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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Fxcellency.

Arthur Gordon, Governor. To all to whom these presents shall come, and to Theodore Minet Haultain, James Fulton, and Henry Bunny. Whereas under divers Acts, Ordinances, regulations, or other laws now or in times past in force in the Colony of New Zealand or in some part thereof, divers persons being either officers, non-com-missioned officers, or private members of Her Majesty's naval and military forces, or in the Militia Force of the said colony, or in the Volunteer Forces of the said colony, or in some other military body or force enrolled in the said colony, have had or alleged that they have claims upon the Government of the said colony, or of some province thereof, to grants of land in the said colony, either for services rendered by them in such capacities in the said colony, or as having retired from such forces for the purpose of settling in New Zealand, or otherwise about or in connection with their being or having been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid : And whereas such claims are not now capable of being enforced in law, either owing to the same not having been presented within the time prescribed by law, or for other reasons of a technical character : And whereas from time to time petitions have been presented to the General Assembly, or to one House thereof, by certain of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, or by the representatives or assigns of such, praying for relief in the premises: And whereas, in pursuance of a recommendation of the Waste Lands Committee of the House of Representatives, it is thought desirable to appoint a Commission for the purpose of inquiring fully into and reporting upon all such claims, and any others of a similar character: Now, therefore, know ye that I, Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, having full trust and confidence in your impartiality, ability, and integrity, do hereby, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, appoint you, the said Theodore Minet Haultain, James Fulton, and Henry Bunny, to be Commissioners for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, with the powers hereinafter set forth and subject thereto, to have and exercise the several duties and functions hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, — 1. To inquire into, examine, and report upon all claims to land which may be brought before you by persons who have been such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members as aforesaid, or by the representatives or assigns of such officers, non-commissioned officers, or private members, all of whom are hereinafter referred to as claimants, which such claimants may claim to have had against the Government of the colony, or of some province thereof, of such a character as is hereinbefore recited. 2. You are authorized and empowered to make and to hold any inquiry under these presents at any place or places within the Colony of New Zealand-as you may think most convenient and adapted to elicit full information respecting the matters which you may be called upon to inquire into under these presents. 3. Before you commence any inquiry under these presents, you shall cause such notice or notices as you may deem necessary or expedient to be given, stating the day, time, and place or places on and at which you will be prepared to receive claims, and indicating in what form you wish such claims to be preferred, and also the day, time, and place when and where you will be prepared to receive and hear any evidence or information which any claimants may desire to offer or bring before you in support of their claims. 4. You shall cause every such notice to be given and published in such manner and form as you may from time to time prescribe, and at such place or places as you may deem best calculated to give effect to these presents. I—H. 17.



5. For the purpose of this Commission, you are hereby empowered to call before you and examine on oath or otherwise as may be allowed by law, all such person or persons as you may think able to afford you any information in relation to the premises. 6. Each claimant shall be entitled to present his claim in such manner and form as you may from time to time prescribe. 7. You may also require any person or persons to bring before you and produce in evidence (saving all just exceptions), any books, papers, deeds, or documents of which any Court of law might compel the production. 8. You are hereby also empowered, in case no claim is made or evidence offered before you in respect of any matter which might have been made the subject of such a claim as aforesaid, of your own motion to examine into and report upon such matter which may be in any manner brought to your knowledge, and although the same shall not be made or preferred by any claimant; and in any such case you shall have or may exercise all and every the powers and authorities conferred upon you by these presents. 9. In giving effect to this Commission, you shall have full power and authority to employ such clerks, short-hand writers, and other persons as you may deem necessary for your assistance in the premises. 10. In case any inquiry under these presents shall be made and concluded by you, and it shall afterwards appear desirable for any reason that the same shall be reopened, you are hereby empowered to reopen the same, and all proceedings shall be taken in respect of such reopened inquiry as if it were an original inquiry: Provided that no inquiry shall be entered upon after the date fixed for the making of your report under this Commission. 11. And it is hereby declared that this Commission shall continue in full force and virtue, and you the said Commissioners may from time to time, and at any place or places within the said colony, proceed in the execution hereof, although the inquiry be not regularly continued from time to time by adjournment. 12. And you are hereby required, with as little delay as possible, but not later than three calendar months from the date hereof, to report to me under your hands and seals your opinion resulting from the said inquiry and the evidence taken thereon of the several matters and things inquired into by you under these presents: Provided always that you may report separately upon each claim, or from time to time upon any one or more of such claims without waiting for the completion of your inquiries into all the claims which may be brought before you. 13. Lastly, it is hereby expressly declared that all the powers, authorities, and duties conferred or imposed upon you the said Commissioners may be exercised and performed by any two of you sitting and acting together, and that you the said Theodore Minet Haultain shall act as Chairman under this said Commission. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Honorable Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Her Majesty's High Commissioner for tho Western Pacific, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony at Wellington, this sixteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Wm. Rolleston, Approved in Council. Minister of Lands. Forster Goring, ' Clerk of the Executive Council.

I no hereby extend the period within which the Commissioners herein appointed shall send in their report to Thursday, 15th June, 1882. A. Goedon, Approved in Council, this ninth day of May, 1882. Governor. Foestee Goeing, Clerk of the Executive Council.

To His Excellency Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, G.C.M.G., Governor of New Zealand, &c., &c. Mat it please Your, Excellency,— We, the undersigned, appointed "by a Commission dated the 16th day of February, 1882, under the hand of the Governor, and sealed with the public seal of the colony, to examine and report upon all claims to land brought before us by officers or private members of Her Majesty's naval and military forces, as having retired to settle in New Zealand; and by members of the local forces of the colony for services rendered by them in such capacities—which claims, owing to lapse of time or from technical reasons, cannot now be enforced by law—respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration the following report of our proceedings:—



In conformity with the 3rd clause of the above-mentioned Commission, we have caused to be inserted in the principal newspapers throughout the colony, notices calling upon all persons claiming, under any laws or regulations now or in time past in force in the colony, to be or to have been entitled to grants of land, or to remission of money in the purchase of land, as retired members of Her Majesty's forces, or for services rendered in colonial corps, to forward to us applications showing the nature and grounds of their claims. In reply to these notices we have received 1,582 applications from different persons. We have found that a large number of these claims had little or nothing to recommend them, and that many were based upon the notion that the Commissioners had power to extend or alter the law in their favour, or had at their disposal blocks of land to be awarded as compensation for losses sustained or for services rendered during the war, or for length of service in Her Majesty's forces. We have, notwithstanding, carefully examined them all; taking evidence wherever we could obtain it, and making references to the various departments of Government from which authentic information might be obtained. In order to facilitate the inquiries we were instructed to institute, we have visited and held sittings at Wellington, Auckland, the Thames, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Napier, Dunedin, Oamaru, Christchureh, and Blenheim. In determining the various applications we have been guided mainly by these two considerations:— Ist. That it was not within our province to go beyond the law by entertaining claims that might have been valid had they been preferred at the proper time and in the proper manner, but which had been allowed to lapse through the manifest neglect or indifference of the claimants themselves; and, 2nd. That we were required to do justice to those who, from purely technical difficulties, excusable ignorance, or from the neglect or error of those in authority, who ought to have forwarded the claims and furthered the interests of their men, had failed to secure those advantages which the law allowed to them. Amongst these last we have included a number of discharged soldiers, who, from having no one to inform them of their privileges or to advise and assist them in obtaining the land to which they were entitled, either omitted to make their applications within the stipulated time, or were rebuffed by difficulties and technical objections often raised by Crown Lands Commissioners, who were more anxious to augment the provincial revenues than to part with the land. Wo have satisfied ourselves that the claimants so recommended completed the requisite period of residence in their respective districts, but as a rule we have excluded all those living in provincial districts where the Acts were never in force, and also those discharged in the colony subsequent to 1861, after which time no plea of ignorance could reasonably be admitted, as the conditions were then well known in all the regiments serving in New Zealand. Where exceptions have been made to this rule there have been special circumstances to influence our decision. In advocating this extension of the law on behalf of old soldiers we are supported by the Public Petitions Committee of 1879, who recommended "that the claims " of soldiers discharged in the colony should be recognized where at any time the " claimants have been entitled to grants of land, but through informality or " ignorance of the regulations failed to comply with the conditions." There are two cases, each including many applicants, which we think require special remark, and we give a short summary of the principal points; the full particulars are contained in evidence taken by the present Commissioners; in that taken by Major Gordon, a previous Commissioner ; in Reports of the Petitions Committees of the House of Representatives on various occasions; and in voluminous correspondence with the Defence Office. We refer to the claim of Major Jackson and the Eorest Rangers, and to that of the Defence Eorce raised at Auckland by the late Colonel Nixon (which latter was favourably reported on in 1873 by the Commissioner, Major Gordon). In August, 1863, Major Jackson was directed to enrol for three months a certain number of men for a special service as Eorest Rangers. In consideration of the arduous and dangerous duties they had to perform, they received a very



high rate of pay, viz., Bs. a day, which was more than treble that of the ordinary militiaman or military settler. Other conditions of enrolment are given in a memorandum in the handwriting of Mr. T. Russell, the then Defence Minister, in which it is stated that " in addition to the ordinary grant, the Government will " make a grant of land to any man who distinguishes himself, or to the widow of " any man who may be killed in action." After the three months' service had expired some of these men were re-enrolled on a lower rate of pay, and served for the three years required from military settlers, and received the ordinary grants of land. Eor each of those who elected to quit the corps after the three months when the rate of pay was reduced from Bs. to ss. a day, Major Jackson claims a grant of land, and for those who continued and served for the three years, two grants, one as an original Eorest Ranger and another as a military settler. This interpretation of the conditions of enrolment was repudiated by Mr. Russell on the 19th October, 1861, when he informed Major Jackson that the men who did not re-enrol were not entitled to land, and again in his letter addressed to Sir D. McLean on the 11th September, 1874, when he enters fully into the whole question. We are of opinion that the "ordinary" grant implied a grant under the ordinary conditions, which conditions having been published in the Government Gazette with reference to military settlers in Auckland on the very date of the memorandum, prove to us that they must have been in Mr. Russell's mind when he wrote it. We consider, therefore, that the claims of Major Jackson and his men have been satisfied by the grants which they have already received. Up to the time of the appointment of the Commission no claim had been put forward by Major Jackson, or by any of his men, for the additional grant promised for distinguished service. That officer now avers that he did perform such service, and produces, amongst other evidence, the Gazette of the 9th April, 1864, which contains a notice of the promotion of several officers, including himself, for " distinguished service." He also claims a like grant for several of his men, and specifies occasions on which they distinguished themselves. Whilst recognizing his special qualifications for such a command, and the high courage displayed by his men, and the excellent service they performed, we do not think we are justified in recommending them for the reward, now for the first time, claimed for them. The services rendered by his men were such as were expected from a carefullyselected corps, receiving a much higher rate of pay than was given to the regiments of military settlers, while the land allotted to them at Rangiaohia was the choicest portion of the whole Waikato Delta. We may add further that Major Jackson's promotion gave him an additional quantity of valuable land in the same district. We have found more difficulty in coming to a conclusion in the other cases. There is no doubt that Colonel Nixon did inform his men that they would receive land in addition to their pay, and that he did induce some of them to join the Defence Eorce by that statement. The question is : Had he sufficient warrant for making such an offer ? There is no documentary evidence of any kind to show that he was authorized to do so. On the contrary, the original memorandum, fixing the rates of pay in Mr. Russell's handwriting, and the notifications inserted at the time in the newspapers inviting men to join, make no mention of land, and Mr. Russell stated before the Petitions Committee of the House of Representatives in the following year, 1864, "that there was no engagement with the " members of the Defence Eorce that they should have grants of land, and a higher " rate of pay was fixed for them in lieu of land." It appears, from the evidence that has been taken on oath, that Colonel Nixon based his promise to the men chiefly on conversations he had had with the then Governor, Sir George Grey, but Sir George Grey has stated, in reply to a letter addressed to him by Major Gordon, as Commissioner, in July, 1875, that he could not remember any facts connected with the claim, that he had nothing to do with the granting or apportionment of land in the Waikato, the whole power connected with this subject being in the hands of his responsible advisers, with whom he did not interfere in the matter. After carefully considering the whole question, we are of opinion that the promise made by Colonel Nixon was made without sufficient warrant, and was not sustained by any Act or regulation then or afterwards in force; and we do not



think the Government are called upon to carry out such a promise, and therefore do not recommend that the claims should bo admitted. There is another case which we only notice to express our strong condemnation of the conduct of two officers and some men of the Ist Waikato Regiment, who have put forward a claim on account of town allotments, which they state were not granted to them in accordance with their conditions of service. On their being located at Tauranga in 1866, the Superintendent of Auckland, Mr. Whitaker, at their request, agreed to give them quarter-acre allotments in the township of Te Papa, which was not confiscated land, instead of one-acre allotments in a military township to be laid off at the Gate Pa. As the land in the township on the shores of the harbour was of much greater value than the other, which was two or three miles away, they readily accepted the offer, and yet, apparently in the hope that an arrangement made at their own instance sixteen years ago would now escape notice, they ask that the balance of the allotments may be made good to them. We think it a matter of surprise and regret that two officers who have both held commissions in Her Majesty's service should have been guilty of such an attempt to obtain grants to which they have not the slightest claim. We have had to deal with a number of claims made by Volunteers enrolled between the years 1873 and 1876, whose title to scrip was quashed by the 3rd section of "The Waste Land Administration Act, 1876," which cancelled the rights of all Volunteers who had not then completed three years' "efficient" service. These men complain that the repeal of conditions in force at the time of their enrolment was a great hardship—that they took service on the faith of promises guaranteed to them by the law of the colony, and that the repeal of that law was unjust and arbitrary in its retrospective character. We find that this matter has more than once been brought before the House of Representatives, and in 1878 the Petitions Committee recommended that the rights abolished by the Act of 1876 should be maintained. We have considered it our duty to reject all claims of this character that have been brought before us, but we think that the Legislature should be invited to reconsider the matter, and, if practicable, restore their rights to all those men enrolled before the 31st October, 1876, who subsequently, by continuous service, completed their five years as efficient Volunteers. Should the grants we have recommended be confirmed by the Legislature, we would suggest that due notice should be given to each applicant that his claim has been allowed ; that, where land has been awarded, scrip available only in the district where the claimant resides should be issued at the rate of 10s. an acre; that all scrip should be exercisable only by the person in whose favour it has been granted, and that it should be absolutely barred unless exercised within six months from the date of issue, and that a notification to this effect should be printed on the scrip itself. Before concluding our report, we desire to state that the experience we have gained at those places where we have held our sittings has satisfied us that, to have done full justice both to the colony and to the claimants, it was desirable that inquiries should be made at every place where records could be examined. We might have extended our visits with some advantage to other places, but we were unwilling further to prolong our task, which had already extended beyond the period first named in our Commission. We believe, however, that we have fairly examined and determined, in accordance with the considerations we laid down for our guidance, every claim that has been brought before us. In carrying out the instructions contained in the Bth section of the Commission, we have searched all the Defence Office documents placed at our disposal, and the parliamentary records since 1875, to assure ourselves that no substantial claim has escaped our notice. We have received willing assistance from all the departments of Government to whom we have referred, and especially from the Defence Office, where the records of many years back have with great labour been diligently searched. The Officers Commanding Militia Districts have also largely aided us; in particular, Major Stapp, of Taranaki, was able to furnish us with full and accurate information



with respect to every applicant from that district. Erom Wanganui, however (we believe from no fault of the officer recently placed in command), we could obtain no information, for the Volunteer rolls could not be found, and there appeared to be no records of any kind in the office. We attach to this report two schedules, one containing the names of those applicants whose claims we are able to recommend for favourable consideration, and the other comprising all those we have judged to be inadmissible. All which we respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration. Given under our hands and seals, at Wellington, this 13th day of June, 1882. T. M. Haultain, Chairman. James Eulton. Henry Bunny.

SCHEDULES. Applications Recommended.

No. Name, Corps, and Address. Claim. Land or Scrip Recommended 531 .046 65 Adams, J., Pukekohe Volunteers, Pukekohe "West Allison, Charles, Auckland Navals Beattie, Hugh, 65th Regiment, Collingwood Street, Nelson Bell, Joseph (by John Bell), Wairoa Rifles, Wairoa South, Auckland Biggs, Thomas Herbert,58th Regiment,and Auckland Volunteers, Princes Street, Auckland Boland, Michael (for W. Doonan), Hawke's Bay Military Settlers, Ormond, Poverty Bay £30 60 acres £30 £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres or £60 scrip. 651 £30 £30 scrip. 261 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. .022 80 acres, and town 80 a., and one of town lots specified by Mr. Tole in memo, of Oct. 11, 1881. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. acre • ■ 40 acres 719 787 .505 829 570 586 .049 488 390 .445 644 554 2 Burroughs (or Burrows), Thomas, 5th Fusiliers, Victoria Quadrant, Auckland Bowie, James, Wairoa Rifles, Waverley Bremner, J. R., Hampden Rifles, Port Chalmers Brown, John, 65th Regiment, Gisborne Buck, Benjamin, Auckland Navals, "Wellington Street, Auckland Bush, "William Dalton, Otahuhu Rifles and Cavalry, Otahuhu Bushell, Henry, Auckland Navals Cairns, Hugh, Pukekohe Rifles, Pukekohe West Carpenter, John, 99th Regiment, Tataraimaka, Taranaki Carthy, James, 58th Regiment, Hawera Chandler, William, 58th Regiment, Auckland .. Clark, John, Auckland Navals, Cook Street, Auckland Corr, John, 58th Regiment, care J. G-. Wilson, Rangitikei Creamer, John, No. 5 Company., Auckland Rifles, Chester Street East, Christchureh Dare, William, Thames Navals and Engineers, Thames Davenport, James, Auckland Navals, Graham Street, Auckland Deason, Henry, Auckland Navals Des Eorges, Mrs. (widow of Thomas Rogerson), H.M.S. " Vincent," Pahautanui, Wellington Downing, Erancis, Auckland Navals ... Defratus, John, Auckland Navals, Hobson Street, Auckland Dunn, Joseph, 65th Regiment, Eeilding Pastier, W. A., South District Rifles, Green Island Eerguson, Hugh, Cambridge Cavalry, Cambridge, Waikato £30 £30, or 30 acres ... Not stated 60 acres 60 acres, or £30 ... 60 acres £30 80 acres 60 acres 60 acres 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 80 acres, or £80 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 16 £35 ... £35 scrip. 667 £30 £30 scrip. 287 60 acres £30 scrip. .052 41 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. .047 202 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip. £30 scrip. .358 1/14 .390 60 acres £30 £30 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 981 Eerguson, John, Cambridge Cavalry, Seafield View, Auckland £25 ... £30 scrip.



Applications Recommended— continued.

No. Name, Corps, and Address. Claim. Land or Scrip Recommended. 760 254 795 172 1213 1320 1027 677 72 Filmer, William, Thames Rifle Rangers, &c, care of Captain Gordon, Otahuhu Fletcher, Isaac, 58th Regiment, Manukau Road, Onehunga Fookes, F. P., Wairoa and Patea Rifles,Waverley Forrest, J., 8th Hussars, Lome Street, Auckland Fraser, John, Waikari Rifles, Otago, Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin Free, W., 58th Regiment, Hurworth, Taranaki... Frost, M. H, Auckland Navals, Auckland Greaves, William, Thames Scottish Band, Thames Green, Joseph (for C. H. Green), Waiuku Cavalry, Ashburton, Canterbury Hardman, J,, Hauraki Rifles, &c, Block 27, Thames Harp, W. G., Cambridge Cavalry, Maungakaramea Harris, William (by Captain Wildman), Thames Navals, care of Captain Wildman, Thames Henderson, James Joseph, 1st Waikato Begiment, Opotiki £30 ... 60 acres £35 60 acres £30 ... 60 acres 65 acres £30 £30 £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 1219 £30 £30 scrip. 169 700 50 acres, or £40 ... £30 £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 203 50 acres Town acre, 243, sec. 2, and 50a. alt., Opotiki (if available) ; if not, £50 scrip. 80 acres, or £80 scrip. Hobbs, W. George (by B. P. Hobbs), 58th Regiment, Queen Street, Onehunga Hogan, David (for D. W. Hogan, deceased), Wellington Veterans, Oamaru Holland, W., 58th Regiment, Whariwhari,Waiuku Holmes, B., 58th Regiment, Cook Street, Auckland Howe, Arthur, Wellington City Rifles, Foxton, Manawatu Hunter, Scott, Thames Rifle Rangers, Mercer, Auckland Johnston, John, Thames Rifle Rangers, &c, care of Captain Douglas, Thames Jones, William, Waikari Rifles, Kirkland Hill, Kaikorai, Otago Keane, Edward, Auckland Navals Kelly, George, 58th Regiment, Post OfEce, Helensville Kennedy, D., 89th Regiment, Greerton, Tauranga Kennedy, J., South District Rifles, Green Island Kettle, W., Port Chalmers Navals, Port Chalmers Kingsley, Henry L., Royal Artillery, Hamilton, Waikato Lamb, Harry, Cambridge Cavalry Landers, John, Auckland Navals Lane, James, 83rd Regiment, Auckland Gaol ... Lee, David, Port Chalmers Navals, Port Chalmers Lee, Frederick, Auckland Navals, Vincent Street, Auckland Levy, Peter, 65th Regiment, Nelson Police Force Linn, J., Pukekohe Volunteers, Pukekohe West Long, Walter, Auckland Volunteers, Auckland... Maddox, Charles, Auckland Navals ... Martin, William, Thames Navals, Grahamstown Maxwell, Thomas, Pukekohe Volunteers, Pukekohe West McElwain, James, 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... McGowan, William, 65th Regiment, Mahia, Hawke's Bay McGrant, Peter, West Taieri Rifles, Ashburton McLaren, James, No. 2 Scottish, &c, Kensington, Dunedin McMillan, Alexander, 99th and 40th Regiments, Lome Street, Auckland Mills, David, South District Bifles, Green Island Mitchell, sen., John, 58th Regiment, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands Mitchell, William, 58th Regiment, Great North Road, Auckland 60 acres 580 1503 £30 £30 scrip. 139 494 1373 60 acres 60 acres £30 80 acres, or £80 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 598 £30 ... £30 scrip. 661 £30 ... £30 scrip. 1495 £30 £30 scrip. 1054 537 60 acres 60 acres £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 809 3/16 3/19 727 60 acres £30 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 80 acres, or £80 scrip. 100 acres 1252 1044 284 3/28 154 £30 60 acres 60 acres £30 £30 ... £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 66 450 314 1050 632 449 £30 £30 .., 60 acres. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 60 acres £30 £30 402 1144 60 acres 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 3/52 1506 £30 ... 30 acres, or £20 cash 00 acres £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 1265 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 3/18 180 £30 400 acres £30 scrip. 80 acres, or £80 scrip. 458 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip.



Applications Recommended — continued.

No. Name, Corps, and Address. Claim. Land or Scrip Recommended. 1220 Montgomery, Samuel, Thames Navals, &c. Owharoa, Thames Moore, Henry, Thames Scottish, Pollen Street, Thames Moore, W. B., Thames Scottish, &c, Parawai, Thames Moriarty E., 65th Regiment, Hurworth, Taranaki Moyes, William Thomas, Auckland Navals Murphy, James Joseph, Hobson Corps, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Railway Workshop, Auckland Napper, Henry, Auckland Navals ... Newman, Henry, Thames Scottish, Davy Street, Thames Newman, Peter, 58th Regiment, Taradale, Hawko's Bay Nichol, W., West Taieri Bifles, West Taieri ... Patrick, Thomas, 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... Pellatt, David, 65th Regiment, Manutahi, Patea Powley, Thomas, Auckland Navals, East Street, Newton Preston, William, Pukekohe Volunteers, Pukekohe West Pridmore, Joseph, Auckland Navals ... Reid, Joseph (by E. T. Dufaur), Thames Scottish Volunteers, care of E. T. Dufaur, Auckland Reynolds, David, 58th Regiment, Thames Richardson, William, West Taieri Rifles, North Dunedin Robinson, George, A Battery Artillery, Cook Street, Auckland Runciman, Thomas Shipherd, Cambridge Cavalry Volunteers, Marsh Meadows, Kirikiriroa, Waikato Sampson, Gerard, 2nd Regiment, Hobson Street, AVellington Sargent, Robert, R.N., Post Oflice, Auckland ... Saunders, T., R.N., Wairangi, near Rangiriri ... Savage, Theobald, 99th Regiment, Hinuwera, Cambridge Smith, James, Thames Scottish Volunteers, Shortland, Thames Smith, Michael, 58th Regiment, Kaikohe, Bay of Islands Stanford, Thomas, 65th Regiment, care of T. W. Cook, Foxton Staples, Samuel, 65th Regiment, care of Thomas Gresham, Te Awamutu Steers, R., South District Rifles, Green Island... Summerville, J., Forest Rifle Volunteers, Mauku Symes, Edward F., Wairoa Light Horse, Whenuakura, Patea Hdy, Richard (for H. Hdy), Epsom, Auckland... TJdy, R., Auckland Cavalry, Epsom, Auckland... Warnock, J., South District Rifles, Green Island Watt, George, Cambridge Cavalry Volunteers, Cambridge, Waikato Weal, Thomas, Waikato Cavalry Volunteers, Te Awamutu White, Thomas Henry, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Newton Road, Auckland Whitfield, William, Te Awamutu Cavalry, care of Mr. Sankey, Rokeby Street, Auckland Williams, S. J., Auckland Naval Volunteers ... Winter, James (per William Goldie), Dunedin Naval Volunteers, Port Chalmers Wright, George,R. A,, Brunswick Line, Wanganui Wright, James, Pukekohe Rifle Volunteers, Pukekohe West Yates, Edward, Forest Rifle Volunteers, Mauku, Auckland £30 £30 scrip. 597 £30 £30 scrip. 808 £30 £30 scrip. 331 1051 441 60 acres, and £30 60 acres £30 60 acres. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 1045 594 60 acres £30 ... £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 958 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 3/51 494 325 553 £30 ... 60 acres 60 acres 60 acres, or £30 ... £30 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 264 £30 ... £30 scrip. 1048 174 60 acres Cash value of land certificate 60 acres £30 £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 803 3/50 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 90 £30 ... £30 scrip. 1256 £30 £30 scrip. 9 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 550 839 1254 50 acres 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 669 £30 ... £30 scrip. 1438 60 acres 60 acres, or £30 scrip. 1100 60 acres 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 847 60a. at Bell Block, Taranaki, Lot 115 £30 £30 £30 60 acres, or £60 scrip. 3/17 475 724 £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 649 280 3/15 1289 £30 ... £30 £30 £30 £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 836 £30 ... £30 scrip. 84 60 acres £30 scrip. 528 £30 £30 scrip. 1053 1504 60 acres 30 acres, or £30 ... £30 scrip. £30 scrip. 725 448 60 acres £30 ... 60 acres, or £60 scrip. £30 scrip. 785 £30 ... £30 scrip.



Rejected Applications.

u . o o Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. ._ h . Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 3/83 Adam, Robert R., 10th Company, 3rd Waikato Regiment, and 3rd Waiuku Cavalry and Waiuku Rifles, Nelson Ager, David, 50th Regiment, Waimate ... What law allows. 624 645 1078 Bawden, Richard, Thames Navals, Thames Baxter, C. M. R., Auckland Militia, Parnell Baylis, Benjamin, 65th Regiment, No. 10 Company, Marton Beadle, William, 65th Regiment, Auckland Beagley, William, Napier, AVaipawa Beamish, George I., 14th Regiment, Wellington Beard, James, Royal Rifles, Marton Beere, Geo. Armstrong, Marlborough Volunteers, Wellington Beere, W. H., 63rd Regiment, East Canterbury Bell, David, 65th Regiment, Waipawa Bell, Peter, No. 9 Company, 2nd Waikato Regiment, Timaru Bell, Richard, Forest Rangers, Te Awamutu £30. Not stated. 60 acres. 739 50a. and town sec. £30. 70 acres. 50a. and town sec. 100 acres. 256 1118 1455 60 acres. 60 acres. £300 scrip. 1448 774 118 Agnew, James, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Aliearn, John, 99th Regiment, Wakamarina Albin, Thomas, Forest Rangers, Auckland 78 Alexander, E. M., C. D. Force, Waimate Plains Alexander, Robert, Eorest Rangers, Te Awamutu Alexander, Robert (by his widow), Auckland Navals, Auckland Allcorn, Robert, 18th Regiment, address not stated Allen, Daniel, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland Allen, George, 65th Regiment, Awitu, Manukau Allen, Thomas, Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Allen, W. G-., A Battery, Artillery, Auckland Allen, W. S., Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Ames, Joseph, C. D. Force, Wellington ... Amplet, Henry, Volunteer, Fielding Anderson, Sydney, Auckland Navals, Napier Andrews, Charles, 2nd Waikatos, Waikato Andrews, John (by his son, Andrews, Charles), 2nd Waikatos, Dargaville Andrews, William, R.N., Dargaville Andrews, W., 12th Regiment, Auckland ... Ardern, G-iles, Thames Scottish, Block XXVII., Thames Armstrong, Robert, Makara Rifles, Karori Armstrong, T., 40th Regiment, Auckland... Ashley, Henry, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Ashton, Edward, Napier Militia, Napier... Ashton, John, Light Infantry, Coldstream Guards, Canterbury Militia, Christchureh Ashton, John, Yeomanry Cavalry, H.B., Patangata, H. B. Askey, William, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Atkins, James, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Atkins, Richard, Von Tempskey's Rangers, Wellington Atkins, Thomas, Howick Militia, Meanee Atkins, W., Wanganui Militia, Wanganui... Atkinson, Saml., 57th Regiment, Wanganui Atkyrs, A. A., Native Contingent, Poukawa, Hawke's Bay Austin, Alfred I., 30th Regiment, Waikato Militia, Queenstown Austin, Sam., Native Volunteers, Wanganui Avery, A. W., Nelson Artillery, Marton ... Baflie, Peter, 65th Regiment of Foot, Waitotara Bain, John, Auckland Militia, Auckland Baker, Alfred G., Oamaru Rifles and Dunedin City Guards, Oamaru Baker, F. J., Auckland Rifles, Auckland ... Barker, Robert, 65th Regiment, Auckland Barlow, W. J., Thames Navals Cadets, Thames Barrett, William Henry, Royal Engineers, Havelock, Marlborough Barrett, James, 1st and 3rd Waikatos, Dargaville Barrett, Jn., Auckland Engineers, Auckland Barron, John, 40t,h Regiment, Newtown ... Barry, David, Hobson Rifles, Auckland ... Barry, Richard N., 38th Regiment, Howick 786 380 30 acres. Not stated. 884 1464 143 Ordinary grant. £30. 60 acres. 80 993 822 845 400 a. or £200. 80 acres. 50 a. and 1 town a. Ordinary grant. 40 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 230 60 acres. 382 1361 175 Bennett, Robert, 58th Regiment, Picton ... Bentley, H, Wellington Militia, Masterton Bentley, Jno. Daniel, 24th Regiment, Auckland Bergin Williams, 65th Regiment, ICaiwara Berry, Charles, Thames Navals, Thames ... Berry, C. D., Victoria Rifles, Gisborne Berry, Samuel, R. A., Napier Bestie, Edward, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Bezar, Edward, 57th Regiment, Masterton Billing, William, No. 2, Taranaki Bushrangers, New Plymouth Billings, William, 57th Regiment and Dunedin Volunteers, Wanganui Bilners, Charles, 65th Regiment Foot, Maxwelltown Bird William, 2nd Waikatos, Thames 770 60 acres. 74 60 acres. 61 697 69 875 711 3/80 394 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 60 acres. £30. 80 acres. 60 acres. 252 75 £30. 60 acres. 1380 1367 1412 1068 1189 50 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 51 acres. 50 acres. 806 60 acres. 341 534 1228 Not stated. 60 acres. £30. 307 60 acres. 1229 SOacres and town sec. 51 acres. 1427 168 309 1128 1493 £30. Not stated. 60 acres. 50 acres. Not stated. 1176 734 Birmingham, Robert W., Waikato Militia, Papatoitoi Bishop, Benjamin, Taranaki Volunters, New Plymouth Bishop, R., 21st Hussars, New Plymouth ... Bishop, Robert, Auckland Militia, Marton Black, Joseph, 2-18th Regiment, Waverley Black, R., Auckland Scottish, Auckland ... Black, Walter, Wairoa Volunteers, Gisborne Black, William, Armed Constabulary and Militia, Napier Blackey, Joseph, Colonial Defence Force, Horokiwi Valley Blackstock, George, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, and Poverty Bay Volunteers, Gisborne 60 acres. 1116 50 acres. 337 789 289 242 485 917 80 acres. 30 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. Not stated. 1267 1300 131 80 acres. Not stated. 40 acres. 1479 60 acres. 1140 1279 587 964 Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 80 acres. 997 40a. for H.B.,£30 for P. Bay Not stated. 1007 Blagrove, Valentine, Commissariat Staff, Auckland Blake, Andrew H., Napier Rifles, Richmond, Christchureh Bluett, Henry Peter, 10th Regiment, Wakatane, Gisborne Boland, Michael, Wairoa Rifles, Poverty Bay Boland, Michael, Poverty Bay Volunteers, Orrnond Bold, Edward H., Militia, Napier Bond, James, 65th Regiment, Marton Bond, William, 65th Regiment, Napier ... Booth, Alfred, Auckland Cavalry, Ngaruawahia Booth, William, 65th Regiment, Hampden, Hawke's Bay Boscawen, J. H., Royal Navy, Wellington Bowater, Henry, 24th Regiment, Sandon... Bowes, John, 50th Regiment, Auckland... Bowie, Robert, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Bowler, Harry, Wellington Volunteers, Wellington Bowling, John, Royal Marines, Pakovvai, Hawke's Bay Boyd, John F., Defence Force, New Plymouth Boyd, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Napier ... Boyhan, Bernard, 65th Regiment, New Plymouth Boyne, William, M Battery Artillery Volunteers, Queenstown Bradnock, W. G., Makara Rifbs, Karori ... Braithwaite, Robert, Hawke's Bay Cavalry, Petone Breen, Martin, 18th Regiment, Dij^villo 1433 700 acres. 1501 50 acres. 1039 781 308 80 acres. £30. 60 acres. 982 Not stated, 1023 1026 Not stated. £30. 491 3/71 60 acres. £30. 918 418 896 462 Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 274 1033 603 60 acres. 80 acres. 30 acres. 1458 60 acres. 1389 Not stated. 28 1336 998 705 1456 Not stated. 80 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 1244 51 acres. 226 443 219 1417 60 acres. 80 acres. 60 acres. Pre-emp-tive right of 10a. 60 acres. 60 acres. 891 60 acres. 878 35 Barry, Thomas, 2-18th Regiment, Napier Barstow, Edmond, 2-18th Regiment, New Plymouth Bateman, Robert, Commissariat, Thames... Bates, Edward, 57th Regiment, Blenheim, Marlborough, care of C. D. Litchfield Bates, Stewart, Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers, Opotiki Bates, William H., Onehunga Militia, Hokianga 2—H. 17. 1074 60 acres. 872 717 60 acres. 60 acres. 1056 384 £10. 40 acres. 3/70 NotBtated* 1208 What law allows. Not stated. 1432 902 £3C\ sE-O oseland. 40 acres, 729 147


Rejected Applications— continued.

* Not completed when Commissioners closed. Referred to Government.


T* go Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. o o — £i Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 1156 Breingan, John, New Zealand Militia, Gisborne Brewer, H. Jas., Wellington Militia, Picton Brewin, Peter, Auckland Navals, Auckland Brien, Cornelius, 12th and 99th Regiments, Bay of Islands Brien, John, 65th Regiment, Auckland ... Bright, Robert, 58th Regiment, Newton ... Brinsden, William, Auckland Engineers, Auckland Brister, Thomas, Hospital Corps, Auckland Bristow, Henry, Colonial Defence Force, Napier Broadfield, Thomas, 70th Foot, Ohig Station, Marcukukuho Broadfoot, G., Auckland Militia, Onelmnga Brodie, Alexander, Royal Engineers, Thames Brogan, Francis, 18th Regiment, Auckland Brooks, Robert, Taranaki Militia, Normanby Brooking, William, Taranaki Mounted Volunteers, Taranaki Brothers, E. W., Opunake Rifle Volunteers, Opunake Brothwoll, William, 2nd Waikatos, address not stated Brown, Alexander McGill, New Zealand Artillery, Invercargill Brown, C. T. II., Makara Rifles, Karori ... Brown, Eli, 65th Regiment, Onehunga ... Brown, George, 57th Regiment, Patea Brown, II., Invercargill and Dunedin Artillery, Dunedin Brown, Henry, Volunteers, Spring Grove... Brown, James, 18th Regiment, Wellington Brown, James, Waikari Rangers, Gisborne Brown, John A., Thames Navals, Thames... Brown, John Henry, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, FernBide Brown, Thomas, Light Company, address not stated Brown, William, 14th Regiment, Hawera... Brown, William, 65th Regiment, Dairy Flat Brownlee, James, No 1 Scottish, Thames... Brownlow, Edward, No. 1 Scottish, Thames Bruce, R., Hector Volunteers, Christchureh Brulton, William, Napier Militia, Napier... Bryon, Oscar B., Auckland Militia and Volunteers, Waipa Buek, W. A., Defence Force, Christchureh Buckley, Daniel, 58th Regiment, Auckland Buckley, Timothy, 61st Regiment, Thames Budd, Walter, 57th Regiment, Carterton... Buerke, William, 3rd Waikatos, Hawke's Bay Burke, James, 2nd Class Militia, Auckland Burke, John, Hobson Rifles, Auckland ... Burley, Charles Joseph, Auckland Scottish, Onehunga Burnett, George Redpath, Auckland Navals, Devonport Burns, Alexander, Naval Brigade, Southland Burns, David, jun., Te Awamutu Cavalry, Aotea, near Raglan Burns, Michael, 65th Regiment, Hastings, Tliames Burr, Amos, Taranaki Active Field Force, Palmerston North Burrow, John, Wanganui Veterans, Hawera Burton, W. J., Napier Militia, Taradale ... Butcher, Wm., Royal Engineers, Waikato Butler, John, Taranaki Military Settlers, Napier Butler, John, 1st Waikato Regiment, address not stated Butler, Joseph, 58th Regiment, Flaxmere, Hawke's Bay Byrne, E., 2nd Waikatos, Thames Not stated. 1168 1500 Callaghan, T., Auckland Militia, Waipawa Calvert, C. A., Transport Corps, Papanui, Christchureh Cameron Colin, Patea Militia, Hawera ... Cameron, John, Thames Navals, Thames ... Camp, James, 70th Regiment, Hautapu ... Campbell, Archibald, Auckland Militia, Auckland Campbell, Archibald, 1st Waikatos, Waipu Campbell, Colin, Totara Rifle Volunteers, Tokomairiro Campbell, James, Commissariat Corps, Auckland Campbell James, 58th Regiment, Onehunga Campbell, John, Thames Scottish, Ohinemuri Campbell, John, Dunedin Navals, Dunedin Campbell Richard, Alexandra Cavalry, Warrcngate, Fordell Campbell, Robert, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Cam well, George, E. A., Newmarket Capstick, Jn. S., Bruce Rifles, Wanganui Rifles, and Alexandra Corps, Dunedin Carey, Patrick, 70th Regiment, Greymouth Carkeek, A. W., Wellington Rifle Volunteers, Blenheim Carnackan, David, 79th Foot, Cambridge ... Carr, Thomas, 57th Regiment, Wellington Carr, Thomas, No. 1 Company, City Rifles, address not stated Carran, Henry, Forest Rangers, Thames ... Carroll, John, 17th Regiment, Kawakawa Carroll, John, 70th Regiment, Kawakawa Carroll, John, 2--18th Regiment, Auckland Carson, Robt., Wellington Rangers, Hawera Carter, John, Thames Navals, Tliames Carter, Owen, 70th Regiment, Napier Carter, Thomas, 65th Regiment, Kawakawa Carthy, Christopher, 99th and 12th Regiments, Hamilton East, Waikato Cartman, Richard, Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers, care of C. D. Litchfield, Opitiki Cartwright, Ezra, Thames Navals, Tliames Cassey, John, C. D. Force, Onehunga ag Cassey John, 1st Waikato, Onehunga Not stated. Not stated. 818 471 548 40 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 508 634 1310 579 Not stated. £30. Not stated. Not stated. 94 720 228 60 acres. 40 acres. 60 acres. 1422 3/26 Not state d £30. 650 37 60 acres. What law allows. Not stated. 107 50a. and town sec. 80 acres. £30. 1488 262 1226 584 481 103 332 991 50 acres. SO acres. 60 acres. 100 acres. Not stated. 3/29 1323 30 acres. £30. 1335 £30. 1347 £30 scrip. 832 1515 60 acres. £30. 135 3/62 50a. and town sec. £30. 1201 1539 60 acres. £30 scrip. 59 751 1075 3/47 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 1024 4 1522 Not stated. 60 acres. £15. 359 12 1180 609 38 £30. 60 acres. Not stated. £30. 81 acres. 320 1158 1216a 549 509 633 851 210 880 Not stated. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 aeres. Not stated. £30. 60 acres. 60 aeres. 60 aeres. 1307 60 acres. 1073 1441* 685 671 820 36 1534 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. £30. 4:0 acres. Not stated. £30 scrip. "l206 61.1 640 What lawallows, upon. £30. Quantity reed upon. 60 acres, twn.altmt. 60a. or £30 60a. or £30 Not stated. 60 acres. £30 or land 81 158 1084 3/81 870 641 40 acres. 20 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres, 50a. and town sec. 60 acres. £30. 40 acres. 965 857 1147 953 905 Cass, Thomas, Militia and Volunteers, Clivo Cato, Walter, Napier Rifles, Napier Cattanach, John, Napier Militia, Taradale Catton, Charles, 70th Regiment, Napier ... Caulton, Henry, Yeomanry Cavalry, Hawke's Bay, Napier Cavanagh, James, 38th Regiment, Auckland Cavanagh, P., 57th Regiment, Manawatu Cavanagh, Thos, 2-14th Regiment, Napier Cawood, S., Royal Rangitikei Rifles, Marton Chadwick, Joseph, Campbelltown Volunteers, Wanganui Chamberlain, Jn., 57th Regiment, Greytown Chamberland, Samuel, Militia and Volunteers, Taranaki Chammon, James, 2-14th Regt., Canterbury Chapman, F. M., Waipawa Cavalry Volunteers, Patea Chasker, Daniel, Makara Rifles, Palmerston North Chavanes, C. H., Wanganui and Alexandra Cavalry, Wanganui Charner, Edward, Taranaki Militia, Marton Chicken, Jn., Napier Rifle Volunteers, Napier Chicken, Joseph, Napier Rifles, Waipawa Childs, Jas., 70th Regiment, Palmerston N. Crisp, Thomas, Auckland Navals, Gisborne Churchill, William, 65th Regiment, Waiwetu (Hutt) Clampitt, George, 18thRegiment, Napier... t'larebrit, John, 65th Regiment, Napier ... Clark, George William, Engineers, Thames Clark, Thomas, Bay of Plenty Volunteer Cavalry, care of C. D. Litchfield, Opitiki Clark, Benjamin, H. M. Navy, Meanee ... Clark, John, Thames Navals, Napier Clark, William, 3rd Batteiy, 12th Brigade, Royal Artillery, Onehunga 469 457 439 101 321 858 1092 1334 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 30 acres. £30. 567 Not stated. 3/57 1029 50 acres. £30. 1457 1348 60 acres. Not stated. 1230 60 acres. [788 £30. 134 17 61 acres. £30. 500 970 142 890 Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. 50 a. and town sec. f - acre town see. 60 acres. 1391 1330 1091 879 930 1449 815 1443 £30. £30. Not stated. £30. £30 or land 60 aeres. Not stated. 60 acres. 1241 1116a 749 50 a. and town sec. 60 acres. 60 acres. 1282 1106 581 1543 Byrne, E,, Materewa Rifles, &c, Hawera... Byrne, William (by Ins daughter, Margaret Wood), 58th Regiment, Auckland Byrne, Edward, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Bythell, Elijah, Blenheim Company, Blenheim Cainess, W., AVanganui Militia, Wanganui Callaghan, D., 65th Regiment, Hawke's Bay Callaeghan, Jn., 57th Regiment, Rangitikei 60 acres. 400 acres. 974 893 665 1209 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. What law allowj. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 565 778 1081 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 949 889 70


Rejected Applications— continued.


O O <U r< M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim, U . o o ____L_ B ame, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 1281 L399 578 222 892 L364 31 737 664 1260 605 1318 715 574 399 76 86 L153 249 67 473 571 860 799 Clark, William, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Claxon, Charles, 3rd Battalion Guards, Feathers ton Cleaner, W., 58th Regiment, Auckland ... Cleary, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Panmure Clegg, William, Hawke's Bay Yeomanry, Taradale Clements, F. H., A. C. Taranaki Cavalry, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers, Pungarehu Clifford, A. M. (for Clifford, R. C), l-7th Fusiliers, Wellington Climo, J., Marlborough Militia, Havelock Cloutt, Joseph, Engineers, Thames Clunie, Thomas, 57th Regiment, No. 1 Company, Manaia, near Hawera Cobb, William, Navals, Thames Cock, Geo., Bushrangers, address not Btated Cock, H., Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Coleman, Thomas, H. E. I. Co., Auckland Collard, John, 65th Regiment, Rangitikei Collins, O, Royal Engineers, New Plymouth Collins, John, No. 1 Waikato, &c, Auckland Collins, John, 18th Regiment, Patea Collins, P., Auckland Militia, Ponsonby Commons, W., 58th Regiment, Auckland ... Condron, John, 57th Regiment, Auckland Connell, Jas., 2-18th Regiment, Wanganui Connell, Michael, 2-18th Regiment, Napier Connell, Thomas, Wanganui Cavalry Corps, care of C. D. Litchfield, Opotiki Connell, William, 18th Regiment, Auckland Connolly, Charles, Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers, care of C. D. Litchfield, Opotiki Connolly, Francis, 58th Regiment, Auckland Connolly, I. F., 70th Regiment, Okaihau... Connolly, Thomas, Auckland Militia, Auckland Connor, William, Thames Navals, Thames Connor, William, 2-18th Regiment, Napier Conroy, M., 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... Cook, James (by Bold, Caroline), Royal Artillery, Auckland Cook, Philip, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Cook, Samuel, Hawke's Bay Defence Force, Waipukurau Cooke, F. W., Auckland Militia, Auckland Coombes, Robert, City Company Volunteers, Parnell Cooper, James, Yeomanry Cavalry, H. B., Havelock Corbett, Patrick, 57th Regiment, Rangitikei Corbett, William, New Zealand Militia, Geraldine Corbett, Thomas, Sir George Grey's Rifle Rangers, Geraldine Corness, R. Alf., C. D. Force, Thames Corry, George, 1st Regiment, Christchureh 60 aeres. 80 acres. 80 aeres. 80 acres. £30 or land. 50 acres. 400 acres. Not stated. £30. 80 acres. £30. 50 acres. 60 acres. 60 aeres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 a. or £30. CO acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 aeres. What law allows. 60 acres. What law allows. 1231 3 419 465 813 430 874 1405 631 532 1234 365 1262 932 825 680 218 562 1179 201 1530 1235 1102 50 1012 1245 55 1376 1383 Croucher, Charles, C. D. Force, Thames ... Crowe, Alex., 65th Regiment, Wellington Crozier, William, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Cruming, John, 58th Regiment, Sandon ... Cuff, Arthur Francis, Poverty Bay Mounted Rifles, Poverty Bay Cnllen, John, Auckland Volunteers, Thames Cullen, Patrick, 57th Regiment, Taradale... Cummins, Matthew, East Coast Militia, Thames Dabb, Richard, Thames Navals, Thames ... Dalziel, James, R.E., Auckland Darby, John, 1st Waikato Regiment, not stated Davy, Richard, H.M.S. "Pelorus," New Plymouth Davey, Thomas (by Somerville, discharged soldier), Dunedin Davidson, Robert, 65th Regiment, Taradale Davis, Benjamin, 43rd Regiment, Havelock Davis, Henry, Thames Navals, Thames ... Davis, James, 14th Regiment, Auckland ... Davis, Jeremiah, 14th Regiment, Wanganui Davis, Mark, R.N. and Naval Volunteers, Gisborne Davis, Richard, 65th Regiment,Kaiwara ... Davidson, John, 37th and 43rd Foot, Patea Davoreen, George, 1st Waikato Regiment, address not stated Dawey, Philip, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Dawson, George, 65th Regiment, Otaki, ... Dawson, John, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Dean, Charles F., Auckland Militia, Napier Dean, James, 65th Regiment, Wellington Deano, Horace E., CD. Force, Patea De Launay, Charles P., C. D. Force, Lambton Quay Denliam, Frederick, Queenstown and Cromwell Rifles, Cromwell Devenport, Samuel, Auckland Naval Volunteers, Auckland Devoy, Henry, 3rd Waikatos, Auckland ... Not stated. 80 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. 50 acres. 60 acres. £15. £30. 60 acres. i. acre town land. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 90 acres. 80 acres. What law allows. i acre,town land. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 435 :207 536 193 543 623 865 .325 211 60 acres. Not stated. 60 a. or £30. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 3/69 Not stated. 490 286 60 acres, or town sec. 50 a. and town sec. £30. £30. 602 .001 £30. 50 a. and town sec. Not Btated. £30. 3/39 1517 Dick, Alex., Portobello Rifles, Portobello ... Dick, James, Port Chalmers Navals and Portobello Rifles, Portobello Dick, William, Port Chalmers Navals and Portobello Rifles, Sandy Mount, Otago Peninsula Dickson, George, Taranaki Militia, Waimate, Canterbury Dickson, Alexander, Portobello Rifle Volunteers, Portobello Dickson, David, Port Chalmers Navals and Portobello Rifles, Portobello Dickson, John, Port Chalmers Navals and Portobello Rifles, Portobello Dickson, Samuel, Auckland Militia,Taupoki Dickson, William, Port, Chalmers Navals and Portobello Rifles, Portobello Dilley, Charles, Taranaki Militia, Auckland Dillon, Henry, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Dillon, John, 18th Regiment, Mercer Divine, James, Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Dix, Henry Poss, C. D. Force, Wellington Dixon, Thomas, R. A., Bulls ... Dixon, W., Otahuhu Volunteers, Pakuranga Dixon, William Wilans, Onehunga Militia, Hokianga 535 .028 3/44 £30. 901 £30 or land 3/53 50 a. and town sec. £30. .013 771 60 acres. 50 acres or town sec. 50 acres or town sec. 100 acres. 50 acres or town sec. Not stated. 60 acres. 10 acres. 3/10 742 3/46 £15. 340 .394 3/43 £15. 276 3/45 80 acres. £15. 853 235 922 Cosgrove, Patrick, Napier Militia, Waipawa Cossy, James T., Papakura Militia, Drury Cotton, Daniel, Hawke's Bay Defence Force, Napier Coughlan, H., 57th Regiment, Christchureh Coulahan, James, 40th Regiment, Westport Coutts, John, Navals, Thames Cowell, Stephen, 43rd Regiment, Taranaki Cowper, T., Waipawa Cavalry, Waipawa ... Cox, James, 65th Regiment, Marton Cox, Luke John, Royal Navy, Kaiapoi Cox, William, 58th Regiment, Christchureh Coyle, Patrick, 58th Regiment, Ponsonby.., Crabbe, George Alfred, Tauranga Volunteers, Tauranga Craig, Jos., sen., No. 1 Company, Titirangi Craney, Patrick, 2-18th Regiment, Napier Crawford, Samuel, Forest Rifle Volunteers, Mauku Crawley, Edward, 2-18thRegiment,Thames Crcagh, Michael O, No. 1 Company, City Guards, Dunedin Cronin, Dennis, 70th Regiment, West Olive Cronin, John, 2-18th Regiment, Wanganui Cronin, John, 2nd Waikatos, Auckland ... 186 297 279 1304 Not stated. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 376 192 679 i043 :003 398 L487 L533 746 798 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 aeres. Not stated. Not stated. Not stated. £30. 153 1173 155 1212 50 aeres. 60 acres. £30. Pecuniary loss during war. 70 acres. 773 Doherty, Felix, 5th Regiment, Wakamarina, Marlborough Doherty, James, 58th Regiment, Auckland Dollman, T., H.M.S. " Harrier," Charleston Dolman, Henry, Military Settler, Erewhon, Inland Patea Donaghy, John, 2-18 t!i Regiment, Wanganui Donald, Matthew, Von Tempskey's Eorest Rangers, Poverty Bay Donaldson, James, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland Donaldson, Richard, Otepopo Rifles, Port Chalmers Donaldson, [William, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland L536 856 784 Not stated. 60 acres £30. 239 3/66 1485 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 a. and town sec. 60 acres. 50 acres. 480 L521 60 acres. £15. 126 910 868 .276 245 232 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 12 months' 1511 £12 7s pay. 50 acres. 231 60 acres. .113 Crossman, George, Taranaki Militia, Napier


Rejected Applications.— continued.

* Additional evidence having been received respecting this claim it has since been admitted.


■a . o o M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. u . O o Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 1377 417 1010 250 277 405 19 994 718 883 Donnelly, James, C. D. Force, Gisborne ... Donovan, Jos., 57th Regiment, Wanganui Doole, John, 70th Regiment, Wanganui ... Dornetty, J., 58th Regiment, Auckland ... Douglas, E., Waikato Militia, Tauranga ... Doughty, G., 68th Regiment, Wanganui... Dowdeswell, J., Porirua Rifles, Wellington Doyle, Peter, 65th Regiment, Masterton ... Drew, J., Royal Fusiliers, New Plymouth Dubois, Peter, Cavalry Volunteers, Waipawa Duddy,Patrick, 18thRegiment, Taranaki ... Dudley, Charles, Hauraki Rifles, Thames ... Duffy, Patrick, 65th Regiment, Palmerston North Duffy, Stephen, 65th Regiment, Waverley Dunfoy, O, 70th Regiment, Auckland Dunklin, Geo., Commissariat Staff Corps, Cambridge Dunlop, Alexander, l-12th Regiment, Sheffield, Canterbury Dunlop, R., Invercargill Rifles, Invercargill Dunn, Charles, 65th Regiment, Masterton Dunn, Henry, Hawke's Bay and Greytown Cavalry and Wairarapa Militia, Mataikuna, Castlepoint Dunn, John, 65th Regiment, Hawera Dunn, John, 65th Regiment Foot, care of R. Turnbul!, Timaru Dunwoodie, J., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Durbridge, Henry, CD. Force,Panmure... Duross, James Joseph, 18th Regiment, Coromandel Dyer, Patrick L., Tauranga Engineers, Poverty Bay Eachty, Lewis, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland Eagleton, Alexander, Auckland Navals and Coastguard, Auckland East, Richard, 40th Regiment, Dunedin ... Edgecombe, Henry, Taranaki Military Settlers, New Plymouth Easther, Frederick J., Royal Navy, Dunedin Edmonds, P., Hauraki Engineers, Thames Edwards, J. T., 14th Regiment, Roxburgh Street, Wellington Egham, John, Waipawa Militia, Napier ... Ely, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Wanganui... Ellerm, Hy. W., Hutt Volunteers, Feilding Elliott, John, Napier Militia, Wairarapa... Elliotte, Robt., H., C. D. Force, Carterton Ellis, William, 65th Regiment, Marton ... Ellis, William, 65th Regiment, Harapipi, Waikato Ellis, W. J., Thames Scottish, Thames ... Elmes, John, Napier Artillery, Napier Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60a.,or£30 60 acres. Quantity promised. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 947 373 560 178 1145 Fielder, John B., 70th Regiment, Napier... Fields, Robert (per Fields, Ann), 96th Regiment, Newton Fields, Robert W., Thames Scottish Volunteers, Auckland Finch, Thomas, 58th Regiment, Waikato,.. Finlayson, Robert P., Wairoa Rifles, Taradale Finn, John, 70th Regiment, Waipawa Finnerty John, Howick Cavalry, Cambridge Finnimore, William, Wanganui Cavalry, Wellington Fischer, Charles, 3rd Waikatos, Taranaki... Fitzgerald, John, 70th Regiment, Auckland Fitzgerald, John, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Fitzgerald, John, 70th Regiment, Waipawa Fitzgibbon, James, 14th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Newton Fitmaurice, Grid., C. D. Force, Lower Hutt Fitzsimmons, Thomas, Wellington Defence Force, Hawera Flanagan, Edward, 57th Regiment, Kumeu, Kaipara Flanagan, Michael, 58th Regiment, Pakaraka £30 and 80 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. £30 or land to value. 60 acres. £40. 800 acres. 944 198 375 350 804 1451 731 112 1283 909 474 51 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 298 255 979 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 370 40 acres. 1468 507 Not stated. Not stated. 1461 3/79 770 £15. 60 acres. £30. 243 60 acres. 1111* 40 acres. 1103 1489 60 acres. Not stated. 533 674 1429 Flannery, Charles, 58th Regiment, Auckland Flatt, Joseph H., No. 1 Scottish, Thames... Flighty, Archibald, scrip purchased from Patrick Biney, Pahautanui Fiighty, sen., Archibald, Hutt Volunteers, Pahautanui Flighty Stephen, Hutt Volunteers, address not stated Flood, John, 18th Royal Irish, Wade Flood, John, 65th Regiment, Newton Flood, William, Royal Navy, Auckland ... Flynn, James, Hobson Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Flynn, Joseph, 2-llth Regiment, Napier ... Flynn, Thomas, Patea and Wairoa Rifle Volunteers, Stoney Creek, Palmerston North Foley Thomas, 65th Regiment, Auckland... Ford, Thomas, 57th Regiment, Auckland... Ford, William Alexander, 2nd Waikatos, Timaru Forden, Jefrey, 70th Regiment, Auckland Forrest, James, Coast Guards, Greymouth 60 acres. £35 265 1165 1040 80 acres. Not stated. 70 acres. 1431 Not stated. 1430 Not stated. 479 Not stated. 1442 436 282 111 60 acres. 60 acres. 400 acres. 60 aeres. 225 60 acres. 551 £150. 1508 1362 60 aeres. Not stated. 869 796 80 acres. £150. 1516 707 1463 Not stated. £30. 400 acres. 1418 447 1395 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 a. and town sec. 60 aeres. 50 a. and 1 town sec. 60 acres. 50 a. and 1 town sec. 80 acres. £30. £30. £30. £30 £15. 1115 1275 3/73 899 1387 306 849 80 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 113 363 546 29 642 871 140 English, Edward, Naval Volunteers, Howick £30. Quantity under Act. 50 a. and 1 town sec. £30. 214 273 272 271 270 3/2 Forster, James, 58th Regiment, Auckland Forster, Richard, 2nd Waikato Regiment, Kakanni Forsythe, W., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Frater, James, Auckland Militia, Parnell, Frater, John, Auckland Militia, Thames ... Frater, N. M., Auckland Militia, Wangarei Frater, Robert, Auckland Militia, Parnell. Frederic Paul, No. 2 Otago Scottish, North Dunedin Rifles, Dunedin Free, William, N.Z. Militia, New Plymouth Freeman, Stephen. Napier Militia, Napier French, John, Thames Navals, and North Dunedin Rifles, Tliames Frew, John, North Dunedin Rifles, Dunedin 3/9 Erickson, John, Waikari Rifle Volunteers, North East Valley, Dunedin Espugne, Theo., Patea Light Horse, Hawera Eva, S., Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Evans, Alfred, 2-14th Regiment, Wanganui Faloon, Samuel, 53rd Regiment, Riverhead Farr, Frederick, 18th Regiment, Waverley Farrell, James, 2-18th Regiment/Wanganui Farrell, John, 2-18th Regiment, Panmuro Farrell, John, Rifle Rangers, Shortland ... Fathers, Elizabeth, for Fathers, Philip, Taranaki Militia, Nelson Fathers, John, Hauraki Rifles, Thames ... Faulkner, George, Napier Militia, Napier... Falkner, Elijah James, Pitt's Militia, Coromandel Eeehan, Thomas, 4th Waikatos, Taranaki Feltus, George, 58th Regiment, Auckland 122 942 701 60 acres. Not stated. £30. 510 329 1279 152 299 407 199 655 188 Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 1524 777 1272 1199 814 124 25 acres or £15. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 80 aeres. 683 943 343 732 173 £30. £30. Not stated. £26. What the law allows. 50a. 1 town section. As agreed. 1378 164 220 1338 984 1172 93 487 Freewin, R., Taranaki Militia, Westport ... Friend, George, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Frost, William, 19th Regiment, Invercargill Fryer, B. O, Auckland Militia, Gisborne... Fuller, Frederick W., 2-15th Regiment, Taranaki Gallagher, Bernard, C. D. Force, Greytown Gallagher, Edward, C. D. Force, Ohinemuri Gallagher, John, 18th Regiment, Newton Gallagher, John, C. D. Force, Wellington Garnish, Thomas, R.N., Greytown North... Gannon, James, 18th Regiment, Bull's Gapper, Thomas, 81st Regiment, Auckland Gardiner, Charles, Wairoa Volunteers, Gisborne Gardiner, Henry, R.N., Wellington Gargan, Edward, 65th Regiment, Auckland Garner, Frank W., N. S. Artillery, Napier Garrard, William George, 4th Waikatos, Auckland Gayne, W. F., Army Service, NewPlymouth Not stated. Not stated. 80 acres. Not stated. 80 aeres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 40 acres. 109 Feltus, Richard James, Auckland Volunteers, Auciaand Feltus, William John, Auckland Militia, Auckland Fernandez, Solomon John, Capt. Harding's Mounted Cavalry Corps, Kapanga, Coromandel Ferri3, C. William, Poverty Bay Militia, Gisborne 110 207 1214 945 91 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. £40 3s. 6d. 1472 Not stated. 812 acres or £100. 25 80 acres.


Rejected Applications— continued.

*J) ot completed when Commissioners closed. Referred to Government.


u . o o Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. O o - S Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 916 197 575 456 1492 Gebbies, Thomas, Hawke's Bay Militia, Taradale Gelling, J. M., Patea Rifles, Hamilton George, John, Auckland Militia, Onehunga Germern, T., 109th Regiment, Auckland Gibbons, James, 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Gibbons, John, 58th Regiment, Kumeu ... Gibbes, John Murray, Hawke's Bay Militia, New Plymouth Gibbons, Samuel, Auckland Militia, Marton Gibbons, Walter, Taranaki Volunteers, Havelock Gibbons, William, Hauraki Volunteers, Thames Gibson, Harrison, Aramoho Light Horse, Wanganui Cavalry Corps, Wanganui Gibson, John, R.A., Blenheim Gibson, W. H., Wanganui Cavalry, Wanganui Gifford, George, C. D. Force, address not stated Gilbert, David, Port Chalmers Navals, Bruce Rifles, and Southland Hussars, Dunedin Gilbert, Edward, Taranaki Military Settlers, Taradale Gilfillan, Henry, Rutland Corps Volunteers, Auckland Gill, William, 18th Regiment, Napier Gilligan, Peter, 65th Regiment, Wharema Glasgow, Thomas M., Rifle Hangers, Thames Glen, R., 2-18th Regiment, Kawakawa ... Good, John, 43rd Regiment, Carnarvon ... Goodier, Isaac, 65th Regiment, Hampden, Hawke's Bay Goodwin, Henry, 2nd Waikato, Hamilton Gordon, Samuel, E.I.C. Service, Pokeno... Gordon, William, 18th Regiment, Mercer Gorman, Patrick, 65th Regiment, Auckland Gorman, William, C. D. Force, Wanganui Gormley, James, 2-18th Regiment, Ruataniwha Gough, Edward, Hobson's Corps, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Grace, David, 40th Regiment, Auckland ... Grace, John M., Hobson's Rifles, and Wellington Navals, Whangarei Graham, Cosher, 2-14th Regiment, Napier Graham, J., No. 3 Hauraki Rifles, Auckland Graham, Thomas S., Dunedin Artillery Volunteers, Dunedin Granger, Jas., 14th Regiment, Christchureh Grant, John, Bruce Rifle Volunteers, Tokomairiro Gray, Robert, Transport Corps, New Plymouth Greaves, B. M., N.Z. Artillery, Mount Eden Greaves, F. S. (by M. A. Greaves), Local Force, Taranaki, Nelson Green, Edward, 26th Cameronians, Auckland Not stated. Not stated. 50 acres. 150 aeres. 60 acres. 95 88 387 Haley, John, 50th Regiment, Auckland Halford, M., 2-14th Regiment, Remuera ... Hall, Joseph, No. 6 Company, 65th Regiment, Ellesmere Hall, T. M., C. D. Force, Te Awamutu Halloran, Philip, 65th Regiment, Auckland Halloway, R., 58th Regiment, Pakuranga... Hamblyn, Thomas, Taranaki Volunteers, Hawke's Bay Hamilton, Hugh J., No. 1 Scottish, Thames Hamilton, <J. A., 1st Waikato Militia, Greytown Hamilton, William, 65thRegiment, Marton Hamlin J., Royal Cavalry, North Wairoa Hammington, J., 70th Regiment, Normanby Hammond, Richard, 14th and 65th Regiments, Palmerston North Hamson, P., 57tli Regiment, Marton Hanlen, Alexander, Auckland Naval Volunteers, Thames Hanlen, W. E., Auckland Militia, Napier Hanlin, James, 65th Regiment, New Plymouth Hanlon, Michael, 57th Regiment, Manaia Hannah, John, 58th Regiment, Coromandel Hannon, Felix, 68th Regiment, Manaia Hardgrave, Luke, 57th Regiment Hastings Hardington, H. V., R. V. Cavalry, Onehunga Hare, jun., Charles, 1st Waikato, Pakuranga Harvey, Charles, 2nd Waikato, Waipuku 60 aeres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 1398 541 161 938 50 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 50 acres. 197 99 60 acres. 150 acres. 794 990 30 acres. £15, or land. £30. 675 1359 £30. 80 acres. 1527 408 1401 338 60 acres. Not stated. 50 acres. 793 60 acres. 1452 80 acres. 51 1342 60 acres. £30. 300 160 60 acres. £35. 1414 Not stated. 955 366 80 acres. 60 acres. 3/5 Not stated. 1151 1309 1138 22 1065 50 acres, or town sec. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 716 1469* 367 873 ' 182 1473 976 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. 60 acres. 400 a., and £400. Not stated. 50 a., town lot, 12 m. rations. What law allows. 80 a. or £49 Not stated. 60 acres. 1215 1171 1459 60 acres. 80 acres. 60 acres. 1471 Hargraves, William P., Auckland Navals, Coromandol Harper, Robert, R.A., Seventy-Mile Bush Harpham, William, Napier Militia, Taradale Harris, H., 65th Regiment, Pourere, Hawke's Bay Harris, Samuel, Otahuhu and Hampden Rifles, Hampden Harris, Samuel, Picton Cadets, Pieton Harris, Walter, 65th Foot, New Plymouth Harrison, Alfred V., 3rd Company Militia, Blackburn Harrison, Arthur, Taranaki Volunteers, Wanganui Harrison, John, 1st Waikato Militia, Auckland Hart, Jn. Saunders, 34th Regiment, Thames Hartley, Wright, Napier Rifles, Napier Hartnett, F. G., 14th Regiment, Wanganui Hartnett, Michael, 58th Regiment, Onehunga Harvey, John, Napier Militia, Taradale HaBlam, Patrick, 58th Regiment, Auckland Haslett, John M., Auckland Rifle Volunteers, North Wairoa, Auckland Hawk, William, Rifle Rangers, Thames Hawkins, Frederick, Makara Rifles, Makara Hawkins, James, R.N., Dunedin Hawkins, John, Thames Scottish, Thames Hay, W. McGregor, Forest Rangers, Waikato Hay, W. McGregor (for Jackson, William), Forest Ranger Volunteers, Hamilton Hayles, Frederick, 58th Ecgiment, Kennedy's Bay Head, William, R.E., Auckland Henley, Edward, 18th Royal Irish, Waikato Heaps, Thomas, A Battery, Artillery, Auckland Hearfield, Thomas, C. D. Force, Gisborne Heighten, G., 2-14th Regiment, Auckland HeigJiway, Edward, Auckland Artillery, Auckland Henderson, T., Thames Navals, Thames ... Hendry, Henry, Forest Rangers, Te Awamutu Hendry, J., A Battery Artillery, Auckland Ilenn, Edward, 65th Regiment, Taranaki Henn, John, Hospital Corps, Napier Hennelly, Michael, Engineers, Thames ... Henry, V., 18th Royal Irish, Wanganui ... Hensnaw, Thomas James, Taranaki Volunteers, Onehunga 907 179 317 119 503 960 30 acres. Not stated. 40 acres. 60 acres. 50 aeres. 60 acres. 898 1127 1149 1019 Not stated. 1392 1437 925 Not stated. 60 acres. Not stated. 440 £30. 236 764 60 acres. £30. 1296 60 acres. 967 268 60 acres. £30, or land. £30. 835 596 1126 319 663 12m.ration money. 120 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. Not stated. 1513 39 3/21 61 acres. £30. 971 170 576 Not stated. 80 acres. 50a,, and medal. £30. £30. 60 acres. 30 acres. 200 acres. 1305 According to service. £8. Not stated. 791 3/67 1222 58 148 757 882 137 400 acres. 1200 Greenwood, R. W., Taranaki Militia, Greymouth Gregory, Peter, 68th Light Infantry, Shag Point, Otago Grey, William, Bruce Rifle Volunteers, Waihola Gorge, near Tokomairiro Griffin, James, 70th Regiment, Napier Griffin, Jonathan, No. 2 Scottish, Thames Grimes, Nathaniel, 70th Regiment, Meanee Grogan, John, Royal Artillery, Wanganui Groves, George, No. 2 Company Rifles, Taranaki, Timaru Grundy, Thomas, Thames Navals, Thames Not stated. 3/7 985 £8. 60 acres. 3/25 1135 689 1150 564 3/82 £30. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 977 647 221 263 80 acres, or £40. 60 acres. 40 acres. 60 acres, or £30 scrip. 50 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 989 269 171 520 Remis. cer. No. 97. Not stated. 478 529 312 931 102 1204 1263 Gudgeon, Thomas W., Wanganui Militia, Auckland Gumbnell, Henry, R.N., Newton Guthrie, T. (for William Avery), Thames Guy, D., Malborough Rangers, Waipawa Haggan, James, 65th Regiment, Onehunga Haigh, Allan, 68th Regiment, Waipuna Hales, Israel, 40th Regiment, Wade 60 acres. £30. £30. 60 acres. 80 acres. 60 acres, or £60. 695 846 472 334 900 673 8 183 £30. Ordinary grant. 60 acres. 60 aeres. 80 acres. £30. 80 acres. Not stated.


Rejected Applications— continued.


u . O o Sz* M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. u . O O M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. of Claim. 1183 Henson, jun., Thomas, Volunteer Cavalry, Alexandra Cavalry, and Or-moho Light Horse Hepburn, James, 65th Regiment, Hawera Herbert, Michael, 1st Waikato Regiment, address not stated Herbert, Patrick, 1st Waikato Regiment, address not stated Herley, Dennis, 65th Regiment, Auckland Hernon, John, 57th Regiment, Marton ... Heron, Thomas, No. 1 Scottish, Thames ... Henry, Joseph, Patea Scouts, Normanby ... Hertnan, Denis, 18th Regiment, Rangiriri Hewitt, Peter, H.M. Navy, Lyttelton ... Hewitt, V., Transport Corps, Blenheim ... Hickey, James (for self and brother John), 2nd Waikatos, and Militia,Tliames Hicks, James, Engineers, Tliames ... Higgins, Edward, Napier Militia, Napier Higgins, L., Napier Militia, Puketapu Hill, Hugh, Rifle Rangers, Thames Hill, W., Eorest Rifle Volunteers, Mauku... Hinge, Jane (for John Freeman), 64tJi Regiment, Wellington Hindi, Jas,, 65th Foot, Edenham, Waipapa Hindley, J. W., Wanganui Cavalary, Wanganui Hirst, Samuel, Thames Navals, Thames ... Hirtzel, C. A. M., Colonial Defence Force, Porangahau Hislop, G., Yeomanary Cavalry, Hawke's Bay, address not stated Hoby, George, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers, Bell Block, Taranaki Hobby, O. E., Taranaki Mounted Volunteers, Waitara Hogan, David, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Hogan, John, 2-18th Regiment, Otahuhu Hogg, Edwin, Dunedin Artillery Volunteers, Dunedin Holbrook, John, 57th Foot, Wanganui ... Hogg, Robert, Artillery, St. Kilda Holden, Thomas, Forest Rangers, To Awamutu Hole, George, 65th Regiment, Marton Holland, Michael, 2-16th Regiment, Carnarvon Holliday, William, 57th and 2-18th Regiments, Thames Hollis, AVilliam, Auckland Militia, Bay of Islands Holly, John, 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... Holly, John, Westmere Militia, Marton ... Holly, John, Wanganui Militia, address not Btated Holly, Richard, Wanganui Rifles, Rangitikei Holmes, Peter, 18th Regiment, Dargaville Honeyfield, E. M., Taranaki Field Force, Patea Hood, Benjamin, No. 1 Company, Wanganui Volunteers, Wanganui Hooper, Stephen, Yeomanry Cavalry, address not stated Horn, James Edwin, R.A., Wanganui Horelle, Charles, H. J., Militia and Volunteers, (3rd Waikatos), Coromandel Howard, James, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Howard, John, 70th Eegiment, Taradale ... Howarth, R., Military Train, Auckland ... Howie, George, Wairoa Cavalry, Waverley Howley, Thomas, Postal Orderly, Timaru Hutchinson, Nicholas, Auckland Militia, Onehunga Hughes, F. B., Auckland Militia, and A.C., Onehunga Hughes, John, 70th Regiment, Auckland... Hughes, William, R.A., Waiheke Hughey, John, Taita Volunteers, Feilding Hunt, John Nunn, 40th Regiment, Auckland Hunt, Thomas, Pitt's Volunteers, Kaipara Hunt, W. T. (per Isabella Hodgson), Commissariat, Whangarei Hunter, Alexander, P., North Dunedin Rifles, Dunedin, Hunter, Andrew, Kai-iwi Cavalry and Militia, Kakaramea Not stated. 600 Hunter, Frederick, Thames Scottish, Thames Hunter, George, Edward, Auckland Militia, Napier Hunter, J., Patea Volunteers,Riverhead ... Hunter, John, Dunedin Navals, Waimate Hunter, John, Dunedin Navals, Dunedin Hurford, William, Taranaki Volunteers, Tophouse, Nelson Hurst, C. E., 12th Regt., New Plymouth Hutchings, E., CD. Force, Wellington ... Hutchinson, D., 65th Regiment, Tuakau ... Hutchinson, Thomas, North Dunedin Rifles, Dunedin Hutchinson, W. W, 3rd Waikato, Howick £30. 519 1236 60 acres. -J acre town land. | acre town land. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 60 aeres. 60 acres. Not stated. 80 acres. 100a., and 2 town see. £30. Not stated. Not stated. £30. £30. 60 acres. 1141 Not stated. 1237 138 372 1518 3/61 £10. £15. £30, or 30a. 50 acres. 238 409 676 504 275 1450 346 594 326 1379 162 1523 400 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. £15. 752 80a., and town sec. 60 acres. 763 L122 954 659 476 64 3/1 5 1221 Hutton, Daniel, 65th Regiment, No. 5 Company, Dunedin. Hutton, Howard, Defence Force, Auckland Hyman, Henry, Thames Scottish, Auckland 300 acres. £30 remsn. certificate. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 3/68 397 132 Hynes, J., 65th Regiment, Collingwood ... Ibbott, W,, 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... Igglesden, Charles, M, Wellington Militia Wellington Inch, Thomas, Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Inghams, William, 68th Regiment, address not slated Inglis, Alexander, St. Clair, Hawke's Bay Militia, Waipawa Ireland, James, 2-18th Regiment, Napier Isherwood, J. C. R., 69th and 40th Regiments, Wellington Jackson, B., No. 1, Scottish, Thames Jackson, James, Royal Artillery, Auckland Jackson, John, Wanganui Militia, and Armed Police, Wanganui Jackson, William, Forest Rangers, Waikato Jackson, William, Forest Rangers, Kihikihi James, Alfred, Thames Navals, Thames ... James, John, No. 2 Company, Militia, New Plymouth James, John Edward, No. 2 Company, Wellington Volunteers, North-EaBt Valley, Dunedin Jameson, Robert, 2-25th Foot, 2-14th Foot, 30th Foot, Christchureh. Jenkins, William, Waverley Rifle Volunteers, Normauby Jenkinson, Samuel, 65th Regiment, Marton, care of Captain Neil Jessop, Joseph, Victoria Troop Cavalry, Wanganui. Jeune, F., Auckland Militia, Newton Johns, Thomas, Thames Navals, Thames ... Johnson, William, 65th Regt., Wellington Johnston, A., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Johnston, G., Kai-iwi Cavalry, Waverley ... Jolmston, J., Marton Royal Rifles, Marton Johnston, E obcrt, 99th Foot, Cambridge ... Johnston, Walter, Royal Rifles, Rangitikei Johnstone, Cosslett, Page's Volunteer Militia, Hawera Joice, John,2-65th Regiment, Wanganui... Jones, R. W., Invercargill Volunteer Band Jones, Thomas, Auckland Navals, Tliames Jones, William, 14th Regiment, Meanee, Hawke's Bay Jordon, Israel, 65th Regiment, Hawera ... Judge, M., 57th Regiment, Wanganui Judge, Patrick, 18th Regiment, Auckland Jury, Henry, Taranaki Field Force, New Plymouth Kane, James, Wairoa Volunteers, Waihi, Normanby Kavanagh, J., Forest Rifle Corps, Auckland Kearney, Michael, 57th Regiment, Marton Keeling, N. R., Taranaki Cavalry, Palmerston North Keenan, P., 65th Regiment, Waverley Keiley, Michael, 2nd Bengal Regiment, Christchureh Keri, Frederick, 99th Regiment, Wanganui Kells, W., Wanganui Volunteers, Waitotara Kelly, Dennis, Auckland Cavalry, Gisborne Kelly, Edward, 57th Regiment, Manutahi 1526 L324 Not stated. £30. 395 60 acres. 622 923 £30. 10 acres. 710 Not stated. L413 £30. 1134 £30. 392 50 acres. 939 23 60 acres. 400 acres. 369 305 1037 3/30 60 acres. 688 241 1035 £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £21. £30. 500 acres. 500 acres. £30. accordngto Govt, allce. 40 acres. 3/34 1271 842 60 acres. £30. Ordinary grant. 60 acres. 60 aeres. 463 986 612 1302 3/4 410 1170 Not stated. 1059 60 acres. 1494 730 Not stated. 511 For 27 yrs. 4 months. 60 acres. 412 1011 1109 1357 60 acres. 30 acres. £30. 1478 £30 scrip. 1093 1070 1312 505 30 acres. 60 acres. Scrip, Mar., 1873. £30. 204 625 43 455 722 1086 1194 1087 802 60 acres. £30. 80 acres. 60 acres. £5. 30 acres. 60 acres. 30 acres. £39. 1411 £30. 805 1462 411 962 100 723 775 454 60 acres. 400a., and town sec. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. Not stated. 1009 3/60 557 859 60 acres. £30. 60a, or £30 60 acres. 413 302 108 1191 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £15 remission money Not stated. 283 60 acres. 311 196 810 106 1079 60 acres. 60 acres. 60a, or £30 69 acres. 783 57 1321 £30. 60 acres. £30 scrip. 1020 205 80 acres. 400 acres. 303 377 60 acres. 60 acres. 1512 517 30a, or £30 60 seres. 414 1375 831 415 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres,


Rejected Applications— continued.


o o P. Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. °_ '■ « I Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 403 769 952 L105 927 .057 351 692 687 755 L255 56 Kelly, Felix, 14th Regiment, Palmerston North Kelly, Florence, 57th Regiment, Hawke's Bay Kelly, J. D., Auckland Militia, Napier ... Kelly, John, 15th Regiment, Wanganui ... Kelsall, Walter, R.A., Napier ... Kelsall, William, Engineers, Tliames Kemp, G-., Royal Naval Brigade, Hawera Kendall, Henry, No. 1 Scottish, Tliames ... Kendall, Thomas, No. 1 Scottish, Thames Kennedy, A., N.Z. Militia, Napier Kennedy, Daniel, 18th Royal Irish, Koru Kennedy, Joseph, 57th Regiment, Hawke's Bay Kenorly, W., 18th Regiment, Wanganui ... Keven, Thomas, Thames Navals, Thames... £30. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 80 acres. £30. 60 acres. £30. £30. Not stated. 50 acres. 60 acres. 453 1332 451 1331 217 1420 Little, Robert, 18th Regiment, Newton ... Littlewood, R. W., Alexandra Cavalry, Wanganui Lock, Joseph (per Mary Lock), 2-14th Regiment, Auckland Lockett, R. O, Bombay Army, Wanganui Lockhead, William, 3rd Waikatos, Helensville Lockwood, Alfred, Tauranga Cavalry, Coromandel Loftus, Peter, 57th Regiment, Wanganui... Long, Henry, Forest Rangers, Te Awamutu 60 acres. £45. 60 acres. 400 acres. 50a., and town sec. What Act allows. 60 acres. Ordinary grant. 60 acres.. Not stated. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 429 843 304 618 721 L428 89 811 LOOS L268 40 L291 83 1374 L096 1232 1306 L439 684 506 L396 127 Keevy, Henry (by his widow, Jane Keevy), 65th Regiment, address not stated Kialy, James, No. 1 Company 57th Regiment, Wade Kidd, Crosbie, Auckland Volunteers, Auckland Kilgour, James Edward, Poverty Bay Militia, Ormond Kilkally, John, 57th Regiment, Palmerston North Kilty, John, No. 2 Company 14th Regiment, Wanganui Kincade, Arthur, 68th Regiment, Wanganui Kinch, Robert, 65th Foot, Wanganui King, Catherine (for W. Marjouram, R.A.,) Auckland King, George, 14th Regiment, Clyde Quay King, John, Waikato Eifle Volunteers, Marton Kinsley, J., 1st Waikatos, address not stated Kirk, John, 38th Regiment, Tataraimaka Kirkby, J. T. V., 20th Regiment, New Plymouth Kirker, Thomas, No. 1 Scottish, Thames .., Knight, James, Patea Rifles, Hawera Knowles, Alfred, 14th Regiment, Maitakohe Kuchen, Gustave, N.Z. Artillery Volunteers, Wellington Ladd, Alfred, 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Lambert, B. E., Hauraki Rifles, Cambridge Lambert, William, Military Train, Auckland Lamont, George Henry, Napier Militia, Christchureh Laney, James, Pokeno Rifles, Cambridge ... Langton Peter, 2-18th Regiment, Dargaville Lankey, James, R.A., Masterton Banning, J., Hauraki Engineers, Thames Large, J. T., New Zealand Militia, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay Lathrope, L., 24th Regiment, Auckland Laughlm, David, Thames Navals, Thames Laughlin, Samuel, Thames Navals, Thames Leaning, George H, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Leaning, John, Auckland Militia, Auckland Leckie, E., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland ... Lee, Daniel, 65th Regiment, Sanson Lee, James (by his widow, Elizabeth Lee), Auckland Volunteers, Newton Lepine, J. F., Auckland Artillery, Auckland Lewis, Bassett, Auckland Militia, Thames Lewis, E., Pitt's Militia, Tararu, Thames Lewis, James, Port Chalmers Navals, Portobello Lewis, Philip, Thames Navals, Thames Lewis, Richard, 57th Regiment, Manutahi Liddell, William, Waipawa Cavalry, Waipawa Lillicrap, H. V., King's Regiment, Invercargill Lingard, W., Alexandra Cavalry, Wanganui Lind, William, Wanganui Cavalry, and Aramoho Light Horse, Wanganui Lister, Johu, 65th Regiment, Palmerston North 60 acres. Pension certif.,£30. Not stated. 60 acres, or £60. 100 acres. 50 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 80 acres. 60a., and rep. ccrtifi. Not stated. f-acretown land. 60 acres. 400 acres. £30. 8 months' service. 60 acres. £30 scrip. 540 502 1202 461 385 3/76 708 1174 735 159 987 483 1339 886 1338 1123 1133 992 401 209 156 876 908 523 421 1165 3/59 10 728 Long, John, 57th Regiment, Auckland ... Long, Joseph, Pitt's Volunteers, Normanby Longhurst, Charles, Makara Rifles, Karori Looney, M., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Loveridge, Samuel, Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Lowe, John, 88th Regiment, Feilding Lucas, William, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Ludlow, W., 14th Regiment, Carnarvon ... Luff, Joseph, 2-18th Regiment, Pukeraruhe, Taranaki Lumber, William, 12th Regiment, Raglan Lundergan, T., 58th Regiment, Auckland Lunn, Richard, 14th Regiment, Wellington Lynch, George, 2-14thRegiment, Napier,.. Lynch, Michael, 2-14th Regiment, Napier Mace, F. J., Taranaki Mounted, Oakura ... MacKay, A., Waipawa Cavalry, Waipawa McKenzie, R. H, Napier Troop, Petane ... Mackin, Owen, Queenstown Rifles, Queenstown Makkin, John, 57th Regiment, Wanganui.., Macnaughton, John, Auckland Militia, Helensville Madden, Richard, 1st Waikatos, Auckland Madigan, Luke, 70th Regiment, Meanee ... Madigan, Patrick, Auckland Militia, Auckland Maginn, Owen, 18th Regiment, Auckland,.. Mahoney, P., 57th Eegiment, Wanganui... Maighan, Patrick, 40th Regiment, Sanson Mailman, George F., A. C. and Volunteer Cavalry, Invercargill Mainwariug, O, H.M. Navy, Wellington, Maloney, M., Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Hokianga North, Auckland Mangus, A., East Coast Militia, Tliames Mauley, John, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Mangnais, Frederick Le, Thames Scottish, Auckland Mansell, H., Auckland Militia, Auckland Mara, Thomas, 65th Regiment, Taradale Margolioulh, C. E., Volunteer Transport Corps, Napier. Markham, *R., 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Man*, Michael, Alexandra Cavaby, Marton, Marsh, Herbert, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Carterton Marshall, John, Napier Cavalry, Meanee Marshall, Robert, Hawke's Bay Yeomany Cavalry, Napier Marshall, R. W., Transport, Timaru Marshall, William, Victoria Troop Cavalry, Marton Mason, G. H., 1st Waikato, Waitekauri, Auckland Matthews, Charles, Military Settlers, Princes Street, Dunedin Maxfiekl, T. O, Auckland Volunteers, Auckland Maxwell, J., Waikouaiti Rifles, Waikouaiti Mayo, Alfred, No. 1 Scottish, Thames ... McAnulty, J., 65th Regiment, Waverley... McAnley, James, 2-14th Regiment, Porangahau McBride, James, 2nd Waikato, Gisborne ... 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 60 aeres. 300 acres. £30. £30. Not stated. 60 acres. Not stated. 50 acres. 60 acres. 80 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 400 acres. Land. 216 L157 257 824 80 acres. £30. 400 acres. Not, stated. 1409 568 690 £15. 60 acres. Not stated. 1030 1071 776 706 827 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 542 915 950 215 1094 3/74 Not stated. 60 acres. What entitled to. 80 acres. 30 acres. 60 acres. 259 628 629 522 60 acres. £30. £30. 70 acres. 969 968 £30. £30, or land. Not stated. £30. 3/72 1041 913 -97 L034 313 70 acres. 80 aeres. 60 acres. Not stated. 1349 Not stated. 1509 —acres. 212 807 762 j/49 £30. £30. £10. £30. 114 3/40 668 296 1161 10 acres. 30 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 617 322 L000 £30. 60 acres. What Act allows. Not stated. 1246 51a., and town sec. 60 aeres. 46 L344 1340 £30. Not stated. 187 1036 McCall, Thomas, 57th Regiment, Riverhead, Auckland McCarthy, Daniel, Onehunga Volunteers, Onehunga McCarthy, Maurice, Bay of Plenty Volunteer Cavalry, care of Litchfield, Opotiki McCarthy, T., 2-14th Regiment, Napier 60 acres. 1370 60 acres. 1210 Land as per Act. 80 acres. 888



Rejected Applications.— continued.

T3 u . O O H Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. ■73 u . O o gK M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 790 34 959 3/37 McCarthy, T:, Hauraki Rifles, Otahuhu ... McCarthy, T., 18th Royal Irish, Inglewood McCartney, Arthur, Mounted A.C., Taradale McCartney, Charles, Port Chalmers Navals, Portobello McCartney, D., 57th Regiment, Wanganui McCartney, John, Port Chalmers Navals, Chatton Post Office, Gore McCartney, sen., J., Port Chalmers Navals, Portobello McCartney, jun., J., Port Chalmers Navals, Portobello McClymont, Andrew G., Port Chalmers Navals, Newton McConochio, Joseph, Napier Militia, Meanee, Hawke's Bay McCormick, Michael, Hobson Volunteers, Ponsonby McCormick, James, Thames Rifle Rangers, Thames McCormick, W. S., Rifle Rangers, Thames McCoy, John, 40th Regiment, Normanby McCrea, James, Royal Rifles, Marton McCredy, James, 68th Regiment, Manaia MeCrey, N., Wairoa Volunteers, Napier McCullough, W., Hauraki Engineers, Thames McDermott, M., 57th Regiment, Auckland McDevitt, C, 18th Regiment, Taranaki ... McDonald, James, 58th Regiment, Karaka, Thames McDonald, James, Pitt's Militia, Thames McDonald, John, Waiuku Rifles, Hamilton McDonald, J. J., Royal Rifle Volunteers, Marton McDonall, C. R. S., Alfred Troop, Wanganui McDonell, A. McLean, Rangitikei Cavalry, Bull's McDonough, Hugh, Royal Engineers, Matikuna McDonough, John, 70th Regiment, Poureere, Hawke's Bay McDougall, D. O, Taranaki Field Force, Patea McDougall, Richard, Cavalry Corps, Napier Not stated. 80 aeres. Not stated. £15. 3/12 McKelvie, James Edward, 40th Regiment, Dunedin McKenna, E.,65th Regiment, Rangitikei... McfCensey, J., 65th Regiment, Wanganui MeKenzie, James, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Masterton MeKenzie, W., Thames Scottish, Thames McKeon, James, Auckland Militia, Ponsoby McKeon, William John, 65th Regiment, Wade McLaren, Donald, No. 1 City Guards, Dunedin McLaughlin, Thomas, 2/18 Royal Irish, New Plymouth McLaughlin, William, 58th Foot, Auckland McLaughlin, William, 65thRegiment, Waitotara McMahon, M., Auckland Militia, Napier McMahon, Patrick, Royal Artillery, Ngaruawahia McMahon, P., 58th Regiment, Auckland McMaBter, Donald, Alfred Troop, Greytown 50 acres. 1198 293 761 400 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. 422 3/42 60 acres. £15. 1225 544 1266 £30. 68a. or £30. 60 acres, or £60. £30. 3/36 £30. 3/38 £15. 3/53 1491 50 acres. 77 80 acres. 1139 Not stated. 1190 1356 60 acres. £30. 828 £30. 1125 150 Not stated. 60 aeres. 652 £30. 660 630 1088 1259 924 712a £30. 60 acres. 30 aeres. 60 acres. £200. £30. 638 1477 60 acres. 100 aeres, or £300. 80 acres. 60 acres. 11 1368 McMillan, T., 18th Regiment, Wellington McMinn, Alexander, Wanganui Cavalry, Palmerston North McNair, Lemuel, Taranaki Volunteers, Westland McNeice, J., Hauraki Engineers, Thames McNisty, John, 58th Regiment, Kawakawa MeQunlan, James, 70th Regiment, Parnell McShane, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Stratford Mellon, Edward, C. D. Force, Napier Melville, J., No. 1 Company City Guards, Dunedin Menary, Henry, A. C. Force, Hawkes' Bay, Thames Meredith, E. O, Wanganui Militia, Hawera Meredith, J., East Coast Militia, Tararua Meremana, Tupara, Thames Navals, Thames Meraon, G. H, R.N., Christchureh Middleton, B. R., Taranaki Volunteers, Wanganui Middleton, William, 68th Regiment, Wanganui Millar, David, C. D. Force, Hawke's Bay, Gisborne Miller, Joseph, C. D. Force, Auckland Miller, R. M., 33rd Regiment, Napier ... Miller, Walter, Auckland Artillery, Auckland Miller, William, l-12th Regiment, Taupari Mills, David, 18th Regiment, Auckland ... Mills, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Keru, Hawke's Bay Milmie, Laurence, Nelson Volunteers and Militia, Hawera Milton, Thomas, 65th Regiment, Wellington Miners, William Henry, C. S. S. Victoria, South Riverton Minifie, J., Wellington Militia, Masterton Mitchell, jun., John, Volunteer Engineers, Kaikoke, Bay of Islands Mitchell, William, Thames Navals, Thames Mobberly, S., 2-14th Regiment, Auckland Molloy, Patrick, 58th Regiment, Onehunga Moloney, C, 2-14th Regiment, Napier ... Monaghan, Edward, Makara Rifles, Karori Monaghan, W., Makara Rifles, Karori Money, Charles L., Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry, P. and O. Steam Navigation Company, Melbourne Mooney, James, Victoria and Hobson Rifles, Onehunga Moore, Albert S., C. D. Force, Ohinemuri Moore, Henry, Military Settlers, Nelson ... Moore, Thomas, Volunteers, Woodville .,, Moore, W., Bruce Eifle Volunteers, Clarkesville, near Tokomairiro Moore, W. A., Thames Rifle Rangers, Taranaki 360 51 acres. 438 336 354 50 acres. 80 acres. 80 acres. 703 1423 1042 335 920 1520 £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. £15. 1083 1155 1095 £15. Not stated. 30 acres. 1298 80 acres. 165 £10 7s. 6d. 1369 765 60 acres. 60 acres. 515 1350 610 79 1295 Not stated. £15. £30. Not stated. 80 acres. 1114 60 acres. 1317 Scrip datd. March. £30, or land. Not stated. 50a., and town sec. 40a. or 60a. 569 60 acres. 934 834 50 acres. 512 141 McEldowie, Daniel, Patea Cavalry, Hawea McEnny, Patrick, Auckland Navals, Auckland McEvlain, John, Auckland D. F., Hawke's Bay McEwin, Andrew, Parnell Volunteers Militia, Coromandel McGeane, Richard, 58th Regiment, Ngaruawahia McGinn, Patrick, 18th Regiment, Wanganui McGinnerty, W.,65th Regiment, Wellington McGlashan, S., Napier Militia, Taradale ... McGovern, B., 50th Regiment, Wanganui... McGowan, Jas., A. C. Eorce, Wairoa North McGowan, James, 68th Regiment, Hawera McGrail, Wm., Wanganui P,ifles, Wanganui McGrath, John, 2-14th Foot, Christclrarch McGregor, James, Rangitikei Royal Rifles, Marton McGregor, Roderick Ross, ThameB- Scottish, Grahamstown McGregor, William, R.E., Wanganui McGinnty, James, A. C, Maraetai McGuire, James, R. A., Auckland McGuire, James, R. A., Auckland McGuire, M., C. D. Force, Te Awamutu ... Mcllhaney, James, Thames Navals, Thames Mcllmogle, David, 58th Regiment, Ponsonby Mclnerny, Patrick, 38th and 5th Regiments, Reefton Mclnness, Duncan, Royal Artillery, Kurow Melntyre, Allan, Engineers, Thames Mclntyre, James, Napier Militia, Taradale McKain, J. S., Napier Militia, Petane, Hawke's Bay McKay, Angus, Royal Artillery, Dunedin McKeever, William, 2nd Waikato, Wellington 995 937 432 Not stated. 400 acres. £30. 797 206 477 1129 60 aeres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 1315 Not stated. 151 40 aeres, or £20. 60 acres. [499 Not stated. 1343 60 acres. 60 or 70 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 53 1137 423 1196 1435 1108 1393 1098 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 30 acres. 13 348 200 166 1227 £30. 604 460 1454 1163 1426 130 1480 £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. £30. 50 acres, or town section. 60 acres. 1269 315 577 1440 1379 608 547 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 80 acres. 50 acres. £30. 50a., and town sec. 60 acres. 467 163 3/65 963 3/22 Not stated. Not stated. 40 acres. £30. 1316 3/54 666 929 961 40 acres. £30. Not stated. Not stated. 670 £30. 267 167 Morgan, P., 2-lSth Regiment, Auckland ... Morgan, Michael, 65th Regiment, Waimate, Bay of Islands Moriarty, E., Taranaki Militia, Hurworth Morley, Joseph, C Battery Artillery, Wyndham, Southland 40 acres. 60 acres. 3/27 1 80 acres. 50a., and town sec. 333 379 Not stated. 60 acres.


Rejected Applications— continued.

3—H. 17.


o o M Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. o d Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 1002 863 3/32 227 324 903 73 371 Moroney, Patrick, Hawke's Bay Defence Force, Pakipaki, Hawke's Bay Morrisev, John, 70th Regiment, Meanee, Hawke's Bav Morris, J. T., Waikari Rifles, St. Bathans, Otago Morrison, John, Auckland Volunteers, Auckland Morrison, Thomas (by R. Lankshear), 58th Regiment, Marlon Morrison, Thomas, Napier Rifles, Napier ... VJorritz, William, A. C , Hawera Morion, William, 3rd Waikatos, Waimate, Canterbury Moss, Edward M., Napier Militia, Caversham, Otago Mowe, W. F., Military Settlers, Napier ... Town section. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30orlnd. 50 acres. 50a, and town sec. 60 acres. 248 1365 247 73(1 866 1514 1264 1032 412 Noble, T. B., 14th Regiment, Auckland ... Noble, William, 27th Regiment, Hawera... Noble, W. G., 14th Regiment, Auckland ... Nodder, John, Bushrangers, New Plymouth Northey, John, Auckland Rifles, Napier .. Notman, Charles, Dunedin Navals, Mornington Nowhm, M., 57th Regiment, Auckland ... O'Brien, Daniel, 57th Regiment, Rangitikei O'Brien, James, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Auckland O'Brien, John, 65th Regiment, Parnell ... O'Brien, John, Onehunga Volunteers, Havelock O'Brien, Luke, 65th Regiment, Pokeno ... O'Brien, Terence, 57th Regiment, Wanganui O'Connell, George, 36th Foot, New Plymouth O'Connell, James, 65th Regiment, Wade... 80 acres. 60 acres. • 80 acres. £30. 40 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 750 1124 80 acres. Not stated. 1519 768 295 61 acres. 60 acres. 1004 Muir, Alexander, Taranaki Militia, Napier Mulealiy, E., Horse Artillery, Wakamariua Mullins, W. S., 65th Regiment, Wanganui Mullolv, Michael, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Tolago Bay Mulvaney, T., 65th Regiment, Auckland Mulvey, John, 58th Regiment, Havelock ... Monro, Michael, 58th Regiment, Auckland Munroe, William, Auckland Engineers, Auckland Murphy, Daniel, 18th Regiment, Napier Murphy, Henry, 58th Regiment, Whangarei Murphy, James, 2-18th Regiment, Whangaroa North ' Murphy, James, Wellington Volunteers, Whangaroa North Mnrpliy, J., 2-18th Regiment, Mount Albert Murphy, John, 70th Regiment, Auckland Murphy, John, G Company,43rd Regiment, Otahuhu Murphy, Martin, 2-14th Regiment, Newton Murphy, Patrick, 66t,h Regiment, Auckland Murphy, Patrick, 70th Regiment, Wairoa North Murphy, Patrick, 40th Regiment, Sydenham Murphy, R. M., Otahuhu Volunteers, OtaJiuhu Murphy, Thomas M., Napier Artillery, Napier Murphy, William, Auckland Navals, Auckland Murray, David, 3rd Division A. O, Christchurch Munay, John, 57th Regiment, Dargaville Murray, Peter, 57th Regiment, Palmerston North Musketf, James, Pitt's Militia, Thames ... Natlian, 8. D., Auckland Naval Volunteers, Auckland Nathan, William, Carlisle Volunteers, Wainniomata Nation, Charles, Napier Militia, Waipuk ura u NaU< ii, Joseph, 18th Regiment, Auckland Nazer, E., Naval Volunteers, Coromandel Neary, Stephen, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Neary, William, A. C , Wanganui Nesbitt, David, 65th Regiment, Cambridge, Waikato Neville, Patrick, 18th Regiment, Parnell ... Newdiek, Philip, Thames Navals, Thames Ncwland, jun., John, Taranaki Volunteers, New Plymouth Newport, Henry, N.Z. Militia, Nelson 50a., town sec, and 1,000 ft. timber. Not stated. 50 aeres. 60 acres. 40 acres. 388 1483 400 acres. 600 acres, or £60. 60 acres. 854 772 1299 988 364 O'Connor, Ambrose, 65th Regiment, Greymouth O'Connor, Michael, 57th Regiment, Wellington Odium, J., 65th Foot, Hamilton, Waikato Odium, John J., Auckland Militia, Auckland O'Donnell, John, 58th Regiment, Taranaki O'Elnherty, T., 65th Regiment, Napier ... O'Halloran, G. S,, C. D. Force, Te Aroha, Thames O'Hare, E , 65th Regiment, Auckland O'Keefe, John, 58th Regiment, Waimate... O'Neal, John, 18th Regiment, Waipakurau Onion, John, 65th Regiment, Napier O'Rafferty, J. M. N., 13th Begiment, Porangahau O'Eogan, William, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Ornstein, J.,-Auckland Artillery, Auckland Otter, William, Thames Navals, Thames ... Outon, W., 3rd Division A. C., Hokitika... Pain, J. A., C. D. Force, Waihenga Palmer, George, 40th Regiment, Bull's, Rangitikei Parker, Charles, Manawatu Rangers, Marton Parker, William, Wanganui Rifles, Marton Parker, W. G., Thames Navals, , hames ... Parkill, John, 3rd Waikatos, Hokitika 32 60 acres. 266 1280 146 233 60 acres. 100 acres. 611 acres. 60 acres. 838 1192 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. 60 acres. 393 1131 1386 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres, or £100. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 1143 281 115 92,8 819 884 864 1136 191 Not stated. 96 60 acres. 104 1525 60 acres. 60 a. or £30 434 £30. 468 459 1421 £30. 50 acres. 60 acres. 285 613 743 1382 1104 40 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 1499 1038 60 aeres. £30. 1089 1085 694 362 £30. 30 acres. £30. 80a. and town sec. 100 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. £15. £30. 60 acres. 50 acres. 50 acres. Not stated. 50 acres. £30 or 50 acres. £30. £30. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. £30. £15. 60 acres. 921 Usual allowance. 60 acres, or £30. 40 acres. 555 748 1072 1453 1060 493 80 acres. 60 acres. £10. £30. 583 615 1274 1313 817 3/48 253 381 389 1541 919 1549 1388 Parnell, T., Onehunga Navals, Onehunga Parslow, James, Thames Navals, Thames Patrick, James, 15th Regiment, Wanganui Pattison, William, H.M Service, Rangiriri Pavitt, E. H., N.Z. Atillery Cadets, Gisborne Paxton, P., Militia and Volunteers, Dunedin Payne, W., A Battery Artillery, Auckland Peace, A. G., N.Z. Artillery, Auckland ... Peaston, John, 57th Regiment, Manaia ... Peddie, A., Waikato Militia, Blenheim Pcddie, Thomas, Napier Militia, Napier ... Peddie, Robert, 3rd Waikatos, Blenheim ... Peebles, George, N.Z. Militia, Waipawa ... 3/77 50 acres. 1164 Not stated. 116 1470 294 501 1193 60 acres. Not, stated. 6li acres. 50 acres. 80 acres. 654 656 1355 658 1497 591 1308 349 Penk, R. P., Hauraki Rifles, Thames Penk, Thomas, Rifle Rangers, Thames Pennan, James, Scots Greys, Rangitikei ... Peploe, George, Rifle Rangers, Thames Pereival, William R., Royal Navy, Lyttelton Perkins, Job, Kifle Rangers, Thames Perkins, Job, East Const Militia, Shortland Pervin, James, Commissariat and Militia, Taranaki Pevin, John, Royal Artillery, Kaiapoi ' ... Phillips, David, 70th Regiment, Mungakuri Phillips, George, Hutt Militia, Sandon ... Phillips, John, Taranaki Militia, Marlborough Pickering, James, Picton Volunteers, Havelock, Marlborough Pigott, Joseph, 15th Regiment, Taranaki... Piluier, Alexander Antliony G., New Zealand Militia, Wellington Plant, William, Rifle Rangers, Thames Pollock, Thomas, Forest Rangers, Pukekohe 117 6,9 713 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 357 358 Newport, Stephen, Wanganui Militia, Nelson Newton, Thomas, 2-14th Regiment, Christchurch Nichohon, F. A., Auckland Navals, Auckland Nicholson, J. O, Wellington C. D. Force, Gaol, Dunedin Noake, Maillard, 15th Hussars, Wanganui Noble, R., 14th Regiment, Auckland 40a. and town sec. 400 acres. 1486 935 767 1205 Not stated. 6'< acres. 25 acres. 100 acres. 1496 Not stated. 1490 7 60 acres. 60 acres. 123 1346 3/3 60 acres. 80 acres. 300 acres. 1031 251 400 acres. 80 aeres 593 470 £30. 50a. and



Rejected Applications— continued.

Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. *- * O O gZ! Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 714 374 3/23 1537 Pope, J. N., Taranaki Volunteers, Normanby Pope, Richard, 43rd Regiment, Blenheim... Poppelwell, W., Bruce Rifles, Tokomairiro Porter, T. W., New Zealand Militia, Gisborne Potter, Samuel, 57th Regiment, Kumeru... Potts, W. H., Thames Navals, Thames ... Powell, W. H., R.N., Oakura ... Power, N, R.N., Auckland Power, William, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland Pratt, John, 40th Regiment, Ghristchureh Pratt, Thomas, 2-14th Regiment, Christchurch Preece, George A., Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Napier Prendeville, J. S., Makara Rifles, Makara... Price, Edward, No. 1 Scottish, Tararu Price, Robert, Porangahau Rifles, Napier ... Pringle, Frank, 2-18th Royal Irish, Wanganui Pillinger, John, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Pugh, William (by J. Harris), Picton Volunteers, Picton Purcell, J. II., Auckland ttish Volun teers, New-ton Quedley, J., 2-14th Regiment, Pakuranga Queenin, M., 4th Waikatos, Newton Quigley, John, 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Quigley, John, 70th Regiment, Davey Flat Quigley, W., 18th Regiment, Wanstead ... Q.uinn, Phillip, 18th Regiment, Patea Quinlan, W. H, Wellington Defence Force, Gisborne Quirk, John, 57th Regiment, Wanganui ... Rae, L. H., East Coast Militia, Shortland, Thames Rainbow, William, R. M., Wanganui Ramsay, William F., 1st Waikatos, Auckland £80. 30 acres. £30. As allowed by Act. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 40 acres. 60 acres. 3/84 208 563 3/13 Riley, Charles, 3rd Waikatos, Westport ... Riley, Luke, 18th Regiment, Helensville ... Rinch, Robert, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Rintoul, David, 3rd Waikato Militia, Dunedin Rist, John, Auckland Militia, Onehunga... Rix, William, Royal Navy, Wellington ... Roberts, Abraham, 2-18th Regiment, Waikato Roberts, John, Taranaki Mounted Rifles, New Plymouth Roberts, W. T., 65th Regiment, Wanganui Robertson, Thomas, Artillery Band, Kensington Robertson, William, Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry, Taradale Robinson, Alfred, Auckland Naval Brigade, Nelson Robinson, Benjamin, 86th Foot, Wanganui Robinson, John, 3rd Waikatos, Blenheim Robinson, William, Hauraki ingineers, Tliames Robinson, John, Blenheim Rifles, Blenheim Roe, Samuel, Poverty Bay Rifles, Ormond, Poverty Bay Rose, George P., Cavalry, Patea Rose, Henry, A Battery Artillery, Auckland Rose, John, Waipawa Cavalry, Napier Ross, George, Wanganui Cavalry, Wanganui Ross, Hector, R. N., Napier Ross, M., Auckland Naval Volunteers, Auckland Routlidge, William, Napier Volunteer Artillery, Hawke's Bay Rowden, James, Mounted Constabulary, Te Apiti Rowe, Cyhrian, Thames Scottish, address not stated Rowe, Charles N.,Wanganui Cavalry, Rangitikei Rowe, Frank, Thames Navals, Thames Rowe, John, Thames Navals, Thames Rowe, Thomas, Onehunga Militia, Onehunga Rowland, George, Commissariat, Gisborne Roycraft, James, Auckland Rifles, Thames Runciman, James (per W. McGregor Hay), Cambridge Volunteers, Hamilton Runciman, James, Royal Cambridge Volunteers, Waikato Russell, A. IT., A. D. Force, Ohinemua ... Russell, F. M., ForeBt Bangers, Wellington Eyan, Daniel, Bay of Plenty Volunteer Cavalry, care of C. D. Litchfield, Opotiki Ryan, George, Taranaki Militia, Taranaki... Ryan, Henry, 57th Regiment, Halcombe ... Ryan, Michael, Von Tempskey's Rangers, Thames Ryan, Michael, 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Ryan, Simon, 57th Regiment, Wanganui... Sage, Jesse, 58th Regiment, Waikato Sakey, William, Aucklaad Navals, Auckland Sanders, Alfred, TaurarTga Cavalry, Tauranga Sands, Robert, 65th Regiment, Wanganui Sangster, R., Taranaki Volunteers, Mountain Road. Okutuku Savage, H. O, Thames Rifles, Ohinemuri Sawger, John, McDonald's Artilllery, Tauranganui Scandrett, W. B., Invercargill Rifles, Invercargill Scarff, Joseph, 18th Regiment, Wellington Scott, Adam, Dunedin City Guards, Dunedin Scott, George, Auckland Volunteers, Hastings Scott, James, 57th Regiment, Wanganui.. Scott, John, Auckland Volunteers, Thames Scott, Joseph, Commissariat, Ponsonby ... Scott, William, Otahuhu Cavalry, Waikato Scott, W. H., C. D. Force, Nelson 50J acres. Not Btated. 60 acres. 50 a. and town sec. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 1069 606 1311 258 223 996 1467 87 1337 60 acres. 378 1498 60 acres. 50 acres. 1273 3/55 60 acres. £15. 149 200 acres. 933 71 £30, or land. £30. 52 693 1112 1294 £30. £30. £30. 200 acres. 1290 1540 709 60 acres. 50 acres. £30. 424 1542 60 acres. £30. 1547 492 400 acres. 60 acres. 82 1353 648 240 513 1121 1076 816 60a., or £30 60 acres. 60 acres. 80 acres. 60a.,or£30 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 344 437 1148 1329 26 339 60 acres. £30. £30. Not stated. 80 acres. £30. 27 Not stated. 425 1415 60 aeres. £20. 906 50 acres. 514 £30. 1285 1055 60 acres. 60 acres. 1099 30 acres. 1238 704 801 386 Ramsay, Joseph, 1 st Waikatos, address not stated Handle, John, Hauraki Engineers, Thames Rankin, John, Wanganui Rifles, Wanganui Rattigan, Peter, No. 6 Company, 65th Regiment, Christchureh Raven, W. J., Auckland Volunteers, Wellington Rae, David, Army Service Corps, New Plymouth Read, Joseph, Rifle Rangers, Thames Reading, Isaac, 65th Regiment, Ohaupo ... Ready, Patrick, 58th Regiment, Manukau Heads Reardon, John, 58th Regiment, Whangaroa Redding, John, 1st, Waikatos, Normanby... Readding, John, 57th Regiment, Normanby Redfern, Arthur, Thames Navals, Thames Redmond, J. J., 1st, Waikatos, address not stated Redmond, Michael, 57th Regiment, Nelson Redwood, John, Rifle Rangers, Thames ... Reed, Alexander, 3rd W Taikatos, Wharehine fa. town land £30. £30. 60 acres. 620 678 589 1182 1064 1154 £30. £30. Not stated. Not stated. £30. £6, balance of scrip. £40. 914 £30. 1251 1303 657 1090 1548 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. 181 136 1211 Not stated. Not stated. What law allows. 60 acres. 60 acres. £15. 40 acres. 50a. and s. 60 acres. £30. fa. town land. 60 aeres. £30. 50a. and town acre 50 acres & town acre 60 acres. Land. 60 acres. 60 acres, or £30. 60 acres. £30, or land. 60 aeres. £30. 662 1107 733 639 327 368 614 1243 1532 1025 758 556 1400 1286 1351 50a.or£16. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 a.or£30. £30. 60 acres. £30 scrip. 356 1061 195 194 Reed, William, Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Tauran ga Reed, William, Auckland Navals, Ponsonby Rei'd, James, Fairbrother's Force, Carterton Reid, John, 65th Regiment, Wanganui ... Reid, William, Carterton Rifle Volunteers, Feilding Reilly, Joseph, 14th Regiment, Waimauku Renouf, Henry, Napier Volunteer Rifles, Napier Renshaw, W., Auckland Navals, Auckland Reynolds, Henry, Cambridge Cavalry, Woodlands, Waikato Reynolds, Percy, Thames Navals, Thames Revel], F. H, 14th Light Dragoons, Wellington Rice, James, Thames Navals, Thames Rice, Thomas, 2-18th Regiment, Napier ... Rich, E. A., 43rd Regiment, Parnell 1058 1152 £30. Not stated. 552 1531 426 3/75 1460 £15. 44 3/11 887 80 acres. £30. £30. 443 850 573 1257 291 157 643 1404 1424 60 acres. 70 acres. 40 acres. £30. What law allows. 60 acres. £30. £30. 626 18 £30. 80 acres. 635 1160 525 £30. 80 acres. 400 and 300 acres. Not stated. 1130 630 1258 Seager, F. O, C. D. Force, Hawke's Bay ... Seager, William, Thames Navals, Thames Selby, D. W., Cambridge Cavalry Volunteers, Waikato Shanaghan, John, 58th Regiment, Auckland Shannon, Robert, 57th Regiment, Invercargill 1492a Richards, IX. V., 72nd, 33rd, and 87thRegiments, Christchureh 85 1218 80 acres. 60 acres.


Rejected Applications— continued.


o - Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature I; of Claim. 13 u Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 427 3/33 588 466 1146 830 3/56 1363 837 895 428 530 946 698 646 184 1366 1247 347 833 190 1217 963 1465 1328 1293 744 1224 1017 1018 120 601 1381 637 524 Shea, John, 57th Regiment, Patea Sheehan, Cornelius, 57th Regiment, Taieri Post Office Sheehan, Edward, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Sherson, William, Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Shirly, Benjamin, Napier Militia, Taradale Shirley Thomas E., Hawke's Bay Volunteers, Gisborne Short, Alfred, C. D. Force, Southland ... Shortt, E. J., Taranaki Volunteers, and A. O, Auckland Sibley, II. T., Waikato Cavalry, Te Awamutu Sim, John, New Zealand Militia, Mohaka, Hawke's Bay. Simmonds, David, Royal Artillery, Wanganui Simmonds, Francis, R.N., Auckland Simmonds, James, 70th Regiment, Napier Simpson, J. F., Thames Navals, Thames Sinclair, R., 2-14th Regiment, Onehunga Sinden, Joseph, 58th Regiment, Napier Sinnott, Thomas, Royal Artillery, Hawera Sisam, A. J., C. D. Force, Opotiki Skeef, H. L., Auckland Engineers, Taranaki Skilsom, A., New Zealand Militia, Ormond Skinner, W. H., Rifle Volunteers, Auckland Skinner, W. H., Taranaki Militia, Wellington Slater, W. G., Royal Artillery, Napier Sloane, J. A., Patea Rifles, Tauranga Small, Charles, New Zealand Militia, Wanganui Small, Westwater, Wanganui Volunteers, Wanganui Smart, J., Auckland Rifles, Christchureh Smith, Alexander (per Robert Smith), Hauraki Volunteers, Thames Smith, Ezra, Wairoa Rifles, Gisborne Smith, Ezra, Forest Rangers, Gisborne Smith, George, Auckland Militia, Auckland Smith, George, Thames Scottish, Thames Smith, James, C. D. Force, Featherston Smith, Joe, Thames Navals, Thames Smith, John, Wairoa Rifles, Ponsonby, Auckland Smith, John, Auckland Militia, Onehunga Smith, J. B., Thames Navals, Thames Smith, J. W. Wellington Defence Force, Auckland. Smith, Joseph A., 14th Regiment, Oamaru Smith, P. G., Aramaho and Alexandra Cavalry, Wanganui Smith, Richard, 65th Regiment, Upper Hutt Smith, Thomas, 3rd Waikatos, Grahamstown Snelgar, H., 58th Regiment, Auckland Snelson, G. M., Palmerston Volunteers, Palmerston North Snowden, John, 65th Foot, Waimate 60 acres. 30 acres. 60 acres. £35. Not stated. 40 acres. 120 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 60 acres. 60 aeres. 60 aeres. £30. 80 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 50 acres. 300 acres. Not stated. Not stated. 80 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. 60 aeres. 60 acres. 50 acres. £30. Not stated. 1248 1528 92 11S7 1119 956 3/8 129 539 1416 521 290 940 1240 497 1475 15 702 1223 1188 1099 966 682 681 636 1066 3/61 1466 1284 1203 260 1474 Steen, William, 57th Regiment, Auckland Steers, Samuel. Stephanson, John, 2-18th Regiment, Auckland Stephenson, William, 70th Regiment, Puketapu, Hawke's Bay Steven, John, Hawke's Bay Militia, Petane Stevens, H, Hawke's Bay Cavalry Volunteers, Napier Stevens, Michael, 70th Regiment, Dunedin Stevens, Robert, Rangitikei Cavalry, Rangitikei Stevens, W. F., Auckland Rifles, Auckland Stevenson, Robert, 65th and 99th Regiments, Auckland Steward, C. H., 3rd Waikatos, Thames ... Stewart, John, R.A., Wanganui Stewart, John, Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry, Taradale Stewart, John, 1st W Taikatos, address not stated Stewart, Thomas, CD. Force, Wanganui ... St. George, Leo, Major Stapp's Corps, Greytown. Stidolph, Sydney, Oamaru Volunteers, Wellington Stone, F., Hauraki Engineers, Thames Stone, J. R., Auckland Militia, Thames ... Stoney, H. B., 40th Regiment, Kawakawa Strachan, W., Alexandra Cavalry, Marton .. Sturm, R. O, Taranaki Volunteers, Napier Sturt, Natere, Thames Navals, Thames ... Sturt, Wirie, Thames Navals, Thames Sullivan, James, Thames Navals, Thames... Summerfield, W., 65th Regiment, Sanson ... Sutherland, A. D., G Battery, Artillery, Invercargill Swan, Joseph, 65th Regiment, Taranaki ... Swan, P. J., 2-14th Foot, Wanganui Sweeney, James, 58th Regiment, Coromandel Sweete, T. B., Hobson Volunteers, Auckland Swindley, Alfred Robert Hale, 8th Hussars, Coromandel Symington, George, No 1, Scottish, Thames Syms, H. J., 12th Regiment, Thames Taipari, W. H., Tliames Native Volunteers Tait, George, Marlborough Volunteers, Taranaki Tait, George, CD. Force, Carterton Talty, Patrick, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Tattersall, James, Auckland Rifle Volunteers,,Dunedin Tatton, William, Taranaki Militia, Taranaki Tatton, William George, Taranaki Militia, New Plymouth Taylor, Benjamin, Royal Marines, Ponsonby Taylor, C. MeKenzie, 12th Foot, Taranaki Taylor, George, corps not, stated, Greymouth Taylor, George, Wanganui Cavalry, Wanstead Taylor, George, Thames Navals, Thames Taylor, James, 65th Regiment, Hawera ... Taylor,Thomas, Otahuhu Volunteers,Westport Taylor, William, Auckland Militia, Wellington Thierry, C. T. F. de, Staff, Auckland Thomas, Frederick William, Cambridge Cavalry, Waikato Thompson, G. H., 3rd Waikatos, Canterbury Thompson, James, Rifle Rangers, Thames Thomson, Thomas, Port Chalmers Navals, Port Chalmers Thomson, Robert, Taranaki Militia, Marlborough Thomson, Joseph, 57th Regiment, Wanganui Thwaites, Thomas, Coastguard Volunteers, Auckland Tiinms, W., Royal Marines, Wanganui j Tocker, W., Featherston Rifle Volunteers, Taranaki i Todd, Alexander, 12th and 14th Regiments, Waipawa £60. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 40 acres, or £30. 80 acres. £30 worth of land. 60 aeres. 60 acres. £200. 60 acres. £30, or land, fa. town land. 60 acres. Not stated. 80 acres. £30. £25. Not stated. 30 acres. £30 or Ind. £30. £30. £30. Not stated. £30. 60 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. £30. Same as II.M.serv. £30. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. As allowed by law. 50 acres. £30. 40 acres. 672 590 431 498 585 616 852 1384 420 1507 Not stated. 60 acres. £30. 980 1322 £30. £30 scrip. 128 60 acres. 391 396 Not stated. 80 acres. 653 50 acres. 68 328 759 1120 80 acres. 400 acres. £30. £30. 213 516 60 acres. £30. 1406 50 acres & twn. sec. 60 acres. 627 400 1006 £30. 60 acres. Not stated. 1185 Sommerville,R., (per Charles Sommerville) 65th Regiment, Wanganui, Soper, Rowden, Spring Creek Rifles, address not stated Sopor, Wheaton, Spring Creek Rifles, Spring Creek Soper, Winsor, Spring Creek Rifles, Spring Creek Spain, Thomas, Auckland Engineer Volunteers, Auckland Spclding, Thomas, 70th Regiment, Napier Sparkes, Robert, Waikato Military Settlers, Masterton Spencer, W. J., 18th Regiment, Napier ... Splaine, William, Naval Service, Waikato, Greymouth '^Spring, Francis, Armed Constabulary, Erewhon, Inland Patea, Hawke's Bay Squibb, George, 2nd WaikatoB, Auckland... iStacey, Charles, 65th Regiment, Woodville Stafford, William, Napier Militia, Hastings Stamp, John, 65th Regiment, Marton Stamp, John, Royal Rifles, Marton 1546 50 acres. 54 60 acres. 1545 50 acres. 345 1402 Not stated. £30. 1544 400 acres. 133 50 acres, or town sec. £30. £30 scrip. 224 60 acres. 592 3/31 1162 3/78 60 acres. 51 acres. 125 40 a. and town sec. 60 acres. 885 361 60 acres. 80 acres. 1082 1484 Not stated. 538 60 acres or £30. 60 acres. £30 scrip. 237 975 951 1080 1354 51 acres. 60 acres. £30. 60 acres. £30. 1270 1301 926 60 acres.



Rejected Applications— continued.

By Authority : Geobge Didsbitey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.

g o* Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. &. . o o g Name, Corps, and Address of Applicant. Nature of Claim. 60 941 999 904 3/24 1242 3/58 566 1005 867 446 445 444 1063 1142 855 712 826 24 1239 47 144 582 482 1067 Todd, Mathew, Makara Rifles, Karori Torr, Joseph A., Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry, Petane Torr, Thomas, Napier Volunteers, Petane Torr, W. II., Militia and Volunteer Scouts, Petane Tough, John, Bruce Rifle Volunteers, Tokomairiro Tooey, Alexander, 1st Waikatos, address not stated Towler, W., 32nd Regiment, Invercargill... Tracey, Jas., 2-18th Regiment, Wanganui Tracey, William, 2-14th Regiment, Hastings Tracy, M., 65th Regiment, Rangitikei Treemain, Edwin H., Auckland Engineers, Auckland Tremain, William, Auckland Engineers, Auckland Tremain, R. J., Auckland Engineers, Ponsonby Trembath, Alfred, Rifle Rangers, Thames... Tronson, G., Defence Force, Porangahau ... Troz, Michael, 45th and 99th Regiments, Napier Trueman, T., 57th Regiment, Taranaki ... Tucker, W. H., Poverty Bay Militia, Gisborne Tunbridge, Charles, 43rd Regiment, New Plymouth Tunks, T., 1st Waikato Regiment, address not stated Turner, A'exander, D Battery, N.Z. Artillery, Wellington Turner, Charles H., Auckland Rifle Volunteers, Picton Turner, John, Onehunga Volunteers, Auckland Turton, G. K., Rutland Volunteers, Poverty Bay Twohig, Daniel, 65lh Regiment, address not stated Underwood, H. J., Taita Volunteers, Wellington Villers, Charles, Volunteers, Petane 30 acres. What entitled to. £30. £30. £30. £ acre town land. £30 60 acres. 60 aeres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. 60 acres. £30. Not stated. 80 acres. 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. f acre town land. £30. Not stated. £30, or 60 acres. Not stated. 60 acres. 1197 800 3/4,1 599 753 691 848 105 861 754 33 310 288 526 894 696 527 1408 1327 1441 877 49 42 176 1062 897 316 621 1314 Watt, William, Royal En.ineers, Wairoa... Not stated. Watts, J. D., Auckland Rifle Volunteers, £30. Hawera Watts, William, Taranaki Militia, Stirling Not stated. Webster, Richard, 2nd Class Militia, 80 acres. Thames Webster, S. K., Hospital Inspector, Dun- Not stated. edin Weir, Peter, No. 1 Scottish, Thames ... £30. Weldon, Michael, 57th Regiment, Waikato 50 acres. Wells, Benjamin, 65th Regiment, Auckland 60 acres. Wells, Joseph, 2-14-tli Foot, Napier ... 60 acres. Weston, J. O, Hutt Militia, Picton ... £60. Wlielan, - atherine (for John Wlielan), 80 acres. 21-4'th Regiment, Patea. Whelan, William, 21-4th Regiment, Patea 80 acres. Wlielan, William, 57th Regiment, Wa- 60 acres. nganui Whisker, A., 58th Regiment, Newmarket, 60 aeres. White, James,66th Regiment, Waiparoa... 60 acres. Whiter, Thomas, Auckland Navals, Thames 60 acres. White, W. B., Auckland Engineers, Auck 60 acres. land Whiteman, 1?., Hutt Volunteers, Upper Hutt £30 scrip. Widdop, William, Wellington Militia, Wcl- 60 acres. lington Wiley, Daniel, Patea Rifle Volunteers, 50 aeres. Blenlieim Wilkie, William, N.Z. Artillery, Napier ... £30. Wilkinson, J. W., Taranaki Volunteers, Not stated. Tauranga Wilkinson, Matthew, 18th Regiment, Wei- 60 acres. lington Wilks, John, 1st Waikatos, Auckland ... 51 acres. Willctts, William, 2nd Waikato, Thames... 50a., and town sec. Williams, Arthur, Napier Rifle Volunteers, 60 acres, or Napier £30. Williams, James, Forest Rangers, Auckland 80a., and town sec. Williams, James, Thames Navals, Thames £30. Williams, William, 58th Regiment, Reef- 60 acres. Ion Willis, William J., 2-14th Regiment, Wa- 400 acres. n.-anui Wilson, F. J., Wairoa Rifles, Wairoa South £30. Wilson, James, 70th Regiment, Makatoka 60 acres. Wilson, T. B., 1st, Waikatos, Auckland ... 60 acres. Wilson, William, Taranaki Volunteers 60 acres. Tataraimaka Wilson, W. A., Port Chalmers Navals, Por- £15. tobello Wishart, sen., James, 4th Company Militia, Not stated. . Nil pier Wishart, jun., James, 4th Company Militia, Not stated. Napier Withey, John, 4th Regiment, Spring Creek 30 acres. Wilty, James W., N.Z. Militia, Wairoa ... Not slated. Woolfe, T. O, Taranaki Militia, Nelson ... 61 acres. Wood, John, Bengal Army, Auckland ... 400 acres. Woods, John, Auckland Engineer Volun- 60 acres. tecrs, Auckland Woods, John, 571 h Regiment, Marton ... 60 aeres. Woods, John, 65thRegiment, Normanby... 60 acres. Woodward, Edgar, 1-tli Regiment, Bay of Not stated. Islands Woodward, F. R., No. 2 Scottish, Thames £30. Worgan, George B., Native Contingent, 400 acres. Gisborne Worms, J. L , Auckland Militia, Auckland Not stated. Wright, A. Z., Cavalry, Wanganui ... 60 acres. Wright, Liber, Kai-iwi Volunteers, Wa- 60 acres. nganui Wright, W. E., Prince of Wales Volunteers, 60 acres. Rangitikei Young, George, 1st W raikatos, address not faeretown stated laud Young, James, Auckland Militia, Auck- 80 acres. land Young, John, Napier Militia, Christchureh Not stated. Young, Joseph, 4uth Regiment, Papatoitoi 60 acres. 14 £30. 1167 948 50 acres, or £100. 60 acres. 545 1132 452 1319 21 Vincent, Augustus, 65th Regiment, Waikato Vincent, Samuel, 40th Regiment, Wanganui Waddingham, Samuel, Auckland Engineers, Auckland Wadman, Emma, (widowof T. B. Keele), 3rd Waikatos, Port Chalmers W rainhouse, Robert, Royal Artillery, Nelson Waite, George, Thames Navals, Thames ... Walker, Edward, 65th Regiment, Marton ... Wallace, George, Thames Navals, Thames Wallace, J. H, corps not stated, Wellington Wallace, William, 14th Regiment, Wellington Walmsley, James, C. D. Force, Auckland Walsh, Martin, 70th Regiment, Auckland Walsh, James, Howick Cavalry, Waikato 1101 234 60 acres. 60 acres. 3/20 Not stated. 3/35 80 acres. £30. Not stated. £30. Not stated. 60 acres. 972 30 699 726 607 20 62 973 738 1249 3/63 1186 229 1447 98 1195 1077841 Walsh, William, 18tJi Regiment, Rangitikei Walters, James, Forest Rangers, Te Awamutu Walters, James, Forest Rangers, Te Awamutu Walters, Richard, Armed Constabulary, Invercargill Warner, H. St., Despatch Constable, Parnell Warner, Richard, 68th Regiment,, Feilding Warren, William, 65th Regiment, Wellington Washington, W., 57th Regiment, Poverty Bay Watson, Charles, Rangitikei Rifles, Marton Watson, James, 14th Regiment, Dargaville Watson, W. F., Military Settlers, Blenheim Watson, W. F., Forest Rangers, Blenheim 400 acres. 60 acres. £40 remiss, certificate. 60 aeres. Ordinary grant. Land for dist. serv. 60 acres. 416 1288 1419 1529 686 911 121 Not stated. Not stated. 80 acres. 1016 518 495 756 1360 6 1346 486 60 acres. 1233 1110 342 766 1538 30 acres. 60 acres. 80 acres. 80 acres. 244 747 559

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NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-17

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NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-17

NAVAL AND MILITARY AND LOCAL FORCES LAND CLAIMS COMMISSION (REPORT OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, H-17

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