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Me. Speakee,-— When in the last session I had the honour of submitting a statement to this House my brief experience as Minister for Public Works led me to consider favourably the suggestion of the Railway Commissioners of 1880 that the administration of constructed railways should be handed over to a Board of Management. But the considerable outlay which it has been requisite to make in further improving the opened lines, and the large orders which I have found it necessary to give for additional rolling-stock, necessitated by the growth of traffic, in short, the large expenditure out of loan (in addition to the expenditure for maintenance, which is defrayed by revenue) which must be continued for some time before the railways can be said to be really completed and equipped, inclines me to the belief that only a Minister directly responsible to this House should be intrusted with the power of making this expenditure. The power to make alterations in fares and freights, which I have used to some extent during the recess, should also, I think, remain in the hands of a Minister directly responsible to this House. The Government purpose during this session to ask the Legislature to sanction the appointment of another Minister, and this will enable such an arrangement to be made as will permit of a Minister of Railways to devote his whole attention to this branch of the administration. The business of the railways has become quite large enough to necessitate its severance from Public Works. Parliamentary control will be much more perfect when a Minister of Railways brings down separate estimates of what moneys are required from loan for further improvements to and the further equipment of the opened lines, and when the estimates submitted by the Minister for Public Works will be estimates for construction solely. I trust this proposal will commend itself to the approval of the House. In his Financial Statement the Treasurer informed honourable members that, to the balance of the Public Works Fund in hand on the 31st March, 1882, viz., .£924,865, there has been added the sum of £989,897, being the proceeds of the debentures for £1,000,000 which we sold in January last, thus making a total of £1,914,762 ; that out of this Fund there had been spent during the year the sum of £897,037 ; and that, consequently, the Public Works Fund amounted, at the close of the last financial year, to £1,017,725. It is, I think, convenient and desirable to remind honourable members that, of the total annual expenditure from this Fund, the Minister for Public Works has no control over the expenditure upon immigration, purchase of Native lands, the expenditure by the Minister of Lands in making roads to open up Crown lands, the expenditure by the Minister of Mines upon roads and water-races, that of the Minister for Education upon school- ■ buildings, and the expenditure upon telegraph extension, public buildings, and lighthouses. For the railways, roads, and harbour works, under the control of the Minister for Public Works, there was voted £1,251,830, of which £574,935 has



been spent, and there were liabilities outstanding on 31st March last amounting to .£439,593; and, in addition to these liabilities upon works, there had been transmitted to the Agent-General, for the purchase of rolling-stock and per-manent-way, authorities to contract to the amount of £210,205. As a detailed statement of the progress of the works is contained in the reports of the Engineers of both Islands, which as usual accompany this Statement, I shall not trespass upon the attention of honourable members further than by a very brief reference to them. Owing to the determination of the Government not to anticipate the proceeds of the loan, which was not raised until January, the entering into new contracts was postponed, with the result that the expenditure was somewhat less and the outstanding liabilities more than will probably be the case generally. BAIL WAYS. About 40 miles of railway were opened for traffic during the year: these consisted of If miles on the Whangarei-Kamo line, and 384- miles on the HurunuiBluff section in the following localities : — Waipara to Waikari, 9 miles. Lincoln to Birdling's Flat, 17 miles. Ashburton Branch Extension, 8^ miles. Edendale to Wyndham, 4 miles. Thus making a total length opened for traffic of 1,373 miles. The sections between Waverley and Manutahi, 16 miles, from Oxford to Mai* vern, llj miles, and from Albury to Fairlie Creek, 10| miles, are on the point of completion. I am glad to say that the Whangarei-Kamo line was opened for traffic in November, and that the Kawakawa line is nearly completed. The directors of the coal company have been applied to, in accordance with the Act of 1880, to ascertain if they are prepared to take a lease of this line upon certain terms. At Auckland a contract has been entered into for the reclamation of a site for a suitable station. The contract has been taken over by the Harbour Board, and is expected to be finished about the end of the year. The construction of this station will be a great convenience both to the public and the department. The other improvements in the Auckland section, including a large engine-shed at Auckland, will be mentioned in more detail in the report of the General Manager. Upon the Waikato-Thames section the Hamilton Railway-bridge will, it is expected, be finished this month ; the contracts for the erection of the bridge at Te Aroha, and for the formation between Morrinsville and Te Aroha, have been let; and it is intended shortly to invite tenders for platelaying between Hamilton and Morrinsville, and between Hamilton and Cambridge. Upon the Napier section progress has been slower than was anticipated, and the works, which, when the statement was made last year, it was thought could be .finished by last month, will not now be completed until September. The further formation to Tahoraite will be completed by the end of December, when platelaying and other necessary works will be proceeded with, to complete this portion for traffic. This 'will make an additional length open of 11J miles. On the Wellington-Woodville line an extension of the line from Masterton to Opiki has been let by contract, to be finished in December, and a contract has been let for the railway-bridge near Woodville. Foxton-New Plymouth.—lt was expected last year that the section between Waverley and Manutahi would have been completed by December last, but unusual difficulties have been experienced on the Whenuakura contract, and have prevented this ; it is hoped, however, that this section will be ready this month. A portion of the gap described in last year's Statement as lying between Manutahi and Hawerahas been made the subject of a contract, and it is proposed to call for tenders at an early date for the remainder, about 6 miles. This will complete the main line from Foxton to New Plymouth, and its completion will, I have^no doubt, be a source of satisfaction to honourable members. Nelson-Eoundell.^ —A. tender has been accepted for the formation of an extension of this line up the Wai-iti Valley, somewhat over 2| miles.



Coming to the Picton Line, the formation on the first section of 4J miles south of Blenheim towards Awatere is finished, and a working survey has been made to the Dashwood Pass, 6 miles farther. Htjbtjnui-Bluef System.—The formation of the Horseley Downs section is nearly completed, and tenders for the platelaying are about to be called for. The bridge over the Hurunui is in progress, and surveys have been made for the extension of the .line to near the Eed Post. The other principal works in progress on the main line consist of extensive additions to the workshops at Addington and Hillside, an entirely new station at Dunedin, what are practically new stations at Timaru and Invercargill, and considerable improvements at the Bluff. Extensions have been made or are in progress on the following branches: Little Eiver, Ashburton, Albury, Livingstone, Palmerston, Catlin's Eiver, Tapanui, Toitois, and Seaward Bush. A contract has just been taken for a section of the Switzers branch, and another is in preparation for a section of the Kelso-Gore line. Sections have been opened during the financial year on the Little Eiver, Ashburton, and Toitois branches, and 7J miles of the Albury branch were ready for opening when the late floods occurred and caused damages which it will take a few weeks to repair. The Oxfobd-Malveen Eailway is the only line in Canterbury not included in the Hurunui-Bluff system. The last section of it is expected to be finished in August; thus completing the direct communication between the Malvern District and North Canterbury. Otago Centbal.' —A contract has been entered into for the formation of 4i| miles onwards from the Deep Stream, one of the heaviest pieces in the Taieri Gorge, and the detailed survey of the whole line is finished. It is proposed to undertake more extensive works during the present year. Inveecaegill-Kingston and Westeen BailjWays.—A considerable number of various improvements have been made on open lines, and a platelaying contract has been let on the Lumsden-Mararoa branch. The works on the Orepuki line have been somewhat retarded through a change in the contractors, but they are now. progressing favourably. Sueveys.—ln accordance with a promise made last year, steps have been taken to explore the North Island for the purpose of determining the future route of the main -trunk line of railway. Four survey parties are now engaged in this work, viz. : one party on the line recommended as being suitable from Hastings to Taupo, and thence to Te Awamutu; one party on the inland line, starting from near Marton or Feilding, and proceeding northward; and two on the line between Taranaki and Te Awamutu. With respect to Public Works in the North Island, at the end of the current year, with the Kamo and Kawakawa lines finished, the Foxton-New Plymouth line nearly finished, the unfinished portion of the Waikato-Thames line in progress, and the gap separating Napier and Wellington lines sensibly reduced, the colony will recognize with satisfaction that the great efforts it has made during eleven years for railway-construction in this Island have achieved a large part of the results striven for, and that the necessary annual disbursements will have become much less. So far as regards the continuation of the main trunk line, the Government is pressing forward the necessary steps to obtain as soon as possible the information necessary to enable Parliament to come to a decision as to which of the routes suggested should be adopted. In the meantime lam not in a position to submit to the House any recommendation on the subject, but of course provision for the necessary surveys will be asked for. In the Middle Island the extension of the main trunk line northwards as far as the Eed Post, which extension the Government recognizes to be desirable, and without which the extension between Waikari and Hurunui will not render its full service to the coldiiy, is a work intended to be covered by the Schedule of the Loan AcJ,- whether the line from Cook Strait connect with Canterbury at this terminal point of the railway from the Bluff, or at some other point in the north of Canterbury, as the route ultimately adopted may determine. The Government cannot come to a decision upon this question of routes until the



Legislature has decided what effect shall be given to the resolution passed by the House last session—namely, that the principle of specially taxing property increased in value by the construction of public works with public money is just, .and to the recommendation by the Select Committee appointed to consider the subject that all public works to be commenced thenceforth shall be under* taken on the condition that property which may be specially benefited by such work shall be subjected to such special charge or treatment as the General Assembly may determine. The Government has carefully considered the subject, and intends, in order to deal with it, to submit for the consideration of the House a measure the outlines of which I shall give presently. The report by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the merits of the route proposed for the railway between Canterbury and Cook Strait, and the report by the East and West Coast Railway Commissioners, have both received tlie most attentive consideration from the Government, and I am sure .that I only give utterance to the desire of the House in thanking gentlemen ■who, animated by a desire to be of service to the public, undertook, at the wish of the Government, those laborious duties which the Commissioners have so conscientiously performed. Upon the first of the subject-matters reported on I have already said that the action of the Government awaits the determination by the Legislature of what shall be the conditions precedent to further railway extension. But the question of committing the colony to the East and West Coast Eailway, involving, as it does, an expenditure of about two millions, and probably an annual loss in working, requires that the Government shall declare its views without delay. The Legislature has determined that the rate of expenditure out of loan shall not exceed £1,000,000 per annum, in addition to such expenditure under the North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan iVct as it may from time to time authorize; and, in the opinion of the Government, an expenditure at this rate is as much as we c&n prudently afford. The Public Works Fund is practically allocated to specified works, and cannot be diverted, and the expenditure upon these works will proceed at this rate. The Government, having due regard to the necessity of keeping faith with the public creditor, is of opinion that the immediate commencement of the construction of the East and West Coast line is not of such urgency as would justify an attempt to raise a special loan for the purpose; but the Crown lands within fifteen miles on either side of the Arthur's Pass line, and the lines leading directly to Brunnerton, will be reserved from sale, so that, if in the future the Legislature should determine to construct this railway, no part of the public estate to be benefited will have been alienated. ROADS. The particulars of the works undertaken will be found in the report of the Engineer in Charge. Whilst making provision for some important colonial roads, and placing on the Estimates a portion of the amount allocated to roads north of Auckland, it is not the intention of the Government to ask the House to make any further special grants in aid of county roads and bridges, believing that in the future all the assistance afforded to local bodies should be under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act. The unexpended balances of the previous year's vote will be placed on the estimates, as the localities interested may reasonably consider that they are entitled to them; but for the future the distribution of such funds as this House may set aside for roads and bridges will be made upon a system defined by law. And it will, I think, be no slight public advantage that, with the disappearance of the usage of special votes for specified works, which has heretofore prevailed, there will also disappear even the pretext for those insinuations against the motives of honourable members who support the Government of the day which unfortunately, upon one or two occasions, have recently discoloured the current of debate in the House. WORKING RAILWAYS. The receipts from railways during the last year show a very gratifying grease, Having risen from £892,026 in 1881-82' to £953,347 in 1882-83, an



increase of £61,321; and this despite the fact that the farmers enjoyed during the year a considerable concession upon the rates of freight for grain, reductions having been made in 1881, amounting to about .-£40,000 per annum, which mainly affected last year's receipts, and over 112,000 tons receiving the advantage of the further reduction which I made last year. The use of the railways is steadily growing, the increase in the number of passengers carried during last year, as compared with the previous year, being 371,901, and 1,157 season-ticket-holders ; the increase in the tonnage hauled being 127,079 tons, and in the number of live stock carried, 136,020. Only a small part of the rollingstock material ordered in England to keep pace with the requirements of a traffic growing so rapidly has yet arrived; but I may say here that the cost of the locomotives and ironwork to be imported, together with that of building in the colony the carriages and wagons, will, when all are ready to be placed on the lines, exceed £205,000. The expenditure out of loan upon further improvements to opened lines was £145,000; so that honourable members will, I think, recognize that, for their own information. and guidance, it will be extremely convenient that a Minister of Eailways should bring forward separate estimates of his requirements out of loan for further equipment and improvement, and that the amount asked for under the head of construction should in fact be for construction only. If the railways were paid for performing services for other departments, such as the carriage of mails for the Postal Department, and the conveyance of Volunteers for the Defence Department, the receipts would be increased by about £18,000. The increase last year in railway expenditure absorbed rather more than the increase in receipts. In 1881-82 the expenditure was ; last year it was £592,821, or £11,525 more than the estimate; the difference between the two years being £69,722. The principal items of this increase are for maintenance of permanent-way, £29,701, owing principally to the greater age of the line, and partly to increased mileage, to the rise in wages, to exceptional renewals upon the Duntroon branch, to heavy repairs of the Kakaia and Gore bridges, to damages from floods on the Napier and Wanganui sections. The cost of repair of fences has increased by nearly £6,000, which is chiefly due to the department having undertaken the maintenance of the whole length along the line ; the repairs and renewals of the rolling-stock cost about £7,000 more than in the preceding year. The increase in the running and traffic expenses, caused mainly by the increase of traffic, was £28,360. Of the total increase in the wages account the increase owing simply to the operation of the scale of pay, which improves with length of service, was £5,675. For the current year I have estimated the expenditure at £634,000, an increase over that of last year of £52,704. After careful inquiry I have not thought it right to ask for less, with the exceptional expenditure which must take place upon the Duntroon, Ngapara, and Makarewa branches, and with the usual increase of traffic which Ido not doubt will take place. The receipts I have estimated at £1,020,000, or £66,653 more than they amounted to last year, being about the average increase for the last three years. The working accounts are made out as usual to show the cost of working and revenue due to the year's transactions, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Works Act. They differ, therefore, slightly from the Treasury accounts, but the railway accounts contain a statement and explanation of the difference. The total expenditure upon the opened lines to the 31st March last was £10,478,898; the net revenue derived therefrom was £360,526, or at the rate of £3 Bs. lOd. per cent. Seeing that, whilst during the last year only 40 miles additional have been opened for traffic, and, consequently, not a very large sum thereby added to the cost of the opened lines, the net revenue of 1881-82, which amounted to £369,000, or nearly the same as that of the last year, was then declared to be at the rate of £3 18s. 2d. per cent, of the capital cost, honourable members may perhaps desire to know where this great difference in the percentage arises. The reason is that last^year the cost of the lines open for traffic was estimated to be only £9,443,000 ; so that in the calculations of to-day £1,035,000 has been added to the capitarcost. The reason why so large a part of the expenditure on opened lines was in former years deducted as not contributing to revenue when computing the amount upon which the net revenue paid interest, is that it was thought right



that the outlay upon improvements which were incomplete at the end of the financial year reviewed iii the annual Statement, or which were not utilized to add to the railway receipts, should be deducted when computing the amount of capital employed in earning the net revenue. But now, in accordance with the Public Works Act of last year, the whole expenditure out of loans upon the opened lines is included in the statement of their cost, and hence arises the difference to which I have drawn the attention of honourable members. The whole expenditure upon each section of railway, inclusive of the cost of rolling-stock, as ascertained at the end of each financial year, is now gazetted, together with the four-weekly railway returns. Honourable members will, no doubt, approve of this modification of the previous practice, as it assists to give a better knowledge of the exact position. In the North Island the net revenue was £71,378, or £2 Is. Id. per cent, on a capital expenditure on opened lines of ,£3,474,081. In the Middle Island the capital cost of the opened lines was £7,004,310, the net revenue £289,148, or at the rate of £4 2s. Od. per cent. Last year the net revenue from North Island railways was £08,120 ; from those in the Middle Island, £300,800. The interest on the gross outlay on railways, opened and unopened, for 1881-82 was £3 7s. 3d. per cent. For the year 1882-83 it is £3 3s. 2d. per cent. The report of the General Manager states the condition of the lines and rolling-stock, and gives sectional particulars. I shall not, therefore, weary the House by enlarging on these subjects now; but, before finishing this branch of my Statement, I will beg the House to glance back three years. In 1879-80 the receipts were £702,573 ; the expenditure, £580,030. Since then we have opened a further length of 180 miles: we are doing over 50 per cent, more work, and our receipts have increased by £190,774, whilst the increase in our expenditure is only £12,791; and, when we also consider that during this short time we have made large concessions in rates of freight, and have also materially improved the position of our workmen, the result will, I trust;* appear to honourable gentlemen not unsatisfactory. Towards the end of the financial year a considerable reduction was made in single fares. Full information as to the construction of lighthouses, public buildings, harbour works, and water-races will also be found in the reports attached to this Statement. TEEATMENT OF LANDS SPECIALLY BENEFITED. I now come to the consideration of the manner in which lands specially benefited by the construction of railways should be dealt with. With reference to the advantages which have accrued in the past, the Government does not intend now to make any proposals, for it is not practicable to suddenly seize for the State a share of these advantages without inflicting numberless wrongs. But with regard to the future the case is different, and we are free to consider, unembarrassed by any apprehension of committing injustice, what share the community may be entitled to of the wealth created by the construction of railways with public money. In seeking the simplest and fairest course to adopt, the first suggestion which will have probably occurred to the minds of honourable members is that the State should repurchase all the land for a certain distance on either side of the proposed line, at a certain increase upon the property-tax valuation. Valuations for taxation are usually low; on the other hand, compensation for expulsion should be liberal —perhaps compensation to the dispossessedlandholders of twenty-fiveper cent, more than the valuationfor property-tax would not be inequitable; and, when railways are extended through country suitable for settlement, there can be no doubt that the resale in moderate-sized farms of the land so taken would produce a profit sufficient to make a considerable contribution towards the cost of the railway, and moreover would bring into existence a traffic large enough to cause the railway to be a source of considerable revenue. Great collater^ advantages would accrue to the colony from the increase in our total productions, and from the revenue contributed by an additional population. No new principle is involved in this proposal. Already, under the Public Works Act, and under the Eesnmption of Land for Mining Purposes Act, we have



determined that for several public purposes land may be resumed by the State, and no more important or desirable purpose can be imagined than the proper settlement of the land by a numerous population. But to carry out this process would mean raising a considerable loan to be applied to this special purpose, for if the land were sold by the Government on deferred payments or leased, as would probably be the case in order to insure rapid settlement, then for some time the colony would have to lie out of a large sum. This drawback brings us to considering the alternative which has been suggested, viz., that of having the land re-valued after the railway is made, and charging it with a share, say, one-half, of the increment of value, the landowner to be at liberty to redeem this charge when he may please, and in the meantime to pay interest upon it at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. This would, no doubt, give the State a good return for the cost of the railways, but it would not secure the settlement of the land with the same certainty as the former method. It has, however, the advantage of requiring no money to carry it out. The Government has determined to submit a Bill empowering it to adopt both plans, with the intention of generally acting on the second, and at the same time proposing to confine the operation of the first plan to situations favourable to settlement, whilst using it so as not to deprive any one of his residence or of the land attached, to an extent not exceeding an acreage to be determined by the Legislature. The act of resumption in each case not to be deemed to be finally completed until after the particulars are laid before Parliament and an appropriation granted for the amount of the compensation to be paid. With either plan the gain to the community is great, and no injustice is done to the individual. The Government has also considered the question whether rates shall be levied upon land in districts through which State railways run to make up any deficiency between the earnings of those railways and' the interest paid by the State upon the money xised in their construction ? It seems to me that only one answer is possible to this question, and that ene a decided negative: no rates should be levied for such a purpose. The very idea of a system of State railways in a new country must imply, I think, the construction of many lines which would not pay for some years much more than their working expenses : the object of the State in making railways is not to obtain an immediate dividend upon the cost of construction, but to open up communication and to encourage the settlement of the country, by making it possible, over a large area, to cultivate small holdings at a profit, which it would have been impossible so to cultivate without a ready and cheap means of communication with a market. Parliament has been striving for years to settle the unoccupied and sparsely-peopled districts of the colony with a thriving population, and yet it is upon the pioneers in such districts, when struggling to get a foothold, that this proposal, if given effect to, would impose special taxation, and for what purpose ? to provide the means for doing that which should be done at the expense of the community as a whole. The Treasurer told us a few days ago that, whereas we have added but comparatively little to our exports, we have so lived that at the present moment between one-third and one-half of what we export does not belong to us. And what is the lesson to be drawn from this statement ? that the settlement of the country must be hastened; that capital must be attracted ; and the productions of the country developed in every legitimate way. Since 1880 the Government has made concessions in the freight of agricultural produce amounting to over £100,000 per annum; the justification is that thereby the area of cultivation is extended for the benefit of the colony as a whole. The contrary system, of imposing special disabilities upon settlers who located themselves near a railway which did not pay 5 per cent, upon its cost, could not but have a retarding effect upon our progress. Such, then, are the intentions of the Government, which it is my privilege to announce to-night. They are only further steps in a policy consistently adhered to. We have the system of perpetual leases of State lands; we have announced our intention of introducing a Bill for the abolition of all restriction's" upon the alienation of land, the far-reaching effects of which, in bringing to pass the subdivision of land, it is difficult to adequately appreciate; and in now submitting to the judgment of honourable members proposals to give



to the country a right to share in the wealth immediately created by public expenditure, and to enable it to resume upon fair terms land required for settlement, I trust they will recognize that these proposals have for their aim, not only the promotion of the general advantage by an act of justice to the community, but also the establishment of a numerous body of independent settlers,



IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN. Table I.—Summaey showing Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works out of Immigba- Page tion and Public Wobks Loan to 31st Maech, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. 2 „ 2. —Statement showing Total classified Expendituee and Liabilities on Railways to 31st Maech, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 „ 3.—Statement showing Liabilities on Railways on 31st Maech, 1883, classified, together with the Expendituee .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 5-6 ~ 4.—Statement showing Expenditube and Liabilities on Roads to 31st Mabch, 1883 .. 7-10 „ s.—Statement showing Expenditube and Liabilities on Roads undeb Contbol of the Subvey Department to 31st Mabch, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11-12 ~ 6.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads undeb the Conteol of the Mines Department to 31st March, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 „ 7. —Statement showing Expendituee and Liabilities on Wateb-eaces to 31st Maech, 1883 .. 14 „ 8. —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegeaphs to 31st Maech, 1883 .. 15 „ 9.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st Maech, 1883 15 „ 10.—Statement showing Expenditube and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Haebour Works to 31st Mabch, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16




TABLE No. 1. SUMMARY showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that Date.

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, Ist June, 1883. Accountant, Public Works.

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 18S2. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1SS3. Liabilities on .Authorities, Contracts, Sec. 3ist March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. 2 and 3 Rail ways Roads ,.. ' Coal exploration and mine development Water supply on gold fields Miscellaneous public works Aiding works ouThames Gold Fields Telegraphs Public buildings ... Lighthouses and Harbour Works Departmental ... ... £ s. d. 9,788,396 13 o 1.354.27' 6 9 10,835 8 o £ s. d. 436,053 19 5 210,605 9 " £ s. d. 10,224,450 12 5 1,564,876 16 8 10,835 8 o £ 8. d. 534.844 '' I 186,365 15 8 £ s. d. IO>759,295 3 6 1,751,242 12 4 10,835 8 o 4 10 of 1878 9 of 1882 11 of 1877 460,779 o 6 557,278 1 6 50,000 o o 6,824 T 8 467,603 8 2 557. 278 1 6 50,000 o o 16,659 '4 2 484,263 2 4 557,278 1 6 50,000 o o 8 9 10 420,031 15 I 986,105 8 3 189,846 14 4 18,653 13 4 '53.07' '8 >° 24.598 2 5 438,685 8 5 i.i39.'77 7 1 214,444 16 9 9,000 o o 82,862 2 3 10,661 17 2 447,685 8 5 1,222,039 9 4 225,106 13 11 '7°.s75 '4 11 12,870 13 11 183,446 8 10 902 7 5 184,348 16 3 TOTAIS, PlTBLIC WOEKS 13,988,120 2 4 862,678 5 6 14,850,798 7 10 841,296 7 9 '5.692;°94 '5 7 Immigration ■ Land Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans Interest and sinking fund ... i.925>753 '° I0 867,361 1 6 392,318 19 3 765,018 18 o 3.999 5 8 29.843 15 9 5'6 5 I0 1,929,752 16 6 897,212 17 3 392,218 19 3 765.535 3 10 20,56; o o 309,299 o o 1,950,317 16 6 1,206,511 17 3 392,218 19 3 7 6S>535 3 10 218,500 o o 218,500 o o 218,500 o o Totals .... 8,156,980 11 11 897,037 12 9 9,054,018 4 8 ,171,160 7 9 20,225,178 12 s



TABLE No. 2. STATEMENT showing the Total Classified Expenditure on Railways, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to the 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that date.

Total Expenditure by General Government and Liabilities, 31st March, '883. 5.La D. Total Expenditure by General Government, 31st March, 1S83. Valuation of Works Constructed by Provinces. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1883. Links of Railway. Length of Line. Miles under Construction. Miles Open. Surveys: Preliminary and Working. Grading. Bridges and Culverts. Fencing. Workshops, Stations, and Wharves. Engineering and Office. Incidental. Permanent-way, New Zealand. Permanent-way, England. Cost of Construction. Rolling-stock. Liabilities, 31st March, 1883. Lines of Railway. Cost. Expenses. Kawakawa Whangarei to Karno Kaipara to Waikato Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha ... Te Aroha to Thames ... Hamilton to Cambridge Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville Wellington to Woodville Bunnythorpe Gorge Wellington to Foxton Foxton to New Plymouth — Foxton to Patea Patca to Waitara Nelson to Roundell Greymouth to Nelson Creek Greymouth to Hokitika ... Westport to Ngakawau ... Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere Hurunui to Pahau Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line* ... Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch feouthbndge Branch Springfield Branch Whitecliffs Branch Opawa Branch Waimate Branch Main Line, Upper Ashburton Lincoln to Little River Branch Albury to Fairlie Creek Branch ... Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia ... Temuka to Rangitata ... Waitaki to BluffMain Line, with Port Chalmers Branch Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Brighton Road Branch ... Outram Branch fcawrence Branch Ngapara to Livingstone Branch... Palmerston to Waihemo Branch Main Line to Catlin's River Waipahi to Heriot Burn Branch ... Edendale to Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzers Branch ... Kelso to Gore Branch ... Seaward Bush Branch ... Otago Central ... Invercargill to Kingston — Main Line Lumsden to Mararoa Branch Western Railways —■ Makarewa to Riverton ... ~\ RfVcrton to Otautau ... (. Otautau to Nightcaps ... C Riverton to Orepuki ■•■ J Expenses re Brogdens' claims Expenses Railway Commissionst ... Surveys, new Lines — North Island ... Middle Island... Stock M. chs. 7 79 6 52 146 45 M. chs. 5 " M. chs. 2 68 6 52 141 45 £ s. d. 357 ° o 2,072 9 o 49,603 18 2 £ s. d. 278 19 3 116 17 10 4,543 15 8 £ s- d. 1,130 18 11 27 1 8 12,530 3 11 £ ■■ d. 15,936 16 o 11,312 7 9 264,591 6 6 £ s. d. 12,344 1 ■ 11 8,625 ° ° 114,327 5 2 £ «• d. 700 2,023 12 6 19,456 2 8 £ s. d. 3,936 8 6 3,872 3 10 184,512 6 11 £ •■ d. 5,52i 9 3 2,208 5 o 60,150 10 8 £ s. d. 173 9 9 141 17 11 6,008 1 9 £ s. d. 10,566 o 2 7,578 16 10 151,677 18 5 £ s. d. 7,787 6 8 8,469 6 8 126,035 6 8 £ s. d. 58,040 0 5 46,447 19 o 993,436 16 6 £ s. d. S'5' 2 3 7 7>7°5 < 5 115>°95 '9 2 £ s. d. 63,552 4 o 54.153 ° 5 1,108,532 15 8 £ s. d. 6,189 18 8 2,429 16 6 37,365 1 2 £ s. d. 69,742 2 8 56,582 16 11 1,145,897 16 10 £ s. d. . £ «• d. 69,742 2 8 56,582 16 11 1,145,897 16 10 Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo. Kaipara to Waikato. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha, Te Aroha to Thames. Hamilton to Cambridge. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville. Wellington to Woodville. Bunnythorpe Gorge. Wellington to Foxton. Foxton to New Plymouth—■ Foxton to Patea. Patea to Waitara. Nelson to Roundell. Greyniouth to Nelson Creek. Grtymouth to Hokitika. Westport to Ngakawau. Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere. Hurunui to Pahau. Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line.f Oxford Branch. Eyrcton Branch. Lyttelton Branch. Southbridge Branch, j' Springfield Branch. ( Whitecliffs Branch. Opawa Branch. Waimate Branch. Main Line, Upper Ashburton. Lincoln to Little River Branch. Albury to Fairlie Creek Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. » Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Kangitata. Waitaki to BluffMain Line with Port Chalmer: Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Ngapara to Livingstone Branch. Palmerston to Waihemo Branch. Main Line to Catlin's River. Waipahi to Heriot Burn Branch. Edendale to Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzers Branch. Kelso to Gore Branch. Seaward Bush Branch. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. Lumsden to Mararoa Branch. Western Railways— ( Makarewa to Riverton. \ Riverton to Otautau. 1 Otautau to Nightcaps. (, Riverton to Orepuki. Expenses re Brogdens' claims. Expenses Railway Commissions. Surveys, New Lines— North Island. Middle Island. Stock. 3° 3O 31 o 11 76 16 79 4 40. i° 43 1 1 2,064 12 6 959 1 o 73 '9 8 70 18 2 10 8 2 1,324 15 1 i,357 '5 1 125 19 4 8,544 13 9 i5,73i 14 3 2,056 o 5 16,316 14 7 2,519 15 11 1,372 10 o 3,380 14 8 248 4 o 1,730 o o 1,291 13 9 73 14 1 2,310 11 8 1,989 14 1 158 16 4 93 7 8 45 9 7 6 12 0 i>9c5 '3 3 1,544 12 9 5°7 '3 6 903 6 8 38,270 3 3 24,540 18 11 5,967 19 9 38,270 3 3 24,540 18 11 5.967 19 9 6,878 14 2 8,372 13 o 9,426 7 5 45.'48 17 5 32,913 11 n ■5,394 7 2 45,148 17 5 32,913 11 11 '5,394 7 2 97 o 124 39 15 32 Private 11 65 ,8 6 69 70 68 67 8,417 1 3 28,492 4 5 1,084 '9 2 2,573 " 2 I5,'73 13 3 13,206 3 4 95.039 3 10 230,558 15 5 95 4 o 21,535 17 8 84,184 3 11 101,179 6 3 12,301 14 o 18,308 15 2 47,509 5 6 100,750 19 o 21,613 14 8 31,818 3 o 695 o 9 752 9 1 64,777 12 6 69,656 4 1 63,351 6 8 86,290 6 8 4i4,i47 15 6 683,586 17 7 95 4 o 40,237 8 9 37.153 '0 5 84,195 '4 11 451,301 14 11 767,782 12 6 95 4 o 40,237 8 9 17,600 7 o 21,751 4 3 100 16 o 1,929 18 7 468,902 1 11 789,533 16 9 196 o o 42,167 7 4 468,902 1 11 789>533 '6 9 196 o o 42,167 7 4 Line 2,143 15 7 141 12 4 6,381 3 5 4,040 o o 724 16 7 83 8 4 2,650 15 o 471 16 11 2,064 2 11 130 77 69 48 52 o 16 3 2.3 Si 19 63 8 3i 8 63 '17 43 51 20 22 73 7 59 34,025 13 10 12,561 o o 17,878 17 o 14,690 1 o 3,482 1 8 5,816 18 3 2,201 o o 1,199 o o 1,253 9 9 523 16 4 606 15 2 3,312 12 6 17,880 5 11 8,752 11 11 4,523 5 4 6,3^8 5 o 3,216 7 8 6,586 2 2 168,341 19 10 69,154 5 2 30,033 1 1 33,943 11 3 9,770 6 7 55,968 10 10 115,015 o 8 44,506 14 9 19,040 2 10 31,850 3 2 5,684 10 6 14,576 12 11 30,703 6 9 8,193 6 o 8,242 14 1 834 19 o 131 18 5 129 3 9 100,02^ 15 7 34,837 4 8 14,007 2 9 32,699 19 5 138 5 6 45,804 11 5 36,967 16 11 18,197 ° i° 7,5°' 9 5 14,468 11 8 2,9'3 19 4 9,5 85 3 4 M53 14 (> 821 14 9 447 ° 5 612 9 3 489 6 5 S3i 14 7 110,493 o 10 66,534 2 4 19,182 1 5 11,782 0 2 701 6 10 21,158 7 4 122,529 7 8 58,696 6 8 22,724 6 8 8,263 12 4 1,260 6 8 20,748 o o 739,635 2 6 323,453 7 ' 144,833 10 9 156,007 8 7 28,395 4 9 184,217 17 1 85,50.5 7 8 21,166 6 5 10,390 2 7 22,589 5 7 825,140 10 2 344,619 13 6 155,223 13 4 178,596 14 2 28,395 4 9 199,891 3 7 15,743 11 1 13,702 18 11 624 10 7 693 12 9 43 15 ° 701 4 8 840,884 1 3 358,322 12 5 155.848 3 11 179,290 6 11 28,438 19 9 200,592 8 3 840.884 1 3 358,322 12 5 155,848 3 " 179,290 6 11 28,438 19 9 200,592 8 3 o 59 6 27 19 19 I5, 673 6 6 34 40 49 15 4 4° 17 73 25,141 4 4 2,116 8 3 5,68s 9 6 57 1 2 57,856 7 o 35,602 11 11 2,995 3 1 15,060 7 o 7,52i n 10 10 1 10 237 11 0 22,465 6 4 15,986 13 4 190,668 13 7 67 3 o 11,633 1 11 202,301 15 6 67 3 o 622 18 4 7,118 17 o 202,924 13 10 7,186 o o 202,924 13 10 7,186 o o 196 63 21 76 20 7 6 26 8 64 186 63 21 76 20 7 6 26 25 3' 3° 60 I' ?,?, 25 48 4 42 19 6 16 72 42,229 2 3 1,223 6 10 1,163 13 3 6,271^0 o 6,116 1 4 6,724 13 7 360 3 4 230 1 5 38 3 o 754 1 6 10,666 9 10 916 5 2 77i 6 4 40 o o 1,140 6 1 142,981 3 7 5,988 16 3 6,529 9 1 561 11 7 4,55° '3 10 340,207 8 6 2,467 8 9 i,95i 5 o 102 19 3 1O,75S n 8 29,740 8 2 2,461 1 10 1,619 ■! 2 210,560 16 3 7,268 1 7 5,9'S 14 10 31,293 3 3 13,133 16 9 47,812 2 10 81262 628 6 10 3,065 16 1 11511 6 1'5 3 11 167,448 4 2 16,049 4 6 13,047 9 7 6,014 7 2 16,889 '8 1 240,475 1 9 13,219 7 o 11,769 14 4 19,080 3 11 16,907 13 4 ,241,911 7 o 50,881 12 II 43,74' 15 9 63,933 13 1 1 82,648 2 3 277,868 7 10 3.98' 6 3 3,79' 6 6 22,050 2 7 14,187 6 7 i,5'9,779 '4 10 54,862 19 2 47,533 2 3 85,983 16 6 96,835 8 10 18,821 4 1 31211 4 37 ° ° 1.744 13 1 37 3 2 74 3 9 168 4 10 92 10 11 1924 810 18 o 3,802 17 o 2,417 18 6 1,538,600 18 11 55,'75 10 6 47,5 7° 2 3 87,728 9 7 96,872 12 o 416,135 o o 1,954,735 '8 11 55,'75 1° 6 47.57° 2 3 3 28,228 9 7 96,872 12 o 532 5 9 1,589 12 11 118 4 3 240,500 o o 25 3' 30 60 11 33 25 48 4 42 19 6 42 10 29 40 10,692 2 6 1 839 10 8 147 5 9 990 14 11 8,460 1 11 6,322 8 5 925 5 11 95 16 2 1,476 15 o 249 o o 2,139 6 6 1,613 3 1 12,838 2 7 1,433 11 8 102 11 3 29,374 1 1 26,895 6 8 88,329 0 10 15,213 3 1 i°3>54 2 3 11 > 103,784 12 6 103,784 12 C 620 o o 334 15 ° 24 o o 1,427 7 5 20 o o 125 o o 220 48 13 10 395 '8 1 29 6 4 358 1 8 211 o 4 460 18 5 857 5 1 994 1 4 454 10 5 968 3 6 2,447 13 9 13,214 '9 3 13,098 7 1 2,730 0 4 137 13 3 475 o o 3,395 8 1 11,324 o 8 973 9 11 2,545 X9 1 450 12 7 799 18 6 106 1 o 993 7 ' 1 272 18 7 73° '5 6 906 11 10 1,432 10 10 73 5 6 14 4 o 133 5 1 1,044 '4 8 17 10 6 7,866 o o 3,587 8 o 11,657 17 11 15,238 1 9 3,Sii 4 5 21,182 o o 3.937 ° 4 15,187 6 8 13,878 o o 5,680 o o 35.471 II 'I 13,487 19 1 31,865 3 9 53,297 I' 2 37,826 4 3 7,889 3 6 1,872 1 2 43,3 f>o 15 5 15,360 o 3 31,865 3 9 53,297 n 2 37,826 4 3 43,453 6 4 15.379 2 7 - 32,676 1 9 57,100 8 2 40,244 2 9 75,124 o o n8,577 6 4 15,379 2 7 32,676 1 9 57,100 8 2 40,244 2 9 1 3 2 7 20 1 83 o 11 59 ...{ 120 o o 14 3 8 7°3 15 9 338 12 o 14,259 14 7 3 5° 7,8os 1 3 3 10 11 4,923 10 2 561 7 1 116 i,7So 5 8 '53 16 5 202 4 7 13 60 3 7 <> 22 3 3 3,424 19 o 7,201 6 8 35,885 I 2 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 35,885 I 2 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 4,418 7 4 40,303 8 6 499 6 10 5,152 2 8 40,303 8 6 499 6 10 5,'5 2 2 8 o 19 8 247 78 247 78 9',339 7 7 13,741 3 2 24,234 1 8 647.623 9 3 217,267 5 9 60,242 6 4 417,517 10 8 86,698 9 10 6,064 r5 3 268,798 2 7 2O3>799 '3 4 2,037-326 5 5 292,878 0 7 2,330,204 6 o 40.145 13 3 2,370,349 19 3 82,258 17 3 2,452,608 16 6 21 75 14 76 2 44 8 78 21 76 16 40 9 40 18 26 26 22 19 30 '3 7° 24 o 11 o 182 56 21 75 14 76 2 44 8 78 21 76 853 16 3 20 o o 165 o o 760 o o 2,202 9 4 1,072 16 3 1,936 19 7 982 7 6 1,911 2 3 1,564 10 o 55 2 6 67 7 6 7 16 10 426 297 3 5 82 11 9 ■76 13 8 220 13 2 423 19 6 39 4 2 605 10 9 112 14 11 14 16 o 1,880 4 1 880 15 4 573 6 9 2,307 4 8 780 13 7 1.'57 'I 3 35° ° o 873 9 5 3, cf>9 4 3 1,014 18 11 i,i73 7 5 74,3O5 9 » 25,787 12 8 4,820 o 8 6,340 o 5 23,217 1 5 6,206 3 2 600 4 5 1.947 19 1O 236 o o . 2,071 12 1O 15,679 IS 5 5,847 18 11 2.948 3 9 2,500 o 7 12,348 3 5 4,210 9 11 132 2 9 246 4 5 316 1 o 256 19 6 8,602 15 8 1,819 14 7 2,553 3 ° 21912 2 4,566 10 9 2,132 1 1 i,945 12 9 1,920 5 9 S°3 2 7 3,34i 18 4 12,488 13 2 131 4 7 in 8 8 364 16 2 3,768 16 10 360 o o 281 2 8 458 18 11 906 163 6 2 4,802 14 o 1,951 8 11 47° 13 5 91311 o 1,075 18 3 1,266 18 11 5 3 3 9,745 2 1 10,042 8 2 1,226 10 6 7,854 5 1 19,914 4 11 406 14 7 1,387 12 11 050 22,718 3 7 2,596 4 4 21,906 o o 10,764 6 8 2,365 6 o 7,528 6 8 19,682 o 4 36,392 12 10 29,142 6 3 5,961 14 6 23,168 14 6 160,596 5 5 37,994 2 1 15,366 18 11 13,869 11 5 85,176 16 11 22,656 10 10 350 0 o 89 13 9 150,206 8 7 231,623 12 o 5,688 14 3 3>4/i 9 1 903 12 2 3,023 9 1 8,104 1 lo 42,081 7 1 32,613 15 4 6,865 6 8 26,192 3 7 168,700 7 3 37,994 2 1 15,366 18 11 13,869 11 5 87,297 16 3 22,656 10 10 35° o o 853 1 8 2,389 8 7 191 19 o 129 4 3 286 4 6 706 14 1 97 13 9 4,497 o 8 1,027 i° 3 3,480 10 1 42,934 8 9 35, OO3 3 1 ■ 7,057 5 8 26,321 7 10 168,986 11 9 38,700 16 2 15,464 12 8 18,366 12 1 88,325 6 6 26,137 ° '■ 350 o o 37,500 o o 58,009 o o 12,829 o o 29,691 o o 80,434 8 9 93,012 311 19,88-6 5 8 56,012 7 10 168,986 11 9 38,700 16 2 15,464 12 8 18,366 12 1 88,325 6 6 26,137 o 11 35° o ° 12 o S 42 5 36 4 35 3 53 i'58 74° is 7 '3 4 C> 2616 6 2 1 O<J 15 13 4 59 1 4 362 o o 15 27 4 o 14,35° T4 o 3,064 6 8 2,120 19 4 3 ° 23 57 219 2 10 89 13 9 11,458 4 2 96,364 7 3 26,743 3 6 49 1 7 5 7.863 15 5 89 13 9 150,206 8 7 2,310 17 o 35,°S4 o 2 2,400 10 9 185,260 8 9 2,400 10 9 185,260 8 9 3,543 6 11 2,973 1 11 39 11 8 510 7 6 87 4 30 o 87 4 2 21 2,568 15 o 23' 5 4 3 1 10 2,838 4 5 1,021 3 1 4',779 18 1 2,410 2 6 9.475 I! 6 5,276 10 9 3,253 o o 641 10 7 15,776 o 10 11,19110 9 440 5 2 572 10 1 :o2 10 9 53,367 2 8 2,067 12 7 90,569 13 4 2,011 14 0 13,978 6 3 42,246 16 I 273,870 8 1 i3,978 6 3 2,630 8 1 130 t 9 276,500 16 2 14,108 9 o 91,937 5 2 368,438 1 4 14,108 9 o 3 59 3 IS ° '7 53 11 40 10 55 17 6 3 17 53 11 40 10 55 6 3 3,831 9 10 i,iii '3 II 2,326 15 1 35,326 o 2 14,97' 2 5 7>°53 19 3 10,552 7 2 10,055 3 11 234 12 9 44,486 I 5 26,298 13 8 156,247 '9 1 ' 1.053 8 3 167,301 7 10 377 13 0 605 9 7 557 10 6 6,013 4 7 87 IS 9 [ 174,855 S 6 60,297 0 o 23S,iS 2 5 6 11 60 4,178 5 9 525 5 6 4,i78 5 9 525 5 6 4,'78 S 9 525 5 6 4,266 1 6 52S 5 6* 4,266 1 6 525 5 6 3,8qo 12 3 20,785 1 6 3,890 12 3 20,785 1 6 138,196 8 5 3,890 12 3 20,785 1 6 184,979 6 4 333 1 9 1,267 I2 9 247,618 15 8 4,223 14 o 22,052 14 3 432,598 2 0 4,223 14 o 22,052 14 3 432,598 2 o 27,75' IS 3 110,444 13 2 46,782 17 n Totals ..•■*'' ••• 188 2i 1370 62 380,846 15 3 45,6.59 17 8 198,052 12 10 2,274,299 16 3 1,325,910 13 9 255,994 10 1 <> 339,4oo 18 7 412,511 10 2 30,420 6 10 1,329,636 8 6 1,451,606 1 10 9,044,809 19 8 ■.179,746 15 3 534,844 11 11 '0,759,295 3 6 Totah. 10,224,450 12 5 1,104,281 2 5 11,863,576 5 11 * Including Wail :aki Bridge, £76,1 199 18s. 4d. t Charged a: unauthorized.



TABLE No. 3. STATEMENT showing the Liabilities on Railways and Surveys out of Immigration and Public Works Loan on 31st March, 1883, classified, together with Expenditure thereon, from 1st April, 1882, to 31st March, 1883.

2—D. 1.

Lines. On On Colonial Authorities. Contracts. Liabilities. On On English Miscellaneous Contracts. Plant, English I Contracts. | Expenditure for Year 1st April, 1882, to 31st March, 1883. Total Liabilities on 31st March, 1883, and Expenditure for Year 1882-83. Total Liabilities. Kawakawa vVhangarei to Kamo Kaipara to Waikato vVaikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha .. Te Aroha to Thames Hamilton to Cambridge.. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville Wellington to Wooaville Bunnythorpo to Gorge .. Wellington to Foxton .. Foxton to New Plymouth— Foxton to Patea Patea to Waitara STelson to Rounaell 3-reymouth to Nelson Creek 3-reymouth to Hokitika .. Westport to Ngakawau .. Picton to Hurunui— Picton to Awatere Hurunui to Pahau Surunui to Waitaki — Main line Oxfora Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield Branch Whitecliffs Branch Opawa Branch Waimate Branch Main line to Upper Ashburton Lincoln to Little River.. Albury to Eairlie Greek, ana Burkc's Pass Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxfoi-a to Malvern Waitaki to Bluff— Main line Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Port Chalmers Branch .. Brighton Eoad Branch .. Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Ngapara Branch to Livingstone Palmerston to Waihemo Main line to Catlin's River Waipahi to Heriot Burn Edendale to Toitois Biversdale to Switzers .. Kelso to Gore .. Seawara Bush.. Otago Central— Chain Hills to Taieri Lake Invercargill to Kingston Lurnsden to Mararoa Western Railways— Makitrowa to Riverton .. Riverton Branch to Otautau Otautau to Nightcaps .. Riverton to Orepuki Contingent Expenses — In defending Messrs. Brogaens' Claims Printing Brogaen Papers of Royal Commissions £ s. d. 628 14 11 1,702 2 6 18,377 10 8 £ s. a. 5,561 3 9 727 14 0 16,359 10 6 £ s. a. ,-e s. a. £ s. a. G,189 18 8 2,429 16 6 37,365 1 2 £ s. d. 9,256 18 1 7,519 2 2 ■20,275 16 1 £ s, a. 15,446 16 9 9,948 18 8 57,640 17 3 2,628' 0 0 3,844 0 2 1,255 2 9 3,925 19 2 2,869 14 0 7,117 10 3 5,500 8 3 165 0 0 6,878 14 2 8,372 13 0 9,426 7 5 7,361 18 9 1,141 6 1 5,967 2 9 14,240 12 11 9,513 19 1 15,393 10 2 4,537 9 0 3,557 0 1 100 16 0 1,929 18 7 13,062 18 0 14,793 18 2 3,400 0 0 17,600 7 0 21,751 4 3 100 10 0 1,929 18 7 23,252 13 6 4,089 5 1 95 4 0 709 8 10 40,853 0 6 25,840 9 4 196 0 0 2,699 7 5 7,303 14 6 6,418 12 0 233 4 0 693 12 9 43 15 0 492 19 8 8,439 16 7 7,284 6 11 391 6 7 15,743 11 1 13,702 18 11 624 10 7 093 12 9 43 15 0 701 4 8 *31,048 7 3 22,376 4 2 1,245 18 0 f6,745 10 10 46,791 18 4 36,079 3 1 1,870 8 7 7,439 3 7 43 15 0 2,248 17 5 208' 5 0 1,547 12 9 597 18 4 132 17 0 25 0 0 6,986 0 0 022 18 4 7,118 17 0 11,628 8 0 67 3 0 12,251 6 4 7,186 0 0 12,528 12 4 312 11 4 37 0 0 1,744 13 1 37 3 2 74 3 9 168 4 10 92 10 11 19 2 4 773 12 2 3,336 11 9 2,956 0 0 18,821 4 1 312 11 4 37 0 0 1,744 13 1 37 3 2 74 3 9 168 4 10 92 10 11 19 2 4 810 18 0 46,429 10 6 373 8 8 218 6 7 2,563 7 10 1,192 4 0 11 5 0 342 17 2 918 6 9 32 0 11 2,254 10 8 65,250 14 7 686 0 0 255 6 7 4,308 0 11 1,229 7 2 85 8 9 511 2 0 1,010 17 8 51 3 3 3,065 8 8 37 5 10 278 7 0 688 2 11 3,524 10 0 1,729 15 7 3,802 17 0 2,417 18 6 3,120 5 4 6,829 12 0 6,923 2 4 9,247 10 6 510 18 1 3,907 9 3 4,418 7 4 13,278 17 7 17,697 4 11 21,923 2 9 853 1 8 2,389 8 7 283 4 2 191 19 0 129 4 8 286 4 0 365 1 8 12,726 6 4 5,213 0 0 39,862 9 1 853 1 8 2,389 8 7 283 4 2 191 19 0 129 4 3 286 4 6 706 14 1 53,552 15 3 801 14 8 1,036 15 7 1,882 6 9 41 5 3 305 15 10 264 10 1 4,601 10 10 93,415 4 4 1,654 16 4 3,426 4 2 2,165 10 11 233 4 3 435 0 1 551 0 7 5,368 10 11 341'12 5 97 13 9 180 15 10 337 4 7 239 5 10 4,316 4 10 690 5 8 3,241 4 3 97 13 9 4,497 0 8 1,027 10 3 3,480 10 1 5,429 0 8 4,773 17 5 3,918 8 0 6,493 8 2 5,527 0 5 9,270 18 1 4,945 18 3 9,973 18 3 102 17 0 2,208' 0 0 2,3l6'l7 0 22 3 0 2,333 0 0 1,170 4 10 2,537 11 10 52 18 9 33,883 15 4 92 16 8 77 4 0 35,054 0 2 2,030 8 1 130 2 9 17,624 15 8 2,797 10 10 107 1 3 52,078 15 10 5,427 18 11 237 4 0 377 13 0 127 12 9 477 16 10 377 13 0 005 9 7 472 8 8 Or. 379 7 2 850 1 8 226 2 5 557 10 6 422 19 3 5,590' 5 4 557 10 6 6,013 4 7 2,433 0 6 7,320 9 8 2,990 17 0 13,333 14 3 S7 15 9 87 15 9 2,214 7 5 2,302 3 2 400 0 0 525 5 6 400 0 0 525 5 6 —* Carried forward .. 105,754 5 3 165,508 15 8 14,362 0 0 285,025 0 11 348,053 0 2 634,278 1 • If £16,298 10s. 2a., tr ,ion Account. t £1,629 10s. 6d., charj nouth-Nelson Creek. t This expenaiture was ie expenditure on the Poxton jed in the Appropriation Aci Station, is added to this sum count to Greymouth-Hokitil ., it will agree with the figures in the Appropriaka, has, in this account, been charged to Greysharged as unauthorized.



TABLE No. 3 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Liabilities on Railways and Surveys, &c. — continued.

Lines. Liabilities. On Miscellaneous Plant, English Contracts. | Expenditure for Year 1st April, 1882, to 31st March, 1883. Total Liabilities on 31st March, 1883, and Expenditure for Year 1882-83. On Authorities. On Colonial Contracts. On English Contracts. Total Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. dB. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Brought forward .. 105,754 5 3 165,508 15 8 14,362 0 0 285,625 0 11 348,653 0 2i 634,278 1 1 Section 4 of " The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1882 "— Permanent-way Rolling-stock 794 6 8 17,239 13 9 15,334 11 4 4,045 0 0 122,668 2 8 87,537 1 3 138,797 0 8 108,821 15 0 49,829 10 5 36,987 12 0 188,626 11 1 145,809 7 0 Surveys, New Lines. North Island — Pukekohe to Waiuku .. Main North Trunk-line.. Carnarvon to Sanson .. Middle Island— Hurunui to Waiau East and West Coast Whitecliffs to Bakaia .. Brockley Coal Mines Otago Central 31 0 3 301 8 7 0 12 11 241 14 6 644 13 3 366 13 9 31 0 3 301 8 7, 0 12 11! 241 14 6 644 13 3 366 13 9 9 19 6 74 9 11: 12 11 6 252 4 1 33 4 0 9 18 4 191 9 6 40 19 9 301 8 7 75 2 10 254 6 0 896 17 4 399 17 9 9 18 4 206 0 9 14 11 3 14 11 3 ■ ■ Totals 125,389 0 2 184,888 7 0 210,205 3 11 14,362 0 0 534,844 11 1 436,053 19 5 970,898 10 6



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that date.

Note. —This table shows only the expenditure under vc on roads charged to "Miscellaneous Public Works" and ' 7 and 9, of 1882. ites forming the "Eoads'" class, 'Consolidated Fund" votes, as iut does not inc' shown in Tables lude expenditure i 8, of 1881, and Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads and Beidges—Auckland: — North of Auckland Bay of Islands Mangere Bridge ... Thames Waikato Bay of Plenty ... Poverty Bay Taupo Tools, &c. Main road, Mahurangi to Whangarei Mangere Bridge repairs Eoad from Pukekohe Eailway-station to Waiuku Eoad from Pukekohe Eailway-station through East Pukekohe District to Bombay Eoad to Bucldand Station ... Bridge over Waipa on Eaglan Main Eoad Tuhikaramea to Hamilton ... Raglan to Waipa... Eoad, Te Awamutu Station to township Bridge over Waikato at Hamilton, contribution To free Hamilton Bridge from tolls... Waimapu Bridge... Cambridge to Taupo „ Eotorua Tauranga Eepairing Hood damages at the Thames, being half the cost thereof, viz.:— Thames County Thames Borough Tararu Tramway, amount agreed to be paid to Thames Borough Council in lieu of putting said tramway in good order, as provided by section 18 of " The Public Works Act, 1880" Thames-Tauranga Tauranga, East Cape, Whakatane, Te Teko, and sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Eoad, Tauranga to Opotiki „ „ to Taupo ... „ Ormond to Opotiki ... Eepairing flood damages, Cook County Road, Napier to Taupo „ Hamilton to Cambridge „ Coromandel to Thames Port Charles ... Tairua „ Maungatawhiri Valley „ Maketu, Ararimu „ to Ohaupo Station ... „ Whau to Henderson's Creek ... „ Eukahia Swamp „ South Bombay to Paparata ... „ Tuakau to Waikato ... Sundry roads, Waitoa District Eoad, Wade to Wainui ,, Helensville to Iiaukapakapa ... Komokorau Bridge Road, Whangaroa to Kaeo... Clark's Eoad Road to Omaha Wharf „ Stokes Point to Lucas Creek ... Lake District... Eemoval of Snags, Thames Eiver Whatawhata Bridge Coromandel Wharf ... "s... ,, to Mercury Bay Eoad, Aroha Township to Gold Mines Eemoval of punt, Te Eori to Churchill Churchill punt £ s. d. 102,036 0 11 34,903 16 5 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 90,034 1 9 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 55 16 0 15 2 2 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 315 16 3 Or. 42 5 0 5,500 0 0 116 6 0 3,259 14 9 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 £ s. d. 7,928 17 1 14 18 2 32 18 3 425 0 0 501 14 3 269 9 8 6,700 0 0 155 3.. 0 560 7 6 3,988 13 9 2,150 0 0 1,380 0 0 £ s. a. 109,964 18 0 34,903 16 5, 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 90,048 19 11 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 88 14 3 15 2 2 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 425 0 0 501 14 3 315 16 3 227 4 8 6,700 0 0 5,655 3 0 676 13 6 7,248 8 6 2,150 0 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 2,380 0 0 £ s. d. 12,176 5 10 14 0 0 4,512 1 1 106 6 4 ... 75 0 0 70 17 10 ... 439 12 6 5,053 3 9 850 0 0 2,620 0 0 £ s. d. 122,141 3 10 34,903 16 5 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 27,582 11 7 90,048 19 11 21,499 5 4 9,336 17 1 714 13 6 129 15 3 14 0 0 4,600 15 4 121 8 6 300 0 0 1,006 4 8 500 0 0 501 14 3 315 16 3 298 2 6 6,700 0 0 5,655 3 0 1,116 6 0 12,301 12 3 3,000 0 0 4,928 10 0 2,452 10 0 1,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 892 14 5 100 0 0 1,463 1 5 894 18 8 1,358 4 2 2,250 18 7 100 0 0 3,454 4 11 912 18 8 1,373 12 0 728 4 10 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 1,485 13 0 3,736 11 7 100 0 0 3,663 1 5 945 16 8 1,373 12 0 1,165 0 5 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 502 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 693 1 8 350 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 640 1 10 528 18 9 367 1 9 81 10 0 500 0 0 48 12 9 42 2 0 72 18 3 r .s| ss S3 q-i •<-* ■ A H ei li CD H M O CD 'C a) <N 1,991 3 6 18 0 0 1,373 12 0 655 6 7 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 102 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 693 1 8 100 0 0 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 658 19 1 250 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 636 18 11 34 17 0 3 9 0 14 4 8 500 0 0 40 14 9 42 2 0 208 16 6 32 18 0 436 15 7 400 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 3 2 11 494 1 9 363 12 9 67 5 4 7 18 0 325,172 4 10 *•. 42 5 0 Carried forward 35,159 15 0 325,129 19 10 360,289 14 10 30,337 11 2 390,627 6 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Exiiendituve to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Liabilities on Expenditure Authorities, to Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1833. 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads and BbidchES —Auckland — cntd. B rouglifc forward Wharf at Tauranga Creek ... Cox's Creek Bridge Road, South Manukau Heads to boundary Pollock Highway District ... Road, Pokcno Station to Miranda ... ,, Gtisborne to East Cape „ Manukau Heads to Waiuku ... Punt at Huntley "Extension, Pollock Wharf... Road, Buckland Station to Cameron Town Hermitage Road to Akaaka Road from Mercer over Koheroa Hills „ Papatoetoo Station to Flat Bush ,, known as Nelson Street Botany Bridge ... Sundry roads, Hunua District Papakura, Wairoa Repairing roads, Papakura District ... Mo urea Bridge ... Brown's ,, To Rori „ Kawamoha Creek Road Panmure Road ... General £ s. d. 325,129 19 10 £ s. d. 35,159 15 0 £ s. d. 360,289 14 10 £ s. d. 30,337 11 2 248 0 0 823 16 9 £ s. d. 390,627 6 0 248 0 0 823 16 9 ... 450 0 0 1,001 13 11 2 12 0 150 0 0 243 7 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 1,001 13 11 2 12 0 150 0 0 243 7 0 200 0 0 100 0 0! 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 800 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 800 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 325,172 4 10 O. 42 5 0 360,289 14 10 Totals 325,129 19 10 35,159 15 -D 36,707 0 10 396,996 15 8 Roads and Bbidg-es—Hawke.'s Bay:— Napier ... Seventy-Mile Bush Wairoa ... Tools, &c. Kuripapanga to inland Patea Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour Taupo to Napier (Hawke's Bay) Road between Manawatu and Makotuku River, Ormondvillc Bridge over Wainui River 32,189 19 2 46,830 19 2 1,212 7 8 248 15 0 624 5 1 1,062 2 6 1,868 2 6'j 3,500 0 0 1 11 0 1,124 2 7 32,189 19 2 48,699 1 8 1,212 7 8 248 15 0. 3,500 0 0 625 16 1 2,186 5 1 324 17 4 32,189 19 2 49,023 19 0 1,212 7 8 248 15 0 3,500 0 0 625 16 1 2,568 12 7 382 7 6 200 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 450 0 0 400 0 0 Totals 82,168 8 71 6,6.93 16 1 88,862 4 8 1,357 4 10 90,219 9 6 Roads and Bridges—Wellington : — Patea to Wanganui Wanganui to Taupo Manawatu G orge Opaki, Manawatu Gorge ... Hutt to Lowry Bay Tools, &c. Road in Manchester Block... Road, Foxton to Otaki, inland Grant in aid for bridge over Manawatu River Roads in Ktzherbert Block Bridge over Waio"hine Seventy-Mile Bush Parakaretu Block To relieve Wanganui Bridge from tolls Bridge over Wangaehu Bridge approach, Orepuhi... Deviation, Ivarori Road, near waterJ. works Waverley-Patea Road Manawatu Bridge at Foxton 36,275 18 9 t 5,376 18 1 46,082 9 0 69,115 5 3 290 0 0 504 9 8 99 10 9 50 5 3 13 15 6 7 7 0 149 0 0 459 11 6 14 0 181 10 11 H 767 11 2 500 0 0 36,275 18 9 5,376 18 1 46,542 0 6 69,116 9 3 290 0 0 504 9 8 261 1 8 767 11 2 550 5 3 13 15 6 2,847 3 11 149 0 0 17,000 0 0 269 15 1 16 0 0 338 9 1 1,235 11 4 650 0 0 36,275 18 9 5,376 18 1 46,811 15 7 69,116 9 3 290 0 0 504 9 8 16 0 0 599 10 9 2,003 2 6 1,200 5 3 13 15 6 4,857 7 0 149 0 0 17,000 0 O 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 2,839 16 11 2,010 3 1 17,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 153 1 8 130 0 0 0 18 0 153 1 8 130 0 0 0 18 0 96 18 4 130 0 0 29 2 0 250 0 0 260 0 0 30 0 0 Totals 185,904 12 4 157,964 19 3 22,013 14 2 179,978 13 5 5,925 18 11 Roads and Bridges—Takanaki:— New Plymouth, inland :.. Hawera-Waitara... ... '!?. Wai-iti to Patea ... .' :.. Tools, &c. ... - " ... 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 Carried forward ... 77,051 7 4 77,051 7 4 77,051 7 4 f £109 15s. lid. of this amount has been irevioi .sl; chari ;ed as Miscellaneous S [I'vers on railwa' table.



TABLE No. 4 -continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure during il2 Months ended i 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883, Total Expenditure and Liabilities, Koads and Bkidges—Takanaki— cntd. Brought forward Unsettled districts, Patea and Taranaki ... Wayerley-Patea Road General—Salaries, &c. ... •;. Completion Great South Eoad between Opunake and Manaia Bridge OTer Stony River, and approaches Inglewood to Whitecliffs ... Henwood and Upland roads Refund expenses, T. Kelly, Mountain Road Commission Umuroa culvert and repairs Werekino Bridge £ s. d. 77,051 7 4 £ s. a. £ s. d. 77,051 7 4 £ a. d. £ s. a. 77,051 7 4 44,732 17 1 3,063 19 2 70 0 0 402 18 8 47,796 16 3 70 0 0 402 18 8 661 19 6 70 0 0 52 9 4 48,458 15 8 140 0 0 455 8 0 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 C 382 12 8 382 12 8 504 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 886 12 8 5,000 0 C 1,000 0 0 19 8 0 19 8 0 19 8 C 135 0 0 135 0 C Totals 121,784 4 5 3,938 18 6 125,723 2 11 10,423 8 10 136,146 11 Roads and Bridges—Nelson : — Buller to Arnold... Main road to Boatman's Westport to Lyell Ahaura to Amuri Nile Bridge Takaka Valley Collingwood to Quartz Range Nelson to Westport and Grreymouth Takaka Road Takaka Tramway Bridge over Wairoa, in Waimea District Road, Nelson to Tophouse and Tarndalo Bridge over Owen Bridge over Matiri Bridge over Inangahua at Reefton ... Bridge over Inangahua at B uller Junction Bridge over Little Grey at Devery' s Bridge over Ahaura Bridge over Waiau, in Amuri County Dray-road through Cheviot hill country* Roads, Lower Moutere, flood damages Bridge over Granity Creek Bridge over Grey at Cobden Hurunui-Greta Bridge Footbridge at Bellgrove Road through Morris Gully 73,197 4 8 844 10 0 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 14,075 1 4 21 6 0 1,500 0 0 3 18 0 710 0 9 7,294 6 3 1,500 0 0 1,132 1 9 1,666 17 7 1,789 0 2 73,197 4 8 844 10 0 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 0 0 507 1 1 21,369 7 7 21 6 0 3,000 0 0 3 18 0 1,842 2 6 1,666 17 7 1,789 0 2 2,099 6 7 1,090 0 1 914 3 8 802 15 10 73,197 4 ! 844 10 I 7,273 13 II 6,210 13 II 1,115 16 - 2,000 0 I 507 1 : 22,459 7 I 21 6 I 3,000 0 I 3 18 I 2,756 6 : 1,666 17 ' 2,591 16 ( 2,099 6 ' 2,099 6 7 107 0 9 42 10 0 117 10 0 229 17 0 2,156 4 9 2,633 8 8 8 4 0 2,539 14 8 2,263 5 6 2,675 18 8 125 14 0 2,769 11 8 5,290 2 11 1,214 2 0 7,553 8 i 3,890 0 i 125 14 ( 10,556 18 I 7,787" 6 6 100 8 0 17 0 6 13 10 0 100 8 0 17 0 6 13 10 0 1,046 13 6 602 7 4 100 8 ( 1,063 14 I 602 7 ■ 13 10 ( 70 0 ( 100 0 I 100 0 ( 70 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Totals 110,155 18 2 20,750 8 4 130,906 6 6 19,017 11 10 149,923 18 4 Roads and Bridges—Maelboeough : Main road through Pelorus District and Rai Valley... Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sounds Bridge over Clarence River Road, Kaikoura to Waiau Bridge over Wairau, near Blenheim... Road, Kaikoura to Clarence Wharf at Havelock 6,188 4 2 58 12 5 26 8 6 283 1 0 8,477 7 6 241 12 8 0 10 0 2,158 14 4 52 0 0 14,665 11 8 300 5 1 26 18 6 2,441 15 4 52 0 0 5,778 10 9 69 14 11 3,823 1 6 1,899 4 11 3,599 10 3 1,000 0 0 7 12 0 20,444 2 £ 370 0 0 3,850 0 C 4,341 0 3 3,651 10 3 1,000 0 0 10 0 C 2 8 0 2 8 0 Totals 6,556 6 1 10,932 12 17,488 18 7 16,177 14 4 33,666 12 l: Roads and Beidgbs—Westiand : — < Greymouth to Arnold „ Okarito South Creek to main line ... Junction line Greenstone to Lake Brunner Marsden to Maori Creek ... „ Paroa Stillwater to Maori Gully ... .. Kanieri Forks to Kanieri Lakes ... Hokitika to Blue-spur_ ... 5,058 1 5 101,846 16 11 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 0 1,578 1 0 2,520 3 5 1,349 15 2 5,058 1 5 103,196 12 1 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 0 1,869 2 0 1,578 1 0 2,520 3 5 215 0 0 5,058 1 103,411 12 281 17 3,923 9 2,756 5 2,538 3 798 8 1,869 2 1,578 1 2,520 3 ... ... Carried forward ... 123,170 8 2 1,349 15 2 124,520 3 4 215 0 0 124,735 3 * This amount has been irevious! chari red as Miscellam :oiis Surve' ■8 in Railwa 1 Tablo.



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure Expenditure during to 12 Months ended! 31st March, 1882. 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads and Beidges—Westland— cntd. B rought forward Kanieri Bridge ... Waimea Bridge ... "Westland —General Bridge over Tcremakau, Kumara Haast Pass Track Extension of road south of Okarito .. ■ Bridge over Donnelly's Creek £ s. d. 123,170 8 2 489 15 0 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 1,079 18 0 199 4 11 16 11 0 £ s. d. 1,349 15 2 £ s. d. 124,520 3 4 489 15 0 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 1,079 18 0 848 4 8 16 11 0 65 8 9 £ s. d. 215 0 0 38 9 9 835 10 5 300 0 0 1,463 6 3 £ s. d. 124,735 3 4 489 15 0 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 1,118 7 9 1,683 15 1 316 11 0 1,528 15 0 648 19 9 65" 8 9 Totals ■127,777 2 10 2,064 3 8 129,841 6 6! 2,852 6 5 132,693 12 11 Hokitika-Chbistcjiuecii Road Bridge over Taipo 57,994 12 9 6,930 11 1 57 7 0 64,925 3 10 57 7 0 722 4 11 1,117 13 0' 65,647 8 9 1,175 0 0 Totals 57,994 12 9 6,987 18 1 64,982 10 10 1,839 17 11 66,822 8 9 BOADS AND BEIDGES—CANTEEBUEY: — Main Oxford Eoad, repairs Hurunui- Greta B ridge 300 0 0 70 0 0 300 0 0 70 0 0 Totals 370 0 0 370 0 0 Roads and Beidges—Otago : — Upper Waitaki Bridge Kawarau Bridge at junction Arrow River... Queenstown Jetty Completion of road, Waikari to Waitati Completion of road from Maori Kaika to Taioroa Head Lighthouse Portobello Road ... Anderson's Bay Road Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai, on Main South Road Bridges over Clutha at Beaumont and Roxburgh —■ Grant-in-aid towards re-erection Subsidy to complete Clutha Bridge ... Bridge over Oreti at Elbow Warrington Road Road, Green Island to Brighton Bridge over Taieri, Main South Road Bridge over Clutha at Alexandra — Grant-in-aid Bridge over Mataura, Otama District —Grant-in-aid... 510 18 3 453 2 3 65 16 5 118 10 8 400 0 0 742" 6 11 81 18 0 456 0 0 510 18 3 453 2 3 808 3 4 200 8 6 400 0 0 456 0 0 25 0 0 0 6 6 2,253 16 1 49 2 0 67 9 6 78 10 3 510 18 3 25 0 0 453 8 9 3,061 19 5 249 10 6 67 9 6 78 10 3 400 0 0 456 0 0 2,500 0 0 9 0 0 35 18 4 35 18 4 2,500 0 0 9 0 0 200 0 0 2,046 11 8 60 16 9 2,082 10 0 2,500 0 0 69 16 9 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,530 0 0 200 0 0 5" 6 6 5 6 6 1,000 0 0 3,524 13 6 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 Totals 4,057 7 5 6,521 9 9 10,578 17 2 11,106 6 3 21,685 3 5 Roads and Bbidges — Native Distbicts : — Bay of Islands Thames ... Waikato Bay of Plenty Napier ... Wairoa ... Taranaki Marlborough 1,000 0 0 907 4 0 125 14 3 856 3 4 *273 14 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 2,037 6 6 240 0 0 1,200 0 0 907 4 0 2,163 0 9 1,096 3 4 273 14 0 400 0 0 1,567 1 3 201 5 0 475 5 4 640 0 0 1,200 0 0 907 4 0 2,638 6 1 1,736 3 4 273 14 0 700 0 0 1,768 17 3 201 5 0 ... 300 0 0 1,567 1 3 125 0 0 300 0 0 201 16 0 76 5 0 Totals 9,425 9 8 3,339 0 7 4,469 7 9 7,808 8 4 1,617 1 4 SUMMARY. Roads and Beidges, Auckland ,, Hawke's Bat Wellington ... Taeanaki Nelson „ Maelisoeough „ Westland Hokitika-Cheistohueoh Road Roads and Beidges, Canteebtjet ... Roads and Beidges, Otago %.. Native Disteiots Roads to open up Lands" beeoee Sale (see Table No. 5) Through Lands eeoently pueohased OS-old Fields Roads Payments to Road Boabds (see Table No. 11, 1877) 325,129 19 10 82,168 8 7 157,964 19 3 121,784 4 5 110,155 18 2 6,556 6 1 127,777 2 10 57,994 12 9 35,159 15 0 6,693 16 1 22,013 14 2 3,938 18 6 20,750 8 4 10,932 12 6 2,064 3 8 6,987 18 1 360,289 14 10 88,862 4 8 179,978 13 5 125,723 2 11 130,906 6 6 17,488 18 7 129,841 6 6 64,982 10 10 36,707 0 10 1,357 4 10 5,925 18 11 10,423 8 10 19,017 11 10 16,177 14 4 2,852 6 5 1,839 17 11 370 0 0 11,106 6 3 1,617 1 4 396,996 15 8 90,219 9 6 185,904 12 4 136,146 11 9 149,923 18 4 33,666 12 11 132,693 12 11 66,822 8 9 370 0 0 21,685 3 5 9,425 9 8 4,057 7 5 3,339 0 7 6,521 9 9 4,469 7 9 10,578 17 2 7,808 8 4 112,225 16 2 20,117 10 8 80,224 7 11 1,410 3 9 9,438 14 5 192,450 4 1 21,527 14 5 9,438 14 5 60,613 7 5 662 7 0 17,695 9 9 253,063 11 6 22,190 1 5 27,134 4 2 225,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 Gband totals... 1,354,271 6 9 210,605 9 11 1,564,876 16 8 186,365 15 8 1,751,242 12 4 ;.20i .4s. of this amount haa been ireviouel' char* ;ed as Miscellaneous Surve; '8 on railway table.



TABLE No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads under the control of the Minister of Lands to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that date.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. lOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEFORE SALE. North Island. £ s. d. £ s. a, & s. d. £ s. d. & s. d. Luckland — Kaihu to Kaikohe Homestead Blocks, Manganui Pakiri Block Wairua to Sandy Bay Wairua to Helena Bay Purua and Mangakahia .. Tangihua No. 3 .. Manganui Bluff to Kaihu Takahue to Mangonuiowae Okaihu to Victoria Valley Helensville to Kaipatiki Waikato to Block XVI., Awaroa Lake Whangape to Block VII., Awaroa Hikutaia to Ohinemuri Tauranga to Te Puke and Matata .. Opotiki to Waiotahi Opotiki to Ormond Te Aroha Block Takahue to Herd's Point Block II., Tangihua Wairoa and Waikaremoana bridletrack through the Waiau District, Poverty Bay Huihuitaha to Patetero Rnakituri Block Ormond to Waiapu Gisbornc to Waimata Gisborne to Wairoa Taupo, via Botoaira and Murimotu, to West Coast Tolago Bay to Arakihi Ohuka to Waikaremoana Miscellaneous Paranaki— Eoad through bush, Waimate Plains Roads east of Stratford Bush land inland of Patea Bush land north of New Plymouth Continuous Reserve (to be refunded) Miscellaneous Mountain Road to blocks under sur334 2 0 50 19 0 385 1 0 385 1 0 100 0 0 1,133 0 6 162 1 3 1 19 6 100 0 0 1,133 0 6 162 1 3 702 1 3 200 0 0 366 19 6 637 18 9 300 0 0 1,500 0 0 800 0 0 702 1 3 240 0 0 3,738 19 5 2,931 7 7 1,645 2 3 1,214 8 4 3,480 15 11 3,035 10 4 700 1 9 240 0 0 482 13 0 1,096 19 5 2,931 7 7 2,159 7 0 3,256 G 5 2,931 7 7 435 17 0 1,154 8 5 3,480 15 11 3,035 10 4 39 17 6 2,217 5 8 1,464 5 9 435 17 0! 1,114 10 11 1,263 10 3 1,571 4 7 1,209 5 3 59 19 11 3,228 6 6 5,769 18 1 2,668 5 10 3,483 16 5 2,712 18 5| 635 6 0| 544 18 6 794 1 1 4,351 4 7 62 10 0 3,127 17 5 1,221 2 10 4,022 7 7 10,121 2 8 62 10 0 5,796 3 3 4,704 19 3 2,712 18 5 635 6 0 544 18 6 437 10 0 1,662 2 7 626 8 6 4,022 7 7 10,121 2 S 500 0 0 7,458 5 10 5,331 7 9 2,712 18 5 635 6 0 544 18 6 177 10 6 120 0 0 534 9 0 686 13 0 527 17 8 1,443 12 10 2,688 15 2 1,449 18 9 3,325 13 11 60 18 9 705 8 2 1,563 12 10 2,688 15 2 1,984 7 9 4,012 6 11 60 18 9 50 1 3 2,374 6 1 939 1 3 705 8 2 1,563 12 10 2,688 15 2 2,034 9 0 6,386 13 1,000 0 53 1 0 100 0 0 20 1 6 53 1 0 100 0 0 20 1 6 167 12 6 146 18 6 220 13 100 0 0 167 0 0 4,275 17 11 876 14 6 123 17 0J 4,016 6 5 231 10 5 1,088 9 11 8,292 4 4 1,108 4 11 1,212 6 11 299 14 7 1,214 11 0 8,292 4 4 1,407 19 6 2,426 17 11 '3 13 6 I 780 6 1 783 19 7 1,091 13 0 1,875 12 7 890 14 (X 890 14 0 890 14 0 vey Opening up Huiroa Block Huiroa Block, bridge over Manganui River To complete bush-felling, Ptratford.. Through parts of Blocks I., II., V., VI., X., Ngaire District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire District Block X., Huiroa Egmont'District .. lawke's Bay— Puketitiri Block Puketoi and Tahoraito Norsewood District, Ngamoko, and Maharahara Ahuturanga Block Tautane Tukituki to Waipawa Tahoraite to Tautane Waitara Block iVellington— Pahiatua, Mangaone, &c. Repairs, Fitzherbert Bridge Roads, Pitzherbert Block Otamakapua Momahaki Block.. . • • ■■? Tokomaru Block Wanganui to Murimotu-.". . Marton to Murimotu 906 0 9! 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 1,146 3 6 745 17 0 158 12 0 520 0 0 2,663 12 10 1,188 12 9 222 16 C 521 10 £ 397 3 C 161 11 C 906 0 9 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 1,146 3 6 745 17 0 158 12 0 520 0 0 2,886 8 10 1,188 12 9 1,882 17 5 397 3 0 679 18 8 1,138 4 0 1,537 0 0 906 0 9 781 1 3 34 0 0 2,041 0 10 1,146 3 6 745 17 0 158 12 0 520 0 0 4,024 12 10 2,725 12 9 1,361 7 2 3,134 17 0 171 10 0 2,000 0 0 1,882 17 5 3,532 0 0 851 8 8 2,000 0 0 781 0 6 518 7 8 781 0 6 I 781 0 6 8,221 16 7 4,670 9 6 500 0 0 350 0 0 250 17 0 1,681 6 0 883 3 6 2,000 0 0 79 1 8 12,892 6 1 500 0 0 350 0 0 850 17 0 2,065 12 5 1,095 6 8 2,000 0 0 79 1 8 1,133 19 1 14,026 5 2 500 0 0 400 0 0 850 17 0 2,065 12 5 1,532 3 2 2,000 0 0 1,049 19 11 50 0 0 600 0 0 384 6 5 212 3 2 436 16 6 970 18 3 Carried forward .. 57,781 1 3 45,053 16 8 102,834 17 6 22,780 0 6 125,614 18 0



TABLE No. 5.— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c.,l 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. 30ADS TO OPEN HP LANDS BEFOBE SALE — continued. Brought forward .. Wellington— continued. Rangitumau Block Sandon Township Wairarapa Bast .. Mungaroa-Waikanae Miscellaneous Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North Blocks V., VI., IX., X., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North, 24 miles, to open 8,582 acres £ s. d. 57,781 1 3 1,430 7 9 4,373 2 11 £ s. d. 45,053 16 3 500 0 0 361 2 11 114 16 £ s. d. 102,834 17 6 500 0 0 1,430 7 9 361 2 11 4,373 2 11 114 16 0 3,738 8 0 £ s. d. 22,780 0 6 1,138 17 1 £ s. d. 125,614 18 0 500 0 0 1,430 7 9 1,500 0 0 4,373 2 11 114 16 0 3,738 8 0 3,738 8 0 1,524 7 2 1,524 7 2 1,524 7 2 Middle Island. kelson — Cobden to Seventeen-Mile Diggings.. Hampden to Maruia Grey Valley to Teremakau Wakefield to Stanley Brook Aorere Valley to Karamea Tadmor and Sherry to Buller Baton to Karamea Ahaura to Kopara and Amuri Qronoko to Rosedale Miscellaneous ilarlborough— Awatere Valley Road iVestland — Mapourika to Gillespie's Mahitahi to Haast Mathias Pass Road In the County of Westland Kumara to Beach Kokatahi River to Hokitika River .. Miscellaneous Mount Bonar to Poerua River Wataroa and Waitangi-taone Canterbury— Mathias Pass Road To Upper Ashley over Kuku Pass .. Irrigation Works, Eyre and Waimakariri Oxford Bush to Upper Ashley To Deferred-payment Lands, Teviotdale To Deferred-payment Lands, Waikari Miscellaneous )tago— Beaumont to Miller's Plat Through Blocks VIII. and X., Benger Run 106 Kelso to Greenvale Tapanui Railway to Run 140 To open up Otago and Southland Buns Through Runs 171 and 171a Otara to Waikawa, and bridge over Tokanui Creek Arrowtown to Crown Terrace Waitahuna to Run 52c Run No. 75 (Boyd's) Miscellaneous Southland — Seaward Forest to coast Forest Hill Tramway Orepuki to Waiau Branch Road to Forest Hill Scott's Gap to Deferred-paymentLand Tomogalak Creek to Deferred-pay-ment Land Bay Road to Otara Bush .. . Bush land east of Makarewa .. Port William to Halfmoon Bay Sundry roads 290 1 6 3,551 19 9 30 7 6 1,149 16 4 4,599 8 3 2,498 12 1 169 19 0 1,439 17 10 .8,151 8 0 2,528 19 7 169 19 0 4,699 7 5 200 10 0 160 3 8 1,941 4 9 1,600 1 6 10,092 12 9 2,528 19 7 200 0 0 4,699 7 5 636 10 0 200 0 0 1,965 1 8 600 0 0 21 5 0 30 1 0 4,699 7 5 200 16 0 435 14 0 200 0 0 1,965 1 8 1,965 1 8 600 0 0 21 5 0 21 5 0 2,756 14 1 758 10 0 3,515 4 1 4,185 10 0 7,700 14 1 1,886 2 0 6,090 15 11 116 0 0 1,220 0 0 1,691 19 5 4,890 10 1 220 18 0 760 0 0 3,578 1 5 10,981 6 0 336 18 0 1,980 0 0 9TO 0 0 1,150 18 7 4,483 3 1 1,233 2 0 4,729 0 0 15,464 9 1 1,570 0 0 1,980 0 0 1,000 0 0 970 0 0 400 0 0 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 970 0 0 400 0 0 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 900 0 0 1,500 0 0 63 16 10 5,000 0 0 1,354 3 6 1,418 0 4 5,000 0 0 1,081 16 5 2,499 16 9 5,000 0 0 125 0 0 125 0 0 539 7 8 539 7 8 4,000 0 0 478 9 5 4,000 0 0 1,017 17 1 111 12 9 80 0 0 111 12 9 80 0 0 111 12 9 80 0 0 500 0 0 2,170 19 1 500 0 0 940 11 6 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,854 7 10 2,170 19 1 1,000 0 0 940 11 6 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 5,854 7 10 1,329 0 11 59 8 6 3,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 12,561 15 4 500 0 0 0,707 7 6 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,200 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,237 17 7 2,400 4 10 500 0 0 1,955 16 8 1,679 16 1 4,193 14 3 4,080 0 11 500 0 0 546 3 6 89 13 6 400 0 0 453 16 6 500 0 0 500 0 0 4,283 7 9 4,080 0 11 900 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 546 3 6 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 Totals 112,225 16 2 80,224 7 11 192,450 4 1 60,613 7 5 253,063 11 6 rlOADS THROUGH LANDS RECENTLY PUBCHASED — Opening up roads and constructing bridges through lands recently purchased 20,117 10 8 1,410 3 9 21,527 14 5! 662 7 0 22,190 1 5



TABLE No. 6. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Gold Fields Roads (Class VII.) out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that date.

3-D. 1.

T'-xppndi'ure d'ning 12 Months ending 31st March, 1883. Liahilitiea on Authorities, Contracts, &e., 31st March, 18J3. Total Expenditure and Xiabilitiea. & s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. Roads on Gold Fields — Sundry Eoads .. 6,733 14 2 700 0 0 7,433 14 2 Auckland— Assistance to Piako County Council toward cortc " structing tramway from Te Aroha Mountain to ■ s r i : batteries 4,000 0 0 0,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 Nelson— Lyell to Mokihinui via Pcnzini's Creek Mokihinui to Karamea vid Rough-and-Tumblo Brighton to Seventeen-Mile Beach vid Terraces 558' 3 3 200 0 0 1,142 6 9 800 0 0 200 0 0 1,700 10 0 800 0 O Otago— Arrowtown to Macetown Quartz Reefs Arthur's Point to Skippers 8,000 0 0 2,853 3 0 8,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 146 17 0 Total 9,438 14 5 17,695 9 9 27,134 i 2



TABLE No. 7. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Gold Fields out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Total Affi Locality and Name of Company. Company. Survey and Construction, 1870-82. Subsidies, 1870-82. Survey and Construction 1882-83. Subsidies, I 1882-83. Totals. Authorities. Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. and Liabilities. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial DisThames . «< £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £, s. d.\ £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames. 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 3 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial DISTRICT Hohonu Hibernian New River Waimea Mikonui .. Kanieri Nelson Provincial District — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Charleston Pour-Mile Black's Point Otago Provincial Distbict — Mount Ida Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Waipori Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage Channel Departmental — Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &c. 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 162,597 16 10 11,647 8 2 15 6 89,764 14 1 257 16 7 7,048 0 2 244 9 0 1,955 12 I 1 1,992 14 8 1 3,496 0 3! 10,310 18 4 '• 1,957 19 4 1,310 11 6 69 5 6 3,219' 8 2 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 164,555 16 2 12,957 19 8 10,312 3 10 89,833 19 7 257 16 7 10,267 8 4 244 9 0 •• 134 "3 8 4,285 16 6 1,495 'i9 10 •• 7,127* 9 0 1,466 12 0 •• - 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 7,261 12 8 171,817 8 10 5,752 8 6 18,710 8 2 10,312 3 10 89,833 19 7 257 16 7 1,495 19 10 11,763 8 2 244 9 0 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Waimea. Mikonui. Kanieri. Nelson Provincial District— Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Charleston Pour-Mile. Black's Point. Otago Provincial District— Mount Ida. Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Waipori. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage Channel. Departmental — Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &c. 62,666 3 8 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 62,666 3 8 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 11,263 1 0 200 0 0 62,666 3 8 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 11,263 1 0 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 4 6 2 11,263 1 0 200"0 0 2,000 0 0 ■ • 6,080 14 0 267 3 2f 6,347 17 2 149 13 2 149 13 2 6,497 10 4 Totals 351,612 12 10 28,457 8 5: 6,824 7 8i 386 ; 894 8 11 6,C65 13 2] 8,594 1 0 2,000 0 0; 16,659 14 2' 403,554 3 1 Totals. SUMMARY. North Island Middle Island 80,708 19 3 351,612 12 10 80,708 19 3 386,894 8 11 80,708 19 3: 403,554 3 lj SUMMARY. Nokth Island. Middle Island. 28,457 "8 5 6,824 7 8 6,065 13 2 8,594 "l 0 2,000 "0 0 16,659 14 2 Totals .. 432,321 12 1 28,457 8 5 6,824 7 8 467,603 8 2 6,065 13 2 8,594 1 0 2,000 0 0 16,659 14 2 484,263 2 4 Totals.



TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 9. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1883, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Miles Poles. Miles of i of Wire. Expenditure during Twelve — Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Expenditure to the 31st March, 1882 Expenditure during Year 1882-83— Te Aroha line Paeroa Te Puke Fortroso Waitcmata cable and North Shoro wire.. Kohukohu line Tiki line Tunia lino Christchurch-Ahaura reconstruction Ormoncl line Gladstone line Ngapara line Fordell lino Taumarere line Makatoka line Cape Saunders line Motupiko line Boatman's line Paparoa line Whakatane lino Tamahero line Wellington-Wanganui, reconstruction .. Moutere line .. Methven line Papakura line Police Asylum line Heawa line Pembroke line Macetown line Skippers lino Kaikohe line Wanaka line.. Kaukapakapa line Taukau line .. Stunner line Cook Strait cable repairs Telephone exchanges Sundry material in stock, not yet issued £ s. d. & s. 420,031 15 _ 13 13 903 4 11 384 12 9 458 1G 4 7.59 15 G 575 2 0 225 8 5 133 5 10 199 16 1 2,185 11 8 241 13 4 297 1 9 630 3 5 134 3 2 70 7 2 59 10 1 1 11 6 585 14 7 281 7 7 130 18 3 100 5 3 67 13 6 189 8 6 121 1G 8 808 12 6 108 1 2 2G 7 6 95 8 3 270 13 8 206 7 11 33 7 6 37 9 3 6 2 8 53 19 4 206 17 4 212 5 6 603 15 8 4,530 13 9 2,716 8 1 23 23 6 9 9 17 9 17 3 ii 11 9 6 22 12 22 ■ 3 1 C _7 'i "a *6 5 7 5 10 18,653 13 Inabilities on 31st March, 1883 438,685 8 9,000 0 Total Expenditure and Liabilities 447,685 8

Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 18S3. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. :udicial and Telegraphic Customs )fficcs for Public Departments junatic Asylums School-buildings .. iospitals iliscellaneous Quarantine Stations £ s. d. 150,159 14 1 90,031 7 7 1,968 13 £ 144,928 6 £ 111,351 2 7 460,226 19 1C 16,063 3 11 9,805 2 4 970 17 C £ 8. d. 16,742 16 7 9,938 16 1 192 16 2 £ s. d. 166,902 10 8 99,970 3 8 2,161 9 11 144,928 6 8 143,003 7 9 548,360 13 10 16,727 14 0 9,805 2 4 1,906 15 1 19 16 5 5,331 G 9 £ s. d. 11,285 15 5 18,195 18 3 £ s. a. 178,188 o 1 118,166 1 11 2,161 9 11 144,928 6 8 187,941 10 6 551,750 13 10 16,727 14 0 9,805 2 4 2,174 0 11 19 16 5 9,966 6 9 31,652 5 2 88,133 14 0 64 10 1 44,938 2 9 3,390 0 0 995 17 7 19 16 5 5,331 6 9 207 5 10 Survey Parliament Buildings ■%. * * 4,635 0 0 Totals.. " 986,105 8 3 153,071 18 101,139,177 7 1 82,652 2 3 1,221,829 9 4



TABLE No. 10. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses and Harbour Works out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March 1883, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1883. Total Expandituro and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 4,039 12 4 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 56 1 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 7,666 9 4 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 1,152 16 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 10 5 6,241 0 0 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 7,826 9 4 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 4,082 16 11 13 0 0 20,590 5 9 Akaroa Brothers Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Maria Van Dieman Capo Saunders Centre Island French Pass Beacon Hokitika Marine Store Moeraki Mokohinau Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen's Island Timaru .. .. Tory Channel Waipapapa Point Kaipara Head Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s. " Hinemoa " and " Stella " 3,626' 17 0 160* 0 0 1,09615 5 2,93o' 0 0 13 0 0 20,590' 5 9 20,590' 5 9 Hakboue Works.* Loan to Waitara Harbour Boardf Removing eel weirs, Patca River Kaikoura Jetty and Harbourf Picton, removal of old wharf Collingwood Harbour Works Westport Harbour Works Greymouth Harbour Works Hokitika Harbour Worksf Removal of rocks, Catlin's Eiver 437 11 7 312' 3 2 69 8 0 243 15 3 *95,224 9 10 3,000 0 0 325 0 0 62 8 5 50 0 0 703 2 1 94 0 0 283 4 10 3,498 10 11 12,938 6 2 2,000 0 0 244 17 7 500 0 0 50 0 0 1,015 5 3 94 0 0 352 12 10 3,742 6 2 108,162 16 0 5,000 0 0 569 17 7 G48 14 4 217 19 8 4,246 17 7 2,443 7 8 500 0 0 50 0 0 1,663 19 7 94 0 0 570 12 6 7,989 3 9 110,606 8 8 5,000 0 0 571 15 6 1 17 11 Totals .. 189,846 14 4 24,598 2 5 214,444 16 9 10,661 17 2 225,106 13 11 * Includes £80,802 0s. 4d. previously t Expenditure on these works will all of 1882. charged to and now transferred from " Bail way Glass." 30 be found in the Vote for Miscellaneous Public Works. Set Table No. 13,

Number of Miles open of Government lines. NORTH ISLA ND MIDDLE ISLAND

Number of Miles open of Government lines NORTH & MIDDLE IS ds COMBINED




PUBLIC WOEKS DEPARTMENT. Pass Appendix A. —Audited Statement of Expenditure on Public Woeks out op the Immigration and Public Wobks Loan fob the Year 1882-83 .. .. .. .. .. 19 „ B. —Statement of all Liabilities in bespect of the Services of the Public Wobks DEPARTMENT OUTSTANDING AT THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL PeBIOD ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1883, PEEPABED IN TEBMS OF " THE PUBLIC EeVENUES ACT, 1882," AND FOBWABDED AS THEBEIN PBOVIDED TO THE AUDIT OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 „ C.—Schedule of Railway Contracts cubeent on Ist Apeil, 1882, and Contbacts enteeed INTO BY THE PUBLIC WOBKS DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1883 23 „ D.—Schedule of Sleepeb Contracts cubbent on Ist April, 1882, and Contracts entered INTO BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DUEING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MABCH, 1883 „ E.—Schedule of Contracts for Eoads and Miscellaneous Wobks cubbent on Ist Apeil, 1882, and Contbacts entebed into by the Public Wobks Depaetment during the Yeab ended 31st Mabch, 1883 .. .7 .. .. .. .. .. 30 F, —Schedule of Contbacts fob Eoads and Miscellaneous Wobks cubbent on Ist Apbil, 1882, and Contbacts entebed into by the Subvey Depabtment dubing the Year ended 31st Mabch, 1883 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 „ G-.—Schedule of Contracts fob Wateb-races current on Ist April, 1882, and Contbacts ' ENTERED INTO BY THE MINES DEPABTMENT DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1883 34 ' „ H.—Annual Report on Railways in the North Island, by the Engineee in Charge, North Island, with Enclosube and Map .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 „ I.—Annual Report on Eoads in the North Island, including otheb Miscellaneous Woeks, by the Engineer in Charge, North Island, with Enclosures and Map .. .. 43 „ J.—Annual Report on the Public Wobks of the Middle Island, by the Engineeb in Charge, Middle Island .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 „ X.—Annual Report on Lighthouse Works .. .. .. .. .. .. C 5 RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. „ L.—Annual Eepobt on Working Railways, by the General Manages, with Enclosubes.. 66

4. D—l.





Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1882."

Sic, — Public Works Department, Wellington, Ist June, 18S3. In compliance with the Blh section of "The Public Works Act, 1882," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year upon all Government works authorized by Parliament under "The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1882." I have, &c , Walter W. Johnston, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. «s>

Statement of Net Expenditure on Government Works for the Year 1882-83 out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to be forwarded to the Audit in compliance with Section 8 of "The Public Works Act, 1882."

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, Accountant, Public Works. Ist June, 1883. Examined and found correct. ames Edward I\itzGtErat/d, Controller and Auditor-General. 20th June, ISB3.

Net Class. Suhmaby. EXPENDITUBB. III. IV. V. ' VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Railways Surveys Eoads Gold-Fields Eoads Waterworks on G-old Fields Telegraph Extension Public Buildings LianTHousES and Habbour Works ... £ s. d. 348,127 14 8 583 16 1C 201,166 15 € 9,438 14 E 6,824 7 £ 18.653 13 4 153,071 18 1C 24,598 2 E 762,465 3 g 80,817 2 S Section 4, "Immigration and Public Works Afpeopeiation Act, 1882" Total Net Expenditure on Wobks out of Immigration and Public Works Loan 849,282 6 1



Appendix A—continued. Public Works Net Expenditure, 1882-83.

Particulars. Appropriation. Expended out of Appropriation. i Expenditure ' | in Exeetta of : Appropriation. Total Eipendimre. Class III. —Railways. £ s. d. 33,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 05,000 0 0 £ s. d. 9.250 18 1 7,519 2 2 20,275 lli 1 £ s. d. £ o. d. 9,250 18 1 7.519 2 2 20,275 1G 1 71 7a 78 74 70 77 78 r9 (0 SI 12 13 Kawakawa Whangarei fco Ivumo Kaipara to Waikato Waikato to Thames, — JIainilton-Tc Aroha... Te Aroha-Thames ... Hamilton-Cambridge Branch Wellington to Napier,— Napier -Woodville (to Tahoraite) Wellington-Woodville, with Greytown Branch)... Bnnnythorpo -Gorge Wellington to Foxton ... Foxton to New Plymouth,— JH'oxton-Patea, with branches ... Patea-Waitara Nelson to Roundell Greymouth to Nelson Creek Grey mouth to llokitika Westport to Ngakawau '.., Pioton to Ilurunui, — Piston-Awatere Hurunui-Pahau Ilurunui to Waitaki, — Main Line... Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Soubhbridge Branch Springfield Branch ... Wbiteoliffs Branch ... Opiwa Branch Waimate Branch Main Line to Upper Ashbnrton Lincoln to Little River Albury to FaiHi.; Greek and Burke's Pass Canterbury Interior Main Line, — Oxford-Malvern Waitaki to Bluff,— Main Line ... Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Port Chalmers Branch Brighton Rovl Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Nyipira Hranch to Livingstone Palmeraton to Waiheino Main Lino to Catlin's River ... Waipahi to ETeriot Burn Edendale to Toitois... Rivcrsdalo to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush Otago Central,— Oh;iin Tlills to Taicri Lake ... Invercargill to Kingston,— Main Lino ... Lums'len to Mararoa West- rn Railways.— Makarcvva to Riverton Riverton Branch-Otautau Otautau to Nightcaps Riverton to Orcpuki Contingent Expenses — Legal and other expenses incurred by Government in defending Messrs. Brogdens' claims Printing Brogdens 1 papers j 35,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 45000 0 0 40,000 0 0 196 0 0 2,500 0 0 61,003 0 0 40,000 0 0 12,000 0 0 12,000 0 0 5,0)0 0 0 6,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 1 J- 120,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 8,0.10 0 0 16,000 0 0 7.361 18 9 1,141 6 1! 5,967 2 9, 23.252 13 6 4,089 5 1 95 4 0 Or. 15524 1 4 47,311 17 5 22,376 4 2 1,245 18 0 5,115 17 4 1,629 13 0 1,517 12 9 11,628 8 0 67 3 0 46,429 10 6 373 8 8 218 6 7 2,563 7 10 1,192 4 0 11 5 0 342 17 2 918 6 9 32 0 11 2,254 10 8 3,120 5 4 G,829 13 0i ] 14,470 7 7 27,341 18 7 95 4 0 Or. 15524 1 4 69,718 1 7 1,245 18 0 5,115 17 4. 1,029 13 6 1,517 12 9 11,695 11 0 64,285 15 5 13,278 17 7 85 26,003 0 0 13,278 17 7 86 1 53,552 15 S 801 14 8 1.036 15 7 1,882 6 9 41 5 3 305 15 10 264 16 1 4,661 16 10 5.429 6 8 4.773 17 5 3,91 S 8 0 6,493 8 2 J- 145,000 0 0 12,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 8.0)0 0 0 10.000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,003 0 0 5,000 0 0 83,184 9 22 3 0 87 50,000 0 0 17,624 15 8 88 17,024 15 7,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,797 10 10 107 1 3 2,904 12 89 | 5,000 0 0 472 8 8 Cr. 379 7 2 2.433 6 6 7,320 9 8 4,000 0 0 14,000 0 0 9,84G 17 SO 4,000 0 0 2,214 7 5 2,614 7 400 0 0 400 0 0 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class III.... 904,096 0 0 318,127 14 8 343,127 14 8 Class IV. —Sukveys of New Lines of Railway. Surveys—North Tsland ... *« Surreys —Middle Island 81 9 5 499 7 5 II »2 10.000 0 0 2,500 0 0 84 9 5 499 7 5 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, ClassIV.... 583 16 10 12,503 0 0 583 10 10



Appendix A — continued. Public Works Net Expenditure— continued.

5—D. 1.

2 Particulars. Appropriation. Expended out of Appropriation. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation Total Expenditure. 98 94 95 96 1)7 98 99 .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 05 Class V. —Eoads. Roads, bridges, &c, Auckland Roads," bridges, &c, Hawke's Bay Roads, bridges, &c, Wellington ... Roads and bridges, Taranaki Eoads, bridges, &e., Kelson Roads, bridges, &c, Maiiborough Roads, bridges, &c, Westland Hokitika to Christchurch Road ... Roads and bridges, Canterbury ... Roads and bridges, Otago Roads and bridges in Native districts Roads to open up lands before sale Roads through, lands recently purchased ... £ s. d. 77,473 0 0 8,552 0 0 28,316 0 0 15,420 0 0 59,616 0 0 33,500 0 0 6,039 0 0 13,500 0 0 10,500 0 0 26.012 0 0 7,363 0 0 91,390 0 0 2,391 0 0 £ s. d. 35,159 15 0 6,693 16 1 22,013 14 2 3,938 18 6 20,750 8 4 10,932 12 6 2,064 3 8 6,987 18 ] £ s. a. £ a. d. 35,159 15 0 6,693 16 1 22,013 14 2 3,938 18 6 20,750 8 4 10.932 12 6 2,064 3 8 G,987 18 1 6,521 9 9 4,469 7 9 80,224 7 11 1,410 3 9 0,521 9 9 4,469 7 9 80,224 7 11 1,410 3 9 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class V. ... 380,102 0 0 201,166 15 6 201,166 15 6 .07 Class VII.—Gold-Fields Roads. Gold-Fields roads 16,700 0 0 9,438 14 5 9,438 14 5 Class VIII. —Watekwobks on Gold Fields. Water-races, Middle Island 6,824 7 8 6,824 7 8 .08 10,485 0 0 Class IX. —Telegraph Extension. Telegraph extension 19,520 0 0 18,653 13 4 18,653 13 09 Class X. —Public Buildings. .10 .11 .12 18 .14 .15 Ifi .17 .18 19 Judicial Postal and Telegraph ... Customs Surrey Lunatic asylums Hospitals Quarantine stations ... School-buildings Parliamentary B uildings Miscellaneous ... 30,260 0 0 31,820 0 0| 1,700 0 0 4,300 0 0 £0,000 0 0 1,000 0 0[ 7Q0 0 0 103,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 450 0 0 16,742 16 7 9,938 16 1 192 16 2 19 16 5 31,652 5 2 64 10 1 700 0 0 88,133 14 0 5,331 6 9 295 17 7 16,742 16 7 9,938 16 1 192 16 2 19 16 5 31,652 5 2 64 10 1 995 17 7 88,133 14 0 5,331 6 9 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class X. ... 233,230 0 0 152,776 1 3 295 17 7 153,071 18 10 20 ,21 Class XI. —Lighthouses and Habboue Woeics. Lighthouses Harbour works 25,200 0 0 48,913 0 0 4,723 12 5 19,874 10 0 4,723 12 5 19,874 10 0 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class XI.... 74,113 0 0 24,598 2 5 24,598 2 5 Section 4, "Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1882 " 86,817 2 5 86,817 2 5 86,817 2 5



.A.:p:p:EiisrjD:r:x b.

STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the close of the Financial Period ended 31st March, 1883, prepared in terms of Section 9, Subsection 2, of "The Public Revenues Act, 1882," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, 27th Apri!, 1833. Accountant, Public AVorts.

Class. Votes. Summary. Total. IT. III. IV. V. XI. 68-70 71-90 91-92 93-103 121 Tuhlic Worlcs Fund,— Departmental Railways Surveys new lines Roads Harbour works £ s. d. 902 7 5 533.243 16 7 1,600 14 6 107,394 11 6 7.558 17 2 Consolidated Fund, — Miscellaneous services ... £650,700 7 2 X[. 56 £1,584 o 6 Vote No. Name of Vote. Works under Contract. Material, Wages, Salaries, Land, &o. Material from England. Total. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 68 69 7° Departmental Head Office ... Public Works Head Office, North Inland „ Middle Island 34' '7 " 190 9 6 270 o o 100 o o 611 17 11 290 9 6 5.561 3 9 727 14 o 16,359 'o 6 15,487 12 6 27,856 16 2 902 7 5 7' -r73 74 75 ;6 77 78 79 8o 8t 82 8.1 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Railway, Kavrakawa „ Whangarei-Kamo ,, Kai para—Wai kato „ Wiiikato-Tbaniea „ Wellington—Nupier „ Bumryihorpe-Gorge „ Wellingtnn-JToxton ... „ Eoxton-New Plymouth „ Nelson-Roundell „ Greyniouth-Nelson Creek ... ,, Greymouth-Hokitika ,, Westporl-Ngakawau „ Pioton-Hiirunui ... „ Hurunui-Waitaki ... ... „ Canterbury Interior „ Waitaki-Bluff ... ,, Otago Central ... ... „ Invercargill-Kingston „ Western Railways ... ,, Brogden's claims Section 4, " Immigration nnd Public Works Appropriation Act, 1882" I5.7 24 3 6 39' 6 7 208 5 o 7,011 o o 8,628 3 2 3,9°7 9 3 23.523 '3 6 33.88.5 15 4 170 o 3 6,068 2 2 628 14 11 1,702 2 6 18,377 10 8 9,025 2 1 8,094 15 1 100 16 o 1,929 18 7 13,722 6 6 233 4 o 693 12 9 43 15 ° 492 19 8 73° '5 4 i6,754 3 10 510 18 1 27,379 3 7 1,170 4 10 2,590 10 7 1,485 15 6 87 '5 9 2,628 o o 165 o o 3,400 o o 6,189 l8 8 2,429 16 6 37,365 ' 2 24,677 '4 7 39,35' " 3 100 16 o 1,929 18 7 29,446 io o 624 10 7 693 12 9 43 15 o 701 4 8 7,74i 15 4 28,338 7 o 4,418 7 4 5<Vi5 17 1 35,054 o 2 2,760 10 10 7,553 17 8 87 15 9 2,956 o o 5,213 o o 19.379 II 4 18,034 o 5 210,205 3 11 247,618 15 8 Surreys, North Island „ Middle Island ... 333 1 9 1,267 12 9 5 33.243 '6 7 9i 333 1 9 1,267 12 9 Roads and bridges, Auckland „ Hawke's Pay „ Wellington ,, Taranaki ,, Nel.-on ,) Marlbo ongh „ Wetland Hokitika-Cliristchurcli Road Roads and bridges, Canterbury 11 Otago „ Nat if e districts ... 1,600 14 6 93 94 95 96 97 98 ,99 100 "0.53° 19 7 1.333 8 o 15,562 9 8 '0,215 '5 5 1,450 o o 26,176 1 3 1.357 4 10 5,925 18 11 9,090 o 10 3.455 2 2 2,361 18 11 1,402 6 5 739 '7 " 370 o o 7,606 6 3 1,441 16 7 3,600 o o 36,707 o 10 1,357 4 10 5,925 18 11 10,423 8 10 19,017 11 10 16,177 14 4 2,852 6 5 1,839 '7 II 370 o o 11,106 6 3 1,617 > 4 I, IOO O O 101 102 103 3,500 o o '75 4 9 Harbour work3 ... 2,894 5 o 4,664 12 2 107,394 11 6 121 -6 7.558 17 2 56 Consolidated Fund, — Miscellaneous services ... 1,584 o 6 1,584 o 6 227,050 9 5 192,096 14 4 233.137 3 " 652,284 7 8


APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts current on the 1st April, 1882, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1883. NORTH ISLAND.


Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Particulars. Length ' Length of of . Sidings in Contract. Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. M. ch. Ik.! 4 11 0 M. ch. Ik. 0 20 0 Larkins and O'Brien .. June 6, 1S82 £ s. d. 23,957 0 0 Dec. 10,^880 Kawakawa .. Kawakawa No. 3 .. P., P.L..& Wharf Ballasting and P.W. F.andP.L. Aug. 28, 1882 " •• •■! Taumarere . 10 0 0 15 0 Larkins and O'Brien .. Nov. 24, 1 1,923 4 0 June 16, 1881 Dec. 23, 1882 Feb. 7, 1883 July 13, 1880 March 28, 1882 May 23, „ Whangarei-Karno Kaipara-Waikato Awaroa No. 30, Station Buildings .. No. 31, Station Buildings Auckland Reclamation No. 24, Station Buildings Freight on Locomotive, Wellington to Auckland Engine-shod, Auckland No. 25, Station Buildings No. 26, Station Buildings .. Pilling No. 28, Station Buildings No. 29, Station Buildings .. Newmarket Workshops 1 27 0 0 19 0 I •■ Hector Reid .. H. K. Plolman H. R. Holman Daniel Fallon.. F. H. Rackstraw Caff and Graham April 14, March 12, 1883 March 16, Sept. 23, 1S81 May 9, 1882 May 23, „ Nov. 22, 1882 . 10,773 7 0 j 523 0 0 j 150 0 0 : Aug. 19, 1882 : 55,542 0 0 i The May 13, „ 296 0 0 i thii June 15, ,, 119 10 0 j re The amount of this contract was reduced by £31,787 before any work was commenced, and afterwards by £4,500; work for latter sum being done by Auckland Borough Council. ami is cont d u c < ;1.7S7 a j> ■ • July 18, „ Aug. 12, „ Aug. 12, „ Sept. 8, „ Sept. 22, ,, Sept. 22, March 13, 1883 I »» 1) )» !> • * )5 5) • * .. Win. Foughy Newson and McKemish Ne\yson and McKemish W. G. Bassett Newson and McKemish H. P. Kavanagh Downcs and Ahem Oct. 27, ,, Oct. 31, ,, Oct. 31, July 5, ,, Dec. 8, Dec. 14, Nov. 8, 1883 Dec. 15, „ 2,292 11 7 j am Nov. 2 „ 618 0 0 coi": Nov. 2 ' „ 590 0 0 aft. 6,420 0 0 ! £4, Dec. 9, ,, i 478 0 0 I lati Jan. 31, 1883 1 463 0 0 J dor I 8,039 15 6 i Ian i Cm -)' we mines terwai ,500; ;ter su ne bi id ": )) )) • • I I •• •" • •• •■ Juno 24, 1881 Nov. 3, „ Sept. 8, 1882 Aug. 8, „ March 28, 1883 June 28, 1881 Sept. 21, 1882 Waikaio to Thames. Hamilton-Te Aroha .. ! •■ jFormation 4 0 0 W. Lovett William Sims.. J. R. Stone A. and G. Price David Murray McDermott and Griffiths Malcolm Niccol March 18, 1882 June 29, ,, Feb. 8, 1883 Oct. 3, 1882 Aug. 24, 1883 Dec. 19, 1881 Sept. 28, 1882 I UOl May 29, 1882 3,494 0 8 5,519 13 6 Cont . .. 4,312 13 6 J.I Sept. 30, 1882 1,376 0 0 beL 702 0 0 May 20, 1882 I 1,489 0 0 Dec. 12, „ j 176 0 0 luncil. tract R. Sto low). MorrinsviUe Hamilton Railway Bridge Contract relet to J. R. Stone. (See below). " ••! ■Cast-iron cylinders Ironwork, Te Aroha Bridge .. Kopu Freight on rails, Auckland to Thames Kauaeranga Tamahere Hautapu Te Aroha-Thames Formation 2 57 0 | Feb. 22, 1883 April. 19, 1882 July 31, „ Hamilton-Cambridge Wellington-Napier. Napier-Woodville F.andPi. Formation 4 40 0 4 55 0 5 68 0 1 35 0 Robinson and Gordon .. Mercer and Marshall .. W. Lovett, assignee of Daniel Scally J. Saunders Charles Baines Lucas and Humphreys.. H. McKenzio and Co. .. Aug. 13, 1883 Sept. 14, 1832 Dec. 28, ,, 7,117 10 3 i 6,122 0 0 4,461 8 3 Jan. 3, „ May 3, ,, June 13, „ Aug. 25, ,, ,, ») >> i> • • ji i> • • Manga-te-Wainui Bridge Matamau Road Hastings Station Whakaruatapu and Mangatera Bridges Napier Workshops, No. 3 Napier Office No. 1, Matamau Section F.&Bdgs. I Formation 1 19 0 0 69 0 Juno 29, 1883 Aug. 3, 1882 Sept. 2, May 23, 1883 17,780 16 0 Dec. 11, 1882 I 452 18 9 Dec. 11, „ 941 0 0 i 9,350 10 3 Jan. 24,1883 308 10 0 Jan. 25, „ 247 15 2 I 85 0 0 Nov. 17, „ Dec. 16, ,, Feb. 24, 1883 >» »» ■ • A. J. B. Howe Roidy and Ruston J. C.'Potersen Jan. 4, ,, Jan. 25, „ May 15, „ [Formation I 0 12 0 j> j» »•



SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts current, &c.— continued. NORTH ISLAND.— continued.

Date of Contract. Lines of Eailway and Branches. Name of Contract. p Length Length of i i- , of Sidings in \ ticulars. Contrack ] Cont | act . Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date ! Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Feb. -19, 1883 Feb. 17, „ Feb. 17, „ Feb. 20, Feb. 21, „ Feb. 19, irf „ March 2, „ Napier- Woodville No. 2, Matamau Section No. 3, „ No. 4, „ No. 5, „ No. 8, No. 9, Fencing Mangaharakeke Stream to Takapau Fencing at Pakuratahi Additions to Cross's Creek Station-buildings Petone Cattle-yards Masterton Coal Store Coal Store and Smith's Shop Opaki Formation M. ch. Ik. 0 26 0 0 10 0 0 10 50 0 10 50 0 9 0 0 8 0 M. ch. Ik. A. Fredsburg, jun. W. Ryan and Co. W. Ryan and Co. R. Harris P. Magnus H. Beuck A. V. Harrison May 15, 1883 May 31, „ June 30, „ June 30, „ April 30, ,, June 30, ,, May 18, £ s. d. 169 0 0 159 10 2 222 15 3 297 0 0 37 3 4 174 3 0 140 5 0 >> jj j> • • »> J> 1) • * )» >J • • )> *> )) "'• )) )) • ■ March 12, 1881 Dec. 13, „ Wellington-Woodville T. Power Scott and Brown May 18, 1881 Feb. 28, April, 27,1882 April 12, „ 105 8 0 375 0 0 )) )> • • April 18, 1882 July 3, „ Oct. 5, „ March 19, 1883 >> j» • • j> )» • • P. M. Reynolds C. E. Daniell .. Jas. Russell O'Malley and Pepperell May 29, 1882 Aug. 22, „ Dec. 4, ,, Dec. 15, 1883 July 1, „ Sept. 22, „ Jan. 4, 1883 170 0 0 98 10 0 795 14 0 14,793 18 2 jj »i ■ ■ F. & P. L. 8 6 0 0 70 0 Feb. 21, 1882 March 16, „ March 28, „ Foxtoii-'Neio 'Plymouth. Foxton-Patea ji ji • * >j it • ■ Additions, Fordell Station .. Freight on Rails and Fastenings Whenuakura F. & P. L. 8 31 30 0 25 p J. A. Johnston J. H. Heaton Wilkie and Crawford .. May 2, 18S2 12 weeks from receipt of material Dec. 28, 1882 May 6, 1882 June 30, ,, 393 0 0 177 5 3 21,379 12 6 £150 of this sum was paid by Colonial Architect's Department. May 11, „ June 24, „ July 25, „ Aug. 22, „ Aug. 7, )> j> • ■ i) 11 • * Additions to Erecting Shop at Eastown Spring and Tyre Furnace Shed Freight on Bridge Material .. Cast-iron Cylindrical Piers .. Whenuakura Station Buildings Alexander and Macfarlane James A. Johnston D. Williamson Mills and Cable Macfaiiane and Swinbourne J. Duthie and Co. Mort and Co. Freeman and Wylds D. Murray W. D. Nicholas Aug. 11, Aug. 22, „ Oct. 3, Nov. 19, 1882 Nov. 5, „ Nov. 6, „ Nov. 24, „ Oct. 10, „ Dec. 19, 1882 Dec. 27, 613 11 0 193 0 0 106 11 0 144 0 10 555 0 0 Agreement )> jj • • >» i» • • 400 Casks Cement Bridge-plates Timber, Rangitikei Bridge .. Ironwork, Rangitikei Bridge.. Additions to Stationmastcr's House, Feilding Painting Kai-iwi and Waitotara Bridges Petty Contract No. 6, CarlyleManutahi Section^ Carting 14,000 Sleepers No. 8, Carlyle-Manut'ahi Section Cattle-yards, Normanby .-• 290 0 0 446 11 11 178 1 0 338 0 0 98 16 6 Completed. Completed, Oct. 30, 1882 Nov. 20, „ Dec. 27, „ M »l • * Nov. 30, 1882 Jan. 15, 1883 Feb. 14, ,, Feb. 28, '1883 Mar. 30, ,, Feb. 20, )) )> >> )» »l )» " • Completed. Feb. 8, 1883 J» J» • • J. J. Lawlor March 20, ,, Mar. 20, „ 78 0 0 May 21, 1881 Patea-Waitara. Kerrisk and Day 296 17 6 Jan. 24, 1882 March 9, ,, i» » • • Jans Hansen .. W. P. Kendall April 17, 1882 Nov. 6, ,, April 10, 1882 Mar. 19, 1883 198 6 8 1,561 2 6 )) j> ■ • March 8, „ j» »» • • Bassett and McLean .. May 7, „ May 1, 1882 140 12 0




h ¥ March 18, „ i May 25, „ June 10, „ May 29, „ Aug. 14, „ Oct. 2, „ Oct. 26, „ j> 1* )» i) jj j» )> )i )) i» it • ■ Painting Bridges, Inglewood and Ngaire 'Earthwork, New Plymouth Station Freight on 12 L. S. Wagons .. Freight on Rails from Wellington to Patea Engine-shed, Patea No. 9, Carryle-Manutahi Section Patea Passenger Station Manutahi Station Buildings.. Manutahi Platelaying Te Roti Station Buildings .. Kakaramea ,, Painting Patea Bridge Manawapou Culvert New Plymouth Station R. Wilson .. .. I M. S. Daniells John P. Watt .. ... G. E. Capper Alexander and Macf arlane George H. Dickson June 16, „ Sept. 16, „ July 9, „ 8 weeks from receipt of material Nov. 10, 1882 Jan. 29, 1883 Jan. 31, 1883 Mar. 21, July 29, 1882 Nov. 29, „ Nov. 2C, 132 0 0 1,313 3 5 54 0 0 222 19 0 771 9 6 2,558 0 0 Nor. Nov. 18, „ Nov. 22, „ Nov. 8, „ Feb. 12, 1883 Feb. 12, „ March 1, ,, J» 1J J» j* >» J> )1 P." L. 7 38 0 J. A. Johnston Jay and Hayns * A. Nathan Clarson and Burbush .. Jay and Hayns J. Kitching G. H. Dickson T. S. Bond Jan. 24, 1882 Feb. 6, 1883 March 11, Jan. 20, ,, Feb. 6, „ April 9, ,, April 9, „ April 24, ,, Jan. 31, 1883 Feb. 28, „ 1,991 0 0 1,537 11 7 4,247 0 0 101 17 8 883 14 5 75 0 0 837 10 0 700 0 0 »» JJ JJ 1) )J »» )»

M. oh. Ik. M. oh. Ik. £ s. d. 723 19 8 May 25, 1882 Nelson-Roundell Engine-sheds and Workshops, Nelson Wai-iti Bridge Protective Works Stationmaster's House at BelA. Brown Sept. 23, 1882 Sept. 30, 1882 Nov. 22, „ i» »» ■ • T. W. Mead Jan. 1, 1883 Feb. 21, 1S83 204 8 7 Feb. 19, „ »» )» • ■ John Avery May 3, „ 175 0 0 Jan. 13, „ Grey mouth -Nelson Creek ,. grove Greymouth Engine-shed, &c. Arnott and Seabrook .. March 23, 1882 Oct. 13, 1882 1,®49 0 3 Jan. 30, „ Aug. 21, „ Oct. 5, 1881 June 9, 1882 )i >» Westport-Ngakawau.. Greymouth Loading-shed Conveyance of Locomotive, Auckland to Greyrnouth 3-ton Steam Crane Freight on 1 Locomotive, Auckland to Westport Amott and Seabrook .. M. Kennedy .. Kincaid, McQueen, & Co. Cuff and Graham March 22, Sept. 14, Dec. 27, 1881 4 weeks from receipt of Locomotive April 18, 1883 Aug. 25, „ Sept. 19, „ April 16, ,, Aug. 4, ,, 169 10 9 132 0 0 560 0 0 144 18 0 March 3, 1883 )» )» • • Section 1, Fencing Stationyard Reserve Gate and Lawton 208 5 0 Petty Contract. Dee. 6, 1881 Dec. 23, " „ Picton-Hurimui. Picton-Awatere Vemon Survey of Line, Parnassus to Kahutira Freight on Rails, Wellington to Picton Formation 4 38 0 25 0 0 O'Malley and Easlia .. E. Dobson and Son Dec. 2, 1882 July 23, „ Dec. 4, „ Oct. 23, „ 4,270 10 0 900 0 0 j) n • • Jan. 9, 1883 j» )j •« • ■ C. E. Capper .. 12 weeks from receipt of material Aug. 14, 1883 Feb. 19, 1883 148 9 7 Dec. 1, 1882 Hurunui-Pahau Main Line .. Hurunui River Bridge H. McKenzie and Co. .. 0,986 0 0 Dec. 29, „ Permanent-way, No. 2, Weka Pass Section Timaru Engine-shed Shelter-sheds and Cattle-yards p.t. 5 35 0 0 30 0 Jesse Coates .. March 8, 1882 April 5, 1882 2,727 5 0 Jan. 26, „ March 18, „ a »» • • ■ • J. McCombe .. R. Burns June 21, ,, June 14, ,, Oct. 4, „ July 29, „ 1,882 13 6 200 0 0 »* jj • • • • !



SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts current, &c.— continued. MIDDLE ISLAND —continued.

Date of Contract, Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Particulars. Length of Contract. Length of Sidings in Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. May 5, 1882 Hunnui-Waiiaki —cntd. Main line .. Timaru Station, Passenger Buildings Horsley Downs .. M. ch. Ik. M. ch. Ik. J. McCombe Oct. 3, 1882 £ s. d. 3,498 15 4 May 13, .„ Formation 8 40 0 Chrystall & Ker, assignees of Thomas and Hill R. B. Sibly S. Clinch" Nov. 3, „ 9,395 11 5 Sept. 10, „ Nov. 8, „ tt n " • ■ • Cliff Protection No. 2 Goods-sheds and Cattle-yards, Rangitata Island Cattle and Sheep-loading yards, Waitaki North Otaio Goods-shed Shelter-sheds and Platform, North Selwyn Cattle-yards and Shelter-sheds Lyttelton Station Footbridge Permanent - way Extension No. 2 Station at Anama Lake Forsyth Additions to Birdlings' Mat Station Timber Bridges Albury Downs Oct. 30, „ Jan. 6, 1883 Nov. 14, 1882 Mar. 10, 1S83 733 6 8 328 10 0 )> j) • • • • March 13, 1883 j) )>. • • • • t R. Burns April 16, „ 175 0 0 Dec. G, 1882 March 14, 1883 II !) •• ! J. McCombe .. R. Burns Jan. 15, ,, April 13, „ 481 15 0 70 0 0 1J )> • • Petty Contract. March 18, 1882 May 27, „ Nov. 23, 1881 Lyttelton Branch P.L. 5 53 0 0 20 0 R. Burns W. Stocks James Cranston June 14, 1882 Sept. 15, „ March 21, ,, July 29, 1882 Dec. 23, „ May 26, „ 99 10 8 698 12 0 3,667 11 7 Main Line, "Upper Ashburton Aug. 21, 1882 Jan. 18, 1883 Feb. 27, „ Lincoln, Little River Formation I 1 32 0 . ■• .« Hepburn and Co. Jesse Coates England and Co. Sept. 25, May 14, 1883 March 19, „ Oct. 7, „ Mar. 13, 1883 195 0 0 3,480 0 0 44 10 0 Petty Contract. i> i> ■Jan. 17, 1882 Aug. 12, 1881 Albury, Fairlie Creek Formation & Bridges 1 45 0 McKenzie and Co. J. and M. Corkery April 17, 1882 Feb. 9, „ June 30, 1S82 1,108 4 8 3,338 18 10 Contract relet to Taylor & Bowie, (See below). >> !> Aug. 26, 1882 Jan. 3, 1883 n >» Albury Downs, No. 2 Permanent-wav and Station No. 1 Pi. t 7 20 0 0 17 0 Taylor and Bowie J. Whittaker Dec. 26, „ March 2, 1883 1,711 0 0 2,151 11 10 I Sept. 1, 1881 Jan. 25, 1882 Canterbury Interior Main Line. Oxford-Malvern. Waimakariri Gorge, No. 1 .. West Oxford Formation F., P.L.,& Bridges 0 67 0 8 35 0 0 20 0 Grigg and Guild Jesse Coates .. Feb. 5, 1882 Oct. 21, Oct. 31, 1882 2,487 14 3 13,656 5 4. June 17, 1879 Aug. 22, „ Waitaki-Blvff. Main Line .. Dunedin Station Reclamation Dunedin Station Reclamation, No 2 Engine-shed, Invercargill Refreshment-rooms, Palmerston Oamaru Lagoon Reclamation Stationmaster's House, Gore Timber for Flood-openings at Balclutha Fernhill E. Pritchard and Co. .. Mathison Brothers March 11, „ Feb. 2, July 20, 1882 38,487 10 0 2,440 16 0 )» )) • • • * Jan. 14, 1882 Jan. 12, „ )> t% *• • ' ! Colin McKay Edward Clark June 22, ,, March 9, „ Feb. 12, 1883 May 1, 1882 2,824 13 0 298 4 9 | March 21, „ March 27, ,, March 24, „ )> » t • • • -• John McCombe John Campbell J. Findlay and Co. May 18, „ June 27, ,, May 18, Sept. 18, „ July 19, ., Nov. 15, „ 256 13 6 338 16 0 1,106 18 9 I I April 26, „ ' M M • • • • Formation 1 GO 40 William Meade Sept. 24, „ 2,984 12 6



April 29, „ ,, „«■.. Sheep and Cattle-yards, Waikouaiti Dunedin Station Good-sheds " J. Valentine June 26, „ Aug. 12, 1882 21G 14 0 May 30, „ )» )) • • • • H. McKenzieandCo., assignees of Henry Jaggers Kerr and Watt George Bain .. J. Hollick John Walker .. W. Rhodes .. Aug. 29, 1883 11,582 0 0 June 7, ,, July 12, „ Dec. 14, „ Dec. 8, Jan. 16, 1883 )3 5) • • • • 5> jy ' • Coal Stores at Bluff and Elbow Flood-openings at Balclutha Platelayers' Cottages, No. 1 .. Invercargill Goods-shed Stationrnaster's House, Puke1 •• Aug. 7, 1882 Aug. 24, „ Feb. 8, 1883 April 6, ,, March 5, ,, Sept. 1, ., Dec. 10, „ Feb. 20, 1883 75 0 0 G92 1 0 214 18 8 2,090 19 10 353 11 0 ,, ,, . . i •• J» )) Feb. 19, „ March 14, „ March 13, ,, March 31, ,, Dec. 14, 1882 Feb. 15, 1 „ Dec. 12, 1881 Dec. 9, „ Feb. 20, 1882 I )) 5) • • • ■ ). 5) • - Lawrence Branch Ngapara-Livingston .. Palmerston-Waihemo rau Dunedin Station Ballasting, No. 1 Verandah, Balclutha Station Coal Store, Invercargill Invercargill Water Supply .. Platelayers' Cottages, No. 1 .. Windsor Tunnel, No. 1 Permanent-way, No. 1 Dunback Contract, No. 1 Puerua, No. 1 J. M. Watson .. W. Ehodes H. Jaggers C. Mackay J. Hollick D. McKendry A. McDonald Jesse Coates George Fraser May 24, „ April 10, „ June 25, „ July 29, ,, Feb. 8, „ Oct. 14, 1882 Feb. 9, ,, Feb. 9, Aug. 14, ,, Feb. 20, „ 2,612 10 0 49 15 0 797 4 0 1,180 14 0 107 9 4 2,387 12 5 462 14 4 3.645 5 0 5,230 3 2 Main Line, Catlin's Biver p'.L. Formation Formation2 0 0 2 59 0 2 0 0 July 30, 1882 Nov. 30, „ Feb. 23, 1883 Aug. 1, 1882 Feb. 20, 1883 Waipahi-Heriot Burn Puerua, No 2 Swift Creek Painting Pomahaka and Flodden Bridges No. 1, Permanent-way and Stations Mokoreta .. ...... I Completion of Mokoreta Appleby .. .. Formation Formation 0 76 0 4 35 0 George Ward Peter Dey J. Worthington Aug. 15, 1833 Feb. 1, ,, Mar. 17, ,, Mar. 31, 1883 2,833 19 6 3,231 9 0 64 16 8 March 17, 1882 Edendale-Toitois P.L., and Station 'Formation 4 0 0 0 25 0 H. Whittaker.. Aug. 14, „ Aug. 14, ,, 2,189 2 1 April 27, „ Mar. 14, 1883 Mar. 22, „ >) 13 3 53 0 M. H. L. Bennett Menzies and Birss H. Jaggers .. Jan. 18, ,, Oct. 13, ,, Dec. 19, „ 4,173 0 0 3,241 4 3 2,208 0 0 Contract relet to Menzies & Birss, see below.' Seaward Bush OtaffO' Central. Chain Hills-Taieri Lake 'Formation 3 0 0 May 19, 1879 Feb. 13, 1883 Wingatui .. .. Deep Stream jFormation Formation 6 65 0 4 22 0 I I D. McKenzie Stocks and Clark Jan. 16, 1881 Oct. 7, 18S4 48,839 7 10 25,273 8 0 March 23, 1882 June 7, „ Jan. 18, 1883 Invercargill-Kintjston. Main Line .. Kingston Turntable Coal-stores at Bluff and Elbow Painting Lumsden Bridge .. A. Menzies Kerr and Watt A. Mackay June 15, 1882 Aug. 7, „ Mar. 17, 1883 Aug. 24, „ Sept. ], ,, Mar. 21, „ 274 10 0 142 14 6 167 4 0 Lumsden-Mararoa .. Western Railways. Riverton-Otautau Jan. 27, ,, March 3, ,, Sept. 4, 1882 Jan. 30, ,, Otautau-Nightcaps .. Eiverton-Orepuki Otautau Cattle-yards Fairfax Goods-shed Wairio Goods-shed Eoundhill A. Menzies George Weeks Walker and Springford M. H. L. Bennett April 4, ,, June 2, ,, Nov. 9, 18S2 Oct. 9, „ Nov. 30, 1882 218 0 0 259 16 10 297 17 10 2,226 13 8 Contract relet to John Concher, see below. F.,P.L., & Station Formation 1 30 0 0 20 0 Feb. 11, „ Pallia .. 10 30 0 JohnMcCormick, assignee of Stronach and Houghton, trustees in estate of Davidson and Conyers J. Concher J. Anderson May 15, 1883 9,754 7 0 March 15, 1883 Aug. 11, 1882 Section 4 " Immigration and Public Works Approprtn. Act, 1S82 " Completion of KoundMU 75 Coal-boxes ■ I May 8, Jan. 26, ,, 689 18 4 1,237 10 0 Aug. 11, „ Oct. 3, „ 75 Ccal-boxes " .. 3-ton Steam Cranes - I J. Anderson .. J. Anderson Jan. 20, ,, April 28, 1,237 10 0 1,480 0 0 •• „ •• -•



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries current on the 31st March, 1882, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1883. NORTH ISLAND.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date Total for Completion. *« Remarks. AUCKL. ND DISTRICT. 26 February, 1880 30 May, 1881 28 „" „ 28 „ 29 June, 1882 30 „ 30 „ 30 „ E. Hockin Barbour and Dunning .. William Russell John Hart Robert Latirner J. Wright W. Moore W. Flavell W. J. King .. J. Moore M. Dromgool .. W. Howard W. Craig Waiuku Auckland Pukekohe West Pukekohe .. Pukekohe West Pukekohe .. Waiuku Manku Waiuku East Mauku • • i 500 puriri 8,500 puriri 700 puriri 500 puriri I 1,200 puriri I 800 puriri 500 puriri 1,000 puriri j 1,500 puriri 1,000 puriri 500 puriri 1,000 puriri 1,000 puriri s. d. 3 6 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 4 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 Onehunga Auckland and Pukekohe Pukekohe 5) - • )) • • Onehunga or Pukekohe Onehunga Pukekohe Onehunga or Pukekchs Onehunga • 21 Nov., ' 21 „ i 21 „ i 20 Dec, ! 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 20 „ 1881 1882 5) I None delivered. 8,500 ] Completed. 700 ! Completed. 500 i Completed. 1,196 Completed. 598 500 ! Completed. 1,000 '. Completed. 1,500 I Completed. 500 - 500 I Completed. 1,000 ! Completed. 1,000 I Completed. 3) t July, 1882 S. Firth HAWKE'I 1 BAY DISTRICT. Ormondville Norsewood .. Orrnondville Kopua Norsewood .. Napier Papatu 1 495 sawn totara 2,000 hewn totara 300 hewn totara 550 hewn totara 231 hewn totara 2,000 hewn totara 430 hewn totara 10,000 sawn totara 2,000 hewn totara 150 hewn totara 2 6 Waipukurau One lot .. 23 Aug., 1882 495 j Completed. June, ,, O. O. Nordbye ill per 100 Kopua and Takapau 400 9 Dec, 2,000 Completed. Dec3mber „ G. Maycock .. 2 0 Makotuku One lot 24 Feb., 1883 300 Completed. 1> J> P. Kelay 1 3 Railway-line, 72-mile >> • • 27 March, 550 Completed. January, 1883 O. 0. Nordbyo £11 per 100 Kopua and Takapau 24 Feb., 5) 231 Completed. February, „ G. Henson 2 3 Papatu 400 31 July, 800 October, 1882 A. Lundgren 1 3 Makotuku One lot 6 May, Nil 27 March, 1883 C. Weber 2 101 2 9} Makotuku 4,000 27 Aug., Nil 30 January, ,, C. Barnes 2 0 Papatu One lot .. 26 Feb., 150 Purchase. Purchase.

6—D. 1.


SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts, &c.— continued. NORTH ISLAN D— continued.



CANTERBURY DISTRICT. 18 July, 1881 I A. Armstrong and Co. .. Carterton 7 November, „ Guthrie and Larnach's Dunedin Company .. 15,000 matai .. 30,000 totara and matai 3 7J Waipara .. ».. .. 5,000firstthreemonths, 10,000 13 Dec, per month after 2 10 Lyttelton, 10,000; Timaru, 0,000 first three months, 6,000 5 June, 20,000 per month after 1881 1882 1,471 Contract determined, 3,426 OTAGO DISTRICT. 7 November, 1881 Guthrie and Larnaeh's Dunedin Company 16 June, 1882 J. M. Watson .. .. Dunedin .. 10,000 totara and matai .. 50,000 creosotedsleepers 2 10 Oamaru .. .. .. 2,000 first three months, 2,000 5 June, per month after 3 2 Dunedin, Christchurch, Port .. 15 ,, Chalmers, or Invercargill 1882 1883 9,189 WESTLAND DISTRICT. 25 July, 1882 P. Kemple .. .. I Greymouth .. .. 500 silver pine I 3 0 Greymouth .. .. I Whole quantity .. .. 25 July, 1882 I 500 | Completed. 17 April, „ Kilgour and Perotti .. ,, .. 502 red pine 1 11 Greymouth .. .. „ .. .. 11 Jan., 1883 502 Completed. 25th January, 1883 C. Holder and Co. .. „ 47 black birch 5 8 Greymouth .. .. „ .. .. 25 ,, )» 47 Completed.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Eate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Eate per Month. -p. , Total Date t t -, for Completion. ™™£ Kemarks. WANG. TJI DISTRICT. 10 July, 1879 Henry Adsett, assignee s. d. •1 3£ Totara reserve, Taonui Branch Palmerston North 100,000 totara 4,000 first four months, 6,000 each succeeding month 833 .. .. .. 27 June, 1881 51,880 Completed. 25 „ 1882 Bailey Brothers H. Adsett .. Feilding 5,000 totara (sawn) 2,000 totara (sawn) 10,000 totara (sawn) 3,000 totara (split) 2 3 2 6 Taonui Taonui 25 Jan., 1883 1,600 25 „ )> jj .. • • 333 )» J» 2,000 • • 25 „ )> P. and J. Bartholomew >) .. 2 4 Feilding .. 1,666 )J )) 4,160 25 „ )J Cowan and Johansen .. 2 3 Feilding 500 )1 )! 3,000 * Cuttin; onl- ■. The reserve will sui timber for no more slee 1 >ers.



APPENDIX E. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on the 1st April, 1882, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1883.

Date of Contract. Line of Koad or Work. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. ROADS, BRIDGES, E 1 rc., AUCKLAND. Feb., 16, 1882'* March 9, ,, March 18, , Feb. 8, „ Feb. 15, ,, March 13, ,, April 1, ,, May 2, „ July 3, ,, Dec. 16, „ Dec. 21, „ March 2, 1883 March 10, ,, March 19, „ March 20, „ March 22, ,, March 22, „ March 22, „ March 20, ,, March 20, ,, March 20, „ March 20, „ Oct. 13, 1882 Feb. 13, 1883 April 2, 1881 Eoads, North of Auckland 1) M 1» u )» 1> )) >» )1 >J )J J5 )> !> >i )> >) !) )> )1 Bridge over east branch, Oruaiti River .. Makarau Bridge Section 3, Helensville to Kaukapakapa Road Kawakawa to Waiomio Road Bridge over west branch, Oruaiti River Kawakawa to Pakaraka Section 2, Helensville to Kaukapakapa Hatfield Bridge Works on Gruts Bridge No. 101, Helensville to Kaukapakapa Araparera Bridge Section 2, Kawakawa to Waiomio Section 1a, Whangarei to Kawakawa Road across Hikurangi Swamp No. 1, Pukekohe-Waiuku No. 3, No. 4, „ „ No. 5, „ No. 7, „ ,, No. 8, No. 10, „ No. 11, „ Bush felling and clearing Bush No. 2, felling and clearing Pascining, Whakatane to Te Teko Swamp Road .. R. P. Hodge Wells and Gardiner Hugh Pulton Stewart and McLennan Albert Mort J. A. McLeod Hugh Pulton Wells and Gardiner A. T. Price Hugh Pulton J. Gardiner, jun. .. D. McDonald J. A. McLeod Johnston and Wrack Dalt<5n and Slator John Moore Julius Adolph. John Moore May, King, and Barriball .. Holmes and Cardon May, King, and Barriball .. Albert Butler James Home R. Black July 13, 1882 Aug. 9, „ April 9, „ July 6, „ June 13, „ July 6, „ July 17, „ July 21, „ Sept. 27, „ Feb. 14, 1883 March 14, „ July 19, „ Aug. 1, „ June 13, ,, June 13, „ June 13, ,, June 13, „ June 13, „ June 13, ,, June 13, „ June 13, „ June 13, ,, Feb. 5, 1882 June 12, 1883 Aug. 3, 1881 Nov. 22, 1882 Aug. 31, „ Oct. 31, „ Sept. 1, „ Oct. 4, „ Nov. 13, „ Nov. 20, „ Oct. 31, „ Oct. 2, „ Feb. 28, 1883 March 28, „ & s. d. 572 0 0 559 11 0 180 6 0 686 11 9 234 0 0 469 0 0 395 0 0 185 5 4 149 10 0 128 17 0 259 10 0 640 12 0 579 0 0 148 11 6 566 5 6 549 6 3 532 5 6 571 9 11 727 16 0 627 10 8 554 0 0 288 0 0 2,135 6 6 1,117 0 0 337 0 0 Pukekohe-Waiuku j) j) :J ;> )) )) J) )) Cambridge-Rotorua Tauranga to East Cape, &c. Contract determined and completed by daj labour. Completed. March 30, 1882 March 3, „ Tauranga to Taupo Rock excavation, Whakatane to Ohiwa Waititi Bridge Tamati Waaka Ernest Sydle June 30, 1882 May 2, „ May 27, 1882 300 0 0 72 0 0 Dec. 14, 1881 March 18, 1882 Feb. 13, 1883 Sundry Roads. Helensville to Kaukapakapa No. 75, Section 1 No. 78, Section 4 .. .. Bush No. 2, felling and clearing A. W. N. Cottle Hugh Pulton James Home March 10, „ Feb. 9, „ June 12, 1883 | May 1, „ Oct. 31, „ 220 0 0 197 3 6 1,650 0 0



Dec. 27,1881 March 6, 1882 Dec. 9, „ March 10, 1883 Eoads and bridges in unsettled districts Bridge over Stony Eiver Henwood and Upland Eoad EOADS AND BRIDGES, TAEANAKI. No. 3 masonry, Stony Eiver and Opunake Eoad .. Henry Hooker Bridges, Stony Eiver, Opunake Eoad .. .. Berry and Newman Stony Eiver Bridge .. .. .. .. Berry and Newman Gravelling Henwood and Upland Eoad .. .. Albert Bishop March 24,1882 Sept. 6, „ June 6, 1883 May 18, „ April 20, 1882 Nov. 29, „ 507 6 0 1,311 5 0 805 0 0 889 8 0 Part of this expendituro charged to Eoads and Bridges, Native Districts. Nelson, Tophouse, and Tarndale I EOADS AND BEIDGES, NELSON. July 9, 1882 Oct. 5, „ July 24, „ Aug. 13, „ Aug. 6, 1882 I 274 0 0 1,294 0 0 78 10 6 905 0 0 March ,11, 1882 April 11, „ May 3, „ March 18, ,, ,. Pour- and Five-Mile Bank Deviation .. .. Gribble and Street Gorge No. 2 .. .. .. .. .. J. Brough Bay's Saddle .. .. .. .. .. Neil Bradley Clark's Diversion .. .. .. .. F. Brewerton July 27, „ Oct. 25, „ Nelson to Greymouth and Westport April 29, „ June 7, ,, Aug. 28, «\, March 1, ,, May 5, ,, Aug. 1, „ j) j> a >) Bridge over Owen Bridge over Matiri Bridge over Inangahua, at Bnller Junction Bridge over Little Gre} - , at D every 's Bridge over Waiau, in Aaron Comity Additions to bridge over Blackwater Eiver .. A. D. McLeod Spooner's Eange Diversion .. .. .. Granger and Mead Eocky Cutting .. .. .. .. Downie and Hurford Owen, cart-bridge .. .. .. .. T. G. Freeman Matiri, cart-bridge .. .. .. .. J. Goodfellow Bridge over Inangahua, at Buller .. .. J. McLean and Son June 5, ,, Sept. 30, „ Oct. 28, ,, Aug. 23, „ Oct. 29, „ July 10, 1883 Aug. 21, „ Oct. 17, „ Nov. 1, „ Aug. 31, „ 234 5 6 712 17 6 199 14 0 1,384 18 2 2,298 9 4 6,772 1 0 . •■ April 7, „ Bridge over Little Grey, at Devery's .. .. McKenzie and Sutherland .. Nov. 27, 1882 March 9, 1883 3,364 2 0 April 6, „ Waiau Bridge.. .. .. .. .. Chrystall and Ker, assignees of Thomas and Hill Jan. 1, 1883 ■• 9,676 10 0 Nov. 18, 1881 Main road, Pelorus District and Eai Valley EOADS AND BEIDGES, MAELBOEOUGH. April 29, 1882 June 6, 1882 466 9 2 No. 8, Havelock to Wairau Eiver Bank .. .. J. Leslie and Co. .. March 7, 1882 Feb. 28, „ Feb. 18, „ March 7, „ March 10, ,, March 7, ,, April 6, ,, May 3, ,, June 12, „ May 31, „ Jan. 27, 1883 March 1, ,, March 9, ,, March 9, „ March 4, 1882 „ » )» >J *) )5 J* )I „ Whangamoa, Section 2 .. .. .. If. Flower Whangamoa, Section 3 .. .. .. J. McLean Whakamarina Bridge, painting.. .. .. L. J. Halpin Eai Section, No. 1 .. .. .. .. L. J. Halpin ,, No. 2 .. .. .. .. L. J. Halpin No. 3 .. .. .. .. T. W. and J. W. Hughes .. Whangamoa, Section No. 1 .. .. .. Robert Lyon No. 4, Havelock to Wairau Eiver Bank .. .. J. Hippolito and Co. No. 1, metalling, Canvass Town to Deep Creek .. T. Maddock and Co. No. 2, „ „ ,, .. J. Hippolite and Co. Completion of No. 2, Eai Section .. .. G. Criehton No. 5, Havelock to Wairau Eiver Bank .. .. Edward Neal Whangamoa, Section 4 .. .. .. J. Hippolite and Co. Whangamoa, Section 5 .. .. .. J. Hippolite and Co. Torea portage .. .. .. .. M. Steel 1 Aug. 23, ,, Aug. 23, ,, May 16, „ Aug. 24, ,, Aug. 24, ,, Aug. 24, ,, Oct. 6, „ Aug. 24, ,, Sept. 26, „ Sept. 26, „ April 26, 1883 July 2, ,, Sept. S, „ Sept. 5, ,, May 23, 1882 Feb. 28, 1883 Jan. 27, ,, June 23, 1882 Nov. 17, ,, Nov. 17, „ Dec. 21, „ Oct. 25, „ Jan. 12, 1883 Feb. 7, „ 720 0 0 1,484 11 0 170 14 0 523 10 0 569 0 0 1,225 0 0 1,962 0 0 717 6 6 324 7 0 402 11 0 397 10 0 804 17 0 1,442 9 4 1,188 2 8 127 13 0 Contract re-let to G. Criehton. See below. )» >? 11 jr )» )» )> '» Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sound Kaikoura to Waiau June 11, 1882 April 24, „ March 7, 1883 March 7, „ Wandell Section .. .. .. .. Peter McGrath Eepairs and metalling Wandell Section .. .. E. Lawson Charwell Section .. .. .. .. 1 Connor and Melnnes Aug. 4, „ July 2, 1883 July 5, „ I Nov. 30, „ 1,375 15 0 658 0 0 1,198 6 8 )) )> • • I March 30,1883 I Bridge over Donnelly's Creek .. EOADS AND BEIDGES, WESTLAND. ] Bridge over Donnelly's Creek .. .. .. | E. J. T. Price ] Sept. 17, 1883 I 1,450 0 0 ..



APPENDIX E—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract. Line of Koad or Work. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. ROADS AND BRIDGES IN NATIVE DISTRICTS. North Island. Feb. 11,1882 Tauranga to East Cape Road .. Road maintenance .. .. .. .. Pumipi Hori Jan. 26, ,, Alexandra to Whatiwhatihoe .. Alexandra Bridge .. .. .. .. J. McLean and Son .. July 21,1882 July 28,1882 Nov. 27, ,, Stony River, Opunake .. Bridge approach .. .. .. .. E.Moore.. .. .. Jan. 8,1883 March 5,1883 20 0 0 Completed. 1,430 11 0 381 4 9 HARBOUR WORKS. July 18, 1882 Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour .. Kaikoura Wharf extension .. .. .. John Mclnnes .. .. Dec. 7, 1882 March 27, 1883 „ „ .. Goods-shed, Kaikoura Wharf .. .. .. Tom Cooke .. .. May 21,1883 March 18, 1882 .. Removal of old wharf at Picton .. .. J. McLean .. .. June 14, 1882 Sept. 7, 1882 Feb. 23, „ Collingwood Harbour Works .. Training wall.. .. .. .. .. George Snow .. .. March 10, „ May 5, „ Westport Harbour Works .. Stone contract, No. 3 .. .. .. .. Tavendale, Hurst, and Co. Dec. 17, 1880 .. Removal of rocks, Catlin's River .. .. G. Hunter and Co. .. May 14, 1881 818 19 9 375 0 0 94 0 0 225 8 8 2,250 0 0 546 16 0 Contract determined and wori completed bj day labour. CONSOLIDATED FUND. Jan. 19, 1882 Great South Road .. .. Craig's Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. Mercer and Marshall .. April 17, 1882 April 17, 1882 Nov. 5, 1880 Miscellaneous Services, Middle Rakaia Gorge Bridge .. .. .. .. W. H. Barnes .. .. Nov. 2, 1881 Nov. 22, „ Island 289 0 0 3,397 17 0



APPENDIX F. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on the 1st April, 1882, and Contracts entered into by the Minister of Lands during the Year ended 31st March, 1883.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date when Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. AUCKLAND. 1 May, 1882 1 July, „ 1 July, „ 1 May, „ 30 Sept., „ 1 April, ,, 10 Feb., 1883 1 Nov., 1882 1 Nov., „ 31 Jan., 1883 1 March, „ 1 March, „ 1 July, 1882 1 July, j, 3 Jan., „ North Kurere Swamp Katikati, To Aroha, No. 1 No. 2 Huihuitaha, Patere, No. 86 Ormond, Opotiki, No. 3 No. 1 Wairau to Sandy Bay, No. 97 ... „ No. 95 ... No. 96... Okaihu to Victoria, No. 99 „ No. 100 ... No. 101 ... Gisborne, Waimata ... W. McPeake Martin MoKenny Peter Grant A. Eajner ... H. Bluett ... A. Peters ... D. McDonald N. Mclnnes 30 Sept., 1882 31 Jan., 1883 31 Jan., „ 30 Juno, 1882 31 Jan., 1883 31 May, 1882 31 Mar., 1883 31 Dec, 1882 31 Dec, „ 30 April, 1883 31 May, „ 31 May, „ 31 Aug., 1882 31 Aug., „ 3 June, „ 31 Oct., 1882 19 July, „ 31 May, „ 25 Mar., 1883 25 Dec, 1882 25 Dec., „ £ s. d. 187 16 5 520 0 0 660 0 0 208 10 0 1,350 0 0 120 0 0 15V 0 0 139 6 0 95 0 0 546 10 0 529 0 0 467 0 0 130 10 0 83 0 0 1,136 0 0 J. White ... M. McKenzie J. Anderson M. Borland C. Berry ... Veal Harness 31 Aug., „ 31 Aug., „ ,, ... ... Helensville Bridge 29 Jan., 1883 29 Jan., „ 29 Jan., „ TAEANAEI. 31 Mar., 1883 31 Mar., „ 31 Mar., „ 128 0 0 282 0 0 46 9 0 Kaharoa Eoad, No. 1 ... No. 2 „ No. 3 ... W. Kraack J. Kirby ... Gordon and O'Hara... lAug., 1882 31 Oct., „ 31 Oct., „ Kairanga Drainage, No. 1 MomahaM Block WELLINGTON. 1 Oct., 1882 31 Dec, „ 31 Dec, „ 30 Sept., 1882 1 Jan., 1883 31 Jan., „ 379 10 0 315 5 0 285 0 0 T. H. Smith J. Bowie ... T. Keane ... „ ... HAELBOEOUGH. 20 Sept., 1882 1 March, 1883 Awatere Valley Eoad, Nos. 1-3 ... „ ' Nos. 4-6... T. S. Maddock E. W. Parkes 31 Jan., 1883 31 July, „ 20 Mar., 1883 1,064 0 0 1,893 17 0 1 Sept., 1882 1 Sept., „ 30 April, „ 30 July, „ 1 Sept., „ Oct., „ Oct., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 March, 1883 1 March, „ 1 March, „ 1 Sept., 1882 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ 1 Sept., „ Matakitaki Horse-Track, No. 1a „ No. 2a „ No. 3 „ No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 „ No. 8 „ No. 9 „ No. 10 „ No. 11 „ No. 12 „ No. 13 Hatter's Terrace, No. 1 „ No. 2 „ No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 „ No. 6 NELSON. 30 Oct., 1882 31 Aug., „ 31 Oct., „ 31 Oct., „ 31 Dec, „ 30 Nov., „ 31 Oct., „ 31 Dec, „ 31 Dec, „ 31 Dec, „ 1 July, 1883 1 July, „ 30 April, „ 31 Jan., „ 31 Jan., ,, 31 Jan., „ 31 Jan., „ 31 Jan., „ 31 Jan., „ 20 Oct., 1882 31 Aug., „ 31 Oct., „ 20 Nov., „ 30 Nov., „ 30 Nov.,. „ 1 Nov., „ 31 Jan., 1883 311 0 0 467 0 0 374 0 0 500 0 0 212 12 0 413 0 0 387 7 0 436 0 0 510 0 0 630 0 0 678 0 0 640 0 0 538 0 0 261 16 0 216 11 0 214 10 0 234 12 6 189 0 0 224 4 0 J. McLean... Hurford and Downie T. Tidd and Co. T. Hickey ... 0'Conner and Spence Hurford and Downio G. Snow ... T. Hickey )) ... ••■ G. Snow ... T. Hickey ... Hurford and Downie S. Eyan ... T. Kelly ... '.'.•'. F. White ... J. Law J. Euane ... 30 Mar., „ 15 Mar., ,, 30 Mar., „ 30 Mar., „ 30 Mar., „ 30 Mar., „ Mahitahi to Haast, Nos. 14-18 ,., „ Nos. 19-24... „ Nos. 1-11 ... WESTLAND. 31 Mar., 1882 31 May, „ 15 April, „ 31 Oct., 1882 2,084 5 0 4,381 13 0 1,491 9 6 31 Oct., 1881 31 Oct., „ 15 Nov., „ S. Eyan .., ,, ••■ ... Marks and Crowe ... 30 June, „ 30 May, 1881 1 Sept., 1882 30 Oct., „ 1 July, „ 1 Nov., „ 1 Nov., „ Seaward Mosa Eoad, No. 145 ... „ No. 161 ... No. 162 ... „ No. 163 ... „ No. 164 ... „ No. 166 ... OTAGO. Oct., 1881 31 Dec, 1882 31 Jan., 1883 31 Oct., 1882 1 June, 1882 20 Jan., 1883 20 Mar., „ 31 Oct., 1882 15 Jan., 1883 20 Mar., „ 512 10 0 197 15 G 510 0 0 221 10 0 168 9 0 324 0 0 Marshall and Christie A. Marshall W. Lindsay J. Field J. Ford T. Knuckcy ,.,



_^:?:p:m:r>r:D:i::x a-.

SCHEDULE of Contracts for Water-races current on the 1st April, 1882, and Contracts entered into by the Minister for Mines during the Year ended 31st March, 1883.


ANNUAL REPORT ON RAILWAYS IN THE NORTH ISLAND BY THE ENGINEER IN CHARGE. The Engineer in Charge, North Island, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, 31st March, 1883. I have the honour to forward the annual report on railway works executed and in progress during the year ending the 31st March, 1883. The expenditure on railways in the North Island up to that date, £ s. d. exclusive of preliminary surveys, was .. .. 3,724,194 5 10 The amount of contracts let, and other liabilities .. .. 141,491 6 9 Total expenditure and liabilities .. .. .€3,865,685 12 7 Below is a table showing lengths of lines and miles opened for traffic in the North Island, ■with expenditure and liabilities on each; and at the end of this report is another table giving list of railways and contracts completed or in progress, times of completion, &c. During the year a length of 2 miles 2 chains has been opened for traffic, viz., on the Whangarei-Kamo line.

Date of Contract, Name of Water-race. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Eemarks. ! j fan. 14, 1882 Mikonui Water-race Section 10-4 ran. 11, ,, „ ,, Section 10-5 Viar. 9, ,, Four-Milo ,, Section 1, Argyle Race Dec. 15, ,, I Waimea M Dam near Loopline Boad I Frederick Parker William Williams W. Fergusson and party Maurice O'Connor Sept. 30,1882 Sept. 30, „ May 81, ,, £ s. d. 1,345 0 0 1,128 12 0 2,127 19 7 June 9, 1883 6,432 0 0

Name op Eailway. Expended to 31st March, 18S3. Liabilities on 31st March, 1883. Length. Open for Traffic. North Island. £ e. a. 63,552 4 0 54,153 0 5 1,108,532 15 8 £ s. 6,189 18 2,429 16 37,365 1 d. 8 6 2 M. eh. 7 79 6 52 146 45 M. oh. 2 68 6 52 141 45 Kawakawa Whangarei-Kamo Kaipara-Waikato Waikato-Thames, including Hamil-ton-Cambridge Branch Wellington-Napier Wellington-Foxton Foxton-New Plymouth 68,779 1 11 1,219,179 11 5 40,237 8 9 1,169,760 3 8 24,677 14 39,452 7 1,929 18 29,446 10 7 3 7 0 73 26 221 39 1 1 138 57 215* 77 168 63 Total 671 78 459 46 3,724,194 5 10 141,491 6 9



AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Kawakawa Railway. Taumarere Contract (1 mile Platelaying, &c). —The work is all but complete. No. 3 Contract (4 miles 5 chains formation, permanent-way, and deep-water wharf). —The progress of the work has been very much retarded by heavy slips, and the washing-away of portions of the embankments, where they are most exposed to the action of the sea. These places will need some special protection, which is now being provided. Tunnel and bridges nearly completed, and the wharf should be finished about the middle of May; the permanentway probably be ready for traffic about the middle of June. Whangarei-Kamo Railway. Awaroa Contract. —This included the completion of the formation and permanent-way, and deep-water wharf, and was finally completed and the line opened for public traffic on the 30th November, 1882. This completes the line from Kamo Coal Mines to the shipping place at the new wharf, where all coal is now shipped, and where the regular trading steamers between Auckland and Whangarei take in and discharge cargo and passengers, &c. In connection with the above a goods-shed, stationmaster's house, and a platelayer's cottage have been erected at Opau Station, near the wharf; and a sth class station-building, and platforms on the wharf, for the accommodation of passengers. On the opened line a goods-shed has been built at Kamo, and a road has been made and metalled from this station to the main road. Proposed Additions to the Railway. —A trial survey has been made and sections prepared of the proposed branch to the Whauwhau Coal Mines, distant 1 mile 8 chains, and an estimate has been made of the cost of this. A survey has also been made of a short branch to connect the Kamo Coal Company's new shaft with the railway at Kamo Station. Kaipara-Waikato Railway. Reclamation Contract, Auckland. —This was satisfactorily completed and taken over on the 18th August, 1882. The work included a masonry breastwork and a portion of filling behind it. Filling Contract, Auckland Passenger-station.- —-This contract, let on the Bth September, 1882, included the remainder of the filling-up of the area behind the breastwork of above reclamation contract. It was intended to obtain the necessary material, under an arrangement with the Auckland Harbour Board, from St. Barnabas Point, but their intention was successfully resisted by the lessee of the Point, so that the contractor has had to obtain material as he best might, from other sources. So much of the work yet remains to be done as to point to the necessity for entering into another contract, or arrangement under which the work shall be done within a reasonable time. Auckland Engine-shed. —This building, 112 feet by 70 feet, with small workshop and storeroom, has been erected by contract and handed over to the Railway Department. It is capable of accommodating a large number of locomotive engines, and was much required. Newmarket Workshops Contract. —This contract was entered into on the Bth March, 1883. The contractor is preparing his material and doing preliminary work. Station-buildings Contracts. —These included the erection of ten stationmasters' houses and four-roomed platelayers' cottages on various parts of the line. They were very much needed for the accommodation of the men employed on the railway. Improvements in Stations. —A considerable amount of work has been done at various stations between Auckland and Mercer in re-arranging the sidings, platforms, and other station appliances. These will facilitate traffic and ease of working. Waikato-Thames Railway. Hamilton Railway-bridge Contract. —As reported last year, the contractor was very much behindhand with his work, so much so, as time went on, that it was found necessary to take the work out of his hands and to re-let the work. The progress under the new contract has been slow, as additional work was found to be necessary for the full security of the bridge foundations. All the piers and all the abutments are however now completed, and the work of erecting the superstructure is now in hand : if everything goes on well the contract may be finished about the end of July. Morrinsville Contract. —Four miles of formation, was completed during May, 1882. Waihou Contract. —Twelve miles of formation, extending from Morrinsville to a point near the Thames River, at Te Aroha. This has been prepared, and will shortly be advertised for public tender. Te Aroha Bridge Contract. —This joins the preceding contract, and will include the erection of a bridge over the Thames River, at the Township of Te Aroha. It will be provided with a " swing" opening for the passage of vessels. A contract has already been entered into for the manufacture of all the ironwork for the " swing" portion. Thames Section, Kopu Contract. —This was completed in May, 1882. Kauaeranga Contract (4 miles 40 chains), let on the 23rd February, 1883.—This includes the completion of the formation and the laying of the permanent-way between Grahamstowa Wharf and Kopu Station, near the Thames River. The work is proceeding steadily.



Hamilton-Cambridge Railway. Tamahere Contract (4 miles 55 chains of formation). —This commences at a point on the Waikato-Thames Railway four miles from Hamilton. The contract time, five months, expired on the 14th September, 1882, and there is still a considerable quantity of -work to be done. It is expected, however, that it will be completed so that the permanent-way may be laid immediately after the Hamilton Railway Bridge is so far completed that railway material may be taken over it. Hautapu Contract (5 miles 68 chains of formation). —This joins the Tamahere contract, and is making good progress, A short time will suffice to complete it. Cambridge Section (1 mile 33 chains), reaching from end of Hautapu Contract into the Township of Cambridge to the Terminus.—Surveys have been made, and working plans and sections prepared. Tenders will shortly be called for the work of formation. These three contracts make up the Cambridge Branch Railway, 11 miles 76 chains in length. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Napier-Woodville. Mangatewainui Bridge Contract (71 miles 31 chains to 72 miles 50 chains). —This has so far proceeded satisfactorily, but a scarcity of labour has been felt. It is expected that the bridge itself will be completed during April, but the earthworks are not so far advanced, and, in view of a threatened wet season, it may be September before they can be completed. The bridge-work has been well executed. The contract time expires 29th June, 1883. Matamau Section (Formation Contracts). —These extend southwards from the end of the Mangatewainui contract, 72 miles 50 chains to 73 miles 73 chains, and were let in short lengths, by public tender, the time of completion to be the 30th June next. Whakaruatapu and Mangatera Bridges Contract. —This includes two viaducts, and the formation work from 76 miles 31 chains to 77 miles 15 chains. The contract time expires on the 23rd May next, but it is probable that the work will not be finished before September, owing principally to difficulties met with in the foundations of the bridges, and in obtaining timber. Tahoraite Contract (73 miles 73 chains to 81 miles 55 chains). —This has been surveyed and prepared for contract, and will be advertised for public tender during the month of April. It terminates near Tahoraite, at a place very convenient for access to the main road, and will include all formation-work, excepting that connected with the Whakaruatapu and Maugatera Bridges contract, which is situated within the limits of the Tahoraite contract. The time for the completion of this contract "will be about the end of December, 1883, when arrangements will be made for proceeding at once with the laying of the permanent-way, and other works, so that the section from Makatoko (the present terminus of the line) to Tahoraite, 11J miles, may be opened as speedily as possible. Works on opened Lines. —The principal of these has been the enlargement and re-arrange-ment of Hastings Station-ground, and the erection of a new and commodious passenger-station, with verandah and new platforms. This is now a most complete and convenient station. The old station-building has been re-erected at Te Aute as an addition to the buildings at that place. Sheep and cattle yards have been erected at Hastings, Waipukurau, and Takapau, and have been found very useful. A new office, very much required, has been built at Napier for the District Manager. The smith's shop, Napier, has been enlarged, and a boiler shop erected, also a spring and tire furnace and three extra smiths' fires. The siding accommodation has been much extended and improved at various stations, and the water-supplies where required have also been made more liberal and satisfactory. The rolling-stock has been augmented by the erection of fifteen new double-story sheep-trucks, and preparations are being made for other additions, the ironwork for which it is expected will shortly arrive in New Zealand. Awapurua Bridge Contract. —This includes the erection of the bridge, with the necessary approaches, over the Manawatu River, about 4 miles south of Woodville. It comprises twelve spans of 80 feet each, and some smaller end-spans. A survey has been made of the site, borings taken for foundations, and plans prepared for public tender. The work has been advertised, and tenders will be received up to the 20th April. For convenience this work is described and will be carried on as part of the Napier-Wood-ville Section. Surveys. The line beyond Tahoraite southwards towards Woodville has been pegged off for 11 miles, and the remaining 4 miles will shortly be taken in hand, with the view of preparing a contract for this 15 miles of formation.



Wellington district. Wellington-Woodville Railway. Opaki Contract (Formation and Permanent-way : (55 miles 41 chains to 73 miles 47 chains). —This contract, situated between Masterton and the Forty-Mile Bush, has been let; the time for completion is the 15th December, 1883. Coal-store and Smithy Contract.- —This includes a 100-ton coal-store in Wellington Station-yard, and a smith's shop at Petone 72 feet by 35 feet. Both buildings are completed, and steps are now being taken to erect smiths' fires and tire furnace, &c, in the latter. Masterton Coal-store Contract. —-This includes a building for holding 50 tons of coal; it was completed in August. Petone Cattle-yards Contract. —This work was completed in October last. Protective Works (Rivers Tauherenikau, Waingawa, and Waipoua).—These were reported as being in hand last year. They have since been completed, and promise to act successfully. Additions and Alterations to sundry Stations, Buildings, fyc. —These have been effected at Pipitea, Petone, Upper Hutt, Cross's Creek, Featherston, Fernside, Middleton, Matarawa, and Masterton; and blind sidings have been converted into through sidings at seven places, all very much to the advantage of the traffic. Some additional sidings have also been laid down in Wellington Station-yard. Surveys. Wellington-Masterton. —The survey of this line, as finished, is complete, with plans as far as the 44th mile; the remainder of the plans are now in hand, and will shortly be finished. Their completion has been delayed by the Assistant Engineer having been ordered to make another survey —viz., of Point Jerningham for defence purposes. Castlepoint Survey. —This was made for the purpose of selecting the most favourable site for the proposed jetty, for which plans have been prepared, and the work will shortly be ready for public tender. Extension of Railway Survey beyond Opaki (78 miles 47 chains). —This was begun in January last. The detail survey is completed as far as 78 miles, and a trial survey beyond this has been made to 81 miles 40 chains. A very good line has been obtained The earthwork will be comparatively light, although on this section there will be numerous unavoidable river crossings, not, however, presenting more than ordinary difficulty. The_survey is still being pushed on. FOXTON-NEW PLYMOUTH RAILWAY.—FOXTON-PATEA SECTION. Whenuakura Contract (Waverley to Patea, 8 miles 3T20 chains, formation and per-manent-wav). —The time for this contract, nine months, will be largely exceeded : it should have been completed on the 28th October, 1882, but it is probable that it will not be finished before July. Difficulty was encountered in procuring the necessary timber, but the main cause of delay has been in the earthwork, some portions of which have given much trouble, increased by the wetness of the season last year. Branch, Bunnythorpe to Ashurst. —l3o chains of bush have been felled on this line 2 chains wide, making a total of 3 miles felled to date. Works on opened Lines. —Various additions have been made to the workshops at East Town, the principal being the extension of the erecting shop 56 feet by 60 feet, and a building over the spring and tire furnace (lately erected) of 40 feet by 30 feet. Sundry new sidings and minor additions to various stations, have been completed, and several of the water-supplies .improved. A very high flood on the 9th June, 1882, carried away three of the SO-feet spans of which the Rangitikei Railway Bridge is composed; and, after erecting a temporary bridge over the gap, to carry the traffic, it was determined to re-erect the bridge with one span of 120 feet, on account of the large quantity of drift timber (instead of two of 60 feet), at the southern end. The materials for this alteration have been procured, and the work of fitting is now in hand. The large span will rest on cast-iron cylindrical piers (instead of piles), and these have been sunk and fixed ready to receive the superstructure. An addition to the rolling-stock has been made—namely, 15 double-story sheep-trucks. Surveys. Carnarvon-Sandon Tramway. —A survey has been made of this; line pegged out, and sections, plans, and estimates prepared; length, 13 miles 75 chains. PATEA-NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. Earthwork Contracts. —No. 8 (57 chains long) was finally completed on the 19th March, and No. 9 (1 mile 37 chains long), including formation of main line, and that of Manutahi Station-yard and approach-road, is all but complete, only a small portion of the approach-road being unfinished. Manutahi Pla£elaying Contract (length 7 miles 38 chains, extending from Patea westwards). —The works on this contract have been delayed, owing to the non-completion of No. 8 earthwork contract, but are now progressing very well, and it is to be expected that the whole will be completed about the end of June. 7—D. 1.



Patea Station-buildings. —This includes passenger station-building, platform, &c. ; also Stationmaster's house. The work is very nearly finished. Other works at this section—viz., engine-shed, coal-shed, and water-supply —have been satisfactorily completed. The latter consists of a storage reservoir in the cliff above the station, fed by a small spring, giving an abundant sxipply of pure water for engine and station purposes. The water-supply for Manutahi Station is now in hand : this will be obtained from a creek by means of a hydraulic ram and piping. Kakaramea Station-buildings Contract. —Includes buildings for the Hukatere, Kakaramea, and Ball-Road Stations. It was completed in February. Manutahi Station-buildings Contract. —-The works on this were delayed by non-completion of earthwork, but all the buildings are now nearly finished. Manawapou Contract (2 miles 67 chains). —This contract forms part of the gap of 10^ miles, now reduced to about 9J miles, between Manutahi and Hawera, described as being under survey last year. A good line has been found, and the above, which adjoins the Manutahi end of this piece, has been advertised for public tender. A large culvert, situated within the limits of this contract, had previously been made the subject of a contract, so that it might be ready before the earthwork was commenced, and thus be a saving of time. Tangahoe Contract (6 miles 38 chains). —This forms the remainder of the gap above mentioned. Plans and specifications have been prepared for the work, and now await instructions as to being advertised for tender. Works on Opened Lines. —The New Plymouth Railway-station earthwork contract has been completed; it includes formation for several additional sidings, passenger and loading platforms, and the widening of the road alongside of the station to G6 feet. The New Plymouth Passenger-station contract includes the building of a new passengerstation, with increased accommodation, and the enlargement of the present goods-shed. The work is about one-half completed. At various small stations increased accommodation has been given in the shape of platforms, approach-roads, shelter-sheds, and other works. The grade-posts and mile-posts prepared last year have been erected throughout the whole line. Rolling-stock. —Nine additional cattle-trucks have been erected and placed on the line; also two horse-boxes. Surveys. Land Plans for the sections Hawera-Normanby and Kakaramea-Manutahi Road have been completed and proclaimed; those for New Plymouth-Waitara are in hand and nearly finished, and from Sentry Hill to "Waiongona are in hand. The remaining portions of the line will be taken up as soon as possible. SURVEYS. Te Awamutu-Taranaki. —Instructions were given in February to proceed with an exploratory survey from Te Awamutu southwards through the King country, and thence to some favourable point of junction with the Patea-Waitara Railway. Accordingly, Mr. 0. W. Hursthouse was detailed on this service, under instructions from the Hon. the Minister for Defence. Proceeding from New Plymouth to Kawhiain the s.s. " Stella " on the sth February, he went overland with the Hon. the Minister to Mangaorongo to meet Te Kooti, to Raglan and Aotea, and thence to Hamilton. After some other journeying, not immediately connected with the above survey, he started on the 12th March from Alexandra on his exploration up the Valley of the Waipa, arriving at Otorohanga, about 16 miles, at 4 p.m. on the same day. The Maoris resident there ordered Mr. Hursthouso to return, as they did not approve of any one making the exploration ; and argument with them appeared to be useless. On the following morning Mr. Hursthouse and his chainman again started, and proceeded a short distance; but the Maoris turned them back, and they reluctantly returned to Alexandra. Full particulars of this were reported to the Hon. the Minister for Defence. On the 20th March another start was made, with the consent of Wahanui, Rewi, and other chiefs, and in company with Wetere te Rerenga, a chief of high standing, and twenty-five other Maoris. Arriving at a place called Te Uira, about 33 miles from Alexandra, they were stopped by a party of Maoris under the leadership of one Te Mahuki, and violently dragged from their horses, notwithstanding the remonstrances of the accompanying Maoris; everything was taken from them except the clothes they stood in; they were forcibly led about half a mile, and then thrust into a Maori cook-house; their feet iwere chained, and their hands tied with rope behind their backs ; they were then left for fortyone hours, during which time they were kept without food. They were finally rescued by the Natives who had been with them when they were captured, assisted by others and by Te Kooti. On the 26th March Mr. Hursthouse went to Auckland to take proceedings against the offenders, and was detained there on this business during the remainder of the mouth. P.S. up to 28th April.—On the 7th April Mr. Hursthouse left Auckland for Alexandra, and was detained by heavy floodsgtill the 16th, when the party again started, under conduct of the Hon. the Defence Minister. Their progress this time was not interrupted, and they reached New Plymouth on'the night of the 20th April. Their route lay along the usual Native track to where it strikes the Mokau River, thence down that river in canoes to the coast, thence overland to New Plymouth. Enough had been seen during this journey to render any further minute



survey north of the Mokau unnecessary. It was therefore decided that Mr. Hursthouse should return to that point on the river where they first struck it, aud begin his exploration of an inland line southwards : in this work he is now engaged. Te Awamutu southwards (by a Central Inland Line]. —This line will proceed from Te Awamutu by the most eligible route to tfie country lying west of Lake Taupo, thence southwards by a route to be determined, striking the Foxton-Patea line of railway at the most favourable point of junction. Mr. M. Carkeek was placed in charge of this exploration, and his first instructions were that he and Mr. Hursthouse should start simultaneously on their respective surveys from Te Awamutu: but, as has been already described, the Maori difficulties encountered by Mr. Hursthouse disarranged this plan; and to save time, when it was found that Mr. Hursthouse could not return to Te Awamutu at the time intended, Mr. Carkeek was instructed to make use of the time meanwhile in examining the country between Stratford and Mokau, until Mr. Hursthouse could be ready. He is still engaged in this work, but when he emerges from the bush he will be despatched to Te Awamutu to begin the exploration from that point by the inland or central line. Te Awamutu-Napier. —The'exploration of this route for the purposes of a railway has been intrusted to Mr. Gr. P. Williams. He began his work on the 31st March, and will first make himself acquainted with the country north of Hastings in the direction of Taupo. This part of the work is based on a letter written by Mr. Elman, who describes what lie considers will be a favourable line for either road or railway, the principal feature in the line being the Ripia Valley, which lies in the right direction, and is said to offer favourable features for the purpose. Point Jerningham Survey. —Point Jerningham is situated in Wellington Harbour, and forms' the western head of Evans Bay. A contour survey of this point has been made for defence purposes, and the plans are now nearly finished. Attached to this report is a map of the North Island, showing i-ailway lines, &c. I have, &c., John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer in Charge, North Island.



Enclosure 1 in Appendix H. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1883. NORTH ISLAND.

State of Line. 8 Appropriation. Name of Line. Subdivision. Mnin Line. S3 Total. s? •f2 Under Under Forma- Platetion. laying. Opened. Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 I 1879-80; 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 Total. ft M. chs. 7 79 M. chs. 2 68 1 0 4 11 2 55 1 75 0 55 1 27 2 40 M. chs. 0 30 M. chs. 3 18 1 0 4 31 2 55 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs.j M. chs. M. chs. 2 68 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. it. ohs 2 6£ Kawakawa Kawakawa .. Kawakawa Taumarere Contract No. 3 Whangarei (part) 1 0 4 11 22 Feb., 1877 Whangarei-Kamo Whangarei-Kamo 6 52 o'2O 28 Oct., 1880 28 Oct., 1880 30 Nov., 1882 30 Nov., 1882 .. 2 55 1 75 •• | 0 76 3 46 ■ J 055 1 27 6 55 Kaipara-Waikato Kaipara-Auckland .. 41 36 )> j) • • Awaroa Kaukapakapa-Helens-ville Helensville Terminus Kaipara-Riverhead .. Waitakerei (part) 0 43 15 68 11 14 1 50 9 61 2 53 0 20 j 1 31 0 70 0 65 1 25 0 20 1 28 1 32 0 20 0 55 5 52 3 50 0 60 2 58 2 40 1 33 16 53 12 39 1 70 11 9 4 5 0 40 0 55 48 26 34 52 11 13 9 27 7 0 2 40 12 58 3 8 1 66 0 15 Estimated •■ " 18 Sept., 1880 29 Oct., 1875 18 July, 1881 21 Dee., 1880 29 March, 1880 24 Dec, 1873 28 Nov., 1878 15*68 0 43 .. 11 14 Onehunga Branch .. •• 1*50 38 71 Pukekohe-Waiuku Auckland- Waikato .. Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Alternative loop Waikato-Thames 2 73 102 16 Auckland Onehunga Branch .. Wharf .. Auckland Wharf Auckland-Mercer Mercer-Newcastle Newcastle-Harnilton Hamilton-Ohaupo Ohaupo-Te Awamutu Te Awamutu South. .. Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Te Puni-Mauku Hamilton Branch Ditto, Extension and Bridge Waikato Morrinsville Waihou and Bridge .. Thames 42 54 31 2 10 33 9 27 I 6 20 2 40 10 58 3 8 1 1 0 15 0'<30 2 0 2 40 10 58 3 8 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. t 20 May, 1875 13 Aug., 1877 19 Dec, 1877 4 June, 1878 1 July, 1880 2-53 42 54 31 2 10 33 9 27 0-20 9*61 6 20 2 7; 99 5( Waikato-Thames 10 58 3 8 61 30 0 65 20 Oct.," 1879 -- l"l 1 "l 015 Hamilton - Cambridge Hamilton-Cambridge 12 64 4 0 12 30 17 47 8 73 4 40 4 55 | 3 30 .. 20 14 12 30 17 47 8 73 5 75 4 55 f -■ 12 30 Estim. 8 73 12 64 4 0 . •• • ! •■ ■" Kauaeranga Tamahere 1 35 4 55 4 40 I 11 76 • • •• • • .. •• ..



Wellington-Napier Napier-Woodville 97 0 Hautapu Cambridge Spit Napier-Pakipaki (pt.) 5 68 1 33 2 0 12 0 4 13 10 54 3 26 8 70 4 63 12 79 5 63 5 22 4 3 7 62 11 45 5 68 1 33 1*33 5 68 " •• I 25 Nov., 1874 12 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1875 17 Feb., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 1 Sept., 1876 12 March, 1877 25 Jan., 1878 9 Aug., 1880 2 0 12 0 4 13 ■ • Pakipaki (part) i 10 54 3 26 8 70 4 63 12 79 7 14 65 79 Waipawa Waipuiurau Takapau Kopua Papatu Makatoko-Matamau.. Matarnau-Tahoraite .. Tahoraite-Woodville (part) 0 26 0 45 6 9 5 67 4 3 7 62 11 45 •• 242 7 62 I 141 5*63 5 22 69 70 * 11 45 Woodville-Wellington 121 32 Woodville-Opaki (part) 3 60 43 13 4 33 8 6 16 22 4 19 1 12 8 79 1 12 6 25 7 47 0 35 3 0 2 5 5 75 8 2 0 47 3 7 24 59 4 72 4 0 5 1 3 60 43 13 4 33 8 6 3 60 43 13 4 33 Prelim. Prelim. » si s"6 Opaki Carterton (part) ly .. Featherston Station.. Incline Summit Pakuratahi Mungaroa (part) I 3 6 0 51 0 62 0 30 0 4 23 47 1 63 9 61 1 42 6 29 .. [ 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 1 Jan., 1878 1 Feb., 1876 1 Feb., 1876 15 Dec, 1875 15 Dec, 1875 14 April, 1874 1 Nov., 1880 14 May, 1880 27 April, 1876 20 Oct., 1876 20 Oct., 1876 20 Oct., 1876 1 12 8 79 1 12 6 25 16*22 4 19 I" 9 13 f 7~47 65 60 River (part) 23 5 0 35 3 0 2 5 5 75 Greytown Branch Foxton-Patea Hutt Wellington Wellington Station .. Greytown Branch Poxton Palmerston Junction Oroua and Oroua Bridge Halcombe (part) 5 70 3 71 27 22 5 20 8"2 0*47 3 7 Foxton-New Plymouth 3 7 120 84 5 23 0 64 2 43 0 28 24 59 3 7 I 1 44 10 45 .. | 4 72 4 0 5 1 Marton (part) 4 11 5 68 4 51 9 10 10 27 9 64 0 14 9 31 13 2 6 73 8 31 8 63 I 1 79 I 0 48 11 78 22 April, 1878 20 May, 1878 20 May, 1878 4 Feb., 1878 17 May, 1877 17 May, 1877 17 May, 1877 28 June, 1879 20 Sept., 1880 23 Mar., 1881 4 11 5 68 4 51 9 10 14 29 112 3 Wangaehu Wanganui Wanganui Bridge Brunswick Waitotara Waverley Whenuakura Patea-Manutahi 0 71 2 50 11 18 12 34 0 14 10 48 14 5 7 60 9 11 10 79 I .. 10 27 9 64 0 14 1 17 1 3 0 67 0 60 2 16 931 13 #'2 6 73 69 48 8 31 8 63 Patea-Waitara • ■ I



Enclosure 1 in Appendix H— continued. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1883. NORTH ISLAND.

State of Line. i Appropriation. i, Name of Line, O Subdivision, Main Line. CO Total. CD Under i Under I Opened. tion. J laying. Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 i 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 11879-80 1 1880-81 1881-2 1882-3 Total, Foxton-New Plymouth — contd. Patea-tWaitara — contd. M. chs. M. chs. 9 45 2 55 M. chs. . M. chs. 9 45 3 31 , M. chs. 9 45 , M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. ■M. chs. JM. chs.| ! M. chs". M. chs. :M. chs. I M. chi M.chs. Maiiutahi-Hawera .. Hawera-Normanby .. 056 20 Oct., 1881 20 Oct., 1881 18 June, 1881 18 June, 1881 18 June, 1881 7 Feb., 1881 27 Sept., 1880 17 Dec, 1879 17 Dec, 1879 17 Dec, 1879 30 Nov., 1877 14 Oct., 1875 2 55 0 60 3 18 4 34 0 60 f •" 1 i • ■ Normanby 3 78 0 31 4 29 }-■ ■■{ 0 Waingongoro Mangawhero (part) .. >j is ■ • Stratford Waipuku Ngatoro Waiongona Waitara - New Plymouth Bunnythorpe-East end of Gorge East end of Gorge — Woodville Taonui Branch Bull's Branch Aramoho Loop Wanganui Branch .. Te Awamutu - New Plymouth 4 34 0 60 2 60 3 20 4 48 4 12 4 60 8 60 11 13 0 12 0 6 0 19 0 65 0 20 0 30 0 24 4 46 0 60 2 66 3 39 5 33 4 32 5 10 9 4 11 13 •• ! I .. •• ; •• 4 48 4 12 4 60 2 60 3 20 51 21 ■■ •• I 8 60 11 13 I •" I Burmythorpe - Woodville Branch 15 32 12 32 12 32 12 32 I I "■ 3 0 3 0 3 0 Prelim. " Taonui Branch Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. 3 15 3 79 3 29 3 15 3 79 0 10 3 19 125 0 0 20 3 35 3 79 0 10 5 32 125 0 1 4 3 79 Prelim. 17 Nov., 1879 i 2 11 2 11 21 Jan., 1878 21 Jan., 1878 i o'io 3 19 I - 213 -) i 3 29 aikato-Taranaki Te Awamutu - New Plymouth 125 0 Estim. I ■• ■•/ Totals .. 810 64 810 64 74 65 i 885 49 I: 131 73 i. 45 72 I 10 55 60 67 73 69 67 4 I 100 1 1 27 19 26 33 68 35 I ! 23 1 459 46 28 26




ANNUAL REPORT ON ROADS IN THE NORTH ISLAND, INCLUDING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, BY THE ENGINEER IN CHARGE. The Engineer in Charge, North Island, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woiiks. Sib,— Public Works Office, 81st March, 18; '.]. I have the honour to forward my annual report on roads, and other miscellaneous works, for the year ending the 31st March, 1883. AUCKLAND. Helensville Railway-station Road. — The formation of this was completed last year, and during this year about 20 chains of the worst part of it have been re-formed, fascined, and metalled with scoria ash, making a good serviceable road. Pukekohe—Waiuku Road. —Eight contracts have been entered into for the partial forming, re-forming, and metalling of about 11 miles of this road; and the work is now in progress. Coromandel Wharf. —The repairs of this have been made the subject of a contract, which will soon be satisfactorily completed. Panmure Swing-bridge. —This was so very much out of repair that a contract was entered into for the reconstruction of the turn-table, renewal of bearings for the ends of the " swing/ and general repairs to the movable part of the bridge. The contractor is now preparing materials for the work. Hamilton Cart-bridge. —A contract for making up the western approach has been satisfactorily carried out, and a part of the superstructure of thS bridge has been painted. The painting will be finished when the weather is favourable. Whatawhata Bridge. —The west approach of this bridge has been made up, and a new cutwater pile put in one of the river piers. Karamu Road. —The survey of a diversion of a portion of this road has been made, the present line being impracticable for cart traffic; land will have to be acquired for the diversion, after which the work of construction may proceed. Raglan-Kaivhia Road. —Work on this road was commenced in February last. Forty Maoris are now employed on the formation under an overseer, and a satisfactory amount of work has been done. It is proposed to construct the road round Aotea Harbour to the Government Township of Kawhia, and arrangements have been made for the immediate carrying-out of the survey. Cambridge-Rotorua Road. —During the year the surveys have been completed through the bush, and plans and sections prepared for contracts from the edge of the bush, at 22 miles 28 chains, to the junction with the Tauranga-Taupo Road, at 37 miles 64 chains. These distances are measured from the junction of this road with that leading to Taupo, about 12 miles from Cambridge; the portion between 19 miles and 22 miles 28 chains has been set out afresh, so as to obtain better grades. Two contracts have been let for bush-felling, clearing, and forming, extending from 22 miles 28 chains to 33 miles, and the work is now making steady progress, although the contractors have had considerable difficulty in obtaining men for the work. On the Cambridge side of the bush the road is open for wheel traffic as far as 26 miles. Two parties of Armed Constabulary have been at work on the road during part of the year, and a fair amount of work has been done by them. Roads North of Auckland. —The Assistant Surveyor-General, Auckland, has charge of these, and reports as follows, viz.: — On the Great North Road, there have been completed during the season 6| miles; widened ,and repaired, 25| miles; metalled, 8^ miles; road formation in progress, 10| miles; bridges completed, 611 lineal feet. On the West Coast Road, have been completed 1 mile of cart road, 3| miles of bridle road, 284 feet of bridging ; road widened, 15 chains ; and repaired, 40 chains ; in progress two bridges. With the exception of a gap, or unformed portion of about 4^ miles through Puhipuhi, the progress made on the main road up to present time would allow of wheeled traffic in summer time between the North Shgre and Okaihu—the whole road, except in the gap mentioned, being bridged, and the grades, considering the nature of the country, are generally good. It is expected' that the works over this gap may be finished by end of next February, and there will then be a fair summer road for wheeled traffic from North Shore to Bay of Islands, and a coach road, available throughout the year, from Auckland to Warkworth, 41 miles.



BAY OP PLENTY. Tauranga-East Cape Road. —Described in sections as follows, viz.:— Otamarakau Road. —This section has been maintained by the Native contractor during the year, and is now in a good state for horse traffic. Length, 8£ miles. Whakatane—Ohope (3^ miles). —Has been maintained in good order by the contractor during the year. Opape-Torere (7 miles). —Has been maintained in good order by Native contractors during the year, and is in a good state for horse traffic. Maraenui-Omaio (6 miles).—This also has been well maintained during the year by a Native contractor. Whakatane-Te Teko Swamp Road. —A length of 10 chains of the swamp portion of this road has been fascined and formed. The road is very much out of repair, and not fit for traffic. Whakatane-Opotiki. —Section 1 (3 miles) : 4,582 cubic yards of ordinary soft rock, and 1,251 cubic yards of rock which required blasting, have been removed on this section during the year; and 9j miles beyond the above have been laid off ready for construction during the year. Opotiki-Waiotahi Road (5| miles; width, 8 feet). —This is a section of the Tauranga— Opotiki Inland Road, and 13 miles 55 chains have been surveyed and laid off, ready for construction. Opotiki-Ormond. —No. 2 section (3 miles 62 chains) : 300 chains* of forest have been felled and cleared one chain wide on this section during the year. No. 3 Section (10 miles). —800 chains of bridle-track have been formed 4 feet wide, and 800 chains of forest cleared one chain wide; also 676 cubic yards of rock have been excavated on this section. There are now 21 miles of this road open for traffic, and in good order. Tauranga-Taupo Road. —The width of the formation of this road through the Mangorewa bush, 16 miles, has been increased from 18 feet to 20 feet; the worst curves have been improved, and the grades made uniform. The road generally has been maintained in good repair. Over a length of 3| miles the bush has been felled to a width of 3 chains, to admit the sun and wind. The Waititi Bridge has been entirely renewed, and twenty others substantially repaired. Three new culverts have been built, and seven repaired. Rotorua-Tarawera. —This is in good general repair. Atiamuri-Taupo.—Taupci-Napier. Atiamuri-Stony Creek (69 miles). —This road is at present in very fair order for traffic ; it has been maintained partly by ordinary day labour and partly by the Armed Constabulary. Stony Creek-Kaiwhaka (31 miles). —This has been kept in good condition for traffic, and has been still further improved in grading and width. Heavy floods in June caused serious damage by bringing down slips, and washed portions of the road away, but these damages were speedily repaired by the employment of a few additional men. Taupo-Hot Springs. —This road needs little attention, and is in good order. Atiamuri-Tokoroa Plains (9| miles, being part of the Road to Cambridge).—The work of formation was intrusted to certain Natives under contract; they, however, left the work incomplete, and it is now being finished by day-labour, under the overseer. It is expected that the work will be all completed in April. It will be suitable for light traffic, and has been in use since September. EAST COAST. Matamau Road. —This work has been completed during the year. It connects Matamau Railway-station with the main road. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Manawatu Gorge Road. —This has been maintained in good order, and has been still further improved by cutting back the rocky points and easing some of the sharp curves. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Gravelling Henwood Road (2| miles). —A contract was entered into for this work on the 10th March, and the work is now progressing very well. Stony River-Opunake Road. —Eleven new bridges, vai'ying in span from 20 feet to 50 feet, have been built during the year, and their approaches completed. Werekino Bridge (on the Stony River-Opunake Section of Road). —This bridge was much in need of new floor, and the work is now in hand. Umuroa Culvert (on same Section of Road). —The original 4-foot culvert was found to be too small in a heavy flood, and the bank alongside of it was washed away. The gap is now being filled up with a 6-foot culvert, and general repairs are being effected. Newall and Manihi Roads. —These have each been completed for a distance of 5^ miles into the bush. They branch off from the Stony River-Opunake Road, at 5| and 13 miles respectively, south of Stony River. The bush is felled and cleared so as to make them passable for bullock-drays. lnglewood-Whitecliffs Road. —The formation of about 3 miles northwards from Inglewood



is just about completed, and gravelling contracts have been let for the first two miles on this portion. Gravelling contracts have also been let over the distance between Parihaka Creek and Urenui, about (\ miles. The work on these is about one-half completed. Completion of Gravelling between Otukeho and Umuroa. —Specifications were prepared by the Public Works Department, and contracts were let by the Counties of Hawera and Tarauaki at satisfactory prices. Stony River Bridge (70-feet span, on concrete piers).—This contract was for a new bridge to replace the old one, which was in a bad state of repair. A new and safer site has been chosen, and the work is all but complete. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer in Charge, North Island. P.S.-—Attached is the annual report on public buildings, North Island, by the Architect, Mr. Burrows.

Enclosure in Appendix I. ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OTHER WORKS, WORTH ISLAND. The Architect to the Engineer in Charge, North Island. Sir, — Public Works Office, Architect's Branch, 31st March, 1883. I have the honour to report upon the various buildings designed, added to, or altered, together with contracts let, works in progress or completed, during the financial year 1882-83, in connection with the Architect's Branch of the Public Works Department. Designs and drawings have been made for the following new buildings, namely : New central prison, Wellington (working drawings not completed) ; new gaol, Auckland; overseer's cottage, auxiliary asylum, Auckland; new drying-room, Wellington Asylum; new offices for the Railway Department, Wellington; telegraph store, Wellington ; armoury store, Auckland ; post-offices at Greytown, Te Aroha, Kihikilii, Manaia, and Paeroa; courthouses at Pukekohe, Waiuku, Hawera, Bull's, Greytown, Te Aroha, Masterton, and Russell (theJatter as an addition to post-office building) ; police-stations and lock-ups at Bull's, Hawera, Foxton, Awanui, Newmarket, Auckland, Kamo, and Lower Hutt. Drawings have also been prepared for alterations and additions to postoffices at Hokianga and Russell; additions to courthouse, Wanganui, and quarantine station, Wellington; alterations and additions to public buildings, Chatham Islands. The central prison, Wellington, and the gaol, Auckland, are the only buildings which call for any special mention. It is contemplated that both should be erected by prison-labour ; that at Wellington to be built of brickwork laid in cement-mortar, and that at Auckland of dressed scoria stone set in lime-mortar. In both cases the great bulk of material, that is, scoria and the clay for making bricks, is obtainable on the sites of the proposed buildings, and is being manufactured or prepared on the ground by prisoners. Both works are of considerable magnitude, and will contain accommodation for about 220 and 300 prisoners respectively, on the radiating separate-cell system. The work done at either place up to the present time can only be called preliminary; for instance, at Wellington some thousands of tons of earth have been excavated and removed to prepare a site for brickyards, also for the building. In connection with brickmaking a Whitehead's brick-machine and press have been procured from England and set up. A Hoffman's German brick-kiln has been designed and is in a forward state towards completion, the bricks for which have been made on the ground, hand-moulded by prisoners, and are being laid by them. When this kiln is finished it is confidently expected that 50,000 or 60,000 bricks can be made and burned per week, and it may then be expected that some progress will be made with the erection of the building proper. Besides the above, a large amount of work has been performed by prisoners aud supervised by me, such as the erection of brick-sheds, engine-sheds, cells, offices, &c, required for the due prosecution and efficient carrying-on of the proposed works. At Auckland a good deal of work has been done in the way of quarrying stone, excavating for foundations, and preparing and dressing stone for building. Treacherous ground was met with, and it therefore became necessary to sink down some 10 or 15 feet to get a sufficiently solid foundation. Prisoners cannot be expected to take the same interest in work that free men do; therefore the building operations do not and will not progress so rapidly as they otherwise would were they done by contract. Moreover many of them are novices, and have to learn or become accustomed to the particular kind of work on which they are employed; at the same time a very large amount of work has been done at both places, and will compare very favourably with that executed by free labour. Contracts have been completed for the following works, viz.: Fireproof safes, Gisborne; new post-offices at Alexandra and Castlepoint; additions to post-offices at Hokianga, Russell, Pukekohe, Opunake, Hawera, and Carterton; new cottages for warders at Her Majesty's Gaol, B—D. 1.



Wellington; new store for Telegraph Department, Wellington; dwellinghouse for Medical Superintendent, Mount View Lunatic Asylum, Wellington; drying-shed for the same institution; workshop for the Whau Lunatic Asylum, Auckland ; repairs, &c, to public buildings, Thames, to survey office, Auckland, and to quarantine station, Auckland; repairs, painting, &c, to courthouse and post-office, Napier; additions to courthouse, Patea; re-covering printing office roof, Wellington, with iron; new gas service, painting exterior, and painting, papering, distempering, and renovating interior of Parliament Buildings, Wellington; repairs to, painting exterior, and renovating interior of, Government House, Wellington. Contracts have been let and works are in progress for the following, namely : Auxiliary asylum and overseer's cottage, Auckland ; also the gas- and water-services for the same building ; new courthouses at Pukekohe, Hawera, Greytowu, Masterton, Waiuku, Bull's, and llussell; additions to courthouse building at Wanganui; new post-offices at Te Aroha, Kihikihi, Greytown, Manaia, and Paeroa; alterations and repairs to quarantine barracks, Wellington; new police-stations and lock-ups at Hawera, Lower Hutt, Newmarket, Kamo, Foxton, and Bull's; also additions and repairs to stations at Otahuhu and Lower Hutt. Many miscellaneous works have also been executed, such as general repairs to Government Buildings, Wellington and Auckland; repairs to Resident Magistrate's residence, Opotiki; alterations, &c, courthouse, Tauranga; removal of courthouse, Ohinemutu; repairs to survey offices, Auckland ; additions to Her Majesty's Gaol, New Plymouth (by prison labour) ; supply of furniture, &c, and many minor works of a similar character. A new post-office, as also extensive additions to Parliament Buildings, are being executed by a private architect, with which works this office has nothing to do beyond passing the accounts through for payment. The total expenditure for the North Island has been — £ s. d. Judicial .. .. .. .. .. 5,833 18 5 Postal and Telegraphic.. .. .. .. 9,310 4 1 Lunatic Asylums .. .. .. .. 1,849 10 3 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 6,411 10 10 Sundry repairs, alterations, furniture, &c. .. . . 23,508 18 0 £46,914 1 7 I have, &c, P. F. M. Burrows, Architect.




ANNUAL REPORT ON THE PUBLIC WORKS OF THE MIDDLE ISLAND. The Engineer in Charge, Middle Island, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Dunedin, 31st March, 1883. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress in the Middle Island during the past financial year. In order to facilitate comparisons the report will, as in former years, be divided into the following heads: Ist. Railways; 2nd. Roads and Bridges; 3rd. Water-races; 4th. Miscellaneous Works; sth. Buildings; 6th. Surveys; and 7th. General Remarks. RAILWAYS. General. The following statement shows the expenditure and liabilities on railways in the Middle Island up to the 31st March, 1883, including surveys and the valuation of Provincial Lines : — £ s. d. Total expenditure out of Loan .. .. 6,285,897 15 3 Valuation of Provincial Lines .. .. 1,104,281 2 5 Total expenditure up to the 31st March, 1883 .. 7,390,178 17 8 Liabilities on the 31st March, 1883 .. .. 144,045 18 5 Total expenditure and liabilities .. £7,534,224 16 1 The details of the above, together with the lengths of railways authorized,and open, are given in the following table, the lines taken over from the Provincial Governments of Canterbury and Otago, and the expenditure on preliminary surveys, being included : —

The following statement shows the rate at which the several railways in the Middle Island have been constructed during each financial year, further details being given in the table hereto appended (Enclosure No. 1) : — Lengths of Railway Opened in Middle Island during Financial Year.

Name of Railway. Total Length on whioh Expenditure authorized. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on 31st March, 1883. LTJTHOEIZED BY " THE ImMIGBATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS Appkopeiation Act, 1882 " : — Nelson to Roundell Greyinoutk to Nelson Creek G-reymouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau ... Picton to Hurunui Hurunui to Waitaki Canterbury Interior Main Line Waitaki to Bluff Otago Central ... Invereargill to Kingston ... Westorn Railways Preliminary Surveys ... ... ... ... M. oh. 52 0 16 0 3 0 19 0 76 0 411 0 10 0 412 0 37 0 106 0 59 0 M. oh. 22 73 7 59 19 19 17 73 368 64, £ s. d. 155,223 13 4 178,596 14 2 28,395 4 9 199,891 3 7 202,368 18 6 2,090,247 0 4 41,536 10 8 2,784,281 19 2 150,206 8 7 287,848 14 4 167,301 7 10 499 7 5 £ s. d. 624 10 7 693 12 9 43 15 0 701 4 8 7,741 15 4 28,338 7 0 4,418 7 4 56,115 17 1 35,054 0 2 2,760 10 10 7,553 17 8 1,267 12 9 339 32 89 25 45 71 Total 1,201 0 911 16 6,286,397 2 8 145,313 11 2 'BOVINCIAL GrOVEKNMENT LlNES : — Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago „ „ „ 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 Greneral total 1,201 0 911 16 7,390,678 5 1 145,313 11 2

Up to June 30, 1872. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1871-45. 1875-76. 1876-77. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80. 18S0-81. 1881-82. 1882-83. Total. M. chs. 76 36 M. chs. M. chs. 27 62 11 21 M. chs. 126 78 M. chs. M. chs. 248 4 152 39 M. chs. 94 58 M. chs. 56 46 M. chs. 18 66 M. chs. 32 71 M. chs. 24 76 M. chs. 40 19 M. chs. 911 16



The sections included in the lines opened during the year are as follow:— M. chs. Hurunui-Waitaki Railway— Waipara to Waikari .. .. 9 10 Lincoln-Little River Branch— Lincoln to Birdling's Flat .. 16 72 Ashburton Branch— Westerfield to Anama .. 8 39 Palmerston-Waihemo Branch— For ballasting only .. .. 1 58 ■Edendale-Toitois Branch— Edendale to Wyndham .. 4 0 Total .. .. .. .. 40 19 In addition to the above the following sections are fast approaching completion, and of these, seven miles fourteen chains of the Albury Creek Section will be ready for opening next month :— M. chs. Oxford-Malvern Line .. .. .. 11 44 Albury-Fairlie Creek Branch .. .. .. 10 36 Orepuki Branch —Roundhill Section .. .. .. 1 30 Total .. .. .. .. . 23 30 The new sections and extensions commenced during the year are as follow : — Picton-Hurunui Railway— Waikari to Hurunui, including M. chs. Hurunui Bridge .. .. 8 64 Oxford-Malvern Line — Malvern Section .. .. 3 9 Little River-Akaroa Branch — Lake Forsyth Section .. 1 32 Otago Central Railway— Deep Stream Section .. 4 22 Catlin's River Branch-—■ Puerua, Section No. 2 .. 0 76 Waipahi-Heriot Burn Branch —Swift Creek Section .. .. 4 35 Edendale-Toitois Line— Mokoreta Section .. .. 3 53 Seaward Bush Line— Appleby Section .. .. 3 0 Total .. .. .. .. 29 51 Contracts are also in preparation for the following'extensions:— Nelson-Roundell Line .. Section along Wai-iti Valley. Picton-Hurunui Line .. „ from Hurunui to Pahau. Ashburton Branch . . „ „ Anama to Road Bridge, over Ashburton River. Palmerston Branch .. ~ ~ Seventh mile to Macrae's Road Junction. Kelso-Gore Line .. „ at Kelso End. Waimea-Switzers' Branch . . „ from Riversdale into Waikaia Valley. Seaward Bush Branch .. „ „ Third mile onwards. Of the works named in the last two lists the Seaward Bush, Waimea-Switzers', and KelsoGore are entirely new lines, now opened out for the first time. Nelson to Roundkll Railway. The only construction-works actually in hand on this line during the year are engine-shed and small workshop at Nelson, stationmaster's house at Belgrove, and river-protective works at the Wai-iti, all of which are either finished or making satisfactory progress. A tender has just been accepted for waiting-rooms and other minor additions at Wakefield, Richmond, and Brightwater; and a contract has been prepared for a small extension of the line up the Wai-iti Valley from Belgrove. Westport to Ngakawau Railway. Railway. —The construction-works done on this line during the year have been small and unimportant. They consist of additions to rolling-stock and wharf plant, minor station improvements, river protection, and removal of snags. Westport Harbour Works.- —The training-wall on the northern side of the Buller River, commenced in December, 1881, has been carried steadily on during the year: 5,700 tons of stone has been deposited, making 280 lineal feet of wall, the average cost being about £9 10s. per foot. The material was at first obtained from the Fairdown Quarries, but a contract has recently been entered into for a supply from Granity Creek, near Ngakawau, where the quality of the stone is better and a greater quantity procurable. Although further to carry in the latter case, the total cost is much the same from both places. The Westport harbour works are practically only commencing, consequently it will be premature to look for any marked benefit from them for a long time to come. The following table, compiled from information kindly supplied by the Harbourmaster,



shows the depth on the Buller bar at each high water of spring- and neap-tides from June, 1879, to March, 1883:—

The figures for the past year still further bear out the remark in my last annual report, that there is no material alteration taking place in the depth of water on the bar, and no strongly-marked variation throughout the year. GrREYMOUTH TO NeLSON CIIEEIC RAILWAY. Railway. —The expenditure on this line during the past year has been very small, the only works being the completion of the engine-shed and workshop at Greymouth that were in hand at the beginning of the year, small additions to stations, and other minor improvements. It is, however, proposed to make a considerable extension to the wharfage accommodation at Greymouth, to meet the increasing traffic of the port. Greymouth Harbour Works. —This work has progressed during the past year at much the same rate as in the previous one, the quantity of materials quarried and deposited having been 88,400 tons, as against 86,500 in 1881-82. The advance of the breakwater is not, however, nearly so great; it has only been 310 feet, as against 830 in the previous year. This is, of course, due to the greater depth of water and the extra strength required to resist the increasing force of the sea as the breakwater goes further out. The quantities of the various works are —56,237 tons of stone quarried and placed in the breakwater, making 310 lineal feet; and 32,121 tons of quarry refuse deposited behind the river training-wall, making 1 rood and 15 poles of reclamation. The average cost of all the material in place is 2s. 10|d. per ton—that is, fd. per ton more than it was in 1881-82. This small increase is attributable to the longer lead, and the necessity for using heavier blocks. A.s already shown, the size and strength of the breakwater increases as it goes out, and so also does its cost, the ratio up to date being as follows: — 1880-81 —Mound on beach and river training-wall .. £5 per lineal foot 1881-82—River training-wall and shore end of breakwater .. £14 „ 1882-83—Breakwater .. .. .. .. £41 „ Sir John Coode estimated the cost of the southern training-wall and breakwater at £105,000, its length being 2,900 feet. Of this 2,120 feet have been constructed, at a cost of £32,000, which leaves an average of £93 per foot from the remainder. Although it is still impossible to speak with certainty on the subject, I think that we may safely assume that the estimate is sufficient. The total length of the training-wall and breakwater constructed to date is 32 chains, of which the last eight or nine chains are beyond the general line of the beach. The works are now exposed to a considerable force of sea, but, beyond flattening the slopes, the wall is little affected, and even this is not more than was expected. A smaller section of wall would be sufficient if larger blocks of stone were used, but the cost would be much the same, consequently it is advisable to continue the present plan a while longer. The beneficial effect of the training-wall and breakwater on the Grey River is now beyond doubt. Not only is the depth increased, but the channel is kept in a more direct course across the bar. Formerly it frequently happened that, while there was a sufficient depth, the navigation was stopped on account of the "unfavourable position and crookedness of the channel; whereas during the past year>there has been little interruption from this cause. The following table, which gives an abstract of the depths for the last three years, shows the alteration that is taking place:—

1879-80. 1880-81. 1SS 1-82. 1882-83. Month. Spring-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides: Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, Depth on Bar, in feet. in feet. Spring-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides : Neap-tides : Depth on Bar, Depth on Bar, in feet. in feet. ipril .. May .. fune .. Fuly .. Vug. .. Sept. .. )ct. .. 14},' 14 1S|, 12J 12, 13} 13, 12 12J, 18|, 13 13}, 12 12}, 11} 121, 12J 12}, 12} 14J, 13} 12, 121 11}, 10f 11, 131 11, Hi 10, 111 10!, 1OI ii}, n| 10J, 9| ll}, 10 ll|, 10 13, 13 12J, 14 12,' 14 12, 14 12, 13 13, 14 14, 14 15, 13} 14, 13 15, 14, 14 13, 15 15, 14 11, 10 10, 11, 12 12, 12 11, 12 11, 12 11, 11} 12, 12 13, 11} 12}, 11 12, 13 10}, 11} 11, 10 13}, 13 12, 12} 13, 11 13, 14} 13}, 14 13}, 12 15}, 15 14}, 13} 13}, 14 13, 14} 12, 14} 12}, 15 11, 11} 10, 11} 11, 13 10, 12 12, 12 11, 10} 12, 11, 13 10}, 12} H}, 11} 11, 11} 11, 11 11, 10} 12}, 14 12, 14} 15}, 14} 14, 13, 14 13, 14 14, 16} 14}, 15 13, 15 14, 13} 14, 14 14}, 13 13}, 11} 11}, 11 11}, 12 13, 12 12, 11 12, 10} 11}, 13} 12}, 12} 13, 13 12}, 14 11, 12 12, 12 10, 10} 3cc. .. ran. ?eb. .. Vlarcli..



The depth of water on the Grey bar at each high water of spring- and neap-tides every month, from June, 1879, to March, 1883, is given in the following statement, prepared from information kindly furnished by the harbour authorities: —

Greymouth to Hokitika Railway. With the exception of making arrangements for the supply of sleepers for the section from Hokitika to Arahura, no works have been in progress nor put in hand on this line during the past year. PICTON TO HuRUNUI RAILWAY. Section, Picton to Blenheim. —There have practically been no construction-works done on this section during the year. The Blenheim goods-shed, which had been destroyed by fire, was re-erected by this Department for the Working Railways Department, and paid for out of revenue. Section, Blenheim to Awatere. —The Vernon formation contract, extending 4| miles southwards from Blenheim, which was in progress at the beginning of the year, is now completed. A contract survey has also been made for a further section of 6 miles, which brings the line to Dashwood Pass. This is the heaviest portion of the line between Blenheim and Awatere. The summit level at the Pass is 506 feet above the sea, and it is approached by gradients of 1 in 53 on the northern and linso on the southern side; the longest inclines being 3 miles of lin 53 and 2\ of 1 in 50; the minimum curves are 8J chains radius. There is nothing that can be called " engineering difficulties,-" but the formation for about four miles is somewhat heavy: it comprises nine principal cuttings from 5 to 12 chains long and 30 to 65 feet extreme depth; also two small tunnels of the aggregate length of 5 chains through spurs; there is no tunnel at the summit. The bridging is however, remarkably light, there being only two or three watercourses that cannot be spanned by ordinary culverts. A preliminary survey has been carried six miles beyond the Dashwood Pass and across the Awatere to a point near Starborough Homestead: it shows that a good line can be got at a moderate cost. Hurunui to Waitaki Railway, with Branches. Main Line Extension. —Pending the settlement of the question as to which route is to be adopted for the main line, the section from Hurunui to Pahau lias, in the Appropriation Act, been included under the head of Picton-Hurunui Railway. I shall, however, refer to it here, for until the railway is connected right through it must necessarily form a portion of the Hurunui-Blnff system. No construction-work has yet been done on the section, but the working survey is finished and the contract plans are in hand. This brings the railway to the crossing of the main road about 2\ miles from the Rec^Post, a very central position, which may well be made the terminus in this direction for, some years to come. As stated in last year's report, the levels and alignment of the Pahau Section are first-class, and the works are of the lightest possible description, so much so that it will be advisable to let the formation and ballasting in one contract, for much of the grading can be done in ballasting.

uml >er oi >ays in each Year on w] occurred. uc. Iep1 Depth of Water on Bar. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1882-83 Under 10 feet 10 feet and under 12 feet .. 12 feet and under 14 feet .. 14 feet and under 16 feet .. 16 feet and ovor 165 140 57 3 Nil. 130 144 90 2 Nil. 16 78 230 40 1

1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. 188! 1-83. Month. Spring-tides : Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides : Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides : Depth on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides : Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Depth on Bar, in feet. Vpril .. Vlay .. Fune .. Fuly .. Uig. .. Sept. .. )ct. .. 13i, 12i 12, 13j 13, 12 12£, 18|, 13 18J, 12 12i, Hi 12i, 12i 12}, 12J 14£, 18J 12,"l2£ 11J, 10} 11, 11| II, llj 10, 11J 10J, 10J III, Hf 10J, 9| HJ, 10 Hi, io 13, 13 12J, 14 12, 14 12, 14 12, 13 13, 14 14, 14 15, 134 14, 13 15, 14, 14 13, 15 15, 14 11, 10 10, 11, 12 12, 12 11, 12 11, 12 11, 114 12, 12 13, llj 124, H 12, 13 104, Hi 11, 10 104, 12, 12 13, 8 11, 104 11, 10 124, 14 13, 12 12, 114 11, ll| 104, 12 124, 134 12, 13 114, 13 ■9, 94 84, 64 74, 94 10, 6| 84, Hi n, n 9, 10 ' 9, 8, 9 10, Hi 124, Hi 104, 13 10, 11 Hi, is 13, 15 12, 13 12, 12, 12 12, 13 14, 13 12, 14 12, 11 10J, 14 13, 12 13, 14 12, 11 12, 12 13, 12 12, 12 114, 12 9, 13 11, 11 12, 12 13, 12 11, 13 13, 12, 15 12 13, 13 STov. .. Deo. Fan. ?eb. .. Har. ..



Section, Waikari to Hurunui. —The Weka Pass section, which was all but finished at the date of my last annual report, was opened for public traffic on the 17th April. Since that time there have been a few small slips in the cuttings, but, considering the magnitude of the works, they are of little importance, and no serious damage of this kind need now be apprehended. The Horseley Downs contract, which brings the formation up to the southern bank of the Hurunui River, is fast approaching completion. The only works not yet finished are the fencing and the general trimming up of earthworks. A contract for the erection of the bridge over the Hurunui River was entered into in December, but the works are behind-hand: beyond providing materials, nothing has yet been done. The bridge, which is 1,632 feet long, is of timber of the ordinary type. It has forty main spans of 40 feet, and four end spans of 8 feet. Main Line : Works on Open Line. —Although not so active as in previous years, the denudation of the cliffs by the sea at Timaru still continues, and it is necessary from time to time to make good and extend the protective works. The expenditure under this head during the past year was about £700, as against £1,200 in 1881-82; but a further expenditure will be required forthwith between Whale's Creek and the town. Altogether about £7,700 has been expended up to this date on the Timaru protective works. Considerable additions are being made to the Addington workshops. The smiths' and boilermakers' shops are quite finished, the carriage shop and water-tower are nearly finished, and the machine shop, drainage, and other works in the yard are well advanced. A footbridge is in progress over the Christchurch station-yard at Madras Street. It is 370 feet long, and has stairs leading both on to the railway platforms and the streets. The work of reconstructing the Timaru station is fast approaching completion. The new engine-shed is all finished except the concrete floor, which it was afterwards decided to put in. There is nothing remaining to be done to the new passenger station but the furnishing and some minor fittings, and the laying of the yard is well advanced. An addition is also being made to the goods shed. These improvements have made the Timaru station very convenient and commodious, and capable of accommodating an immense traffic. The other more important construction-works carried out or in progress on the open portions of the main line during the year are—Flood openings at Rolleston and Winslow; goodssheds at Ealing, Rangitata, and Otaio ; cattle-yards at Rangitata and Tinwald; new water services and extensions at Waikari, Waipara, Amberley, Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Rolleston, Rakaia, and Winchester; shelter-shed and platform at North "Selwyn; platelayers' cottages at Waikari and Winslow; coal-sheds at Rangiora, Rolleston, and Ashburton; and additions to sidings and station-buildings at Waikari, Belfast, Papanui, Addington, Ashburton, St. Andrew's, and Makikihi. Old Branches. —Besides minor extensions and improvements, the following constructionworks have been carried out or put in hand on these lines during the year : —Lyttelton Branch : Footbridge, 154 feet long, over Lyttelton Station-yard, and new station, with two cottages, at Hillsborough. Oxford and Eyfeton Branches : Water services at West Oxford and Cust, and coal-shed at West Oxford. Southbridge Branch : Coal-sheds at Southbridge and Ellesmere, and water service at Southbridge. Springfield and White Cliffs Branches: Coal-sheds at Darfield and White Cliffs, and additional sidings at South Malvern. Albury Branch : Removal and reerection of Pleasant Point Station, cattle-yards at Albury, and coal-shed at Pleasant Point. Lincoln-Little River Branch. —The first section of this line, from Lincoln to Birdling's Flat, 16 miles 72 chains, was open for public traffic on the 7th June; and a contract has since been entered into for the formation of another small section, 1^ miles, along the shore of Lake Forsyth. Ashburton Branch. —The section from near Westerfield to Anama, 10 miles 70 chains, was opened on the 7th October. This completes the branch to 19j miles. A contract for a further section of 2^ miles is now in preparation : it terminates near the road bridge over the Ashburton River, opposite the Mount Somers Township. Albury-Fairlie Creek Branch. —-The formation of the Albury Downs Section, which had come to a standstill through the insolvency of the contractors, was re-let to the sureties in August, and the works have just been completed. They were retarded considerably by heavy slips in the large cuttings. A contract was let for the platelaying during the currency of the formation contract, and it also is nearly finished; so the section to Winscombe, 7\ miles, is expected to be ready for opening in a week or two. The formation of the remainder of the line to Fairlie Creek, partly done by the " unemployed " in 1880, is being finished by day labour, and it is proposed to do the platelaying as an extra on the present contract; consequently the whole line will be finished in a few months. Canterbury Interior Main Line. The contract for the completion of the Waimakariri Gorge Section was completed in October, and the West Oxford contract, which includes formation and platelaying, is expected to be finished during the ensuing month. Tenders are also in for the completion of the line from the Waimakariri to Sheffield, a distance of three and a quarter miles. This is the last link required in completing the connection between Oxford and Malvern; the time given for the work is four months.



Waitaki to Bluff Railway, with Branches. Main Line: Works on Open Line.—As in 1881-82, the works in progress on the line itself during the past year are few and unimportant, but the station works are of considerable magnitude. The former include no new work demanding special notice, and the old ones were dealt with in my last annual report. The most important construction-works in progress on the main line during the year were the stations at Dunedin, Invercargill, and Bluff, and the workshops at Hillside. The large reclamation contract for the Dunedin goods-station—44 acres —-which has been in progress since 1879, was practically completed in February; but a small portion at the southern end is not quite up to the proper level, so it had to be gone over again; this is now being done, and the whole work is expected to be finished in about two months. The second contract, for reclaiming about three acres at the northern end for a portion of the passenger station, was finished in July; and arrangements have been made with the Corporation under which the remainder of the reclamation in this place will be done with materials from the cutting in Dowling Street. An instalment of the new goods-sidings, to accommodate the coal traffic, and so relieve the Harbour Board's sections in Crawford Street, was ready in May, and the remainder of the station-yard is in progress. A contract for ballasting has been entered into ; it is proceeding vigorously, and the platelaying and other works which come after it are well in hand. A contract for the erection of four goods-sheds, of an aggregate length of 1,750 feet, was entered into at the end of May. Two of them—9oo feet—were completed considerably within contract time, and, judging from the present rate of progress, the same thing will occur in the case of the other two. Designs have been prepared for the bridge over the goods-station near Jetty Street. The piers are made of malleable iron, supported on concrete blocks, and the superstructure consists of two iron-plate girders, with cross-girders of the same materials, iron floor-plates, and a roadway of timber cubes. There are twelve spans of 55 feet; the roadway is 25 feet wide, with an 8-foot footpath on each side. It was at first intended to send Home for the ironwork in the usual way, but with the view of giving the local industry question a fair trial it is now intended to call for tenders for the manufacture of the bridge in the colony. Time will be given to import the materials, but all the work of making, fitting, and erecting is to be done in New Zealand. The bridge is a plain structure, made of ordinary forms of iron, no special machinery is required, and the labour of erecting is probably as great as that of making; consequently the conditions are very favourable to the colonial manufacturer. A contract is about to be advertised for goods offices in connection with the new station at Dunedin, and designs for the passenger-station building are in hand. Extensive alterations and improvements, amounting to an entire remodelling of the station, are in progress at Invercargill. The circular engine-shed in course of erection at the end of last year was finished in February. A contract for the erection of a goods-shed 300 feet long was entered into in December; the work is expected to be finished next month. Tenders have also been accepted for coal-store and coal-loading appliances, and for the various works connected with the water supply. As. the rearrangement of the yard and buildings interfered with the traffic, the work is being done by the Working Railways Department. Improvements and extensions are also in progress at the Bluff Station. They consist mainly of a coal-store, additions to sidings and buildings, and a general re-arrangement and enlargement, to meet the increasing demands of the traffic. Large additions are being made to the workshops at Hillside. The carriage-shed is doubled, the addition being 120 feet long by 95 feet broad; and the main shop is increased by a block of building 230 feet long by 48 feet broad. The former is now practically finished, and the latter is expected to be finished about the end of May. The Locomotive Department is putting up and rearranging the machinery and fittings. In addition to the principal works above described and others of a minor character that it is unnecessary to enumerate, the following have been carried out or put in hand on the main line during the past year: Filling lagoon at Oamaru, extra lining in tunnels, station approaches at Mihiwaka, retaining-wall at Waipahi; general improvement of stations at Burkes, Ravensbourne, Burnside, Arthurton, Pukerau, Otakerama, Waikaka, and Gore; refreshment-rooms at Palmerston, stationmasters' houses at Pukerau and Gore, four workmen's cottages at various places, eleven shelter-sheds at various places; cattle-yards at Waikouaiti, Waihola, and Gore; water service at Clinton; additions to sidings at Oamaru, Deborah, Palmerston, Waitati, and Milton; and the conversion of blind sidings into loops on the whole length of the line. Old Branches. —The more important works in hand on these lines during the year are as follow : On the Duntroon and Ngapara Branches—Relaying with heavier rails, and general improvements of a minor character at stations : about 9 miles have been relaid on the Duntroon, and 10 miles on the Ngapara line. On the Port Chalmers Branch—the completion of small works, such as fencing, metalling approach, approach-roads, and lighting at the station and wharves at Port Chalmers. A contract is, however, in preparation for an extension of the George Street Wharf, and the construction of a large crane.



Ngapara-Livingstone Branch. —The only work in progress during the past year is the tunnel at llakis Table, which is now nearly finished. On account of the softness of the limestone rock through which the tunnel is driven it was considered advisable to line it throughout. Tenders are now advertised for the -second tunnel, 286 yards long, which practically completes the formation for 12 miles. P aimer ston-Waihemo Branch. —This line is complete for If miles, and the earthwork-is finished to 1\ miles. It is therefore only necessary to carry on the formation \\ miles further, erect the bridges on the portion already formed, and do the platelaying and stations, in order to complete the line to Jordan's, at the junction of the Macrae's Road, which would be a convenient terminus for some years to come. A contract for the formation and bridges above referred to is now in preparation. Catlin's River Branch. —The section of this branch provided for under the Loan Act terminates near the crossing of the Port Molyneux Road, seven miles from the main line. Of this distance the earthworks are in progress for 5| miles. All that is required to complete the formation is a bridge over the Puerua Stream, and the earthworks for 1| miles, neither of which is a heavy work. Waipahi-Heriot Burn Branch. —A contract for the extension of the line from Kelso to the Township of Heriot, A\ miles, was entered into in August, and the work is expected to be finished in five or six weeks. Tenders are now advertised for sleepers, and the platelaying will be put in hand so soon as advices are received of the shipment of rails, there being none at present available in the colony. Heriot Township is exactly twenty miles from the junction with the main line at Waipahi. With the exception of painting bridges, and other equally unimportant works, there was nothing done on the open portion of the Waipahi-Heriot Burn Branch during the past year. Edendale-Toitois Branch. —The first section of the line from Edendale to Wyndham, 4 miles, was finished and open for public traffic in October. The second formation section, 3f miles, was begun in May, but the contractor absconded when the works were about half finished, and it had to be relet. This was only done a few weeks since, so very little has yet beeii done by the new contractor. The working plans of the continuation of this brauth to the Waimak Creek, nineteen and a half miles from Edendale, are now complete. Seaward Bush Branch. —A formation contract has just been entered into for the first section of this line, 3 miles ; and a contract for a further section of the same kind is in course of preparation. The line adopted is the one recommended by the Commission appointed for the purpose in 1881. It leaves the Invercargill-Bluff Railway at a point about one and one-eighth miles from the Invercargill station, and strikes right into the Seaward Bush. The works generally are light, the ruling gradient is 1 in 60, and the sharpest curve 20 chains radius. Kelso-Gore Railway. —A working survey is in progress for 6 miles of this line at the Kelso end, and tenders will be called for the formation as soon as the contract has been prepared. The alignment and levels are good, and the works comparatively light. Waimea-Switzers Branch. —The preparation of a formation contract to absorb the vote of last session has been ordered. As the works are remarkably light, it will extend over about seven miles. Otago Central Railway. The work on the Wingatui Section during the year has been practically confined to the driving of the tunnels. The smaller one is quite finished, and the larger one nearly finished, there being now onl3' about a chain to drive. This, and a small quantity of earthwork and general trimming up, completes the work on the section. A contract was entered into last month for the formation of 4| miles beyond Deep Stream. This is one of the most difficult pieces of the line, there being a regular succession of heavy rock cuttings. The detailed survey of the portion of the Otago Central Railway between Hyde and the Rough Ridge that was in progress at the end of last year is now finished. This gives us a continuous working survey from Dunedin to the Hawea Lake. Invercargill-Kingston Railway, with Branches. The only extension undertaken or in progress during the year is a small platelaying section on the Mararoa Branch, a contract for which is now in preparation. A considerable number of minor improvements and additions on the open line from Invercargill to Kingston have been in hand, the principal works being as follow: River protective works and additional water-openings in the Upper Mataura Valley, general improvements at Winton and Lumsden, three .glatelayers' cottages at various places, and shelter-sheds and other additions at Dipton, Five Rivers, and Garston. Western Railways. Open Lines. —The works on these during the year have been comparatively small and unimportant. They consist mainly of large culvert at Waimatuku, goods-sheds at Fairfax and Wairio, cattle-yards at Otautau; workmen's cottages at Thornbury, Otautau, and Wairio; sidings at Fairfax, and water service at Otautau. 9—D. 1.



Riverton-Orepuki Line. —The first section of this line beyond Colac Bay, which was let to the contractor who had the Mokoreta Section, came to a standstill when he left the country. It was relet a few weeks ago to another contractor, who is expected to finish it next month. After making satisfactory progress for some months, the contractors for the Pahia Section got into difficulties, and the works were temporarily suspended. A transfer was ultimately made to another contractor, who is pushing on vigorously. At the present rate of progress he will probably finish in July or August. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Nelson District. Pelorus Valley Road. —On the main road from Blenheim to Nelson, via Rai Valley, 14^ miles have been finished, and lOJr are in progress; only leaving six or seven miles on which no work has vet been done. This, and the erection of a cart bridge over the Pelorus River, are the only works wanting to make tlio whole of the road available for wheel traffic. A contract is in preparation for the Pelorus Bridge. The branch road from Canvas Town up the Wakamarina Valley ■to Deep Creek is finished, ?,nd a mail coach now runs from Blenheim to Deep Creek. Tracks in Pelorus Sound. —The works in progress at the end of last year have been finished, and one or two others of a similar kind have been done, but they are not of sufficient importance to describe. Loiver-Moutere Roads. —A contract has been prepared for a diversion along the Company's ditch three-quarters of a mile, together with the repairs of damages to other portions of the road in the same locality; and a second contract for works at Moutere Bridge has been ordered. Wairau Bridge. —A tender has just been accepted for the erection of a cart-bridge over the Wairau at Gouland's Ferry, od the Picton-Blenheim Road. It is an ordinary timber structure, consisting of five spans of 80 and four spans of 20 feet. Clarence Bridge. —Advices having been received of the shipment of the ironwork for this bridge, a contract for the erection is. in preparation. Kaikoura-Clarence Road. —A survey is in progress for a properly-graded bridle-track, to be afterwards used as a dray-road round and southwards of the Ohau Hill. It is proposed to leave the carrying-out of the works in the hands of the County Council. Tophouse and Tarndale Road. —Small deviations have been made to improve the gradient at Ray's Saddle and in the Big Bush, which were two of the worst places between Belgrove and Tophouse. A very heavy piece of rock-cutting, If miles, has been finished through the Wairau Gorge, and a smaller one of much the same character is in progress. Nelson—Butter Valley Road. —The road has been improved at Spooner's Range, Clark Valley, and the Owen River. Although only extending over about four miles, these works are of great benefit, for they do away with very steep gradients and sharp bends. The gradient at Spooner's Range is altered from 1 in 7 to 1 in 12J, and that at the Owen River from 1 in 7 to 1 in 10. The Owen Bridge, in progress at the date of my last report, was finished in August; and the Matiri Bridge, a contract for which was entered into early in the year, is now approaching completion : it has two spans of 80, and four of 20 feet. A tender has just been accepted for a bridge over Granity Creek : it has one span of 40 feet, one of 20 feet, and one of 10 feet. Westlanu District. Westport-Reefton Road. —The strengthening of the Blackwater Bridge, in progress at the end of last year, is completed. A contract was entered into in August for a bridge over the Inangahua River near its junction with the Buller. A considerable quantity of pile-driving has been done, and the work generally is progressing favourably. Reef ton-Grey mouth Road. —-The erection of a bridge over the Little Grey at Devery's Terrace, a contract for which was entered into at the end of last financial year, has been satisfactorily completed. This was the last unbridged river between Reefton and Greymouth. Bridge over the Grey at Cobden. —A contract for this bridge is in preparation. It is proposed to have iron cylinder piers and timber superstructure, the spans, of which there will be six, being 110 feet. In consequence of the size of the river and the nature of the bottom, it would not be advisable to adopt any cheaper form of construction. Greymouth-Okarito Road. —A. contract has just been entered into for the erection of a bridge over Donnelly's Creek, near Ross. It is of the usual type of timber bridges, and consists of five spans of 30 and two of &0 feet. Christchurch-Hokitika Road. The repairs and maintenance of the section on the western side of the range during the past year have been of the usual character, no extraordinary slip nor other damage having occurred. The maintenance on the eastern side was, however, above the average; the ordinary flood damage was considerable, and there were several serious river encroachments and slips. The


D.~ 1

maintenance of an additional 10 miles from Porter's Pass to the Kowai River has been taken over from the local authorities; it will cost about ,£2OO per annum. Plans have been prepared for a bridge over the Taipo River, a much-needed work. In consequence of the size of the boulders in the river bed, and the suddenness and violence of the floods, it is necessary to adopt a design similar to the one for the Grey "at Cobden, already described. There will be four main spans of 110 feet, with several small ones at the end. The cylinders have been ordered from England, and tenders are now called for the supply of timber. Canterbury District. Kaikoura-Waiau Road. —The formation of the Wandell Section, of 3J miles, was completed in August, and a contract has just been entered into for metalling it. Another contract, for a further section of If miles, has also been let. The survey of the whole road has been completed for some time. Waiau Bridge. —The contract time for this work expired in January, but it is still far from completion. The delay has been caused by financial difficulties met with by the original contractor. The contract has, however, been, transferred, and the new contractor is pushing on vigorously. Hurunui-Greta Bridge. —This bridge is being thoroughly overhauled and painted by this department, at the joint expense of the Hon. W. Robinson and the Government. Bridge over the Waiau at Hanmer Plains. —This bridge, for which a vote was taken last session, has not yet been commenced. The delay is owing to the difficulty of finding a site at which a bridge can be erected at anything like a reasonable cost. The best site is immediately above the gorge; but the river rises very much at this place, and the bottom is shingle, overlying a ledge of rocks; consequently masonry or iron cylindrical piers of a very expensive character must be adopted. With such piers long spans are a necessity; and this, in turn, makes it almost as cheap to have the superstructure of iron as of timber, there being no suitable timber anywhere in the locality. Altogether, there is not much chance of erecting a safe and permanent bridge over the Waiau at this place for less than about three times the amount in the last vote. Rakaia Gorge Bridge. —After great delay on the part of the contractor, this bridge was at length completed in November, the contract time having been exceeded by more than a year. A contract has also been prepared and tenders have just come in for a bridge over the flood channel on the southern side of the river. It is a timber structure of four spans—one of 120 feet, and three of from 19 feet to 22 feet. The two main piers are of concrete, and the others of timber framing. Otago District. Waikari-Waitati Road.—The only work done during the year by the department is the completion of small sections commenced out of the vote for 1881-82. The bulk of last year's vote has been handed over to the Waikouaiti County for expenditure, together with the necessary plans and sections for acquiring the land and carrying out the work. Maori Kaik Road. —A small balance that was available has been expended in improving the portion of the road previously made. Brighton Road. —A survey was made by this department, but the expenditure of the vote was subsequently intrusted to the Taieri County. Taieri Bridge. —A survey of the site has been made, and a design prepared, for a new bridge over the Taieri on the Main South Road. It is to replace a timber one erected in 1863, and which is now in an advanced state of decay. The new bridge is to be all of iron, except the roadway beams and flooring, which will be of timber. The piers are to be of iron cylinders filled with concrete, and the superstructure lattice-girders, carrying the roadway on the lower chords, the clear width being 16 feet. There are six spans of 80 feet, and the whole is expected to be finished for about £8,000, the amount voted last year. The order for the ironwork has been sent Home. Bridge over the Clutha at Beaumont.—Surveys and designs have been made for a bridge over the Clutha at Beaumont, to replace the one carried away by the flood of 1868. For much the same reason given in the case of the Hanmer Plains Bridge, it is necessary to adopt expensive piers, and, as a further consequence, long spans and iron girders. The river, which is rapid and deep at all times, is confined between rocks, on which masonry piers will be built. The general design of the girder is the same as the Taieri one, but the main spans are longer; there are three spans of 115 feet, and two of 58 feet 6 inches. As the vote of last year is only a grant in aid, it is proposed that the Government should import the ironwork, leaving the erection to the county. Bridge over the Clutha at Roxburgh. —This bridge is also to replace one carried away by the flood of 1868. As the water on that occasion rose to upwards of 20 feet above the highest flood level shown on the original bridge drawings, a similar structure would not suit, and, for the same reason, the old masonry, which is still standing, cannot be utilized. A new site was therefore selected a few chains further down, where the river flows in a deep rocky gorge. The bridge is on the suspension principle, 4he cables being made of steel-wire rope; the span is 270 feet.



Haast Pass Track. —The vote of last session is now being expended in improving the gradients, clearing obstructions, and generally improving the track throughout, more particularly on the summit and the western side of the range, where it is more subject to injury by the weather. WATER-RACES. The maintenance and working of the water-races are now entirely in the hands of the Mines Department, consequently it is unnecessary to submit the usual report by the Resident Engineer of West]and. The only new works and extensions in progress during the year are on the Argyle, Waimea, and Mikonui Races. The work of improving and enlarging the Argyle Race has been continued during the year. The tunnel referred to in the last annual report was finished in September; and since then the enlargement of the race further down has been in hand. The improvement and enlargement of the supply races was completed early in the year. The extension of the branch race near Goldsborough for a distance of 45 chains is the only construction-work in progress on the Waimea Race proper during the year. On the extension to Kumara the enlargement of the main distribution race has been continued, and is now approaching completion. A contract for the supply-dam in Kapitea Valley was also entered into in December, and the works are making satisfactory progress. The two contracts in hand on the Mikonui Race at the beginning of the year are expected to be finished in two or three months. No new works have been commenced, but it is proposed to call for tenders shortly for a section of the large tunnel at the Ross end. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. The most important works under this head carried out or in progress during the year are the Fernhill Branch Railway and the Forest Hill Tramway. The Fernhill Railway is a branch leaving the main line at Abbotsford, and running If miles, to the Fernhill Colliery, It is being constructed by the department, under the provisions of the Act of 1881, for and at the expense of the Fernhill Coal Company. The line, which is substantially constructed, has a ruling gradient of lin 37, and minimum curves of 6 chains radius. The incline is, however, in favour of the traffic. The works are expected to be finished in May or June. The first section, 5j miles, of the Forest Hill Tramway was finished in September, and a contract is in preparation for another one of much the same length. It is proposed that the Southland County shall work the line, suitable cars and trucks being provided by the Government. It is unnecessary to do more than enumerate the other miscellaneous works that have been in hand during the year. They comprise the following, most of which have been done for other departments: Erection of training-wall at Collingwood; removal of old wharf, and erection of boat wharf, at Picton; erection of jetty to powder hulk, Dunedin; removal of rocks, Catlings River; construction of cattle quarantine station at Port Chalmers; construction of tracks— Mokihinui to Halcyon Reef, Grey Valley to Teremakau, and Cobden to Coal Creek; Crown Lands roads in Southland, at Wilson's crossing, Ototara Bush, Tomogalak Creek, Forest Hill, and Makarewa; and the manufacture of sundry articles of railway plant at Christchurch and Dunedin. BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings in the Middle Island during the past financial year is as follows :— £ s. d. Judicial . . .. .. .. .. .. 10,908 18 2 Postal and Telegraph .. . . .. .. 628 12 0 Customs .. .. .. .. . . . . 192 16 2 Lunatic Asylums .. .. .. .. .. 29,802 14 11 Miscellaneous repairs, alterations, &c. . . .. .. 7,666 2 1 Total .. .. .. .. £49,199 3 4 Enclosure No. 2, hereto appended, gives in tabular form an abstract of what has been done during the year, and shows the present state of the work on each building. It will be seen that upwards of fifty buildings have been dealt with in various ways, of which ten are entirely new. As noticed in previous reports, the most important are the lunatic asylums at Sunnyside and Seacliff. The additions to the female division at Sunnyside that were in progress at the beginning of the year have been finished, but no further building has been done; it is, however, intended to put the central or administrative block in hand forthwith. Arrangements are also being made to proceed with the drainage, in accordance with the recommendation of the Engineer to the Drainage Board; but, in consequence of the subsoil being saturated with water, very little can be done during the winter months. Notwithstanding that pressure has been brought to bear on him, the contractor for the Seacliff building is not making such progress as he ought to do, and the contract time will be



greatly exceeded. It is probable, however, that the central and two adjoining blocks will be ready for occupation in September, which will enable the patients in the old asylum to be removed, and possession of the site given to the High School Governors, for which they are pressing. The reservoir for supplying water to the asylum is finished, also the main drain for the sewage, and arrangements are being made for completing the water connections and smaller drains, SURVEYS. General. —In addition to the surveys for authorized sections, which have been dealt with under their respective heads, several reconnaissance and preliminary surveys have been made for unauthorized lines and sections, as follow : — Main Trunk Line. —The preliminary survey of the section of the coast line between the Waiau and Kahautera, in progress at the date of my last annual report, was completed early in the year. It gives full information with reference to what may be considered the key to the whole of the East Coast route, for this is much the roughest piece of country anywhere between Christchurch and Picton. The length of the section is twenty-seven miles, and of this distance nine miles are easy, eleven moderately rough, and seven exceedingly rough; the latter bears a general comparison to the country between Dunedin and Blueskin, only somewhat rougher. The ruling gradient is 1 in 50, and the longest incline at this rate four and a quarter miles, the greatest altitude attained being 495 feet. The preliminary survey has been made to curves of 10 chains radius, but it is questionable whether it would not be necessary to adopt a lower minimum in setting out the line permanently. The section crosses two main Saddles—one at Hawkeswood, the watershed between the Waiau and the Conway ; and the other between Limestone Stream, a tributary of the Conway, and the Okaria, a small stream that flows into the sea on the southern side of the Amuri Bluff. The line attains a level of 390 feet at Hawkeswood, but the works are not exceptionally heavy, there being only an open cutting at the summit. The heaviest works on the section occur at the Okaria Saddle and on the inclines leading to it from both sides. The summit tunnel is 66 chains long, and there is another of 61 chains through a low range on the southern incline, with several smaller ones through spurs. Heavy works occur again along the beach from the Oara or Owaru to the Kahautera, the most important being a tunnel 20 chains long through a projecting bluff. It is probable, however, that this could be reduced to 12 chains in setting out the line for contract. The preliminary survey shows altogether twenty tunnels, of the aggregate length of 295 chains; but this could possibly be reduced by about 25 chains. The tunnels near the Okaria Saddle are expected to be through limestone and other soft materials, but those along the beach will be through hard sandstone. The earthwork, rock-cutting, and bridging are also very heavy ; there is altogether 124 chains of bridging at various places, but the great majority are small; only 24 chains will require to be of special design. The twenty-seven miles from the Waiau to the Kahautera is estimated to cost, on the average, about £16,800 per mile, exclusive of stations and rolling stock—that is, about £4,000 a mile more than the first twenty miles of the main line north of Port Chalmers. East and West Coast Line. —A preliminary survey of the line via the Waiau Valley, Cannibal Gorge, and lleefton is in progress, but the work is not sufficiently advanced to give a correct idea of the character of the line at the main range—the most difficult part. The survey is finished from the commencement on the Amuri Plain, near the " Red Post," to the Hanmer Plains, a distance of twenty-one miles ; the country this far is very easy. Further information is also being obtained with reference to the Arthur's Pass route, particularly on the portion between the Otira River and Brunnerton, where no survey had -previously been made. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. —A survey is in progress of the line via the Wairiri Valley, its main object being to accommodate the Brockley Coal Mine, recently opened, and others likely to be opened up in the vicinity. The line is particularly easy to make, but it cannot be brought nearer than two miles to the mine without making it exclusively a mineral line. If the Rakaia-Arthur's Pass route were adopted for the West Coast railway a saving of several miles on the distance to Christchurch would be effected by following the Wairiri Valley. But, so far as accommodating the agricultural country is concerned, and as a link in the Canterbury interior main line, it is considerably inferior to the Hororata line previously adopted. The coal is, however, particularly good, and the field is extensive. A special report on the subject has been made by Dr. Hector and Mr. Cox. Land Surveys and Plans. —During the great rush of railway construction it was difficult to keep up the work connected with the acquiring of land, consequently it fell considerably behind. In 1880 arrangements were made to have the arrears brought up, but the staff was so small, in proportion to the other work of the department, that little could be done. This year, however, it has been pressed on, and the greater portion is expected to be finished in eight or ten months. Complete plans of the railway lands are being prepared, accompanied by schedules giving the following particulars : Owner'.g name, locality, distance from nearest town, area, and amount cf compensation. When completed, these plans and schedules will form a valuable public record,



GENERAL REMARKS. Departmental. —Although the actual expenditure during the past year has been somewhat smaller than of late years, the departmental work has been no less. About ninety regular contracts have been let during the year, and about thirty more are prepared or iv course of preparation, besides a great number of piecework and day-labour jobs. Among the new works there are fourteen large bridges of which eight are of special design. Prices and Labour. —Although the amount of private work throughout the Island has gradually decreased during the year, it has had no marked effect on the price of labour and material. There are few men seeking employment, and during the autumn months wages were higher than I have known since the gold-digging days. The normal rate for unskilled labour at present is Bs. per day. The past year seems to have been very bad for contractors; there have been a great number of failures and transfers. I do not, however, think this is so much attributable to the high price of labour and materials as to the tightness of the money market, and reckless competition on the jiart of men who have neither capital nor experience. It is difficult for the Government not to accept the lowest tender, so we are trying to remedy the evil by holding the sureties to their bonds, and enforcing the penalties for over-time more strictly than has hitherto been the practice. Number of Men on Works. —The following table gives the average number of men directly employed on public works in the various districts of the Middle Island during the past year, contractors' men being shown separately from those employed directly by Government:—

These numbers do not include contractors' men employed away from the works in shops or otherwise, nor men employed on construction-works by~the Working Railways Department. The number of men employed during the year on public buildings under charge of this department has been 135. Map. —The usual railway map of the Middle Island is hereto appended (Enclosure No. 3). It shows in distinctive lines the authorized railways made, in progress, and not commenced. Enclosures. —This report is accompanied by the following enclosures : —■ No. I. —Lengths of Railways authorized, constructed, surveyed, &c, Middle Island. ~ 2. —Statement of Works executed on Public Buildings. „ 3.—Map of Middle Island. I have, &c, W. N. Blair, Engineer in Charge, Middle Island,

District. Employed by Contract. Government Labour, including Surveys. Total Number Employed, 1882-83. Nelson and Marlborough. Westland Canterbury Otago ... Southland 116 91 200 221 109 1 110 65 54 4 117 201 265 275 113 Totals ... 737 234 971

MIDDLE ISLAND NEW ZEALAND 1883. W. N. Blair. M. Inst. C. E. Engineer in Charge DRAWN BY A. KOCH.



Enclosure 1 in Appendix J. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1883. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. Name of Line. Subdivision, Main Line. Appropriation. Mileage. Sidings. Total. Opened. Under Under K veyed. Formation. i*latelaying. ToJune, 1872. 1878-79. 1879-80.'l8S0-81. 1831-82. 1882-83. Total. i Date. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76. 1876-77.' 1877-78. 1 Q 3 M. ch. 52 0 4 5 M. eh. 1 0 18 73 3 0 19 24 9 63 7 50 6 M. oh. 0 21 2 2 0 29 7 II. eh. 1 21 20 75 3 29 19 24 9 63 11 2 8 M. ch. 9 Mi ch. 10 M. eh. 11 12 M. ch 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch.l 20 21 M. ch. 1 0j 22 M. ch. 23 M. .ch. 24 M. ch. 1 0 18 73 3 0 'elson-Greyniouth.. Nelson-Roundell .. Port Extension ' .. Nelson-Foxhill Belgrove Surveyed Trial survey Greymouth-Brunner-ton Extension Stillwater (portion).. 17 May, 1880 31 Jan., 1876 25 July, 1881 .. I 18 '73 I 3' 0 19 24 I Greyinouth - Nelson Greek 16 3 3'32 7 April, 1876. 750 ■• . . .. 750 Vestport-Ngakawau rreymouth-Hokitika Westport-Ngakawau Greyrnouth-Hokitika 19 63 23 51 !) » • •• Surveyed Station Westport Waimangaroa Ngakawau Survey of Extension Greyrnouth Paroa Hokitika Hampdon Street Surveyed Picton-Blenheim Blenheim Vernon Section Surveyed Surveyed (trial) Kahautera-Waiau .. Surveyed Reconnaissance Hurunui-Waikari .. Waikari-Waipara .. Waipara-Amberley .. Amberley-Ashley (part) Ashley-Eangiora Eangiora-Southbrook Southbrook-Kaiapoi Kaiapoi-Addington .. 0 5 0 59 0 4 7 45 0 29 6 20 3 60 8 70 0 44 3 51 0 77 3 0 0 19 15 o4 16 51 1 22 4 40 6 10 5 77 26 15 4 0 19 0 10 0 9 10 6 77 7 o4 3 63 1 71 1 63 5 1 11 68 1 73 1 55 0 10 0 19 0 5 0 59 0 4 7 45 2 22 7 75 3 70 9 9 0 44 3 51 0 77 3 0 0 19 15 o4 18 t>4 2 2 4 40 6 10 5 77 26 15 4 0 19 0 7*45 . 044 059 2 11 0 77 3 0 0 19 1 40 1 Feb., 1881 14 Mar., 1881 17 Dee., 1878 5 Aug., 1876 5 Aug., 1876 26 Sept., 1877 »., " ■ £>'2O " 3 60 ■ ■ 8'70| 6'29 __ I •• I 0 5 j 0 4 I ■••■ I .. ! •• .. I •■ ! •■ I 1 •• •• I .. « » - 0 5 6' 4 0 29 6 20 3 60 8 70 "icton-Hurunui Picton-Awatere I .. 2*13 0 60 15 64 •• I 34 40 18 Nov., 1875 24 May, 1880 16'51 •• i • *> 16*51 1 22 4 40 ! 1 22; * G 10 I ■ *l Kahautera-Waiau.. Waiau-Hurunui .. .. 26 15 23 0 Prelim. 4 0 survey '• .. •■ I lurunui - Waitaki, with Branches Main Line 196 63 • • l'io 8 40 17 April, 1882 6 Oct., 1880 3 Nov., 1876 9 Feb., 1876 17 April, 1875 5 Nov., 1872 2 Sept., 1872 1 April, 1872 9*10 9 10 6 77 7 64 3 63 1 71 1 63 5 1 11 68 7'64 3 63 .. 6 77 •■ 1*63 5 1 i 71 •• I •• I I lies " ■ .. I .. I .. .. I •■ i .. I .. 1 .. ••



Enclosure 1 in Appendix J— continued. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1883. MIDDLE ISLAND.

Appropriation. Name of Line. Mileage, i Subdivision. Main Line. Sidings. Total. o Under Under J mation. laying. State of Line. Opened. J t-iate-laying. T1872 le'1872- 78- 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76.11876-77. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80.! 1880-81. Date. 1831-82. 1882-83.1 Total. 1 - 2 3 M. ch. i Christchurch-Selwyn Selwyn-Dunsandel .. Dunsandel-Rakaia .. Rakaia-Ashburton .. Ashburton-Ealing .. Ealing-Woodbridge.. Woodbridge-Temuka Temuka-Timaru Timaru-St. Andrews St. Andrews-Otaio .. Otaio-Makikihi Makikihi-Hook Hook-North Waiitaki North Waitaki-South Waitaki 5 M. ch. 22 43 1 77 10 66 17 7 19 29 2 59 13 65 11 15 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 1 40 6 7 M. ch. 8 M. ch. 9 I M. oh.1 10 M. cl 11 2 Oct., 1867 15 Feb., 1873 29 May, 1873 4 Aug., 1874 31 May, 1875 24 Aug., 1875 4 Feb., 1876 22 Oct., 1875 1 July, 1876 1 Sept., 1876 30 Oct., 1876 1 Feb., 1877 1 Feb., 1877 17 April, 1876 12 M. ch. 22 43 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch.j 22 M. ch. 23 24 M. ch. 22 43 1 77 10 66 17 7 19.29 2 59 13 65 11 15 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 1 40 * 248 37 in 10 66 " I 51 54 if 7 19 29 ■• ! 1 ! 2 59 13 65 11 15 •• •• i ■' I I | 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 r __ " I I /' ' Branches, — Rangiora-Oxf ord.. 11 77 5 53 4 26 14 25 1 Dec, 1874 6 April, 1875 21 Julie, 1875 27 Dec, 1875 .. ,. -. 140 ■• • - I •• i r Eyreton (from Main Line) Lyttelton Southbridge Little River-Akaroa I 21 76 20 7 6 26 25 31 42 10 Rangiora-Cust Oust-Carlton Carlton-Oxford West Main Line - West Eyreton Eyreton-Bennett's .. Lyttelton - Christchurch Hornby-EUesmere .. Ellesmere - Southbridge Ellesmere Section .. Lake Forsyth Section Surveyed Reconnaissance Rolleston-Sheffield .. Sheffield-Springfield Springfield Coal-mine Darfield-Whiteclifis Tinwald-Westerfield Westerfield-Anama .. Washdyke - Pleasant Point Pleasant Point-Albury Albury Section 5 62 6 26 14 62 10 49 16 72 1 32 4 40 19 26 24 4 5 59 0 77 11 33 10 47 8 39 8 67 i 1 49 " I 2 61 0 73 24 0 21 56 6 26 28 12 17 65 1 32 4 40 19 26 1*82 1 "I f 1 Feb., 1878 9 Dec, 1867 26 April, 1875 30 July, 1875 7 June, 1882 626 11 77 5 53 ■4 26 14 62 14 25 - 10 49 •• 5 62 .. I I I •* i ■• I •• - I " I 16 72 11 77 5 53 4 26 14 25 5 62 G 2S 14 62 10 49 16 72 440 ! •• I Springfield " 30 60 •• I 1 63 "{ 1 Dec, 1874 3 Jan., 1880 10 Feb., 1880 3 Nov., 1875 8 April, 1880 7 Oct., 1882 24 Dec, 1875 24* 4 ■• [ •• 24 4 5 59 0 77 11 33 10 47 8 39 8 67 32 43 - - I .. I .. 5 59 0 77 • » • • I .. I Whiteclifis Branch Ashburton ,, 11 33 19 6 ; 1 36! 12 69 I * * .' 11 33 .. 10*47 Opawa and Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke's Pass Branches 55 8 I 1 51 19 54 27 19 1 28 867 .. I 8-39 16 61 1 28 1 Jan., 1877 16 61 16 61 1 28 ! •• i .. • • •• • • • • •• .. I .. I .. I



10-B. I,

h Albury Downs Section Preliminary Survey.. Waimato Branch .. South Waitaki - Oarnaru Oamaru-Hillgrove .. Hillgrove-Palmerston Palmerston - Waikouaiti Waikouaiti— Waitati Waitati-Glendermid Glendermid-Dunedin Dunedin-Abbotsford Abbotsford - Clutha River Clutha Eiver - Balclutha Balclntha-Clinton .. Clinton- Waipahi Waipahi-Gore Gore-Mataura Mataura-Woodlands Woodlands - Invercargill Invercargill-Bluff .. 9 8 "19 4 " 4 42 13 8 0 65 9 8 19 4 5 27 3 16 5 7! •• •• •• •• •• 4 42 i •• •■ • • 4*42 13 8 Waimate Branch Main Line 4 42 246 69 19 Mar., 1877 25 Sept., 1875 13' 8 jWaitaki-Bluff 1 Branches and 24 52 12 68 9 3 4 Nov., 1876 22 May, 1878 6 Sept., 1878 24 52 12*68 24 52 12 68 9 3 9' 3 I 14 33 9 77 7 6 5 7 46 36 7 May, 1878 20 Dec, 1877 9 April, 1873 1 July, 1874 1 Sept., 1875 7 6 5 7 14 33 9 77 ... •■ .. ■ ! 14 33 9 77 7 6 5 7 46 36 ■■ * 283 47 46' 36 36 58 ■0 60 22 Jan., 1878 " 0 60 0 60 20 76 9 62 16 11 7 40 20 68 11 21 22 Jan., 1879 1 Nov., 1877 21 June, 1877 30 Aug., 1875 7 June, 1875 11 Feb., 1874 ■• 7-40 16 11 9 62 20 76 20 76 9 62 16 11 7 40 20 68 11 21 Branches, — Duntroon Branch 11 21 20 68 •• ! 17 1 5 Feb., 1867 17 1 17 1 21 75 Pukeuri-Marawhenua Marawhenua - Duntroon Waiarcka-Ngapara .. Windsor-Livingston Survey (trial) Palmerston Section Dunback, &c, Section Surveyed Glendermid - Port Chalmers Burnside- Walton Park Walton Park - Saddle Hill Mosgiel-Outram Clarksville-Waitahuna Waitahuna-Lawrence Invertiel Section Puerua Section No. 1 Puerua Section No. 2 Surveyed Waipalii-Kelso Kelso-Heriot Surveyed Surveyed 21 29 0 46 [ 1 72 23 67 1 Dec, 1875 11 July, 1881 21 29 0 4G 21 29 0 46 Ngapara Livingstone ,, 14 76 16 40 "1 ! 14 76 12 0 4 40 3 0 4 20 2 20 1 9 0 78; 15 74 12 0 4 40 3 22 4 20 2 20 4 64 12 0 2 April, 1877 14 76 14 76 Palmerston - Waiherno 9 40 0 22; 1 22 4 20 30 July, 1882 •• •• 1 58; 1*58 1 9 •• ! 2 20 ••■ Port Chalmers Branch Green Island 3 55 •• 9 April, 1873 1 9 .. i' 9 2 44 1 74 0 50 I 0 38 3 2 •■! 1 July, 1874 4 Sept., 1879 1 74 0 50 1 74 0 50 •• - Outrana Branch .. Lawrence „ 8 78 21 76 8 78 15 4 6 72 2 40 2 0 0 76 12 70 15 27 4 50 6 25 24 0 0 63; 9 61 1 Oct., 1877 22 Jan., 1877 2 April, 1877 15 4 6 72 8 78 8 78 15 4 6 72 I 175 23 71 -I Catlin's River 18 26 2 40 2 0 0 76 12 70 16 76 4 50 6 25 24 0 2 40 2 0 0 76 •• i •• •• •• Waipahi - Heriot Burn 12 70 "I 1 49J •• •• 15'27 15 #27 26 22 4 35 0 15 1 Dec, 1880 Kelso Gore 24 0 6 25 24 0 •• • • •• .. • • .. •• • ■ ..



Enclosure 1 in Appendix J. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1883. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. Mileage. Subdivision. i Main j Line. i Sidings. Total. Opened. Under Under Surveyed. -Formation. laying. ToJane,! lo79 ., 1872. j18' 2-'3-1875-76. 1878-77.1877-78. i Date. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1830-81. 1881-82. 1882-83. Total. 1 Waitaki-Blufi— contd. 2 Wt&imoa-Switzers Edendale-Toitois 3 M. ch. 13 70 19 30 4 Surveyed Edendale-Wyndham Mokoreta Section .. Surveyed Appleby Section Reconnaissance Temuka Bridge Oxford-Malvern | Surveyed Reconnaissance ! Wingatui Section .. Hindon Section Deep Stream Section Surveyed Invercargill-Winton Winton-Caroline Caroline-Elbow Elbow-Lowther Lowther-Athol Athol-Fairlight Fahiight-Kingston .. Kingston Wharf Lumsden Section .. Castle Rock „ Reconnaissance Makarewa Junction to Riverton Thombury (Aparima June.) to Otautau Otautau-Wairio Riverton Section Roundhill ,, Pahia „ 5 M. ch. 13 70 4 0 3 53 11 57 3 0 8 0 0 15 11 44 20 72 50 29 6 65 12 50 4 22 158 79 18 58 22 10 8 27 5 76 13 18 10 10 8 35 0 10 6 0 12 60 11 20 17 53 6 M. ch. 6*21 7 M. ch. 13 70 4 21 3 53 11 57 3 0 8 0 0 15 11 44 20 72 50 29 6 65 12 50 4 22 158 79 8 M. ch. 13 70 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 !M. ch. 9 Oct., 1882 M. ch. •• 14 M. Ch. 15 16 M. ch. •• I 17 i 18 I M. ch. M. ch.j I .. - .. I I 19 |M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch.! I 22 !M. ch. 1 1 23 M. ch. 24 M". ch. - I I •■ 4' 0 4* 0 11*57 3 53 - - .. Canterbury Interior Main Line Seaward Bush 11 0 3"o •• - " i " Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 0 15 .. .. - 1 • - ! 20 72 11 44 .. .. - I .. j .. 1 Waitaki Blufl Main Line to Lake Hawea " [ •• 6 65 12 50 4 22 " i Otago Central 182 56 i •• I •• ' I •• •• I •• I il58 79 .. ; .. •• I •• Invercargill-Kinsgton and Branch, Lums-den-Mararoa Invercargill-Kingston 86 74 ■• ] f 1 22 Feb., 1871 i 18 58 20 Oct., 1875 7 Feb., 1876 15 Jan., 1877 28 Jan., 1878 29 April, 1878 10 July, 1878 14 Dec, 1878 1 April, 1881 ■ .. ! - ., " ! 22 10 8 27 5 76 .. 13 18 10 10 .. I •• 18 58 22 10 8-27 5 76 13 18 10 10 8 35 0 10 2 21 I 4 19 1 91 25 " Western Railways .. Kingston Wharf .. Lumsden-Mararoa J •• I I • • i •• 835 0 10 0 10 30 0 010 6 10 12 60 11 20 3 59 - 2 21 12 '50 •• " I ! .. .. - Wallacetown Branch 17 53 .. 1 30 9 June, 1879 17 53 17*53 - . Otautau Branch .. 11 40 11 40 15 Dec, 1879 ! .. 11 40 11 40 a Otautau-Nightcaps Orepuki Branch 10 55 17 63 10 55 6 3 1 30 10 30 3 56 47 21 3 Mar., 1882 ! .. 25 July, 1881 | .. 10 55 6 3 10 55 6 3 C a 10 30 10 30 I ! I I I ! •• Total opened i •■ .. • • I •• •• I •• " I .. for Tra! ffic I i i 76 36! 1 18 66! I 32 71 24 70 1 . 40 19 911 16 27 62 11 21; 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 •



Enclosure 2 in Appendix J. PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN MIDDLE ISLAND.—STATEMENT OF WOEKS EXECUTED DUEING TEAE 1882-83. nelson and marlborottg-h provincial districts. Judicial, — Haveloek, repairs to Police Station ... ... ... ... Finished. Deep Creek, Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... Tenders invited. Nelson, Warder's cottage at Gaol ... ... ... ... In progress. Nelson, repairs to Police Station ... ... ... ... Finished. Nelson, repairs to Gaol ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Takaka, additions to Courthouse ... ... ... ... In progress. Collingwood, repairs to Eesident Magistrate's residence ... ... Finished. Lyell, Police Station ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Westport, stable at Warden's residence ... ... ... Finished. Postal and Teleoeaph,— Port Nelson, repairs to Post-Office ... ... ... ... Finished. Nelson, verandah to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Offices foe Public Departments,-— Blenheim, clock-turret, Government Offices ... ... ... In progress. Blenheim, repairs to Government Buildings ... ... ... Finished. Picton, reclamation of site for Postal, Telegraph, and Customs Offices ... Finished. Nelson, repairs to Customhouse ... ... ... ... Finished. Nelson, repairs to Government Buildings ... ... ... Finished. Nelson, picket-fence at Government Buildings ... ... ... In progress. Lunatic Asylum,—■ Nelson, painting Asylum ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Nelson, baths and strong-room ... ... ... ... Finished. Miscellaneous, — Blenheim, Powder Magazine ... ... ... ... Finished. m CANTERBURY PROVINCIAL DISTRICT. Judicial, — Amberley. alterations to Eesident Magistrate's Court ... ... Finished. Addington, repairs and fencing at Gaol ... ... ... Finished. Christchurch, ventilation, gas-fittings, and fencing Supreme Court ... Finished. Lyttelton, Hospital at Gaol ... ... ... ... In progress. Ashburton, levelling grounds ... ... ... ... Finished. Temuka, additions to Courthouse ... ... ... ... Finished. Postal and Telegeaph,—Waiau, additions to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... In progress. Kaiapoi, drainage and repairs, Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Christchurch, new letter-boxes, fittings, &c. ... ... ... Finished. Lyttelton, repairs to Post-Office ... ... ... ... Finished. Waimate, additions to Post and Telegraph Office... ... ... Finished. Offices foe Public Depabtments,— Christchurch, repairs to Government Buildings ... ... ~. Finished. Customs, — Lyttelton, repairs to Customhouse ... ... ... ... Finished. Lunatic Asylum,— Sunnyside* additions WESTLAND PROVINCIAL DISTRICT. Judicial, — Eeefton, repairs to Police Station ... ... ... ... In progress. No Town, repairs to Courthouse ... ... ... ... In progress. Maori Gully, stable at Warden's Court ... ... ... Finished. Kanieri, repairs to Courthouse, &c. ... ... ... ... In progress. Hokitika, repairs to Police Station ... ... ... ... In progress. Postal and Telegeaph,— Greymouth, repairs to Postmaster's Eesidence ... ... ... Finished. Hokitika, painting Post afid Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Subvey,— Eeefton, additions to Survey Office ... ... ... ... Finished. Hokitika, repairs to Land and Survey Office ... ... ~. Finished,



OXAGO PEOVINOIAL DISXEICT. JXJDICIAL, — Oamaru, Courthouse ... ... ... ... ■•• Finished. Dunedin, new cells at Police Station ... ... ... ■•• Finished. St. Bathans, repairs to Courthouse ... ... ... ■•■ Finished. Black's, lock-up and stable ... ... ... ... Finished. Lawrence, Gaoler's House ... ... ... ... In progress. Gore, Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... Finished. 1 Invercargill, gaol-wall ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Invercargill, alterations to Gaol ... ... ... ... Finished. Eiverton, Courthouse ... ... ... ... •■■ Plans prepared. Postal and Tele&eaph,— South Dunedin, Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Kaitangata, additions to Post-Office ... ... ... ■■• In progress. Tapanui, improvements to Post-Office ... •■■ ••• Finished. Gore, additions to Post-Office ... ... ... ••• Finished. Eiverton, additions to Post-Office ... ... ... ■■• Finished. Lunatic Astltjms,— Seacliff (No. 1 contract) ... ... ... ••• ••• In progress. Seacliff (No. 2 contract) ... ... ... ... ••■ In progress. Seacliff', Keservoir ... ... ... ... •■• In progress. Maeine, — ■ Biverton, house for Pilotmaster ... ... ... ••• Finished.




ANNUAL REPORT ON LIGHTHOUSE WORKS, ETC., BY THE MARINE ENGINEER. The Marine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir, — Marine Department, Marine Office, 31st March, 1883. I have the honour to forward, for the information of the Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, and other works during the year, viz. : — Moko Hinou, Hauraki Gulf. —The works here are well advanced. It is expected that the lighthouse and all the buildings will be completed about the end of May, and that the light may be exhibited in June. The lighthouse is a building of substantial character, the lower part being of good sound concrete, surmounted by a light-room of dressed hard bluestone, and the balcony and inner staircases of cast-iron, with wrought-iron hand-railing. A most convenient landingplace has been erected, and has been furnished with a crane for landing goods and material. Kaipara. —ln view of erecting a lighthouse at the entrance to this harbour, a site has been selected on the North Head by Captain R. Johnson and myself, in close proximity to the present signal-staff, and a report has been furnished as to the character of light recommended. Tiri-Tiri Lighthouse. —This is being fitted with a red pane of glass, by which a red beam will be thrown in the direction of " Flat Rock " and the Island of Kawau. Mangere Reef, Manukau Harbour. —The old beacon, which consisted of wood-framing filled with stones, having become very much decayed, arrangements have been made to have it replaced by a structure of wrought-iron, which it is expected will prove to be of a permanent character. Castlepoint Jetty. —A complete survey of the site of the proposed wharf has been made, and plans are being prepared in order that the work may be advertised for public tender. Collingwood: Training-ivall in River Aorere. —The work executed under contract answered the intended purpose so well that it is proposed to lengthen the wall under another contract, which is now advertised for public tender. Havelock, County of Marlborough. —A new set of beacons to define the channel has been erected, the old beacons having become decayed and otherwise destroyed. Havelock Wharf.- —Plans and specifications have been prepared for a new wharf at Havelock, and the work is now advertised for public tender. Kaikoura Wharf. —The contract for the extension of this wharf, and for dredging out the bottom of the harbour in front of it, has been satisfactorily completed ; and a goods-shed 60 feet by 30 feet is being built in connection with the wharf. Waikouaiti Bay. —A complete marine survey of this bay has been made, and plans are now being revised so as to be printed in chart form. The survey was satisfactorily carried out by Mr. W. H. Scott, C.E. Removal of Rocks, Catlin's River. —After much delay this work has been completed. Waipapapa Point. —The work of erecting this lighthouse, with the necessary buildings for dwellings and stores, was commenced in December last under an experienced overseer. The lantern has arrived in the colony, and the apparatus is expected shortly. Telegraph Department Cable-lifting Gear. —Plans have been prepared for this for the Telegraph Department, and a contract entered into for the work, which has been satisfactorily completed; and the gear has been stored in the telegraph store. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.




ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS. The General Manager, New Zealand Railways, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— I have the honour to report to you on the working railways for the year ending the 31st March, 1883. Whangarei. —The line was extended to the new Railway Wharf, 1 mile 65 chains, on the 30th November, 1882, and is completed. The traffic has thus had an opportunity of developing. The ratio of the expenses to the revenue is 85-64< per cent., against 127-89 during the previous year. The line and stock are in good order. Auckland. —This section has improved in all respects. During the past year the ratio of expenses to revenue is 6638, against 68"34 for the previous year. Many difficulties still stand in the way of smooth working : steps are being taken to remove them. Heavier locomotives are expected to arrive shortly. The removal of the shops to Newmarket is begun. More wagons have been put on the line, and more are under erection. Carriage iron-work is under order from England, and the timber-work is being prepared in New Zealand. Some steps have been taken to give better station accommodation at Auckland and at several of the country stations. Until all these improvements are available we shall have difficulty in working. The want of shop room has been much felt in dealing with the stock. The want of yard and office room in the chief station has been a source of trouble; partial improvements have been effected, removing some of the more serious defects. The line has been well maintained, and the stock as well as the room and appliances at disposal allow. The time-tables have been lengthened, as the large number of stations, defective siding room, the light locomotives, and the steep grades made it difficult to keep time. Matters have been improved by this means, and will be more so when better arrangements are available. The Kaipara branch, has been improved and ballasted, with great advantage. The maintenance of fencing arrears is being overtaken. The Resident Engineer reports that generally the road has been improved throughout. There has been an increase in the traffic work of about 18 per cent,, and there is a material reduction in the cost of working it, but the revenue has not increased in proportion to the traffic. Napier. —This line suffered severely from the effects of flood in June, which interrupted the traffic for some days, and caused a heavy outlay in repairs. The ratio of expenses to revenue for the year is 60'26'per cent., as compared with 5387 during the previous year. This defect is due to the cost of floods, increase of wages, lowered rates, and the increased age of the stock and line, and also to the fact that the increasing traffic has required additional train service, which, while we cannot work satisfactorily without it, has had rather scanty employment. The line has been brought into an efficient condition since the floods. The stock has been well maintained. The operation of the causes previously mentioned has caused an increase in the cost of working the traffic as compared with the previous year. The chief items of additional expenses have been in the cost of maintenance of the road and the wagon stock, and in extra train service. Additional carriage and wagon stock is under order for this line. Many of the stations have been improved. Wellington. —The results on this section show great improvement. The ratio of expenses to revenue for the year is 73-25 per cent., against 7491 during the previous year. There have been bo serious casualties during the year. The traffic has increased largely, but the revenue has not increased proportionately. The traffic in sheep has grown very largely, owing to the activity of the meat-preserving and refrigerating Companies. The cost of working the traffic is lower. The road and structures have been maintained in good order. Three and a half miles of 40-lb. rails have been relaid with 53-lb. steel. The stock is in good order. Some complaints have been made about the roughness of trains in travelling: this line has seven miles of curves under 10 chains radius, the greater part of which are 5-chain curves; and on such a line, and working with mixed trains in severe grades, easy running is not readily obtained. It is proposed to put some bogie carriages on the line, which will make an improvement. The change in the Petone Station, involving two stoppages, has made the suburban journeys somewhat more tedious. The increased amount of expenditure is chiefly due to increased traffic, and to the renewals of the stock and road being heavier from increased age and wear. Additional carriage and wagon stock is under order. Wanganui. —This sectioniias suffered from the floods of June, 1882. Three spans of the Rangitikei Bridge were washed away, interrupting traffic for more than two months. The passenger and parcels traffic was carried on by ferry during the construction of a temporary bridge. Special train services have been arranged for working until the completion of the permanent structure. This accident has involved a heavy additional expenditure, and a large diminution in the



traffic and revenue. The ratio of expenses to revenue for the past year has been 74-63 per cent.., against 6520 for the preceding year. The cost of maintenance of the road and stock has increased from age and wear. The operation of these causes has combined to make the cost of working the traffic abnormally high. The line and stock generally have been maintained in good order. More extensive shop accommodation and appliances are needed. Additional carriage and wagon stock is under order. New Plymouth. —The ratio of expenses to revenue for the past year was 7566 per cent., against 7T72 during the preceding year. The opening of new line, large in proportion to the length of the old line, during the preceding year does not admit of a satisfactory comparison being readily made. There is every prospect of an increasing traffic, and the line is one which can be cheaply worked : there are no features on it rendering it especially liable to casualties. The road and stock have been maintained in good order. Some more rolling-stock is under order. Better station accommodation is being provided for New Plymouth. Greymouth. —The increase of traffic has been very large : the coal mines have been very busy. The ratio of expenses to revenue has been 4322 per cent., against 4743 during the preceding year. A large outlay on renewals will shortly be incurred. The extension of the present description of wharf seems desirable. The erection of staiths is undesirable, as the system of loading by staiths is calculated to damage the coal more than the present system does. Some additional wagon-stock will be placed on the line during the ensuing year. Westport. —The traffic on this section has increased largely. The ratio of expenses to revenue was 5573 per cent., against 5940 in the preceding year. Heavy repairs have not yet commenced in this line except to the trucks, which, as at present used, are costly to maintain. The road is in good order. The unused length of line between Waimangaroa Junction and Ngakawau has been put into order, and is now being worked to supply stone for the harbour works. The business on this line depends on the development of the coal mines. Further wharf accommodation is needed. It has been arranged to supply more trucks to meet the increase in traffic expected during the coming year. Nelson. —The ratio of expenses to revenue remains the same as during the preceding year— namely, 7320 per cent. The traffic shows an increase. The Manager reports that the line and stock are fairly maintained. No special circumstances have occurred to call for comment. Picton. —The ratio of expenses to revenue is 8495, against 6855 during the preceding year. The chief causes leading to this change have been the increased expenses on renewals of road and stock, but more especially on account of the cost of rebuilding Blenheim goods-shed, destroyed by fire, and the payment of compensation for losses arising from the fire, the total cost being £770. During the coming year the expenditure in repairs will be heavy, and, as the traffic does not promise to keep up, we must look for diminished profits. Hurunui-Blvff. — There were 848 miles 34 chains of Government lines and 84 miles 39 chains of private lines open on the 31st March, 1883. The private lines are worked by the department at the expense of the companies. The ratio of expenses to revenue is 5986 per cent., against 5584 during the preceding year. The special causes leading to this difference are, in the expenditure, large increase in traffic, new mileage open in undeveloped districts, increased wages, heavier renewals, maintenance of fences, and expenses of accidents at Kensington, Kartigi, Waitate, and Walton Park; and, in the revenue, the lower rates charged, which tend to prevent it growing in proportion to the traffic. Reference to Return No. 8 "will show that the ratio of expenses to revenue is the same as during 1880-81, when the rates were much higher and wages lower, and it is nearly 16 per cent, better than during 1879-80. The district has had the advantage of very extensive reduction of rates on the bulk of the traffic, and the employes have had the advantage of increased wages. The tonnage of the chief traffic in local products for the past four years has been as follows : — Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. F o™^, S! le°P and Cattle. and Pigs. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1882-83 .. 43,970 111,444 343,398 308,737 21,421 280,524 1881-82 . . 37,917 113,446 353,675 288,424 18,623 219,471 1880-81 .. 35,631 104,585 405,233 277,421 13.573 195,835 1879-80 .. 35,663 94,037 227,770 220,459 14,154 182,529 The excursion fares for the Christchurch Exhibition and holidays were very successful: a larger excursion-traffic may be looked for when there is enough carriage-stock available. The development of traffic has been larger in the Otago than in the Canterbury District. The results of the grain-traffic, due to the increased production in the southern districts, do not fully appear in this year's statistics. The_ grain-traffic has been conducted without any material difficulty by the department; but the stripping arrangements and private stores proved unequal to the pressure of work at one time. The revenue on this section is affected by the grain-rate reductions, the northern districts being more so than the southern. The net revenue of the Christchurch subsection, 290 miles, has decreased about £11,000 ; the net revenue of the remaining subsections, 558 miles, has decreased about £1,300.



The private railway companies whose lines are worked or partially worked by the Government are the Ilakaia-Forks, Duntroon-Hakateramea, Waimate, and Waimea Plains. These companies have found it necessary to raise their rates above the Government standard, as they were not getting adequate remuneration for the services performed. The Working Railways Engineer reports that the lines have been well maintained. The 28-lb. rails on the Duntroon, Ngapara, and Makarewa branches have so far failed as to make it necessary to relay them. Some eight miles of the Duntroon branch were relaid with heavy rails and full-sized sleepers during the year. The rapid failure of these rails has been chiefly due to insufficient connections and fastenings and undersized sleepers: had they been sufficiently furnished in these respects they would have lasted longer. During the ensuing year 30 miles of these light rails will be relaid, and on the main line about 40 miles of 40-lb. will be relaid, making in all about 70 miles. During 1881-82 15£ miles of rails were relaid, and during 1882-83 about 36ij miles. The renewal of sleepers has been 91,000, against 63,000 during the previous year: during the ensuing year a proportionate increase may be expected. The cost of maintenance of the bridges has increased. The superstructure of the Gore combined bridge has been rebuilt. The Rakaia combined bridge has been extensively repaired : during the ensuing year further renewals to the value of about £5,000 will be necessary. The ballast-engine mileage is 45,000 miles less than during the preceding year. It is still high, amounting to 150,000 miles per annum. This running should be curtailed by providing ballast-pits at proper intervals. The cost of renewals of fencing has been about £11,600; some 25 miles of fences and about 11 miles of trees for stapling wires have been planted. Preparations are in hand for planting 54 miles of hedges and 18 miles of trees; between 70,000 and 80,000 young trees are coming on in the nurseries. Improvements have been effected in various ways in the road and structures. Twelve new private sidings have been granted. The denudation of the foreshore to the north of Timaru continues; during the southeast gale of the 22nd March the sea broke over the shingle-bank of the Waimataitai Lagoon, and washed up to the railway. We may in future years anticipate an item of expense in maintaining the foreshore against the inroads of the sea. The locomotives and stock have been efficiently maintained. The engine mileage run was 10 per cent, in excess of the preceding year's. The expenses of this service have increased in about the same proportion as the mileage. The price of fuel has been greater than during the preceding year, and this has increased the cost of running in this respect. Covered trucks of special design have been built for the carriage of frozen meat, and have proved satisfactory. New trucks and tarpaulins have been added to the stock. The building of twenty new carriages at the railway shops has been partially completed: these carriages are designed by the Locomotive Superintendent after the American pattern, and, with the exception of the wheels, axles, springs, and small fittings, are made entirely in the local shops. The average cost is expected to be cheaper than that of similar imported stock. The work of providing shop extension at Dunedin and Addington is proceeding, and additional machinery is under order for both places. The shop accommodation generally has been much improved, but there are many points in which arrangements are still defective, and which require improving to give the needful facilities for keeping the stock efficient. Defective engine-shed and coal and water accommodation, which were a great disadvantage for some years, have been much improved latterly. The Invercargill sheds, which were very defective, have been replaced. New sheds are in hand at Timaru. Several new water services and coaling-platforms have been erected; further improvements will be necessary to meet the traffic as it grows. The success of the locomotive services depends upon proper accommodation for repairs, inspection, housing, watering, and' coaling: if proper provision is wanting, accidents and irregularities will occur in the running of trains, which give public dissatisfaction. The works in these respects should be carried out as required by the department i-esponsible for the safety and efficiency of the stock. Much improvement has been effected in station accommodation. Timaru Station-yard is nearly reconstructed; the Invei'cargill and Bluff Stations, which were productive of great dissatisfaction to the public and of difficulties in working, are in process of rearrangement. Dunedin Station is being reconstructed by the Public Works Department on a scale suitable for the work of the district. Numerous other necessary improvements have been effected. In the case of station works, also, the efficiency of the train-working is dependent on proper accommodation and appliances being available; and as new lines are opened and the traffic increases, so further and better accommodation is needed on the older parts of the main lines in stations, shops, and machinery. General. —The remarks under this head follow the order of those in last year's report, and Ho some extent are repetitions. To a large degree the public demands indirectly govern the operations of the department; the course necessary to follow to attain satisfactory and efficient service cannot therefore be too well known. There are 1,443 miles of railway worked by the Railway Department, inclusive of 84 miles of private line. The Kawakawa line, 3 miles, is worked by the Bay of Islands coal-mining company. *" The net earnings amount to £3 3s. per cent, on the gross capital expenditure on railways opened and unopened. The highest rate on the gross outlay on opened and unopened works is paid by the Hurunui-Bluff Section, viz., £4i 2s. Bd. per cent.; the next highest is by Napier, £3 4s. 6d. per cent. The ratio of expenses to revenue is 62-18 per cent., against 58-64 in the preceding year. Four sections —Napier, Wanganui, Picton, Hurunui-Bluff—show a decrease in the net revenue;



in the three first cases this is caused chiefly by casualties. The remaining seven sections show a remarkable increase in net revenue. The results of the reduction in rates, referred to in my last annual report as not then being fully evident, now appear. The reductions in grain rate made during the year have partially operated : their full effects will appear in the ensuing year. The difference in revenue due to the difference in rate between the grain rate of the Province of Canterbury and the current Class E rate, estimated for the year's traffic, would probably amount to £90,000. In the passenger fares an annual season ticket available for all lines has been introduced. Fares have been lowered for a part of the passenger traffic. The goods rates have been lowered for agricultural produce, and for hay, straw, and chaff; and some changes have been made in the regulations and local rates. With the change in fares the "use of single tickets for return journeys has been abolished; the practice was objectionable on many grounds, and gave opportunities for fraud. The system for the most part is assimilated to that prevailing in New South Wales. A ticket is issued for every journey; first and second-class fares, which were 3d. and 2d. a mile, are changed to 2jd. and l£d.; the cost of a return journey with two single tickets remains as before; and the inconvenient restrictions about time and distance are abolished. Return tickets are issued on Saturdays, available till Monday, at the old rates of 3d. and 2d. a mile. Having made this change, the practice should now be adhered to until the results are observed, when the subject of fares can be more fully considered. Some new regulations are under consideration to prevent the inconvenience from the present system of booking from flag stations. Arrangements are also being made to facilitate the exchange of goods between sections of railway sepai'ated by sea. The principal traffic in local products for the past four years is as follows : — Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. ?°nZ and Cattle. and Pigs. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1882-83 .. 51,703 197,231 367,428 510,088 37,455 449,470 1881-82 .. 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,511 319,837 1880-81 .. 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,230 280,683 1879-80 .. 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 The total traffic quantities and mileage, which represent the work done, have increased. Return No. 11 of the traffic ton-mileage for the five chief sections indicates the improvement which has taken place during the past year in this respect, and shows the average cost of transportation. The average cost of transportation on the five sections has increased slightly above that of last year. The casualties on Napier and Wanganui Sections have tended to raise the general average. The work is most cheaply performed on the Auckland Section. On the subject of rates and fares it is idle to draw comparisons with those of other countries, as is frequently done, when every condition of working differs. Assuming that one of the chief points to be considered in fixing rates should be the cost of performing the service, we should direct our attention to the elements determining the expense, the wages, the number of hands, the cost of materials, fuel, and stores, the physical character of the lines, and the traffic quantities and distances. It is unlikely that wages, materials, or stores will be cheaper. The staff cannot be reduced in number if the lines are to be efficiently and safely maintained and worked. The physical character of the lines can be only improved slightly. The increasing age of the lines will lead to increased expenditure every year. In order to do work more cheaply we must look to carrying larger quantities of goods and passengers, and to improved appliances in the shape of stations, machinery, and stock. Notwithstanding increasing expenditure we may reasonably anticipate that as traffic increases we shall perform the services at a lower rate per ton, if the railway extensions added to the existing system are of a remunerative character. But, assuming that the cost of the service is to be a ruling factor, we must not anticipate that freight rates on our railways can approach the figures of those on the great American railways, which carry a traffic tenfold in quantity and distance ; nor that the facilities for and cost of travelling in a sparsely-inhabited country such as New Zealand can assimilate to those of England, having a population of some thirty-five millions, using some eighteen thousand miles of railway, with a capital of nearly seven hundred and fifty millions. Many of our colonists from the older countries fail to understand and allow for the very wide difference in conditions between our railways and those they have been used to, and they are dissatisfied in consequence. The Railway Department is naturally keenly alive to the weak points and defects of the working-railway system, and can determine how far these are dependent on the want of efficient appliances, accommodation, or erroneous practice, and the want of means to amend them, and how far they depend upon physical difficulties and conditions of traffic, which cannot be altered at a reasonable expense. It will be often found that disadvantages cannot be removed because of the absence of a public demand to enforce it. The disadvantage of too many "stations has been alluded to before. We may well dwell on the point again, because every year our train services are getting slower and less satisfactory to the public, while the persons who complain of this are those who are chiefly instrumenta 1 in creating the grievance. The evils of too many stations are —(1) Excessive capital outlay in works and extra rolling-stock needed for working; (2) Excess of cost of maintenance 11—D. 1.



of the main line, of tho extra works, and of the extra stock; (3) Excess of cost of locomotive power, traffic hands, and control; (4) A wasteful system of working through running with light loads, the dead-weight being unreasonably in excess of the paying load; (5) The excessive inconvenience to the great bulk of travellers through slow travelling, the speeds having to be reduced as the country gets more populated, and each station is more used. It will be seen that, while we may not procure more traffic, we may be increasing expenses, diminishing the safety and efficiency of a line, and dissatisfying the public by having too many stations, and we are in some cases undoubtedly tending towards this unsatisfactory result. If we take Auckland to Mercer, we find stopping-places at two-mile intervals. Squthbridge Branch has stoppages at two-mile intervals. Hawera to New Plymouth has stoppages at two-mile intervals. Again, we have stations like Kingsland and Morniugside, 50 chains apart; Gore and East Gore, 60 chains apart; Upper Hutt and Wallaceville, 50 chains apart; Normanby and Normanby Extension, 50 chains apart; Selwyn and Norwood, 75 chains apart. These features are bars to improvement, and if the public demands them it cannot also have improved travelling. The tendency is to reduce our railways to a tramway system, which, while it may in some cases be satisfactory to persons with property contiguous to the line, will give dissatisfaction to the great bulk of the users of the railway, and be costly to work. Private sidings out of stations should not be allowed save under the most exceptional conditions. In a general way the public interest and convenience will be sacrificed to the individual if they are adopted. The steady growth of traffic is shown on Return No. 7 by the quantities of goods and stock and the number of passengers and parcels carried. During four years the tonnage of goods carried has increased 41 per cent., the parcels 88 per cent., the live-stock 70 per cent., and the passengers 10 per cent. The passenger-traffic shows the least tendency to increase on the Hurunui—Bluff: it has been almost stationary there since 1879-80 ; but on the smaller sections for the most part there has been proportionately a large increase. During the coming year the ratio of expenses to revenue must not be expected to be so low as during the two previous years, because the expenses will be heavier from the increasing traffic, the increase of renewals to the lines and stock, and the increased rates of wages clue to the scale of pay adopted in 1880, which has been operating to gradually raise the pay of the employes; while the revenue will not probably increase proportionately, owing to the reductions in rates and fares, which as yet do not fully show their effects. While in a general way the rate of wages is fully equal to the outside rates, in one class—■ that of the stationmasters —the scale needs some amendment to insure the services of intelligent and efficient officers; the numerous resignations in this branch of the service show that the inducements offered by the Government are insufficient. A common error prevails outside the service that any sort of person who has failed in other pursuits, or whose age or infirmities unfit him for active life, can be made a stationmaster. On the contrary, if the public services are to be satisfactorily performed, good training, integrity, ability, and activity are needed. To secure these sufficient inducements should be held out, so that the cadets and younger hands, when trained and taught, may find it worth while to remain in the service, instead of, as they now do, going off to other employment as soon as their services have become valuable and their duties responsible. I have, &c, J. P. Maxwell, General Manager, New Zealand Railways.




Nature. Return No. Description. Accounts i Revenue accounts. Expenditure account. Detail of classified expenditure. Traffic accounts. Classified expenditure and revenue. Cost of construction and rate of interest. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for four financial years. Comparison of current with previous year's working. Sectional accounts, Hurunui-Bluff. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Traffic ton mileage, Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Wanganui, and Hurunui-Bluff. Stores Contracts. a Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock. C Weighing machines. I Weighbridges. -J Traversers and turntables. I Cranes. l^Pumps. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private sidings. Mileage of lines. Number of employes. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Repairs to rolling-stock, Hurunui-Bluff. Traffic from coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. Vessels loaded and discharged at different ports, Hurunui-Bluff. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Classification of expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for five years, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of Hurunui-Bluff. Average rate of classified expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Expenditure on additions and alterations charged to working expenses. Account of transactions with the private companies. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 G-ENEEAI ReTFENS ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ipeoial Rettjbns 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33

RETURN No. 1. Summabt of Eeventte Accottkts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883. Dk. £ s. d. £ 3. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ a. d To Casli in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... 41,690 14 I] By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 1,021,515 8 11 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 953,347 II 4 . Less refunds,— 995,038 6 3 Wharfage ... ... ... ... £59.537 >3 ° Revenue ... ... ... ... 8,895 810 • 68,433 1 10 * 953.082 7 1 Amount for Tolunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... 4,262 11 5 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1833, including £3,791 1 is. 2d. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... ... ... 37.693 7 9 £995,038 6 3 £995.033 6 3 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... 953,082 71 By Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 592,821 15 4 Less cash in b»nd and outstanding, ist April, Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... 360,525 16 o 1882 ... ... ... ... £41,690 14 11 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 14,700 o o Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written 375,225 16 o off ... ... ... ... ... 4,262 11 5 37,428 3 6 nicrfitn •? -7 • Receipts as per Treasury ... ...£954,740 3 1 ~,,,. ..., . y's» ui4 3 7 Balance refund account, Mar. 31, 1882 6,46410 6 Postal Department, tor mail service ... ... ... ... 14,700 00 ! , Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1881 ... ... ... 37,603 7 q JE981,191 13 7 Balance refund account, Mar. 31,1883 8,112 6 6 £968,047 II 4 £953,082 7 1 £968,047 II 4

12—D. 1


Statement of Accoukts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883. KAWAKAWA SECTION. Be. £ 8 . d. Or. . £ s. d. To Bent from Bay of Islands Coal Company, ist October, 1881, to 30thSeptember, 1882 621 2 4 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... 621 2 4 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 621 2 4 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ■•• 621 2 4 WHANGAKEI-KAMO SECTION. Dk. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ck. £ s. d. £ s. d. 'Xo Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 34 18 7By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 2,939 13 4 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 2,926 2 6 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ••• 21 7 9 2,961 1 1 £2,961 1 1 £2,961 1 1 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 2,939 13 4 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 2,505 I 7 9 Less cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... 34 18 7 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 420 4 9 2,904 14 9 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 28 12 o Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 12 o 44-S 16 9 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... 2179 £2,954 14 6 1 £2.954 14 6




AUCKLAND SECTION. Db. £ s. a. £ s. d. I Ce. £ s. d. £ a. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1883 ... ... ... 2,519 17 o By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 83,748 8 6 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c a 31st March, 1883 ... I ... 81,175 7 1 Less refunds,— 83,695 4 I Wharfage ... ... ... ... £3,129 4 o Eerenue ... ... ... ... 229 3,131 6 9 I ■ 80,617 1 9 i Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 848 5 3 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £7088. for Volunteer service, unrecovered ... ... ... ... ... 2,229 17 * £83,695 4 1 £83,695 4 1 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... 80,617 1 9 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 53,880 4 10 Less ca3h in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 £2,519 17 o Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27,295 2 3 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 848 5 3 Mail serrice, per other side, unrecoyered ... ... ... 822 1 4 1,671 11 9 28,117 3 7 — 78,945 IO ° Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... ... 822 14 1 Cash in han'& and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... 2,229 17 1 \ £81,997 8 5 . £8i,997 3 5 NAPIER SECTION. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cs. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 487 1 6 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 36,774 7 9 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c., 31st March, 1883 ... ... 36,623 16 I Less refunds— Wharfage ... ... ... ... ... 205 3 o 37,110 17 7 36 >5 69 4 9 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 960 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, ISB3, including 17s. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... ... ... ... ... 53 2 6 10 £37,iioj7_j7 , £^111^LJ. Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 36,569 4 9 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 22,070 6 3 Less cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 £487 1 6 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14>553 9 Io Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 960 Mail service, per other side, unrecorered ... ... ... 500 16 o 477 15 6 15.054 S >° — 36,091 9 3 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 500 16 o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 532 6 10 £37,124 12 1 £37,124 12 1 WELLINGTON SECTION. Db. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 .., ... ... 943 2 9 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 49,053 4 3 Passengers, parcels, goods, &0., 31st March, 1883 ... ... 48,566 8 3 Less refunds, — 49,509 11 o Wharfage ... ... ... ... £359 710 Bevenue ... ... ... ... 118 9 361 6 7 —— 43,691 17 8 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 190 on Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £58 14s. for Volunteer service unrecorered ... ... ... ... ... 627 12 5 £49,509 n o £49,509 11 o — I ■



WELLINGTON SECMOS— cotOmmed.' Dr £ »• d. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s. d. £ s. <J. To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 48,691 17 8 By Eipenditure to 31st March, 1883 ••• ■■• •■■ •■• ••• 35)576 13 5 Less cash in hand and outstanding, 1 Bt April, 1882 £943 2 9 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,989 14 10 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 190 on Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 1,015 ° ° 753 1 10 14,004 14 10 47,938 15 10 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 1.015 c o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 627 12 5 L_j f49»sfti 8 j 1 —— WANGrANTTI SECTION. Dβ. £ c. d. £ s. a. Cβ. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 1,260 14 10 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 51,186 n 3 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 45,477 17 9 Less refunds,— 46,73 8 I 2 7 Wharfage ... ... ... ... £5,803 12 4 " Kevenue ... ... ... ... 8123 ■ 5,8i2 .4 7 45)374 6 8 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 206 s 3 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £103 10s. 4d. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... ... ... ... 1,158 o 8 J? 7 £46,738 12 7 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 45,374 6 8 Eipenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 33>94i 18 8 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 £1,260 14 10 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,535 J 9 ! Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 206 5 3 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 1,400 o o j>os4 9 7 J2,935 19 1 44,319 17 1 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 1,400 o o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... j>lsB o 8 £46,877 i7_9 £46,877 17 9 NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. Dr. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 157 o 6 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 16,254 3 9 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c., 31st March, 1883 ... ... 16,272 4 5 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 45 4 S 16,429 4 11 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £10 is. 4d. for service, unrecovered ... ... ... ... ... 129 16 6 £16,429 4 11 £16,429 4 11 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 16,254 3 9 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 12,309 3 o Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 £157 o 6 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,963 1 5 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written of 45 4 8 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 486 12 o in 15 10 — —— 4)449 J 3 5 16,142 7 11 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 486 12 o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 129 16 6 £16,758 16 5 £16,758 16 5



» HUKTJNUI-BLUFF SECTION. De. £ s. d. £ s. d. [ Ch. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 34,675 10 9 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 739,490 8 4 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 681,826 13 10 Less refunds,— 716,502 4 7 Wharfage ... ... ... ... 48,736 8 9 Revenue ... ... ... ... 8,823 4 o 57,559 12 9 681,930 15 7 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 2,658 18 10 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £3,485 ss. 6d. for Volunteer service, unrecovered ... ... . . 31,912 10 2 £716,508 4 7 £716,502 4 7 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 631,930 15 7 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 408,170 12 5 Less cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 34,675 10 9 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 273,656 1 5 .Amount for Volunteer service, iB3i-82, written off 2,658 18 10 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 9,738 2 8 i 32,016 11 11 283,394 4 1 649,914 3 8 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 9,738 2 8 "Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 31,912 10 2 £691,564 16 6 £691,564 i6_6 OEEYMOTJTH SECTION. De. £ s. d. £ ». d. Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d"Cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 .., ... ... 174 17 3 By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... !3,278 5 8 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 18S3 ... ... 13,303 19 1 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 244 13,478 16 4 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 198 6 4 £13,478 16 4 ( £13,478 16 4 Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 13,278 5 8 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 5,749 7 ° Less cash in hand and outstanding, ist April, 1882 £'74 !7 3 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,554 12 1 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 244 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 28 16 o 172 12 n ■ ■ 7,583 8 1 13,105 12 9 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 28 16 o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 198 6 4 £i 3,332 15 1 £i3,33j_is_J WESTPORT SECTION. De. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand und outstanding, ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 715 12 BBy Payments into Public Account to 31st March, ISS3 ... ... 10,773 l 9 - Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 9,791 8 2 Less refunds,— ■'0,507 010 Wharfage ... ... ... ... £780 5 6 Revenue ... ... ... ... 59 11 1 839 16 7 9,934 2 7 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 57 2 *8 3 £10,507 o 10 £10,507^ <wo


WESTPORT SECTION— continued! Dk. , £ s. d. £ a d. Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Amount paid into Public AccoHint, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 9,934 27 By Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 5,456 10 1 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 ... ... 715 12 8 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 ; 334 18 1 9,2 iS 9 11 Mail service per other side unrecovered... ... ... ... 200 o o Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 200 o o 4,534 18 1 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883... ... ... ... 18 3 jfo.99 1 8 2 £9.991 8 a NELSON SECTION. , Db. £ s. a. £ s. d ! Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in Jiand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 ... ... ... 340 o 9 j By Payments into Public Account, 31st March, ISB3 ... ... 9,0801911 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 9,i/9 19 2 Amount for Volunteers, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off. ... ... 277 7 5 9,519 19 11 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £59 9s. 3d. for Volunteer service, unrecovered ... ... ... ... ... 161 12 7 £ _£9>5i9 ISL" J^2lPl 9 lg !I Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 9,0801911 Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 6,719 5 8 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 £340 o 9 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,460 13 6 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-S2, written off 277 7 5 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 260 o o 62 13 4 2,720 13 6 9,018 6 7 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 260 o o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 161 12 7 £9>439 i£ J 2 £9.439 19 2 PICTON SECTION. Bh. £ b. d. £ s. d. 1 Cb. £ s. d £ s. d. tTo Cash in baud and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 ... "• ... 381 18 4By Payments into Public Account to 31st March, 1883 ... ... 8,314 4 8 Passengers, parcels, goods, &c, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 7,582 12 8 Less refunds— Revenue ... ... ... ... ... 523 11 7 7,964 11 o 7,790 13 1 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, unrecovered, written off ... ... 24 18 9 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883, including £3 ss. gd., for Volunteer service, unrecovered ... ... ... ... ... 148 19 2 £7,964 11 o £7.964 11 o Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1883 ... ... 7,790 13 I Expenditure to 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... ... 6,441 16 3 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1882 £381 18 4 Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,140 X 6 5 Amount for Volunteer service, 1881-82, written off 24 18 9 Mail service, per other side, unrecovered ... ... ... 220 o o 356 19 7 ■ 1,360 16 5 7,433 13 6 Postal Department, for mail service ... ... ... ... ... 220 o o Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 148 19 2 £7,802 12 8 £7.802 12 8 Return of Whahfage Account for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883. De. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d tFo Balance, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... 6,454 10 6 By Cash payments, 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... 66,775 5 »° Wharfage, &c., 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... ... 68,433 JIo Balance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,112 6 6 74,887 12 4 74,887 12 4 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.




RETURN No. 2. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Financial Tear ending 31st March, 1883. £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward,— By Credits for stores issued to other Gtovt. departments 2,574 14 3 Outstanding accounts,— ~ Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 1,163 Io 5 Stores issued to other Government depart- ■ 3i738 4 8 ments ... ... ... ... 721 no „ Workshop accounts against other GovernDitto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 144 19 11 men t departments ... ... ... 35.633 12 8 866 10 11 „ Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 1,028 10 9 Workshop accounts against other Govern- 36,662 3 5 ment departments ... ... ... 4,912 n1 „ Way and Works General Accounts against Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 416 7 6 other Government departments ... 40,196 2 6 —■ 5,328 18 7 „ Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 4,659 3 7 Way and Works General Accounts against ■ 44,855 6 1 ob&er Government Departments ... 9,849 15 4 „ Other accounts ... ... ... ... J>762 2 8 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 1,390 18 7 „ Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... •■■ 14i437 10 n 11,240 13 11 *i0i,455 7 9 Other accounts ... ... ... ... 521 13 o Preceding year's vouchers paid at Treasury this year ... ... 54,172 11 8 17,957 16 5 Classified expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... 592,821 15 4 Stock on hand— Balance carried forward,— Stores ... ... ... ... 87,598 6 2 Outstanding accounts,— Less value in suspense ... ... 499 5 6 Stores issued to other Govt. departments... 1,447 18 6 — 87,099 o 8 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 104 2 2 Workshops ... ... ... ... ... 12,082 19 10 — 1,552 o 8 99,182 o 6 Workshop accounts againßt other Govern - BecoTery of accounts outstanding prior to 31st ment departments ... ... ... 6,719 18 4 March, 1880 ... ... ... ... ... ... 308 5 2 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 547 611 Proceeds of sale of old wagons to Tapper and Co., ■ 7,267 5 3 Invercargill ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 00 » Way and Works General Accounts against Proceeds of sale of engines to the Wellington and other Government departments ... 3,669 10 7 Manawatu Railway Company ... ... ... 1,520 o o Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 3,107 14 5 Less freight on and repairs to same ... ... 324 o 4 6,777 5 ° —— ■ 1,^95 19 8 Other accounts ... ... ... ... 408 3 5 Payments as per Treasury ... ... ... ... ... *687,268 110 Manawatu County Council: permanent-way Touchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1883 ... ... ... 65,851 15 1 material for Foxton and Sandon Tramway, £2,205 10s. 2d. ; less due to Revenue, •Payments as per Treasury ... £687,268 110 /173 13s. id. ... ... ... ... 2,031 17 1 Less recoveries to vote ... 101,455 79 J 18,036 11 5 1 Stock on hand,— £585,812 14 1 Stores ... ... ... ... 89,897 13 4 ■ ■ ■ ' Less value hi suspense ... ... 502 I 2 8 89,395 o 8 Workshops ... ... ... ... ... 16,082 11 10 105,477 12 6 £871,963.18 8 £871,963 18 8 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. DETAIL of Classified Expenditure for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1883.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

Whangarei Section. Auckland Section. Napier Section. Wellington Section, Wanganui Section. j New Plymouth Huninui-Rlnff Section. Section. Grey mouth Section. Westport Section. Nelson Section. Picton Section. I Totals. i Account Totals. A.—Maintenance of Way and Wobks. Permanent Way,— Platelaying,— 1. Wages Miscellaneous ... Workshop commission ... Materials, — 2. Wages, material Materials Workshop commission ... Bepairs, Eoaas, Briages, Signals, ana Works, — 3. Wages Materials Workshop commission ... Repairs, Stations and Buildings,— 4. Wages Materials Workshop commission ... £ s. a. 509 14 s 49 I2 4 2 15 10 £ s. a. 15,510 14 6 69 14 7 22 7 1 701 15 9 69 17 o £ s. a. 6,718 3 9 126 1,369 9 4 38 11 7 £ s. d. 7,45 1 7 7 6 17 6 6 13 o 2,250 o 1 10 11 8 £ s. d. 11.37° '7 3 509 o 2 3i 17 4 £ s. a. 4,840 12 6 46 14 3 17 1 3 4 9 17 3 £ s. a. 70,157 6 4 3.133 17 8 42 o 5 2,166 8 1 22,491 13 o 139 9 7 £ s. d. 889 16 6 103 17 3 i)' 2 s. d. 3 8 41 9 10 £ s. a. 1,729 19 S 154 18 10 o 18 9 £ s. a. 2,031 S 3 181 16 4 £ s. a. 122,674 1 2 3,211 12 3 42 o 5 2,242 2 5 28,024 16 3 303 19 o £ s. a. £ 125,927 13 10 f 3O,57O '7 8 180 1,404 15 7 711 9 8 18 6 10 14 o 1 358 16 6 3 1 3 97 8 o 169 18 5 22 9 9 939 9 5 825 11 5 39 11 o 24 18 o 107 6 10 858 22,017 18 o 10,394 1 6 '92 8 5 257 10 11 9 9 4 43 6 8 26 17 7 113 18 8 24,756 o o 12,762 4 7 184 2 11 £ 37.702 7 6 250 17 8 306 11 3 31 4 1 189 18 10 84 12 5 23 19 8 59 12 11 129 8 o 11 511 67 7 6 i5S 13 9 17 11 2 11 o 11 6 9 5 086 7,776 16 11 5,810 10 1 30 14 6 23 6 3 276 464 16 12 10 611 13 6 8,360 1 1 7,M7 5 o 115 3 10 f 15,622 9 11 Total ■• 8,801 15 11 10,215 12 10 13,956 19 o 5,226 16 8 144,253 4 6 1,284 o 3 1, 51 7 8 i,933 13 9 2,938 13 9 209,823 8 11 209,823 8 11 563 10 7 19,097 14 o B. —Locomotive Power. Kunning Expenses, — 1. Wages, working Miscellaneous ... 2. Wages, fuel and water ... Fuel and water Workshop commission ... 3. Wages, oil ana stores Oil, tallow, ana other stores Benewals and Eepairs, — 4. Wages ... — 5. Materials, &c. ... Workshop commission ... 547 10 4 369 180 15 4 126 6,864 o 6 26 4 8 283 11 2 2,890 3 2 61 8 4 046 888 17 11 i»938 9 3 14 17 6 2,067 13 1 4,907 2 7 3,106 19 8 600 47 15 1 2,131 o 3 14 10 8 1,466 12 2 10 10 6 87 6 4 1,063 10 1 o 17 4 39,232 3 o 186 19 7 4,044 19 3 32=013 17 5 963 529 IS 8 198 7 9 199 2 11 722 1 7 426 18 3 321 3 1 60,540 o 9 229 14 9 4,481 16 1 45,682 1 10 88 7 7 046 7,087 7 1 j 60,769 15 6 £ 50,252 5 6 j 7,087 11 7 4,291 1 4 126 79 IS 3 443 '9 » 59 6 7 296 9 o 679 11 9 406 o o 150 16 10 4,305 12 2 30 15 10 97 18 3 103 4 o 68 14 9 40 15 9 28 1 4 10 o 9 2,740 17 4 617 6 10 528 19 8 818 o o 430 18 9 192 o 2 2,346 13 4 784 2 9 444 19 8 1,627 o 3 63S 8 11 403 11 1 131 11 6 97 5 9 iS,33i 4 6 4,601 8 1 2,110 14 6 108 9 1 38 3 8 5 1 3 157 o 4 >95 4 9 3 9 11 i3S 10 5 32 6 4 178 6 1 29 15 11 304 24,087 8 2 7,677 8 10 3,732 15 4 £ 35.497 I2 4 337 3 4 5,758 7 9 13,454 13 11 8,364 18 2 3,412 1 7 101,836 4 9 792 o 9 1, 'Si 3 11 1.437 2 3 1,027 18 5 153,607 4 11 153,607 4 11 Total ... 870 19 4 14,901 14 1 C. Kepaies and Benewam of Cabeiages and Wa&ons. Carriages,— 1. Wages 2. Miscellaneous ana materials Workshop commission ... Wagons, — 3. Wages 4. Miscellaneous ana materials Workshop commission ... 28 8 9 18 7 10 3 10 10 13 6 5 764 3 1 11 907 11 10 307 3 4 191 o 8 476 2 2 34i 13 6 127 7 9 519 1 11 365 4 11 80 6 8 699 9 2 214 4 7 136 6 2 1,417 3 6 Sio 15 o 278 o 8 816 15 9 343 17 7 207 5 6 S49 12 11 457 3 8 177 2 4 133 18 6 So 3 2 25 19 10 243 o 2 68 2 1 29 13 2 4,930 9 11 2,088 15 7 779 o 10 10,360 10 1 4,97i 5 11 1,779 16 10 19 7 6 8 16 7 203 12 8 9° 17 S 4 4 4 20 3 6 4 4 1 065 |6i 13 4 :i3 13 6 201 13 1 52 6 4 112 7 6 29 19 10 167 301 16 4 40 IS 4 172 3 3O 49 6 7 049 8,535 16 6 3,470 7 11 1,472 5 2 15,442 16 9 7,310 4 6 2,655 18 5 f !3,478 9 7 £ 25,408 19 8 i,359 5 3 646 9 3 302 1 2 Total ... 74 2 1 3,713 11 6 1,909 16 11 3,255 19 1 2,851 17 9 550 16 11 24,909 19 2 326 18 6 joo o 10 397 13 4 396 13 2 38,887 9 3 38,887 9 3 D.—Traffic Expenses. 1. Wages 2. Fuel, lighting, ana general stores... 3. Printing, stationery, ana tickets ... i. Miscellaneous expenses ... Workshop commission ... ... 611 17 10 109 8 9 10 2 o 270 3 18 1 10,799 5 8 649 18 11 710 11 9 337 11 4 13 16 2 3,970 5 10 273 11 1 171 18 4 75 19 4 o 17 10 5,3H 1 5 398 4 5 488 7 11 171 14 9 5,95! 9 6 498 17 5 3°3 18 3 140 17 10 8 14 3 1,642 "9 g 107 13 4 102 2 o 98,264 o 1 6,980 7 10 3.734 1 7 6,373 5 o 141 11 6 2,302 4 10 297 11 7 57 18 11 43 9 10 i,' )IO O II 23 16 3 33 18 10 10 12 6 2,188 8 3 72 18 o 59 14 1 600 1,219 7 10 169 12 9 21 5 10 7 17 o 133,273 11 11 9,582 o 4 5,693 19 6 7,615 1 8 168 17 10 133,273 "" 9,582 o 4 5,693 19 6 445 7 1 J 7,783 19 6 Total ... 6,372 8 6 6,903 17 3 2.297 12 2 115,493 6 o 2,701 5 2 1,1 .78 8 6 2,327 o 4 1,418 3 5 156,333 11 3 156,333 ii 3 737 13 8 12,511 3 10 4,492 12 5 E. —General Chaboes. 1. General Government expenses 2. Wages of District Managers and clerks 3. Office, incidental, ana special expenses 4. Miscellaneous ... Workshop commission ... 28 13 o 213 8 2 17 10 11 736 11 1 i,9i4 3 10 778 18 8 on 5 4 9 5 329 5 7 527 4 11 242 17 4 o n 11 440 11 6 1,043 10 7 713 3 4 007 260 408 8 4 904 19 8 518 10 5 151 7 3 429 2 8 228 12 11 6,133 7 1 10,834 8 o 1,736 4 9 38S 5 6 1 14 S 123 S 4 424 19 3 88 10 9 96 9 11 (99 19 7 78 19 8 80 9 7 475 o 10 62 7 5 70 14 4 277 2 9 124 4 6 8,599 3 o 17,444 o 3 4,590 o 8 389 9 5 8 9 10 8,S99 3 ° 17,444 o 3 4,590 o 8 ... \ 397 19 3 Total ... 2,199 12 o 1,831 18 s 809 2 10 19,093 >9 9 636 15 4 '5 9 2 617 17 10 472 1 7 31,031 3 2 31»03 1 3 " 259 12 1 3,434 14 5 1,099 19 9 P.—Sundries. 1. Miscellaneous ana law-costs 2. Compensation ... H 3 10 207 3 2 3 3O 4 10 6 38 5 1 40 2 o 2 16 8 29 11 5 1 14 4 10 18 6 1,911 16 10 672 1 5 870 S 18 2 188 5 11 1,980 6 9 1,158 11 1 1,980 6 9 1,158 11 1 Total ... 7 13 6 78 7 1 32 8 1 12 12 10 2,583 18 3 870 5 18 2 188 5 11 3,138 17 10 3,138 17 10 221 7 o Grand total 2,505 17 9 53,880 4 10 22,070 6 3 35,57 6 13 5 33,941 18 8 12,309 3 o 408,170 12 5 5,749 7 o 5. [56 10 1 6,719 5 8 6,441 16 3 592,821 15 4 592,821 15 4


RETURN No. 4. COMPARATIVE STATEMENNT of Passengers and Goods Traffic for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1883.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.


Passengers. G001 Is, Parcels, and Live Stock. Receipts. Number of Trains. Miles Travelled by Trains. Sections. First Class. Second Class. Total. Season Tickets. Wool. Timber. Grain. chS*. Mi"«alsFirewood. I Total. Parcels. Dogs. Horses. Cattle. Sheep and Figs. Passengi :s, &c. Goods, &c. T°^sr P1T —• Xrtal. Passengers and Goods. Mixed. Total. Shunting ant! Ballasting. Total. 1882-83. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... iuekland Sapier Wellington ... Wanganui New Plymouth EIurunui-BlufE Grreymouth. ... Westport Selson Picton 7 139 70 69 "5 51 848 8 No. 4,587 90,510 36,646 49,002 35,6l6 9,747 501,826 4,708 71 6,441 7,616 746,770 No. 10,838 308,593 110,318 182,344 138,167 9O,435 1,559,001 33,431 16,462 62,484 24,535 2,536,608 No. 15,425 399, IO3 146,964 231,346 173,783 100,182 2,060,827 38,139 i6,533 68,925 32,151 3,283,378 No. ' '8 928 219 728 73 128 6,180 S6 11 224 66 Tons. 4 364 3,456 1,560 1,360 131 43,97° Tons. 240 11,794 16,216 19,303 21,434 7,434 111,444 1,097 2,122 2,870 3,277 Tons. 106 8,236 2,580 1,970 4,99O I,2OI 343,398 Tons. 405 28,399 9,329 11,100 9,081 3,867 289,451 3,075 994 2,439 4,463 Tons. 22,749 37,"3 3>257 4,077 1,777 7,iS8 308,737 68,803 S4,38i 9 J3 1,123 Tons. 5 2,440 9,98S 10,070 7,455 3,78o 33,4io 340 Tor.s. 23,509 88,346 44,823 48,080 46,097 23,571 1,130,410 73,3'5 57,497 11,666 17,479 No. II 30,087 '15,889 i8,33O 19,084 8,3Si 208,669 995 2,372 3,553 1,279 No. 3 2,267 888 i,04S 1,411 682 16,044 153 4' 56 126 No. 816 621 272 72! 2OO 7,178 No. 11,908 293 572 356 210 14,243 No. 43,038 IO,593 94,085 8,837 ",349 280,524 I 141 283 619 £ 469 37,090 16,832 22,604 21,594 9,396 278,406 2,035 1,075 4,486 2,769 s. d. 8 11 7 5 [2 7 [8 10 :g 9 [9 6 [i 8 £ s. d. 621 24 2,456 13 7 44,084 19 8 i9,79i 3 6 25,961 9 5 23,882 18 o 6,875 4 11 403,420 2 2 11,268 i 10 8,715 12 9 4,693 3 1 4,813 1 2 £ s. d. 621 24 2,926 2 6 81,173 7 1 36,623 16 1 48,566 8 3 45,477 17 9 16,272 4 5 681,826 13 10 13,303 19 1 9,791 8 2 9,179 19 2 7,582 12 8 2,464 11,146 2,534 4,57J 4,249 3,997 54,6/8 2,251 15 677 I 1,212 179 ",257 1,019 ! 212 185 2,479 11,823 2,534 5,783 4,428 3,997 65.935 2,251 1,019 1,851 1,481 12,319 298,847 124,396 141,921 169,608 84,558 i,S",832 16,141 21,879 37,280 22,833 "■76 5>972 34,803 9.39 1 '2,395 304,819 124,396 176,724 178,999 84,558 1,803,792 16,141 21,879 38,416 23,566 5.5" 94,627 14,71s 59,648 49,7i9 12,132 659,873 10,110 7,966 5,5i9 4,900 17,906 399,446 139, 111 -3^,37" 228,718 96,690 2,463,665 26,251 29,845 43-935 28,466 291,960 10 23 18 189 669 1,645 3,302 3,610 4,645 9 13 20 2 '3 8 l7 3 '5 5 t6 1 [i 6 1,639 1,296 1,136 733 Total i,358 8,621 367,428 362,603 510,088 308,620 22,716 9,850 27,605 396,763 8 11 556,583 12 5 88,825 14,756 103,581 2,441,614 2,785,685 3,710,405 5^703 197,231 75,740 1,564,793 449,470 953,347 11 4 344,071 924,720 1881-82. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Sapier Wellington ... Wanganui Sew Plymouth Eurunui-BlufE Sreymouth ... Westport Nelson Picton s 139 70 69 "5 51 810 8 3,003 75,417 33,040 43,757 32,692 I2,O2I 443,768 7,458 253 6,192 7,7l6 6,476 265,352 93,7H 156,353 121,440 68,304 1,410,633 27,048 16,133 56,513 24,192 9,481 340,769 126,754 200,110 154,132 80,325 1,854,401 34,5o6 16,386 62,705 31,908 836 194 592 60 124 5,4i6 46 9 218 62 1 342 3, 2I7 i,3S8 i»»3 18 27 10,804 15,210 15,870 22,344 6,075 113,446 1,121 1,321 1,798 4,889 40 6,553 2,963 2,456 3,702 1,470 353,675 164 25,088 8,150 9,736 6,658 3,7i9 256,038 1,781 844 i,97S 2,936 9,845 31,819 3,399 4,058 9,292 ',361 288,424 51,632 32,512 615 702 i,5io 9,88S 7,745 8,850 3,76S 34,595 150 10,077 76,116 42,824 41,223 5i>959 16,408 1,084,095 54,684 34,677 8,941 16,710 27.2S4 13.921 14,412 i7,53i S,i8 9 201,714 1,813 556 1,083 1,481 611 15,389 99 87 29 125 "8o5 486 277 624 124 6,239 10,421 184 482 266 126 12,384 33,052 8,900 46,802 5,88o 4,833 219,471 12 S 1 117 719 281 11 1 33,881 10 2 15,532 1 i 20,174 2 3 20,371 2 2 7,672 17 11 253,804 17 11 1,915 17 2 818 12 4 4,369 12 3 2,883 9 " 361,705 4 3 621 2 4 1,127 ' 6 38,245 14 9 18,188 19 9 21,640 19 5 23,519 1 S 5,558 8 1 397,957 10 o 8,957 17 1 5,553 9 9 4,149 12 s 4,801 6 10 621 2 4 1,408 12 7 72,127 4 11 33,721 o 10 41,815 1 8 43,890 3 7 13,231 6 o 651,762 7 11 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 1,618 6,742 2,544 1,67s 4,009 4,328 50,728 2,022 794 1,653 1,271 470 i,332 5 i,938 "65 9,695 2,088 8,074 2,549 3>6i3 4,009 4,393 60,423 2,022 794 i,74S i,33S 8,086 233,576 105,344 142,453 169,766 65,770 i,39 2,785 15,660 20,449 35,693 22,910 2,350 43,208 362 23,006 804 219,266 10,436 276,784 105,706 165,459 169,766 66,574 1,612,051 15,660 20,449 36,154 23,765 2,057 80,743 10,426 48,478 36,340 2,470 674,110 7,721 12,493 357,527 116,132 213,937 206,106 69,044 2,286,161 23,381 20,449 41,049 28,842 37,917 10 23 18 142 573 1,75" 3.U5 2,660 4,495 2,268 3.!92 1,210 13 S 24 9 15 27 92 64 461 855 4,895 S,°77 Total ... I,3l8 665,319 2,246,158 7,564 44,68i 317,089 433,659 73,655 286,741 8,597 319,837 892,026 7 7 77,384 13,661 2,502,804 872,317 3.37S.I2I 2,9U.477 192,905 375,725 *A37>7H 21,273 23,9*4 530,321 3 4 9 I.°4S 2,212,492 290,312

RETURN No. 5. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure and Revenue, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883.


A.' C. Eife, Eailway Accountant.


Mileage. Cla; isified Expenditure Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. tvenue. o H a. Total for Year. Maintenance. Locomotive. Carriage and Wagon Repairs. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. Section. TrainMileage. Total. Per Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Repairs of Carriages and "Wagons. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. Total. g p ~ § g 2 a 1%i s pa & ill a* a, 111 1 -J PM 1882-83. Whangarei ... Auckland If apier Wellington ... Wanganui New Plymouth Hummii -E luff Westport kelson Pieton 7 139 69 "5 848 8 I 12,39s 304,819 124,396 176,7241 178,999! 84.5585 1,803,7921 16,141 21,8791 38,416 23,566 12,785,685 ecovered £ a. d. 621 2 4 2,9-26 2 6 8i,i75 7 1 36,623 16 i j 48,566 8 3 ! 45,477 17 9 I 16,272 4 5 681,826 13 10 i3>303 19 1 [ 9,791 8 2 9,179 19 2 7,582 12 S £ s. d.j 487 13 9 584 o o; 523 4 oj 703 17 2 395 9 2j 319 1 2 810 14 7 1,662 19 10 979 2 9 399 2 7I 421 5 2 s. d. 48I 5 3t 5 ioi 5 5* 5 of 3 10; 7 6| 16 5} ! 4 9i 6 5 6 10 ! £ a. d.j £ s. d.! £ s. d. 563 10 71 870 19 4 74 2 1 19,097 14 o 14,901 14 i| 3,713 '? 6 8,801 15 11! 5,758 7 9 1,909 16 11 10,215 12 io| 13,454 13 11, 3,255 19 1 13,956 19 ° 8,364 18 2 2,851 17 9 5,226 16 8 3,412 1 7 550 16 11 144,253 4 61101,836 4 924,909 19 2 1,284 o 3] 792 o 9 326 18 6 I>55 1 7 81 1,751 3 11 500 o 10 i,933 13 9 1 !>437 2 3 397 13 4 2,938 13 9! 1,027 18 5 396 13 2 £ s. «jJ 737 13 3, 12,511 3 10 4,492 12 s| 6,372 8 6 6,903 17 3 2,297 12 2 "5,493 6 o 2,701 5 2 1,078 8 6 2,327 o 4 1,418 3 5 £ s. d.j ... 259 12 1 3,434 14 5: 1,099 19 9 2,199 I2 O] 1,831 18 5 809 2 IO 19,093 19 9; 636 15 4! S75 9 2 617 17 ioi 472 1 7 £ a. & 221 7 OJ 7 13 6 78 7 1 32 8 1 12 E2 IO |2,583 18 3 j 870 1 £ s. d.l £ I £ 2,505 17 9 S5-644I7-65 I 53.880 4 10 66-381387-63 22,070 6 3 6o-26j3i5'29J 35,576 13 5 73'25jsi 5-601 33,941 18 8j 74-63295-151 12,309 3 o 75-66241-36 408,170 12 5 59-86485-34 5,749 7 o 43-22718-671 I 5,456 10 1 55-73545-651 I 6,719 5 8 73-20292-141 6,441 16 3 j 84-95357-88 592,821 15 4J 62-18:439-45 592,821 15 4 61-241 ... d. 48-52 42-42 J42-58 J48-3IJ 34-94 54-3I |85-49i 159-85; 41-98 65-60 -P I *- j 93-92 !37'39 12574 148-05! 121-37 102-49! i?i'53 160-50: 8 4 -O7| I d. 10-91; 15-041 16-981 13-871 18-71 14-84 19-09 17-02! i2-o8| j29'93! \ £ d. I £ ... I ... J ... I45-i6|i6-8 7 ;i2-35 107-21 11'73 2672 82-26:ii-ii27-28j 195 [18-2747-19! 72-74! 11 -2 1 24-80! 66-90! 9-68 io"80| I2I-O9JI3-SS 29-62! 99 111-7840-87 175-12119-2150 6248; 8-98 17-29^ 57-ii!io-47 : 22-O4; 113-8713-2328-83 i i d. 2-92' 3-68! 4'42i 3-8 3 l 3-32-4-86 5-48 2-48; 4-04 £ I - '122-95 90-01 I 64-iSj i 92-35] I 60-031 I 45-O5; ■I37-33: 337-66; 107-84; 101-17: 78-79j 115-89 M 14-28 9-85; 8-6 7 18-6 5 I 9'26| 6-52; !5'37| "■83 [14-44] « I43-27J |24- 7 i 15-72! 31-88 I5'93! 15-87! 122-70; :79-6o ; 57'55! [26-87. ]26'22; a. 5'03! 271! 2'12| 2'90! 2'46j 2-301 2-54J 9'47j 6-31 3-86 4'8 1 j £ ... ; J'59 "ii ri 3 ■28 ■25 3-O7 I'04 d. ■i? ■02 *i 1 •04 ■04 ■34 IO 5 18 2 j i38 5 11 •26 10-46 ■04 1-91 Totals ... Postal services I _ _ 209,823 8 11153,607 4 11 i 1,358! notr 1953,347 » 4 14,700 o o ■. 706 14 2; 38,887 9 3 156,333 11 331,031 3 2 3,138 17 10 51-07 155-54 |i8-o8 S 3-35 13-471 2 3 -od 2-67! 2-32 ■27 ... I ... I - ... ... ... j ... ... i i 1 .... .... ... i . ,_ i I 1968,047 11 4| ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1881-82. Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui Hew Plymouth Hurunui-Blufl: Greymoutli ... Westport Nelson Picton S 139 691 5i 810! 8 to 231 18 ... 10,436 276,784 105,7061 I 165,459 I 169,766 65,574 1,612,051 15,660 20,449 36,154 23,765 621 2 4 1,408 12 7 j 72,127 4 II j 33,721 O IO 41,815 1 8 43.890 3 7 13,231 6 o 1651,762 7 ill I 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 281 14 7 5 27 X3 2 | 481 14 7 606 o 4 381 13 o| 275 I5 2; 818 12 9 1,359 4 2! 637 4 2 385 17 4j 404 9 4 686 15 o I a"'8i I 5 2i 6 4I 5 o^ 5 2 3 "i j 8 1 13 ioi j 6 2* ! 4 8i 6 si 517" 5 8 19,452 16 7 6,871 1 o 9.824 7 4 11,384 15 6 4,494 1 6 121,360 13 4 1,196 8 2 976 15 2i 1,781 16 4 j 2,262 1 ioi 680 16 10 12,878 13 9 4,957 10 4 11,836 15 8 7,429 11 1 2,389 5 8 92,238 11 & 813 10 11 946 3 8 1,502 o 11 993 1 9 ... , 41 14 10 3,732 13 3 1,400 9 o 2,658 o 3 2,025 19 4 350 12 1 24,378 11 1 311 4 7 435 18 10 232 2 2 299 13 3 35,866 18 8 39i 7 1 10,274 6 6; 3,962 3 2 S,i54 11 9 6,253 J6 10 1,667 Io 4 1 106,573 1 9 2,269 J6 5 955 10 2 2,142 3 2 1^300 6 4 170 4 4 j 2,792 3 3 955 19 10 j 1,817 Io 4 ! 1,505 7 1 564 15 7 18,612 17 9 566 18 o 466 18 11 S62 14 5 413 o 9 128,428 10 3 I ... [ 164 3 3! 1618 2 33 2 2 14 15 i| 23 1 8i 800 14 8: ... 1,801 8 9! ! 49,294 16 7! I 18,164 1 6| I 31,324 7 6 I 28,614 4 " i 9,489 6 10 363,964 10 1 5,157 18 ij 3,784 18 5j 6,235 12 o 5,268 311 523,099 8 7 127-89360-29 68'34J36o-63 53-87 259-49 74"9i 453:98 65-20:248-82 71-72197-77 55'84457'i5 47'43'64474 59-40:378-49 73 -20|282-45 68-55 277-27 4i43| 42'74i 41-24 |45'44 40-45 34-21 54' 19 79'05 44-42 4i"39 53'2O 50-16 ... 103-46! 142-31 98-16 142-38 99 93-66! 152-43; *49'55 97-68; 8071! ii9'o6; 138-67; ... lii'go 15-60; 14-25; 116-09: |i6-2o| 18-071 |i8-33: 11 1 -46: J22-8 4 136-17 15-66 94-2211-17 70*82 1 Tad I7I-55;!?' 1?; 64-60:10-50 49-80: 8'6i 115-85J 1373 101-69:12-47 94-62jii*ii 68-04! 9-97 52-27! 10-03 8-35 27-31 2O"OI [17-62 ! 7-31 30-62 38-91 43'59 10-51 I5-77 ! I •96 78-27 9 ; 3-23 75-i6| 8-91; 3-18 56-601 9 3-85 74-71; 7-48!: 2-87 54-38 8-84] 1-26 3475: 6-oi; 3-63 133-86 15-87 : 4-77 283-73 34-79|' 5'12 95-5511-21;. I'54 97-O3 I4-22J: 3-03 68-43 13-13J: 3-44^o8-si|i3-S2: 34-04 3-91 20-43 2-42 13-66 2-17 [26-34 2-64 [13-09 2-13 111-771 2-04 23-38 2-77 70-86 8-69 46-691 5-48J !25-49! 373| 2i'74 4"i7| 21-89 2-73 1-20 -14 •24 -04 ■48! -05 ■13! 'O2 ■48 -09 I'Oli "12 3 11 8 14 15 o '3°1 '°4 ■67 "io Totals ... Postal services 1,3181 not r [2,502,804 •ecorered 892,026 7 7 14,700 o o 906,726 7 7 7 ii 180,122 2 5: 136,666 2 1 140,944 13 6\ 1,071 1 8 58-641402-72 17-27 105-22 13-10 27-61 •82 -io ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I ... ... j ... ... — 523,099 8 7 57-69 ... - ... ! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...



RETURN No. 6. Net Revenue, Cost of Construction, and Rate of Interest on all Lines.

RETURN No. 7. Comparison of Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure for Four Financial Years, 1879-80, 1880-81, 1881-82, 1882-83.

A. 0. Fife, Railway Accountant.

State of Line. Miles Open. Cost. Total. „ _ Total Eate o£ Net Revenue. Nefc Eevcnue . interest. Section. Division. £ s. d. 26,fiO3 6 1 36,948 17 11 54,153 0 5 1,112,719 14 11 64,592 2 8 419,298 14 11 32,003 0 0 764,860 12 6 3,017 4 0 804,588 10 2 20,552 0 0 292,457 13 6 52,162 0 0j 40,237 8 9 103,729 19 5 3,890 12 3| 2,506 19 6! 1,697,301 5 2 9,768 0 0 102,396 1 5 £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Kawakawa* Main Line ... j, Opened... Unopened Opened... 63,552 4 0 54,153 0 5 621 2 4 420 4 9 621 2 4 420 4 9 0 19 7 0 15 G Whangarei-Kanio Auckland ,, 7 - 139 1,177,311 17 7 27,295 2 3 27,295 2 3 2 6 5 Napier Wellington 3, Te Aroha-Thames Main Line ,, ... ... Unopened Opened... Unopened Opened... Unopened Opened... Unopened Opened... Unopened 70 69 115 451,301 14 11 767,877 16 6 14,553" 9 10 12,989 14 10 14,553" 9 10 12,989*14 10 3 "i 6 1 i3 10 Wanganui ,, ... 11,535 19 1 1 8 0 825,140 10 2 11,535 19 1 New Plymouth... 51 344,619 13 6 40,237 8 9 103,729 19 5 3,890 12 3 2,506 19 6 3,963 1 5 3,963 1 5 I 13 0 Private Line ... Stock Wellington-Foxton fi Surreys Miscellaneous ... Christchurch ... Main Line Opened... Unopened Opened... 162 "43 114,158' 3 2 Loss 573" 1 3 ... Oatnaru Oxford, Eangiora, and Eyrelon Branch Southbridge Springfield-Whitecliffs Canterbury Interior ... Main Line Albury Branch j, Unopened Opened... 42 43 150,133 0 0 103,542 3 11 41,536 10 8 954,196 18 2 118,484 15 5 37,826 4 3 79,581 7 1 90,622 15 4 37,994 2 1 1,438,681 11 5 19,694 6 8 55,883 3 7 168,700 7 3 3 5,366 18 11 13,869 11 5 150.20S 8 7 1,017,816 16 4 6,400 0 0 84,227 16 3 3,070 0 0 218,040 7 10 9,558 0 0 89 13 9 350 0 0 163,096 14 2 15,500 0 0 28,395 4 9 80,802 0 4 199,891 3 7 153,223 13 4 2,000 0 0 188,801 15 6 13,567 3 01 81,249 6 llj 20,785 1 6! 2,506 19 7j 2,104,677 1 2 4,(501 9 3 3,327 10 10 121,514" 2 0 5 15 6 "lO8 26 32,350 8 10 3,757 16 7 * ,, ••• Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Unopened Opened... "22 15 Loss 2,795 6 0 Loss 184 19 5 Unopened Opened... 1,318,706 2 4 33,128 0 0 2 10 3 Punedin ,, ... Main Line Walton Park Branch ... Outratn Branch Lawrence Branch Palmorston-Waihemo... Main Line, Catlin's River Otago Central Main Line "115 22! 87,739 3 1 Loss 293 19 10 Loss618 19 10 724 10 3 ,, Iurercargill V Unopened I ,, 1,862,402 7 10 87,550 13 8 4 14 0 Opened... Unopened Opened... Unopened Opened... Unopened "175 29,003" 1 10 „ ... Tapanui "15 IJoss87O 0 „ ... Eiverton 48 3,330 3 11 Greymouth Seaward Bush Eivemiale-Switzers Main Line ... Opened... Unopened 1,339,552 14 2 31,463 5 9 2 7 0 8 Westport Nelson Greymouth-Hokitika ... Harbour Works Main Line ... ,, Opened... "lO 23 287,793 19 3 199,891 3 7 7,554 12 1 4,334 18 1 7,554 12 1 4,334 18 1 2 12 6 2 3 4 » "■ ••• Unopened Opened... Unopened 155,223 13 4 2,460 13 6 2,460 13 6 1 11 9 ,, >n >•• "l8 202,368 18 6 81,249 6 11 20,785 1 6 2,506 19 1 1,140 16 5 1,14016 5 0 11 3 Picton „ .•) Stock (Surveys Miscellaneous ... , } ... I 1,358 11,409,479 5 2' '11,409,479 5 2 360,525 16 0 360,525 16 0 3 3 2 * Worked by Bay of Islands Coal Company.

Year. Miles. I Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent, of Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Horses, and Dogs. Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs. Passengers. 1882-83 i,358 1881-82 1,319 1880-81 1,277 1879-80 1,172 £ s. a. 953.347 » 4 892,026 7 7 836,454 1 8 762,573 18 1 j •"S£ s. d. I 592,821 15 4! 523,099 8 7 521,957 14 2 580,030 9 6 62' 18 58-64 62-40 76-06 1.564.793 I.437.7I4 1,377.783 1,108,108 No. 341,186 316,611 286,865 180,331 No. 477>°75 343,75! 300,704 285,209 No. 3.283,378 2,9ii,477 2,849,561 2,967,090


RETURN No. 8. Comparison of Revenue and Expenditure Current and Previous Year's.

RETURN No. 9. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Sectional Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant. 13—D. 1.


Section. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent, of Revenue. 1882-83. I.—Twelve Months e .—Twelve Months mding 31st March. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Greymoutlr Westport Nelson Picton £ s. d. 621 2 4 2,926 2 6 8i,i75 7 1 36,623 16 1 48,566 8 3 45,477 J7 9 16,272 4 5 681,826 13 10 13,303 19 ' 9,791 8 2 9,179 19 2 7,582 12 8 £ s. d. 621 2 4 2,926 2 6 8l,l75 7 1 36,623 16 1 48,566 8 3 45,477 J7 9 16,272 4 5 681,826 13 10 13,303 19 ' 9,791 8 2 9,179 19 2 7,582 12 8 £ s. d. 2,505 17 9 53,880 4 10 22,070 6 3 35.57 6 13 5 33,94i 18 8 12,309 3 o 408,170 12 5 5,749 7 o 5,456 10 1 6,719 5 8 6,441 16 3 85-64 66-38 60-26 73-25 74-63 75-66 59-86 43-22 55-73 73-20 84-95 Total 953,347 " 4 953,347 ii 4 592,821 15 4 62-18 1881-82, !.—Twelve Months e: ding 31st March. Kawakawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Greymouth Westport Nelson Picton i ... I 621 24 1,408 12 7 72,127 4 11 33,721 O IO 41,815 1 8 43,890 3 7 13,231 6 o 651,762 7 11 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 1,801 8 9 49,294 16 7 18,164 > 6 31,324 7 6 28,614 4 11 9,489 6 10 363,964 10 1 5,i57 18 1 3,784 18 5 6,235 12 o 5,268 3 11 I27'8g 68-34 53'87 74'9' 65-20 7172 55'84 47H3 59'40 73-20 68-55 Total ... 892,026 7 7 523,099 8 7 58-64 A. C Fife, Eailway Accountant,

Name. Miles Open for Traffic. Revenue, Expenditure. Per Cent. of Revenue. Cliristelmrcli Section Oxford, Rangiora, and Eyretou Branch Soutlibridge Branch Springfield Branch 162 43 42 43 £ s. d. 236,219 3 11 7,934 4 3 13,822 14 9 12,630 2 7 £ s. a. 122,061 o 9 8,507 5 6 9,221 5 6 9,302 11 9 Si-67 107-22 66-71 73-66 Total 290 270,606 5 6 149,092 3 6 5S-O9 Oamaru Section ... Albury Branch Duntroon Branch Ugapara Branch ... 108 26 22 IS 88,401 8 5 8,246 4 5 5,285 10 11 3,065 19 3 5.6,050 19 7 4,488 7 10 8,080 16 11 3,250 18 8 63-40 54'43 152-88 106-03 Total 171 104,999 3 o 71,871 3 0 68-45 Dunedin Section ... Walton Part Branch Outram Branch ... Lawrence Branch... "5 3 9 22 196,652 3 7 836 4 2 2,599 18 10 7,657 13 1 108,913 o 6 1,130 4 o 3,218 18 8 6,933 2 10 55-38 135-I5 123-81 9O-S4 Total . 149 207,745 19 8 120,195 6 o 57-85 Invercargill Section Tapanui Branch Riverton Branch 175 IS 48 238 83,887 19 o 2,015 13 6 12,571 13 2 98,475 S 8 54,884 17 2 2,885 13 6 9i 24i 9 3 67,011 19 ii 65-42 143-16 73'5i ■=« Total 68-05 Grand total ... 848 681,826" 13 10 408,170 12 5 59-86



RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1883.

Stations. Number I Hours | of I Open. | Hands j 1 Employed. I Total Expenditure. Cash Paid into Bank. Number of Tickets Issued. Goc JTons Outward. Goi ids. Revenue. Total Value Forwarded. Goods. Tons Inward. Coaching. Whangarei Section — Whangavei Wharf Kamo Coal Mines Accountant 8 8 8> 4 £ s. d. 653 7 8 £ s. d. 312 1 1 117 18 o f 161 10 9 1 2,336 2 o 19 2 O 4.556 762 3,214 755 ! 428 246 16,917 5,997 £ s. d. 219 11 2 32 3 3 1 62 211 43 12 o 11 19 7 £ s. d. 103 15 4 43 9 3 £ s. d. 323 6 6 75 12 6 162 2 11 2,352 19 1 12 1 6 1 22,835 595 2,309 7 1 o in ... J Totals I 9,287 j 23,509 653 7 8 2,928 11 o 23,509 469 8 11 2,456 13 7 2,926 2 6 Auckland Section — Auckland Avondale B uekland Hamilton Hamilton Junction Helensrille Huntly Manurcwa MercerMount Eden ... Ngarua waliia ... Ohaupo Onehunga Otahuhu Papakura Pa] ja t oitoi Penrose Junction Pokeno Pnkekohe Hem 11 era Taupiri Te Awamutu ... Tuakau Accountant Auckland Head Office 16 11 12 12 8 8 14 8 12 14 11 15 8 8 37 1 1 ! 1 I 1 1 6 2 ! 1 ! 3 4 1 S.i? 1 3 4 143 18 9 160 n 11 323 13 § 1,263 3 2 248 15 10 491 16 4 481 3 9 292 12 o 179 18 6 682 3 8 MS 9 1 155 14 o 181 10 5 262 3 8 143 1 4 356 2 6 294 10 9 112 13 o S6 7 H 4 H8 5 9 30,089 4 11 807 16 11 1,486 19 8 2,460 7 8 4,256 7 4 8,706 10 5 852 10 4 1,157 " 9 4.204 S 7 4,2iS 4 9 1,493 8 2 6,081 6 6 1,392 10 3 1,139 *8 4 721 6 3 956 8 o 868 8 11 2,166 4 5 S12 13 7 3,°49 7 1 946 ia 11 1,890 9 o 164 10 o 97,572 4.ioo 4,556 6,039 13,015 i,3O5 4.33° 27,334 1,960 1,403 35,752 10,639 4,783 3,860 4,727 1,766 5,002 5,890 57i 3,358 2,560 19,852 3,238 766 260 1,748 10,277 I 22,134 j 2,260 i 1,888 677 1,012 7,769 1,528 545 1 2,038 6,411 219 3,428 "3 101 1,403 679 44,155 i,594 944 4,086 128 5,9°9 424 3,026 2,739 2,495 6,880 1,677 924 648 264 8l2 I.42S 496 363 2,015 13,064 19 5 234 7 ° 836 9 II 31 8 5 4,076 17 4 2,930 13 10 323 9 7 735 18 4 2,817 4 2 ■722 3 8 674 11 2 2,496 17 5 1,057 6 11 841 3 4 588 10 6 507 3 8 539 9 I0 1,400 18 9 774 8 2 141 3 10 1,382 8 1 515 7 6 397 6 7 14,072 9 8 746 6 3 440 14 o 305 8 4 474 19 7 6,310 3 8 8,118 18 o 1,257 7 " 575 18 8 S64 3 6 2,718 16 5 2,833 !6 o 476 8 7 297 14 5 368 2 5 639 12 1 218 7 o I,IIO 17 2 481 14 7 116 6 4 i»4i3 8 3 376 19 10 1 17 o 164 10 o 27,137 9 1 980 13 3 1,277 3 11 336 16 9 4,55i 16 11 9,240 17 6 8,442 7 7 i,993 6 3 3,393 2 10 1,286 7 2 3,393 7 7 S,33O 13 5 i,533 15 6 1,138 18 3 956 12 11 1,146 15 9 757 !6 10 2,511 15 11 1,256 2 9 257 10 2 2,795 16 4 892 7 4 399 3 7 164 10 o 13 13 12 12 14 14I 8 8 12 t i 1 Totals 84 11,806 14 9 83,453 IS 4 240,522 1 88,346 88,346 37,090 7 5 44,084 19 8 8i,i75 7 1 jN'aeiee Section — Farndon Hastings ioi IO 4 300 19 7 470 9 10 i 2,256 18 6 6,371 3 4 20, 1 1 1 1,086 5,267 355 10 2 1,818 5 1 4,3i7 9,097 1,039 3 7 . 3,100 3 10 i,394 13 9 4,918 8 11



Kaikora Kopua Makatoko Napier Ormondville Spit Takapau TeAute ... Waipawa Waipukurau ... Accountant ... 9^ Closed 12 9 12 2 17th Feb. 2 6 1 2 1 1 272 9 o 91 18 3 537 17 2 133 6 1 323 !2 3 130 13 6 162 11 10 271 19 2 498 15 4 1,033 16 11 221 9 5 2,545 14 4 8,798 1 9 845 18 s 5,424 13 o 1,100 7 9 883 13 4 3>l8 5 13 2 3,896 9 11 57 o 2 3,335 1,170 5,764 24,895 2,532 i,5n 3,122 4.O45 7,807 8,245 948 5,755 2,961 2,087 6,975 2,904 5,999 2,720 4,403 830 1,426 9,858 508 9,256 356 651 i,854 6,517 669 19 6 190 6 8 1,415 18 6 4,863 12 1 503 9 o 147 9 2 620 16 s 719 9 1 1,847 17 o 1,538 6 8 176 1 1 654 10 o 1,778 18 3 1,703 8 7 1,724 12 1 2,174 13 1 3,462 6 2 1,368 12 4 1,241 11 o 1,409 6 2 2,098 12 o o 18 7 1,324 9 6 1,969 4 11 3,H9 7 1 6,588 4 2 2,678 2 1 3,609 15 4 1,989 8 9 1,961 o 1 3,257 3 2 3,636 18 8 176 19 8 9 10 1 of 2 3 ... j_ , Totals 26 4,509 13 " 36,626 o o 95,57i 44,823 44,823 16,832 12 7 19,791 3 6 36,623 16 1 Wbi/lingtcM Section — Carterton Cross's Creek ... 3?eatnerston Grey town Kaitoke Lower Hutt ... Mastorton Petone Summit Upper Hutt Wellington Wellington Wharf Accountant Wellington Head Office ... 12 12 II I2 2 I2§ 12 14 2 2 4 1 1 3 6 294 1 1 555 i5 6 430 4 Jo 174 5 5 140 19 10 413 3 8 658 17 4 367 15 1 7,982 9 2 3,488 5 7 2,374 7 1 282 8 7 2,448 13 4 7,399 1 4 3,848 7 4 6,828 4,691 6,231 759 17,887 11,150 14,855 1,034 1,349 623 4,634 2,686 4,777 '=293 1,354 '933 165 1,560 2,289 2,918 i,775 4 5 1,468 13 S i,375 17 o 148 18 6 2,097 4 IX 3,602 15 6 869 18 7 8,874 12 11 1,867" 8 6 802 14 9 237 18 11 792 13 10 3,727 6 4 803 13 5 10,649 17 4 3,336 1 11 2,178 11 9 3S6 17 5 2,889 18 9 7,330 1 10 1,673 12 o 2 1 4 14 581" 1 5 2,528 5 8 1,848 6 7 18,810 14 4 S,9Si 67,620 9,109 S,7S6 3,247 ... 695 36,819 54 997 16 6 10,049 ° 6 2,080 1 2 6,507 16 7 234 i.5 ° 30 18 o 1 10 o 3,077 17 8 16,556 17 1 234 15 o 247 17 6 400 422 9 6 51 16 1. ! 216 19 6 2 10 o ... I ... Totals 40 6,144 9 10 48,956 18 11 132,192 1 48,080 48,080 22,604 18 10 25,961 9 S 48,566 8 3 Wanganui Sectjos — Aramoho Feilding Foretell J?oxton Grreatf ord Halcombe Marton Palmerston Turakina Waitotara Wanganui ■ Waverley Accountant Wanganui Head Office 15 13 13 14 12 12 1 4 2 6 2 4 2 5 2 14 3 151 6 10 385 6 11 MS 15 7 1,184 lS IJ 33S 6 10 475 4 2 281 18 6 S22 14 2 237 3 4 124 15 8 2,267 2 9 428 18 10 884 3 8 6,089 4 4 760 17 8 3,261 16 7 1,972 12 8 2,436 2 o 3,512 15 2 6,901 13 7 1,195 17 6 1,042 17 3 15,582 18 o 5,245 4 10 1,868 4 5 188 8 o 4,810 8,345 3,046 14,932 9>875 6,374 i5,S3i 3,593 3,019 26,817 7,43 2 515 16,440 1,432 3,289 i,3S7 8,57S 1,640 3,7i7 1,047 2,096 5,376 613 2,352 1=43° 816 5,978 i,5S2 746 5,358 1,021 1,016 17,699 5,614 539 2 8 1,609 4 7 457 13 7 2,282 9 1 811 18 4 1,168 s 10 1,581 5 1 2,696 19 3 727 6 7 691 12 10 6,557 17 ' 2,191 13 8 279 11 2 163 17 10 7.379 » ! 271 14 11 3,260 8 5 687 16 11 3,275 17 9 804 s 1 1.380 4 4 3 25 9 2 S08 7 8 5,106 10 1 475 5 2 1 10 7 241 19 o 703 o 6 8,988 15 8 729 8 6 5,542 17 6 i,499 15 3 4,444 3 7 2,385 10 2 4,077 3 7 1,052 15 9 1,200 O 6 11,664 7 2 2,666 18 10 281 1 9 241 19 o 14 11 10 15 10 -,. Totals 46 6,540 9 6 50,942 15 8 107,158 46,097 46,097 21,594 19 9 23,882 iS o 45,477 17 9


RETURN No. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1883— continued.


Stations. Hours Open. Number ] of Hands Employed. Total Expenditure. Cash Paid into Bank. Number of Tickets Issued. Goods. Rev< :nue. Total Value Forwarded. Tons Outward. Tons Inward. Coaching. Goods. New Plymouth Section — Hawera Inglewood New Plymouth Normanby StratfordJ Waitara Accountant 13 9* 12 12! ioi 3 4 1 1 3 £ s. d. 6 4S 8 11 186 8 1 586 13 8 142 11 o "9 4 5 419 14 9 £ s. d. 5,637 9 9 1,690 19 1 4,33! 2 ° 1,308 5 10 1,094 8 7 1,898 14, 5 185 1 10 17,535 6,713 16,899 6,692 3,869 io,547 785 1,883 752 ",379 5,003 10,897 1,049 7,147 I >234 896 2,348 £ s. d. 2,714 4 11 1,045 15 9 2,797 19 " 655 8 2 678 1 6 1,389 10 1 115 19 2 £ s. d. 2,822 6 8 627 o 9 1,719 4 o 6 56 3 9 432 15 7 617 14 2 £ s. d. 5,536 11 7 1,672 16 6 4,517 3 11 1,311 11 11 1,110 17 1 2,007 4 3 115 19 2 Totals 14 2,100 o 10 16,146 1 6 62,255 23=571 23,57! 9,396 19 6 6,875 4 II 16,272 4 5 Geeymouth Section — Greymoufcli Flag Stations ... B runner Accountant n 12 1,946 12 8 4,242 1 7 216 19 4 8,774 1 10 28 3 9 11,186 io,S97 3,488 I 1,282 68,545 I 69,298 866 3,i5i 951 16 10 147 !2 5 936 8 o 3,895 12 3 201 11 5 7,170 18 2 4,847 9 1 349 3 10 8,107 6 2 9 5 681 7 6 Totals I ; 17 2,628 O 2 13,261 6 6 23,680 I 73,3i5 73,3i5 2,035 17 3 11,268 1 10 I3>3O3 19 1 Westpobt Section — Westport Accountant 8 5 1,006 in ., 9,820 8 5 932 6 10 57,497 57,497 1,075 iS 5 8,715 12 9 9,79i 8 2 10,797 ... Totals I 1,006 in 10,752 IS 3 10,797 57,497 57,497 i 1=075 15 5 8,715 12 9 9,79i 8 2 Nelson Section — Nelson Richmond ... Bright-water ... Wakefield B elgrove Port Wharf Accountant and Head Office 9 9 10 10 11 5 I I I 3 I 580 13 4 146 o 9 147 6 8 357 6 4 1,021 4 10 3,303 9 4 943 1 4 668 18 8 810 1 4 1,136 18 o 1,922 18 8 i5>389 7,483 4,692 9»7°5 1,256 964 i 814 4,954 2,022 1,656 7,435 1,297 603 1,262 415 654 1,746 6 4 601 12 8 497 17 8 630 7 5 956 4 10 2 19 6 1,583 11 o 332 19 3 192 10 6 216 18 o 191 12 3 191 14 1 1,792 8 2 191 9 10 3,329 17 4 934 11 11 690 8 2 847 5 S 1,147 17 1 9 ... } 1,987 1 9 15 246 17 6 51 17 8 4,486 16 1 ... 242 17 6 Totals 26 41,660 11,666 11,666 4,693 3 1 2,407 17 11 9,032 4 10 9,179 19 2 Picton Section— Picton Flag Stations ... 4,981 8,214 1,074 11 4 693 15 10 10 5 1,004 5 6 3,395 12 8 610 14 8 4,776 9,979 6,285 1,460 1,739 18 o 514 6 11 2,814 9 4 1,208 2 9



Blenheim Accountant 9 2 3'i 15 6 4,233 19 o 35 IS 2 6,756 5.3 H 9=764 I 1,001 4 4 2,558 16 3 3=56o o 7 Totals 1,316 1 o 8,276 1 6 21,511 i7>509 2,769 11 6 4,813 1 2 7,582 12 8 17.509 HtratTNui-Bi/uiT Section— Waitari ... Amberley Sef ton Rangiora Southbrook Eaiapoi Styx Papanui Addington ChristcMrch (Coaching) ... (Goods) Opawa Heathcote Lyttelton ■ • ■ ...' ,, Hornby Tenvpleton Rolleston Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Rakaia Chertsey Ashburton Westerfield ... Timvald Winslow Hinds ... Baling Rangitata Orari Winchester Temuka Cust Bennett's ... Oxford East ... „ West ... Prebbleton Lincoln Springs ton Ellesmere Doyleston Leeston Southbridge ... Hi I2i 12 12 12 9 i8i 17! 19 15 14 15 12 12 ni I2i 12 Hi 4 3 1 5 1 6 1 2 7 43 48 1 4 79 3 1 2 1 2 2 7 1 16 613 8 7 322 2 7 153 2 8 684 8 2 130 10 o 860 8 5 214 15 10 280 13 3 1,315 18 6 6,848 1 2 8,857 10 7 239 2 2 607 11 5 20,868 13 5 506 13 6 209 12 7 403 2 5 146 8 9 256 9 1 266 o o 694 in 276 19 5 2,214 14 1 5.695 IS 9 4.344 4 4 1,338 2 6 6,342 17 3 787 12 6 6,563 13 10 195 19 1 2,542 611 5,144 14 1 45.939 9 10 129,927 8 o 493 12 10 712 13 2 17,697 12 3 1,042 12 2 478 4 9 1,303 2 10 598 3 8 5i5 6 7 1,631 18 5 5,680 18 8 1,131 4 o 23,174 18 8 t 11,003 8,255 3.691 17,364 2,733 19,139 2,307 8,957 217,932 11,836 77,187 , 2,640 4.577 2,692 1,822 4,171 8,856 I 2,506 18,601 2,942 3,572 3,090 6,980 j 1.793 : 19.398 I 6,005 ' 2,674 ; 27,991 I 42,744 7,272 201,885 21,902 H,738 1,650 2,380 953 i>9i3 3>O4« 4,716 5.831 9.327 2,024 2,i55 ] 1.875 ] ■ 1,744 5SO 1,607 2,508 3,281 5.950 1,300 1.159 1,970 6,983 2,970 10,122 1.463 2,715 2,127 2,102 3.94O I 7,228 I 4,157 1,150 I 6,955 2,500 11,811 1,436 7,246 31.937 163,464 7.330 138,236 38,i54 1,031 557 778 850 499 961 3,349_ 1,066 15,574 682 1.653 883 663 406 1,032 1.369 1.357 3,449 942 288 509 1.730 509 5,762 614 349 925 2,136 2,401 2,240 8 7 2,023 on 635 13 7 3,oii 5 8 363 5 4 2,453 6 5 127 11 8 1.999 3 10 2,329 17 6 45,397 o o 490 7 11 573 4 3 7,182 6 4 933 17 1 326 12 o 1,148 14 3 53i 18 4 357 6 6 1,159 1 o 2,867 1 11 672 9 8 7,342 13 o 4 16 8 207 14 8 501 2 6 271 1 2 219 2 4 605 9 7 1,508 14 7 1,064 H o 2,834 H 8 492 4 10 279 13 o 718 2 7 1,116 11 4 292 16 7 733 3 9 290 in 483 4 9 617 6 8 921 6 9 1,328 6 n 2,499 9 7 1.643 1 3 1,054 14 2 2,385 5 11 563 5 2 5.423 1 10 1,436 7 2 708 12 7 7,694 9 11 20,112 8 9 037 973 16 5 61,667 13 6 862 12 2 1,665 19 8 374 8 8 638 13 11 293 6 7 690 14 3 1,114 !9 2 2,248 17 5 2,333 2 8 5,934 9 11 1,244 15 8 1,300 15 o 1,860 3 7 1,120 15 5 365 o 4 1,020 18 9 1,348 10 4 1,497 19 7 2,495 13 4 525 19 8 380 1 11 680 9 9 2,373 11 5 668 5 4 2,269 3 3 392 4 6 814 9 6 848 11 11 888 9 5 1,856 2 1 4.739 18 2 3,666 2 2 1,690 7 9 5,396 11 7 926 10 6 7.876 8 3 1,563 18 10 2,707 16 5 10,024 7 5 45,397 o o 20,112 8 9 490 11 6 1,547 o 8 68,849 19 I0 862 12 2 2,599 16 9 701 o 8 1,787 8 2 825 4 11 1,048 o 9 2,274 O 2 5,"5 19 4 3,O05 12 4 13,277 2 II 1,249 12 4 1,508 9 8 2,361 6 1 1,391 16 7 584 2 8 1,626 8 4 2,857 4 11 2,562 13 7 5,330 8 o 1,018 4 6 659 14 11 1,398 12 4 3,490 2 9 961 1 11 3,002 7 o 682 6 5 1,297 H 3 1,465 18 7 1,809 16 2 3,184 9 o i3i 13 I2i Hi II II 12 I2i I2| 13 9i 13 ioi 11 9i 9 12 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 166 s 3 '59 7 9 229 11 10 115 7 o 157 I 6 271 14 6 276 16 3 406 8 10 169 16 7 154 4 11 131 1 2 398 7 7 194 19 4 303 12 2 no 8 3 180 3 6 162 16 5 266 11 3 391 16 n 1,034 H ° 1,774 11 2 763 " s 470 1 7 1,256 14 3 2,850 7 3 1,863 15 1 5,856 10 7 971 11 8 438 17 1 1,514 15 o 2,027 14 9 435 11 9 i,533 2 2 476 5 6 644 7 10 943 5 6 1,511 13 11 4.496 15 3 2,165 I,i54 861 2,036 4,616 5,704 ",529 2,105 1,696 2,759 3.405 5,505 1,970 2,254 2,701 4,332 5.335 I I 1 1 12 2 4 12 Carried forward 526,449 451.349 ! 271 51,216 19 6 294,146 14 io 473.928 98,656 15 o 146,271 15 o j 244,928 10 o



RETURN No. 10— continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1883— continued.

Stations. Hours Open. Number of Hands Employed. Total Expenditure. Cash Paid into Batik, Number of Tickets Issued. Goods. Revenue. Total Value l?oiwarded. Tons Outward. Tons Inward. Coaching. Goods. Section — continued. Brought forward Kirwee Darfi eld Junction Sheffield Springfield Coalgate ... Washdj&e Timaru ... ... „ (Wharf) St. Andrews ... Otaio Makikihi Studholme Junction Waitaki Pukeuri Junction ..* Oamaru Breakwater Waiareka Junction Slaheno Herbert Hampden Hillgrove Shag Point Pleasant Point Albury Waimate Duntroon jN'gapara Pahnerston Waikouaiti Waitati Purakanui Port Chalmers Upper Sawyer's Bay ... Port Chalmers Burke's Ravensbourne ... Pelichet Bay ... Dunedin (Coaching) „ (Goods) Carersham Burnside "'l2i "i3i 14 i3i 13 i4i 12 12 IliIlf 12 i6i 8 16 12 13 10 271 1 3 1 2 1 1 24 2 2 2 4 1 23 6 2 2 2 2 1 £ s. d. 51,216 19 6 J43 9 4 384 S 9 141 8 3 166 12 o 158 10 9 4,177 iS 5 309 8 8 141 19 8 262 9 1 233 17 9 454 17 8 162 16 9 3,903 6 o 1=013 11 5 281 17 o 335 9 8 129 16 7 143 12 7 152 4 4 193 4 5 186 6 2 381 6 2 414 10 8 137 2 1 166 18 s 1,132 17 7 348 5 3 268 19 5 199 :I 5 120 1 o 325 2 6 4,425 7 5 310 15 4 203 15 9 35o 13 8 8,813 5 s 9,061 8 11 270 16 1 336 14 8 £ s. a. 294,146 14 10 1,023 11 8 1.930 7 9 1,267 17 9 2,037 i<5 8 1,272 10 o i,453 17 8 30,601 5 8 1,786 7 11 504 4 1 1,318 15 1 660 10 2 493 2 10 43i 4 3 37.492 9 8 44 8 7 215 16 2 2,701 19 11 881 16 4 1,112 12 g 419 2 4 1,861 10 9 1,914 10 4 3,025 14 8 8-95° 17 5 1,541 1 o 1,048 1 1 8,302 9 5 2,352 7 8 1.510 5 3 81 1 3 2,684 17 6 793 11 3 6,672 8 8 257 19 4 1,142 14 3 2.493 18 8 48,027 6 11 97.652 11 4 1,495 17 11 i,O35 7 7 526,449 2,769 6,392 2,748 5.9S4 2,642 39.934 5,220 1.637 3.927 2,207 1.335 3.289 44,500 "685 4,251 3>H3 2,690 1,476 1.592 7,041 4,558 7.575 2,562 3,175 15,182 5.464 7.964 77i 12,837 6.755 50,961 2.915 16,727 19.130 161,297 451,349 I 2,196 12,372 3-450 4.976 1,057 1,718 26,52s 13,709 2,878 1,831 4,346 3.5IS 2,695 5,7i5 35.106 18,364 13,070 9,375 1,830 2,069 250 16,266 3.921 5.047 8,820 1,671 3,266 4,244 3,275 4,022 82 473,?28 1,612 2,419 738 J.3O9 904 834 47,168 10,080 i,75o 768 53o 1.254 1,326 52,854 30,353 2,795 3,168 857 521 202 578 2,488 4,641 3,966 1,404 1.-364 7,948 5,755 1,858 41 265 2,866 41.316 166 654 9,807 £ s. d. 98,656 15 o S65 2 7 1,639 5 5 670 5 7 1,286 18 6 685 15 2 444 15 10 14,223 12 2 909 19 11 252 10 o 853 15 6 428 4 3 260 8 4 33i 6 4 12,252 10 2 099 75 1 o 825 19 6 591 4 10 721 19 5 329 12 5 286 14 10 950 12 7 1,330 17 8 2,888 1 5 748 18 3 552 12 6 3.57O 2 7 1,414 7 6 1,278 5 4 91 4 o 1,750 10 10 577 18 3 4-757 15 7 24S o 3 1,008 5 2 1,712 16 7 47,322 18 8 £ s. d. 146,271 15 o 698 17 9 4,266 12 7 1,322 8 8 i,946 4 2 788 4 4 1,932 4 11 9-959 18 2 1,075 4 1 1,108 12 5 613 6 o 1.376 15 9 2,322 12 1 943 19 2 1,686 5 5 7,397 16 7 1,709 19 1 4,718 9 9 4,976 3 1 785 14 o 725 17 11 188 7 11 4,673 13 4 1,205 13 o 2,278 8 6 3.377 11 11 533 8 3 885 3 4 3,159 13 o 1,264 18 11 1,023 15 5 7 3 1 i,9'3 6 3 140 8 4 22,392 14 o 26 o 5 17 5 Ir 578 11 5 £ s. d. 244,928 10 o 1.264 ° 4 5,905 18 o 1,992 14 3 3, 233 2 8 1,473 19 6 2,377 ° 9 24,183 10 4 1,075 4 * 2,018 12 4 865 16 o 2,230 11 3 2,750 16 4 1,204 7 6 2,017 11 9 19,650 6 9 1,710 8 10 4,793 10 9 5,802 2 7 1,376 18 10 1,447 17 4 51S o 4 4,960 8 2 2.156 5 7 3,609 6 2 6.265 13 4 1,282 6 6 1,437 IS 10 6,729 15 7 2,679 6 s 2,302 o 9 98 7 1 3,663 17 1 718 6 7 27,150 9 7 274 o 8 1,025 11 1 2,291 8 o 47,322 18 8 35,459 18 6 1.157 1 n 4,879 3 11 13 13 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 16 1 2 2 1 1 8 2 2 1 2 14 i8i 18 20 18 17 2 2 2 61 5° 2 2 11,377 586 S3.480 28 12 19 21 6,001 9 18 i8£ 51,572 ! 211 31,244 194,611 9.479 i,oS5 5 o 477 10 8 35,459 I8 6 101 16 11 4,4oi 13 3 10,512 9,690



.ji p3 +f P g < >■» C 5 rC-f-H g Ph Q^ 5

Abbotsford ... Mosgiel ... ... ... ... Greytown ... ... „, ... Waihola ... ... .... ... Milburn ... ... ... Milton ... Stirling Balclutha Clinton .„ Outran! ... ... ... ... Waitaliuna Lawrence ... ... ... ... Waipahi ... ... ... Pukerau ... ... ... ... Gore ... ... ... Mataura Edendale Woodlands InTercargill ... ... ... Bluff „ (Wharf) Makarewa Winton ... Dipton Elbow Kingston ... ... Tapanui Kelso Thornbury Riverton Otautau Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Railway, Methyen ... Waimate Railway Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway, Kurow Waimea Plains Railway ... Accountant, Wellington ... Head Office, Christchurch Cashier, Christchurch Accountant i8 i8i Hi 13 13 13 14 17 i3i ioi 10 3 4 i 2 1 4 3 4 6 3 4 3 s 2 3 3 21 6 387 1 3 509 5 1 146 8 10 201 11 3 172 o 6 584 2 9 474 6 3 624 9 1 1,100 9 2 426 o 7 281 14 4 795 4 ° 368 10 o 212 I O 858 7 2 234 7 4 438 14 11 238 13 5 4,949 9 9 1,488 14 4 2,788 5 11 3,3i2 19 4 2,184 14 11 966 11 4 1,290 1 9 7,973 15 11 3,407 16 8 6,448 7 9 4,016 12 10 2,643 7 1 2,251 10 4 8,630 16 11 1,039 6 6 934 12 5 7,083 13 o 2,626 2 11 4,425 o 7 4,934 12 3 44,170 o 4 5,675 9 2 I5,7i8 18,162 7,397 3,263 2,328 ",673 5,33i 9,656 18,008 9,268 5,098 io,S44 3,3i8 i,932 8,482 4,392 7,225 6,700 83,304 10,525 31,426 S>9i9 3,573 1,044 5,268 9.254 31,328 S,99i 1,619 3,072 2,623 3,479 2,869 2,366 3,573 1,712 3,75i 17,066 27,885 28,682 1,815 I9,i59 7,349 i>403 2,146 2,168 2,226 2,401 3,153 4,8i3 7>777 267 6,611 8,937 1,741 4,523 1,282 1,149 2,989 7,186 1,840 4,542 4.384 7>77S 3,io5 7,75i 1,047 1,077 4,890 2,422 4,664 2,271 41,241 24,164 10.521 '834 2,406 i,392 2,603 3,222 1,326 i,437 2,165 3,234 5,393 14,156 267 6,611 8,937 1,197 9 I0 2,464 15 o 1,208 18 1 777 12 9 411 19 9 3,252 7 o 1,260 9 8 2,950 10 9 2,847 IO 1 1,288 7 4 823 o 6 2,944 2 1 794 16 11 433 9 11 3,423 o 7 1,292 13 5 2,266 12 4 1,072 11 3 18,129 5 3 1,478 7 7 3,923 19 " 1,748 18 1 1,326 13 2 417 9 6 3,013 10 7 4,i74 5 2 10,220 11 4 3,752 15 8 1,259 9 6 1,056 17 6 1,090 4 3 2,822 9 8 1,918 4 2 836 12 7 2,352 5 o 1,064 4 7 2,785 3 7 12,622 6 10 16,288 10 10 6,085 8 6 123 4 11 4,723 3 3 4,418 16 6 458 10 7 1,370 9 2 1,910 9 3 1,523 18 o 1,740 19 7 1,172 2 11 2,216 16 o 3,374 1 o 7,443 5 7 182 13 8 3,773 14 9 7,977 8 o 965 o 10 46 18 o . 981 17 2 5,121 9 9. 4,213 13 1 2,535 11 3 i,i95 2 3 3.425 10 4 7.426 12 2 11,481 1 o 6,703 6 5 4,106 19 7 2,345 4 10 i,9i3! 4 9 5,766 11 9 2,713 1 1 1,270 2 6 5,775 5 7 2,356 18 o 5,051 15 11 13,694 18 1 34,417 16 1 7,563 16 1 123 4 11 5,287 14 8 5,797 14 o 1,002 2 4 3,624 4 8 2,716 9 2 2,653 17 11 2,306 8 o 2,093 18 5 5,660 9 4 5,239 14 4 7,617 1 7 185 1 11 4,575 " 2 11,327 11 2 3,223 12 8 46 18 o 981 17 2 12 12 12 14 Hi 10 9 14 iS 1 182 15 7 34O 5 10 104 13 3 472 16 11 261 2 9 185 2 10 367 14 2 251 5 11 565 13 10 357 14 11 1,704 3 o 3,377 2 11 930 13 6 S,42i 8 o 4,006 5 2 3,282 15 10 1,517 3 11 1,925 8 8 5,167 2 6 2,889 7 7 2,388 o o 4,327 7,579 2,095 14,123 i,73O 2,771 2,617 6,734 30,968 9,530 60 564 11 5 1,378 17 6 543 11 9 2,253 15 6 805 19 11 1,129 19 11 565 8 5 921 15 6 3>443 J3 4 1,865 13 4 173 16 o 2 8 3 801 16 5 3,35° 3 2 2^258 11 10 2 1 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 i3i 2 119 2 8 i=35i 5 6 2,497 2,290 46 18 o 992 8 2 14,072 11 5 Totals 625 109,628 15 8 740,517 16 1 i,339>968 1,130,410 1,130,410 278,406 11 8 403,4.20 2 2 681,826 13 10



RETURN No. 11. Traffic Ton-Mileage, and Rate of Working for Five Chief Sections.

RETURN No. 12. Statement of Stores Contracts entered into during the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

1881-82. l882-*83. Section. Ton-Mileage. j Rate of Working, in Pence per Ton-Mile. Rate of Work-Ton-Mileage, ing, in Pence pel Ton-Mile. Auckland Napier .,. Wellington Wanganui Hurunui-B luff 5,252,704 2,032,479 2.753.961 2.970.959 39.5 29.838 2-2S 2-14 2'73 2-31 2'2I 6,186,312 2,198,863 I 3.343.345 2,406,960 43.i93.6oo 2'09 2-41 2\5S 3-33 2'26 Totals 52,539.941 2-24 57,329,080 i 2-32

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Iron eastings ... ... Wellington ,, ... ... Christchurch Brass castings ... ... Auckland Horse forage ... ... Christchurch Printed stationery .., Wellington, N.I. ... Christch'ch, M.I. Timber— Ironbark ... ... Ly ttelton and Port Chalmers Year ending 30/6/83 ... Luke, Sons, and Williams Robert Buchanan ... Branston and Forster E. H. Banks R. Burrett Pergusson and Mitchell 15/and 13/ percwt. 14/ and 12/10 ,, 1 13 per lb. gun-metal. As per schedule. ,, 3 , 2 yrs., June, 1882-1884 ?) ,, a )> )j Delivery by Not., 1882 30/7/83 ... James Pox ,, ... Hewn 22/11, sawn 30/, piles 2/iiJ and i/lij. Hewn 23/7, piles 3/6, 2/6, and 2/. As per schedule. Kauri and foreign ... Christchurch Red and white pine,.. „ Totara and black pine ,, Kauri and foreign ... Dunedin Year ending 31/12/83,. Kelsey Brothers ,, ... ,, >» • • ■ P. E. Wright Guthrie and Larnach (in liquidation) William Conyera j> Red and white pine... „ (Woodlands) Totara and black pine „ ,, 15,000 gals, peanut oil Auckland Chris tohurch Wellington Dunedin 3,000 each posts and rails Birdlings Plat !,ooo posts, 5,000 rails Auckland 3-eneral stores, viz.— Ironmongery ; oils, Auckland colours, &c.; leather, &c. Ship chandlery, build- Auckland ing materials Ironmongery, &c.; Dunedin ' building materials Oils, colours, &c. ... ,, Ship chandlery ... ,, Leather, &c.... ... ,, Ironmongery &c; oils, Christchurch colours, &c. ; ship chandlery; leather, &e. Building materials ... „ All stores Wellington j) "• Delivery in Jan., 1883 Delivery by May, 1883 ,, ... 2 years ending 31/12/84 Sew Hoy G-. R. Joblin J. Craig T. S. Morrin and Co. E. Porter and Co. .., !) 3/1 per gallon. 80/,posts; 70/,rails, i/iii >. /7i. .. As per schedule. j» ,, ,, j) - Ckithrie and Larnach (in liquidation) Esther and Low Briscoo and Co. C. Coombs and Co. S. Nashelski )j ,, ,, ... W. Neighbours E. W. Mills and Co. M ,,



RETURN No. 12-continued. Statement of Stores' Contracts entered into during the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

E. Cabeow, Railway Stores Manager.

14—D. 1.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Rate. Coal ... ... Auckland „ ... ... Auckland ... New Plymouth ,, ... ... Wanganui „ Poxton ... Wellington Coke „ Coal ... ... Napier ... Picton „ ... ... Nelson „ ... ... Addington shops Hurunui-Bluff ,, ist sec. Sheffield G-lentunnel 2nd „ Timaru „ 3rd „ Oamaru „ Shag Point „ 4th „ Stirling 5th ,, Nightcaps Dunedin shops Uniforms (M.I.) ... Dunedin and Christchureh „ (N.I.) Newmarket and Petone 7,000 yds. No. 1 canvas, 2 ft. wide 13,000 „ „ 6 „ 2 „ I 27,000 „ „ 6 „ 3 „ ) Sleepers, as under— 3,000 sawn totara ... Makino 1,300 split ,, ... Palmerston North 6,000 black pine ... Lyttelton 2,000 black birch ... West Oxford 5,000 „ ■•■ Sheffield 3,000 „ ... West Oxford 6,000 black pine ... Tapanui 3,000 ,, & totara Invercargill 7.00° „ „ „ 6,000 matai ... ... Centre Bush 5,000 black birch ... West Oxford 5,000 ,, ... „ 10,000 b. pine&totara Little River 10,000 matai ... Lyttelton 8,000 black pine ... Morton Mains 5,000 ,, ... Tapanui 1,500 „ & totara Colac Bay 2,500 ,, ... Winton 2,000 black birch ... West Oxford 5,000 totara& bk. pine Wright's Bush 3,000 black birch ... West Oxford 3,000 ,, ... Sheffield 2,000 ,, ... ,, 4,000 black pine ... Wallacctown Cng. 5,000 matai ... Lyttelton Sawn timber ... Napier Yearending3i/i2/83.., Taupiri Coal Co. ... J. Bennett M. Kennedy W. R. Williams ... ,, M. Kennedy ,, Anchor Steamship Co. J. R. Rees Westport Coal Co. ... ... 10/ per ton. ... 10/ „ ... 30/6 „ ... 25/9 & 26/3 per ton. ... 29/9&30/3 „ ... 24/3 per ton. • ■• 43/3 „ ... 28/6 ... 26/3 „ ... 21/ ... 26/ Austin, Kirk, and Co. J. A. Mellraith Westport Coal Co.... Shag Point Coal Co. Kaitangata ,, Nightcaps „ Westport „ Hallenstein Bros, and Co. ... 10/ ... 10/ ... 26/5 „ ... 27/ „ ... 12/ „ ... 11/0 „ ... 12/ ... 28/6 ... As per schedule. 3 years ending 31/12/85 ,, ... ,, ... ... ,j Delivery by 30/4/83 ... S. Nashelski T. S. Morrin and Co. ... /11 per yard. ( /6| per yd. i 19 Delivery by 17/8/82 ... Delivery by 31/3/83 ... ,, Delivery by 25/6/83 ... Delivery by 31/3/83 ••• Corpe and Son A. H. Ihle J. Pettigrew Younginan Brothers J. Sharplin W. Ryde J. Patterson Anderson and Co. ... A. P. Dawson and Co. J. Crallan Feary Brothers W. Coop W. Booth and Co. ... J. Murdoch J. Patterson H. E. Moors and Co. 0. R. Martin D. Sladden P.Jack J. M. Booth Feary Brothers J.P.Pole Brown and Everett W. Booth and Co. ... R. Holt ... 2 / each. ... 1/10 „ ... 2/11 ., ... 2/8 „ ... 2/8 „ ... 2/9 „ ... 2/6 „ ... 2/5 „ ... 2/7 „ ... 2/lOi,, ... 2/8 „ ... 2/9 „ ... 2/11 „ ... 3/ » ... a/9 „ ... 2/6 „ ... 2/8 „ ... 2/6 „ ... 2/9 „ ... 2/6 „ ... 2/8 „ ... 2/9 „ ... 2/8 „ ... 2/8 „ ■•• 3/ » ... As per schedule. " Nov., 1882 Delivery by 14/8/82 ...


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.


Description. '3 I ! 'E. I I • o 1 I Si a, 8= p 5 3 as o o i a o £ $ o H Cakbiag-es. st class, 6-wheel 4 >. ,, Bogie, 30-feet ,, „ 40-feet Composite, 6-wheel 4 ,, „ Bogie, 30-f'eet ,, „ 40-feet md class, 6-wheel 2 6 10 "-8 8 1 I 1 6 1 3 8 2 4 10 6 1 3 2 18 10 4 65 28 22 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 28 33 4 7 102 62 J3 7 98 4 2 i I ... ■ 1 "16 14 7 5 2 2 7; 4 10 S 1 5 2 2 1 1 „ 4 „ „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet Hail-cars, Bogie, 30-feet 5 6 Total ... 4 62 23 32 39 12 242 433 WAaONS, ETC. 3assenger brakes Joods „ Tell „ Drucks, &c,— Platform coal Timber Cattle Sheep, single floor ... „ double „ Horse-boxes Covered goods High-side ... Low-side ... Iron hopper, mineral Carriage-trucks Meat-trucks Unclassified 1 1 30 2 3 18 1 52 67 12 2 4 14 18 4 IS i 4 3 92 58 2 8 2 62 16 20 4 16 62 80 13 "48 27 9 30 -102 178 2 2 12 13 10 2 ] »{ 262 148 S3 52 302 2,336 928 132 2 2 4 3 8 2 2 2 6 i ! 138 2 31 470 292 4 127 83 398 2,843 1,481 396 2 33 1 2 4 8 11 1 i 37 173 124 80 4 24 47 16 3 18 7 14 100 9 IS 84 10 *9 2 13 20 1 Total ... 48 578 215 287 422 116 4,306 123 "5 41 So 6,301 TAEPAtTLIKS 210 50 54 60 30 3>3i5 IS 19 3.768

Class. Cv"n d cr. Conpled £&. Stroke. No. «£ Truck. 1 i Wheels, Dia- 5 No. meter. > 3 O 3 2 £ ? 0 o S g S 3 K 9 o E 5 o I w f o G O c -8 Fell Double Fairlie )> Single Fairlie American II ... E ... B ... B ... E. ... T ... K ... L ... J ... D ... C ... Or ... P ... M ... P ... 0 ... 4s... s ... Q ... In, f«4i I 12) 10 10 xli iS 12 10} 14 9i 9i ioj io| 13 8 , 10$ 8 8 In. «\ 14) 18 18 16 16 18 20 18 4 8 8 8 6 8 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 Ft. in. 2 8 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 o 3 ° 4 o 3 o 3 6 3 o 2 6 3 o 3 o 3 6 2 4 3 o 2 6 2 6 4 o In. I 3 4 3 S 1* 1 4 7 2 18 6 8 ... 2 7 6 8 1 2 2 2S 26 2 2 2 24 24 18 18 4 4 1 1 10 20 22 13 4 61 4 I S 14 3 2 20 18 18 18 18 20 ■II 2 4 20 i i 2 4 1 6 3 2 20 7 4 4 32 4 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 14 S 1 2 5 11 IS 20 18 4 4 4 2 3° 2 1 2 11 Total .. 1 7 16 17 7 118 3 4 3 1 2 24 204


RETURN No. 15. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.


Description. 'i to B m $ c c o I? I o 2 a W c 3 3 O o o "3 B c sS WEIGHING MACHINES :— 2 ewt. ... 3 » ••• 4 >. •■• 5 »> •■• S^ » ••• 6 „ ... 6 17 4 8 2 2 3 3 4 1 is I 1 8 22 4 1 2 4 7 32 28 61 1 4 4 4 5 3 14 1 3 19 1 2 7 »» ••• 8 „ 9 „ ... io „ ... '"8 2 1 29 23 S 4 13 16 S 2 1 SS 23 s 4 27 16 9 2 2 4 2 6 3 3 11 „ ... 12 „ ... 13 „ ... 15 „ ... 16 „ ... 20 „ ... 22 „ ... 27 =» 2 2 1 S 3 2 1 2 ... ■ ... I 2 Total 1 38 i6 I? 35 ii iss 4 1 9 7 - 297 Weighbbidges : — 3 tons (cart) 6 „ „ io „ (wagon) ... 12 „ „ 14 „ „ 20 „ „ 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 4 8 S 4 1 I 3 s 3 1 1 1 Total •■:.. 4 I 2 1 IS 1 1 1 1 27 | Teaveesees 1 1 I 9 1 1 i'3 I 1 TUENTABLES !— 40 feet (engine) 50 „ „ 11 „ (wagon) 12 „ „ 13 » 14 „ „ 15 » n 16 „ „ 1 1 ::••• ,.. 7 i 2 8 2 27 10 ... ... I 1 ! - 2 8 2 2 42 17 1 S 1 1 1 1 3 2 i 1 i 1 Total 6 7 3 3 3 49 1 I 1 1 1 75 CEANES : — 1 ton, stationary, hand ii „ 2 „ 2 2 11 2 3 7 4 21 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 25 8 4 21 3 11 6 1 10 „ „ „ ,, steam 2 „ travelling, hand 5 j> >> » 7 » » u 10 „ „ )> „ steam 3 ■• 12 ,j 55 )> 3 I 1 1 1 2 2 i 2 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 3 11 14 1 3 2 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Total 48 6 106 2 7 S S IS 2 7 s 4 Pumps : —■ Steam Hand Windmill... J Hot-air ... Hydraulic % Gravitation "'1 1 26 5 5 2 1 10 2 5 4 72 IS 11 ... 4 I 3 3 3 7 136 17 14 23 26 3 2 4 3 7 7 21 2 Total I 30 9 7 20 12 130 4 4 3 3 223


RETURN No. 16. Statement of Rails Relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

RETURN No. 17. Statement of Sleepers Relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

RETURN No. 18. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.


Weight. 1 rt 5 rt a o tn rt SO « 3 O 2 Ha S c-! o I O o o 'p. 2 p O 2 )AHiS EELAID : — 40-lb. iron 40-lb. steel 53-lb. steel 88o 646 1,526 124 1,540 "63 63 138 16,010 16,148 i '" 18 25 is 7 40 80 .1,149 18,293 16 ... Total 16 124 i.54° ! 18 25 22 40 19,522

Description. 'S I rt J3 13 I o C I 3 rt bo I I S 2; Hurunui-Bluff. Relaid. Removed. Oh O 2 S a Ileepeks Eelaid : — Black pine Totara ... Black birch Oregon... Kauri ... Blue gum Jarrali ... Red pine Puriri ... Silver pine Matai ... Manuka 19 1.331 2,399 2,400 300 2,307 69,304 ",758 5,199 50 189 976 3,563 41,673 9,826 4,211 4,718 788 26,931 339 246 43 64 788 1,491 69,304 18,864 7,88 S So i,S39 976 3>563 1,302 2,873 231 176 2,873 :,2 9 8 4 176 231 7, I39 Total 19 4,204 2,399 788 2,700 2,307 1,474 g1.^ 95,871 278 64 1,491 106,763

Number of Private Sidings. Sections. Miles. Number of Stations and Stop-ping-places on the Time-tables. At Stations. Out of Stations. Total. Kawaliawa Whangarei Auckland Napier Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth... *Hurunui-Bluff 3-reymouth Westport Mson Pioton 3 7 139 70 69 us 51 933 8 10 23 18 3 S 54 27 37 25 329 5 5 4 8 6 7 i 6 8 3 36 1 11 9 8 14 3 166 4 130 3 1 1 3 9 3 Total 62 1,446 533 157 219 * Including private lines.



RETURN No. 19. PARTICULARS of Private Sidings and Sheds, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883. AUCKLAND SECTION.

Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By Whom Constructed. Tenure. = •_£ c Value of the Traffic through thi Year ending 31st Marct 1 Siding during 1, 1883. In. Out. Total. < Aug. 27, 1873 Mar. 6, 1877 Aug. 25, 1874 Sept. 6, 1876 Oct. 18, 1877 Sept. 3, „ Not. 21, 1879 Mar. 25, 1882 Aug. 22, „ Oct. 27, ,, Store site M. ch. 7 25 7 25 7 27 4 30 73 o M. ch. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. J. Bycroft and Co. ,, „ (extension) ... W. J. Fisher and Go. ... E. i:V3-raham R. Lamb Hammond and Byron ... A. Buckland ... HelensTille Timber Co.... Mrs. J. J. Hoe W. Hunt Johnston A. "Williams ... Hammond Peel and Co. ... 22 40 37 20 29 60 6 30 Onehunga ... Otahuhu ... AtEllerslie Ngaruawahia Auckland At Euncirnan's ... Helensville South ... Woodhill New Lynn Otahuhu Mount Eden Newmarket o 43 o 38 o 11 G-OTernment ... No limit ... ... ... ~) „ ... ioyrs.; 3 mo's notice, £105 damages j •» „ ... No particulars „ ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £50 damages ... 2< 33 ■•• s> >3 £5° » ■•• r 33 ■•■ >, » £'00 „ ... 3 Grantee ... ... ,, „ ... ,, ... ... Temporary connection 3, ... ... 3) 3, ... ■•• ". 300 200 100 300 JOO 200 [00 300 62 1 5 327 18 8 Nil. 63 o 1 2,577 17 • Nil. 114 14 4 23 16 o 27 2 O 321 15 3 28 18 7 813 8 2 37 16 10 3 3° 89 3 S 649 13 II 91 18 8 2,577 !7 1 928 2 6 37 16 10 26 19 o ... ... 53 j, ... j, ... I I ... I ... I ~ l8 7 S Mar. 19, 1877 June 9, „ Oct. 9, „ Aug 20, 1878 Sept. 28, 1880 Feb. \6, 1881 May 11, „ Napier Gas Co. T. P. Eussell ... Murray, Roberta, and Co. ,, ,, (extension) "Wilding and Bull Miller and Potts Wardrop and Co. Wilding and Bull 2 30 50 25 o 4 o 4 64 19 40 59 2 o 45 29 59 64 12 10 Napier Waipukurau Spit ] o 32 4 69 "APIEE SECTION. 17 6 6 83 16 o 85 9 7 109 o 7 Kopua Waipawa Napier Waipukurau Takapau ... Tomoana ... 0 7 1 26 GoTernment »... No particulars ... ... „ ... 10 yrs. ; 3 mo s notice, £10 damages ... £120 „ ... 31 33 •" 3) 33 fc35 33 •" 3' ,, ... No particulars ... ... Grantee ... ... 10 yra.; 3 mo's notice ... ,, ... ... No particulars ... ... „ ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice ... GoTernment ... No particulars ... ... 10 300 300 10 1 JOO 68 3 1 25 4 7 j 306 o s 12 8 6 34 15 10 37 11 o 679 13 3 95 2 6 470 18 8 29 6 8 2SS 2 1 41 IS S 140 10 9 890 2 5 458 9 1 335 7 1 267 10 7 76 11 3 178 1 9 2,004 14 11 985 4 11 929 7 9 >> ... ... Nelson Bros, and Williams Deo. 4, 1877 3feb. 10, 1879 April 12, 1880 Dec. 13, „ Feb. 8, 1881 July 28, „ W. Berry Charles Lett ... W. Booth James Gear E.Donald John Chew Williams and Beetham ... W. Booth and Co., store site siding J. and T. Meek, store site siding ... Wellington Hr. Bd., store site sdg. 23 21 28 44 57 34 6 37 62 8 54 55 we: iLINGTON SECTION. 300 300 300 346 6 11 164 6 o 4,107 11 11 468 17 5 104 11 4 1,183 6 10 310 o 3 371 10 o 166 8 9 4,184 6 9 815 3 11 107 14 8 1,202 17 9 312 16 3 At Mungaroa Kaitoke ... Carterton Petone ... ... Middleton Dalefield ... Middleton Wellington 1 48 o 56 0 29 1 10 GoTernment ... 10 years; 3 mo's notice, £70/7 damages 3 33 ■•■ 33 33 £70 33 3 j, =. £90 „ 3' Grantee ... ... ,, ,, ... 33 •" ■•• 33 33 S3 ■"' • ■ " 3) 33 ' ■ • •■• " 33 •■• •■■ 33 33 ".. "• GoTernment ... 21 years ... ... ... 300 300 300 25 3 1 229 76 14 10 346 6 6 3 3 4 19 10 11 2 16 o Nil. Oct. 6, „ Wot. 1, „ Jan. 1, 1882 ., ... 42 years ... ... ... ... | .. ... I I ... I



RETURN No. 19 -continued. PARTICULARS of Private Sidings and Sheds, stowing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1883—continued. WANGANUI SECTION.

Value of the Traffic through the Siding during Year ending 31st March, 1883. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By Whom Constructed. Tenure. In. Out. Total. ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. ch. M. eh. £ s s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. Not. 6, 1876* J J. and C. Bull ... ... ) .. . „ , .. ro , 6,1877' » (extension)... ... j S2 20 At Aorangi Government ... 10 years; 3 mo's notice, £80 damages Mar. 6, „ P. and J. Bartholomew ... 30 72 „ Feilding „ ... „ „ £60 „ April 3, „ Eichter, Nanne9tead, and Co. ... 54 28 „ Trondjeim „ ... „ „ £60 „ Oct. 12,1875 » j. ••• 61 41 „ Hokowhitu „ ... ... ") Jan. 14,1878 „ „ (extension) 61 41 „ „ ... „ „ £156 damages ) Sept. 20,1876 Freeman and Wylds ... ... 7242 „ Oroua Bridge „ ... Do.,from23/i/78,ditto,£95 „ May 9,1878 York and Cornfoot ... ... ... Wanganui ... ... „ ... On sufferance June io, „ "W. H. Lash. ... ... ... 42 34 Halcombe ... o 42 „ ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £173 » Sept. 6, „ Bailey Brothers ... ... 53 50 At Taonui „ ... „ „ £150 „ Oct. 26, „ Wanganui Meat Co. ... ... 3 36 Aramoho... ... 040 „ ... „ „ £127 „ Feb. ii, 1879 Gillies and Henderson ... ... 60 10 Terrace End ... o 47 „ ... „ „ £ J35 i> Mar. 3, „ Henderson Bros, and Wratt ... 45 26 Halcombe ... 2 30 „ ... „ „ £240 „ Jan. 13, 1881 Moore and Currie ... ... 13 46 Kai-Iwi ... ... 1 35 Grantee ... ... „ „ « 27, 1883 Wellington-Manawatu Eailway 66 8 Longburn ... o 35 „ ... ... „ „ Company (Limited) Mar. 2,1882 Newbcrry and Millard ... ... 7 56 Okoia ... ... 08 „ ... ... „ „ 300 11 4 1 300 7 on 300 21 17 7 300 234 2 o ioo 3 19 8 1,713 9 1 300 o 15 8 300 S3 7 8 300 15 14 3 300 o 15 s 300 3 9 0 26 19 1 22 7 7 731 13 9 1,084 19 4 488 15 4 164 7 11 248 19 3 7 1 T3 S 2,160 14 2 1 1 7 292 19 7 765 7 10 28 7 1 48 11 7 742 17 10 1,092 o 3 510 12 11 398 9 11 252 18 11 1,785 2 6 726 o 10 2,214 1 10 16 15 10 293 is o 768 16 10 SS 6 2 70 19 2 NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. Dec. 20, 1877 H. Brown ... ... ... 15 31 I Inglewood ... o 75 Government ... 10 years; 3 mo's notice, £35 damages Oct. 22, 1880 T. Marnes ... ... ... 21 65 i Tarifci Road ... o 27 Grantee ... » ... „ „ Mar. 3,1882 J. T. Bobson ... ... ... 42 34 i Te Eoti ... ... 1 54 „ ... ... „ „ 100 15 8 4 o 16 o 88 11 3 398 9 1 67 6 6 18 1 10 413 17 5 68 2 6 106 13 1 GEEYMOUTH SECTION. Dec. 3I) 1875 I Wicks and Wilson ... ... | 3 65 [ Kaiata ... ... | ... | Government ... | No particulars ... ... ... | ... I ... I 182 1 o 182 1 o ] . NELSON SECTION. Sept. 8, 1881 I Neal and Haddow ... ... | ... | Nelson ... ... | ... | Grantee ... ... [ 10 years; 3 mo's notice ... ... j PICTON SECTION. ... I 351 16 10 I 36 6 2 I 388 3 o _ 1875 Hathaway and Thompson ,.H Government ... No particulars April 3, 1876 „ „ (extension) $/>»■" r Jan. —, 1875 J. H. Dalton ... ... ... 5 70 Koromiko ... ... „ ... ,, „ 19,1882] Fell Brothers ... ... ... 17 73 ! Blenheim Grantee ... ... 10 years; 3 mo's notice 35 16 o 4S 16 5 246 6 7 344 1 10 414 14 o 298 n o 379 17 10 460 10 5 544 17 7 HITETINTTI-BLTJFF SECTION. Jan. —,1877 Vaughan and Cordner ... ... 2449 j At Sefton ... ... Government ... No particulars Sept. 13, „ Bamberger and Franz ... ... o 26 „ Eangiora ... o 26 „ ... ioyrs.; 3 mo's notice, £45 damages... Dec. 16, 1881 „ „ (extension) o 26 ,, ... „ Grantee ... ... „ „ Feb. 25,1873 Moir and Co. ... ... 16 77 Southbrook ... o 5 Government ... Forever Sept. 19, 1881 T. C. Moorhouse and Co. ... 7 o At Belfast ... ... Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice July 19,1873 New Zealand Produce Co. ... 7 1 „ Belfast ... ... Government ... Forever Sept. 15, 1882 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy 7 8 „ Belfast ... 07 Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice ... Prodvice Export Co., Limited ■ •• I 362 1 6 j 3°° ] 2I ° " 5 292 5 6 84 13 1 306 7 9 303 4 10 650 4 3 235 9 5 371 2 6 29 o 3 US 15 4 9 10 1 1,012 5 9 446 o 10 663 8 o "3 13 4 422 3 1 312 14 n



Dec. 28, 1870 Mar. 29, 1876 Dei. 11, 1875 Nor. 24, 188 1 Deo. 2, 1882 Jan, n, 1883 Sept. 1, 1877 Nov. 19, 1878 Sept. 21, „ Nov. 19, ,, Mar. 2i, 1881 Wood, Sinclair, and Co." Sedcole and By de . i i Isaac Wilson ... J. S. White ... P. C. Threlkold Rountrce and Co. Talbot and McClatehie (store site, No. 4 siding) Do. (store site, No. 3 [pt. 2] siding) P. Cunningham (N. Z. Grain ' Agency) [store sites, Nos. 1 aud 2 sidings] Do. (store site, No. 3 [pt. 1] siding) New Zealand Shipping Co. (store site, No. 6 siding) Royse, Stead, and Co. ... * ,, „ (extension) Lyttelton Borough Council Waterworks Gasworks Co.... Miles and Co. ... W. Booth and Co. W. Montgomery and Co. 1 17 20 60 1 52 2 54 2 51 3 30 At Riccavton At East Oxford ... Wilson's Siding At Jackson's Road... Papanui At Lyttelton n j) i) )' ••• )) )3 i Grovernment j G-rantee ... o 6 i „ ] Grovernment jj . J . - Forever No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice j, ,, ... ... ,, ,, ... ••■ 21 years ... i8J years... ... ... ... 559 3 7 126 1 7 9 5 4 14 19 9 493 1 2 > 485 1 2 823 18 4 102 13 7 436 4 3 23 3 10 140 33 5 3 593 'I 8 799 4 10 1,383 1 ir 102 13 7 562 5 10 32 9 2 16 3 9 33 5 J i,oS6 12 10 1,284 6 o jj 89 9 6 39 16 s 129 5 11 •>■> it ... Oct. 6, 1877 March 2, 1878 1 77 1 77 2 71 Heathcote 07 „ o 67 „ io yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £ 180 damages „ „ £70 On sufterance ... ... ... 300) 300) i."3 1 4 897 8 o 2,010 9 4 )> Jj j) 38 12 3 38 12 3 — 1877 Sept, 7, „ » 26, „ Dec. 22, ,, Oct. 22, ,, Dec. 4, „ Jan. 14, 1878 Sept. 26, 1877 March 14, 1878 » 7» » May, 1, „ Aug. 24, „ Feb. 8, 1882 Oct. 22, 1878 Nov. 5, „ Oct. 21, 1879 Aug. 24, 1878 May 19, „ Feb. 20, 1882 W. II. Hargreaves James Gross ... Langdown and Co. 0. W. Turner Springfield Coal Co. J. T. Brown McClatchie and Macintosh H.W. Packer ,, (extension) ,. ( B. Dyason T. and E. Pavitt J. A. Mcllraith N. Z. L. and M. A. Co. 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 48 6 50 6 46 6 61 6 9 6 19 6 51 5 76 6 15 6 53 6 53 6 64 6 61 6 20 6 52 6 53 6 50 Christchurch jj )j ■ ■ • j) ... >i )) j) 3» ■• • ») j) ... o 25 „ o 25 „ o 25 „ O 22 „ O 24 „ O 20 „ ° 35 » o 17 „ 07 „ o 25 030 „ on „ o 27 i Grantee ... o 38 Government 06 „ o 26 ,, o 27 „ o 24 Grantee ... ) No particulars 10 yrs. : t mo's notice ~) /. , ' J j £233 damages ,. „ £100 ,, £95 „ ... £56 „ .- » » £35 .» IS 0 particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's. notice, £260 damages Do., f'm 8/2/82; do., [^ 9° " - 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £55 „ £52 ,. .- » >, £100 „ Do.,frm.2o/2/82,ditto, £40 „ 10 yrs.; 3 mo's. notice, „ (ISO 300) 300) 300 300 300 300 300 1,166 9 s 241 17 11 942 8 3 2,57i 4 5 870 13 9 589 13 3 902 9 7 2,243 2 o 901 14 6 1,150 2 4 1,698 15 8 21 5 5 48 11 o 140 5 7 3°4 14 3 26 8 5 52 o 8 164 4 6 933 8 11 44 14 3 320 18 8 100 3 4 1,187 S4 I0 290 8 11 1,082 13 10 2,875 18 8 897 2 2 641 13 11 1,066 14 1 3,176 10 11 946 8 9 1,471 1 o 1,798 19 o t) i> jj >> ••■ jj ... >> 300 300 1 300 300 300 300 y 1,208 7 11 260 o s 808 6 8 435 IS o 144 15 11 10 14 2 76 12 10 i,353 3 10 270 14 7 884 19 6 435 15 o j> ... )> 1,209 15 7 652 iS 8 1,862 14 3 May 1, ,, » ;j Jan. 23, 1878 April 28, 1866 . — 1875 Jan. 20, 188 1 Mar. 20, 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 — 1866 Sept. 14, 1881 i, „ (jN"ew agreement embodying the 3 sidings) N. Z. Farmers' Co-operative Assoe'n (Limited) (store-site siding) T. O'Kelsey (ditto) J. Waller (ditlo) Dr. Symes J. T. Brown (Brewery) National Mortgage and Agency Co. A. Moore and Co. W. White T. P. Baber ... Sir. J. Hall ... Wood, Sinclair, and Co. 7 o 7 o 7 o 7 32 7 39 7 57 7 60 7 46 7 60 7 5° 7 60 j) ,, j, jj ... 5) ... Addington o 54 Government o 54 o 54 .» o 28 „ o 21 Grantee ... Government Grantee ... o 14 Government 21 years ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's. notice, £24 „ For ever (by deed)... ... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice „ „ £22 damages ... For ever ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 300 155 1 6 Nil. 377 17 10 Nil. 1,450 10 11 1,889 9 Io 828 15 7 1,219 6 8 23 8 11 l9 5 3 66 3 2 178 10 5 19 5 3 441 1 o j, 843 2 5 '.551 3 7 246 o o 978 18 2 I, ... ,, 300 300 2,293 13 4 3,44o 13 5 1,074 15 7 2,198 4 10 jj ... >> o 10 Not made Grantee j, ... 784 5 o 1,698 14 9 ] jj •■• 914 9 9



RETURN No. 19-continued. PARTICULARS of Private Sidings and Sheds, &c.— continued. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued.

Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefr Value of the Traffic through tht Year ending 31st Marcr Siding daring 18R3. Date of Grant. Present Holder. By Whom Constructed. Tenure. im. 5 H 5 O In. Out. Total. M. ch. M. ch. £ 300 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,005 o 2 0 5 9 April 21, 1877 Jan. 11, 1883 Jan. 15, 1878 Mar. 24, 1882 Feb. 29, 1876 Dec. 17, 1874 Nov. 20, 1877 Oct. 9) „ June 19, 1876 , - 1877 S. Smart "R.M.Morten S. Bailey „ (new agreement) John Tosswill... White and Co. W. White, jun. W/S". a. Bluett and Co. £ s. d. New Zealand Produce Co. Tosswill and Moffit Maxwell and Mathias ... Springfield Coal Co. ... J. A. Mcllraith Ford and Ogden N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. (store-site sid'g) 12 7 ii 76 2 78 21 29 25 39 25 23 13 7 10 22 29 61 8 75 10 71 4i 53 47 10 57 77 Hornby Junction ... Templeton , 9 ... Prebbleton Leeston Southbridge i) ••• Factory Kirwee Racecourse Hill Springfield G-lentunnel South Malvern Rakaia Chertsey ... Ashburton 06 o 9 o 9 o 7 o 5 o 7 o 6 Government Grantee ... Government Grantee ... Government j) JJ j) 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £40 damages ... jj jj jj „ £62 damages ... u jj ••■ No particulars No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £33 „ » jj £25 damages ... No particulars 300") 300 300) 12 9 7 13 15 3 671 482 10 10 361 19 o 73 1 6 36 o 3 12 13 3 1 4 10 446 428 14 10 1,017 9 9 14 1 o 42 8 o 12 13 3 483 15 8 366 3 6 501 16 4 June 27, „ Jan. 15, 1879 Nov. 25, 1880 April 22, 1876 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 1, 1883 „ 1882 Jan. 13, 1877 May 7, „ Mar. 14, 1878 Dec. 4, „ Jan. 26, „ June 6, 188 1 Sept. 22, 1880 Nov. 1, 1881 — 1878 ;) jj Grantee ... jj ... ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £120 damages £45 >, - No particulars For ever ... 300 112 87 25 11 10 42 13 10 199 1 6 145 2 8 166 5 5 Nil. 41 11 11 77 6 8 128 s 4 92 14 10 H3 1 9 1,470 16 11 2,395 7 8 251 11 4 240 13 11 118 6 8 185 15 7 1,669 18 5 2,540 10 4 417 16 9 Government 10 years ... Feb. 4, ," Mar. 1, 188 1 „ 23, 1882 Dec. 2, „ C.W.Turner . ..." Friedlander ... ... ") „ (extension) ... j Jameson and Roberts ... 7 „ (new agreement) j P. Cunningham Matson, Cox, and Co. ... N. Z. L. and M. A. Co. ... J. Clarke E. Mossman (store site siding) J. L. Beswick ... Grigg Miles, Archer, and Co. ... National Mortgage and Agency Co. New Zealand Grain Agency and Mercantile Co. (Limited) J. Bruce ,, (turntable) ... .;. J. a. Allen ... W. Evans N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. ... Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) P. Cunningham N.Z. and A.L. Co. Quinn Brothers ... Bourn & Lovegrove, store aite siding Studholme Brothers ,i (extension) ,., 58 73 58 72 59 4 58 75 58 70 60 68 60 65 60 65 64 5 1 105 57 i°5 75 i°5 57 ,, .... Tinwald j, )> ... Winslow Timaru ,, ° 59 o 15 o 14 o 25 o 16 O 12 o 8 ° 5 o 5 o 10 o 8 JJ !J JJ JJ Grantee ... Government jj jj jj jj jj |" No limit ... 10 yrs., from Mar. 14, 1878; 3 mo's notice, £55 damages 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £95 damages ... jj jj ... No particulars jj 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £60 damages No particulars Temporary connection ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 300 300 300 995 13 4 78 9 o 283 11 o "5 16 3 83 2 9 Nil. )' i,i53 18 6 565 10 1 Nil. 45 5 2 116 15 11 1,202 19 5 33i 7 4 7°4 13 3 116 15 11 155 9 " 411 4 3 97 13 6 58 4 1 207 16 10 86 17 1 194 2 7 2,198 12 9 409 16 4 7°4 13 3 400 6 11 271 6 2 494 7 ° 97 13 6 1,212 12 7 773 6 11 ,, o 10 jj Aug. 15, 1876 April 13, 1877 Nov. 5, „ 7. 1879 Oct. 23, 1882 Jan. 3, „ 106 20 106 20 106 8 105 72 105 75 106 10 ,, ,, ,, o 33 ° 33 o 21 o 6 jj jj jj No limit ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £73 damages ... £35 jj j, £100 „ 300 300 300 j 844 9 11 149 12 10 954 18 3 693 6 6 890 13 7 207 4 8 36 10 6 659 14 2 91 3 3 322 17 3 1,051 14 7 186 3 4 1,614 12 S 784 9 9 1,213 10 10 o 9 o 56 jj Grantee ... jj jj jj jj ... ... April 14, — 1880 Dee. 24, 1876 Jan. 1, 1882 Sept. 6, 1876 Nov. 27, 1877 i°5 75 116 9 121 71 123 66 128 S3 128 43 St. Andrews Otaio Makikihi ... Studholme Junction o 9 0 6 1 71 jj Government No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £62 damages ... 21 years ... No limit ... 10 yr's.; 3 mo's. notice £93 damages ... 300 817 o 7 18 "2 6 158 1 2 380 10 o 232 5 9 106 17 o 975 1 9 380 10 o 250 8 3 106 17 o 1 5i 1 61 jj jj } 27 9 2 133 5 6 160 14 8 >t jj 300



15—D. 1.

Jan. 5, 1882 „ 29, 1877 Oct. 22, 1874 April 19, 1877 Feb. 28, 1882 Not. 20, 1877 Feb. 16, 1878 „ 18, „ Jan. 23, „ N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. ... F. M. Riekman k J. and T. Meek „ (extension) ... 130 20 4 43 153 18 153 18 153 7 157 42 157 42 157 4i 157 64 157 65 158 o 1 6 7 H 37 166 27 165 26 204 10 227 7 S Studholme Junction Waimate Oamaru o 18 o 18 o 7 o 38 o 38 ° 39 Grantee ... Government 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice ,, ,, £73 damages ... No limit 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £280 damages 300 7 16 5 73 9 8 768 2 7 5i4 1 9 775 19 o 587 11 5 a f '050 5 5 >» Grantee ... Government 300 518 o ' o 1.568 5 5 Craig „ (extension) Oaniaru Town Council Gasworks Kerr and MeCallum j» ••• Grantee ... j „ „ £152 damages No particulars 300 746 18 1 330 19 6 1,077 17 7 67 7 6 6 7 7 6 Dec. 18, 1874 June 28, 1878 - 1877 July 18, 1876 Sept. 20, 1875 — 1878 Jan. 10, 1882 ) » o 16 Government 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £50 damages ... 300 f2797 15 3 986 o o 7,819 6 5 10,617 1 8 - ' 1877 — 1878 ,, )' >, j) j, Nov. 1, 1877 », Oct. 22, 1879 Sept. 26, 1882 — 1878 July 20, 1877 „ 2, 1881 9. 1877 Jan. 28, 1880 — 1878 April 26, 1877 Deo. 22, 188 1 — 1878 Oamaru Harbour Board Oamaru Stone Company (Limited) Menlove and Edwards ... N.Z. anil A. Land Co. ... W. H. Xeschemaker ... Anderson Port Chalmers Quarry Co., Smith ,q and Fotheringham Logan's Point Quarry ... Findiay and Co. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. ... Dunedin Corporation Anderson Guthrie and Larnacli ... Clarke and Wright Cargill, Gibbs, and Co. Tomlinson and Co. McLean Brothers Reid and Grey Henry and Co. Wilson, Harraway, and Co. Martin and Watson D. Reid and Co. Smith and Fotheringham W. White Kenipthorne, Prosser, and Co. Burnside Sale-yards „ (extension) ... Wilson, Harraway, and Co. McGill and Forrest N.Z. Refrigerating Co. ... Runciman Walton Park Coal Co. ... Walton Park Brick and Tile Co.... Calverley's Fernhill Coal Co. Green Island Coal Co. ... Freeman Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory D. MeKenzie ... ... ... Shand's Berkley McDonald P. McGill Duthie and Co. W. Tolcher ... White 234 53 235 59 236 o 236 53 236 35 236 35 235 59 236 37 236 37 236 37 236 45 236 45 236 44 235 54 236 12 237 11 236 79 239 24 239 22 239 22 o 21 Weston Ngapara Malieno Totara Waikouaiti Port Chalmers (Upr.) Pelichet Bay Dunedin j) ,, t> j) • •• ,1 n • •• it ••■ ,j j) it ••• Kensington o 14 o 38 o S3 o 32 o 44 O 20 ° 54 o 36 o 36 o 20 o 38 o 38 o 38 o 46 o 46 o 45 o 25 o 13 )j u jj Grantee Government jj j» ft )J )) tt )t Grantee Government • v f No particulars 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £74 damages... ,, ... ... ,, 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice No particulars ,, ... ... ... io yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £27/ 13 damages No particulars 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £32/5/iodmga. 300 300 1,000 ... 132 1 11 • 42 8 5 104 4 6 27 1 1 19 1 3 1,377 o 2 2,627 Io Jo 628 2 10 1,131 2 9 599 7 3 457 l6 10 152 11 6 906 16 6 408 9 1 66 19 2 226 16 7 1,804 1 5 949 13 8 411 9 10 454 6 4 200 13 3 II O O 55 14 4 132 19 7 483 15 7 120 8 6 1,237 3 8 347 18 4 539 7 4 303 10 10 281 6 6 201 1 9 18 12 4 94 14 4 86 16 4 167 15 9 18 15 4 112 4 10 104 o 9 94 16 1 72 9 10 69 18 5 997 o o 55 14 4 265 1 6 526 4 o 224 13 o 1,264 4 9 366 19 7 1,916 7 6 2,931 1 8 909 9 4 1,332 4 6 617 19 7 457 16 10 94 14 4 152 11 6 993 12 ic 576 4 10 66 19 2 245 11 11 1,916 6 3 r.o53 14 5 506 5 11 526 16 2 270 11 8 Burnside ,j a o 10 o 76 o 78 o 78 O 21 o 77 o 26 Grantee ... Government £70/2/11 dings.] Ditto, from Jan. 28, 1880, 3 mo's. ntce. > No particulars io yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £42/17/ 1 dings. 300 300 2,634 7 7 2,053 13 9 4,688 1 4 ,, )» 300 1,073 l8 11 Nil. 250 10 1 805 3 o 120 17 1 2 3 10 79 J9 9 i,i53 18 8 JJ Aug. 24, „ — 1877 — 1878 240 15 239 23 o 26 2 7 2 7 241 70 242 65 241 70 241 71 243 42 o 73 3 o 257 57 267 51 271 42 271 24 21 76 278 51 ,, j) Walton Part Abbotsford >> >> Wingatui Mosgiel North Taieri Henley Milburn Milton o 14 o 14 o 64 o 64 o 65 o 47 o 10 Grantee ... Government >» >» )) j> u No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £49 damages ... No particulars 300 234 2 9 287 11 o 335 7 4 269 6 o 39 3 11 43o 13 9 575 10 o 97 3 11 232 5 2 159 19 o 26 17 9 1,690 14 o 379 15 3 678 11 5 867 1.1 4 802 10 o 1,260 o 10 410 10 1 832 o 9 1,811 11 1 381 19 i 678 11 5 867 11 4 1,036 12 9 1,260 o 10 287 11 o 389 5 7 269 6 o 109 15 2 2,999 6 9 2,029 4H 573 6 9 232 5 2 134 12 7 » )> 53 18 3 May 14, 1881 Jan. 14, „ — 1878 April 18, 1877 Not. 6, 1878 Oet. 24, 1877 — 1878 ° 53 Grantee ... Government 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice No particulars 10yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £32/ 12/ 10 dmgs. » ., £"2/15 » £20/3/4 „ is o particulars 70 11 3 2,568 13 o 1,458 19 1 476 2 10 o 10 o 8 )i 300 300 300 Lawrence ... Lovell's Flat o 59 v SI a 134 12 7



RETURN No. 19- continued. PARTICULARS of Private Sidings and Sheds, &c.— continued. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION.

° o ci ™ Value of the Traffic through tin Year ending 31st Marci ; Siding during i, 1883. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By Whom Constructed. Tenure. o 111. Out. Total. — 1878 Dec/ 14, 1881 Dec. 2, 1878 Nelson F. J. Ilopldn... Bastings, Leary, and Co. (Richardson and Dunn) 5H.Z.L. and M.A. Co. (Limited)... j. Angus N.Z. and A.L Co. M. ell. 283 45 288 o Stirling Baldutha M. eh. 2 30 o 22 Government Grantee ... No particulars 10 yrs. ; 3 mo' s notice £ £ s. d. 33 16 3 314 1 11 £ s. a. 612 17 II 761 16 II £ .8. d. 646 14 2 1,075 X8 io Jan. 26, 1883 Oct. 4, 1876 June 5, 1878 Jan. 23, „ 1876 Feb. 8, 188 1 Sept. 2, 1876 jj May 18, Z - 1877 Meat-Preserving Co. McCallum and Co. Tapper and Lee C. W. Dawson J. H. Dawson and Sons and Brown Martin, Maitland, and Co. Invercargill Corporation Gasworks James Angus ... Fleming and Gilkinson... Hatch Guthrie and Larnacli ... Gillies Murdoch Invercargill Corporation "Waterworks Do, Corporation Gasworks James McLaughlin ... ... Ross Parsons Waddell and Co. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co. (Limited) ... Nicholl and Tucker ,, (now agreement) Invercargill Corporation E. Eldred (Tulloch's) Buxton Hodgkinson — Inrercargill Municipal Council ... J. Ramsay J. McDonald ... J. and J. Shand (Sawmills) Invercargill Corporation McLean F. Jack, also Wright's ... M. Instone ... ... ... Frew and Co. 335 2 343 35 35: 6° 355 22 363 52 36 5 3 2 366 26 369 2 368 2 374 60 374 60 374 9 374 9 375 IS 377 14 378 20 379 2° 380 58 Gore Mataura Edendale Oteramaka Woodlands Longbush One-Tree Point ... Invercargill 0 9 1 4 o 64 o 13 o 75 o 20 1 20 Government Grantee ... Government ji Grantee ... Government >, ,j „ „ £64 damages ... 5, J, No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £48 damages £52/15/2 „ No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo' s notice No particulars jj 300 300 300 129 7 4 Nil. 5) 41 o o 12 9 1 285 3 3 50 7 5 14 13 o 14 9 3 2 16 4 349 J5 3 467 12 8 Nil. 113 16 5 312 o o 354 2 7 155 12 ii 3,770 8 10 5>i77 14 7 1,043 4 2 1,050 16 7 30 6 10 243 3 9 353 o o 366 11 8 440 16 2 3,820 14 5 5,i9 2 7 7 i,o57 13 5 1,053 12 11 380 2 1 467 12 8 ,, ,, Oct. 4, „ ») JJ ,, ,, Kew Clifton o 51 o 51 o 35 o 41 0 14 1 14 o 72 jj j) ,, ,, ,, jj 710 8 6 Nil. 42 12 11 28 5 11 218 o 9 214 18 9 HO 13 O 1,023 19 3 1,751 17 10 1,960 o 9 i>583 o 9 821 1 6 1,066 12 2 1,780 3 9 2,178 1 6 1,797 19 6 » ... jj 24, 1879 Woodend jj 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £102 damages... 300 1877 Aug. 23, 1879 — 1877 386 8 386 23 388 1 389 1 39i 63 391 61 Greenhills o 53 0 38 1 20 2 20 j> No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £80 damages ... 300 41 12 11 109 19 11 41 12 11 775 17 1 3 10 o 43 o 6 1,053 7 9 2,995 16 4 1876 Aug. 21, 1879 Jan. 15, 1878 April 18, 1883 - 1877 Aug. 26, 1879 — 1877 ,, Blu# .'.'. ,» ,, jj Grantee ... Government No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £27 damages ... •> £55 16 4 8 944 16 11 . 2,632 6 2 667 17 2 3 10 o 26 15 10 108 10 10 363 10 2 j, ... 300 300 1 ] 39i 63 ■■■{ SJ Grantee ... Government 1,951 3 10 493 5 5 2,444 9 3 2 39 5 20 6 43 6 42 o 7 17 20 22 79 26 26 2 60 27 76 6 32 12 5 5 06 Waikiwi... Wallacetown crossing Buxtons o 46 o 9 o 10 jj No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 bio's notice, £45 damages ... ]S"o particulars 300 Nil. 152 13 8 218 11 6 121 11 7 152 13 8 218 11 6 121 11 7 jj Oct. 23, 1882 Dec. 4, 1877 Oct. 30, 1879 Nov. 6, 1878 Dee. 1, 1879 — 1877 Aug. 23, 1879 Oct. 30, „ April 18, 1883 Makarewa Gap Road Lady Barkley Centre Bush Branxholme Harringtons Wright's Bush Thornbury Colac 0 7 O II 1 14 0 71 1 13 o 64 Grantee ... Government jj 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice £67 „ ... £80 „ ... „ £64 „ ... £39 No particulars 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £54 damages ... 300 300 300 300 Nil. JJ 7 18 6 161 5 o 6 16 1 909 143 J5 1 25 IS 2 148 8 1 555 ° ° 156 6 7 555 o o 161 5 o 19 2 2 652 10 11 348 10 2 904 15 2 jj 12 61 643 10 2 204 15 1 879 o o jj 300 300 ,, o 9 o 9 Grantee ... » j) •••

D.— 1.

RETURN No. 20. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1883.


Mileage Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1882. Additional Length Opened for Traffic during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent Maintenance for whole Period. Lengths Closed durii Year. Net Addition Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Dpen for Traffic on 31st March, 18S3. Section, f Length Opened. Open for Traffic. Line Opened. Date of Opening, Line. Length. M. chs. 2 68 M. chs. II. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. cha. M. chs. 2. 68 Kawakawa Whangarei *" 4 60 * 65 I 65 6 45 Auckland ... 139 28 139 28 Kapier 69 59 69 59 Wellington ... ... 68 40 I 68 40 Wangamii ... 114 72 114 72 New Plymouth 5i 6 5i 6 JHurumii-BlufE 809 59 Waipara- Waikari 6th April, 1882 9 12 5 47 h. Little Bivcr Branch Mount Somers' Branch 16th May, 1st Sept., ,5 )' 17 10 8 33 10 37 1 jj 38 ss iS 10 848 34 o 50 Edendale-Toitois 2nd October, 4 o 1 36 7 4 84 39 ,, Private Lines ... "VVaimatc-Waihao Forks ... 16th Feb., 5, 7 4 77 35 ■Crreymoutli 7 20 7 20 Westport ... 10 O 10 o kelson 22 73 22 73 Picton 17 70 17 70 ! Total ... 1,396 30 47 44 18 10 47 44 18 10 i,443 74


RETURN No. 21. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employes for March, 1882, and March, 1883.

RETURN No. 22. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.


Department. c rt p < "EL c c to c *3 M C p o C ss Ha 3 1 o ft-. 5 O I z I z 1881-82. general rraffic Maintenance LiOComotiTe s 4 4 92 166 140 29 54 28 ss 92 73 5i 99 58 208 20 Si 24 "S76 1,065 718 15 8 6 15 10 8 14 15 8 7 19 8 33 879 1.583 1=075 Totals " 13 393 in 220 95 2.3S9 29 33 37 34 3.570 1882-83. Greneral rraffie Maintenance Locomotive 8 118 263 158 32 59 36 S3 80 101 56 107 81 35 49 23 "625 1,122 807 20 21 31 IS 9 13 20 S 38 39 1,012 1.750 1,245 4,046 12 S 10 13 i 7 Totals 25 539 127 234 244 36 107 2,554 37 47 SS Increase 12 141 16 H 12 i9S 8 14 18 4 476

Passengt or I iv ■rs Killed in red. Servants of the Department Killed or Injured. From Causes beyond their own Control. From their own Misconduct or Want of Caution. From Causes From their own beyond Misconduct their own or Want of Comrol. Caution. Persons Killed or Injured while Crossing at Level Crossings. Trespassers. Workshops. Miscellaneous. o H Section. o Killed. Injured Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. I Killed Injured. Killed. Injured. VThangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui New Plymouth flurumii-Bluff 3-re\mouth ... VVestport kelson Picton ... ... 2 3 I 2 7 i 4 2 I 8 2 7 i 2 2 I I I 4 i I 3 "6 i i ! ... I I i 4 it II 6 3 2 is i 43 4 I 15 i Totals 4 s! 10 2 IS 2 22 S 7 2 10 i 2 ! I 2 18 70



RETURN No. 23. GRAND SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

Engine-Mi'eage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Haulage. «,- Division. Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Running. Total. Repairs. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Running. Total. Ton-Miles Gross. sis. US. en a k Train. Shunting. Ballast. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Materials. Cwt. Q.t. Lb. Lb. £ £ £ £ £ Hurunui-Oaniaru 803,430 333,905 4S,SSi 1,182,886 302,482 20,803 5.235 15,518 10,607 1,762 12,259 17,264 41,892 2-15 ■35 2-48 3'5O 8-48 70,168,898 84 ■097 12,22c Oamaru-Clinton ... 655,258 169,266 52.52° 877,044 274,212 16,366 10,312 12,422 9,449 i,378 I 12,620 12,836 36,283 2-58 •37 3'45 3"5i Q'9 1 55>66l,576 79 ■II7 8,64. Clinton-Bluff 346,322 63,704 50,788 460,814 138,656 10,027 4,3 12 6,l6 7 3,275 I 746 6,635 6,307 16,963 170 •38 3'45 3-28 8-8 1 29,547,596 76 ■103 4,42: Total i ~\ I ! I 2,520,744 715,350 47,196 !9,859 34,107 23331 3,886 31,5*4 36,407 95,138 2'22 ■37 3'oo 3'46 9'OS 155,378,070 80 ■IO5 1,805,010 566,875 148,859 25,2.9, Recapitulation. Gr. — By recoverable mileage 1,805,010 1,220 566,875 148,859 55.86i 2,520,744 57,081 ! • I ... I ! ... 95,139 1,988 Per EngineMile. Per TrainMile. I a. 12-39 1,803,790 93,i5i d. 566,875 92,998 2,463,663 9-07 I ! General charges ... ... 8,685 •85 '•is i j 1 I 1 i Total 1,803,790 92,998 2,463,663 101836 9-92 : I3"54 566,875 ... ...



RETURN No. 23— continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883. Hurunui-Oamaru Division.

Type. a 'bb W o Z en go Detail. Engine-Mileage. Coal. t Quantity of Stores. Oil. Rnm ling. Tallow. Waste. Repairs. Running. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Penci 1 i Running. Ton-Miles Gross. .ulage. rt.-3 SSI? 1 Q Total. Wages and Materials. Total. Total. Shunting. Wages and Materials. Train. Ballast. A C D F& O J M s T ." 8 i 2 4 16 3 , IO 18 18 18 18 20 20 35 20 35 18 18 31,074 9,360 18,142 87,129 174,929 47,5i6 239, 154 112,037 64,265 I9> 295 105,034 2,076 9,114 21,080 101,111 14.7§S 9,540 14,363 4,839 10,324 396 3,299 75 28,695 3,704 4,613 2 1,606 139,407 11,436 28,499 108,284 304,735 66,005 285,010 I2i,579 80,234 24,134 10,324 3.239 Cwt. I9,3!3 4,739 5,37O 21,083 64,360 20,871 108,088 27,806 24,216 4,420 1,214 1,002 Qt. 1,818 221 420 1,727 5,266 1,342 5,834 1,884 i,593 448 142 108 Lb. 415 24 72 631 970 276 i,4i3 846 281 157 107 43 1 Lb. 1,620 185 437 1,227 4,109 772 3,885 i,547 1,185 3 J5 168 68 £ ! £ 409 I i54 444 I 22 397 : 3 8 539 146 2,725 | 448 893 i 112 2,378 477 1,009 l6 3 1,238 139 2,00 37 288 16 87 I 10 10,607 j J,?62 £ 825 165 216 820 2,426 698 4,328 1,420 986 253 72 50 £ 2,690 172 379 1,539 4,848 1,022 3,762 1,263 1,141 252 141 55 17,264 £ 4,078 803 1,030 3,044 10,447 2,725 io,94S 3,855 3,504 742 5i7 202 •70 9-31 3'35 rig 2-14 3'25 1-99 3'7o 1-98 6-68 6-48 1 ■27 ■47 •31 •32 ■35 •40 •40 •32 ■42 ■37 ■37 •72 i 1-42 3'4 6 1.83 1-82 1-91 2'53 3'64 2-81 2'95 2-52 i-68 3-69 4'63 3-61 3-i9 3'4i 3-82 3'72 2-49 3"4i 2'5O 3-28 4'o6 7'O2 16-85 8-68 674 8-22 9-90 9'2I 7"6i 10-48 7'37 I2'0I 8-48 1,476,130 1,199,352 838,385 4,827,505 11,892,695 3,745,042 30,084,871 8,210,756 6,623,038 1,117,118 43 128 43 55 62 73 124 73 101 58 ■147 •131 ■187 •121 ■121 •125 ■O73 •103 ■101 2,180 106 291 1,060 3,i74 748 2,558 840 880 181 169 42 4 4 i i •127 S29 2,3H 154,006 70,168,898 54 1 •051 i Total SS 20,803 5,235 I I5,5i8 12,259 ■41,892 2-15 i '35 2-48 3'5o 84 ■O97 12,229 803,430 333,905 45,551 1,182,886 302,482 Oamabu-Chnton Division. A D E F& O L P T 2 2 4 11 6 12 18 20 20 20 20 25 20 6,265 30,090 43,052 26,088 4,816 136,703 109,995 13,016 6,294 9,286 66,231 7.5°4 5,426 52 226 3 23 40,285 97 6,361 i9,S95 36,610 52,661 132,604 6,269 157,295 19,776 2,086 6,819 19,883 30,392 1,389 50,206 32,825 4,531 232 601 2,447 92 3,085 1,366 324 221 343 752 1,488 1,196 208 23 1 I 449 758 1,828 76 2,335 i,356 240 49 219 1,463 1,912 23 i,535 793 313 114 1,393 19 50 102 :95 7 254 115 26 101 I 321 I » 993 1,290 64 2,198 i,570 217 323 652 803 2,460 92 2,054 309 276 2,606 i 492 1,242 3,36l 5,857 186 6,041 3,791 865 j 683 I 6,772 ■60 1-44 6-67 3'46 •89 2'34 1-62 379 •24 •33 •46 •35 ■27 •38 •23 •31 1-23 2'I0 4"52 2'34 2-44 3'36 3-21 2'64 3"95 4-27 3-66 4-45 3-51 3' J3 2-68 376 6"02 8-14 io'6o 7-11 9-21 774 10-50 235,685 1,404,973 4,199,269 2,608,172 264,363 13,440,662 7,663,221 732,469 37 46 97 40 54 94 70 •160 •174 •iS7 ■106 •129 •094 •in ■186 284 516 404 1,731 66 I.3I7 755 229 3 1 2 i,334 1 * ... I 25 I 20 12 18 ... 19,063 143,890 12 122,268 655,258 28,335 13,936 22,451 172,225 13 140,044 671S 52,836 66,528 382 3,222 ... I 184 2,462 310 2,349 29 282 264 2,491 I 1 22 ■ 1-94 ■08 2-80 '3 1 ■39 ■30 ■51 2-8 3 3'47 170 5'33 2-94 3'64 3'23 3'34 ... 7'3O 9'44 5-3i 11-98 ... 1,377,034 9,798,018 348 13,937,362 —— 72 68 29 no ■101 ■138 •184 •105 "182 1,742 1 5 3,840 3,430 16,366 ... 1,871 ... 2,490 ... 1,634 1 299 3,iii 1,948 I 1 2,836 j 6,992 36,283 r.417 1 1 '■ I Total 43 10,312 12,422 9,449 i,378 12,620 2-58 •37! 3-45 3'5i 99 1 55,661,576! 79 •117 8,64. ... 169,266 52,520 877,044 274,212 Ciinton-Bi/ujt Division. A C D J?& O J K Q i 2 i 10 4 I 1 12 18 18 20 25 25 25 6,446 16,512 150,684 i33, 835 33,235 5,610 2,258 36,112 8,445 2,150 560 4,798 4,947 41,043 4,798 25,572 18,770 227,839 142,280 35,385 6,170 722 3,566 6,021 54,494 56,703 IS738 1,412 9i 634 426 4,753 3,H5 790 188 24 174 54 1,716 1,725 539 80 79 468 190 3,084 1,822 444 80 91 107 232 2,042 628 ' 163 12 7 50 28 354 236 61 10 43 236 262 2,861 2,456 693 84 89 509 265 3,448 1,576 361 59 1 1 230 902 787 8,705 4,896 1,278 165 16,963 4'55 roi 2-97 2-15 ro6 fii '45 •34 •47 •36 ■37 •40 ■41 ■41 2-14 2'2I 3'36 3'02 4-14 470 3-26 4'47 477 ! 3-38 ; 3' 6 3 2-66 2-44 2-31 3-28 11-50 8-46 10-07 9-17 8-26 8-66 6'43 8-8i 327,657 1,229,912 12,413,544 12,325,637 2,816,687 434,159 5 1 74 65 92 85 77 76 ■166 ■135 'III ■089 ■102 •O83 9: 18, 2,44! I,00< 23; 4; Total 6,167 3,27S 746 I 6,635 6,307 170 •38 3-45 29,547,596 •103 4,42 20 346,322 63,704 50,788 460,814 138,656 10,027 4.3 !2 * See Hurunui-Oamaru Division.



RETURN No. 23-continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883. Hurunui-Oamaru Division.

Type. o 6 z I I ft 01 O I* I" Engine-Mileage. Coal. Quantity of Stores. Oil. Rum ling. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Penct Runnint - tillage. Sid < US £:§!] si >i U CO Detail. Total, Tallow. Waste. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Ton-Miles Gross. 18 Train, 31,074 ... Shunting, 105,034 Ballasting, 3,299 Cwt. Qt. 1,818 Lb. 4i5 Lb. 1,620 £ £ £ 184 622 £ 600 909 3,073 96 A 9i 308 10 34 116 4 2,027 63 1,476,130 43 ■147 2,l8o 139.407 •70 •27 1-42 4'63 7'02 B Train, 9,360 Shunting, 2,076 Ballasting 4,739 221 24 185 363 81 18 4 i3S 30 141 3 1 657 146 9"3i •47 3'46 3'6i 16-85 i,i99,3S2 128 ■131 106 18 n,436 C 18 Train, 18,142 ... Shunting, 9,114 Ballasting, 1,243 28,499 5,370 420 72 437 253 127 17 24 12 2 138 . 69 9 241 121 17 6 5 6 329 45 183 3"i9 868 838,38s ■ 43 •187 291 3'35 '3i 18 Train, 87,129 ... Shunting, 21,080 Ballasting, 75 ... 21,083 1,727 631 1,227 434 105 118 28 659 160 ' 1 1,238 300 1 2,449 593 2 4,827,505 55 •121 1,060 P& O 108,284 rig '32 1-82 3-4i 674 11,892,695 62 16 20 Train, 174,929 ... Shunting, 101,111 Ballasting, 28,695 64,360 5,266 970 4,109 1,564 904 257 257 149 42 1,393 80s 228 2,783 1,608 457 5,997 984 ■121 3,!74 a 304,735 2'14 '35 1-9.1 3-82 8-22 20 Train, 47,516 ... Shunting, 14,785 Ballasting, 3,704 20,871 i>342 276 772 643 200 50 81 25 6 502 40 736 229 57 1,962 610 153 j 66,005 3'25 '40 372 9-90 3,745,042 73 ■125 748 10 25 Train, 239,154 ... Shunting, 41,243 Ballasting, 4,613 285,010 108,088 5.834 1,413 3,885 1,996 344 38 400 69 8 3> 63i 627 70 3.157 S44 61 9,184 1,584 177 2 ■40 3'64 3-I 7 9 -2I 30,084,871 124 ■073 2,558 K 35 Train, 112,037 ... Shunting, 9,540 Ballasting, 2 27,806 1,884 846 1,547 93° 79 150 13 in 1,164 99 3,553 302 8,210,756 73 •103 840 M I2i,579 r 99 ■ 3 2 2-8 1 2-49 7'6i Train, 64,265 ... Shunting, 14,363 Ballasting, 1,606 24,216 i,S93 281 1,185 992 221 25 in 25 3 789 177 20 914 204 23 2,806 627 71 6,623,038 101 •101 880 20 Q 80,234 370 ■42 2'95 3'4' 10-48 Train, 19,295 ... Shunting, 4,839 Ballasting 4,420 448 157 315 160 40 30 7 202 Si 201 51 593 149 1,117,118 58 •127 181 35 24,134 1-98 ■37 2-52 2-50 7'37 ...


RETURN No. 23— continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883. Hurunui-Oamaru Division- continued.

Oamaru-Clinton Division.


Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. .nlage. Type. o o 2 p. :> o. < Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Running. Tallow. I Waste. i Repairs. Wages and Materials. Running. Fuel. Wages. Total. Repairs. Running, Total. Ton-Miles Gross. > a. < cr'Srt Q Stores. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages.: s I 18 B< 18 Train... Shunting, 10,324 Ballasting IO,324 1,214 1,002 142 io3 107 168 68 283 II 62 16 72 8 6 36 141 Si7 6-63 •37 I i-68 ... 3-28 I2"OI I54,oo5 I 54 i6c Train, 529 Shunting, 396 ... Ballasting, 2,314 3>239 43 2 1 7 9 7 39 33 144 6-48 72 3-69 4'o6 H'95 •OSI 4;

I A 12 Train, 6,265 Shunting, 13,278 Ballasting, 52 ... ... '9,595 2,oS6 232 221 231 16 33 6 13 32 6 9 103 219 1 157 334 1 •60 6'02 235,685 37 ■160 284 r> •24 1-23 3'95 18 Train, 30,090 ... Shunting, 6,294 Ballasting, 226... 6,819 601 343 449 180 38 1 41 9 264 55 2 536 112 4 1,021 214 7 1,404,973 46 •174 516 ... E 36,610 1 "44 ■33 2'IO I I 4-27 8-14 20 Train, 43,052 ... Shunting, 9,286 Ballasting, 323... 19,883 1,185 752 758 t 1,196 258 9 83 18 812 i75 6 656 142 5 2,747 593 21 4,199,269 97 •157 404 & O 52,661 1 6-67 •40 4'52 3-66 i5"3i 11 20 Train, 26,088 ... Shunting, 66,231 Ballasting, 40,285 30.392 2,447 1,488 1,828 376 955 58i 38 98 59 254 644 392 484 1,229 747 2,926 1.779 2,608,172 40 ■io5 1,731 G132,604 3'46 •35 2'34 4'45 io'6o 1 20 Train, 4,816 Shunting, 1,356 Ballasting, 97 ... ! 6,269 1.389 92 4i 76 18 5 5 2 49 14 1 7 1 20 1 143 "'•89 ■27 2-44 3"5? 264,363 54 •129 66 1 7-11 J 20 Train, 136,703 ... Shunting, 14,231 Ballasting, 6,361 50,206 3,035 I,S46 2,335 1.334 139 62 221 23 10 1,910 199 89 1,785 186 83 547 244 •38 3'36 3-I 3 9.21 13,440,662 94 •094 I.3I7 K T-SIWS 2'34 25 Train, 109,995 •■• Shunting, 7,504 Ballasting, 2 ... 32,825 1,366 1,196 1.356 742 51! 108 1,470 100 1,229 84 3.549 242 1-62 ■23 3'2i 2-68 774 7,663,221 70 'in 755 117,501 I ... S



Clinton- Bluff Division.

16—D. 1

A 12 Train Shunting Ballasting, 4,798 ... 722 9i 24 79 ... 4-47 11.50 4,798 9 1 ... 43 "89 230 4'5S '34 2-14 93 ... ... | 327.657 5i •166 C 3,566 634 174 468 27 59 21 13 28 9 128 282 99 227 500 r75 410 18 Train, 6,446 Shunting, 14,179 Ballasting, 4,947 25,572 59 I3 1 46 roi •47 2'2I 477 846 D 6,021 426 54 190 204 28 25 3 231 3 1 232 33 692 95 1,229,912 74 •135 184 18 Train, 16,512 ... Shunting, 2,258 Ballasting 18,770 2-97 ■36 3'3 6 3;38 io'O7 F & O 1,716 3>° 84 i,3S° 324 368 234 1,892 453 5i6 2,281 547 620 5,757 1,380 1,568 12,413.544 65 •in 2,448 Train, 150,684 ... Shunting, 36,112 Ballasting, 41,043 54.494 4,753 10 20 227,839 2-15 •37 3"°2 3'63 9-17 ... J 1,822 222 14 2,310 146 1,482 94 4,605 291 12,325,637 92 •089 1,004 Train, 133,835 ... Shunting, 8,445 Ballasting 56,703 3.HS 1,725 59 1 37 25 142,280 ro6 ■40 4-14 2-66 8-26 E 153 10 57 4 651 42 339 22 1,200 78 2,816,687 85 •102 237 Train, 33,235 ... Shunting, 2,150 Ballasting 15,738 790 539 444 25 35,38s i'ii ■41 470 2-44 8-66 Q 188 80 80 11 1 9 i 1 54 5 150 IS 434.159 77 ■083 45 Train, 5,610 Shunting, 560 ... Ballasting 1,412 6'43 25 6,170 •45 •41 3-26 2-31 ...

732,469 5 1 ■186 229L Train, 13,016 ... Shunting, 5,426 Ballasting, 1,334 4.S3 1 324 208 240 206 86 21 J7 7 2 143 60 204 84 21 57O 237 58 ... 376 ... 10-50 20 1 19,776 1 379 •31 2'64 P 14 Train... Shunting Ballasting ! 1 1 6,715 382 184 310 97 17 25 4 224 40 234 42 1 580 103 i.377.°34 72 ■101 182 25 Train, 19,063 ... Shunting, 3,388 Ballasting 22,451 I "22 '3 1 2-83 2-94 73° S2,836 3,222 2,462 2.349 1,164 229 23S 47 2,081 410 2,178 428 5.658 1,114 9,798,018 68 •138 1,742 E i 20 Train, 143,890 ... Shunting, 28,335 Ballasting 172,225 1-94 '39 3"47 3'64 9'44 S 2 348 29 •184 1 12 Train, 12 Shunting, 1 Ballasting 13 '■08 •30 170 3'23 5'3i 66,528 3,43° 1,871 2,490 1,427 162 45 261 3° 8 2,716 310 85 1,701 194 S3 6,105 696 191 13.937.362 no •105 1,417 18 Train, 122,268 ... Shunting, 13,936 Ballasting, 3,840 2-80 5'33 3'34 11-98 'Si 140,044 *See Hurunui-Oamaru.


RETURN No. 23—continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883. WHANGAREI SECTION.



Type. I c" if. 3 I"! Engine-Mileage. Coal. Quantity of Stores. Oil. Running. Wages j Tallow. I Waste, j riais. i Repairs. Running. Stores. Fuel. Cost. I Total. Wages. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. i Stores. Fuel. Running. aulage. > o. c iri *'S rt Q Detail. Total. Total. Ton-Miles Gross. Wages and Materials. Wages. 18 Train, 12,395 ... Shunting, 2,823 Ballasting, 2,688 17,906 17,906 Cwt. 5,824 Qt, 599 ! Lb. I Lb. j £ 35 ! 3io j 32 35- 310 46 £ 7 7 44 £ 85 19 19 34i 75 74 488 108 107 •62 •58 I r6 S 6'57 : 9'42 j 654,593 53 I •179 34< Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 5,824 599 123 490 7°3 168 •58 i-65 S3 •179 ■061 •62 6-57 9-42 I ... i 2-25 654,593 34' ... I

I B !7 Train, 11,675 ■•• Shunting, 338 ... Ballasting, 55 ... : 2,068 4,723 479 140 213 ... 422 12 2 35 1 140 4 1 163 5 1 ! 760 22 4 8-6 7 ... ... 2-89 3-36 ... I ... 933,99° 80 •195 in I "7 1 C Train, 2,844 Shunting, 8,689 Ballasting 1,603 263 161 I 1 230 54 164 6 16 So I 62 189 138 423 i i 127,168 45 ■260 i6i ",533 20 4'54 •54 1-38 5-21 n'67 D 1 13 Train, 80 Shunting, 458 ... Ballasting, 338... 207 3° 7 32 4 21 15 1 4 h 8 44 32 3,877 48 ■495 2' F 876 ... 2 1 2 2 I 1C96 ■82 ... 1-37 : 9-86 23-01 14 16 Train, 192,403 ... Shunting, 39,799 Ballasting, 27,888 48,146 6,355 2,284 4,i73 342 239 398 83 58 1,308 2 7I 189 643 450 6,471 1,339 936 ! ... 11,728,100 61 •132 2,83c 260,090 2'o6 r6 3 3-88 8-o6 ... ! ... L ■49 I - •7 Train, 46,389 ... Shunting, 9,518 Ballasting, 2,494 11,901 i>735 233 941 202 41 12 109 22 6 i 351 72 764 157 41 1,426 292 78 2,862,007 61 •119 65: R 58,401 1-03 •57 1'82 3-96 7;38 16 Train, 51,428 ... Shunting, 5,050 Ballasting 56,478 15,575 2,002 594 881 ... 801 79 130 13 424 42 754 74 2,109 208 3,889,279 75 •130 5S< ... ... 372 •61 1 "99 : 3'52 174 j 3-88 9-84 Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 399.446 82,155 10,864 3.419 1 1 6,470 4.063 884 2,892 6,451 14,290 612 2'44 ■53 8-59 "37 i,954.42i 64 "134 •008 4,34i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••■• I I






8 ... 18,464 69 •130 27 C Train, 266 Shunting,' 884 ... Ballasting, 22 ... 138 29 2 8 2 6 6 I 10 38 ... , ... i5 ... I i ... 1,172 ... s 23 I . 2-05 •20 1-64 5'94 9;83 D 15 Train, 38,469 ... Shunting, 22,057 Ballasting, 7,224 i 10,842 1,492 312 9°5 297 169 55 71 S 41 13 37 1 213 70 787 442 130 1,526 865 268 ... i,523»<>53 39 •240 1,020 67,750 1-84 ■44 2-32 4-81 9-41 ... H Train, 9, 129 Shunting, 2,433 Ballasting, 6 14,866* 1,32: 276 933 910 242 1 112 915 243 1 735 195 I 2,672 710 577,097 63 mi 599 11,568 ... ... I 3O 23-92 2'94 24-05 19-29 X I ; ... ! 70-20 I Train, 68,973 ■•■ Shunting, 12,717 Ballasting, 178..'. 16,768 2,429 127 999 967 178 152 28 i 849 I 157' 2 1,020 188 3 2,988 55i 7 ... i 4,884,777 7 1 •147 767 15 81,868 ... I ... I •53 2'95 ... 3'55 I ... I 10-39 E 15 Train, 27,218 ... Shunting, 8,865 Ballasting, 53 ... 9,981 I 1,081 477 437 45 + 148 1 72 24 147 1 420 137 i,397 456 3 ! 1,939,566 7i "173 410 36,136 4-00 •64 3-98 371 ... I 12-33 ... S Train, 32,669 ... Shunting, 5,127 Ballasting, 82 ... 10,516 i,555 565 439 347 54 1 105 16 544 85 1 501 78 1 i,497 233 3 ... ... . 2,38o,595 72 ■151 310 14 37,878 ... ... 2'55 3-89 \ -68 ... 3'99 3;67 ... 10-98 t L 1 1 1 I 4,058 i 64 Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 236,372 63,111* 7,907 !>757 3,77i 3,836 665 4,667 13,226 229 4-12 j 474 I3'43 •23 ",323,552 •214 ■004 3> J33 ... ... j ... j ... * Includes 12 cwt. coke.

jAJKL;DS'JG;L'DJKGFaL;DSJKGF;Ll;dsjkg;sjkgl;fdskg;fdsg ahgkldsfjgl;fdsjkgfdsg fdsjgl;'dskgfg'fdsg dsfjgl;kdsfjg;lfdsjkgl;fdsgds fdsjgl;fdsjgl;fdskgfdsg dsfjgl;fdsjgdsdkgfl;'jl;fds dsjkl;gfkdsl;'gkdsf;g'ljkds;lgjkdsfg dsfkgj;l'dsgdsg fdsjgkl;'dskg'dsfg dsf jkgl;fdshgfhgfdh dsfjg;ldkmsg

625 j i8 7 7 3 23 10 426 53 569 41 72 1,260 1 9 1 i 158 2,281,433 62 ■133 432 D 16 j Train, 36,799 ... Shunting, 4,645 Ballasting, 2,687 7,083 976 623 ... I'22 37 1 8;2i I 44,131 1 •51 ! 2"77 V Train, 86,659 ... Shunting, 4,348 Ballasting, 6,321 1,780 1,194 1,216 848 ! 159 62 II 43 I 8 84 57 1,796 1,245 91 62 3,398 I 248 170 5,87 I,362 68 "139 828 16... 97,328 j '... 141,459 1 24,942 ... 1 ... 2'35 ■44 ! 3''7 •46 ! 3'°5 j 3'45 1 Totals ... Miscellaneous charges I I 1,817 1,841 2,081 3'53 9-04 74 8,152,79566 ■137 •013 I,26( I 2,756 1,177 j 271 5,325 433 2'00 ... ... ...



RETURN No. 23-continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1883. WANGANUI SECTION— continued.


Type. i < Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Rum ling. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pencf Runnim mlage. Si < gill in a Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Materials. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Ton-Miles Gross. D Train Shunting, 1,234 Ballasting, 3,206 Cwt. 692 Qt. 140 I Lb. Lb. 91 £ £ £ £ £ ,r< 4,440 4 10 4 9 15 39 '38 IOI 61 159 "* | 70 2'92 7-51 iri8 75,634 9 E r9 Train, 14,527 ... Shunting, 3,741 Ballasting, 28 ... 4,108 578 278 348 882 227 2 43 11 214 55 290 75 1 1,429 368 3 906,032 62 ■379 25' I s 18,296 ... ... i4"57 71 3'53 4-80 23-61 17 Train, 81,469 ... Shunting, 10,881 Ballasting, 14,248 106,598 14,186 2,i54 1,066 1,150 572 76 101 143 19 25 774 104 135 1,266 169 221 2,755 368 482 4,117,720 51 ■160 I,2& L ... 1'69 1 .42 2:28 373 8-'i2 17 Train, 11,520 ... Shunting, 1,483 Ballasting, 1,790 ... '4,793 2,143 ... 336 204 207 I 64 8 10 24 3 4 109 17 181 28 378 48 59 I '" i 528,302 46 ■171 2Oj E I I""M •50 2*27 377 7-87 18 Train, 71,483 ... Shunting, 12,083 Ballasting, 223 ... 83,789 228,718 12,354 1,794 I 1,136 1,050 624 106 140 24 (694 117 2 1,002 169 2,460 416 i I 3,426,110 48 •172 8 9 < 2 7 9,180 2'IO I ... 1 ■47 ... 2'33 ... 3'36 826 Totals ... 33,675 i 5,024 2,775 2,873 2,813 451 3,6i3 [ , I •184 2,303 2'95 .47 ! 2-42 379 9'63 9,079,621 51 2,75!

A C D 14 14 Train, 7,124 Shunting, 739 ... Ballasting, 160... Train, 23,592 .., Shunting, 3,239 Ballasting Train, 53,842 ... Shunting, 5,518 Ballasting, 2,476 Totals ... Miscellaneous charges ... 8,023 ■•■' 26,831 ... ! 61,836 I ... ] 96,690 .... !,39O 4,S9i 81 I 402 134 j 173 380 ; 389 14 1 I 26 4 ... 8 1 ... 3 1 4 91 10 2 291 40 i 7 8 18 4 422 58 291 6 770 106 ... ■45 ■27 ... ... •27 ■31 ... 1 3 -o8 2^96 i ... 5-98 4'3O ... 978 7-84 184,232 ... • 819,884 26 35 •087 I - •225 15; 42; 14 9>O54 ... 708 661 : 628 262 27 12 53 5 3 584 60 27 657 77 30 169 72 ... 1-17 ■86 •22 2'6o 6'95 2,216,136 38 •169 64.' 1,175 1,19° 2^96 15.035 1,191 346 i°5 1,105 i>444 3,000 ■26 275 3'57 7'44 I-02 3,220,252 ■195 •031 I,22( 412







14 c J7 Train, 7,153 ... Shunting, 4,783 Ballasting, 92 ... ... 12,028 2,035 156 200 181 43 28 7 5 1 21 1 •43 96 2 214 143 5 1 "44 ... ■26 ... 72 ... 4-80 ... 7'22 592,080 83 •087 18: p 1 17 Train, 1,234 Shunting, 784 ... Ballasting 2,018 430 29 3i 24 12 8 2 1 5 2 26 16 45 27 2-38 '35 '•83 5-00 8'56 169,621 137 ■063 2; R I ... 1 I !7 Train, 7,754 ... Shunting, 4,418 Ballasting, 33 ... 12,205 26,251 2,170 156 197 181 33 20 8 5 23 13 154 88 1 218 126 1 ... ro4 •26 i 70 478 4-81 I 678 926,286 119 •056 IS' Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 4.635 34i 428 386 145 H 29 79 526 779 13 1-32 •26 73 7-12 •12 1 1,687,987 1 °S ■068 ■002 3ft ... ... ... ... ... ...

C 15 Train, 21,927 ... Shunting, 6,789 Ballasting, 1,177 7,852 1,562 987 S09 206 64 11 7i 22 H7 46 8 574 178 31 998 310 54 ... j 1,708,788 78 •140 j 6( ... P 29,893 ... ... ... ... ... 4 2-2 S 77 1-62 6'29 10-93 ... ... I Train... Shunting B allasting 48 48 1 ... Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 29,893 7=852 1,562 987 5°9 I "1 329 97 " I 201 733"" 1,410 34i 273 77 1 1'62 6'29 11'41 273 1,708,788 78' •140 •048 6( ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

15 Train, 38,416 ... Shunting, 5,078 Ballasting, 441 ... 43>93S 8,912 1,172 140 746 140 2 86 n 1 434 5 496 622 83 7 1,212 170 15 ... "■88 •54 271 i 3-89 8-02 1,486,485 38 •208 46; ... Totals ... 43,935 8.912 I.J72 140 746 161 I 98 712 1,467 •88 '54 271 3-89 8-02 1,486,485 38 •208 46;

C 12 Train, 9,483 ... Shunting, 1,167 Ballasting, 1,861 2,371 382 207 211 I 84 10 1 3 109 21 "3 147 29 18 363 72 44 408.135 43 •213 183 ... ... I) 12,51 1 2-14 ■59 274 372 ... 9-19 Train, 14,083 ... Shunting, 1,872 Ballasting 3,053 447 289 283 64 8 34 5 162 22 211 28 471 63 ... 606,580 43 •186 201 12 15,955 28,466 829 ... 496 ro9 ■59 I 276 3'59 8-03 8'54 •12 — Totals ... Miscellaneous charges 5,424 494 183 70 327 433 1,013 15 i-5S ■59 275 3'°5 1.014,715 43 •197 •003 3& ... ... ... ... ... -


RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Repairs executed to Rolling-Stock and Tarpaulins for Year ending 31st March, 1883.

RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1883.


Description. Christchurch and Addington. Oamaru. Dunalinand Hillside. Invcicargill. Total. Bnginbs i— Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Heavy „ (running shed) Undergoing repairs, &e. 34 IS II 14 3 49 11 56 21 26 3 13 9 48 9 Totals 69 3 I? 137 )aeeiaoes : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Light repairs Converted Erected new (4o-feet Bogie) I 4 103 26 22 36 108 15 26 180 130 13 6 2 6 11 Totals "S 26 177 37 355 i beak-Vans : Bebuilt ... General repairs 3 39 22 10 64 13 13 138 Totals 42 22 74 '3 I 'Si lOESE-BoXES AND WAGONS : — Erected (new) or manufactured Rebuilt ... Thoroughly overhauled General repairs 129 27 1 S3 19 282 46 j 1,250 1,406 700 1,674 1,846 128 128 3,752 Totals 700 4,080 'AINT-WOKK : — Engines, painted or varnished Carriages ,, „ Brake-vans ,, „ Horse-boxes, &c. ,, Engines, paint renewed Carriages ,, Brake-vans ,, Horse-boxes, &o. „ 8 29S 3 1 22 12 224 36 5 21 9 49 16 519 5 36 S 33 12 Totals 337 323 12 672 'aepatjhns :— New manufactured Thoroughly repaired ;•.. General repairs 900 2,038 i8o 2,628 900 2,218 2,628 Totals 2,938 2,808 5>746

Mine. 1SS2-83. 18S1-82. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. jrillingham, Albury Austin and Kirk, Sheffield Springfield Coal Company iowai Pass ftellraith, Grlentunnel . ■ klcClatchie and Melntosh Saunders, Whitecliffs iVilson, „ Papakaio, ,, >hag Point ... ... tValton Park U-reen Island freeman ?ernhill ... _... kelson ... - ■ ■ ■ laitangata Nightcaps ?ukerau !!■* 10 3,683 6,231 467 io,355 2,021 50 302 1,982 I2,457 628 6,203 2,019 304 10 1,701 4,1s2 2 6,226 161 254 302 18,298 16,396 6,821 n,779 3,383 2,473 32,718 8,3" 1,327 272 22,840 14,181 6,652 10,352 4,O4S 2,885 35.423 33S 1,464 2,215 169 1,427 272 4,542 662 412 2,705 7=976 137 Totals ... 124,625 122,042 I7>954 15,37!



RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels Discharged and Loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

RETURN No. 27. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Lines and Sidings Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1883.

Port. 1881-83. 1883-83. Increase. Decrease. >ISCIIARGED : — Lyttolton Timaru ■ ... Oamaru Port Chalmers Bluff No. 1,346 248 224 435 192 No. 1,264 312 325 433 237 No. No. 82 "64 101 45 2 Totals 2,445 2.57 1 210 84 jOADED : — Lytteltoh Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Bluff 1,245 263 283 436 209 1.395 302 325 375 233 150 39 42 "<5i 24 Totals 2,436 2,630 255 61

Line of Railway. Main Line. Single, Donble. Main Line. Branches. Total Railway. Main Line. Branches. Sidings. Total. Equivalent of Single Track. Cheistchukcii Section : — Lyttelton-Temuka ... Addington-Waikari ... Rangiora-Oxford Branch Eyreton-Bennett's Southbridge B ranch ... Little River Branch ... Malvern Branch Darfield-Whitecliffs ... Tinwald Branch M. ch. 94 40 48 30 M. ch. 7 60 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 37 7 2 6 21 m. ch. M. ch. 37 72 6 21 2 2 1 49 2 61 0 74 2 60 1 36 o 48 M. ch. 22 7 20 11 25 39 17 10 30 61 11 40 19 13 2 2 1 49 2 61 140 12 54 51 24 9 21 60 28 20 18 4 33 4i 12 76 19 61 0 74 2 60 1 36 o 48 Totals 142 70 7 60 146 21 289 11 44 13 12 10 56 23 353 14 Oamabtt Section ; — Temuka -Waitaki Albury Branch Waimate B ranch Waifcaki-Palmerston ... Pukeuri-D un troon Ngapara Branch Shag Point Branch ... Oamaru Breakwater 49 40 51 40 2S S4 4 46 22 3 14 77 2 o o 63 8 44 7 69 1 Si o 65 8 44 1 5i o 65 7 69 2 o o 78 o 10 o 18 58 4 27 25 S 31 59 29 24 3 iS 75 2 10 2 o o 78 o 10 o 18 1 1 Totals 22 15 193 18 101 o 70 3 171 3 16 33 S 62 Dunedin Section : — Palmerston-Dunedin.. . Dunedin-Clinton Glendermid-Port Chalmers ... Walton Park Branch. Outram Branch Lawrence Branch 4° 39 73 19 1 12 2 47 9 o 22 o 7 5° 10 38 3 SS o 38 0 63 1 75 7 S° 10 38 3 55 o 38 0 63 1 75 48 9 83 57 4 67 3 S 9 63 23 75 i73 36 Totals "3 58 34 59 148 37 18 8 6 71 24 79 Invebcakgim Section : — Clinton-Invercargill ... Invercargill-B luff Waipahi-Kelso Edendale-Toitois Invercargill-Kingston Makarewa Junction —Colac's ... Thornbury-Wairio ... Wairio-Mghtcaps .., Lumsden-Mararoa , .r." 65 42 17 1 IS 43 4 o 86 77 23 69 22 27 2 24 2 20 S 74 4 68 1 49 0 22 4 18 1 71 1 46 S 74 4 68 1 49 0 22 4 18 1 71 1 46 71 36 21 69 17 12 4 22 91 IS 25 60 23 73 2 24 2 49 260 40 "5 o 29 o 29 Totals 82 43 157 20 239 63 10 62 9 75 20 57 Grand totals 7 60 408 23 848 34 89 36 34 58 124 14 980 28 44O II



RETURN No. 28. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

Total Hurunui-Bluff and Branches. Comparative Rates per Mile for the Year. Classification o£ Work. Christchurch Section. Oamaru Section. Dunedin Section. Section. Proportion of each Item to the Whole. Amount. Christchurch. Oamaru. Dunedin. Invercargill. Whole Line. Track surfacing k ... £ 3. d. 16,002 11 9 £ 3. d. 11,319 2 11 £ s. A. 12,042 12 2 £ 8. d. 10,948 3 9 £ S. d. 50,312 10 7 £ -4-82 £ 4'53 £ 5'09 £ 6'22 £ 3-61 4-69 Renewals ... 2,147 4 9 1,926 11 8 2,139 J7 3 881 13 9 7,095 7 5 4-91 •61 •87 I'll •29 •66 Ballasting... 721 16 1 1,605 l6 3 1,685 19 5 2,285 17 1 6,299 8 10 4'36 •20 •72 •87 1 75 '59 Banks and cuttings 468 14 4 i.79° 3 4 2,761 18 7 i,430 6 3 6,451 2 6 4'47 •13 •81 1'43 '47 ■60 Permanent-way, new materials 8,888 io 9 . 4,855 IS 1 6,121 6 o 4,792 12 9 24,658 4 7 17-07 2-52 1 2-18 3-16 r S 8 2-30 Roads, approaches, &c. 579 18 10 236 14 4 1,299 6 9 337 2 10 2.453 2 9 170 •16 'II ■67 'II ' Qi'X Bridges, culverts, &c. 3,807 16 3 2,S8S 3 " 2,158 4 7 2,110 10 9 I 10,661 15 6 7-3B ro8 ri6 1 i'ii •69 •99 Fences, cattle-stops, &c. 3,212 3 o 2,675 *9 8 4,114 17 9 1,148 16 i{ 11,151 17 4 772 ■91 I'2O 2-13 •38 1-04 Appliances 1,635 14 9 706 12 4 780 4 4 961 4 11 4,083 16 4 2-83 •46 ■32 ■40 ■32 ■38 Wharves ... 126 101 18 o 3 19 o 106 19 6 •07 ... I •05 '01 3,668 14 2 2.554 9 8 - 7-91 ■93 •87 1-89 •84 1-07 Buildings ... ... ... 3,277 16 6 1,929 15 o 11,43° 15 4 Tools and implements 1,817 ° Io 1,041 17 9 1,006 5 10 719 o 3 4,584 4 8 3"i7 •52 •47 ■52 ■24 ■43 Workshop commission 61 19 2 63 19 8 66 3 3 87 10 10 279 12 11 •19 •02 ! ■°3 •03 ■03 •03 Total maintenance 42,622 9 6 30.737 »ii 37,947 8 1 28,261 8 9 139,568 18 3 96-60 12-07 I3-83 i9'S9 9"3i 13-02 Additions and alterations 1,945 9 6 875 « 7 1,274 8 1 817 o 3 4,9" 9 5 3'4O •55 ■39 •66 -, ■46 I .. . I Total expenditure 44,567 19 o 31,613 3 6 39,221 16 2 29,078 9 o 144,481 7 8 100 12-62 14-22 20-25 9-58 13-48



RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance for Five Years, 1878 to 1883.

17—D. 1.

oo' 00 O 01 Oi pivp vp op op b 6o (n in bi vo N IN CM CM C?i pi iO 01 CM CO iO CO IOVO r|- N Ol Ht Op JO p HI ' *CO io " *O\ VD i CO TO i "^ 1 *"• to CM CO 2 00 t co oi Oi "O> "LO o in p m \n vb io "(nog b iO CO to oi vo - -^t-vo oi in co co io co <J\ CM IN Vp oi O hi O CO CO m Jm vb "co * b\ io * K io oi o eg 3 1-1 I Q CO CO iO CM hi TO C) Oi hi INOO 01 O\ CO CO IN O lJ tJ- Ch TOCO JO O O p pi JO JO IN UD ;^~ I co io b w K h H>b !m « Io' co b on I-H I-H 1O Ht w VO VO VO"VO"""6" CM' O 00 IO CO 00 uJ JO O O\ hi ip 00 -< O> p JN O^ IN O\ p CM CM O CO IN CO CM IN CO CM : io CO ' CO CO CM n OOmmmCM hi CO^O if-j "^ M <N co C3 'O tN IN C*) Ti-oo hi t^ •^ N n COMVOMO TO CM O tN CM p O\\p Op _"^ tH 'co io *co * K -<h * -*r CM 00 p TtIN to OO 00 O\ J>-CO Ht jo MD CO 'O\'h b xjr cm lO'O CO cm M *O oi bs On h O Oip p CM -Tt- " b co ' *>- h-< CM M O JO CO *co 4CM CO CO CM o W "5b rt o 0 co i | co I O\ C0*0 CM hi O\ •*? Ch 01 p O 'p JO *p O\ coVtcb o^te hi "hi 'cm IO CO O\ hi CO Tj01 Ht CO 00 h. 00 co * *b * oi Tf p *CM io y CM "C^CO CO~O\C0 •-H INO VO O do "hi vb K^b CO C?i CM IN JN IN O IN CTi Ol IN « p h. ' CO CO ' OO CO CO O in cm 01 HI CT» d co" O CO IN C-5 CO iOVp m p) (M co vb Vj- «q K XT) M IH O. C1 iO iO *O O\^O O hUJh I w w m CO K IN \p JN K b O) I-I Si o-, i CO oo OOINCOCOIO »OO\h p pep on jo *p .**■ a> lo^b h b '^t " o\' iO m CM O p 01 O\ O "_ : * w 'cm m vb o , m ►H | IN b\ io 01 o I co oivo'oi-^-co oio^oi" CO CO p JO O IN Vp *■& O "-* "hi 00 hi 00 IN •rfiX) CM tO CO TO CO 01 Vp Vp IN Vp JO 01 io" * Tf 6o co CM iO 'O CM CM CO CO INVO hi VO 00 Tj-VO OI yn p p ys jo vp in jo vb 6o "^ -^- hi co b> co Tt-vo " h « xj- cq vo p, JOCO hi JO O\ Op t lN hi Kvb * b\ "tjH. CM I a: n o 00 O\ CO CO COVO O joop jo op vp in 00 b\ CM io m CM io *CM 00 CM CM rt Ht w in ?F coco o hi o\ o O 00 O HI H. CM 00 I H Tt- '■* b\ b hi co go 'n HI T}* HI VO 01 Ot _ iO O\ IN00 IN IN ChOO O CO ""TO i-t iO iO 6 I be—| CO CM p O CO tN JO 4O h 00 m O\ hi C>, w i CM K (M CO CO Cq COCO *-i " io tJ- ' £> in I CM 0 ' w W , jrfm CO CO I M O" CO OViO~iN O~\O'<b '00*0 m "O "^ M3 isH CO -4" pOO CO \O O>_Tt- [^ no IN JO 01 Vp g w b "co io Tt- h rf io "-i co vb : *b "co bi vo m - co cm " £ co 1? CO CO 00 o^ in en t^- o vh C^ _CO _T)- vj*b *>h o^ b ob VO •-< w CM IO JO CM O CO O> io iooo io IO Tf CO 0] io" CO C^ OS' IN TO CM IN." i_J COm VO -■ CM O p JN w 00 *m io TO : '-" b> 'Oi io ~t M w - M C> CO ■* CO ■* CO CO CO CM ~CT ~W I O *O O> JN pOO h p IO Ol i p^ w rb f«t CM : CO * "^ N CO „ J° CO o B o 00 I o I On O. COO'> IN (M O CM CO COCO CO io W W p CO CM p O CM w CO '^ *m • CM io " »-* ►I ' IN CO" CM " " p\ CM w CO M CO o IN M Ss l>-00 CO CO O\ (M O O> coco b io hi 1^ M HH CO CO t-s « '- 4- "cm m t^VO C-h VO CO Cl CO IN [N Oi CM ■ VO 'b : « 00 "^ o « n pi mo ■ Ch CM O^i^p <N Vt- b, b\ co iOh O iop^t CO co I o\ -rf iO [CO c] : co io : I m ■ I J o 03 CO hH IO "13 00 00 to'-o iio n do CO p\^p t->\O K'« m (M CO "■'"w 1h 00 IO -"CO CO O Eo co CO O" >-■" "W 'tOCO CO O TO"" iO" " hh O CO O O CM t> h-. ; 00 N V h & '■ N (o ' t> I CO (-1 >-H ■ M IO j "O ~~"io d> io co m m co cm oS i-* p\ -J- o poo h c-j to co h ffiK Tt- : i-< Tf ' 'c-i io K 01 CM_ lO CM CO 3 TO QO I w c>> m co 10 iO iOVO VO "LO O io V "■<+ VO OI VO -01 O JO JO O! *w b vb " ch m Oi o ""vo JO N O rj" (M : O iO ' K- ' i-i CO w 00 o lO 4 CM 00 VO m t> *^ 60 -<tvb m IN i-i Cl "covo" co CO O\ O io rt- :^t" CJ GO 00 >- CO *O ip IO ION af t|- : CO CO " Vj* "od ' *t CO CO Q\ co CM O 01 0-1 IO 6\ I d o a* 0 O\ £** w CM Q\ O CM CO CO *OCQ *-i Th w iO .J CM CTiCO pCO CO O\Cp \O p^ O\ JO CO CO tM GO '^co O> m (b Oi vb : ■* k|- " ON "co ro i>, m co * h d5 el m y : : : : : : i : : : : ■ A : l! jJ !| i I 1 ill LII!J pill 151 3 c I EHP3pqpq£ W 3 Ph <l £ W H P <l A



RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Expenditure showing Cost of Maintenance of different Divisions of Main Line and Branches.

Line of Railway. Mil,am, Average for FourM : le l g !: Expenditure for ""=ekl y Period. Year ending ~ Actual Reduced 31st March, 1883 D V , Rate per Mileage. Mileage. " Mile. Rate per Mile per Annum. •Chbistohueoh Section : — Main Line, Waikari-Waipara .. . Waipara-Lyttelton to Temuka Rangiora-Oxiord Branch Eyreton-Bennett's Branch Southbridge Branch ... Little River Branch ... Malvern Branch Darfield to WhiteclifEs Branch ... Tinwald Branch ... ... '... M. ch. 9 12 133 58 22 7 20 11 25 39 17 10 30 61 11 40 !9 13 M. oh. 5 47 133 58 22 7 20 11 25 39 10 37 30 61 11 40 11 30 £ s. d. 1,109 2 8 29,828 9 8 2,265 IJ I 1 2,568 18 o 3,683 12 1 S82 5 7 3,075 o 7 1,116 3 11 338 14 7 £ 85 2,294 174 198 283 45 237 86 26 £ 15-41 17-12 7-92 9-88 "-33 4-28 7-63 7-i5 2'24 £ 200-33 222-56 102-96 128-44 147-29 S5'64 99-I9 92-95 29-12 Totals 289 11 271 10 44,567 19 o 3,428 12-62 164-06 Oamabu Section : — Main Line, Temuka-Palmerston Washdyke Junction-Albury Studholme Junction-Waimate ... Pukeuri-Duntroon Waiareka Junction-Wgapara Oamaru Breakwater ... Shag Point Branch 101 O 25 54 4 46 22 3 14 77 o 63 2 o 101 o 25 ~54 4 46 22 14 77 o 63 2 O 20,519 6 4 1,651 5 6 313 4 10 7,044 7 6 i>753 8 4 149 13 11 181 17 1 i,578 127 24 542 •35 12 14 !5-63 4-88 4-82 24-63 8-99 11-51 6-99 203-19 63'44 62-66 320-19 116-87 149-63 99-87 Totals J? 1 3 171 3 31.613 3 6 2,432 I4'22 184-86 Dtjnedin Section : — Main Lino, Palmerston-Clinton Glendermid-Port Chalmers Walton Park Branch ... Mosgiel Junction-Outram Lawrence Branch »3 S8 1 12 "3 58 1 12 2 47 9 o 22 o 32.397 5 5 867 2 11 542 12 2 1,913 17 4 3,500 18 4 2,492 67 42 147 269 21-86 66-70 !3-9i 1636 12-24 284T8 867-10 l80-8 3 212-68 159-12 2 47 9 o 22 o Totals 148 37 148 37 39,221 16 2 3.017 2O - 25 263-25 Inveecakgill Section : — Main Line, Clinton-Bluff ' Waipahi-Kelso Edendale-Toitoia Branch lnvercargill-Kingston Makarewa-Colacs Thornbury-Wairio Wairio-Niglitcaps Lumsden-Mararoa 82 43 15 43 4 o 86 77 23 69 22 27 2 24 2 20 82 43 IS 43 1 36 86 77 23 69 22 27 2 24 2 20 , 14,638 6 7 1,231 2 11 15 19 6 8,499 4 8 2,581 15 8 1,772 13 10 212 4 1 127 1 9 1,126 95 1 6S4 199 136 16 I3-57 5'9 2 •80 7'5i 8-28 7-21 8-16 4-89 176-41 76-96 10-40 97' 6 3 107-64 9373 io6'o8 63 - 57 10 Totals 239 63 237 19 29,078 9 o 2,237 9-58 I24'54 Grand totals 848 34 827 69 144,481 7 8 11,114 I3-48 I7S-24



RETURN No. 31. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Comparative Average Rates of CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for Maintenance of Way and Works on each Section and Traffic District per Mile per Four Weeks for the Year ending 31st March, 1883.

Classification. ! Sections. Mileage. Permanent R<f n ds- Bridges, ?.en" s > . ,. Tools WorkWa >' preaches Cuherts- Sto oT antes' Wharves. Buildings. . ™? *°P Material. PI0^cnes > & Ci Mtops, ances. s Imple- I Com&c * &c- ments. mission. TrackSurfacing.' Track Renewals. Ballasting. Banks and Cuttings. Total Maintenance. Total Expenditure. Additions. Main Line, Waikari-Waipara Waipara-Temuka Lyttelton-Christchurch ... ... Rangiora-Oxford Branch Kaiapoi-Bennett's Branch Southbridge Branch Little River Branch Malvern Branch ... Wh it ecliff s B^ ranch Mount Somfers'Branch „ Extension... 9 128 6 22 20 25 17 31 12 6-91 4'54 21-73 3-82 3-92 4-14 3-63 3'44 3-76 2-14 3'89 •08 ! ■51 3'77 •50 j 1 01 I'OI ■02 •20 2'95 •18 •47 •08 •32 T26 •01 1-52 '02 ■39 •48 2-27 14-87 2-48 4-01 279 ■07 2'57 1-36 73 ■09 3'99 •16 •11 •05 •01 •81 ! i'79 2-53 '17 -31 •57 ■19 •08 1-24 '33 i'6o i'77 ■30 •10 ■86 ■16 •61 5-67 ■04 '12 •14 ■27 'IO '03 ... ■02 '05 1-09 i2'75 '37 •20 '45 •01 '30 •26 1'43 76 3'53 •08 •15 •23 •04 ■08 •05 •01 •02 •27 ... •01 i5'i9 i3'47 72'89 7-86 9'88 11'02 4-28 7'43 7'"4 2-15 3'89 •22 ■92 2'43 •06 •31 "5'4" "4'39 75'32 7-92 9-88 11 '33 4-28 7' 6 3 7'i5 2-15 3'8g I2'62 'OS ■17 ... •24 ... I ■20 •01 •04 •03 11 8 ... ... Total, Christchurch Section ... 1 , ; ; I ! •46 \ \ 289 4'53 ■61 •20 •13 2-52 •16 ro8 ! I •91 '93 78 1'36 1 '93 •22 •49 •15 •52 i •02 I2'07 '55 Main Line, Temuka- Waitaki Waitaki-Oamaru Oamaru-Palmerston Albury Branch ... Waimate Branch Pukeuri-D untroon B ranch. Breakwater Branch Ngapara Branch ... Shag Point Branch 49 IS 37 26 5 22 15 2 5'04 4-78 575 3'29 3-25 5-8 7 7-46 6-o8 4-82 •94 ■25 •67 ■04 ■01 3-22 •01 •OS •47 -8? •38 •03 ■39 ■01 •14 3-9I '30 •09 2-62 •07 •51 •80 2'10 '71 2'73 •62 ■05 6'04 4-04 '39 •15 •27 •II •02 1-64 •94 175 •10 •04 I'60 '32 3'6i 1-82 •06 •08 2-07 ! i •20 •40 •89 "02 •14 •l6 •47 74 77 •02 : •02 •04 "2'34 i3'i8 i9'47 4'47 4-82 24'59 11-51 8-98 6'99 '54 .20 70 •41 12-88 "3'38 20-17 4-88 4-82 24-63 11-51 8-99 6'99 I •07 ■06 •04 •63 •08 •04 •03 1-32 ■15 '35 •8l •03 •01 -13 •02 ... 1-40 '03 •46 •21 ■02 '01 ... ... ... ... Total, Oamaru Section i ! i I i 1 171 5-09 •72 2-18 •11 i-i6 J j I'20 ■32 -8 7 •98 6'77 2-37 1-83 '03 1'34 •66 '47 •03 i3'83 '39 •89 1 "27 '55 12-86 I'I2 '17 •07 I4'22 Main Line, Palmerston-G-lendermid ... G-lendermid-Dunedin Dunedin-Clinton G-lenderrnid-Port Chalmers Walton Park Branch Outram Branch ... LawTence Branch 34 7 73 1 3 9 22 6-6i 10-93 5-83 14-29 8-44 5'57 5 •89 2-09 i-45 2-85 •04 •27 ■37 i I'93 I •88 •58 8-92 ■19 '50 •07 2-63 4'16 •86 3-47 ■03 •89 •86 3'H I 5'8 7 ! 3'83 8-97 1-29 i'25 •67 I 1'93 76 •89 '44 •15 i '2I •80 '99 1-36 1-09 •23 177 •68 ! •93 ■88 2-24 i'79 i'95 4'19 3'i7 •56 ■86 '44 ■06 •03 •07 ... 7-84 '47 • "'74 •58 74 •09 •20 •19 •04 'OS •04 •01 i9'65 37'i5 20-34 53'84 1279 I2- I7 20-54 38-42 20-89 66-70 "3'9" 16-36 12-24 •03 '02 Total, Dunedin Section ! ! ! : 1-89 149 66 6'22 i-ii -87 i-68 1'43 •61 •04 •56 •09 •57 '33 '37 •38 2-41 •02 3-16 ■67 I-II 2-13 •40 •38 "•13 ■05 •52 •03 "9'59 ■66 20-25 Main Line, Clinton-Invercargill Invercargill-Bluff Tapanui Branch ... Invercargill-Winton Winton-Kingston Makare wa- Colac ... Thornbury-Otautau Otautau-Wairio ... Wairio-Nightcaps ... ... Lumsden-Mararoa Edendale-Toitois 1 ' ! 17 16 19 68 24 12 10 2 3'8i 5-59 3 2-45 2-48 5'33 4-66 4-61 5-4i 2-32 •67 •43 ■06 •12 •13 ■49 '03 •01 •60 •46 •53 ■89 •05 2'39 2-29 '19 1-48 r 9 i •20 •27 '35 •13 •01 •II -27 •03 •33 ■10 •01 •02 1-23 1-32 •19 '59 ■40 '47 '14 •11 •08 V64 ■11 72 •24 •17 •21 '37 '13 •06 •04 '35 ■18 •36 •18 ■02 i'05 1-82 '95 76 ■48 72 •07 2-25 '37 '59 •04 •32 •16 •09 •10 •06 •11 ■04 -I0 •06 '01 12-82 I3'47 5'85 6'77 7-61 8-20 6-77 7-85 8-i6 4'54 •80 ■46 I"2I ■07 •07 •09 •08 •06 13-28 14-68 5'9 2 6-84 77° 8-28 6-83 7'85 8-i6 4-89 •80 ... ... 2 4 •01 •01 •02 ■05 '39 •01 •08 '35 ... ■02 Total, Invercargill Section ... I 1 ! ! 1 1 i'58 ! : •38 i ■84 1 Whole Line 239 848 3-61 4-69 ■29 •75 •47 •60 'ii •69 •32 ■24 •03 9'3i •27 9-58 i ■66 •59 2-30 •23 '99 i '04 j •38 •01 1'°7 '43 •03 I3-02 •46 "3'48



RETURN No. 32. Statement of Expenditure on Additions and Alterations charged to Working Expenses for the Tear ended 31st March, 1883.

AUCKLAND. £ s. a. £ s. a. Additions, Remuera ... ... 108 7 8 Additions, Racecourse ... ... 81 11 5 Sidings, Auckland ... ... 297 Lining house, Otalmhu... ... 850 — 200 13 8 WELLINGTON. Sidings, Petone ... ... 19 2 6 Loading ramp, Greytown ... 45 18 6 New groins at 9! miles ... ... 136 18 O Numbering bridges ... ... 36 8 8 Crossing notices ... ... 20 19 JI Spare bolts for bridges ... ... 91 13 8 35i 1 3 WANGANUI. New concrete culvert, Turakina ... 85 19 o Points, Wanganui-Foxton, Fordell 20 13 o Temporary bridge and arrangements for traffic at Rangitikei bridge, &c. ... ...1,658 15 2 New concrete groin, Oroua River 28 2 o 25-cwt. monkey, &c. ... ... 24 19 6 Converting donkey-engine ... 36 o o ~ wagons into horse-boxes 147 o o ~ 6-wrheel carriages ... 464 6 4 Saw-bench and fixing ... ... 23 1 6 Sundry fittings, workshops ... 71 13 6 2,560 10 o HURUNUI-BLUFF. Surfacing, — Siding, Aylesbury ... ... 500 Siding, stores' yard ... ... 14 8 1 Sidings, Windmill Road and Selwyn Street ... ... 16 13 10 Points at Racecourse Hill ... 10 15 o Siding, West Oxford... ... 17 18 8 Dismantling, Moeraki Branch... 53 1 o Siding, Temuka ... ... 85 10 5 Road and alterations at Pukeuri 37 S S Extension, dome sidings ... 5 7 5 245 19 10 Renewals, — Conversion, dummy siding, Selwyn ... ... ... 9 12 6 Extra siding, Addington shops 22 9 3 32 1 9 Banks and Cuttings, — Retaining wall, Waipahi ... 170 14 2 Notice-boards, level crossing, station yard-gates, WaiparaTeinuka ... ... ... 15 12 n Colombo Street crossing ... 34 7 6 Drainage, Templeton... ... 12 19 5 Level crossings, Ashburton ... 69 17 5 Drainage, Addington... ... 91 17 o Ashburton Bridge approaches ... 188 15 o Level crossing, notice-boards at 383 miles 70 chains ... 7 18 7 Level crossing, Benmoro ... 8 16 o Cattle-stop, Gap Road ... 140 431 7 10 Bridges, Culverts, and Drains, — Waterways, Southbridge branch 94 4 3 12-inch pipes, 20 chains, Whitecliffs Branch ... ... 236 B ridge, Waihemo River to ballastpit ... ... ... 204 14 7 * Concrete pipe, Waihola ... 16 18 6 Footbridge, Glendermid ... 6 15 11 Footbridge, Caversham tunnel and Burnside, over bridges ... 18 14 o Concreting drains, Palmerston 37 16 11 Footbridge, Burkes ... ... 8 16 2 •2-feet concrete pipe-drain, Outram Branch ... ... ,5 18 o Drainage bank near Pukcteraki 39 11 5 Culverts at 389 miles 36 chains, 390 miles 26 chain?, and 391 miles 25 chains ... ... 19 7 6 Footbridge over Makarewa Bridge ... ... ... 15 12 o

Bridges, Culverts, &C.I — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6-feet water-opening, Mataura 27 11 o 30-inch concrete pipe at 14J miles, Kingston Branch ... 17 1 5 5*5 5 2 Fences, Grates, and Cattle-stops, — Fencing, Heathcote Valley ... 12 2 4 Gates, Borton's siding, PukeuriDuntroon ... ... 766 Fencing, Pleasant Point ... 10 5 4 Wicket gate, Wales Creek ... 5 5 6 Supplying gates with noticeboards, Oamaru-Palmerston 15 9 4 Ditto Waitaki-Oamaru ... 244 „ Pukeuri-Duntroon ... 393 ~ Ngapara ... ... 300 Gate Glendermid ... ... 819 2 Cattle-stop, Mussel Bay crossing 34 19 2 Fencing Port Chalmers' tunnel mouth ... ... ... 1666 Gate, Green Island ... ... 4 16 10 Supplying gates with noticeboards, Dunodin-Clinton .. 30 6 3 Ditto Palmerston - Glendermii ... ... ... 12 2 o Ditto, Walton Park Branch ... 227 „ Lawrence Branch ... 118 5 Fence, Cavershain tunnel ... 30 19 9 Cattfe-stops, Bluff Line ... 14 19 6 Fencing Stationmaster's house, Lowtber ... ... ... 12 15 9 Supplying gates with noticeboards, Clinton-Invercargill 920 Ditto Winton-Kingstou ... 290 ~ Makarewa-Colac ... 364 ~ Thornbury-Otautau ... 211 10 ~ "Tapanui Branch ... 2 19 8 Fencing at Mararoa Bridge ... 930 ■ 258 8 6 Appliances — Pump, tank, and shoot, Kaiapoi ballast-pit ... ... 340 Stages for loading double-deck sheep-wagons, Malvern and Whiteeliffs Branches ... 1 16 o 5-ton jib-cranes, Addington and Kaiapoi ... ... ... 143 8 3 Water - services, Waikari and Waipara, including windmill, 6,000 gallon vat, and wash-out service, engine-shed ... 136 1 9 New well, Waipara ... ... 41 5 7 Erection tanks, Hornby ... 5 14 o Gas to signal, Lyttelton tunnel 20 8 6 Eemoval tank-stands from St. Andrew's to Selwyn ... 28 19 2 Locomotive Department, erecting 10-ton weighing - machine, Addington ... .. 11 11 8 Stages for loading double-deck sheep-vans, Temuka- Waitaki 411 6 New well and windmill, Studholme Junction ... ... 82 19 2 Windmill and shift tanks, &c, Pleasant Point ... ... 90 4 9 Hot-air engine, Maheno ... 79 12 6 Alterations to signals, Burkes 1224 Signal-box, Rattray Street, Dunedin ... ... 2 14 o Engine water-service, hydraulic crane and 6,000 - gallon vat, Balclutha ... ... 46 17 1 2-ton whip-crane, Palmerston coal-shed ... ... 46 3 1 2-ton whip-crane, Balclutha coalslied ... ... ... 47 11 9 Weighbridge, Port Chalmers ... 56 10 7 Starting signals, Dunedin yard 16 1 10 Distant and home signals, Maitland Street, Dunedin ... 23 810 Duplicate arm, Anderson's Bay Road. ... .. .. 8 8 1 Engine water-service, Walton Park 37 3 2 j



RETURN NO. 32.— continued. lIURUNTJI-BLTJFF SECTION. Statement of Expenditure on Additions and Altekations, &c.— continued.

Appliances — continued. £ 8. d. dS 8. d. Hot-air engine, 6,000-gallon vat, and water-service, Elbow ... 14 1 6 Overhead traverser, Invercargill Goods-shed ... ... 37 12 6 Hot-air engine, Gore ... 79 12 6 Boring for artesian water, Athol 13 15 11 ■ 1,095 5 o Wharves, — Two lamps on Kingston Jetty 3^5 Buildings, &c, — Pipe-service, Chertsey ... 3 19 2 Engine wheel drop, Christchurch running shed ... 48 1 8 Loa.dng platform at Chortsey ... 68 9 6 Removal of cottage from Factory to liaukside, and fixing two tanks ... ... ... S3 10 7 Gattle yards, Window ... 71 10 2 Removal cottage, Pigeon's Road to Templeton ... ... 59 9 * Pipe with pump at Ashburton, also fence ... ... 15 16 4 Removal, locomotive cottage from Amberley to Waikari .. 30 9 6 Water-closets and urinals, Winchester .. ... ... 20 14 3 Water-trough, Addington cattloyard .. ... ... 2 3 10 Fixing lamp north line bridge, Addington ... ... 3 17 3 Additional two rooms, Stationmaster's house, Ashburton ... 99 17 9 Improvements Ganger's house, Baloairn ... ... 62 17 4 Lean-to, Stationmaster's house, Dunsandel ... ... 12 3 o Platform lamp, Chertsey ... 227 Adding upper-deck sheep-stage to cattle-yard, Lyttelton ... 25 9 8 Loaling bank, Dunsandel ... 18 18 3 Enlarging waiting-room, and adding Telegraph Office, Papanui . ... ... 43 S 7 Two portable stages for doubledecked sheep-vans ... ... 15 310 Chimney in Stationmastor's house, Southbridge ... 856 Additional room, Platelayers' cottages, Darlield ... ... 62 17 o Addition to cottage, Rangiora 10 o o Shifting cottage from North Line to Styx, for addition to Stationmaster's house ... ... 62 o 4 Additional office accommodation at Addington ... ... 36 8 8 Sheep-loading bank, Hinds ... 467 Gastitting,Lyttelton, over bridge 4 19 3 Office for Inspector, Christchurch 11 15 8 Huts for traffic cadets at Hornby, Selwyn, and Hinds ... 41 4 2 Gaslittiug and papering, Inspector's office, Christchurch ... 10 13 o Brick chimney, Lyttelton parcels' office ... ... 4 8 11 Chimney and tank, Waikari ... 15 15 6 Coal platform extension, Oamaru 23 12 5 Lean-to. Stationmaster's house, Wniareka Junction ... 51 3 9 Additional room, Stationmaster's house, Albury ... ... 35 7 2 Chimneys and fireplaces in Stationmasters' houses ... 96 13 10 Shifting hut from Burnham, and adding to Stationmaster's house, St. Andrew's ... 8 12 6 Huts for Traffic Cadets at St. Andrew's, Makikihi, Waitaki North .... ... ... 47 17 o Platelayers' cottages, Makililn, completion ... ... 6 II II Removal and fitting up Hakatcramea Railway Company's cottage at Kurow ... ... 10 18 o Additional room, Stationmaster's house, Hampden ... ... 25 1 9, 18-D. 1.

Buildings, &0. — continued. £ s. d. £ 8. il. Additions to Signalman's house, Waiareka Junction ... 9 10 6 Addition to Platelayer's house, Shag Point Junction ... 31 18 5 Portable hut for Traffic Department, Maheno ... ... 13 710 Post and Telegraph Department, Telephone line, Tiinaru ... 796 Purchase of house, Shag Point 34 o o Additional room to Stationmaster's house, Abbotsford ... 25 7 2 Additions to Greytown cattleyards ... ... ... 83 10 8 Erecting 4 smith's hearths, Hillside ... ... ... 95 14 2 Lamp for road approach, Upper Port Chalmers ... ... 235 Water-closets and urinals, Burnside ... ... ... 20 3 1 Concrete floor in cellar of Re-freshrnont-room, Palinerston 417 o Room for traffic stores, Dunedin 18 19 1 Additional room, Stationmaster's house, Outram ... ... 13 15 3 Water supply, Stationmaster's house, Palmer-ton .. ... 8 19 II Hand-cart for Waihola Station 812 5 Additional room to Stationmaster's house, Milburn ... 42 s 6 Removal Stationmaster's house, Man- ka Creek, and erection of two-roomed lean-to, Stationmaster's house, Waitahuna ... 16 16 7 Platelayer's cottage, Purakanui 26 13 2 Gatekeeper's house, Mussel Bay crossing ... ... ... 59 8 4 Additions to Stationmaster's 4iouse, Pelichet Bay ... 42 8 5 Fittings for Signalman's office, Purakanui ... ... 3 2 3 Portable hut for Traffic Department, Stirling ... ... 12 4 8 Porch. &c.,at Watchman's house, Waitati Cliffs ... ... ; 311 Notice-boards at Junctions ... 112 New cattle-yards, Gore ... 21 16 9 Alteration, Thornbury ... 20 19 5 Alterations, VVaipahi ... 19 12 4 Tank-stand at Tapanui Station, gravelling approach, &c. ... 11 2 5 Shifting passenger station from Saddle Hill to Pukerau ... 34 19 9 Furniture, &0., Pukorau Station 4 10 10 Small office for Customs' Officer, additions to office in Importshed, and erection of lamp outside passenger entrance, Invereargill ... ... ... 57 IS 8 Driver's room, Invcrcargill ... 24 210 Water-closets and urinals, Elles Boad ... .. ... 1767 Shifting station - buildings at Mataura to suit new sidings o 3 3 Fencing Sta'ijnmaster's house, Otautau ... ... ... 666 Portable hut for Traffic Department. Mataura ... ... 811 1 Renewal of Station on new site at Bluff .. ... ... 106 2 8 Notice-boards at Stirling, Waipalii, Gore, Thornbury, and Elbow ... ... ... 440 ■ 2,170 18 9 £4,923 7 S NELSON. Planting willows on river banks 25 o o 25 o o PICTON. New breastwork, Picton ... 200 o o Rock, Wairau Bridge piers ... 20 o o Planting willows on river banks 800 228 o a



RETURN No- 33. Account of Transactions between the New Zealand Railways and the Bakaia and Asiibuktojt Forks Railway. April I, 18S2, £ s. d. By apportionment as under: —■ £ s. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Railway ... 4,333 10 2 Mar. 31, 1883. and receipts ... ...10,797 °TI Government ... ... ... 5,908 10 9 £10,797 on £10.797 on To Eakaia and Ashburton Porks Railway pro- Expenditure ... ... ... ... 3,484 7 4 portion ... ... ... ... 4,833 10 2 Balance paid to Company ... ... 1,404 210 £4,833 10 2 £4,338 10 2 Account of Transactions between the New Zealand Railways and the Waimate Railway. 3Teb. 4, 1883, £ s. d. By apportionment as under : — £ a. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Waimate Railway ... ... ... 70 10 3 Mar. 31, 1883. and receipts ... ... 203 9 2 Government ... ... ... 132 18 n £203 9 2 £203 9 2 To Waimate Railway, proportion ... 70 10 3 Expenditure ... ... ... ... 229 1 7 Balance due from Company ... ... 158 n 4 £229 Ji 7 __£ 229 l 7 Account of Transactions between the New Zealand Railways and the Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway. April i, 1882, £ s. d. By apportionment as under: —■ £ a. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway ... 2,146 3 5 Mar. 31, 1883. and receipts ... ... 6,285 S 4 Government ... ... ... ... 4,139 1 n £6,285 5 4 £6,285 5 4 To Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway pro- Balance Ist April, 1882 ... ... 84 19 3 portion ... ... ... ... 2,146 3 S Expenditure ... ... ... ... 3,174 7 9 Balance due from Company ... ... 1,113 3 7 ~ Account of Transactions between the Nkw Zealand Railways and the Watmea Plains Railway. April i, 1882, £ s. d. By apportionment as under: — £ a. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Waimea Plains Railway ... ... 5,259 5 6 Mar. 31, 1883. and receipts ... ... 15,827 1 3 Government ... ... ... ... 10,567 15 9 £15.827 1 3 £15,827 1 3 To Waimea Plains Railway proportion ... 5,259 5 6 Expenditure ... ... ... ... 1,532 12 o Balance paid to Company ... ... 3,726 13 6 £5,259 5 6 £5.259 5 6 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

By Authority G-Eosaß Didsbuky, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 3rd JULY, 1883., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 3rd JULY, 1883. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 3rd JULY, 1883. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1883 Session I, D-01

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