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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly, pursuant to "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," Section 9, Subsection (6)

EEPOET In the last annual report by the Eegistrar it was stated that, on account of the difficulty experienced in having ihe tables accompanying the report printed during the sitting of Parliament, it might be desirable to mate future reports for the periods respectively terminating on the 31st December in each year. As the previous report referred to matters during the year ending on the 30th June, 1880, this report specially refers to transactions during a period of six months ending on the 31st of December, 1880. I._BUSINESS OF THE REG-ISTRY OFFICE. li DEPABTMEHTAIi "WOEK DUEING THE SIX MONTHS ENDED SIST DECEMBER, 1880. There has not been any very exceptional feature in the departmental work during the above period ; the general work in the office, although important in nature and considerable in amount, being similar in character from year to year. The time of the officers of the department available for the work has been insufficient to meet all requirements, and it has been found necessary to call in additional assistance to complete the compilation of the quinquennial returns of sickness and mortality, a work of considerable importance, the results being expected and desired by societies for the purpose of verifying or otherwise their several rates of contributions, as it is believed by many that the rates of sickness and mortality will be found so much lighter in the colony than in England as to render it actuarially possible to adopt lower scales of contributions than are recommended for adoption by English actuaries. Much delay has arisen in the completion of the compilation of the statistical tables of 1879 on account of the difficulty experienced in obtaining returns from some of the societies. The custom frequently adopted of appointing as officers of societies persons ignorant of any system or principle of book-keeping, and who perform their duties in a most careless manner, has rendered it very difficult —in some cases impossible —to obtain accurate returns of accounts or correct information as to facts that should be on record and that serve as data for actuarial valuations and for the compilation of important statistical tables. The correspondence entailed upon the department in consequence of such negligence, and also in the effort to enforce compliance with the provisions of the Act, has been considerable. The Eegistrar has felt it hig duty to institute three several prosecutions for neglect in not having furnished returns after repeated applications. On the other hand, it affords the Eegistrar much pleasure in recognizing the excellent character of the returns furnished by the secretaries of some societies and branches: the returns prepared by the secretaries of the Otago District, 1.0.0. F., M.U ; the Westland District of Foresters ; Court Blenheim, A.0.1? ; and the Howard Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., being perhaps especially worthy of commendation. If the secretaries generally would exercise similar care and intelligence in the preparation of their returns, the labour of the department would be materially lightened, and the statistical results would be of more value. The statistical tables for 1878 have been printed and circulated since the last report was made; but, as no digest of their contents was prefixed to them, they have been appended to this report, which specially deals further on with their subject-matter. 2. Societies and Branches Eegisteeed during the Six Months. Twelve new societies have been registered during the half-year. These comprise 6 lodges of the United Ancient Order of Druids, affiliated to the Grand Lodge of Australia; one district, designated the Auckland Provincial District (the only one established in New Zealand), comprising 2 lodges, of the English order known as the National Independent Order of Odd Fellows; 1 railway benefit society, the Oiago Eailway Employes Benefit Society ; the Sickness and Accident Mutual Assurance Association of New Zealand, a "general" friendly society, i.e., a society constituted somewhat on the model of a life insurance society, having a central office situated in a particular town, but which, unlike

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" local " friendly societies (such as the New Plymouth Friendly Society) on the one hand and branches of the affiliated orders on the other, endeavours to obtain business throughout a whole country, and the relation amongst whose members has nothing of the semi-social character marking the affiliated brotherhoods ; 1 benevolent society, the Southland Benevolent Institute; 1 working-men's club, the Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts ; and 1 " specially authorized" society, the well-known Independent Order of Good Templars, 84 of the subordinate lodges of which —scattered over the length and breadth of the colony —are at present included in the registration. The following table, by instituting a comparison between the numbers of societies registered in the several periods of six months since the date when the Act cci c into force, will convey an idea of the rate at which registration is progressing : — From Ist Jan., 1878, to 30th June, 1878 No societies registered. Ist July, 1878, to 31st Dec, 1878 .. One society „ Ist Jan., 1879, to 30th June, 1879 Six societies „ Ist July, 1879, to 31st Dec, 1879 . Five „ „ Ist Jan., 1880, to 30th June, 1880 Three „ „ Ist July, 1880, to 31st Dec, 1880 Twelve „ „ On the whole, it is evident that the progress of registration has been becoming gradually more satisfactory, and this result would be still more obviously manifest if the numbers of new branches registered in the several periods were compared. Nevertheless, from the knowledge acquired by the Eegistrar in various ways of the unregistered societies in existence, he regrets to be compelled to report that the progress of registration is still not as rapid as could be desired —probably hardly as rapid as the establishment of new societies and branches. The objections to registration appear to be mainly two : (1) the alleged difficulty of framing rules to include satisfactorily all the matters specified in the Second Schedule to the Friendly Societies Act; and (2) the subsequent burden of furnishing returns and of submitting to valuations. The improvement shown by the above table in the rate of registration is attributed by the Eegistrar in a great degree to the legalization, through section 12 of the Amendment Act of 1878, of a reference to the rules of parent societies in the United Kingdom and Australia. From Table VIII. of the Statistics of 1878-80 (appended to this report), which has been made to include, as far as possible, all the friendly societies and branches of friendly societies, registered and unregistered, known to exist in the colony, it will be seen that these are, with very few exceptions, neither more nor less than branches and " twigs of branches " (to use an expression of the Chief Eegistrar of Friendly Societies of the United Kingdom) of orders, the central offices of which are either in the United Kingdom or in Australia; and it may therefore be easily understood how heavily the interdicting of all reference or expression of subordination to the rules of the parent societies must previously have pressed on the districts and lodges in this coiony intending to register. A list of registered societies, with their registered branches, as on the 31st December, 1880, is given in Schedule I. to this report. The names of " societies having branches " within the meaning of section 30 of the Act— i.e., districts of the affiliated orders, whether or no they have branches registered as such —are given in italics. From a comparison of this list with the corresponding one given in the Begistrar's Third Eeport, it will be seen that 92 branches have been newly registered during the six months under review, and that 7 de facto branches have had their registry as separate societies (acquired under the Act of 1867) cancelled, and have been re-registered as legal branches of the districts, grand lodges, &c, to which they belong. Of the 92 newly-registered branches, it will be seen that the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows claims 2, the National Independent Order of Odd Fellows 2, the Ancient Order of Foresters 3, the Independent Order of Eechabites 1, while the Independent Order of Good Templars (not a benefit society) claims the lion's share of 84. The various affiliated orders are now represented on the register in the following manner: —

3. Amendments of Etjxes Registered. Pour partial amendments of rules, and three complete amendments, i.e., substitutions of completely new sets of rules for previous rules, have been registered during the half-year. The partial amendments were in all cases of minor importance. As regards one of the complete amendments, that of the "Wellington District of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Begistrar is pleased to report that it includes a new scale of contributions based on the standard recommended by the Government Actuary Unfortu« nately, however, its adoption is left optional in regard to existing lodges, except so far as new members are concerned, in the case of whom it is made compulsoi-y. This option is the more to be regretted, as, in the case of the two city lodges at least of this District, it needs no valuation to see that actuarial insolvency is already almost certainly a fact. Thua it will be seen from Table VIII., attached

Name of Society. Statement as on 30th June, 18S0. Statement as on 31st December, 1880. Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American) 11 Districts and 63 Lodges 1 Grand Lodge and 16 Subordinate Lodges 11 Districts and 62 Lodges. 1 Grand Lodge and 15 Subordinate Lodges. 1 District and 2 Lodges. 6 Districts and 45 Courts. 1 Sanctuary. 8 Lodges. 1 Lodge. 1 District and 3 Tents. 5 Subordinate Divisions. 1 Branches. 1 Grand Lodge and 84 Lodges. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ancient Order of Foresters Ancient Order of Shepherds United Ancient Order of Druids Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society ... Independent Order of Recbabites Sons and Daughters of Temperance of Australasia... Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... Independent Order of Good Templars ... Nil G Districts and 44 Courts 1 Sanctuary ... .., 2 Lodges ... 1 Lodge 1 District and 3 Tents G Subordinate Divisions 7 Branches... Nil



to this report, that on 81st December, 1879, these lodges had respectively 358 and 215 members, and that their sick funds amounted respectively to only £2,421 and £2,462. These lodges are amongst the very oldest in the colony, having been established in 1845 and 1847 respectively They already contain a considerable proportion of old members, and yet, with substantially similar benefits guaranteed, the amount per member of the sick fund is seen to be smaller than that of comparatively very young lodges in the Hokitika and Otago Districts of the same order, which have been valued and found insolvent. In the case of the older lodge, the Loyal Britannia, the following figures speak for themselves: — No. of Members. Amount of Sick Fund. Per Member. 31st December, 1877 283 £2,262 5 1 .. £7 19 11 1878 292 2,422 15 ... 8 5 11 „ 1879 358 2,421 2 0 ... 6 15 3 There is indeed reason to believe that the numbers of members on 31st December, 1877 and 1878, were understated, owing to the exclusion of members who, though "bad on the books," would be again entitled to full benefit on payment of arrears ; yet on the most favourable view it is clear that the amount of fund per member is at best stationary Now, although there is already a considerable sprinkling of old members, in consequence of the great age of the lodge, yet the sick claims at present are probably not one-half of what may be expected in another ten years, when the members at present between 50 and 60 will be between 60 and 70, unless death shall have previously taken place, in which latter case the District will become liable for a certain payment of £20. The fact that the amount of fund per member has already become stationary, when the proportion of members over 60 is as yet so small, affords the worst possible augury for the future prospects of the lodge. The case of the Britannia Lodge has been entered into at some length because a parallel chain of reasoning will apply to several lodges of other Districts, which may thus be enabled to recognize the perilous nature of their position even before a valuation. What the actual scales of contributions and benefits were.under the rules registered in 1866 is not very clear, as the rules on the subject seem hopelessly confused. That the former must have been very low is evident from the following facts for 1879 (see Tables IX. and X. hereto) :— Mean No. of Contributions to Average per Member Members. S. and J? Fund. per Lunar Month. £ s. d. b. d. Britannia 347 353 10 5 .. 17 Antipodean .. 203 5 118 16 3 .. 011 Rose of the Valley ... 194 122 6 0 .. 10 Rule 13, introductory to the new scale of contributions, enacts that " Members of all lodges in this district established before the passing of these rules shall continue to receive the benefits and pay contributions as heretofore; all new members joining established lodges shall pay in accordance with, the following table. If deemed necessary, any lodge may adopt the following table of payments and benefits, if a majority of members at a summoned meeting shall determine to do so. All lodges hereafter established shall pay the following." The scale of benefits and contributions thus referred to is given hereunder: — Contributions per Lunar Month, with Age at Entry- appropriate Intermediate Benefits. Amounts for Intermediate Ages. B> d. "1 £1 P er week during the first six months of sickness, 10s. per week during the next 20 •• 2 9 1 six months, and 7s. 6d. per week for re--30 3 7 mainder of illness. £20 at death of member, £10 at death of member's 40 5 1 J wife. The amendments of rules of the Nelson District of the Ancient Order of Foresters do not unfortunately include any improvement in the rates of contribution. 4. Cancellations op Registry, Dissolutions, &c. As already mentioned, seven societies have had their registry cancelled during the six months, under section 23 of the Act, for the purpose of being registered as branches of the registered "Districts" of which they were already de facto branches. Besides this, four other cancellations have been effected: — 1. Sons of Perseverance Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M. U., Invercargill. —Dissolution by instrument. 2. Hand-in-Hand Division, Sons of Temperance, Waimate. —Various communications to this body had been answered by statements that no meetings had been held for a long while, and the former secretary expressed his unwillingness to be troubled with further correspondence. He was requested to ascertain whether any persons were left who were entitled to retain membership under the rules. On receiving a negative answer, the Registrar, after giving the usual notice in a local paper and allowing a considerably longer time to elapse than the minimum required by the Act, cancelled the registry of the society The evidence was clear that the society had ceased to exist. 3. Qoldsoorougli Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M. V , Goldshorough. —This lodge having been declared hopelessly insolvent by the Valuer (see page 11 of the Registrar's Third Annual' Report), it was decided to amalgamate with another lodge of the same District. Technical difficulties arose which prevented this from being done in pursuance of section 22 of the Act, and the difficulty was surmounted by transferring all the members of the Groldsborotigh Lodge to the other lodge by the process known ac " clearance." The Groldsborough Lodge thus ceased to exist through lack of membership, and its registration was cancelled in accordance with the provisions of section 11. 4. Court Lord Clyde, A.0.F., Wairoa, Hawhe's Bay. —This Court seceded from the "Wellington District, in accordance with permission granted by one of the registered rules of the latter, for the purpose of becoming affiliated to the Hawke's Bay District of the same order. Its registration was



therefore cancelled. Although the Hawke's Bay District is a registered society, it has not as yet given notice of the establishment of Court Lord Clyde in accordance with section 30 (3). The latter body therefore does not at present enjoy the privileges of a registered branch. lI.—PUBLIC! AUDITORS. * Application having been made by a gentleman acting as a provincial district auditor to become appointed a public auditor under section 36 of the Friendly Societies Act, it was decided by the Grovernment to consider the feasibility of appointing all the provincial district auditors as public auditors. Although no demand has been expressed by societies themselves for such appointment, yet an examination of their annual returns reveals the fact that in a large number of cases the private audit is conducted in the most perfunctory manner. Every year several returns are forwarded to this office, the statements of which are so inextricably confused and hopelessly self-contradictory that it is a marvel how any persons assuming the title of auditor could bring themselves to sign such statements. Under these circumstances it was hoped that if competent gentlemen were appointed as public auditors, and a moderate scale of fees established, some societies might be induced to avail themselves of their services in place of the private auditors at present employed. Communications were accordingly addressed to the various provincial district auditors, inquiring as to their willingness to accept the additional appointment, and with a single exception affirmative replies were received. Owing, however, partly, to difficulties in connection with the proposed apportionment of fees, no actual appointment has as yet been made. In connection with this matter, the Registrar ventures to suggest that it might be advisable so to amend the Act as to enforce a Government audit in respect of the financial state of a society at the epoch of each valuation, and that such audit should include a valuation of tho securities held by the society In the absence of this it seems clear that the check imposed by an actuarial valuation must be an incomplete one, as the actuary employed, not being usually on the spot, has no means of verifying the statement of present assets, which is one of the premisses of his valuation. In many cases, where real estate forms a conspicuous portion of the assets, or even where such assets consist largely of mortgages on real estate, the value of the asset may easily be over-estimated in the statement of funds forwarded for the actuarial valuation. It would seem, therefore, that the actuarial valuation needs to be supplemented by an immediately preceding independent audit, and by a valuation in the commercial sense of the word. lII.—VALUATIONS. The principal event of the six months which the Registrar has to report is the exceedingly important valuation of the Otago District of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, by Messrs. GS- Leslie and P Black, the Public Valuers. A brief summary of the results of this valuation was presented to Parliament at the close of hist session, and the valuation report itself is now appended as Schedule 11. hereto. The basis of the valuation has been the sickness and mortality experience of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, and a rate of interest of 4 per cent. In the opinion of the Actuary attached to this office, this basis is a safe one in the case of lodges of considerable numerical strength, earning current rates of interest on closely-invested funds, and not having on their books an undue proportion of members who are either following hazardous or unhealthy occupations, or who have in the past been subject to an excessive amount of sickness. He considers that, under such circumstances, the danger of a future sickness-experience ill excess of the expectation is sufficiently guarded against—(l) by the large excess of the interest probably obtainable for many years to come over the rate assumed in the valuation ; (2) by the profits accruing from such a minimum rate of secession as may with tolerable confidence be relied upon; and (3) by the probability that for some years to come, at any rate, the sickness experienced will be below the expectation. Precisely because the standard adopted over-estimates considerably the most probable liabilities, except where (a) the occupations are unduly hazardous or unhealthy, or an excessive sickness has been experienced in the past by existing members, or (J) the funds are carelessly invested —precisely on this ground, Mr. Frankland is of opinion that for lodges of considerable numerical strength, containing, say, upwards of 150 members, and not coming under either of the two above-mentioned categories—the standard is a safe one, as it provides for those heavier liabilities which, though not the most probable, are nevertheless not by any means Tery In the case of smaller lodges, however, if they are not legally entitled to rely on assistance from the district or the order, Mr. Frankland thinks that an addition should be made to the reserve brought out in respect of the sick allowance payable after twelve months' continuous sickness, as it is precisely in respect of such chronic sickness that smallness of numbers gives rise to the greatest divergences from the expectation, and also because the bulk of old-age invalidity, respecting which the existing data (being scantiest) are least reliable, will fall under the category of " sickness after twelve months of continuous sickness." Further, in the case of very small lodges, such as the Waipori, Alexandra, Lake Wakatipu, Palmerston, Band of Friendship, and Arrow (see Schedule 11. hereto) of this district, no reserves short of altogether impracticable ones can be held to insure safety As regards the lodges of this district, therefore, the safety or otherwise of the data used would have depended — had a surplus been declared —on the right of a lodge to obtain assistance from the district in the event of inability to meet its engagements. There can be no doubt that the district, consisting as it did at the date of valuation of l; 620 members, supplies the necessary basis for the operation of average. Whether the legal claim referred to actually exists, does not seem very clear. Some of the reports of Messrs. Leslie and Black to individual lodges seem to imply that it does ; but in the case of the Band of Friendship Lodge, in respect of which a nominal surplus is declared, the valuers point out that on account of the smallness of the lodge (13 members) the said surplus is in no way to be taken as indicating real soundness, as the by no means very improbable contingency of even two cases of early permanent invalidity would speedily exhaust its funds. As, however, in all other cases a deficiency has resulted, the question of the safety of the standard does not practically come into prominence. In one case, that of the Hand and Heart Lodge, the oldest and largest in the district, although there is a small



nominal deficiency, the largo additional wealth of the management fund is an adequate guarantee of soundness, and here the number of members (293) is sufficient to meet Mr. Frankland's views. Practically, therefore, it transpires that he indorses the results arrived at by Messrs. Leslie and Black in reference to the condition of the Otago District. Ic will be seen that the valuation brings out a deficiency in- the case of all the lodges but one, the amount of the deficiency ranging from 2s. 5d. per member to £15 15s. 8d. per member, and from ljd. in. the pound to 13s. 3d. in the pound, the average deficiency being 6s. 6d. in the pound. One cause of deficiency is common to all the lodges in the district—-viz., the utter inadequacy of the contributions paid by the members. In tho case of the single lodge which shows a small nominal surplus, the valuers state that ' ; the surplus is not due to adequate contributions, or careful management and profitable investment of the funds, or to an exceptionally favourable sickness experience, but is wholly due to the fortuitous and nob altogether congratulatory circumstance that the number of secessions has been very large." Indeed, it might have been added that so high a secession-rate would, in a lodge of moderate numerical strength, have been a most improbable thing. In the case of one other lodge have favourable conditions availed to counteract the effect of inadequate contributions—■ viz., the Hand and Heart. For though this lodge shows a Sick and Funeral Fund nominally deficient by a small amount, the wealth of its Management Fund must be held to far more than cover this, and, as the numerical strength of the lodge is great, it must be pronounced in a thoroughly sound condition ■—at any rate as regards its existing contracts. The favourable circumstances which have produced this condition are enumerated by the valuers as follows: 1. Careful management; 2. A favourable sickness and mortality experience; 3. A large secession of members. As regards No. 1, a glance at certain of the columns of Table B {see Schedule II. hereto) will show what satisfactory rates of interest were realized during the five years immediately preceding the valuation. The sickness experience of the lodge has been investigated for the same quinquennium with the laborious care which characterizes all the work done in this valuation, ami gives the following results : — Period of Sickness. Expected. Experienced. Weeks. Weeks. First 6 months .. 1,258 577'57 Second 6 months .. 137 104'50 After 12 months .. 238 381'28 Total .. .. ... 1,063-35 The small amount of sickness of short duration is attributed by the valuers mainly " to forbearance on the part of many members in not declaring on the funds when sick." There can be no doubt that this forbearance has prevailed to a large extent in this colony in the past, the Registrar having solicited the opinion of all the lodge secretaries in New Zealand on the subject; but, as the valuers point out, it is not likely to prevail to so great an extent in the future, owing to the altered economic conditions of the colony The secession-rate of the Hand and Heart Lodge has ranged from 6 to 13 per cent, during the quinquennium, and, as might have been expected, the secessions have been mainly among those young in years and in membership. As regards the remaining twenty lodges, besides inadequacy of contributions, the valuers note certain subsidiary causes of insolvency, one or more of which have operated in a greater or less degree in almost all of them. The causes noted are the following:— 1. Excessive sickness experience 4 Lodges. 2. Carelessness in securing profitable investments .. 9 „ 3. Misappropriation of interest earned by benefit funds .. .. 12 „ 4. Misappropriation of benefit funds . ... 11 „ 5. Inefficient management .. .. .. 11 „ Detailed valuation reports have been received by the Registrar respecting most of these lodges. From these it appears, in regard to the main cause of deficiency, that not only is an utterly inadequate contribution chargeable under the rules, but that, in the case of a certain number of lodges, even this contribution has not been charged in full. As regards the subsidiary causes of insolvency, the following facts transpire: («.) The Sickness Experience during 1875-9 was as shown in the following table : —

To IAL. Eiest 6 Months. Second 6 Months. Aftee 12 Months. Name of Lodge. Experienced. Experienced. , , Expeixpected. rien £ ed] Experienced. Expected. Expected. Expected. Expected. Weeks. 855 292 540 353 213 840 175 200 254 310 Weeks, 7G2 147 768 147 165 244 96* 304 183 116 Weeks. 676 Weeks. 415 Weeks. 63 Weeks. 103 Weeks. Ill Weeks. 244 )unedin )alton dbion Vaitahuna Vaipori Slue Spur dexandra loxburgh jake Wakatipu iromwell Lodge. J? 3) 33 3> 33 J) 33 I „ ... 3? 441 163 267 255 1G5 236 41 18 28 50 nil 8 58 32 45 463 nil nil 203 197 21 76 36 32 Totals 1,750 176 237 282 739 3,592 2,932^ 1,268



Prom this it will be seen that, in eight cases out of ten, the sickness experienced was much below that expected; but also that the amount of protracted sickness diverged very greatly from the expectation—now on one side, now on the other. In one case the sickness after twelve months was nearly eight times the amount expected by the. tables. These facts go far to justify the Actuary's dictum that safety requires, in the case of small lodges, an addition to be made to the reserve brought out in respect of chronic sickness, even where the sick allowance is considerably reduced, and that it requires very largo numbers to enable a lodge safely to insure full pay in permanent sickness, as is done by several lodges of the Auckland District of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows. In several cases the valuers have, with very praiseworthy industry, investigated the sickness experience anterior to 1875, and have sometimes found it to fluctuate from the expected result in the opposite direction to that manifested in 1875-79. Thus, in the case of the Blue Spur Lodge, which shows the greatest measure of insolvency of all the lodges, notwithstanding the highest average rate of interest in the District, and a favourable sickness experience in 1875-79 (as shown by the above table), the valuers ascertained that the sickness had been very heavy during the earlier years of the Lodge's existence. Before quitting the subject of the sickness experience, it may be desirable to refer to the information afforded by the valuers relative to the occupations followed by members. For this purpose it will be best to adopt, not the detailed classification which the valuers have given, but that made use of by Mr. Finlaison, Actuary to the English National Debt Office, in his Report on Friendly Societies Statistics, viz., (I.) Light labour—(a) with exposure to weather, (5) without exposure to weather; (2.) Heavy labour — {a) with exposure to weather, (b) without exposure. A fifth class must be added, viz., that of miners. Adopting this classification, we obtain the following results :—

It may be interesting to compare these totals with the corresponding ones in Mr. Finlaison's investigation, comprising registered friendly societies over all England and Wales:— Einlaison. Otago Lodges. Light labour, without exposure to weather 362 451 with „ 7-4 196 Heavy labour, without „ .. 119 134 „ with „ 44-5 21-9 100-0 100-0 The tendency of Mr. Finlaison's results was to show the highest sickness in the class of heavy labour with exposure, next in heavy labour without exposure, next in light labour without exposure, while the smallest sickness was shown by light labour with exposure to weather. The divergence from, the mean of the healthiest and least healthy class was very marked, especially at the higher ages. The classes were found to compare quite differently in respect of mortality—indeed, to be almost in the reverse order. Heavy labour with exposure to weather was found to yield the lowest death-rate at all decennial age-periods from 30 to 70, inclusive ; light labour without exposure yielded the highest ; while the mortality of the remaining two classes was on the whole nearly the same. On both grounds, therefore, the class of heavy labour with exposure comprise the least eligible risks from a friendly society point of view, both because the sickness is highest, and because the mortality is lowest. In Mr. Knlaison's observations it included the following occupations: Agricultural labourers, brickmakers, builders, carmen, coal trade, costermongers, kiln men, labourers, railway labourers, salt trade, and watermen. The most numerous sub-class here is undoubtedly that comprised under the general term " labourer " (agricultural or otherwise) but it would be most hazardous to assume that these will be equally undesirable as risks in New Zealand friendly societies as they are in those of the mothercountry It may indeed be anticipated that the mortality will be equally low, if not lower ; but there is reason to expect, both from the greater comfort of the labourers' homes and from the inferior severity of the work, that the sickness experienced will be considerably less —perhaps less than that yielded by one or more of the other three classes. Eespecting gold-miners no important statistics of sickness have as yet been compiled, nor does the

Light ;abour. Heavy Lahour. Name of Lodge. Total. Miners. Unspecified Without Exposure. With Exposure. Without Exposure. With Exposure. Abion .lexandra Hue Spur iromwell )alton (unedin [and and Heart iake "Wakatipu lutram 'almerston Roxburgh faifrahuna 111 27 70 58 50 194 298 37 88 19 53 34 65 55 4 10 It 14 4 13 19 9 1 12 IS 114 97 6 10 5 13 11 4 10 3 12 38 38 10 23 G 11 58 25 2 81 8 11 53 10 17 59 4 32 7 1 1 8 31 4!. 2 6 1 4 2 10 5 24 20 39 2 12 Total 1,102 317 151 103 168 179 154



experience of the Otago District throw inuchjight on the influence of their specific occupation upon sickness and mortality (_b.) Profitable Investment of Funds. —On this subject the clearest light is thrown by those columns in the Schedule which show the average rates of interest credited to the Kick and Funeral Fund during the five years immediately preceding the valuation. In the case of several lodges there has been but little effort to secure remunerative investments, while in the case of others, though good investments were obtained, advantage was taken of the unfortunate permission accorded by the District in 1874 of crediting to the Management Fund the excess of interest realized over 4 per cent. As regards this practice, in any case vicious, its evil was aggravated by the fact that lodges appear to have interpreted this permission to refer to an excess over 4 per cent, on the invested portion of the funds,* so that the interest on the total funds usually fell below 4 per cent. Next to the inadequate contributions, this has been the main cause of the deficiency shown ; and too much stress, therefore, can hardly be laid on the beneficial effect of the Friendly Societies Amendment Act of 1878, which, once for all, rendered these appropriations illegal. The resulting improvement is made manifest on comparing the interest columns for 1879 with those for the preceding years. In fairness, however, it should be stated that the permission accorded in 1874 seems in some cases to have stimulated lodges to obtain better investments than they had before done, the advantage of such investments being more immediately felt by a relief to the expense of managing the lodges. A glance at the Schedule will show to wliat a large extent the Management Funds of these lodges have borrowed from the Benefit Funds. In these cases there is usually a complete loss of interest, often for long periods of time, and a very indifferent security for the repayment of principal. In some cases the practice has been even worse. Management Fund debts have been even written qffhj resolution of the Lodge, and contributions divided between the two funds otherwise than as enjoined by the rules. Turning now to the recommendations made by the valuers to the several lodges, the Eegistrar finds that in respect of these the lodges can be arranged in four classes, according to the degree of their insolvency and the consequent stringency of the measures recommended. 1. The Hand and Heart Lodge, which, though slightly deficient in its Sick and Funeral Fund, is yet on the whole in a thoroughly sound condition, is informed that " when the numerical strength of the lodge is considered the deficiency brought out by this valuation is not of sufficient magnitude to call for a special recommendation from us with regard to its removal ; but, if it be thought desirable that the solvency of the lodge should be made a matter beyond question, a transfer of a portion of the large amount standing to the credit of the Management Fund should be made to the Benefit Fund." 2. The Band of Friendship Lodge, which shows a small nominal surplus, is reminded that " the surplus brought out by this valuation has been arrived at on the assumption that [its] future experience will be in accordance with the tables used —a result which can hardly be looked for with so small a body of members, as even two cases of sickness, if prolonged into the third period [i.e., the period after twelve months of continuous sickness], would soon ruin the lodge. The lodge is therefore strongly advised to strengthen its position by every means in its power. To this end it is recommended (1) that as much as possible of the funds be invested on mortgage of real estate, instead of being kept as a bank deposit; and (2) that every effort be made to increase the membership of the lodge." 3. Lodges which shouted a Deficiency, hut not a very large one. —The valuers express themselves " opposed to the view that a deficiency brought out by a first valuation should be immediately rectified," and confine the scope of their recommendations to a " considerable reduction of the deficiency and a prevention of its further growth." To this end they urge (1) the repayment of any debts outstanding by the Management Fund to the Benefit Fund, and at once making the former selfsupporting ; (2) the close and profitable investment of the funds ; (3) the keeping down of arrears of contributions to the lowest possible limit; (4) in the case of the small lodges, efforts to increase the membership; (5) that careful scrutiny be made into all claims on account of chronic sickness ; (6) in the case of the Alexandra Lodge, a transfer of property from the Management to the Benefit Fund. 4. Lodges which showed a very large Deficiency. —These are recommended, besides taking such auxiliary steps as have been noted under Class 3, to at once increase the contributions of existing members, or to reduce the scale of benefits—in one case, to do both. Usually the recommendation has been to either compel existing members to pay for the future what they would, according to the new and increased scale of contributions, have had to pay all along, or else to reduce the sick-pay to 155., 7s. Gd, and ss. per week at the various periods,f instead of 205., 135., and 10s. per week. In connection with this suggested alternative, the Eegistrar calls attention to the fact that the payment by this District of so high a rate in permanent invalidity as 10s. per week, though it undoubtedly is to be greatly approved on philanthropic grounds, imparts an element of instability to the lodges (unless the risk be reassured with the District, as is the case with the funeral benefits), which lodges paying only 55., as e.g. the Canterbury lodges, do not share. The valuers have very properly disregarded the possible profits to be anticipated from secessions. On this head they have the following instructive remarks and quotations in their report to the Hand and Heart Lodge : " Passing now to the matter of secessions, we find that the rate has varied from 13 per cent, in 1875 to 6 per cent, in 1879, and it may be admitted that a certain amount of profit has arisen from this source ; but an amount very far short of what is generally supposed. The experience of your lodge in this matter agrees with all tabulated experience, in proving that the majority of lapses takes place among the younger or newer members, and that, as the members increase in age or mem-

*In some cases the toJiole of the interest was appropriated to expenses of management. This reduces the question of solvency to simple arithmetic, and no lodge can be excused for not seeing, -without the aid of any actuary, that the existing contributions uninvested cannot possibly meet the liabilities attendant on an average experience of siclmess and mortality. i* In one case, that of the Prince Alfred Lodge, which had assets to the amount of 14s. in the pound, the scale recommended was 155., 10s., and 7s. 6d.: in another, that of the Prince of Wales Lodge, worth 12s. 9fd. in the pound, the valuers recommended a scale of 155., 10s., and ss.



bership, the secessions gradually diminish. There is another point which should not be overlooked — namely, that a great majority of the members who secede are almost sure to be those who have not required any benefit from the lodge funds: hence the average health of the members who remain must be deteriorated. In the valuation of your lodge, the element of secessions has not been taken into account by us, as we are decidedly of opinion that this element cannot with safety be taken into account in any calculations with respect to the future. Our views on this subject have been so often and fully placed before you during the last few years, that we refrain from enlarging on it here. We may, however, state that our opinions are in entire accordance with the conclusions arrived at by the most eminent actuaries who have considered this question. The opinion held by the late Corresponding' Secretary of the Unity, Mr. Ratcliffe, is no doubt known to many of you. (See Supplementary Report, Ist July, 1872.) So far as we are aware, he never once took this element of secession into account in the valuation of any society Another eminent actuary, A. Scratchley, Esq., in his treatise on Friendly Societies, recently published, says, ' In the framing of rates or in valuations, no actuary considers that this element [secessions] can be safely taken into account by anticipation with respect to the future.' Again, ' It should not be overlooked that these calculations [that is, including the secessions] cut both ways. If the probability of secessions is taken into account, to produce apparent prosperity, that very reputation of prosperity will tend to prevent secessions. It is impossible to calculate the probability of future events depending on the human will, where that human will has a tendency to selection against calculations in a uniform direction.' We commend these remarks to your careful attention." It is true that in large institutions the profit from secession has sometimes been taken into account by first-rate actuaries —as in the case of the Royal Liver Friendly Society (numbering several hundred thousand members) by Mr. T. B. Sprague, and in the case of Government pension funds by Dr. Farr; but in such cases there was a heavy continuous stream of secessions, the rate of which was elevated by the vast numerical basis of the calculation into something like the dignity of a natural law Were the Manchester Unity an organization all the branches of which were financially interdependent, it would doubtless be safe to assume a certain minimum secession-rate in the future, though this would have to be much smaller than that which has been found to prevail in the past; but in the case of such small bodies as individual lodges there would evidently be an appreciable chance of the secession-rate being reduced for many years to zero, or nearly to zero, as it has been in many lodges and courts, and of the calculations being thus defeated. Nothing certainly could be more deceptive than to take the average rate as a guide. The reports of Messrs. Leslie andßlaek to the various lodges are so exceedingly instructive and valuable that the Registrar appends one of them as Schedule 111. hereto. The report to the Loyal Dunedin Lodge, especially, is a model of earnest and laborious valuation work ; but'that to the Loyal Tuapeka Pioneer, situated in Lawrence, was thought to present more features of general interest to societies, and has accordingly been selected as the specimen. IV.—STATISTICS FOX 1878-80. The returns for 1878 and 1879, and to a large extent Ihose for 1880, have been subjected to a process of careful scrutiny, and the principal items of information contained in them have been abstracted in the sixteen statistical tables appended to this report. The first seven of these tables relate to the calendar year 1878, and are almost exactly parallel to those which were issued for 1877, and appended to the Registrar's Second Annual Report. Tables VIII. to XV., both inclusive, relate to 1879. They include the novel feature of a table (No. VIII.) containing information not only respecting registered societies and branches, but also respecting unregistered bodies. One table only (No. XVI.) relates to the year 1880. The examination and tabulation of the returns for that year not being complete, and the returns themselves not having all been sent in, the Registrar is not yet in a position to publish the bulk of the statistics for that year. As, however, the returns included for the first time a statement of the ages of the members in a form readily susceptible of tabulation, it was considered desirable to push forward the tabulation of these ages as much as possible, and Table XVI. is accordingly published, notwithstanding its incompleteness, in consideration of the very great interest attaching to the information it contains. A knowledge of the distribution of members in the several ageperiods of life is an indispensable preliminary to the intelligent study of the vital and financial statistics of any given group of friendly societies. It will be convenient to commence these remarks by a survey of Table VIII., as this includes the most salient facts relating to all the societies and branches, whether registered or unregistered, from which information could be obtained. The Registrar will then pass on to Tables IX.-XV., which contain the usual detailed information respecting registered friendly societies and branches for the year 1879, and will compare them with the corresponding statistics for 1878 (Tables 1.-VII.) and for 1877 (Tables I. to VII. appended to Second Annual Report.) Table XVI. will be dealt with last. Table VIII. includes a complete list of all the friendly societies and branches known to have existed in the Colony of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1879. From this it will be seen that the following 16 societies w r ere in operation : — Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. Fellows. Otago Railways Emyloyes' Benefit Society Independent Order of Odd Fellows (American). New Zealand Railways Employes' Benefit Society Ancient Order of Foresters (including Ancient New Zealand Prudential Assurance Society Order of Shepherds as a second or higher grade). New Plymouth Friendly Society United Ancient Order of Druids. Central Volunteer Fire Brigade Sick and Accident Loyal United Friend's Benefit Society Fund. Independent Order of Rechabitcs. Kaeo and Wangaroa Friendly Society Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Primitive Methodist Mutual Aid Society Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society The first nine of these are affiliated orders having their central offices in England, America, or Australia, branches only (called "Districts," "Grand Divisions," &c), and branches of branches (called



lodges, courts, sanctuaries, tents, divisions, &c), being established in this colony : two are railway benefit societies ; one is a collecting society (The New Zealand Prudential Assurance Society), while the remaining four are isolated local societies. The nine affiliated orders are found to bo thus represented in the Colony of New Zealand : — Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... • ...15 Districts and 113 Lodges. Independent Order of Odd Fellows ... 1 Grand Lodge ~ 22 Subordinate Lodges. Ancient Order of Foresters ... 7 Districts ~ 74 Courts and 1 Sanctuary of. Shepherds. United Ancient Order of Druids ... 1 Grand Lodge* ~ 4 Lodges. Loyal United Friends' Benefit Society ... 1 Grand Lodge ~ 3 Lodges. Independent Order of Rechabites ... 3 Districtsf ~ 33 Tents. Sons and Daughters of Temperance ... 1 Grand Division 10 Subordinate Divisions. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ... ... ... 1 District and 23 Branches. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia ... ... 2 Grand Councils]: 8 Lodges. Taking each lodge, court, &c, of the affiliated orders as a unit, equally with each isolated society, it is thus seen that there are altogether 299 distinct bodies or benefit clubs included in the list. Of these 142 were registered, and 157 were unregistered. The dates of establishment of these bodies have been ascertained, it will be seen, in nearly all cases. The earliest established club was the New Plymouth Friendly Society, founded in 1841. Next came 10 lodges of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the earliest of which, the Loyal Nelson Lodge, was established in 1844. The earliest Foresters' Court, Court Star of Canterbury (Christchurch), was established in 1852 ; the first lodge of the American Order of Odd Fellows, and the first Kechabite Tent, in 1863; the first branches of the Hibernian Society about 1870; the first division of the Sons of Temperance in 1871; the first lodge of the Protestant Alliance, in 1873 ; Avhile the United Ancient Order of Druids, and the Loyal United Friends, have only commenced operations in'the colony within the last two or three years. Altogether there were 9 bodies established prior to 1850; 14 established in 1850-9; 81 bodies established in 1860-9; and 175 established in 1870-79. Of these last, 12 were established in 1877, 10 in 1878, and 32 in 1879. Sixty of the lodges, &c, were established in the large towns of Dunedin, Wellington, Christchurch, and Auckland, and the remaining 239 in the smaller centres of population. On turning now to the remaining columns of the table, it will be seen that the information supplied is unfortunately very incomplete. That which is most nearly complete is the information relating to the number of members on 31st December, 1879, 25G out of 299 lodges, &c, having supplied the requisite datum. As, however, only 232 of these supplied the other items required, it was considered most advisable to exclude the members of the remaining 24 lodges, &c, from the general total, in order not to mar the comparability of the totals of the several columns. All numbers thus excluded from the general totals have been included within square brackets. Adding the membership of these 24 lodges, &c, to the general total (16,492) given in the table, 18,212 is obtained as the total membership on 31st December, 1879. Casting out the New Zealand Prudential Assurance Society, and the two railway benefit societies (1,291 members), which cannot be fairly compared with the strictly local bodies, there results 669 as the average number of members per lodge, court, &c. Taking into account the 43 bodies which did not return their membership, and the possibility that other societies or branches exist unknown to the Registrar, and making a reasonable allowance for double membership, it may perhaps be fairly concluded that about 20,000 inhabitants of the colony were members of friendly societies at the end of the year 1879. The number of members in the individual lodges, &c, ranged from 429 (in Court Star of Canterbury, A.0.F.) to 2 (in Court Patea, A.0.F.). There were 48 lodges, &c. (out of the 253, the collecting and railway societies being, as before, excluded), having more than 100 members, 14 having more than 200 members, 5 having more than 300 members, and 1 having more than 400 : 145 lodges, ftc, or considerably more than one-half, had less than 50 members, of which 29 had been established more than ten years. As an illustration of the growth of branches of friendly societies, it may be mentioned that the 22 lodges, &c, established prior to 1860, from which returns were received, had an aggregate membership of 3,983 persons—or 1810 per lodge. With one exception, all the lodges having more than 300 members were established prior to 1855. Those who understand the connexion of statistical regularity with the magnitude of the numerical basis of calculation—the "law of large numbers" —and the consequent risks attendant on small numbers in insurance enterprises, will appreciate the grave importance of these investigations into the numerical strength of lodges. The general result, it is needless to say, is that at present the majority of the lodges in New Zealand are far too small to be capable of safely insuring allowances in sickness, but that with the prospective increase of the population of the colony there is good hope that, if efforts be made to increase the membership as much as possible, they may eventually become large enough to insure with perfect safety the usual allowances —at any rate, in acute attacks of sickness. One hundred and thirteen members died during the year out of a mean number of about 16,000. The rate of mortality was thus about 706 per thousand members. Fifty-two members' wives died during the same period, or about 325 per thousand members. As the number of married members could not in many cases be ascertained, it is impossible to give the rate per thousand members' wives. It may be conjectured, however, that it lay between 4 and 5. These are undoubtedly very low rates, and it may be anticipated that among members the rate will continue to be low, though amongst members' wives (especially, as pointed out to the Actuary by Mr, Nosworthy of Court Blenheim, A.0.F., in the larger centres of population) there is some reason to fear that the death rate may, owing to

* Central body in Australia. f One of these, however, has its central office in Australia J Both of these, however, hare their central offices in Australia.

2—H. 7.



insufficient medical selection,* eventually prove in excess of the expectation. But in contemplating these rates it must be recollected that a very large proportion of the lodges under consideration are of quite recent establishment (vide supra), and consist, therefore, almost exclusively of lives at once young and select. About 1,900 members (or 11 9 per cent —rather less than 1 in 8) were in receipt of sick pay during the year. They experienced in the aggregate 12,704 weeks of sickness, or on an average about oB week per member, and about 67 weeks per member sick. These also are low rates, but the same qualifying remark applies to them as that which has been made in connection with the rate of mortality. In the 8 Odd Fellows lodges established prior to 1850, with a mean membership of 1,846, 272 members (or 147 per cent.) were in receipt of sick pay, and the aggregate amount of sickness experienced was 2,543 weeks 3 days, or I' 4 week per member and 935 weeks per member sick. The 232 lodges which furnished the requisite returns had benefit funds amounting in the aggregate to £150,450 17s. 2jd., or on an average £648 9s. lid. per lodge, and £9 2s. per member. There can hardly be a doubt that this represents insolvency in the majority of cases. Out of 29f official valuations already made, only 2 have yielded a surplus. The 9 lodges, &c, established before 1850, with an aggregate membership of 2,016 on 31st December, 1879 (or 224 per lodge), had Benefit Funds amounting to £32,682 17s. or £16 4s. 2|d. per member. As the aggregate amount on Ist January, 1879, was £31,122 3s. Sid., or £16 3s. 4d. per member, it is evident that these lodges, talcing them one with another, have at last, after from 30 to 40 years of existence, very nearly reached that critical moment in their history when the amount of the fund culminates, and actuarial insolvency begins to show itself by an excess of annual expenditure over annual receipts. A glance at the distribution of ages, as exhibited in Table XVI., will show the experienced actuary that this moment ought not yet to have arrived, even if the influx of new members had entirely ceased, and nothing remained but to " work out the existing business." The final column of Table VIII. exhibits the amount of interest credited to the Sick and Funeral Fund during the year. It is the custom of many lodges to charge to the Sick and Funeral Fund the expenses attendant on managing the investments of that fund, such as repairs to buildings, solicitors' fees, &c, &c. Although the Registrar decidedly disapproves of this practice, deeming such expenses to be properly chargeable to the Management Fund, he apprehends that if these expenses are covered by the gross interest received during the year, no legal objection can be taken to the practice, and he has therefore resolved, after mature consideration, not to prosecute in such cases. As, however, it would be misleading in these cases to exhibit the gross interest received, he has deducted the said expenses, and shown only the net interest credited to the fund. It will be noticed with regret that in too many cases no interest has been obtained, and that in many others the interest is a very small percentage of the total fund. The average interest realized by all the lodges was about £4 14s. 6d. per cent., but this average would not have been attained had it not been for the fact that a considerable proportion of the better-managed lodges have the bulk of their funds invested on freehold securities at 8 and 10 per cent., and consequently realize as much as 7, 8, or 9 per cent, on their total funds, invested and uninvested. In the statistical tables for 1880, which are in course of compilation, the rate of interest credited to the Benefit Fund is being carefully calculated for each individual lodge. The 48 lodges, courts, &c, for which this computation has already been made, may be classified as follows, according to the percentage of interest credited to the Sick and Funeral Fund : — 1 between 10 and 11 per cent. 3 between 3 and 4 per cent 4 „ 8 „ 9 „ 4 „ 2 „ 3 „ 1 „ 7 „ 8 „ 4 „ 1 „ 2 „ 9 „ 6 „ 7 „ 1 less than 1 per cent. 4 „ 5,, 6 „ 13 no interest at all. 4 „ 4 „ 5 „ It is but fair to state that 5 out of the 13 last-mentioned were only established during 1880. Coming now to the more detailed information derived from the returns of registered friendly societies and branches, the Registrar calls attention first of all to Table IX. From this it will be seen that returns for 1879 were received from the following registered societies and branches:— Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows .. ..57 out of 01 registered lodges. American Order of Odd Fellows 9 „ 15 „ „ Ancient Order of Foresters 39 „ 44 ~ courts. Ancient Order of Shepherds the only registered sanctuary United Ancient Order of Druids „ lodge at that time registered. Loyal United Friends ~ registered lodge. Independent Order of Kechabites „ 2 tents at that time registered. Sons and Daughters of Temperance . „ 3 divisions „ „ Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society „ 7 branches ~ „ New Plymouth Friendly Society Kaeo and Wangaroa Friendly Society Counting each lodge, &c, of an affiliated order as a unit equally with each isolated society, it will thus be seen that Table IX. contains information respecting 122 distinct bodies or benefit clubs. It must be remembered in reading what follows that Tables X.-XII. refer to exactly the same lodges, courts, &c, as Table IX. From Table JX. it will be seen that in these 122 lodges, &c, 1,572 new members were admitted

* In the absence of careful medical selection, it is obvious that there must be great risk of an influx of members with delicate wives, as (quite apart from the funeral benefit) the prospect of the gratuitous medical attendance must be a strong inducement for such persons to become members of lodges. f The Registrar has just received a notice of the valuation of the 5 lodges of the Nelson District, 1.0.0. F., M.U In each case a very large deficiency was brought out. Thus, up to the present moment, 32 valuations out of 34 have yielded deficiencies.



during the year 1879, 1,396 left, and 82 died, the net increase in membership during the year being thus 94, or - 80 per cent, on the number at the commencement of the year. In 1878 the net increase was 349 per cent, on the number at the commencement of that year {vide Table I.) and in 1877 it was 232 {vide Table I. appended to Registrar's Second Report) The great diminution in the net increase per cent, is doubtless due to the period of commercial depression which the colony has been passing through. Of the 1,396 members who left during 1879, 192 were transferred to other lodges by the process known as "clearance," leaving 1,204 members who actually seceded. The secession rate was thus 102 per cent, on the mean number of members during the year. In 1878 the secession rate was B'4 per cent., and in 1877 it was 89 per cent. In regard to the sickness experience of lodges, Table IX. differs from Table VIII. by distinguishing between acute attacks and chronic invalidity After a continuous sickness of six months it is usual to reduce the weekly allowance to a sick member, and after a sicknesa of twelve months a further reduction is made. It therefore becomes important to classify the sickness experienced under these three heads: (1.) Sickness within six months of the commencement of the attack; (2.) Sickness more than six but less than twelve months from the commencement of the attack; and (3.) Sickness more than twelve months from the commencement of the attack. Prom Table IX. it will be seen that out of 10,582 weeks 5 days sickness experienced, 7,425 weeks 2 days came under the first, 934 weeks 2 days under the second, and 2,233 weeks 1 day under the third of these categories. In other words, 702 per cent, of the sickness belonged to the first period, 88 per cent, to the second period, and 21 per cent, to the third period. Almost every lodge experienced a certain amount of sickness belonging to the first period {i.e., of acute sickness), but only a minority (47 out of 122) had members whose continuous sickness had extended over six months. Most of these, as might have been expected, were lodges of considerable age. In the 9 lodges established prior to 1850 the percentages were as follow: 598 per cent, in the first period, 108 per cent, in the second, and 294 per cent, in the third. Table X. refers to the Sick and Funeral Funds of the various lodges. From this it will be seen that the periodical contributions to provide sick and funeral benefits amounted in the aggregate to £15,857 12s. or £1 6s. lid. per member. During 1878 the contributions averaged £1 7s. per member (see Tables 11. and I.), and during 1877 they averaged £1 7s. 2d. It will thus be seen that the improvement in the rates of contribution of some "districts, being entirely confined to new members, had not time, up to the 31st December, 1879, to effect any increase in the general average. Entrance fees to the amount of £1,323 Is. sd. (including clearance fees, &c), or 16s. 10d. per member admitted, were credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds. In 1878 the average was 19s. 6d. per member admitted, and in 1877 it was £1 os. 10d. per member admitted. £8,748 os. was paid in sick allowances during 1879, and £1,783 10s. in funeral benefits (£1,375 on the deaths of members, and £408 10s. on the deaths of members' wives). The average amount of pay per sick member was about £5 16s. Bd., and the average weekly rate of pay was 16s. The average payment on the death of a member was £16 15s. 4|d., and on the death of a members' wife, £11 os. 9fd. In 1878 the average weekly rate of sick pay was 16s. 9d. The average payment on the death of a member was £17 25., and on the death of a member's wife £9 ss. lid. The levies to the District Funeral Fund amounted to 4s. lid. per member in 1879, as against 3s. GJd. in 1878, and 3s. 7d. in 1877 The column of this table headed " Other Payments " is one which ought to have been nearly blank. The fund being established solely for the purpose of providing sick and funeral benefits, it follows that, with the exception of transfers made on the authority of a valuation report, and, perhaps, of crossentries, no extraneous expenditure should appear in the accounts. Until the passing of the Amendment Act of 1878, it was considered doubtful whether these payments were absolutely illegal. As, however, the 7th section of that Act removes any doubt which may have previously existed, the Registrar, on observing the illegitimate items in the returns for 1879, issued circulars to the offending lodges, pointing out the illegality of the transactions, and giving warning that a repetition thereof would entail prosecution. The returns for 1880 unfortunately show that the illegal practice has been in too many cases repeated. The Registrar has therefore offered to the offenders the alternatives of prosecution and of restitution (either from the Management Fund or from other sources) to the Benefit Fund of the amounts misappropriated. In several cases the latter course has been adopted, and satisfactory evidence of the fact forwarded to the Registrar. la the remaining cases the Registrar only awaits the completion of urgent departmental work before instituting prosecutions. The total receipts of the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1879 were £27,317 4s. s|d., or on an average £223 18s. 3d. per lodge, court, &c, and £2 6s. 4|d. per member. The total payments were £16,378 2s. or on an average £134 4s. lid. per lodge and £1 7s. 9fd. per member. The payments were thus 600 per cent, of the receipts. If cross-entries, such as receipts and payments on account of visiting members, &c, could have been conrpletely eliminated, it is obvious that the comparison of true income with true outgo would have been even more favourable. The difficulties attending such a process were, however, found to be insurmountable. In 1878 the receipts were £2 7s. 6id. per member. The payments were £1 ss. lOfd. per member, or 545 per cent, of the l'eceipts. In 1877 the receipts were £2 11s. Ofd. per member ; and the payments £1 7s. 2d. per member, or 532 per cent, of the receipts. The percentage oE expenses on receipts has thus been steadily increasing during the three years. As a further illustration of the same tendencj', it may be mentioned that in the 9 oldest lodges the receipts of the Benefit Fund were, in 1879, £4,428 13s. 5d., and the payments £2,943 16s. 6d., or 665 per cent, of the receipts. Excluding Court Patea, A.0.F., which had temporarily suffered from a large secession of members, but which was soon restored to its usual numerical strength, the amount of the Benefit Fund per member on 31st December, 1879, ranged from £28 18s. lid., in the Loyal Fountain of Friendship Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., Auckland, down to nil in the Unity Lodge, 1.0.0. F., South Dunedin. The average amount for all the societies was £10 13s. 9d. On 31st December, 1878, it was £10 ss. 6d.; and on 31st December, 1877, £10 7s. Bd. On the 31st December, 1879, there were 3 registered lodges, courts, &c, the Benefit Fund of each



of which amounted to over £25 per member; 5, to over £20 and under £25 ; IG, to over £15 and under £20; 27, to over £10 and under £15 ; 35, to over £5 and under £10 ; 27,* to over £2 and under £5 ; 6,f to over £1 and under £2 ; 3,J less than £1. The average age or duration § of the three lodges which had more than £25 per member was 20 years 2 months ; that of the 5 which had between £20 and £25 per member, was 19 years 11 months; that of the 6 which had between £1 and £2 per member was about 4 years ; while the three lodges which had less than £1 per member, had also an average age of 4 years. It may be interesting to trace the progress, through a series of years, of the 17 lodges, &c, which lie at the two extremes of this list. The following table is accordingly subjoined:

The contributions credited to Management Funds of lodges during 1879 amounted in the aggregate to £15,129 19s. 7|d. (see Table XI.), or £1 ss. BJd. per member. Speaking roughly this is equivalent to 6d. per week per member. In 1878 the contributions amounted to £1 4s. 7-£ d. per member, and in 1877 to £1 4s. lfd. per member. The purposes to which these contributions are applied are not sufficiently indicated by the title of "Management Fund." As has been pointed out by Mr. E. F Owen, of the Government Statist's Office, Melbourne, the fund might more properly be designated " Medical, Management, and Incidental Expense Fund." In 1879 the three classes of expenses amounted to the following sums : — £ s. d. Medical expenses 10,429 5 3 Management expenses (including levies to District Management Fund) 7,562 15 8-g-Incidental expenses 2,389 5 8| 20,381 6 8 Almost invariably the heaviest item is the payment to the medical officer of the lodge. Leaving out of account the United Otago District, A.O.F , which defrayed medical expenses from the Sick and Funeral Fund, the expense of medical attendance amounted, on an average, in 1879, to 18s. Gj-d. per member. That the larger lodges—situated for the most part in the large centres of population —are not able to make very much better terms for themselves appears from the fact that in the 14 registered lodges, courts, &c, which had more than 200 members on the 31st December, 1579, the medical expenses amounted on an average to 17s. Id. per member. Neither do the large lodges show as great a saving as might have been expected in regard to expenses of management properly so-called ; for while the general average for all the lodges was 10s. per member, the average for the 14 lodges abovementioned was 9s. Bd. These averages relate to the expense of managing the affairs of the lodges,

* Only 2 belonging to the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, aged respectively 4 and 9 years. f Only one belonging to the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, aged 9 years. Since closed. j None belonging to the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows. § Six months has, of course, been added to the integral number of years given in the last column of Table X. *jr From the returns for 1880 it seems doubtful whether the number of members on 31st December, 1879, was not 8 rather than 2. Confusion sometimes arises through not distinguishing between persons who are suspended from benefit for non-payment of contributions and persona whose membership has absolutely lapsed, If the number of members was 8, t,he amount of fund per member would be only £23 18s. 9d.

Name of Lodge, Court, &o. Year of blishment. umber of Men 31st Deeenil ibers o: Amount of Benefit Fund per Mi on 31st December, ember 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1877 1878. 1879. 1880. Lodges, Courts, &o., with exceptionally large Benefit Fund per member—■ New Plymouth Friendly Society, New Plymouth Fountain of Friendship Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., Auckland Hand and Heart Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., Dunedin Boss Lodge, I.O.O.F, M.U., Boss .. Waimea Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.IT., Stafford Court Patea, A.O.F., Patea Band of Friendship Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., Kakanui 1841 1844 1848 1866 124 305 265 73 125 316 281 75 121 318 287 65 125 335 298 53 ? p 292 50 £ s. d. ! 22 14 5 1 27 4 6 18 19 1 18 4 6 £ s. d. 24 6 8 29 4 8 20 6 7 22 1 6 £ a. d. 24 8 8 28 18 11 21 14 0 J 27 13 3 £ S. d. P ? 24 15 6 30 9 0 1867 1868 45 19 41 16 45 16 45 63 23 23 2 3 10 13 6 23 6 2 10 13 6 ! 24 16 9 <1[95 15 1 18 13 11 9 15 8 1872 p 12 13 13 13 19 3 7 19 14 4 21 13 1 23 15 4 Lodges, Courts, &e., with exceptionally small Benefit Fund per member — Court Pride of Oamaru, A.O.F., Oamaru Qoldsborough Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., Goldsborough ... Greenstone Branch, H.A.C.B.S., Kumara Unity Lodge, T.O.O.F., South Dunedin Pioneer Lodge, U.A.O.D., Christchurch Bavensbourne Lodge, I.O.O.F., Eavensbourne Court Bobin Hood, A.O.F., Port Ahuriri, Napier Court Buahine, A.O.F., Waipukurau Eemembrance Lodge, United Friends, Newton I I . 42 19 4 2 14 1 17 G ? 1868 44 £8 36 39 1870 39 36 S3 23 closed 2 7 8 10 0 1 14 7 closed 1871 1875 ? p 16 p 36 41 15 36 18 23 2 13 1 p 1 11 1 o io 7 0 18 8 Nil 15 8 0 8 7 ? ? ? 59 88 101 ? I 13 0 19 4 1 19 3 1878 19 24 22 0 6 0 13 4 2 9 5 1879 1879 21 17 28 30 19 9 12 3 2 4 2 19 9 1879 41 36 0 4 6 1 16 5



courts, &c, only But besides lodges, &c, the affiliated orders include superior centres of authority, called District Committees, Grand Lodges, &c, the management expenses of which are defrayed by a pro-rata levy on the affiliated lodges. Hence, to arrive at the true expense of managing the affairs of the order, it is necessary to add the amount of the District Management Fund levy to the expense of managing the lodge. During 1879 the general average so obtained for all the lodges was 12s. 10d. per member. In 1878 it was 13s. 4fd. per member, and in 1877 it was 12s. per member Before quitting the subject of management funds, it is necessary to call attention to the deplorable fact, that in the case of no less than 82 out of the 122 lodges, there was a debit balance on the 31st December, 1879, the amount of the indebtedness ranging from. 17s. 7|d. to £129 16s. 9Jd. It is, however, satisfactory to be able to report that in 19 cases out of 27 where returns are to hand, the indebtedness was either reduced or altogether wiped out during 1880, and that in only 8 cases it was increased or remained unchanged. Table XII. shows the assets held by registered societies on the 31st December, 1879. The total property of the 122 lodges, &c, under consideration amounted to £138,926 Is. 3fd., or £11 14s. llf-d. per member. Of this amount, £83,918 17s 5d., or 604 per cent., was invested at interest, the rates of interest ranging from 4to 12 per cent., and averaging between 7 and 8 per cent.; £45,653 19s. 3-}&., or 32 9 per cent., was invested in land and house property (chiefly Odd Fellows' and Foresters' halls), yielding a rental the precise amount of which, after deducting expense of repairing, &c, was insusceptible of determination, but which could hardly have been, on an average, more than 3 per cent.; while £9,353 4s. 7id., or 67 per cent., consisted of cash not bearing interest, or was represented by regalia, lodge furniture, or amounts owing and believed to be recoverable. The most eligible investments for friendly societies, if judiciously made, are mortgages on freehold, property, and it is satisfactory to observe that the greater portion (£52,413 16s. lid., or 625 per cent.) of the funds invested at interest were lent on securities of this description. Fifty-eight lodges out of the 122, including nearly all the lodges of the Otago District of the Manchester Unity, held mortgages. Next to mortgages, the largest asset in the general balance-sheet consists of bank deposits, the interest on which averaged about 6 per cent. These amounted in the aggregate to £22,364 14s. 2d., or 267 per cent, of the funds invested at interest. The remaining investments consisted chiefly of shares in building societies and investment companies, deposits with the same, deposits in the Post Office Savings Bank (£2,872 14s. lid.), and municipal debentures. The information of Table XII is summarised in the subjoined general balance-sheet. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Amounts owing .. 3,938 14 2 Deposits in P.O. Savings-Bank 2,872 14 11 Sick and Funeral Funds 126,356 11 5| Deposits in other banks 22,364 14 2 Management Funds 8,879 7 li Mortgages on freehold property 52,413 16 11 Other funds and property 3,690 2 8f Other investments at interest 6,267 11 5 Land and house property 45,653 19 3£ Cash not bearing interest 8,099 15 8J Furnituse, regalia, &c. 3,567 19 8 Other assets . 1,624 3 5 £142,864 15 5f £142,864 15 5f From a comparison of this with Table IV it will be seen that the relative amounts of the various classes of assets have not changed much during 1879, except that the deposits in the Post Office Savings Bank and the cash not bearing interest, but especially the former, have undergone a marked diminution. In as far as this represents an increase in the fixed investments at current rates of interest, it is a subject for congratulation. But in as far as it represents a sinking of cash in the purchase of real property —and it does this to some extent —the Registrar cannot regard it as a change for the better, as he is convinced that, whatever may be thought of the eligibility of this class of investments for the private capitalist or speculator, it is not usually a desirable investment for the friendly society Tables V.-VII. and XIII.-XV relate to the comparatively unimportant funds in the hands of District Executives, Grand Lodges, &c, and do not call for special comment. Table XVI. is of great interest, as furnishing to the actuarial reader, if he is conversant with the scales of benefit most usually operative in New Zealand societies (and in Australasian societies generally), a rough idea, antecedently to a valuation, of the present value of the gross liabilities incurred by the societies up to the date (31st December, 1880) to which the table refers. A. little consideration will show how very much better suited to this purpose is the information here furnished than the mere statement of average ages with which statisticians so frequently content themselves. The average age of the members in a lodge can never be a reliable guide to the amount of its liabilities, because the liability in respect of each member increases in a more rapid progression than his age. Therefore, though the average age of the members in two lodges might be the same, the liabilities might be widely different, even with an identical scale of benefits, and they would usually be heavier in the lodge which had members at ages diverging more widely on each side of the mean. It becomes important, therefore, to exhibit the distribution of members through age-periods sufficiently short to preclude very large changes in the rate of increase of the liability in any one period, and for this purpose Table XVI. has been prepared. It will be seen that out of 9,942 members whose ages were given as at the 31st December, 1880— 317, or 319 per cent., were under 20 years of age. 1,536, or 1545 „ 20 and under 25 years of age 7 o mn , 1,986, or 19-98 „ 25 „ 30 * „B j 3,522, or 35-43 per cent. 1,790, or 1801 „ 30 „ 35 „ 5 „ fil * 1,827, or 18-38 „ 35 „ 40 „ j 3,617, or 36 39 „



1,417, or 1425 per cent., were 40 and under 45 years of age") o■.-, Q o]qfl , 701, or 7-05 „ 45 „ 50 „ j Z ' llfi > or Zl dU P er cent 251, or 2-52 „ 50 „ 55 „ 5 „ „ „.„ 78, or 078 „ 55 „ 60 „ \ 329 ' or 330 » 27, or 0-27 „ 60 „ 65 „ \ , 8, or 008 „ 65 „ 70 „ j 65 ' or ° So 4, or 004 „ 70 years of age and upwards. It would be hazardous to predict, even in general terms, what changes a decade may make in this distribution of ages, but some idea of the development which .the percentages undergo as the lodges themselves increase in age may be obtained by comparing the above with (1) the distribution of ages in the oldest lodges, say in those established upwards of 20 years; and (2) with the corresponding distribution in the youngest lodges, say in those established less than 2 full years. Out of 117 lodges, courts, &c, included in Table XVI., 13 had been established upwards of 20 years, all of them being lodges of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, and their aggregate membership on 31st December, 1880, was 2,325. One member's age was unspecified. Of the remaining 2,324 — 70, or 3'ol per cent., were under 20 years of age. 408, or 1756 „ 20 and under 25 years of age 7 o - n ot7 00 , 471, or 20-27 " 25 „ 30* „ S j 879, or 37-83 per cent. 409, or 17-60 „ 30 „ 35 „ ) 77q „„.,„ 370, or 15 92 „ 35 „ 40 „ j 77J ' Ol 66 ?S ,Orl J:J? " S " X " 430, or 18-50 „ 156, or 6-71 ~ 45 „ 50 „ ) 41, or 176 „ 55 „ 60 „ ) ' 19, or 082 „ 60 „ 65 „ \ , 5, or 0-21 „ 65 „ 70 „ JM>or i Ud 2, or o'o9 „ 70 years of age and upwards. There is thus a much larger proportion of members over 50 (714 per cent.) than in all the lodges taken together (369 per cent.) There were 14 lodges, courts, &c, which had been established less than 2 full years. Their aggregate membership on 31st December, 1880, was 1,020. Excluding 4 members, whose ages were unspecified, and excluding also a railway society (127 members), which of necessity to a certain extent took oyer existing liabilities, it is found that, out of the remaining 889 members, — 54 members, or 607 per cent., were under 20 years of age. 192 „ 21-60 „ 20 and under 25 years of age"),, _ .„ co , 223 " 25-08 ,; 25 „ 30 * „ B j 415, or 46-68 per cent. 206 „ 2317 „ 30 „ 35 „ \'. 151 „ 16-99 „ 35 „ 40 „ ] 'or*u ib " 47 „ 529 „ 40 „ 45 „ 1 - 10 „ 1-12 „ 45 „ 50 „ j o ' 01 b4i " 6 „ o'6B „ 50 „ 55 „ As might have been expected, there is here a much larger proportion of members at the younger ages than in either of the other tables, while hardly any members are over 45 years of age, and none over 55. This arises from the fact that 40 or 45 is usually the superior limit fixed by the rules of affiliated friendly societies for the initiation of new members. A large body of facts respecting the ages of members and the connection between age and sickness, mortality and secession, based on the quinquennial returns for 1873-77, is now being compiled under the supervision of the Actuary, and it is hoped that they will be ready for presentation to Parliament in the course of a few weeks. V TRADE UNIONS. The Eegistrar is required, in his capacity as Registrar of Trade Unions, to present an annual report to Parliament of his proceedings under " The Trade Union Act, 1878." He is compelled again to report, however, that no applications for registry have been received during the period under consideration, and it seems evident that no desire exists among trade unions to avail themselves of the provisions of the Act. Wμ. E. B. Beown, Eegistrar of Friendly Societies.




SCHEDULE I. IiIST OF REGISTERED SOCIETIES, WITH THEIB REGISTERED BeANCHES, AS ON 31ST DeCEMBEB, 1880. I.—Makchestee Unity oi . Odd Fellows. Keg. No. Situate at Keg. No. Situate at 13. Auckland District ... ... Auckland. 16. City of Christcliurcli ... ... Christohuroh. (1) Howick Lodge, Howick. 52. Kaiapoi ... ... Kaiapoi (2) Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. 14. Good Intent Lodge ... Auckland. 5. Lyttelton District ... ... Lyfctelton. 19. Fountain of Friendship Lodge ... Auckland. (1) Dawn of Hope Lodge, Little 60. Waikato Lodge ... ... Thames. River. 79. Alexandra Lodge ... Alexandra. (2) Hand of Friendship Lodge, 81. Duke of Cambridge Lodge ... Cambridge. Okain's Bay. 107 Parnell Lodge... ~. ... Parnell. 6. City of Norwich Lodge ... .. Lyttelton. 31. Arowhemia Lodge ... ... Temuka. 93. New Plymouth District... ... New Plymouth. 128. Good Intent Lodge ... ... Akaroa. 125. Egmont Lodge ... ... New Plymouth. 23. Otago District .. ~, Dunedin. 138. Wanganui Lodge ... ... Wanganui. (1) Outram Lodge, Outram. (2) Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 7 Wellington District ... Wellington. (3) Alexandra Lodge, Port Moly--22. Antipodean Lodge ... ... Wellington. neux. 63. Rose of the Valley Lodge ... Lower Hutt. (4) Prince of Wales Lodge, Port 126. Britannia Lodge ... .. Wellington. Chalmers. (5) Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 77 Marlborough District ... .. Blenheim. (6) Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. (1) Marlborough Lodge, Blen- (7) Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawkeaheim. bury (2) Renwick Lodge, Renwick. (8) Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin, (9) Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 25. Nelson District ... ... Nelson. (10) Palmerston Lodge, Palmers--30. Howard Lodge .. ... Nelson. ton (S.). 41. Nelson Lodge .. ~ ~ Nelson. (11) Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 109. Travellers' Rest Lodge ... ... Richmond. (12) Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 92. North Westland District ... Reefton. (13) Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. (1) Reefton Lodge, Reefton. (14) Hand and Heart Lodge, (2) Westport Lodge, Westport. Dunedin. (3) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. (15) Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. (16) Band of Friendship Lodge, 40. Hohitilca District ... ... Hokitika. Kakanui. (1) Albert Lodge, Kumara. (17) Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Law--27 Greymouth Lodge ... ... G-reymouth. rence. 45. Ross Lodge ... ... Ross (18) Waitahuna Lodge, Waita* 46. Waimea Lodge ... ... Stafford. liuna. 59. Hokitika Lodge ... ... Hokitika. (19) Blue Spur Lodge, Blue Spur. (20) Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 20. Rangiora ... ... ... Rangiora. (21) Mount Wendon Lodge, Wai--43. Nil Desperandum ... ... Oxford. kaia. 61. Naseby Lodge ~ ... Naseby, 18. North Canterbury District ... Christchurch. (1) Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 64. Invercargill District ... ... Invercargill. (2) Perseverance Lodge, Wools- (1) Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle ton. Lodge, Invercargill. 12. Benevolent ... ... Christchurch. (2) St. G-eorge Lodge, Invercargill. II. —Independent Obdeb op Odd Fellows (Amekican). 146. Independent Order of Odd Fellows (10)* Winchester Lodge, Winof New Zealand ... Dunedin. Chester. (1) Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. (11) Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. (2) Star of Canterbury Lodge, (12) Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. Timaru. (13) Green Island Lodge, Green (3) Mount Ida Lodge, Naseby. Island. (4) Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. (14) Ravensbourne Lodge, Ravens(s) Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. bourne. (6) Point Lodge, Pleasant Point. (15) Pioneer of Southland Lodge, (7) Avon Lodge, Christchurch. Invercargill. (8) Southern Cross Lodge, Wei- (16) Leith Lodge, Dunedin. lington. lll.—National Independent Obdeb op Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District ... Auckland. (2) United Brothers' Lodge, (1) Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Newton. Auckland. IV.—Ancient Obdeb or Foeestees. 17 Auckland District ... ... Auckland. (2) Court Captain Cook, Napier. 8. Court City of Auckland .. Auckland. (3) „ Sir Henry Havelock, 85. „ Pride of Parnell ... ... Thames. Havelock. (4) „ Robin Hood, Port Ahu--150. Hawlce's Bay District ... ... Napier. riri. (1) Court Sir Charles Napier, (5) „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. Napier.

* The registration of Branch No. (9) hae been cancelled.



List op Registebed Societies, &c. — continued* Ancient Ohdee of Forestees— continued: Keg. No. Situate at I Keg. No. Situate at 144. Wellington District .. ... Wellington. 78. „ Pride of the Forest ... Wakapuaka. (1) Court Eobin Hood, Welling- 91. „ Unity .. .. , r . Havelock. ton. 129. „ Perseverance ... ... Motueka. (2) „ Sir George Bowen, Wei- 131. „ Sherwood Forest .. Stoke. lington. (4)* „ Clarendon, Picton. 28. Canterbury United District. Christchuroh. (5) „ Manawatu, Palmerston (1) Court Pride of Courtonay, (N.) Courtenay. (6) „ Loyal Feikling, Feild- (2) „ Thistle of the Forest, ing. Sydenham. (7) „ William Gladstone, Gis- (3) „ Star of Asliburton, borne. Ashburton. (8) „ Pioneer, Tinui, Whare- 2. Court Star of Canterbury .. Christchurch. ami. 143. ~ Queen of the Isles ... Lyttelton. (9) „ Eoderick Dhu, Wha- 139. Canterbury United District Widow ngamii. and Orphan Fund ... Christchurch. (10) „ Blenheim, Blenheim. (11) „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 10 United Otago District .. .. Dunedin. (12) „ Marquis of Normanby, (1) Court Enterprise, Dunedin. Carterton. 15 Court Pride of Dunedin .. ~ Dunedin. (13) „ Little John, Marton. 37 „ Eobin Hood ... Port Chalmers. 34. Court Sir George Grey ... ... Wellington. 50 ~ Star of the Dunstan ... Clyde. 72. ~ Wairarapa ... ... Greytown. 114 „ Star of Tuapeka ... ... Lawrence. 65. Wellington District Widow and 121 „ Havelock ... .. Waitahuna. Orphan Fund ... ... Wellington. 122 „ Eoyal Oak of Kawarau .. Bannockburn. 124 ~ Pride of Oamaru .. Oamaru. 4. Nelson District ~ ... Nelson. 130 „ Pride of the Leith.. .. Dunedin. 3. Court Eobin Hood ... Nelson. 32. „ Concord... .. ... Greymouth. 88 Court Coromandel ... ~, Coromandel. 54. „ Patea .... .. ... Patea. 55. „ Waireka .. ... ... New Plymouth. ; 35 Court Southern Cross ... ... Tiinaru. V. —Ancient Order oe Shepheeds. 11 Sanctuary Sir George Grey ... Wellington. Vl.—United Ancient Order op Druids. 152 Pioneer Lodge .. .. Christchurch. 166 Enterprise Lodge ... South Dunedin. 155 Hope of St. Alban's Lodge .. Christchurch. 167 Ethelbert Lodge ... ... Springston, 158 Oak of Sydenham Lodge .. Sydenham. Christchurch. 159 Mistletoe Lodge .. .. Christchurch. 168 Ota go Lodge .. ... Dunedin. 164 Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge Lyttelton. VII. —Loyal United Feiends Benefit Society. 163 Remembrance Lodge .. ... Auckland. VIII. —Independent Order of Eechabites. IX.—Sons and Daughtees of Temperance of 113 Star of Hauraki Tent ... ... Thames. Australasia. 112. Perseverance Division ... ... Christchurch. 110 New Zealand Central District ... Wellington. 118. Antidote Division ... .. Dunedin. (1) Good Samaritan Tent, Timaru. 147 Progress Division ... Kaiapoi. 156. Kny of Hope Division ... .. Greymouth. 98 Star of Hope Tent .. ... Hokitika. 157. Dawn of Light Division ... Eothesay, Otago X. —Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 83. Grahamstown Branch .. ... Thames. 117 St. Joseph's Branch ... .. Dunedin. 84. Hokitika Branch ~ ... Hokitika. 123. Greenstone Branch ~. ... Kumara. 99. Waimea Branch .. ... Stafford. 145. Auckland Branch .. .. Auckland. 100. Charleston Branch ... .. Charleston. XI. —Railway Benefit Societies. 148. New Zealand Railways Employes' 154. New Zealand Eailways Employes' Benefit Society, Christchurch Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch ... .. ... Christchurch. Branch ... ... ... Invercargill. 161. Otago Eailways Employes' Benefit Society ~ ... .. Dunedin. Xll.—Miscellaneous Friendly Societies. 101. Kaeo and Wangaroa Friendly j 165. Sickness and Accident Mutual Society .. ... ... Kaeo. Assurance Association of New 149. New Zealand Prudential Assurance Zealand .. .. Christchurch. Society ... ... Auckland. XIII.' —Benevolent Society. 163. Southland Benevolent Institute Invercargill. XIV. —Working-Men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working Men's Club 162. Christchurch Working-Men's Club and Literary Institute .. Wellington. and Mutual School of Arts ... Cliristchurch.

* Registration of Branch No, (3) cancelled.



List op Re&istebed Societies, &c. — continued. XV. — Speciamy atjthoeized Society. Reg, No. Situate at I Eeg. No. 169. β-rand Lodge of New Zealand of (42) "Woodstock Lodge, Woodtlie Independent Order of Good stock. Templars ... ... ... Dunedin. (43) Hope to Prosper Lodge, Saw(l) Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. yer's Bay. (2) Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. (44) New River Pioneer Lodge, (3) Dauntless Lodge, Christ- Dunganville. church. (45) Crystal Fountain Lodge, Wai(4) Hope of Christchurch Lodge, hola. Christen ureh. (46) Pride of Mahono Lodge, (5) Pioneer Lodge, Addington. Maheno. (6) Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. (47) Victory Lodge, No Town. (7) Star of South Canterbury (48) Victoria Lodge, Noble's. Lodge, Waimate. (49) Grey Valley Lodge, Ahaura. (8) Star of Hope Lodge, Oamaru. (50) Kumara Lodge, Kurnara. (9) Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. (51) New Life Lodge, Duvau(lo) Queenstown Lodge, Queens- chelle's Bay. town. (52) Northern Star Lodge, Kaia(ll) Golden Arrow Lodge, Arrow- poi. town. (53) Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ash(l2) West Coast Pioneer Lodge, ley Bank. Greymouth. (54) Hearts and Homes Lodge, (13) Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. Orepuki. (14) Pearl of Peace Lodge, Wei- (55) Unity Lodge, Maeetown. lington. (56) Salem Lodge, Swannanoa. (15) Starlight of the Valley Lodge, (57) Dawn of Peace Lodge, AshNewtown. burton. (16) Pride of Waitati Lodge, Wai- (58) Star of Sefton Lodge, Sefton. tati. (59) True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. (17) Robert Bruce Lodge, Ban- (60) Advance Lodge, Cust. nockburn. (61) Eagle Lodge, DiUman's Town. (18) Star of the East Lodge, Ash- (62) Hope of Highcliff Lodge, burton. Highcliff. (19) Hope of Westport Lodge ; (63) Hope of Leeston Lodge, LeesWestport. ton. (20) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. (64) Hope of Springfield Lodge, (21) Ha.ste to the Rescue Lodge, Springfield. Havelock. (65) Clearbrook Lodge, Waterton. (22) Hope of Roxburgh Lodge, (66) St. Helena Lodge, GreyRoxburgh, mouth. (23) Transit Lodge, East Oxford. (67) Pride of Sydenham Lodge, (24) Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Sydenham. Reefton. (68) Phccnix Lodge, Masterton. (25) Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. (69) North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. (26) Normanby Lodge, Nelson. (70) Will and the Way Lodge, (27) Loyal Collingwood Lodge, Tinwald. Collingwood. (71) Rising Sun Lodge, View Hill. (28) Hope of St. Bathans Lodge, (72) Pride of Brookside Lodge, St. Bathans. Brookside. (29) Minerva Lodge, Blackstone (73) Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Hill. Fyfe. (30) Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, (74) Olive Branch Lodge, WellingPort Ahuriri. ton. (31) Premier Lodge, Hokitika. (75) Hope of Little Akaloa, Little (32) Hope of Stafford Lodge, Staf- Akaloa. ford. (76) Hearts and Hand Lodge, (33) Providence Lodge, Courtenay. Lumsden. (34) Eureka Lodge, Dryhread. ' (77) Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, (35) Golden Stream Lodge, Alex- Mount Grey. andra, Otago. (78) St. Dunstan Lodge, Clyde. (36) Hope of Goldsborough Lodge, (79) Determination Lodge, DunGoldsborough. sandel. (37) New Era Lodge, Purakanui. (80) Hope of Stoke Lodge, Stoke. (38) Hope of Greenstone Lodge, (81) Princess Alice Lodge, WaiGreenstone, kaia. (39) Break of Day Lodge, Ander- (82) Nordens Haab Lodge, Napier. son's Bay. (83) Star of North Invercargill (40) Second to None Lodge, Lodge, Invercargill. Pigeon's Bay. (84) Hope of Fernside Lodge, (41) Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, , Fernside. Brunnerton.

SCHEDULE 11. Valttees' Eepoet on the Condition of the Otago Disteict 1.0.0. F., M.U., as at the 31st Decembee, 1879. To the Grand Master and District Committee of the Otago District M.UT.0.0.1 , . Sib and Beetheen, — We beg leave to report that, in accordance with a resolution passed at the last District Meeting, we have made a valuation as at the 31st December, 1879, of the assets and liabilities of each lodge in the district, with the exception of the Mosgiel Lodge. As this lodge was only opened a fortnight previous to the above date, and as none of the members were therefore entitled to sick or funeral benefits, a valuation was deemed unnecessary. As the last set of returns for valuation was only received by us on the 26th August, we have not had time to draw up such a report for presentation to

3—H. 7



you as we could have wished. It being, however, requisite for us to furnish a detailed report to each lodge on its condition as brought out by the valuation, and as there are as yet no district members, it is not'obligatory on us to make any formal valuation report to the District Meeting. But as this is the first official valuation of the lodges in the district, it is but reasonable to assume that the results will be regarded with special interest, and therefore we propose to give some account of the class and character of the materials supplied to us for valuation, and also an explanation of the principles on which the valuation has been conducted, as this course may serve to abbreviate in some measure the reports to be furnished to the lodges. To accomplish the valuation it was necessary that we should be supplied with certain information regarding all the members on the books of the lodges at the date already given, also a summary of the sickness and mortality experienced, and the number of members admitted and left during the five years next preceding the date of valuation, together with particulars of the receipts and expenditure of the Sick and Funeral and Management Funds, the amount of funds at the end of each of the five years aforesaid, and a balance-sheet as at the 31st December, 1879. After consultation with the committee of management it was agreed that, for the sake of convenience in this valuation, and for future use by the district officers, the information regarding the members should be entered on cards—one card being allotted to each member; and in accordance with this resolution cards were prepared. For the other items of information required, a valuation return was prepared and provided by us. For the guidance and assistance of lodge secretaries, a circular was drawn up to accompany the sets of cards and valuation returns, and these were forwarded to the lodges the third week in April. Copies of all these documents are attached to this report. The first set of documents returned to us was that of the Dunedin Lodge on the 27th April. During the month of May we received no fewer than twelve sets, five were received during the month of June, three in July, and one (the last) on the 26th August, as already stated. In regard to the filling-up of the cards, it affords us great pleasure to be able to state that several of the sets were models of neatness, and in the large majority of cases it was evident that great care had been exercised in the filling-up. In regard to the remaining sets, however, some of them were very carelessly filled up ; in others, despite the clear directions given, strange misapprehensions appear to have existed as to the precise nature of the information required. For example, one secretary gave the amount of weekly contribution to the Management Fund instead of the monthly contribution to the Sick and Funeral Fund only ; several took the trouble to fill in the amount of sickness experienced by the members during the quinquennium, and in some cases cards were furnished containing particulars of persons dead. In a few cases it was found that, in defiance of the district and lodge rules, the extra annual contribution was not being charged. On this fact being reported to the committee of management, the lodges were communicated with, and an assurance obtained that, for the future, the extra annual contribution required by the rules would be levied. In regard to the number of wives returned, we are of opinion that members are remiss in informing the lodge secretaries when they marry, and therefore that the number of married members returned to us is understated. In regard to the valuation returns of particulars of the lodges, only a few of them were filled up in a satisfactory manner. In saying this, however, it is not to be understood that all the blame is chargeable to the present secretaries, for we have found them willing in general to give us such information as was in their power. But in regard to transactions previous to their taking office frequently no proper record was contained in the lodge books, and, in consequence, we had to make an examination of the returns of these lodges to the district for the five past years, and had to be satisfied with the information thereby afforded. From the returns supplied to us it appears that, on the 31st December, the number of members was 1,620, at ages varying from 19 next birthday to 60, the average age being 35 years 13 weeks. Of this number it appears that 962 were married, and their average age 38 years 5 weeks. The rates of contributions to the Sick and Funeral Fund are as follows: For all members, admitted previous to July, 1879, the rate is 2s. per lunar month, and 3s. extra annual contribution with a few exceptions. The members admitted since the above date pay contributions graduated according to age at entry, ranging from 2s. to 4s. per lunar month. The total yearly contributions for benefits for the district is found to be £2,36949, and this sum divided by the number of members gives £14614, or £1 9s. 2|d., as the average contribution. It will therefore be seen that, so far, the adoption of the new scale of contributions has not had time to make any material difference. The benefits assured to members are uniform throughout the district —viz., 20s. per week during the first six months of sickness, 13s. per week during the second six months' continuous sickness, and 10s. per week for any sickness after a continuous sickness of twelve months; £20 on the death of a member, and £10 on the death of a member's wife. The valuation of the district has been made on the basis of the sickness and mortality experience of the Manchester Unity for 1866-70, combined districts. In the absence of colonial data sufficiently extensive to be reliable, the Manchester Unity experience, on account of its being the largest hitherto collected, and from its applicability to friendly societies generally, has come to be regarded as the best standard extant, and therefore the most suitable for us. As regards the rate of interest, 4 per cent, has been assumed in all the calculations, as there is little doubt but that this rate will be easily obtainable on good securities during the currency of the present policies. We are decidedly of opinion that a higher rate than 4 per cent, cannot be employed generally with safety in the valuation of the risks undertaken by friendly societies. Apart from the doubts that exist regarding the reliability of the above data at the higher ages, all actuaries are of opinion that the rate of interest to be used in life and sickness calculations should be lower than the rate which the society can fairly reckon on as likely to prevail for the next generation at least. In regard to this district, an examination of the average rate of interest, credited to the Sick and Funeral Fund, affords an additional reason why this rate has been adhered to. Seeing that the contributions of members are received fortnightly (with a few exceptions), these



payments ought to be invested as frequently as possible, as thereby their value is increased. In this valuation we have assumed that the contributions will be invested at least twice a year, and therefore one quarter of a year's purchase has been added to the present value of the annuities used in determining the present value of contributions. With reference to the funeral liabilities it seems necessary to make the following remarks. These liabilities are undertaken by the district in the following manner : Every six months a levy is made of an equal rate per member on all lodges in the district, according to the number of members as per their last return, the rate per member being determined by the amount expended by the district for funeral claims during the previous term. Prom this it will be evident that the value of the funeral benefit does not depend on the ages of the members of each lodge, but on the average amount of liability on account of each member in the district. To obtain this value, the value of all the members' funeral benefits has been ascertained according to their several ages, and the total so obtained has been apportioned rateably among the lodges. From the table of present values of funeral benefits for the district, in respect of members, it will be seen that the total value is £11,5707694, and this divided by 1,620, the number of members, gives £714245, or £7 2s. 10jd. as the average liability per member. Therefore, multiplying £714245 by 298, the number of members in the Hand and Heart Lodge, gives £2,128'4501=£2,128 95., the value of all the members' funeral benefits in that lodge; and so on for the other lodges. The value of all the wives' funeral benefits depends on —(1) The number of wives; (2) the proportion of the age of the wife to that of the husband; and (3) the probability of her dying before the husband. The number of wives given in the returns is 962, and we have assumed that the wife is of the same age as her husband, no other course being open to us, seeing that in several instances lodge secretaries were unable to furnish complete returns of the ages of the wives. The total value of the wives' funeral benefits has been obtained in the same manner as was used for the members. From the table already referred to it will be seen that the total value is £2,3437584, and this divided by 962 gives £2'43634=£2 Bs. Bfd. as the average liability for each member's wife. Therefore, multiplying £2-43634 by 186, the number of wives in the Hand and Heart Lodge, gives £453-1592=£453 3s. 2£d. the value of all the wives' funeral benefits in that lodge ; and so on for the other lodges. Before showing the net liability, in expectation, of each lodge for the benefits assured by it, it is necessary to explain how the amount of District Funeral Fund has been dealt with. This fund being raised by levies of an equal amount per member, the value of each member's share has been obtained by dividing the total fund by the number of members. Therefore, dividing £166'17l by 1,620 gives £0102575=25. Ofd. per member, and multiplying £0102575 by 298, the number of members in the Hand and Heart Lodge, gives £30'5673=£30 11s. 4d. as the proportion due to it, and so on with the other lodges ; and the proportions so obtained have been added to Sick and Funeral Funds of the lodges. Having made these explanations, we would now direct your attention to the table containing the Summary of Results of Valuation of the lodges. See Table A. The results therein given may be summarized as follows : — Deducting the present value of the future contributions from the present value of the Sick and Funeral Benefits the net liability is obtained, and is found to be £34,246 4s. 4d. To meet this, there is—(l) The Sick and Funeral Funds of the lodges, £22,943 17s. 4d.; and (2) the District Funeral Fund, £166 3s. 5d., or a total of £23,110 os. 9d., and this sum being subtracted from the net liability leaves £11,136 3s. 7d. of a deficiency By Table B, it will be seen that 19 of the lodges have amounts to the credit of Management Fund to the extent of £3,351 2s. 2d., and 2 have other funds amounting to £806 7s.—together amounting to £4,157 9s. 2d. At the date of valuation the District Management Fund amounted to £200, and the Belief Fund to £189 Bs. lid., the total of these several being £4,546 18s. Id. Were this sum placed to the credit of the Sick and Funeral Funds it would reduce the deficiency to £6,589 ss. 6d., or, in other words, it would raise the proportion of assets from 13s. 6d. per pound of liability to 16s. 2d. In addition to the sums we have mentioned there is a sum of £719 15s. sd. owing by the Management Fund of 9 lodges to the Sick and Funeral Fund, but this amount has not been taken into account by us in the valuation. The deficiency brought out by this valuation is, without doubt, mainly attributable to the inadequacy of the rates of contribution, aggravated in many cases by the low rates of interest realized, although it may be found, on a more careful examination of the experience of the lodges than we have yet been able to give to them, that in a few cases the deficiency has been increased by a sickness experience somewhat above the average. An examination of that portion of Table B, relating to rates of interest realized by the lodges conclusively proves, either that the management has been careless in the extreme, or that the principle in vogue to tne end of 1878 of allowing lodges to appropriate (if they so choose) all interest over 4 per cent, on the funds invested, has been grossly abused. The higher rates realized in 1879 afford presumptive evidence in confirmation of this supposition. It will be seen from the interest table that, in the matter of the profitable investment of the funds, the Blue Spur Lodge, with an average rate of £7 11s. for the quinquennium, heads the list, and is followed by the Hand and Heart with an average of £6 11s. 10d. A number of other important and interesting matters might have been dwelt upon had time permitted, but sufficient has been said to demonstrate that, if this district is to attain a position of solvency, the utmost prudence and care must be exercised in the management of the lodges, and every endeavour made to obtain the highest rates of interest for investments, consistent with safety If measures in this direction be persistently maintained, the position of the district will, without doubt, be greatly improved ; and in view of the fact that considerable alterations were lately made in the scale of contributions in the direction of improvement, though we are of opinion they are still inadequate for the benefits promised, we think that, speaking generally, the necessity of recommending an



immediate adjustment of the rates of contributions may be postponed until the measures we have indicated shall have been tested by the experience of a few years. In conclusion, we would earnestly urge upon every member of this society to strive and master the principles on which the financial operations of societies can alone be conducted with safety, and, by so doing, assist in extending to the utmost their sphere of usefulness. The results of valuation of the several lodges, together with our reports thereon, will be forwarded to the lodge secretaries as early as possible. Tours truly and fraternally, Q-eobge Leslie, Peteb Black, Public Valuers under " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877 " Dunedin, 7th September, 1880.

Present Value Funeral Benefits, Otago District, M.U

Present Value Number of Average Funeral Benefits. Members. per Member. £11,570-7694 -T- 1,020 s= £714245 = £7 2s. 102-d.

Present Value Number of Average Funeral Benefits. Wives. per Married Member. £2,343 7584) -5- 962 = £2-43634 = £2 Bs. Bfd.

District Number of Proportion Funeral Fund. Members. per Member. £166171 ~- 1,620 ss £0102575 = £0 2s. ofd.

Age. Members (£20 at Death). No. of Members. Total Value at each Age. Members'Wives (£10 at Death). No. of Wives. Total Value at each Age. £ 4-8986 5-0074 5-1178 5 2302 5-3446 54614 5-5806 57026 5-8274 5 9556 6 0874 6-2230 6-3630 6-5076 6 6566 6-8096 69660 71256 7-2882 7-4534 7-6222 7-7946 7-9710 8-1516 8-3364 8-5258 8-7198 8-9188 91230 9 3318 9-5444 97606 9 9800 102018 10-4264 106538 108842 111176 11-3548 11-8338 120730 £ 44-0874 130-1924 143-2984 219-6684 224-4732 2457630 323 6748 382-0742 402 0906 357-3360 3226322 292-4810 400-8690 325-3800 279-5772 3200512 417-9600 5130432 473-7330 529-1914 426-8432 537-8274 557-9700 374-9736 308-4468 451-8674 453 4296 4013460 364 9200 4012674 181-3436 165-9302 179-6:100 122 4216 938376 31-9614 43-5368 44-4704 454192 23-6676 12-0730 £ £ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 9 26 28 42 42 45 58 67 69 60 53 47 63 50 42 47 60 72 65 71 56 69 70 46 37 53 52 45 40 43 (9 17 18 12 9 3 4 4 4 2 1 1-8144 1-8468 1-8787 19115 1-9448 1-9788 2-0134 2 0490 2-0855 2-1232 21621 2-2022 2-2431 2-2848 23270 2-3695 2-4126 2 4562 2-5004 2-5454 2-5913 2-6381 2-6859 2-7348 2-7847 2-8358 2-8879 29407 2 9941 3-0476 3-1015 31555 3-2099 32645 33196 33753 4 4 8 11 23 34 30 33 25 40 29 30 32 44 51 53 53 43 55 49 29 27 46 41 33 33 35 14 15 12 7 6 3 3 4 2 7-2576 7-3852 15 0296 210265 44 7304 66-2792 604020 67-6170 521375 84 9280 62 7009 66-0660 71-7792 100 5312 118-6770 125-5835 127-8678 105-6164 1375220 124-7246 75-1477 71-2287 123-5514 112-1268 91-8951 935814 101-0765 411698 44-9115 365712 21-7105 18-9330 96297 9-7935 13-2784 67506 3-5410 1 3-5410 1,620 11570-7694 962 2343-7584



Table A. Summary of Results of Valuation of Lodges in the Otago District, M.U.I.O.O.F., as at 31st December, 1879.

Name of Lodge. a o Nui nber if I a 111 Present Value Sickness Benefits. Present Value Funeral Benefits. Total Value of Benefits. Si-l-l Net Liability. •3 1 ° 1 Total. Deficiency. Surplus. Members. Wives. Hand and Heart ... Dunedin... Dalton ... Prince of Wales Albion ... Oamaru ... Tuapeta ... Waitahuna Prince Alfred Waipori Blue Spur Naseby ... Alexandra Roxburgh Tapanui Lake Wakatipu Palmerston Cromwell Mount Wendon ... Band of Friendship Arrow... Outram Mosgiel*... 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1872 1875 1879 298 194 50 76 111 71 80 65 50 34 70 85 27 53 51 37 19 56 69 13 23 88 186 127 28 48 68 52 57 35 30 19 39 60 12 29 27 20 14 28 25 9 4? I Years. 35-906 34-443 34-600 34-200 33-378 35-366 38-675 37-969 35-420 38-560 35-243 37-940 34-296 36-810 33372 33432 35-100 35-304 36-174 35-080 32-870 30-295 £ 432-04 288-64 7350 111-48 161-91 105-37 115-68 94-65 72-50 49-30 101-57 123-25 3915 80-04 74-00 5561 27-55 82-41 100-05 18-85 33-35 12859 £ 10,860-5137 6,843-3697 1,763-2353 2,688-4829 3,827-2722 2,545-5560 3,112-6502 2,488-6103 1,809-2541 1,312-8196 2,515-1405 3,220-4975 944-5961 1,969-9569 1,746 4665 1,279-8509 6695497 1,9989918 2,528-6891 463-5770 778-7937 2,801-7656 £ 2,581-6093 1,695-0505 425-3400 6597705 958-4830 6338037 710-2674 549-5312 4302127 289-1338 594-9888 753-2887 222-0823 449 2038 430-0462 312-9975 169-8154 468-1947 553-7376 114-7790 183-7671 728-4255 13,442-1230 ! 8,538-4202 2,1885753 3,3482534 4,785-7552 3,179-3597 3,822-9176 3,038-1415 2,239-4668 1,6019534 3,110-1293 3,973-7863 1,166-6784 2,419-1607 2,176-5127 1,5928484 839-3651 2,467-1865 3,082-4267 5783560 962-5608 3,530-1911 £ 6,839-1001 4,658-6467 1,185-6339 1,795-7213 2,646-7409 1,683-3370 1,757-4100 1,454-5057 1,152-8657 7526504 1,621-4974 1,903-5042 6339743 1,252-7089 1,212-4761 906-0593 443 8213 1,320-1605 1,578-3421 301-8706 549-9198 2,187-0037 £ s. d. 6,603 0 5 3,879 15 6 1,002 18 10 1,552 10 8 2,139 0 3 1,496 0 5 2,065 10 2 1,583 12 9 1,086 12 0 849 6 1 1,488 12 7 2,070 5 8 532 14 1 1,166 9 0 964 0 9 686 15 9 395 10 11 1,147 0 6 1,504 1 8 276 9 9 412 12 10 1,343 3 9 £ a. d. 30 11 4 19 18 0 5 2 7 7 15 11 11 7 9 7 5 8 8 4 1 6 13 4 5 2 7 3 9 9 7 3 7 8 14 5 2 15 5 I 5 8 9 5 4 8 3 15 11 1 19 0 5 14 10 7 16 16 8 2 7 2 9 0 6 £ s. d. 6,536 0 6 3,421 2 1 636 2 0 986 17 0 791 16 5 1,111 16 5 794 10 7 924 9 8 799 0 9 479 6 3 495 8 11 1,679 16 8 352 16 7 472 7 11 339 11 2 619 5 1 231 4 7 543 18 11 752 1 6 285 19 6 267 13 11 422 10 11 £ s. d. 6,566 11 10 3,441 0 1 641 4 7 994 12 11 803 4 2 1,119 2 1 802 14 8 931 3 0 804 3 4 482 16 0 502 12 6 1,688 11 1 355 12 0 477 16 8 344 15 10 623 1 0 233 3 7 549 13 9 759 3 0 287 6 2 270 1 1 431 11 5 £ s. d. 36 8 7 438 15 5 361 14 3 557 17 9 1,335 16 1 376 18 4 1,262 15 6 652 9 9 282 8 8 366 10 1 986 0 1 381 14 7 177 2 1 688 12 4 619 4 11 63 14 9 162 7 4 597 6 9 744 18 8 £ s. d. 142 11 9 911 12 4 10 16 ... - 1,620 962 35-246 2,369-49 58,169-6393 13,914-5287 j I 72,084-1680 37,837-9499 34,246 4 4 166 3 5 _^ 22,943 17 4 23,110 0 9 11,147 0 0 10 16 * Opened 16th December, 1879, and therefore not included in valuation. jSote. —The " Wet Liability " Column is the excess of the present value of expected claims over the present value of future contributions for benefits, and is the amount which each lodge should have in han< (less its proportion of the District Funeral Fund) to be actuarially solvent.



Table B.

Kates of Interest Credited by Lodges to Benefit Funds during the undermentioned Years. Proportion of Assets to Name of Lodge. Management Fund and Goods. Other Funds. Owing to Sick and -Funeral Fund. Total. Net Liability per Member. Deficiency per Member. Average Age. liabilities per pound. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. Total. Average. Hand and Heart Dunedin Dalton ... Prince of Wales ... Albion ... Oamaru Tuapeka Waitahuna Prince Alfred ... Waipori Blue Spur Naseby Alexandra Roxburgh Tapanui Lake Wakatipu ... Palmerston Cromwell Mount Wendon ... Band of Friendship Arrow ... Outram ... Mosgiel £ s. a. 2,108 0 8 ' 267 16 10 2 13 3 78 11 10 £ s. d. *356 7 0 £ s. d. £ s. A. 2,464 7 8 267 16 10 2 13 3 187 17 4 52 18 4 595 5 5 £ s. d. 4 10 5 3 2 3 3 6 8 3 15 3 3 8 6 £ s. d. 7 11 6 3 18 5 £ 8. d. 6 13 4 0 6 1 11 7 2 13 7 4 4 8 2 19 2 4 0 10 2 9 1 3 4 6 3 10 8 8 0 9 2 6 0 13 2 3 15 6 3 17 3 4 15 3 2 9 3 4 19 2 3 4 11 5 17 1 £ a. d. 6 14 6 3 19 8 4 5 7 2 3 5 5 17 1 2 10 6 3 8 8 4 4 10 6 2 8 3 3 1 7 11 9 3 11 3 3 15 1 3 9 6 3 11 5 3 13 11 3 9 4 4 15 11 3 4 9 2 9 4 £ s. d. 8 10 8 6 0 2 14 9 9 0 7 7 17 7 6 8 5 8 6 2 6 16 2 £ 8. d. 32 19 0 23 6 10 11 18 7 19 17 2 23 17 9 13 15 2 24 6 1 18 16 5 11 5 2 20 12 2 37 15 0 21 9 6 12 9 2 23 7 10 15 2 5 21 0 2 15 3 11 20 0 11 16 7 1 19 0 8 4 15 9 3 9 3 £ s. d. 6 11 10 4 13 4 2 7 8 3 19 5 4 15 7 2 15 0 4 17 3 3 15 3 2 5 0i 4 2 5 7 11 0 4 5 11 2 9 10 4 13 7 3 0 6 4 4 0 3 0 9 4 0 2 3 5 5 3 16 2 0 19 2 0 17 4 £ s. d. 0 19 10| 0 17 9 0 12 9J 0 12 9| 0 7 6 0 14 Hi 0 7 94 0 11 9 0 14 9| 0 11 4i 0 6 9 0 16 3| 0 13 44 0 8 24 0 7 2 0 18 11 0 11 94 0 9 7 0 10 li 1 0 9i 0 13 1 0 6 54 £ s. d. 22 3 1 20 0 0 20 1 2 20 8 7 19 5 5 21 1 5 25 16 4 24 7 3 21 14 8 24 19 7 21 5 4 24 7 0 19 14 7 22 0 2 18 18 0 18 11 3 20 16 4 20 9 8 21 15 11 21 5 4 17 18 10 15 5 3 £ s. d. 0 2 5 2 5 3 7 5 8 7 6 10 12 0 8 5 6 2 15 15 8 10 0 9 5 13 0 10 15 7 14 1 9 4 9 10 6 11 2 12 19 10 12 2 10 1 14 6 8 10 11 10 13 4 10 15 11 145" 5 5 8 14 3 60 15 0 20 10 9 53 2 5 29 7 6 124 0 4 20 7 2 78 1 2 ... f450 "0 0 ... 109 5 6 52 18 4 48 15 10 129 4 9 82 16 0 57 "4 0 57 10 1 189 19 9 103 6 9 53 2 5 86 11 6 124 0 4 20 7 2 78 1 2 61 9 4 62 16 2 191 10 3 55 0 0 40 2 7 137 12 1 44 16 2 4 9 1 2 9 3 17 4 4 13 8 5 1 3 0 4 2 4 4 2 9 11 1 17 1 4 14 2 17 1 0 10 8 4 9 4 4 4 11 4 0 7 5 '7 10 9 12 6 8 11 4 7 10 11 8 19 8 4 12 10 5 18 11 3 7 0 J 5 0 0 4 8 7 4 9 11 35906 34443 34-600 34-200 33-378 35-366 38-675 37969 34-423 38-560 35-243 37-940 34-296 36-810 33-372 33-432 35-100 35-304 36174 35-080 32870 30-295 2 11 9 4 11 5 3 0 11 3 18 3 3 19 1 2 7 9 2 5 5 6 4 4 14 14 6 61 10 3 55 0 0 40 2 7 137 12 1 44 16 2 61 9 4 48 1 8 130 0 0 2 13 10 1 19 3 2 18 1 3 3 5 4 15 9 4- ... 1 13 1 ... j 1 16 2 6 4 0 10 7 2 ... ... I - 3,351 2 2 ■I 806 7 0 719 15 5 4,877 4 7 0 13 6§ ... ... ... ... ... I .. ... * Widows" Belief Fund. t Lodge Building Fund. t Opened 25th December. § Average.



SCHEDULE 111. Valuers' Beport to Loyal Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., Lawrence. To the Noble Grand and Committee of Management of the Loyal Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Otago District, M.T7.1.0.0.F Sik and Brethren, — In accordance with a resolution of the District Committee of date 13tli March, 1880, we have made a valuation of the assets and liabilities of your lodge, as at the 31st December, 1879. The particulars supplied to us for valuation were as follow: 1. Cards containing the names of all members not owing more than twelve months' contributions, with the occupation of the member, mode of admission, monthly rate of contribution to Sick and Funeral Fund, date of birth and date of admission in each case, also, if married, the date of wife's birth (if possible). 2. A return of the admissions and withdrawals, and the sickness and mortality experienced by the lodge during the five years preceding the date of valuation. 3. A summary of the receipts and expenditure of the several funds; the amount of funds at the end of each of the five 3rears aforesaid; and a balance-sheet of the lodge as at the 31st December, 1879. From the information supplied to us, it appears that on the above date the number of members was 80, at ages varying from 19 next birthday to 55; the average age being 38 years 35 weeks. Of this number, 57 are returned as being married. The rates of contributions to the Sick and Funeral Fund are as follow: Three members at £1 6s. per annum, 75 at £1 95., and 2 at £1 10s. 4d. The benefits assured at the present time are as follow: 20s. per week for the first six months of sickness ; 13s. per week during the second six months of sickness ; and 10s. per week for any sickness after a continuous sickness of twelve months ; £20 on the death of a member, and £10 on the death of a member's wife. This valuation has been made on the basis of the sickness and mortality experience of the Manchester Unity in Great Britain for 1866-70, and the rate of interest assumed in all the calculations has been four per cent. We have also assumed that the contributions will be invested twice a year, at least, and have increased their value accordingly The funeral liabilities of the lodge being undertaken by the District, in accordance with District Eule No. 26, the proportion chargeable against your lodge has been arrived at in the manner set forth at length in our report to the last District meeting, a copy of which is hereto attached. Having classified the members of your lodge according to the several rates of contributions payable, and according to their several ages, the results of the valuation are given on pages 12 and 13,* and the summary of results on page 14.* The summary of results shows that the number of benefits assured was 217 ; the total amount assured was £12,941 10s.; and the total yearly contributions applicable to benefits was £.115 13s. 7d. The present value of benefits was £3,822 18s 4d.; and the present value of contributions £1,757 Bs. 2d. The total value of the lodge, as per the secretary's return, is given as £794 10s. 7d., made up as follows: — £ s. d. On mortgage .. ... 750 0 0 In hands of treasurer .. 19 5 9 Interest due .. ... 12 12 1 Value of goods .. 3 17 6 Arrears owing by members .. .. 45 14 9 £831 10 1 Less by accounts owing ... .. ... ... 36 19 6 £794 10 7 The following is the valuation balance-sheet, as at 31st December, 1879: — De. £ s. d. Cβ. £ s . d. To present value sick benefits ... ... 3,112 13 0 By total assets, as per secretary's return ... 794 10 7 Proportion of present value of sums at Present value of future contributions ~. 1,757 8 2 death of members ... .. ... 571 711 Proportion of District I\meral Fund ... 8 4 1 Proportion of present value of sums at Deficiency ... ... ... 1,262 15 6 death of members'wives ... ... 138 17 5 Amount of Management Fund... £3,822 18 4 £3,822 18 4 The rate of interest credited to the Sick and Funeral Fund for each of the five years preceding the date of valuation was, — £ s. d. Tear ending 31st December, 1875 .. 4 9 1 per cent. 1876 ..414 1877 4 0 10 1878 ... 3 8 8 1879 8 6 2 Average £4 17 3 per cent.

* In this report the results and eurnniary referred to will be found at the end of the Schedule, pages 26, 27



In accordance with the assumptions made by us in carrying out this valuation, the net liability per member at the 31st December, 1879, was £25 16s. 4d. This is the amount of funds per member which should hare been in hand at that date, to render the lodge actuarially solvent. But the amount of funds in hand, including the proportion of District Funeral Fund, was only £10 Os. Bd. per member; there is, therefore, a deficiency of £15 15s. Bd. for every person in the lodge. Or, to put the matter in another way, the lodge is only worth 7s. 9Jd. in the pound. As this is a position which must be regarded as one of great peril, it is now our duty to inquire into the cause of this large deficiency and also to make some recommendations as to how it should be dealt with. The conditions of solvency and stability in a friendly society may be classed as follow: 1. Adequate contributions. 2. That the number of members in the society (or lodge) be large enough to secure a close approximation to the average sickness and mortality assumed in the tables from which the rates of contribution are derived. 3. That the contributions to the Benefit Fund be regularly invested at the highest rate of interest obtainable consistent with safety 4. That to secure average results the locality should be fairly healthy, and that there should not be an unusual proportion of members employed in occupations of a more than ordinarily hazardous or unhealthy nature. 5. That the condition of affairs in the society be periodically investigated, so that any irregularities which the foregoing conditions may have failed to provide for may be corrected before they have grown to too great proportions. We will now seek to inquire into how far your lodge has conformed to, or fallen short of, these conditions. In regard to the first condition, we find that the rate of contributions charged to members admitted previous to July, 1879—namely, 2s. per lunar month, with 3s. extra annually, or 295. per annum, and initiation fees ranging from £1 at age 18, to £10 10s. at age 45—is not sufficient for the benefits promised. How this scale was arrived at, or on what data (if any) it was based, or what rate of interest was assumed, we have not been able to discover. Comparing it with any published data it is grossly inequitable, and on our assumptions insufficient at all the ages. At age 18 the insufficiency is £2 125., at age 30 it is £13, at age 40 it is £21, and at age 45 it rises to £24. Fortunately, however, for the lodges in this District, but few persons join the society after 40 years of age. The scale,of contributions for members admitted since July, 1879, though still too low in our opinion, unless a rate of 6 or 7 per cent, can be obtained on the accumulated contributions, is a great improvement on the old, but in this valuation, owing to the fact that only two members were paying increased contributions in accordance with it, the effect of the new scale can hardly be said to have been made manifest. In regard to the second condition, we find that the number of members in the lodge has not been large enough to secure average results in the working. What the number of members was in 1865 and 1866 we have not been able to learn from the district reports ; but in June, 1867, the number is given as 101, and this number does not seem to have been reached in any subsequent year. In December, 1870, and again in 1871, the numbers returned are 77, and this appears to have been the smallest number of members in the lodge at the end of any year since 1867 In regard to the rate of sickness and mortality experienced by the lodge, we regret to find that during all the years for which we have anything like reliable accounts —viz., 1869 to the present time— both have been heavy For the six years ending 31st December, 1874, we find that £602 10s. lid. was paid as sick pay During these years the mean number of members was about eighty-four, of the average age of about 33 years, so that the expenditure on account of sick pay was at the rate of £100 12s. per annum, or very close on £1 4s. per member ; while according to the data employed by us, about £76 per annum, or a little over 18s. per member, should have been sufficient to have paid all the sick claims. It therefore appears that during these years the sickness experienced was consideraby over the expectation both in quantity and value. Coming now to the period 1875 to 1879, we find the sickness expected and experienced, with the values thereof, to be as follows: Sickness expected, 481 weeks, of the value of £434 145.; sickness experienced, 640 weeks, of the value of £476 14s. 6d., or a difference of 159 weeks in point of time, and £42 in point of value. Dividing the above sickness into the periods during which different rates of sick pay are paid by the lodge, we obtain the following results : — Sickness for the Tears 1875 to 1879. Expected. Experienced. Period. Weeks. Weeks. Days. First six months 376 302 6 Second six months .. ... 39 .. 35 0 After twelve months .66 ... 302 1 Total .. 481 640 0 From the above it will be seen that, while the sickness during the first and second periods has been under the expectation, the sickness in the third period has been nearly five times above it. It further appears that forty members received sick benefits during the quinquennium. Of these one had been on the funds for one year at least previous to 1875, and during the next four years he experienced 186 weeks 1 day sickness ; another experienced 176 weeks 5 days—together equal to 362 weeks 6 days, or considerably more than half the total sickness, Viewing the sickness experienced from another pomt —namely, in relation to the age of the members, we find that thirteen members born between the years 1828 and 1839 have experienced 481 weeks 4 days sickness, or a little over three-quarters of the whole. In regard to the third condition, we regret to find that in the early years of the lodge little attention appears to have been paid to the profitable investment of the funds, on the one hand; and, on the other, sums appear to have been taken from the Benefit Fund to make up deficiencies in the Management Fund. On the 30th June, 1868, the value of the lodge is given in the District reports as £452 9s. 10d; on the 31st December, 1869, it had decreased to £391 7s. 6d., while at the same time the Management



was indebted to the Benefit Fund to the extent of £50. Not till June, 1873, was the lodge in as good a position as regards amount of funds as it had been years previously; and while, as we have already seen, the sickness was heavy during this period, this sickness alone will not account for this state of affairs. In 1875, £32 appears to have been realized as interest; in 1876, £50 10s.; in 1877, £57; in 1878, £50; in 1879, £59. This appears to be very satisfactory; but on investigation we find that for all the above years, with the exception of 1879, portions of the interest were taken for management purposes. In 1875, £8 was so taken ;in 1876, £25 10s.; in 1877, £31; in 1878, £26 165.: so that the interest credited to the Benefit Fund has only been at rates given on page 2* of this report. The appropriation of a portion of the interest realized from investments of Benefit Funds for management purposes was sanctioned by resolution of the District Committee, but it will be evident from the foregoing statement that in your case, had the resolution never been acted upon, the lodge would have been in a much better position than it now is. In regard to the fourtli condition, we find that the members are returned to us as engaged in 32 different occupations. Of miners there are 24, carpenters 5, clerks 4, printers and compositors 4, farmers 4, storekeepers. 4, blacksmiths 3, carriers 3, notelkeepers 8, bakers 2, tailors 2; and 22 other occupations have only single representatives. It will thus be seen that, at the present time at least, the occupations present great variety The returns from this and other lodges on the gold fields are not sufficiently extensive or exact to enable us to determine definitely whether gold mining as conducted in this district is an occupation more than ordinarily unhealthy or hazardous, though indications are not wanting in your experience that such is the case. In the future this is a point which should be closely watched and carefully tabulated. As regards the rate of mortality, we find that in respect of the members it has been over the expectation, seven members having died during the last five years as against five expected by the tables. In regard to the fifth condition, it is greatly to be regretted that a thorough investigation into the position and prospects of your lodge was not made years ago. Had this been done, and attention directed to the conditions of safety and the irregularities in your experience and management, we have no doubt that steps would have been taken to apply proper remedies. We have now completed our inquiry into how far your lodge has conformed or fallen short of the conditions which actuaries are unanimous in regarding as indispensably necessary to ensure solvency and stability In every case the comparison, we regret to say, has been unfavourable to you. As a consequence of this, it will now be easy to indicate the causes of the very large deficiency brought out by this valuation. These are inadequate contributions, too small numbers to secure average results, adverse fluctuations, and faults in the management. Coming now to deal with this deficiency, it will not be so easy to indicate courses at once practicable and equitable for its removal. In the first place we have to state that we are opposed to the view that a deficiency brought out by a first valuation should be immediately and entirely rectified ; at the same time we are decidedly of opinion that steps should be at once taken, not only to prevent its further growth, but also to reduce it very considerably To this end we would recommend —1. That all members admitted previous to July, 1879, whose age at initiation was over 20 years, be charged, for the future, the rate of contributions which they would have been required to pay had the new scale of contributions been in force at the date of their initiation, or else that the sick benefit to these members be reduced to the following scale : 15s. per week in the first six months of sickness ; 7s. 6d. per week in the second six months of sickness ; and ss. per week for any sickness after twelve months. In any case we would advise that all claims for sick pay, especially any after the first six months, be closely looked into, and District Rule 40, paragraph 11, brought into operation whenever practicable. The large amount of sickness experienced after twelve months suggests the idea that the supervision or medical examination of these members has not been so strict as it might have been. 2. That every effort be made to increase the membership of the lodge, so that average results maybe secured in the working; at the same time keeping a separate account of the receipts and expenditure on account of the members paving contributions in accordance with the new scale, so that the errors and unfavourable irregularities of the past or passing years be not exclusively visited upon the heads of those who may join the lodge from this time forward. 3. That the funds of the lodge be promptly and profitably invested at the highest rate of interest consistent with safety, and that the whole of the interest realized be placed to the credit of the Benefit Fund. If these recommendations are at once adopted and effectively carried out, they will have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the lodge ; and if (as is to be hoped) the rates of sickness during the next four years be under the expectation, the position of the lodge will be still further improved. In this valuation, the element of secessions has not been taken into account by us, but we recognize the fact that it is an element which is likely always to affect the condition of friendly societies, though not £o the extent generally supposed. Any profit reaped from this source will be included in the funds, and appear at the next valuation. As having a bearing on this subject, we have to note that we find the aggregate years of membership to be 614, or an average of 8 years 18 days for each member —about the highest average in the district. In regard to the Management Fund, the rate of contribution hitherto charged has not been sufficient to defray working expenses, but for the future this fund must be made self-supporting, and, considering the condition of your Sick Fund, the necessity of this course should be apparent to all. "We are glad to observe by the Valuation Eeturn that the contribution to this fund has been increased during the past year. In conclusion, we trust that the result of this inquiry will have the effect of making every member in the lodge take a close and personal interest in its working and progress, and if this be done persist-

* Vide supra, early portion of Schedule.

4—H. 7



ently and intelligently, the difficulties which lie in your path, though neither few nor small, may yet be overcome. Ignorance of the principles on which alone friendly societies can be conducted with safety and justice to all need not now be the condition of any member, seeing that the quarterly reports of the Grrand Master and Board of Directors of the Order, the "Odd Fellows' Magazine," " Hardwick's Manual for Patrons and Members of Friendly Societies," Neison's Pamphlets, " The Forster Prize Essays," and the able reports of the Registrar and Actuary under the Friendly Societies Act in this colony, are within the reach of all. In 1885 it will be necessary for you to have another valuation, and by that time we trust that the position of affairs will be so much improved that the enforcement of positive measures for securing the solvency of the lodge will be unnecessary Tours truly and fraternally, Geo. Leslie, Petee Black, Public Valuers under "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877 "

Results of Valuation

CONTBIBTTTIONS. Sick Benefits. Age. Bate. No. Value. Age. No. Value. £ T45 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 ?, 2 4 3 7 2 1 4 4 4 4 7 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £ 54-3506 265394 263191 78-2829 25-8645 25-3878 75-4176 24 8835 492392 48-6936 24-0658 927268 686268 45-1270 88-9832 65-7633 151-1195 42 5010 20-9007 82-1744 80-7112 79-2100 77-6688 1331687 55-8696 521523 16 9608 160982 24 5479 24 3641 24-1773 27-9852 275292 ] 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 53 55 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 8 1 2 2 1 4 3 2 4 3 7 2 1 4 4 4 4 7 3 3 1 1 £ 251518 76-8687 26-1055 26-5994 27-1070 55 2636 84-5292 28-7445 299543 917754 312491 63-8490 652168 33-3196 142-3004. 1091598 744614 152-4224 117-0827 2796143 81-8138 41-8932 171-6056 175-7152 1798892 184-1188 329 7084 144 5676 1547184 527541 55-1410 20 23 21 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 if) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 52 53 55 19 20 21 22 24 JJ ?> jj JJ )> JJ 3) SJ jj si j? 3) » JJ J) )J J7 JJ 1? j> J? » J? J? )J JJ 1 : 3 )J 1-516667 80 1,757-4100* 80 3,1126502 * Totals at rates : £1-45, £1,628-8063 ; at £1-3, £730893 ; at £1-516667, £555144.



Summary of Results of Valuation as at 31st December, 1879.

ERRATA. Table VIII. City of Ckristchurch Lodge—lnterest. For £9, read £502 os. 7d. „ Kaiapoi Lodge—lnterest. For £39 165., read £67 9e. 6d. Table XII. Benevolent Lodge—Total Worth. For £561 18s. 2d., read £1,121 18s. 2d. „ „ Other Funds. Read £560. „ ~ Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Head £560. „ Dunedin Lodge—Other Assets. For £147 10s. 3d., read £70 16s. lid. „ „ Amounts Owing by Society. For £167 10s. 3d., read £90 16s. lid. Note. —Owing to the extreme inaccuracy of some returns furnished to the Registrar, a few cases will be found in which, information has been received contradicting data contained in the earlier tables, and causing an apparent discrepancy between amounts which should be identical, as stated in different tables.

do R CD M O & Total Yearly Contributions applicable to Benefits. Present fahie of Nature of Benefits Assured. Total Amount Assured. Benefits. Contributions applicable to Benefits. Sickness-allowance of 20s. per week for the first six months of sickness, 13s. per week for the second six months, and 10s. per week for any sickness after a continuous sickness of twelve months Sums payable at the death of members, £20 Sums payable at the death of members' wives, £10 "l £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. J I 80 }* 10,771 10 0 1,600 0 0 "N I l>115 13 I 7 3,112 13 0 571 7 11 i "I 1-1,757 8 2 570 0 0 138 17 5 Total 217 12,941 10 0 115 13 7 3,822 18 4 1,757 8 2





NUMERICAL PROGRESS, MORTALITY, AND SICKNESS. TABLE I.—Showing the Number of Admissions and Departures, the Numerical Progress, the Mortality, and the Sickness, during the Year 1878, in the various Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," and Section 4 of "The Friendly Societies Act Amendment Act, 1878."

No. of Members Admitted during tlie Tear. o Sickness Exp< science. No. of Members wlio left within the Year. No. of Members on Eoll. i !§ .a &> o U to 111 CO HiMB OF SOCIEIT AND BEAHCH. Where Situated. a I % I— I Us P n Si ■x I CO a> R Sir I! P, in M - 4 □Q •3 g ■a Hanchesteb Unity, Independent Oedeb op Odd Fellows. Auckland, District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge ... Good Intent ,, Parnell „ Alexandra „ Waiiato „ Charles Bruee „ Auckland Parnell Alexandra ... Thames 1844 1850 1858 1866 1867 1871 21 35 18 3 11 7 6 27 I 5 35 ... 18 1 3 ... 11 ... 7 ... 5 1 ... 3 20 25 316 200 68 4 218 87 318 226 75 208 80 1 3 59 54 10 34 11 Wks. Ds. *281 0 258 2 41 0 17 0 190 1 47 5 Wks. Ds. # 38 0 Wks. Ds. # ... Wks. Ds. 281 0 296 2 41 0 17 0 304 5 48 5 6 3 15 11 21 14 9 4 1 0 105 0 ... j) ... Total of District 95 6 _ i 101 6 6 12 62 I I 80 i i 893 914 4 105 0 _ 988 5 171 835 1 48 4 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge ,., ,,, I i New Plymouth 1857 3 3 1 1 4 5 148 146 16 125 2 33 1 64 5 223 1 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge ,,, ,,, I Wanganui .,, 1858 8 8 ... 1 7 65 66 3 9 43 0 43 0 ... ... ... Wellington District — ■ Britannia Lodge ,., ... Antipodean ,, ... ... Kose of the Valley „ I I Wellington ... 1845 1847 1849 47 43 17| 6 2 2 53 ... 45 1 19 3 "i 3 2 5 6 26 6 6 28 12 15 267 159 186 292 192 190 1 44 28 15 305 0 125 1 65 6 94 2 3 1 67 0 104 0 466 2 232 2 65 6 Lower Hutt... • •« 2 ... Total of District 107 j I ! : 10 J ( 117 I 4 I 13 38 I 55 j I f 612 I 674 3 87 496 0 97 3 171 0 704 3 Marlborougli District— Marlborough Lodge .,, ,,, Kenwick „ I i i — I i I Blenheim ... Eenwiok ,., 1861 1867 13 2 3 16 ... 2 1 "i 8 3 8 4 120 41 128 39 "i 13 2 106 2 16 2 106 2 16 2 Total of District 15 J l ! 3 18 ! 1 i 11 I 12 101 167 1 122 4 15 122 4 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Traveller's Eest „ Howard „ ... ... ! ! I i ! i ! Nelson Richmond ... Nelson 1844 1845 1846 11 7 13 li ... 1 l 13 2 31 3 4 1 2 6 1 8 10 3 12 230 73 163 j 237 77 164 40 11 21 194 1 35 2 93 5 8 0 2G 0 104 0 78" 0 306 1 35 2 202 5 Total of District 31 I 7 15 i 25 472 478 544 1 ... 72 320 1 34 0 182 0



North Westland District— Westport Lodge Charleston „ ..• Westporfc Charleston 1867 1867 3 ! ... j 3 7 1 5 2 ; 9 6 11 81 88 78 81 8 11 23 3 42 0 ... 51 0 23 3 93 0 ... I Total of District i 10 I J < 10 1 2 14 17 169 102 i 19 65 3 51 0 116 3 Hoicitilca District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ Waimea ,, Grrevinouth ,, Goldsborough „ Albert „ ! ! ! ! —! Hokitika Ross Stafford Grreymouth ... Groidsborough Kumara ... 186o 1866 1867 1867 1870 1870 9 2 4 1 34 1 1 I 10 3 4 1 35 1 13 4 6 1 1 7 21 3 1 5 14 10 2 28 4 6 168 75 44 141 36+ 45 164 65 45 117 33+ 74 1 25 19 19 17 14 2 128 1 49 5 69 3 152 3 100 0 12 2 19 0 26 0 4 2 52 0 52 1 199 1 101 6 69 3 178 3 104 2 12 2 "i 1 1 Total of Distiict I 509 498 J 512 0 49 2 101 1 665 3 50 3 53 2 13 49 64 2 96 North Canterbury District — City of Lodge Kaiapoi „ Rangiora „ Benevolent ,, Nil Desperandum „ Perseverance ,, ] I I Christclmrch Kaiapoi Eangiora Christchurcli Oxford Woolston 1854 1858 1860 1866 1868 1872 36 7 15 16 2 17 13 4 2 49 7 15 20 4 17 3 1 i 6 24 8 4 4 1 14 2 7 1 2 33 9 8 16 9 3 349 85 118 91 57 85 365 83 125 95 52 99 3 1 38 15 17 7 10 10 112 5 65 1 66 3 21 3 47 3 21 4 37' 2 13' 0 142 5 115 3 66 3 21 3 47 3 21 4 Total of District 93 19 112 5 14 59 78 785 j 819 j 4 97 364 5 37 2 13 0 415 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge &ood Intent „ ... Arowhenua „ ... I 1 Lyttelton Akaroa Temuka 1852 1859 1876 29 20 8 1 30 20 8 1 7 22 2 6 1 13 30 8 14 198 71 21 198 83 15 24 3 1 151 1 14 3 16 0 55 4 101 5 308 14 16 Total of DUtrict 57 — ~ 1 58 1 10 41 52 290 296 28 181 4 55 4 101 5 338 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oavnaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Waipori ,, Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh ,, Lake Wakatipu „ Cromwell „ Moimt Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Arrow „ I Dunedin Balclutha Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence Waitahuna .. Waipori Blue Spur Naseby Port Molyneux Roxburgh Queenstown... Cromwell Switzer's Kakanui Arrow 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1871 1872 1872 30 37 5 13 23 5 5 4 6 6 8 1 2 3 3 5 4 5 6 1 3 2 36 38 5 13 26 7 5 4 6 6 8 1 2 3 5 5 4 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 6 21 1 7 9 2 8 1 20 1 5 3 7 1 2 1 3 1 8 30 9 10 11 21 6 12 2 2 4 9 281 152 53 82 113 63 89 54 34 59 93 28 46 46 55 70 12 23 287 181 48 84 118 64 82 56 38 61 92 29 44 40 55 71 13 24 2 1 1 1 1 "i 29 13 6 4 8 6 12 5 4 11 13 5 3 3 8 4 2 163 3 31 5 22 3 21 4 42 4 49 0 37 3 16 0 22 3 55 O 34 0 4 0 40 6 37 1 8 1 19 0 8 0 8 0 30 1 26 1 106 0 72 3 44 0 82 0 299 130 22 21 86 49 119 16 22 55 34 4 65 55 8 19 8 8 "i 3 2 7 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 ... 4 9 5 4 3 4 25' 0 18 0 2 1 "i ... I Total of District 165 1 14 I I 179 12 22 111 145 1,353 1,387 1 138 I 620 5 99 2 304 3 1,024 * * Doubtful. t Mostly Italians.




Name of Societt and Branch. Where Situated. 1 1 *H 1 No. i Admit* }f Members ;ed during the Year. No. of Members who Left within the Tear. 1 No. of Members on Eoll. I 1 S3 1 S si P 'A CM .a I ft Sickness Experience. "8 o .a » 11 B o . QQ I r i 8 S M.U., Independent Obdeb op Odd Fellows — contd. Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose and Thistle Lodge ... Sons of Perseverance ,, St. George ,, Inyercargill Riverton Invercargill ... 1860 1864 1868 23 j ... ... : 2 I 25 1 23 2 26 5 1 ... i 16 16 5 21 17 9 219 61 150 221 46 167 1 30 8 21 Wks. Ds. 191 6 62 2 71 3 Wks. Da. 55 6 Wks. Ds. 117 5 Wks. Ds. 365 3 62 2 71 3 "i i ... Total of District 48 J 3 51 6 4 37 47 i ,_l 430 I 434 2 59 117 5 499 325 4 55 6 Total of Order 682 \ 59 741 42 97 448 587 ; 5,887 6,041 26 807 1,214 5 5,745 4,020 1 510 3 I Independent Okdeb op Odd Fellows. Leith Lodge Dunedin 1867 12 j 1 13 ••■ i 77 90 I I 1 • 25 5 25 Ancient Obdeb of Fobestebs. Auckland District — ■ Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... j I Auckland Thames 1863 1865 43 7 13 1 50 14 1 8 3 23 26 32 29 275 239 293 224 4 2 45 ! 24 J 140 4 140 0 47* 0 140 187 Total of Dietrict 56 8 64 1 11 49 61 514 517 6 69 327 280 4 47 0 Wellington District — Court Sir G-eorge Grey ,., „ Robin Hood ,, Little John „ Sir G-eorge Bowen... „ Blenheim ... „ Wairarapa „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon ,, Manawatu „ Loyal Feild ing „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer Wellington ... J? ••■ Marton Wellington ... Blenheim Grey town Wanganui Masterton ... Wairoa, Hawke's Bay ... Picton Palmerston North Feilding Gisborne Tinui, Whareama 1861 1864 1866 1869 1869 1870 1871 1871 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1877 47 4 37 6 5 2 38 3 8 1 8 14 12 1 5 I ... 11 I .. 18 : 1 20 : 1 31 ! ... J 273 19 i 51 43 7 41 9 8 14 13 5 11 19 21 31 19 1 1 1 1 2 6 "2 2 2 33 32 35 4 12 4 12 7 1 5 7 8 3 35 39 38 7 13 5 14 7 3 7 7 8 212 235 65 197 85 97 27 89 30 39 58 19 38 16 228 239 72 200 87 92 36 88 28 47 70 33 61 32 2 1 "2 22 25 3 28 5 8 4 7 3 6 6 3 56 0 113 3 19 0 105 5 10 5 23 3 17 3 16 4 33 0 30 5 20 5 5 5 26" 0 56 0 139 3 19 0 105 5 10 5 23 3 17 3 16 4, 33 0 30 5 20 5 5 5 1 1 i "i 1 1 ••• • ■• Total of District I 292 7 : 16 I ! I 1G3 ! ! ; : 186 i J 1,207 j ■ I ! 1,313 I 7 120 452 3 26 0 478 3 Nelson District — Court Robin Hood ,, Perseverance ... „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... ... ... i I I I ■ I f 1 I Nelson Motueka Wakapuaka .. New Plymouth Grey mouth ... Havelock Stoke 1863 1863 1861 1866 1867 1871 1872 11 19 3 6 5 ..! 3 -i 11 19 3 6 5 13 1 1 1 1 ... . 1 1 3 11 i 8 j "5 24 ! 9 1 12 8 1 6 28 10 2 174 42 35 87 107 79 26 173 53 37 87 84 82 25 1 i 26 7 2 5 18 11 3 158 3 28 0 9 3 18 2 77 4 48 3 13 2 25' 3 32 0 158 3 28 0 9 3 43 5 109 4 48 3 13 2 1 Total of District 57 1 58 3 6 I 58 I i 67 550 I. 541 I 2 I ! 72 ! 353 3 25 3 36 0 410 6



United Westland District — Court Waimea Stafford 1 1 ... 1869 1 ... J 3 1 4 , 22 19 ; 7 80 8 2 ... United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury Clii'istcliurch Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Clyde Bannockburn Oamara Lawrence Waitahuna ... . .. 1852 ... j 1862 .. j 1863 .. 1864 ... 1864 .. 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 1868 ... 1869 36 13 49 : ! 4 5 4 1 i 23 32 390 407 2 43 180 5 i 33 4 1 3 215 5 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise ,, Robin Hood „ -Pride of the Leith „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau ,, Pride of Oaunaru .. „ Star of Tuapeka ... „ Havelock . I • i I i 11 6 15 12 8 7 6 4 5 5 2 1 1 16 8 16 13 8 9 5 6 I 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 ... 14 8 14 18 2 1 10 18 19 2 2 5 11 216 138 132 112 28 45 38 104 35 213 136 130 106 34 51 42 98 41 1 2 1 27 12 8 16 118 1 34 0 56 1 60 4 27 0 J 20 0 37 0 i 16 4 33 0 1 0 39 0 178 1 55 0 132 1 77 1 1 i 3 1 1 I 2 3 ii 1 1 4 2 10 6 17 3 5 5 44 3 38 2 ; i 46 0 63 3 5 5 44 3 38 2 1 1 ... 1 ... Total of District 74 I IB i ; I 7 89 i I 9 ! 9 1 68 ■ 86 848 j 851 6 374 5 I .. j 85 100 4 119 0 594 2 Courts iwt in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel i I I Timaru Coromandel.. ... 1865 ... 1871 14 1 3 17 1 i 1 3 13 6 14 9 175 59 178 51 i 17 3 52 1 15 5 52 1 15 5 Total of Order 512 59 \ ' 571 24 54 381 459 3,765 3,877 i 24 416 1,718 0 232 4 152 3 2,103 0 Ancient Okdeb op Shepiieeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey ■ I I 1 ! i ; Wellington ... ... 1865 11 11 4 4 38 45 1 2 2 2 2 Independent Obdeb or Kecuabites. New Zealand District —- Star of Hauraki Tent i Thames ... ]870 23 23 1 8 14 23 150 150 33 1870 139 0 139 0 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Hokitika ... 1869 1869 2 2 3 3 i 40 39 j 14 6 14 6 Total of Order 25 25 I i 1 8 1 17 j 26 190 I 189 I " I 40 153 6 153 6 Sons and Dattghtees oe Tempebance. Antidote Division Perseverance „ Dunedin Christcliurch .. 1871 J .. 1872 j 1871 1872 26 7 32 58 7 11 2 12 2 115 55 ! 161 60 1 16 6 79 2 28 2 4 0 83 2 28 2 ... ! ... I Total of Order .. i 33 32 I 65 1 1 13 14 170 J 1 I 221 1 22 107 4 4 0 111 4 HiBEBNiAN Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch G-rahamstown ,, Waimea „ Greenstone ,, Auckland „ 1 . Charleston ... Thames Stafford Kumara Auckland .. 1870 ... 1870 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1873 4 3 4 3 I 11 14 3 9 13 34 124 22 16 139 1870 1870 1870 1871 1873 6 5 5 9 3 8 11 27 113 19 16 195 9 15 4 6 32 38 5 77 1 16 5 32 3 61 2 38 5 77 1 16 5 54 3 61 2 ... "e 64 "3 5 "*9 69 1 1 1 13 0 9" 0 Total of Order 77 I 8 85 1 13 1 I 36 J 50 335 370 66 226 2 13 0 9 0 248 2 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society New Plymouth Kaeo, Auckland ... 1841 ... 1870 1841 1870 1 7 1 7 1 ... I 1 7 2 7 125 124 29 29 2 j 21 3 153 1 7 0 9 0 48 0 210 1 7 0 Total of all the Societies 1 i 1,360 159 1,519 70 172 907 1,149 10,616 10,986 1 54 1,381 J 6,414 0 769 0 1,424 1 8,607 1

SICK AND FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE II.—Showing the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1878 of the Sick and Funeral Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies (exclusive of District, Grand Lodge &c., Funeral Funds) in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877."

Eeceipts. Expenditure. Name of Society and Beakch. Contributions of own Members. Entrance Fees (including Clearance Fees, Registration Fees for Second Wives, &c.) Interest. Repayments On account from District, ° f °** er Grand Lodge, SoC^ es Branches. Other Receipts. Sickuess Pay. Sums a1 Death. SiS ™.o. S °anf eS <KC, Branches. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 1878. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1878. aa So **& dJ JO 0 S "S E & . O Q) Amount of Fund pelMember. & 1 Total. Further Reduced Fay. Other Payments. Total. Full Pay.« Reduced Pay. Of Members. Of Wives of Members. Manciiesteb Unity, Independent Okbee or Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Alexandra „ Waikato „ Charles Bruce „ £ s. d. 487 11 0 278 8 7 132 18 10 9 14 2 408 7 3 155 8 7 £ s. d. 27 0 6 41 7 0 15 10 6 5 13 0 16 6 0 11 7 0 £ s. d. 729 17 2 45 3 0 46 11 8 17 0 103 2 2 60 13 5 £ b. d. 112 0 0 36 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 35 14 O 34 5 8 0 18 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,392 2 8 435 4 3 215 19 0 16 14 2 603 11 1 260 13 1 £ s. d. 263 17 6 232 14 1 41 0 0 15 15 0 199 5 0 48 16 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 100 0 0 20 ' 0 0 £ s. d. 12 0 0 36 0 0 £ s. d. 94 4 2 64 7 ,9 21 15 6 1 10 6 62 9 0 24 8 6 £ s. d. 53 0 11 25 16 3 2 6 0 £ s. d. 398 14 9 10 0 30 17 0 £ s. d. 921 17 4 359 18 1 115 18 6 17 5 6 396 12 1 73 15 2 £ s. d. 8,825 11 4 1,376 6 7 704 9 11 46 8 1 1,600 14 2 943 10 11 £ s. d. 9,295 16 8 1,451 12 9 804 10 5 45 16 9 1,807 13 2 1,130 8 10 318 226 75 7 208 80 £ s. d. 29 4 8 6 8 6 10 14 6 6 11 0 8 13 10 14 2 7 34 28 20 ]2 11 7 66 19 5 8 16 3 33 4 1 69 14 10 64 8 3 0 15 0 0 10 0 Total of District 1,472 8 5 117 4 0 986 14 5 168 0 0 137 17 1 42 0 4 2,924 4 3 801 8 3 69 14 10 120 0 0 48 0 0 268 15 5 145 11 5 431 16 9 1,885 6 8 13,497 1 0 14,535 18 7 914 15 18 1 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge ... 3 3 4 68 3 4 15 0 0 30 4 5 15 18 8 297 4 9 164 15 0 109 9 6 18 13 1 4 16 3 15 0 0 32 17 9 30 9 8 3 7 8i 214 13 114 804 8 4 886 19 If 146 6 16 21 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge ,.. 5 10 6 1 11 10 68 6 0 7 6 0 61 3 8 32 7 6 20 0 0 1 11 10 10 18 3i 72 3 7i 780 10 3J 776 12 8 66 11 15 4 20 Wellington District —- Britannia Lodge ... Antipodean „ ... ... Kose of the Valley „ ... 352 4 6 112 15 5 124 4 0 39 2 5 18 7 8 8 18 114 17 0 53 1 6 83 2 6 35 0 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 104 17 0 7 6 0 2 8 4 36 1 7 682 2 6 206 10 7 252 16 6 318 19 4 119 2 6 65 18 6 40 5 0 25 2 0 45 10 0 20 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 41 1 0 23 7 0 27 4 0 50 13 11 21 6 6 3 0 4 36 4 11 522 6 2 229 6 0 161 2 10 2,262 5 1 2,453 1 5 1,811 6 1 2,422 1 5 2,430 6 0 1,902 19 9 292 192 190 8 5 11 12 13 2 10 0 4 33 31 29 20 0 0 Total of District 589 3 11 65 11 9 251 1 0 85 0 0 114 11 4 36 1 7 1,141 9 7 504 0 4 40 5 0 70 12 0 65 0 0 30 0 0 91 12 0 75 0 9 36 4 11 912 15 0 6,526 12 7 6,755 7 2 674 10 0 5 JUarlborough District — Marlborough Lodge ... Eenwick ,, ... 148 9 4i 51 0 2 27 1 0 2 12 6 151 10 9 8 12 11 30 0 0 24 0 0 14 12 4 371 13 5i 86 5 7 30 10 2 16 6 8 32 9 2 12 3 9 29 16 0 11 6 0 26 16 4 34 12 4} 166 7 9i 57 12 8 18"'o 0 12 "6 0 1,656 3 2i 259 17 3| 1,861 8 9f 288 10 2| 128 39 14 10 10 7 7 11 17 11 Total of District 199 9 6i 29 13 6 160 3 8 54 0 0 14 12 4 457 19 Oi 46 16 10 32 9 2 12 3 9 18 0 0 12 0 0 41 2 0 26 16 4 34 12 4f 224 0 5J 1,916 0 6 2,149 19 01 167 12 17 6 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' Best „ ... Howard „ ... 326 12 11 89 1 10 209 4 8 13 4 6 8 14 0 19 15 6 141 12 0 12 12 3 133 15 3 47 10 4 528 19 9 110 8 1 362 15 5 202 3 4 35 6 8 98 16 8 39 0 0 23 11 6 5 9 6 16 5 6 47 10 4 1 11 0 1 17 6 2 16 0 313 16 2 42 13 8 174 3 2 2,269 10 0 586 14 5 2,890 19 11 2,484 13 7 654 8 10 3,079 12 2 237 77 164 10 9 8 8 10 O 18 15 7 34 S3 32 34 10 0 21 15 0 Total of District 624 19 5 41 14 0 287 19 6 47 10 4 1,002 3 3 336 6 8 73 10 0 21 15 0 45 6 47 10 4 8 4 6 530 13 0 5,747 4 4 6,218 14 7 478 13 0 2 North Westland District — Westport Lodge ... Charleston „ ,., 89 16 1 143 0 8 8 5 0 8 9 6 68 5 7 54 12 0 2 0 0 168 6 8 206 2 2 23 10 0 41 19 4 18 0 0 4 10 4 8 ;0 6 13 4 9 10 10 5 3 8 61 15 2 70 13 6 19 "2 6 850 19 6 1,076 18 5 957 11 0 1,212 7 1 78 84 12 5 6 14 8 8 11 11 Total of District 232 16 9 16 14 6 122 17 7 2 0 0 374 8 10 65 9 4 19 2 6 18 0 0 8 9 ;0 6 13 4 14 14 6 132 8 8 1,927 17 11 2,169 18 1 162 13 7 11 JSohitiha District —■ Hokitika Lodge ... Boss „ ... Waimea „ ... Grey mouth „ ... Ooldsborough ,, ... Albert „ 196 6 6 83 12 0 56 19 6 143 14 6 43 10 4 61 13 2 21 8 0 2 19 6 5 14 0 2 0 0 69 1 0 114 6 11 65 0 0 108 14 1 3 10 8 3 6 10 0 0 20 0 0 1 16 8 4 0 9 29 0 10 4S'"2 8| 838 18 1 148 12 0 109 2 5i 297 3 5 71 13 4 165 6 4 128 3 4, 51 6 8 69 10 0 I 152 8 0 100 0 0 12 6 6 9 15 0 16 18 0 2 16 0 26 0 0 52 6 8 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 6 14 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 5 16 0 1 13 0 2 5 0 5 W 9 37 10 10 7 3 4 207 15 8 106 16 4 77 2 9 224 2 10 124 9 0 43 14 10 2,429 17 9 1,393 0 0 1,016 19 61 1,827 2 11 85 16 4 171 3 10 2,556 0 2 1,434 15 8 1,048 19 3 1,900 3 6 33 0 8 292 15 4 164 65 45 117 33 74 15 11 8| 22 1 6 23 6 2 16 4 10 10 0 3 19 2 12 12 11 11 8 8 3 2 0 8 5 4 1 "io 0 18 "3 4 10 0 0 19 "3 4 Total of District 585 16 0 101 2 6 299 5 6 30 0 0 53 1 7 56 10 0£ 1,125 15 7i 513 14 6 29 9 0 78 6 8 50 0 0 20 0 0 21 13 |0 62 4 11 8 13 4 784 1 5 6,924 0 4i 7,265 14 7 498 14 11 10 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Eangiora „ Benevolent „ Nil Desperandum „ Perseverance „ 323 2 7 143 11 5 215 0 9 188 18 9 90 18 6 163 0 2 3 11 0 8 12 6 252 10 1 38 10 2 65 19 9 41 9 0 44 17 10 29 1 9 50 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 45 1 6 6 *6 10 1,435 5 51 io 0 2,105 19 7 205 12 7 325 19 10 251 17 9 140 3 7 203 15 11 142 17 2 65 3 4 66 10 0 21 9 4 47 10 0 21 13 4 18 13 4 3 5 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 20"0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 56 7 0 8 10 0 16 19 ]0 11 8 0 8 6 0 13 7 0 40 14 3 6 6 10 189 18 10 48 10 10 72 13 8 28 18 10 51 11 11 519 17 3 115 11 8 148 6 8 125 11 0 89 19 7 86 12 3 2,845 12 11 1,019 14 1 1,303 18 7 1,025 1 1 483 18 11 514 19 Of 4,431 15 3 1,109 15 0 1,481 11 9 1,151 7 10 534 2 11 632 2 8.V 365 83 125 95 52 99 12 2 10 13 7 5 11 17 1 12 2 5 10 5 5 6 7 8 24 20 18 12 10 6 14 6 11 14 0 3 2 9 5 "4 9 Total of District 1,124 12 2 25 2 0 472 8 7 120 0 0 54 11 1 1,436 15 5 3,233 9 3 365 3 2 18 13 4 3 5 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 114 17 0 52 5 10 391 14 1 1,085 18 5 7,193 4 7i! 9,340 15 5i 819 11 8 1 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge ... Good Intent „ Arowhenua „ 369 10 3 149 0 4 39 7 9 12 17 6 11 0 0 4 0 0 75 1 6 16 3 5 10 0 0 20 0 0 9 3 4 7 3 2 0 0 2 40 0 0 476 12 9 243 6 11 43 7 9 151 3 4 14 10 0 16 0 0 42 0 0 22 15 0 25 0 0 16 17 6 13 3 0 2 2 0 18 16 4 2 19 10 62 13 3 38 6 0 5 18 2 339 5 5 68 18 10 24 0 2 1,839 15 2 1,308 7 3 33 6 7 1,977 2 6 1,482 15 4 52 14 2 198 83 15 9 19 8 17 17 4 3 10 3 26 19 Total of District 557 18 4 27 17 6 91 4 11 30 0 0 16 6 6 40 0 2 763 7 5 181 13 4 42 0 0 22 15 0 25 0 0 32 2 6 21 16 2 106 17 5 432 4 5 3,181 9 0 3,512 12 0 296 11 17 4 ■Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Waipori „ Blue Spur ,, Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ liake Wakatipu „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship „ Arrow „ 371 6 6 221 14 9 47 14 6 108 11 3 129 14 6 82 14 9 112 9 6 72 12 0 45 16 0 76 1 0 107 18 4 30 2 11 54 14 11 52 0 0 83 7 5 92 9 5 18 6 4i 33 17 11 41 1 0 54 13 6 5 19 0 20 19 0 47 19 6 9 18 0 13 19 0 16 6 0 7 9 0 7 19 0 10 4 6 16 0 10 17 0 4 11 6 4 11 0 16 14 0 12 12 0 5 12 0 362 19 1 111 15 8 22 0 0 16 0 0 34 13 7 24 8 6 23 4 0 33 0 0 14 0 0 27 15 0 47 13 6 7 14 0 14 0 0 19 17 3 20 10 0 19 10 0 6 6 4| 60 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 8 H 9 18 6 4 22 4 3 5 8 6 67 14 5 69 19 0 2 19 6 3 6 4J 10 11 0 18 8 6 3 0 0 835 6 7 408 3 11 181 19 8 253 15 7 212 7 7 117 1 3 214 16 3 145 4 4-i 77 5 0 127 14 6 184 4 10 42 2 11 99 11 11 76 8 9 132 8 11 128 13 5 57 4 9 50 5 5 167 17 0 31 16 8 22 8 0 21 12 0 42 17 0 49 0 0 37 6 0 16 0 0 22 10 0 56 2 6 34 1 0 4 0 0 40 17 0 33 0 0 7 0 0 19 10 6 8 0 0 7 2 0 16 18 0 17 0 4 41 7 0 36 3 4 22 0 0 41 "i 6 40 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 40 "o 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 40 11 6 22 8 6 8 11 0 12 15 0 17 8 0 9 11 0 13 5 6 8 3 6 4 16 0 8 11 0 14 8 0 6 5 JO 6 15 0 6 19 6 8 2 0 in 19 0 1 11 6 2 10 0 10 12 0 23 4 0 14 5 6 47 0 11 33 3 4 1 1 0 326 13 6 127 8 10 118 11 11 87 11 0 125 8 4 58 11 0 146 19 6 44 3 6 37 6 0 71 12 6 48 9 0 9 5 0 118 14 1 72 12 10 83 2 3 32 6 0 31 1 0 20 7 6 5,326 6 0 2,729 0 0 443 7 2 661 11 4 572 5 8 934 0 9 647 13 1 734 15 4£ 373 10 7' 355 5 3 1,303 13 10 281 18 4 402 2 10 554 18 10 402 18 2 549 8 11 230 2 8 220 10 7 5,834 19 1 3,009 15 1 506 14 11 827 15 11 659 4 11 992 11 0 715 9 10 835 16 3 413 9 7 411 7 3 1,439 9 8 314 16 3 383 0 8 558 14 9 452 4 10 645 16 4 256 6 5 250 8 6 287 181 48 84 118 64 82 66 38 61 92 29 44 40 55 71 13 24 20 6 7 16 12 7 10 11 2 9 17 1 5 11 9 15 10 3 8 14 6 14 18 6 10 17 7 6 14 10 15 12 11 10 17 1 8 14 1 13 19 4 8 4 5 9 1 11 19 14 4 10 8 8 30 13 15 14 14 14 13 12 11 11 10 0 9 9 8 7 6 6 6 19 0 20 0 0 16 "5 0 14 12 6 20 0 0 34 17 1 18 0 10 48 0 3 20 0 0 4 0 6 20 0 0 ' 20 "o 0 20 0 0 0 6 0 1 16 6 10 15 6 10 15 6 l""6 6 Total of District 1,741 12 0i 292 11 0 805 6 Hi 260 0 0 65 6 4 179 19 3i 3,344 15 74620 19 8 64 15 10 140 11 10 220 0 0 60 0 I 2H2 11 !° 67 12 6 183 9 11 1,560 3 9 16,723 9 44 18,508 1 3 1,387 13 6 11 Jnvercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge Sons of Perseverance ,, St. George „ 305 9 11 66 12 2 233 7 6 34 13 0 0 13 0 37 17 0 155 8 6 34 8 0 70 1 1 110 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 6 14 2 13 3 3 625 8 10 121 13 2 372 14 1 191 17 0 62 6 0 71 8 8 36 8 6 53 16 8 100 0 0 20 0 0 In 0 0 41 14 12 7 30 14 0 3 17 0 1 10 0 0 5 8 0 5 0 444 3 2 94 18 8 134 12 8 2,973 17 6 511 9 8 1,246 2 2 3,155 3 2 538 4 2 1,484 3 7 221 46 167 1-15 6 11 14 0 8 17 S 21 8 6 10 0 0 22 5 0 18 14 10 Total of District 605 9 7 73 3 0 259 17 7 140 0 0 28 2 8 13 3 3 1,119 16 1 325 11 8 36 8 6 58 16 8 120 0 0 20 0 (I 84 i5 '0 2(5 2 0 2 0 8 673 14 6 4,731 9 4 5,17? 10 11 434 11 18 7 Total of Order 7,960 4 9J 799 7 7 3,805 3 0; 902 0 0 565 15 6 1,820 8 9 15,852 19 8J 3,903 0 9 425 18 9 432 4 8 751 0 0 250 0 0 951 10 |2 5H3 15 1 1,230 14 5i 8,508 3 lOi 69,953 7 8 77.29S 3 5| 6,041 12 15 11 # Including hal Da mi




Entrance Fees (including Clearance Pees, Registration, i'ees for Second Wives, &c.) Receipts. Sickness Pay. Sums at Death. Expenditure. T . , On account Levies to { tl District, Soc ieties Grand Lodge, and &0 ' Branches. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 187S. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 187S. a£ 38 S«oo o © Amount g of Fund § per . Member. "g Name of Society and Beakch. Contributions 01 own Members. Interest. Repayments from District, Grand Lodge, On account of other Societies and Branches. Other Receipts. Total. Reduced Pay. Further Reduced Pay. Of Wives of Members. Other Payments. Total. Full Pay.* Of Members. £ s. d. 139 19 6 £ s. d. 25 16 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 25 16 8 £ s. d. 614 13 8 £ s. d. 728 16 6 £ a. a; 8 2 0 £ a. d. 77 17 0 £ s. d. 18 7 0 £ s. d. 41 6 0 £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 9 6 90 11 Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Leitb Lodge Ancient Order op Forestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... 481 17 6 344 7 10 33 16 6 13 19 6 103 12 8 84 13 0 70 0 0 40 0 0 45 9 8 734 16 4 483 0 4 137 1 8 140 0 0 23 10 0 40 0 0 17 0 0 20 0 0 89 18 0 66 17 6 61 16 8 7 0 0 345 16 4 257 7 6 2,031 4 0 1,528 17 10 2,420 4 0 1,754 10 8 293 224 8 5 2 7 16 8 15 13 603 3 10 3,560 1 10 4,174 14 8 517 8 1 6 1,217 16 8 277 1 8 23 10 0 40 0 0 37 0 0 156 15 6 68 16 8 Total of District 826 5 4 47 16 0 188 5 8 110 0 0 45 9 8 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Bobin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bovren ... „ Blenheim ... ... „ Wairarapa „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon ,, Manawatu „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer 294 9 2 253 9 7 57 19 0 251 14 Oi 102 2 6 102 5 0 32 12 10 99 6 3 31 15 3 63 8 5 68 9 11 33 18 10 67 8 3 30 9 6 49 3 6 23 17 6 4 0 0 27 8 3 5 6 3 4 15 0 8 16 7 13 6 10 10 0 6 10 0 12 7 6 18 15 0 18 4 6 21 16 9 110 7 0 78 2 8 2 10 0 44 16 10 43 14 2 4 10 0 30 0 0 55 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 1 10 7 483 19 8 410 9 9 65 19 7 353 19 11 161 2 11 131 10 0 80 14 4 113 3 9 52 5 3 95 7 5 80 17 5 63 2 4 85 12 9 52 6 3 56 0 0 105 13 4 19 0 0 105 15 0 10 16 8 20 0 0 11 11 8 16 11 8 33 0 0 30 16 8 16 8 4 16 18 4 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 46 7 7 41 4 0 13 5 6 41 17 6 17 2 6 19 2 0 5 il 9 13 16 6 5 13 6 9 13 0 13 0 9 5 16 0 12 19 6 3 15 6 13 10 0 20 0 0 0 7 6 o"5 0 27 16 0 155 17 7 178 15 8 32 5 6 207 12 6 38 6 8 59 2 0 37 8 5 58 4 2 48 13 6 60 9 8 29 9 1 16 1 0 13 4 6 9 14 3 3,308 6 10 1,035 2 1 523 9 1 556 13 44 682 18 6 554 14 2 46 18 7 339 15 64 89 7 41 133 2 11 111 0 64 64 3 11 48 8 6 3,636 8 11 1,266 16 2 557 3 2 703 0 0 805 14 9 627 2 2 90 4 6 394 15 li 92 19 li 168 0 8 162 8 10i 111 5 3 120 16 9 42 12 0 228 239 72 200 87 92 36 88 28 47 70 33 61 32 15 19 0 5 6 0 7 14 9 3 10 4 9 5 3 6 16 4 2 10 1 4 9 9 3 6 5 3 11 6 2 6 5 3 7 5 1 19 7 1 6 7| 17 14 12 9 9 8 7 7 5. 4 3 2 1 1 6 "4 0 10 0 0 19 19 0 10 0 0 510 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 o'"8 6 10 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 5 18 9 ■" 75 0 0 68 7 3 945 4 6 7,494 1 5 8,779 7 54 1,313 6 13 9 2,230 10 64 4i5 13 4 16 18 4 110 0 0 249 5 7 Total of District 218 9 3 295 14 8 224 19 0 1 19 1 1,489 8 6i Kelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest ,, Waireka „ Concord ... ... „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... 219 12 4 59 6 4 46 18 0 111 3 3 125 18 0 97 3 6 35 14 7+ 12 5 0 24 9 0 2 5 0 8 15 0 4 4 0 20 13 6 0 2 6 93 6 8 9 4 8 17 10 0 21 5 2 45 0 0 0 14 0 2 15 0 2 5 6 372 19 0 95 5 6 66 13 0 141 17 5 176 3 0 139 8 6 40 6 9 92 13 4 28 0 0 9 8 4 18 6 8 77 13 0 48 10 0 13 6 8 12 15 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 14 5 6 4 9 0 3 2 9 7 6 9 8 6 6 7 4 6 1 13 6 1 2 0 11 15 0 5 4 6 0 3 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 16 15 0 0 10 163 13 10 37 13 6 12 14 1 40 0 5 160 19 6 72 9 6 15 1 2 2,046 2 9 284 8 4 301 5 1 489 12 0 354 10 3 103 17 5 90 5 1 2,255 7 11 342 0 4 355 4 0 591 9 0 369 13 9 170 16 5 115 1Q 8 173 53 37 87 84 82 25 13 0 9 6 9 1 9 12 0 6 16 0 4 8 0 2 18 4 12 5 15 15 14 12 11 7 6 45' "0 0 11 0 16 11 6 8 6 0 55 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 4 9 7i 36 8 6 502 12 0 3,670 0 11 4,200 2 1 541 7 15 3 1,032 13 2 287 18 0 12 15 0 8 0 0 90 0 0 23 0 0 46 8 6 12 0 Total of District 695 16 0i| 72 14 0 150 16 1 90 0 0 0 14 0 22 13 0 United Westland District — Court Waimea ... ... 15 18 8 123 6 111 138 16 0| 19 7 6 1 8 6 8 7 12 0 6 12 0 31 7 9 22 18 9 1 17 0 United Canterbury District —■ Court Star of Canterbury 20 0 0 157 4 8 0 5 0 395 10 6 2,087 2 3 2,416 12 10 407 5 18 9 26 725 1 1 180 16 8 16 16 8 0 7 6 20 0 0 514 5 0 58 18 0 111 18 1 40 0 0 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Kobin Hood „ Pride of the Leith... „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oaraaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka ... „ Haveloek 393 9 9 249 11 6i! 234 8 Of 203 9 7i| 71 9 11 97 5 3f 32 10 3 197 2 34 82 11 0 17 12 6 9 17 0 20 0 0 17 17 6 269 1 2 64 8 0 50 0 OJ 24 19 10 4 0 7i 6 10 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 3 18 0 18 0 6 11 6 3 17 0 746 14 11 367 14 6i 325 16 OJ 255 3 Hi 75 9 9 134 15 3i 34 3 9 238 4 9i 96 8 6 115 IS 4 34 0 0 58 3 4 58 16 8 13 10 0 10 5 0 18 10 0 8 6 8 S 5 0 9 15 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 2D 0 0 5 0 0 41 5 6 26 10 6 26 15 0 21 5 0 4 18 6 9 15 6 3 18 0 3 6 8 235 4 Of 150 6 Of 176 IS Of 121 8 0+ 76 9 4f 8 18 2 127 19 It 55 13 lit 474 2 10 264 19 6 313 5 0 214 16 4 4 18 6 135 4 10 8 18 2 182 8 1 112 4 Hi 2,217 13 8J 801 7 7 353 4 2 293 1 1 151 18 5 131 6 2 80 9 6 241 9 0| 116 3 10| 2,490 5 91 904 2 74 365 15 2| 333 8 8i 222 9 8 130 16 74 105 15 1 297 5 9| 100 7 54 213 136 130 106 34 51 42 98 41 11 13 10 6 13 0 2 16 3 3 2 11 6 10 10 2 11 4 2 14 3 0 8 2 9 0 16 15 14 14 12 11 10 10 9 11 0 0 0 3 0 7 2 6 7 0 0 20 0 0 17 10 0 11 10 0 20 0 0 1 10 6 44.' 9 0 38 6 4 10 0 0 10 0 0 14"'o 0 6 17 6 20 0 0 8'"5 6 29 10 0 110 0 0 55 0 0 138 15 6 7 4 8 952 12 84+ 1,710 18 24 4,386 13 7i 4,950 6 11| 851 5 6 14 Total of District 90 12 6 439 17 li 165 0 0 5 6 0 11 19 0 2,274 11 7 367 3 8 50 11 8 1,561 16 Hi Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „. ,, Coroinandel 28 2 84 0 13 1 241 9 10 96 10 0 52 5 2 15 16 8 0 12 4 13 0 8 7 15 6 0 6 9 60 13 0 39 4 1 3,031 12 -5 337 1 4 3,212 9 3 394 7 3 178 51 18 1 0 7 14 8 13 7 178 7 4i 69 13 1 32 9 9 2 16 0 2 10 0 8 10 2 14 17 8 10 0 0 756 1 9 90 16 4 1,065 15 8i 4,273 4 94 24,690 0 9 28,266 16 7 3,877 7 5 10 Total of Order ... 65 6 10i 7,850 0 7i 1,615 1 10 120 11 8 37 17 6 370 0 0 217 0 0 5,353 11 1 525 12 6 1,204 3 10 629 19 0 60 7 4 Ancient Okdlt. op Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 39 6 6 11 4 9 50 11 3 13 4 13 4 94 16 7 144 4 6 45 3 4 1 13 Independent Order op Rechabiies. HFew Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent 138 1 6 21 0 0 52 2 2 211 3 8 361 19 0 401 1 8 150 2 13 6 6 7 3 19 17 8 21 0 0 250 6 4 203 1 5 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 105 7 6 3 15 0 2 11 2 111 13 8 14 15 G 16 18 6 62 8 6t 94 3 6 79 2 4 96 12 6 39 2 9 7 9 62 8 6f 305 7 2 441 1 4 497 14 2 189 2 12 8 Total of Order ... 362 0 0 152 18 0 21 0 0 69 0 8 308 8 11 10 2 3 22 8 10 21 0 0 S'ons and Daughters op Temperance. Antidote Division Perseverance „ 163 11 0* 141 16 0 55 7 0 2 7 6 29 11 3 32 0 8 20 0 0 20 0 0 268 9 3 196 4 2 68 0 0 23 5 3 2 12 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 31 3 0 12 3 0 133 7 9 121 15 0 173 16 0 720 6 10 334 7 10 867 1 1 356 16 0 161 60 5 7 8 5 18 11 7 6 Total of Order ... 96 5 3 2 12 0 10 0 0 .0 0 0 43 6 0 133 7 9 295 11 0 1,054 14 8 1,223 17 1 221 5 10 9 305 7 0 57 14 6 61 11 11 40 0 0 464 13 5 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Beneeit Society. Charleston Branch ... Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ 29 0 5 148 10 9 35 10 14 23 0 11 182 9 0 1 10 0 5 2 6 7 3 0 14 8 4 I 37 13 5 168 1 7 35 10 li 35 18 2 268 11 1 38 16 8 77 3 4 Iβ 16 8 32 10 6 61 6 8 t 6 18 10 29 6 0 45 15 6 106 9 4 16 16 8 53 10 0 128 16 3 161 5 6 452 2 3 330 2 4J 42 8 111 385 16 6 153 3 5 513 14 6 348 15 10 24 17 li 525 11 4 27 113 19 16 195 5 13 6 4 10 11 18 7 2 1 11 1 2 13 11 8 S 8 7 5 12 17 3 38 2 6 9 15 0 4 10 0 20 0 0 6 14 6 47 0 7 27 "l9 7 ' 20 "0 0 Total of Order ... 545 14 4| 226 13 10 9 15 0 4 10 0 20 0 0 90 8 11 351 7 9 1,371 15 7 1,566 2 2^ 370 4 4 8 418 11 2i 57 12 3 49 10 11 20 0 0 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Eriendly Society ... Kaeoand WhaugaroaFriendly Society 76 16 6 26 19 0 0 5 0 291 5 1 2 10 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 371 6 7 29 15 0 114 17 6 3 10 0 5 8 0 24 0 0 25 0 0 £5 0 0 28 12 11 194 5 6 32 2 11 2,840 4 81 127 1 3 3,017 5 9j: 124 13 4 124 29 24 6 8 4 6 0 37 8 Total of all the Societies ... 25,607 0 54 6,139 7 2 S64 5 5 493 12 2 1,197 0 0 502 0 0 1,910 7 6 654 11 5 2,520 19 4 13,987 3 0 101,187 16 21 112,867 13 71; 10,986 10 5 6 14,572 2 0i 1,480 5 10 5,477 19 71 1,612 19 0 632 2 10 1,891 11 14 * Including half-pay to members not yet in full bei lefit. tit Lese amounts consist almost exclusively of medical expenses (see p. 4 of Third Anni ial Report). J Rent.

MANAGEMENT FUNDS. TABLE III.— Showing the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year IS78 of the Management Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies (exclusive of District and Grand Lodge Management Funds) in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877."

Eeci :ipts. Expenditure. Donations and Pees frora Honorary Members. On account Interest of other (including Societies Kent). and Branches. t _ OffiCT « MeScfl Expenses oi iHn-flincp Management. A «°^ance, On account of other Other S °and eS Payments. Branches. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Management Fund on 31st December, 1878. Same of Societt axd Beakch. Entrance Pees, &c. Pines. Other Receipts. Salaries and Pees. Eent. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Contributions. Levies. Manchestek Unity, Independent Okdeb 01? Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Alexandra „ Waikato „ Charles Bruce „ £ a. d. 312 15 3 265 11 7 85 14 6 4 13 0 287 1 2 107 5 6 £ s. d. 2 0 6 £ s. d. 10 4 6 £ s. d. 16 6 0 16 0 £ s. a. 0 16 1 12 6 £ s. d. 19*'5 6 £ s. d. 7 9 9 5 2 9 0 16 8 £ s. d. 46 13 4 1 18 6 15 7 10 £ s. d. 82 13 0 44 10 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 40 18 0 10 0 £ s. d. 16 "6 0 10 0 0 £ s. d. 43 11 10 29 3 1 10 7 0 16 0 28 8 4 10 19 2 I I £ s. id. 50 16 ! 2 35 1 to 22 13 lOi 0 7 6 76 14 7 16 2 5 £ s. d. 204 4 6 137 1 3 40 15 9 1 13 6 162 1 8 39 1 0 £ s. d. 0 15 9 2 13 2 £ s. d. 6 0 0 21 0 0 0 2 6 £ B. d. 369 0 4 318 2 10 104 17 6 4 13 0 328 8 6 109 16 3 £ s. d. 387 5 6 283 11 11 99 15 10 1 6 17 0 320 18 10 109 16 3 £ B. d. 120 10 5 172 18 7 61 9 11 3 13 0 7 9 8 0 10 0 12 6 17 'l 0 22 7 6 0 15 9 1 17 10 0 17 6 12 16 3 35 8 8 0 5 0 7 5 0 Total of District 1,063 1 0 2 5 6 10 4 6 17 6 0 2 7 6 36 6 6 36 12 5 66 15 0 187 1 0 33 5 0 122 9 0 201 16 4i 584 17 8 3 8 11 75 7 5 1,234 18 5 1,208 5 4J! 36S 1 7 Netv Plymouth District — Bgmont Lodge ... ... 215 3 11 4 5 0 2 14 5i 29 6 0 12 0 0 14 13 0 4 15 144 18 0 13 3 8 222 3 4i 218 16 5 3 6 111 Wanganui District —■ AYanganui Lodge ••■ ..* 26 11 11 5 10 6 29 15 0 1 10 0 27 11 32 16 3 61 17 5 61 17 5 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... Antipodean „ Eose of the Valley „ 352 4 6 102 11 1 116 7 0 25 11 5 35 12 4 15 7 4. 5 5 0 0 10 0 2 17 0 0 16 5 16 6 7 2 6 5 0 0 11 16 3 83 0 5 39 0 6 41 9 6 27 15 0 40 10 0 36 2 5 16 19 9 16 16 0 51 12 39 7 48 17 2 2 2 280 0 0 132 6 0 96 2 0 5 0 0 10 "0 0 0 12 0 400 8 8 233 17 4 193 8 4 414 4 1 226 7 11 202 17 2 93 15 0 294 12 4 30 9 9 4" 0 0 15 11 0 Total of District 139 16 6 508 8 0 5 0 0 10 12 0 827 14 4 843 9 2 418 17 1 571 2 7 76 11 1 5 5 0 3 7 0 13 0 6 19 11 0 5 0 0 133 17 2 109 14 6 69 18 2 llarlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Kenwick ,, ... *•■ 171 8 6 47 18 3 54 6 10f 0 19 0 24, 4 0 14 0 0 23 19 3 9 6 6 20 4 11 3 17 ! 0 89 1 1 23 8 0 68 6 If 225 15 4| 58 10 6 225 15 4f 59 13 0 213 2| 1 9 3 8 4 0 9 1 6 Total of District 55 5 10J' 38 4 0 33 5 9 24 1 11 112 9 1 9 16 68 6 lfl 284 5 10f 285 8 4| 2 13 2i 219 6 9 19 3 8 4 0 Jfelson District —■ Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' Best „ Howard ,, 199 12 4 72 8 0 117 13 10 107 15 0 2 3 0 0 10 2 7 0 4 19 8 6 10 49 18 8 15 15 0 42 2 0 3 0 0 29 9 0 13 7 0 20 6 6 12 4 3 14 13 0 38 8 8 221 5 0 34 0 6 76 5 0 4 19 8 2 0 0 10 0 2 2 6 320 11 0 72 9 0 171 0 11 319 16 7 81 15 6 179 4 8 22 16 7 4 19 5 27 1 1 38 12 9 12 "7 4 Total of District 389 14 2 107 15 0 4 11 0 38 12 9 4 19 8 18 8 4 107 15 8 3 0 0 63 2 6 65 5 11 331 10 6 4 19 8 5 2 6 564 0 11 580 16 9 54 17 1 Worth Westland District— Westport Lodge ... Charleston „ ... ... 180 2 7 179 9 8 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 10 5 5 0 11 6 0 22 8 6 10 12 2 35 0 0 11 12 0 19 11 4 12 0 0 28 10 0 31 6 0 20 9 3 48 2 3 108 11 4 108 9 7 5 5 0 4 0 0 210 16 1 204 11 10 217 6 11 215 9 10 Total of District 3 3 0 3 10 16 11 0 33 0 S 46 12 0 31 11 4 59 16 0 68 11 6 217 0 11 9 5 0 415 7 11 432 16 9 359 12 3 MoJcitilca District — Hokilika Lodge Boss „ Waitnea „ Gi'eymouth „ Goldsborough „ Albert „ 392 13 0 167 4 0 113 19 0 288 10 0 87 0 8 123 6 4 1 i 0 4 16 6 10 0 0 17 0 3 6 0 0 8 0 0 5 6 30 0 0 2 15 0 67 10 0 17 8 6 13 13 0 9 8 6 2 13 6 12 6 1 12 4 4 15 6 55 15 0 51 0 0 32 14 6 26 16 6 60 10 0 18 8 0 15 9 6 12 0 0 6 0 0 25 0 0 6 0 0 11 15 0 33 10 0 15 15 0 10 10 0 29 1 0 8 5 0 11 5 O 30 7 0 14 10 10 10 3 6 13 15 0 5 13 6 21 12 8 252 11 4 69 10 3 65 6 8 133 17 7 53 13 4 105 4 0 9 11 0 8 10 34 17 6 29 19 0 60 19 8J 2 0 0 7 0 0 8 5 4 454 6 6 173 12 6 198 2 6 293 8 4 103 3 2 269 15 4 411 16 10 174 9 7 187 17 4ij 264 3 7 104 0 10 251 2 0 121 15 1 119 6 4 10 5 14 111 11 0 1 12 7 18 13 4 5 18 0 9 16 0 220 5 1 0 78 10 6 5 "i 0 77 10 6 Total of District 204 18 6 60 15 0 108 6 0 96 2 6 G80 3 2 100 3 6 143 1 64 1,492 8 4 1,393 10 2 J 383 3 5i 1,172 13 0 15 14 0 3 3 0 10 13 0 100 5 0 114 13 0 75 7 4 If01-th Canterbury District— City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Bangiora „ Benevolent „ Nil Desperandum „ Perseverance „ 152 4 3 66 10 8 106 10 7 88 6 1 45 0 2 81 8 10 17 16 0 3 11 0 8 12 6 19 14 0 14 6 11 14 0 39 6 4 95 13. 0 14 18 6 14 12 1 10 7 3 37 8 10 217 13 11 167 9 0 157 14 11 139 9 0 60 9 9 168 6 10 256 12 10 167 9 0 157 14 11 119 17 1 60 9 9 142 18 8 I 44 IS 3 6 2 0 1 12 0 2 10 0 2 4 0 2 2 0 4 13 6 12 18 0 40 5 0 3 0 0 8 13 2 28 13 8 52 10 4 40 1 10 20 il 9 10 13 1 70 10 6 37 6 0 16 13 0 27 14 0 23 0 0 15 1 6 13 5 0 56 7 0 8 10 0 18 5 0 11 8 0 8 6 0 13 7 0 122 13 6 41 5 0 79 7 0 60 0 0 2S 15 0 •73 10 0 5 8 0 10 6 0 10 0 17 10 5 0 11 0 25 17 0 1 16 0 10 0 1*7 10 33 14 9f Total of District 116 3 0 212 6 0 406 10 6 15 14 0 20 9 3 911 3 5 905 2 3 104 5 9| 540 0 7 62 12 0 1 10 0 19 3 6 53 3 0 11 13 2 223 1 2 132 19 6 10 0 Iji/flelton District —■ City of Norwich Lodge ... Good Intent „ Arowhenua ,, 1G5 12 11 109 11 7 11 12 6 9 9 6 470 0 18 0 0 10 3 "5 0 E5 19 11 8 7 10 6 0S 24 2 0 14 0 0 0 6 0 4 10 0 35 10 0 12 0 10 49 12 2 19 19 3 10 8 86 4 7 33 14 2 13 0 0 35 12 2 16 18 6 0 5 0 2S5 9 4 122 2 5 19 1 8 231 0 11 96 12 9 19 1 8 53 5 11 55 12 10 1 "i 6 Total of District 70 14 5 38 8 0 4 10 0 47 10 10 70 12 1 132 18 9 52 15 8 376 13 5 346 15 4 108 18 9 286 17 0 10 11 0 5 6 0 3 5 0 ' Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton ,, Prince of Wales ,, Albion „ ... Oamaru ,, Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Waipori „ Blue Spur ,, Naseby » Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Lake Wakatipu „ Cromwell ,, Mount Wen don ,, Band of Friendship „ Arrow „ 346 9 0 197 9 7 203 16 0 96 12 9 121 2 6 81 16 10 151 7 8 95 15 6 68 14 0 114 1 6 161 4 6 30 2 11 86 11 10 69 18 8 109 14 3 125 0 11 16 14 101 50 17 1 10 6 9 18 0 270 19 3 139 16 6 10 15 0 16 0 0 66 19 6 17 19 0 8 11 9 8 18 0 5 4 6 14 11 7 6 19 6 0 15 6 17 19 1 125 3 0 39 14 6 10 0 0 6 5 0 18 3 0 28 0 0 36 0 0 26 1 0 9 0 0 12 0 0 21 11 6 33 0 0 12 10 0 15 16 6 7 9 6 2 17 0 4 5 0 17 17 10 3 5 3 4 8 6 2 14 6 1 17 2 2 17 0 117 3 2 28 15 0 110 18 7 5 12 10 22 17 6 38 11 7 21 5 0 8 3 6 10 3 17 7 1 46 13 0 0 11 0 21 10 1 9 6 11 12 2 10 11 16 6 6 16 6 89 10 2 293 15 O 167 13 2 72 2 3 97 13 0 124 15 6 86 2 4 110 17 6 75 3 ' 11 49 14 1 86 5 0 J 123 6 6 I 4 15 4 78 12 6 55 12 11 114 3 6 95 8 3 11 1 6 20 12 0 54 17 6 22 6 O 8 4 1 2 12 6 IS 0 0 18 13 6 2 7 2 71 19 0 695 6 3 373 4 2 223 2 9 195 4 4 193 13 10 235 11 8 193 5 8 125 18 6 85 12 6 131 3 6 208 12 0 44 14 5 123 15 11 115 17 2 174 9 10 147 9 11 28 15 0 139 14 7 ! 657 15 2 297 1 8 206 S 1 195 4 4 193 13 10 179 1 9 206 16 2 125 18 6 65 15 6 137 17 1 208 12 0 9 8 8 122 1 7 115 17 2 174 9 10 141 2 9 28 15 0 115 5 2 2,114 7 3 234 3 10 16 13 8 0 16 0 9 0 52 13 7 26 0 0 38 6 3 3 "3 0 14 0 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 4 13 6 0 17 0 110 2 3 0 12 0 3 17 0 41 2 4 0 8 0 17 0 13 0 10 12 6 9 8 6 4 5 6 5 10 0 16 6 1 8 10 3 46 9 1 5 10 6 4 12 0 6 17 0 10 0 0 77*18 1 48 12 2 2 2 0 97*17 0 I 26 16 0 27 7 6 j 5 5O: 12 12 0 8 0 0 2 2 0 13 8 0 14 11 7 6 19 6 0 10 0 S 11 0 14 13 8 5 6 4V 2 2 0 6 0 0 17 1 0 2 7 4 35 "3 6 41 14 1 5 i'6 6 2 0 0 I 4o'"o 0 I 7 14 O 14 0 0 ! 20 7 3 ! 1 15 0 14012 9 25 7 0 1 'V 6 6 18 0 5 10 15 1 0 32 7 4 15 9 0 25 5 0 5 0 0 6 18 0 5 10 15 0 10 15 0 9 9 0 6 18 0 5 5 0 5 10 6 2 2 0 15 0 15 0 5 10 6 3 15 6 0 18 0 5 0 0 1 5 11 81 15 6 11 2 6 17 15 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 2 6 6 2 14 0 3 13 0 0 17 0 13 0 12 *5 6 ... 22 il 9 1 11 6 204 10 4 Total of District 570 1 6 1,667 13 51 122 0 2 179 6 61 3,435 12 0 3,181 5 3 2,961 14 5 2,127 10 41 4 16 0 166 2 10 10 3 6 37 11 6 764, 18 1J 147 8 10 177 0 10 425 0 4 141 6 6 75 16 9 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Bose, and Thistle Lodge Sons of Perseverance „ St. George » 280 8 11 65 9 0 196 12 6 » 4 18 6 0 10 36 2 6 38 0 0 4 0 0 4 7 6 15 7 6 6 ' 2 0 35 0 0 20 16 0 17 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 O 31 7 0 6 3 6 27 2 6 27 12 8 28 13 6 16 5 6 193 15 0 40 13 6 146 15 0 37 10 0 5 0 0 4 7 6 45 13 6 2 "o 0 338 14 11 105 11 6 213 4 0 380 18 2 101 6 6 224 0 6 92 0 4 57 18 H20 4 6 6 I 0 Total of District 72 11 8 381 3 6 46 17 6 47 13 6 657 10 5 706 5 2 170 2 lli542 10 5 6 10 4 19 6 36 2 6 46 7 6 21 9 6 73 6 0 20 0 0 64 13 0 Total of Order 7,514 3 111! 151 15 1 351 8 4 38 12 6 108 7 9 1,052 3 101 391 9 7 877 14 9 1,394 15 6 307 7 10 775 14 0 1,553 12 10i 5,200 9 91 316 10 3 615 18 2f 10,483 15 10 10,164 8 51: 4,574, 1 3




Be. :eipts. Expenditure. "Name of Society and Branch. On account of other Societies and Branches. levies to other On account of other Societies and Branches. Total Receipts. Amount of Management Fund on 31st December, 1878. Contributions. Entrance Fees, &e. Levies. Donations and Fees froni Honorary Members. Fines. Interest (including Eent). Other Eeceipts. Salaries and Fees. Kent. ICost of Medical Attendance, &c. Other Payments. Total Expenditure. Independent Oedbe of Odd Fellows. Leith Lodge £ b. d. 186 4 3 £ s. d. 12 17 0 £ s. d. £ s. A. 7 19 6 £ s. d. 3 7 0 £ a. d. 14 14 0 £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 25 0 0 £ s. d. 20 0 0 £ b. d. 55 1 2 £ s. d. 39 15 10 £ s. d. 96 9. 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6 15 0 £ s. d. 225 1 9 £ s. d. 243 1 6 £ s. d. 162 2 2 Ancient Oedeb of Foeestebs. A-ucMancL District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... 12 15 0 3 4 6 3 4 6 29 19 0 8 7 3 118 11 0 9 3 8 40 5 0 52 6 0 17 0 0 20 0 0 25 19 9 17 3 11 35 5 10 23 3 9 223 6 10 157 1 8 34 8 0 4 19 0 49 3 8 408 12 3 290 11 10 425 9 1 274 14 4 61 16 4 27 2 3 240 18 3 273 0 11 Total of District 513 19 2 12 15 0 3 4 6 3 4 6 38 6 3 127 14 8 92 11 0 37 0 0 43 3 8 58 9 7 380 8 6 39 7 0 49 3 8 699 4 1 700 3 5 88 18 7 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen... „ Blenheim ,, Wairarapa „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer 288 10 1 283 14 11 65 15 6 287 18 OJ 117 11 6 119 11 0 51 10 10 115 11 3 31 15 3 72 10 11 77 16 11 21 15 6 74 6 8 34 15 3 24 15 6 0 7 6 27 8 3 5 6 3 4 15 0 0 10 0 7 13 6 10 10 0 6 10 0 12 7 6 110 0 5 0 9 6 0 5 6 6 8 4 0 2 10 1 17 5 0 16 1 19 6 5"'s 0 6 16 11 0 "i 6 10 1 4 4 6 8 2 13 0 25 11 4 3 11 6 1 10 7 8 12 6 7 18 6 10 9 11 3 13 0 10 0 0 3 6 0 19 6 8 17 3 23 2 10 9 13 3 37 18 6 44 8 4 8 0 0 66 12 6 27 8 10 44 13 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 8 13 6 17 16 0 9 3 0 22 18 0 7 10 0 11 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 20 15 6 18 19 0 4 14 0 19 4 6 8 6 0 13 4 9 2 7 9 5 19 6 8 14 5 4 7 0 5 13 9 2 0 6 5 8 0 48 18 5 19 14 2 3 9 1 34 9 1 12 0 4 38 11 1 2 4 2 9 14 0 2 17 0 9 13 8 9 2 0 6 4 0 27 13 2 35 14 6 185 1 0 189 0 0 44 12 0 187 0 0 68 13 3 92 19 0 27 16 3 99 17 0 12 2 0 48 11 9 58 2 11 2 5 0 63 5 0 18 9 6 6 0 4 11 6 0 5 19 8 15 19 10 33 6 3 1 10 7 8 15 3 3 9 2 13*18 3 323 7 5 324 5 4 67 13 7 333 11 Si 143 12 8 130 18 5 66 18 11 131 10 3 43 5 3 81 3 11 97 14 5 31 3 9 118 2 0 67 7 9 308 13 3 331 G 1 69 15 8 327 1 4 137 3 7 189 7 10 60 6 1 120 15 6 39 16 5 87 8 5 88 3 8 27 13 6 131 5 6 67 7 9 124 10 2 153 14 6 2 15 8 127 12 5 171 18 1 71 12 8 6 12 10 23 2 4J 45 0 8J 6 10 47 18 14 6 16 2 13 9 1 2 2 0 1 19 6 1 10 6 O 11 0 0 16 6 12 6 2 18 0 5 0 0 2 18 0 7 9 6 2 0 0 3 4 0 16 0 0 0 5 0 18 4 6 21 16 9 1 11 6 22 14 4 1 13 3 14 0 12 0 0 5 10 0 6 0 6 Total of District 1,643 3 7i 140 4 9 4 19 6 34 15 0 5 5 0 27 3 5 105 3 8 295 6 3 78 2 0 119 14 8 260 4 8 1,097 14 8 32 4 6 105 17 10 1,960 14 Hi 1,989 4 7 801 4 6i JSehon District — Court Robin Hood ,, Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... L _, 241 18 7 59 6 4 45 0 0 111 3 3 180 14 0 145 15 0 35 14 7i 0 18 6 0 17 6 0 10 0 10 12 8 10 5 0 56 3 7 7 8 7 0 19 1 12 6 19 0 30 17 0 0 5 3 * * 0 10 0 13 6 9 30 9 0 17 0 0 3 5 0 # 17 6 8 0 0 30 0 0 # # 5 8 0 13 18 0 4 15 0 7 4 6 3 0 0 103 3 4* 22 19 9* 9 8 5 15 13 10 20 12 0 78 13 0 2 7 11 162 0 0 25 15 0 28 6 0 84 15 0 150 12 6 88 3 8 7 8 0 0 3 0 293 2 2 66 14 11 46 0 3 124 5 11 195 0 0 176 12 0 38 12 10 265 3 4 43 14 9 45 2 11 135 13 7 248 5 0 191 1 2 16 6 11 138 1 10 79 11 5 77 15 1 21 1 8 68 11 1 19 3 4 48 14 0 2 2 0 5*16 6 0 5 1 0 18 0 1 "9 10;o'*6 0 Total of District 819 11 9i 2 2 0 0 5 1 3 4 0 22 7 6| 97 17 8 70 10 9 39 7 6 34 5 6 252 18 3 547 0 2 6 5 6 945 8 1 950 7 8 452 18 5 United Westland District — Court Waimea 45 17 6 3 3 0 0 2 6 3 3 6 12 10 6 3 0 0 5 6 0 2 12 0 26 5 0 10 0 3 16 0 52 6 6 54 9 6 0 13 6i United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury 443 15 9 378 5 10 12 8 2 784 12 7 273 2 9 45 15 0 75 1 0 21 1 6 36 9 0 64 14 4 329 4 3 622 2 3 United Otago District —■ Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith... „ Star 01 the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of ICawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka ... „ Havelock 168 19 3 139 14 71 78 2 8i 85 4 10i 23 16 4i 32 8 5i 80 2 9 65 13 Hi 34 10 4 22 17 0 6 7 0 9 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 1 12 6 16 6 4 5 6 1 6 10i 2 15 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 17 0 4 5 "s 0 2 16 9 17 6 6 2 2 0 11 12 0 3 4 6 4 4 6 43 8 6 74 17 0 22 6 8 19 13 0 6 15 10 8 5 0 8 0 0 27 0 0 15 0 0 17 19 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 16 0 0 20 7 6 16 17 0 13 7 6 10 5 6 2 7 0 4 12 6 12 5 0 10 0 0* 3 16 0 32 4 0 17 7 9 111 0 6 10 2 6 1 11 6 6 2 6 6 19 11 20 1 10 2 11 0 59 18 6 0 18 0 82 5 6 21 10 4 8 17 6 2 16 9 16 18 0 35 17 O 3 19 5 o5 12 0 3 16 7 23 18 2 12 1 2 35 10 9* 0 19 9 206 12 1 139 14 71 112 9 Hi 101 6 ai 36 1 3 52 13 5i 96 12 9 93 17 lli 40 15 10 152 7 4 134 18 9 209 11 7 94 9 9 74 9 5 50 6 2 129 13 7 j.05 14 7 22 6 9 847 6 3| 325 5 2| 2 74 127 15 8 i•M 18 2 04 4 6i 8 12 If 58 14 2J 31 7 Of 7 10 0 6 10 0 8 2 0 13 2 0 19 "i 0 1 10 6 17 0 1 12 6 1 18 6 Total of District 708 13 3i 7 10 0 57 5 0 17 8 0 22 1 10i 25 5 1 42 0 6 225 6 0 121 13 0 93 18 0 208 1 6 143 2 0 33 4 7 148 12 10 880 3 9 973 17 11 1,714 5 11 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel 257 5 6i 76 15 6 1 11 6 12 5 0 19 0 6 3 0 7 5 4 31 8 9 22 9 9 20 0 0 8 0 0 25 15 8 17 18 11 101 8 0 44 11 8 28 14 8| 0 19 7 277 5 93 19 11 207 7 li 93 19 11 159 9 5 8*10 1 Total of Order ... 4,509 2 2 162 11 9 60 8 0 6 16 1 118 3 0 136 10 0 114 19 9 422 13 10 814 17 4 307 2 6 296 7 10 1,155 4 10 2,718 15 10 118 4 3 343 10 14 5,531 4 7 5,754 2 83 3,490 13 2 Ancient Oedee of Shepeeeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 14 16 9 17 10 9 12 15 7 0 10 0 15 0 13 9 5 0 0 1 15 0 6 16 9 15 0 14 15 4 Independent Oedee of Rechabites. New Zealand District —■ Star of Hauraki Tent 167 4 11 11 15 11 3 17 6 17 10 6 29 12 0 10 10 0 14 6 0 5 15 8 127 3 4 0 3 6 200 8 10 187 10 6 32 11 0 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 24 10 0 2 11 2 9 15 0 6 0 0 3 16 0 2 3 6 11 19 0 27 1 2 33 13 6 31 17 11 Total of Order ... 191 14 11 11 15 11 3 17 6 2 11 2 17 10 6 39 7 0 16 10 0 IS 2 0 7 19 2 127 3 4 12 2 6 227 10 0 221 4 0 64 8 11 Sous aud Datjghtees of Tehpebance. Antidote Division Perseverance „ 154 2 3 24 5 0 0 5 0 2 10 9 22 16 0 14 0 0 6 6 29 1 3 51 15 5 0 13 2 29 14 0 6 8 0 14 10 0 5 16 0 26 17 4 5 15 0 14 19 2 8 7 5 139 6 H 3 0 6* 12 6 259 10 5 27 8 11 228 7 2 27 8 11 31 3 3 Total of Order ... 178 7 3 2 15 9 22 16 0 14 0 *0 6 6 29 1 3 52 8 7 36 2 0 20 6 0 32 12 4 23 6 7 139 6 1J 4 3 0i 286 19 4 255 16 1 31 3 3 hlbeenian austealasian catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ 46 11 8 139 8 9 48 2 5 45 1 4 212 0 9 3 2 6 3 10 0 3 12 0 1 10 0 0 17 0 2 7 6 0 8 6 0 18 0 19 0 4 6 7 7 14 0 8 2 0 8 6 0 16 11 0 26 0 0 25 12 6 11 17 4 25 5 5 19 8 6 2 4 1 16 10 7 17 6 GO G 9 6 6 3 3 18 15 8 10 39 4 6 84 15 0 26 1 4 49 18 8 115 6 3 3 18 6 58 13 2 159 8 10 59 16 11 66 11 11 334 18 4 65 2 8 181 1 7 59 1G 11 68 1 2 239 6 6 0 17 0 284 10 11 5 5 0 49 12 6 i— 3 12 0 10 0 7 3 9 11 15 4 u"\ 7 52 17 0 5 10 6 911 0 3 3 6 68 4 6 22 19 3J 271 6 5 Total of Order ... 491 4 11 61 10 0 9 13 9 6 0 0 23 15 11 83 12 7 105 6 3 •5 10 6 18 19 10 93 0 0 315 5 9 75 6 6 679 9 2 613 8 10 579 13 7i Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society ... Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society 206 1 0 4 4 3 45 4 0 9 5 0 5 9 6 180 0 0 210 5 3 239 18 6 27 6 7| Total of all the Societies ... 13,289 14 0| 391 9 7 450 0 3 64 5 10 242 7 0 1,258 16 21 507 4 4 1,455 4 0 2,465 12 1 687 16 10 1,196 17 2 2,885 5 6J 8,777 10 4 435 19 6 1,057 15 4| 17,659 1 3 17,506 16 10i 8,946 19 9 I316J * Uncertain.

ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. TABLE IV. Showing the Funds, Assets, and Liabilities, as at the 31st December, 1878, of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies (exclusive of the Funds of Districts, Grand Lodges, &c.) in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877."

Assets. Name of Society asd Branch. Total "Worth on 31st December, 1878. Value of Sick and Funeral Fund. Value of Management Fund. Value of other Funds. Value of other Property. Pivmpri-v Government nopeitj. Debentures. Investments. In Shares in Companies, Building Societies, he. In Land or House Property (Freehold). In Post Office Savings Banks. On Deposit with Companies, Building Societies, &c. with B.ini8. , Banks. Cash. In h?nd. Goods, Regalia, &c. Other Assets. Liabilities (as per Betums), Manchester ITsity, Independent Obder of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Alexandra „ Waikato » ■.«••• Charles Bruce „ £ 3. d. 9,416 7 1 1,624 11 4 866 0 4 49 9 9 1,896 5 1 1,130 8 10 £ s. d. 9,295 16 8 1,451 12 9 804 10 5 45 16 9 1,807 13 2 1,130 8 10 £ s. d. 120 10 5 172 18 7 61 9 11 3 13 0 7 9 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 300 0 0 1,400 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,000 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 618 1 8* 22 9 2* 337 10 1* 20 7 0 1,375 0 0 661 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 143 1 6 68 18 4 48 10 3 23 2 9 £ B. d. 183 9 6 33 3 10 30 0 0 £ s. d. 181 14 8 £ s. d. 10 0 3 81 "2 3 400 0 0 378 19 1 61 3 9 69 8 10 81 2 3 Total of District 10 0 3 14,983 2 5 14,535 18 7 366 1 7 81 2 3 2,100 0 0 8,928 19 1 3,040 7 11 130 12 7 283 12 10 327 15 7 181 14 8 Neio Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge .,. 890 6 1 886 19 1J 3 6 Hi 850 0 0 31 4 1 9 2 0 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge 776 12 8 776 12 8 683 17 10 89 14 10 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ,,, ... Antipodean „ Kose of the Valley ,, 2,525 11 5 2,742 17 1 1,933 9 6 2,422 1 5 2,430 6 0 1,902 19 9 93 15 0 294 12 4 30 9 9 9 15 O 17 18 9 960"'o 0 890 0 0 264 11 8 234 10 6 450 0 0 2,014 18 4 1,371 11 8 467 12 0 245 4 0 176 14 11 92 14 0 0 17 5 32 11 6 012 0 Total of District 7,201 18 0 6,755 7 2 418 17 1 27 13 9 1,850 0 0 949 2 2 3,854 2 0 32 11 6 514 12 11 19 5 itarlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Kruwicl. ,, 1,876 2 3 325 18 8 1,861 8 9J 288 10 2f 14 13 5i 4 15 3 1,584 10 3 86 8 8 205 3 4 14 18 5 213 2i 30 0 0 25011 9 30 8 6 30 0 0 Total of District 2,202 0 11 2,149 19 0| 2 13 2i 19 8 8J 30 0 0 1,584 10 3 86 8 8 250 11 9 220 1 9 30 8 6 30 0 0 kelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers'Best „ Howard „ 2,507 10 2 659 8 3 3,106 13 3 2,484 13 7 654 8 10 3,079 12 2 22 16 7 4 19 5 27 1 1 1,095 0 0 400 0 0 2,342 10 0 855 0 0 159 '4 4 182 10 2 28 15 7 375 0 0 71 8 4 7 10 11 375"o 0 200 0 0 183 15 7 2 3 3 Total of District 6,273 11 8 6,218 14 7 54 17 1 3,837 10 0 855 0 0 375 0 0 159 4 4 200 0 0 366 5 9 28 15 7 453 19 3 2 3 3 Korth Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ 970 11 0 1,212 7 1 957 11 0 1,212 7 1 13 0 0 880 0 0 200 0 0 20 8 8 0 19 2 44 2 4 61 7 11 13 0 0 13 0 0 500'"0 0 450 "0 0 Total of District 2,182 18 1 2,169 18 1 13 0 0 1,080 0 0 500 0 0 21 7 10 450 0 0 105 10 3 13 0 0 13 0 0 KoMtika District —■ Eokitika Lodge Boss „ Waimea „ Greymoulh ,, Groldsborough ,, Albert 2,677 15 3 1,554 2 0 1,080 7 4i 2,011 14 6 49 13 3 311 8 8 2,556 0 2 1,434 15 8 3,048 19 3 1,900 3 6 33 0 8 292 15 4 121 15 1 119 6 4 10 5 li 111 11 0 1 12 7 18 13 4 21 3 0 1,846 5 0 76o"'o OJ 668 IO 0 652 1 3 204'11 8 100 0 0690 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,043 18 1 8 9 5 33 10 6 49 4 3 80 13 1 19 4 0 70 19 7 10 0 U 8 18 15 9 3 21 8 8 70 "il 6 21 3 0 6 0 0 15 0 0 290 0 0 3,123 18 1 15 0 0 Total of District 7,685 1 0| 7,265 14 7 383 3 5i 36 3 0 1,846 5 0 1,428 10 0 652 1 3 204 11 8 191 1 3 125 19 3i 106 14 6 6 0 0 Korth Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Bangiora „ Benevolent „ Nil Desperandum Perseverance „ 4,808 13 6 1,109 15 0 1,481 11 9 1,177 5 7 534 2 11 665 17 6 4,431 15 3 1,109 15 0 1,481 11 9 1,151 7 10 534 2 11 632 2 8| 44 13 3 25 17 9 332 5 0 72"'o 0 4,000 0 0 1,150 0 0 391 10 6 560 0 0 120 O 0 500 0 0 1,025 11 9 soo'"o o§ BO "0 0 560 0 0 300 0 0 358 11 5 77 16 6§ 5 18 1 15 0 0 64 9 6 0 7 1 13 9 10 17 9 332 5 0 165 0 0 174 14 5 30 7 6 39 2 0 62 15 5 322 12 6 33 14 91 400 "l3 1 80 8 3 50 6 0 1 17 0 75"'o 0 7 "i 6 ioo'"o 0 Total of District 9,777 6 3 9,340 15 5£ 104 5 9J 332 5 0 72 O 0 6,721 10 6 1,506 13 1 50 0 0 438 4 11 100 12 3 572 5 0 251 8 5 485 7 11 Zyttelton, District — City of Norwich Lodge ... Good Intent „ Arowhenua „ 2,030 8 5 1,538 8 2 52 14 2 1,977 2 6 1,482 15 4 52 14 2 53 5 11 55 12 10 1,400 0 0 1,400 0 0 C3S'"8 2 355 8 5 25 0 0 500 0 0 52 10 8 o"3 6 Total of District 3,621 10 9 3,512 12 0 108 18 9 2,800 0 0 638 8 2 10 O 0 407 39 1 0 3 6 525 0 0 . Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wale8 „ .Albion „ Oamai'u ,,. ■ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Kaseby „ Alexandra n Roxburgh. I, ... Lake Wakatipu „ ... Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ ... Band of Friendship „ "JET Arrow .. -,,... ~ si 8,293 3 4 3,263 18 11 563 8 7 907 15 11 659 4 11 1,520 9 1 764 2 0 836 16 a 448 13 1 453 1 4 1,439 9 8 455 9 0 440 7 8 558 14 9 500 4 10 714 12 1 ' 297 3 11 454 18 10 5,834 19 1 3,009 15 1 506 14 11 827 15 11 659 4 11 992 11 0 715 9 10 835 16 3 413 9 7 411 7 3 1,439 9 8 314 16 3 383 0 8 558 14 9 452 4 10 645 16 4 255 6 5 250 8 6 2,114 7 3 231 3 10 16 13 8 7718 1 48 12 2 35 3 6 41 14 1 343 17 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 450 0 0 10 0 5,580 0 0 2,525 0 0 400 0 0 800 0 0 100 0 0 600 0 0 650 0 0 750 0 0 380' 0 0 1,105 0 0 300 0 0 1,500 0 0 642"l9 10 555 8 9 o"il 6 ioo'o 0 97 15 4 10(3 10 0 448 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 361 11 8 39 8 9 144 12 2 23 8 7 27 4 5 159 9 4 174 19 3 96 7 4 63 2 7 23 1 4 134 9 8 13 17 4 78 7 8 113 15 7 102 4 10 124 12 1 56 6 5 31 11 11 673 14 7|| 18 18 0 2"o 3 17 14 8 22 13 8 0 13 1 20 0 0 40 0 0 80 0 0 1 0 0 500 0 Oi; 14012 9 25 7 0 32"o 0 280 0 O 75 O O 100 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 359 12 0 - 32 0 0 8 4 6 48 0 0 40 0 0 40 17 6 60 0 0 48 0 0 40 0 0 40 17 6 22 "5 6 20" 3 4 22 "il 0 6 "i 0 250 0 0 550 0 0 200 0 0 204 10 4 500 0 0 13 6 11 150 0 0 Total of District 22,571 14 2 18,503 1 3 2,961 14 5 350 1 0 751 17 6 13,345 0 0 300 0 0 3,132 12 4 556 0 3 2,359 17 0 1,406 19 3 735 14 3 370 2 0 535 12 5 170 3 4 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Bose, and Thistle Lodgo Sons of Perseverance „ St. George „ 3,247 3 6 1,691 12 3} 1,530 4 1 3,155 3 2 538 4 2 1,484 3 7 92 0 4 57 18 li 20 4 6 1,095 "io 0 15 0 0 2,095 0 0 53 16 8 606 19 2 1,000 0 0 **2lo"o 0 432 9 10 38 11 6 44 7 0 3 14 14 0 16 47 3 6 95 10 0 15 0 0 21 4 0 260 0 0 10 16 0 1,050 0 0 465 "2 7 Total of District 6,468 19 10i 5,177 10 11 170 2 11$ 10 3,6 0 1,110 10 0 3,145 0 0 53 16 8 1,606 19 2 465 2 7 240 0 0 471 1 4 48 2 71 157 13 6 281 4 0 Total of Order 84,635 1 11 77,298 3 5| 4,574 1 3 407 19 5i 2,354 17 9 29,638 5 3 3,083 10 0 1,074 18 10 28,844 10 10 3,834 11 2 50 0 0 10,264 3 0 4,236 13 8 1,491 12 7 1,577 10 7 1,732 0 9 1,192 14 9 * With Uμ Auckland Saringt Bank, at 5 per cent. t "With, the Hokitika Sayings Bank, at 5 per cent. X New Zealand Government securities, at 4 per cent. § Uncertain, |] In hands of Lodge Agonfc* Leasehold property. ;he


Assets. Total Worth on 31st December, 1878. Investments. Cash. Name of Society and Branch. Value of Sick and Funeral Fund. Value of Management Fund. ■' Value of other Funds. Value of other Property. On Deposit In Post Office with Savings Companies, Bank. Building Societies, &c. I On Current Account with Banks. In hand. :Goods, Regalia, &c. Other Assets. Liabilities (as per Eetttms). On Mortgage of Freehold Property. In Colonial or Municipal Government Debentures. In Shares in Companies, Building Societies, &c. In Land or House Property (Freehold). On Deposit with Banks. Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows. Leith Lodge £ s. d. 970 19 4 £ s. d. 728 16 6 £ s. d. 162 2 2 £ s. d. 80 0 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 131 0 0 £ s. d. 1,505 17 4 £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 83 10 2 £ s. d. 16 5 0 £ s. d. 765 13 2 Ancient Obdeb of Fokestees. AticMand District —• Court City of Auckland .,. „ Pride of Parnell ... I 2,482 0 4 1,884 16 2 2,420 4 0 1,754 10 8 61 IS 4 27 2 3 98 0 2 2,450 0 0* 1,730 0 0 56 16 O 32 0 4 98 "0 2 5 3 1 Total of District 4,366 16 6 4,174 14 8 88 18 7 5 3 1 98 0 2 4,180 0 0 56 16 0 32 0 4 98 0 2 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen... „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa ... „ Eoderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer 3,819 19 1 1,492 8 3 594 18 10 880 12 5 1,006 1 3 798 14 10 131 17 4 417 17 6 137 19 10 187 2 5 210 7 0 118 1 5 134 5 10 59 2 0 3,636 8 11 1,266 16 2 557 3 2 703 0 0 805 14 9 627 2 2 90 4 6 394 15 li 92 19 HI 168 0 8 162 8 lOij 111 5 3 120 16 9 42 12 0 124 10 2 153 14 6 ] 2 15 8 127 12 5 171 18 1 71 12 8 6 12 10 23 2 4i 45 0 8| 6 19 47 18 1| 6 16 2 13 9 1 59 0 0 43 16 9 9 "5 3 28 0 10 35 0 0 50 0 0 19 3 2 100 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 620 0 0 430 0 0 440 0 0 780 0 0 50 0 0 119 16 4 3,340 10 0 189 0 0 189"'o 0 455 3 10 338"7 6 59 0 O 41 7 8 149 "0 8 159 10 6 7116 1 60 15 1 154 3 6 130"'o 0 84 11 6 281 19 9 50 0 0 19 11 3 63 11 0 72 0 0 3 10 9 48 11 6 7 14 11 2 11 9 0 8 10 4 18 11 4 9 10 72 10 6 52 14 O 35 O 0 50 0 0 46 19 6 100 0 0 35 0 0 100 0 0 43 16 9 122 3 lit 24 8 6 2 15 0 13 0 0 70 0 0 ioo'"o 0 150 0 0 33 10 0 24 2 5 140 7 0 13 0 0 7s"'o 0 75 0 0 43 1 5 59 5 10 17 19 3 17 19 3 16 10 0 42 12 0 16 10 0 Tolal of District 9,989 8 0 8,779 7 5i 801 4 6| 112 2 0 296 14 0 2,360 0 0 189 16 4 4,512 1 4 480 14 11 60 15 1 684 3 6 J 812 4 11 174 13 9 439 13 3 293 4 2 17 19 3 Kelson District — Court Eobin Hood ... ... j „ Perseverance ... ... j „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord ■.;. „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... ... ; 2,393 9 9 421 11 9 432 19 1 612 10 8 438 4 10 189 19 9 164 4 8 2.255 7 11 342 0 4 355 4 0 591 9 0 369 13 9 170 16 5 115 10 8 138 1 10 79 11 5 77 15 1 21 1 8 68 11 1 19 3 4 48 14 0 745 0 OJI 455 0 0 600 0 Oji ... ... 220 ' 0 0J 11411 11 650 0 0J; 80 0 OJj 300 0 0 0 18| 50 0 0 150 0 0J 130 0 0 I 398 9 9J 121 11 9J 127 19 1 I 5 0 0 42 17 1 250 0 0 I 138 4 10 i 39 19 9J 34 4 8 • ... Total of District ... ] 4,653 0 6 4,200 2 1 452 18 5 1,200 0 0 850 0 0 334 11 11 1,360 1 8 860 9 10 47 17 1 United Westland District — Court Waimea 151 9 7i 138 16 05 0 13 6i 12 0 0 120 0 0 19 9 H 12 0 0 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury 2,955 5 9 2,416 12 10 273 2 9 265 10 2 1,555 0 0 800 0 0 245 10 9 100 0 0 254 14 11 0 0 1 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunediu ... „ Enterprise „ Eobin Hood „ Pride of the Leith... „ Star of the Dunstan „ Eoyal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka ... „ Haveloek 3,337 12 1 1,229 7 10 1,151 13 6 461 4 5 243 7 10 225 1 2 114 7 2J 359 1 0 237 10 1 2,490 5 9i 904 2 7i 365 15 2| 333 8 8i 222 9 8 130 16 71 105 15 1 297 5 9| 100 7 5i 847 6 3i 325 5 2J 200 2 7i 127 15 8i 20 18 2 J 94 4 6i 8 12 1| 58 14 2i| 31 7 0} 1,714 5 11 585 15 8 3,310 0 0 925 0 0 350 0 0 1,707" 5 3 3 13 3 717 0 22 1 7 301 17 9 58 18 3 98 17 8 28 7 10 51 0 0 14 6 4 53 12 0 4 11 8i 1 17 3 2 10 1 4 - "9 9 50 0 0 35 10 0 215 6 0 700 0 0 170 0 0 4 12 0 0 10f 2 8 0 2 2 91 3 1 0 105 15 7 100 0 0 300 0 0 3 10 49 15 7 56 0 0 125 0 0 Total of District 7,359 5 If 4,950 6 11| j 694 12 3 4,985 0 0 1,763 5 3 11 10 3 295 0 0 633 13 li 17 9 Hi! 102 16 7 250 10 0 700 0 0 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel 1 ] 3,397 11 7 394 7 3 i 3,212 9 3 394 7 3 159 9 5 25 12 11 2,750 0 0 300 0 0 350 0 0 221 0 1 34 1 4 10 "5 11 126 11 6 Total of Order ... 33,267 4 4 28,266 16 7 3,490 13 2 408 8 2 1,101 6 5 10,100 0 0 850 0 0 189 16 4 9,825 6 7 1,072 7 10 160 15 1 7,289 5 2 2,873 0 2| 301 16 8| 779 1 6 543 14 2 717 19 3 Ancient Oedee of Siiepiieeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 17 10 9 26 13 9 161 15 3 144 4 6 130 1 3 5 0 3 Independent Oedee op Eechabites. JVew Zealand District — Star of Uanraki Tent 451 16 5 401 1 8 32 11 0 18 3 9 7 19 10 439 0 0 44 16 7 40 0 0 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 31 17 11 138 10 5 96 12 6 10 0 0 30 8 0 95 2 5 10 0 0 Total of Order ... 439 0 0 44 16 7 i 10 0 0 40 0 0 590 6 10 497 14 2 64 |8 11 18 3 9 10 0 0 30 8 0 106 2 3 Sons and Daughtees oe Temperance. Antidote Division Perseverance „ 905 2 4 384 0 11 867 1 1 356 16 0 31 3 3 6 18 0 14 19 4 12"*5 7 800 0 0 30 0 0 102 9 0 149 11 2 2 13 4 73 7 9 100 0 0 3l"*2 0 Total of Order ... 1,289 3 3 1,223 17 1 31 3 3 21 17 ,4 12 5 7 830 0 0 100 0 0 252 0 2 76 1 1 31 2 0 hlbeenian austealasian catholic Benefit Society. Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ 161 1 5 798 5 5 354 12 10 47 16 5 846 17 9 153 3 5 513 14 6 348 15 10 24 17 H 525 11 4 I 0 17 0 284 10 117 10 5 17 0 200"'0 0 92 2 6i 0 1 1 130 0 0 366 19 10 160 0 0 31 1 5 27 1 0 102 10 3i 47 16 5 246 17 91| 455 6 10i i'h 6 200"'0 0 22"l9 35 271 6 5 50 0 0 550"o 0§ 1,206 19 10 50 0 0 Total of Order ... 1,566 2 2i 579 13 7i 12 18 0 50 0 0 292 2 64 0 11 4 3 6 250 0 0 2,208 13 10 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society ... Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society 3,044 12 5 124 13 4 3,017 5 9| 124 13 4 27 6 11 2,833 0 0 91 14 0 118 18 9 121 17 3 0 19 8 2 16 1 Total of all the Societies ... 126,292 10 6 112,867 13 7i 8,946 19 9 949 7 4i 3,528 9 9 43,401 5 3 3,933 10 0 1,426 3 2 40,567 17 3i 5,486 17 9 210 15 1 19,199 8 0 7,850 13 4 1,882 9 10| 2,757 18 0 2,291 19 11 2,716 7 2 # £150 with the Auckland Savin ;s Bant, at 5 per cent. t In the hands of suspended Secretary ; the whole or a par! is expected ti be recovered. J Uncercj sen. §£i iO with the Ai ickland Savings Bank, at 5 per cent. II r ith the Aucl rtand Savings Bank. jj



DISTRICT FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE V.—Showing the Receipts, Expenditure, &c., for the Year 1878, of the Funeral Funds under the control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which satisfactory Returns were received.

Eeei lipts. Expenditure. Name of District, Grand Lodge, &c. Levies upon Branches, including Registration Fees, &c. Sums a( Death. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 1878. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1878. Interest. Other Keceipta. Total. Total. Payments. Of Members. Of Wives. Manchester Unity, Independent Oedee or Odd Fellows. £ s. d. £ 3. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ £ a. d. £ S. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Auckland District ... ... New Plymouth District ... .,, Wellington „ Nelson „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ North Canterbury „ Otago „ InTercargill „ 334 16 2 45 18 0 167 12 0 59 3 0 14 10 0 86 3 0 111 5 0 119 11 0 89 18 0 214 10 0 2 10 0 ... 549 6 2 48 8 0 167 12 0 59 3 0 14 10 0 86 3 0 117 15 0 122 13 7 113 12 1 120 15 120 36 18 60 100 180 100 60 40 12 0 18 10 180 0 0 15 18 10 160 0 0 48 0 0 18 0 0 80 0 0 120 0 0 218 0 0 210 9 5 2,406 10 2 57 2 7 68 7 4 83 1 4 4 4 1 116 3 6.V 88 10 9 206 10 4 159 2 5 2,775 16 4 89 11 9 75 19 4 94 4 4 0 14 1 122 6 61 86 5 9 111 3 11 62 5 1 ... 3 "i 1 I 6 10 0 20 20 30 20 8 "6 0 90 9 5 23 14 1 Total of Order .. 1,028 16 2 220 2 7 . 30 4 1 1,279 2 10 i 749 I 202 99 8 3 1,050 8 3 3,189 12 6h 3,418 7 1| Independent Obdee oy Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 241 14. 2 i 92 4 0 .. 146 16 10 1,047 14 11 1,234 16 3 333 18 2 120 ■20 6 16 10 Ancient Oedeb oi , Foeestebs. Auckland District Wellington „ Nelson „ United Canterbury District i 222 11 0 307 5 7 65 4 9 216 18 4 19 15 3 13 16 6 8 5 0 24 10 0 83 14 2 100 0 0 326 0 5 421 2 1 73 9 9 241 8 4 70 200 45 100 90 65 20 30 160 0 0 265 0 0 65 0 0 130 0 0 332 4 4 375 5 2 128 2 4 524 6 2 498 4 9 531 7 3 136 12 1 635 14 6 ... Total of Order... 811 19 8 1,062 0 7 205 66 6 9 183 14 2 415 620 0 0 1,359 18 0 1,801 18 7 6,455 1 11|Total of all the Districts, &c. I 2,082 10 0 378 13 4 213 18 3 427 108 5 1 2,fi75 1 7 1,284 1,817 5 1 5,597 5 5|


II. —7

DISTRICT MANAGEMENT FUNDS. TABLE VI.—Showing the Receipts, Expenditure, &c., for the Year 1878, of the Management Funds under the control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which satisfactory Returns were received.

Expel :diture. Eeceipts. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 1878. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1878. Name of District, Grand Lodge, &c. Levies upon Branches. Other Receipts. Total. Salaries and Fees. Bent. Other Payments. Total Manchester TTnitt, Independent Obeek of Odd Fellows. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland District New Plymouth District Wellington „ Nelson „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ North Canterbury „ Otago ,, ••• Invereargill ,, 174 18 9 19 16 0 107 4 6 72 14 0 101 15 0 172 15 0 113 1 6 40 7 6 67 13 0 13 0 21 18 10 56 9 0 25 17 0 50 5 0 174 18 9 20 19 0 129 3 4 129 3 0 127 12 0 223 0 0 113 1 6 40 7 6 126 15 0 60 10 6 10 0 0 40 15 0 26 10 0 21 14 0 42 2 0 34 4 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 96 0 1 8 4 11 122 13 7 79 5 0 48 1 6 111 19 8 23 4 6 60 1 6 112 15 0 176 10 7 21 4 11 163 8 7 105 15 0 69 15 6 159 1 8 63 13 6 107 11 6 126 15 0 22 5 7 17 4 7| 42 9 1 79 17 9 37 7 2 30 9 91 7 19 9 126 14 5 20 13 9 16 18 10J 8 3 10 103 5 7 95 3 8 94 8 1| 57 7 9 59 10 5 5 0 0 6 5 0 2 10 0 4 0 0 59 2 0 870 5 3 214 14 10 290 15 6 40 15 0 662 5 9 993 16 3 Total of Order 1,085 0 1 364 8 2 455 12 0 I j Independent Obdee op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand ... 113 14 8 113 14 8 32 10 0 8 2 0 120 12 4 161 4 4 50 0 0 2 10 4 Ancient Oedee op Foeestees. Auckland District Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United District 50 1 0 136 6 5 57 12 9 55 4 1 91 16 2 196 8 5 141 3 5 77 3 11 141 17 2 332 14 10 198 16 2 132 8 0 30 0 0 46 14 6 26 10 0 13 13 0 2 5 0 7 10 0 113 9 6 285 17 6 185 19 2 137 4 4 145 14 6 332 12 0 219 19 2 150 17 4 31 10 11 57 14 8 21 3 0 42 2 4 27 13 7 57 17 6 2313 0 Total of Order 299 4 3 116 17 6 9 15 0 722 10 6 849 3 0 152 10 11 109 4 1 506 11 11 805 16 2 Total of all the Districts, &c. 721 6 9 2,004 10 11 440 3 0 58 12 0 1,505 8 7 2,004 3 7 566 19 1 567 6 5 1,283 4 2



ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF DISTRICT FUNDS. TABLE VII.—Showing the Assets, Liabilities, Credit Balances, &c., as at 31st December, 1878, of the Funds under the control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which. satisfactory Returns were received.

Assets (as per Eeturns). Name of District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Worth of District Funds on Slst December, 1878. Value of Funeral Fund. Value of Widow and Orphan Fund. Value of Management Fund. Value of oiher Funds. Value of other Property. Cash Liabilities (as per Returns). Security of Freehold Property. or Municipal Government Debentures. In Savings Bank (Post Office or other). On Deposit with Building Societies. On Deposit with Banks. On Current Account with Banks. Goods, &c. Other Assets. In hand. Manchesteb Unity, Independent Oedeb oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District New Plymouth District ... Wellington ,, Nelson ,, North Westland „ Hokitika „ North Canterbury „ Otago „ Invercargill „ ... ... £ s. d. 2,817 4 1 106 10 7£ 84 3 2 1,158 4 6 95 17 9 216 14 8 418 16 6 367 13 3 85 1 4 £ a. d. 2,775 16 4 89 11 9 75 19 4 94 4 4 0 14 1 122 6 6> 86 5 9 111 3 11 62 5 1 £ s. d.j ... I 960 14 7 £ 8. d. 20 13 9 16 18 10J 8 3 10 103 5 7 95 3 8 94 8 H 57 7 9 59 10 5 £ s. d. 20 14 0 ... £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ a. d. 2,430 0 0. 477 10 0376 0 0 200 0 0' 3,107 10 0376 0 0 I £ s. a. £ s. d.i ... £ s. a. 70 "6 0 200 "6 0 £ a. d.! £ a. d. 200 1 5187 2 8 I 36 10 7i 83 3 7| 0 19 7 104 14 6 95 17 9; 21.4 11 8 2 3 0 99 0 5 45 9 8 1G 8 11 15 6 6 15 1 4 £ s. d.j I £ s. d. £ e. d. 1 ... ... I J275 3 0 ... 27o"3 0 66 5 5 0 16 7 5 10 6 196 18 11 22 16 3 1 ... 64 8 8 10 14 3J 70 0 0! ... ] ... ... " i ... Total of Order ... 1 ; I 1 5,350 5 103] 3,418 7 U 1,237 6 7 1,234 16 3 525 18 4 498 4 9 754 4 9 531 7 3 456 5 11 136 12 1 714 7 G 635 14 6 960 14 7 455 12 0 240 9 2: 275 3 0 , 80 14 3; 270 0 o< 813 18 3302 13 4M i ; 311 8 5 64 8 8 6 7 1 Independent Oedeb op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand , 2 10 4 41 5 o\ 1 8 0 529 0 0 444 19 5 20 17 4 241 11 6 Ancient Oedee op Foeesteks. Auckland District "Wellington „ Nelson „ United Canterbury District I I I 27 13 7 57 17 6 ... I 165 0 01 ... I 48 15 7] 150 0 0 55 0 0 497 19 10 513 16 6 550 "6 0 27 18 6 68 12 3 6 16 0 , 57 10 4 101 7 10 7 19 8 165 0 0 48 15 7 55 0 0 ... 270 18 3^ 23 13 0 200 6 0] I ... Total of Order ... i 2,450 16 6 1,801 18 7 270 18 3 109 4 1 268 15 7l 150 0 0 1,011 16 4550 0 Oj 200 0 0 227 10 5 42 14 2 268 15 7 ... Total of all the Districts, &c. 9,038 8 1H 6,455 1 Hi 543 18 713,257 10 0 ; ;376 0 0 1,092 10 7 791 11 6] 470 0 0 1,082 13 8J346 15 6|' 1,139 4 0 509 8 1 27 4 1,231 12 10 567 6 5 240 9 2

GENERAL STATISTICS. TABLE VIII.—Containing a Complete List of all the Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies known to exist in the Colony of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1879; and giving a few leading facts respecting Membership, Funds, &c., for those from which Returns were received.



ur &im JQ Jiiiij 10 x 1 3.XlUiX\JU, .E VIII.—Containing a C< 31st December, ] implete List of all the Friendly Societies and Branch 879; and giving a few leading facts respecting Memb es of Friendly Societies known to exist in the Colony of New Zealand on the )ership, Funds. &c, for those from which Returns w r ere received. 'ami of Society and Branch. Where Situated. No. of Benefit Members tered ment. fl & C q» No. of Married Members on 31st Dec, 1879. No. of Deaths during 1879. J2 Sickness experienced during 1879. '£ 6 -J oi sicli ana Funeral Fund on 1st January, 1859. Amount Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 31st December, 1879. Interest Credited to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1S79, CHESTEB UNITY INDEPENDENT Dedbb os Odd Fellows. id District — mtain of Friendship Lodge jd Intent „ ■nell irles Bruce „ litato „ xandra „ ke of Cambridge „ ta ., .. Auckland ,., Parnell Thames Alexandra ... Cambridge Newcastle Gisbome Hamilton Deronporfc ... Coromandel Howick Pousonby E E E IT it it tr i— 1850 1858 1865 1866 18fi6 1867 1873 1874 1874 1875 1876 1876 1879 1841 1850 1858 1865 1866 18fi6 1867 1873 1874. 1874 1875 1876 1876 1879 318 226 75 80 208 7 15 12 85 30 19 29 26 335 247 103 75 179 4 25 15 75 36 19 24 26 10 ! 221 179 42 59 135 3 5 7 39 21 12 12 14 5 i 5 1 1 3 1 2 2 ::: 2 1 1 Wks. dys. 72* 531 5 53 257 2 7 1 37 1 18 65 4, 27 233 6 1 11 1 6 0 3 ! 28 3 29 i 156 6 4 J 11 5 3 22 0 £ s. d. 9,295 16 8 1,451 12 9 804 10 5 1,130 8 10 1,807 13 2 45 16 9 234 3 10 170 1 6 598 8 5 195 9 0 116 4 5 140 19 4, 74 7 6 £ s. A. 9,772 12 2 1,650 18 2 928 19 1 1,258 4 1 1,984 7 5 48 13 3 261 14 8 176 17 1 638 16 11 453 12 5 152 19 9 152 4 10 101 15 0 17 12 4 £ s. d. 528 2 -8 84 2 10 10 11 6 61 16 6 94 1 11 4 4 0 7 3 9 38 3 4 1 17 6 borne ,, milton „ ronport „ donal ,, wick ,, isonby ,, 314 6 4 7 2 H ... Total of District 1,130 1,173 754 12 7 J 218 1,351 5 16,065 12 7 17,599 7 2 838 5 8 f 24 71 14 t 2 1 I s Hay District— pier Lodge Napier XT IT IT tr it IT 1856 1871 1873 1873 1878 1878 1879 1879 if 52 2 5 65 0 1 j 23 i 113 0 3 11 0 t tit 1,546 18 7 116 6 0} 854 5 10 • 92 19 li f f 1,738 15 0 91 6 11 939 5 1 122 0 10i f 35 19 4 81 12 8 5 10 0 35 12 0 5 10 0 t anee „ ... botsford „ de „ re „ Waipawa Wairoa ... Farndon Porangaliau Takapau Hastings 128 41 146 28 128 36 136 30 t 30 t 30 itoria ,, ... t f t t f iapau „ stings ,, t t t t 4, t ... ... . Total of District 373 J 360 t 5 l 31 ! 241 2 2,610 9 7j| 2,927 7 2-1-128 4 8 'ymouth District — ■ mont Lodge celsior „ litara ,, New Plymouth E IT IT 1857 1865 1876 146 39 20 ! 146 42 18 92 29 10 1 1 I 20 3 249 5 5 2 ] 886 19 1| 733 7 9i 46 3 6 994 2 2| 795 13 3| 86 19 11 77 0 0 15 0 0 2 4 0 Ealeigh Total of District 205 J 206 131 2 23 255 0 1,6G6 10 5i 1,876 15 5 94 4 0 iui District — 70 w . 43 i 773 12 0




No. of Benefit Members No. of Married Members on 31st Dec, 1879. No. of Deaths during 1859. Sickness experienced daring JS79. Registered or Unregistered. Amount Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 31st December, 1879. Interest Credited to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1879. Name of Society and Brahch. Where Situated. Establishment. sk CO .a s > C .c .14 — ■10 ™ ot mck ana Funeral Fund on 1st January, 18J9. Manchester Unity Independent Oedek or Odd Fellows — contd. Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... Antipodean „ Eose of the Valley ., Kinapoura „ Eose of Sharon ,, United Brethren „ Unity „ St. George ,, Combination „ Heart of Oak „ Masterton ,, ... ... Grey town „ ! Wellington ... ... E E Lower Hutt .., ... E Porirua ... .,. i U i Upper Hutt ,,. ... i U \ Kaikoura ... ... I U i Featherston ... ... U ! Pahautanui ... .. TJ ' Johnsonville ... ... XT Carterton ... ... TJ Masterton ... ... TJ Grreytown ... ... TJ 1845 1847 1849 1857 1857 1868 1872 18G7 1876 1877 1877 1879 336 192 190 27 4.0 35 56 29 31 27 26 358 215 198 26 37 28 54 32 32 33 40 31 t 127 138 t 26 t t 22 t 19 13 2 2 ... 2 ... 43 26 2L t 5 Wks. dys. 568 5 214 4 166 1 23 5 69 0 20 3 12 5 3 0 25 0 4 3 6 0 £ s. d. 2,422 1 5 2,430 6 0 1,902 19 9 171 15 1 311 11 2 154 5 6 364 0 0 81 9 2i 60 5 3 27 18 4 84 0 6 £ a. d. 2,421 2 0 2,462 1 1 1,978 7 6 206 0 10* 330 3 9 154 10 1* 440 1 2* 107 18 1 212 7 10« 66 3 2 63 10 7 75 1 0 81 16 6 50 5 0 104 13 7 5" 10 0 1 f t ... 5" 10 0 ... 1 J ... t 1 1 3 I I ! 8,517 7 1 247 15 1 Total of District 989 1,084 4 * t 1,113 5 8,010 12 2| Marlborough District — Maiiborough Lodge Eenwick „ I Blenheim ... ... E Benwiek ... ... 11 1861 1867 128 39 132 40 t 13 5 211 0 46 6 1,861 8 9i 288 10 21 2,094 15 2 300 13 li 144 13 4 25 7 6 1 ... Total of District i 167 172 18 257 6 2,149 19 0J 2,395 8 3| 170 0 10 Nelson District — ■ Nelson Lodge Travellers' Best „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ Greneral Cameron „ Nelson ... ... R Bichmond ... ... K Nelson ... ... 11 Wakelield .. ... TJ Waimea ... ... TJ ! 184-1 1845 I 1846 1859 1805 237 77 164 58 57 226 77 184 67 51 146 47 96 36 33 1 1 44 9 20 11 5 437 5 79 4 285 5 21 3 43 0 2,484, 13 7 654 8 10 3,079 12 2 477 14 8 188 18 0 2,591 12 1 701 7 4 3,234 17 11 552 1 1 230 9 11 141 12 0 36 4 1 168 4 0 18 11 9 12 0 2 1 1 Total of District. j I 593 7,310 8 4 376 12 0 605 358 SO 867 3 6,885 7 3 M.otiielca District — Motueka Lodge ,,, G-ood Intention „ ... ... Takaka „ Motueka ... ... U Eiwaka ... ... TJ Takaka ... ... TJ 1850 1860 1863 t t t t + t t + f t t t t t t t t f t t t t t t t f North Westland District— Westport Lodge Charleston „ Eeefton „ ... Westportj .. ... E Charleston ... ... E Beefton ,,, ... E 1867 1867 1872 78 84 [132] 68 70 t t 37 t 1 2 10 9 37 0 76 1 t 957 11 0 1,212 7 1 t 1,043 12 5 1,354 17 4 t 55 7 9 81 17 0 t t t t Total of District 113 1 2,169 18 1 2,398 9 9 137 4 9 162 138 19 * These amounts include the sums (g ration possible. t Information not ;enerally small) standing to the credit supplied. if the mm agement funds of the respective lodgi :s at the si me date, as the infor] nation supplied id not render tin necessary sepa



SoTcitika District — ■ Hokitika Lodge Eoss „ Waimea „ Greymouth „ Goldsborough „ Albert ,, Hokitika Eoss ... Stafford Greymouth Goldsborough ... Kumara E R R E E E 1866 1866 1867 1867 1870 1870 164 65 45 117 33 74 163 53 45 102 23 83 119 39 21 t 10 32 1 2 23 18 14 12 8 209 3 120 6 38 1 164 1 46 4 27 3 2,556 0 2 1,434 15 8 1,048 19 3 1,900 3 6 33 0 8 292 15 4 2,738 12 10 1,466 5 8 I 1,117 15 2i ] 1,970 0 0 39 16 2 404 19 7 147 9 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 114 10 6 3 1 1 1 18 12 8 Total of District 498 469 87 606 4 7,265 14 1 7,737 9 51 410 12 2 Ashley District — Eangiora Lodge .,, Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield* „ ... Cust „ ... Woodend „ Amberley „ ... Oxford „ ... Ohoka Sefton „ Rangiora ... Oxford Leithfield Oust... Woodend Amberley Oxford Ohoka Sefton E U r u u u u 1860 18R8 1873 1874 1874 1875 1876 1876 1878 125 52 t 34 28 31 49 29 25 131 50 t 25 19 32 43 31 35 t 22 t 16 15 16 29 18 20 "t 1 1 f 17 14 f 2 2 4 4 6 2 62 5 104 4 t 18 4 5 0 18 0 10 6 23 5 6 0 1,540 4 9 534 2 11 t 234 17 4 168 10 6| 105 19 0 183 8 2 73 5 2 36 18 5 1,635 0 8 573 16 8 [255 0 0] 267 11 11 209 7 4i 142 2 1 228 8 2 97 19 5 72 18 9 40 12 0 31 2 1 t 6 10 0 11 0 0 4 4 0 5 10 0 Total of District 373 366 t 98 18 1 51 249 3 I I 2,877 6 3i 3,227 5 0|! North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Ashburton „ Southbridge „ Doyleston „ Star of Waltham „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ 1 I I Christchurch ... Kaiapoi Sydenham Christohurch ... Woolston Ashburton Southbridge ... Doyleston Waltbam Malvern Christchuroh ,., E E E E E TJ V V V V V 1854 1858 1866 1866 1872 1873 1873 1874 1876 1877 1879 365 83 63 95 99 t 54 t t t 370 71 63 84 107 t 44 t t t 26 185 "55 t 49 t 33 t t t 14 2 2 "t "t 55 14 3 9 13 t 353 0 99 5 60 3 57 4 74 2 t 44 0 t t t 3 3 ! 4,431 15 3 881 15 4 1,008 12 4 552 5 10 632 2 8J t 413 12 6 t t t 4,861 12 7 948 18 1 1,074 19 7 555 13 3 721 7 5i t 419 8 11 t t t 34 9 5 9 0 0 39 16 0 24 10 10 13 9 6 "t 20 0 0 t t t 1 1 8 t t t t t f t ... 1 I Total of District 8,616 9 3il 106 16 4 759 765 103 692 3 7,920 3 llfcl Lyttelton District — ■ City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ ... Timaru „ Arowhenua ,, Heart of Friendship „ Hand of Friendship „ ... Hand and Heart „ Dawn of Hope „ Hand-in-hand „ Lyttelton Akaroa ... Tiniaru Temuka Wai mate ... Okain's Bay ... Pigeon Bay Little River ... Little Akaloa ... E B E U U IT u u 1852 1859 1865 1868 1871 1875 1876 1878 1878 177 83 89 15 40 21 29 21 10 183 90 101 10 37 23 29 26 15 t 29 t t t 12 18 19 8 6 1 1 28 9 t 1 237 3 20 3 51 2 2 0 10 0 9 0 11 2 17 4 3 0 2,301 2 6 1,482 15 4 785 8 0 52 14 2 842 6 9 100 19 7 119 9 5 35 11 8 13 1 0 2,439 7 2 1,402 12 1 869 6 3 54 15 7 898 10 6 138 18 8| 170 18 Oi 64 5 10 27 16 6 32 0 0: 25 9 6 3 t 315 0 4 17 2 4 7 6 2 Total of District 485 514 10 4. T 362 0 5,733 8 5 6,066 10 8 66 1 8 * The books of this lodge having beei t Information not supplied. n burnt, the District Secretai J Uncertain. This would bi ■y reports the retun 3 the amount due oi ,8 to be unreliable. He states, howevei . deposit in building society, rent of ha v, that the ill being ei funds in hand on 31i itirely exhausted by c si December, 1879, were approximately £2(j5




Name of Society and Branch. Where Situated. Regis- Y f No Benefit I\ i. of Members CI No. of Married Members on 31st Dec, 1879. No. of durine E Deaths $ Sickness experienced during iS7g. m r I Amount Amount of Sick and of Sick and Funeral Fund Funeral Fund on 1st January, on 31st December, 1879. 1S79. Interest Credited to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1879. Manchester Unity Independent Okder op Odd Fellows — contd. Otago District — ■ Hand and Eeart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton ,, Prince of Wales „ Albion ., Oainaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer ,, Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakaiipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship ,, Arrow ,, Outram „ Mosgiel „ I I Dunedin ... ... R R Balclutlia ... ... R Port Chalmers ... R Dunediii ... ... R Oaraaru ., ... R Lawrence .. ... ' R Waitahuna ... .. | R Hawkesbury .. ... R Waipori ... ... R Bine Spur ... ... R Nascby .. ...' R Port Molyneux ... It Roxburgh ... ... R Tapanui ... ... R Queenstovra ... ... R Palinerston ... ... R Cromwell ... .. R Waikaia ' ... ... R Knkanui ... ... R Arrowiown ... ,. R Outram ... ... R Mosgiel ... U Inyereargill ... ... R Rirerlon ... .,, R Invercargill ... .. R Winton ... ... IT 184S 1862 1863 1861 186 1 1861. 1865 18GG 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1872 1875 1879 287 181 48 84 118 64 82 58 47 38 92 29 44 49 40 19 55 71 24 91 298 194 50 76 111 71 80 65 50 31 70 85 27 53 51 37 19 56 69 13 23 88 23 186 127 28 43 68 52 57 35 30 19 39 60 12 29 27 14 28 £5 9 8 41 9 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Wks. djs. 37 259 2 21 262 0 1 15 7 54 5 9 136 0 9 46 5 la 133 2 7 49 4 3 13 5 8 31 1 7 66 4 6 19 1 2 20 3 3 73 6 2 17 0 4 47 4 3 13 5 3 11 4 4 7 0 9 52 5 & b. a. 5,834 19 1 3,009 15 1 546 14 11 827 15 11 659 4 11 992 11 0 715 9 10 835 16 3 718 13 6 413 9 7 411 7 3 1,439 9 8 314 16 3 417 17 9 261 17 lOJ 486 IS 9 197 2 1 452 4 10 645 16 4 256 6 5 31 11 11 345 1 1 £ s. d. 6,466 12 8 3,316 12 8 620 7 2 956 5 2 844 14 9 1,096 0 10 764 11 9 895 1 7i 774 10 5 465 13 9 483 4 5 1,603 17 8 346 3 7i 461 10 91 311 6 2 546 13 9 228 12 1 533 3 9 740 1 6 285 19 5 67 12 10 408 11 5 33 6 0 £ s. d. 476 10 6 251 17 7 15 15 0 77 2 7 54 12 4 65 4 1H 59 7 6 54 0 0 23 13 10 40 11 0 125 1 6 24 0 0 38 0 0 12 13 0 29 5 4 7 4 0 24 10 0 30 4 6 12 0 0 1 1 1 6 13 6 ... 'Xotal of District 1,593 1,643 • 971 J 14 3 157 1,317 5 19,815 0 3£ 22,250 14 2« 1,428 7 li Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge Sons of Perseverance ,, St. Q-eorge „ Winton „ ! I860 I 1864 18G8 1874 221 I 46 167 t 219 J 39 I 189 ! t 125 21 103 ! 1 1 ! 1 t 20 t 180 5 18 0 86 2 t 3.155 3 2 538 4 2 1,481. 3 7 t 3,443 0 4 577 7 8 1,704 15 7 t 198 13 2 35 6 0 75 0 7 t Total of District 434 2 1 42 285 0 5,725 3 7 30S 19 9 447 i 249 5,177 10 11 Total of Order 7,827 ! 8,012 j G8 20 1.020J 7,740 3 ' 89,124 6 8$ 97,422 7 5f I 4,412 2 li t Information not supplied. Timaru, and Waimate. 1 I iate estimi i i 1 ■ This is of necessity only an apprpxira ite, owing to the absence oil accurate .nformation relating to the lodges at Porirua, Kaikoura, Feathersti in, Johnsonville,



Independent Okdek op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Pioneer Lodge Wanganui „ Leith „ Alfred „ Star of Canterbury „ Star of Otago „ Mount Ida „ Alexandrovna „ Unity Winchester ,, Point „ G-eraldine ,, Linden „ Green Island ,, Avon „ Southern Cross ,, Ravensbourne ,, Pioneer of Southland ,, Star of Auckland „ Addington „ Marine ,, Newton „ Dunedin Wanganui Dunedin Oamaru Timaru ... Dunedin Naseby Temuka South Dunedin Winchester Pleasant Point G-eraldine Kaikorai Green Island ... Christchui-ek ... Wellington Bavensbourne ... Invercargill Auckland Addington Port Chalmers Newton E E E E E E E u E E E E U TJ TJ TJ 1863 1867 I 1868 1868 ! 18P9 1870 1872 1874 1875 1875 J 1875 1875 1875 1876 1876 1877 1878 1879 1879 1877 1879 1879 99 t 90 40 48 t t [n] 41 12 t 47 30 11 76 49 19 91 [18] 69 43 35 [21] [8] [45] 38 12 [11] 49 30 12 76 58 24 [50] [27] f t t t t t 37 t t t t 29 6 t 33 21 t t 30 17 T t t t 2 t 1 t t t "t "t t t t 1 "t 8 t 3 1 4 t t 5 1 f 80 4 f 9 0 5 4 82 6 t f t 74 6 5 0 t 22 0 10 0 538 17 4 f 728 16 6 144 4 4 393 14 9 t t 21 13 7 122 7 3 t 132 6 3 65 18 0 43 19 7 573 17 1 t 852 13 6 197 17 8 398 5 10 t t -0 4 9 140 6 0 f 157 6 2 100 2 7 57 9 2 79 11 0 145 11 1 28 0 4 f t t t "t 34 0 0 "t t t 2" 6 8 t 1 1 5 3 2" 18 5 3 35 0 1 t t t t t t t t t t f t t t t f t t f t 59" 2 0 5 14 9 f f t t t t t t Total of Order ... 562 535 5 33 324 6 2,256 14 4 2,730 15 8 39 5 1 Ancient Order of Foeesters. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... ,, Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North ,, Robin Hood „ Pride of Panmure... Auckland Thames Auckland Onehunga Thames Auckland Pannuire R TJ TJ U u 1863 1865 1873 1875 1875 1876 t 293 224 t f 46 28 t 303 192 t t 40 20 f t t t t 29 12 t 1 2 t t "t f 50 24 t t 235 0 112 1 t 47 3 9 0 t 2,420 4 0 I 1,754 10 8 ! t t 215 13 8 65 12 9 f 4,456 1 1 2,712 14 2 1,996 2 3 t t 223 18 7 81 8 9 115 16 3 99 11 1 t t 10 7 1 6 10 6 t 1 9 1 "t "t t Total of District ' 591 555 84 403 4 5,014 3 9 232 4 li Hawke's Say District — Court Sir Charles Napier ,, Captain Cook Sir Henry Haveloek „ Robin Hood ... „ Ruahine N apier Haveloek Port Ahuriri ... Vv'aipukurau .,, R R R E 1872 1875 1875 1879 1879 122 79 62 103 81 62 21 17 75 68 40 13 10 14 7 5 2 79 4 23 1 24 3 5 0 423 2 5 193 1 1 135 6 8 539 4 10 213 9 4 181 10 1 31 5 5 18 18 4 30 0 0 5 10 0 0 10 0 0 3 9 1 Total of District 1 263 284 206 23 132 1 751 10 2 984 8 0 36 3 9 t Information, not supplied.




No. of j Benefit Members No. of No. of Deaths during 1879. Sickness experienced during 1879. Registered or Unregistered. Amount Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 31st December, 1S79. Interest Credited to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1879. Name of Society and Branch. Where Situate;!. Year of Establishment, 1 . i g. 2 s> Members on 31st Dec, 1879. .a c B«J of Sick and Funeral Fund on 1st January, 1879. % Ancient Oedbr as Foresteks — contd. Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen ... „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Eoderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone ,, Pioneer Wellington Marton Wellington Blenheim Grey town Wanganui Masterton Te Wairoa Picton Palnierston North Carlerton Feilding G-isborne Tinui, Whareama H B E B B E E E E E E E E 1861 1861 1866 1869 1869 1870 1871 1871 1873 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 228 239 72 200 87 92 36 88 28 47 70 58 33 61 32 230 220 78 221 85 104 48 87 30 57 72 44 33 55 29 165 114 45 f 48 69 29 56 14 28 62 22 t 42 16 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 32 27 6 23 14 10 1 4 3 3 9 4 Wks. dys. 202 1 229 2 26 3 76 3 30 5 71 0 1 1 30 1 11 0 13 0 28 4 11 2 & s. d. 3,636 8 11 1,266 16 2 557 3 2 703 0 0 805 14 9 627 2 2 90 4 6 394 15 \\ 92 19 li 168 0 8 162 8 10| 108 4 5£ 111 5 3 120 16 9 42 12 0 £ s. d. 4,520 11 6 1,332 9 5 653 2 2 938 19 10 964 4 9 643 13 9 12 l 13 9 443 1 2i 122 0 10* 223 19 3 191 4 10 250 2 0 159 1 6 138 19 9 71 17 4 £ s. d. 151 6 6 53 13 2 56 10 8 63 0 8 89 2 9 1 10 0 4 18 2 5 10 0 8 5 0 1 1 '"l4 1 72 0 4 0 4 6 0 Total of District 1,371 151 807 1 8,887 11 11 10,775 1 11 1,393 438 2 11 Nelson District — Court Eobin Hood „ Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest „ Taranaki... „ Waireka „ Concord „ Patea „ Unity „ Charleston „ Sherwood Forest ... „ Aorere „ Royal Oak „ Inglewood Forest ... „ Inangahua 1 Nelson ,,, Motueka Wakapuaka New Plymouth New Plymouth Greynioutli Patea Havelock Charleston Stoke Collingwood ... Westport New Plymouth t E E E E E E E E 0 IT U 1863 1863 1864 1864 1866 1867 1868 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1876 t 173 [53] 37 62 87 84 16 82 23 25 [39] 28 17 t 166 t 36 65 101 86 2 79 24 27 t 28 19 f t t 15 34 38 54 t t 11 14 15 9 "t "t 1 ■•• 1 t t 5 6 16 16 14 5 3 94 2 t 54 2 61 0 71 0 177 4 37 0 12 0 10 5 t 27 3 4 0 t 549 2 2,255 7 11 [342 0 4] 355 4 0 557 10 3f 591 9 0 369 13 9 170 16 0| 156 6 5 I 145 12 1 115 10 8 t 129 14 0 79 10 9 t 2,451 11 1 t 367 14 4 627 17 5| 670 5 7 304 2 3 191 10 2i 237 10 10 . 174 9 5 142 11 0 t 149 5 4i 98 13 3 t 87 5 4 t 21 10 0 14 8 0 25 1 1 25 10 2 10 8 4 6 17 6 5 3 6 t 4 0 0 0 7 6 t 1 ••• 1 t t t "t 3 1 t "t 3 t t Total of District 634 633 I 1 4,926 14 Hi 5,415 10 9i 200 11 5 United Westland District — Court Pride of the West... „ Waimea „ Pride of Kumara .. Hokitika Stafford Kumara E 1866 1869 1876 36 19 16 34 19 18 25 11 10 2 8 9 1 65 0 12 1 2 4 326 5 5 138 16 Of 16 18 0 324 15 4 151 7 Of 44 17 10 24 5 0 6 12 0 1 Total of District 71 71 4G 18 79 5 481 19 5| 521 0 2jl 30 17 0 [ 1 t Inforn: ation nol supplied.



United Canterbury District —• Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles... „ Pride of Courtenay „ Queen of the South „ Springfield „ Star of Ashburton... „ Belle of the Isle ... „ Thistle of the Forest Chrislchurch ... Lyttelton Courtenay Templeton Kowai Pass Ashburton Little Akaloa ... Sydenham H E U u V 1852 t 1876 1877 t t 1879 1879 407 t 21 429 t 28 22 t t 14 t t 10 10 t t "t "t t 1 t 1 1 t t 40 t 3 2 t t 185 1 t 38 0 4 0 t t 2,416 12 10 t 64 0 0 3 0 0 t t 2,411 13 11 t 80 0 0 5 0 0 t t In debt 8 17 6 147 17 0 t "t t 3 "t "t "t "t "t t t 1 227 1 I I Total of District 462 493 45 2,483 12 10 2,505 11 5 147 17 0 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunediu ... „ Pride of the Lake ... „ Enterprise „ Eobin Hood „ Pride of the Leith... ,, Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Star of Tuapeka ... „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock „ Hope ,, Star of the South ... „ Roxburgh „ St. Andrew ... ... „ Excelsior „ Tapanui ... „ Pride of the Forest Dunediu Queenstown ... Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin ... Milton Clyde Bannockburn ... Oamaru Lawrence ... Alexandra Waitahuna Otepopo Invercargill ... Roxburgh ... Caversham Mornington Tapanui Winton B E E E E E E E E r v D 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 1869 1870 1874 1873 1875 1876 1877 1878 213 24 136 [130] 106 [92] [34] 51 42 [98] 35 41 29 [114] 31 54 15 23 17 218 24 145 [132] 123 [89] [33] 45 36 [99] 37 39 29 [136] 33 63 17 17 15 150 15 104 t 91 t 27 25 t 26 22 25 t 11 50 13 9 9 3 1 1 "[I] 2 "[1] 26 2 12 t t t t 2 2 249 5 3 0 67 1 t 89 1 t t 21 5 8 3 t 2,490 5 9i 320 7 2i 904, 2 7i [365 15 2}] 333 8 8£ [159 3 Hi] [222 9 8] 130 16 Ti 55 15 1 [297 5 9i] 45 17 10i 100 7 5i 187 0 5* [349 15 7i] 57 1 Si 97 6 5f 45 18 10| 28 19 4J 40 0 0 2,624 11 2 354 16 0 1,033 5 6| t 371 17 4i [171 8 6i] [167 0 Hi] 138 12 9| 67 10 3i [323 8 71] 56 6 11 94 19 9i 182 4 2 [445 1 7f] 77 13 11 109 6 1| 58 12 3 66 0 8 36 12 9 237 7 3 31 18 3$ 93 10 0 t 36 5 4 [16 11 3; 7 10 [14 0 0] t ... 6 3 t 2 5 1 3 1 41 3 28 0 t 2 4 36 3 1 0 8 4 2 0 i 7 2 6 15 4 8 [6 17 6] 3" 6 0 0 9 8 ... i ... I Total of District • .* 817 ' 841 580 5 3 t 559 1 4,837 7 10i 5,272 9 9i 432 4 8| I Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross ,., „ Coromandel „ Foresters' Pride ... Timaru ... Coromandel Waimate ,., E E U 1865 1871 1875 178 51 40 175 41 39 t 24 23 3 ... 18 9 4 95 2 31 4 31 4 3,212 9 3 394 7 3 73 0 0 3,348 15 9J466 17 2 63 0 0 20 10 0 19 5 0 1 10 0 I 1 ! 4,478 4,525 t I 19 520*| : Total of Order ... 20 I — 1 2,916 4 30,504 14 9il 34,366 18 10i 1,559 6 8i I I I Ancient Oedeb op Shbeheeds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Wellington „, 1865 45 40 36 J I i I ... 1 7 55 1 111 144 & 6 1 162 10 6 * Approximate estimate. t Information not si ipplied.




No. of Benefit Members No. of Married Members on 31st Dec, 1S79. No. of Deaths during 1879. Sickness experienced during 1879. Name of Society and Branch. Where Situated. Registered or Unregistered. Establishment. O' -co V Z" M zi.a 2 Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 1st January, 1859. Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 31st December, 1859. Interest Credite< to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1879. TJ sited Ancient Oedeb op Detjids. Pioneer Lodge Hopa of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Excelsior ,, Cliristcliureh ... E U TJ 1879 1879 1879 50 88 51 76 01 55 t t t t Wks. dys. 25 3 £ s. a. 67 17 11 & a. d. 129 2 4| 20 9 6 33 5 3 62 16 9 £ s. d. 0 10 10 Wellington ... ,., ... Total of Order ... 59 25 3 0 10 10 306 67 17 11 i 245 13 101 Loyai United Feiends Benefit Society. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Remembrance Lodge No. 2 No. 3 „ I i Newton ... Napier Auckland ,,, ... B IT U 1879 1879 1879 41 38 t t "t + "t t t t t t 9 3 6 t t t t Independent Oedee op Eechabites. New Zealand District — Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki ,, Eden „ Star of Coromandel „ Friendly Help ,, (Female) Hope of New Zealand ,, (Juvenile) Excelsior „ „ Auckland ,., Thames Parnell Coromandel u U r v 1863 1870 1874 t t t 75 150 49 t t t t 97 123 47 t [12]! [48] [30] t 34 21 t t t t ••• . 3 t 33 2 17 92 1 9 22 0 t t t t t t t t t 147 3 t 17 9 t 401 1 8 219 8 11 t t t t 500 7 8 457 13 0 259 15 11 t [31 13 2|] [66 4 2] [3 19 0] 1,217 16 7 t 12 13 1 5 5 0 t t t t t -[1] + t t t t t t t ... Total ... 27-1 267 t t New Zealand Central District — Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier ,, Bon Accord „ Rose of Sharon „ Excelsior „ Unity „ Perseyerance „ Sir Wilfred Lawson ,, Bud of Promise „ Wellington Napier ... ... Blenheim .., Waipawa Waipukurau ... Crofton Wellington Sandon Nelson v u u u u 1866 1870 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1874. 1874 I 156 13 [22] J3 J 27 t 139 10 [21] 13 20 19 42 24 48 109 6 9 12 f 19 1 I ... j ■•• 1 9 39 4 j "t t" 2 6 0 5 11 0 3 12 0 2 14 3 4 15 5 4 6 3 944 11 7 i 183 2 2 ; [240 0 0]* 500 0 0* 266 18 4 141 3 9i j 87 0 OJ 145 7 9i I 1,163 9 1 202 14 2 [260 0 0]* 530 0 0* 286 4 2i 80 0 0* 183 17 Hi 96 9 9 196 1 10 i 53 0 0 ... . I i"l4 7 ... 40 20 I 46 •••_ 1 5" 9 6 "l9 ... ... i 6 0 0 ... * Approximately. f Info] rrnation n> it suppliei JO: litting s! illings and pence.



TJnitv .. ••■ i New P^ 011111 ExceLn- ,, ... Wellington ... Hope of Dunedin „ - Dunedm Good Samaritan „ •■• Timaru Kawarau „ ••• Bannockburn - Pride of Christchurch „ ••• Christchurch ... Murihuku „ - ... Skandia's Hope „ ••• Norsewood ... Faithful Friend „ ... Waimate ... Hope of OrmondviUe „ ... Ormondville ... Hope of Woodville „ ... j Woodville ... Kay of Hope ,, - | Kaik°ura Female Tents — ; Haste to the Rescue , j Wellington ... Helpmeet Dunedm IT U u TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ u u 1875 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 1879 17 20 67 31 12 [19] 59 25 9 11 14 23 21 70 33 11 [30" 61 12 0 8 14 12 14 13 t 15 2 1 5 2 2 3 14 0 6 3 9 0 10 3 51 5 8| 97 2 6 157 3 1 62 14 11 29 8 Hi [40 0 0]J 101 17 11 25 0 0J 66 B 8i 122 7 11 175 13 1 89 8 9 49 14 91 [67 0 OJJ 211 16 0 38 16 0 11 16 0 15 17 5 21 7 04 2 13 4 110 1 12 0 "+ t" 3 3 1 0 7 10 0 "t t 3 1 6 9 5 3 18 3 3 6 0 1872 1879 11 11 10 11 1 1 5 0 0 3 61 13 4i 67 15 0 9 3 7 2,900 0 0§ 3,621 12 Ik 76 16 1 1 47 154 6 Total of District ... 610§! 610 _. j Albert District—* Gh-eymouth Pioneer Tent ... Greymouth ... Star of Hope „ - Hokitika Crusader „ - Ly"elton U R TJ t 1869 t + 39 t f 36 t t 30 + t 1 t t 10 ! t 43 1 t 96 12 6 t t 99 1 3 t t 4 4 9 t t "t 1 I 1 t 345 3 I t 4,938 10 5i t Total of Order ... G20§| 913 Sons akd Datoiitebs or Tempeeance. Grand Division of New Zealand — Antidote Division ... Dunedm ... Perseverance .., •■• Christehurch ... Progress „ ••• al ?P 01 ... - Star of Waikouaiti „ ... Waikouaiti ... Resolution „ ••■ n S! ora , Try Again „ ••• Woodend ... Ray of Hope ,. ■•• Greymouth ... Phoenix ,, ••• Oamaru Dawn of. Light „ ■•• » Star of Peace „ ■■• Dilbnantown ... ... J ! R R U IT U TJ U 1871 1872 1872 t 1873 t 1878 1879 1879 1879 161 60 I si: [25] 42 [45] [22] 158 60 41 [19] 40 T42] [26] T2i] "15 16 t 36 18 t 16 t t t 14 5 2 ... 18 5 2 t 2 t t t 124 3 16 .3 44 4 8 2 t t t 867 1 1 356 16 0 175 14 61 t 270 6 0 t 936 19 3 396 11 6 177 14 8 [76 5 6] 291 6 10 ! [109 7 10] ■[50 5 4]| [20 9 6] 16 4 0 6 14 6 35 7 9 18 1 t" + t t ! - ! 1,669 17 1\ 1,825 10 9 36 15 10 i 27 193 5 ... 294 330 ... Total of Order ... I Hibeenian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Olaqo-Canterburt) District — St. Joseph's Branch Dunedm ... ••• Naseby cShurch I", Chris/ehnrch ... Inyercargill „ Invercargill ... Lawrence „ Lawrence j R TJ TJ u E TJ TJ TJ TJ 1873 1873 1873 1874 1875 89 28 125 31 37 63 23 148 38 30 t 9 84 18 24 9 3 li 4 4 61 5 40 0 69 0 23 0 8 3 256 10 10 97 11 7 499 1 5 141 5 7i 80 0 0 253 19 8 86 2 0 G16 6 9 141 9 11 100 0 0 8 0 0 3 10 0 18 2 11 2 416 0 1,074 9 6i 1,197 18 4 34 8 11 31 202 1 Total of District 310 302 I % Omitting shillings and pence. § Approximate estimate. * Central office at Adelaide, South Australia. t Information not supplied.




r\o. of Benefit Members No. of Married Members on 31st Dec, 1879. No. of daring )eaths 18-79-Sickness experienced during 1879. Amount Name or Society and Branch. Where Situated. Registered or Unregistered. Year of Establishment. sk 4t i j> Hi I Funeral Fund ! on 1st January, 1S79. Amount of Sick and Funeral Fund on 31st December, Interest Credited to Sick and Funeral Fund during 1879. HlBEEKIAN AUSTEALASIAN CATHOLIC Benefit Society — continued. Branches not in Districts — Greymouth Branch Charleston „ Graharnstown „ Hokitika „ Greenstone ,, Auckland „ Oiiehunga „ Reef ton „ St. John's „ Wellington „ Nelson „ Gisborne „ Blenheim „ Wanganui ,, New Plymouth „ Waipawa „ ... ... Hawcra „ Greymouth Charleston Thames Stafford Hokitika Kuraara Auckland Onehunga Reef ton Napier Wellington Nelson Gisborne Blenheim Wanganui New Plymouth Waipawa Hawera ... tr R E R E TJ tr u tJ u u TJ TJ TJ t 1870 1870 1870 1870 1871 1873 18/3 1873 1874 1874 t 1S75 1876 1876 1876 t t t 27 113 19 20 16 195 t 60 f t t 19 43 20 t t t 25 95 17 16 15 193 t 41 t t 15 t t 13 59 11 t 6| 100* t f 1 2 + f "t f 3 12 3 4 3 39 t Wks. dys. 28 5 58 3 7 5 34 4 45 4 140 1 t 25 0 t t £ s. a. t 153 3 5 513 14 6 348 15 10 133 4 0 24 17 1* 525 11 4 t 210 11 2 t t t 34 6 6 t t 69 0 0 t 1 £ 8. d. t 155 12 2 576 11 0 388 16 7 135 18 2 17 13 91 591 1 11 t 221 11 1 t f t 56 13 6 t 111 7 4 83 0 0 t t 3,530 3 10! £ s. a. t 7 3 0 17 14 9 8 16 0 7 4 0 25" G 0 t 15 0 0 t t t 5 t t t t t 2 t f f t t 7 t "t "t t 24 0 5 0 t t 571 2 "t 49 20 t t t 28 14 t 1 "t t "t t 4 3 4 16 0 t t t 107 t 120 8 8 Total of Society... 842 788 6 3,037 13 4 Protestant Alliance Fiiiendlt societt oi , austealasia. Grand Council of Victoria — Pioneer Lodge... Excelsior „ Dunedin Abbotsford ... I ... ! TJ TJ 58 0 6 4 147 19 4 32 6 2 U u 1873 1876 45 15 49 16 45 12 ... 9 1 137 11 1 40 0 8 10 0 0 Total ... 60 "I 1 10 1 64 4 I I . 180 5 6 177 11 9 10 0 0 65 57 ... Grand Council of Neio Sotitli Wales — IMnee of Wales Lodge ... Queen's Own ,, ... WieHiffe „ John Knox „ Martin Luther „ Alexandra „ I 1 Tharnes Christchurch ... Napier Wanganui Wellington t TJ TJ L T U tr TJ u u TJ V V TJ 1873 t 1879 1879 1879 1879 123 t 44| 126 t 50 t t t 102 t 31 t t t 1 t 1 "t t t 13 t 3 43 0 t 28 6 t t t 480 1 3 t 72 13 5 61G 2 0 t 43 14 61 t 42 17 4 t t t t t f t f t t ... Total 167 176 133 ] 2 190 i 2 16 69 6 552 14 8 662 Iβ 61 42 17 4 Total of Order ... 227 ! 241 ! 1 1 26 134 3 733 0 2 840 8 Si 52 17 4 1 ! Approxii lately. formation not su; ied.



Railway Beseeit Societies. OtsgQ Eailways , Employes Benefit Society New Zealand "Railways' Employes Benefit Society Christchureh Branch Invercargill „ Dtmedin Chrietchurch ... Iuyercargill 1S75 206 279 t 31 I 131 0 704 5 8 i 033 15 5 t R 1879 t t 312 f t t t I f t ... 154 16 6 t 1 Coleecting Society. New Zealand Prudential Assurance Society Auckland .,, 1879 [700] t t I ! ... 1 t t ! I Miscellaneous Societies. Ifew Plymouth Friendly Society Central Volunteer Fire Brigade Sick and Accident Fund Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society... Primitive Methodist Mutual Aid Society New Plymouth Wellington R 1841 1807 124 f 125 t 102 f ... 3 ♦m 242 5 [9 2] 3,017 5 9| t 3,054 4 9| t 213 0 6 t Kaeo Dunedin E E 1870 1876 29 11 34 11 12 8 ... 5 23 0 124 13 4 G6 2 1 153 3 6 76 13 9 6 14 2 I Total of all the Societies... I 113 52 1,900*! J 12,704 O 135,500 0 0* 150,450 17 2i 6,600 0 0* 15,600* 16,492 * Approximate estimate. f Information not supplied.

NUMERICAL PROGRESS AND SICKNESS EXPERIENCE. TABLE IX.—Showing the Number of Admissions and Departures, the Numerical Progress, and the Sickness, during the Year 1879, in. the various Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," and Section 4 of "The Friendly Societies Act Amendment Act, 1878."



No. or iii durij embers iig the Admitted STear. No. of Members \vli< during tiie year oleft No. of Members on EoU. Statistics of Sickness. Amount of Sickness Experiem ied. flSJ S 94 £ El w 8.1 Name of Society and Branch. 0 4 3 I 1 GO CO 11 j 15 ■sg ill ■ Mi o O in II! •^ as I 3 o 3 3 8 Manchesteb Unity Independent Ordeb oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra „ 29 37 29 3 3 6 6 1 1 2 35 43 30 4. 5 1 5 I 14 15 2 6 27 3 18 22 2 9 34 3 318 226 75 80 208 7 335 247 103 75 179 4 72 53 7 18 27 1 t t 7 20 29 1 Wks. Ds. 531 5 257 2 37 1 65 4 233 6 1 1 Wks. Ds. 381 5 243 2 37 1 65 4 83 3 1 1 Wke. T>3. li" 0 Wks. Ds. 150 0 Weeks. Weeks 163 738 1-09 4-85 •42 531 •85 3-64 i'2l 866 •21 J 1-14 Weeks. 738 4-85 531 364 8-66 1-14 "i "2 7 ... 23 3 127" 0 1 ... 1 1 Total of District 101 16 117 1 7 1 14 67 88 914 943 1 ! 178 J ! t 1,126 5 812 2 37 3 277 0 J 121 6-33 633 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge ... ... ! ! 1 t I " I I I : 8 1 9 1 2 6 9 146 146 20 21 249 5 120 2 44 3 85 0 1-71 12-49 12-49 Wanganui District — Wanganui Lodge ... .,. ... I ! . I I 10 1 11 2 1 4 66 70 11 13 27 1 27 1 ■40 2-47 2-47 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ I I ——^— I . I I I 46 23 22 14 1 2 60 24 24 2 7 29 1 ! 14 38 1 16 336 192 190 358 215 198 43 26 21 t 28 21 5G8 5 214 4 166 1 293 1 109 4 141 1 107 0 168 4 105 0 1-64 1323 1-05 8i'5 •85 7-91 1323 8-25 7-91 "2 25" 0 Total of District 91 17 I 108 2 9 J 44 55 718 771 I I 90 t 9i9 3 543 6 ! 132 0 273 4 1-28 j 10-55 10-55 Marlborough District — Marlborough Lodge Kenwick „ 1 1 I I __! i 13 3 1 1 14 4 1 2 8 2 10 3 128 39 132 40 13 5 15 5 211 0 46 6 75 1 46 6 j 135 6 1-62 16-23 1-19 937 16-23 9-37 ... Total of District 16 2 18 1 I 2 10 172 18 20 257 6 122 0 135 6 _j 1-52 1433 1-89 995 1-03 8-84 1 61 j 14-29 1-67 1100 13 167 Selson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' Kest „ Howard „ I ! ! !__ ! ! 12 19 2 1 2 14 4 21 J 1 ... 1 9 1 15 3 25 4 1 237 77 164 226 77 184 44 9 20 t 9 22 437 5 79 4 285 5 197 5 47 1 163 0 64 0 32 3 35 0 176 0 ... ... 87" 5 Total of District 34 5 39 2 10 18 478 487 ! 73 t 803 0 407 6 131 3 263 5 30 NortJi Wesfland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ j I 1 I ! 1 i 1 6 6 1 "5 16 8 16 14 78 84 68 70 10 9 11 9 37 0 76 1 37 0 21 1 1 55 0 •51 370 •99 8-46 •75 i 5-95 ... ... 1 1 19 I 1 20 1 58 1 I i ' 55 0 i Total of District 1 24 30 162 138 113 1 i i



BoJcitika District — Hokitika Lodge Boss ,, Waimea „ Gfreymouth „ G-oldsborough „ Albert „ 10 1 2 4 2 "2 12 1 4 4 1 J I ». 2 1 1 4 2 2 10 12 3 12 7 13 13 13 4 16 164 65 45 117 33 74 163 53 45 102 23 83 28 18 14 12 7 8 31 19 17 12 7 8 209 3 120 6 38 1 164 1 40 4 27 3 101 3 58 4 38 1 54 0 46 4 27 3 39 0 10 1 69 0 52 1 1-28 2-05 •85 1-50 1-66 ■35 7'48 6-7.1 2-72 1368 665 3-43 3 1 1 72 1 38 0 "22 "3 1 "25 12 1 57 87 I i i i _j 606 4 I 326 1 121 2 ~ 6-97 Total of District 39 7 46 6 75 498 469 94 159 1 1-25 Ashley District — Kangiora Lodge ... Nil Desperandum „ i 15 3 3 18 3 • i 11 4 12 5 125 52 131 50 17 14 19 16 62 5 104 4 62 5 53 4 26" 0 25" 0 •49 2'05 3 69 7-47 ... 1 15 1 35 I 1 167 2 j 116 2 I 26 0 1 •93 540 Total of District 18 3 21 1 17 177 181 31 25 0 North Canterbury District — City of Christchureh Lodge Kaiapoi „ Benevolent ,, Perseverance „ i ! I 1 ! 1 1 I I 19 1 8 18 7 3 2 26 4 10 18 2 *2 1 1 3 6 18 15 16 4 21 16 21 10 365 83 95 99 370 71 84 107 55 14 9 13 55 14 10 13 353 0 99 5 57 4 74 2 185 2 86 4 57 4 74 2 46 5 2 5 121 0 10 3 •96 1-29 •64 •72 642 7-12 640 571 ... ! Total of District 46 j 12 J 58 1 [ 4 11 91 92 584 4 403 5 49 3 131 3 •92 6-42 53 6S 642 632 Zyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ Arowhenua „ ... I I I I 32 21 1 1 33 21 1 6 2 19 14 6 27 11 6 177 83 15 183 90 10 28 9 1 29 11 1 237 3 20 3 2 0 I 87 0 20 3 2 0 42 3 108 0 1-32 •24 •16 8-48 2-27 2-00 ... Total of District I 6 2 39 38 41 259 6 109 3 42 3 108 0 •93 6-84 54 1 55 47 275 283 Otago District— Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ ... Dalton ,, Prince of Wales „ ... Albion „ Oamaru ,, ... Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ ... Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh ,, ... Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ Palmerston ,, Cromwell ». „ Mount Wendon ,, ... Band of Friendship ,, Outram ,, 1 i \ ! i 1 i 30 28 7 10 11 7 8 9 5 2 2 1 32 30 8 10 12 11 8 10 5 8 4 3 1 2 1 14 14 5 15 17 3 6 21 17 6 18 19 4 10 1 2 4 3 13 2 3 3 13 287 181 48 84 118 64 82 56 47 38 61 92 29 44 49 40 19 55 71 13 91 298 194 50 76 111 71 80 65 50 34 70 85 27 53 51 37 19 56 69 13 88 37 21 1 7 9 9 12 7 3 8 7 6 2 3 2 4 38 22 1 7 9 9 14 8 3 9 7 6 2 3 2 4 259 2 262 0 1 5 54 5 136 0 46 5 133 2 49 4 13 5 31 1 66 4 19 1 20 3 73 6 17 0 47 4 153 0 133 2 1 5 54 5 33 6 31 4 76 2 49 4 13 5 31 1 58 4 19 1 20 3 53 4 17 0 11 0 2 0 24 3 104 2 104 2 ■89 1-40 •03 ■68 119 •69 1-65 •82 •28 •87 1-02 •22 •73 1-52 •34 1-24 701 12-48 1-71 7-82 1511 519 11-11 7-08 4-57 389 951 3-19 10-21 24 62 850 11-89 i 4 1 1 1 2 24 0 15 1 5 0 78" 1 2 1 52" 0 i 1 1 1 1 1 2 11 2 1 3 10 ... I "2 8" 0 "il 6 i 12 6 "2 12 4 10 12 5 10 "i 1 20 2 I 1 " I "i 2 36" 4 ... "i 8 4 3 11 ... ... 8 4 3 11 ... 1 "i 2 5 12 6 3 14 i 3 3 4 9 1 3 4 9 13 5 11 4 7 0 52 5 13 5 11 4 7 0 52 5 ... •25 ■17 •54 •59 4-57 386 1-75 5-86 ... Total of District 184 j 197 1 14 I 24 '1 131 I 169 1,569 1,597 157 163 1,317 5 843 4 I 98 6 1 375 2 1 i •83 839 13 , Invercargill District — Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge Sons of Perseverance ,, St. George „ I r I 12 1 28 2 "5 14 33 1 1 15 4 9 16 8 11 221 46 167 219 39 189 21 20 22 1 20 180 5 18 0 86 2 80 5 7 0 86 2 11 0 100 0 •82 ■42 ■48 8-61 1800 431 1 Total of District 41 7 48 5 1 28 42 43 285 0 174 0 6-79 2 35 434 447 11 0 100 0 ■64 Total of Order 648 85 733 49 1 98 I I 1 496 I t 6,748 0 4,064 5 694 2 1,989 0 1-07 7-89 643 6,246 6,336 855 t Information not supplied.




No. of M duri 'embers ng the Admitted if ear. No. of Members wli during tlie yea-i .0 left No. of on ileinbers Roll. Statistics of Sickness. r. Name op Society and Branch, II 'a '3 -a I u o CO I! |i 6K5 6H Amount of Sickni tss Experienced. P 55 J I •8 s 8 its w ill Ora c X.-3 tc.s a aa a C=CO g SCO g 1 Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred „ Star o£ Canterbury „ Unity „ Winchester „ Green Island ,, ... Southern Cross ,, RaTensbourne ,, Total of Order ... 16 4 11 8 8 2 1 27 14 "3 1 16 7 12 8 S 2 1 28 15 2 "i 3 2 4 3 2 19 26 5 17 11 2 24 28 9 21 13 2 99 PO 40 -IS 41 12 11 19 91 43 35 86 12 12 58 24 8 3 1 4 5 1 8 3 1 e 5 1 Wks. Ds. 80 4 9 0 5 4. 82 6 74 6 5 0 Wks. Ds. 76 4 9 0 5 4 36 6 50 2 5 0 Wks. Ds. 4 0 Wks. Ds. 46 0 Weeks. Weeks. ■85 10-07 ■11 3 00 ■13 5-57 2-00 20-71 1-94 14-97 •42 j 5-00 24" 4 "i 1 1 "i 17 10 19 10 ... j ... I ... 91 L»7 15 107 126 409 380 22 I 23 I 257 6 183 2 I 28 4 46 0 •65 I 11-72 AKCIEST ObDEB OF FoBESTEBS. Auckland District— Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... I I _ I I I I 29 4 11 1 40 5 1 2 S 28 27 30 87 293 224 303 192 50 24 1 56 £6 235 0 112 1 176 2 106 1 6 5 6 0 52 0 •79 •54 4-70 4-67 ... I i 1 i j I 55 74] •vi 347 1 j 1 I 282 3 12 5 52 0 J t •69 Total of District 33 ; I 12 45 i 9 i 67 517 495 4-69 Haivlee's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier ., Captain Cook ... ,., ,, Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood ,, Kuahine ... ... I 17 10 6 22 17 I 2 1 1 19 11 7 22 17 i i ! J 5 1 2 j ! 33 8 4 1 33 9 7 1 122 79 62 103 81 62 21 17 14 7 5 2 i 15 8 5 2 i I 79 4 23 1 24 3 5 0 I 28 4 23 1 24 3 5 0 I I I i 53 0 i •71 •26 •39 ■48 5-68 331 4-89 2-50 ... ... ... ... Total of District 72 4 70 i 8 46 53 0 J •48 55 263 284 28 30 J 132 1 79 1 4-72 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Eobin Hood „ Little John ,, Sir George Bowen ... „ Blenheim ... ... ., Wairarapa ,, Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde ., Clarendon ,, Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer I i !' i 1 I i 29 19 16 24 4 13 12 10 4 11 9 4 12 5 6 3 I 8 3 1 2 82 27 19 25 6 13 12 15 4 13 11 5 16 7 7 2 1 2 4 1 3 2 26 41 12 30 46 13 4 8 1 228 239 73 200 87 92 36 88 28 47 70 58 33 61 32 230 220 78 221 85 104 48 87 30 57 72 44 33 55 29 32 27 6 23 14 10 1 4 3 3 9 4 32 31 6 24 15 10 1 4 3 3 9 4 202 1 229 2 26 3 76 3 30. 5 71 0 X 1 30 1 11 0 13 0 28 4 11 2 188 1 198 6 26 3 76 3 30 5 71 0 1 1 30 1 11 0 13 0 28 4 11 2 14 0 30 3 ■88 100 •35 •36 •36 ■72 ■03 •34 •38 •25 •40 •22 fi-32 849 4-40 332 219 710 1-14 7-54 367 433 317 2-82 1 6 i ... 5 2 2 1 4 2 1 i 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 13 1 5 18 14 11 10 16 2 3 9 19 16 13 10 i 14 1 14 1 72" 0 4 0 72" 0 4 0 1-24 •13 5-14 4-00 i Total of District 178 84 i 212 J i . 1 I 26 157 1,371 J 1,393 151 157 I 807 1 762 S 44 3 •58 5-35 190 Nelson District — Court Kobin Hood „ Pride of the Forest j, Waireka ., Concord „ Pa-tea ... „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... Total of District 6 J ie ! 5 J 2 "i i 8 17 5 2 1 7 I 13 1 2 2 13 7 ■ i 15 1 3 3 14 IS I 173 37 87 84 16 82 25 166 101 86 2 79 27 i t 16 16 ! I t 5 19 17 94 2 54 2 71 0 177 4 94 2 41 4 71 0 151 4 1 12 5 26 0 !___ I ... ... I •56 1-49 •76 2-09 t 10-86 4-44 11-10 -12 J 2 I "l2 2 "i 14 3 16 3 i 37 0 10 5 37' 0 10 5 ' •46 -41 2-'64 3 57 t ■ ■ ... 41 3 41 " 12 8 b 51 504 497 + 114 6 406 38 5



United Westland District — Court Waimea 1 ! 19 12 1 12 1 2 2 19 10 •64 I 1-35 United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury ... United' Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... .,, „ Enterprise „ Pride of the Leith... „ Royal Oak of Eawarau ... ,., „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Havelock ... .., ,.. Total of District Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross ... „ Coromandel 37 15 14 20 2 3 15 4 I 7 \ 6 J 19 21 26 2 4 52 3 2 1 1 -1 1 1 3 1 5 } 8~ 3 1 1 9 I 10 i 8 7 7 1 42 27 30 14 12 9 8 10 2 407 213 136 106 51 42 41 429 218 145 123 45 36 39 40 26 12 t 2 2 6 44 I 1 26 12 t 2 6 185 1 249 5 67 1 89 1 21 5 8 3 41 3 184 3 197 3 67 1 75 5 21 5 8 3 41 3 27 2 13 3 0 5 25 0 1-16 I •48 •78 •45 •22 1-04 I : 80~ ■44 4-63 9-60 560 t 10-86 4-21 690 t ... 54 18 72 55 580 606 t_ t 477 411 40 5 25 0 I" 26 3 4 30 3 3 3 1 3 29 10 33 13 178 51 175 41 18 9 19 9 95 2 31 4 95 2 31 4 •54 •69 529 351 Total of Order ... 445 ! 91 536 20 I W. 1 20 I . 405 450$ t I 2,533 0 j 2,265 5 137 2 130 0 ■65 5-60J 496 i ! 3,899 3,939 Ancient Obdee or Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey I I I J j i ! I ] 1 1 6 6 ! 45 40 7 7 55 1 I 45 1 10 0 1-30 7-88 TJnited Ancient Oedee ob Deuids. Pioneer Lodge ... ! I ! I i ! I I i I I 1 54 J 54 1 ... 1 1 I 24 23 59 88 t 25 3 25 3 ■35 MLoyal United Friends Benefit Society. Remembrance Lodge ... ... ! I 1 — — I I i I ! I J 41 I - 41 41 ' Independent Oedee op Rechabites. New Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent i 5 2 7 31 17 17 92 1 88 4 3 4 f •68 5-42 I 3 34 150 123 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent 1 7 r>!) 36 10 11 43 1 43 1 1-15 4'31 ... Total of Order ... 12 4 ! 38 42 189 159 27 28 135 2 131 5 3 4 I 1 •78 5-01 10 I 2 Sons and Daughters ob Temperance. Antidote Dmsion Perseverance ,, Progress „ ... ,,, J ! 23 1 14 2 25 14 2 ! 25 1 2 18 5 2 19 5 2 124 3 16 3 44 4 124 3 16 3 27 4 ■78 •27 1-24 6-91 329 2229 1 i 2 28 1 4 161 60 31 158 60 41 17 0 ... J ! i 2 2 I ! 1 26 I 185 3 I I 168 3 17 0 I I I ■73 I . Total of Order ... 38 J 40 3 28 I 33 252 259 25 ! 7-42 HIBERNIAN AfSTBALASIAN CATHOLIC BeNEBIT Society. Otago- Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch Branches not in Districts — Charleston „ G-rahamstown „ ... Waimea „ ... ... Hokitika „ Greenstone „ Auckland „ I 1 I 1 6 61 5 61 5 •81 I 1 I ■■■ 33 33 89 63 9. I 6-86 1 4 ... , ... I ... 1 4 1 1 "i 1 2 3 19 2 4 1 38 3 22 2 4 5 38 27 113 19 20 16 195 25 95 17 16 15 193 3 12 3 4 3 39 3 13 3 11 3 47 28 5 58 3 7 5 34 4 45 4 140 1 28 5 58 3 7 5 34 4 5 4 140 1 ... 1 ... ... 1-10 •56 •43 1-92 294 •72 9-57 487 2-57 .8-64 15-19 3-59 " 4 32 "i 4 36 "2 "2 9" 0 31 0 I Total of Order ... I I ! 3 4 1 376 6 336 6 9 0 j I 5-16 47 5 J 52 100 107 479 424 73 89 31 0 I •84 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society ... Kaeo and Wangaroa Friendly Society ! ! 1 I I ! ' i I ! I i i 5 J 5 ... 124 29 125 34 5 t 5 242 5* 23 0 181 0* 23 0 34 4* 27 1* I 1-95* •73 t 4-60 ... ... I Total of all the Societies ... I I I ! j 7,425 2 934 2 ! i 2,223 1 1 •90 7'OOJ j 1,381 J i 191 1,572 82 192 1,204 1,478 11,731 11,825 1.500J ; t 10,582 5 j Uncertain, t Information not supplied. J Approximate estii ate.


SICK AND FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE X. Showing the Receipts and Expenditure, for the Year 1879, of the Sick and Funeral Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand (exclusive of the Funeral Funds of Districts, Grand Lodges, &c.) which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877."


Contributions! Initiation of own and Clearance Members. , Fees, &c. ♦Net Interest and Kent. Eeceipts. 72 0) a a 8 o On account of other g «m .2 Branches. Si Other Eeceipts. Full Pay.f Sickness Pay, iclmess Pa; Eeduced Pay. Suras ai Expei iditure. Death. Levies to >-, District, Onaccount firandLodge, ■««*£ Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 1879. P Amount of -g g Fund on g 5> 31st December, g H 1879. t^ .1-5 co OCOH 5 o Amount £•% of Fund per '~o-2 Member. -1^ Name of Society ahd Branch. Other Payments. Further Eeduced Pay. Of Members. Of Wives of Members. Manchester Unity Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent ,, Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waiiato „ Alexandra „ Total of District ) ... £ s. d. 499 2 5 319 14 8 147 18 1 142 10 10 344 3 6 7 10 2 £ s. a. 31 14 6 54 5 6 30 2 0 7 4 0 3 3 0 £ s. a. 528 2 8* 84 2 10* 10 11 6* 61 16 6 94 1 11 £ 12 144 "25 24 & s. a. 22 16 11 37 19 1 1 17 7 £ s. a. 3 10 0 5 0 0 £ s. a. 303 4 2 172 18 8 37 3 4 61 3 4 107 10 0 15 8 £ s. a. 75 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. £ 120 "25 £ 24 24 £ s. a. 96 1 6 69 7 6 25 18 0 22 11 0 53 2 0 3 8 0 £ «. a. 34 14 10 38 0 6 1 10 8 £ 8. a. 163 7 10 1 10 0 18 6 0 19 £ s. d. 1,097 6 6 645 2 1 190 9 2 236 11 4 498 17 7 7 10 2 £ 8. a. 696 8 4 445 16 8 66 0 6 108 16 1 322 3 4 4 13 8 £ s. d. 9,295 16 8 1,451 12 9 804 10 5 1,130 8 10 1,807 13 2 45 16 9 £ s. d. 9,696 14 10 1,650 18 2 928 19 1 1,258 4 1 1,984 7 5 48 13 3 335 247 103 75 179 4 £ s. d. 28 18 11 6 13 8 9 0 4 16 15 6 11 1 8 12 3 4 35 29 21 14 13 13 33 9 2 85 *6 8 "24 52 "i 8 1,460 19 8 126 9 0 778 15 205 96 2 9 8 10 0 683 5 2 180 6 8 145 72 270 8 0 126 10 166 8 1 2,675 16 10 1,643 18 7 14,535 18 15,567 16 10 943 16 10 2 New Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge Wangaymi District —■ Wanganui Lodge Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... Antipodean ,, ... ... Eose of the Valley „ Total of District 161 7 21 61 5 1 12 7 0 5 15 0 77 0 0 30 34 5 4 17 2 41 0 17 6 6 3 21 90 5 0 18 10 0 25 0 7 27 19 6 15 30 20 16 3 7 7 13 8 34 5 4 17 2 4i 315 17 0§ 90 5 8 208 14 0 93 6 Otf 886 19 If | 776 12 8 994 2 2i| 773 12 8U 146 70 11 1 0 6 16 2 22 21 353 10 5 118 16 3 122 6 0 7 13 2 8 19 10 81 16 6 50 5 0 104 13 7 20 'io 31 18 4 34 9 0 2 1 11 53 14 6 28 15 0 294 10 4 109 13 4 143 17 0 53 10 0 18 14 0 63 8 0 46 0 0 40 20 20 28 16 0 17 10 0 17 19 0 36 5 6 35 0 0 2 3 7 5 9 4 540 19 9 239 18 5 278 1 4 541 19 2 208 3 4 202 13 7 2,422 1 5 2,430 6 0 1,902 19 9 2,421 2 0 2,462 1 1 1,978 7 6 358 215 198 6 15 3 11 9 0 9 19 10 34 32 30 594 12 8 16 13 0 236 15 60 68 82 9 548 0 8 72 4 0 109 8 0 40 40 64 5 0 73 5 9 4 ,058 19 6 952 16 1 6,755 7 2 6,861 10 7 771 8 18 0 Ufarlborough District— Marlborough Lodge Eenwick ,, ... Total of District 156 8 3 47 9 61 23 19 0 4 3 0 144 13 4 25 7 6 19 1 0 34 2 4i 81 0 10 46 17 2 44 16 9 18 11 16 0 7 4 0 3 12 0 378 3 lli| 77 0 0| 148 9 7 64 17 2 1,861 8 9i 288 10 21 2,091 3 2 300 13 1-ii 132 40 15 16 10 7 10 4 IS 12 203 17 91 28 2 0 170 0 10 19 34 2 4i! 127 18 0 44 16 9 18 11 16 0 7 4 0 3 12 0 455 3 lli\ 213 6 9 2,149 19 01! 2,391 16 3-i 172 13 18 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' Eest „ Howard ,, ... ... Total of District North Westland District — Westport Lodge ... Charleston „ Total of District 339 6 2 95 2 3 216 5 5 650 13 10 18 7 0 5 4 0 33 15 6 57 6 6 141 12 0 36 4 1 168 4 0 346 1 5 0 261 16 8 73 3 4 197 19 2 532 19 51 0 0 4 17 6 6 0 0 61 17 6 40 10 0 29 15 0 7o 36 5 0 11 11 0 25 14 0 73 10 0 1 5 0 5 0 2 15 0 3 11 0 6 6 0 ,055 5 5 499 5 2 137 15 4 418 4 11 392 6 8 90 16 10 262 19 2 746 2 8 2,484 13 7 654 8 10 3,079 12 2 6,218 14 2,591 12 1 701 7 4 3,234 17 11 6,527 17 4 226 77 184 487 11 9 4 9 2 2 17 11 7 13 35 34 33 77 2 7 127 18 5 7 8 0 55 7 9* 81 17 0 18 2-1 12 6 9 2 17 6 5 3 8 37 0 0 21 8 2 20 12 6 "24 21 1 6 23 0 0 9 6 0 19 13 8 7 8 2 173 2 7 238 19 1 87 1 2 96 8 10 957 11 0 1,212 7 1 1,043 12 5 1,354 17 4 68 70 15 6 11 19 7 1 12 12 205 8 0 137 4 9 42 12 6 58 8 20 12 24 44 9 6 0 27 1 10 412 183 10 0 2,169 18 1 2,398 9 138 17 MolcitiTca District — Hokitika Lodge Boss „ Waimea „ ... ... Greymouth „ ... ... Goldsborough „ Albert „ Total of District 210 19 10 68 4 2 54 14 4 122 4 8 34 8 10 89 3 1 16 8 0 16 0 9 16 8 9 0 147 9 0 70 0 0 60 0 0 114 10 6 70 50 20 10 19 0 0 1 io 0 23 16 0 10 0 0 6 6 0 110 10 0 58 13 4 38 3 4 54 4 8 24 4 8 27 7 0 29 5 0 6 12 2 47 "7 0 34 10 0 26 1 8 19 6 0 20 60 20 20 20 "io 47 18 0 16 13 0 14 16 0 32 13 0 5 12 0 25 9 0 19 0 0 15 6 0 0 12 3 10 61 20 13 0 4 2 8 463 16 10 139 10 2 125 5 10 329 0 2 60 14 10 189 7 3 281 4 2 108 0 2 56 9 101 259 3 8 53 19 4 77 3 0 2,556 0 2 1,434 15 8 1,048 19 3 1,900 3 6 33 0 8 292 15 4 2,738 12 10 1,466 5 8 1,117 15 21 1,970 0 0 39 16 2 404 19 7 163 53 45 102 23 83 16 16 0 27 13 3 24 16 9 19 6 3 1 14 7 4 17 7 13 13 12 12 9 9 67 4 6 I 18 12 8*1 4 7 0 4 7 0 579 14 11 102 9 0 410 12 2 150 48 13 0 16 6 0 313 3 0 83 4 2 79 11 120 30 143 38 13 0 28 7 41 ,307 15 836 0 M 7,265 14 7 7,737 9 5i 469 16 9 11 Asldey District — Eangiora Lodge ... .Nil Desperandum „ Total of District 174 3 2 89 15 4 9 8 3 1 10 0 40 12 0* 31 2 1* 20 2 10 8 58 13 0 5 13 8 62 13 4 53 13 4 13 "6 0 6 5 0 20 10 12 10 0 5 4 0 21 4 0 2 15 8 33 0 2 302 16 5 130 11 9 149 7 6 90 18 0 1,481 11 9 534 2 11 1,635 0 8 573 16 8 131 50 12 9 8 11 9 6 19 11 263 18 6 10 18 3 71 14 20 2 10 8 64 6 8 116 6 8 13 0 0 20 10 17 14 0 23 19 8 33 433 8 2 240 5 6 2,015 14 8 2,208 17 181 12 4 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi ,, Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Total of District Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ ... Arowhenua „ Total of District 1,132 12 11 682 9 9 128 4 6 140 4 5 181 14 3 10 4 0 0 17 9 0*"e 3 502 0 7 67 9 6* 13 9 6* 582 19 40 40 80 121 7 5 7'"4 7 128 12 0 185 6 8 86 13 4 59 10 4 74 6 8 405 17 23 8 4 18 4 24 16 8 32 17 0 2 12 6 35 9 ti 40 40 80 50 17 8 8 8 0 10 0 9 9 16 0 79 83 10 9 2 13 4 6 16 8 93 0 9 500 0 Ot 27 13 6 80 15 5 18 1 0 626 9 11 ,345 17 9 196 11 9 193 13 11 198 5 1 .,934 8 6 1,344 16 3 916 0 5 129 9 0 190 6 6 109 0 4 4,431 15 3 881 15 4 552 5 10 632 2 81 6,497 19 li 4,861 12 7 948 18 1 555 13 3 721 7 5i 7,087 11 4i 370 71 84 107 632 I 11 4 3 I : i 13 2 9 13 7 4 6 12 4 6 14 10 i 25 21 13 7 388 13 7 167 7 5 19 11 1 14 0 0 8 10 0 0 10 0 *32 0 0§ 25 9 6 75 10 11 10 87 1 0 20 6 5 2 0C 45 5 0 16 4 0 135 36 9 8 17 7 8 4 12 8 10 8 10 0 16 0 51 12 3 243 0 1 16 4 8 520 5 5 201 6 11 ' 24 18 9 382 0 9 281 10 2 22 17 4 2,301 2 6 1,482 15 4 52 14 2 2,439 7 2 1,402 12 1 54 15 7 183 90 10 J 13 6 7 15 11 8 i 5 9 7 27 I 20 3 417 8 575 12 23 0 0 57 9 6 75 10 11 10 4 17 109 7 45 5 0 16 4 0 135 58 10 0 11 4 10 310 17 0 746 11 686 8 3,836 12 0 3,896 14 10 283 13 15 5 Otago District —■ Hand and Heart Lodge Dimedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales „ Albion „ Oamaru M ... Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitabuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ B ue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra ,, Eoxburgh „ Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ PalmerstoB „ ... Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram >, ... Total of District 388 1 6 250 9 7 60 14 11 104 12 7 154 13 10 83 11 li 102 8 5 86 0 6 72 19 6 43 6 0 95 19 6 120 2 2 34 2 li 60 9 31 55 2 9i 50 5 7 30 18 3 66 1 4 90 0 0 18 0 4 108 0 9 42 13 6 42 18 6 9 9 0 16 11 0 15 2 3 6 9 9 10 9 6 12 13 9 7 4 0 15' 5 0 7 0 0 476 10 6 251 17 7 15 15 0 77 2 7 54 12 4* 65 4 lHj 59 7 6 54 0 0* 24 4 7 40 11 0 125 1 6 24 0 0 38 0 0 12 13 0 29 5 4* 7 4 0 24 10 0 30 4 6 12 0 0 G 13 6 60 20 30 30 30 40 20 20 15 "a o 1017 2 l"l 0 24 9 0 152 1 8 133 3 4 1 14 2 54 17 0 33 16 4 31 10 0 80 3 0 49 13 4 13 14 4 31 4 8 58 13 0 19 2 6 20 10 0 53 14 2 17 0 0 11 2 0 16 0 15 18 6 15 12 0 9 16 0 0 13 0 5 4 0 •41 12 0 52 0 0 39 0 0 26 0 0 60 20 20 20 20 40 "20 20 20 "io 60 12 3 37 6 3 10 12 6 17 19 3 24 5 9 10 10 0 17 8 6 11 19 0 10 12 3 8 0 0 13 17 6 19 19 0 6 4 9 9 16 0 6 13 0 8 0 9 5 11 3 11 13 3 15 15 6 2 10 9 18 17 3 17 "5 10 7 0 8 3116 61 43 14 2 i 967 5 6 565 5 8 i 85 18 11 228 6 2 265 5 7 185 5 10 213 6 5 152 14 3 100 3 6 111 19 7 J166 17 6 1252 3 8 l| 58 2 H 145 7 9| 73 1 3| 125 18 5 38 2 3 125 7 2 127 10 6 34 14 4 135 4 3 335 11 11 258 8 1 12 6 8 99 16 11 132 14 1 81 16 0 164 4 6 93 8 10$ 44 6 7 59 4 8 95 0 4 87 15 8 26 14 9 101 14 9 23 13 0 66 3 5 6 12 3 44 8 3 33 5 4 9 10 9 71 13 11 5,834 19 1 3,009 15 1 546 14 11 827 15 11 659 4 11 992 11 0 715 9 10 835 16 3 718 13 6 413 9 7 411 7 3 1,439 9 8 314 16 3 417 17 9 261 17 10i 548 8 1 197 2 1 452 4 10 645 16 4 256 6 5| 345 1 1 6,466 12 8 3,316 12 8 620 7 2 956 5 2 791 16 5 1,096 0 10 764 11 9 895 1 71 774 10 5 466 4 6 483 4 5 1,603 17 8 346 3 7* 461 10 9i 311 6 2 608 3 1 228 12 1 533 3 9 740 1 6 281 10 01 408 11 5 298 194 50 76 111 71 80 65 50 34 70 85 27 53 51 37 19 56 69 13 88 21 14 0 17 1 11 12 8 2 12 11 8 7 2 8 15 8 9 9 11 2 13 15 5 15 9 10 13 14 3 6 18 1 18 17 5 12 16 5 8 14 2 6 2 1 16 8 9 12 0 8 9 10 5 10 14 6 21 13 1 4 12 10 31 17 16 15 15 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 8 7 4 s 26 18 6 5 5 6 18 13 0 20 13 4 6 "20 5 "o 1 "20 714 6 25 5 8 "20 0 15 0 110 14 4 0 7 6 0 4 14 0 20 10 0 19 0 0 1 11 10 13 15 0 15 13 4 7 0 0 52 16 R 19 0 0 1 16 6 2,076 0 283 3 1,428 17 104 290 34 2 45 13 6 851 4 6 61 14 0 184 17 8 260 30 328 4 9 38 2 4 94 7 51 ,158 0 8$ 1,848 10 8; 19,844 17 9 22,154 7 9 1,597 13 17 Invercargill District —■ - Shamrock, Eose, and Thistle Lodge Sone of Perseverance „ St. George „ Total of District Total of Order 305 10 3 50 17 0 221 0 6 17 7 6 110 42 13 6 198 13 2 35 6 0 75 0 7 10 18 7 4 3 "s 7 488 5 4|| 80 2 10 7 0 0 S3 6 7 7 3 0 50 0 0 20 10 40 14 0 8 16 0 32 16 0 17 17 4 3 "8 7 54 16 11 25 1 6 5 8 3 ,038 3 7 87 4 0 342 3 2 273 11 1 48 0 6 126 19 5 3,155 3 2 538 4 2 1,484 3 7 3,919 15 8 577 7 8 1,699 7 4 219 39 189 17 18 0 14 16 1 8 19 10 19 IS 11 577 61 2 0 308 19 9 10 21 ]5 11 488 5 172 9 5 3 0 50 0 20 10 82 21 5 11 85 6 ,467 10 9 448 11 5,177 10 11 6,196 10 8 447 13 17 8,543 3 6 745 4,606 9 Hi ina 860 5 10-|-888 4 iOfl 4,1)27 14 574 11 645 9 7 883 236 1,196 15 11 495 8 llil 1,387 5 10 16,111 4 4|j 9,446 6 04 78,131 18 3J 84,796 16 8 6,336 13 7 8 * i.e., slier deduction of charges against interest account. t lncludir M: ig half-pa; r> Henry ] to members not yet in full iatcliffe, Corresponding Seci . benefit, retary of the J Transfei •rder. to Managemi § "Uncertain. )nt Fund , by perm II Increasi ission of the G: e in value ot he rand Master of the Order ai til since last valuation, £47f id Board of Directors at Mane' 35s. 4d. tester, in pursuai ice of a valuation made by the late


i Eeccipts. Expenditure. m,J2 5S3 II "o"£S I Name of Society and Branch. Contributions of own Members. Initiation and Clearance Pees, las. Net* Interest and Eent. 5? R 8 On account of other Branches. Other Receipts. Sickness Pay. Sums a1 Death. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, See. On account of other Branches. Other Payments. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Fund on 1st January. 1879. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1879. Amount of Fund I per "3 ■§ Member. ■£ Full Pay.t Reduced Pay. Further Reduced Pay. Of Members. Of "Wives of Members. I Independent Oedee of Odt> Fellows. Pioneer lodge Leith ,, Alfred „ Star of Canterbury „ Unity „ Winchester ,, Green Island ,, Southern Cross „ Kavensbourne „ Total of Order ... Ancient Order ob Foeestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... „ Pride of Parnell ... Total of District £ s. d. 140 2 4 121 15 8 75 18 4 68 4 11 69 18 3 35 15 0 13 9 7 86 9 1 32 18 2 £ s. d. 9 5 7 2 9 4 £ s. d. 34 0 0 £ 20 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 5 0 0 2 0 0 £ b. d. 76 13 4 9 0 0 5 11 5 36 17 4 50 5 8 4 10 6 £ s. d. 2 0 0 £ s. d. 11 IO 0 £ 20 £ £ s. d. 40 14 10 27 8 0 16 13 7 15 6 6 29 4 3 7 15 5 £ b. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 174 7 11 160 5 0 75 18 4 68 4 11 80 3 0 43 15 0 13 9 7 86 9 1 32 18 2 £ s. a. 139 8 2 36 8 0 22 5 0 63 13 10 101 16 7 25 16 3 £ s. d. 538 17 4 728 16 6 144 4 4 393 14 9 21 13 7 122 7 3 43 19 7 59 2 0 5 14 9 £ s. d. 573 17 1 852 13 6 197 17 8 398 5 10 -0 4 9 140 6 0 57 9 2 I 145 11 1 28 0 4 - 91 69 43 35 36 12 12 58 24 £ s. d. 6 6 1 12 7 2 4 12 n 11 7 7 16 11 11 10 4 4 3 2 1 "io o" - 4 9 1 10 0 12 6 8 10 1310 4 2*"o 0 4'l0 0* 11 13 10 4 15 9 2 10 2 13 4 10 12 7 10 12 7 644 11 13 14 11 38 10 30 8 14 9 182 18 3 14 11 10 0 20 10 147 15 2 13 10 4 735 11 0 400 0 5 2,058 10 2,394 0 8 380 466 16 1 299 10 8 22 6 6 2 15 0 115 16 3 99 11 1 20 40 25 15 8 7 0 0 220 13 4 104 16 8 3 0 0 20 40 89 1 0 59 8 6 28 10 0 650 14 6 448 16 9 358 4 4 207 5 2 2,420 4 0 1,754 10 8 2,712 14 2 1,996 2 3 303 192 8 19 1 10 7 11 16 14 766 6 9 25 215 7 4 60 32 15 8 325 10 3 0 0 t)0 148 9 6 28 10 0 1,099 11 565 9 6 4,174 14 8 4,708 16 5 495 9 10 HawTce's Bay District— Court Sir Charles Napier „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ KuaUine 136 12 2 193 16 4 78 6 8 28 9 8 10 5 1 12 3 9 12 13 0 4 14 9 16 13 6 10 15 0 30 0 0 5 10 0 0 10 0 0 3 9 "20 20'io 0 28 1 6 23 11 10 23 0 0 2 10 0 13 5 0 20 21 7 0 22 17 9 19 8 0 5 6 0 3 0 6 160 1 6 6 11 9 178 15 11 226 19 4 108 11 5 45 13 2 21 18 10 62 13 6 206 11 1 62 8 0 14 7 9 3 0 6 423 2 5 193 1 1 135 6 8 539 4 10 213 9 4 181 10 1 31 5 5 18 18 4 103 81 62 21 17 5 4 8 2 12 8 2 18 7 19 9 12 3 7 4 4 0 0 0 is 0 Total of District Wellington District*^Court Sir G-eorge Grey ,., „ Robin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen.., „ Blenheim .., ... „ Wairarapa .,, „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise .,, „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon „ Manawatu ..." „ Marquis of Normanby ... j „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer Total of District 447 9 11 57 0 0 36 3 9 20 21 5 0 77 13 5 0 20 71 19 166 13 3 581 18 8 349 0 10 751 10 2 984 8 0 284 3 9 4 296 17 7 251 11 9 7e 1 0 261 19 8 115 7 5 103 2 8 41 12 6 116 19 6 38 10 6 62 16 1 84 8 9| 43 5 14 44 3 0 92 1 2 37 18 4 36 13 6 15 7 0 10 0 6 16 3 9 2 15 6 13 0 0 10 11 9 9 6 0 2 2 6 7 3 6 6 2 6 3 13 7 10 0 5 10 3 18 6 151 6 6 53 13 2 56 10 8 63 0 8 89 2 9 1 10 0 4 18 2 5 10 0 8 5 0 10 40 10 30 "IO 659 10 (y\ 184 15 0 198 16 8 26 12 10 76 8 3 31 6 8 71 0 0 13 4 30 3 10 11 0 0 11 15 0 28 13 4 11 6 8 7 0 0 15 5 0 20 20 "20 10 10 20 10 "io 48 10 0 40 17 0 15 14 3 38 16 0 17 9 0 18 0 6 9 0 0 22 3 3 6 13 11 6 6 13 2 0 14 18 0 8 9 3 13 1 6 8 13 0 10 i'i 8 7 "4 6 2 0 7 33'l5 94 1,154 7 7 • 360 11 11 155 12 2 371 4 1 207 5 8 127 12 8 52 4 3 131 3 8 46 3 0 79 0 1 90 11 34 176 3 Hi 76 7 6 97 2 2 41 16 10 270 5 0 294 18 8 59 11 7 135 4 3 48 15 8 111 1 1 20 15 0 86 2 104 17 1 3 23 1 6 61 15 4 34 6 5 28 11 3 78 19 2 12 17 2 3,636 8 11 1,266 16 2 557 3 2 703 0 0 805 14 9 627 2 2 90 4 6 394 15 14 92 19 14 168 0 8 162 8 104 108 4 54 111 5 3 120 16 9 42 12 0 4,520 11 6 1,332 9 5 653 3 9 938 19 10 964 4 9 643 13 9 121 13 9 439 15 11 122 0 104 223 19 3 191 4 10 250 2 0 159 1 6 138 19 9 71 11 8 230 220 78 221 S3 104 48 87 30 57 72 44 33 55 29 19 13 1 6 12 8 7 6 4 5 0 11 6 11 6 3 9 2 10 8 5 18 4 14 3 18 7 2 13 1 5 13 8 4 16 5 2 10 6 2 9 4 18 15 13 10 10 9 8 8 6 5' 4 3 3 2 2 015 6 20 4 0 0 20 129 17 7 0 8 6 "20 81 9 0 2 0 65'17 8 2 0 0 2 - "4 2 1,669 15 148 17 438 2 11 120 790 11 750 19 3 22 5 0 110 50 286 10 11 8 53 8 94 3,167 6 10 1,283 6 24 8,887 11 11 10,771 12 6j 1,393 7 14 8 Kelson District — Court Robin Hood ... „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord „ Waireka „ Patea =. Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... Total of District 211 16 3 46 16 0 102 6 6 112 11 3 11 12 0 91 0 6 33 6 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 4 4 0 17 0 0 87 5 4 21 10 0 25 1 1 25 10 2 10 8 4 5 3 6 10 10 94 6 8 53 19 8 143 3 0 71 0 0 16 8 0 37 0 8 10 16 8 13 "6 0 10 "io 13 11 9 1 16 0 15 19 0 4 10 9 0 5 0 18 19 10 0 5 0 314 1 7 68 11 0 116 10 6 154 12 4 37 2 2 140 8 10 40 2 0 117 18 5 56 0 8 201 1 10 75 15 9 16 8 0 73 14 5 13 1 8 2,255 7 11 355 4 0 369 13 9 591 9 0 170 16 Oi 170 16 7 115 10 8 2,451 11 1 367 14 4 285 2 5 670 5 7 191 10 24 237 11 0 142 11 0 166 36 86 101 2 79 27 14 15 4 10 4 3 3 6 4 6 12 9 95 15 1 3 0 2 5 5 7 16 15 12 13 11 8 7 24 "0 0 1 12 6 'l5 "l5 6 13 9 1 17 6 15 "0 0 0 7 6 609 8 52 174 18 5 35 426 14 8 13 0 0 15 20 44 8 9 34 17 871 554 0 4,028 17 114 4,346 5 n 497 8 14 11 United Westland District — Court Waimea ... .., United, Canterbury District— Court Star of Canterbury United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Pride of the Leith... „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Havelock Total of District Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross j, Coromandel Total of Order ... Ancient Order of Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey United Ancient Obder of Detjids. Pioneer Lodge ... Loyal United Feienes Benefit Society. Eenienibranee Lodge Independent Order of Rechaeites. New Zealand- District — Star of Hauraki Tent Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Total of Order ... 1,064 13 533 19 4 388 4 5i 248 3 34 227 18 0 87 11 3 29 12 5i 83 3 10i 201 2 11-1 56 10 9 23 2 10 34 52 17 0 20 7 6 23 0 0 29 10 0 3 0 0 75 17 27 4 6 3 19 6 1 17 6 6 147 17 0 237 7 3 93 10 0 36 5 4 7 10 7"2 6 381 20 10 0* 19 5 0 6 12 0 6 SO "io "20 110 - 10 38 "4 10 7 6 6 2 10 0 9 10 6 13 8 9 43 1 9 6 6 0 3 16 3 0 5 0 7 16 0 0 14 0 0 17 6 184 10 0 197 10 0 67 3 4 75 6 8 21 17 0 41 9 8 403 12 3 4 95 4 8 31 13 4 6 8 13 13 4 6 15 0 20 0 8 4 6 5 0 6 5 0 80 '20 100 60 20 10 io 40 10 160 14 11 112 14 6 41 9 6 25 17 0 24 9 6 8 11 0 4 7 6 8 0 0 6 18 0 27 19 9 7 6 6 2 10 0 9 10 6 646 10 5i 0 8 0 21 16 8 400 5 0 236 12 3 142 10 0 128 18 6 67 4 1 14 3 9 571104 1,654 16 1| 291 19 2i 118 0 1 750 19 4 729 15 5-i 371 13 9* 306 8 4 105 8 3 30 6 5i 111 3 104 31 12 4 1,338 15 54 755 18 3 595 10 1 242 10 10 267 19 8 97 12 1 18 11 3 116 11 6i 155 12 8 81 9 9 19 1 4 2,416 12 10 2,490 5 9 J 904 2 7i 333 8 8i 130 16 7| 55 15 1 100 7 5| 4,014 16 3,212 9 3 394 7 3 138 16 Of 34 2,411 13 11 2,624 11 2 1,033 5 6| 371 17 44 138 12 9f 67 10 3i 94 19 9i 4,330 16 Hi 3,348 15 9| 430 17 7 151 7 Of 429 218 145 123 45 36 39 G06 175 4! 19 12 0 9 7 2 6 3 0 6 3 17 1 17 6 2 8 9 19 2 9 10 10 2 7 19 4 5 12 5 2 11 10 27 17 16 15 12 11 10 14 8 5,372 9 5 444 16 1,440 2 6 355 80 11 0 874 13 1 2,307 59 1 8 19 10 0 365 120 831 6 5 76 11 11 1,323 19 6 8,567 12 5,102 14 9 28,019 16 4| 31,484 13 10| 3,939 7 19 10 37 6 1 10 0 7 17 19 11 8 2 10 0 45 7 8 27 1 8 144 4 6 162 10 6 40 4 13 14 84 11 3 28 12 3 0 10 10 25 11 44 26 13 [6 0 5 0 113 14 4 52 9 104 67 17 11 129 2 4i 88 19 4 ? 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 41 0 4 6 186 7 7 12 9 12 13 1 42 42 46 17 7 242 3 5 185 12 1 401 1 8 457 13 0 123 3 14 5 96 14 6 86 15 0 5 15 6 4 4 9 io 9 16 0 42 14 0 10 10 18 6 50 10 0 116 11 3 114 2 6 96 12 6 99 1 3 36 2 15 0 10 273 2 7 6 18 3 16 17 10 9 16 0 139 8 6 52 57 16 50 10 0 358 14 299 14 7 497 14 2 556 14 3 159 3 10 0 Sons and Daughters of Temperance. Antidote Division ... Perseverance „ Progress „ Total of Order ... IIlBEBNIAN AtrSTBAr-ASIAIf CaiHOIIC Benefit Society. Otago- Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch 'Branches not in Districts — Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Waimea ,, ... Hokitika ,, Greenstone ,, Auckland „ Total of Order ... 324 1 3J 159 17 11 127 6 5 36 16 Hi 62 13 6 35 11 6 12 6 8 19 6 45 13 6 5 16 0 35 7 9 18 1* 36 15 10 8 0 0 I 19i% 1 9- 9 - i'"o 0 1 0 127 0 0 16 10 0 27 11 4 171 61 16 2 11 18 0 3 8 0 8 IO 0 10 10 55 3 0 17 4 6 35 0 0 11 19 0 7 15 0 67 12 5 0 0§ 62 12 6 11 3 9 250 15 2 130 17 0 45 16 54 427 76 9 6 74 180 17 0 91 1 6 43 16 4 315 14 10 90 4 5 1,399 11 867 1 1 356 16 0 175 14 61 256 10 10 n 1,511 936 19 3 396 11 6 177 14 8 242 15 11 158 60 41 259 63 5 18 7 6 12 2 4 6 8 5 16 8 3 17 1 8 7 7 23 14 11 121 11 9 31 0 6 29 3 6 18 2 4 211 6 2 0 7 6 7 14 6 7 3 0 17 14 9 8 16 0 7 4 0 Io 8 0 11 28 16 8 58 10 0 7 16 8 33 13 4 5 14 0 140 3 4 20 25" 9 6 o"*5 0 31 5 5 167 1 0 47 17 5 36 7 6 20 12 1 277 4 8 28 16 8 104 4 6 7 16 8 S3 13 4 31 9 0| 211 14 1 153 3 5 513 14 6 348 15 10 133 4 0 24 17 U 525 11 4 155 12 2 576 11 0 388 16 7 135 13 2 14 0 2 591 1 11 25 95 17 16 15 193 6 4 6 6 15 22 17 5 8 9 11 0 18 8 3 13 9 9 9 9 8 6 2"9 9 20 12 6 25 6 0 20 4 10 0 7 15 0 " - 5 20 4 16 5 51 10 9 313 7| 497 12 37 0 3 74 3 9 40 8 0 11 336 10 2 4 10 0 7 15 0 45 99 15 2 44 656 17 507 18 8* 1,955 17 04 2,104 15 11 424 4 19 llj Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society... Total of all the Societies ... 36 11 0 34 19 9 0 5 0 213 0 6 6 14 2 135 15 0 11 10 0 26 0 0 13 12 6 37i 113 9 249 16 6 41 13 11 212 17 6 13 3 9 3,017 5 91 124 13 4 3,054 4 9 J 153 3 6 125 34 24 8 8 4 10 1 38 9 15,857 12 4£| 1,323 1 5 6,440 6 li| 1,468,% 446 16 10| 1,790 9 7f|7,357 5 84 692 17 11 697 17 Io7o 4084 [2,414 11 3 572 0 104 2,859 19 9h\ 127,317 4 5| 16,378 a H 115,417 9 2 126,356 11 5||ll,825 10 13 9 J * i.e., after deducting charges against interest account. f Including half-pay to members not yet in full benefit, J Estimated increase in value of land. § Funeral benefit to widower of a female member.


MANAGEMENT FUNDS. TABLE XI.—Showing the Receipts and Expenditure, for the Year 1879, of the Management Funds of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand (exclusive of the Management Funds of Districts, Grand Lodges, &c.) which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877"


Name of Society and Bicanch. I ! Contributions | (including Medical Pence). Levies. Entrance and Clearance Tees. Receipts. Medical Attendance Expenses of and Management. Medicines. Expenditure. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Receipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1879. Interest (including Kent). Other Receipts. Other Expenditure. Manchestkb Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — £ s. d. Fountain of Friendship Lodge ... 317 14 2 Good Intent „ ... 293 7 10 Parnell „ ... 102 13 101 Charles Bruee „ ... 100 19 11 Waikato „ ... 264 15 3 Alexandra „ ... 4 2 0 £ s. d. 317 14 2 293 7 10 102 13 10| 100 19 11 264 15 3 4 2 0 £ s. d. J 11 li 4 £ s. d. 1 17 6 0 15 0 £ s. d. 40 0 0 0 14 7 £ s. a. 87 1 2 19 16 1 7 5 0 1 17 9 3 0 0 £ B. d. 205 5 6 150 9 3 51 14 3i 62 15 0 153 15 0 1 12 0 £ a. d. 140 4 0 105 2 3 52 0 8 25 1 2 66 11 0 2 17 1 £ a. d. 58 3 4 52 9 0 14 11 8 13 13 9 32 14 9 0 1G 0 £ b. d. 3 0 0 18 15 0 17 0 0 2 3 0 27 1 8 £ s. d. 406 12 10 364 18 3 110 13 51 103 12 8 278 3 3 5 6 8 £ s. d. 406 12 10 326 15 6 135 6 71 103 12 11 280 2 5 5 5 1 £ b. d. 183 9 6 211 1 4 36 16 9 -32 16 10 5 10 6 3 14 7 14 8 10 '8 0 Total of District ... 1,083 13 0| i 1,083 13 0|| 12 19 0 2 12 6 51 2 7 U9 0 0 625 11 01 391 16 2 172 8 6 67 19 8 1,269 7 li 1,257 15 41 440 12 8 Neio Plymouth District — ■ Egmont Lodge ... ... 211 15 11| I [ ! 4 19 3 I I I 211 15 11| 10 12 6 155 2 4 55 0 0 15 17 0 233 7 8| 225 19 4 10 15 3| Waiiganui District — ■ Wanganui Lodge ... ... 29 7 10 0 3 6 29 7 10 32 10 0 5 15 0 I 36 ] 5 0 22 19 6 3 16 10 67 16 4 63 11 4 -20 11 4 Wellington District — Britannia Lodge ... ... 353 10 5 Antipodean „ ... ... ]94 5 9 Kose of the Valley „ ... ... 119 14 3 I 353 10 5 394 5 9 119 14 3 6 5 0 54 2 6 14 16 4 17 19 8 1515 0 I 17 15 0 ! 5 5 6 6 0 6 32 1 6 313 10 0 157 12 6 89 19 0 72 13 0 42 11 2 80 15 8 26 18 6 15 10 2 12 18 8 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 3 419 3 5 S 230 17 7 187 10 5 418 1 6 220 13 10 183 16 7 94 16 11 301 16 1 334 3 7 Totiil c£ District ... 687 10 5 687 10 5 J 6 5 0 86 IS 6 I 33 10 0 I i , 43 7 6 561 1 6 195 19 10 55 7 4 10 3 3 837 11 5 822 11 11 733 16 7 Ufarlborowgh District— Marlborough Lodge ... ... 192 3 10 Benwick „ ... ... 52 9 9j i 192 3 10 52 9 9i 9 11 0 10 9 9 104, 2 6 26 15 6 53 7 6 21 14 8 5 18 0 7 16 0 7 16 6 8 12 0 201 14 10 ! 62 19 6i 171 4 6 64 18 2 -3 32 0 0 14 6J Total of District ... I 244 13 7| 20 0 9 130 18 0 75 2 2 13 14 0 16 8 6 264 14 4J 236 2 8 0 14 61 1 Nelson District — Kelson Lodge ... ... | 201 1 5 Travellers' Best „ ... ... 75 4 8 Howard „ ... ... 144 15 6 110 0 0 20 6 4 1 15 0 2 16 10 211 15 0 35 13 6 82 10 0 56 4 3 25 13 10 52 5 9 18 2 6 5 15 6 12 17 0 13 15 4 0 10 0 4 0 0 331 7 9 76 19 8 147 12 4 299 17 1 67 12 10 151 12 9 54 7 3 14 6 3 23 0 8 . Total of District ... 421 1 7 110 0 0 24. 18 2 329 18 6 134 3 10 36 15 0 18 5 4 555 19 9 519 2 8 j 91 14 2




Receipts. Exper iditure. Name of Society axd Bkakch. Contributions (including Medical Pence). Levies. Entrance and Clearance Pees. Medical Attendance and Medicines. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Receipts. Total Exx^enditure, Amount of Pund on 31st December. 1870. Interest (in eludingBent). Other Receipts. Expenses of Management. Other Expenditure. Manchester Unity Independent Oedek oe Odd Fellows — contd. North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ £ s. d. 143 10 1 159 17 8 £ s. d. 1G 2 6 9 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 12 5 8 9 13 4 £ s. d. 102 1 6 102 7 6 £ B. A. 55 11 5 51 15 0 £ s. d. 7 12 0 8 6 0 £ s. d. 10 10 0 18 1 10 £ s. d. 171 18 9 178 11 0 £ s. d. 175 14 11 180 10 4 £ s. d. -6 13 8 -7 3 0 303 8 3 I I I 21 19 0 204 9 0 107 6 5 Total of District 25 2 6 15 18 0 28 11 10 350 9 9 356 5 3 ... I ■ I [ J ! Hokitika District — Hokitika Lodge Ross „ Waimea „ Qreymouth „ Groldsborough „ Albert „ 429 17 8 136 8 4 116 2 2 244 9 4 70 4 8 219 18 8 5 0 0 0 10 0 2 "8 0 J 11 16 0 I 3 14 10 0 6 5 14 6 2 2 0 85 8 6 229 7 6 48 10 9 62 2 10 100 12 5 45 12 11 109 18 6 157 4 6 63 2 0 39 4 0 132 14 0 30 4 0 77 9 6 41 8 0 14 8 0 12 18 0 28 19 0 8 2 0 20 14 0 50 1 10 46 5 0 30 13 6 13 4 10 4 7 0 98 13 8 442 3 8 141 17 8 131 2 8 250 3 10 82 10 8 310 11 2 478 1 10 172 5 9 144 18 4 275 10 3 88 5 11 30G 15 8 85 16 11 88 18 3 -3 10 6i 86 4 7 -4 2 8 22 8 10 10 4 0 5 4 0 ... ... Total of District 1,217 0 10 20 8 0 0 10 0 2 8 0 118 2 10 593 4 11 499 18 0 I 1 126 9 0 ! ! 243 5 10 1,358 9 8 1,465 17 9 283 8 7 I. , I : ! I Ashley District — Bangiora Lodge .., Nil Desperandum „ 92 15 3 49 6 2 9 8 3 1 10 0 5 14 6 10 4 6 76 12 0 I 25 12 6 i 48 18 11 23 3 8 10 19 11 4 11 0 4 12 6 1 19 10 107 18 0 61 0 8 139 3 4 55 7 0 -77 10 1 -29 6 7 ... Total of District I 15 19 0 102 4 6 70 2 7 15 10 11 6 12 4 168 18 8 194 10 4 142 1 5 10 18 3 ... [ . l I I ! I I North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi ,, Benevolent ,s Perseverance ,, 247 3 9 61 18 2 78 3 11 106 11 10 10 14 6 124 13 0 1 15 9 12 18 0 9 6 3 48 11 0 5 12 2 526 15 9 12 2 0 17 17 7 34 3 11 325 11 0 35 12 6 55 17 6 78 14 0 165 5 8 18 15 2 58 0 4 53 11 3 32 12 6 7 7 0 6 16 0 8 11 6 47 12 6 10 9 8 7 18 6 34 17 8 957 18 0 81 8 1 108 19 6 150 2 0 571 1 8 72 4 4 128 12 4 175 14 5 431 9 7 121 15 11 6 4 11 12 12 H Total of District I 493 17 8 10 14 6 148 13 0 54 3 2 590 19 3 495 15 0 295 12 5 55 7 0 100 18 4 1,298 7 7 947 12 9 572 2 6i I I i I Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ Arowhenua „ ... 177 17 9 139 0 0 8 10 1 2 18 G ... 70 3 10 16 2 3 0 10 6 87 19 2 153 15 0 7 2 6 56 0 5 33 1 9 8 9 3 9 2 0 Nil* Nilf 89 4 8 19 0 3 0 10 6 251 0 1 155 2 3 9 10 7 242 6 3 20S 17 0 16 2 3 61 19 9 4 18 1 -22 17 4 0 10 0 ... Total of District I 325 7 10 2 18 6 I ] 0 10 0 97 11 5 9 2 0 108 15 5 415 12 11 I 464 5 6 i I . i 66 17 10 86 16 7 i 248 16 8



Otar/o District— Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dnlton „ Prince of Wales ,, Albion J, Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ ... Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra „ Roxburgh „ Tapanui „ L/ake Wakatipu „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram ,, 394 0 0 231 0 11 91 15 5 92 11 9 213 5 2 80 18 3 139 1 1 114 12 0 64 11 6 64 19 0 129 6 9 164 6 10 34 2 14 90 13 Hi 110 6 24 67 19 1 27 17 3 106 15 8 118 8 1 16 2 104 170 11 6 21 "i 6 48 9 0 0 2 6 38 18 6 15 9 6 0 5 0 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 13 0 2 9 0 0 9 0 5 0 16 0 289 1 6 18 0 0 15 0 80 14 0 4"'o 0 37 5 8 31 15 0 : 1 10 6 j 54 2 0 12 15 6 9 11 6 15 13 0 17 2 4 6 16 0 17 16 6 13 5 0 8 4 6 3 0 0 16 7 6 12 14 6 38 9 6 5 3 3 J 8 17 0 106 5 4 1 18 0 7 9 6 j 309 0 6 177 5 0 73 15 H 106 16 3 104 7 0 80 17 9 105 9 6 87 16 10 J 14 15 2 67 3 0 102 14 10 122 3 0 46 12 0 60 18 0 I 90 0 0 72 13 4 20 3 0 86 0 0 132 0 0 5 19 6 100 6 3 348 0 1 82 11 0 29 13 1 44 17 10 57 4 3 64 1 11 60 2 9 51. 5 4 51 6 4 15 1 6 37 2 7 76 16 6 7 14 3 39 8 4 35 3 5 33 3 10 18 15 3 39 5 7 46 2 9 18 1 7 32 2 0 41 15 3 29 4 3 6 17 6 11 12 3 15 13 9 7 4 0 11 6 0 7 14 0 6 16 9 5 3 6 8 18 0 12 18 6 2 10 9 6 6 6 I 4 4 6! 5 4 9 3 14 3 7 10 9; 10 5 0 ! 3 5 3 12 5 3 97 10 8 42 10 6 0 13 0 38 7 8 33 2 3 6 9 6 21 14 0 13 14 5 6 2 0 7 0 0 7 12 6 5 0 0 21 13 1 11 7 6 10 13 0 720 12 2 302 2 11 94 13 5 195 2 9 226 4 5 210 5 0 154 14 1 131 15 1 86 17 0 82 15 6 146 16 9 173 17 4 38 11 74| 107 1 5t 126 9 24 126 2 9 41 11 6 144 12 8 242 5 11 31 0 104 186 6 0 j 796 6 6 331 10 9 I 110 18 8i 201 14 0 i 215 7 3 158 13 2 j 198 12 3 j 163 10 74 72 18 3 ! 93 10 0 155 15 5 219 10 6 61 17 0 128 5 11 140 15 5 ] 121 14 11 42 12 6 j 143 0 10 264 17 9 27 6 4 166 9 6 2,038 12 11 204 16 0 0 8 5 -109 5 4 -52 18 4 129 9 11 4 14 0 -48 15 104 -129 4 9 -83 16 0 32 15 5 -57 4 0 117 7 44 4 2 6i 1 11 2 -61 9 4 -48 1 8 -129 16 94 Nil 45 11 54 8 3 10 1 9 6 I 19 4 2 5 12 0 24 19 0 17 12 6 13 0 0 7 7 0 0 2 6 0 10 0 0 5 0 4 10 3 6 0 2 14 0 ! ... 10 4 6 76 10 0 018 0 21 16 0 7 4 3 1 I _J 399 18 6 426 2 1 j " 1,191 0 2 I 220 10 9 437 0 7 j Total of District 2,523 5 4| 213 8 2 1,966 16 1 i 3,569 18 4f 3,815 7 7 2,587 13 Oi hwercargill District — ■ Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge Sons of Perseverance ,, St. Q-eorge „ I I. , I I I i ■ 270 8 3 50 8 6 202 17 6 51 10 0 66 16 10 195 15 0 33 16 0 164 0 0 59 16 6 50 7 4 52 18 0 25 12 0 7 3 0 24 12 0 75 10 10 337 5 1 101 18 6 221 17 6 356 14 4 91 6 4 247 10 3 72 11 1 68 10 34 -5 8 3 3 2 6 15 17 6 6 0 3 ... Total of District ] 51 10 0 82 14 4 393 11 0 163 1 10 57 7 0 j 81 11 1 661 1 1 523 14 3 3 2 6 695 10 11 141 1 44 Total of Order 454 0 8 263 1 6 i 592 12 3 1,555 2 3 5,847 3 6| 3,299 14 4 798 3 4 1,119 12 2 11,051 14 9 11,064 13 44 4,928 16 74 8,186 18 1 Independent Okdek <ot Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge Leith „ Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Unity „ Winchester J „ Green Island „ Southern Cross „ BaTensbourne „ I I i I i i 165 12 2 167 5 11 67 8 10 169 13 4 32 18 10 ... 9 "i 6 10 19 5 3 0 8 12 0 0 13 6 0 10 12 0 13 0 0 5 12 0 118 12 2 5 7 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 14 7 4 93 5 4 88 15 0 52 8 10 73 5 7 34 3 4 33 3 5 78 2 0 32 2 0 45 18 11 28 3 2 16 14 0 49 19 11 8 2 0 8 2 0 8 7 0 5 12 6 19 6 77 14 10 10 12 54 181 18 7 185 8 7 88 3 10 325 0 4 43 10 10 21 9 1 115 1 3 45 5 0 148 15 3 216 16 11 94 2 4 205 1 4 81 5 111 NilJ 33 16 0 153 13 7 57 15 0 179 7 9 130 13 10 21 18 2 9 18 8 30 0 5 NilJ 0 3 2 18 2 11 -6 3 8 13 8 1 115 1 3§ 27 2 0 l'io o 14 5 0 6 11 0 15 10 0 43 0 0 35 16 6 9 15 0 55 2 3 15 9 6 2 11 0 7 0 0 5 4 0 6 0 0 48 11 4 15 0 3 18 0 Total of Order ... 758 10 5 9 16 65 13 1 i 137 4 2 i 35 8 4 436 4 7 j 297 16 3 105 19 11 151 5 74 1,005 17 6 991 6 4| 390 4 11 Ancient Oedeb ot Fobestebs. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland .. ,, Pride of Parnell ... ! ! 338 17 104 238 3 9 8 10 0 29 13 3 18 5 10 228 7 54 137 15 0 110 11 5 88 16 8 32 0 8 20 7 10 23 7 11 16 9 5 377 1 14 256 9 7 394 7 5i 263 8 11 44 10 0 20 2 11 Total of District 577 1 7i 8 10 0 47 19 1 366 2 54 199 8 1 52 8 6 39 17 4 633 10 8i ... 657 16 44 64 12 11 * Not paid till January, 1880. Will be shown in table for 1880. J This Lodge had adopted the illegal practice of keeping no separate fund for expenses of management. t District account outstanding on 31st December, 1879. § The separate amounts of these two items were not ascertainable. The aggregate of the two was £115 Is. 3d,




Receipts. Expen< Liture. Name of Society and Branch. Contributions (including Medical Pence). Entrance and Clearance Fees. Medical Attendance Expenses of and Management. Medicines. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1879. Levies. (including Kent). Other Receipts. Other Expenditure. Ahcient Obdek ot Eobesiees — contcl. ffawke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havel ock „ Robin Hood „ Buahine £ S. d. 156 1 3 96 18 2 89 10 8 26 17 2 10 13 9 £ s. d. ... 14 1 0 27 15 0 £ s. a. 12 3 9 6 8 9 4 14 9 16 13 6 13 0 0 £ b. a. £ s. a. 8 17 6 6 9 0 3 10 6 1 10 0 4 8 0 £ b. d. I 71 10 3 91 10 0 I 76 10 6 1 18 5 3 11 12 5 £ s. a. 61 4 4 57 16 3 33 9 3 31 9 2 7 15 0 £ b. d. 9 15 0 10 5 3 5 19 0 1 18 0 0 16 0 £ b. d. 13 10 3 £ b. a. 177 2 6 123 16 11 125 10 11 45 0 8 29 6 9 £ a. d. 155 19 10 159 11 6 115 18 9 51 12 5 29 6 8 £ s. d. 12 2 8 -0 17 71 13 5 8 -6 11 9 0 0 1 15 0 9 3 3 Total of District 380 1 0 43 1 0 J ! 53 0 9 ! I 24 15 0 269 8 5 191 14 0 I 28 13 3 22 13 6 500 17 9 512 9 2 25 8 5 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey .. ,, Kobin Hood „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen... „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa, „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Fielding „ "William Gladstone „ Pioneer I 284 0 5 252 7 0 73 12 6 297 10 8 132 0 5 133 4 8* 60 11 6 129 18 6 54 14 0 71 0 8 94, 16 9* 40 17 li 30 9 0 83 4 9 36 19 10 J 34 *6 6 2 4 0 17 0 I 17 "i 0 16 "3 9 2 15 6 10 i'i 9 9 6 0 ... I 35 ' 0 0 120 10 8 10 9 8 5 11 9 17 4 0 17 19 6 16 7 6 12 12 1 0 16 5 0 18 0 4 9 6 8 4 3 1 15 0 8 12 9 4 7 11 6 6 6 191 4 0 177 10 0 43 18 6 180 10 0 78 15 0 91 4 3 50 14 8 99 11 9 37 4 0 61 4 0 102 5 6 37 5 0 ! 3 0 0^ 56 10 0 } 20 8 3 i 149 15 4 160 5 8 40 8 10 166 17 2 43 9 11 78 4 8 11 3 10 50 10 3 16 13 6 I 20 13 8 32 16 0 17 1 11 12 14 2 ! 33 19 11 8 13 8 21 19 6 19 13 6 7 19 18 14 6 8 11 6 9 2 0 3 8 6 10 4 9 2 8 9 5 2 0 6 0 6 4 16 3 0 3! 5 13 3 8 9 6 0 15 0 100 14 0 5"7 6 7 8 9 19 12 10 87 0 6 404 11 1 314 10 2 81 8 9 330 18 5 152 15 5 149 12 2 85 2 4 181 0 11 55 12 0 82 18 8 109 3 6i 59 3 4| 41 11 9 105 9 11 47 4 10 363 13 10 458 3 2 91 9 1 371 9 2 138 5 2 178 10 11 84 19 5 197 7 3 56 6 3 86 19 9 156 19 11 68 5 5 36 11 11 109 4 2 43 11 0 165 7 5 10 1 6 -7 4 6 87 1 8 188 8 4 4.3 14 7 6 15 9 -3 5 3i 44 6 Bi 2 0 8 0 19 15 7 6 11 16 0 9 14 10 3 13 10 i 7 8 6 6 2 6 3 13 2 10 0 5 12 3 3 18 6 I 1310 0 15 17 11 9 17 0 17 17 6 13 1 0 5 19 7 12 5 0 ... ,. Total of District I 1,775 7 10 ! . 50 3 0 84 17 0 48 10 0 242 5 6 1,231 4 6 843 8 1 . 133 12 3 2S3 11 7 2,201 3 4 2,441 16 5 I 1 I 585 10 Si Nelson District — Court Robin Hood „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord „ Waireka „ Patea „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... 247 2 5 46 10 0 145 17 0 112 11 3 11 12 0 136 10 6 33 6 0 0 7 6 2 0 0 51 2 8 18 0 0 12 10 0 13 9 9 14 0 2 11 6 5 3 0 0 17 6 23 8 3 1 13 5 158 2 0 42 18 0 151 10 0 90 15 0 11 10 0 119 14 3 16 7 0 90 1 5 9 15 0 78 7 6 32 18 0 7 10 0 35 1 1 0 6 3 28 0 3 7 4 0 17 1 6 21 0 9 10 0 0 9 "0 5 2 0 0 312 2 4 47 14 0 168 8 6 130 4 9 12 9 6 159 18 9 36 13 11 286 3 8 59 17 0 255 19 5 146 13 9 19 0 0 193 12 1 30 6 6 164 0 6 65 12 1 -18 19 10 4 12 8 1 7 li -14 10 0 65 1 5 ... ... 1 14 6 13 2 9 4 13 25 14 0 3 12 0 Total of District I 733 9 2 I , . I 2 7 6 83 7 8 50 6 5 867 11 9 991 12 5 290 13 9i 48 7 5 590 16 3 259 19 3 90 10 6 United Wesiland District — Court Waiinea i 48 1 8 j 3 12 0 6 12 6 55 11 2 I 54 13 1 1 11 li 3 17 6 22 6 4 20 13 3 5 1 0



United Canterbury District—' Court Star of Canterbury 485 7 0 209 18 4 386 13 4 130 13 4 472 4 6ti 695 5 4 989 11 2f ; -21 3 1 '■ United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Pride of the Leith... „ Royal Oak of Kawarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Haveloek 166 12 1} 110 13 5 96 19 0 29 3 9 72 10 3| 27 17 U 503 15 9 7 16 0 ... 3 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 35 5 7 18 0 39 3 3 4 12 6 8 6 3 2 3 0 -t 110 ...J 76 15 0 142 17 9 83 3 9 49 14 0 17 17 6 10 15 10 34 10 10 20 7 0 13 11 0 11 5 6 4 4 0 8 19 6 4 0 0 72 15 8 9 8 0 21 0 3 1 15 0 14 13 0 2 0 6 201 17 81 112 1 5 136 2 3 44 12 3 94 4 Of 42 12 lj 236 0 5 107 3 9 I 81 19 9 I 23 16 6 I 111 3 4 40 11 4 813 3 7 330 2 lOJ 181 18 2i I 115 0 3i 41 12 lOJ 108 3 5 4 "i 6 7 12 0 Total of District 15 8 0 4 7 6 17 0 0 90 18 7 77 16 0 338 19 8 62 7 0 121 12 5 631 9 10 ' 600 15 1 1,590 1 3i Courts not in Districts — ■ Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel i 258 7 Hi 49 16 5 I I 19 19 8 6 18 7 233 17 0 43 0 0 63 10 4 32 11 8 12 5 8 3 0 0 278 7 7i 56 15 0 309 13 0 78 11 8 125 18 9J -35 19 7 Total of Order ... 4,811 8 5 112 4 0 I I 153 2 9 148 17 8 694 19 8 3,221 4 3i 2,080 17 8 I 372 12 6 962 3 11 5,920 12 6 6,636 18 4J 2,683 17 li Ancient Oedee op Shephebds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey 12 1 7 0 18 10 15 3 2 13 0 5 15 3 2 15 8 0 United Ancient Obdeb op Dettids. Pioneer Lodge .. 105 11 3 13 18 6 28 12 3 27 2 0 63 6 0 20 7 6J 7 3 0 44 13 7 175 4 0 135 10 li 53 17 10i LoTAi United Fbiends Benemt Society. Bemembrance Lodge 10 5 0 4 15 6 10 5 0 4 15 6 5 9 6 Independent Oedee op Rechabites. New Zealand District — Star of Haurati Tent I 150 12 0 12 7 1 ... 10 4 6 110 15 0 33 3 6 12 12 0 28 11 2 173 3 7 185 1 8 20 12 11 Albert District— Star of Hope Tent I [ 4 4 9 0 4 0 20 1 0 3 4 0 3 10 0 26 3 3 26 15 0 41 2 2 21 14 6 ... Total of Order ... 172 6 6 J 12 7 1 4 4 9 10 8 6 110 15 0 53 4 6 15 16 0 32 1 2 199 6 10 211 16 8 61 15 1 1 j 1 I I .1 I Sons and Daughtees os Tempeeance. Antidote Division ... ... Perseverance „ Progress „ 151 15 10 21 5 2 25 17 9 24 4 6 2 16 0 16 0 0 17 6 32 17 9 0 9 0 5 17 8 0 12 8 138 0 1 1417 6 66 3 9 15 7 7 19 6 0 14 8 6 5 9 6 6 11 0 8 0 0 0 2 6 212 3 1 28 8 10 39 17 11 226 12 4 20 19 7 40 14 6 16 14 0 2 8 9 56 15 10 4 5 0 8 5 0 Total of Order ... 198 18 9 28 9 6 152 17 7 100 17 4 26 9 0 75 18 7 4 19 6 41 2 9 6 19 4 8 2 6 280 9 10 288 6 5 * The separate amounts of these two items were not asc< J Illegall irtainable. The aggregate c y paid from Sick and Funeri if the two was £133 4s. 8d. + In< xl Fund. See Registrar's Third Annual R< :ludes the writi :port, page 4. 'ng-off of a ficti ;tious asset amounting to £400.




Eeceipts. Expenditure. Medical Attendance and Medicines. Levies to District, Grand Lodge, &c. Total Eeceipts. Total Expenditure. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1879. Name of Society and Beakch. Contributions (including Medical Pence). Entrance and Clearance Fees. Interest (including Kent). Levies. Other Eeceipts. Expenses of Management. Other Expenditure. hlbeknian altstealasian catholic Benefit Society. Otago- Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch ,,, £ s. d. 92 0 6 £ a. a. £ s. d. 4 2 6 £ a. d. £ a. d. 26 0 0 £ s. d. 70 4 6 £ a. d. 48 18 6 £ s. d. 8 7 3 £ s. d. 7 0 0 £ 8. d. 122 3 0 £ a. d. 134 10 3 £ e. d. -11 3 9 ! Branches not in Districts— Charleston Branch G-rahamstown „ Waimea „ Hokitika „ Greenstone ,, Auckland „ 51 3 2i 119 13 3 42 1 2 65 12 6 48 1 8 236 4 1 5 "i 6 6 0 0 6 18 6 8 5 6 ... 3 10 10 19 0 3 0 12 6 13 6 1 13 6 24 17 0* 39 0 6 82 12 6 30 13 9 40 3 0 33 15 0 121 5 0 12 2 0 55 18 3 22 0 0 18 17 0 14 8 6 80 19 4 1 17 0 5 8 0 0 1 11 1 18 4 60 14 01 153 17 6 48 2 2 66 16 0 54 12 5 329 3 8 53 1 5 145 17 1 52 13 9 59 0 0 81 5 4 241 13 4 0 7 7i 292 11 4 -87 10 Hi 8 16 -3 13 71 358 17 7 2 6 0 36 1 6* I 2 17 3 18 12 6 ... 13"'s 7 015 4 9 9 0 32 6 6 30 0 0 Total of Society 654 16 4| 43 10 0 I 38 10 9 21 14 1 76 17 7 7 9 0 4 13 0 835 8 91 768 1 2 659 18 0i 417 14 3 253 3 7 I 25 16 7 71 6 9 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society Eaeo and Wangaroa Friendly Society ... 229 8 3 ... ... I 180 0 0 81 11 7 3 3 11 ... 236 17 3 4 13 0 261 11 7 3 3 11 2 12 3i 19 1 ... ... ... 8,879 7 1± Total of all the Societies ... I 15,129 19 71 ! 673 11 3 I 564 4 10 945 15 8 2,419 18 6 1,352 0 4 20,381 6 8 10,429 5 3 6,210 15 4| 2,389 5 81 19,733 9 101 » The sum of £36 Is. 6d. included reci apts from sale of goods. The amount of th< >se receipts was not separately ascertainable.


FUNDS, ASSETS, AND LIABILITIES. TABLE XII-Showing the Funds, Assets, and Liabilities at the end of the year 1879, of the various Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies (exclusive of Districts, Grand Lodges, &c.) in the Colony of New Zealand which furnished Returns in accordance with Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877.


Naiie 02 SociETX axd Bbanch. Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund. Invested at Interest. Assets. Invested in Hall, Land, ha. Cash not bearing Interest. Amounts Owing by Society. Management Fund. Other Funds. Deposited with 1 1 other ■*| -S> l Investments. •sf Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Post Office Savings Bank at 4| per cent. Other Banks. "Si B5 Mortgages on Freehold Property. Total. Manciiesteb Unity Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Auckland District — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent „ Parnell „ diaries Bruce „ Waikato „ Alexandra >, £ s. d. 9,880 4 4 1,861 19 6 905 15 10 1,258 4 1 2,071 0 2 72 7 10 £ s. d. 9,696 14 10 1,650 18 2 928 19 1 1,258 4 1 1,984 7 5 48 13 3 £ s. d. 183 9 6 211 1 4 38 16 9 -32 16 10 5 10 6 3 14 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 116 12 6* 434 17 1* 821 0 0 1,525 0 0 26 7 0 Per cent. £ s. d. 300 0 0 1,620 0 0 Per cent. £ s. d. Per cent. £ s. d. 416 12 6 1,620 0 0 434 17 1 1,221 0 0 1,525 0 0 26 7 0 £ s. d. 8,800 0 0 150 0 0 450 0 0 £ s. d. 329 14 6 51 15 8 60 18 9 37 4 1 91 12 7 26 0 10 £ s. a. 203 10 0 40 3 10 20 0 0 £ b. d. 141 2 6 £ s. d. 10 15 2 6 6 0 400 ' 0 0 Bi 373"5 4 81 ' 2 3 20 0 0 81 2 3 20 0 0 2,923 16 2,320 0 0 5,243 16 9,773 5 697 6 5 364 16 141 2 6 10 15 2 Total of District Neiv Plymouth .District — Bgmont Lodge District — Wanganui Lodge Wellington District —■ Britannia Lodge ... 36,109 11 9 1,004 17 6 15,567 16 10 894 2 2i 440 12 8 10 15 3| 101 2 950 0 0 8&10 950 0 0 688 15 9 46 8 6 84 16 61 8 9 0 773 12 3i 773 12 34 2,525 18 7 2,421 2 0 91 16 11 9 19 8 300 0 0 (830 10 0 \ 100 . 0 0 930 0 0 119 12 10 8 419.12 10 2,014 18 4 91 7 5 Antipodean „ 2,785 6 5 2,462 1 1 304 16 1 18 9 3 6] 8) 930 10 0 1,637 11 0 207 5 5 10 0 0 2,312 11 1 1,978 7 6 334 3 7 35 13 1 450 0 0 1,415 13 1 767 12 0 129 6 0 Eose of the Valley „ Total of District . Marlborouffli District — Marlborough Lodge Eenwick ,, Total of District 7,023 16 2,091 3 2 306 14 2 6,861 10 2,091 3 2 300 13 H 733 16 7 -3 12 0 0 14 64 28 8 11 35 13 1 2,160 10 0 1,834 10 3 250 0 0 9i|| 569 12 10 2,765 15 11 1,834 10 3 265 19 3 •4,420 86 8 8 4 427 18 10 185 7 6 40 14 11 10 0 0 15 3 3 5'"6 6i 15 19 3 2,084 10 2,100 9 6 86 8 8 226 2 5 15 3 2,397 17 4 2,391 16 3i 0 14 6 1 5 6 6| 15 19 3 Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... 2,045 19 4 2,591 12 1 54 7 3 (150 0 0 1 100 0 0 6 7 64 ) 1,185 0 0 8 855 0 Of 6 2,290 0 0 375 0 0J 19 0 8 Travellers' Eest „ Howard ,, Total of District North Westland District — Westport Lodge Charleston „ 715 13 7 3,257 18 7 701 7 4 3,234 17 11 14 6 3 23 0 8 217 6 8 400 0 0 64" 400 0 0 2,312 10 0 6 I 5 71 8 4 6 688 15 0 2,712 10 0 375 0 0 26 18 7 167 11 4 3 "l 3 o" - 4 0 6,619 11 6,527 17 4 9L 14 2 217 6 8 650 O 0 3,897 10 0 926 8 4 5,691 5 0 375 0 0 194 9 11 378 19 4 8 65 3 1 (50o'"o 0 [.300 0 0 6) 8i 65 3 1 930 0 0 48 9 4 1,043 12 5 1,043 12 5 -6 13 8 -7 3 0 0 19 2 470 0 0 6 1,270 19 2 83 18 2 1,354 17 4 1,354 17 4 1 Total of District— —r.. Kolciliia District — Holdtika, Lodge I?oss „ Waimea ,, 2,398 —ft -9 2,824 9 9 1,555 3 11 1,117 15 24 if,3H8 2,738 12 10 1,466 5 8 1,117 15 2J 9 85 16 11 88 18 3 -3 10 64 66 2 3 60 0 0§ 715 0 0 1,070 0 0 470 0 0 5 64 64 6 81)0 0 0 1,971 5 0 10 76o'"o Of 4 ] ,33H 2,031 5 0 1,475 0 0 1,070 0 0 2 3 930 0 O 056 19 11 132 7 6 130 4 10 18 13 5 47 15 2\ 61 10 6 ... 2,056 4 7 1,970 0 0 86 4 7 209 0 8 1,350 7 0 64 (418 10 0+ i 10 0 0 ij'i 1,987 17 8 08 6 11 Greymouth „ G-oldsborotigh „ Albert ,, Total of District 39 16 2 427 8 5 39 16 2 404 19 7 -4 2 8 22 8 10 291 11 2 si 130 0 0 13 421 11 2 39 10 2 5 17 3 3,486 18 2,101 5 0 1,188 10 O 6,985 13 10 J 656 19 11 310 13 9i 01 10 6 8,020 18 04 7,737 9 2«;s 209 0 8 2 Aside!/ District — llangiora Lodge ..» JSTil Dcsperandum „ Total of District 1,635 0 8 573 16 8 1,635 0 8 573 16 8 -77 10 1 - 29 6 7 149 6 9 446 0 8 1,000 0 0 9 1,149 6 9 446 0 8 391 10 6 120 0 0 35 10 5 7 16 0 58 13 0 2,208 17 4 2,208 17 4 595 7 5 1,000 0 9 1,595 7 5 511 10 6 43_0_ 5 58 13 0 North Canterbury District — City of Christchurch Lodge Kaii'.poi » Benevolent „ Perseverance „ Total of District 5,293 2 2 1,070 14 0 561 18 2 733 19 7 4,861 12 7 948 18 1 555 13 3 721 7 51 431 9 7 121 15 11 6 4 11 12 12 H 42 II 9 62 6 0 300 0 0 420 0 0 5 54 97 "4 0 5o'"o 0 300 0 0 97 4 0 462 11 9 112 6 0 4,000 0 0 1,215 0 0 500 0 0 360 14 0 39 6 10 99 6 5 32 4 6 432 7 6 75 0 O 557" 7 6~ 164 5 2 14 9 1 14 4 6 310 16 10 7,659 13 11 7,087 11 41 572 2 6| 104 17 720 0 0 147 4 0 972 9 5,745 0 0 531 11 178 14 3 325 1 4 Lytlellon District —• City of Norwich Lodge... Good Intent „ Arowhenua ,, Total of District 2,501 6 11 1,407 10 2 64 15 7 2,439 7 2 1,402 12 1 54 16 7 61 19 9 4 18 1 -22 17 4 10 0 0 100 0 0 e" 400 0 0 8 400 0 0 100 0 0 1,700 0 0 1,550 0 0 401 6 11 107 10 2 54 15 7 150 "0 0 10 0 0 50o'"o 0 500 0 0 66 17 10 10 0 0 100 0 0 6 400 0 0 500 O 0 3,250 O 0 5(i3 12 160 O 0 3,973 12 8 3,896 14 10 Olago District —■ Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ 8,861 12 7 3,521 8 8 0,466 12 8 3,316 12 8 2,038 12 11 204 16 0 356 7 0 350 0 0 6,430 0 0 3,105 0 0 (150 0 0 ] 100 0 0 (150 0 0 850 0 0 375 0 0 800 0 0 750 0 0 850 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 400 0 0 1,295 0 0 300 0 0 330 0 0 8*11 9i|| 6 ~) 8 9) 8 10 8 Si 8 9 10 10 7J-10 8 10 6,450 0 0 3,455 0 0 1,850 0 0 32 3 1 06 8 8 20"'0 0 529 9 6f 147 10 3 167 10 3 Dalton j, 620 15 7 620 7 2 0 8 5 100 0 0 64 500 0 0 80 15 7 40 0 0 Prince of Wales „ Albion ,, Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur ,, Naseby ,, Alexandra ,, ,, Tapanui „ Lake Wakatipu „ ,, Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship ,, Outram ,, Total of District 1,016 5 2 791 16 5 1,675 10 9 773 3 3 8!i8 2 71 830 10 5 479 4 6 517 19 10 1,613 17 8 463 11 0 4XZ 13 11 3G9 7 4 619 5 1 241 2 1 573 3 9 777 1 6 327 1 0 4H! 15 3 956 5 2 791 16 5 1,096 0 10 764 11 9 895 1 71 774 10 5 466 4 0 483 4 5 1,603 17 8 346 3 74 461 10 O^ 311 6 2 608 3 1 228 12 1 533 3 9 740 1 6 281 10 01 408 11 5 -109 5 4 -52 18 4 129 9 11 4 14 0 -48 15 10i -129 4 9 -82 16 0 32 15 5 -57 4 0 117 7 4J - 6i 1 11 2 -61 9 4 -48 1 8 -129 16 9 i 60 0 0 52 14 1 101 7 5 123 12 0 30o"o Of 5 902 14 1 776 7 5 923 12 0 750 0 0 850 0 0 528 5 10 448 0 0 400 0 0 1,480 0 0 300 0 0 430 0 0 270 0 0 175 0 0 180 0 0 400 0 0 605 0 0 250 0 0 385 0 0 53 11 1 15 9 0 104 11 11 19 5 0 45 1 7i 115 19 10 18 4 6 35 19 10 123 17 8 83 11 0 5 16 11 34 13 4 73 10 7 48 12 1 133 3 9 135 1 6 36 4 0 31 15 3 00 0 0 450 0 0 3 17 6 3 10 56 0 0 13 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 6 450 0 0 193 19 10 3 17 6 3 10 56 0 0 13 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 4'"* 0 3S9 5 10 198 0 0 6 64 39 0 0 4 150 0 0 19 15 3 80 0 0 185 0 0 5&6 80 ' 0 0 ■ 0 '0 1-. 56 10 0 11 2 0 12 10 0 40 0 0 37 0 0 100 - -O—0270 0 0 100 0 0 180 0 0 300 0 0 205 0 0 200 0 0 235 0 0 5 6 6 64 64 54 5i 64 75"'o 0 20 O 0 359 12 6 29 17 0 44 15 O 11 2 0 12 10 0 40 0 0 37 0 0 40 17 6 • tt 100 0 0 400 0 0 50 0 0 9 10 * 45"n 5J 8 3 10 150 0 0 25,853 8 104 2.',154 7 9 2,587 13 0i 1,111 H 402 J 4 2,687 5 3 16,880 O O 489 O 20,458 19 2,989 12 6 1,293 15 11| 616 19 10 68 L 6 9 187 5 6 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Hose, and Thistle Lodge 39 15 5 2,695 0 0 8 2,695 0 0 1,100 0 0 164 12 3 49 0 0 23 9 11 4,032 2 2 3,919 15 8 72 11 1 (330 0 0 i 40 0 0 8 ~i Sons of Perseverance „ 1,311 7 Hi 577 7 8 68 10 3|i 695 10 0 260 0 0 6 630 0 0 600 0 0 15 17 11 i 95 10 0 St. George „ Total of District Total of Order 1,722 7 4 1,699 7 4 K Q Q "~ O O o 23 0 0 100 10 8 1,597 1 8 8 1,697 12 4 8 15 0 16 0 0 100 10 8 4,552 370 0 5,022 12 4 1,700 0 0 189 5 2* 160 10 O 23 9 11 7,095 17 54 6,196 10 8 141 a 758 5 5 74 2,014 11 2i! 1,747 11 10 11,038 0 0 36,745 16 11 4,090 15 2 53,022 3 11 31,126 14 0 4,647 15 11 1,921 3 11 1,479 16 8 1,057 9 11 91,740 4 6 84,796 16 8 4,928 16 f Government, securities. $ Loan to Odd Fellows' Hall C< immittee, without int< jrest. § Hokitika Savin ;s Bai ik. II Average percei itage. IT In hands if Lodge Agei it. * Auckland Savings Bank.




Assets. Name of Society ahd Bkanch. Invested at Interest. Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Eund. Management Fund. Other Funds. Amounts Owing by Society. Deyo3ited witli Mortgages on Freehold Property. ■si ■ol si Invested in Hall, Land, &c. Cash not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, &c. Other Assets. Post Office Savings Bank at 4J per cent. Other Banks. Other Investments. Total. £ a. d 959 16 4 £ 8. d. 573 17 1 £ a. d. 179 7 9 £ s. d. 206 11 6 £ a. d. £ a. d. 8 16 6* Per cent. £ s. d. Per cent. £ a. d. Per cent. £ a. d. 8 16 6 £ a. d. 2,197 14 1 £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,246 14 3 Independent Oedee of Odd Fellows. Pioneer Lodge C213 0 10 i 37 0 0 m\ Leith. ,, 1,034 5 5 852 13 6 130 13 10 50 18 1 250 0 10 1,426 14 11 40 12 7 70 0 0 10 11 8 763 14 7 Alfred » Star of Canterbury „ Unity „ Winchester „ Green Island ; , ••• Southern Cross ,, Ravensbourne „ 292 15 10 691 1 0 30 0 5 148 16 0 94 15 0 204 11 6 46 10 9 197 17 8 398 5 10 -0 4 9 140 6 0 57 9 2 145 11 1 28 0 4 21 18 2 9 18 8 30 0 5 t 0 3 2 18 2 11 -6 3 8 73 0 0 2S2 16 6 150 0 0 8 150 0 0 1,149 17 5 72 15 10 9 18 8 30 0 5 65 6 0 58 6 10 134 19 4 21 8 8 70 0 0 195 17 6 78"'o 3 742 12 10 8 10 0 37 2 8 40 17 0 18 10 5 75 'o 0 6 75 0 0 8 10 0 36 8 2 88 13 0 25 2 1 34 ' 7 1 53'"7 11 Total of Order ... Ancient Okdeb of Foeestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... 390 4 11 718 6 8 83 16 6 150 0 0 250 0 10 483 17 4 4,774 6 5 433 8 4 494 10 122 19 O 2,806 9 7 3,502 12 3 2,394 0 2,848 12 0 2,712 14 2 44 10 0 91 7 10 ( 344 18 OJ (. 2400 0 0 1,930 0 0 5 \ 61 j 01 2,744 18 0 12 6 2 91 7 10 „ Pride of Parnell 2,016 5 2 1,996 2 3 20 2 11 1,930 0 0 8G 5 2 Total of District ilmoke's Bay District — Court Sir Charles Napier 4,708 16 64 12 11 91 7 10 4,674 18 0 4,674 18 0 98 11 91 7 10 4,864 17 2 551 7 6 539 4 10 12 2 8 (100 0 0 [60 0 0 130 10 0 20 10 0 6i\ 6 i 61 5 300 0 0 10 200 0 0 7 500 0 0 51 7 6 8 0 0 8 0 0 „ Captain Cook 233 1 7 213 9 4 -0 17 71 19 12 3 160 0 0 53 9 4 19 12 3 „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Jiobin Hood „ lluahine 194 15 9 37 5 5 28 13 5 181 10 1 31 5 5 18 18 4 13 5 8 -6 11 9 0 0 1 GOO 9 15 0 130 10 0 20 10 0 64 5 9 10 15 5 18 18 5 6 0 0 9 15 0 Total of District 1,045 3 8 984 8 0 25 8 5 35 311 0 0 300 0 0 10 200 0 0 811 0 0 198 16 5 43 3 8 0 Wellington District — Court Sir George Grey ... „ Eobin Hood 4,740 2 1 4,520 11 6 165 7 5 54 3 2 47 15 2 225 0 0 420 0 0 (295 0 0 £210 0 0 280 0 0 1,080 0 0 10 8 10) 8) 8 9§ (100 0 0 (.146 O 4 GO 15 1 . 8 } 8 518 15 6 594 7 10 4,000 0 0 642 8 4 148 16 1 112 2 8 72 10 6 79 17 7 1,428 16 5 1,332 9 5 10 1 6 86 5 G 113 12 9 „ Little John 653 3 9 653 3 9 -7 4 6 505 0 0 148 3 9 „ Sir George Bowen... „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Lord Clyde „ Clarendon 1,105 0 2 1,162 8 6 786 8 4 163 9 6 439 15 11 166 7 4 235 19 11 938 19 10 964 4 9 643 13 9 121 13 9 439 15 11 122 0 10| 223 19 3 87 1 8 186 8 4 42 14 7 6 15 9 -3 5 81 44 6 61 2 0 8 78 18 8 11 15 5 100 0 0 35 0 0 64 10 4 40 4 3 1300 0 5 50 0 0 6" 344 10 4 1,120 4 3 180 0 0 516 18 5 455 "3 10 64 16 2 7 16 4 51 4 6 110 2 0 48 13 5 16 7 4 75 19 11 178 15 3 34 2 8 100 0 0 35 0 0 o'"5 3 50 0 0 100 0 0 8 50 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 338" 7 6 18 - "7 6 2 15 0 50 0 0 51 10 0 0 10 0 0 15o'"o 0 (100 0 0 (. 70 0 O »\ „ Manawatu 191 6 7 191 4 10 0 19 170 0 0 21 S 7 „ Marquis of Normanby —nr „ Loyal Fcilding „ William Gladstone „ l'ioneer Total of District 2G5 IE 0 170 17 6 158 14 7 83 5 6 250 2 0 159 1 6 138 19 9 71 11 8 15 7 6 11 16 0 9 14 10 3 13 10 0 5 6 io"o o 8 0 0 128" 6 0 75 0 0 64 5 128" 6 0 75 0 0 250 0 0 7 13 0 42 11 6 83 14 7 75 5 6 8 2 0 15 5 3 15' 5 3 8"'o 0 11,751 11 10,771 12 6i 585 10 Si 394 8 3 316 2 6 483 6 0 2,660 0 526 15 5 3,986 3 11 6,202 18 1,014 13 4 541 13 3 21 7 9 15 5 3 Kelson District — Court Robin Hood ... „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord 2,615 11 7 433 6 5 285 2 5 2,451 11 1 367 14 4 285 2 5 164 0 6 65 12 1 t18 19 10 1,350 0 0 400 0 0 61 61 495 0 0 8 600 0 0 25O"O 0 6 e" 2,445 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 170 11 7 33 6 5 35 2 5 „ Waireka ... . ... 674 18 3 670 5 7 4 12 8 96 15 6 0 18 (200 0 0 (.355 0 0 170 0 0 100 0 0 6) 12 10 651 17 2 23 1 1 22 17 4 137 11 0 22 12 5 „ Patea „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest ... Total of District United Westland District — Court Waimea ... United Canterbury District — Court Star of Canterbury 192 17 4 250 11 0 197 12 5 191 10 21 237 11 0 142 11 0 1 7 11 -14 10 0 55 1 5 13 0 0 175 0 0 170 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 18 "0 0 4,649 19 5 4,346 71 290 13 9i 13 0 96 15 6 1,925 b 1,320 0 0 850 0 0 4,191 17 2 445 2 3 13 0 0 152 18 84 151 7 Of 1 11 7£ 140 0 0 6J 140 0 0 12 18 84 2,569 14 6 2,411 13 11 -21 3 1 158 0 7 47 11 3 2,090 0 0 S|| 300 0 0 m 2,437 11 3 132 3 3 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Pride of the Leith... 3,437 14 9 1,389 1 5 J 553 15 7 2,624 11 2 1,033 5 6:5 371 17 4i 813 3 7 330 2 102 181 18 2i 25 13 0 9 18 6 3,360 0 0 1,275 0 0 500 0 0 8 9 84 3,369 18 6 1,275 0 0 500 0 0 G7 17 10 83 8 5! 2 53 15 7 30 13 0 0 17 ,, Royal Oak of Kawarau 253 13 1 138 12 9! 115 0 8J ( 175 ' 0 0 (. 50 0 0 225 0 0 28 13 1 „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Havelock Total of District 109 3 2 236 11 OJ 67 10 84 94 19 91 41 12 10i 108 3 5 33 7 104 125 0 0 6 100 0 0 9 100 0 0 125 0 0 100 "0 0 9 3 2 3 7 7i 8'"3 5 5.979 19 1 4,330 16 Hi 1,590 1 34 59 0 10i 9 18 6 350 0 0 5,235 0 0 5,594 18 100 246 5 9 38 16 5 Courts not in Districts — Court Southern Cross „ Coromandel Total of Order ... Ancient Ordee op Shepherds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey United Ancient Okdeb of Druids. Pioneer Lodge ... Loyal United Fbiends Benefit Society. Remembrance Lodge ... ... Independent Oedeb of Rechamtes. Keto Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent 34,977 3,532 2 0 430 17 7 177 18 6 3 24 31,484 13 10| 3,348 15 9| 430 17 7 162 10 6 2,683 17 125 18 91 -35 19 7 15 8 0 14 8U8 J 2 57 7 5 24 470 7 147 2 10 8,759 15 8 525 30 0 350 0 0 61 11,605 0 0 1,876 15 5 22,711 18 10 525 10 0 350 0 0 147 2 10 2,750 0 0 9,052 18 2,363 19 134 10 6 80 17 7 4 1 11 14 26 13 9 122 1 6 850 6 3 21 23 6 10 183 0 3 129 2 4i 53 17 10| 183 0 3 183 0 3 14 13 0 9 3 6 5 9 6 9 3 6J 9 3 G 5 9 6 536 9 8 457 13 0 20 12 11 58 3 9 50 2 11 464 0 0 6i 514 2 11 22 6 9 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent Total of Order ... 140 3 5 99 1 3 41 2 2 90 3 5 50 0 0 140 3 5 676 13 556 14 3 61 15 58 3 9 140 6 464 0 0 6i 50 0 0 G54 6 4 22 6 9 Sons and Daughtees op Temperance. Antidote Division Perseverance „ Progress „ 959 18 9 431 19 8 234 10 6 936 19 3 396 11 6 177 14 8 16 14 0 2 8 9 56 15 10 6 5 6 32 19 5 22 10 10 950 0 0 9 950 0 0 22 10 10 150 0 0 412 9 10 9 18 9 15 17 0 84 10 6 31 2 0 5o'"o 0 150 0 0 Total of Order ... HiBEENiAN Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. Otago- Canterbu>•// District — St. Jo.-eph's Brunch Branches not in Districts — '.Charleston Branch Graliamstown „ Waimea „ Hokitika ,, Greenstone „ 1,626 8 11 1,511 5 75 18 7 39 4 11 22 10 10 150 0 0 950 0 0 1,122 10 10 412 9 10 110 6 3 31 2 0 50 0 0 242 15 11 242 15 11 -11 3 9 200 0 0 200 0 0 42 15 11 i 173 10 81 869 2 4 396 7 1 155 4 8 14 0 2 155 12 2 576 11 0 388 16 7 135 18 2 14 0 2 0 7 71 292 11 4 -87 10 11J 8 16 -3 13 7i 17 10 6 o"i l 150 0 0 427 5 6 170 0 0 124 1 4 6i 6i 6i 6 150 0 0 427 6 7 170 0 0 124 1 4 200"o 0 87 10 111 23 10 81 23 15 9 138 16 lj 19 18 4 15 8 0 218"o 0 710 6 11 5 0 11 5 0 (75o'"o 0 (.110 0 OJI s 5 i"i io Auckland „ 961 17 6 591 1 11 358 17 7 14 18 0 860 0 0 89 19 6 1 14 18 0 Total of Order ... 2,815 17 Hi 2,104 15 11 659 18 0i 51 4 0 1,731 6 10 200 0 0 1,931 7 a 287 10 11 $ 354 3 11 244 3 0 7 10 Miscellaneous Societies. New Plymouth Friendly Society Kaeo and Whangaroa Friendly Society... Total of all the Societies ... 3,056 17 1 154 12 7 3,054 4 91 153 3 6 2 12 3£ 19 1 161 14 0 128 "il 8 51 2,763 0 0 8 2,924 14 0 128 11 8 132 3 1 26 0 11 138,920 1 8| 126,356 11 5| 8,879 7 14 3,690 2 8-2 2,872 14 11 22,364 14 2 j 52,413 16 11 6,267 11 5 83,918 17 5 45,653 19 84 8,009 15 84| 3,567 19 8 1,624 3 5 3,938 14 2 * Dunedin Savings Bank. t This Lodge had adopted the illegal p: ■actice of keeping no separal fund for expenses of management. $ Auckli ind Savings Bank. § Avei •age nearly 9 per cent. II Averi ;e.



DISTRICT FUNERAL FUNDS. TABLE XIII.— Showing the Receipts, Expenditure, &c., for the Year 1879, of the Funeral Funds under the control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which satisfactory Returns were received.

Name of District, Grand Lodge, &c. u o T3 u Reecix^ts. Sums at Death. Expenditure, on 1st January 1879. on 31st December, 1879. o Levies upon Branches. Interest. Otlier Receipts. Total. Other Payments. Total. Of Members. Of Wires. Manchestee Unity Independent Obdeb or Odd Fellows. Auckland District ... New Plymouth „ Wellington „ Nelson „ North Westland „ HoMtika „ ... ... North Canterbury „ ... ,., Lyttelton „ Otago „ IriTercargill „ B E E E E E R R E £ 8. d. 318 19 7 23 8 1 86 0 0 90 11 0 58 6 0 159 3 0 131 16 0 90 0 0 344 10 6 86 18 0 £ s. d. 169 6 0 2 10 0 £ s. d. 0 15 0 £ s. d. 489 0 7 25 18 1 86 0 0 90 11 0 58 6 0 159 3 0 13L 16 0 90 0 0 341 19 6 89 0 0 £ s. d. 240 0 0 30 0 0 75 0 0 69 13 0 36 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 80 0 0 240 0 0 40 0 0 £ 72 20 12 36 50 30 10 50 10 £ s. d. 1 10 0 60 0 0* £ 8. d. 313 10 0 30 0 0 95 0 0 81 13 0 72 0 0 210 0 0 170 0 0 90 0 0 290 0 0 87 2 3 £ s. a. 2,775 16 4 89 11 9 75 19 4 94 4 4 22 13 7 122 6 6i 86 5 9 £ s. a. 2,951 6 11 85 9 10 66 19 4 103 2 4 8 19 7 71 9 6| 48 1 9 14 3 12 5 3 6 11 9 23 4 0 "<j 0 2 2 0 37 2 3 111 "3 11 62 5 1 166 3 5 64 2 10 1,389 12 2 174 7 0 0 15 0 1,564 14 2 1,050 13 0 i 90 Total 290 98 12 3 1,439 5 3 3,440 6 7i 3,565 15 6i Independent Oeder op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand E 471 19 3 141 4 11 30 1,737 19 3 22 616 4 2 80 0 0 3 1 2 113 1 2 1,234 16 3 I i I I Ancient Oedee op Foeestees. Auckland District Wellington „ Nelson „ United Westland „ United Canterbury „ R E E U R 189 3 0 315 6 0 40 10 3 25 18 0 214 14 10 6 19 8 16 16 0 8 5 0 2 18 0 39 1 8 54 16 0 41 0 0 77 2 1 36 10 10 17 6 6 250 18 8 373 2 0 125 17 4 05 6 10 271 3 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 38 17 6 4 12 6 20 I 30 40 30 30 20 2 6 140 2 6 170 0 0 78 17 6 63 7 4 30 0 0 498 4 9 531 7 3 29 6 4 84 17 6 608 4 10 609 0 11 734 9 3 76 6 2 81 17 0 849 7 10 7 15 14 3 8 33 14 10 ... 785 12 1 I 53 17 4 ! 487 7 4 I Total 74 0 4 226 15 5 1,086 7 10 283 10 0 150 1,752 0 8 2,351 1 2 I 47 Independent Oedee op Eeohabites. New Zealand Central District It 66 0 0 41 11 0 892 14 6 23 107 11 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 865 3 6 Total of all the Districts, Grand. Lodges, &c. 2,647 3 6 458 12 3 269 1 5 155 10 9 182 3,374 17 2 1,494 3 0 470 2,119 13 9 7,292 7 0J 8,547 10 5i * Subsidy to the Waimea Lodge on tatin over the Goldsborongh Lodge in amal| ;amation. See Registrar's Third Animal Report, pp. 4 and 11.



DISTRICT MANAGEMENT FUNDS. TABLE XIV.—Showing the Receipts, Expenditure, &c., for the Year 1879, of the Management Funds under the control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which satisfactory Returns were received.

Name of District, Grand Lodge, &c. o Receipts, ft Other Keeeipts. Receipts. Ex Kent. Expenditure. xpenditure. Other Payments. Total. Amount of Fund on 1st January, 1879. Amount of Fund on 31st December, 1879. B Total. Salaries and Fees. Manchesteb Unity Independent Okbeb op Odd Fellows. Auckland District New Plymouth „ Wellington „ Kelson „ North Westland „ Hokitika „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ Otago „ Invercargill „ R R R R R R R £ s. d. 213 0 5 20 17 0 64 2 8 45 5 0 46 7 0 102 5 0 j J29 6 4 25 9 6 i 222 15 6 J 56 2 0 £ b. d. 10 0 0 8 5 10 23 8 2 17 13 11 12 12 2 25 7 0 119 0 5 13 29 10 6 £ s. d. 223 0 5 29 2 10 87 10 10 63 4 5 58 19 2 127 12 0 140 15 4 227 17 3 227 16 9 85 18 6 £ s. d. 56 10 0 11 10 0 31 5 0 32 10 0 SO 0 0 83 0 0 74 6 6 I 41 6 0 I 86 0 0 I 10 14 6 I £ a. d. 20 10 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 12 10 0 £ s. d. 142 13 7 6 4 6 48 6 4 24 5 0 45 0 0 57 18 3 40 9 10 206 13 0 87 0 11 104 6 3 £ 8. d. 219 13 7 20 14 6 79 11 4 56 15 0 75 0 0 145 18 3 127 6 4 247 19 0 j 178 0 11 ! 123 0 9 £ s. d. 20 13 9 16 18 10| 8 3 10 103 5 7 53 2 9 94 8 1| 57 7 9 38 19 3 59 10 5 -66 15 4 £ s. d. 24 0 7 25 7 2\ 16 3 4 109 15 0 37 1 11 76 1 10| 70 16 9 IS 17 6 103 6 3 -103 17 7 14 3 12 5 3 11 23 4 5 0 0 8 0 0 Total of Order 925 10 11 3i6 6 7 1,271 17 6 457 2 0 54 0 0 762 17 8 1,273 19 8 j I 385 15 0 i 383 12 10 90 I i I i I i , I ""j ; I Independent Okdee of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 242 12 5 125 13 0 3G8 5 5 80 18 8 6 6 0 159 19 1 217 3 9 2 10 4 123 12 0 I ! i Ancient Oedek op Foeestees. Auckland District Wellington „ Kelson ,, ... United Westland „ United Canterbury „ ... ... ... it R 62 0 2 141 12 6 116 4 9 20 1 0 29 0 3 72 16 2 188 0 5 71 4 6 9 4 3 94 5 0 134 16 4 329 12 11 187 9 3 29 5 3 123 5 3 26 0 0 62 5 0 25 0 0 8 11 0 41 11 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 7 10 0 54 13 2 235 5 2 97 0 2 20 8 6 125 7 9 83 13 2 300 10 2 J29 10 2 28 19 6 166 18 9 27 13 7 57 17 6 -107 5 9 0 O 1J 23 13 0 78 16 9 87 0 3 -49 6 8 0 5 101-' -20 0 6 7 15 14 3 8 ... Total of Order 368 18 8 435 10 4 891 9 0; [ 1G3 7 0 13 10 0 532 14 9 709 11 9 1 18 5J 96 15 81 47 1 9 12 5| 5 14 61 Independent Oedee op Eechabites. New Zealand Central District 169 3 10 90 3 3 259 7 1 62 2 0 2 5 0 198 18 0 203 5 0 23 Total of all the Districts, Grand Lodges, &c. 1,706 5 10 309 16 3 609 15 1 997 13 2 2,703 19 0 7G3 9 8 76 1 0 1,654 9 6 2,494 0 2 182 I I

VALUE AND ASSETS OF DISTRICT FUNDS. TABLE XV.— Showing the Credit Balances, Assets, Liabilities, &c., as at 31st December, 1879, of the Funds under the Control of all Districts, Grand Lodges, &c., from which satisfactory Returns were received.


Note.— The indebtedness of the Management Funds, though subtracted from the total of the latter, is not subtracted from the " Total" of all the Funds, as it could not be discharged without enriching the Funeral Funds to a proportionate extent.


Total Worth of District Funds on 31st Deceml rer, 1879. Assets (as per Returns). bailie of District, Grand Lodge, See. la 2 j ■g d ■ Total. Funeral Fund. VYidow and Orphan Fund. Management Fund. Other Funds. Other Property. Security of Freehold Property. Loans 2» e On Deposit In with P.O.S B. Building Societies, &c. Cash Goods, &c. Amounts owing to Districts, &c. Liabilities (as per . On Deposit with Banks. On Current Account with Banks. In Hand, Manchester Unity Independent Obdek oe Odd Fellows. Auckland District New Plymouth „ Wellington „ Nelson „ North Wcstland „ Hokitika „ North Canterbury ,, Lyttelton „ Otago „ Invercargill „ I £ a. d. 2,997 1 3 110 17 0i 83 2 8 1,262 3 11 46 1 6 147 11 5 179 13 2 18 17 6 555 12 4 96 15 7 £ s. d. 2,951 6 11 85 9 10 66 19 4 103 2 4 8 19 7 71 9 6i 48 1 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 0 7 25 7 2J 16 3 4 109 15 0 37 1 11 76 1 104 70 16 9 18 17 6 109 6 3 -103 17 7 £ 8. d. 21 13 9* £ s. d. £ s. 2,805 0 £ I £ s. a. £ s. d.l £ s. d. £ s. a. I £ s. d. 192 1 3 40 17 0§ I £ s. d. £ S. d. \£ s. d. E B B B E B B B B E 14 3 12 3 6 11 9 23 4 1,049 6 7 j 60 14 8 ... ... I 477 10j 376 ... ! ... 1 70 0 0 83 2 8 300 0 0 108*13 11 142 11 5 179 13 2 18 17 6 197 3 5 46 "i 6 5 0 0 "■ ... ... ! ... 166 's 5 G4 2 10 189 8 lit 32 12 9 90 13 9 200 0 ... - 11 3 3 89 10 0J 15 18 11 7 5 7 122 7 9 44 "9 4 35 io 4 I . I i J 3,505 15 6i 1,049 6 7 383 12 10 i 304 10 1 ! 3,482 10 I I. 100 13 sl ... I 1307 4 3i 122 7 9 44 9 4 35 10 4 Total of Order ... I 90 5,497 1G 4|| 90 13 9 I 453 2 8 646 19 5 ! I I I I Independent Oedeb oe Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 1,861 11 3 1,737 19 3 123 12 0 310 0 874 0 9 152 0 9 1 17 6 523 12 3 B 22 ... Ancient Oedee oe Fobestees. Auckland District Wellington „ Nelson „ United We3lknd „ United Canterbury „ 1 I i i I i B B B TJ 11 7 15 14 3 8 720 15 8| 881 9 6 526 10 2 82 2 10i 849 7 10 G09 0 11 734 9 3 76 6 2 81 17 0 849 7 10 450* *4 0 78 16 9 87 0 3 -49 6 8 0 5 10i -20 0 6 1 32 18 0i 60 0 0 600 0 130 12 6 ... I 656 1 8 30o"o 0 50 0 0 90 16 io! j 226 10 2 20 17 7 99 7 10 31 16 0 j 0 0 2 11 "5 3| 32 18 01 60 0 0 ! ... 750 "0 0 ... ... Total of Order ... 47 3,060 6 1 2,351 1 2 1 450 4 0 96 15 8| I 92 18 0i 600 0 . 130 12 61 I 750 0 0 1,006 1 8 1 ! 437 12 5 43 1 Bi j 92 18 0| I Independent Oedeb oj Kechabites. New Zealand Central District I I I I ! t I E 23 1,137 19 0 892 14 6 5 14 6J 150 17 2J i ' 83 12 91 900 0 134 11 5 14 14 91 ... 88 12 91| Total of all the Districts, Grand Lodges, &c. 609 15 1 455 7 3 272 4 7 5,292 10 376 ' 231 5 9 I 1,624 0 9 '366 18 0i 182 11,557 12 81 8,547 10 5ll 1,499 10 7 ; 1,459 4 4 1,371 4 0 215 5 9J 606 14 4|35 10 4 i * Benevolent Fund. Eelif t Tent Eelief and, £81 8s. Hi d. j Benevolent Funi



MEMBERSHIP.— CIVIL STATE AND AGES OF MEMBERS. TABLE XVI.—Showing the Numbers of Members, classified according to Civil State and according to Age, on the 31st December, 1880, of all Friendly Societies and Branches of Friendly Societies in the Colony of New Zealand from which the required information was obtained in terms of Section 13 (1, d) of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1877," and Section 4 of "The Friendly Societies Act Amendment Act, 1878."

<s a No. 3ist: pf Members on lecember, 1S80. Ages of Members. JJame of Society and Branch. K.S Total. Married. u "- , mariied. Under 20. 30 to 25. 25 to 30. 30 to 35. 35 to 40. 40 to 45. 45 to 50. 50 to 55. 55 to 60. 60 to 65. 65 to 70. 70 and Upwards. Ages Unspecified. Manchesteb Unity Independent Ordeb ov Odd Feilows. Auckland District — Good Intent Lodge Parnell „ Alexandra „ Howick „ Auckland Parnell Alexandra Howick 1850 1858 1866 1876 248 96 4 39 185 44 3 16 63 52 1 23 11 37 33 47 20 1 3 53 17 46 16 1 5 28 5 13 1 1 8 4 1 5 ... ... 7 "l5 8 1 Total 71 I 15 i 13 j 5 I I I 387 248 139 18 S3 78 63 31 Nem Plymouth District — Egmont Lodge ! ! j ! I New Plymouth 1857 143 90 53 17 21 19 31 19 19 11 2 1 ... Itfarllorough District — Marlborough Lodge Benwick „ \ Blenheim Eenwick 1861 1867 121 40 78 * 43 # 2 12 4 19 10 28 13 IS 5 31 3 10 4 "l 1 I i _J I ! 1 Total 161 crag [43] 1G £9 41 23 31 14 ; •• ... Nelson District — Nelson Lodge ... Travellers' Rest „ Howard „ I I i Nelson Richmond Nelson 1844 1845 1846 221 72 198 147 27 120 71 45 78 13 6 7 25 15 36 33 11 35 23 15 25 33 (i 29 26 5 23 22 4 19 21 5 13 7 3 5 9 1 5 4 ... 1 -11 ::: Total 76 45 39 15 15 1 5 1 j ... 491 294 197 26 81 66 63 54 North Westlancl District— Westport Lodge Charleston „ Westport Charleston 1867 1867 G2 63 42 32 20 31 5 2 5 2 13 6 16 17 17 23 6 13 Total 125 74 51 7 7 10 33 40 19 I I 1 1 1 HoTcitilea District — Hokitika Lodge ... Ross „ Waimea ,, Grey mouth „ Albert „ I I I Hokitika Ross... Stafford Greymouth Kumara 1866 1866 1867 1867 1870 158 50 63 91 76 110 39 29 51 36 34 43 40 3 2 8 1 1 13 3 3 10 16 11 13 5 7 12 40 14 21 25 21 43 12 32 7 31 3 10 16 5 9 2 :." ::: "4 1 "ll i ! i Total 411 2 = 5 176 21 45 -18 124 117 G5 15 ! I I


Note.—It will be seen that the totals included within square brackets are derived from a smaller number of individual lodges, &c., than the other totals in the same horizontal line,


Ashley District — Eangioia Lodge... Nil Desperanduni „ Kangiora Oxford 1860 1868 124 50 82 26 42 24 33 10 27 13 10 5 19 5 9 8 6 5 ... ... Total 174 108 66 17 6 5 58 40 24 24 North Canterbury District — City of Christchuroh Lodge Eaiapoi „ Volunteer „ Benevolent „ Perseverance „ I ! 1 1 Christchurch ... Kaiapoi Sydenham Christchurch ... Woolston 1854 1S58 1866 1868 1872 387 80 66 87 104 * 47 52 56 58 « 33 14 31 46 2 5 4 1 4 59 16 10 30 05 12 12 22 34 80 22 19 24 15 74 V.) 10 17 10 48 8 8 7 5 17 2 1 4 2 6 1 5 1 1 1 1 I - ••• ... 4 Total [213] [124]: 175 76 26 7 J 6 3 I 4 724 1G 127 160 124 Lyttelton District — City of Norwich Lodge... G-ood Intent „ ... Hand of Friendship „ Dawn of Hope „ ... 1 i 1 ! i i Lyttelton Akaroa Okain's Bay ... Little Kiyer ... 1852 1859 1875 1878 208 62 22 11 112 13 8 96 9 3 20 1 2 1 43 16 7 5-1 13 4 0 34 11 3 1 5 1 2 13 10 5 1 9 5 4 5 1 1 1 Total 77 14 * 6 1 1 303 169 134 ;=i G6 49 32 29 Otago District — Hand and Heart Lodge ... Dunedin „ Dalton j, Prince of "Wales „ Albion j, Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitalmna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Alexandra „ Tapanui ,, Lake Watatipu ,, Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship „ Outram ,, Mosgiel „ Dunedin Balclutha Port Chalmers.. Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence Waiialmna Hawkesbury ... Wuipori Blue Spur Port Molyneux Tapanui Queenstown Pr.lmerston Cromwell Waikaia Eakanui Outram Mosgiel 1848 1862 1863 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 292 186 49 72 101 81 78 60 55 £6 62 23 46 88 19 52 64 13 72 40 175 125 28 43 63 58 57 33 27 13 39 11 25 22 12 32 25 9 35 16 117 61 21 29 38 23 21 27 28 13 23 12 21 16 7 20 39 4 37 24 3 1 2 2 1 1 47 4 12 17 9 8 8 12 3 10 1 7 8 1 1 9 2 16 19 44 41 15 23 21 8 6 12 1 10 3 11 6 3 8 9 1 IS 11 60 25 7 11 17 9 9 5 3 1 7 8 7 6 8 7 6 17 6 5i 36 7 9 11 19 16 1G 8 6 11 4 12 7 4 14 15 3 13 2 45 27 12 6 11 17 15 8 10 6 12 3 5 5 4 13 14 22 18 5 12 12 3 16 12 6 6 12 11 9 1 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 5 1 "e 1 "2 1 3 3 '"2 "2 ... I I ... I I 1 2 6 8 "2 "1 2 1 6 1 Total 144 47 14 1 1,429 848 681 16 I 223 268 229 267 220 Invercargill District — Shamrock, Eose, and Thistle Lodge I "I I r Invercargill 1860 194 113 10 3 81 2 I £5 Si 23 20 85 17 152 I 1 Total of Order ... 4,572 [2,500] [1,645] 110 721 871 761 814 675 384 51 20 5 3 5 * In iformation not supplied.




•a S No. of Members on 31st December, 18S0. Ages of Members. Kami of Society ahb Bbanch. Total. Married. Un .' , married. Under 20. 20 to 25. 25 to 30. 30 to 35. 35 to 40. 40 to 45. 45 to 50. 50 to 55. 55 to 60. 60 to 65. 65 to 70. 70 and Upwards. Ages Unspecified. Independent Order op Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —• Pioneer Lodge Alfred „ Alexandra vna „ Ayon „ Southern Cross „ Eavensbourne „ Pioneer of Southland „ Dunedin Oaniaru Ternuka Christchurch ... Wellington Eavensbourno .. Invercargill 1863 1868 1874 1876 1877 1878 1879 83 51 38 52 73 22 72 65 45 29 37 39 16 43 23 6 9 15 34 6 29 1 1 9 3 22 8 22 5 1G 16 4 4 13 18 11 22 13 42 3 11 17 2 6 16 1 5 7 11 3 10 20 1 2 6 3 1 9 11 1 4 2 "2 - ... ... - ... ... ... ... "l ... ... 2 ... ... •■ ... ... 4 5 Total 396 274 122 21 4 I 1 85 S3 94 53 42 ... I National Independent Order as Odd Fellows. Auckland Provincial District — Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers' „ Auckland Newton 1878 1879 150 83 * 60 * 23 11 4 42 15 46 13 32 8 15 39 2 "l 1 ... ... ... - ... Total 233 [60] [23] 15 57 1 1 59 40 54 6 Ancient Okdeb as Fobestees. Auckland District — Court City of Auckland ... ,, Pride of Parnell ... Auckland Thames 31 11 11 16 3 8 1863 1865 276 165 172 125 104 40 4 so 26 ■18 19 73 51 43 42 ... Total 441 297 144 42 76 67 129 85 27 3 8 HawTce's Hay District— Court Sir Charles Napier „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Eobin Hood „ Euahine Napier Havelook Port Ahuriri ... Waipukurau 1872 1875 1875 1879 1879 117 81 55 28 30 72 70 34 17 16 45 11 14 3 1 3 1 4 27 10 9 2 9 32 16 18 6 5 21 28 11 11 7 16 17 9 6 5 16 9 4 2 2 1 ... J I ... I ... I I Total 12 I 311 209 102 57 77 78 53 31 3 Wellington District— Court Sir George Grey ,., „ Little John „ Sir George Bowen... „ Blenheim „ Roderick Dhu „ Loyal Enterprise ... „ Clarendon ... „ Manawatu „ Marquis of Normanby „ Loyal Feilding „ William Gladstone Wellington Marlon Wellington Blenheim Wanganui Masterton Picton Palmerston N.... Carterton Feilding G-isborne 1861 1866 1869 1869 1871 1871 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 I 217 75 158 84 58 90 59 81 26 22 47 151 44 50 36 63 35 70 18 13 38 66 31 34 22 27 24 14 8 9 9 3 5 2 1 28 17 21 19 23 11 14 11 5 2 14 48 18 -J 6 21 9 21 16 17 4 6 15 .37 15 32 7 23 13 ■i 1 8 5 5 43 8 20 15 13 21 10 15 3 5 10 35 6 9 3 11 5 9 5 2 3 It 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 4 1 1 5 ... 16 1 ... I 1 1 " 1 ... .- Total [518]! [244] I 26 I 8 i 5 I |_ 17 920 13 165 221 190 168 107 I ... ... ! ... I



Kelson District — Court Eobin Hood „ Pride of the Forest „ Waireka „ Concord „ Patea „ Unity „ Sherwood Forest .,. Nelson Wakapuaka New Plymouth Greymouth Patea Hayelock Stoke 1863 1864 1866 1867 1868 1871 1872 182 37 100 92 23 81 28 120f 16 37 61 8 44 15 62f 21 63 31 15 37 13 3 7 2 3 3 1 So 11 IS 7 5 21 7 21 6 32 3 22 7 £1 7 18 14 5 11 8 23 3 16 15 7 10 3 23 2 5 26 18 2 2 4 7 3 1 1 3 ... 1 1 1 ... 5 "l 7 2 "l Total 543 301 242 35 104 116 84 88 65 27 33 4 1 1 United Westland District — Court Waiinea ... Stafford 1869 1 5 4 4 ... I I ... IS United Canterbury District — Court Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest Courtenay Sydenham 1876 1879 27 61 7 37 20 24 2 3 8 23 9 14 3 12 4 1 2 ... ... Total 88 41 44 31 23 15 11 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin ... „ Enterprise „ Eoyal Oak of Kavarau „ Pride of Oamaru ... „ Haveloek Dunedin Bannockburn ... Oamaru Waitahuna 1S62 1863 1867 1S68 1869 212 135 35 39 43 170 105 19 27 23 42 SO 16 12 20 4 3 8 9 3 8 6 25 27 3 7 6 17 4 6 4 40 IS 8 9 14 44 25 8 3 5 51 17 8 4 5 ?7 7 1 2 1 4 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... Total 464 344 120 31 68 C2 87 85 85 4 2 ... Court not in District — Court Southern Cross Timaru ... 1865 8 14 4 1 1 21 192 SD 37 33 82 Total of Order ... ... 3 2 2,977 [1,722] [905] 81 442 622 534 574 412 186 £5 14 52 Ancient Obdee op Shephekds. Sanctuary Sir George Grey — 1 Wellington ,,, 1865 41 37 6 11 9 2 2 United Ancient Oedee or Deuids. Excelsior Lodge Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ Otago „ Wellington Christchurch ,.. Sydenham Springston, Chch. Dunedin 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 144 70 91 85 40 97 87 39 61 51 24J 57 57 31 30 34 16J 40 3 9 6 7 3 8 35 13 13 12 22 39 23 21 26 7 28 10 27 7 24 16 4 15 12 10 9 6 2 3 1 3 2 ... ... ... '"4 Total 105 17 527 319 208 30 147 152 66 Loyal United Fbiends Benefit Society. Remembrance Lodge Newton ... 3 9 11 4 5 1879 30 32 * Informatu in not supplied. f Approxii ately. t Sti tements f Lodge Secretary to nurn ier of mi imbere co ontradictory.



By Authority : G-eobqe Didsbuet, Government Printer, Wellington. —1881.


No. of Membert 31st December, ] j on .830. Ages of Members. Hame of Society and Bsanch. ;ua1 £3 Total. Married. Unmarried. Under 20. 20 to 25. 25 to 38. 30 to 35. 35 to 40. 40 to 45. 48 to 50. 50 to 55. 55 to 60. 60 to Co. 70 and Upwards. Ages Unspecified. 65 to 70. Independent Oedeb of Rechabites. New Zealand District — Star of Hauraki Tent Thames 1870 109 75 34 6 14 14 13 17 22 9 7 2 ... ... ... New Zealand Central District — Good Samaritan Tent I i_ ! I 1 Timam 1876 36 17 19 6 5 10 2 1 3 ... j ... 1 Albert District — Star of Hope Tent i I ! Hokitika 1S69 32 20 12 12 1 I i Total of Order ... 177 112 G5 li 21 25 23 2-1 31 22 11 2 I 1 1 Sons and Daughtees of Tehpeeance. Antidote Division ... Progress „ Ray of Hope „ ... Dawn of Light „ I 1 i I I I Dunedin Kaiapoi Greymouth Rothesay, Otago 1871 1872 1878 1879 117* 43 26 16 vot 19 15 16 47+ 24 11 8 9 G 8 10 3 21 7 3 2 18 7 5 4 S 8 8 7 24 1 G 3 16 6 "l 1 7 ... Total 202 120 16 i ! I 6 1 i 1 1 I 7 82 23 21 Sd 34 26 34 I I 1 hlbeenian aljstealasian catholic Benefit Society. Otago-Canterbury District — St. Joseph's Branch Dunedin 1873 50 35 15 3 14 IS 10 4 2 ... I - ... ... - ... Branches not in Districts — Charleston Branch Graharnstown „ ... Waimea „ ... ... Hokitika „ Greenstone ,, Auckland „ Charleston Thames Stafford Hokitika Kumara Auckland I 1 1 I I j 1870 1870 1870 1870 1871 1S73 26 79 15 15 18 208 14 55 8 12 5 111 12 24 7 3 13 97 2 3 2 1 1 ... 4 9 10 27 2 6 5 30 7 35 12 2 32 I "4 3 1 10 I 1 I I I ... '"l5 '"38 6 40 3 30 ... "1 13 Total of Order ... 47 51 22 3 I [ 1 I 14 411 240 171 17 GO 93 104 ... I I Railway Benefit Societies. Otago Railways' Employes Benefit Society New Zealand Railways' Employes Benefit Society, Invercargill Branch Total of Railway Societies I I < Dunedin 1875 307 244 63 5 15 50 55 77 03 34 5 2 1 Invercargill 1879 127 94 33 7 13 22 20 23 12 9 7 5 2 1 434 338 96 12 43 12 1 1 1 I i 1 I' 1 1 28 72 75 100 I'o 3 Isolated Society. Kaco and Whangaroa Friendly Society... Kaeo I 1 1 i I 1870 27 15 12 1 1 1 Total of all the Societies ... 27 ! [ ! 4 91 10,033 [5,769]: [3,337] 317 1,536 1,986 1,790 1,827 1,417 701 251 J 78 8 * 28 femalei t 5 females. 1 23 females.

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FOURTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-07

Word Count

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FOURTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-07

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (FOURTH REPORT, BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, H-07

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