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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

419. (L.E.) 16th January, 1880. George Jamieson Scott, of 7, Garden Eeach, Calcutta, East Indies, Secretary to the India General Steam Navigation Company (Limited). —A steam generator. 420. (L.E.) 16th January, 1880. William Humble and Ward Nicholson, both of Yulcan Foundry, Little Malop Street, Geelong, Victoria, Ironfounders. —Improvements in machinery for straining and retaining the strain on wire between two fixed points, such as in wire-fencing. 421. (L.E.) lGth January, 1880. William James Geant, of Brenhilda Terrace, Bennie Street, Paddington, near Sydney, New South Wales, Cordial Manufacturer, and Fbedeeick William Elliott, of Sydney, aforesaid, Wholesale Druggist. —Improvement in stopping aerated waterbottles, and a machine for filling the same, to be called " Grant's Aerial Stopper Bottle and Filling Machine." 422. (L.P.) 23rd January, 1880. Cheistopiier Tester, of the City of Wellington, New Zealand, Law Stationer.—An invention for extinguishing candles, to be called " Tester's Self-acting Safety Extinguisher." 423. (L.E.) 17th February, 1880. George Westinghouse, Jun., of No. 20, Southampton Buildings, in the County of Middlesex, England. —Improvements in apparatus for working brakes on railway trains by fluid pressure, parts of the said apparatus being applicable generally to pipes conducting fluid. 424. (L.P.) Eobebt Norie Cowan, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, Plumber, and William Henry Scott, of the same place, Wood-turner. —An improved totalisator. (Not proceeded with.) 425. (L.E.) 26th February, 1880. Spenceb Mort and George Browning, of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, Tool-makers and Engineers. —Improvements in sewing machines. 426. (L.E.) 26th February, 1880. Alexander Anderson, Manager of the Singer Manufacturing Company's Works, Glasgow, North Britain. —Improvements in sewing machines. 427 (L.E.) 26th February, 1880. George Baldwin Woodruff, of Cheapside, London, Engineer. —Improvements in driving the shuttles of sewing machines. 428. (L.E.) 26th February, 1880. Jamks Livesey, of No. 9, Victoria Chambers, Victoria Street, London, England, Civil Engineer, and Joshua Kidd and James Kidd, both of Englantine Eoad, Wandsworth, Surrey, England, Gas Engineers. —Improvements in material and apparatus for the enrichment of inflammable gas. 429. (L.P ) 26th February, 1880. Benjamin Dickson, of Burwood Station, Otago. —An invention for the effectually clearing and freeing frorn rabbits all lands and districts at present infested with them. 430. (L.E.) 4th March, 18S0. Siegfried Franck, of No. 1, Eichmond Terrace, Domain, Sydney, New South Wales, Gentleman. —Improvements in machinery for registering numerically, to be called a "Totalisator." 431. (L.P.) sth March, 1880. George Townson, of Timaru, Canterbury. —An invention for manufacturing cement concrete. 432. (L.E.) 10th March, 1880. Chaeles Adolphus Watkins, of the firm of Hamilton and Company, of Greek Street, Soho, in the County of Middlesex, England, Brush Manufacturers.— Improvements in the manufacture of brushes, and in the apparatus employed therein. 433. (L.E.) 10th March, 1880. William Eobeet Lake, of the firm of Haseltine, Lake, and Co., Patent Agents, Southampton Buildings, London, England. —Improvements in and relating to screw bolts, and their nuts and other articles, with screw-threaded holes, and in the manufacture of implements for punching these holes ; a communication to him from abroad by Alfred Buckingham Ibbotson, of Villa Ibbotson, Florence, Italy 434. (L.E.) 12th March, 1880. Thomas Foster Wilkins, of Upper Baker Street, London, Middlesex, England.—lmprovements in the preservation of alimentary substances, both solid and fluid. 435. (L.P.) 23rd March, 1880. William Anderson Ewing, of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.— The New Zealand cement.


436. (L.P.) 3rd April, 1880. Eichabd Knuckey, Mechanical Engineer, of Cuba Street, Wellington, New Zealand. —An invention for washing personal and household clothes, called the "Cornish Washing Machine." 437 (L.P.) 16th April, 1880. James Seed, of Eangiora, County of Ashley, New Zealand, Flaxdresser and Rope and Twine Manufacturer. —An invention for preparing twine or yarn made from Phormium tenax, and used in reajser and binder machines. 438. (L.E.) 26th April, 1880. William Dent Peiesthan and Samuel Peiestman, both of Kingston-upon-Hull, in the County of York, Engineers. —Improvements in the method of working self-acting grapple buckets and forks. 439. (L.E.) 26th April, 1880. Eobebt Geay Foed, of Union Street. Brighton, Victoria, Engineer. — Improvements in boilers for domestic and other purposes. 440. (L.E.) 28th April, 1880. William Mclntibe Ceanston, of No. 36, Worship Street, Tinsbury, County of Middlesex. —Improvements in apparatus for automatically binding cut crops into sheaves. 441. (L.E.) 28th April, 1880. Samuel Bueston, of Flinders Street East, Melbourne, Victoria, Maltster.—lmprovements in and relating to kilns for drying malt, grain, and other materials. 442. (L.E.) 4th May, 1880. Thomas Alya Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician. —Improvements in electric lamps, and in the method of manufacturing same. 443. (L.E.) sth May, 1880. Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimbee, of the Gas Motoren Fabrik, Deutz, at Deutz-on-the-Ehine, Germany, Engineer. —Improvements in gas motor engines. 444. (L.E.) sth May, 1880. Dayid Johnson, of Wrexham, Wales, Great Britain, Manufacturing and Analytical Chemist. —Improvements in the manufacture of aerated and other beverages for restorative and medicinal purposes. 445. (L.E.) sth May, 1880. John Waed Giedlestone, of Alderley Lodge, Belvidere, Kent, England, Civil Engineer. —Improvements in dry closets, commodes, and urinals. 446. (L.E.) sth May, 1880. Lewis Heemann, of Dresden, Germany. —Improvements in floors for malt-kilns. 447. (L.P.) 18th May, 1880. Joseph Pipee, of Christchurch, New Zealand, Tinsmith.—An improvement in packing-tins. 448. (L.P.) Bth June, 1880. Edwaed Thomas O'Connell, of Dunedin, Otago, and Samuel Barmingham and Thomas McCoemack, of Dunedin, Ironfounders, trading as " Barmingham and Co."— Improvements in cooking-ranges, combined with fire-grate, oven, and boiler, the whole to be called and to be known as " The Zealandia." 449. (L.E.) 11th June, 1880. Thomas Denny and William Eobeets, of Bathurst, New South Wales, Engineers. —An invention for grinding quartz and other tailings, and amalgamating the gold extracted therefrom, to be called " Denny and Eoberts's Grinder and Amalgamator." 450. (L.E.) ]lth June, 1880. Heney Taewood Atteile and William Faemee, of New York, United States of America, Gas Engineers.—lmprovements in the manufacture of gas for heating and illuminating purposes, and in the means and apparatus connected therewith. 451. (L.E.) 11th June, 1880. Waltee Holland, of the Vulcan Iron Works, Worcester, England, Engineer. —Improvements in machinery or apparatus for working and interlocking points and signals on railways. 452. (L.E.) 11th June, 1880. Thomas Alta Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, United States of America, Electrician.—lmprovements in electric lamps, and in the method of manufacturing the same. 453. 14th June, 1880. Geobge Simmons, Sen., of Kumara, Westland. —Improvements in the application of material more suitably adapted for manufacturing hydraulic hose, used by gold-miners and others. (Not proceeded with.) 454. (L.E.) 17th June, 1880. William Humble and Waed Nicholson, both of the Vulcan Foundry, Geelong, Victoria, Ironfounders. —Improvements in binding apparatus for attachment to reaping-machines. 455. (L.P) 23rd June, 1880. Joseph Maeie Fieubgant, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Stonemason.— A gold and sand extractor. 456. (L.P.) 29th June, 1880. John Eyans, of Kew, Southland, New Zealand, Builder.—An invention for sawing wood or other materials, whereby labour is saved, to be called " The Kew Double Cross-cut." 457 (L.E.) sth July, 1880. Petee Hetnee, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. . —lmprovements in railway systems. 458. (L.P.) 14th July, 1880. Andeew Smith Hallidie, of Auckland, New Zealand, and of San Francisco, California, United States of America, Engineer. —Improvements in wire tramways. 459. (L.P.) 14th July, 1880. Andeew Smith Hallidie, of Auckland, New Zealand, and of San Francisco, California, United States of America, Engineer. —Improvements in propelling, hauling, and operating cars on tracks, and propelling other vehicles and boats, and in the machinery and apparatus connected therewith. (Not granted, see No. 491.) 460. (L.P.) 19th July, 1880. John Pttschel and Chaeles Puschel, of Avonside, Canterbury, Tanners, and Heney Jauncy, of Christchurch, Gentleman. —The manufacture of pulp suitable for making papier-mache felt and other articles from the fibres of the Phormium tenax or New Zealand flax. (Not proceeded with.) 461. (L.E.) 16th July, 1880. Thomas Leayitt, of Everett, Massachusetts, United States of America. Machinist. —Improvements in machinery for post-marking, cancelling, or obliterating letters, postcards, and other articles. 462. (L.E ) 16th July, 1880. Ole O. Stoele and John G. Flint, Jun., of the City of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, United States.—lmprovements in knot tiers for grain-binders. 463. (L.P.) 21st July, 1880. Eobeet Eeid and James Geay, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Engineers, trading under the style or firm of "Eeid and Gray." —An invention for making sand moulds for iron, brass, and other castings.



464. (L.R.) 20th July, 1880. Heney Baeeett, of Hampton, Middlesex, England.—lmprovements in bottles and stoppers, and in apparatus for filling or charging the same. 465. (L.P.) 22nd July, 1880. James Watkins, of Dunedin, Otago, Merchant. —An invention for the manufacture of farinaceous food from New Zealand wheat. 466. (L.P.) 9th August, 1880. Pateick Joseph Dungan, of Timaru, General Smith. —An improved mangle to be called " Dungan's Patent Paragon Mangle." (Not proceeded with.) 467 (L.P ) 16th August, 1880. Ernest Somebset Bowden, of Wellington, Stationer. —An invention for separating and cleansing the fibre of the New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax) (Not proceeded with.) 468. (L.P.) 17th August, 1880. Newenham Acton Geaydon, of Dunedin, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An improved kiln with improvements in burning bricks, tiles, and pottery 469. (L.P.) 21st August, 1880. Richahd Moeeis, of Invercargill, New Zealand—An instantaneous fire-escape. (Not proceeded with.) 470. (L.P) 30th August, 1880. James Palmeb Black, of Nelson, Settler. —An escape door-fastener. 471. (L.R.) 28th August, 1880. Thomas Alta Edison, of Menlo Park, New Jersey, United States of America. —Improvements in telephones. 472. (L.R.) 28th August, 1880. Feancis Raymond Welles, Telegraph Engineer, William Henex Mastees, Merchant, and Thomas Theophiltts Deapeb, Merchant, all of Melbourne, Victoria.— Improvements in methods and appliances for telephonic communication, parts of which are applicable to other purposes. 473. (L.P.) 13th September, 1880. Chaeles Feench Pembeeton, of Sefton, Ashley, New Zealand, Civil Engineer. —An invention for utilizing tallow or other materials for making candles. 474. (L.P.) 13th September, 1880. John Eyans Beown, of Christchurch, Gentleman.—A plough for the purpose of clearing stones and rubbish from out of the grooves and off the table of tramway rails. 475. (L.P.) 24th September, 1880. Geoege Ashceoft, of Petone, Hutt. —Machinery for pulverizing quartz, rocks, and earths, for sorting the powder so obtained, and for treating it with mercury, in order to obtain the greatest yield of gold from the sand, rocks, or earths, with the least loss of mercury 476. (L.P.) Gth October, 1880. Vincent Caeey Venimoee, of Havelock, Marlborough, Cabinetmaker, and James Hadpield Smith, of the same place, Merchant. —A bi-gyratory lathe. (Not proceeded with.) 477 (L.P.) 6th October, 1880. Vincent Caeey Venimobe, of Havelock, Marlborough, Cabinetmaker, and James Hadfield Smith, of the same place, Merchant.—A spherical castor. (Not proceeded with.) 478. (L.P.) 13th October, 1880. William JonN Silcock, of Ashburton. —An invention for filling ruts, and spreading shingle, and keeping roads in repair. 479. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. James Knox Newton, of No. 5, King Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Engineer.—An improvement in the manufacture of a lubricant and cup, to be called " The Eureka Lubricating Compound Company's Lubricant and Cup." 480. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. Edwin Robins Thomas, of Merrickville, New South Wales, and Geoege Cowdeey, of Burwood, New South Wales.—An automatic coupling and uncoupling apparatus for railway- and other rolling-stock. 481. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. Raymond Oahne, of Toulouse, in the Republic of France.—A new or improved blasting powder. 482. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. Joseph Stokes Willtams, of Riverton, New Jersey, United States of America, now of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, and John Ebenezee Watson, of Glasgow, Secretary of the Williams Railway Patent Company (Limited). —Improvements in railway crossings and switches, and in apparatus to be used in connection therewith. 483. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. Joseph Stokes Williams, of Riverton, New Jersey, United States of America, now of Glasgow, in the County of Lanark, North Britain, and John Ebenezee Watson, of Glasgow, Secretary of the Williams Railway Patent Company (Limited). —Improvements in railway crossings and switches, and in apparatus to be used in connection therewith. 484. (L.R ) 18th October, 1880. Thomas Alya Edison, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey,. United States of America, Electrician. —Improvement in electric lamps, and in the method of manufacturing the same. 485. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. TnoMAS Alya Edison, of Menlo Park, in the State of New Jersey,. United States of America, Electrician. —Improvements in the utilization of electricity for light and heat and power, being an improved system and means for the generation, measurement, and translation of electricity into light, heat, and power. 486. (L.R.) 18th October, 1880. John Beeoee Spence, of Lombard Street, in the City of London, Merchant.- —Improvements in the manufacture from metallic sulphides of compounds suitable either alone or as an ingredient for moulding, and for covering surfaces, and in the separation of mixed metallic sulphides. 487 (L.P.) 19th October, 1880. Heney Veee Baeclay, of Wanganui, Civil Engineer.—An invention for mechanically computing surveyors' calculations, and problems in" plane trigonometry and navigation. 488. (L.P.) 3rd November, 1880. John Alyes, of Dunedin.—For improvements in furnace-bars and furnaces. 489. (L.R.) 17th November, 1880. Geoege Westinghotjse, Jun., 20, Southampton Buildings, London. —Improvements in brakes for railway rolling-stock. 490. (L.R.) 17th November, 1880. Geoege Westinghoitse, Jun., 20, Southampton Buildings, London.—lmprovements in apparatus for railway brakes, worked by fluid pressure. 491. (L.R.) 19th November, 1880. Andeew Smith Hallidie, of the City of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, and of the City and County of San Francisco, in the State of California.— Improvements in propelling, hauling, and operating cars on tracks, and propelling other vehicles and boats, and in the machinery and apparatus connected therewith.




492. (L.P ) 16th November, 1880. Samuel Paekeb, of Auckland.—Eidging and spouting cress and dies. 493. (L.P.) 16th November, 1880. Samuel Paekee, of Auckland. —Improved ridging. 494. (L.P.) 6th December, 1880. William Loddee, of Eemuera, Auckland, Marine Engineer.—An anti-fouling composition, with the object of coating the bottoms of iron ships or vessels, iron pier piles, or any kind of iron which is exposed to the action of water, to prevent them from becoming foul or dirty. 495. (L.8.) 11th December, 1880. Eeederick Edwaed Blackett Beaumont, of No. 4, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, Middlesex, England.—lmprovements in motor engines, worked by compressed air or other elastic fluid under high pressure. 496. (L.P.) 22nd December, 1880. Thomas Ellis, of Primrose Farm, Wanganui, New Zealand.—A butter-churn. 497 (L.E.) 30th December, 1880. William Eigg and William McLean, both of No. 69, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Wholesale and Eetail Ironmongers.—lmprovements in apparatus for the manufacture of gas. 498. (L.E.) 30th December, 1880. Aetiiitk Hope, of Tarra Bank South, near Melbourne, Victoria, Engineer.—An improvement in stone-breaking machines. Lettees Patent Lapsed theough Non-payment op Eenewal Fee. 293. A. Peasee. —Machine for washing, &c. 300. J Kilgoue.—Amalgamating brush for saving gold. 309. C. Bbown.—Extraction of tannin by fern. 319. C. O'Neil.—Caithness flagging. 325. W Douslin.—Automatic dam or spur. 328. W Douslin.—Sockets for candlesticks. 331. T. B. Louisson. —Hematite paint. Patent Office, C. J A. Haselden, Wellington, 31st March, 1881. Eegistrar of Patents.

By Authority : G-eoege Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.

Price 3d.]

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1880 (LIST OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-03

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LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1880 (LIST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-03

LETTERS PATENT AND LETTERS OF REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR DURING 1880 (LIST OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-03

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