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Laid on the Table of the Souse 27th June, 1882, being Return to an Order of 15th June, 1882, and ordered to he printed in a form completed up to date of prorogation.

Imperial .Statutes passed subsequently to the 14th day op January, 1840, which hate been adopted by the colonial legislature. * By " The English Act Ordinance, 1845," Session V., M. 8. 4 and 5 Vict., c. 56. —An Act for taking away the Punishment of Death in certain Cases, and substituting other Punishments in lieu thereof. Sees. 2 and 3 and part see. 1 repealed by 1867, No. 8. 6»¥i-_~-e7-l© ; — 3 4 5 -^ e fc_fe__-_fflewfig-_Jeakte-a--te4^ s_-HB^£-afi-Ae_-._--he-Eea-4;h-£ffi4^ -a-Bfj-ei-Beath-ia-ee-taiß-Qaeefl-" for ee_te_a-Offeßeea-fee.eia-6pee-Be-T Repealed by 1867, No. 8. 6 and 7 Vict., c. 85.—An Act for improving the Law of Evidence. Part of sec. 1 repealod by 14 and 15 Vict., c. 99; also by 16 and 17 Vict., c. 83. Sec. 3 repealed by 1878, No. 28. 6 anj» 7 Vict., c. 96. —An Act to amend the Law respecting Defamatory Words and Libel. t By "The English Acts Act, 1854," No. 1. 7 and 8 Vict., c. 24.—An Act for abolishing the Offences of Forestalling, Eegrating, and Engrossing, and for repealing certain Statutes passed in Restraint of Trade. ?-aad-8-Vi-t,, .-6_?r—Aa_-A<34>4o-affiead4-te---aw-as49--btt-_t-ag Farm -B aikfag-T Repealed by 1867, No. 8. 8 and 9 Vict., c. 113. —An Act to facilitate the Admission in Evidence of certain Official and otter Documents. Bap-ooivo or Dootructi¥e Subutanooßi Repealed by 1867, No. 8. &-aad-10 yiet—fe-68;—Aa-Aei49-ab9-iah Doodaader Repealed by 1878, No. 28. -•-and 10 A_i € t---_.9&— : 4 fi _^ 6^ie_-6_--feßea&^fcfte-^_^^ Repealed by 1880, No. 15. HO-aad 11 Viot.,-ft-4.& —Aa-Aet^.-"e^ea-J4^tl^P-.^M-oas-of-4ho Law roopooting Throatoning Lotte-e aßdr-aeea-iag-Partiee-w-tb-a viow4e~_3-tort Monoy? Repealed by 1867, No. 8. 11 and 12 Vict., c. 46.—An Act for the Eemoval of Defects in the Adminis-ration of Criminal Justice. The whole, except sec. 4, repealed by 1867, No. 8.

* In operation on and from Ist July, 1845. t In operation on and from 31st December, 1854.

I—A. 13.



11 and 12 Vict., c. 87.—An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the First Year of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled "An Act for consolidating and amending the Laws for facilitating the Payment of Debts out of Eeal Estate." 13 and 14 Vict., c. 60. —An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Conveyance and Transfer of Real and Personal Property vested in Mortgagees and Trustees. Sees. 17 and 18 repealed and provisions extended or amended by 15 and 16 Vict., c. 55. See. 30 to apply to sales in partition Buits, 1870, No. 6, sec. 7. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 60. —An Act for the better Prevention of Offences. Sees. I to 4, and 6 to 9, repealed by 1867, No. 8. 11 and 15 Viet., c. 21.—An Act for the-Aaead-aeat-iei-aa-Aot paooed in tho First-AZar of tho Roign-ef-lior Majesty-Queeß—V4-te-4%-iat4a-9d—-An Act for- the—Aaeadmont—ef tho Lawa with-._9p.6t4e Repealed by 1878, No. 28. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 25. —An Act to improve the Law of Landlord and Tenant in relation to Emblements, to Growing Crops seized in Execution, and to Agricultural Tenants' Fixtures. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 99. —An Act to amend the Law of Evidence. Amended as to evidence of husbands and wives by 16 and 17 Vict., e. 83. Sec. 1 repealed by 1878, No. 28. See. 4 repealed by 1875, No. 81. See. 12 repealed by 38 and 39 Vict., c. 66 : vide 17 and 18 Vict., c. 104, sec. 107. 14 and 15 Vict., c. 100.—An Act for further improving the Administration of Criminal Justice. Sees. 4, 6, 8, 11, 13 to 17, and part sees. 5 and 29, repealed by 1867, No. 8. Sec. 10 repealed by 1878, No. 28. 15 and 16 Vict., c. 55. —An Act to extend the Provisions of " The Trustee Act, 1850." Part see. 2 repealed by 1878, No. 28. 16 and 17 Vict., c. 83. —An Act to amend an Act of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Victoria, Chapter Ninety-nine. Part see. 2 repealed by 1875, No. 81. Sec. 4 repealed by 1878, No. 28. * By " The English Acts Act, 1855," No. 3. 9 and 10 Vict., c. 24. —An Act for removing some Defects in the Administration of Criminal Justice. 17 and 18 Vict., c. 113.—An Act to amend the Law relating to the Administration of the Estates of Deceased Persons. " Payment of debts " interpreted by 1870, No. 5. t By " The English Acts Act, 1856," No. 6. 18 and 19 Vict., c. 43.—An Act to enable Infants, with the Approbation of the Court of Chancery, to make binding Settlements of their Real and Personal Estate on Marriage. 3£-ftßd 19 Viet., o. 111.—An Aet4e-a_aei-d tho Law-_olating-*»-B_H--6f-I-fld_Bg7 Repealed by 1880, No. 12. % By " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1858," No. 27. S-L-aad 12 Vi.t^-_7-48; —An Aet-40-_aeil-tato the-Pe-for saaaee of tho Dutieo of Juotieeo of-the-Peaee-eat ei-iSeeeiona within Eaglaad-aad-Wales with rosgeet4o Pomona chargod with Indiotablo Offonoes. Repealed by 1869, No. 55. -4-aad-_-?-Viot., c. 4.3.—A8-A-t4s-4ae&fate-tke-Be--0-_aaa9e-ef tho Dutioo of Juot.6eo of tho Poaee-eat e_-^saono-with-_^Eagtod-aad-:W^ roopoot to Summary Conviotiono and Ordore. Repealed by 1866, No. 46. 11-and 12 Vi6t; r e ; -44.—An Aot to-pgeteot Justeooo-of the-Poaeo hem Voxatiouo AotioßD for Aoto dono by torn in Ese-ntiea-e_-thei_-o_See7 Repealed by 1866, No. 48. § By " The English Acts Act, 1860," No. 19. j| 15 Vict., c. 24.—An Act for the Amendment of an Act passed in the First Tear of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled " An Act for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to •Wills.'" 21 and 22 V-i6fey-e-47.—Aa-A6t to amend tho Law of Falee-ftet-B-ea. j. .pealed by 1867, No. 8. 22 Vict., c. 83.— -y_^Aet4e-esak-a-C9_enoro in England to admit-to-Bail^effleas-eJ-a-ged with Manolaughtefe Repealed bf J867, No. 16.

.* In operation on and from l«(t October, 1855. J In operation on and from Ist January, 1859. f In operation on and from 3Qth .September, 1856. § In operation on and from 27th October, 1860. ]| The Statute 15 Vict., c. 24, shall ,be deemed and taken to have been in force on and after the 31st day of December, in the year 1854,—English Acts Act, 1860, see, 3.



Showing the Condition of the several Ordinances at the Termination of the Session of the General Assembly held in the Year 1882.


Note. —The obsolete matter j their several ame: Existing Or< e.g., *Nelson Tru erased type shows the Ordinances and Acts which have been repealed; the italic indicates the dead and requiring repeal; and the roman type points out the Ordinances and Acts now remaining in force, with nding Acts marked in the fourth column. dinances and Acts of a purely local or personal character are indicated by an asterisk prefixed to the title: ist Funds, *Naturalization. Abbbeviated Titles. Year oe Kbign AND Number. Amending Ordinances ok Acts. Oeiginal Repealing Ordinance ob Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 4° & 5° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Session I., 1841. Now South "Waloa Laws i-T.-y- •f.A r~\ m Of) Land Claima Ottfftomo Regala&ea Quarter Seooiono BistiHatiefi-rP*eliibitie» Oourto of Boquoota Sess. II., No. 19. 1856, No. 32. 1858, No. 40. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 72. 1858, No. 30. 5° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session I" ., 1841-42. Supromo Court xTtTttHvT V-/VJ Lll U t * « Polioo Magistrates tikHBEaary Proceediage .. Municipal Corporationo GbttFeh-Esteasi&a Doodo Begiotratiea 1860, No. 17. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 49. Sess.VII.,No.l5 18G6, No. 46. Disallowed. Disallowed. Disallowed. 1868, No. 51. Conveyancing [Sees. 52, 53, 54, and part sb. 1, 9, repealed.] Sess. Ill,No. 11; 1860, No. 16; 1868, No. 28 ; 1870, No. 30; 1874, No. 11; 1882, No. 31. 11 12 13 *Marriage. Ijieonaing 1881, No. 21. •Auctioneers 1 [Sees. 2, 3, 6, 12, and part s. 5, repealed.] Sess. Ili.j No. 10. 14 15 16 17 18 19 ILand Olaimn Barbour-Bogulationa ... Gattlo Troopaoe Raupo Houood Disallowed. 1862, No. 20. Sess. VII, No. 17 1878, No. 28. Copyright F*(fel877,No.l7. Bopoaling New—Zoaland—Sa»km« i "IaT 1111>HT1 \' 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1 In force only within Wellington, Hawke's Bay, and the Chatham Islands.



Chronological Table of Ordinances, 1844 to 1846.

Abbreviated Titles. Original Repealing Obdinance oh Act. SAB OF REION AND Number. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 7° & 8° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Session [IL, 1844. fliini'A-mn *^A1 _ vf* U U. pi "L**-.-_-*"J "C^L'tl-. V ,,, Jury Amondmeat Tiphptit. .TAn i A TITITAI-ITtI fit.! ATI _____ It 1 tX tTtjrXCTTJIU-.-. , . , Gi . nrnn . n IX it. QTLqvv./.y.'r Imprisea-aeB.-lar Dobt Court of Boqueste Nati¥_-T-_ usfe 1860, No. 17. 1868, No. 49. 1856, No. 32. Disallowed. 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 40. 1862, No. 37. 1867, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 11 •Auctioneers Amendment 1 Conveyancing Amendment Vide Sess. No. 13. Vide Sess. No. 10. II, IL, 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Sess. VII., No. 17. 1867, No. 12. 12 13 14 lYl mi 1 flUUl I t,AT*T.AT*fitl One __>J_ UXXXKsTjSTXX \J\J1 Irol tl/BIOXtT_l ___T in "CT XXCvQX O U. m ___ IJ XjIjXJ t-3 t • ■ 15 Summary- Procoodingo A rr. An a^ in at* t 16 • 17 Unsworn Testimony. Harbour ■ B-e g u 1 a t i _-a-. A tyi r\t-\ i-l w. j-\ti r ZCXTXXX71XXXI 1_."_7_-Et7 y\ fijto-1 -\t(\ E^kj^ jxlaasuaxi, 3.1 UU T *~* 3JJJVAJ111 JTUJ-UXt . , , jUijiZj J_N LimHfit'y .,. ; ii r'.ATimn fr , ,A, m ati. It hat. . 1862, No. 20; 1863, No. 28. Sess.VII.,No.l5 1878, No. 28. 1866, No. 20. 1881, No. 21. 1882, Private, No. 1. 18 19 20 21 8° Vict. No. 1 •Naturalization. Session '. V., 1844. €> ap. eme-Court Bulon ... 1860, No. 17 ; 1882, No. 29. Sess. V., No. 4. 2 Proporty Bato 8° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Session V, 1845. _tT__Ti_rc_rtt! , 1 1 Appropriatiea i Jl'filVTI I '-'TTl.TI . .'* wtit ___ v.4 it euros ,,, Propofty Bate-Repeal .. gupploaeatary—Appro-p-iatie-a Public Boade-and Worke Bnpfi fnr A nnmil^'1 i—ou _vm _.1.—uctui i.a ,,, 1858, No. 8. 1878, No. 28. Sess.VII.,No.ll 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 6 7 8 English Acts 2 *Naturalization. •German Naturalization. 1867, No."8. 1876, No. 50. 1866, No. 46. 9° Vict. No. 1 Session 71., 1845. Armo Importation 1869, No. 57. 10° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Session ♦Naturalization. Constabulary Force ... IL, 1846. SfeeFiia llftr ATI ATA T_7*3Frt7__l'Jl EJ ... \^/"Tt"b'tj Oili [J ''"''r-LlJjtJirtti^ioillfj Ner-1 P_ie eas Ner-3 Beet-tuto Poroono Boliei Woighto and -vfoaouroo 1868, No. 54. 1860, No. 17. 4 5 6 1858, No. 24. 1858, No. 7. 1858, No. 40. 7 8 1873, No. 73. 1858, No. 40. 9 10 1877, No. 44. 1868, No. 30. ' In force only within V - For Imperial statutes "ellington, Hawke's Bay, and the Chatham Islands, idopted, see ante, p. 1.



Chronological Table of Ordinances, 1846 to 1851.

'ear op Reign and Number. Abbreviated Titles. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Origin-l Repealing Ordinance or Act. 10° Vict. No. 11 12 13 14 15 Session VII, 1846 — continued. -Seea-ea-Gi'ewe-G'-aats . ,, lo LL |-J_-UJ.ilv. — \_^U U.1 L "i__ltij.i'Uo . , , App-ep-iatiea ©aties-ef-Gas teB-s I-eliee—Magiet. ates—aad Nati¥e-l-seEaptiea-0--disaaeea-Ropoal Besidea. Magiotrates" \^Ul_l_- Lb 1866, No. 20. 1860, No. 17. 1878, No. 28. Sess. XI, No. 5. 1878, No. 28. 16 1867, No. 13. 17 18 19 20 21 22 •Cattle Trespass. 1 Nati¥e-__aad-B«- efeaee Sesfflej-B-ef-tfte-Peaea ... Luaftties Jiaad-C-ft-B-. 1869, No. 57. 1865, No. 71. 1858, No. 30. 1868, No. 16. 1856, No. 32. 11° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Session VIII, 1847. Native--, eree feiapowdor Sale-ei-SpH-fe-___,m_7T Turn- r.Tn \zzi , . , K_> rt t. tttit r.J.^u.lAiT.r. , , , Slaag&e-feeaae •Impounding. 2 jVEfl 7*T*1.1 O'A , . . _LTJt TXTTT CTii L* . . , M ATI PIT. IT . . i _IJ U l-l "0-.J--Si . , . SO 0*3 P.flT*nT 1 ATI ,,, _i_a<*TT*tt. w*bi tyll ... Debes-ases-Seea. ity ... _?ootpatl. Indomnity •Naturalization. 1862, No. 32. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 21. 1858, No. 52. 1877, No. 14. 1854, No. 12. 1881, No. 28. 1858, No. 28. 1867, No. 41. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Tfeeffiae—WftH-es-Neaete i____-_lllL_i if y I Pape*M3«-.eaey 1878, No. 28. 16 1878, No. 28. 12° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Session IX, 1848. Q> .-l-.T-f.1-yi/> , |T1nm'T*„. A TO C&mmm - tJ'LltJI ■Jill*.' lO tTCElT h ' ____-IT_ VTTTKX^ mont 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 15. 1860, No. 17. 4 •Naturalization. 13° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Session X, 1849. Crown-Laada Arpprep-iatieB G-wra —Titles— (New¥iete) 1862, No. 23. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1856, No. 32. 15° Vict. No. 1 Session XL, 1851. Debtors Writ of Arrest Superseded by 1875, No. 39. Disallowed. 2 3 4 Lead Fund ■•Appropriatiea It. __q_____j3Qxo t. i at. . , , ______ tAJA ItXTjVTXVIiJl-T- . . . Manieipal Eleet_ve-_. ran Bateec of Cuetoais Rreviacial Coaaeils 1868, No. 81. 1878, No. 28. 5 6 1878, No. 28 1878, No. 28. 1 In force only within Ota] ? In force only within Mar go exclusive of Southland, and •thorough and the Chatham Isli the Chatham Islands, mds.



Chronological Table of Ordinances, 1851 to 1852-53.

Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Munster,** passed in the Year 1849.

Abbreviated Titles. Original Repealing OlIDINANCE OR Act. -bar of Reign and Number. Amending Ordinances or Acts. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 15° Vict. No. 7 8 9 10 Session XI, 1 .51 — continued. Mamage Ameadiaeat ... Gefieas •Naturalization. Disallowed. 1858, No. 20. 11 12 13 14 G_ewa —Laads—Amead-meat-and ExteaaeB B«i-d-ag--aad-iaad—Se-ciotioo Approp-iatiea Bank Chartort. Paper Cuffeaey-Aaiead-1862, No. 23. 1866, No. 70. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 15 •New Zealand Company's Land Claimants [Sec. 16 repld. by 1855, No. 2.] 1861, No. 10; 1866, No. 20. 1881, No. 21. 10 Lieeasiag—A-ae»da_eat (Ner-2) 16° Vict. No.l ■ 2 Session XL ., 1852-53. Appropriation Do-odes Rogiotratio^A TO AT..1TT". AT1T" _£.l__lllL*J.l*Ll.Il-*_*-tlU Bank Chartcro Amond371 OT. L 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 51. 3 1878, No. 28. 4 5 •Naturalization. 1861, No. 11. Sap_e_ae—Court—Practi tiono-fl

.2°&13°Vict. No. 1 2 3 •Entire Animals Wandering. 1 Modical Practitionoro ... 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 30. 4 5 6 7 8 9 li .TV. T. ffW-ft-P. T\ (T Saaaiaagy^Bj-eotmont ... "Trt? \VX1 '-LtiUuiLlt. cfc.IJ.Cr-kJ,*v±Cvo"bo 1878, No. 31. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Constabulary (Police Offences) .3 Country Boads Dog Nuioaneo 1876, No. 50. 1880, No. 24. 10 11 ** Comprisi lie mouth of th, said island, with ;he boundaries oi 1 In force oi s In force oi ing all that portion of the Norl e River Patea, where it joins the whole of the Middle Isla f the colony. ily within Nelson, Marlborougl aly within Hawke's Bay, Wellii diern Island which lies to the i the sea, and running thence d tnd, Stewart Island, the Chath: louth of a line commei ae east until it reaches an Islands, and all ad. ncing at the centre o: the east coaBt of tin jacent islands withir i, the Chatham Islands, and Oti igton, Nelson, and Marlborougl igo exclusive of Southls and. i.





Short Titles. 'ear op Reign Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. and Number, Existing Law. Extinct Law. i I

THE FIRST PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session I, from 24<th May to 17th August, 1854; Si September, 1854; Session III., from 8th August to 15th 8 clamation, 15th September, 1855. '.ssion II, from 31. eptember, 1855. j •■t August to 16th dissolved by Pro18° Vict. Sessions I. and II., 1854. No. 1 English Acts 1 1860, No. 19; 1875, No. 81; 1880, No. 15. 2 *Naturalization. 3 Dower. 4 *Nelson Trust Funds ... [Sections 2, 12, 15, 16, repealed.] 1856, No. 5; 1858, No. 50; 1863, No. 3. 5 ... JaieeBeiag Amondmcmt... 6 ... "Waoto Lands 8 ... Law Praotitionora 9 Secondary Punishment. [Sections 9 to 18 repealed.] 10 Powers of Attorney. 11 ... A-ffp?ff|»iation 13 ... Provincial 'Wasto-Lands 1881, No. 21. 1858, No. 75. 1877, No. 36. 1861, No. 11. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 21. 1858, No. 75. 19° Vict. Session III., 1855. No. 1 #Naturalization. 2 ... Laa4—Gteimante—Ordinan cq ■ Amondmont 1866, No. 20. 3 English Acts. 1 4 ... A-pp^riatiea 1878, No. 28. THE SECOND PARLIAMENT, Session II., from 10th April to 21st 1860. Dissolved by Proclamation, Comprising Session I., from 17th April to lQth August, 1856; *! August, 1858; Session III, from 30th July to 5th November, 5th November, 1860. 19°&20°Vict. Session I., 1856. No. 1 #Pensions. 2 *Naturalization. 3 Law Amendment. [Sections 9 to 16 repealed.] 1882,No.29. Vide 1866, No. 1. 4 BankPapey-Gtmeaey ... 5 *Nelson Trust Eunds Amendment 6 English Acts 1 7 *Nelson Wesleyan Chapel Sale. 1880, No. 22. Vide 1854, No. 4. 1880, No. 12. 8 ... Billo of Salo Bogiotration 9 Building SooiotiooAmond Billo of Salo Bogiotrtttion Building SooiotiooAmond N-ew^eatoad Native) Be1867, No. 23. 1866, No. 70. 10 ... £few-£eatoad Nativo Be1882, No. 52. 1 For Imperil tl statutes adopted, see ante, p] i. 1 and 2.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1856 TO 1858.

Short Titles. 'ear op Reign and Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. ,9°&20°Vict. No. 11 12 Session I, 1. 156— continued. ■ jVTn O*. PITT 1 fl.£oc;_ j llfi ATOTI IT. t. _T_fc O-iT XT3T7T «%T^7t_l X-TIXX^TXlXtTtTy Ma_-iage—Aet AmoadNew—Zeaiaad—Geleaial Baafe--el—Issuo "Wlad-iag-ap \J UCLA V\XX \J . , , SI] TO Tl ATA A (ZajI.TTT, PtAP Ar-IITA KTtt1_'"CC--t-Lt!- \JVJ U.XT) ~Z X UAjUL_"_l_r>_* _____i_Q___e______x___L__L___u__i__ _U _____________ "k^iAIjUl 11jLU*JJJ;*^*_"xI DO _L_"J |_**_l UV 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 29. 13 1878, No. 28. 14 15 16 17 1878, No. 28. 1860, No. 17. 1866, No. 64. New Zealand Loan ... Fide 20&21 Vict, c. 51. 18 19 liAIT TTT. PP. A TTl ATI ATI ATlf" __rbcfoxC_(____ u""joUL'Tti'ijr*iT. -rr_.' it" tj O B ■ Gourto Qrdinanoo 1858, No. 37. 1858, No. 52. 20 1867, No. 13. 21 Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts 1863, No. 15; 1865, No. 24 ; 1875, No. 83. Disallowed. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1858, No. 71. . 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 VV _lb"by~*-i--lti--bClti • • • PrivilegeI T-TtrATT. at* V*-Nil'irr V_.. *_f V T7 TTtXJX O IJUUtl V . . » •Auckland Hospital and Grammar School Re1880, No! 35. 28 29 serves Beeideat-J-Larg-i b t r a-fcW Geafta—-Ssfceasiea—el _| TIT. flA) 1 ATI ATI VJ L__. X -?"_IJL*_' -iJ.'L'Il Leeal Pootn Laad-O-dors and-Sorip Land Claims Settlement Scotch Law Pra-t-tieae-6 B-g-o^y-i-a-e 4-a-l—Go u noils' i, i*m. iti Pi fit I ■■fi.tA/i*. . A i-i i_i_______,_2x_________i_u .i._i_ i_* F7_r*^" i.j'_r.7Lir'jx*L/-. i ... 1867, No. 27. 1858, No. 30. 30 31 32 33 34 1858, No. 15. 1858, No. 77. Expired. 1861, No. 11. 1878, No. 28. 35 36 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. !1°&22°V_ct. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Session ] [I, 1858. L-te-p-otation 1868, No. 81. English Laws. Abaont Dobto-8 PaBtamped Inotraaaente GAT ATI ATT1 TVPiliti.. "__*__. X_-_.U-.-v ... Poncioner Villages-§a_e ef Booorvoa 1881, No. 8. 1860, No. 3. 1860, No. 2. 1871, No. 4. 1867, No. 16. 1865, No. 52. 1878, No. 28. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Execution of Criminals WeeLaad-Gil-Seea-ities Special Partnorohipo ... Foreign Soamea Now Zealaad-j. eet-G-See Previaeial-Besorvod Bills 1882, No, 32. 1870, No. 18. 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 12. 1860, No. 4. 1881, No. 7. 1878, No. 28. •Bishop of New Zealand Trusts 1868, No.'7. 18 Aaeklaad Boman CathoBoundarioo of P.eyiaees GA11 1-< t . n U-JLOlto • • • 1878, No. 28, 19 20 1878, No* 28.. 1877, No. 9.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1858.

2—A. 13.

Short Titles. Year op Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 21°&22°Vict. No, 21 22 23 24 Session II., 1 158 — continued. Au-tralafliaa-G-oditorB-... tSap-eae-Gea-t -Judgoa... Law-B- aetiti efie_ s 1882, No. 29. 1882, No. 29. 1861, No. 11. Sheriffs 1863, No. 19; 1864, No. 16; 1871, No. 43; 1873, No. 4; 1882, No. 12. 25 26 27 I Tfinlrrn Betty-Sessieas Jastieee-ef-the-Beaee ... 1873, No. 73. 1866, No. 46. 1866, Nos. 46, 48; 1869, No. 55. 1875, No. 23. 1880, No. 21. 28 29 30 Begis t. atien Maeiage-Act Amondt. District Courts [Sees. 29, 30, 132, 160, part sec. 102, repealed.] 1865, No. 4; 1866, No. 5; 1870, No. 12; 1879, No. 14; 1880, No. 33, 31 ■ 32 33 34 35 Audit Dieqaftliieati on Qeq nT fiT*.*' r\A w ATI 1*1 A TZT-Tl__l.__.W-_ y *_lu*_;TullUO . • . Baalse-s'-Re fet-as Besidea. Mogict-atea-Geast Gaate.btt_y—Aeseeiatiea Tionfl mOta'a-''. :r__ itil LI *J x Ltd H 1867, No. 84. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 84. 1880, No. 22. 1867, No. 13, 36 1878, No. 28. 37 38 Definition of Districts. 1 •Nelson College 1858, No. 51; 1870, No. 91; 1882, Local, No. 15, 39 -~_v_ egeaaat Shipping-Act; 1854 ; _-A€-.ptiea rinPi-niriLi l-?^fTnl HTil ATI \J IX~ V\J 1XID ICVLJii CCXCvDX**_*-_E • • • 1869, No. 5. 40 41 Native Districts Regulation [Sec. *" repealed.] Native Circuit Courts [Sec. 31, part sec. 8, repealed.] 1862, No. 89. 1882, No. 55. 42 43 1862, No. 40; 1867, No. 13, sec. 107. 1861, No. 36; 1866, No. 59. •Civil Service Superannuation 44 45 46 47 Martin's Annuity B_ wifi«e-e_-Ta_ aaak-i ... Crown Grrante-Gepreetiea NewnZealaad-Native-Be-ee-¥ee-A-aeada-eat Expired. 1878, No, 28. 1866, No. 20.' 1882, No. 52; 48 49 50 •Naturalization. •Auckland Reserves ... •Nelson Trust Eunds Amendment •Nelson College Trust... 1864, No. 7. Vide 1854, No. 4. 51 1863, No. 14; 1870, No. 91. Vide 1858, No. 38 1869) No. 39; 1878, No. 11. Vide 1867, No. 77. 52 Savings Bank [Sec. 32 repealed.] Qaaliaeatiea-ei- Elocters A i-n r\i . i-l i.-i r\n -j-1X_L1H"J-._.L".". HUH V Beg-at-atiea-of Eleete_s Sleet e-at-Bist-iete Bogulation of EleetieaB 53 1878, No. 28. 54 55 56 1866, No. 80. 1860, No. 12. 1870, No. 18. 1 Has retrospective operation only.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1858 to 1860.

Shobt Titles. 'eab oe Reign and NuMBEK. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. ;1°&22°Vict. No. 57 Session II, 1! .58 — continued. GoH=apt—P-aetiees—B_e--vT/*m i i. .11 ■ V \jXX U_.L-.LL Election Petitions 1881, No. 13. 58 Superseded by 1880, No. 36. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 16. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Provincial Eloctiono B-WTii-cial Law Salts ... Lunatic. Ordinanoo A_nond-B_a_ Bankoro Draft AppropriatieBj No. 1 ... Arpp_ep-i-ti-H r Ne—2 ... Native Sea-eels Surplus BcYonuoB 1880, No. 22. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 41. 1867, No. 84 1878, No. 19. 67 Land Revenue Appropriation. [Sec. 4 only in force.] Public Debt Apportion68 Expired. 69 '70 ' 71 72 73 74 75 76 ment Auckland Improyomon. Ne^Provincoo Gwil-List Gaste-ftB-Baties GekBBaty £eld-Bields Waste-Beads Land Claims Settlement Extension 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1870, No. 20. 1862, No. 21. 1877, No. 29. Expired, 77 Land Orders and Scrip [Sec. 6 repealed.] 1877, Local, No. 69. rae 1866, No. 26. 78 Highways—aad "Wator eea-ses-Di¥e¥siea Bay-ef-felaads-Settleaieat Native Tc__it6-ial-Biga.B 1876, No. 50. 79 80 1870, No. 63, Disallowed. 24° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Session J Private Bills Evidence. II, 1860. 1882, No. 29. 1882, No. 29. Absea t-Debt eps Absea t-Befeadaets Eoreign Seamen's. Braadaleat Trustees ... 1867, No. 8. Remission of Penalties. 8 9 10 Saaaaary—• Proooodinga Improvomeat M-oroantilo Law Amoa4° meat Maj-ied ■ 'W'omo-t'a -Pro -, periy-B-Gteetiea Baake.s"—BeiaHis—-Aet A TTI All A171 ATI T. __ JLl _. A*_; 11LL X. I AL*__LTJ eteli-KeMs Bepseeeatatiea Joint Stock-Companies _tr_fc*bO:i.l CS -, Beat-Estate Adminiat_atiea 1867, No. 12. 1880, No. 12. 1880, No. 14. 1880, No. 22. 11 12 13 14 15 1862, No. 21. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 35. 1870, No. 89. 1865, No. 56. 16 Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment [Sees. 9, 11, 12, repealed.] 1866, No. 20; 1870, No. 30; 1874, No. 11; 1875, No. 82 ; 1876, No. 67 ; 1880, No. 8. 17 ft n tit A in a C-3 Anrt KJl Ll UrCl_l_r"*0 \JXSL V . . . 1882, No. 29.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1860.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign and NuiIBBB. Amending Acts, etc Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 24° Vict. No. 18 Session III., If 100— continued. B-*sste-s"-aad-Selieite*s' AdaHS-iea 1801, No. 11. 19 20 English Acts. 1 Official Documents Evidence 1877, No. 8. Spent, 21 22 23 24 25 26 Savings Bank Act Amendment Sale—ef—Beeervea Aeta Aaaeadmeat Miae-B^&aaehise New Brovinees Aet Nelsea-aad-Ma-lbeFeagb Bab-ie—Debt—Appep-tieaa_eat Baad—for Ceatpeasatiea (Noloon —aad—Marl-ber-eaga) Land Bogiotry Begisfcatiea—ef—Deeds A-aeadaaeat ATV1T11 T.T-1 IA I- 111111 V y^ ... Conoao Act Amondmeatj 1878, No. 28. 1862, No. 10. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 27 28 1870, No. 51. 1868, No. 51. 29 30 31 32 33 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 9. •Naturalization. Babbe-Bemaias 1881, No. 26. •Half-caste Disability Removal. 2 Militia-Aet-Aft-eadmeat Naval aad Milita.y Ta_ftaftki-Settlero' Belief Welliagtea; -Hawkers Bay ; —aad—Sa-aaaki Baad-Begalatieaa 1865, No. 52. 1877, No. 29. 34 35 36 37 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 38 39 Arms Beaa—Espeadita.e—Geafematiea ... 1880, No. 13. 1878, No. 28, 40 .. 41 42 43 New Zealand Loan. 1878, No. 28. App. op* iati-ea Native-Geaaeil 1878, No. 28. Assent withheld peivat: I ACTS. Bytteltea—aad—Ga_ist-eha.ea-Bailwfty Basehas-aad-Niaais-Blas Bateat Neiaea—Bemaa-Gathelie Badewmeate-Sal© Nelsea-Wesleyaa-Seaeel-maate-S-Baad-Sale Aade. a ea-Bip e-Bateat... Aaek-l-aa--Wato.we.b8 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. •Auckland Harbour Debenture Vide Private Acts, 1863 (No. 1). 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1 For Imperial Statutes adopted, see ante, p. 2. 2 Has retrospective operation only.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1861.

Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Number. Extinct Law. Existing Law. THE THIRD PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session L, from 3rd June to 7th September, 1861; September, 1862; Session III., from 19th October to 14-th Dei November to 13th December, 1864 ; and Session V.,from 26th _ by Proclamation, 27th January, 1866. 24°&25°Vict. Session I., 1861. No. 1 ... Geffi_ftissiea_--'-Bew--S 2 ... Gaate_ba*y—aad—Otago Beaadasy 4 ... Weights O-dieaaee-Amendment 5 ... Rooidont Magistrates Ordinance Amond-aeat 6 ... Naval—aad Military Session II., from ' member, 1863 ; Sessi ruly to 30th October 7th July to 15th Ion TV., from 24th ; 1865. Dissolved 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 12. 1868, No. 30. 1867, No. 13. 1877, No. 29. 7 *Natu_alization. g ... Bap_iaea_ftea t—f es—Debt O-diaaaco Amondmoat 9 ... B*. y-O. diaaaee-Aaaeadt; 10 *N Z. Co.'s Land Claim- ■ ' ' ants Ord. Amendt. Yl Baw-B.aetitie»e-S 12 Balaeavis-BeaaBsiea ... 13 Lost Land Orders 24 Begist_atiea—ef-Bleeters Act 1858 Aaaeadaeat 15 Gaate_ba.y —aad—Otago Beaadapy—NeT-S IQ >ti Staadiag-O-de-O for Pri-vate-Bills 17 im Ara-s-Aet-Geatifiaaaee 1§ ... Otage—aad—Seathlaad Bablie—Debt—Appor tieaaieat 19 ... Ilawl-o'c -Bay-Naval-aad Milita.y-Settl.-S 20 ... Nelson—Waste—Baade BogulatieaB-Ameadt; 21 ,,, Aaeklaad—Ban_ig_atiea 22 ... Intootato Nativo Suoooo aiea 23 .... Diseased-Cattle 24 ... Bpeviaeiftb-Aadit 25 ... Public Debt Apportionto mentActl858 Amendt. 26 ... New—B_e«a_es Aet A_aead_aeat 27 ... easterns —Baties—Aet Amondateat 28 ... Bpeteetiea—ef—Geptaia __ i_ XXX 111 ".TxtT 29 ... Aaeklaad-Rep-eseatatiea 30 ... Offieial-Admiaistrate-S 31 ... Beasieae-B--Glaiais 32 .... Aaeklaad—-Baa_ig_atiea Ge.tifieate--Aet-1858 Anaeadmeat 1862, No. 37. Vide Ord., Sess. XL, No. 15. 1868, No. 49. 1882, No. 69. 1878, No. 28. Vide 1865,No. 42. 1866, No. 80. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 1863, No. 29. 1863, No, 39. 1877, No. 29. 1865, No. 71. 1871, No. 35. 1878, No. 28. Expired. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 57. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 56. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29: 33 Parliamentary Costs Taxation. 34 ... Band- Begistry iVmeadk 35 ... Sa.vey-Ge_-e.tiea 36 *Civil Service Amendt. 37 ... Appropriation 1870, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. rael858,No.43. 1878, No. 28.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1861, 1862.


Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign i Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. AND Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 24°&25°Vict. Session I., 18' peivati •New Zealand Bank ... •Bank of N. S. Wales. 31 — continued. : acts. 1880, Private, No. 1. Bua-Meaataia-Bailway Bietea-Bailway 1878, No. 28. Disallowed. Session 1 I., 1862. Arms-Aet-Geatiaaaaee Leiat —Steels—Gempaaies Aaaead-aeat Milita.ySappliesGaste_as Election Petitions Act Amendment Bi.fe-e_-Sale-Begist_atiea Sammary Broeedape—ea i3m c 26° Vict. No. 1 2 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 35. 3 4 1866, No. 43. Superseded by 1880. No. 36. 1867, No. 23. 5 6 1880, No. 23. 7 8 Trustee Relief. 1882, No. 69. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Baw—B_aetitieae-S—Aet A-aieadaieHt Bi. ds-Breteetiea Miaers-Bep-eseatatiea... Beppeseatatiea ft 111 AT 1 A Til A—( iAI.TT" A IT.' . 14 i~ i i (J -ll./--*J111'_> T_3C3*LU Li ,1X111 *_>11*__T7T Baad-Begiotry Anaeadt. Native-Reee-vee-Aaaeada. Bublie—Bese-ves—Aet Aaaeadaaeat Baaaaaa-Beate-Besta. ... G_ ewa-G-aats-Ne r-1 ... 1865, No. 57. 1879, No. 42. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 29. 1870, No. 51. 1882, No. 52. 1877, No. 36. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1878, 5No. 28. 1866,'No. 20. Crown Grants No. 2. Belegatieas-Geatiaaaaee Ma-iao-Board Gteld-Eielas i-ltA' 11 A — NT'T.71 P'OTl ATI I iVATVTl I i Ci T3 n Cl \JX \J VV 11 -fcJCtlTttf!. ... Geart-ef-A-ppeal 1878, No. 28. 1863, No. 28. 1866, No. 32. 1866, No. 51. 1877, No. 29. 1882, No. 30. •Naturalization. Gml-Bist Native-Bappeses-App_e-priatiea Land—Beveaae—Appropriation - Aet Amend-meatj-No. i Baad—Beveaae ppiatiea—Aet—Aaaend-iaeatV-Nsr-S Beaa to'UtOllxrti Xj r_j_tt.±itf JJ t7i~ te Xi Buy Lawr Amendment A=aeklaad Waste-4-aads Aet-Amondaaeat Sale-fe¥-Nea-pay»eat-ef Besideat Magistpates-ferisdietiea--E5-feeasiea Bebtesa-aad-G-editepe ... Militia Acta Ameadaaeat 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 28 1878, No. 28. 29 1878, No. 28. 30 31 32 33 34 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1867, No. 37. 1868, No. 49. 1867, No. 59. 35 1878, No. 28. 36 1867, No. 13. 37 38 39 Native Districts Regulation Act Amendment Native Circuit Courts Act Amendment F.-'el858,'No.41. 1867, No. 18. 1865, No. 52. 40 rae 1858, No. 42. 1863, No. 21. 1865, No. 71. 41 42 Geaaaaeaeea-eat-ef-Aets Native-Bands



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1863.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Lav/. Extinct Law. 27° Vict. No. 1 Session IL, 1803. StewaPt^frLslaad Anae-aa-tiea 1878, No. 28. 2 3 •Nelson Trust Eunds Amendment ApaiB-A-.t-Geatiaaaaee Vide 1854,' No. 4. 1878, No. 28. 4 Geleaial—Befeaee—Bepee Aet-Ajaeadsaeat Baqaipy-iate-Wpeeks ... Sapepiateadeats—Baeerpepatiea Sapppessiea-ef-Bebelliea New-Zealaad-Settlesieats B-po v i n-e-i-aBG-e-a-a-e-i4a; Bewers-Bsteasiea Brevaaeial —Geaapaleepy Baad-Takiag 1867, No. 37. 5 6 1869, No. 3. 1878, No. 28. 7 8 9 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 50. 10 Assent withheld 11 New Zealand Loan [Sees. 8, 9, repealed.] 1865, No. 54. 1878, No. .28. 12 13 I ,i \;~| •■-] . A TITVrAT'.TiaT.l ATI. ij;T_*|J:r"_'i..frittT*Tt-ix . .. 1866, No. 29; 1872, No. 37. rael858,No.51. 14 15 •Lands Clauses Consolidation 1 •Nelson College Trust Lands Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendmt. rael856,No.21. 1878, No. 28. 16 17 Native Purpesea-Appro ppiatiea—Aet—Aaaeadaaeat Miaeps—Beppeseatatiea A r>T A tt> ati rl-n . aii r _____"^.t" _*-__-Hl"_"ll *_"._. 11U11 V Seeeadasy—-Baaisaaaeat Act Aaaendmont 1879, No. 42. 18 1873, No. 73. 19 Sheriffs Act Amendment rael858,No.24. 1870, No. 18. 20 21 22 Begalatiea—ef—Eleetieaa ■ -Ameadaaeat Gem-aaeaeeiaeat-ef—Aets Aet-4863-Bepeal Foreign Offenders Apprehension Auckland Beeorvcs Wollingtea-Batoat-Slap Jury Baw-Aaaeadaaeat De-e-d-s—B-e-g4-B-t*a-t-i-e-a Aaasadaaent 1878, No. 28. Ultra vires. 23 24 25 26 1866, No. 78. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 49. 1878, No. 28. 27 28 29 •Tikokino Reserve. Marino Beapd Wellington and Hawked Bay Naval-aad-Mib-tapy-Settleps aaeat OtageWaste-Baads,-Ne-l QtageWaste Bands,.No, 2 ___Z__l-_l-_________fcx___l__ "T^CX"_'"_. ".IltllJIiJlI . t . 1866, No. 52. 1877, No. 29. 30 1866, No. 32. 31 32 33 34 1866, No. 22. 1866, No. 22. 1871, No. 51. Civil List [Schedule partly repealed.] 1873,Nos.77,80. 35 36 37 ___l'L)1 _ tOT7_rto;,bit7--t > »■ 1878, No. 28. •Naturalization. 38 M-a-p-1-b-o r o u-g-fa- Wa-s-te Baads Regalatieas A in a-v. a!no at.4- __..!_ Ill *D_-C"CtTXTt!7_-CTi Aaeklaad-WaBto Lands 1867, No. 63. 1867, No. 59. ■ | Repeal id any proceedings by the G- overnment of the colony or by County Councils or Road Boards.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1863 TO 1865.

Short Titles. Yeae oe Reign Original Repealing Act. Amending Acts, etc Number. Existing Law. Extinet Law. 27° VlCT. 39 40 Session III., 1863 — continued. , , _lN cxtroii —VV cfcbtjt.—_r_.rtJ.iLLo ., , Seath-land-Waste-Baads 1874, No. 19. 1865, No. 59. PEIVATE ACTS. •Auckland Harbour Debenture Act 1860 Amendment Vide Private Acts, 1860 (No. 7). 1876, No. 50. Auckland—aad—Bpasy J-ticliiA'V (-- y Blaf. Ilarbeap-aad-Bavep-eapgill—Bailway—aad ®-st_asieH Baak-ef-Otage- (Biaaited) 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 28° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Session IV., 1864. New-Gasteaas Duties ... Pate of Interest J J A nPllfll TV) __. . . . X7C *_**J11 L 111 CD . . , l\l A-y-i-r /anlnn r\ S-l a . 1-1 Am att_1:__ . . • _i_"*| *J 1 V -^J'T-llLt.ll'L*. Aaaeadaaeat Bablie-Wepks-Baads .., Gepeaepa-Act Ameadt? •Auckland Reserves Act Amendment 1866, No. 43. Expired. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. ' 5' 6 7 rae 1858,'No. 49. 1876, No. 50. 1867, No. 16. 8 9 Apaas-Aet-Geatiaaaaee Begaotration—ef—Deeds V-alidatiea- (Otage) Baaaaaa-Mail-Se-viee ... Wild-Bipda-Bpotoctiea •Naturalization. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 10 11 12 13 14 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 57. 1878, No. 28. 1865, No. 71. Albert Hall sitT nTiiT'-A T i rnii.n A at, \ tvtati i , - ■ • -CtTcit.! V L? -tacclit-o i-__T7T)x^_ilJt*_Jli'_l lilOIlfi 15 16 17 Coupons. Sheriffs Act Amendment G.QTiiilA'' i 11 I 1'r W ■!'..(■ T ..,. 11 /111 raiirt.WrtJLli y"-"YV ctrrct)-"± Vide 1858, No. 24. 1877, No. 29. PEITATE ACTS. Gaatepbapy Groat-Neptb-evn r. ni nrnir XIX J_ llCTri 1TC-TT Gaatepbury Groat-Seata-orn Railway Baals-ef-Aaeklaad 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. •Otago and Southland Investment Company (Limited). 1878, Nr. 28, Geaaaaepeiftl-BaHk-ef-New Zealaad- (Biaaited) •Dunedin Waterworks [Sees. 12, 25, 26, 29, 38, and subsee. (4) of sec. 28, also part sec. 4_, repealed.] Vide Private Acts, 1866, No. 1 ; 1871, No. 4 ; 1877, Local, No. 23. 29° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Session V, 1865. Indemnity A t*wi n A a4- I ' n TIT ITU. Oil HA .,, _C_LiliiT- HI lii \_^'_TiTtrii_:tA_tix 1c*_* Leases and Sales of Settled Estates 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 4 District Courts Act Amendment [Sees. 7, 11, repealed.] 1879, No. 31. Vide 1870, No. 6, sec. 8. 1866, No. 5; 1870, No. 12, sec. 3. ra-1858,No.30j 1878, No. 28. 5 Otago Provincial Pablie Qfeeea Site Truota



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1865.

Short Titles. Amending Acts, etc. I Original Repealing Act. Yeab oe Reign and NUMBEE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 29° Vict. 6 Session V., 1! S65 — continued. Panama—Mail—Sorvico Aet-Aaaeadaaeat 1878, No. 28. 7 8 •Armitage Pension. Aadit-Aet-Aaaeadaaent 1867, No. 84; 1878, No. 19. 1882, No. 35. 1868, No. 81. 9 10 11 12 13 B-itisa-Geaapaaies Commencement of Acts Native Eights. 1878, No. 28. _L_J ■*'T.TT-EA..IiA1T-T..1 Clf.1 AT. 1866, No. 73 ; 1872, No. 73 ; 1875, No. 20. Parliamentary Privileges. 14 Woot Coast Gold Field T^TA*VT1.T> ATQ.1 r? AT .TAf.AT.T'O. ■ 1878, No. 28. 15 •Wellington Hospital Reserves 1874, No. 7. 1871, No. 35. 16 B4-s-e*a-e-d—Gattle—A=et A TTI ATI fl TYl ATI T ZC^TTXyJ llvLIl X\J X Ii3 Bablie —Beaaaias—-Aet A TT1 A Tin TTI A TTT. _____111<J11*_L*.11*J11TJ M-a-piaa-e—B-6-a.-d—A-e-t , A Tn.ATlf.1T. AT. T. _t-LlllUU-Lllll'J 11U Hewapd^s-Beasiea 17 1881, No. 26. 18 1866, No. 52. 19 20 Legislative Council Quorum. 1878, No. 28. 21 22 23 24 Outlying Districts Police. Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act Amendment SHI ITTT1 '*(•*• (. TT ATI P Ad tTII VV Cl \ \_/ IIC-ICCo • • • 1880, No. 24. 1876, No. 50. 1872, No. 50. Vide 1856, No. 21. Spent. 25 Maori Funds Invest26 27 28 29 30 81 32 33 ment M-i-a-ka-g—G-e-na-p-a-aa-i-e-s Biaaited-Biabillty Bpivate-BBtates-Bills ... Bailding and—Band—SeeietiesAetsAaaendnaeat Mmm A i r^ATl fl ATI Ll y CfD -L UllOiulI ... Bpiseae-s-Beaaeval Beeda and Titles-Begis-1-1 ATI A TllAID'llllfmT "CiTt'tlW'll -1 __. 111U11Ltl 11A.11T. l\j OWT T^l T7TT1 All fcfa HiYP II flTI fl'Pfl iLy U VV _1_ "t y 1111- 1 LI -ii __■_.___*_,■ nuiii'C*nr li ATnTTn nni ati T_VL/llilllTOt31L*ll Hawko'a —Bay—Militapy and Geleaial—Befeaee Gepps-Settleaaeats Now Provinces Baw —Bpaetitieaeas—Aet A TTI PT1 fiTn A TIT __.___l__LUl_! 1-llt-U--L U Bpeviaeial-Geastabalapy Bleetpio Tolograph Bistitiatiea —Bpehibatiea Qpdinanco Amendment Bpevisieaal-_-upy-Bist ... Geld-Bielda-Aets-A-aead-IT) OT) Ti 1872, No. 33. 1867, No. 17. 1866, No. 70, 1878, No. 28. 1873, No. 73. 1868, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 34 35 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 69. 86 37 38 1878, No. 28. 1875, No. 44. 1868, No. 72. 39 40 41 1868, No. 49. 1867, No. 77. 1866, No. 32. 42 43 Lost Licenses and Leases Provincial-Councilo' Poworo -Bateaeiea BpevaaeiaBGeppepatieas rae 1861, No. 13. 1876, No. 50. 44 45 Master and Apprentice [Sees. 5, 6, repealed.] 1875, No. 38; 1882, No. 25. 1876, No. 52.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1865.

3—A. 13.

Shobt Titdes. Yeab oe Reich. and NUMBEE. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginai, Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 29° Vict. No. 46 Session V., 1£ 165 — continued. Bebteps—aad—Gpeditee . A ot. A Trio Tin tt. ati t~ XX. V tT^ i-__lll Ull *_l 111 t)X-tl 1867, No. 18. 47 48 •Nixon Pension. 1874, No. 17. 49 50 Hawko'o—Bay—Waste Landna—Begulationo Gaaterba-y-Waote-Baade Bailoro—ef—Sheep—aaad Gattlo Protection 1877, No. 29. 1868, No. 11. 51 Petty Sessions [Sees. 12, 15, 16, part s. ., repealed.] 1866, No. 75; 1868, No. 19; 1870, No. 24; 1874, No. 66. 1870, No. 87. 1881, No. 24. 52 53 54 55 zi\A. xJ.i. ul Qi ,,, ~\T r\ li i pxema! "T v7_: LUI cwr ,,, New Zealand Loan ... •Otago Municipal Corporations Empowering. 1 [See. 41 repealed by 1866, No. 62.] ra-lS63,No.ll. 56 -57intestate Eatatoo Bpeteetiea—ef-—Gertaia Aaimala Bebeatur-es—Aet—1864 A T-i-i at-i rim An -r XJ_1 11 L?HIA111*J XX U Southland-"Waoto Lands Tiirrmnlri 1Sr.n-.7-n1 nnrl it ex an i_tivi ~Tn v 01 tiiiLi XECmr tary Settlors Miaeps—Beppeeeatatiea Act Amoadaaeat Velaateeps-Baad Bpeviaeial—Baw—Salts Act Deelapatepy Wolliagtea Sapromo Court Houeo-Site Grown Laads— (Nelsea) Beasiag New-Zealaad-Settleaaeate Aaneadaaeat-aad-Gea- . . i-m n-1-1 p f\ VXXX LICISIKJO 1873, No. 27. 1867, No. 35. 58 1878, No. 28. 59 60 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 61 1879, No. 42. 62 63 1876, No. 51. 1878, No. 28. 64 1878, No. 28. 65 1867, No. 51. 66 1878, No. 28. 67 68 •Naturalization. 1878, No. 28. 69 70 71 Southland T j a .n n -A-l Tap qxi a tt, 1J UCTll 3TJT1 HjtJtXT* Xt7 tx ,,, _Rep_.ese&tatie___ _:zi5r>r|... ■l_jEaJr,ivA 1867, No. 88. 1878, No. 28. 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 1877, No. 29. 72 73 A A/ a! Im err An AA/ hp.ta ci T T vJIl llTii -ull TT -tniVX-lulU*. Bosidont Magistrates' Gpiaaiaal—Ba-iadaetaea Bsteasiea-aadrAaaead-(lATYlTTTVAll PIT. V-'UllllltllUltWxfj , , , 1867, No. 13. 74 1867, No. 84; 1878, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. 75 Appropriation pbivat: E ACTS. •Duck's Nest Dam. •LincolnRoad Mill Dam. 1876, No. 50. Baetoa—aaad—Blenheim cEtJCtl X Wis y' ' In force only within Port Chalmers and Winton.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1866.

Shobt Titles. Yeae of Reign Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. AND NUMBEB. Existing Law. Extinct Law. THE EOTJRTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session L, from 30th June to 8th October, 1866; St October, 1867 ; Session III., from 9th July to 20th October. to 3rd September, 1869 ; and Session V, from 14th June t by Proclamation, 80th December, 1870. 30° Vict. Session I., 1866. No. 1 Criminal Law Procedure 'ession LL, from 9th July to 10th ', 1868 ; Session LV, from 1st June '.o 13th September, 1870. Dissolved 1872,No.28. Vide 1856, No. 3. 2 ... Baptne. ehip-Baw^Amead-naeat 1880, No. 12. 3 ... Arms- Act Aaaeadaneat 4 ... Sapreaae-Geapt Judges... 5 District Courts Jurisdiction Extension 6 Military Pensions. 7 ... Gpewa-Bebts 8 Indictable Offences Trials [Sec, 4 repealed.] 9 Trade Marks 10 . Vagrant 1869, No. 57. 1882, No. 29. Vide 1858, No. 30. 1881, No. 8. 1882, No. 15. 1882, No. 4. 1869, No. 53; 1882, No. 9. 11 ... indemnity 12 ... Summapy— Bpeeeduro on Bills __.ot Amondmeat 13 ... Salo of Peiseaa 14 ... Bpeviaeial—Gempuloepy Band Takaag 15 ... Neweastle-Gpewa-Gfpaata Validation 16 ... Bpieadly—Native—Gea-tpaeta-GeaapmatieH 17 ••■ Alieas 18 Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Amendment [Repealed except sees. 12 to 18 as to arbitrations.] Disallowed. 1880, No. 23. 1871, No. 53. 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. • 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 10. 1882, No. 29. 1867, No. 8. jg ... Of_onoos-agaiaet-the-Be-!-sea. 1867, No. 66; 1870, No. 76. 20 Crown Grants 2i ... Grown Baada Salco Ex ■ tortion Preveatiea 22 ... Otage Waste-Bands ... 23 ... Aueklaad-WaBte-Baads v4i .,, vjan lOFt/Ui —TT-!_"bCT60"-faCT__itx-"*' 25 ... Baad-Begafetieas4___tea-siea- (Hawko'o Bay) 26 *Land Orders and Scrip (Taranaki) 27 ... Bast—Geast—Band -Titlos I -v-i TrnnTi cvn f"i All -t-i lymiiiiviMiiuif o Q "NT"ofi \rc\ Tiimrlq "jfi(J ■ • • 11 L. I_l V VJ J.__(Xi-rao , a ■ 29 *Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Amendment 1 1877, No. 29. 1872, No. 39. 1867, No. 59. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. Vide 1858, No. 77. 1868, No. 56. 1867, No. 43. 1872, No. 37. Vide 1863, No. 13. g0 ... N-e^w— B-1 ymout h-_S-3_-ehaages—Geaaaaissien A TTI Ann TTI ATI T, A6ts-A.aaeada_ent 32 ... ©ead-Sields 33 ... _^-eB_-eaa r -G-e4a-d-eaa r -aad 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 42. 1868, No. 14. 1 Repealed as to any proceedings by the Government of the colony, or by County Councils or Road Boards.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1866.


Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and 3S.UMBEB, Amending Acts, etc Obiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 30° Vict. No. 34 Session I., 1 166— continued. Beaa—3_xp_adata_e—fe-dem-aity TiAnn A TiT.TAT.TinT.irin .1 axyvtiix 3.x yj yjx \j i->_.xctpxt7xx , ., Troaoury B illa-Begalatiea _-reasa_y~Bil_s S o u t h 1 a n-d—Proviaeial Bebt Aot-A-aeadaaeat Wolliagtea—Beaa-Saae-Wollington—Band Pup--haae-Beaa-Saaetiea Beaded—Wapohouo-e-e Duty Cuotomn Tariff Bpovinoial Audit giats atieaa-OfSeea- (Bees) Justices— ei —tho ■ Peace Aets-Bepeal Juatieoa of tho Poaee ... ________ 11A An I '-nA tfif'fl An y ucrtjicCTr^JL lutuui'itji- , a , ilnTTiPTn \_'cii i it. rt_r .., t,i Ti nilrpAr .ATf-i ,,-T.i: ini 111"*... -tiniii.'j'J l_*t*xT.mxtt uxxxv y* ., , Steam Navigation IVI ' I.T1T1 A SCKKCDX 111" ■ • . "\Ta-itt -7. aoI ot..t \ Arvf. (Itti a a __CTT?TT — ~X~f\J CtlttXXtt^JL WO U "L-'lllUL? A nt A rn An rim Anr 3E3;tj U^__C.__L111L"11LH1H?_--1 U New-i-ealaad-Best-Ofiaee Act Amendt., No. 2 Adulteration of Peed ... Bpeteetiea-ef-Geptala-Aai-illcllD"'j-_LOu—xilItyixfctlllUllU 1878, No. 28. 35 36 37 38 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 75. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 39 1878, No. 28. 40 1878, No. 28. 41 1882, No. 55, 42 43 44 45 1875, No. 73. 1882, No. 55. 1877, No. 34. 1875, No. 74, 46 1878, No. 28. '47' 48 49 50 51 52 53 1882, No. 15. 1882, No. 15. 1880, No. 12. 1881, No. 21. 1877, No. 54. 1867, No. 32. 1881, No. 7. 54 1881, No. 7. 55 56 1877, No. 48. 1867, No. 35. 57 Oyster Fisheries 1867, No. 3, sec. 26; 1869, No. 50; 1874, No. 71. 58 gllTTATIT.TATT nATITPl HiIaAT.AT. LI JJtJi AllLL- ilLLUU LO JJJltJtTTxL'llt 1 \\ ■ "i:1111'ii 'i . .,—.!**\i tm in - __-/l-_CTIlL* V\ Ct XV~ U hJllilliUC eatiea 1878, No. 28. 59 Civil Service [Sees. 30 to 43 repealed.] 1871, No. 54; 1878, No. 12. 1867, No. 18. 60 Debteps—aad—Gpediteps 61 62 •Naturalization Otago Maaieipal CounPllp MilTlTTATtrATin Ct A AT C-iD . i J iii [J \j yiru-Liiifir lieu B_6o-A_aeadaaeat A TTATTl AXI—L-tAHAT*n1 £1 a.-CCCtJl 11 try\_. UllL'i 111 o , . , £_31 TlATI 11T.Anfl.ATltV' Tl AT.T1 TT** K?tt p KTtrtXXV WlXttt. IX UTS X7CJ7tt TJTT 1867, No. 76. 1878, No. 28. 63 64 65 1868, No. 50, sec. 4; 1875, No. 81. Vide 1856, No. 3. 1876, No. 71, 1878, No. 28. Affirmations in Lieu of Oaths in Criminal Proceedings 66 Intoctato—Estates—Aret A nr An ATA-AnT. X_cx i iu xxtrzixuix T) Volunteer- Aet ■■Amead1873, No. 27. 67 1881, No. 24. 68 Beppeeeatatiea Aret A niA.-iflrmf.nT .___L.l 11U111X111 *J__- T* Williaaas-Compensation Baildaag—aad—Baad—SoA*l AT *l AC. ctctiit;*3 Bieeasiag 0_diaaaee _A_TA rill I I'll AT) . ( .Tf'1111 'I II PA XJEXIX011*__1___*_*11 U VI UllllUlL'l* 1878, No. 28. 69 70 1878, No. 28. 1876, No. 64. 71 1881, No. 21.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1866, 1867.

Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign and NUMBEE. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 30° Vict. No. 72 Session I., 1866 — continued. Distillation—Prohibitiea I li'f.mnTifin A .-n a v. aI t-m nn r TZTr'-tXXlcllX-WJ X_L;111"dXX aX33******_XT* 1868, No. 72. 73 Privileges 1872, No. 73; 1878, No. 16. Vide 1865, No. 13. 74 75 Buaaties Petty Sessions Act Amendment F.-".1865,'No.51. 1868, No. 16. 76 Sf.flTI. . m Cf.-( \V(\ A TV".- f nT-T l'l ii vato Bills Baw—Practitionoro —Aet . A nr An n tti An t Aaaekland Beaepvea-Act T..AT.An1 -ttJtJ f_*U(XX Sunremn Cnnrt, Act 1 860 , . , IOlI \jX *J1U."J LVo UlTTX-.l' U -J- \J\J\J .A TTi An a m An t. __. _L1 A1U A X CtXXaXJXXT) Bogistratien of Eleeteps Gold—Fields—Mombors v^ U Ltlxs-tfccrbiOll Apppep. iatiea 1878, No. 28. 77 1882, No. 69. 78 1878, No. 28. 79 1882, No. 29. 80 81 1879, No. 42. 1878, No. 28. 82 1878, No. 28. pbivate acts. •Dunedin "Waterworks Act Amendment 1874, No. 45; 1877, Local, No. 23. Vide Private Acts, 1864, No. 6. 1868, No. 68; 1874, No. 68; 1875, No. 5. •Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands 1876, No. 50. £ _li" a Q'A - S*. ait Till attt ..--ITSi. m 11* Tt mliB-iff vv ci y 31° Vict. No. 1 2 3 Session IL, 1867. I TtTI WV AflT. CS-JJTIT.1TT • , ■ attrtprVCt) jj tl VJ YJX y . , , Coinage Offences. Larceny 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 50, sec. 5; 1870, No. 8. 4 5 Porgery. Offences against the Person [Sees. 48, 49, repealed.] Malicious Injuries to Property. Accessories. 1873, No. 12, sec. 3; 1874, No. 4. 6 1878, No. 28. 7 8 Badictablo OffeBoes-Acto Bat-AA 1 9 Her Majesty's Naval andVictualliugStores. Old Metal and Marine Store Dealers. 10 1882, No. 15. 11 Jastieea-ef-the-BeaoQ Act A m Anntv. An-fc X_CXXXI_*11LL11JLC'11U Appeals from Jastaees ... Besident Magistrates... [Part sec. 74 repealed.] 12 13 1868, No. 46; 1870, No. 24; 1872, No. 27; 1879, No. 28. 1882, No. 15. 14 1882, No. 25. Neg_eet_d~aadr~Ga_-aiaa_ li n 1 I'm TATli \J 11XX CT I "IX 15 Introduction of Convicts Prevention. 16 17 Coroners. Private Estate Bills.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1867.

Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Numeee. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 31° Vict. No. 18 19 Session IL, 1 867 — continued. Baafe-aptey Law 1—Practitieaeps—Aet Aaneadaaeat Bseeatiea-ef—Jadgaaeats agaiaat-Beal Estate Deeds Bogiotpatien Ordi-aaaee-Aaaeadaaeat Bpeviaeial-Bav^-Saits-Aet A=aaeadaaeat Bills-ef-Sale Maaieipal-Geppepatieas Oounty-of Westlaad ... 1875, No. 79. 1882, No. 69. 20 1880, No. 31. 21 1868, No. 51. 22 1868/No. 31. 23 24 25 1880, No. 19. 1876, No. 52. 1868, No. 60; 1870, No. 56. 1876, No. 47. 26 g*imaw—aad—Gladstone Beapd-ef-Worka Bpieadly Sociotios Providont and Industrial Baildiag-aad-Baad-Seeie-tieo Act lS66-Amondtr Mai-m pal , ipT-HP'trf.. An ath Ma.K3-iiia*a A ot. i A TnATiri"ri ttrXXCt&t) 3.X*OT3 IXJJlllUllwCi vlfrri 11 a _LlJ_Lll lUu t • • Steam —Navigatien—Aet Ameadaaeat 27 28 1877, No. 10. 1877, No. 11. 29 1876, No. 64. 30' 31 32 33 1869, No. 51. 1876, No. 27. 1878, No. 35. 1877, No. 54. 34 35 36 37 Salmon and Trout. New Zealand Institute. Armed Constabulary ... [Sees. 11, 14, IV, repealed.] Protootiea-ef-Aai-aalB... 1873, No. 42. 1868, No, 36; 1869, No. 58. 1881, No. 24. 1878, No. 28. 38 39 40 — V" *JX cm UUIJA IXUl XiniunTtU" i .-i rl ATn -n -i Ttt _L11LI*_.1j111Xf y ■ ■ ■ Maori Eeal Estate Management 1868, No. 51, see. 22; 1877, No. 43. 41 42 Native Schools Aaeklaad-aad-Oaehaaga Nativo HostoIrioB iTiiTinn J-> t*l III V L? _» .JUillL-O ■■ . Expired. 1882, No. 52. 43 44 45 \j OlillBtTitrct-'-t-'_nJctixfcto . ■ ■ Bast—Goast- Land Titloo Bavestigatien Aet , A n i a'*~h ii~n ("Q"i 1 X-l_l 11C1A L_l 1 1CXXTI 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 1878, No. 28. 1868, No. 56. 46 •TaurangaDistrict Lands [Schedule repealed.] Maori Representation [Sec. 12 repealed.] 1868, No. 35. 47 Wostland Roproseatataea 1872, No. 72; 1876, No. 44. 1878, No. 28. 48 49 Public Offenders Disqualification 1882, No. 23. Vide 1878, No. 30. 50 CJ -n-t-.v.1 atvi AT.fnT.7*.i_T*i.. APT~AT*n1i tjli \j L-iLiiAioxAut,_i y ****_i_-*i**7*************r******_ Bells-Bevisiea Gsewa—Bands; —Nelseaj T iAflQl.T1.0! -Li VJIXT3 Xllij: Gantorbury-Wasto Baade Baad-Glaaais-A-fbitpataea $few —Plymouth—Es1878, No. 28. 51 1874, No. 19. 52 53 54 1877, No. 29. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 55 .A ,TT1 ATI r. .TVATlfc _E333t£31XCt All WtTD ■Taranaki Naval and Militapy-Settleps Bab-ie-Baa-dangsBesepves Gaatepbapy—Bab-is—Be-1877, No. 29. 56 57 1877, No. 36. 1878, No. 28. eervea



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1867.

Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign and NUMBEE. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. I Acts, etc 31° Vict. No. 58 Session II., 1 167 — continued. TTaItittItn t -tV AT_nTiati__J3 nnfl ■__.__. L*l*HT>XiV_lj, V-t 1" TrIXttfXtT7---j LI 11 LI Okarita Tewn-Baads Auckland Waoto Laads Jeha-Jeaes-Baad-Gl-ims \^f iirnvfii. . i. —T?naap atittia TT nil CCl *"XI_*L*U J_L_!■■_■ CCC1X.XT30 Tiiifp n n.n p/a T^TAH l |-*lTTAT1 n.Tl t i 1111TP II TjITTIA ■xr^xxro Kt y _ xjtt ctxxv_*ii hi *cixxnctirtt Salo, Marlberough Marlboro' Wasto Lands tStJTx-biii c-J-fctx — VV'-raB tiO*~- ,'.■_ ftl- fctta A T\TAnrl-i-nAnr ___U__1UUI-_1H<J-L_U Voluntoors—Band—Aet A m Annm Ani: X-CUXCH tXIXXOXI t" 1878, No. 28. 59 60 1874, No. 16. 1878, No. 28. 61 1878, No. 28. 62 1878, No. 28. 63 64 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 65 1876, No. 51. 60 Crown Grants Amendment We 1866, No. 20. 1877, No. 29. 67 68 . 69 70 Waste—Bands—Beards , \ 111 w"'■■ li 1XJL. IJ [JULIA Gold ffiolds Aet Amond aaeat, No. 2 Otage-Geld Eiolds-Judi-Pinl (.TTIPATA "oalia viitijcrD Nelsea; —Cobdon, —aad Wootpept Railway Land—Aet—Ameadaaeat Aa-klaad-aad-B_a-y-Bail-1877, No. 42. 1877, No. 42. 1869, No. 49. 71 1868, No. 14. 72 1876, No. 50. 73 74 Commissioner's Powers Governor's Delegations. [Sees. 2, 3, 4, spent.] 1872, No. 30. 75 B pa-t-a-sla—Australasian 1878, No. 28. 76 *NaturalizationAct 1866 Amendment Post Office Savings Banks F.a'-1866,No.6L 77 1869, No. 39. 1877, No. 9. 1878, No. 28. 78 79 -lAnfinn A OT CL -A-VA, ATI, Aim AT IT T_7tTlAFJLlt. li.JL'-' L Ct slriTCTXCtXIXCII V Provincial Aets—Validatiea Bistillatiea—A=et—3£66 Stamp Baties Aet A m A-i-i fl wi Ail T* XX-XXvUuX-XvIl u Ga-teaaB-Bapi-f Amondaaeat Public Stages 80 1868, No. 72. 81 1875, No. 73. 82 1882, No. 55. 83 84 85 1871, No. 64. 1878, No. 19. Legislative Officer's Salaries. Bartley Pension Saa?pla8-Beveaae-Adjttst-aaeat Expired. 1878, No. 28. 86 87 88 Beaa —Allocatiea—Aet T? AT.Af.1 1878, No. 28. 89 90 91 Public Debts. Consolidated Loan. 1878, No. 31. 92 93 94 Diseased—Sheep—Binoe Apppep-iatiea Appropriation 1878, No. 28. Disallowed. Divorce and Matrimonial Causes [Sec. 60, pt. s. 55, repealed.] 1881, No'.'48.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1867, 1868.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. NUMBEE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 31° Vict. Session IL, 1: PEITA' .67— continued. *E ACT. Gtage—Seathepa—Trunk Bailway-Anaeadaaeat 1876, No. 50. 32° Vict. No. 1 Session '. IL, 1868. Mete—Kisgi—Baetahi -PjtI if "i 11. t IT r IxaxmflQE ft 11 T.T.1 TI _Clll(JJrt.t_x; U LI I.. IJJ. y i . . Tni'AVPfii" An ..Ivt An A*_rci *Xlt MJA CU U UAA "Xl_LUAAt*"X'J , . . 1878, No. 28. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pawnbrokers. Treason-Pelony. 1878, No. 28. 1880, No. 12. 1881, No. 21. Babli e-Heases 1872,No.50. Vide 1858, No. 17. 1869, No. 6. 8 9 *Bishop of New Zealand Trusts Bridges and Perries ... Trigonometrical Stations and Survey Marks. 10 11 Bills-ef-Sale Mortgages of ■ Stook-Be-Bpeviaeial—Aadit—A6t A TV. ATI fl TV. AIT -f3. A__-tXfII"_l A11 *J AIT! AAA.AfliJ-till fl l_ Ai'TVAnAITTflTI An T T "OTiXCtnVl _ttl v. T7-T t**ot_*XXT!E. I'lVJ 1X , A Til l "'Tl fl TT) AT) .', tE-CXIXCll VA XI IL" 11T" Nelson aad-Gebdon Bail1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 19. ' 12 1877, No. 34. 13 1878, No. 28. 14 1876, No. 50. 15 16 17 Imprest Supply, No. 2... Baaaties 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 34. Printers and Newspapers Begistration. John Joaes-Baad-Glaiaaa Settleaaeat~Aet-B-6? ■ A *r~n Ann*m Ani; ZLX. 1 Al OXX Hill U1 IT) 1878, No. 28, 18 19 20 Petty Sessions O-fea ees-agaieat- tho Por ■ sea Act Aaaeadaaeat Gaatepbupy-Biveps Mappiage—A«t—AmoadTTI CT\ Ti Begistration ef Eleetepe A or A m fin aItii a-v.4-X_L"0 L illlllv 11 villiIJ11T* F._'_1865,No.51. 1874, No. 4. 21 22 1870, No. 68. 1880, No. 21. 23 1879, No, 42, 24 Escheat [Sec. 4 repealed.] Distress and Beplevin. 1870, No. 31. 25 26 27 28 Geld-Bields-(Nolson) ... 1877, No. 42. 1882, No. 35. Conveyancing Charges Vide Ord. Sess. IL, No. 10. 29 Proviaeiai Acpppeppiartieas Validation 1878, No. 28. 30 Weights and Measures [Part sec. 19 repealed.] 1873, No. 16. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28, 31 32 33 Provincial Law Suits ... Ngaitaha-Befepeaee-Vali-datiea New-Zealand Pest-Qiaes A at, A i'naAmY)Al 1T u.X'.j u u linpTATnt Ji ..T? Arirnl irfi An ■ A AT T*?LAn LtLAlllt") XI'V-i."*LtirXTJ_:L7ll "llvt ■ A IT) ATlflm ATI j". __. _CXHL3 11 U-HU-lTl 1881, No. 7. 34 1882, No. 55. 35 36 *Tauranga District Lands Colonial Porces CourtsMartial Fm.-1867,No.46. 1869,No,58. Vide 1867, No. 37. 37 Geld—Miaaag—Glaiaas Bpaiaage Hawko'o Bay Land Bega-latieaa-Extonoiea-Aet _A_1T10T. (llTI OH Ti 1877, No. 42. 38 1877, No. 29.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1868.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMBEB. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 32° Vict. No. 39 40 Session III., 1 .868— continued. Baaeoll Military Grant *{Haw'kes Bay and) Marlborough Rivers 1 [Sees. 20, 21, totally, sees. 22 to 32 locally, repealed.] 1878, No. 28. 1870, No. 67; 1872, No. 52; 1878, Local, No. 22; 1879, Local, Nos. 19 and 20; 1881, No. 5. 41 Ma.t.i hATAn n*r)______.,..T_ ahattta ralllJUl \-.TXs*ll ™ LLttjOCA VO I , a n n . t . AI '*■ 'I I rl 1 r 1 \J" 1878, No. 28. 42 43 *Otago Education Reserves Abandonment [See. 6 repealed.] 1870, No. 4; 1871, No. 20. 1878, No. 28. 44 Otago Road Boards Endowment Williamson—Compeaaatiea 1878, No. 28. 45 1878, No. 28. 46 Resident Magistrates... [Sees. 6 to 16 repealed.] 1874, No. 14. Vide 1867, No. 13. 1875, No. 79. 47 Bankruptcy Act Amend aaeat 48 Supreme Ceurt Bractioo and Procedure Amond . .1P T. Ti . I n VI AnI 1* IXAAUU • • ■ 1882, No. 29. 49 50 Law Amendment [Sees. 2, 3, and part see. 5 repealed.] 1882, No'.'15. 1880, No. 16. 51 52 Deeds Registration. Maaieipal—Geppepataeas Aet Amondmont Gold Piolds Act Amond mont- (Native-Bands) 1876, No. 52. 53 1877, No. 42. 54 Constabulary Porce Ordinance Amendment Vide Ord., Sess. VII., No. 2. 1873, Nos. 56 and 57. 55 aaeat 56 *East Coast (Native Lands). 57 Brovincial-^Aeta-Valida-r.l A-V. A AT- I J A Tl 4-. 1-1. 1 fl T. A A vx ttxx _L XX511 \y\JXX l)X IXIX tXXXK:. t? Wellington and Hawko'a Bay Public Debt Ap TiAT-f*! Annr An J: IJUl UHJlllXXCTIfl Canterbury—and West land Public Debt-Ap-TTATT1 nTIITirTif I J \J TTXtTXl 111 s~ 110 Geunty of Wcatlaad ,.. Woatland Publie-Seaae Ordinance-Ameadtr Groon and-Speaeep-Baad Glaiaas Ofn ita I. T? n .nn (.Tr.iT'.nnpA \_/tCTtTLf JtTCOtlLUJ VJf-TLllllCt__tT7D Amondmont Ordinanoo 1S56 Validation Eloctric Telegraph—BeuOi VCB JAjQIQlISo 1882, No. 43. 58 1878, No. 28. 59 1878, No. 28. 60 61 1882, No. 43. 1881, No. 21. 62 1878, No. 28. 63 1878, No. 28. 64 1878, No. 28. 65 66 67 University Endowment 1875, No. 60. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 26. . Bablie—D o m-a-a-a-s—Aot Bsteasiea 68 *Otago Surveys Correction Vide Private Acts, 1866, No. 2. 1873, No. 42. 69 Bpetootion—ef—Animals A PT A m ATH". m ATI "i" ___L"_,l'SJillI LTAA LtlllvJAlt* 1 Repealed as to Hawke's Bay by 1876, No. 11.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1868, 1869.

4—A. 13.


Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NuMBEB. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 32° Vict. No. 70 Session III., 1 .868 — continued. Maaeps—Beppeseatatiea A_t-Aaaeadaaeat Badeaaaity ... 1879, No. 42. 71 72 Distillation [Sees. 60,125,126,135 to 137, gcbed. 8, 9, 10, and part s. 138 repealed.] 1874, No. 8; 1880, No. 44; 1881, No. 21. 1878, No. 28. 73 74 Public Debts Sinking Funds [Sec. 2 and part s. 6 repealed.j 1869, No. 72; 1871, No. 79; 1875, No. 43; 1882, No. 71, sec. 15. 1869, No. 74. 1878, No. 19. 75 76 77 Treasury BillsRegulation Treasury Bills Coasts —ef—Baw—Trust J__j_j_____A______ li '__. U AALJ \TJ Consolidated Loan Provincial Charges _____l___±_j____.£1__a. . I ,oi .fl l< aitQmin *C7t7l--IXafcrCtTJt. tt IJLvlALL _t_tt7Tr-1,xitX*_J Apppeppiatiee Intopppetatiea 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 19. 78 Expired. 79 1878, No. 28. 80 81 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 14. 32°&33°Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Session ] V, 1869. _L Ixx'fcti. GSt. —O 11 p p_ry- . , . T-seasBpy-Bil-B Baqaipy-iate-Wpeeka ... Bestaietiea —ea—-M&piae Re-assu-aaee-Beaaeval Morohant Shipping--Aeta Adeptiea 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 54. 1880, No. 12. 5 1877, No 54. 6 Bridges and Perries Act 1868 Amendment Public Payments without Probate [Sec. 3 spent.] *Nelson Marriages. Vide 1868, No. 8. 7 1873, No. 27. $ 8 9 Seathlaad-Bpeviaeial-Bebt Aets-A-aeadnaeat 1878, No. 28. 10 *Auckland Gold Fields Proclamations Validation. 11 12 (.T.n.o*A. ftr-'t"^'! Am ati tn IVTa 1 PAT) fin A; ( iAr>rl All r vf. J __.! *_r±t_lt7--L _lll*__ \_/"_" _J_T_tll way Act Aaaeednaeat Gaatepbapy-Waste-Baada Naval-aad Military DO Lixtri in Wellington and Hawko'o Bay Public Debt-Ap-portionmont Act Egteaeiea Bpevincial Ele&tiees Act Aaaeadmont Military Contribatiea ... Mining —G-e-aa-p-aaaa-e-e Biaaited Liability Aet A TV. Ait fl TIT An X. _trcxxit?ixt_t---itriiTf -Irfcrslx'iT'rsTJS • •. .,, Bistapbed-Baatpiets Bitestate—Estates—Aet Ameadaaeat Gtage-Haadpeds-Begula tiea Public Revejauoo, No. 2 1876, No. 51. 1876, No. 50. 13 14 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 15 1878, No. 28. 16 1878, No. 28. 17 18 1878, No. 28. 1872, No. 33. 19 20 21 1876, No. 50. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 22 1872, No. 39. 23 24 *Shortland Beach. 1875, No 96.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1869.

Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMBEE. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 32°&33°Vici. No. 25 Session IV., ] 869 — continued. Geld-Bields-AetvAmead-mollis _bN ctCItC —rrH-i'llLlt** . i ■ 1877, No. 42. 26 1873, Nos. and 57. 1877, No. 29. 56 27 28 29 Gaaterbapy —T-empepapy Miaing Beeepves A=aeblaBd-Waste—Bands Aet4§67-Ameadment Otago Waste-Baads-Aet 1866-Anaead-aeat Gpewa—Baads— (Nels en) Leasing Poverty Bay-Grants .., 1874, No. 16. 1872, No. 39. 3) 1874, No. 19. 31 32 New Zealand Cross Endowment. 1878, No. 28. 33 34 .35 Gommissioaeps-ef-Gpewa Bands Bailaaonts of Stack and Ghattels-Begi st. ataea Belivory ef—Geeda—aad Biea-fea^-Bpeigbt Baagepeaa Goods Baildiag-and-Basd-S-ei--taes Ameadaaeaat Joint—Steak—Geaapaaies A W . AT. fl-ITT ATI T __.__. Ill C^llL-lli mt 1877, No. 29. 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 12. 36 37 1882, No. 60. 1876, No. 64. 38 1882, No. 35. 39 Post Office Savings Banks Amendment Vide 1867, No. 77. 1876, No. 47. 40 Tiaaftpu—aad—Gladsteae Beapd-ef—Werks-^Aet . A m ot\ n. n An £ _____ XXX *C7lT^ tXXXtTXXX* 41 *Oamaru Town Reserves Management [Part schedule repealed.] 1871, No. 26. 1878, No. 35. 1881, No. 21. 42 43 44 45 46 G. eyBaeatla-Qaaya Westlaad—Bablie^Bvease Opdiaaaee-Araaeadmeat Geaaty •— ef—WestlaadA ii.ATifirnrii.T_r__.llAUlll.llll t? XXTl Gaatorbury—Bavepa—A=et Proviacial Couacila Be-gislatioa-Appeal B-eviaeiaBAets-Walida-tion Aet-Geatinuanco Bpeviaeial—Audit—Aet Ameadaaeat £ey-gielde-6aaaeeP6-Sala-pies 1882, No. 43. 1870, No. 68. 1878, No. 28. 47 1878, No. 28. 48 1877, No. 34. 49 50 Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment Medical Practitioners Registration. Contagious Diseases. Vagrant Act 1866 Amendment TO. 1866, No. 57. 1877, No. 42. 51 52 53 Fii-'-1866, No. 10. 1873, No. 73. 1882, No. 15. 54 55 Gaeleps-aad-Bpiaenea-s ... Baetiees—of —the—Beaee-Aet-Aaneadaaent 56 Trustees' Powers Deletion 1872, No. 29. 1880, No. 13. 57 58 Armed Constabulary Act Amendment TO.1867,No.37. 59 New—Zealand—CornealsC11. ATI ATT1 T3xL""xi*-*rO 1878, No. 28.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1869, 1870.


Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign AND NUMBEB. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. 32°&33°Vict. No. 60 61 62 63 Session IV., 1869 — continued. j Gevernmont Annuities Begastratien-Aet Amendt? Crown Bonds and Securities New Zealand Law Society's ;*Hugo Max Bucholz Naturalization. *Acclimatization Society of Southland Grant. *Botanic Garden TO. 1870, No. 85. 1878, No. 36. 1874, No. 62. 1875, No. 23. 64 65 66 1871. No. 23; 1872, No. 13. 1877, No. 47. 1875, No. 73. 67 68 09 Public Libraries *Whiteley Pension. *Walsh and Others Pension [See. 5 repealed.] 1870, No. 48 ; 1874, No. 73 ; 1877, Local, No. 64. 70 Staaap Daties Aets.A itiAnnmAn*E -L.1__IHJ1XW11_CXXT) Bubaae-Bevenaes Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendmt. j 71 ' 72 1871, No. 79; 1875, No. 43. Vide 1868, No. 74. 1878, No. 19. 73 Consolidated Loan Application Treasury Bills Regulations Act Amendment Expired. 74 1868, No. 75. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 75 76 Tpeasapy-Billsj-NeT-S ... Appropriation 33 0&34 0Vict. No. 1 Session V., 1870. Punishment of High Treason. 2 3 Imprest-Sapply New-Zealaad-Best-Oaaee Aet-Anaeadaaeat 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 7. 4 *OtagO Education Reserves Abandonment Deceased Persons' . Estates TO.1868,No.43. 5 Vide 1855, No. 3 (17 & 18 Vict., c. 113). 6 7 8 Partition. Vexatious Indictments. Larceny Act Amendment Vide 1867, No. 3, sees. 67, &c. 9 10 Ta'easa. y-Bills Wollington and Hawko'o Bay-Publio Bebt-Ap- ' pertieaaaaeat—Aet Esteasiea Bpeviaeial-Besepved-Bills 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 11- I 12 Vide 1858, No. 30; 1865, No. 4. 1878, No. 2-8. District Courts Criminal Jurisdiction Extension 13 14 Improot Supply, No. 2... Sappeaae-Geapt-Aet-1860 Aaaaeadmeat Representation 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 29. 15 16 17 18 19 Qaalifieatieas-of-Eleet era Diaqaalaaeatiea Regulation ■ ■ of—Sle _._-___ Solo for Non poyraont of Bates Superseded by 1881, No. 14. 1879, No. 4-2. ] 876, No. 70. 1881, No. 12. 1878, No. 28.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1870.

SnoET Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMBEE. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 33°&34V_-T. No. 20 21 Session V., 1! 170 — continued. T_JF0iLt '-L'Lrilt.r. . , ■ Staaap Baties Aet . A TA A n Al m ATI T __.__.111C IXCtTTXCXIX* B-siee-Aet-A=aaeadnaeat BaakpapteyAete-Aaaead-1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 22 23 1880, No. 16. 1875, No. 79. 24 Resident Magistrates Evidence 1878,No.46.,sec. 14. 1878, No. 28. 25 Bpevineial—Aets—Valida-tiea-Aet-Geiatiaaaaaee Bianit-d—Liability—Geaa-TTTtxtx*Bt_ —> V 111txilii* Hrr. M-aaaa-firg—G-e-aa-p-a-a-a-e-s Bimited^Liability-Aet Bepaty—Sapeaiatondeat ef Wolliagtea Negleeted—aad—Gpimiaal Ghildpea—Aet—186? Aaaeadmeat 26 1872, No. 33. 27 1872, No. 33. 28 1878, No. 28. 29 1882, No. 25. 30 Sales by Mortgages ... 1880,No. 8. Vide 1860, No. 16. TO. 1868, No. 24. 31 32 Escheat Act Amendmt. Batestate-Estates-Aaaend-saeat 1878, No. 28. 33 34 Fire Inspectors. 1 Baagepeas—Goeds—Aet Ameadaaeat 1878, No. 22. 35 Unincorporated Boards Suits. Gea-t—ef —Appeal—Aet Aaaeadmeat Mappied-—Wenaea-s-Bre-pepty-Bseteeti-aa Geverameat Saaamaay Bpeeeea-tieas Gatlyiag—Dist-iets—Sale ef-Spiaats Alieas Hftpbeap-Beaade Maaiae-Aet-Aaaeadaaeat Me¥ehaat-Sbips:-Giaeeps 3-5-aaaiaatiea Aet-AaaeBdaat—No-g Geld-Bielde-Aet-Aaaaeaadt. AgpiealtaaalBaedaeeBiea Geaaaa-Aeta-Ameadaaeat 1882, No. 30. 36 37 1880, No. 14. 38 1881, No. 7 1882, No. 15. 1881, No. 21. 39 40 41 42 43 1880, No. 10. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1877, No. 54. 44 1881, No. 7. 45 46 47 48 1874, No. 73. Vide 1869, No. 69. 1877, No. 42. 1871, No. 36. 1877, No. 9. * Walsh and Others Pension Act Amendment 49 *Meredith and Others Pension. 1882, No. 43. 50 Geaaty—ef Weatlaad AetB-Ameadaaeat 51 Land Transfer [Sees. 16, 20, 48, 105, 113, part sees. 87, 111, repealed.] 1871, No. 12; 1874, No. 15 ; 1876, No. 67 ; 1880, No. 8. 1874, No. 16. 1877, No. 29. 1874, No. 19. 52 53 54 Aaaeklaad—Waste--Baada WelliagteaWaste-Baaads Nelsen —Waste —Baads Aet-Ameadmeat Nelsea—Orewa—Baads Beaeiag-Aet-Aaaeadtr Weetlaad-Waate-Baads 55 1874, No. 19. 56 1877, No. 29. 1 Does not apply within boroughs or town districts.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1870.


Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMIiEE. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Acts, etc. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 33°&34°Vict. No. 57 Session V., li 170 — continued. tien-Aet-B.69-Amead-aaeat Hawke-s —Bay—G.ewa Baads-Sale Hawke"a—Bay—Beaewal of Licenses Melaaka—aad—Waikare Distpiet Gisbea'ae-Baad Richmead-Land Sales , Bay-efLslaads-Settlemeat Waira.apa-Tewa-Baads Masageaaeat Maslbepeugh—Sale—of Reaeavea WaipaaWalley-Bead ... 1872, No. 39. 58 1878, No. 28. 59 1877, No. 29. 60 1878, No. 28. 61 62 63 64 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1871, No. 25. 65 1878, No. 28. 66 67 *(JH.atehe,s Bay and) Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendment 1 * Canterbury Rivers [Sees. 4 to 8, 29, repealed.] 1872,No.52. Vide 1868, No. 40. 1878, No. 28. ' 68 1873, No. 15; 1877, Local, No. 49; 1880, Local, No. 14; 1881, Local, No. 9; 1882, Local, No. 16. Kaiaaaei—Native—ladae-tpiaBSebeel-Gaaat TuHior't* Land Grant ... Jehaetea-Baad-Gaaat ... Gaeea Land—Claims \J\i LblCAxiL)Ii t> Greea aad Speaeep Native Baads—A-ets A TTI AT. f I MQ A-|TT" Native—Bands —Baaads Baeveatiea 1878, No. 28. 69 70 71 72 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 73 1878, No. 28. 74 75 1873, Nos. and 57. 1881, No. 17. 56 70 Crown Grants Amendment [Part sec. 4 repealed.] Vide 1866, No. 20; 1868, No. 51; 1880, No. 27. 1876, No. 50. 77 78 70 SO Bamigpatien-aad-Bablie Weaks dbxrctxi VV ti"Vo • • • G-ateabuiy Gauge 1876, No. 50. 1876, No. 50. Immigration and Public Works Loan [Appropriations repealed.] Defence and Other Purposes Loan. 1873, No. 49; 1874, No. 25. 81 Bayaaeate-to Provinoos baeks 1871, No. 16. 1872, No. 10. 82 83 84 85 New Zealand and Australian Submarine Telegraph. Government Officers Guarantee Fifl 7-1869,No.62. SO New—Zealaad— Gevepaaaaeat—Basaaanee—aad Annuities 1874, No. 62. 87 ss Militia. 1881, No. 24. Velaateer Act Amendt; 1 Repealed as to Hawte's Bay by 1876, No. 11.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1870, 1871.

THE FIFTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Session I., from 14th August to 16th November, 1871; Session II., from 16th July to 25th October, 1872 ; Session III., from 15th July to 3rd October, 1873; Session IV., from 3rd July to 31st August, 1874; and Session V., from 20th July to 21st October, 1875. Dissolved by Proclamation, 6th December, 1875.

Shobt Titles. 'eab oe Reign AND Numbee. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 13° & 34° Vict. No. 89 Session V., l! i70— continued. Patents ... [Sec. 7, Belied. 2, 8, and part sees. 10, 14, 16, and 38, repealed.] 1881, No. 22; 1882, No. 18, 90 91 "M"attt \Apn1nr)/i TTvn ——_3o___; _. . C . \ __C—-IL—_>_ U lit V - . ral L1 V Vide 1858, Nos. 38 and 51. 1874, No. 53. *Nelson College 92 Timaaa—aad—Gladstone Beard el Works A ty. Ann rn Ant __i-iiiwii'_tiixt;xxTi Gtage—and—Southland Bfeiea Bablie-Bovonuea Temporary Loan Treasury Bills-Exteaded ( illTTAn PT r V-, 111 1 L"Al"--! y Appropriation Apppepriati-By-Nor-2 ... GaI An *l __J .i r? APITYPAA1 T\T UHJAlAtl-l X-C"CxT7rt*rox I T 1 , , . 1876, No. 47. 93 1878, No. 28. 94 95 96 1878, No. 19. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 97 93 99 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. Not assented. PEIVATE Ai Canto-bury Groat North. ATT1 i r? fl.11 BCfl \r V711I XlWii WW V !TS. 1876, No. 50. *Christchu_ch Gas. *Wellington Gas Company's.

15° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Session L., _.<-/._. Improot-Sapply Tpeaaupy-Balls Gaatema-Tapif. StaaapButaeaA-tAaaead-rucuL Gold Duties -Act 1870 Baaaediaa-and Bort Glial mors Railway Municipal—Gepporatieaaa Aets-Ameadaaaeat Highway——Eaaapeweping 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 5 1882, No. 55. 6 1876, No. 50. 7 1876, No. 52. 8 1882, No. 43. 9 Native Districts Road Boards. 1878, No. 28. 10 11 BaoviaeiaBActs Validation Act Contiaaanco Appeals from Proviaeial 1876, No. 49. 12 Land Transfer Act Amendment 1880, No. 8. Vide 1870, No. 51. 1874, No. 16. 1874, No. 19. 13 14 15 10 17 18 Aa-kaaaad-Miaepal-Beas_s Nelsea —Gsewa—Baads BeaBiag-Act Ameadf. Otago Settlements Bayaaonto to Breviaeee Bay of lalaaade-Settlomoat Welliagteaa-Waete-Baads Begalatieaa-Aaaeaadts Gisberae-Eaad-Aet-1&7-Q A ■>->-■ An a it. An t. «_._-.lllUlALl 11AL.11 V 1876, No. 51. 1878, No. 2S 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 19 1878, No. 28. 20 *Otago Education Reserves Abandonment TO-1868,No.43; 1870, No. 4.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1871.

Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Numbee. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 35° Vict. No. 21 Session I., It *Taranaki Education Re171 — continued. 1872, No. 47; 1877, No. 22. 22 23 serves [Sees. 3 to 6 and part sched. 2 repealed.] *Wellington Education Reserves [Sees. 5, 6, 7, repealed.] *Wellington City Reserves [Sec. 6 repealed.] *Wellington Reclaimed Land. 1874, No. 55; 1877, No. 22. 1872, No. 13. Vide 1869, No. 66. 24 1873, No. 62; 1875, No. 52; 1877, Local, No. 31. 1876, No. 19; 1877, Local, No. 62 ; 1879, Local, No. 15; 1881, Local, ■ No. 8. Vide 1869, No. 41. 25 *Masterton and Greytown Lands Management [Sees. 8,11,17 to 21, repealed.] ' 26 *Oamaru Town Reserves Management Act Amendment 27 28 *Auckland Military Re-Aaekaand-Barial-Gpeuae. 1872, No. 59; 1873, Private, No. 2. 1882, No. 39. 29 30 serves [Sees. 2, 3, sched. 1, 2, repealed.] Acaeklaad-Hapbeap-Beeks Timara—aad—Gladsteae Beard-—of-—Wepke Amendment Iffyoroargill Priblie- Gar deaa—Reserves - Alieaatiea 1874, No. 34. 1876, No. 47. 31 1878, No. 28. 32 33 Forest Trees Planting Encouragement [Part sees. 3, 4, repealed.] *Bishops in New Zealand Trusts 1872, No. 49; 1879, No. 22. 1872, No. 50. TOe 1858, No. 17. 34 35 36 37 Ghapeh—Baads-Baildiag Beasee Diseased-Cattle Agricultaaal Brednee Biea Weel-aad-Oil-Seeapities Act Aaaeadmeat Limitod -Liability Com paaies—Wiadiag—ap Act Aaaeadmeat Gold Mining-Biatrieta ... Gold Mines Drainage ... 1881, No. 4. 1880, No. 19. 1880, No. 19. 38 1872, No. 33. 39 40 41 1873, No. 48. 1877, No. 42. Sharebrokers. [Sec. 18 repealed.] 1882, No. 15. 42 Jastiees— Bpeteetiea—Aet Ameadaaent 43 44 45 Sheriffs Act Amendment TOel858,No.24. 1876, No. 28. Law Practitioners Act Amendment [Sees. 2, 3, 4, repealed.] Busies 1882, No'.*69. 46 Prisoners Maintenance Expenses Natara-ization Aot-487-Q Fees Expired. 47 1880, No. 10. 48 Convicts Forfeitures.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1871.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Numeeb. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Acts, etc. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 35° Vict. No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 Session I., 18 i71— continued. \ Grown Bodross 1881, No. 8. Contractors' Debts. Vaeeiaataea Babeas-aad-MillePB 1872, No. 68. 1880, No, 20. Sale of Poisons. Civil Service Act Amendment TO.1866,No.59; 1878, No. 12. 55 Native Schools Act Amendment Expired. 56 Charitable Funds Appropriation. Baildingo and -Band Soeaeties Aet 1866 A TV. AT. f] TV. AIT 43. JCllKJlllXllllJll C 1876, No. 64. 57 58 #Otago Supreme Court Offices. Superseded by 1881, No. 14. 1881, No. 12. 59 60 61 Representation Act Amendment Regulation of Eleetieae Aet-Aaeadaaaeat Meaehaat—Sflipe' Officers E-x-a-aa-iaa-a-ti-e-a—Aet Ameadmeat Geaetiaag—Tpade—Regalatiea 1877, No. 54. 62 1882, No. 55. 63 64 65 66 AcPms-Aet Amendaaeat Public Stores Gappiagtea-Baad-Gsaat Kakatai—Gaaat- Validatien Branir/an Allowance ... Lundea— aad—Whitaker Claims Beve_ty-Bay-Gpaats-Aet 1880, No. 13. Lnoperative. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 67 68 Spent. 1878, No. 28. 69 1878, No. 28. 70 *East Coast District Land Titles Validation. *City of Christchurch Loan *Nelson City Loan 71 1874, No. 43. 72 1875, No. 28. Vide Private Acts, 1871, No. 2, 1872, No. 55,sec. 3; 1877, Local, No. 23. 1872, No. 18; 1876, No. 55. 73 74 *City of Dunedin Borrowing [Sees. 8, 10, repealed.] * Wellington Debts [Sched. 2 repealed.] 1876, No. 50. 75 76 77 Baamigaatiea-aad Publie Works-Aet-Aaaeada-k-1 ' ,) 1 1 1 \ T l"l TT.'I tto y ~ • . • tlemonto Bablio Rovonaea 1876, No. 50. 1877, No. 29. 78 79 Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendt. TOe 1868" No. 74; 1869, No. 72. 1878, No. 19. 80 AT. W T* A T*. V), i.,T, 1. AT_ IJ IIX "_* IJA IUjUHJIX . i . 1878, No. 28. peivat *Auckland Gas Company's. *Nelson City Gas E ACTS. 1872, Private, No. 2; 1875, No. 28; 1877, Local, No. 72.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1871, 1872.

5—A. 13.

Shobt Titles. Yeae of Reign and JSTuMEEE. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 35° Vict. Session I., 18 PBIVATE ACTS * Wellington Waterworks [Sees. 30, 35, repealed.] *Dunedin Waterworks Act Amendment [Sees. 3, 14, repealed.] 71 — continued. ! — continued. 1874, No. 47. 1875, Private, No. 5; 1877, Local, No. 23. Vide Private Acts, 1864, No. 6; 1866, No. 1. Session I I., 1872. XTxtwrttoT" K7T**"Pp"**T ■ •» 36° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 Clerk of Parliaments. Wolliagtea-Bateat-Slip Sharobrokors Act A tin ATI fl TV. AT.T- __. __.111*^11H11X*J 11TJ Aaaeklaad-Waete—Baaade Aet-lS7-0-A»eadmeat Baapaeat-Sapply r Ne7-3... G-pe-y-aa o u tla—Btapbeap Works-Advaaee-Va-xxL-tl L'lOi-" 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 5 1874, No. 16. 6 7 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 8 Ba-t-e^-p-p-e-t-aaVi-eaa—Ae4 Ameadmeat New-Zeal&ad-Beet-Oiaaee A-st-Ameadmeat I li»n . . - It . it Irfi J—flTLT. VV L/L"L.*_lVrr . . . 1878, No. 14. 9 1881, No. 7. 10 11 *Oamaru Dock Trust Land. Telegraph Service of Notices. City Reserves [Sec. 7 repealed.] 1882, No. 55. 12 1874, No. 7; 1877, Local, No. 2. Vide 1869, No. 66; 1871, No. 23. 13 14 15 10 Bpeteetiea-ef-Aaimale ... \_liL-1LI ,_l_' tl _l\jt* . ■ • S-t-aa&p—B-aa-t-i-e-s—A-e4 A tti An rlnr att-i ■____r_TXC*xxtxxii cixxj 1873, No. 42. 1882, No. 55. 1875, No. 73. 17 18 *Government Contractors Arbitration. *Wellington Debts Act Amendment Vide 1871, No. 74. 1881, No. 26. 19 20 Gaatepbaay—Bablie—Deaaaiae Gante.basy—Batepayesa Bells-Bevisiea ;_Efc_.lA lT'_t'T*fc3 • • ■ 1878, No. 28. 21 22 1876, No. 52. 1876, No. 50. Tramways [Sees. 56 to 89 repealed within boroughs.] 23 Baamigratiea-aad-Bablie Weaks Baymoats to Previuoos 4' 11 MM A T •? A".JTAT. A API ctXTllt.__rt"*_*T^;XXTXl_"C* . • . 1876, No. 50. 24 25 26 Public Trust Office ... [Part sec. 42 repealed.] 1873, Nos. 18,27; 1876, No. 43 ; 1882, No. 71, sec. 15. TO.1867,No.l3. 1876, No. 103. 1878, No. 19. 27 Resident Magistrates Act Amendment Criminal Law Amendt. \ Trustees'Powers Delegation Act 1869 Amendt. Commissioners' Powers Act 1867 Amendt. 28 29 Vide 1866, No. 1. TO-1869,No.56. 30 TO-1867,No.73.

L— i3.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1872.

Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Eeign and NUMBEE. Amending Acts, etc OeiginAl Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 36° Vict. No. 31 Session IL, 1 .72 — continued. Wardens' —Courts—Bre-eeediage-Validatiea Gold FieldeAeteAaaeadtr 1878, No. 28. 32 33 34 Mining Companies. Biaaited—Biability Jeiat Steelt-GeBapaaaes-Dis-selatien 1877, No!'41. 1877, No. 42. 1882, No. 35. 35 Quartz-Crushing Machines Regulation and Inspection. Vide 1863, No. 13; 1866, No. 29. 1879, No. 42. 36 37 Miaeas^Eights Esteasiea *Land Clauses Consolidation Act Amendt. 1 38 Highway—Boards—Em Otage-Waete-Laads ... NelseaAVaate-BaadsAet B-OtZ-tmeadaaent Nelsea —Grewa —Bands Beaaing-Aet Amoadt? Nelson—Special—SettleTV. ATI ro llll-'ll LU Hawke's —Bay—Special Settlenaeats Hawke'e—Bay—Native Bands-Alienation Ceaamissiea Gasberae Band Aet Ameadaaeat Seathkaad-Waste—Baads AetvAaaeadaaaent 1882, No. 43. 39 40 1877, No. 29. 1874, No. 19. 41 1874, No. 19. 42 1877, No. 29. 43 1877, No. 29. 44 1878, No. 28. 45 1878, No. 28. 46 1877, No. 29. 47 48 49 *Taranaki Education Reserves Act 1871 Amendment *Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims. Forest Trees Planting Encouragement - Act Amendment #Church of England Lands Buildings Leases TO.1871,No.21. 1879, No. 22 Vide 1871, No. 32 TO._858,No.l7; 1865, No. 24; 1868, No. 7. 1878, No. 28. 50 51 Nowrnaa-ket-Beoorvo Dia 52 *(Haivke's Bay and) Marlborough Rivers Acts Amendment. 2 TOel868,No.40; 1870, No. 67. 1876, No. 52. 53 54 Municipal—Gepperatiena Aet-Aaaendmeat Munieipal—Gopporations AAZn fiATWATlrn T T C.T3V.X TTvI lVr_l 1876, No. 52. 55 *Dunedin Gas and Waterworks Loan [Sec. 2 repealed.] 1874, No. 45; 1877, Local, No. 23. TO.1871,No.73 1876, No. 50. 56 Neath—Otago—Distriet Bablie-Weaks-Beaa 57 58 *Otago Dock Trust Debt *Auckland Waterworks 1878,No.46,s.l3. 1876,No.5; 1879, Local, No. 1. 1873, Private, No. 2; 1875, Private, No. 1; 1879, Local, Nos. 1 and 5. 59 *Auckland Improvement (Albert Barrack Reserves) [Sees. 3, 20, 24 to 47, sched. 2, repealed.] 1 Repealei 'f Repealei as to any proceedings by the as to Uawke's Bay, by 1876, overnment of the colony, or b r 0 . n. County Councils or load Boards..


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1872, 1873.


Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign and NUMBEB. Acts, etc. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 36° Vict. No. 60 Session IL, 1872 — continued. Aaeklaad-Meehanies'-Bi-stitate-Site-Sale Auoklaed T-emperaaee HalBSite-Sale 1878, No. 28, 61 1878, No. 28. 62 63 *Nelson City Loan. *Lyttelton Harbour Works Loan [Sees. 5,7 to 19,21, and sched. repealed.] 1877, Local, No. 87; 1878, No. 46; 1879, No. 2. 64 ♦Borough of Wanganui Borrowing. * Wanganui Bridge and Wharf 65 1873, No. 30, sec. 4; 1879, Local, No. 18. 66 67 *Wanganui Hospital. * Wellington College ... [Sec. 13 partially repealed.] 1873, No. 2L; 1877, Local, No. 42 ; 1878, Local, Nos. 40 and 50; 1880, No. 35. 68 69 __r"UUixU"J-_LO"-ll"t*ix , . , Superintendent ef-MarB borough Election 1876, No. 60 1878, No. 28, 70 *Schafer, MeGuire, and Others Pension. 1881, No. 21 71 72 IliciT'.ill r_T"i An . A a tv A t*tiat*-1t* 1 1 ( -r-TirTriiiwujujii _l_l*_'U xj.ii it* iri_tt*T Maori Representation Act Amendment and Continuance [Sec. 2 repealed.] Privileges Act 1866 Amendment 1876,No.'44. Vide 1867, No. 47. 73 Vide 1866, No. 73. 74 A nnvAilvinfiAii , -L-LJ7I *I KJ1JL 1IA vlUlI . . , 1878, No. 28, PRIVATE ACTS. ♦Coromandel Tunnel Company's. *Nelson City Gas Act Amendment 1875, No. 28; 1877,Local,No. 72. Vide 1871, Private No. 2. North Dunedin—Genaeteay 1882, No. 39. 37° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Session III., 1873. Baprest-Saipply Gu-toma-Taa-iff' Apms-Aete-Aaaaendaaent Sheriffs Act Amendt. Maaieipal—Corporations Watorwork-a —Aet Aaneadnaeat t t t Jfrrrlli-; __r-bwiivxct"y"t~p . , . Loint—Steek —Gempaaies Aet Ameadmeat Post Offiee-Act AmondB *Port Chalmers Waterworks TO-1858J'No.24. 1878, No. 28, 1882, No. 55, 1880, No. 13, 1876, No. 52, 0 7 1880, No. 22, 1882, No. 35. 8 9 1877, Local, No. 7. 1881, No. 7. 10 Gfe-astelaapeh—Cathedral Stauare Washdyke and Pleasant Beint-B-i-way 1878, No. 28, 11 1876, No. 50. 12 13 Assaults on Constables. 1878, No. 28, Saperiatea deat-ef-Tapa-aaki-EaapewepaBg



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1873.

SnoET Titles. Yeae oe Reign and KUMBEB. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 37° Vict. No. 14 Session III., : 873 — continued. Suporaaaton d-eaaavs—ef 15 ♦Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment Weights and Measures Act Amendment Promissory Oaths. Life Assurance Companies. *Saint Andrew's Church (Wellington) Trustees Incorporation TO-1870, No. 68. 1878, No. 28. 16 TO. 1868, No. 30. 17 18 1877, Local, No. 41. 1878, No. 28. 19 20 \ \T ~\,-n Q-tr,Ti P-IIa-a X/r.!-,-. ia-Aad 21 ♦Wellington College Loan ♦Broughton Land Grant. 1876,No.41. Vide 1872, No. 67. 1877, No. 54. 22 23 Steam—Navigatiea—Aeta Aaaeaadaaeaat . 24 . ♦Canterbury Public Library. 1878, No. 28. 25 26 Auckland Supreme-Geavt Site dtr c.tlli' xi.Al_.Ui ' ■"■*■ -JAr-tll _t vV *. t L I_L Crown Grants 1878, No. 28. 27 Public Trust Office Act Amendment [Sees. 37 to 43 repealed.] 1876, No. 43 ; 1882, No. 34. Vide 1872, No. 26. 1876, No. 50. 28 29 Greea—Bland—Braaeh ixcTxi I'V'-t'T" Merchant -Shippiag-Aete Adoptiea 1877, No. 54, 30 ♦Wanganui River Foreshore Grant. [Sees. 2, 3, sched., repealed.] 1870, No. 47. 31 32 33 34 Tinaaaa—aad —Glftdateaae Beapd-ef-We-ks-Aeta , A j-Q pnnm PTif; IX-Clll_.'AX"-L_ -I.*_"TTT7 T-ewaship-ef-6e¥aldiae Gaaterbiuy-Waete-Baaads Weatland-Waate—Baads Act Ameadaaeat Bpeviaee-ef-Westlaad... 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 35 36 Telegraph Cables Subsidy Agreement Ratification. 1878, No. 28. 37 38 J_TI"Ct IT'UlX't. i_X" — XI<7t" *J._L. IllfcrITtXT7 Treasury Bills Extended Currency 1881, No. 40. Expired. 39 Timber Floating 1882, No. 40, sec. 72. 1882, No. 49, 40 41 42 43 44 Besamptieaa-ef-Baad-fep Miaaag-Buppeses Mani-ipal—Geapeaataeas Act-Amendment Baeteetion of Animate ... Stewart Inland Grants Native—Bands—Eaaads B-eveatieaAetAnaeBd-aaeat GeaanaiseienePS-ef-Gpewa Baads-Aet-Ameadtv Tapaaaki-Edaeatiea-Re-seavoo Act Amen4k Heal—Tar-eka—Matangi IttttiT >'n Ii n ntr An T^r ritli L r^ ctxxttct uiwii 1874, No. 12. 1880, No. 18. 1878, No. 28. 1881, No. 17. 45 1877, No. 29. 46 1877, No. 22. •47 1878, No. 28.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1873.

Shobt Titles. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Yeae op Reign AND Numbee. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Amending Acts, etc. 37° Vict. No. 48 Session III., : Gold-Mining Districts [I'art sec. 3 repealed.] 873 — continued. 49 1875, No. 70; 1877, No. 24; 1878, No. 24; 1882, No. 26. Immigration and Public Works Loan. [Appropriations repealed.] Bnaaaigpatiea-and—Bablie Works Jaj it 1 i^Vrcry-r. . ,, 50 1876, No. 50. 51 1876, No. 50; 1877, Local, No. 73. 1882, No. 37. 52 53 54 BailwayB-Begalatiea-aad Inspeetiea Immigrants Land 1876, No. 51. 55 56 General Purposes Loan. [Appropriations repealed.] ♦Westland Loan Native Land [Sees. 7 to 20, 33 to 35, 37 to 49, 51 to 53, 57, 58, 69 to 74, 100 to 102, 104, part s. 4 repealed ; ss. 109 to 111 expired.] 1874, No. 6. 1874, No. 15, sec. 13; 1874, No. 75; 1877, No. 31 ; 1878, No. 40; 1880, No. 38 ; 1881, No. 18; 1882, Nos. 27 and 28. ■__N ClLlVO n_Ljfl-l(L____^t*tT;tGS ,., 1881, No. 42. 57 58 59 Native Grantees. __3:r-?niTitl""J- tlDOtcc-1?xctIIXI '_Lty~ hearing Natavo Bonorvea 1878, No. 28. 00 01 02 ♦Queenstown Reserves. ♦Wellington Harbour Reserves Mortgage Release ♦Wellington Drainage and Sewerage Works Loan Vide 1869, No. 73, sec. 12. 1882, No. 52. 03 1877, Local, No. 31. 1876, No. 51. 64 05 66 07 OS 09 Vefaaateera —Band—A«t laGS-A-meadaaeaat; XtJ \J KJ ____.! 11 unu j. i. _. vii <-i Soathlaad-Waete-Baads Aet-Aaaeadaaeat Otage-Haadaeda Brocla 1 lx cl'Ti 011B —V lLiilLct blO't Gold Fields—Aet-_£66 Aaaeadmeat Negleeted-Ghildpeai ... Diseased—Cattle Act B-abeeile-Baeseagesfi ... Empleymeat-eav-Eeaaaaee Baatieee-ef-felae-Beaee-Aet Ameadaaeat JZl it.t7_-tt!3 . • • T il PAT. P.1T1 O* GeaBae-Aets-Ameadaaeat _-a4-ear-p-pe4a-t-a-eaa —A-c-t Aaaeadmeat 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 42. 1882, No. 25. 1881, No. 4. 70 71 72 1882, No. 58. 1881, No. 23. 1876, No. 49. 73 7-1 75 70 1882, No. 33. 1881, No. 21. 1877, No. 9. 1878, No. 14. 77 Civil List Act 1863 Amendment [Sec. 7 repealed.] Vide 1863, No. 34. 78 Miaistepial Beaideaee Bease-aad-Beway-Bay Sale 1878, No. 28. 79 80 Governor's Salary and Allowances TO_1863,"No.34. 1878, No. 28. Appreppiftti en



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1873, 1874.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repeating Act. NUMBEE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 37 Vict. No. 81 Session III., 1873 — continued. Not assented. private acts. ♦National Bank of New Zealand (Limited). ♦Auckland Improvement [Sec. 5a and part sec. 5 repealed.] 1875,Private,No. 1'; 1879, Local, No. 5; 1882, Local, No. 5. Vide 1872, No. 59. ♦Thames Gas Company's. 38° Vict. No. 1 2 Session IV., 1874. Imprest Supply Electric Telegraph Act i A nr An Am An-!. 1__ jLlllUHLll -1 \~XX v Justices—of—the—Beaee 1878, No. 28, 1875, No. 44. 3 1882, No, 15. 4 Offences against the Per- • son Act Amendment Vide 1867, No. 5. 1882, No. 29. 5 glTTlTATn A ( iAITTT" iTll.T Pi*P a Act Amondmeat 6 ♦Westland Loan Act Amendment ♦Wellington Hospital Loan TO.1873,No,55. 7 1875, Nos. 50 and 51. TO. 1865, No. 15. TO.1868,No,72. 8 Excise Duties [Sees. 4, 5, spent.] 1877, No. 54. 9 A ——a—Janilt ftnii-tYiinn- A ftp ... —.—.I.A —llLlil 0 I—'——-1. IJl-fJ-i^ -J BOdCI Adeptiea Bieeasiag Aet—187-3 _A_____________L____________ "_LJLJ11*J11L*.11H_*11*J 10 1881, No. 21. 11 Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment 1877,No.20. Vide 1860, No. 16. 1876, No. 52. 12 MmiifiTinl i ti AynATOT-. ait n L_llX*_il IJLLL -~~™\Ji~l IJKJX IXVX\JXXT3 __L__.C L —-_-_lI1101i(-11i10---x-Baakpuptoy Act 1867 Aaaeadmeat 13 1875, No. 79. 14 Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment 1875, No. 39. 15 16 17 Auckland Waste Lands Hawko's—Bay—Waste Baads Regulations Aaaeadmeat Marlborough Wacfto T_inrlp. \ rtl Sfi7 Amnrlt j.jtz\, C. _mi_>^_Ci_JAl__tt_t.7 Nelson Waate-Baads ... Otago-WaBte-Baade-Ad-mini r-T-ni.T. att. iixiixxntrx tiiiitxix iP-jTUn n In vv n pf;A I innnn ,,, _A. -ti rtj__ix__-xt t -irjuc _i_i 1*111 Llo Weatland-Waete-Baaads Act Amendment WollingtonSpocial-Sottlc monto Act Ameadtr New Zealand Forests ... Immigration and Public Works Loan. [Appropriations repealed.] TlTlTm QQlfl Tl Cifi n-- I^nl-ili/-, Works Railways 1880,No. 8. Vide 1870, No. 5.1. 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 18 1877, No. 29. 19 20 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 21 22 1877, No. 29. 1877, No. 29. 23 1877, No. 29. 24 25 Spent. 26 1876, No. 50. 27 1876, No. 50; 1877, Local, No. 73.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1874.


Short Titles. Yeae oe Reign AND Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 38° Vict. No. 28 Session ] V., 1874. Provincial Public Works Advances. Otago Provincial Public Works Advances Wellington Land ■ Pay monts Expired. 29 Expired. 30 1876, No. 51. 31 ♦Canterbury Water p!y32 33 Harbour Works Harbour—Boards—-Aet A m at. mta AnT __.__.AA1U 1A LU11U11 v 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 34 ♦Auckland Harbour ... [Sees. 4, 5, repealed.] ♦New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment ♦Napier Harbour Board. ♦Oamaru Harbour Board Band. 1882, Local, Nos. 1 4. 1878, " No. 46, sec. 4. 35 36 37 38 Waaganui Rivo. -Fore slaero Grant 1878, No. 86. 39 ' 40 ♦Clutha River Trust Re1875, No!'55. 1877, No. 36. 41 42 43 serves [See. 2, part s. 4,repealed.] ♦Borough of Thames Tramways. ♦Cromwell Waterworks. ♦City of Christchurch Drainage Debentures ♦City of Dunedin Gasworks TOel871,No. 71. 44 1877, Local, No. 23. Vide 1871, No. 73. 1875, Private, No. 5; 1877, Local, No. 23. Vide 1872, No. 55 1875^ No. 3. 45 ♦Dunedin Waterworks 46 47 ♦Invercargill Gas Loan [Sec. 2 repealed.] ♦ Wellington Waterworks Loan ♦Taranaki Iron-Smelting Works Lands Vide 1871, Private, No. 3. 1880, Local, No. 18. 48 1875, No. 57. 1875, No. 57. 1875, No. 57. 1878, No. 28. 49 50 51 52 Hekitika-Mayoas Wellington Mayors Wanganui Mayers Geaastitatien of perBB-_eagh-Bpeeeed-mfrr*. . \' nilnfiT". ATI llliiCJ V lXllLTW,l7r*_rxi 53 New Zealand University [Sec. 23 repealed.] ♦Otago Reserves. ♦Wellington Education Reserves Act 1871 Amendment 1875, Nos. 8, 60. 54 55 TO_ l87_,No.22. 56 57 r ♦Oamaru Hospital ReNaval Traiaiag-Sehee-S 1882, No. 25. 58 59 60 61 62 serves. Baa-iaBGpeaad-Glesiaag Gsad-Baeldo Act Ameadt. 1882, No. 39. 1877, No. 29. Regulation of Mines. Government Insurance and Annuities [Part sees. 41,42,45,repealed.] Inspeetion of Maehinory 1882, No. 71, sec. 15. 1882, No. 59. .63 17 a0(331 ftTTflp AT .TTil APT*. _____Ci Act Amondaeat 1881, No. 12.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1874, 1875.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign Amending Original Repealing Act. AND NUMBER. Existing Law. Extinct Law. .CTS, etc. 38° Vict. No. 64 65 66 Session IV., 1 874 — continued. tfaaieo Act 1868 Amendt. Volunteer Act Amendt? 1880, No. 16, 1881, No. 24, Petty Sessions Act Amendment Vide 1865,No. 51. 67 NowPlymoutlaSaehaag-S t_? Oil- UltrijitTli 1878, No. 28. 68 ♦Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands Act 1866 Amendment 1875,No.5. Vide 1866, Private, No. 2. 1881, No. 23. 69 U) niT.1 AT rT"i~l AnT. A £. H ATAi. 1 API -T-Jiij. ijiu y mt. xitj —cr n. uxixctitJo Aet-_r§?S-Ameadtr 70 71 ♦Canterbury Marriages. Oyster Fisheries Act Amendment ♦David Lewis Retiring Allowance. ♦Walsh and Others Pension Acts Amendt. Vide 1866, No. 57. 72 73 TO. 1869, No. 69; 1870, No. 48. 74 75 Wilsoaa-Gray Beasiea ... Native Land Act Amendment 1878, No. 28. Spent. 76 ♦Poverty Bay Lands Titles. 1878, No. 28, 77 78 79 80 Taimape-aad Waimahaaa -T-TfinTTI \^A X till uu \A/ fa nlrriTn in iTi'iinid Oatlyiag—Bistaiets—Sale ef-Spiaita Outlying—Bistaiets—Sale ei-Spirits-Aot 1870 Gpdeas-iaa-Geaaeil-Vali-datiea Bablie—Beveaues—Acts Ameadmeat • Appaeppiataea 1878, No. 28, 1881, No. 21, 1881, No. 21, 81 1878, No. 19, 82 83 84 85 New ZealandExtradition Real Eotate-Beseeat Provineaaa-Beaeiag-Baws E1TlTliAT*iTAVin O* 111IJU VV Ullllii 1878, No. 28. 1879, No. 49. 1878, No. 28, peivat: ♦Colonial Bank of New Zealand. ♦Lyttelton Gas. ti ACTS. 39° Vict. No. 1 2 Session V., 1875. Baapaest-Sapply IniTmo'TfifiAn H.'V'T.pnpMTi.JiA iimiivicti.XT71X _i-j_Jvijuiiutiuur*o Indonmity 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28, 3 ♦Invercargill Gas Loan Act 1874 Amendment 1877, Local, No. 9. Vide 1874, No. 46. 4 ♦Queenstown Waterworks. ♦Presbyterian Church of Otago Incorporation 5 1876, No. 9. Vide 1866, Private, No. 2. 6 7 ♦University of Otago Site. ♦Otago University Site Exchange 1878, Local, No. 21; 1879, Local, No. 29. Vide 1874, No. 53. 8 New Zealand University Act 1874 Amendment ♦New Zealand Presbyterian Church ♦Auckland Institute. 9 1875, No. 85. .10


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1875.



. 13.


Short Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMBER. Amending Original Repealing Act. Acts, etc. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 39° Vict. No. 11 Session V., 1! ♦Wellington Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. i75— continued. 12 Soatalaad Waste Lands ,-A pT A ttipnnin oyit. s. juxjv szTcm cntt xxxcxir* 1877, No. 29. 13 ♦Registration of Mining Companies Validation. 1882, No. 59. 14 laspeetiea-ef Maehaneay . A a 4-_ A m pnn tti An Ti X-CtvtJ -L.S-11AUA1 tuncXXT> 15 16 ♦Palmerston Waterworks. ♦New River Harbour Board Land. 17 18 Kakanui Harbour Boa_4 Protection—ef—Aaaimale Act Aaeadmeat laapaeot Supply, Ne;-3 1878, No. 36. 1880, No. 18. 19 20 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1865 Amendment Abolition of Provinces [Sees. 14 to 28 repealed,] Vide 1865,No. 13. 1878, No. 28. 21 1876, No. 48. 1880, No. 21. 22. 23 Registration of Births and Deaths Marriago Act Amendt? 1882, No. 67. 24 Highway—Beards—Eaaapeweaiag—Aet—1871 Z\ ii i ATinn'i PI .Ti J.JL1AAU1H.II11U11 U Highway—Beaads—Eaa-peworing,-Ne?-_r 1882, No. 43. 25 1882, No. 43. 26 ♦Christchurch District Drainage [Sees. 49, 51 to 74, spent,ss. 3, 78, 79, and Sched. 4, repealed.] 1876, No. 35; 1877, No. 23; 1877, Local, No. 36; 1880, Local, Nos. 5 and 13. 27 ♦Campbelltown Athenaeum. ♦Nelson City Loan 28 29 ♦OamaruWaterworks ... [Tart sec. 2 repealed.] TO. 1871, No. 72; 1871,Priv.,No.2. 1879, Local, No. 31; 1880, Local, No. 8. 30 31 ♦Oamaru Gasworks. ♦TimaruMunicipal Council Waterworks Loan. ♦Napier Municipal Council Empowering and Waterworks Loan. ♦Clyde Waterworks Empowering. ♦Auckland City Endowments and Reserves 32 33 34 1877, Local, No. 27;1881,Local, No. 6. 35 Plans of Towns Regulations. 1 Public Hoalth Act Amndt. 36 37 1876, No. 60. 1877, No. 42. 38 39 Government Apprentices. Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Act Amendt. Vide 1874, No. 14. 1880, No. 19. 1882, No. 25. 40 41 Billa--f-Sal--Aet-AmadtT Negleeted-aad—Gaimiaal Ghildron'a Act Amndt. 42 43 Anatomy. Public Debts Sinking Funds Act Amendt. TOe 1868, No. 74. 1 Applies to towns laid out on Crown lands only.

L— l3


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1875.

Shobt Titles. 'BAB OP KEIOffl AND NUMBEB. Amending Acts, etc. \ Oeiginai Repealing Aot. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 39° Vict. No. 44 Session V., li Electric Telegraph i75— continued. 1879, No. 26; 1880, No. 47. 45 *Westport Municipal lleserve. Aaae-IIood Grant Chubbin Laad-Jgafefeaee Steaaafei—^W-aste—Laads Act 1871-Amondmeat Toll-gates ... 46 47 48 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1877, No. 29. 49 50 Vide 1874," No. 7. 1876, No. 50. 51 52 *'Wellington Hospital Loan Act 1874 Amndt. *Wellington Hospital Loan Act 1874 Amendment, No. 2. ♦Wellington Eeclaimed Land *Wellington Educational Reserves [Seca. 3, 4, repealed.] F^el871,No.24. 53 1877,No.22. Vide 1871, No. 22. 54 55 *Clutha River Conservators Board [Eepealed as to harbour of Port Molyneux.] *G-reytown & Masterton Public Parkand Cemetery Management. 1878,No.'35. Vide 1874, No. 40. 1876, No. 4. 56 M-aaieipal—<3«§ei#iea6 A-oto Ameadaeat 1876, No. 52. 57 58 *Dunedin Corporation Borrowing Powers Extension and Debentures. 59 *Oamaru Town Hall and Gasworks Sites and Recreation Reserves. New Zealand University Reserves [Part see. 2 repealed.] *Onehunga Reserves. *Auckland Harbour Foreshore Grant. *Otago Harbour Board Empowering [Eepealed except sees. 12 and 14.] 60 1880, No. 32. 61 62 1878, No. 35; 1880, Local, No. 23; 1882, Local, No. 24. 63 64 65 66 Meefatei Harbear-Jieafd Kapior Hnrbour Beard 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. *Invercargill Municipal Council Empowering and Waterworks Loan 1878, Local, No. 11. 1877, No. 29. 67 68 Otago "Waoto Lando Act 1872 Ameafaeat Auokland-Waoto Landa Aot 1871 Amondmcnt 1877, No. 29. 69 70 Gold Fields Act Amendment, No. 1. Gold Mining Districts Act Amendment Fwfel873,No.48. 1878, No. 28. 71 Qatram Elootrio—5Pekgtapa Station Booorro 72 *Invercargill Public Offices Site. 1882, No. 16. 1880, No. 43. 1879, No. 42. 73 74 75 i_?Ltxiiiyj t ft ■ Begietratiea-ef Eloctoro



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1875, 1876.

Shoet Titles. Yeas op Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 39° Vict. No. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 39° Vict. No. 76 77 78 79 80 81 Session V., 1875 — continued. Bodgeps-Faaaehise ... ... 1879, No. 42. Representation ... ... Superseded by 1881, No. 14. Bistaaaaiaeatien Aet ... 1876, No. 70. Aaaeadaaeat Bebteps-aad-Gpediters ... ... 1876, No. 65. Fraadalent Debtors ... ... 1878, No. 10. Evidence Further ... 1882, No. 15. Amendment [Sec. 5 repealed.] Commissioners of the Supreme Court. Religious, Charitable, ... TO.1856,No.21. and Educational Trusts Act Amendt. 82 83 84 84 Friendly -Societies ■ Act ... 1877, No. 10. 85 .86. 87 85 *New Zealand Presby- ... TO- 1875, No. 9. terian Church, No. 2 Railway Companies ... ... 1877, No. 40. ... Licensing Amondmont... ... 1881, No. 21. 88 .86. 87 88 89 Public Libraries Powers. 89 90 91 92 93 90 91 92 93 Employment of-Fomaloo ... 1881, No. 23. Bay-ados Sueeeflsaea ... ... 1878, No. 28. Ma_tia-G*aat ... ... 1878, No. 28. Biddell Grant ... ... Spent. Babeeile-Pase-agepe-Aet ... 1882, No. 58. 94 94 Immigration and Public ... 1878, No.44, sec. Works 16. [Repealed, except sees. 19 to 22, which are revived.] 95 96 97 98 99 95 Immigaaats—Baad—Aiet ... 1876, No. 51. A TV. ATI /I T-A A-l-1 T3_3_ 1AAU1AU. A AIUIA u Bablic Rovonuos ... ... 1878, No. 19. ProvincialAppropriationo ... 1878, No. 28. BYT"ATI CO ATI Immigration and Publae ... 1878, No. 28. Appropriation ... ... 1878, No. 28. 96 97 98 99 PEIVATB ACTS. ♦AucklandImprovement ... Vide 1872, No. Amendment 59; 1873, Private, No. 2; 1879, Local, No. 5. ♦Kaitangata Railway and Coal Company (Limited) Empowering. ♦Napier Gas Company's. ♦Napier Swamp Nui- ... 1879, Private, sance No. 3. [Part see. 2 repealed.] ♦Dunedin Waterworks ... 1878, Local, No. Extension 61. TO. 1874, No. 45. THE SIXTH PARLIAMENT, Comprising Se December, 11th Juli .1 ?__.. n I., from 15th June to 31st October, 1876; Session LL, from 19th July to 10th 1877; Session LLL, from 26th July to 2nd November, 1878 ; and Session LV, from i/ to 11th August, 1879. Dissolved by Proclamation, 15th August, 1879. 40° Vict. No. 1 Session L, 1876. I BBs-qualification-Act ... 1876, No. 70.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876.

Short Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 40° Vict. No. 2 Session I., If 176 — continued. Depaty—Saperintondeat of Wcllingtoa Dapaest Supply 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 3 4 5 ♦Wellington Rivers. ♦Auckland Waterworks Act Amendment 1879, Local, No. 1. Vide 1872, No. 58. 6 7 ♦Naseby Waterworks. ♦South Dunedin and St. Kilda Municipalities Validation. 1877, No. 9. 8 9 ♦Otago Presbyterian Church Conveyance Validation ♦Canterbury Educational Reserves Sale and Leasing. ♦Hawke's Bay Rivers ... Vide 1875J No. 5, 10 1879, Local, No. 10. 11 1878, No. 28. 12 13 Waaaku Church of Eng..'Aw 1"A ,f~S*A*.vti i 1 l'lni.; 11U1U UltU "\J1 \J VT1A V-. 1 till V Stewart—Island—Grants .A tti An rim An 1; _tr_t trx Uxx ttixxTZt 1 x* 1878, No. 28. 14 ♦Wellington Reserves ... [Sees. 4, 5, repealed.] 1877, Local, No. 54. 1878, No. 28. 15 16 ♦Executive Councillors Indemnity. T7T*IT.VAf.Ti iSlTATIITr ■ PJ A V. j-lll pi UotU tlTJJJA y j _tT"r^c. 17 18 19 ♦Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amndt. ♦Dunedin Reserves Exchange. ♦Lyttelton Public Reserves Vesting. ♦Lawrence Mining Institute ReTreasury Bills Extended Currency Vide 1871, No. 25. 1882, No. 16. Expired. 20 21 22 23 serve. ♦Lawrence Recreation Reserve. ♦Taranaki Botanic Garden. Warekeua ed-Geeds 1880, No. 12. 24 25 26 Regulation of Local Elections. 27 28 29 Mappaago-Act A-aeadfe -aaaies-Act Ameadaaeat 1880, No. 21. 1880, No. 16. ♦Renwick Lease and Con30 veyance. ♦Port Molyneux Reserves Leasing [Sec. 2 repealed.] ♦Napier Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. ♦Blueskin Athenaeum Reserve. ♦Blueskin Recreation Reserve. ♦Moa Flat School Re1880, Local, No. 3. 31 32 33 34 serve.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and NUMBEB. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 40° Vict. No. 35 36 Session I., 18 ♦Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment *Milton Municipality Extension. ♦Roxburgh Reserves 176— continued. TO. 1875, No. 26. 37 1877, Local, No. 88. 38 39 ♦Roman Catholic Lands. ♦Canterbury New Brighton Bridge. Waiaka-Nativo Grants 40 41 ♦Wellington College Act Amendment Vide 1873,No. 21. 1878, No. 28. 42 43 Public Trust Office ... J__(ilit7C-l'10Il ' -DfcrclZ \X<j . * * TO. 1872, No. 26; 1873, No. 27. TO.1867,No.47; 1872, No. 72. 1877, No. 21. 44 Maori Representation Acts Continuance 1878, No. 28. 45 46 47 BpevaaaeaalAppreppaatieaa Extension Beet-Oilee 1877, No. 35; 1880, No. 46 ; 1882, No. 44. 1881, No. 7. Counties [Sees. 15, 80,107 to 111, 144, 177 to 179, 198, 199, part ss. 47,59,104, repealed.] 48 Financial Arrangements [Sees. 4 to 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, repealed. Sees. 9, 16 to 19, 28 to 30, 32 to 39, spent.'] 1877, No. 27; 1878, No. 46; 1880, No. 51. 49 Bating 1 [Sec. 19 repealed.] 1878, No. 39; 1879, No. 20; 1882, No. 40. 1882, No. 37. 50 Public Works [Repealed except sec. 222] Waste Lands Administration [Repealed except sees. 2, 3,11, 17,18,19,20, 29,70, 71,72.] Municipal Corporations [Subsec. (3) of sec. 25, ss. 49, 60, 143, 184, 188, 199 to 201, 266, 332, 333, 350 to 352, also subsecs. (3) and (4) of 8. 210, part ss. 311, 312, 345, and provisions of subsec. (6) of s. 349 as to slaughtering, repealed.] ♦City of Wellington Loans Consolidation ♦Wellington Corporate Land. ♦Wellington Debts Act Amendment ♦Douglas Special Settlement. ♦Wellington College and Hospital Reserves Exchange. 51 1877, No. 29; 1879, No. 21, sec. 28. 52 1877, No. 13; 1878, No. 38; 1880, No. 48 ; 1881, No. 15 ; 1882, No. 37; 1882, No. 45. 53 1877, Local, No. 31. 54 55 Vide 1871, No. 74. 56 57 Otago—and—Wellington Tells Thames Wate_-Sapply 58 1882, No. 43. 59 1880,Local,No. 7. 60 Public Health [Sees. 18, 19, repealed.] 1877, No. 23; 1881, No. 30; 1882, No. 22. 'I: force only within boroughs.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876.

"eae oe Reign and Number. Short Titles. Amending Acts, etc Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 40° Vict. No. 61 Session L, 18 l76 — continued. Animals Importation 1881, No. 4. 62 ♦Diseased Sheep. 1 1878, No. 31; 1880, No. 25. 1880, No. 37. 1880, No. 17. 63 64 65 Building Societies Debtors and Creditors [Sec. 51, part subsec. (4) of s. 29, repealed.] 1878, No. 26; 1879, No. 29. 66 1 ft7"l A mrnrlmPTit 1878, No. 10. 67 Land Transfer Act 1870 Amendment [Sec. 4 repealed.] 1880, No. 8. Vide 1870, No. 51. 1881, No. 16. 68 Iti 1y- i-1 ''<!'-- AT-.f.iT.-i U,i^,i„i J_l. UUUL'UjU. J.I Ul-Ul , U I— LL—-t^U— eiea Geld-Fiolds ■ Aot 1866 Amondmont 69 1877, No. 42. 70 71 ' 72 Attorney-General's. ♦Auckland Public Buildings. ♦Auckland Beach Road Grants. ♦Dunedin Wharves and Quays Reserves. ♦Dunedin Drill Shed Re1878, No. 30. 73 1877,Local,No,8. 74 75 76 77 serve ♦Queenstown Commonage Reserve Management. ♦Cromwell Racecourse Reserve. ♦Otepopo Athenaeum and Public Library Re78 79 serve. ♦Napier Borough Endowments. ♦Napier Hospital Site. ♦Milton Athen_-um Re80 81 82 serve ♦Palmerston (South) Athena_um. ♦Waitahuna Athenaeum. ♦Ohinemuri Gold Field Agricultural Leases Validation. ♦Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust ♦Wanganui Harbour and River Conservators Board [Repealed, except sees. 17 to 19, 26 to 28, 32 to 34, 53, and schedule.] 1878, Local, No. 16. 83 84 1878,No.45,secs. 8 to 11. 85 86 1878, No. 35; 1879, Local, No. 18; 1880, Local, No. 15. 87 .HT.'m .. Aft— II OV. Villi' T-ATI'fl ■_J_ AAUAX-trfj _L_LctrWU ut JJUtlALt 88 n.-rn.nirnT.T'. ■ TT'vrT.Ani' TT tlllllUlVUl 111 .1 .LETTTJt7Ttr •Bo-irt-L Staff-Harbour Beard- ... Waitaaa-Hapbeap-Beaad Foxton Harbour Board 1878, No. 35 1878, Local No. 53. 1878, No. 35. 89 90 91 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1 In force only as to cattle within Otago.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1876, 1877.

Shoet Titles. Year of Reign AND jfUMBEE, Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 40° Vict. No. 92 93 94 95 96 Session I., 1876 — continued. ♦Napier Harbour Board. Gastlopoinf—Hasbeap r. ATTAl Otago Harbour Board ... ♦Oamaru Harbour Board [Sees. 4, 5, repealed.] ♦Hokitika Harbour Board [Repealed, except sees. 18,19, and part ss. 2, 27, and 34.] ♦Timaru Harbour Board [Repealed except sees. 28,38.] 1881, Local, No. 20. 1878, No. 35; 1880, Local, No. 22. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 97 98 99 100 101 102 Bytteltoa-Harbour Board Batea Haabeur Beaad ... I 1 I \\ MP. i I if ATI 7 ATI 11 A 1- 1 1878, No. 35; 1881, Local, Nos. 12 and 13. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 19. New Zealand Loan. J-iil III 1 iTf cttJltDAl"- ■ ixxx CX*— ■■ _fc~ UL U110 "Y\7"A.'lrit A Ti-n-.n-nvii.fiAn ■ V V Ul A1U XxJJ pi U*pr±crotWfct App_ epaiatien 1878, No. 28. 103 PBIVATE act. ♦Timaru Gas. 1878, No. 28. 41° Vict. Session IL, 1877. PUBLIC G-ENEBAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Improot Sapply;-Ne.--J Baapres t-Supply, Ner-g Imppeat-SupplyrNer-4 **- Bapaest-Sapply, No. 5 Imprest Sapply, Ner-6 Biaaaalification Act 1876 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 28. 1878, No. 30. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Provincial Laws Evidence. 9 10 11 Census. Fpiendly-Soeieties Industrial and Provident Societies. Agricultural and Pastoral Societies. Municipal Corporations Act 1876 Amendment Slaughterhouses [Part see. 20 repealed.] 1882, No. 36. 12 TO_1876,No.52. 13 14 15 Volunteers and Others Lands. 1879, No. 34; 1882, No. 44, sec. 63. 1880, No. 22. 16 Baake-fi"—Books—Evi-dence 17 18 Fine Arts Copyright ... ..." Babbit—Naieaaee—Aet T «7fi Amenrlmcnt ■__.■(_> | ■U'JTillAt'AAU.AAA'JAAIJ Now Zealand Baw Society—Act 1869 Amondmont 1879, No. 35. 1880, No. 37. 19 1878, No. 36. 20 Conveyancing Ordinance Amendment Act 1874 Amendment Education Education Reserves ... [See. 11 repealed.] TO. 1874, No. 11. 21 22 1882, No. 54. 1878, Local, No. 47 ; 1882, No. 53. TOel876,No.60. 23 Public Health Act 1876 Amendment



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign and Number. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Acts, etc. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 41° Vict. No. 24 Session IL, 1 Gold Mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment Public Reserves Sale. i77— continued. TO« 1873, No. 48. 25 26 Waste-BaadsBeapdsGea-tanaanee 1878, No. 28. 27 Financial Arrangements Act 1876 Amendment [Sees. 5 to 7 spent.'] 1878, No. 46; 1880, No. 51. TOe 1876, No. 48. 1879, No. 21. 28 29 Land [Sees. 74,122,123,148 to 151, Appendices 0 and E, part ss. 4, 46, 59, and part Appendix Q, repealed.] liTATtrn -Tionnn S_nl a "*^1 \J TT 11 ZtjWlKLjJ- K-JUJAU • . t 1879, No. 21; 1880, No. 39; 1881, No. 15; 1882, No. 46. 30 Government Native Land Purchases Native Land Act Amendment [Sees. 2, 3, 4, 7, repealed.] New Zealand Loan. New Zealand Consolidated Stock [Part see. 9 repealed.] 1878, No. 41. 31 1880, No. 38. . 32 33 1881, No. 44. 34 35 Counties Act Amendment -pH-b-rie-EoveH-tteB TO.1876,No.47. 1878, No. 19. 36 37 "PnKlir. -T..pnorvffl Ma-fi&e—_4_et—Amond-B-fcGB-fc gfninn A ot iX&_Z_5 A mAnr. T^TCctlAl IJ --..CO V _L"U | V __._L11AUAA"LI C___________Q T..At-VAfiia 1881, No. 15. 1878, No. 35. 38 1882, No. 16. 39 40 District Railways [Sees. 12,16,75 to 78,81,84, part ss. 14, 48, 56, repealed.] 1878, No. 21; 1882, No. 50. 1881, No. 8. 41 Mining Companies Act 1872 Amendment Mines TO.1872,No.33. 42 43 Maori Real Estate Management Act Amendment.1 Destitute Persons. Fish Protection. 1878, No. 46, sec. 11 ; 1879, No. 24; 1882, Nos. 26 and 47. 44 45 46 Cemeteries Maaagemeat • ft* 1882, No. 39. 47 Public Libraries Subsidies TO.1869,No.67. 1880, No. 20. 48 Sale—el Food—aad Drags Law Praotitiene-a'-Aet A mAnr thait i: J. X. lllC-_-*_lXtH_, 11 V Imprest Supply, No. 7 Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation «.* 49 1*1 1882, No. 69. 50 51 1878, No. 28. Expired. 52 53 54 *•* Expired. Domicile. Shipping and Seamen's. 1 This Act has retrospective operation only.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

7—A. 13.

Short Titles. Yeab oe Reign AND Numbee. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 41° Vict. Local, No. i. Session . LOCAL AND PI X, 1877. ;bsonal acts. Auckland Highway Dio 1882, No. 43. ii. Wellington City Reserves Act 1872 Amendment TO.1872,No. 13. iii. iv. Lyttelton Public Domain 1881, Local, No. 5. 1878, Local, No. 7. 1881, No. 26. v. vi. vii. viii. Timaru Mechanics' Institute Oamaru Athen__uin and Mechanics' Institute Reserves [Part sec. 4 repealed.] Port Chalmers Mechanics' Institute Incorporation andReserves. Port Chalmers Waterworks Act Amendt. Dunedin Drill-shed Re- • serve Act 1876 Amendment Invercargill Gas Loan. Waiwera School Glebe Sale. DunedinTown Hall Site. Havelock Commonage. Special Contracts Confirmation. Tokomairiro Farmers' Club Reserve. Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Association Reserve [Sec. 5 repealed.] Auckland Harbour. Vide 1873, No. 9. Vide 1876, No. 75. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. 1881, Local, No. 25. xvi. xvii. ©tage-Beads-Opdiaaaaaea ■fe_-lft4 1882, No. 43. xviii. xix. xx. Lawrence Athenaeum and Mining Institute. Tapanui Agricultural and Pastoral Exhibition Reserve. Dunedin School Reserve. KaiapoiNativeReserves. Dunedin Gas and Waterworks. Lawrence Reserves. Peninsula County Libraries. Lyttelton Harbour Board Land. Auckland City Endowments and Reserves 1882, No. 43. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. XXV. xxvi. Vide 1875, No. 34. 1882, No. 39. 1878, No. 35. xx vii. xxviii. xxix. Kaiapoi Comotory Wanganui Harbour Endowmont an4 Berrowiag xxx. xxxi. Havelock Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Incorporation. City of Wellington Loans Consolidation Act 1876 AmendVide 1876, No. 53. ment



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877.

Short Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Amending Acts, etc Original Repealing Act. Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 41° Vict. Local, No. xxxii. Session IL, 1< LOCAL AND PEESON Wakapuaka Telegraph Station Site. Cromwell Athenaeum Reserves. 177— continued. a, acts — continued. xxxiii. Mataa_a-Rooorvo xxxiv. Akaroa Public Library Site. Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Himatangi Crown Grants. Queenstown Athenaaum. Lawrence Municipal Waterworks. 1878, Local, No, 5. xxxv. xxxvi. Vide 1875, No. 26. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. Now —Bivop—Harbour Management xl. 1878, No. 35. xli. Saint Andrew's Church (Wellington) Trustees Act 1873 AmendVide 1873, No. 19. xlii. ment Wellington College Act 1872 Amendment Dunedin Gaol Street. Clyde Public Reserves Grant. Wanganui Gas Company's. Hokitika Gas Company's. Port Chalmers Compensation. Taranaki County ReVide 1872, No. 67. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. serves. Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment 1881, Local, No. 9; 1882, Local, No. 16. Vide 1870, No. 68. 1. City of Dunedin Loans Consolidation. Auckland College and Grammar School li. ... 1880, Local, No. ll;1882,Local, No. 2. lii. Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools. Church Trust Property at Little River Exchange Wellington Reserves Act 1876 Amendment Waikouaiti Athenaaum Land. Otago Museum. Wyndham Recreation Reserve liii. 1878, Local, No. 28. liv. Vide 1876, No, 14. Iv. lvi. lvii. 1878, Local, No. 4. lviii. lix. Jac-ioon'o—Say—_Rea4 JUlu LP1U ti Monet Geek Read Tn f.TT'.P T* *f xotriuti 1882, No. 43. 1882, No. 43. Ix. Waikato Hospital Reserves Exchange. lxi. Thanaea—Water—Sappiy A-3t-18r6-Aanendmeat 1880, Local, No. 7. lxii. Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Vide 1871, No. 25.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1877, 1878.

Short Titles. Year op Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 41° Vict. Local, No. lxiii. lxiv. Session II., 1877 — continued. LOCAL AND PEESONAL ACTS — continued. Onehunga Endowments Walsh and Others Pension Act 1869 Amendment 1879,Local,No.6. Vide 1869, No. 69. lxv. Batea—Harbea-—Beard Act- Ameadmeat Bluff -Harbeaa—Eadow-aaeat-aad Borrowing Borough of New Plymouth Reserves. New Plymouth Harbour Board Ordinance 1875 Amendment [Repealed, except sees. 15, 19, and schedule 2.] Manawatu Land Orders. 1878, No. 35. lxvi. lxvii. 1878, No. 35. 1878, No. 35. lxviii. lxix. lxx. 1879, Private No. 3. 1882, No. 43. lxxi. Act Continuanoo Tar aaaki—Beads—aad BridgosOrdinaaeeB-4S A nr Anriin,i*mf XXI1AV XXTXtXX OUT* lxxii. lxxiii. Nelson Gas and Waterworks Sale Westland and Nelson Coal Fields Administration [Sec. 32 repealed.] Nelson Rifle Prize Act Amendment. 1 Greenwood Pension. Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Property Vesting. Gantepbapy-Beftds Ordi aanee-Aaaeadaeat 1880, Local, No. 12. 1881, Local, No. 14. lxxiv. lxxv. Ixxvi. lxxvii. 1882, No/43. i lxxviii. Christchurch City Re-, lxxix. serves. Lyttelton and Heathcote RecreationGround. Balclutha Athenseum. Spent. lxxx. lxxxi. West Harbour Mayoralty Election Validation lxxxii. Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Hokanui Education Re1880, No. 35. Ixxxiii. lxxxiv. Ixxxv. serve. Middle Island Halfcaste Crown Grants. Hutt County Offices Site. 1878, No. 35. lxxxvi. Ixxxvii. Whaagaroi Port lxxxviii. Lyttelton Harbour Works Compensation. Roxburgh Reserves Act 1876 Amendment Vide 1876, No. 37. 42° Vict. Session III., 1878. PUBLIC GENEEAL ACTS. Natave-Baad-Aet-4&?3 A TV. ATI Al TV. ATI j_ Xj-lll*Jll*Ji-lJ'J--t. u Imprest Supply Imprest Supply, No. 2... Me-castile-Baw—Faathea A TA ATI aItV. AT.T- *£-!_ 1A A CXt *Llt_-_*JlAt3 1880, No.^38. No. 1 2 3 .4 Expired. Expired. 1880, No. 12. 1 Vide Nelson Acta 1860, Sess, 7, No. 3.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878.

Shoet Titles. Year oe Reign AND NUMBEB. Amending Acts, etc. j Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 42° Vict. No. 5 6 Session III., ] PUBLIC GENEEAL .878 — continued. acts — continued. Repfint of Statutes Sa_o of Food and Drags Amondmont Cruelty to Amimals 1879, No. 36. 1880, No. 20. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trade Union. 1880, No. 11. Fraudulent Debtors. ♦Savings Bank Profits. 1 Civil Service Acts Amendment Imprest Supply, No. 3... Expired. Vide 1866,No. 59. Expired. 13 14 15 16 Interpretation. Imprest Supply, No. 4... Land Claims • TOe 1866, No. 73. Expired. Privileges Act 1866 Amendment 1882, No. 55. 1879, No. 17. 17 18 19 K_j \xiix>\)IIx w"*"JL." til 1 li .. ■ Tionrl -X-ft-ig .i—JL-XXtXLA. U_-_ ■ • • Public Revenues [Sees. 9, 22, 36 to 38,75, 77, 80, and part s. 19, repealed.] 1882, No.Vl. 20 21 Jnraes-Aet-Amondmont 1882, No. 50. Vide 1877, No. 40. 1880, No. 16. District Railways Act 1877 Amendment [Sees. 9, 24, part ss. 11, 29, repealed.] 1882, No. 60. 22 Dangerous—Goods- Aet Amenekaaent Fpiondly—Seeiotiea—Act 1882, No. 36. 23 24 Gold-Mining Districts Act 1873 Amendment TO. 1873, No. 48. 1880, No. 22. 25 26 Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment "Rfiv-lr TTaI .i-. nTTfi A tv.nnrl t , d__rc_li-_i. J. JLW TI LI tl ¥ U ■_--£»* U A AVI L. Vide 18763o.65. 27 28 29 30 31 Law Amondmont 1882, No. 29. Repeals. Temporary Poicers Expired. Disqualification. Sheep [Sec. 69, part s. 2, repealed.] Native Licensing. Public Reserves Sale... 1881, No. 33. 32 33 1879, Nos. 21, 23. 1881, No. 15. 34 Bablie—Reaesves—Aet Amendment 35 Harbours [Sec. 79 and sched. 2 partly repealed.] District Law Societies 1879, No. 27. 36 1879, No. 33. Vide 1869, No. 63. 37 38 39 *Waikato Crown Lands SaleMunicipal Corporations Act Amendment [Sec. 4 superseded.] Bating Act Amendment* [Sec. 3 repealed; SS. 5, 6, superseded.] Native Land Act Amendment, No. 2 3 [Sec. 16 expired ; ss. 6, 9,15, repealed.] 1880, No. 48. Vide 1876, No. 52. 1882, No. 40. Vide 1876, No. 49. 40 Vide 1873, No. 56. 1 In force only within Otag s In force only within boroi i. ighs. a Sec. 8 haB retrospective operation only.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878.


Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 42° VlCT. Session III., 1: PUBLIC GENERAL Government Native :.i Land Purchases Act mt Amendment Fisheries (Dynamite). Seals Fisheries Protection. Public Works Act 1876 Amendment [Repealed except sees. 10 and 16. Sec. 29 superseded.] 878 — continued. acts — contin ued. No. 41 TO-1877, No. 30. 42 43 1882, No. 37. 44 45 *Railways Construction [Repealed, except sees. 8 to 11, and schedule 2.] 1879, No. 44, sec. 6. Expired. 46 Financial Arrangements [Sees. 5, 8, 10, 15 to 20, superseded.] 1879, No. 2. 47 48 ' 49 ' Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation A-laaiaistratieB Expired. Not assented. Local, No. i. ii. LOCAL AND PE :bso_tal acts. Southland Boys and Girls High Schools Act 1877 Amendment Martin's Annuity Act Amendment Gatlia's-Bivef-Gemetepy Spent. Expired. iii. iv. Wyndham Recreation Reserve Act 1877 Amendment Mataura Reserve. Vide 1877, Local, No. 57. 1882, No. 39. v. vi. 1875 Amondmont 1879, Local, No, 31. vii. Oamaru Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Vide 1877, Local, No. 5. » viii. ix. Patumahoe Hall Site. Timaru Post and Telegraph Offices Site Sale Invercargill Waterworks Loan Loeaa-Beaads Empeweaiaag 1881, No. 35. x. xi. Vide 1875, No. 66. Spent. xii. Incorporation of Campbelltown xiii. Mount Ida Water-race Trust. 1879, Local, No. 35. Vide 1876, No. 81. 1882, No. 39. xiv. Wyadhana-GeHaetepy ... xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. Bluff Harbour Endowment Milton Athen__um Endowment Riverton Harbour Endowmentand Borrowing. Waitaki High School... North Otago Benevolent Society. Otago School Commissioners Empowering. Otago University [Sec. 3 and schedule superseded.] Inch Clutha [Sees. 3 to 7, and s. 13, repealed.] 1880, No. 35. xx. 1879, Local, No. 29. xxi. xxii. 1880, Local, No. 6; 1882, No. 43.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878.

Shobt Titles. Yeab oe Reign and pTumbee. Amending Acts, etc. Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 42° Vict. Local, No. xxiii. Session III., 1 LOCAL AND PEBSONj Clyde (Vincent County) Athena_um and Public Library. Oamaru Harbour Board Ordinance Amendt. [Part sec. 2 repealed.] Malvern Water-race Transfer Timaru High School ... [Sees. 3 and 4 repealed.] .78 — continued. .l acts — continued. xxiv. 1879, Local, No. 30. XXV. 1880,Private,No. 3. 1880, No. 35; 1882, Local, No. 19. xx vi. xxvii. Lyttelton Harbour Board Act Amendt. Church Trust Property at Little River Exchange Act 1877 Amendment Christchurch Racecourse Reserve. Christchurch Boys' High School Timaru Harbour Board Endowment Greymouth Racecourse Reserve. Hokitika Harbour Board Endowment [Part see. 2 repealed.] Taranaki County Council Loan Ormond Military Grants. Mount Cook Reserve Sale. Patea Harbour Norsewood Mechanics' Institute Site. Napier Harbour Board. Wellington College Acts Amendment Foxton Reserves. Wanganui High School Parnell Reserve. Hamilton Volunteer Hall Site Newmarket Reserve. New River Harbour Endowment and Borrowing. Otago and Southland Education Reserves Leasing. Lyttelton Waterworks Transfer. Ashburton High School Wellington College Reserves Confirmation Wellington City Boundaries. New Plymouth High School Thames Harbour Board Thames Boys' and Girls' High School Auckland Girls' High School. xxviii. Vide 1877, Local, No. 53. xxix. 1880, No. 35. - xxx. • xxxi. 1879, Local, No. 26. xxxii. xxxiii. 1879, Local, No. 22. xxxiv. 1881, Local, No. 1. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii, 1882, Local, No. 13. xxxix. xl. Vide 1872, No. 67. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. 1880, No. 35. 1879, Local, No. 8. xlv. xlvi. 1879, Local, No. 36. xlvii. xlviii. 1880, No. 35. Vide 1872, No. 67. xlix. 1. li. Hi. 1880, No. 35. liii. liv. 1879,Local,No.3. 1880, No. 35. lv. 1880, No. 35.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1878, 1879.


Ihoet 'ITLES. "ear oe Reign Oeiginal Repealing Act. Amending Acts, etc. Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 42° Vict. Local, No. lvi. lvii. lviii. lix. Session III., 1878— continued. local and peesonal acts — continued. Milford Harbour Board. Wairoa Harbour Board. Nelson Harbour Board. Borough of Christchurch Reserves. Oamaru Market Relx. Vide 1875, Private, No. 5. lxi. lxii. serve. Dunedin Waterworks Extension Act 1875 Amendment Whakatane Grants Validation. Whangarei High School Special Powers and Contracts. 1880, No. 35. lxiii. lxiv. 43° Vict. Session IV., 1879. PUBLIC GENEEAL ACTS. Imprest Supply New Zealand Loan. Maori Prisoners' Trials Appropriation No. 1 '2 3 4 Expired. Expired. Expired.

THE SEVENTH PARLIAMENT Comprising Session I, from 24<th September to 19th December, to 1st September, 1880; and Session III., from 9th June by Proclamation, 8th November, 1881. 1879; Session II, from 28th May to 24<th September, 1881. Dissolved 43° Yict. Session I., 1879. PUBMO GENERAL ACTS. 1 No. 5 ... Imprest Supply, No. 1... 6 ... Public Bevenues Act 1878 Amendment 7 ... Imprest Supply, No. 2... 8 ... Jgaseaa-Act Amoafaiegfc 9 ... Imprest Supply,No. 3... 10 ... Elections Validation ... 11 ... Imprest Supply, No. 4... 12 ... Imprest Supply, No. 5... 13 District Courts ; Proceedings Validation [Sec. 3 repealed.] 14 District Courts Act 1858 Amendment Expired. Expired. Expired. 1882, No. 33. Expired. Spent. Expired. Expired. 1880, No. 33. FiWel858,No.30. 15 ... Gasteae-SffiFiff 16 Tobacco [Sec. 12 repealed.] 17 Property Assessment... [Sees. 13,15, 42, 52, 54, and part ss. 3, 24, 32, 41, 45, 58, 11, repealed.] 1882, No. 55. 1881, No. 40. 1880, No. 45; 1881, No. 38. 18 ... Property-Tax 19 ... Land-Tax Collection ... 20 Rating Act 187'6 Amendment^ 21 Land Act 1877 Amendment [Sees. 7 and 26 repealed.] Expired. Spent. 1882,No.40. Vide 1876, No. 49. 1881, No. 15; 1882, No. 46. Vide 1877, No. 29. 1 The Publi. 2 In force oi : Acts of this session are numbi \\y within boroughs. sred continuously after the Acti of the previous sessio: in the same year.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1879.


Short Titles. Year oe Reign and NUMBEB. Amending Original Repealing Act. Acts, etc. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 43° Vict. Session I., 1. PUBLIC GENEEAL Forest Trees Planting Encouragement Acts Amendment Public Reserves Sale. Mines Act 1877 Amendment i79 — continued. acts — continued. No. 22 TO-1871, No. 32; 1872, No. 49. 23 24 TO. 1877, No. 42. 25 Confiscated Lands Inquiry and Maori Prisoners' Trials Expired. 26 Electric Telegraph Act Amendment Harbours Act Amendment Resident Magistrates Act 1867 Amendment Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment TO. 1875, No. 44. 27 TO_1878,No.35. 28 TO. 1867, No. 13. 29 Vide 1876, No. 65. 30 31 Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act 1865 Amendment Batente-Act-Ameadmeat Vide 186.,' No. 3. 1881, No. 22. 32 1 iivl. A -i-v-iatinmAnfi Xt7 I \J XJC Iil'JAALllAlVJ_-iT' 1880, No. 17. 33 34 35 District Law Societies Act Amendment Slaughterhouses Act 1877 Amendment Fine Arts Copyright Act 1877 Amendment Revision of Statutes. Sites for Working-Men's Clubs. Intercolonial Probate. Vide 1878, No. 36. Vide 1877, No. 14. TO. 1877, No. 17. 36 37 38 39 __abe6il6-Bas9engcrD Act Esteasaen 1882, No. 58. 40 41 42 43 44 Qualification of Electors. Registration of Electors. Electoral Acts Repeal... Triennial Parliaments. Public Works [Repealed except sees. 6, 7, 13, 22, 23, 25, 32, and schedules 1, 3, and 4.] 1882, No. 37. Spent. 45 46 47 Public Revenues Treasury Bills Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation, No. 2 Expired. Expired. Expired. 48 49 Administration. Expired. Local, No. i. LOCAL AND E City of Auckland Loans Consolidation. Auckland Harbour Board. Thames Harbour Board Act 1878 Amendment Auckland Free Public Library Aid. Auckland Improvement Commissioners'Transfer of Powers Onehunga Water Reserves -ESONAL ACTS. ii. iii. Vide 1878, Local, No. 53. iv. v. TO.1872,No.59. vi. Vide 1877, Local, No. 63.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1879.


■A. 13

Short Titles. Year oe Reign and Numbee. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 43° Vict. Local, No. vii. Session I., IS local and pebson Onewhero Grant Empowering. Hamilton Volunteer Hall Site Act 1878 Amendment Waiuku Recreation Re179— continued. al acts — continued. viii. TOfe 1878, Local, No. 44. ix. x. serve. Hawke's Bay Rivers Act 1876 Amendment West Clive Public Hall Site. Waitara Harbour Board Land and Borrowing Wellington Harbour Board. TO. 1876, No. 11. xi. xii. 1881, Local, No. 7. 1881, No. 35; 1882, No. 43. xiii. WeHaagtes—Pp_v_a_i-_ Bietpiet Highway xiv. . xv. xvi. xvii. . Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amndt. Wairarapa Racecourse. Palmerston North ReTO. 1871, No. 25. xviii. serves. Wanganui Bridge Debentures Marlborough River Districts Union (Hawke's Bay and) Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendmt. 1 Awatere Shearing ReTO. 1872, No. 65. xix. TO. 1868, No. 40. xx. TO.1868,No.40. xxi. Vide 1878, Local, No. 33. xxii. serve. Hokitik a Harb our B oar d Endowment Act 1878 Amendment Kumara Education Rexxiii. xxiv. XXV. serve. Christchurch Drill-shed. Ashburton CountyCouncil Waterworks 1880, Private, No. 2; 1882, Private, No. 3. xxvi. Timaru Harbour Board Empowering. Timaru Waterworks ... xxvii. 1881, Local, No. 11. xxviii. Otago Reads -Ordinaaee 1 ft*71.. A mrmrlrnrYnt 1882, No. 43. xxix. Otago University Reserve Leasing Oamaru Harbour Board Vide 1875, No. 7. xxx. xxxi. Oamaru Waterworks Act 1875 Amendment Alexandra Corporation Reserve. Queenstown Racecourse Reserve. Kaitangata and Wangaloa Atb__neums ReVide 1878, Local, No. 24. Vide 1875, No. 29. xxxii. xxxiii. xxxiv. 1880,Local,No.2. xxxv. serves. Bluff Harbour Foreshore Endowment 1 Repealei as to Hawke's Bay by 1876, No. 11.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1879, 1880.

Short Titles. Year oe Reign and Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 43° Vict. Local, No. xxxvi. Session L, 1. LOCAL AND PEESONJ New River Pilot Station Reserve. Oreti Bridge and Ferry Reserves. Riverton Drill-shed Reserve Management. Special Powers and Contracts [Schedule par. 32 repealed.] i79 — continued. _L acts — continued. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. 1881, Local, No. 27. Private. peivat: New Plymouth Gas Company. Primitive Methodist Temporal Affairs. Napier Swamp Nuisance Acts Amendment Church Property Trust - (Canterbury). Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Te Aro Reclamation. e acts. Vide 1875, Private, No. 4. 44° Vict. Session '. II., 1880. 'EEAL ACTS. Proclamations Validation Imprest Supply Imprest Supply, No. 2... Maori Prisoners Spent. Expired. Expired. Expired. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PUBLIC GE3S Treasury Bills. Maori Prisoners Detention Expired. 7 8 Imprest Supply, No. 3... Expired. Land Transfer Act Amendment. Census Act Amendment 9 10 Aliens [Part sec. 8 repealed.] Cruelty to Animals. Mercantile Law. Arms. Married Women's Property Protection. Deaths by Accidents Compensation. Juries. Building Societies. Animals Protection ... Chattel Securities. Adulteration Prevention. Marriage. Banks and Bankers ... [Sees. 21, 27, part s. 10, repealed.] 1882, No!'l7. Spent. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1881, No. 34. 21 22 1882, No. 68. 23 Bills of Esehaage—Bpoeedupe 1882, No. 29, 24 Dog Registration [Sec. 5 repealed.] Brands and Branding. Pharmacy. Crown Grants Amendt. 1882, No, 10. 25 26 27 28 TO.1870,No. 76. Imprest Supply, No. 4s... Expired.


Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1880.


Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. SUMBEE, Existing Law. Extinct Law. 44° Vict. Session II., It PUBLIC GENERAL I .80 — continued. acts — continued. Diseased Cattle Proclamations Validation Jeiaat—Stock —Geaapaaies Act 1860 Amondmont _Li/o LtijT"tj No. 29 ... Spent. 30 1882, No. 35, 31 1882, No. 29, 32 New Zealand University Reserves District Courts Dentists [Part sec. 17 repealed.] High Schools Reserves. Election Petitions. TO. 1875, No. 60. 33 34 TO.1858,No.30. 1881, No. 25. 35 36 37 38 Native Land Court ... [See. 14, part ss. 26, 35, repealed.] West Coast Settlement (North Island) Waikato Confiscated Lands [Part eeo. 3 repealed.] T?n 1.T..T: i"NT.n a ____L_3_c_ :--XCv*_'T''X"J_"'l -J.ToUHl'-'^ . . ■ 1881, No. 18; 1882, Nos. 27 and 28. 1881, No. 19. 1881, No. 6. 39 " ' 40 1882, No. 6. 41 42 43 44 45 Gastems Tariff Staaap-A=et- Amend mea Sl'f'O TTI T*i H AA 1882, No. 55. 1882, No. 16. 1882, No. 16. 46 47 Beer Duty. Property Assessment Act Amendment Counties Act Amendmt. [Sec. 5 repealed.] Electric Telegraph Act 1875 Amendment Municipal Corporations Acts Amendment Lodgers' Goods Protection. Native Schools Sites. TO.1879, No. 17. 1882,No.44. Vide 1876, No. 47. Vide 1875, No. 44. 48 Vide 1876, No. 52. 49 50 51 52 53 Financial Arrangements Public Revenues Permanent Officers' Salaries Expired. Expired. Expired. 54 Public Works [Repealed except sees. 14,15, 21.] 1882, No, 37. Expired. 55 56 57 Deceased Wife's Sister Marriage. Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation Expired. Local, No. i. local and pe Taonui_- Ahuaturanga Land. Bluff Harbour Foreshore Leasing. Port Molyneux Reserves Leasing. Sydenham Borough Council Empowering. Public Health Act 1876 Amendment. Inch Clutha 1ESONAL ACTS. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Vide 1878, Local, No. 22. vii. Thames Water Supply Transfer.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1880, 1881.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign AND NUMBEB. Amending Oeiginal Repealing Act. Acts, etc Existing Law. Extinct Law. 44° Vict. Local, No. viii. Session IL, It LOCAL AND PEESONj Oamaru Waterworks Act 1875 Amendment Invercargill Drill-shed Site. .80 — continued. al acts — continued. Vide 1875, No. 29. ix. Qtago - Read-Rates—Va-lidity x. 1882, No. 43. xi. xii. Auckland College and Grammar School Nelson Gas and Waterworks Sale Act 1877 Amendment Christchurch District Drainage Act 1875 Amendment Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment Vide 1877, Local, No. 51. Vide 1877, Local, No. 72. xiii. TO.1875.No.26. xiv. xv. 1881, Local, No. 9. Vide 1870, No. 68. Vide 1876, No. 86. xvi. xvii. Wanganui Harbour and River Conservators Board Grant Jackson's Bay Settlement. Special Powers and Contracts [Part schedule repealed.] Taranaki Iron-Smelting Works Lands Act 1874 Amendment Caversham Boroughs Incorporation. 1882, Local, No. 29. xviii. xix. Canterbury Reads Ordi e*.T.PA A TYiATimTT.AT.T. A AT. u.iil>*j _c._Liitt7iiu.xn*ou erase xrxt iVi'YTCvri m An. TOel874,No.48. 1882, No. 43. xx. xxi. Wellington Harbour Board and Corporation Land [Sec. 10 repealed.] Hokitika Harbour Board Loan. Otago Harbour Board Empowering 1882, Private, No. 2. xxii. TO, 1875, No. 63. xxiii. Private. peivat: H ew Zealand Bank Act 1861 Amendment Ashburton County Council Waterworks Act 1879 Amendment Malvern Water - race Transfer Act 1878 Amendment E ACTS, Vide 1861, Private, No. 1. Vide 1879, Local, No. 25. Vide 1878, Local, No. 25. 45° Vict. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Session I PUBLIC GES IL, 1881. rEEAL ACTS. Imprest Supply Imprest Supply, No. 2 Imprest Supply, No. 3 Expired. Expired. Expired. Diseased Cattle. (Hawke's Bay and) Marlborough Rivers Act 1868 Amendment 1 TO_1868,No. 40. 6 7 -CttlDDlTl -1_LtU.1Dl*H©© •»■ 1882, No'.'37. 1882, No. 66. Post Office [Sec. 82 repealed.] 1 Repealed as to Hawke's Bay by 1876, No. 11.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1881.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign AND Number. Amending Acts, etc. Original Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 45° Vict. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Session III., 1 PUBLIC GENEEAL Crown Suits. Adoption of Children. Gaming and Lotteries. .881 — continued. acts — continued. Brioono -Act-Amondmont 1882, No. 33. 14 15 16 17 18 Regulation of Elections. Corrupt Practices Prevention [Sec. 17 repealed.] Representation. Public Reserves. Native Succession [Part sec. 3 repealed.] Native Lands Frauds Prevention [Part sec. 2 repealed.] Native Land Acts Amendment. West Coast Settlement Reserves . Thermal - Springs Districts. Licensing [Sees. 19, 53, 74, and part ss. 3, 13, 41, 48, 56, 91, 109, repealed.] 1882, No. 2. 1882, No. 27. 1882, No. 27. 19 TOe 1880, No. 39. 20 1882, No. 63. 21 22 23 Patents Act Amendment Employment of Females and Others. Volunteer. Dentists Act 1880 Amendment Public Domains. Drainage. Fencing [Part sec. 19 repealed.] Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Public Health Act 1876 Amendment TOe 1870, No. 89. 24 25 TOel880,No.34. 26 27 28 1882, No. 64. 29 1882, No. 29. 30 TOel876,No.60. 31 32 AT., r.. r\ i->4- r\r\ OT.fl.—I.*P IMOJ-P fl. 1. -_-" tJt*LlUmjUU. EWatI* V_/iX1 111 11 CM _"*. . . . /. y (-1-1-1 la A A •fn 1 A TTI AT. fl ■ T-Jiiimi *ji_ra_-X*_J tu juimumx _xj Opj -ti 02,1 Sxir tk xi OH ■"■■xi.Uu A TTI ATI fl TTI f>T. Ti X_-*1U'11U1uUIXd « • • 1882, No. 25. 1882, No. 10. 33 34 Sheep Act Amendment Animals Protection Act Amendment Town Districts. Railways Authorization. Railways Construction and Land Property Assessment Act Amendment TO.1878,No.31. TOel880,No.l8. 35 36 37 1882, No. 11. Expired. 38 TO.1879,No.l7. 39 40 (Customs and) Excise Duties [Repealed, except sees. 5, 6, as to Excise.] Deceased Persons' Estates Duties, Property-Tax 1882, No'.'55. 41 Stamp-Act 1875- AmendHiont] Public Revenues 1882, No. 16. 42 43 44 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act 1877 Amendment TO-1877,No.33. Expired.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1881.

Shoet Titles. Yeae oe Reign and Amending Acts, etc Original Repealing Act. NtTMBEE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 45° Vict. Session III., 1 PUBLIC GENEEAI 881— continued. i acts — continued. Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Appropriation No. 45 Expired. 46 47 48 Chinese Immigrants. Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act 1867 Amendment TO. 1867, No. 94. Expired. Local, No. i. LOCAL AND P Taranaki County Council Loan Act 1878 Amendment Wellington Queen's Wharf and Store Sales. Port Chalmers Drillshed. EESONAL ACTS. Vide 1878, Local, No. 34. ii. iii. Port Chalmoro ■ Comotory Vide 1877, Local, No. 4. iv. Timaru Mechanics' Institute Act 1877 Amendment Auckland Reserves Exchange and Change of Trust. Waitara Harbour Board Loan. Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment Waimakariri Harbour Board Loan. Timaru Water-race Reserve. Timaru Harbour Board Act 1876 Amendment Timaru Harbour Board Loan Westland and Nelson Coal Fields Administration Amendment Rangiora High School. Akaroa High School. Waimate and Temuka Public Schools Sites. Waimate Racecourse Reserve. Geraldine Racecourse Reserve. Oamaru Harbour Board Otago University Reserves Vesting. Port Chalmers Dock Trust. Roxburgh Recreationground Management. Invercargill Gasworks Site. Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Association Reserve Chatham Islands. Special Powers and Contracts. 1882, No. 39 v. vi. vii. TOe 1871, No. 25. viii. ix. TOe 1870, No. 68. x. xi. TOe 1876, No.97. xii. xiii. 1882, Local, No. 18. Vide 1877, Local, No. 73. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. XX. xxi. Vide 1876, No. 95. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. Vide 1877, Local, No. 15. xxv. xxvi. - xxvii.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1881, 1882.

Shobt Titles. Year oe Reign AND Number. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 45° Vict. Session III., 1881— continued. [Private. pbivate acts. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (Christchurch) Trustees Incorporation. Hororata Water-race. 45° Vict. [Private. . THE EIGHTH PARLIAMENT, 'ion of time, 19th Comprising Session I, from 18th May to 15th September, 1882. December, 1884. Expires by effiui 46° Vict. Session I., 1882. PUBLIC GENEEAL ACTS. No. 1 ... Imprest Supply 2 Corrupt Practices Prevention Act 1881 Amendment TO-188LNo.l3. Expired. 3 ... Imprest Supply, No. 2... ■ ■ Trade - Marks Act 4 Amendment West Coast Peace Pre5 servation Waikato Confiscated 6 Lands 7 ... Imprest Supply,No. 3... 8 Indemnity. 9 Vagrant Act 1866 Amendment 10 Dog Registration Act Amendment 11 Railways Construction and Land Act 1881 Amendment 12 Sheriffs Act 1858 Amendment Vide 1866, No. 9. Temporary. TO. 1880, No. 40. Vide 1866, No. 10. Vide 1880, No. 24. TOe 1881, No. 37. Vide 1858, No. 24. Expired. Expired. Expired. 13 ... Imprest Supply, No. 4... 14 Small Birds Nuisance. 15 Justices of the Peace. 16 Stamp. 17 Aliens Act Amendment 18 Patents Act Amendment 19 Protection of TeleTOe 1880, No. 10. TO. 1870,No. 89. grams. 20 Employers' Liability. 21 Gas Companies' and Consumers' Liability. 22 Public Health Act 1876 Amendment 23 Public Offenders Disqualification Act 1867 Amendment 24 Private and Local Bills Costs. 25 Industrial Schools. 26 Reserves and Endowments in Mining Districts. 27 Native Land Acts Amendment. 28 Native Land Division. 29 Supreme Court. 30 Court of Appeal. 31 Law Amendment. TO_1876,No.60. TO_1867,No.49.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882.

Shobt Titles. 'ear of Reign AND Number. Amending Acts, etc Oeiginal Repealing Act. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 46° Vict. No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Session I., IS PUBLIC GENEEAL Criminal Law. Prisons. Lunatics. Companies. Friendly Societies. Public Works. Private Tramways. Cemeteries. Rating. Crown and Native Lands Rating. Roads and Bridges Construction. Road Boards. Counties Act 1876 Amendment Municipal Corporations Act 1876 Amendment Land Act 1877 Amndt. Mines Act 1877 Amndt. *Mining Companies Registration Validation. 182 — continued. acts — continued. 43 44 TO_1876,No.48. 45 TO. 1876, No. 52. 46 • 47' 48 TOe 1877, No. 29. TOel877,No.42. 49 Resumption of Land for Mining Purposes. District Railways Acts Amendment Public Reserves Sale. Native Reserves. Education Reserves Act Amendment Education Districts ... Customs Laws Consolidation. Customs Duties Consolidation. Gold Duties Act Amndt. Imbecile Passengers. Inspection of Machinery. Dangerous Goods. Explosives. Tea Examination. Licensing Act Amendt. Fencing Act 1881 Amendment TOe 1877, No. 40. 50 51 52 53 Vide 1877, No. 22. 54 55 TOe 1877, No. 21. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 TOel881,No.21. TOel881,No.28. 65 66 67 Rabbit Nuisance. Registration of Births and Deaths Act Amendment Banks and Bankers Act Amendment Law Practitioners. Amnesty. Public Revenues Property-Tax. New Zealand Colonial Inscribed Stock Loan. North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan. New Zealand Loan. Immigration and Public Works Appropriation. Appropriation. Sheep Act Amendment Spent. TOe 1875, No. 23. 68 TOe 1880, No. 22. 69 70 71 72 73 TOel878,No.l9. 74 75 76 77



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882.

9—A. 13.

Short Titles. Year oe Reign and Number. Amending Original Repealing Act. .CTS, ETC. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 46° Vict. Local, No. i. Session I., It LOCAL AND P] Auckland Harbour Board Empowering Auckland College and Grammar School Auckland University College. Auckland Railwaystation Auckland Improvement Acts Amendment 82 — continued. 'BSONAL ACTS. TOe 1874, No. 34. ii. Vide 1877, Local, No. 51. iii. iv. Vide 1874, No. 34. v. Vide 1873, Private, No. 2 ; 1879, Local, No. 5. vi. vii. viii. ix. Auckland Museum Endowment. Borough of Hamilton Boundaries. Te Aroha Township. Tauranga, East Coast, and Hot-Lakes District Railway Company (Limited) Empowering. Gisborne Harbour Board. Napier High School. Rangipo - Murimotu Agreement Validation. Patea Harbour Land ... x. xi. xii. xiii. Vide 1878, Local, No. 37. xiv. Thorndon Reclamation. Nelson College Act 1858 Amendment Canterbury Rivers Act 1870 Amendment Lyttelton Harbour Board. Timaru Harbour Board xv. TOe 1858, No. 38. xvi. TOe 1870, No. 68. xvii. Vide 1881, Local, No. 13. Vide 1878, Local, No. 26. xviii. xix. Timaru High School Act 1878 Amendment North Timaru Cemetery Sale. Ashburton Racecourse Reserve. Ohoka and Eyreton Domain Board Empowering. Rangiora Domain Board Empowering. Otago Harbour Board Further Empowering Oamaru Harbour Board Loan. Bluff Harbour Foreshore Reclamation. Dunedin Southern Market Reserve Leasing. Portobello Road Board Enabling. Special Powers and Contracts. Rhodes Estate Duty. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. TOe 1875, No. 63. xxv. xx vi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx.



Chronological Table of Acts of Assembly, 1882.

By Authority : George DiDSBURY, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB2.

Shobt Titles. Yeae oe Reign Original Repealing Act. Amending Acts, etc NUMBEE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. 46° Vict. Private. Session I., 181 peivat: Union Bank of Australia (Limited). Wellington Harbour Board and Corporation Land Act 1880 Amendment Ashburton County . Council Empowering. Trustees, Executors, and Agency Com!2— continued. i ACTS. Vide 1880, Local, No. 21. pany. Orakei Native Reserve.

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Bibliographic details

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1882., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-13

Word Count

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-13

CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF THE GENERAL STATUTE LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, DISTINGUISHING THE EXTINCT LAW FROM THE EXISTING LAW. Brought down to the Close of the Session of 1882. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1882 Session I, A-13

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