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Presented to both Somes of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Office of the Commissioner of Telegraphs, My Lord,— 20th August, 1877. I have the honor to submit to your Lordship a Report as to the operations of the Telegraph Department of New Zealand, during the year ended 30th June, 1877, being the Thirteenth Annual Report of the Department. I have, &c, Geo. McLean, Commissioner of Telegraphs. His Excellency the Most Honorable the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., Governor of New Zealand.

REPORT. The total earnings of the department for the year 1876-77, exclusive of the value of General Government telegrams, amount to £65,644 15s. 3d., being £2,929 4s. lid. in excess of the receipts of last year. This amount is £1,355 4s. 9d. less than the estimate, which was set down at £67,000, a circumstance, however, fully accounted for by the fact that no stations of importance have during the year been opened which have proved any great sources of revenue. The number of telegrams transmitted during the year was J ,124,432, being an increase over the previous year of 73,343. Comparing this increase with that of the increase of the year 1875-76 over the year 1874-75, it will be seen that the increased number transmitted falls short by some 60,612. Taking into account the value of the General Government telegrams, the total earnings of the department for the year amounted to £82,669 45., and, as will be seen on reference to the debtor and creditor statement, this exceeds the expenditure in maintenance of lines and stations by £1,384 ss. 2d. The cost of maintenance of stations for the year was £63,353 10s. lOd, and of lines £17,931 Bs. The former item shows an increased expenditure over the previous year of £1,656 16s. 5d., and the latter a decrease of £3,143 os. Bd. The number of telegrams transmitted during the year, as compared with the number of letters posted during the same period, shows that 2029 telegrams were sent for every 100 letters. The comparative number for the previous year was 22-21. The proportion for the present year is therefore somewhat less, but the fact that the number of letters shows an increase of 809,047 has to be taken into consideration. The number of money-order telegrams sent during the year was 12,336, representing a value of £55,322 2s. 6d., being an increase of 1,624 messages, and £6,333 ss. 3d., as compared with the previous year. The commission collected by the Post Office on these transactions amounts to £1,554 12s. Bd.; and after deducting £616 165., due to the Telegraph Department as fees on telegrams, there remains to the credit of the Post Office £937 16s. Bd., being within a fraction of V 7 per cent, upon the total amount transmitted. Upon reference to Table C, it will be seen that the largest number of orders were issued in Dunedin, Wellington coming next, and Auckland and Christchurch third in point of numbers; but Auckland's transactions exceeded those of Christchurch by more than £1,500. During the year, 105 miles of line, carrying 176 miles of wire, have been erected. The number of stations open to the public on the 30th June was 155, 15 of which were opened during the past year, 7 being in the North Island and 8 in the South Island. The cost per mile for maintenance of line was £5 12s. lid., the extent of line maintained being 3,174 miles (85 miles line not included in Maintenance Table—see foot-note, Table G). On the 30th June, 1877, 3,259 miles of line, carrying 7,423 miles of wire, were in circuit, showing an increased mileage upon the previous year of line, 105 miles; and wire, 176. I—E. 2.



Owing to the numerous demands made to the department for establishing telegraph stations, as -well as the constantly increasing work, it is found necessary to keep a class of cadets constantly in training. This accounts for the increased nominal strength of the department, which at the 30th June, 1877, was Gl2, as compared with 567 of the previous year. Since the date of the last report the new offices at Dunedin have been completed, and afford the greatest satisfaction. It was found necessary to make additions to the Head Office of the department, as well as to the Wellington instrument room. A large and commodious clearinghouse has been erected, affording the greatest convenience for the proper checking of the accounts. A new office for the General Manager has been added, as also a workshop for the mechanician. The old clearing-house has been converted into an instrument gallery, and will afford sufficient accommodation for eight additional instruments. Since the date of the last report, the duplex system of telegraphy has been further extended between Christchurch and Dunedin, Government Buildings and Blenheim, and Blenheim and Dunedin. This latter section is about 500 miles in length, and is one of the longest circuits upon ■which the system has yet been tried without translation. The Government Buildings and Blenheim duplex is worked on the No. 2 Cook Strait cable, thus giving the three wires of No. 1 for the work of commerce. On the 2nd November, 1876, the Blenheim office was totally destroyed by fire. By the strenuous exertions of the officers comprising the staff, all the instruments of value were saved, and the wires joined through until temporary accommodation could be obtained. Little delay was experienced. Temporary offices are still occupied until the completion of new office, for which tenders have been let. Arrangements are now being made for taking over the whole of the railway telegraphs hitherto worked by the late Provincial Government of Canterbury. At every railway telegraph station telegrams will be accepted from the public for transmission, and at every railway station adjacent to a telegraph station (as in the case of Timaru) telegrams will be received from the public and forwarded to the telegraph office proper for transmission. The details of working of railway wires so as to prove of the greatest advantage to both departments, without impairing the efficiency of either, are now under consideration. Appended to the report are plans showing the various telegraphic circuits, as also maps showing the geographical position of the various telegraph stations throughout the colony. The following line, which was in course of construction at the date of the last report, has been completed:— Hawera to New Plymouth. Since the date of the last report this line has been completed throughout, and has since its completion maintained good electrical condition. The direct communication thus established with New Plymouth proves of great advantage to that town, as well as to the colony generally. The total cost of the line is shown in Table K. LINES AND WORKS PROJECTED AND FINISHED DURING- THE YEAR. Reefton to Westport. This line, which was completed on the 19th June last, is 50 miles in length, 28 miles being new line, and the remaining 22 miles, from the junction of the Inangahua and Buller Rivers to Reefton, the wire is carried along the poles carrying the Reefton and Lyell line. This line will now render that section of line between Westport and Brighton, which has proved very expensive to maintain, useless; and, as the work performed of late years by the Brighton office has been of trifling importance, it is proposed to dismantle that section and close the office at Brighton. This will effect a very considerable saving to the department. The poles on this line are sawn from heart of totara, and for the better protection of the line an extra bush clearing of one chain wide has been made throughout. More than ordinary expense has been incurred in the construction of this line, owing to the rough nature of the country, the expense of delivering material, and the rocky nature of the country making it difficult to sink holes. The cost of this line is shown in Table K. Palmerston North to Feilding. This line was completed and an office opened at Feilding on the 28th March, 1877. The line follows the railway line for its whole distance. The bush has been cleared to a sufficient extent on either side to insure the line against the probability of injury by falling trees. The cost of this line, which is 12 miles in length, is shown in Table K. Waiwera Line from Warkworth. A substantial guarantee having been offered for the establishment of a telegraph station at Waiwera, it was decided to extend communication to that place. The line, which is 16 miles in length, was completed and an office opened at Waiwera on the sth February, 1877. This station will doubtless prove a source of very great convenience to many of the business people and residents of Auckland, who spend several days during the summer months at the Hot Springs at Waiwera. LINES AND WORKS IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. Kawakawa to Mongonui. From Kawakawa to a point known as the Black Bridge, a distance of 11 miles, the ■wire will run on the poles carrying the Ohaeawai and Hokiauga wire. The general direction of



the line will then be from the Black Bridge, crossing the Kerikeri River by the Upper Falls, thence across the Waipapa Stream to Kukuparere, thence down the Kaeo Valley to the head of the navigation of the Kaeo Stream. From this point a loop-line of about 6 miles in length will require to be erected, to connect the Whangaroa Township. Leaving Kaeo the main line will run under Taratara Hill, through the Waihapu settlement, and by the north side of Omaiiti across to the island in Mongonui Harbour, thence round the western side of the harbour to Mongonui Township. The total length of line from Black Bridge, including loop to Whangaroa is 53 miles. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIKS. RIVERTON TO BALCLUTHA. In July last the line between Invercargill and Winton received an overhaul, and the whole of the section extending from Invercargill to Dunedin was gone over by the repairing party; all broken insulators were replaced, and every necessary repair effected. Near Mataura it was found necessary to shift about 1| miles of line from town sections to the main road. The section between Clinton, Tapanui, and Switzers has also been overhauled, but no repairs of any importance were found necessary. Balclutha to Waitaki. This section has been overhauled, broken insulators being replaced and other minor repairs effected. A new line has been erected on Waitaki Bridge, superseding the old one, which consisted of a few long spans supported by ordinary poles, bolted to piles driven into the river-bed. This alteration will prove advantageous, as it places the line thoroughly safe in the time of floods, as well as giving it a neat and uniform appearance. The wires passing through the Dunedin Botanical Gardens have been heightened by the erection of 30-feet poles. Between Palmerston and Clyde the line has been examined, and sundry alterations and improvements effected. At the exposed parts, where the line is liable to sustain injury from snow, the spans have been shortened, and at the Kyeburn and Manuherikia Rivers precautionary measures have been taken to guard against interruption in the event of floods. ToKOMAIRIRO TO QuEENSTOWN. The whole of this section has been gone over, and some alterations made. In and about Lawrence one mile of line was shifted to the line of the streets. Between Lawrence and Alexandra several new poles have been inserted where the angular nature of the line rendered such necessary. Owing to the use of iron poles for nearly the whole of the distance between Queenstown and Lawrence, the casualties on that section are not numerous. The whole of the lines south of Waitaki are now in thorough repair and first-class working order. Christchurch to Hokitika and Greymouth. This section has during the year received a thorough overhaul, and all necessary repairs effected. At the Ashburton and Rangitata rivers, improvements have been made at the former by fixing the wires to the bridge, which insures greater safety to the line, and facilitates repairs. At the Rangitata four groups of tubes, carrying poles, have been inserted at the crossing. This precautionary work was rendered necessary by the shifting of streams, and the need of shortening spans, which were formerly too long to carry with safety the number of wires at that particular point. Between the Christchurch Telegraph Station and Railway Station two wires have been erected in readiness to connect with the railway telegraph system generally, when the amalgamation already referred to has been effected. Blenheim to White's Bay. Upon this section a fourth wire was erected to meet the second Cook Strait cable, and the line was then strengthened throughout. Three miles of wire which had become corroded by proximity to the sea were replaced. Greymouth to Reefton. The number of interruptions on this section caused through falling timber, owing to the original bush-clearing not being of sufficient width, necessitated further clearing, and all timber liable to endanger the line has been removed. Where the line does not follow the dray road, the track made along the line for purposes of maintenance has at several points been repaired. Reefton to Lyell. On this section stouter poles have been erected at most of the angles, and at such points where the wires were carried on trees they have been removed to totara poles. Wellington to New Plymouth. This section has during the year received attention. Between Wellington and Wanganui the line is now receiving a thorough overhaul, and all necessary repairs are being effected. The advantage of removing the line inland between Paikakariki and Otaki, thereby removing it from the influences of the sea, has, during the past year, been amply proved. Upon this


section, since the date of the last report, stations have been established at Feilding, Waitotara, Sanson, and Mauutahi, the three latter of which are guaranteed stations. Owing to the increasing business on this line it will be necessary during the coming year to run an additional wire between Wellington and Wanganui. Wellington to Napier. Between Waipukurau and Wainui on this section a working party has carefully examined the line, removing all decayed poles and arms, and replacing broken insulators. The section throughout is in good working order. Napier to Grahamstown. No casualties of any importance upon this section have occurred during the year. The line has been carefully examined throughout; and between Tauranga and Opotiki, and Tauranga and Grahamstown Swamp, tracks have been improved and repaired, and culverts renewed on those portions of the track made by the department for the purposes of maintenance. The section is now in good order. Auckland Lines. All lines in the Provincial District of Auckland have, during the year, with few exceptions, maintained their usual good working order. On the Manukau Heads line a large swamp has been fascined and rendered passable for linemen. Between Newcastle and Hamilton the insulation has been renewed throughout, and at Rangiriri poles have been strengthened where disturbed by the flooding of the Waikato River. During the year the Onehunga line has been seen to; and the sections between Auckland and Drury, and Drury and Mercer, have been overhauled, all broken insulators being replaced, and any other necessary repairs effected. All other lines in this district have been examined, and repairs and alterations made where found necessary. The turrets at the River Thames have been placed in good repair, one being entirely rebuilt. On the section between Aucklaud and Hokianga, at all long spans the wire has been carried on single arms, and fern and scrub cleared away from poles. Crossings at various creeks on this line have been made, swamps fascined, and culverts laid, which measures will now render the whole section easy of inspection. The cost of maintenance of this and other sections throughout the colony is shown in Table G. Cook Strait Cables. No. 1 Cable. —Since the date of the last report, this cable has been in constant and uninterrupted working order. On reference to the record of tests shown in Table 11, it will be seen that Nos. 1 and 3 wires are in good electrical condition ; while No. 2 wire maintains its usual low standard. This wire, however, lias never given such good results when tested as the other wires in the cable since it was first submerged. No. 2 Cable. —This cable, referred to in the last year's report, arrived per ship " Zealandia,'* in September, 1876. Owing to the absence from Sydney of the cable ship engaged repairing the Port Darwin and Java cable, the cable could not be removed from the " Zealaudia" until the arrival of the cable ship " Agnes " early in November, and thus a large liability for demurrage became due. An order was sent to England for an additional 1\ miles " shore end/ as the original order had not been adhered to. This arrived per " Adamant" in the latter part of February, 1877. In the meantime that portion which arrived per " Zealandia" had been laid, and the shore end was taken out by the " Agnes " and joined, and the laying completed in March, 1877. This cable gives very satisfactory results, as will be seen on reference to the tests shown in Table I. The original contract for the cable was obtained and also manufactured by the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, London, and that for the additional 7\ miles of heavier type for shore end (subsequently ordered) by Messrs. Siemens Brothers, London. Electrical tests were taken both before and after submergence, and both types gave results considerably above the stipulated electrical standard. The department takes this opportunity of thankfully acknowledging the valuable services and assistance rendered by Mr. W. Grigor Taylor, Electrician and Superintendent of the Australian and New Zealand cable, who tested the cable on behalf of the New Zealand Government, and superintended the laying; of Captain Sims, the commander of the cable ship "Agnes ;" and of Pilot Holmes, who navigated the vessel during the laying of the cable. SCHEDULE OF TABLES. Table A.—Cash Revenue and Expenditure, Signals Department. „ B.—Number of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. „ C. —Number of Telegraph Money Orders issued. „ D. —Value of Government Telegrams. ~ E.— Comparative Quarterly Return, years ending June 1876 and 1877. „ F. —Annu«l Comparative Progress of the Department. „ d. —Cost of Maintenance of Lines. „ Jl.—lnsulation Tests, Cook Strait Cable. „ I.—lnsulation Tests, No. 2 Cook Strait Cable. „ X.—Total Cost of Lines. „ L.—Debtor and Creditor Statement.




TABLES REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING REPORT. TABLE A. CASH REVENUE derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages; Value of General Government Messages; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station; and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Tear ended 30th June, 1877.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private, Value of Press, and General GovernProvincial ment Messages. Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Total T , , S<™»« Numlrof General Messages Amount Paid for Contingencies. Salaries. Total Cost of Maintenance of each Station. Head Office Abbotsford Almura Akaroa Alexandra, Auckland Alexandra, Otago Ambcrlcy £ s. d. 23 18 4 217 4 8 314 4 0 £ s. d. 0 5 0 46 14 2 31 10 7 £ s. d. 24 3 4 263 18 10 348 15 1 418 3,210 4,306 5 558 401 423 3,763 4,707 £ s. d 3,201 0 9 60 0 0 227 19 4 171 5 0 s s. a. 623 12 7 31 3 4 11 14 2 23 11 11 £ s. a. 3,887 13 4 91 3 4 239 13 6 194 16 11 Arrow Ashburton* Auckland Bulclutha Bealey Blenheim Blueskin Bluff Brighton* Bulb Cambridge Cartcrton Castlepoint* Caversham Charleston Cheviot Chriatchurch Clinton* Clyde* Coromandel Cromwell Drury Dunedin Dunedin North... Dunedin Railway Station Dunsandel Edendalo Feilding Featherstou Foxhill* Foxton Geraldine Gisborno Goro Government Buildings Grahamstown ... Grey mouth Greytown Hamilton Hampden Hastings, Hawke's Bay Hastings,* Auckland Havelock Hawera Holcnsvillc Herbert Hokianga* Hokitika Hurunui Hutt Invercargill Kaiapoi Kaikoura Kaitangata Kakanui Katikati Kawakawa Kekerangu* Kurnara Lawrence Leithfield Longbush Lyell Ly ttelton ilaketu Malvern* Manukau Heads* llamitahi 92 7 2 87 16 10 2 14 8 158 2 3 292 16 11 5,387 0 7 339 18 0 44 15 10 5G6 10 1 54 12 7 400 14 2 13 13 7 297 8 11 236 14 6 109 5 3 52 0 10 26 0 5 128 6 2 77 15 4 5,374 11 3 103 19 5 159 2 0 263 11 2 273 5 3 27 15 6 7,565 0 7 233 1 2 138 15 2 11 15 9 0 6 3 12 14 2 30 4 0 1,201 10 10 28 11 8 41 6 5 133 18 5 3 12 4 176 18 8 0 4 1 28 6 5 70 10 4 12 0 3 30 10 2 15 4 12 15 11 3 3 5 819 16 6 14 13 10 24 2 0 36 6 11 20 15 5 6 18 7 1,121 12 1 11 17 8 231 2 4 99 12 7 3 0 11 170 16 5 323 0 11 6,588 17 5 368 9 8 89 2 3 700 8 6 58 4 11 577 12 10 13 17 8 325 15 4 307 10 10 121 5 6 82 11 0 27 5 9 141 2 1 80 18 9 6,194 7 9 118 13 3 183 4 0 299 18 1 294 0 8 34 14 1 8,686 12 8 244 18 10 1,614 1,468 50 2,300 4,752 73,899 5,688 682 7,223 900 6,607 222 4,712 3,549 1,800 838 464 2,122 111 64,095 1,657 2,317 5,436 3,917 470 98,861 3,981 634 126 3 154 435 10,363 362 6(52 1,575 43 2,221 4 336 765 134 385 20 215 41 6,919 172 286 562 270 50 9,161 182 2,248 1,594 53 2,454 5,187 81,262 6,050 1,344 8,798 943 8,828 226 5,048 4,314 1,934 1,223 484 2,337 818 71,014 1,829 2,603 5,998 4,187 520 108,025 4,163 168 10 0 109 3 4 8 6 8 182 10 0 230 16 8 2,752 18 0 274 3 4 236 13 4 3,113 6 1 110 0 0 500 7 11 125 0 0 151 15 0 189 11 8 115 10 0 130 0 0 60 0 0 190 11 8 90 0 0 3,885 0 3 227 10 0 130 8 4 191 11 8 212 7 0 105 8 4 3,894 0 3 246 16 8 20 17 11 24 12 8 9 18 6 27 2- 4 36 19 10 203 6 1 51 15 2 13 14 4 637 13 5 24 5 8 54 19 1 29 8 2 22 19 6 28 18 11 15 13 4 44 3 8 4 0 8 32 10 8 8 9 5 519 19 9 16 16 8 31 7 8 44 4 9 39 19 2 16 12 3 331 14 10 69 19 5 189 7 11 133 16 0 18 5 2 209 12 4 267 16 6 2,956 4 1 325 18 6 250 7 8 3,750 19 6 134 5 8 555 7 0 154 8 2 174 14 6 218 10 7 131 3 4 174 3 8 64 0 8 223 2 4 98 9 5 4,405 0 0 244 6 8 161 16 0 238 16 5 252 6 2 122 0 7 4,225 15 1 316 16 1 2 10 39 5 1 52 19 1 38 10 6 177 16 9 25 8 3 262 17 10 118 6 4 671 18 6 119 17 8 42 1 10 16 16 2 4 12 1 4 3 11 34 1 4 2 14 7 96 8 10 9 9 9 265 2 11 11 8 4 44 2 10 56 1 3 57 11 2 42 14 5 211 18 1 28 2 10 359 6 8 127 16 1 937 1 5 131 6 0 36 685 839 638 2,989 405 4,325 1,898 9,167 1,981 412 209 65 53 422 26 1,033 111 2,746 149 448 894 904 691 3,411 431 5,358 2,009 11,913 2,130 112 18 4 15 0 0 33 1 8 142 1 8 119 3 4 254 1 8 140 0 0 369 3 4 102 10 0 19 19 9 4 9 8 83 14 10 26 4 9 23 7 0 31 13 0 17 16 2 63 16 6 30 17 8 132 18 1 19 9 8 116 16 6 168 6 5 142 10 4 285 14 8 157 16 2 432 19 10 133 7 8 740 10 4 1,422 2 9 1,884 8 11 304 19 3 394 17 3 108 1 6 3,141 16 7 158 15 10 319 18 5 21 13 2 86 11 6 15 16 3 3,882 6 11 1,580 18 7 2,204 7 4 326 12 5 481 8 9 123 17 9 10,681 19,718 25,294 4,332 5,236 1,695 24,816 1,409 3,303 303 959 186 35,497 21,127 28,597 4,635 6,195 1,881 367 9 10 1,148 0 0 1,375 5 11 354 6 4 190 6 8 119 11 8 44 14 7 64 18 8 353 10 3 61 2 3 58 5 9 35 13 8 412 4 5 1,212 18 8 1,728 16 2 415 8 7 248 12 5 155 5 4 99 18 3 17 13 2 117 11 5 1,535 132 1,667 75 16 8 15 8 4 91 5 0 15 12 0 185 18 3 201 3 8 88 6 10 46 17 9 125 1 5 1,950 16 2 79 6 7 65 3 9 1,383 18 9 221 18 6 142 1 10 47 1 7 98 5 6 20 0 5 144 19 7 23 1 4 550 19 9 327 6 6 69 1 4 38 11 4 160 11 8 927 18 9 47 4 4 38 18 7 30 16 3 4 10 2 0 8 2; 19 4 11 56 3 1 22 14 5 8 18 0 66 8 10 594 2 8 3 9 4 4 17 5 275 6 0 21 0 5 57 12 11 2 6 11 3 13 10 5 7 10 53 13 3 2 4 3 40 18 4 37 9 1 5 17 4 0 18 0 20 15 5 291 1 9 92 16 5 6 11 1 53 0 9 0 3 3 16 0 2 205 3 2 257 6 9 111 1 3 55 15 9 191 10 3 2,544 18 10 82 15 11 70 1 2 1,659 4 9 242 18 11 199 14 9 49 8 6 101 19 4 25 8 3 198 12 10 25 5 7 597 18 1 364 15 7 74 18 8 39 9 4 181 7 1 1,219 0 6 140 0 9 45 9 8 83 17 0 4 13 5 260 3,084 3,222 1,348 803 1,504 25,361 1,189 1,110 18,089 3,255 2,172 764 1,517 318 2,205 370 8,585 5,241 1,118 666 2,344 15,713 747 628 530 71 7 285 613 212 107 734 4,981 48 65 2,842 240 862 39 47 47 850 37 656 436 61 17 285 4,576 535 65 950 1 267 3,369 3,835 1,560 910 2,238 30,342 1,237 1,175 20,931 3,495 3,034 803 1,561 365 3,055 407 9,241 5,677 1,179 683 2,629 20,289 1,282 693 1,480 72 140 0 0 161 5 0 100 0 0 107 10 0 114 11 8 114 11 8 945 16 7 102 10 0 163 8 4 838 5 0 171 13 4 123 16 8 65 0 0 154 11 8 105 16 8 124 11 8 124 11 8 241 5 2 159 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 122 10 0 556 1 1 150 16 8 140 0 0 140 0 0 20 16 8 50 17 10 18 12 0 22 10 8 10 1 2 20 11 2 12 5 8 287 3 9 4 15 8 20 6 2 150 0 10 54 10 7 13 11 8 41 19 9 9 5 8 81 17 8 10 3 2 8 2 8 127 0 8 47 1 8 16 5 8 6 6 0 95 18 0 103 16 6 74 4 2 11 11 8 11 14 8 41 19 10 190 17 10 179 17 0 122 10 8 117 11 2 135 2 10 126 17 4 1,233 0 4 107 5 8 183 14 6 988 5 10 226 3 11 137 8 4 106 19 9 163 17 4 190 14 4 134 14 10 132 14 4 368 5 10 206 1 8 116 5 8 106 6 0 218 8 0 659 17 7 225 0 .1.0 151 11 8 151 14 8 05 10 G *Op icratoi'; alsi Lineman. 2■E. 2.



TABLE A — continued. Cxvsn Eetenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages, Ac. — contin ued. Kame of Station. \ Total Cash Revenue derived from Private, Press, end Provincial Government Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total T . , Number of -^ , Total Total Value Private, dumber Number of of'Mesaages of Press, and n . Messages all Codes. Provincial r «i «t of °Z2%? =- | *Cod~ Amount Paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of eacli Station. Mju-ton Masterton Mataura* Mercer Mosgic-1 Motueka Napier Naseby Nelson Newcastle Newmarket New Plymoi 111 ... Oamaru Ohaeawai Onehunga Ophir* Opotiki* Opunake* Otago Heads Otaliuliu Otaki* Outram Oxford Palmerslon Palmerston North Patea Picton Porangaliau* Port Chalmers ... Pukorokoro* Quecnstown Eakaia Eangiora Beettoo ... Eiohmond* Eiverhead Riverton Eoss Eotorua* Eoxburgh* Eussell Sanson Southbridge Spit St. BatWs ... Stirling Tapanui Tarawera* Taupo* Tauranga Te A vvamut u* ... Temuka Ximarn Tokatea Tokomairiro Top House* Tnrakina tipper Hutt Waiau Waihola Waikaia Waikouaiti Waimate Wainui* Waipawa Waipu* Waipukurau Wairoa WftitaJu Wiiitotara Waiuku Waiwera Wakapuaka Wanganui Warkworth Waverluy Wellington West port Whaiigurei ■While's Bay* ... Winton* £ B. d. 251 0 0 527 11 1 97 16 11 98 0 1 71 11 2 109 10 9 2,043 10 6 220 3 9 2,086 8 1 175 15 7 30 17 9 83L 16 0 1,939 19 1 59 7 7 183 10 0 67 18 4 139 4 7 20 IS 6 32 19 6 38 17 0 00 4 2 45 3 8 46 10 9 293 14 7 359 5 4 310 18 9 269 8 9 94 15 3 413 9 3 10 11 1 382 13 8 98 3 0 136 19 6 924 7 8 68 12 8 20 3 0 2C6 5 5 163 15 4 110 1 0 96 15 0 192 12 2 6 5 9 109 111 481 18 7 66 1 5 19 7 168 12 11 29 6 7 95 6 8 451 8 G 70 14 11 217 3 4 1,854 15 6 61 12 4 280 11 8 15 13 7 71 17 4 126 17 8 143 16 2 36 17 8 66 15 5 145 0 6 387 10 2 29 17 5 216 6 1 35 4 6 243 10 9 199 19 G 30 12 8 G5 12 11 12 5 7 42 1 3 790 2 9 1,6G9 12 3 60 0 0 110 12 6 5,251 6 9 827 10 7 132 15 3 £ s. d. 30 12 3 50 16 9 12 ]9 7| 15 19 4 7 2 c; n l 7 573 15 3 48 3 6 488 2 10 73 19 7! 5 6 2 271 17 5 277 9 9 15 7 10 78 19 1 5 ]8 9 84 10 11 33 1G 10 13 8 2 16 7 10 12 4 3 1 10 3 5 0 28 17 3 54 5 5 121 8 6 74 7 5: 14 19 10: 357 18 6 5 2 4 46 7 8 9 4 1 5 14 4 82 ]9 11 3 14 11 2 19 10 25 10 1 11 2 2 111 9 1 30 11 4 72 17 5 1 2 11 8 12 1 122 14 0 5 10 4 1 18 0 12 15 8 14 11 9 147 13 11 316 16 5 12 8 4 28 12 6 242 19 7 20 0 5 31 7 7 0 4 1 6 19 10 11 2 11 23 15 0 2 17 1 6 10 11 13 1 7 36 3 11 0 2 9 29 18 4 1 11 8 65 4 1 57 12 1 7 3 6 6 7 3 0 17 8 114 0 9 11 277 16 2 G 6 7 G 11 7 1,991 12 1 278 9 5 42 8 9 £ 8. d. 281 12 3 578 7 10 110 16 G 113 19 5 78 13 8 120 12 4 2,617 5 I 208 7 3 2,574 10 11 249 15 2 35 17 11 1,103 13 5 2,217 8 10 74 15 5 202 9 1 73 17 1 223 15 6 GO 15 4 34 3 2 41 13 7 70 10 n 48 5 (■ 49 15 9 3?2 11 10 413 10 « 432 7 3 343 1G 2 109 15 1 SOI 7 9 15 16 5 429 0 11 107 7 1 142 13 10 1,007 7 7 72 7 7 23 2 10 292 1 C 174 17 C 221 10 1 127 G 4 265 9 7 7 8 8 117 14 0 604 12 7 71 11 9 3 7 7 181 8 7 43 18 4 243 0 7 768 4 11 83 3 3 245 15 10 2,097 15 1 81 12 9 311 19 3 15 17 8 78 17 2 138 0 7 167 11 2 39 14 9 73 6 4 158 2 ] 423 14 1 30 0 2 246 4 5 36 16 2 308 15 4 257 11 7 37 10 2 72 0 2 13 3 3 43 2 7 790 12 8 1,01-7 8 5 66 6 7 117 4 1 7,242 18 10 1,100 0 0 175 4 0 3,557 7.0G8 l,67i 1,661 1,223 1,900 23,729 3,140 29,32G 2,791 495 10,085 21,084 926 3,216 1,118 2,143 417 599 062 1,076 779 768 4,793 5,335 4,463 4,280 1,313 8,741 154 5,087 1,651 2,300 12,280 1,162 335 4,052 2,533 1,659 1,620 3,10-1 93 1,784 7,556 1,057 29 2,596 465 1,396 6,590 1,130 3,635 23,537 1,059 4,651 231 1,189 2,183 1,891 649 1,046 2,481 5,671 437 3,521 597 3,381 3,347 504 1,075 203 659 9,648 23,088 916 1,864 129,111 10,211 1,770 402 574 181 165 86 137 5,132 659 5,576 546 49 2,918 3,452 92 1,252 85 SI 8 476 21 35 82 40 27 338 614 1,082 1,128 . 107 6,199 27 539 125 89 1,155 55 35 416 155 679 493 1,006 15 101 1,931 86 31 159 145 1,365 2,926 150 323 3,084 341 361 2 91 148 207 39 88 178 514 2 354 22 691 564 68 68 10 11 4 3,136 63 88 20,020 3,407 577 3,959 7,642 1,855 1,826 1,309 2,046 28,861 3,799 34,902 3,337 544 13,003 27,536 1,018 4,498 1,203 2,961 893 G20 697 1,158 825 795 5,131 5,949 5,545 5,408 1,420 14,940 181 5,626 1,776 2,389 13,435 1,207 370 4,468 2,688 2,338 2,113 4,170 108 1,883 9,487 1,113 50 2,755 610 2,761 9,516 1,280 3,958 26,621 1,400 5,012 233 1,280 2,331 2,098 688 1,134 2,659 6,185 439 3,875 G19 4,072 3,911 572 1,143 213 670 9,652 26,224 1.009 1^952 149,731 13,61s" 2,347 £ a. d. 154 11 8 210 2 8 226 13 4 L84 11 8 128 11 8 110 11 8 1,850 9 8 101 11 8 1,530 19 ll' 185 11 8 18 0 0491 0 8 614 19 5 9f5 13 4 233 16 3 129 11 8 162 10 0 140 0 0 40 0 0 217 19 7 125 0 0 71 13 4 131 10 0 26G 16 8 20 J. 11 8 200 16 8 186 0 0 124 11 8 482 10 8 140 0 0 210 16 8 101 11 9 142 1 8 329 11 8 17G 5 0 102 10 0 280 14 11 189 11 8 152 10 0 233 6 8 142 10 0 11 5 0 109 0 0 302 3 4 95 0 0 I i i £ a. d. 87 9 6 65 18 9 11 10 9 13 13 11 7 6 5 10 7 8 193 8 6 37 6 8 155 10 10 38 15 1 27 11 2 81 18 10 105 0 0 9 1G 8 26 9 2 9 9 2 13 14 8 28 5 8 15 8 2 90 9 0 10 5 8 42 8 11 62 17 11 42 10 8 30 5 6 60 15 6 42 18 6 10 9 8 32 12 4 9 17 2 45 14 3 33 2 11 19 15 11 137 4 4 22 11 11 0 3 8 33 5 6 47 12 8 33 19 10 15 12 2 25 10 ] 47 5 8 19 5 2 36 1 9 18 5 10 3 18 0 34 7 5 24 15 8 34 16 2 40 1G 0 32 3 10 33 3 2 185 12 7 23 13 5 25 13 5 1G 17 0 29 G 8 46 17 10 11 19 2 21 8 8 52 3 8 31 9 1 63 11 4 7 5 8 21 12 4 39 6 8 45 13 11 7 3 8 10 0 8 102 12 2 27 19 0 17 15 10 383 1 0 115 14 10 21 1 2 27 0 8 323 11 1 121 12 4 21 12 2 17 8 0 14 2 11 £ s. A. 242 1 2 27G 1 5 238 4 1 .148 5 7 135 18 1 150 19 4 2,0-1-8 18 2 141 18 4 1,636 16 9 221 G 9 45 11 2 573 5 6 720 5 5 106 10 0 260 5 5 139 0 10 176 4 8 168 5 8 55 8 2 308 8 7 135 5 8 114 2 3 194 7 11 309 7 4 3C0 17 2 321 12 2 228 18 6 135 1 4 515 9 0 149 17 2 256 10 11 137 14 8 161 17 7 466 16 0 198 16 11 103 13 8 320 0 5 237 4 4 18G 9 10 248 18 10 168 0 1 58 10 8 128 5 2 338 5 1 113 5 10 3 18 0 160 19 1 164 15 8 162 G 2 375 16 0 236 5 6 317 9 10 841 0 11 150 15 I 223 3 5 136 17 0 179 10 0 146 17 10 117 7 6 81 8 8 144 3 8 206 0 9 322 3 0 146 17 4 185 14 0 151 0 0 158 3 11 167 3 8 70 0 8 175 2 2 37 10 8 56 2 6 6S0 19 4 1,006 19 10 133 19 0 130 7 4 4,960 4 9 455 17 4 166 3 10 152 8 0 154 2 11 126 11 8 140 0 0 127 10 0 335 0 0 204 1 8 284 0 8 655 8 4 127 1 8 197 10 0 120 0 0 150 3 4 100 0 ( 105 8 4 00 0 0 92 0 0 174 11 8 258 11 & 139 11 8 104 1 S 111 13 4 112 10 0 160 0 (i 60 0 0 72 10 0 9 11 8 38 6 8 297 18 4 891 5 0 112 18 4 103 6 8 4 ; G36 13 8 334 5 0 144 11 8 135 0 0 140 0 0 96 12 1 10 15 2 107" 7 3 i,608 160 1^708 Totals G4,5G0 15 7 tl7,100 13 S 63,353 10 10 81,061 9 4 952,283 172,159 1,121,432 54,011 11 0 9,311 1G 10 * Operator; alsi Lineman, f From this ami >uut £76 5s. t< be deduct ■d, being cash received from Government Annuities Department


TABLE B. Number of Interprovincial Letters forwarded during the Year ended 31st December, 1876; Number of Telegrams despatched in each Province during tho Year ended 30th June, 1877; and proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters ; together with a similar Return for the previous Year.

1876-77. 1873-76. 187-1-75. 1873-7-1. 1872-73. 1871-72. 1870-71. 1869-70. 1368-60. 13G7-CS. Total number of Letters ... 6,51-0,920 4,731,873 4,059,517 3,209,837 2,878,372 2,418,021 2,626,947 2,374,060 2,749,488 1,933,578 Total number of Tdegranw ... 1,124,432 1,051,080 917,128 752,899 568,900 411,677 312,874 185,423 146,167 106,104 Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters ... 2029 2221 2259 2345 1976 1702 11-91 781 6-12 547

TABLE C. RETURN of the NUMBER and AMOUNT of TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS ISSUED within the several POSTAL DISTRUCTS during the Year ended 30th June, 1877.

TABLE D. CASH VALUE of Shipping Telegrams and Amount chargeable to each Department of the General Government for Telegrams transmitted during the Year ended 30th June, 1877.


1876-77. 1875-76. K umber of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Wellington ilarlborough kelson Canterbury (Vestlaud )Uge Southland f avvke's Bay Daranaki Auckland 926,387 143,719 237,257 1.170.0SS 280,730 1,319,753 230,200 262,023 101,300 8G2,203 260,449 21,016 57,055 157,143 90,700 223,615 38,533 65,645 23,348 180,028 28-11 14-62 24-04 1335 323 16-94 16-73 24-99 23 04 21-07 817,348 124,634 217,650 877,558 250.931 1,169,431 211,929 218,520 84,623 759,219 227,350 21,598 63,233 119,764 68,021 223,185 41,752 41,484 37,614 177,079 27-81 1732 29-04 1706 27-1 19-08 19-7 18-98 44-44 2332

District. Number. Commission. Amount. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wellington ... ' Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth ,.. Ilokitika Chris tchnroh Dunedin luvcreargill ... 1,G37 157 339 1,077 2,309 361 333 367 788 603 3,G37 2,356 372 £ s. d. 218 10 4 18 3 8 43 12 4 142 3 8 287 2 4 41 14 4 40 10 4 4G 13 8 102 14 8 71 16 4 191 17 0 S02 1G 0 43 12 0 S s. d. 8,058 3 9 Gil 16 0 1,550 IS 3 5,238 19 7 10,212 13 11 1,570 14 10 1,414 8 8 1,663 17 4 3,687 17 0 2,387 5 6 6,488 13 7 10,95G 11 31 1,450 2 2 Total 12,330 1,554 12 8 55,322 2 6

Colonial Secretary Customs Defence Government Annuities ... Judicial Postal Registrar-General Shipping Reports ... ... Treasury Weather Reports Works £ s. a. 2,005 10 9 521 17 0 2,330 5 0 220 9 0 1,730 12 0 2,192 10 0 81 7 0 1,362 11 0 1,362 8 0 940 2 0 4,353 2 0 Less amount paid by Government Annuities ... 17,100 13 9 76 5 0 Total 17,024 8 9


TABLE E. ORDINARY, PRESS, and PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TE LEGRAMS despatched during each Quarter of the Years ended 30th June, 1876 and 1877 respectively, and the Revenue derived from each Class. 1875-76.



September Quarter. Deceml ier Quarter. March Quarter. June Quarter. Totals. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 178,689 12,150 16 6 13,142 2 7 13,924 18 3 15,013 15 5 811,533 54,231 12 9 )rdinary Telegrams 196,005 210,400 226,439 'ress Telegrams ... 15,543 2,313 12 6 14,617 1,808 14 1 15,023 1,314 6 1 18,083 1,496 12 10 63,266 6,933 5 6 'rovineial Government Telegrams ... 3,467 365 2 6 3,639 368 3 0 4,079 38S 5 2 4,398 429 1 5 15,583 1,550 12 1 r I Totals ... 197,699 14,829 11 6 214,261 15,318 19 8 890,382 229,502 15,627 9 6 248,920 16,939 9 8 62,715 10 4

September Quarter. Decei iber Quarter. Man :h Quarter. Jun< Quarter. 'otals. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue derived. £ s. d. 217,573 £ s. d. 226,151 £ 8. d. £ s. a. 868,606 £ b. d. Ordinary Telegrams 197,156 13,168 6 10 14,442 13 8 14,878 16 6 227,726 14,910 1 5 57,399 18 5 Press Telegrams ... 18,282 2,049 9 1 16,985 1,441 12 9 21,181 1,457 11 9 19,345 1,385 18 11 75,793 6,334 12 6 Provincial Government Telegrams ... 4,515 478 11 0 3,3G9 347 13 8 7,884 826 4 8 ' Totals ... 237,927 16,232 0 1 247,332 16,336 8 3 247,071 219,953 15,696 6 11 16,296 0 4 952,283 64,560 15 7



TABLE F. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Progress of the TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, and 1877.

iU S 2 S OS C C 3 HOC 111 >H 03 . — c 3 p. a ■p »p SBS ° <D ° O J «J 53 to* 3 to G to .3 '■« .9 '■+^ 3 '-12 3 I S 000 ° <D U O — -j O CD s| s © © © 'all to co m a a a 2 s 2 R I=l f1! §g g g §SII 3□ p a _£ S ® S» a'ca'&'S aa a a ft h h h 1111 1.8.U Ills uu v v ©© © © ■*- ,j -*j -m bo to to be aa o a "43 Ifl U3 '43 3a B 3 BiOibPi aa a a Oo O O oo v o S£ 2 S © 0> 03 O rl T3 "^ "^ 'Ti O OJ O O o c; « o tf S 3 3 n3 t3 n3 T3 OJ O CJ On 3 n3 t; nd <D © O O 5 2S ° m «i m ?? a) 0) o ,3? fill oo c o QD bo tfl bfl C 3 E d d O It 1) CJ 'al'ai aa a a 2222 ;_ _

Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. Revenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages, and Incidental Receipts. Year ended Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. of Stations open. General Government. Total. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Business done during the Year. Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Cost of Maintenance of Lines. Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per mile. Tariff in Operation. Private, Press, and Provincial Government. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. 30Ui June, 186(5 699 1,390 13 24,761 2,476 27,237 5,561 19 2 483 3 2 6,045 2 4 3,934 3 4 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 3 3 9 10 „ 1867 757 1,498 21 55,621 15,331 70,952 9,070 10 1 3,770 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 14 7 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 3 7 1 Mileage tariff. „ 1868 1,110 2,223 31 72,241 26,244 98,485 11,652 3 7 6,672 0 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 10 5,406 7 3 14,896 5 1 4 17 4 „ 1869 „ 1870 „ 1871 1,329 1,661 *1,976 2,495 2,897 3,247 45 56 72 106,070 122,545 253,582 50,097 62,878 59,292 156,157 185,423 312,874 18,520 10 4 17,218 1 4 22,419 8 8 13,430 11 9 12,252 6 0 9,876 17 6 31,951 2 1 29,470 7 4 32,296 6 2 14,266 12 7 16,417 7 4 21,254 4 3 8,547 4 9 14,120 4 10 11,344 3 8 22,813 17 4 30,537 12 2 32,598 7 11 6 S 6 8 9 11 5 19 6 Mileage tariff in operation up to 1st Sept., 1869; uniform 2s. 6d. tariff from 1st Sept., 1869, to 31st March, 1870; and Is. tariff from 1st April, 1870. » 1872 ta,i86 3,823 81 344,524 67,243 411,767 28,121 10 0 11,043 3 9 39,164 13 9 23,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 32,452 9 4 4 2 3 n 1873 J2.356 4,574 93 485,507 83,453 568,960 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 0 50,786 0 9 27,040 18 10 9,479 5 4 36,520 4 2 4 1 11 „ 1874 §2,530 5,782 105 645,067 107,832 752,899 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 15,021 17 11 53,823 17 3 6 3 11 From 1st November, 1873, address and signature given in free. „ 1875 ||2,98G 6,626 127 786,237 130,891 917,128 55,301 12 3 13,679 10 9 68,981 3 0 45,814 11 4 14,240 19 7 60,055 10 11 4 16 4 „ 1876 T3,154 7,247 142 890,382 160,704 1,051,086 62,715 10 4 16,154 6 0 78,869 16 4 61,696 14 5 21,074 8 8 82,771 3 1 5 18 10 „ 1877 **3,259 7,423 155 952,283 172,159 1,124,432 65,644 15 3 17,024 8 9 82,669 4 0 63,353 10 10 17,931 8 0 81,284. 18 10 5 12 11

E— 2

5 I S3 C 3 'to* <v 1 a I feO g o •2 is | 1 c o S loci IT! So'™ ■IJ'S =S2'S » fl ° o S « 111 * § _o 03 Oi -3 a _6p M I I I s I M g o CD 3 a H i

TABLE G. COST of MAINTENANCE of Telegraph Lines for the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1877.


Section. No. of Miles. Salaries of Linemen and Inspectors. Travelling Expenses of Linemen and Inspectors. Extra Labour. Cost of Material used for Repairs. Total Cost of Maintenance. Cost per Mile. Riverton to Balclutha, including Winton and Switzer's Line 200 £ e. d. 283 6 8 £ s. d. 213 1 3 £ s. d. 70 5 10 £ s. d. 12 3 8 £ s. d. 578 17 5 £ e. d. 2 17 10 Tokomairiro to QuoenBtown 140 440 8 4 241 17 6 47 5 0 38 15 10 768 6 8 5 9 9 Balclutha to Waitaki, including Naseby, Ophir, St. Eathan's, Kaitangata, Outram, and Otago Heads Lines 293 527 1 8 227 12 7 237 1 1 77 12 8 1,069 8 0 3 12 11 Waitaki to Christchurch, including Akaroa, G-eraldine, Lyttelton, and Oxford Lines 231 384 3 4 197 2 9 147 11 2 11G 8 6 845 5 9 3 13 2 Christchurch to Greymouth, including Ross Line from Hokitika 196 496 1 0 488 S 9 298 11 1 160 17 9 1,443 18 7 7 7 4 Greymoutli to Westport, including Reefton and Lyell Lines 149 280 16 8 563 12 9 252 17 8 33 14 0 1,131 1 1 7 11 9 Christchurch. to Blenheim, including Eangiora Line, 8 miles^Southbridge Line, 30 miles, and Waiau Line, 37 miles 283 887 14 0 352 5 6 1G3 19 8 123 18 2 1,527 17 4 5 7 11 Blenheim to Nelson, including White's Bay Line ■92 270 0 0 325 1 6 125 4 7 52 4 4 772 10 5 8 7 11 Nelson to Lyell, including Motueka Line 150 221 5 0 241 14 7 61 14 8 34 9 4 559 3 7 3 14 6 Wellington to Opunake and New Plymouth, including Line to Palmerston North from Foxton, 25 miles, and from Palmerston to Feilding, 12 miles 279 501 5 0 526 18 6 430 9 2 133 19 3 1,592 11 11 5 14 1 Wellington to Napier ... 221 486 2 3 343 4 7 140 12 0 126 S 4 1,096 7 2 4 19 2 Napier to Tauranga, including Gisborne and Opotiki Lines 361 696 12 4 551 9 4 407 2 11 35 13 9 1,690 18 4 4 8 1 Tauranga to Grahamstown ... ... ... ... 73 629 3 4 336 7 4 525 6 11 308 G 9 1,799 4 4 24 12 11 Auckland to Coromandel and Alexandra, including Manukau, Tokatea, and Waiwera Lines ... ... ... 28G 704 11 8 636 10 9 358 13 6 80 3 4 1,785 19 3 6 4 10 Auckland to Bay of Islands and Hokianga 220 • 575 9 4 609 13 1 G7 12 2 17 3 7 1,269 18 2 5 15 5 Totals 3,174. *5 12 11 7,384 0 7 5,855 0 9 3,334 7 5 1,357 19 3 17,931 8 0



TABLE H. INSULATION TESTS of the COOK STRAIT CABLE for the Years ended 30th June, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, and 1877 respectively, showing the Resistance per knot after Two Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance).

TABLE I. INSULATION TESTS of SECOND COOK STRAIT CABLE for the Year ended 30th June, 1877, showing the Resistance per knot after two Minutes' Electrification in Megohms (British Association Units of Resistance). LENGTH of CABLE LAID — 44.315 KNOTS.

Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. I I I I I 1867— Sept. 1 Sept. 30 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Nov. 14 Dec. 2 473 634 547 598 574 608 71 102 179 32-6 106 10-5 534 634 620 667 643 709 1869— Nov. 8 Dec. 3 582 638 5 25 1,253 1,159 1871— April 24 May 23 June 24 Julyt ... Aug. 25 Sept. 25 Oct.f ... Nov. 23 Dec. 28 508 489 717 1-85 2-08 1-28 1,003 955 1,288 1872— Not. 20 Dec. 30 763 867 208 220 1,556 1,561 1874— May 23 June 27 July 24 Aug. 29 Sept. 24 Oct. 26 Nov. 24 Dee. 23 1875— Jan. 23 Feb. 23 March 24 April 23 May 22 June 24 July 24 Aug. 24 Sept. 24 Oct. 23 Nov. 24 Dec.J ... 551 607 682 771 643 944 849 650 398-0 96-1 75 '530 69 28 18 84 1,115 1,227 1,365 1,564 1,483 1,928 1,882 1,060 1876— Jan. 30 Feb. 24 March 24 April 24 May 11 May 24 June 26 July 24 Aug. 21 Sept. 25 Oct. 24 Nov. 24 Dec. 23 291 407 445 355 308 407 333 398 354 380 575 620 370 •649 2-886 •623 •154 •385 •736 •199 •178 •166 •274 3-095 •151 •357 584 680 715 436 379 524 416 493 490 475 843 786 460 1868— June 7* Sept. 11 Sept. 17 1869— March 27 April 19 May 11 May 17 June 22 July 27 Aug. 24 Sept. 27 Oct.f ... 930 630 697 5-5 225 635 1,094 946 1,000 1870— Jan. 22 Feb. 22 March 18 March 20 April 26 May 31 June 26 July 16 Aug. 16 Sept. 17 Oct. 20 Nov. 21 Dec. 21 526 417 442 344 430 456 355 517 473 508 471 505 480 2 3 3-4 3-06 86 •446 23 ■393 1-7 8-7 5-5 10-2 77 865 707 967 G19 812 871 622 893 763 1,108 1,069 1,149 1,121 1872— Jan. 27 Feb. 27 March 31 April 25 May 28 June 22 July 23 Aug. 19 Sept.t ... Oct. 22 751 517 641 570 1-36 1-31 265 998 1,444 1,123 1,481 1,079 1873— Jan. 24 Feb. 24 March 25 April 23 May 23 June 23 July 24 Aug. 23 Sept. 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 22 Dec. 24 642 578 611 585 505 611 628 717 609 569 695 554 103 181 24-8 21-0 29-7 50-0 61-3 68-3 57-2 1821 34,7-5 389'5 1,307 1,271 1,420 1,272 1,231 1,203 1,159 1,564 1,193 1,214 1,429 1,312 883 764 719 636 712 562 749 679 812 602 622 94 44 30-4 37 -G 41-7 41-9 165161" 187205" 1,695 1,274 1,277 1,139 1,274 1,064 1,453 1,251 1,781 1,264 1,391 467 483 562 531 522 649 667 754 26 30 31 14 15 9 7 13 729 748 950 963 931 1,104 1,200 1,275 579 596 676 553 649 687 826 818 8-29 9.5 185 391 44-4 496 056 88-5 981 1,073 938 979 1,173 1.116 1,476 1,735 1877— Jan. 24 Feb. 24 March 24 April 24 May 24 June 23 313 347 584 379 363 396 ■130 •365 ■826 •313 ■222 •211 3G0 418 717 545 386 432 1871— Jan. 21 Feb. 21 March 23 574 565 497 6-7 20 239 1,312 1,173 1,166 1874— J:m. 24 Feb. 24 March 25 April 24 592 551 559 579 3143 280-7 371-5 356-4 1,43S 1,217 1,106 1,303 709 173 1,331 ... ... ... ... * This t« ist was taken ■ith zinc to earth; all the other3 with copper to em th. f No tests taken. t Cable broken.

Dielectric Resistance per Knot. Copper Resistance per Knot in Ohms. Inductive Capacity per Knot in Microfarads. Date. Remarks. Five Cells. Fifty Cells. 1877 — March April May June 12 24 24 24 23 3,341 4,000 2,870 2,141 2,857 2,347 2,674 11-5085 ■3385 •3351 First test taken immediately after laj'ing. 2,689


TABLE K. TOTAL COST of the LINES of TELEGRAPH throughout New Zealand and of the Cook Strait Cable.

« a Purchased from Southland Government, b Includes £450, purchase of Lyttelton Line, c Approximate cost, d Approximate cost of poles, &c. c Purchased from private firm, f Purchased from Canterbury Government, g Purchased from Otago Government ; total cost includes £2,047 18s. lOd. for new material.


Section of Line. Length of Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Cost of Wire, Total Coat of Arms, Poles, including Insulators, &c, Delivery. including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. Riverton to Inyercargill ... Bluff to Invercargill Invercargill to Mataura ... Mataura to Waitaki ... ... Waitaki to Hurunui Hurunui to Nelson White's Bay Line Port Chalmers Line Christchureh to Greymouth Greymouth to Westport... Blenheim to Woodend, reconstruction (including White's Bay Line), 191 miles Palmerston to Naseby Tokomairiro to Queenstown Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Third AVire from Dunedin to Oamaru (including loop line to Kakanui, 4 miles), 94 miles Christchurch to Ilokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles Christclmrch to Akaroa ... Nelson to Motueka Greyinouth to Reefton ... Leithfield to Waiau Invercargill to Winton ... Ilokitika to Ross Kaiapoi to Rangiora Grejmouth to Westport, reconstruction, 67 miles Invercargill to Balcluthn, reconstruction, 70 miles Ilavelock to Nelson, reconstruction, 25 miles Third Wire, Oamaru to Christchureh, 161 miles Second Wire, Christchurch to Hokitika, 146 miles Second and Third Wires, Ilokitika to Greymouth, GO miles ... Fourth Wire, Palmers ton toDunedin, 33 miles Recfton to Lyell Tapanui and Switzer's Line, from Clinton Fourth Wire, Blenheim to Christchurch (completed from Christchurch to Leithfield), 29 miles ... Nascby to Clyde Lino Southbridgo Lino Cargill's Line from Roxburgh Geraldine Lino from Temuka Fourth and Fifth Wires, Christchurch to Bluff (completed from Christchurch to Dunedin find from Bluff to Clinton), 307 miles ... Christchurch to Ilokitika, reconstruction, 140 miles Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Greymouth to Ilokitika, reconstruction, 30 miles Blenheim to Christchurch, reconstruction, 206 miles Nelson to Lyell... Second Wire, Greymouth to Lyell, 82 miles Fourth and Fifth Wires, Christchurch to Dunedin, and Third and Fourth Wires, Dunedin to Bluff, completion of (79 miles double wire) ... Second Wire, Tokomairiro to Lawrence, 34 miles Otago Heads Line ICaitangata Line Rangiora to Oxford Outram Lino Reef ton to Wcstport Railway Wires, — Dunedin to Tokomairiro, 33 miles Ilampden to Waitaki, 35 miles ... 24 19 32 189 218 241 7 8 176 67 £ s. d. £ s. d. 547 2 10 £ s. a. 96 10 11 £ s. d. 262 12 7 812 15 6 469 11 0 1,720 13 3 3,760 19 0 3,661 6 0 503 12 C 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 3,019 17 9 £ s. d. 906 6 4 812 15 6 2,407 12 4 13,108 19 0 13,743 1 2 14,057 6 7 503 12 6 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 7,002 17 0 £ s. d. 37 15 3 a42 15 6 75 4 9 69 7 0 J63 0 7 c58 6 0 dil 18 11 elOO 0 0 /21 12 9 104 10 5 1,199 0 0 8,353 18 0 6,554 8 8 5,213 14 0 739 1 4 3,034. 7 9 3,427 13 6 3,953 3 4 1,229 3 a l,95l' 7 6 1,07016 5 960 15 4 100 0 0 5,13G 12 5 754 14 10 2,022 15 4 217 2 2 3,484 12 0 435 19 9 4,432 1 4 10,743 19 9 1,437 16 9 4,432 1 4 55 7 7 26 12 G #31 13 2 "54, 140 2,247 3 10 2,247 3 10 16 1 0 4 2G4 12 0 830 16 11 426 15 9 1,522 4 8 16 3 10 50 32 50 37 14 20 8 65 10 0 10 10 0 2,649 0 0 1,881 16 5 805 2 6 872 13 2 1,440 14 0 801 12 4 295 2 0 172 12 6 207 0 0 416 13 5 721 5 8 375 5 8 1,101 6 7 688 2 5 156 4 11 208 11 f, 48 2 8 873 12 11 817 18 5 321 11 2 1,795 9 11 847 4 G 209 1 0 200 12 6 37 17 6 3,202 2 9 2,409 16 7 1,580 0 0 6,9SG 10 6 2,336 19 3 660 7 11 982 19 6 293 0 2 21 18 8 48 3 11 49 7 6 139 14 7 63 3 2 47 3 5 49 2 11 36 12 6 401 3 0 675 14 3 G9 16 0 1,216 9 1 1,962 0 1 29 5 8 1,221 3 0 113 15 5 70G 12 3 2,041 11 5 29 3 3 379 18 6 17 15 0 144 5 2 541 18 8 21 13 G 93G 2 10 1,935 7 2 1,077 10 8 3,919 0 8 24 1G G 290 6 0 1,286 7 0 518 13 6 2,095 6 G 14 7 0 499 7 0 216 2 5 715 9 5 11 18 5 32 3,863 3 G 15 0 0 898 5 6 335 11 3 799 15 9 212 13 10 503 11 0 5G3 5 1 6,004 15 9 17 1 4 189 10 5 48 615 13 4 669 9 5 393 13 4 1,678 16 1 34 19 6 56 30 2 12 2,351 10 3 649 9 2 16 4 0 30 11 9 286 9 7 3,311 11 G 353 8 0 157 1 0 324 1 10 131 17 6 632 19 9 217 6 10 24 0 10 33 17 3 418 7 1 6,296 1 G 1,220 4 0 197 5 10 388 10 10 14 8 6 112 8 7 40 14 8 98 12 11 32 7 6 1,041 7 8 6,339 19 6 1,768 14 10 9,150 2 0 29 16 1 2,610 0 G 252 11 0 462 2 0 1,294 5 3 4,618 18 9 31 12 8 685 8 0 41 12 9 110 15 0 837 15 9 5 19 8 1,181 9 0 789 19 1 451 6 5 1,757 9 1 4,180 3 7 139 6 9 118 101 18 1 4,210 5 8 1,099 17 6 5,429 8 3 1,885 12 3 2,649 19 1 1,645 9 7 2,435 2 9 4,732 17 5 14,724 15 9 22 19 5 124 15 8 405 7 6 654 1 0 619 5 4 1,678 13 10 20 9 5 150 12 0 405 11 2 539 3 7 1,095 6 9 13 17 3 14 G 21 7 28 20 0 0 345 10 6 184 16 2 663 14 10 151 4 8 G02 7 0 37 8 5 174 15 3 73 6 10 197 7 5 55 0 6 502 17 7 137 6 1 374 0 2 139 19 1 95 14 11 92 4 4 636 1 10 194 14 6 894 5 11 398 2 1 956 17 2 298 9 6 2,931 3 5 5 14 6 63 17 6 66 7 0 45 11 3 42 12 9 104 13 8 1,189 17 C 104 12 2 66 0 0 522 2 9 190 12 4 231 9 10 135 11 10 858 4 9 392 4 2 26 0 1 11 4 1 Totals, South Island 1,764 19,503 7 6 55,614 7 9 43,861 11 4 52,991 15 1 172.0G1 1 8 97 10


Total number of miles of Line, 3,259. Total number of miles of Wire, 7,423. * This line now dismantled from Stony River, and new one substituted. t Average cost per mile, 3—F. 2.


_E K — continued. Tota: Cos 1 of the Li: res of Telegraph, &o.— continued. Section of Line. Length of Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Cosl of Wire, ! Total Cost of | Arms, Poles, including Insulators, &c, Delivery. including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. Lyell's Bay to Wellington Wellington to Patea Wellington to Masterton Masterton to Castlepoint... Castlepoint to Porangahau Porangahau to Napier Napier to Tauranga Auckland to Alexandra ... Auckland to Newcastle, reconstruction, 70 miles (including new line from Hamilton to Cambridge, 12 miles) Mercer to Thames, including four towers for spanning Thames and Piako Rivers... Second Wire from Napier to Tauranga, 200 miles Tauranga to Katikati Katikati to Qraliamstown Third Wire from Auckland to Mercer, 40 miles Third Wire from Auckland to Grahamstown, 76 milea Third Wire from Wellington to Masterton, 60 miles ; from Nnpier to Waipukurau, 42 miles Grahamstown to Coromandel Patea to New Plymouth, 90 miles ; less 28 miles not yet erected Onehunga to Junction, reconstruction, 5 miles ... Third Wire, Napier to Q-rahamstown, 270 miles Manukau Heads Line Cambridge to Alexandra, reconstruction, f>0 miles Maketu to Opotiki Wellington Signal Station Line and Lunatic Asylum Second Wire,"Wellington to Wanganui, completed from Wanganui to Bull's, 26 miles Poverty Bay Line Kaipara and Bay of Islands Line ... Masterton to Waipukurau, Third Wire, 115 miles Foxton to Palmerston Fourth Wire, Wellington to Masterton, and Waipukurau to Napier, 102 miles Tokotea Line ... Thames Alteration, including Pukorokoro Line, 9 miles Second Wire, Wanganui to Hawera, 58 miles Second Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completed from Wellington to Otaki and Bull's to Foxton, 82 miles Fourth Wire, Waipukurau to Porangahau, 18 miles Second Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completion of, 32 miles Ohinernutu Line Rangiriri to Mercer, reconstruction, 9 miles Hawera to New Plymouth via Mount Egmont Palmerston to Fielding ... Waiwera Line from Warkworth ... Railway Wires, — Auckland to Penrose, 8 miles ... 4 180 60 36 53 68 200 152 £ s. d. ... 67 18 6 264 4 6 22 15 1 176 9 4 74 0 0 153 18 6 :1. £ s. d. 123 5 0 6 4,647 12 7 £ s. d. 104 6 0 2,315 9 5 839 4 4 388 18 6 722 18 6 918 9 8 5.76S 13 7 £ s. d. 57 15 0 3,062 11 9 2,357 6 3 1,267 9 ] 1,105 16 10 1,252 10 2 5,767 18 5 8,256 0 0 £ s. d. 285 6 0 10,093 ]2 3 3,460 15 1 1,679 2 8 4,367 14 8 4,704 15 4 21,090 3 0 3,256 0 0 £ s. d. 71 6 0 56 1 6 57 18 4 46 19 6 82 8 2 69 3 9 105 9 0 21 8 5 6 1 1 4 2,362 10 0 0 2,459 15 6 6 9,404 12 6 12 1,393 14 6 841 15 9 1,453 3 8 3,688 13 11 44 19 8 36 2,158 8 10 1,386 13 10 1,492 7 5 5,037 10 1 139 18 7 30 43 793 19 9 1,584 1 3 9 31 17 0 1,041 3 0 3 2,521 19 5 2,607 9 1 530 5 9 1,461 8 6 880 11 1 1,266 0 10 1,482 15 3 4,313 16 11 2,837 9 7 7,050 4 5 21 11 4 94 11 8 163 19 2 231 0 9 383 18 5 617 19 2 15 9 0 173 1 6 816 9 7 1,136 6 11 2,125 18 0 27 19 5 30 1,108" 13 6 146 17 6 605 6 3 188 17 2 414 6 9 1,020 11 10 2,076 12 0 1,356 6 6 4,204 18 6 13 5 10 140 3 3 62 4,026 17 10 1,144 11 3 2,002 5 9 7,173 14 10 •116 14 1 40 5 0 4 6 0 36 19 10 81 10 10 16 6 2 36 37 18 8 833 17 8 3,680 10 4 340 5 8 1,844 11 4 1,057 15 7 5,563 0 4 2,231 18 11 20 12 0 61 19 11 54 844 7 6 1,959 8 3 349 5 8 1,238 9 10 643 4 7 1,301 4 6 1,836 17 9 4,499 2 7 36 14 9 83 6 4 4 62 6 0 90 9 8 34 18 6 187 14 2 46 18 6 107 220 23 15 0 5,323 6 8 54 0 0 3,524 10 0 4,993 15 0 385 4 3 5,610 4 0 2,685 16 0 202 16 6 4,519 6 3 5,256 0 6 642 0 9 13,677 15 3 18,258 18 2 24 13 10 127 16 7 82 15 4 25 96 5 6 653 12 3 1,542 9 0 283 13 0 555 6 5 241 10 2 2,194 0 11 1,178 15 5 19 1 6 47 3 0 4 138 7 6 83 1 10 932 5 2 27 12 5 677 2 5 91 5 8 1,747 15 1 201 19 11 17 2 8 50 9 11 49 9 0 420 8 4 811 8 3 1,281 5 7 142 7 3 19 7 0 693 16 0 211 16 0 924 19 0 15 18 11 551 0 3 2,875 4 4 1,937 6 5 5,363 11 0 65 8 2 321 17 0 216 16 3 354 7 11 893 1 2 49 12 3 2 187 14 6 9 12 0 328 1 6 109 13 0 976 10 9 21 16 0 1,492 6 9 141 1 0 46 12 8 70 10 6 26 17 6 66 16 3 93 13 9 10 8 2 49 12 16 25 0 0 499" 6 6 1,236 3 6 235 6 0 426 1 3 946 10 4 93 19 0 178 3 3 1,629 10 6 111 3 9 616 19 2 3,837 4 4 440 8 9 1,720 10 2 78 6 2 3(3 14 0 107 10 7 33 13 11 43 19 6 77 13 5 9 14 2 Totals North Island Totals South Island 1,495 1,764 10,166 17 7 i 19,563 7 6 5 29,730 5 HI 47,405 18 1 4 55,644 7 9 4 43,772 12 10 43,861 11 4 54,565 17 5 52,991 15 1 55,911 5 11 72,061 1 8 t 104 5 9 t 97 10 9 No. 1 Cook Strait Cable, ncluding freight from London and expenses of laying No. 2 Cook Strait Cable, including freight from London, expenses of laying, and 8i miles of spare cable, and demurrage of ship " Zealandia " Five miles spare No. 1 Cable, including freight from London ... 3,259 103,050 5 10 87,634 4 2 107,557 12 6 327,972 7 7 29,864 0 0 13,218 6 8 2,822 4 3 Total Expenditure, exclusive of Lines in progress £ 373,906 18 6




Db. Co Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations „ Total Cost of Maintenance of Lines £ s. d. £ s. d. Cb. By Cash Receipts as under: — Ordinary, Press, and Provincial Government Celegrams * ,, Incidental Receipts not included in Tables, — Excess on Ordinary Tele- £ s. d. £ s. d. 63,353 10 10 64,560 15 7 17,931 8 0 81,284 18 10 grams „ Amount collected from Government Annuities Department for Telegrams transmitted ... „ Collections for Copies of Telegrams „ Amount collected by Postal Department for Money Order Telegrams „ Proceeds of sale of condemned line horses, sundry material, articles of furniture, &c 77 8 6 76 5 0 65,644 15 3 19 19 2 616 16 0 293 11 0 ,, Balance, being Receipts in excess of Expenditure... „ Value of General Government Telegrams 17,024 8 9 1,384 5 2 £82,669 4 0 £82,669 4 0 * Of this anioi unt, £875 19s. 3d. mt, £875 19s. 3d, . was collected in postage stam] was collected in postage stam ips. By Authority: Geoe JOB Didsbuey, Go overmnent Printer, Wellington o.—1877. « I

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TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, F-02

Word Count

TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, F-02

TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, F-02

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