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Laid on the Table by the Son. Mr. Sheehan with leave of the House.

No. 1. Mr. Wason, M.H.E., to the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Wobks. Deah Sic, — jr- . „ ',1 p , . rt, h+ Ji Bhal l S'a. d t0 i?^ 11 when, the Promised trial of the Malvern coal take place Tthink the best place to try it would be on the short branch line from White Cliff Junctio^to Suryeyor's a^ance^o^ut^rr^ 110^ Mcßraith ' ™^ of the mine, would afford^™ The Hon. E. Eichardson, Christchurch. J haYe ' fc ATHCABT WaBOn .

No. 2. Mr- Weeet to Mr. Wabnee, Eailway Engineer, Christchurch Mb. Warner,— , " N. W. Weebt.

No. 3. The Eailway Engineeb, Christchurch, to the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Wobks ho,, c. El-™,- Eail^ B%T^;:\^r tch-h ' I have two other kinds of coal for trial besides this, and I purpose making trial of them at once. J. G. Wabneb, Railway Engineer.

No. 4. Mr. "Webby to Mr. Wason, M.H.R. SlB '~ T n , a- +a <- i J Public Works Office, Christchurch, 9th January, 1877. arranged wrth Mr. Mcllmth for a suitable quantity being^ .applied, to enable him to p^oper^ test it samples. r dS °f C°a1 ' aDd pUrp°BeS at °nCe makin S a trial of the yvariou B J. C. Wason, Esq., M.H.E., &c, Christchurch. J haTe'^'V Webb* I—H. 38.


No. 5. J. C. Wason, Esq., M.H.E., to the Hon. the Ministeb for Public Woeks. Sib, — Christchurch Club, Canterbury, New Zealand, 4th April, 1877. During the last session of Parliament I had the honor to move for a Select Committee to inquire as to the expediency of using brown coal upon the Canterbury Eailways. The Committee reported that it was most desirable this brown coal should be used whenever practicable. Mr. Richardson gave a very distinct promise that at any rate the Government would make trial of it. I have already suggested to Mr. Eichardson the expediency of making trial of this coal upon that part of the Canterbury Branch Eailways from Horndon, or late White Cliffs Junction, to White Cliffs, and, although 1 have received repeated assurances that a fair trial would be made of this coal, as yet nothing has been done. I have further to direct your attention to the assurance given by Mr. Eichardson that the terminal charge for loading and unloading coal would be assimilated to those at present prevailing in Otago. I have, &c, J. D. Onnond, Esq. J. Cathcabt Wason.

No. 6. The Hon. the Ministeb for Public Woeks to the Engineeb-in-Chief. Sib,— 9th April, 1877. I communicated with Mr. Eichardson on the subjects Mr. Wason writes about, and find he did make the promises stated. Please instruct that parties wishing to have the Malvern coal tried can do so by sending five tons to the nearest railway, that public notice might be given to this effect, so that it may be generally known by the coal-owners. When tried, the coal should be reported on. Please note what you advise as to terminal charges on coal. I have, &c, The Engineer-in-Chief. J. D. Obmond.

No. 7. The TTndeb Seceetaet, Public "Works, to Mr. J. C. Wason, M.H.B. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 23rd April, 1877. I am directed by the Hon. the Minister for Public Works to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 4th instant, that instructions have been given to the General Manager of the Canterbury Railways to notify to pit-owners the willingness of the Government to test such samples of local coal of five tons and upwards as may be sent to the Manager for that purpose, so soon as the alterations in the locomotives (which the experiments will necessitate) have been made. I enclose a copy of the last Neiv Zealand Gazette, from which you will perceive that your request in reference to the terminal charges on minerals has been also attended to. I have, &c, J. C. Wason, Esq., M.H.E., John Knowles, South Eakaia, Canterbury. Under Secretary for Public Works.

Enclosure in No. 7. [No. 34. Supplement to Neto Zealand Gazette of Thursday, 12th April, 1877.] Bates for Storage and Delivery of Grain at the Gladstone Pier and Lyttelton Railway Sheds, and for Conveyance of Minerals — Amberley to Moeraki Railway, and Branches thereof. In accordance with the By-laws for the New Zealand Railways, fixed by Order in Council dated the 17th day of April, 1877, the following rates for the storage and delivery of grain, an I for the conveyance, loading, and unloading of minerals, are hereby declared to be fixed, and nhall be paid by persons using the railways from this date forward, until altered, on that portion of the railway from Amberley to the Bluff situated between Amberley and Moeraki, and on the branch lines in connection therewith, in substitution of all previous rates for storage and delivery of grain, and tor conveyance, loading, and unloading of minerals, except for the conveyance, loading, and unloading of minerals on the Lyttelton branch.

Table of Bates foe Stobage and Delivery of Gbain fob Ltttelton Station and the Gladstone Pice. For grain not taken delivery of by the consignee within five (5) working hours after arrival (to be £ s. d. kept in the railway wagons or stored at the risk of the consignees or owners, and at the option of the General Manager), for receiving and delivering to the ship, at per ton ... ... 0 2 6 after which, for each week or fraction of a week, a charge for storage will be made, at per ton or fraction of a ton, of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 6 and after three (3) weeks, provided that the consignees or owners, upon demand, fail or neglect to take delivery when required by the General Manager, from the date of such demand a charge will be made per ton or fraction thereof per day or fraction thereof, of ... 002 Demurrage for each truck not unloaded by a consignee or owner of the grain under contract to do so, within eight (8) working hours after arrival, will be charged at the rate of per truck per day or fraction thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Haulage from private store to wharves, at per ton or fraction of a ton ... ... ... 0 0 6




Table of Bates fob the Stoeage and Deliveet of Gbain at all otheb Stations except Ltttelton Station. For grain brought by rail not taken delivery of by the consignees or owners within twelve (12) £ 8. d. working hours after arrival, at per ton or fraction of a ton per day or fraction of a day ... 0 2 0 Demurrage for each truck not unloaded by a consignee or owner of the grain under contract to do so, within twelve (12) working hours after arrival, per day or fraction of a day ... ... 10 0 Table of Eates fob Caebiage, Loading, and Unloading or Minerals (cabeied at Owner's bisk). £ s. d. Minimum charge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 0 For distances not exceeding fifty miles, at per ton per mile ... ... ... ... ... 002 After the first fifty miles, at per ton per mile ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 11 Full trucks charged for, owner loads and unloads. For each loading or unloading done by the railway, 6s. 3d. additional per truck will be charged. Includes: Bones Includes: Iron ore Bricks Limestone Clay Lime, in bulk Coal, minimum per ton 0 2 6 Manures, animal Coal, dross Marble, in rough blocks Coke, double rates Pyrites Copper ore Quartz and quartz tailings Drtiin pipes and tiles Road metal Flagging Sand Granite, rough Ships' ballast Gravel Stone, rough. Any of the above in lots of less than two tons, if in bags or packages, to be as Class B. Fraction of ton as a ton. Fraction of mile as a mile. Dated this 18th day of April, 1877. J. D. Osmond, Minister for Public Works.

No. 8. The Undeb Secbetaet, Public Works, to the Superintending Engineer, Christchurch. (Telegram.) Wellington, 6th August, 1877. Inquiries are being made as to whether you have tried the Canterbury coals, about which Mr. Maxwell sent you a memorandum on 16th April. If so please report, and if not, please enable Minister to explain delay. John Knowles, W. Conyers, Christchurch. Under Secretary for Public Works.

No. 9. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Undeb Secbetabt, Public Works. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 7th August, 1877. Be trial of coal. Instructions were issued to locomotive engineer in April to have the trial made as early as practicable, as the engine selected for the purpose would require several alterations and a special chimney made and fitted. She was taken into the shop for repairs, and would then go out in thorough working order, and would give a more satisfactory trial. Engine now being painted, will be ready this week and the trial made at once, and the result communicated to you. J. Knowles, Esq , Wellington. W. Conybrs.

No. 10. The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. 19th August, 1877. I should like to send ten tons of Sheath's coal to Auckland to be tested there. Will you please authorise £20 for the purpose ? The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. J. Caebuthees. Approved for the Minister. —J. Knowles. —11/10/77.

No. 11. The Engineer-in-Chief to the Superintending Engineer, Christehurch. (Telegram.) Wellington, Hth September, 1877. Be trial of native coal. Wire Engineer-in-Chief results up to date. Please send information before 12 to-day if possible. Matter very urgent. C. T. Benzoni, W. Couyers, Esq., Christchurch. (For Engineer-in-Chief.)



No. 12. The Supeeintendino Engineeb, Christchurch, to the Engineeb-in-Chief. (Telegram). Christchurch, 11th September, 1877. Re native coal trial, Mr. Conyers absent on duty. Have requested Mr. Smith to furnish particulars at once. Will wire you as soon as received. Jno. Menzies, The Engineer-in-Chief. (For Superintending Engineer.)

No. 13. The Engtneer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Woeks. Order Paper of l\th September, 1877. 11th September, 1877. In re Trial of Native Coal on Canterbury Railways. No. 1, Mr. Wason's question: The engine was stated to be ready, all but a little painting, on the Bth August. Sufficient time has hardly elapsed to give correct results yet. In reply to Mr. Wason's question, it might be stated that the Locomotive Engineer has altered the engine, and that reports on the trials are expected early. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. John Carbuthees.

No. 14. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Engineer-in-Chief. (Telegram). Christchurch, 11th September, 1877. Re trial of native coal. Mean consumption of native coal per mile, 8317. Mean cost per mile, 854. Mean for Newcastle coal, 248 and 397. Analysis by first post. The Engineer-in-Chief. J. Menzies.

No. 15. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Engineer-in-Chief. Public Works Office, Christehurch (Constructed Eailways Branch), 12th September, 1877. I have the honor to forward herewith particulars of five trials made by the Locomotive Engineer of the Christchurch Section New Zealand Railways, with a view to testing the economical qualities of the native coal as a fuel for locomotives. The experiments, as will be seen by the table attached, are very unsatisfactory, the mean result being—cost of native coal, 83d. per mile, against 4d. for Newcastle. The engines in use here are, in my opinion, quite unfitted for the burning of native coal, the grates being very limited in area, and the blast proportionately strong. As the question is one of great colonial importance, I would respectfully urge upon the Government the desirability of importing a locomotive built specially for testing the qualities of the native coals. The difference in cost between the special engine and the ordinary one now in use would be trifling, and I believe the result would be satisfactory. I attach herewith a copy of a table of experiments made on the Bluff Harbour and Invercargill Railway on the sth of June, 1868, with coal from the Nightcap, the result comparing favourably with that shown by Mr. Smith. I have, &c, W. Contees, The Engineer-in-Chief, Wellington. Superintending Engineer.

Enclosure 1 in No. 15. The Locomotive Engineer, Christchurch, to the Superintending Engineeb, Christchurch. Sie ,— 11th September, 1877. I have the honor to forward you herewith a statement of trials made on native coal as a fuel for the locomotives on the Christchurch Section of the New Zealand Eailways. The five trials are not the only ones we have had, but are selected as having been made on engines specially altered to suit the draught required. The results have, to my mind, been very unsatisfactory, and a comparison of cost with that of Newcastle coal shows that it would not be economical to use it. No doubt if our engines were specially designed to burn lignite coal, and if the firemen were carefully trained to its use, we should be able to show better results. "We have also tried this coal in the workshops' engine, but the result there shows that we require nearly twice the quantity. I cannot see how native coal can pretend to compete with the present low rate at which we are supplied with Newcastle coal. In conclusion, I must apologize for the delay in rendering this return, and plead as an excuse the great variety and amount of other subjects which have been receiving my attention. 1 have, &c, The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch. Allison D. Smith.



Aliisox D. Smith, Locomotive Engineer.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure 1 in No. 15. ANALYSIS of COST and CONSUMPTION of NATIVE COAL compared with that from Newcastle, N.S.W., as shown by Experiment on the Christchurch Section of the New Zealand Railways.

Name of Owner. Situation of Colliery. a - 9 A -Li -J3 H II a "8 d Steam Pressure per Square Inch. "8 1 1 Time-Sheet Delays (if any). I* I Its. 6 & o w Remarks. Tons. 10 Tons. 105 lbs. 9284 d. 1021 lbs. 210 d. 3.36 3.36 Engine in first-class order, bat unsuited, as it was necessary to carry coal in a truck. These tank engines can never carry a proper supply of native coal. 4- 0 The grate bars of engine were altered to suit this coal, but the result was entirely unsatisfactory. 1 Mr. Jebson Sheffield 20/6 O. 52 Started with 115 lbs., but had to stop continually to blow up fire and supply boiler Started with 120 lbs.; had to stop every 4 miles to blow up fire and supply boiler Wet ... Raining Lost 3 hours in 70 miles' run 2 u ••• j» 20/6 10 J. 20 225 Dry ... Fine ... Lost 3 hours and 15 minutes in a run of 36 miles 82-0 9-02 25-0 4-0 3 Mr. Parker Springfield 120 lbs. ... None 57-0 6-38 3'68 Kept time very well, but considerable time and labour wasted at stations cleaning fires. 3-68 23/6 10 J. 20 217 230 n ,, ... 4 Mr. Sheath Malvern 15/ 10 J. 20 100 Started with 120-lb. pressure, but could not be maintained Lost 10 minutes in 106 miles 590 4-72 210 3'36 With a heavy load it was found impossible to maintain steam. 3-36 )t ,, 5 Mr. Mcllwraith ... CHentuflnel 18/6 10 J. 20 235 Started at 120 lbs. ; had to stop continually to raise pressure and supply boiler Wet ... Boisterous wind Lost 40 minutes in 53 miles 125-0 12-37 34-0 5 "44 Pound impossible to maintain pressure in boiler. Mean . 19/7-2 — 8-54 24-8 I 3-97 ... 176-4 83-17



Enclosure 2 in No. 15. EXPERIMENTS made on the Bluff Harbour and Invercargill Railway with Coal from the Nightcap, 5th June, 1868.

"W. Conyers, Permanent Way and Locomotive Manager.

No. 16. The District Engineer, "Wellington, to the Engineer-in-Chief. Sir,— 17th September, 1877. I would suggest having a more complete report, giving alterations to engines, for comparison with Auckland results, and grades on which trials were made, without which it is of no use trying to make a reliable comparison. In event of more promising results from further trials, the Canterbury owners must be prepared to guarantee supplies at a lower rate than the majority are prepared to supply for, if the use of native coals is to be economical. I have, &c, The Engineer-in-Chief. J. P. Maxwell.

No. 17. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Engineer-in-Chief. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 18th September, 1877. Re coal trial, Class Gr, lOj-inch cylinder, four wheels coupled, double bogie; Class Q-, 14-inch cylinder. The funnel was altered to the tracing supplied for the first experiment, but engine was found to steam better with the straight one, so that form was adopted in the succeeding experiments ; the air-spaces in fire-bars were contracted to $ inch, but some trials were made with the bars rather wider; the road was practically level for the purpose of this experiment, the ruling grade on the main line being 1 in 100, and in the branch 1 in 107. The Engineer-in-Chief. W. Conteks.

No. 18. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Engineeh-in-Chief. (Telegram.) 21st September, 1877. The result of a preliminary trial of Shag Point coal, made yesterday with 14-inch cylinder tender engine is so far very satisfactory. Plenty of steam, no clinkers, and consumption much lower than in previous experiments. "Will report fully after further trials. The Engineer-in-Chief. W. Contehs.

No. 19. Mr. R. J. Underdown to the Railway Manager, Auckland. Trial of Christchurch Coal at Auckland. Sir,— Wellington, 13th October, 1877. I am directed to inform you that ten tons of native Christchurch coal will be sent you, and that it is desired you should give it a careful trial under the same conditions as the Waikato coal, in order to test the relative values, and when you have done so to furnish the Engineer-in-Chief with a detailed statement of the results obtained. Mr. Macdonald, Auckland. R. J. Underdown.

No. 20. The Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, to the Engineer-in-Chief. (Telegram.) Engineer-in-Chief s Office, 15th October, 1877. Re Malvern coal. Have given instructions to forward ten tons Parker, Springfield coal, to address of Storekeeper, C.E., Auckland. John Menzies, The Engineer-in-Chief. (For Superintending Engineer.)

Newcastle Coal. Thompson's Coal. Capt. Howell's Coal. lean temperature of water during experiment... Iconomic value, or lbs. of water evaporated by 1 lb. of coal late of combustion, or lbs. of coal burned per hour, per square foot of fire grate Late of evaporation per square foot of fire grate per hour, in cubic feet of water. 57° 838 39-01 47° 387 8726 50° 467 10123 524 5-42 759



No. 21. The Superintending Engineeb, Christchurch, to the Engineeb-in-Chief. (Telegram.) 15th October, 1877. Me Malvern coal. Since despatch of my telegram of this date, written authority has been received for £20 for purchase of ten tons of Sheath's coal. Locomotive Engineer reports Parker as the best. Please instruct me which to send. John Menzies, The Engineer-in-Chief. (For Superintending Engineer.)

No. 22. The Superintending Engineeb, Christchurch, to the Engineeb-in-Chiep. (Telegram). 24th October, 1877. Be coal from Auckland. Obtained from Parker, Springfield pit. The Engineer-in-Chief. W. Conyebs.

No. 23. Memorandum fob Engineeb-in-Chiep. In re Canterbury Coal. I received the Canterbury coal on November Ist. It was served out to two engines on the 2nd, the Fairlie and a G-wheels coupled. On Sunday, 4th, two trials were made from Auckland to Newcastle. The 9-inch cylinder Fairlie, with a train of two sets of rail trollies (timber trucks), seyen high-sided wagons of sleepers, and van; total weight, 80 tons 8 cwts. Left Auckland 7.50 a.m., arrived at Newcastle 12.41 p.m. The other train was taken by a 6-wheels coupled 10^-ineh cylinder class F engine. Three sets of rail trollies, one high-sided wagon;of fastenings, and van; total weight, 59 tons 19 cwts. Left Auckland 8.20 a.m., arrived at Newcastle 1.6 p.m. I attach tracings of the line as far as Mercer, showing grades, but beyond Mercer, not having a section, I have merely given the distances. In comparing these results with the previous ones sent you of Waikato coal, trial plotted on same section, it must be borne in mind that the class F engine, with Waikato coal, is shown with 10-lb. pressure light. I was incorrectly informed in starting that the gauge was wrong. You have, therefore, to add 10 lbs. to each pressure given with class F engine in Waikato coal trial. The trial of both kinds of coal was made with the same Fairlie, but with different class F engines. The Fairlie had a fine day for the Waikato coal, and 83J tons distributed on a few vehicles, being iron ; but for Canterbury coal a wet misty day, 3 tons less, but more vehicles, having a lot of sleeper wagons. She slipped badly in the bank going out of Auckland yard, the rails being very greasy, and also slipped on the long bank at 2(J miles. The class F had same load within 1 cwt., distributed in same manner in both trials; only slipped in bank at 26 miles. The Fairlie made the trip train—B3 tons 15 cwts., with 20 cwts. Waikato ; 80 tons 8 cwts., with 22 cwts. Canterbury. The class F made the trip train —60 tons, with 12 cwts. Waikato; 59 tons 19 cwts., with 10J cwts. Canterbury. Total distance, 73£ miles. Weight of Coal. Canterbury, 1 cubic yard ... ... ... ... 1,433 lbs. Waikato, 1 ... " ... ... 1,209 „ Difference ... ... ... ... 224 „ Ash in Smoke-Box. lbs. oz. Equal quantities, Canterbury ... ... ... 4 13 „ „ Waikato ... ... ... 2 12 Difference ... ... ... ... 2 1 Its appearance seems to be between our own contract coal, Taupiri Coal Company, and Foote's Miranda coal. It is more lasting than the Waikato, appears to have less smoke ; is heavier, especially the ash. Has more clinker than the Taupiri, about the same as Miranda. The Taupiri, in fact, has seldom any. The Fairlie had about four shovelsf ull of clinker in each fire-box. The class F about five shovelsfull; scarcely any ash in either ash-pan. From this I am led to believe that the Canterbury coal could be burnt with ordinary fire-bars, and perhaps without sparkcatchers. Having one old-style chimney left, I purpose, after the approaching holidays, to replace it on one of the engines, and, with fire-bars separated, by taking out some of them, to have a trial up the bank with a heavy load at night, to see whether many sparks are thrown out. Auckland, 6th November, 1877. A. V. Macdonald.



No. 24. Memobandtjm for the Engineeb-in-Chiep. In re Canterbury Coal. Yestebdat and to-day trials have been made with Canterbury coal to see whether it could be burnt without a spark-catcher and with fire-bars farther apart than with Waikato coal; the result proved that bars -| in. apart could be used, but that spark-catcher and cooling apparatus was necessary. In putting on spark-catchers it has to be remembered that they lessen the steaming capabilities, and therefore that the blast should be sharpened a little; our blasts have an -y-in. ring on them. Our engines steam well with the Canterbury coal. Auckland, 20th November, 1877. A. V. Macdonald.

No. 25. The Engineee-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Works. In re Canterbury Brown Coal. (Memorandum.) The experiments made in Canterbury to ascertain whether the native brown coal could be burned in the locomotives in use on that line were so unexpectedly adverse to the coal that I had ten tons sent to Auckland to be tried there by Mr. Macdonald, who has now had considerable experience in the use of a similar quantity of brown coal in the locomotives of the Auckland and Newcastle Eailway. The result is contained in the two reports herewith, dated 6th and 20th November. Mr. Macdonald finds no difficulty iv using the coal or in keeping up steam with it on very much heavier gradients than obtain on the Canterbury lines. He finds it somewhat better than the Waikato coal, which is the only coal in use on the Auckland Eailway. The result of a year's working shows that the class of engine (6-wheeled coupled, lO^-in. cylinder) burns 23 lbs. of Waikato coal per mile; the same engines burn 15 lbs. of Newcastle coal per mile. Roughly speaking, 1 ton of Newcastle coal is equal for steaming purposes to 1| tons of Waikato; but, as the men get more accustomed to the brown coal, the apparent difference will decrease, the management of the fire being of more importance with the inferior coal. The same class of engine burned only 16 lbs. of Canterbury coal per mile during Mr. Macdonald's experiment against 18 lbs. of Waikato. The heavy Fairlie engine burnt 33J lbs. of Canterbury against 30j lbs. of Waikato, but the weather was against the Canterbury coal in the trial, as the rails were greasy and the wheels slipped badly, thus wasting steam. On the whole I consider the result of Mr. Macdonald's experiments so satisfactory that I think Canterbury coal should be brought into use on the railway wherever it can be procured at a cost not greater than from 55 to 60 per cent, of the cost of Newcastle. This must be done gradually, as it takes time to teach the firemen the proper way of using the coal, and to overcome their conservative prejudices against it. The locomotives were furnished with large fire-grates for the express purpose of using an inferior coal, and no alteration is necessary beyond that of furnishing a spark-bonnet and putting the fire-bars at a proper distance apart. The cooling apparatus fitted by Mr. Passmore to the ash-pans should also be used. The cost of the alterations would be about £35 per engine. Public Works Office, Wellington, John Cabbuthebs. 30th November, 1877.

By Authority : Geor&e Didsbfry, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB77.

Price 6d.]

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NEW ZEALAND COAL AS FUEL FOR LOCOMOTIVES (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE TRIAL OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, H-38

Word Count

NEW ZEALAND COAL AS FUEL FOR LOCOMOTIVES (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE TRIAL OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, H-38

NEW ZEALAND COAL AS FUEL FOR LOCOMOTIVES (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE TRIAL OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, H-38

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