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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency. • Office of tlie Commissioner of Telegraphs, My Lord,— Wellington, 14th August, 1878. I have the honor to submit to your Lordship a report as to the operations of the Telegraph Department of New Zealand during the year ended the 30th June, 1878, being the Fourteenth Annual Report of the department. I have, &c., J. T. Fisher, Commissioner of Telegraphs. His Excellency the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., Governor of New Zealand. REPORT. The revenue for the year was estimated at .€70,000, but it has exceeded that amount by €3,284 Is. lOd. The total earnings of the department for the year 1877-78, exclusive of General Government telegrams, amount to €73,284 Is. 10d., being an increase over the previous year of €8,723 6s. 3d. The total cash revenue of the department from all sources, as shown in the debtor and creditor statement, amounts to €74,683 14s. Id. The number of telegrams of all codes transmitted during the year was 1,260,324, showing an increase over the previous year of 135,892, and over the year 1875-76 of 209,238 messages. Including the value of General Government messages, the gross earnings of the department for the year amount to €93,704 2s. Bd., and exceed the expenditure by €6,104 16s. 3d. The cost of maintenance of stations for the year amounts to €69,340 Is. Bd., and maintenance of lines to €18,259 4s. 9d. The former item shows an iucreased expenditure over the previous year of €5,986 10s. 10d., and the latter of €327 16s. 9d. The large increase in the cost of maintenance of stations is attributable to the large number of stations opened during the past year, the majority of which were established to facilitate the business of the Railway Department. A large portion of this expenditure will be recovered from the Railway Department, an adjustment being arrived at upon a basis mutually agreed upon by the departments interested. The total amount expended to date upon lines and cables, as shown in Table H, is €394,414 12s. 2d. The profit on the year's transactions may therefore be said to represent interest on the capital expended at the rate of 1^ per cent. This credit balance will of course be considerably enlarged when the adjustment with the Railway Department is made, and therefore the rate of interest will in consequence be augmented. The number of telegrams transmitted during the year, as compared with the letters posted during the same period, shows that 2071 telegrams were sent for every 100 letters. The comparative number for the previous year was 20" 29 ; there is therefore a slight increase over the previous year. The number of money-order telegrams sent during the year was 12,800, representing a value of €54,922 10s. 5d., being an increase in messages of 464, and decrease in value of €399 12s. Id., as compared with the previous year. The commission collected by the Post Office on these transactions amounts to €1,555 4s. Bd., from which has to be deducted €610 due to the Telegraph Department as fees on telegrams, leaving €915 4s. Bd. to the credit of the Post Office, which is equal to P658 per cent, upon the total amount transmitted. It will be seen, on reference to Table I, that the largest number of orders were issued in Wellington, Dunedin coming next, and Christchurch next, the value of the transactions ranking in the same order. I—E. 2.



During the year, 175 miles of line, carrying 272 miles of wire, have been erected, and 340 miles of wire erected on existing lines. On the 30th June, 1878, 3,434 miles of line, carrying 8,035 miles of wire, were in circuit, showing an increased mileage upon the previous year of line 175 miles, and wire 61.2 miles. The number of stations open to the public on the 30th June was 182, 28 of which were opened during the past year, 8 being in the North Island and 20 in the South Island. The extent of line maintained during the year was 3,318 miles, the average cost per mile for maintenance being €5 10s. (116 miles of line not included in maintenance table : see footnote, Table E). Since the date of the last report the whole of the lines previously under the control of the Provincial Government of Canterbury, and used for railway purposes, have been taken into the charge of this department. The railway work is, however, performed as before, and in all cases takes precedence upon the wires set apart for its use. In the majority of cases the railway operators are officers of the Railway Department, but, to bring them also within the control of this department, a small additional salary is granted them. Wherever a railway telegraph station is or has been opened, and where an ordinary telegraph station has not been established, the office is thrown open for the convenience of the public. At railway stations where a telegraph office proper is within a convenient distance, a receiving office is established, where messages are accepted and forwarded to the telegraph office for transmission. These stations prove a source of great convenience to the travelling public. Since the inauguration of this system, the following railway telegraph stations have been established —viz., Burnharn, Coalgate, Oust, Dunedin Railway Station, Elbow, Horndon Junction, Manuka Creek, Oreti, Orari, Rangitata North, Rolleston, Sheffield, Southbridge Junction, Springston, Waipahi, Winslow, Washdyke, Waitahuna, Waimate Junction, in the South Island; and Farndon, Inglewood, Kopua, and Waitara, in the North Island. The cost of erection of lines and establishment of stations is in the first instance borne by the Telegraph Department, and that and subsequent expenditure divided between Telegraph and Railway Departments upon a basis agreed upon by the two respective departments. To instruct the officers of the Railway Department in telegraphy and the proper mode of rendering telegraph accounts and performing the duties connected with a telegraph station generally, travelling instructors were appointed, and the desired end attained at a comparatively small cost. To provide sufficient staff for the working of new stations, and to supplement existing staffs to keep pace with the ever-increasing work of the department, it is found necessary to instruct cadets all the year round, which is done at the Head Office, two classes of six in each being constantly under tuition. At the end of three months, or less, they are sufficiently advanced to draft to stations. By these means the department is enabled to introduce from fifty to sixty young operators every year, which fully meets the requirements of the service, providing for officering new stations, strengthening existing staffs, and supplying the places of officers leaving the department. This system of training cadets affords respectable employment for lads leaving school, and is eagerly sought after by the colonial youth, who, as a rule, prove themselves apt operators. The salary upon entry awarded them being liberal, the department is enabled to obtain a superior class of boys from all parts of the colony. The nominal strength of the department on'the 30th June, 1878, was 716, against 612 on the same date in the previous year. On the Ist July, 1877, an "urgent" code was introduced by Order in Council, giving precedence to telegrams upon which the "urgent " or double transmission fee is paid. AIL such telegrams are forwarded before ordinary telegrams, but in their order of receipt as regards other messages of the same code. The number of "urgent messages sent during the year was 13,455, the value of which amounts to €2,099 16s. Bd. One-half of this may be looked upon as extra revenue, obtained by the introduction of the system. It might be but fair to give the system credit for the whole of the revenue derived by it, as the question arises whether the messages would have been sent at all if the transmitters were not inclined to the belief that they would receive more than the ordinary expedition in forwarding to their destination. Every care is exercised that "urgent" messages receive the quickest despatch ; and to business people and traders generally the system presents great advantages, and is duly appreciated. In thus speaking of the " urgent" code, it must not be concluded that the department loses sight of the necessity for quick transmission of "ordinary" messages. Every officer in the service is carefully cautioned of this, and any unnecessary delay on a telegram on the part of any officer is met by fine or reprimand. In the last report the destruction by fire of the Blenheim transmitting station was noted. A new office, built of concrete, has since been erected, and is now in the occupation of the department. The work passing through the Australian cable and foreign lines appears to be steadily increasing. The duplex system continues to work without the slightest difficulty, and proves of immense advantage to the department. Appended to the report are plans showing the various telegraphic circuits, as also maps showing the geographical position of the various telegraph stations throughout the colony. The following line, which was in course of construction at the date of the last report, has now been completed : —



Kawakawa to Mongonui. This line, which is 53 miles in length, was completed in September last, and stations established at Whangaroa and Mongonui. A general description of the route adopted was given in the last report. The total cost of line, under various headings, is shown in Table H. LINES AND WORKS PROJECTED AND FINISHED DURING- THE YEAR. Blenheim to Tophouse via Wairau Valley. The insecure condition of the existing line between Blenheim and Nelson, as well as the increased work on the West Coast, necessitated the addition of a third wire. It was therefore deemed advisable to erect a new line carrying two wires to the Tophouse from Blenheim, adopting a route through the Wairau Valley. The adoption of this route avoided the clearing of a large extent of bush, which would have been necessary had the line been carried upon the old route, and avoided, moreover, the strengthening which would have been required to render it capable of carrying a third wire. The section is 60 miles in length, 57 miles of which run through open country, the remaining 3 miles passing through bush, which has been felled 1^ chains on cither side of the line to insure its safety from falling timber. The cost of this section is shown in Table H. Third Wire, Nelson to Greymouth. The erection of this wire was commenced in September, 1877, and completed in March, 1878. The addition of this wire affords to Hokitika, Greymouth, and Reefton direct communication with the Blenheim transmitting station on the south side, and places Nelson and the Wakapuaka cable station in direct communication with Blenheim on the north side, thus relieving Nelson of the transmission of a large amount of work from the West Coast for the North. The cost of this work will be found in Table 11. Christghttech to Waitaki Reconstruction. This section has been carefully examined, and all necessary repairs effected. Every pole has been tested, and all unsound ones removed and new ones substituted. The cost is shown in Table H. Christchurch to Greymouth Reconstruction. This section has received attention during the past year. Between Bealey and Taipo, a distance of 10 miles, the line has been entirely repoled, and the general route at various points altered to render it safer and more durable. Other alterations, shown under the heading of "Maintenance," have been effected. The cost of repairs, alterations, &c., is shown in Table H. WINTON TO LoWTHER. This line, which is 37 miles in length, was completed in November last. The extension of railway communication rendered the work necessary, and the wire is used almost solely for railway purposes. Stations on this line were established at Oreti, Elbow, and Lowther, the two former being also public offices. The latter was for some time kept open for the convenience of the public, but, as the business performed by it was of so trifling a nature, it was deemed desirable to close it and use it simply as a "flying station," the instrument being worked by the railway guard. This line will be eventually extended to Kingston, at the south end of Lake Wakatipu. The cost of erection is shown in Table 11. Wellington Pilot Station, It was deemed advisable to remove the telegraph station from the Signal Station to the Pilot Station ; two additional miles of line had therefore to be erected. An additional wire from the pilot's house to the Look-out Station was at the same time erected, and communication by telephone established. Third Wire, Wellington to Wanganui. The increasing work on the West Coast line, North Island, rendered this work necessary. A direct wire for the New Plymouth work is now available when necessary, and the pressure upon the wires between Wellington and Wanganui is relieved by placing some of the intermediate stations upon another wire. Cost of erection of this wire is shown in Table H. Wellington to Wainui Reconstruction. This portion of the Wellington to Napier section has been reconstructed, new poles having been inserted almost throughout, angles strengthened, and all necessary repairs effected. The cost is shown in Table H. WAirUKURAU TO KoPUA. This line, which is 19 miles in length, was completed in January last, and a station opened at Kopua the following month. The line was erected for the purposes of the Railway Department, and the telegraphist at Kopua also acts as stationmaster. A guaranteed station upon this section at Takapau will shortly be opened. The cost of line is shown in Table H.



New Plymouth to Waitara and Inglewood. This line was completed in February last, and stations at Waitara and Inglewood opened in the same month. The wire, which was erected for railway purposes, runs upon the main telegraph line south, with the exception of a loop of four miles into Waitara. The cost of erection is shown in Table H. DINES AND WORKS IN COURSE OP CONSTRUCTION. Fiptii Wire, Wellington to Masterton; and Fourth Wire, Masterton to Tenui. The increasing work on the northern lines called for this additional wire accommodation, the erection of which is now being rapidly pushed forward. The fifth wire, terminating^ at Masterton, will he used for the more important of the intermediate stations. The fourth wire, extending from Masterton and terminating at Tenui, will be joined up to the Castlepoint wire, and will also do the work of the remaining stations between Wellington and Castlepoint. The loop of Nos. 1 and 2 wires from the Tenui junction into Castlepoint will be dismantled, and the wires joined through at the junction. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. Riverton to Balclutha. All lines on this section have, during the past year, been carefully overhauled, and all necessary repairs effected. The section between Clinton and Invercargill received considerable damage in May last owing to a severe snowstorm. The necessary permanent repairs are now being carried out. The cost of maintenance of this and other sections will be found in Table E. Balclutha to Waitaki. The lines comprising this section are in efficient working order, and in a good state of repair. New poles have been erected through the Town of Port Chalmers, and any necessary repairs have received attention. Tokomairiro to Queenstown. This section is in good repair and efficient working order, having during the past year undergone a thorough overhaul. CIIRISTCHURCH TO HOKITIKA AND GrEYMOUTH. Within the past few months this section has received extensive repairs, being for ten miles almost reconstructed. The route between Bealey and Taipo, in addition to being repoled, has at different points been slightly altered to render it safer. Two bad river crossings—viz., the Cass and Otira —have been altered so as to carry the wires across in one span. The encroachment of the Bealey and Otira Bivers rendered necessary a considerable amount of bush clearing. Some of the tube poles in the Waimakariri have been broken by floating timber in heavy floods. These are now being replaced by stronger ones. The whole of the section is now as safe as it is possible to make it. Canterbury Lines. Between Christchurch and Heathcote Valley the line has been entirely reconstructed; the old round iron poles have been taken out, as they were found not to he of sufficient strength to carry the three extra wires to be placed upon them. Square poles of totara have been erected in their stead. The line over the hill has been examined and strengthened. The line between Christchurch and Akaroa has been overhauled, and put in good repair, as also that between Waitaki and Christchurch, which is referred to under heading of " Construction." Upon the section between Christchurch and Cheviot a thorough overhaul to Saltwater Creek has been effected. From that point to Hurunui the line is in good order; but between Hurunui and Cheviot some minor repairs are required, which will receive attention in a short time. About two miles of the Waiau line have been shifted out of the way of traffic, having originally been erected in the middle of the road reserve. At the river crossing, tube poles have been inserted, which renders the line at that point safer in the time of heavy floods. Cheviot to Nelson. Between Cheviot and the Wairau River many of the old arms and black-pine poles having shown signs of decay, it has been decided to thoroughly overhaul and reconstruct this portion of the section. At some of the more exposed points the line will be removed inland; and, to further improve the insulation, the white Prussian insulators will supply the place of the Varley insulators now in use. The remaining portions of the above section are in an efficient state of repair. Nelson to Greymouth and Hokitika, including Ross Line. In running the third wire from Nelson to Greymouth, advantage was taken of the opportunity for overhauling and strengthening the section throughout. A considerable extent of timber standing in dangerous proximity to the line was removed. On the Hokitika to Ross section a number of the sapling poles used in construction are showing signs of decay. They will shortly be replaced by new ones of larger dimensions,



Wellington to New Plymouth. During the running of the third wire between Wellington and Wanganui this line received a thorough overhaul, all poles showing the least sign of weakness or decay being removed and replaced by poles sawn from the heart of totara. The remaining portion of the section is in good working order, and has maintained its state of efficiency during the year, with the exception of one or two minor interruptions in the bush behind Mount Egmont. Owing to a severe thunderstorm at the end of the year, the line between Turakina and Wanganui met with considerable damage. In the same storm the leading-in wires of the Wanganui office were fused by lightning, and considerable damage done to the instruments and internal fittings. Hasty arrangements were at once made for renewing communication, and instruments were immediately despatched from Wellington. Necessary repairs were effected and communication restored within thirty-six hours from the time of the accident. Wellington to Napier. Between Wellington and Masterton this line has during the past year received' a thorough overhaul, and a working party is now engaged overhauling that portion between Masterton and Wainui. Between Waipukurau and Napier the line has been carefully examined by a working party on foot, and all defective arms, poles, insulators, &c, replaced by good ones. A fifth wire is now being erected from Wellington to Masterton, and a fourth wire will shortly be erected from Masterton to Tenui. The section throughout is now in good repair. Napier to Grahamstown. Between Tauranga and Katikati, for a distance of 14 miles, the line has been removed from difficult and swampy ground and erected adjacent to the main road. When the line was first constructed in 1871-72, the road had not been surveyed or laid off, and it was then deemed most desirable to carry the wires by such a course as would cross the numerous rivers at the fords then in use, in order to provide for inspection and repairs. The road now having been formed, and the majority of rivers having been bridged, the maintenance of this section will be greatly facilitated by the deviation. Between Katikati and Grahamstown several culverts have been renewed, and the track used by linemen for inspection, where it passes over swamp and through bush, has received proper attention. All the lines comprising this section are now in good and efficient repair. Auckland Lines. Between Mercer and Pukorokoro some sixty decayed poles were removed, and replaced by new ones. Near Drury three miles of the line were altered to bring it into the new office. The alteration thus made also bad the effect of strengthening the line by cutting out some severe angles. At the crossing of the Waiwcra River, it was found necessary to clear some bush, and to slightly alter the line to make it more convenient for the shipping. On the Riverhead line several alterations have been made, necessitated by landslips, &c. Between Warkworth and Waiwera some minor alterations have been made. The towers at the Piako and Thames Rivers have received all necessary repairs. At Grahamstown and Parawai slight alterations have been made to meet with road deviations, and for the same reason the line passing through Parnell has been altered. Between Auckland and Riverhead a few decayed poles have been replaced. On the Manukau Heads line a dangerous swamp has received repairs. Between Helensville and Warkworth a creek has been bridged and a track cut for the linemen when on inspection. Auckland to Kawakawa and Mongonui. This section calls for no special remark. Between Auckland and Kawakawa some small but necessary repairs have been effected. South of Whangarei about three and a half miles of the line have been removed to alongside of the main road lately formed; and at the Wairua Biver about half a mile of line has been removed owing to erection of bridge. Fern and scrub have been cleared from round the poles, culverts and swamp tracks repaired, and everything which was deemed necessary to render the line lasting was done. Between Kawakawa and Mongonui the line is in good condition, being almost new. Cook Strait Cable. No. 1 Cable. —This cable has, since the date of the last report, continued to work in an uninterrupted and satisfactory manner. It will be seen, on reference to the record of tests given in Table F, that Nos. 1 and 3 wires continue in their usual good electrical condition, while No. 2 maintains its usual low standard. No difficulty, however, is experienced in working this wire, and only from actual tests for insulation and resistance can it be judged faulty. No. 2 Cable. —This cable continues to work in a satisfactory manner, and, from the monthly tests shown in detail in Table G, it will be seen that it is in as good electrical condition now as when first laid. It is, as well as No. 3 wire in the No. 1 Cable, worked upon the duplex system, and the results have been so far satisfactory. The No. 2 Cable is used exclusively for the southern work to or from Government Buildings. schedule of tables. Table A. —Cash Revenue and Expenditure, Signals Department. Table G. —Insulation Tests, No. 2 Cook Strait Cable. ~ B. —Number of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. ~ H. —Total Cost of Lines. ~ C. —Comparative Quarterly Return, years ending June, 1877-78. ~ I. —Number of Telegraph Money Orders issued. ~ D. — Annual Comparative Progress of the Department. ~ X. —Value of Government Telegrams. ~ E. —Cost of Maintenance of Lines. „ L.—-Debtor and Creditor Statement. ~ E,—lnsulation Tests, No. 1 Cook Strait Cable.



TABLE A. CASH REVENUE derived from Private and Press Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station for the Year ended 30th June, 1878.

Name of Station. Total. Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Telegrams. Value of General Government Messages. Total Total Value Number of of Messages of Private all Codes. and Press Messages. Total Number of General Government Messages. Total Number of Amount Paid Messages for of .Salaries, all Codes, Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Station. £ s. d. £ s. d £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,225 18 5 59 11 8 239 3 4 167 10 o £ s. d. 683 9 11 300 8 19 6 53 5 o £ s. d. 3,909 8 4 62 n 8 248 2 10 220 15 o Head Office Abbotsford Ahaura Akaroa Alexandra, Auckland Alexandra, Otago Amberley Arrow Ashburlon Auckland Balclutha Bealey Blenheim Blucskin Bluff Brightonf Bull's Burn ham Cambridge Carterton Castlepoint* Caversharn Charleston Cheviot Christchurch Clinton* ... Clyde* Goalgate Coromandel Cromwell Cust 27 7 6 204 6 n 284 7 9 126 19 4 94 10 5 123 17 2 183 9 3 569 19 5 6,020 on 409 2 3 42 o 7 640 17 9 58 10 9 383 17 1 o 4 7 345 7 6 9 i° 3; 357 3 2 "3i 14 7 50 19 9 34 16 9 120 3 4 117 4 5 6,548 17 10 144 17 o 159 9 1 29 9 2 285 19 9 237 2 o 17 10 9 37 9 11 8,004 16 n 268 2 o 27 18 7 45 16 o 54 13 2 48 18 1 46 9 2 192 17 9 177 10 7 27 12 5 312 11 9 93 5 10; 1,039 ° I0 176 7 7! o 16 2 72 1 7, 28 10 9 198 9 2 7 9 5; 6 11 5 49 3 'j 37 5 5 1,407 19 o 50 9 6 44 '3 2 '47 o 3 11 14 7 156 15 2 0 17 o 22 o 5 1 '5 i° 84 7 0 18 3 9 28 o 8 28 3 8 276 8 6 312 18 6 32S 8 6 101 19 10 130 8 7 232 12 4 607 4 10 7,427 19 I' 459 " 9 86 13 9 787 .8 c 7o 5 4 540 12 3 1 1 7 367 7 11 11 6 1 472 3,133 3,94i 2,176 i,540 2,049 2,592 8.326 78,066 6,720 677 8,468 987 6,422 ... 14 743 384 911 no 98 460 494 12,254 655 700 1,919 153 1,996 7 3'8 3° 958 193 403 30 196 63 10,668 364 667 38 73o 203 6 64 9,446 170 2,009 10 486 3376 4,325 3,087 1,650 2,H7 3,052 8,820 90,520 7,375 i,377 10,387 1,140 8,418 11 5,696 190 6,2 [5 2,485 1,216 652 2,193 1,178 86,134 2,634 2,809 529 5,72i 3,549 3M 687 no,553 4,649 2,469 808 145 4 2 123 6 8 153 18 4 185 o o 249 4 6 2,680 1 8 309 5 3 225 o o 3,312 14 II 114 n 8 488 16 8 9810 o 27 7 9 74 4 10: 36 11 o 84 2 10 253 19 9 107 4 7 46 13 o 685 5 4 13 4 6 42 o 2 243 14 2 150 14 5 228 3 2 221 11 o 333 7 4 2,934 1 5 416 9 10 2 71 13 o 3,998 o 3 127 16 2 530 16 10 321 13 6 5 4 5 7i 1,205 2 9 30 2 6 62 3 8 5 6 3 65 IS 9 13 7 9 o 12 11 5 n 11 1,038 14 1 16 8 6 213 19 4 o 15 11 6 19 6 320 '8 3 o 48 '7 IO; 24 '3 1° 3 19 9 89 12 II 5 13 5 288 18 4 11 6 1 441 10 2 149 18 4 79 o 5 37 18 10 '33 9 9j 121 10 o 7,754 o 71 174 19 6| 221 12 9 34 15 5 35i 15 6 250 9 9; 18 3 8! 43 1 10, 9,043 11 ol 284 10 6 241 17 11 46 11 iij 6l 12 8 l; 52 o I 64 12 2 241 1.5 71 202 4 5 3112 2 402 4 8 98 19 3 1,327 19 2 187 13 8 4 5,3/8 160 5,257 2,292 813 622 ',997 1,115 75,466 2,270 2,142 491 4,99' 3,346 309 623 101,107 4,479 460 798 925 840 758 3,210 2,935 440 5,020 i,456 '3,568 2,878 165 n 8 194 n 8 123 15 o 134 11 8 64 11 8 182 17 3 131 o 10; 4,033 16 3 237 13 4 132 10 o 2100 198 6 8 181 o o 4 13 4 I09 3 4! 4,37' 1 I 256 3 4 12 18 4 118 15 o 22 5 9! 44 H 11 74 '9 IO 72 8 1 52 16 6^ 13 12 6 77 18 2 63 18 2 596 15 o 30 18 9 14 9 4 9 18 5 5° 5 3 9 13 6 9 15 9 37 " o 581 9 8, 35 2 6 187 17 5 44 14 11 269 n 6 196 3 1 187 8 2 78 4 2 260 15 5 194 19 o 4,630 n 3 268 12 1 146 19 4 12 8 5 248 11 n 190 13 6 14 9 1 146 14 4 4,952 10 9 291 5 10 12 18 4 133 10 7 450 14 6 10 10 10 6 148 13 10 205 9 4 135 2 6 274 12 6 146 19 o 501; 10 8 176 8 o Drury Dunedin ... Dunedin North Dunedin, Railway Dunsandel Edendale Elbow Earndon Featherston Feilding Foxhill* Foxton Gcraldine* Gisborne 99 42 74 544 296 39 1,091 83 3,092 162 1,024 882 832 3,754 3,23i 479 6,n 1 i,539 16,660 3,040 2 10 o 14 15 7 4 5 ol 14 6 10 806 '?5 2 10 185 11 8 130 o o 257 10 0 140 o o 420 o o 127 18 o 13 II o 19 17 8 526 1726 6190 85 10 8 48 10 o Gore Government Buildings Grahamstown ... Greymouth. Greytown Hamilton Hampden Hastings, Hawke's Bay Hastings,* Thames Havelock Hawera Helensville Herbert Hokianga* Hokitika Horndon Junction Hurunui Hutt Inglewood Invercargill Kaiapoi Kaikoura Kaitangata 781 17 10 1,376 7 n i,9S4 '3 9 329 14 o 55 1 n 6 '82 12 5 121 18 5 9 14 6 232 17 o 315 7 1 116 3 9 39 4 3 166 15 7 1,625 ° o 9 3 7 80 5 n 75 '7 4 24 18 11 1,542 2 11 202 15 1 154 16 n 56 19 9 3,5i4 '7 '' 2'5 '8 3 35° ■ o 34 13 o 77 8 2 16 15 o 5 12 9 152 23 o 7 72 16 5 28 16 n 4,296 14 11 1,592 6 2 2,304 14 9 364 7 ° 628 19 8 99 7 5 127 11 2 10 19 8 255 17 7 388 3 6 145 o 8 44 4 3 223 18 11 2,247 1.3 3 9 7 7 87 12 6 80 3 3 26 19 8 2,007 6 8 231 12 4 210 9 2 59 10 4 12,565 17,629 26,112 4,852 6,967 1,299 1,914 166 3,799 4,806 1,854 669 1,894 21,951 154 1,248 i,245 402 19,929 3,2 74 2,214 980 28,794 1,681 3,6i7 406 816 187 63 9 299 789 294 61 4i,359 19,310 29,729 5,258 7,783 1,486 ',977 175 4,098 5,595 2,148 73° 2,605 27,116 "57 1,326 1,310 425 24,479 3,628 3,019 1,020 736 o 4 1,185 '9 5 1,266 9 2 391 1 8 184 6 8 '34 " 8 84 11 8 140 o o iSS o o 192 4 2 125 o o 119 11 8 119 11 8 1,062 6 10 9 11 8 "5 8 4 144 n 8 18 o o 8 21 13 4 221 10 o 125 o o 130 o o 29 14 5 155 7 7 278 19 8 11 11 o 43 o 8 64 15 9 13 5 o 10 10 o 24 3 3 57 o 2 20 4 9 16 15 o 14 6 o 329 12 o 11 10 o 20 1 9 10 13 6 14 5 3 184 17 2 38 19 o 16 1 4 20 19 o 765 14 9 i,34i 7 o 1,545 8 10 402 12 8 227 7 4 "99 7 5 97 16 8 150 10 o '79 3 3 249 4 4 145 4 9 136 6 8 133 17 8 1,391 18 10 21 1 8 135 10 1 15S 5 2 32 5 3 1,006 10 6 260 9 o 141 1 4 150 19 o 5 o c 57 3 4 622 13 3 040 7 6 7 4 5 'I 209 46.5 3 9 2817 3 55 12 3 2 10 7 711 5>'65 3 78 65 23 4,550 354 805 40 *< perator; also Lineman. t Station n< iw closed.



TABLE A— continued. CASH REVENUE derived from Private and Press Messages, &c. — continued.

Name of Station. Ca«h Revenue Value of Total Total TotaI derived from General Total Value Number of Number of Number of Private Government of Messages of Private General Messages and Press M,™„, all Codes. and Press Government of Telegrams. MessaSes- Messages. Messages. all Codes. Amount Paid Total Cost Salaries Cont!n Sencks' Maintenance =>alaru-b- of Station. Kakanui Katikati Kawakawa Kekerangu* Kopua Kumara Lawrence LeithfMd Longbush Longford* Lowtherf Lycll Lyttelton Maketu Malvern* Manukau Heads* Manutaki Marton Masterton Mataura* Mercer Mohaka* Mongonui Mosgiel Motueka Manuka Creek ... Napier Naseby Nelson Newcastle Newmarket New Plymouth ... Oamaru Ohaeawai Onehunga Ophir* Opotiki* Opunake* Orari Oreti Otago Heads Otahuhu Otaki* Outram Oxford Palmerston Palmerston North Patea Picton £ »• d. 119 8 4 17 2 4 '45 4 9 22 3 o 29 2 o 599 10 7 321 14 " 35 '6 1 75 '4 7 075 17 6 7 138 14 7 1,003 8 1 89 5 7 23 5 V 37 2 7; 52 9 9. 326 6 10 577 'I 5 80 3 2 73 16 4 53 2 1 5' '4 8 61 18 3 "9 '3 4 5 '5 8 2,S°9 7 4 218 12 9j 1,992 I 4; 167 '5 3 88 12 o 995 " 8 2,'9S '3 8 59 '6 6 214 1 6 75 10 2 163 9 5 46 o 1 27 15 o 41 1.5 8 29 8 3 42 3 9 85 o 8 85 10 ' 71 10 10 360 15 3 360 o 3 386 6 3 283 o 9I 85 '5 o 430 6 7| 9 '5 8 421 n 11 151 '3 2 172 9 7 9 6 10 1,033 6 9 49 2 6 21 2 10 251 5 7 13 3 '°: 132 16 1 184 4 1 99 15 1 149 1 2 95 8 10 38 4 5 125 7 5 £ s- d1 10 3 2 11 7 34 11 4 23 3 7 2129 98 16 7 66 18 8 4 '7 3 o 19 10 3 9 o 33 '3 1 312 6 11 163 12 4 8 5 5 51 811 '541 45 5 6 58 5 ° 14 12 6 16 14 6 1 5 10 17 12 3 4 10 11 10 10 8 435 9 5 60 8 3 475 8 4 48 2 3 12 11 9 310 3 5 428 1 5 7 4 o 80 7 2 12 4 8 92 '6 7 40 6 3! 1 7 ni 3 1 9 37 2 7 1 17 10 30 2 4 5 '8 5 3 5 8 64 13 7 43 8 10 76 3 91 76 14 6 4 '9 °l 363 2 8! 0 7 1 74 12 5 5 10 O; 6 '7 3 o 7 3 151 16 2 6 11 3 3 '9 6 36 3 7 074 25 '5 6 100 7 51 31 11 1 84 9 1 720. 2 9 5 869 £ s. d. 120 18 7 19 '3 " 179 16 1 45 6 7 5° 4 9 698 7 2 388 13 7 40 '3 4 76 14 5 o 7 5 20 15 7 172 7 8 I.3I5 '5 o 252 17 11 31 11 o 88 11 6 57 '3 i° 371 12 4 635 '6 5 94 '5 8 90 10 10 54 7 11 69 6 11 66 9 2 130 4 o 5 '5 8 2,944 16 9 279 1 o 2,467 9 8 215 '7 6 101 3 91 1,305 15 1 2,623 15 1 67 o 6 294 8 8 87 14 10 256 6 o 86 6 4 29 211 43 '7 5 66 10 10; 44 1 7 115 3 o 91 8 6: 74 16 6 425 8 10 403 9 1 462 10 o 359 '5 3 90 14 o 793 9 3 1029 496 4 4 157 3 2 179 6 10 9 14 1 1,185 3 11 55 13 9 25 2 4 287 9 2 13 11 2 158 11 7 284 n 6 131 6 2 233 'o 3 102 10 10 1,851 247 2,061 363 522 8,965 5,489 582 1,200 6 2 75 2,070 16,689 ',339 373 629 8.35 4,596 8,092 ',393 1,230 829 788 1,062 2,072 97 27,248 3,023 27,381 2,651 1,446 ii,8.35 26,793 961 3,335 1,215 2,509 722 468 6.33 507 738 1,301 i,477 1,167 5,426 5,642 5,260 4,449 1,304 8,616 '54 5,i75 2,393 2,886 146 14,449 852 376 3,735 216 2,089 2,673 1,656 2,718 i,546 615 2,082 25 32 429 35' 172 1,106 789 59 '5 40 486 4,959 874 105 943 79 44i 746 '83 '47 16 260 56 148 4,047 744 5,568 381 122 3,365 5,049 54 i,i75 '55 1,010 1,876 279 2,490 714 694 10,071 6,278 641 1,21.5 6 315 2,556 21,648 2,21^ 478 1,572 914 5,037 8,838 1,576 ',377 845 1,048 1,118 2,220 97 31,295 3,767 32,949 3,032 1,568 15,200 31,842 1,015 4,510 i,37o 3,519 1,212 489 659 1,109 764 ',545 ',577 1,213 5,994 6,225 6,030 5,610 1,363 14,980 158 5,968 2,453 2,984 150 16,282 928 420 4,239 223 2,358 3,333 2,152 3,99° 1,626 640 2,166 £ s. d. 103 18 4 104 11 8 105 15 2 125 00 49 n 8 346 o 10 229 6 8 104 11 8 102 10 o 124 11 8 565 '3 4 '59 " 8 138 17 8 163 6 8 129 11 8 170 16 8 160 13 4 235 16 8 136 5 o 59 ■ 1 8 87 10 o 150 3 4 169 6 8 1,828 8 7 109 11 8 i,SS2 19 3 186 15 4 75 o o 606 16 8 647 11 8 144 3 4 184 11 8 '34 11 8 169 11 8 127 10 o| 8 6 81 £ s. d. 14 10 2 78 17 6 45 1 o 28 8 4 20 19 6 161 19 7 66 10 10 32 1.3 3 21 12 4 20 10 o 18 15 9 61 in 83 7 1 2.3 3 0 29 12 11 48 17 6 65 2 c 109 9 4 45 19 8 15 7 5 27 13 2 29 9 o 37 8 10 6 10 o 34 '5 3 410 258 o 9 29 '3 0 228 5 o 23 8 9 I 5 I o o 66 2 8 119 19 11 33 '7 6 626 9 5 o '3 '4 3 49 o o 8 1 2 25 4 o 42 16 6 63 o 6 138 1 o 23 o 6 39 12 3 98 '4 31 29 '5 5 70 15 1 9 6 1 14 16 n 54 '3 4: 25 '7 6i 57 10 3 26 1 6 1 £ B. d. 118 8 6 183 9 2 150 i6 2 '53 8 4 70 11 2 508 o 5 295 17 6 137 4 11 124 2 4 20 10 o 18 15 9 185 13 7 649 o 5 182 14 8 168 10 7 212 4 2 194 13 8 280 6 o 206 13 o 251 4 1 163 18 2 89 o 8 124 18 10 156 13 4 204 1 11 410 2,086 9 4 '39 4 8 i,78i 4 3 2104 1 90 10 o 672 19 4 767 11 7 178 o 10 190 14 2 143 16 8 183 5 i' 176 JO o 16 7 10 2.-; 40 77 4 7 252 12 2 267 12 8 '79 '3 10 238 12 8 374 2 7 303 18 9 329 8 6 '87 5 9 144 8 7 542 3 " 167 2 6 230 13 5 173 11 6 173 i-t 8 20 19 10 775 4 3 159 19 o 161 12 1 232 4 11 11 6 8 349 8 6 169 11 8 240 12 6 160 s 8 159 14 8 24 18 8 164 15 4 490 21 26 602 26 Porangahau Port Chalmers ... Pukorokoro* Queenstown Rakaia Rangiora Rangitata North Reef ton Richmond Riverhead Riverton Rolleston 244 100 46 568 583 77o 1,161 59 6,364 4 793 60 98 4 1,8.33 76 44 S°4 7 269 660 496 1,272 80 25 84 34 8 1 189 11 8 129 n 8 156 13 4 199 o 5 275 8 4 274 3 4 258 13 5 177 19 8 129 11 8 487 10 7 141 5 o '73 3 2 147 10 o '59 " 8! 8 6 8 564 0 7 152 15 o "9 3 4 191 o 0 8 6 8 226 5 o 159 n 8 227 10 o 149 11 8 139 118 18 6 8 132 16 8 14 3 o\ 12 13 2 211 3 8 7 4 o 42 8 9! 41 4 11 300 123 3 6 1000 '3 2 6 10 14 o 20 3 0 612 o 3' '8 8 Ross Rotorua* Roxburgh* Russell Sanson Sheffield Southbridge Southbridge Junction Spit Springston St. Bathans Stirling Tapanui Tarawera* Taupo* Tauranga 1084 5'5 '6 9 10 17 3 67 17 3 37 8 5 180 15 11 24 5 o; 112 I o 574 o 4 045 114 13 11 020 3 '6 6 7 '5 1 16 13 8 '3 '9 2 114 2 4 301 10 3 * 1 40 13 10 '33 '4 2 10 12 9! 630 10 8 10 19 3 7' '3 9 45 3 6 '97 9 7 38 4 2 226 3 4! 875 10 7 )perator; also 169 7,873 171 1,038 655 2,913 388 ',7So 7,93i 4 i,833 2 61 '73 9,706 '73 1,099 774 3,129 54o 2,906 10,788 iw closed. '9 '3 4 315 12 9 2100 80 o o 30 o o 29 16 o '3 13 8 11 7 6 '6 13 o 53 6 o " '3 3 22 3 6 34 6 5 49 '3 4 345 8 9 '6 3 8 91 7 6 4' 13 ° 207 19 4 151 '3 3 156 15 2 374 7 2 119 216 '52 1,156 2,857 ■ Station ni 25 o o '54 '3 4 140 o o '34 11 8 340 o 9 Lineman.



TABLE A — continued. CASH REVENUE derived from Private and Press Messages, &c.— continued.

TABLE B. NUMBER of Interprovincial Letters forwarded during the Year ended 31st December, 1877 ; Number of Telegrams despatched in each Provincial District during the Year ended 30th June, 1878; and proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters; together with a similar Return for the previous Year.

Total Cash Revenue .. . c. .. derived from Name of Station. Private and Press Telegrams. Value of General Government Messages. Total Total Value Number of of Messages of Private and all Codes. Press Messages. Total Number of General Government Messages. Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount Paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of Station. re Awamutu* ... lemuka re Nui rimaru rokatea rokoinairiro tophouse* rurakina Upper Hutt Waiau vVaikola Waikaia Waikouaiti Waimate Waimate Junction Wainui* Waipahi Waipawa Waipu* Waipukurau vVairoa Waitahuna Waitaki Waitotara Waitara vVaiuku Waiwera Wakapuaka Wanganui Warkworth Washdyke Waverley Wellington Westport Whangarei Whangaroa White's Bay* ... Winton* Winslow £ »■ d. 106 18 2 230 5 2 11 8 6 1,90s i7 7 58 16 1 246 12 10 17 5 3 81 16 o n.5 10 3 106 18 11 £ ■■ d. 21 811 23 9 9 078 248 4 9 1824 3° 2 3 25 I' 11 n 14 10 13 18 1 23 14 3 3 12 10 9 9 3 26 11 4 65 n 10 25 1 10 IOO 3 3 1 22 12 2 £ s. d. 128 7 1 253 14 11 n 16 2 2,154 2 4 76 18 5 276 15 1 42 17 2 93 IO IO 129 8 4 130 13 2 36 12 7 72 17 7 174 2 9 435 16 2 43 13 9 39 4 3 30 6 3 298 8 9 42 18 4 221 17 o 273 3 1 37 16 2 5° 18 3 107 7 9 125 5 11 69 IS 1 103 17 10 982 1 3 2,323 2 4 73 5 9 26 5 1 i5S 16 11 8,193 18 o 1,139 7 7 177 18 1 61 in 1,587 3,690 188 23,502 922 3,967 257 ',367 2,026 i,537 580 1,003 2,527 5>56o 3H 529 449 4,44' 641 3,028 3,392 6.37 464 1,563 856 964 1,483 13,272 27,448 1,024 437 2,393 154,985 10,057 1,872 781 ■95 288 4 3,212 312 389 368 135 196 254 43 128 1,782 3,978 192 26,714 1,234 4,356 625 ',5°2 2,222 1,791 623 1,131 2,848 6,232 588 542 475 4,747 681 3,262 3,842 650 75° 1,663 1,223 1,043 i,578 13,290 31,104 1,099 441 2,552 172,970 13,660 2,389 960 £ s. d. 204 11 8 289 1 8 739 ° o 104 11 8 1.59 3 4 124 11 8 106 6 8 104 11 8 109 3 4 64 11 8 no o o 133 ' 3 294 17 8 9 n 8 140 o o £ b. d. 5 3 6 54 '7 'I 77 '7 11 182 18 7 17 1 9 33 14 11 18 14 2 9' 19 4 6192 24 18 o 3 16 6 139 5 7 26 o o 66 16 9 27 18 o 105 o 35 6 o 26 3 3 12 15 o 70 19 2 16 6 o £ s. d. 209 15 2 343 19 7 77 17 11 921 18 7 121 13 5 192 18 3 '43 5 10 198 6 o 166 O IO 134 1 4 68 8 2 249 S 7 '59 1 3 361 14 S 37 9 8 150 5 o 35 6 o 191 14 n 132 6 8 195 2 6 176 6 o 61 1 1 68 13 8 171 14 8 56 4 4 158 13 3 115 4 6 589 4 2 922 8 6 133 13 6 18 16 10 152 5 n 5,475 1 6 449 6 7 161 6 11 no o 3 151 o o '55 12 0 40 10 1 69,340 1 8 32 19 9 6.3 8 4 '47 n 5 37° 4 4 18 11 11 38 4 3 27 3 2 275 l6 7 39 5 6 203 14 o 234 8 5 36 15 5 28 5 11 97 o 2 55 1 1 63 6 5 91 8 4 980 13 8 2,013 6 9 66 4 3 25 '7 7 142 19 4 6,496 9 6 812 o 2 143 4 10 51 16 10 3 12 10 18 3 o 38 14 8 1 o 9 22 12 4 10 7 7 70 4 10 6 8 8 12 9 6 1 7 7 3°9 iS 7 716 076 12 17 7 1,697 8 6 327 7 5 34 13 3 9 5 1 32i 672 274 1.3 26 3°6 40 234 45° 13 286 100 367 79 95 18 3,656 75 4 159 17,985 3,603 517 '79 165 11 8 119 n 8 124 3 4 160 o o 49 11 8 64 11 8 98 6 8 34 11 8 117 10 o 9' 3 4 382 9 8 822 13 5 106 5 o IO IO o IOO IO o 4,931 OIO 326 5 o 148 13 4 77 18 4 i3S o ° 140 o o 19 3 4 11 9 5 420 73 8 o 21 12 8 4' 3 3 24 1 2 206 14 6 99 '5 1 27 8 6 8 6 10 51 IS 11 544 o 8 123 1 7 12 13 7 32 1 11 1600 '5 12 o 2169 11,462 17 6 80 19 6 16 5 2 922 060 90 1 8 16 11 2 1,414 271 146 5 1,560 276 1,260,324 Totals 73,284 1 10 119,14812 4 92,432 14 2 1,065,481 194,843 57,877 4 2 Operator; also jineman. f From this amou: it £128 3s. 9i I. to be deducted, being :ash received from Government Anuuilii :s Department.

1877-78. 1876-77. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Number of Letters. Number Proportion of of Telegrams sent for Telegrams. every 100 Letters. Wellington Marlborough Nelson Canterbury Westland ... Otago southland... Hawke's Bay faranaki ... Auckland ... 1,068,204 155,993 248,802 1,357,049 316,257 1,275,874 234,768 298,009 114,228 1,009,200 305,896 23,828 74,526 183,229 88,118 237,832 46,192 75,765 30,599 194,339 28-63 15-27 29-95 13-5 27-89 18-64 19-67 25-42 26-79 19-25 926,387 143,719 237,257 1,176,688 280,730 1,319,753 230,200 262,623 101,300 862,263 260,449 21,016 57,055 157,143 90,700 223,615 38,533 65,645 23,348 186,928 28-11 14-62 24-04 13-35 32-3 16-94 16-73 24-99 23-04 21-67 1877-78. 1876-77. 'otal No. of Letters ... 6,078,384 5,540,920 'otal No. of Telegrams 1,260,3241,124,432 'roportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters ... 20-71 20-29 1875-76. 4,731,873 1,051,086 1874-75. | 4,059,517 917,128 | 1873-5 3,209,! 752,1 '*. 837 899 1872-73. r 1871-72. | 1870-71. 1869-70. 2,878,372 2,418,0212,626,947 2,374,060 568,960 411,677 312,874 185,423 19'76 17'02 11-91 7-81 1868-69. | 1867-68. 2,749,488 1,938,57! 146,167 106,10-22-21 22-59 23-41 6-12 5-47


TABLE C. ORDINARY, PRESS, and PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TELEGRAMS despatched during each Quarter of the Year ended 30th June, 1877; ORDINARY and PRESS TELEGRAMS. despatched during each Quarter of the Year ended 30th June, 1878; and the REVENUE derived from each Class. 1876-77.

2—P. 2.

Septei fber Quarter. December Quarter. March Quarter. June Quarter. 'otals. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. TeSgrams. Eere ™e derived. No, Of -r, , . -. Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. >rdinary Telegrams £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 227,726 14,910 1 5 £ S. d. 197,156 13,168 6 10 217,573 14,442 13 8 226,151 14,878 16 6 868,606 57,399 18 5 'ress Telegrams ... 18,282 2,049 9 1 16,985 1,441 12 9 21,181 1,457 11 9 19,345 1,385 18 11 75,793 j 6,334 12 6 'rovineial Grovermnent Telegrams ... i 4,515 478 11 0 3,369 347 13 8 7,884 826 4 8 Totals ! 219,953 ! 247,332 ! 15,696 6 11 237,927 16,232 0 1 16,336 8 3 247,071 I 16,296 0 4 952,283 64,560 15 7 1877-78. September Quarter. December Quarter. Man :h Quarter. Jum Quarter. Totals. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ B. d. Ordinary Telegrams 222,588 14,964 2 8 235,974 15,834 13 9 258, 138 17,288 14 2 254,715 17,255 17 11 971,415 65,343 8 6 Press Telegrams 23,292 2,347 7 4 22,810 2,108 0 7 23,106 1,701 8 1 24,858 1,783 17 4 94,066 7,940 13 4 . Totals 258,784 17,942 14 4 281,244 18,990 2 3 279,573 19,039 15 3 1,065,481 73,284 1 10 245,880 17,311 10 0



TABLE D. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Progress of the TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878.

Year en sled Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. of Stations open. Private, Press, and General Provincial Government. Government. Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. Total. Revenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages, and Incidental Receipts, Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Business done during the Year. Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Cost of Maintenance of Lines. Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tariff in Operation. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. 30th Juno, 1866 699 1,390 13 24,761 2,476 27,237 5,561 19 2 483 3 2 6,045. 2 4 3,934 3 4 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 3 3 9 10 h „ 1867 757 1,498 21 55,621 15,331 70,952 9,070 10 1 3,770 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 14 7 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 3 7 1 i . |- Mileage tariff. „ „ 1868 1,110 2,223 31 72,241 26,244 98,485 11,652 3 7 6,672 0 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 10 5,406 7 3 14,896 5 1 4 17 4 J „ 1869 1,329 2,495 45 106,070 50,097 156,157 18,520 10 4 13,430 11 9 31,951 2 1 14,266 12 7 8,547 4 9 22,813 17 4 6 8 6 "1 . „ 1870 „ 1871 1,661 *1,976 2,897 3,247 56 72 122,545 253,582 62,878 59,292 185,423 312,874 17,218 1 4 22,419 8 8 12,252 6 0 9,876 17 6 29,470 7 4 32,296 6 2 16,417 7 4 21,254 4 3 14,120 4 10 11,344 3 8 30,537 12 2 32,598 7 11 8 9 11 5 19 6 Mileage tariff in operation up to 1st Sept., 1869; uniform 2s. 6d. |- tariff from 1st Sept., 1869, to 31st March, 1870; and Is. tariff from 1st April, 1870. ,, „ 1872 t2,18o 3,823 81 344,524 67,243 411,767 28,121 10 0 11,043 3 9 39,164 13 9 23,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 32,452 9 4 4 2 3 1873 12,356 4,574 93 485,507 83,453 568,980 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 0 50,786 0 9 27,040 18 10 9,479 5 4 36,520 4 2 4 1 11 J ,, „ 1874 §2,530 5,782 105 645,067 107,832 752,899 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 15,021 17 11 53,823 17 3 6 3 11 1 „ 1875 ||2,986 6,626 127 786,237 130,891 917,128 55,301 12 3 13,679 10 9 68,981 3 0 45,814 11 4 14,240 19 7 60,055 10 11 4 16 4 From 1st November 1873, address and signature given in free. J „ 1876 13,154 7,247 142 890,382 160,704 1,051,086 62,715 10 4 16,154 6 0 78,869 16 4 61,696 14 5 21,074 8 8 82,771 3 1 5 18 10 „ „ 1877 **3,259 7,423 155 952,283 172,159 1,124,432 65,644 15 3 17,024 8 9 82,669 4 0 63,353 10 10 17,931 8 0 81,284 18 10 5 12 11 „ 1878 tt3,434 8,035 182 1,065,481 194,843 1,260,324 73,284 1 10 19,148 12 4 92,432 14 2 69,340 1 8 18,259 4 9 87,599 6 5 5 10 0 * From tl t From tl t From tl § From tl lis mileage 78 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance, lis mileage 32 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance, lis mileage 42 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. lis mileage 106 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. ]] From this mileage 31 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. IT From this mileage 174 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. ** From this mileage 85 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance, ft From this mileage 116 miles to bo deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance.


TABLE E. COST of MAINTENANCE of Telegraph Lines for the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1878.


Section. Number of Miles. Salaries of Linemen and Inspectors. Travelling Expenses of Linemen and Inspectors. Extra Labour. Cost of Material used for Repairs. Total Cost of Maintenance. Cost per Mile. 1 Rivet-ton to Balclutha, including Winton and Switzer's Lines ... 200 £ a. d. 373 15 0 £ s. d. 286 4 10 £ s. d. 57 15 5 £ a. d. 17 2 10 £ a. d. 734 18 1 £ s. d. 3 13 5 Tokomairiro to Queenstown 142 275 0 0 122 16 9 17 2 6 28 16 5 443 15 8 3 2 6 Balclutha to Waitaki, including Naseby, Ophir, St. Bathans, Kaitangata, Outram, and Otago Heads Lines 293 548 19 0 170 17 10 144 0 2 47 17 4 917 14 4 3 2 7 Waitaki to Christchurch, including Akaroa, Geraldine, Oxford, and Lyttelton Lines 231 473 7 8 390 15 10 337 3 6 482 6 4 1,683 13 4 7 5 9 Christchurch to Greymouth, including Boss Line 196 392 18 4 720 9 7 158 12 7 126 4 4 1,398 4 10 7 2 8 Greymouth to Wcstport, including Reef ton and Lyell Lines '... 177 443 10 0 426 9 5 192 0 11 118 3 11 1,180 4 3 6 13 4 -Christchurch to Blenheim, including Bangiora Line (8 miles), Southbridge Line (30 miles), and Waiau Line (37 miles) ... 283 698 15 0 444 7 0 208 8 0 90 9 3 1,441 19 3 5 1 10 Blenheim to Nelson, including White's Bay and Wakapuaka Lines 92 258 15 0 266 16 0 108 14 6 29 5 2 663 10 8 7 4 2 Nelson to Lyell, including Motueka Line 150 190 16 8 349 15 5 42 8 7 18 7 9 601 8 5 4 0 2 Wellington to New Plymouth, including Opunake Line, and Lines Palmerston North from Foxton (25 miles), and Palmerston to Feilding (12 miles) 338 573 19 6 761 1 1 • 283 5 4 174 0 4 1,792 6 3 5 6 0 Wellington to Napier 221 463 6 8 415 13 9 155 9 8 158 12 11 1,193 3 0 5 7 11 Napier to Tauranga, including Gisborne and Opotiki Lines 363 977 4 8 490 19 11 183 9 0 128 7 0 1,780 0 7 4 18 0 Tauranga to Grahamstown 73 1 410 18 4 247 12 8 171 5 8 48 2 10 877 19 6 12 0 6 Auckland to Coromandel and Alexandra, including Manukau Heads, Tokatea, and Waiwera Lines 286 951 5 0 612 3 7 493 6 6 302 8 8 2,359 3 9 8 4 11 Auckland to Bay of Islands and Hokianga, including Kawakawa to Mongonui 273 525 8 4 526 1 7 128 1 4 11 11 7 1,191 2 10 4 7 3 I Totals 6,238 5 3 *5 10 0 3,318 7,557 19 2 2,681 3 8 1,781 16 8 18,259 4 9 * Total areragi Note. —Blenheim to Tophouse (60 miles), Win ton to Lowthei cost of mainentani (37 miles), and "W 3e per mile. "aipukurau to Kopua (19 miles), not included in this table.



TABLE F. INSULATION TESTS of the COOK STRAIT CABLE for the Years ended 30th June, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878 respectively, showing the Resistance per knot after Two Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance).

TABLE G. INSULATION TESTS of SECOND COOK STRAIT CABLE for the Years ended 30th June, 1877 and 1878, showing the Resistance per knot after two Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance). LENGTH OF CABLE LAID, 44.315 KNOTS.

Date. I No. 1 i Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 W rire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. ! ! i I I i i _-—__ ! : ! ' 1867— Sept. 1 Sept. 30 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Nov. 14 Dec. 2 473 634 547 598 574 608 71 102 179 32-6 10-6 105 554 634 620 667 643 709 1870— Jan. 22 Feb. 22 March 18 March 20 April 26 May 31 June 26 July 36 Aug. 16 Sept, 17 Oct. 20 Nov. 2 f Dec. 21 526 417 442 344 430 456 355 517 473 508 471 505 480 2 3 3-4 3-06 8-6 •446 23 -393 1-7 8-7 5-5 10-2 7-7 865 707 967 619 812 871 622 893 763 1,108 1,069 1,149 1.121 1871— Sept. 25 Oct.f ... Nov. 23 Dec. 28 517 641 570 1-31 2-65 998 1,123 1,481 1,079 1873— May 23 June 23 July 24 Aug. 23 Sept, 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 22 Dec. 24 1874— Jan. 24 Feb. 24 March 25 April 24 May 23 June 27 July 24 Aug. 29 Sept. 24 Oct. 26 Nov. 24 Dec. 23 1875— Jan. 23 505 611 628 717 609 569 695 554 29-7 500 613 68-3 57-2 182-1 3475 389-5 1,231 1,203 1.159 1,564 1,193 1,214 1,429 1,312 1875— Feb. 23 March 24 April 23 May 22 June 24 July 24 Aug. 24 Sept, 24 Oct. 23 Nov. 24 Dec. J ... 764 719 636 712 562 749 679 812 692 622 44 30-4 37-6 41-7 41-9 2051,274 1,277 1,139 1,274 1,064 1,453 1,251 1,781 1,264 1,391 1876— Oct, 24 Nov. 24 Dee. 23 1877— Jan. 24 Feb. 24 March 24 April 24 May 24 June 23 July 24 Aug. 24 Sept. 24 Oct. 24 Nov. 24 Dec. 24 1878— Jan. 24 Feb. 23 March 23 April 24 May 24 June 24 575 620 370 3-095 T51 •357 843 786 460 1SGS— .Tune 7* Sept, 11 Sept. 17 930 630 697 5-5 22-5 635 1,094 946 1,000 1872— Jan. 27 Feb. 27 March 31 April 25 May 28 June 22 July 23 Aug. 19 Septf ... Oct. 22 Nov. 20 Dec. 30 579 596 676 553 649 687 826 818 8-29 9-5 18-5 39-1 44-4 49-6 65-6 88-5 981 1,073 938 979 1,173 1,146 1,476 1,735 592 551 559 579 551 607 682 771 643 944 849 650 314-3 280-7 371-5 356-4 3980 961 75 530 69 28 18 84 1,438 1,217 1,106 1,303 1,115 1,227 1,365 1,564 1,483 1,928 1,882 1,C60 313 347 584 379 363 396 453 435 460 464 436 408 •130 ■365 ■826 •313 •222 ■211 •258 •280 •338 •294 •374 •182 360 418 717 545 386 432 501 474 464 452 423 403 1869— March 27 April 19 May 11 May 17 June 22 ■ July 27 Aug. 24 Sept. 27 Oct.f ... Nov. 8 Dec. 3 467 483 562 531 ■ 522 649 667 754 26 30 31 14 15 9 7 13 729 748 950 963 931 1,104 1,200 1,275 1871 — Jan. 21 Feb. 21 March 23 April 24 May 23 June 24 Juljf ... Aug. 25 574 565 497 508 489 717 67 2-0 2-39 1-85 2-08 1-28 1,312 1,173 1,166 1.003 955 1,288 709 763 867 173 208 220 1,331 1,156 1,561 J 1876— Jan. 30 Feb. 24 March 24 April 24 May 11 May 24 June 26 July 24 Aug. 24 Sept, 25 291 I 407 445 355 308 407 333 398 354 380 •649 2-886 •623 •154 ■385 •736 •199 •178 T66 •274 584 680 715 436 379 524 416 493 490 475 578 365 411 377 402 410 •774 •442 ■502 ■273 •231 •470 634 368 419 387 423 414 | 582 ; 638 "5 2-5 1,253 1,159 1873— Jan. 24 Feb. 24 March 25 .April 23 642 578 611 585 10-3 18-1 24-8 21-0 1.307 1,271 1,420 1,272 751 1-36 1,444 883 94 1,695 * This test was taken with zinc to earth; all the others with copper to earth. t No tests taken. J Cable broken.

Dielectric Resisl :ance per Knot. Copper Resistance per Knot in Ohms. Inductive Capacity per Knot in Microfarads. Date. Remarks. Rive Cells. Fifty Cells. March 12, 1877 24 „ April 24 „ May 24 „ June 23 „ July 24 „ August 24 ,, September 24 ,, October 24 November 24 „ December 24 „ January 24, 1878 February 23 „ March ' 23 „ April 24 „ May 24 „ June 24 „ 3,34,1 4,000 2,6S9 3,134 2,613 3,964 3,014 2,545 2,085 3,227 2,096 2,396 2,323 2,052 1,992 2,870 2,141 2,857 2,347 2,674 2,833 2,538 2,834 2,813 2,358 2,251 2,126 1,887 1,897 1,727 1,777 1,777 11-5085 •3385 ■3351 First test taken immediately after laying.



TABLE H. TOTAL COST of the LINES of TELEGRAPH throughout New Zealand, and of the Cook Strait Cable.

Section of Line. Length of Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Total Cost of Poles, including Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c., including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. £ a. d. £ s. d. 547 2 10 £ s. d. 96 10 11 £ s. d. 262 12 7 812 15 6 469 11 0 1,720 13 3 3,760 19 0 3,661 6 0 503 12 6 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 3,019 17 9 £ s. d. 906 6 4 812 15 6 2,407 12 4 13,108 19 0 13,743 1 2 14,057 6 7 503 12 6 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 7,002 17 0 £ s. d, 37 15 3 «42 15 € 75 4 £ 69 7 C Z>63 0 7 c58 6 0 All 18 11 elOO 0 C /21 12 £ 104 10 5 Riverton to Inyercargill ... Bluff to Invercargill Inyercargill to Mataura ... Mataura to Waitaki Waitaki to Hurunui Hurunui to Nelson White's Bay Line Port Chalmers Line Christchurch to Greymouth Greymouth to Westport ... Blenheim to W roodend, reconstruction (including White's Bay Line), 194 miles Palmerston to Naseby Tokomairiro to Q.ueenstown Tokomairiro to Q.ueenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Third Wire from Dunedin to Oamaru (including loop line to Kakaimi, 4 miles), 94 miles Christchurch to Hokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles Christchurch to Akaroa ... Nelson to Motueka Greymouth to Keefton ... Leittraeld to Waiau Invercargill to Winton ... Hokitika to Ross Kaiapoi to Rangiora Greymouth to Westport, reconstruction, 67 miles Inyercargill to Balclutha, reconstruction, 70 miles Havelock to Nelson, reconstruction, 25 miles Third Wire, Oamaru to Christchurch, 161 miles Second Wire, Christchurch to Hokitika, 146 miles ... Second and Third Wires, Hokitika to Greymouth, 60 miles Fourth Wire, Palmerston to Dunedin, 33 miles ... Reefton to Lyell Tapanui and Switzer's Line, from Clinton ... Fourth Wire, Blenheim to Christchurch (completed from Christchurch to Leithfield), 29 miles ... Naseby to Clyde Line Southbridge Line Cargill's Line from Roxburgh Geraldine Lino from Temuka Fourth and Fifth Wires, Christchurch to Bluff (completed from Christchurch to Dunedin and from Bluff to Clinton), 307 miles Christchurch to Hokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Greymouth to Hokitika, reconstruction, 30 miles Blenheim to Christchurch, reconstruction, 206 miles Nelson to Lyell Second Wire, Greymouth to Lyell, 82 miles 24 19 32 189 218 241 7 8 176 07 "54 140 4 50 32 50 37 14 20 8 1,229 3 3 1,951' 7 6 100 0 0 65 10 0 10 10 0 2,649 0 0 401 3 0 1,199 0 0 8,353 18 0 6,554 8 8 5,213 14 0 1,070 16 5 5,136 12 5 754 14 10 264 12 0 1,881 16 5 805 2 6 872 13 2 1,440 14 0 801 12 4 295 2 0 172 12 6 207 0 0 675 14 3 1,221 3 0 379 18 6 936 2 10 739 1 4 3,034 7 9 3,427 13 6 3,953 3 4 960'15 4 2,022 15 4 247 2 2 830 16 11 446 13 5 721 5 8 375 5 8 1,101 6 7 688 2 5 156 4 11 208 11 6 48 2 8 69 16 9 113 15 5 17 15 0 1,935 7 2 3,484 12 0 435 19 9 4,432 1 4 2,247 3 10 426 15 9 873 12 11 817 18 5 321 11 2 1,795 9 11 847 4 6 209 1 0 200 12 6 37 17 6 1,216 9 1 706 12 3 144 5 2 1,077 10 8 10,743 19 9 1,437 16 9 4,432 1 4 2,247 3 10 1,522 4 8 3,202 2 9 2,409 16 7 1,580 0 0 6,986 10 6 2,336 19 3 660 7 11 982 19 6 293 0 2 1,962 0 1 2,041 11 5 541 18 8 3,949 0 8 55 7 7 26 12 e ,r/31 13 i 16 1 C 16 3 1C 21 18 6 48 3 11 49 7 t 139 14 7 63 3 2 47 3 E 49 2 11 36 12 £ 29 5 £ 29 3 3 21 13 i 24 16 C 290 6 0 1,286 7 0 518 13 6 2,095 6 6 14 7 C 499 7 0 216 2 5 715 9 5 11 18 £ 32 3,863 3 6 15 0 0 898 5 6 335 11 3 799 15 9 212 13 10 503 11 0 563 5 1 6,064 15 9 17 1 4 189 10 £ 48 615 13 4 669 9 5 393 13 4 1,678 16 1 34 19 f 56 30 2,35110 3 649 9 2 286 9 7 3,311 11 6 353 8 0 131 17 6 632 19 9 217 6 10 418 7 1 6,296 1 6 1,220 4 0 14 8 ( 112 8 5 40 14 6 2 16 4 0 157 1 0 24 0 10 197 5 10 98 12 11 12 30 11 9 324 1 10 33 17 3 388 10 10 32 7 C 1,041 7 8 6,339 19 6 1,768 14 10 9,150 2 0 29 16 2,610 0 6 252 11 0 462 2 0 1,294 5 3 4,618 18 9 31 12 685 8 0 41 12 9 110 15 0 837 15 9 5 19 1,181 9 0 789 19 1 451 6 5 1,757 9 1 4,180 3 7 139 6 118 101 18 1 4,210 5 8 1,099 17 6 5,429 8 3 1,885 12 3 2,649 19 1 1,645 9 7 2,435 2 9 4,732 17 5 14,724 15 9 22 19 124 15 405 7 6 654 1 0 619 5 4 1,678 13 10 20 9 Carried forward ... a Purchased from Southland I ic. e Purchased from private hi U2.017 18s. lOd. for new material. Government, b Includes •m. f Purchased from C £150, purchase of Canterbury Groverr. Lyttelton line, c anient, (j Purehat Approximate CO! led from Otago ( it. d Approximate cost of poles, Jovernment; total cost includes


TABLE H — continued. TOTAL COST of the LINES of TELEGRAPH, &c. — continued.


Section of Line. Length « an °fL, Coat of Section 01earing Busll , Miles. Total Cost of Poles, including Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c, including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d Brought forward ... Fourth and Fifth Wires, Christchurch toDunedin, and Third and Fourth Wires, Dunedin to Bluff, completion of (79 miles double wire) ... Second Wire, 'Tokomairiro to Lawrence, 34 miles ... 3tago Heads Line Kaitangata Line Rangiora to Oxford 3utram Line Reefton to Westport Reefton to Westport, additional expenditure, 28 miles Blenheim to Tophouse Ihird Wire, Kelson to Greymouth, 200 miles ... Christchurch to Waitaki, reconstruction, 143 miles Christchurch to Greymouth, reconstruction, 176 miles Railway Wires, — Dunedin to Tokomairiro, 33 miles Hampden to Waitaki, 35 miles Winton to Lowthor *Canterbury ... 14 6 21 7 28 1,189" 17 0 6 15 0 199 9 5 150 12 0 20 0 0 345 10 6 184 16 2 663 14 10 151 4 8 602 7 0 514 19 0 2,115 12 6 405 11 2 37 8 5 174 15 3 73 6 10 197 7 5 55 0 6 502 17 7 194 1 8 1,219 18 10 539 3 7 137 6 1 374 0 2 139 19 1 95 14 11 92 4 4 636 1 10 247 4 4 808 8 8 1,095 6 9 194 14 6 894 5 11 398 2 1 956 17 2 298 9 6 2,931 3 5 963 0 0 4,343 9 5 13 17 : 5 14 I 63 17 I 66 7 1 45 11 : 42 12 ! 104 13 ! 34 7 li 72 7 ! "60 70 2 3 1,796 2 10 1,025 8 11 2,891 14 0 14 9 : 462 19 9 48 13 2 217 9 5 729 2 4 5 11 62 19 0 23 6 9 367 3 1 453 8 10 2 11 I 104 12 2 522 2 9 231 9 10 858 4 9 26 0 : "37 66 0 0 348 11 6 190 12 4 267 14 7 135 11 10 341 14 9 392 4 2 958 0 4 11 4 25 17 H Totals—South Island 1,861 19,769 11 11 59,219 11 3 47,411 9 2 55,999 4 3 182,399 16 7 98 0 uyell's Bay to Wellington Wellington to Patea Wellington to Masterton... Masterton to Castlepoint... Castlepoint to Porangahau Porangahau to Napier Napier to Tauranga Auckland to Alexandra ... Auckland to Newcastle, reconstruction, 70 miles (including new line from Hamilton to Cambridge, 12 miles) Mercer to Thames, including four towers for spanning Thames and Piako Rivers Second Wire from Napier to Tauranga, 200 miles Tauranga to Katikati Katikati to Grahamstown Ihird Wire from Auckland to Mercer, 40 miles Third Wire from Auckland to Grahamstown, 76 miles Third Wire from Wellington to Masterton, 60 miles; from Napier to Waipukurau, 42 miles... Grahamstown to Coromandel ... Patea to New Plymouth, 90 miles; less 28 miles not yet erected Onehunga to Junction, reconstruction, 5 miles ... Third Wire, Napier to Grahamstown, 270 miles 4 180 60 36 53 68 200 152 36 SO 43 12 67 18 6 264 4 6 22 15 1 176 9 4 74 0 0 153 18 6 793 19 9 123 5 0 4,647 12 7 2,362 10 0 2,459 15 6 9,404 12 6 1,393 14 6 2,158 8 10 31 17 0 1,041 3 0 2,521 19 5 104 6 0 2,315 9 5 839 4 4 388 18 6 722 18 6 918 9 8 5,763 13 7 841 15 9 1,386 13 10 2,607 9 1 530 5 9 1,461 8 6 57 15 0 3,062 11 9 2,357 6 3 1,287 9 1 1,105 16 10 1,252 10 2 5,767 18 5 3,256 0 0 1,453 3 8 1,492 7 5 880 11 1 1,266 0 10 1,482 15' 3 285 6 0 10,093 12 3 3,460 15 1 1,679 2 8 4,367 14 8 4,704 15 4 21,090 3 0 3,256 0 0 3,688 13 11 5,037 10 1 4,313 16 11 2,837 9 7 7,050 4 5 71 6 0 56 1 6 57 18 4 46 19 6 82 8 2 69 3 9 105 9 0 21 8 5 44 19 8 139 18 7 21 11 4 94 11 8 163 19 2 1,584." 1 3 234 0 9 383 18 5 617 19 2 15 9 0 173 1 6 816 9 7 1,136 6 11 2,125 18 0 27 19 5 146 17 6 188 17 2 1,020 11 10 1,356 6 6 13 5 10 30 1,108 13 6 605 6 3 414 6 9 2,076 12 0 4,204 18 6 140 3 3 62 4,026 17 10 1,144 11 3 2,002 5 9 7,173 14 10 1-115 14 1 40 5 0 4 6 0 36 19 10 81 10 10 16 6 2 37 18 8 3,680 10 4 1,844 11 4 5,563 0 4 20 12 0 Carried forward ... * The following railway lines, erected iy this department: — 1 Miles by the Provincial Government of Canterbury, have, since the date of the last report, bee en taken over Duusandel to Timaru Christchurch to Southbridge ... Christchurch to Amberley Rangiora to Oxford Rolleston to Sheffield 3fLine. Miles of Wire. I Miles of Line. Sd 2 ... 80 Horndon Junction to White Cliffs 12 32 Heathcote Valley to Lyttelton... 25 ... 34 Christchurch to Dunsandei 22 Christchurch to Lyttelton 28 I Heathcote Valley to Lyttelton ... 3 line now dismantled from Stony River, and new one substituted, Vliles of Wire. 12 If 25 3 lit



TABLE H — continued. TOTAL COST of the LINES of TELEGRAPH, &c. — continued.

Section of Line. Length of Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Total Cost of Poles, includnig Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c, including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... Mannkau Heads Line Cambridge to Alexandra, reeonstructiou, 50 miles Maketu to Opotiki Wellington Signal Station Line and Lunatic Asylum Second Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completed from Wanganui to Bull's, 26 miles Poverty Bay Line Kaipara and Bay of Islands Line Masterton to Waipukurau, Third Wire, 115 miles Foxton to Palmerston Fourth Wire, Wellington to Masterton, and Waipukurau to Napier, 102 miles Tokatea Line ... Thames Alteration, includind Pukorokoro Line, 9 miles Second Line, Wanganui to Hawora, 58 miles Second Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completed from Wellington to Otaki and. Bull's to Foxton, 82 miles Fourth Wire, Waipukurau to Porangahau, 18 miles Second Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completion of, 32 mile3 ... Ohinemutu Line Rangiriri to Mercer, reconstruction, 9 miles Hawera to New Plymouth via Mount Egmont Palmerston to Feilding ... Waiwera Line from Warkworth Wellington Pilot Station ... Third Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, 140 miles ... Wellington to Wainui, reconstruction, 127 miles Kawakawa to Mongonui ... Railway Wires, —■ Auckland to Penrose, 8 miles Waipukurau to Kopua New Plymouth to Inglewood, including loop line to Waitara 36 "54 4 107 220 "25 '"4 23 15 0 5,323 6 8 49 9 0 833 17 8 844 7 6 1,959 8 3 62 6 0 54 0 0 3,524 10 0 4,993 15 0 96 5 6 653 12 3 138 7 6 83 1 10 19 7 0 551 0 3 340 5 8 349 5 8 1,238 9 10 90 9 8 385 4 3 5,610 4 0 2,685 16 0 1,542 9 0 283 13 0 932 5 2 27 12 5 420 8 4 693 16 0 2,875 4 4 1,057 15 7 643 4 7 1,301 4 6! 34 18 6 202 16 6: 4,519 6 3 5,256 0 6! 555 6 5 1 241 10 2 677 2 5 91 5 8 811 8 3 211 16 0 1,937 6 5 2,231 18 11 1,836 17 9 4,499 2 7 187 14 2 642 0 9 13,677 15 3 18,258 18 2 2,194 0 11 1,178 15 5 1,747 15 I 201 19 11 1,281 5 7 924 19 0 5,363 11 0 61 19 11 36 14 9 83 6 4 46 18 6 24 13 10 127 1-6 7 82 15 4 19 1 6 47 3 0 17 2 8 50 9 11 142 7 3 15 18 11 65 8 2 321 17 0 216 16 3 354 7 11 893 1 2 49 12 3 "a 187 14 6 9 12 0 328 1 6 109 13 0 976 10 9 21 16 0 1,492 6 9 141 1 0 46 12 8 70 10 6 26 17 6 66 16 3 93 13 9 10 8 2 49 12 25 0 0 1,236 3 6 235 6 0 946 10 4 93 19 0 1,629 10 6 111 3 9 3,837 4 4 440 8 9 78 6 2 36 14 0 16 2 499 6 6 426 1 3 30 10 0 178 3 3 21 4 11 616 19 2 53 4 0 1,720 10 2 104 18 11 107 10 7 52 9 5 172 12 0 1,146 5 8 923 2 1 2,241 19 9 16 0 3 "53 84' 7 9 1,094 15 6 962 16 6 865 6 10 654 2 5 1,138 8 7 1,493 9 2 3,098 10 11 3,194 15 10 24 8 0 60 5 7 19 627" 5 11 33 13 11 143 1 5 43 19 6 247 18 7 77 13 5 1,018 5 11 9 14 2 53 11 10 4 88 16 11 187 19 11 233 10 7 510 7 5 127 11 10 Totals—North Island Totals—South Island 1573 1861 10,251 5 4 19,769 11 11 50,382 14 11 59,219 11 3 46,790 14 0 47,411 9 2 58,655 10 5 55,999 4 3 166,080 4 8 182,399 16 7 *105 14 2 * 98 0 2 No. 1 Cook Strait Cable, including freight from London and expenses of laying No. 2 Cook Strait Cable, including freight from London, expenses of laying, and 8J miles of spare cable, and demurrage of ship "Zealandia" Five miles spare No. 1 Cable, including freight from London 3,434 30,020 17 8 109,602 6 2| 94,202 3 2 114,654 14 8 348,480 1 3 I 1 , 29,864 0 0 13,248 6 8 2,822 4 3 Total expenditure, exclusive of lines in progress 394,414 12 2 I number of miles * Average cost pi of wire, 8,035. Tl ir mile. lis mileage of lini Total number of miles of line, 8/ 134; total in wire is exclusi'e of Canterbury Raibva; wires,


TABLE I. RETURN of the NUMBER and AMOUNT of TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS ISSUED within the several POSTAL DISTRICTS during the Year ended 30th June, 1878.

TABLE K. CASH VALUE of SHIPPING TELEGRAMS, and Amount chargeable to each Department of the General Government for Telegrams transmitted, during the Year ended 30th June, 1878.



District. Number. Commission. Amount. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wellington ... Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth ... Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill ... 1,533 161 433 1,102 2,749 493 256 374 962 576 1,767 2,030 364 £ s. d. 192 14 8 18 0 4 54 13 4 138 9 8 338 7 8 57 7 0 32 12 4 48 3 0 119 0 0 65 4 8 207 19 8 240 8 4 42 4 0 £ s. d. 6,965 16 7 598 14 0 1,982 5 8 5,003 9 6 12,056 2 4 1,962 13 11 1,189 19 5 1,767 0 3 4,254 15 1 2,186 14 11 7,178 11 1 8,335 17 5 1,440 10 3 Total 12,800 1,555 4 8 54,922 10 5

Colonial Secretary Customs Defence Government Annuities ... Judicial Postal Registrar-General Treasury Public Works Shipping Keports Weather Keports £ s. d. 2,376 4 11 768 3 2 2,501 1 5 128 3 9 1,846 19 10 2,239 0 8 321 17 4 846 1 3 5,367 9 5 1,876 2 7 877 8 0 Less amount received in cash from Government Annuities ... 19,148 12 4 128 3 9 Total 19,020 8 7

Db. 'o Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations Total Cost of Maintenance of Lines £ s. d. 69,340 1 8 18,259 4 9 £ s. d. 87,599 6 5 Cit. By Cash Receipts as under: —■ Ordinary and Press Telegrams* Incidental Receipts not included in tables : — Excess on Ordinary Telegrams Amount collected from Government Annuities Department for Telegrams transmitted ... Collections for Copies of Telegrams, &c. Amount collected by Postal Department for Money Order Telegrams Proceeds of Sale of Condemned Line, Horses, Sundry Material, Old Furniture, &c. £ s. d. 73,284 1 10 77 13 3 128 3 9 £ s. d. 16 14 1 640 0 0 537 1 2 Balance—being Receipts in excess of Expenditure Value of General Government Telegrams 74,683 14 1 6,104 16 3 £93,704 2 8 19,020 8 7 £93,704 2 8 * Of this amoui it, £1,007 Is. 5i was collected in postage stanr ps. i.—1878. By Authority: GEOKi E DlUSBUEY, Gi ivcrnment Printer, Wellington 'rice Is.



MAP SHEWING THE LINES OF TELEGRAPH throughout the North Island of New Zealand 1878. A. P. MASON. DEL.

MAP SHEWING THE LINES OF TELEGRAPH throughout the Middle Island of New Zealand 1878. A. P. MASON. DEL.

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TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, F-02

Word Count

TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, F-02

TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, F-02

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