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Presented to the House of Representatives, Session 1881, and ordered to be printed,


A. page Aifcken, Patrick ... ... ... ... 8 Atkin, W ... ... ... ... ... 5 Akaroa County Council (No. 1) ... .. ... 4 Akaroa County Council (No. 2) ... ... ... 2 Ashburton County Council ... ... ... 4 B, Beaver, John ... ... ... •■ 7 Bell, Frank Dillon ... .. ..5,6 Blagrove, V .. ... ... ... 4 c. Campbell, James ... ... ... ... 6 Carpenter, W., and Others (No. 1) ... ... 1 Chamberlain, J ... ... ... ... 4 Clutha County Council ... ... ... 4 Collingwood County Council (No. ]) ... ... 2 Collingwood County Council (No. 2) ... ... 2 Cook County Council ... .. .. ... 3 Cook County Council, and Others ... ... 5 Cooper, W S., and Others ... .. ... 4 Crawford, James Coutts ... ~ ~, 3 Croizen, W., and Another ... .. ... 5 D. Delahey, James ... ... ... ... 1 Davenport, S., and Others ... ... ... 5 Durose, JJ. ... ... ... ... 2 E. "East Coast Lands Bill, 1881",.. ... ... 5 " Education Reserves Act 1877 Amendment Bill, 1881" ... ... .. ... ... 3,6 E. Faulkner, E. J. ... ... ... ... 2 G. Q-alvin, M. ... ... ... ... ... 4 Gibson, Harriaon ... ... ... ... 7 "Gisborne Harbour Board Bill, 1881" ... ... 6 Goldie, William ... ... ... ... 6 H. Halstead, B. D. ... ... ~. ... 2 Harcourt, T. L. ... ... ... ... 8 Harrison, W J .. ... ... .. 1 Hobson County Council (No. 1) .. ... ... 3 Hobson County Council (No. 2)... ... ... 3 Hokianga County Council (No. 1) .. ... 4 Hokianga County Council (No. 2) ... ... 4 Holland, George ... ... ... ... 4 Holmes, B. ... ... ... ~, ~, 4

J?AGB Inangahua County Council (No. 1) ~< „, 3 Inangahua County Council (No. 2) ... ~, 3 Inangahua County Council (No. 3) ... ... 4 J Jackson, John , % , ... ... itl g K. Kaikoura County Council (No. 1) ~, ~, 3 Kaikoura County Council (No. 2) ~. 3 Kaikoura County Council (No. 3) ~, ~, 4 Kelly, John, and Others ~, v , ~, 3 Kirby Mary ~, ~, ~, i)( g L. Lamb, Frederick .. ... llf 4 Lainplough, Eobert ... ... .., g "Land Act 1877 Amendment Bill, 1881"" ,„ 5 Lewthwaite, John ... ... Ml 5 Lyall, David ... ... g Lynch, John .. ~, ~, 3 M. Machin, J ... ~, ... l(l il( 5 Main waring, Charles ... ... ~, f Maniototo County Council (No. lj ", ",' g Maniototo County Council (No. 2) ... ~[ g Manuel, M. E., and Others ... ... j,, lj " Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Bill, 1881" ... ~, 5 Matbewg, Charles ... ~, (li g McCormick, William ... ~, g McDonald, J ~, lti ltl 4 McGinnerty, William ... ... ~, g McKeever, W ... ~, '" 4 McKenna, E. ... „, _'" j" f MoKinnon, R., and Others ... ... "'. 4 g McLean, J., and Others ~, ~,' 'g McLeod, William ... ... ", 3 Mongonui County Council (No. 1) ".'. '", % Mongonui County Council (No. 2) ... , #J 2 Mulligan, R., and Others ... ... ]]] 4 Munro, Michael .., ~, 1M ij Munro, John, and Others, vide 1.-4 A. o. " Oamaru Harbour Board Bill, 1881 " ... ,„ S E. Ramsay, J J., and Others ... ~. ~ Q Robinson, Madeline ... ~, ... ti * 7 Rodney Covmty Council (No. 1) ... ~', 2 Kodney County Council (No. 2) ~, ~', 3



PAGE S. Seaton, Wm., and Others ... .. ... 3,6 Selwyn County Council .. ~, .. 2 Sheehan, J., and Others ... ... 8 Simms, William, and Others ... ... ... 2 Southland County Council (No. 1) ... ... 4 Southland County Council (No. 2) ... ... 3 Southland County Council (No. 3) ... ... 2 "Special Powers and Contracts Bill, 1881" ... 8 Stanbury, JP. ... ... ... ... 7 Stewart, Thomaa ... ... ... ... 2 Stewart, Or. Vesey, Report and Evidence, vide 1.-4-B, T. Tauranga County Council (No. 1) ... ... 3 Tauranga County Council (No. 2) ... ~3 Thames County Council ... .. ... 5 " Timaru Harbour Board Endowment Bill, 1881"... 4

PAGB AY. Waikouaiti County Council ... ... 4 Waimate County Council ~. ... ... 3 "Waipawa County Council (No. 1) ~. ~, 2 Waipawa County Council (No. 2) ... ... 2 Wairoa County Council (No. 1) ... ... 2 Wairoa County Council (No. 2)... ~, ... 2 Wairoa Harbour Board ... ... ... 2 Wallace County Council ~, ... ... 4 Watt, Andrew, and Others ... ... ... 7 " Wellington College Reserves Confirmation Bill, 1881" 3 Westport Colliery Reserve (ifunro, John, and Others), vide 1.-4 A. Whangarei County Council (No. 1) ... ... 2 Whangarei County Council (No. 2) ... ... 2 White, G-. H. .. ... ... ... 8 Wilks, John .. .. ~, ... 2

REPORTS. Nos. 20, 25, 38, 48, and 49. —Petitions from the Whangarei County Council (No. 1), the Mongonui County Council (No. 2), the Waipawa County Council (No. 2), the Wairoa County Council (No. 1), and the ColliDgwood County Council (No. 2). The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that for each county comprised in a land district the Council may elect one representative on the Board of such land district, have the honor to report that, as they consider the subject-matter of these petitions to be a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 28th June, 1881.

Nos. 11, 21, 24, 37, 50, and 51.—Petitions from the Akaroa County Council (No. 2), the Whangarei County Council (No. 2), the Mongonui County Council (No. 1), the Waipawa County Council (No. 1), the Wairoa County Council (No. 2), and the Selwyn County Council. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that counties should be placed on the same footing as municipalities as regards landed endowments, have the honor to report that, as they consider the subject-matter of these petitions to be a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 28th June, 1881.

Oamartt Haeboue Boaed Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Oamaru Harbour Board Bill, have the honor to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that it be passed without amendment. 28th June, 1881.

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 15,16, 44, and 116.—Petitions of J J Dtjeoss, E. J Faulkner, M. Collins, Thomas Sxewaet, E. D, Halstead, John Wiles, and William Simms and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying for grants of land in consideration of military services and as discharged soldiers, have directed me to report that, as similar petitions to the foregoing have had the consideration of previous Committees appointed by this House, who decided that the petitioners had no claim, this Committee sees no reason to recommend the prayers of the above petitioners. sth July, 1881.

No. 70. —Petition from the Waieoa Haebot/e Boaed. The "Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a suitable landed endowment to the Board to enable it to successfully carry out its duties, have directed me to report that they have no recommendation to make thereon. sth July, 1881.

Nos. 72 and 78. —Petitions from the Eodney County Council (No. 1) and the Southland County Council (No. 3) The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that counties may be placed on the same footing as municipalities as regards landed endowments, have directed me to report that, as they consider the subject-matter of these petitions to be a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 6th July, 1881.



Nos. 73, 77, and 93.—Petitions from the Rodney County Council (No. 2), the Southland County Council (No. 2), and the Cook County Council. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that an elective tlement may be introduced into Waste Lands Boards so that each county may elect one representative on the Board of such land district, have directed me to report that, as they consider the subjectmatter of these petitions to be a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon sth July, 1881.

No. 71. —Petition of John Kelly and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that a piece of land maybe set apart and granted as a site for a cemetery in the Manutahi North district, have directed me to report that this petition be referred to the Government, with a recommendation that its prayer may be given effect to out of such lands as may be available. sth July, 1881.

"Education Beserves Act 1877 Amendment Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred " The Education Eeserves Act 1877 Amendment Act, 1881," have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed with certain amendments, as shown in the attached copy sth July, 1881.

" Wellington College Eeseeves Confirmation Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed without amemdment. 15th July, 1881.

Nos. 104, 135,147, 170. —Petitions from the Inangahua County Council (No. 2), the Tauranga County Council (No. 2), the Hobson County Council (No. 1), and the Kaikoura County Council (No. 2). The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that an elective element may be introduced into Waste Land Boards, have directed me to report that, the subjectmatter of these petitions being a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 22nd July, 1881.

Nos. 103, 134, 148, IG9, and 185.—Petitions from the Inangahua County Council (No. 1), the Tauranga County Council (No. 1), the liobson County Council (No. 2), the Kaikoura County Council (No. 1), and the Waimate County Council. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that counties may be placed on the same footing as municipalities as regards landed endowments, &c, have directed me to report that, the subject-matter of these petitions being a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 22nd July, 1881.

No, 42. —Petition of William Seaton and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a cessation, for a period of two or three years, of their regular six-monthly payments on land, at Waverley, have directed me to report that they recommend petitioners to refer the matter to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. 22nd July, 1881.

No. 39. —Petition of Join? Lynch. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land in lieu of town acre given to the Provincial Government (during the Superintendency of Mr. T. B. Gillies), at Coromandel, have directed me to report that, from the evidence before the Committee, it is clear that petitioner's claim is unfounded. 22nd July, 1881.

No. 150. —Petition of William MoLeod. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that promises made by the Government may be fulfilled, have directed me to report that the petitioner's case, having been already dealt with by the Legislature, cannot be reopened. 22nd July, 1881.

No. 80. —Petition of James Cotttts Crawford. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a title to certain, lands purchased from the Natives in 1839, have directed me to report that they recommend that the consideration of this petition be postponed till next session. 22nd July, 1881.



No. 14.—Petition of Geobge Holland. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land in consideration of services whilst in the Waikato Militia, &c, have directed me to report that they cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 26th July, 1881.

No. 183.—Petition of R. McKinnon and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for compensation for losses sustained through rabbit-pest, have directed me to report that they cannot recommend the prayer of petitioner. 26th July, 1881

No. 201.—Petition of M. Galyin The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land the petitioner states is due to him under the forty-acre system, I am directed to report that the Committee consider petitioner has no claim. 26th July, 1881.

No. 206.—Petition of W S. Coopee and Others. The Waste Lands Committe, to whom was referred the above petition, in which petitioners complain of injustice sustained under the deferred-payment system, have directed me to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioners. 26th July, 1881.

Nos. 202, 203.—Petitions from the Hokianga County Council (No. 1), the Hokianga County Council (No. 2). The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that counties may be placed on the same footing as municipalities as regards landed endowments, also that an elective element may be introduced into Waste Lands Boards, have directed me to report that, the subjectmatter of these petitions being a question of public policy, they have no report to make thereon. 26th July, 1881.

Nos. 138,181,195,198, 209, and 211.—Petitions of J Chambeelain, J McDonald, E. Mulligan and Others, V Blaoeoye, B. Holmes, and "W McKeevee. The "Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, in which petitioners pray for grants of land in consideration of military services in the colony, have directed me to report that, with reference to a large number of petitions which have been referred to the Committee, and which relate to alleged grievances and land claims of long standing, a proper investigation into such claims and grievances involves an amount of research which it is impossible for this Committee to bestow The Committee are therefore of opinion that all such petitions arising out of circumstances which have occurred prior to the commencement of the present Parliament should be inquired into by the Government during the recess. . 26th July, 1881.

No. s.—Petition of Fbedemck Lamb. The "Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for redress in consequence of his land scrip being lost in Government Offices, thereby debarring him from exercising the same, have directed me to report that the Committee recommend that £23 be placed on the supplementary estimates, and handed to petitioner in satisfaction of his claim. 26th July, 1881.

Nos. 10, 76, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, and 105.—Petitions from the Alcaroa County Council (No. 1), the Southland County Council (No. 1), the Clutha County Council, the Kaikoura County Council, the "Wallace County Council, the Ashburton County Council, the Waikouaiti County Council, and the Inangahua County Council (No. 3) The "Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying for the restoration of 20 per cent, land revenue, as hitherto enjoyed, have directed me to report that, in so far as the prayer of the petitioners relates to questions of public policy, this Committee has no recommendation to make; but, as regards the restoration of the 20 per cent, of the land revenue, the Committee is of opinion that such restoration is fair and reasonable, and recommends accordingly 26th July, 1881.

" Txmaeu Habboub Boaed Endowment Bill, 1881 " The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and desire to state that the Committee do not recognize it as a part of their functions to express an opinion on the advisability of granting endowments as proposed by this Bill. 26th July, 1881.



No. 112. —Petition of John Lewthwaite. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for special legislation in reference to land claims, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that these claims of long standing might have been, by the exercise of ordinary diligence on the part of the petitioner, adjusted many years ago; that the larger portion of them have been already settled; that the petitioner has now no legal claim against the colony, and the only equitable claim is for a sum of £75, which the Committee recommend should be paid, or that he be allowed, in lieu thereof, to select 75 acres of land within the Province of Taranaki, but outside the confiscated blocks; and that this be considered a final settlement of the petitioner's claim. 27th July, 1881.

No. 207.—Petition of Feank D. Bell. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, relative to an injustice he received through the action of the Land Department, have directed me to report that the Government proposals, as founded upon the resolutions of the Waste Lands Committee of last session, do not apply to petitioner's case; the Committee therefore cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 29th July, 1881.

"Land Act 1877 Amendment Bill, 1881." TnE Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed without amendment. 2nd August, 1881.

"East Coast Lands Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that the Committee have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed without amendment. 2nd August, 1881,

No. 168.—Petition from Thames County Council. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that an inquiry may be instituted in the value of certain titles of timber leases, &c, have directed me to report that this Committee do not see their way to recommend any interference, and recommend the petitioners, if they feel aggrieved, to take such steps as they may be advised to test the validity of the leases. 2nd August, 1881.

"Mastebton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred " The Masterton and Greytown Lands Management Act 1871 Amendment Bill, 1881," together with the new clause and schedule, have directed me to report that the Committee have gone through the Bill, and they are of opinion that the Standing Orders on Local Bills have been complied with as regards the new clause; but, in the absence from the colony of Mr. Charles Hooking Carter, " in whom the land is vested in trust under Crown grant," consider it inespedient»to recommend the introduction of the clause into the Bill. 3rd August, 1881.

Nos. 174, 244, 245, and 246.—Petitions of S. Davenport and Others, W Atkin, J Machln, W Ceoizen and Another. TnE Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying for grants of land for military services, &c, have directed mo to report that, with reference to a large number of petitions which have been referred to this Committee, and which relate to alleged grievances and land claims of long standing, a proper investigation into such claims and grievances involves an amount of research which it is impossible for this Committee to bestow The Committee are therefore of opinion that all such petitions, arising out of circumstances which have occurred prior to the commencement of the present Parliament, should be inquired into by the Government during the recess. sth August, 1881.

Nos. 223 and 243. —Petitions from the Cook County Council and Others, and the Maniototo County Council. The "Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying that an elective element may be introduced into Waste Lands Boards, have directed me to report that the subjectmatter of these petitions being a question of public policy, the Committee have no report to make thereon. sth August, 1881.

No. 242.—Petition from the Maniototo County Council. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for restoration of 20 per cent, of land revenue, have directed me to report that, in so far as the prayer of the petitioners relates to a question of public policy, this Committee have no recommendation to make; but, as regards the restoration of 20 per cent, of the land revenue to the local bodies, the Committee are of opinion that such restoration is fair and reasonable, and recommend accordingly sth August, 1881.



No. 207.—Petition of Feank D. Bell, [Further Eeport.] The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred back the above petition, relative to an injustice he received through the action of the Land Department, &c, have directed me to report that the Committee, having taken further evidence in this case, find that the petitioner's name was by an omission excluded from the other deferred-payment settlers, who became entitled to the benefits of the Government scheme, and recommend that he now be placed in the same position with them. 9th August, 1881.

No. 214.—Petition of Eobeet Lamploitgh. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for an inquiry into his claim for a lease of land, &c, have directed me to report that the Committee consider that the petitioner should represent his case to the Waste Lands Board, Nelson, and have therefore no further recommendation to make. 9th August, 1881.

" Gisboene Haebotjb Boaed Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that the Committee have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed without amendment. 9th August, 1881.

" Education Eeseeves Act 1877 Amendment Bill, 1881." [Further Eeport] The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred back the above Bill, have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed with the amendments as shown in the attached copy 9th August, 1881.

No. 94.—Petition of William McCoemick. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that a Crown grant may be issued to him, have directed me to report that they have ascertained that the Crown grant will be issued to the petitioner as soon as it is signed by the Governor. 9th August, 1881.

No. 85. —Petition of Chaeles Matthews. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for compensation for loss through the action of the Waste Lands Board, Nelson, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim, and that the imputation of corrupt influence having been exercised is entirely without foundation. 10th August, 1881.

No. 274. —Petition of J J Ramsay and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for reductions in the price of sections leased, on deferred payments, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioners have no claim. 10th August, 1881.

No. 42.—Petition of William Seaton and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom w ras referred, the above petition, have directed me to report that they recommend the petitioners to refer their case to Mr. C. A. Wray, Commissioner of Crown Lands for the West Coast Land District. 19th August, 1881.

No. 123. —Petition of James Campbell. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land as a discharged soldier, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 19th August, 1881.

No. 183.—Petition of E. McKinnon and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred back the above petition, praying for compensation for losses sustained through rabbit-pest, have directed me to report that they recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the Government. 19th August, 1881.

No. 145. —Petition of William Goldie. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, in which petitioner complains that he was not allowed to exercise Volunteer scrip in payment for land, have directed me to report that the petitioner's claim to exercise Volunteer scrip to the value of £26 is just, and ought to be met; the Committee therefore recommend the case to the Government, to be dealt with either by legislation or otherwise. 19th August, 1881.



No. 84. —Petition of Madeline Eobinson. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for access to her property, have directed me to report that it is the duty of the Government, in disposing of the waste lands of the Crown, to see that due provision is made for access to such land, and, inasmuch as that, in the case of the petitioner, such duty has been neglected, the Committee are of opinion that the Government should take such action as may be necessary in order to secure a right of access to the petitioner's land. 23rd August, 1881.

No. 179.—Petition of W J Haeeison. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, complaining of excessive rent demanded by the Waste Lands Board, Otago, and praying for relief, have directed me to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 23rd August, 1881.

No. 291. —Petition of John Beatee. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for inquiry as to his being refused scrip in lieu of passage-money, have directed me to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 23rd August, 1881.

No. 255.—Petition of W Caepenteb and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for an inquiry into the titles of certain timber leases, have directed me to report that the Committee do not see their way to recommend any interference, and recommend the petitioners, if they feel aggrieved, to take such steps as they may be advised to.test the validity of the leases. 23rd August, 1881.

Nos. 266 and 308.—Petition of E. McKenna and James Delahey. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying for grants of land in consideration of Volunteer and other military services, have directed me to report that, with reference to a large number of petitions which have been referred to this Committee, and which relate to alleged grievances and land claims of long standing, a proper investigation into such claims and grievances involves an amount of research which it is impossible for this Committee to bestow The Committee are therefore of opinion that all such petitions, arising out of circumstances which have occurred prior to the commencement of the present Parliament, should be inquired into by the Government during the recess. 23rd August, 1881.

No. 298.—Petition of M. E. Manuel and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that land may be opened on the deferred-payment system, have directed me to report that, as the Government are now dealing with the subject-matter referred to in this petition, the petition be referred to the Government for their consideration. 23rd August, 1881.

No. 299. —Petition of Andbew Watt and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying to be placed on an equal footing with fellow-settlers, and craving some rebate or reduction in their rents, have directed me to report that the Committee cannot recommend that the prayer of the petitioners be entertained.! 23rd August, 1881.

No. 277.—Petition of J P Stanbtjby. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a refund of costs he was put to in defending an action which was caused by the Survey Department altering the boundary of his land, have directed me to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner should in the first instance have applied to the Executive Government for redress ; as he has not done so, that the matter be referred to the Government. 31st August, 1881.

Nos. 269, 275, 335. —Petitions of Chaeles Mainwaring, Haeeison Gibson, Michael Mttneo. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom were referred the above petitions, praying for grants of land as discharged military or naval officers, &c, have directed me to report that, with reference to a large number of petitions which have been referred to this Committee, and which relate to alleged grievances and land claims of long standing, a proper investigation into such claims and grievances involves an amount of research which it is impossible for this Committee to bestow The Committee are therefore of opinion that all such petitions, arising out of circumstances which have occurred prior to the commencement of the present Parliament, [should be inquired into by the Government during the recess. 31st August, 1881.



No. -305.—Petition of John Jackson. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that a lease promised him by the Government may be issued, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 31st August, 1881.

No. 107. —Petition of Datid Ltall. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, relative to the alleged cancellation of an agricultural lease, and praying for redress, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 6th September, 1881.

No. 283.—Petition of J McLean and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition—deferred-payment settlers praying for relief—have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 6th September, 1881.

No. 356.—Petition of G. H. White. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land in consideration of having resided in the colony for over twenty-one years, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim. 6th September, 1881.

"The Special Powees and Conteacts Bill, 1881." The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have directed me to report that they have gone through the Bill, and recommend that the same be passed without amendment. 13th September, 1881.

No. 229.—Petition of Pateick Aitken The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that he may be allowed to exchange his land from the Opaheke to the Pararata District, have directed me to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner should represent his case to the Opaheke and Pararata Eoad Boards. The Committee have no further recommendation to make. 13th September, 1881.

No. 372. —Petition of William McGinneety The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying for a grant of land as a discharged soldier, have directed me to report that, with reference to a large number of petitions which have been referred to this Committee, and which relate to alleged grievances and land claims of long standing, a proper investigation into such claims and grievances involves an amount of research which it is impossible for this Committee to bestow The Committee are therefore of opinion that all such petitions, arising out of circumstances which have occurred prior to the present Parliament, should be inquired into by the Government during the recess. 17th September, 1881.

No. 368.—Petition of T. L. Habcotjet. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that he may receive a land order to which he states he became entitled, have directed me to report that they confirm the report brought up (upon the petitioner's case) by the Public Petitions Committee in 1879, viz., that they cannot recommend the petitioner's claim. 17th September, 1881.

No. 861.—Petition of J Sheehan and Others. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition of deferred-payment settlers praying for relief, have directed me to report that they cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioners. 17th September, 1881.

No. 344.—Petition of Maey Kiebt. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above petition, praying that land belonging to her late husband, which has been improperly dealt with by the Crown, may be restored to her, have directed me to report that the evidence before the Committee shows that the petitioner has a just claim to the land in question. It appears, further, that the Legislature, apparently in ignorance of the fact that this land was private property, vested the same in the Taranaki County Council under the " Taranaki Reserves Act, 1877 ; " and that the Government be recommended to take the necessary action towards the repeal of the aforesaid Act, in so far as the section of land claimed by the petitioner is concerned. 17th September, 1881.

Authority; Geokge Didsbt/by, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBl,

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REPORTS OF THE WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. H. BUNNY, CHAIRMAN.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, I-04

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REPORTS OF THE WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. H. BUNNY, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, I-04

REPORTS OF THE WASTE LANDS COMMITTEE. (MR. H. BUNNY, CHAIRMAN.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, I-04

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