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Brought up Uth August, 1882, and Ordered to be printed. Touk Committee have the honour to report that they have carefully examined the whole of the Standing Orders on Frivate and Local Bills, with a view to the consideration of the simplification of the proceedings and the reduction of the cost with regard to the introduction of Frivate Bills into Parliament. And your Committee have also examined several bills of costs of the solicitors and agents acting for the promoters of such Bills ; and they cannot refrain from remarking that not only does there seem to be a very large discrepancy with regard to the costs incurred in the passage of Bills of the same nature, and when unopposed, but that in some instances the charges paid are, it is not too much to say, highly exorbitant. In order to show that such costs are really unnecessary, we would draw special attention to the Nelson Gas Company's Bill, which was introduced by Mr. Curtis, the then member for Nelson. In this case the Bill was passed through both Houses without costing any further sums than the parliamentary fees (£25) and cost of printing. In contrast to this we would direct particular attention to the amounts of the costs specified in the Schedule hereto, containing the amounts of those accounts which the Committee have been able to obtain, and it will be seen that in some cases even unopposed Bills have cost the promoters very large sums of money. In the Schedule annexed it will be seen that in one case, where there was no opposition to a Bill— namely, the Christchureh Gas Company—the amount of costs sent in came to £807 4s. ; and in two other instances, where Bills were opposed, the amounts are: Te Aro Eeclamation Bill, £289 10s. 2d.; Napier Swamp Bill, £140. The Schedule contains ten cases in which there were law charges, and the total amount is £4,538 lis. Bd., or an average of £453 17s. 2d. for each Bill. It appears on examination of the accounts that the charges are principally created for attendances by counsel on Committees, and fees on hearing; the actual cost in an unopposed case being really nominal, as, for instance, the Nelson Gas Company's Bill, already referred to, which only cost the parliamentary fees. With the view therefore of simplifying the passage of Bills, and reducing the costs, material alterations have been made in the Standing Orders, and a scale of costs has been prepared; and the Committee trust that these amendments will produce the desired effect: at any rate they trust the alterations, if carried into effect, will indicate to those who have to introduce such Bills that they need not necessarily expend more in the passage of Bills than the amounts mentioned in the Schedule. The Committee therefore strongly recommend that the whole of the alterations should be made during the present session of Parliament; that the Standing Orders relating to Local and Private Bills as shown in the copy attached be agreed to. Tour Committee have further to report that they have carefully considered the Private Bills Costs Bill, and they recommend that the same be agreed to with the amendments shown in the copy herewith, and they direct special attention to an amendment in the title. W. D. H. Baillie, _ 11th August, 1882. Chairman.

SCHEDULE. Bills of Costs.

Title ov Bill. Cost. £ s. d. Jelson Gas (House fees, £25) fapier Gas ftiristchurch. Gas (or for allowance £687 9s. 4d.) iverpool, London, and Globe Insurance Company (Limited) Wellington Waterworks ... ... Wellington Gas 'e Aro Eeclamation (opposed) 'hurch Property Trustees ... .uckland Gas fapier Swamp (opposed) >tago Southern Trunk Eailway 250 o o 807 4 10 130 2 8 146 17 8 178 7 o 289 10 2 440 18 10 405 10 6 140 o o i.7S° ° ° Total £4,538 n 8




* # * Alterations are shown in erasure type and italics. New Clauses by a line in tlie margin.

i. In the construction of these Standing Orders the words and phrases following shall have the meaning here attached to them, unless there be something in the context repugnant to or inconsistent with such meaning. The word "House" shall mean the Legislative Council or the House of Eepresentatives, as the case may be, in which the Bill may be at the time; and the expression "other House" shall signify the House of the General Assembly in which the Bill shall not be at the time. A quorum shall consist of an equal number of either House. There shall be as4ssa»iaer-c^Sfeffldi»g-o*der9 a Clerk of Bills* to bo appointed by the Speaker of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives. 2. Local Bills are those which, not being Private Bills, affect particular localities only. 3. Private Bills shall be understood to be Bills which are promoted for the private interest of individuals or companies, or which, by their provisions, directly interfere with the private property of individuals. 4. There shall be nominated at the commencement of each session a Joint Committee of six, consisting of three members chosen by the Legislative Council, and three members chosen by the House of Eepresentatives. This Committee shall be named " The Joint Committee of Classification," and four shall be a quorum, with power to make joint reports. 5. There shall be nominated, at the commencement of each session, one or more Committees, to be designated " The Local Bills Committees A and B," each to consist of five members of each House respectively, of such Committees four shall be a quorum, with power to call for persons and papers, and to make all such inquiry as they think proper, and to make joint reports, stating whether the Bill proposed shall be proceeded with, together with any special circumstances connected therewith. G. There shall be nominated, at the commencement of each session, a Committee, to be designated "The Private Bills Committee," to consist of five members of each House respectively, of which Committee four shall be a quorum, with power to call for persons and papers, and to make all such inquiry as they think proper, and to make joint reports, stating whether the Bill proposed shall he proceeded with, together with any special circumstances connected therewith. Initiation oe Bills. 7. All Bills shall be introduced as Public Bills, in accordance with the Standing Orders of either House. 8. All Bills, other than Bills introduced by the Government affecting matters of general public policy, shall stand referred to the Joint Committee of Classification before the second reading. 9. Such Committee shall report what Bills shall be dealt with as Public Bills, what as Local Bills, and what as Private Bills.

As to Local Bills. 10. Local Bills shall be referred by the Joint Committee of Classification to the Local Bills Committee. 11. No Local Bill shall be read a second time unless notice shall have been given of the said Bill in the locality to which the Bill refers. 12. Such notice shall state explicitly the object which such Bill is intended to effect, and shall have been published once at least in each of three successive weeks before the second reading, in a newspaper circulating in such locality. 13. Local Bills reported on by the Local Bills Committee shall be set down for second reading on the following Thursday, on which day Orders relating to private Members' Local Bills shall have precedence of Notices of Motion. 14. At the time of the first publication of such notice, a copy of the Bill shall be deposited in the Eesident Magistrate's Court of the district, and shall be open to public inspection. 15. That, when it is intended in such Bill to take power to deal with any lands, plans or surveys of such lands, on a scale of not less than two inches to a mile, and certified by an authorized surveyor, shall be deposited with the Bill. 16. In the case of Bills authorizing the construction of harbour works, or the raising of further loans for the completion of harbour works previously authorized, such Bill shall be accompanied by a statement of the financial position of the promoters, an estimate of the cost of construction, and the estimated increased revenue to be derived from the proposed works, together with the plans or surveys before mentioned. 17. Before the Bill is introduced into the Legislative Council or House of Eepresontatives, the beforementioned plans or surveys and estimates shall be forwarded to the office of the Clerk of tke-___esse4a -whieh-_ie-Bill4s4e-fee4nitiate4 Bills ? _ 18. Any parties desirous of opposing any Bill, either for non-compliance with Standing Orders, or on any other ground, shall, previous to the second reading of the Bill, apply by petition, to he lodged with the Clerk of the Bills, for leave to be heard, by themselves, their counsel, agents, or witnesses, before the Local Bills Committee. The Committee shall inquire whether the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with, and shall report to the House whether, in the opinion of the Committee, such Standing Orders as have not been complied with ought or ought not to be dispensed with, and whether, in their opinion, the parties should be permitted to proceed with their Bill, or any portion thereof, and under what (if any) conditions. 19. The Clerk of Bills shall give two days' notice, by affixing the same in his office, of a day to be appointed by the Committee for the hearing the parties promoting and those opposing any Bill. 20. All questions shall be decided by a majority of voices, including the voice of the Chairman ; and

* Throughout these Orders the " Clerk of Bills" is substituted for the "Examiner."



[whenever the voices are equal the Chairman shall (have a second or casting vote.

As to ParvATE Bills. 21. Private Bills shall be referred by the Joint Committee of Classification to the Private Bills Committee. 22. Any parties desirous of opposing any Bill, either for non-compliance with Standing Orders, or on any other ground, shall, previous to the second reading of the Bill, apply by petition, to be lodged with the Clerk of the Bills, for leave to be heard, by themselves, their counsel,-agents, or witnesses, before the Private Bills Committee. The Committee shall inquire whether the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with, and shall report to the House whether, in the opinion of the Committee, such Standing Orders as have not been complied with ought or ought not to be dispensed with, and whether, in their opinion, the parties should be permitted to proceed with their Bill, or any portion thereof, and under what (if any) conditions. 23. The Clerk of Bills shall give two days' notice, by affixing the same in his office, of a day to be appointed by the Committee for the hearing the parties promoting and those opposing any Bill. 24. Before the first reading of any Private Bill, not less than two hundred copies thereof, at the expense of the promoters, must be delivered to the Clerk of Bills. 25. No member of the Committee on an opposed Private Bill shall absent himself from his duties thereon except in case of sickness or by leave of the House. 20. If the Chairman of the Committee shall be absent from the Committee, another member present shall be elected to act as Chairman. 27. If any of the members shall not be present within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of the Committee, or if any member shall absent himself from his duties in such Committee, every such member shall be reported to the House at its next sitting. 28. The Joint Private Bills Committee generally, may admit affidavits or declarations in proof of the compliance with the Standing Orders and other facts required to be proved, unless in any case they shall require further evidence; and such affidavit or declaration shall be sw'orn or taken before a solicitor of the Supreme Court or a Justice of the Peace. 29. All questions shall be decided by a majority of voices, including the voice of the Chairman ; and whenever the voices are equal the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

Standing Obdees as to Pkivate Bills, compliance witii which is to be moved. Compliance with the following conditions shall be proved before the Committee. Notices by Advertisement. 30, In all cases where application is intended to be made for leave to bring in a Bill, notices shall be given, stating the objects of such intended application, and the time at which copies of the Bill will be deposited in tho Clerk of Bill's Office, and if it be intended to apply for powers for the compulsoi'y purchase of land or houses, or for extending the time granted by any former Act for that purpose, or to amalgamate with any other company, or to sell or lease the undertaking, or to purchase or take on lease* any other undertaking, or to amend or repeal auy former Act or Acts, or to levy any tolls, rates, or duties, or to confer, vary, or extinguish any exemptions from payment of tolls, rates, or duties, or to

confer, vary, or extinguish auy other rights or privileges, the notices shall specify such intention; and the whole of tho notices relating to the same Bill shall be included in the same advertisement, which shall be headed by a short title descriptive of the undertaking or Bill. 31. In cases of Bills in respect to which plans are required to be deposited, such notices shall also contain a description of all the termini, together with the names of the provinces, townships, or other territorial divisions from, in, through, or into which the work is intended to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged; and shall state the time and place of deposit of the plans, sections, books of reference, and copies of the Gazette notice respectively* with the several officers hereinafter specified. 32. Iu cases of Bills respecting any burial-ground, cemetery, or gasworks, the notices shall set forth aud specify the limits within which such burialground, cemetery, or gasworks are intended to be erected or made 8:i. In all cases where it is proposed to divert into any intended cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, or into any intended variation, extension, or enlargement thereof respectively, any water from any existing cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, whether directly or derivatively, and whether under, any agreement with the proprietor thereof or otherwise, the notices shall contain the name of every such existing cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, the water supplying which will either directly or derivatively flow or proceed into any such intended cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, or into any intended variation, extension, or enlargement thereof. 34. Not less than thirty days before the commencement of the session in which it is proposed to make application for a Bill, such notices shall be published onco at least in the Government Gazette of the colony, and for two successive weeks in one and the same newspaper published in the province, county, or district in which any land is situated to which any such Bill shall refer.

Notices and Applications to Owners, Lessees, and occdpiees of lands and houses. 35. Not less than thirty days before the commencement of the session in which it is proposed to make application for a Bill by which any lands or houses are intended to be taken, or an extension of the time granted by any former Act for that purpose is sought, application in writing must be made to the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of all lands and houses so intended to be taken, or which may be taken as being within the limits of deviation defined upon the plan ; and such applications shall be as nearly as may be in the form set forth in tho Appendix marked A. 3!J. Such application shall be made by delivering the same personally to every such party; or by leaving the same at his usual place of abode, or, in his absence from the colony, with his agent; or by forwarding the same by post in a registered letter addressed with a sufficient direction to his usual place of abode, and posted before the first of such thirty days at the chief post office in a province, at such hours and according to such regulations as may from time to time bo in force for the posting aud registration of registered letters. 37. In all cases the written acknowledgment of the party applied to shall, in the absence of other proof, be sufficient evidence of an application having been made or notice given ; and, in case of an application or notice having been forwarded by post in a registered- letter, the production of the post office



receipt for such letter, duly stamped, shall be sufficient evidence of the due delivery of such letter: Provided it shall appear that the same was properly and sufficiently directed, and that the same was not returned by the post office as undelivered. 38. Separate lists shall be made of tho names of such owners, lessees, and occupiers, distinguishing those who have assented, dissented, or are neuter in respect to such application, or who have returned no answer thereto ; and where no written acknowledgment has been returned to an application forwarded by post, or where such application has been returned as undelivered, at any time before the making-up of such lists, the direction of the latter in which the same was so forwarded shall be inserted therein. (See Appendix marked B.) 39. Not less than thirty days before the commencement of the session in which it is intended to make application for any Bill for making a burialground or cemetery, or the erection of works for the manufacture of gas, notice shall be served upon the owner and occupier of every dwelling-house situate within 300 yards of the limits within which the proposed burial-ground, cemetery, or gasworks are intended to be erected or made. 40. No notice served or application made on a Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas Day, or before eight o'clock in the forenoon or after eight o'clock in the afternoon of any day, shall be deemed valid, except in case of delivery of letters by post.

Documents eequibed to be deposited with Commissioneb op Cbown Lands befobe Session. 41. Plans, books of reference, and sections, as hereinafter described, shall, in cases of Bills by which any lands or houses are intended to be taken, be deposited for public inspection at the office of the Commissioner of Crown Lands in the principal town of each province in or through which the work is proposed to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged, or in which such lands and houses are situate, not less than thirty days before the commencement of the session in which it is proposed to make application for the Bill. 42. The Commissioner of Crown Lands shall make a memorial in writing upon the plans, sections, and books of reference so deposited with him, denoting the time at which the same were lodged in his office, and shall at all seasonable hours of the day permit any person to view and examine the same, and to make copies or extracts thereform ; and the plans and sections so deposited shall be retained in the possession of the Commissioner until the session of Parliament next ensuing shall be about to be held, when they shall be forwarded by the Commissioner to the Clerk of Bills, so as to be deposited there as nearly as may be within a week of the commence ment of the session. 4,. Wherever any plans, sections, and books of reference are required to be deposited, a copy of the notice published in the Gazette of the intended application shall be deposited therewith.

Deposits within Fourteen Days after the Commencement op the Session. 44. Every petition for a Private Bill, headed by a Short Title descriptive of the undertaking or Bill, corresponding with that at the head of the advertisement, with a declaration signed by the promoters, and a printed copy of the Bill annexed, shall be deposited in the Clerk of Bills' Office either before or within fourteen clays after the commencement of the session, and such petition, Bill, and declaration shall lie open to the inspection of all parties, and printed, copies of the Bill shall also be delivered

therewith for the use of any member who may apply for the same. 45. Such declaration shall state if the proposed Bill gives power to effect any of the following objects, that is to say, — Power to take any lands or houses compulsorily, or to extend the time granted by any former Act for that purpose ; Power to levy tolls, rates, or duties, or to alter any existing tolls, rates, or duties, or to confer, vary, or extinguish any exemption from payment of tolls, rates, or duties, or to confer, vary, or extinguished any other right or privilege ; Power to amalgamate with any company, or to lease or sell their undertaking, or to purchase or take on lease the undertaking of any other company ; Power to interfere with any Crown, ecclesiastical, or corporation property, or property held on trust for public or charitable purposes; Power to relinquish any part of a work authorized by a former Act; Power to divert into any intended cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, or into any intended variation, extension, or enlargement thereof respectively, any water from any existing cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, whether directly or derivatively, and whether under any agreement with the proprietors thereof or otherwise; Power to make, vary, extend, or enlarge any cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation ; Power to make, vary, extend, or enlarge any railway. The said declaration shall state which of such powers are given by the Bill, and shall indicate in which clauses of the Bill (referring to them by their number) such powers are given, and shall further state that such Bill does not give power to affect any of the objects enumerated in this order other than those stated in the declaration. If the proposed Bill shall not give power to effect any of the objects above enumerated, the said declaration shall state that the I Bill does not give power to affect any of such objects. The said declaration shall also state that the Bill does not give any powers other than those included in the notices for the Bill. 46. Within ten days after the commencement of the session, a printed copy of every railway or canal Bill, and of every Bill for incorporating or giving powers to any company, and of every Bill relating to auy tidal lands, dock, harbour, navigation, pier, or port, shall be deposited in the office of the Colonial Secretary. 47. Within fourteen days after the commencement of the session there shall also bo deposited in the Clerk of Bills Office all estimates, declarations, and lists of owners, lessees, and occupiers, which are required by the Standing Orders. 48. As respects all Bills for the incorporation of joint-stock companies, or proposed companies, for carrying on any trade or business, or for conferring on such companies the power of suing and being sued, there shall be deposited in the Clerk of Bills Office, within fourteen days after the commencement of the session, a copy of the deed or agreement of partnership (if any) under which the company or proposed company is acting, and in all cases a declaration stating the following matters : — Ist. The present and proposed amount of the capital of the company ; 2nd. The number of shares ; 3rd. The number of shares subscribed for ; 4th. The amount of subscriptions paid up ; sth. The names, residences, and description of the eholders or subscribers (so far as the sa me



can be made out), and o£ the actual or provisional directors, treasurers, secretary, or other officers (if any). And such documents shall be verified by the signature of some authorized officer of the company or proposed company (if any), and by some responsible party promoting the Bill. 49. No deposit shall be deemed valid if made on a Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas Day, or before eight o'clock in the forenoon or after eight o'clock in the afternoon of any day.

FOEHS IN WHICH PLANS, BOOKS OF EeFEBENCE, Sections, and Cboss-sections shall be peePAEED. Plans. 50. Every plan required to be deposited shall be drawn to a scale of not less than four inches to a mile, and shall describe the lands intended to be taken, and shall describe the line or situation of the whole of the work (no alternative line or work being in any case permitted), and the lands in or through which it is to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged, or through which every communication to or from the work shall be made ; and, where it is the intention of the parties to apply for powers to make any lateral deviation from the line of the proposed work, the limits of such deviation shall be defined upon the plan, and the lands included within such limits shall be marked thereon. 51. In all cases where it is proposed to make, vary, extend, or enlarge any cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, the plan shall describe the brooks and streams to be directly diverted into such intended cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, or navigation, or into any variation, extension, or enlargement thereof respectively, for supplying the same with water. 52. In all cases where it is proposed to make*vary, extend, or enlarge any railway, the plan shall exhibit thereon the distances in miles and furlongs from one of the termini, and a memorandum of the radius of every curve not exceeding one mile in length shall be noted on the plan in furlongs and chains, and, where tunnelling as a substitute for open cutting is intended, such tunnelling shall be marked by a dotted line on the plan. 53. If it be intended to divert, widen, or narrow any public carriage-road, navigable river, canal, or railway, the course of such diversion and the extent of such widening or narrowing shall be marked on the plan. Book of Reference. 54. The book of reference to every such plan shall contain the names of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of all lands or houses in the line of the proposed work, or within the limits of deviation as defined upon the plan, and shall describe such land and houses respectively. (See Apppendix marked B.) Sections. 55. The section shall be drawn on the same horizontal scale as the plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every one hundred feet, and shall show the surface of the ground marked upon the plan, the intended level of the proposed work, the height of every embankment and the depth of every cutting, and a datum horizontal line, which shall be the same throughout the whole length of the work or any branch thereof respectively, and shall be referred to some fixed point (stated in writing on the section) near some portion of such work, and, in case of a canal, cut, navigation, public carriage-road, or railway, near either of the termini.

56. In cases of Bills for improving the navigation of any river, there shall be a section which shall specify the levels of both banks of such river; and where any alteration is intended to he made therein it shall describe the same by inches and feet, or decimal parts of a foot. 57. In every section of a railway the line of the railway marked thereon shall correspond with the upper surface of the rails. 58. Distance on the datum line shall be marked in miles and furlongs to correspond with those on the plan ; a vertical measure from the datum line to the line of the railway shall be marked in feet and inches, or decimal parts of a foot, at each change of the gradient or inclination, and the proportion or rate of inclination between each such change shall also be marked. 59. Wherever the line of the railway is intended to cross any public carriage-road, navigable river, canal, or railway, the height of the railway over or depth under the surface thereof, and the height and span of every arch of all bridges and viaducts by which the railway will be carried over the same, shall be marked in figures at every crossing thereof, and, where the railway will be carried across any such public carriage-road or railway on the level thereof, such crossing shall be so described on the section, and it shall also be stated if such level will be unaltered. 60. If any alteration be intended in the water-level of any canal, or in the level or rate of inclination of any public carriage-road or railway which will be crossed by the line of railway, then the same shall be stated on the section, and each alteration shall be numbered, aud cross sections in reference to the said numbers, on a horizontal scale of not less than one inch to every 330 feet, and on a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every forty feet, shall be added, which shall show the present surface of such canal, road, or railway, and the intended surface thereof when altered, and the greatest of the present and intended rates of inclination of such road or railway shall also be marked in figures thereon; and, where any public carriage-road is crossed on tho level, a cross section of such road shall also be added, and all such cross sections shall extend for 200 yards on each side of the centre line of the railway. 61. Wherever the extreme height of any embankment or extreme depth of any cutting shall exceed five feet, the extreme height over or depth under the surface of the ground shall be marked in figures upon the section; and if any bridge or viaduct of more than three arches shall intervene in any embankment, or if any tunnels shall intervene in any cutting, the extreme height or depth shall be marked in figures on each of the parts into which such embankment or cutting shall be divided by such bridge, viaduct, or tunnel. 62. Where tunelling as a substitute for open cutting, or viaduct as a substitute for solid embankment, is intended, the same shall be marked on the section.

Estimates and Declaeation in Ceetain Cases. 63. An estimate of the expense of the undertaking shall be made and signed by the person making the same. 64. When the work is to be made wholly or in part by means of funds or out of money to be raised from funds belonging to any society or company, or under the control of directors, trustees, or commissioners, as the case may be, of any existing public work, such parties being the promoters or part promoters of the Bill, a declaration stating these facts, and setting forth the nature of such control, and the nature and amount of such revenue, funds,



or surplus revenue, and showing the actual surplus of such funds or revenue after deducting the funds required for purposes authorized by any A_ct or Acts of the General Assembly, and also the funds which may be required for any other work to be executed under any Bill in the same session, shall bo made and given under the common seal of the society, or company, or under the hand of some authorized officer of such directors, trustees, or commissioners.

Peoceedings befoee Pbtvate Bills Committee. 65. No member, locally or otherwise interested, of the Committee on any Private Bill shall have a vote on any question that may arise, but every member shall be entitled to attend and take part iu the proceedings of the Committee. 6. Every plan and book of reference thereto which shall be produced in evidence before the Com-, mittee upon any Private Bill (whether the same shall have been previously lodged in the Clerk's Office or not), shall be signed by the Chairman of such Committee with his name at length ; and he shall also mark with the initials of his name every alteration of such plan and book of reference which shall be agreed upon by the said Committee, and every such plan and book of reference shall thereafter be deposited in the Clerk of Bills' Office. 67. The Chairman of the Committee shall sign with his name at length a printed copy of the Bill (to be called the Committee Bill), on which the amendments are to bo fairly written, and also sign with tho initials of his name the several clauses added in Committee. 68. The Chairman of the Committee shall report to the House whether or not the allegations of the preamble of the Bill have been proved to the satisfaction of the Committee, or whether the parties have acquainted the Committee that it is not their intention to proceed with the Bill; and when any alteration shall have been made in the preamble of the Bill, or the clauses thereof, such alteration, together with the ground of making it, shall be specially stated in the Beport. 69. The minutes of the Committee on every Private Bill shall be brought up and laid on the table of the House with the report of the Bill. 70. Every Private Bill, as amended in Committee, shall be printed at the expense of the parties applying for the same, and delivered to the Clerk for the use of the members two clear days at least before the consideration of the Bill. 71. Any clause or amendment on the consideration of the report of any Private Bill shall be referred to the Committee on the Bill; and no further proceedings shall be had until tho report of the said Committee shall have been brought up. 72. Every Private Bill, after it has been read a j third time, shall be printed fair, at the expense of the j party applying for the same. 73. No Private Bill shall pass through tw*o stages on one and the same day, and there shall be at least two days' interval between the first and second readings. 74. Except in cases of urgent and pressing necessity, no motion shall be made to dispense with any Sessional or Standing Order without due notice thereof. 75. Every Private Bill, after it has passed either House, shall be carried to the other House, and treated as a Public Bill. 76. In all cases not hereinbefore provided for, resort shall be had to the rules, forms, and practice of the Imperial Parliament, which shall be followed so far as they can be applied. 77. There shall be paid by the promoters of Private Bills the fees specified in.paragraph (a.) of the Schedule hereto, marked " Fees and Costs."


EOEM A. Notice of Application to Owners, etc. — (See Rule 35.) Sib,— Wo beg to infoi'in you tint application is intended to be to the General Assembly, in the ensuing session, for an Act and that tlie property mentioned in the annexed Schedule, or some part thereof, in which we understand you are interested as therein stated, will be required for the purposes of tho said undertaking, according to the line thereof as at present laid out, or may be required to be taken under the usual powers of deviation, to the extent of yards on either side of the said line, which will be applied for in the said Act, and will be passed through in the manner mentioned in sucli Schedule. We also beg to inform you that a plan and section of the said undertaking, with a book of reference thereto, will be deposited in the Clerk of Bills' Office on or before the commencement of the session, and that copies of so much of the said plan and section as relates to the district in which your property is situate, with a book of reference thereto, have been or will be deposited for public inspection with the Commissioner of Crown Lands of the Province of on or before the , on which plans your property is designated by the numbers set forth in tlie annexed Schedule. As we are required to report to Parliament whether you assent to or dissent from the proposed undertaking, or whether you are neuter in respect thereto, you will oblige us by writing your answer of assent, dissent, or neutrality in tlie form left herewith, and returning tlie same to us, with your signature, on or before tlie day of next; and, if there should be any error or misdescription in the annexed Schedule, we shall feel obliged by your informing us thereof at your earliest convenience, that we may correct the same without delay. We are, Sir, To .

FORM B.-SCHEDULE. Part of Book of Reference referred to in the foregoing Notice, and which is intended to show the Property therein alluded to, and the Manner in which the Line of the Deposited Sections will affect the same.— (See Rules 38 and 54.)

Number on Flan. Place. Description. Manner \ in which ] affected, i ! Name of ! Owner or j Reputed j Owner. Name of Lessee or Reputed Lessee. Name of Occupier. Assent. Dissent. Neuter. I I ! i 21 Epsom Arable field. 4 feet cutting. Henry Smith George Lucas. John Sims. Henry Smith. Number on Plan of Lands proposed to be within the Limits of Deviation. Place. Description. Name of Owner or Reputed. Owner. Name of Lessee or Reputed Lessee. Name of Occupier. Assent. Dissent. Neuter. 21 Epsom House and outbuildings. Henry Smith. George LucasJohn Sims. Henry Smith.



Note.—The following has already been passed b; Private and Local Bills Costs Bill: — FEES AND COSTS. (a.) The scale of fees to be paid by parties promoting Private Bills shall be as follows :— Old. New. £ a. A. £ b. A. On the first reading ... 5 0 0 10 0 0 On the second reading ... 10 o 0 1000 On the third reading ... 10 0 0 5 0 0 The said fees shall be paid to the Treasury, to the credit of the Library Eund, at the respective stages of the Bill in the House in which the Bill shall have been introduced, and a certificate of the due payment of such fees shall be produced to the Clerk of such House at each stage of the Bill; and the Bill shall be stopped by the Speaker of such House at any stage if any fee then due is unpaid. As to Local Bills. (b.) Costs shall be allowed when certified by the Chairman of Local or Private Bills Committee, upon the following scale : — Costs of solicitor promoting opposed Local Bill, Buch a sum as Chairman shall certify, not to exceed £10 10s., exclusive of costs of advertising and sums paid out of pocket for expenses of witnesses, according to the scale agreed to by the Speakers of both Houses, 3rd August, 1882 (whose attendance shall be

y the House of Eepresentatives as the schedule to the certified as necessary by Chairman), for services of notices, and for fees of Parliament. (c.) If Bill unopposed, fee of solicitor not to exceed £5 55., exclusive of sums paid out of pocket, as in last paragraph. (d.) In case of an opposed Bill, Committee to report whether opponents entitled to costs. If Committee so report, Chairman to certify for a sum not exceeding £10d0s., exclusive of sumpaid out of pocket, to be certified as necessary by the Chairman. As to Private Bills. (e.) Costs of solicitor promoting opposed private Bills, such a sum as Chairman shall certify, not exceeding £70, exclusive of costs of advertising and sums paid out of pocket for expenses of -witnesses, according to the scale agreed to by the Speakers of both Houßes, 3rd August, 1882 (whose attendance shall be certified as necessary), for service of notices, and for fees of Parliament. (f.) If Private Bill unopposed, solicitor's fee not to exceed £20, exclusive of sums paid out of poeket, as before provided. (g.) Tlie Committee to report whether opponents entitled to costs. If the Committee so report, Chairman to certify for a sum not exceeding £50, exclusive of witnesses' expenses and other payments out of pocket, as certified.

Authority : GrEOE&E Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—1882.

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Bibliographic details

PRIVATE AND LOCAL BILLS LEGISLATION. (REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, I-11

Word Count

PRIVATE AND LOCAL BILLS LEGISLATION. (REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, I-11

PRIVATE AND LOCAL BILLS LEGISLATION. (REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, I-11

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