburton Foster, F. M., Winslow Fountain. James A., flinda Frampton, II., Willowby Frredlaiidef Broe., Lyndiiurst, Ashburlon Frisby, A., Barwell, Ashburton Frisby, Robert, Winslow G-alletly, James, Chertsey Gardiner, ,T., Oliertsey Gaul, George, Cairnbrae β-erard, W., Double Hill, Christchurch Gibson, Andrew, Hinds 9996 512 300 6C0 lfi 28o 349 lloo 3f"oo 134 181 800 55oo Io43 124 5471 337o 2oo 688 1627 83 2o2 175 1167 314 1313 983 187oo 335o 8000 8000 654 150 1220 VOO 52o 835 622 2 LOO 2oo 292 75 700 65C0 736 134 5437 4994 96 283 363 575 473 1380 1178 178 675 2oo 2oo 19000 5300 4730 ) 9000 C07 i| 100 1700 Nil 553 800 322 1250 95° Nil 2200 670 Nil 35° °95 140 800 5900 "74 Nil 47S 6 4010 100 425 Nil Nil Nil 498 265 500 100 1290 Nil ■54 Nil 620 Nil 200 400 20300 1800 853° 792 297 224 23 116 I08 192 54 680 51 153 82 570 18o9 100 938 522 770 60 loo 816 4 265 I 293 2050 "74 Nil '3 152 360 300 700 480 100 75o 734 ]000 1040 900 111 394 152 J57 23 682 lolo 419 J 60 59o4 5000 949 3212 5000 100 268 496 45o 6000 3oo 2o3 251 250 760 5810 809 170 41 o Nil 5760 500 2C10 Nil 2o43 lolc 200 21o 521 '35 ■952 59° 180 12 51o 57° 770 400 30000 6r 30000 ! 65 30000 160

! No. of Sheep J May. I 1881. 1882. 31et 1882. 1883. Gibson, Mi'3. M., Plainiield, Ashburton Giddings, G., Asliburton Reserve,Tinwalc Gill, William, Chertsey, Christchurch... Gilmour, George, Ashlon Goodwin, E. M., Cracroffc Gould nnd Cameron, Methven Graham, J. R. C. C, Ashburton, Timaru Grayburn, H., Newland Grant and Stewart, Rakaia, Riccarton... Greenaway, Thomas, Elgin Grico, George, Win slow Grigg, Jolin, Longbeach Gunn Brothers, Methven Hampton, Kdward, Chertsey Hampton, Robert, Seafield Hampton, James, Tinwald Hardwiok, J"., Seafield Harper, C. J., Haekthorn, Winslow ... Harrison, John, Ashburton Harrison, Thomas, Ashburton Harrison, I 1 ., Taieri Farm, Rakaia Hart, George, Winchmore, Asbburton Hartnell, Walter, Rakaia Ilawdon, C. G., Westerfield, Asliburton Hawdon, Jolin, Cotherstone, Ashburton Hnydon, Joseph, Westerfield, Ashburton liny man, Thomas, Willowby Henderson, David, Methven Heluiore, J. C, Sherwood, Christehurcli Hill, Charles, Wakanui Hinds, William, Mitcham, Rnkaia Holmes Brothers, Fransleo, Ruknia Holmes Brothers, Mt. Harding. Rakaia... Holmes Brothers, Holmeslee, Rakaia Holmes Brothers, Pannett, Rakaia Hood, John, Mount Somers Hood, Thomas, South Rakaia Hudson, H., Waterton Hussey, W. J., Lauricton Irwin, John, Fairfield, Rakaia limes, Peter, Elgin Innes, William, Elgin Jackson, David, Baling Jackson, J. and T., Broom Park, Methveu Jackson, J. and T., Barrhill Jamieson, James, Fernside, Ashburton Johnston, George, Ashburton, Lyltelton Johnston, James, Aehburton Forks Johnston, J. A., Lauriston Jones, T. M., Ashburfcon Jones, Thomas, Seafield Kemp, R., jun., Aahburton Kemp, John, Ashburton Kennedy, Hugh, Wakanui Kidd, A., Waterton ICnox, J., Ashburton Kingsbury, Samuel, Acton, Rakaia Kingsbury, H., Chertsey Lamb, G., Ashburton Lambie, J., jun., Kyle Lancaster, Richard, Ashburton Leadley, W. G., Wakanui Lo Breton, F., Ashburton Lee and Williams, Lauriston Leddy, Daniel, Wakanui Leitch, Charles, Ashburton Letham, A., Thistledown, Ashburton Lill, W. T., Newland Lloyd, Joseph, Hopton, Newland London Bros.. Cairnbrae Lowcliffe Company, Hinds LytHeton, W. McN., Rokeby, Rakaia ... Mackio, C. N., Rakaia Mackie, C. S., Como, Kakaia Madden, P., Wakanui IWsigson, Robert, Wellburn, Rakaia Maginness, W. H., Kyle Maugham, L., Chertsoy Mann, John, Tiverton, Rakaia Marr, John, Ashburton, Halkett Town Martin, Charles, Prospect, Winslow ... Martin, G-. J., Ashburton Mathieson, John, Ashburton McAnulty, E., Kyle ,,, 195 157o 4o6 187o3 9ooo 4187 335 loG37 Io7o 240 231 6000 12 3o6 7o3o 419o 18228 2,.77 415 38G 45oo 5o6o 3ooo 906 46o 59o 2o 527o 31oo 279 ■0 2050 >(i 306 >3 1500C 10 9000 \1 1251 iB 350 7 11862 0 1165 0 970 1 292 o 7000 93 6 720 0 8280 0 6680 8 17200 7 2900 5 300 6 331 183 0 2060 0 4600 0 2740 16oc 6 1000 0 600 . 95 800 0 400 0 200 0 8080 400 1680 526 223 15809 1601 I 9200 262 6420 3°5 55° 21438 IO98 95° 560 121 Nil 9000 Nil m 625 8462 4407 Nil Nil 240 494 2425 400 500 35°° 5000 2000 1200 1216 800 440 800 980 160 '59 300 Nil 400 2.50 Nil 9 314 59 186 3 900 9oo '45 1200 558 23o 4 00 5oo 182 3oo ) 200 ) 200 394 1592 190 'S3 Nil >5'5 426 2,0 '5° Nil 460 200 75° 300 777 29.19 3890 96 202 344 545 440 3000 8000 437° 1000 "77 Nil 136 ! 338 286 652 135 6o71 4332 1400 018 6941 : 4614 1 1100 1 830 19o 4oo 153 300 Nil 300 1500 548 134 Nil 330 124 7oo 235 173 200 15o 194 S3

H.— 3.




No. of Sheep un 3Jst May. 18.81. 1882. I 1883 1883. Small, John, Tinwald Smith, Hay, Ashburton Smith, Hugh, Ashburton Smith, John, Ashburton Smith, J. M., Flemington Smith, W. T., Alford Forest Somerville, A. F., The Terraces, Methven Sprott Bros., Rsikaia Sprott, Samuel, Chertsey Stalker, William, Tirrtvald Stevenson, John, Mount Homers Stewart, Peter, Seaside, Wakauui Stoddart, William, Locgbeach Straohan, W., Chertsey Straehey, K,., Clearwell, Winslow Stringfellow, James, Oliertsey Strouts, Frederick, Seafield, Christchurch Studholme, John, Coldstream, Hinds ... ', Swaney, J. P., Foaling Tasker, James, Treverton, Ashburton ... Taylor, J. E., Ashburton Forks Taylor, Thomas, Ashton Thomas, Edwin, Rowston, Wakanui ... Thompson, N. I'., Longbeaeh Tickell, John F., Methveu Tilson, George, Baling Tooth, Frederick, Alford, Ashburlon ... Trevenza, Thomas, Elgin Trevor, Dr. J. E., Barnswood, Ashburton Twentyman, J. H., Ruapuna, Bangituta Ullyett, William, Methven Vucetich, George, Chertsey Wake, W. H., Ashton Walker, W. C. and A. J., Mount Somers Wason, J. Cathcart, Corvvar, Rakaia ... Watt, J. M., Ashburlon, Ohriitchureh Watt, M.j Forks of Hinds, Christchurch Wheeler, Joseph, Winslow White, John, Waterton White, J. F., Aahburton White, Leonard, Kakaia White, Thomas, Waterton Wilkin and Carter, Grove Farm, Tinwald Wilkin and Carter, Maranon and Tinwald Wilkin, K. and Oo., Woodlands, Ch'eh. Wilkinson, T. VV., Chertsey Williams, John, G-lynn, Chertsey Williams, John, Winslow Williamson, Donald, Ashburton Wilson, Thomas, Seaview Wilson, Arthur, Winslow Wilson, David, Aehburton Wilson, Meredith, Wakanui Wilson and McCleary, Wakanui Wilson, Rev. J., Ashburton Wilson, Sir J. 0., Exors. of, Peel Forest 1 Wilson, James, Ashburton Winter, H. T., Ashburlon Winter, H. T., Chertsey Withell, John, Hinds Wix, A. McK., St. Leonards, Ashburton Wood, S., Ashburton Worner, George, Ashburton Wright, E. G-., Windermere, Winslow... Wright, E. Gγ., Gawler Downs, Winslow Wright, Samuel, Wakanui 232 297 68 Iol3 145o 95 3o 198 2oo 322 22663 I 4o 77 12ooo : 13o 2o 1725 112o2 2293 Io32 6o7 187 2looo 83oo 35o 186 165 120 1721 751 70 244 4oo 7oo 2ooo 203 900 22178 30 12000 360 3137 11724 189 3100 1527 606 169 44 20000 8050 798 3700 180 152 3°7 160 190 254 389 266 2648 3100 Nil Nil 140 35' 922 900 2000 800 2425 22456 Nil 74 Nil 772 300 Nil 2600 200 Nil Nil •637 '778 5S4 i8S 156 21520 8000 Nil 28oo 133 loo 75o 3585 loo 155o loooo 55°°' 250 Nil 720 3825 Nil 2471 200 2300 5500 596 8o 5oo 1260 424 200 150 Voo Nil 1069 1860 998 "5° 400 39 6 50 1000 92 182 loo 600 460 85oo 21o38 323 114o 14oo 8500 14660 192 850 25O0 544 300 8996 Nil 960 I- 6600 1 211 490 740 Nil 1806 6785 3oo 60 2405 6577 390 100 60 1800 8300 500 597829 607991 712380 (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Campbell Bros, Mesopotamia, AehbrtnFks 22782 22725 23300 Total in county 620611 630716 735680 GERALDINE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). A'thiii. F. G. J., Albury Ai'krovl, J. E., Temukft Ai'trtpy i, William, Temuka, J. B. A., Mount Peel, Peel Forest • Acton, Edward, Pleasant Point i Airay, J., Rangitata ' Aiikin, John, Smithfield, Winchester ... i Allan Kobert, Fairlie Creek Allot, Jabez, Temuka s . 200 6 20 46606 1 Nil Nil 200 48340 480 356 1190 692 Nil 1 197 i 47457 298 356 ! 585 12

No. of Shet'p on 31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. McCrory, James, Chertsey MeDow'all, John, Asliburton McFarlane, A., Alford Forest Mcllraith, J. and A., Barrhill, Hororata Mcllraith, Hugh, Broom Park, Ch'ch. McLauchlan, James, Ci'aoroft McLean, John, Ashburton McLean, John, Dorie, Bakaia McLennan, D.. Hinds McLeod, Archibald, Tinwald McLeod, Donald, Tinwald McMillan, D., Rakaia • McMillan, William, Caimbrae McPhail, Alexander, Kakaia McQuilkin, J., Winslow Mcliae, Gr., Mesopotamia, Mount Somers McRae, T. E., Mount Somers Meek, J. and T., Hill Park, Methven ... Miller, Bobert, Ashburton Moir, Winiam, Lauriston, Christchurch Moore, James, Hinds Moore, Adolphus, Christchurch Moore, Gh H., Ashburton, Amberloy ... Moorhouse, Mrs., Bangitata, Baling ... Morgan, William, Methven Mowbray, H., Mount Somers Morland, Thomas, Bakaia Morrow, William, Rakaia Morrow, David, Mayfield Mulligan, R., Chertsey Mullins. S. J., Ashburton Murdoch, George, , Sandhills, Caimbrae Murray, A., Lauriston Mutter, P., Barrhill Napier, A. B., Winslow N.Z. Alford Estates Co., Lun., Alford, Ashburton N.Z. L. & M.A. Co., Buccleugh, Spring. burn N.Z. & A.L. Co., Acton, Rakaia Oakley, Kobert, Overdale, Bakaia Oliver, J. W., Greenstreet On , , W. L., Lauriston ... Osborn, James, Longbeach, Tai Tapu ... Osborn, Job, Acton, Doyleston O'Shea, John, Ashburton Forks Pannett, J. A., Barhill Parkerson, B. K., Asliburton Temuka... Parsons, H. W., Seafteld, Ashburtou ... Passmore, F. B., Sherwood Patton, Bobert, Methven Peache, A. E., Clent Hills, Mount Somers Peache, A.. B., Mount Somers Peebles, J., Chertsey Peter, W. S., Anama, Mount Somers ... Petereen, W., Mayfield Pocock, George, Methven Polhill, E., Lake Heron, Grreensfreet ' ... Potts, T. H., Akatere, Mount Somers ... Power, W., Ashburton Prebble, William, jun., Flernington Puschel, J. and C, Springburn Quigley, James, Ashburton Baine, J. H., Maronan, Hinde Baine, F. J., Barford, Hinde Bedpath, J. A., Mayfield Beynolds, William, Methven Bichards, J. D. C, Hinds Bichards, T. B., Hinds Bickard, F. J., Ashburton Bobb, James, Bakaia Bobiiison, H. W., Ashburton Kogers, J. H., Kyle and D., Lauriston Buddenklau, J. Gr., Hindp, Christchurch Bule, W. H., Chertsey Bundle, W. H., Waterton Butherford, J., Willowbank, Mt. Somers Sargent, Isaac, Ashburton Sargisson, Charles, Walerton Saundere, William, Dundas, Ashburton Shearer, John, Ash ton Silvester, John, Chertsey Simpson, W., Soottesden, Ashbnrton ... 2oo 9oo 373o 312 8oo 950 4370 3OO 600 1700 4128 6308 2.50 29239 80 397 160 170 250 1000 27ooo ! 7o 292 loo 31o 28634 : 95 173 150 25o 55o 3oo lloo 5o2 I880 2oo 36o 700 17 462 1045 500 2499 300 14o 857 400 35° 1100 500 H95 900 1200 60 7 1216 4245 14500 300 200 looo 139oo 32o 2500 12200 200 3 oo 1100 520 4050 2500 500 1040 915 22 II80 43o 6*oo 23o 378 1516 1700 500 6275 800 700 2500 932 Nil 1300 11790 12400 2125o 13o ]ooo 112 1678 21748 , 30 5oo 1900 140 589 »2 7OOO 73 40 1400 233 946 «5° Nil 3574 1150 Nil 99o 3330 384 3oo2 12 00 I6000 8000 3050 1100 2700 1549 16000 8000 193 19893 13o 700 10400 20500 2oo 500 2507 16000 8000 2o.l59 500 21138 Nil 13o n.000 225oo 400 10300 21000 3o 672o 290 6oo 5300 490 400 360 700 400 11000 5000 320 780 423 475 458 200 230 110 184S 5o3 325 2655 1095 297 i 1130 . 2088 325 looo 15c 8000 350 740 100 6000 225 ' 35° ) 630 ) 100 ) 5000 55° 410 I Nil 714





No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. I 1882. I 1883. Allpress, J., Timaru Anderson, Robert, Pleasant Point Annand, James, Pareora Arolier, F., Timaru Armitoge, W. S., Timaru Armitage, W., Winchester Ashby, F. J., Albury Ashby, William, Spring, Geraldine Austin, James, Winchester Badham, F. W., Buhner Balfour, James, Pleasant Point Bank of N.Z., Arowhenua, Temuka Bank of N.Z., Riverslea, 'J'omuka Barclay, J., Abbotsford, Timaru Barker, A. L., Winchester Barker, l< 1 . II., Korari, Winchester Barker, J. M. Woodbury Barker, R. A., Orari Barker, S. l>., Tenmka Bartrum, B. P., Creek Station, Geraldine Bayley, B., Moana, Woodbury Beattie, W. J., Hilton Beedell, William, Pleasant Point Bell, John, Springfield, Winchester Bell, Joseph, Pareora Benbow, William, Ladymore, Temuka... Bishop, James, Pleasant Point Bissett, Christopher, Orari Blnckler, J. G., Pleasant Point Blaekmore, J., Beaconsfield, Tima-u ... Blair, Thomas, Peel Forest Blue, Dougall, Totara, Pleasant Point... Boag, W., jun., Landsboro., Timaru Botherway, G., Pleasant Point Bourn, C, Button, Timaru Bouteher, C. B., Gapes Valley Braddick, John, Temuka Brarishaw, T. L., Pleasant Point Brasell, George, Pureora Breadley, S., Burke's Pass Bristol, S. A., Summerleas, Timaru Brophy, Kyran, Pleasant Valley Brosnahan, P., Levels Plain, Timaru ... Brosnahan, Timothy, Washdyke Brosnahan, Jolm, Temuka Brown and Gray, Aehwick, Timaru Brown, II. F., Pleasant Valley Brnoe and Hohvell, Winchester Buck, Eobert, Kangitata Island Budd, William, Winchester Burke, Edmund, Geraldine Burnett, A., Cave, Timaru Burnett, A., Mount Cook, Timaru Butler, George, Pleasant Point Buxton, Searby, Rangitata Inland Cain, Samuel, Temuka Canavan, George, Canavan's Campbell, James, Kingsdown, Timaru... Campbell, John, Fairiield, Pareora ' ... Carter, l>. T. Pleasant Point Chapman & Co., Grampians, Burke's Pass Chisholm, William, Pleasant Point Chivers, Charles, Pareora Clarke, G. II., Geraldine Clarke, Robert, Pleasant Point Cleland, Andrew, Cave, Timaru, Clyne, Alexander, Temuka Cochran, B. F. G., Hilton Cole, W. F., Timaru Coll, Daniel, Waitohi Flat Coll, James, Pleasant Point Coll, Patrick, Pleasant Point Collior, George, Timaru Cone, Frederick, Waitohi Flat Connor and Niven, Timaru Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldiue Conolly, Thomas, Winchester Cook and Raine, Sherwood, Silverstream Cook, John, Pleasant Point Cowan, Andrew, Lake Tekapo Cox, Alfred, Biverslea, Temuka Cramond and Meikle, Fairlie Creek Cromie, John, Timaru Currie, Samuel, Waitohi Flat 100 Q 150 216 510 100 Nil 4 I 177 103 500 900 240 946 700 429H 1641 2065 240 179 340 82 92 282 40 1400 870 230 400 366 412 442 95 150 1640 500 ] 100 40(i 1975 950 3540 1651 2019 197 456 300 99 196 402 55 2000 800 100 310 400 330 101 210 700 40R 200 60 500 24000 Nil 229 3000 175 1158 190 2116 Nil 1400 12100 12869 280 2313 700 3763 1485 2110 Nil 805 294 20-1 300 70 Nil 120 557 393 80 350O 800 214 100 970 200 260 Nil (17 Nil Nil 499 Nil Nil 300 25000 89 700 300 320 110 1300 6100 192 2388 Nil 240 300 697 noo 21783 135 239 Nil Nil 1G00 200 195 3G0 Nil 300 720 150 49 Nil 300 545 Nil 47 8000 Nil 2505 190 318 413 20000 305 770 400 200 2900 6000 134 1680 227 161 2040 6500 17* 2500 397 170 595 780 300 700 810 92 57 132 1055 224 1508 1500 1900 278 160 lfiO 34 318 195 383 21000 300 364 7500 11550 1682 8 n 00 11782 1631 A i 1 210 i I J I 270

■Ko. of Sheep on 31st Mtiy. lfSl. 1882. 1S83. Crompton, T. R., Clarendon, Temuka ... Daike E., Glentanner, Lake Tekapo Davie, R., Washdyko Dane, Richard, Washdyke Dawsoii & Robinson,Dalegarth,Woodbury Delamain, Charles', Valley Field, Timaru Dieken, T. H. V., Timaru Dickson, S. It., Albury Divan, John, Waslidyke Donkin, F. W., The Warren, Geraldine Driscoll, Matthew, Pleasant Point Duncan, J. and J., RUoborough Downs, Omaraina Duncan and Heckler, Lake Tekapo Duncan, T. S., Heathcote, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Earl, Job, Geraldine Edminson and Kidwill, Timaru Edminstou, II. i< , ., Timaru Empson and Sheil, Eangitata Ensor, A. W., Oakley, Temuka Evans, William, Strathallan, Fairlie Crk Evans, W., Scarborough, Timaru Fanning, John, Clifton, Pleasant Point Fendall, VV. C, Pleasani Point Findlay, David, Hilton Fish, Dr. Robert, Geraldine Fisher, Thos., Grampians, Burke'e Pass Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, William, Dirruh, Temuka ... Fleming and Hedley, Seadovvn, Temuka Ford and Co., J. T., Christchureh Foster, Rev. George, Highfield, Hilton Frazer, J. & P., Pleasant Point Frew, William, Temuka Gaffaney, Michael, Temuka Gammack, J. A., Balmoral, Temuka Gammack, J. A., Nowland's, Temuka Gammack, J. A., Braemar, Temuka ... Garnmie, James, Timaru Qapea, William, Gapes Valley Garrick&Covvlishaw.TheBrothers, Albury Gentleman, M. McS., Washdyke Gibson, John, Timaru Gilliatt, J. R., Stumps, Temuka Gillingham, S., Fairlie CreekGladstone, H. J., Winchester Godby and Clulee, Waratah, Timaru ... Godsell, John, Winchester Goldsborough&Co.,BenOliau,Omarama Goodall, J., Timaru Goodwin J. E., Fairlie Creek Gordon, Roy. 1)., Temuka Gosling, William, Coonoor, Timaru Gould, E. J., Waterfalls, Pleasant Point Graham, Archibald, Timaru Grainger, Henry, Rangitata Island ... Granger, James, Timaru Grant, Alex., Gray's Hill, Burke's Pass' Grant and Aitkin, Smithfleld, Winchester Grant and Hope, Richmond, Temuka ... Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine ..] Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Grant, W., Irishman's Creek, Timaru... Gregau, James, Pleasant Valley Greig, John, Pleasant Point Green, George, Timatu Greenaway, Isaac, Knngitata Griffiths, Ephruim, Willow Bank, Orari Groundvvater and Wilson, Gernldine Gudex, Michael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guscott, James, Timaru Hale, James E., Kenford, Temuka Hall, T. W., Timaru Hamilton, H., Clayton, Fairlie Creek ... flamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hardcastle, Thomas, Pleasant Valley ."" ITardeastle, T., jun., Woodbury Herman and Stevens, Winchester Harper and Co., Dinder, Waitohi Flat Hattield, S., Pleasant Point Hawke, Thomas, Temuka .,. 10000 12S 47 393 850 300 431 304 1120 200 14000 300 295 200 3950 600 2270 50 91 175G0 500 575 10015 500 1298 320 18000 6000 95 2000 200 ) 10000 : 115 56 400 1100 266 1900 500 1000 250 14000 500 270 120 3851 440 886 30 112 21800 430 370 4450 10304, 650 1297 1930 200 600C 39{ 81 28C<. 25£ 40C 48C 299C 103E ) 220 ) 10000 i 1265 i 43 ) Nil ) . Nil i Nil ) 050 ) Nil ) 50 ) 130 I 14000 Nil 700 i 455 i 300 i Nil 129 5230 Nil Nil 385 580 1031 Nil 149 Nil £00 350 3000 Nil 450 1088 610 200 Nil Nil Nil Nil 80 3000 500 400 890 3800 1570 4000 Nil 16000 660 1466 392 600 145 1350 1258 Nil 17000 Nil 16000 454 870 9000 239 140 Nil 228S 631 Nil 1130 700 900 490 Nil Nil 24850 3166 Nil 380 1497 2092 Nil 350 350 96 2370 844 1800 12500 25' 1054 16000 98 805 27 125 40 978 500 155 1490 1340 20 17000 : 2630 16000 ■ 195 18000 2140 17000 340 72 100 3037 433 295 600 35 150 2258 346 970 300 630 279 400 3500 60 22080 J 4085 I 1800 385 Ii37 1307: 150J 400 290





No. of Sheep May. 1881. 1882. insist 3833. Hay, John, Temuka Hay, William, Pleasant Point Hayhurst, J. T. M., Temuka Ilayter, Francis, Rollesby, Burke's Pass Heuehan, John, Gillfoot, Pleasant Point Hewson, G.j Geraldine Hewson, W., Woodbury Hide, I , ., Hilton Hide, William, Hilton Hitcli, J., Raincliffe, Timaru Hoare, Henry, Raincliffe, Pleasant Point Houre, Richard, Kerry town Howell, W. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, G-eraldino Hullen,ir.,sen., Willow Bdge.WaitohiFl Hullen, II., jun., Waitohi Flat Hunter, George, Cave Humphrey, A., Soadown, Temuka Inman, W. G-., Eockwood, Albury Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Irving, Richard, Albury Jack, W. J., Waitohi Flat Jackson, Hirman, Pleasant Point Jefcoate, T., Prospect Farm, Tirnam ... Jefferson, C. A., Hazclburn Farm, Timaru Joe, James, Woodbury Joynt, T. J., Sutlon Grange, Timaru ... Kane, James, Pleasant Point Keav, W. R., Fairlie Creek Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, R., Kelland Barton, Timaru ... Kelland, J., sen., Winchester Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kennaway, Lee, & Acton, Pleasant Point Kennedy, W. 11., Bangitata Island Kennedy, John, Geraldine Kerslake, R., Pleaeant Point King, James, Timavu King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru Leach, David, Tomuka Leary, John, Hilton Lee,-Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannant, Winchester ... Luxmoore, Mrs. M., Marchwiel, Timaru Macdonald, A., Lower Orari, Geraldine Macdonald, L., Sawdon, Burke's Pass ... Macdonald, W. K. (Exec, of late), Orari MacDonald, A., Achablair, Gevaldine ... Mackay, Duncan, Fairlie Creek MeAtur, Owen, Pleasant Point McCabe, M., Waitohi Flat McCallum, O. P., Temuka McCormick, K. L., Cave, Timaru McCully, W., Pleasant, Point McDonald, A., Riverside, Qeraldino ... McDonald, Allan, Woodbury McDonald, J., Black Forest, Burke's Pass McDonald, James, Washdvke ( McDonald, J., Raincliffe, Pleasant Point McGregor, Fergus, Cave, Timaru McGregor, John, Glenmore,Lake Tekapo McKay, Donald, Peel Forest MaeKay, J. Or., Pleasant Point McKenzie, A., Riverford, Geruldine ... McKerrow, J. C, Timaru McKinnon, Angus, Rosebroo'f, Timaru McKinnon, Donald, Bangitata Island ... McLean and Brown, Clayton, Timaru ... McLean, Donald, Slrathconan, Timaru MeLeish, J., Timaru MeNab, Daniel, Bangitata McMaster and Clark, Pleasant Point ... McShane, P. H., Winchester Marcroft, W., Dindcr, Waitohi Flat ... MasHn, W. S., Geraldine Matheson Jolm,Simon's Pass, Tekapo ... Matthews and Trezise, Temuka Maxwell, D. Cave, Timaru Maze, Michael, Clifton, Pleasant Point Medlicott, S., Pleasant Point, Waiinate Mee, Alexander, Pleasant Point Menzies, W., Seadown, Temuka Metcalfe, Anthony, Geraldino Melherell, J. A. M., Pleasant Point ... 1078 771 1060 1240 4045 1598 607 78 150 01 80U 13720 70 800 392 195 95 370 21400 Nil 1315 250 400 300 785 400 4800 195 800 40 500 Nil Nil Nil Nil 300 900 500 723 2665 500 1400 340 , 230 550 6S-0 3700 Nil 80 500 198 540 10471 10500 10555 186 89 Nil 203 83 200 223 150 1962 Nil 1200 800 100 12200 28 50 200 Nil Nil 400 3800 6161 263 100 3000 300 Nil Nil 8000 400 100 Nil 1200 1100 300 13 81 175 175 75 18440 300 1018 150 81 20400 300 1352 224 400 589 529 4400 344 4480 270 50(i 90 36i! 290 275 400 300 676 60 320 790 3150 500 1450 425 300 43(i 471 3000 133 700 766 3162 500 1700 250 300 470 469 250(1 331 11-1 320 100 413 10379 11500 12932 289 86 150 300 94 560 10836 11500 12265 264 34 120 21 100 95 1700 145 1257 9000 405 400 72 13000 550 140 13200 173 310 165 99J 196 378 710 300 5378 200 2000 5387 800 2500 450 469 08 8000 700 300 700 498 1045 1500 600 8000 600 492 1050 250 88 320

No. oi Sheep on 31st Ma). 18S3.- I 1888. 1881. Miller, Henry, Pleasant Point Milne, Evans, & Le Crcn, istrathallan, Fairlie Creek Mitchell, Eli, Temuka Mitchell, John, Pleasant Point Mitchell, Tliomns, Washdyke Moody and Bart, Craigmore, Timaru ... Moore Brothers, Wierton, Geraldine ... Moore, Michael, Waitohi Flat Morrison and Dunlop, Peel Forest Muleaster, T. Gγ , Claremont ,., Mulcasler, W., Clureinont N. M. & A. Co. N. Z., Three Springs, Timaru Newton, W. J., Pleasant Point New Zealand Meat Company, VTashdyke Nicholson, C, Temuka Nicholson, H., Temuka Nicholson, II., jun., Kennford, Tomuka Nixon, John, Fairlie Creek N.Z. and A. Land Co , Levels, Tiinaru N.Z., L. & M. A. Co., Newlands, Buhner N.Z. L. & M. A.Co., Balmoral and Braernar Lake Tekapo N.Z.R.P. Co., Sherwood, Fairlie Creek Oldfield, F. R., Milford, Temuka Oldfield, William, Kerry Town Oliver, James, Pleasant Point Orr and Co., James, Waitohi Flat Osborne, George, Pnreora O'Haw, P., Bangitata Packer, II. W., Christehurch Page, Joshua, Rockley. Timaru Painton, E., Pleasant Valley Palmer, William, Geraldine Palmer, Thomas, Cape, Temuka Parke, Thomas, the Beach, Temuka ... Parkerson, R. K., Arowhenna, Temuka Parry and Breeze, Timaru Parry, Rupert, Kingsdown, Timaru ... Paterson, John, Temuka Paterson, James, Winchester Patrick, John, Hillside, Hilton Patrick, W., Gapes Valley Peacock and Geaney, Timaru Pearse, D. S., Waitohi Flat Pearse, W. S., Waitohi Flat Pelvin, Richard, Otepua, Timaru Perry, A., Storcroft, Timaru Pithie, James, Peel Forest Postlethwaite, W., Raukapuka, Gvraldine Pringle, A. 0., Timaru Pringle, William, llaldon, Timaru Quinn, Michael, Temuka Radov, Kicolo, the Mistake, Lake Tekapo Rae, David, Waitohi Flat Rae, Simon, Peel Forest Rapsey, James, Pnreora Reddecliffe, R., Washdjke Rice, John, Pleasant Vallev Richardson, Edward, Albury Riddle, Miss Mary, Kerry Town Rintoul, R., Timaru Robertson, William, Rangitata Island... Robinson, John, Rnngilata Robinson, Joseph, Woodbury Rogerson and Paterson, Pleasant Point Rolleston, Hon. William, Canavan's ... Rookc, L. H., Hilton Ross, Alexander, Woodbnry Ruesell, P. H., Exs. of, Otipim, Timaru Rutherford, R. and E. S., Albury Rutherford, J.S., Opawa, Albury Ryan, Patrick, Geraldine Saunders, W., the Wolds, Lake Tekapo Scott, James, Temuka Sealey, E. P., Ellerslie, Timaru Seaton, Daniel, Blar, Waitohi Flat Seward, Bros., Geraldine Shaw, C. It., Sterndale, Timaru Shaw, David, Geraldine Shepperd, James, Cave, Timaru Sibbald, W., Lily Bank, Lake Tekapo ... Skinner, J., Hilton 40C 200 76 836 7300 1114 69 13917 1300 600 27 89243 360 280 70 13 25 506 400 251 4(!4 475 1700 400 96 390 1900 190 1120 10500 1035 30 298 15699 1150 900 1384 1519 90143 8147 8500 20000 1290 200 25 72 24 600 400 121 300 560 690 2200 145 393 2S32 100 Nil 1795 10000 720 88 Nil 120 98 15965 1100 353 300 350 500 2318 84305 6634 1G878 20000 300 200 24 102 70 Nil Nil 3000 180 Nil 200 650 605 597 433 1900 Nil 160 32 55 640 140 Nil 1806 152 1015(j 1475 22500 1600 15000 70 27 L 310 156 600 30345 Nil JSil 359 Nil 396 1700 2600 70 202 3307 12750 2( 000 600 20000 180 2070 1L<5 159 1701 950 400 9000 900 114 158 50 400 430 902 372 1410 10500 1485 21500 1400 8000 66 - 100 190 10375 1270 22000 1085 8000 62 28K 290 29150 86 320 29867 385 170 385 420 1486 1900 27 1800 2305 2 1459 12150 20300 2706 12815 20000 20000 400 26000 420 130.-> 99 70 2207 700 279) 600 310 I 6000 800 7000 1000





Ho. of Sheep 011 iilst May. 1881. J 1882. 18S3. Skinner, R., Hilton Slack, W. IT., Woodside, Geraldine ... Smart, David, Fairlie Creek ... Smith, Albert, Albury Smith, A. B., Rollesby, Burke's Pass ... Smith., Dermistoun, & Co., Eangitata Isld. Smith, J. B., Pleasant Point Smith, John, Cliff, Timaru Smith, J., jun'., Timaru Smith, Kiehard, Kakahu Snell, William, Eangitata Island Snusliall, Samuel, Langdon, albury ... South, James, Timam Squire, Henry, White Eock, Cave, Timaru Stevenson, J., and Co., Lake Tekapo ... StevenEOn, William, Washdyke Stewart, R. E., Totara, Pleasant Point... Stewart, W., Flaxbourne, Winchester... Stoddart, John, Washdyke Stonyer, William, Pleasant Point Stumbles, J., Albion Farm, Cave Studholme, Banks, and Wigley, P. Point Sullivan, James, G-uirteen, Timaru Sutherland, Alexander, Pleasant Point... Sutherland and Besdee, Temuka Sutherland, D. and Co., Burke'e Pass ... Sutherland,E.&Co.,Birch Hill, L.Tekapo Sutton, J. A., Black Forest, Burke's Pass Sutton Brothers, Bola Hill, Omarama... Talbot, George, Eangitata Ieland Talbot, John, Temuka Taylor, Duncan, Bangitata Island Taylor and Flatman, Woodbury Taylor, Eobert, Bush Side, Geraldine ... Thatcher, John, Woodbury Thew, liobert, Peel Forest Thomson & Mclvenzie, Waitohi Flat ... Thomson, Boyd, Temuka Toomey, E. If., Springfield, Hilton Townsond, J., Glentire, Gapes Valley ... Tozer, Fred, Pleasant Point Tripp, C. &., Woodbury Tunibull, Andrew, St. Andrew's Tint on, W. P., Woodbury Walker, L., Mt. Four Peaks, Geraldine Walker, William, Longsiglit, Temuka ... Wareing, Philip, Milford, Temuka Watkiue, James, South Eangitata Watts, H. Kangitata White, Thomas, Temuka Wightman, M., Waitohi Flat Wililermoth, John, Cave, Timaru Willcock, Lot, Geraldine Williams, G-. P., Woodbury, Chvisteh'ch Wilson, J. and S., Allandale, Fairlie Creek Woodhead, G., Temuka Wooding, T. P., Woodland, Woodbury Woofindin, E., Geraldine Wright, II., jun., Eangitata Island • ... Woolcombe, B., Timaru Worthington, J., Temuka Wright and Perry, Clarcmont, Timaru Wright, James, Temuka Wright, William, Temuka Youdale, H., Pleasant Hill, Timaru ... Young, D., Waitohi Flat Young, J. A., Winchester 1930 142 14000 18000 470 400 487 330 946 18000 624 800 130 503 23943 1500 300 9000 0116 8000 182 220 200 656 375 470 021 500 1493 400 15000 18474 550 105 600 26 294 15000 768 500 647 210 554 23500 3000 300 5000 10000 300 960 34 310 230 400 1200 695 1600 380 500 Nil 18000 700 029 250 50 300 280 Nil 474 15500 609 8S0 958 100 Nil 648 2G000 3000 800 17 Nil 5000 11000 9000 560 113V 100 740 660 400 1072 200 50 482 484 Nil 48922 Nil 1543 14700 996 5268 Nil 195 100 180 Nil 37 Nil 7213 350 618 270 420 17 Nil 3250 280 800 295 300 150 120 100 245 150 200 220 53 46068 300 981 13052 950 2596 Nil 210 41094 436 1309 34225 523 3035 16 91 200 105 195 1500 4691 385 481 270 150 2584 4400 700 288 7 20 3304 247 750 402 8 Nil 3300 250 800 265 263 Nil 712 895232 948533 1006478 WAIMATE COUNTY (In South Canterbury Subdivision). Agnew, James, Burnside,St. Andrews... Andrews, James, Burley, Makikihi Allan and Stumbles, Timaru Armstrong, Eobt., Craigieburn, Waimate Bank of N.Z., Eskbank, Temuka Bell and Moorhead, Otaio Bell, John, St. Andrews Blyth, Alexander, Otaio Bennett, James, Waimate Bourn, Charles'; Makihikihi Bourn, J. T., Makikihi 240 648 25o 408 300 505 160 450 8100 850 Nil 80 373 ' 1865 1 300 7oo! 600 275 1750 228 ISoo 1 I I

No. o; Sheep o: May. 1832. l31st 1881. 1883. Boyle and Reeves, Woolshed Gully, Otaio Bradshaw, Johu, Riverside, St. Andrews Brown and Burnley, llafton, Otaio Brown, George, Deep Creek, Wuiinate... Brown, J. A., Waimate Bruce & McLaren, Bankfield, St. Andrews Buchanan, K., Waimate Caird, David, Pareora Cameron, Dugald, Waimate Campbell, R. and Sons (Limited), Station Peak, Waimate Campbell, Robert, Pareora Cague, S., St. Andrews Chamberlain, Peter, Makikihi Chamberlain, T., Happy Home, Pareora Champion, Richard, Waimate Cliisnall, W. H., Makikihi Coe, F. W. Cloverdale, St. Andrews ... Coll, James, Makikihi Copland, Alex., Haweburn, St. Andrews Cormaek & Allen, Eskbank, St. Andrews Crcngle, John, Waimate Camming, Thomas, Cave Douglas, John, Waihao, Waimate Elwortliy, E., Pareora Evans, Benjamin, Pareora Evans and Mills, Waihao Forks, Timaru Ferguson and McQueen, Waimate Gibson, E., Waitangi, Dunedin Gibson, James, Makikihi Godsell, J., Hakateramea Farm, Kurow Green, Samuel, Waimato Hamilton, Andrew, Makikilii Hare, William, Willow, Makikilii Haves, Alpheus, Bush, Waimate Hendry, Cliarlee, Blue Cliffs Hurst, C. J., Brooklands, Waimate Jackson, Ambrose, Makikihi Jackson, Charles, Mikikihi Jenkins, J. II., Makikihi Johnston, II. B., Otaio, Christchurch ... Jones, P., Waieri Farm, Studholme June. Lane, Norman, llakateramea, Kourow... Laurie, G., St. Andrews Lavers, E., Mr?., St. Andrews Lees, James, Clarkesficld, Waimato Lovegrove, G. F., Highway, Makikihi ... Manchester, J. and G., Wnitnale Marshall, Thomns, St. Androvvs Martin, A.., Otaio McGregor, John, Hekateramea McGregor, J., & Co., Waihaorunga., Waimate McGoverin and Hardy, Waimate Mcllwrick, James, The Cliffa, Makikihi McKay, Robert, Waimate McKenzie, John, St. Andrews McLean, Allan, Waitaki North McLean, A. 3?., Makikihi Medlicott, S., Waimate Meehan, James, St. Andrews Meek, J. and T., Hurstlea, Kurow Merry, John, Hook, Waimato Miller, John, Strathnoon, Waimate Morris, G. A., Fairview, St. Andrews ... Morton, William, Makikihi Mowat, A., Waiwate Newlaiids, William, Makikilii N.Z. & A. L. Co., St. Andrews N.Z. & A. L. Co., Hakateramea, Kurow N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Hakaterainea, Kurow O'Brien Bros., Waihuo Downs, Waimate O'Brien, Michael, Woodland, Waimate Oliver, George, Waitaki North Orbell, C. N., Timaru Palmer, J. G., St. Andrews Parker Bros., Elephant Hill, Waimate Pelvin, Richard, Redcliff Peacocke, G. H., Sherwood, Mikikihi ... Pigeon, A., Meadow Bank, St. Andrews Potter, Alexander, Pinewood, Waimate Price, Leonard, Waimate Priest, John, Pareora Proctor, A., St. Andrews 856 504 99 2800 56001 354 180 9-lo 677 41.0 98 32oo 6168 364 2oo 1250 303 Nil 136 3020 8705 233 200 l»3 59900 662 95 200 160 427 9311 108S7 45707 479 25000 59ooo G39 8oo 77 15o 65 285 9694 loo 20079 4666o 32o 46o 25ooo 21 oo 351 4oo 15o 249o 222 81o 58000 68fi 80 Nil 40 150 100 150 Nil 550 Nil 200 295 20022 49920 285 2840 500 25000 363 3100 489 400 150 3970 305 1265 60 180 896 2550 1850 2957 600 57 5240 1000 495 310 2318 Nil 400 126 3060 72 25 1199 1407 1990 2095 1521 1814 3oo 5250 5000 67oo 4ooo 3-10 1511 26600 3G6 1379 27789 16130 1300 939 150 45200 460 20 92 198 658 100 25248 58462 1P549 12oo 6oo 26 47663 338 6o 4oo 297 75o 3oo 197 24235 58687 22237 1100 1000 12 250 44300 142 398 60 4640 320 196 1105 Nil 540 300 30831 5730O 27160 960 293 3840 2100 28 21937 800 1020 764 350 3597 2 861 50 62 2076 300 272 20305 8oo 9o 6205 6oo 74 20984 6oo 460 240 3100 8 811 27o 3206 2 113b




OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1881, 1882, and 1883.


No. o: Sheep Hay. 1882. m31st 1831. j 1S83. Qiiinn, N. and W., Makikibi Rattray, A., Hoot, Waimate Rattray, John, Hook Valley, Waimate Reid, John, Makilnhi Rhodes, R. II., jun., Bluecliffa Rickman, F. M., Waimate Ritchie, J. M., Cannington, Cave Scrimgeour, W. T., Akaterawa, Oamarti Shearer, Allan, Ardyne, Waimate Simkineori, J. E. G-., Mt. Harris, Waimate Simmons, F.. Burling Brook, Mukikihi Slee, Frank, Waimate Smith, Andrew, Waimate Smith) J. S-, Scotston, St. Andrews Smith, Thomas, Waimate Stewart, R., Waitaki North Studholme, M.. Waimate Sutton, J. A., Akatarewa, Waitnki Teschemnker, Thomas, Otaio, Timaru... Thomas, A. F., Makikiki Thomson, R., Otaio 633 80 ei 24411 450 10610 2112 170 ioo! SfiOi 1795 174 400 52798 ]8500| 18000 113S loo 276 32 29961 looo 11538 185oo llo 335b 3oo 762 4oo 18(57 200 Nil 200 29554 800 10534 18000 650 2485 Nil 1546 90 Nil 285 735 57114 Nil 18000 1062 200 395 92o 53479 18000 125

o. o: Sheep on May. 1S81. 1882. 1885. Ward. C. P. E., Kurow "Wei wood. Joseph, Hook Valley, Wuimate Wright, Richard, Makikihi 1008 18(34 9oo 3900 Nil 701 521726 564197 588692 WESTLAND COUNTY. (In Westland Subdivision.) Burrough, Joseph, Okarito Gumming, Andrew, Bloomfield, Kanieri Deidricli &Kambach, Kokatahi, Kanieri Eccllesfield, Kobert, Kokatalii, Kanieri Graliam, John, Longford, Kanieri Uarcoui't, K. A., Arahura, Hokitika Harris, Thomas, Balmoral, Xanieri Jones, !R. E., Arahura Peart, Thos. F., Kumara Smith, William, Waterou, Okarilo Thomas, Hugh, Arahura 82 480 106 100 140 197 353 475 98' 98. 220! 295! 43 r>o 750 90 87 120 218 91 90 Nil 25 352 180 _ ) 96' j — i 1437 1435| 1634

1 No. of Sheep on Slat I May. 1881. 1882. J 1883. Fricker, Mary, Georgetown Fry. H., Tees Street, Oatnaru Gardiner, W., Tapui Downs, Ngapara... Q-arrow, James, Richmond, Pukeuri ... Geiumell, James, Cowden, Maheno Gibson, J., Papakaio Gilehrist, J. C, Oamaru Grant, W. S., Georgetown Gray, W. L., Puleim Hall Brothers, Georgetown Hal), Thomas, Boulrig, Awamoko Hartley, Jonas, Pukeuri Hay, Robert, P., Hnydowne, Weston ... Henderson, John, Awamoko Henderson, T., Herbert Henderson, T. and 11., Moeraki Heron, David, Herbert Hill, T. C, Longslip, Omarama Hodgson, J., Hampden Holmes, Hon. M., Awarnoa, Oamaru ... Howden, W., Glenmore, Ngapara Hunter, John, Airedale, Papakaio Hutohison, George, Roekland, Ngapara Jardine, T. and J., Awamoko Johneon and Neilson, Pukeuri Johnston, John, Georgetown Johnston, R., Awamoko Jessop, C, Kerncliff, Ngapara Kemp, J. and T., Hampden Lane, Norman, Oamaru Laurence, John, River Bank, Oamaru... Ledinghiun, George, Maheno Lefevre, John, Westfield Park, Hampden Lindsay, II. and Co., Pukeuri Junctn.... Little, Henry, Ngapara Markham, James, Totara, Oamaru Marshall, A., Herbert Maude, A. H., Elvington, Oamaru McArtliur, J., Oamaru McBride, J., Maheno McDonald, Angus, Georgetown McDonald, George, Maheno McDonald, Peter, Otiake McTntyre, Malcolm, Papakaio McKerrow, Andrew, Dunton, Hampden McLean, James, AUday Bay, Kakanui... McLean, John, Redcastle, Oamaru MeLeod, Hector, Hillgrovo McMaster, A., Wnikaura, Oamaru McMaster, A., Tokaralii, Duntroon McNaught, A., Georgetown McPhail and Jamieson, Omarama McPliee, Neil, Awamoko 14o 17o 17ooo loo 183 45 o 4000 oo 00 18o 4 35-> 200 7oo 115oo 43 116o 26oo loo 2oo loo 34o loo 16B81 16! 18oo 4oll 18o 75o 3oo 69B 128 6oo 5 oo llooo 59 2ooo 2ooo 15o5j 656| 15o| 5oo 35o 274 Nil 20500 Nil 726 Nil 3500 . 392 180 1100 300 200 Nil 155 430 Nil 500 11000 41 4350 400 2600 504 786 300 336 350 1550 550 176 400 ]3 93 310 890 Nil 100 2 lo 17 6o2 19 47 516 852 832 113 25 35 29o loo 96; 15 254 35o 79 60 138 40 Nil 420 100 409 245 1600 320 100 12000 100 5100 23500 511 7000 31 loooo llooo 23oo 19ooo 3ooo 185oo 8ooo 14 75oo 46

Ho. of Sheep o: May. 1881. 1832. 31st 18S3. WAITAKI COUNTY. (In Oauiaru Subdivision). Adam, Stephen, jun., JIampden Aituliison, A., Springfield, Herbert Aitchison, G-., Woodhouselee, Awainoko Aitchieon, Peter, Waikowia, Awamoko Andrew, John, Winterburn, Hainpden Atkinson, E. B., Gorge, Oamaru Balfour, A., Mansfield, Ngapara Barr, J. H., Crighton, Oamaru Barr, William, Maheno Bissett, William, Oamaru Borrie, Donald, Papalsaio Boi-ton, J., Maerewhenua, Duntroon ... Bruce, G-. and J., Streainside, Malieno... Bryee, Smith, Oamaru Budge, J., Otepopo Burgess, J., Herbeit Burnett, James, Awamoko Butters, G:., Papakaio Cameron, J., Horse Gully, Papakaio ... Campbell, C, Glenrose, Hampden Campbell, D., Oreekiide, Hampden Campbell, R. jun., Benmore, Oi'narama Campbell, B., jun., Otekaike, Duntroon Clark, James, Punchbowl, Maheno Collis, Frederick, Oamaru Conlin, J., Ngapara Cruickshimks, William, Enfield Culling, Joseph, Ilillgrove, Moeraki ... Dasler, L., Otiake Davidson, James, Highfield, Awamoko Davidson, John, Woodlands, Herbert... Davis, Oscar, Maheno Dennisou, T., Hilderthorpe, Pukeuri ... Dennison, William, Saltairc, Pukeuri ... Doig, William. Papakaio Donaldson, J. I , ., Hampdon Duncan, Thomas, Pukeuri Kaston, William, Weymoutli, Pukeuri... Elder, J. K., Oaklands, Maheno Falconer, George, Warriston, Ngapara Jenwick, Fairfax, Maheno Fenwick, L. G., Waimotu, Malieno Fenwick, William, Marawckn, Malieno... Findlay, James, llillhouse, Ilampden ... Forsytlie, C, Maheno Fricker, Edward, G-eorgetowu 60 93 357 . 34 1565 179 573 2o 12o30 2oo 23o 419 427 868 looo 18o 26 76ooo 48ooo 6oo 735 48 21o 860 loo 125o 243 89o 45 800 12385 198 f>00 2oo 3oo 553 13oo 1281 223 loo 76ooo 485oo 5oo 33 2oo 1817 352o 3280 65 272 729 400 1500 1000 250 1024. 150 700 15650 392 400 Nil 298 683 1000 1200 268 75 75000 48000 Mil 48 410 939 3300 37 Nil 500 53 5:2 79 487 250 505 400 4000 485 16000 1100 5300 150 200 167 245o 5 oo 4ooi 5oo j ] 00 147 7s! 2oo 169 600 19o 3oo 199o 4ooi 15ooo' 2oo 59o 4ooo 384 I6000 16ooo 17o 120 J61 17ooo 15o I80 152


7—H. 3.




No. oi' on 31st May. 1881. I 1832. I 1883. McPhereon, Bros., Malieno McWilliam, A. A., Hninpden Meek, W., Teaneraki, Oamaru Mein, J., Fairfield, Oamaru Menlove, E., Windsor Park, Oamaru ... Miller, II. J., Fernbrook, Oamaru Millington Brothers, Hensley, Papakaio Milne and Gordon, Oamaru Mitchell, H., Parkside, Weeton Mitchell, James, Kakanui Morrisby, W. S., Herbert Morrison, Eobert, Herbert Morton, M., Ardbeg, Herbert Morton, M., Kakanui Mt. Ida Co., Bugged Ridges, Oamaru ... Murcot, William, Hampden Murdoch, A., Centre Park, Ngajara ... Nicholson, T. H., Pukeuri Nicholson, W., Woodside, Hampden ... Nisbet, Henry, Otiake N.Z. A. L. Co., Ardgowan, Oamaru N.Z. A. L. Co., Moernki, Hampden N.Z. A. L. Co., Mt. Dasher, Hampden... N.Z. A. L. Co., Kourow N.Z. A. L. Co., Totara, Oamaru Oliver, Hon. It., Corricdale, Windsor ... Orr, John, Otiake Paterson, A., Woodland?, Herbert ■ ... Peterson and Sons, Eskdalc, Ngapara ... Paton, J., Papakaio Paton, R, Pukeuri Pringle, J., Bowhill, Livingstone Reid, John, Balruddery, Enfield Keid, John, Elderslie, Oamaru Reid, T., GHbb's Lea, Ngapara Robertson, A., Herbert Robertson, J., Valleyfield, Maheno Kobertson, T., Herbert Robertson, W., Maheno Ross, Bros., Hill Grovo Ross, Hugli, Awamoko Roxburgh, II., Springhead, Ngapara ... Roxbv, E. W., Awamoa, Oamaru Seott," R., Crosslea Farm, Herbert Seddon, R., Kartigi, Shag Point Junctn. Shalders and Paterson, Oamaru Sim, Alexander, Tullymett, Malieno ... Simpson, William, Otiake Sise, OK L., Ashland, Hampden Smillie, Mrs. J., Awamoko Stephens, Mrs. E. L., Herbert Stevenson, T., Windermere, Maheno ... Stewart, R., Awamoko, W T aitaki North,.. Stringer, William, Duntroon Sutherland, W., jnn., Duntroon Sutton Brothers, Ohau, Omarama Taylor, J. A., Duntroon Taylor, J. and T., Springbank, Duntroon Taylor, P., Hilton Farm, Duntroon Teschemaker and Co., Kurow Teschemaker, W. H., Taipo,'Maheno ... Tesehemaker, W. H., Kamoo Hill, Mahen Thomson, A., Kakanui Thompson, Hugh, Ngapara Thompson, Robert, Strathfield, Maheno Thorne, 0-., jun., Maheno Todd, C. and J. M., Tottenham, Enfield Turnbull, J., Swamp, Oamaru Turnbull, W., Herbert Walker, Alexander, Papakaio Wutson, Garden, Pukeuri Westlake, T., Ngapara William, Joseph, Whitstone, Oamaru ... Wilson, James, Papakaio Wilson, John, Papakaio Wilson, J. and S., Oamaru Young. Colin, Maheno Young & Dalgety, Omarama 500C 5000 — 4oo 12184 19971 37o 218 8oo 21oo 600 100 5000 Nil 0887 440 80 197 796 220 362 185 403 Nil 37022 450 4416 56 Nil 291 8023 19036 12120 23865 17376 8800 258 1300 500 375 200 78 14300 20000 500 222 176 300 50 500 200 608 70 288 3000 Nil 696 152 1298 230 Nil 000 769 180 650 6000 1800 600 783 28000 3640 21265 1900 1000 489 750 25 1100 12 30 46 9 18 16 790 4000 150 47892 557 579 loo 25o 264 435 94 86 18 lo 33080 3314o 35o oo 48o 1 oo 51 12 ,; 05 7749 7c66 19363 17)58 23417 2o335 11289 9448 5398 95oo 800 1ooo 45 18oo 3oo 482 6o 2oo — 137 13000 11500 16500 15000 looo 251 161 132 185 197 18o 66 2oo 56 7o — 332 2200 2000 45 — 180 24o 1280 128o — 26o 353 126 1100 6oo 300 — — fio6 85oo 5ooo 5oo 169o 400 565 — 81o 27850 28ooo 23144 281o 2(»6oo 8oo 2700 — 4oo 29o 69o 455 652 loo 125o — ]45o 91 17o ■ — 558 81 3 Bo 45o 7oo 3173 4389 48 245 46320 47354 531491565468 f>21095 MANIOTOTO COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Agnew, II. Blaekstone Hill Anderson, J. F., Blaekstone Hill — 150 — 1 90 118

o. o) fiheep on May. 1831. 1832. 1883. Lnnett, William, Hyde Jotting, R. P., Naseby Jruhner, John, Hyde 3uchanan, N. L., Naseby Auckland, J. C, Taieri Lake, Waikouaiti Jhapman, H. & E., Naseby Dleugh, A., Moa Kami, Naseby Connolly, P. A., Hyde Jreighton, John, Kyeburn 3reigliton, Joseph, Naseby Carrie and Sons, Kyeburn Dalgety, F. Gγ., Hawkdun, Blackstone Dowling, John, Hyde Dowling, William, Hyde Elliott, Matthew, Hyde Fenton, John, Limmerburn, Naseby ... Flamank, Henry, Hyde jHenn, Robert, Naseby 3-reer, P. J., Hamilton's 3-ruminett, Wm., Naseby Elandyeide and Roberts, Lauder, Becks Harman, S., Blackball, Linburn Heany, James, Hyde Henderson, J., Swinburn, Kyeburn Hickey, Thomas, Hyde Hore, Jas., Naseby Hore, R. R., Naseby ... ,.. Howard, Peter, Rough Ridge Kearney, Patrick, Naseby Keenan and Morgan, St. Bat linn's Kelly, Joseph, Fullarton's, Hyde Kinney, Patrick, Hyde Laverty, John, Hyde Law, John, Naseby Law, Peter, Sowburn, Naseby Logan, E. II., Maharu, Kyeburn Logan, Robert, Kyeburn Lory, John, Naseby Lowton, John, Hyde ... Main, D.'F., Taieri Lake, Hyde Maniototo Farming Company, Kyeburn, Naseby... Matheson, I/., Taieri Lake, Hyde Mawhinney, Wilson, Naseby Met , , Thos., Becks Miller, W. J., Naseby McDevitt, William, Naseby McDeritt, Jas., Blackstone Hill McErleane, II., Naseby McKay, Alexander, Hyde McKay, Angus, Hyde McKnight, J., Blackstone Hill McLean, Charles, Riverside, Hyde MeMaster, A, Kyeburn East, Duntroou McNamara, J. Lower, Kyeburn Morton, Mark, Hyde Mouatt, Alexander, Kyeburn Mount Ida P.I. Coompany, Eweburn Naseby ... Mulholland, J., Naseby Murdock, G-., Naeeby N.Z. and A.L. Co., Deep Dell, Macrae's Nicholas, Ed., Naseby Packman, Joseph, Eweburn, Naseby .. Pascoe, Elias, Naseby Pogson, F. Gh, Becks Preston, Joseph, Longlands, Kyeburn .. Ramsay, J. J., Fairlegb, Hydo Ross and G-lpndinniiig, Lauder, Beck's.. Rowley and Hamilton, Hamilton's Shennan, Watson, Pukctoi, Hamilton's Scott, John, Kyeburn Smithson, R., Hyde Stewart and McKenzie, Kyeburn ' .. St. Bathane Land Co,, St. Bathans Tevioklale, Alexander, Hyde Trotter Brothers, Hyde Turnbul], R. M., Hamilton's Turnbull, a., Hillside, Blaekstone Hill Weir and Smith, Naseby White and Davidson, Naeeby Williamson, K., Moonlight 96 •170 16oo5 1 458 6oo 87 8oo 324o2 i 2oo 7o 6oo 170 28 25050 I 150 300 794 j 20500 ] 16792 40 443 2000 100 2500 30440 ] 150 96 50 330 70 487 1000 23593 350 150 100 115 1000 15744 39627 Nil 80 272 3000 50 6000 17650 200 50 1840 435 478 100 390 859 Nil 280 180 1227 86 > 255 . , 240 20 200 6000 200 12 820 . 299 690 1250 750 450 3600 Nil I7o 185 179 270 220 . 220 200 250 98o ,280 685 21ooo . 1793 1838 200 500 104 1828 1020 . 300 500 200 53 50 178 200 Nil 60 200 5500 75 Nil 200 18o looo 30 112 200 10000 90 120 2o436 19600 22601 830 250 32507 5 Nil 0 200 0 Nil 9 37661 3 14160 1 20 31727 1 19385 0 32000 0 520 0 280 0 34200 7 3357 0 600 6 393 2 25000 0 280 100 ■0 280 513 35803 121 211 35007 25 90 150 41309 14843 91 14777 22700 3125o 346oo 22491 32000 300 400 > 32000 2997 400 1 426 2 25002 280 485 25102 250 2873IS 3 343996 '6319994


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 3Iat May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. VINCENT COUNTY (In Dunstan Subdivision). Anderson, James, Ida Valley Beatty and Jenkins, Ophii' Bell, Sir F. to., Ida Valley, Ophir (Black's) Bell, T. H., Clyde Bell, William, Bellvue, Bendigo Bennett, William, Cromwell Brady, William, Ophir Butler, John, Bald Hill Flat Campbell, It., jun., Galloway, Alexandra Chappie, J. C, Ophir Colquhon, C, Ben Wyvis, Albert T. ... Cowan, James, Cromwell Dalgety and Co., Morven Hills, Croin'll Dalgety and Co., Ardgour, Cromwell ... Dawkins, James, Cromwell Drntnmy, J., Alexandra South Flarmery, Bernard, Ida Valley Flannery, Peter, Ida Valley Fraser, Howden arid Fraser, Hawea Flat Eraser, William, Earnscleugh, Clyde ... Gibson, Charles, Bald Hill Flat Glassford, J. G., Matakanui, Ophir Glass, Joseph, Ida Valley Graham and Walton, Hawksburn, Clyde Grant, William, Luggate Hamilton, John, Black's, Clyde Harrington, P., Black's, Ophir Howell, Loughnan, & Cox, M. Pisa, Crom. Kemp, J. E., Bald Hill Flat Marsh, John, Cromwell Marsh, Thomas, Cromwel' McArthur, J., Clyde McGregor, II., Hunter River, Cromwell McTntosh, Kobert, Ophir Melntosh, R., Ida Valley Farm, Ophir McLaren &Turnbull,Moutere, Alexandra McRae, John, Bendigo Millward, Mrs. Ann, Beck's Murphy Brothers, Tinker's Gully Murray, Roberts, and Co., Patearoa., Hamilton's Naylor, Ben, Clyde Nevill, James, Ophir Noone, John, Ophir N.Z. & A.L. Co., Kawarau, Cromwell ... O'Connell, William, Nevis O'Donnell, Charles, Bendigo Olds, Richard, Cromwell Oliver, James, Bald Hill Flat Parks, James, Clyde Pedereen, James, Ophir Poison, Jolm, Bendigo Ritchie, James, Cromwell Holland Brothers, BlackstoneHill, Beck's Sloan, James, Ophir Smith, James. Ophir Stewart, W. G., Albert Town , Syrnons, Mrs., Makarora Taylor and Nicolson, Ophir Tobin, Henry, Cromwell Towan, John, Grove Farm, Cromwell ... Wilson, Arthur, Ophir Wilson, Thomas, Clyde 30(537 72000 2500 83766 50031 14000 22000 39730 17645 52000 400 j 4 33324. 30 48 100 100 68000 2300 82553 47700 102 55 86 109 12000 19500 101 40635 15244 853 280 600 45000 13 195 100 450 3000 329 575 16000 IIP 350 Nil 370 35072 204 94 2760 35 100 69000 121 4000 9800 75428 42641 75 80 Nil Nil 14700 22200 48 36914 400 13973 500 220 550 44000 39 Nil Nil 600 3000 250 600 10200 80 300 302 28433 3500 17!83[ I 300 2S759 288-10 34500 353 100 25 33000 40 282 260 23 150 38 160 141 300 72 Nil 33500 80 182 Nil Nil 130 60 150 72 Nil 300 12 1700 7333 180 330 185 240 160 4.3372 200 280 1700 7000 1580 7900 199 1120 200 190 200 522002 46427G 471246 -— j I LAKE COUNTY (In Dunatan Subdivision). Baird, B. R., Arrow Hirer Bell, G. M., Kawarau Falls, Frankton... Boyes Brothers, Kawarau Falls, Frankton Brown, John, Queenstown. Butel, John, Arrow River Butel, Peter, Arrow River Butement, J., North Station, Queenstown Cameron, D. A., Queenstown Cameron E., Wanaka West, Pembroke Cameron, Ewen, Branch, Skipper's Cameron, J., Skippers Campbell, H., Pembroke Campbell & McLean, Minaret, Pembroke 224oo 21oo ■365oo 10265 l'-'oo 22445 458 30 31000 9245 1200 1200 2000 5000 COO Nil 21750 120 500 36 30000 6377 Nil Nil Nil 6179 10510 33oo 4000

' INO. of Sheep ou 31st May'. 1881". 1882. I 1883. Campbell & McLean, Wanaka, Pembroke Chalmers, Archibald, Pembroke Chalmers, John, Malaghan's Commins, J., Skipper's, Queenstown ... Dalgety & Co, Walter Pk., Queenstown Daniels, F., Queenstown Davidson, Robert, Queenstown Douglas, A. H., Douglas Vale, Arrow Kir. Duncan, Ewen, Wakatipu, Arrowtown Dwyer, Matt, Frankton Evans, P., Cherry Farm, Frankton Fenn, J. C., Paradise Flat, Queeustown Flint, James, Frankton Forbes and Co., Arthur Point, Shotover Grant, Alexander, Frankton Grant, William, Dreadnought, Luggate Haines, C. H., Queenstown Humphrey, John, Frankton Jolly, D. (,'., Arrow Hiver Kerin, John, Cardrona Kerin, P., Royal Burn, Arrow Biver ... Luwton & Gardiner, Moke Ck., Queens. Marshall, W. T., Lake Hayes, Arrowtown McAllister, William, Queenstown McBrido, Francis, Franktou McBride, John, Glenorchy McDonnell, I., Arrow River Mclntosh Angus, Skipper's McKay, J., Rev., Arrow River McKenzie and Cumnvinga, Skipper's ... McPherson, Hugh, Pembroke Meiklejolm, Mrs. J., Queenstown Morrisby, A. H., Eastbourne, Arrow Eiv. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Uirchgrove, Queens. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Birehdale, Queens. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eastbourne, Arrow. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Fern Hill, Queens. N.Z. L. & M. A.Co.,Mt. Nicholas, Queens. O'Neil, O.,Mt. Barker, Bannockburn ... Paterson, W., Ayrburn, Arrowtowu Pritchard, Robert, Arrow River Rose, Gh, and Co., Arrow River Scoles, William, Arrow River Scott, John, Malaghan's Smith, W. J., Arthur's Pt., Queenstown Southland Investment Co., Kinloeh Thomson, A. C, Hayes Lake, Arrowtown Thomson, A. C, Minaret, Pembroke ... Thompson, H. S., Wanaka West, Pembroke Trotter, W. S., Greenvale, Kingston ... Turner, J., Queenstown Whelan, James, Arrow River White, George, Arrow River Withers and Co., Queenstown 43o85 25o I7oo 51oo 3S000 300 140 ]600 7800 300 2000 600 2000 300 34">22 280 85 Nil 4500 300 2000 450 Nil Nil 850 1030 100 Nil 260 235 130 Nil 90 60 490 10000 Nil 400 30 30 140 3900 6 Nil 200 4000 5000 1600 1500 Nil 3500 8000 Nil 11000 200 2200 207 36 100 2770 Nil Nil 9000 8321 50 212 300 7000 2ooo 8oo 3:joo 147o 142 9ooo 3oo 1200 120 9000 320 252 300 165 300 80 - 80 500 11500 512 13ooo 900 1441 25o 900 . 250 28 4243 3977 11 lloo 3oo 45oo 200 4000 5000 3200 3000 45oo 28oo 5924 52oo 5Goo 262 125oo 3300 600U . 180 12500 240 2130 2181 50 3862 84o 1215o 12600 5163 123 2925 720 12000 11500 8804 92 300 280 9000 276 loooo 257607 242557 196456 j WAIHEMO COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anderson and Esther, Palmerston Bell, Sir F. D., Shag Valley, Waihemo Chisholtn, W., Green Valley, Waihemo Clark, George, Macrae's Flat Cockerel!, Ben., Macrae's Flat Curie, James, Palmerston Davies, A. G., Dunback Donaldson, Robert, Macrae's Flat Flynn, Lawrence, Macrae's Flat Fraser, A., Moonlight Fraser, Hugh, Green Valley Fraser, James, Moonlight G-iilbrd, Peter, Muerae's Flat Glover, J. E., Shag Valley IJ anion, D., Macrae's Flat Jl.iirfel.nnge, J., jun., Macrae's Flat John, Macrae's Flat Kilgimr, Alexander Flag Swamp Jolmstone, R., Hilhainpton, Palmerston Kitchener, H., the Grange, Waihemo ... Macdonald, John, Shag Valley Massey, James, Inch Valley, Dunback Matheson, John, Palmerston,.. Matheeon, M., ilyde ,.. 970 49793 80 1000 30 80 50542 350 ■ 200 800 95 ■ 380 200 48940 330 305 80 600 200 100 66 1200 300 320 190 541 97 620 180 136 3000 18050 200 1796 90 205Q 130 39fi 100 ■ 150 475 200 1000 17743 370 1689 2500 18142 300 1850 100


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.



Ko. 01 1881. f Sheep oi May. 1882. I n 3ist 1S83. l Hunter, John W., Purakanui Lean and Harrison, Port Chalmers MacKav, William, Blueskin Mawson, J , Broadleaf Farm, Purakanui McCartney, G-., Rozelle Farm, Portobello Middlediteh, John, Port Chalmers Sinclair, John,'Mount Clifton, Blueskin Young, William, Purakanui 15o 76 32 32 2o 8o 25 81 33 48 Nil Nil 29 35 Nil Nil Nil 50 15 18 88 783 . 544 332 Total in county 77780 72073 74674 PENINSULA ■ COUNTY (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Dieksou, W., son., Eosemount, Fortobello Dickeon and Koss, Belmont, Portobello Dougall, J., Quarantine Island, Pt. Ch. Ducumanton, H., Newstead, Portobello Geary, John, jun., Portobello Geary, John, sen., Portobello Geary, William, jun., Portobello Geary, William, sen., Portobello Kellas, Hugh, Sandymount, Portobello Larnacli, W. J. M.. Sandymount Macandrew, John, Mount Charles Macandrew, J., jun., N.B. Harbour ... Muir, James, Portobello North, Alfred, Portobello North, Mrs. S.. Portobello Robertson, William, Sandymount Weipers, J., Sandymount 212 1200 38 50 102 8 794 8 70 200 32 700 100 155 50 loJ 13o 200 1000 42 44 15g 3 700 200 70 247 94 1000 15 26 135 Nil 483 40 60 400 Nil 1100 90 130 190 400 160 1000 100 150 81 loo 168 3953 4257 4323 TAIERI COUNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Allan, J., Hopehill, Greytown Allison, Alexander, Otakaia Andrew, John, Grange Farm, Mosgiel... Barron and Taylor, Mosgiel ... Bathgate, John, Island Farm, Oufcram... Beattie, John, Whinfield, Maungatua ... Bell and Currie, Hillend Station, N.Taieri Black, D. L., Outram Black, Ebenezer, Hindon Black, James, Hindon Boyd, A.&J., Hindon Station, N. Taieri Boyd, A., Roekland, Deep Stream Brown, Alexander & J., Green Island ... Bruce, John, Brighton Buchanan, Gilbert, Outram Buekland, J. C, Eock & Pillar, Waikouaiti Callander, J. and J. A., East Taieri ... Cameron, A. Mclntosh.Kaikorai, Dunedin Campbell, D., Lake Waipori, Berwick... Charters,It., Ury and Springbank, Mosgiel Christie, William, Otakaia Collins, John, Mount Hyde, Outram ... Craig and Wylie, North Taieri Craigie, Richard, Henley Cullen, Jumes, Greytown Dean, Alexander, Hindon Deuniston and Co., Dunedin Dow, .lames, Dowfield, Outram Edmonds, David, Maungatua Fairbairn, Robert, Taieri Beach Findlay, John, Mosgiel Finnie, Robert, Bast Taievi Finnie, Thomas, East Taieri Fleming, Alexander, Greytown Freeman, Frederick, Green Island Fulton, F. C , Lee Flat, Outram Fulton, J., Rareuscliff, Outram Fulton, J., The Downs, Outram Gatchell, M. 0., Greytown Gellibrand and Co., Cottesbrook, Dunedi Gibb, Walter, Taieri Beach Gibson, Robert, Keinton, North Taieri Gibson, William, North Taieri Gow, James, Invermay, Mpsgiel 4207 28 40 140 500 6 8500 24500 400 232 Ifi 96 66 244o 3o 2o 3bo 48o 16 41oo 2435o 3oo 298 2c 9o 9o 5161 800 Nil Nil 650 500 Nil 100 88 127 9000 20000 300 1000 300 11911 100 22 95 23 39 30 300 200 120 80 2400 140 300 ]40 350 39 83 422 300 19603 220 2030 40 56000 80 2120 348 . 525, 250 100 185 2oo 3000 101 380 141 33oo 178 3oo 166 25000 193 808 23331 2o2 24o7 60000 98 1290 299 56 64000 130 232o 28 48

~No. of Sheep on 31st May. 18S1. J 1882. 1883. Matheson, R., Shingly Creek, Waihemo McAdie, James, l'almerston MeKenzie, J , Oykell Kami, Dun back ... MeTjeod, P., Iilay Downs, Wailiouio McHae, Duncan, Macrae's Flat Morrison, J., Coal Creek, Green Valley Muir, John, Shag Valley, Palmerston ... Muir, David, Green Valley Kiddell,' Andrew, Green Valley Kich, F. D., Busby Park, Palmerston ... RobertBOn, W. Terrace Farm, Palmerst'n Ross Bros., Meadow Bank, Palmerston Rose, George, Shag Valley Service, J., New Sinithston, Palmerston Sutberland, J. and A., Palmerston . ... Stenhouse, James, Palmoreton Swallow, Edward, Goodwood, Palmerston Wright, Andrew, Goodwood, Palmerslon Young, J. S., Goodwood, Palmerston ... 350 507 3 382 795 280 700 1447 773 280 700 1090 789 350 187 1400 388 Nil 2000 970 2700 650 91 1545 300 200 400 240 1400 400 3350 500 2460 780 72 196 1350 330 160 1915 500 2700 500 93 171 340 18 190 425 177 85906 88120 93871 (In Oamaru Subdivision). Brailliwaite, John, Palmerstou Brunton, David, Palmerston Campbell, Donald, Shag Valley Craig, W. L., Anniesfield, Palmerstou... Gordon, John, Dunback Lindsay, W., Shag Valley, Palmerston... McDonald, Hugh, Palmerston McGregor, Charles, Palmerston MeLeod, Donald, Palmerstou Miller, James, Palmerston Murray, R. S., Shag Valley Murray, W. and D., Dunback Rich, F. D., Shag Point, Oamaru Ross & Munro, Sbag Valley . '... Sinton, Alisier, Palmcrstou ... 84 28 80 254 500 90 Nil 273 Nil 100 112 590 28'! 66 2500 1000 900 1400 19oo 1892 743 8oo 2755 2772 8071 Total in county 88661 90892 101942 WAIKOUAITI COUNTY (In Diinedin Subdivision). Bannatyue, Alexander, Waikouaiti ,., Morthwick, Robert, Waikouaiti Brny, A., Hilltown, Hnwkesbiiry liuckland, J. O,, Tumai, Waikouaiti ... Clyma and Nankivell, Waikouaiti Coutts, John, Jane Field, Palmerston ... Cowan, W., Lower Tumai, Waikouaiti Douglas, J., Mount Royal, Palmerston Duncan, John, Cherry Farm, Waikouaiti Heckler, W., Hawkeebury, Waikouaiti... Hertelet, H. N., Waikouaiti Jeffries, R., Knoll Farm, Flag Swamp... Lindsay, John, Flag Swamp, Waikouaiti McDonald, Donald, Flag Swamp McKay* Robert, Wailiemo ... McLean, Hugh, Waikouaiti Orbell, Henry, the River, Waikouaiti ... Orbell, M. C, Matanaka, Waikouaiti ... Oxley, R., Mount Watkins, Waikouaiti Paterson, James, Flag Swamp Prat t, Thomas, Karitane Puddy, W., Woodhead Farm, Waikouaiti Reed, John. Corner Bush, Morton Souter, William, Flag Swamp Stevens, James, Waikouaiti Thomson and Thomas, Waikouaiti Towhsend, J. A., Waikouaiti 600 700 1537 1300 47 75 24298 5050 1700 100 100 520 500 1450 1000 50 40 20259 45001 3000 235 100 580 23G6 Nil 1962 1150 25 90 j 21900 I 4200 3000 2250 50 100 108 Nil 1000 ! 16800 33350 Nil 72 3000 9 875 I 535 697 I Nil 223 200 406 18490 18200 1500 61 3000 39 17800 18o5( 29 3000 4ti 286 150 76997 71529 I 74342 (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Bartrice, Charles, Port Chalmers J'river, Kiohard, Clifton, furakanui ... Forsythe,J., Sawyer's Bay, Port Chalmers Green, James, Woodend, Blueskin Hogg, G., Mt. Clifton, Blueekiu 12o 52 54 61 292 ! 157 Nil Nil i 50 11 50 • —


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


o. oJ Slioep May. lsl SSI.' 1832. J883. I Bruce, James, Louisville, Milton Bryee Bros., Spring Hill, Lovell's Flat Calder, A., Burleigh Farm, Lovell's Flat Campbell, P., Stoney Creek, Balclutha Cameron, Ewen, Clarksviile Cameron, H. C, Waiholu Gorge Carrick, A., Lake Waipori, Waihola ... Chalmers, J. B., Rosebank, Milton Chapman, Robert, Waihola, Dimedin ... Clarke, Jasper, Adamsfchorpo, Clarksviile Cockerill, George, Milton Covsan, 1)., Meadow bank, Milton Crane, James, Taieri Beach, Waihola ... Cranston, J. C, Fernyhaugh, Milton ... Currie, John, Tuakitoto, Lovell's Flat... Currie, William, Buruside, Lovell's Flat Dolan, Frank, Milton Donachie, James, Clarkesville Douglas, Anthony, Waihola Gorge Douglas, J., Little Valley, Waiholu Draper, John, Milton Driver, II., Clarendon East, Millburn ... Duff, William, Mary Hill, Waihola ... Dunlop, Archibald, Lovell's Flat Dunn, William, Riversdale, Milton Falconer, C, Glenkilrie Milton Fnrquhareon, John, Milton Finch, John, jun., AVaihola Gorge Flett, H. B; Table Hill, Milton Forsyth, Charles, Milton Foster, Godfrey, Millburn Fraser, Alexander, Clarkesville Frazer, James, Xarutu, liaitangata GKlroy, G. II., Stirling Graham, Joseph, Waihola Grant, George, Milton Grey, James G., Clarendon, Waihola ... Grey, John G., Milburn, Waihola Gorge Haggart, Peter, Wangaloa Halpin, Thomas, Lovell's Flat Hannan, John, Akutore, Milton Harvev, Henry, Lovell's Flat Heads, George, Milburn Henderson, John, Waihola Gorge Hewitson, A., New Farm, Lovell's Flat Hislop, John, Milton Hodgson, William, Milton Hood, David, Stirling Houliston, G., Mary Lea, Stoney Creek Howie, J., South Bridge, Milton Howie, T., South Bridge, Milton Inglis, James, Milton Johnson, T., Roseburn, Wangaloa Johneton, T. A., Lorraine, Balclutha ... Kerr, Abel, Clifton Hill Farm, Milton Kerr, Alexander, Milton Kinder, J., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat Little, A. and L., Mount Stuart, Milton Lockhart, William, Milton Macdonnell, John, Stirling ... Maekay, J., Spring Vale, Waihola Gorge Marshall. James, Southbridge, Milton... M., Hillend, Stoney Creek ... McDonald, James, Waihola Gorge McDonald/., Stoney Creek, Lovell's Flat Mclntosb, John, Bleaton Farm, Milton McKerrow,W.,Broome House, Balclutha McLean, James, Frazer's Flat, Milton Me Lemian, Murdoch, South Tokomairiro McLeod, G., North Branch, Milton ... McMastcr, I)., (Exore. oQ, Waihola ... Miller, John, Kewetead, Wangnloa Miller, W., Hoxburgh Station, Milton... Miller, W. H., Spring Vale, Manuka Ck. Mitchell, A., Glenburn, Wangaloa Mitchell, D., Ardmore, Wangaloa Moir, Mrs. Margaret, Lovell's Flat Morrison, Malcolm, Kaitangata Moir, Ralph, Hiilend Farm, Balclutha... Mortimer, J., Tnble Hill, Milton Murray, John, West Field, Milton Murray, Kobert, Mary Bank, Clarkesville Nelson, A., Crofthcad, Lovell's Flat ... Nelson, John, Hillend, Stirling 106 1260 450 20 1940 1424 189 300 1400 200 269 600 643 203 168 180 99 90 165 50 200 1000 114 2000 900 76 250 1274 162 159 996 193 1000 500 100 60 200 110 120 2000 300 366 95 254 1240 475 26 2100 1030 150 2 1600 200 200 1900 681 200 124 200 190 100 192 210 193 000 117 2000 904 130 500 1843 100 200 975 390 300 600 200 59 300 185 1200 810 . 60 1900 Nil . 200 200 1500 260 150 2000 578 200 165 393 195 110 172 150 1220 2900 1100 103 2200 900 260 300 1805 8a 1000 200 985 108 297 130 Nil 937 20O 90 Nil Nil 185 2500 Nil 281 85 26 78 100 190 402 400 180 480 580 51 900 118 33 60 85 77 250 22 200 70 200 Nil 400 130 295 14000 1100 557 579 171 Nil 1750 95 390 300 92 92 2064 380 261 92 70 ISC 195 291 400 492 780 155 77 2730 80 140 175 336 295 498 496 190 73 1500 74 59 112 30li 6 350 100 100 200 400 3049 287 11000 1100 500 436 130 150 1700 54 290 400 102 40 55 7 134 67 500 15 200 50 100 400 637 350 12000 1100 585 694 185 100 1760 60 370 300 82

£*o. o. Sheep on May. 1881. 1832. 18S3. Grant, Charles, Hindon Grant, D., Granton Farm, Out ram Grant, Peter, G/owrie Farm, Outram ... Grant, William, Clairinch Farm, Outram Hall, John, Taieri Beach Heonan, Edward, Maungatua Heenan, John, Hollybrook, Maungatua Heenan, William, Maungatua Henley Estate Company, Greytown ... Hughan, David, Taieri Beach Hughan, Thomas, Taieri Beach Humphreys, E. W., Middleinarch Hutchings, William, Dunedin Jaffray, W., Saddle Park, East Taieri... Johnston, D. II., Mosgiel Keinpshall, Mrs. J., Maungatua Leiehman, Eobert, Whare Flat Livingston, Archibald, Taieri Beach. ... Macpherson, D. and A., Berwick McColl, Duncan, Brighton McDiarmid, It., Kirkland, Woodside ... McDiarmid, William, Woodside McEwing, Dugald, North Tnieri MeKenzie, Murdoch, Waihola McLaren,Peter, Hillliead Farm.Otakaia McLean, Neil, Kilbride Farm, N. Taieri MeLeod, Thomas, Brighton McMaster, Donald, Green Island McMaster, Hugh, Fairfield Milne, James, Taieri Beach Milner, Ralph, North Taieri Muir, Eobert, North Taieri Muir, Thomas, Maungatua Murray & Eoberts, Gladbrook, Dunedin Nichol, G., Abbotsford Station, Claik's Nichol, W., Maungatua Nicholl, J. S., Outram Nimmo, John, East Taieri Palmer, E. F., Otakaia Patrick, William, Balmoral Farm, Outram Peat and Son, Mt. Gowrie, Clark's Petrie, W. nnd A., Hindon Proudfoot, D., Barewood Station, Hindon .Reid, D., Salisbury Farm, North Taieri Eeid, Mrs. M., BroomfieldMains, Outram Eobertson, J. & A., Outram ... Bobinson, E., Lake Waipori, Berwick ... Russell, H., Knowe Head, Taieri Beach Soott, David, Ontram Shand, James, West Taieri, Outram ... Shand, William, Grey town Shand, W. T., Otakaia Smellie and Young, Mosgiel Sutherland, .lames, Maungatua Watson, Walter, Outram Webb, E., North Taieri Williamson, J. M , Bantaskin, N. Taieri Wilson, Hannaway, & Co., Green Island Wilson, J. H., Rosebank, Berwick Wilson, Eobert, Komarua, Clark's 2000 1000 160 63 750 200 1100 850 99 121 18561 184 132 6 210U 55 3J7 100 350 50 155 200 1700 5oo 19o 800 loo looo 9o 17o 188o4 2 oo 137 2ooo lou 4oo 13oo 100 loo 216 2oo 300 2570 700 180 Nil 700 160 1100 Nil 98 35 Nil 350 3H4 683 Nil 179 Nil 1810 118 300 200 1100 100 1098 100 7 11 75 220 200 93 255 24407 7000 Nil 508 243 9G2 Nil 4996 768 11324 1237 3500 157 2800 100 500 14500 1350 781 Nil 90 fi9 910 Nil 263 295 11237 280 23829 73oo 166 221 23892 6ooo 87 1000 300 2575 1000 2632 22200 646 1900 ISO 3050 160 166oo 1493 31oo 86 2970 2oo 31000 24000 115 72 28o 88 800 100 200 9815 5 00 Io713 261425 252781 237299 (In Port Chalmers Subdivision). Shepherd, A., George Street, Dunedin ... Smith, S. G., High Street, Dunedin ... 5o 165 113 Nil Nil 215 113 Nil .Total in county 264640 252S94 237299 BRUCE COUNTY. (In Dunedin Subdivision). Adam, J., Bon Accord L'dgo, Clarkesville Allison, J. and J., Milton Anderson, A. II., Stirling Armstrong, W., N. Branch, Milton Bannatyne, J. C, Berry hill Farm, Waihola -Begu Brothers, Hill End. Balclutha ... Bishop, James, Hillend, Bishop's Blackie, D. N., Knitangata Bowie, Charles, Hillend, Lovell's Flat... Brown, Alexander, Milton 1650 275 480 560 350 500 750 580 350 400 350 500 130 18500 200 400 113 151 1800 300 1800 245 138 93 112 120


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


Ko. of Sheep on 31st May. 1681. 1882. J 1883. Beattie, John, Beattie's Farm, Kelso ... Begg, A. C, Clinton, Dunedin Beggs, Hugh, Woodview Farm, Kelso Blacklock, George, Caldervan, Waiwera Blacklock, Thomas, Waiwera Blaokie, William, Waiwera Boag, Robert, Waikoikoi Bradficld, F., Owake Broad, Samuel, Ashdown Farm, Waiwera Brooks, William, Church Hill, Waiwera Brown, Alexander, Wairuna, Waipahi Bvugh, Sheddon, Port Molyneux Buchanan, David, Glenkenioh, Kelso ... Burnett, James, Waikoikoi Cameron, A., Te Horika, Lovell's Flat... Campbell, Robert, Warepa Chirnside, A., Balclutha Christie, James, Kelso Christie, Robert, Puerna Christie, William, Toiro Clarke, P. and D., Waipahi Couston, Edmund, Toiro Crawford, James, Waikoikoi Crossan, John, Kel?o Cumniing, John, Waipahi Cunningham, W. Y., Waikoikoi Dalgleish arid Stewart, Waitepeka Dallas, Charles, Balelutha Dallas, John, Balelutha Dallas, William, Mary field, Te Houka Davidson, John, Kaihiku .,,. Dellow, William, Waipahi Dickie, Mrs. M. K., TyburnFarrn,Kaihiki Divers, George, Clinton Dobson, Joseph, Blinkbonnie, Puerua ... Docherty, Robert, Kelso .; ... Don, John, Warepa Dornwell, A., Hope, Punedin Dunn, D., Puerua Falconer, Robert, Newton, Balelutha ... Ferguson, R., Garlow Farm, Kelso Findliiy, John, Balclutha Fleming, John, Eldon Farm, Kaihiku... Fleming, Thomas, Kaihiku Gall, James, Inch Cluthn Gaw, Samuel, Clinton Geggie, John, Mount Bell, Puerua Gibson, John, Waiwera SouLli Glover, Robert, Kaihiku Green, J. B., Owale Hamilton, A., Clinton Hay, Mrs. J., Hilly Park, Port Molyneux Henderson, A., Glenomaru, Puerua Henderson, Donald, Port Molyneux ... Henderson, J., Warepa Hogg, Mrs. J., Toiro Houliston, Adam, Balclutha ITouliston, Robert, Balclutha Howie, William, Kaihiku Hudson, David, Warepa Jefferis, B. J., Balclutlla Jenkins, T., Meadow Bank, Kelso Johnston, A. D., Paiwata Farm, Kaihiku Johnston, George, Kaihiku Johnston, John, Kaihiku Keys, Josiah, Newtoun, Toiro Kirk, Robert, Glenkenich, Kelso Lamond, Churles, Waitepeka Lawson, David, Waitepeka Lees, Andrew, Owake Littlejohn, William, Millbank, Waiwera Livingston, Robert, Port Molyneux Lockhead, Thomas, Balclutha Logan, James, Greenvale, Kelso ' Logan, James, Popotuna, Kelso MacKenzie, F. W., Waipahi Maekie, Andrew, Toiro Main, James, Kaihiku Main, Alexander, Castlemain, Waiwera Manning, H., Dr., Wailepeka McCallum, George, Waiwera McCullock, John, Clinton McDonald, Donald, Owake McDonald, G., Inch-Clutha 146 2ooo 200 3800 295 15o 25o 4oo 78oo G56o 132 320 4oo 45 00 50 91 140 13oo 61 66 250 2oo 8877 278 387 3oo 118 16 200 300 I08 25 24o 178 96 loo 19o 685o 4oo 17o 16oo llo I800 255 2oo 224 4oo 7o5o 7214 335 I60 304 43oo 49 I80 272 3 600 152 7J 151 842o 113 80 293 380 395 112 230 22 5o 526 140 90 3oo 2oo Nil 1800 200 1600 297 200 95 40 231 400 6500 7255 351 200 173 4000 34 56 135 300 1700 42 119 392 155 187 8000 95 60 298 376 600 100 300 31 100 166 Nil 180 Nil 90 330 240 300 Nil 400 802 6833 400 383 400 3100 Nil 560 Nil 170 50 66 64, 100 350 150 298 100 1290 290 215 Nil 249 3 56 210 20O 200 2108ft 8fi37 6555 130 172 295 132 300 55 80 Nil 4 00 189 6488 4bo 4oo 37oo 23o 495 4 00 3oo 4oo 358o 22o 375 loo 62 167 5o llo 91 2o5 93 looo 303 243 loo 1288 142 24o loo 100 112 198 14o 19o 19720 9114 6639 2oo I80 13o 2/368 15oo 8942 92 126 2oo 170 2oo 3oo 15o 510

No. of Shepp May. j 1881. j 1882. >n 31st 1883. Noble, W., Hillingdon, Akatore, Milton Paterson, T., Hill End, Lovell's Flat ... Pearson, Joseph, Milton Pillans, F. S., Stirling Poppelwell Bros., Mount Misery Milton Porter, John, Milton Pringle, J., Southbridge, Milton Pringle, Robert, Milton Qiiartly, S. R., Taieri Beach, Waihola... Kaitt, James, Wimbledon Farm, Stirling Eobertson, Andrew, Waihola Robertson, David, Wangaloa Robinson, H., Southbridge, Milton Robinson, Mrs., Southbridge, Milton ... Robinson, W., Milton Kobson, Robert, Lovell's Flat Ross, James, Sont'nbridge, Milton Ross and Cook, Mt. Stewart, Manuka Ck. Rutlierf'ord, J. (Extra, of), Sumnierhill, Kaitangata Salmond, John, Milton Scott, Henry, Table Hill, Milton f-'eolt, Mark, Milton Scott, Peter, Table Hill, Milton Simpson, W., Hill End, Manuka Creek Sinclair, J., Mount Stewart, Adams Flat Sinclair, Sutherland, Waihola Smaill Bros., llawlhorden, Kaitangata... Somerville, R. (Executors of), Millburn Strain, "William, Waihola Gorge Sutherland, J. and J., Waihola Gorge... Sutherland and Poison, Waitahuna ... Taylor, E. B., Wangaloa Thornton, Thomas, Milton Tomlineon, T., Waihola Estate, Clarendon Tweedie, William, Milton Walter, S., Boundary Creek, Berwick ... Watt, J., North Branch, Milton Wayne Frederick, Akatore, Milton White, James, CanadaBush;Millburn... Willocks, William, Hill End, Stirling ... Wilson Brothers, Waihola Wisely, A., North Branch, Milton Wright, Stephenson,and Co.,CoomeIlay, Milton Torston, Hugh, Waihola Young, W., Runnymede, Waihola Gorge 900 273 45 6959 2256 130 150 178 268 250 360 33 400 1000 530 300 25 1084 650 ' 230 100 81 395 600 32 960 1000 214 7003 1926 174 162 132 650 400 54 190 1000 332 300 190 1100 1200 300 95 124 400 495 1000 228 Nil 7741 Nil 215 175 140 450 500 Nil 200 100 Nil 261 282 150 1300 1008 354 Nil 132 226 475 Nil 40 80 2490 1200 3149 Nil 97 60 Nil 220 374 141 5642 150 400 7000 400 2400 1100 2903 400 41 750 2686 1300 2955 100 2500 280 282 90 5200 200 900 4018 365 69 2R0 298 177 5316 170 280 7550 390 C383 400 265 6724 400 200 5300 400 Nil 97261 99470 115631 (In Tapanui Subdivision). Bower Joseph, Balclutha 100 40 46 Total in county 97361 99510 115677 CLUTHA COTJNTY (In Dunedin Subdivision). Anderson, G., Balmoral, Stirling Beattie, Robert, Whinfield, Wangaloa ... Bell, Adam, Stirling Bell, James, Stirling Bower, David, Hillend, Balclutha Darling, James, Wangaloa Fahey, Martin, Rock View, Bnlclutha... Harv'ie, John, View Bank, Balelutha ... Landels, A., Lakeside, Balclutha McKay, Gilbert, Balclutha Paterson, R., Barnigo Falls, Lovell's Flat Suiaille, Bros., Mayiield, Kaitangata ... 3oo 198 loo 200 200 86 4oo 32o loo 18o 73 150 182 96 360 80 Nil 200 Nil 5596 300 3500 1000 5ooo 5ooo 4oo 3700 450 504 6588 10623 11464 (In Tapanni Subdivision). Allen, J. and C, Tβ Houka, Balclutha... Anderson Brothers, Carol, Waiwera ... Andereon, John, Clinton Arthur, James, Albert Downs, Kaihiku Ayson, James, Toiro Ayson, Peter, Corrydon Farm, Toiro ... Ayson, P. & J., Finegand Farm, Balclutha Bagrie, Robert, Clinton Ballingiill, I)., Meadow Wells, Kelso ... Banks, Robert, Waitepeka. 9oo 3ooo 6867 2260 169 797 455 13o 125 190 1192 3ooo 883 152 912 764 2oo 29o 8 oo Nil 3200 Nil Nil 164 835 700 180 195 740


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.



No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. McFCwen,D. J., Puerua McGregor, Alexander, Alvie, Kelso Mclntyre, H., Merino Downs, Waikoikoi IVIclntyre, A., Waikoikoi Melntyre, J. P., Waikoikoi Mclntyre, James, Ownke McKenzie, David, Waiwera MeKenzie, William, Waitepeka ... McKinnon, James, Clinton McKinnon, Neil, Clinton ... MoLaelilan, D. A., Clinton McLiy, Mosee, Glenomaru McLaren, John, Clinton McNeil, James, Warepa McNeil, James 1!., Blairdale, Balclutha McVicar, A. McLeod, Puerua Melrose, Robert, Clinton Mercer, Archibald, Waitepeka Milligan, D. P., Grove Farm, Warepa.., Moifatt and Son?, Kaihiku Farm, Kaihiku Moffatt, John, Springbank, Clinton Monfries, David, Waitepeka Morton, William, Pnerua ,.. Morfey, Bros., Warepa Motion, James, Clinton Muir, Hugh, Clinton Munro, H. and D., Toii-o Munro, William, Toiro ... Murray, Roberts,& Co., Caterhope, Warepa Murray, W.MeG-., Meadow Bank, Clinton Nelson, J. H., "Waipalii Newson, J. W., Moa Hill, Eaihiku Nieol, Walter, Kaihiku N.Z. and A. L. Co., Clyderale, Waiwera N.Z. and A. L. Co., Merry Creek, I linton N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Kuriwao, Clinton Orr, Alexander, Burnside, Clinton Pagan, William, Waiwera Paterson, A. and J., Port Molyneux ... Paterson, Mathew, Kailiiku Petrie, Alesancier, AVaitepeka Eeid, Thomas, Ashlea Farm, Tapanui... Renton, Robert, Balclutha Kenton, William, Warepa Riddell, Thomas, Warepa Robertson, D., Kelso llobertaon, Alexander, Wailepeka Robeon, Walter, Whiteleu, Balclntlia ... Ross, John Warepa Roy, James, Wairuna, Clinton Russell, Alexander, Kelso Rutherford, A., Waiwera Sarginson, Isaac, Toiro Scott, James, Waiwera Scott, George, I'ort Molyneux Shand, Charles, Shandon,Balclutlia ... Shaw, John, Finegand, Balclutha Sheddan, James, Toiro Slieed, Gordon, Wairuna, Clinton , Sheed, James, Waikoikoi Shennan, Watson, Conical Hill, Waipahi. Simmers, R., Springvale, Waikoikoi Simpson, Alexander, Puerua Slawson, G-. H., Waitepeka Smith, Alexander, Toiio ... Smith, J., Dalmetta, Kelso Smith, Thomas, Roseneath, Toiro, Warepa Smith, J. McCall, Glenomaru Smith, George, Toiro Somerville Brothers, Waitepeka Steel, George, Wairuna Bush, Clinton... Stewart, Donald, Waitepeka Stewart, James, Warepa Strachan, Mrs. John, Warepa Sutherland, Alexander, Ivelso Taylor, T. and J., Springlands, Clinton Teiford, Robert, Derwentbank, Waiwera Telford, William, Waitepeka Thomson, J. W., Clinton ■ ... Tolmie, John, Owake Tolmie, W. A. (Executors of), Waipahi Tulloch, James, The Glen, Port Molyneux Turnbull, William, Burnside, Clinton ... Walker, W., Roaebank, Balclutha. 279 25ooo loo 164 100 370 237 79 200 98 59 184 335 loo 256 52o loo 135 6o 4oo 25o 35ol 136 300 487 289 31o31 1800 7868 100 27o llo 99 loo 577 2ob ■27loo 2oo 87 15o 4oo 36S 51 3oo 131 97 185 345 150 267 6oo 18o 12o 195 161 3o64 172 590 . 697 294 31565 1440 6300 100 35o 29o 176 17o 193 600 250 20000 200 170 700 200 50 150 500 300 Nil 400 94 92 281 220 110 248 600 200 190 375 400 180 Nil ]00 250 3030 100 700 593 585 32255 Nil 4200 Nil 194 400 182 300 290 296 500 140 298 200 900 200 141 298 350 154 800 654 280 81 190 240 200 11175 101 100 266 220 175 Nil 495 240 1398 165 170 100 24 94 500 250 12229 1000 122 17164 130 7G 233 I7o 250 124 285 9oo 2oo 14o 200 350 115 1000 288 8oo 2oo 89 172 25o 173 looo 954 18o 81 5o 231 64 lop 250 llooo 70 2oo 2o2 2oo 200 245 24o 9147 73 5oo 2 23o 238 4oo 993 133 2988 139 loo 26 78 5oo 22o 11756 730 . loo . lo loo 5oo 25o 11257 89o 20576 130 61 16457 250] 51 18o

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. I 18S2. I 1883. WallacP, David, Clinton Walt, Jolm, Eaihitu Willocks. James, Stirling Wilson, James, Annfield, Te Houka ... Wilson, Thomas, Clinton Wright, John, Kaihiku Wyllie, James, Waiwera ... Young, "David, Rieeland, Waipahi Youngsoii, Alexander, Clinton 22G 62o 5o8 95 ]2o 12o 200 294 171 612 197 13o 13o loo 275 - 194 315 700 297 471 i5a 130 200 £80 191 233439 227367 222798 234262 Total in county 240027 237990 TUAPEKA COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aitclnson, A., Springbank, Swift Creek Barr, Adam, Rue's Junction Bathgate, Charles, Crooketon Beighton, Janies, Roxburgh Bennett, James, Rae's Junction Black, T., Green Hill, Waikoikoi Borton, J. B., Cotlenliam, Lawrence ... Bowden, James, Ettrick, Lawrence- ... Bradshaw, J., Dunrobin ... Brazil, A-. T., Ettrick, Lawrence Brown, A. and Co., Beaumont Brown, John, Tuapeka Mouth Buchanan, James, Evans Flat. Bulfin, John, Woodley, Tuapeka W. ... Byrne, W., Miller's Flat Cameron, I). A., Fassifern, Nokomai ... Cameron, Hugh, Lawrence Cameron, James, Waitahuna Cameron, John, Swift Creek Clayton, H. C, Lawrence Cleghorn, John, East Bank, Tapanui ... Collie, Allan, Ettrcii. Lawrence Coskery, Robert, Clifton, Beaumont Cotton, Robert, Wafpori Cowie, Robert, Weatherstone Cuilen, W. and J., Crookston Gumming', William, Beaumont Diekison, David, Tapanui Dickison, John, Mainholme, Tapanui ... Drysdale, John, Evans Flat Duncan, James. Tapanui Duncan, John, Wail ah una Edgar, John, Burnfoot, Tapanui Edie, John, Springfield, Dunrobin Edwards, Thomas, Tapanui Elliott, Robert, Flodden, Tapanui Elliott, R. T., Inglebank, Tapanui Eakdale, Mrs. J., Sunny side, Tapanui ... Fahey, 'I'., Evans Flat Finlay, John, Dunrobin Galbraith, Henry, Waitahuna Galbraitli, J., Rosebank, Tuapeka West Gordon, G. and J., Roxburgh Grahnin, Moore, Ettrick, Lawrence ... Grundy, J., Lawrenco Gunn, Donald, Rae's Junction Hall, John, Tuapeka West Harvey, George, Swift; Creek Heath, Robert, Dunrobin Henderson, J. M., Ormaglade,Miller'sFlat Henry, S., Bellamy and Hedgehope, Lawrence Herbert, David, Swift Creek Herbert, J. F., Ardmore, Kelso Hewitt, John, Tuapeka Mouth Hinde, Thomas, Lawrence Howat, John, Tapanui ... Honner, William, Miller's Flat Keerian, Daniel, Tuapoka Mouth Kerse, James, Dunrobin Kelty, W., Brookpdale Station, Tapanui Kempthorne, E., Swift Creek Kerr, John, Tapanui Kerr, John, Ettrick, Lawrence Kirk, Samuel, Kelso Hitching, J. F., Moa Flat, Lawrence ... Klingst, C. F. A., Lawrence 95 19o 95 1436 27o 4o 21ooo 170 1126 185 2Po 2o93 8oo 120 200 4650 2oo 1467 300 2720 Io5o 25o 4 oo 3oo loo 78o 555 7o 25o 2oo 2oo 9o 119o 4oo 196 6o 188 19500 140 900 37 lol 1748 3oo 5 bo 6oo 195 55 5ooo 2oo looo - 25o 145o looo 2oo 3oo 4R9 325 15o 9oo 65o 27o 54 168 16oo 7oo 3o Nil 200 450 98 1990 327 100 100 165 600 15O0O 154 600 179 100 1817 300 700 900 759 380 200 53 5020 200 850 200 600 1292 1200 500 Nil 960 500 92 1550 784 300 790 126 1600 800 Hil 160 200 Nil 84 Nil 152 14965 16oo 91o 3oo 21o 62 5o 250 18136 2 oo 19o 9o 37 28 I6806 12poo 262 14ooo 12ooo 252 10000 288 10000 205 Nil 550 482 900 200 Nil 80 573 380 100 36155 150 loooo 8oo 2800 45 o 7oo 19o 21514 81 6o7 4oo looo loo 61 73500 53325 loo

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. ol Sheep on 31st May. 18SI. 1883. 1SB3. Lamb, William, Tapanui Laverty, James, Crookston Livfegetone, William, Waitahuna Logan, James, Kelso Lowe, Wright, Clarke's Flat, Lawrence Maekay Brothers, Rae's Junction Mackie, John, Riversdale, Tapanui Main, John, Beaumont Margetts, F. IS., Tuapeka West Marheson, Norman, Crook3ton McClelland, W., Ettrick, -Lawrence ... McColl, John, Vine Bank, Tapanui McConnell, W, Roxburgh McCormack, William, Tapanui McCormick, J., Waitahuna McCormick, H., Waitahuna McDiarmid, J. and A., Kvans Flat McDonald, Charles, Crookston McDonald and Matheson, Lawrence ... McDuff, J. and D., Tapanui McElwain, Samuel, Kelso MoGhiire, M. A. J., Mrs., Millar's Flat Mclntosh, David, Lawrenco McKay, Alexander, Tapanui McKay, William, Dunrobin McKellar, David, Brooksdalc, Tapanui McKenzie, A. F., Dunrobin McKenzie, Colin, Dunrobin McKenzie, Donald, Beaumont Mel ean, John, Dunrobin McLeod, John, Tapanui McRobert,, John, Tuapeka Mouth McWbirter, J. 3., Millar's Fl»t Morrison, John, Tuapeka West Muir, John, Midpark, Dunrobin Murnev, James, Moran Park, Tapanui... Murray, David, Tapanui Murray, William, Waitahuna Osborne, William, Tuapeka West Potts, Andrew, Tapanui Pringle, F., Ettrick, Lawrence Rae, James, Rne's Junction Richardson, Robert, Ettrick, Lawrence Robertson, Daniel, Spring Valley, Tapanui Robertson, James, Lawrence Robertson, J. F., Dunrobin Robertson, Peter, Lawrence Robertson, T. G-., Lawrence Robins, William, Lawrence Rodger, James, Tapanui Ross, Hugh, Lawrence Robs, John, Lawrence Rose, John, Waitahuna Shanks, William, Swift Creek Shearing, J., Springbank, Crooksfon ... Shearing, Samuel, Crookston Sheath, William, Tapanni Shiele, Peter, Ettrick, Lawrence SiHar, John, Ettrick, Lawrence, Sim, Gγ. Gγ., Crookston Sim, James, Crookston . ... Smith and Sons, Greenfield, Lawrence... Smith, John, Avoca, Tuapeka West Stevenson, Adam, Beaumont Swan, Adam, Swift Creek Taborn, James, Lawrence Thurston, C. Gγ., Brooksland, Crookston Tubman, Edward, Roxburgh. Tubman, Francis, Beaumont... Tubman, Robert, Moa Flat, Roxburgh... Waugh, William, Eltrick, Lawrence ... Westcott, W. P., Cherry Farm, Lawrence White, Peter, Lilybank, Tapanui Whyte, A. R., Tapanui Williamson, Sinclair, Waitahuna 285 1856 5oo 600 5o I77o 2oo 68 150 84o 8100 300 300 45 28o 189 15o 14o 14o 1533 15(1 134 125o ' 198 195 150 155 34o 25o 2oo7 3op 249 . 48o 5oo 5o 154K 262 17 101 125o 125<> 7oo 150 88oo 16o 2o5 8o 2o6oo loo 255 ISo 3oo 5oo 1589 loo 18o 13oo 29o 28o 98 7<> 2oo 17o 52o 400 320 2000 Nil 300 500 495 50 1600 300 195 16 40 350 1000 1000 781 159 8750 520 100 115 230 300 Nil 20085 200 Nil 100 150 Nil 500 115 1600 200 200 46 1400 300 277 93 72 150 120 940 Nil 3500 200 75 800 72 400 1197 130 Nil 134 5000 240 300 190 400 47935 453 92 140 70 91 7oo 300 700 550 168 Nil 90 300 13o 1531 100 3000 200 712 162 35oo 25<. 25o 1-95 72 293 1376 ]82 216 85oo 85 15o 6oco 200 38o 37380 21o 15o 14o 41570 3oo 9o 16o 93 77 13 3oo 2oo 220 176 203 86 93 38o 27o 3f)o 6oo 252 8o 135 35o 260883J 241043 228340 (Tn Dunstan Subdivision). Beresford, William, Roxburgh Cargill & Anderson, Mt. Bengor, Roxb. Crosean, Robert, Roxburgh Crossan, S., Roxburgh Crossan, W., Roxburgh i I 61o 477oo 18o 2oo loo 47o 433oo 2oo 182 5o| f>00 37011 287 Nil 156

fto. of Sheep on 3Iet May. 1881. 1882. 1883 1882. 1S83. Elder, John, "Roxburgh Graham, Thomas, Roxburgh Inglis, J., Roxburgh Macdonald, A., Koxburgh McGregor Bros., Roxburgh Mclntosh, Thomas, Roxburgh Mervyn, D. II., Mt. Benger, Roxburgh Ormond, Patrick, Roxburgh Scott, John, Miller's Flat Smith, G. A., The Downs, Roxburgh Woodhouse, Frank, Koxburgh Woodhouse, James, Roxburgh. 7o3 3o3 25o 7o 7oo 7o 7oo 2oo I80 75 4bo 80 Too 190 190 Nil 300 Nil 400 180 Nil 900 Nil 341 2ooo 23o 150 5oo 188 3 00 1000 600 ■4oo 54,254 47,837 41,455 (In Dunedin Subdivision). Blaikie, Hugh, Hermitage, Waitahuna... Bucklund, J. C, Waipori, St., Waikouaiti Covvcn, John, Waitahuna Moore, J., Waipori Station, Berwick ... Sutherland, John, Waitahuna Thomson, J., Castle Hill, Waitahuna ... loo loloo 800 4oo 14o 8000 looo 391 160 7011 100 Nil 1030 255 Total in county 11,400 9,531 298411 8556 278357 326537 SOUTHLAND COUNTY (In Tapanui Subdivision). Aim, William, Wjndham Aitken Brothers, .Lasswade Farm, Gore Aitken and Milne, Gore Anderson, G-eorge, Wjndham Anderson, J. S., YVairikiki, Mataura ... Anderson, John, Chatton Anderson, John, Wyndham Andrews, David, Otaraia Archibald, Daniel, Chatton Armstrong, William, Goro Attwood, Edward, Pine Bush, Fortrose Ayson, Alexander, Gore .., Bain, J. M., Waipabi Baird, George, Gore Bannerman, William, Gore Bathgate, John, lslay St., Otaraia Baxter, Robert, Chatton lieange, Alexander, Oware, Wyndliam... Beaton, J., Wellbank Farm, Glenkenich Blaokley Brothers, Glcnoura, Wyndham Brown, Thomas, Mataura Brunton, J. F., Rocklands, Fortrose ... Brunton, C. R., Otara, Fortrose Byars, Alexander, Gore Calder, William, Chatton Cameron, A., Banvie, Mataura Cameron,D. A., Glenfalloch, Nokomai... Cameron, Donald, Mataura Cameron, Hugh, Chatton Cameron, Hugh, Fortrose Cameron, John, Mataura Campbell, P., Boarland, Wyndham Cargill & Anderson, Glenham, Wyndham Carpenter, W., Tamlet, Wyndham Carmichael, Dunean, Pine Bueh Ca-rswell, Hugh, Pine Bush, Invercargill Carter, W., Natiye Grass Farm, Mataura Chisbolm, Jolm, Chatton Chittock, Benjamin, Gore Chittock, Frederick, Gore Chittock, James, Gore Christie, Alexander, Waikaia Clarke, 8., Wyndliam Clement, Brothers, Pukerau Coupertlnvaite, Robert, Otaraia Crawford, James, Meadow Bank, Mataura Cregan, John, Mandeville Crighton, William, Wyndham Cruiokelvanks, Adam, Chatton dimming, William, Gore ... dimming, Robert, Gore Cushnie, James, Wyndham Pallas, John and Charles, Te Houka ... Davidson, J. H., Wakaia 331 2ooo 800 2272 800 90 193 ]ooo 153 32 4oo 75 462 29oo 2741 288 1998 755o 4oo 193 85o 2o 80 18 loo 75o 4 000 I600 4o 300 1 2900 35o " 730 800 110 286 115o 2oo " 3o '188 a52 49o •295 34oo -924 234 7637 47o 2oo 200 180 380 1630 Nil 400 1142 70 35° 1300 230 9 2 l6l IIO 6OOS H° 48O Nil '73 4200 940 930 250 286 1000 7375 464 300 Nil Nil 290 18350 980 6oco 1759o 91o 5ooo 152o 9o 260 176 265 2°.H 80 420 254 .84 Nil 9o • 95 80 92o 462 37o 19o 57o ' 4oo 90 400 £88 60 264 i9S 90 240 262 320 70 17o 26o 4oo 500 162 196 440 500 294 186 Nil 600


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT- continued.


No. of Sheep on3ist May. 1881. 1882. 1883. I Davidson, Thomas, Wyndham Darye, Francis, Chalton Pawson, A., Otaraia Dawson, W. & Sons, Toitois, Fortrose ... Dawson, Thomas, Gore Dickie, A., Malaura Dickie, James, Tamahill, Gore Dickie, M., Spring Bank, Mataura Dickie, Robert, Gainhill Farm, Mataura Diekison, John, jun., Chatton Dickson, Gavin, Gore Dickson, G., Gold Creek, Gore Dillon, Michael, Chatton Dixon, Henry, Mataura Donoghue, James, AVyndham Donald, James, Chatton Doull, David, Wyndham Dunlop, W., Pin'e Bush Dunlop, Robert, Gore Dunn, R. C, Mataura Elder, G. R., Chalton Espie, John, Mataura Falconer, Thomas, Gore Fleming, Adam, Gore Ford, Patrick, Chatton Fowler, Jamep, Gore Fraser, Donald, Goro Fyfe, G. G,, Wyndham Gall, J., Hyde and Waikaia, Edendale... Gait, Allan, Mataura Gardiner, David, Stanley Hill, Gore ... Gardyne, Robert, Waikaka Gerkin, John, Chatton Gillanders, Duncan, Waikaia Plains ... Gillespie, Lawrence, Chatton Golden, H\, Pine Bush Golden, T. and Co.. Edendale Gourlay, Robert. Mataura Orcenshii'lds, John, Wyndham Gregory, William, Fortroso Hall, John, Edendale Himly, Malthew, Gore Hannah, W. and E., Mataura Harvey, James, Gore Ifarvey, Andrew, Waikaka Haetie, Mathew, Mataura Hav, James, Gore Hicks, Thomas, Tutu Hill, Mataura ... Holmes, James, Waimnhaka, Wyndham Holms, Colin, Pino Bush How, George, Gore Humphrey, R. W., Pukerau Hunter, Adam, Wyndham Ibbotson, C, Waikaka, Gore Ibbotson, F., Otama, Riversdale Irvine, John, Gore ... Johnson, Walter, Mataura Johnston, A. D., & Sons, Springfield, Gore Johnston, Benjamin, Briary Bank, Gore Johnston, Edward, Wyndham Johnston, Adam, Waikaka Jones, Henry, Gore Kean, Denis, Otaraia Keith, Robert, Gore Kelly, N., Mandeville ... Kennedy, R. II., Chatton Kidd, J. R., Fortrose King, Francis, Fortrose Kirk, John, Gore Kurtain, II. and E., Chatton Laidlaw, J., Wyndham Lamb, James, Chatton Landels, Adam, Bankend, Balclutha ... Lawson, D., Chatton Lumeden Brothers, Mimihau, Wyndham Miickay, John, Oiaina, Rivsrsdale Maben, James, Sunnyside, Benmore ... Maher and Hurley, Waikaia Mullon, Peter, Chatton Mason, Andrew, Pukerau Marshall, James, Chntton Maunsell, C. M., Lily Bunk, Mataura ... McAuley, D., Gore McBain, Donald, Lynvrily, Chatton 22o 19.-, 300 180 25o 959 235 looo 1800 245 180 3Jo loo Ho 700 296 96 194 700 174 400 140 400 600 269 80 55° ■5° 170 Nil 180 45° 94 95 473 60 84 800 300 78 90 22g 18326 2499 96 287 160 15000 108 170 45o 8o 15o 8o 4.4o 495 300 175 150 350 304 100 456 225oo! 1780 12o 27o' 150 21060 2100 221 238 14ooo 14200 130 300 1400 3oo 95o 400 1500 106 169 200 280 152 143 260 460 107 310 Mil 170 384 37° '5° Nil 155 1 261 176 220 600 Nil 19500 56 '45 6/5 300 270 87 142 200 400 425 241 280 600 1G2 190 21o loo 54 1685 19a 12o 292 280 150 400 23 loo 134oo 172o 215 250 240 400 17817 14599 116 550 19o iao 128 584 29C 130 24 15o 160 2oo 113 589 184 3oo 325 45o 366 390 370 3°o 1250 770 600 2087 197 2200 1556 1800 212 1496 looo 800 135 70 122 looo 100 195 175 326 82 150 200 190 200 93 15° 221 88 175 2oo 298

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. J 1882. 188a. McCartney, W. T., Mataura McDonald, Kennetli, Wyndham McDonald, Alexander, Wyndhan McDonald, George, Q-ore McDonald, A., Ielay Station, Otaria ... MeFttdzien, James, Fortrose MoGill, Peter, Milton McGowan, Daniel, Mat aura Mclntosh, Alexander, Oware, Wyndham Melntosh, Samuel, Waikaka Mclntosh, J., Fortrose , ; . Mclntyre and Jackson, Wyndham McKay, Findlay, Mataura McKay, John, Wyndham McKellar, John, Glenaray, Waikaia ... McKenzie, Alex., Pukerau McKenzie, Donald, Wtiikaka MeKenzie, Kennith, Fortrose McKernan, James, Fortrose McKerrow, John, Fortrose - ... McKinna, John, Chatton MoKinnon, Alexander, G-ore McKinnon, Hugh, Gore McLaren, John, Wyndham ... McLean, John, Springfield, Pine Bush.., McLennan, Murdoch, Wyndham McNab, Alexander, Knapdale, Gore ... McPhail, James, Chatton Karm, Gore... McQueen, A. and J., Carslap, Gore McKae, D. K., Waikawa and Wyndham, Fortrose McVey, Joseph, Wyndham Mee, William, Chatton :■ ... Mee, Samuel, Riversdale Meiklp, John, Mataura .';. Menzies, J. A. R., Dun Alister, Wyndham Millar, J. S., Lismoyle Farm, Chatton... Miller, Alexander, Chatton Miller, Samuel, Fortrose Milne, James, Greenfield, Wyndham ... Milne, John, Chatton Moff'att, Richard, Waikaia Munro, Henry, Wyndham Muir, Robert, Mataura Muir, Andrew, Mataura Muir, Thomas, Fortification, Fortrosfr",.. Mutch, J. C, Mataura Nichol, William, Lillieshof, Waikaka ... Noble, Andrew, Cluny Farm, Wyndham. Noble, Jolin, Waikaka Oiighton, John, Wyndham O'Hara, Cornelius, Chatton Parker, E. W., Hon., Otama, Dunedin... Paterson, Hugh, Waikaka Pattison, Robert, Otaraia Perkins, Edward, Gore Perkins, John II., Prospect Hill, Mataura Playfair Brothers, W yndham Pollock and 11 all, Mataura ... Pollock, James, Mataura Pollock, Thomas, Mataura .,. Preston, Joseph, Fortrose Pryde, John, Gore Pryde, W. M., Mataura Puller, Alex., Waikaka Qualter, Michael, Pukerau Quertier, A., Guernsey, Ofaraia Rae, G., Raeburn Farm, Mataura Bridge Rae, John, Hightofts Farm, Wyndham Read, Charles, Read Farm, Chatton ... Reid, Thomas, Gore Rich, W. G., Toitois Station,-Fortrose Richardson, G. F., Wyndham Richardson, Malcott, Wyndham Riddle, John, Flag Hill, Fortrose Robb, John, Chatton Robertson, John, Riverbend, Gore Robertson, David, Pukerau Robertson, Donald, ( button Robson, Henry, Fortrose ... Rodger, Alexander, Glenkenich, Kelso..; Ross, Thomas, Gore ,.\ Rowe, Edward, Mrs., Gore .;. Royd, Henry, Pine Bush lo — 5818 6699 249 293 Nil 140 340 NU 5S 288 6000 107 200 200 120 1212 250 34° 8100 70 190 600 — 500 — 120 — 1012 — 400 269 370 15ooo 13ooo 100 25o 135 144 83o 480 200 3oo 55o 4oo 270 347 2oo 2oo 338 2oo — 400 16991 1782o 120 17o 1450 131o 300 500 400 I2 5 130 200 '5° 458 17900 190 1130 5690 5980 14000 46 265 80 206 19o. 176 1973 72o 50 . 72 799 673 — 310 1070 194o 360 29o 82 7o 439 4oo '354 76 800 150 2050 35° J3 500 210 Mil: 480 45o 3ooo 24So 15o — 389 439 Io23 12oo 2470 99 491 •395 s< 600 6oo 6oo 6oo — ■14o 120 3oo 328 648 697 335 — 55o 250 i — looo 5715 7486 400 4000 360 Nil 260 604 ■ 75 1 Nil 2oo 226 152 123 600 . 400 257 397 5oo 500 218 272 36o 200 318o 2720 looo 830 250 700 9080 180 180 252 270 400 460 700 443 288 2711 75 480 IOO 3oo loo 149 — 48o 4oo 400 180 486 — 3o —. 18o — 8o 93 4oo 4oo IOO Nil Nil Nil 40a


B—H. 3.


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Royse, Stead, and Co., Fortrose Scott, J. and S., Otaraia Scott, John, Mataura Scott, Thomas, Otaraia Scott, James, Wyndham Shand, James, Edendale Shand, W., Jack's Hill Farm, Wyndham Sheddan, Eobert, Gore Shirley, Matthew, Wyndham Smith, Alexander, Mataura Smith, James, Pukerau Smith, J. C, Mataura Smith, James, Fortrose Speden, James, Gore Stalker, D., Redan, "Wyndham Stewart, William, Otaraia Stewart, W. D., Chatton Stewart, Alexander, Chatton Stirling, Charles, Waikaia Stirling, "William, Wyndham Strangman, J. C, Wyndham Strover, Charles, Chatton Styles, John, Gore Swhan, Alexander, Clinton Syme, Alexander, Gore Templeton, Henry, Otaraia Templeton, John, Wyndham Thornhill, W. B., Venlaw, Wyndham ... Townshend, Joseph, Mataura Trotter, W. S., Robin Hood, Pine Bush Trumble, Thomas, Otaraia, Invercargill Vernon, B. S., Vine Hill, Fortrose Walker, J., Wyndham View, Wyndham Watt, Alexander, Otaraia Watt, John, Mataura Watt, Andrew, Chatton Watson, Joseph, Biversdale White and Mitchell, Pukerau Whitefleld, Gavin, Pukerau ... Williamson, James, Mataura... Williamson, Donald, Otaraia ... Williamson, Alexander, Chatton Wilson, John, Gore Woods, George, Chatton Young, Hugh, Pukerau Young, Bobert, Pukerau Young, William, Burnside, Mataura ... I800 600 Io2 600 63 197 3oo 2oo 151o 122 69 26o 22 295 I800 2020 15oo 65o 102 800 3098 192 320 300 1525 171 250 112 360 140 280 162 812 199 5 00 598 6000 6848 2600 600 98 800 Nil Nil , 9 , 300 190 814 74 l°S 2000 200 282 232 167 400 150 200 160 rooo 190 5o4 6000 6363 33oo 56 25o 487 150 2oo 1200 1654 3400 83 184 632 224 3oo 6000 •54 2128 3200 1125 99 Nil 70 220 692 233 345 1000 172 2.50 'S° 200 80 29 352 268135 108 74 54 25o 100 52 440 246230 244636 (In Southland Subdivision.) Adamson, James, Mabol, Grove Bush ... Alexander, W.j Woodlands Allan, John, Mossburn, Invercargill ... Anderson, David, Hokonui ' ... Anderson, George, Isla Bank Baird, Koberfc, Isla Bank Baird, William, Forest Hill, Loehiel ... Baldy, Alfred, Byal Bush Barclay, Thomas, Longbush Baestian, C, Woodstock, Woodlands ... Beaven, A., New River, Waianiwa Blackie, Andrew, Byal Bush Blakie, James, Byal Bush Blakie, Peter, Byal Bush Booth Brothers, Gore Boyd, F. K., Erroldale, Waimatuku ... Boyd, W., Waimatuku Brass, Jamee, Waikiwi Brook, John, Waimatuku Brotherton, H., BayBoad, Invercargill... Brown, George, Boslyn Bush Brown, G. S., Wallacetown Brown, T. T., Forest Hill, Winton Butler, Bros., Springfield, Byal Bush ... Buxton, Thomas, Makarewa, Invercargill Calvert, F., G., Boslyn Bush Cameron, Alexander, Ryal Bush Cameron, Archibald, Forest Hill, loehiel Cameron, Donald, Gap Campbell, John, Hedgehope, Hokanui... Campion, H. P., Gore Charlton and Bolleston, Woodstock, Woodlands 15o 8fi loo 294 26o 120 28o 340 2800 625 800 3oo 54o 36o 223 15o 200 150 88 98 373 65o 38 17o 64 125 198 357 4oo 14o 26o 428 25oo 22o 358 7oo 4«o 587 36o 35o I7o I80 65 I80 12o I60 365 52 180 66 100 300 398 500 160 350 300 Nil 583 350 800 500 386 800 395 420 230 250 Nil 280 95 423 392 37 30 160 700 Nil 160 150 150 9o 2oO 3oo 3550

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Christie Brothers, Waimatuku Clare, J., New River Heads, Invercargill Clearwater, G\ H., Dacre Cochrane Brothers, Lochiel Coekburn, John; Spar Bush, Waianiwa Collie, Donald, Fairfax Collins, J. J 1 ., Invercargill Colyer, Jessie, Mrs., Awarua, Invercargili Coomer, R. J., Mataura Coupland, Robert, Invercargill Coster, J., Lochiel Cowan, Cuthbert, Benmore Cowie, Andrew, Winton Cowie, John, Win ton Craig, Andrew, Dipton Crosbie, George, Lochiel Cullen, P. S., Q-umiuie's Bash Cunningham, James, Winton Currie, Donald, Waikiwi Dawson, George, Woodlands Deegan, James, Winton ... Dickson, Robert, Gore Dodd, Robert, Woodend, Myross Bush Dods, John, Woodlands Donald, James, Lochiol Dornwell, A., Gore ... Drysdale, Adam, Eennington Dundas, J. F., Oteramika Dunlop, James, Forest Hill, Loehiel ... Ellis, T. C. & C. C, Five Rivers, Invercar. English, Richard, Dipton Erskine, James, Invercargill Evans, John, Winton Evans, William, Winton Fairweather, Charles, Invercargill Ferguson, James, Myross Bush FinTayson, Archibald, Dipton Emlayson, Kenneth, Invercargill ... Fleming, Thos., Rakahouka, Roslyn Bush Forbes, Alexander, Lochiel Forbes, John, Woodlands Fosbinder, Joseph, Invercargill Fowler, John, Invercargill Fowler, Mrs. S., Bogburn Farm, Winton Eraser, A. W., Hedgehope Fraser, Duncan, Waimatuku Fraser, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Fraser, Lachlan, Waianiwa Fraser&McLean, Cliarlton Paddock, Gore Gall, James, Edendale Gerrard, Alexander, Winton Gibson, John, Parrowa Farm, Athol ... Givin, John, Mossbura, Ryal Bush Gohl, John George, Woodlands Gorman, George, Hedgehope Grant, John, Grove Bush Gray, Alexander, Wallacetown Gray, Colin, Wallacctown Gray, John, Riversdalo Gray, Walter, Winton Gray, William, Riversdale Halliday, William, Roslyn Bush Hamilton, Alexander, Ryal Bush Hamilton, John, Winton Hamilton, Thomas, Forest Hill Hannah, Andrew, Otautau Hansen Brothers, Garston Henderson, Helen, Craighouse, Winton Henderson, John, Myross Bush Hodgkinson, Bros., Ryal Bush ... Holloway, William, Longbush Holmea, Hon. M., Castle Roek, Elbow... Horman, C. H., Invercargill Horton, Robert, Grove Bush Howell, William, Flint's Bush Humphries, J. E., Mataura Jenkins, Alex., Waimea Plains, Riversdale Jenkins, Joseph, Gore Kay, A. C, Longridge Keir and Anderson, Mataura Kerr, William, Bayfleld, Oteramika ... Kidd, Henry, Winton King, Edward, Woodlands Kinross, Andrew, Myross Bush 445 14 24So 272 925 8oo 29o 205 45o 200 25o 115 400 65 3oo loo 6 462 25 783 427 26000 8oo 212 3o 12o 1250 92 230 13o 5oo 4oo 31oo 28o 116o 12-to 628 26o 29o 2539 48o 6oo 143 235 8o 2oo 0o 117 29 953 594 25631 37o 25o 92 8oo 21o 7o 195 2ooo 26o 19o 2oo 45o 71o 39o 2oo 187 44o 34 Nil Nil 4500 340 1080 1100 90 280 300 300 2740 550 500 187 440 300 1600 Nil 80 200 100 60 Nil 195 Nil 107 464 494 18000 Nil 320 140 1000 250 160 70 200 3435 155 185 800 140 450 350 650 300 364 Nil 2700 290 200 152 Nil 300 5 700 1090 85 200 200 750 300 985 148 200 130 450 74 400 200 30000 300 41 Nil 350 Nil 180 158 543 336 100 390 27 35o 150 98 235 5oo 28o 205 96 2oo 20 68o 70o 21o 3oo lo Too 7oo 20o 396 6oo 14o 2oo 15o 270 3o 125 2oo 27252 2oo 33 8oo 3oo 2oo 5oo 3oo 15oo 15o 3oo 15o 345 35 394 5oo 30107 345 48 246 148


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. Leece and Pencoek, Winton Livingstone Brothers, Loehiel Livingstone, Dougald, Lochiel ... j Mabon, J. and T., Benmore ... I Main, Alexander, fnvereargill Millone, Michael, Invereargill Marshall, Thomas F., Myross Bush ... Meuzies, Donald, Hokanui Moson Brothers, Grove Bush McCallum, John, Campbelltown McCallurn, Duncan, Winton McConnachie, M. and D., Lochiel McCraeken, Adam, Loehiel McCrostie, J. and J., Waianiwa McDonald, Christopher, Hokanui McDonald, John, Hunter's Farm, Dacre McDonald, John, Mabel, Grove Bush ... MeFadyen, &., Spar Bush, Waianiwa ... McFariane, John, Gladfield McGregor, John, Makarewa McGregor, W illiam, Winton Mcllraith Brothers, Mataura (Ch.Ch.)... Mclntosh, J. and C, Gleniiale, Hedgehope McTntyre, John, Grove Bush Mclntyre, John, Long Bush Mclntyre, John, Long Bush McKay, Angus, Long Bush McKay, Archibald, Dunsdale, Hedgehope McKay, J.; Longbush McKellar, Donald, Mataura McKechnie and Balneaves, Mataura ... McKellar, Peter, Glenure, InTercargill... McKenzie, Abraham, Oteramika MeKercher, D., Winton McKercher, J. and J., Woodlands McKinnon, James, Byal Bush McKinnon, John, Waianiwa McLachlan, B. D., Dipton McLean, Hugh, Bound Hill Farm, Gore McLean, Thomas, Winton McLeod, George, Hedgehope McNaughton, David, Waianiwa McNaughton, D. and W., Waianiwa ... McNeil, Hector, Locheil McPhee, Malcolm, Longbush McPherson, M., Clifden, Invercargill ... McBae and Fraser, Hokonui McBae Brothers, Hokonui McEae, D. B., Hokonui _ McBae, Finlay, Hokonui Meat-preserving Company,'Woodlands Merrifield, John, Winton Millar, Archibald, Annandale Milligan, Barnard, Waianiwa Milligan, Charles, Waianiwa Milne, T. S., Woodlands Milne, William, Mataura Mitchell, J. A., Long Bush Moffat and Sloan, Woodlands Mollison, William, Isla Bank Morris, A. W., Bushey Park, Mataura... Mori son, John, Dipton Morris, A. W., Glendhu, Mataura Murchison, Donald, Wintou Nicholson, John, Fern Bush, Lochiel ... Nicholson, Proctor, Oteramika Noble, John, Lochiel Norman, B. and T., Winton N.Z. and A. Land Co., Edendale N.Z. and A. Land Co., Morton Mains N.Z. and A. Land Co., Aparima, Otautau N.Z. A. Co., Ardlussa & Eyre Creek, Gore N.Z. A. Company, Caroline and Otapiri N.Z. A. Company, Croydon, Goro N.Z. A. Co., Dome & Longridge, Gore ... N.Z. A. Company, Waimeaj Plains and Wantwood, Gore O'Brien, Thomas, Clifton O'Neill, John, Hedgehope Paddon, S., Athol Paterson, Thomas, Forest Hill, Winton Paterson, W. and A., Moseburn Perkins, W. K., Wianawa Pettigrew, Thomas, Grove Bush 1 001 800 I 13500 15o 5o 151 3o 7oo 650 42 26o 5oo 8oo 300 400 12oo 150 13o 15o 1300 70 4oo 2oo 194 25o 7586 4o 27 25o 27 500 700 16o 15o 15o 7o 23o 18o 13ooo 15o ]5o 131 91 lloo Soo 23 315 883 28o 3oo 3oo 3oo 15o 170 195 500 loo 5oo 2oo 161 31o 7957 5o 34 3oo 37 7oo 16o 45o 25o 162 2oo 133 90 Nil 400 15300 250 100 73 Nil 900 Nil 34 190 535 300 300 300 200 Nil 200 Nil 250 1011 Nil 100 600 Nil 260 160 295 320 395 8000 58 fiO 700 47 800 225 900 296 200 100 260 115 88 Nil 620 100 36 570 Nil 800 50 76 Nil 190 150 Nil 1909 300 8791 9100 560 196 Nil 136 250 786 4060 Nil Nil 15000 12500 11500 31700 40300 Io218 8oo 497 16 5oo 53 525 5o 81 50 117oo 69o 435 23 5 oo 56 6oo 95 73 48 33o 167 53 28o 81of. 676o 622 366 8689 1213o 5 oo 294 3oo 19o 17o 76o 254 238 160 654 3ol9o 8ooo 2528 l r 1757o 1, I o L O 1MI I r-l 14ooo 15ooo 8ooo 30ooo J515oo J 15o 298 7 3oo 2oo 33o 295 8ooo 5oo 100 400 Nil 255 8000 500 Nil 45o 40

Ho. o. Sheep on May. 1881. 1882. 1883. Poppelwell, W., jun., Edendale Price, J. M., Athol Pyper, A., Wrey'e Bush, Annandale ... Reid and Duncan, Waimatuku Eitchie, James, Oterainika Eifcchie, B. D., Mataura Robertson, Alexander, Loehiel Robertson, B. M., Gore Rogers, J., GHcngurfcli & Fairliglit, Atho' Ronald, William, Waianiwa Boss, Alexander, Hokanui Scott, W. E. P., Mandeville Scott, W., Hokonui Shand, J. and J., Winton Sharp, Joseph, Winton Shaw, Mark, Winton Shepherd. J. D., Oteramika Simon, Henry, Myross Bush Smith, Alexander, Oteramika Sproull, 0. 0., Winton Stewart, David, Biversdale Sutton, Edwin, Winton Sntton, J. B., Garryowen, Waianiwa ... Sutton, G. E., Winton Taylor, Angus, Hokonui Taylor, Bobert, Lora, Hokonui Taylor, Bobert, Lochiel Templeton, John, Waiinatuku ... Thomson, A. G., Hedgehope Thomson, James, Winton Thomson, John, and Sons, Winton Thomson, John, jun., Winton Thomson, Peter, Winton Thomson, Thomas, Winton Townsend, Edwin, Mataura Trotter, W. S., Koslin Farm, Woodlands Vale, T., Te Waie Point, Campbelltown Vincent, P., Fortrose Walker, William, & Co., Stewart Island Wallace, Angus, Wallacetown Ward, Arthur, Gladfield Williams, Charles, Woodlands Why to, Bobert, Elbow Wilson, Henry, Byal Bush Wilson, James, One Tree Point Wilson, John, Waianiwa Wilson, Thomas, Waianiwa Wohlers and others, Ruapuke Bluff ... 244 Io6 55o 197 26o25 227 400 3o95 18o 21oo 15o looo 37 31 27o 12o 33o leio 911 85o 4245 2oo 2oo 12c 15o 2oo 2ooo 162 745 23082 242 looo 4518 25o 25oo 2oo lloo 4o 449 375 185o 83o 9oo 4324 loo 597 900 150 200 23'"'0 36 745 210 1338 21450 290 Nil 3500 380 2700 100 1900 15 Nil Nil 372 Nil 160 2070 1200 800 4200 95 498 120 600 1200 500 700 300 200 180 2285 Nil 1400 192 66 18 Nil 400 74 300 360 2100 50C 13oo 5oo 4oo Soo 1 ;oo c 6oo 55 2141 loo 85o 17o 8o 504 2264 115o 192 97 15 98o 4oo 650 3oo 35 294 24o 22oo 3oo 2So 24oo 362884 364916 338160 Total in county 609114 609552 606295 WALLACE COUNTY (In Southland Subdivision.) Aitcheson Brothers, Westwood, Riverton Allen, William, Te Anau, Mararoa Allison, Jamee, Gummie's Bush Anderson, A., Strathmore, Otautau Anderson, D., Biverton Arklny Brothers, Gummie's Bush Barwell, Samuel, Otautau Basstian, C, Dunrobin, and Woodstock, Otautau Bath, Bichard, Gummie's Bush Beck, Joseph, Wairio Benn, John, Wallacetown Birchall, W. T., Anoandale Blackstoek, William, Biverton Blackwood, Thomas, Kinloch, Otautau Borthwick, James, Mararoa Brown, William, Thornbury Brownridge, James, Fairfax Butterwoi'th, J. L., Mossburn Calder, George, Gummie's Bush Calder, William, Heddon Bush Campbell, B., jun., Mararoa Downs and Burwood, Mararoa Carmichael, Allan, Strathmore, Otautau Canniehael, A. and A., Wallacetown ... Carraichael & Co., Lynwood and Wairaki, Mararoa Clark, Thomas, Hoddon Bueli 4o 10400 85o 372 83 llooo 15o 2oo 75 47 10000 370 115 9800 200 200 40 Nil 1.46 Nil 160 178 210 10700 200 300 Nil 130 180 617 165 98 290 1189 150 55 18o 46 200 82 250 70 190 1015 140 13o 26600 512 400 31315 450 550 38254, 786 800 30740 200 189 200


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

By Authority : Geoboe DIdSBTTKT, Government Printer, Wellington.—1884.


Ho. of Sheep on 31at May. 1881. I 1832. I 1883. Craig, Arch., Wairio Orouoli, E. T., Otautau Cumming, George, Groper's Bush Cupples, JR., Otautau Cuthbertson, B. F., Otahu, Wairaki ... Dean, C, Etal Creek, Otaufcau Dodd, Robert, Myrose Bush Dodde, William, Wairio Drabble, F., Ermdale, Groper's Bash ... Dundas, J. F., Mararoa Edridge, A. E., Yellow Bluff, Otautau... Ellis, J. C, Meriyale, Otautau Evans, John, Gladlield Fletcher, Peter, Thombury Gallaher, James, Annandale Gardiner, J., Birchwood, Wairio Glendinning, B. W., Otautau Gray, W. and K., Waimatuku Greive, John, Wallacetown Greive, J. &., Waianiwa Greive, Robert, Waianiwa Grey, George, Longwood, Riverton Grieve, James, Wallacetown Mailed, W., Wairio Halloran, R., Wrey's, Riverton Hamilton, J. W., .Flint's, Thornbnry ... Hankinson Bros., Te Anau, Mararoa ... Hare, A. R., Blackmount Hazlett, Robert, Thombury Hepburn and Co., Waieola, Otautau Hodge, J. A., Mavora, Mararoa Ilodgkinson, Dr., Mt.Fairfax,Inverca-rgill Holmes, Hon. M., Manipori, Mararoa... Hoperoft, William, Gummie's Bush ... Instone, Mathew, Riyersleigh, Thombury James, Richard, Johns, Allan, Groper's Bush Johnston, William, Groper's Bush Johnston, William, Annandale Jukes, M. D'A., Aparima, Otautau Kennedy, T. W., Otautau ... Kingdon, "N. S., G-ore Kirkpatrick, Thomas, Wairio Lindsay, John, Isla Bank Lindsay, William, Strathmore, Otautau Lyon, W. A., Isla Bank MacKonzie, Lachlan, Blackmount Mackintosh, Mrs. R., Wairio Mackintosh, James, Gladfield Manson, Donald, Annandale McDonald, A., Flints, Thornbury 292 6100 I5oo 415o 79o 2o3oo 93 298 5o 63o4 460 2oo 393 39o 3o 207 loo 454 16911 15ooo 25o 2845 40 500 7000 202 3500 1111 22000 277 6o 6786 266 5o0 17o 385 333 61 21o 110 498 15800 14ooo 300 2507 1620 10330 400 500 500 105 270 4146 100 240 500 400 63 145 11647 190 1000 20 800 396 350 6040 112 3500 41 3700 Nil 1312 18000 Nil 500 100 7572 200 700 126 385 500 Kil 332 180 J 50 497 Nil 14000 300 Nil 3790 1610 10816 470 424 492 Nil 390 3800 120 400 198 64 600 442 400 79 125 10627 100 900 2o8o 11247 3oo 227 38o Io5 2oo 5ooo 4oo 11654 70

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1881. 1882. I 1883. McDonald, Dugald, Wild Bush, Riverton 2oo 195 McDonald, Samuel, Wairio ... — 203 MeHardy, Alexander, Isla Bank ... — — Mclntyre, J., Eolhimurehis, Thornbury 650 990 McKenzie Bros., Forebank, IslaBank ... ■— } — McKenzie, William, Isla Bank ... Soo 500 McKinnon, R., Mt. Linton, Nightcaps... 16500 1625o McNcill, Peter, Flint's, Thornbury ... 38o : 90 McPherson, Archibald, Dalmore ... 300 150 Melland& Williams, Cheviot,Mararoa... — 343J Melland and Williams, Te Anau, Mararoa — — Millar, Eobert, Groper's Bush ... 3oo 390 Mitchell, John, Eosehill, Wairaki ... — 102 N.Z. L. M. A. Co., Belmont, Wairaki ... 35oo 4000 N.Z. L. M. A. Co., Simnyside, Wairaki 75oo 3700 Nurse, Hon. W. H.,Blackwater,Biverton 620 600 Officer, John, and Sons, Thornbury ... 4oo 468 Patei-son, William, Wallacetown ... 183 216 Philpott, Q-. and W., Waimatuku ... — — Pirie, James, Isla Bank ... 237 300 Power, Thomas, Annandale ... -— 100 Eeidie, David, Groper's Bush ... 85 96 Eeihill, Patrick, Scott's Gap, Otautau ... 146 154 Riddle, W., Mossbauk, Dalmore ... — 90 Bobbie, Francis, Isla Bank ... ■—■ ■— Roberts and Co., Eingway, Otautau ... 2965 469C Rowley, J. C, Avondale, Nightcaps ... 12512 12132 Sinclair, John, Eastern Bush, Otautau — 220 Smith, J. H., Bayswater, Otautau ... 5500 7000 Smith, J., jun., Otautau ... ■—• — Spence, R., Heddon Bush, Otautau ... 15ooo 15000 Spencer, H. M., Etalvale, Nightcaps ... — 2250 Stevens, E. W. B., Gummie's Busli ... 3oo 100 Stevens, W., South Grove, Gummie's Bush I0800 10800 Stevenson, James, Isla Bank ... 5oo 775 Sutton, Frederick, Thornbury ... 12ooj 1100 Sutton, T., Mrs., Fairview,Thornbury... 1300, 1600 Tait, Robert, Wallacetown ... 102| — Thomson, G., Captain, Otautau ... — — Tapper and Carmicbael, Flint's Bush ... 1000, 550 Thornhill Bros., Centre Hill, Elbow ... 6000 5000 Vaughan, J., Eiverton. ... 12o 200 Vinning, IX,, Beilmont, Wairaki ... — — W T ard, Thomae, Yellow Bluff, Otautau 15o| 137 Ward, C. and, H., Groper's Bush. ... 4971 400 Watson, Douglas, Otautau ... ■—• ■—• Wiggins, C, Groper's Bueh ,.. ■— 121 Williamson, George, Isla Bank ... ■— 2135 Wilson, E. and Co., Woodburn, Otautau 5717 6050 255171266809 202 10 95 1150 324 500 14563 500 Nil 3165 11675 450 140 Nil 4040 790 600 173 400 277 49 127 100 145 181 4980 15628 100 6500 80 13000 4320 Nil 12500 690 1190 170 Nil 50 1000 5987 Nil 297S 188 583 20 188 687 5000 296543

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1883., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-03

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THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1883. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-03

THE ANNUAL SHEEP RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY, 1883. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-03

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