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Return to ait Order of the House of Representatives, So. 31, dated 30th August, 1877. Ordered, " That a report be obtained and laid before this House showing the progress of the Vesey Stewart Settlement at Tauranga: the quantity of land sold to settlers, the population introduced from Great Britain and Ireland or elsewhere, the expenditure on roads, and generally." — (Hon. Mr. Fox.)

AGREEMENT BETWEEN MR. G. V. STEWART AND THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND (KATI KATI SPECIAL SETTLEMENT). Memorandum: of Agreement between the Hon. the Secretary for Crown Lands and Mr. G. V. Stewart. Memorandum of an Agreement made this twenty-fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between the Honorable George Maurice O'Rorke, Secretary for Crowu Lauds for the Colony of New Zealand, of the one part, and George Vesey Stewart, of Ballygawley, County Tyrone, Ireland, but now on a visit to New Zealand, Esquire, of the other part: Whereas the the said George Vesey Stewart has proposed to organize and bring out from Ireland a certain number of families possessed of an adequate capital to occupy, improve, and cultivate land for the formation of a special settlement of farmers on certain lands hereinafter described; and in consideration that such proposals shall be effectually carried out, the said George Maurice O'Eorke has agreed, on the part of the Government of New Zealand, that the said lands shall be set apart for the said settlement upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Now, therefore, this agreement witnesseth, that each of the said parties, the said George Maurice O'Rorke and the said George Vesey Stewart, doth for himself respectively promise and agree as follows : — 1. That the said George Maurice O'Rorke shall and will cause to be set apart and kept, for the purposes of a special settlement of farmers with capital, to be founded by the said George Vesey Stewart, all those lands the property of the Crown situate in the district of Tauranga, in the Colony of New Zealand, and known as the Kati Kati Block, comprising ten thousand acres or thereabouts, as defined by the plan hereunto annexed. 2. That the said block of land be surveyed at the expense of the Government, and convenient roads laid out through the same, and divided into suitable allotments, so as to be ready for selection and occupation on the arrival from Ireland of the said George Vesey Stewart and the party selected to form the special settlement. 3. That the said George Vesey Stewart shall and will select and organize a party of farmers in Ireland, being married men with families, to emigrate therefrom to New Zealand, with adequate capital to occupy, improve, and cultivate the said Kati Kati Block as a special settlement. ■A. Provided that no person shall be entitled to be considered as one of the said party, or to any of the rights and privilegs under this agreement, unless and until he shall have received from the AgentGeneral, or some person appointed by him for the purpose, a certificate in writing that such person is accepted as an eligible person to form one of the said special settlement party. . 5. That in consideration of the said George Vesey Stewart organizing the said party, he shall be deemed to be the leader thereof, and as such entitled to the special advantages hereafter mentioned. 6. That the said party shall consist of a sufficient number of families to take up and occupy under this agreement the whole of the said block of land, not being fewer than forty families.



7. That the said George Yesey Stewart, together with his family, and the said party, or such part thereof as hereinafter mentioned, shall embark for the port of Auckland or Tauranga, in a vessel to be provided by the said Agent-General at a port in Ireland. The ports of embarkation and landing to be arranged between the said Agent-General and the said George Vesey Stewart. 8. That the said G-eorge Veaey Stewart shall be entitled to make a first selection out of the said block, of five hundred acres, with an additional forty acres on account of his wife and forty acres on account of each of his children, provided that such land shall be taken in one block of a convenient form. 9. That each of the said party shall be entitled to an assisted steerage or third-class passage to Auckland or Tauranga, on payment for each individual of the sum of five pounds before embarkation. Single women between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five, children of parents having assisted passages, shall be entitled to free passages. 10. That each of the said party of the age of eighteen years and upwards shall be entitled to select and occupy forty acres, with an additional twenty acres in respect of each child between the ages of twelve and eighteen : Provided that not more than three hundred acres shall be held and occupied by any number of persons forming one household. 11. That, as soon as conveniently may be after arrival, lots shall be drawn to determine the order in which the several persons shall be entitled to select the land to which they are respectively entitled, and a written permission to select given by the Waste Lands Commissioner accordingly. 12. That if any person, after receiving due notice, shall neglect, or refuse, or fail to atlend to draw his lot, at a time and place to be appointed by the Commissioner of Waste Lands, the lots shall be drawn by those who attend, by themselves or by their agents ; and those so failing shall, on application, receive from the Waste Lands Commissioner a written permission to select in the order in which the applications are made. 13. The right of selection shall be exercised as soon as conveniently may be after the lots are drawn, or after permission given as aforesaid, and in any event within ten days after those times respectively ; and if any person fail to select within such ten days, his order of choice shall only entitle him to select after all those who are then ready to select have made their selections. 14. On a selection being made, the selector shall be entitled to receive from the Waste Lands Commissioner a certificate in writing authorizing him to occupy the land selected under the provisions and conditions of this agreement. 15. If any dispute or question shall arise in respect of the drawing of lots, or of any selection to be made under this agreement, the same shall be determined by the Commissioner of Waste Lands, and his decision shall be final and conclusive, and not liable to be questioned in any Court of law on any ground whatever. 16. At the expiration of three years from the date of the commencement of occupation, the said George Vesey Stewart, and every other occupier, shall be entitled to a Crown giant of the land, on his proving to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Commissioner that he has, during the whole of the previous three years, been in the bond fide occupation of the said land by continuous residence thereon, and that at least one-fifth part thereof is under cultivation. 17. The holder of a certificate of occupation shall also be entitled to a Crown grant at any time prior to the expiration of three years, on proof to the satisfaction of the Waste Lands Commissioner that the whole of the land comprised in the certificate is fenced and cultivated, and a dwelling-house erected thereon. 18. The Waste Lands Commissioner, on being satisfied that any land comprised in any certificate has been londjide occupied thereunder, shall, at the request of the person named in such certificate, authorize the transfer thereof to any other person, and the transferee shall hcve and be subject to the same rights, privileges, and liabilities as the person named in the certificate. 19. If an original holder of a certificate, or his transferee, shall cease to be in londjide occupation of the land, such certificate shall become and be null and void, and all rights and privileges thereunder shall absolutely cease and determine. 20. If any question shall at any time arise as to whether any person has continued or ceased to be in honafide occupation of the land, or otherwise fulfilled the before-mentioned conditions, such question shall be referred by the Waste Lands Commissioner to two or more Justices of the Peace, and the decision of such Justices shall be final and conclusive, and not liable to be questioned in any Court of law on any ground whatever. 21. In the event of the death of the lawful holder of any certificate before the issue of a Crown grant, the rights, privileges, and liabilities of such holder shall pass to his appointee in writing, and failing such appointment, shall pass to his personal representative, provided that he claims the same within two years from such holder's death; and failing such claim, the land shall revert to the Crown free of all claims and liabilities whatsoever. 22. If the said George Vesey Stewart, together with his family, and at least thirty families, shall not arrive in one ship at Auckland or Tauranga, in pursuance and part fulfilment of this agreement, before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, this agreement shall cease, determine, and be void ; and neither the said George Vesey Stewart, nor any other person whomsoever, shall have any claim or demand to or in respect of the said land, or any part thereof, nor for any compensation on an account whatsoever in respect of the same, or of this agreement, or any matter or thing relating thereto or in connection therewith. 23. That if such thirty families shall arrive, as by this agreement required, before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, they shall be entitled at once to select their land, and the settlement shall be deemed to have been formed under this agreement, but the remainder of the said block of land of ten thousand acres shall be available until the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, but not afterwards, for such others of the said party as may arrive before that day, who shall be entitled to make their selection on arrival; and if two or more arrive at the same time, priority of choice shall be determined by lot.



In witness whereof the said George Maurice O'Eorke hath, on behalf of the General Government of New Zealand, hereunto subscribed his name ; and the said George Vesey Stewart hath also hereunto subscribed his name, the day and year first herein written. G. Matjhice O'Eobke, Secretary for Crown Lands. Geo. Vesey Stewabt. Signed by the said George Maurice O'Eorke, in the presence of— Thos. Bfddle, Solicitor, Auckland, Signed by the said George Vesey Stewart, in the presence of— Thos. Bitddle, Solicitor, Auckland.

Quantity and Value of Woek pebfoemed by the Local Highway Boaed. £ s. d. Cuttings and Two Culverts near Ongatete ... ... ... 300 Cutting on Main Eoad near Uretara ... ... ... ... 9 16 6 Foot Bridge over the Tahawai Eiver ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 Eepairing Main Eoad ... ... . ... ... ... 0 5 0 Total ... ... ... ... ... £15 11 6

At Peesent trxDEE Cokteact. Culvert and Eoad to Johnson's Farm ... ... ... ... £13 10 6 The main road between Tauranga and Thames, passing through the settlement, has not been completed by the Q-overnment. Two bridges are very much needed, one at TJretara, and one at Tahawai. The financial position of the Eoad Board precludes the possibility of their being able to carry out the expensive works of constructing bridges on the main road.


RETURN showing the Quantity of Land held by Settlers at the Kati Kati Settlement, the Progress of the Settlement, the Population introduced, Expenditure on Roads, and generally. (Date of the Settlement, September, 1875.)


if Nttmbeb of Live Stock. Number op DWELLLNQ-HoUBES. Number op outbuikdings. Extent of Holding. Extent under Grass. Extent j under Cultivation. Total. Extent of Laud Fenced. Extent of Land Cleared. Remarks. Sheep.* Cattle. Horses. Timbor. Raupo or Mud. Timber. Raupo or Mud. Acres. 100 300 80 80 Acres. 3 42 Acres. 2 Declared Acres. 5 45* forfeited. Acre9. Acres. Fencing progressing. Orchard and garden. 1 2 3 4 11 I 1 1 1 1 40 8 5 140 90 H 9 »> 99 53 7 1 [ 70 and subdivided ploughed ) A large amount of swamp land drained 1 orchard and garden. 6 80 C 40 < in oats (. & grass 20 Declared forfeited. 6 1 1 1 7 180 43 1 22 Fencing progressing. 8 9 220 80 2 Declared 22 forfeited. 2 1 1 10 10 220 35 35 1 1 35 C 3 < manuka i. forest Is cultivating land at Tauranga. Besides at Tauranga, states that contract has been taken foj erection of house at Kati Kati. Ploughing and fencing progressing. 11 12 240 180 40 38 40 38 18 1 10 13 14 280 120 4 30 3 2 7 32 2 2 1 1 10 ; [ 12 7 ploughed 15 200 Declared forfeited. 23 2 1 130 • i 10 in fallow Fencing progressing. Also twelve acres in orchard and garden. About one acre, orchard and garden. 16 200 50 20 70 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 120 260 80 80 220 120 300 220 50 18 18 9 40 8 60 4 2 10 4 8 Declared 54 20 20* 9i 50 12 68 forfeited. 3 1 4 1 1 40 22 1 1 i 1 4 3 3 5 2 3 i 2 10 12 1 A quantity of timber delivered for fencing garden and orchard. Fencing progressing ; boundary fence ereoted. 25 100 10 5 15 5 2 16 ! ! 10 } ploughed ) Store, post office, and publichouse. 26 120 Declared forfeited. 1 . i { * > Three acres, garden and orchard. Orchard and garden. 27 160 11 11 7 1 2 ploughed 3 cleared 28 80 18 2 20 4 1 1 10 ...


Area of the settlement = 8,380 acres. # *" "***" Stat6d t0 °W" *" DUmber9) eiCept in the CaSe of No- 29 > « not giTe»Total extent of holdings declared forfeited : 9 sections = 1,220 acres. Number of settlers introduced: 42 families, representing 294 persons, of whom 160 were adults.

Authority: Geohuk Didsbuby, Goyernment Printer, Wellington.—lB77.


-.2 S o Extent of Holding. Extent under Grass. Extent under Cultivation. Total. Number of Live Stock. Number op Dwelling-Houses. Number of Outbuildings. Extent of Land Fenced. Extent of Land Cleared. Remarks. Sheep.* Cattle. Horses. Timber. Raupo or Mud. Timber. Raupo or Mud. 29 Acres. 1,000? Acres. 180 Acres. 10 Acres. 190 300 CO Acres. Acres. 7 Resides on farm adjoining, nearly the whole of which is under cultivation. Three acres under contract for crops; considerable amount of draining done ; fencing progressing. 30 80 9 8 17 9 1 1 8 ... 31 32 200 300 60 Declared 9 forfeited. 69 7 1 1 9 ploughed ) Orchard and garden. 33 80 •* 21 ... l Wooden house under construction. 34 35 36 37 88 180 220 220 280 160 12 12 30 25 22 38 25 32 50 55 25 forfeited. 3 7 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 40 37 Only selected in April, 1877. Declared Orchard and garden. 39 280 30 16 46 5 •{ 1 timber raupo j 50 Orchard and garden. 40 80 13 6 19 2 2 Weather-board house in course of erection, and fencing boundaries. 41 120 10 6 16 8 4 1 15 ( 30 i. ploughed 42 120 12 *» 16i I 5 1 16£ Orchard and garden ; fencing progressing. 43 300 37 11 48 2 2 1 100 ) "8 ") ploughed f 10 C cleared J Three acres, orchard and garden. Totals ... 1,302* 300 262 57 25* Si 5 3

Betuhn showing the Quantity of Land held by Settlers at the Kati Kati Settlement, &c— continued.

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Bibliographic details

KATI KATI SETTLEMENT, TAURANGA, ESTABLISHED BY MR. G. VESEY STEWART (REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-08

Word Count

KATI KATI SETTLEMENT, TAURANGA, ESTABLISHED BY MR. G. VESEY STEWART (REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-08

KATI KATI SETTLEMENT, TAURANGA, ESTABLISHED BY MR. G. VESEY STEWART (REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1877 Session I, D-08

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