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INTERCOLONIAL TARIFF: PAPERS SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES PRODUCED OR MANUFACTURED IN ONE COLONY AND EXPORTED TO OTHER COLONIES OF AUSTRALASIA. Prepared for the New Zealand Representative at the Intercolonial Conference at Sydney, in connection with the question of an Intercolonial Tariff.

Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Produce or Manufacture of New Zealand Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports*), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. 3eer (bottled) ... „ (bulk) ... 3iscuits (plain) 3oots and shoes Bran and pollard 361 gals. 1,082 „ 4,034ewt. 2qr.... 11 pkgs. 1,222 tons 10 ewt. £ 79 137 4,32' 9 6 6,250 Victoria New South "Wales 48 gals. £ 7 4,168 gals. 165 pkgs. £ 1,069 2,261 3utter 340ewt. 3 qr. ... 1,631 1, Queensland South Australia ... Tasmania Queensland Victoria New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Queensland New South Wales Western Australia New South Wales 2 pkgs. 1,062 tons 10 ewt. 99 » 83 ewt. 40 „ '5 » 5 ,, 66 cwt. 1 qr. 22 „ 2 „ 17 5,458 5i5 395 120 45 14 261 69 55 3,100 2,987 260 1,170 3,494 33° 2,712 791 19,051 3,632 2,312 1,830 i,578 12,158 57,398 27,108 833 30,487 4,55i 2,119 869 12,207 174 210 359 owt. i,732 Cheese 173 ewt. 2 qr. ... 628 7,195 tons 10 ewt. joals 7,144 tons 6,187 19 >, 3 „ 3,100 tons 3,9°4 » 516 128 owt. 6,268 Doors and sashes ?lour 1,352 1,277 ton3 18 ewt. 645 13,373 1,282 tons 18 ewt. 13,461 ?ungus furniture jrrain—Barley... „ Oats ... „ Wheat 1,180 ewt. 96 pkgs. 106,692 bush. 842,649 bush. 2,518,457 bush. 2,744 i,i77 27,131 111,742 5 20,806 Victoria South Australia ... New South Wales Tasmania Queensland New South Wales Victoria South Australia... Queensland New South Wales Victoria South Australia... Tasmania Victoria New South Wales Victoria 35i „ 3° ' „ 1,164 » 30 pkgs. 75,278 bush. M,433 » 9> 233 6,524 „ 7,77° 85,"3 „ 423,407 „ 213,387 „ 3,700 „ 141,208 „ 21,872 „ 10,260 „ 3,661 14,480 36 ewt. 2 qr. ... 74 ewt. 216 2,546 bush. 4,858 „ 4,554 ,, 2,640 „ 5° ,, 376 „ 500 „ 16 „ 167 pkgs. 1,684 lides Jeather 23,824 4,2i7cwt. 2 (jr.... 18,729 35,534 jive stock—Sheep Halt Heal (oaten) ... 1,512 2,546 bush. 12,515 ewt. 2,770 878 12,136 1,510 878 5,008 4,107 2,564 125 468 577 21 4,256 ewt. 2 qr.... 36,199 Heats (potted, &e.) Pearl barley 20,790 ewt. 3 qr. 892 ewt. 54,7i° 1,066 New South Wales New South Wales Victoria South Australia... Victoria New South Wales Victoria Tasmania 20,814 cwt;- 3 V' 54,772 * Meaning all British, Colonial, or Foreign produce or manufacture of the class named.



NEW ZEALAND— continued.

VICTORIA, 1878.*

Produce or Manufacture of New Zealand Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Articles. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. £ 7.874 £ 'hormiuin 445 tons 10 cwt. New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Queensland New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales 242 tons 19 cwt. 179 .. '7 » 1,125 tons 105 cwt. 422 cwt. 2 qr. ... 98 „ ' ... 141 „ 1,407 bush. 17,418 „ 260,272 4,610 3.986 558 cwt. 643 tons 763,202 feet ... 520,254 „ 214,512 „ 318,135 .. 29,200 103,800 50,000 569 925 733 539,074 feet ... 1,288,027 „ ... 498,545 » ••• 44,000 „ ... 4.013 3.448 5.33° 31 s i>342 43i 196 493 4,797 2,402 626 676 487 2.394 2»337 1,271 650 985 150 190 3° 2,229 5.924 2,990 3,060 6.734 2,940 310 'otatoes 'revisions — Bacon and hama 1,729 tons t6 cwt. 891 cwt. 3 qr. ... 8,667 3> 1 °4 'revisions —Beef (salted) leeds (grass) 1,507 cwt. 1 qr.,.. 18,885 bush. ... 2.75° 5>32o :, Skins (rabbit) ... „ (sheep) ... 5,384,506 186,922 46,759 21,302 Victoria !oap .tone (building) Diniber—Balk ... „ Laths and shingles 3,418 cwt. 803 tons 6 cwt. 1,816,103 feet ... 201,500 3.464 2,776 5>243 386 New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Victoria South Australia ... Tasmania New South Wales Victoria South Australia ... New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales Victoria South Australia... Tasmania ,, • Logs and piles ... 2,227 11.143 „ Sawn.., 3,287,086 feet ... 18,782

Produce or Manufacture of Victoria Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Apparel and slops 4,661 pkgs. £ 122,111 New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania 3,432 pkgs. 368 „ 179 „ 434 ., 1,034 ,. 381 ,, 118 „ 357 £ 70,485 31,743 6,529 I2,2O6 41,500 20,084 5,446 13,477 6,997 pkgs. £ 177,066 „ „ (for drawback) ',937 P kgs. ••• 81,658 Arms and ammunition — Dynamite 22,330 lb. 2,826 „ Lithofracteur Bacon Bags and sacks — Woolpacks 127,7501b. 136,9791b. 52,487 2,774 I5-79 6 5,215 8,824 New South Wales Queensland South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand Queensland South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales South Australia... Western Australia New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales 2,250 lb. 14.53° » 5,000 „ 21,750,, 10,35°,. 17,800,, 46,000,, 3,850 „ 88,782,, 14,871,, 29,297,, 47,927,. 2,700 „ 1,360 „ 10,804,, 13,416,, 12,750,, 2,400 tons 17 owt. 289 „ 15 „ 664 cwt. 1,088 „ 783 ., 37,474 gals. ... 290 1,866 542 2,610 ■>245 2,478 5,633 470 3,406 539 J,i39 8,101 22,780 lb. 128,745 lb. 138,685 lb. 181,984 15,869 5,292 29,713 ITuenumerated Bark ... 40,954 10,201 tons locwt. 936 75,!29 411 233 281 296 299 H,436 !,945 1,170 i,357 1,236 3,616 346,425 4,004 Beef (salted) ... 4,452 cwt. 6,680 7,832 Beer ■— Ale and porter (draught) Biscuit —(fancy) 39,004 gals. 3,783 74,968 gals. 1,161,2541b. ... 29,990 New Zealand Queensland South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia 685,3321b. 86,957 „ H,534 „ 105,240 „ 77,215 „ 88,600 „ 18,513 2,365 345 2,631 2,159 1,813 * 1879 not received at the Parliamentary Library, Sydney, when papers were being prepared.




Produce or Manufacture of Victoria Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to tlie Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. I Value. Quantity. Value. Biscuits (ship) 101,451 lb. * 944 New South "Wales South Australia... Western Australia New South Wales 3.630 lb. 6,410 „ 17.5 29 ,. 6,400 „ 9 67 tons 122 tons 10 cwt. 59,421 pairs ... 35.707 ., 20,675 .> 21,540 „ 2,866 „ 1,206 tons 246 „ 465 45 pkga40 „ 61 „ 112,350 406,928 84,000 46,000 4.374 pkgs2,593 » 6,882 „ 262 pkgs. 675 „ 109 „ 330 „ 5,191 £ 66 165 212,' £ Blue ... Boilers (steam) Bonedust 6,400 lb. 17 1,221 tons 10 cwt 212 31.835 lb. 1,100 Boots and shoes Bran ... Brassware Bricks (clay) ,.* 141,058 pairs ... 2,345 tons 178 pkgs. 650,278 2,194 7,663 43,286 15.176 1,914 1,638 New Zealand Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales Queensland South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand South Australia,.. New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 1,100 418 916 19.349 8,647 7,320 6,788 891 7.796 1.519, 2,937 570, 449 654 294 1,020: 215 107 1.748 615 406 1,278 744 197 464 964 370,689 pairs ... 190 pkgs. 107,390 2,197 Brown ware 14,509 pkgs. ... 2,95 1 4,i39 Brushware and brooms ... 1,492 pkgs. 2,815 1,736 pkgs. Buckets and tubs (galyanized iron) Butter 6,569 794,9971b. 1.165 30,765 New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New Zealand New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 310,022 lb. 41,761 „ 131,266 „ 48,584 „ 110,972 „ 10,104 » 18,646 „ 65,682 „ 6,440 ,, 12,159 „ 9 93 16 6 372 93 29 485,736 lb. ... 483.391 ,. 51,184 „ 648 2,211 „ 1,776 „ 67.643 .. 15.545 .. 9,288 „ 6,354 .. 14,5" ., 32,393 „ 28,068 „ I7,39O „ 121,948 ,, 101,231 „ 13.654 ,. 120,456 „ 34.053 „ 3,000 cwt. 2,013 » 2,103 „ 834 „ 210 pkgs. 4 „ in „ 28 „ 655 154 190 291 pkgs. 119 „ 285 „ 129 ., 13,344 1,298. 4,656 1,582 5.19 1 464 662 2,164 231 410 580 4,367 771 395 584 2,609 648 '7,552 '6,735 1,986 54 189 7i 4,160! 896 577 397 857 1,116' 1,109! 608 4,486 3.948 393 4,098 1,077 7,577 5. 174 4,903 2,125 704 353 529 350 634 119 170 2,489 681 818,115 lb. 31.838 Candles 113,281 lb. 3.94i 482,736 18,238 Carriages 130 6,438 '45 7,866 Carriage materials Carts, wagons, &c. 416 pkgs. 127 891 3,39° 94i pkgs. 2,484 Cheese Chocolate and cocoa Coffee Confectionery ... ,, (drawback) 1,029,207 lb. ... 5,0171b. 124,6761b. 87,415 lb. 392,662 lb. 36,585 336 7.5 l6 3.i°S 14,071 South Australia... New South Wales South Australia... Western Australia New Zealand South Australia... Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania 1,031,440 lb. So,733 lb. 577,266 lb. 161,799 1b. 36,704 3,447 31,743 6,269 22,249 Cordage 8,286 cwt. 20,627 9,049 owt. Cotton manufactures —such as counterpanes, &c. 354 pkgs. 1,973 600 pkgs. 3,283 Doors 1,014 942 4.594 3,169 Drugs and chemicals 844 pkgs. 6,5H 3»585 ptgs. 25,493 1,522 966



VICTORIA— continued.

Produce or Manufacture of rictoria Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or ColoDy to wMch sent. Total Of whicli Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Earthenware ... ... Eggs 404 pkgs. 91,220 £ 1,156 410 New South Wales 404 pkgs. 83,264 7,956 6 £ 1,156 361 49 778 342 489 412 141,271 2,431 *3,ll)° 1,248 •.633 2,33° 10,785 ',575 I5,o79 14,234 12,328 2,710 883 575 80 824 828 109 3,3oo 1,281 pigs. £ 5,429 Engines (steam) Flour Fruit (fresh) ... 11 ... 318,159 centals 24,385 bush. ... 2,021 186,515 12,655 New Zealand New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand Queensland South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand New South Wales New Zealand South Australia ... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand Tasmania New South Wales 2 2 241,765 centals... 4,021 „ 22,350 „ ... 2,080 „ 2,762 „ ... 3,904 „ ... 20,660 bush. ... 3,128 „ 3,980 pkgs. 604 „ i,459 ,. 359 66 50 327,453 centals 8,143 pkgs. 191,720 10,788 Furniture and upholstery 6,549 Pkg3- ••• 45.567 53,245 Glass bottles ... 108,546 368,637 Glassware • 602 pkgs. 723 1,876 90,678 10,236 207 pkgs. 338 „ 39 ., 808 „ 1,388 pkgs. . ... 2,414 7.014 Goods (manufactured), unenumerated Grain and pulse— Barley ... ... Beans and peas Oats 1,019 pkgs. 4.'34 1,219 pkgs. 5.736 Wheat Grass seed .,, Hams Hardware and ironmongery Hay and chaff ... Hides Ink (printing) ,., 1,369 centals ... 1,418 „ 14,185 „ 179,982,, 353 owt. 37,246 lb. 3,621 pkgs. 4,752 tons 4 cwt. 8,765 tons 22,1641b. 655 761 7.750 86,432 897 1,810 ".433 26,734 9.417 i,I47 ,, ,, South Australia... New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand Tasmania New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand South Australia .. Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... New South Wales 1,145 centals ... 1,324 „ 12,904 „ 1,018 „ 97,108 „ 2,208 „ 6,438 61 cwt. 194 „ 49 ,, 23,5091b. 10,013 .. 2,876 pkgs. 272 „ 235 .. 194 .. ••• 2,979 tons 16 cwt. 537 „ IO „ 4,309 2,756 16,3131b. 3,503 » 2,192 „ 58 tons 1,680 pkgs. 909 „ 159,191 lb. 18,568 „ 11,832 „ 8,448 „ 34,240 „ 24 pkgs. 10 „ 34 tons 4cwt.,.. 20 „ 3 „ ... 21 „ 17 „ ... 36 „ 17 „ ■•• 10 „ 10 „ ... 1,035 cwt. 1,724 „ 603 „ 104 „ 76 „ ... 537 685 7,104 496 45.8" 920 3.344 211 442 i33j 1,180: 447 8,188; 1,307 699 990 15.480 3,487 6,023 2,444 806 255 77 i,97o, 2,150 1,692 4,260 382 294 169 820 1,468 i,773 943 548 563 957 284 7,201 18,302 4.4H 916 615 22,591 centals ... 185,170 „ 422 owt. 50,258 lb. 13.150 Pkg8- ••• 34,6441b. 12,307 88,626 I,O27 2,454 81,804 t.556 Iron —Castings... ... j „ Galvanized, guttering 95 tons 8 cwt.... 2,915 pkgs. 3,106 4.494 346,5111b. Jams and preserves Jewellery ... Lead (pipe) 235.407 lb44 pkgs. 65 tons 19 cwt.... 3>644 1,805 6,005 Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand Queensland South Australia... Western Australia New South Walc3 Tasmania New South Wales Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia 146 pkgs. 15.887 9.459 ,, (sheet) ,,, 74 tons 16 cwt.... J.957 Leather 44.373 <=wt. ... 2i5,7"7 Live animals — Horned cattle (overland) „ (seaward) 6,446 289 50,118 20,014 New South Wales 6,446 45 56 22 50,118 12,040 4,000 1,781 1,990 10,462 26,101 2,946 7,750 36.265 Horses (overland) „ (seaward) 10,462 133,192 Queensland South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 403 3,705 149 403 113 58 859 26 ,» New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania 3,939 141,192



VICTORIA— continued.

2—A. 3a.

Produce or Manufacture of Victoria Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Live animals — continued. Sheep (overland) „ (seaward) Machinery (agricultural) „ (unenumerated) Manufactures of metal ,.. 442,509 12,167 546 pigs. 7,801 pkgs. 4,832 pigs. ... £ 201,148 16,802 10,856 53.467 8,652 New South Wales New Zealand Queensland South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales Tasmania 442.5O9 59° 709 368 24 10,247 395 Pkgs47 25 52 5,154 pkgs. 912 „ 414 „ 1,142 „ 3,017 ,. 34° ., 932 432 „ 218 pkgs. £ 201,148 3,275' 3.890 I.47 2; '.94O, 6,070 7,623 966 577 i,542 22,440 20,622 4,546 4,i97 4,853 1,030 995 1,625 1.556 826 446 566 95° 2,196 308 453 3°9 987 738 461 199 538 112 12,210 571 pkgs. 10,407 pkgs. 7,051 pkgs. 11,672 81,016 18,037 £ 17,802 Marble (wrought) 416 pkgs. 3,455 no „ Meats (preserved) Molasses ... 2,985,340 lb. ... 2,597 cwt. 74.837 2.7°5 55 .. 3° » 24,1171b. 55.283 „ 9,609 „ 12,165 „ 249 cwt. 988 „ 738 „ 428 „ 184 „ 48,303 feet 11,529 „ 2,863 cwt. 2,987 Mouldings (unenumerated) 74,274 feet 779 Oatmeal ... 6,602 cwt. 9,6i3 New South Wales South Australia... Western Australia New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales 5,880 cwt. 496 „ 129 „ 2,759 gals. 1.015 ,. 3,049 ., 1,906 pkgs. 236 „ 584 252 „ 141 „ 725 tons 9 cwt. 52 „ 10 „ 140 „ 10 „ 135 pigs. 17 „ 15 ,, 61 „ 473 cwt. 320 „ 153 „ 273 ,, 492 „ 782 „ 473 „ 221 „ 283 „ 10,227 lb. 2.016 „ 12,563 „ 3,452 pkgs. 83 215 „ 178 628 cwt. 560 pkga. 245 ,. 258 „ 147 „ 260 tons 6 cwt. 77 cwt. 128,, 12,913 tons 5 cwt. 146 „ 16 „ 3,572 „ 1 „ '94 ., 13 » 20 pkgs. 8,608 694 186 548 240 268 4.713 656 1,073 792 403 7.53O 726 2,051 1,854 208 465 687 640 684 427 748 899 2,076 i,493 538 726 259 102 388 10,669 1,028 2,211 920 402 1,964 i,387 1,053 53O 1,702, 275 424 54,437 912 15,528 838 3" 602 108 Oil (neatsfoot) 4,094 gals. 864 „ (from tallow) Oilmen's stores (unenumerated) 202,426 gals. ... 3,226 pkgs. 18,116 7,8io New Zealand ... South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 7,226 pkgs. 19,058 Onions 926 tons 10 cwt. 370 pkgs. 10,394 Paintings and engravings 241 pkgs. 3,752 5.764 Paper—(printing) „ (wrapping) 473 cwt. 1,306 „ 640 2,9H 3,758 cwt. 2.579 .. 10,765 5,922 „ bags Pepper 1,868 cwt. 29,473 lb- . ■■■ 5,O52 908 New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia ... New South Wales New Zealand South Australia ... Tasmania New South Wales 2,207 cwt. 177,522 lb. 5,775 4,624 Personal effects 4,176 pigs. ... 20,042 4,854 pkgs31,381 Pitch and tar ... ..4 Plants 628 cwt. 1,269 pkgs. 1,278 cwt. 402 5.' 27 961 Pollard Pork (salted) ... 290 tons 7 cwt. 285 cwt. New Zealand South Australia ... Tasmania New South Wales 1.939 9°3 685 cwt. 2,046 Potatoes 17,094 tons ... 72.9 83 South Australia ... New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand Tasmania 1,303 pkgsPrinting materials 81 pkgs. 1,021 i7,°5» 52 ,, 9



VICTORIA— continued.

Produce or Manufacture of Victoria Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless Articles. Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Saddlery and harness Sashes (window) Seeds (unenumerated) ... Skins (rabbit) ... „ (sheep, with wool)... Soap (common) Soap (fancy) Spices (unenumerated) ... 1,224 pkgs. ■•• 4,287 pairs i,93i Pigs708,160 71,414 14,000 cwt. 14,11 1 lb. 10,494 ., 407 978 £ 14.554 2,029 7,O7» 6,114 10,204 •4,475 New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales South Australia ... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia ... Tasmania New South Wales Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New Zealand New South Wales New Zealand South Australia ... New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales New Zealand South. Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 915 pkgs. 100 „ 98 „ 69 „ 40 „ 3,162 pairs 400 „ 614 „ 661 pkgs. 55i .. 244 „ 263 „ 2,400 2,305 5,649 7,414 cwt. 35° » i,934 „ 128 „ 3,180 „ 8,756 cwt. 4,108 lb. 1,680 „ 4,273 ,, 1,642 gals. 281 „ 895 ,. 487 .. 1,044 pkgs304 „ 265 „ 124 „ 8,862 cwt. 345 tons 18 cwt. 1,897 cwt. 61,464 „ 9,494 „ 4.497 791 „ 1,300 ,, 985 „ 718 „ 173 tons 2 cwt.... 176 pkgs. 67,926 sup. ft. ... £ 8,255 2,540 1,817 1,229 688 i,S46 158 270 1,657 2,607 936 654 23 482 1,053 7,960 482 '.79 1 173 3.110 244 3S1 196 396 555 156 276 210 8,238 5.614 4,385 2,148 25,162 1,900 3,049 104,042 '5.773 7,702 1,272 2,297 1,695 i,i53 5.253 1,623 912 711,844 18,648 lb. 47.57° .. 1,627 P1^ £ 21,457 6,206 639 3.294 Spirits (cordials and bitters) 3,487 gals. 1,267 6,800 gals. 3,668 Stationery i,75 6 Pkg820,588 2,904 pkgs. 40,452 Stearine Stone (wrought) Sugar (refined).., 9,410 cwt. 387 tons 77,352 cwt. ... 26,616 2,059 130,566 ,, 88,938 owt. New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania 148,181 „ „ (drawback) 3,794 cwt. 6,417 68,318 cwt. •05>074 Tallow Tents and tarpaulins Timber ■— Dressed (other than flooring) Timber —Undressed 3,298 tons 176 pkgs. 67,926 sup. ft.... 103,879 1,623 912 New South Wales 298,659 sup. ft. ,, 3.7" 2,S I4,937sup-ft-17,334 New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Western Australia New South Wales South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales 1,257,286 sup. ft. 29,308 „ 1,113,996 „ 32,373 .. 26,810 „ 896,058 „ 61,680 „ 15,220 „ 30,419 ,. 74,105 4,800 29,595 7.457 13.931 846 pkgs. 125 „ 372 „ 903 „ 119 „ 255 .. 195 ., 534 ,, i,i37 .- 1,771 gals. 1,380 „ 14,007 cwt. 676 „ 672 gals. 344 pkgs. 627 „ 174 „ 1,798 gals. 1,348 „ 230 „ 1,170 „ 2,662 pkgs. 174 „ 273 .. 203 „ 66,431 yds. 21,920 „ 20,882 „ 4,443 » 7.596 625 8,34' 207 212 4,691 462 132 230 491 25 1,016 252 5°o 3,601 767 533 24,"5 i,53o 4,638 10,170 358 623 909 683 2,275 182 116 3,197,892 sup. ft. 26,240 „, Eed gum 982,846 sup. ft. 93,130 sup. ft. ... 122,370 5,350 „ Logs ... „ Palings 30,419 sup. ft. ... 9°,345 230 597 1,348 843 Tasmania New South Wales „ Posts and rails ... „ Spokes and felloes 32,095 22,345 1,107 801 South Australia.,. New South Wales New Zealand New South Wales Tinware Tools and utensils Travellers' samples 1,011 pkgs. 372 pkgs. 1,474 „ 4,610 533 4O,5I3 1,724 pkgs. 3>946 >. 6,598 104,699 Turnery 1,770 pkgs. 3,246 gals. 1,061 1,642 New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand New South Wales Tasmania New South Wales 4,049 gals. Varnish 2,071 Vegetables (fresh) 14,920 cwt. 2,500 I9,925 gals1,297 pkgs. 2,188 2.759 Vinegar Wickerjand basket-ware... 672 gals. 1,238 pkgs. 116 2,417 New Zealand South Australia... New South Wales New Zealand ... Tasmania New Zealand New South. Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania 492 1,277 504 1,114 663 135 393 4,542 606 846 492 13,788 4,533 4,384 1.079 Wine (bottled) 6,959 gals3,660 22,461 gals. ,,. 14.535 „ (wood) ... Woodenware^f... 5.395 gals3.367 pkgs. 1,532 6,612 117,091 gals. ... S,i79pkgs. ... 39,'79 11,128 Woollen piece goods (broad and narrow cloths, tweeds, &c.) "3,676 yds. ... 23,784 161,153 yds. ... 33.49°




'roduce or Manufacture of New South Wales Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. 29,578 gale. ... £ 2,331 Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria Queensland Tasmania New Zealand Victoria New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Queensland Victoria New Zealand South Australia... Tasmania Queensland Jfew Zealand Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria South Australia... Tasmania New Zealand Queensland Western Australia Victoria South Australia... New Zealand Queensland New Zealand Tasmania South Australia... Queensland Victoria South Australia... New Zealand Queensland Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria South Australia... Tasmania New Zealand Queensland Victoria South Australia,.. Tasmania New Zealand Queensland 208 gals 270 „ 1,606 ,, 8,706 lb. 23,846 „ 42 tons 2,029 » 255>°99lb55.849 » 266,503 „ 24,174 „ 399.3OI ,. 27.543 P^ ... i8r,i35 „ 173.903 .. 800 „ 1,034 167 5,475 lb. 8,124 .. 79.353 .. 299,987 tona 101,468 „ 26,907 „ 177.700 „ 13.079 » 1,946 „ 8,933 cwt. 2,880 „ 325 .. 24 „ 955 .. 22 „ 8gi „ 189 „ 30,3841b. 1,182 „ 3,050 „ 7,024 „ 4,902 cwt. 5 .. 7.423 ., 4,000 lb. 4,560 „ 40 „ 3,600 „ 34,424 „ 113,465 cases ... 897 ,. ... 5,820 „ 44,514 „ 55>3'7 „ ••• £ 18 68,718 gals. £ 7.524 Beer (in wood)... '9 135 55 358 250 12,273 ",357 1,807 7.213 935 n.558 236 2,993 1,221 6 223 1,677 '55 231 3,384 204,717 64,107 18,881 124,031 8,169 i,293 26,875 9,886 1,054 7£ 2,246 48 206 411 327 7 30 80 2,917 3 4,681 100 106 Biscuits 205,2221b. 2,435 231,1621b. 2,919 Bonedust ... 2,080 tons 12,579 Butter 1,098,5221b. 39,43' 5,838 Carriage and cart-makers' materials 384.655 Pig3- ••• 4,7H 387,412 pkgs. ... Carts and wagons Cheese 212 122,6981b. 214 141,1381b. 2,575 4,334 2.555 3.648 Coal ... 998,049 tons ... 694,707 Copper (raw) ... 82,135 cwt. 373.4io 256,437 n8,8o2 owt. •.., Cordage and rope 1,656^ cwt. 3,852 3,542 cwt. 8,590 Ksh (salt, dried, and preserved) 47,222 lb. 478 1,244,8961b. ,.. 33.240 Flour 17,298 cwt. 10,766 60,61? cwt. 38,808 „ (corn) ... 48,5761b. 1,134 67,538 lb. i,S83 1 Fruit (green) ... 223,920 cases ... 86,667 90 790 40,852 318 340 17,893 25,222 228,918 cases ... 89,083 Grain and Pulse — Barley 3,457 bush. ... Victoria Queensland ... South Australia... Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria ... South Australia... Tasmania New Zealand Queensland Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria Queensland Victoria New Zealand Queensland Victoria Queensland New Zealand Victoria South Australia... Tasmania 2,170 bushels... 692 „ ... 498 „ ... '8,353 >, ■•• 1,875 .» ••■ 29,229 „ ... 744,061 „ 32,264 „ ... 4,068 „ 48,849 „ 2,334 >, ••• 4,823 „ ... 210 „ 6,755 ., ■•• 37,4oo „ ... 284 „ ... 1,945 cwt. 2,344 ,, 4,810 „ 14,041 lb. 206 pkgs. 99 >• 64 ), 41 >. 39 » 367 120 76 964 in 100,897 4.488 593 7,412 338 788 116,078 bush. ... 22,120 582 Bran and pollard 62,215 bust- •■• 3,389 94,205 bush. ,,, 5,o85 Maize 834,873 bush. ... 114,160 835,697 busn- "• 114,286 Oats 11,822 bush. ... 30,008 bush. ... 5,564 1,992 40 i>i57 11,108 101 425 3'8 1,128 556 2,128 2,231 '.317 759 722 Wheat 37,684 bush. ... 11,209 52,331 bush. ... 14,729 Hay ... 11,641 cwt. ... 2,291 12,141 cwt. ... 2,448 Hair (horse and cow) Leather (unmanufactured) 41,0501b. ... 3,202 pkgs. 1,726 62,870 44,357 lb. 3,298 pkgs. 1,888 67.643



NEW SOUTH WALES— continued.


'roi luce or '.aim] fad ture ol 'ew ioul les !xpo: Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. £ 47=759 Victoria South Australia... Tasmania New Zealand Queensland "Victoria Tasmania South Australia... New Zealand Queensland Victoria Queensland South Australia,.. Victoria South Australia... Queensland Victoria 132 pkgs. 71 „ 7° „ 54 „ 1,631,, 49,272 1,196 6,639 625 143 1.732 3°3 76 781,386 189,451 486 5.634 23.175 cwt893 1,887 cwt12,840 baga 1,283 pkgs. 806 „ 16,654 cwt. 2,400 lb. 25,269 „ 37.I9I » 3.834 >, 77.528 „ 1,379 cwt. 357 pkgs81 „ 26,821 1,450 bdls. i8,733 gals. ... 4.99° » 3.235 » 1,600 lb. 257 bales 59 „ 38 „ 255 cwt. 2,562 blks. 102,659 „ 2,148,626 feet ... 3O5.594 „ ... 79.469 „ ... 1,990,680 „ 177.721 » ••• 3,724 gals. 6,200 „ 3.73° .. £ 1,059 1,294 1,540 1,074 40,423 331,934 7,7i4 56,431 3,294 4,7O7 2O,:2I 8,619 1,246 346,251 113,029 2,75O 9,878 11,716 511 1,009 io,955 2,932 3,O55 4,798 54 678 1,012 86 2,578 1,534 8,038 3,189 18,665 8,658 2,"5 556 376 20 2,956 871 383 328 3,328 165,543 6,882 1,684 675 20,734 806 651 2,686 1,853 6,089 pkgs. £ 103,206 Qeather (boots and shoes) 2,106 pkgs. Livestock—Cattle 58,050 405,051 „ Horses 2,236 33.449 „ Sheep 978,537 466,582 „ Piga Ifolasses and treacle 5.952 27,933 owt. 10,526 15.132 ,, ... South Australia... Queensland Victoria 28,959 cwt. iS.723 Dnions Jysters Plants and seeds 3,261 cwt. 13,119 bags 2,709 pkgs. I.7I3 11,219 8,045 7,450 cwt. 13,204 bags 3,891 pkgs. ... 3.844 11,299 ".5°3 ,j ... Queensland Potatoes Preserves Provisions — Bacon and hams 24,273 cwt. 16,540 lb. 158,723 lb. 7.326 354 4,77i ,, ... New Zealand Victoria South Australia... New Zealand Queensland 75,062 cwt. 84,369 lb. 271,083 „ 21,525 3>i7° 10,318 n Beef laddlery and harness 10,730 cwt. 622 pkgs. 11,846 i5.849 „ ... 10,838 cwt. 776 pkgs. ",956 18,166 ikina (horned cattle) ,, (sheep) ... Ipirita 140,917 2,306 bdls. "3,939 gals- ••• 121,679 15.676 12,829 New Zealand Victoria 141,942 2,375 bdls. 122,546 i6,S45 ,, ... South Australia... New Zealand 110,3841b. 1,007 bales 1,891 12,108 itarch. Itationery- Paper (printing) 1,600 lb. 384 bales 20 4,488 ,, ... Victoria New Zealand Queensland New Zealand South Australia... „ (brownandwrapping) Stones (building) Sugar (refined) fimber (dressed and undressed) 370 cwt. 4,201 blks. 105,278 cwt. ... 4,880,437 feet ... 520 4.256 169,819 32,002 2,186 cwt. 4,091 Victoria South Australia,.. Tasmania New Zealand Queensland Victoria New Zealand Queensland 105,623! cwt. ... 4,928,202 feet ... 170,638 32,517 Wine... I7,5i9 gals- ••• 44,514 gals. ... 2i»595 6,965

Produce or Manufacture of Sout] Australia Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Apparel and slops Bacon Bark Beer (bulk) Biscuits 5 1 pkgs. 11,8071b. 3,742 tons 6 cwfc. 38,068 gals. 275,294 lb. £ 1,313 518 25,666 3.749 2,041 Victoria Western Australia New South Wales Victoria New Zealand New South Wales Western Australia Port Darwin Victoria New South Wales Western Australia Port Darwin New South Wales Western Australia Victoria 18 pkgs. 17 .. 10,570 lb. 349 » 315 tons 634 tons 15 cwt. 37,164 gals. ... 16,703 lb. 14,264 „ 1,592 » 2,500 „ 9.296 „ ",073 ,, 476 1, 4,656 ,, 5,864 pints 897 pkgs. £ 196 885 474 '7 2,296 4,406 3,600 231 218 36 125 376 563 25 220 257 8,903 768 pkgs. 31,8451b. 3,770 tons 6 cwt. 43,406 gals. 331,3461b. £ 18,545 ».34° 25,862 4,372 2,478 Butter 50,1871b. 2,i95 IS4,7°3 1b6,301 Cheese Cordials and syrups Eggs 4,656 lb. 5,864 pints 903 pkgs. 220 257 8.957 30,6541b. '4,75 6 pints ... 1.444 721





3—A. 3a.

>ro« luce or auul iaoi ;ura ol loal .11 ! ;ral !ii IxpDl'l ;=d. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies namad. Articles. Quantity. ' Value. Quantity. I Value. Quantity. Value. £ £ £ 764 ilsh (dried and pickled)... rruit (fresh) ... 10,316 lb. 14,152 pkgs. ... 107 6,280 Victoria New South Wales Western Australia Port Darwin Western Australia New Soutli Wales Western Australia Queensland Viet oria New South Wales Western Australia Queensland New Zealand New South Wales Western Australia New South Wales Western Australia Victoria New South Wales Western Australia Queensland Tasmania New Zealand New South Wales Western Australia Tasmania Victoria 10,316 lb. 12,079 pkga' 1,481 „ 188 107 5,280 820 85 47 473 2,381 1/782 799 '9,557 209,191 16,563 212,920 19,789 992 208 288 1,014 3,578 72,052 3,595 3,218 1,290 4,79' 4.59° 218 65 1,667 58 6,545 350 1,070 191 i,732 3,053 7,091 474 325 90 44 380 34,608 11,160 1,079 219 34 40 101,404 812 <,767 ',754 1,009 1.597 5,027 2,067 5,728 421 "9 161 56,262 lb. 3rrain —Barley ... „ Bran ... 2,215 bush. 1,58= ,. *■•• 495 10,769 34i ,. 2,105 bush. 248 26 t „ 5,463 bush. 1,092 „ Flour ... 70,518 tons5cwt. 809,028 ■ 24 1,636 tons 12 cwt. 18,385 „ 18 „ 1,482 „ 9 „ 18,185 ., 6 „ i»7I9 » IO » 5,397 bush. ... 1,318 bush. 361b. 39 tons 10 cwt, 146 „ 17 .. 14,548 bush. 283,148 „ 15,220 „ 12,448 „ 4,364 „ 20,009 » 922 tons 39 tons 11 cwt. 15 „ 2,025 1,956 lb. 253,3831b. ... 13,062 „ 43,424 „ 8,192 56 cwt. 182 ... 247 ... 35 ••■ 55° ••■ 49 ... 1,1481b. H.37 2 „ 569 tons 10 cwt. 180 „ 39,853 lb. 7,883 „ • ,59' ,. 1,800 „ 10,565 tons 293 ., 2,864 cwt. 293 Pkgs. 43 tons 7 owt. ... 52 tons 12 cwt.... 18,632 gals. 7, 235 ,1 6,97' .. 891 368 „ ... 292 „ Oats 9,258 bush. 361b. 5,"9 1,687 25,697 bush. 33ft. Pollard 389 tons 18 cwt. 2,791 „ Wheat .. 3.376,9'7 bush. 818,679 lay and chaff.... . 1,026 tons 11 cwt. S.'44 lides rams and preserves 4,352 326,909 lb. 4,128 8,386 4,541 328,665 lb. ... 4,243 8,44^ Leather ... . 1 • Live stock —Sheep 387 cwt. 1,063 New Soutli Wales Western Australia Queensland Port Darwin Victoria 443 cwt. 8,8 9 2 8,122 ",O33 a tfeat (preserved) iletal (copper) 208,634 H>. 3,368 tons 10 cwt. 4,904 217,186 New South Wales Western Australia Tasmania Port Darwin New South Wales Port Darwin Victoria New South Wales Victoria New Soutli Wales Western Australia New Zealand New South Wales 211,129 lb. 4,246 tons 1 cwt. 5,003 266,345 (almonds) 56,559 lb. M75 57,2391b. 1.495 )re—Copper ... „ Iron ?otatoes Sheepskins >oap Callow iVine (bulk) ... I3,7i4tons I5cwt. 293 2,967 cwt. 2,491 pkgs. 83 tons 13 cwt.... 1,559 t°n3 13 cwt. 44,832 gals. ... 134,202 812 1,812 29,969 1,789 42,687 15,029 ,j Victoria New South Wales Victoria 9,800 cwt. 2,57o pkgs. ... 95 tons 10 cwt. ... 1,564 tons 7 cwt. 5i,472gals.3pints 4,372 30,260 2,110 42,802 18,007 ,, (in bottle) 2,068 gals. 984 New Soutli Wales New Zealand Victoria New South Wales New Zealand 2,808 gals. i,5'3 * Printed "bush.," but "ton3" probably meant.

Produce or Manufacture of Qi leensland Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonie3 named. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Lrrowroot iones Sonedust )oal 173>759lb4,805 cwt. 5.304 .. 1,677 t°lls £ 2,802 1,667 I7S 16 1,096 New South Wales >. 173.759 1b797 cwt. 1.857 „ 25 tons 3°° .. 102 „ 463 ., 560 cwt. 39 tons £ 2,802 356 500 16 j> » Victoria South Australia... 190 "6 1,160 900 1,250 Joke and fuel ... topper —Ore ... Kegulus 463 tons 560 cwt. 39 tons 1,160 900 1,25° New South Wales M



QUEENSLAND— continued.


Produce or Manufacture of Queensland Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantify. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Copper —Smelted 3otton—Raw ... Fish (preserved)—Ojsters 9,994 tons 26,261 lb. 3,793 pkgs- ... £ 32,641 66 4 2,729 New South Wales 11 6,759 tons 1,512 lb. 3,457 pkgs. 336 „ 5,540 „ 6,433 bush. 126,064 » 2,024 ,. 57,585 1,022 cwt. 1,7581b. 4,431 cwt. 5,726 „ 154 163,6501b. £ 22,402 38 2,374 355 3,732 2,084 14,572 205 47,804 993 73 i,977 31,089 196 5,028 Fruit (green) ... 3-rain and pulse —Barley ,, Maize... 5,547 Pkgs- ••■ 6,4^3 bush. 128,088 „ 3,736 2,084 14,777 Victoria New South Wales M Hides Elorns and Hoofs Leather Molasses and treacle Pearl shell Provisions —Salt heef ,. Preserved meat (other than salt) Skins (kangaroo, wallaby, opossum, and sheep) Spirits—Rum (colonial) ... 61,005 1,475 cwt. 2,147 lb. 5,373 cwt. 5,8/9 „ i,932 » 1,026,1781b. ... 50,690 i,434 86 2,438 31,839 2,096 21,223 Victoria New South Wales », a ,, 5> » 2,163 pkgs. ■ 20,418 )) 2,013 pkgs. 18,176 80,723 gals. 9,8 r 4 New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales South Australia... New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales Victoria South Australia... New South Wales South Australia... Victoria South Australia... 61,347 gals11,659 >, 7,253 ., 38,424 cwt. 3,52O •47,133 ,, 13.814 „ 3,284 „ 38,842 „ 4° ,. 1,620,317 ft. ... 1,651,090 „ 678,000 „ 2,001 „ 10,000 „ i°5 » ••■ 3,981,650 „ 15,300 „ ■•• 12,006 pieces ... 30,500 „ 7,886 1,138 681 63,084 5,280 184,869 17,839 4,557 53,239 40 14,652 13,067 8,075 30 160 11 32,279 129 125 296 3ugar—Eefined 41,950 ewt. 68,377 „ Raw 164,319 cwt. 207,392 Callow 51,599 cwt. 72,366 rimber—Cedar (logs) 4.5 T9>235 ••• 39,94° „ „ (sawn) ... 12,106 ft. 201 „ Pine (sawn) 3,997,7°4 ■•• 32,421 „ Miscellaneous ... 42,506 pieces ... 421

Produce or Manufacture of "asmania Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exports), regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Total Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Articles. Quantity. j Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Bark 5,813 tons 30,800 Victoria New South Wales New Zealand Victoria New South Wales Queensland New South Wales Queensland Victoria New South Wales Victoria New South Wales New Zealand Queensland Victoria New South Wales New Zealand South Australia... Queensland Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia ... New South Wales Victoria South Australia ... Victoria New South Wales Victoria r,46i tons iocwt. 2,160 „ 10 „ 486 „ 10 „ 8,090 lb. ' ... 3.12° „ 1,581 „ 687 cwt. 20 pkgs. £ 7.505' 11,770 2,618 357i 106 72 710 246 548 80 12,488 22,778 16,198 55 3.320 59,9'2 34.288 464 1,869 14,080 867 604 '75 3° 1,146 1,252 1,299 2,078 981 19,011 6,103 224 £ Butter and cheese 12,791 lb. 535 59S 14,279 lb. Bran and pollard 1,214 ewt. 956 Blankets and flannel 25 pkgs. 628 Fruits —Green and tart ... ,, Jams ... Grain—Oats ... 142,252 bush. ... 3,899,796 109,086 bush. ... ShS*9 100,003 15,726 5 » 32,282 bush. ... 64,304 „ 45,5° 6 >. 160 126,350 lb. ... 2,322,216 „ 1,355.92' ,. ... 16,528 „ ... 72,9°' .. ••• 96,^92 bush. ... 6,764 „ ... 4,229 .. 1,201 „ 100 „ 4,140 „ 4,172 „ 4,520 „ 7,57o „ 177 pks. 391,949 lb. 132,947 .1 6,200 „ 25,446 ,, „ Barley 8,412 bush. 2,428 „ Wheat 15,090 bush. 4,242 Hides and skins Hops ,., 262 pkgs. 558,622 lb. ' ... 1,698 26,512 New South Wales South Australia,.. New Zealand i,oC4




Authority : George Dieseuht, Government Printer, Wellington.—l6Bl.

Price 9d.]

Produce or Manufacture of Tasmania Exported. Total Exported (including re-Exportsl, regardless of Country or Colony to which sent. Articles. Total 01 which Ex Quantity. Value. Of which Exported to the Australasian Colonies named. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Valr.e. JjivoStoek —Horses ... „ Sheep 137 938 £ 7,i8o 3',324 "Victoria 104 294 408 236 285 pkgs. 157 .. 870 gals. 3,O34 „ 540 cwt. 3,644 » 4,320 pkgs. 919 „ 446 „ 62,491 doz. 4,145 tons 251 cwt. 13s » 753,250 feet ... 1,042,811 feet ... 15,962 „ ... 3,45.°,°5 2 .■> ■■• 4,675,236 „ ... 84,45° 1,241,000 1,783,000 38,010 16,740 70,382 1,123,135 612,855 971,810 961,800 58,486 108,803 107,900 611 £ 5,165 7, I4°I 10,204 13,980 2,812 3,25" ii6ji 760 700 6,647! 1,636 658 279 5,5i8 8,537; 338 249 1,993 4,3oi 73 ",583 17,376, 166 457 903 43° 245 ',073 5.J5 1 2,312 4,330; 4,124' 232; 625, 437 i,i93 5 29 323 5,398 i5, 637 i,473 12,658 2,221 "41 Leather Malt liquor ... ... . Oatmeal 1,921 pkgs. 3,904 gals. 4,184 cwt. ii,"3 876 7.347 „ New South Wales j New Zealand Victoria New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Victoria New South Wales Victoria New South Wales New Zealand Victoria ■Seeds, plants, and trees ... 5,864 pkgs. 2,660 Sliins—Rabbit Stone... Tallow 85,241 doz. 4,192 tons iocwt. 846 cwt. 7.S29 8,635 1,137 Timbei —Blaekwood (sawn) 812,181 feet ... 9> 274>5?o feet ... 2,163 33,543 New'South Wales Victoria ,, Laths and shingles „ Posts and rails ... , „ Palings 3,129,450 128,132 3,760,100 i,S38 1,788 i6,355 New'South Wales South Australia... New Zealand New South Wales South Australia... New Zealand Victoria South Australia... New Zealand Victoria New South Wales South Australia... New Zealand Victoria New South Wales South Australia... Victoria South Australia... Victoria „ Treenails and staves 316,213 1,489 „ Logs ... 1,068 i,7n „ Pine ... Vegetables—Potatoes 70,950 feet 9,344. tons 10 cwt. 460 37,387 New South Wales Queensland South Australia... New Zealand ... New Zealand New South Wales 4Si 45,450 feet ... 1,368 tons 5 cwt. 4,109 » 385 3,016 „ 466 tons 5 cwt. 1,473 cwt. 263 „ „ Onions ... 1,836 cwfe. 867

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Bibliographic details

INTERCOLONIAL TARIFF: PAPERS SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES PRODUCED OR MANUFACTURED IN ONE COLONY AND EXPORTED TO OTHER COLONIES OF AUSTRALASIA. Prepared for the New Zealand Representative at the Intercolonial Conference at Sydney, in connection with the question of an Intercolonial Tariff., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, A-03a

Word Count

INTERCOLONIAL TARIFF: PAPERS SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES PRODUCED OR MANUFACTURED IN ONE COLONY AND EXPORTED TO OTHER COLONIES OF AUSTRALASIA. Prepared for the New Zealand Representative at the Intercolonial Conference at Sydney, in connection with the question of an Intercolonial Tariff. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, A-03a

INTERCOLONIAL TARIFF: PAPERS SHOWING THE PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES PRODUCED OR MANUFACTURED IN ONE COLONY AND EXPORTED TO OTHER COLONIES OF AUSTRALASIA. Prepared for the New Zealand Representative at the Intercolonial Conference at Sydney, in connection with the question of an Intercolonial Tariff. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1881 Session I, A-03a

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