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Hocken Library University of Otago The Gift of







VOL. 11. G. —Native Affaiks. H.—Miscellaneous. I. —Repobts op Select Committees.



G.—NATIVE AEEAIRS. G —1. LANDS IN THE PATETERE DlSTRlCT—Correspondence relative to. Gt.—lA. PATETERE LAND PURCHASE ACCOUNT. G.—2. CONFISCATED LANDS INQUIRY AND MAORI PRISONERS TRIALS ACT, 1879—Reports of theRoyal Commission under. G.—3. NATIVE RESERVES, NELSON AND GREYMOUTH—Papers relating to. (In continuation of G.-3,. Session 11., 1879.) G.—3a. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES for the Nine Months ended 31st March, 1880. (In continuation of G.-7, Session 1., 1879.) G*.—3b. NATIVE RESERVES IN NORTH ISLAND—Return showing. G.—4. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS IN NATIVE DISTRICTS. (In continuation of G.-IA, Session 1., 1879.) G.—s. TRANSACTIONS OF MESSRS. YOUNG AND WARBRICK—Papers relative to, as Officers of the Land Purchase Department. G.—6. MR. COLENSO'S ENGLISH-MAORI LEXlCON—Specimen Pages of. G.—7. MIDDLE ISLAND NATIVE LAND PURCHASE COMMlSSlON—Correspondence relative to. G.—B. LEGENDARY HISTORY OF THE MAORlS—Extracts from a Compilation of the. G.—9. WAIPAWA LAND DlSPUTE—Correspondence relating to the. Q.— io. PENSION TO CHIEF MANUHIRI, OF WAlKATO—Correspondence respecting.

lI.—MISCELLANEOUS. H. 1. EDUCATION —Report of the Royal Commission upon the University of New Zealand and its Relations to the Secondary Schools of the Colony. (In continuation of H.-l, Session 1., 1879.) U. —la. Third Annual Report of the Minister of Education. H.—lb. Papers relating to the University of New Zealand. (In continuation pf H.-3, Session 1., 1879.) jj_—l o . _ Annual Report of the Otago University. H.—ln. Papers relating to the Canterbury College. 11, le. Further Papers relating to Deaf-and-Dumb Institution. H. —If. Native Schools. H, i G , Report upon Management and Working of Naval Training School, Kohimarama. H. iu. Report of Commission appointed to inquire into the Working and Management of the Caversham Industrial School. H. —ii, Reports of Inspectors of Schools. 11. I K . . Information relating to Industrial and Reformatory Schools. U. 11. Reports of Rev. J. Stack on Native Schools in South Island. H 2. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION —Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire and report on the Civil Service of New Zealand. 2J. 2a. Letter from the Commissioner of Railways for the Middle Island to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works on the Civil Service Commissioners' Report. H. 9b. - Letter from the Commissioner of Railways for the North Island to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works on the Civil Service Commissioners' Report. H 2c. Correspondence explaining and rebutting Charges brought against the Locomotive Engineer, Dunedin. j]* 2d. Telegram from Locomotive Engineer, Christchurch, relative to Defective Railway Wagons. H. 2b. SUPPLY OE GALVANIZED IRON—Correspondence relative to. H 2f. BONUS OF £500 TO MR. CONYERS —Correspondence respecting Payment of a, in August, 1879. H.—Ba. PASSENGER-STATIONS AT CHRISTCHURCH AND DUNEDlN—Memorandum relative to Cost of Working the, for Quarter ended 31st March, 1880 ; also for April and May of same Year. 11.—3. SUGGESTIONS ON FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND—Papers relating to. H. 4, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS —Statement showing the Deposits Received and Paid by the, together with the Expeiises of Working the Department, for the Year 1879. 11.-5. SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879—Further Papers relative to. (In continuation of H.-13, Session 1., 1879.) H. sa. Further Papers relative to. (In continuation of H.-5.) IT.—6. LUNATIC ASYLUMS OF NEW ZEALAND—AnnuaI Report on. H._7. IMPORT, EXPORT, AND SHIPPING RETURNS—A General Summary for the Year 1879. 21. 8. SHEEP RETURNS —Numbers of Sheep, and Sheep Assessment Collected, in each Provincial District. 21.—9. For the Year ended 31st May, 1879. H—lo. NEW ZEALAND CONSTABULARY—AnnuaI Reports on.

».—NATIVE AITAIBS. ft.—1. LANDS IN THE PATETERE DISTRICT—Correspondence relative to. G.—1a. PATETERE LAND PURCHASE ACCOUNT. G.—2. CONFISCATED LANDS INQUIRY AND MAORI PRISONERS TRIALS ACT, 1879—Reports of theRoyal Commission under. G.—3. NATIVE RESERVES, NELSON AND GREYMOUTH—Papers relating to. (In continuation of G.-3, Session II., 1879.) G.—3a. BEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES for the Nine Months ended 31st March, 1880. (In continuation of G.-7, Session I., 1879.) G-.—3b. NATIVE RESERVES IN NORTH ISLAND—Return showing. G.—4. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS IN NATIVE DISTRICTS. (In continuation of G-.-Ia, Session I., 1879.) G.— 5. TRANSACTIONS OF MESSRS. YOUNG- AND WARBRICK—Papers relative to, as Officers of the Land Purchase Department. G-.—6. MR. COLENSO'S ENGLISH-MAORI LEXICON—Specimen Pages of. G.—7. MIDDLE ISLAND NATIVE LAND PURCHASE COMMISSION—Correspondence relative to. G.—8. LEGENDARY HISTORY OF THE MAORIS—Extracts from a Compilation of the. a.~-9. WAIPAWA LAND DISPUTE—Correspondence relating to the. G-.—10. PENSION TO CHIEF MANUHIRI, OF WAIKATO—Correspondence respecting. H,—MISCELLANEOUS. H. —1. EDUCATION —Report of the Royal Commission upon the University of New Zealand and its Relations to the Secondary Schools of the Colony. (In continuation of H.-l, Session I., 1879.) H. —1a. Third Annual Report of the Minister of Education. jf. i B , Papers relating to the University of New Zealand. (In continuation pf H.-3, Session I., 1879.) jj. Xo. — Annual Report of the Otago University. JJ, Id. Papers relating to the Canterbury College. j£_ 1 E> Further Papers relating to Deaf-and-Dumb Institution. H.—If. Native Schools. j[_ Iq., Report upon Management and Working of Naval Training School, Kohimarama. jj 1h. Report of Commission appointed to inquire into the Working and Management of the Caversham Industrial School. jj. ii, Reports of Inspectors of Schools. jj j K _ . Information relating to Industrial and Reformatory Schools. jj xl. Reports of Rev. J. Stack on Native Schools in South Island. jj 2 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION —Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire and report on the Civil Service of New Zealand. jj 2a. Letter from the Commissioner of Railways for the Middle Island to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works on the Civil Service Commissioners' Report. jj 2b. - Letter from the Commissioner of Railways for the North Island to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works on the Civil Service Commissioners' Report. jj 2c Correspondence explaining and rebutting Charges brought against the Locomotive Engineer, Dunedin. jj 2d. Telegram from Locomotive Engineer, Christchurch, relative to Defective Railway Wagons. H.—2b. SUPPLY OF GALVANIZED IRON—Correspondence relative to. jj 2j. BONUS OF £500 TO MR. CONYERS —Correspondence respecting Payment of a, in August, 1879. H.---2a. PASSENGER-STATIONS AT CHRISTCHURCH AND DUNEDIN—Memorandum relative to Cost of Working the, for Quarter ended 31st March, 1880 ; also for April and May of same Year. H.—3. SUGGESTIONS ON FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND—Papers relating to. jj 4_ POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS —Statement showing the Deposits Received and Paid by the, together with the Expenses of Working the Department, for the Year 1879. H.—5. SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1879—Further Papers relative to. (In continuation of H.-13, Session I., 1879.) H, 5 A . Further Papers relative to. (In continuation of II.-5.) IT.—6. LUNATIC ASYLUMS OF NEW ZEALAND—Annual Report on. H._7. IMPORT, EXPORT, AND SHIPPING RETURNS—A General Summary for the Year 1879. jj g SHEEP RETURNS —Numbers of Sheep, and Sheep Assessment Collected, in each Provincial District. JJ._9. For the Year ended 31st May, 1879. H.—10. NEW ZEALAND CONSTABULARY—Annual Reports on.


H.—loa. VOLUNTEER FORCE OF NEW ZEALAND—Report on. H.—ll. SUM OF £300 PAID TO MR. SlEVWRlGHT—Memorandum by the Controller and Auditor-General relating to. (In continuation of H.-36, Session 11., 1879.) H —12. RUSSELL V. GRINDELL AND DlDSBURY—Correspondence relative to unpaid Witnesses' Expenses in the Case of. H.—l3. MARINE DEPARTMENT—AnnuaI Report of the. H.—l4. DEATH OF JOHN WILSON IN INVERCARGILL GAOL—Correspondence relating to. H. —14a. ■ Report of Commission of Inquiry into. H.—ls. LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION—AnnuaI Report of Departments for 1879-80. H._l6. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD—Report of. H.—l7. COMPARATIVE RETURN OF ELECTORS ON THE ELECTORAL ROLLS OF NEW ZEALAND for the Years 1879 and 1880. H.—lB. CONTROL AND INSPECTION OF MlNES—Report on. H—l9. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES—Third Annual Report by the Registrar of. H — 19a. Valuation of the Otago District, M.U., 1.0.0.F. H.—2o. TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE, 1879-80. H— 21. BOTANIC GARDEN BOARD, 1879-80—Eleventh Annual Report of the. H.—22. COLONIAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION—Report of the. 22. 23. BEET-ROOT SUGAR —Letter from Sir Julius Vogel, making Suggestions as to the Encouragement and the Value of its Production in New Zealand. 22. 24. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE —Report of Committee on its Organization, Work, &c, and suggested Modifications therein. 22. 25. VINE CULTURE —Suggested Special Settlement in the Hokianga District. H.— 26. GOLD FIELDS OF NEW ZEALAND—Report on. H.—27. SURVEYS OE NEW ZEALAND—Report for 1879-80. H.—2B. LICENSES FOR SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS—Return showing Number of. H.—29. RETURN OF BREWERIES IN THE COLONY under " The Distillation Act, 1868." H.—3o. FISH-BREEDING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COLONY—Correspondence respecting the Maintenance of a Permanent. 22. 31. WHITEFISH OVA FROM AMERICA —Correspondence relative to the Introduction of. (In continuation of H.-14A, Sess. 11., 1879.) H.—32. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA AMONGST CATTLE IN SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT—Report by T. Michie, Esq., on the Existence of.

I.—EEPORTS OE SELECT COMMITTEES. I.—l. PUBLIC PETITIONS. 1.—2. NATIVE AFFAIRS. 1.,—2a. On Petitions of the Rev. W. Gittos and Arama Karaka Haututu. (With Minutes of Evidence and Appendix.) 1.—3. GOLD FIELDS. 1.—4. WASTE LANDS. I.—4a. ■ ■ On Petitions of Deferred-payment Settlers in Otago. (With Minutes of Evidence.) 1.—5. PRESS TELEGRAMS. (With Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, and Appendices.) 1.—6. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. I.—6a. On Payment of £300 to Mr. Sievwright. (With Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, and Appendix.) 1.—7. STANDING ORDERS—On Proposed Amendments in the Standing Orders. I.—B. AGRICULTURE—On Proposed Duty on Maize. (With Appendix.)


H.—10a. VOLUNTEER FORCE OP NEW ZEALAND—Report on. H.—11. SUM OF £300 PAID TO MR. SIEVWRIG-HT—Memorandum by the Controller and Auditor-General relating to. (In continuation of H.-36, Session II., 1879.) H. 12. RUSSELL V. GRINDELL AND DIDSBURY—Correspondence relative to unpaid Witnesses' Expenses in the Case of. H.—13. MARINE DEPARTMENT—Annual Report of the. H.—14. DEATH OF JOHN WILSON IN INVERCARGILL GAOL—Correspondence relating to. H. —14a. ■ Report of Commission of Inquiry into. H.—15. LAND TRANSFER AND DEEDS REGISTRATION—Annual Report of Departments for 1879-80. H.—16. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION BOARD—Report of. H.—17. COMPARATIVE RETURN OF ELECTORS ON THE ELECTORAL ROLLS OP NEW ZEALAND for the Years 1879 and 1880. H.—18. CONTROL AND INSPECTION OE MINES—Report on. H. 19. FRIENDLY SOCIETIES—Third Annual Report by the Registrar of. H.—19a. Valuation of the Otago District, M.U., I.O.O.F. H.—20. TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE, 1879-80. H.—21. BOTANIC GARDEN BOARD, 1879-80—Eleventh Annual Report of the. H.—22. COLONIAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION—Report of the. jj 23. BEET-ROOT SUGAR —Letter from Sir Julius Vogel, making Suggestions as to the Encouragement and the Value of its Production in New Zealand. H, 24. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE—Report of Committee on its Organization, Work, &c, and suggested Modifications therein. H. 25. VINE CULTURE —Suggested Special Settlement in the Hokianga District. H.—26. GOLD FIELDS OF NEW ZEALAND—Report on. H.—27. SURVEYS OF NEW ZEALAND—Report for 1879-80. H.—28. LICENSES FOR SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS—Return showing Number of. H.—29. RETURN OF BREWERIES IN THE COLONY under " The Distillation Act, 1868." H.—30. FISH-BREEDING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COLONY—Correspondence respecting the Maintenance of a Permanent. j£ % . 3i_ WHITEFISH OVA FROM AMERICA —Correspondence relative to the Introduction of. (In continuation of H.-14A, Sess. II., 1879.) H.—32. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA AMONGST CATTLE IN SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT—Report by T. Michie, Esq., on the Existence of. I.—REPORTS OE SELECT COMMITTEES. I.—1. PUBLIC PETITIONS. I.—2. NATIVE AFFAIRS. I. —2a. On Petitions of the Rev. W. Gittos and Arama Karaka Haututu. (With Minutes of Evidence and Appendix.) I.—3. GOLD FIELDS. I.—4. WASTE LANDS. I.—4a. ■ ■ On Petitions of Deferred-payment Settlers in Otago. (With Minutes of Evidence.) I.—5. PRESS TELEGRAMS. (With Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, and Appendices.) I.—6. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. I,—6 A . On Payment of £300 to Mr. Sievwright. (With Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, and Appendix.) I.—7. STANDING ORDERS—On Proposed Amendments in the Standing Orders. I.—8. AGRICULTURE—On Proposed Duty on Maize. (With Appendix.)


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Front Matter, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I

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Front Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I

Front Matter Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1880 Session I

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