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THE PROVINCIAL LAWS OF AUCKLAND. SCHEDULE of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland, passed during Sessions I. to XXX,. from 1854 to 1875 inclusive.

Shoei Titie. Amending Act oe Oedinance. Repealing Act ob Number. OSDINAKCB. Existing Law. Extinct Law. ■0681 >N I., 1854. Interpretation No. 1 2 Foroign Scamon'o ... Superseded by Sess. 5, iVo. 1. G. A. Act, 1860, No. 4. Sess. 15, No. 11. 3 4 5 Dog Nuisance. Appropriation Dcodo G. A. Act, 1863, No. 26. Abrogated. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Superintendent's Salary Provincial Government Transfer of Powers Audit ... Auckland City Counoil Auckland Harbour ___ _ii j> t> Sess. 5, No. 12. Sess. 5, No. 12. Sess. 2, No. 5. Sess. 5, No. 14. Sess. 15, No. 11. City Building Building and, Land Sooiotioo Ordinance Amondmont SESSIO iN II., 1854. Limited Liability ... Sess. 5, No. 2. Gr. A. Act, 1858, No. 13. Sess. 15, No. 11. No. l 2 3 4 1855. Sess. 19, No. 5. less. 29, Nos. 23,24 5 Fencing. 13, 18 to 22, repealed.] Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1855, p. 47. Sess. 5, No. 12. Sess. 15, No. 11. Sess. 5, No. 12. 6 7 8 9 :i~UU.VJXXtM-HA J.1LU UULll ' A~HXU\.X . . , Appropriation Auoldand City Counoil -Aot Amondmont Bribery-and Treatiag 10 Sess. 15, No. 11. Note. —The word " Spent" indicates that the Act or Ordinance has had its effect, and is no longer necessarj. 1—A. 8a.



Schedule of the Acts of the Provincial Council o: Aucklani [— co, tinuet Shokt Title. .MENDING Ad OE Oedinancb. Number. Repealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION II ., 1855 — continued. Auckland Stoam Navig Company'o [Private] No. 1 Sess. 15, No. 11. 2 Sess. 15, No. 11. gation Company'o [Private] sessio: N" III., 1855. Appropriation Sess. 15, No. 11. No. 1 1 No. 1 2 SESSIO N IV., 1855. Dobentureo Appropriation Sess. 5, No. 9. Sess. 15, No. 11. SESSIC 'N V., 1856. Interpretation Spent* Sess. 9, No. 5. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1856, p. 69. Sess. 20, No. 10. No. 1 2 3 Bopoaling 4 5 6 Merchant Seamen's. Impounding 7 8 Disallowed, N. Z. Gaz.,1856,p.ll7. Sess. 14, No. 3. Abrogated. 9 10 11 12 Cattlo Branding ... Native Land Purchase Ordinance Amendment Debenture N-aval and Military Scrip ... Appropriation Auckland City and Harbour Acts Repealing Doodo Rogiotration Spent. Sess. 15, No. 11. Sess. 15, No. 11. Spent. 13 14 a. A. Act, 1863, No. 26. Sess. 9, No. 4. No. 1 2 sessio: N VI., 1867. Thictlf Education Sess. 8, No. 5. Sess. 22, No. 6. SESSIO] [No Acts pass W VII., 1857. ted in this Session.] No. 1 2 SESSION r VIII., 1858. Pivoroion of Boada Auoldand Waoto Landr; ■\ Sess. 15, No. 2. a. A. Act, 1867, No. 59. Spent. 3 4 5 6 Wharf Regulation. Thistle. City Harbour and Endowments. [Part Section 1 repealed.] Revocation of Authority less. 11, No. 2; Sess.l5,No.4 Sess. 14, No. 10. Sess. 15, No. 11. 7 S 9 Auckland Reserves. jiutivitijiu xu.imii:ipm _l ijjiiuu ... Appropriation Naval and Military Coxtificato Compcnoation Immigration Certificate Assent withheld. Spent. sessio: I IX., 1858. Road Act (M. 1)... Road Act {No. 2)... Incoming Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 Auckland Building. Sess. 15, No. 6. Sess. 20, No. 2 ; Sess. 24, No. 4 ftllOOl \ Sess. 15, No. 14. 5 * See Note on previous page.



Schedule o: the Acts o: the Provincial 'ounciJ uc lani L—c, itinuei Shoet Title. [ENDING ACT OK ORDINANCE. NtTMBEB. Repealing Act ob Obdinasce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. G 7 session i: E., 1858— continued. Appropriation keeal Improvement Sess. 15, No. 11. a. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Annulled by Sess. 15, No. 1. 8 Provincial Council Enlargement less. 11, No. 2 9 City and Harbour Endowments Act Amend. Harbour Debenture Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 8. SESSIC City Debenture >> )! >N X., 1859. I SesB. 11, No. 2 No. 1 Harbour Endowments. No. 1 sessio: City of Auckland Debenture. Harbour Endowments. I N XI., 1869. G-.A. Acts, 1860, Private,No.7; 1863, Private, No. 1 2 No. 1 2 3 4 5 SESSION J XII., I860. Road (No. 1) Road (No. 2) Road (No. 3) Appropriation Auckland Savings Sank Estate Public Seal Spent. » Sess. 15, No. 11. Spent. li Abrogated. SESSION XIII., 1861. Appropriation Sess. 15, No. 11. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 89. Sess. 15, No. 6. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 90. No. 1 2 Amendment 3 Liconoing Aot Amondmont... A nni-lnnrl T? A^VAr-nn + fi4^ /-til Auclvlan€t-4tfprcoentaTion SESSIO* No. 1 XIV., 1862. Sess. 15, No. 11. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (Sferl) Licensing Act Amendment (No. 2) Ca^7e Branding Repeal Provincial Auditor's Salary Highwayo Town Boardo Eoad (No. 1) Road (No. 2) Expired. Spent. Abrogated. Sess. 20, No. 9. Sess. 15, No. 18. Spent. Auckland Municipal Polioo... Appropriation ... ... Appropriation (No. 2) Sess. 18, No. 2. Sess. 19, No. 15. Spent. Sess. 15, No. 11. 14 rjxTTxTTTTTj Debeatwe Sess. 15, No. 11. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1862, p. 164.



Schedule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland— co, tinned. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Obdinance. NuMBEB. Repealing Act oh Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 SESSION XV., 1863. Auckland Representation ... J XV., 1863. Auckland Representation ... Annulled by Sess. 28, JVo. 10. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Expired. 2 Divoroion of Koado Divoroion of Koado 3 4 Military Licensing City and Harbour Endowments Amendt. Military Licensing 5 6 7 8 iiogulation or J ornoo Lioonoing Boguktion of Forrioo Lioonoing -L Lil U IJllLV ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ Auckland Loan ... G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 26, No. 9. Sess. 19, No. 12. Consolidated, 0-. A. Act,l8G7,No.89. t t 'JL vll 11 I JI-liw ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ A IMft /I / n/Yi -I I S\ I't r r Auckland Loan ... Sess. 26, No. 2; Sess. 29, No. 13 9 Auctioneers Licensing. Tologroph Protootion 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tolograph Protootion Repealing JJAgfawaye-Act lB6a Ameafe Harbour Dobt ShooD Repealing Highways-Act 1862 Ameadk Harbour Dobt Local Marino Board G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. Sess. 20, No. 9. Sess. 27, No. 9. Sess. 30, No. 12. Disallowed, N~. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 214. Abrogated. G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. Abrogated. Local Marino J3oard 16 17 Interpretation Interpretation City Board Gity Board 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Town Boards Act 1862 Repealing Liocnoing Aot 1863 Amondt. Town Boards Act 1862 Repealing Lioonoing Aot 1863 Amondt. Empowering Appropriation gttrnpiko Act 1863 Aniondfe Sess. 26, No. 9. Sess. 16, No. 11. Spent. Sess. 19, No. 12. Sess. 26, No. 6. Spent. Empowering Appropriation ¥«rnpiko Act 1863 Amonfe City Board Loan ... South and Onehunga Roads Loan 25 Gas Company Lease. No. 1 ■2 SESSION XVI., 1863. ghoop Act 1863 Amendment Solo of Broad Empowering Act 1863 Amond ■ Sess. 30, No. 12. G. A. Act, 1871, No. 52. Sess. 16, No. 11. 3 1864. Bailway Commiooionoro South and Onehunga Roads Loan Act 1863 Amendment City Board Act 18G3 Amond Sess. 19, No. 16. Spent. 4 5 6 G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. Sess. 28, No. 3. 7 ~1\ T ann-mTT-m TTnyhAiiv TTYnrnATrn atangawoi Harboui- Xmprovo Hiefrfe 8 City Board Loan Act 1863 »eat City Board Loan Act 1863 Amondmoat Sess. 26, No. 6. Sess. 19, No. 4 e 10 11 Amonamoat Tamaki Bridge. Appropriation Empowering Spent. Appropriation ... Empowering »



Scr [EDTJLE o: the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland — co; itinued. Shoot Title. Amending Act oe Oedinance. Repealing Act oe Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XVII., 1864. XVII., 1864. -TT- - 1 - A _J_ No. 1 2 3 High way o Aot Amendment... Harbour Appropriatiea Auckland Debentures Extinction "Watorworka Appropriation ... Empowering (Native Land Acquisition) Supreme Court Site Appropriation (No. 2) Appropriation 1865 Auckland Waterworks. Sess. 26, No. 8. Sess. 27, No. 9. Spent. 4 5 Sess. 19, No. 19. Spent. Sess. 18, No. 9 6 7 8 9 10 Spent. Sess. 18, No. 3. Sess. 18, No. 3. Government Contracts Abrogated. No. 1 2 SESSION XVIII., 1865. 3 4 Cattle Landing. Industrial School Act 1862 Repealing ... Appropriation City Board Aot Amondmeat Superseded by Sess. 28, No. 9. Spent. G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. Sess. 26, No. 6. Sess. 29, No. 17 5 6 City-Board Loon ... Empowering No. 1. [Section 3 repealed.] 7 8 Empowerinq (No. 2) Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 367. 9 Auckland Waterworks Act Amendment. Sess. 20, No. 8 No. 1 2 SESSION XIX., 1865. Auckland Wharves. Appropriation Act (No. 1) 1865 Amendment Spent. -* 3 4 1866. Land ... Tamaki Bridge Act Amendment. Expired. 5 6 SlauglitorhouGo "Weodo and "Watorcouroco ... G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. Expired. 7 8 9 Waikato Appropriation Superintendent's Increase of Salary Distillation Prohibition Amendment Prevention of Fire. Auckland Eural Police. Abrogated. 10 11 12 G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 20, No. 9. Superseded. 13 14 15 Highwayo Act Amendment,.. Lunatics' Maintenance Sess. 22, No. 2; Sess. 25, No. 2; Sess. 27, No. 10 Auckland Municipal Police. * 16 1^ O 1 I TTfO^T" t 9 ■ XCTtlrTTwy 1 ■ • ■ 9 »■ G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 17 18 19 20 Howick Park. Boad(No.2) Empowering Appropriation Spent. V it

A— Ba,


Schedule o: the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland — continued. Shokt Title. Amending Act oe Obdinance. Repealing^ Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XX., 1866. fTT 7 Tl 1 - 7. d 7^., fl" XX., 1866. Tuakau Block Surrender ... No. 1 2 Tuakau Block Surrender ... Auckland Building Act 1858 Extension. Distress. Spent. 3 4 Tumpiko Aot 1866 .Amend ■ Turnpike Aot 1866 Amend. geU-Bxemption ... G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 5 geU-Bxemption ... 6 7 8 Empowering (No. 2) Empowering (No. 2) Appropriation Appropriation jj Wharfage. .867. XII TtTTTtTtJ • ■ • • * • Sess. 29, No. 32 9 10 1HOV. ill ('VmTP^ 1171 *1 • « t ' ' * f_ T ' ** ' ' V! * > ■ • • * • Impounding. [In force throughout Provincial District. Section 38 repealed.] Sess. 26, No. 8. SESSION XXI., 1867. r XXI., 1867. City Board Act 1863 Amendt. Abrogated. No. 1 | C% 2to«r</ 1863 Amendt. No. 1 2 SESSION XXII., 1868. XXII., 1868. Gunpowder Regulation Superseded. Gunpowder Regulation Auckland Municipal Police Act 1866 Amendment. Grammftf-Sohool Appropriation Sess. 28, No. 1. .'! 4 5 G 7 8 GrammftE-Sohool Appropriation Protection of Gardens. Appropriation Education Act Repeal V4 ft li rt n t" i /^ n Jjiduoation Appropriation Education Act Repeal Education Aaekland Salt Wator Bath Company Lcaoo Heepitel—Endowment—EhuSpent. Sess. 24, No. 8. Sess. 25, No. 7. Aaefeland Salt Wator Bath Company Lcaoo 9 Siespitel—Endowment—E»Sess. 25, No. 3. Auckland and Dniry Bailway Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 335. No. 1 2 3 SESSION XXIII., 1868. Licencing Act 1863 Amondt. Appropriation (No. 2) Sick and DestituteTu m^ rt^i^i t?;^a t> — „„„„ Sess. 26, No. 9. Spent. Sess. 25, No. 3. Sess. 24, No. 13. xnamoo Ltoia I' leld Koprcoon T'it UlCtit SESSION XXIV., 1868. XXIV., 1868. Appropriation (No. 3) Git^-Beafd-^e&n Aoto Ceacolidation Spent. Sess. 26, No. 6. No. 1 2 Appropriation (No. 3) /~i:j T> 1 T __ A -J.. /~1 . . Gitj^^eafd-ieftH-Aeta-Gea-colidation 1869. Grammar Sohool Appropria ■ .869. Sess. 28, No. 1. '.I Grammar Sohool Appropria ■ 4 Auckland Building Act 1858 Amendment. North Shore Eeservea. Sess. 28, No. 9. Abrogated. Sess. 28, No. 1. Sess. 26, No. 9. Spent. Sess. 27, No. 9. Spent. Sess. 28, No. 14 5 (i 7 8 !) K) 11 12 (jrrammar {School JjjndowmoHt . /y.'-t.. T>n~».j a** i or?o C7% .Boarrf 1863 Amendt. I ' /~\ ir%*\ swt y~i ll rt i^ I /> Common Sehoolo ... T !«« I A «4- 1 Q£Q A *«^—JiGrammar School Endowmeat Citfi Board Act 1863 Amendt. Common Schoolo ... Lieeuoing Act 1863 Ameadk Appropriation Harbour Conoolidation Leaa Road Act (No. 2) 1866 Amendt. Jaieeuamg Act 1863 Amefifttr Appropriation Harbour Conoolidation Leaa Road Act (No.2)lS(jQ Amendt.



So :edule o the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland — co, \tinued. Shoet Title. Amending- Act oe Obdinance. Kefealino Act ob Obdinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 13 session xx: IV., 1869— continued. Representation Amendment... Annulled by Sess. 28, No. 10. SESSION gfeamea-Cxold Fioldo Publio _i_vttT"ftl ■ J L/totriUlW Gity—ei—Auckland—Beg Nuicanoo Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1869, p. 175. No. 1 2 1 XXV., 1870. Momborn' Bomunoratiea Sess. 29, No. 33. Auckland Municipal Police Act 1866 Amendment. Repeal ... Appropriation Highwayo Act 1867-A-taeadfe-Representation Amendment... Spent. 3 4 5 6 Sess. 26, No. 8. Annulled by Sess. 28, No. 10. 7 Auckland Salt Water Bath Company Lease. SESSION I XXVI., 1870-1. ! Appropriation (No. 2) Spent. No. 1 I 2 1 Auctioneers Licensing Act 1863 Amendment. 1871. 3 4 5 6 7 Road (No. 1) Road (No. 2) Road (No. 3) City Board Loan Acts Repeal Kaiparn Bailway ... j> j> jj 8. 9 i Highways Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 171. Sess. 29, No. 28. Seats. 27, No. 2 Sess. 27, No. 4 10 11 Licensing. [Sections 5, 8, 11, 52, 54, 57, and 59 repealed.] Grahamstown Rre Bate. Begistration of Brands. [Section 13 repealed.] Shoop Act 4§eS-AiaeBd»eat Education Booorvoo Manage Appropriation Sess. 30, No. 12. Gh A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. 12 18 Gh A. Act, 1877, Local No. 16 14 15 Auckland Harbour Brd. 16 Bay of Islands Coal Company (Limited) Lease. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 156. Mount St. -John Booorvo ~\ One- Troo Hill Booorvo ) SESSION XXVII., 1871. Highwayo Act 1871 Amondt. No. 1 2 Licensing Act 1871 Amendment. Sess. 29, No. 28. 3 "171 3 i_* T* _ . H f _ ._ G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 4 Eegistration of Brands Act 1871 Amendment. mont Act 1871 Amondmont 5 6 7 8 Kaukapakapa Road Opaheke Road — -.. Papakura Road ... Waitakerei Road... Spent. j) »



So: :edule o: the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland — co, ■tinued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Obeinance. NtfMBEB. Repealing Act ob Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 9 10 SESSION XXVII., 1871— continued. 1 Harbour Loan Acts Repeal... Municipal Police Act j 1866 Amendment. Spent. 11 12 Appropriation Gemraea Schools -Aot- 1869 Amondmont Hospital Reserve Road Hospital Reserve Sale Ses's. 28, No. 1. 13 14 Spent. j> No. 1 SESSION XXVIII., 1872. Education a. A. Act, 1877 No. 21. Spent. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Warkworth Road... Mangawai Harbour Improvement Act Repeal lhumatao Road ... Kaiwha Road St. Stephen's Road Oruawharo Road... Appropriation Industrial School. >) » » M )) jj Sess.29, Nos. 4, 30 Auckland Representation Hauraki District Fire Eate. [Section 1 totally, sections 3, 14, locally repealed.] City Endowments Leasg. Abrogated. 12 13 14 Taupo Road North Shore Eeserve. Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXIX., 1873. Mangapiko Road ... JVharehine Road ... Temperance Hall Site Sale ... Hauraki District Fire Eate Act 1872 Amendment. a » » | Mechanics' Institute Site Sale ' Mount Eden Road Mount Albert Road Empowering Appropriation {No. 2) )> 5 6 7 8 9 91 )) J) 1874. )J 10 Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act 1872 Operation. Waikoukou Road... Kamo Road 11 12 13 )» 14 Auctioneers Licensing Act 1863 Amendment. East Coast District Sheep. )» SeeSess.30,No. 12 15 Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Act 1873 Operation. Tuakau Road Manukau Harbour Endowments Debt Bepeal. Private Burials Prevention and Eegulation. Opotiki Road City of Auckland Loan Empowering. Maioro Road Approriation 19 16 17 18 )J 19 20 21 22 H II



Schedule o: the Acts of the Provincial Council of Auckland— continued. Short Title. Amending Act ob Obdinasce. Repealing Act oe NtrsiBEit. Obdinauce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Sess. 29, No. 24 No. 23 SESSION XXIX., 1871-continued. Fencing Act 1855 Amendment. Fencing Acts Suspension iX., 1874— continued. 24 25 26 Public Buildingo ... rublic -Uuikungo ... Auokland bupromo Court-etfe Grant Empoworing Sess. 30, No. 8. Disallowed, JV! Z. Gazette, 1874, p. G08. 27 28 Newmarket Hall. Highways. [Sec. 87 repealed.] Sess. 30, No. 7, Gr. A. Acts, 1877, Local Nos. 1 and 18 • 20 80 Mangapiko Road ... Hauraki District Fire Eate Act 1872 Amendment. Spent. 31 82 Snoop Act 1863 Amondmont Impounding Act 1867 Amendment. [In force throughout Provincial District.] Sess. 30, No. 12. 84 86 86 Members' 'Remuneration Arapohue Roads ... ... Coolahan Milldam Q-oit Auckland Grammar School Reserves Educational Reserve Sale ... Abrogated. Spent. Expired. 87 Spent. 88 Education Aot 1872 Amond Or. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXX., 1875. Grammar School Reserve Sale Hospital Reserve Sale Hospital Site Exchange Education Reserves Management Acts Amendment Supreme Court Site Road ... Supreme Court Site Leasing. Highways Act 1874 Amendment Spent. jj » j> 5 6 i> 7 G. A. Act, 1876, No. 72 8 Public Buildings. [Sccb. 3, 4, 7, 16 repealed.] 9 10 Appropriation OnehungaWharfExtension. » £eeSess.29,No. 14 11 12 Appropriation No. 2 Sheep. )! 2—A. 8a.




SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taranaki, passed during Sessions I. to XXIV., from 1853 to 1875 inclusive. The references herein are made according to the octavo Volumes of Ordinances.

Shoet Title. Amending Act ob Obdinance. NUMBEK. Repealing Act ob Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION I., 1853. Appropriation Provincial Officers Appointmt. Appropriation No. 1 Land Purehaoo Loan No. 1 2 3 -1 Spent. Abrogated. Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1854, p. 19. Expired. 5 Native Lands Acquisition ... G 7 18 )4. Municipal Polico ... -L 1 1 1 1 il 1 /"in ri? rm A All i*.4-i An nnyyal Sess. 10, No. 15. Sess. 6, No. G ; Sess. 14, No. 8. Sess. 18, No. 7. Spent. Abrogated. 8 9 10 Impounding Appropriation No. 2 Immigration No. 1. 2 3 SESSION II., 1854. Immigration Town Paoturngo ... Fees, Fines, and Forfeitures Expired. Sess. 9, No. 1. Annulled, Gr. A. Act, 1858, No, 33. Spent. Sess. 11, No. 7. 4 5 Appropriation 6 .855. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 4, No. 1. 7 Constitution— si —Qffieoo---«»d 8 9 10 Publie Seal Interpretation Publio Worko T7vnntiTj «* • • • • Spent. Sess. 6, No. 1. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1855, p. 43. Sess. 18, No. 7. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1855, p. 218. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1855, p. 221. Annulled, Gr. A. Act,1858,No.20. Sess. 6, No. 1. 11 12 Impounding Amendment "NT T*-1-*1:j -J? T* • I iyii Ay^i 13 lloado Frontage ... 14 Census ... 15 Booovory of Eaton No. 1 2 3 4 5 G SESSION III., 1856. Scotch Thistle* ... Appropriation. Sess. 10, Nor 10. K7OH5 —1'JL 1 -I-^-iTT WT31 D J.IOUU lTt'lVJir . , . Soado Frontage) ... Municipal Police Amondmont Construction of Roads Sess. 14, No. 8. Sess. 6, No. 4. Sess. 10, No, 15. Spent. * This ordinam p'ct inasmuch as the ifter tho expiry of t ce will requ: I latter was ;he repealing ire to be again repealed, for alt a temporary ordinance only, n< ; ordinance. hough it is professedly repealed by o repeal thereby of a preyious ordii a subsequent ordinance, lance continues effective



Schedule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taranaki— continued. Shobt Title. Amending Act oe Obdinance. NVlfBEB. Repealing Act ob OBDncurcE. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION IV., 1856. )N IV., 1856. Executive Grovornmont No. 1 Executive CrOYornnicnt Sess. 10, No. 1; Sess. 14, No. 6. Spent. 2 . . ... Appropriation Appropriation SESSION V., 1857. iN V., 1857. Boado -and Bridges Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 112. G-. A. Act, 1863, No. 26. Spent. Sess. 16, No. 5. Sess. 15, No. 6. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 152. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857 p. 187. Expired. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 152. Abrogated. No. 1 Boado ■and Bridges 2 Doodo Bogietration Amendment T~v 1_T* • j ±' A . l 3 4 5 6 Appropriation Education Commiooion Appropriation Tn_l i_: /"I SlaughtorliouGO Bog Bogiotratioa ... ~\ Slaughtorhouoo Dog Bogiotratioft ... Liconoing Amondniont 1 7 8 -r • - * i i \ Liconoing Amondniont ) r\ n j "m i j. Crown Grranto Endoroomont... 9 10 Loan Public Boaorvoa ... 11 Empoioering Sess 11, No. 13; Sess. 24, No. 8; G-.A.Act, 1877, Local No. 7" No. 1 SESSION VI., 1858. Eoads and Bridges. [Sees. 4, 5, 12, 13, 19, 21 to 30,32,38, and 39 repealed.] a 3 Declaratory Roads and Bridges Dog Bogiatrntion ... Spent. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1858, p. 74. Spent. 4 5 6 7 8 !) Roads Frontage Ordinance Repealing Auctioneers Licensing. Thatch and Straw Buildg. Sess. 24, No. 2. Iron Sand Leaoo ... Appropriation Sess. 12, No. 1. Spent. No. 1 SESSION VII., 1859. | Appropriation )> No. 1 SESSION VIII., 1859. I Town of New Plymouth Compensation j Town of New Plymouth Consolidation >> 2 Expired. 3 Furze. SESSION IX., 1860. j Town Pasturage Ordinance Repeal Town of New Plymouth Consolidation Cattle- Brands Ordinances Suspension Appropriation Ware's License ... Spent. No. 1 2 Expired. ■ 3 4 5 6 Sess. 10, No. 5. Expired. Spent. Expired. No. 1 SESSION X., 1861. Sess. 14, No. 4. Jlixocutivo LrOYOrnmont Urcli ■ nanoo 1856 Amondniont nanoo 1856 Amendment Refugee Buildings 2 U-IA1.1\JT~> 3Tt_J V \J ' * llli.llllllll.llll Refugee Buildings Spent.



Schedule of tl ie Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taranaki— continued. AMo™ic cr E n— Shoet Title. Eepealing Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION X, , 1861 — continued. Qoddard's License Appropriation Cattlo Ordinanco ... Public Beoorveo Truot No. 3 4 5 6 r*^ ■ - J r^ w^ —* -^». * Expired. Spent. Sess. 12, No. 6. G. A. Acts, 1876, No. 51; 1877, No. 22. 7 8 Public Cemetery. Public Boeerveo ... Disallowed, K Z. Qaz, 1862, p. 196. 18i 32. Cattlo Ownorohip ... Scotch Thistle "Woighto and Moaauroo Sess. 13, No. 3. Expired. Disallowed, N. Z. Qaz., 1862, p. 187. Spent. Expired. 9 10 11 12 13 Appropriation Suspension Ordinance Continuance Compensation for Roads Sesa. 24, No. 15 14 15 16 17 Municipal Police. Loan Confirmation of Town Exchanges Now Boado Spent. » » 18 19 Disallowed. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 20 21 Public Reserves. Loan Amendment Spent. SESSION XI., 1862. Supp lem entary Appropriation No. 1 » 2 18 33. Loan ii 3 4 5 G Military Occupation Omata Road Sanitary Board* ... » Sess. 12, No. 2. Disallowed, K Z. G t«r*.,1863,p.431. Sess. 12, No. 7. Disallowed, 2f. Z. Qaz., 1864, p. 31. ComponDation—Conimiooionofg 7 8 tSeab Buildingo over Streamo Sess. 24, No. 15 9 Town Board of New Plymouth. 10 11 12 Dog Nuioanoo Sootoh Tliiotlo Appropriation Sess. 15, No. 3. Sess. 23, No. 8. Spent. Sess. 21, No. 3 ; Sess.23,No.7; Sess. 24, No. 15 ;G. A. Act, 1876, No. 49 13 18i Town of New Plymouth Public "Works. [Sees. 3,5 to 18 repealed.] 64. No. 1 2 a 4 5 SESSION XII., 1864. Iron Sand Loaoo ... Sanitary Publieana' Lioonoo Boliof Sess. 18, No. 1. Expired. Sess. 14, No. 8. Sess. 15, No. 6. Burial - Grounds Protection. Sess. 12, No. 9. Sess. 15, No. 1. Spent. Sess. 13, No. 3. 0 7 8 0 Cattlo Brando Scab Appropriation Branding of Cattlo * See Note on page 10.



Schedule of ti ie Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taranaki— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Oedikance. NlTMBEE. Repealing Act or Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. session : III., 1865. No. 1 2 3 Branding of Cattle ... [Sees. 1 to 14 repealed.] Appropriation Sess. 14, No. 8. Spent. Sess. 15, No. 2 No. 1 session : K.IV., 1865. Provincial Council ~) Exocutivo Council ) Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1866, p. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 181 56. Supplementary Appropriation Executive Government Repeal Appropriation Provincial Council Spent. » Outlying Town Public Reserves. Sale of Liquors. [Subsees. 1,2, sec. 4; sees. 17, 24; Sched. A, B, repealed. Bottle licenses abolished.] Sess. 22, No. 4. Sess. 16, No. 9; Sess. 18, No. 6; Sess. 24, No. 12 8 9 Harbour Truot ... Sess. 24, No. 1. Sess. 24, No. 7 No. 1 SESSIO] Scab. [Part sec. 12 repealed.] Branding of Cattle. I XV., 1866. 2 3 ■1 18i 57. Dog Nuioanoo Wild Cattlo Appropriation Slaughtering of Cattlo Sess. 21, No. 7. Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 122. Spent. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Spent. Sess. 20, No. 1. 5 G 7 8 Appropriation Town Board of Now Plymouth Endowment SESSION Assent withheld N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 156. No. 1 ' XVI., 1867. Supp lementan/ Appropriation No. 1 Spent. Sess. 19, No. 4 2 Town Buildings Roofing. [Sec. 2 repealed.] Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 103. 8 TTyiyZQ 18' 58. Sess. 24, No. 5 Furze. • 1 5 6 Education Sess. 23, No. 11. G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. Sess. 24, No. 12 7 8 9 • Sale of Liquors Ordinance Amendment. Recovery of Penalties. Appropriation Supplementary Appropriation V Validated by Gk A. Act, 1868, No. 57. 10 11 Appropriation » Road Districts Loan.



Sche: ITJLE of t lo Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taranaki — continued. Short Title. Amendino Act oe Obdinahce. Number. Bepealeng Act or Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XVII., 1869. [_No Ordinances passed in this Session."] SESSION XVIII., 1869. Iron Sand Lease. No. 1 2 a 4 Appropriation Supplementary Appropriation Town Buildings Roofing Ordinance Amendment Government Offices and Contracts Spent. » j) 5 Abrogated. 6 Sale of Liquors Amendment. 1870. Sess 22, No. 6 7 8 9 10 Cattle Impounding. [Sec. 3 repealed.] Waitara Public Wharf. Waitara Bridge. a. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. rr,,.,,^;i- n n..,i:^o., n^ laca I -iTirnpmo uruinoncc—=t©W I Amondmont I Amcndmont SESSION XIX., 1870. XIX., 1870. Appropriation Roads Diversion ... Spent. No. 1 2 Appropriation Roads Diversion ... ?) 3 4 1871. Supplementary Appropriation 71. Supplementary Appropriation Town Buildings Roofing Ordinance Amendment ?) Town Buildings Roofing Ordinance Amendment ;, 5 ttll/t-L/f? UJ-llt/OlvtvlltiClvv Town Board of Now Plymouth Endowment Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 268. Spent. Endowment 6 Beach Road Stoppage Beach Road Stoppage SESSION XX., 1871. Town Board of New Plymouth Endowment. XX., 1871. No. 1 it 2 Appropriation I Appropriation No. 1 2 SESSION XXI., 1872. New Plymouth Public Reserves Exchanges Kent Road Compulsory Land XXI., 1872. New Plymouth Public Reserves Exchanges Kent Road Compulsory Land Talcing J! >> Sess. 24, No. 15 3 4 5 Talcing Town of New Plymouth Public Works Ordinance Extension. New Plymouth Hospital. New Plymouth Hospital Endowment. Sess. 24, No. 15. Sess. 23, No. 6 Town Boardo of Taronaki ... G 7 8 Town Boardo of Taronaki ... Dog Nuisance. Appropriation Appropriation Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SESSION XXII., 1873. Appropriation No. 1 Yoluntoci'D and Militia Bomieeion Cortificato Appropriation No. 2 £XII., 1873. Appropriation No. 1 Yoluntocro and Militia Bemieeion Cortificato Appropriation No. 2 Provincial Council Roads Diversion ... Cattle Impounding Ordinance 1870 Amending Clomow Scrip >> G. A. Act, 1876, No. 51. Spent. Abrogated. Spent. i Provincial Council i Roads Diversion ... Cattle Impounding Ordinance 1870 Amendina ,j 7 8 Clomow Scrip New Zealand Titanic Steel and Iron Company (Limited) Lease. Disallowed.



Schedule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Taraaaki— continued. Shoet Title. Amending- Act oe Oedinance. Number. Eepealino Act oe Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 3 session x: Lotteries. Town Board of New Plymouth Loan Empowering. OH., 1874. Roads Diversion ... Spent. Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 47G. Abrogated. 5 6 Dog Nuisance Ordinance 1872 Amendment. Town of New Plymouth Public Works Ordinance 1864 Amendment. [Sees. 4 to 9, and last part seoa. 2, 3, repealed.] Provincial Council Ordinance 1873 Amendment G.A. Act, 1876, No. 49 7 Scotel Thistle Ordinance 1863 Repeal Hawkero Liooaoing 8 Spent. 9 10 11 12 Appropriation Educational -r»___T_ __e A.jii. /~*~J1* Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 437. Spent. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 607. Spent. 1865 Amendment 13 Supplementary Appropriation G.A. Act, 1877, Local No. 68 No. 1 SESSION : New Plymouth Harbour Board. [Sees. 5 to 7, 9 to 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21 to 23, 25, 26, 49 to 52, 54, 56 to 70, Scheds. 1 and 2, repealed.] LXIV., 1875. 2 3 1 Fencing. Appropriation ll 5 Taranaki Agricultural Society's Trust. Furze Ordinance 1868 Amendment. 6 7 Scab Ordinance 1866 Amendment. Eoads and Bridges Ordinance 1858 Amendt. [Sec. 3 repealed.] Eucttoki River Diversion ... » G.A. Act, 1S77, Local No. 71 8 Disallowed. 9 10 11 Public Reserves Exchange ... Huatoki River Diversion No. 2 Spent. )j 12 Sale of Liquors Ordinance Amendment. L8 11 T"i _ i. "E^ J J.1 1 1~\ - _ TlTH^t G. A. Act, 187" No. 22. G. A. Act, 187., No. 21. Amonrlmnnf; 15 18 Town Boards of Taranaki. Spent. Disallowed. Supplementary Appropriation

A.—B a


THE PROVINCIAL LAWS OE HAWKES BAY. Created Ist November, 1858.

SCHEDULE of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Hawke's Bay, passed during Session I. to XXII., from 1859, to 1875 inclusive.

Shoet Title. [ending act oe Ordinance. Numbe: Repealing Act on Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 3 SESSION I., 1859. Executive Appropriation Abrogated. Sess. 20, No. G. Spent. No. 1 2 SESSION II., 1860. Census ... Appropriation j) 19 SESSION III., 1861. | Educational Ecoorvoo G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Abrogated. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Provincial CouncilEnlargemt. Harbour Eeserves. Sheep mid Scab ... Appropriation Not assented. Spent. No. 1 SESSION IV., 1862. Napier Atliomoum Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 18G2, p. 112 Abrogated. Sess.' 16, No. 8. Sess. 15, No. 1. Spent. 2 3 4 5 Provincial Auditors' Salary Publioano' Lioonoing Amcnclt. Exooutivo Amendment Appropriation SESSION V., 1862. [No Acts passed in tins Session.^ SESSION VI., 1863. Sess. 16, No. 3. Spent. Assent withheld, JST. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 270. G. A. Act, 1863, No. 28. Spent. less. 7, No. 1 No. 1 Loan. [as. 4 to 7, Sclied. 2, repld.] 2 3 4 Sheep and Scab ... Appropriation Milton Boad Doviatien 5 Napier Marino Board 6 Loan Adjustment... No. 1 SESSION VII., 1864. Amendment of Loan. | Tide Sess. 6, No. 1 SESSION VIII., 1864.* Highwayo Shoop and Scab Ainondt. ... Hawke's Bay Police. Not assented. Sess. 16, No. 3. less. 16, No. 6; Sess. 19, No. 2 No. 1 2 3 4 5 Loan Appropriation Spent. Assent withheld, JV. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 393. Abrogated. 6 Contractors Amendment * The Acts of ire only to be founi [awke's Ba; in a scarce Y of Session 8 have not been printed with the Proceedings of the Provincial Council. They octavo volume published at Napier in 18G6.



Sciie: iTTLE of t ie Acts of the Provincial Council of Hawke's Bay— continued. Shoet Titib. Amending Act oe Obdikance. Numbee. Repealing Act ok Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 7 8 9 10 SESSION VIII., 1864-coMtfHKetf. T *->t * ■* •-* I * *^ rt* \ 1 \ Vt 1 #~. M : I vtn /-. « L f [I., 1864— continued. feapeunding Act Ameadtftewt Wellington Acts Repeal Sess. 21, No. 2. Sess. 12, No. 1. Spent. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 405. Spent. feapeundmg Act AmeaaraeMt Wellington Acts Repeal Divoroion of lloada 11 Hampden Schoolhouse Reserve G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22 12 Reserves Administration* [Repealed as to Educational Reserves.] 13 14 15 ii Appropriation Mechanics' Institute Reswve BoardiDg-house Licenses. u No. 1 2 3 SESSION IX., 1885. \ Diversion of Boads Sheep and Scab Amendment Boprooontation Amendment Spent. Sess. 16, No. 3. Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 338. Spent. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 262. 4 5 Appropriation Hawko'o Bay Drainage) 6 SPublioana Lioonaing Ame^te. SESSION X., 1866. Papakura and Hikutoto Leasing. G. A. Act, 18G8, No. 38 No. 1 Abrogated. No. 1 SESSION XI., 1866. Representation Act of the Province of Hawke's Say 2 Hawke's Bay Race3 4 course. Hawko'o—Bay—Agricultural Sess. 20, No. 1. Sess. 20, No. 1 Public Park and Botanical Garden. Harbour Reserves. Public Reserves Administration. [Repealed as to Educational Reserves by G-.A. Act, 1877, No. 22.] Sess. 21, No. 1; Sess. 22, No. 9 5 6 7 8 '.) Diversion of Roads .,, Hawko'o Bay Grammar Suhuol Appropriation Spent. Sess. 18, Nos. 3 A 7. Spent. Sess. 15, No. 2; Sess. 16, No. 5; Sess. 20, No. 5; Sess. 22, No. 4 No. 1 SESSION XII., 1867, Cattle Trespass and Impounding. [Par. 2 of sec. 17, Scheds. A and B, repealed.] Sess. 16, No. 3. Spent. 2 1 5 iSbeop and Scab Amendment Appropriation Hawke's Bay Cemetery. Slaughter Houoe ... G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Spent. 0 Appropriation 3—A. 8a.



Sche: iUXE of tl ie Acts of the Provincial Council of Hawke's Bay— continued. Shoei Titie. Amending Act ob Ordinance. Eepeamno Act ob Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. session x: 1., 1867— continued. Toll Goto No. 7 8 Credit ... G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 390. SESSION XIII., 1868.* Yoluntooro-and Militia Bemisoion Cortifiouto Payment of Overdraft No. 1 2 G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 61. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 390. Spent. 3 4 5 Credit ... Appropriation Hawke's Bay Loan Appropriation Act Amendment Educational Batoo >> jj 6 Sess. 20, No. 6. No. I 2 3 4 SESSION XIV., 1869. Credit ... Appropriation Artesian Well Spent. Expired. Lighthouse Keserve Leasing. Immigration Board Abrogated. o No. 1 2 SESSIO] I XV., 1869. Executive n Cattle Trespass and Impounding Amendt. Napier Common School Sito Appropriation {No. 2) Sess. 21, No. 3. Spent. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1869, p. 443. 3 4 5 SESSIO1 r XVI., 1870. Oddfollowo' Kail No. 1 2 3 4 Diversion of Roads Hawko'o Bay Shoop Clyde Public Hall Assent withheld. N. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 376. Spent. Sess. 18, No. 6. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette 1870, p. 376. Sess. 20, No. 5 5 6 Cattle Trespass and Impounding Act Amendt. [Sched. A repealed.] Hawke's Bay Police Act Amendment. Credit ... Sess. 18, No. 1 7 8 Spent. Licensed Victuallers. [Secs.7,24,Sched. B.repld.] !) Hawke's Bay Appropriation jj session : [No Acts passi mL, i87o. 'd this Session.~\ No. 1 SESSION 2 Licensed Victuallers Act Amendment. :VIII., 1871. 2 3 4 5 6 Volunteer Shed Napier School Oddfellows' Rail... >> >> Dog Nuisance. j) Hawko'o Bay Shoop Sess. 21, No. 8. * The Acts of Session XIII. hare only been printed in oi that session. Very scarce. ;tavo form, together with the procei >dings of the Council iu



Sch: idtjle of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Hawke's Bay> '.ontinued. NtTMBEE. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Obdinancb. Eepealing Act ob Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Sess. 19, No. 1 No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 SESSION XVIII., 1871— continued. Hawke's Bay Grammar School Act Repeal Wholesale Spirit Dealers License. [Part sec. 1 repealed.] Highways. ! Hawke's Bay Appropriation I Credit ... Siaughtorkouoo-Aot Amondt. Spent. H SESSION XIX., 1872. Wholesale Dealers in I Spirituous LiquorsLicensing Act Amendt. Hawke's Bay Police. Credit ... Toll Gate (Meeanee) G.'a. Act, 1877, No. 14. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Port Ahuriri Bridge Spent. G. A. Act, 187G, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 6 Appropriation No. 1 SESSION" XX., 1873. Public Park and Botanical Garden. 2 3 Hawke's Bay Appropriation gtettgbterhewee-Aot Amondt, G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Spent. 4 5 Credit ... Cattle Trespass and Impounding Act Amendt. Hawko'a Bay Eduoation 6 7 Hawlro'o Bay Shoop G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Assent withheld, JV. Z. Gazette, 1873, p. 463. G. A. Act, 1875, Private,No.4; 1877, Local, No. 70. Napier Swamp Nuisance. SESSION XXI., 1874. ! Educational Booorvoo G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Sess. 22, No. 2 No. 1 2 Fencing. [Sec. 12 repealed.] 3 Napier Common School Site Act Repeal Roads Diversion Credit Representation Acts of the Province of'Hawke's Bay Spent. 4 5 6 »j Abrogated. 7 iron —iuiurm—isBage — Ae* G. A. Act, 1876 No. 50. Sess. 22, No. 6 8 lo t X Amendment Hawke's Bay Sheep. [Sees. 4, 11, repealed.] Napier Girls' School Site. 1872 Amendment 9 10 Hawke's Bay Appropriation Spent. Hawkes Bay Appropriation See G. A. Act, 1874, No. 85 No. 1 2 SESSION XXII., 1875. Market Eeserve. Provincial 1'encingLaws Empowering Act 1874 Adoption. XXII., 1875.




SCHEDULE of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington passed during Sessions I. to XXVIII., from 1853 to 1875 inclusive.

iChe: iTJLE 0: ;s o: ! tl Tovmcial 'ouncil aw. :es iay— '.ontinuei Shobt Title. [enbing act oe Oedinancb. Number. Repealing Act ok Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 3 4 SESSION XS Licensing Acts Amendt. Cattle Trespass and Impounding Act Amendment. II., 1875— continued. Municipal Ge 5 Municipal Corporationo Assent withheld, Watorworko Aet —1S?3 if. Z. Gazette, Adoption 1875, p. 584. itioss 6 Hawke's Bay Sheep Act Amendment. 7 8 9 Credit ... ... Spent. Hawke's Say Appropriation ,, Educational Rooervou ... Gr. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Hoopitalo Endowment ... Not assented. 10 Provi: icial Acts s of Wellington still rem; ainiug in force within Hawke's Bay :— and Fees. Sei is. I., No. 3. Licenses , II., „ 17. Streets, S {Repealed wit , III., „ 2. Summary , IV., „ 13. Cattle Br , IV., „ 19. Town Pro y. Sewerage, and Drainage. thin Napier. ,] ■ Proceedings. •an ding. )tection.

Shobt Title. .mending Act ob Oedinancb. Repealing Act ob Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 3 SESSI iN I., 1853. Executive Interpretation Licenses and Fees Abrogated. Spent. Abrogated. 4 5 .854. Empowering Fines and Forfeitures »» Annulled by G. A, Act, 1858, No, 33. Consolidated, Q. A, G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 30. G. A. Act, 1876. No. 50. G § Loan, £50,000 ... 7 McclienI Bearet 8 A' K!t 1 iUU ... . t 9 10 Cemetery. Mixed Fttrtnorohipo 11 12 13 14 15 16 Wanganui ~\\(\v\cp\, Education Savingo Banko Commencement of Acts G. A. Act, 1858, No. 13. Spent. Sess. 22, No. 4. Sess. 22, No. 4. Spent. Sess. 3, No. 7. Abrogated.



Sch: 1DULE of ;he Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington— continued. Shoet Title. Amending- Act ob Obdinance. Nu: Repealing Act ob Obdinaitce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION I !., 1854 — continued. Agent ... Appropriation TliinHn Seab nnd Catarrh ... Audit Strccto New Zealand Company's Debt Lioonoing Amondmont Qffiee?o and Ceatfaetefs Suporintendunt'o Aboone<> No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Spent. Sess. 3, No. 6. Sess. 9, No. 13. Sess. 3, No. 4. Abrogated. Sess. 2 No. 17. Abrogated. Sess. 27, No, 3. Sess. 14, No. 2. Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1854, p. 27 No. 1 2 3 SESSION II., 1855. Shires ... Wanganui Barracks Coroners Abrogated. Spent. Annulled by O. A. Act, 1858, No. 7. Annulled by G. A. Act,lS58,No.20. 4 Census 5 6 7 Burials. FH it I 1 h " 11 1 I 111 Eoroign Seamen ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Loan ■Pttblieano' Liconooo Compensation Rutt Bridge Appropriation Slaughter Houooo Strooto Soworngo and-Bi-'ftiHflge Rates on Land Sess. 21, No. 7. a. A. Act 1860, No. 4. Sess. 3, No. 4. Consolidated, G. A. Act,18U7,No.S9. Sess. 3, No. 7. Sess. 27, No. 3. Spent. Spent. Spent. Sess. 3, No. 4. Sess. 3, No. 11. Sess. 22, No. 4. Annulled by G. A. Act,lSQ2,No.25. No. 1 SESSION III., 1856. Provincial Council Enlargement Abrogated. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Summary Proceedings. Sess. 22, No. 4. Sess. 9, No. 10. Spent. gablio Boordo Diotriot Ilighwayo Ohariu and Mahara Eoads ... Sess. 4, No. 20 Thistle Amendment. Savings Banks ... Annulled by G. A. Act,l§58,No.b2. Sess. 27, No. 8. 8 Cattlo Troopann and ImpoundMain Boado e 10 n 12 13 14 Seat ... Slaughter Houooo Loan Amendment... Appropriation G. A. Act, 1870, No. 50. Sess. 9, No. 13. Sess. 9, No. 12. Spent. Q. A. Act, 1869, No. 73 Harbour Reserves. [Sec. 3 repealed.] j» No. 1 2 SESSIO S IV., 1857. Scrip Restriction ... jband Scrip Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 78. Sess. 21, No. 7. Superseded by Sess. 14, No. 3. 3 4 Edttoation Amoudriiont Loan, £50,000 ...



Sciiedtjle of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington— continued. Shoet Title. Amending- Act oe Obdinance. Numbeb. Repealing Act ob Obdinakce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION I\ ., 1857 — continued. Electoral District New Zeal an d Society's Property Hutt Park Sheep Inopoetere ... Loan No. 2, £25,000 No. 5 6 7 8 9 Abrogated. Spent. Superseded. Sess. 9, No. 13. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 78. Spent. Sess. 10, No. G. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Appropriation "Wongttnui Bridgo Sess. 11, No. 5 Cemetery. Cattle. Ohariu and Malcara Roads ... (gompouciation 16 17 18 19 20 21 Diotriot Highwayo Roads Commission Dog Nuioanco Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 78. Sess. 9, No. 10. Spent. Sess. 10, No. 12. ... Town Protection. Thistle Amendment. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 78. No. 1 2 SESSIC ... >N V., 1857.* Compensation Land Scrip Spent. n No. 1 2 3 SESSIO] H VI., 1858. Liooaeiftg Amondmont Executive Qovt. Amendment Itaoooouroo Sess. 27, No 3. Abrogated. Disallowed, A 7. Z. Gazette, 1858, p. 130. Spent. 4 Streets Sewerage and Drainage Act Repeal -TTT-ll' . nj.__ _ -vr. • j* 5 Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1858, p. 130. Company'o SESSION f VII., 1859. Appropriation Publioano-Lioonoing Amondt. No. 1 2 Spent. Sess. 27, No. 3. No. 1 SESSIOE VIII., 1861. Sess. 16, No. 1 Wharf. [Sec. 6 repealed.] Indemnity Harbour Reserves Amendment Appropriation Spent. 2 3 4 >f n No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SESSIO] J IX., 1862. Kaiwarawara Toll-Gate Provincial Auditor's Salaries Superseded. Abrogated. Trigonometrical Stations. Wauganui Cemetery. ... Loan Adjustment... Appropriation (No. 1) Educational Reserves Management Wanganui- Strooto Sewerage, and Drainage) Expired. Spent. Superseded by G.A. Act, 1871, No. 22. G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. 8 9 "Wanganui and Rangitikei Racecourses. 10 Diotriot Highway Sess. 15, No. 11 ; G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 79. • The two Act! previous session, am respectively. of Sessioi disalloivei V. are not printed in the P only because they had not beei •oceedings. They are re-enactments i reserved. Vide Session IV., No. 10, of Acts passed in the and Session IV., No. 2,



Sen: :dule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington— co. ntinued. Short Title. Amending Act or Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act or Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION IX., 1862— continued. T :., 1862— continued. Loan No. 11 Loan Consolidated, G.A. Act,I8G7,2To.89. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Sess. 14, No. 10. 12 Slaughtorhouoe SkmghtorhouGo 13 Scab, —Qatarrh, —aad Inopeotoro Seabs —Catarrh, — mi —Sheep Incpoctoro 14 15 16 City Eooorveo Mauag i "Wolliagton Town Be Traffic on Ilighwaya *■* * *. ■ * **k * ¥ »*J * ' — ' * " l ' ™» "-rf A J- & \_^ t I \ Weffiagton Town Board Traffic on Higliwaya teat... i ... G-. A. Act, 1871, No. 23. Sen. 13, No. 11. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 17 Appropriation (Xo. * Appropriation {No. 2.) 2.) No. 1 SESSION X., 1863. T X., 1863. Marino Boards Assent withheld, IT. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 311 Marino Boardii 2 3 4 Cemeteries. Wairarapa Racecourse A _ J_ Wairarapa Racecour, T\ * _ J * - i TT • 1 Diotriot Ilighwa x\.mondment •se « , Superseded. Sess. 15, No. 11; G. A. Act, 1867, No. 79. 5 6 7 Cattle Inspection. Amendment i Wanganui Bridge .. Wanganui Bridge... Superseded. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 8 9 10 Compensation English Agent Compensation English Agent Wellington Town Board Act Amendment Appropriation 1 A I Sess. 13, No. 11. Wellington Town B Amendment ixl Aet 11 12 Appropriation Dog Nuisance. Spent. No. 1 2 3 SESSION XI., 1864. Patent Slip f XI., 1864. Patent Slip Patent Slip Site ... Wairarapa Rctcccouroo >> Patent Slip Site ... Tir. • . _ t» Disallowed, iV. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 389. Sess. 17, No. 2. Wairarapa Bacccoure 4 5 6 Boprooentation Adjuc Horse Branding. ~D - ■ -■ ■ i._jj A _1* J_ J. b©fit ... 7 8 9 10 Hutt Baocoouree ... : Foresters Grant ... Scab Amendment Appropriation Freemasons Grant Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 389. Spent. Sess. 14, No. 10. Spent. it No. 1 SESSION XII., 1865. . I-?i-ii~iVi"i.-*r/-i-n4-n4-i r\-\-\ A A rjin.i Sess. 17, No. 2. i xteprooontation jHcfl AmondmoHt Amondmoat Site for Governor's Residence Sale of Public Buildings ... Public Wharf ... Wanganui Odd Fellows Grant Wanganui Bridge Time Extension Sale of Reclaimed Land Confirmation Wellington Park 2 3 4 5 6 Site for Governor's 1 Sale of Public Build ~F~% T T * f M 7 T /~* Public Wharf ... Best ling. ■idence is ... /~i i Spent. »> ?) Wanganui Odd Fello Wanganui Bridge 1 tension 7WS Finn Grant e ExExpired. 7 Sale of Reclaimed L iirmation Mid i ConSpent. 8 Wellington Park j> No. 1 2 SESSION XIII., 1865. T" _ _ -\ir . -r» XIII., 1865. Manawatu Baoocouroo Not assented. Disallowed, 2V. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 367. Manawatu Raoocouro'



Schedule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington — continued. Amending Act or Obdisjance. Shoet Title. N cmbee. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Eepeaiino Act oe Oedinance. session xi: 'I., 1865 — continued. Reclaimed Land ... No. 3 Spent. 4 Diotriot Highwayo Ainondt. Sess. 15, No. 11, G. A. Act, 1867, No. 79. Expired. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 367. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 367. Spent. Not assented. Sess. 27, No. 3. G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. 5 6 Market Amendment Hutt Racecourse ... 7 "VVnirurapa Rucecourso 8 9 10 11 Appropriation xiiuu >_?lctliun ntnujTui iLieeaeing Amondmont Wellington Town Board ... No. 1 SESSION Hutt Public Park and Racecourse. XIV., 1866. Abrogated. Consolidated, G. A. Act,18G7,No. 89. 2 3 Officers and Contractors Loan G. A. Act, 1867, No. 61 4 Wairarapa Racecourse. Wellington, Hutt, and Wairarapa Railway Superintendent's Indemnity 5 Expired. 6 7 8 9 Wallace Annuity. Licensing Amondmont Wellington Board of Works Incorporation Spent. Sess. 27, No. 3. Expired. 10 Soab, Catarrh, and Shoop In Land Purchase Loan Sess. 22, No. 10. 11 12 Appropriation Consolidated, G. A. Act,18G7,No.89. Spent. No. 1 2 SESSIO] r XV., 1867. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Protection of Certain Animalo Sess. 15, No. 8. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 287. G. A. Act, 187(3, No. 51. Spent. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 287. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 287. Spent. 3 4 5 Superintendents Indemnity Liooneing 6 Waaganui Bridgu-Amoudt. 7 Harbour Reserves Amendment (No. 2) Appropriation Education Act Amendment Fencing 8 9 10 Expired. Superseded by Sess. 22, No. 9. Sess. 21, No. 5. . • ■ 11 Diotriot Highwayn No. 1 2 session : Wharf Act Amendment. ZVI., 1868. Spent. Reclaimed Land Act Amendment "Wangauui FrooHHioono Grant 3 Sess. 22, No. 12.



Sch :dui,e of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington— continued. Siioet Title. Amending Act ob Ordinance. NUMBEB. Eepeamns Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 4 5 SESSION XVI., 1868— continued. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Loan on Unreclaimed Land Sess. 16, No. 7. Consolidated, G. A. Act, 1869, No. 73. Not assented. Spent. 6 7 8 9 , Boprooontatiou Adjuotmont... ; Appropriation \ Education Commission ' Supplementary Appropriation j> >> No. 1 SESSION XVII., 1869. Reclaimed Land (Special Sales) Representation Readjustment Manawatu Racecourse. "TT~1 * ~E* C\ i._ A _o_ Spent. 2 3 4 Abrogated. 5 Voluutoor j roo Granto—A«t Amendment Appropriation. Amondmont Appropriation. G. A. Act, 1876 ; No. 51. Spent. No. 1 SESSION XVIII., 1869. XVIII., 1869. Karori and Makara Highway Districts Union Patent Slip Wanganui Fire Brigade Grant Abrogated. Karori and Makara Highway Districts Union 2 3 i ' i " i i f i to \y itHJH Patent Slip Sess. 20, No. 1. Spent. Wanganui Fire Brigade Grant 4 ' ' I (tut Wanganui Bridgo Aot Amond -TIT ' T> * 1 A i A 1 a. A. Act, 1872, No. 65. Sess. 22, No, 10. 5 Shoop Inopeotoro Act Amend Shoop Inopeotoro Aot Amend 6 Volunteer Free Grauto—A-et Amondmont G. A. Act, 1876, No. 51. Procln. under Sess. 21, No. 6. Sess. 21, No. 7. Spent. 7 Wanganui Toll Gato Amondmont Wanganui Toll Gato 8 9 Eduoation Aot Amondmont,.. Eduoation Aot Amondmont,.. Appropriation (No. 2) Appropriation (No. 2) No. 1 SESSION XIX., 1871. r XIX., 1871. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Spent. | Ad Interim Appropriation ... No. 1 2 3 SESSION XX., 1871. !T XX., 1871. Patent Slip Appropriation Biotriot—Highwayo—AmondUxecutive Government Act Amendment Eduoation Amondmont Patent Slip Spent. Appropriation Sess. 21, No. 5. Biotriot—Highwoyo—A-mond-4 Uxecutive Government Act Amendment Abrogated. 5 Eduoation Amondmont Sess. 21, No. 7. No. 1 2 SESSION XXI., 1871. r XXI., 1871. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Sess. 21, No. 10. G-. A. Act, 1871, No. 24. Sess. 27, No. 3. Disallowed, N. &. Gazette, 1871, p. 381. Sess. 27, No. 10. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. | Ad Interim Appropriation ... W-eUi»gton Bookrimod Land 3 4 Lioonoing Amondmont Wanganui Froomaoono Grant Wanganui Freomaoono Gr 5 6 Highwayo Highwayo Toll Gatoo Toll Gatoo 7 Wellington Eduoation Wellington Eduoation 8 Tramwayo Tramwaye 9 Foxton Burials Prevention. Appropriation {No. 2) Maetorton Lando Traste 10 li Appropriation {No. 2) I "*r i i f 1. m. j_ Spent. G. A. Act, 1871, No. 25. i Maetorton Lando Traate 4—A. 8a.



Sen ;dule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wellington— continued. Amending Act oe Oedinance. NUMBEB. Existing Law. Shobt Title. Extinct Law. Bepealing Act oe Ordinance. I No. 12 SESSION XXI., 1871— continued. I Grey-town Lando Trusts G. A. Act, 1871, No. 25. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXII., 1872. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Land Office Site Sale ... Waste Land Occupation Rent . Obsolete and Invalid Acts Repeal Sess. 22, No. 14. Spent. Abrogated. Spent. 5 6 Punishment of Offences. Voluntary Associations Incorporation. "Waaganui Hocpitri 7 G-. A. Act, 1872, No. 66. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 8 9 10 11 12 Toll Gatoo Act AmondnieHt .. Sess. 24, No. 6 Fencing. Diseased Sheep. Impounding Act Amondmont Wanqanui Freemasons Land Sale Reclaimed Land Sale Appropriation Sess. 27, No. 8. Spent. 18 14 No. 1 SESSION XXIII., 1872. "Wollingtoa—Education—Aet G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21 ... o Amendment. No. 1 2 SESSION XXIV., 1873. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Toll Gator: Act Amondmont Sess. 24, No. 10. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 3 4 Qreytown Courthouse and Telegraph Office Site Sale Ancient Independent Oddfellows Land Sale 5 jj &eSess.28,No.8 6 Local Boards. [Abrogated within boroughs.] Diseased Sheep Act 1872 Amendment. [Sees. 2, 3, 4, expired.] Sess. 27, No. 8. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Sess. 27, No. 10. Spent. 7 8 Impounding Aot-Amondmeat \\ .-.1 liii rftnn \\ /-] i i .in^iAti A rfiW omngtoii —jiducation— Aei 1871 Amondmont 1871 Amondmont Highwayo Act 1871 Amondt. Appropriation 9 10 Highwayo Act 1871 Amondt. Appropriation SESSION XXV., 1873. \_No Acts passed in this Session.] r XXV., 1873. •ed in this Session.] No. 1 2 SESSION XXVI., 1874. Bridgoo,—Roado,—ftsd—etbes--"Worko Appropriation Masterton Courthouse and Telegraph Office Site Sale Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act (Wanganui) Adoption. Wanganui Reserves Management. [Sees. 2, 3, superseded.] XXVI., 1874. Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 185. Spent. 3 Sess. 28, No. 3 SESSION XXVII., 1874. Ad Interim Appropriation ... Waihenga Ferry Reserve Sale Confirmation Sess. 27, No. 5. Spent. No. 1 2




SCHEDULE of the Ordinances and Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelson, passed during Sessions I. to XXVI., from 1853 to 1875 inclusive.

Schedule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Wei Ilington— co, ntinuei Amending Act oe j, Obdinance. Shoet Title. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 3 SESSION XXVII., 1874— continued. "Wellington Publicans' j House Management.* • [Sees. 2, 3, superseded.] 4 5 6 Moads Diversion ... , Appropriation ■ ... "Wollingtea—Eduoatiea—A-et Amondmest Spent. G."A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Spss. 28, No. 8 7 8 9 Thorndon Baths. Wellingtonlmpoundiug. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 425. 10 Highways. No. 1 2 SESSION XXVIII., 1875. Ad Interim Appropriatioa ... Wellington Harbour Reserves Sale Sess. 28, No. 10 Expired. 8 Wanganui Eeserves Management Act 1874 Amendment. Municipal Corporations WaterworksAct(Wellington) Adoption. j Wellington Oh vrch of England Site 'Sale 4 5 Spent. G Sandon Public Park Management. i Wellington Land Sale Local Districts Impounding. i Wellington Education Act 1871 Amendment Appropriation 7 8 n 9 Abrogated. 10 Spent.

Shobt Title. Imendixg Act ob Obdinance. NUMBEB. Repkaliso Aci oa Obdinakoe. Existing Law. Extinct Lan\ sess: ON I., 1853. -m j_* n No. 1 2 3 4 Empowering Licenses and Fees Fines and Forfeitures Sess. 20, No. 2. Abrogated. Annulled by O. A, Act, 1858, No. 33. 5 6 .854. Licencing Quarantine Sess. 22, No. 5. Annulled by O. A. Act, 1888, iVo. 28. Sess. 9, No. 6. Spent. 7 8 I 9 H r.-i'i nmff Ttrrrix tTTTT tr v ■ • Immigration Appropriation M * In consequer !ouncil of New Zci Lets published in 1 ice of a fatal error in the repenting clause hereof (section 2), the Licensing Ordii dancl continue -yet in force in Wellington. The error originated in the reprint c .873. nances of the Legislate sdition of the Wellingtoi



Schedtjxe of the Ordinances and Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelsi m— continued. Shobt Title. Amending Act ob Obdinancb. Numbeb. Repealing Act ob Obdinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION II., 1854. iN II., 1854. Census No. 1 2 Census Legal Estate Legal Estate Annulled by O. A. Act,185S,JSTo.20. Superseded by G. A. Act, 1855, No. 2 Sess. 25, No. 3. 3 I American Blight ... ISM I American Blight ... 4 1855. Or. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 12, No. 3. Spent. Sess. 13, No. 3. 1855. Altoration-of-Koada 5 G 7 Protootion of Boado Education Provinoial—Council—Enlargo 8 Appropriation Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SESSION III., 1856.* j Provincial Socrotary | Education Noloon Improvomont CWatey Boade Sess. 20, No. 2. Sess. 10, No. 6. Sess. 22, No. 2. Sess. 22, No. 1. Public Beserves. Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1856, p. 141. Appropriation Cattlo Branding ... No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SESSION IV., 1857. j Compensation \ Country -lloado Amondmont Ncloon Improvomont Amondk i Appropriation ■ Education Amendment Education Loan ... Spent. Sess. 5, No. 12. Sess. 5, No. 11. Spent. Nolaon Dobonturoo Coaotmg Paooongoro JL LLUllv JtX'JlUL-1 TLUJ Not assented; Y originals not transmitted. J Motupiko Publio Booorvo "Waoto Lando "Waoto Lando SESSION V., 1858. iN" V., 1858. Debenture Consolidated, G. A. Act,l867,No.89. Expired. Spent. No. 1 Debenture 2 3 4 5 Loan ... '1 / y l / . I . t 1 / * y"l /-* J t t \ I \ ?\ i J Si n Si Ml \\m\ Motupiko Public Reserve ... Education Loan ... Motupiko Public Reserve ... Sess. 9, No. 4 Public Beserves. Auctioneers. [Sec. 11 repealed.] Cattlo Branding ... Dog Nuioanco n j_* "n - "TT i_ Sess. 25, No. 8. Sess. 9, No. 7. Disallowed. 6 7 8 Cattlo Branding ... L k IU \ ■ t J1 S± Dog JN uioanco Coaoting Pacoongora, Veooolo, and Boato 9 10 11 12 13 14 Education Amendment Appropriation Improvomont Amondt. and Boate Education Amoudmont Appropriation 3f oloon Improvomont Amondt. Country Boado Amendment,.. Dun Mountain Railway "Waoto Lando ... Sess. 10, No. 6. Spent. Sess. 22, No. 2. Sess. 22, No. 1. Expired. G. A. Acts, 1863, No. 39; 1867, No. 63. Not assented. Country Boado Amendment... Dun Mountain Railway \\7 n n4-r\ T .nvirin Waoto Lando ... 15 Gold FioldoOooupation Gold FioldoOooupation No. 1 2 3 SESSION VI., 1859. I VI., 1859. Sess. 25, No. 8. Spent. Sess. 8, No. 4. Cattlo Branding Amendment Hospital Reserves Thintlo Hospital Reserves Thin tlo I I \ I 11 T I I 1 • > t t I* T <" 11 • ■ # i •*• t • • * The laws passed iu the first two sessions are termed Ordinances, the remainder are Acts.



IHEDXTLE >f the Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelson — cont, inued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Oedinanck. Number. Kepealing Act oe Obdihancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 session v: Nelson Institution. !., 1859 — continued. Alteration of Roads Dog Nuioanco Amendment ... Spent. Sess. 9, No. 7. Public Cemeteries. Appropriation Nelson Board of Works Debenture Land for Compcneation ~) jvaval and-Miiitaay-Settlefe > CompeRoation for Boado ) Spent. Expired. 10 Sess. 21, No. 4. Assent withheld, 2V. Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 225. SESSIO] r VII., I860. Btidlo Boado Protoction G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Superseded by G. A. Act,187G,No. 52. No. 1 2 Hackney Carriages G.A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 74 3 Eifle Prize. 4 Appropriation Spent. 5 Nelson Institute Loan Spent. No. 1 2 3 SESSIOI VIII., 1861. Waimea East Road Alteration Spent. Nelson Gorse Hedges. 4 5 Nelson Board of Works Debentures Amendment Thictlo Expired. Sess. 13, No. 5. Sess. 23, No. 2 Impounding. [Sec. 23 repealed.] Protection of Animals Superseded by G.A. Act, 1867, No. 35. Spent. Sess. 25, No. 8. Spent. Sess. 13, No. 3. Expired. 6 7 8 9 10 11 Appropriation /~1 _ Ail _ T> J' A _1 i Custom House Site Electoral Diotriota Patent Slip and Dry Dock ... No. 1 2 3 4 sessio: I IX., 1862. Provincial Auditor's Salary Abrogated. Government Wharf. Sess. 15, No. 1 Auctioneers Licensing Amendment. Poison. [Sec. 2 superseded.] Fencing. Education Sess. 10, No. 6. G.A. Act, 1871, No. 53 Sess. 14, No. 2 5 C 7 8 9 10 Noloon Improvement Ameadfe Appropriation Sess. 10, No. 5. Sess. 22, No. 2. Spent. Sess. 25, No. 11; G. A. Act, 1867, No. 89 Lunatic Asylum. Sess. 12, No. 6 j Sess. 25, No. 4; Sess. 26, No. 3; G.A. Acts, 1871, No. 72; 1877, Local, No. 72 No. 1 sessio: Nelson Waterworks. [Sees. 17, 23, 24, repealed.] r X., 1863. Oetffiky-BoadG-Araondmont.,. Sess. 22, No. 1. 2 8 Pastoral Districts Fencing.



& JHEDULE if the Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelson — continued. • Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Oedinance. Eepea; on Existing Law. Extinct Law. ORDINANCE. SESSION X., 1863— continued. Noloon Scab No. 4 5 Dog Nuisance. [Sec. 3 repealed.] Sess. 13, No. 4. Sess. 25, No. 9 6 7 8 9 i Ed»eatie» Gattle-Siaughtoriag i Appropriation JJtdlor Beoorve Adminiotration G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Sess. 18, No. 2. Spent. a. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 73. 10 Coal Field Leases (Mokihinui). 11 12 Nelson Cemeteries Nolcnn Marino Board Spent. G. A. Act, 1863, No. 28. No. 1 2 SESSION XI., 1863. Supplementary Appropriation Nelson Loan. Spent. No. 1 SESSION XII., 1864. Billiard Tables Licensing. Buah Fires. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. Expired. Consolidated, Q. A. Act, 1867, No. 89. 2 3 Protection of Boado 4 5 6 Appropriation Patent Slip or Dry Dock ... Nelson Waterworks Loan ... No. 1 SESSION XIII., 1865. Public Carriages Inspection. Eobiuson Annuity. 2 8 4 5 6 M o I tit "in v ilr-pf iv n I Tii .-i4-i'i <"if .-t in o.iaoii juioctorai Jjiotnoto ... -VT.1 O--1, Nclcon Scab J.IUUUU -L»llJllll-l,U . , , Nolcon Scab Thistle Act Repeal Appropriation Sess. 19, No. 1. Sess. 18, N > Spent. Spent. Thistle Act Repeal Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XIV., 1866. "XT -1 T7! T L 1 T\ ■ l • l A a I XIV., 1866. Nolcon Eloctoral Diotrioto Aot Al: it ■thIti'w 'T^i". Sess. 19, No. 1. Nolcon Eloctoral Diotrioto Aot 2 3 4 m j\ -l-i-i r\ri 1 1 ynpTi'T 3 3.1X1^ ULlIxlvllv Fencing Act Amendt. Motueka Besevve. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 18G6, p. 327. Sess. 18, No. 4. G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 73. Spent. P-HfeJi«--W-€*k9 &»yio-Work8 ... 5 G (] ait] n — nPrf^fl i*\np. a • * t T^UH It XI LDI f tti^tj • • • • • t T>..11 T> A J *„ * _ J Bullor Beaorvco Adminiotra tion AniGHdaeat I— lui-i] o rPiyi nitn(*'.ri T^nTrtt A.I LDIJttt^tj ■ t ■ • • t Bullor BeBorycD Adminiotra tion Ameadaeat Appropriation 7 iiuii — x-Liia^ntt1 1,1 1 hi. 1 Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XV., 1867. Auctioneers Licensing Amendment. KT XV., 1867. Sess. 16, No. 3. Spent. 2 3 G oldfioldii Publioano Licouoing G oldfioldii Publioano Lieonemg Supplementary Appropriation Supplementary Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XVI., 1867. «" XVI., 1867. Eduoation-Aet-Amondniont... G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Eduoatiea-Aet-Amondniont... Sess. 22, No. 5 ; Sess. 24, No. 1 2 Licensing. Noloon Gold-KeMo-Lieonoing Appropriation 3 4 Noloon Qokl-KeMo-Lieonoiiig Sess. 18, No. G. Spent. Appropriation



& JHEDITLE )f the Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelson — cont. \nued. Shoet Title. Amending Aci ok Ordinance. Repealing Act oe Ohdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 5 6 SESSION XVI., 1867-conlinued. I Patent Slip or Dry Dock ... ~\\TKr*i~m\vJ- f~*1.n..1. ..-.t^.. arid Expired. G. A. Act, 1876. No. 50. Brighton Eailway No. 1 2 SESSION XVII., 1867. Supplementary Appropriation Xeloou ElootoFftt-Bietfiefa-Aet Amondmont Spent. Sess. 19, No. 1. No. 1 SESSION XVIII., 1868. Leafing of Public Wharves. a. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Sess. 22, No. 7. 2 Cattle Slaughtering 3 A 1 T> C1 „ 1 - Amnri B*«;<ipv«J iiujn_. ak j\.muri fw»6ef¥6 ©«je e* Sess. 23, No. 3 Sess. 19, No. 5 ; Sess. 20, No. 4 4 5 j i\ *rrn i l f Jr Cattle Trespass. [Sec. 3 repealed.] Nelson Scab.* [Sees. 4, 7, 9, 18, repealed.] Sess. 22, No. 8. Spent. 6 7 Noloon Gold Pioldo LioeBeiag Noloon Gold Fioldo LioeB«»g Appropriation Appropriation No. 1 2 3 SESSION XIX., 1889. XIX., 1889. Provincial Council Floating Dock Motuoka Gemotory Abrogated, Expired. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1869, p. 350. Abrogated. Provincial Council Floating Dock Motueka Gemotory 4 5 Consulting Surveyor n Salary NelsonScabActAmendt. [Sec. 1 abrogated.] TjU i.! A i A 1 j Consulting Surveyor s Salary G. A. Act, 1870, No. 62 C 7 Education-Ai;t Amendmeat... Education-Ai.'t Amendment... App rop riation G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Spent. Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XX., 1870. , XT 1 TTT I 1 1 i i XX., 1870. Sess. 26, No. 3. 5fekoa—Wntorworko Act Amondmont muuu iv tiienvumu nxi Amondmont Exooutive Govofameat 2 3 Exooutivo GovofaateBt Nelson Board of "Works Debenture. Sess. 21, No. 1. 4 5 £atet-giit» IJateHt-Slit' Appropriation Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette,, 1870, p. 371. Spent. Appropriation No. 1 2 3 SESSION XXI., 1871. Exooutivo Government " XXI., 1871. Executive Government Dog Nuioaneo Act Amondt. Ilighwayo Sess. 25, No. 1. Sass. 25, No. 9. G. A. Act, 1870, No. 50. Abrogated. Spent. Dog Nuioaneo Act Amondt. Ilighwayo 4 5 Nelson Hospital ... Nelson Hospital ... Appropriation Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXII., 1872. XXII., 1872. Sess. 23, No. 1 2 Nelson Highways. [Sees. 51, 52, repealed.] Towns Improvement. [Abrogated within boroughs.] Nelson Eivers. fcand for Publie Worko Not assented. 3 4 5 6 fcand for Tublie Worko LicenHing Act Amendt. JN oleou ■■ Jjileeturaj-Ifesteiete-Aet Noloon Eloctoral-Bisteiete-Aet Amendment Sess. 23, No. 7. * These Scab Acts are not to apply within the Amuri District. See O. A. Act, 1870, No. 62, sec. 3 and Schedule.

L— Ba,


IUEDTJLE if the Acts of the Provincial Council of Nelson — continued. Shoet Title. Amekding Act oe Obdinancb. Number. Act oe Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXII., 1872-continued. Vide Sess. 16, No. 2 No. 7 8 Amuri Reserve. Nelson Gold Melds Licensing. j Appropriatimt Spent. 9 No. 1 2 3 SESSION XXIII., 1873. Nelson Highways Act Amendment. Impounding Act Atnendt. Cattle Trespass Act Amendment. 4 Education Aot Amondmont... G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Sess. 24, No. 2 ; Sess. 25, No. 6 ; Sess. 26, No. 1 5 Gold Fields Local Revenues. [Sees. 3, 20, 22, repealed.] 6 7 Appropriation Nelson Electoral Districts Act Amendment Spent. Abrogated* Sess. 25, No. 6 No. 1 2 SESSION XXIV., 1874. Licensing Law Amendt. Gold Melds Local Revenues Act Amendt. [See. 5 repealed."! Spent. 3 i Supplementary Appropriation No. 1 2 SESSION XXV., 1874. Executive Council Municipal Corporations Acts. Abrogated, 3 American Blight Ordinance Repeal Spent. G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 72 4 Gas and Waterworks Transfer. Cruelty to Animals. Gold Fields Local Reserves Amendt. (No. 2) [Sec 5 repealed.] Sess. 26, No. 1 5 6 7 G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 73. Bullor Booorvoo Admmiotra 8 9 tion Amonamont Cattle Branding. Dog Nuisance Act Amendment. City Reserves Transfer. Nelson Loan. tion Amondmont 10 11 12 Appropriation Spent. Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXVI., 1875. Gold Fields Local Revenues Act Amendt. XXVI., 1875. 2 Tollo Tollg G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 72 3 4 Nelson Waterworks Act Amendment. Nelson Scab Act Amendment. Noloon Highwayo Aot Amondt. 5 Noloon Highwayo Aot Amondt. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 538. Spent. 6 Appropriation Appropriation


A.—s a,


SCHEDULE of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Marlborough passed during Sessions I. to XXVII., from 1860 to 1875 inclusive. (Created 1st November, 1859).

Shoet Title. l mendixg Act oe Oedinancb. Numbbb. Repealing Act ok Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION I, 1860. Exoeutive Council Cattle Brnndkig . A 1J i' _.£ T» J Sess. 13, No. 1. Not assented. Sess. 4, No. 1. Assent withheld, N. £. Gazette, 1860, p. 195. Spent. 1 T~l . _. "TVT ' A 1 J . .. A 1-LlLtllIUUlI V±- -LtUULIU . . . Dog Nuioaneo Abatement ... Dog Nuioaneo Abatement ... 5 Nelson Education Ordinance Nelson Education Ordinance and Acts Repeal 6 7 and Acts Repeal Auctioneers Licensing. Appropriation ii Appropriation SESSION II., 1861. )N II., 1861. No. 1 2 3 Cattle Branding. Dog JN uioanco Abatomont ... Alteration of Eoado Amondt. Dog ISTuioanco Abatomont ... Sess. 7, No. 6. Assent withheld, .ZV. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 201. Not assented. Disallowed. 4 5 Pioton Improvement Kcton and Wairan Eailway 6 1 Appropriation ... iSJpeni!. No. 1 SESSION III., 1861. i Education Sess. 11, No. 4. No. 1 SESSION IV., 1861. Alteration of Roads Act Repeal Appropriation (No. 2) Spent. 2 *) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SESSION V., 1862. Thiotlo Provincial Council Enlargement Provincial Loan ... Jaieenoing Amendment Pieton Improvement Provincial Auditor's Salary Sess. 21, No. 10. Abrogated. Expired. Sess. 10, No. 6. Sess. 24, No. 10. Abrogated. SESSION VI., 1863. [No Acts passed this in Session.] No. 1 SESSION VII., 1863. P4etea Improvement— -Art Sess. 24, No. 10. ±4etea improvement Art 2 Amendment Maryborough Fencing. [Sees. 5, 7, repealed.] Amendment Sess. 15, No. 2 3 4 5 6 Indemnity Appropriation Act, 1863 Appropriation Act, 1864 Spent. Indemnity Appropriation Act, 1863 ?, Appropriation Act, 1864 Dog Nuisance Abatement. Opawa Breach. » 7 8 Alteration of Boade Sess. 21, No. 10. Alteration ot itoade 5—A. 8a.

A. —Ba.


Sr :duie of ;he Acts of the Provincial Council of Marlborough — continued. Shoet Titles. Amending Act oe Ordinance. Nttmbee. Bepeamns Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION VII [., 186^—continued. [., IBffi—continued. Marlborough Drainago No. 9 Marlborough Dramago Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 452. SESSION r VIII., 1864. r VIII., 1864. Appropriation Spent. No. 1 2 3 Appropriation Prevention of Fires. Police Eegulation. Sess. 15, No. 1 N IX., 1864. id in this Session.] SESSIO1 [No Acts passei N IX., 1864. id in this Session.] No. 1 2 3 4 SESSIO] Picton Institute. | [No Acts.] IN X., 1864. IN X., 1864. Vagrant Superseded by G. A. Act, 1866. JVb. 10. Abrogated. vagrant 5 Provincial Council Enlargement Act Amendment Lioonoing Blenheim Improvement Provincial Council Enlargement Act Amendment 6 7 Lioonoing Sess. 26, No. 1. G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. Blenheim Improvement Sess. 21, No. 10 No. 8 9 Billiard Tables Licensing. ii*\,i-i^*j-ivi*»V/»^V/^M 7U/i *J i Appropriation (No. 2) Spent. Appropriation (JSo. A) No. 1 2 SESSIO1 N XI., 1865. N XI., 1865. Public Booorvco Managoinont Not assented. Laying of Poison Eegulation. Public -KODorvoo Monagoniont 3 Superintendents' Lands Alienation Marlborough Education Spent. Superintendents Lands Alienation 4 Marlborough Education Sess. 21, No. 12. SESSION [No Acts passei * XII, 1865. *,d in this Session.] * XII, 1865. *,d in this Session.] SESSION r XIII., 1865. r XIII., 1865. Exooutivo Council Appropriation Sess. 21, No. 1. Spent. No. 1 2 Exooutivo Council I Appropriation SESSION [No Acts passe I XIV., 1866. °A in this Session.] I XIV., 1866. °A in this Session.] No. 1 SESSION Police Eegulation Ordinance Amendment. Fencing Act Amendt. [Sec. 1 repealed.] N XV., 1866. N XV., 1866. Sess. 21, No. 10 2 ]^ Qac [ a "\ 3 Boadc ) Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1866, p. 328. Sess. 26, No. 1. 4 5 6 Spocial Divoroion of Boado ) a • -i -r\' ■ _.o~r»-_J_ \ Blenheim and Picton G-orse Hedges. LicoDoing Act Amendmont... 7 Yaocinatiou Appropriation Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1866, p. 282. Spent. 8 No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION [No Act.] | Cattle Trespass. Charitable Trusts. \ XVI., 1867. Sess. 21, No. 10 Appropriation {No. 2) Spent.



Schedule of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Marlborough—i continued. Short Titlb. Amending Act oe REPEALIira ACI OB Obdiiuncb. Obdinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 5 6 7 SESSION XV I., 1867 — continued. Drainage Pioton—ImproTomont Aet Amondmont Public Comotorioo Sess. 21, No. 7. Expired. Sess. 24, No. 10. 8 Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 423. Sess. 26, No. 1. 9 Liconoing—Aet—Amondmont Act 18G6 Amondmont 10 PublicEeserves Management. [Repealed as to Educational Reserves, G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22.] Spent. Appropriation 11 SESSION [No Acts pas XVII, 1867. sed in this Session."} No. 1 2 SESSION XVIII., 1868. Appropriation Publici Booorvoo &t4e Spent. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 298. Sess. 25, No. 1; Sess. 27, No. 1 3 Public Cemeteries. Appropriation No. 2. 4 Spent. No. 1 SESSI01 F XIX., 1869. Dog Nuisance Abatement Act Amendment Board of Works for the Town of Picton Trust Appropriation Lioonoing Aot Amondmeat... Pioton and Havolook Improve Superseded by G. A. Act, 1876, No. 48 Spent. 2 3 4 5 Spent. Sess. 26, No. 1. Sess. 24, No. 10. sessio: [No Acts past CT XX., 1869. ted in this Session.] No. 1 2 3 4 SESSI01 r XXL, 1870. Executive Council Appropriation (No. 1) Appropriation (No. 2) "Wairou Bridgo Abrogated. Spent. Spent. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 5 Wairau West Compulsory Land Taking Blenheim and Boulder Bank and Dashwood's Pass Compulsory Land Taking Roads 6 Spent. 7 8 9 Picton Wharf Leasing. Expired. Publio Comotorioo Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 462. 10 Marlborough Acts Amendment Appropriation (No. 3) Eduootion 11 12 Spent. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. No. 1 SESSION ■ XXII., 1871. Appropriation (No. 1) Spent.



SCH :dttle of the Acts of the Provincial Council of Marlborough— continued. Shout Title. Amending Act oe Obdinancb. NUMBEE. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 SESSION XXIII., 1871. Kaikoura and Kohai Road Diversion Superintendent's Lands Alienation Rondo Act Amendment Spent. Spent. 3 j Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 519. Spent. 4 Blenheim and Renwick Road Diversion Appropriation {No. 2) Sess. 24, No. 8 ; Sess. 25, No. 3 5 6 Scab. [Sees. 35, 36, 39, repealed.] | \ Spent. SESSION XXIV., 1872. Tua Marina and Wairau Road Diversion Kaikoura Suburban Road Diversion Spent. No. 1 2 Spent. 3 4 [No Act.] Spent. 5 FairJiall,Renwick,and OmaJca Road Diversion Education Act Amendment G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Sess. 25, No. 6 ; Sess. 27, No. 3 6 Roads. [Sees. 11, 13, part Schedules A, B, repealed.] Sess. 25, No. 8 7 8 Appropriation Scab Act 1871 Amendt. [See. 4 repealed.] Spent. 9 10 Provincial Representation ... (Picton and) Havelock Improvement. [Repealed aa to Pictxi.] Abrogated. Sess. 27, No. 1. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXV., 1873. Public Cemeteries. _ Spent. Roads Diversion ... Scab Acts Amendment. Superintendent's Lands Alienation and Leasing. 1 Appropriation Roads Act Amendment. Spent. 5 6 No. 1 2 SESSION XXVI., 1874. Marlborough Publicans' House Management. Superintendent's Lands Alienation and Leasing. Spent. Spent. 3 4 Roads Diversion ... Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXVII., 1875. Public Cemeteries Acts Amendment. Spent. 2 8 Roads Diversion ... Roads Act 1872 Amendment. 4 S Education Aot Amondmont,.. Appropriation G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Provi icial Ordi i&n.ce of Nelson still remaining in force within Marll lorough : — Sess. I., No. 3. Licenses and Fees.




SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury passed during Sessions I. to XLII., from 1853 to 1875 inclusive.

Shoet Title. .mexding Act oe Obdinanob. Kepeaiing Act oe Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SESSION I., 1853. I 4 3 _ /■> HIT j Advance of Money IN I., 1853. Advance of Money Government Gazette Spent. Abrogated. Sess. 22, No. 1. Abrogated. Government Gazette Executive* Grovornmont nay^TxnirT^ k.a u » «jiu.lln J 'll'D , . , Provincial Revenue Limitation of Patronage Public Seal Provincial Revenue Limitation of Patronage Public Seal Public Record Office Empowering ?j » I Public Record Office Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1854, p. 11. Sess. 3, No. 2. Empowering 9 Scab and Catarrh ... Scab and Catarrh ... No. 1 2 3 SESSION II., 1854. i T!\ i* r A j _ & IL, 1854. Eaglioh Agonto ... Empowering Sess. 17, No. 1. Abrogated. Eaglioh Agonto ... Empowering ess. 11, No. 6; Sess. 27, No. 12 Church Property Trust. [Seca. 3 to 10, 12, and part sec. 2, repealed.] 4 5 6 Immigration Wake field Road Alteration... Lyttelton and ChristcJiurcli Road Commissioners Trcopaoo of Cattlo Appropriation Debentures Spent. Immigration Wake field Road Alteration... it Lyttelton and Christchurcli Road Commissioners », 7 8 9 Trcopaoo of Cattlo Appropriation Sess. 14, No. 1. Spent. Debentures it No. 1 2 3 SESSION III., 1854. T>_ i * l /~i *i "m__ j_ t I III., 1854. t)— ; - „! /~i *i th__j_ _• Sess. 8, No. 8. Sess. 10, No. 9. Provinoial Council Extonoion Scab and Catarrh ... Auctioneers. No. 1 2 SESSION IV., 1855. Empowering Extension ■ * • wTTnUTXU ttt i»i v # ■ Abrogated. Disallowed, K Z. Gazette, 1855, p. 106. 3 Provincial Council Extension Amendment Abrogated. less. 10, No. 8 4 5 6 7 Christ's College. Appropriation Canterbury Association Svmner Road Spent. ii ii No. 1 SESSION V., 1855. Census ... Annulled by G. A. Act, 1858, No. 20. less. 8, No. 11; Sess.9,No. 3; G. A. Act, 1872, No. 19 2 Canterbury Association Eeserves. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION VI., 1856. Englioh Agont-ffier-g) Publiohouoo Appropriation Sess. 17, No. 1. Sess. 20, No. 19. Sess. 19, No. 9. Spent.



Schedule of thi Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe OBDnfANCE. NUMBEE. Repealing Act oh Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION VII., 1856. VII., 1856. Canterbury Association Debentures No. 1 Canterbury Association Debentures Expired. 2 3 "Waste;—La»4s—Bogulatione Amendment Loan ... Amondmont Q. A. Act, 1877, No. 29. Expired. Loan ... No. 1 SESSION VIII., 1857. VIII., 1857. Fuller Remission of Purchase Money French Magazine Reserve ... Akaroa Jetty Inwood Mill Spent. Fuller Remission of Purchase Money 2 3 4 French Magazine Reserve ... it Expired. Disallowed, i\T. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 111. Sess. 10, No. 9. Expired. Superseded by Q.A. Act, 1876,'M. 52. Sess. 17, No. 4. Akaroa Jetty T Wfc *W -W » *-\ j-V ! \ I j I I Inwood Mill 5 6 7 Soab and Catarrh AmondmoBt White s Kaiapoi Bridge Kaiapoi Town White's Kaiapoi Bridge Kaiapoi Town 8 9 10 11 t"» t :_i /~i *i "m__j Sess. 24, No. 9 Provincial Council Extonoion Peacock Wharf. Eduoatiea Education Canterbury Association Reserves Amendment Public Souse Amendment ... Sess. 35, No. 11. Spent. Canterbury Association Reserves Amendment 12 13 14 Public Souse Amendment ... [No Ordinance.] Expired. JJivoraion or xtoado Divoraion of Boada ) Disallowed, W. Z. \ Gazette, 1858, ) p. 4. Spent. 15 16 Govornor'a Bay Boad Govornor'a Bay Boad Appropriation Appropriation No. 1 SESSION IX., 1858. * IX., 1858. "Waoto—Lando—Boguktion Amondmont G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 29. 1 "Waoto—Lands—Boguktion A YYinTiflmAnt 2 3 Amonclmont Inwood Mill. Canterbury Association Reserves Amendment Canterbury Association Reserves Amendment Spent. 4 5 Slaughtorhouao x^.mondmont,.. ijmuj'uuuniuumj'iJ.imjmuuvimi. . Lyttelton Custom Souse Reserve G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. Spent. Lyttelton Custom House Reserve 6 Appropriation Appropriation j) No. 1 2 SESSION X., 1858. IN X., 1858. Sess. 17, No. 12 *-_ r^m r^m v * J \_^ ■ Canterbury Police. Immigranto J3arraokra Immigranto' Barraoko Disallowed, K Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 33. Sess. 22, No. 4; G. A. Act, 1873, No. 10 Planting of ForestTrees. 3 4 5 Troopaoo of Uattlo Amondt, Cathedral Square. [Sec. 4 repealed.] Sess. 14, No. 1. 6 Publio Hoopital ... Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 33. Spent. 7 8 9 10 Appropriation Christ's College Amendt. Soab Proyontion ... Sess. 22, No. 13. Sess. 22, No. 13. No. 1 2 SESSION XL, 1859. Zoare Ordinance Amendment Lunatio Aaylum and Grravol Expired. Disallowed, 2V. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 67. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Divoroion of Boado i



Sched le of thi Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury— continued. Shobt Title. Amendino Act oe Ordinance. Number. Obdinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. session x: '.., 1859— continued. Cathedral Square Amondmont Public Hoopital ... No. 4 5 6 Sess. 22, No. 4. Sess. 19, No. 11. Sess. 27, No. 12 Sess. 41, No. 4 7 Church Property Trust Amendment. Racecourse Lease. [See. 2 repealed.] Ship Building Beoorvo Loan 8 9 .*. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 67. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette 1860, p. 69. Sess..14, No. 1. j. uwuuuu u —-i_j.a.tunuiun ... 10 Cattlo Trcopaoo Amendment Ordinance Amondment Snoop Ordinance Amendmont TVfl" • : i /~i n 11 12 Municipal Council Sess. 22, No. 13. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 67. "\ Assent withheld, > N. Z. Gazette, ) 1860, p. 29. Spent. Municipal Council 13 14 15 Appropriation No. 1 sessio: I XII., 1860. Troopaoo of Cattle Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 141. • SESSIOI XIII., 1860. Lyttelton and Ghristchureh Railway Loan Lunatic Asylum and Gravel Pit Reserves Sales No. 1 2 Consolidated, G. A. 1867, iVo. 89. Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSIO] f XIV., 1860. Troopaoo of Cattlo... Municipal Council Sess. 31, No. 4. Sess. 37, No. 1. Grorse. Appropriation SESSIO [No Ordinances J * XV., 1861. iassed in this Session.] Spent. No. 1 SESSIO] r XVI., 1861. Til .._ T* -__ * - T\_. _ . i • Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 233. SESSIOI No. 1 2 3 XVII., 1861. English Agent, No. 3 Housekeepers Abrogated. Sess. 19, No. 4 Dog Nuisance. [Sec. 2. repealed.] i) 4 5 T\_ ■ • 1 /~i •! -n j Sess. 25, No. 1. Sess. 20, No. 5. Sess. 22, No. 13. Sess. 22, No. 5. U U l/VJi 1U LV UVITTII1/ 1J — KJK.HU.1 J . . . 6 7 Shoop Ordinance Amondt. ... Voluntoor Sorvioo 8 .862. Sess. 20, No. 6. ... 9 Lyttelton and Ghristchureh Railway Loan Appropriation Lyttolton Munioipal Council ~\ Railway Sovoranoo ) Spent. 10 Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1862, p. 195. 11



Sched le of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury — continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act ob Obdinance. KUMBEE. Ebpealing Act ob Obdinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 12 13 14 1862— continued. 12 Canterbury Police Amendment. 13 ... Treopaoo of Cattlo, No. 2 14 ... Appropriation Sess. 31, No. 4. Spent. SESSION XVIII., 1862. [No Ordinances passed in this Session.] SESSION XIX., 1862. No. 1 ... i Mxoeutivo Cf ovornm c _A TYlAn/itVlAvi^ Sess. 22, No. 1. Amcndmeat 2 Immigrants' Barracks. 3 ... I Elootrio Telegraph Amendment Elootrio Telegraph G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 4 Dog Nuisance Amendt. 5 ... : W3ato'B Waimakariri Eridj : W3ato'o "Waimakariri Bridgo} Hoothooto Bridgo.., Disallowed, 2f. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 140. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 24, No. 15. Sess. 20, No. 8. Sess. 81, No. 4. 7 ... Hoathooto Bridgo II! I 8Thint1n 9 ... Publio Houoo 10 ... Troopaoo of Cattlo Tliir+ln Publio Houoo Troopaoo of Cattlo 11 ... Chriotohuroh Hoopital 12 ... Cattlo Driving 13 ... Town of Softon ... Chriotohuroh Hoopital Cattlo Driving Town of Softon ... Sess. 20, No. 18. Sess. 20, No. 12. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 140. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 21 14 Municipal Councils Eeserves. I liTTAum aw \J ao /in S*l*-v/-.rtT r\l 15 ... Divoroion of Boado, Spooia 16 ... Canterbury—Leeal—Ma 3^ vlll \_rCu briae Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 140. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 58. 17 Bail for Petty Offences. 18 ... Appropriation 19 ... Boowiok Wharf ... Appropriation Boowiok Wh&i ... Spent. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 172. Sess. 20, No. 10; G. A. Act, 1867, No. 89 20 Canterbury Loan. [Part Schedule repealed.] /"11_ " _l_l l_ /*i*i /^ 21 Chriotchuroh City Counoil Sess. 37, No. 2. SESSION XX., 1863. XX., 1863. No. 1 ... Canterbury Marino Boardo 2 ... Superintendents' Corpoi Powers 3 ... Kaiapoi Bridgo 4 ... TVaimakariri Bridge 5 ... Superintcndont'o Salary 6 ... Provincial Auditors < Superintendents' Corporate Powers rate ) and G. A. Act, 1863, No. 28. Superseded hy G. A. Act, 1863, No. 6. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 28, No. 5. Abrogated. Deputy-Auditor s Satan 7 ... Board of Eduoation Publio Houoo 9 ... Forrymoad ikdlwuy 1 Kaiapoi Bridgo ... ) Bridgo j Superintcndont'o Salar}* Provincial Auditor's and Deputy-Auditor's Salaries Board of Eduoation Publio Houoo Forrymoad Bailvmy &h4 Whurf Tollo •ies -e«4 Sess. 35, No. 11. Sess. 24, No. 17. Sess. 27, No. 17. Wharf Tollo 10 Canterbury Loan Ordinance Amendment. 11 ... Diversion of Roads, Specia 12 Cattle Driving. Diversion of Roads, Special .. il .. Spent.



Sched 1 IE of thi Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury— continued. SnosT Title. Amendino Act oe Oedinance. Number. Repealing Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Sess. 24, No. 2; Sess. 40, No. 5 No. 13 SESSION XX., 1863—continued. Stage Carriages. [Sec. 3 repealed.] 14 ■ Cliriotcliurch City Council ... G. A. Act, 1876, No. 49. Sess. 26, No. 3. ) Disallowed, N.Z. \ Gazette, 1864, ) P- ISess. 22, No. 12. Sess. 22, No. 18. Not assented. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 555. a. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. Spent. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Buoh Eiroo Chriotchurch Hoopital Eoad Diotrioto Peacock Jetty Extenoion ... Koado Dinti-i'*'tii (No. 2) 22 Lyttelton Municipal Counoil 23 Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXI., 1864. Baihvay and Harbour Worka rj\tncl Sess. 28, No. 2. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXII., 1864. Executive Government Abrogated. Sess. 37, No. 10 Watercress. Pnt^mT^i-n' "P^ll "P^-rrini^v. -Ratepayers -tton Jtovioion ... Cathedral Square. [Sec. 4 repealed.] Sess. 22, No. 18. 5 6 7 8 Volunteer Sorvioo Beswick Wharf. Volunteer Sorvioo Sess. 27, No. 13. 9 10 11 Thrill"H mi Wiloon Mill Dam ffle^4) ... "Wiloon Mill Dam (U<*-2) ... Wiloon Mill Dam ffler-3:) ... "VViloon Mill Dam (£fe,-3) ... Sheep Rating Sess. 35, No. 11. ~\ Disallowed, N.Z. > Gazette, 1865, ) p. 47. Expired. Sheep Rating Sess. 26, No. 9 Fire. [Sec. 12 repealed.] TT li 1 ] /"11 :j 1-1_ A-J Hoopital and Charitable Aid Wakofioid.Sottlod Eotato .'.'. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hoopital and Charitable Aid C11 "nr_i-_£_u o _i_i.i. j * •Waliofiold.Bottled Eotato ... Chriot'o Collogo Loan tt- -i__- n • _ _ Chriot'o Collogo Loan Haolmey Carriage Appropriation Sess. 37, No. 3. Sess. 37, No. 14. ) Disallowed, N.Z. \ Gazette, 1864, ) p. 445. Sess. 37, No. 5. Spent. Sess. 31, No. 7. Hackney Carriage Appropriation t • i p*i «•■ ■ ■ ■ No. 1 SESSION XXIII., 1865. JCXIII., 1865. Sess. 37, No. 2. Chriotchurch City—Council Ordinunoo Amendment Ordinunoo Amendment No. 1 2 SESSION XXIV., 1865. Timaru Landing Service. Stage Carriages Ordinance Amendment. XXIV., 1865. 3 4 5 Lyttelton Cemetery Reserve Lyttelton Cemetery Reserve German Say Road Diversion Education Ordinance Amondt. Spent. Spent. Sess. 35, No. 11. German Say Road Diversion Education Ordinance Amondt. 1 o/■>/■» 6 1866. Canterbury Association's Debentures Fund .866. Canterbury Association's Debentures Fund Spent. 7 '" ii { '{/ CO t. I' III'. Volunteer Sorvioo Ordinanco Amendment Sess. 27, No. 13. 8 9 10 Diversion of Roads Peacock Jetty Extension. Amendment Diversion of Roads Spent. Railway and Harbour Works Railway and Harbour Works Ordinance Amendment Spent. 6—A. 8a.



ScHEDTj: /E of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act ob Ordinance. Numbee. Repealing Act or Obdinanoe. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXIV., 1866— continued. V., 1866 — continued. Giboon'a Quay No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 So. 11 ... Gibcson'o Quay ... 12 Akaroa Wharf. 13 ... Aohloy Bndgo 14 ... Provinoial Counoil Extonoion Aohloy Bridgo Provinoial Counoil i ■Extonoion G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 96. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Not assented to. 17 15 Thistle. 16 White's Little Biver Tramway. 17 Public House. [Sees. 13, 23, 31, repealed.] Sess. 26, No. 10; Sess. 27, No. 7; Sess. 37, No. 9 Sess. 37, No. 1. Sess. 31, No. 7. Spent. IS 18 North Avon Bridge and Koad Diversion. 19 ... Municipal Counoil Amondt-... 20 ... Eoado Ordmanoo Amondmont 19 20 21 21 ... I Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXV., 1866. No. 1 ... | Provincial Council Extension Abrogated. No. 1 2 3 4 SESSION XXVI., 1866. No. 1 ... Cameron Grant 2 ... Shoop Bating 4 ... HoJcitika Municipal Spent. Sess. 31, No. 7. Sess. 31, No. 5. Spent. 1867. 5 ... Modioal Praotitionoro Disallowed, JST. 2. Gazette, 1867, p. 121. Westland Ord., Sess. 2, No. 2. Spent. 6 • ... Wootland Board'of Eduoation 7 ... Stanmore Road Bridge 8 Cass Pension. 9 Fire Ordinance Amendt. 10 Public House Ordinance 1866 Amendment. 11 Westland Public House. G. A. Acts, 1868 No. 61; 1869, No. 43 12 ... Boado Oi'dinanoo Amendment 13 ..: Canterbury Gold Fioldo Hoo jnondmont Sess. 31, No. 7". Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 121. Sess. 37, No. 2. 14 ... Cliriotchurch City Counoil Or ChriQtchui'ch City Counoil Or dinaneo 1862 Amoudmont 'Hokitika Munioipal Counoil amanoo lobl! Amondmont 15 ... 'Hokitika Munioipal Counoil G. A. Act, 1867, No. 24. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 96. Expired. Spent. 16 ... Griboon Quay Ordinauoo Amondmont 17 ... English Agents ... 18 ... Appropriation Giboon Quay Ordinauoo Amendment English Agents ... Appropriation SESSION XXVII., 1867. No. 1 Heathcote Bridges. 2 Sefton Church and Cemetery Beserve. XXVII., 1867. 3 ... Limitation of Patronage Limitation of Patronage Ordinance Amendment Provincial Council Extension Ordinance 1866 Amendment Abrogated. Urdmance Amendment 4 ... Provincial Council Extension Abrogated. Urdmance lobb Amendment 5 ... Shocp Bating Ordinanoo 1866 A Tin f -\-v\ r\ TviAiir Sess. 87, No. 4. Amondmout Amendment Appropriation (iVb. 2.) Spent. Sess. 37, No. 9 6 ... Appropriation (iVb. 2.) 7 Public House Ordinance 1866 Amendment. [Sec. 8 repealed.]



Schedule of tin Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury — continued. Short Title. Amendino Act oe Obdinancb. Number. Repealing Act oh Obdinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXVII., 1867— continued, FII., 1867— continued, Foncing Ordinance 186Q Amendment Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 1) " Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 2) No. 8 Foncmg Ordinance I860 Amendment Sess. 31, No. 5. 9 10 Diversion of Roads, Special f "»T_ 1 \ (No.Y) Diversion of Eoads, Special /■ Spent. (No. 2) 11 12 Cam Bridge. Church Property Trust Amendment. 13 Volunteer Service Ordinances ~Rpnpnl. Volunteer Service Ordinances Repeal Spent. 14 uepeai Christchurch Fire Prevention. Sess. 31, No. 7. Annulled by G. A. Act, 1873, No. 51, sec. 19. Sess. 36, No. 8. Spent. 15 16 itondo (Jrdinanco Amendment Boado Ordinance Amendment Grey River Coal Field Reserve (3rcy icj^er Coa/ Field, Reserve 17 18 Bailway-Tolla nnd Management A n*\ /v\ i* rt v\ /w 1 r * ft A* I M s\ -J 1 Bailway-Tollo and Management Appropriation (No. 3) Appropriation (JVo. 3) No. 1 SESSION XXVIII., 1868. CXVIII., 1868. Limitation of Patronage Ordinance Amendment Railway and Harbour Works Fund Ordinance 1864 Repeal Abrogated. Limitation of Patronage Ordinance Amendment 2 Railway and Harbour Works Fund Ordinance 1864 JBeSpent. [i^o Ordinance.] 71 3 4 Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 2) Superintendent's Salary Ordinance Repeal Executive Council Ordinance 1864 Amendment Vwersion of Moaas, special (No. 2) 5 Superintendent's Salary Ordinance Repeal Abrogated. 6 Executive Council Ordinance 18(i4 Amendment j» 7 8 9 iso* A.menameni Eeserve No. 95a, ~\?A-,.nn^n-n "Po^ in A .' A Sess. 30, No. 3. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 289. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. Jllduoation Itato in Aid Education ±tato in Aid Interpretation Interpretation Interpretation 10 Educational Beoerveo Loaoing 11 Appropriation No. 1 2 SESSION XXIX., 1868. Cattle Eating. Diversion of Roads on Great Southern Railway, Special }j 3 Eailway Eeserves Leasing. Kaiapoi Bridge Interpretation Appropriation {No. 2) 4 5 6 » n m No. 1 2 3 SESSION XXX., 1868. Diversion of Roads, Special Eeserve No. 254. Education Rate in Aid Ordinance 1868 Repeal Kaiapoi Eridgo it tt 4 Or. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 36, No. 8. 5 Eailway Tolla and Management Ordinanoo 1867 Amondt 6 7 8 Municipal Corporations Eeserves. [No Ordinance.] [No Ordinance.]

A.— Ba,


Schedule of tb< Ordinances of the Prov: mcial Council of Canterbury — continued. Shoi it Title. Amending Act oe Oedinance. Number. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 9 session x: SX., 1868— continued. Rakaia Eridgo G. A. Act, 1876, No, 50. Spent. 10 Diversion of Roads on Great Southern Railway, Special (No. 2) 11 Sess. 35, No. 11. 12 and 1865 Amendment Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1869, p. 1. Sess. 32, No. 6. I 13 Appropriation (No. 3) No. 1 2 SESSION XXXI., 1869. Little River Reserves Sales Edaeation—Ordinanoo— IMA Amendment o 1, r\ 1 ■ „ . T o r> A Spent. Sess. 35, No. 11. 3 Sess. 37, No. 14. 4 5 6 Eailway and Harbour Reserves Leasing. Amendment Troopacoof Cattlo... Sess. 37, No. 13. Sess. 37, No. 8. 7 8 Bctf\f\n Appropriation Sess. 37, No. 6. Sess. 32, No. G. G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22 No. 1 SESSION Wairewa and Sefton Township Reserves. [Sec. 3 repealed.] XXXII., 1869. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 2 3 4 5 Baftgitata,-Opihi, and Toumka. Bridged Tollo Mechanics' Institute, Timaru Seserve. Diversion of JRoads, Special... Provincial Council Representation Appropriation (No. 2) Abrogated. 6 Spent. No. 1 2 session : XXXIII., 1870. Diversion of Roads, Special ChriDtclmrch Munioipal—Ge¥Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 248. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 8 4 Cemetery Reserves Management. HiCtucationQl-iiooorveD Leading No. 1 2 3 session : 5XXIV., 1870. Imprest Supply ... Imprest Supply (No. 2) Diversion of Boads, Special (No. 2) Superintendent's Salary Spent. ,> >» 4 5 Abrogated. Sess. 35, No. 11. 6 Amendment 1 J ■ 1 T-» G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 57. 7 (Jfe-S) 8 Christchurch Municipal Corporation Reserves. Canterbury Museum and Library. Amendment Sess 39, No. 5 9 Appropriation 10 Spent.



Sched fLE of thi Ordiuances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury — continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXXV., 1871. Diversion of Roads, Special (.No. 1) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 2) Diversion of Roads, Special (JVb. 3) Diversion of Roads, Special (M. 4) No. 1 Spent. 2 I >> 3 j» 4 n 5 6 7 8 Eeserve No. 461. Eeserve No. 738. Canal Eeserve. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Edueatioari Eooorveo Lefteiag 9 10 11 12 Eeserve No. 168. Eeserve No. 262. Education Appropriation Sess. 39, No. 9. Spent. No. 1 2 session : XXXVI., 1872. Imprest Supply ... Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 1) Diversion of Roads, Special (Nb.2) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 3) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 4) )» >? 3 jj 4 >) 5 j» 6 Section No. 7, Town of Kaiapoi. Assent withheld, JV. Z. Gazette, 1872, p. 148. Sess. 42, No. 22. 7 Eeaorvo No. 262 .. 8 Eailway Tollo and Manago 9 10 Appropriation Sess. 37, No. 7. Spent. No. 1 2 3 4 « session : CXXVII., 1872. Municipal Council Ordinances Repeal Christchurch City Council Ordinances Repeal Hospital and Charitable Aid Ordinance 1864 Repeal Sheep Rating Ordinance 1866 Amendment Ordinance 1867 Repeal Hackney Carriage Ordinance 1864 Repeal j» j) j> >) 5 6 Canterburv Eoads. [Sees. 32, "37 to 59, 79, Schedules 3,4,5,7, repealed.] jj Sess. 38, No. 3; Sess. 39, No. 12; G. A. Act, 1877, Local, Nos. 59, 77 Education—Ordiuanoo—1871 Amendment @fer-g) Sess. 39, No. 9. 7 G. A. Act, 1873, No. 10 8 a Canterbury Fencing. Public House Ordinance 1866 Amendment. Cathedral Square. 10 G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. n 12 Eeserve No. 330. KS Canterbury Trespass of Cattle.



SCHED le of thi Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. NUMBER. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Repealing Act oh Ordinance. Sess. 39, No. 10; Sess. 40, No. 11; Sess. 42, No. 27; G. A. Act, 1876, No. 62 No. 14 SESSION XXXVII., 1812— continued. Canterbury Sheep. [Sees. 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 20, 30, 47, 50, 54, repealed.] fll., 1812—continued. Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 5) Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 5) Appropriation {No. 2) 15 Spent. 16 Appropriation {No. 2) Disallowed. Lyttolton Boelaimod Land ... No. 1 SESSION XXXVIII., 1872. Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 6) Spent. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 49. 2 3 Public Domains. Canterbury Roads Ordinance Amendment. [The whole abrogated except sec. 1 and Schedule D.] 4 Booorvo No. 121 ... Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1873, p. 107. Spent. 5 ! Appropriation No. 1 SESSION XXXIX., 1873. Lyttleton Corporation Waterworks. Tiinaru Corporation Waterworks. 2 3 TVn + i'inf "P.^nrln P^w^nlrt^w. -UiGtnot—itoafla—Uompuloory T i-ivu-1 T'nirTn rr G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 4 5 Land Taking Canterbury College. Canterbury Museum and Library Ordinance Amendment. Land Taking 6 Educational Beoervoo Loaoing G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. 7 Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 1) 8 9 10 Beserve No. 74. Education Canterbury Sheep Ordinance Amendment Sess. 42, No. 26. Spent. 11 12 Public Domains. Canterbury Boads Amendment. 18 14 j» Reserve No. 304 Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 2) >j 15 16 Reserve No. 424. Appropriation » No. 1 2 3 SESSION XL., 1873. Christcliurch Stage Coach ... Imprest Supply ... Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 3) Diversion of Roads, Special {No. 4) Abrogated. Spent. » 4 ?> 5 G 1874. Stage Carriages Amendt. Classical Schools Reserves. Township of Geraldine. 7



Schedule of thi Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Canterbury — continued. Short Title. Amending Act or Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION X j., 1874 — continued. Diversion of Boads, Special (No. 5) Diversion' of Roads, Special (No. 6) Superintendent's Salary Ordinance 1870 Amendment No. 8 Spent. 9 ii 10 Abrogated. Sess. 42, No. 27; G. A. Act, 1876, No. 62 11 Canterbury Sheep Ordinance 1872 Amendt. [Sec. 2 repealed.] Lapsed. Sess. 41, No. 6. 12 13 Lyttelton Harbour Reserves Appropriation No. 1 SESSIO I XLL, 1874. Reserve No. 304 Ordinance 1873 Amendment Railway Tollo and Mauago ffieat Ordinance W3 Amondmont Public Seal Ordinance Amendment Spent. 2 Sess. 42, No. 22. 3 Abrogated. 4 5 Eacecourse Reserve Ordinance Amendment. Lyttelton Harbour Reserve. Spent. 6 Appropriation No. 1 2 SESSIO] " XLII., 1875. Imprest Supply ... Canterbury Sheep Ordinance 1872 Amendment Imprest Supply (No. 2) Road Boards Advances Expired. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reserve No. 88. Reserve No. 1599. Spent. !! Quail Island )> Classical Schools Re9 10 11 serves. Reserve No. 168. Reserve No. 62. [Sec. 2 repealed.] -hjitjui y i*u .^< u. ±avi nuu .nawu G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22 Educational Rooervoo Loading G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. . Spent. 12 13 Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 1) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 2) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 3) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 5) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 6) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 7) Diversion of Roads, Special (No. 8) 14 j> 15 » 16 H 17 )> 18 >) 19 )> 20 21 Public Libraries. Educational Reserves Leasing (No. 2.) G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 22 Railway Tollo and Ma»age23 24 "Width of Tires. Executive Council Ordinance 1864 Amendment Abrogated.




SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Westland, passed during Sessions I. to 111., from 1874 to 1875 inclusive. (Created Ist December, 1873.)

iCIIEDULE O linances o: ie Provincial ' Council of Canterb bury— continue:

Short Title. .mending Act or Ordinance. Npmber. Repealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. . A. Act, 1876, No. 62 No. 25 26 27 28 SESSION X] Canterbury Sheep Ordinance Amendment (No. 2). ill., 1875 — continued. Education ... Assent withheld, If. Z. Qazette : 1875, p. 539. ... G. A. Act, 1877. No. 21. Appropriation ... Spent.

.mending Act or Nt , MBK1 , Ordinance. Number. Short Title. Repealing Act or Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION I., 1874. iN I., 1874. Provinoo Adminiotrativo Appropriation No. 1 2 Provinoo Adminiotrativo Appropriation Sess. 2, No. 1. Spent. No. 1 2 SESSION II., 1874. N II., 1874. Executive Council Abrogated. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Executive Council Wootland Education less. 3, No. 5. 3 less. 3, No. 5. Trespass and Impounding. [Sees. 32, 33, repealed.] T7~_ 7..*J.* 7»_ Pj.. / /"f J * 4 5 Spent. Hokitika Street Closing I I AH IU^ A* . . V« ik* . Ma / i A* / \ » ■! \ I Appropriation (No. 2.) Hokitika Street Closing Appropriation (No. 2.) SESSION III., 1875. )i No. 1 2 * III., 1875. 3 Fencing. W ootltmd Jj omoB Wootlaud Eduoation Ordiaaaee Wootltmd Eorrioe TIT _ll_. 1TJ.1 _ _ i' __ r\ T G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 4 Amondmont Wootland Toll Gato 5 Trespass and Impounding Ordinance Atnendt. 6 Appropriation Spent. Schedule of Canterbur; Ordinances declared to be in force within Westlaj of Westland Act, 1868." Ld by "The County .854, Sess. 3, No. 3 ... .858, „ 9, „ 4 ... Auctioneers. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 14. „ 10, „ 1 ... .860, „ 14, „ 1 ... Canterbury Police. Troopaoa of Cattlo West. Ord., Sess. 2, No. 3.



SCHEDULE of Canterbury Or linances declared to be in force within Westland by " The County of Westland Act, 1868"— continued.


SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago passed during Sessions I. to XXXIV., from 1854 to 1875 inclusive.

Yeab asd Number. Existino Law. Extinct Law. Ekpeaiing Act ok Obdixancb. .861,Sess.l7,]\ To. 3 n 17 > » 12 Dog Nuisance. Canterbury Police Amendment. „ 17, „ 13 Trocpaon of Cattlu ... West. Ord., Sess. 2. No. 3. £62, „ 19, „ 4 „ 19, h 10 Dog Nuis&Bce Amendt. Troopaeo of Cuttk .864, „ 22, „ 7 Edueatiew West. Ord., Sess. 2, No. 3. West. Ord., Sess. 2, No. 2. 22 12 Hospital and Charitable Aid. Education Ordinance Amendt. .865, „ 24, „ 5 i860, „ 24, „ 11 Giljoou'ij Quay West. Ord., Sess. 2. No. 2. G. A. Act, 1876. No. 96. „ ,i 24, ,, 13 » „ 26, ., 3 Thistle. .867, „ 26, „ 6 "VVeotland Board of Education West. Ord., Sess. 3, No. 1. West. Ord., Sess. 2. No. 2. » )» 26, „ 13 Westland Public House 1 Canterbury Gold Fields Hospitals " Inoperative. „ 26, „ 16 ( I ilin /hi tin i-i-i- II i» 1 1 1 Yi n n n r. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 96. West. Ord., Sess. 3. No. 1. Annulled bij O. A, Act, 1873, No. 51, sec. 19. jj >! 27, „ 8 jj j> —', j, tu Amendment Fencing Ordinance 1866 Amendment Q-rey River Goal Field Reserve

SlIOET TlTLU. .menb1xg act or Obdinaxce. Xr.UBEE. Eepealing Act oe Okdikakce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. ■■ No. 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a Sa SESSION I., 1854. I Executive Council Appropriation \ Government Gazette Provincial Revenue Buiicdin Public Lunde Empowering Appropriatioii(Supplemcntary) Abrogated. Spent. Abrogated. Sess. 7, No. 32. Abrogated. Spent. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 7, No. 32. Sess. 4, No. 5. Sess. 5, No. 12. 9a 10a 11a Jotty find Wharf... PuMioBdado 1 Amended by " Tliis Ordinan 'o have inserted it cquired no validity 7—. G. A. Acts, ice was disal in the Schec y. It remaii 1868, H«. 61 ; 1869, No. 43. lowed bv the Governor on 20tl Lnle of " The County of Wcstli is null and void. i March, 1867, as being ultra vires ( iiid Act, 1868," was an error, and tin (iazeile, 1867, p. 121.) e Ordinance has thereby A. 8a.


A.— SX,

Schedule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago — ft itinued. Short Title. Amending Act ob Oedinance. Repealing Act ok Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 12a 13a 14a 15a sessio: N II., 1854. Provinciol Council Board of Audit ... Appropriation Immiijrationand British Agent Sess. 4, No. 9. Sess. 17, No. 116. Awn*. Abrogated. 1 16a 17a 18a 19a 20a 21a 22a 23a 24a 3 1855. Immigration Appropriation and Debentures Excess of Expenditure 'Dog Xuiimnee Appropriation Auotioncorj' Liconoo Supplementary Appropriation Dunodin Town Board Spent. Sess. 16, No. 85. Spent. Sess. 16, No. 99. Sess. 30, No. 366. Spent. Sess. 20, No. 191. Sess. 20, No. 191 Dunedin Roads and Streets. [The whole repealed except sec. 6.] 25a Supp Jem en tan/ Approbation Spent. SESSIO] [No Ordinances p U III., 1856. massed in this Session.] No. 1 sessio: N IV., 1856. Executive Ceuucil and Official Appointmonto Sess. 12, No. 47. Sess. 30, No. 366. G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 15, No. 81. Sess. 20, No. 190. Sess. 5, No. 10. Disallowed, If. Z Gazette, 1856. p. 118. Spent. Sess. 6, No. 22. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Education _i n 'tn.tr3 . . • ■ ■ * ■ • * Debentures Breach of Frivilogo 8 9 Appropriation Provincial Cettaeil 10 sessio )N V., 1856. Loan Consolidated, G-. A. Act, 1867, Ifo. 89. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1857, p. 77. Sess. 34, No. 464. G-. A. Act, 1866, No. 22. Expired. 11 Appropriation 12 13 &O * 1' * j' • • ■ ••• ■ p • \ -iJUliU OU1U U11U OJUUIUUU Sess. 18,No. 146 14 15 Roads Ordinance Amendment Cemeteries. [Part sec. 5 repealed.] Towno Cattlo Trocpaoo Sess. 7, No. 27. Sess. 28, No. 322. 16 17 18 Amendment Forrioo Ordinance x\.mondmcnt Sess. 19, No. 168. Assent withheld, 27 Jan., 1857. I Ijocul luumpmal liiOtfttefl sessio: I VI., 1857. Appropriation •Appropria t ion A _ Spent. li) ■20 2] ■2-2 Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 28, No. 322. Provi»t4al—Ge28 Local Municipal Estate.



Sch: :dtjle of ;he Ordinances of [the Provincial Council of Otago— a 'ntinued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Obdinance. Number. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION V] .., 1857 — continued. No. 24 25 Town Land i^aloo ... Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1858, p. 20. a. A. Act, 1866, No. 22. 26 Church of England Cemetery. ' VII., 1858. SESSIOI Sess. 24, No. 272; Sess. 26, No. 295 27 Cattle Trespass. [Sec. 1 repealed.] Appropriation Immigration Fund Paotoral Diotrioto ... Spent. 28 12!) 80 • • * Sess. 28, No. 321 Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 7. 31 :!2 88 Leases of Jetty Reserves. Jetties and Wharves. Appropriation Spent. Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1859, p. 8. SESSION VIII., 1859. Appropriation Pastoral Districts Road Claima l . 34 35 36 37 Spent. Abrogated. Sess. 20, No. 190. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 28. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1860, p. 28. Sesa. 23, No. 259. 38 ... Mauri Lodging 39 ... 40 Town-Boardo Town Roads and Streets Superseded. 41 42 sessio: S IX., 1860. Appropriation Board nf Audit and Exocutivo I J L I 1 1 > . ■ I I Spent. Sess. 17, No. 116. 43 SESSIO \_No Ordinances 2 Assent withheld, JST. Z. Gazette, I860, p. 151. IN X., 1860. lassed in this Session, ,] sessio: N XI., 1861. | Appropriation ... Spent. 44 45 46 SESSIO] N XII., 1861. Appropriation {No. 2) Diooaood Cattlo ... Spent. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 319. Abrogated. 47 48 49 50 51 Trigonometrical Station. Executive Council Sess. 15, No. 77 American Blight. Suukon Sess. 34, No. 464. Eduoation ") Disallowed, N.Z. \ Gazette, 1861, ) p. 319. Sess. 30, No. 370 ; Q. A. Act, 1875, No. 5 52 53 Dunedin Church Lands. -tvC'tlt-LH ■■• ■•» ■ * ■



Sen: :dule of :lie Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago—ci itinued. Shobt Titik. Amendikq Act oe OllMXANCE. Number. Repealing Act ox. Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XII., 1881— continued. Ti ■ •! t~i • l. t; .., 1861 — continued. -r-t • "l n No. 54 ', Provincial—Councila I? moiit Ordinftaee-^A-m ieftdt. Sess. 28, No. 322. 55 ; Otago Loon Otago Leftft Assent withheld, 7th Aug., 1861. SESSION XIII., 1861. XIII., 1861. Liconaing' Provincial GaHaeils HftAour Endowmont Sess. 19, No. 162. Sess. 28, No. 322. Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1862, p. 103. ) Disallowed, .K Z. [ Gazette, 1862, ) p. 88. 66 57 58 ■LiconBiug' Provincial Gtmaeile HftAour Endowment 59 Water Polico Water Polico 60 61 Grnrmnftlfl ill 11I11HJ-"J m t t i 11IIIIILIIPJ i t t • • ■ Sess. 15,No. 75; G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 89 02 63 01Otago Loan. [Sec. 10 repealed.] T~\ 1'— TJ 1~ ~~,3 QU-, BwaedtH-lloado aad-8fe'eet6 ... Appropriation Sess. 22, No. 240. Sess. 20, No. 191. Spent. PwaedtB-lloado aaft-%fa seete ... Sess. 15, No, 78 Appropriation G5 SESSION XIV., 1861. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. T»~_.i- /"n.,.1 ~i\r. ' XIV., 1861. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1862, p. 88. 66 Ijiert Qhalmerc Mi Pej-t GJiftlfflftre-—Municipal TlV.f,i<-r. rJLynTrtx" Sess. 20. No. 191 67 SESSION XV., 1862. Dunedin Improvement. [The whole repealed except sees. 29 to 37.] I XV., 1862. Spent. 68 69 Appropriation Sess. 18, No. 136; Sess. 20, No. 192; G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 89 70 Appropriation Otago Harbour Trust Leasing. Otago Public Buildings Loan. [Sec. 4, part sec. 6, repealed.] Sess. 18, No. 135; Sess. 20, No. 193; G-. A. Act, 1867, No. 89 71 72 Dunedin Municipal Loan. Otago Harbour Loan. [Sec. 4, part see. 6, repealed.] t : : r\~j:- A A .11. n 74 75 IkieeflBmg Ordiuanno Amondtr Assent withheld. Sess. 19, No. 1(52. fcteeflsing Ordinance-^ A.mondtf ... _ C) _. — Otago Loan Ordinance i Amendment. TT J__ i^\___T . A yagrante-Ordinaneo Ameadt. \. 76 77 yngranto-Ordinanoo A Trigonometrical Station Ordinance Amendt. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance Amendment. rf»e»dtv Sess. 22, No. 240. 78 -r» l r\T . a_ . 1...J Sess. 20, No. 190. Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 18, No. 149. 7!) 80 si &&atlo Ordinance Ania Seab Provontiea ... «d»efit 82 83 SESSION XVI., 1862. Criminolo Otago Loan. [Sec. 4 repealed.] Disallowed, JV. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 78. Sess. 18, No. 131; G. A. Act, 1807, No. 89


A— Ba,

Sche: iTJLE of ;he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago—i continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act ob |Okdinaxce. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION X\ X, 1862— continued. Otago Ilcprcoontation Sess. 30, No. 375; Sess. 34, Nos. 485,486 No. 84 85 Dog Nuisance. [Part sec. 2 repealed.] Sess. 28, No. 322. 86 87 88 Appropriation Sunday Oboorvonoo Panama Mail Suboidy Spent. Disallowed, JV". Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 70. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 58. Sess. 22, No. 232. Sess. 34, No. 464, Expired. 89 90 91 Turnpikes Sheep Importation Harbour Endowment nance Amendment Ordi92 Sess. 28, No. 322. 93 94 Thiotlo Prevention Sess. 27, No. 311. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 72. . i • Sess. 27, No. 313; Sess. 33, No. 430 95 Hospitals. [Sees. 8, 11, repealed.] i 96 £tfiitaprovod Land Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 79. ) Disallowed, N. Z. > Gazette, 1863, ) p. 70. 97 Executive) Counoil 9S Sess. 25, No. 283 ; Sess. 28, No. 335; Sesa. 30, No. 375 99 Licensed Auctioneers. [Sec. 9 repealed.] Sess. 18, No. 141: Sess. 30, No. 377 100 Police Eegulation. [Sees. 3, 4,11, repealed.] Sess. 20, No. 191. 101 Dunodin Improvement—Qtdi-aaaee-Amendmont Sess. 30, Nos. 375, 378 Sess. 17, No. 129; Sess. 21, No. 214; Sess. 30, No. 377; Sess. 34, No. 465 102 103 Licensed Carriages. Town and Country Police. [Snbsec. 12 sec. 13, sees. 21, 22, repealed.] Abrogated. Destitute Persons Relief ... Sess. 19, No. 167 104 105 Common Lodging Houses. 106 107 108 k c\ iiii r\-\T\'Ln I <^"vn »*rl Sess. 23, No. 258. Spent. Sess. 27, No. 310; Sess. 28, No. 333; Sess. 80, No. 375 Licensed Theatres. [Sees. ], 3, repealed.] Otago Harbour Improvement Licenced Hawkoro Qattlo Branding ... Electric Tclcgraphr. Sess. 19, No. 170. Sess. 19, No. 169. a. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 30, No. 365. G. A. Act, 1868, No. 4. 109 110 111 112 113 Impounding Pawnbrokoro



Sch: :dtjle of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago—a mtinued. Short Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Sees. 18,No. 144 No. 114 SESSION XV Dimedin Building. [Sec. 2 part sec. 3, Schedule A, repealed.] ... 1862 — continued. 115 116 117 SESSION XVII., 1863. Utago Loans Coupons Stamping Executive Council Amendment 1"^ Spent. Abrogated. G. A. Act, 1871, No. 52. SesB.19,No.l72 118 Dunedin Waterworks Company Guaranteed Interest. 119 Otago Dock Companies Guaranteed Interest. Expired. 120 Mechanics' InstituteKe121 122 serve. Distress. Vaccination ) Disallowed, B. Z. > Gazette, 1864, ) P-I-123 124 125 Sunday Observance. "Watormon'o Liconoing 126 >3<ir»AT»i -i J*4-»-\i*'»rl*-fc-»J*4-("! 1-n *-i*-v-»*»-v^»»r\1-i rw-K Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 186 -1, p. 1. Sess. 28, No. 322. 127 nanco 18ti£ Amondmont Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 4. Spent. XUlt U-L V^IU^U -LJUU1U. . . Sess. 30, No. 377 128 129 Town and Country Police Ordinance Extension and Amendment. Lake Steam Navigation. Kerosine &ParafineOils. Appropriation Sess.l8,No.l51 130 131 XVIII., 1864. Criminals Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 369. Spent. 132 SESSION 133 134 135 Provincial Public Notices ... Otago Loan Ordinance 1862 Amendment Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance 1862 Amendment Otaqo Public Buildings Loan Ordinance 1862 Amendt. :&<4uciition Booorvoo Manago j> >> 13G ;> 137 138 139 Appropriation Licenced Hawltoro Assent withheld] JV. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 3S3. Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, Ib64, p. 369. G. A. Act, 1871, No. 52. 140 Broad Ordinanoo Amondmo&fc Sess. 30, No. 377 141 Police Eegulation Ordinance 1862 Amendt. TurupikoD Ordinance Ainondt. 142 143 Sess. 22, No. 232. Disallowed, JV. -Z. Gazette, 1S64, p. 369. 144 Dunedin Building Ordinance 1862 Amendt. Cemetery Eeserves. Cemetery Eeserves Management. Sess.22,No.241 Sess.27,No.312; Sess. 34, No. 484 145 146



Sch: idule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— a mtinued. Shobt Titles. Amending Act ob Ordinance. Nttmbeb. Repealing Act ok Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XVIII., ISU-'onlinued. No. 147 ... Medical Pruotitionoro Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 369. Sess. 19, No. 162. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 379. 1 148 ... Jjiccnijing Amendment 149 ... Education 150 ... Education Bcocrvoo 151 Kerosene and Parafine . Oils Ordinance 1863 Amendment. 152 ... Huwkobury Eoado Lando 153 ... Southern Trunk Eoad Lane 154 ... Kaikorai District BoadoLai 155 ... Anderoon'oBay Diotrict Boi b»4s | Disallowed, If. Z. J- Gazette, 18G4, p. 379. Andoroon'o Bay Diotrict Boado 15G ... Tokomairiro—Diotrict—14e< 158 ... Northern Trunk Boad Last 159 ... Caverniiam and Green Iok 11 Iri 111 tH 11 -UiDtnoto ituauo .hanao 1G0 ... Superintendent's Indemnity Northern Trunk Boad Lands Cavorniiain and Green Ioland Diotrioto Euado Lnndo Superintendent's Indemnity... !/■■■ J Spent. SESSION XIX., 1864. XIX., 1864. Appropriation T3I" :11 HTT'l • • ( ■ « > Fort Chalmoro Town Board... Bridge ... Sess. 21, No. 207. Sess. 23, No. 259. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 7 10 L ... Appropriation 1G2 ... jjicunutBg 1G3 ... Port Chalmoro Town Board 104 ... Bridge ... i... 166 Pig and Poultry Nuisance. 16G i Bush Fires. 107 CommonLodgingHouses Ordinance Amendt. Ferries ... Cattlo 16S ... Ferries... 1G9 ... Cattle ... 170 Licensed Hawkers. Spent. Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 28, No. 336;Sess. 30, No. 375 Sess. 28, No. 324. 171 ... Jottieo and "Wkurvoo Ordinal A inorwirnrmi. Sess. 22, No. 238 Aaonumont 172 Dunedin Waterworks Company Guaranteed Interest. Amondmont 173 ... Superintendent's Indemn f7Vn 9*1 Superintendent's Indemnity {No. 2) Roads Diversion ... Northern Trunk Road Lands Southern Trunk Road Lands Kaikora iDistrict Roads Lands Anderson's Bay District Roads Lands Haicksbury Roads Lands ... Taieri District Roads Lands Tokomairiro District Roads Lands Caversham and Green Island Districts Roads Lands Medical Practitionoro lity Spent. {i\o. Z) 174 ... Roads Diversion ... 175 ... Northern Trunk Boad Lan 170 ... Southern Trunk lioad Lam 177 ... KaileoraiDistrict lloads Lai 178 ... Anderson's Bay District Rot T.rim n s nds ids nds •ads )» >> )) it ;j lianas 179 ... Haicksbury Roads Lands ISO ... Taieri District Roads Lane 181 ... Tokomairiro District Roc T atlrls ds ads » )» n ±.anas 182 | ... Caversham and Green Isla and n Districts Roads Lands 1S3 ... Medical Practitionoro 184 Education Eeserves. G. A. Act, 1867, No. 30. G. A. Acts, 1868, No. 43; 1871, No. 20



Sch: :dule of ;he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— a itinued. Short Title. Amending Act oe Obdinascb. Number. Repealing Act ob Oedinascb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XIX., I86i-contin«ed. No. 185 186 187 mont and Loaning a. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Sess. 28, No. 322. Sess. 25, No. 287. xvit' v^intitin-'iu -.^Tt.ttrtTr-rrynT ~TW. + n + JJJTL3\A\\}\J SESSION XX., 1865. I Dunodin Town Bunrd DioowktSess. 20, No. 191. 188 189 Otago Harbour Trust Lands. 190 191 Sess. 29, No. 363. Sess. 21, No. 208; Sess. 22, No.239;Sess. 28, No. 330; Sess. 30, No. 374; G. A. Acts, 1865, No. 55; 1866, No. 62; 1875, No. 58 Otago lloade Otago Municipal Corporations. 1 [Sees. 18,27,78,115, repealed.] 192 Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance 1862 Amendment. Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance 1862 Amendment. 193 194 195 Appropriation Appropriation AppyepriutioH- (^St-^) Spent. Assent withheld, .V. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 210. Spent. Or. A. Act, 1867, No. 30. AppyepriutioH- (Js-Oi—£) 196 197 Superintendent's Indemnity Superintendent's Indemnity Modioal Pmctitionoro—O*dt198 nnnoo lobl Amenclmont Port Chalmers Municipal Estate Reserves. nnnoo 1861 A-mendmont 199 200 Roads Diversion ... t J3i /^ 3: TOnti Roads Diversion ... Impounding Ordina»co 1802 Amondmont Spent. Sess. 30, No. 365. Impounding Ordinaaoo 1862 Amondmont Sess. 22, No. 241 201 202 203 Acolimntioatiun Boocrve Cemeteries. Otago Harbour Trust Lands (No. 2). Saw, 21, No. 215. 204 205 SESSION XXL, 1865. Appropriation 33ridgo Ordinance 1861 Amendment Turnpilioo Ofdinonco Amendt. Licensing. [Sees. 2, 8,44, 56, repealed.] Spent. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Sess. 22, No. 232. 206 207 Sess. 22, No. 235; Sess. 27, No. 302; Sess. 28, No. 334; Sess. 30, No. 373; Sess. 33, No. 431; Sess. 34, No. 470 Sess. 22, No. 239; Sess. 32, No. 399; Sess. 34, No. 469 v 208 Municipal Corporations Ordinance 1865 Amendment. [Sec. 10 repealed.] 1 Applies only within the Towns of Alexandra, Clyde, Naseby, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, and 'est Hawksbury.



Schedule of ;he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago — a mtinued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. NtnoER. Repealing Act ob Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XX! .., 1865 — continued. Medical—Practitioner—OrdiBa»co Amendment Otago Eoado Ordinance 1805 Extcntden and Amondmcat Roads Diversion Ordinance Amendment Shoep Ordinance 185C Amendt. Superintendent^ Indemnity {No. 2) No. 209 210 G. A. Act, 1867, No. 30. Seas. 29, No. 3G3. 211 Spent. 212 213 Sess. 34, No. 464. Spent. Sess. 30, No. 377 214 Town and Country Police Ordinance Extension. G. A. Act, 1868, No. 43 215 216 Acclimatisation Reserve Ordinance Repeal Seaeiftg; Ordinance 1856 Amendment j> Sess. 30, No. 366. 217 218 Birds' Protection. Education Reserves. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Sess. 28, No. 322. 219 Education—Qrdinanoo—1&64 Amendmo&t 220 /~Wo^-p Pi..^ i^ V> r,-<-,*>r,. .. ,^f n 221 222 223 224 feon Ordinance 1861 Amondt. In terpretation Qtagu Dock Trust,.. Bead Diotrteto Loan tjjkmthora Trunk Railway Guaranteed Intoroot Roads Diversion {No. 2) Spent. Sess. 33, No. 43G. Sess. 29, No. 363. Sess. 23, No. 252. Sess. 25, No. 290 225 226 Oamaru Reserves. [Partly repealed.] Oamaru Town Eeserves Management. [Partly repealed.] Spent. Sess. 25, Nos. 290, 292 ; Sess. 30, No. 382 ; G. A. Act, 1869, No. 41 227 Oamaru Moehaaiee' Inotituto "I-?.-'i ftpyvo AT:!it !1 O*O11 n >i if. G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 5. 228 229 230 Frankton Mill Reserves. 231 Dunedin Reserves Management. merit and-taeftsiw"' G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 232 SESSIO1 XXII., 1866. Turnpikes G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 233 234235 Appropriation (]¥o. 1) Appropriation (No. 2) is Sess. 27, No. 302; Sess. 28, No. 334 Licensing Ordinance 1865 Amendment. 236 237 Dune-din—Bcoorvoo—Manago Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 123. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 121. C3^i-.4-1imM> nVini- T>^iKT-riT^ GfHSK 238 239 Dunedin "Waterworks Company Guaranteed Interest Ordinance 1S64 Amendment. Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinances Amendment. Amendment 8—A. 8a.



Schedule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— continued. Shobt Title. Amkndik& Act oe Ordinance. Repealing Act ok Obdinance. Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXII., 1866. Vagrant Ordinances Repeal No. 240 241 Cemetery Ords. Amendt. [Clyde and Hampden.] Spent. 242 243 l~)v-*-»»+- i'l^r»liv>.'\»n Aum l-</-vm Qrdinanco Itoponl Q«Mtt*tt—Town—Board Ordi aanoo 1863 Ilepoal Soads Diversion ... ) Disallowed, N. Z. }■ Gazette, 1867, J p.m. Spent. 244 245 246 247 SESSIOM XXIII., 1867. Gold/ieJds Provincial 3Ianaqement Fencing*... Tuvnpikoa—Ordinanoo —18GC Amendment Adminiotration uf Juotico ... i? Expired. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. ) Disallowed, JV. Z. > Gazette, 1867, ) p. 323 Spent. Disallowed, JT. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 269. Expired. 248 249 250 251 rkmBdictiou Extonnion Appropriation Southern £wh* Railway Cruarantoed-Iiitoroot 252 Southern Trunk Hallway Guaranteed Interest (No. 2) 253 254 255 Ottigo Loan Immigration and British Agent Ordinance 1854 Amendment Sess. 34, No. 464. Assent withheld. Abrogated. 256. - ' I ' (*■ * I fe> < ■ V l_* ■ • 1* tvt i_.j i . i /"I * :_li *rTTT'Tmi Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1867, p. 355. Smb. 34, No. -196; Or. A. Act, 1876, No. 7i 257 Dunedin Reserves Management. 258 Oamaru Town Board Ordinance 1S62 Repeal 1 Port Chalmers Town Board Ordinance Repeal 1 Spent. 259 >> 260 SESSION Soads Diversion Ordinances 1865 Amendt. XXIV., 1868. ii 261 Papakaio Accommodation House Site Sale 262 263 Port Chalmers Eeserves Management. Queenstown Reserve Management. Gunpowder. Assent withheld, 2f. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 366. 264 Sess. 34, No. 464. Disallowed, iV. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 409. 265 266 267 Slioop Ordinanoo 1867 Amondk 268 Dunedin Reserves Leasing and Sale. App rop ria tion Appropriation (No. 2) Supply ... 269 270 271 272 Spent. tt ii Sess. 26, 295 No. Cattle Trespass Ordinance 1858 Amendment. 1 Validated by G.A. Act, 1867, No. 79.



Sch iDTTLE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— a mtinued. Short Titie. Amending Act or Oedinance. Numbbb. Repealing Aci or Oedinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XX] IV., 1868— continued. Sess. 29, No. 342; Sess. 30, No. 375 No. 273 Goat Nuisance. 274 Inflammable Oil ... Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 409. 275 276 Shag Point Coal Reserve Leasing. Warepa Schoolmaster's Residence and Glebe Lands Leasing. Education Rooorvoo Abandon 277 Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 431. 278 Harbour Reclaimed Lands Sale and Leasing. Roads Diversion ... 279 Spent. Sess. 26. No. 296; G. A. Act, 1875, No. 6 280 SESSION University of Otago. XXV., 1869. 281 Southern Trunk Railway Guaranteed Interest Amendment Southern Trunk Railway Guaranteed Interest Amendment {No. 2) Expired. Sess. 28, No. 335 282 Spent, 283 Licensed Auctioneers Ordinance 1862 Amendment. Sess. 34, No. 464. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 21. Spent. 284 285 Cattle Ordinance 1861 Amondt. Grammar Solioolo 286 287 Port Chalmers Reserves Management. Milton Reserves Management. Appropriation 288 North Tuakitoto District Road Sess. 33, No. 423. a. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 289 290 291 rinw,.^, twi. t -,4Oamaru Town Reserves Management. Education Booopved—Management and ILoaoing G. A. Act, 1871, No. 26 292 293 Roads Diversion ... Spent. 294 295 session xxv: :. (SPECIAL), 1869. Appropriation {No. 2) i> 296 Cattle Trespass Ord. Amendt. (Lawrence). University of Otago Ordinance Amendment. JHoeraki Lands Sale Education Roaorvoa Manago mont and Leaeiag- (No. 2) 297 298 »» 299 G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 218. SESSION University of Otago Endowment. XXVII., 70. .See Sess. 34, No. 487 300 Spent. 301 Imprest Supply



Sch: IDTJLE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago — continued. Amending Act ob Obdinance. Nttmbeb. Short Title. Kepealing Act or Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Sess. 28, No. 334 ; Sess. 30, No. 373 No. 302 SESSION XX"V Licensing Ordinances Amendment. II., 1870— continued. 303 304 305 306 307 Shoop Ordinuueoo Amendment impounding Ordinance. Amend Otago Ropreountatiou Appropriation Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway Agreement Validation Dunedin and Port Chalmers Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 30, No. 365. Sess. 28, No. 322. Spent. >> 30S G. A. Act, 1876, No.' 50. Sess. 28, No. 333;Sess. 30, No. 375 309 District Roads Compulsory Land Talcing Expired. 310 Licensed Theatres. 311 Thistle Prevention Ordinance 1862 Repeal Spent. 312 313 314 315 316 317 Cemeteries Management. Hospitals. High School Grounds. Sess. 32, No. 397. Taiori Ferry Lando Salo Management of Rivers. 318 Lawrence Athenceum and Mechanics' Institute Reserve Leasing. Oamaru Racecourse Reserve Management. ToTcomairiro School Residence and Glebe Lands Sale Spent. 319 Roads Diversion ... Bead Boardo Disallowed, If. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 509. 320 321 session xxvi: I. (SPECIAL), 1870. Otago Representation (No. 2) 322 323 324 325 Jetties and "Wharves. Port Chalmers Reserves Management. Invercargill Park Reserve Management and Leasing. Racecourse Reserves Leasing. Abrogated. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 57. ftaaoe Amondmont 326 327 328 Rondo OrdinmioeQ (Southland) SCkUfmL L 1 Ttrctr Sess. 29, No. 363. 329 330 Dunedin Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute. Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinance 1865 Amendment. Abrogated. 331 Otor/o Municipal Corporations Ordinance Extension (Southland) Education Ordinance (Southland) Repeal 332 >> 333 Licensed Theatres Ordinance (Southland) Repeal.



Sch: :bfi.E of :he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago — continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act ob Ordinance. Repealing Act ok Ordinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 334 335 SESSION XXVIII. « Licensing Ordinances (Southland) Repeal. Auction Ordinance 1862 (Southland) Eepeal. Licensed Hawkers Ordinance (Southland) Repeal. SPECIAL), 1870— continued. 336 Sess. 29, No. 363. 337 Otago Roado Ordinance 1865 Amendment Appropriation (No. 2) « 338 Spent. 339 SESSK IN XXIX., 1871. Dunedin Drill Shod Eooorvo Assent withheld, iv". Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 636. Sess. 34, No. 464. 340 Sheep OrdiBaaee4S6€-(South Education—Ronorvo—Jaoob'e 341 Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 636. 342 Goat Nuisance (Southland). Portobello School Glebe Exchange. Bivor Hundred Solo 343 Sale of Land to Dunedin City Validation gheep-faepeotion Aooooomont 3?e»ei»g——-OftlimiHee 1867 Amendment Imprest Supply ... Payment to Members Dunedia—fieeorvoo—Manage Spent. 344 345 346 Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 30, No. 366. 347 348 349 Spent. Abrogated. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1871, p. 636. Spent. 350 351 Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Reserve Management. Ferry and Accommoda-tion-House Reserves Leasing. Blueskin Market Reserve. Invercargill Reserve Leasing. Clyde School Reserve Sale ... 352 353 354 355 District Roads Compulsory Land Taking Expired. 356 Hampden Mechanics' Institute Reserve Management. Oamaru Drill Shed Reserve Management. Invercargill Athenaeum Reserve Management. [Sec. 6 repealed.] Invercargill Athenaeum. 357 Sess. 30, No. 384 358 359 360 Education Rooorvoo Maaagemont and Loaning Appropriation Roads Diversion ... Q. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. 361 362 363 Seas. 30, No. 364; Sess. 33, No. 437; Sess. 34, No. 492 ; G-. A. At-t, 1877, Local, 2S To. 17 Otago Roads. [Sees. 13, 25, 39, 42, 158, 159, 160, 199, repealed. Sec. 25 revived.] >>



Bo :dtjle of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago —i continued. Shobt Title. Amsndin a Act or Oebikance. NUMBKR. Repealing Act oa Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 17 Sess. 32, No. 402 No. 364 365 366 367 SESSI01 Otago Eoads Ordinance Amendment. [Part sec. 2 repealed.] Impounding. Fencing. Lawrence Athenseum and Mining Institute. Lawrence Athenaeum and Mining Institute Reserves Management. Oamaru Hospital Reserve Management. Dunedin Manse Reserve. XXX., 1872. 368 369 0 Gh A. Act, 1875, No. 5 370 371 Dun stan Racecourse Reserve Management. Spent. 372 373 Licensing; Ordinances Amendment. Appropriation 374 Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinance Amendment Otago Local Revenues Superseded. 375 376 Hospitals Ordinances (Southland) Repeal. Police Ordinance(Southland) Repeal. Licensed Carriages (Southland). Cemeteries Ordinance (Southland) Repeal. Lawrence Reserves Management. Balclutha Reserves Management. Oamaru Town Reserves Management. Invercargill Education Reserve Exchange. Invercargill Athenajum Reserve Management Ordinance Amendt. Southland Education Reserve Exchange. jj 377 378 379 Sess.32,No.391 380 381 G. A. Act, 1872, No. 11 382 383 384 385 386 Education Reserve, Jacob's River Hundred, Sale Spent. 387 Rivcrton Reserves Management. Invercargill Reserves Management. [Sec. 5 repealed.] Sess. 33, No. 455; Sess. 34, No. 504 388 Counties Annulled by O. A. Act, 1876,2V" 0 .47. Spent. 389 390 Roads Diversion ... SESSION \_No Ordinances XXXI., 1873. nassed in this Session. ] 391 SESSION Lawrence Reserves Management Ordinance Amendment. Port Chalmers Waterworks Empowering. Queenstown Waterworks Empowering. XXXII., 1873. 392 393 Outran District Board Election 1873 Validation 394 Spent.



Schedule of ;he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago —c< mtinued. Short Title. Amending Act oe ordinance. Numbee. Repealing Act ok Obdlnakob. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XXX II., 1873— continued. Payment to Members Abrogated, G. A. Act, 187(5, No. 50. No. 395 396 397 398 Education Reserres. South Dunedin Cemetery Closing. 1862-Amondmont No. 50. 399 Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinance 1865 Amendment. Abrogated. Abrogated. 400 Clyde Waterworks Empowering. Deinpsey Trust. Impounding Ordinance Amendment. 401 402 Shoop Ordinaneoo Amondmont Sess. 34, No. 464. Sess. 34, No. 464. 403 404 405 40G Cromwell Athenaeum. Riverton Athenamm. Cromwell Waterworks Empowering. 407 408 409 Appropriation {No. 1) Appropriation (No. 2) Spent. Spent. Invercargill Racecourse Reserve Management. Franktoir Racecourse Reserve Management. Winton Racecourse Reserve Management. ji 410 411 412 413 Portobello School Glebe Exchange North Shag Valley School Reserve Sale ii ji it ii G.A. Act, 1875, No. 17 414 Kakanui Harbour Board. 415 Invercargill Hospital Reserve Management. Oamaru Hospital Reserve Change. Dunedin Reserves Management. Port Chalmers Reserves Management. 416 417 ■ 418 419 Education llosorvoo Management and Loaning G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 420 Invercargill Athenaeum Reserves Management. 421 Roads Diversion ... Spent. 422 session : Otago Harbour Board. [Sees. 4 to 6, 8 to 14, repealed. Sees. 12 to 14 reenacted.] SXXIII., 1874. Sess. 34, No. 472; G. A. Acts, 1875, No. 63; 1870, Nos. 74, 94 G.A. Acts, 1874, No. 37; 1876, No. 95 423 Oamaru Harbour Board. Otago Gold Duty Repayment Disallowed, N. Z. 424 Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 471. Spent. Gazette, 1874, ~ A 71 425 426 427 Imprest Supply ... Appropriation p. 471. Spent. >> Naseby Waterworks Empowering. Riverton Harbour Board. >> 428 429 Now Bivor Harbew Board ... G. A. Act, 1877, G. A. Act, 1877, Local No. 40.



Sc :dule of ;he Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago — ct mtinued. Shobt Title. Amending Act ok Obdinanck. Number. Existing Law. Extinct Law. Rlil'KAMNO ACT OB ORDINANCE. session xx: III., 1874— continued. No. 430 43 L 432 Hospitals. Licensing Ordinance 1865 Amendment. Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Act 1873 Introduction. Otago Municipal Corporations Ordinances Amendment 433 Abrogated. G. A. Act, 1875, No. 58 434 435 436 Dunedin City Council Borrowing Powers Extension. Clyde Corporation Borrowing Powers Extension. Otago Dock Trust Ordinance 1865 Repeal. Otago Eoads Ordinance 1871 Amendment. Sawyer's Bay Lands Leasing. Roslyn Institute. Caledonian Society of Otago Incorporation. 437 438 439 440 441 Sess. 34, No. 497. 442 Managomont Assent withheld, M Z. Gazette, 1874, p. 659. Lawronoo Booo: 443 Lawrence Eeserves Sale (No. 2.) 444 445 Riverton Government Reserve Portouello Cemetery Reserve Sale Spent. a 446 Lower Kaikorai District Road Lands Exchange Papakaio Railway Reserve Sale » 447 )> 448 449 Dunedin School Site. a. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. 450 New River and Jacob's River Ferries Reserves Leasing. Education Rooorvoo Manago mont and Loaoing 451 Waitahuna West District Road Compulsory Land Taking Spent. 452 Riverton Drill Shed Reserve Management. » 453 454 Palmerston School Glebe Exchange Port Chalmers School Reserve Sale ,> Q. A. Act, 1875, No. 5 455 456 Invercargill Reserves Management Ordinance Amendment. Dunedin Presbyterian Church Lands Ordinance Amendment. 457 458 459 Roads Diversion ... Roads Diversion (No. 2) Castle Street Diversion j) >» n 460 461 SESSION XXXIV., 1875. Imprest Supply ... >! Oamaru Waterworks Empowering.



Sch: idttle of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Obdinance. Numbeb. Repealing Act oe Oedinancb. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION XX3 IV., 1875— continued. Immigration and British Agent Immigration and British Agent {No. 2) No. 462 463 Abrogated. 464 Cattle and Sheep. i Confirmed by G. A. Act, 1876, No. 62 Disallowed, N. Z, Gazette, 1875, p. 565. Spent. Disallowed, N. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 667. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. 465 Ordinanoo 1862 Amondt. 466 467 • Appropriation Otago Gold Bonuo 468 Turnpikoa—Ordiaafiee— iM& Amendment 469 Otago Municipal Corporations. Licensing Laws Amendt. 470 471 Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 568. 472 Otago Harbour Board Ordinance 1874 Amendment. [Sees. 4 to 7, and sec. 9, repealed.] Port Chalmers Seamen's Institute. G. A. Acts, 1875, No. 63; 1876, No. 94 G. A. Act, 1877, Local, No. 6 473 474 Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 598. 475 476 477 Otago Harbour Board Lands. Balclutha Eeserves Management. Invercargill Corporation Borrowing Powers Extension. Oamaru Education and Municipal Eeserves Exchange. I 478 Kxtitangata Bail way 479 Assent withheld, JST. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 568. Assent withheld, iv". Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 576. 480 481 Arrowtown Waterworks Empowering. 482 483 Southland Railways G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 568. 484 485 486 Cemetery Eeserves Management Ordinance 1864 Amendt. Dog Nuisance Ordinance 1862 Amendt. Dog Nuisance Ordinance (Southland) Eepeal. University of Otago Lands Trust. Eoxburgh "Waterworks Empowering. 487 488 9—A. 8a.



Schedule of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Otago— c< mtinued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Ordinance. Repealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 489 490 SESSION XXJ IV., 1875—continued. Municipalities Validation ... Invoroargill Publio Offiooo ... Spent. Assent withheld, JV.. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 576. 491 492 Arrowtown Athenseum. Otago Eoads Ordinance 1871 Amendment. 493 494 495 Peninsula District Thistle Prevention. Dunedin Eecreation Eeserve Change. Naseby Eeserves Management. Palmerston Eeserves Management. Superintendent's Land Sale Clutha—Bivor—Conaorvatoro' Spent. Assent withheld, iV. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 568. 496 497 Spent. 498 499 Fairfax School Lands Sale ,.. 500 501 Invercargill Athenaeum Eeserve Management. Lawrence Reserve Sale >> 502 lohomairiro School Residence and Glebe Land Sale Validation » 503 Invercargill Education Eeserve Exchange. Invercargill Eecreation Eeserve Change. Lawrence Eeserves Management. Eiverton Athenseum Eeserves Management. Oamaru Eeserves Management. Invercargill Eeserves Management. 504 GLA. Act, 1876, No. 23 505 •306 507 508 509 G-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. 510 511 Cromwell Eeserves Management. Queenstown Eeserves Management. Roads Diversion ... 512 Gaol Stroot Divoroion 513 Assent withheld, XT. Z. Gazette, 1875, p. 576. G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 30 a. A. Acts, 1876, No. 37; 1877, Local, No. 88 514 PortMolyneux Eeserves Management. Eoxburgh Eeserve Management. 515




SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Southland, passed during Sessions I. to XXIV., from 1861 to 1869 inclusive. (Created, Ist April, 1861. Abolished, 6th October, 1870.) SCHEDULE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Southland.

Short Title. .mending Act oe Ordinance. Number. Repealing Act or Ordinance. Existing Law. I Extinct Law. SESSIC »N I., 1861. No.l 2-2 3 _1_ ± \j i uii^IUI —i iimi'i imp '*IT , , t ImmigrationandBn'tish Agent Southland Loan ... Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1861, p. 321. Abrogated. ) Assent withheld, [ JT. Z. Gazette, ) 18G1, p. 321. Spent. 4 5-1 Diooaood Cottlo ... Appropriation No. 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 sessio: Vf II., 1862. Provincial Govern mont Audit ... Education Sess. 12, No. 74. Abrogated. Sess. 15, No. 81. Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 377. Abrogated. Sess. 3, No. 23. Sess. 12, No. 73. Sess. 12, No. 72. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 335. Otago Ord., Sess. 34, No. 486. Spent. 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 9-11 Licensing Amendment Shoop Amondmont Oattlo Troapaoo 10-12 ..nLLLlvv-IvX-I • • • • • * 11-13 Dog Nuioanoo 12-14 Appropriation No. 1-15 2-16 3-17 SESSIO] f III., 1862. Interpretation Provincial Auditor'n Salary ... Marino Boardo ... Spent. Sess. 10, No. 62. G. A. Act, 1863, No. 28. Sess. 6, No. 56. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 328. Sess. 15, No. 81. G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 388. Sess. 12, No. 71. 4-18 5-19 Eloctoral Diotrioto Boado Diotrioto ... 6-20 7-21 Education (M&-2) JJJU.llUai'lVllU.A-.UJl.lUlHTIlUJUCO . , , 8-22 Municipal Endowmontn 9-23 10-24 H-25 12-26 13 Cattle Branding. Thistle. flllOQD Criminalo Sess. 17, No. 90. Assent withheld, 2f. Z. Gazette, 1862, p. 345. Spent. 14-28 Appropriation No.l-30 SESSIOl J TV., 1863. Interpretation Ordinancel8Q2 Amendment Marino Board Spent. 2 G. A. Act, 1863, No. 28. Superseded. 3-35 Town Board Note.—The fi| ■olumesof Ordinac gures in heavy type indicate the numbe: assigned to the Ordinances as ulti Lcnately published in the ices.



Schedule of ti L6 Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Southland— continued. Short Titles. Amending Act ob Oedinance. Numbee. Repealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law, Extinct Law. No. 4-31 5-32 6-33 7-34 8-29 SESSION IV "., 1863— continued. Bluff and Invercargill Sailway Debentures Diversion of Road Appropriation (jsfe:-3r( Shcop Ordisanco 1862 Amend "T» . 1 /~\ 1*. in/lrt A 1y Spent. Superseded. Spent. Sess. 11. No. 64. Sess. 16, No. 88. 9 Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 328. sessio: Assent withheld, J¥. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 4. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 376. No.l IT V., 1863. Conotabulary 2-51 0 Elootrio Telegraph 341 Hoopitalo 4-39 5-36 Common Lodging Houses Pawnbrokora 6-38 7-37 8-40 9-44 10-49 11 ■i in ,i i ii n n — j. IXLUWUB ... ... Licensing Amendment §hoop Ordinanoo 1862 Amondt. Comotorioo Church of England Cemetery Lioonood HawkofB a. A. Act, 1868, No. 4. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 336. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 333. Abrogated. Sess. 16, No. 88. Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 379. Assent withheld, JST. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 189. G-. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Superseded. Assent withheld, JV. Z. Gazette, 1863, p. 555. Q-. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Spent. 12-47 Oroti Railway 13-46 14 Debentures (JVo. 2) (Bailwoy) Appropriation ... 15-42 Eduoational (Swal) Endow mento Booorvo Alteration of Education Re-16-43 17-45 serve Collogiato Endowmcnto G. A. Act, 1877, No. 22. Sess. 11, No. 64. 18-48 Appropriation (Sfa-8) No. 1-52 SESSIO N VI., 1864. Debentures Ordinance 1863 Amendment Debentures {No. 1) Dobonturoa ($fer-3) Superseded. 2-55 3 Assent withheld, JST. Z. Gazette, 1844, p. 215. Assent withheld. 4 Town of Invoroargill DobonInvorcargill Town Board Ordi fiftaeo 1863 Amoridmont 5 Assent withheld, iV. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 384. Sess. 11, No. 64. Assent withheld, -ZV. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 215. Sess. 7, No. 59. 6-57 7 Appropriation (N-e-1) Appropriation (Wo. 2) 8-54 Appropriation ($fa-S)



SCHED IE of the Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Southland— continued. Shoet Title. Amending Act oe Oedinance. Repealing Act os Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. SESSION V Pig and Poultry Nuisance. [., 1864 — continued. No. 9-53 10 Impounding Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1864, p. 189. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 322. n-56 • • ■ Boprooentation No. 1-58 SESSIO1 Church of England Cemetery. r VII., 1864. 2-59 Appropriation (No. 4) ,.. Spent. No.l SESSION VIII., 1865. Provincial Auditor^ mi Deputy Auditor'o Salary Executive Council Not assented. 2 Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 121. Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 159 Not assented. 3 Dog Nuioanoo 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Liconoing Suporintondont'o Indomnity... si » Dobonturoo Appropriation (No. 1) Appropriation (No. 2) 5Pells ) Assent withheld, > If. Z. Gazette, \ 1865, p. 159. No. 1-60 SESSIO I N IX., 1865. Appropriation (No. 3) Spent. I No. 1-62 2 3 SESSIO I iN X., 1865. Provincial Auditor's and Deputy Auditor's Salary ~n nfr Abrogated. Not assented. Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 262. Not assented. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 334. Not assented. 4 5-61 Tollo Liconoing 6 7 8 9 Exocutivo Council Dobonturoo Appropriation (No. 5) j> 10-63 n 12 Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1865, p. 262. Spent. Not assented. Appropriation (No. 4) Dobonturoo (Nor-3) Appropriation (No* 6) j) No. 1-64 sessio: >J XI., 1865. Provincial Liabilities Confirination Spent. No. 1-65 SESSIOl r XII., 1866. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Abrogated. Superseded* 2-74 3-67 4-73 5-72 Executive Council Dog Fencing. Cattlo TroopaBB ... Otago Ord.,'Sess. 30, No. 365. * The Otago O: Southland, althougl •dinance, 1875, SeE9. 34, No. 486, declares I . it fails, by an oversight, to repeal this On ;he Otago Dog Ordinance, 1862, No. 85, to be the law within linanee.



SCHED rLE of th Ordinances of the Provincial Council of Southland — continued. Shoet Title. Ahendinq Act ob Ordinance. Number. Eepealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 6-66 7-71 SESSION XII., 1866— continued. Bailway Commission Cll X, 1866— continued. Bailway Commission Expired. Otago Ord., Sess. 29, No. 340. Abrogated. 8-70 Local Improvement Local Improvement 9-68 10-69 Appropriation Provincial Liabilities Confirmation Appropriation Provincial Liabilities Confirmation Spent. » No. 1-75 SESSION XIII., 1866. F XIII., 1866. Provincial Liabilities Confirmation (No. 2) Bluff Harbour and InveFcargill Bailway Loaning Oroti Bailway Loaoing » ! Provincial Liabilities Confirmation (No. 2) 2-78 3-77 Bluff Harbour and Invoreargill Bailway Loaning 3TCLtJ.X TT CUT i^JWtXU.1.Ilg Oroti Bailway Loaoing G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. G. A. Act, 1876, No. 50. Spent. 4-76 Appropriation (No. 2) Appropriation (No. 2) No.l • 2 SESSION XIV., 1866. I" XIV., 1866. Oroti Bailway Salo Not assented. I Oroti Bailwav Salo ... i -Lfciui way -ouiu ... Bluff Harbour and InvoroargiU Bailwav Salo » 3 Oroti Bailway Lcaoing Ordi nance 1866 Amendment Bailway Salo Oroti Bailway Lcaoing Ordi ii 4 Bluff Horbou? and Inyoroai-gill Bailway Loacing Ordinaneo 1 9.RCX A m^Am ™-li> Bailway Leaping Ordinanoo 3£66 Amondmont 1000 Amondmont SESSION XV., 1867. J- XV., 1867. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 328. Otago Ord., Sess. 28, No. 334. Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 365. Spent. No. 1-83 2-84 Fires. T> J — f~\— Jl 1O(?n A J Boado Ordinanoo 1862 Amond Boado Ordinanco 1862 Amond 3-80 Lioonoing—Ordinanoo 1865 Amondmont 4-82 Cattlo Troopaoo—Ordinanoo 5-79 6-85 1866 Amondmont Appropriation Provincial Liabilities Confirmation Education )> 7-81 Otaeo Ord., Sess. 28, No. 332. No. 1-88 SESSION XVI., 1867. Sheep Or din ancel86Q Amen dment Abrogated. 2-86 3-87 Appropriation (No. 2) Provincial Liabilities Confirmation (No. 2) Spent. » No. 1-90 SESSION XVII., 1867. ; Vagrant Ordinance 1862 Repeal n 2 Not assented. xTovinoiai -L/iabmtioo uonnr irifl'finn f\"\ llitlllvll I It Vj. t-J 9 irifl'finn f\"\ Appropriation (No. 3) 3-89 Appropriation (No. 3) Spent. No. 1-92 SESSION XVIII., 1868. Sheep Ordinances 1866 and 1867 Amendment XVIII., 1868. *S%ee;? Ordinances 1866 «»<£ 1867 Amendment Lioonoing /~v j_* Tji T) T *_. * Abrogated. 2 3 4-91 Lioonoing Oroti Jj orry Booorvo Loaoing Not assented. »> • - - ti u Appropriation Spent. No. 1-93 2 SESSION XIX., 1868. ... Appropriation (No. 2) Oroti Ferry Loaoing Assent withheld, N. Z. Gazette, 1S68, p. 298.



ERRATA. Hawke's Bay.—Page 16.—The Loan Act, Sess. VI., No. 1, and the Amendment of Loan Act, Sess. VII., No. 1, have been consolidated by Or. A. Act, 1867, Mo. 89. Page 18. —The Cattle Trespass Amendment Act, Sess. XVI., No. 5 [Schedule A repealed], insert after the word " repealed "—" in respect of trespass on public roads."

iCHED LE O linances o rovinciai ounci lout [am L — continue* Shoet Title. .mending Act oe Obdinance. Kepealing Act oe Ordinance. Existing Law. Extinct Law. No. 1-97 SESSION XX., 1868. Tolls Ordinance 1866 Amendment ! XX., 1868. Tolls Ordinance 1866 Amendment Sale of Reserve ... Abrogated. 2-96 3-95 4 Sale of Reserve ... Oreti Ferry Leasing. Spent. 5-98 6 ■Koado JJivoroiou ... Al+etv*fff%f\M f\-P P^o^>/i<ji^o Boado Divoroion ... Alteration of Reserves Fonoing Ordinanoo 1866 Amondmont Cattle Trespass Ordinance 1866 Amendment Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1868, p. 616. Spent. Not assented. Alteration oj iceserves ~O 1 /~\ i; 1 QOG Fonomg Qfdinanoo 1866 Amondmont 7 Cattle Trespass Ordinance 1866 Amendment Abrogated. 8-99 9-94 L'.!\JKf III • lit f* It I Hoopital Ordinanoo 1863 Amondmont Appropriation {No. 3) Otago Ord., Sess. 30, No. 376. Spent. No. 1-100 SESSION XXI., 1868. I Executive Council Ordinance 1866 Amendment Abrogated. No.l SESSION XXII., 1869. Representation Ordinance 1864 Amendment Diversion of Roads Appropriation » 2-102 3-101 Spent. SESSION XXIII., 1869. [JVo Ordinances passed in this Session.] s No.l SESSION XXIV., 1869. ... • Shoop Ordinanoo I860 Amond Assent withheld, If. Z. Gazette, 1870, p. 108. Spent. 2-104 3-103 Appropriation (JVb. 2) Diversion of Roads (jfo. 2) »



SYNTHETICAL TABLE of the Laws relating to Social Economy and Municipal and Rural Police now in Force within the several Provincial Districts throughout the Colony.

Stjbjisct-matteb. Auckland. Tabanaki. Wellington. Hawke's Bay. (1 Nov., 1858.) Nelson. Maelbobouqh. (1 Nov., 1859.) Canterbuby. Westland. (1 Dec, 1873.) Otago. Southland. (1 April, 1861.) Animals, Cruelty Year. Sess. No. 1866 19 11 1866 19 15 Tear. 8ess. No. 1862 10 15 Year. Sess. No. Year. 8ess. No. 1864 8 3 1872 19 2 Year. Sess. No. 1874 25 5 Year. Seas. No. Year. Sess. No. 1858 10 1 Year. Sess. No. (C) 1858 10 1 Year. Sess. No. 1861 14 65 1862 15 78 Year. Sess. No. | Auctioneers 1863 15 9 1871 26 2 1874 29 13 1858 6 6 L.C. 1842 2 13 L.C. 1843 3 10 L.C. 1842 2 13 L.C. 1843 3 10 1858 5 5 1862 9 4 1867 15 1 1860 1 6 1854 3 3 (C) 1854 3 3 1862 16 99 1869 25 283 Same as Otago. (0) 1870 28 335 Cattle, Branding 1871 26 11 1871 27 4 1865 13 3 1866 15 2 1857 4 13 1864 11 5 (W) 1857 4 13 1874 25 8 1861 2 1 1875 34 464 G. A. Act, 1876, No. 62 1862 3 24 „ Landing or Driving „ Trespass (see Impounding). Cemeteries 1865 18 1 1874 29 18 1861 10 7 1864 12 5 1863 10 5 1854 1 9 1855 2 5 1857 4 12 1862 9 4 1863 10 2 1871 21 9 1867 12 4 1859 6 1 1868 18 3 1873 25 1 1875 27 1 1863 20 12 1870 33 4 1856 5 15 1857 6 26 1864 18 146 1865 20 202 1866 22 241 1870 27 312 1875 34 484 (O) 1870 27 312 (O) 1872 30 379 Constabulary Organization (see also Police). The Ordinance of the Legislative Conn oil, 1846, Sess. VII., No. 2, is in force thr 1864 8 3 1866 15 1 oughotft the col Same as Otago. (O) 1872 30 377 ony> 1862 16 100 1864 18 141 ... Dog Nuisance ... 1854 1 4 1872 21 7 1874 23 6 1863 10 12 1871 18 5 1863 10 5 1874 25 9 1863 7 6 1861 17 3 1862 19 4 (C) 1861 17 3 (C) 1862 19 4 1862 16 85 1875 34 485 Same as Otago. (0)1875 34 486 Fencing 1855 2 5 1874 29 23 1874 29 24 1859 8 3 1868 16 4 1875 24 2 1875 24 5 1872 22 9 L.C. 1847 8 8 1874 21 2 1875 22 2 G.A. 1874 85 1861 8 2 1862 9 6 1863 10 3 1866 14 2 1863 7 2 1866 15 2 1866 15 6 1870 21 10 1861 14 3 1872 37 8 1875 3 1 1872 30 366 1866 12 73 Fire Prevention, Bush ... „ Towns... 1866 19 10 1862 10 15 1857' 4 19 (W)1857 4 19 1864 12 2 1872 22 2 1864 S 2 1864 22 11 1867 26 9 1867 27 14 (C) 1864" 22 11 (C)1867 26 9 1864 19 166 1867" 15 83 Furze or Q-orse (see Fencing). Highways (see Roads). 1872 21 4 1872 21 5 1862 16 95 1870 27 313 1874 33 430 Same as Otago. (0)1872 30 »7S Hospitals Management ... ... •



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