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EDUCATION. THE OTAGO UNIVERSITY. [In Continuation of E.-3, 1881.]

to both Souses of the General Assembly by Qommand of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Chancelloe to His Excellency the Goveenoe. :Sie,— University of Otago, 29th April, 1882. In compliance with " The Otago University Ordinance, 1869," I have the honour to transmit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University for the year ending the 31st March, 1882. The session which opened on the 2nd May last was attended by 131 students, of whom 41 have matriculated. The number of students in the previous session was 120, of whom 41 had matriculated. The several classes were attended as follows :— 1880. 1881. 1880. 1881. Latin... ... ... ... 25 23 Physics ... ... 5 Greek ... ... ... 7 1 Biology ... ... ... 10 3 English language and literature ... 3 35 Botany ... ... 12 Constitutional history ... 2 Anatomy ... ... ... 4 4 Political economy ... ... 10 10 Practical anatomy ... ... 4 3 Mathematics and natural philosophy 59 52 Physiology ... ... 10 Mental and moral science ... 12 14 Surgery ... ... 1 Chemistry ... ... ... 20 15 French ... ... ... 8 3 Practical chemistry ... ... 21 11 German ... ~, ... 5 1 Metallurgy ... ... 4 Law ... ... ... ... 7 8 Mineralogy ... ... 4 Mining ... ... ■■•] 5 4 Total ••• ••• 200 22? Determinative mineralogy ... ) 2 ;_____- ______ B.A. Degree. —The following undergraduates, viz., Farnie, J. Hendry, Jeffcoat, Purdie, and Salmond passed the final examination for the B.A. degree ; and Burn, J. Golding, Hewatt, J. Johnston, J. Johnstone, Lindsay, McDermid, A. J. Park, Smaill, J. W. Smith, and W. A. Stout passed the first section of that degree. M.A. Degree. —A. Montgomery, taking first class honours in chemistry and experimental physics. Scholarship. —A senior scholarship has been awarded by the Senate of the New Zealand University to A. J. Park. School of Mines. —The Director of the School of Mines reports that the course of instruction in the School of Mines has been carried out in conformity with the curriculum published in the Calendar. The classes were attended by 8 students, as follows : Mining Geology and Mining, 4; Mineralogy, 5 ; Metallurgy, 4; Chemistry, 3; Physics, 2; Mathematics, 3. Seven of the students entered for the annual examination and passed successfully. The Director further reports that during the past year he had been consulted more frequently than the previous year—both personally and by letter—on subjects relating to mineralogy. At the request of the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands for Southland, he also made an inspection and report of certain gold and copper ore discoveries on Stewart Island. Medical School. —The proposal to establish a medical school in connection with the University has from time to time engaged the attention of the Council. As early as 1872 the Provincial Government intimated their desire to see such a school instituted, and showed their earnestness by the grant of a special endowment. The Council took immediate action by appointing a Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, and Lecturers on Surgery and Medicine. These appointments—with the Chemistry and Natural History Chairs already established—enabled the University to offer students a two years' course, which is recognized by Home medical schools. As the revenue of this special endowment is now increasing, the Council has resolved to complete the course of medical instruction. The regulations for graduation in medicine having been framed by the New Zealand University, the necessarv additions to the teaching staff will be made as the occasion arises. Courses of popular lectures on botany, chemistry, and physiology, by their respective Professors, were delivered during the session, of which a considerable number gladly availed themselves.



Museum. —The Curator reports that during the year a number of valuable additions has been made to the Museum, including casts of fossils, fine collections of Invertebrata in alcohol from the Zoological Station, Naples, and from the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, U.S.A. Vacancy hy Death. —The Council regrets to report that a vacancy occurred in their number throughthe death of the Hon. H. S. Chapman, who for several years rendered good service to the University, especially as Chancellor. The vacancy has been filled by the appointment of William Macdonald, LL.D. Accounts. —An abstract of the accounts, showing the income and expenditure of the University for the year ending the 31st March, 1882, is appended to this report. I have, &c, His Excellency Sir Arthur Gordon, K.G.M.G., D. M. Stttaet, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand. Chancellor.

Absteact of Receipts and Expendituee for the Tear ending 31st March, 1882. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance from 31st March, 1881, cash in hand ... ... ... ... ... 0 2 0 Endowments — Rent of runs —Benmore ... ... ... 990 0 0 Burwood and Mararoa ... ... 1,300 0 0 Barewood (li years) ... ... 4,387 10 0 Forest Hill ... ... ... 15 8 11 House, Castle Street ... ... 63 10 0 6,756 8 11 Church Trustees ... ; .. ... ... ... 1,200 0 0 ; 7,956 8 11 Fees— Medical preliminary examination ... ... ... 110 College ... ... ... ... ... 113 8 0 Class ... ... ... ... ... 603 15 0 718 4 0 Analysis ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 17 0 Graduation ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 788 11 0 Government Subsidy, School of Mines... ... ... ... ... ... 500 0 0 Government contribution for chemicals (1880) ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Museum endowment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 916 13 4 Otago Institute, contributions towards maintenance of Museum for years 1880-81 ... 125 6 6 Incidental ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 0 Overdraft on 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,779 16 10 £13,119 18 7 Expendituee. Balance from last year, overdraft ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,183 12 4 Salaries and allowances— Professors —Classics ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 „ house allowance ... ... 100 0 0 Mathematics and natural philosophy ... 600 0 0 Mental science ... ... ... 600 0 0 Chemistry ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Anatomy ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Biology ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Mining ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 English language and literature ... 600 0 0 Lecturers —Law ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 French ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 German ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Surgery ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Assistant— Chemical laboratory ... ... ... 50 0 0 5,400 0 0 Officers— Registrar ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Janitor ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 Porter, Anatomical Department ... 94 0 0 „ Chemical laboratory ... ... 15 12 0 379 12 0 Fees— Professors and lecturers ... ... 594 16 6 Local analyst ... ... ... 39 18 0 University of New Zealand ... ... 10 10 0 645 4 6 6,424 16 6 Carried forward ... ... £10,608 810



£ s. d. Brought forward ... ... ... 10,608 8 10 Museum maintenance ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 718 4 4 Athenaeum, proportion of rent of Museum endowment ... ... ... ... 91 13 4 Furniture and fittings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 12 6 Apparatus and chemicals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 285 18 10 Endowments, cost of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 5 0 Law costs ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 95 17 8 University grounds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 Insurance ... ... ... ... ... ..." ... ... 33 18 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 16 6 Library ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 11 10 Water, fuel, and light ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 166 6 11 Municipal rates ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 128 1 0 Incidental expenses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 15 10 Interest on loan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 560 0 0 „ current account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 251 18 0 £13,119 18 7 D. M. Stuaet, Chancellor. I certify the above abstract to be correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor.

No. 2. The Chancelloe to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sie, —■ University of Otago, 25th February, 1882. I am requested by the Council of the University of Otago to communicate with you with the object of obtaining the authority of His Excellency the Governor to borrow a sum not exceeding £15,000. In 1879 the Council was empowered, by an order of the Governor in Council, to borrow the sum of £10,000 at a rate of interest not exceeding 8 per centum per annum. This power the Council exercised, borrowing the money for three years at the maximum rate of interest. This loan of £10,000 is repayable in July, and the Council is under the necessity of reborrowing that amount in order to its repayment. In the opinion of the solicitors it is questionable if the authority to borrow under the former order is not exhausted, and therefore a fresh order is now asked for to meet that possible difficulty. As the Council has in view the extension of the accommodation of the chemical and anatomical divisions of the University buildings, it is desirous to obtain authority to exercise its borrowing powers to the extend of £15,000. I enclose for your perusal a draft order, drawn by our solicitors with a view to avoid the alleged defects of the former one, and would respectfully direct your attention to the following notes, showing the principal differences : — 1. Revenues from lands not actually vested in the University, but held in trust, are included. 2. The power to issue debentures is made clear. 3. The power to mortgage the revenues of a portion of the lands is made clear; in the former order this was not quite clear. 4. The power to grant successive mortgages for parts of the total sum is now made clear. I have therefore respectfully to request that you will have the goodness to move His Excellency the Governor in Council to issue a fresh order granting the Council of the University of Otago authority to borrow the sum of £15,000, and, if the Government see no objection, that the order may be issued in the form enclosed as drawn by the solicitors. I have to intimate that the Council can, at the present time, make arrangements to borrow the money at a greatly reduced rate of interest. I have, &c , D.M. Stuaet, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 3. The Seceetaet for Education to the Chancelloe. Sie, — Education Department, Wellington, 20th March, 1882. I have the honour, by direction of the Minister of Education, with reference to your letter of the 25th ultimo, to forward to you copy of an order under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, authorizing the Council of the University of Otago to borrow a sum or sums of money not exceeding £15,000 upon the security of the rents and revenues of the University, at a rate of interest not exceeding 8 per cent, per annum. I have, &c, E. O. Gibbes, The Chancellor, University of Otago, Dunedin. For the Secretary.

Enclosure in No. 3. Peemission to the Council op the Univeesity oe Otago to boeeow £15,000. A Goedon, Governor. Wheeeas by an Ordinance of the Superintendent and Provincial Council of the late Province of Otago, intituled " An Ordinance to incorporate the University of Otago," dated the third day of June,



1869, it is, amongst other things, enacted that it shall not be lawful for the said University to alienate, mortgage, charge, or demise any lands, tenements, or hereditaments of which it shall have become seised or to which it may become entitled by grant, purchase, or otherwise, unless with the approval of the Superintendent and Executive Council of the said province for the time being, except by way of lease, for any term not exceeding twenty-one years from the time when such lease shall be made; and in and by such lease there shall be reserved the best rent that can be reasonably obtained for the lands, tenements, and hereditaments expressed to be thereby demised without fine: And whereas by the operation of " The Abolition of Provinces Act, 1875," all the powers and authorities theretofore vested in Superintendents of provinces became and are now vested in the Governor: And whereas the said University are desirous of borrowing a sum or sums of money not exceeding fifteen thousand pounds, at interest, for the purpose of paying off existing mortgages and charges upon the rents and revenues of the said University, and for other purposes connected with the said University, and it will be necessary that security be given over the property of the University as is hereinafter mentioned: Now, therefore, I, Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, Governor of the Oolonv of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of every power and authority enabling me in this behalf, do hereby approve of the borrowing by the said University, for the purposes aforesaid, of a sum or sums not exceeding fifteen thousand pounds, to be repaid with interest at a rate not exceeding eight pounds per centum per annum, the repayment thereof to be secured in such manner as the Council of the said University may think fit, by a mortgage or mortgages of the rents or any part of the rents and other revenues derived from lands, tenements, or hereditaments vested in or held in trust for the said University, or by debentures under the seal of the said University charged upon such rents and revenues as aforesaid, or by such other instrument or instruments effecting a charge upon such rents and revenues as to the Council of the said University may seem best. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this sixteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Thomas Dick.

No. 4. The Chancelloe to the Hon. the Ministee of Education. Sie, — University of Otago, 2nd June, 1882. I am instructed by the Council to bring under your notice the fact that the subsidy of £500 per annum —granted in June, 1877 for five years —towards the payment of the salary of the Director of the School of Mines expires this year. But the Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands, in his letter announcing the subsidy, said, " The amount of subsidy to be given after that date to be open to be dealt with by the Legislature."* On receipt of this letter the Council of the University proceeded to establish a School of Mines by the election of Professor Ulrich, who was appointed its Director. Desirous of meeting the views of the Minister, who expressed the opinion " that great practical benefit would accrue to the mining interest if the Director could personally inspect the mines and give advice to persons engaged in mining pursuits," they attached as a condition to the appointment of the Director that the Government should be entitled to secure his services for these purposes during any portion of four months of the summer vacation. From its financial position the Council has as yet been unable to make all the appointments necessary to complete the school according to their own ideal; but I have much satisfaction in being able to say that in nearly all the necessary branches the students have had the benefit of most able and thorough teaching, and that even in the one or two branches for the teaching of which no direct provision has been made they have had all needful guidance in their studies. I respectfully request your attention to the fact that the Council of the University organized the School of Mines at the suggestion of the Government and on the faith of this subsidy. In consequence of the state of their finances they have hitherto not been able to complete it in every part in accordance with the scheme they submitted to the Government, nor for some time to come shall be able to do so without the continuance of the subsidy. But, knowing the very deep interest the Legislature takes in the development of the mineral resources of the colony, the Council trust you will bring the question of the continuance of the grant-in-aid before Parliament with a view to securing to the country the benefits of such an institution. I have, &c, D. ___. Stuaet, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 5. The Seceetaex for Education to the Chancelloe. Education Department, Wellington, Sie,— 14th June, 1882. I have the honor, by direction of the Minister of Education, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, respecting the continuance of the subsidy to the School of Mines, and in reply to inform you that the sum of £500 will be-placed on the Estimates to provide for the school for another year. I have, &c, E. O. Gibbes, The Chancellor, University of Otago, Dunedin. For the Secretary.

[* Vide Appendix to Journals of House of Representatives, 1878, H.-lE.]

Authority : Geokge Dibsbuey, Government Printer, "Wellington.—lBB2.

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EDUCATION. THE OTAGO UNIVERSITY. [In Continuation of E.-3, 1881.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-06

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EDUCATION. THE OTAGO UNIVERSITY. [In Continuation of E.-3, 1881.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION. THE OTAGO UNIVERSITY. [In Continuation of E.-3, 1881.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, E-06

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