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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1883 (LIST OF). [L.R. means Letters of Registration, and L.P. means Letters Patent.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

758. (L.P.) 4th January. James Bowland Hill and Alexandee Bobebtson, both of Otepopo, in the Provincial District of Otago, and Colony of New Zealand, Millowners.—lmprovements in threshing-mills, so as to enable grass-seed to be cleaned, dressed, and delivered into bags ready for market, by substituting certain apparatus for some of the apparatus used for threshing grain. 759. (L.P.) sth January. Chables Watt, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An improved process of and for the manufacturing of gas for illuminating, heating, and other purposes. (Not proceeded with.) 760. (L.E.) Bth January. Heineich Wilhelm Ludwig Otto yon Boden, of Hamburg, Germanj'. ■ —An improved process for preserving milk. 761. (L.E.) Bth January. Paul de Pdydt, of Brussels, in the Kingdom of Belgium, Engineer.— A process for the manufacture of fibres, by the treatment of textile materials and fibrous plants, whereby a product is obtained capable of being employed for the manufacture of fabrics, cloths, felts, and cordage of all kinds. 762. (L.E.) Bth January. Guy Huggins Gabdneb, of Bourke Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Merchant.—lmprovements in furnaces for reducing iron ores. (Joel Wilson's.) 763. (L.P.) 9th January. William Ewington, of Auckland, New Zealand, Engineer.—Self-dis-charging silt-punts. (Not proceeded with.) 764. (L.E.) 17th January. Geobge Dalton, of Leeds, in the County of York, England.—lmprovements in machinery for crushing or reducing gold quartz, ores, cement, clinker, &c, to powder. 765. (L.P.) 20th January. Thomas Osbobne, of Wellington, New Zealand, Joiner.—An improved meat press, to be called " Osborne's Meat Press." (Patent refused.) 766. (L.P.) 23rd January. William Jewell, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Stonemason.—An invention for rendering brick, stone, plaster, or other similar porous substances impervious to water or damp. (Not proceeded with.) 767. (L.P.) 23rd January. Thomas Cbawfoed Dennison, of Oamaru, New Zealand, Civil Engineer and Surveyor; Waltee Andeew Haepee, of Oamaru aforesaid, Engineer and Surveyor; and Feedeeick William Smith Ansted, of Oamaru aforesaid, Teacher.—An improved method of manufacturing asphaltic concrete for all uses for which cement and asphalte are suitable. 768. (L.E.) 24th January. William Thomas Whiteman, of No. 7, Staple Inn, in the County of Middlesex, England, Patent Agent.—lmprovements in electric lamps. 769. (L.P.) 29th January. William Nelson, of Tomoana, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay and Colony of New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—lmproved machinery for carrying out the process commonly known as "boiling down." 770. (L.E.) 31st January. Henby Hudson, of Eedfern, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales.—lmprovements in leaf-springs. (Thomas Midelton's.) 771. (L.P.) 2nd February. John Stewaet Little, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand,Carpenter. —A fire-escape ladder. (Not proceeded with.) 772. (L.E.) 6th February. Eobebt McCully, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one of the United States of America.—lmprovements in machines for crushing, grinding, pulverizing, or , similarly treating ore, grain, and other materials. 773. (L.E.) 10th February. Jules Louis Moeet, of Paris, in the Eepublic of France.—An improved treatment for softening, unhairing, puring, ungreasing, and preserving hides and skins. 774. (L.P.) 10th February. John Aspinall, of Skipper's Point, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Miner.—Hand rock-drill. (Not proceeded with.) 775. (L.P.) 14th February. Geoege Seton Stenhouse, of Blenheim, Commission Agent, and John Smith, of Blenheim, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An invention for the purpose of destroying and exterminating rabbits, to be known as " Stenhouse and Smith's Gaseous Selfacting Vermin and Babbit Exterminator." (Not proceeded with.)

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776 (LP) 16th February. Fbancis Alexander Monckton, of Eoss, in the Colony of New_ Zealand, Surgeon.—An invention for hospital bedsteads, to be known by the title of "Monckton's Balanced Whip Accident Bedstead." 777. (L.P.) 16th February. Peter Fbancis Daniel, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Student. —A new and improved method of using tobacco for smoking in pipes, tubes, or other instruments. (Not proceeded with.) 778. (L.P.) 17th February. "William Holmes, of Lyttelton, in the Colony of New Zealand.—A washing-machine, for saving labour in the process of washing clothes. (Not proceeded with.) 779. (L.E.) 17th February. Joshua Hendy, of San Francisco, California, United States of America, Manufacturer. —Improvements in ore-feeders for stamp-mills. 780 (L.E.) 17th February. The Mallac Patent Electeic Lighting Company (Limited), whose registered office is at 59, Queen Street, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria. —Improvements in galvanic batteries. (Louis Mallac.) 781. (L.P.) 23rd February. Thomas Tuenbull, of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, Architect. —An improved ventilator movement. 782. (L.P.) 22nd February. Eobeet James Fbemoe Willson, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand. —An invention for making concrete blocks for marine and other works, so that they can be floated to their position and sunk without the use of expensive machinery. (Not proceeded with.) 783. (L.P.) 22nd February. Eobeet James Feemoe Willson, of Dunedin, in the Colony of NewZealand.—An invention for guiding the currents of rivers, harbours, &c, by means of loaded timber-screens. (Not proceeded with.) 784. (L.P.) 24th February. Chables Peabs Haywaed, of the City of Lincoln,_ in England, Manufacturing Chemist and Engineer. —An invention for improved sheep-dipping baths. 785. (L.P.) 24th February. John Spink Hudson, of Warkworth, in the County of Eodney and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for protecting pastures, growing crops, gardens, fields, orchards, &c, by the use of barbed bands of iron, or other metal or material. (Not proceeded with.) 786. (L.P.) 27th February. Alfred Ckossley, of Auckland, in the Colony of Now Zealand, Brass-worker.—Crossley's Twin Vessel. (Not proceeded with.) 787. (L.P.) 7th March. John Sellgeen, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, _ Chemist. —An invention for tinting, that is to say, for improving the appearance of certain articles for sale by means of colouring or tinting the metal capsules or foil generally known by the name of tin-foil, after the same shall have been affixed in the usual manner to the neck and cork of the bottle or bottles in which the said article or articles for sale are contained. (Not proceeded with.) 788. (L.P.) 7th March. William Eoss, of the firm of George Booth and Sons, at Sydenham, in the. Colony of New Zealand, Implement Makers.—A multiple punching machine. (Not proceeded with.) 789. (L.P.) 7th March. William Eoss, of Sydenham, in the Provincial District of Canterbury and Colony of New Zealand, Implement Manufacturer. —An invention for improvement in the centres of plough skeiths, in which the wear of the centre may be taken up by a conical bush at each side, the whole being so encased as to prevent sand from entering the bearings. ; (Not proceeded with.) 790. (L.P.) 12th March. Eobeet Bakee, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Baker's Combined Gauging, Mixing, and Compressing Concrete Machine," for the manufacture, and compression in moulds, of concrete blocks, slabs, mouldings, and other shapes. 791. (L.E.) 19th March. Sir Julius Vogel, of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria.—lmprovements in dynamo-electric machines. (J. Hopkinson.) 792. (L.E.) 19th March. Eichaed Matthew Howling, of Ballarat, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer. — Improvements in apparatus for arresting sparks from funnels, flues, and chimneys. 793. (L.P.) 20th March. Fbancis Henby Asbuby, Heating and Ventilating Engineer, of Dunedin, in the Provincial' District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—lmprovements in the apparatus for generating steam and heating water. 794. (L.P.) 16th March. Walteb Cbawfobd, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand.—The Crawford Suspended-Overhead Eailway and Carriage. (Not proceeded with.) 795. (L.P.) 29th March.. Ewen Alexander Camebon, of Nokomai, in the Provincial District of Southland and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for exterminating rabbits, and titled " Cameron's Eabbit Exterminator." (Not proceeded with.) 796. (L.P.) sth April. John Edwaed Pipee, of No. 222, High Street, in the City of Christchurch and Colony of New Zealand, Watchmaker.—An invention for measuring time by means of an improved controlled electric minute-clock. (Not proceeded with.) 797. (L.P.) sth April. John Newbald, of Cemetery Eoad, Woolston, near Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Currier.—An improvement in the method of dressing leather for market. (Not proceeded with.) 798. (L.P.) 4th April. Ewen Alexandee Camebon, of Nokomai, in the Provincial District of Southland and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for the extermination of rabbits, and called " Cameron's Centrifugal-Fan Eabbit Exterminator." (Not proceeded with.) 799. (L.P.) 16th April. Josias John de Lambebt, of Oaniaru, in the Colony of _ New Zealand, Company's Manager, and Samuel Ebnest HubbAbd, of Oamaru, aforesaid, Mechanical Engineer.—A machine for cutting and bending metal into barbs used in the manufacture of barbed-wire: (Not proceeded with.) 800. (L.E.) 12th April. John Campbell, of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, one of the United States of America, M.D.—lmprovements in ore furnaces.



801. (L.E.) 12th April. Thomas Alva Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, in the United States of America.—lmprovements in means for indicating and regulating the current of electrical generators for supplying electric lights and other purposes. 802. (L.E.) 12th April. Donald McKenzie, of No. 48, Post-office Place, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Agent.—lmprovements in lubricating cups. 803. (L.E.) 12th April. James McFablane Eobison, Thomas Buchanan Campbell Eobison, and Heney Dodds, trading as " Eobison Brothers and Company," at Flinders Street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Engineers. —An improvement in centrifugal pumps. 804. (L.E.) 12th April. James Howaed, Edwaed Tenney Bousfield, and Heney William Gibbs, all of Bedford, England.—lmprovements in harrows. " 805. (L.E.) 12th April. The Gulches Eleoteio Light and Powee Company (Limited), of the City of London, England. —Improvements in electric lighting apparatus. (E. J. Giilcher.) 806. (L.P.) 17th April. Thomas Claeke Jenkins, of the City of Wellington and Colony of New Zealand, Clerk.'—An invention for registering purposes, to be called a " Multiplex Eegistrar." 807. (L.P.) 18th April. William Cook Dean, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Tinplate-worker.—An invention for turning at one operation the raw edges of sheet-tin, copper, brass, or other metal into a rolled form, without the use of wire, and for affixing two edges of said metal together in such a manner as to dispense with the necessity of their being soldered. 808. (L.E.) 14th April. The Gulchee Elbcteic Light and Powbe Company (Limited), of the City of London, in England.—lmprovements in magneto- and dynamo-electric machines. (E. J. Giilcher.) 809. (L.P.) 20th April. Waltee Booth, of Oamaru, in the Colony of New Zealand, Commission Agent, and Geoege Booth, of Oamaru aforesaid, Carpenter. —An invention of a drip-stone filter, for effectually removing all impurities and discolorations from water used for domestic or manufacturing purposes, and imparting to the water a palatable and beneficial trace of lime, and keeping the water perfectly cool. 810. (L.P.) 20th April. Waltee Geeenshields, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand.— An-invention for a suspender, known as the "Diamond Suspender." 811. (L.P.) 17th April. John Joseph Howaed, of the City of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Painter.—An invention for mixing or gauging mortar, cement, concretes, asphalting or other such substances, for erecting buildings, and for laying down roads, streets, tramways, pathways, kerbs, channels, and other like purposes, called a " Concrete- or Mortar-mixer." (Not proceeded with.) 812. (L.P.) 20th April. Aechibald Donald, of Palmerston, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Blacksmith. —A machine called a " phosphorizing grain machine:" an invention for the purpose of effectually poisoning grain with phosphorus for the destruction of rabbits. 813. (L.P.) 14th April. Eeedeeick Beadey, of Pahautahanui, in the Provincial District of Wellington and Colony of New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—A mechanical gangway for sheepdipping. (Not proceeded with.) 814. (L.P.) 26th April. David Steang, of Invercargill, in the Colony of New Zealand, Coffee and Spice Merchant.—lmprovements in apparatus for roasting chicory, cocoa, and all like substances, for drying grain of all, descriptions, and for roasting or drying any and every other substance which may be roasted or dried by means of this apparatus. 815. (L.E.) 23rd April. Paul Jablochkoff, of Paris, in the Bepublic of France, Engineer.— Improvements in dynamo-electric and electro-dynamic machines. 816. (L.E.) 23rd April. The Phosphoe-Beonze Company (Limited), of London, England.—■ Improvements in the manufacture of silicious copper and silicious bronze, particularly suited for making electric conducting wires. (Lazare Weiller's.) 817. (L.E.) 23rd April. The Electeo-Amalgamatoe Company (Limited), of Tower Chambers, Finsbury Pavement, in the City of London, England.—An improved method of abstracting gold and silver from their ores by the combined action of electricity and mercury. , (B. Barker.) 818. (L.E.) 23rd April. Guy Huggins Gaednee, of Bourke Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Merchant. —Improvements in furnaces for the manufacture of bar iron and blooms. 819. (L,8.) 23rd April. James Edwaed Heney Goedon, of Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, England.—lmprovements in dynamo-electric machines. 820. (L.P.) 30th April. Alfbed William Chatpield, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—A base for artificial teeth, known as "The Triumph Celluloid Base." 821. (L.P.) 4th May. Thomas Johnson Thompson, of Campbelltown, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Marino Surveyor.—An improvement in the manufacture of hydraulic cement. '822. (L.E.) Ist May. David Lindsay Waugh, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Engineer. —Improvements in machinery for excavating and removing earth. 823. (L.E.) Ist May. Geoege Eichaed Dibbs, a Member of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, and Feedeeick Hugh Thomas, Civil Engineer and Architect, both of Sydney, -New South Wales.—An improvement in the manner of manufacturing Portland cement, to be called "Australasian Portland Cement." 824. (L.P.) 10th May. Walteb Booth, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago, and Colony of New Zealand, Commission Agent, and Geoege Booth, of Oamaru, aforesaid, Carpenter.— An invention for drilling stone, for the purpose of making the hollow drip filters described in an application for letters patent for a drip-stone filter, for effectually removing all impurities and discolorations from water used for domestic or manufacturing purposes, and imparting to the water a palatable and beneficial trace of lime, and keeping the water perfectly cool.



825. (L.P.) Bth May. Colin Mackay, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention entitled " Mackay's Spiked Wire," for fencing paddocks, fields, pastures, &c. 826. (L.P.) 2nd May. John Anton Subeitzky, of Mangonui, in the Provincial District of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Storekeeper.—An invention for the treatment, healing, or curing of wounds, piles, cramp, bad breasts, asthma, bronchitis, sick headache, old sores, spasms, heart disease, corns, and other like diseases and complaints, to be called "Mrs. Subritzky's Pills and Ointment." 'Not proceeded with.) 827. (L.E.) 14th May. Edwabd Watees, of No. 87, Bourke Street West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.—lmprovements in electric lamps. (Pilsen Joel and General Electric Light Company, Limited.) 828. (L.E.) 14th May. Edwaed Watees, of No. 87, Bourke Street West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.—lmprovements in the manufacture of carbon conductors for electric lamps, and an apparatus to be employed in such manufacture. (Maxim. Weston Electric Light Company.) 829. (L.E.) 14th May. Henei Hebeensohmidt, Metallurgist, and Mabhaduke Constable, Gentleman, both of Sydney, New South Wales. —An improved process of extracting the oxides of cobalt and manganese from their ores. 830. (L.P.) 21st May. Josias John de Lambeet, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Company's Manager, and Samuel Ebnest Htjbbaed, of Oamaru aforesaid, Mechanical Engineer.—A novel machine for cutting and bending, at one operation, metal into barbs used in the manufacture of barbed wire. 831. (L.E.) 14th May. Edwaed Watees, of No. 87, Bourke Street West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent. —Improvements in dynamo-electric machines. (Maxim. Weston Electric Company, Limited.) 832. (L.E.) 14th May. John Shaw, of Hmdmarsh, near Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Fellmonger.—lmprovements in the manufacture of leather from hides and skins for commercial purposes only. 833. (L.E.) 14th May. Eli Feaizee Bussell, of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, one of the United States of America.—lmprovements in the art or process of conglomerating particles for roasting and smelting, which is applicable particularly for forming black sand into bricks, in the manufacture of iron and steel from black sand. 834. (L.P.) 22nd May. Geoege Seton Stenhouse, Commission Agent, of Blenheim, Marlborough, in the Colony of New Zealand, and John Smith, of the same place, Tinsmith. —An invention for the purpose of destroying and exterminating rabbits and vermin, to be known as " Stenhouse and Smith's Gaseous Self-acting Vermin and Eabbit Exterminator." 835. (L.P.) 23rd May. William Beeey, of Crofton, Upper Kaiwarawara, near the City of Wellington.—An invention by which the error caused by the use of a paper transfer in photolithography or photozincography is avoided. 836. (L.P.) 22nd May. William McLennan, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Baker.— A cylinder revolving dough-mixer. 837. (L.P.) 17th May. Geoege Caedee, Waltee Caedee, and Edwaed Owen, all of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Potters, trading under the style or firm of Carder Brothers and Company.—A border edge and drain tile. (Application withdrawn.) 838. (L.P.) 18th May. Haecouet Innes Paton, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Gum-carver.—An invention for inlaying or imbedding kauri gum with ferns, shells, seaweed, coral, moss, and other foreign substances, for personal or other ornaments. (Application withdrawn.) 839. (L.P.) 6th June. Alfeed Atkins, of Wanganui, in the County of Wanganui, New Zealand. An invention for wire for measuring, being an improvement in apparatus for surveying and general measuring. (Application withdrawn.) 840. (L.P.) 4th June. Henet Honoue, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, -Settler. —An improvement in threshing machinery. 841. (L.P.) 2nd June. Alexandee Mutch, of Milton, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Wheeltapper.—An invention for simplifying the method now in use for adjusting the push-bars of brakes in railway rolling-stock, by substituting the push-bar as delineated in the drawing for the push-bar now in general use. 842. (L.P.) 4th June. John Teoughton Bibchall, Mechanical Engineer, and Chaeles Edwabd Twining, Mining Engineer, both of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for extracting gold from quartz and cement crushings, miners' tailings, and beach sands. 843. (L.P.) 11th June. Ebnest Aethue Chapman, of Grampians, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, in the Colony of New Zealand, Sheep-farmer.—A circular handsaw. 844. (L.E.) 11th June. Edwaed Watees, of No. 87, Bourke Street West, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent. —Improvements in apparatus for the distribution and regulation of electric currents. (Maxim. Weston Electric Company, Limited.) "845. (L.E.) 11th June. .Edwabd Watees, of No. 87, Bourke Street West, in_ the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Patent Agent.—lmprovements in electric lighting apparatus. (Maxim. Weston Electric Company, Limited.) 846. (L.P.) Bth June. Edwaed Baetley, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Architect.—A louvre, suitable for factories, breweries, schools, churches, and other buildings requiring ventilation, and so constructed as to effectually prevent rain from driving up the louvre and into the building, without diminishing the space for ventilation,



847. (L.P.) 15th June. Thomas Cossens, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.—An invention for quarrying or cutting stone of the kind known as Oaniaru stone. 848. (L.P.) 16th June. Sydney Weoughton Fulton, of Outram, in the Provincial District of Otago, in the Colony of New Zealand, Farmer. —An improved portable wire-strainer. 849. (L.P.) 19th June. Francis Heney Asbuby, Warming and Ventilating Engineer, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.- —Improvements in the method of heating the feed-water of boilers, and. in the construction of the apparatus for effecting the same. 850. (L.E.) 23rd June. Feidolf Schauman, Eailway Director in Sweden. —Improvements in the permanent-way of railways. 851. (L.E.) 23rd June. Chables Fabquhab Findlay, of No. 7, Mecklenburg Street, in the County of Middlesex, England, Engineer. —Improvements in rope-traction railways or tramways. 852. (L.E.) 23rd June. Bookes Evelyn Bell Crompton, of Mansion House Buildings, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, England, Engineer, and Desmond Geeald Fitzgeeald, of No. 6, Ackerman Eoad, Brixton, in the County of Surrey, England, Electrician. —Improvements in galvanic batteries and electro-chemical accumulators. 853. (L.E.) 23rd June. Desmond Gebald FitzGeeald, of Brixton, in the County of Surrey, England, Electrician, and Thomas John Jones, of Princes Street, Hanover Square, London, England, Electrician.-—lmprovements in secondary or storage batteries. 854. (L.P.) 29th June. James Bbuce, of Timaru, in the Colony of New Zealand.—Grain-drying apparatus. 855. (L.E.) 30th June. Eobebt Scott, of No. 15, Victoria Parade, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Engineer.—An improvement in stamp batteries. 856. (L.P.) 23rd June. John Joseph Howaed, of the City of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for caskets, boxes, or coffins for enclosing the dead. 857. (L.P.) 23rd June. DEsnrf; Noel Fban<jois Gabniee, of the City of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand. —Garnier's Electric Painless Operator. 858. (L.P.) sth July. Edwaed Hughes Elliott, of Timaru, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, in the Colony of New Zealand, Storekeeper.—An invention for facilitating the barbing of wire for fencing and other purposes, to be called " The Acme Barbed Wire Machine." 859. (L.P.) 9th July." John of Opotiki, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand.'—An invention for cutting maize. 860. (L.E.) 7th July. William Wilkinson, of Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Woolsorter. —Improvements in wool-washing machines. 861. (L.E.) 7th July. Thomas Bbeakell and Joseph Henby Haycbaft, both of Adelaide, in the Province of South Australia, Gentlemen.—lmprovements in the extraction of gold from finely-divided auriferous material. 862. (L.E.) 7th July. Alebed Kibby Huntington, of King's College, Strand, and Walteb Edwaed Koch, of Philbeach Gardens, Kensington, both in the County of Middlesex, England.—An improved process for extracting precious metals from their ores. 863. (L.P.) 12th July. William Henby Cutten, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand. —An invention for a plough seat. 864. (L.P.) 11th July. Peteb Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchureh, in the Colony of New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Manufacturers.- —Improvements in disc harrows, consisting of —(Ist) The adapting of shafts for use with disc harrows; (2nd) a flexible ball-joint; and (3rd) a connection for the two rows of discs which allows of an independent action for either row. 865. (L.P.) 13th July. Chables Clabk Abmstbong, of Dunedin, in .the Provincial District of Otago, in the Colony of New Zealand, Dealer.- —Eevolving clothes-drye* , . 866. (L.E.) 18th July. Chables la Dow, of the City of Albany, in the State of New York, United States of America.—An improvement in sulky harrows. 867. (L.E.) 18th July.. Desmond Gebald FitzGebald, of Brixton, in the County of Surrey, England, and Chables Henby Walkeb Biggs and William Woeby Beaumont, both of the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, England. —Improvements in secondary batteries. 868. (L.E.) 18th July. Desmond Geeald FitzGerald, of Brixton, in the County of Surrey, England, and Chables Henby Walkeb Biggs and William Wobby Beaumont, both of the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, England.—lmprovements in secondary batteries. 869. (L.E.) 18th July. Chables Henby Walkeb Biggs and William Woeby Beaumont, both of the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, England. —Improvements in apparatus or secondary batteries for the production, conservation, and regulation of electric currents. 870. (L.P.) 11th July. ~ Heney Honoub, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand. —A water motor. 871. (L.E.) 25th July. Hebbebt Maguibe Whitehead, of 7, Lothbury, of the City of London, in England.—An improved method of and aj>plianees for stowing f bags of wool, hair, jute, and the like, inboard steam and other vessels, and the formation of walls of chambers or compartments thereby, within which meat and other perishable food may be preserved. 872. (L.E.) 25th July. Fbank Weight and Matthew William Wallbank Mackie, both of No. 80, Gray's Inn Eoad, in the County of Middlesex, England, Electrical Engineers.—A new or improved apparatus for blowing and shaping glass. 873. (L.P.) 26th July. Walteb Manning, of Tory Street, Wellington, New Zealand.—lmproved deviation-cards for the use of iron ships at sea. 874. (L.E.) 25th July. Joshua Baekeb Cabteb, of Barkly Street, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman.-—An improved contrivance for paring and coring fruit and vegetables.



875. (L.P.) 27th July. Maemadukb Clarke, of Tomoana, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, in the Colony of New Zealand, Manager of Works.—An improved machine or apparatus for filling cans or tins with meat in the meat-preserving process. 876. (L.P.) 30th July. John Philp Kidd, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Lime Merchant.—An invention for hydraulic cement, to be used for all purposes to which Portland cement is at present applied, namely, for concrete building purposes of all kinds, plastering, and other purposes of a like nature, and to be called and have the, title of " Kidd's Hydraulic Cement." 877. (L.P.) 23rd July. Samuel Pabkeb, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, New Zealand.—A galvanized lead-headed nail. 878. (L.P.) 31st July. Geoege Boss, of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—An invention for raising sunken ships or vessels of any description, and to be called "Boss's Patent Strain-equilibrium Ship-lifter." 879. (L.8.) 2nd August. Louis of Paris, in the Department of the Seine and Bepublic of Prance, Doctor of Medicine.—lmprovements in the treatment of quartz, auriferous sand and soil, and argentiferous and other ores, which may undergo amalgamation, and improved apparatus in connection therewith. 880. (L.8.) 2nd August. Leopold Hesse, of Argyle Street, St. Kilda, in the Colony of Victoria, Manufacturing Chemist. —Improvements in closets and in closet-pans, and in the process of and apparatus for deodorizing and converting offensive matters, such as excreta, offal, &c, into a fertilizing material. 881. (L.P.) 28th July. Ebenezeb Hadeill, of Howe Street, Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland, Manufacturer.—An invention for coating locomotive and other steam-boilers, to be titled " Hadrill's Improved Non-conductor-of-heat Composition," with the object of effecting a considerable saving in the consumption of fuel. 882. (L.P.) 30th July. David Boss, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.-—Boss's Patent Double-purpose Sanitary Self-acting Closet-seat. 883. (L.P.) 6th August. Waltek Booth, of Oamaru, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Commission Agent, and Geokge Booth, of Oamaru aforesaid, Carpenter.—High-pressure drip-stone filter. 884. (L.P.) 4th August. Peteb Duncan and David Duncan, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An elliptical draught-spring, for use with ploughs .and other agricultural implements which are liable to sudden jerks or strains when in use. 885. (L.8.) 10th August. Alfbed Kieby Huntington, of Hampstead, and Waltek Bdwaed Koch, of Kensington, both in the County of Middlesex, England.—A new or improved amalgamating apparatus. 886. (L.8.) 10th August. John Jameson, of Akenside Hill, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the Kingdom of England, Consulting Engineer.—lmprovements in the manufacture of coke. 887. (L.P.) 11th August. Colin Mackay and Henby Walden, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—Mackay's Wire-spinning and Beeling Machine, for facilitating the operations of spinning or twisting and reeling barbed, spiked, or other wires. 888. (L.P.) 15th August, William McLaughlin, of Puhinui, near Otahuhu, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.—A land-clearer and hedgetrimmer. 889. (L.P.) 17th August. Thomas Wood, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—Wood's Watertight Boot. 890. (L.P.) 18th August. Bichaed John Lovegeove, of Leeston, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—An invention for shifting reaping- and binding-machines, to be called a shifting carriage. 891. (L.8.) 22nd August. ■ David Macks, of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, Merchant. —A perpendicular gas-generating burner for portable lamps, constructed to contain a reservoir of illuminating fluid. (W. Hooker.) 892. (L.P.) 20th August. William Henby Cutten, of Anderson's Bay, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.—Cutten's Improved Coulter. 893. (L.P.) 21st August. John Aspinall, of Skipper's Point, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand, Miner.—Aspinall's Hand- or Motive-power Bock-drill. 894. (L.P.) 22nd August. Duncan William Macaethue, of Invercargill, in the Colony of New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for signalizing the approach of trains on railway lines or tramways at level crossings, sharp deep curves, tunnels, and so forth, to be styled " The Self-acting and -adjusting Bailroad and Tramway Sliding Lever-Bar, Double-action Combination Bell-lamp, and Semaphore Signal." 895. (L.P.) 24th August. Archibald Camebon, of Auchallander, Forrest Hill District, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Settler.-—An invention for hedgecutting. 896. (L.P.) 24th August. Bobebt James Eebmoe Willson, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—A method of making children's and other elastic-sided boots much easier to put on, and at the same time of preserving the elastic. "897. (L.P.) 25th August. Duncan William McAbthue, of Invercargill, in the Colony of New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for fastening windows by means of a self-acting window latch-lock. 898. (L.P.) 29th August. John Alves, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.— Improvements in apparatus for conveying material on aerial tramways or endless rope ways. 899. (L.P.) 6th September. Chaeles Atkin, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Coachbuilder.—A noise-preventer, or anti-window-rattler. 900. (L.8.) 6th September. Edwaed John Honeychuech Beoad, of Park House, Enmore Eoad, Marrickville, Engineer, and William Thomas Poole, of Sydney, M.L.A., Gentleman.— Improvements in the manufacture of white-lead from metallic lead.



901. (L.P.) sth George Henby Maesden, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for the manufacture of atmospheric gas. 902. (L.E.) 10th September. Thomas Alva Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician. —Improvements in or relating to apparatus for the generation, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy. 903. (L.8.) 10th September. George Payne Clarke, of Kensington Hill, near Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Manufacturing Chemist.—An improved process for the production of solid fatty acids. 904. (L.E.) 10th September. Alfred Swan, of the Borough of Gateshead, in the County of Durham and Kingdom of England, Engineer. —Improvements in the manufacture or construction of incandescent electric lamps, and in machinery or apparatus to be employed therein. 905. (L.E.) 10th September. Henry Gerner, of 67, Strand, in the City of Westminster, London, England.—lmprovements in the treatment of india-rubber, gutta-percha, and analogous gums. 906. (L.E.) 10th September. The Phosphob-Bronze Company (Limited), of 87, Sunnier Street, Southw-ark, London, England.—lmprovements in the manufacture of siliciotis copper and silicious bronze, and the preparation of certain compounds, suitable to be employed in such manufacture. (Lazare Weiller.) 907. (L.E.) 10th September. The E.C. Powdee Company (Limited), of 11, Queen Victoria Street, in the City of London, England.—lmprovements in the manufacture of explosives. (W. E. Eeid and D. Johnson's.) 908. (L.P.) Bth September. Alexander Burt, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand," Hydraulic Engineer. —A combined supply and concussion valve for hydraulic lift. 909. (L.P.) Bth September. Alexander Burt, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Hydraulic Engineer.—A self-acting safety brake for hydraulic lift. 910. (L.P.) 7th September. Henry Joseph Caeson, of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand.—The Combination Letter-paper. 911. (L.P.) 14th September. Camille Malfboy, of Eoss, in the Provincial District of Westland and Colony of New Zealand, Hydraulic Engineer.—An improved reversible turbine for winding purposes, to be called " Malfroy's Patent Improved Beversible Turbine." 912. (L.P.) 14th September. Thomas Awdry, of Marton, in the County of Eangitikei, Farmer, and Samward Ingeam, of Marton, aforesaid, Blacksmith.—A wool-press, called " The Crossaction Single' Windlass Press." 913. (L.P.) 11th September. Mask Sinclair, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Coachbuilder. —The Sinclair Patent Combination Dog-cart and Double Buggy. 914. (L.P.) 12th September. Archibald Cameeon, of Auchallander, Forrest Hill District, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Settler.—An invention for hedgecutting. 915. (L.P.) 13th September. Joseph Venables, of 240, South Belt, in the City of Christchurch, New Zealand.—Tinned wire-nails with solid lead heads and washers. 916. (L.P.) 15th September. Sydney Wroughton Fulton, of West Taieri, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Farmer.—An invention for straining wire in wire fences, called "The Improved Portable Wire-strainer." 917. (L.P.) 18th September. George David Jones, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—An invention for a safety pocket. 918. (L.P.) 20th September. Samuel Bawden, of Grahamstown, in the Provincial District of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Assayer and Mine Engineer.—Bawden's ImprovedTurbine. 919. (L.P.) 25th September. George Bird and Luke William Gegan, both of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, New Zealand.—A secondary battery cell for storing or conserving electricity. 920. (L.P.) 25th 'September. Arthur Charles Andrews, of Queen Street, Sydenham, in the Colony of New Zealand.—A machine for the manufacture of paper bags, to be called " Andrews's Patent T-shaped Paper-bag-making Machine." 921. (L.E.) 27th September. Elphinstone Boe, of Eucla, in the Colony of Western Australia,Telegraph Line Inspector.—An invention entitled " Nyctograph," or improved system of signalling. ■ 922. (L.E.) 27th September. Edmund Coggswell Conveese, of Pittsburg, in the County of Alleghany and State of Pennsylvania, in the United States of America:—lmprovements in couplings for tubing. 923. (L.E.) 27th September. William Woodcock, of Oamaru, in the Colony of New Zealand, Manufacturer of Barbed Fencing-wire, and Edwaed West, of Oamaru, aforesaid, Commission Agent.—lmproved contrivances for barbing wire by hand. 924. (L.E.) 27th September. Sir William Thomson, of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, Knight, Doctor of Laws and Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University and College of Glasgow; Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti and Alfred Thomson, both of No. 3, Fenchurch Avenue, in the City of London, Electricians.—lmprovements in electric-arc lamps, and in apparatus for generating, regulating, and measuring electric currents used for working the same, and for other purposes. 925. (L.E.) 27th September. Edwin Jenkins and Alexander Law, both of Exhibition Street, Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Founders, and William Peice, of Pitt Street, Carlton, in the said Colony, Ironworker.—An improved process of annealing chilled and other iron castings.



926. (L.P.) 20th September. William Mabtin, of Claremont Street, in the suburbs of Auckland, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand.—lmprovements in portable show-pens for the exhibition of poultry, &c, to be called " Improved Portable ShowPens." 927. (L.P.) 4th October. Thomas Johnson Thompson, of Campbelltown, in the Provincial District Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Marine Surveyor.—An improvement in the manufacture of cement, to be called " Thompson's Bluff Portland Cement;" also of artificial stone, bricks, tiles, drain-pipes, and any other articles of stoneware. 928. (L.P.) Ist October. William Andeews and Arthuk Waed Beaven, both of the City of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury and Colony of New Zealand, Engineers, carrying on business as such at Christchurch aforesaid, in copartnership under the name or style of "Andrews and Beaven."—An invention for automatic self-regulating feed for mill. 929. (L.E.) sth October. Wilhelm Fischeb, of Leipsic, Kingdom of Saxony, German Empire. — Improvements in pianofortes. 930. (L.E.) sth October. Lucian Gaulaed, of Montague Place, Bedford Square, and John Dixon GibbSj of Bury Street, St. James's, both in the County of Middlesex, England.—A new system of distributing electricity for the production of light and power. 931. (L.P.) sth October. Hebbebt Gaby, of the City of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.—An improvement in mixing atmospheric air with gas. 932. (L.P.) 2nd October. William Aechibald Mubbay, of Piako, in the Colony of New Zealand, Farmer.-—Automatic preventive to railway collisions. 933. (L.P.) 9th October. Sydenham Oxenham, of Makaraka, in the County of Cook and Colony of New Zealand, Contractor.—Portable combined seed and grain cleaner and separator. 934. (L.P.) 6th October. James Eitchie, of Kaikorai, Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.— An invention for blasting and boring purposes, entitled " The Torpedo Blast Depositor." 935. (L.P.) Bth October. Eobeet Kennedy, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Enginedriver.—lmprovements in apparatus for scrubbing, washing, and mopping floors, ships' decks, &c. 936. (L.P.) Bth October. William Langdown, of Saint Asaph Street, Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for combining the turning of rims and boring of naves of wheels at one operation. 937. (L.P.) 9th October. Eobeet James Febmob Willson, of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—A new cradle washing machine, that can bo easily worked either by a hand-lever or treadle, and will thoroughly cleanse without tearing the clothes. 938. (L.P.) 10th October. William Heney Peice, of Sydenham, in the Colony of New Zealand, Brass-founder.—A high-pressure portable force-pump. 939. (L.P.) 12th October. Feancis Heney Asbuey, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Heating and Ventilating Engineer. —Improvement in apparatus and appliance for warming and ventilating private and public buildings by steam and hot water. 940. (L.P.) 9th October. William McLaughlin, of Puhinui, near Otahuhu, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Engineer, and William Dunwoodie, of Onehunga, in the said Provincial District, Engineer.—An invention for digging and bagging potatoes, to be called a " Potato Harvester." 941. (L.E.) 16th October. The Veloplastic Company (Limited), of 4, Eoyal Exchange Buildings, in the City of London, in England.—A new or improved manufacture of material in imitation of leather, wood fabrics, or other embossed or figured surfaces. 942. (L.E.) 16th October. Ebancis Blundell Waeee Malet, of Christchurch, in the Provincial District of Canterbury, in New Zealand, Accountant.—An improved fencing wire. 943. (L.P.) 16th October. Eobeet Eobin, of Eeefton, in the County of Inangahua, New Zealand, Assayer.—An improvement in gold-saving machinery, to be called " Eobin's Eevolving Blanket and Concentrating Process." 944. (L.P.) 13th October. Thomas Haxton and Geobge Beattie, both of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago, New Zealand.—lmprovements in broadcast grain- and seed-sowers. 945. (L.P.) 17th October. Geoege Jackson, Woodworker, and Albeet Jackson, Wire-worker, both of Dunedin, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand.—An ■ improvement in fret-saw machinery, to be designated " Jackson Brothers' Patent Wire FretSaw Machine." 946. (L.P.) 20th October. Petee Duncan and David Duncan, both of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An arrangement for discharging artificial manure from manure-distributers, and seed from seed-sowers. 947. (L.P.) 20th October. Geoege Thomas Booth, William Eoss, and Eanald Macdonald, all of the City of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, trading together in copartnership as Implement Manufacturers, under the style or firm of Booth, Macdonald, and Company.— Improved parallel adjustment for front wheel of plough. 948. (L.P.) 16th October. Edwin Latimeb Clack, of Hobsonville, in the County of Waitemata and Colony of New Zealand, Brick- and Pipe-maker.—Vertical brick-making and pipe machine. 949. (L.P.) 23rd October. Heney Hughes, of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand.— Improvements in and apparatus for feeding locomotive and other steam-boilers or generators, applicable also for raising and forcing water for other purposes. 950. (L.P.) 22nd October. Feancis Blundell Waeee Malet, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Gentleman.—An improved metal standard for fencing purposes, to be called " Malet's Case Standard,"



951. (L.P.) 17th October. Waltee, Gbeenshields, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Bracist.—Hygienic kneelets. 952. (L.P.) 25th October. James Geay, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Agricultural Implement Maker. —Improvements in twine-binders. 953. (L.E.) 31st October. Fleeming Jenkin, of 3, Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh, Scotland.— Improvements in machinery used for transporting goods and passengers by the aid of electricity. 954. (L.E.) Ist November. Alfeed Swan, of the Borough of Gateshead, in the County of Durham and Kingdom of England, Engineer. —Improvements in glass bulbs or globes for . incandescent electric lamps. 955. (L.P.) 31st October. Eenest Bichaedson, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Engineer.—A machine to be used in conjunction with any kind of weighing-machine for automatically registering and totalling weights of packages weighed thereon, to be known as " Eichardson's Eeliable Weight-registering Machine." 956. (L.P.) Ist November. Thomas Eobebts, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Civil Engineer.—An invention for the nitration of sewage. 957. (L.P.). 2nd November. Alexandeb Binnie, of Maori Hill, Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for making, extracting, and generally producing inflammable gas for the purpose of lighting, heating, or other use, and entitled "Binnie's Improved Gas Machine." 958. (L.P.) 7th November. William Hone, Joseph Swarm, and Cheistian Koeestz, all of Waverley, in the County of Patea and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for pressing wool, &c, called " Hone's Press." 959. (L.P.) 29th October. William Vickeet, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Millwright and Engineer.—Patent roller fence or guide. 960. (L.E.) Bth November. Edwaed Davies, of Llandinam, in the County of Montgomery, Great Britain.—lmprovements in apparatus for feeding locomotive and other steam-boilers or generators, applicable also for raising or forcing liquids for other purposes. 961. (L.E.) Bth November. Joseph C. Wightman, of Boston, in the United States of America. — Improvements in implements for shearing sheep, and in machinery for driving same. 962. (L.P.) Bth November. William Adams, of Blue Spur, Lawrence, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for crushing friable substances, and entitled a " Quartz-crusher." 963. (L.P.) Bth November. John Edwaed Tayloe, of Mangere, near Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Gentleman.—"Taylor's Settler's Windmill." 964. (L.E.) 12th November. Gustave Sueue, of 62, Little Collins Street East, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria, Watchmaker. —An improved registering device. 965. (L.P.) 16th November. Laueence Temple Hippisley, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand. —A standard for wire fencing. 966. (L.P.) Bth November. Alfeed Veeball, of Newton, near Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Coachbuilder. —Certain improvements in the coachbuilding trade, consisting of ironwork for drays and other vehicles, to be called " Verrall's Vehicle Improvements." 967. (L.E.) 21st November. John William Post, of the City, County, and State of New York, in the United States of America.—lmprovements in sewing-machines. 968. (L.P.) 22nd November. William Douslin, of Blenheim, Marlborough, in the County of New Zealand, Architect.—A rabbit-catcher. 969. (L.P.) 16th November. Simon Bolt, of Coromandel, in the Provincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Mariner. —Bolt's Safety Self-disconnecting Shackle or Socket for Lifeboats from Ships. 970. (L.P.) 24th November. Thomas Beickell, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for straining wire, and called "Brickell's Improved Wire-strainer." 971. (L.E.) sth December. James Baillie Hamilton, of Studland Street, Hammersmith, in the County of Middlesex and Kingdom of England.—lmprovements in organs, harmoniums, or like reed-key instruments. 972. (L.P.) 14th December. Louis Philip Abmitage, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Coalminer.-—Armitage's Enamel. 973. (L.P.) 12th December. James Kelly and James Young Kelly, both,of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Ironfounders.—Kelly's Centrifugal Centuple Steam or Water Engine. 974. (L.P.) 6th December. Feancis Blundell Waeee Malet, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Gentleman, and Ebnest Ehind Andebson, of Christchurch aforesaid, General Agent.—An improved metal strainer for straining wires on fences, to be called " The Simplex Strainer." 975. (L.P.) 6th December. William Payne, of Christchurch, in the Colony of New Zealand, Bootmaker. —An improvement in Singer's Universal Arm Feed Sewing Machine for the use , ■ pf boot- and shoemakers, called " Payne's Improved Needle Plate." 976. (L.P.) 6th December. Eichaed Thomas Webb, of Southbridge, in the Provincial District of Canterbury and. Colony of New Zealand, Merchant.—An invention for excavating and elevating gravel, earth, sand, and,any such material, and depositing same into trucks, carts, or otherwise. 977. (L.P.) 6th December. Eiohaed Thomas Webb, of Southbridge, in, the Provincial District of Canterbury and Colony of New Zealand, Merchant. —An invention for cutting or trimming hedges. 978. (L.P.) 6th December. James Walteb Olivee, of Ashburton, in the Colony of New Zealand. —An improvement in gorse-cutting machines. 979. (L.P.) 6th December. John Angelicus Thomas Butlee, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Oil and Colour Merchant. —Butler's Hanging Stage.

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980. (L.P.) 10th December. James Scott Ingbam, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. —Ingram's Patent Metal Cheese-Hoop. '981. (L.P.) 15th December. Joshua Butland, of the Pelorus Valley, in the Provincial District of Marlborough and Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for fastening the handles of knobs into the axles of door-locks. 982. (L.P.) 17th December. Bobert Clark, of Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand.—The Automatic Plush-closet Cistern. 983. (L.P.) 18th December. Alfred Colvillb, of Temuka, in the Colony of New Zealand.—An invention for the winnowing of grain and grass, styled " Colville's Patent Improved Grain - and Grass-winnowing Machine." 984. (L.P.) 19th December. Ewen Alexander Cameeon, of Nokomai, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Architect's Articled Pupil.—An invention for exterminating rabbits, and titled " Cameron's Babbit Exterminator." 985. (L.P.) 19th December. Ewen Alexander Cameron, of Nokomai, in the Provincial District of Otago and Colony of New Zealand, Architect's Articled Pupil.—An invention for exterminating rabbits, and titled " Cameron's Centrifugal Pan Babbit Exterminator." 986. (L.P.) 19th December. Chaeles Beynolds, of Bakaia, in the Colony of New Zealand, Agricultural Engineer.—A labour-saving threshing machine, styled " Beynolds's Labour-saving Threshing Machine." 987. (L.P.) 21st December. William Cbaig, of Caversham, near Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Baker.—Codliver-oil biscuits. 988. (L.P.) 22nd December. Lewis Bose Gillandees, of Bavensbourne, near Dunedin, in the Colony of New Zealand, Mechanical Engineer.—A new oscillating three-cylinder steamengine. 990. (L.P.) 31st December. Thomas Kelly, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand.—Kelly's Hydraulic-lime Pressed Bricks. 991. (L.P.) 31st December. James Scott Ingeam, of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. — Ingram's Patent Booking Cheese Vat. Applications for Letters Patent lapsed after Publication of List for 1882. 643. W. Tayloe.—Self-closing gate hinge. 645. P. Ceook. —Cutting shingles by band-saw. 680. W. B. Buchan. —Amalgamator and gold-chloridizer. 688. A. S. Ford.—A crystal engine. 691. W. J. Dalton.—United pattern mould. 692. A. Walker. —Automaton draught-preventer. 696. P. Duncan and D. Duncan.—Centre for skeith, or circular coulter for ploughs. 697. W. Isheewood and J. S. Little. —Pire-escape ladder. 701. P. B. W. Malet.—Fixing barbed points to fencing wire. 711. J. L. Bacon.—Santa Pc (an aerated beverage). 712. E. P. Amesbuey.—Dental plates. 713. J. L. Bacon. —Prevention of sea-sickness. 716. J. W. Mansfield.—Cutting gorse hedges,. 717. W. Langdown.—Bending timber into wheel-rims, &c. 718. G. Baynee.—An electric band. 719. J. H. Culmmoee.—United pattern marker. 720. J. Smith and S. Smith. —Box for butter. 721. T. Danes. —Piston for chain-pumps. 722. T. Danes.—Tube boiler for cooking-ranges, &c. 729. D. Thompson.—Self-regulating turbine windmill.. 730. W. S. Lane.—Beefing and furling apparatus. 731. W. Viceery.—Vickery's Patent Guide. 733. J. M. Brown and C. Fraggatt.—Mixture of wheaten meal and a baking-powder. 737. B. Dickson.—Exterminating rabbits, &c. 738. B. Martin.—Cable curve pulley. 741. J. B. Moie. —Portable furnace frame. 742. G. Bayner.—Patent gold-saver. 745. W. A. Harpee and J. W. Bock. —Quarrying, &c, stone. 747. W. Woodcock.—Barbing fencing-wire. 748. W. Vickeey.—Washing-machine. 749. J. Armishaw and A. G. Howland. —Deodorizing, &o.

N.B.—The fees for Letters Patent are now, if unopposed—on depositing specification, 10s.; on obtaining patent, £2 ; and at or before expiration of the fifth year, £7. Copies of " The Patents Act, 1883," and Begulations, with Hints to Inventors, price Is., can be obtained of the Government Printer, Patent Office Agents, Postmasters, or booksellers. Patent Office, C. J. A. Haselden, Wellington, 13th May, 1884. ' Patent Officer.

Authority : Oeobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB4.

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1883 (LIST OF). [L.R. means Letters of Registration, and L.P. means Letters Patent.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-02

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1883 (LIST OF). [L.R. means Letters of Registration, and L.P. means Letters Patent.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-02

LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1883 (LIST OF). [L.R. means Letters of Registration, and L.P. means Letters Patent.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1884 Session I, H-02

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