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Sess. 11.—1879. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid before both Houses of the General Assembly, pursuant to Section 38 of " The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873."

The directors have again the pleasure to report that the new business transacted in the year just closed has exceeded that of the preceding one. During the twelve months ending 31st December, 187S, there have been received 8.504 proposals for Bums amounting to £3,273,057, of which 2,655 were declined, withdrawn, or not completed, amounting to £1,097,145, leaving 6,209 proposals accepted and completed, assuring £2,175,942. This business includes 310 non-participating policies, assuring £72,186. The new premiums amount to £74,816 6s. 3d., of which £1,684 13s. represents single payments. The following is a summary of the business effected: —

Claims have arisen under 239 life policies by the death of 209 members, amounting to £118,953 9s. 7d., including £13,278 9s. 7d. for bonus additions. Sixteen endowment assurances have also matured, amounting to £7,807 18s., including £1,757 18a. for bonus additions. The accumulated fund now stands at £2,019,187 17s. 9d., showing an increase of £349,295 15s. 9d., the balance of receipts over disbursements during the year. A summary of the policies discontinued in the past year appears in the following table : —

The number of policies issued since the establishment of the Society to the 31st December, 1878, is 46,314, assuring £17,570,0G3, of which 11,090 have been discontinued, leaving 35,218 existing policies, assuring £13,392,121. The annual income from premiums amounts to £457,079 18s. 6d. ; from interest to £104,278 lls. ; making the total annual revenue of the Society, £021,958 9s. Gd. The actuary is proceeding with the sixth quinquennial investigation of the Society's affairs preliminary to a distribution of profit among the members. Although there are in force more than

Number of Policies. Sum Assured. Single Premiums. Annual Premiums, .ssurunce hidowmenl .nnuity 6,020 '85 4 £ 2,148,692 27,250 £191 9s- 4 (1per annum. £ »• d. 483 18 o 53° 15 o 670 o o £ »• d. 71,858 6 10 1,261 19 9 11 6 8 Total ... 6,209 2. > 75,942 1,684 '3 ° 73>'3' »3 3 1,684 13 ° Total New Premiums £74.8i6 6 3

Assurance Policies. jlicies. Indowmer it Policies. Annuity Policies. How Discontinued. No. Sum Assured. Annual , -vPremiums. Sum Assured. Annual Premiums. Amount of I Annual No. Annuity per ; p remium ,_ Annum. !y death or maturity surrender forfeiture 255 144 937 £ i",725 76,775 .V9.925 £ »• d. 4,223 o 11 I 58 2,642 12 6 39 10,226 10 o j 28 £ 9.'5O 4.150 4,200 £ «• d. 508 18 2 2'3 15 1 182 4 8 5 £ s. d. ; S o o o ! £ s. d. Total 1.336 508,425 17,092 3 5 , "5 5 50 o o 17.500 904 17 11



double the number of policies that existed at the close of the fifth quinquennium, the work is so well advanced that your directors anticipate being able to declare the result quite as early as on the former occasion. The directors who retire at the annual meeting are the Hon. Alex. Campbell, M.L.C., and Isaac Ellis Ives, Esq., one of whom only is eligible for re-election. The members who have given the requisite notice of their intention to be candidates for the two seats are the Hon. Alex. Campbell, M.L.C., Isaac Ellis Ives, Esq., George R. Dibbs, Esq., S. A. Joseph, Esq., Robert J. King, Esq., and Edwin Thomas Penfold, Esq. Mr. John F. Paige, the senior auditor, retires in terms of By-law X., and is not eligible for re-election. It will devolve upon the meeting to appoint his successor. John Smith, M.D., Chairman.

Revenue Account from Ist January to 31st December, 1878.

Moeeice A. Black, Actuary. Aiexajtdeb J. Kalston, Secretary. We, tlie undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined the books, vouchers, accounts, mortgage deeds, public and other securities of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, and compared them with the above balance-sheet, and find them all to be correct. JonN F. Paige, ) . ~, Sydney, 9th April, 1879. Hobebt Gilfiixax, j uc' 0"' Ed. Wa. Lowe, Kesident Secretary, Wellington,

£ o- dLmount of funds on 1st January, 1878 ... 2,269,892 2 o lenewal premiums ... ... ... 394,426 3 7 Uew premiums on 6,209 policies, assuring £2,175,942, and yielding an anuual revenue of £73,131 13s. 3d. ... ... 38,592 2 7 Consideration for annuities granted ... 670 o o :nterest ... ... ... ... 144,451 11 8 ftnes ... ... ... ... 203 19 2 £ s. d. Claims under policies ... ... ... 124,457 8 3 Endowments matured ... ... 17,042 8 8 Allowance under By-law XVI. ... ... 522 19 3 Surrenders ... ... ... ... 16,506 3 6 Annuities ... ... ... ... 4)539 3 8 Bonuses paid in cash ... ... ... 421 15 2 Commission on first premium ... ... 11,841 10 5 „ renewal „ ... ... 8,138 6 2 Expenses of Management— Salaries ... ... £16,899 4 9 Directors' fees ... 2,480 10 o Auditors' fees ... 478 2 o Medical fees ... ... 8,397 2 8 Law costs ... ... 151 5 io Office rent ... ... 2,365 13 o Advertising ... ... 2,029 3 7 Printing and stationery 2,200 16 7 Postage and duty stamps 2,039 16 8 General expenses ... 1,253 13 9 Travelling expenses ... 6,312 15 5 License fee, N.Z. ... 200 o o Exchange ... ... 770 2 o 4S.578 6 3 Amount of funds on 31st Decemher, 1878 2,619,187 17 9 £2,848,235 19 j> £2^848,23JM9 o Balance-sheet, 3] it December, 1878. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assurance fund ... £2,461,221 4 7 Midowuient fund ... 89,579 " 3 Annuity fund ... 43,672 11 11 investment fluctuation fund ... ... 24,714 10 o funds as per revenue account ... 2,619,187 17 9 Claims admitted or announced, but not paid £29,299 15 5 Annuities due ... 296 5 2 )ut>tanding accounts... 3,336 3 9 luudry creditors ... 635 o 3 33.567 4 7 Assets. £ s. d. Loans on mortgage in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia ... ... ... ... 1,470,936 1 10 Loans on the Society's policies (within their surrender value) ... ... ... 270,105 o 2 New Zealand Government debentures ... 169,958 9 7 Queensland „ „ ... 208,846 15 2 South Australian „ „ ... 21,054 8 3 Tasmania „ „ ... 106,330 o o Head office premises, Pitt Street ... 30,554 13 2 Sale of old office —balance duo ... ... 20,000 o o Branch office, Melbourne ... ... 31,186 19 4 Branch office, Wellington, N.Z. ... 8,651 17 9 Freehold and branch office, Brisbane ... 19,021 11 1 Leasehold premises, Adelaide ... ... 684 o 9 Office furniture, head office and branches 3,433 10 o Mortgages in liquidation ... ... 534 15 6 Sundry debtors ... ... ... 290 5 o Reversionary interest ... ... ... 883 9 2 Agents' balances ... ... ... 1,104 8 10 Outstanding prcminms, head office and branches ... ... ... ... 32,611 10 o Outstanding interest ... ... ... 20,741 18 2 Cash on deposit with banks ... ... 214,800 o o „ on current account with the Society's bankers, head office and branches 21,015 9 o „ in hand ... ... ... 9 >9 7 £2,652,755 2 4 £2,652,755 2 4



RETURN FOR THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT, RENDERED BY THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Fifth Schedule. —Statement respecting- the Valuation of the Liabilities under Life Policies and Annuities of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. Question 1, —The date up to which the valuation is made. Answer.- —The 31st December, 1878. Question 2. —The principles upon which the valuation and distribution of profits among the policy-holders are made, and whether these principles were determined by the instrument constituting the company, or by its regulations or by-laws, or otherwise. Answer. —The valuation and the division of profits have been made ou the following principles:— (a.) The assurances were valued in classes according to the office ages attained by the lives assured on the 31st December, 1878. The ages attained were taken as the age next birthday at 31st December, 1878, and were in excess of the real ages of the members by about six months. The next payments of premium were held to be due six, three, or one and a half mouths after the date of valuation, according as the premiums were payable, yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly. In the case of impaired lives to which an addition had been made at the date of assurance, the advanced age was in all instances taken as the age next birthday of the member. The liability of the Society is ascertained by taking the difference between the present value of the sums assured and the present value of the future net premiums. The valuation has been what is technically called a " net premium valuation," with this especial characteristic, that in the case of policies in force for five years and upwards tables have been used applicable to assured lives recently selected, formed from the same data as the Institute of Actuaries' Hm Table, but modified by the exclusion from them of the experience of the first five years of assurance. The table is designated by the svmbol Hm( 3), and determines the valuation reserve that should be held when the effect of selection has been exhausted. The net premiums valued were those arising from the " Institute of Actuaries' Hit Table of Mortality" with 4 per cent, interest. For policies of less than five years' duration the Hm Table with Hm net premiums has been used. The assurances, other than ordinary whole term and endowment assurances, the children's endowments, and the annuities, were valued separately. (j.) The profits will be divided among the members entitled to participate as follows : — (1.) The profit arising from the excess of interest realized, over the rate of interest assumed in the last valuation, will be divided among those members whose policies still remain on the books of the Society, in proportion to the reserve made for each policy at the last quinquennial investigation. (2.) The remaining surplus will be divided in proportion to the loading contributed by members in respect of premiums paid during the quinquennium, under deduction of a percentage from the loading of the first vear's premium paid by members whose policies are of less than five years'duration. The twenty-second by-law requires "that prior to each division of profits such a sum as the directors deem fit shall be reserved by way of guarantee ; aud no appropriation of profits shall be made until it shall have been certified by one or more professional actuaries, appointed by the Board for that purpose, that, according to the most correct calculation of which the case will admit, the interests of all the contributors to this Society and of persons having claims thereon, in possession or expectancy, are, by the proposed scheme of division or distribution, fairly dealt with and secured." Question 3.—The table or tables of mortality used in the valuation. Answer. —The tables of mortality used in the valuation were—For the assurance contracts the "Institute of Actuaries' Ilm( 5) Table" with Hm pure premiums, except for policies of less than five years' duration, for which the Hit Table with Hm net premiums has been used; for children's endowments, the peerage table; for annuities, the Government annuitants' tables for males and females (Finlaison's.) Question 4.' —The rate or rates of interest assumed in the calculations. Answer. —The rate of interest assumed in the calculations has been 4 per cent, throughout, except for non-participating children's endowments, which have been valued at 5 per cent. Question 5. —The proportion of the annual premium income, if any, reserved as a provision for future expenses and profits. Answer. —There has been reserved for future expenses and profits the whole of the loading, i.e., the difference between the premiums payable and the computed premiums for the risk according to the " Institute of Actuaries' Hm Table." The loading by that table on the premiums which were in use at 31st December, 1878, averaged—Under Table A, 363 per cent, of the pure premiums payable; under Table B, 28-2 per cent.; under Table J, 245 per cent. Question 6.—The Consolidated Revenue Account since the last valuation. Answer. —See page 5. Question 7. —The liabilities of the company under life policies and annuities at the date of the valuation, showing the number of policies, the amount assured, and the amount of premiums payable annually under each class of policies, both with and without participation in profits; and also the net liabilities and assets of the company, with the amount of surplus or deficiency. Answer. —See pages G and 7.



Question' 8. —The time during which a policy must be in force in order to entitle it to share in the profits. Answer. —All participating policies which were in force at the date of the valuation share in the profits. Bonuses do not vest in the policies until they have been in force for five complete years. Question' 9. —The results of the valuation showing —(1.) The total amount of profit made by the Society ; (2.) The amount of profit divided among the policy-holders, and the number and amount of the policies; (3.) Specimens of bonuses allotted to policies for £100 effected at the respective ages of 25, 85, 45, and 55, and having been respectively in force for five years, ten years, and upwards, at intervals of five years respectively, together with the amounts apportioned under the various modes in which the bonus might be received. Answer. —(l.) The total amount of profit made by the Society in the five years ended 31st December, 1873, was £545,383. Answer. —(2.) The amount of profit to be divided among the assurance policy-holders is £487,191, and the number and amount of assurance policies which participate are 33,143, for the sum of £12,984,0G0, or, including bonus additions, £13,462,G72. Answer. —(3.) Specimen bonuses allotted to policies of £100 each, effected under Table A, for the whole term of life :—

Specimen bonuses allotted to policies for £100 each, effected under Table 810, for the whole term of life:—

Specimen bonuses allotted to policies for £100 each, effected under Table .100, endowment assurauces, payable on attaining age GO, or sooner in the event of death : —

Policies in Force for

t 5 Years. 10 Years, 15 Years. 20 Years, §•2 6 3 I 3 9 1" Id 5.2 I 5 i "3 d §11 IF 1^ - a ill « <2 o a =4H O 3 <D 3 g >n PI 1.2 "II ■5; £ s. d. £ s. d. 885204 7 14 02 7 11 7 4 o 2 19 1 7 3 o 3 16 5 £ s. d. 0 8 10 o 10 7 o 13 2 o 17 7 15 «3 2 14 7 2 '3 16 S '3ii 7 £ s. d.l 4 S 4 5 2 8 6 9 10 8 3 2! £ s. d. 0 18 9 1 2 9 1 9 3 1 18 6; £ s. d. >S >9 7 ij 2 2 15 o 10 15 >9 10 £ s. d. £ s. d.1 4 19 5 1 1 ii 6401 78 8 o 9 1 16 11 10 13 9 2 12 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 17 4 10 634 16 18 5] 7 18 11 1711 o 10 10 11 19 4 214 I 4. £ »• d1 7 4 1 15 10 2 9 10 3 '4 S 2, 3. 4. Si 1 I

'olioies i: Force for b 5 Years. 10 Years, 15 Years. !0 Years, 7t C Sc fi I I' o ago 11 II 6 .2.5.° '-2 "3 C*^ § I I 3 a 1 c = 3 Ifis si £■■= 1% 6 a 1 Q CM 0 - 2 S S C3 15 •S s £ »• d. 8 8 5 7 '4 o 7 4 o 7 3 o £ s.d. 204 2 7 11 2 19 1 3 16 5 o 8 10 o 10 7 O 13 2 o 17 7 £ s. d. 12 9 7 'i 'S 7 11 9 10 12 i S 8 £ ». d. 380 443 8 7 " 7 "3 7 £ s. d. £ •■ d. 18 14 o 18 10 o 17 19 4 19 18 o £ s. d. 5 l6 4 7 11 10 9 12 o 13 6 o £ s. d. £ s. d.j 22 2 8 22 16 11 £ «• d. 7 18 3 10 14 7 ■3 '2 5 17 '8 3 £ •• d. 2, 3, I 4' 5. 22 13 4 24 9 2

Policies ii Force for 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. |;| I 3 I I O ag s S S O d a> I'd .SI sis M s 5 c a s O 3 O r o to fd §.2 1 I'M C B a o S o III* M -2 5 ill 115 on q 1-2 3J 45 55 £ s.d. 7 2 o 649 5 «S 2i 7 2 5 2 4 o; 2 14 6 3 '3 'o 7 2 S 098 o 12 o 0166 £ s. d. 10 7 4 10 12 6 12 9 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 15 11 o 16 8 5 11 11! 1 4 9 9 18 o 2 4 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. io 13 2 4 13 11 06 12 5 O 7 17 2 1 15 O IS U 3'5 '4 3i I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 13 7 1 7 o 8! 1 11 a 15' 4 412 1 a a 14 j 2. 1. 4. Si



Consolidated Revenue Account for Five Years, commencing Ist January, 1874, and ending 31st December, 1878.

Dh. £ s. d. Amount of funds on 1st January, 1874, the beginning of the quinquennium ... 1,293,362 3 10 Premium! ... ... ... ... 1,731,171 6 5 Consideration for annuities ... ... 20,757 2 10 ?ines on renewal of lapsed policies ... 622 19 5 interest ... ...£530,846 11 8 Deduct—Interest charged during the quinquennium to the debit of various office premises ... 7,326 n 5 5 23,5 20 o 3 Profit on securities realized £17,193 14 4 Deduct— Profit on old offices written off from cost of new office premises ...£12,000 o For rebuilding wall, Melbourne new office, written off cost of branch office 1,500 4 Office furniture, head office and branches, written off 1,433 Io 14,933 14 ° 2,260 o 4 Cr. £ s. d. Claims under life policies ... ... 496,217 o o Endowment assurances and endowments matured ... ... ... ... 52,587 17 7 Surrenders ... ... ... ... 79,515 13 8 Annuities ... ... ... ... 16,789 17 10 Bonuses paid in cash ... ... ... 50,449 12 10 Prospective bonuses on claims emerged during the quinquennium ... ... 15,158 13 6 Commission ... ... ... ... 80,113 o 10 Expenses of management ... ... 191,455 o 2 Amount of funds on 31st December, 1878, the end of the period ... ... 2,606,059 • 8 [Investment fluctuation fund at 31st December, 1873 24,714 10 o Less decrease in value at 31st December, 1878 ... 8,062 5 o 16,652 5 o £3,588,345 18 1 £3,588,345 >8



Summaut and Valuation of the Policies as at 31st December, 1878.

Particulars of the Policies for Valuation. Valuation.* Description of Transactions. Number of Policies. Sums Assured. Uonusea. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Annual Loading, being the Provision for Future Expenses and Profits. Sums Assured. Bonuses. Office Yearly Premiums. Net Yearly Premiums. Loading. Net Liability. Participating Branch. I. Assurances. For the whole term of life, subject to premium* throughout life „ .„ limited and commuted premiums Endowment assurances ... ... ... Joint lives ... Term policies Contingent assurances Rc6ei-ve for climate and other special risks ... ... •■• ■•■ Reserve for subsequent distribution of the loading on single and limited premium assurances Reserve to provide for payment of claims one month after proof of death ... £ £ £ s- 4 £ *• <i- £ »■ * £ £ £ £ £ £ 20,050 '.797 11,225 64 5 2 8,557,600 927,286 3,469,324 26,500 2,150 1,200 64,8849 60,480-1 268,824 4 6 30,828 6 5 139,031 10 3 1,292 17 2 60 18 2 26 4 2 1,212 16 11 197,189 2 10 24,046 4 1 1 111,620 7 o 1,025 Io 9 40 1 8 21 16 6 1,212 16 11 7'.635 1 8 6,782 1 6 27,4" 3 3 267 6 5 20 16 6 4 7 8j 3,615,289-9 390,073-5 ! i>753,947' 2 '5,°53'2 898 4029 '85,524-8 31,899-3 840-7 194,5366 ',605,772-7 • 4,070-3 86-s 3'4'2 2,714,689-8 145,147-' 1,276,91 10 1 I,O!O'6 56-9 2624 1,022,587-4 49,3895 328,861-7 3,059-7 296 5'-8 1,086, 124-9 276,825-7 516,264-4 4,883-3 329 1405 606-4 ... ... 30,052-1 13,445-0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5.552,057-5 ... ... ... Total assurances ... 112,984,060 1478,612-2 44I.27 1 ■7 335,156 o 7! 106,120 17 o 5-774,856-5 I 4,148,077-8 ■,4O3.979-7i ',928,375-2 33-143 II. ISndoivments. * Children's endowments III. Annuities. 825 119.69s 1,163-9 5.76O 2 7 5,226 5 6 533 17 1 94,7°''5l 1,033-2, 25,436-7 i 23.35.V4 2,083-3! 72,381-3 Iminediato Temporary Deferred Contingent Certain Total annuities '5 37 7 1 Per Annum. 1,626315 176-117 365-000 41000 Per Ann. 1674 393 423 2 146 15 2 0 ... 360 15 5 118 17 o ... ... 62 6 9 27 18 6 12,4363 597-8 '3.6736 1,7101 2O'2 ... '.4634 205-1) 2,245-7 1 ',329-3 1,8648 1,073-0 ... ... 3809 2563 12,436-3 597-8 13,272-2 8422 202 ... ... 1 ... ... 3,787-899 per ntniimi. 206-7 per annum 569 17 8 479 '2 5 9° 5 3 28,4380 1,668-5 3,575'° 2,937-8 637'2j 27,168-7 93 Total of the results 34 °6 ■ 260, 194- 7 5,581,069 2 4,' 74,369-0 1,406,7002 '3,' O3.755 J479,776i 447,606 17 10 340,861 18 6 106,744 19 5,897,9960 2,027,925-2 Non-Participating Branch. I. Assurances. For the whole term of life, subject to premiums throughout life ,, „ limited premiums Joint lives ... Term policies Contingent assurances Reserve for climate and other special risks Reserve for subsequent distribution of t lie loading on limited premium assurances Reserve to provide for payment of claims one mouth after proof of death Total assurances ... 372 6 2 58 3 1,036 40,650 .,.50 ... I - 3,9^3 8 6 81 15 11 87 16 10 655 17 9 20 19 8 28 15 2 3,588 o 5 73 3 ' 60 2 6 487 1 4 <S 9 5 28 15 2 375 8 1 81210 27 14 4 168 16 5 5 '° 3 56,490- 2 7480 982 1,8790 120-4' 55,95O'6 397' 997 2.05 r8 141-9 50,4934 345-8 75'1 i,533' 104- 5 5-457-2 5'3 24-6 5'8'7 374 5,996-8 4022 345'9 144 38-3 89-0 ... ... ! ... 44' ! 186,011 - I 4,838 13 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,252 II II 586 1 11 59-335'S 58,641" 1 52,5 5l-q| 6,089-2 6,925-6 II. Endowments. '4,233'5 Children's endowments 681 5,180 7 2 4,751 122 428 15 ol 53,347'8 42,666-6 39,i 14-3 3,55 2'3! 102,3.10 III. Annuities. Per Annum. 2,228-241 200000 150000 72-267 17.739-3 299 589-9 Immediate Deferred Contingent Certain Total annuities 2 2 2 23 o o 31 1 8 20 4 o 27 211 2 "16 o 3 18 9 i?,739'3 815-2 266-4: 5899! 342*7 270-7 30 1 "o 2365 ... 4'/ 34-2 ... ... ... ... 35 2,650-508 per annum. 54 1 8 47 6 11 6 14 9 19,410-8! 6i3-4| 537'5 7S'9| 18,8733 40,0324 Total of the results Grand total ... ... ... 1,157 288,366 10,073 2 8 9.°5' " 1.021 11 132,094-4! 101,921-1 92,2O.r7 9,7i7-4 35,218 179,77 6'i ,680 o 61 9 6! 107,766 11 6,030.000-4 260, 194- 7 5,682,91)0-3! 4,266,572-7! 1,416,417-6 2,067,957-' 13,392.121 4? 349,9 '3 • 1 Value by "The Institute of Actuaries' » Htf (s) Table with Hi pure premiums and 4 per cent, interest for participating assurances i years and over in force, and Hit Table with 4 per cent, interest for participating assurances under 5 years iu force, and foi non-partiefpating assurances! 2. Value by" The Peerage Table " and 4 per cent, interest for participating children's endowments, and j per cent, for non-participatiug. 3. Value by " The Government Expenence Table," and 4 per cent, interest for all anau.ties.



Valuation Balance-sheet as at 31st December, 1878. Participating Fund.


Statement of the Life Assubance and Annuity Business on the 31st December, 1878. Question 1. —The published tables of premiums for assurances for the whole term of life which were in use at the date above mentioned. Answer. —See page 9. Question 2.—The total amount assured on lives for the whole term of life, which were in existence at the date above mentioned, distinguishing the portion assured with and without profits, stating separately the total reversionary bonuses, and specifying the sums assured for each year of life from the youngest to the oldest age. Answer. —See page 11. Question 3. —The amount of premiums receivable annually for each year of life, after deducting the abatements made by the application of bonuses, in respect of the respective assurances mentioned under heading No. 2, distinguishing ordinary from extra premiums. Answer. —See page 11. Question 4. —The total amount assured under classes of assurance business, other than for the whole term of life, distinguishing the sums assured under each class, and stating separately the amount assured with and without profits, and the total amount of reversionary bonuses. Question 5. —The amount of premiums receivable annually in respect of each sucli special class of assurances mentioned under heading No. 4, distinguishing ordinary from extra premiums. Question 6.—The total amount of premiums which has been received from the commencement upon all policies under each special class mentioned under heading No. 1, distinguishing ordinary from extra premiums. Answers to Questions 4, 5, G.—The total amounts assured, reversionary bonuses, premiums receivable annually, and the total premiums received on all assurance and endowment policies as at 31st Deceinberj 1878, are shown in the following table: —

De. £ s. d. \) Net liability underassurance transactions as per Bummary and valuation, page 6 1,928,375 4 o Net liability under endowment transactions, ditto ... ... ... 72,381 6 o Not liability under annuity transactions, ditto ... ... ... ... 27,168 14 o Surplus ... ... ... ... 537,875 18 g £2,565,801 2 9 Cn. £ s. d. By Assurance fund ... ... ... 2,449,919 12 5 Endowment fund ... ... ... 74,4>4 2 >° Annuity fund ... ... ... 24,815 2 6 Investment fluctuation fund... ... 16,652 5 o £2,565.801 2 9 £2,565301 2 9 Quinquennial Profit Dn. £ s. d. '0 Investment fluctuation fund ... ... £16,652 5 o Reserved on account of under average mortality ... ... 32,000 o o 48,652 5 o and Loss Account. Cr. £ «■ dBy Surplus as per valuation balance-sheet 537,875 18 9 Profit realized and divided among policies becoming claims during the quinquennium ... ... ... 15,158 13 6 Profit on sale of old offices ... ... 12,000 o o Profit on sale of old offices written off new premises ... ... ... ... 12,000 o o Profit divided during the quinquennium... ... ... 15,158 13 6 Surplus to be divided, — Assurance fund ...£487,190 16 11 Endowment fund ... 2,032 16 10 489,223 13 9 Total surplus of the quinquennium... £565,034 12 3 £565,°34 12 3 Non-Particii mtitig Fund. Dn. £ s. d. '0 Net liability under assurance transactions as per summary anil valuation, page 6 6,925 12 o Net liability under endowment transactions as per summary and valuation, page 6 ... ... ... H, 233 I0 o Net liability under annuity transactions as per summary and valuation, page 6 [8,873 6 o Surplus ... ... ... ... 225 I0 " Cn. £ s. d* By Non-participating fund ... ... 40,257 18 11 £40,257 18 11 £40,257 18 11



Question 7. —The total amount of immediate annuities on lives, distinguishing the amount for each year of life. Answer 7. —The total amount of immediate annuities is £3,854 11s. 2d. per annum, as shown in the following table:— Immediate Annuities.

Question 8. —The amount of all annuities other than those specified under heading No. 7, distinguishing the amount of annuities payable under each class, the amount of premiums annually receivable, and the amount of consideration-money received in respect of each such class, and the total amount of premiums received from the commencement of all deferred annuities. The following tables show the amounts of all annuities other than immediate which were in force at 31st December, 1878 :—

':u-l -lcipal licies. Class of Assurance. No. of Policies. Amount Assured. Bonus Additions. Annual Premium. Total Premiums Keeeived. For the whole term of life Single and limited premiums Kndowvnent assurances ... Endowments Assurances on joint lives... 20,050 •.797 11,225 825 64 £ 8,557.600 927,286 3,469,324 119,695 26,500 £ 35',952 64,885 60,480 1,164 1.29s £ s. d. 268,824 4 6 30,828 6 5 139,031 10 3 5,760 2 7 1,292 17 2 £ s. d 1,724,013 12 c 3IO,O26 12 C 657,128 6 c 60,913 4 c 9,305 12 c Total 33.96> 13,100,405 479.7/6 2,761,387 6 445.737 ° » 'on-Partieip; iting Policies. Jot the whole term of life limited premiums indowrnents ... Contingent assurances ... Cemporary assurances ... Point lives 372 6 681 5 63 2 140,275 2,036 102,355 2,35° 42,800 1,900 3.963 8 6 81 15 11 5,180 7 2 47 3 io 716 15 11 87 16 10 10,381 8 469 o 14,087 6 289 10 2,126 2 241 12 Total 1,129 291,716 10,077 8 27.594 18

Partici ipating. Non-Participating. Age Attained. Amount of Annuity. Age Attained. Amount of Annuity. Age Attained. Amount of Annuity. Age Attained. I Amount of Annuity. 45 5> 53 54 58 60 61 65 66 67 68 £ s. d. 29 18 4 3i 17 8 1070 20 19 o 36 12 o 150 o o •34 13 4 123 » 4 82 o o 382 16 o 30 12 O Forward 69 70 7i 7* 74 79 80 81 83 84 £ •■ <». 1,032 16 8 134 7 8 98 5 8 145 ° ° 2200 128 19 4 5000 216 13 8 24 6 8 96 16 8 45 o ° 37 46 53 56 58 59 6: 62 64 65 £ s. a. 104 o o 19 13 6 8 1 o 21 6 8 52 o o 140 o o 26 8 8 Forward 67 68 69 7° 72 77 78 80 82 £ s. d. 454 4 10 343 o o 409 15 4 9 14 o 460 53 7 4 262 2 o 10 o o 172 7 o 141 8 4 20 o o 30 16 8 31 18 4 Forward Forward 1,860 4 10 1,032 16 8 1,994 6 4 454 4 io

Class of Annuity. Amount of Annuities. . 1 ti • Total Premiums Annual Premium. RecciTed . Consideration Money Received. emporary )eferred Jontingent Certain Pabticipat: £ s. d. 176 2 4 *i.57Q 9 4 t3&5 0 o 41 0 o :ng. £ * d423 2 2 146 15 6 £ «• d. 10,721 o o 1,941 18 o £ s- d. 1,536 O 2 973 14 5 347 6 2 Total 2,161 ii 8 I 5 6 9 '7 8 12,662 18 o 2,857 o 9 Non-Paetici: 'ATING. )eferrcd Contingent 'ertain too o o 150 o o 72 5 4 2} o o 3< ■ 8 80 10 o 104 10 o 417 II O 785 o o Total 54 ' 8 185 0 o 422 5 4 1,202 II o • Exclusive of £167 8s. id. per annum bonus additions. + Exclusive of £30 6s. per annum bonus additions.



Question 9.—The average rate of interest at which the life assurance fund of the company was invested at the close of each year, during the period since the last investigation. Answer. —On the 31st December, 1874, the life assurance fund was invested at £5 lls. 7d.; 1875, £5 13s. 3d.; 1876, £5 14s. 9d. j 1877, £5 175.; 1878, £6 Gs. Bd. Question 10.— A. table of minimum values, if any, allowed for the surrender of policies for the whole term of life, and for endowments and endowment assurances, or a statement of the method pursued in calculating such surrender values, with instances of its application to policies of different standing, and taken out at various interval ages from the youngest to the oldest. Separate statements to be furnished for business at other than European rates, together with a statement of the manner in which policies on unhealthy lives are dealt with. Answer. —Since the Ist January, 1874, the Institute of Actuaries' Hsr Table with 4 per cent, has been used for finding the surrender value of assurance policies. A deduction of 10 per cent, from the calculated value by that table now determines the surrender values allowed for assurance policies. The full surrender value by the Peerage Table is allowed for the surrender of children's endowments. The cash value of the bonuses is given in addition. Examples of the minimum values allowed for the surrender of policies for the whole term of life, and for endowments and endowment assurances, appear on page 10. In the case of policies effected for the whole term of life on which extra premiums have been charged for impaired health, or other causes, the surrender value is the same as if the increased ages were the actual ages of the assured. Policies effected on lives believed to have an expectation of life less than the average are accepted at premiums corresponding with those charged at an increased age, and are dealt with in the classifications of age and liability valuations, as if the increased ages were the actual ages of assured. The Society does not transact business at other than European rates ; but in the case of persons resident between the 25th parallels of north and south latitude an extra premium of £1 per cent, is charged. This extra premium is remitted when the persons whose lives are assured come to reside south of the 25th parallel of south latitude. The Published Tables of Premiums for Assubances for the Whole Teem of Lite, in use at 31st December, 1878.

2—H. 33.

rith Partici ipation in t] 16 Profits. With. »ut Participation in the Profits. Lge nPit lirthday. Annual Premium Single Premium. Annul Premiums to Cease after Annual Single Premium Premium. Annual Premiums to Cease after Age next Birth. day. Five Years. Ten Years. Fifteen Years. T%venty Years. Five Years. Ten Years. Fifteen Years. Twenty Tears. 20 ... 21 ... 22 23 ••• 24 ... 26 ... 27 ... 28 ... \£ s. d. £ s. d., 1 17 5 36 15 0 1 18 5 37 9 7 119 5 38 4 o 2 o 5 38 18 o 2 1 7 39 14 8. 2 2 8 40 9 o] 2 3 941 28 2 4 941 14 2 2 5 11 42 8 o 2 7 1 43 1 10 2 8 243 13 3 2 9 544 7 3 2 10 744 19 1 2 12 245 17 5 2 13 946 15 o 2 15 447 11 6; 2 17 1I48 10 1 2 18 1049 7 7 3 o 850 5 6 3 2 7 5' 3 9 3 4 5 51 19 4 \3 <> 8,53 o 3 3 8 1153 19 5 ,3 11 3 54 18 6 3 '3 7 55 «5 8 3 16 056 12 6 3 18 757 10 1 4 1 258 5 III 4 4 159 5 1 4 7 060 2 3 4 9 1060 16 o 4 13 3,6i 15 6 4 17 062 16 8 5 1 8, 6 4 6 7 5 6 1166 o 6 5 12 267 10 10 5 i7 6 6^o 6 8 1 6 14 ic 7 1 4 7 7 9 £ s. d. ; 809. 840. S 7 2, 8 10 2. 8 13 10. I 8 17 o. 9 O I : 9 2 8 ; 9 5 10, 9811, 9 11 (•. 9 14 8, 9 17 3|. I o 1 5, 10 5 5 ;'o 9 lj l >° 13 4 ( io 17 41 II 1 S< 11 5 6i In 9 11 11 13 10 11 18 2 122 7 12 6 8 £ s. 4. 497. 4 11 5. 4 13 2|. 4 '4 n . 4 17 o. 4 18 9' 5 o 6, 5 2 o. 5 3 10. 5 5 « 5 7 2. 5 811. 5 I0 (>■ 5 12 iiS '5 2. j 17 5< 5 19 I0' '6 2 2. 6 4 6. 16 6 iii 6 9 ,. 6 11 11. 6 14 7 <> 17 3 6 19 10 7 2 4 j 17 5 o 7 7 6| 17 10 5 7 13 2 17 !5 7, >,7 18 9; t|8 2 3 18 7 1! >8 12 7 !8 17 9 £ s. d. 364 3 7 8 3 9 0 3 10 4 3 'i 11 3 13 3 3 14 7. 3 '5 9. 3 17 2, 3 18 6. 3 19 8, 4 11. 4 2 4. 4 4 2, 4 S 11 , 4 7 7!. 4 9 6 4 11 4, 4 13 3 4 i.i 2 4 16 10. 4 19 1 5 1 3 5 3 6; 9 « ?! Jl 7 9. 15 10 o « 12 1 5 H 8! 5 17 1 U 19 3 i|6 2 1 6 S 3 !6 9 6 ■6 14 4 )6 18 11 £ - a. 2 15 I 2 l6 3 2 17 5 2 18 6 2 ig 10 3 1 o 3 2 1 3 3 « 3 4 4! 3 5 6 3 6 6 3 7 9, 3 8 9 3 IO 4 3 » " 5 >3 S 3 15 « 3 l6 9 3 18 5 4 o 2 C . 8 M 3 9; |4 S 9; 4 7 9!, 4 9 9, 4 11 9 >4 13 11 4 16 o L 18 6j 5 on IS 3 ' 560 !5 9 2 >5 »3 3 A$ 18 o 6 2 8! £ ■■ d.'£ .. d. li 8 1028 6 6: 1 9 628 15 8 1 10 329 6 7 1 11 029 16 9 1 n 1030 8 6 1 12 830 19 3 « 13 7 3i 11 5 ;i 14 732 4 7 1 15 732 17 4 1 16 833 11 0 1 17 934 4 7 1 18 1134 18 10 2 o 1 35 12 4 2 1 436 7 1 2 2 837 2 1 2 4 1 37 18 o 2 5 f»38 13 3 2 7 1 39 1O 4 2 8 840 6 6 2 10 441 3 5 2 12 242 1 7: ■2 14 1J43 o 1 ■2 16 1143 18 6. J2 18 3:44 18 2 3 o 645 17 4 3 2 11 46 17 b t 3 5 6 47 18 7; 3 8 248 19 2 pj II 030 o 8 ■3 14 051 2 6 |3 17 2! 5 2 4 (I ■|4 o 7 53 7 7 442 54 10 3* 4 8 0^5 13 8 ; 1412 2 56 18 3' U 16 658 2 I 5 * 2 5 6 1 5 11 4 5 16 11 6 2 11 694 r s. d. 6 3 Ii 6 5 "I, 6 8 41 6 10 7 6 '3 i|, 6 15 6 6 18 2, 7 1 *f 7 4o. 7 7 4 7 10 21. 7 13 4 7 16 4 7 19 7 830 8 6 7 8 10 1 8 13 11 ; 8 17 7 915 9 5 6 1998 , 9 13 10 9 18 4 IO 2 IO; 'io 7 i 10 12 6 10 17 6 11 26 11 7 9 11 13 o ,11 18 6 £ s. d. •3 9 o 8 11 2 S 11 6 3 12 10 13 H 3 !3 15 7 a 17 2 ,3 18 10 406 k 2 3 14 4 o 4 5 10 4 7 7 496 4" 5 4 13 f> 4 15 6 4 17 9 4 19 10 5 2 1 S 4 6 5 7 o 5 9 6 ;5 '2 3 |S 14 11 \S 17 10 d o IOj 6 3 10 6 7 o 1 6 10 3 16 13 i 16 17 2 7 o 9 •7 4 7 '789 7 12 10 r £ s. 4 2 11 I 2)2 O : 2 13 o: 2 14 o; 215 1 2 16 I 2 17 3: 218 7 : 2 19 IOj: 3 1 2: 3 2 6: 3 3 10: 3 5 3 ' 1 6 8;: 3 8 *> 3 9 9r 3 11 4' 3 13 1. 3 14 9. 3 16 6, 3 18 5. 405, 425, 4 4 7 4 610 4 9 2 14 II 8 U 14 2, ■4 16 io, 4 19 7 « 3 s 5 5 0 15 8 8 5 12 1 15 15 9 '5 '9 6 2 2 5 232 2 4 o 2 4 10 2 5 IO 2 6 8 2 7 8 289 a 9 10 2 II O 2 12 2 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 *9 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 4^ 4.-. 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° s» 5 2 53 54 55 s« 57 g« 59 (;o 6l 29 ... 30 ... 31 ... 32 ... 33 ... 34 ... 35 ■•■ 36 ... 37 ... 38 - 39 ... 40 ... 41 ... 42 ... 43 ... 44 ... II ::: 47 •■• 48 ... 49 ••• 5° ... 51 ... 52 ... 53 ••• 54 ••• 55 •■• 56 ... 57 - 58 ... 59 ••• 60 ... 61 ... 12 10 9 12 1; o| .12 18 11 13 3 () n$ 7 9 >13 11 3 113 16 o, : 14 1 4; 14 8 8 .14 17 o il S 4 8 2 13 4 2 14 6 2 '5 9 2 17 1 2 18 6 2 19 10 ■3 1 S 3 2 10 3 4 6 3 6 2 13 7 " 3 9 9 3 11 9 ,3 13 10 3 16 o 3 18 4 408 H 3 2 4 ! 10 4 8 7 14 11 7 iG 14 8 4 18 o 15 1 8 '5 S 6 12 4 1 12 9 10 ,12 16 O 13 2 1



The amount of the minimum surrender (exclusive of bonus additions) which will be allowed for each £100 of assurance for various ages at entry, and for different durations of policies, will be seen from an inspection of the following tables : —

TJndee Table A. Bj even annual premiums over the whole term of life.

Examples.—Thus a person aged 40 who assures for £100 at the annual premium of £3 4s. sd. may at the expiration of 3 years surrender his policy for a payment of £4 os. 2d., being 41J per cent, of the total premiums paid. A person aged 50 who has been assured for 10 years would receive £20 9s. 2d., being 4o| per cent, of the premiums paid ; at the end of 20 years the same person would receive £41 10s. 2d., or 46'2 per cent, of the premiums paid, iu addition to which he would be entitled to the cash value of any bonuses which may have been declared.

Example.—A person aged 40 who assures for £100 under Table 810 at the annual premium of £6 9s. Id. may at the expiration of 20 years surrender his policy for a payment of £53 15s. lid , being 80 per cent of the total premiums paid, and would also receive in addition the cash value of his bonuses.

Endowment Assurances, with Participation in the Profits.

A mm: Premium to Secure ■:.>»! iimiil 'remium (cure ■;,v, Birthday. j At Death, or on attaining Age 50. At Death, or on attaining Age 65. At Death, ; or on attaining Age GO. 1 At Death, or on attaining Age 65. Age next Birthday. At Death, or on attaining Age 50. At Death, or on attaining Age 55. At Death, or on attaining Age 60. At Death, or on attaining Age 65. 20 21 22 •a ■=4 2 5 l6 27 2S 2>) 3° 31 32 33 34 3! 36 37 £ s. d2 17 11 3°5 3 3 ° 3 5 9 3 8 10 312 o 3 IS 6 3 '9 1 4 3 2 4 7 7 4 12 4 4 17 9 5 3 7 5 >° 5 5 18 2 669 6 16 8 780 £ s. d. 2 10 4 2122 2 14 1 2162 2 18 5 3 ° 9 3 3 2 3 5 7 3 8 5 3 11 S 3 14 5 3 '7 i° 4 1 S 4 5 9 4 10 4 4 "5 4 5 1 o 5 7 1 £ s. d. 2 5 2 269 2 8 3 2 9 10 2 11 8 2 13 5 2 15 3 2 17 1 2 19 2 3 1 4 3 3 6 3 5" 384 3 11 5 3 14 7 3 17 11 4 1 7 4 5 7 £ s. d. 2 1 10 2 3 1 245 2 5 9 273 288 2 10 2 2 11 8 2 13 3 2 15 o 2 16 8 2 18 6 3°4 3 2 8 3 5 1 3 7 7 3 10 4 3 13 2 3« 39 40 41 4^ 43 44 45 4'' 4; 48 4') 5° 5 1 r53 54 Sj £ s. d. 8 1 3 8 16 10 9 15 4 10 18 4 12 611 14 3 8 16 12 6 20 o 10 £ s- d. 5 !3 n 6 1 7 6 10 2 7 o 2 7 n 8 850 9 o 7 9 19 4 11 22 12 10 7 14 7 3 16 15 11 20 3 10 £ s. d. 4 9 10 4 14 6 4 19 5 5 5 3 5 II 6 5 18 6 663 6 14 11 7 4 11 7 16 3 8 9 7 9S 2 10 3 7 11 6 6 12 15 4 14 12 10 17 2 11 20 12 1 £s. d. 3 16 2 3 19 6 4210 469 4 10 11 4 15 5 502 5 5 4 5 " 1 5 17 3 645 612 2 709 7 10 11 829 8 17 2 9 «4 4 10 14 4

Minimum Sueebsdee Values a' THE END Age at Sntry. 3 Years. 4 Years. 5 Years. 6 Years. 7 Years. 8 Years. 9 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. M 30 31 45 5° 1 16 o 263 2 14 o 3 5 2 402 4 '7 S 5 '7 2 £ ■■ d. 2 8 10 3 2 4 3 i.S 1 4 7 10 5 8 6 6 10 10 7 '7 7 £ ■• i 3 2 7 3 18 9 4 12 9 5 11 2 6 17 8 8 4 10 9 18 7 £ s. d. 3 16 11 4 IS 6 5 12 11 <> IS 4 8 7 4 9 19 6 1200 £ s. d. 4 11 11 5 12 8 6 13 6 805 9 17 3 11 15 1 14 1 10 £ t. d. 5 7 3 610 j 7 14 6 964 11 78 13 « 3 16 4 o £ s- d. 629 788 8 16 1 1 o 13 o 12 18 7 1580 18 6 6 £ •• d. 6 18 8 876 9 18 2 12 04 14 9 n ■7 5 3 20 9 2 £ s. d. 11 4 3 13 8 3 16 o 8 19 3 2 22 16 6 26 16 6 £ s. d 16 1 5 •9 5 < 22 16 2 26 ig ( 3« '3 '' 36 8 ( 41 10 2 31 o 5

Under Table BIO. Under Table J55. 'or the 'hole term of life. Premi payments, iums limited to 10 annual Endowment assurances payable on attaining the age of 55, or sooner in the event of death. Minimum lUIiREN'DER AT.TJES AT THE EKD OP Minimum Surrender Values at 'HE END OF Age at Entry. Age at Entry. 5 Years. 10 Years. 15 Years. 20 Years. 5 l'ears. io Years. 15 Yeara. 20 Yean. 20 IS 3° SB 4° 45 ?° £ s. d. 12 2 2 ■3 '3 5 >5 5 4 17 1 10 '9 S 5 21 9 10 23 16 9 £ s- d. 27 4 9 3° 9 S 34 3 o 38 8 s 43 2 10 48 6 3 53 IS " £ «• <i30 9 t 34 3 ° 38 8 5 43 2 1° 48 6 3 S3 «S " 59 S ■■ £ s. d. 34 3 ° 38 8 5 43 2 10 48 6 3 S3 '5 «> 59 S " 64 15 1 £ s. d. 6 5 11 8 7 9 11 2 5 15 y 10 23 5 3 39 S 9 100 o o £ s- d. 14 2 o 18 J I 24 14 o 34 IS ° 52 7 10 IOO O O £ ,. d 24 9 6 3° '5 8 41 11 6 58 17 4 100 o o £ s. d. 34 '8 7 46 1 10 62 14 4 IOO O O 20 2 5 3° 3S 40 it 5°



.ssurances for the Whole Term of Life by Even Ann al Peemiums, in force at 31st December, 1878. Participating. Participating. In Force 5 Years and Upwari Is. In Force for Less than Years. 23 Amount j Bonus Assured. Additions. Annual Pre: limns. Net Liability, including Value of Bonus. "3 No. of Amount Policies Assured. Annual Prei liums. No. of Policies Net Liability. Ordinary. Net. Ordinary. Net. £ £ £ s. d. £ £ £ £ s. d. 4H 13 3 609 18 10 1,027 8 2 1,093 i? 8 1,510 12 10 1,965 18 4 2,196 9 6 2,816 8 5 2,625 2 3 3,433 H o 3,159 8 6 4,182 10 8 4,228 6 1 4,95i 6 1 4,692 5 11 5,95° 1 6 5,755 12 2 6.176 14 8 5.520 o 2 6,548 5 4 5,258 7 5 5,643 19 10 5,33i 16 6 5.544 16 3 5,293 7 2 5,027 9 8 5.177 17 n 5,069 18 1 4.349 18 8 4,118 3 o 3,767 16 1 3,502 6 8 3,305 15 3 2,696 2 2 2,505 10 11 2,177 2 8 1,543 4 1 «,744 4 5 1,343 5 3 860 3 5 507 1 8 907 8 1 434 "2 7 285 9 2 397 9 ° 327 H 2 40 5 7 30 18 o 98 15 o £ 276-2 405-5 683-0 727-2 1,004-8 1,308-5 1,466-4 1,889-5 1,770-2 2,326-8 2,1563 2,875-5 2,925-6 3,450-1 3,284-7 4,i9O-5 4,069-7 4.389-° 3,9337 4,688-9 3,784-5 4,0866 3,868-1 4>O533 3,8916 3,7i9-3 3,855-3 3,806-4 3,29O'9 3,i38-7 2,900-5 2,728-1 2,585-1 2,129-0 i,985-7 1,730-4 1,226-0 1,386-1 1,068-5 6862 405-6 7294 3499 231-1 321 9 2663 32-9 25'i 80-2 £ 78-4 235-9 627-4 654" 1 990-0 1,428-8 «,555\3 2,294-0 2,065-8 3,048-5 2,749-6 3,557-3 4,088-3 4,8082 4,890-0 5,974-8 6,309-8 6,305-2 6,095-9 7,3i6i 5,978-4 6,169^4 6,180-5 6,446-6 6,32.r9 5,9267 6,483-1 6,4187 5,497-5 5,456-o 4,806-1 4,086-4 4,555-4 3,276-0 3,161-6 2,6800 2,228-7 2,479-7 i,74o-3 1,111-7 652-3 i,o53'o 567-7 33 1'3 6322 505-0 369 44"4 1687 20 21 22 2.? = 4 2? 26 27 28 29 3° 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4.; 44 45 4'' 47 48 49 50 51 52 5.5 54 56 5; 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 '-5 66 67 68 69 7° 7' 72 73 74 7| 7'' 77 ?8 79 .So 81 83 1 7 14 14 41 36 63 79 83 110 '25 182 159 211 242 268 284 264 278 304 329 34i 373 363 359 347 387 322 323 296 254 220 500 1,600 5,8oo 5,600 15,200 '5.15° 23,450 36,600 41,650 45,600 5' ,4°o 79,050 70,200 95,35° 104,300 ii3,35o 120,270 •17,15° 124,450 136,250 137,925 145,900 174,625 170,800 164,800 160,400 182,600 H3,725 136,800 135,000 116,630 102,750 116,850 98,400 78,050 77,200 86,825 63,100 50.85° 46,250 49,250 3i,55o 25,7SO 31,400 12,600 13,450 17,800 8,450 8, 8,100 4,250 2,600 200 519 59'5 287-4 1679 475'2 608-5 1,291-7 1,675-6 1,483-1 3,604-8 3,4i6-9 4,501-4 5,i49-4 6,647-3 7,634-5 6,7826 7,9O7-3 9,42 1'8 10.624-3 11,674-2 15,404-5 13,422-0 I3,4746 15.656-1 18,102-9 15.324-0 12,187-7 14,3636 12,4484 I3,73i-i 15,1706 11,567-1 9,544-2 9,522-3 8,305-3 8,288-1 7,i323 8,040-9 9,31 oi 6,2103 5,372-9 5,9620 1,0598 3,205-9 4,177-5 1,329-9 2,656-9 2,597-9 1,017-4 1,005 2 8163 4852 690-8 45 5'o 2685 I59-6 9 7 « 30 12 o 114 13 o 112 13 11 3io 5 3 321 16 6 500 1 11 809 6 6 920 10 2 1,028 6 1 1,188 8 10 1,838 3 9 1,667 6 10 2,293 '5 9 2,594 13 9 2,876 6 8 3.O99 13 9 3.O93 18 4 3.38i 17 5 3.719 '9 2 3,869 6 1 4,180 5 10 5,i'5 3 11 5,194 19 11 5,068 4 1 4,988 8 o 5,842 13 5 4.696 15 5 4.694 10 o 4,620 2 4 4.'53 5 4 3,686 8 3 4,364 14 o 3,73o 13 6 3,098 17 1 3,167 o 4 3.695 17 11 2,636 11 2 2,24.9 18 8 2,o;6 19 3 2,343 6 6 1,427 1 7 1,304 4 11 1,614 5 1 660 1 2 707 10 8 934 8 1 513 1 ■ 10 402 2 5 453 5 3 255 16 8 170 1 7 3/6 13 1 150 14 4 108 7 11 97 1 8 42 H 3 7° 13 4 "&2 20-3 76-2 74-8 2063 214-3 334-8 545'2 6201 697-8 811-4 1,263-2 »i'55"i I,59 1'9 1,816-3 2,020-5 2,1861 2,188-4 2,408-3 2,646-5 2,774-2 3.019-1 3,698-1 3,767'i 3,696-4 3,656-0 4.301 4 3.477' 1 3,5'4'S 3.465-7 3,i4i-i 2,794-3 3,336-5 2,859-8 2,399-0 2,4738 2,909-4 2,063-5 ',77°'7 1,644-6 1,868-9 1,1247 1,0518 1,294-2 5308 567-7 753-7 4216 3206 37 >-8 209-0 1409 3109 127-1 908 8o-8 34'5 58-5 321 109-4 384-1 387-7 1,1472 1,075-° i,88r8 2,842-6 3.841-2 4,447'6 5.oi i'9 8,776-1 8,114-3 11,6978 12,931-9 15,1460 17.2330 17,2668 19,201-3 23.274-3 24.844-3 27,6S5-9 35.49''4 34.849-5 35,924-8 38,280-2 45.283-9 37.757'S 34,890-8 38,389-8 33.S99'6 33.264-7 38,414-1 33.3290 27,094-0 27,6643 30,490-5 25.549' 6 21,135-5 21,071-3 23,179-1 16,408-3 13.2174 16,4708 5,925'9 8,169-8 11,249-2 4.695-' 6,524-4 6,i355 2,984-6 2,1263 3,4979 1,262"! 1,393-2 1,279-8 672-4 778-9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4' 4* 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° Si 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 i 70 1 7" 72 « ■ 74 75 76 77 i 78 79 80 81 83 41 87 131 "55 187 247 266 3.6 301 352 34i 423 393 454 447 528 486 515 493 536 43O 436 432 403 397 374 334 325 243 256 225 195 189 146 127 108 84 81 62 21,950 31,850 53>!5O 55,050 74,3oo 94,500 102,600 129,200 117,050 150.250 134,700 I73,7oo 172,650 197,050 182,450 224,300 212,000 219,500 191,250 220,225 171,700 178,000 163,100 164,375 152,050 I39.35O 139.500 132,300 109,700 100,850 88,900 79.25O 73,25O 56,800 50,850 42,200 29,150 31,400 22,800 13,950 7,850 13,25° 6,150 3,800 5,3oo 4,'5° 450 35° 1,100 240 202 152 157 163 120 I'/ 93 98 68 52 48 28 37 24 31 16 13 10 9 2 3 3 24 37 20 16 11 4 5 11 3 2 5,45° 1,800 1,500 1.500 700 1,000 3 2 1 8.356 3,818,000 351,9522 122,674 11 6 91,004-3 926.053-5 11,694 4,739,6oo 146,149 13 o 106,184-8 160,071-6 Ed. Wm. Lowe, Eesident Secretary, Wellin; Eesii ;ton. • Price 9d.] By Authority : Geobqe Didsbcet, Government Printer, Wellington.—1879.

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AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY (REPORT AND RETURN OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, H-33

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AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY (REPORT AND RETURN OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, H-33

AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY (REPORT AND RETURN OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, H-33

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