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Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET:— moe Cash Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Intebest and Sinking Fund Remittance Account ... .. ... ... 3 Public Debt and Sinking Fund Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 CONSOLIDATED FUND:— Account op Eeceipts and Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... .. 8 Statement of Assets Realized and Liabilities Paid ... .. ... ... 12 Revenue (Obdinaby Revenue Account) ... ... ... ... ... .. 18 Miscellaneous Recovebibs ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Revenue mom Depasturing Licenses, Rents, etc., in detail ... .. .. ... 21 DISBURSL'MBNTS OF THE ObDINAEY REVENUE ACCOUNT :— Civil List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Intebest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... ... ... .. 24 Undeb Special Acts of the General Assembly ... ... ... ... 27 Undeb Annual Appbopeiations ... ... ... ... ... .. 32 Statement in Detail of the Expenditure undeb Votes foe Miscellaneous Services ... 35 Land Fund Account: — Statement op Receipts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 Statement of Expendituee undee Special Acts oj? the General Assembly ... ... 42 Statement in Detail of the Wet Expendituee tor Miscellaneous Services ... ... 42 Statement showing the Expenditube undeb Annual Appropriations ... ... ... 43 Accounts of Local Bodies :— Balance-sheet ov — Revenue feom License and other Fees ... ... ... ... ... 44 Revenue from Lands ... ... ... ... .. ... 46 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 Counties' Separate Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 Advance Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ~. 47 Deposit Accounts —Balance-sheet ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 "Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 Statement of Advances Outstanding ... ... ... ... ... .. 51 'PUBLIC WORKS FUND :— Account of Receipts and Expendituee ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Statement op Miscellaneous Recoveries ... .. ... ... ... ... 56 The Appbopeiation Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 Statement of Advances Outstanding ... .. ... ... ... ... 62 THE PUBLIC DEBT AND SINKING FUNDS :— Statement of the Public Debt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 Account of Receipts and Disbursements of the Sinking Funds... ... ... .. 66 Statement showing the Amount of Sinking Funds accrued to 31st Mabch, 1881 ... ... 74 Statement ov the Securities in which the Sinking Funds are held ... ... 74









Balances on 31 March, 1880. Net Transactions, 1880-81. Balances on 31 March, 1881. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Ordinary Revenue Account ... Bills Receivable Account ... Land Fund Account... Accounts op Local Bodies ... Deposit Accounts Deficiency Bills Account ... Treasury Biils Account PUBLIC WORKS FUND -.— Obdinary Account ... SUSPENSE ACCOUNT :— Receipts in the Colony Receipts in London ... £ s. d. 1,522,772 14 3 17,163 2 o £ s. d. 6,921 o 3 90,260 o 2 650,000 o o 1,182,000 o o £ s. d. 3,510,766 8 11 266,793 10 7 "9.563 2 4 87,229 4 1 1,300,000 o o 786,200 o o £ s. d. 3,195,872 8 7 17,163 2 o 299,166 19 o 119,229 2 6 55.7" 15 5 744,200 o o 1,436,200 o o £ e. d. 1,837,666 14 7 £ s. d. 32,373 8 5 6,587 ° 5 58,742 11 6 94,200 o o 1,832,000 o o 2,227,173 14 I 1,960,974 8 8 1,094,174 4 9 I,36o,373 10 2 2,888 11 6 ■S3 13 o 4,9/8,293 o s '53 13 ° 4.97S.79 8 7 5 393 18 6 1>S39>935 l6 3 4,159.396 19 o 1,539,935 l6 3 1,837,666 14 7 3,384,670 9 o PUBLIC ACCOUNT:— Bank of New Zealand in the Colony Bake of New Zealand in London Bank of New Zealand Suspense Account NEW ZEALAND LOAN 1879 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT :— Moneys Deposited fob Fixed Peeiods with otheb Banes in London ... BILLS RECEITABLE :— Bank Dbafts on London Drafts on Royal Mint, London, in Payment of Wobh Silver Coin ... BILLS PAYABLE :— Bills on London SILVER COIN ACCOUNT :— Woen Silvee Coin sent to Melbourne Mint ... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS :— Advances trom the Public Wobks Fund to the Consolidated Fund ... Public Works Fund Investment Account Imperial Government General Account Imperial Government Pensions Account Miscellaneous Imprests Foreign Imprest Account 306,282 18 9 1,229,000 o o 2,619,461 270,996 7 1 2 9 8 ° 4,975,798 7 S 2,i3 I,OI 7 5 ° 179,100 o o 100,000 o o 500,000 o o 580 o o ".937.SI5 '9 8 4,686,826 15 10 2,182,692 14 1 179,100 o o 1,329,000 o o 59S.2S4 10 4 500,000 o o 580 o o 1,037,000 14 7 i,547,oo3 14 5 322,671 16 2 250,000 o o 500,000 o o 250,000 o o 21,080 o o 12,580 o o 8,500 o o 992,000 o o 57,000 o o 274 4 1 32s 17 6 122,343 "6 4 433,230 13 2 1,000,000 o o 94,000 o o 1,560,100 o o 40,000 o o 274 4 1 32,438 4 1 1,262,659 8 1 367,911 18 8 431,900 o o 111,000 o o 32,163 6 3 1,178,717 1 3 118,669 16 7 50 19 8 38,401 9 6 183,988 11 1 3.HO.457 9 10 520,996 7 1 2,619,461 2 9 520,996 7 1 1,869,675 10 7 322,671 16 2 322,671 16 2 10,831,125 16 6 ",903.583 4 10 i,547,o°3 "4 5






De. Public Account, and Bills Receivable Woen Silver Coin ... Public Works Fund Investments and Advances Advance Accounts ... £ s. d. 773,162 14 2 8,500 o o 542,900 o o 222,441 o 3 consolidated fund ... Public Wobks Fund ... Suspense Account Ce. £ s. d. 186,236 5 9 393 18 6 Total i.547.oo3 14 5 Total 1,547,003 14 5

Balances on 31 Habch, 1880. 1 Transactions, 1880-81. Balances on 31 Maech, 1881. Dr. Or, Dr. Qr. Dr. Cr. Intebest Remittance Account Sinking Fund Remittance Account Suspense Remittance Account Bank of New ZealandBank of Australasia, London Union Bank of Australia, London ... Crown Agents, London £ s. d. 3,501 6 8 346 o o I3.34 1 ° o 409,432 6 2 426,620 12 10 £ s. d. ! 399,707 17 10 26,912 15 o ... ... £ s. d. 1,173.786 12 7 io3,339 ° ° 14,238 10 o 6,666 o o 1,259,287 10 2 £ a. d. 1,174,853 o 2 105,339 o o 14,234 10 o £ s. d. 3,S°5 6 8 346 o o 13.35° ° ° 412,485 13 9 £ s. d. 4oo,774 S 5 28,912 rs o ... 6,657 o o 1,256,234 2 7 Totals ... 426,620 12 10 I 2,557,317 12 9 2,5S7>3'7 12 9 429,687 o 5 429,687 o 5





Balances on 31 Maech, 1880. Transactions, 1880-81. Balances on 31 March, 1881. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT:— Under Colonial Acts, — Old Debenture Account "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" "New Zealand Loan Act, i860" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863" "i onsoijdated loan act, 1867 " "Deeence 4nd Other Ptjbposes Loan Act, 1870" " Immigration and Public Woeks Loan Act, 1870" ... " North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 " "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873" "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873" ... " Westland Loan Act, 1873" "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873" "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1874" ... "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876" "Tbeasuey Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876" " New Zealand Loan Act, 1876" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1877" "New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877" " New Zealand Loan Act, 1879" " Treasury Bills Act, 1879" "Treasury Bills Act, 1880" Deficiency Bills ... ... ... Under Provincial Acts or Ordinances, — "Auckland Loan Act, 1863" " Wellington Loan Act, 1866" "Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864" "Nelson Loan Act, 1874" ... " Lytteltok and Christohurch Railway Loan Ordinance, i860 " " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862" " Otago Loan Obdinance, 1862" £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ e. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 311 o o 500,000 o o 93,100 o o 1,519,400 o o 4,660,100 o o 1,000,000 o o 3,197,800 o o 23,200 o o 750,000 o o 2,000,000 o o 50,000 o o 180,000 o o 4,000.000 o o 150,000 o o 60,000 o o 1,000,000 o o 2,500,000 o o ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,000 o o 2,200 O O ... ... I ... ... 20,000 o o 6,200 o o 311 o o 500,000 o o 93,100 o o 1,519,400 o o 4,660,100 o o 1,000,000 o o 3,200,000 o o 17,000 o o 750,000 o o 2,000,000 o o 50,000 o o 180,000 o o 4,000,000 o o 23,900 o o 60,000 o o 956,000 o o 2,500,000 o o 5,371,200 o o 524,000 o o 310,100 o o 326,100 o o 94,200 o o ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 126,100 o o ... ... ... ... ... 44,000 o o ... ... ... ... 5,371,200 o o 4,476,000 o o ... 5,000,000 o o 50,000 o o 260,100 o o 326,100 o o 94,200 o o ... ... ... 70,000 o o 70,000 o o ... 31,600 o o 13,500 o o 6,200 o o 18,000 o o 77,700 o o 22,800 o o 116,700 o o ... ... ... ! ••• 6,200 o o 31,600 o o 13,500 o o 18,000 o o 77,700 o o 22,800 o o 116,700 o o 28,415,711 o o ... ... ... ... ... - Totals , I I 6,073,800 o o 27,090,411 o o ... 1 4,748,500 o o ... DEBENTURES ACCOUNT ... 28,527,911 o o 7,198,400 o o 3,708,300 o o 25.037.8" o o INSCRIBED STOCK ACCOUNT 5,371,200 o o 5,371,200 o o SCRIP ACCOUNT ... 234,500 o o 20,000 o o 214,500 o o





James C. Gavin, Secretary to the Treasury. H. A. Atkinson, James B. Heywood, Accountant to the Treasury. Colonial Treasurer.


Balances on 31 Mabch, 1880. Tbansactions, 1880-81. Balances on 31 Mabch, 1881. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT:— "lMMIGEATION ANT) PUBLIC WOBKS LOAN Ad, l8jo " (IMPERIAL GtUAEANTEEd) "Lyttelton Haebotte Woek3 Loan Act, 1872" "Tbeasuky Bills Extended Cubbency Act, 1873" "Teeasuey Bills Extended Cueeency Act, 1876" "Teeasuey Bills ttndee "The Appeopeiatioit Act, 1876" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1876" "Teeasuby Bills Act, 1879" "Deficiency Bills undeb "The Public Revenues Act, 1878" Advances to the Consolidated Fund, — "Teeasuey Bills Act, 1879"... "Teeasuey Bills Act, 1880"... Deficiency Bills £ s. d. 800,000 o o 100,000 o o 220,000 o o 112,000 o o 110,000 o o £ s. d. £ s. d. : 44,000 o o 942,000 o o £ a. d. 100,000 o o 220,000 o o 112,000 O O 110,000 o o 160,100 o o 180,000 o o £ e. d. 800,000 o o 44,000 o o 931,900 o o £ s. d. 150,000 o o 180,000 o o 742,000 o o 200,000 o o 1,281,800 o o 310,100 o o 200,000 o o 1,281,800 o o 431,900 o o ... ... Totals 1,672,000 o o 3,209,800 o o 2,674,000 o o I 2,207,800 o o ... ... SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS :— Cash Accounts ... Investment Accounts ... 109,635 12 o 1,748,200 o o 304,503 6 10 127,700 o o 344,440 1 9 287,500 o o 149,572 6 11 1,908,000 o o ... I,857,83S 12 o 432,203 6 10 631,940 1 9 2,057,572 6 11 TRUSTEES' ACCOUNTS :— Cash Accounts ... Investment Accounts 109,635 I2 o 1,748,200 o o 344,440 o o 287,500 o o 304,503 6 10 127,700 o o 149,572 6 n 1,908,000 o o 1,857.835 12 o 631,940 1 9 432,203 6 10 2,057,572 6 11

Balances De. £ 3. d. 28,4i5>7u o o 2,207,800 o o 2.°57>372 6 11 Balances Cb. £ s. d. 25.037=811 o o 5,371,200 o o 214,500 o o £32,681,083 6 11 Public Debt Account Debentures Sales Account ... Teustees of Sinking Funds... Debentubes Account ... Inscbibed Stock Account soeip account Sinking Fund Accounts TOTAI £32,681,083 6 11 Total ...











2—B. 1.

FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881. ACCOUNT


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. EXPENDITURE. FINANCIAL PERIOD 1879-80. Liabilities paid,—■ Permanent Appropriations,— Civil List ... 1.208 2 4 Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... 19,311 4 6 Under Special Acts of the Legislature ... ... 2,732 5 1 Subsidies to Local Bodies ... ... ... 2,093 4 7 Twenty per cent, of Land Eevenue paid to Counties 7,487 0 6 One-third of Proceeds of Land sold on Deferred Payments paid to Local Bodies ... ... 5,906 4 9 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment ... 327 6 5 Ellesmere and Forsyth Eeclamation and Akaroa Bailway Trust ... ... ... ••• 32119 6 Bills received in payment of Sections of Eeclaimed Land, written off 2,065 10 0 41,452 17 8 Annual Appropriation, — Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... ••• 301,130 6 8 „.___„ 342,583 4 4 Balance carried forward to next Financial Period ... ... ... 38,555 12 6 £381,138 16 10 FINANCIAL YEAR 1880-81. Permanent Appropriations, — Civil List ... ... ... ... ... 26,867 3 2 Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... ... 1,450,542 17 7 Under Special Acts of the Legislature ... ... 39,755 9 6 Twenty per cent, of Territorial Eevenue paid to Counties ... ... ... ... ... 13,704 15 0 1,530,870 5 3 Annual Appropriations, — Class I.—Legislative ... ... ... ... 35,070 7 11 „ II.—Colonial Secretary ... ... ... 189,086 1 7 „ III.—Colonial Treasurer ... ... ... 52,126 9 5 „ IV.—Minister of Justice ... ... ... 122,124 13 2 „ V.—Postmaster-General ... ... ... 238,566 13 6 „ VI.—Commissioner of Customs ... ... 76,774 6 9 „ VII.—Commissioner of Stamps ... ... 22,966 16 2 „ VIII.—Minister of Education ... ... 263,000 7 8 „ IX.—Minister of Native Affairs ... ... 8,302 16 10 X.—Minister of Mines ... ... ... 9,147 1 9 „ XL—Minister for Public Works ... ... 515,249 9 8 „ XII.—Minister of Defence ... ... ... 92,546 1 2 1,624,961 5 1 Services not provided for ... ... ... ... 6,151 13 9 3,161,983 4 7 Debentures issued under "The Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864," redeemed ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,200 0 0 3,168,183 4 7 Balance on 31st March, 1881, — CaBh in the Public Account and in transitu ... ... 10,686 3 4 Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial ... ... ... ... ... 24,883 7 0 Foreign ... ... ... ... ... 44,463 15 1 69,347 2 1 Worn Silver Coin in transitu to Melbourne Mint ... ... 8,500 0 0 88,533 5 5 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... £3,256,716 10 0 ACCOUNT. Permanent Appropriations, — Subsidies to Local Bodies ... ... ... 110,506 2 11 Twenty per cent, of Land Sales Eevenue paid to Counties 11,480 9 8 One-third of Proceeds of Land sold on Deferred Payments paid to Local Bodies ... ... ... 4,911 3 5 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment ... 9,296 6 7 Ellesmere and Forsyth Eeclamation and Akaroa Bailway Trust ... ... ... ... ... 1,519 2 7 137,713 5 2 Annual Appropriations, — Crown Lands and Survey Departments ... ... ... 129,080 5 5 • 266,793 10 7 Balance on 3lBt March, 1881, — Cash in the Public Account ... ... ... ... 28,909 11 3 Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — Colonial ... ... ... ... ... 3,043 17 2 Foreign ... ... ... ... ... 420 0 0 3,463 17 2 32,373 8 5 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... £299,166 19 0





h £ s. d. Revenue:— Land-Tax ... Postal Telegraphic Miscellaneous ... ... 56,428 5 9 55 ° ° 27 10 o 254 9 2fhg


B.— 1

FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881. LOCAL BODIES.


£ s. d. Revenue:— Land-Tax ... Postal Telegraphic Miscellaneous ... ... 56,428 5 9 55 ° ° 27 10 o 254 9 2





ASSETS REALIZED. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Revenue: — Land-Tax ... Postal Telegraphic Miscellaneous ... ... 56,428 5 9 55 ° ° 27 10 o 254 9 2 56.765 4 11 Miscellaneous Recoveries : — Interest and Sinking Fund, — " North Otago Districts Public Works Loan Act, 1872," — Interest on £700 at 5 per cent., 1 May to 22 August, 1879 Permanent Acts, — " Military Pensions Act, 1866," — Pension of Apera te Keunga, 1 July to 31 December, 1879, unclaimed Legislative, — Salary of Committee Reporter repaid Public Departments,— Electoral, — Miscellaneous Government Statist, — Miscellaneous Charitable, — Maintenance Fees, &c, of Hospital Patients ... .. .. £186 6 9 Drags and Medical Comforts supplied to other Institutions ... 16 1 9 Proceeds of Sale of Water Tanks, &c. 936 Miscelluneous ... ... 5 Io ° 10 16 8 23 o o 12 10 o 6 14 o 3 6 6 217 2 o Lunatic Asylums, — Miscellaneous ... Printing and Stationery, — Printing and Material supplied to Railway Department ... ... £21° 5 JI Printing and Material supplied to Government Insurance Department 91 9 5 Miscellaneous ... ... ... n 7 3 5 11 o 373 2 7 Inspection of Sheep and Cattle, — Miscellaneous ... Land and Property-Tax, — Costs recovered ... ... £14 15 ° Miscellaneous ... ... o 11 o 7 7° 15 6 o Law and Justice, — Crown Law Office, — Fees for opinions supplied to Government Insurance Department ... Resident Magistrates' Courts, &c, — Miscellaneous Prisons, — Labor, &c. ... ... ... £334 9 3 Clothing supplied other Institutions 76 2 6 246 15 12 8 628 9 1 410 11 9 Postal and Telegraphic, — Postal,— Miscellaneous Telegraphic,— Balance of CoBt of Working the Telegraph Office at Wellington Railway-station ... ... £43 3 3 Rebate allowed by the Eastern Extension Australia and China Telegraph Company on Government Messages, 9 April, 1879, to 30 April, 1880 ... 430 7 8 Sale of Unserviceable Line Horses 28 14 3 Miscellaneous ... ... 32 o o 27 8 10 428 8 11 534 5 2 561 14 o Carried forward 1,664 18 8 S6,76S 4 11




3—B. 1.


ASSETS REALIZED— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 1,664 18 8 56,765 4 11 JSCELLANEOTTS RECOVERIES — continued. Customs, — Marine and Harbours, — Port Lights, New Plymouth Harbour £65 o o „ Oamaru Harbour ... 6500 „ Patea Harbour ... 25 o o 155 ° ° Eations, "Hinemoa" ... 27 3 o „ "Stella" ... ... 29 13 o 56 16 o 1 15 2 Miscellaneous Land and Deeds, — Sale of Iron Safe ... Miscellaneous ... 213 11 2 25 o o 056 25 5 6 Native, — Gratuity refunded Repayment of Advance made to Panu te Wharepa in February, 1875 Repair of the Native Flour Mill at Te Ngae Miscellaneous ... 100 o o 20 o o 15 o o 17 14 6 152 14 6 Mines,— Recoveries for Advertising Militia and Volunteers, — Proceeds of Arms, Ammunition, and Stores ... Miscellaneous ... 260 5 2 31 10 10 3 15 o 291 16 o Constabulary,— Sale of Stores and Accoutrements ... Sale of Clothing Sale of Troop-horses Sale of Forage ... Double payment for conveyance of Constabulary and Maori Prisoners recovered Miscellaneous ... 5 6 3 7 3,246 o 6 134 19 o 279 164 o o 36 9 o Railways,— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... Wellington Wanganui New Plymouth... ... ... ... " Amberley-Kingston 3,639 19 10 iS7 1 IO 61 15 6 400 217 4 6 3.3H 19 4 3.755 1 2 Crown Lands, — Sale of Cottage on Rural land, Oamaru 40 o o Surveys, — Fees for Survey,-— Agricultural Leases Mining Leases Survey expenses of Land Purchase Blocks ... Fines for non-performance of Contract Sale of Instruments, &c. ... Sale of Boat, Pack-horses, &c. Sale of Books, Maps, &c.... Expenses of survey of Water-race near Lake Mapourika Survey Fees transferred from Deposit Accounts Miscellaneous ... 21 11 6 116 13 o 109 19 9 33 10 i° 241 10 6 27 2 o 290 62 o o 1,921 8 10 102 5 o 1 2,638 10 5 Miscellaneous, — Over-payment to Counties Akaroa and Selwyn of 20 per cent. Land Revenue Recovery from County of Westland on account of Advance of £1,000 in 1878-79 against 20 per cent, of Land Fund ... Recovery from County Ashburton in respect of 20 per cent. Land Revenue erroneously paid for land sales "within the Borough of Ashburton Sydney Exhibition, — Unexpended balance of £100, advanced Auckland Local Committee, refunded Show-case and Flax Sold Proceeds of Sale of steamer " Hannah Mokau " Proceeds of Sale of Furniture at Ministerial Residence, HobBon Street ... 120 10 6 82 3 4 695 6 9 5 9 7 43 3 o 746 S 8 194 15 8 Carried forward 1,887 14 6 12,425 12 3 S6,76S 4 11





ASSETS REALIZED— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. Brought forward Iiscellaneot/s RECOVERIES — continued. Miscellaneous— continued. Taranaki Provincial Assets, — Fifth Instalment of Purchase-money of Section 179, Moa District Government Officers Guarantee Board, — Amount received on Account of Longuet's defalcations, — Treasury ... ... ... £84 16 3 Postal ... ... ... 3S 8 3 3 Stamp Office ... ... 5167 Amount of Mortgage assigned by Manihera Rangitakawaho to the Queen Miscellaneous ... ..• 1,887 '4 6 12,425 12 3 S6.765 4 11 80 o o 448 16 I 300 o o 4 3 4 2,720 13 11 Sills Receivable :— Cash received on account of Sale of Reclaimed Land, Wellington Harbour Promissory Notes received in Payment of Sections of Re*claimed Land, Wellington Harbour, written off 5,820 18 8 15,146 6 2 2,065 10 o 7,836 8 8 17,163 2 o Cash received on account of Sale of Supreme Court, Wellington 9>27 6 r 3 4 Total net Assets realized... £89,074 13 1 LIABILITIES PAID. "ERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS ■— Civil List : — The Judges : — The Puisne Judges,— T. B. Gillies, half-salary from 1 to 31 March, 1880 62 10 o Establishment of General Government: — The Colonial Treasurer, — H. A. Atkinson, 9 to 31 October, 1879... 77 5 8 '39 'S 8 Native Purposes : — Pensioners, — Auckland District Taranaki „ Wellington ,, ., Hawke's Bay,, Nelson ,, Canterbury „ Otago „ 278 13 5 27 16 10 371 10 o 67 10 o 500 9 5° 15 o o Medical attendance, medicines, &c. 774 15 3 '93 " S 1,068 6 8 Interest and Sinking Fund :— "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873," — Interest on £220,000 at per cent, per diem, 1 year to 1 March, 1880 "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876," — Interest on £112,000 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, 1 year to 1 March, 1880 " Appropriation Act, 1876," — Interest on £110,000 at 3gd. per cent, per diem, 1 year to 1 March, 1880 11,323 2 I 5,764 10 o 1,208 2 4 5.i8a o 5 22,269 12 6 Less recovery from Bank of New Zealand in respect of difference of interest between the rate agreed to be paid on advances and the rate provided in the Bills 2,958 8 o 19,311 4 6 TJitdek Special Acts : — " Civil Service Act, 1866,"— Allowances, — Aubrey, H. R., 1 to 31 March, 1880 ... Back, A., 1 to 31 March, 1S80 Bourke, P., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Chapman, R., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 1 7 9 22 6 5 40 3 6 63 19 9 Carried forward ... ••■'■■ 127 17 s 20,519 6 10





LIABILITIES TAID—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 127 17 s 20,519 6 10 'ERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS— continued. Under Special Acts— continued. " Civil Service Act, 1866 " — continued. Allowances — continued. Clarke, H., i to 31 March, 1880 Clarke, H. T., 1 to 31 March, 1880 Corbett, W., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Cunningham, P., 1 to 31 March, 1880 ... Gisborne, Hon. W., 1 to 31 March, 1880 Harsant, W., 1 to 31 March, 1880 Hill, E., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 ... Loekwood, W. H., 1 January to 31 March, 1880... Lynch, J., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Macarthur, J., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 McCarthy, S., 1 February to 31 March, 1880 O'Brien, L., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Parris, R, 1 to 31 March, 1880 Pollen, Hon. D., 30 October, 1876^0 31 March, 1880 Porter, R. ¥., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Rogan, J., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Sanders, T., J to 31 March, 1880 Sinclair, A., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Smith, T. H., 1 to 31 March, 1880 Strode, A. 0., 1 to 31 March, 1880 Symonds, J. J., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Thomas, G. W., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 ... Walmsley, B. W., 1 January to March, 1880... White, W. B., 1 to 31 March, 1880 ... 8 4 5 33 6 8 68 6 o 5 9 4 38 17 9 12 12 9 25 o o S 14 7 17 17 2 16 5 o 961 68 6 1 26 3 10 1,432 19 7 88 2 2 116 13 4 12 10 o 48 15 o 3° 19 ! 44 16 8 5° 5 11 9 13 9 650 31 5 4 "Meredith and Others Pensions Act, 1870," — Collins, M., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Trustees of family of late C. W Broughton, 1 January to 31 March, 1880 16 5 o 3.335 '2 " 22 1 o 38 6 o "Military Pensions Act, 1866," — Pensions to Widows, — Arita, 1 January to 31 March, 1880 Haromi Tiakitai, 1 January to 31 March, 1880 ... Iritona Anita, 1 January to 31 March, 1880 900 12 IO O 3O0 Compassionate Allowances, — Garner, E. and T., 1 July, 1879, to 31 March, 1880 Geary, J and H., 1 January to 31 March, 1880 . . Mary Ann Heremai, 1 to 31 March, 1880 24 10 o 600 300 2100 11 10 o Pensions for Wounds, &c, — Corbett, G., 1. January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880... Langford, J., 1 January, 1880, to 31 Marcl), 1880 Monck, J B., 1 April, 1879, to 3 1 March, 1880 ... Walsh, W., 1 April, 1879, to 31 March, 1880 ... Anaru Patapu, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Apera te Keunga, 1 July, 1879, to 3 1 March, 1880 Hemi Tonganui, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Karena Ruataniwha, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Mehaka Kepa, 1 January, 1879, to 31 March, 1880 Renata Kawepo, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Tamali te Hapu, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Tamihana Kopeke, 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 920 11 76 18 6 o 27 7 6 3 8 3 34 7 6 4 n o 4 11 o 1720 12 IO O 3 8 3 2 5 6 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862," — Pensions for Wounds, &c, —• Johnston, J., 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 Messenger, W, 1 July, 1879, '° 31 March, 1880 ... Whatmore, E., 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 148 6 6 g 17 2 27 10 o 411 o 184 6 6 41 18 2 Carried forward z,6oo 3 7 20,519 6 10





LIABILITIES 'PAID—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 2,600 3 7 20,519 6 10 •ERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS— continued. TJndbb Special Acts of the Legislatuee— continued. "Pensions Act, 1856,"— Swainson, W., 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 100 o o " Schafer and Others Pensions Act, 1872 " — MoQ-uire, E., 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880 ... Schafer, C, 1 October, 1879, to 31 March, 1880 ... 4 11 6 15 o o 19 11 6 " Walsh and Others Pensions Act, 1869 " — Hewitt, E. A., 1 January, 1880, to 31 March, 1880... 12 10 o Subsidies paid to Local Bodies:— Under Financial Arrangements Acts, 1877 and 1878, — Counties ... ... ... Boad Boards 2,732 S ' 2,084 ' ° 9 3 7 2,093 4 7 Land Revenue paid oveb to Counties :— Under "The Financial Arrangements Act 1876 Amendment Act, 1877," section 6, — • Twenty per cent, paid to Counties 7,487 o 6 Sales op Land on Defeeeed Payments :— Under "The Land Act, 1877," section 59, — Payments of one-third of proceeds to — Counties ... Road Boards ... ... ... 3.O5S 4 ° 2,851 o 9 5,906 4 9 " New Plymouth Haeboe Boabd Endowment Aci, 1874:"-Twenty-fire per cent, of the proceeds of Land sold within the Provincial District of Taranaki to 31 March, 1880 327 6 S "Railways Consteuction Act, 1878:" — Receipts derived from proceeds of Sales of Land transferred to EUesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account in the Public Works Fund, to 31 March, 1880 321 19 6 Reclaimed Land, Wellington Haeboub:— Value of Promissory Notes written off 2,065 Io ° .NNUAL APPROPRIATIONS:— Gross Vote No. i—Liabilities of 1879-80: — Expenditure. ClaBS I. —Colonial Secretary,— Item 1 —Legislative ... ... £128 9 4 „ 2 —Electoral ... ... 269 13 8 „ 3 —Audit Office ... ... 130 11 8 ,, 4 —Government Statist ... 1,487 9 5 „ 5 —Geological and Meteorological 198 7 n „ 6—Charitable ... ... 10,455 T3 5 „ 7 —Lunatic Asylums ... 2,703 5 7 „ 8—Printing and Stationary 560 16 9 „ 9 —Miscellaneous ... 4,021 19 5 Class II.—Colonial Treasurer, —■ Item 10 —Treasury ... ,. 4 13 3 „ 11 —Land-Tax ... .. 1,216 9 '5 „ 12 —Miscellaneous .. S°>411 J ° Class III.—Minister of Justice, — Item 13 —Supreme Court ... 177 7 2 „ 14 —District Courts ... 278 9 11 „ 15 —Resident Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts 1,828 14 9 „ 16—Petty Sessions Courts... 12 10 o „ 17 —Criminal Prosecutions 569 1 3 ,, 18 —Coroners ... ... 455 6 o 11 19—Prisons ... ... 2,011 7 4 ,1 20 —Contingencies ... 675 12 5 „ 21 —Miscellaneous ... 1,367 15 n Class IV.—Postmaster-General, — Item 22 —Chief- and Sub-Offices 190 o 6 „ 23 —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 12,120 19 1 „ 24 —Conveyance of Inland Mails 275 19 6 „ 25 —Carriage of Mails by Railway 27 3 o Recoveries. 7 17 6 Net Expenditure. 128 9 4 269 13 8 130 n 8 1,479 11 11 198 7 11 io,455 13 5 2,7°3 5 7 560 16 9 4,021 19 5 4 13 3 1,216 9 5 50,411 1 o 41,452 17 8 i77 7 2 278 9 11 S 13 8 1,828 14 9 12 10 o 563 7 7 455 6 o 2,011 7 4 675 2 8 1,367 15 " 099 368 186 13 10 12,120 19 1 275 19 6 27 3 o Carried forward £91,578 17 8 £9i,578 17 8 17 7 7 91,561 10 1 4 M, 2 17 8





LIABILITIES PAID— continued. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. G-ross Expenditure. Brought forward £91,578 17 8 Recoveries. 17 7 7 Net Expenditure. 91,561 10 1 41,452 17 8 .NNTTAL APPROPRIATIONS— continued. Vote No. i—Liabilities op 1879-80 — contd. Class IV. —Postmaster-General — continued. Item 26 —Contingencies ... 616 11 5 ,, 27 —Telegraph Department 4,368 12 8 Class V. —Commissioner of Customs, — Item 28—Customs ... ... 712 5 3 „ 29—Miscellaneous ... 3,838 18 3 „ 30 —Marine .. ... 3,5°8 18 o Class VI. —Commissioner of Stamps, — Item 31 —Stamp Department ... 162 9 6 „ 32 —Land and Deeds Registry 657 8 o Class VII. —Minister of Education, — Item 33 —Education Department 4,793 2 3 „ 34 —Public Libraries ... 2,106 5 1 „ 35 —Native Schools ... 1,266 8 10 Class VIII.—Minister of Native Affairs,— Item 36 —Salaries and Contingencies 1,992 5 2 ,, 37 —Native Land Court ... 505 3 11 „ 38—Xative Lands Frauds Prevention ... 5 10 8 „ 39 —Miscellaneous ... 12,991 1 1 Class IX.—Minister of Lands and Mines, — Item 40 —Crown Lands Department 1,305 2 o „ 41 —Miscellaneous ... 12,315 o 4 „ 42 —-General Survey Department 16,799 12 2 „ 43 —Mines ... ... 2,662 12 2 Class X.—Minister of Public Works, — Item 44 —Railways ... ... 83,813 8 9 ,, 45 —Government Domains 44 17 3 „ 46 —Public Buildings ... 5,655 14 4 „ 47 —Inspection of Machinery 25 12 4 „ 48 —Miscellaneous ... 15,733 7 3 Class XI. —Minister of Defence, — Item 49 —Militia and Volunteers 13,251 17 3 „ 50 —Constabulary and Contingent Defence ... 35,481 15 4 „ 51 —Miscellaneous ... 185 19 o 969 010 9 5° 616 11 5 4)359 5 H 7'2 4 3 3,838 18 3 3,508 18 o 162 9 6 657 8 o 4,793 2 3 2,! 06 5 1 1,266 8 10 1,983 o 2 5°5 3 " S 10 8 12,991 1 1 3 8 3 1,301 13 9 12.315 o 4 16,799 I2 2 2,650 12 2 1200 14,028 17 1 921 6 9 69,784 11 8 44 17 3 4,734 7 7 25 12 4 15,488 10 11 244 16 4 206 13,249 16 9 35.48i 15 4 185 19 o £316,378 15 11 15.248 9 3 301,130 6 8 Total Liabilities Paid 342.



STATEMENT of the REVENUE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881.


Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. ORDINARY :— Raised by Taxation: — Customs Stamps Beer Duty Property-Tax ... £ s. d. 1,309,858 9 6 143,442 12 9 49.757 16 10 219,721 19 o £ s. d. 2,223 10 3 639 4 5 3,770 17 2 5 »8 o £ s. d. 1,307,634 19 3 142,803 8 4 45,986 19 8 219,716 1 o Receipts for Sebvices Rendebkd : — Railways 1,722,780 18 1 6,639 9 Io 1,716,141 8 3 903,201 14 3 64,579 3 7 838,622 10 8 Postal... I49-9S 6 3 8 913 11 1 149,042 12 7 Telegraphic 83,139 4 9 15,701 6 1 67,437 18 8 Judicial, — Law Courts ... Petty Sessions Courts .. ... Native Land Courts Coroners Act,.. 49,046 2 o 140 18 o 8,997 6 11 11 00 ',973 4 o 47,072 18 o 140 18 o 8,997 6 11 11 00 Land Transfer and Deeds Registry ss.^s 6 11 i,973 4 o 56,222 2 11 45,34i 7 5 5,25 8 7 IO 40,082 19 7 Registration and other Fees, — Births, Deaths, and Marriages ... Building Societies ... ,., Dentists Friendly Societies Issue of Crown Grants Inspection of Sheep and Cattle ... Joint-Stock Companies Medical Practitioners ... "Aliens Act, 1866" ... "Arms Act, i860" "Beer Duty Act, 1880" "Bonded Warehouses Duty Act, 1866" ... "Distillation Act, 1868" "Drawbacks Act, 1872" "Fine Arts Copyright Acts, 1*877-79" ••• "Fish Protection Act, 1877" ... " Inspection of Machinery Act, 1874" "Land Claims Settlements Act, 1856" "Licensing Ordinance Amendment Ordinance Amendment Act, 1866" "Lost Land Orders Act, 1871" .. "Lunatics Act, 1868"... "Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866" ... "Patents Acts, 1860-70" "Slaughterhouses Act, 1877" " Trade Marks Act, 1866 " 4,807 2 o 21 15 O 2 5O 1 10 d 2,553 I 4 12,646 2 8 358 4 o 35 >9 ° 66 o o 2,182 16 6 116 00 5,484 17 o 468 o o 10 2 8 «3 7 6 108 o o 2,467 o o 61 10 2 100 1 8 o 600 100 4,807 2 o 21 15 o 250 I IO O 2,552 1 4 12,644 14 8 358 4 o 35 19 o 66 o o 2,176 16 6 116 o o 5,484 17 o 467 o o 10 2 8 13 7 6 108 o o 2,467 o o 6l 10 2 10 O O 10 o o 1OO 24 II 3 '5 7 6 633 18 o 47 6 5 91 7 o 12 3 9 100 24 11 3 15 7 6 621 14 3 47 (> 5 91 7 o 32,227 3 o 21 11 9 32,205 " 3 Marine, — " Shipping and Seamen's Act, 1877 " "Merchant Shipping Act, 1858" Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees Dock Dues ... 8,459 6 6 98 5 9 2,94i 14 3 2,837 7 11 14,336 14 5 100 8,458 6 6 98 5 9 2,826 5 1 2,837 7 11 115 9 2 1169 2 14,220 5 3 Miscellaneous, — Interest on Public Moneys, — On Credit Balances of— The Public Account, Wellington The New Zealand Public Account, London The Foreign Imprest Account, London The Receiver-General's Deposit Account On Loan Agents'Fixed Deposits On Fixed Deposit at Duncdin On the Mortgage, Lowry Bay Estate ... 7,947 17 4 8,502 19 1 1,056 7 7 959 2 2 4,245 18 5 406 6 10 119 14 o V 7,947 !7 4 8,502 19 1 1,056 7 7 959 2 2 4,245 18 5 406 6 10 119 14 o Carried forward !i»,



STATEMENT of the REVENUE of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) — continued.


Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. Brought forward £ s. d. 23,238 5 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 23.238 5 S ORDINARY— continued, Receipts poe Services Rendeeed — continued. Miscellaneous — continued. Interest on Public Moneys — continued. On Renewed Bills (Sale of Reclaimed Land, Wellington Harbour) .. On assignment of Estate of Manihera te Rangitakoiwaiho On amount advanced the Wanganui Harbour Board Miscellaneous Deposits forfeited Escheated Property ... ,,. Examination Fees, — Civil Service Teachers for State Schools Fees on issue of Leases, &c. Fees on issue of Licenses of Runs held under "The North Otago Districts Public Works Loan Act, 1872" Fines under " The Waste Lands Board Appeal Act, • 1867" Imperial Pensions Expenses Account, Balance of ... Maintenance Fees, &c, — Auckland Industrial School ... Burnham Industrial School ... Caversham Industrial School ... Deaf and Dumb Institution ... Hospitals ... Lunatic Asylums Naval Training School Naval Prisoners Provincial Promissory Notes (Emigrants),— Canterbury Otago Proceeds of Sales of Land under " The Auckland Loan Act, 1863" On account of Purchase of Lowry Bay Estate Provincial Liabilities, Otago, —■ Property conveyed to Otago Presbyterian Church Rents, Seizures, &c. Rent of Reserves, &e. ... Rent, &c., Private Telegraph Wires Royalty, Kawakawa Coal Mine ... Sale of Official Handbooks, Land Pamphlets, &c. ... Sale of Gazettes, Acts, &e. Sale of Charts, Drill Manuals, Electoral Rolls, &c... Sale of Maps, Lithographs, Plans, &c. Sale of Old Buildings, Waste Paper, &c. Sale of Old Telegraph Wire, Poles, &c. Sinking Funds released — The Canterbury Immigration Loan, 1856 The Nelson Waterworks Loan, 1864 Storage of Powder Subsidy to Matamata Road Board returned Tolls,— Manawatu Newmarket Otahuhu, &c. Panmure Bridge Under " The Public Revenues Act, 1878," — Unclaimed Courts of Law Trust Moneys Unclaimed Gold Fields Deposits Unclaimed Land Revenue Deposits Unclaimed Land Transfer Deposits Unclaimed Balances of Intestate Estates, &c. Unclaimed Balances Water-race Receipts,— Avgyle Kumara Nelson Creek Waimea 1 Wharf Dues, Akaroa ... Sundries 115 8 o 51 16 1 1,001 16 8 649 35 3 ° 500 71 17 6 405 1 o 1,292 13 o 120 o o 24 19 3 1,043 8 9 8 10 o 147 12 6 220 7 o 100 18 8 1,789 16 3 3,134 3 11 87 14 o 19 11 4 36 16 o 86 o o 596 4 11 200 o o 100 13 12 o 115 8 o 51 16 1 1,001 16 8 649 35 3 o 500 71 17 6 404 1 o 1,279 l ° 120 o o 24 19 3 1,043 8 9 8 10 o 147 12 6 220 7 o 100 18 8 1,789 16 3 3.J.H 3 11 87 14 o 19 n 4 36 16 o 86 o o 596 4 11 200 o o 750 o o 557 5 " 3,228 7 7 3° 1 3 620 15 7 95 16 10 1,947 8 3 114 17 11 59i 2 1 3.i 13 8 7 399 6 6 46 10 e, 200 750 o o S'° i.5 6 3.226 7 7 3° 1 3 620 15 7 95 16 10 1.947 8 3 114 17 11 591 2 1 3.i'3 8 7 399 6 6 1,259 7 o 6,174 13 o 846 14 I 186 6 9 1,259 7 o 6,174 13 o 846 14 1 186 6 9 172 8 7 1,730 10 6 '2 14 9 91 4 6 360 169 2 7 1,730 10 6 2 14 9 91 4 6 i,035 4 5 336 16 11 2,356 7 4 1700 1,301 3 3 738 11 8 500 i.°3° 4 5 336 16 11 2.356 7 4 17 o o 1.3° 1 3 3 738 11 8 742 8 2 2,478 15 10 2,070 1 1 2,312 19 9 96 1 1 155 l6 « 742 8 2 2,478 15 10 2,070 1 1 2,312 19 9 96 1 1 i54 10 9 1 6 2 TERRITORIAL -.— Depasturing Licenses, Rents, &c. Miscellaneous ... 126,715 18 9 4,080 8 8 69,393 4 1 632 8 4 72 14 7 126,083 I0 5 4,080 8 8 69,320 9 6 Totais 130.796 7 5 632 8 4 130,163 19 1 3,209,368 4 o 95,908 6 3 1,113,41





MISCELLANEOUS RECOVERIES :— Public Depabtments : — Charitable, — Funeral Expenses, &c, of Hospital Patients Medical Comforts, Flannel, &c.... Sale of Kitchen RefuBe, &c. Drugs supplied to other Institutions Miscellaneous £ s. d. 26 17 o 6 1 6 21 12 o 25 10 8 o 14 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 80 15 2 Lunatic Asylums,— Fencing, &c, supplied Railway Department Sale of Produce, &c. ... Miscellaneous 46 4 o 211 2 5 9 10 11 266 17 4 Printing and Stationery, — Printing and Binding for Railways Printed Papers supplied (Government Insurance Department Stationery, &c, supplied Railway Department Stationery, &c, supplied Imperial Pensions Office, Auckland ... ..,- Miscellaneous 327 13 o 92 18 II 587 o 4 3 o 5 '3 9 l Law and Justice : — Resident Magistrates' Courts,— Miscellaneous Prisons, — Labour, Ballast, Stone, &c. Clothing, &c, supplied to other Institutions Miscellaneous 1,425 18 10 131 11 9 35 4 6 1,024 >■ 9 4 5 ° '.37' H 3 i,592 '5 > '.597 ° > Postal and Telegraphic : — PostalMiscellaneous Telegraphic, — Sale of unserviceable Line Horses, &c. Sale of old Poles, &c. ... Sale of old Furniture ... Cost of Erection of Private Wires Damages to Line, &c. ... Miscellaneous 93 15 3 7 19 4 10 10 o 31 7 9 8 12 6 5 6 6 15 6 8 J57 " 4 Customs i — Customs, — Miscellaneous Marine and Harbours, — Miscellaneous 076 172 18 o Education : — Sale of Produce, &c.,— Burnham Industrial School Caversham Industrial School Naval Training School... Native Schools 226 3 10 O 81 15 o 6 17 6 18 14 o 2 10 11 109 17 5 Mines : — Advertising Mining Leases Use of Boring-machine, County of Westland 81 13 6 307 6 8 389 o 2 Public Woeks : — Public Buildings,— Sale of Fenders 10 o 3 Defence :— Militia and Volunteers, — Arms, Ammunition, &c. ... ... Clothing, Bedding, &c. Miscellaneous S°4 7 3 47 10 10 o 15 o 55 2 '3 i Constabulary and Contingent Defence, — Arms, Ammunition, &c. ... ... ... Clothing, Bedding, &c. Horses, Saddlery, &c. ... Stores, &c. ... Forfeited Pay, &c. Miscellaneous 6 7 7 2,438 2 6 171 5 11 35 15 9 44 16 10 078 2,696 16 3 SUBVEYS : — Mining Surveys Instruments Sale of Maps, Plans, Tracings, &e.... Miscellaneous ... 3,366 15 2 IOI 12 6 80 2 I 10 18 6 3)249 9 4 3>559 8 3 39 2 o Miscellaneous Total £10,500 19 9



STATEMENT of TERRITORIAL REVENUE (Ordinary Revenue Acccount) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881.

4—B. i.


Depasturing Licenses, Rents, etc. Miscellaneous Gross Receipts. Refunds. Net Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Counties, — Akaroa Amuri Ashburton Ashley Bay of Islands ... Bruce Buller Clutlia Collingwood Cook Coromandel Eden Fiord Geraldine Grey Hawke's Bay Hobson Hokianga Inangahua Eaikoura Lake Manukau Maniototo Marlborough Mongonui Patea Peninsula Selwyn Sounds Southland Stewart Island ... Taieri Taranaki Thames Tuapeka Vincent Waikouaiti Waimate Waimea Waipawa Wairoa Waitaki Wallace Westland Whangarei General EUesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Westport and Ngakawau Eailway Brunner and Greymouth Rail852 6 3 3,9°8 7 9 7.337 9 8 11,987 2 7 33 o o 502 8 8 801 12 9 592 '5 6 499 o 4 300 6 14 o 100 16,070 14 7 1,226 19 4 190 3 11 40 o o 1,978 4 1 1,166 2 o 6,895 6 9 28 5 o 8,738 12 4 3,622 12 7 273 10 o 15 o o 62 o o 6,067 II 2 378 7 10 3.421 3 4 70 10 o 36 o o 6 6 8 6 10 o 16 12 6 10 o o 500 386 11 6 154 8 6 300 67 o o 400 o 10 o 60 o o 18 o o 852 6 3 3.968 7 9 7.337 9 8 11,987 2 7 jo;; 10 o 538 8 8 807 19 5 599 t 6 5'5 '2 10 1000 300 6 14 o 600 16,070 14 7 1,226 19 4 190 311 426 11 6 154 8 6 1,981 4 1 1,166 2 o 6,962 6 9 32 5 ° 8,739 2 4 3,622 12 7 333 10 ° 33 ° o 62 o o 6,075 5 4 435 l8 o 4,960 o 1 189 H 7 3,281 10 s 52 3 6 15 10 o 7.479 5 2 13.579 7 8 3,501 16 6 9.527 4 2 1,071 3 3 18 11 o 177 13 8 4,158 o 2 4,054- 2 o 581 13 6 1700 23 8 o 2 15 6 3 7 6 600 61 11 8 852 6 3 3,968 7 9 7,337 9 8 11,987 2 7 103 10 o 538 8 8 805 3 11 599 5 6 515 12 10 1000 300 6 14 o 600 16,067 7 1 1,220 19 4 190 3 11 426 11 6 154 8 6 1,981 4 1 1,166 2 o 6,900 15 1 32 5 o 8,739 2 4 3,622 12 7 333 10 o 33 o o 62 o o 6,075 5 4 435 18 o 4,960 o 1 189 14 7 2,821 2 6 52 3 6 15 10 o 7.479 5 2 13,500 o 2 3,501 16 6 9.527 4 2 1,066 13 9 18 11 o i77 13 8 4,i43 " 5 4,054 2 o 581 13 6 17 o o 23 8 o 7 14 2 57 10 2 1.538 16 9 189 14 7 26 8 6 3.255 1 " 52 3 6 10 10 o 7.446 5 2 •3.579 7 8 3,418 6 6 9.527 4 2 1,041 3 8 460 7 11 5 o ° 33 o o 79 7 6 83 10 o 29 19 7 18 11 o 3 3° 19 o o 106 1 4 60 10 o 496 174 10 8 4,139 o 2 3.948 o 8 521 3 6 1700 1200 14 8 9 11 8 o 521 17 9 521 17 9 521 17 9 1,264 3 o 1 6 8 1,265 9 8 1,265 9 8 way ... 1,028 10 o i,044 5 9 2,072 15 9 2,072 is 9 Totals 126,715 18 9 4,080 8 8 130,796 7 5 632 8 4 I3°>i63 19 »



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881, under "The Civil List Act 1863 Amendment Act, 1873."


CIVIL LIST. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. i. FIRST DIVISION. 2,194 8 10 His Excellency the G-ovebnob ■.— Sir Hercules George Robert Robinson, K.C.M.&., i April to 8 September, 1880 The Chief Justice, James Prendergast, half-salary, 9 September to 29 November, 1880 562 10 o Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, G.C.M.G-.,— Half-salary, 17 to 29 November, 1880 £104 3 4 Pull salary, 30 November, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... .. 1,666 13 4 1,770 16 8 The Judges:— The Chief Justice, — James Prendergast,— 1 April to 8 September, 1880 ... £746 2 2 Half-salary, 9 September to 29 November, 1880 ... ... 191 5 1 Pull salary, 30 November, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... ... 571 7 9 4>527 »5 6 The Puisne Judges,— T. B. Gillies, — Half-salary, 1 April to 7 December, 1880 .. ... ... £514 2 3 Full salary, 8 December, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... ... 471 15 6 1,508 15 o 9»S i7 9 C. W Richmond, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... 1,500 o o A. J. Johnston, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 1,500 o o J. S. Williams,— Full salary, 1 April, 1880, to 28 February, 1881 ... ... £i,37S ° ° Half-salary, 1 to 31 March, 1881 62 10 o i,437 IO o Establishment of General Government:— The Premier, — J. Hall, i April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... 6,932 2 9 1,487 10 o The Attorney-General,— F. Whitaker, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 1,062 10 o The Colonial Treasurer, — H. A. Atkinson, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... 1,062 10 o The Colonial Secretary,— T. Dick, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... 1,062 10 o The Minister of Lands, — W Rolleston, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 1,062 10 o The Postmaster-General and Commissioner of Telegraphs, — J. Hall, 1 April, 1880, to 9 March, 1881 W W Johnston, 9 March, 1881, to 31 March, 1881 ... 61 16 7 The Minister for Public Works,— R. Oliver, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881... 1,062 10 o The Minister of Native Affairs, — J. Bryee, 1 April, 1880, to 21 January, 1881 W Rolleston, 4 February, 1881, to 31 March, 1881 ... 868 19 o Carried forward 7,73° "5 7 n.459 18 3



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) — continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CIVIL LIST— continued. FIRST DIVISION— continued. 7.730 is 7 U.459 18 3 Brought forward ... ... Establishment of G-enebal G-ovebnment — continued. The Commissioner of Customs and Stamp Duties, — H. A. Atkinson, 1 April, 1880, to 10 March, i88r, and Commissioner of Stamp Duties only, 10 to 31 March, 1881 J. Hall, Commissioner of Customs only, 10 to 31 March, 1881 The Minister of Immigration,— W Eolleston, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 The Minister of Education, — W Rolleston, 1 April, 1880, to 15 December, 1880 ... T. Diet, 15 December, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 The Minister of Justice, — W.' Eolleston, 15 December, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 The Minister of Mines, — "W Rolleston, 15 December, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 7.730 'S 7 SECOND DIVISION. 19,190 13 10 Natite Pubfoses:— Pensioners, — Auckland District ... ... Taraaaki „ Wellington „ Hawke's Bay „ Marlborough „ Canterbury „ Otago „ 3,725 9 S 241 o o 689 18 4 303 o o 15 o o 59 10 ° 30 o o Native Agents, Clerks, and Interpreters Medical Attendance, Medicines, &c. ... ... ... S.°63 17 9 1,581 13 8 1,030 17 11 2,612 11 7 7,676 9 4 Total Civil Liar £26,867 3 2



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for INTEREST and SINKING FUND, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. " New Zealakd Loan Act, 1856 :"— Interest, — On £75,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 Oct., 1880 ... On £425,000 at 4 „ „ to 1 Jan., 1881 ... 3,000 o o 17,000 o o 20,000 o o Sinking Fund, — On £75,000 at 2 per cent., 1 year to 1 Oct., 1880 ... On £425,000 at 2 „ „ to 1 Jan., 1881 ... 1,500 o o 8,500 o o 10,000 o o "New Zealand Loan Act, i860:"— Interest, — On £93,100 at 6 per cent, 1 year to 1 July, 1881 ... Sinking Fund, — On £93,100 at 2 „ „ 1 Jan., 1881 ... 30,000 o o 5,586 o o 1,862 o o 7,448 o o "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863:"— Interest, — On £201,500 at 6 per cent., 1 year to 15 Mar., 1881 On £329,900 at 6 „ „ 15 Dec, 1880 On £488,000 at 5 „ „ 15 Jan., 188 [ On £500,000 at 4 „ „ i Nov., 1880 12,090 o o 19,794 o o 24,400 o o 20,000 O O Sinking Fund, — On £201,500 at 2 per cent., 1 year to 15 Mar., 1881 On £329,900 at 2 „ „ 15 Dec, 1880 On £488,000 at 1 „ „ 15 Jan., 1881 On £500,000 at 1 „ „ 1 Nov., 1880 76,284 o o 4,030 o o 6,598 o o 4,880 o o 5,000 o o 20,508 o o 96,792 o o " Public Debts Act, 1867 :"— "Auckland Loan Act, 1863," — Interest, — On £31,600 at 6 per cent., 1 year to 1 Oct., 1880 Sinking Fund, — On £31,600 at 2 per cent. „ 1 July, 1880 1,896 o o 633 o o 2,528 o o " Wellington Loan Act, 1866," — Interest, — On £13,500 at 8 per cent., 1 year to 1 July, 1881 Sinking Fund, — On £13,500 at 2 „ „ to 1 Jan., 1881 1,080 o o " Nelson Water Works Loan Act, 1864,"— InterestOn £6,200 at 8 per cent., 1 year to 1 Jan., 1881 Sinking Fund, — On £6,200 at 2 „ „ to „ „ 270 o o 1,350 o o 496 o o 620 o o 124 o o "Lyttelton and Christchurch Eailway Loan Ordinance, i860,"— Interest, — On £77,700 at 6 per cent., 1 year to 31 Dec, 1880 Sinking Fund, — On £77,700 at 2 „ „ to „ „ 6,216 o o 4,662 o o 1,554 O O "Canterbury Loan Act, 1862," — Interest, — On £22,800 at 6 per cent., 1 year to 31 Dec, 1880 Sinking Fund, — On £22,800 at 1 „ „ to „ „ 1,368 o o "Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862," — Interest, — On £116,700 at 6 per cent., 1 year to 1 Jan., i88r Sinking Fund, — On £116,700 at 1 „ „ to 1 July, 1880 228 o o 1,596 o o 7,002 o o 8,169 o o 1,167 o ° Carried forward 20,479 ° o 154,719 o o



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. i54.7'9 ° ° Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING PUND-co»H««ei. "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 :"— Interest, — On £4,583,100 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 15 Jan., 1881 On £64,000 at 5 „ „ to 1 „ „ On £13,000 at 4 „ „ to 15 Oct., 1880 229,155 o o 3,200 o o 520 o o Sinking Fund, — On £4,583,100 at 1 „ „ to 15 Jan., 1881 232,875 o o 45.831 ° o 278,706 o o "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870:" — Interest, — On £600,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 15 Jan., 1881 ... On £250,000 at 5 „ „ to „ „ ... On £50,000 at 5 „ „ to 1 „ „ ... On £25,000 at 4I „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 ... On £75,000 at 4 „ „ to 15 Oct., „ ... 30,000 o o 12,500 o o 2,500 o o 1,125 ° ° 3,000 o o Sinking Fund, — On £600,000 at 1 „ „ to 15 Jan., 1881 ... 49,125 o o 6,000 o o 55."5 o "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870:"— Interest, — On £2,100,000 at 5 per cent, 1 year to 15 Jan., 1881 On £500,000 at a,\ „ „ to 1 Feb., „ On £27,900 at 4^ „ „ to 1 c Oct., 1880 On £170,900 at 4 „ „ to 15 Apr., 1881 On £201,200 at 4 „ „ to 15 Oct., 1880 On £200,000 at 4 „ „ to 1 Dec, „ On Advances obtained on Guaranteed Debentures 105,000 o o 22,500 o o 1,255 10 o 6,836 o o 8,048 o o 8,000 o o 5.333 I 2 Sinking Fund, — On £2,100,000 at 1 per cent., 1 year to 15 Jan., 1881 On £200,000 at 2 ,, 6 months to 1 Feb., „ 156,972 II 2 2f,000 O O 2,000 O O 23,000 o o " Immigration and Public Wobks Loan Act, 1873:" — Interest, — On £1,500,000 at 4J per cent., 1 year to i Feb., 1881 On £500,000 at s „ „ to 15 Jan., „ 67,500 o o 25,000 o o 179,972 11 J 92,500 o o "General Purposes'Loan Act, 1873 :" — Interest, — On £500,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 15 Jan., 1881 ... On £142,600 at 5 „ 1 „ to 15 Nov., 1880 ... On £49,500 at 5 „ 1 „ to 15 Dec, „ ... On £6,200 at 44 „ 1 „ to 15 Oct., ,, ... On £39,400 at 4 „ 1 „ to „ „ ... On £12,300 at 4 „ 1 „ to 15 Nov., „ ... 25,000 o o 7,130 o o 2,475 ° ° 279 o o 1,576 o o 492 o o 36,952 o o "Westland Loan Act, 1873:" — Interest, — On £50,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 15 Oct., 1880 ... 2,500 o o "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1874:" — Interest, —■ On £4,000,000 at 4I per cent., 1 year to 1 Feb., 1881 180,000 o o "Nelson Loan Act, 1874:" — Interest, — On £15,000 at 7 per cent., 1 year to 1 Mar., 1881 ... On £3,000 at 7 „ 1 „ to 12 Oct., 1880 ... 1,050 o o 210 o o 1,260 o o " New Zealand Loan Act, 1876:" — Interest, — On £931,100 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 1 Mar., 1881 ... On £68,900 at 5 „ 1 „ to „ „ 46.555 ° o 3.445 ° ° 50,000 o o "New Zealand Loan Act, 1877:" — Interest, — On £2,500,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 1 Mar., 1881... 125,000 o o Carried forward 1.156.734 " 2



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 1.iS6.734 11 2 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING- IPHND-oontinued. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1879:" — Interest, — On £3,839,700 at 5 per cent., 6 months to 1 May, 1880 On £2,826,600 at s „ 6 „ to 1 Nov., „ On Advances obtained on security of Debentures 95,992 10 o 70,665 o o 853 13 II "Consolidated Stock Act, 1877:" — Interest, — On £1,392,360 at 4 per cent., 6 months to 1 May, 1880 On £2,608,080 at 4 „ 6 „ to 1 Nov., „ 167,511 3 11 27,847 4 o 52,161 12 o 80,008 16 o Ieeasuby Bills : — "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873," — Interest, — On £180,000 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, 366 days to 31 Oct., 1880 9,264 7 6 "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876," — Interest, — On £60,000 at 3!d. per cent, per diem, 366 days to 31 Oct., 1880 3.088 2 s "Treasury Bills Act, 1879," — Interest, — On £150,000 at 6 per cent., 14 Jan. to 24 Apr., 1880 On £50,000 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, to 30 June, 1880 On £810,100 at 3|d. per cent, per diem, to 31 Dec, 1880 2,130 9 4 I-35 1 >2 4 13.865 7 11 "Treasury Bills Act, 1880," — Interest, — On £259,400 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, to 31 Dec, 1880 17.347 9 7 1,718 o 9 "Financial Arrangements Act, 1876," — Interest, — On £59,400 at 3$d. per cent, per diem, 366 days to 31 Oct., 1880 On £65,500 at 3§d. per cent, per diem, 366 days to 31 Oct., 1880 On £25,100 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, 366 days to 31 Oct., 1880 3.°S7 4 10 3»37i 4 1 1,291 17 4 7,720 6 3 Deficiency Bills :— " Public Revenues Act, 1878," — Interest, — On £180,000 at 6 per cent., 6 months to 30 Sept., 1880 On £70,000 at 5 per cent., 6 months to 30 Sept., 1880 5,400 o o 1,750 o o 7,150 o o Total Interest and Sinking Fund ... £ 1,450,542 17 1



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881, under SPECIAL ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.


" Civil Sbeviob Act, 1866 1" — Allowances, — Aubrey, H. E. ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Back, A. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Bennett, J B. ... „ „ to 15 June, 1880 Bourke, P. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Bowron, G-. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Brewer, H. N". ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Brown, S. P ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Bull, E. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Barnard, W H. ... 1 June, ,, to „ ,, Baker, E. ... ... 1 Nov., „ to „ „ Calvert, 0. A. ... 1 April, „ to „ „ Carrington, O. ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Chapman, R. ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Clarke, H. T. ... „ „ to „ „ Clarke, H. ... ... „ „ to „ „ ■Corbett, W.... ... „ „ to „ „ Crawford, J. C. ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Culpan, W ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Cunningham, P. ... ,, „ to „ „ Curry, H. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Daniell, H. C. ... „ „ to „ „ Dickey, A. J ... „ „ to „ „ Domett, A. ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Donald, W ... ... „ „ to „ „ Durbridge, C. 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Eliott, G. E. ... „ „ to „ „ Elles, A. J. ... ... 1 Oct., „ to „ ,, Fitzherbert, Sir W ... 1 April, „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Flight, J. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Gregory, J. ... ... 16 Feb., 1881, to „ „ Gisborne, W. ... 1 April, 1880, to „ „ Grover, H. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Halse, H. ... ... 1 Oct., „ to „ „ Hamilton, M. ... 11 July, „ to „ „ Hamilton, W J W ... 1 April, „ to „ „ Haraant, W ... „ „ to ,, „ Hawkins, G. ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Hill, E. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Holden, T. ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Helps, A. ... ... 1 Aug., „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Johnston, D. ... 15 Dec, „ to „ „ Knight, C. ... ... 1 April, „ to „ ,, Lusher, R. A. .. 19 Dec, „ to „ „ Lewis, D. ... ... 1 April, „ to „ „ Lawlor, H. C. ... „ „ to „ „ Lynch, J. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Lockwood, W. H. ... „ „ to „ „ Limming, G. C. ... 1 July, „ to „ „ Mathews, J ... r April, „ to „ „ McArthur, J. ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 McCarthy, S. ... „ „ to 31 Jan., 1881 Mills, W ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Mitford, G. M. ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Muller, S. L. ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Murdoch, J. W ... „ „ to „ „ Marshall, C. ... „ „ to „ „ Monro, H. A. H. ... 1 Nov., „ to 31 Jan., „ O'Brien, L. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., „ Parris, K. ... „ „ to „ „ Porter, R. F. ... „ „ to „ „ Poole, D. ... „ „ to „ „ Pollen, D. ... „ „ to „ „ Eogan, J ... „ „ to „ „ Rough, D. ... i Jan., „ to 30 Sept., 1880 Smith, A. W. ... 11 Aug., „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Sanders, T. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Sealy, H. B. 1 Jan., „ to 30 Sept., „ Searaneke, W N\ .. 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Sharp, C. ... „ „ to 30 June, 1880 Sinclair, A. ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Smith, J E. ... ,. „ to „ „ £ s. d. 136 2 2 267 17 o 66 19 2 160 14 o 89 18 o 93 5 8 80 o o i°5 14 4 84 18 4 89 10 5 148 19 6 225 o o 255 !9 ° 400 o o 98 13 o 273 4 o 146 13 4 62 10 o 65 11 10 65 o o 266 13 4 122 o o 559 10 6 208 18 7 81 13 4 400 o o 160 8 4 243 IS o 175 o o 6 10 2 466 13 o 163 5 o 200 o o 144 12 6 33i 7 7 151 13 o 62 10 o 100 o o 31 S o 36 IO 2 108 8 5 600 o o 21 17 9 266 13 4 130 18 o 71 8 7 22 18 4 173 o 6 81 13 4 48 15 o 46 10 7 38S 14 4 147 " 3 175 ° ° 175 o o 125 o o 85 14 4 273 4 4 314 6 o 352 8 6 55 o o 4i7 15 o 466 13 4 207 16 3 223 18 6 37 *° ° 214 5 6 240 o o 5i 3 10 195 ° ° 484 11 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. Carried forward 13,028 11 9





£ s. d. 13,028 11 9 £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward " Civil Sebvice Act, 1866," — continued. Allowances— continued. Smith, T. H. ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Strode, A. E. C. ... „ „ to „ „ Thomas, G. W ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 ThoniBon, J. T. ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Tidmarsh, W. ... „ „ to „ „ league, W E. ... 1 Nov., „ to „ Tabuteau, J M. .., 14 July, „ to 4 Dec, 1880 Walrasley, B. W ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Ward, J. N. ... „ „ to „ „ Watson, J. ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Deo., 1880 White, W. B. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Wilkin, J. T. W ... „ „ to „ „ Woolcombe, B. ... „ „ to „ „ Woodward, J. ... 1 May, „ to „ „ Williams, E. M. ... 1 April, „ to „ „ Willcocks, E. S. ... 1 Nov., „ to „ „ Woon, R. W ... 1 Jan., 1881, to „ „ Wilson, W W ... 1 Feb., „ to „ „ Young, W ... 1 April, 1880, to „ „ 37i 8 7 538 o o 29 « 3 5*4 5 8 69 7 4 67 13 4 112 2 7 175 o o 100 o o 178 11 4 375 4 ° 127 19 6 183 o 8 463 8 5 135 o ° it>4 3 4 5+3 3 16 15 8 350 o o 16,993 16 8 Gratuities, — Widow of A. MeColl, late Photo-Lithographic Printer, Wellington Widow of H. Hiller, late District Surveyor, Nelson Widow of W P. Crawford, late Deputy-Registrar of Deeds, Hokitika ... Widow of J. Chittey, late Looker, Her Majesty's Customs, Wellington Widow of T. A. Mansford, late District Judge, Wellington,.. Widow of R. Pollock, late Provincial Auditor, Nelson Widow of B\ O'Brien, late Messenger, Land and Deeds Office, Wellington ... ... ... ... .., 360 o o 289 2 2 270 o o 210 O O 650 o o 125 o o 100 o o Compensation for Loss of Office, — Harper, W., Harbourmaster, Waikouaiti... Johnston, J., Clerk, Agent-General's Department ... Kemp, W P., Clerk, &c, Resident Magistrate's Court, Russell (See also Vote No. 15, Class II., Colonial Secretary.) 2,004 2 2 20 6 2 14 o 10 103 15 11 138 2 it " Customs Regulations Act, 1858:" — Section 185, — Rewards for Convictions and Seizures ... ... ... 19,136 1 9 268 19 9 "Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873:" — Allowance for Staff Salaries... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Travelling Allowance ... „ „ to „ „ 1,500 o o 1,000 o o 2,500 o o "Greenwood Pension Act, 1877:" — Greenwood, J D.... ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 120 o o "Juries Act, 1868:"— Preparing Jury Lists 22 14 8 " Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867:" — Salaries, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881, — Legislative Council House of Representatives ... ... 1,300 o o 2,000 O O 3,300 o o 1 "Martin's Annuity Act, 1856:" — Martin, Sir W ... ... 1 Jan., 1880, to 30 Sept., 1880 375 ° ° "Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870:" — Collins, M. ... ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Hamlin R. B. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Meredith, E. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Trustees of Family of late C. W Broughton ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1880 65 o o 50 o o 46 o o 66 3 o "GOVERNMENT OFFICERS' GUARANTEE ACT, 1870:" — One-fortieth of Call, amounting to £569 12s., in the matter of the defalcations of T. W. Longuet, late Postmaster at Palmerston South 2*7 3 o 14 4 9 Carried forward ... ... ... 25.964 3 »



s—B. 1.



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 25*964 3 " Brought forward ... ... 1.. "Mihtabt Pensions Act, 1866:"— Pensions to Widows, — Brown, M. K. ... 1 Jan., 1880, to 31 Dec, 1880 Buck, C. M. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Hastings, L. ... 1 Jan., ., to 31 Dec, 1880 McDonald, E. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Morrison, A. ... „ „ to „ „ Russell, C. ... ... „ „ to „ ,, Von Tempsky, A. ... „ ,, to „ „ Arapera te Reo ... ,, „ to „ „ Arita ... ... „ „ to „ „ Haromi Tiakitai ... „ „ to ., „ Iritona Anita .., ,, „ to ,, „ Marara Ngakoa ... „ „ to „ ,, Mata Kiriwai ... „ „ to „ ,, Koka Hapi ... ... , „ to ,, ,, Roka te Ngaro ... „ „ to ,, „ 75 o o 70 o o ss ° ° 36 o o 36 o o 36 o o 120 o o 20 o o 36 o o 4° 13 4 1200 36 o o 20 o o 46 o o 1200 650 13 4 Compassionate Allowances, — Garner, E. and T. ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Dec, 1880 G-eary, J. and H. ... „ „ to „ ,, ' HarC, A., Children of ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Hastings, L., Child of 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Hunter, B. M. E. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., „ McDonald, E., Child of „ „ to „ „ McKenzie, C, Children of „ ,, to ,, „ Morrison, A., Children of 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Palmer, A. W C. ... „ „ to „ „ Russell C, Child of ... „ „ to 30 June, 1880 Spain, M. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Von Tempsky, A., Child of „ „ to 30 June, 1880 Ward, D. A., Children of 1 Jan., 1880, to 31 Dec, „ Ngatai Winiata ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar. 1881 Tangiterere, Children of ,, „ to „ „ Tuterangiharuru ... ,, ,, to „ „ 600 900 24 o o 1000 10 o o 600 18 o o 1800 1200 I IO O 20 O O 5OO 32 8 o 1000 1200 600 199 18 o Pensions for Wounds, &e., — Adamson, T. ... 1 April, 1880, to 30 Sept., 1880 Beamish, J. a. .. „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Corbett, Gr. ... ... „ „ to 30 Sept. 1880 Crawford, C. F. ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Crosby, H. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Dore, Or. H. .. ... „ „ to „ „ Gibbons, M. C. .. „ „ to „ „ Hamblyn, J ... „ „ to „ ,, Henshaw, T. J ... „ „ to „ „ Hope, B. L. .. ... „ „ to „ „ Kelly, T. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Kershaw, P ... ... „ „ to „ ,, Lacey, Oh ... ... ,, „ to ,, „ Lake, T. ... ... „ „ to „ Langford, J. ... ... „ „ to 30 Sept., 1880 Lydon, Gr. ... ... 1 Jan., 1880, to 30 Dec, „ Lloyd, T. ... ... 1 April, ,, to 31 Mar., 1881 McDonnell, W „ „ to „ „ McEvoy, J ... ... „ „ to „ „ Monck, J. B. ... ... „ „ to „ „ McKay, Gr. ... ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 McMahon, T. ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Percy, J. A. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Roche, H. ... .. „ ,, to ,, ,, Koss, E. O. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Shanaghan, J ... „ „ to ,, „ Shepherd, R.... ... „ „ to „ ,, Timms, W ... ... „ ,, to „ „ Tuffin, G-. ... ... „ „ to Vance, R. ... ... 1 Jan., „ to 31 Dec, 1880 Ward, J ... ... 1 April, „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Wasley, E. O. ... ,, „ to „ „ Williamson, E\ ... „ „ to „ Williams, J. .. ... „ „ to „ „ Witherby, C. H. .. „ „ to Walsh, W ... „ „ to Anara Patapu .. ,, „ to „ „ Anaru Taruki .. „ „ to „ ,, Apera te Keunga ,, ! „ to „ ,, Hemi Tonganui ... „ „ to ,, ,, 19 16 6 27 7 6 18 6 o 36 10 o 36 10 o 36 10 o 39 10 10 39 10 10 18 5 o 27 7 6 39 IO 10 27 7 6 39 10 10 45 12 6 22 17 6 39 '3 ° 36 10 o 150 o o 18 5 o 18 s o 18 6 o 36 10 o 150 o o 39 10 10 75 o o 27 7 6 48 13 4 27 7 6 39 10 10 39 13 ° 39 10 10 39 10 10 36 10 o 36 10 o 18 5 o 27 9 o 13 13 9 926 45 I2 6 18 5 o Carried forward '>5 23 '4 9 850 11 4 2j.96 4 3 »





£ a. d. 1.S23 14 9 £ s. d. 850 11 4 £ s. d. 25.9 6 4 3 " Brought forward ... "Military Pensions Act, 1866" — continued. Pensions for Wounds, &c.— continued. Hone Paraki ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Karena Ruataniwha... „ ,1 to „ „ Matiu ... ... „ „ to „ „ Mauparoa ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Mehaka Kepa ... „ ,, to „ „ Morihi ... ... ,, ,, to ,, „ Pera Taitanui ... „ „ to „ „ Poia ... ... „ „ to „ „ Renata Kawepo ... „ „ to „ „ Ropata Korakai ... „ ,, to „ „ Ruihana ... ... „ „ to „ „ Tamati te Hapu ... „ „ to „ „ Tamibana Kopeke ... „ „ to „ ,, Tariu ... ... „ „ to „ „ 926 18 5 o 18 s o 18 5 o 13 13 9 18 5 o 18 s o 18 s o 50 o o 18 s o 9 2 6 •3 '3 9 926 26 o o 1,782 4 9 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 :"— Pensions to Widows, — Herford, A. 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 King, B. M. 1 July, 1879, *° 3° June, 1880 Passmore, S. S. ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Sarten, L. ... ... „ „ to „ „ 130 o o 80 o o 46 o o 36 o o 2,632 16 1 Compassionate Allowance, — Herford, A., Children of 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 292 o o 20 o o Pensions for Wounds, &c, — Bending, W ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Bilton, F. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Callaghan, D. ... ,, „ to ,, „ Cody, W ... ... „ „ to ,, „ Dunn, A. J N. ... „ „ to „ „ JohnBon, J. ... „ „ to ,, ,, Leaf, R. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Messenger, W ... ,, „ to ,, „ Oxenham, W ... „ „ to „ „ Skinner, W. H. ... „ „ to „ „ Vickery, W ... „ „ to „ „ Whatmore, E. ... „ „ to „ „ Woolfe, T.... ... „ „ to 36 10 o 36 10 o 39 '° i° 18 5 o 36 10 o 39 '° 1° 926 36 10 o 27 7 6 45 12 6 36 10 o 13 i5 ° 36 10 o 724 4 2 "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867:" — Hector, J., Salary... ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 412 4 2 746 13 4 " New Zealand TTnivebsity Act, 1870 :"— Grant for 1880-81 3,000 o o '■' Nixon Pension Act, 1865:" — Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon 1 Dec, 1879, to 31 Nov., 1880 150 o o "Pensions Act, 1856:" — Swainson, W ... ... 1 April, 1880, to 3r Mar., 1881 400 o o "Public Revenues Act, 1878:" — Section 7, — Deposits ... ... ... ... Section 11, — Refunds of Amounts transferred to Revenue, — Estate of J LaTery „ D. P. Keecher „ Or. N Dodd, and Dodd and Peppard ... „ A. G-illies W Walker „ P. Egan ... 26 o o 38 9 6 70 10 8 56 14 5 232 s 6 33 '6 IX 1,008 18 7 Section 27, — FitzG-erald, J E. 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Batkin, C. T. .. „ „ to „ „ Section 83, — Regina v. J. C. Young „ v. J. Warbrick ,, v. J. James „ v. G-. A. Johnson 933 6 8 746 13 4 271 611 4 4° 4 7 8 5 5° 457 '7 ° i,68o o o 3.431 19 * 37,049 16 8 285 3 7 Carried forward





£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 37,049 16 8 Brought forward "SOHAHSB AND OtHEHS PENSIONS Ad, 1872 :"— McG-uire, E. ... ... i April, 1880, to 31 Dec, 1880 Russell, W. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 Schafer, 0. ... ... „ „ to 30 Sept., 1880 Whakahira, M. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1881 13 14 6 18 s o 15 o o 1200 58 19 6 "Supbeme Court Judges Act, 1874:"— Arney, Sir G-. A. ... ... 1 Nov., 1879, to 31 Dec, 1880 Chapman, H. S. ... ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 G-resson, H. B. ... ... „ ,, to „ „ 99 l '3 4 750 o o 75° ° ° 2,491 13 4 "Walsh and Othebs Pensions Act, 1869:" — Hewitt, E. A. ... ... 1 April, 1880, to 31 Mar., 1881 Walsh, M. A. ... ... „ „ to „ „ jo o o 30 o o "Whitely Pension Act, 1869:" — Whitely, M. ... ... 1 April, 1880, to 30 Sept., 1880 Rawson, S. H., Executrix in Estate of M. Whitely ... 1 Oct., 1880, to 31 Dec, 1880 80 o o 50 o o 25 o o IS o ° Total ■39.7


STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Consolidated Fund (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1881, compared with, the Sums voted under "The Appropriation Act, 1880."



Issued. Issued Voted. Amount Unissued. in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. FINANCIAL TEAR 1880-81. Class I.—Legislative :— Legislative £ ?. a. 35>H6 6 5 £ s. d. 75 18 6 £ b. d. 35>o7o 7 'I £ s. d. £ s. d. 35,°?o 7 11 £ s. A. £ s. d. 229 17 11 £ s. d. 35,300 5 10 Total Class I.... 35>M6 6 5 75 _i8_6 35,070 7 n 35,070 -7' 11 3S,3_°o 5 10 229 17 ii 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 ic Class II. —Colonial Secbetaey :— Premier's Office ... ... Colonial Secretary's Office Messengers' Department ... Electoral Audit Office ... Govern tnent Statist ... ... Geological and Meteorological Agent-General ... ... Charitable Lunatic Asylums ... ... Printing and Stationery ... ... Sheep and Cattle Compensation... ... ... Miscellaneous Services 420 o o 1.830 o 4 3,714 8 6 3,73o 14 1 8,328 7 o 5,032 o 8 3.382 18 2 5,! 00 19 2 54-19' 7 3 3^,339 17 2 33,722 6 2 12,616 15 11 19,248 15 8 31,961 6 11 9 18 S 71 4 o 10 16 o 420 o o 1,820 1 8 3,7H 8 6 3,730 14 1 8.257 3 o 5,021 4 8 3,382 18 2 5,100 19 2 29,511 1 o 3',64i 5 6 33, 6=4 15 5 12,596 14 11 18,926 3 6 31,358 12 o 25 o o 58 9 o 1000 90 9 10 420 o o 1,820 1 8 3,714 8 6 3,755 '4 1 8,315 12 o 3,473 8 o 5,100 19 2 29,794 11 7 3>,7°i 5 6 41,617 3 o 12,606 11 5 18,926 3 6 31,884 4 10 450 o o 2,005 o o 3,780 2 6 3,560 o o 8,450 o o 6,792 o o 3,5 6 5 o o 3,000 o o 40,000 o o 35,'78 8 4 22,660 6 8 13,000 o o 10,000 o o 39-537 J o 30 o o 184 18 4 65 14 o 134 8 o 1.760 15 4 91 12 o 195 H 1 24,680 6 3 698 11 8 117 10 9 20 1 o 322 12 2 602 14 11 283 10 7 60 o o 8,012 7 7 9 16 6 10,205 8 5 3,477 2 10 2,100 19 2 11 12 13 14 16 393 8 7 18,956 16 4 8,926 3 6 525 12 10 7,652 16 2 Total Class II. 215,619 17 o 26,533 i$ S i8o,eS6 1 7 9.°73 6 4 198,161 7 11 191,977 18 6 23,99 6 3 8 30,179 13 1 17 iS '9 Class III.—Colonial Tbeastoeb :— Treasury ... ... ... Property-Tax ... ... ... Miscellaneous Services ... ... 7=760 3 3 31,362 1 o 13,968 18 6 7,/6o 3 3 3°,5°5 IS 8 13,860 10 6 131 9 2 113 IS 8 7,76o 3 3 30,637 4 10 13,974 6 2 8,402 o o 26,418 6 8 I&.5O9 l8 IO 641 16 9 4,218 18 2 856 5 4 108 8 o i,S3S '2 8 Total Class III. 53,°' 1 2 9 96+ 13 52,126 9 5 245 4 10 52.371 14 3 5o.33 o 5 6 2,177 _9_ 5 4,218 18 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3° 31 33 Class IV. —Ministeb op Justice :— Department of Justice ... ... Crown Law Office ... ... Land Claims Office ... .,. Supreme Court ... ... District Courts Besident Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions, &o. ... Coroners Contingencies... Prisons Native Land Court "Native Lands Fraud Prevention Act, 1870" Miscellaneous Services ... ... 1,270 S o 1,703 6 8 186 13 4 6,868 12 4 6,195 Io I 1 44,769 17 10 79 6 10 9,480 13 3 3.357 6 6 2,799 X9 Io 1 o, 190 1 9 1,2.54 7 10 -5° o o 060 54 4 11 050 1,270 5 o 1,653 6 8 186 13 4 6,868 12 4 6,195 4 " 44,715 12 11 79 6 10 9,480 8 3 2,357 6 6 2,798 18 10 34,562 4 o 10,185 18 5 S3 6 7 4 1,234 7 10 ... ... ... ... 791 10 11 1,270 5 o 1,653 6 8 186 13 4 6,868 12 4 6,195 4 " 44,715 12 11 79 6 10 10,271 19 2 2,357 6 6 2,798 18 10 34,565 9 1 10,662 1 11 S3 6 7 4 1,234 7 IO 1,335 ° ° 2,110 o o 2CO O O 7,246 o o 6,285 Io ° 47,341 19 o IOO O O 10,900 o o 2,500 o o 4,500 o o 37,529 6 6 10,267 2 1 643 10 o 2,748 8 9 64 15 o 45 6 !3 4 13 6 8 377 7 8 9° 5 1 2,626 6 1 20 13 2 628 o 10 142 13 6 1,701 1 2 2,963 17 5 1 1 o 35 8 1 4 3 4 3 5 1 47 6 3 6 394 19 10 107 2 8 1,514 o 11 Total Class IV 1,270 19 6 ! 122,270 1 6 145 8 4 122,124 13 2 123,395 12 8 133.706 l6 4 10,706 _3_« 394_J_9Jp



STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Consolidated Fund, &c.— continued.


Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. 34 37 59 40 4i Class V. —Postmaster-Geneeal and Commissioner op Telegraphs :— General Post Office ... ... ... J Chief and Sub Offices Conveyance of Mails by Sea ... Conveyance of Inland Mails ... Carriage of Mails by Railway ... Contingencies... ... ... ... Telegraph Department ... ... ... Subsidy for Australian Cable ... £ s. d. 3,643 4 6 42,697 7 11 56,004 17 4 29>9°5 3 6 205 10 o S.77S 7 4 95,3°7 J8 8 9,798 16 9 £ b. d. 3.143 4 " o 14 3 22 10 o £ s. d. 3,643 4 6 39.554 3 o 56,004 3 1 29.882 13 6 205 10 o 5,268 12 6 94,209 10 2 9,798 16 9 £ s. d. 39 13 8 102 14 10 £ s. d. 3,682 18 2 39,554 3 o 56,106 17 11 29,882 13 6 205 10 o 5,393 12 6 94,782 12 10 9,798 16 9 £ s. d. 4,000 o o. 43,329 o ° 64,148 o o 30,975 o o 700 o o 4,763 2 I 102,592 10 o 10,850 o o £ s. d. 317 i 10 3,774 i? o 8,041 2 1 1,092 6 6 494 10 o £ s. d. 506 14 10 1,098 8 6 ... 125 o o 573 2 8 7,809 17 2 1,051 3 3 630 10 5 ... Total Class V 243,338__6 o^ 4,77i 12 6 238,566 13 6 840 11 2 I 239,407 4 8 261,357 12 1 22, 80 17 10 630 10 5 42 43 44 Class VI. —Commissioner op Customs :— Customs ... ... ... ... Miscellaneous Services Marine and Harbours 37,702 18 3 2,898 3 3 36,548 o o 91 5 10 37,6n 12 5 2,898 3 3 36,264 11 1 325 18 7 38 16 o 2,294 10 o 37,937 " ° 2,936 19 3 38,559 1 1 40,622 3 6 3>'52 5 3 45,469 16 5 2,684 12 6 2 [ 5 6 o 6,910 15 4 283 8 11 Total Class VI. 77,149 1 6 374_i4_9_ 76,7746 9 2>659 4 7 79,433 11 4 89 j 244_5__ 2 9,810 13 10 46 47 Class VII. —Commissioner ov Stamps :— Stamp Department ... ... ... Land and Deeds Registry Miscellaneous Services ... ... 5,925 2 3 17,062 6 4 126 17 4 144 15 4 2 14 5 5,780 6 ii 17,059 11 11 126 17 4 306 1 10 5,780 6 11 17,365 13 9 126 17 4 6,160 o o 17,600 o o 137 10 o 379 13 1 234 6 3 10 12 8 Total Class VII. 2.3,114 5 " 147 9 9 22,966 16 2 306 1 10 23,272 18 o 23,897 10 o 624 12 o 4 3 49 5° 52 Class VIII. —Minister ob Education: — Education Department ... ... ... Native Schools • ... ... ... Industrial Schools ... ... ... Deaf and Dumb Institutions ... Miscellaneous Services ... ... ,., 239,580 13 o 12,825 8 o ',359 J7 I0 3,873 18 9 600 600 239,580 13 o 12,819 8 o 5,366 10 1 i,359 17 10 3,873 18 9 262 12 o 239>5< So 13 ° 13,082 o o 5,366 10 1 i,359 '7 IO 3,873 18 9 249,522 o o 14,950 o o 5,045 o o 1,895 ° ° 4,750 o o 9,941 7 o 1,868 o o 321 10 1 535 2 2 876 1 3 Total Class VIII. 263,012 7 8 263,000 7 8 262 12 o 263,262 19 8 276,162 o o 13,220 10 5 321 10 1 1200 S3 54 Class IX. —Minister op Native Aitaibs :— Salaries and Contingencies ... ... Miscellaneous Services 8,294 18 ° 1,565 ° 1 1.557 1 3 6,737 16 9 1,565 o 1 6,737 16 9 i,5 6 5 ° 1 13,478 10 o 1,698 19 1 6,740 13 3 133 19 ° ... Total Class IX. I 0.859 '8 1 I-SS7 1 3 8,302 16 10 8.302 16 10 15,177 9 1 6,8 74 12 3 55 56 Class X.—Minister ov Mines :— Mines Coal Fields ... 8,954 o 5 280 8 o 8,95° o 5 197 1 4 O.158 1 8 8,791 18 9 197 1 4 22,850 o o 29« 13 4 14,058 1 3 94 12 o 400 83 6 8 ... Total Class X. ~" 9,234 8 s 87 6 8 9.147 1 9 0.158 1 _8_ 8,989 o 1^ 23,141 13 4 14,152 13 3


STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Consolidated Fund, &c.— continued.



Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. 57 60 61 62 Class XI. —Ministee poe Public Woeks: — Eailways ... ... ... Architect's Office ... ... Government Domains ... ... Public Buildings ... ... Inspection of Machinery ,,, ,,, Miscellaneous Services f.,, ,,, £ s. d. 523,088 2 10 1,386 o o 1,103 15 5 19,914 12 1 1,803 o 4 3,052 10 7 £ s. d. 34.59° IX 7 10 o o £ s. d. 488,497 11 3 1,386 o o 1.1°3 13 5 19,904 12 1 1,805 o 4 2.55 2 >° 7 £ s. d. 10,514 7 5 130 o o Cr. 16 18 o £ a. d. 499,011 18 8 1,386 o o 1,103 15 5 20,0:54 12 1 1,788 2 4 2,552 IO 7 £ s. d. 562,465 16 11 1,485 o o 1,191 4 o 23,935 o o 1,900 o o 13.469 15 8 £ s. d. 63.453 18 3 99 o o 87 8 7 3,900 7 11 in 17 8 10,917 5 1 £ s. d. 500 o o Total Class XI. 55O.35O i 35,100 11 7 515,249 9 8 10,627 9 525.876 19 1 604,446 16 1 78,569 17 6 63 64 65 Class XII. —Minister or Deeencb :— Militia and Volunteers ... ... Constabulary ... Miscellaneous Services ... ,., 23,807 11 7 234,938 o 10 599 IO 8 37 o 3 166,762 1 8 23,770 11 4 68,175 19 2 599 10 8 71 7 o 13.534 6 11 23,841 18 4 81,710 6 1 599 10 8 30,640 3 9 132,213 17 6 592 10 o 6,798 5 5 50,503 " 5 708 ... Total Class XI. I '3>6°5 '3 11 163,446 n 3 159.345 3 1 166,799 III 93>546 1 2 106,151 15 1 57,301 16 10 708

SUMMARY. I Financial Yeae, 1880-81 :— ClaBS I.—Legislative ... ,,. „ II. —Colonial Secretary ... ... „ III. —Colonial Treasurer j, IV. —Minister of Justice ... „ V.—Postmaster-General and Commissioner of Telegraphs ,j VI. —Commissioner of Customs ... ... ,, VII. —Commissioner of Stamps ... ... „ VIII. —Minister of Education „ IX. —Minister of Native Affairs ... ... ., X.- —Minister of Mines ••• ... „ XI.—Minister for Public Worki ... „ XII. —Minister of Defence ... 35,146 6 5 215,619 17 o 122,270 r 6 243,338 6 o 77,149 1 6 23."4 5 " 263,012 7 8 9,859 18 1 9,234 8 5 5S°>35° 1 3 259,345 3 1 75 18 6 26,533 15 5 964 13 4 '45 8 4 4,771 12 6 374 14 9 147 9 9 1200 87 6 8 35,100 ir 7 166,799 1 11 35,070 7 11 189,086 1 7 52,126 9 5 122,124 13 2 238,566 13 6 76,774 6 9 22,966 16 2 263,000 7 8 8,302 16 10 9,147 1 9 515,249 9 8 92,546 1 2 9,°75 6 4 245 4 10 1,270 19 6 840 11 2 2,659 4 7 306 1 10 262 12 o 35,070 7 " 198,161 7 11 52,371 14 3 •23,395 12 8 239,407 4 8 79,433 " 4 23,272 18 o 263,262 19 8 8,302 16 10 8,989 o 1 525,876 19 1 106,151 15 1 35,300 5 10 191,977 18 6 50,330 5 6 133,706 16 4 261,357 12 1 89,244 5 2 23,897 10 o 276,162 o o 23,14' >3 4 604,446 16 7 163,446 11 3 229 17 11 23,996 3 8 3,177 9 5 10,706 3 6 22,580 17 10 9,810 13 10 624 12 o 13,220 10 5 6,874 12 3 14, '52 13 3 78,569 17 6 57,301 16 10 3o>i79 13 1 4,218 18 2 394 19 10 630 10 5 321 10 1 Cr.158 1 8 10,627 9 5 13,605 :3 " 708 Total 1,624,961 S 7 38,735 i ii 1,663,696 7 6 240,245 8 5 35.752 12 3 1,861,530 19 7 236,569 '4 ° 1,868,189 3 8





CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETARY:— Vote No. 16—Miscellaneous :— Item 1 —General Contingencies,— Salaries, —■ Secretary to Premier, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881... Assistant-Secretary to Premier, 2 to 25 September, 1880 Acting-Secretary to Premier, 8 July, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 (Secretary on leave) Cadet, Premier's Office, 24 April, 1880, to 11 January, 1881 ... Inspection of Weights and Measures, Wellington Timeball-keeper, Wellington, 1 April to 31 December, 1880 ... Office-keeper, Auckland, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 „ Blenheim, 1 April to 31 October, 1880 Hall-keeper, Nelson, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Extra Messengers... £ s. d. 280 o o 15 o o 44 7 6 46 19 6 7i 3 ° £ s. d. £ t. d. 17 10 o 14 o o 33 10 o 10 o o 210 12 9 Travelling Expenses of Ministers and Officers on Public Service, — Ministers Officers of Colonial Secretary's Department ... Messrs. Seed and Batkin (Civil Service Inquiry) 743 2 9 564 11 8 325 4 ° 188 o o 1,077 rS 8 1,806 o 6 885 13 5 66 13 S 159 2 s 234 5 5 S 87 o 3 525 M I0 213 17 o 320 o o 1,408 9 4 Telegrams (Foreign Lines) Fuel, Light, &c. Subscriptions to Newspapers ... Advertising Assessment Courts ... Freight, Cartage, &c. Cleaning-out Offices, &c. Extra Clerical Assistance Purchase of Maori Carved House Miscellaneous Item 2—Rent of Government Offices, Hospital Reserve, 1 February, 1880, to 31 January, 1881 ... Item 3 —Civil Service Examination Board, — Supervising Preparation and Revision of Papers Miscellaneous 8,027 15 o 200 O O 99 '4 8 i66 16 o 19 17 S 286 8 1 Item 4—"Public Health Act, 1876," — Salaries Vaccination Fees Registration Fees ... Inspecting Ships Advertising 79 « 8 852 9 4 609 5 o 66 19 o o 16 o 1,609 ' ° Pensions granted by late Provincial Governments, — Wellington,— Item 5 —J. George, late Turnkey, Wellington Gaol, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 6 —D. Green, late Matron, Hospital, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 7 —L. Lyall, Widow of late Lighthouse-keeper, Soames Island, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Nelson, — Item 8 —M. Robinson, Widow of late Superintendent, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Canterbury,— Item g—J. Cass, late Chief Surveyor, 1 April, 1880, to 28 February, 1881 Item 10 —J. Reston, late Chief Gaoler, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881... 50 o o 50 o o 15 o o 115 o o 75 o o 366 13 4 200 o o 566 '3 4 Otago,— Item 11 —J. Outram, late Sergeant, Dunedin Gaol, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 188 o o 944 13 4 Carried forward 11,067 17 5





Brought forward ... ... £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,067 i7 5 !LASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETARY— continued. Vote No. 16—Miscellaneous — continued. Item 12—Registrar of Patents, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 13—"Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877," Fees, &c. Item 14 —Wellington Patent Slip Company, Guarantee of Interest, 1 year to 31 March, 1880 Item 15 —Botanical Gardens, — Auckland ... Wellington Dunedin ... 70 o o 13 7 6 2,450 o o 5° o ° IOO O O 288 12 4 438 12 4 426 Item 16—"Slaughterhouses Act, 1877," Advertising Item 17 —" Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1877," — Salaries Annual Grant for Chemicals ... Miscellaneous Z5 1 '3 4 SO o o 5 ° 4 306 13 8 20 15 o Item 18—Friendly Societies Reserve, Dunedin, Rent of Item 19 —Bridge-keeper, Heathcote, Salary of, 1 April, 1880, to 31 July, 1880 Item 20 —Land Claims of Sartoris, Downes, &c. Item 21 —Melbourne Exhibition, — Salaries ... Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... Freight, Cartage, Wharfage, &c. Clerical Assistance ,,. Wages and Labour ... Grant to Local Committees Cost of Fittings, Furniture, &c. Marine and Fire Insurance ... Miscellaneous 301 10 o 538 18 3 754 S 2 116 16 o 448 3 11 446 o s 650 7 7 1.13 2 3 325 9 2 21 13 4 725 7 7 Item 22—"Revision of Statutes Act, 1879," — Honoraria of Commissioners and Secretary Travelling Expenses... Miscellaneous ... ... ... •■• ••• 3,694 12 9 650 o o 27 16 6 57 18 3 735 H 9 Item 23 —Timaru Hospital,— Contract Payments ... Salaries, &c. Miscellaneous 2,846 12 9 H2 S 9 369 2,992 5 3 Item 24 —Waimate Hospital Item 25—Compilation of Maori History, Salary, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Item 26—Secretary to Grovernment Officers' Guarantee Board, Salary, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 27 —Cost of Kerbing Footpaths, Macandrew Street, Dunedin, as per agreement made by late Provincial Government Item 28 —Land for Nelson Lunatic Asylum Item 29 —Expenses of Witnesses in the Case of H. R. Russell v. Grindell and Didsbury Item 30 —Sydney Exhibition, — Salaries Travelling Expenses and Allowances ... Grants to Local Committees ... Wages and Labour at Exhibition Miscellaneous ... ... ... 300 8 4 93 6 8 108 15 3 236 10 o 79 o o 206 ig 6 IS 00 66 6 3 290 2 4 Item 31—Escheated Estate of Henry Harding paid to his Father, Jeremiah Harding, in England Item 32—H. N Brewer, Addition to Pension under "Civil Service Act, 1866," for special services rendered, 1 April to 31 December, 1880 Item 33—Fee for Sir Maurice O'Rorke's Patent of Knighthood Item 34 —Refund to Counties and Boroughs of deduction from subsidies on account of Hospitals and Charitable Aid, — Counties... ... ... ... <" •*• Boroughs 657 8 1 127 2 10 18 15 o 97 1S 6 1,765 7 6 247 10 o 2,012 17 6 Item 35 —Expenses of Printing " Transactions of New Zealand Institute" Item 36—Expenses of Printing Work on Coleoptera of New Zealand Item 27— Payment of Rates levied, under Rabbit Nuisance Acts, on unoccupied Crown Lands within Rabbit Districts... 500 o o 345 I2 3 Carried forward 27,039 '3 6




6—B. 1.


Brought forwai'd CLASS I.—COLONIAL SEORITAEY— continued. Vote No. 16—Miscellaneous— continued. Expenses of Royal Commissions, — Item 38—West Coast,— Personal Expenses of Commissioners Official Charges, — Eent of Office Salaries of Staff Travelling Expenses ... .. ... Native Expenditure Contingencies ... ... ... £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 27,039 !3 6 39 17 6 1,249 16 4 57 6 2 8 170 13 8 52 2 7 170 o 1 Furniture purchased Less Furniture resold 9° '4 3 41 7 o 2,088 12 9 49 7 3 2,308 o 1 Item 39 —Local Industries, — Personal Expenses of Commissioners Special Allowance to Mr. Burns Official Charges,— Salaries of Staff Travelling Expenses Contingencies ... '44 S 4 134 8 o 27 19 0 9 7 o 1 7 6 38 13 6 317 6 10 Item 40 —Civil Service, — Personal Expenses of Commissioners Special Allowance to Mr. Pharazyn ... Official Charges,— Salaries of Staff, &c. Travelling Allowance Contingencies ... 75* 9 i 160 )6 8 40 6 8 5' 7 5 2 224 14 o 95 1 «» S 1,693 11 7 Item 41 —Bonus for Encouragement of Local Industries Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 16 ... £31,358 12 o CLASS III.—COLONIAL TREASURER :— Vote No. 19 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1—Audit of County and Road Board Accounts, — Salaries of 7 Auditors, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Travelling Expenses... Miscellaneous 2,334 9 5 ,^86 2 io 300 Item 2 —Salary of Secretary to the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds .. Item 3 —Expenses of Investment of Sinking Fund Item 4 —Exchange and Commission on remittances and payment of Dividends, — Commission on Remittances by Post and Telegraph ,, Payment of Interest ., Money Orders I per cent. Commission on temporary advance made by Bank of New South Wales Exchange and Discount on Drafts and Bills 2,723 12 3 46 13 4 611 13 6 3,378 5 8 2,9S 8 " 5 52 |8 TO 2,900 o o 107 11 o 9,397 6 " Item 5 —Contingencies,— Stamp Duty, &e. ,,, Commission, collecting Native Land Duties in arrear Freight and Insurance Advertising Travelling Expenses... .. ... Miscellaneous "5 I0 3 250 1 9 261 18 3 20 >3 3 58 14 o 14 8 2 721 S 8 Item 6—Interest at 6 per cent, on an advance made by Bank of New Zealand on Security of Treasury Bills Less charged under "The Treasury Bills Act, 1879" ... 2,490 8 2 2,130 9 4 359 18 10 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 19 ... £13,860 10 6 CLASS IV.—MINISTER OF JUSTICE :— Vote No. 33 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1 —Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Officer Item 2 —Rent of Supreme Court Building, Wellington, from 1 March to 31 December, 1880 44 12 5 1,031 7 6 Carried forward 1,075 '9 »





Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,075 '9 11 CLASS IV.-:MINISTER OF JUSTICE—continued. Vote No. 33 —Miscellaneous — continued. Item 3— Purchase of Stamps to replace those embezzled by R. Davis, late Deputy-Registrar, Supreme Court, Chriatchurch ... ... ■■■ ••• ■•■ ■■■ Item 4 —Refund of Estreated Recognizances of A. J. Baker and J. H. Morris, of Dunedin, and costs Item s —Refund of part of Fine inflicted by Resident Magistrate's Court, Lyttelton, on H. Patterson, for Breach of Harbour Regulations Item 6—Refund of Native land Duty, paid in error by John Forster Item 7 —Judicature Commission Stone-breaking Machine for Auckland Prison 65 16 o r f ... 800 58 16 o 24 19 6 o 16 5 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 33 ... £1,234 7 IO CLASS VI.—COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS :— Vote No. 43 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1 —Extra Aid and Appliances for the Prevention of Smuggling and Illicit Distillation Item 2 —Expenses connected with Beer Duty Act... Item 3 —Rent of Temporary Offices for Customs at Timaru Item 4 —Gratuity to Widow of late A. W Rouse ... Item 5— Refund of Surcharges, Auckland and Dunedin 1,794 8 8 982 14 4 31 S ° 80 o o 9 >5 3 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 43 ... £2.898 3 3 CLASS VII.—COMMISSIONER OF STAMPS :— Vote 47 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1 —Contingencies, "Joint-Stock Companies Act, i860," and " Building Societies Act, ]876" Item 2 —Compassionate Allowance to tbc Widow and Children of W P Crawford, late Deputy-Registrar of Deeds and Stamp Clerk at Hokitika 14 1 4 112 10 o Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 47 ,. £126 17 4 CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OF EDUCATION :— Vote No. 52 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1 —Auckland Girls'High School Item 2 —Thames High School .,, Item 3 —Wellington College Item 4 —Otago Boys' and Girls' High School Item 5 —School of Mines, Otago Item 6 —Expenses of Royal Commission on New Zealand University and Secondary Education ... Item 7 —Preparation of Illustrations for School-books Item 8—Educational Museum ... Item 9 —New Plymouth High School 1,200 o o 400 o o 1,200 O O 500 o o 146 10 11 133 2 O 94 S I0 200 o o Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 5 2 ... £3.873 i8__9 CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF NATIVE AFFAIRS :— Vote No. 54 —Miscellaneous : — Pensions, Native, — Item 1 —Aramata Pongahuru, Widow, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Item 2 —Maora Mataroa, Widow, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 3—Merei Katea, Widow, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 4 —Riria Karaitiana, Widow, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 5 — Henare, Child of "William Christie, deceased, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 6 — Wiremu, Child of William Christie, deceased, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 20 O O 20 O O 20 O O 20 O O Coo Goo Item 7 — Interest on £2,000, part Purchase ■ money of Stewart Island Item 8 —Expenses of Ruakaka Commission, — Allowances Travelling Expenses ... ... Law Coats... 92 o o 89 i 4 40 12 O 64 9 8 194 3 ° 200 o o Item 9 —Compensation for Canoe, Tokiatapiri Carried forward ,.. 486 3 °





£ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. 486 3 o Brought forward CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF NATIVE AFFAIRS— continued. Vote No. 54 —Miscellaneous — continued. Item 10 —John Aubin, Alexandra, Claims for Medicines and Medical Comforts supplied to Natives, from 5 July to 1 November, 1879 ... Item 11 —Expenses, Royal Commission, Middle Island, — Allowances Travelling Expenses Miscellaneous 162 13 8 649 19 0 89 5 6 7 11 6 746 16 9 Item 12 —Gratuity to Native Chief Taurua, in fulfilment of promises made by the late Sir Donald McLean and the Hon. Mr. Sheehau ... Item 13 —W H. Grace, Compensation for Loss of Office Item 14 — J J Keye, Payment in full satisfaction for Loss connected with Mill for Natives at Ohinemutu ... Item 15 —Passages of Natives between Wellington and Tauranga ... 50 o o 58 6 8 37 o o 24 o o Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 54 ... £■,565 o 1 CLASS XI.—MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS: — Vote No. 62 —Miscellaneous : — Item 1—Repairing Roads, Auckland, and expenses collecting Tolls,— Salaries, 1 September, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 ... Grants Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 228 J 4 94 o o 922 4 9 Provincial Liabilities, — Item 2 —Motueka Bridge, Advertising... Item 3 —Rakaia Gorge Bridge Completion, — Salaries, February to March, 1881 ... Contract Payments Miscellaneous 1,244 I3 ! o 16 11 4.5 o o 58S o o 339 2 9 9/2 2 9 78 o o Item 4 —Road Compensation, Portobello Road Grants Item 5 —Rangilata Road Bridge (recoverable from Counties of Geraldine and Ashburtou) Item 6—Drainage Works, Moroa Block Item 7 —Akaroa Road Diversions Item 8—Removal of Buoy Rock, Nelson Item 9—Balance of Amount due to Mr. II. F Giesen 212 2 10 44 16 o £2.552 1° 7 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 62 ... CLASS XII.—MINISTER OF DEFENCE -.— Vote No. 63 —Miscellaneous :— Item 1 —Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 2 —Pension of late F G. Rawson, continued to his Widow, 1 April, 1880, to 31 Deoember, [880 Item 3—Pension of late William Oliver, continued to his Widow, 1 April, 18S0, to 31 March, 1881 Item 4 —Wellington Magazine, Cottage for Keeper Item 5 —Widow of late Thomas Murray, in lieu of Volunteer Remission Certificate 46 o o 33 IS ° 36 10 o 453 S 8 30 o o Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 65 .. 599 10 8 £599 I0 8



STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS of the LAND FUND ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1880-81.


Land Sales. Refunds. Net Receipts. RECEIPTS. •bdinaby Land Sales :— Counties, — Akaroa Ashburton Ashley Bay of Islands ... Bruce... Buller... Clutha Collingwood ... Cook ... G-eraldine Grey ... Hawke's Bay ... Hobson Hokianga Hutfc ... Inangahua Kaikoura Lake ... Manawatu Maniototo Manukau Maryborough ... ... Mongonui Patea... Peninsula ... ... Piako ... Raglan Rangitikei Rodney Selwyn Southland Stewart Island ... Taieri Taranaki Tauranga ... ., Thames Tuapeka Vincent Waikato Waikouaiti Waimato Waimea Waipa Waipawa Wairarapa East Wairarapa West Wairoa Waitaki Waitemata Wallace Wanganni Westland Whakatane Whangarei General Ellesmere and Porsyth Reclamation and Akarosi Railway ... Westport and Ngakawau Railway £ s. d. 3.806 14 3 5,305 12 6 7,467 11 8 493 18 5 ',255 12 6 309 10 o 8,499 2 2 121 10 o 1,196 12 6 3,100 13 11 98 1 o 1,643 8 8 36 2 6 271 3 9 44 o o 133 1° 6 15 o o 5,285 10 2 12,517 12 7 5.485 " 1° 96S '3 5 1,247 9 " 900 12 6 87,253 6 8 o 12 3 2,995 3 9 226 13 9 34 7 6 80 2 6 £ s. d. 33 1 2 o 4,4(J3 1 9 831 o 7 1 10 o 430 10 o 2 13 O 28 I 9 £ s. a. 3.475 '2 3 842 10 9 6,636 11 1 493 18 5 1,255 12 6 309 10 o 8,497 I2 2 121 10 o 1,196 12 6 2,670 3 11 98 1 o 1,643 8 8 36 2 6 271 3 9 41 7 o 133 10 6 1500 5,285 10 2 12,517 12 7 5,485 11 10 965 13 5 1,219 8 2 900 12 6 87,253 6 8 o 12 3 2,995 3 9 226 13 9 34 7 6 80 2 6 10,837 18 o 25,876 6 9 4i 5 o 14,686 7 10 6,875 19 o 6,888 3 o 180 2 6 12,401 11, 4 2,898 16 2 432 19 9 2,610 4 8 Z);\ 1,304 4 o 813 o o 1,081 19 o 5.768 7 4 1,128 13 o 1,928 12 2 13,304 7 3 29 2 o 460 9 2 7,948 1 o 800 723 7 10 1,510 9 5 237 7 6 11,815 15 9 1,028 6 5 220 12 6 it,113 2 9 28,073 6 9 41 5 o 14,686 7 10 6,87:; 19 o 6,888 3 o 180 2 6 12,443 2 1 2,946 16 2 432 19 9 2,945 1 8 1,007 7 3 813 o o 1,081 19 o 5,768 7 4 1,128 13 o 1,928 12 2 13,304 7 3 48 14 6 460 9 2 8,179 16 6 800 800 9 1 ',5io 9 5 237 7 6 11,815 J5 9 1,387 " 5 220 12 6 2?S 4 9 2,197 o o 41 8 9 48 o 0 334 17 o 2,311 11 3 19 12 6 231 >5 6 77 1 3 359 5 o Totals 287,118 19 6 "■983 15 1 275,135 4 5 /and Sales on Defekbed Payment :— Counties, — Clutha Grey ... Lake .. Maniototo Patea ... Sounds Taieri .. 303 4 I0 116 16 7 37i 8 2 165 19 6 1,171 2 11 71 16 o 176 6 10 "i 18 6 645 6 2 303 4 10 116 16 7 371 8 2 157 1 o 5 25 »6 9 71 16 o 176 6 10 Carried forward 2,376 14 10 654 4 8 1,722 10 2





Land Sales. Refunds, Net Receipts. RECEIPTS— co" tinned. Brought forward £ a. d. 2,376 14 10 £ a. d. 654 4 8 £ a. d. 1,722 10 2 (AND Sale3 on Defebbed Payment— continued. Counties— continued. Taranaki Tauranga Tuapelta Vincent Waikouaiti Waimate Wairarapa West Waitaki Waitemata Wallace Westland Road Boards, —■ Aparima Balmoral Clifton Courtenay Deepdell Geraldine Hawera Invercargill ,,, ... ... Knapdale Lyndhursfc Makavewa Manawatu Manganui Masterton Moa ... Mount Cook Mount Stewart... Ngaire ... ... Norsewood Opotiki Oreti ... Ormond Otaraia Oteramika PateaWest Patutaki ... ,,. Pukekolie South Rakaia Rakaia ... ... ... Toitois Tuapeka Waihemo Wairoa Waitahuna Waitoa Woodville G-eneral Public Reserves Sales Act 101 13 o 84 18 8 779 17 7 185 10 6 802 16 5 16 5 3 176 17 6 881 1 10 35 3 8 463 12 8 1,282 10 3 26 3 6 0 16 8 7 1 8 366 14 o 7 12 2 816 6 9 3' 4 " i'7 7 4 78 16 11 567 12 7 242 9 10 39 o 7 238 16 10 66 2 8 1 6 8 35 4 6 1.055 '7 5 23 11 10 1 16 7 1,327 2 11 49 8 9 76 3 8 142 11 2 250 12 6 73 H o 44 12 o 107 6 11 96 o o 95 "7 8 26 4 6 242 18 o 396 3 4 42 16 8 155 18 10 97 16 10 10,306 8 1 1,031 18 7 9 19 o 66 5 o 0126 21 16 6 3 9° 60 8 4 56 16 o in o o 100 7 o 127 12 10 101 15 o 84 18 8 769 18 7 185 10 6 802 16 s 16 5 3 176 17 6 814 16 10 35 3 8 463 12 8 Dr. o 12 6 1,260 13 9 22 14 6 0 16 8 7 1 8 366 14 o 7 12 2 816 6 9 31 4 " 56 19 o 22 o 11 456 12 7 242 9 10 Dr. 61 6 5 in 4 o 66 2 8 1 6 8 35 4 <> 1,049 7 6 23 11 10 1 16 7 M95 7 " 49 8 9 76 3 8 141 17 10 250 12 6 73 14 o 44 12 o 107 6 11 96 o o 95 17 8 1236 242 18 o 396 3 4 42 16 8 155 18 10 97 16 10 10,241 2 9 1,019 8 7 6 9 11 131 15 o o '3 4 14 1 o 6S 5 4 12 10 o Total Receipts 25.475 ° o J.443 5 5 13,427 o 6 24,031 14 7 299,166 19 o



STATEMENT of the EXPENDITURE of the LAND FUND ACCOUNT under SPECIAL ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY for the YEAR ended 31st March, 1881.



EXPENDITURE. Peehanext Appeopeiations :— Subsidies paid to Local Bodies, — Under Section 2, " Financial Arrangements Act, 1880," — Counties ... Boroughs ... ... ... ... ... ... Road Boards Eiver Boards £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 46,555 15 5 31,309 2 11 30,239 15 o 2,401 9 7 Land Revenue paid over to Counties, — Under "The Financial Arrangements Act 1876 Amendment Act, 1877," Section 6,— Twenty per cent, of Land Sales paid to Counties ,., Sales of Land on Deferred Payments,— UDder " The Land Act, 1877," Section 59, — Payments of one-third of proceeds to— Counties Road Boards ... ,,. .. ... .., 110,506 2 u M f 11,480 9 8 I.S2S >3 4 3.385 10 « 4.9 1> 3 5 " New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874," — Twenty-five per cent, of the Proceeds of Land sold within the Provincial District of Taranald, to 31st March, 1881 ... 9,296 6 7 "Railways Construction Act, 1878," — Receipts derived from Proceeds of Sales of Land transferred to Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account in the Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1881 ... i.5'9 2 7 Total Permanent Appropriations ,.. ... £ 137.713 S 2

MINISTER OF LANDS AND MINES :— Vote No. 67 —Ceown Lands, Miscellaneous :— Item 1 —Compensation for Determination of Lease of Runs ... Item 2 —Fees to, and Travelling Expenses of, Members of Waste Lands Boards, — Fees Travelling Expenses £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,286 11 $ 786 4 o 228 19 9 J.0'5 3 9 Item 3 —Refund to Titanic Steel Company of Amount paid on Land Item 4 —Refund of Amounts paid for Lands which proved after Survey to be leas than Areas purchased Item 5 —To give effect to Recommendations of Waste Lands Committee in case of W Burton Item 6 —Amount for Rent of Government House, HoKtika, for twelve months ended 31st December, 1879, divided between Literary Society and Fire Brigade Item 7 —Compiler of Deeds of old Native Land Purchases, 1 April, 1880, to 31 March, 1881 Item 8 —Three months' extra Salary to the Auctioneer in the Land Department, Dunedin .. Item 9 —Compensation to J Simpson for 13 Acres of Land fronting the Awanui River, found to have been granted to J Smith ... Item 10 —Refund of Survey Fees which have been paid to the Provincial Account of the late Province of Otago Item 11 —Scrip exercised in Purchase of Land on Deforred Payments ... Item 12 —Expenses in the Appeal Case, Spence v. Pearson ... 542 o 10 50 o o 280 o o 200 O O 1,196 o 7 677 o 5 210 19 10 Total Net Expenditure, Vote No. 67 ... 16 io VIS



STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the LAND FUND ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended the 31st March 1881, compared with the Sums voted under "The Appropriation Act, 1880."


Issued. I Expenditure. Credits. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued inExcess. Net Expenditure. Advances, j Total. Minister of Lauds :— £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. A. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 66 Crown Lands Department 21,233 2 7 29 16 4 21,203 6 3 21,203 6 3 21,855 o ° 65i 13 9 67 Crown Lands, Miscellaneous Services 7,457 16 10 7,457 16 10 7,457 16 10 15.385 19 IO 7,928 3 o 6S Survey Department 100,688 1 4 2,443 13 2 98,244 8 2 3.273 17 2 101,518 g 4 88,436 3 4 13,082 2 o 5 9 Photographic and Lithographic, Printing Branch 2,174 14 2 2,174 14 2 190 o o 2,364 14 2 2,607 ° ° 242 s 10 Total Land Pund Account 3.463 17 2 i3',5S3 *4 ii 2.473 9 6 129,080 5 5 132,544 2 7 128,284 3 2 8,822 2 7 13,082 2 o





Balances on 31 Mabch, 1880. Receipts. Payments AND Transkebs. Balances ON 31 JIaech, 1881. REVENUE FROM LICENSE AND OTHER FEES. COTJNTIES : — Akaroa Amuri Ashburton Ashley Bay of Islands Buller Clutha Collingwood Cook Coromandel Eden G-eraldine ... Grey Hawke's Bay Hobson ... ... ... 1 Hokianga ,. Hutt Inangahua... Kaikoura ... ... ... , Lake ... Mauawatu Maniototo Manukau ... Marlborougli Mongonui... Patea Peninsula ... Piako Baglan Bangitikei... ... ,,. Rodney ... Selwyn Southland... Stewart Island Taieri Taranaki ... Taupo East Tauranga ... Thames Tuapeka ... Vincent .. ... ... Waikato ... ... ... Waikouaiti Waimate ,.. Waimea ... Waipa .. ... ... Waipawa ... ... ,,, Wairarapa East Wairarapa West Wairoa ,,, Waitaki ... Waitemata Wallace ... Wanganui... ... .., Westland ... Whakatane ... ... Whangarei s s. a. 6 io o I o 6 I 0 O 2 O O 2 O O 4 5° 500 o 10 o 500 200 100 2 10 0 3 10 o £ s. d. 201 10 o 34 o o 448 15 o 449 IS ° 296 o o 635 o o 007 124 10 o 624 7 o 306 10 o 1,010 19 7 672 6 7 1,716 2 o 485 IS o 147 6 9 170 6 o 53i o o 1.159 5 o 123 10 o 280 47° 5 ° o 15 o 332 15 10 34i 10 o 121 is o 726 10 o 2 3 1 97 o o 25 !S ° 260 15 o 105 15 o 1.473 19 6 173 6 6 800 3 3 3 375 IS o 150° 33(>, o o 339 1 3 38 s o 070 214 7 8 211 o 58 15 o 518 8 9 243 11 o S83 S o 181 10 o 490 10 o 213 6 o 700 10 o 192 6 1 31 10 o 223 10 o 1.034 15 S 179 13 o 146 o o £ s. a. 199 10 o 34 o o 449 15 ° 449 15 ° 296 o o 636 o o 126 10 o 624 7 o 308 10 o i.°i5 4 7 675 6 7 1,716 12 o 48S 15 o 147 6 9 170 6 o 53i o o 1,161 s ° 124 10 o 280 468 s o o 15 o 335 5 10 341 10 o 121 15 o 723 10 o 2 3 I 97 o o 25 IS ° 263 s o 105 15 o 1.475 !9 6 170 7 9 800 3 3 3 375 15 o IS o o 324 o o 340 1 3 44 2 o 070 214 17 8 2 11 o 58 IS o 516 11 11 243 11 o 583 5 o 181 10 o 491 is o 213 6 o 701 10 o 193 6 1 31 10 o 246 10 o 1.034 IS 5 179 13 o 139 o o £ a. d. 2100 007 200 500 200 I 0 O TOO 900 o 1 3 7OO 3OO 200 S 17 o 12 O O IOO o 10 o 012 I 18 O 1 S o 500 100 400 24 o o I O O 700 Totals ... 78 19 s 19,401 11 10 19,430 2 8 50 8 7 Acclimatization Societies : — Auckland ... Hawke's Bay ... ,., Wanganui.., ... Manawatu Canterbury ... .,, , Otago 587 i5 o 240 o 10 o IOO 28 s 0 5 5° 587 15 ° 240 o 10 o o 10 o 100 28 5 o S IS o Totals o 10 o 624 19 o 625 9 o Haebotjb Boards :— Auckland .. Thames Wellington ... Lyttelton .,. Timaru 1000 5 10 o 010 1,006 19 11 2100 050 15 10 o O I O 1,006 19 11 23 o o 050 200 Totals 12 00 1.033 '5 11 i)°4. II



7—B. 1.



REVENUE FROM LICENSE AND 31' OTHER FEES. j Balances on 31 March, 1880. ON March, 1880. Receipts. Payments and Transfers. Balances on 31 Mabch, 1881. lOAD BOAEDS : — Featherston Foxton Kaikoura Karangahape ... .. Motueka ... Suburban North ... ... ... Waimea .. .. .. ... ] Waipukurau .. ... ... j Wangneliu ... ... j £ 3. d. £ 3. d. £ s. d. 040 050 o 10 o 200 £, s. d. 040 050 o 10 o 200 1 4 o 0 15 o 1 15 o 310 o 4010 o £ a. d. 0180 2 2 0 015 o 1 15 o 1 10 o 40 10 o Totals ... ... ... ! 5' " o 5° >3 ° o 18 o 'UBLIC CbMETEKIBS : — Wanganui ... ... .. 1 ■^~~~ 2 0 0 2 o o lOEOTJGHS :— Akaroa Arrowtown Ashburton Auckland .., Avenal .. .. ... \ Blenheim ... Campbelltown .. ... ... ! Caversham Christehurch Cromwell ... Dunedin ... Dunedin South Giaborno .. .. .. ... Gladstone... Greymouth ... ... ... I Green Island Greytown Hamilton ... ... .. ... Hampden ... Hokilika ... Invercargill Inrercargill East ... ... ... Invercargill North ... ... ... Inrercargill South ... ... Kaiapoi .. ... ... < Kumara ,. Lawrence ... ... ... .. Lyttelton ... ... .. ... I Marton ,,. Maori Hill Masterton... ... ... ... j Milton Mornington Napier Naseby ... ... ... I Nelson New Plymouth ... ... ... North-East Valley ... Oamaru ... ... ... Onehunga... Palmerston North Palmerston South ... ... I Parnell ... Picton ... Port Chalmers Queenstown .. .. ... i Rangiora ... Riverton ... Roslyn Ross Roxburgh ... St. Kilda .. Sydeuham Tapanui Thames Timaru Wanganui,.. Wellington Westport... Waimate ... West Harbour Winton ... .411 o 300 050 800 I O O 28 1 o 7100 280 0 1 9 910 o 050 7100 1 O O 400 0 12 O 10 4 o 250 211 o 800 1 O O 900 4 IS ° 250 o 13 o 0 10 o 5 12 o 15 1 o 1 5 ° 242 5 o 320 o 1 4,672 10 9 I O O 3 • 7 7 1 20 10 o 21 10 2,729 19 7 970 227 2 10 4 12 7 49i '5 7 400 981 11 o 1 1 8 '54 i/ o 181 4 8 100 1,346 9 11 38 IS S 2 10 o 16 2 9 O I O 198 o o 1,043 1 o o 16 1 506 13 II 211 II O OO4 271 15 o 090 047 1 126 4 8 7 10 4 1,33° 9 9 421 02 42 o 7 72 1 7 368 3 3 218 4 o 238 o o 5 1 0 320 o 1 4,665 6 9 I O O 319 15 I 20 10 o 1 j 6 o 2,724 14 7 10 2 o 243 3 i° 4 '2 7 49 l '5 7 400 989 1 o 1 1 8 i.S4 17 ° 181 4 8 100 1,34s 17 11 38 17 2 2100 1629 o 1 o 207 10 o 1,043 6 o 0 16 1 512 13 11 211 11 o 004 271 15 o o 9 o 047 1,124 19 8 7 10 4 i>334 9 9 421 12 2 42 o 7 74 ° 7 368 3 3 218 4 o 2 5 o 144 7 o 188 10 o 4 .5 o 11 15 o o 12 o 6 o o '3 5 o ° 5 ° 12 O O 110 0 I 0 0 1 5 o 8 s o 144 7 o 188 10 o 9 1 1 1 S ° 219 17 2 49 18 o o 6 1 335 '7 6 615 o 3° 7 7 135 " 9 3 13 ° 1,660 15 7 724 7 8 1,053 u o 2,950 14 6 508 2 o 255 '3 2 083 21 10 o 11 u 1 o i o 1 5 o 227 17 2 49 o 0 0 0 1 335 '7 (' 5 1 o 39 7 7 138 16 9 5 5 o 1,659 8 7 724 17 8 1,056 13 o 2,954 18 o 509 7 o 254 18 2 083 21 10 o o 18 o 2 14 0 I 10 0 o 13 o 200 2 10 O 10 17 6 o 15 0 Totals 140 14 9 140 14 9 25,909 2 6 25,967 16 9 82 o 6 'otal RoTcnue from License and other Fees 2,52 4 2 2,52 4 2 47>°23 o 3 47,119 17 4 135 7 1










£ s. d. Revenue:— Land-Tax ... Postal Telegraphic Miscellaneous ... ... 56,428 5 9 55 ° ° 27 10 o 254 9 2






.. Postal Telegraphic Miscellaneous ... ... 56,428 5 9 55 ° ° 27 10 o 254 9 2

Balances on 31 March, 1880. Receipts. Payments. Balances on 31 Mabch, 1881. Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account „ „ Inrestment Acet. Canterbury Surplus Land Fund Account .. 8-ineral Assembly Library Fund Account.., Hawke's Bay Surplus Land Fund Account Imperial Pensions Expenses Account ... Native Account, Thames „ Coromandel Nelson Rifle Prizs Fund Account „ ,, Investment Account North Otago District Public Works Loan Act Account Otago Education Reserves Account 'Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act, 1870," Account Railway Servants Fund Account... Temporary Deposits Account Unclaimed Balances Account „ Property Account University Endowment Account, Westland Waiau Sheep-Dip Account Waimakariri Bridge Account Waitara Bridge Endowment Account Westland Loan Act Redemption Account... £ s. d. 1,990 1 10 Z5ri,5oo o o 34,220 9 1 £ s. d. 421 8 11 1,500 o o £ 8. d. 221 10 9 2,000 o o I3.i64 9 3 75 ° o 96 5 2 2,133 8 o £ a. d. 2,190 o o JD)'2,OOO O O 21,055 '9 10 75 o o 181 17 S 1,165 12 10 967 15 2 749 3 3 76 7 3 84 o o 85 12 3 i.SiS 18 7 Dr. 700 o o 2,140 o 6 968 10 o 337 l6 o 46,429 16 1 2,449 I 4 162 13 4 8,673 13 » 2,192 o o 62 15 S 80 s 8 39.7°7 7 7 1,007 7 " 100 870 22 10 o 392 15 2 300 o o 10,794 I II 3' 12 3 20 o o 56.374 13 10 1,481 16 II 749 3 3 76 7 3 1.207 3 5 Dri,ooo o o 19 12 6 3,128 17 9 42 15 5 418 1 8 29,762 9 10 1,974 12 4 163 13 4 870 170 19 8 677 6 o 11 10 o 148 9 8 677 6 o 11 10 o 60 17 6 82 13 4 143 10 10 Totals 90,260 o 2 87,229 4 1 58,742 11 6 55.7" IS 5





iRDnUKY REVENUE ACCOUNT:— Foe Sehvices Not Pbovided ioe: — M iscellaneous, — Subsidies to — County of Westland Borough of Akaroa ... Borough of Ashburton £ s. d. 201 18 3 424 7 10 884 1 0 £ s. d. 1,510 7 1 600 0 0 £ s. d. Grant-in-aid to Wellington College Gratuities, — To widow of P. H. King, Clerk to Bench, Waiuku To widow of T. A. Mansford, District Judge, Wellington ... To widow of H. Daore, Sheep Inspector, Auckland To J Macfarlano, for rescuing crew of schooner "Vibilia" 200 0 0 54 3 4 13 1 4 40 8 0 307 12 8 Amounts written off, — Railway station accounts for deficiencies, bad debts, Railway surcharges for carriage of materials, &e.,.. 705 7 11 328 1 6 377 6 5 Pees, Fines, and Duties remitted, — S. Or. Viekers, stamp fees, Orewheoro Block, Waikato C. Kerr, Chatham Islands, fine for non-payment of duty under Native Land Duties Act... Fine inflicted upon steward of the ship "St. Leonards" W Hodge, fine for driving sheep without a license W L. Buller, fees on purchase of Supremo Court site, Wellington ... ... ... ... Pilotage dues on ship " Lady Jocelyn" at Tauranga 14 10 0 3 9 3 12 10 0 10 0 0 • 34 4 0 38 19 4 113 12 7 Carriage by railway of children from Orphanage, Lyttelton, to Christchurch To make good fees uncollected by the Clerk to the Bench, Blenheim To make good deficiency in the Trust Account of the late Clerk to the Bench, Ashburton To make good Post Office Savings Bank deposit at Carterton ... ... ... ... 6 11 0 6 16 20 9 0 177 0 0 150 0 0 Legislative, — Salaries, 1st April to 31st July, 1880, in excees of appropriations Weather-reporting, — Salaries, 1st April to 31st October, 1880 66 6 8 424 17 1 358 10 5 Law costs, Spence v. Pearson (Southland Waste Lands Board) Law costs, Lowry Bay estate ... ... Purchase of property at Kawhia Purchase of Section 174, Lyttelton, for gaol extension Hire of hulk, labour, &c, for powder-magazine, Dunedin Expenses Royal Commissions to inquire into claims of— Ngatikauwhata Tribe, Waikato Ngatitoa Chiefs, Middle Island 335 4 3 12 18 2 383 3 0 650 0 0 75 14 7 251 8 6 35 10 0 286 18 6 Allowance to Sir F D. Bell, Agent-General, for travelling expenses to England Claim in respect of intestate estate of P. W Mennie Honorarium of late G-. Ireland, M.H.R., in excess of authorized amount paid to Public Trustee Cutlery for Government House, Auckland 500 0 0 14 13 6 24 0 0 25 2 11 6,151 13 9 Carried forward ... 6,151 13 9





£ s. d. £ i. d. £ s. d. 6,151 13 9 Brought forward ... ... FOB SERVICES IN EXCESS OF TOTES :— Oedinary Revenue Account : — Liabilities and Engagements,—i Vote 1. Liabilities ... ..< ... Claae II. Colonial Secretary,— Vote 6. Electoral 10. Agent-General ... 13. Printing, &c... 15. Compensation Class III. Colonial Treasurer, —- Vote 18. Property-Tax Class V Postmaster-General, — Vote 39. Postal Contingencies ... Class VIII. Minister of Education,— Vote 50. Industrial Schools Class XII. Minister of Defence, — Vote 65. Defence, Miscellaneous ... ... 1,332 14 4 170 14 1 2,100 19 2 10,914 8 9 8,926 3 6 4,087 9 0 505 10 5 321 10 1 7 0 8 Land Fund Account :— Minister of Lands, — Vote 68. Survey Department ... ,., 28,416 10 0 9,808 4 10 LOCAL BODIES ADVANCES ACCOUNT:— Recoverable, — Borough of Kumara, in respect of Gold Duty erroneously credited to the Borough instead of the County of Westland ... ... ... Less recovered 38,254 14 10 560 0 4 198 11 1 381 9 3 Total ITnauthobtzed Expfnditure ot I the Consolidated Fund £14,707 17 10



STATEMENT of ADVANCES of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st March, 1881, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


Colonial. FOBEIGH". Total. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,029 ° 2 Balances of 31 March, 1880 Class II. —Colonial Secretary,— Vote No. 7—Audit Office... „ 8 —Government Statist ... „ 9 —Geological, &c. „ 11 —Charitable „ 12 —Lunatic Asylums „ 14 —Sheep and Cattle „ 16 —Miscellaneous Services Class III. —Colonial Treasurer, — Vote No. 19 —Miscellaneous Services Class IV. —Minister of Justice, — Vote No. 27 —Criminal Prosecutions, &c. ,, 30 —Prisons „ 31 —Native Land Court Class V. —Postmaster-General, &c, — Vote No. 34—General Post Office ... „ 36 —Conveyance of Mails by Sea „ 40 —Telegraph Department Class VI. —Commissioner of Customs, — Vote No". 42 —Customs „ 43 —Miscellaneous Services ,, 44 —Marine, &c. ... Class VII. —Commissioner of Stamps, — Vote No. 46 —Land Deeds Begistry ... Class VIII. —Minister of Education, — Vote No. 49 —Native Schools ClaBS X. —Minister of Mines, — Vote No. 55 —Mines Class XI.—Minister for Public Works,— Vote No. s 7 —Railways „ 60—Public Buildings ,, 61—Inspection of Machinery Class XII. —Minister of Defence, — Vote No. 63 —Militia and Volunteers ,, 64 —Constabulary, &c. General Imprest Account Imperial Pensions Account Silver and Bronze Coin Account Crown Agents 1,029 ° 2 58 9 o 1000 58 9 o 1000 90 9 10 283 10 7 Oo o o 9166 525 12 10 90 9 10 283 10 7 60 o o 9166 427 12 10 98 o o "3 15 8 113 15 8 791 10 11 3 S ' 8138 791 10 11 3 5 1 81 3 8 39 '3 8 102 14 10 573 2 8 39 13 8 102 14 10 573 2 8 286 3 1 38 16 o 134 10 o 39 15 6 325 18 7 38 16 o 2,294 10 0 2,160 o o 306 1 10 306 1 10 44 16 8 217 15 4 2C2 12 o Cr. 158 1 8 Cr. 158 1 8 4,945 12 o 130 o o Cr. 16 18 o 5,568 15 5 I0.5H 7 5 130 o o Cr. 16 18 o 7170 13,184 10 10 235 H " 620 16 8 349 l6 1 28,014 8 6 71 7 o 13,534 6 11 28,014 8 6 235 14 11 620 16 8 22 o o 2200 Unauthorized, — In Excess of Appropriations, — Vote No. 1 —Liabilities Class II. —Colonial Secretary, —■ Vote No. 6—Electoral ,, is—Printing, &c Class III. —Colonial Treasurer, — Vole No. 18—Property-tax ... Class IV. —Minister of Justice, —■ Vote No. 31 —Native Land Court Class V. —Postmaster-General, — Vote No. 39 —Contingencies .,, 689 19 11 25 o o 129 3 4 7.883" 4 3 689 19 11 25 o o 8,012 7 7 131 9 2 131 9 2 394 '9 10 50 o o 394 19 10 75 o o 125 o o Land Eund Account, — Vote No. 69 —Photo-Lithographic Printing Unauthorized, — Vote No. 68 —Survey Department 24,883 7 o 44.463 's 1 69,347 2 ' 190 o o 190 0 o 3,043 17 2 230 o o 3.273 '7 2 Accounts of Local Bodies, — Gold Fields Native Account, Te Aroha 6 1 o 6 1 o Deposit Accounts, — Temporary Deposits 2S. 694 l3 'I 25,694 13 11 Totals 27: 98,511 14 2 133 •o,.

B—B. 1.








£ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. RECEIPTS. Balance on 31st March, 1880,— Cash in the Colony and in London Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — In the Colony ... In London 862,410 4 2 24,694 3 11 291,069 6 0 315,763 9 11 17,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 Wanganui Harbour Board Debentures Waimea Plains Railway Company Debentures ... Treasury and Deficiency Bills, representing temporary AdTances to the Consolidated Fund 992,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1879," — Balance of Loan ... ... ,.. Special Receipts under Section 9 of " The Railways Construction Act, 1878 " Miscellaneous Recoveries Temporary Advances obtained on the Security of the Imperial Guaranteed Debentures of " The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 " 2,227,173 14 1 751,000 0 0 1,841 2 1 41,333 2 8 300,000 0 0 1,094,174 4 9 H ote.—Balance on 31st March, 18S0, subject to Liabilities,— Balance as above ... ... ■' ... ... £2,227,173 14 1 Balance to be received of the Five Million Loan of 1879 751,000 0 0 Imperial Guaranteed Debentures unissued ... 800,000 0 0 Total £3,778,173 14 1 £3,321,347 18 10



WORKS FUND for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. EXPENDITURE. Annual Appropriations, — Class I.—Immigration ... ... ... ... „ II. —Public Works, Departmental „ III. —Railways „ IV. —Surveys of New Lines „ V.—Roads ... „ YI. —Land Purchases ... „ VII.—"Waterworks on Gold Fields „ VIII. —Telegraph Extension „ IX.—Public Buildings „ X. —Lighthouses „ XI.' —Miscellaneous Public Works „ XII. —Contingent Defence ... ... ... „ XIII. —Charges and Expenses 31,134 10 4 13,659 1 8 969,165 8 6 7,709 3 6 179,599 15 9 55,327 18 1 16,590 13 11 45,281 8 4 205,733 14 5 2,635 15 3 84,091 3 0 154,000 0 0 193,356 16 5 1,958,351 9 2 Services not provided for ... ... ... ... 2,622 19 6 1,960,974 8 8 Balance on 31st March, 1881,— Cash in the Colony and in London, and in transits to London Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government, — In the Colony ... ... ... ... ... In London 693,544 4 1 10,519 4 0 113,410 2 1 123,929 6 1 Amount in fixed deposit with the Colonial Bank of New Zealand, London, due 1st April, 1881 Wanganui Harbour Board Debentures New Zealand Government 5/40 Debentures Treasury Bills, representing temporaiy Advances to the Consolidated Fund 50,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 44,000 0 0 431,900 0 0 1,360,373 10 2 Note.—Balance on 31st March, 1881, subject to Liabilities,— Balance as above ... ... ... ...£1,360,373 10 2 Balance of Imperial Guaranteed Debentures unissued 500,000 0 0 £3,321,347 18 10 £1,860,373 10 2





MISCELLANEOUS RECOVERIES :— Immigeation :— Outfit and Passage-moneys, &c.... On account of Emigrants' Promissory Notes, — Auckland ... ... ... ... Taranaki ... ... ... .. . .. Bawke's Bay ... ... ... ... Wellington ... ... ... ... , ... Marlborough Canterbury Westland Otago £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 536 i^ 6 36 8 6 1 7 o 1466 26 3 5 12 10 o 420 17 10 [ O O 254 3 6 Rent of Motu Ihi (Quarantine Island, Auckland), i April, 1880, to 28 February, 1881 ... Forfeited Land under " Immigration Land Act, 1873 " Miscellaneous 766 16 9 46 s o 76 10 o 706 ',433 9 9 Depabtmental, Head Ofmce : — Sale of Hulk " Omega " to Wellington Corporation Contingencies 35° ° ° III O Head Office, Nobth Isiand :— For Instruments supplied Miscellaneous ... 351 " ° 171 3 6 1 10 o 172 13 6 Railways : — Kawakawa Kaipara to Waikato Waikato to Thames, — Hamilton to Te Arolia Te Arolia to Thames 300 17,221 s o 3 4 6 3 4° 690 Wellington to Napier, — Wellington to Woodville Napier to Woodville 7,249 10 2 271 5 1 7,520 15 3 Wellington to Foxton, — Wellington to Johnsonville Foxton to New Plymouth,— Foxton to Carlyle Carlyle to Waitara ... 1,283 2 11 312 9 5 3,369 13 9 1.595 12 4 Nelson to Greymouth,— Nelson to Roundell ... Westport to Ngakawau ... ... '... Picton to Hurunui, — Picton to Blenheim ... Hurunui to Waitaki, — Main Line Waitaki to Bluff,— Main Line Ngapara to Livingstone 2Jj 10 O 5° 5 1 11 10 11 197 14 1 3,292 o 6 9 4 3 3,3Oi 4 9 1,369 19 10 Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston,— Main Line Lumsden to Mararoa 45 o o 3 1 10 Western Railways,— Makarewa to Riverton Riverton to Otautau 48 1 10 i°3 3 (> 39 3 8 142 7 2 Roads, Noeth Island : — Contribution received from Pirongia Road Board towards the cost of erecting the Te Rore Bridge Amount received towards expense of opening-up Road between Pokeno and Miranda Redoubt Sale of old Stores IOO O O 34,863 9 o 50 o o 153 >5 9 3 15 9 Carried forward 36,' ,74 19 o


B — 1



Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 36,974 19 o MISCELLANEOUS EECOTEEIES— continued. ROADS, WESTLAND : — Forfeited Deposit, Deviation of Road near Kuruara 10 o o Roads, Hokitika to Christchurch : — Forfeited Deposit 10 o o Land Purchases, North Island : — Amount refunded by Nikorima Poutotara, on the Government withdrawing from further negotiations for the purchase of Tihiouou Block Amount recovered from Owners for Advances received re Te Ngaire Block, purchase having been abandoned by Government Amount retained out of Purchase-money of the Ngakororo No. IB Block, on account of the interest of five grantees who have not signed the deed Amount received from Riaka Whakarongotai, in discharge of lien held by Government over the Ipuwhakatara Block Amount in favour of Wini Kerei te Whetuiti, as final payment of claims on Hangawera Block, he having refused to accept 53 o o 40 o o 41 10 o 183 9 2 same Portion of the Purchase of the Ngawhakangutu No. 2 Block, due to the late Tarnihana to Rauparaha Amount paid under Survey Contract 13, on account of the erection of five Trig. Stations erroneously charged to this account Further receipts derived from sale of miners' rights, &c, in reduction of original advance of £15,000 on account of purchase of Ohinemuri Block .. Recovery on account of advances on Tatarahake Block Refund of Payment on Bangiuru Block Purchase .. Refunds of Survey Expenses, — Kaikokopu Block Rangiuru Block Te Puke Block Waitahanui Block ... 20 o o 61 13 4 30 o o 293 1 o 600 76 6 8 40 o o 70 o o 25 o o 10 o o 211 6 8 Water-races, Middle Island : — Forfeited Deposits on Tenders for Mikonui Water-race 95O O 2 20 o o Telegraph Extension i — Amount recovered from Cable Company for use of s.8. " Lady Barkly" Erection, &c, of Private Lines 12 10 o 1,485 12 10 1,498 2 10 Miscellaneous Public Works : — Hurunui-Greta Bridge, — Amount paid by the Hon. W. Robinson Jackson's Bay Special Settlement, — Amount recovered from Settlers on account of Store Debts Loans to Local Bodies, —■ Tuturau Road Board, — First payment on account of advance for repairs of damages caused by floods 1,820 o o 13 o 8 37 ° ° 1,870 o 8 Total £4i.333 2 8



STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Public Works Fund, for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1881, compared with the Sums voted under "The Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act, 1880."


I Issued. Issued in Excess. Voted. Amount Unissued. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. ClASS I.—IMMIGKATION :— Immigration ... £ s. d. 31,780 8 10 £ s. d. 645 18 6 £ s. d. 31,134 10 4 £ s. d. 7,943 6 3 —— — —— —_l 7,943 6 3 1 £ s. d. 39,077 16 7 £ s. d. 25,984 '3 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 13,093 3 3 7° Total Class I.... 31,780 8 10 645 18 6 31,134 10 4 39,077 16 7 25,984 13 '3.093 3 3 71 72 73 Class II. —Public Wobks, Depabtmental :— Departmental, Head Office Head Office, North Island Head Office, Middle Island 5.377 3 ° 3,869 5 5 4,416 1 3 1 2 6 o 2 o 5,375 l1 ° 3,867 3 5 4,416 1 3 5,375 17 ° 3,887 3 5 4,416 1 3 6,205 ° o 4,245 6 8 4,420 o o 829 3 o 358 3 3 3 18 9 20 o o Total Class II. 13,662 9 8 380 13,659 1 _8 20 o o 13,679 1 8 14,870 6 8 1,191 5_o 74 7S 76 ; 1 78 Class III. —Railways :— Kawakawa, — Coal Mine-Shipping-place Whangarei-Kamo, — Eamo Coal Mine-Shipping-place Kaipara-Waikato, — Helensville-Te Awamutu Waikato-Tharnes, — Hamilton-Te Aroha .. Grahainstown-Kauaerauga Wellington-Napier, — Napier-Makatoko Wellington-Opaki ... Wellington-lToxton, — Wellington-Johnsonyille (Tohnsonville-Foxton... JToxton-New Plymouth, — Foxton-Carlyle Carlyle-Waitara Nelson-Greyniouth, — Port of Nelson-Roundell Grreymouth-Nelson Creek Greyinouth Harbour Works Greymouth-Hokitika Westport-Ngakairau 14,287 8 1 29,489 17 6 67,412 7 10 46,317 7 7 22,581 19 6 24,309 19 6 66,324 5 9 300 100 15 12 o 20 14 2 312 o 7 777 6 o 5>I2 5 8 3 14,284 8 1 29,488 17 6 67,396 15 'o 46,296 13 5 22,269 18 11 23,532 13 6 61,198 17 6 50 14 o 167 18 2 495 1 1 14,284 8 1 29,488 17 6 67.447 9 I0 46,296 13 5 22,269 >8 1' 23,700 11 8 61,693 18 7 47,000 o o 49,000 o o 131,000 o o 69,000 o o 30,000 o o 3 7,000 o o 85,000 o o 32,7'S "« " 19,511 2 6 63>55 2 IO 2 22,703 6 7 7,73<5 1 1 13,299 8 4 23,306 1 5 79 7,156 14 1 18,000 o o 18,000 o o 10,922 o 8 7,403 19 11 14,234 13 5 IO>557 ' 3 7,O77 19 4 io,557 ' 3 38 18 10 7,o77 19 4 10,596 o 1 So 77,4°S o • 56,908 14 4 375 '7 IO J55 » 5 77,029 2 3 56,753 12 I' 817 6 7 11 16 7 77,846 8 10 56,765 9 6 117,000 o o 82,000 o o 39,153 11 2 25,234 10 6 81 8,884 o 10 14,133 2 10 20,517 19 i 8,606 13 7 2,349 o 1 51 4 10 8,884 o 10 14,081 18 o 20,517 19 1 7,412 18 7 2,349 o 1 1,139 9 2 8,884 ° 10 14,081 18 o 21,657 8 3 7,412 18 7 2,349 o 1 13,500 o o 23,090 o o *28,9io o o f8,5oo o o 7,000 o o 4,615 19 2 9,008 2 o 7,252 11 9 1,087 1 S 4,650 19 11 «3 i,i93 IS o Carried forward 484,319 11 3 15,187 14 2 469,131 17 1 47',853 1 6 764,000 o o 292,146 18 6 2,721 4 5 * Reduced by £1,500 transferred to Vote 82 by Order in Council under section 38 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1878." t Including £1,500 transferred from Vote 81.

STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Public Works Fund, &c.— continued.




o Issued. Voted. Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. Brought forward ... Class III. —Railways — continued. Picton-Hurunui, — Picton—Blenheim ... ... ... Hurunui-Waitaki, — Waikari-Waitaki, &c. Main Line-Upper Ashburton Southbridge Branch-Little Eiver Washdyke-Fairlie Creek Canterbury Interior Main Liue, — Oxford-Malvern Whitecliffs Branch-Bakaia ... ) Temuka-Bangitata ... ... _) Waitaki-Bluff,— Waitaki-Bluff, &c. ... Ngapara Branch towards Livingstone Palmerston-Waihemo Main Line towards Catlin's Eiver Waipahi-Heriot Burn Edendale-Toitois Otago Central, — Chain Hills, Taieri Lake Invereargill-Kingston Lumsden towards Mararoa ... Western Baiilways — Makarewa-Biverton ... ... ") Biverton Branch-Otautau ... j Otautau-Nightcaps ... ... Eiverton-Orepuki Purchase of Wagons Works for Unemployed ... £ s. d. 484,319 11 3 £ s. d. 15,187 14 2 £ s. d. I 469,131 17 1 £ s. d. 2>7 2t 4 5 £ s. d. 47 I>853 1 6 £ s. a. 764,000 o o £ s, d. 292,146 18 6 £ s. d. S 4 16,946 2 6 16,946 2 6 16,946 2 6 10,000 o o 6,946 2 6 8S 101,210 10 4 2,241 o 9 11,013 14 10 7,823 14 o 227 10 8 100,982 19 8 2,241 o 9 11,006 14 10 7,823 14 o 784 15 10 100,982 1 1) 8 2,241 o 9 11,006 14 10 8,608 9 10 148,000 o o 4,000 o o 16,000 o o 17,000 o o 47,017 o 4 i,758 19 3 4,993 5 2 8,391 10 2 700 86 9,865 16 5 9,865 16 5 9,865 16 5 14,000 o o 4>>34 3 7 1,581 5 10 1,581 5 10 1,581 5 10 2,500 o o 918 14 2 87 I4°>743 >9 3 14,438 10 o 2,582 3 4 .VJi 15 ' 63.958 9 5 2,781 7 10 379 13 7 140,364 5 8 14,438 10 o 2.582 3 4 3. I5 I '5 1 63.958 9 5 2,781 7 10 4.53° '4 >° 144,895 o 6 14,438 10 o 2>58 2 3 4 3.'5i "5 ' 63,958 9 5 2,781 7 10 265,000 o o 12,000 o o 3,000 o o 4,000 o o 68,000 o o 4,000 o o 120,104 r9 6 2,438 10 o 417 16 8 848 4 11 4,041 10 7 1,218 12 2 88 54,052 17 7 1,444 16 o 7.574 ° 6 203 16 2 53.849 1 5 1,444 '6 o , 7.574 o 6 ; 53,849 1 5 1,444 >6 o 7,574 o 6 68,000 o o 4,000 o o 7,500 o o 14,150 18 7 2,555 4 o 89 74 o 6 90 23,171 2 4 23,171 2 4 23,171 2 4 37,000 o o 13,828 17 8 6,665 IO 2 7,604 15 8 22,000 o o 6,665 Io 2 7,604 15 8 22,000 o o 6,665 ! ° 2 7,604 15 8 22,000 o o 12,000 o o 15,000 o o 22,000 o o 75,000 o o 5,334 9 10 7,395 4 4 9^ 75,000 o o Total Class III. 985,171 3 1 16,005 '4 _7 9j>9>_ l65__ 8 6 ■ 8,036 15 I 977.2O2 3 7 1,572,000 o o 604,256 9 s JM5JL13 °! Class IV. —Surveys of New Lines or Railways :— Surveys, North Island Surreys, Middle Island ... 1,664 * 6 j o 10 o 6,105 2 o I 95 12 o 7.769 3 6 I 96 2 o 93 9-f 1,664 1 6 6,105 2 ° 1,'M 3 6 ... 1,664 JI 6 6,200 14 o 3,000 o o 6,550 o o i,335 8 6 349 6 o ... Total Class IV 7,865 5 6 9.55° o o 1,684 '4 6 i j I i__ 1



STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Public Works Fund, &c.— continued.


Issued. Issued in Excess. Voted. Amount Unissued. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 3. d. £ s. d. 9S 96 97 98 99 [OO IOI 102 103 Class V. —Roads :— North Island ... North of Auckland ... ... Patea and Taranaki Nelson South-We8t Gold Fields Nelson to Greyniouth and Westpovt ... Westland Hokitika to Christohurch Through Landa recently purchased ... To open up Lands before sale ,., 42,565 4 8 43,77 2 :S V 27,011 11 1 700 3 10 5,327 2 o 2,555 '3 1 7,179 2 10 2,220 18 o 49,964 14 3 1,640 18 6 ... 1200 42,565 4 8 43,772 15 " 25,370 !2 7 700 3 10 5,3'S 2 o 2,555 13 1 7,167 16 1 2,220 18 o 49>93i 9 7 652 14 o 65 18 o 1,247 8 11 43,217 18 8 43,838 13 11 26,618 1 6 700 3 10 5,315 2 o 2,555 '3 1 7,167 16 1 2,220 18 o 50,749 17 4 59,500 o o 66,650 o o 48,816 18 9 1,650 o o 15,000 o o 5,000 o o i5>427 19 5 10,104 o 10 65,599 9 1 16,282 1 4 22,811 6 1 22,198 17 3 949 16 2 9,684 18 o 2,444 6 11 8,260 3 4 7,883 2 10 14,849 11 9 11 69 33 4 8 i,697 9 " 818 7 9 _ Total Class V 181,297 5 8 '79,599 iS 9 I 2,784 8 8_ 182,384 4 5_ 287,748 8 1 1 105,364 3 _8_ ... Class VI. —Land Purchases:— Land Purchases, North Island 104 Total Class VI. 55,383 9 5 55 " 4 55,327 18 1 167 IS 4 55,495 13 5 122,147 3 9 66,651 10 4 66,651 10 4 S5j3l3_ 9 S ii_iL_ 4 55.327 '8 1 167 15 4 55,495 13 122,147 3 9 I i°5 Class VII. —Waterworks os Gold Fields :— Water-races, North Island Water-races, Middle Island ... 3,500 o o 13,176 7 8 3,500 o o 13,096 13 II 3,500 o o 13,396 13 11 3,505 11 6 23,210 13 1 5 11 9,813 19 6 2 79 13 9 300 o o Total Class VII. ... 16,676 7 8 W_L3 _9. 16,596 13 w_[ 300 o o 16,896 13 11 26,716 4 7 9,819 10 8 Class VIII. —Telegraph Extension :— Telegraph Extension ... ,,, .07 45-754 11 10 473 3 6 45,281 8 4 2,223 3 2 47>5°4 11 6 43,577 IO ° 3,9 27 1 6 Total Class VIII. ... 45,754 'i 10 473 3 6 45,281 _§_^t M1-LJ5 2 47.5°4 11 6 43,577 IO ° 3.9*7 1 6 108 109 no Class IX. —Public Buildings :— Judicial ... .. ... ,,, Postal and Telegraph Customs ... ... ... ,,, Lunatic Asylums ... ... ... Hospitals ... ... ... ... School Buildings ... ... .,, 55>8i3 '7 6 9,335 8 o 39,604 5 6 2,219 4 8 99,266 19 6 411 19 11 55,4oi 17 7 9,335 8 o 55,401 17 7 9>335 8 o 63,429 o o 10,475 o o 900 o o 55,500 o o 4,000 o o 106,03 1 1 7 x ° 8,027 2 5 1,139 I2 o 900 o o 15,895 14 6 1,780 15 4 6,858 19 2 in 112 39,604 5 6 2,219 4 8 99,172 18 8 39,604 5 6 2,219 4 8 99,172 18 8 "3 94 o 10 Total Class IX. ... 2o6,239_i5 2_ 506 o 9 205,733 14 5 205,' '33 '4 240,335 17 10 34,602 3 5 Class X.—Lighthouses :— Lighthouses ... ... .„ 114 2,635 IS 3 2,635 15 3 338 19 6 2,974 14 9 4,55° ° o ',575 5 3 Total Class X. 2,635 '5 3 »S 3 338_J9_6_ 2,9: 4 14 9 4.55° ° ° ',57. 5 3


STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Public Works Fund, &c. — continued.

9—B. 1.



Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. Class XI. —Miscellaneous Public Woeks :— Miscellaneous Public Works ... £ s. d. 8s.5 68 IS 2 £ s. d. 1,477 12 * £ b. d. 84,091 3 o £ s. d. 112 16 1 £ s. d. 84,203 19 1 £ s. d. 137.678 9 9 £ b. d. 53,474 10 8 £ s. d. "5 Total Class XI. ... 85,568 Ig 21 All ." 2 84,091 3 o 112 16 t 84,203 19 1 137.6/8 9 9 53.474 1° 8 Class XII. —Contingent Defence :— Contingent Defence ... 116 154,000 o o 154,000 o o i 154,000 o. o 154,000 o o ... Total Class XII. ... 154,000 o o 154,000 o o I ... 154,000 o o 154,000 o © Class XIII. —Charges and Expenses op Raising Loans :— Charges and Espouses of Raising loans 117 Total Class XIII. ... 194,256 i i 194,266 1 1 909 4 8 i 9°9 4 8 193.356 16 S '93.356 16 S 1,076 3 4 1.076 3 4 194,432 19 9 189,430 19 9 5,002 O O '94.432 19 9 189,430 19 9 5,002 o SUMMARY Class I. — Immigration ... ... „ II. —Public Works, Departmental... ,, III. —Railways „ IV. —Surveys of 5"ew Lines of Railways „ V.—Roads „ VI. —Laud Purchases ... ... ,,, „ VII.—Waterworks on Gold Fields ... „ VIII. —Telegraph Extension ... ,, IX. —Public Buildings ... ,,, ,,. ,. X.—Lighthouses ... ... ... j, XI. —Miscellaneous Public Works ... „ XII. —Contingent Defence „ XIII.— Charges and Expenses of Raisfhg Loans... 31,780 8 10 13,662 9 8 7=7 69 3 6 181,297 S 8 16,676 7 8 45,754 11 10 206,239 15 2 2.635 15 3 85,568 is 2 154,000 o o 194,266 1 1 645 18 6 380 16,005 14 7 1,697 9 n 55 11 4 79 '3 9 473 3 6 5°6 o 9 31,134 10 4 13.659 1 8 969,165 8 6 7.769 3 6 179.599 15 9 55.327 18 1 16,596 13 11 4S.281 S 4 205.733 14 5 2.635 *S 3 84,091 3 o 154,000 o o I93.3S 6 l6 5 7.943 6 3 20 o o 8,036 15 1 96 2 o 2,784 8 8 167 IS 4 300 o o 2,223 3 2 39.O/7 l6 7 13,679 1 8 977>2°2 3 7 7.86s 5 6 182,384 4 s 55.495 '3 5 16,896 13 11 47.504 11 6 205,733 14 S 2,974 14 9 84,203 19 1 154,000 o o 194.432 19 9 25.984 13 4 14,870 6 8 1,572,000 o o 9.55° o ° 287,748 8 1 122,(47 3 9 26,716 4 7 43.577 10 o 240,335 17 10 4.SSO o o 137.678 9 9 154,000 o o 189,430 19 9 1,191 s ° 604,256 9 5 1,684 '4 6 105,364 3 8 66,651 10 4 9,819 10 8 13.093 3 3 9.458 1.1 o 1 ... ... 3,927 1 6 338 19 6 112 16 1 34.602 3 s '.575 5 3 53,474 10 8 1,477 I2 2 909 4 8 1,076 3 4 5,002 o o 31,480 17 9 1,980,205 6 4 21,853 17 2 i.958.3Si 9 * 23.099 9 5 1,981,450 18 7 2.828,589 13 9 878,619 12 11




STATEMENT of ADVANCES of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING on 31st March, 1881, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.


£ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. FOE SERVICES NOT PEOVIDED FOE :— Public Works, Departmental,— F H. D. Bell, costs of action, Brogden «. Queen Laud Purchases, — Cost of Survey of Waimate Plains ... 113 12 0 2,622 19 6 2,509 7 6 FOE SEEVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES :— Class I. Immigration, — Vote 70. Immigration Class III. Bailways,— Vote 84. Picton-Blenheim 87 Ngapara Branch towards Livingstone 89. Lumsden towards Mararoa Class VIII. Telegraph Extension, — Vote 107 Telegraph Extension Class XIII. Charges and Expenses,— Vote 117 Charges and Expenses ... ... ... 5,149 17 0 6,946 2 6 2,438 10 0 74 0 6 1,703 18 4 3,925 16 8 Total ITnattthokized Expenditttbe oe the Public Wobks Fusd 20,238 5 0 £22,861 4 6

Colonial. Foreign. Total. Appropriations :— Class II. —Public Works, Departmental,— Vote No. 72 —Head Office, North Island ... Class III. —Railways, — Vote No. 76 —Kaipara-Waikato ,, 78 —Napier- Makatoko ,, 78—Wellington-Opaki „ 79 —Johnsouville-Foxton „ 80 —Foxton-Carlyle ... „ 80 —Carlyle-Waitara... ,, 81 —Greymouth Harbour Works „ 85 —Waahdyke-Fairlie Creek ... 87— Waitaki-Bluff ... Class IV. —Surveys of New Lines, — Vote No. 93 —Surveys, North Island „ 94 —Surveys, Middle Island Class V.—Roads, — Vote No. 95 —North Island „ 96 —North of Auckland „ 97' —Patea-Taranaki ... „ 103 —To open up Lands before Sale Class VI. —Land Purchases, — Vote No. 104 —Land Purchases, North Island Class VII.—Water Works on Gold Fields, — Vote No. 106 —Water-races, Middle Island Class X.—Lighthouses, — Vote No. 114 —Lighthouses ... 1.. Class XI. —Miscellaneous Public Worts, — Vote No. 115 —Miscellaneous Public Works Class XIII. —Charges and Expenses of Raising Loans, — Vote No. 117 —Charges and Expenses of Raising Loans £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20 O O 20 o o i;o 14 o 167 18 2 340 1 1 38 18 10 642 6 7 Cr. 88 ? 5 866 o 6 784 15 10 2,530 14 10 IBS ° ° '75 ° ° 100 O O 273 8 8 50 14 o 167 18 2 495 • 1 38 18 10 817 6 7 11 16 7 1,139 9 2 784 15 10 4,53° '4 10 2,000 o o o 10 o 95 I2 ° o 10 o 95 12 ° 6152 14 o 65 18 o 1,247 8 " 818 7 9 652 14 o 65 18 o 1,247 8 11 818 7 9 1C7 15 4 16/ '5 4 300 o o 300 o o 24S 19 6 90 o o 338 19 6 112 16 1 112 16 1 i>°?6 3 4 1,076 3 4 Balances op 31 Maecii, 1880 176 12 10 100,623 3 10 100,799 '6 Unauthorized : — For Services not provided for ... ... ... In Excess of Appropriations, — Class I. —Immigration, — Vote No. 70 —Immigration... Class VIII.—Telegraph Extension, — Vote No. 107 —Telegraph Extension... 30 o o 3 10 o 7.939 l6 3 30 o o 7.943 6 3 1.245 «3 2 977 10 o 2,223 3 2 Totals 123,929 6 1 10,519 4 o 113,410 2 1






STATEMENT of the PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1881.

Annual Chaboe. Debentubes and Tkeasttey Bills in ClBCULATION. Loans. Sinking Funds Accrued. Net Indebtedness. IUTEBEST. Sinking Fund. Total. Amount. When Redeemable. Eate. Amount. Eate. Amount. Undek Acts of the Colonial GtovBESMKUT: — Ordinance of Legislative Council ... New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 ... J. £ £ £ s. a. £ s. d. cent. £ s. A. p. cent. £ s. a. £ s. d. ! 375,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 3" >• 500,000 On presentation January, 1888 October, 1888 October, 1889 June, 1894 > 387,812 11 8 311 00 112,187 8 4 ... 20,000 o o 2 10,000 o o 30,000 o o New Zealand Loan Act, i860 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 ... -J 488,000 500,000 201,500 236,000 4,583,100 64,000 13,000 600,000 50,000 20,000 75,000 5,000 250,000 93,100 1 July, 1891 15 % '9'4 1 KoTeniber, 1915 15 March, 1S91 15 June, 189 1 15 December, 1891 62,696 8 6 30,403 >i 6 6 4 I 6 5,586 o o 24,400 o o 20,000 o o 12,090 o o 14,160 o o 5, 634 o o 2 I I 1,862 o o 4,880 o o 5,000 o o 4,030 o o 4,720 o o 1,878 o o 7,448 o o 29,280 o o 25,000 o o ! 16,120 o c j 18,880 o o I 7,512 o o I h l i 1- 447425 '9 3 1,071,974 o 9 2 2 2 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 ... < > 4,660, TOO 36 years from issue 1 January, 1893 15 April, 191 3 r s s 4 229,155 o o 3,200 o o 520 o o I 45,831 o o 274,986 o o 3,200 o o 520 o o f Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 -J 1 [- 1,000,000 j 36 years from issue 31 December, 1885 1 July, 1910 15 April, 1913 25 June, 188 1 15 July, 1906 (5/30) 5 41 I 4 1 4i I5 30,000 o o 2,500 o o 900 o o 3,000 o o 225 o o 12,500 o o I 6,000 o o 36,000 o o 2,500 o o 900 o o 3,000 o o 225 o o I 12,500 o o 1,072,034 7 9 7,788,065 12 3 ... Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, J "870 2,100,000 372,100 27,900 200,000 500,000 }■ 3,200,000 j 36 years from issue 15 April, 19 13 15 April, 1882 1 June, 1907 1 Feb., 1904 (5/30) S 4 4a 4 105,000 o o 14,884 o o 1,255 10 o 8,000 o o 22,500 o o I 2 21,000 O O 126,000 o o ; 14,884 o o ! 1,255 IO ° I 12,000 o o : 22,500 o o j 4,000 o o j North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 Immigration and Public Worts Loan Act, ( 1873 t 1,500,000 500,000 17,000 1 November, 1902 1 Feb., 1904 (5/30) 15 July, 1906 (5/30) 3.4/6 12 7 13,523 7 5 ( 4i I S 850 o o 67,500 o o 25,000 o o 10* 7,000 o o 7,850 o o 67,500 o o 25,000 o o \ 2,000,000 5 2,000,000 O O r O-ensral Purposes Lan Act, 1873 ... -{ 12,300 49,500 20,900 18,500 6,2O0 142,600 500,000 i- 750,000 J 15 May, 1914 15 December, 1881 15 October, 1883 15 October, 1913 15 October, 1885 Various 'S Jul y. '9° 6 (5/3°) Y 750,000 o o J 11,766,465 o 3 r 4 ■ J, I s 492 o o 2,475 o o 836 o o 740 o o 279 o o 7,130 o o 25,000 o o 665,811 10 o 492 o o 2,475 ° ° 836 o o 740 o o 279 o o 7,130 o o 25,000 o o 782,012 10 o ... Carried forward ... ... ~ ... 13.739,9" »»973>44S J9 9 I l6,2OI O O * This rate is payable on the amount of the original issue, viz., £70,000.


STATEMENT of the PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1881— continued.


Annual Charge. Debentures and Treasury Bills in Circulation. Loans. Sinking Funds Accrued. Nut Indebtedness. Interest. Sinking Fund. Total. Amount. When Redeemable. Eate. Amount. Eate. Amount. Brought forward £ £ 13,739.9" £ s. d. '.973.445 '9 9 £ 8. d. 11,766,465 o 3 p. cent. ... £ b. d. 665,811 10 o p. cent. ... £ s. d. 116,201 o o £ a. d. 782,012 10 o Under Acts or the Colonial Government — continued. Westland Loan Act, 1873 ... ... Immigration and Public Worts Loan Act, 1874 New Zealand Loan Act, 1876 ... New Zealand Loan Act, 1877 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 ... New Zealand Loan Act, 1879 ■•• ... 50,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 5,371,200 524,000 15 April, 1894 1 Feb., 1905 (5/30) 1 Mar., 1918 (10/40) 1 Mar., 19 18 (10/40) 1 November, 1929 i NoTember, 1889 935 »5 7 4>9 o6 4 4 S 4,000,000 o o 1,000,000 o o 2,500,000 o o 5,371,200 o o 524,000 o o 4i S 5 4 5 2,500 o o 180,000 o o 50,000 o o 125,000 o o 214,848 o o 26,200 o o 2,500 o o 180,000 o o 50,000 o o 125,000 o o 214,848 o o 26,200 o o ... ... Treasury Bills, — Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873 Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876 Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 Treasury Bills Act, 1879 Treasury Bills Act, 1880 180,000 60,000 23,900 310,100 326,100 j 900,100 1 November, 1882 1 November, 1882 1 November, 1881 31 December, 1882 30 June, 1883 } 900,100 o o 46,200 8 11 46,200 8 11 3fd.p.d. TlNDEfc ACTS OE ORDINANCES OF THE LATE Provincial Governments :— Auckland Loan Act, 1863 ... ... Wellington. Loan Act, 1866 Nelson Loan Act, 1874 Lyttelton and Christchurch Eailway Loan Ordinance, i860 Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 ... Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862 31,600 I3.5 00 18,000 ) 3 3 vears from issue 1 July, 1886 Various. 9,490 19 6 6,5 76 7 5 22,109 o 6 6,923 12 7 18,000 o o 6 1 1,896 o o 1,080 o o 1,260 o o 2 2 632 o o 270 o o 2,528 o o 1,350 o o 1,260 o o 77,700 22,800 116,700 30 year3 from issue 50 years from issue 1 July, 1898 32,291 o 8 2,196 2 i 32,305 10 1 45,408 19 4 20,603 17 n 84.394 9 « 6 6 6 4,662 o o 1,368 o o 7,002 o o 1,327,827 18 II 2 1 1 '.554 ° ° 228 o o 1,167 ° ° 6,216 o o 1,596 o o 8,169 ° ° Advances on Security op Debentures and Treasury Bills: — Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 Treasury Bilk Act, 1879 ... 28,365,511 26,308,269 4 11 300,000 500,000 31 December, 1S82 2,057,241 15 1 120,052 o o 1,447,879 18 II \ 800,000 29,165,511 300,000 o o 500,000 o o * 3td.p.d. 25. 664 1 3 25,664 1 3 Totals ... 27,108,269 4 11 I.3S3.49 2 ° 2 2,057,241 15 1 120,052 o o 1,473.544 o 2 if inl





RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1856 :"— Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £425,000, one year, to 1 January, 1881 On £75,000, „ to 1 October, 1880 8,500 o 0 1,500 o o Interest on Investments Principal of New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols drawn and redeemed 10,000 o o 17,728 15 10 2,500 o o 30,228 15 10 Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Trustees 10,416 3 4 " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, i860 :"— Contributions at 2 per cent, — On £93,100, one year, to 31 December, 1880 Interest on Investments 1,862 o o 2>97 6 5 5 £40,644 19 2 4.838 5 5 Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 323 19 8 "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863," — Series 1891, —■ Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £329,900, one year, to 15 December, 1880 ... On £201,500, one year, to 15 March, 1881 £5>»62 5 1 6,598 o o 4,030 o o Interest on Investments Principal of New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols drawn and redeemed ... Investments realized, — New Zealand 5 percent. 10-40 Debentures, £30,000 at 102I per cent. ... ... £30,750 o o £4,200 at 102s-per cent. ... ... 4,299 15 0 10,628 o o 9.334 18 8 1,300 o o 35.049 JS ° New Zealand 5 per cent. 1879 Debentures, — £3,500 at 106J per cent. ... New Zealand 6 per cent. 1891 Debentures, — £2,400 at 112| per cent. ... " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862," 6 per cent. Debentures, — £1,800 at 104i" per cent. ... ... 3>73 6 5 ° 2,700 o o i,88i o o Less Brokerage 43,367 o ° 104 15 o 43,262 5 o Series 1914, — Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £488,000, one year, to 15 January, 1881 Interest on Investments ... ,.. Principal of New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols drawn and redeemed ... Investments realized, —■ New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols, — £54,500 at 102I per cent. ... New Zealand 6 per cent. 1891 Debentures, — £2,000 at 113^ per cent. ... 4,880 o o 5.476 3 10 700 o o 64.525 3 8 55.93° 12 6 2,270 o o Carried forward 58,200 12 6 ".056 3 1° 64.525 3 8



FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881.


DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ a. d. "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1856: — Investments, — New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols, — £ 1,000 at 103 percent. £9,400 at 102I „ £1,200 at 1O2| „ 1,030 o o 9,670 5 o 1,231 10 o New Zealand 4I per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £5,500 at 981 per cent. New Zealand 5 per cent. 10-40 Debentures, — £4,000 at 100J per cent. £200 at 103^ „ £5,500 at io2j „ £1,500 at 102J ,, £2,000 at 1023: „ £300 at 102^ „ ",93i '5 o 5,43i 5 o 4,030 o o 206 10 o 5,6s1 5 ° 1.543 2 6 2,045 o o 307 10 o New Zealand 5 per cent. 1879 Debentures, — £8,600 at 108 per cent. 13,783 7 6 9,288 o o Brokerage 40,434 7 6 98 o o Balance on 31 March, 188 1, — Cash in the hands of the Trustees 40,532 7 6 112 11 8 " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, i860 :"— Investments, — Defence and other purposes 4} per cent. Debentures, — £450 at par New Zealand Treasury Bills, 3I d. per cent, per diem, — £4,670 at par £40,644 19 2 450 o o 4,670 0 o Accrued Interest paid on purchase of New Zealand Treasury Bills 5,I2O O 0 15 16 7 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 5>'3S l6 7 26 8 6 "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863:"— Series 1891, — Investments, — New Zealand 5 per cent. 10-40 Debentures, — £5,000 at 105 per cent. New Zealand 5 per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £2,300 at 103^ per cent. New Zealand Treasury Bills, 1879,3fd. per cent, per diem, — £21,400 at par £5, l62_5_ « 5,250 o o 2.374 IS o 21,400 o o Brokerage 29,024 15 o 18 5 o • 29,043 o o Series 1914, — Investments, — New Zealand 5 per cent. 5-30 Debentures,— £500 at 1035 per cent. New Zealand 4I per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £900 at 98J per cent. New Zealand 5 per cent. 10-40 Debentures, — £4,100 at 105 per cent. 516 5 o 888 15 o 4,305 o o Carried forward 5,710 o o 29,043 o o





RECEIPTS. £ S. (1. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863"— continued. Series 1914 — continued. Investments realized — continued. New Zealand 5 per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £10,700 at 10if per cent. ... New Zealand 4i per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £5,000 at 97J-per cent. 58,200 12 6 10,847 2 6 11,056 3 10 64,525 3 8 4,875 o o Less Brokerage 73,922 15 ° 180 10 o 73,742 s ° Series 1915, — Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £500,000, one year, to 1 November, 1880 Interest on Investments Principal of New Zealand 5 cent. Consols drawn and redeemed ... 5,000 o o 5,161 6 o 700 o o 10,861 [4,798 8 10 6 o Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash, in the hands of the Trustees 160,184 18 6 11,565 18 3 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLIDATED LOANS :— Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £7,283,100, one year, to 15 January, 1881 Interest on Investments Interest on Deposits with London and Westminster Bank £ 171,750 16 9 72,831 o o 47.533 IS ° 835 1 5 Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Trustees 21,199 16 5 87.534 Ji 4 "AUCKLAND LOAN ACT, 1863:" — Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £31,600, one year, to 30 June, 1880 ... Interest on Investments ... ... ... ... ... £ 208,734 7 9 632 o o 445 7 10 1,077 7 'o Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 1669 " CANTERBURY LOAN ORDINANCE, 1856 :"— Interest on Investments Investments realized, — Canterbury Rivers 6 per cent. Debentures, — £40 at par New Zealand 3!d. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £1,190 at par £''°93 14 Jl_ 89 19 11 40 o o 1,190 o o 1,230 o o Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 1,319 19 11 121 £1,321^ 2 o



FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881— continued.

10—B. 1.


DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward "NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863"— continued. Series 1914 — continued. Investments — continued. New Zealand Treasury Bills, 1879, 3!d. per cent, per diem,— £67,700 at par 5,710 o o 29,043 o o 67,700 o o 73,410 o o 13 IS o Brokerage ... ... .. ... .«• Series 1915, — Investments, — New Zealand 5 per cent. Console,— f 1,400 at 1O2J ... ... ... £1,440 5 ° 500 at 102! ... ... .. 513 2 6 73.423 '5 ° •.953 7 6 New Zealand 4I per cent. 5-30 Debentures, — £3,900 at 98! per cent. New Zealand 5 per cent. 10-40 Debentures,— £1,700 at 105 per cent. ... ... £1,785 o o ,£1,100 at ioof „ ... ... 1,108 5 o £2,400 at 103} „ .. 2,478 o o £500 at 102J „ .. ... 514 7 6 £400 at 103^ „ ... ... 412 10 o £500 at 104J „ ... ... 524 7 6 3.851 5 ° 6,822 10 o Brokerage 12,627 31 2 6 o o 12,658 2 6 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Trustees 115,124 17 6 56,625 19 3 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLIDATED LOANS:— Debentures drawn and redeemed £ 171,750 16 9 116,500 o o Balance on 31 Maxell, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Trustees 92,234- 7 9 « AUCKLAND LOAN ACT, 1863 :"— Investments, — Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870, 4J per cent. Debentures, — £20 at par New Zealand Treasury Bills, 3!d. per cent, per diem,- — £1,060 at par £ 208,734 7 9 20 O O 1,060 o o Accrued Interest, —■ On Debentures On Treasury Bills 1,080 o o °39 2 11 4 2 15 I Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 1,082 15 1 10 19 6 " CANTERBURY LOAN ORDINANCE, 1856 :"— Investments, — New Zealand 3ld. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills,- — £60 at par £1.093 M 7 60 o o Sinking Funds released and paid to the Public Account 1,259 1 o i,3'9 7 ° Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 1 15 o £'.321 2 o





RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "CANTERBURY LOAN ORDINANCE, 1862:"— Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £22,800, one year, to 31 December, 1880 Interest on Investments V 228 o o ■02 5 5 33° S S t Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 8 1 6 "LYTTELTON AND CHRISTCHURCH RAILWAY LOAN ORDINANCE, i860:"— Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £77,700, one year, to 31 December, 1880 Interest on Investments £338 6 n i>554 ° ° 1.594 3 o 3.148 3 ° Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners .... 162 13 o £3,310 16 o " NELSON WATERWOKS LOAN ACT, 1864 :"— Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £6,200, one year, to 31 December, 1880 Interest on Investments Investments realized,— Defence and Other Purposes 5 per cent. Debentures, — £3,600 at par Defence and Other Purposes 42 per cent. Debentures, — £540 at par Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870, 4^ per cent. Debentures,— £20 at par Canterbury Rivers 6 per cent. Debentures, — £440 at par New Zealand 3Jjd. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £1,360 at par ... .., ... ... New Zealand 5 per cent. Deficiency Bills, — £330 at par 3,600 o o 540 o o 124 ° ° 436 12 4 » 20 o o 440 o o 1,360 o o 330 o o 6,290 o o Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 6,850 12 4 12 17 6 £6,863 9 10 "NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872:"— Land Sales, &c. ... Interest on Investments ... ... ... ... Investments realized, — New Zealand 3|d. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £680 at par 10,766 4 5 38 IS 8 680 o o 11,485 o 1 £11,485 o 1



FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881— continued.


DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "CANTERBURY LOAN ORDINANCE, 1862:"— Investments, — Canterbury Rivers 6 per cent. Debentures, — £40 at par New Zealand gf4. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £290 at par 40 o o 290 o o Accrued Interest, — On Canterbury Rivers Debentures On Treasury Bills 33O O O 0 12 9 1 12 I 2 4 10 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 332 4 10 6 2 1 £338 6 11 "LYTTELTON AND CHRISTCHURCH RAILWAY LOAN ORDINANCE, i860:"— Investments, — Defence and Other Purposes 5 per cent. Debentures, — £400 at par Canterbury Rivers 6 per cent. Debentures, — £440 at par ' New'Zealand 3fd. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £2,430 at par 400 o o 440 o o 2,430 o o Accrued Interest, — On Canterbury Rivers Debentures On Treasury Bills 3,270 o o 15 12 11 4 2 5 '9 >5 4 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 3.289 15 4 21 o 8 £3,310 16 o "NELSON WATERWORKS LOAN ACT, 1864:"— Investments, — New Zealand 3M. per cent, diem Treasury Bills, — £660 at par Sinking Funds released and paid into the Public Account 660 o o 6,174 13 o 6Ah 13 o I Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 28 16 10 £6,863 9 IO "NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872 :"— Investments, — Defence and other Purposes 4^ per cent. Debentures, — £3,000 at par New Zealand 3-ld. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £170 at par 3,000 o o 170 o o Debentures of the Loan redeemed ... Interest on the Debentures to 1 November, 1880 3,170 o o 6,200 o o 1,165 18 6 Balance on 31 March, 1880 ... ... ... Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... '0,535 '8 6 Dr. 642 9 o 306 12 7 £11,485 o 1





RECEIPTS. £ s. a. £ a. d. £ e. d. 'OTAGO LOAN ORDINANCE, 1862:"— Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £116,700, one year, to 1 July, 1880 ... Interest on Investments 1,167 ° ° '.635 17 9 Balance on 31 March, 1880,— Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 2,802 17 9 '95 l6 5 t £2,998 14 2 "WELLINGTON LOAN ACT, 1866:"— Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £13,500, one year, to 31 December, 1880 Interest on Investments Investments realized, — New Zealand 5 per cent. Deficiency Bills, — £200 at par 270 o o 319 14 10 200 o o 789 14 io Balance on 31 March 1880,- — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 29 o o "WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873:"— Rents, &c. Interest on Investments 143 10 10 4° 13 7 £818 14 10 Balance on 31 March, 1880, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 184 4 S 11 11 2 £'95 '5 7



FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1881— continued.

11—B. 1.


DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. "OTAGO LOAN ORDINANCE, 1862:"— Investments, — Defence and other Purposes 5 per cent. Debentures, — £200 at par New Zeala,nd 3!d. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £2,630 at par 200 o o 2,630 o o 2,830 o o Accrued Interest on Treasury Bills ... 3 4 1 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 2,833 4 > 165 10 1 "WELLINGTON LOAN ACT, 1866:"— Investments, — Defence and other Purposes 4i per cent. Debentures, — £90 at par New Zealand 3fd. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £720 at par £2,998 14 2 90 o o 720 o o A ccuued Interest on Treasury Bills 810 o o 2 7 5 Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners ... 8.2 7 5 6 7 5 "WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873:" — Investments, — New Zealand 3!d. per cent, per diem Treasury Bills, — £170 at par Balance on 31 March, 1881, — Cash in the hands of the Commissioners .. £818 14 10 l"JO O O 25 '5 7 £'95 15 7



STATEMENT showing the Amount of the SINKING FUNDS Accrued to the 31st March, 1881, in respect of each LOAN

STATEMENT of the SECURITIES in which the SINKING FUNDS are held.

Authority: OEOBSB Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBl.


Investments (Nominal Value). Cash. Totals. Undek Colonial Acts : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 " " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863" New Zealand Consols "North Otago District Public Workn Loan Act, 1872 " ... "Westland Loan Act, 1873" ... £ a. a. 387,700 o o 62,670 o o 390,800 o o 979,800 o o 3,170 o o 910 o o £ a. d. 112 11 8 26 8 6 56,625 19 3 9*> 234 7 9 306 i2 7 25 '5 7 £ s. d. 387,812 11 8 62,696 8 6 447,425 19 3 1,072,034 7 9 3.476 12 7 935 J5 7 Undek Acts ob Obdinances ov the late Provinces :— "Auckland Loan Act, 1863 "... " Wellington Loan Act, 1866 " "Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864" "Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1856" ... "Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, i860" "Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 " ... "Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862" 9,480 o o 6,570 o o IOO O O 200 o o 10 19 6 6 7 5 28 16 10 1 15 o 9,490 19 6 6,576 7 5 128 16 10 201 15 o 32,270 o o 2,190 O O 32,140 o o 21 o 8 621 165 10 1 32,291 o 8 2,196 2 1 32,305 10 1 Totals 1,908,000 o o 149,572 6 11 2i°.?7>572 6 "

New Zealand 4 per cent. Debentures „ 4i .- » 5 » » 6 „ „ New Zealand Treasury Bills, 3§d. per cent, per diem ... New Zealand 5 per cent. Deficiency Bills Borough of Hamilton 6 per cent. Debentures Canterbury Bivers 6 per cent. Debentures City of Dunedin 7 per cent. Debentures £ s. d. 1,000 o o 212,400 o o 1.527.300 o o 2,700 o o I3 2i33O O O 7.470 O O 7,000 o o 14,500 o o 3,300 o o £1,908,000 o o Total

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR COMMENCING 1st APRIL, 1880, AND ENDING 31st MARCH, 1881., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, B-01

Word Count

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR COMMENCING 1st APRIL, 1880, AND ENDING 31st MARCH, 1881. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, B-01

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR COMMENCING 1st APRIL, 1880, AND ENDING 31st MARCH, 1881. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, B-01

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