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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

No. 1. Mr. Tanceed to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sib, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, Bth March, 1876. I have the honor, by direction of the Senate, to forward to you the following copy of two Eesolutions passed at the sitting held on Thursday, 7th instant, namely,— T' 1. That a Bill be introduced in the next Session of the General Assembly for the purpose of vesting in trustees, to be agreed upon between the Government and the Senate, the lands reserved for promoting higher education in certain provinces, and of enabling the same to be administered for the objects for which they were reserved. 2. That the Chancellor be directed to communicate the above Eesolution to the Government. I have, &c, Henet John Tancbed, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

No. 2. The Hon. C. C. Bowen to Mr. Tanceed. Sib,— » Colonial Secretary's Office, "Wellington, 15th March, 1876. > v , I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the Bth March, forwarding copy of two Eesolutions passed at the sitting of the Senate of the New Zealand University on the 7th instant, and in reply to inform you that a Bill shall be prepared for the purpose of vesting in trustees, to be agreed upon between the Government and the Senate, the lands reserved for promoting higher education in certain provinces, and of enabling the same to be administered for the objects for which they were reserved, as recommended therein. I have, &c, Chables C. Bowen, H. J. Tancred, Esq., (in absence of the Colonial Secretary). Chancellor of the New Zealand University, Christchurch.

No. 3. Mr. Tancked to the Hon. the Colonial Secbetaby. Sib, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, Bth May, 1876. I have the honor to forward to you herewith the Annual Eeport of the Proceedings of this University, as required by clause 28 of "The New Zealand University Act, 1874," together with an account of income and expenditure for the period of twelve months ending February 29th, 1876. I have, &c, Henbt John Tancbed, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor.

«. ANNUAL EEPOET OF THE SENATE. In compliance with the 28th clause of " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," the Senate makes the following report to His Excellency the Governor of the proceedings of the University since the date of the last report :— The Senate met on the Ist of March, 1876, at the Provincial Council Chamber, Christchurch, •which place and time were appointed at the last meeting in 1875, as prescribed by " The New Zealand University Act, 1874."


The Senate have made certain amendments in the Statutes and Regulations at present in force with a view to carrying out more effectually the objects of the institution of the University. A copy of the Statutes and Regulations so amended is herewith, as directed by the Act, submitted for the approval of His Excellency the Governor. The Senate desires to draw the attention of the Government to the necessity of defining and proclaiming the reserves specified as requiring to be defined and proclaimed within six months after the passing of " The University Reserves Act, 1875." The Senate have expressed by resolution their opinion that a Bill should be introduced during the next Session of the Assembly to vest in trustees the reserves included in " The University Reserves Act, 1875," for the purpose of promoting higher education in the provinces in which such reserves are situated. The affiliated institutions have continued to do their work satisfactorily during the past year. The Senate regard with pleasure the interest taken by these institutions in the proceedings and examinations of the University. The annual Scholarship Examination was held in May 1875, and eighteen Scholarships were awarded. The Bowen Prize has, for the first time, been gained this year. The successful candidate is Henry Hill, of Christchurch. A statement of income and expenditure of the University, for a period of twelve months ending 29th February, 1876, is appended to this report. Henry John Tancbed, Chancellor.

Regulations or Senate : Session or 1876. Regulation amending Clause 11. of Statute : ': Conditions of the affiliation of Collegiate and Scholastic Institutions." " 11. For a period of not less than sis months in each year, lectures shall be regularly given by the teachers and lecturers of these institutions."' Regulation amending Clause 111. of Statute : " Condition of affiliation of Collegiate and Scholastic Institutions." " 111. It shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Senate that such institutions are competent to supply, through their professors, lecturers, and teachers, a three years' course of instruction in Latin, Mathematics, and not less than three of the other subjects of study prescribed for the B.A. degree. 1 ' Regulation amending Regulation ''Prescribing Examinations in Affiliated Institutions." " Each affiliated College shall, between the first day of October and the thirty-first day of December in each year, hold examinations in all the subjects taught under the conditions of affiliation in which students may desire to be examined. The names of the undergraduates who shall have passed the several examinations shall be arranged in three classes, and in alphabetical order. The class lists, together with the papers set and the answers thereto, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Registrar." Regulation amending Clause 111. of Regulation " Specifying value and tenure of Scholarships, and subjects and conditions of Scholarship Examinations." "111. The tenure of such Junior Scholarships shall be for three years, and, in case of candidates for honors, for one year in addition : Provided that any junior scholar who may obtain a Senior Scholarship as hereinafter mentioned shall thereby vacate such Junior Scholarship." Regulation amending Section IX. of Regulation " Specifying value and tenure of Scholarships, and subjects and conditions of Scholarship Examinations." " IX. A scholarship shall become vacant by failure on the part of the holder to pass each year in three subjects of the annual examination of the affiliated institution upon the books of which he may have entered his name, unless the holder shall produce proof to the satisfaction of the Chancellor that he was unable from illness, or other sufficient cause, to attend : Provided that any scholar may, on receiving the Chancellor's permission in writing, pursue his studies at some affiliated institution other than that at which he may have originally entered." Regulation. —New Section to follow Section IX. in Regulation " Specifying value and tenure of Scholarships, and subjects and conditions of Scholarship Examinations." " All scholars, imless for any reason specially excused by the Chancellor, shall be required, at the end of their second year, to pass in one section of their examination for the B.A. degree, and at the end of their third year to pass in the other section of the same examination." * Regulation. —Additional Section to Regulation " Specifying the proceedings necessary for obtaining. Degrees in Music." " VI. A student who shall have taken his degree in Arts in the University of New Zealand may proceed to a B.Mus. degree by passing the several prescribed examinations', though he might not have declared his intention of proceeding to that degree at the time of his matriculation; and such examinations may be conducted at any convenient times to be appointed by the Chancellor."






Regulation amending Regulation permitting certain Teachers to proceed to the B.A. Degree. "The proviso of the Regulation is omitted, and the following words inserted in lieu thereof: —■ " Provided that this Regulation shall continue in force until the 23rd of March, 1878, and no longer."

1875. £ s. d. Har. 6 Rev. D. Stuart, attendance at Senate, and travelling expenses ... 17 0 0 „ 11 Eev. T. Buddie, ditto, ditto ... 9 10 0 „ 12 Kev. J. Johnstone, ditto, ditto ... 25 0 0 „ 16 Hon. R. Stokes 25 0 0 „ 16 Hon. R. Campbell, ditto, ditto ... 8 0 0 „ 16 O. Curtis, Esq., ditto, ditto ... 15 10 0 „ 16 Eev. J. C. Andrew, ditto, ditto ... 20 10 0 „ 16 H. Carleton, Esq., ditto, ditto ... 44 0 0 „ 20 H. J. Tancred, Esq., ditto, ditto ... 22 0 0 „ 20 W.M. Maskell, Secretary,ditto.ditto 14 0 0 „ 20 Proprietor, New Zealand Times, advertising ... ... ... ... 12 0 „ 30 W. Rolleston, Esq., attendance and travelling expenses ... ... 10 10 0 „ 31 Colonial Treasurer, refund ... 1 11 6 „ 31 T. Bowden, advertising 7 10 0 „ 31 Otago Daily Times, ditto 1 16 0 Jay 1 New Zealand Herald, ditto ... 1 18 8 „ 1 Daily Southern Cross, ditto ... 3 12 0 „ 1 Otago Guardian, ditto ... ... 12 6 „ 1 Taranaki Herald, ditto 2 10 6 1 Lyttelton Times, ditto 3 0 4 „ 1 Timaru Herald, ditto 110 „ 1 Otago Daily Times 133 „ 1 F. de C. Malet, Registrar, salary ... 7 10 0 „ 1 Press Company, printing and advertising 44 0 0 „ 1 Evening Post, advertising ... ... 110 „ 1 Napier Herald, advertising ... 1 18 3 „ 12 W. M. Maskell, Secretary, salary ... 37 10 0 „ 12 Tombs and Co., printing" 29 12 0 „ 26 Auckland College, subsidy ... ... 75 0 0 „ 26 F. de C. Malet, supervisor, fees, &c. 27 9 6 „ 26 Nelson College, subsidy, 12 months 300 0 0 „ 26 C. C. Barron, supervisor, fees ... 10 10 0 „ 28 Archdeacon Edwards, ditto, ditto, &e. 11 1 6 une 1 Petty cash 5 0 0 „ 1 H. Carleton, supervisor, fees ... 10 10 0 „ 9 Transfer to Scholarship Account ... 1,500 0 0 „ 26 Rev. S. Poole, supervisor, fees ... 10 10 0 „ 26 New Zealand Times, advertising ... 12 6 „ 26 Cheque Book 0 4 2 uly 2 Wise, New Zealand Directory ... 1 12 0 „ 2 Tombs and Co., printing ... ... 4 0 0 „ 15 F. de C. Malet, Registrar, salary ... 7 10 0 „ 17 G-. Fleming, expenses of examination 2 0 0 1875. £ s. d. July 17 J". Ilounsell, expenses of examination 3 13 „ 17 Lvttelton Times, printing ... ... 47 1 6 „ 19 Rev. J. C. Andrew, Examiner, fees 31 10 0 „ 19 Eev. B. W. Harvey, ditto, ditto ... 3110 0 „ 19 Hon. W. Gisborne, ditto, ditto ... 31 10 0 „ 19 T. Kirk, Esq., ditto, ditto 31 10 0 „ 19 Dr. Foster, ditto, ditto 16 7 0 „ 19 Rev. J. W. Habens, ditto, ditto ... 15 15 0 „ 19 Hon. J. Johnston, ditto, ditto ... 10 10 0 „ 21 G. Allan, Esq., ditto, ditto 21 0 0 „ '21 Cheque Book 0 4 2 „ 24 Auckland College, subsidy ... ... 75 0 0 „ 28 Hughes, stationery 3 49 „ 28 Press Company, printing ... ... 53 5 0 „ 31 WellingtonCollege,subsidy,9months 225 0 0 Aug. 16 W. M. Maskell, Secretary, salary ... 37 10 0 Oct. 11 F. de C. Malet, Registrar, salary ... 7 10 0 „ 14 Tombs and Co., printing ... ... 1 10 6 „ 14 Napier Telegraph, advertising ... 189 „ 14 Marlborough Press, ditto 1 13 9 „ 14 Southland News, ditto 1 17 6 „ 14 Southland Times, ditto 1 17 6 „ 14 Marlboi-ough Express, ditto ... 1 19 3 „ 14 Otngo Guardian, ditto 2 0 0 „ 14 Evening Post, ditto 2 0 0 „ 14 Timaru Herald, ditto 2 5 0 „ 14 Taranaki Herald, ditto 2 7 0 „ 14 Otago Daily Times, ditto 2 14 3 „ 14 Press, ditto 2 16 0 „ 14 Southern Cross, ditto ■ 2 8 0 „ 14 Hawkc's Bay Herald, ditto ... 1 12 G Nov. 1 Wanganui Chronicle 1 15 0 „ 1 Lyttelton Times, printing, &c\ ... 6 0 0 „ 1 Auckland College, subsidy 75 0 0 „ 13 New Zealand Herald, advertising ... 4 10 0 „ 15 W. U. Maskell, Secretary, salary ... 37 10 0 ,, 15 Nelson Evening Mail, advertising ... 12 6 „ 20 Cheque Book 0 4 2 1876. Jan. 10 F. de C. Malet, Registrar, salary ... 7 10 0 Feb. 3 Auckland College, subsidy 75 0 0 „ 14 W. II. Maskell, Secretary, salary ... 37 10 0 „ 18 Lyttelton Times, printing 1 18 0 ., 18 Grey River Argus, advertising ... 2 15 6 „ 18 Otago Daily Times, ditto 12 6 £3,251 14 10

1875. ilar. 31 Reeves, Scholarship Lpril 9 Barnicoat, ditto day 1 Harkness, ditto „ 1 Millton, ditto „ 25 Cotterill, ditto' „ 25 Atack, ditto rune 1 Low, ditto ,, 8 Solomon, ditto „ 12 Barnicoat, ditto „ 12 Harkness, ditto „ 17 Edger, ditto „ 17 Eat tray, ditto „ 21 Militon, ditto lug. 16 Low, ditto „ 26 Brown, ditto „ 26 Herbert, ditto „ 28 Edger, ditto „ 28 Eeid, ditto „ 28 Twentyman, ditto Sept. 4 Brandon, ditto ' „ 4 Kirk, ditto „ 4 Harkness, ditto ' „ 4 Barnicoat, ditto £ s. d. ... 10 0 0 ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 11 5 0 ... 11 5 0 5 0 0 ... 40 0 0 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 10. 0 0 ... 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 10 0 0 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 1875. Sept. 4 Webb, Scholarship „ 20 Solomon, ditto „ 21 Bullard, ditto ,, 21 Thompson, ditto Oct. 14 Watt, ditto Nov. 17 Brown, ditto „ 17 Edger. ditto „ 17 Eeid, ditto „ 18 Herbert, ditto ,, 20 Ilarkness, ditto ,, 20 Barnicoat, ditto „ 22 Watt, ditto „ 22 Thompson, ditto „ 22 Bullard, ditto „ 20 Twentyman, ditto Dec. 17 Solomon, ditto „• 17 Millton, ditto 1876. Feb. 16 Millton, ditto „ 18 Herbert, ditto „ 18 Edger, ditto £ s. d. ... 5 o 0 ... 20 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 20 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 5 0 0 ... 10 0 0 ... 10 0 0 £357 10 0



Genebal Account. 1875. £ a. d. ! 1875. £ s. d. March 1. To balance of General March 1. By transfer to Scholarship Account 1,500 0 0 Account ...£1,234 1 3 Paid Members for attendance ... 197 6 0 Balance of petty cash 2 9 1 „ Salaries 194 0 0 1,236 10 4 „ Examinations 264 14 3 Beceipts—Matriculation fees ... 8 8 0 „ Printing 180 15 0 „ Interest on filed deposit 912 6 „ Advertising... ... ... 74 1 0 „ Fee for degree ... 10 0 „ Affiliated Institutions ... 825 0 0 „ Colonial grant ... 3,000 0 0 „ Miscellaneous £7 0 9 „ Sales of calendar ... 2 2 6 „ Petty expenses 414 5 —. 11 15 2 Balance on fixed deposit £700 0 0 Cash in Bank ... 304 4 9 „ in hand ... 5 17 2 £4,257 13 4 1,010 1 11 1876. March 1. To balance brought down ... £1,010 111 £4,257 13 4 Scholaeship Account. 1875. £ s. d. 1875. £ s. d. March 1. To balance 2,226 5 0 By Scholarships 357 10 0 Transfer from General Account... 1,500 0 0 Balance on fixed deposit ...£3,100 0 0 Interest on fixed deposit 6 17 6 Cash in Bank ... 275 12 6 3,375 12 6 £3,733 2 6 1876. £3,733 2 6 March 1. To balance brought down ... £3,375 12 6 — Bowen Peize Account. 1875. £ s. a. 1876. £ s. dMarch 1. To balance 112 7 0 March 1. By balance in Savings Bank 117 16 7 Interest on deposit in Savings Bank 5 9 7 £117 16 7 1876. £117 16 7 March 1. To balance brought down £117 16 7 '■■ ■ — Geneeal Balance Sheet. 1875. £ b. d. 1875. £ s. d. March 1. Balances 3,575 2 4 Expenditure as per several balance sheets ...3,605 1 5 Receipts 4,533 10 1 Balance on fixed deposits £3,800 0 0 „ in Savings Bank 117 16 7 „ in Bank 579 17 3 „ in hand 517 2 ■ -—4,503 11 0 £8,108 12 5 1876. £8,108 12 5 March 1. To balance brought down ... £4,503 11 0 ■ Henet John Tanceed, April 27,1876. Chancellor.

Audit Office, "Wellington, sth May, 1876. The within accounts of the University of New Zealand have, as required by " The New Zealand University Act, 1874," been duly audited and found correct. James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Commissioner of Audit.

No. 4 Sib, — University of New Zealand, Christchurch, 20th March, 1876. I have the honor, by direction of the Chancellor, to forward to you herewith copies of Regulations made by the Senate of the University at its recent session, and to request that His Excellency the Governor be respectfully requested to approve the same. I have, &c, "W. M. Maseeh,, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Secretary.

REGULATION Amending Clause 11. of Statute: " Conditions of the Affiliation of Collegiate or Scholastic Institutions." 11. Foe a period of not less than six months in each year, lectures shall be regularly given by the teachers and lecturers of these institutions.



Eegulation Amending Clause 111. of Statute : " Conditions of the Affiliation of Collegiate or Scliolastic Institutions" 111. It shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Senate that such institutions are competent to supply, through the professors, lecturers, and teachers, a three years' course of instruction in Latin, Mathematics, and not less than three of the other subjects of study prescribed for the B.A. degree. •

Eegulation " Amending Regulation prescribing Examinations in Affiliated Institutions." Each affiliated College shall, between the Ist day of October and the 31st day of December in each year, hold examinations in all the subjects taught under the conditions of affiliation in which students may desire to be examined. The names of the undergraduates who shall have passed the several examinations shall be arranged iu three classes, in alphabetical order. The class lists, together with the papers set and the answers thereto, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Eegistrar.

Eegulation Amending Clause 111. of " Regulation specifying Value and Tenure of Scholarships and Subjects, and Conditions of Scholarship Examination." 111. The tenure of such Junior Scholarships shall be for three years; and in case of candidates for honours, for one year in addition: Provided that any junior scholar who may obtain a Senior Scholarship, as hereinafter mentioned, shall thereby vacate such Junior Scholarship.

Eegulation Amending Section IX. of the " Regulation specifying Value and Tenure of Scholarships, and Subjects and Conditions of Scholarship Examination." IX. A scholarship shall become vacant by failure on the part of the holder to pass each year in three subjects of the annual examination of the affiliated institution upon the books of which he may have entered his name; unless the holder shall produce proof to the satisfaction of the Chancellor that he was unable, from illness or other sufficient cause, to attend. Provided that any scholar may, on receiving the Chancellor's permission in writiug, pursue his studies at some affiliated institution other th an that at which he may have originally entered.

Eegulation. New Section to follow Section IX. in " Regulation specifying Value and Tenure of Scholarships, and Subjects and Conditions of Scholarship Examination." All scholars, unless for any reason specially excused by the Chancellor, shall be required at the end of their second year after matriculation to pass in one section of their examination for the B.A. degree, and at the end of their third year to pass in the other section of the same examination.

Eegulation. Additional Section to " Regulation specifying the Proceedings necessary for obtaining Degrees in Music." VI. A student who shall have taken his degree in Arts in the University of New Zealand may proceed to a B.Mus. degree by passing the several prescribed examinations, though he might not have declared his intention of proceeding to that degree at the time of his matriculation, and such examinations may be conducted at any convenient times to be appointed by the Chancellor.

Regulation Amending " Regulation permitting certain Teachers to proceed to the B.A. Degree." The proviso of the Eegulation is omitted, and the following words inserted in lieu thereof:—" Provided that this Eegulation shall continue in force until the 23rd day of March, 1878, and no longer."

No. 5. The Hon. D. Pollen to the Chancellob of the Univeesity of New Zealand. (No. 444.) Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 12th June, 1876. Adverting to Mr. Maskell's letter of the 20th March last, I have the honor to return to you herewith the copies of the Eegulations* made by the Senate of the University of New Zealand, approved by His Excellency the Governor in Council. I have, &c, The Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, Daniel Pollen. Christchurch. * Vide New Zealand Gazette, No. 32, of Bth June, 1876.

By Authority : Gboeoe Dibsbuex, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB76. Price 6d.]

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UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. (ANNUAL REPORT.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, H-08

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UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. (ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, H-08

UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND. (ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, H-08

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