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My. Speaker,— In obedience to the wish of the House, I propose this evening to give an account of the proceedings of the Public Works Department during the year just ended. I regret that lam called upon to do so at a period so soon after the close of the financial year, as it has compelled me to prepare this Statement more hurriedly than I should otherwise have done. When this Statement is printed for circulation, there will be attached to it Tables in similar form to those of previous years, together with a few additional ones which I hope honorable members will find interesting. One of these additional Tables has been prepared by request, showing the estimated cost of various classes of rolling stock, including shipping and colonial charges. The reports of the Engineer-in-Chief on railways, the Assistant Engineer-in-Chief on roads, the Colonial Architect on buildings, the Chief Inspector of Machinery on the working of his department, the Assistant Geologist on the Buller Coal Eield, and the Officer in Charge of constructed railways on the railways now being worked by the Government are, with maps showing the present position of the works, also appended. Throughout the statement, when I speak of the present yearj I mean the current financial year, commencing on the Ist of July instant. RAILWAYS. The railway works throughout the colony have not been pushed on so rapidly during the year under review as during the two years preceding, but a very large expenditure has taken place, and wherever works have been retarded care has been taken not to interfere with such as were approaching completion. This course was adopted so as to enable those portions of the railways under construction to be made remunerative at as early a date as possible. During the past year several circumstances have arisen in connection with the railways which have interfered with the estimates of previous years. In the first place, it has been found necessary to line several of the tunnels that had previously been considered would not require it, and this item will cause an addition to the cost of the railways of £59,000 over the whole colony. Then it is found that, to meet the requirements of the constantly increasing traffic on the railways now open, very considerable additions have to be made to the station accommodation previously estimated; and although last year large additional provision was made for rolling stock, honorable members will be glad to be informed that still further provision will, for the same reason, have now to be made. As I have on previous occasions referred in detail to most of the lines of railway, I think it will be convenient if I do so again to-night, taking them in the order they appear in the Appropriation Act of last year. I—E. 3.



A small expenditure has been made on the Kawakawa Coal Railway, and during the present year the line is expected to be in working order to the place of shipment; but lam advised that if hereafter it is deemed necessary to carry the line to deep water, a much larger appropriation will be required. Experience has shown that the traffic on the Kaipara and Eiverhead Railway would be very considerable if there were proper means of loading and unloading vessels at the termini. An estimate has been made of the cost of the necessary extension at Kaipara, together with a wharf, and a vote of £15,000 will be required. The Riverhead and Auckland line has not been commenced. The Proclamation for this line is withheld until the Government have ascertained the amount of expenditure likely to be incurred in the purchase of land. They have taken this course because they are advised that very heavy claims for compensation will be made along the present route. Should this prove to be the case, it will be the duty of the Government to endeavour to alter the route at present decided upon. The exceptionally bad winter of last year caused some damage to the works, and very serious delay to the progress of the line between Mercer and Newcastle, and it is only now that we are able to call for tenders for laying the permanent way. The line cannot be open for traffic until this time next year. The Napier and Manawatu line has been opened for some months to Te Aute. The land claims on this line have been unexpectedly heavy; and the floods during the past year have shown the necessity for further provision for water-ways. On the opening to Waipukurau, it is anticipated the traffic will be largely increased. The extension of the Waitara to Patea line to Inglewood is well in hand, and it is proposed to extend the line southwards as soon as practicable. The Patea to Wanganui and the Wanganui to Manawatu lines do not call for special remark, except that the land claims are very much in excess of any estimates which have been made. The works are progressing satisfactorily. The Eoxton and Manawatu tramway has been during the year in process of conversion into a railway, and it is hoped by the Ist of September next will be so far completed as to allow it to be worked under railway regulations. The works of the Wellington and Masterton line have not progressed as fast as the contracts entered into warranted the Government to expect; but there has been great difficulty experienced in getting men to stop in the bush country. The tunnel at the Rimutaka, although exceedingly difficult to bore, is found now to require lining throughout, as also the other tunnels on the line. The portion open to the Tipper Hutt gives very satisfactory results. The Nelson and Poxhill line has not suffered much from the floods of last season, and the traffic on it is likely to be much increased when the line is extended to the new wharf. This extension will cost about £8,000. The necessity for the early extension of the Picton and Blenheim Railway over the River Opawa into the Town of Blenheim has become more and more evident, and without this extension very much of the traffic which ought to fall to the railway, will be excluded. On the railway from Amberley to Waitaki very little remains to be done, and specifications are now being prepared for the last plate-laying contract between Waimate and the Waitaki River. The amount of land claims on this railway, together with the branch lines running into it, have been very excessive, and the additional station accommodation which has been demanded over and above that provided by previous appropriations has been at least £18,000; and, I am advised, very considerable additions to the rolling stock will have to be provided if the traffic continues to increase as it has done during the past year. An extension of the Kaiapoi and Eyreton Railway to join the line from Oxford to Rangiora is necessary, and the loss on working these lines, owing to their not being connected, is such that the provincial authorities have voted a portion of the cost of the extension. The length is four miles, and the country so favourable that there will be little more required than the cost of the permanent way. The additional cost beyond the provincial vote is about £8,000.



It has been considered prudent to incur a further liability on the Waitaki Bridge of some £600, to provide water supply as a means of protection from fire. The bridge has been open for traffic for some months, and is being worked, together with the railway to Oamaru, by the Provincial authorities of Otago. lam advised that the railway between Oamaru and Moeraki will be completed and ready for traffic in about two months. The works south of Moeraki are under contract all through to Dunedin, with the exception of a length of 9 miles at Waikouaiti. It is proposed to let the formation on this section in time to be completed as soon as the Blueskin contract is finished. The works are progressing favourably. The compensation for land taken has also on this length, as, indeed, all through the district, been very heavy; and although every effort has been made to keep the claims down, they have nevertheless exceeded very largely the highest estimates made of them. An unexpected contingency has arisen in connection with all the tunnels in this district, inasmuch as it has been found necessary to line them all with brickwork, involving a further appropriation hereafter of some £36,000. The remarks I have made in reference to station accommodation in the Canterbury district apply to this district, as also with respect to further supplies of rolling stock. I visited Balclutha during the recess, and the result of the various inquiries I made was, that the main line oright to be taken in the direction selected by the Engineer-in-Chief; and I gave him instructions to have the line set out for contract in accordance therewith. The works on the section south of Clinton are not likely to be completed before the end of the year. The works on the Westport and Mount Eochfort Coal Railway are progressing satisfactorily. A contract for the works necessary for loading coal, protective works, and the requisite station accommodation has been let in excess of the appropriation already made; but there are conditions attached which enable the Government, in the event of the funds not being voted, to stop the contract without being liable for damages. The Government consider this work should be continued for the present as a colonial work, and, if this course is taken, further votes will have to be asked for year by year. There is a fair prospect of this coal field being practically opened up, and by the time the railway is in a position to carry coal in large quantities more than one mine will be in full working order. The Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the question of the future dealing with the Colliery Reserve at Westport has been laid on the table, and is in the hands of honorable members. I only now refer to it to express my concurrence in the decision, and the appreciation by the Government of the pains taken to make so exhaustive an inquiry as the Commissioners did in this case. A very considerable revenue will hereafter be derivable from this reserve. The Greymouth and Brunner Railway has been open for traffic for some months past. It is supposed the coal trade will commence about the Ist of September next, as by that date the bridge over the River Grey will be completed. The Government consider the works at Greymouth, as in the case at Westport, should be dealt with by the colony, at all events for the present, and the more so as they are really a part of the railway. An arrangement has been entered into between the Government and the Corporation of Greymouth, that the latter body should hand over the wharf now owned by them to the Government, that they should be paid the present value thereof, and, on condition of their giving up all the river frontage for the railway works and their rights to levy tolls, &c, that the balance due by the Corporation to the Government of the moneys lent to them in the year 1872 should be remitted. To enable the Government to complete this transaction and to continue the work, a further vote of £25,000 will be asked beyond previous appropriations,— pending the result of which the Government are receiving the wharf dues and keeping a separate account of them.



The lengths of the railways authorized, open for traffic, and in progress, exclusive of the lines constructed out of provincial appropriations, are— Authorized. Open for Traffic. In Progress. In the North Island ... 391.48 miles ... 145.2 miles ... 183.6 miles In the Middle Island ... 638.40 „ ... 404.71 „ ... 199.39 „ Total ... 1030.08 ~ ... 549-73 „ ... 382.45 „ Honorable members probably noticed last year that there was a difference between the amount stated by me as expended to the end of the financial year and that stated in the Third Schedule of the Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act. The difference is explained by the fact that by the Act last mentioned the expenditure in the General Railway Account was not allocated to the several railways, and also that a separate appropriation was provided for the expense of raising the loans including discount, whereas in my Statement this expense and discount were inclnded. I accept the statement contained in the Act, and therefore the distributed expenditure on railways up to June, 1875, exclusive of loan charges, amounted to £3,576,003 12s. 7d. The amount appropriated by the Immigration and Public Works Appropriation Act of last year for railways, was £2,342,398 10s. 6d.; the expenditure against this vote has been £1,639,014 7s. 9d., including the greater portion of the distribution of the General Railway Account to which I have just alluded. There are liabilities for works in the colony and advances to the Agent-General for purchase of material, amounting to £983,253 19s. 7d., including the undistributed balance of the General Railway Account. The total expenditure up to 30th June, 1876, was therefore £5,215,018 os. 4d., and the outstanding liabilities, including the undistributed balance of the General Railway Account, £98.3,253 19s. 7d. This amount includes the liabilities for all existing contracts, some of which extend into the year 1878, and for plant and materials ordered from home. I have in detail referred to the great additional cost of land, and that the House may judge to what extent the increase is on that item since our estimates were made up last year I should mention that the compensation already paid, and liabilities which will come in for payment over the next eighteen months, will amount to over £90,000. It becomes a question whether, when further extensions of railways are contemplated, the district through which it is proposed to carry the railway should not provide the land free of charge to the State, before any expenditure is incurred towards construction. Further exploration surveys have been made during the past year, northwards, from Canterbury towards Blenheim, but it is still doubtful whether the best route has been discovered. It is proposed to continue the exploration during the present year. A full report is attached, showing what has already been done in this direction. The surveys and working drawings of the proposed railway from Hokitika to Greymouth have been completed. The estimates, which have been carefully prepared, show that the line will cost upwards of £222,000, as against the original amount stated some years since at £85,000. Some deviations are now being surveyed which will probably reduce the cost. During the year a good line has been found for the railway between the present terminus of the Napier line and Manawatu. This has been a very difficult part of the country to survey, and at one time it was feared that it would scarcely be possible to get through, except at an enormous cost. By the line now surveyed, the cost will not be excessive. I wish to draw the attention of honorable members to the great saving to the Government which has accrued from the Photo-Lithographic establishment. In railway plans alone it has saved at least £2,000 per annum. EOADS. In comparison with previous years a very small amount has been spent on new road works. The Tables attached to this Statement show the various localities in which the money has been spent.



The only districts calling for special mention are Wairarapa and the North of Auckland. During the year the road has been opened through from Masterton to the Manawatu Gorge. Contracts have been let for metalling all the worst portions of it; but owing to the weather having broken much earlier than was expected, the Contractors have necessarily been allowed to let the completion of their contracts stand over until after the winter. This road runs through fine country, and will be the means of opening up a very large tract for settlement. A separate statement has been made out of the expenditure on the roads North of Auckland, It shows that up to the 30th June, 1875, £62,739 Is. lOd. had been spent and charged to that item, but this included the Mangere Bridge. Deducting, however, the cost of that bridge, it leaves £47,252 14s. 2d. as spent up to that date. There has been expended during the past year the sum of £3,727 2s. 2d., and there are liabilities to the amount of £3,162 Is. Id., leaving a balance of £5,858 2s. 7d. still unexpended. This money, it is proposed, shall be principally expended in building all the bridges required on the main trunk road from Auckland to the Bay of Islands, and such other works as may be required to make that road passable for ordinary traffic. I should here mention that a vote of £20,500 was taken last year (No. 69), under the head of " Repayment to Immigration and Public Works Account of Advances made therefrom," to meet the expenditure that had been made on account of roads for opening up confiscated lands. As it was stated in the Appropriation Act that this vote was to meet liabilities, it has been held that it could not legally be issued for new works as was intended; the amount at the disposal of the department has therefore been curtailed to the extent of £17,872 11s. 2d. This sum the House will be asked to re-vote, to enable the department to meet the liabilities it has incurred on the presumption that the money voted was at its disposal. During the year, as will be seen from the report of the Assistant Engineer-in-Chief, a very considerable number of the Armed Constabulary have been employed on the roads. The larger portion of the work done by them is in the shape of maintenance and repairs, and but in a few instances they have been employed in construction. No extra pay has been given to the men for this work, but an allowance for forage for horses has been made to the officers. So long as this force is necessary, useful work can be found for these men ; but it must not be supposed the work done by them, taking their time and pay into account, will be executed as cheaply as it would be by contract. Seeing, however, that it is done in addition to their duties as Armed Constabulary, it is a clear gain to the country. WESTLAND EOADS. Only a very small expenditure has taken place during the past year on the roads in Westland, under the Public Works Department. There is a balance of last year's vote unexpended, which I shall ask the House to re-vote, with a view of expending it to the southward of Hokitika. EOADS.—NELSON SOUTH-WEST GOLD FIELDS. A reference to the Tables and the Report of the Assistant Engineer-in-Chief will show the works on which expenditure has taken place during the past year. There is a balance in hand over liabilities, which is considered to be sufficient to complete the road between Greymouth and Reefton. "WATEK-EACES. The Thames Race is now very nearly completed. The Waimea and the Mount Ida Water-Races, and the Waipori Sludge Channel, are also in the same position. The Nelson Creek Race will take some months yet to complete. As it is a part of the Government proposals to hand these races over to the counties in which they are situated, it will not be necessary to ask for votes for the expenses of their management.



Tenders have been twice invited for the construction of the first section of the long tunnel on the Mikonui Water-Race, but those sent in so greatly exceeded the amount the Government were led to believe the work would be done for, that I have been reluctantly compelled to decline them. It is now proposed, as has been stated by my honorable colleague the Colonial Treasurer, that this work will be handed over to the county, and by the Financial Arrangements Bill it is provided that a further contribution of ten thousand pounds is to be advanced by the Government. The appendix tables show how much has been spent on each of these large works. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. From the Colonial Architect's Report, it will be seen that a large amount has been expended upon public buildings throughout the colony; but I do not propose troubling the House with any details, as a return has been called for which will show, not only the expenditure incurred this year, but the total expended on all classes of buildings from the year 1870. COAL EXPLORATION. During the past year the topographical survey of the Buller Coal Field has been proceeded with, and the plotting of all outcrops has been going on contemporaneously with it. The principal time has been devoted to the survey of Overhanger's prospecting license in Toden Creek, the completion of the sea-face, and a survey of the Upper Orikaka country. The results of the survey have been to show an extension of the coal measures, part of which are in rather inaccessible places, but a considerable portion will probably be available for working as early as any which have yet been found. Thirteen leases of coal areas, aggregating 10,420 acres, have been applied for, of which eleven have been granted, aggregating 8,520 acres; and it is expected that by the time the railway from "VVestport to NgakaAvau is completed, several of the lessees will be in a position to avail themselves of its facilities in getting the produce of their mines to market. The principal coal bearing areas of the Buller Coal Field have now been ascertained, and it is not proposed to continue the survey further for the present. The maps illustrating the work done are in hand, and. will be soon ready for publication. In addition to the foregoing work on the Buller Coal Field, there is little of importance to report in connection with coal exploration in other parts of the colony. At Greymouth, fresh outcrops of coal have been discovered in Coal Creek, and a company, formed to work the coal along the coast line north of the Grey River, have had a line surveyed for the transit of the coal, which they propose to construct shortly. At the Abbey Rocks, far south on the West Coast, a development of the coal measures has been examined, but up to the present time no workable coal seams have been discovered, and the same remarks apply equally to Jackson's Bay. From West Wanganui, samples of coal of a superior quality have been forwarded for assay, and the country will shortly receive attention. INSPECTION OP MACHINEEY. This Act is being carried out very fairly, and the Report from the Chief Inspector attached will give honorable members a clear idea of what each Inspector has done during the past year. The fees charged have rather more than covered the expense of the department. EAILWAYS OPEN POE TEAPFIC. I now come to the question of working the several railways completed and open for traffic.



Honorable members will see, on reference to the Tables, that the railways now worked by the Public Works Department have produced the following results during the past year : —

Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. The Kaipara Eailway ... ... ... 2,497 18 9 2,638 16 3 Auckland-Mercer ... ... ... ' 22,487 16 10 19,416 18 1 Napier- Waipukurau ... ... ... 12,417 2 4 7,902 12 0 "Waitara-New Plymouth ... ... 1,833 12 3 2,190 12 0 Wellington and Upper Hutt ... ... 9,429 5 3 6,293 10 2 Picton and Blenheim ... ... ... 3,516 3 2 3,083 9 9 Nelson and Foxhill ... ... ... 2,531 4 1 2,303 17 9 Brunner-Greymouth ... .... ... 1,063 8 8 883 11 8 Making a total of receipts for the year of ... 55,776 11 4 Expenditure for the year of ... ... ... 44,713 7 8 Leaving a balance of ... ... ... £11,063 3 8

The permanent rolling-stock has been kept up in thorough repair, and, indeed, large improvements have been made in most of them, so that they are really enhanced in value during the past year. The receipts on the Poxton Tramway have been £9,940 12s. lOd. and the expenditure, £10,878 ss. sd. The circumstances of the tramway have, during the past year, been altogether abnormal; but it is now paying its expenses, and promises to be remunerative. I have added a statement showing the receipts and expenditure on the railways in the Provinces of Canterbury and Otago, from which it will be seen that the receipts on those in Canterbury for the year ending 31st March, were £185,806 17s. 5d.; and on those in Otago for the same period, £90,790 18s., or a total of £276,597 15s. sd. The expenditure in Canterbury during the same period was £124,513 Bs. 10d., and in Otago £66,852 2s. 2d., or a total of £191,365 11s.; leaving a credit balance of £85,232 4s. sd. The traffic on the Auckland and Mercer Railway has not been nearly as large as was anticipated. Great objection has been taken locally to the rates charged on this line, but it is impossible they can be lowered if the line is to be worked so as to leave any margin above working expenses; and, indeed, there is no reason why they should be reduced, as they are lower than on many other lines in the colony, and much lower than the ordinary average rates on railways in England. I will only add, in connection with this subject, that there is a very prevalent opinion through the country that upon the railways which have been constructed the public ought to have the same amount of accommodation as on the railways in England or the adjoining colonies, where they have cost so much more; and the public consequently complain of the rates charged in different parts of the colony. Now, it is a fact that the rates charged in New Zealand are generally below those charged in England, and only in Otago are they as high as the rates charged in Victoria. If the accommodation which is now asked for in various parts of the colony where the lines are open for traffic, and which has been to a great extent given in Canterbury, is to be as a rule acceded to, then the railways will cost much more, and the rates for carriage will have to be generally raised. It should, in any case, be the aim of the Government to equalize the rates throughout the colony as much as possible; but I see no necessity that they should be raised above the rates now prevailing in the southern part of the Middle Island. SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE. The expenditure under the Immigration and Public Works Acts on the three principal classes of works, in each Island, is as follows : —



North Island. Eailways to 30th June, 1875 ... ... £1,132,064 19 7 „ during year 1876 ... ... 648,890 19 0 £1,780.955 18 7 Eoads to 30th June, 1875 ... ... £467,99110 6 „ during year 1876 ... ... 23,644 14 6 £491,636 5 0 Water Eaces to 30th June, 1875... ... £40,492 9 6 „ during year 1876 ... ... 18,144 6 3 £58,636 15 9 Total, North Island ... ... ... £2,331,228 19 4 Middle Island. Eailways to 30th June, 1875 ... ... £2,443,297 3 5 „ during year 1876 ... ... 960,24113 3 £3,403,538 16 8 Eoads to 30th June, 1875 ... ... £178,150 1 7 „ during year 1876 ... ... 16,57110 4 £194,721 11 11 "Water Eaces to 30th June, 1875... ... £166,24117 6 „ during year 1876 ... ... 56,041 2 10 £222,283 0 4 Total, South Island ... ... ... £3,820,543 8 11 General Eailway Material to 30th June, 1876 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £29,881 15 6 General Eailway unapportionable to 30th June, 1875 641 9 7 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... ... £6,182,295 13 4

PROPOSED EXPENDITURE ON RAILWAYS ¥011 THE CURRENT YEAR. The amount we propose to ask for expenditure during the current year on Railway works in progress, and to cover contract and other liabilities falling due during that period, on the £ Kawakawa Railway ... ... ... ... ... 20,000 Kaipara-Puniu ... ... ... ... ... 161,000 Napier-Manawatu ... ... ... ... ... 47,000 Wellington-Masterton ... ... ... ... » ... 137,000 Waitara-Patea ... ... ... ... ... 37,000 Patea-Manawatu ... ... ... ... ... 114,000 Nelson-Foxhill ... ... ... ... ... 7,700 Picton-Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... 4,500 Qreymouth-Brunnerton. ... ... ... ... 19,000 "Westport-Ngakawau ... ... ... ... ... 49,000 Amberley-Waitaki ... ... ... ... ... 79,700 Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... ... ... 1.300 "Waitaki-Invercargill and Lawrence Branch ... ... ... 324,400 Winton-Kingston ... ... ... ... ... 53,000 £1,054,600 The Government do not propose to ask the House to make appropriations for any large additional extensions this year; and those lam now about to name will not be put in hand until the Government are assured that the necessary means are available. The new works consist of— Ist. The extension of the railway from Kiverhead to Kaipara, from the present temporary station at Helensville for about half a mile, and the erection of a wharf at which vessels can with ease discharge their cargoes. The cost of this extension will be about £15,000.



2nd. A new wharf at Onehunga in connection with the railway. The cost of this will be £14,000. 3rd. A vote of £20,000 for the extension of the main south line from New Plymouth towards Patea and Wanganui. 4th. A vote of £10,000 for the extension of the main line from Napier towards Wellington. sth. A vote of £8,000 to extend the Nelson and Eoxhill line into the port. 6th. A further vote of £25,000 to meet present liabilities at Greymouth on the Brunner Railway, and to provide funds to continue the harbour works at a moderate speed. 7th. A further vote of £30,000 for works at Westport. Bth. A further vote of £16,000 to complete the Picton and Blenheim Railway into Seymour Square, in the centre of Blenheim. 9th. A vote of £8,000 for connecting the Kaiapoi and Eyreton Railway with the Oxford and Rangiora Railway. These, Sir, with an addition of £10,000 for new surveys, are all the works in connection with railways for which it is proposed to ask votes during this year, and together they amount to £156,000. I have before referred to the roads North of Auckland, and the Government, considering how small an amount of work has been done there, and that it would be unsatisfactory to leave the main trunk road in its present condition, propose to ask for a vote of £10,000, which, together with the balance remaining on the old votes, will, it is estimated, provide sufficient funds to enable all the necessary bridges to be built on the main trunk road to the Bay of Islands, and the formation of such portions of the road as may be found necessary to open them up for dray traffic —together with a main cross road from Wangarei Heads westward. My honorable colleague has already in the Financial Statement, referred to the question of the taking over the responsibility of the management of all the railways constructed out of public moneys. He has alluded to some of the reasons which exist for this action, and I wish to point out that there are now three systems of management, three entirely distinct tariffs of charges, and as many Audit Departments. The rates of remuneration to the same classes of officers are on very different scales, a circumstance which causes a constantly increasing difficulty in the management in the different districts, and must lead to a higher rate of pay generally than there is any occasion for. I have no doubt whatever that very considerable saving can be made in the management by placing the railways under one system, with respect to those now open; and when the railway is complete between Timaru and Oamaru, the necessity for the establishment of a clearing-house system will be avoided. Many other reasons might be urged, and not the least of them is the saving in outlay for rolling stock. Under a combined management, the whole rolling stock on all the lines Avhich are connected will be available to meet any emergency in any part of the system. I have purposely omitted making any comparison between the systems of management now in force, as it must be admitted that, on the one hand, no matter who works these lines, the public convenience will have to be consulted, and, on the other hand, the Government, watched by this House, will insist on their being economically worked. 1 have only to add that the experience of the past year confirms the opinion I have previously expressed, that, with prudent management, the railways will yield, taken as a whole, a very considerable contribution towards the interest on their cost. The estimated revenue on lines at present worked by the Government is stated at £132,200, and that on the Canterbury and Otago lines at £185,000, and £127,800 respectively, making a total of £445,000. If the estimates I have had laid before me should prove to be correct, the railways open for traffic ought to yield next year about 3 per cent, on their capitalized cost. 2—E. 1.



In 1871 the first Minister for Public Works announced in his Statement the appointment of the late Dr. Featherston to the office of Agent-General under the Immigration and Public "Works Act. It is with the deepest regret I mention the loss the Public Works Department, as well as the colony, has sustained by his recent death. This is not the time to allude further to the services of that officer. I last year bore testimony to the faithful manner in which his duties connected with this department were performed, and I feel that any further reference now would be superfluous, if not out of place. I thank you, Sir, and the House for the patient indulgence you have accorded to me this evening, which has rewarded me for the exertion I have made to present this statement to the House at an earlier period than hitherto.




Bv Contract and PieceExploration, Survey, Cutting Tracks and Lines, 'ORK. By Dav Labour. Lines of Road. Totals. Lines or Road. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Tools, Materials and Contingencies. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. AUCKLAND. Bay of Islands "9 3 4 129 3 4 AUCKLAND. Bay of Islands. Waikato 18 1 o 18 1 o Waikato. ... Bat op Plenty:— Tauranga —East Cape ... Horohoro— Te Whetu Eotorua —Tarawera Tauranga —Oliinomuri... Tauranga —Tapuaeharuru Opotiki —Table Land ... Whakatane —Te Teko ... Opotiki —Gisborne Wliakatane Valley Ohinemutu Branch ... Cambridge —Atiamuru Richmond —Galatea ... Galatea—Ahikereru ... Galatea —Opepe Bay of Plenty ... 13 o o 120 o o 75 o o 21 5 o 129 10 o 100 o o 3" 7 T 606 o 9 15 o o 53 4 o 2,432 2 o 380 113 o 9 32 9 6 59 '3 " 25 '5 3 25 o 1 284 19 7 3 12 6 3" 7 9 13 o o 290 13 10 740 14 8 62 o 3 78 4 1 2,959 12 4 103 12 6 2 10 o 47 10 o 57 5 3 18 12 6 321 5 ° 909 2 o Bay or Plenty :— Tauranga —East Cape. Horohoro— Te Whetu. Rotorua —Tarawera. Tauranga —Ohinemuri. Tauranga —Tapuaeharuru. Opotiki —Table Land. Whakatane— Te Teko. Opotiki —Gisborne. Whakatane Valley. Ohinemutu Branch. Cam bridge —Atiamuru. Richmond —Galatea. Galatea —Ahikereru. Galatea —Opepe. Bay of Plenty. 2 IO O 47 10 o 483 18 12 6 52 17 o 321 5 o 909 2 o ... ... 782 10 o ... 3,609 15 IO 116 8 9 1,411 3 7 5,919 18 2 Poveety Bay: — Mahia —Gisborne Gisborne —Hicks Bay ... Te Kapu —Waikare-Moana Te Kapu —Gisborne ... Poverty Bay ... ... - 1 5 6 58 3 o 0100 127 10 6 354 13 3 • 5 6 58 3 ° 0100 986 o 6 354 13 3 Povebty Bay: — Mahia —Gisborne. Gisborne —Hicks Bay. » Te Kapu — ■Waikare-Moana. Te Kapu —Gisborne. Poverty Bay. ••• 165 o o 100 692 10 o ... ... 692 10 o Taupo :— Tarawera— Tapuaeharuru Tapuaeharuru —Hot Springs 165 o o 100 542 2 3 1,400 12 3 Tattpo :— Tarawera —Tapuaeharuru. Tapuaeharuru —Hot Springs. ... ... 1 069 34 15 ° 069 34 15 ° ... ... 35 1 9 35 * 9 (For continuation see next page.)



No. 1.-R0ADS AND TRAMWAYS-NORTH \SLAUD-oontimtd. EETUEN of Classified Expendituee for Sttbtet and Constbuction — continued. Bv Contract and Piece-Work. By Day Labour. Exploration, Survey, Cutting Tracks and Lines, Lines of Road. Totals. Links of Road. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. .supervision, Tools, Materials, and Contingencies. HAWKE'S BAY. Napier —Tarawora Wairoa —Mahia Napier —Fatea £ s. d. £ b. d. 75 o o £ s. d. 2,433 7 J 62 6 o £ s. d. £ s- d- £ s. d. 22 5 o 149 16 6 7 '3 6 80 o o £ s. d. 2,605 8 8 144 19 6 80 o o 2,830 8 2 HAWKE'S BAY. Napier —Tarawera. Wai roa —Mahia. Napier —Patea. Seventy-Mile Bush : lakapau Gorge ... 75 o o M95 '3 2 ... ... 22 5 o 237 10 o Sevbkty-Mile Both :— Takapau Gorge. 475 4 o ... "S3 487 9 3 Te Kapu —Wairoa 14 3 o o 10 o 14 13 o Te Kapu— Wairoa. ... WELLINGTON. Wanganui —Patea Wanganui —Taupo 270 o o 2 5 O II 12 S 250 281 12 5 283 17 S WELLINGTON. Wanganui —Patea. Wanganui —Taupo. Foxton Gorge 270 o o» ... ... ... 13 17 s Manawatu :— Foxton Gorge. '.533 > " ... 132 8 4 1,665 10 3 Setenty-Mile Bush :— Opaki Gorge... 20 o o 8,210 18 9 • 1,276 16 5 923 8 o Seventy-Mile Bush :— Opaki Gorge. 10,43 1 3 2 TARANAKI. Patea— Wai-iti New Plymouth —Mount Eginont Hawera —Waitara 6 15 o 18 3 o 1260 1260 265 7 o I5 1 3 9 TARANAKI. Patea Wai-iti. New Plymouth —Mount Egmont. Hawera —Waitara. 258 12 O 123 o o I 1009 I ... ... 381 12 O ... ... 24 18 o 22 6 9 428 16 '<)




H By Co] TTRACT AND PlE< :E-WOEK. By Day Labouh. Exploration, Survey, Cutting Tracks and Lines, Districts. Disihicts. Pebiods. Total During Yeas 1875-78. Total to 30 Jcke, 1876. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Tools, Materials, and Contingencies. 1875. AUCKLAND. £ *• *i £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. AUCKLAND. Bay of Islands... To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 7.559 16 1 17,402 18 7 1,299 1 6 662 2 6 6,035 14 9 129 3 4 3.313 '7 3 545 2 8 32,959 13 5 129 3 4 18 1 o 33,088 16 9 M,293 o 9 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 16,515 !8 7 Bay of Inlands North of Auckland Mangero Bridge Thames "Waikato 10,824 '3 6 M.941 5 ° 75 2 9 7,488 12 10 154 10 ° ... H,293 o 9 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 i6,497 !7 7 North of Auckland. Mangeve Bridge. Thames. Waikato. 2,050 2 5 335 >° o 245 17 8 39 15 ° 2,480 5 7: 3.857 14 1 18 1 o ii,935 2 o 1.4" 3 7 4,252 8 3 542 2 3 2,174 2 6 35 « 9 Bay of Plenty... Poverty Bay ... I.SI3 8 3 129 2 11 13,796 18 2 782 10 o 4,918 16 8 692 10 o 1,098 14 n 29.934 3 6 3,609 15 10 3.773 11 2 165 o o 2,636 6 6 ... 3,524 18 0! 204 6 4 294 19 6 3" 18 o 691 1 3 11689 299 11 4 1 o o 1,067 15 7 61,690 10 8 13,581 H 8 5,9i9 18 2 67,610 8 10 Bay of Plenty. Poverty Bay. 1,744 1 11 5i5 11 3 1100 ... 9,238 2 8 1,400 12 3 14,982 6 11 Taupo 35 1 9 9.273 4 5 Taupo. ... ... ... ... ... Total, Auckland ... 5.436 15 6 29,184 15 10 90,851 9 8 4,490 13 3 1,639 4 o 5.4/2 15 ° 34>249 !3 5 163,822 10 2 7,502 16 6 171,325 6 8! * Total, Auckland. HAWKE'S BAY. 1 HAWKE'S BAY. Napier Seventy-Mile Bush To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 879 11 2 2,902 5 7 75 o o 614 8 o 6,616 19 8 2,495 13 2 37.937 18 2 475 4 o 379 12 3 417 6 3 22 4 o 4.43° 7 6 22 5 ° 3.723 1 6 5-749 1 11 237 10 o 3,064 5 3 12 5 3 218 6 7 o 10 o 20,995 12 1 45,361 16 11 2,830 8 2 487 9 3 2^,826 o 3 Napier. Seventy-Mile Bush. ... 409 13 4 37 8 o 75 10 o 14 3 o 8,265 7 ° 1,123 15 2 45,849 6 2 Wairoa 3 5o 14 13 o 1,138 8 2 70,813 14 7| Wairoa. ... ... ... ... Total, Hawke's Bat 882 16 2 4,001 6 11 47.9O5 7 3! j ■ : 9,281 19 o 67,481 4 2 Total, Hawkb's Bat. 454 14 3 22 4 o 3,332 10 5



No. 2.-ROADS 1CAPITULA.TION of Classified E AND TRAMWAYS-NORTH Ixpenditube for Sttrtet and Cons' ISLAND-' •on tinned. :0th June, 1876 — continued. 'RUCTION, to { TJlSTBICTS. By Contract and Pibce-Wobk. By Day Labour. Exploration. Survey, Cutting Tracks and Lines, Supervision, Tools, Mutcriuls. and Contingenciea. Total to 30 June, 1875. Dubing Ybab 1875-76. Total to 30 June, 1876. Districts. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. WELLINGTON. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. * £ ». d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. * £ b. d. WELLINGTON. Wanganui-Patea To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 65 12 6 99 8 o 25,132 18 9 S.IS7 '3 7 22 o 6 [,251 1 8 4,615 5 4 250 1,739 12 3 11 12 5 3,024 17 10 923 8 o 5,287 19 6 132 8 4 36,344 o 4 -.J 36,346 5 4 Wanganu i-Pa t ea. Wanganui-Taupo Seventy-Mile Bush Manawatu 400 o o 235 ° ° 20 o o 2,834 o 9 2,267 5 o 270 o o 34,3°' 1 9 8,210 18 9 27,469 10 o 290 o o 22,713 17 6 122,188 13 8 7 10 o 23 19 o 467 12 6 ... 7.275 1 1 1.276 16 5 7,093 11 6 4,874 9 9 44,843 10 8 42,709 o 9 281 12 5 10,431 3 2 1,665 IO 3 5^56 2 2 55,274 13 10 44,374 11 o 290 o o 30,880 9 8 Wanganui-Taupo. Seventy-Mile Bush. Manawatu. Hutt-Lowry Bay Manawatu Tramway ... , 290 o o 30,880 9 8 Hutt-Lowry Bay. Miiiiawatu Tramway. 858 4 9 119 8 3 4,446 18 4 2,742 o 10 Total, Wellington 65 >2 6 4,446 13 6 5>'57 '3 7 172 17 <> 21,811 1 6 18,479 9 6 i59,94i 11 2 12,380 10 10 172,322 2 o Total, Wellington. TAEANAKI. To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 32,432 16 4 TARANAKI. Patea-Wai-iti... M33 9 6 '-SOS 5 6 6,450 8 6 1260 486 10 7 58,741 o 9 58,753 6 9 i 4>9i9 9 7 5,'°7 >3 9 7,i9" '7 7 Patea-Wai-iti. New Plymouth — Mount Egmont Hawera-Waitara 2,240 5 11 258 12 o 1,643 18 6 123 o o 36,698 12 9 489 7 9 6 15 o 5,469 16 2 18 3 o 3.216 4 3 12 6 o 28 13 o ... 265 7 o 3.48' " 3 New Plymouth — Mount Egmont. Hawera-Waitara. ... 13,041 8 7 4,170 o o 1,729 o 11 10 o 9 •5" 3 9 13,192 12 4 ... Total, Taranaki ... ',133 9 6 4,9i9 9 7 5> I3 6 6 9 S. 675 5 fl 74,998 13 7 Total, Tabanaki. '3i»75 19 6 8,688 6 9 428 16 9 75,427 10 4 SUMMARY. 34,249 '3 5 9,281 19 o 18,479 9 6 8,688 6 9 70,699 8 8 SUMMARY. auckland Hawke's Bat Wellington ... Taeanaki 5.436 15 6 882 16 2 65 12 6 i,i33 9" 6 29,184 15 10 4,001 6 11 4,446 13 6 4,9i9 9 7 90,851 9 8 47.9°-! 7 3 122,188 13 8 36,698 12 9 297,644 3 4 4,49° '3 3 454 14 3 5,'57 "3 7 5,'36 6 9 1,639 4 o 22 4 o 172 17 9 5,675 5 6 5.472 15 o 8,265 7 ° 21,811 1 6 13.175 '9 6 163,822 10 2 67,481 4 2 159,941 11 2 74,998 13 7 466,243 19 1 7,502 16 6 3,332 10 5 12,380 10 10 428 16 9 171,325 6 8 70,813 14 7 172,322 2 o 75,427 10 4 Auckland. Hawke's Bat. Wellington. Tabanaki. 7,5i8 13 8 42,5s 2 s »«H '5,239 7 10 7,S°9 » 3 48,725 3 ° 23,644 14 6 489,888 13 7




LOCALITT. No. of Miles Constructed EXPEXDITCRI Liabilities on Total Contracts, Expenditure and 30 June, 1876. Liabilities. No. of Miles Constructed or in Progress. Locality. or in Progress. 1869-70. 1870-71. 1871-72. 1872-3. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1875-76. Mis. chs. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ■• d. £ s. d. £ «■ d £ s. d. £ s. d. Mis. chs. Auckland. Bay of Islands ... North of Auckland Mangere Bridge... Thames ... Waikato Bay of Plenty ... Poverty Bay Taupo ... 166 40 362 20 20 o 34° 17 o 4.327 2 4 204 6 4 939 8 2 723 7 3 42 o o 1,871 16 11 11,746 1 8 1,590 7 10 2,082 18 2 5,779 «3 8 2,705 10 9 227 17 8 75 2 9 3.3'6 9 o 15.379 '5 'o 4.4O3 3 ° 3,667 9 9 16,730 5 6 9,199 8 10 9.409 15 4 7.45 1 '7 6 12,713 1 3 4,539 12 10 1,225 9 10 61,269 11 1 9,726 7 o 2,346 1 2 5,848 14 8 3.213 " 2 11,523 8 3 2,844 4 8 655 2 10 '29 3 4 18 1 o 5,919 18 2 I,4OO 12 3 35 1 9 33,088 16 9 14,293 o 9 15,486 7 8 75 2 9 16,515 18 7 67,610 8 10 14,982 6 11 9.273 4 5 i°5 3 o 6,071 15 8 715 12 o 33,088 16 9 14,293 o 9 15.486 7 8 75 2 9 16,621 1 7 73,682 4 6 15,697 18 11 9.273 4 5 178,217 17 4 166 40 362 20 20 o 34 40 474 o 243 o 47 o Auckland. Bay of Islands. North of Auckland. Mangero Bridge. Thames. Waikato. Bay of Plenty. Poverty Bay. Taupo. 34 4° 474 o 243 o 47 ° 3°3 6 o 6,001 t 4 667 13 11 6,972 1 3 ... Total, Auckland i>347 20 5,811 13 10 18,056 11 10 35.555 2 5 36,157 9 9 7,502 16 6 171,325 6 8 6,892 10 8 i>347 20 Total, Auckland. Hawke's Bat. Hawke's Bat. Napier. Seventy-Mile Bush. Wairoa. Napier... Seventy-Mile Bush Wairoa 30 o 37 4O 43 o 732 o 5 3.4i6 3 o 4,628 2 6 335 7 o 8,379 12 6 6,484 18 o 6,449 8 1 403 o 8 2,795 IO 2 5.559 o 2 152 19 " 3> 645 3 o 23,412 11 6 124 15 o 27,182 9 6 3,921 17 6 5,312 14 8 107 13 5 2,830 8 2 487 9 3 14 13 o 23,826 o 3 45,849 6 2 1,138 8 2 ... 23,826 o 3 45,849 6 2 1,138 8 2 30 o 37 4° 43 ° ... Total, Hawke's Bat... I— 1 13.337 6 9 Total, Hawke's Bat. no 40 732 ° 5 8.507 9 5 9.342 5 7 3,332 10 5 70,813 14 7; ... 70,813 14 7 no 40 Tabanaki. New Plymouth, inland Hawera —Waitara "Wai-iti— Patea ... 7 4° 52 o 126 o 35° 8 o 149 12 o 353 14 8 351 18 o 16,988 19 1 17,694 11 9 1,025 15 7 10,516 19 8 13.534 14 4 984 16 0 2,524 8 11 8,803 12 4 265 7 o IS 1 3 9 1260 3,481 11 3 13,192 12 4 58,753 6 9 124 o o 3,605 11 3 13,192 12 4 58,753 6 9 7 4° 52 o 126 o Taeanaki. New Plymouth, inland. Hawera —Waitara. Wai-iti— Patea. . - 6 >254 9 7 4,648 2 9 8,511 2 8 ... Total, Taranaki 185 40 6,604 '7 7 4.797 14 9 8,511 2 8 25.077 9 7 12,312 17 3 428 16 9 75,427 10 4 124 o o 75,55i 10 4 185 40 Total, Tabanaki. Wellington. Patea —Wan ganui Wanganui —Taupo Manawatu Manawatu Tramway Opaki —Manawatu Gorge... Hutt —Lowry Bay 38 o 34 4° 46 o 25 o 46 o 6,791 16 1 489 13 9 1,416 3 8 2,252 10 9 445 '7 5 5,596 16 10 278 13 10 28 12 1 8,186 8 8 414 9 11 11,316 15 8 8,919 1 6 897 6 10 7.457 l7 8 741 17 1 6,424 9 9 12,459 4 2 4.9 6 3 17 9 9,885 18 11 1,968 14 4 9>37 6 '4 o 7,748 18 2 10,331 13 9 1,769 8 3 813 >7 3 8,578 o 10 1,474 12 o 28,622 o 3 290 o o 41.547 18 7 250 281 12 5 1,665 10 3 36,346 5 4 5,156 2 2 44,374 11 o 30,880 9 8 55,274 13 10 290 o o 194 16 o 36,541 1 4 5.'56 2 2 44.374 11 o 30,880 9 8 57,981 9 10 290 o o 38 o 34 4° 46 o 25 o 46 o Wellington. Patea —Wanganui. Wanganui —Taupo. Manawatu. Manawatu Tramway. Opaki —Manawatu Q-orge. Hutt —Lowry Bay. 10,431 3 2 2,706 16 o ... ... ... ... Total, Wellington ... 189 40 8,697 13 6 8,602 10 n 29.734 2 7 32,047 6 5 39.3" '9 2 12,380 10 10 172,322 2 o 2,901 12 o 175,223 14 o 189 40 Total, Wellington. SUMMARY. Auckland Hawke's Bat ... Tabanaki Wellington TJnapportionable, Tools, &c. Recoveries 1,347 20 no 40 185 40 189 40 6,972 1 3 732 o 5 6,604 '7 7 8,697 13 6 1,732 18 6 14 12 n 5,8 11 13 10 8,379 "2 6 4.797 14 9 8,602 10 11 18,056 11 10 13.337 6 9 8,511 2 8 29.734 2 7 35.555 2 5 8,507 9 5 17,694 11 9 32,047 6 5 61,269 n 1 27,182 9 6 25.077 9 7 39.311 19 2 36,157 9 9 9.342 5 7 12,312 17 3 41,547 18 7 7,502 16 6 3.332 10 5 428 16 9 12,380 10 10 171.325 6 8 70,813 14 7 75,427 10 4 172,322 2 o i,732 18 6 14 12 11 6,892 10 8 124 o o 2,901 12 o 178,217 17 4 70,813 14 7 75.551 10 4 175,223 14 o 1,732 18 6 14 12 11 .■5OI.554 7 8 1,347 20 no 40 185 40 189 40 SUMMARY. Auckland. Hawke's Bat. Tabanaki. Wellington. Unapportionable, Tools, &e. Recoveries. ... ... ... ... ... ... -... Totals 1,832 60 24.754 4 2 1,639 3 10 1 93,804 10 o 152,841 9 4 1,360 II 2 1 23,644 14 6 49!» 636 5 °i 18 2 8 1,832 60 Totals. 1 12 o




No. 5--ROADS IN NATIVE DISTRICTS. NORTH ISLAND. RETURN of EXPENDITURE and LIABILITIES for Repairs and Maintenance to 30th June, 1876.

Amount Allocated ... Expenditure to 30th June, 1875, — Bay of Islands District ... ... ... ... ... ... £32,959 13 5 North of Auckland District ... ... ... ... ... 14.293 o 9 Mangere Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,486 7 8 £ b. d. 60,000 o o Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 62,739 • IO Deduct Mangere Bridge... ... ... ... ... ... 15,486 7 8 Net Expenditure out of Public Works Loan ... ... ... ... 47.252 14 2 Balance, 1st July, 1875 Expenditure from ist July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876, — Bay of Islands and North of Auckland Districts, out of Defence and Other Purposes Loan... 12,747 5 10 3,727 2 2 Balance, ist July, 1876 9,020 3 8 3,162 1 1 Liabilities Balance available £5.858 2 7

£ 8- d. £ s. d. £ *. d. 10,OOO O O Amount Allocated Expenditure to 30th June, 1876:— Bay of Islands District Mangere Bridge Waikato District Bay of Plenty District Poverty Bay District Tan po District Napier District ... Wairoa District ... Seventy-Mile Bush, Hawke's Bay ... Patea-Wai-iti District Wanganui District Manawatu District Opaki Grorge 89 o o 63 o 9 579 4 8 1,858 1 10 584 10 11 212 15 o 568 13 3 58 11 9 780 3 o 1,722 4 7 511 18 1 i,4S5 6 8 480 11 6 8,964 2 O Total... Balance, 1st July, 1876 ... 1,035 18 o Liabilities on 1st July, 1876: — Bay of Plenty District Poverty Bay District Napier District ... Patea-Wai-iti District Wanganui District Manawatu District Opaki Gorge 249 18 1 252 o o 120 o o !7.' 5 ° 35* '9 6 565 o o 1,657 «3 ° Total... 160 1 1




Bv Contract, &c. Bv Day Labour. Lines of Road. Periods. Others. Colonial Forces. Natives. Surveying, &c. Total to 30TH June, 1875. Total for Year 1875-76. Total to 30TH June, 1876. Lines of Road. Colonial Forces. Natives. Others. M WESTLAND. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "WESTLAND. Greymouth —Okarito To 30 Juno, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 Juno, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 Juno, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 63,807 8 3 2,624 17 3 3,667 o o 274 15 o 3,124 10 10 2,657 o 6 2,316 17 o 663 5 o 1,809 5 o '.435 1B ° 1,928 2 7 7.97O 19 4 144 12 o 25 6 9 5 726 978 14 8 34 >5 o 204 18 o •35 3 o 41 7 o 121 00 1 10 o 199 1 11 8 15 o 7 7 0 5 10 6 2,197 11 2 73,706 10 2 2>7 69 9 3 /6.475 19 5 3,9 23 9 5 281 17 6 4,749 14 4 2-756 5 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o Greymouth —Okarito. Christchurcli iTunction South Creek Branch —Main Line Greymouth —Arnould Greenstone —Lake Brunner Marsden —Maori Creek Marsden —Paroa Still Water— Maori Gully Kanieri Forks— Kanieri Lakes 646 8 10 64 10 o 16 8 o 3>923 9 5 281 17 6 4,749 14 4 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 ° 1,576 11 o Christehurch Junction. South Creek Branch —Main Line Greymouth —Arnould. Greenstone —Lake Brunner. Marsden —Maori Creek. Marsden —Paroa. Still Water— Maori Gully. Kanieri Forks —Kanici-i Lakes. 18 10 o 19 16 o 2,292 15 o 19 11 6 1 10 o 1,578 1 o Hokitika —Blue Spur 2.5" 8 5 8 15 o Hokitika —Blue Spur. Kanieri Bridge Wainiea Bridge Westland, General ... 482 8 o 202 2 o I I ... 489 15 o 207 12 6 2,197 n 2 ... 2,520 3 5 489 15 o 207 12 6 2,197 11 2 100,386 2 3 Kanieri Bridge. Wainiea Bridge. Westland, General. ., Hokitika —Christchurch To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 ... ... 85,357 J8 10 12,036 15 11 7,953 o 6 19,989 16 5 ... ... • 2,713 6 11 12,314 16 6 668 2 6 962 3 8 1,630 6 2 97,606 8 o 17,260 13 5 2,779 14 3 Hokitika —Christehurch. 4,555 '5 o 345 '3 3 9,260 17 5 9,260 17 5 26,521 10 10 4,901 8 3 17,260 13 5 26,521 10 10 NELSON. NELSON. Buller —Arnould Ahaura —Amuri Westport—Nine-Mile Bluff ... Westport —Lyell Boatman's to Larry's... To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 To 30 June, 1875 Year 1875-76 Year 1875-76 Year 1875-76 ... ... 34,165 1 3 314 15 o 3-545 o o 5,500 11 o 1,221 9 o 290 o o 554 10 o 622 10 o 469 11 4 392 14 10 508 10 5 1,586 12 6 ... 13,895 4 10 83 12 8 371 2 o 532 7 6 238 o o 55 " o 1,988 9 5 307 3 6 735 13 6 85 13 3 203 o 4 55 1 6 50,048 15 6 4,651 15 6 5>94< 11 4 1,332 2 6 290 o o 705 II 2 618 o 9 5o,754 6 8 5,269 16 3 5>94i 11 4 1,332 2 6 Buller —Arnould. Ahaura —Amuri. Westport —Nine-Mile Bluff. Westport— Lyell. Boatman's to Larry's. 554 10 o 844 10 o Nile Bridge... 622 10 o Nile Bridge. 3 10 6 1 19 o 85 11 o o 12 6 396 5 4 469 11 4 1,092 1 4 Takaka Valley 5io 9 5 1,672 3 6 o 12 6 906 14 9 1,672 3 6 12 6 Takaka VaUey. Squaretown —Little Grey Junctn. Collingwood Quartz Kango ... Squaretown —Little Grey Junctn. Collingwood Quartz Range. ... , I 1 3,466 14 6 63,283 o 2 ... 49,i7i 5 4| i5.!75 19 o 4>53o 18 8 67,813 18 10




Miles. Expenditure. Miles. Links^of Road. Completed and in Course of Completion. 1870-71. 1871-72. 1872-73. 1873-54. ■874-7S-1875-76. Total. Liabilities on Contracts 30 June, 1876. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Completed and in Course of Completion. Lines of Road. WESTLAND. Greymouth —Arnould Greymouth —Okarito South Creek —Main Line Junction Line Greenstone —Lake Brunner ... Marsden —Maori Creek Marsden —Paroa Still Water— Maori Gully ... Kanieri Forks —Kanieri Lakes Hokitika —Blue Spur Kanieri Bridge Waimea Bridge Westland, General ... Mis. chs. 7 '9 81 30 o 37 8 4 5 5° o 77 6 15 4 54 4 46 o 4 \£ *■ d5i 6 3 £ s. d. '.°73 7 5 17,529 12 9 3.8i7 '3 5 £ s. d. 2,768 10 10 18,513 14 2 26 1 17 6 105 16 o 907 16 1 22,894 1 o 20 o o 86 14 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,250 17 o 83 1 o 5°5 " " 489 15 o 510 6 501 14 4 £ s. a. 14,717 16 o 2,669 JI ° 618 5 o 1,493 10 o 2,005 16 6 £ s. <•• 2,7 69 9 3 £ s. a. 4,749 14 4 76,475 19 5 28 1 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,756 5 6 2,538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o 1.578 1 o 2,520 3 5 489 15 o 207 12 6 2,197 11 2 100,386 2 3 £ s. d. 268 17 o 145 6 6 ... £ s. d. 5,018 11 4 76,621 5 11 281 17 6 3,923 9 5 2,75 6 5 6 2.538 3 o 798 8 o 1,869 2 o 1,578 1 o 2,520 3 5 489 15 o 207 12 6 2,197 11 2 Mis. chs. 7 '9 81 30 o 37 4 65 8 4 5 5° o 77 4 54 I 4 46 o 4 ... WESTLAND. Grey mouth —Arnould. Grey mouth —Okarito. South Creek —Main Line. Junction Line. Greenstone —Lake Brunner. Marsden —Maori Creek. Marsden —Paroa. Still Water— Maori Gaily. Kanieri Forks —Kanieri Lakes. Hokitika— Blue Spur. Kanieri Bridge. Waimea Bridge. Westland, General. 1 10 o 8 15 o ... ... 202 2 o 1,695 16 10 124 1 I 5 1 6 3 22,420 13 7 2 1,649 18 6 30,08 1 12 4 I 23,402 17 4 2,779 14 3 1 414 3 6 I 100,800 5 9 124 1 Hokitika—Chbistchurch ... 11 14 2,857 Io ° ... 1,478 9 2 28,000 o o 11 14 Hokitika —Cheistchubch. 14,403 3 5 9,260 17 5 26,521 10 IO NELSON. Bnllcr —Arnould Westport—Nine-Mile Bluff ... Ahaura —Amuri .... Nine-Mile Bluff to Lyell Main Road to Boatman's Nile Bridge rJ\ikiika Valley Square Town — Little Grey Junction Collingwood Quartz Range ... 48 54 6 40 27 53 38 43 3 '3 ... 9.9'7 '5 ° , 26,420 14 9 104 o o 128 50 ... ... 8,630 1 6 5.799 4 4 4,144 18 6 1,330 18 6 5,080 4 3 38 7 o 378 12 o 140 290 o o 622 10 o 396 5 4 705 11 2 618 o 9 554 10 o 469 11 4 5'° 9 5 1,672 3 6 50,754 6 8 5.94' 11 4 5,269 16 3 1,332 2 6 844 10 o 1,092 1 4 906 14 9 1,672 3 6 ... 58' '9 3 255 10 o 7 18 8 593 5 3 327 16 6 5O.754 6 8 5.941 11 4 5.85 1 15 6 1,332 2 6 1, 100 o o I, IOO O O 1,500 o o 2,000 o o 48 54 6 40 27 53 38 43 3 13 11 o NELSON. Biiller —Arnould. Westport —Nine-Mile Bluff. Ahaura —Amuri. Nine-Mile Bluff to Lyell. Main Road to Boatman's. Nile Bridge. Tukuka Yalley. Square Town —Little Grey Junction. Collingwood Quartz Range. 11 o 012 6 o 12 6 499 7 6 2,265 17 2 500 o o 70,079 16 o 135 43 9.917 15 ° 26,652 19 9 19.905 2 10 67,813 18 10 '35 43 6,807 2 7 4,53o 18 8 SUMMARY. WfSTLAND Nelson Hokitika —('iiHis'rcmritCH ... 5 1 (> i 22,420 13 7 9,917 15 o 2 1,649 18 6 26,652 19 9 2,857 Io ° 51,160 8 3 30,081 12 4 19,905 2 10 100,386 2 3 67,813 18 10 26,521 10 10 414 3 6 2,265 !7 2 1,478 9 2 100,800 5 9 70,079 16 o 28,000 o o 124 1 135 43 j [I 14 270 58 SUMMARY. Westland. Nklson. Hokitika —Ciieistchubch. 124 1 "35 43 11 .4 23.402 17 4 6,807 2 7 '4403 3 5 2,779 '4 3 4.530 18 8 9,2(10 17 5 5 1 6 3 ■ 270 58 32.338 8 7 49,986 15 2 44.6i3 3 4 16,571 10 4 194,721 II 11 4,158 9 10 198,880 1 9




Lines of Railway. Land. Expenses. Surveys— Preliminary and Working. Grading. Bridges and Culverts. C Construction. Construction. Fencing. 1. Permanent Way, Permanent Way, New Zealand. England. New Zealand. Rolling Stock. England. Workshops, Stations, and Wharves. Engineering AND Office. Incidental. Total Net Expenditure to 30 June, 187$. Total Net Expenditure during Year 1875-76. Total Net Expenditure to 30 June, 1876. Lines of Railway. - Cost. Noeth Island. Kawakawa —Port... Kaipara —Auckland Auckland —Puniu Auckland Workshops Wellington—Masterton Wellington Workshops Patea—Manawatu Manawatu —Foxton Patea —Waitara ... Napier —Manawatu £ ■- d. 26,361 on 6,954 11 o £ •• d. 182 5 8 2,012 4 o 815 4 " £ s. d. 539 18 4 2,787 18 7 7-935 12 11 10,192 o 9 £ s. d. 2,175 ° ° 22,449 II 6 170,309 13 3 117,208 4 7 £ s. d. 34O o o 4,046 17 II 71,837 '7 7 43,300 14 8 £ s. d. 612 2 4 7,582 4 2 9,329 3 8 £ s. d. 2,720 o o 15,727 10 7 84,373 17 3 24,120 9 11 £ * d. 18,330 4 1 113,083 18 o 57,789 12 4 £ * d. 647 1 9 14,123 7 2 3,6o4 8 3 £ s. d. i,359 o 6 6,895 2 6 53,024 16 8 21,098 15 6 £ s. d. 335 o o 7,467 IS 6 49,677 16 2 16,097 !3 11 20,271 13 8 2,728 o 9 4,7O9 4 7 3,597 17 1 8,132 19 6 19,753 10 2 £ s. d. 409 14 10 5>i46 11 2 20,030 14 1 10,173 10 10 £ s. d. 22 n 2 281 16 9 4,57i 8 2 516 13 4 £ s- d. 292 7 4 7i,535 16 10 478,524 o 7 186,334 16 2 £ s. d. 7,608 17 6 13,039 ' 6 146,400 9 9 16,097 13 " 139,040 7 3 2,728 o 9 156,438 3 10 46,160 15 7 27,011 1 5 91,281 3 11 £ •■ d. 7,901 4 10 84,574 18 4 624,924 10 4 16,097 13 11 325,375 3 5 2,728 o 9 267,643 15 4 76,729 4 3 82,104 9 9 288,528 15 10 Nobth Island. Kawakawa —Port. Kaipara —Auckland. Auckland —Puniu. Auckland Workshops. Wellington —Masterton. Wellington Workshops. Patea —Manawatu. Manawatu—Foxton. Patea —Waitara. Napier —Manawatu. 4,708 2 O 113 10 o 7,415 14 4 i,875 5 o 515 9 o 37i 11 5 25 5 2 12,823 2 2 377 1 " 3,172 2 o 8,037 o 4 58,658 19 1 19,128 3 o 17,149 6 3 55,731 8 9 45,9 62 3 3 10,730 8 1 10,422 11 4 52,686 3 11 6,248 15 10 19 16 9 2,966 14 2 7,732 17 5 18,456 17 5 10,095 o 5 15,425 16 9 46,381 12 1 87,453 10 3 27,292 11 9 10,077 4 9 55,294 13 4 1,026 18 9 3-594 2 9 1,206 13 6 5,064 9 2 16,796 16 4 47i 3 6 3,022 10 9 26,576 5 8 9,286 12 8 1,301 14 10 2,55° 3 5 8,678 8 11 997 4 o 7 14 2 191 1 7 691 15 11 111,201; n 6 30,568 8 8 55,O93 8 4 197,247 11 n -^Surveys of New Lines : — Thames—Waikato Mercer —Cambridge Cambridge—Taupo Masterton —Woodville Tokano —Napier ... Waipukurau —Gorge 357 5 11 528 17 3 346 4 1 205 14 3 20 16 o 2,889 4 4 350 on 528 17 3 346 4 1 7 5 o 205 14 3 357 5 11 528 17 3 346 4 1 205 14 3 20 16 o 2,889 4 4 Surveys of New Lines : — Thames —Wuikatp. Mercer —Cambridge. Cambridge—Tanpo. Masterton —Woodville. Tokano —Napier. Waipukurau —Gorge. 20 16 o 1700 2,872 4 4 Total Surveys, North Island, £4,348 is. lod. Total, Noeth Island 50,212 18 10 462,810 6 5 239,326 16 9 369,321 14 6 29,267 1 4 129,244 11 5 7,280 s 1 1,132,064 19 7 648,890 1 g o 1,780,955 18 7 Total, Noeth Island. 47,428 3 3 3,922 o 2 34,491 14 4 217,301 4 5 132,771 11 4 57,577 10 9 South Island. ' v Nelson—Foxhill ... " Westport —Mount Kochfort Brunner —Greymouth Picton —Blenheim Kowai —Waitaki... Canterbury Branches Waitaki Bridge ... Waitaki —Invercargill Workshops at Dunedin Tokomairiro —Lawrence Winton —Kingston 13,436 10 4 1,565 o o 5,684 19 o 7,711 16 10 28,474 2 IO 9-147 7 ■ 1,038 o o 1,886 8 9 962 9 1 885 o 8 4.135 I2 8 1,096 3 2 i,799 8 2 4,406 11 9 1,499 IO 2 1,759 12 3 6,979 4 5 3,787 15 4 18,128 4 6 32,239 17 8 32,729 1 8 52,178 19 o 75,090 6 1 21,235 4 4 •3,910 3 o 5,875 7 4 22,905 6 1 28,427 10 5 240,496 5 10 18,790 9 9 75,9O3 10 5 131,837 8 6 6,907 3 o 547 8 o 822 15 8 23,231 13 2 I5>653 7 5 16,232 3 11 i4,"3 9 4 7,272 2 9 16,949 IO ! 127,592 12 I 73,579 4 2 21,773 12 4 24,187 19 1 4,882 o 5 21,336 18 11 190,977 5 1 95-943 '2 9 i,334 19 7 580 6 8 724 IS 4 2,197 18 7 6,2IO I I 2,3>5 5 3 5,33i 2 4 14,021 5 6 18,381 19 3 6,603 2 2 44,611 1 o 31,656 13 3 8,724 7 o 991 o 4 14,213 1 4 9,787 13 " 49,422 15 9 31,184 14 8 3.042 5 « 3,432 15 5 4.356 l6 7 4.139 5 > 25,059 11 2 4,°5° 4 4 150 18 7 3i5 3 8 264 6 9 187 3 8 2,933 11 9 435 7 5 85,339 " IO 50,419 18 10 89,137 1 9 107,458 6 5 557,664 7 o 269,587 1 4 58,188 14 10 i,o55,759 7 7 26,469 6 o 53, T95 6 8 25,286 14 8 45,529 o 10 267,549 15 11 39,288 7 7 i7>7'4 «S 7 322,405 6 2 11,052 19 11 73.435 7 9 76,197 '5 7 111,808 17 10 103,615 5 6 114,423 16 5 i52,9 87 7 3 825,214 2 11 308,875 8 11 75,9O3 10 5 1,378,164 13 9 11,052 19 11 145,425 10 10 165,024 17 I South Island. Nelson—Foxhill. Westport —Mount Rochfort. Brunner —G-reymouth. Picton —Blenheim. Kowai —Waitaki. Canterbury Branches. Waitaki Bridge. W aitaii —Invercargill. Workshops at Dunedin. Tokomairiro —Lawrence. Winton —Kingston. 41,306 8 o 5,862 17 4 18,472 15 5 435,088 4 6 31,403 2 9 161,137 16 7 233,836 18 10 12,507 18 5 101,161 3 7 158,938 2 o 11,052 19 11 5,907 17 11 3,312 8 5 41,168 3 4 5,443 14 6 1,978 14 11 440 o o 279 12 o ■57 '3 ° 1,880 4 1 2,624 o 6 59,756 15 1 22,346 19 11 14,739 '4 10 2,104 2 2 8,434 3 10 i,449 2 7 11,603 15 4 38,886 4 5 23,415 4 4 74,870 7 6 1,916 2 9 2,489 11 9 ",656 3 s 12,524 19 7 3.675 19 ° 3,463 3 4 181 3 4 35 6 3 11 7!,99° 3 ' 88,827 1 6 Surveys of New Lines : — Foxhill —Brunuer Foxhill —Southwards Greymouth —Christchurch... ,^ Hokitika —Christchurch Greymouth —Hokitika Hokitika —Malvern Hokitika Survey Office Blenheim —Hurunui Oamaru —Waireka Dunedin —Moeraki Clutha —Mataura... Waipihi—Cromwell Miscellaneous 2,872 19 1 448 6 8 798 o 9 34 16 8 2,631 5 11 468 o 3 55° o o 347 6 5 493 6 9 2,175 2 4 115 9 6 100 o o 711 6 2,869 6 7 346 6 8 795 l8 3 1,561 18 11 468 o 3 312 6 102 o o 226 34 16 8 1,069 7 ° 550 o o 347 6 S 2,872 19 I 448 6 8 798 o 9 34 16 8 2,631 5 11 468 o 3 55° o ° 347 6 5 493 6 9 2,175 2 4 115 9 6 100 o o 7 11 6 Surveys of New Lines :— Foxhill —Brunner, Foxhill —Southwards. , Grey m outh —Chri stchurch. Hokitika —Christchurch. Greymouth —Hokitika. Hokitika —Malvern. Hokitika Survey Office. Blenheim —Hurun ui. Oaruaru —Waireka. Dunedin —Moeraki. Clutha —Mataura. Wiiipihi—Cromwell. Miscellaneous. Total Surveys, South Island, £11,042 5s. iod. 493 6 9 2,175 2 4 115 9 6 100 o o 7 11 6 Total, South Island ... 16,303 16 8 54,251 7 " 748,793 12 9 554,989 '8 4 88,448 16 5 467,366 18 8 691,223 19 3 30,276 19 5 245,947 IO " 293,535 1 3. 92,388 3 4 10,267 '3 7 2,443,297 3 5 960,241 13 3 3,4O3>538 16 8 Total, South Island. 109,744 19 o '- 1 SUMMARY. Railways, Noeth Island ... Railways, South Island ... 50,212 18 10 54,251 7 11 29,267 i 4 30,276 19 s 132,771 11 4 293,535 1 3 648,890 19 o 960,241 13 3 1,780,95; 18 7 3,403,538 16 8 SUMMARY. Railways, Nobth Island. Hallways, South Island, 47,428 3 3 109,744 19 o 3,922 o 2 16,303 16 8 462,810 6 5 748,793 12 9 239,326 16 9 554,989 18 4 34,491 14 4 88,448 16 s 217,301 4 5 467,366 18 8 369,321 14 6 691,223 19 3 129,244 11 5 245,947 10 1 57,577 10 9 92,388 3 4 7,280 5 1 10,267 !3 7 1,132,064 19 2,443,297 3 7 5 Totals.... Totals. i57>i73 2 3 20,225 '6 IO 104,464 6 9 1,211,603 19 2 794,316 15 1 122,940 10 9 684,668 3 1 1,060,545 13 9 59,544 o 9 375>i92 1 6 426,306 J2 7 149,965 14 1 17,547 i8 8 3>575,362 3 o 1,609,132 12 3 5,184,494 15 3 5—E. 1. •




Limes of Railway. Total Length. Open Under for Traffic. Construction. Not yet begun. EXPENDITURE. LlABILITIlb oir Juirl 30, 1876. Total ElPBITDITUBB AKD Liabilities. 1870-71. 1871-72. 1872-73. 1873-74. 1874-75. 1876-76. Total. Lima o» Railway. NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa-Port Kai para-Auckland Auckland-Puniu Napier-Manawatu Wellington-Masterton ... Patea-Manawatu Manawatu-Foxton Waitara-Patea Pbeliminaby Surveys : — Thames-Waikato Mercer-Cambridge(') ... Cambridge-TaupoC) Masterton-Woodville ... Tokano-Napier Waipukurau-Gorge^ ... Mis. chs. 8 19 38 36 '05 36 58 36 68 39 67 56 24 73 '9 73 Mis. chs. 15 68 45 56 28 23 '9 9 24 73 11 13 Mis. chs. 2 67 5' o 30 13 24 58 65 48 8 60 Mis. chs. 5 32 22 48 8 60 24 52 2 8 £ s. d. 1,057 'o 2 707 7 5 1,788 18 9 74i '5 7 163 7 o £ *. d. 10,565 10 6 19,451 H 1 ',708 5 1 1,517 4 10 2,505 3 ' 798 4 10 £ s. d. 105 o o 7,781 10 5 102,992 16 3 21,560 18 9 30,912 15 1 1,845 7 6 492 14 5 £ s. d. 23,125 5 8 146,997 1 8 46,947 10 o 79,748 13 3 23,728 10 5 24,122 12 1 £ s. d. 187 7 4 30,063 10 3 208,899 19 9 126,340 10 8 72,367 4 3 82,384 14 11 30,568 8 8 29,516 10 o £ s. d. 7,608 17 6 13,039 1 6 162,498 3 8 94>>53 8 3 141,768 8 o '56.438 3 10 46,160 15 7 27,011 1 5 £ *■ d. 7,901 4 10 84,574 18 4 641,897 5 7 291,418 o 2 328,103 4 2 267,643 15 4 76,729 4 3 82,104 9 9 £ s. d. 15,181 9 o 28,197 '3 6 43,649 19 11 31,968 7 8 I5i>378 8 1 109,473 18 2 2,341 12 8 26,020 6 o £ i. d. 23,082 13 10 112,772 11 10 685,547 5 6 323,386 7 10 479,481 12 3 377,117 13 6 79,070 16 11 108,124 '5 9 NORTH ISLAND. Kawakawa-Port. Kaipara- Auckland. Auckland-Puniu. Napier-Manawatu. Wellington-Masterton. Patea-Manawatu. Manawatu-Foxton. Waitara-Patea. Pbbliminaby Surveys i— Thames-Waikato. Mercer-Cambridge. Cambridge-Taupo. Masterton-WoodTille. Tokano-Napier. Waipukurau-Gorge. 279 1 2 67 9 9 3 10 o 7 5 o 357 5 " 357 5 'I 20 16 o 205 14 3 205 14 3 20 16 o 205 14 3 20 16 o Totals, North Island... 39' 48 '45 2 183 fi 63 4° 4,458 18 11 36,546 2 5 165,970 3 7 344,757 '8 10 580,331 15 10 648,890 19 i,78o,955 '8 7 408,211 15 o 2,189,167 13 7 Totals, Nobth Island. SOUTH ISLAND. Nelson-Foxliill Westport-Mount Rochfort Brunner-Greymouth Picton-Blenheim Kowai-Waitaki Canterbury Branches ... Waitaki Bridge Waitaki-Invercargill Tokomairiro-Lawrence... Winton-Kingston Preliminary Subveys:— Foxhill-Brunner Foxhill-South wards ... Greymouth-Christehurch Hokitika-Christchurch... Greymouth-Hokitika ... Hokitika-Malvern Hokitika Surrey Office ... Blenheim-Hurunui Oamaru-Waireka Dunedin-Moeraki ( 3) Clutha-Mataura( 3) Wuipihi-Cromwell Miscellaneous 20 11 19 19 7 40 18 52 147 17 101 49 o 57 232 79 22 o 68 36 19 10 7 40 17 10 120 22 97 I' o 57 112 31 30 5° 19 19 26 75 4 38 89 1 22 o 37 66 I I I 42 3' 47 do o o 664 13 11 120 o o 'S3 17 6 6,702 17 3 546 19 6 1,401 4 4 1,182 18 8 106,090 3 10 1,140 12 o 10,106 3 8 47,069 7 o 122 4 11 851 6 4 3,293 19 4 5-493 4 1 3i,954 '6 3 106,959 " ° 34,228 8 8 2o,475 9 7 233,051 19 5 525 10 8 ',796 4 3 34,802 15 5 1,126 3 2 34,384 7 6 4O,997 '4 5 143,020 7 11 148,742 o 7 8,745 15 8 248,880 19 4 35,204 19 10 5,917 o 10 2,417 3 8 46,635 17 7 49,293 15 8 47,858 5 1° 33,322 17 1 200,929 10 4 85-356 o 1 18,707 8 5 522,344 16 5 36,137 7 8 80,262 10 1 452 2 11 346 6 8 795 '8 3 26,469 6 o 53-'95 6 8 25,286 14 8 45,529 o 10 267,549 15 n 39,288 7 7 I7,7i4 '5 7 333,458 6 1 73-435 7 9 76,197 15 7 3 12 6 102 o o in ,808 17 10 '03,615 5 6 114,423 16 5 '52,987 7 3 825,214 2 11 308,875 8 11 75'9O3 10 5 1,591,508 5 6 •45-425 10 10 165,024 17 1 2,872 19 1 448 6 8 798 o 9 34 16 8 2,631 5 11 468 o 3 55O o o 347 6 5 493 6 9 6,939 1 3 79,868 2 9 10,802 3 5 3,575 '8 2 45-557 o o 4,264 19 7 1,264 ° o 349,353 1 9 17,782 12 1 55,46o 9 7 118,747 19 1 '83,483 8 3 125,225 19 10 •56.563 5 5 870,771 2 11 313,140 8 6 77,167 10 5 1,740,861 7 3 163,208 2 11 220,485 6 8 2,872 19 1 448 6 8 798 o 9 34 16 8 2,631 5 » 468 o 3 600 o o 47 2 2 5 493 6 9 SOUTH ISLAND. Nelson-Foxhill. Westport-Mount Rochfort. Brunner-Grey mouth. Picton-Blenheim. Kowai-Waitaki. Canterbury Branches. Waitaki Bridge. Waitaki-Invereavgill. Tokomairiro-Lawrence. Winton-Kingston. Preliminaby Surveys : — Foxhill-Brunner. Foxhill-Southwards. Greymouth-Christchurch. Hokit ika-Christchurch. Greymouth-Hokitika. Hokitika-Malvern. Hokitika Survey Office. Blenheim-Hurunui. Oamaru-Waireka. Dunedin-Moeraki. Clutha-Mataura. Waipihi-Cromwell. Miscellaneous. 1,561 18 11 226 34 16 8 1,069 7 o 468 o 3 55° o o 347 6 5 50 o o 124 16 o 474 1 4 '9 5 5 100 o o 7 11 6 100 o o 7 11 6 100 o o 7 11 6 Totals, South Island... 638 40 404 71 '99 39 34 10 7,701 8 8 168,511 o 3 438,353 4 7 704,707 8 7 960,241 13 3 3.403,538 16 8 3,978,581 1 3 Totals, South Island. 1,124,024 1 4 575,042 4 7 SUMMARY. North Island ... South Island ... 39' 48 638 40 '45 2 404 71 183 06 199 39 63 40 34 10 4,458 18 n 7,701 8 8 36,546 5 168,511 o 3 '65,97° 3 7 438,353 4 7 344,757 '8 10 704,707 8 7 58o,33' '5 I0 1,124,024 1 4 648,890 19 o 960,241 13 3; (',780,955 18 7 3,4O3>538 16 8 408,211 15 o 575,042 4 7 2,189,167 13 7 3,978,581 1 3 SUMMARY. North Island. South Island. Totals Genebal. 1030 8 549 73 382 45 97 50 12,160 7 7 205,057 2 8 604,323 8 2 1,049,465 7 5 ',704,355 '7 2 1,609,132 12 3 5,184,494 15 3 983,253 '9 7 6,167,748 14 10 Totals. 29,881 15 6 29,881 15 6 641 9 7 General. Material Unapportionable 641 9 7 29,881 15 6 641 9 7 Material. Unapportionable. 1030 8 549 73 382 45 97 5° 12,160 7 7 205,698 12 3 604,323 8 2 1,049,465 7 5 i,7O4,355 '7 2 1,639,014 7 9 5,215,018 o 4 t983,253 '9 7 6,198,271 19 11 (') Included in Auckland-Punui. (*) Included in Napier-Manawatu. ( 3) Included in Waitaki-Invercargill. t This amount includes liabilities for all existing contracts, some of which extend into the year 1878, and for payment of material ordered from Home.




Locomotives. Ci.BRIAGES. Tbuczs. WAOOIfS, &C. ■a ii "o'S Fairliea. Bogies. oo CO ;o CO "* I •* "* 1st Class. .Composite. 2nd Class. Passenger Brakes. §1 00 CO i 1— < to si .9" 1? 4 3-3 2 if i-H 00 o r-1 A .»- ■7 s GO if 1 I GQ d o do O a O o DO I1 £ I o I "3 CD 1 I <o mi 3J 'S I 1 I 8 e I 9 X) ii. a "do M I DO o 6 I 3 i Sets. CO North Island, Colonial Government Stock South Island, Colonial Government Stock South Island, Canterbury Provincial Stock South Island, Otago Provincial Stock ... 4 I i 3 3 I - 2 4 3 1 5 7 6 21 I 28 4 ... 3 8 8 2 12 3 j 9 28 8 6 ... j - _1 20 62 26 16 ... 20 22 75 S 3S 21 ... 3 2 22 37 ... ... 2 32 S2 20 58 20 114 15 24 43 206 4 119 129 87 126 82 5° 10 23 250 500 200 ... I ... ... Total — — ! 6 1 4 ! 3 16 H 3 37 82 20 I S6 3 — 2 ' 1 1 59 2 — 84 78 — 134 — 208 ■ 1 1 4 I 2 4 ! 49 h : . 4 42 102 39 253 33S 1382 \3S '950 Paeticulaes of EoiiLura Sti 'OK •eceived up to 30th June, 1876. N< ikt: ISLAND. I Auckland-Kaipara ... Auckland-Puniu Napier-Takapau Wellington-Masterton Manawatu-Foxton ... Wanganui-Manawatu Waitara-New Plymouth I - . i ... I I ... ... i i 2 I ... 9 2 1 2 ... ... 1 3 2 ... ... 3 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 ... 1 7 S 2 2 2 2 ... 2 8 2 3 8 S 4 6 ... ... I ... 2 S 4 2 ... 6 26 5 12 4 2 10 2 2 4 ... 2 8 3° 13 21 90 59 30 S2 4 48 26 21 20 . ! 2 j ... 2 i ... 1 2 I ... I 2 1 1 ... 1 1 2 2 1 ... I 1 2 10 2 2 ... ..... Total North Island ... ... i ... 3 I ... ... 4 ... 1 1 •4 - ... 6 2 3 9 6 ... 1 ■7 8 ... ... 19 I 29 ! i 2 14 ... S3 14 6 2 54 271 — 107 2O IS ••■ IOTTTH ila; 1). Brunner-Greymouth Westport-Mount Eochfort ... Nelson-Foxhill Picton-Blenheim Canterbury Branch Railways ... Christchurch-Waitaki Waitaki-Moeraki Moeraki-Mataura ... Hataura-Kingston ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 2 "6 ... 1 ... ... 2 3 ... 2 1 ... 12 ... ... ... 7 4 5 3 I 2 I ... ... ... l 2 1 is 6 8 6 2 2 10 ... ... 1 20 1 2 ' 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 4 4 6 7 2 ... 4 4 8 ... ... ... 4 ... ... 3 3 ... i... 10 6 100 277 34 163 106 8 10 20 4 20 90 63 61 5° 2 2 10 S 3 7 4 I 2 14 8 6 ... 4 62 20 i 3 2 1 20 ... 7 22 24 3 3 I 4 1 2 4 ... ... ... ... Total South Island ... i 3 2 4 3 6 J5 4 I 10 — 6 i — — 2 45 — 4 — 4 33 696 2'5 — 22 ... ... 12 19 2 37 14 20 49 19 ... ... 25 .-



No. 10-ROLLING STOCK AND PLANT-«Mitf»««z. PAETICULAES oe MiscELLANEors Stock Obdeeed to 30th June, 1876. Turntables. Cranes. Weighbridges. Weighing Machines. i Si J3 I DO . 13 Feet. O C E II 2 B Ills o to ill I! a o e 1 5 40 Feet. 1Q CO I 1 North Island 9 > i 2 13 12 6 42 9 10 20 10 102 8 South Inland 2 «4 8 2 J 2 3 3 2 10 ? 3 20 ro 24 5 3 Total •5 16 is 516 <3 40 20 126 23 Paeticulaks of Miscellaneous Stock Eeceited to 30th June, 1876. North Island 9 7 1 2 13 6 •P 9 10 20 (O 102 8 South Island 2 .v 2 i 2 3 3 2 10 7 3 20 10 24 S 3 14 Total 2 ft 16 126 »3 «! 5* «3 40 20



No- 10-ROLLINQ STOCK AND PLAHT-oontimed. SCHEDULE of Peemaneot "Wat Matebial. OEDERS. Order. Date. Weight - Miles. per Eaih. Yard. Fang ■ Bolts. ■**«.• ; pS, Top Clips. Steel Joints. Points and Crossings. Memo. Tons. Tons. Tons. 38 21 12 Tons. Tons. Tons. 56 47 26 65 Sets. *Auckland-Kaipara Kaipara-Riverhead Auckland-Mercer Ditto Ditto Mercer-Newcastle "Waitara-Nevv Plymouth Ditto *Waitara-Patea Wellington-Mas terton... Ditto Ditto Napier-Waipukurau ... Ditto Manawatu-Wangauui... Ditto Westport-Ht. Rochfort Brunner-Grey mouth ... Nelson-Foxhill •Ditto *Picton-Blenheim Ditto Ditto Ditto Rakaia-Tivnaru Ditto Ditto Ditto Waitaki-Moeraki _ ... Moeraki-D unedin Dunedin-Clutha Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Clutha-Mataura Tokomairiro-Lawrence Invercargill-Mataura ... Ditto Winton-Kiugston Ditto 27/76 28/73 53/71 123/72 129/72 i/74 24/72 28/73 27/76 53/71 24/72 129/72 24/72 28/73 28/73 i/74 1/74 53/7 1 138/73 27/76 27/76 53/71 53/71 28/73 24/72 123/72 129/72 28/73 28/73 "/74 68/71 26/71 53/71 123/72 129/72 1/74 28/73 53/71 28/73 28/73 >/74 June 1/76 June 2/73 Nov. 25/71 Oct. 25/72 Nov. 23/72 Jan. 10/74 Jan. 23/72 June 2/73 June 1/76 Nov. 25/71 Jan. 23/72 Nov. 23/72 Jan. 23/72 June 2/73 June 2/73 Jan. 10/74 Jan. 10/74 Nov. 25/71 Jan. 18/73 1/76 June 1/76 Nov. 25/71 Nov. 25/71 June 2/73 Jan. 23/72 Oct. 25/72 Nov. 23/72 June 2/73 June 2/73 Jan. 10/74 May 27/71 Aug. 31/71 Nov. 25/71 Oct. 25/72 Nov. 23/72 Jan. 10/74 June 2/73 Nov. 25/71 June 2/73 June 2/73 Jan. 10/74 24 18 40 lb. 1.509 1,132 629 1,572 "4i 26 65 >} 44 25 61 33 19 46 10 10 j» 2S jj 30 25 20 25 10 2 )> 1,572 629 126 629 629 692 61 25 5 30 12 3 16 12 h 26 5 "46 19 4 "is 26 ■ 5 23 26 >j 10 10 jj 25 27 "26 29 19 20 H 11 )) 13 29 25 12 35 15 '5 20 8 21 jj »j 3) 754 2,200 943 943 i,257 5°3 1,321 63 47 754 188 S°3 943 1,886 3° 85 37 37 5° 20 15 42 18 18 31 91 39 39 51 21 55 22 65 28 28 38 15 39 31 91 39 39 5 1 21 55 3 2\ 3 1 8 22 39 78 20 10 10 10 1 of 12 3 8 IS 3° JJ 3J JJ JJ 5 1 3° 8 24 10 25 2 ii 15 4 9 18 36 3 1 8 22 39 78 22 6 12 Steel 40 lb. 10 n 20 37 74 15 28 56 JJ 25 40 20 JJ 1,258 2,578 1,572 377 629 188 i,572 49 100 62 •5 24 8 62 52 65 15 26 8 65 37 46 11 20 41 25 6 JJ J» ft JJ 24 46 3° 7 12 52 l°5 65 15 26 8 65 20 10 10 Steel 40 lb. 'I 46 10 3 25 4 3O 25 23 12 28 23 27 3) i,572 i,447 754 i,74i i,447 1,698 62 56 3° 68 56 67 30 25 15 33 25 32 "65 59 3i 73 59 70 "46 44 22 52 44 51 65 59 31 72 59 70 25 10 40 |] JJ :j jj 3° 10 )j To be Deliveeed at— Auckland The Bluff Lyttclton Auckland Wellington Lyttelton Port Chalmers ... The Bluff *Auckland *Lyttelton *Port Chalmers •The Bluff * Auckland * Wellington Colonial Made 39/74 39/74 60/74 61/74 61/74 61/74 61/74 61/74 12/76 12/76 12/76 12/76 32/7 6 32/76 Feb. 26/74 Feb. 26/74 Sept. 28/74 Sept. 30/74 Sept. 30/74 Sept. 30/74 Sept. 30/74 Sept. 30/74 Mar. 10/76 Mar. 10/76 Mar. 10/76 Mar. 10/76 June 29/76 June 29/76 60 62 45* jj 3,975 4,025 3,000 63 64 48 87 I 9 67 138 142 105 jj jj 3° 3° 60 j» 3) 3° 5° JJ JJ 27 9i ill JJ JJ JJ 3* 75 35 343 JJ JJ 776i 1,586 i,o67i 1,487 1,069 i.955i 1,045 49.257 Orders marked with asterisk are not yi :t comple ied.



No. 1O.-R< OLLI JG STOCF AND P L A N T—continued. SCH :edu: lE Of PEHMi «tent Wat Mateeial. or: >ERS. Lines. Order. Miles. Weight per yard. Eails. Jug H .. Sole Steel Bolts. "P*"8- Plates. Joints. I Fish Plates. Bolts and Nuts. Wood Keys. Chairs. Points and Crossings. Memo. Sate. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. No. Tons. Sets. Canterbury Branch Lines Ditto Ditto Picton-Blenheiin n/72 78/72 63/75 24/72 Jan. 20/72 June 8/72 A "g- 3i/75 Jan. 23/72 20 92 30 lb. 944 4.34° 29 132 34 155 20 10 3° ,, 12 >. "566 •7 20 .» 124 5.850 178 229 40 Manawatu Tramway ... 27/71 2 Sept. 2/71 25 lb. 121 Addington-Rangiora ... Ditto Mar. 2/71 6 70 lb. 767 1.438 28 48 28,581 70,269 274 43' 3° 13 3 39 54 '4 JJ Rangiora-Kowai Selwyn-Rakaia Auckland Kawakawa Jan. 18/73 Mar. 15/71 «9 2,205 7(> 93 14 98,850 705 3° •38/73 9/71 H 13 6i 3 56 lb. 1.252 1,144 1.372 268 26 58 and fast 18 28 4 S 54 10 74 13 M enings 41 n j» ,, To be Dehvebed at— Wellington Ditto *Ditto *Ditto * Auckland ♦Ditto Port Chalmers Ditto •Ditto *The Bluff 36* 4.°36 5 1 59/74 61/74 27/76 3* 76 27/76 32/76 59/74 61/74 27/76 27/76 Sept. 26/74 Sept. 30/74 June 11/76 June 29/76 June 1/76 June 29/76 Sept. 26/74 Sept. 30/74 June 1/76 June 1/76 89 52 lb. 7.500 92 128 244 69 80 5 » 410 7 10 8 iS 4 80 6 )> 492 '7 5 )} 11 16 20 11 )» JJ 1,000 29J "8i 5° 28i 9 J) }t 2.337 738 39 12 "86 26 23 7 )> Wellington-Masterton (Summit Incline) I4»i 12.477 103 220 4'7* n6J 230 Steel 70 lb. 30/74 May 2/74 596 and fast enings •ders marked ■ith asterii ik are not yet completed.



No.11.—ROLLING ESTIMATE of COST of Various Classes of Rolling Stock, compiled from English Advices and actual Import Freights, with average Colonial Charges, 30th June, 1876.

Locomo■IVES. Carriages. TR! ;cks. Wac iONS, :tc. Fai lies. !'. . ;ies. OJ I j3 1st Class. Composi ite. 2nd )lass. 00 1 a J 00 o il ■£„• §1 si * JiO £ o If ■4-d CO •3 1 o -a g pi o B o o c 1 o 1 t ! I 5 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £. £ £ 269 £ 189 £ £ £ £ £ £ * 3 6 £ £ *6 4 £ £ fCost Price F.O.B. material in England 2,8 i S 2.75° ')395 1,091 2,12s 1.145 1,012 682 349 244 324 259 234 *3i *35 *4O *3S *3S no Freight on „ „ 200 200 130 130 27s 130 130 13° 63 37 59 37 56 36 24 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 14 24 Cost price F.O.B. Wheels 26 17 26 17 26 !? 17 17 '7 17 !7 17 •7 17 17 17 Home Charges ... -| Freight on „ 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I Insurance, Commission, Shipping l_ Charges, Contingencies 150 147 76 61 120 64 57 16 18 3 41 22 15 21 12 H 3 "Lighterage and Wharfage Colonial Charges ... • Erection Contingencies 3° 5° 3° 5° 25 25 15 20 30 5° 25 25 15 20 8 20 5 16 3 14 5 - 3 14 5 16 3 14 3 14 t 20 + 5° 5° t «s t 5O t 25 t 23 2 12 2 12 16 IS 8 7 13 7 6 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 Total cost in Colony, erected at principal Ports ... I 1 I H 3,261 3.192 1.659 i)324 2,613 i,39 6 1,240 886 U89 336 1459 352 + 398 277 312 79 "3 Il8 201 114 89 87 119 179 * Ironwork only. t Beini small Li: -htt ;e, is includ( :d under Contii encies. t Dunedin-Port Chali ters stock, reli; .ble details not available.




Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Company. Distance. Survey and Construction, 1870-75. Subsidies, 1870-75. Survey and Construction. 1875-76. Subsidies. Totals. Contracts. Engineer's Estimate of additional Work during Year. Subsidies. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Company. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland :— Thames Mis. chs. ii 70 £ s- d. 40,492 9 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,144 6 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 58,636 15 9 £ *■ d. 6,484 17 10 £ s. d. 500 o o £ s. d . £ «. d6,984 17 10 £ s. d. ♦65,621 13 7 NORTH ISLAND. Auckland :— Thames. SOUTH ISLAND WESTLAND :— Hohonu Hibernian... New River Vaimea ... Mikonui ... Kanieri ."-SON: — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Charleston, Four-Mile OlAao: — Mount Ma Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carriek Range Waipori ... Mount Pisgah Departmental : Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &e. 4 H 4 36 4 52 15 ° '9 'S 47 4° 3 7 ° 9 13 2 18 12 6 78,004 7 2 343 14 o 1 5 6 'S.S3° 19 1° 256 11 7 2,521 12 11 2,000 o o 3>5° 2 10 3 9,766 14 6 20,113 19 7 1,099 18 5 •7>433 9 IO 1 S o 98 8 o 794 3 10 2,524 19 11 2,009 X3 2 3.5 21 2 9 98,118 6 9 1.443 12 5 10,562 3 10 32,964 9 8 257 16 7 98 8 o 3,409 19 4 40,623 9 8 8,471 13 II 8,912 o 8 1,500 o o 1,500 o o 11,881 13 3 m 49.535 1° 4 2,524 19 11 2,009 !3 2 5,021 2 9 I 10,000 O O 1.443 J2 5 10,562 3 10 82,500 o o 257 16 7 98 8 o SOUTH ISLAND. Westland :— Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Waimea. Mikonui. Kanieri. Nelson :— Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Charleston, Four-Mile. Otago :— Mount Ida. Arrow. Beaumont nnd Tuapeka Carrick Range. Waipori. Mount Pisgah. Departmental :— Salaries, Travelling, Advertising, &c. 64 44 3 3° 60 o 17 20 35,39' 2 9 612 10 o 640 o o 2,250 o 1 14.163 5 6 49-S54 8 3 612 10 o 640 o o 3,540 9 1 11,368 8 6 200 o o 4,646 14 6 1,360 o o 4.459 11 o 4,646 14 6 1,360 o o 4,459 11 o 54,201 2 9 612 10 o 11,368 8 6 1,290 9 o 2,000 o o 8,000 o 1 11,368 8 6 1,000 o o 200 o o 800 o o 800 o o 3.820 7 9 1,046 3 8 4,866 11 5 200 o o 200 o o 5,066 11 5 Total ... 185,240 19 3 362,288 3 o Total. ... ",493 7 9 72,100 16 3 2,084 12 10 280,919 16 1 SS.365 1 4 17,883 14 7 8,119 11 o 81,368 6 11 * Credit— Unused Ironwork, £4,800. RET EN showing the .mount of Subsidies, Payments of Interest on Sums Advanced, Refunds, &c. Amount of Subsidy. Payments on Subsidy, Balance. Payments ol Interest. Amount Refunded. Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka ... Carrick Range ... Mount Pisgah ... 2,494 12 11 2 , OOO O O • 5,000 o o 10,560 18 4 612 10 o 2,OOO O O 7.594 7 4 I,OOO O O £ s. d. 2,494 12 11 2,000 o o 3,502 10 3 10,560 18 4 612 10 o 640 o o 3,884 16 5 200 o o £ s. d. £ s- d. 271 16 9 408 11 5 639 14 8 560 18 4 116 3 9 £ s. d. 547 1 4 Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carriek Range. Mount Pisgah. 1.497 9 9 1,360 o o 3,709 10 11 800 o o 171 19 11 3 10 o Total 31,262 8 7 23.89S 7 11 7,367 o 8 Total. 2,172 14 10 547 1 4




EXPENDITUEE. Pbotince. Prospecting and Developing. " Liabilities. Totals. Peovincb. Totals. 1871-72-1872-73. 1874-75-1875-76. Auckland Nelson Westland Cantebeuey Otaoo ... G-enebal Expenses 24 3 9 233 4 2 £ »■ d150 o o 459 16 6 359 >6 o 53 o 2 44 o o 943 S 2 1,040 7 5 220 8 3 100 o o 83 10 o 18 2 O £ »■ d. 135 o o 2,500 15 1 30 o o £ s. d. 2,255 3 3 £ s. d. 1,252 8 11 6,489 6 s 610 4 3 245 8- 2 320 19 9 22 3 o £ s. d. ... 1,070 12 1 £ s- d. 1,252 8 11 7.559 18 6 610 4 3 245 8 2 320 19 9 22 3 o Auckland. Nelson. Westland. Otago. Q-enebal Expenses. 92 8 o 193 9 9 I ... ... S43 S 8 ... 1,066 12 8 4 1 o 2,669 16 1 ... Totals ... 2,405 12 IO 1,070 12 1 10,011 2 7 Totals. 2.253 3 3 8,940 10 6




OTAGO. [Extracted from the Report of the Railways in the Province of Otago.] CENTRAL DIVISION.-DUNEDIN and PORT CHALMERS, CLUTHA, and GREEN ISLAND BRANCH RAILWAYS, for Year ending 31st March, 1876.

NORTHERN DIVISION.—OAMARU and AWAMOKA and "WAITAKI RAILWAYS for Year ending 31st March, 1876.

Expenditure. Month Ending Earnings. Engineer's Department. Traffic Department. Total. Vpril - Hay ... [une ... luly ... August September October November iecember r 18751876. £ s- d. 15,988 7 11 11,183 5 4 12,261 12 5 10,669 18 4 12,202 2 2 I5,!59 o 8 14,964 10 1 14,729 1 10 I7.293 2 3 £ s. d. 4,910 12 10 5,i99 ° 3 5, 237 13 4 5.75° 6 2 5,204 18 o 5,5 62 3 6 5,780 14 8 5>6S9 7 8 6,646 9 3 £ s. d. 4.795 15 5 4,706 11 5 5,291 8 6 4,754 13 3 4,271 14 8 4,370 16 9 4.5°3 19 6 4,544 14 8 4,984 12 9 £ s. d9,706 8 3 9,905 11 8 10,529 I 10 10,504 19 5 9,476 12 8 9,933 ° 3 10,284 '4 2 10,204 2 4 11,631 2 o anuary rebruary darch 17.471 9 4 18,090 12 2 25.793 14 11 5,7i3 o 2 6,063 9 10 6,539 4 11 4,633 i7 6 4,592 8 6 4,795 15 4 10,346 17 8 10,655 18 4 ii,335 ° 3 Total 185,806 17 5 68,267 o 7 56,246 8 3 124,513 8 10 Excess of Earnings over Exper. Note.—The Renewal Fund iditure, £61,293 &s of £4.335 us. 9d. id. ; Working Ex| is not deducted froi lenses, 67'oi per cent. n the net earnings.

C'ORl IESPOXD1XG 5ERIOD. Table No. i. Forwarded Tohhaoxb. Table No. 2. 1876. Description, 1876. j Correspondj ing Period, I87SDescription. No. Value. No. Value. Increase. Decrease. £ s. d. 31,633 8 II £ s. d. 9,210 7 9 £ s. d. 32,432 I 2 c s. d. Merchandise Flax Iron, &c.... 3oal Dther Mineral 3rain—Wheat „ Oats „ Barley Flour Dther Produce Firewood... Heavy Timber Sawn Timber Tons 49.977 7 ■»259 29,173 I°,743 2,973 3,666 62 2,119 1.589 81,917 Passengers I Single "} II Single I I Return ( II Return ) Season Tickets Parcels Cloak Room ... Excess Luggage Live Stock Merchandise ... Storage Wharfage Labour Rent ... Jetty Dues Weighbridge ... Express License Fees Unclaimed moneys found... Advertising space 93,774 i 259.873 Trucks Tons 653 17,290 692 11 9 984 3 1 68 14 1 33S 2 o 57 19 3 30,018 4 10 106 17 o 311 12 4 692 II 9 984 3 1 68 I4 1 33S 3 o SI 19 3 18,050 18 8 106 17 o 211 12 4 11,967 6 2 Wool jve Stock ioo ft. Bales 124 ( as 10,943 Oons, 5 34)467 ("as 4,278 tons I 28,517 SJ fas 260 tons I 1 72 ij o 376" 3 8 *3°3 7 R Trucks 124 o 6 124 o 6 Carriages 20 o o 20 o o 1 3 b 500 7 3 * S o o "5.7" 81,917 64,336 13 3 s>>553 16 7 42,782 15 303 7 8 Jj lMES BAI IE, 1 Liiditor ai L Accoum tant. ise as above, thi is item wouli : in original.exhibit only a dec] -The column as pr rease of ] inted adi ss. 8d., but I Is to £43,086 jr ami 3s. 4d. rants concede in compensati Ion. * Instead a decrc:

Co. tRESPONDING Period. Table No. i. Forwarded Tonnages. Table No. 3. 1876. w Q £ Corresponding Period, Increase. Description, 1876. Description. No. Value. No. Value. £ s. d. £ s. d. Merchandise Flax Iron, &c... Coal Dther Mineral 3rain—Wheat „ Oats „ Barley Flour Dther Produce Firewood Heavy Timber 5a\vn Timber Tons in Passengers ... I Single ... "A II Single ... ( I Return ... C II Return ... ) Season Tickets Parcels Cloak Room Excess Luggage Live Stock Merchandise Storage Wharfage ... Labour Rent letty Dues ... Haulage Sundries Express License Fees Trucks Tons 59 $14 1,026 17 9 Line not opened. S.235 2,066 1,387 318 939 414 863 1 300 33 19 3 O 13 II 17 18 io 1 3 13 oj 3,936 11 9 34 6 o tVool 1 ooft. Bales fasj,3ijtons I 3^574 fas 1,377 tons I 9. 180 9k I 6 9 8 333 IO 3| 10 10 o 5 o o 4,290 9 i -ive Stock Carriages Trucks 13,992 tons Jajies Bare, Auditor and Accountant.



(9.) —BALANCE SHEET of EXPENDITURE for YEAR ending 31st March, 1876.

MARKINGS AIND EXPE} DITUKE— continued. Sotjthebn Division. . —Bltjff and Winton and Mai 1876. 'auea Eailwats for Tear ei Lding 81 it March, Table No. i. Forwarded Tonnages. Table No. 3. 1876. Corresponding Period. Correspond, ing Period, 187s. Increase. Decrease. Description. 1876. Description. No. Value. No. Value. Merchandise Flax Iron, &c. :oal Dthcr Mineral Srain—Wheat ... „ Oats „ Barley Flour Dther Produce Firewood Meavy Timber ■>awn Timber Tons 36,532 18 267 195 1,392 542 370 121 200 •85 375 j fas 37,044 ts j(. 13,522,006 } 23,419 88J Passengers I Single "\ II Single / I Return f II Return J Season Tickets Parcels Cloak Room ... Excess Luggage Live Stock Merchandise ... Storage Wharfage Labour Rent |etty Dues Workshops Account Advertising Sundry Accounts 70,170 £ s. d. 12,066 6 11 50,296 £ s. d. 7.I6J 3 6 £ s. d. 4.901 3 5 £ s. d. 706 101 O II IOI Oil 3 4 2 Trucks Tons 6? 19 3 34,181 9 II a 18 o 14,904 11 1 623 67 19 3 100ft. Wool Jve Stock l-'arrriages as 3 cwt Bales Trucks ... i»"m * 67 12 6 91? o n 23 16 I 800 23 16 1 800. 20 7 o 70,664 36,509 6 7 20 7 o 22,163 '6 4 44,132 14,378 18 6 33 8 a James Babi

Working Expenses. Expenses. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 'o Amount per Appropriation Ordinance, By General Charges ... ... 1,7'° ° ° 1875-76 ... ... ... 69,509 18 o Traffic Department— Northern Division ... 1,429 o 2 Central „ ... 18,460 5 11 Southern „ ... 7,769 2 9 27.6«8 8 10 £ s. d. £ s. (1 By General Charges ... ... 1,710 o o Traffic Department— Northern Division ... 1,429 o 2 Central „ ... 18,460 5 11 Southern „ ... 7,769 2 9 27,658 8 10 37,050 o 10 Locomotive Department— Northern Division ... ■ 1,764 1 11 Central „ ... 10,881 9 2 Southern „ ... 7,787 19 8 Locomotive Department— Northern Division ... ■ 1,764 1 11 Central „ ... 10,881 9 2 Southern „ ... 7,787 19 8 20,433 10 9 Maintenance of Way— Northern Division ... 920 16 5 Central „ ... 7,750 15 9 20,433 10 9 Maintenance of Way— Northern Division ... 920 16 5 Central „ ... 7,750 15 9 Southern „ ... 8,134 2 3 16,805 M 5 Amount Contracted (outstanding since 1873-74) ■■• ••• •■• H4 8 2 66,852 2 2 Amount not expended ... ... ... 2,657 15 10 £69,509 18 o Southern „ ... 8,134 2 3 16,805 '4 5 Amount Contracted (outstanding since 1873-74) ■■• ••• •■• H4 8 2 66,812 2 2 Amount not expended ... ... ... 2,657 15 10 £69,509 18 o ( £69,509^18 o Stock and Capital. Capital. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 'o Amount applied for— By ExpenditureBluff Engines ... ... ...■) Bluff Engines ... ... 8,389 16 11 Do. Wagons ... ... ... > 21,500 o o Do. Wagons ... ... 10,177 I2 6 Do. Alteration of Gauge ... ...) Alteration of Gauge ... 2,345 l6 9 20,913 6 2 Amount not expended ... ... ... 586 13 10 £21,500 o o £21,500 o o By Expenditure— Bluff Engines ... ... 8,389 16 n Do. Wagons ... ... 10,177 12 6 Alteration of Gauge ... 2,345 '6 9 James Barr, Auditor and Accountant. Receipts dubing Apbil, May, and June, 1870. Canterbury. Otago. £ s. d. £ s. a. Receipts.—April ... ... ... 21,8S6 8 3 Receipts.—April ... ... ... 12,546 2 1 „ May ... ... ... 25,397 13 11 „ May ... ... ... 11,772 0 4 „ June (not receiyea). „ June ... ... ... 9,887 7 3 Total ... ... ... £47,284 2 2 Total ... ... ... £34,205 18 8 (Expenditure not f urnishea.) (Expenditure



No. 15.-TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. RETURN showing the AMOUNT EXPENDED for TELEGRAPH PURPOSES out of the IMMIGRATION and PUBLIC WORKS LOAN, from the Ist July, 1875, to the 30th June, 1876.


No. of Miles of Poles. No. of Miles ofWire. Locality. Amount. Christclmrch to Hokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Greyniouth to Hokitika, reconstruction, 30 miles Blenheim to Christclmrch, reconstruction, 206 miles Nelson to Lyell Greymouth to Lyell, second wire Christchurck to Dunedin, fourth and fifth wires, and Dunedin to Bluff, third and fourth wires (completion of)... Tokomairiro to Lawrence, second wire Otago Heads Line Kaitangata Line Rangiora to Oxford Outram Line ... Waipukurau to Porangahau, fourth wire ... Wellington to Wanganui, second wire (completion of Ohinemutu Line Rangiriri to Mercer, reconstruction, 9 miles 4,618 18 9 837 'S 9 4,180 3 7 4.732 17 S 14.724 !5 9 1,678 13 10 118 236 82 158 14 6 21 7 34 14 6 21 14 18 32 6 1,095 6 9 194 14 6 894 2 11 398 2 1 956 17 2 298 9 6 893 1 2 1,492 6 9 141 1 o 93 13 9 2 168 621 New Stations, also sundry material lying in stock, and expenditure on lines in course of construction not yet brought to charge ... ... ... ... ... ... 37.231 3 8 3.568 1 2 168 621 40,799 4 >o

In. Period. Amount. Poles. Wire. To 30th June, 1872 ... .. '873 ••• „ 1874 ... ,, 1875 ... „ „ 1876 ... 8oi 170 270 404 168 1,260 559 704 1.384 621 £ •■ d58,297 8 9 32»998 3 3 34,442 18 4 61,746 15 3 40,799 4 10 Totals 1.813 4.S 28 228,284 10 S




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ANNUAL REPORT ON RAILWAYS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEP. The Engineee-in-Chief to the Hon. the Mlnisteb for Public "Wobks. Sib— Puhlie "Works Office, "Wellington, 21st July, 1876. I have the honor to submit my annual Eeport on Railways under Construction by the Public Works Department. The expenditure on railways up to the end of the financial year 1874-75 was... £3,575,362 During the past year 1875-76, it was ... ... ... ... ... 1,609,132 Total expenditure to date ... ... ... £5,184,494 Of the total expenditure during the year, £476,089 was for rails and rolling stock in England, the balance, £1,133,043, being expended in New Zealand. The estimated expenditure during the coming year is £1,054,000, of which £183,000 is for materials from England, leaving £871,000 to be spent in the colony, or £262,000 less than during the year 1875-76_. The Table herewith shows the lengths of the several lines authorized, opened for traffic, and under construction ; also the details showing how the above sum of £1,054,000 has been arrived at. I would also recommend the expenditure of £88,000 for further rolling stock. ' This item has already cost £648,342, which is much more than would have been sufficient for the originally estimated traffic; the latter is, however, so much larger than was expected, that the increased quantity of stock will be required. I also recommend a further sum of £126,500 for stations, should the Government propose to give as much accommodation on the lines not yet opened as has been hitherto given. Exclusive of the above sum, the stations already built and to be built will cost, including sidings, £786,000, or about £780 a mile. The increase asked for will certainly be required sooner or later, and even if you do not approve of the above large addition at once, I trust you will approve of not less than £50,000 to be expended during the next three years. It would facilitate the w rorking of the lines if houses for the men were erected, and I would recommend a sum of not less than £17,000 for this purpose.

Name of Railway. Expenditure to 30 June, 1876. Estimated Expenditure during 1876-77. Total Length. Open for Traffic. Under Construction. Not yet begun. £ 7,901 84.575 C41,022 288,529 328,103 82,104 344.373 c 20,000 Mis. chs. 8 19 38 36 105 36 58 36 68 39 »9 73 92 49 Mis. chs. Mis. chs. 2 67 Mis. chs. 5 32 22 48 8 60 Kawakawa Auckland —Kaipara Auckland —Puniu Napier —Manawatu Wellington —Masterton ... Waitara —Patea... Patea—Manawatu } 161,000 I 47,000 137,000 37,000 114,000 15" 68 45 56 28 23 19 9 II 13 24 73 S 1 o 3° >3 24 58 8 60 6 S 48 183 6 24 52 2 8 Total North Island 1,776,607 516,000 39 1 48 MS 2 63 40 Nelson —Foxhill... Picton —Blenheim Grevniouth —Brunnerton... Westport—Ngakawau Amberley—Waitaki Waitaki Bridge ... Waitaki, Inyercargill, and Lawrenco Branch Winton —Kingston in ,809 152,987 114,424 103,615 1,134,090 75.904 7,700 4.500 19,000 49,000 79,700 1,300 20 11 18 52 7 4° 19 19 248 66 0 57 19 10 17 10 7 40 ig 19 3i 33 1 1 1 42 217 33 ° 57 1. 534>643 165,024 324,400 2S4 79 68 36 112 31 3° 50 in i 37 66 31 47 Total, South Island 3.392,497 538,600 638 40 404 71 «99 39 34 10 SUMMAEY. North Island ... South Island 1,776,607 3.392.497 516,000 538,600 391 48 638 40 H5 2 404 71 183 6 '99 39 63 40 34 10 Total ... 5,169,104 1,054,600 S49 73 382 45 97 5° 1,030



The country between the Napier and Takapau Eailway and the Manawatu Gorge has been thoroughly explored, and trial lines run. The Gorge itself has still to be surveyed before any estimate of the cost of connecting Napier and Wellington by rail can be made; and I recommend that this be undertaken during the present year. In the South Island explorations have been continued between Canterbury and Nelson and Blenheim. I attach Mr. Foy's reports, from which it will be seen that a fairly good line has been found between Canterbury, and Blenheim, by way of the coast. Ido not think it is yet quite beyond doubt that a better cannot be got by way of the Waipara Plains, and recommend that Mr. Foy be instructed to explore farther in this direction. The line by way of the Eai Valley, between Nelson and Picton, seems to be quite impracticable for a railway. I would strongly recommend that surveys be put in hand between the East and "West Coast of the South Island, over both the Amuri and Hurunui Passes. This country is so difficult that three or four years will be required to survey it, and a great loss will be incurred if work should be undertaken before proper surveys have been made. Lines open foe Tbaffic. The results of the workings for the year are fairly satisfactory. The Auckland and Mercer Eailway has paid 1 per cent., in spite of the low rates which were adopted. These were too low, and have now been raised. The Napier-Manawatu line has paid 2J per cent. The rates also here were too low, and have been raised. The Waitara and New Plymouth, and the Kaipara Eailways have been worked at a small loss ; but this was always expected. If the termini of the latter line were improved, I think the traffic would increase, and that a small profit would be earned. The Wellington and Masterton line has paid 34 per cent., and when completed to Featherston will certainly pay the full interest on its cost. The Nelson and Foxhill, and the Picton and Blenheim Eailways have both earned a small profit, which, considering that they have not been long opened, is as much as could reasonably have been expected. In Canterbury and Otago the lines are worked by the Provincial Governments, but not being under the control of the Public Works Department, I cannot state the profits. NOETH ISLAND. Kawakawa Bailwat. The railway constructed by the Coal Company has been purchased, and contracts let for changing the gauge to the standard 3 feet 6 inches, and doing other work necessary on this length. Kaipaea to Puniu Eailwat. Kaipara to Riverhead. —The section from Kaipara to Eiverhead was opened for traffic on the 29th October, 1875. In my last report I suggested that new terminal stations would be required, and I think they should now be undertaken, as the existing ones are very inconvenient and insufficient. I would recommend the expenditure of £15,000 for this purpose. Hiverhead to Auckland. —Work has not been commenced on this section. Inquiries have been made of landowners to ascertain the probable price of land, which appears to be so high that it would be well to defer the commencement of the works until a survey can be made through cheaper land, with the view of lessening the first cost of this line, which will otherwise be one of the most expensive in the colony, while the traffic it will get will be scarcely sufficient to pay working expenses, if it will do so much. Auckland to Mercer. —This section was opened for public traffic before my last annual report. Serious floods occurred in December, which did some damage to the works, traffic being stopped for seven days. It will be necessary to raise the banks in a few places. Mercer to Newcastle. —The formation of this section is nearly completed, and tenders have been called for ballasting and plate-laying of the whole length. The bridge over the Waikato is nearly finished. Newcastle to Ohaupo. —The formation is nearly finished, but plate-laying cannot be gone on with until the Newcastle Section is completed. Napiee to Manawattj Eailwat. Napier to Te Aute. —This length is now open for traffic. Heavy floods occurred during January, which injured the line so that traffic was stopped for four days. One of the bridges over the Ngararoro Eiver was slightly injured, and the foundations scoured away for several feet. The damage has been made good, and rockwork placed in the bed of the river, which will protect the bridge in future floods. The same has been done at the Waitangi Bridge, where considerable scour had also taken place. Te Aute to Takapau. —The plate-laying and ballasting of this section is now in progress. The contractor for the first part of the work having failed to carry on the works with sufficient energy, they have been taken out of his hands, and are being carried on at his cost by the Government. This line will be completed during the ensuing year. Waitaea to Patea Eailwat. Waitara to New Plymouth. —Was opened for public traffic in October. No injury to any of the works has occurred. Sentry Hill to Inglewood. —The formation is under contract, and will be ready for platelaying during the coming year.



Patea to Manawatu. Kai-Iwi to Wanganui. —The formation is tinder contract, and will be finished by the end of September. Wanganui Bridge. —Three out of the four piers are completed. A bed of quicksand under the fourth pier has given trouble and caused delay. One cylinder of this pier still has to be sunk to the hard bottom below the quicksand. The superstructure is nearly ready for erection. Wanganui to Wangaehu. —The rails are laid over 10 miles in length, and are now being laid on the second length of 10 miles. Wangaehu to Palmerston. —The formation of this length is all under contract, except a little over 2 miles, which have been reserved for employing immigrants, should it be found necessary to do so under the agreement with the Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation. The rails are linked in between Feilding and Palmerston, and the ballasting is in progress. Palmerston to Foxton. —Iron rails have been laid throughout, but the bridges, which were designed for horse traffic only, require strengthing for locomotives. This work is in progress. The present terminus at Foxton is very inconvenient, and I would recommend the expenditure of £15,000 in making a new terminal station and wharf at Foxton. Wellington to Masteeton Eailwat. Wellington to Upper Suit. —This section was opened for traffic in February, from the Lower to the Upper Hutt. The line was not ready at the time, but the public road having been washed away, the railway was opened to meet the urgency of the case. A profit at the rate of 34 per cent, above working expenses has been earned. A short piece of the river protection was injured by floods, otherwise the works have stood well. Upper Hutt to JPeatherston. —The inaccessibility of the line on this section has made it difficult to get workmen to remain, but the contractors have now a good force of men, and if they continue at present rate of working, the formation will be sufficiently advanced to allow plate-laying to be begun during the ensuing year. All the tunnels in this length have proved to require lining, as the rock, although hard, weathers when exposed to the air. As materials cannot be brought in to the Summit and other tunnels until the formation is completed, there will be delay from this cause, and the line cannot be open for public traffic in less than eighteen months. SOUTH ISLAND. Geetmouth to Beunneeton Eailwat Was opened for public traffic on 7th April. Long continued heavy rains caused some slips, which delayed the traffic for a few hours. The bridge across the Grey River will be ready in a few weeks, which will place the railway in communication with the coal mines on both sides of the river. Westpoet to Ngakawatj Eailwat. The line is completed for 10 miles to near the Waimangaroa River. A short line along the river bank would enable the mines to be connected with the railway, and coal to be brought to Westport. A private company has commenced to construct this line, and there is every prospect of the mines being opened out shortly. A contract for the river protection works, wharves, coal staiths, &c, at Westport has been let. A stop-bank was erected, to prevent the Buller Eiver from flooding into the Orowaiti. This suffered some damage from the heavy floods which occurred here as in nearly every part of New Zealand. No other damage occurred. The alignment of the railway was changed so as to bring it close under the hills, instead of along the beach as originally proposed. This will largely increase the cost of works ; but it would have been very impolitic to have carried the line so far from all the intermediate coal mines, especially as all branch lines would have had to cross some miles of swamp, and would have been very costly indeed. Nelson to Foxhill Railwat Was opened for public traffic on 31st January. Some slight damage was done by floods on this line also, but not sufficient to stop traffic. The present terminus is at the Town of Nelson. I would recommend extending it to the port, which will cost £8,037. Picton to Blenheim Eailwat Was opened for public traffic on 18th November, 1875. The floods caused two days' stoppage of the traffic in April. The whole district is very liable to floods, and it is likely that occasional stoppage to the traffic will occur for a day or two at a time, but the expense of high embankments and of a large addition to the already very large amount of bridging, which would be necessary to avoid this, would be so great, that I do not recommend its being incurred. Ambeelet and Waitaki Eailwat Is now open for public traffic to St. Andrews, 3 miles south of the Paeora. The total length opened, including provincial lines and branches, is 255 miles, being by far the longest connected railway system in New Zealand now opened. From Pareora southwards to the Waitaki, the formation is completed, and the plate-laying in progress. The most important works on this section are the Ashburton and Eangitata Bridges, both of which were completed during the past year, in a very creditable manner, by Mr. Wright. No damage was caused to any of the numerous bridges by the floods which occurred during the year.



Waitaki and Inveecabgill Eailway. Waitaki Bridge. —This important structure was completed on the 29th February, and has since been open both for road and railway traffic. Waitaki to Oainaru. —Was opened for public traffic on the 25th September, 1875, and has since been regularly worked by the Provincial Government of Otago. Oamaru to Moeralci Junction. —The rails are laid throughout, except for about 4 miles. The line is expected to be ready for opening in September or October next. Moeraki Branch. —Will be completed about the same time as the rest of the works. Moeraki to Port Chalmers. —-The whole of this work is under contract, except about 9| miles, near Waikouaiti, for which tenders will be invited during July or early in August. . The Deborah Bay Tunnel will require lining throughout a great part of its length. Work was brought to a standstill for some weeks, owing to a dispute with the contractors, which was, however, amicably settled, and work was resumed and has since been carried on with energy. The whole of the works of this section will be completed by the end of 1878, if the contractors carry out their contracts, which there is every reason to suppose they will do. The increasing traffic at Port Chalmers renders necessary a further extension of the wharves, and I recommend an expenditure of £30,000 for this purpose. At Dunedin also an extension of station and workshops should bo made, at an estimated cost of £15,500. Port Chalmers to Clutha.— -Was opened for traffic on Ist September, 1875, and has stood satisfactorily, although tested by very heavy rains and floods. Clutha Bridge. —The contractor for this work failed to carry out his contract, and the works were re-let. Unfortunately, the second contracter has been seriously ill, which has caused still further delay. Sinking the cylinders has now been commenced, one cylinder having been sunk to full depth. Clutha to Clinton. —The question of the alignment of this section has not been long settled. The Four-Mile Creek line has been adopted, and is now being set out. Clinton to Mataura. —Formation is under contract, and 11 miles are nearly ready for platelaying. The remainder will be ready in about a year. The original contractor for this work failed, and the work was re-let. Mataura to Invercargill.Sß 'as opened for public traffic on 30th August, 1875, and has since been worked by the Provincial Government of Otago. The cutting at Edendale has given trouble by slips, and the temporary loop-line round the cutting has been maintained in case the slips should become serious. The other works on the line have not given any trouble. Lawrence Branch. —Except the Eound Hill Tunnel, the formation is completed. This work was delayed by slips, which forced in a portion of the side walls, and otherwise caused delay. It will be completed in a few weeks Four miles of rails are laid. Owing to the steep gradients, I think it would be better not to try to open any portion of the line until the rails are laid through to Lawrence. Unless an expensive temporary terminus were made, there would be great risk of accidents occurring. Winton to Kingston Eailway. Winton to the 'Elbow. —This length of 30 miles was opened for public traffic in February last. The works have stood well, and require no special mention. Ten miles farther will be ready for opening in a few months. The remaining works of this line are under contract, and the line will be ready for opening early in 1878. John Caeeuthees, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.

ENCLOSURES TO THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF'S ANNUAL EEPORT. Enclosure No. 1. REPORT ON SURVEY OP LINE OP EAII/WAY FROM AMBERLEY TO BLENHEIM, VIA HURUNUI AND KAIKOURAS. Mr. T. M. Fox to the Engineee-in-Chief. SiE,— Nelson, 22nd June, 1876. I have now the honor to forward you plan, section, and report of an examination of the country for a line of railway lying north from Amberley Eoad Station, the present terminus of the North Canterbury Eailway, and passing through the Hurunui, Waiau, and Kaikoura townships; thence by way of the East Coast and Flaxbourne to Blenheim, the present terminus of the Picton and Blenheim Eailway ; together with that of an alternative line passing through the Waipara Plains, Motunau, Cheviot Hills, and Hawkswood Runs to a point on the Conway Eiver. Also of an extension line from Tuamarina, a station on the Picton and Blenheim Eailway, by way of the Kaituna, Pelorus, Eai, Wangamoa, and Happy Valleys to Nelson. The first of these lines you will find shown upon the sketch map by a defined red line. I have also shown by a similar line "two alternative lines, branching from off the above-mentioned main trunk line to the West Coast, both of which have already been reported upon, but will again be referred to at the end of this report. I shall, as before in my former reports, first describe the nature of the country through which the line passes, and then remark upon the grades as shown upon the section. Prom Amberley Eoad Station the line will follow the same direction as shown upon my former plan, and upon the accompanying sketch map, as far as the Hurunui township.



From this point the line crosses the Hurunui River representing the same site for a bridge as before shown, as I am still of opinion that it is the best the locality affords. There is nothing to prevent the line, after the river is crossed, from taking a straight direction to the "VVaiau township, passing near to St. Leonards Station, instead of following the track of the dray road, which falls with a rapid descent when it reaches Isolated Hill, following the circuitous course of that hill to the Waiau township. To cross the Waiau River a bridge of not less -than 20 chains in length will be required, the exact site of which cannot be determined upon until several sections shall have been taken to determine the best crossing. However, there are no engineering difficulties in the case, and I have reason to believe that a good crossing can be obtained in the immediate vicinity of the township. The line then passes the township to the Mason River, which it will have to cross at a point about two and a half miles from its junction with the Waiau, as the bank of the river on the south side from this point is very broken and precipitous. Here a bridge of 6to 8 chains will be required, after which it ascends a terrace on the north side, over which it passes for three or four miles, and crossing a narrow part of the Lottery River to the valley of the Wandell. Here the line enters the Sherwood Forest, where excellent black birch is to be had in abundance for sleepers, &c. The forest is also interspersed with good timber for other building purposes. The scarcity of timber in these districts makes this forest not only an important auxiliary, relative to the production of material for construction purposes, but will also be a source of revenue to the line when constructed ; and, when viewed in these respects, it becomes a weighty recommendation in favour of this route, as the forest is of considerable extent. After passing through the valley of the Wandell, the line still traverses the forest, and by recrossing the Mason River, where a short bridge only will be required, reaches the summit, a low saddle, forming part of the dividing ridge of the Waiau and Conway Rivers. A cutting of between 30 and 40 feet is all that will be required at this saddle. After the summit is passed, the line descends the valley of Campbell Creek to the Conway River, which will have to be crossed by a high bridge, as the banks are perpendicular and of rock formation. The height is not less than 150 feet, and the distance across about the same. This being the case, a suspension bridge will be the best, and, I imagine, the only form that will be found adapted for the purpose. The line, from the crossing of this river, passes over an undulating and open country to another summit, or dividing ridge, between the Conway and Charwell Rivers, to the Green Hills Station. Prom Green Hills the line will pass north of Green Burn Station, so as to avoid the crossing of the Kahautara River, where the east bank rises to a considerable height. The line will then pass as near to the hills and as far up the rivers, shown upon the sketch map, as the grade will permit, thereby crossing them at the narrowest parts, and passing about half a mile south of Captain Keene's house to the crossing of the Kowai River. This river, at the crossing-place, is from 8 to 10 chains wide, but from appearances a very shallow one, even at the time of heavy floods. Prom this point I observed that a line had been cut in a straight direction to the Hapuka River, evidently with the view of constructing a road along it, but from some reason or another it has never been carried out. However, the railway line will probably have to be located a little higher up, so as to obtain a uniform grade to the above river. You will see by the sketch map that the line passes a considerable distance from the Kaikoura township ; but as the whole of this valley, which is of considerable extent, is dotted with houses and a considerable quantity of land already under cultivation, and as no permanent buildings, of any value, have as yet been erected in the township, a town will most probably, in the course of time, be built in the vicinity of the railway station. At the Hapuka River a bridge of from 5 to 6 chains in length will be required. This river, from the point where it issues from the hills, widens out very considerably, until it reaches a width, near its junction with the sea, of at least half a mile. From the crossing of this river, the line will pass through timber land, along the base of the hills, to a point shown upon the sketch map where the coast line commences. At about one and a half miles from the last-mentioned point, along the coast and at the 89th mileage upon the map, the hills rise perpendicular from the beach, and it is at this point where the line will have to be constructed on timber framing for a distance of about 40 chains. This work when erected will be entirely free from the effects of the sea, as the beach at this place is at least 20 feet above the level of the sea, or high water-mark, and I have been credibly informed, by several persons who have used the beach road for several years and at all seasons, that even at the time of a severe south-east gale the road is passable and free of danger from the sea. When this is passed, the line again passes over favourable ground, curving round Half-moon Bay, until within about half a mile of the Ohau River. Here the edge of the beach, where the line would have to pass, is covered with large boulders and huge pieces of rock ; and, in rounding the point near the above river, the rock will have to be tunnelled through for a distance of about two chains. I think this would be a cheaper and better way of passing this point than blasting the outer part of the rock to form a roadbed. There is another place similar to the above about the 95th mileage, and about a mile south of the Maori Pa, shown upon the sketch map, and about the same length—namely, half a mile. But by a judicious location of the line, and a few well-arranged curves, these large fragments of rock might bo avoided altogether, and the cost of the work reduced considerably. Prom this place to the crossing of the Clarence River the ground is very favourable, with no difficulties in the way of getting a good roadbed, and the line along this length should be built at a moderate cost. The line will require to curve round to the Clarence River crossing as shown upon the sketch map, as the present ford presents the only site for a bridge that can be constructed, with due regard to safety and comparative length of bridging.



"We have now passed over the only difficult and expensive portions of the line that constitutes the coast line, and, when they are taken into consideration, I do not consider they present any great objection to this part of the line. They are the only portions that I had reason to believe (from what I had previously heard) that engineering difficulties were to be met with, and this may be considered more as a matter of cost than difficulty of construction. From the Clarence to the Ure River, the point where the line leaves the coast, there is no difficulty whatever, and I feel certain that a moderately cheap line can be constructed between, these two points. The length of bridging at the Clarence will be from 7 to 8 chains, with 2 or 3 chains more over an opening which appears, at the present time, to be caused by back or an overflow of water from the main river; or it may be part of an old channel of the river which might be effectually closed up at its opening higher up the river, thereby saving this length of bridging. The line from the bridge will have to curve round the base of Pigeon Hill until it again reaches the coast. The next bridge will be over the Briny Brook, which is but a stream requiring about two spans of 30 feet each. The Kekerangu River will have to be crossed within a short distance of its junction with the sea, where there is a good site for a bridge, as the high hills that form the south bank of this river prevents the line from being carried further up. The length of bridging will be between 4 and 5 chains. The Flags liiver is comparatively narrow, requiring about the same length of bridging as that of Briny Brook—namely, two spans of 30 feet each. The Ure River is a very wide but shallow river, with apparently but little water in it at any time of the year. It was perfectly dry on both occasions of our crossing it. It will be a low bridge, but of not less than 20 chains in length. After crossing the Ure River, the line immediately commences the ascent of the undulating plains of the Flaxbourne Run, over which it traverses for several miles, passing about one and a half miles west of the Flaxbourne Station, also Lake Elterwater to the valley of the Grasmere Lake ; and although I have shown the line as passing through this valley, yet I have reason to believe that the summit shown upon the section between this lake and Black River can be approached by curving round the hills, thereby avoiding the low ground of this valley, and at the same time improving the grade shown upon the section. From the above-mentioned summit the line descends into the valley of the Black River, crossing a tributary thereto, called Deep Creek ; and from thence, by curving round the hills, reaches a low saddle near the woolshed belonging to the Starborough Run Station. It then descends to the crossing of the River Awatere. The best crossing that I could perceive is that shown upon the sketch map. The banks are well defined at this place, nor does the water appear to overflow them at the time of floods. You will observe, as shown upon the section, two terraces not far from each other and within a short distance of the river, the upper one being very high above the bed of the river. The dray road from Starborough Station, after crossing the river, follows the course of a gully up which it ascends on to the terrace. This gully will also be of assistance to the railway line, but how to overcome this steep ascent to the higher terrace cannot be ascertained, until a correct survey has been made for 20 or 30 chains on either side of the river crossing. From the river the line crosses the Awatere Flat, in a straight direction to Dashwood's Pass, the ascent and descent of which will be referred to in the remarks upon the section. From the bottom of the pass the line passes over level ground the whole of the way to Blenheim. The Section. The first part of the section—namely, from the Amberley Road Station to the Hurunni River—has already been reported upon. From the crossing of the Hurunui River to the valley of the Wandell, the grades may be considered satisfactory. From this point, I have shown upon the section a continuous grade of 1 in 100 to the saddle at the Campbell Creek. This traverses a distance of about 10 miles, and shows the relative heights of these, two points, and there is no doubt but this grade can be maintained throughout. But when this part of the line is under survey, I have every reason to believe that the distance will be increased, and that an improved grade can be obtained by following up the River Wandell to a higher point, and by the several curves that will in places be required. I took several intermediate heights between these two points; but they all led to the same conclusion, by giving a uniform grade of about 1 in 100. We must, therefore, look to the lengthening of the distance for an improvement in this grade. I have also shown upon the section the grades that are obtainable by following the course of the track over the Whale's Back, which plainly indicates the advantage of the line by Campbell Creek, as the grade of 1 in 7 from the top of the Whale's Back to the Conway River could not be improved, there being no available ground by which the distance can be lengthened. By a cutting of from 30 to 40 feet at the saddle, and a probable lengthening of the lines by curves from the saddle to the Conway, this grade may be slightly improved; but Ido not expect any great difference can be made, and, should this eventually be the case, a grade of about 1 in 50 in overcoming the descent of the Conway River may be regarded as being satisfactory. These remarks will, to a certain degree, also apply to the rise from the Conway to the dividing ridge between this river and the Charwell. Still, in this case, I have greater hopes of improvement, as the distance is sure to be increased, because that shown upon the section represents a direct line between these two points, whereas from the very nature of the ground there must be considerable curving. B—E. 1



The grade of 1 in 98 between the dividing ridge and Green Hills will also be subject to alteration, as there is every likelihood of the height of Green Hills being reduced so as to help the improvement of the steep grade of 1 in 34* from Green Hills to the stream shown upon the section. This, as you will perceive, is the steepest gradient upon the whole line, but this part of the country will require to be minutely surveyed before the best line it affords can be discovered. I have shown the line as crossing the Charwell River high up under the hills, which gives the advantage to the crossing, as lower down the river is much wider, and the banks very high. It will therefore be a matter of consideration between the crossing of the river and improvement in fhe grade; and as the latter is, especially in this case, by far the most important, this object will have to be kept in view at the time the surveys are being made. By continuing the line at the higher elevation* the rivers between the stream with high banks shown upon the section and the Kowai River, are all crossed at their narrowest parts, and a continuous and uniform fall is obtained, giving a grade of about 1 in 100. This portion will also require careful surveying, with the view of obtaining the best gradient, and keeping the length of bridging to its shortest limit. The broken and irregular form of the hills in this locality is the cause of so many watercourses, the currents of which must be very rapid, especially after heavy rains, as their fall is very great; and this accounts for their shallowness, which in effect will reduce the height of the bridges, and thereby in a measure compensate for their lengths. The gradient between the Kowai River and the coast will most probably remain the same, as I do not anticipate that any material alteration can be made in it. I have assumed the grade along the coast to be about 30 feet above sea level, or high water-mark, as this will, I imagine, be found to be the average height where a firm roadbed can be had. It is, however, most likely that in two or three cases along the coast it will be found necessary to introduce a grade of say 1 in 100, with the view of saving cost in construction. The " high water-mark" along the coast is well defined, as also the flood line, the great flood of 1868 having left its mark in very many places along the whole coast, the debris still remaining where the water left it. The grade of 1 in 40, shown upon the section from the Ure River to the summit, is unavoidable, as the valley at this place affords the only practicable means of reaching the level of the land on the Flaxbourne Run. This may be slightly improved when the height of the bridge and a cutting of 30 to 40 feet at the saddle shall have been considered, but a steep incline at this place will be found to be indispensable. The grade of lin6o at the 138 th mileage is shown in connection with the low lands near the Grasmere Lake, but I think it will be found, during the survey, that this depression in the line can be avoided, and that an improved line can be had by curving round the undulating hills in this locality, thereby maintaining the height of 187 feet, as shown upon the section, and at the same time making a considerable improvement in the above-mentioned grade. The only remaining grades for consideration are those of the ascent and descent over Dashwood's Pass. This pass, which I have now had an opportunity of examining, is in every respect far preferable to either that of Taylor's or Maxwell's, so much so that not only are better grades to be had, but the form and angles of the hills are better adapted for the construction of a line of railway. No sharp curves will be required, as a line as nearly straight as possible, from the commencement of the incline on the one side to the bottom on the other, can be had without any difficulty. There is but one place, and that is on the Blenheim side of the pass, where the angle of the line is rather steep ; but this is but a short distance, and will not be so bad should the grade take the line higher up the hill. To overcome a high range of hills, such as the one under consideration, by a grade of 1 in 40, when compared with Taylor's Pass, on the [same range, and where the dray road has been made, and where the best grade that can be had is 1 in 50, must, I consider, be regarded as very satisfactory. From the bottom of the incline to Blenheim the grade will be nearly level. Branch Line to the West Coast. In connection with this report of a further exploration of the country, it may be considered necessary to make some remarks upon the West Coast line. It will bo seen, by reference to the sketch map, that there are two lines that will have to be considered under this heading, both of which have been already reported upon ; but the alteration in the junction of the northern one with this new route causes an additional length thereto of about 17 miles. The relative lengths of these two lines from their respective points of junction with this new line to the junction of the Tutikiri with the Ahaura River, a point common to both lines, are as represented upon the sketch-map —namely, — The Northern line, via the Waiau River, 60 miles. The Southern line, via the Hurunui River, 64 miles. As these distances are only approximately correct, and as the difference is so small, their lengths need scarcely form a matter for consideration. These distances only refer to construction, but there is another consideration which may be taken as being in favour of the Southern line, and that is, that the Northern line, in addition to the above distance, will have to pass over the main line for a distance of 16 miles; this being the distance between the two points of junction on the main line. Prom the point of junction of the northern with the main line there is a good dray road leading to the Haniner Plains ; also for several miles in a westerly direction along the south bank of the Waiau River, from the junction of the Waiau and Hanmer Rivers. There is also a good bridle-road from the junction of the southern with the main line, passing over Jack's Pass, for a distance of about 20 miles, and along the remainder of the distance there is a good dray road leading to the stations at Lakes Taylor and Sumner. This being the case, there already exists means of communication on both lines, with the line of railway by horse and dray roads, by which the produce from their respective localities is brought down to the plains.



It therefore appears to me that the choice between these two lines should be left to that which produces the best section and altogether the best line, which cannot be determined upon until a trial survey has been made of both routes. Geneeal and Compaeatite Remaeks. With the addition of the plan and section now forwarded, you will have before you an examination and report of every " practicable route " that the country affords between the present terminus of the North Canterbury Line and Blenheim. By reference to my former reports it will be seen that, of the routes then examined, preference was given to the Acheron and Awatere, before that of the Clarence and Wairau Valleys. But after an examination of the coast line and its connections north and soutli with the present termini of the two constructed lines, as shown upon the sketch map, the contrast in favour of this line is so great, that the other two above-mentioned lines appear to me to be altogether "out of the question when brought into comparison with it. The grades of this new line, as shown upon the accompanying section, between the 44th and 75th miles are undoubtedly heavy, and will consequently be expensive in working, but still, believing in the probability of their improvement when surveyed, and taking into consideration that they will not cause any alteration to work them from the ordinary rolling stock now in use, they may be taken as infinitely superior in every respect to those of the other two lines. It was my intention to have shown upon the sketch map the extent of available kinds for agricultural purposes, thereby giving an idea, from the plan, of the probable amount of population that could be supported contiguous to this line of railway; but being unable to procure this information for the purpose, I am obliged to supply the omission by embodying the information in the report. In the first place, by a station a little north of the crossing of the Waipara River, railway accommodation will be afforded to the whole of the district known as the Waipara Plains. In the next place, the Waikari Valley, the Hurunui and the "Waiau Plains, which are capable of supporting a large population, will be brought into immediate connection with this line ; whilst the branch line to the West Coast, if the Northern line be taken, will give railway accommodation to the large districts of the Hanmer Plains and the inland Amuri, and with improved inland communication, by means of a dray road over Jollies Pass, the whole of the Clarence, Acheron, and Upper Awatere runs will partake of its benefits. The next source of revenue to the line may be looked for from the productions of the Sherwood Forest, where a supply of timber may be depended upon for some time to come. I have been informed that a tin mine has been discovered somewhere in the valley of the Waiau, and I do not think it would be considered too imaginative were I to predict further discoveries of minerals, together with other sources of industry, when this main trunk line, with its branch to the West Coast, shall have been constructed. This line, after crossing the Conway River, passes over a large tract of country, comprising the valley of the Charwell, the Green Hills Run, and the lands in the vicinity of the Kaikoura Township, capable of supporting large populations, when brought into a state of cultivation, by being apportioned out and disposed of to intending settlers. Along the coast, from the Hapuka to the Clarence Rivers, there does not appear to be any land fit for cultivation, and the only case that attention may be brought to is the annual shipment of a quantity of wool from the Waipapa landing-place, from the runs in the vicinity of the Clarence River. From the Clarence to the ITre River there is a belt of land between the beach and the hills, varying from 20 to 30 chains wide, capable of cultivation; also some land bordering the Kekerangu River, and in the valleys of smaller streams along this length, together with an abundance of excellent limestone. The undulating plains the whole of the way from the Ure to the Awatere River, especially in the vicinity of the Flaxbourne Station (though not as good, yet equal in extent to the Cheviot Hills district), comprise an immense area of country that would doubtless be brought under cnltivation if a railway traversed the district. The lower part of the Awatere Valley contains excellent land for agricultural purposes, and the same may be said of this valley t for a considerable distance up the river, from the point where the railway would cross it; and when the Avon and Wairau Valleys are considered in connection with this line, the population that will at some future day be settled <down along its route, the entire distance between the two present termini of constructed lines, is, I think, sufficient to give an earnest for the future support of the line that cannot be overlooked, and which, I feel certain, cannot be equalled in its prospective advantages by any other " explored route " between the two coasts. This line, which I look upon as incomparably superior in every respect to the other two, will nevertheless cost beyond the average of railways already constructed in this country. I must draw your attention to the long length of bridging that will be required upon this line, notably from Amberley Road to the Kaikoura Township, which will form a considerable item in the estimated cost of the line. lam scarcely in a position to make any comparison between this and any other line, but it appears to me to be lengthy. However, there will be but little, if any, side-hill cuttings upon it, and I consider that this line, when once constructed, will be neither difficult nor costly to maintain. Relative to the earth-work upon the line, I have considered that there will be about 25 per cent, or about 40 miles, more or less difficult and beyond the average cost, and the remaining 75 per cent, or 120 miles, within the average. The comparative lengths of the three lines are about as follows: — From Amberley Road via the Waiau Township, the East Coast, and Flaxbourne, to Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 161 miles. From Amberley Road via Jollies Pass, the Acheron and Awatere Valleys, to Blenheim ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 164 miles. From Amberley Road via Jollies Pass, the Acheron, Taradale, and the Wairau Valleys, to Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... ~. 178 miles.



You will perceive a difference in point of distance between the plan and section. This has arisen from the distance for the plan having been scaled from the sketch map, whereas the section has been plotted from distances taken from tracings on a larger scale, with a view of obtaining greater accuracy between certain points shown thereon. However, I have taken the greatest distance for the line, which is represented by the plan, namely, 161 miles. The coast will certainly afford facilities for the reception of plant and material for the purposes of construction, as sailing vessels can approach within easy distance of the beach for nearly the whole length of the coast line. In conclusion, I beg to remind you that the survey of the main trunk line, with its branch to the "West Coast, together with the several alternative lines, will take a considerable time to perform, and that the success or otherwise of their proper location will, in a great measure, depend upon the amount of time devoted to the purpose. Surveys properly conducted, with a sufficient staff of men, as a rule are not costly undertakings, but in their results they are very often known to be the means of saving large sums of money in the original cost of a line. I would therefore respectfully submit the necessity of an early commencement of this work, so that the plans may be in a forward state of preparation by the time the Government may find themselves in a position to order their construction. Cheviot Hills Route. In obedience to instructions, I also made an examination of the country north from the Amberley Road Station and passing through the Waipara Plains and Cheviot Hills District, which I have shown upon the sketch map by an elongated red dotted line. I have not prepared a section of this line, as the grades are favourable enough to the point marked A upon the sketch map, with the exception of a rather steep incline to reach the high ground at Hawkswood Station, with a corresponding descent to the River Conway. In my examination of this line I found that the course of the dray road to the Cheviot Hills District passed over a rather high range of hills, then through the Motonau Run by the valley of the Greta to the Hurunui River. There are one or two serious objections to following this route for a line of railway. The first is the steep incline that would be required on both sides of the above-mentioned range of hills ; and the second, a more serious one still, namely the crossing of the Greta River. From the peculiar character of the hills in this locality, there is no choice of crossings at this place. You are therefore confined to one spot, that would require a viaduct of not less than from 7to 8 chains in length and 150 feet high, and by following the course of the telegraph line, even worse ground is to be met with, for the line spans a chasm, the length of which cannot be less than 20 chains, and the height 200 feet. By far the best line is the one marked upon the sketch map going in the direction of the Glenmark Station, and passing over a much lower ridge of hills into the valley of the Waikari River, thence by this river to its junction with the Hurunui. Here the line would cross the Hurunui and along its northern bank, until a point is reached where I understand a section of this river has been taken ; thence by the route as shown upon the sketch map through the Cheviot Hills and Hawkswood Runs to the point marked A. From this point, at the end of the dotted line, and following the mail and telegraph line, the hills at once become broken and irregular, and the further you proceed in this direction, the worse they become ; and where the telegraph line leaves the Conway River, the physical aspect of the country presents a series of steep ascents and rugged declivities, until the top of Riley's Hill is reached, whose height is about the same as that of Green Hills, namely 1,450 feet, and not far from the sea, with a rapid descent into the valley of the Kahautara River. A railway line over such a country could not possibly be made without doing so regardless of cost both as to construction and maintenance. A line by the coast is equally impossible, for no surer indication could be afforded than by the fact of the telegraph line having been taken over so rugged a country as it has been. But the telegraph line having been brought as far as the Conway River, there was no alternative but to follow the course it has taken. The hilly nature of the country on both sides of the Conway River, from the point marked A, may easily be inferred from the fact that, whether you take the direction of the coast or proceed up the river until a point near Campbell Creek is reached, there is no other road for either horse or dray, but the bed of the river, and consequently the road is impassable during the heavy rains, and for some considerable time afterwards. When I found this to be the case, I turned my attention to the valley of the Leader River and the country between it and the Gelt. The valley of the Leader is favourable enough for some distance up the river, but the dividing ridge between the two rivers is high and broken, and the valley of the Gelt exceedingly rough ; but were it otherwise, the line could not possibly proceed up the Conway from its junction with the Gelt, as the banks of the river are nearly perpendicular, and forming a series of gorges, with banks ranging from 100 to 500 feet in height, so that it would be impossible to connect the line with the district about Green Hills. It is, therefore, demonstrably certain that the main trunk line can never pass through the Cheviot Hills District; and I must confess that I view it, to a certain extent, as a matter of regret that such is the case, for there is a large tract of country belonging to this run that would, if brought into cultivation, support a numerous population. But it is of no use attempting to fight against nature, and it may with truth be said of the two competing lines, that whilst the one is just practicable, the other is undeniably impracticable. By scaling, from the sketch map, I find the distance of this line, from Amberley Road Station, by way of the red dotted line on the sketch map, and then by following the route of the telegraph line to a point common to both lines, namely, the Hapuka River, to be five miles longer than the line by the Waiau Township and the Whale's Back.



I am, therefore, of opinion, taking the whole matter into consideration, that the Cheviot Hills District cannot be connected with the main trunk line, otherwise than as a " branch line ;" and I am further of opinion that we shall have to look for the undertaking of this work to private enterprise, as the only effectual means of accomplishment, at all events for the present. I have, &c, The Engineer-in-Chief, "Wellington. Thomas M. Foy.


Mr. T. M. Pot to the Engineeb-in-Chief. Sib,— Nelson, 22nd June, 1876. I have the honor to forward plan, section, and report of an examination of the country for a line of railway between Blenheim and Nelson, by way of the Are Are, Kaituna, Pelorus, Eai, Wangamoa, and Happy Valleys. For the commencement of this line, I have placed the junction at the Tuamarina Station, on the Picton and Blenheim Eailway, so as to avoid a second crossing of the Wairau River. This line would, therefore, traverse the north bank of the Wairau River, as far as the Are Are Valley. Along this portion of the line there are several places where the water washes close beneath the river bank, which rises in places to a considerable height, and where the bridle road has been obliged to be taken over the hill, there being no dray road on that side of the river. As the line by this route would be very expensive, and involve in places steep inclines, or in lieu thereof heavy cuttings, I have shown upon the plan an " alternative line," starting from a point near the present temporary terminus and crossing the Opawa, Spring Creek, and Wairau Rivers. Both of these lines would have to be surveyed, and their comparative cost ascertained; so that at the very outset there are serious difficulties attending this line. Are Are Valley. —The road from Blenheim to Havelock passes along the west side of the Are Are Valley, occupying in several places the only available ground for a road of any description. The railway line would, therefore, have to be built along the opposite or east side, as shown upon the sketch map. The whole of the low-lying lands in this valley maybe considered a swamp, as there is no visible watercourse flowing through it. However, there is plenty of room for a railway line on the east side, by curving round the base of the hills. There is but a small extent of clearing in this valley, and but two or three houses, until you reach the head of the valley. There are several houses at this place, but very little cultivation apparently going on. The rise to the summit between the two valleys is so imperceptible, that it is not until you reach the head water of the Kaituna Eiver that you are made aware of having passed over the dividing ridge. The Kaituna Valley offers no obstacles to a line of railway passing through it, and the fall in the river is very gradual. This valley is very different in every respect to the Are Are, as it is much wider, a far better soil, more thickly populated, and the further you proceed in the direction of Havelock the better it becomes. At the lower end of this valley there are three steam saw-mills in actual operation and employing a considerable number of hands, and as the timber is felled and removed, the land appears to be taketi up for cultivation by intending settlers. The lower saw-mill, within a short distance of Havelock, has a railway attached to it worked by locomotives, and the road appears to be kept in a good state of repair. This railway, after passing for a considerable distance through the valley, enters another, and extends in the direction of a tributary stream for at least three miles. The Kaituna Valley when cleared of its timber will support a considerable population. But whether a line of railway through a country that connects two seaports, and within so short a distance of each other, would be likely to pay, is a matter for consideration. Pelorus Valley. —The next valley, that of the Pelorus, has been surveyed with the view of constructing a tramway through it. The surveyor, I consider, has shown good jndgment in selecting the north side of the river for the line, although the few inhabitants of the valley have located themselves on the south side; but this is doubtless, owing to the dray road having been constructed on that side. The length of the surveyed line is 121- miles, 10 of which passes through the Pelorus, and the remaining 2i through through the Eai Valley. I have shown the railway line as following the course of the surveyed line, as it would be out of the question to attempt to build one on the other or the south side of the river, for what with the bends in the river, the swampy nature of the ground in the valley, the protruding hills with their steep spurs in some places overhanging the river, and the sharp curves that would be required, a railway along such a tract of country would be both expensive in construction and difficult of maintenance. Mai Valley. —From the end of the surveyed line the railway would continue up the Eai Valley, following in about the same direction until it crosses the river and enters the valley of the Brown, that leads up to the saddle and forms the dividing ridge of the Eai and Wangamoa Eivers. The line, after crossing the saddle, proceeds down the Collins to its junction with the Wangamoa Eiver. Th^re is no available land in the valley of the Collins Eiver for cultivation. Wangamoa Valley. —The valley of the Wangamoa is very narrow, the hills in most places sloping down to the river banks, leaving but little level land, the whole of which is occupied by the river. There are a few exceptional places, but not of sufficient importance to base any calculations upon as regards contributing support to the line. The line, in leaving this valley, passes over the saddle and enters the valley of the Bluff Eock Eiver. The river in this valley is very tortuous, and it would be both difficult and expensive to construct a line of railway through it. Very sharp curves would be required, and an unavoidable necessity of crossing the river many times, with, as its name applies, rocky bluffs that form its bank on the south side the whole of the way up the river.



Happy Valley. —When the line enters Happy Valley, through which the Lud Eiver flows, it may be said to leave the timbered country. This valley contains some good agricultural land, a considerable quantity of which is under cultivation, but I scarcely think it capable of supporting a larger population than it at present contains. The line, after passing over the saddle that divides the Happy Valley from the coast, passes along a side hill on the north side of the road to the low-lying lands at Wakapuaka, curving round to the beach road that leads to Nelson. There will be no difficulty in constructing a line of railway from Wakapuaka to Nelson, as there is plenty of room inside the beach road for that purpose. Tlie Section. The grades, as you will perceive by the section, are favourable enough as far as the first saddle that divides the Eai and Wangamoa Valleys. I should here remark that the scales of this section, both horizontal and vertical, differ from those that I usually plot the sections from. To ascend this saddle by the track on the east side, and descend it by the bridle road on the other, is altogether impracticable. I have therefore shown upon the section what I consider to be the only way this saddle can be overcome, and that is by following up the course of the streams on both sides, and with a tunnel of about 20 chains in length. This tunnel, though short, will be expensive, and the approaches, especially on the east side, will also be expensive, as the course of the stream is over rocky and broken ground. However, there is no other practicable way of grading this portion. No better grade than that of about 1 in 60 can be had along the Collins Eiver. The next difficult point is the saddle between the Wangamoa and Bluff Eock Valleys. To construct a line over this saddle is, I consider, altogether impracticable, as tunnelling is of no assistance whatever to the grades, especially upon the south side ; and for the line to follow the contour of the country from the junction of the Bluff Eock and One Tree Eivers to the top of the saddle is, as the section shows, entirely out of the question. Nor would a line from the junction of Bluff Eock and Teal Eivers to the top of the saddle be found practicable, as such a line would have to pass over the rocky and high bluffs that form the banks of the Bluff Eock Eiver on that side ; and even were the localization of this line practicable, the grade of 1 in 20 would be objectionable. I therefore cannot see any practicable means by which this saddle can be passed, except at a sacrifice of money which the very nature and object of this line would not for a moment justify. There is another saddle or summit to pass over near the 59th mileage that will require a steep gradient, such as that shown upon the section; and lam certain that a better one cannot be had except by following the hills round on the other side of the road, by which the line would be very considerably lengthened. When we consider the object of this line, the very rough portions of country through which it would have to pass, its present population and the poor prospects of any material increase thereto, together with its probable enormous comparative cost, I am of opinion that the undertaking will have to remain a long time before the Government will find either the means or the necessity for constructing it. My own impression is, from what I have seen of the country through which it would pass that, for the present, the only and greatest benefit that can be conferred, at least upon a portion of it, is to carry out the scheme that I understand has already been under consideration, and that is, the formation or building of the tramway from Havelock to the Eai Valley, for the purpose of getting at the fine timber that is growing in the Eai and adjacent valleys. This is the only scheme that I can conceive of that can at present be practically carried out, with advantage to that locality and with any chance of remuneration for the outlay of capital. As a railway undertaking by the Government, or as a commercial scheme for private enterprise, I fear the day is far distant when it will be considered either desirable or prudent to carry it out. I have, &c, The Engineer-in-Chief, Wellington. Thomas M. For.

APPENDIX B. The Engineee-ix-Chief to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Woeks. Sic — "Wellington, 25th July, 1876. In my Annual Eeport, dated 21st instant, I omitted to allude to the surveys of the line of railway proposed between Greymouth and Hokitika. The line has been staked out and an estimate formed, showing the probable cost to be £221,000. I have directed a deviation to be surveyed, which will probably reduce this figure somewhat; but until the survey is completed, I cannot positively state that any saving will be made. I take this opportunity of suggesting that the gauge of the Canterbury broad gauge lines should be changed to 3 feet 6 inches, if possible, during the present year, and that the Christchurch and Lyttelton Stations should be re-arranged, and a large store erected on the Gladstone Wharf. I have no data for forming any estimate of the cost of these works, but think that, with the necessary rolling stock, it will be about £60,000. I have, &c, JoHDf CaEBUTHEBS, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.





The Assistant Engineee-in-Chief to the Hon. the Ministek for Public Woeks. Sib,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1876. I have the honor to forward my annual report on road work executed in New Zealand during the past year, under " The Public Works and Immigration Act, 1870," up to the 31st May. There has been no great length of new roads completed, the principal works being confined to the repairs and maintenance of those already made, and their improvement where required; nevertheless several of the roads in the interior in Native and other districts have been pushed forward steadily, if slowly, and the internal means of communication is being improved from year to year. With the view of reducing the cost of the maintenance on the several roads, and of increasing the usefulness of a strong active body of men, it was arranged that the services of the Armed Constabulary should be called into requisition more generally for this work than has before been the case. Accordingly, in October last, the first steps were taken in this direction, and gradually since that time bodies of Armed Constabulary have been distributed over the several districts in actual working parties, and have accomplished a large amount of useful work in road making as well as road repairing, under the direction of the several District Engineers. The actual strength of the working parties according to the last return were as follows : — Waikato, in five parties, 53 ; Taranaki, between White Cliffs and Mirni, 15 ; Tempo, in seven parties, 36; Twranganui, on Ormond Road, 18; Wairoa, in four parties, 24; Tauranga to Napier, and to Katikati, 37 ; Opotiki and Ormond Eoad, 31; Patea, Haioera, Opunalce, &c., 13; Ohinemuri to Katikati, 12 ; Total, 239. The roads in each district will be found described below, each under its proper heading, the information in each case having been furnished by the different District and Eoad Engineers. EOADS NOETH OP AUCKLAND. (T. Heale in charge.) The works now under contract and those which, have been completed during the cm-rent year are as follows, viz.:— 1. Works on the portion of the North Eoad from Whangaroa towards Mongonui, about 3| miles. These make the road from the Bay of Islands to Mongonui fairly passable for horsemen. 2. Works performed chiefly by Natives on the extension of the Bay of Islands and Hokianga Eoad; in detached pieces, about 3 miles in all. Completing the distance of about 13 miles between Kaikohe and Taheke. 3. The large bridge over the Waiaruhe Eiver (to replace what was formerly called the " Black Bridge," which was destroyed by a flood). This consists of one span of 41 feet trussed, and four spans of 20 feet each, plain—total, 121 feet; the two main piers are bedded on the solid rock which forms the bottom of the river. The work is expected to be finished by next October. 4. Some small works to complete the road from Ahipara to Kaitaia, contracted for with Natives last year, and finished in September last, extending over a length of about 7 miles. 5. Section No. la, on the Mahurangi and Port Albert Eoad, the completion of which has been delayed by the opposition of one of the landowners ; length 1;} miles. 6. Section No. 5, on the same road, about 1\ miles, being its extension to the town at Port Albert, which is situated on the Oruawharo, an arm of Kaipara Harbour. Surveys. —In addition to works, the following surveys of roads still required to complete the main through road from Auckland to the North have been made, viz.:— 1. From Kawakawa to join the main road at Waimate, about 14 miles. —This is a most necessary work, being a part of the through main road ; it will enable produce to be conveyed direct from the country districts to Kawakawa, instead of by land to Waitangi, and thence round by sea. The proprietors through whose land this road will pass have made liberal offers in reference to the land that will be required, being anxious to facilitate its construction. 2. From Albertland to Waipu, about 25 miles. —This road would open some of the best land in the North, hitherto unsettled for want of a road ; the line presents no great difficulties or bad gradients, but several long bridges and a number of smaller ones will be required in its construction. 3. From Warkworth {Mahurangi) to the North Shore at Auckland. —-The portion of this yet to be made is from Warkworth to Te Weiti (where it would join a provincial road),, a distance of about 15 miles, in which there are no serious natural difficulties. The line according to the new survey would shorten the distance by at least 25 miles. The present track is very dangerous, even in summer; very steep in many places, and very wet and swampy in others. Mr. Marsden Clarke, who is in local charge of the road and bridge works in and around Waimate district, recommends the following works for execution, viz.: —He describes the main road between Waitangi and Okaihu as in good order, excepting one section of about two or three miles, which would cost only £300 or £400 to make it a really passable road.



Also, the road from Waitangi to Taheke is described as finished to Ohaewai, and all the streams, excepting four or five between Ohaewai and Taheke, as being bridged. What is further required to make it a tolerable road is about quarter of a mile of side cuttings, a few bridge culverts, the part in the forest cleared of stumps, and about a mile of drainage ; the cost of these works being estimated at about £500 or £600. This is an important line of communication, joining the east and west coasts, and opening up a fine district lately purchased by the Government. It is to be hoped that means will shortly bo found to complete the remaining links in {he line of the Main North Road, as well as those last mentioned. Sufficient evidence has been given of the very beneficial effect of the works already executed, although detached and scattered, and only parts of the whole scheme, which when completed cannot fail to stimulate the settlement of this part of the country, and arouse the present settlers from the state of inaction and stagnation into which they had fallen for want of any road communication between the various settlements. BAY OF PLENTY AND WAIKATO. (A. C. Ttjbneb in charge.) Tauranqa-Taupo. —The only works executed on this line have been for maintenance —viz., South pier of Awahou Bridge protected against floods ; 4| chains of corduroy in Mangorewa Forest, one culvert repaired, and 5 feet bridge now under repair. A portion of the Armed Constabulary Force, under Captain Gascoigne, has been employed on general repairs and improvements in the Mangorewa Forest since December last; and their services in this work will be continued, as the Native contracts for maintenance will expire 30th June. Four cottages are being erected at intervals along this road for the use of the working parties. The road generally is in as good order as can be expected, only 75|- chains of the whole length (66! miles) being metalled. OMnemutu Branch Road. —This is in good order, and has been maintained by the Armed Constabulary during the year. Tauranga-KatiJcati. —Length about 35-J- miles. On the first division, the Armed Constabulary have finished the repairs to the Wairoa Mill-dam, which involved earthwork to the extent of 1,633 cubic yards, and have fascined the sides of the embankment for 13 chains, to protect it against action of water; they have also maintained the road for 19 3- miles to Aongatete. Thence to Katikati the road has been improved by carrying embankments across swamps and making side and other cuttings:—Earthwork in face and side cuttings, 8,257 cubic yards; ditto in ditches, 159 cubic yards; 10 chains of manuka scrub cleared, 1-J- chains of road fascined, and 9 large and 7 small box culverts erected. 0n this work fifteen of the Armed Constabulary Force have been engaged. The road as far as Aongatete is in good order ; beyond that, the works being incomplete, the road on the proper line is yet impassable. Maketu-Botorua. —About 36 miles. In bad order throughout; Natives not inclined to work except at prohibitive prices. Botorua-Tapapa Horse Boad. —The survey of this has not yet been made; Natives still in oppositioD. Horo Horo and Te Whetu Horse Boad. —Still incomplete ; only slight repairs have been made on this road, and consequently it is not in good order. Qalatea and Ahikereru Horse Boad. —About I%\ miles, the greater portion through forest. This line has been laid off during the year, without opposition from the Natives. It is now ready to let by contract, and the Natives appear anxious to be engaged on it. It will form a very important link in the system of roads in this district, penetrating, as it does, into the heart of the Urewera country. Matata and Te Teko. —This road, about 15 miles, has been maintained by the Armed Constabulary, and is now in good order for traffic. Opotiki and Otara. —This road has been maintained in good order by the local Highway Board. Maketu and Wliakatane Horse Boad. —This road is in fair travelling order, but the proposed deviation and other improvements have not been executed, the Natives still asking too much for their labour. Opotiki and Ohiwa Boad. —At date of last year's report this was being converted into a dray-road 18 feet wide ; the work has been completed, and includes 128 chains of road widened, excavation of 2,494 cubic yards of earthwork, five culverts lengthened 6 feet, and five new culverts erected. A heavy flood in November last carried away the smaller Waioeka Bridge and a portion of the larger one; they have not yet been replaced or repaired, but, with these exceptions, the road is in good order. Ohiwa and Waimana Horse Boad. —This, although the repairs were undertaken by a Native chief, still remains in bad order, as he has neglected his work. Tauranga and Tapapa Boad. —This remains in same state as last year; the portion then formed, 8|- miles, is in good order. Tauranga and Judea Boad. —Three-quarters of a mile. This, after being improved in the grades, is in good serviceable repair ; it has been maintained by the Highway Board. Opotiki and Waioeka Boad. —Five miles long, but only 2f miles formed, as reported last year ; this is in good order. Wliakatane and. Ohope Horse Boad. —Three and three-quarter miles long. The November floods carried away about 3 chains of side-cutting, and one culvert under the Whakatane Redoubt. The necessary repairs and ordinary maintenance were executed by the Armed Constabulary. The former included excavation of 105 cubic yards of solid rock. Matapihi and Maketu. —This remains generally in good repair. Ohineroa Horse Boad. —Natives still object to this, and no work has been done. Te Teko and Galatea Boad. —During the year 86 chains have been formed by the Armed Constabulary, making a total of 13 miles 6 chains properly formed and graded 20 feet wide; the remaining 18 miles 34 chains being roughly formed.



Earthwork, 2,926 cubic yards. The bridges erected on this road by the military in the first instance are now becoming decayed, and timber is being prepared to repair them. Galatea and Opepe Road. —A continuation of the above. During last year 166 chains have been formed, including 13,860 cubic yards of earthwork —total length now properly formed, 7 miles; the erection of a 20-feet bridge will make this serviceable for dray traffic. Whakatane and Te Teko. —The work on this line has been carried on by Natives, and amounts to 35 chains of embankment 20 feet wide, making 10 miles 46 chains formed ; two bridges, each of 25 feet span, have been erected by the bridge carpenter, assisted by the Armed Constabulary. Earthwork by Natives, 8,890 cubic yards ; and by -Armed Constabulary for bridge approaches, 339 cubic yards. The portion of road formed, although in good order, cannot be used to advantage, there being still 2-|- miles to complete. Botorua and Tarawera Road. —Nine and a half miles. During the year 2 miles have been properly formed by the Ngatiwhakaue, making 8 miles ; and \\ miles roughly formed by the Tohourangi; when the latter is finished, the whole line will be complete. The latter Natives also erected, under proper supervision, the stone abutments under Nos. 1 and 2 bridges, about 76^ cubic yards of dry rubble. These bridges are respectively 19 and 24 feet long. The Armed Constabulary, under Captain Gascoigne, excavated 17,346 cubic yards of heavy side-cutting at Tikitapu Lake. This road is in good order, and even the unfinished portion is quite passable. Opotiki Table-land Road. —Two and three-quarter miles long, with a proposed extension of 90 chains to the beach, for which survey has been made, but no work done. Old road in good repair. Cambridge and Taupo (Atiamuri). —The survey of this, reported on last year as being incomplete, has not yet been finished. Kaiteriria and Taraicera Horse Road. —Three miles has been kept in good repair. Opotiki and Torere Horse Road, and on to Hast Gape. —No work has been done on this line, and, although nominally maintained by the Natives, is not in good order, as they do not work regularly. Whakatane Valley Road. —Since last report, the Ureweras have formed 3 miles 70 chains, 8 feet wide, making a total of 6 miles 47 chains, of which 60 chains are formed 18 feet wide. Tauranga and Cambridge Horse Road. —About 55 miles. Survey reported on last year as being stopped by Natives, still remains incomplete. Road Work at Tauranga, joining Inland Roads to Beach. —This has been maintained by the local Highway Board, and is in excellent order. About 2 miles 12 chains. Opotiki and Poverty Bay Horse Road —About 80 miles. Since last annual report about 5 miles 77 chains have been formed through forest at the Opotiki end, by the Armed Constabulary under Captain Bluett, including excavation of 11,503 cubic yards in side cuttings, 40 cubic yards of rock, 4 chains of corduroy, and general repair and maintenance of 26 miles of road. Mr. Penny, contractor for rock excavation, has moved 7,213 cubic yards of solid rock from side-cuttings. Total length now formed at Opotiki end 32 miles; at the Poverty Bay end, on the deviation surveyed last year, 11 miles 10 chains have been formed (2J miles through forest), including 5,035 cubic yards of rock excavations, and a number of small bridges erected. The Armed Constabulary have formed 341 chains of new road, including 1,753 cubic yards of earthwork and the erection of two bridges 20 feet and 16 feet long. Total deviation now completed, 20 miles 10 chains, 9of which are in forest, leaving 7 miles 36 chains yet to complete. Total work done for the year, 17 miles 7 chains; and total now complete, 77 miles 37 chains. The Opotiki end of the road is in good order ; but the southern end is in bad repair owing to heavy rains, and the fact of the Armed Constabulary having been recalled after having worked only a short time. Thames and Katikati Line, through the Ohinemuri Gold Field. —Approximate distance from To Puke Landing on the Thames to Katikati, 23J miles. From the landing to Mackaytown, 5-j miles, has been well formed as a dray road, but will require metalling ; thence to the turn-off to the "Waitekauri diggings, 3J miles, has also been formed, but not under proper supervision. The grades are therefore not suited for dray traffic, and the line will require a new survey. From the turn off to Katikati the line is under survey, and a distance of about 9 miles is finished. On this length 45 chains of road have been formed by the Armed Constabulary, under Sub-Inspector Newell, 18 feet wide (11 chains through forest), earthwork, 802 cubic yards. Total work, 9 3 miles. Grahainstoivn to Hikutaia. —This has been kept in repair by the Provincial Government. Katikati and Grahamstomi, and Tauranga and Maketu Line. —The necessary work on these has been executed by the Telegraph Inspector. Cemetery Breakwater, Tauranga. —The northern extension of this wall (116 feet) has been completed, and the new base in front of the wall, 420 feet, has been built; they include 405 cubic yards of masonry, and 165 cubic yards of excavation. The southern extension of 45 feet is under construction by Armed Constabulary and one civilian mason. Public Buildings erected under Mr. Turner's supervision, viz., Ohinemutu Telegraph and Post Office and out-buildings, District Schoolmaster's residence; also under construction, addition to Maketu Telegraph and Post Office, and Lock-up at Opotiki. Provincial Works supervised, viz. excavations of cutting, formation of embankment and erection of culvert at Waioeka and Otara roads junction, embankment and cutting and erection of bridge on cross road and embankment, and cutting and erection of bridge at east end of cross road. Waikato Great South Road. —Mercer to Newcastle, 36 miles. No work has been done during the year. Newcastle to Hamilton. —No new works have been done during past year ; road is in fair order. Hamilton to Cambridge. —One stone culvert has been erected at Martyn's Creek by artisans and labour furnished by Armed Constabulary. The approaches are being graded, and the excavated material used in forming embankments over culvert. To present time, 933 cubic yards of earth have been moved. Patrol Road. —Cambridge to Eotorangi. A party of Armed Constabulary, under Sub-Inspector Watts, has been employed on this portion of the line, which at present is in fair order. Seven culverts 9—E. 1.



have been replaced, one box culvert 26 feet long and 9 in. x 9 in. has been made, 5 chains of road formed 28f chains fascined, and 1,04-1 cubic yards of earth excavated to cover fascines. Rotorangi to Orakau. —A party of Armed Constabulary, under Sub-Inspector Smith, has been employed on this section. Twenty-one chains of old embankment over the Mangahoe Swamp have been fascined and covered with clay, and one culvert erected; earthwork, 754 cubic yards. BangiawMa to Kihikihi, —Another party of Armed Constabulary, under same supervision, has been engaged on a heavy cutting on this section; earthwork, 910 cubic yards. Cambridge and Rangiawliia. —No work has been done on this line during last year, and it is not in good order. The Waikato Bridge at Cambridge was carried away by a flood in IN ovember last, and arrangements have been made for the erection of a new one, the Provincial and General Governments each supplying half of the cost. Cambridge and Ohaupo. —This line is impassable at present for wheel traffic, as the bridge over Walker's Gully has been carried away, and that over Eich's Creek damaged by the late heavy floods. Hamilton and Alexandra. —A party of Armed Constabulary has completed a side-cutting between Ohaupo and Alexandra; earthwork, 710 cubic yards. Te Awamutu and Alexandra. —This road is in fair order, but no work has been done by the General Government. Waipa Road, Newcastle to Alexandra. —A party of Armed Constabulary is at work on this road, between Newcastle and Whatawhata; they have completed one side cutting, 544 cubic yards of earthwork, and are engaged on another cutting, having taken out 572 cubic yards of earthwork. A second party has been employed, between Heather's Creek (Mangaotama) and Te Rore, reforming the road for 2 miles 79 chains, also clearing 3 miles 16 chains of fern and manuka, 33 feet wide; fascining Vl\ chains earthwork in ditches, and forming 822 cubic yards. The road between Newcastle and "Whatawhata is impassable for wheel traffic, the Ohote Bridge having been seriously damaged by floods ; the other part of the road is passable. Te Rore Bridge. —This work, proposed last year, has not been carried out. Whatawhata to Raglan. —This track is in very bad order. Raglan and Otea. —Plans prepared ; no work done. Waikato and Thames Line, from Confiscated boundary to the Waihou River.—Beyond a partial survey, nothing has been done on this road. Alexandra Bridge across tlie Waipa. —The November floods nearly destroyed this structure, which is being repaired by the local Road Board, part of the necessary funds being supplied by the General Government —viz. £190. NAPIER TO TAUPO, TATJPO TO ATIAMURI ("WAIKATO); ALSO "WAIROA, POVERTY BAT, AND EAST COAST DISTRICT. (E. IE. Bold in charge.) Kaiwhaka-Taupo. —Eighty miles. Although much wet weather and many very severe storms have been experienced during the year, this road has been maintained in fair order for coach traffic. Up to the end of November the maintenance was effected by an average number of eight day-labourers, occasionally assisted by the men of the Armed Constabulary; since that time the men of the latter force alone have maintained it. For their accommodation, small houses have been erected along the road at suitable intervals. The cart bridge over the Mohaka River, reported as being under construction last year, has been completed ; it consists of five trussed spans of 40 feet each, and four plain spans, making up a total length of 270 feet; the piers consist of piles driven through the loose shingle into the papa rock. Improvements have been effected at sundry places by widening the road where too narrow. List of works by day labour (besides maintenance for six months) : —52 culverts, 255 cubic yards of rock, 2,000 cubic yards earth, 700 lineal feet of parapet fence, and 5 chains of road metalled. By Armed Constabulary labour: 10 chains of approaches to Mohaka Bridge, two houses for roadmen erected, three bridges repaired, besides six months' maintenance. Atiamuri-Taupo. —Twenty-four miles. This road suffered much damage during the December and January rains, but it is now in a good state for traffic, having been well maintained by a detachment of the Armed Constabulary. Hand-rails have been added to the Tapuaeharuru Bridge, and fences erected at the approaches. Bridle Track, Taupo to Tokaanu. —As before described, this was surveyed and prepared for contract, and offered to the Natives at a fair price, which, however, they still decline to accept. Tapuaeharuru to Hot Springs. —Three miles. The construction of this was intrusted to the Armed Constabulary ; but as the force has been much engaged in necessary repairs on other lines not much work has been done. JVapier-Patea, inland. —This remains as described last year, survey executed and estimates prepared, but no work done. It is probable that further survey will be required to improve the line. WAIROA DISTRICT. Wairoa-Opoiti. —This road suffered considerable damage from heavy rains in January, and has been maintained, repaired, and improved by the Armed Constabulary. It is fairly passable for wheel traffic to within a mile of Opoiti where a bridge is required. Bridle Road, Te Kapu-Waikare-Moana. —This road has also been much damaged by heavy rain, and the repairs have only been partially effected, several small bridges having yet to be rebuilt. The necessary apparatus has been supplied for the establishment of a ferry across the Waikare-Taheke, which was much needed. The Armed Constabulary execute the necessary work on this line. Wairoa-Putere and Upper Waiau. —Blocks of land having been recently purchased in this district, which lies between Wairoa and Lake Waikare-Moana, the country has been cursorily examined for the



purpose of determining the best line of road ; the information however yet acquired, is not sufficient to determine this point. Wairoa-Gisborne, Bridle Track via Coast. —Native contractors have kept this open for horse traffic. Two miles are under construction by the Armed Constabulary at the Wairoa end—tho work includes formation and drainage. A cart bridge will be required across the Awatere Stream. Wairoa-Gisborne, inland. —The work completed on this road amounts to 17 miles of bridle track 8 feet wide, 1 horse bridge 70 feet long and 7 feet wide, also 25 miles of road repaired. A distance of 5 miles is yet to be constructed; 3 miles of that already constructed is blocked up by slips, and great difficulty has been experienced in inducing the Natives to work at their removal. For greater part of its length this road could easily be made into a cart road; the grades between Te Eeinga and Poverty Bay are good, and the work has been well done ; the whole is in fair order for horse traffic. Roads, Poverty Bay District. —These have been maintained by the District Highway Board, assisted in some cases near Ormond by the Armed Constabulary, who have also opened the road temporarily over Kaitaratahi Hill, towards Mangatu. Grants in aid to the Board have been made from the Public AVorks Department to the extent of £1,000; of this, £250 were expended in improving outfall drainage—the remainder applied to repairs rendered necessary by the January floods, some of which are still in hand. A large quantity of useful work has been executed by the Armed Constabulary under Captain Gudgeon, on the road leading to tho Oil Springs and Opotiki. Mr. Bold draws attention to the importance of certain works much needed in this district; amongst others, bridges across the Turanganui (at G-isbome), the AVaipaoa, and Te Arai; also the excavation of the main drain from the Patutahi Flat through the Pipiwhaka Bush. Bridle Road, Gisborne, Hides' Bay.—The repair and maintenance of this has been intrusted to the Armed Constabulary, but their number (only two) has been quite insufficient, and the road is generally in a bad state from slips and the action of heavy rain. It will require at least other six men to maintain this line in a passable state. The Natives have constructed a track on their own account between AVaiapu and East Cape. The ferries at Pakara, Uawa, and Orutua have been maintained as usual. Other works connected with the Colonial Architect's Branch, Native, and Telegraph Departments have also occupied a share of Mr. Bold's time and supervision, as well as a considerable amount of survey work conducted in the Patutahi Block and the Waikare-Moana Block, including, in the latter, the Waitara, the Tongoro, and Tarawera Reserves. MANAWATU DISTRICT, EAST OP GORGE. F. H. Geisow in charge. Road Seventy-Mile Bush, Manawatu Gorge to Takapau. —Length, about 30 miles. This, after being completed, was maintained until August, 1875, and then handed over to the province (Hawke's Bay). Road, Gorge towards Opahi. —Three miles seventy chains. A contract for metalling this section was let on 3rd March, and progressed satisfactorily until about end of May, when tho weather became too bad to work to advantage; the work is therefore suspended until more favourable weather. Norsewood Road. —This branches from the main road in the Seventy-Mile Bush near Norsewood, and crosses the forest in an easterly direction, following the course of the valley of the Mangarangiora River till it meets the line of railway; its whole length being about 3f miles. One hundred and fiftyseven and a half chains have been formed, and 269 \ chains of bush felled and cleared, 40 feet wide. This work, as well as that described under the next headings, has been executed by immigrant labour. Road leading to proposed Railway Station at end of Tahapau Tramway. —About 3i miles in length, and nearly parallel with the last described. One hundred and twenty-eight and three-quarter chains of bush have been felled and cleared 50 feet wide. Branch Roads. —Two hundred and forty-nine chains of bush have been felled and cleared 20 feet wide. Tho first of these leaves the main road at Norsewood, proceeding eastward for about 1} miles, where it joins the second, which is at right angles to it, and is about \\ miles long, stretching between the Mangarangiora River and a branch of the Upper Manawatu, and lying parallel with the main road. MANAWATF DISTRICT. (J. T. Stewaet, in charge.) There have been no new road works undertaken in this district since last year's report. The road between Foxton and the Gorge has been maintained, the principal outlay being required in tho Gorge itself, to keep the road clear of slips which occur frequently, the hill side being so steep. The maintenance men also have been employed in widening the narrow places and improving the sharp turns. This part of the road is in good order. A ferry has been established at the lower crossing of the Manawatu River, but a larger and more substantial punt is required than the one now in use, or, considering the importance of this as a main line of road, a bridge would be better suited to meet future requirements, this would probably cost £8,000. Between this point and Palmerston, the road being well metalled has been maintained in good order at a small cost. That portion, however, between Palmerston and Oroua has not yet been metalled, and is therefore, in winter, unsuited for traffic; it is probable that it will be found necessary to metal it to insure good communication between the local and private roads and the several stations on the railway. Small repairs have been executed between Oroua and Foxton. The road is chiefly used as a cattle driving and horse road, the heavy traffic now being carried by the railway.


MASTERTON, TOWAEDS MANAWATU GOEGE. (Alexandee Muneo in charge.) This piece of road is about 40§ miles in length, of which, at the date of last annual report, 26 miles had been formed and bridged. Since that time the formation of the road has been completed, and all the bridges (with the exception of the three largest) have been built; the total number of these is 93, varying from 20 to 80 feet long, four of them being truss bridges of 35 feet spans. The number of culverts exceeds 300, varying in size from 10 inches to 12 feet square. Very heavy side and other cuttings have been necessary on this line, involving the removal of about 268,000 cubic yards of earth and rockwork, besides 16 miles of level formation double-ditched. About 3j miles of the side cuttings are in limestone and hard shale rock, some of it very difficult of removal. The road has been well graded and drained throughout. The work was sufficiently advanced towards completion on 23rd December, 1875, as to allow Hastwell's four-horse coach to travel through from Masterton to Palmerston, as well as other vehicles; and, since then, the road has been considerably used for general traffic. Contracts as follow have been let for gravelling over the worst portions of the road to the extent of about 8f miles, but the lateness of the season has prevented the contractors finishing their work, which will be resumed next spring. List of contracts —Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively 60, 180, 60, and 80 chains: of these 1, 3, and 4, and 58 chains of No. 2 have been completed—in all 258 chains. No. 5 contract, 160 chains, of which 65^ chains are completed. No. 6, 160 chains, not let. No. 7,165 chains, all completed. Total of metalling completed, 4881 chains ; and, including 190 chains formerly executed from Opaki northwards, 678^ chains, or about 8£ miles. The three large bridges above referred to are the Makakahi upper crossing, Makakahi lower crossing, and the Mangatainoko : these should be bridged, if possible, next season ; meanwhile easy cuttings have been made to their respective fords. The cost of these works will be about £700, £1,200, and £2,500 respectively, including approaches. The northern end of this piece of road terminates at the Manawatu Eiver, which to make the road system complete should also be bridged: this will probably cost (with approaches) about £8,000. Should the bridge not be built, a good serviceable punt should be established. The resident Natives at present undertake the necessary ferrying, but are under no proper regulations as to charges. The road just described begins at Opaki, at the entrance to Seventy-Mile Bush, and about 9 miles from Masterton. Of this distance about one-half (that next Masterton) has been formed by the Provincial Government, the remaining half not having been touched or even properly laid off; the track now used passes, in many places, through private lands, and, the owners being desirous to fence, instructions have lately been given to have this part of the road laid off and roughly formed, so as to be serviceable as quickly as possible. A good ford has been chosen across the Euamahunga Eiver, and the work will include the cutting of the necessary approaches to it. A site for a bridge has been selected on the proposed future railway line, and it will probably be found desirable to erect the bridge as a combined road and railway bridge, as only one good available site appears to present itself. "Wanganui to Patea, and Wah-qantii to Tatjpo. (J. Eees in charge.) Main North, Road. —This was taken over by the Provincial Government in July, 1875, since which time Mr. Eees's supervision has only extended to the Waitotara Bridge. This structure has been thoroughly overhauled and screwed up, and a tender has been accepted for painting it. Horse Road, Wanganui-Taupo.- —The only work done on this during the paat year is the completion of No. 9 contract, or about one mile of track —making a total of about 34 miles of completed horse-track. To reach the open country there still remains a length of about 10 miles of track to be felled and cleared. It is desirable that this piece should be undertaken and opened next summer. No labour has been employed on this track for maintenance since November last, and the track has in consequence become obstructed in places by slips. "West Coast Eoad, Patea to Pukeaetjhe ; also Mountain Eoad. (O. Caebington in charge.) Pukearuhe to New Plymouth. —No General Government work has been done on this section during the last twelve months. Inland Road. —Between New Plymouth and Mountain Eoad, one small contract has been completed and taken over. New Plymouth to TJinuroa. —On this section the painting of the Kaihihi, Mataneuneu, and "Werekino Bridges has been completed, under contract 116. Umuroato Waingongoro. —Bridge-painting: Part of the above contract has been completed, and 24 chains of road formed by day labour, previous to the employment of the Armed Constabulary. Five of those stationed at Opunake have been employed for about three and a half months in general repairs and maintenance of the road over a length of about 4 miles. Important repairs have also been effected by a small party of the Armed Constabulary, brought from Patea for the purpose, on the road over the Waimate Plain and near Kaupokonui. Waingongoro to Southern Boundary of Province. —A party of Armed Constabulary, to the number of seven, has been employed in maintaining the worst portions of the road on this section. Bridges. —The Patea and Whenuakura Bridges have been thoroughly overhauled and well screwed up ; and a contract for painting them (including also the Waitotara Bridge) has been let to Mr. Louisson, of Nelson, who is using his hematite paint for the purpose: this material, as far as our experience extends, appears to be well adapted for such work. The Patea Bridge is completed, and the Whenuakura Bridge nearly so.




A contract for gravelling 94 chains of road near Carlyle has been completed; this extends over a Bandy portion of the road. The Manawapou Hill should have been gravelled if suitable material could have been found; failing this, it has been maintained by using coarse sand instead. Mountain Road. —On this road 117 chains have been formed, and 88 chains gravelled ; the latter is through the Township of Hawera. A contract for gravelling a further portion of G9 chains has been let, but considerable difficulty has been experienced in obtaining suitable material, and no work has yet been done. State of Boads for Traffic. —Between Pukearuhe and Waitara there is no properly-formed road. On the inland Hue, through Tikorangi to Waitara, patches were formed (about five years since), but not kept in repair, and are consequently now unfit for cart traffic; the seaward track is generally used, nlthough bad for carts. From Waitara to Stony Eiver is in good order, except about 4 miles through the Oakura district, now being formed and metalled. From Stony Eiver to Waiorongamai the road is good where it lias been gravelled, but the other portions are impassable in winter. Between Waiorongamai and Umuroa only a track exists ; from thence to Waingongoro the road is in good order at present, but the uumetalled portions will be heavy during winter. From Waingongoro to the southern boundary of the province the road is metalled and in good order. Besides the works under the Public "Works Act, Mr. Carrington has executed surveys and supervised a considerable amount of road work undertaken by the Provincial Government, as follows : — 1. A complete examination and survey to decide on the best road line from Waitara to Urenui, inland and seaward, with report and plans. The latter was adopted by the Provincial Government, and four contracts have been let for portions of this road. 2. On the inland road, before mentioned, to the upper crossing of the Waiwakaiho, deviations have been laid off to improve the grades, and the work on several of these has been done by immigrant labour in small contracts. From the Waiwakaiho to Inglewood (or junction with the Mountain Eoad) the road has been bridged, cleared, and formed, under small contracts, in all about 4i miles, 20 to 24 feet wide throughout, excepting the eastern approach to the Waiwakaiho Bridge (about 3 chains). Very little gravelling has yet been done : this, as well as felling the bush wider on each side, will bo necessary to make the road serviceable at all seasons. 3. .South Main Eoad, between Oakura and Katikara (Okato Block): Five contracts have been let —two for formation, 143 chains; two for gravelling, 139 chains ; and one for metalling, 70 chains. Summary of work executed under " The Public Works Act, 1870 ": — Lines of road surveyed, 78^ miles ; bridges erected, 32 ; culverts of wood, 244 ; culverts of stone, 32 ; roads formed and metalled (or gravelled), 33 miles 32i chains ; roads formed only, 56 miles 36f chains, EOADS IN WESTLAND. C. T. O'Connoe in charge. As scarcely any new works have been executed in this district during the past year, it will only be necessary to make a few general remarks. During the operation of the Public Works Act the total amounts of work executed are as follows, namely, — Miles, chains. Dray roads, first-class ... ... ... ... ... 52 20 Dray roads, second-class ... ... ... ... ... 20 7 Horse roads (including portions in progress), first-class ... ... 66 75 Total... ... ... ... 139 22 Of this distance, the whole of the first-class dray roads, with the exception of 34 chains, have been completed, maintained for twelve months, and then handed over to the province; the whole of the second-class dray roads have been completed and handed over to the province immediately on completion; and of the horse roads, 39 miles 47 chains have been completed and the road was then handed over to the province. Dray Road, Oreymouth to Arnould. —The 34 chains of first-class road mentioned above is a deviation of the Greymouth and Arnould Eoad rendered necessary by the construction of the Brunner Eailway. Its estimated cost is £500, one-half of which will be subscribed by the Greymouth Coal Company, as the work will benefit their property. The survey and plans are complete, and tenders will be called for in a few days. The work consists of 34 chains of clearing, 2,730 cubic yards of earthwork, 34 chains metalling, 90 lineal feet of 2-feet culverts, and 194 lineal feet of box drains. Dray Eoad, Greymouth to Marsden. —The twelve months' maintenance of this road by the General Government expired on 23rd June, 1875, but not being handed over by the Contractor in a fit condition, further work was required, which was finally completed on 27th July, 1875, and the road was then handed over to the province. Dray Road, Marsden to Maori Creek. —This road was reported as completed in last annual report. It was divided into two sections, which, when completed, were handed over to the province. Horse Road, Pounamu to Lake Brunner, and Horse Road, Waimea Right-hand Branch. —These were reported as completed in last annual report, but were not finally handed over to the province until 14th July, 1875. Horse Road, Bowen-Okarito, North End. —Sections 1,2, and 3. These were reported as completed last year, with exception of one bridge, and Sections 1 and 2 had then been handed over to the province. Since then the bridge referred to has been completed, and the Section No. 3 handed over to the province.



Horse Road, Bowen-Okarito, South -End. —Sections 3, 4, 5. These were reported as completed last year, but were not finally handed over to the province till 14th July, 1875. The formation of this road has been commenced from both ends; 13 miles 15 chains have been made at the north end, and 12 miles 37 chains at the south end, leaving a portion in the middle yet to be constructed, of 27 miles 2S chains. The estimated cost of this is £14,300. An extension of the southern portion of this road, northwards, as far as the Eiver Wateroa, a distance of about 2§ miles, is proposed, and instructions have been given for its survey and preparation for contract. Christeliurch Road. —The deviations on this line of road, described last year as being undertaken to avoid future danger from floods, are now all completed, with the exception of about 17 chains on Section No. 8. The total length of the deviations is 11 miles 1384 chains. NELSON SOUTH-WEST GOLD MELDS. (A. D. Dobson in charge.) The works executed in this district during the past year are as follows, viz., — Bray Roads. —ln Buller Valley, from Big Ohika Eiver to Little Ohika Eiver, 1 mile 6 chains ; in Little Grey Valley, Squaretown to Devery's Terrace, 3 miles 49 chains; Inangahua Main Eoad to Boatman's, 3 miles 13 chains. These works have been executed by the Provincial authorities under Mr. Dobson's supervision; half the cost being borne by the Provincial Government and half by the General Government. ' Horse Roads. —ln the Ahaura Valley, a bush track cut from the Ahaura Saddle to Haupiri, to avoid the river bed, 20 miles ; this is used principally as a driving track for stock brought from the Amuri. Bridge. —A suspension bridge has been erected over the Eiver Nile, on the main road from Westport and immediately north of Charleston. The bridge has a span of 180 feet, and is constructed of black birch timber framing and galvanized-iron wire ropes. The cost of this, £2,184 2s. Bd., was equally borne by the Provincial and General Governments. WOBKS IN PbOGBESS. Bray Road. —lnangahua to Boatman's, 1 mile, being extension of that described above. The work is nearly completed. Horse Road. —East of Ahaura Saddle, extending towards the Amuri. The sum of £500 has been devoted to the improvement of this, and a party of men, under an overseer, is now engaged in cutting tracks through the bush at various places, to avoid the river bed. Summary of work executed in this district, under the Public "Works Act, is as follows : — Bray Roads. —Buller Valley: Westport to Nine-Mile, G miles 38 chains ; between Ohika Eivers, 1 mile G chains ; Christie's to Hughes', 7 miles 20 chains —total, 14 miles 64 chains. In Inangahua Valley: Christie's to Eeefton, 19 miles 67 chains; Boatman's, 3 miles 13 chains —total, 22 miles 67 chains. In Grey Valley: Eeefton to Squaretown, 8 miles ; Squaretown to Devery's Terrace, 3 miles 49 chains; Arnould to Ahaura, 12 miles; Ahaura to Little Grey, 9 miles improved—total, 32 miles 49 chains. Total dray roads made and improved, 79 miles 20 chains. Horse Roads. —In Buller Valley, Hawkscrag, 15 chains ; Ohika Hill, 1 mile 52 chains. On Amuri Eoad, Starvation Point, 1 mile 70 chains; at Saddle, 2 miles 46 chains—total, 6 miles 23 chains. Improved in Buller Valley, 20 miles; in Ahaura Valley, 30 miles. Total made and improved, 56 miles 23 chains. Wobks Eeqijieed. In the Little Grey Valley an unfinished portion of the main road still remains (about Q} miles long). It is of importance for the efficient and economical conduct of the traffic that this gap should be filled up. The cost will probably be about £4,000. GENEEAL SUMMAEY. The summary of works completed and in progress in both islands under " The Public Works Act, 1870," will now stand as follows, viz., — In North Island, 1,749 miles ; being 1,195 miles of dray road and 554 miles of horse road opened or in progress. In Nelson South-West Gold Fields, 79 miles 20 chains of metalled dray road completed and improved, and 56 miles 23 chains of horse road completed and improved. In Westland,.72 miles 27 chains of metalled dray road and 66 miles 75 chains of horse road completed and in progress. Totals for both islands, about 1,346 miles of dray road and 677 miles of horse road, or 2,023 in all. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister for public Works. Assistant Engineer-in-Chief.




REPORT ON CONSTRUCTED RAILWAYS BY THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER. The Supekixtexding Engineer to the Engixeee-in-Chief. Public "Works Office (Constructed Railways) Sib,— Wellington, 11th July, 1876. I have the honor to report on the progress and position of the various railways up to th<) end of the financial year ending 30th June, 1876. The lines open for traffic are — I.—Riverhead to Kaipara. ll.—Auckland to Mercer, and branch to Onehunga. lll.— Napier (Spit) to To Aute. IV.—Wellington to Upper Hutt. V.—Foxton to Palmerston Tramway. VI. —New Plymouth to Waitara. Vll.—Picton to Blenheim. Vlll.—Nelson to Foxhill. IX.—Brunner Railway. In connection with some of the above lines, we have wharves worked by the department as under— I.—Riverhead. II. —Helensville. lll.— Foxton. IV.—Waitara. V.—Picton. VI. —Greyniouth. The above system represents 205 miles of railway, with 73 stations and 6 wharves. The receipts have, I regret to say, fallen short of the estimate as prepared by me last year; but, on the other hand, the expenditure has been lower than was estimated. I attach to this report a statement showing the estimated and actual earnings and expenditure. The excess of earnings over expenditure amounts to £11,561 os. lid., and after deducting the loss made on the Kaipara and New Plymouth Railways and Foxton Tramway, leaves a net balance of £10,125 11s. Id. The past year has enabled me to ascertain the requirements of the different railways ; and a few experiments I have made are not, I think, without interest. I have instituted a series of experiments to test the value of the Beuther's axle-box as compared with the ordinary axle-box. The result is very satisfactory, and shows greatly in favour of the Beuther box. The experiment was tried on four-wheeled vehicles, each axle being fitted with one Beuther and one ordinary box, and placed so that the same boxes were at opposite corners. The object of this was to give each box exactly the same work in going backwards and forwards over our severe curves. One experiment showed 20,738 miles run, the Beuther box using 1 £ pints oil, tho ordinary box, 4 pints. Of the above distance, the Beuther box ran 14,400 miles without being examined, whereas in the samo distance the ordinary box had to be examined six times. This shows not only considerable saving in oil, but also very large saving in labour. Several experiments have been made in Auckland with the Waikato coal, with a view to test its relative merits when compared with coal imported from New South Wales. The trials have, however, not been of sufficient duration to enable a definite opinion to be formed as to the exact amount of gain ; but I am quite justified in saying that there is a saving in favour of the local coal. The coal is, however, very light, and in order to use it, we are obliged to use sparkarresting chimneys, and, after several experiments we have been able to design one that is quite effectual in preventing sparks escaping from tho engine. The two sets of Westinghouse continuous air-brake gear that were imported for trial have been fitted up and tried. I tried the first experiment on the Wellington and Masterton Railway, between Silver Stream and the Upper Hutt. The result of the experiment was to my mind quite satisfactory ; but I did not make fuller trials as I was obliged to leave Wellington, and as I intended giving the air-brake a much more severe trial on the Auckland and Mercer Railway. Enclosure 11 will give a full report of the trials made both at AVellington and Auckland, but I shall confine my remarks to the latter, as it is self-evident that what applies to the use of the brake on heavy gradients will of course apply to grades that are less severe. The trials at Auckland are, as far as I can learn, the most severe to which the air-brakes have yet been subjected in any country. It is true that in England higher speeds were attained, but that is a small matter when the difference in gradients is considered.



At the trial at Wellington, I had omitted to have the cars loaded to represent a full complement of passengers. In Auckland, each car was loaded with 2 tons of iron. The pipes for conducting the air to the cylinders had to be purchased locally, and were of very inferior quality. This interfered with the working of the air-brake, as there was a good deal of leakage. From the Enclosure 11, it will be observed that Trials 3 and 6 are the same. The former with airbrake, and the latter with only hand-brakes. The speed was 4 miles an hour less in Trial 3, but we pulled up in 1,887 yards less space. Most of the trials were made over the same ground, so as to allow of better comparison; and a section of the line at this point accompanies the report. It will be observed from this section, that the brake was applied in all experiments tried on this grade at the same spot, viz. at the 4-mile post. This enabled the best results to be obtained both with air and hand-brakes, as the driver and guard both knew the exact spot where the signal would be given for brakes to be applied, and were therefore ready to act with the greatest promptness. Trials 9 and 10 show how completely the train is under the control of both engine-driver and guard. It must be borne in mind that the air-brake was worked by men quite inexperienced in its use ; this shows clearly that no special knowledge or training is required to insure good results. The advantages of a brake that gives such entire control of the train to the driver and guard on railways with such heavy grades as are common in this country cannot be over estimated. The experiment to test the relative value of steel tyres as against cast-iron chilled disc wheels has not been in operation sufficiently long to enable any comparison to be made. I have prepared tabulated statements similar to those presented last year, giving all the information that can, I think, be required, marked as under: — Statement of Expenses on each Line of Eailway. Enclosure 1. Statement showing Mileage, and Expenditure and Eeceipts, and Proportion of each Class of Expenses to Mileage and Eeceipts, &c. Enclosure 2. Statement of Passenger Eeceipts, &c. Enclosure 3. Statement of Goods Earnings, &c. Enclosure 4. Statement of Wharf Earnings, &c. Enclosure 5. Statement of Accounts. Enclosure 6. Statement showing Estimated and Actual Earnings and Expenditure. Enclosure 7. Estimate of Probable Eeceipts on each Eailway. Enclosure 8. Statement showing Quantity and Condition of Boiling Stock on Opened Eailways. Enclosure 9. Statement of Accidents to Life and Limb. Enclosure 10. Eeport of Trial of Westinghouse Continuous Air Brake. Enclosure 11 I am happy to state that during the year there has been no accident on any of the lines whereby any passengers were killed or injured, and the number of accidents to servants of the department or contractors are remarkably small, as will be seen by reference to the Enclosure 10. Kaipaea to Eiveehead (Helensville to Riverhead, 16$ Miles). This railway was opened for traffic on the 29th October, 1875. In December last there was a heavy flood, which covered the line in some places to a depth of 3 feet 6 inches. A great deal of damage was consequently done. During the year three rails have broken, in each case showing inferior quality and flaw in the working of the iron. Great inconvenience has been caused by want of sufficient wharf accommodation, and I have no doubt we have lost considerable business through being unable to give vessels proper despatch. AUCKLAND TO MeHCEE AND BeANCH TO OnEHUNGA (46 Miles). The maintenance of the portion of this line, Penrose to Mercer, was taken over from the contractor on the 7th August, 1875. During the year several heavy floods did considerable damage to the line, necessitating very considerable expenditure in maintenance. During the year, 13 heavy and 55 light rails have been taken out as unserviceable, and 3 light rails have been turned. The traffic on this railway has not come up to my expectation. In this district it appears that but a small proportion of the land is under cultivation, and but little produce is carried on the line. The rates were fixed very low for the purpose of encouraging trade and agriculture; but they have been found too low, as the railway does not meet with the encouragement that it was expected it would. Napiee to Waipukueatj (Spit to Te Aute, 28i Miles). The extension of this line, Pakipaki to Te Aute, was opened on the 16th February, 1876. Since the opening the traffic has improved. On the 20th January there were some very heavy floods on this line. At 9 miles, the Ngaruroro Eiver made a clean breach over our line, carrying away over 6 chains of fencing, formation, and permanent way. At this point there is a bend in the river, and the stream rushes right across our line. The traffic was stopped for three days. You will, I think, find the financial results of this line satisfactory. We have no heavy grades to contend with, and the only sharp curves are between Spit and Napier. The country districts are prosperous, and the Maoris bring a considerable but fluctuating traffic. Wellington to Masteeton (Wellington to Upper Hutt, 19£ Miles). On the Ist February, the line was opened to the Upper Hutt. During the year, 5 stock rails were split and have been replaced, and we have had to renew 32 of the 40-lb. rails.



Foxton to Maxawatu—(Foxton Tramway, 24 Miles). The substitution of iron for wooden rails, which in my last yearly report I mentioned as being proceeded with, was continued without intermission. The traffic was carried on under great disadvantages, and the high rates for carriage had to be maintained, but these will be reduced when the line is completed and in good order. During the second and third week in December, there were some heavy floods in the Oroua River. In places between 14 and 16 miles, the line was 2} feet under water. Considerable damage was also done to the banks between 2 and 4 miles. The formation was washed away and the rails and sleepers were left hanging. On the 27th April, trains commenced to run regularly between Foxton and Palmer ston. "Waitaea to New Plymouth (Hi Miles). This railway was opened for passenger traffic on the 15th October, and for goods traffic on 25th October, 1575. The maintenance was taken over from the contractor on the 17th January, 1876. The traffic on this line is not encouraging: there are no exports, except a small number of stock. In order to induce traffic to go over the line the wharf rates at Waitara were reduced, although before such reduction the total charge for wharfage and railway carriage was less than by surf boat, in addition to the certainty of delivery with despatch and in good order. This reduction has not however been taken advantage of. This railway is working at a loss, although no expense that can possibly be avoided is incurred. Picton to Blenheim (18 Miles). This line was opened on the 18th November, 1875. At the beginning of December, a heavy flood in the Opawa washed away some of the piles of the road bridge, which prevented traffic from coming to the railway for several days. This line is subject to heavy floods, and there has been consequently considerable outlay in maintenance throughout the year. During the past twelve months an additional siding has been put in at Para. On 25th January, the wharf at Picton was taken over by my department. Nelson to Foxhill (20 Miles). This railway was opened on the 31st January, 1870. On the 17th to the 24th April, there were some very heavy rains, and the district round Wairoa was flooded. The traffic on the line is tolerably satisfactory, but I have no doubt the business of the line would be considerably increased if the railway went to the port. At present we lose a great deal of traffic, owing to the high rate of carriage between the town and port, as it is found cheaper, when once on the dray, to take it direct to its destination. Betxnnee to Geetmouth (7i Miles.) This railway was opened for traffic on the Bth April, 1876. On the 9th April, there was a very heavy flood in the river. It rose to within 5 inches of the highest flood of 1872 at the town, but at the Gorge it was some 6 feet lower than it was in 1872. The maintenance was taken over on the 22nd May. In this locality the rates of wages are very high, and the working expenses will consequently show an increase over a line of similar length elsewhere ; but it is hoped that when the coal traffic gets into regular swing, we shall be able to show a considerable margin of profit. The number of miles run by the engine on the different railways varies considerably, according to the requirements of the traffic. On some of the longer lines, engines have run between 15,000 and 19,000 miles each. In my last year's report I mentioned that arrangements had been made for the establishment of a Eailway Audit Office, which has been carried out successfully during this year. In this office the whole of the accounts of the railways, both revenue and disbursements, as well as statistical information, is examined and recorded. In concluding my report, I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the cordial co-operation generally shown by the Managers of the various lines, who had no small difficulties to contend with, especially on newly opened lines, where a large portion of their time hasne cessarily been occupied in the detailed arrangements for the public convenience. The conduct of the railway servants during the year has on the whole been very satisfactory, and complaints on the part of the public have been very few. I have, &c, Fbank B. Passmoee, The Engineer-in-Chief. Superintending Engineer for Constructed Eailways. i 10— E. 1.



Enclosure 1. STATEMENT of CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE on RAILWAYS open for TRAFFIC for Year ending 30th June, 1876.

KaIFABA. K a r r a. i. . Auckland axd Meec Auckland ahd Mee< :r. :u ahd Waipckui .u. "From 29 October, From 1 January, to 31 December, to 30 June, 1875. 1876. Total. From 1 July, From 1 January, to 31 December, to 30 Jane, 1875. 1876. Total. From 1 July, to 31 December, 1875. From 1 January, to 30 June, 1876. Total. A.—MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS :— Permanent Way, — 1 Wages ... 2 Materials Workshop Commission 3 Repairs of Roads, Bridges, Signals, and Works Workshop Commission 4 Repairs of Stations and Buildings Workshop Commission £ s. d. 177 5 1 ... ... £ s. d. 934 0 7 0 16 3 ... £ s. d. 1,111 5 8 0 16 3 ... £ s. A. 3,000 10 4 58 15 11 i" 3 0 £ s. d. 2,!>36 16 5 191 19 10 8 14 11 5 11 11 0 9 9 25 4 8 10 17 9 £ s. (1. 5,937 6 9 250 15 9 8 14 11 9 15 5 0 9 9 26 1 6 10 17 9 £ s. d. 1,377 6 6 27 8 3 6 3 6 £ s. d. 1,397 9 1 18 8 10 £ 8. a. 2,771 15 7 45 17 1 6" 3 6 ... ... ... ... ... 6" 16 9 ... ... ... Total 177 5 1 as* io io 1,112 1 11 3,061 6 6 3,179 15 3 6,244 1 9 1,401 18 3 1,115 17 11 2,820 16 2 B.—LOCOMOTIVE POWER:— Running Expenses, — 1 Wages for Working Locomotives 2 Fuel and Water Supply 3 Oil, Tallovr, and other Stores Renewals and Repairs, — 4 Wages ... 5 Materials Workshop Commission 55 9 0 38 12 9 26 10 2 174 19 0 134 6 8 42 1" 3 230 8 6 172 19 5 69 7 5 1,140 7 3 975 3 6 197 17 0 1,171 2 11' 712 10 6 206 5 5 2,317 10 2 1,687 13 11 104 2 a 330 8 0 308 7 9 70 11 3 488 16 11 543 7 11 98 10 9 819 4 11 856 15 8 169 2 0 12 18 2 6 10 6 2 4 0 12 18 2 6 10 0 2 4 0 437 3 6 191 9 1 247 5 11 85 12 0 28 2 0 634 9 5 280 1 1 28 2 0 6" 7 6 •0 8 8 16 13 4 0 4 1 0 8 8 17 0 10 0 4 1 Total 120 11 11 373 16 1 494 8 0 2,450 19 9 5,401 19 0 709 14 6 1,153 1 8 1,862 16 2 2,951 0 3 C— REPAIRS AND RENEWALS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS : Carriages,— 1 Salaries and Wages 2 Materials Workshop Commission Wagons, — 3 Salaries and Wages 4 Materials Workshop Commission ... ... b" o o o l 10 6 9 0 0 1 10 291 1 5 231 3 11 292 7 9 101 15 0 48 15 2 586 12 2 335 18 11 43 15 2 76 8 6 18 8 6 125 3 9 16 13 11 201 12 3 36 2 5 196 9 2 212 IB 6 130 10*11 74 2"ll 19 2 4 327 0 1 286 19 4 19 2 4 10 15 10 0 10 8 18 5 6 0 10 8 29 1 4 ... Total ... 0 10 10 0 10 10 931 13 11 669 14 1 1,604 8 0 Kir, 12 10 160 13 10 266 6 8 D.—TRAFFIC EXPENSES :— 1 Salaries and Wages 2 Fuel, Lighting*, and General Stores 3 Printing, Stationery, and Tickets 4 Miscellaneous Expenses 103 13 10 8 19 1 9 10 7 262 2 8 6 14 8 61 10 4 1 10 9 365 16 6 14 13 9 71 G 11 1 10 9 1,998 IB 5 111 9 7 181 8 0 9 14 1 1,936 10 0 10-1 18 7 211 15 7 40 17 6 3,935 6 5 210 8 2 393 3 7 60 U 7 778 12 2 50 5 3 72 2 11 .260 1,055 0 3 65 10 1 92 1 3 2 15 0 1,833 12 5 115 15 4 164 4 2 5 10 Total 122 3 6 331 4 5 453 7 11 2,301 8 1 2,300 1 8 4,601 9 9 903 6 4 1,215 6 7 2,118 12 11 E.—GENERAL CHARGES :— 1 General Government Expenses 2 Salaries of Manager, Accountant, &c. ... 3 Office and Incidental Expenses 4 Special Expenditure 63 0 0 45 4 4 217 6 9 98 13 3 280 6 9 143 17 7 520 0 0 249 11 1 17 15 1 511 15 3 222 10 5 4 9 11 17 1 8 1,031 15 3 472 1 6 22 5 (1 17 1 8 218 0 0 152 1 6 272 6 9 161 11 10 520 6 9 313 13 4 4 19 3 419 3 Total 108 4 4 320 19 3 429 3 7 787 6 2 755 17 3 1,5*3 3 5 400 1 6 433 18 7 834 0 1 P —SUKDBIES :— Law Costa Compensation Rates and Taxes 6 12 0 8 16 10 6 7 4 15 8 10 6 7 4 21 16 2 Total 6 12 0 15 i 2 w, 116 18 1 3,523 13 5 4,378 18 7 7,902 12 0



Enclosure 1.— continued. STATEMENT of Classifie: Expenditure on Eailwats open for Traffic for Tear ending 30th June, 1876 — continued. Wellington and Mas] [TON. FOXTOH AND PalMEBS] •ox. New 'lymocih AND Wj M.BA. From 1 July, to 31 December, 1875. From 1 Jan., to 30 Jnne, 1876. Total. From 1 July, to 31 December, 1875. From 1 Jan., to 30 Juno, 1876. Total. From 15 Oct., to 31 December, 1875. From 1 Jan., to 30 June, 1876. Total. A.—MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS :— Permanent Way, — ■ 1 Wages ... 2 Materials Workshop Commission 3 Repairs of Roads, Bridges, SignalB, and Works Workshop Commission 4 Repairs of Stations and Buildings Workshop Commission £ s. d. 618 13 5 13 1 5 1812 7 £ s. d. 1,160 3 9 15 2 11 7" 1 7 £ s. d. 1,778 17 2 28 4 4 2514 2 £ a. d. 498 G 10 909 0 4 ij" 9 6 £ s. d. 533 14 6 447 4 10 £ s. a. 1,033 1 4 1,356 5 2 if 9 6 £ s. d. ; ... ... £ s. d. 541 19 0 16 11 8 0 5 2 £ s. d. 641 19 0 16 11 8 0 5 2 ... ... 1416 0 11* 1 8 25" 17 8 2 6 0 1318 0 16" 4 0 016 0 016 0 Total 559 11 10 659 11 10 665 3 5 1,193 9 11 1,858 13 4 1,418 2 8 094 17 4 2,413 0 0 ... B.— LOCOMOTIVE POWER:— Running Expenses, — 1 Wages for Working Locomotives 2 Fuel and Water Supply 3 Oil, Tallow, and other Stores Renewals and Repairs, — 4 Wages ... 6 Materials Workshop Commission 261 17 2 195 10 8 44 0 3 498 2 2 414 7 7 118 16 5 759 19 4 609 18 3 162 16 8 2,303 6 5 333 19 2 25 4 2 1,646 19 10 713 2 9 138 0 11 3,950 6 3 1,047 1 11 163 11 1 63 13 0 36 14 9 12 18 7 157 4 3 122 2 0 26 12 3 220 17 3 158 16 9 39 10 10 82 16 3 28 6 2 116 2 4 119 2 5 0 4 1 198 18 7 147 8 7 0 4 1 7 3 9 7 4 0 66 4 11 18 4 11 0 4 1 73 8 8 25 8 11 0 4 1 b" 3 2 0 8 8 7 4 1 0 4 1 0 8 8 7 7 3 0 4 1 Total 612 10 6 1,266 15 0 1,879 5 6 2,676 17 6 2,583 3 5 5,260 0 11 113 9 6 313 15 i 427 4 10 C.—REPAIRS AND RENEWALS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS : Carriage^ — 1 Kularies and Wages 2 Materials Workshop Commission Wagons, — 3 Salaries and Wages 4 Materials Workshop Commission 76 6 0 3 19 6 54 9 6 42 14 10 130 15 6 46 14 4 12" 5 0 113 4 3 113 4 3 12 5 0 1 17 6 6 17 3 0 6 1 1 17 6 6 17 3 0 6 1 2ti" 1 9 8 10 6 37 13 0 8 10 6 63 14 9 4 10 2 9 6 10 0 4 5 4 10 2 9 6 10 0 4 5 Total 80 5 6 97 4 4 177 9 10 38 6 9 159 7 fl 197 116 23 2 3 23 2 3 D.—TRAFFIC EXPENSES:— 1 Salaries and Wages 2 Fuel, Lighting, and General Stores 3 Printing, Stationery, and Tickets 4 Miscellaneous Expenses 501 19 6 32 15 5 18 6 8 10 19 8 963 1 8 38 12 6 168 12 11 30 19 7 1,465 1 2 71 7 11 186 19 7 41 19 3 826 6 10 154 11 11 76 14 6 453 5 6 47 6 3 34 11 0 7 12 6 1,279 12 4 201 18 2 111 5 6 7 12 6 100 1 5 29 14 2 121 17 8 229 19 8 11 7 6 39 4 5 16 4 6 296 10 1 330 1 1 41 1 8 161 2 1 16 4 6 518 9 4 Total 664 1 3 1,201 6 8 3,765 7 11 1,057 13 3 542 15 3 1,600 8 6 251 13 3' E.—GENERAL CHARGES :— 1 General Government Expenses 2 Salaries of Manager, Accountant, &e. ... 3 Office and Incidental Expenses ... 4 Special Expenditure 156 0 0 73 17 7 1 1 7 223 18 3 148 15 9 3 8 6 379 18 3 222 13 4 4 10 1 90 0 0 80 11 2 2 11 0 168 6 3 149 10 9 43 12 7 258 6 3 230 1 11 46 3 7 90 0 0 76 9 0 165 17 0 15S 1 6 1 10 0 235 17 0 232 10 6 1 10 0 Total 230 19 2 376 2 6 607 1 8 173 2 2 361 9 7 534 11 9 166 9 0 323 8 6 489 17 6 E 1.—SUNDRIES :— Law Costs Compensation Rates and Taxes 511 11 511 11 711 0 26" 19 4 34" 10 4 Total 5 11 11 5 11 11, 7 11 0 26 19 4 34 10 4 Grant! Total 2,152 19 10 4,140 10 4 6,293 10 2 5,371 13 4 4,668 12 8 10,040 6 0 531 11 9 1,516 14 0 2,048 5 9



Enclosure 1-— continued. STATEMENT of Classified Expenditure on Eailwats open for Traffic, for the Year ending 30th June, 1876. — continued. ] From 18 Nov., to 31 Dec, 1875. [ctox akd Blenheim. From 1 February, to 30 June, 1876. ILSOH AND FO: From 8 April, to 30 June, 1876. Bbcthjek. From 1 January, to 30 June, 1876. Total. Total. Total. A.—MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS :— Permanent Way, — 1 Wages ... 2 Materials Workshop Commission 3 Btpain of ltoads, Bridges, Signals, and Works Workshop Commission 4 Repairs of Stations and Buildings Workshop Commission Total £ s. d. £ s. d. 980 19 6 6 0 9 £ s. d. 980 19 6 6 0 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 801 13 6 4 15 1 7" 0 7 £ s. d. 801 13 6 i 15 1 7" 0 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. ui 0 0 £ s. d. 141 0 0 13 19 10 1319 10 987 0 3 987 0 3 827 9 0 827 9 0 141 0 0 141 0 0 B.— LOCOMOTIVE POWER :— Running Expenses, — 1 Wages for Working Locomotives 2 Fuel and Water Supply 3 Oil, Tallow, and other Stores Renewals and Repairs, — 4 Wages ... 5 Materials Workshop Commission Total 44 5 0 39 19 6 15 4 11 229 19 10 266 13 1 25 5 2 274 4 10 306 12 7 40 10 1 220 1 9 281 14 3 87 2 4 220 1 9 231 14 3 87 2 4 149 12 5 56 8 1 30 15 10 149 12 5 66 8 1 30 15 10 14 5 0 0 8 10 39 18 8 3 9 9 0 4 1 64 3 8 3 18 7 0 4 1 11 12 8 0 11 11 0 4 1 11 12 8 0 11 11 0 4 1 11 10 9 0 11 11 0 4 1 11 10 9 0 11 11 0 4 1 114 3 3 665 10 7 679 13 10 601 7 0 601 7 0 249 3 1 249 I! 1 C.—REPAIRS AND RENEWALS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS: Carriages, — 1 Salaries and Wages 2 Materials Wagons, — 3 Salaries and Wages 4 Materials Total 0 10 0 9 2 6 0 17 1 9 12 8 0 17 1 19 18 0 3 19 8 49 18 0 3 19 8 6 17 6 22 15 0 14 11 7 28 12 6 14 11 7 6 7 6 47 6 2 53 13 8 53 17 8 53 17 8 D.—TRAFFIC EXPENSES,— 1 Salaries and Wages 2 Fuel, Lighting, and General Stores 3 Printing, Stationery, and Tickets 4 Miscellaneous Expenses Total 86 2 4 0 17 0 127 6 4 315 8 11 5 10 0 52 10 i 1 12 6 401 11 3 6 7 0 179 16 8 1 12 6 273 11 0 19 7 5 162 19 11 273 11 0 19 7 5 162 19 11 113 2 8 5 19 11 156 18 9 113 2 8 5 19 11 156 18 9 214 6 8 375 1 9 689 7 5 455 18 4 455 18 1 276 1 4 276 1 4 E.—GENERAL CHARGES :— 1 General Government Expenses 2 Salaries of Manager, Accountant, &c. ... 3 Office and Incidental Expenses 4 Special Expenditure Total 66 0 0 46 0 8 257 3 3 190 14 11 313 3 3 236 15 7 238 9 3 125 0 7 1 15 11 238 9 3 125 0 7 1 16 11 100 10 3 78 15 100 10 3 78 15 7 102 n H 447 18 2 519 18 10 "365 6 9 365 5 9 179 5 10 179 5 10 F.—SUNDRIES:— Law Costa Compensation Bates and Taxes ... Total •„. Grand Total 436 17 1 2,422 16 11 2,859 14 0 2,303 17 9 2,303 17 9 845 10 3 815 10 3


Enclosure 2. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing RECEITPTS and EXPENDITURE, and Proportion of each Class of EXPENDITURE to MILEAGE and RECEIPTS, for Year ending 30th June, 1876.


s iCElFTS. Cuun ied Expen: ITURE. Proportion of :A( [i Class of Expenihtl-re to Mileage and Gi toss Receipt: I Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Can Wage iage and m Repairs [Traflic Expenses.! General Charges. ulrii Total. Name of Railway. Date. •7. j Total Receipts. Receipts per Mile of Railway per Annum. Maintenance of Way. Locomotive Power. Repairs of Carriages and Wagons. Traffic Expenses. General Charges. Sundries. Total. it it i, £ 04 P- ~ .E0. P. CU a. "o >. 11 Ha So: sk SS P- 04 PL. jfil Pi 0. 'ti . fi a si p8 -a a Kaipara ... -{ From 29th Oct. to 31st Dec, 1875 ... From ist Jan. to 30th June, 1876... I =,014 6,212 8,226 £ s. d. 390 11 j 1,74a 8 7 £ s. A). 119 9 3 s. d. 3 i<* 5 7i £ s. d. 177 S 1 934 16 10 £ s. d. I3O II II 373 16 I £ 6. d. £ s. A . 122 3 6 £ s. d.| 108 4 4 £ s. d.! £ s. d. 538 4 10 45-38 54'2I D. 21-12 36'II 32M4 30-88 36-89 D. ,„ ... 0-03 0*02 ... 0-06 I 0-04 n. O'O2 31-38 19*01 21-2; l). 37'37 I4-56 38-96 12-79 38-52 13-33 27-71 18-42 33-IO 36-46 13-89 12-4° D. I3S-2S 112-56 116-71 i6i'S7 230-74 211-52 »• 63-94 75-77 7263 204 19 11 181 4 7 o 10 10 331 4 5 320 19 3 1,961 7 5 S3-65 53-15 109-98 21-45 33-I7 43-98 42-00 14-44 14-42 I— Total 5 21 494 8 o .2-53 ... ... 2,133 o o 1,112 1 11 o 10 ioj 453 7 II 439 3 7 3,489 13 3 94-50 2O-I2 Auckland and Mcr-) cer j From ist July lo 31st Dec, 187$ From ist Jan. to 30th June, 1876... 5I.45O, 5o,9S2J 10,600 19 3 11,165 7 7 21,766 6 10 706 17 2 22,473 4 ° 460 18 3 485 9 o 4 Ij <* 3,064 6 6 3,iJ9 15 3 2,951 o 3 3.4SO 18 9 934 13 II 669 14 11 2,301 8 I 2,300 I 8 787 6 3 755 17 3 6 13 o ■5 4 2 10,045 6 11 9,371 11 2 38-91 '38-48 i33- 33i 138-25 14-29 27-83 14-98 2I-9S 14-63 24-05 138-31 106-56 13-77 ii-55 8-82 6-oo 4O-63 39-12 4-36 3*i£ 31-71 2O'6o 100-06 ioo-oo 10-74 10-83 7-43 6-77 34-34 33-86 3-6, 3-56 0-06 O'I3 ,-2S i-06 1*03 ,■0; 94-75 83-93 436-75 4O7-4S 4686 44'M Recoveries Total 102402 488 IO IO 4 4-2 6,244 1 91 1,604 » o 4,601 9 9 21 16 2 19,416 18 1 27-79 135-75 12-66 34-88 3-761 100-03 10-78 6-86 33-54 3-62"; 0*09 0-47 o-os 86- 4 "o 422-10 45-£o 15,401 19 0| 1,543 3 5 II7-43 7-14 20-47 Napier and Wai- ) : imkurau I From 1st July to 31st Dec, 187s ... From ist Jan. to 30th June, 1876... ■8.454 27,820 46,374 j 5.049 4 4 j 7.345 " 4 |l2,394 16 8 531 10 o 558 8 9 S Si S 3l 1,404 18 3 !l,4IS 17 II 709 14 6 1,153 1 8| 105 12 10 160 13 10 1 9°3 6 4 1,215 6 7 400 I 6 433 iS 7 3,523 13 5 4,378 18 7 27-82 19-28 2276 I47-89 107-63 124S2 18-37 14-05 12-22, IS'7O i4-63jlS'°3 74-7I 87-66 9-24 9-95 966 2*10 d II'I2 I l.3-3. l'37 1-38 1789 |i7-09l 95-08 I 93-53' ""74 !io' 4s! 10*99 7-93 _5 : 9o! 6-73' 43-11 33-99 S'20 4'32 L 69-78 <9'6i 63-75 170-91 133-88 4S-83 37'77 40-98 Total 148-84 547 3 10 5 4i ,2,820 16 2 1,862 16 2 266 6 8! 2,118 12 II R34 o 1 7,902 12 O: 82-33 3-15 ifjS .-38 |6-8l .- Wellington and j Masterton j From ist July to 31st Dec, I8JJ ... From ist Jan. to 30th June, 1856... 15,137 3,111 18 10 709 14 9 4 ll 665 3 5 613 10 6 80 5 6 S64 I 3 230 19 2 ... 3,If 3 19 IO 2i'39 151-72 ,10-54 19-69 I39-69 9-71 2-59 18-30 1-37 18-13! 128-65 8-95 7-42 52-67 366 ... ... ... 69-22^ 491-03 34-13 26,528 6,314 11 7 9,426 10 s 480 651 10 o 4 9 1,193 9 " 1,266 l< o 97 4 4: 1,201 6 8 376 2 6 S 11 11 4,140 IO 4 18-91 133-14 io-8o 20-06] 130-70; 11-46 ,5 10-04 O-881 19-03 I23-94 10-86 5-96 38-80 3-4O i-os p-57 0-05 65-S7; ,427-19 37-45 Recoveries - ... Total 41,665 9,43O 18 5 671 o 4 4 6} 132-04 19-92 ■33-Sl 12*60 l8- 7 2: 125-41! 10-18 6-43 O'O5 3 ,■03 66-7'3 -| '447-07 36-2J 1,858 13 4 1,879 5 6 177 9 10 1,765 7 11 607 1 8 S 11 11 6,293 10 3 19-71 io-7. 10-83 1-90 roa \yi2\ Foxton and Pal-\ merston j From 1st July to 31st Dec, 1875 ... From ist Jan. to 30th June, 1876... 12,592 ,14.04° 3,038 II 1 4,355 8 2 5.393 19 3 960 12 6 253 4 4 362 13 7 4 10 6 a} 1,418 a 8 994 17 4 3,676 17 6 3,583 3 5 38 6 9 i;9 7 9 1.057 13 3 542 IJ 3 173 2 3 361 9 7 7 11 o 26 19 4 5,371 13 4 4,668 13 8 46-67 22'86 118-18 82-90 27-03 117-01 88-09 59-35, 223-08 ,215-26 5l'O2 44-16 1-26 3-20 3-66 13-29 3-37 8-3J ©'73 a-7 34-8i 12-33 88-13 44-74 20-16 5-73 9-18 8-31 1445 6-39 I4-42 3O'I2 3'3O 6-i8 0-24 0-62 3-24' 1-62 0-14 p-45 176-80 107-13' 447-63 102-38 388-55 79-7O Recoveries . ... Total 26,632 348 2 oj '38-88 ioo-S4| R 219-17! 147-40 i-77! I9-I5: : 66-68 32-27 w 1-42 1-43 0-31 120-17 418-34 90-48 8,354 11 9 6 3i 2,413 o 0 :,360 on 197 14 ° 1,600 8 6 534 II 9 34 10 4 10,040 6 o 62-96



Enclosure 2.— continued. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Eeceipts and Expendittjue, and Proportion of each Class of Expendituke to Mileage and Eeceipts, for Tear ending 30th June, 1876 — continued. Receipts. Classi ied Expenditure. Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Gross Receipts. Name ok Railway. Date. z Receipts per Mile of Railway per Annum. d i Maintenance of Way. Repairs of Carriages and Wagons. a, 0. Maintenance of Way. si If -I. ug ii M 50: S^ 5S Locomotive Power. Carriage and Vagon Repairs 'nil ic Expenses. Si? .s sos so: sS General Charges. Sundries. Total. Total Receipts. Locomotive Power. Traffic F.xpenses. General Charges. Sundries. Total. u o a. II ¥ o . S3 1 3 New Plvmouth andj Waitara 1 From 15th October to 31st Dec, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 Total 3,3l6| £ s. A. 4S 8 6 » £ s. A. 165 10 3 s. d. 2 10.' £ s. d. £ s. d. 113 9 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3Ji 13 3 £ s. d. 166 9 o 323 8 6 £ d. £ s. d. 531 11 9 I 44-45 93-27 32-59 63-831 ». D. M'lS 40-98 8-47 24-92 52-29 9-51 1-84 3-85 24-88 48-72 9-20 1-35 2-63 ». D. D. 54-91! 90-88 18-7836-31 60-10 12-42 ... 23-58J 49-47 8-98 3S-Jo|s3-<)o| 9-80 ... 31-94! 62-54 n-8l 28-5355-86 lio-55 ... i I I I n. "5*97 191-96 D. I 39-67J ... 7.927 1,258 13 11 1,717 o 10 209 JJ 5 195 16 c 3 3 3 1 559 n 10 559 " "I 313 IS 4 427 4 10 23 2 3] 23 2 3} 296 16 I 1,516 14 o 16-94 112-06 0-69 0-49 120-49 119-29 252-7'-223-57 45'9 2 44-11 ",M3, 548 9 4 489 17 6j 2,048 5 9 ... f From 18th Nov. to Picton and Blen-J 31st Dec, 1855 ... hcim 1 From 1st January (J to 30th June, 1876 2,753 616 o 8 369 3 10 4 Sf "4 3 3 987 o 3 565 10 1 6 7 6 314 5 8 102 o 8 436 17 1 ... ... 18-53 49-89 9'9$\ 1-03 2'79 0-5634-79 0-93 14-93 o-87'l8-63 93-63 18-67 16-56 7'SO 17-83 9-56117-41 J44-5« 8-89 70-91 190-89 38-07 12,002 2,511 18 6 295 10 I *4 47 6 21 375 ■ 9 447 18 2 2,422 16 11 116-12 >9'74 :2-;i 66-54 11-30 1-88 5-56 44-12 ;='7° 8-95 96-45 1 ,285-04 48-44 39-3O Recoveries Total 3,127 19 2 30 8 4 I 2.8J9 14 o '4,755 3,158 1 6j 292 15 ij 4 3i 987 o 3! 679 13 10 53 13 8 S»9 7 5 549 18 11 i3l-2S 9i'49 i6'0J !I-JI 62 99 11-09 1-70 4-97 54-64 5O-97| 8-94 — .- 1 ■■ ... — ... 90-50 265-06 46-51 NCson and F<*hlll.{ 2,526 13 6 298 II o J )i 827 9 o 601 7 o 53 17 8 4SS 18 4 tfit 5 9 2,303 17 9 3=- 7S 97-78 14-28 23-So ■0-38 6-36 0-93 18-04 53'88 7-86 14-4643-18 6-30 ... 91-18 13,910 51-071 2-.3 272-27 39-75 Brunner .„ ( From 8th April to '" 1 30th June, 1876... 661 16 9 330 18 3 3 4 141 00 249 3 1 179 5 la 845 10 3J2I-3I 7°'5i 8-55 ... Ll-72 138-03 l6-73J27-o8 89-64 10-86 ... 3.9&>l 276 I 4 37-64 124-57 IS'IO • I2J-7S 422-75 51-24


Enclosure 3. STATEMENT of PASSENGER TRAFFIC for the Year ending 30th June, 1876.


Number of Passengers. Date. Parcels, Dogs, &c. Season TlCKETS. Adyertising Total. Total last i'eae. Name. of Railway. Single. Return. ICaipara { From 29th October to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30tb. Jane, 1876 First. 230 734 Second. 764 2,710 First. 14 29 Second. 48 143 159 I I 539 6 6 £ s. d. '3 4 6 34 15 ° 47 '9 6 j £ s. A ... £ s. d. ... £ s. d. 172 7 9 574 * 6 I 746 9 3 £ s. d. ... ... Total ... I 964 3,474 43 191 698 9 9 ... I ... Auckland and Mercer.., ! From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 4.771 5.7 64 28,345 3,623 3,381 23.348 17.755 6,060 9 7 6,218 8 4 102 19 7 120 o 5 150 17 6 l6l 18 2 38 15 IP 38 15 IP 77 " '* 6,353 6,539 12,892 2 6 2 9 S 3 '.359 12 9 4.i43 3 7 Total ... io. 535 Ml5« 7,004 4'»i°3 12,278 17 11 223 o o 3'2 15 s |5,5O2 16 4 Napier and Waipukurau From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 3.408 5.O78 11,121 11,882 2,712 2,872 7.467 7,715 2,602 19 4 3.394 4 8 53 19 9 76 19 3 53 i/ o 48 18 6 53 o 8 50 o o 2,763 16 9! 3.57O 2 5; 963 2 4 2,882 12 7 Total ... 8,486 2.!, 003 5,584 15,182 S.997 4__o_ 1.SO 19 o 102 15 6 103 o 8 6.333 "9 2 3,845 14 11 Wellington and Masterton ( From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 4, 131 4.575 12,739 19,394 5,090 4,800 11,480 2,1:56 14 11 3,884 3 7 42 7 8 69 5 1 85 16 IO 122 18 8 51 12 o 2,264 '9 5 4,127 19 4 6^392 18 9 i>7°7 15 5 2,296 11 6 4,004 6 11 Total 8,706 208 15 6 5 i__I? o^ 32.I.S3 9,890 25,869 6,020 18 6 in 12 _9 Foxton and Palmerston { From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 1,600 2,941 375 8 3 630 19 3 !5 9 6 19 18 8 35 8 2 ... ... 390 17 9 650 17 11 1,041 15 8 ... 1 ! Total ... 4,541 1,006 7 6 I I ... I ... New Plymouth and Waitara <• From 15th October to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 190 365 1.173 187 958 367 3,183 316 12 9 861 1 3 3 19 5 21 3 4 14 10 o 14 6 6 28 16 6 ... 335 2 2 896 11 1 ... Total ... 155 iilM 554 4,141 1,177 14 o 25 2 9 ... I 1,231 13 3 ... Picton and Blenheim ... I From 18th November to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 187G 1,607 957 4,107 334 1,204 488 2,118 822 3,322 380 18 6 1,063 17 o 1,444 ijj 6 1 8 8 8 56 1 1 64 9 9 438 7 2 1,149 14 1 1 3 1 49 o o 24 10 o 560 560 ... Total ... 1 2.058 1 73 10 o 1 ... Nelson and Foxhill From 1st February to 30th June, 1876 i,772 5.008 1,862 18 o 2,203 5,839 28 10 2 27 13 o 1,919 1 *l Brunuer ... J From 8th April to 30th June, 1876 1,636 665 12 8 6 326 i,i79 442 in 42 15 10 497 6 3l


Enclosure 4. SUMMARY of Goods and Cattle carried and Amount earned for tlie Year ending 30th June, 1876.


Name of Eailway. Date. Weight. I 3 M ■'. 1 s CD o — 1 0 ■si Total. Totals Last Year. Kaipara ...{ From 29th October to 31st December, 1875 From l8t January to 30th June, 1876 Tons cwt. qrs. 467 2 2 1,639 ° ° 2 1 35 i°3 138 9 I 28 142 i 35 I 89,250 1,128,970 £ s. d. 218 3 8 1,172 19 5 £ s. d. ... ... 1 - I "■ 2 j 1 Total ... ! 1 _ \ 1 1 I ! 2,106 2 2 ... 4 I 1 37 1 .77 1 ... ... I 1,218,220 i.3' Auckland and Mercer ...[ From 1st July to 31st December, 1975 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 11,203 5 ° 9,365 14 o S 24 s 11 26 !.°95 5.719 6,814 944 640 368 738 1,106 24,686 16,510 41,196 117 238 1,252,012 979.79; 4,751 10 2 4,235 9 2 324 8 o 1,890 15 11 Total ... 20,568 19 o I 29 I 2O 1.584 2.231,809 8,986 19 4 2,21 11 Napier and Waipukurau ... ...{ From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 6,925 19 2 8,357 " ° 8 12 2 4 265 1,865 103 120 4,5°7i, 5>°°3 '" 9'3.i67 1,060,757 2,603 '4 ° 3.479 9 2 6,083 3 2 151 4 11 1,507 16 4 ! ... Total ... 6 (2,130 223 9.;i°i I 1,973,924 15,282 10 2 3i «.6S9 1 3 Wellington and Masterton -I From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 3.132 7 2 S.933 2 ° 9,065 9 2 3 37 5 201 210 615 2,832 i.7 64,387 372,464 2,136,851 909 14 9 2,122 3 9 266 9 11 411 2 1 ... 2 Total ... ' I ... 4° I .0 I 4M I « 3.447 3,031 18 6 677 12 o Foxton and Palmerston ... < "I From 1st July to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 1,461 10 1 2,294 19 3 ,■5,756 10 o ... ... - ... ... 33 ... ... 934,488 749,296 1,683,784 3,001 10 3,663 7 2 2 ! ' Total ... I ! ! ... ... I ! ... I ! ... 33 ... l 6,664 '7 4 New Plymouth and Waitara -{ From 15th October to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 265 6 2 1,061 14 o ... 3 ... "-, 16 17 12,554 84,989 i3i»357 216,346 126 3 4 372 J 7 ... ... 33 I Total ... 1 1 13*7 o 2 I 3 I ... I 1 I 49j I 17 1 I 12,554 I ... 1 498 4 11 I Pictoa and Blenheim f From 18th November to 31st December, 1875 From 1st January to 30th June, 1876 179 12 3 i.9°2 5 3 2 I I 160 126 ZA 23 ... ... 274,482 1,805,472 181 3 7 1,358 14 4 4 ... Total ... 286 L -3 I 1 1 I 2,079,954 I J.539 17 " Nelson and Foihill 2,081 18 2 I I 9I ... I I ... I From 1st February to 30th June, 1876 1.578 8 2 160 6 1 243 I4,°8o 6l2 2 II Brunner From 8th April to 30th June, 1876 282 8 2 ] ... 92,333 165 6 5


Enclosure 5. SUMMARY of Goods and Cattle carried and Amount earned for tlie Year ending 30th June, 1876.

11 E.—l.


4J c -5 O «3 "^ -^ VO PC O ■* « 0 «) « so o in O M 00 \S to •* -+ o X ><■. m o VO I |j I PS 8S■0,00 10 C\ ■rtCC 00 ON n 0 * Cv\D M ON 00 'iI 8 0 O af ■fin°pa o •mox pnB 100^ '63[Ba VO 00 -+ or; O "} n •89§BUJt)[3 « « ro « •91 [W0 o Q s o o I 5 H o 6. o o o O O o o o o o O «} f; O « « 00 t^ ir. VD ON rT3 o O C5 o ■+ ■* in -t o en *-< o ir 9 N 1O « o I MB I" I m o _a -^ o ■° £* "* 5S o ol H (M i-H a a 82 If h : S C3 — 4A m ■■• i-h rH s s S 2 W3 I rH a^ o <& m o if] a a 22 g 2 g g S 1 I 3 S >* o JI a a 2 2 \^^^ 18 I i 'A 9 "5 g E o a a



Enclosure 6Statement or Accounts. Note.—The expenditure marked thus (*) will not be found to agree with the Treasury bookg. The expenditure in this statement is larger than that shown by the Treasury, owing to the fact that the advances on Imprest for payment of wages, &c., during last month have not been received from the Imprestees and passed through the Treasury before the annual accounts of the colony were closed. KAIPARA EAILWAY AND WHARVES. De. £ b. d. Ce. £ s . d. To Gross Earnings,— By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, from 29th October, June, 1876, Railway ... ... 2,133 0 0 1875, to 30th June, 1876 ... ... 746 9 3 Ditto, ditto, Wharves 359 5 3 Goods and Cattle, ditto, ditto ... 1,391 3 1 Amount outstanding ou Goods, Railway ... 412 4 Wharves, ditto, ditto ... 360 6 5 „ „ „ Wharves... 112 £2,497 18 9 £2,497 18 9 Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876, Railway* 2,489 12 3 June, Railway ... ... ' ... 2,133 0 0 „ „ „ Wharves* 149 4 0 Ditto, ditto Wharves 359 5 3 Amount outstanding on Goods, Railway ... 412 4 „ „ „ Wharves ... 112 Loss ... ... ... ... 140 17 6 £2,638 16 3 £2,638 16 3 AUCKLAND AND MERCER RAILWAY. De. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. To Gross Earnings,— By Amount paid into Public Account, being Amount of Cash in hands of Manager on amount of last year's out-standings, and Ist July, 1875 ... ... ... 128 5 8 Cash in hand on Ist July ... ... 356 17 3 Amount outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 228 11 7 Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, to 30th June, 1876 12,892 5 3 June, 1876 ... ... ...21,524 15 0 Goods and Cattle, ditto " ... 8,986 19 4 Amount of Cash in hands of Manager, ditto 13 0 3 Ditto outstanding on Goods, ditto 243 4 5 Ditto ditto written off during year, being charge made for carriage of material for working railway, which should have been carried free of charge ... 98 4 11 £22,236 1 10 £22,236 1 10 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876* ... 19,416 18 1 June, 1876 ... ... ...21,524 15 0 Balance towards paymont of Interest oji Amount in hands of Manager, ditto ... 13 0 3 Capital ... ... ... ... 3,070 18 9 Ditto outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 243 4 5 Recoveries ... ... ... ... 706 17 2 £22,487 16 10 £22,487 16 10 NAPIER AND WAIPUKURATT RAILWAY. De. £ s. d. Cb. £ s. d To Gross Earnings, — By Amount paid into Public Account, being Amount in hands of Managers on Ist July, amount of Outstanclings and Cash in 1875 ... ... ... ... 21 2 4 hand on Ist July, 1875 ... ... 134 3 0 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 113 0 8 Ditto, paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, to3oth June, 1876 6,333 19 2 June, 1876 ... ... ...12,240 0 4 Goods and Cattle, ditto ... 6,083 3 2 Ditto, in hands of Manager, ditto ... 4115 8 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 135 6 4 £12,551 5 4 £12.551 5 4 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876* ... 7,902 12 0 June, 1876 ... ... ...12,240 0 4 Balance towards payment of Interest ... 4,514 10 4 Ditto in hands of Manager, ditto... ... 41 15 8 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 135 6 4 12,417 2__4 £12,417 2_4 WELLINGTON AND MASTERTON RAILWAY. De. £ b. d. Ce. £ s. d. To Gross Earnings,— By Amount paid into Public Account, being Amount in hands of Manager on Ist July, amount of Outstandings and Cash in 1875 ... ... ... ... 9 16 5 hand Ist July, 1875 ... ... 31 6 0 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 21 9 7 Ditto paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, to 30th June, 1876 6,392 18 9 June, 187« ... ... ... 9,352 3 11 Goods and Cattle, ditto ... 3,03118 6 Ditto, in hands of Manager, ditto ... 52 16 11 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 19 1G 5 £9,456 3 3 £9,45fi 3 8 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876* ... 6.2P3 10 2 June, 1876 ... ... ... 9,352 311 Balance towards payment of Interest ... 3.KJ5 la 1 Ditto, in hands of Manager, ditto ... 52 16 11 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 19 16 5 Recoveries ... ... ... ... 4 8 0 £9.429 5 3 £9,4'i9 5 3

FOXTON TRAMWAY AND WHARF. Db. £ s. d. Cb. £ b. (1. To Gross Earnings, — By Amount paid into Public Account, being Amount in hands of Manager on Ist July, amount of Cash in hand on Ist July, 1875 ... ... ... ... 11 1 11 1875 ... ... ... ... 11 1 11 Passengers, Parcels, &c, to 30th June, 1876 1,041 15 8 By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Goods and Cattle, ditto ... 6,664 17 4 June, 1876, Tramway ... ... 7,392 19 3 Wharf, ditto ... 1,278 5 6 Ditto ditto Wharf 1,245 19 4 Ditto, in hands of Manager, ditto, Tramway 10 0 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto, ditto ... 304 4 9 Ditto ditto Wharf 29 15 1 Ditto charged in error for Carriage of Railway Material ... ... ... 11 0 1 £8,996 0 5 £8,996 0 5 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By expenditure to 30th June, 1876, Tramway* 10,040 6 0 June, 1876, Tramway ... ... 7,392 19 3 Ditto ditto • Wharf* 837 19 5 Ditto ditto Wharf 1,245 19 4 Ditto, in hands of Manager ditto, Tramway 10 0 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto, ditto ... 304 4 9 Ditto ditto Wharf 29 15 1 Recoveries ... ... ... ... 966 14 5 Loss... ... ... ... ... 937 12 7 £10,878 5 5 £10,878 5 5 NEW PLYMOUTH AND WAITARA RAILWAY AND WHARF. Db. £ s. d. Ck. £ s. d. To Gross Earnings,— ] By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, from 15th. October, June, 1876, Railway ... ... 1,717 0 10 1875, to 30th June, 1876 ... ... 1,23113 3 Ditto ditto Wharf 100 16 4 Goods and Cattle, from 25th October, 1875, Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto, Railway 12 17 4 to 30th June, 1876 ... ... 498 411 Ditto ditto Wharf 217 9 Wharf, ditto ... 103 14 1 £1,833 12 3 £1,833 12 3 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th I By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876, Railway* 2,048 5 9 June, Railway ... ... ... 1,717 010 i Ditto ditto Wharf* 142 6 3 Ditto ditto Wharf 100 16 4 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto, Railway 12 17 4 Ditto ditto Wharf 2 17 9 Loss... ... ... ... ... 356 19 9 £2,190 12 0 £2,190 12 0 PICTON AND BLENHEIM RAILWAY AND WHARF. De. £ s. d. Cb. £ a. d. To Gross Earnings,— By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, from 18th Novem- June, 1876, Railway ... ... 3,112 6 4 ber, 1875, to 30th June, 1876 ... 1,588 1 3 Ditto ditto Wharf 355 6 G Goods and Cattle, ditto ... ... 1,539 17 11 Amount in hands of Manager, ditto, Railway 15 12 10 Wharf, from 24th January to 30th June, Ditto ditto Wharf 2 9 2 1876 ... ... ... ... 357 15 8 £3,485 14 10 £3,485 14 10 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876, Railway* 2,859 14 0 June, Railway ... ... ... 3,112 6 4 Ditto ditto Wharf * 223 15 C Ditto ditto Wharf 355 6 6 Balance towards payment of Interest ... 432 13 5 Ditto, in hands of Manager, Ditto, Railway 15 12 10 Ditto ditto Wharf 2 9 2 Recoveries ... ... ... ... 30 8 4 £3,516 3 2 . £3,516 3 2 NELSON AND FOXHILL RAILWAY. De. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. To Gross Earnings, — By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, from Ist February June, 1876 ... ... ... 2,526 13 4 to 30th June, 1876 ... ... 1,919 1 2 Ditto, in liands of Manager, ditto ... 0 0 2 Goods and Cattle, ditto ... ... 612 211 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 410 7 £2,531 4 1 £2,531 4 1 Amount paid into Public Account to 30th ' By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876* ... 2,303 17 9 June, 1876 ... ... ... 2,526 13 4 Balance towards puyment of Interest ... 227 6 4 Ditto, in hands of Manager, ditto ... 002 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto ... 4 10 7 £2,531^ 4 1 £2,531 4_ 1 BRUNNER RAILWAY AND WHARF. De. £ s. d. Ck. £ 8 . d. To Gross Earnings,— By Amount paid into Public Account to 30th Passengers, Parcels, &c, from Bth April to J"ne, 1876, Railway ... ... 661 16 9 30th June, 1876 ... ... ... 497 6 3 Ditto ditto Wharf ... 400 16 0 Goods and Cattle, ditto ... ... 165 6 5 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, Railway ... 015 11 Wharf, ditto ... ... ... ... 400 16 0 £1,063 8 8 £1,063 8 8 To Amount paid into Public Account to 30th By Expenditure to 30th June, 1876, Railway* 845 10 3 June, 1876, Railway ... ... 66116 9 Ditto ditto Wharf* 38 1 5 Ditto ditto Wharf 400 16 0 Balance towards payment of Interest ... 179 37 0 Ditto, outstanding on Goods, ditto, Railway 0 15 11 £1,063 8 8 £1,063 8 8



-6 - S CO rH CO CO *~ 05 ■ 05 05 CO in CO O tM CM 05 rH 05 CM CM CO I> CO 05 J> r-H rH rH i> CM" i> CM rH £~ CO C5 p.S 00 rH s rH rH in 10 10 00 rH r-T ft "a 3 <! m M ■ ■ o Hi Oi 00 1-1 o o co" o ■*" m v r-i CD Qh in o o co >2; 0Q QfJ o in CO rH CM CO ■* CO J> CM CM O r-t as rH rH CO 00 rH O t> CO rH i rH *» CO CO 05 CO ! in Tt< o_ ] rH rH CQ ci: O I I K •a II » ■fl a B a 13 ti g oo H "3 •6 ■ 09 T3 I I CO CO O CO G* t? CO l~* rH c. r. oo CO -* CO rH CD Mr ***" cm" CD CO rH 05 CM CO o CM CO 05 co" O CM rH 00 CO o ■*" rH © 05 CO r-t ■cP <J> 05 rH © rH r-i O 00 <N rH fl CO (M Tp OS cT i> rH o o CM CO co" O o o r-t O CM oo -a 00 ■* t~ o O 00 co" o in CO eq os co © © c "3 <0 N CO o* CO (M © OS — 3 OS °i o °-ll "1 CO £ CM "*- CM o J-t in T-t o OS ■*" ■* 00 rH rH CD 00 o CO »• co" oo © OS OS ■<Ji W5 OS t~t r-i OS CQ CO o ?5 oo CO <N ©^ of" « co co r-t CM in O co" o o Tfl l-H 00 <o B 3 OS CO r-t t^ 00 CO ■*" / V v -J CO CO OS r4 8 CO CO *o O rH I-t lO oo ■<* CO 00-1-CO i-H C3 o r-t CO CM 05 05 in" 00 ft rH CO 00 00 o : o »-| o r-t 05 05 o_ 3 30 1> CO H i> -h" th o>o m 500. lO rH O *» 00 *t CO t* O 00 00 O +" o" iH rH v v O J> M CO Ol CO o CI J-t i-T tn B ■fl C o o fl s * B E 1 a ■ oo c3 ™T q> E tj c3 a o a I § Ph g o >a B =; | ■ ■ +- 3 *j >tj o J«i ■-* I a a ■ H O w rD I 1 j CD o so CO o CO co" 00 in co" CM 00 CM CM O of r* cm in 00 O CO **> t> C5 oT ■*" r-l 1-4 CD °5. in" CD -^ la rH rH GO rH rH cxj 36 00 CD CO r-t rH W3 Oi 1> OS CO CD 1 CO" f-l o r-t rrj r \r~ CO I 05 O C5 o fH •^ X oq Si 00 *> »3s OQ ft CO t^ ■* o l> CO rH lO rH X l> « CO 00 CO •*" CM 00 05 r-1 °. °. lO CO sy* in 00 t^. CO^ !>; co in CM rft rH o CO CO C5 co* 4 2 CO 8 CO O B p o TpWCSQ0<M©"*CO©CO (M rH CO CXI GO © t? CM iHOOOOO r-\ rH "" -^N CO 00 OS J> CO iMt^QO ia _:'—v00'# <N '""TOS O t? CO CO ao .001-4 r* i~* r-i r4 i-H « to H H "-t^t^-O f- ©CO t> t> ■■# -<p C5 S— CSCO CO J>1> UJO CO •pHpNO CO G CO CD . OS COO CO rH <N # <M Sp-^O CO £ CM lO COCO r-t C CO fl CD Q CO O — CO Tp I> t> -<P Tp -<p qCNh 00 CrHCO * *° OiOOCO-31 O *R £ wT**"* I of i-T* of ofcT os" S rH +" rH * co*""*"- co~ CO S of S +" tH rH rH CO £- J> ■a O W iffl WD O rH Tp "*P 00 ■*? 03 r-t rH rH rH 00 lO CO CO Q ffl i> i- CD CO^ O^ O CS OS I> r^ oo"* oT | IS 00 m a o « a M o o 00 oo co" o o o 00 r-T o o CO CO in iH O O o o i> w .-I i> 00_ i> cm" in" o so B 15 O !D~ —' o gco <M 05 r-H O OT O .a a § 02 O TO a ■*- ft* O 00 O fl CO IS05 o o m CM o" o rH O o 2 o cm" g a) a. '3 m u ■ o E 6 8 I S 3 3 H 3 ■fij a .B< 'S * a a3 ■ at a o d E B ■ 3 i I .5 3 1 I a B ci T3 fl ■ '3 I 9 a E 03 '3 5 3 O a r-, E k I 1 .1 g S T3 i ■ O B 1 o H 13 B ■ a o to '© !zi 6I *3 M a § n -3 o i a g S a | M rS



[Enclosure 9 on page 66] Enclosure 10. EETUEN of the Number and Nature of the Accidents and Injuries to Life and Limb which have occurred on each of the several Lines of New Zealand Eailwats from 1st July, 1875 to 30th June, 1876.

Enclosi ire 8. ISTIMATE of Eeceipts on the various Eaixw. next Financial .ts open and expected to be opened during thi Fear, 1876-77. [AIPARA, — Passengers, parcels, &c. ... Goods and cattle... Wharf £ 2,184 4,940 936 £ 8,060 Wangantji and Manawatu, — Passengers, parcels, &e. Goods and cattle £ 9,100 2,210 £ ". 3i' JTCKLAND AND MeBCEB, — Passengers, parcels, &c. ... Goods and cattle 16,012 12,168 28,180 New Plymouth and Waitaba, — Passengers, parcels, &c. Q-oods and cattle Wharf 3.328 2.456 312 6,091 rAPIEB AND WaIPTTKUBAT/, — Passengers, parcels, &c. ... Goods and cattle ... 8,614 11,960 20,574 Picton and Blenheim, — Passengers, parcels, &c. Goods and cattle Wharf 3.978 3,744 858 8,581 Wellington and Mastebton, — Passengers, parcels, &c. ... Goods and cattle... 10,108 5,720 15,828 Nelson and Foxhill, — Passengers, parcels, &c. Goods and cattle 5.99° 1,68s 7.6?: 'OXTON AND MANAWATT/, — Passengers, parcels, &c. ... Goods and cattle... Wharf 2,964 10,661 1,716 15.341 Bbtjnnee,— Passengers, parcels, &e. Goods and cattle Coal 2.516 1,040 7,000 10,55' Total £132.20'

Paasenj or ii era killed jured. Sei Depi the killt :vanti artm< Cont id or 8 of the ent, or ol tractors, injured. •91 9 < o ■S ! E ; m 3 ! S ! 81 rlT SI I o CJ § Name of Railway. Date of Accident. 03 1 1 1 o r fl! 6 ■ 'rH : .3 8 I v Is 1*1 : O •a « S 9 "3 £ a! is Ph o 8 ' d i a i w !=+h I o oo " h fll p 1*3 , jjj : 9 t\ l o 2 WW * 3 sa°l 0 fl CJ O Eh otj o Bl •S o E : V Nature and Cause of Accident. T3 6 rH a ■d 3 »d OS 3 a fl i a T3 ■ M H a "5* g a t3 o I M o «d K a "5* M 8 g rf mckland and Mercer f apier andWaipukurau Vellington and Masterton 18th August ... 20th November 29th November i ... 1 Picking up brake of ballast wagons. In contractor's employ. Accidentally Bhot by fellow-clerk. Simple fracture of thigh. Bail slipped whilst loading wagons. Leg broken, shunting ballast wagons. Bail falling off truck. V rellington and Masterton 13th December 'oxton and Manawatu 22nd March ... 12—E.


NO.-6 PUBLIC WORKS. TOTAL EXPENDITURE and LIABILITIES, 30th June,1876 Enclosure 9STATEMENT showing Quantity and State of Eolling Stock on the Kailways open for Traffic on 30th June, 1876.


!S. Jabeiagi ■:s. Jeasbu. f 1 -i D _~ I 8 c cr to I I I -71 o Tr 5 CQ I i d rill 9) n a I 'P. b p 1 ! e e d © i-H .3 1.2 ■ g l c 1 X 3 5 li Ci ■os. 2] Ci 3 I I 3 M E 1 0 •I 1 H d Q s I g 1 o o I I 3 I o PQ I | s v 3 O SB I I \ I I 1 o I 41 i a M O 5 W Q :- a D B a, I c o <s I I 4 5 i i I ! 1 o a d c E M Kaitaea. [n good order Undergoing light repairs [n course of erection l 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 10 4 2 8 Total 1 1 1 1 2 3 ] 2 10 ■1 2 8 Auckland. [n good order Undergoing heavy repairs Undergoing light repairs [n course of erection 1 5 2 1 5 3 8 2 8 10 9 72 20 M 1 1 56 ... 2 i ... ... "a "a 18 14 4 Total 1 8 i 5 3 8 7 8 7 2 22 86 20 IS ] 1 56 _l ! Napier. [n good order Undergoing light repairs [n course of erection [n hands of contractors ... 2 1 i 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 8 59 8 2 1 19 4 i 5 18 Total 3 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 3 64 2( 1 23 Wellington. [n good order Undergoing light repairs [n course of erection [n hands of contractors ... 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 2 3 22 21 12 32 1 "g Total 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 21 32 28 12 Foxton. [n good order [n hands of contractors ... 1 2 2 12 A 1 Total •a 2 8 4 ] 12 New Plymouth. [n good order 4 2 1 2 2 1 Total 2 1 2 2 1 4 PlCTON. [n good order Undergoing light repairs 2 2 1 2 s ( U ( 4 11 i Total < 2 2 1 2 3 4 i 11 20 Nelson. [n good order Undergoing light repairs 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 7 8 ! 1 4 12 1 Total I ■ 2 2 2 2 10 10 -1 1 12 Bbunnee. [n good order Undergoing light repairs 1 1 2 2 25 25 "a Total 2 1 2 50 2 Grand Total ] 10 (1 2 10 7 0 14 20 11 15 2 2 12 33 20S 107 1G 50 2 6 158 ... 15 10 ■-ii 'vli [er.



Enclosure 11. REPORT of Teials made with the Westinghouse Continuous Aib-Beake on the Wellington and Masteeton Railway, 25th March, 1876. The train upon which the trials were made consisted of a Tank Engine (4 wheels coupled), a Guard's Van and three Passenger Cars (6-wheeled), the total weight being estimated as follows:— Tons. cwts. qrs. lbs. 1 Engine ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 0 0 0 1 Van ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 16 2 0 3 Cars ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 5 2 0 Passengers ... ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 0 Total ... ... _... 37 12 0 0 The length of train without Engine was 133 feet. The Engine and Guard's Van had the air-brake mechanism, connected to the ordinary hand-brake fitted with wooden blocks. The Cars had cast-iron blocks. The brakes on Engine and Van were so arranged that they could be worked by hand in the usual way, independently of the air-brake. The air-brake fittings were such that the blocks could be controlled by the Driver or Guard on every wheel in the train. The compressed air, for the application of the brake-power by the Guard, was stored in a reservoir under the Van. The following aro particulars of the various experiments devised to test the application of the brako under the varied circumstances attending trains in motion, as taken by several persons; in some cases a slight difference of time was reported, and in such cases the moan time was adopted:—

No. and Nature of Test. State Speed in of Miles Kails, per Hour. Gradient. Time of stop from application of Brake to absolute rest. Distanco run from application of Brake to absolute rest. Wind. 1. Ordinary Station Stop with air-brake applied by Driver, steam being first shut off Seconds. Yards. Dry 30 ... 17 108 c Dry calm. 2. Ordinary Station Stop, hand-brake applied on Engine and Van, steam being first shut off 32 ... 40 127 j> u 3. Air-brake applied from Engine, steam shut off, and Engine reversed, but no steam applied 26 1 in 166 16 133 down n jj 4. Air-brake applied from Engine, Engine reversed and steam applied Greasy 30 1 in 227 20 181 down » 5. Brake applied from Engine, full steam on. Engine in third notch Damp 33-32 1 in 440 18 222 down ;> 6. Stop made at given point as if for water Exactly opposite. 7. Time disconnecting and connecting Cars with air-brake attached Disconnecting, 0 sees.; connecting, 10 sees. 8. Time ditto without air-brake ... 9. Time taken by pump to restore pressure in reservoir (of Engine only) after brake had been used K 7 ' Pressure raised from zero to 50 lbs. in 44 sees. 60 „ 52 „ 70 „ 62 „ 80 „ 76 „ „ „ 90 „ 92 „ L » n 100 „ 124 „



EEPOET Of Trials made with the Westinghouse Continuous Air-brake On the Auckland and Mercer Eailway, 12th and 15th Mat 1876. The train upon which the trials were made consisted of a Tank Engine (6 wheels coupled), a Guard's Van and four Passenger Cars (6-wheeled). The Guard's Van and Cars were each weighted with two tons of rails to represent a full load of passengers. The total weight being estimated as follows: — Tons. cwts. qrs. lbs. 1 Engine ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 0 0 0 4 Cars ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 14 0 0 lVan ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 16 2 0 Iron rails ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 0 Passengers ... ... ... ... ... 0 12 0 0 Weight of train ... ... 59 2 2 0 The length of the train without Engine was 156 feet. The Engine and Guard's Van had the air-brake mechanism connected to the ordinary hand-brako fitted with wooden blocks. The Cars had cast-iron blocks. The brakes on Engine and Van were so arranged that they could be worked by hand in the usual way, independently of the air-brake. The air-brake fittings were such that the blocks could be controlled by the Driver or Guard on every wheel of the train. The compressed air, for the application of the brake-power by the Guard, was stored in a reservoir under the Van. The following are particulars of the various experiments devised to test the application of the brake under the varied circumstances attending trains in motion, as taken by several persons ; in some cases a slight difference of time was reported, and in such cases the mean time was adopted. Most of the trials were made on a down grade of lin 4778; but as one passed through several grades, a section of the line is attached, which will speak for itself:—

No. and Nature of Test. State of Bails. Speed in Miles per Hour. Gradient. Time of stop from application of Brake to absolute rest. Distance i run from application of Brake to absolute rest. Wind. 1. Ordinary Station Stop with Air-brake applied, steam being first shut off 2. Same as No. 1, but on heavier grade Dry 80 level Seconds. 10 Yards. 105 Calm j» 86 1 in 47-78 down 1 in 47-78 down 21 208 VI 3. Steam shut off, Air-brake applied, and Engine reversed, but no steam applied... jj 38 24 290 J) 4. Steam shut off, Air-brake applied, Engine reversed, and steam applied in back gear )j 17 1 in 47-78 down 27 306 If 5. Hand-brakes applied on Engine and Guard's Van by signal of whistle from Engine, steam being shut off jj 2s level 105 yds., 1 in 136 up lllfyds. 26 226 3) 6. Hand-brakes applied on Engine and G-uard's Van by signal of whistle from Engine, steam being shut off and Engine reversed, but no steam applied 12 135 2177 J» n various. See Section of Line 7. Hand-brakes applied on Engine and Guard's Van by signal of whistle from Engine, steam being shut off and Engine reversed, and steam applied in back gear S. Air-brake applied by Guard in Rear Van. The Driver on feeling brake, shut off steam and applied brake from the Engine also 9. Air-brake applied from Engine, and Engine left in full forward gear, with steam on (120 lbs. *$■ square inch). Engine in third notch 10. Air-pipe disconnected between Engine and first Car, steam shut off on Engine, and brake applied from Van on signal of wVvistle from Engine; Engine wheels not braked. This trial to show what command Guard has over Train in case of a break away .*; jj jj 375 36 36 1 in 47-78 down 1 in 4778 down level 66 21 LS 637 245 146 » JJ •> 37 ■II: 460 )> 1 iii 4778 down >> * Air pressure in Van Reservoir reduced 28 lbs



11. Steam shut off and Air-brake applied as if Eails ! Operation conducted with perfect ease; wind slackened by signals, brakes released, and dry. calm, steam reapplied 12. Steam shut off and Air-brake applied, ... Train entirely under control of Driver. Train brought to a stand, brakes released, and Train moved backwards; brakes again applied, Train brought to a stand ; brakes released, steam reapplied, and Train again moved forward, snowing the action of brake as regards quickness of release, &c. 13. Air-brake Stop by driver at a fixed point Dry Exactly opposite ; wind calm. as if for water *14. Time disconnecting and connecting Car, Disconnecting, 9 sec 3.; connecting, 12 sees. with Air-brake attached *15. Time ditto without Air-brake ... „ 7 „ „ 7 „ Both Engine Reservoirs. only. f Pressure raised from zero to 10 lbs., 20 sees.; 9 sees. 20 „ 35 „ 15 „ 30 „ 44 „ 21 „ fl6. Time taken by pump to restore „ „ 40 „ 59 ~ 31 ~ pressure in reservoir after brake ■{ „ „ 50 „ 80 „ 42 „ had been used „ „ 60 „ 107 „ 55 „ 70 „ 143 „ 73 „ 80 „ 212 „ 97 „ I n „ 90 „ ... 122 „ * In each of the trials, 14 and 15, the man stood three yards from the side of the Car and walked leisurely up to the couplings. The connection of Air-pipe worked a littlo stiff. + Pressure in Boiler 120 lbs. per square inch. Although the Train was pulled up in so short a space of time by means of the Air-brake, no unpleasant sensation was caused to the occupants of the Cars during the application of the brake.




ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OTHER WORKS BY THE COLONIAL ARCHITECT. Sib,— Colonial Architect's Office, "Wellington, 7th July, 1876. I have the honor to report, for your information, relative to the works that I have been engaged upon during the year 1875-7 G. Several large and important buildings have been designed, finished, or commenced, during the year. Chief among them are the Government Departmental Offices in Wellington, which have made great progress, and promise to be entirely completed before the contract time expires. The north wing was finished and occupied in June. The work generally is of a very satisfactory character, the materials used being Tasmanian hardwood framing, kauri outside boarding, plastered walls and ceilings, and galvanized iron roofing. Large additions have also been made to the Colonial Museum, which is now a complete and roomy structure. This building is also constructed of wood, with iron roofs. Working drawings and specifications have also been prepared for a new fire-proof Parliamentary Library, the estimated cost of which is £14,000, and tenders may be invited whenever it is deemed desirable to do so. Fresh designs and working drawings for a Telegraph Ofiice at Dunedin, to be built of brickwork, stuccoed with Portland cement, have passed out of the office, and the building is now in the course of erection at a cost of £9,018 ss. The roof will be covered with slates, the contractor having the option of using slates from the Otago quarries. This building, when finished, will provide ample accommodation for the Telegraph Department in that city. A portion of the design for Public Offices at Invercargill has been erected during the year at a cost, including fittings, of £7,478 18s. 10d., and the Postal and Telegraph Departments are located therein, as also the Resident Magistrate's Court. It is erected of brickwork, tuck pointed, with cement dressings. At Lyttelton, new Public Buildings, of brick, tuck pointed, with cement dressings, have been erected, and the Customs, Postal, Telegraph, and Harbour Master's Departments have been transferred to them for some time. The total cost has been £5,258 14s. 7d., including cost of a four-dial illuminated clock, which was partially paid for by the Province of Canterbury. A sketch design for Public Offices has also been prepared for Christchurch; but the site not being quite settled upon, the working drawings are held in abeyance. I estimate that a building capable of providing the accommodation asked for by the Customs, Postal, Telegraph, and Marine Departments, will cost about £10,000. The materials proposed to be used are bricks, with cement dressings, and slated roof. A complete design has also been made for a Supreme Court House at Timaru, which, if the plan be eventually carried to completion, will also contain a Resident Magistrate's Court. Tenders are invited to be sent in on the 27th instant, for the Supreme Court House only. I propose concrete as the material for the walls, stuccoed with Portland cement, and the roof to be covered with slates, the contractor having the option of using slates from the Otago quarries. Designs and working drawings have also been issued for a Central Prison at New Plymouth, and tenders are invited to be sent in on the 26th instant. A portion only of this building will be included in the first contract —viz., part of the reception offices, one prison wing capable of holding 102 prisoners in separate cells, the chapel, Governor's house, and gaol wall. When the whole is completed, there will be four radiating wings capable of holding 408 prisoners. These plans required a large amount of study ; and in anticipation that the time was not far distant when such a prison would be required, I invited you, about two years ago, to procure, through the Agent-General, all the information obtainable in England and elsewhere. This application resulted in my receiving Blue Books with the plans and details of nearly all the prisons in England and Ireland, from which I have gathered (as I believe) such information as will enable me to erect an establishment as complete as any of its class in other parts of the world. The estimated total cost is about £20,000. Extensive Post and Telegraph Offices have been erected at Napier, Hokitika, and Greymouth. At the latter place, the old Hospital was altered for those departments, and although having no architectural pretensions externally, the internal arrangements are admitted to be very good. The above list comprises the larger and more important buildings erected during the year, but, in addition, there have been forty Post and Telegraph Offices built, finished, altered, added to, or in course of erection, at Ohaewai, Hokianga, Wangarei, Waipu, Warkworth, Helensville, Riverhead, Te Awamutu, Ohinemutu, Porangahau, Wairoa, Wanganui, Turakina, Marton, Bull's, Foxton, Masterton, Kekerangu, Nelson, Cable Company's offices and cottages, Cable Company's test house, Foxhill, Tophouse, Kaiapoi, Oxford, Malvern, Ashburton, Geraldine, Timaru, Waimate, Westport, Naseby, Queenstown, Alexandra S., Mosgiel, St. Bathan's, Outram, Kaitangata, Clinton, and Riverton. Fifteen Court Houses, either for District Judges' or Resident Magistrates' Courts, have also been altered, added to, commenced, or finished, at the following places:—Mangapai, Hokianga, Waipu, Ahipara, Whangaroa, Auckland, Opotiki, Carlyle, Picton, Hokitika, Greymouth, Queenstown, Milton, Naseby, and Riverton. Three Immigration Depots have also been finished, at Greymouth, Hokitika, and Westport. The Government Houses at Wellington aud Auckland have been renovated, and the Admiralty House at Auckland has been put in fair repair.


E— 1

Two schoolmasters' residences attached to Native schools have been designed, and contracts entered into ; one for Biverton, and the other for Ahipara. Since my report of last year, I have made a tour of the Middle Island, and inspected nearly all the Government buildings in that part of the colony, and the sites of proposed future buildings, which will facilitate my operations when designs are required, local knowledge being of great value in that respect. The total expenditure during the year has been on — £ a. d. Post and Telegraph Offices ' ... ... ... ... 24,939 111 Offices for Public Departments ... ... ... ... 36,555 8 6 Court Houses ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,318 18 11 Immigration ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,337 12 6 Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... 444 2 3 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 27,429 2 9 Total ... ... ... ... ... £96,024 610 I have received great assistance, by way of inspection, from the Engineers attached to the Public Works Department in the several districts. I have, &c, W. H. Clayton, The Honorable the Minister for Public Works. Colonial Architect.




ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF INSPECTOR OF MACHINERY. The Chief Inspector to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. Office of the Chief Inspector of Machinery, Wellington, Sib— 17th July, 1876. I have the honor to submit the following report on the working of the inspection of machinery department, for the year ended 30th June, 1876. In my first report I described the steps that were taken in order to carry out the Inspection of Machinery Act, aud explained the arrangement which had been made to enable the Inspectors to undertake their duties. lam glad to be able to report that these arrangements have worked well. The Inspection of Machinery Acts are working satisfactorily, considering how the boilers and machinery required to be inspected are scattered over the country, and the time it takes the Inspectors to visit them. The amended Act of last year is of especial importance in providing penalties for carrying greater pressure of steam than that allowed by the Inspector's certificate. Notwithstanding this Act, I regret to state that, through the tying down of the safety-valve, a locomotive field boiler exploded on the 22nd May at the "VVaiereka railway works (about two miles from Oamaru), causing the deaths of two persons, —the driver of the engine and the contractor's clerk, —and seriously injuring the fireman. The boiler in question was made in Dunedin, in September last, and was then tested and inspected by Mr. Crawford, the Inspector of Machinery at Dunedin, who granted a certificate for a working pressure of 65 lbs. per square inch ; but from the evidence taken at the Coroner's inquest, and at the Kesident Magistrate's Court, Oamaru, it appears that the boiler was being worked at a much greater pressure than that allowed on the certificate. It was a practice of those in charge to increase the pressure by hanging heavy weights on the end of the valve lever, and at the time of the explosion it was tied down with rope and twitch. From the appearance of the different parts of the boiler after the explosion, I think the pressure at the time must have been at least six times that of the pressure allowed. The other accidents to men employed about machinery that have occurred during the year, were not preventible by fencing, or by inspection. Numerous instances still occur in which signs of weakness in boilers are discovered, but in nearly all cases the owners (or other persons in charge) have readily complied with the suggestions of the Inspectors. I forward herewith returns showing the number of boilers and of the different kinds of machinery inspected during the year, the amount of fees collected, and the cost of working the department. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, J. Nancabeow, Wellington. Chief Inspector.

Enclosure No. 1. RETURN showing the NUMBER of BOILERS INSPECTED during the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1876.

No. of Poet. BOILEES. lBIE No. of Stationaet Boilebs. m H § H Name or District. Under 5 to 10 5 H.P. H.P. Under 5 H.P. 5 to 10 H.P. Over 10 H.P. Over 10 H.P. Itago Janterbury ... Luekland Wellington larlborough ... 'aranaki f ebon North ... felson South ... Vestland 86 B8 17 7 2 107 41 16 21 11 3 16 2 1 16 8 20 5 3 1 8 3 2 46 58 50 21 2 2 7 37 11 18 22 4 1 7 42 27 104 34 17 1 3 5 8 284 234 225 110 39 8 43 10 18 2 "i 2 "i Totals 153 218 (17 188 104 241 971


Enclosure No. 2. Return showing Machinery Inspected during the Financial Tear ended 30th June, 1876.

Enclosure No. 3. Return showing the Amount of Pees collected in the Inspection of Machinery Department, during the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1876.

Enclosure No. 4. Return showing the Approximate Cost of "Working the Inspection of Machinery Department, during the Financial Tear ended 30th June, 1876.


Db: ice: 'TION OP !ac: 1Y. Name of Distbict. si a I | o I o m ti) | s I I IJD | d I g o 5 ■ a I I I I I CO U o S b B 00 1 O £ s 00 I I a I S3 CQ 50 3 1 fa 1 I CO a GO 60 IS 3 E B (b g 1 CO I 9 13 13 g V § 1 c I I 02 oo I I 1 CO i 60 S '3 ■ S bo 1 I CD 1 I 6D S ¥ c £^ a a I | • ! M S.s o o gs §-s! a 2 | GO be a Hi si ■ 8 9 I 60 I ■ CO o H )tago 1 4 10 3 17 63 1 5 3 2 12 35 1 2 98 257 'anterbury ... 1 3 3 2 10 1 1 28 2 1 1 14 5 88 160 Lnckland 3 3 4 3 60 2 3 11 1 19 4 8 8 119 Wellington ... 4 I l 34 2 1 5 2 ... 5 57 ilarlborough 1 2 14 1 7 25 ?aranak 1 1 3 1 6 felson North 2 1 6 22 1 2 1 2 2 4 42 felson South 4 4 1 9 Vestland ... 1 7 2 10 i Totals ... 3 3 15 9 36 225 6 8 1 4 47 43 1 25 4 11 210 23 685

Name of District. Amount Collected. OtagO Canterbury ... Auckland Wellington ... Marlborough Taranaki Nelson North Nelson South Westland £513 369 452 211 80 12 142 29 41 Total £1,849

Nature of Expenditure. Amount Expended. Salaries Travelling expenses Advertising and sundries £1,050 19 4 483 8 11 93 19 6 Total £1,628 7 !) 13.—E. 1.






SCHEDULE of CONTRACTS for the CONSTRUCTION of RAILWAYS under " The Immigration and Public "Works Act, 1870," from Ist July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876.


Kawakawa :— £ a. d. £ s. d. William Eoughy, Kawakawa contract No. 1, permanent way, &c, 2 m. 67 ch. 50 1., sidings 26 ch. ... ... ... 5,909 0 0 5,909 0 0 Kaipaba-Auckland :— John Cornwall, erection of 2 platelayers'cottages ... ... 166 6 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 3 10 0 H. P. Kavanagh, erection of closets at Kiverhead ... ... 325 0 0 D. Mclntyre, conveyance of 1 locomotive from Wellington to Kaipara, ex " Teviotdale" ... ... ... ... 92 0 0 T. W. Pilcher, conveyance of 1 Fairlie engine from Wellington to Kaipara, ex '■ Omega" ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Daniel Fallon, additions Eiverhead contract ... ... 6,253 3 1 6,989 19 1 Auckland-Ptjntji :— William Cameron, store and other works at Newmarket Station 916 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 155 5 5 William Cameron, 1-stall engine shed, including carriage, siding, sinking well, and erecting pump ... ... ... 538 13 0 William Cameron, additions to above contract ... ... 6 7 0 Thomas Jones, forming road to Otahuhu Eailway Station ... 429 15 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 54 8 8 John Brogden, and Sons, fixing points and crossings on Auckland-Mercer section ... ... ... ... 1,645 2 6 Jones and Vare, Beach Eoad contract ... ... ... 1,479 6 10 „ additions to above contract ... ... 100 0 0 William Cameron, additions to Auckland Station ... ... 96 9 6 Samuel Parker, erection of engine house, and fixing pumping machinery at Mercer Station ... ... ... ... 145 0 0 Samuel Parker, additions to above contract ... ... 37 11 0 Thomas Edmond Evans, completion of earthworks between Eangiriri and Newcastle ... ... ... ... 2,654 0 0 Thomas Edmond Evans, additions on above contract ... ... 879 3 4 W. Price, Taupiri ballast station works ... ... ... 529 0 0 „ additions on above contract ... ... ... 32 6 6 W. Price, erection of ballast hoppers at Taupiri ... ... 1,255 0 0 John Duce, Hamilton contract, including five bridges ... 1,993 10 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 78 19 6 Masefield and Co., cast ironwork for Waikato Bridge ... 269 2 6 Fraser and Tinne, making 26 cast-iron raining blocks (being part of contract for 126) ... ... ... 89 19 4



Auckiand-Punui — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d, 8. C. Schofield, petty contract No. 1 ... ... ") 341 18 8 W. J. Smyth „ „ 2 ... ... 169 10 6 Michael Morrissy ,, ,,3 ... ... 404 14 8 William Goulton „ ,,4 ... ... 529 7 3 John Tkos. Faulknor „ ,,5 ... ... 220 6 4 S. Gardiner and party „ ,,6 ... ... 39 13 4 W. J. Smyth „ „ 7 ... ... 442 16 6 William Goulton „ ,,8 ... ... 821 0 11 Michael Morrissy „ ,,9 ... ... }-* 694 7 8 Samuel Gordon „ ,,10 ... ... 370 15 8 S. C. Schofield „ ,,11 ... ... 742 4 6 S.Gardiner „ ,,12 ... ... 423 12 5 Edward Black „ ,,13 ... ... 97 13 9 William Goulton „ ,,14 ... ... 433 6 8 Singleton Gardiner „ ,,15 ... ... 134 6 8 S. 0. Schofield „ „ 16 ... ... 66 12 0 S. C. Schofield „ ,,17 ... ... J 245 11 0 Ross, Wells, and Kellars, Hamilton culverts ... ... 825 0 11 J. Brogden and Sons, additions to Auckland-Mercer contract 26,092 5 10 Martin and Briton, additions to Mercer contract ... ... 6,120 17 10 John Briton, additions to Rangiriri Bridges contract... ... 549 14 3 Martin and Briton, additions to Taupiri Bridges contract ... 916 9 6 Martin and Briton, additions to Coal Mines contract... ... 219 6 6 John Taylor, additions to Waikato Bridge contract ... ... 860 6 10 John Briton, additions to Timber Wharf at Newcastle ... 62 9 0 55,815 9 3

PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY. Napieb-Manawatit :—

Tracey and Allen, Pakipaki-Waipawa, permanent-way contract, 22 m. 72 ch., sidings 41 ch. 501. ... ... ... 7,989 6 8 Tracey and Allen, additions to above contract ... ... 446 5 6 Miller, Murray, and Walker, (Waipawa-Takapau) permanent way contract, 17 m. 18 ch. 54 L, sidings 1 m. 9 ch. 50 1. ... 6,490 17 4 McLeod and Reed, repairing bridges and culverts at 7 m. and 10m. 295 0 0 P. McLeod and Co., sinking wells at Te Aute, Kaikora Waipukurau, and Takapau ... ... ... ... 246 0 0 William Anderson, strengthening and repairing bridges at 7 m. and 10 m. ... ... ... ... ... 158 15 0 Richard Trestrail, erection of station-masters' houses at Spit and Farnden Stations ... ... ... ... ... 385 0 0 McLeod and Co., erection of fifth-class station-masters' houses at Te Aute, Kaikora, and Waipukurau Stations; also, outside loading platform at Te Aute ... ... ... 1,056 0 0 James Carty, erection of carriage repairing shed at Napier ... 258 0 0 Joseph Sowry, erection of railway station at Te Aute ... 195 0 0 Joseph Sowry, erection of goods shed at Kaikora ... ... 469 0 0 Allen and Kingstreet, erection of fifth-class railway station at Takapau ... ... ... ... ... ... 231 2 6 Joseph Sowry, erection of goods shed at Te Aute, 40 ft. x 30 ft. 485 0 0 McLeod and Co., additional supports to platforms at Napier ... 150 0 0 Richard Phillips, erection Waipawa Station buildings ... 866 0 0 ,, additions to above contract ... ... 40 18 0 Justin McSweeney, erection of store at Napier Station ... 500 0 0 Justin McSweeney, making solid ballast platform at Kaikora ... 74 0 0 Joseph Sowry, erection of water tanks at Te Aute, Kaikora, Takapau, and Waipukurau Stations ... ... ... 220 0 0 Levin and Co., conveyance per s.s. " Kiwi " of 25 tons fang-bolts from Wellington to Napier ... ... ... ... 21 5 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of 1 locomotive from Wellington to Napier ... ... .. ... ... 92 0 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of carriages, &c, ex " Commonwealth," from Wellington to Napier ... ... 219 0 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of 2 locomotives ex " Fernglen," from Wellington to Napier ... ... ... 163 10 0 Peebles and Rose, carting sleepers from Norsewood and Danniverk to Waipukurau ... ... ... ... 824 9 0 William Smith, erection of 1 six-wheeled first-class and 2 sixwheeled second-class carriages, and 2 four-wheeled goods break vans ... ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 * These contracts are for earthworks and outfall drains, and comprise the formation between Newcastle and Ohaupo. 19 miles 60 chains.



Napiek-Manawattj— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. G. Faulknor, erection of 30 high-side goods wagons ... ... 1,000 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 64 10 0 P. Loughran, formation of roads to goods sheds at Spit and Napier ... ... ... ... ... ... 158 1 2 J. McSweeney, shifting ladies' waiting-room ... ... 73 0 0 — Eenouf, alterations to Farndon Station ... ... ... 59 10 0 C. Stuart, erection of weighbridge ... ... ... 136 0 0 J. Brogden and Sons, additions, Napier-Pakipaki contract ... 8,499 16 9 J. Brogden and Sons, additions, Waipawa contract ... ... 1,814 11 8 Charles McKirdy, additions, Pakipaki contract ... ... 884 7 6 Allen and Co., additions, Takapau contract... ... ... 325 0 1 Donald Boss, additions, Waipukurau contract ... ... 3,424 15 9 Charles McKirdy, additions, stop bank at Boy's Hill... ... 50 0 0 Allen and Kingstreet, additions, Waipukurau Station ... 21 19 9 38,478 1 8


WAITABA-.h'ATEA : — John Henderson, Waiongona contract, formation only, 8 m. 60 ch., sidings 24 ch. ... ... ... ... 13,707 7 9 Gribbs and Sealey, Inglewood Station buildings, comprising erection of fifth-class station, and fifth-class station-master's house ... ... ... ... ... ... 397 11 7 Douglass and Veale, erection of goods shed at Sentry Hill, 40ft. x 30ft. ... ... ... ... ... 379 1 4 Berry and Newman, erection of No. 2 station buildings, comprising fifth-class station-master's house at Waitara ... 249 14 2 J. Brogden and Sons, additions Waitara contract ... ... 5,299 0 1 20,032 14 11


Patea-Manawattt :— James Lockie and Co., Bangitikei contract, formation only (including Rangitikei Bridge of 9 spans of 60 ft. each, length of contract 2 m. 42 ch. 80 1., sidings 10 ch.) ... 14,955 0 0 Charles Stewart, Marton contract, formation only, 13 m. 67 ch., sidings 30 ch. ... ... ... ... ... 19,957 1111 Henry Harris, completion of Wangaehu Bridges contract ... 1,395 11 2 Pierce Lanigan, Kai Iwi contract, formation only, 1 m., sidings 20 ch. ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,460 0 0 W. H. Topham, Wangaehu contract, permanent way, 10 m. 25 ch., sidings 36 ch. ... ... ... ... 5,277 19 8 Nathan and Wilkie, Rangitawa contract, formation only, 5 m. 29 ch., sidings 36 ch. ... ... ... ... 9,958 6 8 G. M. Chalmers, erection of store at Wanganui Bridge ... 90 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 5 0 0 J. and C. Bull, erection of Feilding Station buildings, comprising fifth-class station and platform, goods shed, privies, and urinals ... ... ... ... ... 710 0 0 J. and C. Bull, additions to above contract ... ... ... 21 18 0 A. Macfarlane, station buildings contract ... ... ... 977 14 6 George Thomas, conveyance of 7 carriages from Wellington to Wanganui ... ... ... ... ... 204 15 0 George Thomas, conveyance of 299 tons 6 cwts. 3 qrs. 10 lbs. iron rails, and 46 tons 11 cwts. 1 qr. 14 lbs. bridge material, ex " Howrah," from Wellington to Wanganui ... ... 312 13 1 George Thomas, conveyance of 223 tons 3 cwts. 1 qr. 25 lbs. iron rails, and 18 tons fish-plates, ex " Collingwood," from Wellington to Wanganui ... ... ... ... 235 5 4 Plinimer, Eeeves, and Co., conveyance of 324 tons rails ex " Hurunui," from Wellington to Wanganui ... ... 264 12 0 Plimmer, Eeeves, and Co., conveyance of 434 tons rails, 25 tons spikes, and 29 tons fish-plates, ex " Ocean Beauty," " Penshaw," and " Fernglen," from Wellington to Wanganui ... 406 13 4 Cuff and Graham, conveyance of bridge material from Lyttelton to Wanganui ... ... ... ... ... 42 0 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of 66 tons of fastenings, ex " St. Andrew's Castle " and " Fernglen," from Wellington to Wanganui ... ... ... ... ... 54 9 0 G. M. Kebell, conveyance of fish-plates from Wellington to Foxton ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 17 6



PATEA-MAtfAWATTTT-coji^raaei. £ s. d. £ s. dEraser and Tinne, 42 cast-iron straining blocks (being part of contract for 126) ... ... ... ... ... 145 6 8 E. W. Mills, 60 wrought-iron thrust blocks for "Wanganui Bridge 322 10 0 George Thomas, conveyance of 1 Fairlie engine from hulk " Omega," Wellington to Wanganui ... ... ... 78 0 0 W. Bishop, conveyance of 220 tons rails, ex " Pym," to Foxton 187 0 0 Wilkie and Denby, additions, Wanganui permanent-way contract 535 1 3 Peter Stewart, additions, Palmerston contract ... ... 1,738 12 3 Walton Pell, additions, Wangaehu contract ... ... 5,702 11 11 Emigrants and Colonist's Aid Company, additions, Oroua and Junction contract ... .. ... ... ... 781 1 5 James Bull, additions, Oroua Bridge ... ... ... 38 19 10 Pierce Lanigan, additions, Brunswick contract ... ... 777 2 6 67,650 13 0 Manawatxt-Foxton- :— Wilkie and Denby, Karere contract (relaying tramway with iron rails), Bm. 22 eh. 25 1., sidings 8 eh. ... ... ... 4,872 11 8 Wilkie and Denby, additions to above contract ... ... 724 0 2 A. H. Ihle, Palmerston Flat contract, formation and permanent way, 2m. 2 eh. 50 1., sidings 30 eh. ... ... ... 1,991 8 8 A. H. Ihle, additions to above contract ... ... ... 275 11 9 James O'Mara, Oroua Sand Hills contract ... ... ... 396 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 37 2 3 James O'Mara, formation 30 c. road at Palmerston Station 165 0 0 Thomas Symonds, Kawau Swamp contract ... ... 134 0 0 E. W. Mills, casting and boring 12 truck wheels ... ... 37 17 3 John Charles Eichter, erecting 5 sets of water tanks, viz. 1 set at Palmerston, Oroua Bridge, Foxton, Sley's Shunt, and Carnarvon ... ... ... ... ... 107 10 0 Johan Andressen, erection of goods shed at Sley's Shunt ... 84 16 0 W. J. Eoberts, erection of No. 1 station buildings, comprising station-masters' houses, coal stores, one-stall engine sheds, fourth-class stations, and timber platforms, &c, at Foxton and Palmerston ... ... ... ... ... 2,344 0 0 W. J. Eoberts, additions to above contract ... ... 397 5 0 Eobertson and Co., making 300 sets fish-plates ... ... 37 19 5 Thomas Goodesson, carting 80 tons rails ... ... ... 30 0 0 George Thomas, conveyance of 350 tons rails and 29 tons fastenings, ex " Warwick," from Wellington to Foxton ... 326 12 9 George Thomas, conveyance of 12 tons fastenings and 40 tons points and crossings from Wellington to Foxton ... 52 0 0 George Thomas, additions to above contract ... ... 14 12 4 Cuff and Graham, conveyance of 140 tons rails and fastenings from Lyttleton to Foxton ... ... ... ... 192 3 9 Cuff and Graham, conveyance of wheels, axles, and rails, ex "Avalanche," "Commissary," and "Pleiades," from Wellington to Foxton ... ... ... ... ... 694 12 2 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of 850 tons rails and fastenings from Port Chalmers to Foxton ... ... ... 1,147 10 0 D. Mclntvre and Co., additions to above contract ... ... 125 11 6 14,188 4 8 WeLIiLNGTON-MaSTEBTON :— Charles McKirdy, Silver Stream plate-laying contract (schedule rates), 4m. ... ... ... ... ... 3,080 14 5 Charles McKirdy, Incline contract, formation only, 8 m. 76 eh. 83 L, including 3 tunnels, sidings 40 chs. ... 49,029 1 8 Messrs. Krull and Co., supplying jarrah piles and timber for railway wharf at Wellington ... ... ... 7,936 8 6 W. Eidler, erection of loading platforms at Pipitea and Petoni 239 0 0 A. E. Wallis, erection of station-master's house at Cross's Creek 386 0 0 W. Eidler, making solid ballast platform at Hay ward's ... 59 10 0 Nash and Upton, erecting temporary engine shed at Pipitea Station ... ... ... ' ... ... ... 133 0 0 Eidler and Ames, Silver Stream Station works, comprising formation of road, erection of bridge and fifth-class station, and sundries ... ... ... ... ... ... 868 10 0 Samuel Brown, Upper Hutt Station buildings, comprising erection of goods shed, coal store, and two-stall engine shed ... 1,640 0 0 Eidler and Ames, erection of an additional office at Pipitea Station ... ... ... ... ... ... 124 14 0 W. J. Eidler, erection of store and fencing at Petoni ... 2,169 0 0 Richard Morris, erection of 3 plate-layers' cottages at Upper Hutt 255 0 0 Eichard Morris, erection of 2 plate-layers' cottages at Upper Hutt Station ... ... ... ... ... 191 0 0

3E. —1


"WELLnraTON-MASTEBTON — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. G. Mclntosh, water supply to Upper Hutt Station ... ... 447 4 6 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 39 2 6 W. R. Welsh, levelling and forming ground for workshops at Petoni ... ... ... ... ... ... 605 0 0 Samuel Brown, erection of 2 additional water tanks at Hutt Station ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 0 0 Campbell Bros., erection of 8 timber trucks and 15 low-side wagons ... ... ... ... ... ... 682 0 0 Campbell Bros., additions to above ... ... ... 76 6 0 Leech Bros., erection of 2 carriages and 1 brake van... ... 31 16 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 500 Leech Bros., erection of 2 goods break vans ... ... 16 0 0 Leech Bros., making and erecting 2 meat trucks ... ... 77 16 0 W. Black and Co., erection of 1 first-class carriage and repairing damaged composite carriage, ex "Commonwealth " ... 130 13 0 W. Neil, metalling road diversion at Petoni ... ... 538 0 0 Charles McKirdy, additions, River contract... ... ... 1,474 8' 7 Charles McKirdy, additions, Hutt permanent way ... ... 826 5 6 Charles McKirdy, additions, Mungaroa contract ... ... 1,105 9 9 W. F. Oakes, additions Pakuratahi contract ... ... 74 10 0 72,336 10 5

PROVINCE OF NELSON. Nelson-Foxhill : — Leech Brothers, erection of rolling stock ... ... ... 119 17 4 „ additions to above contract ... ... 6 7 0 George Fleming, replacing damaged carriage fittings ... 57 18 0 John Scott, additions to Richmond station-master's house ... 270 0 0 Joseph Gilbertson, additions, Wairoa and 88 bridges contract... 1,244 1 0 John Scott, additions, No. 1 station buildings ... ... 1,226 17 4 John Scott, additions, Nelson to Foxhill permanent way .. 1,300 11 9 4,225 12 5 Westpobt-Motint Rochfoet :— W. H. Topham, Waimangaroa permanent-way contract, 3 m. 60 eh., sidings 10 eh. ... ... ... ... 2,181 0 0 John Henderson, Ngakawau formation and permanent-way contract, Bm. 20 eh., sidings 20 eh. ... ... ... 33,573 10 0 John Henderson, additions to above contract ... ... 166 3 7 John Walker, felling, clearing, and grubbing, at Westport Station ground ... ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 G. Rowley, erection of platelayer's cottage at Waimangaroa ... 82 11 10 Reuben Came, rivetting 17 ballast wagons ... ... 66 6 0 A. C. Campbell, erection of 20 rock wagons ... ... 546 0 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of 3 locomotives, ex " Teviotdale " and " Dilawur," from Wellington to Westport ... 276 0 0 George Thomas, conveyance of 2 carriages from "Wellington to "Westport ... ... ... ... ... 98 10 0 Cuff and Graham, conveyance of 11 hopper wagons, ex " Otaki," from Lyttleton to Westport ... ... ... 169 0 0 William Smith, Westporfc Station works, including construction of a viaduct, coal staiths, wharves, river-bank protective works, felling, clearing, grubbing, embankment, excavation, and general preparation of ground, ballasting, platelaying, and sundry station buildings, &c. ... ... ... 33,970 17 11 Kirkpatrick and McDonnell, additions to Waimangaroa contract 1,633 7 7 John Maher and Co., additions to Buller River stop bank ... 628 0 0 John McLean, additions to Westport contract ... ... 5,413 3 1 78,984 10 0

PROVINCE OF WESTLAND. BETJNNEB-G-BETMOtTTH : T. W. Hungerford, Coal Gorge platelaying contract, 7 m. 6 eh., sidings 45 eh. ... ... ... ... ... 8,985 16 5 T. W. Hungerford, additions to above contract ... ... 364 0 0 Sweetman and Brown, raising and moving transit shed ... 135 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 218 0 Robertson and Co., making sling lifts for coal wagons (schedule rates) ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 17 0 G. Thomas, conveyance of sundry ironwork and weighbridge material from Wellington to Greymouth (about 20 tons) ... 30 0 0 Duff and Graham, conveyance of crane from Lyttleton to Greymouth ... ... ~ ... ... ... 125 10 0



BBTrircrEE-GEEYMOtrTH— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Edward Butler, erection of steam cranes at Greymouth Wharf 107 0 0 Davidson and Conyers, making 20 sets of points and crossings (being portion of agreement for 32) ... ... ... 400 0 0 R. S. Sparrow and Co., making 12 sets of points and crossings... 228 0 0 D. Mclntyre and Co., conveyance of locomotive, ex " St. Leonard's," from Wellington to Greymouth ... ... 148 10 0 G. Thomas, conveyance of 2 carriages trom Wellington to Greymouth ... ... ... ... ... ... 99 0 0 T. W. Hungerford, additions, Coal Gorge contract ... ... 19,149 17 6 E. B. Garven, additions, Grey Gorge Bridge contract ... 2,038 16 3 Edward Butler, additions, Greymouth Wharf ... ... 656 9 10 T. W. Hungerford, additions, Coal Gorge platelaying ... 686 19 0 33,254 14 0

PROVINCE OF MARLBOROUGH. Picton-Blenheim : J. Brogden and Sons, extra railway ballast ... ... ... 2,842 7 11 J. Brogden and Sons, additions, Picton-Blenheim contract ... 14,039 11 2 Joseph Jay, building 1 brick culvert ... ... ... 310 0 0 17,191 19 1

PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. Xowai-Waitaki : Richard Evans, planting willows and erecting fencing on Ashburton Bridge protective works ... ... ... 517 11 0 Allan and Stumbles, contract for altering sleepers near rail joints along the line by Timaru and Young's Creek ... ... 350 0 0 William Stevenson, Seadown siding contract ... ... 263 0 0 Daniel Reese, No. 2 stations contract, comprising erection of refreshment room at Ashburton ... ... ... 534 19 0 Daniel Reese, No. 3 stations contract, comprising erection of goods shed 40 by 30, and station-master's house... ... 729 8 0 Allan and Stumbles, contract for various station works at Timaru 734 3 0 Derby and Philps, erection of Waihi and Orari Stations buildings 1,480 0 0 Ogilvie and Jones, erection of Waihi and Orari goods sheds ... 1,490 10 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... 212 9 10 Daniel Reese, erection of goods shed at South Rangitata ... 467 0 0 Samuel Wates, erection of station at North Waitaki Bridge ... 901 17 6 Ogilvie and Jones, No. 1 stations contract, comprising fifth-clasa station and station-master's house, goods shed 60 by 30, 2 platforms, road to station,and sundries ... ... 1,837 0 0 John Anderson, supply and erection of tanks to Ashburton Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 8 0 John Anderson, additions to above contract... ... ... 5 0 0 Scott Brothers, erection of 50 narrow-gauge wagons (being portion of contract for 100) ... ... ... ... 1,137 10 0 E. G-. Wright, various works, Ashburton sidings ... ... 324 4 8 James Mills, conveyance of about 315 tons of rails, &c, ex " Conflict," from Lyttleton to Oamaru (including wharfage) 366 15 8 W. Hogg, erection of 18 hopper wagons and 8 timber trucks ... 574 14 0 Edward Rowland, erection of gatekeeper's house at north end of Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... ... ... 285 9 0 E. G. Wright, additions, Ashley-Amberley contract ... ... 3,654 15 1 ~ additions, Kowai Bridges contract ... ... 438 11 8 „ additions, Ashburton Bridge contract... ... 4,763 4 11 ~ additions, Ashburton-Rangitata contract ... 1,467 7 7 „ additions, Rangitata contract ... ... 3,273 11 10 Walter Puller, additions, Orari contract ... ... ... 2,625 5 7 E. G-. Wright, additions, Orari revised contract ... , 2,172 10 2 „ additions, Temuka contract ... ... ... 3,627 4 4. Allan and Stumbles, additions, Pareora contract ... ... 1,422 7 0 George Pratt, additions, Southern contract... ... ... 333 0 2 David Proudfoot, additions, Hook contract... ... ... 491 0 1 36,644 18 1 Canterbuky Branches: George Pratt, Waimate Branch, formation and permanent-way contract, 4m. 41 eh. 62 1., sidings 40 eh. ... ... 4,831 8 3 Daniel Reese, No. 4 stations contract, comprising erection of fifth-class station-master's house at Bluff Road Station ... 279 18 0



CANTEBBtTBY Branches— continued. £ s. d. £ a. d. England Brothers, No. 3 stations contract, comprising erection of fifth-class station-master's house, goods shed 40' x 30', and removing engine shed from Junction to White Cliffs terminus ... ... ... ... ... ... 965 0 0 England Brothers, erection of timber platform at Wilson's Mill 91 2 4 ~ erection of urinals at Sefton and Balcairn ... 66 14 0 Scott Brothers, erection of 50 narrow-gauge wagons (being portion of contract for 100) ... ... ... ... 1,137 10 0 Scott Brothers, additions to above contract ... ... ... 119 4 6 Joseph Taylor, additions, Oxford contract ... ... ... 3,830 12 8 E. G. Wright, additions, Kaiapoi-Eyreton contract ... ... 4,620 5 5 Joseph Taylor, additions, White Cliffs contract ... ... 561 16 7 George Holden, additions, White Cliffs platelaying contract ... 916 8 6 W. White, additions, platelaying contract ..." ... ... 2,162 611 19,582 7 2

PROVINCES OF CANTERBURY AND OTAGO. Waitaki Beidoe : G. McGavin and Co., additions, Waitaki Bridge ... ... 3,229 10 0 3,229 10 0

PROVINCE OF OTAGO. "Waitaki-Inteecaegill : Allen and Kingstreet, completion of Port Chalmers contract, 2m. 70 cL, sidings 4 eh. 44 1. ... ... ... 32,700 0 6 Allen and Kingstreet, additions to above contract ... ... 565 16 3 Munro and Culling, Kartigi formation and permanent-way contract, 17 m. 58 eh., sidings 36 eh. 411. ... ... 58,747 510 D. Proudfoot, extension of Port Chalmers Wharf ... ... 2,100 0 0 „ additions to above contract ... ... ... 1,045 0 0 James McKay, completion of Clutha Bridge contract, length 13 eh. 10j 1., 7 spans of timber and iron, 1 span of concrete 17,668 17 6 Lewis Litton, completion of Mataura contract, 25 m. 32 eh. 30 1., at schedule rates (estimated)... ... ... ... 11,000 0 0 David Proudfoot, Blueskin formation and permanent-way contract, 7 m., sidings 20 eh., including 1 tunnel, lined throughout ... ... ... ... ... 45,000 0 0 Munro and Given, building water softening works at Oamaru... 386 8 6 J. Brogden and Sons, additions to Moeraki deviation contract... 2,462 1 6 „ additions, Oamaru-Moeraki contract ... 11,581 16 3 Job "Wain, erection of fifth class station at Murchiston, Blueskin 265 0 0 ~ additions to above contract ... ... ... 35 0 0 Eeignald McDonald, erection of goods shed at Stirling ... 680 0 0 Q. Wilson, erection of fourth-class station-master's house at Stirling ... ... ... ... ... ... 427 0 0 G. Wilson, additions to above contract ... ... ... 55 9 6 Peter Day, erection of station-master's house at Lovell's Plat... 300 0 0 Meikle and Campbell, erection of latrines and urinals at Dunedin ... ... ... ... ... ... 183 0 0 Peter Gunn, erection of station-master's house at Greytown ... 310 0 0 James Davidson, 3 turntables ... ... ... ... 375 0 0 Peter Day, erection of station buildings ... ... ... 522 0 0 Campbell Brothers, erection of 7 timber trucks, ex " Oxford "... 178 10 0 „ erection of 19 wagons ... ... ... 503 10 0 „ erection of 25 wagons... ... ... 662 10 0 ~ erection of 30 low-side wagons... ... 570 0 0 Eraser and Tinne, 58 cast-iron straining blocks, for Clutha Bridge (portion of contract for 126) ... ... .. 200 14 0 Frederick Jenkins, conveyance of 201 tons of rails, ex "Hudson" from Lyttelton to Oamaru ... ... ... ... 190 5 8 Cuff and Graham, conveyance of 341 tons of rails and 19 tons of rail joints from Lyttleton to Moeraki, and 15 tons rail joints, Lyttelton to Oamaru, ex "Star of China" and "Marmion" ... ... ... ... ... 427 7 0 McKenzie & Co., completion of Deborah Bay Tunnel contract, Im. 13 eh. ... ... ... ... ... 54,527 7 2 Cargills, Gibbs, and Co., conveyance 700 tons rails, at 20s. per ton, from Bluff to Port Chalmers ... ... ... 700 0 0 E. Rowlands, erection of Herbert Station buildings ... ... 1,283 0 0 J. Brogden and Sons, additions to Kakanui and Island Creek Bridges contract ... ... ... ... ... 2,185 5 6



"Waitaki-Ixtehcakgill— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. Job Wain, additions, Purakanui contract ... ... ... 2,684 4 0 D. Proudfoot, additions, extension of Port Chalmers Wharf contract ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,045 0 0 J. Brogden and Sons, additions, Taieri contract ... ... 26,809 18 0 A. J. Smythe, additions, Clutha platelaying contract ... 683 7 4 J. Brogden and Sons, additions, Invercargill and Mataura contract ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,883 17 0 ■ 289,944 13 6 Tokomairieo-Lawbexce : D. McLeod, erection of station at Havelock ... ... 225 0 0 ~ additions on above contract .. ... ... 176 010 Day and Archibald, completion of Tokomairiro Bridges ... 350 0 0 Wain and Smyth, laying permanent way from Clarksville Station to end of G-lenore section, 6m. 70 eh., sidings, 30 eh. ... 2.900 0 0 Wain and Smyth, additions to above contract ... ... 52 19 10 John Hollick, erection of Tokomairiro wayside stations ... 1,790 0 0 J. and N. Campbell, additions, Tokomairiro contract ... 4,596 2 2 Goodfellow and. Co., additions, Waitahuna contract ... 2,010 10 11 ~ additions, Tuapeka contract ... ... 2,086 19 1 Irvine and Morrisson, additions, Hound Hill contract ... 9,706 0 O A. J. Smvthe and Co., additions, Grlenore completion contract... 230 12 3 24,124 5 1 WINTOX-KINGSTO^: W. H. Topham, Winton No. 2 permanent-way contract, comprising elbow platelaying, 13 m. 20 eh., sidings, 40 eh. ... 2,761 15 6 W. H. Topham, additions to above contract ... ... 285 8 4 J. B. Blair, Winton No. 3 contract, formation only, 18 m. 36 eh. 13,679 7 0 Graham and Co., erection of fifth-class station and goods shed, 30' x 60', at Macdanicl's crossing ... ... ... 815 11 9 Graham and Co., additions to above contract ... ... 101 10 7 Joseph Sykes, erection of goods shed at Elbow ... ... 557 14 4 Bobert Burns, erection of station-master's house at Athol ... 423 0 0 Strang and Gilchrist, painting and varnishing carriages ... 249 10 0 E. Burns, erection of station buildings ... ... ... 1,197 10 0 J. M. Watson, additions, No. 1 Winton contract ... ... 1,379 10 10 M. H. L. Bennett and Co.. additions, No. 2 Winton contract ... 842 6 5 Procter and Whittaker, additions, No. 1 platelaying ... ... 1,461 12 2 23,754 16 11 GENEEAL EAILWAT ACCOUNT. James Davidson and Co., making 10 distance and 20 semaphore station signals ... ... ... ... ... 900 0 0 Davidson and Conyers, making 12 sets points and crossings (being portion of contract for 32 sets) ... ... 240 0 0 D. Mclntyre, conveyance of two locomotives ex li Dilawur," , from Wellington to Lyttelton ... ... ... 184 0 0 James Saunders, receiving and delivering material in Wellington at Is. 3d. per ton weight, packages over two tons by agreement 1,324 0 0 £833,661 19 3

SLEEPERS. PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. £ s. d. £ s. d. Henry Palmer, 30,000 at 3s. each ... ... ... ... 4,500 0 0 4.500 0 0 PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY. H. E. Eussell (for Natives), 2,500 at 3s. 3d. each ... ... 406 5 0 Beck and Tonks, 10,000 at 21s. per 100 superficial feet lawn, or 3s. 6d. each hewn, less 2| per cent. ... ... ... 2,400 0 0 2,806 5 0 PROVINCE OF TARANAKI. John Beaton, 10,000 at 2s. 4d. each ... ... ... 1,166 13 4 1,166 13 4 14— E. 1.



PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Beck and Tonks, 26,419 at 3s. (3d. each for hewn, or 21s. per 100 £ s. d. £ s. d. superficial feet sawn ... ... ... ... 5,626 1 9 G. M. Snelson, 10,000 at 3s. 9d. each ... ... ... 1.875 0 0 Eichter, Hannestadt, and Co., 1,000 at 3s. lid. each ... ... 195 16 8 7,696 18 5

PROVINCE OF NELSON. William and John Marris, 10,000 at 2s. lOd. each ... ... 1,416 13 4 1,416 13 4

PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. Cusden and Bowman, 1,000 at 4s. 9d. each ... ... ... 237 10 0 991 extra ... ... ... ... 156 19 9 John Lee, 2,000 at 4s. 9d. each ... ... ... ... 475 O O Luers and Woodfield, 1,500 at 4s. 9d. each ... ... ... 356 5 0 John E. Thacker, 4,000 at 3s. 6d. each ... ... ... 700 0 0 Hamilton Brothers, 1,000 at 4s. 9d. each ... ... ... 237 10 0 „ 1,000 at 3s. each ... ... ... 150 0 0 D. Sladden, 1,500 at 4s. 9d. each ... ... ... ... 356 5 0 James Bruce, 5,000 at 4s. 3d. each ... ... ... 1,062 10 0 Alpheus Hayes, 10,000 at 4s. sd. each ... ... ... 2,208 6 8 E. G. Wright, 10,000 at 4s. 4d. each ... ... ... 2,166 13 4 W. L. Crowther, 10,000 at 3s. lOd. sawn, or 3s. Bd. split ... 1,875 0 0 Jackson and Gibson, 15,000 at 4s. 2d. each ... ... ... 3,125 0 0 13,106 19 9

PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Guthrie and Larnaeh, 4,000 at 18s. per 100 superficial feet ... 735 0 0 „ 63 additional ... ... ... 28 1 5 763 1 5 £31,456 11 3


Auckland: — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ g. d. Kawakawa: Construction ... ... ... 5,909 0 0 Kaipara-Auckland: Construction ... ... 6,989 19 1 Auckland-Punia: Construction ... ... 55,815 9 3 68,714 8 4 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 4,500 0 0 73,214 8 4 Hawke's Bay:— Napier-Manawatu: Construction ... ... 38,478 1 8 38,478 1 8 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 2,806 5 0 41,284 6 8 Taeanaki : — Waitara-Patea: Construction ... ... 20,032 14 11 20,032 14 11 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 1,166 13 4 21,199 8 3 Wellington : — Patea-Manawatu: Construction ... ... 67,650 13 0 Manawatu-Foxton: Construction ... ... 14,188 4 8 "Wellington-Masterton: Construction ... 72,336 10 5 154,175 8 1 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 7,696 18 5 161,872 6 6 Nelson : Nelson-Foxhill: Construction ... ... 4,225 12 5 Westport-Mt. Kochfort: Construction ... 78,984 10 0 83,210 2 5 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 1,416 13 4 ■ 84,626 15 9



"WeSTLAND :— Brunner-Greymouth: Construction... ... 33,254 14 0 33,254 14 0 Sleepers... 33,254 14 0 Marlborough : — . / Picton-Blenheim: Construction ... ... 17,191 19 1 17,191 19 1 Sleepers... — 17,191 19 1 Canterbury:— Kowai-Waitaki: Construction ... ... 36,644 18 1 Canterbury Branches: Construction... ... 19,582 7 2 56,227 5 3 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 13,106 19 9 69,334 5 0 Provinces of Canterbury and Otago :— Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... ... 3,229 10 0 .3,229 10 0 3,229 10 0 Otago:— Waitaki-Invereargill: Construction ... 289,944 13 6 Tokoinairiro-Lawrence: Construction ... 24,124 5 1 AVinton-Kingston: Construction ... ... 23,754 16 11 337,823 15 6 Sleepers... ... ... ... ... 763 1 5 338,586 16 11 General Eailway Account ... ... ... ... ... 1,324 0 0 Total: Construction, &c. ... 813,66119 3 Sleepers ... ... 31,456 11 3 £845,118 0 6 £845,118 0 6






SCHEDULE of CONTRACTS for the CONSTRUCTION of ROADS under "The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870," from Ist July, 1875, to 30th June, 1876.


PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. Bay of Islands. Kebikeei-Mongonui,— £ s. d. £ s. d. Samuel Dixon, contract for section No. 2, for construction of about 100 eh. of road ... ... ... ... 234 0 0 Extra authorized on do. for extension of culverts ... ... 42 0 0 276 0 MaHUEANGI-POET AIBEET ROAD, — H. Palmer, extras authorized on contract section No. 2, 429 eh. road formation ... ... ... ... ... 627 12 0 H. Palmer, extra on Hoteo Bridge contract, for altering gradient of bridge approach ... ... ... ... ... 76 12 0 Robert Fenall and Co., contract for construction of section No. la, 142 oh. of road, repair of 5 small bridges, and re-formation of 15 chains of road in its continuation through Mr. Bowman's property ... ... ... ... ... ... 419 18 0 Becroft, contract for section No. 5, 164 eh. road formation and side cutting, 5 bridges, and 16 culverts ... ... ... 423 0 0 1,547 2 0 Waitangi-Hokiastga Koad, — J. A. and "W. H. Bedggood, contract for the construction of a cart bridge over the Waiaruhe River (Black Bridge) .., 713 10 0 713 10 0 Bay of Plenty. Taxteanga-Tapuaehaeuetj Road, — Ngatiwarangi Tribe, contract No. 38, for repairing 6 miles of road 30 0 0 Maintenance, per annum ... ... ... ... 12 0 0 42 0 0 Tatjbanga-East Cape Eoad, — Joseph Thompson, extras authorized on contract No. 4, for forming and widening road ... ... ... ... 129 14 5 129 4 5 Rotoeua-Tabaweba Road,— Ngatiwakone, contract No. 5, for forming road through open country, side cutting, and formation ... ... ... 95 0 0 95 0 0 "Wuakatane-Te Teko Road, — Rangi te Kehu, authorized deviation on contract No. 1 (£1,300) 151 10 0 151 10 0 Opotiki-Gtlsbobtte Road, — C. S. Abbott, contract No. 5, for construction of Motu Truss Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 327 0 0 327 0 0 Poverty Bay. Gisbobue-Hicks Bat Road, — Trimmer, contract for keeping ferry at Tolago Bay, at Uawa River, for 2 years at £20 ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 40 0 0



Te Kaptt-Gisbobne Eoad, — Tuatini Tipoki, contract for completion of contracts sections Nos. 6 and 7, seven miles of road, comprising fern and scrub clearing, side cutting, removal of rock and slips, and restoring portions of road destroyed by floods in January, 1876 ... 180 0 0 180 0 0

PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY. Napiee-Tabaweba Eoad, — G. McAuley, extras authorized on Mohaka Bridge contract, to secure 6th and 7th piers ... ... ... ... 191 15 0 G. McAuley, extras authorized on Mohaka Bridge contract, 2 extra piles ... ... ... ... ... 23 5 0 215 0 0

PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Wakganiji-Patea Eoad, — T. B. Louisson, contract for painting Patea, Whonuakura, and Waitotara Bridges (one-third of this contract is chargeable against Patea-Waiiti Eoad) ... ... ... 480 0 0 480 0 0 Foxton Gorge Eoad, — H. McNeil, authorized extras on Manawatu Bridge contract ... 853 13 1 Thomas Symons, contract for cutting a drain from the Kawau Swamp, £134 (moiety charged to railway) ... ... 67 0 0 920 13 1 Opaki Gorge Eoad, — T. Price, authorized additions to contract No. 37b (£l3l 195.) ... 16 5 0 E. Campbell, contract No. 42b, for 595 ft. of plain bridges at 225. per foot ... ... ... ... ... ... 654 10 0 T. McLennan, contract No. 43b, for 9,527 ft. timber, at 15s. ... 71 8 9 Ludwig Hyer, extra on contract No. 44, 3i chains of road, at 100s. 17 10 0 G. Harris, extra on contract No. 40b (£lll 165.) ... ... 35 15 0 T. J. Allen, extras on contract No. 68 (£1,871 10s.) ... ... 214 19 0 H. Thompson, contract No. 44b, constructing 195 ft. bridges ... G33 15 0 J. "Wilkin, contract No. 45b, constructing 64 ft. bridges ... 240 0 0 E. Campbell, extra on contract 42b (£654 10s.) ... ... 36 6 0 Heron and Quain, contract for metalling section 1, 60 chains ... 255 0 0 „ 2,180 „ ... 945 0 0 „ 3, 60 „ ... 240 0 0 „ 4, 80 „ ... 320 0 0 Charles Mabey, contract for metalling section 7,165 chains at 80s. 660 0 0 Murdoch McKenzie, contract for metalling section 5,160 chains 1,152 0 0 Charles Lloyd, contract for metalling section Woodville to Manawatu Eiver, 310 chains ... ... ... ... 1,147 0 0 6,639 S 9

EOAD CONTEACTS IN TAEANAKI PROVINCE, CHAEGED AGAINST CONFISCATED LANDS VOTE. Thomas Twigg, contract No. 118, for forming 88 chains of road through Hawera township, from Waihi ... ... ... 350 0 0 J. Stevenson, contract No. 120, for gravelling first 88 chains of road, Hawera township, at £9 7s. 6d. per chain ... ... 825 0 0 T. Jenkins, contract No. 119, for gravelling 94 chains of road, between Kakaramea and Carlyle ... ... ... 890 0 0 J. Stevenson, contract for gravelling 69 chains of mountain road near Hawera, at £9 17s. 6d. per chain ... ... ... 681 7 6 2,746 7 6

MIDDLE ISLAND. HOKITIKA-CHRISTCHURCH. Moad. Charles McKeigan, contract section 2, Otira Gorge, for completion of 3,260 links of road, including metalling, and two bridges, less work done by I\ McKennon, the former contractor ... 1,627 17 10 Morgan and Taylor, contract for subsections Nos. 21, 22, and 23, deviation No. 6, metalling 84 chains of road ... ... 163 16 0 — 1,791 13 10




REPORT ON SURVEY OF BULLER COAL FIELD BY THE ASSISTANT GEOLOGIST. The Assistant Geologist to the Dieectoe of Geological Suevest. Sib,— Wellington, 13th June, 1876. I have the honor, in accordance with your instructions, dated 2nd May, 1876, to make the following report on the progress of the survey of the Buller coal field during the past year:— The coast line has been surveyed from Westport to the Waimangaroa, a line has been carried on from there to Nikau Creek, and some of the spurs have been traversed from the higher to the lower levels, showing what facilities exist for the transport of coal. That area which has hitherto been known as the " Cascade Creek Area," but which Mr. Cooper has re-named " Todea Creek," finding that the creek in which the coal occurs is one which has been hitherto unnamed, and which Mis into the Buller at a point nearer Westport than Cascade Creek, has been surveyed. Mount Eochfort and the Eochfort plateau, from Coalbrookdale to the sea, has also been completed, and the Upper Orikaka country is now nearly finished. It will thus be seen that the survey of the principal coal areas of the Buller coal field is now almost completed between Westport and Ngakawau, the country between the Ngakawau and Mokihinui Biver* not having as yet been touched, save that a north and south line has been started connecting the Upper Orikaka with the Mokihinui Biver. Mr. Denniston has followed Mr. Cooper in his work, plotting the coal outcrops, and to him I am indebted for the sections which accompany this report. I shall have to speak of the various areas which have been surveyed separately, and in so doing I shall mention them in the following order;— I. Todea Cbeek (Overhagen's Cascade lease). 11. Mount Eochfoet and plateau. 111. Sea Slopes, with slip coal. IV. Uppee Oeikaka country. I.—Todea Ceeek (Cascade Aeea). Coal has been traced in this area, showing a greater extent than would be expected from the appearance of the country, as seen from the edge of the break forming the boundary of Coalbrookdale. At the head of Todea Creek, S.W. from the Mount William summit, slates appear at the surface, but descending the creek coal 3 feet thick is first seen, interstratified with bands of blaze, and on passing southwards from this point it thickens out to 25 feet and 30 feet, and is lying at comparatively low angles. The following sections show the thickness of the coal at various points down the creek :— Head of Todea Creek—Section No. 211. Ft. in. Surface Fine sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 0 Soft dark "flaky sandstone, with dark partings ... ... ... 6 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 Dark flaky sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Soft grey shaly stone ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Coarse hard grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Slate to bed of creek ... ... ... ... ... ... 220 0 293 0 Dip, S. to S.E. s°. South from above. — Section No. 210. Ft. in. Upper measures same as Section No. 211. Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 South of Section No. 210, about 14 Chains.—Section No. 213. Ft in. Surface Fine sandstone, with dark partings ... ... ... ... 8 0 Fine sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Dark flaky sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Soft grey shaly stone ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Coarse hard grits, with fragments of sandstone ... ... ... 80 0 Slate to bed of creek ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 0 298 0 Dip, S. to S.E. 10°.



These sections are in the terrace face, and the measures appear to hold solid back to the face of the break, as seen in the tributaries of Todea Creek. It is therefore probable that this seam of coal holds over the whole of this area until reaching traverse peg 93, which is the boundary of a second break of which I shall have to speak further on. Farther down the creek the coal thickens out to 40 feet, and then commences to thin again, the dip still being S. to S.E., until on reaching a point about 4 chains south of peg 87, on the traverse line ; when the traverse line down Overhagen's Spur joins the V. 4 line, the coal is lying flat, close to the bed of the creek, showing the following section: — Section M. 201. Ft. in. Fine soft yellow sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 Soft flaky sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Hard grits to creek ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 91 0 And after passing this point the dip changes to the northward, the coal again rising above the bed of the creek. At the mouth of Overhagen's Creek the following section is seen : — Section 2To. 205. Ft. in. Surface .Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Fine hard grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 Granite to ted of creek ... ... ... ... ... 45 0 100 0 Dip, N. to N.E. 15°. And about 15 chains farther south still, the coal has been raised to a considerable elevation above the bed of the creek, and the following section is exposed: — Section No. 207. Ft. in. Surface Fine sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Soft flaky sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 Soft grey shaly stone ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Hard grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 0 Granite to bed of creek ... ... ... ... ... 732 0 811 0 Dip, X to. N.E. South of this point the country becomes very rough, the coal thins out, and ultimately no signs of it are seen, the last remnants having been denuded, and the granite which forms the Eochfort Eidgo appearing at the surface ; while to the westward of the above sections the country is also very gorgy, the crowns of the spurs showing at places the lower coarse hard grits, at others the slate coming to the surface. The general formation of the Todea Creek area is as follows : — A slip has occurred from the face of the Coalbrookdale break, bringing the coal contained in the area from traverse peg 93, north, exposed in sections 210, 211, 213, and also that farther south exposed in section 207 to their present level. Subsequently another slip has taken place along a line of break running north and south, about 10 chains to the eastward of that forming the boundary of Coalbrookdale, wnicll has brought the coal contained in the area from traverse peg 93, south to Overhagen's Creek, exposed in sections 201, 205, &c, to a still lower level, giving an area of coal from 20 feet to 30 feet thick, as seen in the above sections, and about 5 chains in width. Along the east banks of the creek, opposite sections 201 and 205, small patches of coal also occur at the same level, being shortly cut oft' again by the slates and granite. The height of the first slip, that containing the coal, at the two extremities of the Todea Creek area is 400 feet to 450 feet, between the coal on the plateau and that in the slip; while the drop in the second slip is 850 feet from that in Coalbrookdale. In the upper of these two areas the coal is as sound as that in Coalbrookdale, while the lower, though slightly shaken, is still a good marketable article. The thin upper seam does not appear to occur in this area at all, having most probably been removed by denudation. After passing the Mount Eochfort ridge no further sign of coal is seen down the creek until reaching the Buller Biver, and the country is very rough, consisting of slate and granite ridges traversed by steep gullies. ll.—Mount Bociifoet and Plateau. A continuance of the Coalbrookdale seam, mentioned in my last year's report, has been traced westward through the country in which the Eiver Whareatea takes its rise. Sections of the coal have been obtained on both the eastern and western sides, in the heads of certain branches of Todea Creek and near where Trent's line crosses the Whareatea Eiver, as follow: —



Section No. 113. Ft. in. Soft sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Crushed grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 54 0 Dip, N.E. 20°, resting upon slates, the coal being much crushed. Section JS To. 118. Ft. in. Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Quartz grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Soft sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Coal (lower seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 0 Dark grey stono (crushed) ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 6S 0 Dip irregular but northerly, restiug upon slatea. There is uo doubt that coal extends through the intermediate area, holding a thickness of from 6 feet to 18 feet, thickening towards the eastern boundary and thinning westward, as in Coalbrookdale. This coal is cut out to the westward by the slates which come to the surface near the centre of the plateau, and from there to the western edge of the plateau no coal of any value has been ■ traced. In the vicinity of the bore-hole which has been put down near the edge of the Waimangaroa break, the following sections are obtained : — Section No. 124. Ft. in. White quartz grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 Blaze, with bands of stone ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Coal (crushed) ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Dark shale and soft sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 72 0 Dip, W. 15°, resting Upon hard sandy grits. Section No. 125. Ft. in. "White quartz grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 0 Coal (crushed) ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Blaze, shale, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 Sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 Soft sandstone grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Coarse grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 0 Blaze ... ... ... f ... ... ... ... i 0 Hard coarse grits ... ... ' ... ... ... ... 35 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 255 0 Dip, W. 15°, resting upon hard coarse grits. South from this point no sections have been obtained holding coal, but the following section is seen in a tributary of the Whareatea: — Section No. 128. Ft. in. Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 Sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Eed grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Fine to coarse grit ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 81 0 Dip, W. 15°. The Whareatea itself has cut deeply into the coal measures, but no outcrops of coal are seeu. Bands of blaze appear from time to time; and to the eastward,up the Waimangaroa Gorge, sections of the strata are obtained from the surface down to the slate—not, however, exposing coal of any value.



The following section is typical:— Section No. 130. Ft. in Surface (edge of plateau) Soft sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Soft sandstone, with partings of blaze ... ... ... ... 30 0 Grit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Soft red sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 St. in. Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 Blaze ... ~. ... ... ... ... 0 6 4 0 Soft dark sandstone, with shaly partings ... ... ... ... 18 0 Soft red grit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Quartz grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 9 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 3 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 3 0 Hard grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Coarse hard grits• ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 0 Coarse stone, with angular fragments of quartz ... 40 0 Dip, N.W. 12°, resting upon slate. 235 0 The crops of the various beds have been run out to the surface eastward of this point, and show that no coal, other than the thin seams appearing in the sections, may be looked for in the plateau between the "Waimangaroa and Whareatea Rivers, lying to the westward of the slate ridge previously mentioned. South of the Whareatea, until passing the summit of Mount Rochfort, patches only of crushed coal near the edge of the break are seen, the country generally presenting the appearance of a vast area of denudation. From the Orawaiti River to the Buller, along the higher levels, small patches of crushed sooty coal are seen, until the granite, through which the lower gorge of the Buller is cut, comes to the surface. To sum up the results obtained by the survey of this district, it appears that south of the Waimangaroa River the coal which appears on the high levels west of the slate ridge is of very limited extent and thickness; in addition to which, such coal as does occur is of so crushed and sooty a character as to be worthless, and the area may be looked upon, from a practical point of view, as being noncoaliferous. lll.—Sea Slopes, with Smp Coal. Coal has been traced from L. 116, near the edge of the Mount Frederick plateau, to the head of Sims's Spur, north side of the Waimangaroa, sections being seen on both sides of the spur, as follow : — Section No. 142. Ft. in. Ft. in. Yellow sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... 18 0 Soft sandstone, with shaly partings ... ... ... 20 Sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Sandstone, with shaly partings ... ... ... ... 3 6 Dark shaly sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Yellow sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 12 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... • ... ... ... ... 2 0 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 57 0 Dip, N.W. 15°, resting upon slate. . Section No. 143. Yellow sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 Soft sandstone, with shaly partings... ... ... ... 10 Sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Sandstone, with shaly partings ... ... ... ... 3 0 Dark sandstone ... .... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Hard yellow sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 14 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Dip, N.W. s°. 60 0 15— E. 1.



The coal of this area is of the same superior quality as that generally found through the plateau heights, and it holds steadily throughout the area until cut off by a fault crossing the spur in a N. and S. direction, near peg 15 of Sims's Spur traverse line. Below this an area of crushed coal occurs, about 15 chains in length, and it has been exposed by grit pits till near peg 23 on the same traverse. From this point the spur forks, that known as Organ's Spur, running in a N.W. direction, while Sims's Spur runs to the S.W.; and down these spurs a denuded area is first met with, showing, on Organ's, slate exposed to the surface till coming to the edge of the main break, while on Sims's Spur broken grits and slate are seen until reaching peg 30. At the edge of the main break a small area of soft coal is met with, which has been exposed by trenches on the slopes, the following sections being seen:— Section No. 135. Ft. in. Ft. in. Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Coal (good) 15 0 Blaze, with band of coal ... ... ... ... • ... 14 0 Coal (soft) ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 0 45 0 Shale ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 57 0 Dip, N.W. 25°. Section No. 138. Ft. in. Ft. in. Surface ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Soft dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ..." 6 0 Coal (good) ... ... ... ... 16 0 Blaze, with band of coal ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Coal (soft) ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 30 0 Soft brown sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 0 74 0 Dip, N.W. 30°. Section No. 139. Ft. in. Blaze ... Coal (good) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 0 Shale and coal, with band of blaze ... ... ... ... ... 14 0 Coal (soft) 16 0 46 0 Dip, N.W. 20°. The coal here is of good quality, but soft; and it remains to be seen whether it will improve on driving. Below the break on Organ's Spur a face of crushed coal is seen, probably dipping N.~W. No other outcrops can be traced here, the surface being covered by debris from the heights above. On Sims's Spur the crushed coal has been exposed near the surface by cutting trenches; and in Sims's drive at the Waimangaroa the following section is seen: — Section in Sims's Drive. Ft. in. Surface ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 6 Dark, soft marly sandstone ... ... ... ... ... 90 0 Fine grits and sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 0 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 Dark broken grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 0 Dip, W. 40°. Ft. in. Shale ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Shale and broken sandstone, with grits ... ... ... 40 0 Shale ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Dip, W. 60°. 46 0 Shale and sandstone, with grits ... ... ... ... 20 0 Shale ... ... ... • ... ... ... ... 2 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 26 0 345 0 Dip, E. 70°. And at a distance of 120 feet from this point coal has been cut 18 feet thick; dip, ~W. to N.W. at an angle of 60°.



This coal is soft in character where first struck, but on being driven upon appears materially to improve, and will very likely prove of better quality when it gets under the hill. The dip also decreases as the drive is put forward, and the coal is now lying at an angle of from 35° to 40°. It is probable that this coal extends from Organ's Spur on the north to Sims's Spur on the south, so that, if the quality of the coal improves, this area will be of considerable value. On the south side of the Waimangaroa, in Eoche's drive, a seam of crushed coal, 18 feet thick, dip ~W\ 40°, has been struck. This seam has been traced to the southward, with the following results : — About 10 chains S.E. from Eoche's drive the following section is seen : — Section No. 122. Ft. in. Surface ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Pine grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Ft. in. Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Coal ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 0 8 0 22 0 Dip, W. 50°, resting upon dark shale. About 4 chains east from Section No. 122, loose crushed coal is seen occurring in the sideling of the spurs; and continuing up the spur from here coal may be seen at places on the surface until reaching Section No. 131, where a trench has been cut, exposing a seam of crushed coal, 18 feet thick, without any solid roof, the quality being the same as at Eoche's drive. At Section No. 127J another trench has been cut, and the following section exposed:— Section 2fb. 127£. Ft. in. Clay marls Dark sandstone ... Grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 (seen). Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 Sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Coal and blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Fine grits ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 Ft. in. Band of grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 0 Soft sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 14 0 Coal ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 2 0 Grey shaly grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Fine sandy grit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0 Fine grit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 0 Dark sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 0 253 0 Dip, ~W. 40°. About 20 chains south from this point the following section is seen in Eapid Creek:— Section JVo. 126. Ft. in. Coal (crushed) ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 0 Dark brown sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 0 Soft red sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Coal 2 0 31 0 Dip, W. 40°. And going still further south, in a tributary of the Whareatea we find the beds as follow: — Section M. 128. Ft. in. Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 Sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Eed sandy grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Coarse grits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 Blaze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Fine to coarse grits ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 Blaze 3 0 171 6



From the above sections it will be seen that not only does this area not hold coal of a marketable quality, but that, on going south from Roche's drive, what coal there is rapidly thins out, or passes into blaze ; so that practically, I am afraid, this area is of little value. South from the Whareatea until reaching the Orawaiti, a belt of auriferous wash occurs, flanking the ranges. This is resting upon a sandy bottom, which is followed by a coarse wash, resting upon black marls, containing nodules of clay-band ironstone. Prom information gathered from miners, Mr. Denniston reports that this wash has been driven into for a distance of 2,000 feet, and the slopes to the eastward of this are so covered by debris as to render it impossible to obtain reliable information from them. However, from what can be seen, it is extremely improbable that any coal of value will be found in this area, and the same remarks apply to the country between the Orawaiti and Buller Rivers. North of Nikau Creek, until reaching Granity Creek, no explorations have been carried on ; the country presents a very rugged and broken appearance, consisting of long, narrow spurs, the slate coming to the surface. It is probable that patches of coal, similar in quality to that on Sims's and Organ's Spurs, might be found on the lower levels; and as these spurs may form the outlet for some of the best coal, I think some work should be expended upon them with this object in view. IV. —Uppeb Obikaka Cottntby. The survey of this part of the country, which is situated on the eastern side of the Mount William Range, is at present being carried on —indeed, by this time, should be nearly completed. Both seams of coal occur in this area, the uppei: seam being thin, as at most other parts of the field. The lower one varies in thickness from 4 feet up to 25 feet, and is of good quality. On the eastern slopes of the Mount William Range, the western side of Tio Valley (Upper Orikaka), small hillocks occur containing coal, varying in thickness from 1 foot to 3 feet, the lower coarse grit appearing at the surface in the creeks ; schists and slates also appearing. At the base of the ridge, coal occurs abutting against the lower grit, and standing on end in a tributary of Tio Creek ; while north of this, at Section No. 7, the following sequence is seen: — Section No. 7. Ft. in. Black marls' ... ... ... ... ... ... 350 0 (judged). Micaceous sandstone, with fossil oysters ... ... ... 30 0 Soft band of blue shaly stone ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 Coal (upper seam) ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 382 0 Dip, E. to N.E. 15°. Farther north still, the lower seam crops at a distance of about 20 chains from Section No. 7, thus:— Section No. 6. Ft. in. Surface coal, lower seam ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 (shown). Soft sandstone ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 0 Coarse hard grits Dip, E. B°. Coal has not been traced farther north than this ; but to the east, across the valley, the measures are lying almost flat, dipping, however, slightly to the north, and, farther across the valley, it changes to a north-west or westerly dip, and the coal appears to basin. The black marls there cap the measures and overlap them, nothing but the lower grits appearing below them on the eastern boundary of the field. I am unable to show the extent of the coal beds, as the maps are not at present far enough advanced ; but Mr. Denniston's sections, which are appended to this report, give a fair idea of the lay of the coal, and the extent may be classified in the following manner: — 1. Along the eastern face of the Mount William Ridge, coal occurs in patches. 2. In the Orikaka Valley, from the divide of the Orikaka and Ngakawau Rivers, south, coal is also seen in patches, but probably does not hold throughout the area. 3. From the divide, north as far as has at present been seen —namely, to the Long Terrace— it is probable that both the tipper and lower seams hold, but would have to be worked by shallow shafts, which would place this area at a disadvantage as compared with the other parts of the Buller coal field. Above the upper seam a belt of micaceous sandstone occurs, in which large oysters have been found, these being overlaid again by black marls, as seen in Section No. 7, which cover a considerable area here, flanking the slate ranges still further east. The sandstone in which the fossils occur is similar to that which overlies the upper seam of coal in Sims's drive. It is highly sulphurous in character, owing probably to the decomposition of pyrites. Facilities fob Tbahspobt op Coal. I have further to point out certain points relative to the working of the coal. I mentioned in my last year's report that the coal of Cable and Drummond's area would best be worked by a tramway from the face of the coal to the Ngakawau. Another route also presents itself by which this coal could be taken, viz. down Grranity Creek; but although this would be a cheaper, means of exit as far as first expense is concerned, the other route would, I believe, be the best for a permanent way. Any company that made a tramway here would have to act as common carriers for the greater part of the coal field, and it would certainly be to their advantage to make such a tramway of as permanent a character as possible.



The coal of Mulholland's lease, which is about to be worked by a Wellington company, simply requires a branch line along the banks of the Waimangaroa to connect it with the main line, but whether this should be constructed on the north or south side of the river is a matter for consideration. Should the north bank be chosen, the necessity for a bridge across the river opposite the mine would be obviated ; while, on the other hand, if Messrs. Roche and Co.'s lease be worked, one line from the railway depot up the south side of the river would suffice for the working of the two mines. Beyond the working of these two leases the south bank possesses but few advantages over the north, as the Coalbrookdale area could not be conveniently connected with this line, whereas the Koranui Company would probably bring their tram down close to Sims's drive if the branch line be constructed, so that the question of on which side of the river the line should be laid simply resolves itself into one of the natural advantages which present themselves for the construction of a line. The Koranui Company's lease, which is situated at the head of Sims's Spur and contains coal of a superior quality and hardness, may readily be worked by self-acting trams from the face of the coal in the Waimangaroa break, to the railway ; down Sims's Spur from L. 128, and between there and the face of the coal along gently sideling ground. If this company push their work on as they profess it is their intention to do, they will in all probability be the first to have genuine hard coal in the market, for although the coal in Mulholland's lease shows signs of improvement on being driven on, still it ia not equal to that of the high levels, nor do I think it will ever prove of as good quality. I understand that it is proposed by the Coalbrookdale Company to lay a permanent way across the Mount Rochfort plateau to the head of Roche's Spur, and self-acting tramways from there to the railway depot at the Waimangaroa, down the south side of the spur; and Mr. Denniston informs me that such a tramway could be constructed without any very great difficulty. There will, however, of necessity, be a great expense incurred in the construction of a tramway of this length, but I can see no other means by which this area can be worked at all. The coal here is of the best quality upon the field, and will be worked at a minimum cost irrespective of the transport, so that there is an encouragement for the speculators to incur a large first expense. The Todea Creek coal is dependent upon Coalbrookdale for its means of egress, the difficulties of a tramway down Todea Creek, as pointed out by Mr. Denniston, being too great to warrant construction. Should the line be laid across the plateau as proposed, this coal would probably be worked as cheaply as almost any in the field, and would simply involve the erection of a winding engine to draw the trucks from the coal in Todea Creek to the level of the plateau. A good line for this could readily be constructed down the V. 4 line at a small expense ; and when it is considered that the whole area could be worked level-free, that the coal could be put in the market very shortly after opening the mine, added to which there is a good supply of timber which would serve for the construction of the line and also for timbering the workings, I think the prospects of this area may be looked upon as encouraging. The Coalbrookdale area is almost devoid of timber, and they would probably have to get what they required from Todea Creek, so that they also would benefit by the construction of a tramway to work the coal here. With regard to the Koranui Company's tramway, a good supply of timber exists along the proposed line, which would serve for construction and also for subsequent workings ; and the same remarks apply to that down Roche's Spur where the Coalbrookdale tramway would pass. The Upper Orikaka country is very badly situated as regards means of egress for the coal, and I fear it will be many years before any attempt is made to work it. FtTETHEE PeOSECUTION OF THE SIJEYEY. As mentioned in the early part of this report, the survey of the principal coal areas between Westport and the Ngakawau is now completed, with the exception of the spurs between JSTikau and Granity Creeks. A line is now in progress connecting the Upper Orikaka country with the Mokihinui, and Mr. Cooper informs me that he hopes to have this through in another month. This will give a better idea of what may be looked for between the Ngakawau and Mokihinui, of which block of country little is at present known. When this line is through I think that the spurs between Nikau and Granity Creeks should have some work expended upon them with a view of determining what is the best means of exit of some of the high-level coals, which may possibly be better worked this way than any other. When this is completed I do not think any further field work should be carried on in this district until the maps are as far advanced as is possible from the information which is at present to hand, unless the Mokihinui presents favourable indications from the preliminary work attendant upon cutting the line through from the Upper Orikaka to the Mokihinui River, in which case it would be advisable to continue a survey of this block as rapidly as possible. I have, &c, S. Hesbeet Cox, F.C.S., F.G.S., Director of Geological Survey. Assistant Geologist. 16— E. 1.

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, TUESDAY, 25TH JULY, 1876., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, E-01

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, TUESDAY, 25TH JULY, 1876. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, E-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, BY THE MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, TUESDAY, 25TH JULY, 1876. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, E-01

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