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Mb. Speaker,— I feel very strongly that the House suffers a disadvantage in receiving a statement of the public works of the colony, dealing not only Avith the progress made iri construction during the past year, hut also with the administration of what has now become a very large business, from the hands of a Minister who takes charge only just before the meeting of Parliament. So far as construction is concerned, it is easy to narrate the progress that has been made with the works during the period under review, —easy also to declare the intentions of the Government in respect both of the works it is desirable to complete or extend, and of the amount it is thought prudent to expend in each year. But with regard to the administration of railways open for traffic the case is different. There arise questions affecting the management, demands for altering the present classification of goods, suggestions for a modification of the tariff, for a decrease in passenger fares, inquiries as to the sufficiency and condition of our rolling-stock, and as to whether any share of maintenance charges is not borne upon loan, —upon all of which I believe it would be exceedingly satisfactory to the House were the Minister able to make an. authoritative statement based on his knowledge of the facts. But by the time he is familiar with the working of the administration, and is able to leave the impress of his touch visible upon the management, the period usually arrives for his successor in office to begin to make himself acquainted with the facts. In 1880 the Railway Commissioners strongly recommended that the administration of constructed railways should be transferred to a Board of Management, having the same powers and functions as a Board of Directors of an English railway company. So far as my short term of office enables me to form an opinion, I incline to the belief that it might be advantageous to have some such a Board, not only because of the knowledge and experience with which it could deal with the questions that engaged its attention, but also because it would be removed from political pressure. But the House will recognize that it is impossible to hurriedly arrive at any conclusion upon such a large subject, with which, therefore, the Government does not intend to deal during this session. Honorable members will find attached to this Statement the ordinary tables and statements of expenditure and liabilities, and the annual reports from the General Manager of Railways, from the Engineers-in-Chief of the North and Middle Islands, with explanatory maps, and from the Marine Engineer and the Colonial Architect. Before proceeding to details of the expenditure during the past year, I may remind the House that although an appropriation was taken last year for a very large sum, £1,892,554, or rather more than the unexpended balance of the Public Works Eund in hand on the 31st March, 1881, yet, owing to the inability of the i—D. 1.



colony to enter the London money market for a further loan before next December, and the consequent necessity for husbanding our means, we only spent during the year, as the Treasurer has told us, the sum of £935,508, thus leaving in hand on the 31st March last a balance of £924,865. The Public "Works liabilities outstanding have also slightly decreased as compared with the previous year, being at the close of the last financial year £540,528, while they were on the 31st March, 1881, £588,623. I beg to call the particular attention of honorable members to the rate of expenditure, because the Government does not desire to anticipate any portion of the loan before it is raised, and therefore it may happen that fewer contracts will be entered into during this year than during the last. Last year we disbursed nearly a million, and incurred liabilities to more than half a million. We began the current financial year with £924,000 in hand available for the year's disbursements, and we propose not to incur liabilities in excess of this amount until after the loan has been floated. We shall probably, therefore, reach the termination of the financial year with only such outstanding liabilities as we may incur after the floating of the loan. Consequently, when honorable members meet next session, it is probable they will find the three million loan but little encroached upon. RAILWAYS. Although the amount voted last session for survey and construction of railways, including additions to opened lines, was £1,026,636, yet the amount spent was only £454,333, and the liabilities outstanding on the 31st March were £320,254. Here I should like to invite the attention of honorable members to this fact, that, of the expenditure, £166,086 was for additions and improvements to lines previously open for traffic, and, of the liabilities, about £122,520 was on same account; and I wish I could state that this recent outlay of £288,606 had fully completed and equipped our open lines, but, as I shall show later on, this is very far from being the case. From one point of view, this insufficiency of accommodation upon our open lines is a matter for congratulation, since it arises from the very large and rapidly-increasing traffic which is much greater than was provided for when the lines were built, and which has necessitated heavier rails, enlarged stations, increased rolling-stock, more extensive workshops, and numerous improvements and stock-yards at the smaller country stations. But, of course, the fact that a large further expenditure is necessary must be borne in mind when considering the question of the feasibility of reducing fares and rates of freight. The length of railways in various stages of progress during the year was 234 miles, and of this length 46 miles were opened for traffic within the year,—23 miles in each Island. The total length of railways opened for traffic on the 31st March last was 1,333 miles, there being open in the North Island 458 miles, and in the Middle Island 875 miles. I will now make a brief reference to each of the lines of railway. To what extent they have been proceeded with or improved is stated in detail in the reports from the Engineers in charge; but it is customary to refer to them in the Statement itself; and on this occasion to do so will make a desirable and convenient preface to the proposals for the expenditure of the new loan. Kawakawa. —The length of railway undertaken in this case is about eight miles, and of this distance about three miles were completed and opened in 1877. The formation of the remainder having been let in two contracts, the first of these for a length of about one mile was completed in May, 1880, and the other for the remainder of the distance, and including a wharf in deep water, will probably be completed about September next. Whangarei-Kamo. —The last mile of the seven comprising this line, together with a wharf 714 feet in length, is upon the point of completion. Kaipara- W'aikato. —The last eleven miles of this railway, 140 miles in length, were completed and opened last July; but the line as a whole will still require a large expenditure upon it. In addition to liabilities existing on the 31st March of £17,035, it is estimated that £100,000 more is required for the reclamation and station at Auckland, workshops at Newmarket, minor additions along the line, and further rolling-stock.



Waikato-Thames. —From Hamilton towards Te Arolia the formation is nearly completed for a distance of eighteen miles, with the exception of the bridge over the Waikato River near Hamilton, with which the contractor is not making proper progress; while at the Grahamstown end of the line the formation is completed from Grahamstown to Kopu, with the exception of about three-quarters of a mile at Kauaeranga, the working survey of which will be ready in about three weeks, when tenders will be called for the completion of the formation and the plate-laying. The branch line from Hamilton to Cambridge is in progress, a contract having been accepted for the formation of the first five miles. Napier-TVoodville. —In the first portion of the section of four miles from Makatoko to Matamau is included a large viaduct which will not be finished before June, 1883; and, as there would have been no advantage in completing the section long before the viaduct was finished, tenders for the last portion are only now being called for. Plans are being prepared for two other large viaducts on the next section, for which tenders will be called shortly, and it is expected that these will be completed about the same time as the large viaduct previously mentioned, so that the line from Makatoko to near Danevirk (nine miles) will then be ready for traffic. Wellington- Woodville. —No further progress has been made with this line, the whole sum spent last year upon it, £25,825, having been required for the payment of liabilities and some improvements. lam informed that £15,000 more is required for improvements to the length open, in addition to the outstanding liabilities, £5,019. ' New •Plymouth-Foxton. —The House will be glad to learn that, upon the completion in December next of the section between Manutahi and Waverley, there will only remain a gap of ten and a half miles situate between Hawera and Manutahi; and the construction of this short length, the survey of which is nearly finished, will complete a line of one hundred and ninety-five miles. Wellingion-Manawatu. —l am glad to be able to say that a company, formed for the purpose of constructing this line under the Railways Construction Act of last year, will relieve the colony from any demand on its means for the prosecution of this work. Nelson-Round ell. —A further length of three miles from Foxhill to Belgrove was completed and opened last July. Picton-Surunui. —A section from Blenheim towards Awatere, length about five miles, was let for contract in December last, and is now in progress. In connection with this line I may mention that the bridges to be erected over the Clarence and Waiau Rivers are designed to carry both railway and road traffic. Hurunui^-Bluff. — Honorable members will find in the report from the Engineer in Charge a full statement of the work done, both on the main line and on the various branches. I can here only briefly indicate the nature of the work undertaken during the past year. We have constructed upon the main line the section through the Weka Pass from Waipara to Waikari, and this was opened for traffic shortly after the close of the financial year. A contract has been let for the formation from Waikari to Hurunui; and for the bridge over the Hurunui the designs will shortly be completed. We have also made considerable progress in the construction of the various branches. The expenditure, including liabilities, on improvements to portions of the main lines and branches previously opened for traffic amounted to £208,020, the chief items being sums on account of new stations at Timaru, Duntroon, Port Chalmers, and Dunedin; for considerable additions to stations at Ashburton, Oamaru, Palmerston, Mosgiel, and Invercargill; and for the lengthening of the Rakaia Bridge about 1,500 feet. It is estimated that over £280,000 additional, besides outstanding liabilities amounting to £98,000, will be required for further additions and improvements to the opened lengths; of this sum, however, probably some £45,000 or £50,000 will not come in course of payment during the next three years. Otago Central. —Upon this line the expenditure last year was £21,268, and outstanding liabilities £11,080. Towards the carrying-out of the work the total expenditure, including liabilities, was, on the 31st March, £136,392, and to line the tunnels will cost £17,000 more.



Hiverton-Orepuki. —Six miles of this line from Riverton are now open, and the formation onwards from Orepuki is under contract. When it is finished, which will probably be about this time next year, there will be a continuous line from Makarewa Junction, upon the Invercargill-Kingston line, to Orepuki, thirty-six miles, with a branch to Wairio of twenty-two miles ; and from Wairio to Nightcaps there is a railway constructed by the coal company, about two miles. •To sum up, honorable members will see that in the North Island no extension has been made of the trunk line from Te Awamutu southwards; but that the coal lines and the branch lines in the Waikato and at the Thames are being proceeded with as rapidly as possible; that the line from New Plymouth to Foxton is approaching completion; and that but little further progress has been made towards connecting Wellington and Napier. That in the Middle Island the trunk line will shortly be completed as far north as the Hurunui, and that fair progress has been made with the different branches under construction; while both in the North and South Islands a large additional expenditure is required to complete and properly equip the opened lines. It is a matter of regret to the Government that, so far, only one company has contracted to construct a railway under the Railways Construction Act of last year. But there is reason to believe that some slight amendment of the Act —to effect which a Bill has already passed its second reading in the other branch of the Legislature—will enable other companies to assist in the work of railway construction. WOBKING- EAILWATS. • The working of the opened lines during the past year shows good results, the increase in revenue being £55,572 against an increase of expenditure of only £1,142, whilst the tonnage carried shows an increase of 59,931 tons, and the number of passengers is 61,916 more than in the preceding year. Return No. 9 attached to the report of the General Manager, which gives a comparison of revenue and expenditure for the three last financial years, will show honorable members the expansion of our railway business and its careful management. From this table it will be seen that whilst during the three years the increase of revenue is about 17 per cent, the decrease in expenditure is about 10 per cent., and this latter notwithstanding that there has been an extra length of one hundred and forty-seven miles to work and maintain. The true measure of the improvement is, however, found in the statement of the work done, which shows that although the increase of revenue is only 17 per cent, the tonnage moved has increased by about 30 per cent., and the parcels and live stock by about 80 per cent. These facts are a substantial indication that the department has been dealing liberally with the rates; and, as a matter of fact, the reductions made in the rates in all parts of the colony have been large —the concessions made in the grain rate alone being estimated to benefit the producers to the extent of about £15,000 during the current year. While the goods traffic, however, shows largely-increased commercial activity, the passenger traffic has not as yet entirely recovered from the heavy fall which took place during 1880-81; that having been the period of the greatest depression of railway traffic in the colony. The passenger traffic is not, therefore, as great as previous results might have led us to expect, and this fact suggests that it is desirable to consider whether it might not be advantageous to reduce the fares, a subject which must receive attention at an early date. It will require, however, to be treated with caution. The passenger receipts for the year having been £361,705, it will readily be seen that a reduction in fares, if not followed by a corresponding increase in passengers, would considerably diminish the profit of the railways; the more so, because it would be necessary to make a very substantial reduction, in order to give the experiment any reasonable chance of success. The total expenditure to the 31st March last upon railways, including the cost of the provincial railways taken over, is £10,974,000. Of this sum, it is estimated that £1,531,000 was not in a position to contribute to the revenue during the past year. The cost of the lines open for traffic was therefore £9,443,000, and the surplus of receipts over expenditure, £369,000, gave a return of £3 18s. 2d.



per cent. The lines in the North Island cost £3,194,000, and yielded a net revenue of £68,000, or £2 2s. Bd. per cent. Those in the Middle Island cost £6,249,000, and gave a return of £301,000, or £4 16s. 3d. per cent. The increases over the preceding year heing for the North Island £18,000, and £37,000 for the Middle Island, which upon the total cost gives an average increase of ten shillings per cent. This great difference between the traffic carried on the lines in each Island points unmistakeably to the advisability of completing the connection between the separate portions of the railway system of the North Island. It must be borne in mind that the total expenditure of £10,974,000 covers not only the expenditure upon all works in progress to date and for plant on hand, but also upon extensive explorations and trial surveys, together with that on some harbour works and wharves in connection with the railways, the revenues derived from which are retained by the local bodies. The lines generally have during the year been maintained in a thorough state of efficiency, and considerable additions have been made to the station accommodation and stock. In this latter direction much still remains to be done, particularly in the extreme North and South. Fresh orders for carriage and wagon stock are under execution for both Islands. Notwithstanding that the railways commenced in 1871 have been more substantially carried out than was at that time proposed, we have still but a light system of railways, and stock designed for moderate speeds. In consequence of the growth of the traffic it became necessary to relay the lines in many places with heavier rails, and also to make the necessary additions to rolling-stock of a heavier and more expensive character than that originally provided. This line of action is being continuously followed. EOADS. Exclusive of the vote taken for "Roads to open up lands before sale," amounting to £50,000 for the year for both Islands, and for " Roads through lands recently purchased," amounting to £7,883 which was placed under the control of the Minister of Lands, there were votes taken last session for the construction of roads and road bridges in the North Island amounting to £116,815, and in the Middle Island to £88,539. Of these sums the expenditure in the North Island was £69,871, and the liabilities on the 31st March last £32,103 : total, £101,974. In the Middle Island the expenditure was £28,896, and the liabilities £28,798 : total, £57,694. North Island. —For particulars of the works executed in both Islands I must refer honorable members to the reports of the Engineers in Charge. Here I will merely state generally that in the district north of Auckland considerable progress has been made in continuation of the works undertaken last year towards improving the communication through that part of the colony, which has hitherto been much in want of such facilities; and that in the Waikato the Waipa has been bridged in two places, and a third bridge is in course of construction at Alexandra, leading to the King country. In the district lying between the Waikato and Rotorua, work has been done on improvements of the Cambridge to Taupo Road ; and particular attention has been given to the Cambridge-Rotorua Road, which will be the future highway from the Waikato into the Rotorua country. Various contracts have been let, and 200 Armed Constabulary were transferred to the Rotorua Road after their services were no longer required at Parihaka, and are now actively engaged on that work. Eor the improvement of the road from Cambridge to Tauranga a subsidy has been given to the local body. Erom Tauranga to Opotiki and thence to the East Cape and Gisborne, the roads are being steadily pushed on out of funds provided by Parliament. The first important work on this line is the Haerini Bridge over the Waimapu, which has been finished and opened by the County Council. The road from that point through the Te Puke Settlement to Maketu has been carried on mainly by the County Council under the supervision of the Lands Department, partly by the Armed Constabulary, and partly by Native labour. The line of road from Opotiki to Ormond, by way of the Motu Bridge, will shortly be open for stock-driving purposes. The line of road from Gisborne to Wairoa is being similarly improved,



and the whole chain of communication from Tauranga to the Wairoa will be thus opened for this class of traffic. In the Waimate Plains, and in connection with Native affairs at Parihaka, several road works were undertaken, amongst which was the continuation of the main road from Stony River southwards to Opunake. This has been formed and gravelled throughout, with the exception of two and a half miles of gravelling at one end. From this road three branch roads running inland are in progress, a length in all of twelve miles of such branch roads having been formed within the year. South of Opunake, as far as Waingongoro, extensive works have been carried out in the way of improvements; and, with the exception of about six and a half miles the road has been gravelled throughout. A branch from this road to Normanby, six miles in length, has been formed. Middle Island. —The principal road works undertaken, have been metalling and other improvements on the road from the Wairau River, near Blenheim, to the Pelorus Bridge, and a new road from thence to Nelson via the Rai Valley; bridges and other improvements on the road from Nelson to Westport and Greymouth; the Clarence River Bridge, for which the ironwork has been ordered from England; and the road from Kaikoura to Waiau, and the Waiau Bridge. In addition to these may be specially mentioned the Rakaia Gorge Bridge in Canterbury, and the Forest Hill Tramway in Southland. The whole of the works executed are of great utility, having been much required to keep pace with the increasing demands of settlement. HAEBOUE WOEKS AND LIGHTHOUSES. For harbour works last session a sum of £23,314 was voted, the largest item being £15,000 for the continuation of the training-wall at Greymouth. This has been steadily carried forward, and the whole of the vote was expended or contracted for within the year, A small sum of £2,000, provided for commencing a training-wall at Westport, has also all been expended or contracted for. The item of £3,000, in aid of harbour works at Hokitika, has been handed over to the Harbour Board there, under whose supervision the work is being carried out. The removal of rocks at Catlin's River has taken longer than anticipated, but it will now be completed forthwith. The buoy rock at Nelson has been lowered so as to obtain a minimum depth of 7 feet of water at lowest tides. A training-wall at Collingwood of a tentative character is in progress, with the view of restoring the Aorere River to its proper channel. On harbour works altogether, the expenditure out of Public "Works loans within the year has been £18,810, and the liabilities on the 31st March last were £4,755 : total, £23,565. Under the heading of lighthouses the works completed during the year have not been very extensive or costly, but they will be of considerable utility to shipping. They consist principally of the lighting of Cape Egmont, two leading lights in Tory Channel, and a beacon in the French Pass, erected as part of a proposed complete scheme for lighting that place. In addition to these completed works, preparations have been made for the construction of lighthouses at Waipapapa Point and in the Hauraki Gulf. For the Waipapapa works the site has been selected, and an order has been sent to England for the light apparatus and lantern; and for the Hauraki Gulf Lighthouse the works were commenced in February last, all the plant necessary being already in hand. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. For public buildings generally the amount voted last session was £194,106. Of this sum, £128,356 was expended during the year, and the liabilities at the end of March last amounted to £84,457 : total, £212,813. The portion of this expenditure, including liabilities, devoted to the North Island was £71,634, and



to the Middle Island, £141,179 ; and of these sums, £36,272 in the North Island, and £48,453 in the Middle Island, were devoted to school buildings. As the expenditure on school buildings is not supervised directly by the Public Works Department, the amounts on the expenditure of which the department has had control have therefore been —£35,362 in the North Island, and £92,726 in the Middle Island : total, £128,088. In the North Island, exclusive of school buildings and the asylum at the "Whau, no very large work has been completed, and the only buildings of considerable magnitude commenced have been the new post and telegraph offices, and prison at Mount Cook, Wellington. In the Middle Island the lunatic asylums at Sunnyside and Seacliff are the principal works in progress. At Sunnyside considerable additions have been made during the year, and others are being proceeded with, while designs have been got out for still further additions. At Seacliff the works, which are of large magnitude, are being gradually carried out. It is expected that these two asylums, when completed, will compare favourably, both in appearance and utility, with the best institutions of a similar kind in England. The only other building of importance in progress is the new courthouse at Oamaru. In all, about thirty buildings in the North Island and forty buildings in the Middle Island have been either in course of erection, or alteration, or under considerable repair within the year. COAL FIELDS. The now used on the New Zealand Railways is entirely raised in the colony. Thus the Hurunui-Bluff section is supplied by contract from the following mines : Springfield, Glentunnel, Homebush, Shag Point, Kaitangata, Nightcaps, and Westport; and, with the exception of a supply from the Waikato and Brunner Mines, the remaining sections of the railways obtain their supply mainly from the Westport Colliery company's mine. The only New Zealand coals in the market of a description suitable for marine purposes is that of the Kawakawa Coal Eield, the Kamo Mine, and the coal of the west coast of the South Island; the former is very largely used by the Union Steamship company. During the past year the development of the New Zealand coal fields has chiefly consisted in the extension of those mines which were already at work. Of these there is a notable improvement in the output from the Banbury or Westport company's mine at Westport, due principally to the increased facilities for transport which have been provided by steamers; and more steamers are in course of construction, which will tax the powers of the company's self-acting tramway to keep them constantly occupied. The Koranui Mine is not yet putting coal in the market, but will shortly be able to do so. The Riverton-Otautau line has been instrumental in causing the Nightcaps Coal Eield to be opened up, and two seams are now being worked there, the company having constructed a short line to connect with the Government railway. It is expected that, when the Orepuki line is completed, the fine coal-seam in this locality will also be worked, and Southland will thus become entirely selfsupplying in the matter of coal. Mines are now opened in Southland, Otago, Canterbury, and Auckland, which are capable of supplying the local wants of those districts; and the mines of Greymouth and Westport are being further developed, yielding very superior gas and steam coal respectively. The published reports upon the control and inspection of mines show that the quantity of coal raised in the colony during the years 1878 to 1881 has steadily increased; while the quantity imported has as steadily decreased. During 1881, however, there is a slight increase in the imports as compared with 1880; but the increase in the quantity raised in the colony during 1881 is relatively as great as in previous years, and far exceeds the increase in coal imports during same year. In view of these facts, and bearing in mind the increased facilities which are being provided by the railways for the transit of coal from the local mines to the centres of population near the seaboard, it may reasonably be assumed that the consumption of local coal in the colony will become far more general than it is at present, and that the importation of this commodity will gradually diminish, and finally cease.



WATERWORKS ON GOLD FIELDS. For waterworks on gold fields the sum of £22,000 was voted. Of this amount, £13,272 has been expended, and there were liabilities at the end of March last to the extent of £6,666 : total, £19,938. The whole of this expenditure, including liabilities, was in the Middle Island, the principal item having been the Waimea-Kumara Race, £12,086. Of the other expenditures, the onlyimportant ones were on the Mikonui Race, £4,388, and on the Charleston Race, £3,223. On the Waimea-Kumara Race the chief work executed during the year has been the completion of the Kumara Sludge-channel, which is now available for sluicing purposes, and is generally considered to be a very useful work. On the Mikonui Race the work has been in continuation of tunnels between Ross and Donnelly's Creek, the amount of tunnelling done between those points to end of year being 121 chains out of a total of 154 chains required. The work on the Charleston Race has consisted chiefly in improvements in head-works, extra catchwater-races to increase the water-supply, and tunnel deviations from original line of race to reduce the cost of future maintenance. PROPOSALS FOR THE FUTURE. I now come to the proposals for the current year, which comprise the scheme of distribution of the loan, so far as it is available for railway construction, over such of the works authorized as the Government consider should be pushed on as rapidly as possible. The Treasurer has told the House that the amount of the Public Works Fund which on the 31st March last remained in the hands of the Government free of all liabilities was £384,000, of which £100,000 was required by the Native Minister to conclude the purchase of some Native lands. We have therefore a clear balance, after providing for all money liabilities actually incurred, of £284,000. But I have already indicated to the House that to complete and properly equip our open lines will require a large sum, which is estimated at £376,000 during the next three years, exclusive of fencing and other contingencies ; and this expenditure is. not only necessary, as I have shown, on account of the unexpected and large increase of traffic, but will also materially facilitate the working of the lines, and it is expected will consequently add to the net revenue. So that even without making provision for land purchases, and without commencing any further construction-works, the required additions and improvements to open lines will practically exhaust the whole sum of £384,000 in hand on the 31st March. The greater part of this expenditure is for works at Auckland, Timaru, and Dunedin, and the remainder—being required for additions to the workshops at Hillside and Addington; for such share of the cost of heavier rails as is usually debited to loan; for minor works upon over 1,300 miles of railway; and for additional rolling-stock—is a necessary expenditure, for a considerable portion of which the House will be asked to make provision this session. It will, I think, be convenient if we assume, for the purpose of simplifying the Statement, that the £100,000 needed during the current year by the Native Minister will be found out of the new loan, thus enabling the balance in hand to provide for the proposed expenditure upon open lines, and leaving the consideration of the question how best to apply the three million loan to further construction uncomplicated by the necessity for an allocation for improvements or for further rolling-stock. In considering what shall be the works to be recommended for prosecution, let us look, in the first place, at the probable cost of completing the connection between Auckland and Wellington, and between Picton and Invercargill, and of other trunk lines. This cost is estimated to be as follows : — From Te Awamutu south wards ... ... ... ... £1,100,000 To complete Napier to Wellington, and to connect with New Ply-mouth-Foxton Line ... ... ... ... ... 070,000 To complete New Plymouth-Foxton Line ... ... ... 75,000 To complete Picton and Invercargill ... ... ... ... 1,200,000 To complete Nelson and Greymouth ... ... ... ... 1,200,000 To connect Helensville and Kawakawa ... ... ... 880,000 To construct the O tago Central ... ... ... ... 1,000,000 £6,125,000



When, further, we consider that to complete the various hranch lines now in course of construction will cost over £700,000, and that in addition there is a large annual expenditure upon public buildings, roads, immigration, harbours and lighthouses, gold fields, and telegraph extension, besides some £200,000 required to complete our transactions in Native lands, it will be seen that a loan of ten millions to provide for all these objects would not have been excessive. But the Government believed that to increase our public debt by £1,000,000 per annum was as much as prudence would permit, and also that it was inadvisable to take authority to raise this annual million for a period beyond the time for which this present House is elected, with the exception that it is prepared to recommend the House to make special provision for the construction of the line from Te Awamutu southwards. These considerations determined the Government to limit the amount of the loan for immigration and general public works to three millions only, as announced in the Financial Statement, despite the fact that this sum can only accomplish a part of what it desires to be accomplished; and it has decided to recommend the following apportionment of the loan :— Railways : — Kawakawa, to complete ... ... ... ... £17,500 "Whangarei-Kamo, to complete ... ... ... 7,500 Hamilton-Cambridge, to complete ... ... ... 50,000 Hainilton-Te Aroha, to complete ... ... ... 92,000 Thames-Te Aroha, G-rahamstown to Kopu ... ... 23,000 Main Trunk Line from Te Awamutu Southwards ... ... 10,000 Napier-Woodville, to complete ... ... ... 160,000 Wellington-Woodville, extension from Masterton ... ... 200,000 New Plymouth-Foxton, to complete line of 195 miles ... 75,000 Nelson-Roundell, extension from Belgrove ... ... 40,000 Grey mouth-Reef ton, extension towards Reefton ... ... 100,000 Main Trunk Line through South Island, extension southwards from Blenheim ... ... ... ... 90,000 Completion of Weka Pass and Horsely Downs Section, including Bridge over the Hurunui ... ... ... 75,000 Main Trunk Line, extension northwards ... ... 180,000 Upper Ashburton Branch, extension ... ... ... 15,000 Lincoln-Little River, to complete ... ... ... 30,000 Albury Creek Branch, extension to Burkes Pass ... ... 35,000 Oxford to Sheffield, to complete .. ... ... 12,000 Livingstone Branch, to complete first section ... ... 22,000 Palmerston-Waihemo, to complete ... ... ... 18,000 Catlin's River Branch, to complete Section from Main Line to Port Molyneux Road ... ... ... ... 22,000 Waipahi-Heriot Burn, to complete Section to Swift's Creek ... 12,000 Edendale-Toitois, to complete Section to Mokoreta... ... 13,000 Otago Central, extension ... ... ... ... 300,000 Luuisden-Mararoa Branch, to complete to Centre Hill ... 35,000 Riverton-Orepuki, to complete ... ... ... 16,000 1,650,000 Purchase of Native Lands ... ... .. ... 200,000 Public Buildings ... ... ... ... ... 300,000 Immigration ... ... ... ... ... 200,000 Roads to open up Crown Lands ... ... .. 200,000 Roads and Bridges ... ... ... ... ... 100,000 Roads, Wharves, and Bridges, North of Auckland ... ... 100,000 Gold Fields ... ... ... ... ... 100,000 Harbours ... ... ... '... ... 100,000 Telegraph Extension ... ... ... ... ... 50,000 1,350,000 £3,000,000 Honorable members will observe that towards the construction of the line between Waikato and the railways in the southern part of the North Island only £10,000 has been allocated, whilst the estimated cost of the work is £1,100,000. This is in consequence of the decision arrived at by the Government that, as I have already said, for the construction of this line they would make separate provision. And for this purpose they have come to the conclusion, after careful consideration, to introduce a special Loan Bill for one million, to be solely applied to this purpose as soon as circumstances will permit. In the meantime the £10,000 allocated will enable surveys to be made to determine the best route. With regard to the works proposed generally, it is plain that the expenditure ii—D. 1.



named is determined to a large extent by the present position of lines in the course of construction, and the necessity of either completing the branch lines, or of carrying them at all events to convenient termini. If the proposals of the Government are adopted by the House, the main lines will be so far advanced as to render their completion by the next Parliament a certainty; the New Plymouth-Foxton line will be completed; most of the branch lines will also be completed; and the remainder will be carried to convenient places for the local traffic, and placed in a position to yield a return upon their cost. Large as is the share of the Three Million Loan dedicated to works other than railways, it is less than has been the rule since the commencement of our Public Works policy in 1870, even though for some years after its commencement the amount expended upon public buildings was very small. Since 1870 the increase of our public debt, and the contributions in aid of the Public Works Fund, amount to over £19,000,000, only £9,869,000 of which has been spent upon railways. The share of the proposed Three Million Loan to be allocated to each branch of expenditure other than railway construction has been carefully considered, and limited in each case to as small a sum as possible. My honorable colleague the Native Minister hopes that with £100,000, in addition to the £100,000 which the Treasurer informed the House would be wanted very shortly, he will be able to close his transactions in Native lands. Eor public buildings the amount set aside is very small in comparison with the recent rate of expenditure : for example, last session the House voted for public buildings £194,106, and-the amount spent within the year was £128,356, with outstanding liabilities of £84,457. The Government has come to the conclusion that it will be unwise for us to continue to spend annually such a large portion of our borrowed money upon public buildings, and will therefore next year make other provision from the consolidated revenue for a considerable part of them. We may, consequently, reasonably expect that not more than the £300,000 asked for will be required from loan. The immigration proposed is solely a nominated immigration, except for single women. It is believed the amount devoted to it is sufficient, although I am glad to say, as evidence that the colonists who have come to New Zealand have prospered here, that the Minister for Immigration has in hand at the present moment more than 5,000 nominations of persons whom their friends in the colony desire to bring out; and there is no doubt that, when the Government advertises throughout the colony that it is prepared to receive nominations, this number will be largely increased. I need not say that the expenditure upon immigration is exceedingly profitable. We have spent upon it altogether since 1870 rather less than £2,000,000, or incurred an annual charge of about £100,000, and have introduced in all 101,214 persons. Since 1870 our population has increased from 248,400 to 504,900, whilst, at the same time, our revenue, exclusive of the revenue derived from railways and from Crown lands, has increased from £935,000 to £2,414,000, a sure indication that the introduction of this large body of immigrants, besides being very advantageous to the colony and profitable to the Treasury, has enabled the immigrants themselves to attain to a condition of comparative comfort in their new home. To the course which has been adopted during the past few years of opening up Crown lands before offering them for sale by a systematic plan of pioneer roads, bridges, and drainage works, the Government attaches very great importance. The effect of the work that has already been done in this direction under the supervision of the Survey Department is very apparent, not only in the increased price which is obtained for lands as they are put in the market —a result which might not, if taken by itself, be always desirable —but in the more rapid occupation and cultivation of the land by those who settle upon it. The plan which is adopted comprises the laying-off lines of road which, will ultimately become main lines of communication through the country, and in the subdivision, for purposes of sale, of blocks of land by the formation of cross roads. The Crown Lands Report which is now upon the table, will supply full information as to the work which has been put in hand during the past year; and the Estimates which will be placed before you will give the details of the works of this character which it is intended to prosecute in the future. The fact



that nearly half a million of acres will be surveyed and available for sale during the current year under the different provisions of the Land Act will show honorable members that largely-increased facilities, as compared with previous years, are being afforded for settlement throughout the country. Possibly the amount set aside for roads and bridges may seem needlessly large, seeing that the Government proposes to make special provision for works of this class; but it must be remembered that, owing to the necessity which has existed of extending the expenditure of the balance of our Public Works Fund over the interval until we can borrow again, a considerable number of the works authorized last year have not yet been commenced, but that nevertheless the localities interested look upon the grants as being still available; and there are, moreover, works still to be carried out upon such roads as the one from Christchurch to Hokitika, or that between Greymouth and Nelson, or upon the roads north of Auckland. Indeed, seeing that the portion of the colony lying north of Auckland is necessarily excluded from any further railway construction out of the loan now proposed, the Government deemed it only equitable to specially allocate for the roads, wharves, and bridges in that district the sum of £100,000. It is, however, the intention of the Government to afford no further assistance to local works otherwise than under the Bill proposed to be introduced, and it is hoped this class of expenditure will soon cease to be a charge upon our Public Works Fund. With regard to works on the gold fields, the proposals of the Government, which' have already been placed before the House in the ordinary Estimates, involve the expenditure out of the Consolidated Fund of an amount double that which has hitherto been placed upon the Estimates, and upon conditions which, it is believed, will cause the vote to be more largely availed of than has been the case heretofore. In addition to the above sum from the Consolidated Fund, it is proposed to set aside £100,000 out of the new loan partly for the making of roads, and partly for the construction of water-races, to which the Government has been practically committed by the previous expenditure of considerable sums, the outlay upon which would be thrown away unless the works were carried on to completion. The Government is sensible that in the past some of these works have been initiated upon estimates of cost which subsequent experience has proved to be entirely inadequate and fallacious, while in other cases the calculations as to the amount of paying ground to be served have been founded on insufficient data. Reports have been obtained which will give to honorable members a tolerably correct view of the present position of the works in question. On the Mikonui Water-race the construction of the section now in hand involves an expenditure of £20,000. This expenditure will be entirely useless unless the work is continued over a period of four years —the time which will be occupied in the construction of a tunnel on the line of race —and unless the work is carried on to a point involving more than quadruple the present outlay. The Government considers that it would not be justified in abandoning the work if satisfactory assurance can be obtained, after careful inquiry, that it can be completed within the estimated cost and that the results likely to be attained are not overestimated. If this be so determined, it is desirable that the tunnel should be at once put in hand, and that no future doubt should overhang a question of such large interest to the people in the Ross District. The case of the Nelson Creek Water-race is one which also will require further investigation before new works can be put in hand. A sum of not less than £90,000 has been expended on works which, it appears, will only serve a limited extent of ground, and would have required very large expenditure on renewal and reconstruction of aqueducts if the extent of ground had been larger. The question which now arises is, whether the head waters of the race, which are admirably constructed, and possess peculiar natural advantages, can be advantageously diverted so as to render a fresh area of ground available. This question will require very careful investigation before works are proceeded with.



At the Kumara the sludge-channel has proved to be a very successful work, and the Government will ask Parliament to proceed at once with the construction of the upper dam. The Argyle Water-race works at Charleston Avill he completed during the present year. Among the proposals which will be submitted to the approval of Parliament is a road to Macetown, at a cost of £8,000. The want of this road has long been felt, and when completed will have the effect of cheapening freights and otherwise assisting a very promising portion of the gold fields. The reefs at Aroha give considerable promise for the future, and the estimates contain a provision for assisting a tramway for the carriage of quartz from the mines in that district. The harbour works which it is proposed to proceed with out of the £100,000 allocated to this class are principally the works at Greymouth and Hokitika. At Westport, to make the river serviceable for ships of considerable tonnage, a very large expenditure would be required, which Sir John Coode estimated at £488,776 for the two outer breakwaters alone; and even if these breakwaters are built to only half-tide height, as has been suggested, their construction will still require a very large sum, which it will be difficult to provide for one locality. The Government, therefore, is disposed to consider the possibility of making some concession to the coal companies in consideration of which they would contract to expend within a limited period upon approved harbour works a sum to be agreed upon. ■ This class of expenditure also, it is confidently hoped, will disappear from the Schedule of future Loan Bills. Generally, it will be the effort of the Government to make, to a much greater extent than has hitherto been the case, all further loans to be loans for railway construction. There can be no doubt of the enormous benefits which have accrued to the colony from its railways. As against the small difference of a little over 1 per cent, between their net earnings and the interest upon the cost of construction, the colonists have gained a cheap, safe and rapid haulage of goods, reaching last year to 1,437,714 tons, besides facilitating the travelling of passengers, increasing to 2,911,477 during the same period. The annual saving to the people thus obtained must of itself amount to a considerable part of the whole expenditure upon railways ; in addition, the value of property served by the railway system has greatly increased. Moreover, the burden of the maintenance of a long length of roadway must be very much lessened by the relief afforded by the diversion of the traffic to the railways. The colony has also gained by the promotion of settlement, and by the greatlyincreased prices obtained in some cases for Crown lands, as, for instance, on the Waimate Plains. I may be permitted to express here my regret that the State did not, from the commencement of the Public Works policy, take possession, at the then value, of considerable areas of land in suitable localities in the vicinity of the proposed railway lines in order to cut them up or sell them in small homesteads. This course would not only have largely diminished the cost of our railways, but would also have sensibly added to their earnings; and the direct and indirect taxation which this additional population would have contributed to the Treasury might have made it possible to alleviate to some extent taxation generally. It is, therefore, almost superfluous for me to add, in conclusion, that the Government is thoroughly convinced of the advisability of completing our railway system; that it is an essential part of its policy to complete the construction as rapidly as possible of the main trunk lines in both Islands, and of desirable branch lines as soon as circumstances will permit; and that it will gladly see private enterprise supplement the work undertaken by the colony, by taking advantage of the Railways Construction Act of last year and of the District Railways Act. With this policy the colony will continue to make the progress and enjoy the prosperity which we now happily experience; and if the policy is carried out with prudence there is no reason to doubt that the prosperity will be enduring.



IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN. Paob Table I.—Summary showing Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1882... ... ... ... ... ... 1 „ 2.—Statement showing Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Bail-ways to 31st Maech, 1882 2 „ ' 3.; —Statement showing Expendituee on Railways to 31st Maech, 1882—Classified ... ~. 5 „ 4. —Statement showing Liabilities on Railways on 31st Maech, 1882—Classified ... ... 7 ~ s.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads to 31st March, 1882... ... 8 „ 6.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads under Conteol of the Survey Department, to 31st Maech, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 „ 7. —Statement showing Expenditure, out of the Consolidated Fund, and Liabilities fob Repairs and Maintenance of Roads, to 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 12 „ B.—Statement showing Expendituee and Liabilities on Water-eaces io 31st March, 1882 ... 13 „ 9.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Miscellaneous Public Works to 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 „ 10. —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st Maech, 1882 ... 14 „ 11. —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st Maech, 1882 14 „ 12.—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harboub Works to 31st Maecii, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 „ 13. —Statement showing Expendituee and Liabilities out of various classes of the Consolidated and Public Works Funds to 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... 16 Diagram showing Number of Miles Open on Government Lines, North and Middle Islands combined. Diagram showing Number of Miles Open on Government Lines, North and Middle Islands respectively.



TABLE No. 1. SUMMARY showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that Date.

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, 26th May, 1882. Accountant, Public Works.

1— D. 1

Number of Table containing Details. Works. Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, (see last year's table No. 1). Deduct Amounts recovered since 31st March, 1881, but which are for Services prior to that date. Total Set Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Works. 2 Railways Roads Payments to Road Boards Coal exploration and mine development Water supply on gold fields Miscellaneous public works Aiding works on Thames Grold Fields Telegraphs ... Public buildings Lighthouses and Harbour Worts Departmental £ s. d. 9,437,145 9 2 983,323 9 2 225,000 o o 10,835 8 o £ a. d. 21,808 12 9 o 17 10 £ s. d. 983,322 11 4 225,000 o o 10,835 8 o £ S. d. 454,332 14 10 145.477 J7 6 £ s. d. 9,869,669 11 3 1,128,800 8 10 225,000 o o 10,835 8 o £ s. d. 320,254 6 10 117,840 15 2 £ s. d. 10,189,923 18 1 1,246,641 4 o 225,000 o o 10,835 8 o Railways. Roads. Payments to Road Boards. Coal exploration and mine development. Water supply on gold fields. Miscellaneous public works. Aiding works on Thames Gold Fields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthou-esand Harbour Works. Departmental. S ii of 1877 10 of 1878 1 8 9 11 of 1877 447,506 10 11 557,149 7 11* 50,000 o o 108 6 5 447,506 10 11 557,041 1 6 50,000 o o 13.272 9 7 ! 237 o o 1 460,779 o 6 557,278 1 6 50,000 o o 6,665 lf > 9 467,444 17 3 557,278 1 6 50,000 o o 11 412,546 17 3 857,753 5 ° 87,838 19 o 157,343 1 11 32 6 11 426 206 37 '3 S 412,514 10 4 857,749 2 6 87,836 18 6 'S7.25S 8 6 7.517 4 9 128356 5 9 21,207 '5 6 13,320 6 jt 420,031 15 I 986,105 8 3 109,044 14 o 170,575 14 11 13,988,120 2 4 3,500 o o 84,457 9 ' 7,554 11 8 255 'I 1 423,531 15 I 1,070,562 17 4 nn,S99 5 8 170,831 6 o 12 Totals, Public Woeks ... 540,528 10 7 i 14,528,648 12 11 I Totals, Pbblio Wokks. 13,226,442 8 4* 22,044 ° 4 13,204,398 8 o 783,721 14 4 * Less than last year's table by £1,870 os. 8d., being recoveries on account of Miscellaneous Public Works. f Includes £185 unauthorized expenditure.



TABLE No. 2. STATEMENT showing the Total Expenditure on Railways, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilites on that Date.

Lines of Railway. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, as per Table No. 3. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 3l8t March, 1882. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1832, as per Table No. 3. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882, as per Table No. 4. ' Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Noeth Island (as. per particulars below) Middle Island (as per particulars below) Contikg-ext Expenses, Beo&den's Claims Miscellaneous Sueteys TJnai'POetionable ... £ s. d. 3,567,129 17 o £ s. a. 218,225 9 3 £ s. d. 3,785,355 6 3 £ s. a. 135,224 18 7 £ s. d. 3,920,580 4 10 5,847,371 6 1 234,543 7 3 6,081,914 13 4* 184,982 9 9 6,266,897 3 1 1,563 18 4 1,563 18 4 46 18 6 1,610 16 10 470 17 11 364 15 5 470 17 n 364 15 5 470 17 11 364 15 s Total 9.415,336 16 5 454,332 14 10 9,869,669 11 3 320,254 6 lof 10,189,923 18 1 NORTH ISLAND. Kawnkawa... Whangarei to Kamo. Kaipara to Waikato... Main Line Hamilton-Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha To Aroha to Thames Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woortville Wellington to Woodville Bunnytliorpe Gorge Wellington to Foxton — Wellington to Johnsonville... Johnsonville to Foxton Foxton to New Plymouth—■ Foxton to Patea Pat ea to Waitara 42,695 7 2 32,923 17 1 i>079.379 4 4 56,334 13 8 39,53S o 7 458,424 2 1 768,555 5 5 14,583 17 8 8,595 15 9 53,8i3 17 4 017 o 18,323 13 2 4,269 2 4 7,453 16 5 25,824 10 6 57,279 4 10 41,519 12 10 l)'33>'93 > 8 o 17 o 74,658 6 10 43,807 2 11 465,877 18 6 794,379 15 " '5,552 13 9 7,241 9 o 1 7,035 o 9 8,565 6 2 1,319 6 11 23,185 1 2 5,019 6 o 196 o o 72,831 18 7 48,761 1 io 1,150,228 2 5 017 o 83,223 13 o 45,126 9 10 489,062 19 8 799,399 1 » 196 o o j 42,720 2 3 9,987 1 SZ 52,707 3 11 159 11 o 52,866 14 11 767,113 8 3 267,831 8 5 35,856 10 7 39,435 o > 802,969 18 10 307,266 8 6 33,880 18 7 ; 23,039 5 o 836,850 17 5 330,305 13 6 Total 3.555.5'5 9 3 218,144 2 6 3,773,659 " 9 135,193 '8 4 3,908,853 10 1 'eelimixary Surveys : — Thames (o Waikalo Mercer lo Cambridge Cambridge to Taupo Masterton to Woodville JIutt to Waikanae Tokano to Napier Waiputuvau to Gorge ,,, Waitara to Waitotara ,,, Mountain Road to Opunake Wellington to Foxton Normanby to Hawera Whangarei to Kawakawa ... Napier to Wallingford Auckland to Whangarei Foxton to Carlyle Bunuythorpe to Woodville... Pukekohe lo Waiuku i,577 8 11 , 5 2 8 17 3 340 14 10 276 10 11 1,717 16 5 20 16 o 3,179 11 o 265 5 7 1,818 16 8 69 1 7 29 3 4 46 16 o 367 18 10 1,002 4 3 245 16 8 127 9 6 1,577 8 11 528 17 3 34° 14 IO 276 10 11 1,717 16 5 20 16 o 3,179 11 o 265 5 7 1,818 16 8 69 1 7 29 3 4 46 16 o 367 18 10 1,002 4 3 245 16 8 127 9 6 8169 i,577 8 11 528 17 3 340 14 10 276 10 11 i,? , 7 lf » 5 20 16 o 3,179 11 o 265 5 J 1,818 16 8 69 1 7 29 3 4 46 16 o 367 18 10 1,002 4 3 245 16 8 127 9 6 112 7 o 81 6 9 31 ° 3 Total, North Island ... 3,567,129 17 o 218,225 9 3 3,7 8 S>35S 6 3 135,224 18 7 3,920,580 4 10 MIDDLE ISLAND. 260 17 10 1,547 2 7 62 o o 1,470 it 7 Nelson to Round ell Greymouth lo Nelson Creek ... Greymouth (o Hokitika West port to Ngakawau Piclon to Hurunui — Piclon io Awatere ... Hlirunui to Wailaki— Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch ... Lyttleton Branch... Southtiriclge Branch Springfield Branch Whiteclilfs Branch Opawa Branch ... Waimatc Branch ... 148,360 8 6§ 24',349 19 7JI 22,009 J I0 2ii,459 5 5 189,447 12 3 1 J- 1,791,645 o 5 J 4,811 2 8 3,846 7 o 964 5 6 2,197 5 8 2,635 4 3 52,863 10 11 312 o 57 1O 4 593 4 11 478 3 8 721 9 8 529 5 2 313 7 7 153,171 11 2 245,196 6 7 22,973 7 4 213,656 11 1 192,082 16 6 (■',847,205 4 8 5.991 9 3 33,040 7 7 792 8 o '37 19 ° 1,899 6 9 1,050 9 9 157 «3 5 432 18 10 535 o o 152,784 13 « 247,39' 5 * 23,035 7 4 215,127 2 8 198,074 5 9 1 J- 1,885,251 8Jo J Carried forward 2,674,285 17 4 47,3 78 2,721,664 t 11 2,604,271 8 o 70,014 9 4 4 7 * See note at end of this tab' in March, 1882, the order for wh unauthorized expenditure. § I] |j Includes the expenditure on thi )le. t This amount rich would not reai neludes £647 15s. ie Greymouth Harl ; does not include a sum of £170,58; ;h England within the financial yc 1 id. expenditure charged in previ< )our Works prior to March, 1881. 7 for material ord •ar 1881-82. J ous years to Ami ered from England Includes £40 19s. berley-Cook Strait.



TABLE No. 2—continued. Statement showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways— continued.

Lines of Kailway. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, as per Table So. 3. Kxpenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882, as per Table No. 3. Liabilities oa Authorities, Contracts, &c\, 31st March, 1882, as per Table Mo. 4. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ e. A. Brought forward MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. ETurumii to Waitaki — continued. Main line to Upper Ashburton Lincoln to Little River Washdyke to Fairlie Creek ... Purchaxe of rolling-stock from Rakaia and Asliburlon Forks Company Canterbury Interior Main Line— Ox lord to Malvern Whiteeliffa to Rakaia Tomiika to Rangitata SVaitaki to Bluff— Mriin line Duntroon Branch... Ngapara Branch ... Port Chalmers Branch Brighton Road Branch Outriim Branch ... Lawrence Ngapara Branch toLivingstone PalmeTBton to Waihen o Main line to Catlin's River... Waipahi to Herjot Burn Edendale to Toitois Line through Seaward Bush * Dtago Central — ( liain Hills to ' aieri Lake ... [nvrcaririll to Kingston— Main line Lumsden to Mararoa Western Railways— Mnkarcwa to Riverton Riverton Branch to Otautau Riverton to Orepuki Otautau to Nightcaps Purchase of wagons 2,604,271 8 o 70,014 9 4 2,674,285 17 4 47.378 4 1 2,721,664 in 11,225 14 2 23.355 IO ' 17,140 2 o 5>4<>6 15 5 9,944 17 11 6,418 12 8 6,930 o o 16,692 9 7 33,300 8 o 23.558 14 8 6,930 o o 2,193 14 11 1,475 IO I0 5,484 12 4 18,886 4 6 34,775 18 10 29,043 7 o 6,930 o o I 2, 1 I I IO O 248 4 4 5.'52 2 8 i,933 2 i' 14,044 12 II 248 4 4 5.'5 2 2 8 15,243 10 6 29.288 3 s 248 4 4 5,i52 2 8 "1 r-2,499,544 7 ' J 69,930 10 5 4,071 8 9 1,279 8 9 3,650 ijj 6 89 18 3 13 3 4 2 11 7 1,644 14 11 605 16 3 1.454 9 6 2,809 10 9 483 15 5 - 67 10 9 "1 ;■ 2,578,582 3 8 j 55.752 18 3 1,689 12 8 4.845 2 11 1,069 J8 o xoo o o 1 J-2,642,211 2 10 31,267 15 1 8,056 5 8 7,641 4 6 64,4-6 16 3 10,662 5 4 32,912 10 o 8,662 I II 9,005 14 o 67,286 7 o 11,146 o 9 67 10 9 171 7 4 5.368 7 7 4,214 4 6 5,560 14 2 233 3 8 2,562 4 1 J 38,280 17 7 12,876 6 5 14,656 8 2 67,519 10 8 13,708 4 10 67 10 9 104,044 12 6 21,267 14 7 125,3'2 7 1 11,079 '7 ' 136,392 4 3 240,660 7 11 9,819 9 o 1,108 4 2 419 o 4 241,768 12 1 10,238 9 4 3.317 13 10 245,086 5 11 10,238 9 4 1. U9>834 5 ° 2,550 4 o 8,384 4 10 7.7 O4 '2 8 5,584 8 5 f '38,473 6 6 95 r4 f' i)3'7 5 8 12,360 19 3 3,263 18 4 I 152,247 5 11 8,666 o 8 22,000 o o 14,250 9 1 22,000 o o i7,5H 7 S 22,000 o o Total 5,800,178 o 3 233,830 1 5 6,034,008 1 8 184,778 15 o 6,218,786 i6 8 Pbeliminaby Sueveys:— Foxhill to Brunuer Foxhill southwards' Grey mouth toChristchurch... OvevMiouth to Ilokilika Eokitika to Christchuroh ... Hokitika to Malvern Hokitik Office ... Greymoutli to Amberley Amberhy to Hurunui 11 urunui to Blenheim Ashburton to Alford Forest Waimate to Hakaterameu ... Duntroon to Hakateramea ... Orari to Hilton via Geraldine Whitecliffs to Rakaia Gorge Alburj to Fairlie Creek Oainaru to Waiarika Waiiin-kn to Livingstone Dunedin to Moeraki Clutha to Mataura Taieri via Stiaih-Tairei to Clyde Taieri River via Brighton ... Green Island Extension Clutha Rivei 1 Survey Waipahi to CrO'i well Waipahi to Waikaka Riverton to Orepuki Gore to ill bow Otautau to Yvaiau and Night3.277 4 ° 7()7 10 o 2,693 '4 " 2,763 9 8 34 16 8 468 o 3 1,200 o o io,;83 2 o 576 7 1 1,047 '' ic 229 2 7 207 2 10 J,435 ° ° 302 11 2 218 12 10 370 6 3 493 6 <> 826 365 6 6 262 11 9 3,277 4 o 797 10 o 3.0.59 " 5 2,763 9 8 34 16 8 468 o 3 1,200 o o 10,783 2 o 576 7 1 >,3ro 3 7 229 2 7 207 2 10 1,435 ° ° 302 11 2 218 12 10 370 6 3 493 6 9 826 2,175 2 4 115 9 6 5,352 12 3 460 3, 277 4 o 797 io o 3.°59 ' 5 2,763 9 8 34 16 8 468 o 3 1,200 o o 10,783 2 O 576 7 « i,3'4 9 7 229 2 7 207 2 10 1,435 ° ° 302 11 2 218 12 10 37° 6 3 493 6 9 826 2,i75 2 4 11596 5,352 !2 3 2,' 75 2 4 115 9 6 5,352 '2 3 300 93 2 o o 18 6 IOO O O 300 93 2 o o 18 6 100 o o 1,032 13 1 963 14 1 1,177 18 2 845 '3 9 300 93 2 o o 18 6 100 o o 1,032 13 I 963 14 I 1,177 18 2 845 '3 9 1,032 13 1 9(>3 14 ' 1,177 '8 2 845 13 9 caps Carried forward 5,838.94+ S 3 234.457 !9 8 6,073,402 4 *i 184,783 1 o 6,258,185 5 I * This ex lenditure has been charged as unauthorized.



TABLE No. 2—continued. Statement showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways— continued.

* Note.—This amount does not include £8,066 12s. 5d. for the Maerewhenua and Oreti Bridges out of Roads and Miscellaneous Expenditure, nor the expenditure on the railways of the late Provinces of Canterbury and Otago, which were valued as follows, viz. : —

Canteebttby. £ b. d. £ s. d. Lyttelton and Christchurch —■ Fencing and ditching ,.. 4,024 o o Culverts and diversions ... 6,215 ° ° Level-crossings .. ... 1,732 o o Earthwork ... ... 10,000 o o Heathcote Tunnel ... 186,462 o o Bridges ... ... 2,214 o o Lyttelton Station Reclamation ... ... 25,296 o o Permanent-way ... 48,088 o o Station and other buildings 65,178 o o Double narrow-gauge line, with earthwork and buildings ... ... 3,213 o o Metalling, &c, in station yards ... ... 1,486 o o Points, crossings, traverses, and turntable ... 14,473 ° ° Plant, tools, and machinery 13,966 o o 382,347 o o Christchurch and Selwyn— Grading, with bridges and culverts ... ... 20,480 o o Permanent-way, with points and crossings ... 39,470 o o : 59.95° o o General — Stations and otherbuildings 9,148 o o Stores at Christchurch ... 11,139 ° ° Platelayers' tools ... 785 o o Telegraph and stores ... 4,758 o o Furniture and station plant 2,907 o o Land ... ... ... 91,357 o o Water-services ... ... 852 o o Rolling-stock ... ... 76,063 . o o ——; 197,009 o o Opawa Brunch, complete ... ... 71,547 ° o Duplicates of engines and carriages 2,656 o o Engineering and management, 5 per cent. on £365,000 ... ... ... 18,250 o o £73',759 o o

Otaoo. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bluff and Winton— Grading and permanentway ... ... 116,388 o o Rolling-stock and machinery ... ... 15,410 o o Station buildings ... 9,830 o o Stock, plant, tools, and furniture ... ... 2,106 o o Stores at Invercargill ... 338 o o Level-crossings and gates 325 o o Points and crossings ... 1,920 o o Bluff Wharf ... ... 9,223 o o ■ 155.54° o o Western Railways— Works up to formation ... 32,721 o o Permanent-way material... 23,226 o o ' 55.947 o o Awamoko Branch, complete ... ... 29,295 o o Waiareka Branch, complete ... ... 51,146 o o Green Island Branch, complete... ... 9,693 o o Outram Branch, as completed up to 30th April, 1877 ... ... ... 27,313 o o General — Rolling-stock and machinery ... ... 11,252 o o Plants and tools ... 306 o o Buildings, Port Chalmers and Clutha ... ... 1,360 o o Permanent-way material in stock ... ... 1,065 o o Stores at Dunedin ... 5,416 o o Land ... ... ... 11,820 2 5 Station plant and furniture 604 o o • ■ 31.823 2 5 Engineering and management, 5 per cent. on work in New Zealand, £235,315 ... 11,765 o o £372,522 2 5

Lines of Railway. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, as per Table No. 3. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. Total Liabilities on Expenditure Authorities, to Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882, 31st March, 1882, as per as per Table No. 3. Table No. i. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Brought forward £ s. d. 5,838,944 5 3 £ s. d. 234.457 J9 8 £ s. d. 6,073.402 4 11 £ s. d. 184,783 1 oj £ s. d. 6,258,185 5 11 1IDDLE ISLAND— continued. 'eeliminaey Stjbveys— contd. Lyttelton Station-ground . Lurnsden to Mararoa Edendale to Fortrose Edendale to Toitois Glentunnel to Rakaia Gorge Malvern Branch ... Oxford to Malvern Aorere Tramway ... Little Eiver to Akaroa Malvorn Ferry Bridge Opawa Branch Oxford to Temuka Christchurch to Sumner Oamaru to Livingstone "Winchester to Hilton Amberley to Cook Strait Ainberley to Brunner Sheffield to Kowai Pass Otago Central Orepuki Branch ... Fairlie Creek to Mackenzie Country Westport to Inangahua Waiau Valley Route, Western Railways Nelson to Roundell Waimea, Swilzer's Incidental, general, &e. 40 o o 688 19 2 48 13 6 747 H 3 32 9 8 6 13 8 22 16 o 5 >S ° 262 15 4 1916 o 140 2 2 •47 13 7 36 19 o 236 5 o 490 132 9 o 1,925 18 8 94 15 9 1,838 2 o 108 6 8 9160 40 o o 688 19 2 48 13 6 757 1° 3 32 9 8 6 12 8 22 16 o 5 !5 ° 262 15 4 19 16 o I4O 2 2 147 '3 7 36 19 o 236 5 o 490 132 9 o 1,925 18 8 94 15 9 1,913 13 7 108 6 8 390 12 4 40 o o 688 19 2 48 13 6 757 i° 3 32 9 8 6 12 8 22 16 o S 'S ° 262 15 4 19 16 o 140 2 2 147 '3 7 36 19 o 236 5 o 490 132 9 o 1,925 18 8 94 '5 9 2,113 2 4 108 6 8 39° 12 4 75 " 7 199 8 9 390 12 4 656 15 8 180 o o 656 15 8 180 o o 656 15 8 180 o o 301 8 11 35° ° ° 711 6 301 8 11 350 o o 7 .1 6 301 8 11 35° ° ° 711 6 Total, Middle Island... 5.847,371 6 1 234.543 7 3 *6,081,914 13 4 184,982 9 9 6,266,897 3 1 lONTINGMT EXPENSES, BBOffden's Claims 1.563 18 4 1,563 18 4 46 18 6 1,610 16 IO


TABLE No. 3. STATEMENT showing the Total Expenditure on Railways, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882. —Classified.

2—D. 1.


Classification op Total Expendituee to 31st March, 1882. Lines of Railway. Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. (Vide Table No. 3, of 1881.) Deduct Amounts recovered since 31st March, 1881, but which are for Services prior to that date. Total Net Expenditure -m t, during Expenditure j^ 31st March, „, ! n, d/ d , , oo , oist Marcli, 1881> 1882. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Land. Surveys: Preliminary and Working. Grading. Bridges and Culverts. C Construction. 30NSTRUCTI0N. ROLLINK-STOCK. Fencing. P«™anent-way, Permanent-way, Zealand. ! England. B New Zealand. England. ° I Workshops, Stations, and Wharves. Total Expenditure. Lines op Railway. Engineering and Office. Incidental. NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa ... ... ... Whangarei to Kamo Kaipara to Waikato Waikato to Thames Wellington to Napier ... Wellington to Foxton ... Foxton to New Plymouth ... £ s. d. 42,695 7 2 32,923 17 1 1,081,646 10 4 95,890 16 9 1,228,940 16 o 43,364 o 8 1,035,528 6 7 £ s. d. 2,267 6 o 18 2 6 1,961 8 6 643 18 5 583 9 11 £ s. d. 42,695 7 2 32,923 17 1 1,079.379 4 4 95,872 14 3 1,226,979 7 6 42,720 2 3 1,034,944 16 8 £ s. d. 14,583 i? 8 8.S9S 15 9 53,814 14 4 22,592 15 6 33,278 6 11 9,987 1 8 75,291 10 8 £ s. d. 57,279 4 10 41,519 12 10 1,133,193 '8 8 [18,465 9 9 1,260,257 '4 5 52,707 3 11* 1,110,236 7 4 £ s. d. 352 8 9 2,125 2 10 52,543 7 3 2.877 lo i° 40,141 13 6 1,729 19 o 44,780 14 6 £ s. d. 1,067 8 11 23 12 3 11,717 o 3 920 13 4 24,098 6 8 4,618 19 5 24,464 10 8 £ s. d. 13,150 16 o 9,735 7 9 264,710 15 11 23,665 6 6 317,677 17 7 22,124 18 o 222,298 3 3 £ s. d. 11,252 11 11 5,166 o o 114,307 17 2 13,447 16 8 177,156 16 7 4,647 16 o 145.546 13 o £ s. d. 700 2,002 5 3 19,363 12 10 3,219 14 8 30,446 5 11 721 9 11 35.394 11 7 £ s. d. 6,497 6 9 3,851 1 1 151,141 1 3 16,666 5 8 139,731 11 4 2,060 7 5 164,612 11 6 £ s. d. 10,734 4 3 4,988 16 4 152,236 7 9 30,257 16 2 194,556 5 2 £ s. d. 970 3 9 424 8 2 40,978 3 10 1,817 9 5 28,737 8 8 1 6 o 34,861 13 7 £ s. d. 6,807 6 2 8,117 11 o 9O.883 17 2 21,003 17 8 116,201 15 3 £ s. d. 1,781 15 8 3,208 15 9 171,945 4 3 1,365 7 10 139,631 19 1 12,708 18 2 118,738 13 10 £ s. d. 4,484 12 11 i,734 14 6 57,378 15 ° 3,'34 4 2 50,513 8 1 3,616 14 o 49,948 14 4 £ s. d. 173 9 9 141 17 11 5,987 1» o 89 6 10 1,364 6 7 476 16 o 2,233 6 9 £ s. d. 57,279 4 10 41,519 12 10 1,133,193 18 8 118,465 9 9 1,260,257 14 5 52,707 3 11 1,110,236 7 4 NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa. Wliangarei to Katno. Kaipara to Waibito. Waikato to Thames. Wellington to Napier. Wellington to Fosf.on. Foxton to New flyraouth. 194,100 18 11 73,255 15 5 "reliminary Surveys : — North Island (for details see Table No, 2) 11,619 17 ° 5 9 3 11,614 7 9 81 6 9 11,695 »4 6 11,658 7 6 37 7 o 11,695 14 6 Preliminary Surveys : —■ JNorth Island (for details see Table No. 2). Total, North Island... 3,572,609 11 7 5,479 14 7 3,567,129 17 o 218,225 9 3 3,785,355 6 3 144,550 16 8 78,568 19 o 873,363 5 ° 471,525 11 4 9i,i55 ° 2 484,560 5 o 586,874 8 7 107,79° 13 5 316,270 2 8 449,380 14 7 170,848 10 o 10,466 19 10 3,785,355 6 3 Total, Noeth Island. MIDDLE ISLAND. Nelson to Roundell ... ... Greymouth to Nelson Creek ... Grey mouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau... Picton to Hurunui Hurunui to Waitaki Canterbury Interior Main Line ... Waitaki to Bluff Otago Central ... ... Invercargill to Kingston Western Railways ... ... Purchase of wagons ... ... 148,569 12 6 241,349 19 7 22,009 1 10 211,709 5 5 189,778 7 6 ',845-255 15 9 17,511 17 o 2,633,508 12 10 104, 163 10 6 250,479 16 11 130,170 18 7 22,000 o o 209 4 o 250 o o 330 15 3 1,889 9 1 148,360 8 6 241,349 19 7 22,009 1 10 2n,459 5 5 189,447 12 3 1,843,366 6 8 17,51117 o 2,621,648 13 11 104,044 12 6 250,479 16 11 128,500 5 8 22,000 o o 4,811 2 8 3,846 7 o 964 5 6 2,197 5 8 2 >63S 4 3 84,320 10 3 1,933 2 11 86,103 14 2 21,267 '4 7 1,527 4 6 24,223 9 11 153,171 11 2 245,196 6 7t 22,973 7 4 213,656 11 1 192,082 16 6 1,927,686 16 11 19,444 19 11 2,707,752 8 ij 125,312 7 1 252,007 1 5 152,723 15 7 22,000 o o 19,105 16 9 12,741 14 10 2,541 15 6 9,098 o 9 23,488 2 3 62,105 5 J 126 8 o 114,546 11 5 3,7i6 8 3 2,712 19 9 5,600 12 11 3.424 6 5 2,459 16 o 452 13 o 6,585 10 2 2,471 1 7 14.583 ° 3 302 8 11 27.45 6 '3 11 3.42^ 3 o 2,964 15 11 407 16 7 29,995 6 7 111,102 19 6 9,770 6 7 55>6o2 9 5 55,767 2 o 190,427 18 8 8,176 o 3 778,999 13 10 89,976 19 3 44,149 10 1 31,240 10 2 18,822 17 3 31,826 12 2 5,667 o o 14,482 13 9 34,746 6 9 372,209 2 4 8,987 4 1 258,355 19 o 18,598 8 o 14,406 9 9 13.403 13 s 8,242 14 1 834 19 o 131 18 5 117 00 1,568 3 1 48,295 10 4 17 7 1 78,489 5 2 2,477 18 2 3,878 o 7 6,852 8 3 20,698 5 o 11,072 15 7 870 1 6 22,169 18 7 19,028 4 4 293,482 18 7 8 3 9 329,352 o 2 508 2 9 56,162 6 8 42,281 5 10 21,964 4 4 10,898 16 10 27,396 7 5 2 [,828 8 9 340,330 it 1 2,352 7 1 4,3 "4 8 7 62 17 9 4,348 2 3 2,908 18 4 68,548 6 10 133 11 2 57,384 6 5 7.59 1 14 3 14,396 3 ° 18,978 5 10 8,806 7 10 216,972 16 5 13,047 9 8 7 3 '38 5 6 45> O23 2 5 14,876 18 11 263,029 16 o 1 1 6 388,750 o 11 490 11 3 13,981 10 7 9,744 1 2 7.479 9 4 14,112 4 1 2,848 17 8 9,323 5 n 6,372 12 9 52,911 18 7 ■,653 18 5 92,242 9 1 6,101 5 7 11,236 17 4 8,591 14 10 447 o 5 609 9 9 489 6 5 53i 14 7 220 9 11 4,787 12 9 16 9 6,888 2 6 153,171 11 2 245,196 6 7 22,973 7 4 213,656 M I 192,082 16 6 1,927,686 16 11 19,444 19 11 2,707,752 8 1 125,312 7 1 252,007 1 5 152.723 15 7 22,000 o o MIDDLE ISLAND. Nelson to Roundell. Greymouth to Nelson Creek. Greymouth to Hokitika. Westport to Ngakawau. Pieton to Hurunui. Hurunui to Wailaki. Canterbury interior Main Line. Wailaki to Bluff. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston. Western Railways. Purchase of .wagons. 11,859 18 11 118 18 o 323,754 10 8 25',532 15 o 1,670 12 11 73,911 16 6 23,689 12 7 3,183 11 1 1,928 15 1 22,000 o o 24,744 2 4 8,748 12 o 20 10 10 675 o 10 234 12 9 'EELIMINAEY SuBVEYS : — Middle Island (for details see Table No. 2) 47.193 5 10 47,193 5 10 7'3 5 10 47,906 11 8 47,906 11 8 47,906 11 8 Pbeliminary Surveys : — Middle Island (for details see Table No. 2). Total, Middle Island 5,863,700 4 3 16,328 18 2 5,847.371 6 1 234.543 7 3 6,081,914 13 4 255,783 15 6 "2,439 2 5 1,405,208 16 4 791,506 6 6 150,905 4 2 795.634 2 9 843,774 8 2 167,165 4 7 551,770 16 8 779,909 5 2 212,874 '3 7 14,942 17 6 6,081,914 13 4 Total, Middle Island. SUMMARY. roETH Island:— Railways ... „, ... SUMMARY. 3,572,609 11 7 5.479 14 7 3,567,129 17 o 218,225 9 3 3.785,355 6 3 144,550 16 8 78,568 19 o 873.363 5 ° 484,560 5 o 586,874 8 7 107,790 13 5 316,270 2 8 449,380 14 7 170,848 10 o 10,466 19 10 3.78S.3SS 6 3 Noeth Island :— Railways. 471.5*5 » 4 91, '55 ° 2 Iiddle Island:— Railway;; ... ... ... 5,863,700 4 3 16,328 18 2 5.847)37' 6 1 234,543 7 3 6,081,914 13 4 255»783 15 6 112,439 2 5 1,405,208 16 4 791,506 6 6 150,905 4 2 79S»634 2 9 843,774 8 2 167,165 4 7 551,770 16 8 779.909 5 2 212,874 13 7 14,942 17 6 6,081,914 13 4 Middle Island : — Railways. (ontingent expenses, brogden'8 Claims ilscellaneous subveys FnAPPOETIONABLE 470 17 11 364 15 5 470 17 11 364 15 5 1,563 18 4 1,563 18 4 470 17 11 364 15 5 470 17 11 364 15 5 1.563 18 4 1,563 18 4 470 17 11 364 15 5 Contingent Expenses, Bkogden's Claims Miscellaneous Surveys. Unappoetionable. Geand Total 9.437.145 9 2§ 21,808 12 9 9.4IS.336 16 5 1,430,648 16 9 274,955 l8 o 868,040 19 4 1,229,654 15 2 383,723 3 7 26,973 15 8 9,869,669 11 3 Grand Total. 454.332 14 10 9,869,669 11 3 4°o,334 I2 2 191,478 19 4 2,278,572 1 4 1,263,031 17 10 242,060 4 4 1,280,194 7 9 * Includes !aerewhenua and Oreti Bridges out of Roads and & £40 ] 0s. unauthc [iscellaneous Expi rized expendituri nditure, nor the 1. tin sxpenditure on n icludes Greymoull lilways of the lati Harbour worfc^ i Provinces of Ca: 'Tprnditure to 31 iterbury and Oti st Marcli, 1881. ago, which were v: J Includ Jued at £731,759 les £67 10s. 9d. u and £372,522 re: maulhoiized exp< spectively, and b enditure, fere not paid for o: it of Immigration and Public Wi This amount does not include £8,06i 12s. 5d. for the >rks Loan, but we: •e taken in reduction of tbe provincial



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Liabilities on Railways, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, on 31st March, 1882. —Classified.

3-d. i. ■ : ... ..

Railways ttndee Consteuction. ROLLING-STOCK. Miscellaneous Plant. PermanentLines. way on English Contracts. Total Liabilities. Lines. On Authorities. On Contracts. Total. On Authorities. On Colonial Contracts. On English Contracts. Total. On English Contracts. NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Kaipara to Waikato Waikato to Thames Wellington to Napier Bunnythorpe Gorge Wellington to Foxton Eoxton to New Plymouth ... 'eeliminaky Sueteys: — North Island £ s. d. 1,023 10 2 792 2 7 10,038 o 7 1,037 4 IO 9,544 3 6 196 o o 159 11 o 28.543 9 2 £ s. d. 10,809 3 7 6,107 7 ° 5,783 16 o 7.093 19 2 '7,443 7 2 £ a. d. 11,832 13 9 6,899 9 7 15,821 16 7 8,131 4 o 26,987 10 8 196 o o 159 11 o 56,149 16 3 £ s. d. 2,400 o o 337 2 6 1,213 4 2 36 o o 1,036 16 6 £ s. d. 588 10 o 15 o o £ s. d. 1,320 o o £ s. d. 3,720 o o 337 2 6 1,213 4 2 624 10 o 1,051 16 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 16 11 1,128 19 1 165 o o £ s. d. •5,552 13 9 7,241 9 o i7, o35 o 9 9,884 13 1 28,204 7 2 196 o o 159 11 o 56,920 3 7 NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa. Whangarei to Kamo. Kaipara to Waikato. Waikato to Thames. Wellington to Napier. Bunnythorpe Gorge. Wellington to Foxton. Foxton to New Plymouth. Peelimikaey Sttbveys :— North Island. 27,606 7 1 5'2 3 o 512 3 o 258 4 4 3i ° 3 5i»36.S 2 1 31 o 3 I 126,209 2 I i 31 o 3 135,224 18 7 Total, Noeth Island ... 74,844 o o I 5.535 6 2 603 10 o 1,320 o o 7,458 l6 2 ',557 o 4 1 Total, Noeth Island. MIDDLE ISLAND. Nelson to Roundell Greymouth to Nelson Creek Greyrnouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau Picton to Hurunui Hurunui to Waitaki Canterbury Interior Main Line Waitaki to Bluff ... Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston Western Railways 'beliminaey Sueteys :— Middle Island 165 12 1 328 11 7 62 o o 748 17 7 959 19 3 21,843 3 2 6 10 11 30,035 5 9 3.464 o 5 3,043 3 10 3,'9 6 7 9 1,218 11 o 360 o o 5,001 10 o 16,132 7 2 15.236 19 7 42,241 5 11 7,615 16 8 274 10 o 12,664 3 4 165 12 1 i,547 2 7 62 o o 1,108 17 7 5.961 9 3 37.975 >o 4 15.243 10 6 72,276 11 8 11,079 X1 ' 3.3'7 '3 10 15,860 11 1 •9 5 9 361 14 o 30 o o 3,432 9 o 76 o o ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 5 9 361 14 o 30 o o 3,432 9 o 5,792 2 1 260 17 10 ',547 2 7 62 o o 1,470 n 7 5,991 9 3 47,200 1 5 15,243 10 6 81,567 13 2 11,079 17 1 3,3'7 »3 10 •7,037 '7 9 MIDDLE ISLAND. j Nelson to Roundell. Greymouth to Nelson Creek. Grey mouth to Uokitiba. Westport to Ngakawau. Picton to Hurunui. ! Hurunui to Waitaki. Canterbury Interior Main Lint Waitaki to Bluff. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston. Western Railways. Pkelimiuaey Sueteys :— Middle Island. 7,981 9 9 ... 7,981 9 9 1,309 11 9 ... ... 1,177 6 8 203 14 9 64,°57 7 1 203 14 9 11,824 18 6 I 11,goo 18 6 203 14 9 Total, Middle Island ... ioQ.745 3 8 164,802 10 9 76 o o 1 I 8,279 o 6 184,982 9 9 Total, Middle Island. SUMMARY. Noeth Island ... Middle Island ... Iontin&ent Expenses, Bsoaben's Claims 51.365 2 1 64,057 7 1 46 18 6 74,844 o o ioo,745 3 8 126,209 2 I 164,802 10 9 46 18 6 ' 5,535 6 2 11,824 18 6 603 10 o 76 o o 1,320 o o 1 ... 7,458 16 2 11,900 18 6 ',557 ° 4 8,279 ° 6 135,224 18 7 184,982 9 9 46 18 6 SUMMARY. Noeth Island. Middle Island. Contingent Expenses, Bbogden's Claims Gband Total "5.469 7 8 17,360 4 8 679 10 o '9,359 '4 8 Geand Total 175.589 3 8 291,058 11 4 1,320 o o 9,836 o 10 320,254 6 10* * This does not include a sum of £170,587 for material ordered from England in March, 1882, the order for which would not reach England within the financial year 1881-82.



TABLE No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads (Class V.) out of Immigration and Public Works Loan to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that date. Note.—This table shows only the expenditure under votes forming the Roads class, but does not include expenditure on roads charged to "Miscellaneous Public Works" and "Consolidated Fund" votes, as shown in Tables 8 of 1881, and 7 and 9 of this year. The total amounts expended are shown in detail in Table No. 13.

Expenditure to 81st March, 188: Expenditure during L2 Months ended 31st March, 1832. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March. 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilitiea. Roads and Bbidges—Auckland : — North of Auckland Bay of Islands ... ... ... Mangere Bridge Thames Waikato (less recovery, Ways and Means, £17 lOe.) Bay of Plenty Poverty Bay ... Taupo Tools, &c* ... Main Road, Malmrangi to Whangarei Mangere Bridge repairs Road from Pukekohe Railway - station to Waiuku Road from Pukekohe Railway - station through East Pukekohe District to Bombay Road to Buciland Station Bridge over Waipa on Raglan Main Road Tuhikaramea to Hamilton Hamilton to Waipa Raglan to Kawhia Road, Te Awamutu Station to Township ... Bridge over Waikato at Hamilton, contribution ... £ a. c 85,013 12 1 33,35' 6 15,486 7 75 2 £ s. d. 17,022 8 o i,552 9 8 £ s. a. 102,036 o 11 34,903 6 5 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 £ s. a. 5, 297 9 'i 2,603 13 8 £ b. d. ■07.333 10 1° 37,507 10 1 15,486 7 8 625 2 9 550 o o 22,731 11 89,273 2 21,349 5 9,336 17 714 l3 4,851 o 7 760 19 7 150 o o 27,582 11 7 90,034 1 9 21,499 5 4 9>336 17 1 7'4 13 6 129 15 3 2,288 o 10 3,768 1 6 29,870 12 5 93.802 3 3 2',499 5 4 9.336 17 1 714 13 6 '29 '5 3 14 o o 129 15 3 14 o o 55 l6 ° 55 *6 ° 128 5 6 184 1 6 15 2 2 300 o 0 1,006 4 8 15 2 2 300 o o 1,006 4 8 664 35 IO ° 350 o o 500 o o 21 8 6 300 o o 1,041 14 8 350 o o 500 o o 3<5 16 3 3'5 16 3 3i5 16 3 Waimapu Bridge Cambridge to Taupo ... Cambridge to Rotorua... Cambridge to Tauranga Repairing flood-damages at the Thames, being half the cost thereof, viz.:— Thames County ... ... Thames Borough ... ... Tararu Tramway, amount agreed to be paid to Thames Borough Council in lieu of putting said tramway in good order, as provided by section 18 of "The Public Works Act, 1880 " Thames-Tauranga Tauranga, East Cape, Whakatane, Te Teko, and sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Road, Tauranga to Opotiki Road, Tauranga to Taupo Road, Ormond to Opotiki ... .,. Road, G-isborne to East Cape ... ... Road, Napier to Taupo CO 1—* 6 to I 11 o <u DQ Cr. 42 5 o 5,500 o o 116 6 o 3,259 14 9 Cr. 42 5 o 5,500 o o 116 6 o 3,259 >4 9 322 5 0 250 o o 362 17 6 2,000 o o [ Cr. 42 5 o I 322 5 o 5,500 o o 366 6 o 3,622 12 3 2,000 o o 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 o 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 o 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 2,000 o o 892 14 5 100 o o 1,463 1 S 894 )8 8 892 14 5 100 o o ",463 1 5 894 18 8 72 18 3 1,344 18 5 381 19 7 32 18 o 2 12 o 1,036 16 2 2,237 12 10 100 o o 1,845 > ° 927 16 8 2 12 O 1,109 '4 5 72 18 3 Total 47,840 Cr. 42 5 5 8 o 325,172 4 10 Cr. 42 5 o 347,447 19 3 Or, 42 5 o 277,331 '9 2 47,798 o 8 325,129 19 10 22,275 '4 5 347,405 "4 3 Roads and Beidges—Hawse's Bat :— Napier 32,189 19 2 4 3° (820 o o I 240 1 3 32,189 19 2 32,189 19 2 Seventy-Mile Bush ,., ... .,, 45,77° '7 IJ j 46,830 19 2 192 19 io 47,023 19 o Wairoa ,.. Tools, &c* ... Kuripapanga to inland Patea Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour ,,. ... Taupo to Napier (Hawke's Bay) ,., 1,212 7 8 248 15 o See also Table No. 13. 624 5 J 1,062 2 6 1,212 7 8 248 15 o 624 5 1 1,062 2 6 2,000 o o 1,212 7 8 248 15 o 2,000 o o 624 5 1 1,064 16 7 2 14 I Total 79,417 16 9 2,750 11 10 82,168 8 7 2,195 '3 " 84,364 2 6 Roads and Beidges— Wellington :— Patea to Wanganui Wangauui to Taupo 36,246 5 4 5,267 2 2 29 n 5 36,275 18 9 5,267 2 2 36,275 18 9 5,267 2 2 Manawatu Gorge Opalti, Manawatu Gorge 45,73* 13 4 66,783 7 sj ( 50 12 0 1299 3 8 ( 2,001 12 o i 33° 5 10 5 46,082 9 o ] 69,115 5 3 254 i9 9 46,337 8 9 69,"5 5 3 Hutt to Lowry Bay 290 o o 290 o o 290 o o Carried forward i54>3'9 8 a 2,300 15 8 156,620 3 11 254 19 9 156,875 3 8



TABLE No. 5—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure Total EXPentf Ure IZMoSnded Expenditure 31st March, 1881. 31st March, 31st Ma J? h 1882 . XOOa. 1 • Liabilities 011 Total Authorities, Expenditure Contracts, &c, and 31st March, 1882. Liabilities. loADS and Bridges—Wellington— contd. Brought forward Tools, &c* ... Road in Manchester Block Road, Foxton to Otaki, inland ... G-rant in aid for bridge over Manawatu Eiver Eoad s in Fitzherberfc Block Bridge over Waiohino ... Severity-Mile Bush Parakaretu Block £ s. d. 154,319 8 3 504 9 8 £ s. d. 2,300 15 8 £ a. d. 156,620 3 11 504 9 8 £ s. d. 254 19 9 £ s. d. 156,875 3 8 504 9 8 16 o 0 243 3 4 4 10 0 •7o S 3 13 J5 6 2,007 7 0 149 o c 1600 o . 3 S3 02 99 10 9 99 10 9 143 12 7 4 10 o '7° S 3 5° 5 3 13 IS 6 7 7 o 149 o o 1.3 '5 6 7 7 0 149 o o 2,000 o o Total 154,823 17 11 3,O3' 5 5 '57. 855 3 4 2,569 2 4 160,424 5 iOADS AND BBIDGES—TABANAKI :— New Plymouth, inland Hawera-Waitara Wai-iti to Patea Tools, &c* ... ... ... ...;. Unsettled Districts—Patea and Taranaki ... 3,760 17 3 14.469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 26,553 13 10 3,760 17 3 14,469 19 2 58,566 6 9 254 4 2 44,732 17 1 3,760 17 14,469 19 58,566 6 254 4 48,364 3 ■8,i79 3 3 3,631 6 6 Total 103,605 1 2 18,179 3 3 121,78! 4 5 3,631 6 6 125,415 10 11 Ioabs and Bridges—Kelson :— Buller to Arnold Main road to Boatman's WeBtport to Lyell ... ,., .., Ahaura to Amuri Nile Bridge... Takaka Valley Collingwood to Quartz Range... ... Nelson to Westport and G-reymoutli ... Takaka Road Takaka Tramway Bridge OTer Wuiroa, in Waimea District Road, Nelson to Tophouse and Tarndale Bridge over Owen Bridge over Matiri ... Bridge over Inangahua at Reefton Bridge over Inangahuaat Buller Junction Bridge over Little Grey at Devery's Bridge over Ahaura ... ... ... Bridge over Waiau, in Amuri County ... 73,!97 4 8 844 10 o 7,273 '3 I0 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 o o 507 I I 5,315 2 0 CO i-H a cH o *& <D CO 8,759 19 4 2160 1,500 o o 3 18 o 710 o 9 73,197 4 8 844 10 o 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 1,115 16 4 2,000 o o 507 I I I4,O7S ' 4 21 60 3.978 7 o 1,500 o o 73.197 4 8 844 10 o 7,273 13 10 6,210 13 10 i,"5 l6 4 2,000 o o 507 1 1 18,053 8 4 2160 1,500 o o 3 18 o 710 o 9 298'7 5 1,634 l8 2 3,000 o o 3 18 o 1,008 18 2 1,634 18 2 2,099 6 7 107 o 9 42 10 o 11710 o 229 17 o 2,099 6 7 107 o 9 42 10 o 117 10 o 229 17 o 17 3 3 3,456 12 o 85 o o 9,696 5 o 2,099 6 7 124 4 o 3,499 2 o 202 10 O 9,926 2 O Total 96,464 1 9 i3,59i 8 S 110,055 10 2 20,667 3 10 130,722 13 ;oads and Bridges—Mablbobough :— Main Road through Peloriis District and Rai Valley Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sounds ... Bridge over Clarence River ... ... Road, Kaikoura to Waiau o • m 6,188 4 2 6,188 4 2 3,444 12 O 9,632 16 2 58 12 j 26 8 6 283 1 o 58 12 s 26 8 6 283 1 o 291 7 7 223 11 6 116 10 o 350 o o 250 o o 399 11 o Total 6,556 6 1 6,556 6 1 4,076 1 1 10,632 7 2 ,oads and Bridges—Westland :— Greymouth to Arnold Greymouth to Okarito South Creek to main line Junction Line Greenstone to Lake Brunner ,., Marsden to Maori Creek Marsden to Paroa ... Stillwater to Maori Gully Kanieri Forks to .Kanieri Lakes ... Hokitika to Blue Spur Kanieri Bridge Waimea Bridge Westland, general ... Bridge over Teremakau, Kumara Haast Pass Track ... Jackson's Bay Jetty ... Extension of road south of Okarito 5,058 1 5 98,527 10 10 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,75 6 5 6 2,53 8 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o i,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 489 15 o 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 3>3'9 6 i 5,°58 1 5 101,846 16 11 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o 1,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 489 'S ° 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 1,079 18 o 199 4 11 31 2 8 5>°S8 1 101,877 19 281 17 3,9 23 9 2,756 5 2,538 3 798 8 1,869 2 •,578 1 2,520 3 489 15 207 12 2,613 13 1,118 7 620 3 s 6 I o o o o s o 6 3 9 1 See also Table No. 13. 1,079 l8 ° 199 4 11 38 9 9 420 18 2 16 11 o 16 11 o 93 9 0 no o o Total 123,162 2 10 4,615 o o 127,777 2 10 583 19 7 128,361 2 • These items in the tables of past years wi LI be found under the heading " Unapportionable—Tools, &e. £1,722 zs. 4<3."



TABLE No. 5—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure and Liabilities on Roads (Class V.) — continued.

Expenditure Expenditure during to 12 Months ended 31st March, 1681. 31st March, 1882. . Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. r labilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c., 31st March, 1882, Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. 52,109 14 5 £ s. d. 5,884 18 4 £ 8. d. 57.994 '2 9 £ s. d. 908 17 9 & s. d. 58,903 10 6 Hokitika-Chbistchuecii Road EOADS AND BEIDGES—OtAQO : —■ Upper Waituki Bridge ... ,., Kawarau Bridge at junction Arrow River Queenstown Jetty Completion of road, Waikari to Waitalri .,, Completion of road from Maori Kuika to Taiaroa Head Lighthouse Portobello Road Anderson's Bay Eoad ... Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai, on Main South Road Purchase of Beaumont Bridge ... Subsidy to complete Clutha Bridge Bridge over Oreti at Elbow CO 6 cS o <D W 510 18 3 453 2 3 65 l6 5 118 10 6 5"O 18 3 453 2 3 65 16 5 118 10 6 25 o o 066 684 3 7 69 4 7 67 9 6 5'° 18 3 25 o o 453 8 9 750 o o 187 15 I 67 9 6 400 o o 400 o o^ 400 o o 456 o o 456 o 0 2,500 o 0 900! 2,500 o o 900 1,982 10 o 60 16 9 1,982 10 o 2,500 o o 69 16 9 Total 4.057 7 5 4.057 7 5 3.345 10 i' 7,402 18 4 EOADS AND BEIDGES— NATITE DISTRICTS i— Bay of Islands Thames Waika'to ' Bay of Plenty Napier ... ... ... ... Wairoa Taranaki Marlborough... <D CO o « ■a* §1 1,000 o o 907 4 o 125 14 3 856 3 4 13 o o 100 o o 1,000 o o 907 4 o '25 14 3 856 3 4 13 o o 100 o o > 200 o o : 2,509 2 4 370 o o 1,200 o o 907 4 o 2,634 16 1 1,226 3 4 13 o o 200 O O 500 o o 201 5 O 6,882 8 11 76 5 o 3,078 6 7 76 5 o 1 IOO O O 500 o o 125 o o 3,804 2 4 Total *... 3,078 6 7 SUMMARY. 22,275 14 5 2,19s 13 II 2,569 2 4 3,631 6 6 20,667 2 10 4,076 1 1 583 19 7 908 17 9 3.345 IO ' 1 3,804 2 4 347,405 14 3 84,364 2 6 160,424 5 8 125,415 10 11 130,722 13 o 10,632 7 2 128,361 2 5 58,903 10 6 7,402 18 4 6,882 8 11 EOADS AND BeIEGES, AUCKLAND „ „ Hawke's Bay ,, ,, Wellington „ „ Taeanaki ... „ ,■ Nelson „ „ Maelboeough h „ WESTLAND... Hokitika-Chkistciitjecu Road,.. Roads and Bridges, Otago „ ,, Native Districts ... eoads to open up lands befoee sale (see Table No. 6) Theough Lands eecently puechased ... 277.331 19 2 79,417 i6 9 '54.823 1? 11 103.605 ' 2 96,464 1 9 123,162 2 10 52,109 14 5 47.798 o 8 2,750 11 10 3.031 5 5 18,179 3 3 I3.59 1 8 5 6,556 6 1 4,615 o o 5,884 18 4 4,057 7 5 3,078 6 7 325,129 19 10 82,168 8 7 157.855 3 4 121,784 4 5 110,055 10 2 6,556 6 11 127,777 2 10 57.994 12 9 4,057 7 5 3,078 6 7 78,791 o 2 17,616 17 2 983,322 11 4 33,434 16 o 2,500 13 6 145,477 17 6 112,225 16 2 20,117 10 8 5'.39 2 3 3 2,39i o 3 163,617 19 5 22,508 10 11 ,246,641 4 o G-eand Total 1,128,800 8 10 117,840 15 2


TABLE No. 6. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Roads under the control of the Minister of Lands, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that date.


Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. kOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEEOEE SALE : — North Island. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ B . a. £ s. d. £ s. d. aickland — Takuhue to Herd's Point Purua and Mangakahia Districts Block II., Tangihua ... Lake Whangape to Block VII., Awaroa District Waikato Kiver to Block XVI., Awaroa District... Gisborne and Wairoa, road through Patutahi Block to Hangaroa Village site Wairoa and Waikaremoana, bridle-track through the Waiau District, Poverty Bay ... Takahue to Manganuiowai ... Maunganui Bluff Te Puke Te Aroha Block Opotiki to Motu and Orrnond Gisborne to Waimata Ormond to Waiapu Through Ruakituri Block ... Huihuitaha, Patetere Opotiki to Waiotahi Hikutaia to Ohinemuri Helensville to Kaipatiki Head of Kaihu Valley to Kaikohe 'aranaki — Mountain Road to blocks under survey Opening up Huiroa Block ... Huiroa Block, bridge over Manganui Eiver Opening lands between Manganui and Patea Rivers To complete bush-felling, Stratford ,., Cross roads at Stratford ... ... Through parts of Blocks IV, II., V., VI., X., Ngaire District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire Districts Block X., Huiroa ... Egmont District ... Bush land inland from Patea Miscellaneous ... ... lawke's Bay —■ Tahoraiti District, Pukeloi Blocks Norsewood District, Ngamoko Block ... Tukituki to Waipawa, through Makuretu Reserve Waitara Block To open up Puketitiri Bush ... Tautane Bush Woodville District, Ahuaturanga Block Veliington— Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North Blocks II., III., VI., VII., X., and XL, Manga- ~\ one District, and Blocks XIV. and XV., Ma- f ngaho District, Forty-Mile Bush I Pahiatua and Puketoi Blocks ... ) Sandon TownBhip, Manawatu. District, Kiwitea Block Blocks IV., X., and XIII, Wellington Country ~\ District ? Mungaroa to Waikanae ... ... ) Tokomaru Block Otamakapua Block... ... ... ... Repairs, Fitzherbert Bridge ... Koads, Fitzherbert Block Blocks V., VI., IX., X,, and XIII., Kairanga -\ Survey District [ Palmerston North, 24 miles, to open 8,582 acres ) To open up Momahaki Block ,,, 2,660 8 4 700 1 9 635 6 o 828 15 6 1,612 12 8 386 13 o 544 18 6 i,56° 3 7 888 19 10 3.222 o 5 2,347 17 10 462 4 6 890 14 o 906 o 9 78i 1 3 918 2 3 34 ° o 760 9 6 2,041 o 10 1,146 3 6 52 10 1 635 IO 3 604 13 o 300 o o i.37i 4 0 207 19 7 2,547 17 8 1.13S J8 7 2,206 1 4 534 9 o 120 o o 177 10 6 3,228 6 6 39 i? 6 334 3 o 3,357 'S 8 116 5 o 2,712 18 5 700 1 9 635 6 o 1,464 5 9 2,217 s 8 686 13 o 544 18 6 2,931 7 7 1,096 19 5 5,769 18 1 3.483 16 5 2,668 5 10 534 9 ° 120 o o 177 10 6 3,228 6 6 39 '7 6 334 2 o 890 14 o 906 o 9 781 1 3 4.27S 17 11 34 o o 876 14 6 2,041 o 10 1,146 3 6 714 9 9 '95 7 ° 2,400 o o 1,892 o 5 1,752 2 4 4 1 5 2,293 18 8 1,265 " ° 2,574 o o 1,080 o o 522 9 6 500 o o 400 o o 1,460 2 6 642 4 4 210 o o 2,712 18 5 700 1 9 6.35 6 ° 2,178 15 6 2,412 12 8 3,086 13 o 544 18 6 2,931 7 7 2,988 19 10 7,522 o s 3,487 17 10 4,962 4 6 1,800 o o 2,574 o o 1,200 o o 700 o o 500 o o 3,628 6 6 1,500 o o 334 2 ° 890 14 o 906 o 9 781 1 3 4,918 2 3 34 o o 1,086 14 6 2,041 o 10 1,146 3 6 745 T7 0 158 12 o 745 17 o 158 12 o 123 17 o 3 '3 6 136 3 o 745 i7 ° 158 12 o 260 o o 3 13 6 123 17 o 3 13 6 2,619 16 8 1.079 7 3 160 1s 1 781 o 6 43 16 2 109 5 6 357 '4 7 2,663 12 10 1,188 12 9 518 7 8 781 o 6 520 o o W 3 10 2,994 16 8 1,188 12 9 518 7 8 781 o 6 520 o o 300 o o 1,863 15 II 520 o o 300 o o 502 8 9 1,013 15 11 347 » 3 1,361 7 2 3.738 8 o 3.738 8 0 3,738 8 o 5,560 o 0 2,000 o o J 661 16 7 8,221 16 7 S.673 3. 5 13,895 o o 1.370 7 9 60 o o 1.43° 7 9 1.43° 7 9 2,S99 12 10 H3 13 1 j 1,659 17 o 4.373 2 n 459 '7 o 4,832 19 11 212 3 2 600 o o 212 3 2 600 o o 212 3 2 600 o o 500 o o 250 o o 500 o o 250 o o 1,524 7 2 '.524 7 2 1,524 7 2 384 6 5 384 6 5 365 13 7 750 o o Middle Island. felson — Aorere Valley, Collingwood ... Ahaura to Kopara Flat ... Reefton to Maruia, Matakitaki, and Buller Grey Valley to Teremakau, via Bell Hill and Bruce's Paddock to Upper Ahura Cobden, via Coal Creek, to Seventeen-Milo Diggings Carried forward ... 4.454 13 2 1,965 1 8 3,500 o o 244 14 3 5' 19 9 30 7 6 4.699 7 5 1,965 1 8 3.551 19 9 30 7 6 54 11 8 362 o 3 469 12 6 4,753 19 1 1,965 1 8 3.9H o o 500 o o 290 1 6 290 1 6 1,209 !8 6 1,500 o o 56,000 16 1 23,383 8 10 79,384 4 11 281S20 19 8 10 ■9°5 4 4



TABLE No. 6— continued. Roads, &c. — continued.

TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure for Repairs and Maintenance of Roads, out of Consolidated Fund, 1st July, 1875, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on latter Date.

Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. TnM Liabilities on Expenditure to A<f°«' ™- nf, . T . Contracts, &c, 31st March, 31st Ma rch, 1882. 1882i Total Expenditure and Liabilities. tOADS TO OPEN UP LANDS BEFOBE SALE— COntd. Brought forward ... ... Middle Island —continued. £ s. d. 56,000 16 1 £ s. d. 23,383 8 10 £ s. d. 79,384 4 11 £ s. d. 28,520 19 5 £ s. d. 107,905 4 4 'anterbury— Eoad to Upper Ashley Through Mathias Pass, Eakaia, to Hokitika Vestland — Kokatahi Eiver to Hokitika River Mount Bonar to Poerua RiYer Mapourika Lake to Waihou River Mahitahi River to Haast River Wataroa and Waitangi-taone ,., In the County of Westland ... Through. Mathias Pass, Rakaia, to Hokitika farlborough—Through Awatere Shearing Reserve ... ... •tago— Otara to Waikawa, and bridge over Tokanui Creek Bengor District, from Miuion Burn Bridge up graded road-line to land under Burvey Arrowtown to Crown Terrace Waitahuna to Run 52c ... ... ... Run No. 75 (Boyd's) Opening up country between Seaward Forest and coast-line Orepuki to Waiau ... ... ... ... Beaumont to Miller's Flat ... ... ... Opening up County Forest Hill by a tramway ... To open up Run 106 ... ... ... Kebo to Block XIII., Greenyale Tapanui Railway to Run 140 ... ... To open up Otago and Southland runs expiring in in 1883 Branch roads to south end o£ Forest Hill Crown lands 5,000 o o 970 o o 900 o o 1,410 o o 3.454 8 1 1,500 o o 1,000 o o 500 o o 63 16 10 476 2 o 2,636 7 10 1,220 o o 116 o 0 2,756 14 I 5,000 o o 63 16 10 970 o o 900 o o 1,886 2 o 6,090 15 11 1,500 o o 1,220 O O 116 o o 2,756 14 I 1,000 o o 500 o o 1,436 3 2 2,182 18 o 4,763 12 2 1,384 o o 1,243 5 " 500 o o 5,000 o o 1,500 o o 970 o o 900 o o 4,069 o o 10,854 8 1 1,500 o o 1,220 o o 1,500 o o 4,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 1,200 O O 3,000 o o 1,855 l6 ° 1,500 o o 1,200 o o 3,000 o o 2,237 17 7 1,500 o o 1,200 o o 3,000 o o 4,280 9 o 382 1 7 2,042 n 5 500 o o 500 o o 500 o o 3,000 o o 3,718 18 o 1,000 o o 500 o o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 2,400 4 10 2,400 4 10 3,000 o o I,3l8 13 2 1,000 o o goo o o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o Total 78,791 o 2 33.434 16 o 112,225 '6 2 51.392 3 3 163.617 19 S lOABS THBOTOH LANDS EKCENTLY PtTECHASED ... 17,616 17 2 2,500 13 6 20,117 I0 8 22,508 10 11 2,391 o 3

Districts. Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, out of Votes for 1875-81. Expenditure during the 12 Months ended 31st March, 1882. Total Liabilities on Authorities and Contracts, to 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. lOADS AND BHID&ES, NATIVE DlSTBICTS, — Bay of Islands Thames Waikato ,,, ... ... Bay of Plenty Poverty Bay ... ... .,. Napier ... ,,, ... Taupo Mauawatu Opaki ... ... ,,, ... Patea-Wai-iti... Wanganui ... ... ... ... Mangere Bridge Wairoa Seventy-Mile Bush, Hawke's Bay Stewart Island Marlborough ... 2,589 16 2 2,201 16 3 16,625 11 o 14,619 9 4 2,041 6 11 2,840 14 7 249 12 2 2,358 6 o 1,184 H 5 3,688 2 3 5. 638 7 2 63 o 9 58 11 9 780 3 o 100 o o "95 2,589 16 2 2,201 l6 3 16,625 11 o 14,619 9 4 2,041 6 11 2,840 14 7 249 12 2 2,358 6 o 1,184 H 5 3,688 2 3 S.638 7 2 63 o 9 58 11 9 ?8o 3 o 100 o o 11 9 5 teEAT South Eoad 55,oSi 1 2 6,700 6 4 # 9,264 15 o 1,992 15 9 571 12 II Total 6i,75i 7 6 64,315 16 2 1,992 15 9 571 12 11 * The vote for roads in Native districts wai ;he expenditure for the year will therefore be fc j transferred in th >und in Tables Nos, ie appropriation for 1881-82 to the Pi . 5 and 13. iblio Works Fund;



TABLE No. 8 STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Gold Fields, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that Date.

EXPENDITUEE. LlABIMTIBS. Total IJOCALITX AND NAME OF COMPANY. Locality and Name ot> Company. Survey and Construction, 1870-81. Subsidies, 1870-81. Surrey and Construction, 1881-82. Subsidies, 1881-82. Totals. Authorities. Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. and Liabilities. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Peoyinciai. Distbict: — Thames £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Peoyincial Distbict :— Thames. 80,708 19 3 ... 80,708 19 3 ... 80,708 19 3 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Pbovincial Disteict: — Hohonu ... ... Hibernian New River ... Waimea Mikonui Kanieri Nelson Pe6vinciax, Disteict: — .Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Charleston Four-Mile ... Black's Point Otaqo Pbovincial Distbict t— Mount Ida ... Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range ... ... Waipori Mount Pisgah Depaetmental :— Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &c. 3 7° 21 J O 151,366 2 7 9,799 12 10 89,764 14 1 257 16 7 6,950 17 10 244 9 o '.955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3.496 o 3 10,310 18 4 ... ... 11,231 14 3 1.847 'S 4 97 2 4 1,958 19 1 2,005 ° 4 3.517 5 3 162,597 l6 IO 11,647 8 2 10,312 3 10 89,764 14 1 257 16 7 7,048 o 2 244 9 o ... 854 5 10 145 13 4 40 o o 997 10 o ... 2,394 12 o ... 2,127 19 7 ... ... 854 5 10 2,54° 5 4 ... 40 o o 3,125 9 7 1.958 19 1 2,005 o 4 3,511 s s 163,452 2 8 14,187 13 6 10,312 3 10 89,804 14 1 257 16 7 10,173 9 9 244 9 o MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Peovincial Distbict: — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Waimea. Mikonui. Kanieri. Nelson Pbovincial Distbict: — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Charleston Four-Mile. Black's Point. Otago Pboyincial Disteict :— Mount Ida. Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Waipori. Mount Pisgah. Depabtmental :— Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &c. 62,666 3 8 612 10 o 640 o o 9.249 13 1 62,666 3 8 612 10 o 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 11,263 ' ° 200 o o 62,666 3 8 612 10 o 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 11,263 x ° 200 o o 462 ... ... ... ... 11,263 1 o ... ... ... ... 200 o o ... - ... ... 5,984 16 4 ... 95 >7 8 6,080 14 o 105 16 o 105 16 o 6,186 10 o! Total ... .„ 6,665 J6 9 386,735 18 o 338,34o 3 3 28,457 « S 13.272 9 7 380,070 1 3 2,143 5 2 4.522 11 7 ... Total. SUMMARY. Uoeth Island ... Middle Island ... 80,708 19 3 338,340 3 3 419,049 2 6 80,708 19 3 380,070 1 3 80,708 19 3 386,735 18 o SUMMARY. Noeth Island. Middle Island. 28,457 8 5 28,457 8 5 13,272 9 7 2,143 5 2 4,522 11 6,665 '6 9 Total '3.272 9 7 2,143 5 2 6,665 l6 9 467,444 17 3 Total. 460,779 o 6 4,522 11 71



TABLE No. 9. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Miscellaneous Public Works, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to the 31st March, 1881.

TABLE No. 10. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 11. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on that Date.

'otal expenditure to the 31st March, 1880, as shown in Table No. 8 of year 1881 )eduet amount recovered during the year 1880-81 on account of expenditure made prior to 31st March, 1880 ... £ s. d. 559,019 8 7 1,870 0 8 Jeduct amount recovered during the year 1881-82 on account of expenditure made prior to 31st March, 1881 £557,149 7 11 108 6 5 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1881... 557,04.1 1 6 Expenditure during the twelve months ending 31st March, 1882, under the provisions of the 9th section of "The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1881 " 237 O 0 Total expenditure to the 31st March, 1882 £557,278 1 6 £557,278 1 6

Miles of Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, as per Table No. 9 of last Year. Deduct Amounts recovered since 31st March, 1881, for Services prior to that Date. Net Expenditure and Liabilities. Poles. Wire. Sxpenditure, &c, to 31st March, 1881 ?aeroa line Iddington to Rakaia and South line, repairs, 36 miles ... Jape Egmont line ... ... tiverton to Otautau line, additional expenditure, 18 miles tfotueka to Collingwood, additional expenditure, 76 miles Yaiau Crossing ... ... .., ... ?imaru to Albury line ... ... ilataura to Gore line ... ... ... featherston to Waihenga line >forth kSbore cable ,., ... .., fahikolm line ... ... ... }rey mouth to Beef ton, reconstruction -iki line ... ... ... Wellington to Pahautanui line .., ... ... Copua to Ormondville ... ... ... ... )hristchurch to Ahaura, reconstruction Fortrose line Private wires throughout the colony Celephone exchange, Auckland „ Christchurch ... .,, „ Dunedin Sundry material in stock not yet isBued 2,511 "V "28 13 6,978 "V "28 13 £ s. d. 412,546 17 3 £ s. d. 32 6 11 £ s. d. 412,514 10 4 359 5 9 973 14 0 160 19 10 84 15 6 125 17 5 36 0 6 910 17 1 20 18 1 401 1 6 46 18 4 6 15 6 196 8 4 5 8 8 264 17 9 22 16 0 80 9 2 48 4 2 131 16 1 412 3 0 435 7 4 456 2 2 2,336 8 7 18 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... on 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... 2,559 7,044 420,031 15 3,500 0 Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1882 423,531 15

Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. 03 V - t-l 5 |ai< 13 0) «1 (H Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure to 31 st March, 1882. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &0. t 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. 'udioial 'ostal and Telegraphic Justoms )ffices for Public Departments junatic Asylums Ichool Buildings loepitals ... ... iliscellaneous Quarantine Stations... £ s. d. 133.90° 9 ° 88,279 16 4 1,968 13 9 £ s. a. £ s. d. 133.900 9 o 88,279 16 4 1,968 13 9 £ s. d. 16,259 5 1 I.751 "I 3 £ s. d. 150,159 14 1 90,031 7 7 1,968 13 9 £ s. a. 8,747 10 9 14,612 o o £ s. d. 158,907 4 ic 104.643 7 5 1,968 13 g 144,928 6 8 84.656 5 7 377,691 12 4 16,522 19 o 9,805 2 4 426 144,928 6 8 84,652 3 1 377,691 12 4 16,522 19 o 9,805 2 4 26,698 19 6 82,535 7 6 140 4 11 144,928 6 8 111,3s 1 2 7 460,226 19 10 16,663 3 IJ 9,805 2 4 970 17 6 58,446 1 9 2,189 19 4 144,928 6 8 169,797 4 4 462,416 19 2 16,663 3 11 9,805 2 4 1,432 14 g 970 17 6 461 17 3 Total 857.753 5 ° 857.749 2 128,356 5 9 986,105 8 3 84.457 9 » 1,070,562 17 4 2


TABLE No. 12. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses and Harbour Works, out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to 31st March 1882, and the Liabilities on that Date.

4—D. 1.


Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Deduct Amounts recovered since the 31st March, 1881, but which are for Services prior to that date. TotalNet Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac, to 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. LIGHTHOUSES. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 2,419 1 o 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 2,417 o 6 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5>78s 19 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 « 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,/85 19 ° 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 4039 12 4 6,554 14 5 9.958 19 5 70 i8 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 56 1 6 20,590 5 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7.148 16 5 6,241 o o 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 ! 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5.785 19 ° 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 4,639 12 4 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 s 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 2,256 1 6 a°,59° S 9 Akaroa ... Brothers Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Maria Van Dieman ... Cape Saunders Centre Island French Pass Beacon Hokitika Marine Store Moeraki... Mokohinau Portland Island ... Puysegur Point Stephen's Island ... Timaru ... Tory Channel Waipapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s. "Hinemoa" and "Stella" 801 9 7 499 'i 3 2,943 1 11 3,607 14 11 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 50 o o 206 80 1 97 499 " 3 2,943 1 11 3,607 14 11 '6,554 H 5 9.958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 50 o o 937 5 10 668 "15 g 43i 17 5 6oo o o 3°3 7 7 56 1 6 20,590 5 9 2,200 O O 20,590 5 9 Haeboub Woeks.* Loan to Waitara Harbour Board Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf ... ... ... Collingwood Harbour Works Westport Harbour Works ... G-reymouth Harbour Works Hokitika Harbour Works ... Removal of rocks, Catlin's River m ■aft xn to O 437 11 7 312 3 2 69 8 o 243 15 3 14,422 9 6 3,000 o o 325 ° ° 437 11 7 312 3 2 69 8 o 243 15 3 14,422 9 6 3,000 o o 325 o o 1,176 8 5 94 o o 280 12 o 437 11 7 1,488 11 7 94 o o 35° o o 2,368 o o 15,278 2 1 3,000 o o 548 '3 " 2,124 4 9 85S 11 7 223 13 II Totals 87,838 19 o 206 87,836 18 6 21,207 15 6 7,554 " 8 "6,599 5 8 109,044 14 o * The expenditure on harbour works prior to the year 1881-82 •as charged to " Railway," " Miscellaneous Public Worki," and other classei. For total expen nditure see Table Ni i.13.

TABLE No. 13—continued. STATEMENT showing the Total Expenditure out of various Classes of the Consolidated and Public Works Funds on the under-mentioned Works (mentioned in Tables 8 of 1881, and 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 of 1882), up to the 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on account thereof on that Date.



Expenditure during the Twelve Months ended 31st Marcl 1, 1882, out of the following Classes :— ■ Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1882. Total Net Expenditure ta 31st March, 18S1, iut of the following Classes: I Miscellaneous ! TAl1 Public Works: NrfE^ditoa as per I able S of £ Q l88l ' I 88jd 9 °f 3«t.March, 1881. Roads: Consolidated Fund, as per Table 7. Roads: Lighthouses and Public Works Harbour Works : Fund, as per as per ! Tables 5 and 6. Table 12. as per Table 8 of Twcl^nths I88i,andoof ended l882- 31st March, 1882. Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Roads: Consolidated Fund, as per Table 7. i Roads: Public Works Fund, as per Tables 5 and 6. Lighthouses and Harbour Works : as per Table 13. Total Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1883. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads: Consolidated Eund, as per Table 5. Roads: Public Works Fund, as per Tables 5 and 6. Lighthouses and Harbour Works: as per Table 12. Brought forward Greymouth to Okarito... ... ... j South Creek to Main Line ... ... Junction Line Greenstone to Lake Brunner ... ... Marsden to Maori Creek ... ... I Marsden to Paroa Stillwaier to Maori Gully Kanieri Forks to Kanieri Lakes ... ... Hokitika to Bluespur ... ■•• I Kanieri Bridge Waimea Bridge Westland, general Bridge over Teremakau, Kumara Haast Pass Track Extension of road south of Okarito Bridge over the Arnold Hungerford Bridge Hokitika to Christchurch Road ... Road, Port Levy to Pigeon Bay ... Road, Purau to Port Levy Ashley Bridge approaches Hurunui to Greta Bridge Bannockburn Bridge ... Upper Waitaki Bridge ... ... Kawarau Bridge at junction of Arrow River Purchase of Victoria Bridge over Kawarau Completion of road, Waikari to Waitati ... Completion of road from Maori Kaika to Taiaroa Head Lighthouse Portobello Road Anderson's Bay Road ... Bridge over Kaikorai Stream Grant in aid of bridge at Kaikorai on Main South Road Purchase of Beaumont Bridge ... Purchase of Bridge over Clutha at Clyde ... Subsidy to complete Clutha Bridge Bridge over Oreti at Elbow (Railway) Road, Toitois Road, Wjndham to Toitois Gore Bridge ... Road, Gore to Swifczer's Road, Waipori to Lawrence via Bungtown Road, Lawrence to Roxburgh ... Road, Roxburgh to Clyde Road, Fitzgerald to Dalhousie ... Duthie's to Tuapeka Mouth via Tuapeka River Main road, Otago,Palmerston to Houndburn Manuherikia Bridge at St. Bathans Main road, Glenoamaru to Catlin's River Stewart Island Roads in deferred-payment blocks disposed of prior to the 1st Jan., 1878... Loads to open up Lands before Sale : — North Island. Takahue to Herd's Point Purua and Maiigakahia Districts Block II., Tangihau ... Lake Whangape to Block VII., Awaroa District Waikato River to Block XVI., Awaroa District Gisborne and Wairoa, road through Patutahi Block to Hangaroa Village-site Wairoa and Waikaremoana, bridle-track through the Waiau District, Poverty Bay Takahue to Manganuiowai Maunganui Bluff TePuke TeAroha Block Opotiki to Motu and Ormond ... Mountain Road to blocks under survey ... Opening up Huiroa Block Huiroa Block, bridge over Manganui River Gisborne to Waimata ... Ormond to Waiapu Through Ruakituri Block Huihuitaha, Patetere ... Opotiki to WaiotaM ... Hikutaia to Ohinemuri Helensville to Kaipatiki Head of Kaihu Valley to Kaikohe Opening lands between Manganui and Patea Rivers To complete bush-felling, Stratford Cross roads at Stratford Through parts of Blocks I., II., V., VI., X., Ngaire District Through parts of Blocks III., V., X., Ngaire District Block X., Huiroa Egmont District Bush land inland from Patea Miscellaneous Tahoraiti District, Puketoi Blocks Norsewood District, Ngamoko Block Tukituki to Waipawa, through Makaretu Reserve Waitara Block To open up Puketitiri Bush Tautane Bush Woodville District, Ahuaturanga Block ... Blocks V., VI., IX., and XIII., Kairanga Survey District, Palmerston North Blocks II., III., VI., VII., X., and XI.fl Mangaone District, and Blocks XIV., | and XV., Mangaho District, Forty-Mile jBush Pahiatua and Puketoi Blocks ... J Sandon Township, Manawatu District, Kiwitea Block Blocks IV., X., and XIII., Wellington^ Country District ... ... f Mungaroa to "Waikanae ... ) Tokomaru Block Otamakapua Block Repairs, Fitzherbert Bridge Roads, Fitzherbert Block Blocks V., VI., IX., X., and XIII., Kai-^ ranga Survey District ... f Palmerston North, 24 miles, to open 8,582 C acres ... ... ••• J To open up Momahaki Block Middle Island'. Aorere Valley, Collingwood Ahaura to Kopara Flat Reefton to Maruia, Matakitaki, and Bnller Grey Valley to Teremakau, via Bell Hill and Bruce's Paddock to Upper Ahaura... Cobden, via Coal Creek, to Seventeen-Mile Diggings ... ••• Road to Upper Ashley Kokatahi River to Hokitika River Mount Bonar to Poerua River ... Mapourika Lake (0 Waihou River Maintain River to Haast River ... Wataroa and Waitangi-taone ... Otara to Waikawa, and bridge over Tokanui Creek In the County of Westland Through Mathias Pass, Rakaia, to Hokitika Through Awatere Shearing Reserve _ ... Benger District, from Minion Burn Bridge up graded road-iine to land under survey Arrowtown to Crown Terrace ... Waitahuna to Run 52c Run No. 75 (Boyd's) ... Opening up country between Seaward Forest and coast-line Orepuki to Waiau Beaumont to Miller's Flat Opening up County Forest Hillbyatramway To open up Run 106 ... Through Mathias Pass, Rakaia, to Hokitika Kelso to Block XIII., Greenvale Tapanui Railway to Run 140 ... To open up Otago and Southland runs expiring in 1883 Branch roads to south end of Forest Hill Crown lands lOADS THE0UGH LANDS ItECENTLY PlTBCHASED £ e. d. 61,651 7 6 £ s. a. 7l6,7OO 18 2 98,527 10 10 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 ° 798 8 o 1,869 2 o 1,5/8 1 ° 2,520 3 5 489 15 o 207 12 6] 2,613 13 3! £ s. a. £ s. a. 169,659 8 o! ... ... 1 ... 7,907 II 6; £ a. a. 948,011 13 8 98,527 10 10 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 ° 798 8 o 1,869 2 o i,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 8,397 6 6 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 8,334 '9 o 4,664 5 1 £ s. d. i,99 2 l5 9 £ s. d. 94,985 2 3 3,3i9 6 1 £ s. d. £ a. d. £ b. a. 96,977 18 o 3,3>9 6 ' 1,079 18 ° 199 4 11 16 11 o £ s. d 1,044,989 11 8 101,846 16 ii 281 17 6 3,923 9 I 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 0 798 8 c 1,869 2 c 1,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 8,397 6 6 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 9,414 17 o 4,863 10 o 16 11 0 1,500 o o 2,000 o o 57,994 12 9 500 o 0 500 o 0 500 o o 1,078 4 7 2,500 o 0 5>5>o 18 3 9,975 o ° 4,000 o o 3,073 7 'I £ s. d.j 571 12 HI £ s. a. 59,2i9 3 5 31 2 8 3*8 9 9 42O 18 2 93 9 o, £ S. A. £ s. A. 59,790 16 4 i 31 2 8 38 9 9 420 18 2 93 9 o £ s. d. 1,104,780 8 o 101,877 19 7 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o 1,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 8,397 6 6 207 12 6 2,613 13 3 9,453 6 9 5,284 8 2 110 o o [,500 o o 2,000 o o 58,903 10 6 500 o o 500 o o 500 o o 1,078 4 7 2,500 o o 5,510 18 3 10,000 o o 8,334 '9 ° 4,664 5 1 1,079 18 o 199 4 11 16 11 o 1,500 o o 2,000 o o 1,500 o o 2,000 o o 52,109 14 5 500 o o 500 o o 500 o o 1,078 4 7 2,500 o o, 5,000 o o 9.975 ° °! 4,000 o o 3,007 11 6 908 17 9 908 17 9 52,109 >4 5 5,884 18 4 5,884 18 4 500 o o 500 o o\ 500 o o 1,078 4 7 2,500 o o 5,000 o o! 9,975 o o 4,000 o o 3,007 11 6 5 10 '8 3 5'° "8 3 25 o o 25 o o ... 65 16 5 65 l6 5 684 3 7 684 3 7 4,000 o o 3.757 " 6 945 15 i' 432 10 6 171 9 0 945 '5 "I 432 10 6. 171 9 9 118 10 6 118 10 6 1,064 6 5 ■ 432 10 6 171 9 9 400 o o 69 4 7 67 9 6 69 4 7 67 9 6 1,133 11 o 500 o o i/i 9 9 400 o o 400 o o 400 o o I 3,017 10 c 5,000 o o. 3,017 10 o 5,000 o o 3,017 10 o 5,000 o o 2,503 o o 5.937 7 o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 1,254 16 7 4,000 o o 400 o o 5,000 o o 2,500 o o 500 o o 456 o o 1,982 10 o 456 o o 1,982 10 o 456 o o 5,000 o o 5,000 o o 2,500 o o 5.998 3 9 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 1,254 l6 7 4,000 o o 2,500 o o ... 2,500 o o ... 60 16 9 60 16 9 5,928 7 o! 1,000 o oj 1,500 o oj 1,254 16 7 4,000 0 0| ... 5,928 7 0 1,000 o o 1,500 o oj 1,254 16 7 4,000 o o 400 o o 5,000 o o 2,500 o o: 500 o o ; 900 900 ... ... 400 o 0 5,000 o c 2,500 o o 500 o c 409 o o 5,000 o o 2,500 o o 500 o o ... ... 500 o o 2,500 o o 500 o 0 ] ,000 O 0 500 o o 2,500 o o^ 500 o o 1,000 o o 100 o o 500 o o 2,500 o o 500 o o 1,000 o o 100 o o 500 o o 2,500 o o 500 o o 1,000 o o 100 o o 100 o o 9,970 o o 9,970 o o 9,970 o o 9,970 o 0 2,660 8 4 700 ! 9 635 6 c; 2,660 8 4' 700 1 9 635 6 cj 52 10 1 52 10 1 2,712 18 5 700 1 9 635 6 o 2,712 18 5 700 1 9 635 6 o 828 15 6! 828 15 6 635 10 3 635 10 3 1,464 5 9 7'4 9 9 714 9 9 2,178 15 6 1,612 12 8, 1,612 12 8 604 13 o 604 13 o 2.217 5 8 195 7 o 195 7 o 2,412 12 8 386 13 o 386 13 o 300 o o 300 o o 686 13 o 2,400 o o 2,400 o oj 3,086 13 o 544 18 6 1,560 3 7; 888 19 10 3,222 o 5 2,347 17 1° 462 4 6 890 14 o 906 o 9 781 1 3 544 '8 6: 1,560 3 7 888 19 10 3,222 o 5 2,347 11 10 462 4 6 890 14 o 906 o '9 781 1 3 i,37i 4 o 207 19 7 2,547 17 8 1,135 18 7 2,206 1 4 i,37* 4 o 207 19 7 2,547 l7 8 i,i3S '8 7 2,2o6 I 4 S34 9 ° 544 18 6 2,931 7 7 1,096 19 5 5,769 18 1 3,483 16 5 2,66.8 5 10 890 14 o 906 o 9 781 1 3 534 9 o 1,892 o 5 i,752 2 4 4 1 5 2,293 18 8 1,265 Ir ° 2,574 o ° 1,080 o o 522 9 6 500 o c 400 o o 1,460 2 6 1,892 o 5 1,752 2 4 4 1 5 2,293 18 81 1,265 M ° 2,574 o o 1,080 o o 522 9 6 500 o o 400 o o 1,460 2 6 544 18 6 2,931 7 7 2,988 19 10 7,522 o 5 3.487 17 10 4,962 4 6 890 14 o 906 o 9 781 1 3 1,800 o o 2,574 o o 1,200 o o 700 o o 500 o o 3,628 6 6 1,500 o o 334 2 o 534 9 ° 120 o o 177 10 6 120 o o 177 10 6 120 o o 177 10 6 3,228 6 6 39 17 6 334 2 o 3,228 6 6; 39 '7 6! 334 2 ° 3,228 6 6 39 17 6 334 2 o 918 2 3 34 ° o. 760 9 6; 918 2 3 34 O O: 9 6 3,357 15 8 3.3S7 «S 8 4,275 17 11 34 o o 876 14 6 642 4 4 642 4 4 4,918 2 3 34 o o 1,086 14 6 116 5 o 116 5 o 210 o o 210 o o 2,041 o 10 2,041 o ici 2,041 o 10 2,041 o 10 1,146 3 6| 745 '7 ° 158 12 o 1,146 3 6 745 !7 o 158 12 o. 123 17 o 3 13 6 43 16 2 109 5 6 123 17 o 3 13 6 43 16 * 109 s 6 1,146 3 6 745 17 o 158 12 o 123 17 o 3 13 6 2,663 12 10 1,188 12 9 136 3 0 136 3 o 1,146 3 6 745 ]7 o 158 12 o 260 o o 3 13 6 2,994 16 8 1,188 12 9 2,619 '6 8 i,o79 7 3; 2,619 16 8; I,O79 7 3 33i 3 I0 33i 3 10 160 13 1 781 o 6 160 13 1 781 o 6 357 14 7 357 H 7 518 7 8 781 o 6 520 o o 518 7 8 781 o 6 520 o o 300 o o 1,863 15 11 520 o o 520 o o o o 502 8 9 1,013 15 11 1,013 15 11 347 !1 3 347 «' 3 1,361 7 2 300 o o. 502 8 g 3.738 8 o 3,738 8 o 3,738 8 o 3,738 8 o 5,560 o o 2,000 o o. 5,560 o o 2,000 o o I 661 16 7 661 16 7 8,221 16 7 5, 673 3 5 5,673 3 5 >3,895 o o i,37° 7 9 1,37° 7 9 60 o o 60 o o i,43o 7 9 i,430 7 9 2,599 12 io! 113 13 > 2,599 12 10 "3 13 1 } i,659 17 o 1.659 17 ° 4,373 2 11 459 I? o 459 !7 o 4,832 19 11 I 212 3 2 600 o o 212 3 2 600 o 0 212 3 2 600 o o 500 o 0 250 o o 500 o o 250 o o| 212 3 2 600 o o 500 o o 250 o o 1,524 7 2 i,5 24 7 2 1,524 7 2 1,524 7 2 384 6 s 384 6 5 384 6 5 365 13 7 365 13 7 750 o o 4,454 '3 2 1,965 1 8 3,500 o 0| 4,454 13 2 1,965 1 8 3,500 o o 244 14 3 244 H 3 4,699 7 5 1,965 1 8 3,55i 19 9 54 11 8 54 11 8 4,753 19 1 1,965 1 8 3,914 o 0 51 '9 9 5 1 '9 9 362 o 3 362 o 3 . 30 7 6 30 7 6 30 7 6 469 12 6 469 12 6 500 o o 290 1 6 290 1 6 290 1 6 5,000 o o 970 o o 900 o o' 1,886 2 o 6,090 15 II 1,500 o o 1,209 '8 6 1,209 '8 6i 1,500 o o 5,000 o o 970 o o 900 o o 4,069 o o 10,854 8 1 1,500 o o 5,000 o o 970 o o 900 o o 1,410 O O; 3,454 8 1 1,500 o o: 5,000 o o; 970 o o 900 o o. 1,410 o o 3,454 8 1 1,500 o o 476 2 o 2,636 7 10 476 2 o 2.636 7 10 2,182 18 o 4,763 12 2 2,182 18 o 4,763 12, 2 ... 1,000 o o^ I,00O O O 1,220 o o 116 o o 2,756 14 I 1,220 o o n6 o o; 2.756 14 I 1,000 o o 1,220 o o 116 00 2,756 14 I 1,384 o o 1,243 5 " 1,384 o o 1,243 5 " 1,000 o o 1,220 o o 1,500 o o 4,000 o o 500 o o' 1,500 o o 1,200 o o: 3,000 o' o 500 o o 1,500 o oj I,2OO O O] 3,000 O O; 500 o 0 1,500 o o 1,200 o o 3,000 o o 500 o o 500 o o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o I;2OO O O 3,000 o o ... 1,855 16 o 500 o o 1,855 16 .0 500 o oj 382 1 7 382 1 7 2,237 17 7 500 o o 2,042 11 s 2,042 11 5 4,280 9 o 500 o o 3,000 o o 3.7i8 18 o 1,000 o o 1,500 o o 500 o o 1,000 o o ... 2,400 4 10 63 16 10 2,400 4 10! 63 16 10' 2,400 4 10 63 16 10 3,000 o o; i>3'8 13 2 1,000 o o i,436 3 2 500 o o 1,000 o o 3,000 o o 1,318 13 2 1,000 o o 1,436 3 2 500 o 0 1,000 o o .. 1,500 o 0 1,500 o o 1,500 o o 4 I,O0O O O 1,000 o o 1,000 o o I7,6l6 lj 2 1 I7,6l6 17 2 2,500 13 6 2,500 13 6 20,117 I0 8 2,391 o 3 2,39 1 ° 3 22,508 10 11 Carried forward ... . ... 6i,75i 7 6 983,322 II 4. 267,247 9 5 1,312,321 8 3, 1,992 15 9 145,024 15 3 147,017 11 oj 1,459,338 19 3 571 12 11 117,840 8 8 118,412 1 7 i,577.75' o 10

TABLE No. 13. STATEMENT showing the Total Expenditure out of various Classes of the Consolidated and Public Works Funds on the under-mentioned Works (mentioned in Tables 8 of 1881, and 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 o£ 1882), up to the 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on account thereof on that Date.



Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881, out of the following Classes: Expenditure during the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1882, out of the following Classes :— Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 18S2. Roads: Roads: Lighthouses and JfiSj'feSf Total Consolidated public Works Harbour Works : J™ ™ Tnhff* rf NeC Expenditure Fund, as per ! Fund, as per as per as If Tab . ie 8 , of to Table 7. ! Tables 5 and 6. Table ia. 188a 9 3Ist March > l8Sl * I Roads: Roads: Lighthouses and J^ eil «V} eous Expenditure Consolidated Public Works Harbour Works: Fubl,c T 1 \ « r durmc Fund, as per Fund, as per as per as ££ ab , le n 8 n ? f Twelve Months Table 7. Tables 5 and 6. Table 13. ' rCR , 9 ended IBB ■ ■ 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure 31st March, i88z. Roads: Roads: Consolidated Public Works Fund, as per Eand, as per Table 7. Tables J and 6. I Lighthouses and Harbour "Works: TabllVa. Total Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. EOADS :— Great South Road !N"orth of Auckland District Bay of Islands District Mahurangi to Wliangarei, main road Whangarei to Port Albert ,, Road, llangaturoto to Waikietie Opening road to Ruatangata Pukekaroro Bridge destroyed by flood Road, Maungakararnea Mangere Bridge Thames District Hape to Karaka Creek Coromandel Pablie Works, Thames to Hastings ... Road to Tokatea Range Road, Coromandel to Hastings ... Repairing flood damages at the Thames, being half the cost thereof— Thames County Thames Borough ... ,., ,., Tararu Tramway £ a. a. 6,700 6 4J £ s. d. ... 85,013 12 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 a. e s. a 6,700 6 4 85,013 12 11 £ ,. a 1,992 15 9 1. £ a, a. 9 17,022 8 o ( 1,000 o oi I ",552 9 8 ■29 15 3 £ s. a. £ 6. d. ... £ 8. d. £ s. d. 1,992 15 9 8,693 2 1 17,022 8 o 102,036 o 11 2,552 9 8 38,49.3 '2 71 £ s. 6 571 12 i! £ s. a. S. 2 97 9 f> 2,6=>,5 1.5 8; 2OO O 0| £ s. a. £ s. dJ 571 12 II 5-297 9 i* 2,803 >3 8j l.j £ b. d. ij 9,264 15 o ij 107,333 I0 1O ] I 2,589 j6 21 33>35' 6 9 1,870 4 9 3,000 o o 60 o o 500 o o J .59° 5 9 250 o o 35.941 2 n } }. „. 8: 6 3 3} 4,87O 4 9 f " 9 . ' 5 3 } 5,ooo o J { } ' 3 : I 63 o 9i 2,201 16 3 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 o 500 o o O ISjO O O oj 500 o o , 9 17,139 *4 2 2,276 19 o o 250 o o 500 o 0 o o 6O O Cj 5OO O O; 17,139 14 2 907 4 o 3,184 3 o O Of I I4OO 55° ° o 14 o c 550 o c 500 o o o o Bo o o 0 17,153 14 2 o 3,734 3 o 250 o o ... 907 4 o 500 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o 0 o 500 o o o 1,000 o o 0 1,000 o o 500 o o 1,000 O O IjOOO O O 1,000 o o ,.. 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 o 1,000 o o f 4,851 o ; I "s 14 3 55 '6 o 4,928 10 o 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 0 2,452 10 o' 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 4,976 14 10 44-333 16 10 55 J 6 ,° 2.826 3 6 357 I' 6, 4,928 10 o 2,452 10 o 1,000 o o ... Waikato District 16,625 !I ° 22,731 11 o 39.357 2 o } f 2,288 o 10 I 2,509 2 4 128 j 6 } 4,797 3 2 128 5 6 2 49,131 O O Road from Pukekobe to Waiuku Straightening AVaiuku Channel ... Road from Pukekohe through East Pukekohe District to Bombay Bridge and road, Karaka to Pukekohe East Road to Buckland Station Papakura to Wairoa ... Bridge over the Waipa on Raglan Main Road Road, Mackaytown to Waikato ,.. TuMkaramea to Hamilton Tamaki Bridge repairs... Hamilton to Waipa ... Raglan to Waikato Road, Te Awanmtu Station to Townsliip ... Contribution towards bridge oyer Waikato at the Narrows Bridge over the Waikato at Hamilton ... Clearing snags at Waikato Portage Road, Riverhead lo Kaipara Bay of Plenty District... Waimapu Bridge Cambridge to Taupo ... Cambridge to Rotorua... Cambridge to Tauranga Thames to Tauranga ... Thames to Ohinemuri... Tauvanga, East Cape, Whakatane, To Teko, and sundry roads, Bay of Plenty Tauranga to Opotiki ... ,,, ,., Tauranga to Taupo Taupo District Poverty Bay District ... Orraond to Opotiki Gisborne to East Cape... Gisborne to Wairoa Waipoua River Bridge Wairoa Wairoa to Waikaremoana Clearing snags, Wairoa River Tools, &c. Seventy-Mile Bush, Hawke'e Bay Xapier to Taupo 2,770 7 6 357 "i 6 6 2,770 7 6 6 357 11 6 6 2,954 9 o 357 11 6 I 1,041 13 c 150 o o 1,029 12 4 o 1,041 13 o o 150 o o 4' 1,029 I3 4 15 2 2 300 o o 15 2 2 1,056 15 2 150 o o: 300 o o 300 o o 1,029 I2 4664 664 4 1,063 1 6 150 o o 300 o o i,o 3 y 13 4 2,809 J J 3 1,000 o c 3 2,809 11 3 C 1,000 O C 1,006 4 8 1,006 4 8 s>815 15 ill 1,000 o o 1 35 "° c 350 o o 500 o o 35 Io 0 3SO o c 500 o c = 3$5i 5 11 1,000 o o 3 0 O 1,656 8 9 D 500 O O 2,000 o o 472 12 3 1,656 8 9 2,000 o o 156 16 o: 9 i>656 8 9 0 2,000 o o Oj 156 16 O I 1,656 8 9 2,000 o o 315 16 3 472 12 3 3'5 "6 3 300 o o 3,218 17 2' 250 o o 250 o o oj 300 o o' 2J 3,218 17 2' Di 25O O o' 35 ° o o 103,892 11 6 Cr. 42 5 o 300 o oj Cr. 42 5 o 3,176 12 21 1,617 3 n 1O 5,5°9 [4 5 5,500 o o 5,500 o o i16 6 o 116 6 o 3,259 14 9' 3,259 14 9. 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 322 5 o 322 5 o 300 o o 3 3,4(jS 17 2 250 o o 250 o o J 109,647 15 II 14,619 9 4 89,273 2 2 f 760 19 7 I 856 3 4 5,500 o A 116 6 oj 3.259 14 9 1,000 o o } f 3,768 1 6 { 37° o o 250 o o 362 17 6 2,000 o o 1,000 O O: } 4,138 1 C 250 o o 362 17 0 2,000 o c 1,000 o c 5,500 o o > 366 6 o ') 3,622 12 3 ; 2,000 o o 5,000 o o ... J 5,000 o o r , , 5,000 o o 249 12 2 2,041 611 9.336 !? J 21,349 5 4 544 '8 cj 238 12 o ... 250 o 0 1,077 8 oj 1,000 o o 4,l8o 10 2 =; 544 'S o => 238 12 O 9.586 9 3 23.390 12 3 3 250 O O = 1,077 8 o 3 1,000 O O 2 4,l8o 10 2 1,270 19 5 T.500 o o 3 IO9 15 O 714 13 6 780 3 o 892 14 5 100 o 0 1.463 I 5! 150 o o 894 18 8 I 992 14 5 1,537 12 5 1.463 1 E I -7° , *3 5 9,586 - 9 3 150 O 0 23,540 12 3 894 18 8 1,144 18 8 1,077 8 oj I,OOO O Oi 4,i8o 10 2 ico o o' i>37 0 ! 9 5 1.500 o o j09 15 o 714 13 6 780 3 o f '■344 "8 5 381 19 7 32 18 o 1 212 c ',344 18 5 381 19 7 32 18 o 212 6 ' j 2,882 10 10 > 2,08.1 '3 o 9.586 9 3 23,540 12 3 >' 1,177 16 8 ) 1,080 o o i,ooo o o 4,180 10 2 > 1,470 19 5 109 o 7>4 -3 6 780 3 o "■ 58 11 9 1,212 7 8 100 o o 100 o o' 714 13 6 32,185 16 2 1,500 o o 109 15 0 780 3 o 2,840 14 7 ( 4 3° I 13 o o ( 1,062 2 6: ' (. 7218 3! 35,026 10 9 i? 3 j> r 7 3 °j 35-043 13 9 35,043 13 9 Napier to Taupo Kuripapanga to Inland Patea ... Wainui to Waipukurau Wainui to inland settlement ... Bridge over Ahuriri Harbour ... Tools, &c. Wanganui District Patea to Wanganui Trunk Road, County Wanganui Road,RangitikeitoMurhnotuorinlandPatea Road, Rangitumau Wanganui to Taupo Manawatu District Manawatu Gorge ... ... ... j Refund expenditure, Manawatu Gorge Road Manawatu Bridge approaches ... Road, Seventy-Mile Bush, Opaki to Kopua, including Manawatu Gorge Road 5,638 7 2 248 15 o 36,246 5 4 312 8 r ... 2,000 o 0 500 o o 11,604 7 11 1,500 o oj 1,000 o t> 1,000 o o 500 o p it i8 5 665 5 <) 184 6 7 i 3' 2 8 "J > 2,000 O O J 500 o o 1 11,604 7 n 248 15 o 5.638 7 2 36,246 5 4 si 1,500 o o ) r,ooo o o > 1,000 o o 3 5,767 2 2 2,358 6 o 5 'i 9 i 66 S 5 9 r 184 6 7 624 5 ' 2913 5 l S35 o P 624 5 r 29 13 5 *S35 o 9l i>447 9 4 ... 2,000 *o 0 500 o o 624 5 v 12,228 13 oi 248 15 o 5.638 7 2 29 13 5 36,275 18 9 J, OOO O 0 1,000 o o 5,767 2 2 2,358 6 o 349 15 8! 46,339 7 5: 665 5 9 184 6 7 f 2 14 1 ■ I 1,036 16 1. 2,000 o o ... I 1,039 Io 3 2,000 o o i 2,486 19 7 > 2,000 o o 2,000 O O 500 o o 12,228 n o »48 15 o 5,6.38 7 2 30,275 IS 9 1,500 o o 1,000 o o 1,000 o o 5,767 2 2 2,358 C o 1 46,594 7 2 665 5 9 184 6 7 2,358 6 5,267 2 2 45.732 13 4 349 "5 8 ... 349 '5 8 ; ... 254 19 9 254 '9 9 ... Seventy-Mile Bush { 45,77° '7 11 5,000 o 0 ! 5,000 O O 45,770 I? II 830 o o 240 1 3 7?o| ( 2,001 12 o I 330 5 jo ; 820 o o 240 1 3! 7 7 o 5,000 o o 820 o oj 46,590 17 ri 240 1 3 240 1 3 770 77° 192 19 10 2,000 o o 192 19 ioj 2,000 o o : 5,000 o o 46,590 17 II > 433 i i i 1 2,007 7 o Opaki to Manawatu Gorge ,., .., Opaki ... 1,184 '4 5 66,783 7 5 f 6,000 o 0 \ 3,000 o 0 [- 76,968 i 10 > I >J } 2,331 17 10 3,331 17 i<n > 79,299 19 8 79,299 l 9 8 Ruamahunga Bridge, Opaki Road Grant in aid for bridge over Manawatu River Road, Fitzherbert Block Road, Parakeretu Block Road in Manchester Block Continuation of Kimbolton Road through Sandon Block, Kiwitea Road, Eoxton to Otaki, inland ... Road, Karere to Manawatu Road and bridge, Mungaroa to Waikanae... Hutt toLowry Bay Bridge over the Waiohine Masterton to Castlepoint Road, Taueru Tools, Ac. Taranaki District Patea to Wai-iti New Plymouth, inland Hawera to Waitara Stony River to Waitotara Mountain Road to Taranaki Opening Mountain Road to Patea Unsettled Districts, Patea and Taranaki ... Clearing snags, Waitara River ... Tools, &c. Road, Nelson to Greymouth and Westport Buller to Arnould ' ... Main road to Boatman's Bridge over Owen Bridge over Matiri Bridge over Inangahua at Reefton Bridge over Inangahua at Buller Junction Bridge over Little Grey at Devery's Bridge over Ahaura Bridge over Inangahua Bridge over Nelson Creek ... ... Road, Westport to Lyell Main road near Longford ... ,,. Buller Valley, completion to Orawaiti Bridge over Buller River on Nelson to Reefton Road ... .., .., Nile Bridge ... Takaka Tramway Bridge over Wairoa in Waimea District ... Road, Oronoko to Stanley Brook Takaka to Motueka Takaka Road... Takaka to Motueka, and approaches to wharf at Waitapu ... Collingwood io Quartz Range ... Motueka to Karamea ... Takaka Valley Ahaura to Amuri ... Nelson to Havclock ... Wakamarina Road Rai Road, County Waimea Rai Road, County Maryborough,,, Main road through Pelorus District and Rai Valley... Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Charlotte Sounds Bridge over Waiau, Amuri County Road, Nelson to Tophouse and Tarndale .,. Marl borough Road, Kaikoixra to Waiau Bridge over Clarence River ... Greymouth to Arnould 3,688 2 3 ::: 290 o o 5°4 9 8 58,566 6 9 3,76o 17 3 14,469 19 2 26,553 >3 ■<> 254 4 2 S,3>5 2 o 73,"97 4 8! 844 10 0 ... 884 o o 1,000 o oj 2,756 16 8; 300 o oj 8,000 o o II 2 0 3,000 o o 1,000 o o 3,000 o o 13,175 I I ■ 4,000 o o, 63 13 2 9,815 2 10 ... 10,305 IO 3 2,176 10 8 4,9/8 8 o 4,555 l 7 10 2,000 o o 2,000 o o ' 884 o o > 1,000 o o 2,756 16 8 ! : 300 O O 8,0OO O O 290 o o II 3 O 3,000 o o I,OOO O O 504 9 8 62,254 9 ° 3.76o 17 3 14,469 19 2 3,OOO O O' i3,i7S i 8 ', 4,000 o o 26,553 l 3 I0 63 13 2 k 2S .t 4 2 1 ! ::: <- 126,462 o r I 5° 5 3 149 o o 99 "o 9 '3 '5 6 ■8,179 3 3 8,759 19 4 2,099 6 7 107 o 9 42 10 o 117 10 o 5° 5 3 149 o o ... 99 10 9 13 '5 <> ... ... '8,i/9 3 3 1 , ::: y 11,126 6 8 5o 5 3 5° 5 3 149 00 149 o o 884 o o 1,000 o o 99 10 9 2,856 7 5| 300 o o! 8,000 o oj 290 o oj 13 15 6 24 17 6 3,000 o o 1,000 o o; 504 9 8 62,254 9 o 3,760 17 31 14,469 19 2 3,000 o o 13,175 i 8 4,000 o ol '8.179 3 3 44,733 17 1 <n 1.5 2: 254 4 2 I 4 10 o 150 o o 16 o o '43 12 7 500 o o * 3,631 6 6 3.9/8 7 o 1,634 18 2 I? 3 3 3,456 12 o 85 o o 1 5- 9,"/2 ° 5 3.631 6 6 4 10 o 150 o o 16 o o T 43 12 7 500 o o < 4 10 o 'I 20 ° 5 3 149 o o 900 o o 1,000 o o 3,000 o o 300 o o 8,000 o o 290 o o 24 17 6 3,000 o o 1,000 o o 504 9 8 500 o o 62,254 9 o 3.760 17 3 14,469 19 2 3,000 o o I3>i75 i 8 4,000 o o 48,364 3 7 63 13 2 254 4 2 146,760 7 2 ... ... 7,273 13 io ... - 11,126 6 8' 137,588 6 9; 1,115 *6 4 ... 4,000 o c 3,643 19 3 1,000 o o| 700 o o ... 1,115 "6 4 3,643 >9 3 1,500 o oi 3 18 o ... 1,500 o o 3 18 o 1,115 16 4 1,500 o o ii5°o o oj 3 18 o' 3,647 17 3 1,000 o o; 700 o oj 21 6 o 21 6 c: j 1,500 o o 1,500 o o 1,115 -6 4 3,000 o o 3,647 17 3 1,000 o o 700 o o 21 60 ... 21 60 2160 i i 5°7 ■ 1 2,000 o o 6,210 13 10 1,178 14 o 1,000 o o 1 1 300 o o 606 i 6 500 o o 400 o o 1,178 14 o 5°7 * 1 1,000 o o 2,000 o o 6,210 13 10 300 o o 606 i 6 500 o o 400 o o ... 1,178 14 o| 507 1 ij 1,000 o o' 2,000 o o 6,210 13 ioj '.'.', , 606 i 6J 500 o o! 400 o o . 1,178 14 o 50; I I 1,000 o o 2,000 o o 6,210 13 10 300 o o 606 t 6 500 o 0 400 o o 11 9 5 6,305 17 o 2,146 14 9 6,305 17 o ' 2,146 14 9 11 9 5 6,188 4 2 58 12 5! 229 17 o 710 o 9 76 5 o 283 1 o 26 8 6 I 6,i8S 4 2 58 " 5 229 17 o 710 o 9 ?6 5 ° ! 28? 1 o 26 8 6 6,188 4 2 12,494 1 2 58 13 5 58 12 5 229 17 o 229 17 o 710 o 9 2,856 15 6 76 5 o ! 87 14 5 283 1 o, 285 1 o 26 8 6 46 8 6 •■•_ 97,020 3 o| 1,044,989 11 8 1 3.444 '2 ° 291 7 7 9,696 t, o 298 17 j 125 o o 116 10 o 223 11 6 3,444 12 o 291 7 ; 9,696 5 o 298 17 5 125 o o 116 10 o 223 11 6 r 5.938 13 2 350 o o 9,926 2 o 12 ii 399 i' o 270 o o 5.058 ■ 5 1.104,780 8 o S.058 I 5 716,700 18 2 20 o o 1 20 o o 5.058 i 5 '■ 948,011 13 8 Carried forward ... ... I 61,651 7 6 169.659 8 o 1,992 15 9 - —-—: S 'Z 57' 12 » I 59,790 16 4 95,027 7 3 Cr. 42 5 o 94,985 2 3 97io2o 3 o; Cr. 42 5 o 96,977 18 o 59,219 3 5 I


TABLE No. 13— continued. STATEMENT showing the Total Expenditure out of various Classes of the Consolidated and Public Works Funds on the under-mentioned Works (mentioned in Tables 8 of 1881, and 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 of 1882), up to the 31st March, 1882, and the Liabilities on account thereof on that Date.

6—D. 1.


Total Net Expenditure t( 31st March, 1881, out of the following Classes: Expenditure durii ig the Twelve Mont! is ended 31st Marci 1, 1882, out of the M Uowing Classes :— Liabilities on Authorities, Contr; 3Tst March, 1882. Lets, Sec, to Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1881. Roads: Consolidated Fund, as per Table 7. Total Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1882. . Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1882. Total Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1882. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Roads: Consolidated Fund, as per Table ). Roads: Public Works Fund, as per Tables j and 6. Lighthouses and Harbour Works: as per Table 12, Miscellaneous Public Works : as per Table 8 of 1881, and 9 of 1883. Roads: Public Works Fund, as per Tables i and 6. Lighthouses and Harbour Works: as per Table 12. Miscellaneous Public Works : as per Table 8 of 1881, and 9 of 1882. Roads: Consolidated Fund, as per Table 7. Roads: Public Works Fund, as per Tables 5 and 6. Lighthouses and Harbour Works: as per Table 12. Brought forward LISHTHOTTSES :— Akaroa Brothers Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Maria Van Dieman Cape Saunders Centre Island French Pass Beacon ... Hokitika Marine Store Moeraki Mokohinau ... Portland Island Pujsegur Point Stephen's Island Timaru Tory Channel Waipapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s. " Hinemoa " and " Stella" Beacon at Queenstown Haebotjr Wobks : —■ Loan to Waitara Harbour Board Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Picton, removal of old wharf Collingwood Harbour Works Westport Harbour Works Greymouth Harbour Works 6i,7Si s. d. 7 6 £ s. d. 983,322 11 4 £ s. d. £ a. d. 267,247 9 5 £ s. d. 1,312,321 8 3 £ s. d. i,992 '5 9 £ s. d. 145,024 15 3 £ s. d. £ s. d, £ s. d. 147,017 11 o £ s. d. 1.459.338 19 3 £ s. d. 57i 12 11 £ s. d. 117,840 8 8 £ s. d. £ b. d. 118,412 1 7 £ s. d. I.577.75I o 10 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 2,417 o 6 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 ° 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 2,417 o 6 6,955 9 ' 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5»78s '9 o 937 5 10 937 5 10 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8i 6,066 6 3 5,785 !9 o 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 ii 3 2,943 1 11 4,039 12 4 6,554 14 5; 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 I,n6 I? 3; 353 7 7 56 1 6 7,148 16 5 6,241 o o 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 7,028 14 8 6,066 6 3 5,78s 19 o 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 " 3 2,943 1 11 4,639 12 4 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 353 7 7 2,256 1 6 668 15 8 668 15 8 801 9 7 499 " 3 2,943 1 11 3,607 14 11 6,554 14 5 9>958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 50 o o 801 9 7 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 3,607 14 11 6.554 '4 5 9.958 19 5 70 18 1 1,116 17 3 50 o o 43i 17 5 43i 17 5 600 o o 600 o o ... ... ... ... ! I 303 7 7 56 1 6 3°3 7 7 56 1 6 2,200 o o 2,200 o o ... 20,590 5 9 35 ° ° 20,590 5 9 35 o o 20,590 5 9 35 o o 20,59° 5 9 35 o o 1,012 8 5 i,oe2 8 ; 437 11 7 312 3 2 437 " 7 312 3 2 437 11 1 1,324 11 7 1,176 8 5 94 o o 280 12 o 1,176 8 5 94 o o 280 12 o: 2,124 4 9 855 12 7 437 11 7 2,501 o o 94 o o 35° ° o 2,368 o o 15,278 2 1 ... 69 8 o 243 15 3 14,422 9 6 69 8 o 243 15 3 14,422 9 6 69 8 o 243 15 3 14,422 9 6 2,124 4 9 855 12 7 ... Hokitika Harbour Works C 25,000 o o ( 3,000 o o 277 19 o 500 556 Jo 3 600 o o > 28,000 o o 3,000 o o 3,000 o o 31,000 o o 31,000 o o Removal of rocks, Catlin's River Removal of rocks, Martin's Bay Matakana Wharf ... ... Wharf at Whangarei Heads Wharf at Pollock, Manukau Harbour Loan to Waitara Harbour Board Jetty at Port Levy Jetty at Queenstown ... Jetty at Jackson's Bay Jetty at Toitois Erection of jetty and shed, Catlin's River Jetty at Balclutha Protective Works, Diptou Harbour Defences Miscellaneous Public Wobks : — Drainage, lagoon, Mount Eden ... Drainage, Patutahi Block Compensation to A. Stitt Maerewhenua Railway Bridge ... Sundry compensations Loans to local bodies to repair damages caused by floods Railway material, Gisborne to Ormond ... Amount payable to counties in respect of stoppages of land revenue, — Canterbury Otago Railway Commission ... Clutha Commission Allowance to widow of D. March banks ... Contingencies Tramway at Kamo ISO O O; 1,500 o o 250 o 0 297 8 o 32 6 4 1,000 o o 465 7 6 250 o o 500 o o 35,417 19 II 348 12 O 1,290 17 II 620 o o 2,138 5 5 1,736 10 10 277 19 o 500 556 10 3 600 o o 150 O O; 1,500 o 01 250 o o 297 8 o 32 6 4 1,000 o o 465 7 6 250 o o 500 o o 3S>4'7 '9 " 348 12 o 1,290 17 11 620 o o 2.138 5 5 1,736 10 10 I 453 2 3 325 o 0 325 o o 453 2 3 602 19 o 500 556 ;o 3 600 o o 150 o o 1,500 o o 250 o o 75o 10 3 32 6 4 1,000 o o 465 7 6 250 o o 500 o o 35,417 19 H 348 12 O 1,290 17 II 620 o o! 2,138 5 5 1,736 10 10 ... o 6 6 223 13 11 ... ... 223 13 11 "o 6 6 826 12 11 500 556 10 3 600 o o 150 o o 1,500 o o 250 o o 750 16 9 32 6 4 1,000 o o 465 7 6 250 o o 500 o o 35.417 19 " 348 12 O 1,290 17 II 620 o o 2,138 5 5 1,736 10 10 48,198 o o 4,975 1 7 48,198 o o 4,975 1 7 237 ° 237 o o 48,435 o o 4,975 1 7 48,435 o o 4,975 1 7 100,000 o o 54,791 13 4 2,732 o 3 567 14 8 164 7 9 960 1,992 10 o 100,000 o o 54,79i 13 4 2,732 o 3 567 H 8 164 7 9 960 1,992 10 o 100,000 o o 54,791 '3 4 2,732 o 3 567 14 8 164 7 9 960 1,992 10 o 100,000 o o 54,791 13 4 2,732 o 3 567 14 8 164 7 9 960 1,992 10 o Less, — Jackson's Bay Settlement £13 o 8 Rangitata Road Bridge 106 1 5 Waipipi Road ... 250 6i,7Si 7 6 983,322 11 4 87,836 18 6 557,i62 8 7 1,690,073 5 11 i,992 is 9 145,477 '7 6 21,207 lB 6 237 ° 168,915 8 9 1,858,988 14 8 571 12 11 117,840 15 2 7,554 11 8 125,966 19 9 ',984,955 14 5 121 7 1 121 7 i 121 7 1 121 7 1 61,751 7 6 983,322 II 4 87,836 18 6 557,O4i 1 6 1,689,951 18 10; 1,992 15 9 145,477 17 6 21,207 iS 6 237 o 0 168,915 8 9 1,858,867 7 7 571 12 11 117,840 15 2 7.554 11 8 125,96$ 19 9 1,984,834 7

No. of Miles open of Government Lines NORTH ISLAND MIDDLE ISLAND

No. of Miles open of Government Lines NORTH and MIDDLE ISLANDS COMBINED



PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Page Appendix A.—Audited Statement of Expenditure on Public Works, out of the Immigration and Public Woeks Loan, por the Yeah 1881-82 ... ... ... ... ... 21 ~ B. —Statement of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Woeks Department OUTSTANDING AT THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL PEEIOD ENDED 31ST MAECH, 1882, PREPARED IN TEEMS OP " TIIE PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1879," AND FORWARDED AS THEEEIN PROVIDED TO THE AUDIT OFFICE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 ~ C. —Schedule of Railway Contsacts cueeent on Ist Apbil, 1881, and Contracts entered INTO BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAETMENT, DURING THE YeAE ENDED 313T MAECH, 1882 28 „ D.—Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist Apeil, 1881, and Contracts entered INTO BY THE PuilLlO WORKS DEPARTMENT DURING THE YeAE ENDED 31ST MAECH, 1882 33 ~ E. —Schedule of Contracts iok Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on Ist April, 1881, and Contracts enteeed into by the Public Woeks Department during the Yeae ended 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 ~ P. —Schedule of Contracts for Eoads and Miscellaneous Woeks cuerent on Ist Apeil, 1881, and Contracts entered into by the Survey Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 „ G-. —Annual Report on Railways in the North Island, by the Engineer in Charge, North Island, with Enclosure and Map... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 „ H. —Annual Report on Roads in the Noeth Island, including othee Miscellaneous Woeks, by the Engineer in Ciiaege, Noeth Island, with Enclosures and Map ... ... 48 „ I. —Annual Report on the Public Works of the Middle Island, by the Engineer in Charge, Middle Island ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 „ J.—Annual Report on Lighthouse Works ... ... ... ... ... ... 73 RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. „ X. —Annual Report on Working Railways, by the General Manager, with Enclosures ... 74-

7—D. 1.







Prepared in compliance with Section 9 of " The Public Works Act, 1876."

Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 6th June, 1882. In compliance with the 9th section of " The Public Works Act, 1876," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year upon all Government works authorized by Parliament under " The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1881." I have, &c, Walter W. Johnston, Minister for Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on Government Works for the Year 1881-82 out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to be forwarded to the Audit in compliance with Section 9 of "The Public Works Act, 1876."

W. A. Thomas, Public Works Department, Accountant, Public Works. sth June, 1882. Examined and found correct. James Edward Fitzgerald, Controller and Auditor-General, Bth June, 1882.

B—D. 1.

CLASS. SUMMAET. Net ExPENDITUBE. III. IV. V. VII. VIII. IX. X. Railways Sukvexs Eoads Wateewobks on Gold Fields Telegbaph Extension Public Buildin&s Lighthouses ahd Habboub Woeks ... Miscellaneous Public Woeks £ 8. d. 453,429 12 6 794 12 7 145,477 17 6 13,272 9 7 7,517 4 9 128,356 5 9 21,207 15 6 237 0 0 Total Net Expenditttee on Wobks out of Immioeation and Public Woeks Loan 770,292 18


Appendix A. — continued Public Works Net Expenditure, 1881-82.


H Particulars. Appropriation. Expended out of Appropriation. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation. Total Expenditure. 75 76 77 Class III.—Railways. Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Kaipara to Waikato, — Main Line Hamilton-Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames, — Hamilton-Te Aroha Te Aroha-Thames "Wellington to Napier,— Napier-Woodville (to Tahoraito) ... Wellington-Woodville, with Greytown Branch B un ny th orpe-Gorge Wellington to Foxton Foxton to New Plymouth,— Foxton-Patea, with branches Patea-Waitara ... Nelson to Roundell ... Grey mouth to Nelson Creek ... Greymouth to Hokitika West port to Ngakawau Picton to Hurunui, — Picton-Awatere ... Hurunui to Waitaki, — Main Line Oxford Branch ... ... ... Eyreton Branch... Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield Branch Whitecliffs Branch Opawa Branch ... Waimate Branch Main Line to tipper Ashburton Lincoln to Little Biver Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke'b Pass Purchase of rolling-stock from the Eakaia and Ashburton Forks Company Canterbury Interior Main Line, — Oxford-Malvern Whitecliffs-Rataia Tern uka-Ran gitata Waitaki to Bluff,— Main Line Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch ,.. ... ... Port Chalmers Branch Brighton Eoad Branch Outram Branch ... Lawrence Branch ... ... ,.. Ngapara Branch to Livingstone Palmerston to Waihemo ... ... ... Main Line to Catlin's Biver ... ... Waipahi to Heriot Burn ... Edendale to Toitois Otago Central, — Chain Hills to Taieri Lake Invercargill to Kingston, — Main Line Lumsden to Mararoa Western Railways,— Makarewa to Riverton Riverton Branch-Otautau Otautau to Nightcaps Riverton to Orepuki Contingent Expenses,— Legal and other expenses incurred by Government in defending Messrs. Brogden's claims £ s. d. 42,060 0 0| 24,850 0 0 £ s. d. 14,583 17 8! 8,595 15 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 14,583 17 8 8,595 15 9 | 111,110 0 0 53,813 17 4 0 17 0 J 53,814 14 4 78 ] 60,000 0 0 18,323 13 2 4,269 2 4 j 22,592 15 6 70 ] 73,079 0 0 ) 675 0 0 10,100 0 0: 7,453 16 5: 25,824 10 6 I ... 33,278 6 11 80 81 82 ... 9,946 2 8 9,946" 2 8 ] 146,632 0 0 35,856 10 7 39,435 0 l! 4,811 .2 8 3,846 7 0 500 0 0 2,197 5 8 1 75,291 10 8 S3 81 85 86 87 6,200 0 0 11,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,500 0 0 464" 5 6 4,811 2 8 3,846 7 0 9S4 5 6 2,197 5 8 11,000 0 0] 2,635 4 3 2,635 4 3 88 52,863 10 11 3 12 0 57 10 4 593 4 11 478 3 8 721 9 8 529 5 2 313 7 7 207,930 0 0 84,320 10 3 5,466 15 5 9,944 17 11 6,418 12 8 6,930 0 0 80 19,000 0 0 1,933 2 11 1,933 2 11 80. 69,930 10 5 4,071 8 9 1,279 8 9 3,650 15 6 89 18 3 13 3 4 2 11 7 1,644 14 11 605 16 3 1,454 9 6 2,809 10 9 483 15 5 203,000 0 0 86,036 3 5 01 21,267 14 7 36,000 0 0 21,267 14 7 02 ] 7,000 0 0 1,108 4 2 419 0 4 ? 1,527 4 6 m 2,550 4 0 8,384 4 10 5,584 8 5 7,704 12 8 > 43,000 0 0 24,223 9 11 !)i 3,000 0 0 1,563 18 4 1,563 18 4 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class III. 1,022,636 0 0 452,965 7 0 464 5 6 453,429 12 6 Class IV.— Subyiys of New Lines oj Railway. Surveys —North Island ... ... ... Surveys —Middle Island 81 6 9 713 5 10 65 96 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 81 6 9 713 5 10 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class IV. 4,000 0 0 794 12 7 794 12 7



Appendix A.—continued. Public Works Net Expenditure -continued.

4 Particulars. Appropriation. Expenditure out of Appropriation. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation. Total Expenditure. 97 <J8 99 .00 .01 .02 03 04 .05 06 07 .08 Class V.—Roads. Roads, bridges, &c, Auckland Roads, bridges, &c, Hawke's Bay Roads, bridges, &c, Wellington Roads and bridges, Taranaki Roads, bridges, &c, Nelson ... Roads, bridges, &c, Marlborough Roads, bridges, &c, Westland Hokitika to Christcliureh Road Roads and bridges, Otago Roads and bridges in Native districts ... Roads to open up lands before sale Roads through lands recently purchased £ s. d. 76,442 8 7 5,909 7 8 8,473 0 5 23,446 6 2 48,195 5 10 23,850 0 0 8,993 4 4 8,260 3 4 7,500 13 0 10,441 .7 3 50,000 0 0 7,883 2 10 £ s. a. 47,798 0 8 2,750 11 10 3,031 5 5 18,179 3 3 13,591 8 5 6,556 6 1 4,615 0 0 5,884 18 4 4,057 7 5! 3,078 G 7: 33,434 16 0 2,500 13 6 £ b. A. £ s. d. 47,798 0 S 2,750 11 10 3,031 5 6 18,179 3 3 13,591 8 E 6,556 6 1 4,615 0 C 5,884 18 4 4,057 7 5 3,078 6 7 33,434 16 C 2,500 13 6 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class V. 279,394 19 5 145,477 17 6 145,477 17 6 Class VII.—Waterworks on Gold Fields. Water-races, Middle Island ... ... .... . 22,000 0 0 13,272 9 7 13,272 9 .10 11 Glass VIII.—Telkqbaph Extension. Telegraph extension ... ... . ... 11,154 11 2 7,517 4 9 7,517 4 12 .18 .14 .15 ,16 .17 .18 .19 Class IX. —Public Buildings. Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs ... Survey Lunatic asylums Hospitals ... Quarantine stations... School-buildings 30,806 0 0 10,680 0 0 900 0 0 1,000 0 0 60,720 0 0 2,500 0 0 2,500 0 0 85,000 0 0 16,259 5 1 1,751 11 3 26,698 19 6 140 4 11 970 17 6 82,535 7 6 16,259 5 1 1,751 11 3 26,698 19 6 140 4 11 970 17 6 82,535 7 6 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class IX. 194,106 0 0 128,356 5 9 128,356 5 9 20 21 Class X.—Lighthouses and Hakboob Works. Lighthouses Harbour Works ... ... 12,400 0 0 23,313 12 6 2,397 8 0 18,810 7 6 2,397 8 0 18,810 7 6 Total Appropriation and Expenditure, Class X. 35,713 12 6 21,207 15 6 21,207 15 Miscellaneous Public Works, — Section 9, "Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1881" 237 0 0 237 0 0 237 0




STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the close of the Financial Period ended 31st March, 1882, prepared in terms of Section 3 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1881," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office. SUMMARY.

Jlass. Totes. Particulars of Service. Amount. Total. Immigbation and Public Woeks Loan. Departmental Railways Surveys of new lines Roads Waterworks Harbour works £ 8. d. 255 11 1 320,019 11 10 234 15 0 *64,057 11 8 6,665 16 9 t4,754 11 8 £ s. d. II. III. IV. V. VII. X. 72-74 75-94 95-96 97-106 110 ' 121" Liabilities of the Public Works Department on Immigration and Public Works Loan £395,987 18 0 61 Consolidated Fund. Miscellaneous Services 3,628 9 1 XI. £3,628 9 1 W. A. Thomas, Accountant, Public Works. 29th April, 1882. IIv 72 73 Depaethental Public Woeks. Departmental Head Office, — Contingencies Head Office, North Island, — Contingencies 10 0 0 10 0 0 105 6 6 105 6 6 71 Head Office, Middle Island, — Contingencies 140 4 7 140 4 7 Total Class II. £255 11 1 Kailways. 3,423 10 2 10,809 3 7 1,320 0 0 II. 75 Kawakawa, — Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 76 Whangarei-Kaino, — Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 15,552 13 9 1,129 5 1 6,107 7 0 4 16 11 7,241 9 0 77 Kaipara- Waihato, — Contingencies Contracts 11,251 4 5,783 16 9 0 17,035 0 9 Carried forward 39,829 3 6 Doei Doe s not includi is not induct ! the liability of £53,783 3s. 6d. on roads under the control s the liability of £2,800 for Lighthouses under the control o: if the Surrey Departr the Marine Departm lent. See Table No. 5. mt. See Table No. 12.



Statement of all Liabilities, Public Works Department— continued.

Ba— D. 1.

!lass. Votes. Particulars of Service. Amount. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. 39,829 3 6 Brought forward ... II. Bail-ways— continued. 78 Waikato-Th ames, — Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 1,073 4 10 7,682 9 2 1,128 19 1 9,884 13 1 79 Wellington-Napier, — Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 10,581 17,458 165 0 7 0 0 2 0 28,204 7 2 80 Bimnythorpe- Gorge, — Contingencies 196 0 0 196 0 0 81 Wellington-Foxton, — Contingencies Land ... 124 11 35 0 0 0 159 11 0 82 Foxton-New Plymouth, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts Land compensation Material ordered from England 50 19 28,744 13 27,606 7 260 0 258 4 0 2 1 0 4 56,920 3 7 83 Nelson—Boundell, — Contingencies Contracts 184 17 10 76 0 0 260 17 10 84 Greymouth-Nelson Creek, — Contingencies Contracts 328 11 1,218 11 7 0 1,547 2 7 85 Grei/mouth-IIokitika, — Contingencies 62 0 0 62 0 0 86 Westport-Ngakawau, — Contingencies Contracts 1,110 11 7 360 0 0 1,470 11 7 87 Picton-Hurunui, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts 15 1 2 974 18 1 5,001 10 0 5,991 9 3 88 Hurunui— Waitalci, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 27 10 11 25,248 1 3 16,132 7 2 5,792 2 1 Canterbury Interior Main Line, — Contingencies Contracts WaitaM-Bluff,— Salaries Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England Otago Central, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts 47,200 1 5 89 6 10 1115,236 19 7 15,243 10 6 90 31 1 4 37,985 14 2 42,241 5 11 1,309 11 9 81,567 13 2 01 17 18 6 3,446 1 11 7,615 16 8 11,079 17 1 Carried forward .-. 299,617 1 9


Statement of all Liabilities, Public Works Department — continued.


!lass. VoteB. Particulars of Service. Amount. To'al. £ s. a. £ s. d. 299,617 1 9 Brought forward ... in. Bail wats — continued: 92 Invercargill-Kingston, — Contingencies Contracts 3,013 3 10 274 10 0 3,317 13 10 93 Western Railicays, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts Material ordered from England 12 8 3,183 19 12,664 3 1,177 6 8 1 4 8 17,037 17 9 01 Contingent expenses 46 18 6 46 18 6 Total Class III.—Railways £320,019 11 10 Suryets oe New Lines of Railway. 31 0 3 IV. 95 Surveys, North Island, — Contingencies 96 Surveys, Middle Island, — Contingencies 31 0 3 203 14 9 203 14 9 Total Class IV.—Surveys £234 15 0 Roads. 10 14 19,272 2 2,992 18 4 1 0 V. 97 Roads and Bridges, Auckland, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts ... Roads and Bridges, Hatvke's Bay, — Contingencies 22,275 14 5 98 2,195 13 11 99 Roads and Bridges, Wellington, — Contingencies 2,195 13 11 2,569 2 4 2,569 2 4 100 Roads and Bridges, Taranalci, — Contingencies Contracts 1,942 17 1,688 9 0 6 101 Roads and Bridges,'Nelson, — Contingencies Contracts 3,631 6 6 4,604 3 16,062 19 8 2 20,667 2 10 102 Roads and Bridges, Marlhorougli, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts 6 5 1,228 13 2,841 2 7 0 6 Roads and Bridges, Westland,— Contingencies 4,076 1 1 103 583 19 7 583 19 7 104 IIolcitika-Glirist church, — Contingencies 908 17 9 908 17 9 Carried forward .,. 50,907 18 5



Statement of all Liabilities, Public Works Department— continued.

9—D. 1.

llass. Votea. Particulars of Service. Amount. I Total. £ s. d. £ S. d. 56,907 18 5 Brought forward V. Roads— continued. 105 Boads and Bridges, Otago, — Contingencies 3,345 10 11 3,345 10 11 106 Boads in Native Districts, — Contingencies Contracts 3,659 145 2 0 4 0 3,804 2 4 Total Class V.—Eoads £64,057 11 8 II. 110 WATERWORKS ON GrOLD FlEI/DS. Water-races, Middle Island, — Salaries Contingencies Contracts 11 4 4 2,132 0 10 4,522 11 7 6,665 16 9 Total Class VII. —Waterworks on Gold Fields £6,665 16 9 121 Lighthouses and IIaebottb Woeks. Contingencies Contracts 3,879 875 7 4 0 8 X. 4,754 11 8 *fClass X.—Harbour Works £4,754 11 8 XL 01 Consolidated Fund. Miscellaneous Services, — Contingencies Contracts Land 1,604 12 1,654 17 369 0 1 0 0 3,628 9 1 fClass XI. —Miscellaneous Services £3,628 9 1 This inclui ibs XI., are les Harbour Works only. + The vote for " Lighthouses," in< not under the control of the Minister for Public Works. sluded in Class X., am sundry votes included in Oil



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts Current on the 1st April, 1881, and Contracts Entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1882. NORTH ISLAND.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. ISTame of Contract. particulars. Length of Contract. Length of Sidings in Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be Completed. Date Contract was Completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Mar. 9, 1880 Dec. 10, ,, Kawakawa ... Taumarere Kawakawa, No. 3 Formation F.,P.L.,and Wharf F. and P.L. F. PL., and Bdgs. M. ch. Ik. i o o 411 o M. eh. Ik. o 20 o William Sims Larkins and O'Brien ... Mar. 2, 1881 June 6, 1882 May 13, 188 1 £ s. d. 9,274 9 10 23,957 o o Jt ... ... June 16, 1881 Mar. 21, 1879 Whangarei-Xamo Kaipara-Waikato Awaroa Waitakerei 1 27 o 12 64 O 0 19 o 1 45 o Hector Reid Taylor and Danaher ... April 14, „ Sept. 11,1880 Dec. 16, 188 1 i°.773 7 o 36,601 5 2 July 13, 1880 Oct. 16, „ » »j ••• Auckland Reclamation 60 Coal-boxes Daniel Fallon Peter Birley ... Sept. 23, 1881 i Jan. 12, i Feb. 12, 1881 April 12, 188 1 July 27, ,, Dec. 16, 1881 55.542 o o 990 o o The amount of thia contract was reduced by £31,787 before any work was commenced, and afterwards by £4,500; work for latter sum being done by Auckland Borough Council. )> 3) Jan. 17, 1881 May 3, „ May 19, „ July 30, ,, Oct. 8, „ June 29, „ Nov. 3, „ Nov. 15, „ Mar. 28, 1882 JJ >) J) )) '•• it t> >) j» ••• No. 20, Station Buildings Kaipara Bridge Fencing Land, Newmarket and Remuera Goods Shed, Auckland Station... Helensville Station Road No. 21, Station Buildings No. 22, Station Buildings No. 23, Station Buildings No. 24, Station Buildings ... I Scott and Coombe Orlando Wells Samuel White Mercer and Marshall ... William Hill H. P. Kavanagh F. H. Rack9traw F. H. Rackstraw F. H. Rackstraw Oct. 27, „ Kov. 30, „ Aug. 8, „ Nov. 23, „ Dec. 22, „ May 9, 1882 July 18, „ Oct. 24, „ July 26, „ Jan. 4, 1882 Dec. 30, 1881 Aug. 8, „ Nov. 23, „ Dec. 22, „ 778 o o 962 18 o 105 o o I,IOO O O 33° 5 ° 44 10 o 32 10 o "5 13 9 296 o o }> » >> i) jj j) ••• ... Feb. 1, 1881 Feb. 1, „ Waikato to Thames. Hamilton-Te Aroha ... Grahamstown to Kauaeranga / 10 Low-side and 35 CattleC wagons 60 Coal-wagons 60 Coal-wagons Morrinsville Hamilton Branch Extension ... Hamilton Railway Bridge Kopu James Campbell j Depends when material handed to contractor ( S8 5 ° o C 585 o o ( 56 9 5 ° I 569 5 ° 3>494 ° 8 325 o o 1,489 o o Jan. 31, „ Jan. 31, „ June 24, „ Aug. 22, „ Nov. 3, „ June 28, „ Hamilton-Te Aroha ... Formation F. and P.L. 4OO 060 H. P. Kavanagh W. Lovett... Matthew Walsh William Sims McDermott and Griffiths j, >t Mar. 18, 1882 Nov. 3, 1881 June 29, 1882 Dec. 19, 188 1 Mar. 31, 1S82 >) j» ■•• Dec. 5, 188 1 * )) Grahamstown - KauaeFormation 2 57 o July 18, „ ranga Napier-Woodville Stationmaster's House, Makatoko Manga-te-Wainui Bridge Goods-shed, Wellington Station 15 Sheep-vans ... Lucas and Humphreys Sept. 8, „ Oct. 10, 188 1 194 o o Jan. ■ 3, 1882 Nov. 17, 1880 Dec. 20, „ Wellington- Woodyille F. & Bdgs. 1 19 o J. Saunders Andrew Compton James Russell June 29, 1883 Feb. 16, 188 1 Depends when ironw'k handed to contractor May 18, 1881 May 26, ,, Jan. 9, 1882 Jan. 4, ,, Dec. 19, 188 1 17,780 16 o 620 o o April 7, 188 1 jj >* Oct. 15, „ 630 15 o Mar. 12, 1881 Hay 9, „ Aug. 29, ,, Oct. 27, „ Nov. 21, „ }) ») ••• »> j* ••• Fencing at Pakuratahi Painting Bridges Freight on Sleepers ... Mungaroa Fencing ... Ironwork for Bridges T. Power ... G. Handbrook Mclntyre and Co. James Wilson Mills and Cable Sept. 17, 1881 Jan. 9, 1882 Feb. 19, „ Dec. 31, 1881 105 8 o 486 o o 282 1 8 238 5 o 180 o o >» » ••■ j» >> *•• ... »> j» »•« I



Oct. 31, 1881 Dec. 13, „ Wellington-Woodville » ,, ••• Petone New Station Additions to Cross's Creek Station Buildings Additions to Stationmaster's House, Kaitoke Bridge, Fencing, &c., Arnold's Line Foxton Station ... C. McKirdy and Co. ... Scott and Brown Jan. 1, 1882 Feb. 28, „ Feb. 1, 1882 April 12, „ 375 o ° Dec. 31, „ j, ,3 ••• J. Q-oodfellow . Jan. 28, „ Feb. 10, „ III 12 O Agreement May 19, 1880 Wellington-Foxton ... JPoxton-New Plymouth. Foxton-Patea F., P.L., and Bdgs. F. and P.L. 1 1 32 o John Chew ... ' J. Saunders Aug. 18, 188 1 July 22,1881 150 o o 15,164 16 o £50 of this sum contributed by Taratahi - Carterton Highway Board. July 1, „ Dec. 15, „ Jan. 25, 188 1 J, J, Carlyle Station Groods-shed, &c, Wanganui ... Freight on Rails, &c. I 21 O Downes, Procter, and Co. James Tawse R. S. Martin Sept. 28, „ Mar. 13, ,, 20 weeks from receipt of material Nov. 22, ,, April 9, „ April 22, ,, 16,928 13 o 55 2 o ° 207 14 o ,1 », Petty contract. Jan. 28, „ Jan. 22, „ July 30, „ Aug. 6, „ •Aug. 9, „ Dec. 14, „ 3, 33 ••• ,, ), ■•• ,» J, '■• No. 3, Formation, Carlyle Branch No. 4, Formation Carlyle Branch Nukuinaru Road Wanganui Station Patea Groods-shed Wagon Repairing-shed, East Town Additions, Fordell Station Freight on Rails and Fastenings - H. Eearns H. Eearns Colleary and Brcnnan ... James Tawse... J. and C. Bull' J. Matheson ... Oct. 26, 1881 Not. 26, „ Nov. 4, ,, Mar. 13, 1882 Completed Completed Jan. s, 1882 Nov. 7, 1881 Nov. 19, ,, Mar. 13,1882 75 18 8 180 17 6 284 1 7 415 9 ° 655 10 o 242 o o 3, >, ,, 33 ••■ ;, ,, •■■ £15° of this sum to be paid by Colonial Architect'^ Department. ,, ,» ••■ Feb. 21, 1882 Mar. 16, „ J. A. Johnston J. H. Heaton May 2, „ 12 weeks from receipt of material Dec. 28, 1882 Mar. 31, 1881 Mar. 31, „ June 18, „ 393 o o •77 5 3 it it ••• Mar. 28, „ June 17,1880 Jan. 17, 1881 Feb. 23, „ Patea-Waitara Whenuakura ... ... Waingongoro Hawera Normanby - Hawera Station Buildings Freight on Rails, &c. F. and P.L. F. and P.L. Formation 8 31 3° 4 34 o 2 54 60 o 25 o o 60 o Wilkie and Crawford ... Berry and Newman Walton Pell ... Walton Pell ... June 18, 1881 June 10, „ July 27, 3. 21,379 I2 6 13,400 o o 1,862 s ° 2,230 8 o 3, :> 53 3, '•• Mar. 9, „ J, 33 Mclntyre and Co. 1 o weeks from receipt of material May 12, „ 259 17 6 Mar. 14, „ Mar. 12, „ Mar. 11, ,, Mar. 23, „ J, S, ••• 33 33 ••• Freight on Rails, &c. Normanby Station ... Fencing Normanby Section Normanby-Hawera PermanentF. o 18 o Mclntyre and Co. Berry and Newman W. H. BrightweU Mace and Bassett Mar. 31, 1881 Mar. 31, „ May '30, „ June 30, „ June 30, „ May 27, „ Oct. 20, „ 204 3 9 4°S ° ° 235 o ° 3.520 13 o 11 J, ••• )1 11 •'• P.L. 6 52 60 III O Mar. 28, „ Mar. 15, „ May 6, „ May 17, „ June 1, „ )1 11 '•• » 11 ••• 11 31 ••• 11 5) •" 11 35 ••< way No. 5, Earthwork, Carlyle-Ma-nutahi Section No. 2, Formation, Normanby Section Freight on Wagon Ironwork ,.. Petty Contract, No. 7, CarlyleManutahi Section Stationmaster'a House, Normanby No. 2, Fencing, Normanby Section Carting 3,000 Sleepers Carting 3,000 Sleepers Additions, &c., Waitara Station Freight on Rails and Locomotive 1 Scalley and McLaughlin E. Collins ... D. Willf' mson P. Murpny ... W. Lockington July 23, ,, April 12, „ June 3, „ July 11, 1881 Dec. s, „ Completed May 26, 188 1 Completed July 30, 188 1 3.275 I2 6 44 o o 48 11 o 35 l 3 4 33° 15 ° June 8, ,, June 28, ,, June 28, „ June 27, „ 33 11 «•■ 11 ,» ■•• 31 11 W. H. Brightwell J. MeKenzie Delaney and Bourne ... Cleary and Co. Melntyre and Co. July 20, „ Aug. 22, „ Aug. 22, ,, Sept. 28, „ 6 weeks from receipt of material Oct. 6, 188 1 Dec. 17, „ Aug. 15, „ Aug. 10, „ Sept. 15, „ Oct. 17, „ Sept. 6, „ 78 2 6 50 o o 50 o o 547 ° ° 134 o o 31 ,» 3, ,, ••• July 28, „ Aug. 22, „ May 21, „ 3» JS Office, New Plymouth Station... Sentry Hill Water Supply Petty Contract No. 6, CarlyleManutahi Section ... T. S. Drynan Powell and Tonkins Eerriek and Day Oct. 20, „ Dec. 24, „ 211 o o 848 12 o 296 17 6 11 ,» '" ,, 3, "* ...



SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts Current, &c. — continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.


Date of Contract. Lines of Eailway and Branches. Name of Contract. t ., * Length of Particulars. ,-, ° , Sidings in Name of Contractor. Contract to be Completed. Date Contract was Completed. Amount of Contract. Eemaris. Jan. 13, 1882 Jan. 24, „ Jan. 11, „ Mar. 9, „ Mar. 8, „ Mar. 18, „ Patea-Waitara 33 ji 33 33 Goal Store, Hawera ... Carting 14,000 Sleepers Cattle-yard at Hawera No. 8, Carlyle-Manutahi Section Cattle-yards, Norman by Painting Bridges, Inglewood and Ngaire W. Loetington Jans Hanaen Bassett and McLean ... W. P. Kendall Bassett and McLean ... E. Wilson ... Feb. 22, 1882 April 17, „ Mar. 6, „ Nov. 6, „ May 7, „ June 16, „ Feb. 22, 1882 Mar. 6, 1882 £ a. d. 89 16 o 198 6 8 134 10 o 1,561 2 6 140 12 o 132 o o 33 33 33 3) 33 3)

Feb. 26, 1881 Feb. 24, „ Oct. 19, „ Nelson-Roundell Belgrove Permanent-way Belgrove Station Buildings 4 Timber-trnoka and 6 Highside Wagons G-reymouth Engine-shed, &o. ... P.L. M. ch. It. 300 M. ch. Ik. o 24 o H. Shepherd... Mace and Bassett J. Gilbertson July 18, 188 1 18, „ Feb. 18, 1882 July 16, 1881 July 16, „ Feb. 18, 1882 1,116 6 8 311 o o :> j> ■■■ Jan. 13, 1882 Greymoutk - Nelson Creok Arnott and Scabrook ... Mar. 23, „ 1,049 ° 3 Jan. 30, „ 3) 3} Grey mouth Loading-shed Arnott and Seabrook ... Mar. 22, „ 169 10 9 Oct. 5, 1881 Aug. 26, „ Westport-Ngakawau ... 3-ton Steam-crane ... Conveyance of Locomotive from Napier to Westport 20 sets Hopper - wagon Ironwork Kincaid, McQueen, & Co. Cuff and Graham Dec. 27, 188 1 In 4 weeks Oct. 28, 1881 560 o o 78 19 o Puobertson^and Co. Completed 102 1 8 Dec. 6, „ Dec. 23, „ JPicton—Hu runui. Picton-Awatere Vernon Survey of Line, Parnassus to Kahutira Formation 4 38 o 25 o o O'Malley and Easlia ... E. Dobson and Son Dec. 2, 1882 July 23, „ 4,270 10 o 900 o o j> jj Feb. 28, 1880 April 18, 188 1 Hurunui- Waitaki. Main Line ... Sawing about 100,000 ft. timber Additions, Ashburton Engineshed Summit, Weka Pass Section Pigeon Rock Viaduct, Weka Pass Section ... Permanent-way, No s 1, Weka Pass Section Freight on 2 Locomotives, Napier to Lyttelton Waikari Station Buildings Cliff Protection Rakaia Bridge Extension Jagger and Parker Kelson and Coutts Feb. 28, „ June 13, 188 1 Feb. 28, 1882 387 10 o 549 10 o jj J» ••■ ■•• June 10, „ July 13, „ Aug. 12, „ 1J j, ... ... F. & Bridges Formation 1 20 o o 31 o Jesse Coates ... K. Johnston ... H. McKenzie and Co. ... Jesse Coates ... Dec. 4, „ Nov. 7, „ Dec. 3, „ Oct. 13, „ Jan. 22, ,, Nov. 30, 1881 Nov. 30, „ Nov. 10, „ 2.357 12 6 599 12 o 1,994 9 o 2,625 16 o P.L. 3 58 o Aug. 26, „ ), ;j ... ... Cuff and Graham Oct. 28, „ Nov. 16, „ 128 18 o Oct. 3, „ Nov. 3, „ Mar. 12, „ )J )i ••* •■• James Butt ... K. B. Sibly ... J. and A. Anderson Jan. 26, 1882 Jan. 26, „ Not. 10, 188 1 Fob. 28, 1882 Mar. 17, „ Mar. 27, „ 1,864 18 10 1,366 13 4 7,119 4 11 jj jj ... ... )) »> ••• •••



Dec. 29, „ Jan. 26, 1882 Mar. 18, „ ,. 18, „ Nov. 17, 188 1 ,, ,, ... ... ), „ ... ... ,3 ,5 ... ... Lyttelton Branoli Southbridge Branch ... Permanent-way, No. 2, Weka Pass Section Timaru Engine Shed... Shelter-sheds and Cattle-yards Shelter-sheds and Cattle-yards Goods-shed and Loading-bank at Irwell Glentunnel Station Buildings, &c. Ashburton Branch Extension ... P.L. S 35 o o 30 o Jesse Coates ... J. McCombe ... R. Burns R. Burns ... • D. Reese Mar. 8, 1882 June 21, „ June 14, „ June 14, „ Dec. 29, 1881 2,727 5 ° 1,882 13 6 200 o o 99 10 8 358 ° o Feb. 3, 1882 Mar. 9, „ Nov. 30, 1880 Whitecliff's Branch ... Main Line - Upper Aahburton E. 8 39 o Anderson and Clarke ... Grigg and Gruild Mar. 30, „ Mar. 21, „ April 21, 1881 May 19, „ 65 o o 824 1 9 May 31, 1881 Nov. 23, 188 1 Feb. 12, „ July 6, „ Jan. 19, ,, Jan. 17, 1882 Aug. 12, 188 1 )) » 33 >3 Lincoln-Little River ... Albury-Fairlie Creek... Permanent-way Extension, No. t Permanent-way Extension, No. 2 Ellesmere Permnt.-way, No. 2 Ellesmere Permnt.-way, No. 3 Tengawai Bridge Timber Bridges ... Albury Downs P.L. P.L. P.L. P.L. 5 53 ° 12 10 o 1 20 o O 20 O O 2O O J. Stuart James Cranston Jesse Coates ... Jesse Coates ... H. McKenzie McKenzie and Co. J. and M. Corkery Sept. 27, „ Mar. 21, 1882 May 28, 1881 Sept. 8, „ July 17. .3 April 17, 1882 Feb. 9, „ Oct. 11, „ May 21, 1881 Oct. 31, „ Aug. 313 „ 1,842 3 6 3,667 11 7 3,628 "10 o 2,883" 4 o 4,166 8 o 1,108 4 8 3,338 18 10 33 33 Formation & Bridges 1 45 ° Sept. 1, „ Jan. 25, 1882 Canterbury Interior Main Line. Oxford-Malvern Waimakariri Gorge, No. 1 West Oxford o 67 o 8 35 o Formation E.,P.L., & Bridges O 2O O Grigg and Guild Jesse Coates ... Feb. 5, „ Oct. 21, „ 2,487 14 3 13.656 5 4 33 3) June 17, 1879 Jan. 19, 1881 Feb. 26, „ May 19, „ June 27, „ WaitaU- Bluff. Main Line ... Dunedin Station Reclamation... Additions, Oamaru Station Painting Hillside Workshops ... 25 Diamond Crossings Turntable and Siding, Inyercargill Goods-shed, Pukerau Engine-shed, Palmerston Dunedin Station Reclamation, No. 2 Additions to Engine-shed, Balclutha Timekeeper's House, Hillside Workshops Cattle-pens, &c, Lovell's Flat... Engine-shed, Invercargill Refreshment-rooms, Palmerston Oamaru Lagoon Reclamation ... Stationmaster's House, Gore ... Timber for Elood-openings at Balclutha Duntroon Station Buildings ... Maerewhenua Bridge, Painting Cattle-pens at Ngapara Engine-shed, Port Chalmers ... Windsor Section, Tunnel Contract, No. 1 Permanent- way, No. 1 Dunback Contract, No. 1 E. Pritchard and Co. ... Robert Hewat Scanlan Brothers Kincaid, McQueen, & Co. Simon, Sennie, and Co. Mar. 11, ,, Mar. $, 1881 Mar. 26, „ Aug. 19, „ Sept. 24, ,, May 18, 1881 April 12, „ Oct. 26, „ Sept. 17, „ 58,487 10 o 210 o o 625 13 o 465 5 5 3) 33 3> 33 ••• 33 J3 '•• 33 33 June 22, ., July 20, ,, Aug. 22, „ 33 33 Watson Rhodes William Mill Mathison Brothers Aug. 17, „ Nov. 26, „ Feb. 2, 1882 Dec. 29, „ Jan. 26, 1882 281 2 o 939 11 o 2,440 16 o 33 33 July 28, „ 31 33 Watson Rhodes Oct. 25, 1881 344 19 4 Nov. 3, „ William Duncan Jan. 29, 1882 Jan. 29, 1882 282 10 9 Dec. 8, „ Jan. 14, 1882 Jan. 12, „ Mar. 21, „ Mar. 27, „ Mar. 24, „ 33 33 33 33 ... •■• J3 33 ••• A. B. Henderson Colin McKay Edward Clark John Me: ombe John Campbell J. Findlay and Co. Feb. 1, „ June 22, ,, Mar. 9, „ May 18, „ June 27, „ May 18, „ Feb. 1$, „ 123 10 o 2,824 13 o 298 4 9 256 13 6 338 16 o 1,106 18 9 33 33 Aug. 13, 188 1 Feb. 27, 1882 April 23, 1881 July 21, ., Feb. 15, 1882 D untroon Bran ch John McCombe J. Worthington T.Turner ... Mercer and Low D. MeKendry Nov. 24, 188 1 Mar. 24, 1882 May 19, 1881 Oct. 9, „ Oct. 14, 1882 Nov. 24, 1881 Mar. 24, 1882 May 19, 188 1 Nov. 19, „ 788 2 o 69 18 o 69 10 10 381 12 O 2,387 i2 5 33 3> Ngapara Branch Port Chalmers Branch Ngapara-Livirjgstone... Dec. 12, 1881 Dec. 9, „ Palmerston- Waihemo P.L. Formation 200 2 59 o A. McDonald Jesse Coates ... Feb. 9, „ Feb. 9, „ 462 14 4 3,645 5 o 33 3


SCHEDULE of Railway Contracts Current, &c. — continued. MIDDLE ISLAND— continued.


Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Particulars. Length of Contract. Length of Sidings in Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be Completed. Date Contract was Completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. M. ch. Ik. M. ch. Ik. £ s. d. 5.23° 3 2 Feb. 20, 1882 Main Line, Catlin'a River WaipaM-Heriotburn ... Puerua, No. i Formation 200 George Eraser Aug. 14, 1882 Mar. 28, 188 1 Cattle-pens at Pomahafca and Kelso No. i, Permanent-way M. Gillies ... June 24, 188 1 July 31, 1881 S3 1 1° o Mar. 17, 1882 May 19, 1879 E dendale-Toitois Otago-Central. Chain Hills-Taieri Lake Invercargill-Kingston, Main Line ... Wingatui ... P.L. and Station Formation 400 6 65 o o 25 o H. Whittaker D.McKenzie ... Aug. Jan. 14, 1882 16, 188 1 2,189 2 J 48,839 7 10 Sept. 28, 1881 Mar. 23, 1882 Cattle-yards at Elbow Kingston Turntable A. Springford A. Menzies ... Nov. 29, „ Nov. 30, 188 1 274 10 o Sept. 20, 188 1 April 22, 1880 April 26, 1881 June 23, 1879 Jan. 30, 1882 Western Hallway. Makarevra-Riverton ... Otautau-Nightcaps ... Thornbury Cattle-yarda Waieoia No. i, Permanent-way Riverton Roundkill ... Formation P.L. F. and P.L. F., P.L., & Station Formation John Coueher John Forde ... H. Whittaker D. Robertson M. H. L. Bennett Nov. April Aug. Feb. Oct. 17, 1881 27, 1880 9, 1882 Nov. 30, 188 1 Oct. 31, „ Nov. 3, „ July 30, „ 129 11 g 4>394 2 4 1.979 5 8 21,700 o o 2,226 13 8 Riverton-Orepuki 7 40 o 8 10 o 600 1 30 o o 20 o o 30 o o 20 o >> }) ••• Feb. 11, „ it )> «" Pahia 10 30 o Davidson andConyers ... May ig, 1883 9.754 7 o



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts and Deliveries Current on the 31st March, 1881, and Contracts Entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1882. NORTH ISLAND.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers Contracted for, and Class of Timber. Bate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Bate per Month. Date for Completion. Total Delivered to Date. Remarks. Agreement. 9 June, 1879 Gibbons and Darrow ... Grahamstown ... 100,000 kauri AUCKLAND DISTRICT, s. d. 2 5 Shortland, Kirikiri, and Puriri One-tenth, first six months, 3 June, 1881 one-twentieth each succeeding month 99,837 Completed.* 1 May, „ J. B. Hay ... ... Hunua 1 „ „ William Thompson ... Mauku .6 September, „ Elijah Hockin ... Waiuku .2 February, 1880 W. H. Reynolds ... Pukekohe ... 12 „ „ Hugh Kerns ... ... „ L6 „ „ W. Bailey ... ... Waiuku. »6 „ „ E. Hockin ... ... „ 16 „ „ C. Lorantz ... ... „ !9 March, „ W. Morrow ... ... Pukekohe ... !9 „ „ J. Slator ... ... „ 10 May, 1881 Barbour and Dunning ... Auckland ... !8 „ „ William Russell ... Pukekohe West !8 „ „ William Moore ... Pukekohe ... !8 „ „ John Hart ... ... „ 4 June „ C. McConnell ... ... „ 9 „ „ D. Nolan ... ... Auckland ... .8 „ „ Kelcher and Hamlin ... Waiuku :8 ,, „ C. Hoskings ... ... „ [8 „ „ P- Drumgool ... ... „ .8 „ „ H. Currie ... ... „ 18 „ „ A. Bregmen ... ... „ L8 „ „ William Flavell ... „ ... 10,000 kauri 5,000 puriri 400 puriri 800 puriri 300 puriri ... 1,000 puriri 500 puriri ... 1,000 puriri 100 puriri 450 puriri ... 8,500 puriri 700 puriri 500 puriri 500 puriri ... 1,000 puriri 2,000 puriri 500 puriri 1,000 puriri 500 puriri 500 puriri 3,000 puriri 700 puriri 2 11 Hunua 4 0 Mercer 3 9| Onehunga 3 6 Pukekohe 3 6 3 6 Mercer 3 6 Onehunga 3 6 Mercer 3 6 Pukekohe 3 6 „ 3 3 Auckland and Pukekohe 3 6 Pukekohe 3 6 „ 3 6 3 6 „ 3 5 Pukekohe and Onehunga 3 6 Mercer ... 3 6 Onehunga Wharf ... 3 6 Mercer ... 3 6 Onehunga Wharf ... 3 6 „ 3 6 ... , ... 21 November, 1881 21 21 21 „ „ 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2,364 Completed.* 4,763 Completed.* 365 Completed.* 774 Completed.* 300 Completed. 994 Completed* 988 Completed.* 100 Completed. 450 Completed. 3,778 256 500 Completed. 105 1,000 Completed. 2,000 Completed. 500 Completed. 1,000 Completed. 500 Completed. 500 Completed. 3,000 Completed. 700 Completed. .3 June, 1879 Thomas Pearce ... Oroua Bridge l0 July, „ Henry Adsett, assignee ... Palmerston North 5,000 totara ... 100,000 totara WANGANTJI DISTRICT. 2 0 Oroua Bridge 1 3Jt Totara Reserve, Taonui Branch 13 December, 1879 4,000 first four months, 6,000 27 June, 1881 each succeeding month 5,000 Completed. 46,564 * Balance of sleepers not to be delivered. t Cutting only. The reserve will supply timber for only 5,000 more sleepers.



SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts &c.— continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers Contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Rate per Month. Date for Completion. Total Delivered to Date. Remarks. 12 July, 1880 J. Mulree ... ... Inglewood ... 12 „ „ W. Orr 22 September, 1881 J. Mulree ... 6,000 matsi ... 6,000 matai 166 matai TARANAKI DISTRICT. s. d. 1 65 Between Ngaire and Mangawhero 1 5f Ditto 1 6J Ditto One-half first three months, 7 November, 1880 balance fourth month Ditto ... ... ... 7 „ „ Altogether ... ... 22 October, 1881 6,000 Completed. 6,000 Completed. 166 Completed. MIDDLE ISLAND. 18 July, 1881 A. Armstrong and Co. ... Carterton ... 7 November, „ Guthrie and Larnach's Dunedin Company 12 July, „ W. Coop ... ... Little River... ... j 15,000 matai ... 30,000 totara and matai ... 5,000 j CANTERBURY DISTRICT. 3 7i Waipara ... 2 10 Lyttelton, 10,000; Timaru, 20,000 3 2 On railway line 5,000first three months, 10,000 13 December, 1881 per month after 6,000 first three months, 6,000 5 June, 1882 per month after Two-fifths first three months, 8 December, 1881 one-fifth per month after 1,471 3,426 5,005 Completed. Completed. 1 1 15 July, 1879 D. and W. Lockhart ... Invercargill ... 30,000 black pine 1 1 OTAGO DISTRICT. 3 3 On trucks at Centre Bush, Invercargill-Kingston Rail-One-twentieth to be delivered 7 July, 1881 in five months, remainder in equal monthly instalments One-twentieth to be delivered 7 ,, „ in five months, remainder in equal monthly instalments 2,000 first three months, 2,000 5 June, 1882 per month after 30,000 Completed. 60,000 Completed. 1,082 Completed. ■ 15 „ „ John Murdoch ... „ ... 60,000 black pine way 3 5 Stacked alongside Mataura Railway and Bluff Harbour Completed. 7 November, 1881 Guthrie and Larnach's Dunedia Company ... 10,000 totara and matai 2 10 Oamaru ... 29 July, 1881 T.W.Wilson ... Greymouth 16 September, „ „ ... „ 23 „ „ C. Holder and Co. ... „ 17 February, 1882 Kilgour and Perotti ... „ 30 bl. birch 250 red pine ... 257 ... 125 „ WESTLAND DISTRICT. 7 0 P. W. Office, Greymouth 1 11 1 11 1 11 Whole quantity ... ... ■ 29 July, 1881 „ ... ... 16 September, „ 23 „ „' ... ... 17 February, „ 30 Completed. 250 Completed. 257 Completed. 125 Completed. Completed. Completed. Completed. Completed.



APPENDIX E. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works Current on the 1st April, 1881, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1882.

10—D. 1.

Date of Contract. Line of Eoad or "Work. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be Completed. Date Contract was Completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. EOA1JS, BEIDGES, ETi 1 !., AUCKLAND. July 28, 1880 Nov. 30, ,, Jan. 22, 188 1 Jan. 22, „ March 21, „ March 21, „ Jan. 31, ,, Feb. 9, „ March 9, „ March 21, „ March 23, „ Roads, North of Auckland )) ,1 ■•• j Widening Puhoi and Warkworth Eoad ... Contract 42, Wade and Orewa Eoad Section 3, Maungaturoto to Kaiwaka Eoad Section 2, ,, Section 1, Mongonui to Oruru Eoad Section 2, ,, Embankment across Hikurangi Swamp ... Bridge over double crossing at Awanui ... Bridg« between Oropa an I Kawakawa ... Fascining road between Okura and Wade Metalling road between Puhoi Eiver and Postman's Hill Metalling road between Waiwera and Puhoi Rivers Section 2, Waipu to Whangarei Eoad ... Main road near Kaiwaka Bridge between Takataka and Stony Creek Section 1, Waipu to Whangarei Eoad Metalling between Waiwera and Orewa Rivers Section 2, Whangarei to Kawakawa Section 1, road, Maungaturoto to Waipu Section 1, main road, Victoria Valley Section 3, Whangarei to Kawakawa Section 2, main road, Victoria Valley Section 1, Kawakawa to Maungaturoto ... Section 1 A, Mongonui to Oruru Titirangi Bridge Road, Kawakawa to Pakaraka ... Waipu Gorge Bridge... Bridge over East Branch, Oruaiti River... Makarau Bridge Section 3, Helensville to Kaukapakapa Road Kawakawa to Waiomio Road ... Bridge over West Branch, Oru«iti Eiver Kawakawa to Pakaraka Re pairs to road Wliatawhata Bridge ... A. O. Davies Moffat and Polkinghorne J. A. McLeod Thomas Jones Thomas Johnston ... Joseph Evans Lemon and Marshall Moffat and Grut J. Wenzlick Jan. 19, 1881 April 2;, 1881 May 6, „ May 6, „ Aug. 9, „ July 21, „ May 27, „ June 18, „ July 2, „ Not stated June 15, 188 1 April 16, 188 1 April 30, „ June 11, „ June 11, „ June 30, ,, June 22, ,, April 23, „ July 2, „ June 1, „ July 11, „ £ s. d. I 411 o o I 412 10 o 537 1 3 ! 631 1 4 , 488 18 4 i 474 o ° i 309 6 11 197 3 o 35c 12 6 H5 '7 6 ,J ), >» 5, )) >> JJ >, )! >, March 18, „ March 22, ,, March 30, „ March 30, ,, March 22, „ April 9, „ April 27, „ May 5, „ May 2, „ June 23, ,, May 13, „ Aug. 4. » Aug. 5, „ Sept. 10, „ Sept. 18, „ Dec. 17, „ Feb. 16, 1882 March 9, „ March 18, „ Feb. 8, ., Feb. 15, „ March 13, ,, Dec. 24, 188 1 June 10, 1880 )> ,> )J J, )J ,, >> ,, >> ,, » ,, 5) J, '" J» ,, " ' John Scholium William McDonald A. McMillan G.Thomas W. McElroy John Sullivan D. McDonald Eeuben Martin Joseph Evans J. A. McLeod R.P.Hodge J. Finlayson Thomas Jones D. M. and J. Anderson W. Cullen J. B. McKenzie R. P. Hodge Wells and Gardiner Hugh Fulton Stewart and McLennan Albert Mort J. A. McLeod May and Chandler... J. McLean and Son June 15, ,, Aug. 4, „ June 26, „ July 26, ,, Aug. 11, „ June 14, „ Nov. 25, „ Sept. 21, „ Nov. 20, „ Oct. 7, „ Dec. 6, „ Jan. 31, 1882 Dec. 5, 1881 Jan. 10, 1882 Jan. 13, „ Feb. 10, „ July "3. » Aug. 9, „ April 9, ,, July 6, ,, June 13, ,, July 6, „ Jan. 20, ,, April 2, 188 1 May 18, „ July 30, „ July 22, „ July 25, „ Aug. 30, „ June 1, ,, Nov. 5 , „ Dec. 12, „ Not. 30, ,, Dec. 31, 1881 Dec. 27, „ Feb. 1, 1882 197 '5 6 ! 584 o o 91 10 o 140 o o 1 620 o o I 335 1 o 899 o o 75° ° o 599 8 o 1,049 ° ° 55 1 I2 ° 294 3 6 458 10 o 295 o o '53 2 4 29 9 o 572 o o 559 " o 180 6 o 686 11 9 234 o o 469 o o 44 18 o 3,746 19 o J» ), Feb. 10, 1882 Jan. 13, „ Feb. 14, „ Contractor died work done by da; labour. ,J ,, ,, ,) J' )) )) ,, ' " ,J ,» >> ,> •*■ Pukekohe Railway-9tat'n to Waiuku Bridge over Waipa on Eaglan Main Eoad Bridge over Waikato at Hamilton Jan. 23, 1882 April 20, 1881 Jan. 28, 1882 Hamilton Cart Bridge repairs ... John C. Booth Feb. 28, 1882 Feb. 28, 1882 169 4 6 I


SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works, &c. — continued.


Date of Contract. Line of Eoad or Work. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be Completed. Date Contract was Completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC., AUCKLAND— continued. Dec. 15,1880 j Cambridge to Rotorua... ... No. 2 Formation ... ... ... ... A. Graham Dec. 18, ,, „ ... ... Waitoa Bridges ... ... ... ... Maunder Brothers... April 2j 1881 I Tauranga to East Cape, &c. ... Fascining Whakafane to Te Teko Swamp Road ... R. Black July 5, ,, ,, ... Repairs, bridges, WTiakatane to Matata Road ... Ryan and Wilson ... March 3, 1882 1 Tauranga to Taupo ... ... Waititi Bridge ... ... ... ... Ernest Sydle Sundry Moads. June 19,1880 Hamilton to Whatawha! a ... To Rore Bridge ... ... ... ... J. J. O'Brien Dec. 11, ,, Pokeno to Miranda ... ... Pokeno to Miranda Road ... ... ... H. Ltihrs Jan. 5,1882 ... Repairs to ferry punt, &c, Churchill ... ... F. H. Rackstraw ... Dec. 14, 1881 Helensville to Kaukapakapa ... No. 75, Section 1 ... ... ... ... A. W. N. Cottle MartehiS,. 1882 „ ... i No. 78, Section 4 ... ... ... ... Hugh Fulton June 17,1881 ; ... I Cox's Creek Bridge ... ... ... ... J. McLean and Son ... June 6, 1881 May 21, 1881 i ... May 7, „ May 30, ,, ... Aug. 3) „ ... Nov. 1, „ Nov. 14, 1881 ... May 2, 1882 ... April 2, 188 1 July 30, 1881 April 7, ,, April 12, „ ... Feb. 9, 1882 Feb. 22, 1882 I Mar. 10, ,, ... Feb. 9, „ ... Oct. 13, 1881 i Aug. 31, 1881 : 810 o o 897 12 2 337 ° ° 183 o o 7200 2,591 19 6 299 8 o 131 6 o 220 o o 1 197 3 6 j 276 6 2 I ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC., WELLINGTON. Sundry Roads. Dec. 13,1881 I Opaki to Manawatu Gorge ... j Painting Opaki Road Bridge ... ... ... j George Coker ... Feb. 28, 1882 j Mar. 13, 1882 j 115 o o ROADS AND BRIDGES, TARANAKI. Feb. 14,1881 Roa'?s and bridges in unsettled Waingongoro Road Bridge, Patea ... ... I Thomas Denby districts ... Aug. 9, 1881 June 3, 1881 524 11 8 1 Feb. 14, ,, „ „ ... Waiokura Road Bridge, Patea... ... ... Thomas Denby April 4, ,, ,, „ ... No. 5, Gravelling, Stony River, Opunake Road ... H. Okey ... April 16, ,, ,, „ ... No. 6, ,, „ „ ... J. Cosgrave April 16, „ „ „ ... .No. 7, „ ,, „ ... R. Sangster April 20, „ „ „ ... No. 8, „ „ „ ... M. S. Daniels May 7, ,, „ „ ... No. 9, ,, „ ,, ... C. Newsham May 7, „ ,, ,, ... No. 10, „ „ ,, ... J. Cosgrave May 7, ,, „ ,, ... No. 11, „ „ „ ... Billing and Cowling May 7, „ ,, ,, ... No. 12, „ ,, „ ... W. Newsham May 7, „ ,, „ ... No. 13, „ „ „ ... W. Newsham Dec. 22, „ „ „ ... No. 1, Masonry, „ ,, ... N. Hooker Dec. 27, „ „ ,, ... No. 2, ,, „ „ ... J. Cosgrave Dec. 27, „ „ „ ... No. 3, „ „ „ ... Henry Hooker Mar. 6, 1882 „ ,, ... Bridges on „ „ ... Berry and Newman ... Aug. 9, „ Aug. i2, „ ... May 10, „ May 16, „ ... May 26, ,, May 26, ,, ... May 26, ,, May 26, „ ... May 26, „ May 26, „ ... June 29, „ Dec. 19, ,, ... June 15, „ June 9, „ ... June 15, „ June 24, „ ... June 15, „ Aug. 24, ,, ... July 6, „ Dec. 31, ,, ... Feb. 21, 1882 Mar. 15, 1882 ... Mar. 24, „ Mar. 24, „ ... Mar. 24, „ ... Sept. 6, „ 367 14 4 270 o o 255 4 o 295 o o 198 8 4 427 7 o 254 12 o 246 o o 249 o o 343 o o 532 10 o 347 13 1O 507 o 6 I.3" 5 o ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC., NELSON. Mar. 11,1882 Nelson to Tophouse and Tarndale Four- and Five-Mile Bank deviation ... ... Gribble and Street ... April 5,1881 ,, ,, „ ... Gorge Contract —Road through. Waiau Gorge ... Jn. Brough Mar. 10, „ j Road, Nelson to Grey mouth and Nos. 1 to 9, Motupiko Section ... ... John McLean Westport Jan. 28, „ „ „ ... Matiri Road... ... ... ... ... Cullen and May June 20, „ „ „ ... Bridges and approaches, Nine-Mile Creek ... A. D. McLeod June 15, „ „ „ ... Bridge over Orawaiti ... ... ... ... D. L. Cochrane and Co. June 20, „ „ „ ... Bridge over Coal Creek ... ... ... M. Quane... Mar. 18, 1882 „ „ ... Clark's Diversion ... ... ... ... F. Brewerton Mar. 1, „ Bridge over Owen ... ... Owen I art-bridge ... ... ... ... T. G. Freeman July 27,1880 Bridge over Inangahua at Reefton Inangahua Bridge and approaches ... ... D. L. Cochrane and Co^ ... July 9, 1882 I ... July 1, 1881 Sept. 30, 1881 ... May 18, „ June 4, „ ... June 17, „ Oct. 25, ,, ... Sept. 20, „ Dee. 2, „ ... Sept. 15, „ Oct. 12, „ ... Sept. 16, ,, Nov. 19, „ ... Aug. 23, 1882 ... Mar. 28, 1881 June 16, 1881 274 o o 512 o o 2,75' 8 o 1,832 9 o 640 16 o 043 2 3 146 5 o 905 o o 1,384 18 2 3,77° 17 6



£*\JJ1.UB, S>J\llJ\XlhS, .DiJUJ., ±\]-Ji.I\>urtKJttiKJ{J\Jtn.. Dec. 31,1880 Main road, Pelorus District and | Cape Horn ... ... ... ... ... Whiting and Scally ... June 30, 1881 April 29, 1881 Rai Valley Mar. 3,1881 „ „ ... j No. 7, Havelock to Wairau EiverBank ... ... G-orrie and Carter ... ... Sept. 3, „ Nov. 1, „ Mar. 3, „ „ „ ... I No. 7A, „ „ ... ... G-orrie and Carter ... ... Sept. 3, „ Nov. 12, „ Mar. 30, „ „ „ ... j Deep Creek... ... ... ... ... ! Christian and McCulloch ■ ... July 29, „ | Oct. 5, „ April 6, ,, „ ,, ... I Bridge over Cooper's Creek ... ... ... J.W.Hughes ... ... July 29, ,, Aug. 19, ,, April 5, „ „ „ ... i No. 6, Ha?eloek to Wairau Biver, bank... ... P. Scally ... ... ' ... Oct. 5, „ June 3, „ April 5, „ „ „ ... i No. 6a, „ „ ... ... P. Scally ... ... ... Oct. 5, „ Nov. 12, „ Nov. 18, „ „ „ ... 1 No. 8, „ „ ... ... J. Leslie and Co. ... • ... April29, 1882 Feb. 18, 1882 I „ ,, ... j Pelorus Bridge, repairs ... ... ... J. Hippolite ... ... Mar. 15, „ Mar. 30, 1882 Mar. 7, „ ,, „ ... Whangamoa, Section 2 ... ... ... H. Flower ... ... Aug. 23, „ Feb. 28, ,, „ „ ... Whangaraoa, Section 3 ... ... ... J. McLean Feb. 18, „ ,, „ ... Whakamarina Bridge, painting ... ... L. J. Halpin Mar. 7, „ „ „ ... Eai Section, No. 1 ... ... ... ... L. J. Halpin ... ... Aug. 24, 1882 Mar. 10, „ ,, „ ... „ No. 2 ... ... ... ... L. J. Halpin Mar. 7, „ „ „ ... „ No. 3 ... ... ... ... T. W. and J. W. Hughea ... Aug. 24, 1882 Mar. 4, „ Tracks, Pelorus and Queen Char- Torea portage ... ... ... ... I M. Steel ... ... ... May 23, „ lotte Sound Dec. 18,1880 Hokitika to Christchurch ... j Section 1, deviation between 45 and 48 miles ... | O'Maley and McKay ... Mar. 13, 1881 | May 4,1881 1,976 o o 923 O O 910 o o 334 9 ° 133 o o ; 235 o o 560 o o 466 9 2 720 o o 1,484 11 o 170 14 o I 523 10 o 569 o o 127 13 o 1,050 o o EOADS AND BRIDGES, OTAGO. Jan. 8, 1881 I Queeastown Jetty ... ... | Additions, &c, Queenstown Jetty ... ... | T. Luckie ... ... ... | April2i, 1881 | April 30, 1881 | 567 3 4 I EOADS AND BRIDGES IN NATIVE DISTRICTS. Worth Island. April 5, 1881 Whakatane to Ohewa Road ... Petty contract ... ... ... ... Tamati Waaka ... ... Sept. 5,1881 Completed Feb. 11,1882 Tauranga to East Cape Eoad ... Road maintenance ... ... ... ... Pumipi Hori Jan. 26, „ Alexandra to Whatiwhatihoe ... Alexandra Bridge ... ... ... ... j J. McLean and Son ... July 21, 1882 Middle Island. j Agreement ... Waikawa Eoad ... ... Formation... ... ... ... ... I Te Moana and Wallis ... i 300 o o 20 o o 1,430 11 o 200 o o WATER-EACBS, MIDDLE ISLAND. June 15,1880 Mikonui Water-race ... ... Section 9-6 ... ... ... ... ... James Scott ... ... j Feb. 15,1881 Sept. 30, 1881 May 25, „ „ „ ... ... Section 9-7 ... ... ... ... Andre Sabot ... ... 1 Jan. 21, „ Sept. 22, „ May 25, ,, „ ,, ... ... Sections 10-3, 11-3, 11-7 ... ... ... Joseph Haddock ... ... j Jan. 21 ,, June 11, ,, Jan. 14, 1882 „ „ ... ... Section 10-4 ... ... ... ... Frederick Parker ... ... Sept. 30, 1882 Jan. 11, ,, „ ,, ... ... : Section 10-5 ... ... ... ... William WilliamB ... ... Sept. 30, „ Dec. 1,1880 Waimea „ ... ... j Section 2, Kumara Sludge-channel .... ... E. J. T. Price ... ... Sept.15, 1881 Sept. 24, 1881 Mar. 9,1882 Four-Mile „ ... ... | Section 1, Argyle Race ... ... W. Fergusson and party ... May 31, 1882 990 o o : 948 4 o I 1,729 19 2 1,128 12 o 5.59° o o 2,127 19 7 I HAEBOTTE WOEKS. Mar. 18,1882 ... Removal of old wharf, Pieton ... ... ... John McLean ... ... June 14, 1882 Feb. 23, „ Collingwood Harbour Works ... Training-wall ... ... George Snow ... ... Mar. 10, „ Feb. 16, 1880 Greyraouth ,, ... Dredge (construction of) ... ... ... Kincaid, McQ.ueen, and Co. ... Nov. 9,1880 Dec. 17,1881 Dec. 17, „ I ... ! Removal of rocks, Catlin's Eiver ... ... G. Hunter and Co.... ... May 14,1881 94 o o ! 225 8 8 1 4,139 o o 546 16 0 CONSOLIDATED FUND. Dec. 27,1881 Great South Road, Auckland ... 1 Quarrying and carting ... ... ... Miller and McAnalty ... Jan. 20,1882 Jan. 31,1882 Dec. 28, „ „ „ ... Cartage for repairs ... ... ... ... Joseph Craig ... ... Jan. 20, „ Jan. 7, „ Jan. 19,1882 I „ „ ... Craig's Creek Bridge ... ... ... ... Mercer and Marshall ... Aprils, ,, March 30, 1880 ! Provincial liabilities, North Island Motoa Swamp, drainage ... ... W. Langley ... ... July 30, 1880 Marcb.9, 1882 Nov. 5, „ „ Middle Island Rakaia Gorge Bridge... ... ... ... W.H.Barnes ... ... Nov. 2,1881 Marchn,i88i j „ „ Painting Motueka Cart-bridge ... ... ... T. B. Louisson ... ... June 4, „ April25, 1881 June 11, „ „ „ [ Removal of Buoy Eock, Nelson ... ... John McLean ... ... Dec. n, „ Jan. 25,1882 July 16, „ j „ I Protection of Motueka Eiver Bank ... ... John McLean ... Aug. 28, „ Aug. 8, 1881 75 o o 4' 5 ° 289 o o 456 o o 3-397 17 ° 193 6 8 580 o o no 16 6



APPENDIX F. SCHEDULE of Contracts for Roads and Miscellaneous Works current on the 1st April, 1881, and Contracts entered into by the Minister of Lands during the Year ended 31st March, 1882.

Date of Contract. Line of Eoad or Work. Name of Contract. Contractor. Contract to be TTr ,-, , , -, Completed. Was Com PletedAmount of Contract. AUCKLAND. Jan. 4,1881 Eoada to open up lands before sale ... No. 43, Takahue to Manganuiowai ... Jan. 4, „ „ „ ... No. 44, Jan. 6, „ „ „ No. 1, Eoad, Opotiki to Ormond Jan. 6, „ „ „ •■■ No. 2, „ „ June 21, „ „ „ ... Nos.3,4,,, „ April 20, „ „ „ ... No. 5, „ Jan. 3,1882 „ „ ■•■ Helensville to Ivaipatiki Aug. 24, 1881 „ „ ■•• Te Komata Eoad ... Aug. 24, „ „ „ ••• No. 3, Drainage, Te Aroha ... Aug. 17, „ „ » •■• No. 4 ... E. Coehrane ... J. Finlayson ... ... M. McLeod ... ... M. McLeod ... Bru Matini ... H. Hazell GL Harness ... W. Gk Nicholls ... T. Cassidy ... D. J. Coleman ... | May 4,1881 ' June 30,1881 ... May 4, „ June 30, „ ... March 17, „ April 2, „ ... March 17, „ April 2, „ ... Sept. 21, „ Sept. 21, „ ... May 20, „ ! May 30, „ ... June 3, 1882 I ... Nov. 30,1881 Dec. 5,1881 ... May 24, 1882 ... Feb. 17, „ £ s. a, 657 11 3 718 6 4 380 19 0 338 5 0 304, 0 0 448 0 0 1,136 0 0 182 2 0 1,112 10 0 634 11 0 WELLINGTON. Feb. 19,1880 Eoads to open up lands before sale ... No. 1, Kairanga Drainage Oct. 28, „ „ „ ... No. 3, March 9,1881 „ „ ... No. 4, ... D. A. Poole ... ... Gladstone and Hogan ... Michael Shanahan ... July 19,1880 April 21,1881 ... March 28, 1881 June 15, „ ... Aug. 9, „ Aug. 31, „ 1,029 8 6 457 4 3 768 0 0 NELSON. "Feb. 2,1882 Eoads to open up lands before sale ... Section 1, Matakitaki Eoad ... Nov. 19,1880 ,, „ ■•• Section 4, Eoads, Aorere Valley Nov. 19, „ „ „ ... Section 5, „ „ July 12, „ „ „ ... Section 7, „ „ Woodcock and Evans ... G-. Cederman ... ... G. Snow Sanders and Nelson ... May 31, 1882 ... March 30, 1881 May 23,1881 ... March 30, „ May 23, „ ... Not. 23, „ 114 0 0 256 1 0 195 6 0 280 0 0 WESXLAND, Sept. 9,1880 Eoads to open up lands before sale ... Section 9, Eoad, Mahitahi to HaaBt ... Sept. 18, „ „ „ ... Section 11, „ „ Sept. 18, ., „ „ ... Section 12, „ „ Oct. 20, „ „ „ ... Section 13, „ „ Oct. 31,1881 „ „ ... Nos. 14-18, „ „ Jan. 9,1882 „ „ ... Nos. 25-29, „ Nov. 15,1881 „ „ ... Nos. 1-11,,, ... M. Power and Co. ... J. T. Ward ... J. T. Ward ... ..I J. T. Ward ... ... E. Evan ... E. Eyan Marks and Crowe ... Jan. 4, 1881 i May 3, 1881 ... Jan. 18, „ | May 3, „ Jan. 18, „ ! June 18, „ ... Feb. 20, „ j Sept. 30, „ ... March 31, 1882 ... June 9, „ April 15, ,, 305 10 0 245 5 0 262 0 0 454 0 0 2,084 5 0 2,143 10 0 1,491 9 6 OTAGO. i May, 1881 Eoads to open up lands before sale ... Section 145, Seaward Moss Eoad Miiy, ,, „ ,, ... Section 14H, ,, May, „ „ „ ... Section 147, „ Aug., ,, „ „ ... Section 144-, ,, Aug. 29, „ „ ,, ... Section 1, Forest Hill Tramway Marshall and Christie ... T. Knuckcy Marshall and Christie ... ... T. Knuckcv ... ... M. H. L. Dennett ... Oct., 1881 ... July, „ Jan. 15, 1882 ... July, „ July, 1881 ... Nov., „ Nov. 30, „ ... May 29, 1882 502 10 0 91 5 0 56 15 0 166 8 6 3,21)5 7 0




ANNUAL REPORT ON RAILWAYS IN THE NORTH ISLAND BY THE ENGINEER IN CHARGE. The Engisteee in Chaege, North Island, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. Sib,— Public Works Office, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to forward the annual report on railway works executed and in progress during the year ending 31st March, 1882. The expenditure on railways in the North Island up to that date, £ s. d. exclusive of preliminary surveys, was ... ... ... 3,773.659 11 9 The amount of contracts let and other liabilities ... ... 135,193 18 4 Total expenditure and liabilities ... ... ... £3,908,853 10 1 Below is a table showing lengths of lines and miles opened for traffic in the North Island, with expenditure and liabilities on each ; and at the end of this report is another table giving list of railways and contracts completed or in progress, times of completion, &c. During the year a length of 23J miles has been opened for traffic, made up of about 11 miles between Auckland and Kaipara, and 12| miles between New Plymouth and Hawera.

AUCKLAND DISTEICT. Kawakawa Railway. Taumarere Contract (1 mile Formation).—This contract was satisfactorily completed on the 31st May, 1881. The works throughout are of a very heavy chai'acter, including large cuttings and embankments, and a bridge 19 \ chains long, having 22 spans of 40 feet and 19 spans of 20 feet each. Knwakawa Contraot No. 3 (4 miles 5 chains). —Includes remainder of line, and wharf (418 feet) in deep water. This has been carried on energetically, and works are being pressed on; but it will probably be some months after the contract time before the works are completed, as considerable difficulties have been met with in forming some of the embankments. "VVhangabei-Kamo Railway. Awaroa Contract. —This includes the remainder of the above line and a wharf in the Whangarei River. The work consists of 1 mile 16 chains formation and platelaying, including Opau Station ground, and the erection of a wharf 714 feet in length. Contract was signed on the 16th June, 1881 ; date for completion is the 14th April, 1882. Owing to alleged scarcity of efficient workmen and difficulty in obtaining timber, work has been delayed, and it will probably be the end of July before the contract will be finished. Works on Opened Portions of Railway. —These were the construction of a station-building, platform, and siding at Kamo; draining and trimming slopes of cutting at Coal-Mine Station; putting in siding at Whangarei Town wharf; and fitting up steam crane, 30 platform wagons and 90 boxes for the coal traffic. Kaipaba-Pdnux Railway. WaitaJcerei Contract (12 miles 64 chains of Formation and Platelaying).—This was finished and opened for public traffic on the 18th July, 1881; it completes the through, line from Auckland to Helensville, on the Kaipara.

* These amounts have been necessarily readjusted, in consequence of another route having been selected for the Wellington-Manawatu Railway, formerly called Wellington-Foxton.

11—D. 1.

Name of Eailway. Expended to 31st March, 1882. Liabilities on 31st March, 1882. Length. Open for Traffic. NOBTH ISLiND. j^hangarei-Katno Laipara-Waikato (Vaikato-Th ames Wellington-Napier Wellington—Foxton ("oxton-New Plymouth. ... £ e. d. 57,279 4 10 41,519 12 10 1,133,193 18 8 118,465 9 9 1,260.257 14 5 36.413 13 9* 1,120,529 17 6* £ 8. d. 15,552 13 9 7,241 9 0 17,035 0 9 9,884 13 1 28,400 7 2 159 11 0 56,920 3 7 M. ch. 7 79 6 52 146 45 02 1 221 39 71 15 216 35 M. ch. 2 68 4 50 141 45 1 1 138 57 109 2



Station-buildings, Contract No. 10.—This included the erection of goods-sheds, passenger-stations and platforms, and stationmaster's house, on the Waitakerei section, and was completed 18th July, 1881. Kaipara Bridge Contract. —This contract was for the erection of a new railway bridge over the Kaipara River, on the opened line of railway, and formation, permanent-way, and ballasting 10 chains of railway in connection with it. The work was satisfactorily completed 21st November, 1881. Ballasting and improving Railway between Kumeu Junction and Helensville. —This work has been carried on by a gang of men under the Working Railways Department: it consists of widening banks, trimming slopes of cuttings, and ballasting the line with scoria from Mount Albert. The line, as originally constructed, had no ballast under the sleepers. Station-buildings, Contract JVb. 22. —This included erection of passenger-station building at Morningside, and was completed satisfactorily. Reclamation Contract, Auckland. —Satisfactory progress has been made with this during the year, and it is expected that the work may be finished in about two or three months : the work consists of the erection of masonry-breastwork and a small quantity of filling behind it. Filling Contracts. —Three small contracts, respectively 8,000, 2,300, and 15,000 cubic yards, have been entered into and are nearly completed for filling in the above reclamation: when these are done about 126,000 cubic yards will still be required to complete the filling. Goods-shed Contract, Auckland Station. —This was completed and the shed opened for public traffic 4th January, 1882 : the shed is 200 feet long by 42 feet wide. Improvements, Auckland Station. —A large quantity of permanent-way material and Public Works stores which was stored in this station has been removed to the workshop ground, Newmarket, the lines and sidings, &c, in the station-yard have been rearranged and relaid, and a number of new sidings have been added; the ground around the goods-shed and the approach-roads have also been formed and metalled. Still further improvements and additions are required in this station, which it is proposed to carry out gradually, as arrangements can be made from time to time for doing so. Timber Slip and Booms.- —-These have been erected at the outer end of the breakwater reclamation, Auckland Harbour, for receiving and retaining the timber brought in by railway until it can be rafted away to the several mills. Waikato-Thames Railway. Hamilton -Branch Extension Contract. —This includes formation and permanent-way of 6 chains of railway between Hamilton Station and the west bank of the Waikato River, and the levelling of the ground near the riverbank for the storage and working of material for the railway bridge : it was satisfactorily completed sth December, 1881. Hamilton Railway Bridge Contract. —This is for the erection of a railway bridge across the Waikato River, on the line of the Waikato-Thames Railway. The bridge will consist of three spans of iron 132 feet each, supported on two cast-iron cylindrical piers, 80 feet above the bed of the river, and two masonry abutments; also four 20-feet spans of timber between abutments and top of bank. The contract was signed 12th October, 1881, and the work should be completed by 29th June, 1882 ; but the contractor has as yet not displayed much energy in the prosecution of the work, and it is to be feared he will be behindhand in its completion. Morrinsville Contract. —Four miles of formation, lying between 14 miles and 18 miles, entered into 24th June, 1881. Work has been carried on steadily, and little now remains to complete it; it should have been finished by 18th March, 1882. Kopu Contract, Thames. —This includes formation of railway from Kauaeranga Creek, 1 mile 63 chains, to Kopu Wharf, 4 miles 40 chains, and was signed 28th June, 1881. This has been carried on steadily, and little now remains to complete the work. Rolling-stoch Contracts. —These embrace the erection of 60 platform wagons, 60 iron coalboxes, and 35 cattle-wagons, and have all been completed satisfactorily, excepting 10 of the cattlewagons, for which iron-work was not in store. The timber and other materials prepared by the contractor for these have been taken over and placed in store. Three 3-Ton Steam Cranes Contract. —One of these has been completed, tested, and sent (about six months since) to Whangaroi, where it has been working ever since. A few small alterations were necessary, but the machine now appears well adapted to its work, which is to lift the coal-boxes from the platform wagons, swing them round over the vessel and tip the coals into the hold, then to replace the coal-boxes on the wagons. A second crane is now ready for testing at the works (Messrs. Eraser and Tinne's, Auckland), and the machinery of the third crane is completed ready for erection. Surveys. Hamilton-Cambridge Branch. —Contract surveys for 11 miles 77 chains of this railway, starting from 4 miles 21 chains on the Waikato-Thames Railway and ending at the east end of the Whitaker Terrace, in the Township of Cambridge, have been completed, and plans and sections prepared. Tenders for 4 miles 55 chains of the above have been called for (Tamahere Contract). Fukekolie-Waiukw. —Careful trial surveys have been made of a proposed line of railway, starting from Pukekohe Railway-station, 30 miles from Auckland, and ending at the east side of the Waitiku Creek, near the Township of Waiuku, a total distance of 10 miles 58 chains. Plans and sections are being prepared. Grahamstown-Kopu.- —Surveys have been completed of a deviation of the railway line between Shortland Station and Kauaeranga Creek, made to avoid expense in land purchase: plans and sections and estimates are being prepared, so that a contract for the completion of the formation between Shortland and Kopu may be entered into. Morrinsville-Te Aroha. —Arrangements are being made to have this survey carried out, extending to the Thames River at Te Aroha, gold-fields township: the smallness of the available staff has caused some delay in beginning this work.



Auckland Reclamation. —Sections of the area to be filled in for a passenger-station and other purposes have been taken, and a survey of the ground at St. Barnabas Point, where it is proposed to obtain the material for filling in, has been made: plans and specifications are now being prepared for a contract to complete the filling of the whole area. HAWKE'S BAT DISTRICT. Napieb-Woodville. Matamau Section (4 miles 20 chains). —The work on a portion of this—namely, 69 miles 70 chains to 71 miles 31 chains—was done by the "unemployed" mentioned in last year's report; it included formation, culverts, drains, flood-openings, and permanent-way. Beyond this occurs the Mangatewainui Bridge Contract, which includes a large viaduct, and the formation of the line between 71 miles 31 chains and 72 miles 50 chains: work on this was commenced last January. The contractor is not making satisfactory progress, but steps are being taken to insure a better rate of progress, and the work being completed within contract time, which expires 29th June, 1883. The remaining piece up to Matamau, 74 miles, will be executed within the same period; and from thence to the main coach road a connecting road is being formed and metalled. Works on Opened Line. —Various traffic sidings have been extended and improved, shelter-sheds and platforms erected at various places, and some private sidings have been put in. The great extension of traffic on this line, however, renders necessary the further improvement and enlargement of several of the stations—these remarks apply particularly to Hastings and Kaikora—and plans are being prepared with the view of carrying out the necessary additions. A demand for greater facilities for loading sheep and cattle has arisen, and this will be met by erecting yards at Hastings, Kaikora, Waipukurau, Takapau, and the Spit: the work for these is in hand. Additions to rolling-stock have also been made—namely, 1 locomotive engine (Class F), 1 four-wheeled composite carriage, and 2 horseboxes. Sueveys. The survey of the alternative line mentioned in last year's report has been finished; it is a decided improvement on the original survey, and will be adopted. It extends from 74 miles 76 chains'to 85 miles; it crosses two large gullies, in which flow the Whakaruatapu and Mangatera Streams. Surveys have been made of the crossings of these, and sections of each prepared, with the view of preparing for contract the erection of the necessary viaducts, for which tenders will shortly be called. A survey of the railway boundaries has been made, and these have been pegged off from Pakipaki to the Mangaharakeke Creek, on the Ruataniwha Plains ; the remainder will be proceeded with to completion. The whole of the opened portion of the railway line has also been carefully resurveyed, chained, and pegged off, with a view to the erection of proper mile- and grade-posts. Miscellaneous Woeks. Spit Training- Wall: —This has been finished as far as the funds available would allow ; its erection, assisted by the dredging operations of the Harbour Board, has had the desired effect —namely, that of keeping a channel open alougside of the breastwork for the use of shipping. FOXTON-NEW PLYMOUTH RAILWAY.—FOXTON-PATEA SECTION. Wanganui Passenger-station Contract. —This was completed, in a satisfactory manner, on the 7th November, 1881 : it comprised, in addition to buildings formerly erected, stationmaster's office, waiting-room, ladies' waiting-room, lamp-room, and other conveniences. Other works, necessary to complete this station, have also been executed, and comprise the remainder of the sidings, making a total of 170 chains ; fencing of station-ground, 24 chains, with gates and cattle-stops ; tank stand with water-supply ; carriage-washing stand ; landing-stage for horses ; old traffic office removed to new station and erected with additional room for District Manager; pipes laid for surface-drainage ; and weighing machine, 20 tons; also verandah in front of new passenger-station, traffic offices, and porches to entrance to ticket and luggage offices, with sundry minor works. Foxton Station Contract.- —This was completed on the 22nd July, 1881, and the work has been done in a satisfactory manner. It comprises 1 mile 31 chains of main line, being a deviation of a portion of the line of railway at the Foxton terminus of the Foxton-Patea Eailway; also reclamation of new station-ground, with about 91 chains of sidings ; erection of passenger-station; water-tanks; fencing of the line and station-ground ; erection of goods-shed 120 feet by 30 feet, and a loading-stage : also lengthening of engine-shed and coal-store ; erection of cattle- and sheep-pens ; repairs to old wharf and 300 feet additional new wharf, giving altogether a total length of wharf-face of 500 feet; and sundry minor works. The trains ran into the new station 20th June, 1881, and the deviation and station-ground were handed over to Working Railways 28th November, 1881, when the maintenance term expired. Additional works have since been executed at this station: well sunk, and pump and windmill erected ; cattle-pens enlarged ; old passenger-station removed, and erected at new station as a customhouse and office for Stationmaster; approach-road to passenger-station made, metalled, and fenced complete, with gates and wickets; old tramway-shed removed from Palmerston, widened and erected as a carriage-shed ; besides various minor but necessary works. Nulcwmaru Railway-station Approach-Road.- —This contract was completed sth January, 1882. It included formation of road from main road to the railway-station, fencing the same, culverts, &c. In connection with this road, a path for passengers has since been made and gravelled. Wagon-repairing Shed Contract, East Town. —This was completed 13th March, 1882. It consists of a shed 82 feet long by 33 feet wide, and was much needed for the purpose required. Several minor improvements to sidings, water-supply, &c., have been effected. Sleeper Contract for 100,000 Sleepers, fyc. (to be cut off No. 2 Totara Eeserve). —20,332 have been delivered during the year, making a total of 46,464. Other timber for public purposes has been cut



off this reserve, at contract rates, to the extent of 267,500 superficial feet, making a total of 404,500 superficial feet since the beginning of the contract. A saving has been effected by thus procuring timber from this reserve. Additions to Fordell Station Contract. —This work is in hand. It includes stationmaster's house, additions to goods-shed, and enlargement of passenger-station. The latter will be effected by removing part of the old passenger-station at Wanganui and re-erecting it. Whenualcura Contract (Length, 8 miles 31 20 chains). —This work was let on 28th March, 18^2, to be finished in nine months. It extends from Waverley (the end of the present opened line) to Patea, and includes formation and permanent-way. In connection with the above a cottage has been erected for use of engineers while the contract is in progress. It will afterwards be used for platelayers. Palmerston North Railway-station. —Sundry additions have been made here—well sunk, and pump and windmill erected, water-supply improved, engine-shed floored with wood blocks, &c. Feilding Station. —New well sunk and pump fixed. Halcombe Station. —Widened and improved ; new sidings laid down 57 chains ; and goods-shed and loading-stage moved, <Kc. Waitotara Station. —Sundry small improvements effected. Waverley Station. —An approach-road from main road to the station has had formation and slopes trimmed up and metalled 25 chains. Cattle-pens have been erected, and a road to them metalled, besides sundry other minor improvements. Grade-posls and Boards. —-These, showing changes of grade have been erected along line between Palmerston and Waverley. Erection of Rolling-stock. —At East Town railway shops have been erected 8 low-side wagons, 4 brake-vans, 2 horse-boxes; and 2 horse-boxes are in progress. Bunnythorpe-Ashurst. —Along this proposed line of railway the bush is being felled 2 chains wide along the railway reserve, by agreement with the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation. The extent of work done is 117 chains at the Ashurst end, and 158 chains in progress at Bunnythorpe end. The Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation are also felling 1 chain wide alongside this for road purposes at their own cost. SrEVETS. Waverley-Patea. —Two lines were surveyed between these places —one nearly corresponding with the original inland line, which would then be connected with Patea by a branch, and one proceeding in a more seaward direction, and joining the already formed branch at Patea railway wharf and station, thus converting what would have been a branch into part of the main line. This latter, after much consideration, was finally adopted as being the best. The length of the former was 9 miles 7614 chains to Hukatere (junction of the branch), and of the latter 8 miles 3L'2O chains. Foxton-Palmerston. —A new survey of the section of this line has been made, so that grade-posts may be fixed. Land Plans, Whenualcura Section. —The survey for these is in hand, and the fieldwork nearly completed. Manawatv, Oorge. —The survey of the railway line through the gorge has been completed, about four miles in length. The ground is very rough and rocky, but the survey shows that the construction of a railway through the gorge is practicable. The line surveyed is on the north side of the gorge, the road through it being on the south side. PATEA-NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. Waingonr/oro Contract (4 miles 36 chains Formation and Permanent-way).—At date of last annual report there remained about 3J miles of top-ballasting and the final lifting of rails to complete the contract, which was finished on the 18th June, 1881. On this date a train ran through to Normanby, which is four miles further south than the end of the above contract. Normanby Station-yard. —The contract for the formation of this was in progress last year, and was completed 30th June, 1881. Hawera Formation Contract (3 miles 34 chains). —Some work required to complete this was in hand at date of last annual report. This was done by 10th June, 1881. Hawera—Normanby Perinanent-ivay Contract (6 miles 526 chains, beginning at termination of Waingongoro Contract, and ending at Hawera). —In this contract arrangements were made with contractors to run trains on it before final completion ; and, as above stated, the first train ran through to Normanby 18th June, 1881. The contract was finally completed 20th October, 1881, when the first train ran through to Hawera, thus completing the line from New Plymouth and Waitara to the Plains. The distance from New Plymouth to Hawera is 47 miles 60 chains. Havoera-Normanby Station-Buildings Contract. —This contract, comprising passenger-station, goodsshed, engine-shed, &c, was completed 27th July, 1881. Railway Offices, New Plymouth. —Completed 21st October, 1881. Additions and Alterations, Waitara Station. —Includes removal of goods-shed to new wharf built by Harbour Board, also of two turn-tables ; erecting loading-platforms and sheepyard, all completed 17th October, 1881. Other minor works in sidings, crossings, fencing, removal of tanks, &c, have also been executed. Norfolk and TariJei Roads Stations. —A siding has been put in at each of these, and a shelter-shed erected. Sentry Hill Water-Supply Contract —This work was completed 24th December, 1881. The supply is obtained from the Waiongona River, by means of a hydraulic ram which delivers the water into a storage reservoir in the railway-ground ; the stations and workshops are supplied thence by gravitation. Hawera Cattleyards Contract. —Completed 6th March, 1882, with special siding laid down for the purpose. Hawera Coal Store Contract. —To hold 35 tons. Completed 23rd February, 1882.



nJKTI SSSSS* ™lS 3S 2L£ .."/all been' con-pleted , «d No. 8, 57 «d. Ml, has lately been let, and is now in progress. WpUinp+on in July 1881, and were set to work on •"^r^SK'vTnjtfS^d^ni?^ — frorAatea northward, .b.»t AM be o»n,ple.ed bj te tim» th. WJ^J™ w°Sf o i" lii, l»t 16 mta-to be opened the through connection. SuETBTS Hh^JC—W (101 «ta).-p« this -^^S^^tlK^^S being of a difficult nature : the last trial promises o gne such a lme as may b^ op^ , exceldinff lin 50, and the curves not less than Bto 1C «_ Un any » are com . Si! SK^3 tS factual location of the line will follow] pTans and sections will then be prepared as quickly as poss.ble. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. ro»l to it and tie .ppto«.h-ro.d to X"1™?-"'"' ™- "S lvilh lo , aln ' g .b on k ; al.o h,,e ,11 bin tag*»rf torait Arnold', line («1.0 a,,p,-0«h.,0»d w^^?c^^*S^-- These have been built on animprovedpla"' which gives satisfaction through to Wellington this station was rearranged, ce.,ent-«i» 6 -ii ..a o«Ec, >,„ „.,» Inhereoibn and«a : groin, »ye been eonrtr *J»J g former riTCT _ >n( , „„„ depo,ited, »o to with buo«». bo™ wort jet , to oe one last year. adSitiona work, will be required at tie W»K» a t S™iim.bniUing ho. been enlarged, and at Cro.j's "" S»rZ*tl' r-K hwo*rrLple.ed and opened for traffic on 23rd March, the old ,t.tionb*,n g abandoned. Cattle and .beep yard, are now being erected. SURTEYS. Wellvngtan-Fovton.-^ trial survey, joining the survey from the northern end, was completed inMZTp^nlrit?aZtio HarUur.-K contour survey of this place has been made, and plans iorwai to Lionel Scratchley, E.E., to enable him to design plan oi battery. 12—D. 1.


now S^S^SSS^SgS^x!! thisline> with grades and alignmeks •■ made > - MAPS. A map of the North Island, showing railway lines, & c, is attached to this report. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works v ■ J™™BIACKETTw orus, Engineer m Charge, North Island.




Enclosure 1 in Appendix G. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1882. NORTH ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. o Subdivision. Main Line. Total. a bo •i m Tinder Formation. Tinder Opened. laying. Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1878-9 1879-80, 1880-1 ; 1881-2 Total. Kawakawa Kawakawa M. chs. 7 79 Kawakawa Taumarere Contract No. 3 Kamo Whangarei (part) ... M. chs. 2 68 1 0 4 11 2 55 1 75 0 55 0 38 1 27 2 40 M. chs. 0 30 M. chs. 3 18 1 0 4 31 2 55 M. chs. M. ehs. ... I M. chs. 1 0 4 11 22 Feb., 1877 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 2 68 M. chs. 31. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 2 68 ... Whangarei-Kanio Whangai-ei-Kamo ... 7 10 0 20 ... [ 28 Oct., 1880 28 Oct., 1880 ••■ ' 255 1 75 ] 1 40 4 10 0 55 ... Kaipara-Waikato Kaipara-Auckland ... 41 36 TownVharf " Awaroa Kaukapakapa-Helens-ville Helensville Terminus Kaipara-Kiverhead ... Waitakerei (part) ... 0 8 0 19 0 46 1 46 2 40 Estimated ... 1 27 28 Oct.',' 1880 | 0 38 Onehunga Branch ... Auckland Onehunga Branch ... Wharf ... Auckland Wharf ... Auckland-Mercer ... Mercer-Newcastle ... Newcastle- Hamilton Hamilton-Ohaupo ... Ohaupo-Te Awamutu Te Awamutu South Pukekohe-Waiuku ... Te Puni-Mauku Hamilton Branch ... Ditto, Extension and Bridge Waikato Morrinsville Piako Thames 0 43 15 68 11 14 1 50 9 61 2 53 0 20 0 70 0 65 1 25 0 20 1 28 1 32 0 20 0 55 5 52 3 50 0 60 1 33 16 53 12 39 1 70 11 9 4 5 0 40 0 55 48 26 34 52 11 13 9 27 7 0 2 40 12 58 3 8 1 66 0 15 18 Sept., 1880 29 Oct., 1875 18 July, 1881 21 Dec, 1880 29 Mar., 1880 24 Dec, 1873 28 Nov., 1878 '.'.'. ] 15 68 0 43 1 50 11 14 1 1-38 76 2 53 9 61 ! J ] 2 73 Auckland-Waikato.., 2 73 102 16 42 54 31 2 10 33 9 27 6 20 2 40 10 58 3 8 1 1 0 15 ... 42 "54 "... 0 20 Pukekohe-Waiuku ... Alternative loop Waikato-Thames ... "' 20 May, 1875 13 Aug., 1877 19 Dec, 1877 4 June, 1878 1 July, 1880 31 2 10 33 9 27 |>99 56 Pukekohe-Waiuku 0 60 6 20 10 58 3 8 62 1 2 0 2 40 10 58 3 8 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. j J Waikato-Thames 0 65 ... o is 20 Oct., 1879 11 i" 1 I ... I Kopu Kauaeranga Bridge... Xauaeranga Shortland Grrahamstown 12 64 4 0 13 1 17 47 8 73 2 57 0 3 0 47 0 73 0 20 ]3 30 20 14 13 1 17 47 8 73 2 57 0 3 0 47 0 73 0 20 13 1 Estim. 8 73 12 64 4 0 Prelim. 2 57 0 3 ... I ... I 0"47 0 73 0 20 ... ... ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I ! ... I ... I ... I



Enclosure 1 in Appendix G. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed, up to 31st March, 1882. NORTH ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. Subdivision. Main Line. 1/2 Total. o Opened. Tinder Formation. Under _flate-1881-2 Total. laying. 1878-9 1879-80 1 Date. 1873-4 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1880-1 ETamilfcon-Cain-bridgs Wellington-Napier Hamilton-Cambridge Napier-Woodville ... M. eh. 11 77 97 0 Tamahere... Cambridge Spit Napier-Pakipaki (pt.) Pakipaki (part) Waipawa Waipukurau Takapau Kopua Papatu Makatoko-Matamau Mataraau— Tahoraite Tahoraite- Woodville (part) °;M. eh.' 4 55 7 22 2 0 12 0 4 13 10 54 3 26 8 70 4 63 12 79 5 63 5 22 4 20 8 70 10 20 M. eh. 1 i-6 63 J M. ch, 4 55 7 22 65 4S M. oh. 7 22 M. oh. 4 55 M. eh. 1 "il 25 Nov., 1874 12 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1875 17 Feb., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 28 Aug., 1876 1 Sept., 1876 12 Mar., 1877 25 Jan., H878 9 Augvi"l880 M. chs. M. chs. 2 0 12 0 4 13 M. chs. 10 "54 M. ch;. 3 26 8 70 4 63 12 79 M. chs. M. chs. ... I M. chs' ... M. chs. ... M. chs. M. chs, 69 71 ... I I 0 26 0 45 6 9 5 67 4 20 8 70 10 20 5 "63 ... ... I 5 22 2 59 ... 8 70 10 20 Woodville-Wellington 124 39 Woodville-Opaki ... Opaki-Masterton (pt.) 3 60 47 60 6 72 1 0 16 22 4 19 3 7 1 12 8 79 1 12 6 25 7 47 0 35 3 0 2 5 5 75 8 2 0 47 1 10 4 55 9 65 3 60 47 60 6 72 1 0 18 41 4 29 3 71 1 63 9 66 1 42 6 25 3 60 47 60 6 72 Prelim. Prelim. 2 19 0 10 0 64 0 51 0 67 0 30 1 0 Carterton (part) 1 Jfov., 1880 14 May, 1880 14 May, 1880 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 12 Oct., 1878 1 Jan., 1878 1 Feb., 1876 1 Feb., 1876 15 Dec, 1875 15 Dec. 1875 14 April, 1874 1 Not., 1880 16 22 4 19 3 7 1 Grey town Branch ... Featherston Station... Incline Summit Pakuratahi Mungaroa (part) 1 12 8 79 1 12 6 25 1-68 6! ... 7 "47 Eiver (part) J12 £2 62 9 4 21 64 0 35 3 0 2 5 5 75 ... ■Wellington-Fox-ton Wellington-lToxton... 74 47 Hutt ... Wellington Wellington Station... Kaiwarra Crofton Johnsonville - Paramatta Point 4 65 5 32 1 10 4 55 9 65 1 10 8 9 ... I ... ! 0 "47 I J 9 65 4 55 ... I ... ... ... ... ... ■ i



13—D- 1.

Paramatta Point - Waikanae Waikanae — Horowhenua Horowhenua-Foxton Horowhenua - Foxton (alternative line at Foxton end) Horowhenua - Longburn Foxton Palmerston Bunnythorpe — East end of Gorge East end of GorgeWoodville Taonui Branch Junction ... Oroua and Oroua Bridge Halcombe (part) 20 60 20 60 ] Prelim.) ... 21 57 21 57 Prelim. ... ... 21 57 (ti11 20 5 20 11 20 5 20 11 20 5 20 ll* Horowhenua-Palmers-ton Foxton-Patea 25 5 25 5 ... '25 5 25 5 "* ... ... 'oxton-New Plymouth 146 78 24 59 4 72 12 32 2 43 0 28 27 22 5 20 12 32 27 April, 1876 20 Oct., 1876 ... 24 59 4'72 I 12 32 3 0 3 0 3 0 Prelim. 3 17 4 0 5 1 0 20 3 37 1 4 17 Nor., 1879 20 Oct., 1876 20 Oct., 1876 4"'o 5 1 2 13 ... ]l 44 10 45 4 11 5 68 3 79 4 53 9 10 10 18 10 0 0 14 3 32 0 30 9 34 13 6 6 71 8 31 8 27 9 70 2 55 jl 79 11 78 22 April, 1878 20 May, 1878 4 11 5 68 Bull's Branch Marton (part) U17 6! 3 79 3 79 Prelim. 4 53 9 10 Wangaehu Wanganui Wanganui Bridge ... Wanganui Branch ... jo 40 1 10 3 11 14 23 11 28 13 11 0 14 5 41 1 70 10 19 14 6 7 47 8 56 9 20 9 70 3 31 20 May, 1878 4 Feb., 1878 17 May, 1877 17 May, 1877 17 May, 1877 21 Jan., 1878 10 18 10 0 0 14 ... I Patea-Waitara )> >) ... Brunswick Waitotara Waverley Waverley-Patea Patea—Manutahi Manutahi-Hawera ... Hawera-Normanby 2 9 1 40 0 65 1 0 0 56 0 25 0 73 ... 0 30 ... 28 June, 1879 20 Sept., 1880 23 Mar., 1881 3 32 9 34 13 "6 6 71 0 52 9 70 6 33 Prelim. 8 "31 1 22 ... ... I I - 69 37 ... ... 056 20 Oct., 1881 f 20 Oct., 1881 I 18 June,1881 18 June, 1881 18 June, 1881 7 Feb., 1881 27 Sept., 1880 17 Dec., 1879 17 Dec, 1879 17 Dec, 1879 30 Not., 1877 14 Oct., 1875 ... 2 55 CO 60 I 3 18 4 31 0 60 1 j-51 20 Normanby 1 3 78 0 31 4 29 I I Waingongoro Mangawhero (part)... 4 34 0 6§ 2 60 3 20 4 48 4 12 4 60 8 60 11 13 0 12 4 46 0 60 2 66 3 39 5 33 4 32 5 10 9 4 11 13 i W )J ••■ Stratford Waipuku Ngatoro Waiongona Waitara - New Plymouth Te Awamutu — New Plymouth 0 6 0 19 0 65 0 20 0 30 0 21 ... ... ... ... ... 4 48 4 12 4 60 2 60 3 20 ... ... 11*18 8 60 "aikato-Taranati Te Awamutu - New Plymouth 125 0 125 0 125 0 Estim. Total ... 912 4 69 59 981 63 249 45 40 64 10 55 60 67 73 69 67 11 100 6 27 22 26 35 68 n 23 1 458 21 912 4 18 27




ANNUAL REPORT ON ROADS IN THE NORTH ISLAND, INCLUDING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, BY THE ENGINEER IN CHARGE. The Engineer in Chaege, North Island, to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Wosks, . Sib,— ' Public Works Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to forward annual report on roads, and other miscellaneous works, for the year ending 31st March, 1882. AUCKLAND. Helensville Railway-station Road. —A contract for the formation and metalling of a cart-road between the Helensville South and North Railway-stations was satisfactorily completed December 30, 1881. Cox's Creel: Bridge. —Surveys were made for a road and bridge over Cox's Creek to connect the Districts of Ponsonby and Newton. A contract for the erection of a cart-bridge of five, spans of 20 feet each was entered into, and satisfactorily completed; but the approaches have } ret to be made. There will be required 12 chains of heavy embankment on the flat, and 15 chains of rather heavy formation at the Ponsonby end. The embankment on the flat, on account of the depth of water at high tide and occasional heavy sea, will require to be of considerable height, and protected on the outer slopes with stone pitching and other means. Great South Road Repairs. —The work done has been of the usual character; a large quantity of new metal has been put on, and in several places between Newmarket and Onehunga the road has been widened and improved. Craig's Creeh Bridge. —The old decayed bridge has been removed, and a new one erected under contract, and thrown open for public traffic. Drury Bridge. —This was also much decayed, and plans and specifications were prepared and tenders called for a new bridge, but the funds available were not sufficient to allow of tenders being accepted. Maungatawhiri Bridge. —This is much damaged and in a very shaky condition; it will require renewal. Panmure Bridge. —This is a swing-bridge,.the turntable of which is very much out of order, and will require to be thoroughly overhauled and substantially repaired. Cambridge—Rotorua Road. —On this line of road the principal contracts were the " Waitoa Bridges Contract," for the erection of four bridges and seven timber culverts, and " No. 2 Formation Contract," for 37G chains of road between the Oraka and Waimakariri Rivers: both these contracts were satisfactorily completed about the end of April, 1881. A small force of Armed Constabulary has been employed in clearing and fencing the Te Papa section of the road. The total length formed by this party was 5 miles 14 chains, about half of which was tolerably heavy side-cuttings, the other half of formation over fern flats. A party of 200 men of the Armed Constabulary Force were sent from the West Coast, and arrived at Te Papa on the 16th March, 1882. They commenced work on the 20th, and are now employed in bush-felling, clearing, grubbing, and forming the road—following a properly surveyed and graded line which has been laid out for about half the distance through the bush, which is about 12 miles long. About 19i miles of formation are now finished —that is, up to the entrance of the bush above described. Te Rore Cart-bridge. —A contract for the erection of this bridge over the Waipa River has been completed satisfactorily, and the bridge was thrown open for public traffic 13th August, 1881. Te Arolia Drainage Contracts. —Fair progress has been made with the work on No. 3 ; about onehalf of the drains are completed, and the remaining half nearly so. On No. 4 the progress has been steady but slow; about one-half of the work is completed, and the contract term has expired some time since. Roads North of Auckland. —The Chief Surveyor, Auckland, has charge of these, and reports as follows, viz.: —■ Great North Road.- —This, at date of last year's report, had been opened as a carriage-road from the North Shore to Wellsford, 55£ miles. Since that date, metalling to the extent of 4& miles, fascining 2 miles, and bridging to the extent of 389 lineal feet have been executed; and the works in progress are 41 miles of road-formation, 2J miles metalling, and 521 feet of bridging. West Coast Road. —2| miles formation finished, one bridge 185 feet long being built. Helensville-Kauhapalcapa Road. —3i miles of cart-road in progress and nearly finished. The Chief Surveyor, Auckland, also reports the following, viz. : — Bridge over Waipa River. —This is near Alexandra, Waikato, and on the road leading to Tawhiao's village. It is 264 feet in length, and the work of building is in progress.



BAT OP PLENTY. Tauranga-JSast Gape Road. —Described in section as follows, viz.: — Otamaralcaw Road. —Two miles of this have been formed 12 feet wide by the Native contractors during the year; work consists of side-cuttings through open fern country. A contract has been let for the maintenance of this section, 8| miles, and it is now in a good state for horse-traffic. Matata-Whakatane.- —The two horse-bridges across the western branches of the "Whakatane River, on this section, have been repaired during the year, and are now in a good state for horse-traffic. Whakatane-Ohope.- —This section has been maintained and kept in good order during the year, and is now in a good state for horse-traffic; length, 8-| miles; width, 8 feet; lies through broken fern country. Wlidlcatane-OMioa (8 miles). —Three miles of this have been formed 18 feet wide during the year by Native contractors : the work consists of 1 mile through forest and 2 through open fern. The road is not yet open for traffic, the remaining 5 miles being still unformed. Opape-Torere. —This section has been maintained in a good state for horse-traffic during the year by a Native contractor; length, 7 miles, 8 feet wide; through forest and broken fern country. A. contract has been let for widening this road to 18 feet. Maraemii-Omaio. —This section has been maintained in good order by the Native contractors during the year ; it is 6 miles long, 8 feet wide ; through broken forest country for two-thirds of its length, the rest through open fern and manuka scrub. Whakatane-Te T&Jco Swamp Road.- —137 chains of the original formation through the swamp have been fascined and covered with earth, and 60 chains of drain have been cut through the swamp by Native contractors during the year. The road is not in a good state for traffic. Opotihi—Onnond Road. —Ten miles of road-line have been surveyed and laid off for construction during the year, with improved gradients not steeper than 1 in 14, through a densely-wooded and mountainous country. A contract has been let by the Whakatane County Council for forming 5 miles of this road 12 feet wide: on this work has been done during the year, viz., 400 chains of benching or forming the road 4 feet wide, 120 chains of this widened to 10 feet, and 30 chains widened from 4 feet to 12 feet; 120 chains of forest have been felled and cleared 1 chain wide. The original line of road is-in -a bad state for traffic. Tauranqa-Taupo Road.- —Excepting for about three months in winter this road has been maintained in good order for traffic; the part which then gets into bad order is that in the Mangorewa forest, about 18 miles in extent. In this forest three steep hills have been avoided by felling and clearing the bush 1 chain wide for a distance of about 77 chains, with the necessary formation. It has been found necessary to rebuild Waititi Bridge, which was repaired last year; and the Mangorewa Bridge is decaying so rapidly that arrangements are being made for rebuilding it also. The traffic appears steadily to increase on this road. There are now seventeen large teams of horses and bullocks in regular work, and the coach and other light traffic is also increasing. Botorua-Tarawera Road. —This is in good order. Atiamttbi-Taupo. —Tat/po-Napier. Atiamuri-Stony Creek (69 miles).' —This section of road has been maintained in the usual manner during the year, in fairly good condition considering the limited number of men employed. Stony Greek-Kaiwhaka (31 miles). —This section has been kept in good order for traffic during the year, and, besides the usual maintenance, has been improved in several places by widening sharp curves and removing projecting points, &c. Besides usual work over the whole of the above road, the Lower "Waipunga Bridge, near Tarawera, 87 feet long, has been rebuilt of good,, sound timber, totara and inatai; the bridge at Taupo over the Waikato Eiver has been overhauled, painted, and tarred; the bridge at the Atiamuri crossing of the same river has also been screwed up, painted, and tarred; all the lesser bridges and culverts have also been well looked to and repaired where necessary. Taupo-llot Springs. —This is in usual good order. Atiamuri-Tokoroa Plains (9f miles), via Maungaiti, on the Eoad Atiamuri to Cambridge. —Instructions have recently been issued to proceed at once with the formation of this road and the erection of the necessary bridges and culverts. Taupo-Orakeikorako (8 miles). —An inspection of the probable route of this road which leaves main road at Puketarata has been made during the year, and an approximate estimate of its cost furnished, amounting to £2,300. No instructions have yet been given as to its construction. EAST COAST. Matcmau Road. —This road is intended to connect the railway line at 74 miles with the main coach road at Matamau; it is 45 chains long. A contract has been let for constructing the boxculverts on this road, and the work is now in progress. Tenders are being called for the clearing, forming, and metalling. MANAWATU DISTEICT. Manawatu Gorge Road. —This has been maintained in good order during the year ; some of the projecting rocky points are being removed, so as to widen the track and increase the safety of the road generally. Kairanqa Block: Roads, &c, to open Lands before Sale.—The different works undertaken have been completed ; and the totals (including the work done in the previous year) are as follow : Outlet drains cut beyond road-lines, 3 miles 4496 chains; roads cleared, formed, and drained, 12 miles 1667 chains ; roads, bush felled, and cleared in centre, 4 miles 7850 chains. The main outlet drain along the road in the centre of the block was damaged by floods after completion : it is now being repaired before being handed over to the local Eoad Board. Manchester Block. —The work of constructing roads carried on by the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation has been overlooked, to see that the proportion of cost authorized by the Government has been laid out in a satisfactory manner.



Motoa Swamp Drainage Contract. —This work is situated near Foxton, and was finally completed on the 9th March, 1882 ; its length from the Mauawatu Eiver to ita inland end is 1 mile 60 chains. TAEANAKI DISTEICT. Manganui Cart-bridge. —Tariki Eoad: The protective works to western pier, described as in progress last year, have been completed. Mountain Road, County Patea. —32s chains of catchwater drains were cut alongside of the road where gravelled last year, and 15 small box-drains were put in. This portien of the road is not suitable for winter traffic, as the funds available were not sufficient to provide a proper amount of gravelling, and other necessary works. Vrenui Bridge. —The contract for the erection of this bridge was completed July 9th, 1881. (Length of bridge, 140 feet.) Zfrenui Roads Formation. —These are in connection with the TJrenui Bridge. No. 1 was completed in June, 1881, and No. 2in May, 1881. The contracts were for formation only ; the roads are not yet metalled.. Waitara Road Bridge. —This has been repaired by the Harbour Board, "Waitara, in accordance with plans furnished by the Public Works Department, and may now fairly be expected to stand well for some years longer. WAIMATE PLAINS AND ADJOINING DISTEICTS. Main South Eoad. Stony Biver-OpunaTce (22 miles). —The following works have been executed during the year viz.: Two miles of formation, with the necessary cuttings, banks, and drains ; half a mile side drains ; six dry-stone culverts, 2 to 4 feet openings ; two dry-stone culverts 6 feet, with timber covering; two bridges of 20-feet span each, one of 12-feet span, with dry rubble abutments; also lOf miles of gravelling. Masonry piers and abutments have been built at Motu's Creek, Waiweranui, Warea, Waitotoroa, Waitaha, Eautini, Pungaereere, Okahu, and Oao-iti. and the contractor is now at work at the Oao-nui piers, and when these and the masonry at Kapoaiaia are finished everything will be ready for the timber superstructures of all the bridges required, a contract for which has been let and is now in hand. The road has been kept well, and is now in'good order for all kinds of traffic, but the want of the above-described bridges is much felt. The old bridge at Werekino requires new flooring : this should be done at once. On this section 2i miles are yet ungravelled, of which half a mile is distributed at the bridgeapproaches, and 2 miles between Umuroa and Opunake. Opunake-Wainqongoro,— The work done on this section has been in the way of repairs. Extensive repairs have been carried out at the Waingongoro, Kapuni, Kaupokonui, and Waiaua Bridges, besides general repairs at the other bridges. The other works and gravelled portions of the road have been kept in good order :6^ miles remain yet ungravelled, which become bad in winter; the remainder is good, and fit for any kind of traffic. Normanby Road (6 miles).- —The formation of this road has been completed, as also the bridges and their approaches across the Waingongoro and Waiokura Kivers. A ford has been made at the Inaha, and a 4-feet box culvert put in at the mill-stream. No gravelling has been done on this road. The Armed Constabulary Force executed 4 miles of the formation; the remainder, consisting of larger cuttings and banks, was executed by piecework, and the bridges were built by contract. Opunake Bay Road. —This work was done by the Armed Constabulary ; it is 18 chains long. It consists of a side-cutting on the face of the cliff which surrounds the bay, and gives good access to the landing-place, with a grade of lin 16J-. It is now in good condition, but is not gravelled, and will therefore be bad in winter. Lateral Roads. —These are three in number, and run inland from the Stony Eiver-Opunake section of the main road, as follow, viz.:— Newall Road (5 miles 50 chains), south of Stony Eiver; runs in line for the summit of Mount Egmont; first mile very rough and stony, through scrub and light bush, requiring cuttings and banks all the way, some grades as steep as 1 in 12 ; beyond the first mile the road lies through bush, \\ miles, over more level land, requiring little earthwork. Total distance made, 2\ miles. Parihalca Road. —Leaves main road 8 miles 35 chains south of Stony Eiver, and lies nearly parallel with Newall Eoad; at 2 miles it passes through part of what was Parihaka Pa; it is made for a distance of 3 miles. The formation generally is very light, and one stream only is crossed, and that by a ford. Manihi Road. —Leaves main road at 13 miles south of Stony Eiver, taking same direction as the other two. It passes through a very level country, requiring only flat formation. First mile open fern ; remainder through bush interspersed with a few Native clearings. It is made for a distance of 4 miles, crossing three small streams. Work is now going on on the Newall and Manihi Eoads, which will each require to be about 5\ miles long, as they are intended to form two boundaries of a block of land 20,000 acres in extent. These roads were laid off by the Survey Department. The work consists of clearing 1 chain wide in the open, and of felling 1 chain wide in the bush, and grubbing 24 feet wide in centre of this. This has lately been altered to clearing track 16 feet wide, and removing surface-roots and stumps for that width, the width of felling remaining the same. The work has been done by the Armed Constabulary Force, under supervision of their officers, and the progress made, as a rule, has been satisfactory. Cape JEgmont Lighthouse. —The fencing of the lighthouse reserve has been completed. Opunake Bay Marine Survey. —The shore-work in connection with this survey has been done for some time ; a succession of periods of adverse weather has prevented the work of sounding being proceeded with satisfactorily, but advantage will be taken of the first favourable opportunity to finish it. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief, North Island.

MAP OF THE NORTH ISLAND NEW ZEALAND Public Works Department 1882.



Enclosure in Appendix H. ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OTHER WORKS, NORTH ISLAND. The Architect to the Engineer in Charge, North Island. Sib,— Public Works Office, Architect's Branch, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to report, for your information, relative to the work I have been engaged upon during the year 1881—82. No large new works have been undertaken or entered upon this year, although orders have been received to prepare plans for several large public institutions; the most important being a new central penal establishment to be erected at Mount Cook (Wellington), a new building to be used as an auxiliary asylum at Auckland, and a new gaol for the same place. It is proposed to construct both the prisons of fire-proof materials and construction, the great bulk of the material required, to be produced by prison labour ; that at Wellington to be of brickwork, and that at Auckland of scoria stone. The asylum is to be built of wood, with a corrugated-iron roof. Preliminary operations have been commenced at Mount Cook, by preparing a site for brickyards and for the manufacture of bricks, &c. ; also by converting that portion of the Immigration Depot lately used to confine the Maori prisoners, into temporary quarters for the accommodation of the hard-labour gangs, who will be employed at, and on the proposed works. Designs are in course of preparation for the proposed new gaol at Auckland, and, when completed, will provide accommodation on the separate-cell system for about 230 prisoners. Designs have been made for the following new buildings, the most important being additions to the lunatic asylum at Wellington; new auxiliary asylum at Auckland; residence for the Medical Superintendent, Wellington Asylum; new post offices at Castlepoint and Alexandra; a new courthouse at Masterton; and warders' cottages at Wellington Gaol. In addition to the above, plans and specifications have been prepared for alterations and additions of greater or less magnitude to various Government buildings—namely, to post offices at Carterton, Opunake, Hawera, and. Napier; Mount Cook, for temporary prison; stables, Government House ; and Ministerial residence, Tinakori Road. The following contracts for new buildings and works have been completed since my last report: New police-station, Tinui; lock-ups at Mercury Bay, Mongonui, and Carterton ; alterations, additions, repairs, &c, to police-station at Ohinemutu; post office, Auckland; Government House stables ; Government Printing Office, Wellington ; new laundry and gas service, Auckland Asylum ; temporary post office, Wellington ; painting Ministerial residence, Wellington, and public buildings, Gisborne; repairs to quarantine station, Auckland ; minor alterations and repairs at asylums, Auckland and Wellington ; repairs to Government Buildings, Tauranga ; repairs to kitchen, and fencing, at Parliament Buildings. The undermentioned works are in progress: New post offices at Alexandra and Castlepoint; dwelling-house for Medical Superintendent, Wellington Asylum; warders' cottages, HM. gaol, Wellington; alterations and additions, Mount Cook temporary prison ; post offices at Opunake, Carterton, and Hokianga; temporary post office, Wellington ; repairs to Parliament Buildings, comprising contracts for painting, &c, inside and out, new gas service, renovating, and additional accommodation. Many miscellaneous works have been executed, such as general repairs to public buildings, Wellington ; courthouses at Thames, Patea, and Palmerston; addition to station, Paeroa; fencing courthouse, Wellington; additions to H.M. gaol, New Plymouth (by prison labour) ; and various works of a like character. The total expenditure for the North Island has been, — £ s. d. Judicial ... ... ... ... ... 7,243 7 5 Postal and Telegraphic ... ... ... ... 932 12 11 Lunatic asylums ... ... ... ... 7,498 12 0 Hospitals ... ... ... ... ... 140 4 11 Quarantine stations ... ... ... ... 970 17 6 Miscellaneous repairs, alterations, furniture, &c. ... ... 15,557 1 8 Total ... ... ... ... 32,342 16 5 I have, &c, P. F. M. Burrows, The Engineer in Charge, North Island, Wellington. Architect.



.aifipiein-idiix: z.

ANNUAL BEPOET ON ™™IJO WOKS-OP THE MIDDLE E selm , „ C H inra , mho, „„„, to the Hon tt6 MmsMii fm pumio woin fiAILWATS. - .Total expenditure out of loan 8- <*• Valuation of provincial lines "" "" 6»081,914 13 4 1,104,281 2 5 Total expenditure and liabilities ... £7,371178 5~6 the iiffilllt teS^^^ti^^^ -tno^edandope,,^ g iven in and the expenditure on preliminary SJgJ^beSffij^™™ 11* °f Canterbu^ and Otago,

(Enclosure No. 1.) : - uncial year, turther details bang given m the table hereto appended

Lengths of Railway Opened in Middle Island during Financial Year.

Name of Railway. Total Length on which Expenditure Authorized. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1883. Liabilities on 31st March, 1SS3. AUTHORED BT "The IMMIGRATION AKD PtjBLIC WoBX Api'kopeiation Act, 1881:"— Nelson to Koundell Grreymouth to Nelson Creek Grejmouth to Hokitika Westport to Ngakawau ... Pioton to Hurunui Hurunui to Waitaki Canterbury Interior Main Line Wuitaki to Bluff Otago Central ... ,.' Imrercargill to Kingston ..'. ,[[ Western Eailways Preliminary surveys Purchase of wagons ,,, M. chs. 52 o 18 o 24 o 19 19 31 32 416 a 41 o 398 53 65 o 107 16 64 o M. chs. 22 73 7 59 19 19 18 11 334 38 £ s. d. 153,171 II 2 245,196 6 7 22,973 7 4 213,656 11 1 192,082 16 6 1,927,686 16 11 19,444 19 11 2,707,752 8 1 !25,3I2 7 I 252,007 I 5 >5*>7«3 '5 7 47.1906 11 8 22,000 o o £ s. d. 260 17 10 '.547 2 7 62 o o 1,470 n 7 5.991 9 3 47,200 1 j; 1 5.243 10 6 81,567 13 2 11,079 17 1 3>3i7 13 10 17>°37 17 9 203 14 9 337 17 89 25 46 16 Total 'eotincial Govebnment Lims:— Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago „ u -• 1,236 40 875 18 6,081,914 13 4 184,982 9 9 731,759 o 0 372,522 2 5 General Total ,236 40 875 18 7,186,195 15 9 184,982 9 9

Up to June 30, 1852. 18J2-J3. I873-J4. I854-JJ. J8JS-56. i8}6-}}. I8JJ-J8. I8J8-J9, 1859-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. Total. M. chs. 76 36 M. chs. 27 62 M. chs. u 21 M. chs. "7 3 M. chs. 249 44 M. chs. 154 12 M. chs. 93 41 M. cha. 58 46 11. chs. 18 56 M. chs. 35 36 M. chs. 22 6l M. chs. 875 18



The sections included in the lines opened during the year are aa follow: — M. chs. Nelson-Roundell Railway—Foxhill to Belgrove... ... ... 3 0 Duntroon Branch Eailway—Extension across Maerewhenua Eiver ... 0 50 Lumsden-Mararoa Railway—Lumsden to Elbow ... ... 2 21 Otautau-Nightcaps Railway—Otautau to Nightcaps-Wairio ... 10 67 Makarewa-Riverton and Orepuki Railway—Eiverton to Colac Bay ... 6 3 Total ... ... ... ... ... 22 61 In addition to the above, the following sections are all but ready for opening : — Hurunui-Waitaki Railway —Waipara to Waikari ... ... 9 50 Lincoln-Little River and Akaroa —Lincoln to Birdling's Mat ... 17 0 Total ... ... ... ... ... 26 50 The new sections and extensions commenced during the year are as follow: — Picton-Hurunui Railway—Section south of Blenheim-Vernon Section 4 38 Makarewa, Riverton, and Orepuki Railway—Roundhill Section ... 1 30 Makarewa-Riverton and Orepuki Railway—Roundhill to Orepuki-Pahia Section ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 30 Oxford-Malvern Line—West Oxford Section ... ... ■ ... 8 35 Palmerston Branch —Dunback Section ... ... ... 2 59 Catliu's River Branch —Puerua Section ... ... ... 2 0 Total ... ... ... ... ... 29 32 The Vernon and Pahia Sections are now opened out for the first time, but, as shown by the last annual report, a small quantity of work had previously been done by the " unemployed" on each of the other three. • Contracts are also in course of preparation for the following extensions:— Picton-Hurunui Line ... ... ... Section towards Awatere. Hurunui-Waitaki Line ... ... ... „ Waikari to Hurunui. Little River-Akaroa Branch ... .„ „ along Lake Forsyth. Waipahi to Heriot Burn Branch ... ... „ Kelso to Swift Creek. Edendale-Toitoisßranch ... ... ... „ Wyndham to Mokoreta. Nelson to Roundell Railway. The permanent-way and station-buildings on the Belgrove Section of this railway were finished and the line opened to Belgrove in July last. Since that time the only construction-works executed are a few minor additions to wayside stations, and the erection of ten wagons and timber-trucks. A contract for an engine-shed and workshop at Nelson is being prepared: the work which has been long contemplated is very much required. Westpoet to Ngakawatt Railway. 'Railway, —The expenditure on this line during the past year, which has been very small, was confined almost entirely to providing additional rolling-stock and wharf-plant. Westport Harbour Works. —Although under a separate vote, this work is so closely connected with the railway that it can best be referred to under this head. The training-wall on the north side of the Buller River was commenced in December, and has since progressed steadily. The amount of work yet done is however too small to have any perceptible effect in confining the river in its proper course. The training-wall is built of loose rubble from the Fairdown Quarries on the Ngakawau Railway, the class of work being the same as at the Greymouth wall. The following table, compiled from information kindly furnished by the Harbourmaster, shows the depth of water on the Buller bar at each high water of spring- and neap-tides from June, 1879, to March, 1882:—

The above statement shows that there has been no material alteration in the depth of water on the bar for the last three years, and, further, that there are no strongly-marked variations through-

1879-SO. ISSi 1-81. 168: 1-82. Month. Spring-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Neap-tidea: Height on Bar, in feet. Ipril .,. Hay rune ... Wy Lugust September... )ctober November... December .^. 14*," 14 13i, 12i 12, 13i 13, 12 m, i3i, 13 13J, 12 12i, Hi 12i, 12| 12J, 12| 14i, 13* 12, m Hi, 10f 11, 131 11, Hi 10, Hi 10i, 10J Hi, nf ioi, 9| Hi, 10 Hi, 10 13, 13 124, 14 12, 14 12, 14 12, 13 13, 14 14, 14 15, 18i 14, 13 15, 14, 14 13, 15 15, 14 11, 10 10, 11, 12 12, 12 11, 12 11, 12 11, Hi 12, 12 13, 11J 12i, 11 12, 13 ioi, Hi 11, 10 13i, 13 12, 12i 13, 11 13, 14J 13i, 14 13i, 12 15J, 15 14i, 13i 13i, 14 13, 14i 12, 14i 12i, 15 H, Hi 10, Hi 11, 13 10, 12 12, 12 11, 10-i 12, 11, 13 10i, 12i Hi, Hi ii, iii li, ii n, ioi anuary ... february ...



out the year. The latter condition might possibly be inferred from the magnitude of the river and the regularity of the rainfall in the watershed. G-EEYMOTJTH TO NEISON CeEIK KaILWAY. Railway. —The only construction-works of any importance undertaken on this line during the year are the erection of an engine-shed and workshops at G-reymouth Station, and a small goods-shed on G-reymouth Wharf. Greymouth Harbour Works. —Until last year, when a separate vote was taken for it, this work has always been considered a portion of the railway. I shall therefore, for convenience of reference, consider it in the same connection. The work done during the past year consists of the extension seaward of the south training-wall for a distance of 830 feet, and the placing of about 16,500 tons of quarry-refuse and shingle in reclamation-works inside the wall. The exact quantity and prices of the various works are as follow: 69,813 tons of rock quarried and placed in sea-wall, at an average cost of 2s. lOd. per ton; 16,675 tons of quarry-refuse deposited in reclamation, average cost 2s. lOd.; shingle dredged from river-bed, and deposited in reclamation, lid. per ton. The cost of the rock this year is lower, and that of the quarry-refuse higher, than last year, but the average price of all the quarried material is exactly the same, and this is 4d. per ton less than the average for 1879-80. The cost of dredging for the last three years has been respectively lid., llfd., and lid. Considering the increased length of lead, and the necessity for using heavier blocks of stone, these figures show that the work is being carried out in a systematic and economical manner. The amount of dredging done during the year is comparatively small. The state of the shinglebanks made it unnecessary to keep berths clear at the wharf for the shipping, and the reclamation is not an urgent matter, consequently dredging operations have been temporarily suspended. With the moderate votes taken, it was considered advisable to confine the expenditure to the training-wall, the most important part of the whole harbour-works. The small dredge has been lent to the Hokitika Harbour Board for a few months to deepen the channel into the Mahinapouri Lake. The large one is laid up, but in working order, at Q-reymouth. .The training-wall is now out to a length of 27 chains, or about 4 chains beyond the general line of the beach, and, although subjected to heavy seas and floods, it is standing admirably. The increasing force of the waves in the greater exposure experienced as the work advances is met by widening the wall and using heavier blocks of stone. Of course the cost is also increased in the same proportion ; the section now in progress, which is in reality the commencement of the breakwater, being nearly three times as expensive as the training-wall proper. The cost will still further increase as the wall gets into deeper water, but it will be some time yet before a material change in the character of the work is necessary, for the wall is still only costing about an eighth of the average price of breakwaters already constructed in other parts of the colony. It will be necessary, however, to gradually increase the weight of the stone blocks, and for this purpose heavier and stronger cranes and other plant are required. There can now be no doubt that the construction of the sea-wall has already had a beneficial effect on the G-reymouth Harbour. There is no material alteration in the depth of water, but the channel has been kept in a more direct course across the bar, an essential condition to the safe navigation of the port. The following table shows the depth of water on the Grey bar at each high water of spring- and neap-tides every month, from June, 1879, to March, 1882. It is compiled from information kindly supplied by the harbour authorities : —

PICTON TO HtJEUNTJI BaIWAY. Section, Picton to Blenheim. —The only construction-works done on or for this section during the year is the erection of ten high-side wagons sent from Christchurch to meet the increasing demands of the traffic, and some small additions to the protective works at the Opawa Bridge. Section, Blenheim to Aioatere. —The extension of the main line southwards from Blenheim has been initiated during the year by the letting of a contract for the formation of the Vernon Section, 4 miles 38 chains in length. The contract was entered into on the 6th December, 1881, but comparatively little work has yet been done. The works, which are moderately light, consist chiefly of low embankments over ground subject to floods, with a few timber-openings at watercourses. The alignments and levels of the section are first claps throughout,

1ST, )-80. 1881 1-81. 188: 1-82. Month. Spring-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Neap-tides. Height on Bar, in feet. Spring-tidea : Height on Bar, in feet. Keap-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Spring-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Jfeap-tides: Height on Bar, in feet. Lpril Hay Fuue r uly August September... )ctober November... )ecember... 'anuary ... Pebruary ... foroh 14i,"l4 134, 124 12, 181 13, 12 124, 13f, 13 131, 12 121, Hi 121, 124 12f, 121 144, 131 12, ' 124 Hi, 10f 11, llf II, lij io, 114 10i, lot III, Hi 104, 9f 114, io 114, 10 13, 13 121, 14 12, 14 12, 14 12, 13 13, 14 14, 14 15, 13i 14, 13 15, 14j 14 13, 15 15, 14 11, 10 10, 11, 12 12, 12 11, 12 11, 12 ii, m 12, 12 13, Hi 12|, 11 12, 13 10i, Hi 11, 10 10J, 12, 12 13, 8 11, 101 11, 10 121, 14 13, 12 12, iii 11, iii 101, 12 121, 13i 12, 13 111, 13 9, 91 8i, 6i ib 9i 10, 61 81) Hill, 11 9, 10 9, 8, 9 10, m 12|, Hi 101, 13 10, 11



A contract survey is also in hand for another small section, which will bring the line to near Dashwood Pass, and a trial survey has been run over the pass to the Avvatere watershed. Although not finished, these show that there are no engineering difficulties to contend with in getting to the Awatere. HußUNtri to Waitaki Eailwat, with Beaitches. Main Line Extension. —The only extension in progress during the year is the Weka Pass Section extending from the Waipara River to the Waikari Valley, a distance of 9 miles 13 chains. The greater portion of the formation had been-done under the arrangements for giving work to the " unemployed " of Christchurch, but the men were finally discharged in December, 1880, and the line has been finished by contract in the usual way, the completion of small cuttings and trimming-up being done by piecework and day-labour. Two contracts for formation, one for a viaduct and two for platelaying, were entered into and finished, and the whole section is now ready for opening. This will take place in a few days, so soon as the liailway Department has made the necessary arrangements for working the traffic. As described in previous reports, the works on the Weka Pass Section are the heaviest on the main line anywhere north of Oamaru, and the altitude attained is much the highest, being 814 feet; the rise through the Pass is 580 feet in 1\ miles, but the ruling gradient and sharpest curve are the same as on other parts of the main line. The Weka Pass contains very heavy cuttings, chiefly in limestone rock, but some are of soft materials —calcareous clay and earth. The viaduct above alluded to, which crosses the main road and the Weka Creek, has 8 spans of 30 feet, the greatest height being about 45 feet; it is built of timber on concrete foundations. All the works on the Weka Pass Section have been carried out in a very satisfactory manner, and, although the cuttings are deep, I do not anticipate many serious slips : the dip of the strata in the sidling ground being inward from the line. A convenient station, with goods and engine-sheds, telegraph office, and stationmaster's house, has been erected at Waikari, the present terminus of the line. " A working survey has been made and tenders are now advertised for the Horseley Downs Section, the continuation of the railway from Waikari to the southern bank of the Hurunui River, a distance of 85- miles. The contract is for fencing, formation, and bridging. The works generally are very light, the country being easy. There is only one cutting worth noticing, that on the low saddle between the Waikari and Waitohi watersheds; it is about 20 chains long, with an extreme depth in the centre of 12 feet. There are seven small bridges, comprising in the aggregate 14 spans of 40 feet, 20 spans of 13 feet, and 14 spans of 11 feet. The alignment and levels of the Horseley Downs Section are both first class, the steepest gradient being lin 90, and the sharpest curve 25 chains radius. I shall refer to the further extension of this railway under the head of Surveys. . Main Line: Works on Open Line. —The contract for lengthening the Rakaia Bridge 1,460 feet at the southern end was completed in March. Beyond being considerably behind time, the work has been carried out in a satisfactory manner. The groin which stood at the original end of the bridge is now being removed to the end of the extension. The encroachment of the sea on the cliffs and railway-line north of Timaru which began in 1879, shortly after the commencement of the breakwater, has continued ever since, and it has been necessary to continue the protective works, which consist of larse blocks of stone deposited on the beach. The expenditure during the past year has been about £1,200, and the total cost of the works to date, including liabilities, about £7,000. I think, however, that the expenditure will gradually decrease, and in course of time cease altogether, for, anomalous though it may appear, the breakwater which caused the damage by allowing the beach to be denuded of shingle will eventually shelter the cliffs from the heaviest seas. The encroachment has already become less active at Y/hale Creek, and the point of attack moves further north as the breakwater progresses. The railway will be altogether clear of danger so soon as the shore becomes sheltered to the Waimataitai Lagoon. A complete survey and plan having been prepared, the work of extending and remodelling the Timaru station is now in progress. A contract has been let for an engine-shed capable of holding eight large locomotives, with their tenders: it is built of timber, covered with slates. Tenders are also advertised for the passenger-station, a commodious building, provided with every convenience for conducting a large business. The re-arranging of the station-yard is being carried out by the employes of the Working Railway department, as the work requires to be done in the intervals of traffic. The complete plan of the Timaru station is very extensive, but it is only proposed to carry out an instalment of the work at present. The engine-shed and cattle-yards at Ashburton have been removed to more suitable situations, and considerably enlarged. The passenger-station and platform are also being extended and improved, and about 50 chains additional sidings have been put in. The other more important construction-works carried out or in progress on the open portion of the main lino during the year are—flood openings between Eyreton Junction and Flaxton; cattle-yarda at Kaiapoi, Tinwald, Washdyke, Makikihi, and Waiho ; new water-services and extensions at Amberley, Rangiora, Kaiapoi, and Rolleston; shelter-sheds at Clianey's, Bankside, Seadown, Normanby, and Hook; coal-sheds at Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Rolleston, and Waimate; and additions to sidings at Belfast, Papanui, Addington, Rolleston, and Makikihi. Old Brandies. —In addition to ordinary extensions and improvements of a less important character, the following construction-works have been carried out or put in hand on the old branch, lines: — Lyttelton Branch. —Extensive additions to the sidings in Lyttelton station-yard, and small station at Wilson's Road. Oxford and Eyreton Branches.—Bridge at Bennett's Junction, additions to water-services at West Oxford and Cust, and coal-shed at West Oxford. n— d. 1.



Southbridge Branch.—Goods-shed and loading-bank with sidings between Irwell and Ellesrnere, coal-sheds at Lincoln and Southbridge, and additions to water-service and sidings at Ellesmere. Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches. —Additional water-ways at Kirwee and Springfield, waterservices at Darfield and Kirwee, coal-sheds at Darfield and Whitecliffs, and additional sidings at South Malvern and Glentunnel. Albury Branch.—Water-services at Pleasant Point and A]bury, and coal-shed at Pleasant Point. Lincoln to Little River Branch. —The first section of this line, that from Lincoln to Birdling's Flat, a distance of 17 miles 8 chains, is fast approaching completion; goods-trains have already been run over it occasionally, and it will be opened for regular traffic so soon as the necessary station-accommo-dation is provided. The line for a considerable distance runs along the margin of Lake Ellesmere, and within the influence of its floods. Although there is no current, the great area of water enables a considerable sea to rise in stormy weather, and the railway is exposed to its full force. The slopes of the embankment have been covered with rough-stone pitching, which makes it tolerably secure ; it would, however, be advisable to make arrangements to let out the lake periodically to keep the water below a certain level. As the floods have a greater effect on the roads and adjoining lands than the railway, the local authorities and residents are more interested in the question than the Government; still it would be reasonable for the latter to contribute a little towards the work. It is proposed when the railway is fenced to plant willows in front of the embankment, which will afford a still further protection from the wash of the waves. The working survey of the continuation of the branch to Little River, 6 miles, has been finished for some time, and a contract is now in preparation for a subsection of two or three miles. The line will be good and the works comparatively easy. Ashbiirton Branch. —The contract for the formation of the second section of this line, 8 miles 39 chains, which was in progress at the end of last year, is now finished, as also the platelaying on a subsection of the same 2 miles 66 chains in length. A second platelaying contract for the balance, 5 miles 53 chains, was entered into on the 2lst September. The works, which are considerably behind time,.will probably be finished in June. This completes the branch to a distance of 19i miles. Its further extension will be considered under the head of Surveys. Albury—Fairlie OreeTc Branch. —The formation of this line, which was originally set apart to give work to the "unemployed," was finally closed to this class of labour in December, 1880. A contract for the completion of the formation was entered into in August last; but after executing rather more than half the work the contractors became insolvent, and the works have come to a standstill. Operations will, however, be resumed so soon as the necessary formalities for determining the contract are completed. The Tengawai Bridge, in progress at the date of my last annual report, was finished on the 31st August; the work having been carried out in a satisfactory manner. A contract for painting it has since been entered into. Five small bridges, that occur on the portion of the line partly done by the " unemployed," were let in one contract on the 17th January, and the work is progressing favourably. The bridges have in all 8 spans of 20 feet, 2 of 13 feet, and 10 of 11 feet. Canteebtjey Inteeioe Main Line. The only portion of this line under construction is the section from Oxford to Malvern. Like the Weka Pass Section on the Main Line, and the Albury Downs Section on the Albury-Eairlie Creek Branch, a considerable amount of formation on the Oxford-Malvern line was done by thel " unemployed," before December, 1880, when all works of this kind in the colony were closed. Two contracts have since been let —one, 67 chains long, for the completion of a heavy cutting and other formation works on the south side of the Waimakariri River, which is well advanced ; and the other for formation and platelaying between West Oxford and the river, a distance of 8 miles 35 chains, just commenced. They are respectively named the Waimakariri Gorge and West Oxford Sections. The Waimakariri Gorge Section and the last mile on the West Oxford Section contain the only heavy formation works on the line, the former having a cutting 35 chains long with an extreme depth of 35 feet, and the latter a cutting 30 chains long and 48 feet in extreme depth, both through shingle terraces. The bridge work on the West Oxford Section consists in the aggregate of 5 spans of 40 feet, 4 of 20 feet, 15 of 13 feet, and 11 of 11 feet under the line, with an over-bridge of 3 spans of 20 feet each. There is a gradient of 1 in 50 for about three-quarters of a mile, falling through the terraces towards the river on each side of the Waimakariri, with curves of 12 chains radius on the north side ; but the alignment and gradients on the remainder of the line are much more favourable. Waitaki to Bluff Eailwax, with Bbanches. Main Line. Works on Open Line. —The station works in progress during the year are of considerable extent, but the works on the line itself are of little importance. The latter comprise river protection works and flood openings at Balclutha, drainage of large cuttings and embankments and flattening slopes between Palmerston and Glendermid and at Edendale, pitching embankments at creeks, and minor works of a similar kind at various places. The protective works at Balclutha, more particularly referred to in my last report, were compleied early in the year; and, so far as can yet be judged, they are likely to stand well, and serve the purpose for which they were intended. The flood openings through the solid embankments between the railway bridge and Balclutha are in progress. They are being carried out in accordance with the recommendation of the Commissioner appointed to investigate the question of the Clutha floods. The drainage of earthworks, and flattening and protecting slopes, are contingencies inseparable from new works.


The most important construction work in progress on the main line during the past year is the Dunedin Station Since April, 1881, when the question of the locality from whence the material for filling had to be taken was finally settled, the large reclamation contract has progressed steadily, and the whole work is expected to be finished about the end of August. The smaller contract for the reclamation of that portion of the new passenger station between Willis and Stuart Streets, entered into in September, should have been finished last month ; but the construction of a sewer that is being carried through the ground by the Corporation has somewhat retarded the work, so it will not be completed before the middle of May. ■ en After a great deal of careful consideration the general plan of the new station has been finally decided on, and arrangements are being made for proceeding with the work piecemeal. A portion ot the sidings in the block immediately south of Battray Street are now being laid for the coal frame, so that the land iv Crawford Street occupied by the present coal sidings may be at once given up to the Harbour Board. Contracts are in preparation for four goods-sheds, of an aggregate length or 1,70U feet, to be erected on the new site, two on each side; and the laying of the station-yard will be carried out along with them, so that they can be utilized as soon as erected. _ In carrying out the new station it is proposed first to finish an instalment of the goods station, sufficient to accommodate the whole traffic; and when the traffic is removed, to proceed with the new passenger station, which comes on the eastern end of the present station-yard. By this means it will be possible to work both the goods and passenger traffic without serious inconvenience An agitation having arisen in Dunedin with reference to the extension of Jetty Street across the goods station, it was ultimately decided to construct a bridge over the station between Jetty and Police Streets, with approaches in Vogel Street. The working designs for the structure are now in progress and it is proposed to send Home for the ironwork so soon as they are ready. All the works in hand at the Hillside workshop at the end of last year, including the_ erection ot the machinery, have been completed. The extra land taken has also been enclosed, and a timekeeper s house erected. The filling-in of the extension of the yard is in progress. _ A detailed survey has been made of Oamaru Station, with the adjoining properties and street and laid down to a large scale; it being proposed to prepare a complete design for a large station that can be carried out piecemeal, as the traffic requires. With the exception of the completion of the additions to the passenger station and filling-in the lagoon, there have been no construction works m progress at Oamaru during the year. , . , , The principal station works urgently required at Port Chalmers, including a small engine-shed, are now nearly finished. Nothing has yet been done towards the deepening of berths alongside the new wharf, but it is expected that the Harbour Board will undertake the work now that they have had an addition to their dredges. , . . . „.. A circular engine-shed to hold nine of the largest locomotives, with tenders, is in course ot erection at Invercargill, and a5O ft. turntable in connection therewith has been erected The engine-shed is a segment of a large circle, with the turntable in the centre. It is capable of being extended as required, stall by stall, till twenty-eight engines are accommodated. -• . In addition to ordinary extensions and alterations of a minor character the following station works on the main line have "been carried out or put in hand during the year:-New eight-stall engineshed at Palmerston, with addition of two stalls to old sheds at Palinerston and Balclutha ; refreshmentrooms at Palmerston, goods-shed at Pukerau, kationmaster's house at Gore, cattle-yards at Lovell s llat and Gore ; water-services at Milton, Balclutha, Clinton, and Edendale; shelter-shed at Oteramika, Mill Eoad, and Ocean Beach; coal-sheds at Clinton and Bluff; loading-banks at Lovell s Flat, Arthurton Pukerau, Waikaka, and Oteramika; additions to sidings at Herbert, Seaclift, Omimi Purakanui, Glendermid, Eavensbourne, Toiro, lvaihiku, and Wairuna ; and general rearrangements at mSoi/BrmTei— These are the branches authorized prior to the initiation of the scheme of 1878. The only extension on them is the continuation of the Duntroon Branch across the Maerewhenua Eiver to Duntroon Township, the commencement of the private line to Hakateramea. As shown by previous reports, the work was begun in 1879, but in consequence of difficulties in acquiring the necLsary land it was considerably delayed. The matter was finally settled about the beginning of the year, and the work has since been completed, the last of the station works having been taken over from the contractor in November last. The other more important construction works on the old branches are as follows :— Duntroon Branch : General improvements at Peebles Station, including water-service and sheltershed and additional sidings at Papakaio, TTxbridge, Black's Point, and Bortons. . Ngapara Branch: Belaying with 40-lb. rails up to the fifth mile, and strengthening Wa.areka Bridge shelter-sheds at Cormack's, Windsor, and Ngapara; and cattle-yards at JNgapara. N.iapara-Livingstone Branch.-?? till December, 1880, when the works were finally closed, about £35.000 had been expended on the formation of this line in giving work to the unemployed. Since that time nothing has'been done but fencing and such maintenance as was necessary to keep the works from being damaged by the accumulation of water. . , i; ~, A contract hasfhowever, just been entered into for piercing the first tunnel on the line is 242 yards long. It is expected to be through limestone rock, but too soft to stand without being lined: the lining is therefore provided for in the contract. „..,.,. j Pahnerslon-Waihemo Branch.-The formation on the first three miles of this line was done in 1879-80, and the platelaying on the first two miles is now in progress ; this portion being required to eive the Working Eailway Department access to a ballast-pit. , . , . ~ 1V ~ -, A contract for the completion of the formation to 8 miles 55 chains, which is practically the end of the line as authorized, has been entered into this month. The gradients and curves on the Palmerston-Waihemo Branch are favourable, and the works are erJCaOin's River Branch.— A contract for the completion of the formation on the Puerua Section, which brings the work up to near the Port Molyneux Eoad, at 6 miles 76 chains, was entered into on




the 26th February. As more particularly described in my last annual report, the works on this portion of the branch are moderately easy, and the line and levels particularly good Ihe working survey of the remainder of the branch has been completed during the year It shows the works on the unmade portions to be somewhat heavy ■ there will be 14 chains of tunnelling and a considerable amount of rock- and earth-cutting and bridging beiiJ^n^^TfiT 7*c^ rad.ius> aV° n the mfti°lin. e; but gradient is easier, 18 m!les 10 chai Js ' I<S m&in line &t Inyertiel to Ratlin's Eiver, is WaipaU-Reriol Burn Brmcl.—L few station-works have been put in hand, and carried out tSZZ^'&^^ISS^ -dKelso'.^ ito- water-s Uppl yat CoS Hills, A working survey of the remainder of the distance to Heriot Burn, the point to which the line is authorized, was made m 1880; and it is now proposed to prepare a contract for tL formation on a and are S ' " '**" " *<*"«**% ea^> ™> the curves *f^mfc%"il >'ft^^ r? <'*1 ~ra? l'c i fonnatioll °n the first scctionof this branch, a length of about 1W and ,t?H™° for f nearly *w° 7f™i and a contract has just been entered into for the platelaying and stations Thei section extends from the mam line at Edendale to the Township of Wyndham therefore°be expected? ' Centl>e °f * g°°d diStriCt< A f&ir am°UD' °f traffic ma^ n dei 2a I re als° invited for tKe fo*™ation of a further length of three and three-quarter miles called the Mokoreta Section. The earthworks, which are generally light, comis r nciJalTy of a low oTer atnTwvnlr gthfr r-b.n' f ail dSmall f^F thr°Ugh over the Wyndham, of three 40-feet spans, of timber, on concrete piers and abutments made dJZ }£ g VI? fmtheT extensiou of the branch to the Waimahaka Valley has been stKChiXeplidfeor nofc complete; they show the TOTks to be hea^ -d tte ■ ■ • Otago Central Baiiavay. con ß e^ue n eHvS rk l^*" inf tvi q S. ectio]l was finished at the date of my last annual report, consequently the only important work in progress during the year was the tunnels. The first tunnel of 303 yards in length, has been pierced and lined throughout, and 160 yards out of the 446 in thu summit tunnel has been pierced by a bottom heading. The material is clay late! very much dl or ed obvil T C<mBV Bt? nCJ '- CoM u e4ueH% the whole length will possibly want lining. In order to Wi JX Pc'ISe ?* T^ , Wl' eD W°^ ing dOW" hil1 ' th 6 tunne^is olll> driv™ lower end With the exception ot finishing up the small piecework contracts in progress at the end of last the only portion of the line from Chain Hills right to Hawea Lake of which there is no wortog survey iNTEECAEGILL-KISTGSTOIf EaILWAT, WITH BIUKCHES. dnrin^fl Mllj comtluf. on-woAf. carried out or in progress on the Invercargill-Kingston Eailway during the year are on the main line. Leaving out minor alterations and additions, they consist nrin cipally of he following: Etver protective works and additional openings at varons places in Z SoE o!tZ& Yf°l V Bheltr- BbedB at Waildwi' Lad^ Barkl >' °''d>s' ntre B»^ Notomai and aSdX^l°^S a:;fLunirn den ; Wat—iceS at Oreti »•> L-d- i turntable at Kingston /Sd "Western Hallways. was iSTn* f°r tJ e.fonMHon, °* llie 1/ illia £ectiol!' 10* miles, which brings the line to Orepuki was entered into m February, and the works are progressing satisfactorily With the exception of seven cuthngs, ranging from 5 to 20 chains long, and from 8 to 15 feet deep a d embankments to correspond, the earthworks are comparatively light and there are only eight small bribes h™ in! n all one span of 30 feet, two spans of 20 feet, fourteen of 13 feet, and (en of 11 feet § ' g Ihe steepest gradient on the Pahia Section is 1 in 55, and the sharpest curve 20 chains radius The^O °P g °f tht 6XtenSlof from °tautaU t0 Wairio is 10 mlles 55 chains. EOADS AND BRIDGES. Nelson Distbict.

JLJ • *

gap of two and a half miles, on which nothing has been done by Government. On the section between Havelock and Polorus Bridge there have been two and a half miles of new road formed and metalled, a cart-bridge erected over Cooper's Creek, and the old Pelorus Horse-bridge strengthened. A contract has also been entered into for painting the Wakamarina Bridge. The branch road up the Wakamarina Valley has been formed as far as Deep Creek, and arrangements are now being made to have it metalled. The extension of the main road from Pelorus Bridge via the Rai Valley to the Nelson side of Whangamoa Hill has been surveyed, and thirteen miles let in five small contracts. The work was only begun at the end of last month, so there has been no time to do much. In addition to the improvement of about four miles between Havelock and the Pelorus Crossing, and the construction of a cart-bridge over the Pelorus, it is necessary to make about thirteen miles more new road before communication for wheel-traffic can be established between Havelock and Nelson. Tracks in Pelorus Sound. —Tracks have been cut from Kenepuru Sound to Crail Bay, and from Kenepuru Sound to Manaroa, and another is in progress over the Torea Portage, with a boat-channel through Gullery's Neck. It is also intended to cut one between Opouri Bay and Kawai Sound. These tracks, which are all through narrow isthmuses, are intended to shorten the distance for boating between the different parts of the Sound —a much needed convenience. Aorere Valley Road. —Two contracts entered into in November, ]880, each for a mile of the cartroad in the upper portion of the valley, were completed early in the financial year. Motueka Bridge.. —Some little additional protective works have been constructed to prevent the encroachment of the river, and the bridge has been painted. Clarence Bridge. —This bridge was first proposed in 1877, when a vote for £5,000 was taken, but on making the survey it was found that the cost would be about double the amount voted. Nothing was therefore done till this year, when, authority for the extra expenditure having been obtained, designs were prepared for the bridge, also an order to be sent to England for the ironwork, and which goes next month. In consequence of the size and rapidity of the river, and the difficulties of the site, the bridge will be an important one. It is to have four spans of 120 feet, and one span of 60 feet. The piers are to be cast-iron cylinders filled with concrete, and the superstructure a combined timber and iron truss, like the Clutha and other large bridges already built. The Clarence Bridge is designed to carry both road- and railway-traffic. Tophouse and Tarndale Road. —A contract for forming the road round four bad rocky bluffs in the Wairau Gorge was finished early in spring, and tenders have just been received for the completion of the road through the gorge, and widening the portions done last year. A contract for improving the four- and five-mile banks in the Big Bush has been let, and tenders are advertised for similar work at Bay's Saddle. These two latter are on the portion of the road between Foxhill and Tophouse. As shown by my last annual report, the next most important work required in improving this road, the through communication between Nelson and Canterbury, is the cutting of some spurs to avoid several crossings of the Acheron River. JSfehon to Butter Valley Road. —The metalling contracts in the Motupiko, Clark, and Hope Valleys, which were in operation at the end of the year, were duly completed in May, and the rgad has since been maintained by Government. The Matiri contract, which comprised the construction of the last portion of the Dray Road, between Nelson and the West Coast, was finished in October, and a weekly coach has since been run between Foxhill and the Lyell. A contract has been entered into for improving the gradient and metalling about two miles between the Motupiko and CJark Rivers, and instructions have been issued to widen the worst places between Fern Flat and Lyell. A contract was entered into on the 23rd February for the erection of a bridge over the Owen River, and tenders are now invited for one over the Matiri. The former has one span of 80 feet, and the latter two spans of 80 feet. Contracts are in preparation for improving the road at the rocky cutting below the Owen and the western side of Spooner's Range. A considerable diversion is to be made at the latter place, so as to get an easier gradient. Westland District. Westport-Reefton Road. —The small bridges over Coal Creek, Orawaiti Overflow, and Nine-Mile Creek, tenders for which were advertised at the end of last year, have all been completed in a satisfactory manner. They are all small works of the usual type of construction. A contract has also been entered into for strengthening the Blackwater Bridge. A contract is in preparation, and tenders will at once be called, for the bridge over the Inangahua near the Buller Junction. In consequence of the difficulties of the site, it was necessary to have a more detailed survey than usual, and to put down a number of borings to ascertain the nature of the ground ; this accounts for the delay in getting out the contract. The design, as finally adopted, is for a bridge of five spans of 80 feet and eleven of SO feet. The roadway at the highest point will be about CO feet above the bed of the river. Reefton—Greymouth Road. —The bridge over the Inangahua, referred to in my last annual report as being nearly finished, was duly completed early in the year. A contract has just been entered into for the construction of a bridge over the Little Grey, at Devery's Terrace, the only unbridged river between Reefton and Greymouth. The site decided on is not particularly good, but it is the best obtainable anywhere near the direct line of communication. The bridge is to have seven spans of GO feet and three of 15 feet. Greymouth-Okarito Road. —A deviation between Kumara and the Teremakau River, and some minor improvements at the Tyremakau Bridge and on the Bowen-Okarito Section, were the only works in hand on this road during the past year. JLaast Pass Track. —The amount available for new works out of the vote of last session is now




being expended in improving the portion of the track between the Pass and the mouth of the Haast River. It is expected that all the work in hand will be finished by the end of May. General. —Hereto is appended a statement (Enclosure No. 2), compiled by the Resident Engineer, which shows in a concise manner the various road-works carried out in Westland up to the 31st March 1882. The only works still required to make the communication for wheel-traffic between Nelson and the West Coast right down to Ross tolerably complete is the bridging of Granity and Larry's Creeks, and the Waitahu River, in the Buller watershed, and Donelly's Creek, near Ross, and general improvements at various places, particularly in the Buller Valley. CnEISTCHTJECn-HoKITIKA ROAD. The cost of maintaining and repairing this road during the year just ended has been about the average of previous years. It is at present in fair order throughout, but some portions will soon want remetalling. The wire foot-bridges over the Porter and Broken Rivers, in progress at the date of the last annual report, have been completed ; and a further deviation has been made in the Otira Valley, to keep the road clear of the encroachments of the river. I have in previous reports referred to the question of bridging the rivers and otherwise improving the Christchurch-Hokitika Road, to make it passable in the ordinary state of the weather. At present a very moderate downfall of rain causes a complete interruption to the traffic. The following rivers and creeks are still unbridged: Taipo, Otira, Waimakariri, Rough Wainihini, Smooth Wainihini, and Kelly's Creek. In addition to the above, the Bealey is crossed four times, but this can be avoided by diverting the road for a short, distance. If the works above enumerated were carried out, the through journey from Christchurch to Hokitika could easily be accomplished in one day. . Oanteebttet District. Kaileoura-Waiau Road. —A section of three and a half miles at the Waiau end has been surveyed, and tenders for its construction are now advertised. A further length of five miles has also been pegged out, and the contract is in preparation. The survey of the remainder of the road across the Whale's Bask to G-reenhills is in progress. Waiau Bridge. —After a careful consideration of the question in all its bearings, the site for this bridge was finally fixed at a point immediately below the junction of the Mason, and opposite the "Waiau Township. Although of considerable width, there is no difficulty in bridging the Waiau anywhere in this locality, consequently the bridge is of the ordinary type. There are forty-three spans of 40 feet, with two land openings of 8 feet at each end. The piles and straining blocks are of Australian ironbark, all the remainder being native timber. Although at present only intended for road-traffic, extra large beams have been put in, so that the bridge can carry a railway without further strengthening. The contract is just being entered into, so that the works have not yet begun. The site of the Waiau Bridge will be again referred to when considering the question of extending the railway northwards from Canterbury. Bahaia Gorge Bridge. —After innumerable delays and difficulties in getting suitable tenders, and afterwards on the part of the contractor, this work is at last going steadily on, but very slowly. The abutments have been carried up to the level of the cast-iron seats, and the tension bars have been afely launched, and preparations are now being made for rivetting and launching the girders. Otago Disteict. The only work under this head in Otago for the year is the continuation of the Waikari-Waitati Road, commenced in 1880. Arrangements are being made to expend the vote taken last year in completing and extending present sections by small piecework contracts. WATER-RACES. Following the practice always adopted hitherto, I enclose the Resident Engineer's report on the Westland Water-races in full. (Enclosure No. 3.) The maintenance and working of existing races, as well as the construction of new works, are considered in the Resident Engineer's report, but the former will be dealt with more particularly by the Gold Fields department. I will therefore only direct attention to the new works in progress on the Argyle, Kumara, and Mikonui. Races. In the case of the Argyle Race the improvements in hand will make the works tolerably complete, and sufficient to meet all reasonable requirements for some years to come. It is considered advisable to augment the Kumara water-supply by the erection of a dam in the Kapitea Valley, at a cost of about £8,000. And with reference to the Mikonui scheme, the expenditure already incurred cannot be utilized unless the long tunnel through the range is made, or the water-rights in Donelly's Creek bought up. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. The most important work under this head carried out or in progress during the year is the Eorest Hill Tramway in Southland, intended to connect the Crown lands and settled districts of Eorest Hill with the railway at Winton. A contract for the first six miles was entered into in August, and the works have since progressed steadily : the sleepers and ties are laid for three and a half miles, the rails for three miles, and the ballast for two miles. The whole contract is expected to be finished in June. The tramway, which is constructed in a substantial manner, and with good gradients and curves, is laid with 28-lb. rails on longitudinal sleepers, kept together by cross-ties, and well ballasted between, to give a firm pathway for the horses. The only other miscellaneous works worth mentioning that have been in hand during the year are the following, some of which were done for the Marine and other departments: Removal of Buoy Rook, Nelson Harbour; erection of training-wall at Collingwood; removal of old wharf at Picton ; manufacture of cranes at Dunedin and Greymouth ; manufacture of diamond-crossings at Dunedin; erection of sheep-dip at Port Chalmers; removal of rock at Catlin's River; and the extension of the wharf at Queenstown.



BUILDINGS. The total, expenditure on public buildings in the Middle Island during the past financial year is as follows: — £ s. d. Judicial ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,015 17 8 Postal and Telegraph ... ... ... ... ... 818 18 4 Lunatic Asylums ... ... ... ... ... ... 19,200 7 G Miscellaneous repairs, alterations, &c. ... ... ... 8,248 15 0 Total ... ... ... ... £37,283 18 G Hereto is appended a statement (Enclosure No. 4) giving an abstract of what has been done during the year, and showing the state of the work on each building. It shows that forty buildings have been in course of erection, or altered or repaired : they comprise fourteen judicial, twelve postal and telegraph, two lunatic asylums, and twelve miscellaneous—of the latter, eight are offices for public departments, and four various. Out of the total number of forty above given the following are entirely new buildings: five judicial, two lunatic asylums, and one miscellaneous. Of the whole public buildings in progress in the Middle Island during the year, the more important are the courthouses at Oamaru and Gore, and the lunatic asylums at Sunnyside and Seacliff. At Sunnyside, Contract No. 2, refractory wards and additions to the female divisions are finished, and an extension of the female dormitory is in progress. Designs have also been prepared for the central block containing the dining-hall, kitchen, and other apartments common to the whole institution. The central block at Seacliff is approaching completion, the adjoining block of dormitories in the North wing is well advanced, and the foundations are in for the corresponding block in the South wing. These two asylums are among the handsomest buildings in New Zealand, and their whole appointments will be so complete as to place them on a par with first-class institutions of the same kind in England. SURVEYS. General. —The surveys for works on authorized railways have been considered under their respective heads. I shall now refer to reconnaissance and other preliminary surveys made on unauthorized lines. Although these may, in some cases, appear to be in advance of actual requirements, they are nevertheless essential to the proper location of authorized sections, and the due consideration of probable extensions. The difficulty is to keep the surveys sufficiently advanced, there being always a rush to get works commenced so soon as they are sanctioned by Parliament. The work of projecting and exploring main lines of communication everywhere throughout the colony should go steadily on year by year, independently of fluctuation in the progress of the works and the immediate requirements of settlement. Much information is still wanting with reference to the leading valleys in the north end of the Middle Island; the open country between the outside and main ranges in Canterbury; the passes between the principal watersheds in Otago ; and the various routes between the east and west coasts, particularly south of Mount Cook. Extravagant though the idea may now appear, I believe there is a possibility of the West Coast Sounds being utilized as harbours, and that some one or other of them may eventually become the principal entrepot for the southern end of the colony. If the good country was confined to the eastern seaboard, the idea would not be worth a moment's consideration, but, in view of continuous settlement being carried to the shore of the Te Anau Lake, within thirty miles of the Sounds, and considering that this is the nearest point in the colony to Australia, that the harbour would be first-class, and that there are no outlying dangers in the navigation, the project may well be set down as worth inquiring into. Main Trunk Line. —The most important survey in hand during the year is that of the extension of the main trunk line southwards from Blenheim, and northwards from Canterbury. The former has already been referred to under the name of the railway, but the latter requires to be considered more in detail, for a decision must soon be come to with reference to the whole route of the through line. The work in hand this year is the reconnaissance survey of a portion of the country between the Waiau and Clarence watersheds at the Amuri and Hanmer Plains; a topographical survey of the Amuri Plains; and a preliminary survey, but more in detail than usual, of the rough country on the coast-line between the Waiau and Kahautera Rivers. The explorations made in 1875 contemplated an exceptionally steep line over Jollies Pass ; but an alternative by the Hanmer Valley and Hossack Saddle, to get easier gradients, was suggested. The reconnaissance survey made this year shows that the Hanmer Valley route is very rough at the lower end, and that exceptional gradients cannot be avoided without particularly heavy works. At the same time a new route was discovered by which gradients of 1 in 50 can be got with comparatively light work. Instead of going up the Waiau Valley to the Hanmer Plain it commences at the Waiau Township, follows up the Mason and Lottery to Sherwood, then doubles back by a branch of the Lottery to Whare Saddle, where it crosses into the Upper Hanmer Valley ; the line from thence is continued on moderately good ground to the Hossack Saddle. The discovery of this route shows that it is possible to get a railway with workable gradients right through the middle of the Island, from Nelson to Canterbury. Although there may be no immediate prospect of such a railway, it is satisfactory to know that it can be made when required, and the information has been considered an important factor in determining the sites of the Hurunui and Waiau Bridges, and the course of the railway along the Amuri Plain. The topographical survey of the Amuri Plain was also undertaken to assist in determining the proper location of the railway and river-crossings, there being no plan in existence that showed the natural features, or even the roads as constructed. The crossing place of the Hurunui has been fixed at the Balmoral Mound ; it is proposed to run the line straight from there right down the middle of the plain to the southern side of the Isolated



Hills, thence along the bank of the river to the Waiau Bridge. The total distance between the two river-bridges will be about twenty-three and a half miles, and the length of the long straight nearly twenty miles. It is scarcely necessary to add that the cost of making a railway along the Amuri Plain will be at the minimum; there will be no earthworks beyond surface-forming, and, with the exception of the Pahau Stream, there is no watercourse worth noticing in the whole distance. The traffic would be best intercepted and accommodated by making the first stopping-place in the extension of the railway at the main-road-crossing opposite Culverden Mound, eight and a half miles beyond the Hurunui. This point is a mile and a half by road from the Pahau Stream, and two and a half miles from the " Red Post," the junction of the Waiau and ITanmer Plain Roads. The survey of the section on the coast-line between the Waiau and Kahautera Rivers is being made for the department by Messrs. Dobson and Son, of Christchurch. It is not, however, sufficiently advanced to enable us to come to a definite conclusion with reference to the character and cost of the works. In considering the extension of the main trunk line, it is necessary to revert to my report of the 21st June, 1879, on "The Proposed Railways in the Northern Districts of the Middle Island" (Parliamentary paper E.-l, page 60), and give an abstract of the leading points and conclusions beariug on the question : —■ 1. Geographically, and, so far as the Middle Island alone is concerned, the best route for a through railway is what may be called the Inland Line, by the Amuri and Hanmer Plains, Jollies Pass, and Upper Clarence and Wairau Valleys to Blenheim, with an alternative from Tophouse to Nelson. But the advantages of position are more than counterbalanced by the engineering difficulties met with, the great altitude to be overcome, and the extra length involved, —that is, on the assumption that the line is to be viewed as the means of communication between the two ends of the colony. 2. The Coast Line by Waipara, the Omihi Valley, Cheviot, Kaikoura, Flaxbourne, p*nd Dashwood Pass to Blenheim, is preferable to any other route, inasmuch as it is the shortest from the populous districts of the South to Wellington and other parts of the North Island, and that it only rises to an extreme altitude of 500 feet, against about 3,300 on the Inland Line. These advantages considerably outweigh those of all other routes, as well as its own disadvantages —viz., great difficulties of construction. 3. The Amuri Plain is well worth opening up by a railway, independently of the question as to whether it will form part of the through line, but a connection can be made between it and the coastline from the Waiau Township to Parnassus. The above are the salient points determined three years ago, and the additional information since obtained does not materially affect them. The discovery of an easier line between the Waiau and Upper Clarence is so much more in favour of the inland route; still, it in no way alters the ultimate conclusions. The question has lately arisen as to whether it would not, in the first instance, be advisable to extend the present railway to Waiau, and make the Parnassus connection above mentioned, together with that portion of the coast-line north of Parnassus ; then to let the whole line thus described be worked as the through route till the requirements of the traffic demand the shorter one by Waipara and Cheviot. Beyond obviating the inconvenience of working the Amuri line as a branch, there is little to be gained by such a proposal. The country between Waiau and Parnassus is very rough. The line would either require to follow the river, entailing exceedingly heavy works, or go over a range 900 feet high, the difficulties of the coast route would not be avoided, less traffic-producing country would be accommodated, and, so far as can be judged without detailed surveys, nothing would be saved in cost. The following statement shows approximately the total length from Christchurch to Picton, and the length to make of the two lines now under discussion ; also the same information with reference to the inland line previously described : —

In my report of 1879 I showed that the direct sea route from Lyttelton to Wellington is no longer than the shortest railway route between Christchurch and Picton, and that, when the passage from Picton to Wellington is allowed for, the balance of time in favour of the railway only amounts to an hour and a half. Th§ respective times were calculated at fourteen and a half and sixteen hours. By making the works somewhat heavier than originally contemplated, and running express, the time in the former case could be reduced to twelve hours; but, on the other hand, the fast steamers now coming to the colony can make the passage from Lyttelton" to Wellington in fourteen hours in moderate weather. It is therefore of the greatest importance that the railway should be made as short and level as possible. In consequence of the height to be overcome, as well as the additional distance to be travelled, the time by the Parnassus-Amuri diversion could not be less than thirteen hours, and by the Inland line not less than fourteen hours. From the foregoing remarks it will be seen that the selection of the route to be adopted in extending the main trunk railway is narrowed down to the question as to whether the line is intended to serve the Middle Island alone, or to form a link in the connection between the two ends of the colony. My previous report shows that the resources of the country traversed, and the importance of

Line. Total length. Length to make, )oast line—By Waipara, Cheviot, Parnassus, the coast, and Blenheim ... Lmuri-Coast line—By "Waipara, Amuri Plain, Parnassus, the coast, and Blenheim .nland line —By Amuri, Upper Clarence, Tophouse, and Blenheim Miles. 215 Miles. 151 230 245 150 170

MAP OF THE MIDDLE ISLAND NEW ZEALAND Public works Department 1882, W.N.Blair.M.lnst.C.E. Engineer in Charge-



the districts immediately connected, do not alone warrant the construction of a through line of railway in any direction : its main object must, therefore, be to connect the two ends of the colony ; and, that being the case, the shortest and quickest route is obviously the best. Extension of Ashburton Branch. —Preliminary surveys have been made in several directions for the extension of this line. One is to cross the Ashburton River near the present terminus, and run to a point about two miles below the Mount Somers Township, and ultimately to Methven, the end of the Ashburton Forks Private Railway. Another is to continue on the south side of the river for two and a half miles, and then cross to a point half a mile below the township, Methven being also the ultimate destination. A third proposal is to continue the present branch ten miles on the south side of the Ashburton, and then cross to a place where there is a large deposit of coal. A line keeping on the north side of the river had also been surveyed to the same place several years ago: it would join, or be a continuation of, either of the two first described. The country being all fiat there is no difficulty in making any of the extensions above mentioned ; but until the mineral resources of the district are further developed it would be difficult to say which is the most suitable. In the meantime, and for several years to come, the requirements of the traffic will bo fully met by an extension of two and a half miles to the main-road-crossing. GENERAL REMARKS. Prices.— The commercial depression which prevailed throughout the colony in 1879 and 1880 had begun to pass away at the end of the last financial year; and business, particularly in the building trades, is now as brisk as it has been at any time for four or five years. As a consequence the prices of labour and materials of all kinds have gone up at least 15 per cent. ; labour generally is scarce, and in the southern districts some classes of artisans cannot be obtained in sufficient numbers at any price. The scarcity of labour is caused, to a great extent, by the large number "who left for Australia during the bad times. It has been estimated that between two and three thousand workmen went to New South Wales alone. When we consider that there were at one time, in 1879-80, no less than 1,800 men on the relief works in the Middle Island, who were only earning a bare livelihood, it is quite possible that this estimate is tolerably correct. These remarks show that if many large works are now undertaken and pushed rapidly on they will cost more than the prices current during the past few years. That is, assuming that the tide of labour does not flow back from the neighbouring colonies, or that no special effort is made to get men from Home. Number of Men on Works. —The following table gives bhe average number of men directly employed on public works in the various districts of the Middle Island during the past year, contractors' men being shown separate from those employed direct by Government.

In addition to the above, there were eighty-nine men employed on public buildings, and the numbers do not include contractors' men employed off the works, in shops or otherwise, nor men employed by the Working Railway Department on construction-works. Map.- —A map of the Middle Island, showing the authorized railways made, in progress, and not commenced, is appended hereto (Enclosure No. 5). Enclosures. —The following enclosures accompany this report:— No. 1. Lengths of Railways authorized, constructed, and surveyed, &c, Middle Island. „ 2. Statement of Works executed on Eoads in Westland. „ 3. Annual Report on Water-races. ~ 4. Statement of Works executed on Public Buildings. „ 5. Map of Middle Island. I have, &c, W. N. Blaib, Engineer in Charge, Middle Island.

15—D. 1.

District. Employed by Contractors. Government Labour, including Surveys. Total Number Employed. Nelson and Marlborough Westland Canterbury Otago Southland 80 56 230 115 80 10 111 26 120 6 90 167 256 235 86 Totals 561 273 834



Enclosure 1 in Appendix I. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1882. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. Name of Line. Mileage. Subdiviaion. Main Line. Sidings. Total. Surveyed. Under Under For- ■ Platemation. laying. Opened. Date. |ToJune, I 1872. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-76. 1875-76. |1876-77. 1877-78. 1878-79. |lS79-S0.11880-81. 1831-82. Total. 1 2 3 M. oh. 52 0 4 5 II. ch. 1 0 18 73 3 0 19 24 9 63 7 50 6 M. ch. 0 21 1 75 0 29 7 M. ch. 1 21 20 68 3 29 19 24 9 63 11 2 8 SI. eh. 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 M. oh. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch. 1 0 22 M. ch. 23 II. ch. 1 C 18 73 3 0 !Jelson-Greymouth Nelson-Roundell ... Port Extension Nelson-Foxhill Bellgrove Surveyed Trial survey Greymoutn-Brunner-ton Extension Stillwater (portion) 17 May, 1880 31 Jan., 1876 25 July, 1881 18 73 19 "24 ... j ... 3" 0 Greymouth - Nelson Creek 16 3 332 7 April, 1876 7" 50 7 "50 Westport-Ngakawau G-reymouth- Hokitika Westport-Ngakawau Greymouth-Hokitika 19 63 23 51 Surveyed Station Westport Waimangaroa Ngakawau Survey of Extension G-rey mouth Paroa Hokitika Hampden Street Surveyed Picton-Blenheim ... Blenheim Vernon Section Surveyed Surveyed (trial) Hurunui-Waikari ... Waikari-Waipara ... Waipara-Arnberley Amberley - Ashley (part) 0 5 0 59 0 4 7 45 0 29 6 20 3 60 8 70 0 44 3 51 0 77 3 0 0 19 15 64 16 69 1 22 4 40 1 34 4 56 10 0 9 10 6 77 7 64 1 73 1 55 0 10 0 19 0 5 0 59 0 4 7 45 2 22 7 75 3 70 9 9 0 44 3 51 0 77 3 0 0 19 15 64 18 62 2 2 4 40 1 34 4 56 10 O 9 10 7 25 i"k 0 "44 0 59 2 11 0 77 3 0 0 19 1 40 1 Feb., 1881 14 Mar., 1881 17 Dec, 1878 5 Aug., 1876 5 Aug., 1876 26 Sept., 1877 ... ... ... ... ... 6 20 3 60 8 70 o"29 0 5 6" 4 , ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I 0 5 6 4 0 29 6 20 3 6C 8 70 Picton-Hurunui Picton-Blenheim ... 28 61 l"73 0 60 15 "64 18 Nov., 1875 24 May, 1880 16 69 i T22: 16 69 1 22 1 34 4 "40 ... ' Hurunui - Waitaki, with Branches Main Line 196 63 0 28 10 0 9 10 6 Oct., 1880 3 Nov., 1876 ... ... ... ... ... 6-77, 6"77 7 64 il 23 (3 2 C ... "" 7 64 [ 1 12 70 ... ... Ashley-Ran giora ... Rangiora-Southbrook Southbrook-Kaiapoi Kaiapoi-Addington Christchurch-Selwyn Selwyn-Dunsandel... 3 63 1 71 1 63 5 1 11 68 22 43 1 77 23 45 9 Feb., 1876 17 April, 1875 5 Nov., 1872 2 Sept., 1872 ■ 1 April, 1872 2 Oct., 1867 15 Feb., 1873 11 68 22 43 1 63 5 1 171 - 3 63 3 63 1 71 1 63 5 1 11 68 22 43 1 11 5 13 0 41 27 56 2 38 'in I I I ... I ... I



Dunsandel-Kakaia ... Rakaia-Asliburton ... Ashburton-Ealing ... Ealing-Woodbridge Woodbridge-Temuka Temuka-Tirnaru Timaru-St. Andrew St. Andrew-Otaio ... Otaio-Makikihi Makikihi-Hook Hook-North Waitaki North Waitaki-South Waitaki 10 66 17 7 19 29 2 59 13 65 11 15 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 1 40 0 34 2 49 3 38 0 39 0 43 5 15 1 1-2 61 11 20 19 56 22 67 3 18 14 28 16 30 ... ( r I 29 May, 1873 4 Aug., 1874 31 May, 1875 24. Aug., 1875 4 Feb., Is76 22 Oct., 1875 1 July, 1876 1 Sept., 1876 30 Oct., 1876 1 Feb., 1877 1 Feb., 1877 17 April, 1876 ... 10 66: I 17" 7 19 29 ... 2 59 13 65 11 15 ... 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 ... ... ... 10 66 17 7 19 29 2 59 13 65 11 15 10 28 3 66 3 61 3 36 16 14 1 40 ... I 41 66 , I i J L 1 40 ... I ... Branches, — Bangiora-Oxford ... 21 76 Rangiora-Cusfc Cust-Carlton Carlton-Oxford West Main Line-West Eyreton Eyreton-Bennett's... Ly tt el ton-Chris tchurch Hornby-Ellesinere... Ellesmere-South-bridge Ellesraere Section ... Surveyed Reconnaissance Eolleston-Shefiield... Sheffield-Springfield Springfield-Coal mine Darfield-Whitecliffs Tinwald-Westerfield Extension Washdyke - Pleasant Point Pleasant Point-Albury Albury Section Albury Downs Section Preliminary Survey Waimate Branch ... South Waitaki - Oaruaru Oainaru-Hillgrove ... Hillgrove- Palmerston Palmerston -Waikouaiti Waikouaiti-Waitati Waitati-Grlendermid Grlendermid— Dunedin Dunedin-Abbotsford Abbolsrord - Clutlia River 11 77 5 53 4 26 15 46 [2 14 [l 37 23 23 c 1 Dec., 1874 6 April, 1875 21 June, 1875 27 Dec, 1875 11 77 5 53 4 26 11 77 5 53 4 26 15 46 24 10 ... Eyreton (from Main Line) 20 11 21 48 15" 46 Ly ttelton 6 26 4 45 6 26 29 49 lleb., 1878 9 Dec, 1867 6 26 4 45 4 45 6 26 Southbridge 25 16 14 48 10 48 I 2 57 27 73 ( -I 26 April, 1875 30 July, 1875 14 48 10 48 14 48 10 48 Little Kiyer-Akaroa 42 10 17 8 5 72 19 10 24 1 5 59 0 77 11 42 10 60 8 39 8 71 17 8 5 72 19 10 5 "72 17 8 Springfield 30 57 59 1 Dec, 1874 3 Jan., 1880 10 Feb., 1880 3 Nov., 1875 8 April, 1880 ... I 1 24* 1 24 1 5 59 0 77 11 42 10 60 33 36 5" 59 0 77 Whitecliffs Branch... Ashburton Branch... 11 42 19 19 1 35 0 28 12 77 11 8 8 39 9 43 11 42 1 ... 8'39 10 60 Opawa Branch 55 8 0 52 24Dec'.^ 1875 ... ! 8"71 8 71 faitaki - Bluff and Branches Waimate Branch ... Main Line 16 61 1 28 9 8 19 0 4 46 13 8 0 76 17 57 1 28 9 8 19 0 5 22 14 64 1 28 9 8 1 Jan., 1877 ... 16 61 4 46 I ... 16 61 4 46 j24S 69 0 56 1 56 19 Mar.', 1877 25 Sept., 1875 13 8 ... ) 4-46 13 8 24 52 12 68 9 3 3 19 > 2 31 27 71 A 4 Nov., 1876 22 May, 1878 ' 6 Sept., 1878 i 24 52 12 68 24 52 12 68 9 3 38 58 I ... 9' 3 14 33 9 77 7 6 5 7 46 36 0 32 1 0 10 29 8 6 7 May, 1878 20 Dec, 1877 9 April, 1873 1 July, 1874 1 Sept., 1875 7"6 I 14 33 9 77 14 33 9 77 7 6 5 7 46 36 J6 50 58 13 ... s" 7 46 "36 ... ... ... ...



Enclosure 1 in Appendix I. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1882. MIDDLE ISLAND.

State of Line. Appropriation. Name of line. Mileage* Subdivision, Main Line. Sidings. Total. Under Under Opened. Surmation. laying. Date. ToJune, 1872. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76. 1873-77. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1870-80. 1880-81. 1831-82. J Total. 1 2 3 M. ch. 4 5 SI. ch. 0 60 6 M. ch. 1 7 M. ch. 8 M. ch. 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. Waitaki - Bluff and Branches — contd. 11 12 M. ch. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 0 60 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch. 22 M. ch. 23 M. ch. 0 60 Main Line Clutlia River - Balclutha Bidelutha-Clinton ... Clinton— Waipahi Waipahi-Grore Gore-Mataura Mataura-Woodlands Woodlands-Invercar-Inrercargill-Bluff ,,. 20 76 9 62 16 1! 7 40 20 68 11 21 I j-2 8 J (3 0 49 57 22 Jan., 1878 22 Jan., 1879 1 Nov., 1877 21 June, 1877 30 Aug., 1875 7 June, 1875 11 Feb., 1874 ... 7 40 16 11 9 62 20 76| ! 20 76 9 62 16 11 7 40 20 68 11 21 42 49 11 21 20 68 17 1 1 50 18 51 5 Feb., 1867 17 1 17 1 Branches, — Duntroon Branch ... I Ngapara ,, Livingstone „ Moeraki „ Shag Point "„ Palmers ton-Waihemo Port Chalmers Branch Green Island „ 21 68 15 2 16 40 1 43 1 67 9 0 1 9 2 57 Pukeuri-Duntroon... Extension to Duntroon 'Township Waiareka-Ngapara Windsor- Livingstone Surveyed Moeraki Branch Shag Point Palmerston Section Surveyed Grlendermid'- Port Chalmers Green Island Brighton Road Mosgiel-Outram Clarkesville-Waita-huna Waitahuna- Lawrence Invertiel Section ... Surveyed Preliminary survey... Waipahi-Kelso Surveyed 21 18 0 50 15 2 12 0 4 40 1 43 1 67 3 0 6 0 1 9 0 22 0 25 0 ~22 0 15 10 21 40 0 50 15 27 12 0 4 40 1 65 2 2 3 0 6 0 2 9 4 40 6"'o 12 0 3 "0 1 Dec, 1875 11 July, 1881 2 April, 1877 15 Feb., 1877 27 June, 1879 9 April, 1873 1 9 ■" 21 18 15 2 1 43 l'67 0 50 21 18 0 50 15 2 1 43 1 67 1 9 Outram Branch Lawrence „ 8 78 21 76 2 17 0 40 8 78 15 4 0 13 0 5 0 67 2 30 0 45 9 65 ... 1 July, 1874 4 Sept., 1879 1 Oct., 1877 22 Jan., 1877 2 17j 8-78 0 40 2 17 0 40 8 78 15 4 I ... 15 4 ... 6 72 2 40 9 36 6 64 15 28 10 74 24 0 13 70 4 0 15 30 |l 7 23 3 ( Catlin's River 18 60 2 40 9 36 6 64 16 60 10 74 24 0 13 70 4 21 15 30 9 36 2 40 2 April, 1877 6 72 6 72 ... Waipahi-Heriofc Burn 26 22 ■•• 1 32 I 1 Dee., 1880 ... 15 "28 10 74 24 0 13 70 ... j ... I ... 15"28 Kelso-Gore Waimea-Switzer's ... Edendale-Xoitoia ... 24 0 13 70 19 30 - ... j ... ... Wyndham Section ... Surveyed 0 "21 15' 30 4*"o ... ... | I ... ... I I ... I ... I ... I I i ... I I



Canterbury Interior Main Line Oxford-Tern uka 83 0 Eyre Bridge Temuka Bridge Oxford-Malvern Surveyed Reconnaissance survey Wingatui Section ... Hindon ,, Surveyed Preliminary survey... lnvercargill-Winton Winton-Caroline ... Caroline-Elbow Elbow-Lowther Lowther-Athol Athol-Fairlight Fairlight-Kingston... Kingston Wharf Lumsden Section ... Castle Rock „ Reconnaissance Makarewa Junction to Riverton Thornbury (Aparima June.) to Otautau Otnutau-Wairio Riverton Section Roundhill „ Pahia „ 0 13 0 15 9 9 16 27 57 16 6 65 17 15 120 60 36 20 18 58 22 10 8 27 5 76 13 18 10 10 8 35 0 10 6 0 12 60 11 20 17 66 0 13 0 15 9 9 16 27 57 16 6 65 17 15 120 60 36 20 19 23 23 74 8 67 6 16 13 38 ... 0 13 0 15 9 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Otago Centra] t Eailway Otago Central 1627 ... 181 0 6 65 17 15 ... I I - ... ... Invercargill-Kingston and Branch, Lums-den-Mararoa Invercargill-Kingston 120 60 Approxi mate. ... ... 86 74 0 45 1 64, 0 40 0 20 0 20 22 Feb., 1871 20 Oct., 1875 7 Feb., 1876 15 Jan., 1877 28 Jan., 1878 29 April, L878 10 July, 1878 14 Dec, 1878 1 April, 1881 18" 58; ... j ... I ... I ... 2210 8 27 ... i ( 18 5i 22 1( 8 2', 5 7< 13 1) 10 1( 8 3S 0 1( 2 2: 5" 76 13 "is 10 10 jo 12 18 57 -I ... 8 35; 0 10 i Western Eailways ... Kingston Wharf ... Lumaden-Mararoa... 0 10 30 0 0 10 0 10 0 20 6 10 12 60 11 20 18 56 3 "59 ... 2 21 12 60 ... ... ... Wallacetown Branch 17 66 1 '" ... 070 9 June, 1879 ... I ! ... I ... 17 66 17 6( Otautau Branch 11 40 11 40 0 40 12 0 15 Dec, 1879 ! "' 11 40 11 4( Otautau-Nightcaps Orepuki Branch 10 67 17 63 10 67 6 3 1 30 10 30 0 37 0 20 0 20 11 24 6 23 1 50 10 30 3 Mar., 1882 25 July, 1881 ... 10 67 6 3 10 6^ 6 i 1 "30 ... 10 30 ... , ... i 1 I - i ... 127 3 ... s I Total opened ffic I 27 62! 1 249 44 154 12 58 46! 18 56 I for Tra 76 36 11 2l! 93 41 35 36| 22 61 875 li


Enclosure 2 in Appendix I. ROADS.— Statement of Work Done on each Road under Public Works Acts to 31st March, 1882.


Bf to* ■si Position. •a g 2 «J Is Principal Bridge-works Executed on each. State of Roads for Traffic. Remarks. M. ch. o 19 M. oh. M. eh. o 19 Ft. '7 Ft. In. Westpoet-Reefton Road. 1 bridge, 200 ft. long, consisting of 3 60-ft. spans, trussed, and 1 18-ft. span, trussed 1 bridge, 33 ft. long, consisting of 2 15-ft. spans, plain 1 bridge, 123 ft. long, consisting of 4 30-ft. spans, plain 1 bridge, 93 ft. long, consisting of 3 30-ft. spans, plain o 24 o 19 At Ohika River 12 12 Good Very difficult river to bridge; rise of water in floods, 39 ft1 small bridge only; rapid and deep creek. Bridge across overflow of Bullcr River; easy to bridge. Rapid mountain torrent. o 8 o 34 o 13 o'"6 I O 1 o 5 o At Coal Creek At Orawaiti orerflow At Nine-Mile Creek 17 17 17 12 12 12 12 12 12 Good Good Good 5 o o 79 o 25 11 19 11 19 Wesport to Reefton 17 12 12 4 bridges, 449 ft. total length Passable ... Road along steep rocky sidings; narrow and difficult to keep in repair. o 20 o 50 o 39 o 15 ° 39 o '5 ° 39 At Inangahua Eiver At Grey River Junction At Ahaura '7 '7 12 12 12 12 12 12 Greymotjtii-Reeeton Road. 1 bridge, 365 ft. long, consisting of 5 60-ft. spans, trussed, and 4 15-ft. spans, plain 1 bridge, 785 ft. long, consisting of 6 55-ft. spans, trussed ; 1 47-ft. span, trussed, and 27 15-ft. spans, plain 1 bridge, 760 ft. long, consisting of 11 55-ft. spans, trussed, and 10 15-ft. spans, plain 30 lin. ft. culvert covering; no bridges 1 bridge, 260 ft. long, over Nelson Creek ... Good Good Good River carrying heavy [timber; not otherwise "very difficult to bridge. . River very undefined ;°bad site for bridge. o 41 o 29 o 29 o 29 i7 Difficult river to bridge'; mountain torrent; hard' reef close below river-bed. ;;~ 5 ..: '^ "-. ewioei^ Traffic went across open'plains'before road was madef' Easy stream t to ; formation of approaches moderate. ■ On Ahaura Plains ... At Nelson Creek ■■ 12 Good Good 2 18 3 9 ... 3 9 2 18 3 9 2 18 3 9 •7 12 12 ! 6 58 I I I 1 6 30 6 30 Greymouth to Eeefton ... 17 12 3 bridges, 2,170 ft. total length ... Good. 3 77 12 I i r -in 5 7 1 6 i5 6 IS Stillwaieb to Maoei Gully 9i 5 8 4 bridges, 79 ft. total length, and 187 lin. ft. culvert covering Just passable. 211 3 78 ° 34 2 11 3 78 ° 34 2 11 3 78 ° 34 211 3 78 Greymouth to Oraotuinotu ... Omotumotu to Brunnerton ... Omotumota to Bmcnerton (deviation at AYalkend) 17 »7 17 12 12 12 I 12 12 12 Geeymouth-Aenold Road. 124 lin. ft. culvert covering, retaining walls, and 20,400 cub. yds. rocky cutting 8 bridges, 206 ft. total length, and 233 lin. ft. culvert covering ; also 10,000 cub. yds. rocky cutting 13 lin. ft. culvert covering Good. Good Good About ij miles very heavy work; remainder about average. Very heavy timber; steep siding cuttings, partly rock, and high embankments in places at crossings of deep ravines. Work consisted of reconstructing and widening old road, with new culverts. Heavy embankment approaching Arnold River. o 34 1 22 1 22 Brunnerton to Still water J7 12 12 93 lin. ft. culvert covering Good o 68 o 68 o 68 0 68 Still water to Arnold i? 12 12 1 bridge, 25 ft. long, and 50 lin. ft. culvert covering... Good i 1 ! ! Greymouth to Arnold River 1 9 bridges, 231 ft. total length ; 513 lin. ft. culvert covering, and 30,400 cub. yds. rocky cutting Good 8 53 7 31 i 7 31 . 8 53 '7 12 I 12 ! 7 m. 31 ch. of new road along very difficult country, and reconstructing and widening old road for 1 m. 22 ch.; all new formed, 17 ft. wide, with 12 ft. width of metal, 12 in. thick.



10 2 7 17 1 2 363 1 67 o 25 9 4' 7 17 o 17 3 3' 1 67 o 12 IO 2 7 '7 ..,. 3 35 1 6 7 o 12 10 2 7 i? o 17 3 35 1 67 o 12 Greyinouth to Marsden Marsden to Hohonu At Eurnara S t afford to Arab ura Hokitika to Eanieri At Kanieri '7 •7 '7 '7 17 ■7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Geeymouth-Okabito Eoad. Bridges, 848 ft. total length, and 560 lin. ft. culvert covering 6 bridges, 441 ft. total length, four of them being lattice trusses, with spans 50 ft. and over; and 246 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 590 ft. long, consisting of 9 5 5 - ft- spans, trussed, and 6 15-ft. spans, plain 1 lattice bridge, 45-ft. spai3, and 251 lin. ft. culvert covering ... 1 bridge, 45-ft. span, and 101 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 810 ft. long, consisting of 13 55-ft. spans, trussed, and 6 15-ft. spans, plain 7 bridges, two of them being 34-ft. spans, lattice trusses, 295 ft. total lengh ; also 468 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 45 ft. long, and 400 lin. ft. culvert covering Fair ... J Average bush-felling. Good ... Average bush-clearing; very steep sidling ground throughout, necessitating heavy earthwork. Good ... Eiver liable to heavy Hoods, and carrying large masses of timber. Good ... Average bush, average earthwork. Good ... Average class of work. Good ... Eiver liable to heavy floods, and carrying large masses of timber. Good ... Average class of work. Good ... Average clearing and forming. 12 12 12 12 16 21 16 19 16 18 16 18 Eanieri to Boss 17 12 12 13 15 13 15 13 'a 13 IS Bowen to Waitaha (Sections 1, 2, and 3, north end) Waitaha to Wataroa (SeclionB 4 to 12 inclusive, north end) Wataroa to Okarito Porks (Sections 6 to 3 inclusive, south-east) Okarito Forks to Okarito (Sections 1, 2, and 7, south-east) 10 5 8 3° 33 3° 33 30 12 30 12 10 5 8 1 bridge, 42 ft. long, and 883 lin. ft. culvert covering; also 223 lin. ft. 4-ft. culverts under banks 130 lin. ft. culvert covering; also 1 bridge, 52 ft. long Fair ... Average clearing and forming. Fair ... 1 Average clearing and forming. 10 34 10 34 10 34 10 34 10 5 8 5 4 S 4 5 4 12 8 8 4 bridges, 139 ft. total length, and 55 lin. ft. culvert covering... Good ... Heavy earthwork, moderate clearing. 99 43 97 5° 97 73 97 73 Greymoutli to Okarito ... Van ous as above 37 bridges, 3,352 ft. total length, and 3,0941m. ft. culvert covering ; also 223 lin. ft. 4-ft. culverts under banks 47 lin. ft. culvert covering 52 lin. ft. culvert covering 176 lin. ft. culvert covering 74 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 113 ft. long 1 bridge, 58-ft. span, lattice truss, and 344 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 41-ft. span, trussed, and 91 lin. ft. culvert covering ... 1 bridge, 142 ft. long 7 ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 20-ft. span, and 89 lin. ft. culvert covering 1 bridge, 1 97-ft- span, trussed, 6 ft. width 259 lin. ft. culvert covering As above ... Heavy bush-clearing and grubbing, and moderate . earthwork ; of the total distances metalled, 39 in. 8 ch. is 12 ft. wide, 4 m. 78 ch. is 8 ft. wide, and 53 m. 67 ch. is 5 ft. wide; two of the bridges are long and difficult. Good ... Very heavy timber; average earthwork. Fair ... Constructed on site of old track, which was partly cleared and formed. Fair ... Average country. Fair ... Easy country, average timber. Fair ... Plain bridge. Good ... Easy country. Good ... Average country. Good ... Plain bridge. Good ... Average earthwork, heavy timber. Good ... Average country. Passable ... Cattle-track round steep bluffs. Fair ... Average country, heavy clearing. o 77 5 5° o 77 5 5° 0 77 5 5° Mabsden-Paeoa Eoad Maesden-Maoei Cbeek 15 10 8 12 8 o 77 5 5° 8 4 4 65 o 2 4 46 4 54 o 4 0 37 3 76 6 11 7 62 4 65 3 56 4 54 o 4 3 76 4 72 5 66 8 4 4 65 ridge on 4 46 4 54 o 4 o 37 3 76 3 6° 5 66 8 4 465 4 46 4 54 o 4 o 37 3 76 o 69 5 66 Pounamu to Lake Beuknee Junction to Chbistchuech Eoad ... Waimea, Eight-hand Bbanch Hokitika to Bluespue Kanieei Foeks to Lake ... Kanieei to Eokatahi South Ceeek —Beakch to Main Line Okaeito Foeks to Lake Mapoukika Okaeito to Haast Pass ... Ahauea to Eopaba Flats... 10 17 8 12i IO 12 '7 12 5 5 5 12 8 5 8 12 8 5 ... 12 8 3 3 12 8 6 8 12 22 31 mil es, main tenanoe only Kangiriri to Arthur's Pass ... 18 16 4 to 12 Hokitika-Chbistchubch Eoad. Maintenance only ... ... ... 5 7 lin. ft. culvert covering ; no bridge Fair ... Precipitous country, mountain torrents, very liable to slips and inundations. Fair ... Moderate clearing and forming, mostly sidling. 3 14 3 14 3 H 3 14 Kelly's Creek to 48 mile-post i7 i, 12



Enclosure 3 in Appendix I. EEPOET ON WATER-RACES. Sib,— Public Works Office, Greymouth, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to report as follows upon the water-races in the Westland District for the financial year 1881-82. The water-races in question are— Nelson South-West Gold Fields— Four-Mile Water-race, Charleston District. Nelson Creek Water-race, Grey Valley District. Westland Gold Fields— New River Water-race, Marsden District. Hibernian Water-race, Marsden District. Hohonu Water-race, Greenstone District. Waimea Water-race, Waimea District. Waimea Extension to Kumara, Kumara District. Kanieri Lake Water-race, Hokitika District, Mikonui Water-race, Totara District. Four-Mile Water-race. —The maintenance of this race during tbe financial year has cost £478, £280 has also been expended by Mines Department in repairing the dam, which burst on the 11th May, 1881. The scheme of" improvement of the Argyle Eace property, referred to in former reports, has been put actively in hand. A contract for the tunnel deviation of the race, known as Section No. 1, has been let, and the work is being pushed ahead by the contractors. The improvement of the supply races is also going on as rapidly as possible, and I anticipate that by the end of the year at latest the improvements will all be completed, and a considerable increase in revenue, together with a saving in working expenses, will be the result. Nelson Creek Water-race. —Length, 16 miles 24 chains ; capacity, 60 statute heads. The maintenance of this race has cost £1,356 during the financial year. No construction-works have been done. There are upon this race several largo bridges which are now beginning to require very extensive repairs, and these repairs will be increasing year by year. It therefore becomes a very serious question what is to be done in the matter, as the restoration of all these structures will cost nearly £30,000, and it is very questionable whether the prospects of the race are such as to justify this expenditure. Having an investigation of the matter now in hand, I find, however, that by deviating the race from its present course it can ultimately be brought upon most of the ground commanded by the present race at a cost of about £20,000. It also appears that, by constructing a branch race, at a cost of about £10,000 to the Ahaura Eiver, much new and payable ground will be commanded, and the prospects of the race much improved. Although not prepared to propose a definite scheme at the present moment, I hope to be able to do so soon, and am strongly inclined to think that the prospects of this race are not nearly so bad as they might at first sight appear to be, in view of the large capital (£90,000) sunk in it, and the comparatively-small returns hitherto received. New River, Hibernian, and Hohonu Water-races. —These water-races were subsidized by the Government many years ago, but have been abandoned by the promoters. Waimea Water-race. — Length of main race, 16 miles 4 chains; capacity, 40 statute-heads-; length of branch race near Goldsborough, 59 chains ; capacity, 30 statute-heads. No constructionworks have been done on this race during year, but a small extension of the branch race is about to be put in hand. Maintenance of race is defrayed by Gold Fields Department. It cost £1,215 during last year. Waimea Water-race : Extension to Kumara. —Length of main distribution race, 3 miles 1 chain ; capacity, 50 statute-heads. Total length of branch distribution, races, 4 miles 4 chains ; capacity, varying from sto 50 statute-heads. Supply race from Kawhaka Creek: Length, 4 miles 60 chains; capacity, 30 statute-heads. The cost of ordinary maintenance and management of these races during the year has been £1,593, but a sum of £1,100 has also been spent on extraordinary repairs of damages caused by flood in March, 1881. The main distribution race at Kumara is being enlarged, with the view of improving the revenue by the sale of flood-waters. This increased capacity will be a great benefit to the miners, and the control of a large body of water, even, though only available occasionally, will much facilitate the use of the sludge-channel. During the year the sludge-channel has been completed, and is now in full working order. ■ The dam in Kapitea Valley, near the Loop Line Road, has not yet been proceeded with. It is a work of considerable'importance, as without it the existing population at Kumara can scarcely be retained, and many of the costly preparations made by the miners, evidently on the faith of its being made, would be useless. It is the necessary counterpart of the sludge-channe], as without it the full capacity of that costly work cannot be realized ; and, as the sludge-channel is also a perishable work, the desirability of sluicing as much material through it as possible before the timber lining decays, say, sis •or seven years hence, is evident. Kanieri Lake Water-race. —This, like the New River and other water-races mentioned above, was a subsidized work, and has been abandoned by its promoters. Mikonui Water-race. —Main race : Length, surveyed, 16 miles 40 chains; proposed capacity, 40 statute-heads. Branch race and supply-pipe to Ross : Length surveyed, CO chains ; proposed capacity, 20 statute-heads. The three contracts in progress at end of last year have been completed, and two more have been let since, and are now in progress. These contracts have all been for tunnelling between Donnelly's Creek and Ross. The total length of race constructed and under contract is 1 mile 61 chains.



As pointed out in previous reports, these works cannot be utilized until either the long tunnel is constructed, and a supply from the Totara and Mikonui watersheds obtained, or the existing water rights in Donnelly's Creek purchased. I think some definite scheme should be fixed before further works are undertaken. The collateral advantages derived from working water-races during the financial year have been as follow:—

The average income of each of the men so engaged would be about £141. The financial results of working the race 3 during year have been as follows : —

Net profit, £2,311; equal to nearly 1 per cent, on capital invested. I have, &c, F. ~W. Mabtin, Eesident Engineer.

Enclosure 4 in Appendix I. PUBLIC BUILDINGS IN MIDDLE ISLAND.—STATEMENT OP WOEKS EXECUTED DUEING YEAR 1881-82. NELSON PEOVINCIAL DISTEICT. Judicial, — Lyell, additions to Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Lyell, Police Station ... ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Eeefton, additions to Courthouse... ... ... ... ... Finished. Postal and Telegraph,— Cable Bay, painting Telegraph Station ... ... ... ... Finished. Motueka, painting Telegraph Station ... ... ... ... Finished. Takaka, additions to Telegraph Station ... ... ... ... Finished. Eeefton, roofing Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Cheviot, repairs to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Offices toe Public Depaktmettts,— Blenheim, ceiling contract, Government Buildings ... ... ... Finished. Havelock, repairs to Public Offices ... ... ... ... Finished. Nelson, painting Government Buildings ... ... ... ... Finished. Collingwood, combined Courthouse and Post and Telegraph Office ... Finished. WESTLAND PEOVINCIAL DISTEICT. Judicial, — Dunganville Lock-up ... ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Eoss, removing cottage at Courthouse ... ... ... ... Finished. Postal and Telegbaph,— Greymouth, repairs to Post Office ... ... ... ... Finished. Brunnerton, additions to Eailway Station for Post and Telegraph Office Finished. SUETET, — Greymouth, repairs to Survey Office ... ... ... ... Finished. Customs, — Greymouth, repairs to residence of Collector of Customs ... ... Finished. Miscellaneous,— Hokitika, new verandah to Government House .., ~. ... Finished. 16 —D. 1.

Eaco. Number of Men employed. Number of Ounces of G-old obtained. Argyle Nelson Creek ... Waimea Kumara 24 67 148 265 640 3,808 4,610 11,517 Total 20,575 504

Eace. Profit. Loss. Argyle Nelson Creek ... Waimea Kumara £ £ 61 83S 873 661 Total 2,372 01



CANTERBURY PROVINCIAL DISTRICT. Judicial, — Lyttelton, additions to Gaol ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Lyttelton, gas-piping and fittings for Ga01... ... ... ... In progress. Lyttelton, Police Station ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Temuka, additions to Courthouse... ... ... ... ... Finished. Postal and Telegraph,— Oxford, additions to Railway Station for Post and Telegraph Office ... Finished. Temuka, additions to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... In progress. Offices foe Public Departments,— Christchurch, painting and repairs to Government Offices ... ... Finished. Timaru, clock for Government Buildings ... ... ... ... Finished. Lunatic Asylum,— Sunny side, Christchurch (No. 2 contract) ... ... ... ... Finished. Sunnyside, Christchurch, repairs, &c, North House... ... ... Finished. Sunnyside, Christchurch, gas-fittings, New Wing ... ... ... Finished. Sunnyside, Christchurch, furnishing New "Wing ... ... ... Finished. Sunnyside, Christchurch, additions to Female Division ... ... In progress. OTAGO PROVINCIAL DISTRICT. Judicial, — Oamaru, Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Gore, Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Invercargill, Gaol wall ... ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Invercargill, furnishing jury-room, Courthouse ... ... ... Finished. Bluff, repairs to Courthouse ... ... ... ... ... Finished. Arrowtown, repairs to "Warden's Office and Courthouse ... ... Finished. Postal and Telegraph,— Oamaru, alterations to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Dunedin, repairs to Post and Telegraph Office ... ... ... Finished. Elbow, additions to Railway Station for Post and Telegraph Office ... Finished. Offices for Public Departments,— Dunedin, repairs to Government Buildings ... ... ... Finished. Invercargill, water-closets, Government Buildings ... ... ... Finished. Survey,— Invercargill, erecting strong room ... ... ... ... Finished. Lunatic Asylums,— Seacliff (No. 1 Contract) ... ... ... ... ... In progress. Seacliff (No. 2 Contract) .., ... ... ~, ... In progress.




ANNUAL REPORT ON LIGHTHOUSE WORKS, ETC., BY THE MARINE ENGINEER. The Maeine Engineer to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sic,— Marino Office, Wellington, 31st March, 1882. I have the honor to forward, for the information of the Hon. the Minister having charge of the Marine Department, the annual report on works executed for new lighthouses, &c, during the year, viz.:— Oape JSgnont. —ln last annual report it was stated that the light would probably be ready for lighting by the Ist August. The works were completed, as expected, in a satisfactory manner, and the light exhibited on that date. The light will add much to the safety of the navigation of the Strait, and its establishment is highly prized by navigators. Removal of Socles, Oatlin's River. —The progress made with this work has not been so satisfactory as expected, and some work still remains to be done. Removal of Buoy-Rock, Nelson Harbour. —This contract has at last been satisfactorily completed, and there is now a minimum depth of 7 feet of water over the rock at low-water spring tides. Tory Channel Leading Lights. —The work executed here consists of the erection of two wooden buildings of a pyramidal shape, in each of which is placed a light, so that the lights, when seen in line, mark the proper entrance into the channel from Cook Strait. Land has been acquired as a reserve for the purpose, and this has been securely fenced round. The lights wore first exhibited on the Ist January, 1882, and are placed in care of a settler who lives near. French Pass Beacon. —This was built in anticipation of a plan designed for lighting the Pass, and as part of it; which was to place a fixed light on the main land on the east side, and a reflecting light on the west side, that is, on the beacon now erected. It is still a question whether any light at all ia needed in the Pass, as even in very dark nights the main land is visible on one side and the beacon on the other, the passage lying between. It is true that since the beacon was erected it has been damaged by a vessel running against it, but this accident was entirely due to a want of ordinary precaution as to the proper time to go through the Pass. The proper time is for vessels to go through with the tide, whereas the vessel in question, on her way to Nelson, attempted to pass through against the ebb-tide, and this resulted in the accident, which might have been attended with the most disastrous results to the vessel. The beacon is a structure of concrete, 10 feet in diameter at the base, 6 feet in diameter at the top, and about 21 feet high, surmounted by an iron rod and large iron framing: it was finished in September, 1881; damaged in February, 1882 ; and is now being repaired in a substantial manner. Collingwood Training-wall. —This work has been let by contract. Its purpose is to restore a portion of the Aorere River to its proper channel, and to avert the destruction of the " Point" at the entrance to Collingwood Harbour. The work is of a tentative character, as it is to be feared that a much larger expenditure than is involved in the above will be necessary to produce satisfactory and permanent results. Waipapapa Point. —A site for the proposed lighthouse was selected at this place in December, 1881, and an order has been sent Home for the light-apparatus and lantern, which will be of the same character as the Brothers light, in Cook Strait. Mohohinau, Hauraki Gulf. —The necessary works for establishing a light at this place were commenced in February, 1882, under an experienced overseer and a party of workmen. Nelson Harbour. —Considerable changes having taken place in the Waimea River, and, consequent on them, such changes in the bar and channels through it as rendered the old charts not trustworthy, a new survey has been made by Captain R. Johnson of the bar and entrance to the harbour. This has been plotted, and is now being prepared in the form of a chart which will contain all the amended soundings and proper sailing directions for Nelson Harbour. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.




ANNUAL REPORT ON WORKING RAILWAYS. The Genehal Managee, New Zealand Railways, to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. Sib,— Wellington, April, 1882. I have the honor to report on the working railways of the colony for the year ending 31st March, 1882. Whangarei Section. —The construction of the line to the permanent shipping place not being as yet complete, the results of working are unfavourable; it is not probable that in its present unfinished state good results will be obtained from it. Auckland Section. —The junction between the Auckland and Kaipara lines was opened on the 19th October, 1881, and the branch from Kumeu to Biverhead was closed. A scale of rates to meet the wants of the Kaipara District has been introduced. More direct means of communication between Kaipara and Auckland has led to increased traffic. Special rates to facilitate traffic between Onehunga and Auckland, and between these ports and the Waikato District, have been introduced. Much difficulty has occurred in conducting the traffic through the defective accommodation at Auckland and other stations alluded to in my last annual report. The telegraphic arrangements have proved insufficient, and require improving. The percentage of expenses to revenue for the year is 6834 as against 6895 in the preceding year. Renewals of the line are increasing; extra provision is made in the estimates to meet the expense. The removal of the shops to Newmarket is imperative, in order both that the needful work may be done, and that the room they now occupy may be available for station purposes. A proper system of signals is necessary on this line. More wagons, carriages, and locomotives are needed. New orders for carriage and wagon stock are in hand, and additional locomotives are ordered. Comparisons of the tonnage carried between this and the preceding year cannot well be drawn owing to the two lines being joined, but the increase in receipts is satisfactory. Expenditure in making up the maintenance arrears of former years, alluded to in my last report, has, to some extent, prevented the possibility of reducing the relative cost of working, and the extra mileage opened has added to the total expense. Napier Section. —ln all branches the traffic has increased largely, except in the case of wool. The percentage of expenses to revenue has fallen from 0061 to 53 87. The increasing cost of repairs on this section render it unlikely that the latter percentage will be further reduced for some time. The line and rolling-stock have been well maintained. The accommodation needed for sheep and stock alluded to in my last report has been put in hand. The general results of working have been satisfactory. Wellington Section. —All classes of traffic have improved except the most unremunerative one minerals, and wool which remains about the same. The percentage of working expenditure to revenue has fallen from 8749 to 7491. The expenses of maintenance have been heavy, four miles of steel rails having been laid in place of worn out iron rails. A more economical train service and speeds better suited to the exceptional character of the line have admitted of a reduced locomotive expenditure, although a larger mileage has been run owing to the shorter length of line working during the whole preceding year. Expenditure on stock repairs has increased considerably. An equivalent of seven miles more has been worked during this year than in the previous one, with a total expenditure somewhat lower. The working results are satisfactory. Wanganui Section. —All branches of traffic have improved except firewood. The timber trade has increased largely. The line has been worked with a percentage of expenditure to revenue of 6520 against 6678 in the preceding year. The expenditure on carriages and wagons is becoming heavy, and the cost of maintenance of way is on the increase. The line and stock have been maintained in good order, and the working results on the whole are satisfactory. New Plymouth Section. —This line has been extended to Hawera, 11 miles 60 chains. The increase in receipts is larger proportionately; but the traffic is as yet light. There seems, however, to be a prospect of rapid progress now that the railway has been extended through the bush. The percentage of expenditure to revenue is 7172, as compared with 8578 in the preceding year. Additions have been made to the rolling-stock, and further supplies are under order. Station accommodation is needed at New Plymouth, and arrangements are made by the Public Works Department to carry out the work. The stock and line have been well maintained. Greymoutli Section. —The traffic has improved ; and the percentage of expenditure to revenue, 4743, is exceptionally low. The line and stock have been maintained in good order. The cost of maintenance is on the increase. The colliery owners are pressing for further conveniences for shipping coal, and this subject demands early and careful consideration. Westport Section. —A large improvement in the traffic has taken place on this line, due to the Westport Colliery Company's operations. Additional stock has been placed on the line ; more will be required, and further facilities for loading ships should be given at the port. Nelson Section. —This line has been extended 2 miles 75 chains to Belgrove. The traffic was about the same as in the previous year, and the percentage of expenditure to revenue also remains about the same. The line and stock were fairly maintained. Picton Section. —The traffic on this line has improved, mainly owing to the diversion of the wool and merchandise between Blenheim and Wellington by way of the railway, to meet which special rates have been framed. Maintenance expenses are considerably on the increase. The percentage of expenditure to revenue was 6855 against 8311 in the preceding year ; results of working have been satisfactory. The line and stock have been improved during the year; and new wagons have been added.



Hurunui Bluff Section.—On this section 19 miles 11 chains of Government line have been opened, and 18 miles 28 chains of private lines have also been added to the system. The total mileage of Government and private lines worked is 886 miles 63 chains. The cost of working per mile was £457 as against £488 in the preceding year, and the percentage of expenditure to revenue was 5584 against 5964 ; a further reduction in expenditure must not now be looked for, the increasing cost of repairs as well as the heavier traffic will tend to raise the expenses. The number of passengers has slightly diminished although the receipts have increased. The grain tonnage moved was less, but under all other heads the tonnage has increased considerably. The parcels, cattle, and sheep traffic show satisfactory increases. Cheap fares for excursions have been extensively adopted, but before this class of traffic can be fully developed a considerable addition must be made to the carriage stock. The express service has been improved between Dunedin and Christchurch by omitting a large number of stoppages. The timber trade has grown largely both from increased exportation from Southland and importation from Wellington and the North Island. A further supply of trucks have been placed on the line to meet the Southland demands, and more are under erection and order. The amalgamation of the Railway and Post and Telegraph offices has proceeded during the year ;52 stations are now public telegraph offices. The business of working the wharf at Timaru has been undertaken on similar terms to those adopted elsewhere. In the Locomotive Department the engines and stock have been efficiently maintained and improved; a heavier tonnage has been carried at a less cost than in the preceding year. Improvements have been made in the water services, but much remains yet to be done. Extensions of coal-sheds are wanted in several places to make the best of the native coals, which suffer deterioration if exposed to the weather. Extensions are required in the workshops to cope with the work of repairs and renewals. Attention ia directed to Return No. 22, showing the very extensive nature of the work carried on, and the heavy responsibility devolving upon the Locomotive Superintendent in his department. The safe conduct of the traffic depends so largely upon the stock being maintained, that no excuse is needed for urging the earliest extension of the shops and appliances. The Hillside shops, already largely improved and extended, require further additions, and the Addington shops require improvements in certain respects. Some further additions to the locomotive stock will be needed early. The type of English goods-engine chiefly in use still prove the most economical, and this corroborates the conclusions arrived at previously, that the English-built stock is preferable to American. A considerable diminution of expenditure has been effected in the Maintenance Department by the Engineer for Working Railways on this section ; extensive additions have been made to the station accommodation ; throughout the system much remains to be done, especially in the Southland District, where great inconvenience is experienced through the business having far outgrown the appliances. This is particularly marked by the irregulai'ity in the trains, occasioned chiefly by want of proper sidingroom. Invercargill and the Bluff Stations are both inconveniently small for the existing traffic. The line is undergoing improvement by renewing the road with heavier rails and sleepers, as the present way is worn out. Lyttelton Station has had additional sidings laid; Timaru Station is being extended to accommodate the wharf and the increasing traffic. The maintenance of the combined bridges falls rather heavily on the Railway Department from the extensive renewals required in the flooring, and from the great additional expense in renewing the bearing part of the structures, due to the intervention of the flooring. The renewal of the Duntroon branch with sleepers and rails, and the reconstruction of the bridges and road, to render it safe for the class of stock needed for the traffic, is a pressing necessity. The Ngapara and Riverton branches require similar treatment. The Engineer for Working Railways reports that out of 62,000 sleepers renewed 27,000 were of black pine or miro, and these are mostly under six years old. This short life is an element of much cost; during the decay of the sleeper the rail suffers and is deteriorated, and the labour in maintaining the road is increased ; and the cost of the renewal of the sleepers is also very heavy, not so much of the sleepers alone as in carriage, handling, and relaying ; a more durable sleeper would be found cheaper. The jarrah sleeper is in every respect far superior, being less liable to decay and wear, and being of greater weight; it would be found cheaper to get this class of sleeper in many instances. During the year 675 chains of live hedges have been planted, and 2,345 chains are in course of preparation for planting. Quick and African box plants are being raised for this work at Hillsborough and Sockburn. Some £4,635 has been expended on additions and alterations to line during the year, which has been charged to working expenses. Gem-eeal. The railways as a whole have paid £3 18s. 2d. per cent, on the expenditure upon lines open for traffic, and £3 7s. 3d. per cent, on the total expenditure on railways, including uncompleted lines, accessory works, and new surveys. The course indicated in last year's report has been steadily pursued with regard to rates. General reductions have been made in the grain, wool, stock, and merchandise rates ; a large number of local and special rates have been introduced; and several changes in classification and in minor regulations tending to give relief when circumstances have shown it desirable. These concessions have involved considerable sacrifices in revenue, the effects of which in some cases have yet to be felt. The principal traffic in local products for the past three years is as follows: — Horses and Sheep and Wool. Timber. Grain. Minerals. Cattle. Pigs. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. No. 1881-82 ... 44,681 192,905 375,725 433,659 32,571 319,837 1880-81 ... 42,387 169,695 421,142 406,266 27,930 280,683 1879-80 ... 41,895 149,428 240,144 321,060 30,393 260,816 These figures indicate a very rapid growth in the colonial industries. The revision of rates carried on during the last two years no doubt materially assisted in bringing about these results. Further reductions, however, must receive careful consideration: the tendency, from outside pressure, is to go



too far. The lowering of rates, while it may be attended with additional loss of revenue on work already unremunerative directly, will not stimulate traffic beyond the natural demands and powers of the population. Attention is again directed to the somewhat erroneous views occasionally expressed on the subject of rates. It needs only reference to the scales of charges in force to observe how largely the standard scales have been modified to suit local wants. We should be careful in making superficial comparisons between rates and charges in New Zealand and those in other countries : the varying conditions of quantities, distance, character of the lines, the cost of labour, fuel, water, and machinery, and a hundred other considerations, will affect the cost of conveyance. We cannot draw comparison between the rates prevailing on some American railways and our own, because every condition is different; and in no greater respects do they differ than in the distances goods are carried, which are counted by hundreds of miles in America, while in this country they are counted by tens. The average cost of goods moved per ton per mile is as follows for three principal lines: Auckland, 2'25d.; Wellington, 2"74 d.; Wanganui, 2'3ld. This comparison is interesting, as it is the first year in which the returns have been got out to show the results. The two lines Auckland and Wellington are not very dissimilar in the traffic and in the proportionate quantities moved, and the rates of wages closely approximate. The Wellington line is of a most exceptional character, needing special appliances ; the Auckland line is one with comparatively easy features. Yet the difference in the average cost of working has been only |d. per ton per mile. This affords some approximate means of judging whether it would have been cheaper to have selected a route for the Wellington line via the coast, some thirty miles longer, into the inhabitable country. Taking a 70-mile run for the shorter route as against a 100-mile run for the longer, the difference in cost would be in favour of the shorter by 2s. Bd. per ton. It may bo estimated that the cost of a coast line of extended length could not, at any rate, have been less than the route adopted, and it would probably have been more, and the time occupied must also be taken in favour of the shorter route. The selection of this route was, therefore, clearly sound, and, as it is a point on which many doubts have been expressed, it is satisfactory to obtain confirmatory evidence. The question of speed on the railways is one which gives rise to much comment. With the description of lines and stock existing a low speed is essential, and is also most economical. High speeds can be maintained only on lines more expensively built and equipped, and even on these only at a higher cost. The New Zealand railways will be much improved by effecting renewals with heavier rails, and by making the additions to stock of a heavier and more expensive class. But these steps will not overcome the evil of allowing an undue number of stations and private sidings. A mixed train which will traverse twenty miles of line conveniently in an hour will, if teu or twelve stoppages be interposed, take three-quarters of an hour longer ; and this is a condition not unfrequently existing on our railways : many cases exist where stations are not more than three-quarters of a mile apart. This difficulty can be only overcome by closing some stations, or by running trains through. The latter course, though apparently simple, is difficult to follow; as an example, the express service between Ohristchurch and JJunedin may be cited; it was started in 1878 to run in 10 hours 55 minutes, but by 1880 the public had succeeded in increasing the time to 12 hours 40 minutes. During the past year this service was recast to work in 11 hours 30 minutes ; but again, attempts have been made to increase the time by adding stoppages. There would be little difficulty in running it in 10 hours 30 minutes at moderate speed were the fact more keenly recognised that we cannot have both quick services and numerous stoppages. The cost of working the lines has been reduced as far as is consistent with safety and convenience, but must be expected to increase every year considerably. The fact that a greatly-increased tonnage and an extended mileage have been worked for an expenditure of £57,000 less than was the ease three years ago will indicate that strenuous efforts to economize have been made during the past two years. Should the current rate of wages increase, and this extensively, it will affect the cost of working proportionately. There is a tendency to assert the view that particular sections of the railways, should be treated with lower rates than others, because they exhibit a higher rate of interest on the cost of construction. It is not readily seen, where the railways are common property, how this view can consistently be maintained, more especially as the prosperity of one part is not independent of the other. The southern community derives extensive advantages from the importation of cheap timber from the North, supplied by means of the northern railways. The North draws its grain supplies from the South by similar means. The interchange of passengers between different localities gives a common advantage to all the railways. The West Coast railways supply cheap fuel all round. No section of the railways could be removed from the influences of the others without being injuriously affected. Wellington and Wanganui lines are, we may infer, better feeders to the Hurunui-Bluff section than many of the attached branches. There are some internal difficulties in the management owing to the inconvenience of the system on| which business is conducted with other departments. Time is occupied by inter-depart-mental work, which ought to be devoted to matters of larger public interest. The traffic, audit, and ticket work should be within the department, as it is in other colonies and on all other railways. However efficiently and cheaply the work of audit is now performed, as far as it goes, its separation from the railway administration is a source of weakness to both the audit and the management. The conduct of the staff has been good throughout the year, and commendation is due for the zeal and care with which the various local officers have done their duty. I have, &c, J. P. Maxwell, G-eneral Manager, New Zealand Eailways.




Nature. Return No. Description. .CCOT/NTB -BNBBAIi EETUENS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !) 10 11 12 18 14 IS 16 17 18 11) 20 21 22 23 21 25 2G 27 28 29 30 81 82 Revenue accounts. Expenditure account. Detail of classified expenditure. Traffic accounts. Classified expenditure and revenue. CoBt of construction and rate of interest. Sectional accounts, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of current with previous year's working. Comparison of revenue and expenditure for three financial years, 1879-80, 1S81-82. Revenue and expenditure of stations. Carriage and wagon stock, and tarpaulins. Locomotive stock. C "Weighing machines. | Weighbridges. <J Traversers and turntables. Cranes. l^Pumps. Renewals of rails. Renewals of sleepers. Number of stations and sidings. Particulars of private sidings. Mileage of lines. Number of employes. Accidents. Locomotive returns. Kepairs to rolling-stock, Hurunui-Bluff. Amount of traffic from coal mines, Hurunui-Bluff. Return of vessels loading and discharging at different ports, Hurunui-Bluff. Mileage of track, main line, and sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. Classification of expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of expenditure on maintenance for four years, Hurunui-Bluff. Statement of maintenance of different divisions of Hurunui-Bluff. Comparison of classified expenditure on maintenance, Waipara-Palmerston. Average rate of classified expenditure on maintenance, Hurunui-Bluff. Summary and details of expenditure on additions and alterations, Hurunui-Bluff. Account of transactions with the Rakaia-Ashburton Forks, Duntroon-Hakateraroea, and Waiinea Plains Railway Companies. Ipeciae Retukns



RETURN No. 1. Sttmmabt of Bevenue Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882. Db. £ s. d. £ a. d. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 39,073 11 4 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 958,772 0 3 &c, 31st March, 1882 892,026 7 7 Less refunds— 931,099 18 11 "Wharfage £60,018 13 2 Revenue 9,344 3 1 69,362 16 3 — 889,409 4 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £4,262 11s. sd. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... 41,690 14 11 £931,099 18 11 £931,099 18 11 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 'Account, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... 523,099 8 7 1882 ... ... 889,409 4 0 Balance ... ...£368,926 19 0 Less cash in hand and Mail service, per other outstanding, Ist April, side, unrecovered ~. 14,700 0 0 1881 ... ... 39,073 11 4 383,626 19 0 ——-850,335 12 8 Postal Department, for mail service ... 14,700 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 41,690 14 11 £906,726 7 7 £906,726 7 7

Statement of Accounts for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882. KAWAKAWA SECTION". Dr. £ s. a. Ob. £ s; d. To Bent from Bay of Islands Coal Company, By Payments into Public Account to 31st Ist October, 1880, to 30th September, March, 1882 ... ... ... 621 2 4 1881 621 2 4 £621 2 4 £621 2 4 To Amount paid into Public Account, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... _£621 2 4 By Balance ... ... ... ... £621 2 4 WHANGAREI-KAMO SECTION. De. £ b. d. £ s. d. Ce. £ 9. d. £ ». dTo Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 43 16 2 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 1,417 10 2 &c, 31st March, 1882 1,408 12 7 Cash in hand and outstand1,452 8 9 ing, 31st March, 1882 34 18 7 1,452 8 9 £1,452 8 9 £1,452 8 9 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 .., 1,801 8 9 Account, 31st March, 1882 ... ... 1,417 10 2 Less cash in hand and outstanding, Ist April, 1881 43 16 2 — 1,373 14 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 34 18 7 Balance ... ... ... ... 392 16 2 £1,801 8 9 £1,801 8 9 AUCKLAND SECTION. Db. £ ». d. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ *. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ~, 1,840 710 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 75,423 12 9 &c, 31st March, 1882 72,127 411 Less refunds— 73,967 12 9 Wharfage £3,974, 7 4 Revenue 19 8 3,975 17 0 — 71,447 15 9 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £848 ss. 3d. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... ... 2,519 17 0 £73,967 12 9 £73,967 12 9



AUCKLAND SECTlON— continued. Dn. £ a. d. £ s. d. Ob. £ s. d. £ a. d. To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 49,294 16 7 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £22,832 8 4 1882 ... ... 71,447 15 9 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unreeovered ... 850 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 1,840 710 23,682 8 4 ■ 69,607 7 11 Postal Department, for mail service ... 850 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 2,519 17 0 £72,977 4 11 £72,977 4 11 NAPIER SECTION. Dr. £ a. d. £ s. d. Cli. £ s. d. £ a. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Aeing, Ist April, 1881 ... 34114 7 count, 31st March, 1882 33,703 6 2 Passengers, parcels, goods, Less refunds, revenue ... 127 12 3 &c, 31st March, 1882 33,721 010 33,575 13 11 34,002 15 5 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £9 6a. for Volunteer service unreeovered ... ... 487 1 6 £34,062 15 5 £34,062 15 5 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 18,164 1 6 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £15,556 19 4 1882 ... ... 33,575 13 11 Mail service, on other side, Less cash in hand and out- unreeovered ... 560 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 341 14 7 16,116 19 4 . 33,233 19 4 Postal Department, for mail service ... 560 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 487 1 6 £34,281 0 10 £34,281 0 10 WELLINGTON SECTION. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d ToCashinhandandoutstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 413 14 4 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 41,537 8 5 &c 31st March, 1882 41,815 1 8 Less refunds, wharfage... 25115 2 42,228 16 0 _ 41,285 13 3 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £190 os. lid. for Volunteer service unreeovered ... 943 2 9 £42,228 16 0 £42,228 16 0 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 31,324 7 6 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £10,490 14 2 1882 ... ... 41,285 13 3 Mail service, per other side, Less cash in hand and out- unreeovered ... 875 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 413 14 4 11,365 14 2 40,871 18 11 Postal Department, for mail service ... 875 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, & 1882 ... ... ... ... 943 2 9 £42,690 1 8 £42,690 1 8 WANG-ANUI SECTION. Dk. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ck. £ b. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 542 4 9 count to 31st March, Passengers,parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 47,443 9 0 &c, 31st March, 1882 43,890 3 7 Less refunds— — 44,432 8 4 Wharfage £4,193 10 9 Bevenue 78 4 9 4,271 15 6 43,171 13 ft Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £206 ss. 3d. for Volunteer servico unreeovered ... ... 1,260 14 10 £44,432 8 4 £44,432 8 4

17—D. 1.



WANG-ANIII SECTlON—continued. De. £ s. d. £ a. d. Ck. £ $. <J. To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 28,614 411 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £15,275 18 8 1882 ... ... 43,171 13 6 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unrecoTered ... 1,100 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 542 4 9 16 375 18 8 42,629 8 9 Postal Department, for mail service ... 1,100 0 0 Cash in hand and ovitstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 1,260 14 10 £44,990 3 7 . £44,990 3 7 NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. Db. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ob. £ s. d. ToCashinhandandoutstand- By Payments into Public Account to 31st ing, Ist April, 1881 ... 278 5 9 March, 1882 ... ... ... 13,352 11 3 Passengers, pai'cels, goods, Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, &c, 31st March, 1882 13,231 6 0 1882, including £45 4s. Bd. for Volun13,509 11 9 teer service unrecovered ... ... 157 0 6 £13,509 11 9 £13,509 11 9 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 9,489 610 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £3,741 19 2 1882 ... ..." 13,352 11 3 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unrecovered ... 275 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 278 5 9 ■ 4,016 19 2 13,074 5 6 Postal Department, for mail service ... 275 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 157 0 6 £13,506 6 0 £13,506 6 0 HURXJSUI-BLUEP_ SE CTIOM". De. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ob. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 34,408 13 11 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 711,079 9 3 &c, 31st March, 1882 651,762 711 Less refunds— 686171 110 Wharfage £51,161 12 0 Revenue 8,422 6 2 59,583 18 2 ■ .-.— oDJ-j^yo jljl j_ Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £2,658 18s. lOd. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... 34,675 10 9 £686,171 1 10 £686,171 1 10 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 363,964 10 1 Account, 31st March, Balance £287,797 17 10 Igg2 . 651495 11 1 Mail service, per other side, Less cash in hand and out- unreoovered ... 10,500 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 34,408 13 11 ' 298,297 17 10 ' 617,086 17 2 Postal Department, for mail service ... 10,500 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 34,675 10 9 £662,262 ~7~U jfM 6j_._ 7_" GffiEYMOTJTH .SECTION. De. - £ s. d. £ s. d. Oe. _ £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cashinhandandoutstand- B7 Payments ink.Public Acing, Ist April 1881 121 12 3 -unt to 31st March Passengers, parcels, goods, ° „ , can &c, list March, 1882 10,873 14 3 Less refunds, revenue ... 0 8 0 10 995 6 6 " "" 10 '820 9 3 ' Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £2 4s. 4d. for Volunteer service unrecovered ... ... 174 17 3 £10,995 6 6 £10,995 6 6 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 5,157 18 1 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £5,715 16 2 1882 ... ... 10,820 9 3 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unrecovered ... 40 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 [12112 3 5,755 16 2 10,698 17 0 Postal Department, for mail service ... 40 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 .... ... ... ... 174 17 3 £10,913~14~3 £10,913 14 3



WESTPORT SECTION. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cb. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cashinhandandoutstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 820 2 0 count to 31st March, Passengers, parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 7,318 511 &c., 31st March, 1882 6,372 2 1 Less refunds, revenue ... 841 14 6 ■ 7,192 4 1 6,476 11 5 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 715 12 8 £7,192 4 1 £7,192 4 1 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ~. 3.784 18 5 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £2,587 3 8 1882 ... ... 6,476 11 5 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unrccovered ... 30 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 820 2 0 2 017 3 8 5,656 9 5 Postal Department, for mail service ... 30 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 715 12 8 £6,402 2 1 £6,402 2 1 NELSON SECTION. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. ob. £ s. d. To Casliinliandandoutstand- By Payments into Public Account to 31st ing, Ist April, 1881 ... 185 14 8 March, 1882 ... ... ... 8,364 8 7 Passengers, parcels, goods, Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, &c, 31st March, 1882 8,518 14 8 1882, including £277 7s. sd. for Volun8,704 9 4 teer service unreeovered ... ... 340 0 9 - . . £8,704 9 4 £8,701 9 4 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 0,235 12 0 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £2,283 2 8 1882 -... ... 8,364 8 7 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unreeovered ... 250 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 185 14 8 2,533 2 8 ■ 8,178 13 11 Postal Department, for mail service ... 250 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ... ... ... 340 0 9 £8,768 14 8 £8,768 14 8 PICTON SECTION. Db. - £ s. d. £ s. d. Ob. £ g. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand and outstand- By Payments into Public Acing, Ist April, 1881 ... 77 5 1 count to 31st March, Passengers,parcels, goods, 1882 ... ... 7,689 19 2 &c, 31st March, 1882 7,684 16 9 Less refunds, revenue ... 309 15 8 7,702 1 10 7,380 3 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882, including £24 18s. 9d. for Volunteer service imrecovered ... ... 381 18 4 £7,762 1 10 £7,702 1 10 To Amount paid into Public By Expenditure to 31st March, 1882 ... 5,208 311 Account, 31st March, Balance ... ... £2,416 12 10 1882 ... ... 7,380 3 6 Mail service, per other Less cash in hand and out- side, unreeovered ... 220 0 0 standing, Ist April, 1881 77 5 1 2,036 12 10 7,302 18 5 Postal Department, for mail service ... 220 0 0 Cash in hand and outstanding, 31st March, 1882 ... ~, ~. ~. 381 18 4 £7,904 10 i) £7,904 10 9 Return of "Wiiahfage, &c, Account for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1882. Dr. £ s. d. ,£ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d. Toßalance, 31st March, 1881 11,719 10 1 By C-isli payments,3lstMarch, Wharfage, &c, 31st March, 1882 ... ... 74,038 12 7 1882 ... ... 09,302 10 3 Ksmission to Wcstport 81,082 6 4 Coal Company, unauthorized voucher 74392 ~, .., 589 3. 3 74,627 15 10 Balance ... ... ... ... 6,454 10 6 £81,082 6 4 £81,082 6 4 A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.



RETURN No. 2. GENERAL EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT for the Financial Year ending 31st March, 1882.

A. C. Fife, Railway Accountant.

£ s. d. £ s. d. To Outstanding accounts brought forward, — Stores issued to other Government departments 437 13 3 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 308 5 9 £ s. a. By Credits for Stores issued to other Govt. departments ,, Ditto Miscellaneous ... £ s. d. 1,346 11 3 1,413 9 7 £ s. d. 2,790 0 10 t s. 745 19 0 ,, Workshops accounts against other Government departments ... „ Ditto Miscellaneous ... 26,568 11 9 941 13 8 27,510 5 5 Workshop accounts against other Government departments ... ... ... 12,002 12 4 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 619 7 6 Ditto Store orders incomplete ... ... 33 3 7 12,655 3 5 Way and Works General Account ... ... . ... 5,254 7 3 Other accounts ... ... ... ... ... 376 1 0 „ Way and Works General Account against other Government departments ,, Ditto Miscellaneous ... „ Other accounts ,, Miscellaneous recoveries 19,097 10 3 7,448 5 5 26,545 15 8 1,692 7 10 8,764 4 1 Stock in hand brought forward, — Stores ... ... ... ... ... 61,785 16 7 Less value in suspense ... ... 3,041 9 4 19,031 10 8 *Treasury totals, — Miscellaneous revenue ... £22,953 15 9 Vote 54 ... ... ... 516 12 6 „ 55 ... ... ... 23 0 3 58,744 7 3 Workshops ... ... ... ... ... 12,162 8 7 *Treasury totals, — Miscellaneous revenue Vote 54 ... „ 55 ... „ 57 ... £22,953 15 9 516 12 6 23 0 3 ... 43,809 5 4 Value of engine duplicates, &c, held for free'Jssue, now brought on charge in Stores Account ... ... 18,195 10 9 Value of tickets in Wellington Store now brought on charge ... ... ... ... ... 769 17 7 Recovery of outstanding accounts prior to 31st March, 1880 Proceeds of sale of old locomotive (authority, Railways 81/1241) ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 Proceeds of sale of old locomotive (authority, Railways 81/2069) ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Payments as per Treasury,— Vote 54. Head office ... ... ... 8,811 6 10 „ 55. District Managers' offices ... ... 13,020 14 8 „ 56. District stores offices ... ... 2,704 4 11 „ 57. Working railways ... ... 562,151 19 6 ■ 70,906 15 10 ■ 18,965 8 4 3,210 8 10 1,000 0 0 „ 57 ... ... ... 43,809 5 4 £67,302 13 10 Preceding year's vouchers paid at Treasury this year Classified expenditure Additional gratuities to sufferers by Rimutaka accident, September, 1880, awarded by Public Petitions Committee, House of Representatives Extensions, Addington workshops, 1880 (authority, Railways 81/2638) Wagon interest Balance carried forward, — Outstanding accounts, — Stores issued to other Govt. departments ... 721 11 0 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 144 19 11 £67,302 13 10 45,497 9 523,099 8 259 7 612 13 63 11 866 10 11 Vouchers unpaid at Treasury on 31st March, 1882 * Payments as per Treasury ... £586,688 5 11 Less recoveries to votes, — No. 54 £516 12 6 „ 55 23 0 3 „ 57 43,809 5 4 Outstanding 17,957 16 5 *Payments as per Treasury Less recoveries to votes, — No. 54 £516 12 6 „ 55 23 0 3 „ 57 43,809 5 4 Outstanding 17,957 16 5 £586,688 5 11 62,306 14 6 £524,381 11 5 ■*586,688 5 11 54,172 11 8 Workshop accounts against other Government departments ... ... ... 4,912 11 1 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 416 7 6 Way and Works General Account against other Government departments ... 9,849 15 4 Ditto Miscellaneous ... ... ... 1,390 18 7 Other accounts Stock in hand, — — Stores ... ... ... ... 87,598 6 2 Less value in suspense ... ... 499 5 6 5,328 18 7 11,240 13 11 521 13 0 87,099 0 8 17,957 16 62,306 14 6 £524,381 11 5 £753,975 1 3 Workshops 18 6 19 5 > 2 i 6 87,099 0 8 12,082 19 10 ot^yjvv yj o 12,082 19 10 99,182 0 6 £753,975 1 3


RETURN No. 3. DETAIL of Classified Expenditure for Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1882.

18—D. 1.


"WTiangarei Section. Auckland Section. Napier Section. Wellington Section. "Wanganui Section. New Plymouth Section. Huranui-Bluff Section. Greymoutli Section. Westport Section. Nelson Section. Picton Section. Totals. Account Totals. A.—Maintenance or Wat and Wobks. Permanent-way,— Platelaying,— 1. Wages Miscellaneous ... Workshop commission ... Materials, — 2. Wages, material Materials Workshop commission ... Repairs, Roads, Bridges, Signals, and Works,— 3. Wages Materials Workshop commission ... Repairs, Stations and Buildings,-— 4. Wages Materials Workshop commission ... £ a. d. 424 18 2 0 0 5 58 17 7 1 11 8 £ s. d. 15,542 17 2 35 16 3 120 17 1 1,580 15 10 152 17 4 £ s. d. 5,861 12 9 834 5 4 17 9 7 £ s. d. 7,054 0 3 2,587 16 S 42 4 8 £ B. d. 10,084 2 4 7 5 0 12 6 1,070 10 2 12 5 6 £ s. d. 4,222 13 7 3 6 4 103 6 11 11 13 2 £ s. d. 62,515 10 9 2,623 13 6 45 5 0 1,636 10 11 22,519 12 9 65 12 2 £ s. 956 2 9l" 6 d. £ s. d. 936 14 0 25 5 9 £ 8. d. 1,544 5 0 223 1 5 £ s. d. 1,759 6 9 319 13 6 4 13 6 £ s. d. 110,902 3 3 2,670 1 1 46 7 11 1,757 8 0 29,414 12 1 308 7 7 £ s. d. I 113,618 12 3 I 31,480 7 8 0 17 10 1 13 1 0 3 4 786 9 2 399 10 2 114 17 8 10 4 7 32 6 2 1 12 2 4 3 5 31 15 4 0 18 2 13 17 2 93 5 4 2 7 1 80 2 3 33 7 10 3 6 11 13,326 3 10 9,466 2 3 43 12 8 99 15 30 1 7 9 14 6 11 1 18 3 6 3 0 145 8 6 1 17 10 14,327 16 10 10,249 15 7 168 15 10 I 24,746 8 3 7 6 8 18 0 10 3 16 1 330 8 6 300 19 3 87 8 2 50 12 4 49 13 1 13 5 0 56 5 2 34 4 6 12 19 7 5 18 2 90 7 8 3 14 7 36" 4 6 4,894 18 8 4,222 14 2 0 16 8 19 1 0 8 6 12 11 8 5 13 9 18 8 0 0 17 0 5,351 3 3 4,802 13 11 122 17 1 > 10,276 14 3 Total 517 5 8 19,452 16 7 6,871 1 0 9,824 7 4 11,384 15 6 4,494 1 6 121,360 13 4 1,196 8 976 15 2 1,781 16 4 2,262 1 10 180,122 2 5 180,122 2 5 B. —Locomotive Powee. Sunning Expenses,— 1. Wages, working Miscellaneous ... 2. Wages, fuel, and water ... Fuel and water Workshop commission ... 3. Wages, oil, and stores Oil, tallow, and other stores Renewals and Repairs, — 4. Wages 5. Materials, &c. ... Workshop commission ... 439 4 0 0 16 6 137 11 3 0 16 3 30 5 7 6,626 1 4 8 4 0 278 7 8 1,965 5 5 70 6 8 1,875 16 4 9 15 4 1,582 11 3 0 7 5 4,527 2 1 3,435 18 0 10 3 2,903 5 7 13 15 3 2,201 6 4 18 19 7 1,179 18 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 657 5 7 6 16 6 83 '5 0 35,053 15 11 110 1 8 4,170 11 4 27,926 16 7 10 1 4 472 12 114 13 562 18 1 133 10 7 52 13 5 729 7 9 449 11 3 110 10 0 553 5 4 276 3 10 78 13 7 54,923 7 2 119 5 2 4,472 13 7 38,880 13 7 100 15 3 7 12 9 6,634 5 4 ] 55,042 12 4 > 43,454 2 5 | 6,641 18 1 719 1 11 226 6 11 668 13 11 379 0 1 4,250 0 2 35 14 30 1 9 34 19 9 7 19 2,124 0 10 702 5 10 385 0 1 628 7 5 471 11 0 162 14 8 2,118 4 11 762 12 10 323 3 8 1,213 10 6 463 18 0 235 15 9 421 16 10 •[37 M 3] 77 11 0 12,843 12 2 5,310 9 1 2,563 3 3 141 15 43 8 5 6 1 2 8 132 12 2 60 17 3 3 12 2 163 14 7 47 4 8 1 12 8 33 16 4 43 9 3 7 13 5 19,851 12 7 7,903 1 7 3,772 15 1 I 31,527 9 3 Total 12,878 13 9 4,957 10 4 92,238 11 6 813 10 946 3 8 1,502 0 11 993 1 9 136,666 2 1 680 16 10 11,836 15 8 7,429 11 1 2,389 5 8 136,666 2 1 C. —Repaibs and Renewals oj Carriages and Wagons. Carriages, — 1. Wages 2. Miscellaneous and materials Workshop commission ... Wagons, — 3. Wages 4. Miscellaneous and materials Workshop commission ... 5 3 1 14 8 5 1 13 2 907 8 6 499 14 9 196 8 10 367 0 7 130 0 1 75 10 5 815 0 8 199 3 4 140 15 9 385 18 4 201 0 4 85 14 3 154 11 10 31 18 10 8 16 7 5,617 1 3 2,324 0 7 1,163 13 7 10 11 0 17 0 5 1 6 8 88 0 3 13 11 4 190 16 9 50 1 9 0 15 1 8,541 12 3 3,466 3 6 1,673 7 8 [ 13,681 3 6 12 11 8 5 3 0 2 15 6 991 17 3 889 18 1 247 5 10 495 16 3 237 0 11 95 0 9 1,037 14 10 309 16 1 155 9 7 664 0 0 517 5 2 172 1 3 122 13 1 22 15 1 9 16 8 8,811 16 10 4,560 18 10 1,901 0 0 211 15 87 3 0 17 1 9 4 361 1 11 73 10 3 98 18 6 31 12 1 7 12 3 48 8 2 1 19 3 12,815 17 8 6,783 11 5 2,586 6 2 I 22,185 15 3 Total 41 14 10 3,732 13 3 1,400 9 0 2,658 0 3 2,025 19 4 350 12 1 24,378 11 1 311 4 435 18 10 232 2 2 299 13 3 35,866 18 8 35,866 18 8 ~D. —Teaffic Expenses. 1. Wages 2. Fuel, lighting, and general stores ... 3. Printing, stationery, and tickets ... 4. Miscellaneous expenses ... Workshop commission ... 345 12 5 22 18 10 7 6 6 15 1 5 0 7 11 9,009 2 6 340 5 5 592 3 4 309 19 2 22 16 1 3,424 11 6 179 8 0 272 0 2 86 0 4 0 3 2 4,420 6 1 300 9 8 352 15 2 77 19 7 3 13 5,192 16 3 311 15 6 477 9 6 268 19 10 2 15 9 1,383 1 0 49 14 8 162 5 6 72 9 2 92,528 7 2 6,132 6 7 3,816 15 8 3,944 18 7 150 13 9 1,970 0 229 3 41 13 27 17 1 0 8 8 LI 8 <; 766 10 8 20 13 0 45 14 5 122 12 1 2,007 2 10 83 4 0 42 13 9 9 2 7 1,082 11 9 198 3 2 16 1 5 3 10 0 122,130 2 10 7,868 2 6 5,826 19 4 4,938 10 5 180 18 5 122,130 2 10 7,868 2 6 5,896 19 4 } 5,119 8 10 Total 391 7 1 10,274 6 6 3,962 3 2 5,154 11 9 6,253 16 10 1,667 10 4 106,573 1 9 2,269 16 955 10 2 2,142 3 2 1,300 6 4 140,944 13 6 140,944 13 6 E.—Genebal Chabges. 1. General Government expenses 2. Wages of District Managers and clerks 3. Office, incidental, and special expenses 4. Miscellaneous ... Workshop commission ... 14 16 3 122 0 11 33 7 2 740 5 6 1,684 2 10 341 14 2 10 16 10 15 3 11 342 8 4 487 13 7 125 13 11 0 4 0 420 5 6 1,188 17 2 195 17 8 10 6 9 2 3 3 457 17 9 929 12 2 117 17 2 134 18 4 385 15 9 44 1 6 7.031 4 7 10,220 11 11 1.032 2 11 325 0 0 3 18 4 110 5 438 12 18 0 3 9 0 59 0 10 394 5 10 13 12 3 85 15 4 440 10 11 36 8 2 78 15 2 254 15 0 79 10 7 9,475 12 10 16,546 18 10 2,038 5 6 346 7 7 21 5 6 9,475 12 10 16,546 18 10 2,038 5 6 367 13 1 Total 170 4 4 2,792 3 3 955 19 10 1,817 10 4 1,505 7 1 564 15 7 18,012 17 9 566 18 466 18 11 562 14 5 413 0 9 28,428 10 3 28,428 10 3 V. —Sttndeies. 1. Miscellaneous and law costs 2. Compensation ... 118 12 0 45 11 3 12 6 6 20 15 8 110 13 14 1 17 19 2 5 2 6 487 4 0 313 10 8 3 11 8 640 14 4 430 7 4 640 14 4 430 7 4 16 18 2 14 15 0 Total 164 3 3 16 18 2 33 2 2 14 15 1 23 1 8 800 14 8 3 11 8 14 15 0 1,071 1 8 1,071 1 8 Grand total ... 49,294 16 7 31,324 7 6 9,489 6 10 363,964 10 1 5,157 18 1 3,784 18 5 6,235 12 0 5,268 3 11 523,099 8 7 523,099 8 7 1,801 8 9 18,164. 1 6 28,614 4 11 • Deduction. A. C. Pife, Bailwa; Ace mntant.

RETURN. No 4. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passengers and Goods Traffic for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.



Sections. a © . a h i First Class. Passengers Second Class. Passengers. ■a. Total. Wool. Timber. Grain. MiM « l3 - j Firewood. Goods, Parcels, and Live St< Total. >ck. Parcels. Dogs. Passengers, &e. Goods. Receipts. Total Passengers and Goods. Number of Trains. Goods. Total. Passengers and Mixed Goods. Miles Trarelled by Trains. Total. Horses. Cattle. Sheep and Pigs. Passengers and Mixed. Shunting and Ballasting. Total. 1881-82. Kawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Crreymouth. ... Westport Nelson Picton 5 139 70 69 115 51 810 8 10 23 19 No. 3,005 75,417 33,040 43,757 32,692 12,021 443,768 7,458 253 6,192 7,716 No. 6,476 265,352 93,714 156,353 121,440 68,304 1,410,633 27,048 16,133 56,513 24,192 No. 9,481 340,769 126,754 200,110 154,132 80,325 1,854,401 34,506 16,386 62,705 31,908 Tons. 1 342 3,217 1,358 1,113 18 37,917 Tons. 27 10,804 15,210 15,870 22,344 6,075 113,446 1,121 1,321 1,798 4,889 Tons. 40 6,553 2,963 2,456 3,702 1,470 353,675 Tons. 164 25,088 8,150 9,736 6,658 3,719 256,038 1,781 844 1,975 2,936 Tons. 9,845 31,819 3,399 4,058 9,292 1,361 288,424 51,632 32,512 615 702 Tons. 1,510 9,885 7,745 8,850 3,765 34,595 150 Tons. 10,077 76,116 42,824 41,223 51,959 16,408 1,084,095 54,684 34,677 8,941 16,710 No. 27,254 13,921 14,412 17,581 5,189 201,714 No. 1 1,813 556 1,083 1,481 611 15,389 99 87 29 125 No. 805 486 277 624 124 6,239 No. 10,421 184 482 266 126 12,384 No. 33,052 8,900 46,802 5,880 4,833 219,471 12 51 117 719 £ s. d. 281 11 1 33,881 10 2 15,532 1 1 20,174 2 3 20,371 2 2 7,672 17 11 253,804 17 11 1,915 17 2 818 12 4 4,369 2 3 2,883 9 11 £ a. d. 621 2 4 1,127 1 6 38,245 14 9 18,188 19 9 21,640 19 5 23,519 1 5 5,558 8 1 397,957 10 0 8,957 17 1 5,553 9 9 4,149 12 5 4,$01 6 10 530,321 3 4 £ s. d. 621 2 4 1,408 12 7 72,127 4 11 33,721 0 10 41,815 1 8 43,890 3 7 13,231 6 0 651,762 7 11 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 1,618 6,742 2,544 1,675 4,009 4,328 50,728 2,022 794 1,653 1,271 470 1,332 5 1,938 2,088 8,074 2,549 3,613 4,009 4,393 60,423 2,022 794 1,745 1,335 8,086 233,576 105,344 142,453 169,766 65,770 1,392,785 15,660 20,449 35,693 22,910 2,350 43,208 362 23,006 10,436 276,784 105,706 165,459 169,766 66,574 1,612,051 15,660 20,449 36,154 23,765 2,057 80,743 10,426 48,478 36,340 2,470 674,110 7,721 12,493 357,527 116,132 213,937 206,106 69,044 2,286,161 23,381 20,449 41,049 28,842 65 9,695 804 219,266 142 573 1,751 3,115 2,660 4,495 2,268 3,192 1,210 13 5 24 9 15 27 92 64 461 855 4,895 5,077 Total ... 1,319 665,319 2,246,158 2,911,477 44,681 192,905 375,725 317,089 433,659 73,655 1,437,714 286,741 21,273 8,597 319,837 361,705 4 3 892,026 7 7 77,384 13,661 91,045 2,212,492 290,312 2,502,804 ! 872,317 3,375,121 23,914 1880-81. Kawakawa Whangarei .,. Auckland Napier Wellington ... Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Crreymouth ... Westport Nelson Pieton 5 132 70 69 115 41 788 8 10 20 19 298 574 91,593 i 225,116 29,536 j 80,631 48,598 | 129,053 30,155 | 105,149 9,620 57,180 433,520 ! 1,462,480 7,827 i 28,109 369 ! 13,843 7,765 i 58,526 6,631 : 22,988 872 316,709 110,167 177,651 135,304 66,800 1,896,000 35,936 14,212 66,291 29,619 280 3,981 1,380 832 15 35,631 12,025 8,551 10,494 18,488 3,847 104,585 1,361 1,194 2,673 6,477 1 4,950 1,838 1,863 3,661 1,544 405,233 1 24,931 6,677 10,726 6,361 3,900 206,916 2,184 484 2,088 1,345 5,974 38,629 2,922 12,554 4,964 1,409 277,421 46,713 13,811 422 1,447 470 8,740 7,455 12,970 2,045 31,955 15 5,976 81,285 32,709 44,472 47,276 12,760 1,061,741 50,273 15,489 10,219 15,583 3 25,076 12,167 9,523 13,949 3,278 187,133 12 1,677 2,475 1,567 3 2,140 179 1,138 1,278 417 17,209 71 102 10 249 750 376 255 381 111 5,319 1 3 10,994 144 335 234 29 8,254 3 9 10 9 29,095 9,351 30,803 5,926 7,985 195,835 3 6 599 1,080 25 18 0 29,101 8 10 13,874 18 7 18,261 12 2 17,151 9 6 5,353 12 10 252,483 5 9 2,362 16 0 728 4 2 4,439 5 0 2,498 0 3 998 0 8 672 15 7 35,678 13 8 15,176 18 8 17,669 15 6 19,288 16 2 3,717 8 7 378,111 16 0 8,358 5 6 3,182 19 0 4,014 13 9 3,303 7 6 998 0 8 698 13 7 64,780 2 6 29,051 17 3 35,931 7 8 36,440 5 8 9,071 1 5 630,595 1 9 10,721 1 6 3,911 3 2 8,453 18 9 5,801 7 9 8,604 1,878 4,319 2,768 4,014 58,319 1,992 1,024 1,693 1,260 693 663 63 693 9,267 1,878 4,319 2,831 4,014 72,996 1,992 1,024 1,753 1,260 211,948 93,747 131,779 153,144 49,212 1,319,532 15,664 15,095 33,075 23,640 2,873 16,968 14,388 5,353 16 310,092 2,873 228,916 93,747 146,167 158,497 49,228 1,629,624 15,664 15,095 33,314 23,640 901 63,428 6,462 32,894 3,774 292,344 100,209 179,061 158,497 49,281 2,359,739 23,431 15,372 38,276 27,508 14,677 53 730,115 7,767 277 4,962 3,868 148 120 1,238 814 3,650 5,380 60 239 13 Total ... 1,277 665,912 I 2,183,649 265,613 406,266 72,680 7,209 20,021 2,849,561 42,387 169,695 421,142 1,377,783 256,860 22,796 280,683 346,280 11 1 490,173 10 7 836,454 1 8 85,871 16,156 102,027 2,046,836 j 349,929 2,396,765 850,727 3,247,492 I I

A. C. Fife, Bailway Accountant.


RETURN No. 5. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure and Revenue, for the Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882.

19—D. 1.


Mileage. Re venue. Classified Expenditure. Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. p S3 Total for Year. Maintenance. Locomotive. Car and 7 Be] iage /"agon airs. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. Section. TrainMileage. Total. Per Mile of Railway per Annum (Average). Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Repairs of Carriages and Wagons. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. Total. °.6 u ° .3 15. a k fell d Ill all -1, Sri 111 .9 1881-82. Xawakawa Whangarei ... Auckland Napier Wellington ... "Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Grreymoutli ... Westporfc Nelson Picton 5 139 70 69 115 51 810 8 10 23 19 10,436 276,784 105,706 165,459 169,766 66,574 1,612,051 15,660 20,449 36,154 23,765 £ s. d. 621 2 4 1,408 12 7 72,127 4 11 33,721 0 10 41,815 1 8 43,890 3 7 13,231 6 0 651,762 7 11 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 £ s. d. 281 14 7 527 13 2 481 14 7 606 0 4 381 13 0 275 15 2 818 12 9 1,359 4 2 637 4 2 385 17 4 404 9 4 s. d. 2 " 8i 5 2i 6 4| 5 0^ 5 2 3 11| 8 1 13 10|6 2| 4 8i 6 54- £ s. d. 517 5 8 19,452 16 7 6,871 1 0 9,824 7 4 11,384 15 6 4,494 1 6 121,360 13 4 1,196 8 2 976 15 2 1,781 16 4 2,262 1 10 180,122 2 5 £ s. d. 680 16 10 12,878 13 9 4,957 10 4 11,836 15 8 7,429 11 1 2,389 5 8 92,238 11 6 813 10 11 946 3 8 1,502 0 11 993 1 9 £ s. a. 41 14 10 3,732 13 3 1,400 9 0 2,658 0 3 2,025 19 4 350 12 1 24,378 11 1 311 4 7 435 18 10 232 2 2 299 13 3 £ s. d. 391 7 1 10,274 6 6 3,962 3 2 5,154 11 9 6,253 16 10 1,667 10 4 106,573 1 9 2,269 16 5 955 10 2 2,142 3 2 1,300 6 4j £ s. d. 170 4 4 2,792 3 3 955 19 10 1,817 10 4 1,505 7 l! 564 15 7 18,612 17 9 566 18 0 466 18 11 562 14 5 413 0 9 £ a. d. 164 3 3 16 18 2 33 2 2 14 15 1 23 1 8 800 14 8 £ s. a. 1,801 8 9 49,294 16 7 18,164 1 6 31,324 7 6 28,614 4 11 9,489 6 10 363,964 10 1 5,157 18 1 3,784 18 5 6,235 12 0 5,268 3 11 523,099 8 7 £ 127-89 360-29 68-34360-63 53-87259-49 74-91453-98 65-20248-82 71-72197-77 55-84457-15 47-43 644-74 59-40 378-49 73-20282-45 68-55277-27 i 58-64402-72 57-69: ... d. 41-43 1( 42-74 1^ 41-24 i 45-44. li 40-45 < 34-21 i 54-19 If 79-05 14 44-42 i 41-39 i 53-20!l] £ 103-46 142-31 98-16 142-38 99 93-66 152-43 149-55 j 97-68 80-71 119-06 d. 11-90 16-87 15-60 14-25 16-09 16-20 18-07 18-33 11-46 11-83 22-84 £ d. 136-1715-66 94-22 11-17 70-8211-25 171-5517-17 64-6010-50 49-80 8-61 115-85 13-73 101-69 12-47 94-6211-11 68-04 9-97 52-2710-03 105-2213-10 £ 8-35 27-31 2001 38-52 1762 7-31 3062 38-91 43-59 10-51 15-77 d. ■96 3-23 3-18 3-85 2-87 1-26 3-63 4-77 5-12 1-54 3-03 £ ... I 78-271 75-16, 56-60 74-711 54-38 34-75 i 133-86: L'83'73: 95-55: 97-03 : 68-43: 10S-51 1 d. i 9 , 8-91 9 7-48 8-84 601 15-87 34-79' 11-21 14-22 13-13 £ 34-04 20-43 1366 126-34 . 13-09 11-77 23-38 70-86 46-69 25-49 '21-74 d. 3-91 2-42 2-17 2-64 2-13 2-04 2-77 8-69 5-48 3-73 4-17 £ ... I 1 1-20 •24 •48 •13 •48 101 d. •14 •04 •05 •02 •09 •12 ... 3 11 8 14. 15 0 •36 ■67 ■04 •10 Totals ... Postal services 1,319, not 1 ,2,502,804 -ecovered 892,026 7 7 14,700 0 0 906,726 7 7 686 15 0 7 1 136,666 2 1 35,866 18 8 140,944 13 6 28,428 10 3 ,1,071 1 8 50-16p 138-67 17-27 27-61 3-44 13-52 j 21-89 2-73 •82 ■10 ... I .- ... ... ... ... ... 523,099 8 7 ... ... -. ... I !_ 1880-81. Kawakawa Wnangarei ... Auckland Kapier Wellington ... "Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff (3-reymoutli ... Westport Nelson Picton 5 132 70 69 115 41 788 8 10 20 19 998 0 8 2,873 698 13 7 228,916, 64,780 2 6 93,747 29,051 17 3 146,167: 35,931 7 8 158,497 36,440 5 8 49.228 1 9,071 1 5 1,629,624 630,595 1 9 15,664 10,721 1 6 15,095! 3,911 3 2 33,314j 8,453 18 9 23,640 5,801 7 9 2,396,765 836,454 1 8 recovered 13,281 16 9 849,735 18 5 330 5 7 514 15 2 426 15 0 607 8 5! 345 14 5 251 11 5 818 9 2 1,340 2 7 391 2 4; 422 14 0 305 6 9 4 10i 5 7} 6 2i 4 11 4 7i 3 8i 5 2 5 Of 4 10i 139 9 1 16,789 5 3 6,419 3 3 9,794 10 4 8,899 4 3 3,498 3 1 130,415 5 1 871 16 2 1,079 2 9 1,597 11 7 1,945 3 0 181,448 13 10 217 8 5 11,739 0 7 5,393. 15 8 12,028 3 4 7,923 12 0 2,158 10 8 93,233 1 11 897 19 11 69S 19 ; 2 1,658 4 9 1,098 16 8 137,048 13 ■ 1 2,734 12 1 665 16 8 1,562 15 1 573 5 10 241 4 3 23,719 17 0 389 19 6 288 14 10 264 16 9 106 6 2 82 4 1 9,574 8 1 3,520 14 1 5,136 11 10 4,681 10 7 1,116 7 6 109,596 11 10 2,046 7 9 1,067 15 9 1,973 15 10 1,325 7 9 140,121 15 1 14 2 2 3,769 17 8 1,606 9 1 2,717 3 11 2,211 17 6 762 5 7 18,498 16 8 674 17 11 561 2 11 686 17 5 345 3 1 60 15 9 10 0 196 8 6 44 3 3 4 15 6 618 18 7 16 8 6 453 3 9 44,667 19 5 17,606 18 9 31,435 13 0! 24,333 13 5 7,781 6 7 376,082 11 1 4,897 9 9 3,696 15 5 6,181 6 4 4,820 16 8' 64-86 214-23 37'85 68-95354-9446-83 60-61258-6845-07 87-49 531-42 51-61 66-78230-8636-84 85-78 215-80 37-93 59-64488-13 55-39 45-68 612-19 75-04 94-52369-68 58-78 73-12 309-0744-53 83-11253-75 48-94 65-92 133-41 94-29 165-58 84-43 97-02 169-27 108-98 107-91 79-88 102-38 11-61 17-60 16-43 16-08 13-47 17-06 19-20 13-36: 17-16! 11-51 19-75} 102-7818-16 93-28jl2-31 79-23'13-81 203-34J19-75 75-l7]12 598610-52 121-01 13-74 112-25 1376 70 11-13! 82-9111-94 57-8511-16 21-73 9-78 26-42 5-44 6-69 30-78 48-75 28-87 13-24 5-60 2-87 l-7l| 2-57 •87 1-18 3-49 5-98i 4-59 1-91 1-081 38-86 6-87 760810-04 51-72 9-01 86-83 8-43 44-42 7-09 30-96 5-44 142-2516-15 J255-80 31-35 106-78 16-98 I 98-6914-21 69-7613-45 114-3814-03 6-67 29-26 23-60! -15-93 1 20-98i 21-14 1 2501 84-36 56-12 34-35 18-16 1-18 3-95 4-11 4-46 ! 3-35 3 71 2-72 10-34 8-92 4-95 3-50 ... •48 •01 3-32 •42 •13 ■81 2-05 ■0 ■3 •0 •0 ■0 •2 Totals ... Postal services 1,277 not i 682 16 4 6 llf 30,547 8 2 31,848 13 11 942 10 1 521,957 14 2 62-40 426-09 52-27 61-43! ... I ... i I 148-12 18-17! 111-88,13-72 24-94 3-06 26 3-19 •77 •1 ... ... ... ; - ... ... ... - j ... I : - 1 ... 521,957 14 i 2 ... ... - ... ... ... - I



Return No. 6. Net Revenue, Cost of Construction, and Rate of Interest on all Lines.

Section. Earnings over Expenditure, as per Balance-sheet. Estimated Cost of Opened Lines. Rate of Interest. ECawakawa ... Rfhangarei Auckland Napier Wellington VVanganui New Plymouth ... ETurunui-Bluff ... Sreymouth tVestport kelson Picton £ s. d. 621 2 4 *392 16 2 22,832 8 4 15,556 19 4 10,490 14 2 15,275 18 8 3,741 19 2 287,797 17 10 5,715 16 2 2,587 3 8 2,283 2 8 2,416 12 10 £ s. d. 19,000 0 0 28,000 0 0 1,003,000 0 0 422,000 0 0 720,000 0 0 767,000 0 0 235,000 0 0 5,611,000 0 0 139,000 0 0 160,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 189,000 0 0 £ a. d. 3 5 5 2 5 6 3 13 9 19 2 1 19 10 1 11 10 5 2 7 4 2 3 1 12 4 1 10 5 15 7 ■ Total ... Postal services (Estimated) 368,926 19 0 14,700 0 0 9,443,000 0 0 3 18 2 Total including PoBtal Services 383,626 19 0 4 13 'otal expenditure on Railways, including cost of all surveys and works in progress, as yet unutilized,— Provincial ... £1,104,281 2 5 Colonial ... 9,869,669 11 3 Earnings over Expenditure, as above. Total £10,973,950 13 8 368,926 19 0 3 7 3



RETURN No. 7. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Sectional Accounts for Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882.

A. 0. FirE, Railway Accountant.

RETURN No. 8. Comparison of Revenue and Expenditure Current and Previous Years.

A. C. Fife, Sail way Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. Comparison of Revenue and Expenditure for Three Financial Years, 1879-80, 1881-82.

Name. Miles Open for Traffic. Revenue. Per Cent. Expenditure. of Revenue. Cliristchurch Section Oxford and Eyreton Branch Southbridge B ranch Springfield Branch 145 43 25 43 £ s. d. 234,185 7 7 7,310 15 1 13,062 18 4 14,028 5 6 £ s. d. 108,887 12 9 7,257 15 3 8,574 9 2 9,524 14 10 46-50 99-28 65-64 67-89 Total 256 268,587 6 6 134,244 12 0 49-98 Oamaru Section Albury B ran ch ... Waimate B ranch Duntroon B ranch Ngapara B ranch 104 26 4 21 15 79,813 17 8 7,337 4 11 1,761 1 3 5,256 15 1 3,192 19 5 51,201 4 1 3,953 14, 0 1,558 3 7 3,463 19 5 2,962 7 11 64-15 53-88 88-48 65-89 92-78 Total 170 97,361 18 4 63,139 9 0 64-85 Dunedin Section Walton Park Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch 115 3 9 22 185,942 18 4 839 16 9 2,843 15 2 7,529 0 9 97,367 19 11 927 12 5 2,956 13 11 6,866 9 1 52-36 110-45 103-97 91-19 Total 149 197,155 11 0 108,118 15 4 54-84 Invercargill Section Tapamii Branch ■ Eixerton Branch 172 15 48 76,735 16 5 1,994 12 0 9,927 3 8 49,367 3 0 2,353 11 3 6,740 19 6 64-33 117-10 67-90 Total 65-94 235 88,657 12 1 58,461 13 9 Grand total ,., 810 651,762 7 11 363,964 10 1 55-84

Section. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent, of Revenue. Section. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent, of Revenue, 1881-82.—12 Months end: £ s. d. 621 2 4 1,408 12 7 72,127 4 11 33,721 0 10 41,815 1 8 43,890 3 7 13,231 6 0 651,762 7 11 10,873 14 3 6,372 2 1 8,518 14 8 7,684 16 9 ing 31st Mai £ s. A. •ch. £ s. d. 9,071 1 5 630,595 1 9 10,721 1 6 3,911 3 2 8,453 18 9i 5,801 7 9 £ b. d. 7,781 6 7 376,082 11 1 4,897 9 9 3,696 15 5 6,181 6 4 4,820 16 8 DCawakawa Wlmngarei Auckland Napier ... Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui- B luff 3-reYniouth Westport Nelson ... Picton ... 1,801 8 9 49,294 16 7 18,164 1 6 31,324 7 6 28,614 4 11 9,489 G 10 363,964 10 1 5,157 18 1 3,784 18 5 6,235 12 0 5,268 3 11 127-89 68-34 53-87 74-91 65-20 71-72 55-84 47-43 59-40 73-20 68-55 New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff Gfreymouth Westport Nelson ... Picton ... 85-78 59-64 45-68 94-52 73-12 83-11 Total 836,454 1 8 521,957 14 2 62-40 1879-80.—12 Months end 5,298 7 5 58,576 12 7 25,407 8 7 29,769 15 2 36,207 5 9 6,883 8 10 575,236 6 3J 9,903 15 6 3,049 13 5 7,478 1 0 4,762 3 7 ing 31st Ma: 5,179 1 11 39,760 18 3 18,034 1 9 26,735 8 5 25,214 5 0 6,318 0 7 : 439,717 16 11 4,735 14 9 3,688 14 5 6,119 8 10 4,526 19 6 >.'ch. Total 1880-81.—12 892,026 7 7 523,099 8 7 58-C4 Kaipara ... Auckland Napier ... Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth Hurunui-B luff G-reymouth Westport Nelson ... Pieton ... 95-75 67-84 70-98 89-81 69-61 91-79 76-44 47-81 120-95 81-85 95-06 Months end ing 31sfc Ma: •ch. Kawakawa Wliangarei Kaipara ... Auckland Napier ... Wellington iYanganui 998 0 8 698 13 7 5,536 2 3 59,24.4 0 3 29,051 17 3 35,931 7 8 36,440 5 8; 453 3 9 4,678 8 0 39,989 11 5 17,606 18 9 31,435 13 0 ; 24,333 13 5 64-86 84-50 67-50 60-61 87-49 66-78 Total 762,572 18 1 580,016 9 6 76-06

Year. Miles. Revenue. Expenditure. Expenditure per cent. . of' Revenue. Tonnage. Parcels, Cattle, p a88 engers. [ 1881-82 1880-81 1879-80 1,319 1,277 1,172 £ s. d. 892,026 7 7 836,454 1 8 762,572 18 1 £ s. d. 523,099 8 7 521,957 14 2 580,010 9 6 58-64 62-40 76-06 1,437,714 1,377,783 ; 1,108,108 No. No. 286,741 2,911,477 256,860 2,819,561 158,024 2,967,090


RETURN No. 10. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.


Stations. o p O w Cm Jff> Total a «"o. Expenditure. Jw| Zi M Number Tickets Issued. Tons Tons Outwards. Inwards. Goods. Coaching. Revenue. Goods. Total Value Forwarded. Whan&abei Section. Wharf Whangarei Kamo Coal Mines £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. cL 7 15 2 64 0 11 £ s. a. 7 15 2 220 0 5 90 2 0 1,090 15 0 1,408 12 7 9 9 81 8i 3 1 376 7 4 I 3,075 C 1,932 ; 62G 49 381 9^696 155 19 6 90 2 0 35 9 71 9,647 381 1,055 5 5 1,127 1 6 Totals 281 11 1 376 7 4 5,633 10,077 10,077 Auckland Section. Auckland Drury Hamilton Hamilton Junction .,. Helensyille Huntly Mercer Newmaket If garuawakia Ohaupo Onehunga Otahuhu Papakura Papatoitoi Penrose Junction Pokeno Pukekobe ■ Bemuera Riverkead Te Awamutu Tuakau Wkau Accountant 14| 12 8 8 15 8 13 14 8 8 12 13 11 12 13 12 11 14 11 8 12 12 37 1 1 1 6 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 1 4,400 0 7 147 4 2 262 0 7 485 1 9 181 1 3 215 3 0 336 5 0 296 4 8 225 6 1 459 15 1 134 10 5 130 19 6 128 18 6 176 15 8 99 19 7 263 9 11 204 16 4 175 11 7 538 7 3 121 6 4 125 15 0 77,783 4,439 5,883 10,915 1,501 4,824 19,214 2,321 1,376 33,383 8,107 4,563 3,285 4,897 1,700 5,004 6,232 1,621 3,601 2,327 3,194 19,188 527 151 387 7,735 19,063 1,928 2,111 779 742 4,936 1,327 670 1,433 6,905 161 3,337 143 1,073 731 483 2,300 31,833 1,320 3,079 263 4,326 378 1,875 3,969 5,013 1,424 8,113 1,446 1,0" 542 119 882 1,823 295 2,270 1,930 1,462 2,707 11,792 7 1 794 3 8 16 9 4 3,888 16 10 2,168 3 4 407 16 10 741 5 9 2,465 19 4 1,056 8 8 674 12 9 2,449 13 6 745 19 3 809 19 6 448 16 10 524 9 4 518 13 3 1,391 9 7 859 1 4 241 9 1 1,209 7 4 496 4 7 175 3 0 5 0 0 16,253 9 7 353 10 6 198 17 7 314 18 2 3,669 8 5 6,743 17 0 798 13 10 509 9 7 722 3 10 2,062 7 9 901 15 4 421 9 2 406 14 2 293 11 1 634 10 7 151 6 10 1,170 18 6 522 3 4 418 6 1 891 11 5 286 8 6 528 14 1 *[8 10 7 ] 28,045 16 8 1,147 14 2 215 6 11 4,203 15 0 5,837 11 9 7,151 13 10 1,539 19 7 2,975 8 11 1,778 12 6 2,737 0 6 3,351 8 10 1,167 8 5 1,216 13 8 742 7 11 1,158 19 11 670 0 1 2,562 8 1 1,381 4, 8 659 15 2 2,100 18 9 782 13 1 703 17 1 *[3 10 7] Totals 78 9,108 12 3 208,170 76,110 76,110 33,881 10 2 38,245 14 9 72,127 4 11 Mapiee Section. Farndon Hastings Kaikora Kopua Makatoko Napier Oro&ndville Pakipald Spit Takapau TeAute Waipawa Waipukurau Accountant 10| 10 91 13 13f 12 13 2 3 2 1 2 1 240 15 11 371 19 8 249 15 5 147 18 0 344 4 3 1,196 13 6 12,950 18,179 3,487 2,003 2,842 22,159 2,449 1,537 4,383 709 6,440 2,909 2,217 3,952 48 7,248 2,318 4,569 2,709 3,785 3,793 8,446 1,566 316 1,037 11,261 495 242 6,351 502 702 2,207 5,908 1,118 16 8 2,862 14 3 723 9 10 389 6 3 928 14 11 4,635 13 1 514 11 4 0 10 2 155 5 4 575 14 11 633 5 11 1,662 8 8 1,316 9 9 15 0 0 483 12 11 1,576 19 4 494 4 6 2,136 10 9 1,375 16 2 1,396 11 8 2,118 1 5 19 7 0 3,189 16 5 1,246 17 4 1,007 9 4 1,417 17 7 1,725 15 4 1,602 9 7 4,439 13 7 1,217 14 4 2,525 17 0 2,304 11 1 6,032 4 9 2,632 12 9 19 17 2 3,345 1 9 1,822 12 3 1,640 15 3 3,080 6 3 3,012 5 1 15 0 0 9 12 9 10 10| 2 2 1 2 2 274 15 9 137 19 8 160 9 6 279 10 10 291 5 91 1,431 2,538 3,077 6,538 4,858 Totals 25 3,695 8 3 82,519 42,824 42,824 15,532 1 1 18,188 19 9 33,721 0 10 Wellington Section. Carterton Cross's Creek Featherston Greytown Kaitoke Lower Hutt Masterton Pitone Summit Upper Hutt Wellington Wellington Wharf ... Accountant and H.O. m 12 13 101 11 12 144 12| 12 12S 14 2 1 3 1 1 3 4 2 1 4 14 267 7 4 403 4 2 273 12 5 138 4 0 83 14 4 384 19 11 591 12 5 285 13 5 5,812 4,689 4,438 799 17,412 9,050 7,847 10,425 785 2,053 450 5,401 1,654 3,566 1,207 1,555 853 132 2,091 2,058 3,010 1,611 13 2 1,493 14 2 1,127 2 8 164 14 8 2,066 5 1 3,051 13 6 590 16 3 6,157 7 0 1,459 10 5 1,269 9 8 268 12 10 815 9 2 2,306 4 8 588 3 0 7,769 0 2 2,953 4 7 2,396 12 4 433 7 6 2,881 14 3 5,357 18 2 1,178 19 3 530 6 10 1,734 16 4 6,097 58,898 7,094 7,640 2,155 608 29,603 76 1,003 10 10 9,057 1 11 1,699 18 7 6,893 16 4 107 15 3 74 12 6 2,703 9 5 15,950 18 3 107 15 3 82 2 6 7 10 0 Totals 36 4,693 11 2 115,042 41,223 41,223 20,174 2 3 21,610 19 5 41,815 1 8 Wanqanui Section. Aram oh o Feikling Foxton Greatford Haleombe Marton 15 13 14 11 12 12 1 4 6 2 4 2 169 5 10 318 12 4 1,091 0 1 335 6 8 389 3 5 253 1 4 5,215 7,499 9,499 3,446 10,056 5,855 867 16,101. 1,830, 1,064 9,371 1,254 2,885 1,212 12,844 1,520 679 2,676 579 19 6 1,556 9 9 1,822 8 6 833 17 7 1,186 6 6 1,4G8 13 6 202 8 8| 7,338 5 8 2,0S0 1 0 533 1G 6 3,481 10 2 636 14 0 782 8 2 8,894 15 0 3,902 9 6 1,373 14 1 4,667 16 8 2,105 7 6 Carried forward ... 19 2,556 9 8 41,570 30,490 21,846 7,417 15 4 14,278 15 7 21,726 10 11 * Deductions.



RETURN No. 10—continued. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ending 31st March, 1882— continued.

Stations. i "Ml O JH&j Total J5 3^^ i xPeu(iiturc. & * mi Number Tickets Issued. Tons Tons Outwards. Inwards. Goods. Coaching. Revenue. Goods. Total Value Forwarded. Wanganiti Section — continued. Brought forward Palmerston Turakina Waitotara Wangaimi Waverley Accountant and H.O. 14 11 10 15 10 19 4 2 1 13 2 £ s. d. 2,556 9 9 442 10 5 183 16 5 82 17 8 1,975 8 5 306 19 9 41,570 11,330 3,752 2,988 28,436 7,235 30,490 ll,830| 1,871 2,005 5,122 641 21,846 4,248 1,631 1,576 15,805 6,853 £ s. d. 7,447 15 4 2,344 7 10 784 10 9 694 10 10 6,960 17 9 2,131 9 8 7 10 0 £ s. a. 14,278 15 7 3,064 13 10 415 0 5 492 3 1 4,735 1 7 337 12 9 195 14 2 £ s. d. 21,726 10 11 5,409 1 8 1,199 11 2 1,186 13 11 11,695 19 4 2,469 2 5 203 4 2 Total 41 5,548 2 4 95,317 51,959 51,959 20,371 2 2 23,519 1 5 43,890 3 7 New Plymouth Section. Hawera Inglcwood New Plymouth Normanby Stratford AYaitara 13 9 11* 12| 10i 11 3 2 4 1 1 3 227 8 11 158 6 8 552 16 2 111 14 1 128 19 6 286 19 2 8,044 9,821 17,051 4,210 5,210 8,269 206 6,444 1,855 269 2,763 4,871 3,244 1,738 7,199 1,005 1,569 1,653 1,192 19 2 1,213 18 9 2,673 19 7 694 2 10 885 14 6 1,012 3 1 192 4 2 1,450 4 1 1,279 5 2 161 6 3 583 15 9 1,891 12 8 1,385 3 4 2,664 2 10 3,953 4 9 855 9 1 1,469 10 3 2,903 15 9 Total 14 1,466 4 6 52,605 16,408 16,408 7,672 17 11 5,558 8 1 13,231 6 0 G-BEYMOTTTII SECTION. Greymouth ■ Flag Stations Brunner 11 12 1,644 3 0 11,441 1,645 8,094 1,763 1,288 51,633 52,632 163 1,889 967 13 6 133 17 11 814 5 9 3,274 1 9 234 6 9 5,449 8 7 4,241 15 3 368 4 8 6,263 14 4 9 3 522" 6 7 Total 15 2,166 9 7 21,180 54,684 54,684 1,915 17 2 8,957 17 1 10,873 14 3 Westpokt Section. Westport 31,677 34,677 818 12 4 5,553 9 9 6,372 2 1 913 6 7 10,849 Nelson Section. Nelson Richmond Bright water Wakefield Foxhill B elgroye Port Wharf 9 9 10 10 Closed 11 9 5 1 1 1 533 6 1 81 4 2 94 5 1 139 5 10 200 19 3 175 2 5 852 15 1 14,714 6,893 3,234 4,003 3,053 6,451 975 1,080 717 3,794 540 ■ 745 1,090 4,615 893 389 1,389 155 179 1,321 1,843 6 7 547 12 2 506 0 5 563 16 6 279 1 11 626 11 5 2 13 3 1,236 2 7 432 11 1 169 3 0 197 12 6 65 14 0 106 7 2 142 6 4 1,799 15 9 3,079 9 2 980 3 3 675 3 5 761 9 0 344 15 11 732 18 7 3 15 | 1,944 15 4 Total ... 26 2,076 17 11 38,348 8,941 8,941 4,369 2 3 4,149 12 5 8,518 14 8 Picton Section. Picton Flag Stations Blenheim. 11 4 948 17 5 5,150 9,786 6,836 2,683 11,175 2,852 6,948 1,638 8,124 1,116 15 7 703 16 1 1,062 18 3 1,5-10 9 1 1,189 4 7 2,071 13 2 2,657 4 8 1,893 0 8 3,134 11 5 9 2 323 14 0 Total 1,272 11 5 21,772 16,710 16,710 2,883 9 11 4,801 6 10 7,684 16 9 HtTEITNUI-B LTJIT Section. Amberley Sefton Eangiora Southbrook Kaiapoi Styx Papanui Addington Christcliurch (Coaching) (Goods) Opawa Heathcote Lyttelton „ (Wharves)... Hornby Templeton Eolleston Burnham Selwyn Dunsandel Eakaia Chertsey Ashburton 12 11 10| 10i 11 llf 12 12| 13 15 184 14 144 3 1 5 1 6 1 2 7 35 44 1 4 77 517 14 2 138 11 0 670 15 3 126 11 10 796 5 1 199 13 6 276 10 1 1,036 19 1 6,107 6 11 8,468 7 5 162 7 9 598 1 5 20,243 16 10 13,538 3,299 15,234 2,663 16,760 2,300 12,514 7,672 178,587 12,119 10,212 70,701 8,446 3,000 5,696 1,251 20,001 7,549 3,168 19,546 42,891 8,756 205,359 24,591 9,92<t 1,349 2,908 1,578 1,992 3,491 5,104 9,419 12,473 9,857 1,010 7,208 1,459 10,039 1,049 3,717 29,378 154,845 1 3,820 147,217 51,102 1,290 800 791 720 247 1,084 4,488 1,634 10,422 2,760 8 4 529 16 9 2,616 14 8 317 5 4 2,238 3 4 107 2 7 1,941 5 1 2,100 19 9 39,955 10 1 549 11 7 575 11 0 6,382 3 8 2,733 17 5 1,169 5 6 2,221 11 3 418 19 0 5,177 7 7 1,925 7 6 830 10 7 5,906 9 1 19,932 0 0 *[0 1 9 1,200 3 5 64,692 9 11 970 16 2 1,160 11 6 363 14 8 986 0 5 543 14 10 760 2 3 1,551 6 10 3,016 14 4 4,982 17 5 8,258 14 0 5,494 5 9 1,699 2 3 4,838 5 11 736 4 4 7,415 10 11 2,032 10 1 2,771 15 8 8,007 8 10 39,955 10 1 19,932 0 0 ] 549 9 10 1,775 14 11 71,074 13 7 970 16 2 2,065 3 11 720 0 1 2,240 1 5 943 2 4 1,052 14 3 2,730 5 5 5,966 14 0 5,744 13 6 14,760 3 8 lli Hi 104 10J 9i 114 12 14 3 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 14 467 5 1 168 2 2 424 11 3 176 10 7 248 12 5 256 4 3 761 14 11 370 8 5 2,261 3 4 4,706 2,737 4,645 1,870 1,498 4,074 8,497 2,769 16,996 904 12 5 356 5 5 1,254 1 0 399 7 6 292 12 0 1,178 18 7 2,919 19 8 761 16 1 6,501 9 8 Carried forward ... 203,476 6 11 219 44,477 12 9 393,391 393,492 448,178 74,643 15 0 128,832 11 11 * Deduction.



RETURN No. 10—continued. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ending 31st March, 1882continued.

StatiouB. a £» S Number Goocls- ° j> Ta o Total of 2 SmI- Expenditure. Tickets „ Issued Tons Tons £ S H ' Outwards. Inwards. Goods. He Coaching. Bevenue. evenut ie. Goods. Total Value Forwarded. Hueun-fi-Blupf Sec tion—coat inued. Brought forward Tinwald Window Hinds Baling Rangitata Orari Winchester Temuka Oust Bennett's Junction Oxford East „ West Prebbleton Lincoln Springston Ellesmere Doyleston Leeston Southbridge Kirwee Darficld Junction Sheffield- ■ -... Springfield Coalgate Washdyke Timaru 13i 13 121 lli 10| KH 11: 111 12i 12} 13} 13} 10i 9|9 9i 10| 10J iii li ii! 13 12| 13 13 13| 219 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 18 £ b. A. 44,477 12 9 186 11 1 154 14 8 148 11 8 108 16 6 157 1 4 261 9 4 270 7 0 408 19 9 143 4 5 133 14 5 135 8 2 422 19 11 194 1 9 206 3 9 119 0 4 181 17 8 181 10 7 293 12 8 392 16 2 153 12 7 407 11 1 141 2 7 400 4 1 160 18 11 136 7 7 3,426 8 10 393,391 2,077 1,461 1,227 791 1,711 4,185 5,494 12,090 1,903 1,512 2,566 7,352 2,623 5,683 1,935 2,270 2,713 3,772 4,809 2,589 5,396 2,309 5,348 2,632 2,678 39,304 393,492 3,439 1,982 1,390 379 1,682 2,045 4,158 5,244 1,147 925 1,125 7,700 2,277 4,520 1,296 2,647 3,379 2,605 4,357 2,938 13,605 4,310 7,854 1,508 495 16,936 4,046 3,315 1,256 5,061 2,150 3,621 6,391 34,481 17,753 12,177 8,582 1,826 2,085 670 12,787 5,148 4,155 13,531 2,133 5,224 4,693 2,544 4,498 2,844 482 78,888 36 6 6,429 448,178 1,180 1,294 726 376 676 1,189 1,314 5,254 963 221 379 526 449 3,172 591 493 1,570 1,918 2,662 1,562 2,615 924 1,576 1,105 447 41,763 4,551 1,690 780 1,092 749 1,072 1,359 50,562 31,830 3,975 2,565 709 597 214 931 2,159 3,409 2,306 2,175 1,128 8,183 3,883 1,343 19 2,000 i 34,906: 166 818 9,054 £ a. d. 74,643 15 0 163 17 11 335 1 8 288 13 2 222 13 5 521 7 1 1,400 4 8 993 17 0 2,776 5 0 431 0 10 239 1 10 687 9 10 1,043 17 0 254 12 8 744 1 9 304 18 2 489 17 6 585 16 2 835 7 1 1,177 14 0 560 15 1 1,514 11 1 655 0 2 1,298 0 10 730 6 0 309 13 10 13,402 11 4 £ s. ( 128,832 11 11 2,149 5 5 1,744 13 6 1,034 7 6 317 5 4 1,057 0 3 1,018 8 3 1,750 9 5 2,509 7 8 450 8 5 355 18 7 344 4 6 2,690 16 5 569 17 5 1,398 12 6 408 18 7 984 0 4 1,462 13 4 1,275 5 6 2,287 4 3 1,181 2 11 5,009 6 11 1,646 12 0 3,052 15 4 1,072 2 8 685 2 8 6,493 6 4 327 7 4 1,170 12 3 345 2 2 1,657 15 10 1,064 19 4 1,230 1 6 1,919 11 8 6,575 9 5 1,665 1 0 4,136 11 5 4,072 10 7 815 14 6 681 18 1 438 0 4 3,623 15 8 1,579 12 1 2,209 1 2 5,354 17 2 769 9 9 1,534 15 11 3,209 18 7 1,074 0 5 1,084 5 5 391 6 6 114 8 9 20,329 9 1 6 2 10 5 9 0 639 13 3 £ s. d. 203,476 6 11 2,313 3 4 2,079 15 2 1,323 0 8 539 18 9 1,578 7 4 2,418 12 11 2,744 6 5 5,285 12 8 881 9 3 595 0 5 1,031 14 4 3,734 13 5 824 10 1 2,142 14 3 713 16 9 1,473 17 10 2,048 9 6 2,110 12 7 3,464 18 3 1,741 18 0 6,523 18 0 2,301 12 2 4,350 16 2 1,802 8 8 994 16 6 19,895 17 8 327 7 4 2,013 1 7 570 14 11 2,366 9 10 1,410 16 0 1,510 7 7 2,331 3 6 18,765 18 9 1,666 14 6 4,233 2 4 4,973 11 1 1,438 14 5 1,425 17 10 850 13 9 4,028 1 3 2,417 13 2 3,368 . 4 6 7,858 11 11 1,591 10 8 2,011 11 1 6,905 5 3 2,459 13 7 2,191 9 6 1,982 13 2 753 13 3 24,660 10 11 241 15 11 896 19 7 2,704 15 0 42,951 19 9 34,741 3 3 1,127 18 7 3,827 7 9 5,169 6 1 4,258 8 9 2,135 5 4 1,278 10 1 3,010 12 7 8,424 4 4 11,701 10 8 6,391 12 8 4,319 15 1 2,440 14 4 1,733 2 10 5,468 8 9 4,602 9 1 5,965 15 5 2,744 13 2 (Wharf) St. Andrews Otaio Makikihi Studholme Junction ,., Waitaki Pukeuri Junction Oamaru Breakwater ) Waiareka Junction Maheno Herbert Hampden Hillgrove Shag Point Pleasant Point Albury Waimate Duntroon Ngapara Palmerston Waikouaiti Waitati Port Chalmers (Upper) G-lendermid Port Chalmers Burke's Ravensbourne Pelichet Bay Dunedin (Coaching) .,. „ (G-oods) Caversham (Kensington) Burnside Abbotsford Mosgiel Junction G-reytown Waihola Milburn Milton Stirling Balelutha Clinton Outram Waitahuna Lawrence Waipahi Gore Mataura . Hi iii 10| 10 Hi 12i 15i 14J13i 12| HI Hi 121 Hi 9 10^ 10 10^ 13i 13 13i 13i I7i I7i 18 14 18i 20 20 191 19i 19i 18i Hi 101 12 12} 14} 15| 15} Hi Ui 15} 13 12 10 i 2 1 1 2 4 1 22 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 2 2 1 2 15 2 1 2 27 41 4 2 3 4 1 2 1 4 4 2 5 2 2 4 3 4 2 237 4 5 143 0 10 202 5 6 263 18 8 401 6 0 148 9 0 3,409 7 3 968 16 4 264 8 7 266 19 6 181 14 11 113 9 7 146 13 0 164 9 2 194 3 6 304 6 0 485 11 2 262 17 1 163 0 1 1,050 9 2 307 9 8 153 19 7 98 14 7 315 18 10 4,020 9 5 242 9 10 184 0 6 249 12 10 7,978 8 8 ' 8,424 2 4 262 9 6 283 17 9 380 4 4 520 19 2 142 15 2 254 13 1 161 9 6 497 14 11 505 6 6 513 6 1 891 19 11 422 7 7 201 5 11 749 0 3 391 11 8 695 8 11 252 0 1 5,140 1,553 3,318 1,972 1,603 3,504 44,389 67 545 4,056 3,110 2,874 1,886 2,326 6,134 3,949 6,692 2,810 2,8-44 14,997 5,140 6,722 9,924 7,143 46,948 3,360 15,785 19,182 145,566 842 9 4 225 12 9 708 14 0 345 16 8 280 6 1 411 11 10 12,190 9 4 1 13 6 96 10 11 901 0 6 622 19 11 743 19 9 412 13 5 404 5 7 838 1 1 1,159 3 4 2,503 14 9 822 0 11 476 15 2 3,695 6 8 1,385 13 2 1,107 4 1 1,591 6 8 639 4 6 4,331 1 10 . 235 13 1 891 10 7 2,065 1 9 42,951 19 9 8,789 7,210 14,344 17,581 7,230 3,349 2,667 11,727 5,353 8,197 18,091 11,156 4,890 11,119 3,896 7,885 3,891 50,669 : 163 25,500 34,105 5,567 2,535 1,109 4,518 11,187 30,982 4,913 1,344 3,233 2,002 2,287 5,605 3,996 1,891 185,927 9,424 9,239 912 4,140 1,165 2,093 3,221 7,074 1,691 4,141 4,058 7,009 3,218 7,401 1,055 4,160 1,756 1,057 11 6 391 9 4 1,127 4 8 2,265 6 0 1,251 8 3 .784 3 7 433 12 6 3,307 13 0 1,260 16 4 ] 2,701 5 5 2,939 11 9 1,375 15 10 807 14 10 3,234 13 6 1,021 0 2 3,099 0 8 1,228 13 10 34,741 3 3 : 70 7 1 3,435 18 5 4,042 1 5 1,993 2 9 883 17 1 494 6 6 2,577 0 1 5,116 11 4 10,440 14 4 ] 3,690 7 3 1,380 3 4 1,064 18 6 925 8 0 2,233 15 3 3,581 8 11 2,866 14 9 1,515 19 4 Carried forward ... 477 91,882 5 11 1,040,735 931,853 955,092 217,779 12 2 320,862 16 538,642 8 8


RETURN No. 10—continued. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ending 31st March, 1882 — continued.

A. C. Fife, Eailway Accountant.

RETURN No. 11. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.


Stations. I o o w "° ."S Number GooAa|1 & Total of Sul Expenditure. Tickets ToM ToM | g Issued- Outwards. Inwards. Goods. Coaching. Kevenue. Goods. Total Value Forwarded, Httkuntti-BI/rap Section — continued. Brought forward Edendale Woodlands liwcrcargill Bluff "lOi 12 15 10J 477 2 2 19 4 £ s. d. 91,882 5 11 365 5 9 241 10 10 3,500 6 9 1,361 18 5 1,040,735 6,311 4,929 65,673 15.824 931,853 3,219 14,813 27,333 25,457 641 19,671 6,752 930 2,373 1,456 2,526 1,741 4,067 3,547 2,744 955,092 3,493 1,754 34,935 23,207 8,149 1,330 2,452 917 2,514 1,951 1,424 1,101 1,738 2,429 6,637 £ s. d. 217,779 12 2 1,781 7 9 983 0 6 15,833 4 9 1,749 12 0 £ a. d. 320,862 16 6 2,569 8 6 9,846 5 5 16,330 1 7 5,377 6 9 42 17 5 6,492 2 7 3,932 10 7 308 6 11 1,611 0 5 1,464 16 1 2,030 3 8 1,562 4 5 1,476 6 8 1,598 5 10 1,511 12 8 607 14 8 £ s. d. 538,642 8 8 4,350 16 3 10,829 5 11 32,163 6 4 7,126 18 9 42 17 5 7,017 5 10 5,2C2 1 8 705 13 11 3,877 19 2 2,401 17 6 3,070 12 5 2,087 8 3 2,235 5 2 4,463 5 1 2,867 18 7 657 14 8 „ (Wharf) Maiarewa Winton Dipton Elbow Kingston Tapanui Kelso 'I'hombury Biverton Otautau Accountant, Wellington Bakaia (E. and A. F. By.) Methven „ Kurow (D. and II. By.) Wairoea Plains Baibvay Christclrurch (H.O.) ... „ (Cashier) lit 10| 12i 14i Hi 9 9 121 13i 14i 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 173 15 9 326 6 8 102 7 1 444 12 11 239 19 5 176 2 0 342 18 2 253 1 2 464 3 5 377 1 8 4,056 7,291 1,517 14,873 1,906 2,817 2,592 5,689 23,652 7,557 525 3 3 1,329 11 1 397 7 0 2,266 18 9 937 1 5 1,040 8 9 525 3 10 758 18 6 2,864 19 3 1,356 5 11 50 0 0 "lOk 13 12 1 2 1 121 0 1 468 0 0 1,521 2,000 21,702 3,932 9,338 21,702 3,932 9,338 139 17 0 480 7 10 3,005 18 2 9,929 12 6 2,013 8 3 7,376 8 0 46 11 8 967 8 11 10,069 9 6 2,493 16 1 10,382 6 2 46 11 8 967 8 11 Total 523 100,840 16 0 1,208,943 1,084,095 1,084,095 253,804 17 H 397,957 10 0 651,762 7 11

Description, Go I S I I 1 CD •3 s I a g I T I I I 6 1 I 'I o ■a lei o I ■3 Caebiages. 1st class, 6-wheel A, „ Bogie, 30-feet (converted) „ „ 40-feet Composite, 6-wheel A, „ Bogie, 30-feet „ 40-feet 2nd class, 6-wheel A, „ Bogie, 30-feet „ „ 40-feet American, 8-wheel Mail'carsj Bogie, 30-feet 2 6 10 "s 8 1 2 6 2 | 1 3 7 8 1 2 4 12 6 "i 3 2 22 10 3 7 66 26 6 1 61 24 2 5 2 "i 2 i 2 i 2 32 34 3 7 105 58 7 1 104 67 2 5 "2 16 14 "i 5 "V 5 "ii 5 i 5 "2 "2 "2 i 1 ... ... 6 6 ... Total 4 62 23 32 40 12 239 431 Wagons, btc. Passenger brakes Goods „ Fell Trucks, &c,— . . Platform coal Timber Cattle Sheep, single floor „ double „ Horse-boxes Covered goods High-side Low-side. Iron hopper, mineral Carriage-trucks Meat-trucks tTnclassified i 30 3 17 1 52 77 12 9 37 133 124 80 2 4 14 18 4 2 6 2 "62 24 20 4 17 62 81 13 "48 27 2 2 12 4 10 1 4 24 51 1 "207 119 29 49 300 2,192 965 152 2 73 2 2 "4 3 "s 2 2 2 "e 1 } 134 2 31 413 272 4 73 77 395 2,661 1,518 397 4 3 28 4 8 4 3 94 58 9 30 102 178 7 14 100 1 9 10 65 16 10 1 3 18 19 2 3 "lO 18 Total 545 43 201 285 407 110 4,098 123 109 41 50 6,012 Tabpatjlins 150 50 54 35 17 2,682 12 28 3,046


RETURN No. 12. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

RETURN No. 13. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps, for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.


Class. Cylinder. Coupled Wheels. Truck. ! i 1 1 B "I I 3 I bo § I id p H ■ W 4 g c 1 'So el H I metei. strofce No- meter. Wheels, DiaMo. meter. i to i IK I Ml double Fairlie iingle Fairlie Lnierican E ... E ... B ... E ... T ... K ... L ... J ... D ... C ... G ... F ... M ... P ... O ... A ... S ... Q ... In. m 10 10 9 12i 15 12 10i 14 9i 9i 10i 10i 13 8 10£ 8 8 11 In. 16) 14 j 18 18 16 .16 18 20 18 20 18 18 18 18 20 15 18 15 20 18 4 8 8 8 6 8 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 Ft. in. 2 8 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 3 6 3 0 2 6 3 0 3 0 3 6 2 4 3 0 2 6 2 6 4 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 In. 25 26 24 24 18 18 20 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 3 4 4 1 3 5 1 3 2 3 2 1 7 6 8 1 20 7 4 4' 31 4 2 5 12 1 2 1 4 6 2 2 18 6 8 10 20 21 15 4 58 4 2 5 14 1 2 "i 3 "i 2 3 2 14 5 6 "i 2 30 Total 2 23 7 16 15 7 120 3 3 3 202

Description. ! 1 o I ■3 d 4 g ! s H 1 1 I I g I I g IS a 3 I VsiaHiNO- Machines : — 1 owfc. 2 „ 3 „ 4 „ 5 „ ... 5i „ 6 „ 7 „ 8 „ 9 „ 10 „ 11 „ 12 „ . 12* „ 13 j, 14 i, 15 j, 16 „ 17 „ 18 „ 20 „ 22 „ 25 „ 27 „ "l 18 "9 "3 5 3 2 "2 1 "l 2 2 4 2 6 3 1 6 4 "2 '"5 "2 "l "l "4 "3 1 6 4 20 3 5 7 4 1 15 31 6 1 5 2 6 11 3 1 6 2 ' "4 "l "2 4 "4 "2 1 5...: 40 17 50 3 7 - 9 10 1 32 31 7 1 5 . 2 17 12 3 1 11 2 2 2 ■ i i 2 ' 2 "2 1 "3 2 "l 3 1 "a "2 Total 1 32 16 17 32 11 142 4 1 9 6 271


RETURN No. 13-continued. Statement of Weighing Machines, Weighbridges, Traverses, Cranes, and Pumps, &c.— contd.

20—D. 1.


Description. id 2 I P 1 la s ■a pi i 1 o I i 1 I Peighbeid&es : — 3 tona (cart) 6 „ „ 8 „ „ 10 „ „ 10 tons (wagon) 12 „ ,, 14 „ 20 „ 3 1 1 2 1 1 "l 4 2 1 1 2 7 5 1 1 "l 2 5 1 "l 1 1 Total 4 1 2 1 11 1 1 1 1 23 'baveesees 1 1 8 1 1 12 'tTENTABLES : — 40 feet (engine) 50 „■ ■ „ • ... 11 „ (wagon) 12 „ 13 „ 14 „ 16 „ 20 „ "l 1 '"2 "l 2 1 2 7 2 22 10 1 1 "l 3 7 3 2 27 24 1 '■'7 3 1 1 "l Total 1 3 7 3 3 3 43 1 1 1 1 67 'banes :— 1 ton, stationary, hand li tons „ „ 2 „ „ „ 3 „ 5 „ 10 „ 2 „ „ steam li „ travelling, hand 2 „ 3 „ 5 „ „ V „ 10 „ ,i li „ „ steam 2 „ 3 „ 5 „ 10 „ 12 „ "l 1 3 "2 "l 3 1 1 8 2 "l 3 3 7 3 7 3 2 "l 1 1 1 2 2 1 "l "2 1 "l 5 22 8 3 7 5 4 1 9 13 2 3 "3 "2 1 "2 "l "l 1 "l "2 2 '"2 1 "a '"4 3 1 "l "1 "l 2 Total 1 11 3 6 12 2 33 7 6 6 4 91 'TTMPS :— Steam Hand Wmdmill ... Hot-air Hydraulic Gravitation 1 1 18 '"5 "5 1 8 "4 4 66 10 5 8 17 4 "2 3 3 6 119 10 5 24 It 3 ' '4 8 1 Total 1 22 5 12 110 4 3 3 3 181 5 13


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Rails Relaid for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

RETURN No. 15. Statement of Sleepers Relaid for Year ending 31st March, 1882.

RETURN No. 16. Return of Number of Stations and Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1882


Weight. 1 i 4 I •3 d I .3 I '4 □ I s O I i d o s a o Iails Belaid :— 40 „ 40 „ steel 52 „ 53 „ steel 161 21 "47 1 108 102 2,145 132 7,214 39 19 30 42 31 259 2,439 179 9,525 12,402 550 1,760 Total 550 161 1,760 69 210 9,491 39 19 30 13

Description. 'I a I 4 I a o ■& ! I A o a s I Hurunui-Bluff. 5 1 a o I I Belaid. Removed. s Sleepers Belaid :— Black pine ,,, Totara Black birch Oregon ,.. Kauri ... Blue gum Jarrah ... Bed pine ., ■ Puriri ,., Silver pine Matai Manuka 700 2,679 200 950 1,579 69 40,753 10,859 2,194 149 430 5,818 2,525 27,414 10,348 2,503 7,533 1,062 9,910 51 79 "72 680 372 740 41,125 15,386 4,715 149 1,130 5,818 2,525 734 1,600 270 495 1,600 610 124 270 495 3,269 Total 2,300 2,679 1,112 73,947 1,150 1,579 1,174 62,728 62,090 473 72 680

No. of PriTate Sidings Section. Miles, No. of Stations and Stoppinj places on the Time-tables. At Stations. Oat of Stations. Total. Vhangarei oiekland ?apier Wellington Vanganui few Plymouth lurunui-BlufE rreymouth Vestport felson 'icton 5 139 70 69 115 51 884 8 10 23 18 5 66 22 28 39 18 310 5 6 12 9 4 8 2 7 109 5 1 5 6 2 30 1 9 9 7 13 12 139 1 i 3 "l 3 Total 1,392 134 50 510 184



RETURN No. 17. PARTICULARS of Private Sidings and Sheds, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1882. AUCKLAND SECTION.

Date of Original Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By Whom. Constructed. Tenure. Am Qn Tit of Traffic Guaranteed. Value of the ' Tear baffle through the Siding during Hiding 31st March, 1882. In. Out. Total. Aug. 27,1873 J. Byeroft and Co. March 6, 1877 „ (extension) ... Aug. 25,1874 W. J. Fisher and Co. ... July 9,1875 T. Edwards ... Sept. 19,1876 E, Graham ... Oct. 18,1877 E. Lamb „ 10, ,, Hammond and Byron ... Not. 21,1879 A. Buckland ... Dee. 2, „ P. and J. McLeod Store site ... Johnston „ ... A. Williams ... „ ... Hammond „ ... Peel and Co. ... 7 25 Oneliunga Branch... 7 25 „ 7 28 Otahuhu ... 0 71 At Auckland 4 30 „ Ellerslie 73 0 Ngaraawahia ... 0 43 Auckland 22 40 At Runchnan's 37 43 Helensville S. ... 0 61 Otahuliu Mount Eden Newmarket Government Applicant Government — month's notice on either side 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £105 damages — mo's notice on either side Immediate notice — month's notice on either side 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £50 damages ... „ ' „ £50 „ ... £100 „ £20 „ £ 300 ' 300 200 100 300 300 £ a. d. £ s. d. | 37 4 7 17 7 11 233 17 2 291 9 0 231 15 0 Nil. 198 19 3 16 10 11 1,508 12 10 19 19 9 39 6 3 1,690 7 7 45 4 0 0 11 9 88 15 3 £ s. d. 54 12 6 525 6 2 231 15 0 215 10 2 1,508 12 10 59 6 0 1,690 7 7 45 15 9 88 15 3 ... | ... I I ... I — 1876 Napier Gas Co. May —,1877 T. P. Russell June 9, „ Murray Roberts and Co. Sept. 6, „ „ (extension) July 4,1878 Wilding and Bull Sept. 28,1880 Millar and Potts Feb. 16,1881 Wardrop and Co. „ 24, „ Wilding and Bull May 11, „ „ j Not known ... Nelson Brothers and Williams ...I 2 30 Napier ... ... 0 32 50 25 At Woburn Spit ... 64 19 Kopua ... 40 59 Waipawa 2 0 Napier ... 45 29 Waipukurau 59 64 Takapau... ... 1 26 12 10 Tonioana NAPIER SECTION. Government Grantee ... Government No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £10 damages ... „ ■ „ £120 „ ... „ „ £35 „ No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice No particulars ... | 10 300 300 68 16 0 13 6 0 Nil. | 414 4 11 397 4 2 38 8 9 1,030 6 1 176 15 8 45 8 7 204 12 9 36 17 9 1,019 5 2 982 4 3 413 1 0 428 13 4 399 15 2 I 193 9 0 82 2 811 9 1 1,068 14 10 222 4 3 241 10 6 2,001 9 5 841 14 4 593 4 2 WI ELLINGTON SECTIO GoTCrmnent Grantee ... FANGANUI SECTI01 GoTemment Grantee ... 7 PLYMOUTH SECT GoTemment ... I Grantee ... ... I )N. 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £70/7 „ £70 „ £90 „ N. 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £60 damages ... £60 „ ... £80 „ ... £156 „ ... „ „ £-95 ,, £175 „ ... £150 „ ... £127 „ ... £135 „ ... £240 „ ... riON. I 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £35 damages ... 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 100 300 300 300 300 300 100 I 12 4 8 384 1 10 1 9 10 111 13 0 85 15 11 3,405 2 2 198 14 0 406 11 4 1 12 0 199 17 0 34 19 7 526 11 4 2,215 17 2 648 4 7 547 6 9 142 12 11 492 3 3 19 18 1 405 12 6 20 3 11 907 16 1 86 2 11 2,703 3 2 12 15 6 5 18 1 10 15 11 361 9 9 3 7 0 557 1 6 14 14 4 12 18 8 13 10 6 1 288 16 1 3 15 5 I 351 4 3 396 6 6 113 2 10 3,490 18 1 605 5 4 201 9 0 561 10 11 2,215 17 2 648 4 7 547 6 9 634 16 2 425 10 7 928 0 0 2,789 6 1 18 13 1 372 5 8 560 8 6 27 13 0 302 6 7 354 19 8 Dec. 4,1877 W. Berry Feb. 10,1879 Charles Lett ... April 12,1880 W. Booth Dec. 13, „ James Gear Feb. 8,1881 Robert Donald Aug. 27, „ John Chew ... ... ... : 23 21 j At Mungaroa 28 44 Kaitoke ... ... 1 48 57 34 Carterton ... 0 56 6 19 Petoni ... ... 0 30 62 68 Middleton ... 1 10 54 53 At Arnold's Line ... March 6,1877 P. and J. Bartholomew... April 3, „ Richter, Nannestead, and Co. Not. 6, „ James Bull Jan. 14, 1878 Richter, Nannestead, and Co. „ 23, „ Freeman and Wylds May 6, „ W. H. Lash ... Aug. 9, „ Bailey Brothers Sept. 11, „ Wanganui Meat Co. Feb. 2,1879 Gillies and Henderson ... Mar. 3, „ Henderson Brothers and Wratt ... Jan. 13, 1881 Moore and Currie V 50 72 AtFeilding 54 28 „ Trondjeim 52 20 ., Aorangi 61 41 „ Hokowhitu 72 42 „ Oroua Bridge 42 34 Halcombe ... 0 42 53 50 At Taonui 3 36 Aramoho... ... 0 40 60 10 At Kelvin GroTe 45 26 „ Swainson's 13 46 Kai-iwi ... ... 1 35 i\ Dec. 20, 1877 H. Brown Oct. 2,1880 I. Marnes NE"W 15 31 | Inglewood ... I 0 72 21 65 j TarikiRoad ... | 0 24



RETURN No. 17-Continued. Particulars of Private Sidings and Sheds, &c.— continued. PICTON SECTION.

Date of Original Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By Whom Constructed. Tenure. Amount o£ Value of the Traffic through tht Year ending 31st March, Siding during 1882. Guaranteed. In. Out. Total. April 4, 1876 Hathaway and Thompson May 30, „ J. Hornby Not known ... J. H. Dalton ... Jan. 19,1882 Fell Brothers ... M. oh. 7 33 Para 3 74 Mount Pleasant ... 5 72 Koromiko 17 73 Blenheim M. ch. Government ... Wo particulars >j ... „ ... ... Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo' s notice £ £ a. d. 32 18 6 13 17 9 52 14 10 No account. £ s. d. 298 6 9 180 14 5 303 6 3 £ a. a. 331 5 3 194 12 2 356 1 1 Sept. 8, 1881 [ Neale and Haddow Jan. 1,1876 | Wicks and Wilson Not known ... Vaughan and Cordner ... Dee. 16,1881 Bamberger and.Franz ... Feb. 25,1873 Moir and Co. ... Sept. 19,1881 T. C. Moorhouse and Co. July 19, 1873 New Zealand Produce Co. Dec. 28,1870 Wood, Sinclair, and Co. April —,1876 Sedcole and Rhyde Nov. 29,1875 Isaac Wilson ... „ 24,1881 J. S. White ... — 1877 P. Cunningham — „ Talbot and McClatchie ... — ,, New Zealand Shipping Co. Oct. 6, „ Royse, Stead, and Co. ... March 2, 1878 ,, „ (extension) Not known ... Gasworks Co. Sept. 7,1877 Miles and Co., and W. BoothandCo. ,, 26, ,, W. Montgomery and Co. Dec. 4, „ Oct. 22, „ W. H. Hargreaves Dec. 22, ,, James Goss Jan. 14,1878 Langdown and Co. Sept. 26,1877 O.W.Turner... March 14,1878 Springfield Coal Co. „ 14, „ J. T, Brown ... Aug. 12, ,, McClatchie and Macintosh „ 24, „ N.Z. L. andM. A. Co. ... .„ 24, „ ]?. B. Lloyd and Co. ... Oct. 22, „ Dyason ' ... Nov. 5, „ T. and E. Pavitt | Kelson 3 60 | Kaiata (Value of to 24 49 At Sefton 0 27 ,, Rangiora 16 77 Southbrook 7 0 Belfast ... 7 1 At Belfast 1 17 At Riccarton 20 60 „ Bast Oxford ... 1 52 Wilson's Siding 2 51 At Jackson's Road... „ Lyttelton ,, ,, ... | GK ... | HUE iffio durin 0 27 1 22 1 38 0 25 0 24 0 23 0 24 0 20 0 36 0 17 0 25 0 30 0 11 0 26 0 27 0 39 0 35 I •a NELSON SECTION. | Grantee ... ... | 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice ... ... | IEYMOTTTH SECTION. | Government ... | No particulars ... ... ... | 1TJNUI-BLTJFF SECTION, ng twelve months ending 31st December, 1881.) | Government ... No particulars Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice Government ... Eor ever Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice Government For ever ,, ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice „ ... No particulars ,, ... ,j ... ... ... Grantee ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice Government ... No particulars j, ... ,, ... ... ... „ ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, :3180 damages... £70 „ ... ,, ... No particulars ... .... Government ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £233 damages... „ ... „ „ £100 „ £95 „ ... £40 „ ... „ ... „ „ £240 „ „ ... „ „ £56 „ ,, ... „ „ £3d „ ,, ... „ ,, £73 „ £260 „ „ ... „ j, ±-40 ,, £90 „ ... „ ... „ „ £55 „ „ ... „ „ £52 ,, 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 I I 148 9 6 | 0 12 324 6 7 Nil. 134 0 3 37 5 5 311 1 4 145 12 8 71 10 7 Ml. 4,055 4 0 5,266 0 6 Nil. ] 1,389 3 0 1,083 9 4 1,064 14 9 | 2,649 2 10 851 0 3 1,254 4 2 980 0 2 5,460 11 4 1,087 7 6 968 19 7 1,619 10 5 Nil. 1,005 13 11 295 15 0 1,304 11 3 17 12 0 | 185 9 7 | 585 19 11 ; 281 15 7 810 2 7! 595 9 2 '■ 40 8 0 ■ 273 9 8 1,986 2 4 412 11 2 1,242 4 3 43 8 5 107 3 4 707 10 5 | 20 10 3 41 10 4 174 16 4 1,594 18 10 ! 48 5 3 235 12 0 142 9 3 144 15 11 9 7 5 105 6 1 166 1 6 185 10 9 910 6 6 415 15 10 37 5 5 1,121 3 11 741 1 10 40 8 0 345 0 3 6,041 6 4 5,678 11 8 2,631 7 3 1,125 17 9 1,171 18 1 3,356 13 3 871 10 6 1,295 14 6 1,154 16 6 7,055 10 2 1,135 12 9 1,204 11 7 1,761 19 8 1,150 9 10 305 2 5 1,409 17 4' 1 78 Z Heat'hcote 1 78 6 1 Christcrmrch 6 2 6 49 6 50 6 46 6 62 6 9 6 19 „ 6 51 5 76 „ 6 15 6 52 6 53 6 65 ,, 6 61



HUEUNTJ; :-BLTJFF SECTION--continued. Oct. 21, 1879 May 22, „ Feb. 20, 1882 Jan. 23, 1878 Oct. 25, 1879 April 28, 1866 J. A. Mdlraith N.Z. L. and M. A. Co. ... „ „ (cross over) Dr. Symes Springfield Coal Co. J. T. Brown (Brewery) ... 6 15 6 53 6 50 7 32 0 10* 7 39 Christchurch Addington 33 ... 0 11 0 27 0 24 0 28 ... 0 10 0 21 Grovernment ... I ... Grantee ... Government lOyrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £100 damages... £175 „ ... £24 „ ... £270 „ ... For ever (by deed) 300 300 300 300 205 11 6 | 30 2 9 889 18 10 Nil. Nil. 0 12 6 99 8 7 206 4 0 30 2 9 989 7 5 Oct. —, 1876 Jan. 25, 1881 Mar. 20, 1879 Jan. 20, 1880 A. Moore and Co., and G. King ... A. Moore and Co. W. White T. P. Baber ... Hon. J. Hall ... Wood, Sinclair, and Co. ... S. Smart John Tosswill... White and Co. W. J. G-. Bluett and Co. W. White W. J. a. Bluett and Co. New Zealand Produce Co. Tosswill and Moffit Maxwell and Mathias ... Springfield Coal Co. Mollraith Ford and Ogden Sheath's Trustees Saunders Brothers Friedlander Jameson and Roberts P. Cunningham Matson, Cox, and Co. ... N.Z. L. andM. A. Co. ... J. Clarke Mossman J. L. Beswiek ... G-rigg Miles, Archer, and Co.'... National Mortgage and A. Co. Cunningham and Co. J. Bruce J. a. Allen ... W. Evans N.Z. L. andM. A. Co. ... Canterbury Farming Co-operative Association (Limited) 7 57 7 60 7 46 7 60 7 50 7 60 12 7 2 78 21 29 25 39 25 32 25 23 13 8 10 22 19 46 29 63 8 75 10 71 10 0 57 77 58 73 58 72 59 4 58 76 58 70 60 68 60 65 60 65 64 51 105 54 105 70 105 55 106 21 106 8 105 72 105 75 106 10 19 Government, at expense of grantees Government Grantee ... Government No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice „ „ £22 damages ... £60 „ ... For ever 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £40 damages ... 6 mo's notice No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £25 damages ... £33 „ ... No particulars ] 3,688 11 7 2,684 9 2 6,373 0 9 0 14 300 300 677 7 11 1,247 18 3 Nil. Nil. 249 1 9 1,095 10 3 926 9 8 2,343 8 6 Sept. 14, 1881 April 21, 1877 Feb. 29, 1876 Aug. 7, 1877 Oct. 9, „ Nov. 20, „ Not known ... 3) Hornby Prebbleton Leeston Southbridge 33 o 10 ... 0 17 0 23 ... 0 16 Not made... Grantee ... Government Grantee ... 300 558 17 9 22 15 0 33 9 11 182 18 9 564 17 10 27 2 11 505 13 6 303 3 3 544 19 1 June 27, 1877 Jan. 15, 1879 Nov. 25, 1880 Mar. 17, 1876 Aug. 4, 1877 Dec. 22, 1875 Nov. —, 1876 May 17, 1877 Dec, 4, 1877 April 1, 1881 Sept. 23, 1880 Nov. 4, 1881 Not known ... Nov. —, 1878 Feb. 4, 1878 Not known ... Oct. 2, 1874 Aug. 26, 1875 Nov. 17, 1872 Aug. 16, 1876 Nov. —, 1877 „ 7, 1879 Jan. 26, 1880 „ 6, 1882 Factory Kirwee Racecourse" Hill Springfield Glentunnel South Malvern Ashburton 33 Tinwald 1 0 0 62 0 14 ... 0 13 0 25 ... 0 17 0 11 Government Government i 33 Grantee ... 3) 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £120damages... £45 „ ... 33 33 No particulars For ever ... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £40 damages ... £55 „ ... £95 „ ... 300 300 300 300 6 0 1 4 7 11 472 3 7 120 4 6 544 19 1 Nil. 136 9 2 25 15 9 61 3 11 217 19 10 2 12 7 179 3 6 Not tised. 104 1 5 1,317 10 10 204 16 9 46 2 3 348 11 5 Nil. 149 1 6 243 14 9 209 16 9 2,051 6 6 1,675 18 6 278 13 9 285 10 8 269 10 6 271 0 8 2,269 6 4 1,678 11 1 457 17 3 Government ,, 300 300 300 307 3 4 1,565 5 10 1,021 3 2 259 9 11 450 12 8 411 4 9 2,882 16 8 1,225 19 11 305 12 2 799 4 1 33 Grantee ... 33 33 33 33 33 Government 33 33 No particulars 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £263 damages... £60 No particulars Terminable by Govt., by paying £500 No particulars 300 300 Not used. Not used. 155 11 8 1,434 11 9 1,571 4 3 683 8 1 551 3 1 290 4 1 1,050 3 11 767 12 7 357 14 7 1,398 0 5 1,398 0 5 5) ... ... ,3 Winslow Timaru 5) 11 ... 0 13 0 12 0 34 0 21 33 33 33 33 33 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £35 damages ... £100 „ ... 300 300 373 16 3 92 8 3 61 6 0 39 12 7 66 14 6 87 1 7 434 13 0 80 16 5 0 8 2 529 7 11 1,527 0 0 1,632 10 3 723 0 8 617 17 7 377 5 8 1,484 16 11 848 9 0 358 2 9 }J 53 0 23 33 Grantee ... „ ,, jj jj * North line.


RETURN No. 17— continued. Particulars of Private Sidings and Sheds, &c.— continued. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION— continued.


Date of Original Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station and Distance therefrom. By "Whom Constructed. Tenure. Amount of Traffic Guaranteed. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during Tear ending 31st March, 1882. In. Out. Total. M. eh. 116 9 121 71 128 44 M. ch. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. 273 16 6 136 4 6 46 9 8 £ s. d. 273 16 6 157 13 1 69 13 6 March— ,1880 Dec. 24, 1876 Sept. 7, 1876 Jan. 5, 1882 „ 29,1877 Nov. 2, 1874 „ —, 1877 Feb. 28, 1882 April 18, 1876 Feb. 18, 1878 N.Z. and A. L. Co. Quinn Brothers Studholme Brothers N.Z. L. and M. A. Co. ... Rickman J. T. Meek ... St. Andrews Otaio Studholme Junction Studholme Junction Waimate Oamaru o'Vo 1 60 Government is Grantee ... Government No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £62 damages ... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £73 damages ... 33 33 33 300 21 8 7 23 3 10 Nil. 11 4 43 158 2 158 18 158 7 157 42 157 41 ,, o"l8 9] Grantee ... Government Grantee ... 300 300 1,158 5 5 495 16 11 309 11 1 495 16 11 1,467 16 6 Jan. 23, 1878 Not known ... July 18, 1876 Sept. 29, 1875 Not known ... — 1881 Jan. 10, 1882 Not known ... 33 33 33 33 33 Nov. 1, 1877 Craig Oamaru Town Council .. . f Kerr and MeCallum ... i Oamaru Harbour Board Menlove and Edwards ... N.Z. and A. Land Co. ... Teschemaker ... Anderson Logan's Point Quarry ... Port Chalmers Quarry Co. Findlay and Co. N.Z. L. and M.A. Co. ... Dunediu Corporation Anderson and Guthrie and Larnaeh Clarke and Wright Cargill, Gibbs, and Co., Tomlinson and Co., and McLean Brothers Reid and Grey, Henry and Co., and Wilson, Harraway, and Co. Martin and Watson !3mith and Fotheringham W. White Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. Burnside Sale-yards Wilson, Harraway, and Co. McGill and Forrest Refrigerating Co. Runciman's Walton Park Coal Co. ... Calverley's Fernhill Colliery Co. ... Gfreen Island Coal Co. ... Freeman Dunedin Corporation Mosgiel Woollen Factory ] 158 0 14 38 166 27 165 26 204 10 234 53 227 78 235 59 236 0 236 53 236 35 235 59 236 37 236 45 ,, ,, ,, Ngapara Maheno Totara Waikouaiti Port Chalmers „ (Upper) Dunedin ,, ... ,, 0 38 0 39 0 44 0 53 1 25 0 33 0 31 0 20 0 52 0 36 0 20 0 38 0 46 Government 33 3, Grantee '... Government 5) 33 33 33 33 33 33 ■•' 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £152 damages... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £50 damages ... No particulars 33 ■ •• ■ ' ■ " • 33 ,3 ... ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 33 33 No particulars 33 •" ' . ." 33 33 33 33 ••' •" 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £27/13 damages 300 300 555 10 0 34 17 0 3,909 16 0 , 165 2 7 111 12 0 123 8 3 Ml. 2,684 15 4 1,347 18 5 1,566 17 4 281 13 8 1,161. 8 9 904 6 10 205 11 8 1,821 1 0 135 16 8 369 5 3 668 0 11 102 4 1 291 0 O 432 5 9 301 19 4 314 14 9 91 18 10 10 4 9 156 15 1 161 1 4 761 1 8 34 17 0 5,730 17 0 135 16 8 534 7 10 779 12 11 225 12 4 291 0 0 3,117 1 1 1,649 17 9 314 14 9 1,658 16 2 291 18 5 1,318 3 10 1,065 8 2 Oct. 22,1879 Not known ... April 26, 1877 July 2, 1881 Jan. 28, 1880 Not known ... April 26, 1877 Dec. 5, 1881 Not known ... 235 54 237 11 237 0 239 24 239 22 0 21 240 15 239 23 0 26 1 2 7 241 70 242 65 241 70 241 71 243 42 0 73 Kensington 0 25 33 33 33 " 33 No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £32/5/10 dmgs. 1,000 957 18 9 252 13 5 618 16 8 24 6 8 2,940 4 0 719 14 4 131 13 4 228 18 0 85 7 2 45 7 1 220 16 10 578 11 4 80 1 8 1,089 12 1 481 11 5 704 3 10 69 13 9 3,161 0 10 1,298 5 8 80 1 8 Burnside 0 10 0 77 0 79 0 21 33 33 Grantee Government 33 33 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £— damages ... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £42/17/1 dmgs. 300 300 ,, 33 300 33 0 78 0 26|0 13 0 64 0 59 0 64 0 65 0 46 0 10 33 Grantee ... Government ,, ... Walton Park Abbotsf ord 33 33 No particulars Nil. 849 8 10 56 10 0 61 1 7 1,906 16 0 890 10 10 988 8 7 683 12 9 1,172 4 10 910 10 5 1,963 6 0 890 10 10 988 8 7 683 12 9 1,172 4 10 311 5 0 301 5 11 33 33 Aug." 24, 1878 Not known ... ,, 33 33 10 yrs.; 3 mo's "notice, £49 damages ... No particulars 300 ,, 33 3, 5S ■■• Wingatui Mosgiel 33 33 „ 3) ... ... 311 5 O 254 9 10 46 16 1 31 33 I



May 14, 1881 Jan. 14, 1881 Not known ... April 18, 1877 Nov. 6, 1878 Oct. 24, 1877 Not known ... McKenzie Shand's Berkley McDonald P. McGill Capstick and DutHe W. Toleher ... Wliite Nelson T. J. Hopkin ... Bastings, Leary, and Co. Angus ... ... A. McLeod N.Z. and A. L. Co. 3 1 257 57 267 51 271 42 271 24 21 76 278 51 283 45 288 0 335 2 343 35 350 34 351 60 355 22 363 53 365 32 366 27 369 2 368 2 368 2 374 60 374 10 375 15 380 60 386 9 386 23 391 61 391 61 391 61 2 40 3 37 5 22 17 20 22 79 26 26 2 0 6 32 9 20 12 5 22 71 North Taieri Henley Milburn Milton Lawrence Loveil's Hat Stirling Balclutha Gore Mataura Ota Creek Edendale Oteramaka Woodlands Longbush 0 53 0 59 2 30 0 22 Grantee ... 33 Government 3} 33 33 33 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice ... ... I 33 33 "• •" No particulars ' 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £32/12/10 dmgs. £112/15 „ „ . „ £20/3/4 „ No particulars ■ 300 300 300 305 14 10 330 13 2 406 7 1 949 1 1 87 19 4 4 14 1 18 14 4 1,604 2 1 1,809 7 0 435 14 10 182 5 6 249 12 10 321 13 6 305 14 1* 349 7 6 2,010 9 2 2,758 8 1 523 14 2 182 5 6 249 12 10 326 7 7 Bee. 14, 1881 Dec. 22, 1878 Aug. 15, 1876 Sept. 2, ,, June 5, 1878 Jan. 23, „ — 1876 Feb. 5,1881 — 1876 33 Grantee ... Government 33 ... ... ... 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £64 damages ... No particulars ... ... ... 300 Nil. 154 16 0 181 6 8 32 10 10 336 2 8 32 10 10 064 0 67 33 33 33 33 • ■* ■•• *•' 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £109/17 dmges. £52/15/2 „ No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice No particulars 300 300 Nil. | 0 17 10 370 15 6 371 13 4 Oct. 9, 1877 — 1876 Mar. 18, „ Oct. 3, „ Wot known ... „ 24, 1879 Not known ... Aug. 23, 1879 Hot known ... „ 21, 1879 Jan. 15, 1878 Not known ... — 1876 Aug. 26, 1879 Dec. 4,1877 Oct. 30, 1879 Not. 6, 1878 April 5, 1881 Aug. 23, 1879 Dec. 1, 1877 Oct. 30, 1879 Dec. —, 1881 33 33 ■•• ••■ Meat-Preserving Co. McCalluni and Co. Tapper and Lee C. W. Dawson J. H. Dawson and Sons... Brown Martin, Maitland, and Co. James Angus ... ... Hatch Corporation Waterworks, Inverc'gill Corporation Gasworks „ James McLaughlin Waddell N.Z. L. and M. A. Co. ... Nicholl and Tucker Invercargill Corporation Angus E. Eldred J. Ramsay J. McDonald ... Shand (Sawmills) Hon. M. Holmes F. Jack, also Wright's ... Invercargill Corporation M. Instone McKillop and Trail One-Tree Point 3) S3 Invercargill 33 33 Woodend G-reenhills Bluff 0 14 0 5 0 20 1 20 1 20 0 50 0 45 0 74 0 53 0 39 33 33 Grantee ... Government 33 33 3} 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 ■•* '■• ••• 33 • ■' ■•• ■•• 10 yrs. ; 3 mo's notice, £102 damages No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £80 damages ... No particulars 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £27 damages ... 33 33 £55 „ No particulars 300 300 300 300 56 18 7 130 4 9 100 8 0 19 3 | 112 6 1 382 11 1 1,754 3 8 26 12 7 56 5 0 1,675 11 6 3,252 11 3 1,835 14 10 267 15 1 38 12 4 Not used Not used 6 7 0 18 4 1 Nil 895 8 2 24 19 9 868 4 10 3,820 0 0 465 9 0 996 18 6 207 19 7 208 14 1 439 10 10 99 15 0 646 11 2 34 1 2 153 4 4 169 6 7 81 18 4 998 9 7 3,920 8 0 466 18 3 1,109 4 7 590 10 8 1,962 17 9 26 12 7 439 10 10 99 15 0 702 16 2 1,709 12 8 3,405 15 7 2,005 1 5 267 15 1 51 5 10 33 33 33 Waikiwi West Plains Wallacotown Gap Road Lady Barkley Centre Bush Castle Rock Wainawa Waimatuku Thornbury Colac 0 6 0 39 0 48 0 11 1 14 0 70 0 20 a 4 0 45 0 9 33 33 S3 33 33 33 10 yrs.; 3 mo's notice, £45 damages ... £67 „ £80 „ ... £64 „ ... 300 300 300 300 12 13 6 65 5 4 447 18 7 71 12 4 466 2 8 Nil 895 8 2 416 3 6 386 3 9 183 10 4 33 Grantee ... Government j) 5 ) ... ... 300 300 300 ,, 5, £79 j, £81 „ ... 416 3 6 3) 386 3 9 183 10 4 3> Grantee ..,



RETURN No. 18. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways Open for Traffic and Under Maintenance on 31st March, 1882.

Mileage Open Additional Length Opened for Traffic during Year. Reduced Mileage Lengths Closed during Tear. Net Addition to Mileage Open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage Open for Traffic on 31at March 1882. Section. Maintenance for whole Period. on 31st March, 1881. Length Opened. Line Opened. Date of Opening. Line. Length. Whangarei Auckland ... M. chs. 4 60 129 61 Henderson's to ! Junction Hamilton Branch Kunieu 18th July, 1881 M. chs. 11 " 7 II. chs. 7 62 Eumen Junction to Riverhead M. chs. 2 60 M. chs. 8 27 M. chs. 5 68 M. chs. 4 60 I 139 10 STapier Wellington Wanganui... 69 59 68 40 114 52 12th April, :) 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 69 59 68 40 New Plymouth 39 26 Poxton deviation... Wanganui deviation Eltham-STormanby Sormanby-Hawera 20fch June, 19th Dec, 18th June 20th Oct., 3) 3? 1 16 0 27 8 20 3 40 7 15 1 44 1 "l5 0 8 0 1 0 19 8 20 3 40 0 1 0 19 7 15 1 44 ] 114 72 ] 51 06 Hurunui-Bluff ... ... 787 43 Lums den-Mararoa Riverton-Orepuki Otautau-Wairio ... 1st April, 16th July, 2nd March, 3J 1882 2 21 6 3 10 67 1 44 1 26 > 806 54 21 33 3 3 „ (Private Lines) 59 07 ft 13 11 29 I 77 35 Wairio-Nightcaps Marewhenua-Kurow 2nd „ 16th July, 1881 2 22 16 6 16 6 11 29 Westport ... Greymouth Nelson Picton ... ... 10 0 7 20 19 78 17 70 3Toxhill-B elgro ve 25th July^ 33 2'"75 2 16 2" 75 2 16 10 0 7 20 22 73 17 70 Total ... 1,328 36 65 66 34 9 4 3 61 63 32 35 1,390 19


RETURN No. 19. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employes for March, 1881, and March, 1882.

RETURN No. 20. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

21— D. 1,


Department. be I I fcuO '5 d & § -*3 "3 o 3 S « '3 q H "5 o a i O Pi IS a o I a S t-i si "5 o 1880-1881. general Craffic ... Maintenance [vocomotire 1 4 3 82 126 114 31 39 50 i 70 24 ' 70 39 70 70 44 95 47 12 38 12 639 912 651 14 10 5 5 7 6 12 14 8 8 14 5 33 887 1,340 945 Totals 8 322 105 179 186 62 2,202 29 18 31. 27 3,205 1881-82. 3-eneral rrafflo ... Maintenance Locomotive 5 4 4 92 166 140 29 55 54 : 92 28 73 111 \ 220 51 99 58 20 51 24 576 1,065 718 15 8 6 15 10 8 14 15 8 "V 19 8 33 879 1,583 1,075 Totals 13 398 37 3,570 208 95 2,359 20 33 34 Increase 5 76 j 3(55 6 41 22 33 157 15 I

Passenger! Injt 3 Killed or ired. Servants of tl Killed o] ie Department ■ Injured. Persona Killed or Injured while Crossing at level Crossings. Trespas3ers. Workshops. Miscellaneous. T3 ! 3 O Section, Front beyoi own Causes id their Control. From t Misei or W Cau iheir own onduct /"ant of ition. From beyoni own C CauBea d their 'ontrol. From t Misci or W Cau :heir own :onduct rant of ition. 13 a o Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed.1 iDJured. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. Killed.] Injured. Killed.! ! Injured. Killed. Injured. 1 2 2 I "2 4 1 1 10 2 1 2 1 29 2 Vhangarei ... aiekland rapier Vollington ... few Plymouth lurunui-Blufi rreymoutli ... f elson 'icton 2 1 "2 9 2 ... •■ 1 I 8 3 2 1 3 '.'.'. ' i ... 1 ... '.'.'. "7 1 4 1 1 1 "5 1 10 i i 1 1 1 1 Totals ... 2 3 11 3 14. 3 6 j 8 " 7 1 5 2 17 49



RETURN No. 21. HURUNUI-B LUFF. GRAND SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Haulage. Detail. Running. Repairs. Running. Hep airs. liunning. I ill q EH m (3 Division. Train. ! Shunting: Ballast. Total. Wages and Alaterial. Wages. Total. Wages and Material. s- '—' 5n S 3 £ Total. Ton-Milea. a Is -5 Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Stores. Fuel. Cwts. Qts. Lbs. Lbs. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. Humnui-Oamaru 735,732! 312,593 53,581 1,101,906 290,148 17,729 5,340 13,269 5,679 2 5 1,599 5 4 10,819 7 6 15,926 4 1 3,4023 19 4 1-237 ■348J 2-356 7-409 3-468 66,843,311 90-85 •081 Oamaru-Clinton ... 599,134 171,275 81,670 855,079! 320,280 16,719 9,947 12,058 8,758 16 8 1,472 2 0! 11,307 9 5 12,203 5 0! 33,741 13 1 2-458 ■413 3-174 3-425 9-470 54,127,814 90-34! j -105 Clinton-InTercargill 300,404 70,004 55,040 425,4481 97,435 8,093 2,955 5,216 4,141 4 5 658 12 2 5,489 4 0 5,612 9 5 15,901 10 0 2-336 ■370 3-097 3-167 8-970 23,238,366 77-35 •116 Total 1 ! I I I 1,635,270 553,872; 193,291 2,382,433 707,863 18,242 30,543 27,616 0 11 33,741 18 6 83,667 2 5 144,209,491 88-15: ■095 42,541 18,579 3 6 3,729 19 6 1-871 •376: 2-782 3-399 8-428 Recapitulation. Cr. — By recoverable mileage 1,635,270 553,872 193,291: 2,382,433 ... ... 83,667 2 5 23,219 73,053 96,272 ... 2,661 13 3 Per EngineMile. Per TrainMile. I ! i I I [ I I a. 12-06 1,612,051 553,872 120,238 2,286,161 81,005 9 2 d. 8-50 ... I General charges .., ... I 11,233 2 J 1-18 I 1-67 I I ! . ! j I I 1 Total 1,612,051 553,872 120,238: 2,286,161 I I - 1373 92,238 11 6 9-68



RETURN No. 21-continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1882. HURUNUI-OAMARU DIVISION.

Type. a ■s si I I © II Detail. Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Storea. Running. Bepairs. Cost. Running. Repairs. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Runninj Total. Ton-Miles. Haulage. el a Ml . O g □Q I Shunting. Ballast. Total. I Wages and \ Material. Storea. Wages and Material. Train. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Fuel. Wages. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages A 10 B 1 0 1 D 5 E 1 P& O 1? a i 4 J j 12 K 6 M 4 s ! l Total i 66 12 15 12 12 15 15 12 18 35 15 35 12 45,905 19,859 109,269 410 91,746 55,434 203,756 131,688 54,870 22,767 28 79,217 5,840 250 25,669 437 73,849 20,064 41,354 13,381 24,153 7,622 20,757 11,009 1,111 28,199 167 13,001 I Cwts. 136,131j 22,129 25,699! 8,057 250! 50 136,049: 29,193 8471 293 193,79* 38,300 75,665! 21,753 258,111! 97,146 145,069 39,289 79,023: 22,088 30,483! 8,208 20,785| 3,642 1,101,906 290,148 Qts. Lbs. 1,565 332 367 77: 12 II 1,933 793 37 12 3,191 614 1,443 371 4,708 1,382 2,259 1,029 1,466 407 484 136 264; 186 17,729 5,340 Lbs. 1,193 338 1,388 20 2,519 756 3,514 1,821 1,054 376 285 £ s. d. £ s. d. 834 0 0 134 14 3 83 17 0; 40 2 9 110 8! 19 4! 506 14 2J 173 19 8 9 16 10 4 6 7 907 10 4> 290 1 6 802 9 2| 123 9 4 1.308 12 8! 413 11 0! 497 15 10; 209 5 2! 574 10 1 135 18 5) 121 19 0 41 3 ll! 30 6 8 28 3 5 £ s. d. 818 18 6 296 8 8 1 12 2 1,083 5 9 13 8 6 1,470 9 5 1 736 8 9! 3,467 4 1 1,632 12 4 905 10 5 266 15 5! 126 13 6 £ 9. d.i 2,231 5 9 381 4 2 5 3 0 1,934 4 10 14 18 3 3,205 10 6 1,085 14 9 3,601 15 1 1,575 2 5 1,172 7 6 423 13 3; 295 4 7! £ s. d. 4,018 18 6 801 12 7 9 15 2 3.698 4 5 42 10 2 5,873 11 9 2,748 2 0 8,791 2 10 3,914 15 9 2,788 6 5 856 11 7 480 8 2 1-471 "237 •783 -375 1-472 1-408 •894 1 -307 2-789 1-227 1-124! -359 2-545 -391 1-217 -385 ■823 -346 1-745J -413 •960 -349 •350; -325 1-444 2-769 1-544 1-911 3-804 1-821 2-336 3-223 2-701 2-750; 2-100: 1-463 3-934 3-560 4-944 3-412 4-224 3-970 3-444 3-349 2-606 3-561 3-335! 3-409 7-086! 7-487 9-368 6-524 12-044 7-274 8-716 8-174 1 6-476 8-469 6-744 5-547 ! 2,127,434; 2,541,594! 6,352,410 79,708 5,674,709 4,893,212 27,366,602 10,453,672; 6,270,421 1,083,183! 366! 46-34 127-98 58-14 194-60 61-85 88-27 132-93 79-37 11428 47-57 1307 ■153 •058 ■112 •060 •117 ■098 •061 •089 •073 •141 ■423 1,895 23? 1,305 1( 2,14? 76f 2,42C l,10S 85E 275 30; 94 735,71)2 312,593 53,581 13,269 5,679 2 5 1,599 5 4 2-356! 3-468 ■081 1133: 10,819 7 6 15,926 4 11 34,023 19 4 1-237 -348j 7-409, 66,843,311 90-85 OAMARU-CLINTON DIVISION. A B E ¥& O J L Q T WPE 1 4 14 6 2 1 7 0 1 12 2,741 12 15,228 16! 52,906 15! 41,423 16 173,075 18 70,963 15 17,180 12 47 18: 4,889 15 109,255 10! 111,427 15 ... ... 599,134 17,044! 3,786 13,725! 64,0551 15,547 6,417 5,00S 2,787 1,339 29,507 12,005 55 314 2,965 52 57,253 5,878 298 20,099J 21,979 66,683! 162,731' 194,500; 77,380! 22,486; 2,834' 6,228: 138,871! 141,233 55! 2,899 [ 5.157 33,904; 42,925 73,330 26,739 6,093 390 1,479 51,600 75,750 I 14 180, 277 1,822 3,177 3,368 1,307 421 14 163 2,772 3,217 1 165 147 921 1,530 1,789 957 165 21 112 2,084 2,056 173 235 1,005 1,971 2,693 1,105 249 22 109 1,992 2,504 12 5 11 101 0 11 109 6 7 1,416 4 5 2,900 12 0 799 8 6 402 2 1 173 0 6 44 9 4 9 13 1 1,292 14 5 1,497 18 11 16 18 8! 21 16 3: 154 1 1 256 11 3 298 14 6J 113 17 9| 32 13 8 1 12 1 14 19 10 261 14 9 299 0 7 0 17 105 19 5 173 15 8 1,170 9 3 1,473 1 5 2,505 11 6 1,064 9 6 218 2 9 10 3 11 50 2 4 1,889 7 9 2,645 16 10 0 9 1 318 0 10 373 12 2 1,061 1 1 2,676 19 1 2,376 9 0 882 14 8 303 15 1 41 8 6 83 5 6 2,087 10 4 1,997 8 3 10 6 453 4 10 101 0 11 678 10 8 3,801 15 10 7,307 3 9 5,980 3 6 2,463 4 0 727 12 0 97 13 10 158 0 9 5,531 7 3 6,440 4 7 1 11 2 •146 1-194 5-097 4-277 •987 1-247 1-846 3-766 •372 2-235 2-546 •202 ... I •237 '558 ■378 •3651 ■3531 ■348: ■136! •577 •452 •508 ■345 1-266 3-798 1-898 4-080 4-208! 3-822 2-172; 3-948 3-092! 2-933 3-302! 2-737 2-328-3-243 •863 [ 3-508 1-902 3-209 3-265! 3-607 4-496 3-394 1-982 4-473 5-411 7-409 13-683 10-775 7-379 7-639 7-765 8-273 6-090 9-559 10-944 6800 147,716 937,963 4,454,159 2,493,579 18,024,608 5,350,149 985,213 2^740 351,952 8,346,374 13,033,361 53-89 61-59 84-19 60-19 104-14 69-14 57-34 58-29 71-98 76-39 116-96 •104: '•120! •162! "179 •070J •101 •135 •142 •085 •12o! •092| i 2S! 271 ! 56( 11,87: 11,5K 57! 24: 4( 6! 1,42! 1,43( ] 109 17,801 ... ... ... : i 171,275 84,670 J. 855,0791 320,280 16,719 9,947 8,758 16 8 Total 49 12,058! 1,472 2 0! 11,307 9 5 12,203 5 0 33,741 13 1 2-4581 •413 3-174: 3-425 9-470 54,127,814 90-34 •105 8,311 CLTNTOK-INVERCARGILL DIVISION. A C :f & o K K 2 2 1 1-1 4 2 1 1 12 12 12 15 15 17 15 15 729 16,483 28,258 103,302 118,117 22,413 11,004 98 4,397 4,811 2,754 40,902 13,195 2,190 1,745 10 4,148 177 50,715 9,274! 21,471 31,012 194,919 131,312 24,603 12,749 108 1,331 3,669 5,651 34,186 41,992 6,529 4,035 42 142 364 592 3,694 2,715 337 240 9 49 103 120 1,076 1,151 338 116 2 95! 281 2821 2,439| 1,638 315 160 6 36 1 4 285 7 7 44 11 6 2,508 13 10 488 12 6 67 14 6 238 11 6 471 11 8 13 1 1! 29 13 0 j 43 4 10 306 15 1 210 12 10 31 13 2 22 5 6 16 8 83 16 lo' 152 12 2 226 1 2; 347 19 8 355 10 7 420 12 7 2,048 13 5 2,858 4 10 2,184 11 2 1,442 11 0 374 4 9 255 8 0 213 8 4 132 9 3 2 17 9 2 11 11 285 11 5 889 1 5 863 19 6 7,722 7 2 4,326 7 6 729 0 5 606 14 7 478 8 0 •933 3-189 •345 3-088 ■893 •660 4-491 1047-963 •338! ■33l! ■335 •377 •385 •308 ■419 2-963 2-170 2-527 2-751 2-522 3-992 3-651 4-017 6-416! 3-9491 3-890 3-255 3-519 2-637 2-492 2-494 5-768 7-390 9-937 6-686 9-506 7-907 7-111 11-421 1063-110 33,399 800,134 1,741,448 6,581,229 11,293,281 1,874,777 909,396 4,702 45-81 48-55 61-62 63-70 95-61 83-64 82-64 48-00 ■161 •205 •108 •149 •082 •085 •138 22-158 13< 23( 28< 2,18! 87' 22i 91 Total 27 300,404 70,004 55,040 I 5,216 4,141 4 5 658 12 2 •37O| 77-35 ■116 4,03! ... 425,448 97,435 8,093 2,955 5,489 4 0 5,612 9 5 15,901 10 0 2-336 3-097! 3-167 8-970 23,238,366


T) 1

RETURN No. 21— continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Return for Year ending 31st March, 1882. Hurunui-Oamaru Division.

Engine-Mileage. Quantity ot Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Milo in Pence. Haulage. Type. I fig I r Kunning. Repairs. Running. Eepairs. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Running". Ton Miles. I sill p. ft qC-I w o3 02 I Detail. Total. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wastes and Material. 12 Train, 45,905 Shunting, 79,217 Ballasting, 11,009 Cwts. 22,129 Qts. 1,565 Lbs. 332 Lbs. 1,193 £ s. a. I 281 4 9 485 6 3 67 9 0 £ s. d. 45 8 6 78 7 10 10 17 11 £ s. d. 276 3 0 476 11 0 66 4 6 £ s. a. 752 8 4 1,298 8 7 180 8 10 £ s. cl.i 1,355 4 7 2,338 13 8 325 0 3 2,127,434 46-34 •153 1,898 10 ... ... - ... 136,131 1-471 •237 1-444 3-934 3934 7-086 B 15 Train, 19,859 Shunting, 5,840 Ballasting ... 8,057 367 77 338 64 16 0 19 1 0 31 0 6 9 2 3! 229 1 5 67 7 3 29i 12 4 86 11 10 619 10 3 182 2 4 2,541,594 127-98 •58 235 25,699 '•783 •375 2;769! 3-5601 I 3'560; I 7-487 C Shunting, P250 250 50 12 1 5 1 10 8 19 4 1 12 2 5 3 0 9 15 2 1-472 1-408 1-544 4-944 4-944 9-368 4 1 12 D 5 12 Train, 109,269 Shunting, 25,669 Ballasting, 1,111 29,193 1,933 793 1,388 406 19 2: 95 12 3 4 2 9 139 14 8 32 16 7 18 5 870 0 8 204 8 2 8 16 11 1,553 9 6 364 19 4 15 16 0 2,970 4 0 697 16 4 30 4 1 ! '" I 6,352,410 58-14 •112 1,309 E 136,049 '•894 •307! 1-911 3-412 6-524! ... 15 Train,' 410 .., Shunting, 437 Ballasting ... 293 37 12 20 4 15 3 5 17 2 1 11 2 4 8 6 10 0 6 18 6 7 4 4 7 13 11 20 11 G 21 18 8 I 79,708 194-60 •060 10 ... i ... ; ... F &O "847 2-789 1-2271 3-8,04 4-224 12-044 ... I i 10 15 Train, 91,746 Shunting, 73,849 Ballasting, 28,199 38,300 3,191 614 2,519 429 12 Oj 345 17 3i 132 1 ll J137 5 10 1110 11 6 42 4 2 696 3 0 560 7 1 213 19 4 1,517 11 5 1,221 10 5 466 8 8 2,780 13 4 2,238 5 1 854 13 4| I j 5,674,709 61-85 •117 2,145 a 193,794 1-124 V359 1-821 3-970 7-274 12 Train, 55,434 Shunting, 20,064 Ballasting, 167 21,753 1,443 371 756 587 17 10 212 15 11 1 15 5 90 9 2 32 14 9 0 5 5 539 10 11 195 5 3 1 12 1 795 8 9 287 18 1 2 7 11 2,013 6 8 728 14 0 6 14 4,893,212 88-27 ■098 766 75^665| ! 2-545 ■391' 2-336' 3-444 8-716 j 12 18 Train, 203,756 Shunting, 41,354 Ballasting, 13,001 97,146 4,708 1,382 3,514 1,032 16 7 209 16 5 65 19 8 326 9 3 66 5 2 20 16 7 2,737 0 2 555 11 0 174 12 11 2,843 5 4 577 1 5 181 8 4 6,939 11 4 1,408 14 0 442 17 6 3-223 3-349 27,366,602 132-93 •06l! 2,420 258,111 1-217 ■385 8-174 K 35 Train, 131,688 Shunting, 13,381 Ballasting ... ... | 39,289 2,259 1,029 1,821 451 17 6 45 18 4 189 19 2 19 6 0 1,482 0 7| 150 11 9! 1,429 16 8 145 5 9 3,553 13 10 361 1 ll| 10,453,672 79-37 •089 1,109 M 145,069 ... ; ... ■823 ■346| 2-701! 2-606 i 6476 15 Train, 54,870 Shunting, 24,153 Ballasting ... 22,088 1,466 407 1,054 398 18 2 175 11 11 94 7 7 | 41 10 10 628 16 4 276 14 lj 814 1 2 358 6 4-1 1,936 1 10J 852 4 7i i| I ... | ... 6,270,421 114-28 1 i •073 855 Q 79,023 ... - i ... I 1-745! ■413 ... I ... 2-750i 3-56! 8-4691 I I j ... 35 Train, 22,767 Shunting, 7,622 Ballasting, 94 8,208 484 136 376 91 1 8 30 9 10 0 7 6 33 0 2 11 1 0 0 2 9 199 4 11 66 14 1 0 16 5 316 8 6 105 18 8 16 1 639 15 2 214 3 7 2 12 10 r '" i 1,083,183 47-57 •141 278 s 30,'483 r •960 •349 2-100 3-335 6-744 12 Train, 28 ... Shunting, 20,757 Ballasting ... 3,642 264 186 285 0 0 lOl 30 5 10J ! 0 0 9 j 28 2 8 0 3 5 126 10 1 0 7 11 294 16 8 0 12 ll! 479 15 3 ... i ... 366 13-07 •423 303 ... 20,785j 1 V350 •325 1-463 3-409 5;547 ... ... ... -



Oamaru— Clinton Division.

A B 12 Train, 2,741 Shunting, 17,044 Ballasting, 314 '.'.'. 20,099 2,899 180 165 173 1 13 7| 10 8 6 0 3 10 2 6 3 14 7 11 0 5 4 14 8 11 43 7 6: 61 16 3 89 17 4j 269 14 0 384 6 11 1 13 2 4 19 4 7 18 14 0 7 87 0 4 •146 ■202 1-265 3-798 147,716 5411 53-89J •104 29! 14 0 7 87 0 4 I D j ... I ... 12 Train, 15,228 Shunting, 3,786 Ballasting, 2,965 ... 21,979 5,157 277 147 235 75 15 1 18 16 8 14 14 10 15 2 4 3 15 1 ! 2 18 10 120 8 2 258 16 6 470 2 5 29 18 9 64 7 9: 116 17 7 23 8 9 50 7 11 91 10 8 1-194 ... ; 937,963 61-59 •120 275 E •237 1-898 4-080 7-409 '.'.'. 4 16 Train, 52,906 Shunting, 13,725 Ballasting, 52 ... 66,683 33,904 1,822 921 1,005 1,123 12 7 291 9 9 12 1 122 6 2 31 12 6 0 2 5' 928 19 8 812 12 11 3,017 1 4J 210 11 4 218 1 7 781 15 2 0 18 3! 0 16 7 2 19 4i i 5-097 4,454,159 j 84-191 •162 566 F&O •558 4-208' 3-822, 1 13-683: ... I 14 15 Train, 41,423 Shunting, 64,055 Ballasting, 57,253 ... 162,731 42,925 3,177 1,530 1,971 738 6 11 1,141 15 0 1,020 10 1 65 6 2 100 19 9 90 5 4 374 19 4 681 8 4 1,860 0 9 579 16 10 1,053 14 4 2,876 5 10 518 5 3; 941 16 5 2,570 17 2 4-277 ... 1 ... I 2,493,579 60-19 •179 1,871 J •378 2-172 3948 10-775 '.'.'. 16 Train, 173,075 Shunting, 15,547 Ballasting, 5,878 ... 194,500 73,330 3,368 1,789 2,693 711 7 6 63 18 0 24 3 0! J265 16 7 23 17 8 I 9 0 3 2,229 11 9; 2,114 12 11 5,321 8 9| 200 5 8 189 18 11 478 0 3 75 14 1 71 17 2 180 14 61 •987 ... 18,024,608J 104-14 ■070 1,516 K •367 3-092 2-933: 7;379i ... 18 Train, 70,963 Shunting, 6,417 Ballasting ... ... 77,380 26,739 1,307 957 1,105 368 15 2 33 6 11 104 8 11 9 8 10 976 3 6 809 10 8 2,258 18 8 88 6 0 73 4 0 204 5 4 1-247 5,350,149 69-141 •101 572 L •353 3-302 2-737 7-639, .'.. 15 Train, 17,180 Shunting, 5,008 Ballasting, 298 ... 22,486 6,093 421 165 249 132 4 1 38 10 7 2 5 10J 24 19 5 j 7 5 7 ! 0 8 8 166 13 6 232 1 6 555 18 6 4.8 11 5 67 13 1 162 0 8 2 17 10 4 0 6 9 12 10 1-846 985,213 57-34 •135 241 ... j •348 2-328 3-243 7 V765 '.'.'. P 2 12 Train, 47 ... Shunting, 2,787 Ballasting ... ... 2,834 390 14 21 22 0 14 9 43 14 7 0 0 6 1 11 7 0 3 4 0 13 10 1 12 5 10 0 7 40 14 8 96 1 5 3766 2,740 58-291 •142 40 Q •1361 •863 3-508 8-273 18 Train, 4,889... Shunting, 1,339 Ballasting ... ... 6,228 1,479 163 112 109 7 11 7 2 16 11 15 5 3 4 5 39 6 10 65 7 5 124 1 3 10 15 6 17 18 1 33 19 a •3721 | 351,952 71-98: •085 69 E •577 1-932 3-209 6-O9o! 15 Train, 109,256 Shunting, 29,506 Ballasting, 109 '.'.'. 138,871 51,600 2,772 2,084 1,992 1,016 19 1 274 15 0 10 4 205 18 4 55 12 4 0 4 1 1,486 9 0 1,642 8 3 4,351 14 8 401 9 1 443 9 4 1,175 5 91 19 8 1 12 9 4 6 10 2-235 8,346,3741 76-39 •125 1,429 T •452 3-265 3-607 ... ! 9-559; ■6 10 Train, 111,427 Shunting, 12,005 Ballasting, 17,801 ... 141,233 75,750 3,217 2,056 2,504 1,181 16 4 127 6 7 188 16 0 235 18 3 25 8 5 37 13 11 2,087 9 1 1,575 17 10 5,081 1 6 224 18 0 169 15 7 547 8 7 333 9 9 251 14 10 811 14 6 2-546 ... jl3,033,361 116-96 •092 1,436 "VVPK ';508| 4-496 3-394 10-944 ... 15 Shunting, 55 55 14 1 0 1 7J 091 106 1112: •345! 1-982 4-473 6-800J 1



RETURN No. 21— continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Return for Year ending 31st March, 1882. Clinton-Invercargill Division.

Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. 6 to . CD CO o > Eunning. Eepairs. Stores. Fuel. Eunning. Eepairs. Ruiming 1. Stores. Fuel. Wages. j Haulage. CD n K.3.3 . SBjJ g«"offi gH'S 3 O a 00 Detail. Total. Coal. Wages and Material. Wag-es and Material. Total. Ton Miles. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages. Total. A 12 Train, 729 ... Shunting, 4,397 Ballasting, 4,148 ... 1,331 142 49 95 2 16 8 17 2 0 16 2 8 ! 1 0 5 > 6 3 10 ! 5 16 10 6 12 0 39 15 0 37 9 10 11 19 11 72 7 1 68 5 2 22 9 0 135 7 11 127 14 6 9,274 ■- ... ... ... 33,399 45-81 ■161 13i C ■933 '■338 2-170 3-949 .7-390 Train, 16,483 Shunting, 4,811 Ballasting, 177 3,669 364 103 281 - 12 21,471 219 1 8 63 18 10 2 7 1 i 22 15 3 i 6 12 10 0 4 11 173 10 10 50 13 1 1 17 3 267 2 10 77 19 6 2 17 4 682 10 7 199 4 3 7 6 7 i ... I 800,134 48-55 •205 2» I) 3-1891 •331 2-527 3-890 9V937 12 Train, 28,258 Shunting, 2,754 Ballasting ... 31,012 5,651 592 120 282 40 12 4 3 19 2 39 8 1 3 16 9 323 19 2 31 11 5 383 5 6 37 7 1 787 5 0 76 14 6 1,741,448 61-626 •108 28< K ... ... j •345 ■335 2-751 3;255 6-686 15 Train, 98 ... Shunting, 10 Ballasting ... 108 42 9 2 6 427 18 5 43 13 3 14 3 0 2 5 2 12 5 0 5 4 2 7 2 0 4 9 434 2 3 44 5 9 ... 4,702 48-00 22-158 1,047-963 ... i 2-9631 ... I 6-416 5-768: 1,063-110 VkO 14 15 Train, 103,302 Shunting, 40,902 Ballasting, 50,715 194,919 34,186 3,694 1,076 2,439 1,329 10 11" 526 8 6 652 14 5 162 10 11 64 7 8 79 16 6 l,08S 14 11 429 17 10 533 0 8 1,514 15 11 599 15 6 743 13 5 4,092 13 0 1,620 9 4 2,009 4 10 ! 6,581,229 63-70 •149 2,185 3-088 V377 2-522J 3-519 9-506 J 4 15 Train, 118,117 Shunting, 13,195 Ballasting ... 131,312 I 41,992 2,715 1,151 1,638 439 12 01 49 0 6 189 9 6! 21 3 4! 1,961 19 2 222 12 0 1,297 12 0 144 19 0 3,888 12 8 437 14 10 i 11,293,281 95-61 •082 877 K ... "'•S93| V385 3-992 2-637 7-907 17 Train, 22,413 Shunting, 2,190 Ballasting ... 24,603 6,529 337 338 315 61 14 Oi 6 0 6 28 17 2 2 16 0 340 18 7 33 6 2 232 13 4 22 14 8 664 2 7 64 17 10 1,874,777 83-64 •085 225 K 15 Train, 11,004 Shunting, 1,745 Ballasting ... I ::; .... ... 4,035 240 116 160 205 18 6 32 13 0 19 4 7 3 0 11 184 4 0 29 4 4 114 6 7 18 2 8 i 523 13 8 83 0 Hi •66O: ... ... 4-491 ' I •308 ... 3651 2-492 fill I 909,396 82-64 ... •138 96 12,749 •419 4-017 2-494 11-421 ... ... - ... ... ...


Auckland Section.

Whangarei Section.

Napier Section.


B C 20 Train, 23,924 Shunting, 3,212 Ballasting ... ... 27,136 9,404 1,020 387 387 185 25 76 10 195 26 17 ! 2 1 405 55 63 5 1 861 116 ... .1-86 1 ••• '•76 1-95 4-07 ... 8;64 2,028,552 85 ■102 200 1 15 Train, 3,419 Shunting, 327 Ballasting, 60 Train Shunting, 41 Ballasting, 216 Train, 159,888 Shunting, 34,605 Ballasting, 21,861 745 72 77 52 162 14 5 11 1 253 22 7 '•75 119 4'42 17-78 ■'" 132,877 39 •456 40 D 3,806 68 '"4 "4 4 11-42 '5 10 , I 10 3 5,328 1,153 729 ¥ 14 20 "257 41,754 4,467 2,453 ... 3,311 1 1,077 233 147 1 327 71 44 " 1 874 ! 189 i 120 7 2 3,050 660 418 "■93 ... : ... : ... -93 ! 1-87 8-41 1214 9,148,573 "57 139 2,212 L 216,354 T-62 •49 i 1-31 4-58 8-00 ... 21 Train, 57,274 Shunting, 16,189 Ballasting, 3,378 ... 14,181 2,009 352 1,315 383 108 23 139 39 9 326 j 92 19 209 30 1,154 326 70 438 71 2,002 I 565 121 3,250,657 57 •148 857 76,!341 1-60 ... '•58 i 1-37 4 V84 8;39 E Train, 28,907 Shunting, 4,226 Ballasting ... 10,416 875 300 470 515 75 68 10 1,280 186 2,312,928! 80 ■132 243 19 i 33,133 357,527 ... ... 3,573 ... ... 4-27 •57 i 1-73 4-05 10; 62 16,873,587 47 139 Totals 76,568 8,447 5,539 2,102 12,636 [ I 1-98 _ •54 j 1-41 4-55 8-48 3,55' 2,953 806 6,775 I

C 16 Train, 1,327... Shunting, 262 Ballasting, 1,338 Train, 19,187 Shunting, 1,735 Ballasting, 4,739 Train, 85,852 Shunting, 1,824 Ballasting, 516 402 75 34 34 28 5 29 64 6 16 1,013 22 6 3 1 3 38 4 9 161 4 1 14 3 14 214 19 53 1,225 26 7 26 5 26 380 34 94 1,317 28 8 71 14 72 696 63 172 3,716 80 80,366 60 j •212 * ... - ... D 2,927 ... 476 5:09 ... ■57 2V54 4-67 12-87 ... 16 3,716 354 455 I ... 1,136,516 59 ■145 32< 25,661 I ... •80 '■48 | 2-67 ... 4-75 8-70 E 16,448 ... | 1,720 1,020 994 5,979,994 "70 ■150 74! 16 ... 88,192 2-83 •45 3-42 3-68 10-38 ... Totals 116,780 20,566 j | 2,277 1,408 1,483 ■45 3-24 3-94. 10-07 7,196,876 I . 66 •150 1,11] 1,189 224 1,575 1,918 4,906 2-44

2 | 15 Train, 10,436 Shunting, 2,017 Ballasting, 40 Totals ... 12,493 3,270 ... I I 693 : 25 ... | ... 349 37 59 7 | 10 i 67 12 372 76 4 . 535 105 5 '"■84 - 1-33 1-54 ... ... 8-68 12-39 275,257 26 ■466 28; 12,493 3,270 693 ! 25 349 133 1-54 8-68 12-39 275,257 26 •466 44 69 SO 452 . 645 ■84 28'



Wanganui Section.

RETURN No. 21—continued. SUMMARY of Locomotive Return for Year ending 31st March, 1882. Wellington Section.

E E 19 17 Train, 29,005 Shunting, 4,709 Ballasting ... Train, 68,037 Shunting, 6,740 Ballasting, 6,600 Train, 2,286 Shunting, 344 Ballasting, 8,865 Train, 70,442 Shunting, 9,078 Ballasting ... Totals 33,714 81,377 8,177 8,707 ... 819 1,453 494 853 504 862 389 64 499 50 49 22 3 88 664 85 73 12 123 12 12 5 1 20 143 18 447 73 506 50 49 16 3 63 809 104 425 69 959 95 93 29 6 114 1,104 143 1,334 218 2,087 207 203 72 13 285 2,720 350 3-22 176 2-35 I ... j i •60 370 351 •43 1-78 3-38 •54 1-71 . 3-11 ... 1104 7-36 1,914,476 2,463,837 66 36 •169 i ■203 322 1,006 L 1,067 ... j 239 161 134 104-150 46 •166 153 17 ... K. 11,495 14-095 ... ... 11,551 1,071 1,090 7-72 3,612,376 51 •187 18 I 894 79,520 ... 226 2'22 ■48 j 2-75 ! 3-76 ■48 i 2-46 3-53 9-26 ... 206,106 ! 2,579 8-72 8,094,839 i 42 •184 2,375 32,046 ... 4,062 2,590 1,913 419 2,120 3,037 7,489 2'22

Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Haulage. Type. o CD H h Coal. Coke. Oil. Tallow. "Waste. Running. Repairs. Stores. Fuel. "Wages. Total. Running. Eepairs. Running. Ton Miles. SO ocFh § oj-"3"S p Detail. Total. Stores. Fuel. Total. "Wages ana Material. "Wages and Material. Wages. 15 Train, 480 ... Shunting, 1,055 Ballasting, 2,782 4,317 706 8 131 11 ... 63 7 15 40 1 3 6 5 11 27 11 26 65 24 55 138 3-45 ... •56 I 233 5-72 ... 1206 13,631 28 ■422 90 ... D 15 Train, 39,678 Shunting, 16,901 Ballasting, 4,460 Train, 6,025 Shunting, 3,665 Ballasting, 100 Train, 65,627 Shunting, 11,746 Ballasting, 40 9,870 35 1,486 329 1,088 155 67 17 262 159 4 807 145 83 36 9 73 45 1 158 28 385 165 43 592 361 9 880 157 1 806 344 91 450 272 8 1,052 188 1 1,429 612 160 1,377 837 22 2,897 518 2 1,443,219 36 ■237 936 II 61,039 4,951 5,482 1,312 267 809 '■94 •50 2-33 1 ... I 4-88 8-65 349,971 ... 58 ;944 580 L 9,790 17,546 82 2,397 194 1,165 10-42 2-91 23-59 17-89 5*81 ... j 4,292,232 65 15 •162 822 E 77,413 2-95 •58 3-22 3-84 10-59 14 Train, 53,649 ; Shunting, 7,582 Ballasting, 147 Totals 15,729 264 1,457 754 979 552 78 123 17 1 831 118 2 816 115 2 2,322 328 7 3,191,762 59 ■175 583 61,378 213,937 2-4,7 •55 3-72 3-65 10-39 48,802 5,871 6,783 1,555 4,104 3,587 4,247 10,728 i •65 4-02 4-77 | 12-03 9,290,815 —— G _| •208 3,011 2,310 584 2-59



Westport Section.

Greymouth Section.

New Plymouth Section.

Nelson Section.

Picton Section.

22—P. 1

R ! 1 17 Train, 5,248 Shunting, 2,854 Ballasting ... ... ... 1,375 88 132 123 j 45 25 9 5 28 15 105 57 187 102 I ... ... 541,866 103 •128 107 8,102 ... 1 ... 2-07 i •41 1-27 4 V80 8-55 C j 2 ... 241 69 43 I 17 Train, 10,412 Shunting, 4,867 Ballasting ... 15,279 ... | 2,230 176 292 18 8 47 22 212 100 346 173 .,. ... I 1-76 •41 108 4-90 8-15 689,837 66 •119 - 219 ... I 1 Totals 23,3S1 ... 3,605 264 424 364 | 182 40 112 474 808 1-87 ! •41 1-15 4-86 8-29 1,231,703 78 •104 326

15 Train, 15,649 Shunting, 4,002 Ballasting, 798 Totals ... 20,449 I ... _ 4,254 599 891 377 55 14 3 43 11 2 94 24 5 437 112 | 22 629 161 32 "•84 ■66 1-44 6'7O ... 9-64 1,050,906 67 •143 ■ 420 ! ... 20,449 4,254 599 891 377 I •66 1-44 6-70 9-64 1,050,906 67 •143 ! 420 ... 72 56 123 571 i 822 •84 I

15 Train, 36,169 Shunting, 4,762 Ballasting, 118 7,165 1,184 156 1,040 188 1,040 214 98 12 1 397 52 1 643 85 2 1,326 174 I 1-25 4-27 j 8-80 1,151,314 32 •276 453 41,049 ... I ... i •65 i 2-63 Totals 41,049 7,165 1,184 ; 156 ! ! Ill [ ■65 ; 2-63 4-27 | 8-80 1,151,314 32 •276 450 730 1,505 ! 1-25 453

C 12 Train, 8,261... Shunting, 899 Ballasting, 2,495 2,181 355 218 194 53 6 16 28 3 8 93 10 27 132 15 39 306 34 90 ... | 319,013 39 •230 173 ... ... - D 11,655 ... ] ... s ... 1-54 ■80 2V68 I 383 8-85 i ... 12 Train, 15,500 Shunting, 1,687 Ballasting ... 3,051 437 ! 301 274 34 4 46 5 16(5 18 231 26 477 53 588,122 7 V40 : '.'.'. 38 •194 213 17,187 28,842 '•54 •71 2-57 3;58 7-99 I 907,135 i . I 792 468 •75 •205 Totals 5,232 ... 519 113 90 314 443 960 •94 2-61 3-69 38 386

D 3 14 i 2 | 14 Train, 60,057 Shunting, 1,043 Ballasting, 365 9,298 61,465; '.'.'. ... | 1,412 ... 638 i ... 1 713 689 39 1 1 60 1 1 684 12 4 928 16 7 1,711 30 13 ... "•16 '•24 ... 2-73 ... 3-71 ... 6-84 2,339,184 38 •176 842 C Train, 7,472 Shunting, 107 Ballasting ... 116 120 124 6 8 1 2 76 1 25 140 3 33 230 5 60 I 202-705 27 •272 154 7,579j '.'.'. ":19 I •35 323 5'57 9-34 ... I ... 754 I 713 Totals 69,044! 10,710 833 813 47 73 802 1,127 • 2,049 ■16 •25 2-80 392 2,541,889 36 •161 ! 996


RETURN No. 22. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Repairs executed to Rolling-Stock and Tarpaulins for Year ending 31st March, 1882.

RETURN No. 23. HURUNUI-BLUFF. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1882.


Description. Christchurch aud Addington. Oamaru. Dunedin an< Hillside. Invercargill. Total. Engines : — Thoroughly overhauled General repairs . Heavy „ (running shed) ... Undergoing repairs, &c. 21 "ll 9 10 15 9 1 31 15 28 16 4 4 Tola! ... 41 U 4 90 CAUKIAOKS : — Thoroughly overhauled Goneral repairs Light repairs Converted t 14 143 12 36 26 104 59 40 318 36 10 10 Total ... 157 48 140 5>J 404 Bkakk-Vans : — Manufactured ... ... Rebuilt Greneral repairs 1 7 38 3 41 1 10 96 2 14 Total ... 44 I 14 106 46 HOKSE-BoXES AND WAGONS: — Erected (new) or manufactured... Rebuilt. Thoroughly overhauled General repairs Converted 109 32 1,295 980 26 185 1,600 19 "'.18. 88 109 58 1,498 3,192 19 524 Total ... 2,416 524 1,830 106 4,876 Pajxt-woek : — Engines, painted or varnished ... Carriages „ ,, Brake-vans ,, „ Horse-boxes, &c. ,, .Engines, paint renewed Carriages ,, ... Brake-vans ,, Horse-boxes, &e. ,, 9 49 11 236 6 44 8 41 " 20 9 03 19 297 6 3 3 Total ... 314 93 20 427 Tabpatjlins : — New manufactured ... Thoroughly repaired General repairs Painted or varnished 436 1,923 2,865 436 1,923 2,865 2,326 2,326 Total ... 4,685 2,865 7,550

Mine. 1880-81. 1881-82. Increase. Decrease. Mcllraith-'s, Qlcntunncl ... .,.' MeClatcliie and Co., G-lentunnel ... Sounders and Smart, WhitoclifFs .,. Springfield C'onl Company Kowai Pass, Springfield ... Eureka . „ Austin and Kirk, Sheffield Papakaio Ngapara Shag Point Walton Park CJreen Island ... ... Freeman's ... ... ... FernMll .._ Nelson Kaitangata ....... Otikerama Pukerau Waikavra Tons. 7,750 315 Tons. 6,203 2,119 323 12,458 628 Tons. 1,804 323 6,076 91 Tons. 1,547 5,782 537 97 1,698 600 23 31,685 15,066 5,917 8,093 6,490 3,496 24,678 1,941 272 10 22,840 14,181 6,652 10,352 4,045 2,885 35,423 12 1,464 80 "243 ' 97 328 13 8,845 885 735 2,259 2,445 611 10,745 12 1,464 80 Total 112,227 121,888 24,432 14,W1.


RETURN No. 24. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels Discharged and Loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

RETURN No. 25. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Lines and Sidings Open for Traffic on 31st March, 1882.


Port. 1880-81. 1881-82. Increase. Decrease. • ISCHAEGED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Bluff No. 1,265 248 265 371 170 No. 1,346 248 224 435 192 No. 81 No. 41 64 22 Total 2,319 2,445 167 11 lOADED : — Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Bluff 1,066 231 345 303 171 1,245 263 283 436 209 179 32 62 133 38 Total 2,116 2,4-36 382 62

Line of Railway. Main Lino. Sidings. Equivalent of Single Track. Branches. Total Railway. Single. Double. Main Line. Branches. Total. Ciirisxchuech Section : — Lyttelton-Temuka Addington-Waipara ... Rangiora-Oxford Branch Eyreton-Bennett's Southbridge Branch ... Malvern Branch Darfield-Whitecliffs Tinwald Branch M. chs. 94 40 39 18 M. chs. 7 60 M. ohs. M. ch 3 . M. elis. 37 23 4 78 M. chs. M. chs. M. cha. 139 43 44 16 24 32 21 48 28 13 33 40 12 75 11 8 22 07 20 11 25 39 30 61 11 40 10 60 2 25 1 37 2 54 2 59 1 35 0 28 Total 133 58 7 60 120 58 254 36 42 21 10 78 53 19 315 35 Oamabu Section : — Temuka-Waitaki Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waitaki-Palmerston ... Pukeuri-Marewhenua Marcwhenua-Duntroon Duntroon-Kurow and Extension JJgapara Branch Shag Point Branch ... Oamaru B reakwater ... 49 40 51 40 25 54 4 46 21 33 0 50 15 36 14 77 1 67 0 64 ] 8 45 8 20 1 60 0 56 0 75 58 5 27 34 5 22 59 60 22 78 0 65 1 1 0 10 0 18 16 21 15 78 1 77 1 2 t Total 101 0 85 27 186 27 16 65 5 45 22 30 208 57 Dunedin Section : — Palmerston-Dunedin... Dunedin-Clinton GHendermid-Port Chalmers Walton Park Branch... Outram B ranch Lawrence Branch 40 39 73 19 1 12 2 47 9 0 22 0 8 38 10 2 1 71 0 35 0 61 1 75 48 77 83 21 3 3 3 2 9 61 23 75 Total 113 58 18 40 23 42 171 79 34 59 148 37 5 2 Invebcabgill Section : —■ Clinton-Inyercargill ... Invercargill-Bluft' Invercargill-Kingston , Tapanui Branch Makarewa Junction-Eiverton ... Biverton-Orepuki Thornbury-Otautau ... Otautau-Wairio Wairio-Nightcaps Lumaden-Mararoa 65 42 17 1 86 77 15 43 17 66 6 03 11 40 10 67 2 22 2 21 4 23 4 42 3 66 1 41 1 31 0 33 1 6 0 37 0 40 0 27 G9 65 21 43 90 63 17 4 19 17 6 36 12 46 11 24 2 62 2 48 ! Total 235 62 8 65 9 41 18 26 254 8 82 43 153 19 Q-rand total 430 79 7 60 394 3 825 2 86 31 31 6 117 37 950 19



RETURN No. 26. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION SHOWING Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

Total Hurunui-Bluff and Branches. Comparative Eate3 per Mile for the Year. Classification of Wort. Christchureli Section. Oamaru Section. Dunedin Section. Invercargi] Section. Amount. j Proportion of each Item to the Whole. Christchurch, 251 Miles. Oamaru, 186 Miles. Dunedin, Invercargill 149 Miles. 236 Miles. Total, 825 Miles. Supervision Permanent-way and surfacing Renewals Ballasting ... Turntables and traversers G-rading ... New permanent-way materials fioads, approaches Bridges, culverts Fences, cattle-stops Signals Cranes and weighbridges Locomotive water-services Wharves Station buildings Dwelling-houses Tools and implements Workshop Commission £ B. d. 1.199 5 11 13,164 12 11 1,536 16 9 1,223 2 3 27 3 8 859 13 39,406 11 1 497 0 1 2.397 5 11 1,831.16 11 262 5 7 64 1 11 690 15 6 13 10 11 2,216 2 8 651 13 8 1,235 19 3 29 14 7 £ s. d. 924 7 6 10,770 5 10 1,000 0 2 946 5 2 6 14 5 1,459 3 2 8,205 1 0 184 9 11 1,914 8 3 901 12 3 38 8 5 21 0 6 424 9 6 £ s. a. 1,126 8 10 11,398 6 4 1,203 13 0 1,679 2 1 22 15 8 2,173 11 8 3,217 14 4 541 7 5 2,935 0 10 2,004 3 7 172 14 8 31 9 4 527 6 7 235 11 9 2,020 16 3 G46 15 5 915 16 2 65 13 7 £ s. d. 598 0 9 9,327 7 9 869 2 0 1,752 12 11 5 10 2,068 5 7 3,555 0 0 366 3 10 2,480 13 2 645 18 6 17 14 3 43 2 8 614 10 0 25 4 11 1,312 19 11 163 17 3 1,039 14 0 28 5 6 £ s. d. 3,848 13 0 44,660 12 10 4,609 11 11 5,601 2 5 61 14 9 6,560 13 8 24,384 6 5 1,589 1 3 9,727 8 2 5,383 11 3 491 2 11 159 14, 5 2,257 1 7 274 7 7 6,057 12 1 1,546 6 6 4,067 10 4 155 6 6 3-05 35-42 3-65 4-44 •05 5-20 19-34 1-26 7-72 1-27 •39 13 1-79 •22 4-82 123 3-22 12 £ 4-68 51-87 611 4-81 13 338 37-05 1-95 I 9-49 7-15 104 ■26 2-73 £ 5-07 59-54 5-59 5-20 8-06 45-37 1-04 10-53 4-94 •26 13 2-34 £ 7-54 76-44 806 11-31 ■13 14-56 21-58 3-64 19-76 13-52 117 •26 3-51 1-56 13-52 4-29 6-11 ■52 £ 2-73 43-29 4-03 8-06 9-62 1651 1-69 11-44 2-99 •13 •26 2-86 13 611 ■78 4-81 •13 £ 4-81 55-90 5-72 7-02 13 8-19 30-55 1-95 12-22 676 •65 •13 2-86 •26 7-54 1-95 5-07 •13 507 13 3 84 0 2 876 0 11 31 12 10 8-71 2-60 4-81 i •13 j 2-86 •52 4-81 13 a nv Total main tenance, without additions Additions and alterations 37,308 2 10 1,419 19 8 28,295 13 3 483 17 6 30,918 7 6 2,211 16 9 24,913 14 0 520 5 5 121,435 17 7 4,635 19 4 126,071 16 11 96-32 368 146-90 5-59 I 207-48 14-82 115-57 2-47 151-84 5-85 156-39 2-60 Total expenditure 38,728 2 6 28,779 10 9 33,130 4 3 25,433 19 5 100 152-49 158-99 222-30 118-04 157-69



RETURN No. 27. HURNNUI-BLUFF SECTION. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance for Four Years, 1878 to 1882.

Chriatckureli Section. Oamaru Section. Dunetfin Section. Invereargill Section. Whole Line, Hurunui-Bluff. Classification. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-31. 1881-82. 1878-79. I 1879-80. 1880-81. 1381-82. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-83. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. i Supervision Permanent-way, surfacing ... Renewals Ballasting Turntables and traversers ... G rading Sew permanent-way materials Roads, approaches Bridges, culverts Fences, gates, and cattle-stops Signals Cranes and weighbridges ... Locomotive water-services ... Wharves Station buildings ... Dwelling-houses ... Tools and implements Workshop commission £ 7-93 71-76 8-97 4-81 •52 8-32 19-89 1-30 36-92 9-88 1-56 ■91 4-16 £ 8-06 70-85 8-84 4-68 •39 16-12 21-71 5-33 24-96 4-03 1-17 •26 3-25 £ 5-12 60-29 5-59 4-61 •22 4-63 25-55 1-56 10-52 6-20 •70 •28 1-61 £ 4-68 51-87 611 4-81 •13 3-38 37-05 1-95 9-49 7-15 1-04 ■26 2-73 £ 4-59 74-22 9-23 4-92 •70 9-67 13-25 ■55 13-31 4-40 •19 •02 2-22 £ 7-67 72-93 8-97 10-27 •39 15-08 31-98 1-43 14-17 2-21 •13 •13 j 1-95 j £ 4-97 63-69 | 8-23 I 13-08 •08 15-24 42-88 1-21 13-00 4-89 •09 ■03 1-53 £ 5-07 59-54 5-59 5-20 8-06 45-37 1-04 10-53 4-94 •26 •13 2-34 £ 9-88 107-90 40-43 13-39 3-90 5-85 84-37 2-60 24-96 5-46 £ 15-73 138-19 17-29 32-37 4-16 28-08 38-87 2-47 23-79 8-58 •13 ■13 1-04 •13 5-85 £ 9-25 88-33 953 22-83 16 25-43 41-56 2-84 15-61 12-70 •86 •05 316 4-84 7-85 118 10-18 ! 110 . £ 7-54 76-44 8-06 11-31 ■13 14-56 21-58 3-64 19-76 13-52 1-17 ■26 351 1-56 13-52 4-29 611 ■52 1-30 ! 53-30 6-37 11-83 2-08 20-93 4-55 •65 9-49 ■91 •13 2-21 2-70 55-77 47-88 6-63 i 1-76 14-17 i 6-63 2-73 I -31 12-22 I 7-69 7-28 | 6-08 1-17 : -78 5-72 \ 6-79 1-95 1-72 ■07 •65 i 1-33 •15 1-56 ■ 3-51 •16 1-69 '. 3-29 1-56 ! -32 £ 273 43-29 4-03 8-06 962 16-51 1-69 11-44 2-99 13 •26 2-86 •13 611 •78 4-81 13 £ 603 74-78 14-46 8-17 1-62 11-17 27-23 1-24 23-07 5-73 •60 •35 2-33 •32 7-96 £ 7-93 80-73 1001 13-91 1-82 17-16 23-66 2-86 17-16 3-90 •39 •13 1-82 £ 5-26 63-27 5-95 10-52 ■21 11-81 27-45 1-53 11-09 6-01 •44 •11 1-82 •98 5-86 •66 5-59 •43 £ 4-81 55-90 5-72 7-02 13 8-19 30-55 1-95 12-22 6-76 •65 13 2-86 •26 7-54 •95 5-07 13 8-58 9-17 1-04 5-09 ■40 6-37 j 2-02 ■25 5-00 •02 2-86 •52 4-81 ■13 1 •78 1-56 8-71 ■91 1-30 5-72 14-95 8-71 2-60 4-81 13 314 4-68 ■91 351 •78 5-57 6-76 650 4-16 •91 2-21 1-95 4-62 •80 3-90 •78 197-47 i ! 176-21 ! I ! 257-46 207-48 11791 11531 I 91-17 11557 190-48 191-88 158-99 Total maintenance without additions Additions and alterations ... 182-52 29-38 142-58 11-21 146-90 5-59 145-98 1201 180-44 18-46 11-98 156-39 2-60 316-29 3-25 321-88 14-95 18-89 14-82 910 7-67 I 2-73 2-47 1404 18-33 10-67 151-84 5-85 2431 Grand total 221-78 211-90 153-79 152-49 157-99 198-90 188-19 ! 158-99 319-54 i 336-83 i 276-35 222-30 127-01 122-98 93-90 118-04 204-52 210-21 16966 15769 Mileage maintained 253 M. 252 M. 250 M. 254 M. 147 M. 170 M. ! 170 M. 181 M. 136 Bf. 149 M. 149 M. 149 M. 170 M. 199 M. 199 M. 216 M. 706 M. 750 M. 768 M. 802 M.


RETURN No. 28. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Statement of Expenditure showing Cost of Maintenance of different Divisions of Main Line and Branches.

RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Comparison of the Classified Expenditure on Maintenance of the Line from Waipara to Palmerston for the Five Financial Years 1877 to 1882.


Mileage. Average f < weekly I >rFour'eriod. Line of Railway. Actual Reduced Mileage. Mileage. Year ending31st March, 1882. On 1 Mileage Maintained. Rate per Mile per Annum, tate pe: Mile. 3HEIST0IITIECH SECTION : — Main Line, Waipara and Lyttelton to Temuka Rangiora-Oxford Branch Eyreton-B ennett's Horn by- S outhbridge Rolleston-Springneld Mine Darfield-Whitecliffs Mount Somers Branch ... M. ch. 133 58 22 7 20 11 25 39 30 61 11 40 10 60 M. ch. 133 58 22 7 20 11 25 39 30 61 11 40 10 60 £ s. d. 26,581 0 10 1,904 8 3 1,883 1 10 4,110 17 0 3,106 4 1 1,113 7 9 29 2 9 £ 2,045 146 145 316 239 86 2 £ 15-26 6-66 7-24 12-65 7-71 7-14 •20 £ 198-38 86-58 94-12 164-45 10023 92-82 2-60 Total ... 254 36 254 36 38,728 2 6 2,979 11-73 152-49 )a>iaru Section : — Main Line, Temuka-Oamaru Oamaru-Palmorston Washdyke Junction-Albury Waimate Junction-Waimate Pukeuri-Marewhenua ... Marewhenua-Duntroon Duntroon-Kurow and Extension... Waireka Jimetion-Ngapara Oamaru-Breakwater Shag Point Branch 63 40 37 40 25 54 4 46 21 33 0 50 15 36 14 77 0 04 1 67 63 40 37 40 25 54 4 46 21 33 0 35 10 74 14 77 0 64 1 67 9,159 13 11 13,392 18 8 1,453 16 11 281 18 6 | 1,802 14 3 705 1,030 112 22 139 11-01 27-84 4-30 4-34 6-60 143-13 361-92 55-90 56-42 85-80 732 6 4 1,628 16 9 183 0 6 144 4 11 73 125 14 11 5-14 8-35 14-08 5'55 66-82 108-55 183-04 72-05 Total ... 186 27 181 50 28,779 10 9 2,231 12-23 158-99 Ounedin Section : — Main Line, Palmerston-Dunedin ... Duncdin-Clinton G-lendermid-Port Chalmers Walton Park Branch Mosgiel-Outram Lawrence Branch ... ... 40 39 73 19 1 12 2 47 9 0 22 0 40 39 73 19 1 12 2 47 9 0 22 0 12,562 14 6 14,432 13 6 685 11 4 407 13 4 1,539 16 8 3,501 14 11 967 1,110 53 31 119 269 23-86 15-21 52-73 12-54 13-16 12-24 310-18 197-73 685-49 163-02 171-08 159-12 Total ... ... • 148 37 148 37 33,130 4 3 2,549 17-10 222-30 'nteecaboill Section : — Main Line, Clinton-InYercargill ... Invereargill-P> luff InTercargill-Xingston ... Tapanui Branch Makarewa Junction- Riverton Riverton-Orepuki Thornbury-Otautau Otautau-Wairio Wairio-Nightcaps Lumsden-Mararoa — 65 42 17 1 86 77 15 43 17 66 6 3 11 40 10 67 2 22 2 21 65 42 17 1 86 77 15 43 17 66 1 26 11 40 9,987 10 10 3,129 2 6 8,503 19 11 787 18 6 1,646 16 2 198 8 0 1,036 7 5 768 241 654 72 126 66 80 11-64 14.-16 7-52 4-48. 7-04 11-02 6-64 151-32 181-08 97-75 58-24 91-52 143-26 86-32 0 13 1 44 16 6 5 127 9 8 16 13 8-16 6-71 106-08 87-23 Total ... 235 62 217 32 25,433 19 5 2,036 9-08 118-04 Grand total 825 2 801 75 126,071 16 11 9,795 12-13 157-20

Rate per Mile per Annum. Proportion of each Item to the whole Expenditure. Classification. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80. 1880-81. 1881-82. Supervision Track-surfacing Renewals Ballasting Turntables and traversers Grading Permanent-way materials Roads, approaches Bridges, culverts Fences, gates Signals Cranes Water-services ... Wharves Station buildings Dwelling-houses Tools and implements Workshop commission £ 619 79-54 9-87 3-78 •74 1-37 9-13 2-48 17-06 3-69 1-27 •68 2-15 £ 6-72 72-70 9-07 4-86 •62 8-85 17-47 1-05 28-20 7-84 1-01 ■61 3-47 £ 7-87 71-76 890 7-05 •41 15-69 26-08 3-68 20-39 3-23 ■75 •21 2-67 £ 5-05 61-52 6'64 8-02 •IV 8-90 32-48 1-4.1 11-50 5-66 ■45 ■18 1-57 £ 4-84 54-52 5-78 4-94 •08 5-28 40-12 1-55 9-82 623 ■68 ■19 2-54 ■03 6'21 1-68 4-81 •14 por cent. 4-0 51-3 6-4 2-4 •5 •9 59 16 10-9 2-4 ■8 ■4 1-4 per cent. 3-4 36-7 4'6 2'4 ■3 4-5 8-8 ■5 14-2 4-0 ■5 ■3 1-7 per cent, per cent. 3-8 J 3-0 34-7 I 36-8 4-3 ! 4-0 3-4 ' 4-8 I ■2 i -1 7'6 5-3 12-6 I 19-4 1-8 ! -8 9-9 ! 6-9 1-6 ' 3-4 ■4 ' -3 •1 -1 1-3 , -9 por cent. 3-2 35-4 38 32 •1 3-4 26'1 1-0 6-4 4-1 •4 ■1 1-7 11-45 10-52 7-67 626 •72 5-04 •25 V-4 1-8 ■I. 5-3 2-5 '3 3-7 ! 3-7 •4 2-4 i 3-0 •2 ' '2 4-0 11 31 •1 2-74 ■65 4-96 ■60 4-89 i ■44 ; Total maintenance Additions and alterations 152-79 2-26 178-55 19-78 I 181-69 | 24-80 j ; 1155-82 | 11-49 149-44 4-34 98-5 1-5 I 90 I. 10 88 93-1 12 6-9 100 ! 100 972 2-8 Total expenditure 155-05 198-33 206-49 167-31 153-78 100 100 100 Miles under maintenance,.. 382 M. 400 M. 402 M. 421 M. 435 M.



RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. SHOWING Comparative Average Rates of Classified Expenditure for Maintenance of Way and Works on each Section and Traffic District, per Mile, per Four Weeks, for the Year ending 31st March, 1882.

Sections. I Mile- Super- T a raok Track age. vision. , Sur- Ee", facing, newals. Ballast- H ing. i S "o a a i\4\t'.» If ! u I I if !§ a! §•! 3 s Ji'i I a o P H Main Line, Waipara-Tenmka Lyttelton—Christcliurcli Bangiora- Oxford Kaiapoi-B ennett' s Soutlibridge Branch ... Malvern Branch White Cliffs Branch ... Tinwald Branch Total Cliristeli urch Section ... I 128 6 22 20 25 31 12 11 254 I -41 I 2-28 •20 -21 •34 ■22 •24 •05 •36 3-94 I 18-71 3-99 4-47 4-09 2-71 2-58 ■13 3-99 •54 2-99 ■17 10 ■50 ■40 ■09 ■47 •23 1-03 •14 ) 1-28 •43 •86 i i ■09 15 1-63 I ... -03 ■35 •01 i -69 •02 I -48 | ... -36 ■01 -26 ■ 19 •19 1-93 j ■08 3-41 13-80 1-35 1-51 2-81 2-03 ■88 | ■02 j 2-85 | •09 I 3-08 ■02 •17 •13 •04 ■02 i I 1-04 ' -85 1-51 1-08 ■17 ' -21 ■04 -03 •85 -76 ■06 -02 1-19 -03 •73 -55 ■09 I 1-35 j •01 •01 •01 •59 ! •25 ... -48 •94 -17 13-83 •01 ! ... -10 I •06 ... 12 •08 ... -52 •30 ... -17 '05 ... '25 •21 ... [ -67 ■11 ... -26 ■30 ... -05 ■35 ... -65 ... j ... -01 •01 ! ... -12 •05 j ... -02 ■03 ... -01 '21 •81 I -13 •02 ■15 •27 •30 ! •56 2-40 ■10 •07 ■14 ■06 I -° 7 ■37 •01 •02 ! ... ■02 ... ; 1221 66-37 6-62 716 12-38 7-27 6-92 •20 ! ; . -44 4-56 •04 •08 ■27 •44 •22 ! 1264 70-93 6-66 7-24 12-65 771 7-14 ■20 11-73 •37 ■15 •08 •02 •20 ■01 11-30 •43 Main Line, Temuka-Waitaki „ Waitaki-Oamaru ,, Oamaru-Palmerston ... Albury Brancli Waimate Branch Duntroon Branch Ngapara B ranch Breakwater Branch ... Shag Point Branch ... Duntroon-Kurow •19 15 37 28 5 21 15 1 2 11 •47 •31 •73 •12 •18 19 •27 •79 •48 •23 I 4-16 4-57 5-46 3-35 3-92 5-26 553 6-23 4-21 357 ■25 •17 1-60 ■02 •01 •04 •07 •34 ■03 1-81 100 •01 •08 ■13 1 2-55 •60 12-59 ■48 •01 ■35 •42 4-62 | •04 •03 •17 •01 •01 •01 ■33 1-41 '27 1-50 ' -36 1-08 -93 •17 -03 •01 -05 •14 23 •15 -70 "25 ■04 •50 -01 •03 •05 •01 •03 | ! 06 '12 ■04 ■35 j •70 j •72 •02 •02 ■22 : -17 1-61 !___ •01 •01 •04 1050 11-02 27-57 4-30 4-34 6-59 8-24 14-08 5-55 5-10 I •39 •38 •27 •01 11 I 1089 11-40 27-84 4-30 434 6-60 8-35 14-08 5-55 5-14 ■41 | ... •30 •05 •52 *22 I ___ i •24 ... •02 ■05 •01 •06 j ... -01 ;37 •04 Total Oamaru Section 182 •39 I 4-58 •43 ! ■40 ... j -62 3-49 •08 •81 -38 •02 ! ! ■18 ... '22 ■04 •37 i ■20 •01 12-03 12-23 Main Line, Palmerston-G-lendermid ,, G-lendermid-Porfc Chalmers „ Glendermid-Dunedin ,, Dunedin-Clinton Walton Park Branch. Outram Branch ... ... Lawrence Branch i 7-13 7-67 10-57 5-18 18-99 4-24 5-34 ■89 3-10 151 •50 I ■01 2-23 665 •20 3-39 •38 •47 1-80 •78 I •16 ■36 2-00 •21 •12 •19 •22 : 1-47 ! '55 1-18 -27 1-58 -69 1-47 1-31 ■32 : -72 3-16 -47 1-25 1-31 •01 •63 ■10 •01 ! I i 33 I 1 8 73 3 9 22 •61 3-85 2-10 •53 •54 ■34 •21 1-02 •88 1-04 ■96 2-62 312 5-91 1-21 1-18 •67 •82 •05 •67 •44 11 ■32 ... -74 •15 18-12 4-20 •83 ... 7-58 •28 ... -79 -01 •26 ... -14 •05 ... -65 ■40 •02 '05 ■36 •47 1-75 1-07 •53 •18 •36 •13 •02 ■02 •23 •04 •01 •01 •01 I 18-70 52-64 39-29 13-87 12-54 1316 11-92 I 1-06 ■09 4-18 1-34 19-76 52-73 43-47 15-21 12-54 1316 12-24 ■16 •49 1-36 •21 '•45 j ■32 Total Dunedin Section 149 •58 5-88 ■62 •87 •01 1-12 I 1-66 ! ■28 ! 1-52 | 1-04 •09 ■02 •27 -12 1-04 ■ ■33 ■47 •04 15-96 114 17-10 Main Line, Clinton-Invercargill ... Invereargill-Bluff Waipahi-Eelso Invercargill— Winton ... Winton-Kingston Makarewa-Pviverton ... Thornbury-Otantau ... Lumsden-Mararoa Riverton- Orepuki Wairio-Kightcaps 66 17 13 19 68 18 12 1 1 2 •24 •33 •23 •19 •15 •20 •24 ■59 ■36 3-80 4-42 3-32 2-39 2-24 4-71 4-29 2-26 5-82 7-99 •33 •33 •04 ■09 •45 •29 •10 •86 •93 ■01 •65 •06 4-66 •99 •02 -35 •45 •11 1-01 •47 •15 ■27 •07 2-16 1-25 ■02 •40 134 •42 ■25 •02 ■55 •40 •07 •12 •24 1-39 -51 ■92 -19 ■14 -09 •63 -10 •89 -10 ■16 -03 •09 -17 3-13 -06 •09 ! ■04 •01 | •02 ■01 16 ! ! •21 ... -35 119 11 30 12 ■13 ... -25 ■09 ... -23 •21 ... -17 •06 ! ... -15 -06 •02 •06 •01 •01 •03 •11 ■52 •47 ■06 "22 •38 •23 ■25 •26 •03 ■01 •01 11-48 13-35 4-48 4-95 8-00 7-04 6'64 671 11-02 8-16 •16 •81 •24 1164 1416 4-48 4-95 8-24 7-04 664 6-71 11-02 816 I ■02 i I - ... ... I '•17 ... | Total Invercargill Section ... 217 •21 3-33 •31 •62 ■74 1-27 •13 ■88 -23 •01 ■02 ■22 -01 -47 I •37 •01 8-89 19 •06 908 Whole Line ■ •37 4-30 •44 •54 •01 -63 235 ■15 ■94 -52 ■22 -02 -58 802 •05 ■01 •15 ■39 •01 1V68 •45 1213



RETURN No. 31. HTTEUNUI-BLTTFF SECTION. Statement of Expenditure charged to Additions and Alterations during the Financial Tear ended 31st March, 1882.

Surfacing,— £ s. d. £ a. d. Check-rails round curves, Waitati Cliffs 2 7 0 Laying loop-line and improvements to Longbush Siding ... ... ... 52 8 8 Extending ballast-discharging siding, Lyttelton ... ... ... 0 4 3 Completing sidings, on Malvern and Whitecliffs Branches ... ... 50 18 4 Shifting south crossing over road, Hornby 19 4 0 Cross over siding, Addington ... 67 10 4 Extending dummy siding, Southbridgo 4 11 0 Dummy siding, 5 chains long, west end of Aylesbury Yard ... ... 900 Siding for cattle-yards, Waihoa ... 25 13 9 Alterations to sidings, Dunedin Yard ... 60 18 2 Buffer-stop in goods-shed, Invercargill 4 8 0 Siding, Addington ... ... ... 299 Laying rails to erecting-shops, Addington 24 10 4 Shifting points of siding, Makikihi ... 22 8 G Additional siding, including earthwork to additional ones, Mosgiel... ... 134 16 0 Extending Dome siding ... ... 40 13 2 522 2 0 Ballasting,— Completing 6 four-bunk ballast-huts ... 6 17 4 6 17 4 Grading— Closing and filling in air-shaft, south end of Deborah Bay Tunnel ... ... 20 9 7 Enlarging C'aversham Tunnel to its full size ... ... ... ... 208 19 6 Lining 10 or 12 feet (lineal) of Caversham Tunnel ... ... ... ... 156 18 11 Forming wing-dam, Mataura River ... 62 12 3 Pitching 4 miles railway embankment beyond Athol ... ... ... 57 18 G Making additional rubble-drain in Deep Crock Bank ... ... ... 80 4 3 Collecting and placing stone at Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... ... 73 18 5 Extending retaining-wall, north end of Waipahi Station ... ... ... 21 5 0 —_____ 682 6 5 Eoad approaches, — Erecting lamp, Wilson's Road ... 4 11 2 Forming and metalling road, Lyttelton 14 12 7 Level crossing, Sheffield, with bridge over water-race ... ... ... 5 6 11 Level crossing, Eyreton Branch ... 6 17 5 Concrete walls under cattle-stops, Springston Road crossing ... ... 15 18 0 Shifting level crossing from 117 miles 71 chains to 118 miles 7 chains ... 140 Lamp-post, Strathallan Street, Timaru 15 0 Forming and gravelling pathway, Otaio 6 15 0 Raising approach to loading siding, Maheno ... ... ... 21 15 0 Making and erecting lamp at level crossing, north end Palmerston yard ... 252 Ditto, Start Street, Palmerston ... 2 13 2 Making up approach-road to overbridge, south of Kaihiku ... ... 10 14 6 Laying in level crossing timbers, Bluff line ... ... ' ... ... 3 11 0 Widening level crossing, Fendal Town Eoad ... ... _ ... 15 12 1 Fixing notice-boards on level crossings and yard-gates, Waipara-Temuka ... 1511 4 Gravelling siding approach, Oamaru ... 27 14 3 Bridges and Culverts, — 12-feot open culvert, 115 miles 43 chains, to take place of old box-culvert ... 35 18 11 6-inch pipe under approach to level crossing, Waikouaiti ... ... 2 14 0 4-feet open masonry culvert, near Goodwood ... ... ... 25 17 1 Construction of 3-feet stone culverts, 389 miles 36 chains and 390 miles 26 chains 103 11 0

I Bridges and Culverts — continued. £ a. d. £ s. d. Footbridge for shunting on overbridge, Pukerau ... ... ... 16 5 11 Bridge orer Waihemo Hirer ... ... 58 18 6 243 5 5 Fences, Gates, &c, — Gate, West Oxford.., ... ... 11 110 Alterations to fencing, &c., Templcton... 3 6 0 Fencing Signalman's house, Heathcote... 6 9 1 Converting -wicket-gate, Herbert, into box-wicket ... ... ... 195 Erection of "vvickel-gate, &c, Tcmuka ... 4 13 9 Making fence good, Addington ... 1 17 5 Alterations to cattle-yards, Addington... 7 5 3 Substituting 2 gates for 2 slip-panels, Pukeuri-Duntroon ... ... 3 18 8 Cattle-stops at each end of fencing erected on Bluff Line ... ... 17 11 8 57 13 1 Signals,— Additions to signal-cabin, Kensington ... 13 19 10 Alterations to signals, Waitati Station ... 64 15 10 „ „ Burkes „ ... 44 3 6 Fitting up old signal-box from Ocean Beaeli Railway Junction at north end of Dunedin Yard, and erecting signalbox, Eattray Street ... ... 30 18. 1 Additions to signals, Mosgiel ... 58 19 6 Starting-signals, Dunedin Yard ... 40 18 8 ———— iiOO XO O Cranes and Weighbridges,— Erecting new weighbridge, Christchurch 77 7 0 2-ton crane, Palmerston, coal-shed ... 72 210 „ Balclutha Station ... 72 211 Weighbridge, Port Chalmers... ... 13 8 5-ton jib-cranes, Addington and Kaiapoi 2 5 9 225 2 2 Water Services, — Erecting windmill, Chertsey (completion) 7 12 1 Erecting hot-air engine, Bangiora and Amberley ... ... ... 28 19 9 Extension of gravitation-pipes, Hampden 41 16 5 Wooden tank, &c, Mihiwaka ... 27 18 7 Now well, Mosgiel ... ... ... 48 5 2 Laying water from town mains to engineshed, Lawrence ... ... 92 0 7 Boring for water, Waikouaiti ... 101 10 0 Engine water service, Stirling ... 88 19 3 Erecting hot-air engine, Clinton ... 16 10 9 Washing-out service, G-ore ... ...- 11 17 1 Purchase of No. 6 ram for half-way tanks, Bluff Branch ... ... 9 0 0 Laying pipes through siding and approach, Lowther ... ... ... 226 Washing out pipes, engine-shed, Bluff 29 18 4 „ „ „ Elbow 42 19 10 549 0 4 Station-Buildings,— Temporary sheep-yard, Gust ... ... 080 Fitting up stages for loading double-deck sheep-wagons, Amberley-Temuka ... 279 010 Ditto, Southbridge Branch ... ... 65 14 4 Ditto, Malvern-Whitecliffs ... ... 59 6 8 Ditto, Temuka-Waitaki ... ... 57 1 7 Alteration of booking-office, Eangiora ... 310 Altering old litting-shop, Christchurch, for Stores Department ... ... 27 16 4 Altering drawing office, Christchurch, for use of Telegraph Department ... 32 13 3 Concreting part of door of running shed, Christolrurch ... 51 3 6 Closing in front of station, Kaiapoi ... 914 10 Concreting floor of Miles and ICo.'s old shed, Lyttelton ... ... ... 102 2 2 Making and fixing window, refreshment - room, Christchurch ... ... 2 12 3 Building new office, Timaru, for Inspector ... ... 37 17 6 Tank and spouting, Otaio ... ... 016 0 Erecting temporary bank, Timaru ... 16 13 4



RETURN NO. 31 -continued. HUROTUI-BLTTFF SECTION. Statement of Expenditure charged to Additions and Alterations, &c. — continued.

Station-Buildings— continued. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Fixing gas lamp, Oamaru ... ... 270 Timbering back of Woston loading platform ... ... ... ... 10 9 11 Extension of loading-bank, Elderslie ... 1227 Supplying and fitting shelving, fixing cabinet, &c, for Traffic Department, Kurow ... ... ... ... 6 1 11 Supplying and fixing lamp in lobby, Palmerston ... ... ... 2 12 7 Making water supply to 4 water-closets, Dunedin Station ... ... ... 27 8 9 Building chimney and fixing grate to Traffic Inspector's office, Dunedin ... 8 11 10 Gas lamp, corner of cattle-yard, Dunedin 3 7 11 Erection of iron rack, shelving, &c, Dunedin Store ... ... ... 35 5 5 Laying on water from town mains to Pelichet Bay Station ... ... 6 13 7 Shifting old telegraph office, Mosgiel, and making same into Stationmaster's house ... ... ... ... 24 0 1 Part cost of shifting goods-shed, Mosgiel, to new site ... ... ... 1 11 0 Removal of Stationmaster's house from Mount Stuart to Pelichet Bay ... 122 10 4 Shifting 6 Government cottages from Greytown and Waihola to the railway 366 6 1 Store-room for station, and coal-shed for Stationmaster's house, Milburn ... 27 0 1 Shifting back of Milton Goods-shed to safe clearance ... ... ... 521910 Tank and spouting for Clinton ... 5 19 5 Engine wheel drop for Christchurch running-shed ... ... ... 0 13 0 Erecting small office in "B" shed, Christchurch ... ... ... 12 16 5 Loading platform, Chertsey ... ... 21 9 3 Extension of Coal platform, Oamaru ... 14 11 9 Alterations to vestibule, ,Waipahi Junction ... ... ... 2 13 3 1,513 13 7 D welling-houses,— Completing rebuilding of cottages in workshops yard, Addington ... 91 12 10

Dwelling-houses— continued. £ s. d. £ c. el. Improvements to Statiomnaster's house, Hinds ... ... ... ... 7 8 11 Shifting and fencing Stationmaster's house, Winslow ... ... ... 51 19 3 Adding 2 rooms to Inspector's house, Hornby... ... ... ... 61 6 0 Water service, Stationmaster'a house, Heathcote ... ... ... 11 15 9 Building new chimney, &c, Signalman's house, Heathcote... ... ... 10 18 2 Adding 1 room to (ganger's house, Waddington ... ... ... 22 18 7 Laying i-inch galvanized pipe to Stationmaster's house, Chertsey ... ... 12 711 Adding 1 room to Stationmaster's house, Darfield ... ... ... 30 0 7 Additional room and repairs to Enginedriver's house, Whitecliffs... ... 33 11 8 Sinking well, Ganger's house, Pareora ... 11 3 7 Extra room, Stationmaster's house, Studholme Junction ... ... 20 11 2 Driving 20 feet pipe and erecting pump, Stationmaster's and Platelayer's house, Temuka... ... ... ... 571 Supplying and fixing cooking-range in Stationmaster's house, Maheno ... 7 16 0 Purchase of Perkins's house, Bluff ... 11 0 0 Shifting 2-room cottage from West Eyreton to Bennett's Junction ... 14 6 6 Driving pipe well and erecting pump, Stationmaster's house, Waihao ... 17 0 Adding 1 room to Stationmaster's house, Abbotsford ... ... ~, 7 15 0 413 6 0 Wharves, — Erecting 2 lamps on Kingston Jetty ... 1 11 0 1 11 9 Sundries, — Water-meter, ... ... ... 11 0 0 • 11 0 0 Grand total ... ... ... £4,635 19 4

RETURN No. 32. Account of Transactions "between the New Zealand Railways and the Rakaia and Asheueton Forks Railway. April 1, 1881, £ s. d. By apportionment as under : — £ g. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Railway ... 5,611 1 5 Mar. 31,1882. and receipts ... ...14,942 9 3 Government ... ... ... ~. 9,331 7 10 £14,942 9 3 £14,942 9 3 Account of Transactions between the New Zealand Railways and the Dunteoon and HakaTERAMEA RAILWAY. July 2, 1881, £ s. d. By apportionment as under: — £ s. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Duntroon and Hakateramea Railway ... 1,292 6 0 Mar. 31,1882. and receipts ... ... 3,786 2 1 Government ... ... ... ... 2,493 16 1 . £3,786 2 1 £3,786 2 1 Account of Transactions between the Nkw Zealand Railways and the Waimea Plains Railway. April 1, 1881, £ s. d. By apportionment as under: — £ s. d. to To Passengers, parcels, goods, Waimea Plains Railway ... ... 4,553 15 0 Mar. 31,1882. and receipts ... ...14,348 14 8 G-overnment ... "... ... ... 9,794 19 8 £14,348 14 8 I £14,348 14 8

Authority : Geobge Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.

23—D. 1.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 11th JULY, 1882., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 11th JULY, 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. WALTER WOODS JOHNSTON, 11th JULY, 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, D-01

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