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Return to an Order of the Souse of Representatives dated 31st July, 1878. " That a return be laid upon the Table of all lands that have been proclaimed as under negotiation by Government under 'The Government Native Land Purchases Act, 1877,' specifying in each case the acreage, aa nearly as can bo ascertained, and the amount advanced thereon." — {Mr. Sutton.)

RETURN of all lands that have been proclaimed as under negotiation by Government under "The Government Native Land Purchases Act, 1877;" specifying in each case the acreage, as nearly as can be ascertained, and the amount advanced thereon. Provincial District of Auckland.

District. Name of Block. A Amount Acrea«e- advanced. Date and Number of Gazette. [angonui fhangarei iokianga !aurakiand Coromandel... Murimotu Opuawhango No. 1 No. 2 No. 8 „ No. 4 Otauira, or Motukaraka... Te Tapuwae Piako-VVaitoa ... Waihou West, No. 1 No. 2 ... No. 3 ... TeTaulitiNo. 1 „ No. 2 Te Ruahine No. 1 No. 2 Ahikopc No. 1... Te Nihinihi To Iringopirore Wharekahu Totarapapa Te Kahauiiroi ... Omotai Wbarekawa East No. 1 ... Owhao Te Weiti Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Waikawau and Moehau... Te Onetai Nos. 1 and 2 ... Omahu West ... No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Harataunga Ipuwhakatara ... Owhatarou Nos. 1 and 2 Whitipirorua ... Ruapekapeka ... Horete Nos 1, 2, and 3 ... Pukerangiora, or Ahuroa Mangakirikiri No. 1 No. 3 Te Aroha, Ahirau, or Otautu No. 3 Waokauri Whenuakite No. 2 OteaoNo. 3 ... Manginahao Acres. £ s. d. 2,491 87 10 0 9,450 6,784 1,782 15,157 3 '000 1 100 0 0 8,374 ) iuu o u 200,000 16,139 7 9 1,716 ~| 839 60,000 1,619 450 87 2 *2 r •1,382 15 0 548 557 259 126 33 391 J 10,754 383 0 0 311 49 10 0 6,374 675 0 0 118,802 15,391 13 0 1,496 135 10 0 1,157 ) tit 588 ° ° 390 ) 8,891 171 0 0 1,015 175 0 0 707 175 0 0 1,245 172 10 0 K } «* » o 400 70 0 0 1,680 130 4 0 1,570 71 14 0 62,552 16,631 15 0 3,000 205 0 0 128 20 0 0 6,780 42 10 0 2,500 101 0 0 147 5 0 0 3 3 June, 1 August, 13 June, 16 May, 1878 M .» >> tt tt » 7. tt 56 75 )» }t 56 44 J) )J X it tt j* >t j> it _* 31 » jr j» tt 5, it tt ii it It it tt ,5 It >> tt It tl >> It It >! tl it tt )3 II it )» J! II 5> »,



RETURN of all lands that have been proclaimed as under negotiation by Government under "The Government Native Land Purchases Act, 1877," &c.— continued. PROVINCIAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND — continued.

District. I Name of BlockAcreage. Amount advanced. Date and .Number of Gazette. lokiaiiga and Coromandol — continued. lay of Plenty, Rotorua, and Tanpo Ipu o Moehau ... Tawhitirahi Waitotara Pitoone and Kuaotunu ... Waiharakeke ... Oivnuora No. 2 Karaka South No. 2 TeTipiCoromandel Eoreshore ... ICerita Tautahanga Papatai Obinemuii To Tapatai Kaingaroa East* Rerewhakaitu* Pokohu* Lot 63, Matata Lots 31 to 42 Matata ... Rangiuru Ivaikokopu South North Otamarakau Te Puke Paengaroa Kaituna Parekarangi Te Rau-o-ie-Huia Rotohokahoka ... Opakau Kapcnga Paeroa Tumunui and Ratoroka ... Te Koutu Kotomohana Kaliakaliaroa ... Opureke Puknhunui Heru Iwi TatuaWest Te Hukui Taharua Runanga No. 1 No. 2 Patetcre Pirauau Pirauau-Tuakau No. 1 ... Tuakau „ No. 2 ... Tuuwharepara (including Waiugai,. -iaNo. 2) Taui. i'a-Patiti Pua te i'oku ... Huiarua Matatuotorga ... Ngatawakawaka Pureuiungahua Arakihi Te Marunga* Mangarara No. 2 Tatarahake Takararoa Papavoa Waihora No. 2 Motu... Waikohu-Matawai Te Rangiwhaiao TePohui Mangaorongo ... Wetoa Waingaromia No. 3 Wharekopae ... Waimata North „ East South „ West Mangatokerau ... Te Paritu Acres. 1,769 1,464 224 9,528 8,230 5,093 172 3,940 848 1,098 1,231 454 132,175 4,000 136,000 140,000 100,000 36,260 19,995 40,000 25,000 17,500 27,776 25,972 18,600 6,686 80,000 587 20,000 2,000 20,000 100,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,500 43,051 25,101 35,000 2,358 13,900 42,390 45,100 249,000 4,112 8,540 9,600 1,780 74,190 £ s. d. 6 0 0 173 6 10 20 0 0 47 O 0 394 19 0 120 0 0 55 0 0 394 0 0 140 0 0 74 0 0 307 15 0 69 0 0 14,252 9 6 150 0 0 250 0 0 325 0 0 180 0 0 100 0 0 155 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 953 0 0 1,609 0 0 1,251 10 0 2,558 16 0 16 May, 33 M 33 11 33 3) 25 April, .» 1878 3) 3) ,» 33 3) 33 33 33 3J 3) 33 3) 14 11 35 3) II tl 11 )) 125 0 0 77 0 0 692 0 0 20 0 0 65 0 0 246 16 5 323 10 0 63 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 37 0 0 127 0 0 160 0 0 226 0 0 10 0 0 1,540 0 0 157 0 0 385 0 0 5,044 0 0 14 March, 33 33 33 33 .3 33 33 3) 3) J. 33 21 1} 1} 11 11 ;. 3' 11 33 11 11 14 Eeb., 33 15 25 April, 33 33 35 V aikato last Coast and Poverty Bay 3 2,494 15 8 3) 3> 33 11 ii 1,632 0 0 1. 33 5,923 4,600 39,500 1,385 1,657 2,890 23,705 6,896 154 21 2,707 2,342 16,474 67,982 43,479 583 966 2,000 2,100 5,762 33,738 15,870 10,320 14,400 10,569 6,956 12,142 162 0 0 270 0 0 835 0 0 41 7 1 48 10 4 43 0 0 2,500 0 0 1,121 14 5 374 3 11 6 0 0 50 0 0 34 0 0 494 0 0 3,863 10 5 4,176 9 1 20 0 0 10 0 0 55 0 0 120 0 0 36 16 0 536 0 0 126 0 0 57 0 0 170 0 0 326 0 O 60 0 0 100 0 O 33 il )) 33 33 33 II It 33 )I )3 33 24 Jan., 33 3) 1) 33 It 33 )) 3) tt 33 j; 3) J> 33 It 33 33 »l 31 33 33 )) II 3) * Thci ;e three blocks are described collective!; as " Kaini raroa " in the Gazette.



RETURN of all lands that have been proclaimed as under negotiation by Government under "The Government Native Land Purchases Act, 1877," &c. — continued. PROVINCIAL DISTRICT of AUCKLAND — continued.

District. Name of Block. Acreage. Amount advanced. Date and Number of Gazette. last Coast and Poverty Bay — continued. Waikohu North ... ... 10,000 Maungawaru ... ... ... 15,000 TePapatipu ... ... ... 20,612 Mangaokura ... ... ... 2,800 Aniwaniwa ... ... ... 3,842 TeNgaere ... ... ... 1,406 Ouemahanga ... ... ■•• 1,504 Opouwhetu ... ... ... 1,611 Whakaivonui ... ... ... 2,831 TeAnganga ... ... ... 1,120 TeRoto ... ... ... 1,132 Korakonui ... ... ... 754 llovehore ... ... ... 1,171 Arawhawhati Hikurangi ... 3,778 Tututohora ... ... ... 5,000 Puke-a-Maru ... ... ... 5,000 Matahiia ... ... ... 3,185 Taitai ... ... ... 3,059 Aorangi ... ... ... 3,500 Tauwharetoi ... ... ... 56,680 Tuahu 10,852 Hangaroa, Matawai ... ... 4,200 Whakaongaonga ... ... 18,640 Waihau ... ... ... 13,800 2,680,853 Acres. 10,000 15,000 20,612 2,800 3,842 1,406 1,504 1,611 2,831 1,120 1,132 754 1,171 3,778 5,000 5,000 3,185 3,059 3,500 56,680 10,852 4,200 18,640 13,800 £ s. d. 120 0 0 400 0 0 1 24 Jan., 1878 £ 3 3 1: 9 » ti 33 - 4,132 2 5 33 11 1. it 11 3 a 3) 11 1 a 33 33 J 200 0 0 150 0 0 138 10 10 310 0 0 85 10 10 3» 11 1 a 33 11 1 )> 11 > 33 11 3 11 11 33 11 1 11 jpper Wairoa ♦.. > 12,962 2 7 33 I 11 2,480 2 10 ?aupo... Peovtncial Disteict of "Welli. 2,680,853 if Welli: 125,328 9 11 1TOTON. 14 March, 1878 2 Wairarapa )taki and Manawatu Mohaka ... ... ... 47,000 Mangatainoka-Mohaka ... ... 17,000 Mangatainoka ... ... ... 74,018 Manawatu, Kukutauaki No. 2a ... 12,808 No. 2b ... 12,808 No. 2c ... 12,808 No. 2d ... 12,808 No. 2e ... 12,183 No. 2g ... 800 No. 4_ ... 260 No..7]? ... 83 MuhunoaNo. 1 ... ... 1,110 Ngakaroro No. Ia ... ... 4,400 „ No. 1C 300 Whirokino ... ... ... 5,410 Waha-o-te-Marangai ... ... 1,113 PukehouNo. 4 ... ... 1,000 No. 5a ... ... 5,600 No. 5l ... ... 4,356 Waihoanga No. IB ... ... 460 „ No. 1c ... ... 1,353 „ No. 3c ... ... 1,446 Horowhenua ... ... ... 52,000 OhauNo. 2 ... ... ... 6,360 Tuwhakatupua ... ... 0,231 Aorangi, Middle ... ... 7,105 „ Lower ... ... 4,925 Otamakapua ... ... ■•■ 147,000 Mangoira-Ruahine ... ... 35,660 Rctaruke ... ••• ••• 20,585 Murimotu ... ... ... 300,000 PikoPikoNo. 3 ... ... 1,112 Mangakaretu ... ... •■• 100,000 TeRanga ... ... ... 7,000 Earewarewa ... ■•■ ■■- 1,500 TeNgaue 10,000 Otairi 100,000 47,000 17,000 74,018 12,808 12,808 12,808 12,808 12,183 800 260 83 1,110 4,400 300 5,410 1,113 1,000 5,600 4,356 460 1,353 1,446 52,000 0,360 6,231 7,105 4,925 147,000 35,600 20,585 300,000 1,112 100,000 7,000 1,500 10,000 100,000 863 13 3 140 12 0 1,306 18 6 -\ f- 1,267 S 9 i J 37 2 0 19 0 0 31 9 2 863 8 0 15 0 0 97 4 0 143 2 0 83 0 0 30 12 9 25 O 0 25 0 0 45 0 0 82 0 0 1,114 16 0 39 0 0 529 0 0 505 0 0 243 8 7 3,220 0 0 4,554 14 0 2,422 10 0 1,104 10 0 170 1 0 350 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 203 0 0 7 Feb., 10 Jan., 7 Feb., 10 Jan., " I 33 1 ',', i 21 11 11 31 11 11 11 11 " i 11 7 Feb., 10 Jan., "t i 11 7 Feb., "" ! * 11 33 ) 11 anganui 33 33 3 11 It 24 Jan., 7 Feb., 4 July, 12 July, „ 1 1 „ I 6 „ I 6: 11 65 69 33 3 3 J It 14 Feb., ",t I i 15 1,028,602 19,581 10 0 Peovincial Disteict of Taea: SJAKI. 'atea ... Kaharoa No. 1... ... ... 8,750 TeRahui ... ... ... 7,240 Mangamingi ... ... ... 8,000 Te Ngaere ... ... ... 8,060 1,093 15 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 40 0 0 12 July, 24 Jan., 1878 6! 1 li ' It I n 33 )! 1: ii 32,050 1,533 15 0



RETURN of all lands that have been proclaimed as under negotiation by Government under " The Government Native Land Purchases Act, 1877," &c.— continued. SUMMARY OF TOTALS.

Provincial Districts. Acreage. Amount advanced. mckland Vellington 'aranaki Acres. 2,680,853 1,028,602 32,050 £ s. d. 125,328 9 11 19,581 10 0 1,533 15 0 Total 3,741,505 146,443 14 11 •ice 3d.] By Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—1878.

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Bibliographic details

LANDS PROCLAIMED UNDER "THE GOVERNMENT NATIVE LAND PURCHASES ACT, 1877." (RETURN OF.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, C-05

Word Count

LANDS PROCLAIMED UNDER "THE GOVERNMENT NATIVE LAND PURCHASES ACT, 1877." (RETURN OF.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, C-05

LANDS PROCLAIMED UNDER "THE GOVERNMENT NATIVE LAND PURCHASES ACT, 1877." (RETURN OF.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, C-05

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