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1879-80. NEW ZEALAND.





A SCHEDULE of Sums granted to defray the Charges on the Consolidated Fund for the several Services herein particularly mentioned which will come in the course of payment during the Nine Months ending 31st March, 1880.

For Details Appropriations for 9 Months. Name of Class and Vote. see Estimates, Page Estimates for 12 Months. Amount of Vote. Total. f s.d. £ s. d. £ S. d. LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS — Vote No. 1.—Liabilities of 1878-79 ... 6 280,320 0 0 280,320 0 0 280,320 0 0 !lass I. —Colonial Seceetaey— Vote No. 2.—Premier's Office „ 3.—Colonial Secretary's Office „ 4. —Messengers' Department... „ 5.—Legislative 6.—Electoral „ 7.—Audit Office „ 8.—Government Statist „ 9.—Geological and Meteorological „ 10.—New Zealand Institute ... „ 11.—Agent-General „ 12.—Charitable ,, 13. —Lunatic Asylums „ 14.—Printing and Stationery ... ,, 15. —Miscellaneous Services ... 12 12 12-13 13-14 14-16 16-17 17 17 18 18 18 18-20 20-21 21-22 450 2,222 3,861 65,892 4,680 8,730 8,210 3,570 500 5,000 25,000 37,667 28,369 50,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0; o o! 0 0 0 0 1 0 0| 0 0 0 0, 0 0, 0 0 337 0 1,651 O 2,896 O 65,308 0 4,435 O 6,548 0 6,695 O 2,678 0 500 0 4,000 0 18,750 0 27,342 0 24,568 0 41,405 11 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 8 !lass II. —Colonial Teeastjeeb— Vote No. 16. —Treasury „ 17.—Land-Tax „ 18. —Miscellaneous Services ... 23 23-24 24 8,710 17,980 9,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 207,113 11 8 6,532 10,985 7,460 0 0 6 0 0 6 24,977 6 6 JlASS III.—MlNISTEE OF JUSTICE — Vote No.19. —Department of Justice ... „ 20.—Crown Law Office „ 21. —Land Claims Office ,, 22. —Supreme Court „ 23.—District Courts „ 24.—Resident Magistrates' and "Wardens' Courts „ 25. —Petty Sessions Courts „ 26.—Criminal Prosecutions, Witnesses, and Jurors 25 25 25 26-27 27-28 1,460 2,160 200 7,096 7,735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,095 1,620 150 5,322 5,801 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28-37 37 46,620 150 0 0 0 0 34,903 113 0 0 0 0 101,262 0 0 „ 27. —Coroners „ 28.—Prisons „ 29. —Contingencies „ 30.—Miscellaneous Services ... 37 37 38-40 40 40-41 8,000 2,500 41,548 5,200 9,731 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 1,875 30,752 3,900 9,731 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 Jlass IV.—Postmastee-Geneeal and Commissioneb of Telegraphs. VoteNo.31.—General Post Office „ 32.—Chief Offices and Sub-Offices „ 33. —Conveyance of Mails by Sea „ 34. —Conveyance of Inland Mails „ 35.—Carriage of Mails by Kailway „ 36. —Contingencies „ 37. —Telegraph Department ... „ 38. —Subsidy for Australian Cable 42 42-52 52 53 53 53 53-65 65 4,005 44,061 65,760 32,750 9,600 4,954 110,668 7,350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,998 0 33,001 0 48,633 O 24,563 0 6,120 0 3,829 10 83,001 0 5,513 0 0 0 I) 0 0 1 0 0 207,658 10 1 !lASS V.—CoMMISSIONEE OF CUSTOMS — Vote No.39.—Customs „ 40.—Miscellaneous Services ... „ 41. —Marino and Harbours 66-70 71 71-74 45,596 11,351 50,341 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,185 11,351 37,937 0 0 5 83,473 5 0 Carried forward 1,080,294 0 0 904,804 13 3



Schedule of Appropriations for Nine Mo: tths Sebtices — continued. Appropriations for 9 Months. For Dotails Name of Class and Vote. see Estimates, Page Estimates for 12 Months. Amount of Vote. Total. Brought forward Class VI. —Commissioned op Stamps— Vote No. 42. —Stamp Department „ 43. —Land and Deeds Eegistry „ 44. —Miscellaneous Services ... £ 1,080,294 s. d.| 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 904,804 13 3 75-76 76-77 77-78 6,735 19,370 613 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,151 0 0 14,595 0 0 613 16 7 20,359 16 7 Class VII.—Minister op Education — Vote No.45. —Education Department ... „ 46. —Public Libraries „ 47. —Native Schools 79 80 80 249,215 5,000 15,399 0 0 0 0 0 0 189,699 5,000 11,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 206,313 0 0 Class VIII. —Minister op Native Affairs — Vote No.48. —Salaries and Contingencies „ 49. —Native Land Court „ 50. —Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 „ 51. —Miscellaneous Services ... 81-84 84 21,164 11,504 0 0 0 0 15,804 10 8,434 10 0 0 50,294 13 9 85 85-86 650 25,779 0 0 0 0 488 0 25,567 13 0 9 Class IX. —Minister of Lands and Mines— Vote No. 52.—Crown Lands Department „ 53.—Crown Lands Miscellaneous Services „ 54.—Coal Fields „ 55. —General Survey Department „ 56. —Photographic and Lithographic Printing Branch „ 57.—Mines 87-89 89-90 90 90-91 22,105 19,424 550 129,594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,579 15,349 413 87,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149,680 0 0 91 91-92 2,790 35,884 0 0 0 0 2,110 27,529 0 0 0 0 Class X.—Minister of Public Works— Vote No. 58.—Eailway s „ 59. —Architect's Office „ 60. —Government Domains „ 61.—Public Buildings „ 62.—Inspection of Machinery „ 63. —Miscellaneous Services ... 93-110 110 110 111 111 111-112 635,005 1,540 1,191 30,517 1,900 41,975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 469,802 0 1,155 0 893 0 23,697 15 1,425 0 34,725 17 1 0 0 0 I 531,758 12 9 Class XL—Minister of Defence — Vote No.64.—Militia and Volunteers ... „ 65.—Constabulary and Contingent Defence „ 66. —Miscellaneous Services ... 113-115 115-116 117 40,374 140,047 3,957 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,057 104,048 3,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 146,030 0 0 For Services Chargeable On2,542,576 0 0 2,009,240 16 4 Surplus Land Fund Account 118 18,971 0 0 14,000 0 0 Government Insurance Account 118 25,600 0 0 20,941 0 0 The Public Trust Office Expenses Account 118 1,300 0 o; 975 0 0 The Native Reserves Accounts 119 1,485 0 0 1,114 0 0



Page. 187£ (12 M, 1-80 >nths). Summary of Services Chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 5 LIABILITIES OP 1878-79:— Permanent Appeopeiations — Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature Annual Appropriations— Miscellaneous Services 1,216 73,377 0 0 0 0 354,913 0 0 G 280,320 0 0 7 8 10 12 23 25 42 G6 75 79 81 87 93 1.13 FINANCIAL TEAR 1879-80:— Permanent Appropriations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature Annual Appropriations— Class I. —Colonial Secretary Class II.—Colonial Treasurer Class III.—Minister of Justice Class IV. —Postmaster-General Class V. —Commissioner of Customs Class VI. —Commissioner of Stamps Class VII. —Minister of Education Class VIII.—Minister of Native Affairs Class IX. —Minister of Lands and Mines ... Class X. —Minister of Public "Works CJass XI.—Minister of Defence 29,750 1,343,372 414,194 244,854 36,287 132,400 279,148 107,288 26,718 209,614 59,099 210,348 712,130 184,379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,049,581 0 0 TO 1 AL CONSOLIDATED FUND £4,404, ,94 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. LIABILITIES.

1879-80. Liabilities of 1878-79. £ s. d. 'ERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS :— £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— Lyttelton and Christchurch Hallway Loan Act, I860— Sinking Fund on £77,700 @ 2 per cent, for half-year ... 777. 0 0 * Canterbury Loan Act, 1862— Sinking Fund on £22,800 @ 1 per cent, for half-year ... 114 0 0 Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 187G — Interest on £45,000 @ 3fd. per cent, per diem 145 11 0 Deficiency Bills — Interest on £34,000 @ 5 per cent. 179 9 0 1,216 0 0 Undke Special Acts op the Legislative : — Pensions Act, 1856 — ~W. Swaiuson 100 0 0 Militia Act Amendment Act, 18G0 — Pensions and Allowances 415 7 0 Civil Service Act, 1866 — Pensions 580 14 4 Military Pensions Act, 1866— Pensions and Allowances 27 18 6 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 — Pensions 49 10 6 Schafer, McOuire, and Others Pension Act, 1872 — Pensions 4 8 4 Juries Act, 1868— Copying 3 1 4 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endov:ment Act, 1874 — Twenty-five per cent, of Land Sales 584 0 0 Land Act, 1877— One-third of Proceeds of Sales of Land on Deferredpayments 6,288 0 0 Financial Arrangements Acts, 1877-78— Subsidies ... £29,850 Twenty per cent. Land Revenue ... 25,253 Wellington Hospital ... 10,000 65,103 0 0 Mailways Construction Act, 1878 — Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust 276 11 6 73,377 11 6 74,593 11



Ipproprwt ions vr 'onso> tm unices.

LIABILITIES— a Untied. item 187 1-80. £ s. d. Liabilities of 1878-79— continued. £ s. d. £ B. d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 VOTE No. 1. ANNUAL APPEOPEIATIONS :— Class I.—Public Depabtments— Legislative Executive Stamp Land-Tax Eegistrar- General Printing and Stationery Geological and Meteorological Electoral Charitable Lunatic Asylums Inspection of Machinery Class II. —Law and Justice— Supreme Court District Courts Eesident Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts ... Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions, Witnesses, and Jurors Coroners Prisons Contingencies Land and Deeds Eegistry Native Lands Courts Class III. —Postal and Telegeapiiic— Postal Telegraphic Subsidy for Australian Cable Class IV. —Customs — Customs Class V. —Maeine— Marine Class VI. —Education — Education Class VII. —Native — Salaries and Contingencies Native Schools Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 ... Class VIII.—Militia and Volunteees— Militia and Volunteers Class IX. —Constabulaet and Defence— Constabulary Contingent Defence Class X. —Eailways— Eailways Class XI. —Public Domains and Buildings— Government Domains Public Buildings Class XII. —Ceown Lands, Subvey, and Gold Fields — Crown Lands Surveys Gold Fields Class XIII. —Miscellaneous, Special, etc. — Miscellaneous Eoads Class XIV.—Peotincial Liabilities — Provincial Liabilities 100 300 100 6,100 550 750 150 2,000 12,000 2,500 25 10,250 4,000 650 250 200 1,800 50 1,000 600 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,700 14,900 550 24,575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 3,500 0 0 27 550 0 0 28 29 30 10,500 2,500 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,050 1,900 0 0 0 0 31 32 33 19,000 1,200 0 0 0 0 20,200 69,000 0 0 0 0 34 35 36 200 6,475 0 0 0 0 6,675 0 0 37 38 39 2,500 22,500 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,800 0 0 40 41 18,500 5,000 0 0 0 0 23,500 67,420 0 0 0 0 42 Total Vote No. 1 280,320 0 TOTAL LIABILITIES 354913 11



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. 1879-80 CIVIL LIST. 1879-80. £ s. d. Governor 5,000 0 0 Judges 7,700 0 0 Establishment of General Government 10,050 0 0 Native Purposes 7,000 0 0 29,750 0 0 Amottn't bequired foe 9 Months' Services ... 22,488 0 0 TOTAL, CIVIL LIST £2' ',750 0 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ • •



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. PEEMANENT CHAEGES. 1879-80. Interest and Sinking Fund. £ s. d. New Zealand Loan Act, 1856— £ Interest on £500,000 @ 4 per cent. 20,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 10,000 s. d. 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1860— Interest on £93,100 @ 6 per cent. 5,586 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 1,862 0 0 0 0 7,448 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £531,400® 6 per cent. 31,884 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 10,628 Interest on 488,000 „ 5 per cent. 24,400 Sinking Fund ,, „ 1 per cent. 4,880 Interest on 500,000 „ 4 per cent. 20,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £1,519,400 96,792 0 0 Public Belts Act, 1867— Auckland Loan Act, 1863— Interest on £31,600 @ 6 per cent. 1,896 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 632 0 0 0 0 2,528 0 0 Wellington Loan Act, 1866— Interest on £13,500 @ S per cent. 1,080 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 270 0 0 0 0 1,350 0 0 Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864 — Interest on £6,200 @ 8 per cent. 496 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 124 0 0 0 0 620 0 0 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Act, 1860 — Interest on £77,700 @ 6 per cent. 4,662 Sinking Fund „ „ 2 per cent. 1,554 0 0 0 0 6,216 0 0 Canterbury Loan Act, 1S62 — Interest on £22,800 @ 6 per cent. 1,368 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. 228 0 0 0 0 1,596 0 0 Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862 — Interest on £116,700® 6 per cent. 7,002 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. 1,167 0 0 0 0 8,169 0 0 Consolidated Loan Act, 1867— Interest on £4,583,100 @ 5 per cent. 229,155 Sinking Fund „ ,,1 per cent. 45,831 Interest on £Jj 64,000 „ 5 per cent. 3,200 Interest on 13,000 „ 4 per cent. 520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278,706 0 0 £4,660,100^ Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870— Interest on £600,000 @ 5 per cent. 30,000 Sinking Fund „ „ 1 per cent. 6,000 Interest on 250,000 „ 5 per cent. 12,500 Interest on 50,000 „ 5 per cent. 2,500 Interest on 25,000 „ 4| per cent. 1,125 Interest on 75,000 „ 4 per cent. 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,125 0 0 £1,000,000


8.— 3

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. PERMANENT CHARGES— continued. 1879-80. & s. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870— £ s. d. Interest on £2,100,000 @ 5 percent. 105,000 0 0 Sinking Fund „ ,,1 per cent. 21,000 0 0 Interest on 527,900 „ 4} per cent. 23,755 10 0 Interest on 1.372,100 „ 4 per cent. 54,884 0 0 £4,000,000 204,039 10 0 North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 — Interest on £30,900 @ 5 percent. 1,545 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873 — Interest on £1,500,000 @ 4| per cent. 67,500 0 0 Interest on 500,000 „ 5 per cent. 25,000 0 0 92,500 0 0 £2,000,000 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 — Interest on £692,100 @ 5 per cent. 34,605 0 0 Interest on 6,200 ,. 4| per cent. 279 0 0 Interest on 51,700 „ 4 per cent. 2,068 0 0 36,952 0 0 £750,000 Westland Loan Act, 1873 — Interest on £50,000 @ 5 per cent. 2,500 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1874— Interest on £4,000,000 @ 41 per cent. 180,000 0 0 Nelson Loan Act, 1874 — Interest on £18,000 @ 7 per cent. 1,260 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1876 — Interest on £1,000,000 @ 5 per cent. 50,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1877— Interest on £2,500,000 @ 5 per cent. 125,000 0 0 New Zealand Loan Act, 1879— Interest estimated at 100,000 0 0 Treasury Bills — Interest @ 5 per cent.— £ Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873... 220,000 Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876... 112,000 Appropriation Act, 1876 ... 110,000 Interest @ 3-|d. per cent, per diem — Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873... 180,000 Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1876... 60,000 Financial Arrangements Act, 1876 ... 150,000 11,000 0 5,600 0 5,500 0 0 0 0 9,264 7 3,341 7 7,720 6 6 4 2 £832,000 Deficiency Bills — Interest estimated at 18,000 0 0 Total Interest and Sinking Fund 1,343,372 11 0 Estimated Amount required for 9 Months' Services 1,036,930 0 0 2.—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. PERMANENT CHAEGES— continued. 1879-80. Under Special Acts of the Legislature. £ s. d. Pensions Act, 1856— W. Swainson 400 0 0 Martin's Annuity Act 1858 Amendment Act, 1878—■ Sir W. Martin 500 0 0 Militia Act Amendment Act, 1860 — Pensions and Allowances 700 0 0 Nixon Pension Act, 1865— Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon ... 150 0 0 Civil Service Act, 1866— Pensions, Annual Compensation (loss of office) and Gratuities 11,500 0 0 2,000 0 0 Military Pensions Act, 1866— Pensions and Allowances 3,300 0 0 Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867— Legislative Council — Speaker Chairman of Committees (also in Class I. £100) Clerk (also in Class I. £100) House of Representatives— Speaker (also in Class I. £200) ... Chairman of Committees (also in Class I. £100) Clerk (also in Class I. £100) Clerk Assistant (also in Class I. £100) 600 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 o 600 0 0 400 0 0 600 0 0 400 0 0 New Zealand Institute Act, 1867— Director of Geological Survey 800 0 0 Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869— Mrs. Mary Ann "Walsh Mrs. Ellen Ann Hewett 30 0 0 50 0 0 Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 — Mrs. Mary Whiteley 100 0 0 Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870— Mrs. E. Meredith Mrs. E. Hanilin D. Monro Trustees of Mrs. H. Broughton H. Deery Mrs. M. Collins . •» 60 0 0 50 0 0 18 0 0 107 2 0 26 0 0 65 0 0 Schafer, Me Quire, and Others Pension Act, 1872— Mrs. Charlotte Schafer Mrs. Ellen McGuire William Russell Miriama Whakahira 30 0 0 18 6 0 18 6 0 12 0 0 Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873— Governor's Establishment and Travelling Allowance 2,500 0 0 New Zealand University Act, 1874— Contribution to University 3,000 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. PEEMANENT CHAEGES— continued. 1879-80. £ s. d. Under Special Acts of the Legislature— contd. New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874— One-fourth Land Sales in Taranaki 6,220 0 0 Supreme Court Judges Act Amendment Act, 1874—■ Superannuation Allowance 2,500 0 0 Greenwood Pension Act, 1877 — J. D. Greenwood 120 0 0 Financial Arrangements Acts 1877 and 1878 — Subsidies to — Counties ... ... £118,400 0 0 Boroughs ... ... 74,000 0 0 Eoad Boards ... ... 77,950 0 0 Eiver Boards ... ... 5,210 0 0 £275,620 C 0 20 per cent. Land Eevenue payable to Counties 74,000 0 0 349,620 0 0 Neio Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877'— Charges and Expenses 14,000 0 0 land Act, 1877 — One-third of Sales of Deferred Payment Lands, payable to Counties or Eoad Boards 10,000 0 0 Public Seventies Act, 1878— Controller and Auditor-General Assistant Controller and Auditor ... 1,000 800 0 0 0 0 Railivays Construction Act, 1878— Ellesmere and Eorsyth Eeclamation and Akaroa Eailway Trust 1,200 0 0 Total trara>EB Peemanent Acts 414,194 14 0 Estimated Amount eequieed foe 9 Months'^Seevices 351,201 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETARY.

1879-80. ote 2.—Premier's Office £ s. d. 450 0 0 „ 3.—Colonial Secretary 2,222 10 0 „ 4.—Messengers and Office Keepers 3,861 3 0 ,, 5. —Legislative 65,892 14 2 „ 6.—Electoral 4,680 0 0 „ 7.—Audit 8,730 0 0 „ 8. —Government Statist 8,210 0 0 „ 9.—Geological and Meteorological 3,570 0 0 „ 10.—New Zealand Institute 500 0 0 „ 11. —Agent-General 5,000 0 0 „ 12.—Charitable 25,000 0 0 „ 13. —Lunatic Asylums 37,667 15 0 „ 14.—Printing and Stationery 28,369 10 0 „ 15. —Miscellaneous Services 50,700 16 5 TOTAL OF CLASS I. 244,854 8 7 !tem. 9-80. PEEMIER'S OFFICE. YOTE No. 2. Secretary to Premier and to Cabinet (also Confidential Clerk to Treasury) £ 450 s. d. 0 0 £ s. d. Total —Vote No. 2 450 0 0 COLONIAL SECEETAEY'S OFFICE. 1 o 3 4 VOTE No. 3. Colonial Secretary's Office — Under Secretary Chief Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £240, 1 at £180, 1 at £1G5 ... Clerk and Shorthand "Writer, 9 months (also Hansard Eeporter £250) Junior Clerk Extra Clerical Assistance 800 0 350 0 585 0 o 0 0 2,222 10 0 5 G 187 10 100 0 200 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 3 1 2 VOTE No. 4. Messengers' and Office Keepers' Dept.— Chief Messenger and Housekeeper 15 Messengers, 1 at £170, 1 at £120, 13 at 6s. per diem 3 Nignt Watchmen, at 7s. 6d. per diem 208 0 0 ;; 1,717 8 411 15 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services, CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETARY— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. COLONIAL SECRETAEY'S OFFICE—con^. VOTE No. 4— continued. Messengers' and Office Keepers' Dept.— ctd. Office Keepers — Auckland New Plymouth Wellington, 2 at 6s. per diem ... Napier Nelson (Office Keeper £150, Messenger £50) Blenheim (Office Keeper £128) Christchurch (2 Office Keepers, 1 at £175, 1 at £100 ; "Messenger £100) Dunedin (Office Keeper £132, Office Cleaner £104, and Watchman £70) ... £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 5 (j 7 8 i) 10 100 75 220 120 200 128 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,861 3 0 375 0 0 11 306 0 0 Total —Vote No. 4 .;. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS. 1 2 3 4 5 <> 7 8 9 10 VOTE No. 5. Legislative Council — Chairman of Committees (addition to permanent salary, £300) Chairman of Public Petitions Committee ... Clerk (addition to permanent salary £40(>).,. Clerk-Assistant Second Clerk Assistant Extra Clerical Assistance Interpreter Messenger Extra Messengers during Session Contingencies 100 100 100 350 200 150 200 120 250 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 1,670 0 0 11 12 13 14 15 House of Representative— Mr. Speaker (addition to permanent salary £600) Chairman of Committees (addition to permanent salary £400) Chairman of Public Petitions Committee ... Chairman of Native Affairs Committee Clerk of Parliaments (addition to permanent salary £600) Clerk-Assistant (addition to permanent salary £400) Second Clerk-Assistant Extra Clerks during Session Serjeant-at-Arms Interpreters Reader Record Clerk Messenger ... ... Extra Messengers and Police during Session 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 16 100 400 750 250 400 150 200 175 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3,935 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECEETA: ',Y — continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. LEGISLATIVE DEPAETMENTS— continued, 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 VOTE No. 5—continued. Genebal Expenses— Passages of Members Expenses of Members of both. Houses Examiner of Standing Orders on Private Bills Librarian Assistant Librarian Second Assistant in LibraryExtra assistance in Library and Mailman during Session Reporters Committee Eeporters Printing of Hansard Binding and Printing Library Gas and Fuel Expenses—lighting gas, hot water, &c. "Bellamy's," on account of Establishment... Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses Custodian, Parliament Buildings Night-watchman at 8s. 6d. per day Bonus to Clerk aud Clerk-Assistant, on account of the length of Sessions of the last 4 years Bonus to Clerk of Works Contingencies 1,150 0 21,575 0 250 0 300 0 225 0 60 0 130 0 2,500 0 620 0 2,700 0 400 0 600 0 900 0 300 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 42 43 500 0 250 0 155 11 0 0 0 200 0 22 0 1,140 0 0 0 0 41 45 34,227 11 0 46 17 48 4!) 50 51 52 Additional Expenses on account of extea Session— Chairman of Public Petitions Committee ... Chairman of Native Affairs Committee Extra Clerks during Session Extra Messengers and Police during Session Passages of Members Expenses of Members of both Houses Extra Assistance in Library and Mailman during Session Printing of Hansard Gas and Fuel Bonus to Hansard Staff, 6 Eeporters at £75 Bonus to permanent Committee Eeporters, 2 at £50 Contingencies 100 100 350 300 500 22,690 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 53 54 55 56 40 1,100 150 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 100 180 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 5 26,060 3 2 65,892 14 2 ELECTOEAL DEPAETMENT. VOTE No. 6. Eeturning and Registration Officer for City of Auckland East, City of Auckland West, Parnell, Newton, and Waitemata 50 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETARY— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. ELECTORAL DEPARTMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d VOTE No. 6— continued. Returning and Registration Officer for Marsden (also Collector of Customs £200, Resident Magistrate £100, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Returning and Registration Officer for Waikato and Waipa (also Resident Magistrate £400, and travelling allowance £100) Returning and Registration Officer forThames (also Resident Magistrate and "Warden at Coromandel) Returning and Registration Officer for East Coast District (also Interpreter and Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court £100, Native Office £50, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Returning and Registration Officer for Rod25 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 G 20 0 0 10 11 12 13 7 ney Returning and Registration Officer for Franklin (also Resident Magistrate £300, travelling allowance £50, and Coroner fees) Returning and Registration Officer for Grey and Bell, Town of New Plymouth, and Egmont (also Registrar Supreme Court £40, Sheriff nil, Clerk to District Court £25, and to Resident Magistrate's Court £210) Returning and Registration Officer, Wellington City, Hutt, and Wellington Country Districts (also Clerk District Court nil, and Clerk of Resident Magistrate's Court £300) Returning and Registration Officer for Wanganui (also District Judge £300, Resident Magistrate £250, and travelling allowance £25) Returning and Registration Officer for Wairarapa (also Resident Magistrate £400, and travelling allowance £100) ... Returning and Registration Officer for Manawatu and Rangitikei (also Coroner fees)... Returning and Registration Officer, Napier and Clive (also Deputy Land-Tax Commissioner £400) Returning and Registration Officer for Collingwood (also Resident Magistrate and Warden £200, forage allowance £5415s, Coroner fees, Postmaster £15, Customs £25, and Registrar Births &c. fees) Returning and Registration Officer for City of Nelson, Suburbs of Nelson, and Waimea (also Clerk to Resident Magistrate £300, Deputy Registrar Supreme Court nil, and Clerk of District Court nil) Returning and Registration Officer for Buller (also Warden and Resident Magistrate, Westport £500, and forage allowance £54 15s., and Coroner fees) Returning and Registration Officer for Grey Valley (also Resident Magistrate £500) ... Returning and Registration Officer for Hokitika and Totara (also Resident Magistrate £500, and Travelling Allowance £150, also Commissioner of Crown Lands £100) 25 25 25 25 25 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 50 0 0 25 0 0 15 25 0 0 1(5 25 0 0 17 25 0 0 IS 50 0 o



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECEETA: !Y— continued. Item 18' 9-80. £ 8. d £ 8. ELECTOKAL DEPAETMENT— continued. 10 20 21 22 23 24 26 VOTE No. 6 — continued. Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Cheviot (also Clerk to Petty Sessions Court £30, Customs Officer £130, Kegistrar Births &c. fees, Telegraphist £25, and Postal £30) ... Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Avon, City of Christchurch, Heathcote, Selwyn, and Coleridge Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Town of Lyttelton (also Clerk Besident Magistrate's Court £175, and Eegistrar of Births Ac. £30) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Akaroa (also Eesident Magistrate £275, and travelling allowance £50) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Timaru and Gladstone (also Eesident Magistrate £475, and Coroner fees) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Ashley and Kaiapoi (also Clerk to Eesident Magistrate £175) Eeturniug and Eegistration Officer for City of Dunedin, Caversham, and Eoslyn (also Eegistrar of Births Ac. £200) Eeturning and B-egistration Officer for Port Chalmers (also Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, Postmaster £205, and Telegraphist £100) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Taieri Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Clutha and Bruce (also Eesident Magistrate £500, forage and travelling allowances £154 15s., and Coroner fees) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Waitaki (also Eesident Magistrate £475, Coroner nil) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Waikouaiti EeturningandEegistrationOfficerforEiverton (also Clerk, Bailiff, and Office Cleaner £75) Eeturning and Eegistration Officer for Invercargill and Mataura (also Eegistrar of Supreme Court £25, Sheriff nil, Clerk to Eesident Magistrate's Court £150, Clerk to District Court £50, Eegistrar of Marriages £25) 25 95 25 25 25 25 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 25 25 0 0 0 0 27 28 25 0 0 20 25 0 0 30 25 0 0 31 25 0 0 32 25 0 0 33 Expenses of Printing Bolls and Advertising Electoral Claims, Elections, and Contingencies 9S0 0 0 4680 0 0 3,700 0 Total—Vote No. 6 AUDIT OFFICE. VOTE No. 7. Audit Office— Chief Clerk 450 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECEETAEY— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ a. d. £ s. d. 5 8 7 2 i AUDIT OFFICE— continued. VOTE No. 7—continued. Clerk Clerk (London) 13 Clerks, 2 at £300, 2 at £275, 2 at £250, 2 at £210,2 at £200,1 at £190,1 at £175, 1 at £120 Audit of Railway Accounts — Chief Clerk Clerk 9 Clerks, 2 at £165, 3 at £150, 3 at £125, 1 at £120 Extra Assistance Travelling Inspectors — 5 Inspectors, 3 at £300, 2 at £250 Travelling Expenses 375 400 2,955 375 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1,275 400 0 0 0 0 9 10 1,400 900 0 0 0 0 Total —Vote No. 7 8,730 0 0 GOVERNMENT STATIST'S DEPAETMENT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTE No. 8. Begistrar-General and Government Statist... Chief Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £220, 1 at £210 ... Cadet ... : .. Eegistrars of Marriages for the several Eegistrars' Districts Actuary and Clerk for Friendly Societies, and Statistical Clerk ... Bevising Barrister under " Friendly Societies Act, 1877" Contingencies Collection of Agricultural Statistics Census, 1878 600 350 730 80 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 7 100 100 1,800 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 Total—Vote No. 8 8,210 0 0 GEOLOGICAL AND METEOEOLOGICAL DEPAETMENT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 VOTE No. 9. Assistant Geologist (also Inspector of Mines £100) Analyst Clerk and Curator (also Meteorological Observer and Statistical Clerk £60) Draftsman, &c. Field Assistant and Collector ... Museum Assistant ... Field Expeuses and Special Surveys Contingencies Messenger and Keeper Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatory Inspection of Meteorological Stations, &c. ... 350 400 350 325 270 150 800 200 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 ( 600 0 11 Total—Vote No. 9 3,570 0 0 3—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECEETAEY— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ 8. d. NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. VOTE No. 10. Grant under clause 14, "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867 " 500 0 0 500 0 0 Total—Vote No. 10 ... AGENT-GENEBAL'S DEPAETMENT. VOTE No. 11. Agent-Geneeal foe New Zealand in London — Agent-General Staff, Eent, &c. 5,000 0 0 1 2 1,500 3,500 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 11 ... CHAEITABLE. VOTE No. 12. Grants in Aid to Hospitals and Charitable Institutions— Hospitals Charitable Institutions 1 2 30,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 Less recoverable from Local Bodies 50,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 25,000 0 0 Total —Vote No. 12 LUNATIC ASYLUMS. I 2 8 VOTE No. 13. Chief Office —■ Inspector of Lunatic Asylums ... Eccord Clerk and Accountant ... Fees to Medical Witnesses 800 250 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 6 7 8 Asylums— Auckland — Local Inspector Eesident Medical Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron ... ... Attendants and Servants— 17 Male Attendants, 1 at £120, 1 at £75, 7 at £70,8 at £60; Cook at £70; 7 nurses, 1 at £60, 6 at £42 ; Cook at £42 Farm Overseer Labourer Farming Implements, Stock, &c. Hations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, aud Ale... . Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Furniture 50 400 120 70 1,589 100 60 300 2,520 320 500 50 100 GOO 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 18 11 15 16 17 IS



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETA ,Y — continued. Item 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. (1, LUNATIC ASYLUMS— continued. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 VOTE No. 13— continued. Asylums— continued. New Plymouth — Keeper and Clerk Nurse Bations, &c. Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous Wellington — Medical Officer Keeper Matron Clerk and Storekeeper Attendants and Servants — 8 Male Attendants at £100, 6 Female Attendants at £50, Cook at £50, Laundress at £50 Rations Fuel and Light Clothing and Bedding Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Furniture ... .7. Napier — Medical Officer (also Surgeon to Gaol £50) Attendants—Married Couple £170, Attendant £80 Eations Bedding and Clothing Fuel and Light Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Nelson — Medical Officer Keeper and Clerk Matron Attendants and Servants — 5 Male Attendants, 2 at £70, 3 at £60, Cook at £40, and 2 Female Attendants at £40 Eations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Furniture Christchurch — Local Inspector Medical Officer Eesident Medical S uperintendent Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Attendants and Servants — 13 Male Attendants, 9 at £127, 4 at £109 10s.; 2 Cooks, 1 at £109 10s., 1 at £91 5s.; Messenger at £52, Kitchen Lad at £26; 7 Female Attendants at £73 Laundress £73 25 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,200 0 0 1,300 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 150 0 0 43 44 45 46 200 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 440 0 0 800 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 50 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 2,443 15 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETA ;T — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d £ s, d. LUNATIC ASYLUMS—continued. 61 02 68 64 65 66 07 68 09 70 71 72 7:3 74 76 76 77 VOTE No. 13—continued. Asylums — contin ued. Christchurch —continued. Rations Fuel and Light Clothing and Bedding Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Hokitika — Local Inspector Medical Officer Keeper and Clerk Matron Attendants and Servants— 6 Male Attendants at £120, 2 Female Attendants at £65 Eations Bedding and Clothing Fuel and Light Surgeon and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous ... Dunedin — Local Inspector # ... Medical Officer Eesidcnt Medical Superintendent Superintendent Clerk and Storekeeper Matron Attendants and Servants— 17 Male Attendants, 1 at £130,16 at £100; Baker at £100, 0 Nurses at £50, Cook at £50; 2 Laundresses, 1 at £50, 1 at £40 Eations Fuel and Light Bedding and Clothing Surgery and Dispensary Wines, Spirits, Porter, and Ale... Necessaries, incidental and miscellaneous '... Furniture Contingencies 2,560 550 600 40 50 GOO 30 200 275 75 850 1,000 250 60 40 20 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 70 80 81 82 81! 84 50 300 300 400 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 SO 87 SS 89 90 91 92 2,270 2,750 200 700 50 150 1,000 300 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 13 ... 37,667 15 0 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. I 2 8 4 5 VOTE No. 14. PuiSTING DepAETMENT— Government Printer (also Storekeeper £75) 3 Overseers, 1 at £275, 1 at £240, 1 at £195 2 Readers at £200 Book-keeper and Publishing Clerk 11 Compositors, 3 at £3 5s. per week, 8 at £3 per week 3 Pressmen, 2 at £3 per week, 1 at £2 15s. per week 3 Machinists, 1 at £195, 2 at £156 Engineer Apprentices, Machine and Errand Boys, &e... 450 710 400 220 0 0 0 0 t) 0 (I 0 1,755 0 0 G 7 3 9 455 507 195 750 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated hmd Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETA: — continued. Item. 1879-80. PRINTING AND STATIONEET— continued £ s. d.! £ B. d. 10 11 12 18 11 VOTE No. 14— continued. Printing Department— continued. Piece-work and Extra Assistance during and subsequent to Session of Assembly Type and Printing Material Contingencies, Overtime, &c. ... Hinding Branch — Foreman 8 Binders, 2 at £3 10s. per week, 1 at £3 7s. 6d. per week, 5 at £3 per week ... Assistants, Folders and Sewers Overtime Binding Material Stereotype Branch — Stereotyper and Electrotyper Assistant 2,500 0 0 900 0 0 1,000 0 0 225 0 0 15 18 17 1,319 10 0 750 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 IS 1!) 200 0 0 50 0 0 20 21 22 28 21 25 20 Stationery Store Department— Storekeeper (also Government Printer £450) Clerk 3 Assistants, 1 at £160, 1 at £120, 1 at £110 Cadet ... Errand Boy at 10s. per week Extra Labour and Assistance ... Stationery and Printing Paper ... 12,586 10 75 0 182 0 390 0 60 0 26 0 50 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,783 0 0 Total—Vote No. 14 28,369 10 0 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 8 7 8 9 10 1 2 8 4 6 VOTE No. 15. General Contingencies Kent of Government Offices Civil Service Examination Board Introduction of Salmon and White Fish Ova " Public Health Act, 1876" Pensions of late Provincial Governments — Wellington — J. Wallace J. George D. Green Mrs. Lyall Nelson — M. Robinson Canterbury — T. Cass J. Reston Otago — J. Outram Specimens of New Zealand "W oods for Kew Museum Registrar of Patents (also Chief Clerk Justice Department £350) Work on New Zealand Grasses " The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Inspection of Sheep and Cattle, and Registration of Brands 10,000 300 200 800 1,600 150 50 50 20 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 400 200 0 0 o 0 18 14 188 0 0 60 0 0 15 75 300 20 0 0 0 0 o 0 16 17 IS 12,000 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS I.—COLONIAL SECRETA iY— continued. Item. 9-80. 18 19 20 21 22 23 21: 26 20 MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES— continued. VOTE No. 15— continued. "Wellington Patent Slip Company, guarantee of Interest Botanical Gardens " Slaughterhouses Act, 1877 "... New Zealand Justice of the Peace, new edition " Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1877 " Friendly Societies' Eoservo, Dunedin, Rent of Bridgekeeper, Heathcote Land Claims of Sartoris, Downe, and others, final settlement of (unexpendedbalance)... Sydney Exhibition ... Melbourne Exhibition " Reprint of Statutes Act, 1878 " Purchase Slaughterhouse Reserve, Onehunga, including interest Grant in aid to building fund of Orphan Home at Thames Compensation to Mrs. Corlett ... Expenses of Visit of His Excellency the Governor to Dunedin in April, 1879 Expenses of Visit of His Excellency the Governor to Waikato in June, 1879 "W. J. Hurst, Services as Chairman, Hospital Committee, &c, Auckland Escheated Estate of Henry Harding, to be paid to father, Jeremiah Harding, in England To carry out recommendation of Native Affairs Committee of House of Representatives on Petition of Poverty Bay Natives for compensation for Maori House in Colonial Museum Balance of Gratuity to Children of late F. K. Williams "W J. Cullen, Compensation for a Road through his Land at Mahakipawa, Marlborough Grant to County Council of Inangahua, in respect of Payments to Trustees of Reefton Hospital to 31st December, 1878 H. N. Brewer, addition to Pension under " Civil Service Act, 1866," for special services rendered Surplus of Funds appropriated by the late Canterbury Provincial Government to local works in South Canterbury: — Timaru Hospital Waimate Hospital £ s. d. 2,450 0 0 1,500 0 0 200 0 0 750 0 0 500 0 0 40 0 0 65 0 0 2,842 19 1 4,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 £ s. d. 27 2S 29 30 31 2,431 0 0 32 33 525 0 0 50 0 0 97 10 G 34 47 19 0 35 84 0 0 30 37 3S 39 127 2 10 300 0 0 .66 13 4 60 0 0 '0,700 16 5 40 1,126 14 5 11 25 0 0 2,898 17 3 500 0 0 42 43 Total—Vote No. 15 ... TOTAL OE CLASS I. • • • £244,854 8 7



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS lI.—COLONIAL TREASURER. 1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 16.—Treasury Department ... ... ... 8,710 0 0 „ 17.— Land-Tax Department ... ... ... 17,980 0 0 „ 18. —Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... 9,597 6 6 TOTAL OF CLASS 11. ~. ... 36,287 6 6

18 9-80. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 2 8 4 5 e VOTE No. 16. Tbeastjey— Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver, and Pay-master-General (also Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds £50) Accountant to the Treasury Chief Clerk and Cashier Clerk ... First Clerk, Accountant's Office 4 Clerks, 1 at £215 (also £75 from Imperial Pensions Fund), 1 at £215, 1 at £265, and 1 at £180 First Clerk, Record Office Clerk Cadet Clerk for Loan Accounts Cadet First Clerk, Receiver-General's Branch 7 Clerks, 1 at £275, 1 at £250, 1 at £240, 1 at £200,1 at £100,1 at £180,1 at £165 Cadet First Clerk, Paymaster-General's Branch ... 11 Clerks, 1 at £250, 1 at £240,1 at £225, 1 at £200, 2 at £160, 3 at £130,2 at £115 3 Cadets, 2 at £80, 1 at £65 ... Extra Clerical Assistance Contingencies 700 475 450 325 365 875 325 200 65 300 50 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 16 1,500 80 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 1,855 225 300 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 16 8,710 0 0 LAND-TAX DEPARTMENT. 1 2 8 VOTE No. 17. Head Office — Commissioner Clerk Cadet Local Offices — Auckland — Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk 2 Clerks at £150 Napier — Deputy Commissioner (also Returning and Registration Officer Napier and Clive£50) Clerk 700 200 60 500 275 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 4 5 6 7 400 150 0 0 0 c 8



Appropriations for Consolidated Pund Services. CLASS II.—COLONIAL TREASUR: IE — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ 8. d. LAND-TAX DEPARTMENT— continued. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 VOTE No. 17— continued. Local Offices — continued. Nelson — Deputy Commissioner (also Agent Nelson and Westland Coal Fields £400) Clerk Cadet Wellington — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Christchurch — Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet Dunedin — Deputy Commissioner (also £250 as Government Auctioneer) Chief Clerk Clerk Cadet County Valuers Advertising Estimated amount required for expenses under the Land-Tax and Property Assessment Acts Contingencies 200 200 75 500 215 500 220 150 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 250 250 200 60 300 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 22 21 21 10,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 17,980 0 0 25 Total—Vote No. 17 MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES. 1 2 8 4 5 G VOTE No. 18. Audit of County and Road Board Accounts ... Secretary to Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Funds (also Secretary to the Treasury £700) Expenses of Investment of Sinking Fund, Consolidated Loan Exchange and Commission on Remittances, and Payment of Dividends Contingencies Estate of James Findlater, amount recovered under escheat to be distributed amongst the creditors of the deceased Subsidy to Henley River Board on Rates received Deficiencies in the Government Insurance Accounts of T. ~VV. Longuet, late Postmaster at Palmerston, Otago 2,700 0 50 0 600 0 5,000 0 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,597 6 6 110 0 0 7 252 10 8 8 84 16 8 Total —Vote No. 18 TOTAL OP CLASS II. i • • « • £36, SI 6 6



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS lII.—MINISTER OF JUSTICE.

1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 19.—Department of Justice ... ... ... 1,460 0 0 „ 20.—Crown Law Office ... ... ... 2,160 0 0 „ 21— Land Claims Office ... ... ... 200 0 0 „ 22.—Supreme Court ... ... ... 7,096 0 0 „ 23.—District Courts ... ... ... 7,735 0 0 „ 24.—Eesident Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts ... 46,620 0 0 „ 25.—Petty Sessions Courts ... ... ... 150 0 0 „ 26.—Criminal Prosecutions, "Witnesses and Jurors ... 8,000 0 0 „ 27.—Coroners ... ... ... 2,500 0 0 „ 28.—Prisons ... ... ... 41,548 2 0 „ 29.—Contingencies ... ... ... 5,200 0 0 „ 30.—Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... 9,731 10 7 TOTAL OF CLASS 111. ... ... 132,400 12 7 Item. 1879-80. VOTE No. 19. £ s. d. £ s. d. Depabtment of Justice — 1 Under Secretary ... ... 600 0 0 2 Chief Clerk (also Registrar of Patents £75) ... 350 0 0 3 Clerk ... ... 250 0 0 4 Clerk ... ... 200 0 0 5 Cadet ... ... 60 0 0 Total-Vote No. 19 ... 1,460 0 0 VOTE No. 20. Crown Law Office— 1 Solicitor-General ... ... 1,000 0 0 2 Assistant Law Officer ... ... 600 0 0 3 Law Draftsman (also Clerk Land Claims Office £200) ... ... 350 0 0 4 Clerk ... ... 150 0 0 5 Clerical Assistance ... ... 60 0 0: Total—Vote No. 20 ... 2,160 0 0 VOTE No. 21. Land Claims Office — 1 Clerk (also Law Draftsman £350) ... 200 0 0 Total—Vote No. 21 .. 200 0 0 4—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated \md Services, CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST. — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. SUPEEME COURT. 1 2 8 ■1 5 li 7 VOTE No. 22. Auckland — Registrar (also Sheriff nil) Deputy Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk Interpreter (also Resident Magistrate's Court £50, and Native £100) Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner New Plymouth — Registrar (also Sheriff nil, Clerk District Court £25, Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £210, and Returning and Registration Officer £25) Wellington — Registrar (also Sheriff nil) Deputy Registrar and Clerk ... Clerk Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner (also Office Cleaner Resident Magistrate's Court £20) Napier — Registrar and Sheriff (also Clerk District Court £150) Crier Office Cleaner Blenheim — Office Cleaner (also Bailiff District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £120, and Office Cleaner £15 12s.) 500 0 0 250 0< 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 36 0 0 40 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 165 0 0 140 0 0 8 8 10 11 12 36 0 0 18 150 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 14 15 10 6 10 0 17 is li) 20 21 22 28 24 Nelson — Registrar (also Sheriff nil, District Land Registrar £400, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) Crier (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court, Brightwater, &c. £45, and Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £150) Messenger and Office Cleaner (also Resident Magistrate's Court £60) Christchurch — Registrar (also Sheriff nil) Deputy Registrar and Chief Clerk Clerk Crier and Messenger Office Cleaner Hokitilca — Registrar (also Sheriff nil, District Land Registrar £200, Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £60) Deputy Registrar and Clerk (also Clerk of District Court £25, Clerk of the Resident Magistrate's Court £275,and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Crier Dunedin — Registrar (also Sheriff nil) Deputy Registrar and Clerk Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner 25 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0 450 0 0 300 0 C 170 0 0 126 10 0 50 0 0 25 150 0 0 26 25 0 0 10 0 0 27 28 20 80 81 450 0 0 300 0 0 80 0 0 186 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUSTICE— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ 8. d. £ 3,820 s. 0 d. 0 82 8a 84 85 86 86 88 89 SUPEEME COTJET— continued. VOTE No. 22— continued, Invercargill — Registrar (also Sheriff nil, Clerk District Court £50, Clerk Eesideut Magistrate's Court £150, Registration and Returning Officer£25,and Registrar of Births &e.£25) Crier and Messenger Clerk to Chief Justice, Wellington Clerk to Judge, Auckland Clerk to Judge, "Wellington Clerk to Judge, Canterbury Clerk to Judge, Otago Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal 25 15 150 150 150 150 150 1,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,096 0 0 Total—Vote No. 22 ... DISTRICT COURTS. 1 2 a 4 5 e 7 8 VOTE No. 23. Auckland, Thames, and Hamilton — Judge (also Resident Magistrate nil) ■ ... Clerk at Auckland (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £270) Clerk at Thames (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £225, and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar £100) Bailiff at Thames (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £175) Clerk at Hamilton (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £150 and travelling allowance £5-1 15s.) Bailiff at Hamilton New Plymouth and Carlyle — Judge (also Resident Magistrate £200, and Frauds Commissioner £100) ... Clerk (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £210, Registrar Supreme Court £40, Sheriff nil, and Returning and Registration Officer £25) Clerk at Carlyle (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £120, and travelling allowance £5-4 15s.) Wanqanui and Palmerston — District Judge (also Resident Magistrate £250, and Returning and Registration Officer £25) Clerk at "Wanganui (also Sheriff nil, Resident Magistrate's Court £200, and Registrar Births &c. £40) Wellington and Featherston — District Judge (also Resident Magistrate £300) Travelling Allowance, Clerk at Featherston... Napier and Gisborne — District Judge (also Resident Magistrate £300, and Frauds Commissioner £100) Clerk (also Registrar Supreme Court and Sheriff £150) 700 0 100 0 25 0 Fees 30 0 Fees 350 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 30 0 0 10 300 0 0 11 30 0 0 is 13 350 0 15 0 0 0 14 300 0 0 15 150 0 0 10 Nelson — Judge (also Resident Magistrate £300, and travelling allowance £54 15s., Revising Officer £100) 375 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated hind Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST: 'CE— continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. DISTRICT COURTS— continued. VOTE No. 23— continued. Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport, and Reefton — Judge Clerk at Westport (also Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court £275) Clerk at Reefton (also Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court £250) Bailift" at Westport (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £125) Clerk at Hokitika (also Deputy Registrar Supreme Court £25, Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £275, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Clerk at Greymouth (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £2C0, and Registrar Births &c. fees) Bailiff" at Hokitika (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £150, and Crown Lands and Forest Ranger £20) Bailiff at Greymouth (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £130) ... Chris/church, Timaru, Waimate, Oamaru, and Palmers/on — Judge Clerk at Christchurch Clerk at Timaru (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £200) Clerk at Oamaru (also Resident Magistrate's Court £200, and Registrar of Births &c. £50) ... ■ Dunedin and Tolcomairiro — Judge (also Resident Magistrate nil) Clerk (also Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £300) Otago Gold Fields, Invercargill, Sfc. — Judge Clerk at Invercargill (also Registrar Supreme Court £25, Sheriff nil, Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court £150, Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Registrar o1 Marriages £25) 7 Bailiffs at £25 Travelling Expenses of Judges and Clerks oJ above Courts Fees and Expenses to be returned to Bailiffs ... 750 0 0 17 is 40 0 0 i 18 25 0 0 20 25 0 0 21 25 0 0 22 40 0 0 88 24 30 0 0 20 0 0 25 26 27 900 25 0 0 0 0 28 75 0 0 50 0 0 29 30 350 0 0 25 0 0 81 32 800 0 0 50 175 0 0 0 0 88 84 86 1,500 oO 0 0 0 0 Total —Vote No .23 7,735 0 0 RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS COURTS. 1 2 8 VOTE No. 2i. Auckland, Onehunga, and OtaJiuhu — Resident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Chief Clerk (also Clerk of District Court £100) Clerk (also Clerk to Petty Sessions £50) ... Clerk Bailiff 550 0 0 20" 0 0 4 6 G 270 0 0 250 0 0 120 0 0 160 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated und Services, CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST — continued. Item. 18' 9-80. RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COURTS— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d, I VOTE No. 24— continued. Auckland, Onehunga, and Otahuhu —continued. Assistant Bailiff and District Court Messenger (also Stamp Office £20, and Office of Registrar Births £15) Interpreter (also Supreme Court £50, and Native £100) Clerk at Onehunga and Otahuhu Travelling Allowance Papakura, Mercer, Waiuku, and Port Waikato — Resident Magistrate (also Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Coroner fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk Clerk and Interpreter at Waiuku and Port "Waikato (also £75 from Native Office, and Travelling Expenses £25) Wangarei, Wangarei Heads, and Waipu — Resident Magistrate (also Collector of Customs £200, Returning and Registration Officer £25, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Bailiff Manqapai — Clerk Kaipara — Resident Magistrate at Pouto Point (also Officer in Charge of Customs £250) Clerk at Helensville (also £100 from Native Office, and £50 from Native Land Court) Clerk at Warkworth Waimate, Whangaroa, Russell, and Kawakawa — Resident Magistrate (also £250 from Native Office, Coroner fees) Travelling Allowance Clerk at Whangaroa (also Customs £100)... Clerk at Kawakawa (also Sergeant Constabulary £173 17s.) Clerk at Russell Office Cleaner Mongonui and Ahipara —■ Clerk and Interpreter (also £175 Native, Customs £50, Registrar Births &c. fees, and Meteorological Observer £25) Hokianga — Resident Magistrate (also Customs £265, Coroner fees, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk (also £37 10s. from Native Office, and £37 10s. Native Land Court) Hamilton, Newcastle, Cambridge, Rangiriri, Alexandra, and Te Awamutu — Resident Magistrate (also Returning and Registration Officer £20) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter (also Clerk District Court £30) Travelling Allowance Bailiff Clerk at Alexandra (also Constabulary £155 11s.) 130 0 0 7 8 50 0 0 9 50 0 0 170 0 0 15 0 0 10 11 12 300 0 0 50 0 0 170 0 0 18 1L 15 150 0 0 16 100 0 0 30 0 0 17 18 12 0 0 19 100 0 0 20 125 0 0 20 0 0 21 22 200 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 23 24 25 26 27 IS 6 0 200 0 0 G 10 0 28 50 0 0 21) 120 0 0 ■M 75 0 0 ■M 400 0 0 100 0 0 82 88 34 86 36 150 0 0 54 15 0 150 0 0 18 6 0 w Taupo — Resident Magistrate (also Inspector Constabulary £400) 50 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST CE — continued. Item. 18 9-80. RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' DOUBTS— continued. YOTE No. 24— continued, Raglan — Resident Magistrate (also Native Office £175 ) Tliames — Warden and Resident Magistrate 3'orage Allowance Clerk (also Clerk District Court £25, and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar £100) Clerk Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court fees) Messenger Interpreter Clerk at Ohinemuri (also Sergeant Armed Constabulary £173 17s.) Coromandel —■ Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue £95) Bailiff (also Gold Fields £50) ... Office Cleaner Tauranga, Maketu, and Oltinemutu — Resident Magistrate (also £250 from Native Office, Revising Officer £20, and Inspector Native Schools £25) Resident Magistrate (also Inspector Armed Constabulary £400) Clerk and Interpreter (also Returning and Registration Officer £25, Native Office £50, and Registrar Births &c. fees) Office Cleaner Bailiff Opotiki, Maketu, and Oltinemutu — Resident Magistrate (also Native £250, and travelling expenses £50) Clerk Office Cleaner Clerk at Maketu Gisborne, Ormond, Tolago Say, and Waiapu — Resident Magistrate (also Native Frauds Act £20, Coroner fees, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk (also Clerk District Court nil, and Registrar of Births &c. lees)... Interpreter Cadet Bailiff Office Cleaner (also £90 from other Departments ... ... Clerk at Ormond (also Constable £155 11s.) Clerk at Tolago Bay (also Constable £155 11s.) Rent Clerk at Waiapu (also Armed Constabulary £155 11s ) Interpreter (also Armed Constabulary £128 2s.) 2feio Plymouth — Resident Magistrate (also District Judge £350, and Frauds Commissioner £100) ... Clerk (also Registrar Supreme Court £10, Sheriff nil, Clerk District Court £25, Returning and Registration Officer £25 Cadet ... ... i Bailiff and Office Cleaner (also Crier to Supreme Court, and Bailiff District Court nil) Rent of Court-room, &c. £ a. d. £ s. d. 175 0 0 88 89 40 41 GOO 0 0 54 15 0 42 48 •11 46 46 225 0 0 225 0 0 175 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 18 G 0 ■17 IS 49 180 0 0 50 0 0 12 0 0 50 300 0 0 51 100 0 0 52 63 54 100 0 0 12 0 0 25 0 0 55 100 0 0 150 0 0 6 0 0 150 0 0 56 57 68 59 400 0 0 60 250 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 120 0 0 61 62 88 64 66 66 67 GS 20 0 0 IS 6 0 IS 6 0 IS 4 0 69 18 6 0 36 12 0 70 200 0 0 71 210 0 0 40 0 0 72 7-1 125 0 0 30 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTEE OF JUSTICE— continued. Item. 1879-80. 75 KESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' j COURTS— continued. VOTE No. 24— continued. Carlyle, Haivera, and Waverley — Resident Magistrate (also Sheriff nil, and Land Officer £200) Travelling Allowance ... ... Clerk (also Clerk District Court £30) Travelling Allowance Clerk at Hawera Bailiff Interpreter (also Contingent Defence £52) Travelling Allowance (also Contingent De- | fence £13) Office Cleaner (also Lands £G, and Survey £6) Bent at Hawera Wellington and Suit — Resident Magistrate (also District Judge £350) Clerk and Interpreter (also Clerk District Court nil, and Registration and Returning Officer £25) Clerk Clerk Cadet Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court nil) ... ) Assistant Bailiff ... ... Office Cleaner (also Supreme Court £30) ... Marton, Foxton, Otalci, Pabnerston, Bull's, and Feilding — Resident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Registrar Births &c. fees) ... Travelling Allowance Bailiff ... _ • •• Clerk and Interpreter, Foxton (also Native Office £100) Bailiff Clerk at Palmerston North (also Clerk District Court) Interpreter, Bailiff, and Office Cleaner Clerk at Feilding (6 months) ... Wanganui and Turakina — Resident Magistrate (also District Judge £300, and Returning and Registration Officer£25) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter (also Sheriff nil, District Court £30, and Registrar Births &c. £40) Cadet Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court and Crier Supreme Court) Office Cleaner Native Constable (also Native Office £20) ... Featherston, Carterton, Greytown, Masterton, and Whareama — Resident Magistrate (also Registration and Returning Officer £25) Travelling Allowance Clerk and Interpreter (also Clerk District Court nil) Travelling Allowance Clerk at Masterton Travelling Allowance Bailiff at Featherston Bailiff at Masterton Rent at Tenui £ s. <L 200 0 0 54 15 0 120 0 0 54 15 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 52 0 0 £ s. d. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 13 0 0 12 0 0 50 0 0 85 300 0 0 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 300 0 0 225 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 160 0 0 110 0 0 20 0 0 93 94 95 96 97 98 350 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 99 100 125 0 0 50 0 0 101 102 160 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 103 250 0 0 25 0 0 104 105 106 107 200 0 0 80 0 0 108 109 130 0 0 36 0 0 10 0 0 110 400 0 0 100 0 0 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 200 0 0 GO 0 0 150 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST: CE— continued. Item. 18' '9-80. £ 8. d £ B. d. 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COUBTS— continued. VOTE No. 24— -continued. Napier, Waipawa, and Havelock — Resident Magistrate (also District Judge £300, and Frauds Commissioner £100) Clerk Clerk and Interpreter Assistant Clerk and Bailiff Clerk and Bailiff at Waipawa (also Clerk &c. Petty Sessions £30) Clerk and Bailiff at Havelock ... Rent at Havelock TVairoa — Resident Magistrate Clerk and Bailiff (also as Interpreter Native Office £50) Nelson, Motueka, and Bright water — Resident Magistrate (alsoDistrict Judge£375, Revising Officer £100) Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Deputy Registrar Supreme Court nil, Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Clerk of District Court nil) Clerk ... .;. Bailiff (also Clerk of Court Briglitwater £45, and Crier Supreme Court £30) Messenger and Office Cleaner (also from Supreme Court £60) Clerk at Brightwater (also Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court Nelson £150, and Crier Supreme Court £30) Clerk at Motueka (also Registrar Births &c. fees, and Clerk District Court nil) Collingwood and Takaka — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Customs £25, Postmaster £15, Registration and Returning Officer £25, Coroner fees, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Forage Allowance Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff at Takaka ... ... Rent at Takaka Westport, Charleston, Lyell, and Hampden — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Coroner fees) Forage Allowance Clerk, Westport (also Clerk District Court Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court £25) Office Cleaner Clerk, Charleston Bailiff Clerk, LyeU Bailiff Heefton, Aliaura, and Nelson Creek — Resident Magistrate and Warden Clerk, Reefton (also Clerk District Court £25) Bailiff and Bailiff District Court Office Cleaner Clerk, Ahaura Bailiff ... \\\ 300 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 400 0 0 60 0 0 300 0 0 54 15 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 135 90 0 0 136 137 138 139 140 200 0 0 54 15 0 7 16 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 141 500 0 0 54 15 0 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 275 0 0 125 0 0 25 0 C 125 0 0 60 0 0 200 0 0 25 0 0 150 151 152 153 154 155 500 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 25 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated <\md Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST CE— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COUETS— continued. 156 157 158 VOTE No. 24— continued. Blenheim — Eesident Magistrate (also Begistrar of Supreme Court and Sheriff nil, District Land Registrar £200) Clerk (also Clerk District Court nil) Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court nil, Office Cleaner £15 12s., and Cleaner Supreme Court £6 10s.) Office Cleaner (also Bailiff £120, and Office Cleaner Supreme Court £610s.) 150 0 250 0 0 0 120 0 0 159 15 12 0 160 161 162 163 161 165 166 167 16S 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Picton — Clerk Bailiff Office Cleaner Haveloclc — Clerk and Bailiff (also Eeceiver Gold Eevenue £50) Office Cleaner CJiristcJmrck, Leeston, and Southhridge — Eesident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk (also Clerk District Court nil) 2 Clerks, 1 at £160, 1 at £120 ... Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Messenger Office Cleaner Eent at Christchurch Clerk at Leeston and Southbridge Bailiff' at Leeston and Southbridge Li/ttelton — Eesident Magistrate Clerk (also Eegistrar of Births &c. £30, and Eegistration and Returning Officer £25) Bailiff Office Cleaner Kaiapoi, Bangiora, Amlerley, Oxford, Malvern, and Waiau — Eesident Magistrate Travelling Allowance Clerk at Kaiapoi (also Eegistration and Returning Officer £25) Bailiff at Kaiapoi, and Clerk and Bailiff at Bangiora, Amberley, and Oxford (including Travelling Expenses) Assistant Bailiff Cleaning Court, Kaiapoi Eent at Eangiora Eent at Oxford Clerk and Bailiff at Malvern Eent at Malvern Clerk and Bailiff at "Waiau (also Constable £155 lls., and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Alcaroa, Pigeon Bay, and Little Eiver — Eesident Magistrate (also Registration and Eeturning Officer £25) Travelling Allowance Clerk, Bailiff, Office Cleaner, and Messenger 5—B. 3. 100 0 40 O 12 0 100 0 12 0 600 0 54 15 300 0 280 0 180 0 150 0 120 0 50 0 25 0 125 0 85 0 80 0 300 0 175 0 100 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 182 183 375 0 125 0 0 184 175 0 0 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 300 0 60 0 12 0 40 0 15 C 75 0 30 0 0 o 0! 75 0 0 192 275 0 50 0 135 0 0! 0 ol 193 194



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OP JUST: CE— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ 8. d. £ 8. d, RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COURTS—continued. 213 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 214 215 VOTE No. 24— continued. Ashhurton, TemuJca, Geraldine,andSouth RaTcaia — Resident Magistrate Clerk and Bailiff at Tcmuka (also Registrar Births &c. fees) Office Cleaner at Temuka Clerk and Bailiff at Geraldine ... Clerk and Bailiff at Ashburton (also Clerk District Court nil) Assistant Clerk and Bailiff Office Cleaner at Ashburton Rent at Ashburton Clerk at South Rakaia Office Cleaner at South Rakaia... Timaru and Waimate — Resident Magistrate (also Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Coroner fees) Clerk (also Clerk District Court £75) Clerk Bailiff and Bailiff District Court Office Cleaner Clerk at "Waimate, and Clerk District Court Bailiff at Waimate, and Bailiff District Court Office Cleaner at Waimate Holcitika, Boss, Kanieri, Stafford, and Goldsborough — Resident Magistrate (also Commissioner of Crown Lands £100, and Registration and Returning Officer £50) Travelling Allowance Clerk at Hokitika and Kanieri (also Clerk of District Court £25, Deputy Registrar of Supreme Court £25, and Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Clerk and Messenger Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court £30, and Crown Lands and Eorest Ranger £20) ... Office Cleaner (also Messenger Stamp Office £25, and Deeds Registry £25) Clerk and Bailiff at Ross (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Clerk at Stafford and Goldsborouga (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Bailiff and Messenger Grri/moutJi, Clifton, No Town, Maori Gully, Kumara, and Greenstone — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Returning and Registration Officer £25) Clerk (also Clerk District Court £40, Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court £20) Office Cleaner Bailiff, Arnold Clerk at No Town, Clifton, and Maori Gully Bailiff, No Town Officer Cleaner at Clifton Clerk at Kumara (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Cadet at Kumara 350 0 0 130 0 0 10 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 75 0 0 18 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 475 0 0 200 0 0 160 0 0 75 0 0 26 0 0 120 0 0 40 0 0 13 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 275 0 0 100 0 0 216 217 150 0 0 218 50 0 0 219 260 0 0 220 175 0 0 86 0 0 221 222 500 0 0 223 260 0 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 12 0 0 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 200 0 0J 100 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OP JUSTICE— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ 8. d. EESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 A rOTE No. 24— continued. Greymouth, Clifton, No Toion, Maori Gully, Kumara, and Greenstone —continued— Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk at Greenstone (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Bailiff Okarito — Resident Magistrate Office Cleaner Jackson's Bay — Resident Magistrate (also Land Officer £100, and Receiver Gold Revenue £20) Dunedin —■ Resident Magistrate House Allowance Chief Clerk (also Clerk District Court £25) Clerk Cadet Bailiff Assistant Bailiff Office Cleaner Dunedin, Port Chalmers, SawJcsbury, and Palmerston — Resident Magistrate] (also Native Officer £100) Travelling Allowance Clerk Clerk and Bailiff at Port Chalmers Assistance to Bailiff ... .,. Office Cleaner Office Cleaner Clerk and Bailiff, Hawksbury and Palmerston (also Clerk District Court nil) Travelling Allowance Oamaru and Hampden — Resident Magistrate (also Registration and Returning Officer £25, Coroner nil) Clerk and Clerk to Petty Sessions (also Clerk District Court £50, and Registrar of Births &c. £50) Clerk Bailiff and Bailiff of District Court Office Cleaner Outram and Mosgiel — Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) Clerk (also Constabulary at 8s. 6d. per day) Invercargill, Campbelltown, Jifataura, Lowther, and Gore — Resident Magistrate Travelling Expenses Clerk (also Registrar Supreme Court £25, Sheriff nil, Clerk District Court £50, Registrar of Marriages £25, and Registration and Returning Officer £25) ... Clerk Bailiff and Office Cleaner Clerk at Campbelltown (also Constable £155 11s.) 150 12 200 25 180 13 50 500 100 300 200 60 200 150 39 400 100 275 175 25 30 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 120 50 0 0 0 0 257 475 0 0 258 259 260 261 200 180 120 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 262 263 150 18 0 0 6 0 264 265 266 500 75 0 0 0 0 150 120 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 » 267 268 269 10 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated %md Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST: CE — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ a. d, EESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 270 271 272 273 274 275 27G 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 281 285 28G VOTE No. 24— continued. Inverewgill, Gamphelltown, Mataura, Loictlier, and Qore —continued. Clerk at Mataura (also Constable £155 11s.) Rent at Mataura Clerk at Lowther (also Constable £155 11s.) Clerk at Gore (also Constable £155 11s.) ... Rent at Gore Siverton, Switzers, Tapanui, and Orepulci — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil, and Coroner fees) Forage allowance Travelling Allowance for going to Tapanui... Clerk, Bailiff, and Office Cleaner at Riverton (also Returning and Registration Officer £25) Clerk and Bailiff at Switzers Clerk at Tapanui (also Armed Constabulary £140 8s.) Arrow, Cardrona, Queenstown, and Skippers — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) ... Bailiff Office Cleaner Clerk at Queenstown (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Bailiff at Queenstown (also Bailiff District Court fees) Clyde, Blades, Alexandra, Cromwell, and Boxburgh — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) Clerk at Clyde (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Cadet Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court fees) Office Cleaner at Black's Office Cleaner at Alexandra Clerk at Cromwell (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) Bailiff at Cromwell (also Bailiff District Court fees) Assistant Clerk at Eoxburgli ... Naseby, St. Bathans, Hamilton's, Hyde, and Macrae's — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Coroner fees) Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) ... Cadet Bailiff (also Bailiff District Court fees) Assistant Clerk at Macrae's (also Constable £155 11s.) Lawrence, Waipori, Havelock, Tokomairiro, Woolshed, and (Jlutha — Warden and Resident Magistrate (also Returning and Registration Officer £25, and Coroner fees) Travelling allowance for Tokomairiro, &c. ... Forage allowance 10 0 20 0 10 0 10 0 6 0 500 0 54 15 25 0 75 0 225 0 18 6 500 0 225 0 120 0 12 0 325 0 175 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287 500 0 0 288 289 290 291 292 293 325 0 60 0 175 0 18 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 294 325 0 0 295 175 0 200 0 0 0 29G 297 298 299 300 500 0 250 0 60 0 175 0 0 0 0 0 18 G 0 301 302 303 500 0 100 0 54 15 s 9



Appropriations for Consolidated \md Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUST: !CE — continued. Item. 18' '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' & WARDENS' COURTS— continued. 30-1 305 306 307 308 VOTE No. 24— continued. Lawrence, Waipori, Haveloch, Tokomairiro, Woohhed, and Glutlia —continued. Clerk (also Receiver of Gold Revenue nil) ... Assistant Clerk and Bail iit' Clerk and Bailiff and Clerk and Bailiff of District Court at Tokoaiairiro Bailiff at Balelutha Stewart Island — Resident Magistrate (also Customs Officer £210) Chatham Islands — Resident Magistrate (also Customs £130) ... House rent for Resident Magistrate Constable and Gaoler (also Clerk Post Office £10) Travelling Expenses of "Wardens, Resident Magistrates, and Clerks Expenses serving Summonses House allowance for "Wardens, &c. on Otago Gold Fields 325 225 175 120 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 310 311 100 30 0 0 °o 75 0 0 312 2,500 1,000 0 0 0 o 313 314 |360 0 0 Total—Vote No. 24 ... 46,620 0 0 PETTY SESSIONS COURTS. VOTE No. 25. Petty Sessions Courts 150 0 0 Total—Vote No. 25 150 0 0 CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. 1 VOTE No. 26. Expenses of Witnesses, and Fees to Crown. Solicitors and Prosecutors Payment of Jurors under "The Juries Act, 1870" 7,000 0 0 a 1,000 0 0 Total —Vote No. 26 ... 8,000 0 0 " CORONERS ACT, 1867." VOTE No. 27. Fees and Expenses on Inquests ... 2,500 0 0 2,500 0 0 Total—Vote No. 27 ...



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTER OF JUSTICE—continued. Item. 18 9-80. PEISONS. £ s. d. £ i. d. 1 2 3i 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 28. Inspector's Office — Inspector of Prisons Auckland — Gaoler Chief Warder Senior Warder Storekeeper and Warder Gatekeeper and Warder Matron Assistant Matron 17 Warders, 3 at £130, and 14 at £120 ... Thames — Gaoler at 10s. per diem Matron Russell — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem 600 0 0 300 0 0 180 0 0 150 0 0 140 0 0 140 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 2,070 0 0 10 11 183 0 0 25 0 0 12 155 11 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tauranga — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Opotiki — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Oisborne — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Surgeon New Plymouth — Surgeon (also Native Department £100, and Hospitals £37 10s.) Gaoler Matron 3 Warders at £110 Wellington — Gaoier Surgeon Matron 10 Warders, 1 at 10s. Gd., 1 at 9s., 3 at 8s. 6d., 2 at 7s. 6d., and 4 at 7s. per diem Female Warder at 4s. per diem... Wanganui — Gaoler at 9s. per diem Surgeon 4 Warders, 2 at 7s. 6d., and 2 at 7s. per diem Napier — Gaoler Surgeon (also Surgeon to Lunatic Asylum £50) Matron (six months) 5 Warders, 1 at £140, 4 at £120 Nelson — Gaoler Matron 2 Warders, 1 at £150, and 1 at £132 Medical Attendance and Medicines Westport — Surgeon Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Charleston — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Reefton — Gaoler at 10s. per diem Ahanra — Gaoler at 7s. 6d. per diem 155 11 0 155 11 0 155 11 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 25 0 0 330 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 1,610 8 0 73 4 0 164 14 0 50 0 0 530 14 0 29 30 300 0 0 31 32 50 0 0 25 0 0 620 0 0 33 34 35 36 300 0 0 50 0 0 282 0 0 60 0 0 37 38 60 0 0 155 11 0 39 155 11 0 40 183 0 0 41 137 5 C



Appropriations for Consolidated \md Services. CLASS ILL—MINISTER OF JUST: CE— continued. Item. 18 1 '9-80. £ s. d. £ e. d. PRISONS— continued. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 VOTE No. 28—continued. Picton — Gaoler Surgeon 2 "Warders, 1 at £132, and 1 at £120 Lyttelton — Surgeon Gaoler Matron Clerk and Schoolmaster Chief Warder 15 "Warders, 2 at £150, G at £140, and 7 at £125 Allowance to Warder acting as Tailor Instructor, at Is. per working day ... Allowance to 9 Warders in lieu of quarters, &c, at £25 a year each Overseer Hard Labour at 11s. per diem Overseer Printing Office, at 7s. Gd. per diem Overseer Printing Office, at Is. per working day Allowance in lieu of quarters ... Addington — Surgeon Gaoler Matron 4 AVarders, 1 at 7s. 6d., 1 at 7s., and 2 at 6s. 6d. per diem Allowance to 1 Warder in lieu of quarters, &c. 2 Female Warders at 4s. per diem Timaru — Gaoler Matron 3 Warders, 1 at 7s. 6d., 1 at 7s., and 1 at Gs. 6d. per diem Allowance to one Warder in lieu of quarters Hokitika — Gaoler Matron Overseer at 11s. per diem 3 Warders, 1 at 9s. 6d. per diem, 2 at £140 Greymouth — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Dunedin — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 16 Warders, 2 at 13s., 4 at 12s., 8 at 10s., and 2 at 9s. per diem Allowances for long Service, 2 at 2s. 6d., 2 at 2s., 1 at Is. 6d., 2 at Is. per diem 1 Female Warder at Gs. per diem Invercargill — Gaoler Matron 3 Warders at 9s. per diem Allowances for long Service, 2 at Is. per diem Medical Attendance 180 0 25 0 252 0 100 0 300 0 25 0 150 0 160 0 2,015 0 15 10 225 0 201 6 137 5 15 10 25 0 100 0 150 0 35 0 503 5 25 0 146 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 64 65 165 0 25 0 0 0 66 384 6 25 0 0 0 67 68 69 70 300 0 75 0 201 6 453 17 0 0 0 0 71 155 11 0 72 73 74 75 500 0 100 0 120 0 0 0 0 76 3,147 12 0 77 228 15 109 16 0 0 78 79 80 81 82 250 0 50 0 494 2 36 12 50 0 0 0 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS ILL—MINISTER OF JUSTICE—continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ b. d. £ s. d 'PRISONS—continued. 83 84 85 86 87 88 VOTE No. 28— continued. Oamaru — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Surgeon Matron Clyde— Surgeon Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Matron Nasehy — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Matron Queenstown — Gaoler at 8s. 6d. per diem Matron 155 11 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 155 11 0 25 0 0 89 90 155 11 0 25 0 0 91 92 155 11 0 25 0 0 93 9495 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 101 105 106 107 108 Lawrence — Surgeon Gaoler at 8s. Gd. per diem Gaoler, Long Service Pay, 6d. per diem Matron Eations, Fuel, Light, &c. Clothing and Bedding, &c. Medicines and Medical Comforts Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &o. Proposed equalization of Salaries of Gaolers and Warders Uniforms for Prison Officers Industrial Schools — Burnham — Master Matron ... Assistant Master Mechanic 1 Male Attendant 3 Female Servants, 2 at £40 and 1 at £35 ... Cavcrsham — Master Matron Surgeon Schoolmaster at £150, and Mistress at £100 "Workmistress Gardener Attendant Female Servants Provisions, Fuel, Light, Clothing, Bedding,&c... Medical Attendance and Medicines, &c. Tools, Materials for Labour, Forage, &c. 25 0 0 155 11 0 9 3 0 25 0 0 8,350 0 0 1,400 0 0 300 0 0 800 0 0 1,800 0 0 650 0 0 200 0 0 90 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 115 0 0 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 225 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 45 0 0 120 0 0 60 0 0 215 12 0 2,800 0 0 30 0 0 400 0 0 Total—Vote No. 28 ... 41,548 2 0 CONTINGENCIES. VOTE No. 29. Contingencies 5,200 0 0 5,200 0 0 Total—Vote No. 29 ... MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 30. Purchase of Eeports and Treatises for Crown Law Office 150 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS III.—MINISTEE OF JUST: !CE — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES— continued. a a i 5 e YOTE No. SO—continued. Annual Subscription for 70 copies of the Jurist Stone-breaking Machine for Auckland Prison Purchase of Land for Lyttelton Prison Expenses in connection with Maori Prisoners Compensation to Clerk and Bailiff, Coromandel, for loss of office Compensation to Mr. Liffiton for loss sustained Gratuity to Widow of the late Charles Broad, Eesident Magistrate and Warden, Greymouth 100 0 0 820 0 0 930 0 0 7,000 0 0 7 8 113 14 3 117 16 4 500 0 0 9,731 10 7 Total—Vote No. 30 ... TOTAL OF CLASS III. *•« • • • £132, .00 12 7 3—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND COMMISSIONER OF TELEGRAPHS. 1879-80. £ s. d. Tote 31.—General Post Office ... ... ... 4,005 0 0 „ 32.—Chief Offices and Sub-Offices ... ... 44,061 0 0 „ 33.—Conveyance of Mails by Sea ... ... 65,760 0 0 „ 34.—Conveyance of Inland Mails ... ... 32,750 0 0 „ 35.—Carriage of Mails by Kailway ... ... 9,600 0 0 „ 36.—Contingencies ... ... ... 4,954 10 1 „ 37.—Telegraphic Department ... ... 110,668 0 0 „ 38. —Subsidy for Australian Cable ... ... 7,350 O 0 TOTAL OF CLASS IV. ... 279,148 10 1 f

18 9-80. POSTAL DEPAETMENT. VOTE No. 31. Geneeal Post Office— Secretary Inspector of Post Offices Accountant Money Orders and Savings Banks Chief Clerk 9 Clerks, 2 at £300,1 at £250, 1 at £175, 2 at £165, 1 at £130, 1 at 115, 1 at £105 2 Cadets at £75 Travelling Expenses of Inspector £ s. d. £ s. d. l 2 3 COO 500 0 0 0 0 4 5 450 350 0 0 0 0 6 7 1,705 150 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 31 ... 4,005 0 1 2 8 ■1 VOTE No. 32. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices— Chief Office, Auckland — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk Money Order Clerk 12 Clerks, 1 at £240,1 at £225,1 at £190, 1 at £180, 1 at £175, 1 at £150, 2 at £135,1 at £130,1 at £120, and 2 at £100 8 Cadets, 7 at £75,1 at £60 500 300 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,880 585 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AN TEL EGR APHS— contim D COMMISSIONER OF >,ed. Item. 18' 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d, POSTAL DEPAETMENT— continued. G 7 8 VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices — continued. Chief Office, Auckland —continued. 8 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150, 2 at £140, 1 at £135, 3 at £115, and 1 at £100 ... Messenger Assistant Messenger Sub-Offices-Alexandra, — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Cambridge— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... 1,010 0 135 0 80 0 0 0 0 9 60 0 0 10 100 0 0 11 12 18 n 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Drury— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Hamilton — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Assistant (also Telegraph £100) Helensville — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Hokianga — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... Huntly— Postmaster Kapanga (Coromandel) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £160) ... Letter Carrier Kawakawa — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140, and Eegistrar of Births, &c. fees) Kihikihi— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Maketu — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Mercer — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £155) ... Mongonui— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135, and Deputy Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Newton — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Ngaruawahia— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Assistant (also Telegraph £36) Ohaeawai — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Ohaupo— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Onehunga — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130. and Shipping Officer £25) ... Cadet Opotiki— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Otahuhu— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Pokeno — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £10) Pukekohe— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £10, and Baihvay £100) 30 0 120 0 20 0 28 0 35 0 11 0 60 0 115 0 60 0 20 0 20 0 45 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 60 0 0 25 26 75 0 10 0 0 0 27 10 0 0 28 25 0 0 29 110 0 75 0 0 0 80 31 80 0 0 82 55 0 0 88 20 0 0 34 20 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF Item. 18 1 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. POSTAL DEPAETMENT— continued. VOTE No. 32—continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices — continued. Sub-Offices, Auckland —continued. Russell — Postmaster (also Telegraphist, £140) ... 85 75 0 0 30 37 38 39 40 41 Tauranga — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £165) ... Cadet Te Awamutu — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Wangarei — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Waipu— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... "Waiwera — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Warkworth — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Waiuku — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Wangaroa — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... 144 Country Postmasters 100 60 50 50 35 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■12 40 0 0 48 45 0 0 41 45 30 988 0 0 0 0 7,532 0 0 ■10 •17 48 49 Chief Office, Thames— Chief Postmaster 2 Clerks, 1 at £150, and 1 at £115 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £140, 1 at £135 ... Messenger Hastings— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... 14 Country Postmasters 360 265 275 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 51 6 69 0 0 0 0 5L> 53 54 55 Chief Office, New Plymouth — Chief Postmaster (also Eegistrar Births, Deaths, and Marriages £50) Clerk 2 Cadets at £75 Letter Carrier Sub-Offices— Inglewood — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £60, and Eailvvay £130) Opunake — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Waitara— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... 12 Country Postmasters 1,105 300 140 150 100 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 57 20 0 0 58 59 30 30 0 0 0 0 Chief Office, Napier— Chief Postmaster (also Eegistrar Births, Deaths, and Marriages £50) 3 Clerks, 1 at £220, 1 at £170, and 1 at £150 2 Cadets 3 Letter Carriers, 1 at £135, 1 at £120, and 1 at £110 800 0 0 CO 81 350 0 0 02 03 540 150 0 0 0 0 365 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continw COMMISSIONER OP 'd. Item. 18 9-80. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. 68 64 88 GO (37 VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices— continued. Sub-Offices, Napiei — Gisborne — Postmaster Clerk and Letter Carrier ... Custodian (also from other Departments £90) Hastings — Postmaster (also Railway £85, and Telegraphist £90) Mohaka— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Kopua— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £155) ... Ohinemutu (Rotorua) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £175) ... Porangahau— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £145) ... Port Ahuriri (Spit) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £180) ... Takapau— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Tapuaeharuru (Taupo) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... 260 0 0 120 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 69 10 0 0 70 20 0 0 71 15 0 0 72 75 0 0 73 20 0 0 74 20 0 0 75 76 77 Tarawera — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Waipawa — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Waipukurau — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £125) Wairoa — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... 45 Country Postmasters 10 0 0 85 0 0 70 0 0 78 79 40 0 0 220 0 0 SO 81 72 83 84 85 86 87 Chief Office, Wanganui —> Chief Postmaster 2 Clerks, 1 at £210, and 1 at £110 Cadet 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £115, and 1 at £95 Sub-Offices — Bull's— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Hawera — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £110) ... Cadet (also Telegraph £50) Manutahi — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100) ... Marton — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... Patea — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £145) ... Turakina — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £85, and Railway Stationmaster £60) Waitotara — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £145) ... Waverley — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... 18 Country Postmasters 2,435 365 320 75 210 75 90 20 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 80 0 0 89 70 0 0 90 35 0 0 91 20 0 0 92 93 30 100 0 0 0 0 1,520 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OP )d. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 M 95 96 97 VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Opfices and Sub-Offices— continued. Chief Office, Wellington— Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk Money Order Clerk 10 Clerks, 1 at £225,1 at £200,1 at £190, 2 at £185,2 at £170, 2 at £120, and 1 at £110 6 Cadets, 5 at £75, and 1 at £60 5 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150, 1 at £135, 2 at £125, and 1 at £115 ... Messenger Sub-Offices— Carterton— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... Castlepoint — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Peatherston — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Messenger (also Telegraph £36) Feilding— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Poxton — Postmaster Grey townPostmaster (also Telegraphist £160) ... Halcoinbe — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £70) Hutt— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £160) ... Messenger (also from Telegraph £10)... Masterton — Postmaster Cadet Otaki— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Palmerston North — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £155) ... Assistant (also Telegraphist £145) 500 325 230 1,675 435 650 120 50 20 75 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 60 0 0 106 260 0 0 107 80 0 0 108 35 0 0 109 110 40 45 0 0 0 0 111 112 225 95 0 0 0 0 113 30 0 0 114 115 100 20 0 0 0 0 116 117 118 Sanson — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £165) ... Te Aro (Branch Office)— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £10) Te Nui— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... Upper Hutt — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £125) ... 50 Country Postmasters 30 235 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 120 30 300 0 0 0 0 121 122 123 Chief Office, Blenheim — Chief Postmaster Cadet Letter Carrier Sub-Offices— Havelock — Postmaster (also Customs Officer £50, Telegraphist £110, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Cadet 5,695 300 90 110 0 0 0 0 ( I 0 0 124 50 30 0 0 0 0 125



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continu, | COMMISSIONER OF ;d. Ite». 18' 9-80. £ s. d. £ B. d POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. 126 VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices— continued. Sub-Offices, Blenheim —continued. Kaikoura — Postmaster (also Officer in Charge of Customs £130, Clerk Petty Sessions Court £30, Eegistration and Returning Officer £25, Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Telegraphist £25) Kekerangu — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £145) ... Picton— Postmaster (also Collector of Customs £230, Telegraphist £60, and Coroner fees) Clerk 15 Country Postmasters 30 0 0 127 10 0 0 128 130 130 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 130 1,000 0 0 131 132 133 134 135 Chief Office, Nelson — Chief Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages £50) 2 Clerks, 1 at £275,1 at £115 Cadet 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £140, 1 at £130 ... Messenger Sub-Offices— Motueka— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... Richmond — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £90, and Railway Stationmaster £90) The Port (Branch Office)— Postmaster (also Telegraph £10) 30 Country Postmasters 385 390 85 270 80 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 137 30 0 0 138 139 150 275 0 0 0 c 1,705 0 0 140 141 142 Chief Office, Westport— Chief Postmaster Clerk Assistant and Letter Carrier... Sub-Offices— Charleston — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £110) ... Lyell— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... 18 Country Postmasters 300 0 145 0 110 0 0 0 0 143 50 0 0 144 145 45 0 100 0 0 0 750 0 0 146 147 148 149 Chief Office, Greymouth — Chief Postmaster 2 Clerks, 1 at £185, 1 at £125 Letter Carrier Shipping Officer Sub-Offices— Ahaura— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £110) ... 325 310 110 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 (. 150



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d £ s. d. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. 151 152 153 154 VOTE No. 32— continued. CniEF Offices and Sub-Offices— continued. Sub-Offices, Qreymouih —continued. Reefton— Postmaster Clerk Letter Carrier 25 Country Postmasters 280 125 90 175 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 1,475 0 ( 155 156 157 158 Chief Office, SoUtiha — Chief Postmaster 2 Clerks, 1 at £200, 1 at £165 Letter Carrier Shipping Officer (also Telegraph £15) ... Sub-Offices— Kumara— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Letter Carrier (also Telegraph £40) ... Ross— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... 80 Country Postmasters 380 365 120 10 80 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 160 161 162 60 190 0 0 0 0 1,225 0 0 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Chief Office, Christchurch — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk Money Order Clerk 12 Clerks, 1 at £250,3 at £200, 2 at £170, 1 at £150,1 at £120, 2 at £110, and 2 at £100 6 Cadets, 5 at £75 and 1 at £60 9 Letter Carriers, 1 at £150,1 at £140, 2 at £135,2 at £115, and 3 at £110 Messenger Sub-Offices— Amberley— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £90) Akaroa— Postmaster (also Officer in Charge of Customs £25, and Telegraphist £36) Messenger (also Telegraph £40) Ashburton— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £110) ... Cadet Letter Carrier Bealey— Postmaster (also Meteorologist £20, and Telegraphist £225) Cheviot— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Dunsandel— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Duvauchelle— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100) ... Horndon Junction— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £25, and Railway Stationmaster £90) 500 0 0 325 0 0 300 0 0 1,880 0 0 435 0 0 1,120 0 0 120 0 0 50 0 0 160 0 0 10 0 0 172 173 174 175 150 0 0 90 0 0 75 0 0 176 10 0 0 177 15 0 0 178 25 0 0 179 20 0 0 180 10 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continu, • COMMISSIONER OP Item. 18 9-80. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 V^OTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices — continued. Sub-Offices, Ghristchurch —continued. Hurunui— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £90) Kaiapoi— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100) ... Letter Carrier ... ... | Leithfield— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £125) ... Lyttelton— Postmaster Clerk Letter Carrier Malvern— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... OxfordPostmaster (also Telegraphist £150, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Rakaia— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £95) Rangiora— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Messenger Southbridge— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £95) Waiau— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) 120 Country Postmasters 25 150 75 25 275 100 95 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189 45 0 0 190 60 0 0 191 192 90 60 0 0 0 0 193 70 0 0 194 195 20 1,000 0 0 0 0 7,400 0 0 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Chief Office, Timaru — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £115, and 1 at £100 Cadet 2 Letter Carriers at £115 Messenger Sub-Offices— Geraldine— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £105) ... Messenger (also Telegraph £18) Temuka — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £170, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Messenger Waimate — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Cadet Waitaki— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £80, and Railway Stationmaster £60) 35 Country Postmasters 250 230 215 75 230 100 80 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 50 60 0 0 0 0 206 60 75 0 0 0 0 207 208 20 250 0 0 0 0 209 1,713 0 0 7—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTEE-GENERAL ANI TELEGEAPHS— continue • COMMISSIONER OF ;d. Item 18' 9-80. POSTAL DEPAETMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 VOTE No. 32—continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices — continued. Chief Office, Oamaru — Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £145, and 1 at £125 Cadet 2 Letter Carriers at £110 ... Messenger Sub-Offices — Duntroon — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Hampden— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Kakanui — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100) ... Otcpopo (Herbert) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £200) ... 17 Country Postmasters 290 250 270 75 220 75 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 30 0 0 218 25 0 0 219 220 30 140 0 0 0 0 232 233 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 Chief Office, Dunedin— Chief Postmaster Chief Clerk Money Order Clerk 12 Clerks, 1 at £215,1 at £200, 2 at £180, 1 at £175,1 at £170,1 at £105,1 at £130, 1 at £125,1 at £115,1 at £110,1 at £100 10 Cadets, 4 at £90,5 at £75, and 1 at £60 Letter Carriers' Sorter 9 Letter Carriers, 3 at £135,1 at £120, 2 at £115, 2 at £110, and 1 at £100 Letter Carrier, 9 months Messenger Assistant Messenger Mail-Cart Driver Sub-OJices— Albany Street— Postmaster Arrow Eiver — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Balclutha— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £85, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Assistant (also Telegraph £100) Messenger (also Telegraph £10) Blueskin—• Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Caversham — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £80, and Eailway Clerk £80) Clinton— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... ClydePostmaster (also Telegraphist £110) ... Cromwell— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £150) ... Assistant (also Telegraph £36) Goodwood — Postmaster (also Eailway £135) 1,425 550 350 300 1,865 795 150 1,075 83 125 90 90 210 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 234 125 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 236 237 20 0 0 238 20 0 0 239 40 0 0 240 60 0 0 241 242 50 20 0 0 0 0 243 15 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-G-ENERAL AN: TELEGRAPHS— contin, ) COMMISSIONER OF ,ed. Item. 18 9-80. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. a, VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices — continued. Sub-OJfiees, Bunedin —continued. Kaitangata— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... 244 30 0 0 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 Lawrence — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £36) Assistant (also Telegraph £100) Messenger Manuherikia (Alexandra) — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Milton (Tokomairiro) — Postmaster (also Registrar Births &c. fees) Assistant (also Telegraph £40) Messenger Mosgiel— Postmaster Naseby — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £125, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Ophir — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) Outram — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120, and Registrar of Births &e. fees) Messenger (also Telegraph £18) Palinerston —■ Postmaster (also Telegraphist £145) ... Port Chalmers — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100, Returning and Registration Officer £25, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk Letter Carrier Queenstown — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £50, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Assistant (also Telegraphist £120) ... Roxburgh — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £135) ... St. Bathans— Postmistress (also Telegraphist £90) ... Waikaia — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Tapanui — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £100, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Waihola — Postmaster (Telegraphist £80, also Railway £100) Waikouaiti — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £85) Messenger (also Telegraph £36) Rent of Office (also £50 from Telegraph) 130 Country Postmasters 200 5 75 35 255 20 50 145 80 30 50 18 100 205 115 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 259 260 261 150 10 0 0 o o 262 263 50 0 264 40 0 265 35 0 26G 60 0 0 267 20 0 0 268 269 270 271 75 10 50 980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chief Office, Invcrcargill — Chief Postmaster 3 Clerks,! at £2G5,1 at £140, and 1 at £130 9,086 350 535 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 273



Appropriations for Consolidated ?und Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AN! TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF •d. 18' 9-80. Item. £ s. d. £ 9. a POSTAL DEPARTMENT— continued. 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 VOTE No. 32— continued. Chief Offices and Sub-Offices— continued. Chief Office, Invercarqill —continued. 4 Cadets, 1 at £100, 2 at £90, and 1 at £G0 2 Letter Carriers, 1 at £120, 1 at £100 ... Messenger Sub-Offices— Campbelitown — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £185, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Edendale— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £25, and Kailway Stationmaster £180) Gore — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Messenger (also Telegraph £40) Kingston— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120, and Bail way £160) Long Bush— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... Mat aura — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... Eiverton — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £130) ... "Winton — Postmaster (also Telegraphist £140) ... Wyndham— Postmaster (also Telegraphist £120) ... 47 Country Postmasters 340 0 220 0 85 0 100 0 10 0 40 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 281 10 0 0 282 20 0 0 283 50 0 0 284 85 0 0 285 50 0 286 287 27 0 253 0 0 0 2,195 0 0 Salaries of Chief Offices and Sub-Offices ... Less proportion chargeable against Savings Bank Fund 47,061 0 0 3,000 0 0 Total—Vote No. 32 ... 41,061 0 0 1 2 ;i 4 5 <; 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 II 1-3 VOTE No. 33. Conveyance of Mails bt Sea— Contingencies, Bonuses, Gratuities Chatham Islands Service Interprovincial Services • West Coast, Middle Island Service Wellington, Kaikoura, and Lyttelton Service Wellington and Patea Service (6 months) ... Blind Bay Service Tauranga and Opotiki Service ... San Francisco Service Bonus, &c.,San Francisco Service Suez Service Intercolonial Service Mail Agents and Travelling Allowance Auckland Steam Services Westport and Karamea Service 2,500 150 6,500 3,750 360 150 240 300 32,500 2,500 9,000 5,000 1,750 860 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0| 0 0 Total—Vote No. 33 ... 65,760 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services, CLASS IV—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND TELE GRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. POSTAL DEPARTMENT— confined. 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 11! 18 II in 10 VOTE No. 84. Conveyance or Inland Mails — Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wanganui Wellington Blenheim Nelson "Westport Greymoutk Hokitika Christchurch Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill 5.250 300 800 3,000 550 4,000 800 500 800 900 1,350 4,500 1,250 400 7,250 1,100 0 0 o o; o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 84 ... 32,750 0 0 1 VOTE No. 35. Caeriage of Mails by Railway— Carriage of Mails by Railway, under special arrangement, 8 months Special Trains, 10 months 2 8,000 l,G0O 0 0 0 0 9,600 0 0 Total—Vote No. 35 ... VOTE No. 3C. Postal Contingencies— Contingencies Less proportion chargeable against Savings Bank 5,000 0 0 500 0 0 o 3 Miscellaneous — Defalcations of T. "W. Longuet, late Postmaster at Palinerston, Otago Amount of Money Order Telegrams forged by John Hodgson and A. Barnsley To adjust Accounts of J. R. Willcox, late Postmaster, Balclutha 4,500 0 381 2 0 8 G8 18 8 4 G 9 2 4,954 10 1 Total—Vote No. 3G ... 1 a a i TELEGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT. VOTE No. 37. Head Office— General Manager Assistant Secretary Accountant 15 Clerks, 1 at £265, 1 at £180, 1 at £150, 1 at £120, 2 at £105, 4 at £100, 2 at £95, 3 at £90 Mechanician Storekeeper Assistant Storekeeper White's Bay— Telegraphist and Lineman Riverton Station — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £85) Messenger 700 450 375 1,785 2S5 195 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 e 7 8 135 0 0 9 10 130 30 0 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND TELEGEAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF :d. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11 12 13 14 15 TELEG-EAPHIC DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 37—continued. Winton — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £50) Oreti— Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £150) Elbow— Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £160) Kingston — Telegraphist (also Postmaster£10,and Eailway £160) Bluf— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £100, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) ... 2 Telegraphists at £120 Cadet 2 Messengers at £50 Invercarqill — 9 Telegraphists, 1 at £250, 2 at £120, 2 at £110, 4 at £100 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £130, 1 at £90 4 Messengers, 1 at £50, 3 at £40 Longhush Station (Station guaranteed) — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Eden-dale — Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £180, and Postmaster £10) 140 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 185 0 0 240 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 16 17 18 19 1,110 0 0 220 0 0 170 0 0 20 •21 22 120 0 0 28 25 0 0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JUJataura — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £50) Telegraphist Gore — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Messenger (also from Post Office £20) Wi/ndham — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £27) Waikaia — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £35) Tapanui — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Messenger Clinton — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £40) Telegraphist Waipahi — Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £180) Catliris River — Telegraphist Nuggets — Telegraphist jBalcluiha — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £125, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Cadet (also Assistant Post Office £15) Messenger (also £15 from Post Office) Sterling — Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £75) Telegraphist 130 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 140 0 0 100 0 C 86 0 0 135 0 0 90 0 0 33 34 10 0 0 35 110 0 0 36 40 0 0 37 85 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 38 39 40 41 35 0 0 25 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continue • COMMISSIONER OF >.d. Item. 9-80. IS £ s. d. £ 8. i 42 48 TELEG-KAPHIC DEPARTMENT—continued. VOTE No. 37— continued, Kaitangata — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Waitalmna — Telegraphist Manuka Greek — Telegraphist (also Railway Statiomnaster £120) 140 90 0 0 0 0 44 10 0 0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 45 46 47 48 4!) 50 Laivrence — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £200) Cadet (also from Post Office £5) Messenger Roxburgh — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger Alexandra (Otago)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £35, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Clyde— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £G0) Cromicell — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger (also £20 from Post Office) Arrow — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £45) Messenger Queenstown — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £150, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Assistant Telegraphist (also from Post Office £10) Messenger Tokomairiro — Telegraphist Messenger Waihola — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20, and Railway Clerk £100) Outram — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Messenger (also from Post Office £18) Mosgiel — Telegraphist Messenger Abbotsford — Telegraphist (also Railway Clerk £100) ... Caversliam — Telegraphist (also Railway Clerk £80, and Postmaster £20) Dunedin — 27 Telegraphists, 1 at £370, 1 at £230, 2 at £200, 1 at £175, 1 at £170, 2 at £150, 3 at £145, 4 at £140, 3 at £120, 1 at £105, 1 at £110, 5 at £100, 2 at £90 5 Counter Clerks, 1 at £180, 1 at £160,1 at £140, 2 at £115 2 Despatch Clerks at £110 15 Messengers, 1 at £75,14 at £40 Dunedin Iiailivay Station — Telegraphist (also £90 from Railway Department) 36 100 40 135 36 100 110 150 3G 150 40 50 120 40 150 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 80 0 0 62 120 18 0 0 0 0 63 64 63 140 36 0 0 0 0 6G 90 0 0 67 80 0 0 OS 3,895 0 0 88 710 220 635 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 71 72 25 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTEE-GENEEAL AND COMMISSIONEE OF TELEGEAPHS— continued. Item. 18' '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d TELEGEAPHIC DEPAETMENT— continued. 73 74 75 re 77 7S 79 SO 81 82 83 Si 86 B6 S7 VOTE No. 37— continued, North Dunedin — Cadet 2 Messengers at £36 Port Chalmers — 4 Telegraphists, 1 at £100 (also Postmaster £205, Eegistration and Eeturning Officer £25, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees), 1 at £140, 1 at £130, 1 at £100 ... 3 Messengers, 1 at £40, 2 at £36 Otaffo Heads — Telegraphist Blueslcin — Lineman and Operator (also Postmaster £20) Waikouaiti — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) Messenger (also from Post Office £10) Palmerston — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £100) Telegraphist Messenger Nasehy — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £80, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) St. Bathans — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Ophir — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Hampden — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Herbert — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Kakanui (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £25) Duntroon — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Oamaru — 8 Telegraphists, 1 at £250, 1 at £140, 1 at £135, 1 at £130, 4 at £100 ... Counter Clerk 3 Messengers at £40 (also £20 fromPost Office) Waitaki — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20, and Eailway Clerk £60) Waimate — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Telegraphist Messenger Waimate Junction — Telegraphist (alsoEailway Stationmaster£75) Timaru Railicay Station — Eeceiving Clerk Timaru — 8 Telegraphists, 1 at £250, 1 at £140, 1 at £120,5 at £100 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £145, 1 at £100 3 Messengers at £40 Pleasant Point — Telegraphist 105 72 470 112 50 130 85 36 145 90 40 125 90 140 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS 200 0 0 SO 100 0 0 90 140 0 0 91 1,055 150 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 98 M SO 0 0 95 96 97 150 100 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 30 0 0 99 5 0 0 100 1,010 245 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 102 103 120 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV— POSTMASTEE-GENEEAL ANI TELEGEAPHS— continue i COMM1SSIONEE OP Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. a TELEGEAPHIC DEPARTMENT—continued. 104 ; 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 VOTE ~No. 37— continued. Washdyke — Telegraphist (also EailwayStationmaster£135) Temuka — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Telegraphist Messenger Orari — Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £130 Rangitata North — Telegraphist (alsoEailway Stationmaster£125) Qeraldine — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £80) Messenger (also from Post Office £18) Rakaia — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60) Messenger Winsloic — Telegraphist Asliburton — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £150) Telegraphist Cadet 2 Messengers at £36 Hornby — Telegraphist (alsoEailway Stationmaster £75) Chertsey — Telegraphist (also from Eailway £75) Rolleston — Telegraphist (also Eailway Stationmaster £60) Burnham — Telegraphist (alsoEailwayStationmaster£125) Springston — Telegraphist (alsoEailway Stationmaster£125) Dunsandel — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £25) Southbridge — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £70) Messenger Cliristchurcli Railway Station — Eeceiving Clerk Christchurch — 25 Telegraphists, 1 at £370, 1 at £230, 2 at £200, 1 at £180, 2 at £175, 1 at £170, 3 at £150, 2 at £145, 3 at 140, 1 at £130, 1 at £120, 7 at £100 3 Cadets at £95 3 Counter Clerks, 1 at £175, 1 at £125,1 a £100 3 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £100, 2 at £90 16 Messengers at £40 Lyttelton — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £235,1 at £130 2 Counter Clerks at £90 3 Messengers, 1 at £40, 2 at £36 Akaroa — Officer in Charge (also Postmaster £160, and Officer in Charge of Customs £25) Telegraphist Messenger (also Post Office £10) 10 0 0 170 0 0 110 0 0 36 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 105 0 0 18 0 0 95 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 72 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 122 10 0 0 123 10 0 0 124 130 0 0 125 126 95 0 0 50 0 0 127 30 0 0 128 3,810 0 0 2S5 0 0 129 130 131 132 400 0 0 280 0 0 640 0 0 133 134 135 365 0 0 180 0 0 112 0 0 136 3G 0 0 140 0 (i 40 0 0 137 138 8—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL AND TELEGEAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF •d. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d £ s. d TELEG EAPHIC DEPAETMENT— continued. 139 140 141 VOTE No. 37— continued. Sheffield— Telegraphist (also Eailway Statiomaster £52) Duvauchelle's Say — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £175) Horndon Junction — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £10, and Eailway Station Master £90) Coal Gate — Telegraphist (alsoEailwayStationmaster£125) Malvern — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £15) JBealey — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £10, and Meteorologist £20) 10 100 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 10 0 0 143 140 0 0 144 225 0 0 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155; 156 157 158 159 160 Ross — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60) Cadet Ilokitika — 6 Telegraphists, 1 at £230, 1 at £175, 1 at £110, 3 at £100 Counter Clerk 5 Messengers, 1 at £100, 4 at £40 Kumara — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £80) Cadet Messenger (also from Post Office £20) Grei/mouth — 8 Telegraphists, 1 at £260,1 at £175,1 at £170, 1 at £140,1 at £125,2 at £100,1 at £90... 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £170, 1 at £115 4 Messengers at £40 Ahaura — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger Reefton — 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £200, 2 at £140 Counter Clerk 2 Messengers at £50 Lyell — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £45) Messenger Longford — Lineman and Operator Charleston — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger Westport — Telegraphist Assistant Telegraphist 2 Messengers at £40 JZaiapoi — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £150) Cadet Messenger Rangiora Railway Station — Eeceiving Clerk Rangiora — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £90) 150 100 815 115 260 150 100 40 1,160 285 160 110 40 480 130 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 162 140 40 0 0 0 0 163 135 0 0 164 165 110 36 0 0 0 0 166 167 168 240 90 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 169 170 171 100 100 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 172 16 0 0 173 140 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF >,d. Item. 9-80. 18 TELEGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Gust — Telegraphist (also Railway Stationmaster £125) Oxford — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £45 and Registrar of Births &c. fees) Messenger Leithfield — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £25) Amherley — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger Hurunui — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £25) TVaiau — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Clieviot — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £15) Kaikoura — Telegraphist (also Officer inCharge of Customs £130, Postmaster £30, Clerk Petty Sessions Court £30, Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Registrar Births &c. fees) Assistant Telegraphist Kekerangu — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £10) Blenheim— 33 Telegraphists, 1 at £300 (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £40), 1 at £230, 1 at £200, 1 at £195, 1 at £175, 4 at £160, 2 at £145,4 at £140, 4 at £130,1 at £120, 2 at £110,10 at £100, 1 at £90 Counter Clerk 2 Distributing Clerks at £90 ... Messenger JPicton — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £130, Collector of Customs £230, and Coroner fees) Assistant Telegraphist Messenger Haveloclc — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50, Officer in Charge of Customs £50, and Registrar ot Births &c. fees) Messenger TVakapualca — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £210, 1 at £190 Nelson — 6 Telegraphists, 1 at £300, 1 at £175, 1 at £145,1 at £130, 1 at £100,1 at £95 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £160, 1 at £110 ... Despatch Clerk 6 Messengers at £40 Receiving Clerk, Port Office (also Postmaster £150) " ... Miehmond — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30, and Railway Stationmaster £90) Messenger Wakefield— Telegraphist (also from Railway £130) £ s. i d. £ 3. d, 174 30 0 0 175 150 36 0 0 0 0 176 177 125 0 0 178 179 90 36 0 0 0 0 180 90 0 0 181 135 0 0 182 120 0 0 183 25 90 0 0 0 0 184 185 145 0 0 186 187 188 189 4,540 140 180 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 60 90 36 0 0 0 o; o! 0 191 192 193 110 36 0 0 oi 0 194 195 - 400 0 0 196 945 270 100 240 0 0 0 0 o! °l 0 0 197 198 199 200 10 0 ' 0 201 90 36 0 0 0 o; 202 203 50 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— confirm i COMMISSIONER OF Item 18 9-80. • TELEGRAPHIC DEPAETMENT— continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Motueka — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Messenger Foxhill — Telegraphist and Lineman Top House — Telegraphist and Lineman Wellington — 31 Telegraphists, 1 at £350, 1 at £230, 1 at £200, 1 at £190, 1 at £185, 2 at £175, 2 at £165, 2 at £155, 1 at £150, 4 at £140, 2 at £135, 5 at £120,1 at £110,1 at £105, 6 at £100 3 Cadets at £90 0 Counter Clerks, 1 at £160, 2 at £120, 1 at £100, 2 at £80 4 Despatch Clerks, 1 at £110, 3 at £100 ... 27 Messengers, 1 at £90, 2 at £60, 2 at £50, 5 at £40, 17 at £36 Government Buildings, Wellington — 2 Telegraphists, lat £300, 1 at £195 Counter Clerk 6 Messengers, 3 at £40, 3 at £36 Wellington Signal Station — Telegraphist Otaki— Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £30) Foxton — Telegraphist Telegraphist Palmerstou North — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £155 (also Postmaster £100), 1 at £145 (also £20 from Post Office) Messenger Woodville— Telegraphist Feilding — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60) Messenger Halcmnbe — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £35) Sanson — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Bull's (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) Messenger Marlon — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £80) Messenger Turahma (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £35, and Railway Statiomnaster £60) ... Messenger Wanqanui — 8 Telegraphists, 1 at £250, 1 at £150, 2 at £110, 3 at £100, 1 at £90 ... 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £155, 1 at £90 5 Messengers, 1 at £50, -1 at £45, 1 at £40, 2 at £36 £ 135 36 s. d. 0 0 0 0 £ s. d 204 205 206 140 0 0 207 140 0 0 208 4,540 270 0 0 0 0 209 210 211 212 660 410 0 0 0 0 1,122 0 0 213 214 215 495 130 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 60 0 0 217 140 0 0 218 219 200 120 0 0 0 0 220 300 36 0 0 0 0 221 222 120 0 0 223 224 150 36 0 0 0 0 225 70 0 0 226 165 0 0 227 228 130 36 0 0 0 0 229 230 135 40 0 0 0 0 231 85 36 0 0 0 0 232 233 1,010 245 0 0 0 0 I 234 235 207 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANE TELEGRAPHS— continue COMMISSIONER OF irf. Item. 18 9-80. £ i 8. i d. £ s. d. TELEGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT— continued. 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 VOTE No. 37— continued. Wavertey, Wellington (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Messenger Waitotara — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Patea — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £70) Cadet Messenger Manutahi (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Sawera — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £90) Cadet (also from Post Office £20) Messenger Waihi— Lineman and Operator (also from Defence £50) Opunake — Telegraphist, (also Postmaster £20) New Plymouth — Telegraphist 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £110, 2 at £100 Counter Clerk Despatch Clerk 2 Messengers at £36 Waitara — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Messenger Inglewood — Telegraphist (alsofrom Railway £130,and Postmaster £30) Lineman JVormanby — Telegraphist Hutt— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Messenger (also from Post Office £45) Upper Hutt (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Fealherstou — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) ... j Messenger (also from Post Office £10) Gh-eytown — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £80) ... I Telegraphist ... ... ! Messenger Carterton (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Messenger Jilasterton — Telegraphist 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £120, 1 at £100 Lineman ... ... ' Messenger ... ... | Castlepoint — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Te Nui— Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £20) Waiitui — Telegraphist and Lineman 140 36 145 145 90 40 100 110 50 40 85 140 200 310 165 100 72 140 20 60 120 120 160 10 125 120 36 160 100 40 135 40 50 220 120 40 130 135 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < 0 > 0 i 0 i 0 • 0 i 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 s 0 o 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 1 0 i 0 > o; • 0 I 0' ,0 1 o • 0 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTEE-GENERAL AN! TELEGEAPHS— continue COMMISSIONEE OF 4. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ 8. d TELEGEAPHIC DEPAETMENT— continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Porangaliau (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £15) 275 145 0 0 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 Kopua — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £10) Tahapau (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Whip ukurau — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £70) Waipawa — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £85) Messenger Hastings (Hawke's Bay)— Telegraphist (also Railway Stationmaster £85, and Postmaster £35) ... Farndon — Telegraphist (also from Eailway £140) Napier — 21 Telegraphists, 1 at £270, 1 at £230, 1 at £165, 3 at £140, 2 at £130, 2 at £120, 7 at £100, 4 at £90 2 Counter Clerks, 1 at £150, 1 at £90 7 Messengers, 1 at £90, 6 at £36 The Spit— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) Cadet Messenger Mohaka (Station guaranteed)— Telegraphist (also Postmaster £10) Wairoa — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Gishorne — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £220, 1 at £130 Counter Clerk 2 Messengers at £40 Tarawera — Telegraphist and Lineman (ulso Postmaster £10) 155 150 125 140 36 90 25 2,645 240 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 284 285 286 287 288 180 90 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 289 130 0 0 290 140 0 0 291 292 293 350 90 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 294 150 0 0 295 296 297 298 299 Taupo — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Rotorua (OJiinemutu) — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £20) Opotiki — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £80) Messenger Maketu — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Tauranga — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £100) Telegraphist 2 Messengers at £36 Katikati — Telegraphist Grahamstown — 8 Telegraphists, 1 at £300, 1 at £195, 2 at £140, 1 at £130, 3 at £100 ... Counter Clerk 5 Messengers at £40 150 175 130 36 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 300 301 302 165 100 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 140 0 0 304 1,205 150 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 30G



Appropriations for Consolidated hmd Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENERAL ANI TELEGRAPHS— contin COMMISSIONER OF ;ed. Item. 18 1 9-80. TELEGEAPHIC DEPARTMENT- continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Hastings (Auckland) — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £6) Coromandel — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £G0) Messenger Driving Greek — Telegraphist Cadet Auckland — 18 Telegraphists, 1 at £300, 1 at £195, 1 at £160,4 at £150,4 at £140, 2 at £130,1 at £110, 4 at £100 8 Cadets at £90 4 Counter Clerks, 1 at £170, 1 at £160, 1 at £140,1 at £90 Distributing Clerk Despatch Clerk 13 Messengers, 1 at £45,12 at £36 Newton — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60) Newmarket — Telegraphist (also Railway Stationmaster £125) Messenger Onehunga — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £110, and Shipping Officer £25) Cadet Messenger Manukau Heads — Telegraphist and Lineman Waiuku, — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £45) Ofahuhu — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £55) Drury — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Pukekohe — Telegraphist (also from Eailway £100, and Postmaster £20) £ s. d. £ s. d 150 0 0 307 308 309 160 0 0 40 0 0 310 311 100 0 0 90 0 0 312 2,585 0 0 270 0 0 313 314 315 316 317 560 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 477 0 0 318 120 0 0 319 50 0 0 36 0 0 320 321 130 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 322 323 324 150 0 0 325 140 0 0 326 140 0 0 327 140 0 0 328 10 0 0 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Pokeno — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Mercer — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £45) Cadet Miranda — Telegraphist and Lineman Ngaruaicahia — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) Messenger (also Postal £10) Ohaupo — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £25) Hamilton — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £120) Cadet (also from Post Office £20) Messenger Kihikihi — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £20) Cambridge — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £100) Messenger 10 0 0 155 0 0 90 0 0 155 0 0 150 0 0 36 0 0 140 0 0 336 337 338 140 0 0 100 0 0 36 0 0 339 120 0 0 340 341 135 0 0 40 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV—POSTMASTEE-GENEEAL AN] TELEGEAPHS— contim ) COMMISSIONEE OF ',ed. Item. 18 1 9-80. £ s. d. £ R, d 342 343 344 345 346 TELEGEAPHIC DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 37— continued. Te Awamutu — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £50) Alexandra (Auckland) — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60) Messenger Riverltead— Telegraphist Cadet Helensville — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £28) Warhcorth — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Waiwera — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40) Port Albert — Telegraphist Waipu — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £35) 130 0 0 120 0 0 36 0 0 140 0 0 90 0 0 347 140 0 0 343 140 0 0 349 140 0 0 350 100 0 0 351 135 0 0 352 Kopuru — Telegraphist Pahi— Telegraphist Paparoa — Telegraphist Aratapu— Telegraphist Dargaville — Telegraphist Wangarei — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £50) Kawahawa — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £60, Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Messenger Russell — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £75) Messenger Oliaeaioai (Ludbrook's) — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £10) Hokianga — Telegraphist and Lineman (also Postmaster £35) Whangaroa — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £30) Mongonui — Telegraphist (also Postmaster £40, and Deputy Eegistrar of Births, &c.) Believing Staff, 1 at £175, 1 at £165, 1 at £160, 1 at £150,3 at £140, 2 at £135, 1 at £120 New Stations, Telegraphists and Messengers ... Maintenance and Repairs of Lines — 5 Inspectors, 3 at £450, 2 at £300 Telegraph Surveyor 2 Sub-Inspectors, 1 at £175, 1 at £145 49 Linemen, 3 at £145, 3 at £140, 5 at £135, 10 at £130, 14 at £125, 8 at £120, 5 at £115, 1 at £110 Travelling Expensesof Inspectors and Linemen 100 0 0 353 100 0 0 354 100 0 0 355 100 0 0 356 100 0 0 357 120 0 0 358 140 0 0 40 0 0 359 360 361 140 0 0 30 0 6 362 150 0 0 363 135 0 0 364 130 0 0 365 135 0 0 366 1,460 0 0 500 0 0 367 368 369 370 371 1,950 0 0 260 0 0 320 0 0 372 6,225 0 0 5,500 0 0



9—B. 3.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IV.—POSTMASTER-GENEEAL AI OP TELEGEAPHS— conti, IB COMMISSIONEE wed. Item. 18 1 9-80. TELEGEAPHIC DEPAETMENT— continued. £ 4,000 s. d. 0 0 £ s. d. 373 374 VOTE No. 37 — continued. Maintenance and Bepairs of Lines— continued. Extra Labour and Material for Eepairs Miscellaneous — Office Expenses, Fuel, Lights, Travelling Expenses of Telegraphists, &c. ... Shipping Eeporters StationeryContingencies 9,000 360 3,000 1,000 o&o 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,668 0 0 375 376 377 Total—Vote No. 37 ... VOTE No. 38. Subsidy payable to Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company for Australian Cable Contingent Subsidy Proportion of Subsidy payable under Duplicate Cable Contract 5,000 350 0 0 0 o 7,350 0 0 3 2,000 0 o Total—Vote No. 38 ... TOTAL OE CLASS IV. £279,1 .8 10 1 .. •



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS. 1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 39.—Customs ... ... ... 45,596 6 6 „ 40. —Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... 11,351 0 0 „ 41. —Marine and Harbours ... ... ... 50,341 0 10 TOTAL OF CLASS V. ... ... 107,288 7 4

tem. 18 1 9-80. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES. VOTE No. 39. Secretary and Inspector Chief Clerk Clerk (also Clerk Civil Service Board £100) Clerk (Writer) Messenger (also Marine £60) ... Auckland — Collector (also Eeceiver of Land Eevenue nil) Landing Surveyor First Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk ("Writer) Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Lauding Waiter and Examining Officer Tide Surveyor (also Telegraph £20) Locker Locker Locker Locker Locker Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) 3 Cadets, 1 at £125, 1 at £100,1 at £70 ... Messenger Coxswain Boatman Thames — Collector and Surveyor Locker and Messenger (also Telegraph £10) Wangarei — Collector (also Resident Magistrate £100, Registration and Returning Officer £25, and Registrar of Births &c. fees) ... Russell — Officer in Charge (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Telegraph £5) ... £ s. d. •£ s. d. 1 2 3 4 5 800 0 0 400 0 0 290 0 0 164 17 0 80 0 0 6 7 8 8 10 11 VI 18 14 15 L6 17 18 1!) 20 2\ 22 ■2-4 24 26 26 27 28 29 550 0 0 420 0 0 330 0 0 250 0 0 220 0 0 200 0 0 202 15 0 300 0 0 280 0 0 275 0 0 260 0 0 190 0 0 190 0 0 180 0 0 125 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 164 17 0 157 0 0 295 0 0 100 0 0 131 0 0 118 19 0 80 81 400 0 0 160 0 0 32 200 0 0 88 270 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated 'and Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CUi ITOMS— continued. Item. 1879-80. • £ s. d. £ s. d. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SEEVICES— continued. :u ;i.-» VOTE No. 39— continued. Whangaroa — Coastwaiter (also Clerk Eesid cut Magistrate's Court £50) Mongonui — Officer in Charge (also Registrar of Births &c. fees, Clerk Native Department £175, Eesident Magistrate's Court £50, and Meteorological Observer £25) JLolcianga — Officer in Charge (also Eesident Magistrate £120, Coroner fees, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) 100 0 50 0 0 0 36 265 0 0 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 37 88 3D Kaipara — Officer in Charge (also Eesident Magistrate at Pouto Point £100) Waitara — Coastwaiter (also Harbour Master and Pilot £112 10s.) New Plymouth — Collector, and Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Eeceiver of Land Eevenue and Auditor of Trust Accounts nil) Clerk and Locker (also Telegraph £10) Wanganui — Collector (also Licensing Officer under Arms Act) Clerk and Landing Waiter Locker and Messenger (also Telegraph £15) Cadet Foxton — Collector and Examining Officer Wellington — Collector (also Licensing Officer under Arms Act and Eeceiver of Land Eevenue nil)... Landing Surveyor First Clerk Clerk Clerk Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and. Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer, also Tide Surveyor (also Telegraph £20) Locker Locker Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Writer Cadets, 1 at £120, 1 at £80 2 Boatmen, 1 at £150, 1 at £118 19s. Napier — Collector and Surveyor (also Licensing Officer under Arms Act and Eeceiver of Land Eevenue nil) Clerk and Warehouse Keeper (also Meteorological Observer £25) 250 0 25 0 400 0 200 0 420 0 280 0 150 0 60 0 330 0 600 0 400 0 300 0 175 0 140 0 280 0 315 0 280 0 260 0 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 58 59 60 Gl 62 63 265 0 210 0 180 0 164 17 179 14 157 0 200 0 268 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 500 0 0 05 280 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CU! 'OMS — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ b. d. £ s. d CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 08 67 68 VOTE No. 39— continued. Napier —continued. Landing "Waiter and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £15) Landing Waiter and Locker Cadet Poverty Bay — Collector and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £10) Clerk 375 230 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 370 160 0 0 0 0 70 71 Tauranga — Collector and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £10) Wairau — Collector and Examining Officer (also Licensing Officer under Arms Act nil, Telegraph £10, and Eeceiver of Land Eevenue nil) ... 390 0 0 72 310 0 0 73 74 76 78 77 78 79 so 81 82 Picton — Collector and Examining Officer, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Postmaster £130, Telegraph Department £00, and Coroner fees) Havelock — Officer in Charge (also Postmaster £50, and Telegraphist £110) Nelson — Collector and Surveyor, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act First Clerk and Warehouse Keeper First Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Locker Tidewaiter and Locker (also Telegraph £20) Locker and Messenger Cadets, 1 at £90, 1 at £70 Collingwood — Coastwaiter and Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Resident Magistrate and Warden £200, Postmaster £15, Registration and Returning Officer £25, Registrar of Births &c. fees, Coroner fees) TFestport —■ Collector and Surveyor, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (including Lodging Allowance £20) Landing Waiter and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £15) Greymonth — Collector and Surveyor, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act Landing Waiter and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £15) Locker and Messenger (Office Cleaner £10) Hokitika — Collector and Surveyor, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also County Auditor £100, Receiver of Land Eevenue and Auditor Trust and Lunatics' Estates nil)... Clerk and Warehouse Keeper ... Landing Waiter and Examining Officer 230 50 550 250 300 190 190 140 160 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 370 0 0 S4 260 0 0 85 375 0 0 B6 260 180 0 0 0 0 87 ss 450 270 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 90



Appropriations for Consolidated *<und Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CUS 'OMS — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 11G 117 US 119 120 121 122 123 91 92 !>:; VOTE No. 39— continued, Riverton — Officer in Charge (also Telegraph £10) Uluff Harbour — Landing "Waiter and Examining Officer (also Telegraph £20) Invercarijill — Collector and Surveyor, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Receiver Land Revenue £50, and Auditor Trust Accounts nil) Clerk and Warehouse Keeper (also Telegraph £10) Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Locker Cadet Dunedin — Collector, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Receiver of Land Revenue nil)... Landing Surveyor First Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Warehouse Keeper Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter aud Examining Officer Gauger 2 Cadets, 1 at £S0, and 1 at £G0 Locker Locker Locker Locker Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Messenger (also Messenger Stamp Office £10) Port Chalmers — Tide Surveyor (also Telegraph £20) Coxswain (Writer) 2 Boatmen Kakanui — Coastwaiter 300 0 200 0 500 0 250 0 360 0 200 0 200 0 GO 0 GOO 0 440 0 440 0 170 0 120 0 100 0 300 0 340 0 290 0 290 0 280 O 280 0 250 0 320 0 1-10 0 200 0 160 0 175 0 150 0 199 9 164 17 183 3 183 3 172 14 no o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0| 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 124 125 120 400 0 181 17 261 12 0 0 6 127 30 0 0 128 129 130 Oamaru — Sub-Collector, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act Clerk and Locker (also Telegraph £15) Rent of Office used as Customhouse Timaru — Collector, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act Clerkand Landing Waiter (alsoTelegraph£l5) 350 0 160 0 65 O 0 0 0 131 132 420 0 275 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CUi 1TOMS— continued. Item. 9-80. 18 £ s. d. £ a. d. CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES— continued. 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 VOTE No. 39— continued. Aharoa — Officer in Charge, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Postmaster £160, and Telegraph £36) Lyttelton and Christchurch — Collector, also Licensing Officer under Arias Act Landing Surveyor First Clerk Warehouse Keeper Landiig Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Landing Waiter and Examining Officer Tide Surveyor (also Telegraph £20) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) Locker (Writer) 2 Lockers, 1 at £180,1 at £160... Coxswain Boatman Messenger Cadets, 1 at £120, 1 at £80, and 1 at £60 ... 25 0 550 0 400 0 390 0 300 0 300 0 250 0 240 0 200 0 290 0 204 2 196 5 172 14 192 6 157 0 164 0 340 0 156 18 144 6 125 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (i 0 0 0 0 ol 154 Kaikowa — Officer in Charge, also Licensing Officer under Arms Act (also Clerk to Petty Sessions Court £30, Registration and Returning Officer £25, Postmaster £30, Telegraphist £25, and Registrar of Births fees) Rent of Customhouse 155 130 20 0 0 0 0 Stewart Island — Officer in Charge (also Resident Magistrate £50) 210 0 0 156 Chatham Islands — Sub-Collector (also Resident Magistrate £100) 130 0 0 i 157 General — Tidewaiters, Extra Clerical and other Assist1.750 250 0 0 0 0 158 159 160 161 ance Rewards for Customs Convictions and Seizures Wages, Coals, and other Expenses connected with the Steam-Launch Service Contingencies,includingTravelling Expenses of Officers, Cost of Instruments, Rewards for SupjJ^ssion of Illicit Distillation, and for Special Services in protection of the;Revenue Addition to Salaries of Waterside Officers on account of extension of legal landing hours Addition to Salaries of Warehousing Officers on account of extension of hours during which Bonded Warehouses are kept open 750 1,500 0 0 0 I 0 162 1,218 0 °i 163 1,584 0 0 45,596 6 G Total—Vote No. 39 ...



Appropriations for Consolidated \nd Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OP CUi [TOMS— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 40. To provide for Bonus to be given to Exporters of Eabbit skins Arrears of Salaries of Waterside and Warehousing Officers for extra attendance, from 1st October, 1878, to 30th June, 1879 (9 months) Extra Aid and Appliances for the prevention of Smuggling and Illicit Distillation £ 8,000 s. d. 0 0 £ s. d. 1 2 8 Total—Vote No. 40 ... MARINE AND HARBOURS. 2,101 1,250 0 0 0 0 11,351 0 0 1 2 8 4 5 C 7 S VOTE No. 41. Head Office— Secretary, Marine Department ... Chief Clerk Clerk Clerk Messenger (also Customs Messenger £80) ... Marine Engineer (also Engineer for North Island £700) Draftsmen Inspector Surveyor and Engineer Surveyor (also Chief Inspector of Machinery £200) Local Inspectors, Surveyors, and Engineer Surveyors Examiner of Masters and Mates (also Officer in Charge of Weather Reporting &c. £300) Local Examiners of Masters and Mates Expenses connected with Enquiries into Wrecks, and with Survey of unseaworthy Ships 500 400 200 140 60 300 385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 9] 100 0 0 10 100 225 0 0 0 0 11 12 GOO 0 0 18 14 15 1G 17 18 Habbotjes— Manukau, — Harbour Master and Pilot Signalman Chief Boatman at £8 10s. per month 3 Boatmen, 1 at £8, and 2 at £7 10s. per month Sussell — Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £6 per month Whangaroa — Harbour Master and Pilot JLokianga — Harbour Master and Pilot Chief Boatman and Signalman ... 2 Boatmen at £6 per month Kaipara — Harbour Master and Pilot Signalman Engine-driver, Steam Launch, at 8s. per diem Chief Boatman at £9 10s. per month 2 Boatmen at £7 10s. per month 3,310 250 130 102 276 150 144 100 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 20 21 22 180 100 144 0 0 o o; o o 23 21 25 26 27 200 120 146 114 180 0 0 o o: 8 0 0 0| 0 0 1



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d, MARINE AND HARBOURS— continued. VOTE No. 41— continued. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Haeboues — continued. Waitara — Harbour Master and Pilot (also Customs £25) Foaton — Pilot 1 Boatman at 7s. per diem JRangitikei — Pilot Wellington — Harbour Master Coxswain and Harbour Pilot ... 2 Boatmen at 8s. per diem Pilot Coxswain 4 Boatmen at 7s. per diem Signal Stations —2 Keepers Lightkeeper and Assistant, Soainc's Island... Napier Bluff Lighthouse — Keepers' Salaries Wairoa, Haioke's Bay — Pilot Wangawehi Light Tawanga —■ Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £7 per month Flagstaff Qishorne — Harbour Master and Pilot 2 Boatmen at £7 10s. per month Wairau, — Harbour Master, Pilot, and Signalman Picton — Harbour Master Harbour Lights and Keeper HavelocJc — Harbour Master Nelson — Harbour Master and Pilot Second Pilot 4 Boatmen at £10 per month ... Signalman Allowance for House Rent Repairs to Boat Landing Removal of Rocks at the Entrance to Nelson Harbour Waitapu — Harbour Master Westport — Harbour Master Signalman Shifting and Repairing Flagstaff Greymouih — Harbour Master Signalman Jfokitika — Harbour Master Signalman Boatman 112 10 0 200 0 0 128 2 0 150 0 0 450 0 0 250 0 0 292 16 0 300 0 & 150 0 0 512 8 0^ 1250 0 0 290 0 0: 25S 2 0 100 0 Oj 40 0 0 150 0 0 168 0 0 150 0 0 175 0 0 180 0 0 48 132 0 0 49 50 94 0 0, 50 0 0 51 100 0 0 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 400 0 0 275 0 0 480 0 0 120 0 0 20 0 0 130 0 0 1,000 0 0 59 25 0 0 60 (51 62 275 0 0 160 0 0 150 0 0 63 64 275 0 0 160 0 0 65 €6 67 350 0 0 192 0 0 180 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONEE OF CFi ITOMS— continued. Item. 79-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. MAEINE AND HAEBOUES— continued. 68 69 70 71 VOTE No. 41— continued. Habboties— continued. Ofcarito — Harbour Master CatlMs River — Harbour Master Waikawa — Harbour Master Tort Chalmers Graving Bock — Dock Master (also Harbour Master, paid by Harbour Board) Labour, Coals, &c. JVaiJcouaiti — Harbour Master Kakanui and Allday Say — Harbour Master Akaroa — Harbour Master 50 0 125 0 50 0 0 0 0 72 50 0 1,400 0 0 0 73 37 10 0 74 150 0 0 75 25 0 0 76 77 78 79 80 Sumner — Signalman Kaiapoi — Signalman Kaikoura — Harbour Master Martin's Bay — Boating Service General Harbour Contingencies, including Maintenance of Lights, Buoys, and Beacons Improved Port Lights for Harbours Fee to Sir John Coode for Eeports on Wairoa and Poverty Bay Sir John Coode's Fees for Eeports'on Harbours (to be recovered from Harbour Boards) Gratuity to Boat's Crew at "Wrecks of " Felixstowe and " City of Auckland "... 110 0 120 0 75 0 150 0 2,500 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 82 600 0 0 83 2,111 5 0 84 50 0 0 19,415 1 0 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Lighthouses— 3 Lightkeepers, Cape Maria Van Dieman ... 2 „ Tiritiri 1 „ Ponui Passage ... 3 „ Portland Island 2 „ Pencarrow 2 „ Manukau Heads 4 „ Brothers 2 „ Cape Campbell 2 „ Godley Head ... 2 „ Akaroa Head (8 months) ... 2 „ Moeraki 2 „ Taiaroa Head ... 2 „ Cape Saunders (8 months)... 2 „ Nugget Point ... 3 „ Dog Island 3 „ Centre Island ... 3 „ Puysegur Point 2 „ Cape Foul wind 3 „ Farewell Spit ... 2 „ Nelson 390 0 270 0 150 0 400 0 260 0 280 0 540 0 270 0 350 0 180 0 280 0 270 0 180 0 290 0 410 0 370 0 390 0 270 0 430 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS V.—COMMISSIONER OE CU! iTOMS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ 8. d. OUIifl- £ "" b. '" d. MAEINE AND HARBOURS— continued. 105 106 107 108 VOTE No. 41— continued. Lighthouses— continued. Oil and other Stores for Lighthouses, Travelling Expenses and Contingencies Artificer for Erection of Lighthouses Lighthouse Tender, " Stella" ... Pension to Widow of late Lightkeeper, P. A. Deck S.S. "Hinemoa" 5,300 0 0 240 O 0 5,200 0 0 109 23 19 10 6,300 0 0 23,323 19 10 110 111 112 113 114 115 Expenses ttndee "Natal Teaining Schools Act, 1874 "— Manager at Kohimarama Sub-manager „ Schoolmaster „ Instructors and other Officers ... Bent of Station and Vessel Provisions, Clothing, Repairs to Buildings, Expenses of Vessel, Insurance, and General Contingencies 240 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 132 0 0 1,750 0 0 Expenses of Weathee Repoets and Stobm Signals— Officer in Charge (also Examiner of Masters and Mates £100) Assistant Salaries of Reporting Officers at Out-stations General Contingencies 2,722 0 0 116 117 118 119 300 0 0 200 0 0 520 0 0 50 0 0 In Aid of Establishment of Sailoes' Homes— Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin 1,070 0 0 120 500 0 0 Total —Vote No. 41 ... 50,341 0 10 TOTAL OF CLASS V. £107, !88 7 4 • • •



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VI.—COMMISSIONER OF STAMPS. 1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 42.—Stamp Department ... ... ••• 6 >735 ° ° „ 43.—Land and Deeds Eegistry ... ... - 19»370 ° ° 44.—Miscellaneous Services ... ... - 613J.8 9 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. ... ... 26.718 18 9

Item. 18 1 9-80. £ s. d. £ 8. a STAMP DEPAETMENT. 1 2 a 4 VOTE No. 42. Head Office — Secretary for Stamps and Comptroller of Legacy Duties (also Land Transfer £50)... Chief Clerk and Accountant Record Clerk Clerk Manufacture of Stamps — Chief Stamper Stampers, 2 at £60, 3 at £10 ... Stamp Printer Pressmen, 1 at £190, 1 at £180... Assistant 600 0 0 350 0 0 210 0 0 150 0 0 5 8 7 8 9 210 0 0 240 0 0 290 0 0 370 0 0 120 0 0 10 11 12 18 14 15 Local Offices — Auckland — Deputy Commissioner (also Examiner of Titles £400) Clerk Cadet Messenger (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £50, and Office of Registrar of Births £15) Taranaki — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Registrar £425) Clerk (also Clerk Land Registry £175) Wellington — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Smoke's Bay — Deputy Commissioner (also Deputy Land Registrar £550) Clerk Nelson — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Registrar £400, Sheriff nil, and Registrar Supreme Court £25) Clerk (also Deputy Registrar of Deeds £200) 100 0 0 240 0 0 80 0 0 20 0 0 75 0 0 25 0 0 1 300 0 0 120 0 0 60 0 0 16 17 18 19 50 0 0 80 0 0 I 20 21 75 0 0 120 0 0 22



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Servia 'S. CLASS VI.—COMMISSIONER OF ST. .MPS— contin, :ed. Item. 187 i-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. STAMP DEPAETMENT— continued. 2H 24 25 28 27 28 29 VOTE No. 42— continued. Local Offices — continued. Marlborough — Deputy Commissioner (also Officer in Charge Telegraph Department £300) Canterbury — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Westland — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eegistrar £200, Sheriff nil, and Eegistrar Supreme Court £150) Clerk (also Deputy Eegistrar Deeds £150) Messenger (also Office Cleaner Eesident Magistrate's Court £50, and Land Eegistry £25) Otacjo — Deputy Commissioner Clerk Cadet Messenger (also Messenger Customs £110) Southland — Deputy Commissioner (also District Land Eogistrar £475) Clerk Contingencies, Paper, Machinery, Overtime, &c. 40 300 120 80 60 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,735 0 0 25 0 0 30 Bl :vi 3:; 300 170 50 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 75 100 1,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.1 38 Total—Vote No. 42 ... LAND AND DEEDS EEGISTEY. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 43. Secretary for Stamps (also Stamp Department £600) Auckland — District Land Eegistrar Examiner of Titles (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £100) 2 Clerks, 1 at £250, 1 at £170 ... Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk and Draftsman Messenger and Office Cleaner ... Taranaki — District Land Eegistrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) Clerk (also Clerk Stamp Department £25) ... Clerk Wellington — District Land Eegistrar (also EegistrarGeneral of Land) Examiner of Titles Chief Clerk (also Clerk to Eegistrar-General of Land) Clerk Cadet Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk 50 700 400 420 350 250 90 425 175 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 11 800 400 0 0 0 0 12 18 14 16 1G 17 275 225 80 325 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated md Services. CLASS VI.—COMMISSIONEE OF ST. .MPS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. IS li) 20 21 22 23 21 LAND AND DEEDS REGISTRY—continued. VOTE No. 43— continued. Haiv/ee's Bat/ — District Land Eegistrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £50) Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Deeds Clerk Nelson — District Land Eegistrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75, Sheriff nil, and Eegistrar Supreme Court £25) Deputy Ecgistrar of Deeds (also Stamp Clerk £120) Clerk Marlborough — District Land Eegistrar (also Eegistrar of Supreme Court and Sheriff nil, and Eesident Magistrate £150) Clerk and Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Canterbury — District Land Eegistrar Examiner of Titles Eegistrar of Deeds and Assistant Land Eegistrar Chief Clerk 3 Clerks, 1 at £170, 1 at £150, 1 at £100 ... Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk Westland — District Land Eegistrar (also Eegistrar Supreme Court £150, Sheriff nil, and Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £60) Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds (also Stamp Clerk £120) Messenger (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £50, Stamp Office £25) 550 225 200 400 200 200 200 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 26 27 28 700 350 0 0 0 0 29 30 31 32 475 300 420 275 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 200 0 0 34 150 0 0 35 25 0 0 36 Otago — District Land Eegistrar (also Eevising Officer Building Societies fees) 2 Examiners of Titles Chief Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £175, 1 at £100 ... Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Clerk Messenger Southland — District Land Eegistrar (also Deputy Commissioner of Stamps £75) 2 Clerks, 1 at £200,1 at £1GO ... Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds Contingencies and Contract "Work 700 900 300 275 350 300 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 475 360 250 5,000 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 44 45 46 Total—Vote No. 43 ... 19,370 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS SEEVICES. VOTE No. 44. Compensation to Mr. C. M. Henning, late District Land Eegistrar at Invercargill, for loss of office Compensation to A. S. Douglas, late District Land Eegistrar at Taranaki, for loss of office 123 2 2 310 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated nd Services. CLASS VI.—COMMISSIONER OF ST .MPS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ 6. d MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. VOTE No. ten—continued. Compassionate Allowance to Mrs. Ferguson, "Widow of the late Deputy Registrar of Deeds, Invercargill Defalcations of T. W. Longuet, late Stamp Depositary at Palmerston, Otago Contingencies, " Joint Stock Companies Act, I860," and "Building Societies Act, 1876 " 150 0 0 4 5 16 7 5 25 0 0 Total —Vote No. 44 ... 613 18 9 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. £26, 18 18 9



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VII.—MINISTER OE EDUCATION. 1879-80. £ 8. d. Vote 45.—Education ... ... ... 249,215 0 0 „ 46—Public Libraries ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 „ 47.—Native Schools ... ... ... 15,399 6 8 TOTAL OP CLASS VII. ... ... 269,614 6 8

:tem. 1879-80. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 2 8 4 6 e 7 8 VOTE No. 45. SecretaryInspector- General Chief Clerk (also Native Schools £50) Clerk Clerk Travelling Expenses Teachers' Examinations Contingencies Grants to Boaeds— 56,000 average attendances at £3 15s. £210,000 0 0 Less Revenue from Re650 0 0 650 0 0! 325 0 0 140 0 0i 100 0 0i 500 0 0 300 0 0 1,500 0 0 9 serves 20,000 0 0 190,000 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 u 16 17 18 Towards Expenses of School Committees — 56,000 Attendances at 10s. Scholarships—56,000 Attendances at Is. 6d, Towards Cost of Inspection ... Training of Teachers Special Votes — Auckland Girls' High School "Wellington College School of Mines, Canterbury School of Mines, Otago Expenses of Royal Commission on the New Zealand University and Secondary Education Deaf and Dumb Institution, Grant in Aid Advance to Thames High School Advance to New Plymouth High School... Advauce to Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Advance to Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools 28,000 0 0 4,200 0 0 4,000 0 0 7,000 0 0 1,200 0 0 2,000 0 0! 150 0 0 500 0 0 19 20 21 22 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0, 23 I 2,000 0 0 Toxai—Vote No. 45 249,215 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VII.—MINISTER OF EDUC TION— continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. VOTE No. 46. Public Libraries 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Total—Vote No. 46 ... NATIVE SCHOOLS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 47. Clerk, July, August, and September, 1879 ... Clerk (also £325 Education) ... Clerk, 9 months Organizing Inspector, six months Inspector for South Island (also £200 Native) Salaries of Masters, &c, for 58 Village Schools Capitation Allowances, Boarding School Charges, and Education of Sons and Daughters of Chiefs Apprenticing Native Youths Books, Apparatus, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies 83 50 75 250 100 8,721 6 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 (I 4,600 500 0 0 0 0 8 9 1,020 0 0 Total—Vote No. 47 ... 15,399 6 8 TOTAL OP CLASS VII. • • • £269, 114 6 8



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OF NATIVE AFFAIRS. 1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 48.—Salaries and Contingencies ... ... ... 21,164 12 0 „ 49.—Native Land Court ... ... ... ... 11,504 19 2 „ 50.—Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 ... 650 0 0 „ 51.—Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... 25,779 11 2 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. ... 59,099 2 4

'tern 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. SALARIES AND CONTINGENCIES. 1 2 3 4 6 <; 7 VOTE No. 48. Native Minister's Office — Under Secretary ... Chief Clerk and Accountant Record Clerk Translator Interpreter Clerk and Interpreter Native Cadets 650 425 275 310 275 200 150 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,285 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Salaries of European and Native Officeks — Auckland — Civil Commissioner Assessor Clerk Interpreter (also Supreme Court £50, and Resident Magistrate's Court £50) Medical Officer Hostelry Keeper Rent of Office llangonni, Bay of Islands, and Hokianga, — Resident Magistrate, Bay of Islands, including TravellingExpenses (also £275 Judicial and Coroner fees) Clerk and Interpreter, Mangonui (also £50 Judicial, Meteorological Observer £25, Registrar of Births &c. fees, and Customs Officer £50) 500 250 300 ]00 52 100 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 15 250 0 0 it; 175 0 0 11—B. 3. I



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VIII.—MIN1STEE OF NATIVE AFFAIRS— continued. Item. 18' 9-80. SALAEIES AND CONTINGENCIES— continued. VOTE No. 48— continued. Mangonui, Bay of Islands, and Holcianga — continued. Clerk and Interpreter, Waitnate (also Clerk Judicial) Clerk, Hokianga (also Judicial £75, and Native Land Court £37 10s.) Medical Officer 13 Assessors Police Kaipara — Clerk (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £125, and Native Lauds Court £50) 2 Assessors Police Hauralci — Native Officer (also £50 from Land Purchase Office) Medical Officer, Thames Medical Officer, Coromandel 4 Assessors Police Messenger Waiuku — Clerk and Interpreter (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £150) Travelling Expenses 2 Assessors, 1 at £40, 1 at £20... Police Waikato— Native Officer (also Judicial £100) Forage Allowance Medical Officer Cleric, Port AVaikato (also Native Lands Court £50) Police liaylan — Eesident Magistrate (also Judicial £175) ... 2 Assessors at £20 Police Tauranr/a — Native Officer (also E.M. Judicial £300, Eevising Officer £20, aud Inspector of Native Schools £25) Clerk, Native Office (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £100, Eeturning Officer £25, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) Clerk (also Native Land Court £75) Medical Officer 2 Assessors at £50 Police jSIaketu — 9 Assessors 2 Clerks Police Opotikl — Eesident Magistrate (also Judicial £100) ... Travelling Expenses 3 Assessors Police 7 Mailmen at £2 10s. (also Postal £17 10s.) £ s. d. £ 8. d. 17 18 70 0 0 19 20 21 37 10 100 0 390 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 22 100 0 95 0 20 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 450 0 75 0 25 0 330 0 68 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 27 2S 29 30 31 75 0 25 0 60 0 81 0 0 0 0 0 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 300 0 54 18 100 0 0 0 0 39 200 0 106 0 0 0 40 41 42 175 0 40 0 42 0 0 0 0 43 250 0 0 41 •15 46 17 48 50 0 75 0 50 0 100 0 74 0 °o 0 0 0 49 50 51 315 0 50 0 222 0 0 0 0 52 63 51 55 5U 250 0 50 0 80 0 99 0 17 10 0 I 0;



Appropriations for Consolidated 'and Services, CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OF NATIVE .FFAIES— continued. Item. 18' 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d, SALAEIES AND CONTINGENCIES— continued. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 (ii 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 VOTE No. 4S— continued. Waiapu — Native Officer (also Armed Constabulary £250) Forage Allowance Mailman, Waiapu and Turanga (also Postal £75) 3 Assessors Police Napier, Tempo, Poverty Bay, and Wairoa — Clerk, Napier Medical Attendant, Wairoa Interpreter E.M. Court, Wairoa (also £60 as Clerk and Bailiff E.M. Court, Judicial) 2 Assessors, Taupo 2 Assessors, Poverty Bay Assessor, Wairoa Police, Taupo Police, Poverty Bay Medical Officer, East Coast New Plymouth — Civil Commissioner Clerk to Civil Commissioner Medical Officer (also Prisons £50, and Hospitals £37 10s.) Forage Interpreter 5 Assessors, 3 at £100,1 at £50, and 1 at £30 Police Wellington — Medical Officer Hostelry Keeper Assessor Medical Officer Wairarapa — Native Officer Medical Officer Assessor Police Otaki, Rangitikei, and Marion — Clerk and Interpreter (also Judicial £125)... 5 Assessors Medical Officer, Otaki Whanganui — Kent of Office Medical Officer 9 Assessors Police Upper Whanganui — Eesideut Magistrate Travelling Expenses Boatman Napier and Waipukurau — 3 Assessors Police Marlborough — Medical Officer Assessor Kaikoura — Medical Officer 100 0 109 16 75 0 180 0 28 0 175 0 100 0 50 0 60 0 120 0 50 0 89 0 30 0 100 0 500 0 275 0 100 0 23 0 150 0 380 0 54 18 50 0 100 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 (I (; ( 0 0 ( ( ( 0 81 50 0 0 82 83 84 85 250 0 100 0 50 0 30 0 0 0 0 (I 86 87 88 100 0 180 0 100 0 0 0 0 89 90 91 92 20 0 50 0 389 0 .120 0 0 0 0 0 93 94 95 400 0 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 96 97 120 0 50 0 0 0 98 99 25 0 20 0 0 0 100 25 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services, CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OP NATIVE FFAIRS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ a. d. SALARIES AND CONTINGENCIES— continued. 101 102 103 104 105 01 .02 ; .03 .04 .05 I .06 .07 .08 VOTE No. 48— continued. Nelson — 2 Assessors Christchurch — Interpreter (and £100 Native Schools) Medical Officer, Temuka 3 Assessors Police Dunedin — Native Officer (also E.M. Judicial £400, and Travelling Allowance £100) ... 6 Assessors Southland District — Medical Officer 20 200 25 65 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 100 185 0 0 0 0 107 108 50 0 0 09 .10 General Contingencies for purchase of food and clothing for indigent Natives, also for rewards and presents to Native Chiefs, and for the encouragement of agricultural pursuits, <fec. Preparing and translating Native papers 12,429 12 0 109 6,000 450 0 0 0 o 110 6,450 0 0 Total—Vote No. 48 ... 21,164 12 0 i! 2 l NATIVE LAND COURT. VOTE No. 49. Chief Judge (also Deputy Judge District Court) 5 Judges at £GO0 3,000 0 0 Less amount of reduction in Committee of Supply 500 0 0 800 0 0 ■i 2,500 0 123 16 0 3 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 Judge (also Pension £201 3s. 9d.) Judge (also Native Reserves £100, and Trust Commissioner £100) Judge (also Pension £408 6s. 8d.) Chief Clerk (also Pension £122 0s. 5d.) ... Clerk 2 Translators at £300 2 Clerks at £275 Clerk Clerk and Assessor Clerk 7 Extra and Temporary Clerks at £157 Messenger Clerk, Wellington District Officer, Hokianca District Officer, Waikato (also Native £200) Clerk, Hokianga (also Native £37 10s., and Judicial £75) Clerk, Kaipara (also Native £100, and Judicial £125) Clerk, Tauranga (also Native £75) Contingencies 400 0 191 13 252 19 325 0 600 0 550 0 200 0 200 0 90 0 1,099 0 60 0 200 0 200 O 50 0 0 4 7 0 0 0 x 0 o ;: s 37 10 o 50 0 75 0 3,500 0 o o 0 Total —Vote No. 49 ... 11,504 19 2



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OF NATIVE FF AIRS— con tin tied. Item. 18 9-80. " NATIVE LANDS FRAUDS PREVENTION ACT, 1870." £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 70TE No. 50. Commissioner, Wellington (also Native Reserves £100, and Native Land Court £400) Clerk (also Native Reserves £130) Commissioner, Auckland (also Imperial Pensions £400) Commissioner, Poverty Bay (also Resident Magistrate Judicial £400, and Coroner fees) Commissioner, Napier (also District Judge £300, and Resident Magistrate £300) ... Commissioner, Taranaki (also District Judge £350, and Resident Magistrate £200) ... Contingencies 100 130 0 0 0 0 2 3 100 0 0 4 20 0 0 5 100 0 0 e 100 100 0 0 0 0 7 Total—Vote No. 50 ... 650 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 9 10 11 12 1 2 8 4 5 (i 7 S VOTE No. 51. Pensions (Native) — Aramata Pongahuru Widow ... Maora Mataroa „ Meri Katea „ Riria Karaitiana „ Erueti, child of William Christie, deceased Henare „ ., „ Wireinu „ „ „ Balance of amount of £5,000, in final settlement of Native Claims to Duuedin Princes Street Reserves Estimated amount payable to Wairarapa 5 per cent. Land Purchase Account Payable on Auckland 10 per cent. Land Purchase Account F. E. Hamlin, allowance in consideration of improvements made on Government property at Maketu Mr. Hutchison, Refund of Native Land Court Duty Printing Judgments Native Land Court To pay Native Land Court Duty on Deed making provision for Meremana Konui's children Balance of purchase-money of Compensation Court Awards, Nos. 1a. and 5a, Okotuku... Expenses Royal Commission, Middle Island Expenses connected with Tapsell inquiry For subdividing Native reserves, Middle Island Purchase-money of Mr. Young's interest in Komata Block Refund of amount paid to T. Gormley for cab-hire Temporary advance to Wi Tako Ngatata Interest on £2,000, part purchase-money of Stewart Island Arrears of purchase-money of Stewart Island unpaid on 30th June, 1879 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 G 0 C 0 C 0 4,000 0 150 0 51 17 1G1 14 18 5 250 0 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 9 0 ia 14 200 0 0; 15 560 0 2,000 0 250 0 0: 0| Oi 18 17 18 500 0 0 19 4,000 0 0 HO 20 0 300 0 0 0 21 22 1G0 0 0 2:5 352 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS VIII.—MINISTER OP NATIVE FFAIRS— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ a. d. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 81 VOTE No. 51— continued— Payment to children of late Wiremu Kingi of amount retained from their father in 1873, when settling his claims in Middle Island J. W. Ferguson, Settlement of old Land Claims at Hokianga To defray cost of Erecting and Furnishing House for Rewi Bonus to Joshua Jones for services rendered at Mokau To assist the Ngatimanawa Tribe to erect a Flour Mill at Galatea Rahera Tiwaia, Public Petitions Committee's Report of 13th August, 1878... In settlement of Ngatitoa Claims to Land in the Waipounama Block Payment of estimated amount of Outstanding Fees on Native Crown Grants Loan to W. H. Taipari upon Promissory Note Advance upon Steamer " Hannah Mokau "... Liabilities incurred in connection with the Pukehange Outrage To settle the Liabilities of the Native Chief Manihera Expenses of conducting a case on behalf of the Natives in the Resident Magistrate's Court, Kawera Legal and other expenses incurred by Major Te Wheoro, in Te Wlieoro v. Hawke Messrs. Dunningharn and King, Auckland, hotel charges for accommodation of Natives Expenses removing and completing a house lor the Maoris at the Bluff ... 100 0 27 0 1,000 0 250 0 300 0 100 0 5,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 88 M 1,366 0 1,000 0 868 4 0 0 0 800 0 0 35 750 0 0 86 76 19 4 87 178 14 5 38 30O 16 0 89 300 0 0 Total Vote No. 51 25,779 11 2 TOTAL OE CLASS VIII. £59, >99 2 4



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF LANDS AND MINES. 1879-80. £ s. d. Vote 52. —Grown Lands Department ... ... ... 22,105 0 0 „ 53. —Crown Lands, Miscellaneous Services ... ... 19,424 15 5 „ 54.—C0al Fields ... ... ... 550 0 0 „ 55.—General Survey ... ... ... 129,594 4 5 „ 56. —Photographic and Lithographic Printing Branch ... 2,793 0 0 „ 57.—Mines ... ... ... 35,884 2 0 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. ... ... 210,348 1 10

!tem. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. CEOWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. 2 VOTE No. 52. Chief Office— Secretary for Crown Lands (also Secretary for G-old Fields £50, and Assistant SurveyorGeneral £750) ... ... Under Secretary (also Secretary, Immigration, £200) Chief Clerk 4 Clerks, 1 at £250, 1 at £225,1 at £150, and 1 at £100 Contingencies 100 0 300 0 350 0 0 0 0 8 i B 725 0 275 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 Local Offices— Auckland — Commissioner of Crown Lands ... 3 Clerks, 1 at £300, and 2 at £195 Crown Lauds and Forest Ranger, including Travelling Expenses Messenger Contingencies and Extra Clerical Assistance New I'll/mouth — Commissioner of Crown Lands... Clerk Cadet Crown Lands and Forest Eanger, including Travelling Expenses Contingencies and Extra Clerical Assistance 500 0 690 0 250 0 60 0 250 0 0 0 °l 0 0 11 12 18 14 400 0 225 0 100 0 0 0 0 15 275 0 200 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF LANDS AN MINES—continued. Item. 18 9-80. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 52—continued. Local Offices — continued. Patea — Land Officer, Patea (also Resident Magistrate £200, Travelling Allowance £54 15s., and Sheriff^) Clerk, (also Survey Department £100) Wellington — Commissioner of Crown Lands... Commissioner New Zealand Company's Land Claims,G months'salary to 1st January, 1880 Chief Clerk Clerk Second Clerk Crown Lands and Forest Ranger, including Travelling Expenses Messenger Contingencies and Extra Clerical Assistance Napier — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Immigration Officer £25) Clerk Crown Lands and Forest Ranger Contingencies and Extra Clerical Assistance Nelson — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Immigration Officer £25) Clerk (also Receiver of Land Revenue £150, and Native Reserves £50) Contingencies, including Extra Clerical Assistance Crown Lands and Forest Rangers, including Travelling Expenses Receiver of Land Revenue (also Clerk as above £150, and Native Reserves £50) ... Blenheim — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Chief Surveyor £210) Clerk (also Immigration Officer £25) Crown Lands and Forest Ranger, including Travelling Expenses Contingencies and Advertising ... Christchurch — Commissioner of Crown Lands ... Secretary 3 Clerks, 1 at £250,1 at £175, and 1 at £160 Messenger Contingencies and Extra Clerical Assistance Receiver of Land Revenue Timaru — Land Office Uokitika — Commissioner of Crown Lands (also Resident Magistrate £500, Travelling Allowance £ 150 Registration and Returning Officer £50)... Chief Clerk Clerk Crown Lands and Forest Ranger (also Bailiff to District and Resident Magistrate's Courts £180) Extra Clerical Assistance and Contingencies Land Officer at Jackson's Bay (also Resident Magistrate £50, and Receiver of Gold Revenue £20) £ s. d. £ s. d. 16 200 100 0 0 0 0 17 18 19 600 0 0 20 21 22 23 200 400 250 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 200 120 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 300 225 130 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 28 29 30 400 0 0 31 32 150 0 0 300 0 0 33 34 150 0 0 150 0 0 35 30 87 210 250 0 0 0 0 38 100 50 0 0 0 0 39 40 U 42 43 44 600 350 585 100 800 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o: 0 0 45 350 0 0 4G 47 48 ■It) 100 300 240 0 0 0 Oj 0 0 20 200 0 0 0 0 60 51 100 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IX.— MINISTEE OE LANDS AND MINES— continued. Item. 1879-80. CEOWN LANDS DEPAETMENT— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d 54 55 50 67 52 53 VOTE No. 52— continued. Local Offices— continued. Dunedin — Commissioner of Crown Lands ... 8 Clerks, 3 at £325,1 at £250 (also Eeceiver of Gold Eevenue Hindon, £25), 1 at £225, 1 at £200, 1 at £215, and L at £150 Salesman Auctioneer (also Deputy Land-Tax Commissioner £250) 6 Eangers, 4 at £275 (inclusive of Travelling Expenses), 1 at £100, and 1 at £30 Travelling Expenses and Contingencies, Extra Clerical Assistance, Advertising, Engrossing, &c. Invercargill — Commissioner of Crown Lands, Invercargill, and District Land Officer 8 Clerks, 1 at £300,1 at £250,1 at £150 ... Eanger, including Travelling Expenses Inspector of Forests Eeceiver of Land Eevenue, Invercargill (also Customs £500) Clerk to Eeceiver of Land Eevenue 650 2,015 275 250 1,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,105 0 0 2,000 0 0 58 59 00 01 02 550 700 275 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G3 50 150 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 52 ... 1 2 ■4 1 5 6 7 VOTE No. 53. Ceown Lauds Miscellaneous Seevices — Compensation for determination of Lease of Euns District Land Officers ... ... Fees to Members of "Waste Lands Boards, including Travelling Expenses In satisfaction of T. E. Everingliam's Claim under " The New Zealand Company's Land Claims (Taranaki) Act, 1872 " Eefund to Titanic Steel Company of amount paid on land Eefund of amounts paid in excess for Lands, Whenuakura Block Eefund of amounts paid for Lands which proved after Survey to be less than the areas purchased John Inglis, of Christchurch, compensation for loss of pre-emptive right over 50 acres of land Compensation to Levi Doel, for being unable to select land to that amount in Auckland, through the change in the Land Laws ... Compensation to John Wheeler for Volunteer Scrip which could not be exercised owing to the Native difficulty existing over the land on which his selection was made Compensation to John Mullins on account of his claim to Land Scrip Compensation to Cyrus G-oulter, late Provincial Secretary, Marlbougli, for loss of office Compensation to Legal Eepresentatives of the late Daniel Spelasy, for surrender of Section No. 27807, Canterbury 15,000 0 0 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 225 0 0 1,250 0 0 06 12 0 500 0 0 113 7 6 25 0 0 10 20 0 0 11 20 0 C 12 219 15 11 18 60 0 0 12—B. 1



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF LANDS AN: MINES — continued. Item. 18 9-80. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT— continued, j VOTE No. 53— continued. Ceown Lands Miscellaneous Seeyices— continued. Helen Mackie, relict of the late Gilbert Mackie, refund of deposit paid on the purchase of Section 5, Block X., Shotover District To give effect to recommendations of the Waste Lands Committee £ s. d. £ s. d. 14 • 100 0 0 15 525 0 0 Total—Vote No. 53 ... COAL FIELDS. 19,424 15 5 1 VOTE No. 54. Expenses under "The Westland and Nelson Coal Fields Administration Act, 1877 "— Agent (also Deputy Commissioner Land-Tax for Nelson £200) Clerk Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 550 0 0 •2 8 400 50 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total—Vote No. 54 ... GENERAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT. 1 ■2 I 6 6 7 VOTE No. 55. Surveyor-General Assistant Surveyor-GeDeral (also Secretary for Crown Lands £100, and Secretary for Gold Fields £50) Office Surveyor 3 Geodesical Surveyors, 1 at £550,1 at £420, 1 at £350 10 Chief Surveyors, 1 at £700, 1 at £G50, 2 at £600, 5 at £500,1 at £210 (also Commissioner Crown Lands, Blenheim £210) 4 Inspecting Surveyors, 1 at £500,1 at £450, 2 at £375 25 District Surveyors, 3 at £400, 2 at £375, 2 at £360, 11 at £350, 4 at £325, 2 at £300, 1 at £275 68 Assistant Surveyors, 1 at £375, 3 at £350, 1 at £335, 2 at £325, 1 at £320, 23 at £300, 4 at £275, 7 at £250, 2 at £240, 7 at £225, 8 at £200,2 at £190,2 at £175, 5 at £150 9 Chief Draftsmen, 1 at £450, 2 at £3C0, 1 at £350,2 at £325,1 at £312, 1 at £288, 1 at £275 53 Assistant Draftsmen, 1 at £335, 1 at £322, 1 at £320, 2 at £300, 3 at £285, 1 at £280,1 at £275, 5 at £260, 8 at £250, 1 at £240, 2 at £235,5 at £225,1 at £226, 1 at £220, 3 at £210, 5 at £200,1 at £175, 2 at £180,1 at £165,1 at £156,3 at £160, 1 at £150,1 at £135,2 at £100 Lithographic Draftsman 8 Crown Grant Draftsmen, 1 at £320 (also Meteorological £10), 1 at £300,1 at £285, 1 at £250,1 at £225, 2 at £200,1 at £160 11 Land Transfer Draftsmen, 1 at £350, 2 at £320, 1 at £275,1 at £260, 1 at £225, 3 at £200,1 at £190, 1 at £160 ... 900 750 500 1,320 5,260 1,700 8,695 17,615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3,045 0 0 10 1.1 .12 12,019 350 0 0 0 0 18 1,910 0 0 2,700 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF LANDS AN MINES— continued. Item. 18 '9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. It 15 16 17 18 li) GENERAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. So—continued. 2 Computers, 1 at £322, 1 at £260 Chief Clerk (Head Office) 4 Clerks, 1 at £235, 2 at £180, 1 at £100 (also Crown Lands Patea £100) 2 Land Application Clerks, 1 at £285, 1 at £175 4 Accountants, 1 at £322, 1 at £310, 1 at £240, 1 at £200 GO Cadets, 1 at £150, 20 at £70, 14 at £60, 25 at £50 5 Messengers, 1 at £75 (also Crown Lands £75), 1 at £112, 1 at £100, 1 at £36, 1 at £20 Equipment and "Wages Travelling Expenses Contingencies Contracts Instruments Observatory, Wellington Boad Surveys Land Transfer Check Surveys 582 335 695 460 1,072 3,640 0 0 o o; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 343 38,800 2,500 15,000 25,000 1,845 300 200 1,000 0 0 0 0; 0 Ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Less chargeable for Arrears of Survey 148,566 0 18,97115 0 7 Total—Vote No. 55 ... 29,594 4 5 PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING BRANCH. 1 2 8 4 5 a 7 VOTE No. 56. Photo-Lithograplier Assistant ... ... Foreman Lithographer 2 Lithographic 'Printers at £200 5 Lithographic Printers at £170 1 Stone-grinder Chemicals and Contingencies ... 400 100 300 400 850 120 020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! °i oj 0' 2,790 0 0 Total—Vote No. 56 ... MINES. 2 8 '1. VOTE No. 57. Chief Office — Secretary for Gold Fields (also Secretary for Crown Lands £100, and Assistant SurveyorGeneral £750) Under Secretary for Gold Fields and Mines Clerk and Accountant Inspector of Mines under "The Regulation of Mines Act, 1S74 " Inspector of Mines under "The Regulation of Mines Act, 1874" (also Assistant Geologist £350) Maintenance and Management of Water50 500 180 0 0 0 o; 0: a 5 300 0 ol 100 0 0 I 6 7 races — Nelson Creek Waimea-Kumara 1,800 2,200 0 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated 'kind Services. CLASS IX.—MINISTER OF LANDS AN MINES — continued. Item. 18 1 9-80. MINIS— continued. VOTE No. 57 .—continued. Chief Office — continued. Maintenance and Management of Water- £ s. d. £ s. d. races— Argyle, Charleston Mount Ida (for contingent requirements of Trust) Subsidy for extending and renewing Waterrace for Supply of Lyell Township Eewards for Gold Discoveries— North Island South Island Aids to Prospecting Subsidies towards the construction of Tracks, and minor Works upon Gold Fields, upon equivalent subscriptions being contributed Purchase of a Boring Machine for testing ground for auriferous or mineral deposits Contingencies Compensation and Costs awarded to James Armstrong and Party in respect of damage to their claim by Kumara Water-race Eeward to William Costello, John Knox, and James Robinson, as discoverers of payable gold at Kumara 600 0 0 8 9 500 0 0 10 175 0 0 11 12 l:: 14 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 15 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0 L6 17 189 2 0 IS 100 0 0 10 20 21 22 Local Offices— Hauraki — Inspector of Mines under " The Gold Mining Districts Act, 1873," and " The Regulation of Mines Act, 1874 " Forage Allowance Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar (also Clerk District Court £25, and Resident Magistrate's Court £225) ... Coromandel — Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Clerk to Court £180) Rent of Tokatea Block Havelock — Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Clerk and Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court £100) Sin don — Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Clerk in Crown Lands Office Dunedin £250) Jackson's Bay — Receiver of Gold Revenue (also Resident Magistrate £50, and Land Officer £100)... 350 50 100 95 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 21 50 0 0 25 25 0 0 26 20 0 0 Total —Vote No. 57 ... 14 2 0 TOTAL OP CLASS IX. £210,348 1 10



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS.

1879-80. £ s. d. ote 58. —Railways 035,005 17 1 „ 59.—Architect's Office • •« 1,540 0 0 „ 60. —Government Domains 1,191 4 0 „ 61.—Public Buildings 30,517 10 11 „ 62. —Inspection of Machinery 1,900 0 0 „ 63.—Miscellaneous Services 41,975 17 8 TOTAL OF CLASS X. 712,130 9 8 [tern. '9-80. HEAD OFFICE. £ s. d. £ s. J VOTE No. 58. Head Office — Under Secretary ... ... 500 0 0 Clerk ... ... 175 0 0 Chief Accountant ... ... 400 0 0 5 Clerks, 1 at £275; 1 at £215 ; 1 at £210; 2 at £200 ... ... 1,100 0 0 Junior Clerk ... ... 60 0 0 Contingencies ... ... 200 0 Oj 5 Ticket Printers, 1 at £75, 4 at £2G ... 179 0 Ol Telegraph Department, —■ 2 Instructing Officers,! at £110, 1 at £105 | 215 0 0 2,829 0 0 Stores — North Island ... ... 40,000 0 0 Middle Island ... ...100,000 0 Oj Freight, Labour, and Contingencies ... 5,000 0 0 i ! 145,000 0 0 DEPARTMENTAL, NOETH ISLAND. commissioner of railways* department, North Island— .** 1 i&V -^ ** m-r -™ *W -■ ■ ■ ™ *- ■ ™w Commissioner of Hallways' Office — Commissioner ... ... i 800 0 0 1 Clerk ... ... i 250 0 0 Junior Clerk ... ... | 70 O 0 Stores and Contingencies ... ...I 500 0 OJ



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC ORKS — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. a.i £ s. d. DEPARTMENTAL, NORTH ISLAND— cntd. Vote No. 53 — continued. Commissioner op Railways' Department— North Island — continued. Stores ATanaqers Office — Stores Manager ... ... 3 Clerks, 1 at £175,2 at £156 ... Contingencies 325 487 100 0 0 0 (I 0 0 2,532 0 0 Stores Department, North Island— 5 Storekeepers, 1 at £200, 1 at £175, 1 at £157, 1 at £87 10/, and 1 at £50 4 Storemen, 2 at 48/, 2 at 42/ per week GG9 10 471 0 0 0 1,140 10 0 DEPARTMENTAL, MIDDLE ISLAND. Commissioner of Railways' Department, Middle Island— Commissioner of Railways' Office — 1 Commissioner o£ Railways Secretary Clerk of Reserved Lands aud Rents 4 Clerks, 1 at £180, 2 at £150,1 at £120 ... 1 Office Cleaner Contingencies Stores 1,200 500 300 GOO 45 1,200 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Accountant's Office — 1 Accountant 5 Clerks, 1 at £220, 2 at £195, 2 at £130 ... 3 Cadets, 1 at £90,1 at £60, 1 at £50 1 Messenger 500 870 200 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Paymaster and CasJ/irr's Office —■ 1 Paymaster and Cashier 2 Clerks, 1 at £200, 1 at £125 ... Petty Expenses 400 325 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stores Manager's Office — 1 Stores Manager 1 Chief Clerk 1 Clerk 2 Clerks, 1 at £150, 1 at £135 ... Greneral Contingencies 400 250 190 285 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Superintendent of Telegraphs' Office — 1 Superintendent 1 Chief Clerk 1 Clerk to instruct Cadets 1 Relieving Telegraphist 12 Cadets at £75 1 Messenger Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 600 200 150 120 900 50 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,806 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTEE OF PUBLIC OEKS— continued. Item. 1879-80. DEPAETMENTAL, MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. £ b. d. £ s d. VOTE No. 58—continued. Stoees Depabtment, Middle Island. Christchurch Section — 1 Storekeeper 1 Clerk 1 Cadet 2 Storeinen at 10/ per diem 2 Labourers, 1 at 8/, 1 at 7/ per diem Oamaru Sub-Store — 1 Storekeeper 1 Storeman at 9/ per diem Dunedin Section — 1 Storekeeper 1 Clerk 1 Storeman at 9/ per diem 1 Labourer at 8/ per diem Invercargill Section —■ 1 Storekeeper 1 Storeman at 8/per diem 1 Cadet Nelson Section — 1 Storekeeper (also Stationmaster) Picton Section — 1 Storekeeper (also Stationmaster) Wcstport Section — 1 Storekeeper (also Stationmaster) Brunncr Section — 1 Storekeeper (also Stationmaster) 250 0 01 150 0 0 40 0 0 313 10 0 235 9 0 185 0 0 140 8 0 250 0 0 155 0 0 140 8 0 124 1G 0 175 0 0 124 16 0 52 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0; • 2,486 7 0 Eailway Teleqeaph Department, Middle Island. Christcliurch — 3 Telegraphists, 1 at £150,1 at £120,1 at £75 1 Messenger Ashhurton — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £120,1 at £75 345 50 0 0 0 0 195 0 0 Oamaru — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £120,1 at £90 Dunedin — 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £150,1 at £120 1 Messenger Instruments, Batteries, fyc. — 1 Lineman and Eepairer, Christchurch 1 Lineman and Eepairer, Dunedin 1 Battery man Extra Labour, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies Maintenance Stores — 3,000 Battery Elements 1 Ton of Tape 210 270 40 175 150 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 | 500 0 0 2,560 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC OEKS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ 8. d. £ s. d. SECTIONS. VOTE No. 58— continued. Kaipaea Section— Maintenance of Way — 3 Gangers, 1 at 9/, 2 at 8/ per day 14 Platelayers, 8 at 7/, 11 at 6/6 per day ... Eepairs to Bridges Workshop Charges C ontingencies Locomotive — 1 Driver at 12/6 per day 1 Fireman at 8/6 per day 1 Cleaner at 5/ per day Contingencies Wages and Locomotive Repairs Carriage and Wagon Eepairs ... Traffic— 2 Stationmasters, 1 at £140, 1 at £125 per 392 10 1,452 12 750 0 45 0 50 0 196 5 133 9 78 10 50 0 145 0 145 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ annum 1 Guard at 57/6 per week 3 Porters at 45/6 per week 1 Lad Clerk Contingencies Wharf— 3 Crane Drivers at 8/ per day ... Wharf Eepairs General Charges — 1 Assistant Manager Stores — Office and Incidental Contingencies 265 0 149 10 354 18 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 16 50 0 0 0 325 0 0 10 0 50 0 0 0 Auckland Section— Maintenance of Way — 1 Inspector 2 Sub-Inspectors at 75/per week 24 Gangers, 1 at 10/, 23 at 8/ per day 91 Platelayers, 1 at 7/6, 29 at 7/, 61 at 6/6 per day 2 Fencers, 1 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 per day 1 Stonewaller at 7/ per day Eoads, Bridges, and Signals Workshop Charges Stations and Buildings Contingencies Locomotive — 12 Drivers, 1 at 13/6, 3 at 13/, 2 at 12/, 5 at 11/6, 1 at 11/per day 12 Firemen, 3 at 9/, 7 at 8/6, 2 at 8/ per day 14 Cleaners, 2 at 6/, 3 at 5/6, 9 at 5/ per day 5 Coalmen, 2 at 52/6, 1 at 49/, 2 at 45/6 per week 1 Shedman, at 56/ per week Traffic— 1 Traffic Manager Travelling Allowance 2 Goods Clerks at £135 1 Lad Clerk (Goods) 5,119 10 0 275 0 0 392 2 10 3,045 16 0 9,529 18 0 211 19 0 109 18 0 285 0 0 1,150 0 0 575 0 0 250 0 0 2,276 10 0 1,609 5 0 1,153 19 0 629 13 0 146 10 8 250 0 0 100 0 0 270 0 0 60 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated \md Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC ORKS— continued. Item. 18 1 9-80. SECTIONS— continued. £ 8. d. £ s. d VOTE No. 5S— continued. Auckland Section— continued. Traffic —continued. 15 Stationmasters, 1 at £165, 3 at £150, 1 at £145, 3 at £140,3 at £125, 3 at £115,1 at £105 per annum 2 Stationmasters and Telegraphists, at £90 1 Booking Clerk 1 Relieving Clerk 1 Lad Clerk 1 Lad Clerk aDd Telegraphist (TraiBc Manager) 1 Accountant 1 Pay Clerk 1 Clerk and Telegraphist 2 Telegraphists, 1 at £80 (half salary), 1 at £60 5 Telegraphists extra at £50 1 Yard Foreman at 60/ per week 8 Guards, 3 at 57/6, 5 at 53/6, per week ... 2 Checkers at 49/ per week 16 Porters, 6 at 49/, 10 at 45/6 per week ... 1 Horse Driver at 53/6 per week 3 Lad Porters, 2 at 38/6, 1 at 27/ per week 1 Lamp Trimmer at 27/ per week 1 Pointsman at 49/ per week ... 1 Signalman at 45/6 per week ... 1 Bridgekeeper at 50/ per week... 1 Watchman at 53/6 per week ... 1 "Wharfinger at 53/6 per week ... 2 Carriage Cleaners, 1 at 49/, 1 at 31/6 per week Approximate amount required for refund of "Wharfage illegally collected at Mercer, between 25th February, 1878, and 30th November, 1879 Contingencies Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Repairs — 1 Foreman at £275 per annum ... 8 Fitters, 1 at 12/6, 1 at 11/, 2 at 10/6, 4 at 10/ per day 3 Turners, 2 at 11/, 1 at 10/6 per day 2 Machinists, 1 at 8/, 1 at 7/6 per day 4 Smiths, 1 at 12/6, 3 at 11/ per day 1 Spring Smith at 11/ per day ... 1 Boilermaker at 11/ per day .. 7 Strikers at 7/ per day 1 Boy at 4/ per day 1 Patternmaker at 11/ per day ... 1 Copper and Tin Smith at 11 / per day 1 Boy at 4/per day 2 Coach Builders, 1 at 12/6,1 at 11/ per day 3 "Wagon Builders at 10/ per day 2 Carpenters at 10/ per day 1 Lifter at 8/6 per day 1 Carriage Trimmer at 10/ per day 3 "Wheel Tappers, 1 at 61/, 2 at 49/ per week 1 Sawyer at 10/ per day 3 Labourers at 6/6 per day 2 Painters, 1 at 10/6, 1 at 9/ per day 1 Sailinaker at 9/6 per day 1 Storeman at 45/ per week 1 Stationary Engine Driver at 9/6 per day ... 1 Draftsman 2,005 0 0 180 0 0 145 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 275 0 0 156 0 0 105 0 0 140 0 0 250 0 C 156 8 4 1,151 6 8 256 8 8 1,959 17 8 139 19 10 272 2 8 70 13 0 128 4 4 119 1 2 130 16 8 139 19 10 139 19 10 210 12 10 1,000 0 0 275 0 0 275 0 0 1,326 18 0 510 5 0 243 7 0 714 7 0 172 14 0 172 14 0 769 C 0 62 16 0 172 14 0 172 14 0 62 16 0 368 19 0 471 0 0 314 0 0 133 9 0 157 0 0 416 1 0 157 0 0 306 3 0 306 3 0 149 3 0 117 15 0 149 3 0 175 0 Oj J3—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated \ind Services. CLASS X.—MINISTEE OF PUBLIC ORKS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. SECTIONS— continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Auckland Section — continued — Locomotive, Carriage, aud Wagon Repairs — continued. 1 Clerk 1 Lad Clerk at £60 per annum ... 1 Timekeeper at £150 per annum 1 Coalman and "Watchman at 52/6 per week 1 Yard Ganger at 9/ per day 3 Yard Labourers at 6/6 per day 9 Apprentices, 3 at 24/, 1 at 20/, 3 at 16/, 2 at 14/ per week Contingencies General Charges — 1 General Manager 1 Draftsman 1 Clerk 1 Lad Messenger Contingencies Proportion of Salary of Telegraphist at Newmarket, 1878-79 145 0 60 0 150 0 137 7 141 6 306 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 439 12 250 0 0 0 50C 0 165 0 165 0 60 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 10 0 Stores — Office and Incidental Contingencies Newmarket Branch — Maintenance of Way— 1 Sub-Inspector at 70/ per week 2 Gangers at 8/ per day 8 Platelayers, 2 at 7/, 6 at 6/6 per day ... Locomotive— 1 Driver at 11/6 per day 1 Fireman at 8/6 per day 1 Cleaner at 5/6 per day 1 Pumper at 6/6 per day Traffic— 1 Stationmaster Contingencies I Supplementary— Hamilton Junction (12 months) — 1 Horse Driver at 49/ per week Forage and Stores at 21/ per week 1 Porter at 42 / per week Extension to Te Awamutu (6 months) — 2 Gangers at 8/ per day 8 Platelayers, 2 at 7/, 6 at 6/6 per day ... Traffic— 1 Stationmaster at £150 per annum 1 Porter at 6/ per day (7 days) Contingencies 50 0 500 0 183 6 251 4 832 2 180 11 133 9 86 7 102 1 110 0 300 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 4 54 19 109 18 4 0 0 125 12 416 1 0 0 75 0 54 18 378 6 0 0 6 Napiee Section — Maintenance of Way — 1 Foreman at 70/ per week 13 Gangers at 9/ per day 39 Platelayers at 7/ per day Extra Labour, Emergencies, &c. Locomotive Running — 5 Drivers, 2 at 13/6, 1 at 12/6, 1 at 11/6,1 (6 months) at 11/ per day 5 Firemen, 2 at 9/6, 1 at 9/, 1 at 8/, 1 (6 months) at S/ per day 3 Cleaners at 7/ per day 1 Labourer (314 days) at 7/ per day 46,782 3 0 10 183 3 4 1,836 18 0 4,286 2 0 250 0 0 1,033 19 0 732 0 0 384 6 0 109 18 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. SECTION'S— continued. £ s. d. £ u. d. 10 VOTE No. 58— continued. Napiek Section — continued — Locomotive Sepairs — 1 Leading Hand at 14/ per day 2 Fitters, 1 at 12/, 1 at 11/ per day 1 Smith at 11/per day 1 Striker at 7/ per day 1 Labourer at 7/ per day 1 Boy at 4/ per day 1 Painter (3 months) at 10/ per day Overtime and Emergencies Carriage and Wagon — 1 Leading Hand at 13/ per day 2 Wagon Builders at 10/ per day 1 Carpenter at 10/ per day 1 Painter (9 months) at 10/ per day 1 Wagon-lifter at 8/6 per day ... 1 Smith at 9/ per day 1 Tinsmith at 9/ per day 1 Striker at 7/ per day 1 Turner at 10/ per day Overtime and Emergencies Traffic— 1 Stationmaster and Traffic Clerk 9 Stationmasters, 1 at Z.165, 2 at Z.155,1 at f.145, 1 at Z.135,1 at Z.125, 1 at Z.100, 1 at Z.25, 1 aW.20 1 Believing Clerk and Timekeeper at Z.110 ... 1 Goods Clerk 2 Cadet Clerks. 1 at Z.85,1 at Z.60 3 Guards, 1 at 57/6, 1 at 53/6, 1 at 50/ per week 13 Porters, 9 at 49/, 3 at 45/6, 1 at 42/ per week Extra Labour, &c. General Charges — 1 Manager 1 Clerk Contingencies .., Proportion of Salaries of Telegraphists at Farndon and Kopua, 1878-79 219 16 0 361 2 0 172 14 0 109 18 0! 109 18 0 62 16 0 39 5 0 200 0 0 201 2 0 314 0 0 157 0 0 117 15 0 133 9 0 141 6 0 141 6 0 109 18 0 157 0 0 150 0 0 215 0 0 1,025 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 145 0 0 420 17 11 1,619 11 0 250 0 0 450 0 0 125 0 0 25 0 0 25 14 4 Stores — General Charges Contingencies and New Lines ... 25 0 0 1,206 15 9 17,470 10 11 Wellington Section — Maintenance — 1 Foreman at 70/ per week 1 Second Foreman at 60/ per week 12 Gangers at 9/ per day 49 Platelayers, 14 at 7/6 and 35 at 7/ per day Locomotive Itunning — 9 Drivers,2 at 13/, 4 at 12/6, 3 at 11/ per day 9 Firemen, 2 at 9/, 4 at 8/6, and 3 at 8/ per day 9 Cleaners, 4 at 8/, 5 at 7/6 per day 2 Coalmen at 7/ per day .,, 183 3 157 0 1,(395 12 5,495 0 1,734 17 1,193 4 1,091 3 219 16



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WOEKS— continued. Item 18 9-80. SECTIONS— continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Wellington Section — continued. Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Repairs — 1 Foreman 1 Foreman for Incline 7 Fitters, 3 at 12/, 4 at 11/6 ... 2 Turners at 12/ 4 Joiners, 2 at 11/, 2 at 12/ ... 1 Patternmaker at 13/ 1 Leading Smith at 13/ 3 Smiths at 12/ 5 Strikers, 1 at 8/6, 4 at 8/ 1 Coppersmith at 12/ 1 Boy at 2/6 2 Painters, 1 at 11/, 1 at 10/ ... 9 Labourers, 5 at 8/, 4 at 7/ ... 2 Apprentices at 1/4 1 Time Clerk Traffic— 4 Stationmasters, 1 at £165 and house £25, 1 at £105, 1 at £140, 1 at £130 1 Goods Clerk 1 Goods Clerk at 10/ per day ... 1 Booking Clerk ' 3 Cadets at £75 1 Cadet 8 Guards, 4 at 57/6, and 4 at50/ per week... 2 Pointsmen at 9/6 per day 14 Porters, 3 at 49/, 5 at 45/6, and. G at 42/ per week General Charges — 1 Genera] Manager 1 Traffic Clerk £ s. d. £ s. d. 11 240 0 0 200 0 0 1,287 8 0 376 16 0 722 4 0 204 2 0 204 2 0 565 4 0 635 17 0 188 8 0 39 5 0 329 14 0 1,067 12 0 41 17 4 125 0 0 625 0 0 150 0 0 157 0 0 125 0 0 225 0 0 70 0 0 1,118 0 0 298 6 0 1,028 18 0 475 0 0 175 0 0 23,044 8 8 12 Wangantti Section — Maintenance —■ 2 Foremen at 70/ per week 20 Gangers at 8/6 per day (314 days) 72 Platelayers at 7/(314 days)... 2 Carpenters at 10/ (314 days)... 1 Smith and Striker at 20/ (314 days) Locomotive Running— 1 Foreman at £4 10/ per week 1 Lad Clerk 8 Drivers, 4 at 12/, 2 at 11 /6, 2 at 11/ per day 8 Firemen, 3 at 9/, 2 at 8/6, 3 at 8/ per day 5 Cleaners at 8/ per day 1 Pumper at 7/ per day (366 days) 1 Coalman at 7/6 per day (366 days) Locomotive Repairs — 6 Fitters and 2 Turners at 10/ per day 1 Smith and Striker at 20/ per day 3 Labourers at 7/6 per day Carriage and Wagon Repairs — 1 Carpenter at 10/ per day 1 Painter at 10/ per day 1 Lad Assistant at 3/4 per day... 2 Wagon Lifters at 8/ per day ... 1 Lad Assistant at 3/4 per day... 1 Smith and Striker at 20/ per day 366 G 8 2,069 0 0 7,912 1G 0 314 0 0 314 0 0 235 10 0 50 0 0 1,400 2 0 1,067 12 0 G23 0 0 12S 2 0 137 5 0 1,25G 0 0 814 0 0 353 5 0 157 0 0 157 0 0 52 G S 251 4 0 52 G 8 314 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC ORKS — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. a. £ s. d. 12 SECTIONS— continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Watoa:nti Section— continued. Traffic— 9 Station Clerks, 1 at £165, 3 at £150, 1 at £140, 3 at £130, 1 at £120 ... 3 Cadets, 2 at £75, 1 at £60 ... 2 Joint Officers, 1 at £52, 1 at £60 5 Guards, 3 at 53/6, 2 at 50/ per week 17 Porters, 3 at 49/, 8 at 45/6, 6 at 42/ per week General Charges — 1 Manager 1 Traffic Clerk Wharf— 1 Wharfinger at £3 10/ per week 4 "Wharf Porters, 1 at 49/ per week and 3 at 8/ per day 1,205 0 0 210 0 0 112 0 0 G81 12 10 1,99(5 10 4 450 0 0 200 0 0 183 3 4 505 0 4 Stores — General Charges Wharf 200 0 0 50 0 0 I 24,013 2 10 13 New Plymouth Section — Main tenance — 1 Foreman at £3 10/ per week 4 Gangers at 7/6 per day (366 days) 16 Platelayers, 4 at 7/ and 12 at 6/6 per day (314 days) ... 1 Signalman at 7/6 per day (366 days) Additional, for 9 months Locomotive — 2 Drivers, 1 at 12/6, 1 at 12/ per day (366 days) 2 Firemen at 9/ per day 1 Cleaner at 7/6 per day (314 days) 1 Smith at 11/ per day (6 months) Traffic— 4 Station Clerks, 1 at £175, 1 at £140, 1 at £110, 1 at £100 2 Guards, 1 at 56/ and 1 at 53/6 per week 1 Cadet 3 Porters, 2 at 49/, 1 at 42/ per week 1 Fitter at 13/ per day (314 days) Carriage and Wagon — 1 Carpenter at 10/ per day (314 days) General Charges — 1 General Manager Proportion of Salary of Telegraphist at Inglewood, 1878-70 183 3 549 0 1,684 4 137 5 1,183 8 448 7 329 8 117 15 86 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 525 0 286 10 60 0 3GG 0 204 1 0 6 0 0 0 157 0 ol 325 0 0 9 0 0 Stores — Contingencies 342 11 2 G,974 0 0 14 CnmsTcnuRCii Section — Way and Works Department — 1 Resident Engineer (including Travelling Allowance) 2 Assistant Engineers, 1 at £475, 1 at £385 (including Travelling Allowance) 1 Chief Clerk I 700 0 0 860 300 0 0 0 0 r ■ i



Appropriations for Consolidated 7und Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC OEKS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. SECTIONS— continued. VOTE No. 58— continued. Chkistchtjucii Section — continued. Ways and Works Department —continued. 4 Clerks, 2 at £180, 1 at £175, 1 at £160 ... 2 Timekeepers, 1 at £150, 1 at £75 3 Junior Clerks, 2 at £50, 1 at £40 1 Draughtsman Kent of Office, Oaniaru Contingencies Maintenance of Way—Wages ... Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Signals, and other Works Maintenance of Stations and Buildings — Wages Locomotive Running — 1 Locomotive Engineer 3 Clerks, 1 at £275, 1 at £200, 1 at £175 ... 3 Locomotive Foremen, 1 at £325, 2 at £300 £ s. d. £ 8. d, 11 G95 0 0 225 0 0 140 0 0 275 0 0 60 0 0 115 0 0 39,500 0 0 8,100 0 0 5,000 0 0 GOO 0 0 650 0 0 per annum 1 Driver in charge at 14/ per day 2 Clerks to Locomotive Foremen, 1 at £150, 1 at £100 1 Lighter-up at 12/ per day 1 Fireman in charge at 10^ per day 2 Storemen at 9/ per day 20 Drivers at 13/ per day 7 Drivers at 12/6 per day 6 Drivers at 12/ per day 17 Drivers at 11/6 per day 10 Drivers at 11/ per day 3 Firemen at 10/ per day 4 Firemen at 9/6 per day 14 Firemen at 9/per day 29 Firemen at S/6 per day 10 Firemen at 8/ per day 6 Cleaners at 6/ per day 36 Cleaners at 5/6 per day 10 Cleaners at 5/ per day Travelling Expenses and Contingencies Wages for renewals and repairs... Wages for repairs and renewals, carriages ... Wages for repairs aud renewals, wagons 925 0 0 219 2 0 250 0 0 187 16 0 156 10 0 281 14 0 4.069 0 0 1^369 7 6 1,126 16 0 3,059 11 6 1,721 10 0 469 10 0 594 14 0 1,971 18 0 3,857 14 6 1,252 0 0 563 8 0 3,098 14 0 782 10 0 300 0 0 7,500 0 0 5,500 0 0 4,000 0 0 Traffic — 62 Stationmasters, 1 at Z.350, 1 at Z.325,1 at Z.275,1 at 7.250,1 at Z.225, 2 at Z.200, 1 at Z.190, 1 at Z.150, 1 at Z.170, 6 at Z.160, 9 at Z.150, 3 at Z.145, 1 at Z.140 17/, 8 at Z.140, 2 at Z.135, 3 at Z.130, 4 at Z.125 4/, 12 at 7.125, 3 at 7.120, 1 at Z.117 7/6 per annum 1 Assistant Stationmaster House Allowance to 1 Stationmaster 2 Chief Clerks, 1 at Z.275, 1 at Z.225 31 Clerks, 1 at Z.225, 2 at Z.190, 1 at Z.185, 2 at'O, 8 at Z.150, 1 at Z.148 13/6, 2 at Z.140 17/, 2 at Z.140,1 at Z.130,8 at Z.125 4/, 1 at 7.115, 1 at 7.105, 1 at Z.78 5/ 1 Booking and Parcels Clerk 2 Goods Clerks, 1 at Z.175, 1 at Z.150 5 Parcels Clerks, 1 at Z.15G 10/, 2 at Z.140 17/, 2 at Z.125 4/ per annum 21 Telegraphists, 2 at 7.115, 3 at Z.105, 2 at 7.100,1 at 7.95,11 at Z.90,1 at Z.75,1 at Z.60 9,509 0 175 0 50 0 500 0 : o o 4,450 4 150 0 325 0 6 0 0 6SS 12 0 1,965 0 o



Appropriations for Consolidated 'und Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OP PUBLIC ORKS — continued. Item. 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. SECTIONS— continued. 14 VOTE No. 58— continued. Christchttkch Section— continued. Traffic —continued. 23 Cadets, 1 at Z.105, 4 at Z.90, 4 at 1.75, 11 at Z.60, 1 at Z.52, 2 at 1,50 per annum 1 Collector 31 Guards, 2 at Z.3 per week, 12 at 57/6, 15 at 54/, 2 at 50/per week 2 Head Porters, 1 at Z.156 10/, 1 at Z.146 per 1,577 0 225 0 0 0 4,48G 6 8 annum 54 Porters, 1 at 10/, 31 at /S per day, 7 at Z.125, 1 at Z.120 per annum, 14 at 7/ per day 2 Parcels Porters, 1 at 9/6, 1 at 8/ per day 1 Porter and Lampman at 8/ per day 3 Lampmen, 1 at Z.125,2 at Z.78 5/ per annum 2 Ticket Collectors, 1 at 9/G, 1 at 8/ per day 2 Constables at 56/ per week ... 2 Watchmen at 56/ per week ... 2 Messengers, 1 at 8/, 1 at 6/ per day 25 Shunters, 1 at Z.200,1 at Z.140 per annum, 1 at 10/, 1 at 9/6, 9 at 9/, 1 at 8/6, 11 at 8/ per day 3 Pointsmen at 8 / per day 4 Signalmen (Tunnel), 2 at 10/, 2 a1 9/6 per day (339 days) 8 Signalmen, 2 at 9/6, 2 at 9/, 2 at 8/, 1 at 7/, 1 at 6/6 per day 1 Yard Signalman at 9/ per day 19 Gate and Crossing Keepers, 1 at 8/, 2 at 7/, 2 at 6/, 1 at 5/10,1 at 5/ (52 Sundays), 5 at 5/, 5 at 4/2 per day, 2 at 20/ per week 4 Bridgekeepers at 5 / per day (365 days) ... 1 Goods Agent 32 Storemen, 6 at 10/, 2 at 9/6, 14 at 9/, 10 at 8/ per day 3 Yard Foremen, 1 at Z.220, 1 at Z.190, 1 at Z.180 3 Yardmen, 2 at 9/, 1 at 8/ per day 5 Tally Clerks, 3 at Z.140, 2 at Z.135 1 Warehouseman 4 Horse Drivers, 1 at 55/, 3 at 54/ per week 5 Labourers, 2 at 9/, 3 at 8/ per day 1 Timekeeper 2 Number Takers at 8/ per day 1 Wagon Sweeper, &c, at 8/ per day 1 Tarpaulin and Lashing Collector at 8/ per day 1 Lamplighter 2 Traffic Inspectors, 1 at Z. 220, 1 at Z. 200 ... 1 Pilot Guard Extra Labour and Contingencies Extra Labour at Lyttelton Handling and Shunting Agency Charge on Broad-Guage Plant landed ex "Bulwark" Gratuity granted to A. Fennell, Stationmaster, on reduction of Fernside Station to a platform Gratuity to Widow of Porter G. Fennell, killed at Kangiora 302 10 0 6,566 8 273 17 125 4 281 10 273 17 292 0 292 0 219 2 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 3,423 1 375 12 0 0 G59 15 0 1,042 14 140 17 6 0 1,536 5 365 0 375 0 4 0 0 4,460 5 0 590 0 406 18 690 0 150 0 560 0 657 6 150 0 250 8 125 4 125 4 120 0 420 0 156 10 6,000 0 6,000 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 6 o 32 10 62 12


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS— continued. — 1879-80. SECTlONS— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. VOTE No. 58— continued. 14 Christchtjech Section— continued. Traffic —continued. Gratuity to Widow of Porter Stephens, late ofTimaru ... ... 9 12 0 Remission of Charge for Carriage of Piano for Hoskins' Dramatic Company... ... 10 1 Refund of Second Terminal Charge on Grain conveyed for Messrs. P. Cunningham and Company ... ... 18 15 0 Surcharge on Machinery conveyed for Messrs. Reid and Grey ... ... 27 14 4 Reward to Detective Jones for Services in connection with Messrs. King and Co.'s claim for £225 11s. 7d., for wheat supposed to have been lost between Chertsey and Christchurch ... ... 75 0 0 Claims and Compensation ... ... 800 0 0 General Charges — 1 General Manager ... ... COO 0 0 Travelling Allowance to Manager ... 100 0 0 1 Chief Clerk ... ... 300 0 0 3 Clerks, ] at Z. 200, 1 at 7.130, 1 at Z. 125 per annum ... ... 455 0 0 2 Cadets, lat 1. 100, lat Z. 75 per annum ... 175 0 0 2 Relieving Officers, lat Z. 215, lat 1.200 .. 415 0 0 1 Messenger ... ... 125 O 0 Contingencies and Travelling Expenses ... 500 0 0 1 Offico Cleaner ... ... 52 0 0 Proportion of Salaries payable to Telegraphists, 1878-79 ... 297 8 3 Wharves — 1 Pier Master (half salary) ... ... 200 0 0 3 Wharf Foremen, 1 at Z. 250, 1 at Z. 190 per annum, lat 70/ per week ... ... 622 11 8 2 Clerks, lat Z. 170, lat Z. 150 per annum ... 320 0 0 3 Tally Clerks, 2at 1. 150,1 at Z. 140 per annum 440 0 0 4 Horse Drivers at 9/per day ... 563 8 0 13 Wharf Porters, 12 at 9/, lat 8/ per day 1,815 8 0 9 Crane Drivers, Bat 10/, lat 9/ per day ... 1,392 17 0 175,902 10 6 15 Oamaku and Timabit Section — 1 Traffic Manager ... ... 500 0 0 2 Clerks, lat Z. 200, lat Z. 150 ... ... 350 0 0 1 Traffic Inspector ... ... 200 0 0 Contingencies ... ... 100 0 0 1,150 0 0 16 Dunedin Section — Maintenance of Way — 1 Resident and Locomotive Engineer, including Travelling Expenses ... ... 700 0 0 1 Assistant Engineer ... ... 300 0 0 7 Clerks, lat Z. 260,1 at Z. 230,1 at Z.lBO, 2at Z. 150, lat Z. 100,1 at Z. 75 ... ... 1,145 0 0 1 Draftsman ... ... 260 0 0 1 Tracer ... ... 100 0 0 1 Inspector of Permanent Way ... 300 0 0 2 Sub-Inspectors at 14/ per day ... 439 4 0 1 Time and Store Keeper at 9/ per day ... 140 17 0 44 Gangers at 9/ per day ... ... 6,197 8 0




Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTEE OF PUBLIC OEKS — continued. Item 1879-80. SECTIONS— continued. £ s. d. £ K. d. 1G VOTE No. 58— continued. DuifEDiN Section — continued. Maintenance of Way —continued. 139 Platelayers at 7/per day ... 4 Fencers at 8 / per day 6 Labourers at 8/per day 2 "Watchmen at 7/ per day 2 Carpenters at 12/ per day 3 House Painters, 2 at 11/, 1 at 9/ per day... 1 Bricklayer at 14/ per day 1 Mason at 11/per day 1 Plumber at 10/per day 4 Gangers (Eelaying Boad) at 9/6 per day... 24 Platelayers (Relaying Eoad) at 8/ per day 1 Ballast Guard at 10/ per day... 10 Labourers at 8/ per day 1 Foreman of "Works at 16/ per day 1 Bridge Inspector at 15/ per day 3 Carpenters at 12/ per day 1 Carpenter at 10/ per day 4 Labourers at 9/ per day 1 Labourer at 8 / per day "Workshop Charges Contingencies Locomotive Running—1 Assistant Locomotive Engineer 1 Eunning Shed Foreman 1 Time and Store Keeper at 10/ per day ... 35 Drivers, 10 at 13/, 3 at 12/6, 3 at 12/, 4 at 11/6, 7 at 11/, 8 at 10/6 per day 35 Firemen, 8 at 9/6, 4 at 9/, 10 at 8/6,13 at 8 / per day 1 Night Foreman at 10/ per day 1 Shedman at 8/ per day 1 Lighter-up at 8/ per day 35 Cleaners, 6 at 8/, 10 at 7/6,11 at 7/, 8 at 6/6 per day 2 Coalmen at 8 / per day 3 Labourers at 8/ per day 9 Pumpers, 2 at 8/, 3 at 7/, 4 at 6/ per day... Contingencies Locomotive Eepairs Carriage and "Wagon Eepairs ... Maintenance of Way Locomotive Repairs Carriage and "Wagon Eepairs ... Traffic— 37 Stationmasters, 1 at Z.300, 1 at Z.275,5 at Z.200, 3 at Z.180, 2 at Z.175,15 at Z.160,10 at 1. 150 per annum 1 District Stationmaster 2 Assistant Stationmasters, 1 at Z.180, 1 at Z.140 House Allowance for 8 Stationmasters, 2 at Z.50 6 at Z.25 per annum 1 Traffic Inspector 2 Goods Agents, 1 at Z.350, 1 at Z.325 43 Clerks, 1 at Z.275, 4 at Z.200, 2 at Z.175, 2 at Z.160, 2 at Z.157, 6 at Z.150, 1 at Z.140, 2 at Z.135,1 at Z.132, 4 at Z.130, 4 at Z.125, 6 at Z.120, 1 at Z.110, 7 at Z.100 per annum 1 Clerk and Telegraphist 15,227 9 0 500 0 0 751 4 0 219 2 0 375 12 0 485 3 0 219 2 0 172 3 0 156 10 0 594 14 0 3,004 16 0 150 10 0 1,252 0 0 250 8 0 234 15 0 563 8 0 156 10 0 563 8 0 125 4 0 3,050 0 0 500 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 156 10 0 6,424 6 6 4,695 0 0 156 10 0 125 4 0 125 4 0 3,943 16 0 250 8 0 375 12 0 954 13 0 1,000 0 0 4,700 0 0 6,900 0 0 6,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 4,100 0 0 6,365 0 0 275 0 0 320 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 675 0 0 6,051 0 0 135 0 0 }4—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated hind Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF;PUBLIC ORES— continued. Item. 1879-80. SECTIONS— continued. £ s. d. £ B. d. 1G VOTE No. 58— continued. Dunedin- Section- — continued. Traffic —continued. 5 Booking Clerks. 1 at 1.150, 1 at Z.130,1 at Z.120, 2 at Z.100 per annum ... 20 Cadets, 1 at Z.100, 1 at Z.78, 8 at Z.75, 2 at Z.60, 7 at Z.52,1 at Z.50 per annum 2 Ticket Collectors at Z.133 9/ per annum ... 1 Goods Foreman 4 Yard Foremen, 1 at Z.200, 2 at Z.150, 1 at Z.160 1 Constable I Craneman 24 Guards, 1 at Z.160, 6 at Z.150,9 at Z.144 6/, 7 at Z.133 9/, 1 at Z.125 12/ per annum ... 4 Signalmen, 1 at Z.133 9/, 2 at Z.125 12/, 1 at Z.104 II Shunters, 2 at Z.150, 2 at Z.144, 2 at Z.133 9/, 2 at Z.132,2 at Z.125 12/, 1 at Z.66 14/6 6 Pointsmen, 4 at Z.125 12/, 1 at Z.109, 1 at Z.62 8/ 1 Points Cleaner 85 Porters, 2 at Z.164,1 at Z.157,4 atZ.141 6/, 1 at Z.135 12/, 1 at Z.133 9/, 70 at Z.125 12/, 5 at Z.108, 1 at Z.100 per annum 6 Gatekeepers at Z.100 per annum 1 Pilotman ' 3 Lamp Cleaners, 1 at Z.160, 2 at Z.109 4 Brakesmen, 1 at 133 9/, 3 at Z.125 12/ ... 1 Charwoman 1 Telegraph Messenger 3 Horses and Men, 2 at Z.204 2/, 1 at Z.242 14/ 2 Bridge-keepers at Z.100 1 Messenger 5 Carriage Cleaners, 2 at Z.120, 2 at Z.100, 1 at Z.78 2 "Watchmen, 1 at Z.109,1 at Z.100 1 Telegraph Clerk and Cadet ... 1 Pier Master 1 Wharf Foreman 1 Pier Master's Assistant Labour Retiring Allowance to Mr. Barr, Cashier ... Reduction of Charge for Carriage of Piano for Hoskins's Dramatic Company Remission of Charge for conveyance of goods for the Carnival Committee in aid of Benevolent Society General Charges — 1 General Manager Travelling Allowance to Manager 1 Chief Clerk 4 Clerks, 1 at Z.200, 2 at Z.120, 1 at Z.52 per annum 1 Relieving Stationmaster Claims and Compensation Guards and Porters' Uniforms ... Proportion of Salaries of Telegraphists, 1877-78 Contingencies 600 0 0 1,312 0 0 266 18 0 150 0 0 660 0 0 146 8 0 132 0 0 3,418 9 0 488 13 0 1,436 16 6 673 16 0 100 0 0 10,751 5 0 600 0 0 144 6 0 378 0 0 510 5 Oj 52 0 0 26 0 0 650 18 0 200 0 0 52 0 0 518 0 0 209 0 0 75 0 0 300 0 0 175 0 0 130 0 0 4,050 0 0 262 10 0 0 9 3 1 7 11 600 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 492 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 443 12 0 114 7 8 500 0 0 128,289 11 10



Appropriations for Consolidated \md Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC ORES — continued. Item. 1879-80. SE CTIONS— continue d. 17 YOTE No. 58— continued. Intebcabgill Section — Maintenance of Way — 1 Assistant Eesident and Locomotive Engineer 3 Clerks, 1 at Z.225, 1 at Z.100, 1 at Z.8O per annum 1 Bridge Inspector at 15/ per day 5 Section Foremen at 12 / per day 36 Gangers at 9/ per day 114 Platelayers at 7/ per day ... 1 Smith at 12/per day 1 Striker at 9/ per day 2 Carpenters at 12/ per day 1 Painter at 11/ per day 1 Mason at 12/ per day 1 Quarryman at 10/ per day Contingencies Locomotive Running — 1 Running-shed Foreman at 14/ per day ... 18 Drivers, 2 at 13/, 6 at 12/, 6 at 11/, 4 at 10/6 per day 18 Firemen, 13 at 9/, 5 at 8/6 per day 1 Shedman at 10/ per day 18 Cleaners, 3 at 8/, 9 at 7/, 6 at 6/ per day 1 Coalman at 9/per day 12 Pumpers at 6/ per day Contingencies Locomotive Repairs — Wages for locomotive repairs ... Carriage and Wagon Repairs — Wages for repairs to cars and wagons Traffic— 14 Stationmasters, 2 at Z.250, 2 at Z.200, 4 at Z.180, 3 at Z.160, 3 at Z.150 per annum ... House Allowance for 2 Stationmasters at 1.50, and 9 at Z.25 per annum 1 Traffic Inspector 1 Goods Agent 2 Goods Shed Clerks, 1 at Z.180, 1 at Z.130 £ s. d. 450 0 0 405 0 0 234 0 0 936 0 0 5,054 8 0 12,448 16 0 187 4 0 140 8 0 374 8 0 171 12 0 187 4 0 156 0 0 600 0 0 218 8 0 3,213 12 0 2,488 4 0 156 0 0 1,918 16 0 140 8 0 1,123 4 0 500 0 0 £ a. d, 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,550 0 0 325 0 0 200 0 0 280 0 0 per annum 7 Clerks, 2 at Z.150, 1 at Z.160, 1 at Z.120, 1 at Z.80, 2 at Z.60 per annum 8 Guards, 4 at 57/6, 2 at 55/6, 2 at 50/2 per week 1 Foreman Porter at 57/6 per week 20 Porters at 46/3 per week 1 Lamp Trimmer, 2 Carriage Cleaners, and 7 Porters, at 46/3 per week 1 Gatekeeper at 38/6 per week 1 Bridgekeeper at 3S/6 per week 1 Constable (365 days) at 8/ per day Extra Labour Claims and Compensation Incidentals General Charges — 1 General Manager 1 Chief Clerk 3 Cadet Telegraphists at Z.60 ... Wliarf— 2 Wharf Clerks, 1 at Z.160, 1 at Z.140 per 310 0 0 780 0 0 1,117 9 4 149 10 0 2,405 0 0 1,202 10 0 100 2 0 100 2 0 146 0 0 900 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 225 0 0 180 0 0 annum 1 Wharf Foreman 1 Collector Traffic— General Charges 300 0 0 150 0 0 160 0 0 400 0 0 47,864 5 4



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WOEKS— continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. SECTIONS— continued. IS VOTE No. 58 — continued. Gbeymooth Section — Maintenance of Way — 1 Foreman of Line at 12/6 per day 1 Second Man at 9/ per day 7 Platelayers at 8/4 per day 1 Carpenter at 14/ per day (quarter time) ... 1 Smith at 14/ per day (quarter time) Locomotive Running — 1 Driver at 12/ per day 1 Fireman at 9/ per day 1 Cleaner at 8/4 per day 1 Pumper at 9/ per day (half time) Locomotive Repairs — 1 Fitter at 13/ per day (also spare Driver) 1 Smith at 14/ per day (quarter time) Carriage and Wagon Repairs — 1 Fitter at 11/ per day 1 Smith at 14/ per day (quarter time) 1 Painter at 14/ per day (half time) Traffic — 1 Stationmaster 1 Clerk (Cadet) 1 Guard at 60/ per week 2 Goods Porters at 60/ per week 1 Labourer at 9/ per day (half time) 1 Crane Driver at 11/ per day (quarter time) 1 Horse Driver at 55/ per week General Charges — 1 General Manager 1 Clerk Head Office Charges Contingencies Wharf— 1 Clerk 1 Wharf Foreman at 70/ per week 2 Labourers at 9/ per day 1 Carpenter at 14/ per day (quarter time) ... 1 Carpenter at 14/ per day (half time) Casual Labour 195 0 140 8 910 0 54 12 54 12 187 4 140 8 130 0 70 4 202 16 54 12 171 12 54 12 109 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 85 0 156 0 312 0 70 4 42 18 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 0 135 0 150 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 182 0 2S0 16 54 12 109 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westpoet Section — Maintenance of Way — 1 Foreman of line at Z.3 10/ per week 3 Gangers at 60/ per week 10 Platelayers at 50/ per week 1 Smith at 12/ per day (quarter time) Locomotive Running — 1 Engine Driver at 12/ per day 1 Engine Driver at 11/ per day (half time)... 1 Fireman at 10/ per day 1 Fireman at 9/ per day (half time) 1 Cleaner at 7/ per day Locomotive Repairs— 1 Fitter at 12/ per day (quarter time) 1 Smith at 12/ per day (quarter time) 1 Striker at 10/ per day ... ... Carriage and Wagon Repairs — 1 Fitter at 12 / per day (half time) 1 Smith at 12/ per day (quarter time) 5,110 18 0 19 182 0 0 468 0 0 1,300 0 0 46 16 0 218 18 0 100 2 0 182 0 0 70 4 0 127 8 0 46 16 0 46 16 0 39 0 0 93 12 0 46 16 0



Appropriations for Consolidated \iwl Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC ORKS — continued. Item. 18 9-80. SECTIONS— continued. £ a. d. £ s d. 19 VOTE No. 58— continued, Westport Section — continued. Carriage and Waqon Repairs —continued. 1 Striker at 10/ per day (quarter time) 1 Carpenter at 12/ per day (quarter time) ... Traffic— 1 Stationmaster ... ... 1 Guard at 53/6 per week 1 Porter and Lamp Trimmer at 50/ per week Eemission of part freight on gravel conveyed for the Westport Borough Council General Charges — 1 Manager ... ... 1 Clerk Head Office Charges Contingencies Wharf— 1 Wharf Clerk 1 Carpenter at 12/ per day (half time) Contingencies Stores — Maintenance of Way ... ... 39 0 0 46 16 0 185 0 0 139 2 0 130 0 0 4 2 6 350 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 40 0 0 156 0 0 93 12 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 4,602 0 G ■20 Nelson Section— Maintenance of Way— 1 Foreman at 9/ per day ... .., 4 Gangers at 8/ per day 4 Second Men at 7/6 per day ... 5 Platelayers at 7/ per day Locomotive Running — 1 Driver at 13/ per day 1 Driver at 11/per day 1 Fireman at 9/6 per day 1 Fireman at 9/ per day 1 Cleaner at 6/6 per day Locomotive Repairs — 1 Smith at 10/per day 1 Striker at 7/per day Carriage and Wagon Repairs — 1 Mechanic at 10/ per day Traffic— 2 Stationmasters at £145 per annum 2 Station Clerks at £90 per annum 1 Stationmaster 1 Cadet 1 Guard at 53/6 per week 1 Porter at 49/ per week 2 Porters, 1 at 48/, 1 at 42/ per week 2 Lad Porters at 20/ per week ... General Charges — 1 General Manager Contingencies ... ... Wharf (for six months) — 1 Clerk in charge 1 Porter at 50/ per week Extra Labour Stores 140 17 0 500 16 0 4G9 10 0 547 15 0 237 5 0 200 15 0 173 7 6 164 5 0 118 12 6 156 10 0 109 11 0 156 10 0 290 0 0 180 0 0 110 0 0 75 0 0 137 12 0 127 8 0 234 0 0 104 0 0 425 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 65 0 0 100 0 0 10 0 0 5,10S 14 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC WOUKS—continued. Item 1879-80. 21 SECTIONS— continued. VOTE No. 58—continued. Picton Section— Maintenance of Way — I Foreman at 70/ per week 4 Gangers at 7/6 per dap II Platelayers at 6/6 per day ... ... Locomotive Stunning — 1 Driver at 12/6 per day ... 1 Fireman at 9/ per day 1 Cleaner at 7/ per day 1 Smith at 11/ per day Traffic— 2 Stalionmastera at £150 per annum 1 Ticket Collector 1 Guard at 57/ per week 2 Porters at 49/ p?r week ... ,,| General Charges — 1 Manager Contingencies Wharf— 1 Clerk Labour M1 (i< 182 0 0 468 0 0 1,118 19 C £ B. d. £ s. d. 226 4 6 163 16 0 109 4 0 171 12 0 300 0 0 75 0 0 145 13 0 254 16 0 635,005 17 1 400 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Total of Eailways Less amount of reduction in Committee of Supply 3,965 5 0 662,780 17 0 27,774 19 11 Total—Vote No. 58 ... 1 2 8 4 5 G AECHITECT'S OFFICE VOTE No. 59. Chief Draftsman (Architect) ... Assistant Accountant ... Cadet to Draftsmen... ... Clerk to Accountant ... Out-door Inspector... 450 325 375 40 150 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,540 0 0 Totai—Vote No. 59 ... GOVEENMENT DOMAINS. VOTE No. 60. GOVEBNMENT DOMAINS— Gardeners and Labourers, Wellington and Auckland Contingencies 1,191 4 0 1 2 991 4 0 200 0 0 Totai—Vote No. 60 ...



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTER OF PUBLIC OEKS — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ b. d. £ 8. d. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 11 15 16 17 IS 19 20 1 2 8 4 5 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. VOTE No. 61. Ai>ditioijs,Repaies,Fitti:ngs,Fitr:nituee,&c.— Government House— Auckland "Wellington Refurnishing Government House, Auckland Goods supplied for Government House, Auckland Goods supplied for Government House, "Wellington Government Buildings throughout the Colony — Departmental Buildings Courthouses Gaols Customhouses Post and Telegraph Offices ... Survey Offices New Magazine at "Wellington Painting Government Buildings, "Wellington Ministerial Residences ... ... Additional House Allowance for Ministers ... Rent of Residences for Ministers Gas Water Rates ... Insurances Contingencies ... ... 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 528 10 S 18 12 6 38 2 9 8,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 500 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 1,480 0 0 500 0 0 37 10 0 685 0 0 800 0 0 800 0 0 800 0 0 2,500 0 0 Less amount of reduction in Committee of Supply 31,887 15 11 1,370 5 0 jTotal—Vote No. 61 ... 30,517 10 11 INSPECTION OF MACHINERY. 1 a VOTE No. 62. Chief Inspector (also Marine Engineer Surveyor £300) 4- Inspectors, 2 at £300, 2 at £250 (also each Marine £50) Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses and Contingencies ... 200 1,100 100 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,900 0 0 3 •1 Total—Vote No. 62 ... MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 VOTE No. 63. Roads— Roads in Native Districts, North Island Repairing Roads, Auckland, and Expenses collecting Tolls ... Provincial Liabilities— Roads and "Works, Manchester Block Roads, Nelson to Westport and Greymouth Motueka Bridge 25,000 0 4,000 0 0 0 3 4 5 13 19 120 5 285 0 1 o o



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS X.—MINISTEE OF PUBLIC W iRKS — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1-1 16 18 17 18 VOTE No. 63— continued. Provincial Liabilities— continued. Eemoval of Eock from Fairway, Nelson Wharf Amount to be expended on Special Settlement, Lark worthy's Purchase Takaka Tramway Purchase of Land for Eoads Rakaia Gorge Bridge Eoads and opening up Waikupa Block ... Painting Manawatu Gorge Bridge Eoad, Tuakitoto to Lake Kaitangata Repairing Jetty at Taieri Mouth Road Compensation, Portobello Eoad Purchase of Land, Eimutaka Road Compensation, Fortrose Ferry-keeper ... Compensation for Loss of Ferriage, Teremakau Eiver Eangitata Eoad Bridge (recoverable from the Counties of Geraldine and Ashburton) Drainage Works, Moroa Block 100 0 0 467 10 0 32 3 7 250 0 0 5,534 0 0 500 0 0 230 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 41,975 17 8 255 0 0 19 4,000 0 0; 468 0 0 20 Total —Vote No. 63 ... TOTAL OE CLASS X. it* £712,130 9 8


Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS XI.—MINISTER OP DEFENCE. 1879-80. £ 8. d. Vote 64.—Militia and Volunteers ... ... ... 10374 1 0 ~ 65. —Constabulary and Contingent Defence ... ... 140,047 14 0 „ 66.—Miscellaneous Services ... ... ... { 3,957 5 5 TOTAL OF CLASS XI. ... ... 184,379 0 5


tem. 18' 9-80. * MILITIA AND TOLUNTEEES. £ s. d. £ s. d. VOTE No. 64. Militia and Volunteer Office— Clerk 350 0 0 3 4 5 (i 7 8 8 10 11 12 L8 Stobes and Magazines— Auckland — Storekeeper Armourer 3 Arm Cleaners at £118 19s.... Magazine Keeper Wellington — Storekeeper Clerk Clerk Storeman Armourer Armourer's Assistant 3 Arm Cleaners at £118 19s. Magazine Keeper Nelson— Magazine Keeper Lyttelton — Magazine Keeper Timaru — Magazine Keeper Hokitika — Magazine Keeper (also Drill Instructor £190, and Immigration Officer, £25) ... Greymouth — Magazine Keeper ... Otago — Storekeeper (also Drill Instructor £54 18s.) Taranaki — Magazine Keeper Contingencies —Kent, Advertising, &c. ... 250 0 0 183 0 0 356 17 0 120 0 0 350 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 118 19 0 183 0 0 137 5 0 356 17 0 118 19 0 11 10 0 0 15 88 0 0 L6 5 0 0 17 10 0 0 18 10 0 0 1!) 128 2 0 20 21 10 0 0 300 0 0 3,085 19 ». 15—B. 3.



Appropriations for Consolidated hmd Services. CLASS XL—MINISTER OF DEFE CE — continued. Item. 18 9-80. MILITIA AND VOLUNTEEES.— continued. £ 8. d. £ 8. d 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 VOTE No. 64— continued. Militia and Volunteers, Nobth Island— Auckland — Officer Commanding Forage 2 Drill Instructors at £109 16s. Forage for ditto JVaiuku — Drill Instructor Forage Waikato — Cavalry Instructor Forage Thames — Officer Commanding £50; Office Allowance £50 Drill Instructor ltent, Rifle Range Napier — Officer Commanding £50; Office Allowance £50 Artillery Instructor Taranaki — Officer Commanding Forage Rent, Rifle Range Wanganui — Officer Commanding Forage 1 Drill Instructor at £109 16s Office Allowance Forage Wairarapa — Drill Instructor Forage Wellington — Forage 2 Drill Instructors at £109 16s Forage Drill-shed Capitation Allowances Contingencies—Advertising, &c. 300 0 54 18 219 12 54 18 109 16 54 18 109 16 54 18 100 0 196 0 10 0 100 0 109 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 36 37 300 0 54 18 10 0 0 0 0 38 39 40 41 42 300 0 54 18 109 16 20 0 54 18 0 0 0 0 0 43 44 109 16 54 18 0 0 45 46 47 48 49 50 54 18 219 12 54 18 700 0 9,719 15 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 52 5S 54 55 56 Militia and Volunteers, South Island — Nelson — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Forage Marlborough — Officer Commanding, Forage ... Drill Instructor Rent of Office Canterbury — Officer Commanding 3 Drill Instructors at £109 16s Forage for ditto Travelling Allowance for ditto Westland — Drill Instructor (also Magazine Keeper £10, and Immigration Officer £25) 13,792 19 100 0 109 16 54 18 100 0 50 0 20 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 (t 57 58 59 80 100 0 329 8 54 18 50 0 I 0 0! «1 196 0 0 «2 64 Oamaru — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Forage 50 0 109 16 54 18 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS XL—MINISTER OF DEFE: !^CE — continued. Item. 18 9-80. £ B. d. £ 8. d. MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS— continued. 66 66 67 68 69 70 VOTE No. 64— continued. Militia and Volunteers, South Island— continued. Dunedin — Officer Commanding 5 Drill Instructors, 4 at £109 16s., and 1 at £54 18s. (also Storekeeper £128 2s.) Travelling Allowance for Instructors . . Invercargill — Officer Commanding 1 Drill Instructor Office Allowance Lake — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Travelling Allowance for ditto Capitation Allowances Contingencies —Advertising, &c. 100 0 494 2 100 0 50 0 109 16 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 72 78 74 75 50 0 109 16 50 0 8,792 5 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,555 13 0 76 77 78 Miscellaneous — Prizes for Rifle Shooting Purchase of Snider Ammunition, Arms, &c, Freight, Insurance, and Charges Pensions to recipients of the New Zealand Cross Volunteer Rifle Association Gratuity to Widow of Staff Sergeant Kerr ... 800 0 9,000 0 0 0 78 180 0 1,500 0 109 10 0 0 0 11,589 10 0 Total—Vote No. 64 40,374 1 0 CONSTABULARY AND CONTINGENT DEFENCE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 VOTE No. 65. Police — Tinder Secretary Chief Clerk and Accountant 3 Clerks, 2 at £225,1 at £180 ... 3 Superintendents, 1st Class, at £500 Command Allowances, 2 at £50 8 Superintendents, 2nd Class, at £400 11 Inspectors at £350 6 Sub-Inspectors at £250 2 District Clerks at £275 4 Sergeants-Major at 11s. per day 87 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 10s. per day 26 Sergeants, 2nd Class, at 9s. 6d. per day ... 17 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 9s. per day 167 Constables, 1st Class, at 8s. 6d. per day 102 Constables, 2nd Class, at 8s. per day 99 Constables, 3rd Class, at 7s. 6d. per day... 1 Chief Detective at 16s. per day 6 Detectives, 1st Class, at 14s. per day 5 Detectives, 2nd Class, at l'2s. 6d. per day... 3 Detectives, 3rd Class, at 11s. per clay 4 Detectives, 4th Class, at 10s. per day 5 Special Constables, 1 at £100, 4 at £50 ... Extra Pay (Long Service) . ... 450 0 425 0 630 0 1,500 0 100 0 1.200 0 3,850 0 1,500 0 550 0 805 4 6,771 0 4,520 2 2,799 18 25,976 17 14,932 16 13,587 15 292 16 1,537 4 1,143 15 603 18 732 0 300 0 865 9 0 0 :: o o (i 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0



Appropriations for Consolidated ?und Services. CLASS XL—MINISTEE OF DEPE CE — continued. Item 18 9-80. I CONSTABULAEY AND CONTINGENT DEFENCE— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. 24 25 24 25 26 VOTE No. 65— continued. Police — continued. Female Searchers Special Allowances to Officers, Sergeants, and Constables, on West Coast, South Island... Allowances to Officers in lieu of Quarters, 14 at £50 390 800 0 0 0 0 m> 700 0 0 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Eeseeve — 1 Superintendent, 1st Class Command Allowance 3 Superintendents, 2nd Class, at £400 4 Inspectors at £350 13 Sub-Inspectors at £250 1 Paymaster 4 Surgeons at £250 2 Hospital Sergeants at £50 3 Dressers at £50 5 Sergeants-Major at 9s. Od. per day 23 Sergeants, 1st Class, at 9s. per day 23 Sergeants, 2nd Class, at 8s. 6d. per day ... 28 Sergeants, 3rd Class, at 8s. per day 30 Constables, 1st Class, at 7s. Gd. per day ... 50 Constables, 2nd Class, at 7s. per day 814 Constables, 3rd Class, at 6s. 6d. per day 86,463 14 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 500 0 50 0 1,200 0 1,400 0 3,250 0 300 0 1.000 0 100 0 150 0 869 5 3,788 2 3,577 13 4.099 4 4,117 10 6,405 0 96.S25 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127,632 0 0 43 44 45 46 47 48 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Ml SC ELLANEOUS Eetiring Allowances Police Prosecutions Purchase of Horses Forage Saddlery Travelling Expenses and Transport of Prisoners Eepairing and Painting Stations Eations for Prisoners, Fuel, and Light Bent of Out Stations Special Allowance to Ex-Constable Maguire for Injury received in the Service Purchase of Arms Contingencies 1,000 300 1,750 5.500 200 5,000 150 2,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 50 51 52 53 54 52 4,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,952 0 0 55 Contingent Defence — Amount required to meet expenditure for Contingent Defence 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 Total for Constabulary and Contingent Defence Less Proportion recoverable from Loan Expenditure Total—Vote No. 65 280,047 14 0 140,000 0 0 140,047 14 0



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS XI.—MINISTER OF DEFE: CE— continued. Item. 18' 9-80. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. £ s. d. £ 8. a. VOTE No. 66. Pension to Mrs. Elizabeth Ford Pension of late F. Gr. Rawson, continued to his widow F. E. Hamlin, to be expended in the purchase of land, in accordance with the Report of the Public Petitions Committee F. E. Hamlin, additional Compensation Subsidy in aid of Drill-shed, Thames Subsidy in aid of Drill-shed, Ohinemuri Subsidy in aid of Volunteer Hall at Hamilton Subsidy in aid of Drill-shed, Wanganui Subsidy in aid of Drill-shed, Picton Subsidy in aid of Drill-shed, Portobello Subsidy to Town Board, Inglewood, for defensive preparations Wellington Magazine Moiety of excess in value of Otago Education Board Buildings, exchanged for others the property of the Constabulary and Justice Departments at Tokomairiro ... Pension of late William Oliver, continued to his widow Refund to Eleanor Fincham (representative of Constable Peter Norman, killed at Okutuku, 7th November, 1868), of amount lodged to credit of Consolidated Fund by the Public Trustee on 30th June, 1876 ... Compensation to Thomas McDonald in lieu of Land Scrip, in accordance with recommendation of Public Petitions Committee Compensation to Joseph C. Wallis in lieu of Land Scrip, in accordance with recommendation of Public Petitions Committee Compensation to W. Courtenay, on account of damage done by Natives to his farm at the Tapuae Widow of late J. D. Stitchbury, in lieu of Volunteer Remission Certificate 46 0 0 1 -2 :j 45 0 0 1 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 400 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 12 L!3 50 0 0 1,500 0 0 425 0 0 M 36 10 0 15 3,957 5 5 14 15 5 1G 30 0 0 17 30 0 0 18 150 0 0 19 30 0 0 Total—Vote No. 66 ... TOTAL OE CLASS XI. £184,3' 9 0 5 16—B. 3,



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CHAEGEABLE ON SUEPLUS LAND FUND ACCOUNT.

CHAEG-EABLE ON PUBLIC TEUST OFFICE EXPENSES ACCOUNT. —' ' 1879-80. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 Public Trustee ... ... 800 0 0 2 Clerk ... ... 410 0 0 3 Cadet ... ... 90 0 0 Total ... ... 1,300 0 0

Item. 18' 9-80. Aebeaes of Stjetet— Provincial District of Hawke's BayProvincial District of Canterbury £ s. d. 471 15 7 18,500 0 0 £ s. d. 1 2 18,971 15 7 Total CHAEGEABLE ON THE GOVERNMENT I SURANCE ACCOUNT. item. 18' 9-80. GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. £ s. d. £ 8. d 1 2 B Government Insurance Commissioner Actuary Chief Medical Officer £150, including'average of Fees £200 Accountant and Chief Clerk (two offices combined) 20 Clerks, 1 at £250, 1 at £245, 1 at £220, 2 at £175,1 at £165,2 at £160, 8 at £150, 1 at £140, 2 at £130, 1 at £115 6 Cadets, 1 at £95, 1 at £85, 2 at £80, 2 at £40 Extra Clerical Assistance (for Quinquennium Investigation) 7 Clerks at Chief Agencies, 1 at £225, 1 at £220, 2 at £185, 1 at £95, 1 at £90, 1 at £40 Postage £475, Telegrams £125 ... Printing and Advertising £600 7 Enamelled Iron Placards £235 ) Commission Travelling Expenses Medical Fees Contingencies Fee for Special Audit Liabilities to 30th June, 1879 ... 800 0 0 600 0 0 350 0 0 4 400 0 0 5 3,265 0 0 0 420 0 0 7 250 0 0 S 1,040 0 0 600 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 10 17 835 0 0 6.000 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 1,940 12 1 is Towards the Erection of Q overnment Insurance Offices 20,600 12 5,000 0 L 0 Total 25,600 12



Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CHARGEABLE ON THE NATIVE RESERVES ACCOUNTS.

item. 18 9-80. Native Reserves, North Island — Commissioner (also Commissioner Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act £100, and Native Land Court £400) ... Clerk to Trustee Native Eeserves, Wellington (also Clerk to Native Lands Frauds Commissioner £130) Contingencies £ 100 s. d. 0 0 £ ft. d. 130 100 0 0 0 0 330 0 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Nelson — Commissioner Assistant Commissioner Clerk (also Crown Lands Department £150, and Eeceiver of Land Revenue £150) ... Interpreter Medical Officer Medical Officer, Motueka Medical Officer, Takaka Medical Officer, Wairau Medical Officer, Queen Charlotte Sound Schoolmaster, Wairau (also Native, £90) ... 225 0 100 0 50 0 40 0 50 0 50 0 30 0 50 0 50 "0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 15 16 17 Qreymouth — Commissioner Assistant Commissioners, 2 at £50 Interpreter Schoolmaster, Arahura (also Native, £75) ... 705 225 100 50 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,485 0 0 450 0 0 Total Authorit- : Geoege DiDSBtTBY, Government Printer, Wellin| -ton.—1879.

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING 31st March, 1880., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, B-03

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APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING 31st March, 1880. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, B-03

APPROPRIATIONS CHARGEABLE ON THE CONSOLIDATED FUND FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING 31st March, 1880. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session II, B-03

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