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Presented lo both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.



GENERAL BALANCE SHEET :— p AB i Cash Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... n. Interest and Sinking- Fund Remittance Accounts ... .., ... ... ... ... rv. Public Debt and Sinking Fund Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... it. CONSOLIDATED FUND:— Account of Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tin. Abstract of Disbuesements, showing the Total Payments under each Vote ... ... ... x. Statement of the Consolidated Fund Reserte Account op the Yeah 1873-74 ... ... xm. Receipts of the Consolidated Fund in detail, — Page Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Stamp Duties ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Postal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Telegraphic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Judicial Fees and Fines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Registration and other Fees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Incidental Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Disbursements of the Consolidated Fund in detail, — Citil List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Permanent Charges ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Appropriations,— Class I.—Public Departments ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 ll.—Law and Justice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 lll.—Postal and Telegraphic ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 IV.—Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 V.—Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 Vl.—Native ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 VII. —Militia and Volunteers ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,9 VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings ... ... ... ... ... 50 Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 Refunds of Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Payments to Provinces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Redemption of Treasury Bills ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Stamp Duties Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Statement of the Advances Outstanding ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 Tabulae Statement of the Oedinaey Revenue ... ... ... ... ... 57 Statement showing the Expenditure as compared with the Appropriations ... ... 58 Statement of Accounts with the Provinces under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872 " 61 SPECIAL FUNDS :— Receipts and Disbursements, — " New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66" ... ... ... ... ... ... xvi. "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvm. "Defence and Othee Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... ... ... ... ... xvm. "Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73-74" ... ... ~, ... xx. Railways Open for Traffic ... ... ~, ... ... ... ... ...■ xxx. "Wellington Debts Act, 1871"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxn. Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxii. "Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871" ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxn. "North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872" ... ... ... ... ... xxxn. "General Pueposes Loan Act, 1873" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxiv. "Westland Loan Act, 1873" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxxvi. "Westland Loan Act, 1873" Redemption Account ... ... ... ... ... xxxvi. Statement of the Special Funds Advances Outstanding ... ... ... ... ...xxxviii. Statement of the Special Funds Reserve Account of the Year 1873-74 ... ... ... xxxix. LAND FUND:— ( Receipts and Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlii. Statement of Advances Outstanding ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlviii. Balance Sheet of Accounts in the Land Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... xlviii. PUBLIC TRUST FUND :— Receipts and Disbuesements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~, i. Balance Sheet of Accounts in the Public Trust Fund ... ... ... ... ... liv. Statement of Advances Outstanding ... ~, ... ... ... ... ... irr. Investment Accounts, — General Acoount ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lv. Government Insurance Account... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ivi. Trustees' Relief Act Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... zti. ADVANCES :— Balance Sheet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... iviii. Miscellaneous Advances ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lix. Foreign Imprest Account ... ... ... • ... ... ... ... ... ... lxvii. SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNT ." lxx.







Baiances on 30 June, 1874. TRANSACTIONS. BAIANCE3 ON 30 JUNE, 1875. See Pages Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED FUND ACCOUNTS: — consoiidated revenue Tbeasuby Biiis Bank ot Issue ... VIII. VIII. £ s. a. 123, 1G0 0 a £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 462 12 0 £ b. cl. 1,989,831 10 3 500,000 0 0 £ b. cl. 1,792,602 13 5 400, 000 0 0 320,388 17 1 £ s. d. 400,000 0 O 462 12 0 __ 400,462 12 0 320,388 17 1 80,073 14 11 i 500,462 12 0 123,160 0 3 SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS :— "New Zeaiand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66" " consoiidated loan act, 1867" "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" " Immigration and Pubiic Wobks Loan Acts, 1870-73-74 " Railways open Km Traffic ... "Weliington Debts Act, 1871" Weiiington Debts Act Redemption Account ... "Weiiington Reciaimed Land Act, 1871" " Nobth Otago District Public Wobks Loan Act, 1872 " "Genebai Purposes Loan Act, 1873" ... "Westiand Loan Act, 1873" ... "Westiand Loan Act, 1873" Redemption Account Till. XVI. XVIII. XVIII. XX XXX. XXXII. XXXII. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXVI. XXXVI. 377,302 11 9 3,704 13 0 5,170 1 10 44,846 5 11 268,043 1 4 5,688 10 6 14,520 2 1 30,869 13 5 80,421 13 4 157,013 4 7 4,756,089 3 9 23,413 2 3 5,688 10 6 14,453 0 0 1,990 12 3 28.231 14 G 252,811 1 0 7,231 6 3 2,489,831 10 3 33,711 18 1 85,904 11 6 147,607 3 6 6,675,134 14 1 31,023 12 4 2,192,602 13 5 G.546 17 8 10,653 0 0 35,440 4 10 2,187,088 11 8 7,610 10 1 ... 2,072 3 2 28,391 14 6 293,279 11 9 67 2 1 81 10 11 160 0 0 67,062 8 4 26,593 17 7 7,231 6 3 269 5 0 269 5 0 ... 375,797 18 6 5,358,213 1 10 7,207,394 13 11 2,314,979 10 7 LAND FUND ACCOUNTS :— Province of Auckiand Tabanaki ... ... ... ... Weiiington Hawke's Bat Neison ... MABIBOr.OUGH Canterbury Westiand Otago Native Lands Acts Account ... XLII. XLII. XIII. XIII. XIII. XIIV. XII V. XIIV. XIIV. J5XVI. 137 19 1 60 15 7 40 6 3 591 15 0 15 1G 0 22,650 9 1 2,061 19 6 I 14,316 2 11 2,277 11 3 74, 63 1 4 1 22,658 18 2 32,121 2 6 6,250 0 5 332,470 6 5 17,136 8 11 362,034 5 4 13,545 G 10 14,195 13 10 4,035 12 2 71,031 4 1 22,658 IS 2 32,139 10 0 6,276 13 9 331,878 11 5 17,163 0 4 341,565 18 O 11,467 10 2 ... 17 10 0 1,757 17 11 79 3 1 66 19 7 "42 7 5 2,182 1 0 15 17 2 4,145 19 9 15 17 2 XIVIII. 25,559 0 6 877,414 9 10 856,015 11 11 4,130 2 7



GENEKAL BALANCE SHEET OF TEANSACTIONS— continued. CASH ACCOUNTS-~»«»«^. I Balances on 30 June, 1874. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. See Pa&es I Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. PUBLIC TRUST FUND ACCOUNTS :— MISCELLANEOUS INVESTMENTS ... l. L. £ o. d. 684,389 13 4 £ s. d. 776,106 17 9 776,106 17 9 684,389 13 4 £ s. d. 216,277 2 11 457, 900 0 0 £ s. d. 259,565 8 10 338,303 11 3 £ a. d. ... 803,986 2 1 £ s. d. 819,395 3 8 HV. 819,395 3 8 803,986 2 1 15,409 1 7 RECEIPTS IN SUSPENSE 91,717 4 5 674,177 2 11 597, 869 0 1 670 0 6 72,430 14 9 72,265 1 7 504 7 4 PUBLIC ACCOUNT:— Bank 01? New Zealand in the Colony Bane of New Zealand in London 598,836 4 3 117,250 1 2 3,262,651 1 1 4,595,287 12 5 3,252,678 7 7 3,004,630 1 2 608,808 17 9 1,707,907 12 5 716,086 5 5 7,857,938 13 6 0,257,308 8 9 2,316,716 10 2 I ADVANCE ACCOUNTS I/VIII. 3,723,447 6 7 98,380 6 10 154,960 10 3 3,780,027 10 0 SUMMARY OP BALANCES OF CASH ACCOUNTS. Balances De. £ b. d. 2,316,716 10 2 98,380 6 10 Balances Cb. £ a. d. 80,073 14 11 2,314,979 10 7 4,130 2 7 15,409 1 7 504 7 4 Public Account ... Advance Accounts Consolidated Fund Special Funds Land Fund Tkust Fund Receipts in Suspense Total £2,415,096 17 0 I £2,415,096 17 0 Total



GENEKAL BALANCE SHEET OF TRANSACTIONS— continued. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND REMITTANCE ACCOUNTS. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Inteeest Remittance Account Sinking Fund Remittance Account Suspense Remittance Account :— Bank of New Zealand ... Crown Agents, London Oriental Bank Corporation, Sydney Union Bank of Australia, London Bank of Australasia, London £ s. d. £ s. d. 10,570 19 4 £ s. a. 588,871 10 9 100,396 10 0 £ s. d. 593,811 8 9 100,396 10 0 £ s. d. ... £ s. d. 15,510 17 4 19 6 8 3,879 0 0 114 12 8 6,212 0 0 346 0 0 28,384 8 9 654,335 10 0 1,200 0 0 11,488 0 0 22,859 15 9 654,467 5 0 1,200 0 0 11,941 0 0 5,543 19 8 3,747 5 0 114 12 8 5,759 0 0 346 0 0 ... ••• ... ... Totals ... 1,384,675 19 6 |_ 1,384,675 19 6 15,510 17 4 15,510 17 i 10,570 19 4 10,570 19 4 PUBLIC DEBT AND SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Tbansactions. Balance on 30 June, 1875. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT :— Old Debentuee Account Undeb"New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863" " Debentuees Acts, 1864-65" "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" "Defence and Othee Pueposes Loan Act, 1870" "Immigration and Public Wobks Loan Act, 1870" " Imhigbation and Public Wobks Loan Act, 1873" "Immi&eation and Public Wobks Loan Act, 1874" "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" " Noeth Otago Disteict Public Woeks Loan Act, 1872 "... "Geneeal Purposes Loan Act, 1873"... "Westland Loan Act, 1873" "Tbeasuby Bills Act, 1869, No. 2" ... "Teeasuet Bills Extended Cueebnct Act, 1870" "Teeasuey Bills Extended Cubbency Act, 1873" £ s. d. 311 0 0 500,000 0 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 50 0 0 4,530, 100 0 0 808,000 0 0 3,172,100 0 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 311 0 0 500, 000 O 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 50 0 0 4,610, 100 0 0 870, 000 0 0 3,467,453 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 75,000 0 0 53,370 0 0 486,600 0 0 50,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1 80,000 0 0 62,000 0 0 905,353 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 610,000 0 0 I ... 75,000 0 0 42,300 0 0 218,600 0 0 50,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 268,000 0 0 5,930 0 0 150,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 400, 000 0 0 7,232,353 0 0 I 400,000 0 0 ... ... 1,115,930 0 0 17,625,384 0 0 11,508,961 0 0



GENEEAL BALANCE SHEET OF TRANSACTIONS— continued. PUBLIC DEBT AND SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS-«>»«»««*-Balances on 30 June, 1874. Transactions. Balance on 30 June, 1875. See Page Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. 12,320,961 O O £ s. d. 1,067,130 0 0 £ s. d. 6,647,500 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 17,901,331 0 0 DEBENTURES ACCOUNT SCRIP ACCOUNT 512,300 0 0 512,300 0 0 DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT 812,000 O 0 1,534,347 0 0 1,558,100 0 O 788,247 0 0 SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS :— Loan op 1856 1860 1863 CONSOLIDATED LOANS 212,220 5 8 33,312 8 10 199,351 0 9 358,705 13 4 ... 14,295 17 9 5,412 8 1 31,119 16 8 91,031 11 5 226,516 3 5 38,724 16 11 230,470 17 5 449, 737 4 9 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS :— Trustees of Sinking Funds LXX. 803,589 8 7 ... 141,859 13 11 945,449 2 6 803,589 8 7 141,859 13 11 945,449 2 6 SUMMARY OF BALANCES OF PUBLIC DEBT AND SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS. Balances, De. Public Debt Account Debentures Sales Account Investment Accounts £ s. a. 17,625,384 0 0 788,247 0 0 945,449 2 6 Balances, Ck. Debentures Account Scrip Account Sinking Fund Accounts ... £ s. d. 17,901,331 0 0 512,300 0 0 945,449 2 6 Total £19,359,080 2 6 Total £19,359,080 2 6 C. T. Batkin, Secretary to the Treasury. James C. Gavin, Accountant to the Treasury. H. A. Atkinson, Colonial Treasurer.



$.— 1



RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. On Account of Pbevious Years:— From Provinces, on account of Balances at Debit of Capitation Accounts, on 30 June, 1874 Sale of Telegraph Offices, &c. ... On account of Unauthorized Expenditure, 1873-74 313 5 1 38 11 3 15,168 5 5 15,520 1 9 Cbedits in Reduction of Expenditure,— Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... £460 14 11 Acts of the General Assembly ... ... 67 7 1 Appropriations 528 2 0 919 2 2 1,447 4 2 • t Total on Account op Previous Yeaes ... 16,967 5 11 Financial Yeae 1874-75 :— Oedinaby Revenue, — Customs Stamp Duties Postal ... Telegraphic Judicial Fees and Fines Registration and other Fees Incidental Revenue 1,243,582 0 9 110,641 0 3 72,037 0 0 55,552 2 9 32,263 4 10 40,848 7 7 50,079 0 3 Credits in Reduction op Expendituee,— Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... £5,813 10 8 Acts of the General Assembly ... ... 3,147 16 5 1,603,002 1G 5 Appropriations ... ... Unauthorized, — Services not provided for Payments to Provinces 8.9GI 7 1 3,095 7 5 6,106 7 0 1,889 9 7 Treasury Bills issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873" Temporary advance to Immigration and Public Works Loan under the 14th section of " The Appropriation Act, 1874," repaid 20,032 11 1 400,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 2,175,C35 7 6 Total Receipts ... Balance on 30 June, 1874,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 357,587 3 3 2,192,602 13 5 18,149 8 1 1,666 O 5 19,715 8 G 377,302 11 9 Total ... £ 2,509,905 5 2 *




DISBURSEMENTS. p £ s. i £ s. d. £ s. d. On Account op Peeykujs Yeaes i — Civil List Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund Under Acts of the General Assembly 277,491 12 4 4,851 18 6 764 5 4 Appropriations,— Reserve Account ... Vote No. 1, Miscellaneous ... ... ... £21,759 19 8 Less in excess of Appropriation ... ... 5,695 17 6 282,343 10 10 28.S09 3 4 10,061 2 2 44,873 5 6 Unauthorized, — In excess of Appropriation Payments to Provinces 5,695 17 6 5,113 1 10 Total on Account of Pbetious Yeabs 338,790 1 0 Financial Yeab 1874-75 :— Civil List ... Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund Under Acts of the General Assembly 480,050 13 6 50,045 5 10 28,297 11 3 530,095 19 4 Appropriations,—■ Class I.—Public Departments II.—Law and Justice III.—Postal and Telegraphic IV.—Customs V.—Miscellaneous VI.—Native VII.—Militia and Volunteers VIII.—Public Domains and Buildings 66,034 9 2 67,299 0 3 184,516 3 C 49,121 8 5 145,442 2 10 35,117 9 11 18,139 3 2 13,632 2 7 Less in excess of Appropriations 579,301 19 10 23,765 5 2 Unauthorized, — In excess of Appropriations Services not provided for ... 555,536 U 8 23,765 5 2 24,190 9 9 47,961 14 11 2,919 6 2 | 82,063 0 2 Refunds of Revenue ... Payments to Provinces of Capitation and Special Allowances Advances to Provinces under " The Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874" Treasury Bills redeemed Transfers to Immigration and Public Works Loan, — Moiety of Stamp Duties ... To provide for Interest and Sinking Fund, payable in London to 15th July, 1875 51,500 0 0 500,000 0 0 55,319 0 2 277,163 4 7 332,482 4 9 Temporary Advances, — Trust Fund Land Fund, Auckland 20,000 0 0 184 18 0 20,184 18 0 2,151,041 9 3 Total Disbursements Balance on 30 June, 1875,- — CaBh in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 64,553 17 5 2,489,831 10 3 14,575 9 0 944 8 6 15,519 17 6 80,073 14 11 Total ... £ 2 569,905 5




Fob Details SEE Page ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. LIABILITIES OP 1873-74. CIVIL LIST. IS Second Division :— Native Purposes 764 5 4 PERMANENT CHARGES. 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Intebest and Sinking Fund : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-68 " " Public Debts Act, 1867 " " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... ••• • ••• "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " 12,750 0 0 40,336 O 0 5,355 0 0 133,593 0 0 18,317 10 1 67.086 18 O 53 4 3 277,401 12 4 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 Undee Acts of the Gexebal Assembly:— " Armitago Pension Act, 1865 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1S58-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Legislative Officers' Salaries Act, 1867 " " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858 "... " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " " Military Pensions Act, 1866" ... ... ... " Ministerial Eesidenco Lease and Lowry Bay Sale Act, 1873 " " Native Schools Act, 1867 " ... " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858" " Sehafer, MeGuiiv, and Others Pension Act, 1872 " " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 "... 37 10 O 629 15 2 677 5 3 300 0 0 S3 6 8 100 0 0 31 10 O 60 10 0 506 6 5 324 O 0 1,785 18 4 75 0 0 183 6 8 7 10 O 50 O 0 4,851 18 6 APPROPRIATIONS. Reseeve Account 28,809 3 4 29 29 89 80 89 2!) 29 33 88 B8 88 88 88 ;;:; 88 88 88 88 :;:; 38 88 48 4:5 •17 45 51 Vote No. 1 :— Legislative ... Executive Stamp Printing Geological and Meteorological ... Electoral Secretary for Crown Lands Supreme Court District Courts Resident Magistrates'Courts Petty Sessions Courts ... Criminal Prosecutions... Justices of the Peace Act Coroners Lunatics Jurors Law and Justice Contingencies ... Land Transfer Department Deeds Registry Postal Telegraph Customs Marine Native Miscellaneous Public Buildings and Ministerial Residence 56 11 0 422 17 11 25 10 7 154 19 5 19 7 9 1,158 10 3 28 15 8 151 3 0 136 19 6 217 17 8 44 14 4 i 245 18 G 101 15 9 339 18 3 107 2 0 14 0 833 2 1 301 10 8 430 4 3 6,827 18 0 2,416 4 11 391 7 0 173 1 5 1,842 1 5 2,883 13 4 2,354 11 0 21,759 19 8 51 Payments to Peovinces 5,113 1 10 Total Liabilities of 1873-74 338,790 1 0 Carried forward 338,700 1 0



ABSTEACT of DISBTTESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED ND — oontinuei Foe Details £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 338,790 1 0 SEE Page Brought forward FINANCIAL YEAH 1874-75. CIVIL LIST. 4,965 14 5 7,379 8 8 9,878 6 10 18 IS IS Fiest Division i — His Excellency the Governor ... The Judges ... Establishment of the General Government 18 Second Division : —■ Native Purposes 6,074 1 4 28,297 11 3 PERMANENT CHARGES. 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Inteeest and Sinking Fund : —■ " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 " " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 " "Public Debts Act, 1867" " Consolidated Loan Act. 1867 " "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " " Wellington Debts Act, 1871"... " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " " Westland Loan Act, 1873 " ... " Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 " " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... " Treasury Bills Extended Curreney Act, 1873 "... 14,375 0 0 7,448 0 0 56,456 0 0 9,266 0 0 139,713 0 0 27,689 19 3 179,910 18 10 3,750 0 0 15,594 7 5 2,500 0 0 3,075 0 0 12,636 3 0 7,636 5 0 480,050 13 6 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 26 25 26 25 26 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 Undek Acts oe the Geneeal Assembly:— " Armitage Pension Act, 1865 " " Attorney-General's Act, 1866 " " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 " "Bartley Pension Act, 1867" ... " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" "Civil Service Act, 1866" " Comptroller's Act, 1865 " "Excise Duties Act, 1874" " Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 " ... " Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867 " •'Martin's Annuity Act, 1858"... " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " " Meredith and Others Pension Act 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " ... " Military Pensions Act, 1866"... " Ministerial Residence Lease and Lowry Bay Sale Act, 1873 " "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867 " "New Zealand University Act, 1870" ... "Nixon Pension Act, 1865" ... "Pensions Act, 1856" " Prisoners Maintenance Expenses Act, 1871" "Provincial Audit Act, 1866" ... "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858" "Public Revenues' Act, 1874" .... " Schafor, McGuire, and Others Pension Act, 1872 " "Supreme Court Judges Act Amendment Act, 1874" "Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869" ... " Whitely Pension Act, 1869" ... 150 0 0 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 5,781 10 0 3,519 13 7 800 0 0 16,905 17 11 2,471 9 8 2,800 0 0 166 13 4 102 4 5 255 5 0 992 0 8 2,778 2 7 295 1 6 466 13 4 3.000 0 0 112 10 0 400 0 0 531 11 0 1,952 0 0 3,654 13 4 200 0 0 62 9 6 375 0 0 72 10 0 100 0 0 50,045 5 10 APPROPRIATIONS. Class I.—Public Departments. 29 30 30 81 81 31 81 32 82 Vote No. 2. —Legislative Departments ,, 3.—Executive Departments „ 4.—Stamp Department ... „ 5.—Printing Department ,, 6.—Store Department „ 7. —Geological and Meteorological Department ,, 8. —Electoral Department „ 9.—Secretary for Crown Lands Department... ...» Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 25,430 4 8 16,849 10 4 3,501 15 6 10,174 9 10 535 0 0 3,216 0 0 3,360 15 6 1,757 11 9 1,209 1 7 66,034 9 2 33 88 34 34 84 Class II. —Law and Justice. Vote No. 10.—Department of Justice „ 11.' —Crown Law Office ... „ 12. —Supreme Court „ 13. —District Courts „ 14. —Resident Magistrates' Courts 1,168 0 0 1,060 0 0 7,322 0 11 5,710 0 0 20,350 17 10 Carried forward 35,610 18 9 624,427 19 9 338,790 1 0



ABSTEACT o: DISBTTESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED VRD—conti: \ua Fob Details see Page 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 40 42 Brought forward Class II.—Law and Justice— continued. Vote No. 15.—Petty Sessions Courts ,, 16. —Criminal Prosecutions „ 17. —Justices of the Peace Act „ 18.—Coroners Act „ 19. —Lunatics Act „ 20.—Juries Act „ 21.—Contingencies „ 22. —Land Transfer Department ... „ 23.—Deeds Registry Expenditure in excess of Appropriations Class III.—Postal and Telegraphic. Vote No. 24.—Postal Department ... „ 25.—Telegraph Department Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 114,734 16 6 58,461 19 4 11,319 7 8 £ s. d. 35,610 18 9 350 0 0 5,315 15 0 500 0 0 1,205 8 0 402 2 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 8,749 15 8 8,543 15 0 4,421 5 10 £ s. d. 624,427 19 9 67,299 0 3 184,516 3 6 £ s. d. 338,790 1 0 43 44 Class IV.—Customs. Vote No. 26. —Customs Department „ 27. —Marine Department 39,288 19 0 9,832 9 5 49,121 8 5 45 46 46 46 46 47 47 Class V.—Miscellaneous. Vote No. 28.—Miscellaneous and Temporary Objects ... „ 29. —Exchange and Commission „ 30. —Contribution toDefenco Expenditure ... „ 31.—Contribution to Road Boards Grant ... „ 32.—Special Allowances to Officers of Civil Service ... „ 33.—Provincial Charge, Otago Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 36,018 12 8 2,000 O 0 65,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 15,073 7 6 160 0 0 2,190 2 8 145,442 2 10 Class VI.—Native. 18 48 4S 48 18 Vote No. 34. —Salaries of European and Native Officers „ 35. —General Contingencies „ 36.—Native Schools „ 37. —Native Lands Court „ 38.—Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act ... „ 39.—Wairarapa 5 Per Cent. Land Purchase Account... Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 13,627 1 3 8,819 2 6 6,492 8 2 1,175 0 0 400 0 0 48 4,603 18 0 35,117 9 11 40 49 50 50 50 Class VII.—Militia and Volunteers. Vote No. 40—Militia and Volunteer Office ... „ 41—Store Department „ 42—North Island „ 43—South Island Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 300 0 0 2,959 12 6 8,660 16 10 6,197 4 5 21 9 5 18,139 3 2 Class VII.—Public Domains and Buildings. 61 51 51 51 Vote No. 44—Government Domains „ 45 —Public Buildings „ 46 —Museum ... „ 47—Office of the Colonial Architect 1,085 U 3 10,896 8 4 500 0 0 1,150 0 0 Unauthorized Expenditure,— Services not provided for 13,632 2 7 51 24,196 9 9 54 Refunds or Revenue ... 2,919 C 2 54 M 58 53 PAYMENT3 TO PROVINCES OF CAPITATION AND SPECIAL ALLOWANCES Payments to Provinces under " Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874" Treasury Bills Redeemed Moiety of Stamp Duties transferred io Immigration and Public Works Loan Account Transfer to Immigration and Public Works Loan Account for Interest and Sinking Fund to be rAiD therefrom in London Temporary Advances:— Trust Fund ... Land Fund, Auckland 82,063 0 2 51,500 0 0 500,000 0 0 55,319 0 2 277,163 4 7 20,000 0 0 184 18 0 20.1S4 18 0 2,151,041 9 3 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... Total Disbursements £ 2,489,831 10 3



STATEMENT of the RESERVE ACCOUNT of the CONSOLIDATED FUND of the YEAR 1873-74, showing the SUMS RESERVED under each VOTE, the SUMS EXPENDED during the FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75, and the BALANCES remaining UNEXPENDED on 30th June, 1875.

No. oe Vote 1873-74. Pabticulaes oe Vote. Amounts Eeseeved. Amounts Expended. Balances Unexpended. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CONSOLIDATED FUND. 2 :; 4 7 Class I.—Public Depaetments. Legislative Departments ... Executive Departments ... Stamp Department Geological Department 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 100 O 0 300 0 0 388 8 6 300 0 0 97 11 8 262 9 8 611 11 6 2 8 4 37 19 4 Class II.—Law and Justice. 120 11 8 10 Criminal Prosecutions 120 11 8 Class III.—Postal &e. Services. 11,556 13 4 55 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 11,507 12 10 23 4 4 41 18 1 171 17 10 49 0 6 31 15 8 8 1 11 78 2 2 25 26 86 80 Conveyance of Mails by Sea Auckland Conveyance of Inland Mails Contingencies for all Post Offices ... Class IV.—Customs. 250 0 0 999 9 6 249 15 7 894 10 0 0 4 5 104 13 6 88 88 Customs and Distilleries ... Marine Class V.—Native. 1,872 15 5 73 10 0 8 3 0 51 17 7 525 9 8 7 14 3 100 0 0 40 41 48 44 Salaries of European and Native Officers General Contingencies "Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870" " Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act, 1872 " 1,924 13 0 598 19 8 15 17 3 100 0 0 • "" Class VI. —Miscellaneous, Special, and Tempobaby Objects. 8,200 0 0 500 0 0 8,199 19 0 48 48 Miscellaneous and Temporary Objects Bank Commission 0 10 500 0 0 Class VII.—Militia and Volunteees. 133 14 2 3,711 19 7 1,911 14 0 22 15 7 1,695 19 11 456 17 2 110 18 7 2,015 19 8 1,454 16 10 51 52 58 Militia and Volunteers, Store Department ... „ „ North Island „ „ South Island T Class VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings. 2,420 17 1 2,420 17 1 55 Public Buildings Total Consolidated Fund 34,499 9 3 28,809 3 4 5,690 5 11

I—B. 1.








£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CUSTOMS. lUTIES :— Auckland, — Auckland Thames Russell Mbngonui Hokianga Poverty Bay Tauranga 30 June, 1875 ... 30 „ ... 19 „ ... 30 „ ... 19 „ ... 30 „ ... 26 „ 234,316 14 1 10,498 18 2 924 19 4 641 12 -1 1,536 3 6 6,520 7 9 375 11 4 Tabanaki, — New Plymouth ... 30 „ 254,814 6 3 S,143 10 2 Wellington,— Wellington Wanganui ... 30 „ ... 30 „ 137,507 6 2 26,355 3 1 103,862 9 3 Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... 30 ■J3,130 3 8 Nelson, — Nelson Westport Grpy mouth ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 30 „ 42,159 3 10 18,448 14 11 20,019 G 5 81,227 5 2 llAIiLEOBOUGH, — Pieton Havelock Wairau Kaikoura 30 „ ... 30 ... 30 „ ... 19 „ 1,501 16 5 791 15 9 5,096 8 (j 881 9 5 8,871 10 . 1 C.YSTEItBrRY, — Lyttelton Akaroa Ximarn ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 30 „ 1G9,374 6 3 158 19 3 23,685 18 0 193,219 3 6 Wdstland, — Hokitika Greymouth Okarito ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 31July, 1874 34,042 10 8 20,619 6 4 303 14 9 55,865 17 9 OlAOO, — Bunedin Oamaru Inyercargill Riverton 30 June, 1875 ... 30 „ 30 „ ... 30 „ 362, (523 4 2 0.807 11 10 35,847 7 4 5,950 14 1 414,228 17 5 2 10 10 Chatham Islands ... ... 30 „ 1,223,374 14 XBT8, SEIZURES, FINES, &c.:— Auckland, — Auckland Mongonui Hokianga ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 19 „ 115 11 0 7 3 7 20 9 3 Tabanaki, — New Plymouth ... 30 „ 143 3 10 16 3 3 Nelson,— Nelson ... 30 „ 11 7 5 Maelbobough,— Pieton ... 30 „ 10 17 10 OlAGO, — Dunedin ... 30 „ 57 16 9 239 9 Carried forward 1,223,614 3



'TS OF THE C' iNS •LIDATED FUND, .874-' 'o, IS ietaii, — con tin, :ed. CUSTOM 8— eotdhmd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 1,223,614 3 2 BONDED WAEEHOUSE DUTIES:— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Thames ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Giiborne ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,020 17 9 25 0 0 75 0 0 TAEANAKr, — New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 30 1,126 17 9 50 0 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Wangaimi ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 807 16 2 142 9 4 750 5 6 Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 230 0 0 Nelsox, — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wcstport ... ... ... ... 30 „ 381 17 0 75 0 0 456 17 0 HAELEOItOUG D, — Wairau... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 50 0 0 Canterbuey,— Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 ; , 678 1 8 60 8 4 733 10 0 Westward, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 ., Grey mouth ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 175 0 0 175 0 0 350 0 0 Oiaco, — Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ Biverton ... ... ... ... 30 „ 846 17 5 50 0 0 158 6 8 44 15 10 1,099 19 11 • 4,872 10 2 FEES, &c.:— " Meechan't Shipping Act, 1808,"— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Thames ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hokianga ... ... ... ... 19 ,, Mongonui ... ... ... ... 30 „ Russell ... ... ... ... 19 „ Gisborne ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tauranga ... ... ... ... 26 „ 516 6 9 11 14 9 1 11 0 0 2 0 0 17 0 13 0 0 5 0 Tabanaki,— New Plymouth ... ... ... 30 „ 531 19 6 3 12 6 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 142 4 3 7 8 9 149 13 0 Hatvke's Bay,— Napier ... ... ... ... 30 „ 25 1 3 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 AVestport ... ... ... ... 30 „ 21 1 0 12 6 22 3 6 MAKLBOKOtron, — Picton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wairau ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 30 „ 0 14 6 2 12 0 0 4 3 3 10 9 CASTEllliUEY, — Lyttelton ... ... ,.. ... 30 „ Tiraaru ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 268 8 0 6 5 3 274 13 3 Westland, —■ Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 , Grey mouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 11 4 9 6 13 0 / 17 17 9 Carried forward 1,028 11 6 1,228,486 13 4



RECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .874-75, IN DETAIL—COflifMJ; ;ed. CUSTOMS— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 1,028 11 6 1,228,486 13 4 FEES, &C— continued. " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858," — continued. Otaqo,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ Biverton ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 340 0 6 5 9 6 41 3 0 3 6 0 389 19 0 "Arms Act, 18G0,"— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Thames ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hokianga ... ... ... ... 19 „ Bussell ... ... ... ... 19 Tauranga ... ... "... ... 26 „ G-isborne ... ... ... ... 30 „ 379 5 0 193 10 0 13 9 0 5 19 0 7 19 0 57 10 0 1,418 10 6 Taeanaki, — New Plymouth ... ... ... 30 „ Patea ... ... ... ... 30 „ 657 12 0 48 13 0 3 10 0 52 3 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ VVanganui ... ... ... ... 30 ., Wairarapa ... ... ... ... 26 „ 129 5 0 55 12 0 55 17 0 240 14 0 Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 92 0 0 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Collingwood... ... ... ... 26 „ 109 2 0 38 (J 0 21 18 0 1G9 G 0 Marlborough,— Picton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wairau ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kaikoura ... ... ... ... 19 ,, 7 13 0 2fl l o 11 14 0 7 8 9 52 36 9 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 21G 10 0 60 6 0 276 1G 0 Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Okarito ... ... ... ... 31 July, 1874 101 0 0 U o o O 18 0 176 10 0 Otaqo,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Oamavu ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invereargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ Molyneux ... ... ... ... 30 „ 219 13 0 12 19 0 116 3 0 3 6 0 352 1 0 "Marine Act, 1866,"— Lighthouse Dues, &c., : — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taeanaki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborougii ... ... ... 30 „ Cantekbuet ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago .., ... ... ... 30 „ 1,687 3 11 49 13 8 1,729 13 1 193 4 6 767 6 11 135 7 8 2,229 13 9 111 12 0 3,343 14 8 2,0G9 18 9 10,247 10 2 " Steam Navigation Act, 18G6,"— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taeanaki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bat ... ... ... :.. 30 „ Nelson... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canteeburt ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 192 3 0 6 G 0 137 10 0 31 10 0 45 3 0 3 3 0 31 10 0 29 8 0 130 4 0 GOG 17 0 Carried forward 1,242,829 9 9


3,— 1

OF THE 'ED D, .874-75, in ietail — contim >iPt £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CUSTOM S— continued. Brought forward 1,242,829 9 9 FEES, &c— continued. " Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866," — Nelson... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 5 15 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 17 6 • "Distillation Act, 1S68," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taraxaki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborougii ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westlaot ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 93 0 0 10 0 0 66 0 0 23 0 0 48 0 0 17 0 0 119 0 0 51 0 0 140 0 O 9 2 6 "Trade Marks Act, 1866,"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury .... ... ... ... 30 „ 567 0 0 18 18 0 3 3 0 22 1 0 "Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson... ... ... ..: ... 30 „ Marlboeough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 70 15 0 40 0 0 2 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 30 10 0 "Drawbacks Act, 1872," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 146 10 0 6 9 0 0 7 6 0 3 0 0 18 0 7 17 6 Total Customs ... £ 1,243,5S2 0 9 STAMP DUTIES. Auckland : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 10,307 0 4 Taranaki : — New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,055 19 8 ■Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 30 16,457 15 10 Hatvke's Bat: — Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 5,640 3 2 Nelson : — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 5,367 8 3 Marlboeough : — Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 808 12 1 Canterbury : — Christchurch ... ... ... ... 30 „ 23,013 17 6 Westland : — Hokitika ... ... ... ... ... 30 3,114 19 5 OTAGO :— Dunedin ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 36,100 2 4 2,772 2 0 38,872 4 4 2 19 8 Chatham Islands ... ... March, 1874, to 24 April, 1875 Total Stamp'Duties 110,641 0 3



EECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .874-75, n ietail — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. POSTAL. Auckland : — Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 Juno, 1875 Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 ,, Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 „ Miscellaneous .„ ... ... ... 30 „ 11,077 0 8 218 0 3 726 13 11 225 0 0 2 13 8 Taeanaki : — Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 ., Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 829 8 4 15 11 11 100 19 10 30 10 0 17 0 12,279 8 6 97S 0 1 • WELLINGTON : — Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postago ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 8,399 19 6 177 7 3 656 10 10 181 9 8 110 9,416 S 3 Hawke's Bat : — Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postago ... ... ... 30 ; , Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,919 12 4 57 5 4 226 12 0 107 0 0 . 1 17 6 3,312 7 2 Nelson : — Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... .., 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,763 S 1 72 10 G 225 19 10 G5 0 0 0 5 G MARLBOEoron :— Sale of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes... ... ... ... 30 „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3,127 3 11 1,101 4 t ! 40 16 2 142 8 G 33 15 0 0 10 1,31S D 1 Canterbury :— Sales of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 13,079 9 4 265 18 11 797 7 10 487 5 0 0 15 0 Wesilaxd : — Sale3 of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 ,, Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 14,610 1G 1 2,835 13 2 82 14 0 322 18 2 95 10 0 0 4 0 3,336 19 4 Otago :— Sales of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 30 „ Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ... 30 „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... 30 „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... 30 ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 30 „ 19,910 3 5 359 2 8 1,357 3 11 667 10 0 4 9 6 22,298 9 6 Chatham Islands i — Sales of Postage Stamps ... March, 1874, to April 30, 1875 Collections of Unpaid Postage ... „ „ Commission on Money Orders ... „ „ Miscellaneous ... ... „ „ 12 13 9 1,346 7 0 6" 1 4 1,359 2 1 Total Postal ... £72,037 0 0 TELEGRAPHIC. Auckland :— Auckland Graharnstown Onehunga ... 30 June, 1875 30 „ 26 .., 5,153 3 G 1,344. 4 4 1G4 13 11 Carried forward 0,662 1 0



RECEIPTS op thk CONSOLIDATED FUND, .874-75, is detail — oontln. ;ed. TELEGrBAPHIC -continued. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Auckland— continued. Ngaruawahia ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Mercer ... ... ... ... ... 19 ,, Cambridge ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Alexandra ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hamilton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tauvanga ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Maketu ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Coromandel ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otalmhu ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Te Av.amutu ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wangarei ... ... ... 19 ,, Russell ... ... ... ... ... 12 Warkworth ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Kawakawa ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ Tokatea ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ Waipu ... ... ... ... ... 5 ,, Ilokianga ... ... ... ... ... 12 ,, Grisborne ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 6,662 1 9 300 19 9 104 17 9 222 10 0 111 2 2 337 6 4 607 3 5 76 11 4 317 2 4 50 11 10 80 0 1 32 2 4 84 0 10 21 10 5 39 4 2 8 11 4 15 5 0 23 2 10 111 1 7 Taeanaki :— New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Patea ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Opunake ... ... ... ... ... 31 May 635 12 9 353 13 2 17 11 10 9,210 5 3 1,000 17 9 I Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 30 June Government Buildings ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, G-reytown ... ... ... ... ... 30 ; , Featherston ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Castlcpoint ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Masterton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlon ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hut* ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Foxton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Bulls ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Tipper Hutf... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Carterton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4,505 18 8 312 G 0 1,403 10 1 257 3 1 82 14 1 58 1 5 255 10 4 191 11 7 92 9 10 219 4 6 134 10 0 2 4 2 2 15 G Hawke's Bay:—■ Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waipukurau... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Waipawa ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Port Almriri... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wainui ... ... ... ... ... 5 „ Hastings ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ 7,521 11 3 1,732 14 5 198 14 0 149 10 8 430 2 5 13 9 0 34 17 0 2,559 7 6 Nelson : — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Brighton ... ... ... ... ... 21 May Lyell ... ... ... ... ... 26 June Eeefton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Ahaura ... ... ... ... ... 19 ,, Motueka ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ 1,923 7 7 884 16 5 233 16 3 38 5 5 388 16 11 771 10 7 222 17 7 124 17 11 Maelboeough :— Picton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kaikoura ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... ... 26 4,588 8 8 306 3 5 688 5 6 108 12 3 226 19 0 1,330 0 2 CAJfTEEETTEY : — Christchurch ... ... ... ... 30 „ Lyttelton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Timaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 ., Bealoy ... ... ... ... ... 5 „ Bunsandel ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Leithfield ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Temuka ... ... ... ... ... 30 Waimate ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Ashburton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Akaroa ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Washdyke ... ... ... ... ... 19 Rangiora ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Rakaia ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ 4,995 6 11 944 6 4 181 10 2 1,426 15 0 25 16 3 42 9 0 81 19 0 268 6 6 299 1 6 268 15 G 261 11 8 73 2 0 101 15 10 104 14 2 Carried forward 9,075 9 10 26,216 10 7



EECEIPTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .874-75, m ietail — continued. T E L E G K, A P HIC — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 9,075 9 10 26,216 10 7 Canterbury— continued. Southbridgo... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Geraldino ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ 34 9 11 19 18 0 9,129 17 9 Westla-nd :— Hokitika ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greyinouth ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hoss ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,514 18 4 1,564 3 4 115 16 4 3,194 13 0 OrAGO : — Dunedin ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oaraaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... ... 30 ., Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Baiclutha ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 19 Tapanui ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wakaia ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Roxburgh ... ... ... ... ... 26 Manuherikia... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Cromwell ... ... ... ... ... 30 Lawrence ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Clyde 19 Queenstown ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Palmerston ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Longbush ... ... ... ... ... 19 ,, Hampden ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kakanui ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Arrowtown ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invereargill ... ... , ... ... ... 30 „ Bluff ... ... ... ... ... 19 Bivei-ton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Ophir ... ... ... ... ... 19 Dunedin North ... ... ... ... 30 „ Herbert ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Matanm ... ... ... ... ... 30 Mosgiel ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, St. Bathans ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ Clinton ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ 7,995 6 8 1,652 0 4 501 1 5 136 10 8 409 7 7 498 4 5 155 5 3 118 1 9 105 0 4 95 1 4 305 9 9 331 15 0 177 10 « 452 7 0 289 19 1 83 13 7 121 15 7 257 15 0 154 7 3 162 9 3 1,698 10 3 398 6 7 105 14 8 58 4 6 101 10 2 21 16 6 89 15 6 45 0 5 94 16 2 91 4 11 17,011 1 5 Total Telegraphic • £55,552 2 9 JUDICIAL—FEES AND FINES. SUPREME COURTS :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hatvkb's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ MARLBOEOUGn ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westlasd ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,081 14 7 21 11 0 955 1 1 167 G 0 395 8 6 45 14 0 1,090 9 0 64 2 2 1,209 3 10 Total Supreme Courts 5,030 10 2 SHERIFFS' OFFICES:— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Wairarapa ... ... ... ... 30 „ 9 0 0 14 12 6 3 3 0 145 9 11 2 8 0 27 4 6 24 7 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ NjELSON : — ' Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 Central Westland ... ... ... 31 Dec., 1874 13 7 0 15 0 14 12 0 Canterbury : — Christchurch ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Tiniaru ... ... ... ... ' ... 30 „ 58 3 9 16 8 6 74 12 3 Carried forward 288 13 8 5,030 10 2



RECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in ietail — continued. JUDICIAL-FEES AND FITSES-conimueJ. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forwurd 288 13 8 5,030 10 2 SHERIFFS' OFFICES— continued. Otaoo, — Dunodin ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 116 11 0 405 4 8 Total Sheriffs' Offices DISTRICT COURTS :— Auckland:— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Grahatnstown ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hamilton ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 253 7 9 70 13 0 22 1G 0 Tabanaki : — New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Carlylo ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 848 1G 9 76 17 3 10 14 0 87 11 3 Hatvke's Bay:— Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 33 13 G Nelson : — Westport ... ... ... ... 30 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... 30 „ Reefton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Ahaura ... ... ... ... ... 29 May 72 9 0 31 14 0 119 13 0 31 13 0 255 9 0 Cantekbuhy:— Timavu ... ... ... ... ... 30 Juno Waimate ... ... ... ... 30 „ 259 14 6 2 9 0 262 3 6 Wesiland,— Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 147 1 0 141 15 0 288 16 0 OlAGO, — Dunedin ... ... ..: ... 30 „ Lawrence ... ... ... ... 30 „ Queenstown ... ... ... ... 30 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Clyde ... ... ... ... ... 19 Oamaru... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 'Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ 93 18 6 38 16 6 118 2 6 33 3 0 38 10 6 203 8 2 1G 10 0 97 17 6 1,919 1G 8 340 0 8 Total District Courts RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURTS :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Onehunga, &c. ... "... ... ... 19 ,, Opotiki... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Shortland ... ... ... ... 30 Cororaandel ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 1'apakura, &c. ... ... ... ... 12 ,, Waiuku ... ... ... ... 19 „ Wangarei ... ... ... ... 30 „ Russell ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ Eaipazs... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Alexandra ... ... ... ... 2G ,, Mongonui ... ... ... ... 12 ,, Waimate, &c. ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waikato ... ..-. ... ... 30 „ Raglan ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tauranga ... ... ... ... 30 „ Turanganui ... ... ... ... 31 May Taupo ... ... ... ... ... 31 „ Maketu, &c. ... ... ... ... 30 June Hokianga ... ... ... ,.. 30 „ 1,448 1 2 100 2 G OS G 0 683 (» (> 183 2 3 237 17 7 ■10 5 2 31 4 8 35 17 6 a in (i M 18 2 35 10 0 IS 17 0 290 4 0 l(i 0 (i 108 4 0 191 11 G 88 18 0 73 13 10 4-8 8 0 3,G1S 0 4 Taeanaxi, — Now Plymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Carlylo ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 212 1G 10 111 19 0 321. 15 10 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otaki ... ... ... ... ... 26 Marton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wairarapa ... ... ... ... 26 ,, Upper Wanganui ... ... ... 30 „ 1,464 7 0 G7 13 0 266 11 0 586 19 1 285 14 10 6 19 0 2,G78 3 11 Carried forward G,021 0 1 7,355 11 6 2—B. 1.



RECEIPTS of me CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1S7J,-7j, in d :tail — contin \ed. JUDICIAL-FEES AND FIXES— continued. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ e. d. Brought forward 6,621 0 1 7,355 11 6 RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURTS— continued. Hawke's Bay,— Niipier ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Wairoa ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waipawa ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 5 „ 442 18 10 178 11 9 59 16 0 31 5 0 712 11 7 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Richmond ... ... ... ... 30 „ Spring Grove ... ... ... ... 30 „ Collingvvood ... ... ... ... 30 „ Motueka ... ... ... ... 19 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 30 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... 30 „ Cobden ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Aiuuri ... .„ ... ... ... 19 „ Ahaura... ..'. ... ... ... 29 May Reefton... ... ... ... ... 30 June Lyell 30 „ No Town ... ... ... ... 30 „ 457 13 7 24 16 0 48 6 6 72 8 0 50 19 10 402 12 8 171 1 1 28 12 0 16 5 0 492 14 5 397 18 6 45 14 4 2 7 0 Maeluokough,— Blenheim ... ... ... ... 30 „ Picton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,211 8 11 287 12 7 164 13 6 98 3 8 550 9 9 Canteebuhy,— Christehurch ... ... ... ... 30 „ Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... 30 „ Akaroa ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Rangiora ... ... ... ... 30 „ Leithfield ... ... ... ... 12 Timaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Teinuka ... ... ... ... 30 YFaimale ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oxford ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ Asliburlon ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3,009 0 1 316 10 0 381 4 6 284 9 0 207 14 7 116 0 0 477 16 4 180 8 8 261 19 5 110 12 6 282 1 7 5.G3G 1C 8 Westland,— Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Stafford ... ... ... ... 20 Ross ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ , Okarito ... ... ... ... 29 May Greenstone ... ... ... ... 30 June 607 2 0 GS7 14 9 158 2 0 169 18 0 76 11 0 00 10 0 1,750 17 9 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 19 „ WestTaieri ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hampden ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawksbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Palmerston ... ... ... ... 30 „ Molyneux ... ... ... ... 30 „ Queenstowu ... ... ... ... 30 „ Arrowtovvn ... ... ... ... 30 „ Clyde ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Cromwell ... ... ... ... 30 „ Alexandra ... ... ... ... 30 „ Blacks ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Laurence ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Switzers ... ... ... ... 19 „ Roxburgh ... ... ... ... 26 „ Invercargill and Riverton ... ... ... 30 „ Orepuki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Mataura ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,209 9 3 352 10 5 51 8 9 593 1 10 96 l(i 9 333 18 3 73 18 0 58 18 0 190 9 10 355 6 3 159 7 0 61 13 6 138 10 0 48 11 6 40 2 0 283 19 7 412 18 4 113 8 9 54 9 3 982 12 8 6 17 6 39 10 G Chatham Islands ... ... ... ... 29 May 6,717 17 11 15 17 G Total Resident Magistrates'Courts ... 24,226 0 2 Carried forward 31,581 11 8



RECEIPTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 874-75, m d: :tail — continued. JUDICIAL-FEES AND PINES-«i»(w<?. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 31,581 11 8 PETTY SESSIONS COTJETS :— Auckland, — ' Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1375 Mahurangi ... ... ... ... 29 May Bay of Islands ... ... ... ... 30 June Mangapai ... ... ... ... 30 36 5 0 11 14 8 12 12 6 13 0 Wellington,— Whareama ... ... ... ... 30 61 15 2 0 14 6 Hawke's Bay,— Ngaruroro ... ... ... ... 30 Waipawa ... ... ... ... 30 0 10 0 76 7 9 Maelboeougii,— Kaikoura ... ... ... ... 30 „ 76 17 9 13 16 8 Canteebuby,— Ellesinero ... ... ... ... 31 May 139 17 1 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 Juno Oainaru ... ... ... ... 30 Mataura ... ... ... ... 30 Lowther ... ... ... ... 12 371 18 0 3 10 6 3 8 6 9 15 0 388 12 0 Total Petty Sessions Courts 681 13 2 Total Judicial—Fees and Fines £32,263 4 10 REGISTRATION AND OTHER PEES. Registbation op Land :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Taeanaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 " Makleobougii ... ... ... ... 30 Canteebuby ... ... ... ... 30 " Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 " Otaqo ••• ••• ... ... ... 30 " 920 15 8 91 9 0 1,220 17 0 511 19 0 612 2 0 264 3 0 4,056 2 8 307 lfi 4 3,536 2 4 Kbgistbation of Deeds :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 Taeanaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,' Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 " t Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 " Maelboeough ... ... ... ... 30 Cantebbuby ... ... ... ... 30 Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 " Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 11,521 7 0 4,136 16 0 564 6 0 2,163 2 6 1,212 15 0 OGU 17 0 410 18 6 2,GS9 8 0 223 18 6 3,709 5 6 Registeation of Bieths, &c. : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June Taeanaki ... ... ... ... ... 19 Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 " Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 " Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 29 May Makleo bough ... ... ... ... 29 Canteebuey ... ... ... ... 30 June Westland ... ... ... ... ... 31 May Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 June Chatham Islands ... ... ... ... 30 15,833 2 0 058 17 0 64 o 6 729 18 9 218 18 0 23A 3 G 131 7 G 914 17 0 197 7 6 1,391 10 0 4 2 6 Registeation op Medical Peactitionees :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 MAELBOBOtron ... ... ... ... 29 May Canteebuey ... ... ... ... 30 June Otago ... ... ... ... ,.. 30 4,81-5 8 3 2 5 0 7 10 0 15 0 10 10 0 14 15 0 36 5 0 Carried forward 32,230 2 3



KECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .874-75, in- d. UAH — continued. REGISTRATION AND OTHER TEES-continued. £ : s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 32,236 2 3 Registhation or Joint Stock Companies :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1875 Tabanaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 29 May Kelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 April Cantebbuby ... ... ... ... 12 June Westland ... ... ... ... ... 5 ,, Otago ... ... ... ... ... 5 „ 306 3 6 '770 18 0 0 31 0 0 21 15 0 24 1 0 73 5 0 Issuk op Chown G-bants : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Mablbobougii ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canteebuey ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otaqo ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 482 0 6 1,790 14 10 167 5 6 483 10 0 311 18 0 2-12 1 0 27 S 2 706 6 5 330 19 0 2,393 18 7 " Land Claims Settlement Act, 185G :" — Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 6,4^9 16 6 8 11 10 "Aliens Act, I860:"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 146 2 0 "Patents Acts, 1860-70:"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1G3 10 0 "Licensing Act Amendment Act, 1874:" — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tabanaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Mablbobougii ... ... ... ... 30 „ Cantebbuby ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Chatham Islands ... ... ... ... 30 „ 60 18 6 10 18 0 23 11 0 7 9 G 35 8 0 13 16 0 46 11 (i 46 12 G 141 15 6 0 5 0 " Native Ciecuit Covets Act, 1858 :"— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 300 0 6 10 2 6 "Licensing Obdinance Amendment Act, 1866" ... 30 „ 10 0 0 "Lunatics Act, 1868" ... ... ... ... 30 „ 20 17 G " Lost Licenses and Leases Act, 1S63 :"— Cantebbuey ... ... ... ... 30 „ 5 0 0 "Lost Land Obdebs Act, 1861:"— Tabanaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 10 0 "Inspection op Machikeby Act, 1874:"— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ ■Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Cawcebbuby ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ * 207 0 0 191 0 0 19G 0 0 252 0 0 900 0 0 " Coeonee's Act, 1867 :"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ . Cantebbuey ... ... ... ... 30 „ 0 15 0 0 10 0 ■ no o 2 15 0 Torit Eegisteation and otiieb Fej:s £40,848 7 7 INCIDENTAL REVENUE. Intebest on Public Moneys : — On Credit Balances of the Public Account Oil Credit Balances, Receiver-General's Deposit Account ... 10,010 0 7 487 7 10 Carried forward 11,430 8 5



RECEIPTS'OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in 1ETAIL — COnt \ue&. INCIDENTAL REVENUE-ccmWtf. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 11,436 8 5 Interest on Public Moneys— continued. On Proceeds of Sale of Debentures in Sydney On Proceeds of Sale of Treasury Bills From His Excellency the Governor, on account of Lowry Bay Estate From Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation ... From Conservators, South Waimakariri River District, for Interest o:i Bonds, half-year to 1 November, 1874 On Advances to Provineo of Otago for eroction of Immigrants' Cottages From Greenstone Water Race Company to 3 May, 1875 Transfers from Interest Accounts, — Immigration and Public Works Loan—on moneys in London ... Trust Fund—on Investments From Provincial Government, Wellington, for Interest and Sinking Fund on advance for part construction of Wanganui and Kai lui Road ... 16 3 1 31 12 8 * 30 10 11 125 0 0 135 0 0 191 10 3 148 7 1 28,4(12 12 10 6,Gil G 10 91 15 10 47,280 7 11 MlSCEIXANEOUS : — Transfers from Trust Fund under the 18th section of "The Public Revenues Act, 1867,"— Intestate Estates Escheats of the Crown, —■ Intestate Estate of Win. Colgin Rent of Reserves at Akaroa, G-odley, and Adderley Heads ... „ Mission House at Kohimarama ... „ House attached to Museum „ Magazine Sale of Store Magazine at Fort Britomart „ Cutter "Telegraph" ,, Electoral Rolls „ Acts ... „ Postal Guides, Charts, <ie., &c, ... ... ... „ ... ... .,, Recoveries for Seeds supplied to Immigrants Subscriptions to Walca Maori ... Sales, Advertising, and Subscriptions, New Zealand Gazette Fees and Duties, Native Lands Act, collected at Chatham Islands in 1873-74... Expenses, &c, recovered from Witnesses, &c. Sundries 617 0 3 135 3 G 30 5 6 1 11 6 54 10 8 51 5 7 22 0 0 204 0 0 50 4 0 219 8 3 150 5 5 55 13 4 39 18 11 115 5 6 992 19 4 4 14 5 9 18 36 4 6 Total Incidental Revenue 2,798 12 4 £50,079 0 3 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. ON ACCOUNT OP PREVIOUS YEAES :— ReCOVEBIES,— From Provinces on Account of Balances at Debit of Capitation Accounts, 30th June, 1874, — Hawke's Bay ... ... ... £7 18 10 Canteebuby ... ... ... ... 299 9 4 Otaoo ... ... ... ... 5 16 11 313 5 1 Sale of old Telegraph Offices, &c. On Account of Unauthorized Expenditure of 1873-74, — Electoral Expenses, Wcstland ... ... £508 5 5 Interest on purchase money of Stewart's Island to 29th June, 1873 ... ... 160 0 0 Balance of Advance on account of Capitation Allowance to Province of Nelson ... 3,500 0 0 Amount advanced to Province of Auckland transferred to " Provincial Public Work3 Advances Act, 1874" ... ... ... 6,000 0 0 Amount advanced to Province of Nelson transferred to "Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874" ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 38 11 3 15,168 5 5 15,520 1 9 Carried forward 15,520 1 9



EECEIPTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in detail— cont, inued. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS—«>»«»««?. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 15,520 1 9 ON ACCOUNT OP PREVIOUS YEARS— continued. Ceedits in Reduction of Expenditure,— Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867,"— Half-year's Interest to 30 June, 1874, on £31,000, under "The Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871" £775 O 0 Less recovered, 30 June, 1874 334 7 9 £110 12 3 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871 "— Interest to 13 May, 1874, from Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation ... 7 15 3 " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " — Accrued Interest on Debentures to 26 June, 1874 ... ... ... 12 7 5 " Native Schools Act, 1867 " ... ... 67 7 1 528 2 0 Appropriations,— Vote No. 1,— Item 5—Resident Magistrates' Courts ... £0 13 10 „ 8—Justice of tho Peace Act ... 13 6 „ 9 —Coroners ... ... ... 5 5 0 „ 12—Law and Justice Contingencies ... 0 10 O „ 15—Postal ... ... ... 520 14 4 „ 16—Telegraphic ... ... ... 7 10 0 „ 17 —Customs ... ... ... 35 0 6 „ 18 —Marino ... ... ... 14 2 (5 „ 19—Native ... ... ... 35 0 11 „ 20—Miscellaneous ... ... 299 1 7 919 2 2 1,447 4 2 Total on account of Previous Yeaes 10,967 5 11 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75 :— Ceedits in Reduction of Expenditube,— Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Accrued interest on Debentures from 1 July to 29 Sept., 1874 ... ... £832 17 6 Interest to 30 June, 1875, under " Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871"... 1,550 0 0 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871," — Interest to 1 April, 1875, from Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation ... " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873," — Interest on £20,000 from 9 April to 30 June advanced by Consolidated Fund to Trust Fund ... " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873," — Accrued Interest on Debentures to 14 May, 1874 " Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858," — Guaranteed Land Revenue paid Taranaki to 28 February, 1875, recovered " Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874,"— From Province of Auckland in part repayment of advance of £i0,000 ... " Civil Service Act Amendment Act, 1861" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 " 2,382 17 6 3,023 19 11 230 12 6 176 0 9 1,454 13 4 1,314 19 10 45 9 2 7 0 2 325 13 11 8,961 7 1 Appropriation s, — Vote No. 2—Legislative „ 3 —Executive „ 4—Stamps „ 5 —Printing ... „ 8—Electoral ... „ 9 —Crown Lands „ 12 —Supreme Courts „ J.4—Resident Magistrates' Courts ,, 10 —Criminal Prosecutions ., 18—Coroners Act „ 19—Lunatics ... „ 22—Land Transfer Department ... „ 23 —Deeds Registry „ 24— Postal „ 25 —Telegraphic „ 26—Customs ... 23 11 1 34 O 4 21 0 5 503 13 10 0 7 0 0 10 0 47 0 11 69 15 10 15 15 0 5 8 0 2 2 0 5 12 11 13 15 0 553 0 6 246 19 4 87 0 6 • Carried forward 1,629 18 8 8,961 7 1 10,907 5 11



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. s. MISCELLANEOUS BECEIPTS-con«»««*. Brought forward 1,629 18 8 8,961 7 1 16,967 5 11 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-76— conti'tnt«d. Ceedits in Reduction op Expendituee— continued. Appropriations— continued. Vote No. 27—Marine ... ,, 28—Miscellaneous and Temporary Objects „ 32—Special Allowances to Officers, Civil Serrico „ 34—Salaries of European and Native Officers „ 35 —Q-eneral Contingeucies „ 36—Native Schools „ 41—Store Department ... „ 42—Militia and Volunteers, North Island ... „ 43 —Militia and Volunteers, Soutli Island ... „ 45 —Public Domains and Buildings 77 13 10 814 19 9 73 7 6 30 10 0 119 2 6 492 8 2 9 0 0 49 10 0 4 6 0 391 11 0 V Unauthorized Payments to Provinces, — Debit Balance recovered, — Otago 3,693 7 5 6,106 7 0 1,869 9 7 Teeasuby Bills issued under " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873* Tejipoeaey Advance to Immigration and Public Works Loan under 14th section of "The Appropriation Act, 1874," repaid 20,632 11 1 400,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 Total Miscellaneous Receipts ... £587,599 17 0




3—B. 1.




£ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. CIVIL LIST. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. Second Division. Native Pueposes:— Pensioners, — Auckland Hawse's Bay Wellington Otaqo ... 452 0 0 53 5 0 79 0 0 6 5 0 Medical Officers, — Wellington Auckland Native Agent, Wanganui,— Salary ... ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1874 Subsidy to Southland Hospital,—. 1 January to 30 June, 1874 Contingencies 29 3 4 12 10 0 530 10 0 41 13 4 50 0 0 764 5 4 25 0 0 57 2 0 Total Liabilities of 1873-74 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. Fikst Division. [is Excellency the Govxekob : — The Eight Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., 1 July, 1874, to 27 Nov., 1874 ... The Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, 28 Nov., 1874, to 30 June, 1875 2,041 13 4 2,924 1 1 'he Judges : — The Chief Justice,— Sir G. A. Arney ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 James Prendergast ... 1 April, 1875,to 30 June „ The Puisne Judges, — A. J. Johnston ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June „ C. W. Richmond... ... „ „ to 31 Jan. „ T. B. Gillies ... ... 15 Feb., 1875, to 30 June „ H. B. Gresson ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar. „ J.S.Williams ... ... 3 Mar., 1875, to 30 June „ H. S. Chapman ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar. „ 4,065 14 5 1,275 0 0 425 0 0 1,500 0 0 875 0 0 662 10 0 1,125 0 0 491 18 8 1,125 0 0 7,370 8 8 Establishment of the Geneeal Government : — The Premier, — Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G. 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 The Colonial Secretary,— Dr. Pollen ... ... „ to The Native and Defence Minister, — Sir D. McLean, K.C.M.G. ... „ to The Minister of Justice, — C.C. Bowen ... ... 16 Dec., 1874, to • „ The Minister of Lands and Immigration,— G. M. O'Rorko ... ... 1 July „ to 13 Aug., 1874 H. A. Atkinson ... ... 7 Sept. „ to 30 June, 1875 The Commissioner of Customs, — W. H. Reynolds ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 The Minister for Public Works, —• ]£. Richardson ... ... „ to „ Members of Executive Council, — WiKatene ... ... „ to „ Wi Parata ... ... i „ to „ Travelling Expenses of Ministers 1,750 0 0 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 678 15 3 147 16 11 1,020 16 8 1,250 0 0 1,230 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 480 18 0 9,878 6 10 Carried forward 22,223 0 11 764 5 4



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1874-75, in detail — a intinued. CIVIL LIST— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Second Division. Native Purposes i — Native Minister's Department, — Salaries... ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Civil Commissioner, — Taranaki ... .., „ to ., Pensioners, — Auckland, 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £1,067 18 4 Wellington „ to „ 363 10 0 Hawke's Bat „ to 31 Mar. 173 13 4 Cantebbuby ,, to „ 9 0 0 Otago „ to 30 Juno 25 0 0 2,755 11 0 22,223 9 11 7G4 5 4 650 0 0 Medical Officers, — Auckland, 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £320 lfl 8 Taeanaki „ to „ 150 0 0 Wellington „ to „ 425 O 0 Canterbury „ to „ 43 15 0 Otago „ to „ 82 10 0 1,639 1 8 1,022 1 8 7 7 0 l Miscellaneous 6,074 1 4 28,297 11 3 Total Civil List £89,061 16 7 PERMANENT CHAEGES. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. LIABILITIES OP 1873-74. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856:"— Interest, — On £425,000 at 4 per cent., half-year to 30 June, 1874... Sinking Fund, — On £425,000 at 2 per cent., half-year to 30 June, 1874... 8,500 0 0 "New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65:"— Interest, —■ v On £329,900 at 6 per cent., half-year to 15 June, 1874 ... On £488,000 at 5 „ „ 15 July, 1874 ... On £500,000 at 4 „ „ 30 April, 1874... Sinking Fund, — On £329,900 at 2 per cent., half-year to 15 June, 1874 ... On £488,000 at 1 „ „ 15 July, 1874 ... On £500,000 at 1 „ „ 30 April, 1874... 4,250 0 0 12,750 0 0 9,807 0 0 12,200 0 0 10,000 0 0 3,299 0 0 2,410 0 0 2,500 0 0 40,330 0 0 "Public Debts Act, 1867:"— " Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, 1860," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £77,700, half-year to 30 June, 187 i ... £2,331 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £77,700, from 1 Jan., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... 2,331 0 0 " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862," — Interest at 6 per cent., — Half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... ... £351 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent.,' — 1 January, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 342 0 0 4,662 0 0 I 693 0 0 5,355 0 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867:" — Interest, — On £4,453,100 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 Sinking Fund, — On £1,453,100 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 111,327 10 0 22,265 10 0 ,133,593 0 0 Carried forward 192,034 0 0



DISBURSEMENTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1871-75, IN DETAIL—i tontinued. # PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest and Sinking Fnnd— continued. 192,034 0 0 Brought forward " Defence and Othee Pubposi;3 Loan Act, 1870:"— Interest, — On £600,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 ... On £13,000 to 13 June, 1874 Sinking Fund, — On £600,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 ... 15,000 0 0 317 10 1 3,000 0 0 " Immisbation and Public Wobks Loan Acts, 1870-73 :"— Interest, — On £2,100,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 On £200,000 at 4 „ „ 31 May, 1874 At 4 per cent., half-year to 15 April, 1874 Sinking Fund, — On £2,100,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1874 18,317 10 1 52,500 0 0 4,000 O O 86 IS 0 10,500 0 0 67,086 18 0 " G-ENEEAL PUEPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 :"— Interest at 4 per cent., to 15 April, 1871 53 4 3 277,491 12 4 Total Liabilities op 1S73-74 FINANCIAL TEAE 1874-75. l; Xew Zealand Loan Act, 1S56 :"— Interest at 4 per cent, — On £75,000, one year to 31 Mar., 1875 On £425,000, half-year to 31 Dec, 1874 Sinking Fund at 1 per cent., — On £75,000, one year to 31 Mar., 1875 On £425,000, half-year to 31 Dec, 1874 3,000 0 0 8,500 0 0 750 0 0 2,125 0 0 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 :"— Interest at 6 per cent., — On £93,100, one year to 30 June, 1875 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent.,— On £93,100, one year to 30 June, 1875 14,375 0 0 5,SS6 0 0 1,803 0 0 7,443 0 0 " Ne-w Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 :"— Interest, — On £201,500 at 6 per cent., one year to 15 Mar., 1875 ... On £329,900 at 6 „ half-year to 15 Dec, 1874 ... On £488,000 at 5 „ „ 15 Jan., 1875 ... On £500,000 at 4 „ „ 31 Oct., 1874 ... Sinking Fund, — On £201,500 at 2 per cent., one year to 15 Mar., 1875 ... On £329,900 at 2 „ half-year to 15 Dec, 1874 ... On £488,000 at 1 „ „ 15 Jan., 1875 ... On £500,000 at 1 „ „ 31 Oct., 1874 ... 12,090 0 0 9,897 O 0 12,200 0 0 10,000 0 0 4,030 0 0 3,299 O 0 2,440 0 0 2,500 0 0 56,456 0 0 " Public Debts Act, 1867:" — "Auckland Loan Act, 1863,"— Interest at 6 per cent., — On £31,600, one year to 1 April, 1875 ... £1,896 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £31,600, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... 632 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862,"— Interest at 8 per cent., — On £2,000, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... £160 0 0 Sinking Fund at 4 per cent., — On £2,000, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... 80 0 0 2,528 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866,"— Interest at 8 per cent., — On £13,500, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... £1,080 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £13,500, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... 270 0 0 240 0 0 1,350 0 0 " Lyttelton and Christchurch Kailway Loan Ordinance, 1860," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £77,700, half-year to 31 December, 1874 £2,331 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent.,' — On £77,700, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... 1,554 0 0 3,885 0 0 Carried forward 8,003 0 0 78,279 0 0 277,491 12 4



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, nr detail-c, mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. 8,003 0 0 78,279 0 0 277,491 12 4 Brought forward "Public Debts Act, 18B7" — continued. " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862," — Interest at 6 per cent., — One year to 30 June, 1875 ... ... £702 0 0 Half-year to 31 December, 1874 ... ... 333 0 0 Sinking Fund at 1 per cent., — One year to 30 June, 1875 ... ... 228 0 0 r 1,263 0 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 :" — Interest, — On £4,533,100 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 On £64,000 at 5 „ one year to 30 June „ On £13,000 at 4 „ „ to 15 April „ Sinking Fund, — On £4,533,100 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 113,327 10 0 3,200 O 0 520 0 0 9,260 0 0 22,GG3 10 0 139,713 0 0 "Defence and Othee Pueposes Loan Act, 1870:" — Interest, — On £600,000 at 5 per cent, half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 On £50,000 at 5£ „ one year to 30 Juno „ On £72,000 at 44 „ „ „ „ On £11,000 at 4J „ „ „ „ On £7,000 at 44 „ from 6 Nov., 1874, to 30 June, 1875 On £75,000 at 4 „ one year to 15 April, 1875 Sinking Fund, — On £600,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 15,000 0 0 2,750 0 0 3,240 0 0 495 0 0 204 19 3 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 " Immigration and Public Woeks Loan Acts, 1870-73t" — Interest, — On £2,100,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 On £2,000,000 at 4£ „ one year to 31 „ „ On £371,800 at 4 „ „ 15 April „ On £200,000 at 4 „ half-year to 30 Not., 1874 On £300 at 4 „ from 7 May, 1874, to 15 April, 1870 On Temporary Advances by the Bank of England „ „ Bank of New Zealand Sinking Funds, — On £2,100,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1875 27,GS9 19 3 52,500 0 0 90,000 0 0 14,872 0 0 4,000 0 0 11 5 9 7,697 15 10 329 17 3 10,500 0 0 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871:" — Interest at 5 per cent., — On £75,000, one year to 30th June, 1875 179,910 18 10 3,750 0 0 " G-enebal Pueposes Loan Act, 1873:" — Interest, — On £150,000 at 6 per cent., from 25 June, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1&75 On £50,000 at 6 „ „ 2 Feb. to 31 Mar., 1875 On £47,800 at 5 ,, half-year to 15 June, 1875 On £150,000 at 5 „ from 20 Nov., 1874, to 15 May, 1875 On £1,100 at 5 „ „ 14 Nov. to 15 Dec, 1874 On £6,000 at 5 „ „ 19 „ to 15 „ On £1,600 at 5 „ „ 24 „ to 15 On £2,500 at 5 „ „ 27 ,, to 15 „ On £30,000 at 44 „ one year to 30 June, 1875 On £38,600 at 4 „ „ to 15 April „ On £12,300 at 4 „ „ to 15 May „ On £800 at 4 „ from 27 Nov., 1874, to 15 April, 1875 6,879 9 0 46S 0 9 1,195 0 0 3,616 8 9 4 11 9 21 7 5 4 12 1 6 3 4 1,350 0 0 1,544 0 0 492 0 0 12 5 4 15,594 7 5 " Westland Loan Act, 1873 :" — Interest at 5 per cent, — On £50,000, one year to 15 April, 1875 2,500 0 0 " Teeasurt Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 :"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £150,000, 1 July to 31 Oct., 1874 3,075 0 0 " Treasury Bills Extended Cueeency Act, 1870 :"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £315,000, 1 April to 31 Oct., 1874 On £68,000, 1 Oct. to 31 Oct., 1874 On £20,000, 1 April to 30 June, 1874 Interest at 3fd. per cent, per diem, — On £55,000, 1 April to 31 Oct., 1874 10,200 11 4 354 8 8 303 6 8 I 1,777 1G 4 " Treasuby Bills Extended Cubeency Act, 1873 i" — Interest at 3Jd. per cent, per diem, — On £300,000, half-year to 30 April, 1875 12,630 3 0 7,63G 5 0 Total Financial Teab, 1874-75 ... 4S0,05O 13 6 Total Inteeest and Sinking Fund £757,542 5 10



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 187-1-75, in detail— c, mtinued. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. i PERMANENT CHARGES. UNDER ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. LIABILITIES OP 1873-74. \ "Abmitage Pension Act, 1865:"— Widow of J. Armitage, 1 April to 30 June, 1874 37 10 0 " Citil Seevice Superannuation Acts, 1858 and 1861:"— Allowances, — Eliott, G. E. ... ... 1 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Lawlor, H. C. ... ... 1 April, 1874, to „ „ Kawau, P. ... ... „ „ to ,, „ Outhwaite, T. ... ... „ ., to „ „ Sband, A. W. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Watson, J. ... ... ' 1 Jan. ,, to „ ,, Wihnotfc, J. ... ... 1 Dec, 1873, to 31 May „ White, J. ... ... 1 April, 1874, to 30 Juue „ White, W. B. ... ... 1 June „ to „ „ 300 0 0 32 14 6 7 19 4 84 16 8 43 1 4 80 5 8 32 18 4 7 14 0 31 5 4 "Civil Seevice Act, 1866:"— Allowance, — A. Domett ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1874 Gratuity,— Widow of J. H. G-illard, Clerk, Treasury 020 15 2 279 15 3 677 5 3 397 10 0 "Legislative Officers Salabies Act, 1867:" — Chairman of Committee?, House of Bepresentatives, salary 1 Oct., 1874, to 30 Juue, 1875 .300 0 0 " Maetin's Annuity Act, 1858 :" — Sir Wm. Martin ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1874 83 6 8 " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 :"— E. Mayne ... ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1874 100 0 0 "Mekedith and Others Pension Act, 1870:" — Trustees of Family of the late C. W. Broughton 1 April to 30 June, 1874 31 10 0 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 :"— Pensions to Widows, — Hussey, K. ... ... 26 Dec, 1873, to 25 June, 1874 Compassionate Allowances, — Fulloon, E., 1 April, 1874, to 30 June, 1874 £12 10 0 Hussey, K., 26 Dec, 1873, to 25 June, 1874 8 0 0 40 0 0 20 10 0 60 10 0 " Military Pensions Act, 1866 :"— Pensions to Widows, — Brown, M. K., 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1874 £37 10 0 Hastings, L., „ to „ „ 27 10 0 Arita, 1 April to „ „ 9 0 0 Eraeta, „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Haromi, „ to „ „ 12 10 0 Heremia, M. A., „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Iritona, „ to „ „ 3 0 0 Marara Ngakoa, 2 Dec. to „ „ 56 Hi 0 Miria Maniapoto, 1 April to „ „ 9 0 0 Eoka, „ to „ „ 3 0 0 Eoka Hapi, „ to „ „ 11 10 0 Wiki Manihem, „ to „ „ 3 5 0 184 11 0 Compassionate Allowances, — Geary, Children of J. H., 1 April to 30 June, 1874 £3 0 0 Hastings, L., Uan. to „ „ | 0 0 Ward.OliildrenofD.J., „ to „ „ IS 0 0 Hemi Korako, 1 April to „ „ 3 0 0 Mere Patu, „ to „ „ 1 10 0 Ngatai Winiata, „ to „ „ . 2 10 0 Parematau Rewai, „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Porokoru Patu, „ to „ „ 2 0 0 Eepora, Children of, „ to „ „ 1 10 0 Tapita Patu, „ to „ „ 1 10 0 TangiteTere, Children of, „ to „ „ 3 0 0 Tatiana Patu, „ to „ „ 1 10 0 Te Hira, „ to „ „ 2 0 0 47 0 0 Carried forward 231 11 0 1,919 17 1



DISBUKSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED EUND, 1874-75, is detail—c, ndinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 231 11 0 1,919 17 1 Brought forward "Mihtabt Pensions Act, 1866 "— continued. Pensions for Wounds and Injuries,— Adamson, T., 1 Jan. to 30 Juno, 1874 £19 12 2 i Crosby, H., 1 May to „ 6 2 0 Dore, G. H., 1 April to „ „ 9 2 0 Gibbons, M. C, „ to „ „ 9 17 2 Lyndon, G., 1 Jan. to „ „ 19 12 2 Lloyd, T., 22 April to „ „ 6 18 0 Percy, J. A., 1 April to „ „ 37 10 0 Vance, R., 1 Jan. to „ „ 19 12 2 Walsh, W., 1 Oct., 1873, to „ „ 20 9 6 Anaru Patapu, 1 April to „ „ 3 8 7 Apera te Reinga, „ to „ „ 11 8 9 Karaitiana, ,, to ,, „ 3 8 7 Karanama Mauika, „ to „ ,, 4 11 0 Karena, „ to „ „ 3 8 3 Matia, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Mauparaoa, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Mihaka Keepa, „ to „ ,„ 3 8 3 Morihi, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Ngahuruhuru, „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Pehira Turei, „ to „ „ 12 10 0 Pera Taituma, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Poia, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Poari Tautu, „ to „ „ 3 8 7 Reihana, „ to „ „ 2 5 6 Renata, „ to „ „ 12 10 0 Ropata Korokai, „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Ruihana, „ to „ „ 2 5 6 Tamati Hopu, „ to „ „ 3 8 3 Tamehana, „ to „ „ 2 5 9 Tamehana te Awa, ,, to „ ,, 11 8 9 Tariu, „ to „ „ 6 10 0 Tongonui, H., „ to „ „ 4 11 6 Wiremu Parekuktf, „ to „ „ 3 5 0 Medical Examinations 272 13 5 2 2 0 " Ministerial Residences Lease and Lowey Bay Sale Act, 1873 :"— Erection of Outhouses, &c. 506 6 5 324 0 0 " Native Schools Act, 1867 :"— Grants in Aid Salaries of Teachers New Buildings, Alterations, and Repairs... Books, Stationery, and other Requisites ... Board and Education ... Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 495 14 5 136 12 11 824 3 3 127 7 8 155 19 10 46 0 3 " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 : M — Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon 29 Nov., 1873, to 28 May, 1874 1,785 18 4 75 0 0 "Public Debt Appoetionment Act, 1858:" — Taranaki Guaranteed Land Fund, June ... ... ... ... • 1S3 6 8 "SCHAFEB AND OtHEES PENSION ACT, 1872:" — Schafer, C. ... ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1874 7 10 0 " Walsh and Otdees Pension Act, 1869:"—■ Wilson, J. ... ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1874 Hewett, E. A. ... ... ... „ to „ „ 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 Total Liabilities of 1873-74 4,851 18 6 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. 150 0 0 " Aemitage Pension Act, 1865:"— Widow of J. Armitage ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 "Attoeney-Genebal's Act, 1866:"— Attorney-General ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 Solicitor-General ... ... 1 April, 1875, to 30 June „ 750 0 0 250 0 0 1,000 0 0 " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 :"— Auditor-General ... ... 1 July, 1874, to „ „ 800 0 0 Carried forward 1,950 0 0 4,851 18 6



DISBTTESEMEXTS op the CONSOLIDATED EUJ D, 1871-75, :n detail — continued. £ i. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. PEKMANEUT CHAEGES. i Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 1,950 0 0 Brought forward 4,851 18 6 "Baktley Pension Act, 1867 :"— T. H. Bartley ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 300 0 0 " Civil Sebtice Supebasnuatio' Acis, 1858 and 1861:"— Allowances, — Berry, D. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Bourke, P. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Brown, S. P. ... ... „ „ to ,, „ Carkeek, S. ... ... „ „ to „ Catchpool, E. ... ... ,, „ to 30 Sept., 1874 Chapman, E. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Corbett, W. ... ... ,, ,, to ,, ,, Culpan, W. ... ... ,, „ to „ ,, Deck, P. A. ... ... „ ., to Durie, D. S. ... ... „ „ to 26 Sept., 1874 Do. ... ... „ „ to 30 „ „ Durbridge, C. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Eliott, G. E. ... ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1874 Gourland, H. G. ... ... „ ,, to 30 June, 1875 Hawkins, G. ... ... „ ,, to „ „ Lawlor, II. C. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Matthews, J. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Mclntosh, C. H. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Mitford, G. M. ... ... „ „ to . „ Outhwaite, T. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Piri Kawau ... ... ,, „ to ,, ,, Poole, D. ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Porter, E. F. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Eoss, D. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Rough, D. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Sanders, T. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., „ Shand, A. \V. ... ... „ ., to „ „ Sharp, C. ... ... „ „ to 31 Dee., 1874 Symonds, J. J. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Strang, E. B. ... ... „ „ to 22 Sept., 1874 Strode, A. C. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Tidmarsh, W. ... ..'. „ „ to „ Ward, J. JT. ... ... „ „ to „ „ White, J. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Wilmott, J. ... ... 1 Juno „ to 30 Nov., 1874 Watson, J. ... ... 1 July „ to 31 Dec. „ White, W. B. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Wilkin, J. T. W.... ... „ „ to ., „ Young, W. ... ... „ „ to „ „ 72 E 0 160 11 0 80 0 0 3G4 5 4 68 6 3 255 19 0 273 4 0 (3 10 0 ! 47 19 8 i 43 8 9 | 46 9 2* SI 13 4 200 o o 85 8 8 83 6 8 130 18 0 81 13 4 165 3 6 10G 15 0 254 10 2 23 18 0 55 0 0 352 8 6 (.6 13 4 277 1 8 37 10 0 129 4 0 102 7 8 feOl 3 8 69 2 10 538 0 0 69 7 2 100 0 0 30 16 0 82 18 4 89 G 8 375 4 0 127 19 4 350 0 0 5,781 10 0 " Civil Sebvice Act, 1866 :"— Allowances,' —■ Bennett, J. B. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Bowron, G „ „ to „ „ Calvert, C. A. ... ... * „ „ to „ „ Domett, A. ... ... „ „ to 31 Dec., 1874 Durie, D. S. ... ... „ „ to 26 Sept., „ Do. ... ... „ „ to 30 „ Fitzberbert, W. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Flight, J. ... ... „ „ to Kill, E. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Lyle, E. ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Lynch, J. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Keefe, D. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Walmsley, B. ... ... „ „ to „ „ 321 8 0 89 18 3 148 19 6 279 15 3 6 13 11 7 0 2* 325 0 0 175 0 0 75 0 q 88 0 0 71 8 6 103 10 0 175 0 0 Compensation for Loss of Office, — llewlings, G. P., Locker, H.M. Customs, Kaiapoi £48 19 2 Osborne, T., Gardener, Government Domain, Wellington ... ... ... ... 124 0 10 1,866 13 7 173 0 0 Gratuities, — Widow of A. C. P. Macdonald, Assistant Undersecretary ... ... ... £1,000 0 0 Widow of G. A. Linstrum, Telegraphist, Otahuhu ... ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Widow of Jas. Davis, Clerk, Audit Office ... 350 0 0 1,480 0 0 3,519 13 7 " COMPTEOLLEll's Ad, 1865 :"— Comptroller... ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 800 0 0 Carried forward 12,351 3 7 4,851 18 6 * Eefunded to Public Account (sec page 11).



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FtfE D, 1874-75, IN DETAIL —Ci uitinueJ. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 12,351 3 7 4,851 18 6 Brought forward "Excise Duties Act, 1874:" — New Zealand Distillery Company W. J. Cawkwell and Co. .*. 11,680 11 11 5,225 6 0 1G.905 17 11 " Govebnoe's Salaey and Allowances Act, 1873:"— Allowance for Staff Salaries ... 1 July, 187-1, to 30 Juno, 1875 Travelling Allowance ... „ „ to „ „ 1,485 3 10 986 5 10 " Legislative Officeks' Salaeies Act, 1867:" — Salaries, 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875,— Officers of Legislative Council „ House of Representatives 2,471 9 8 1,300 0 0 1,500 0 0 2,800 0 0 "Martin's Annuity Act, 1858:"— Sir William Martin ... ... ... 1 July to 31 Dec, 1874 166 13 4 " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 :"— E. Mayne ... ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 4 Jan., 1875 102 4 5 11 Meeedith and Othees Pension Act, 1870 :"— Trustees of Family of late C. W. Broughton ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Dec, 1874 Collins, M. ... ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1875 Deery, H. ... ... ... „ „ to 30 Juno „ Hamlin, R. B. ... ... „ „ to „ ., Meredith, E. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Munr °. D » „ to „ 63 0 0 48 15 0 26 0 0 GO 0 0 49 10 0 18 0 0 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1858:"— Pensions to Widows, —■ Herford, A., 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £130 0 0 Hussey, K., „" „ to 31 Mar., „ 60 0 0 King, E. M., 1 Jan., 1874 to 31 Deo., 1874 80 0 0 Passmore, S. S., 1 July, „ to 30 June, 1875 46 0 0 Sarten, L., „ „ to „ „ 36 0 0 255 5 0 Compassionate Allowances, — Coad, J. and K., 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £20 0 0 Fulloon, E., „ „ to „ „ 50 0 0 Herford, A., „ „ to „ „ 40 0 0 Hussey.'K, „ „ to 31 Mar., „ 12 0 0 Sarten, L., „ „ to 30 June, „ 5 10 0 352 0 0 127 10 0 Pensions for Wounds, — Bending, W., 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £36 10 0 Bentley, Gr., „ „ to „ „ 54 15 0 Callaghan, D., „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Cody, W., „ „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Dunn, A. J. N., „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Johnston, J., „ ., to „ „ 39 10 10 Leaf, R., „ „ to „ „ 9 2 6 Messenger, W., „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Oliver, W., „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Oxenham, W., „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Rawson, F. G., „ „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Skinner, W. H., „ „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Vickery, W., „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Woolfe, T., „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Whatmore, E., „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 512 10 8 " Military Pensions Act, 1866 :"— Pensions to Widows, — Brown, M. A., 1 July, 1874, to 31 Dec, 1874 £37 10 0 Buck, C. M., „ „ to 30 June, 1875 70 0 0 Hastings, L., „ „ to 31 Dec, 1874 27 10 0 Hunter, H. E., „ „ to 31 Mar., 1875 15 0 0 McDonald, E., „ „ to 30 June, „ 36 0 0 Morrison, A., „ ., to „ „ 36 0 0 Russell, C, „ „ to „ „ 36 0 0 Spain, M., „ „ to ., „ 20 0 0 Von Tempsky, A., „ „ to „ „ 120 0 0 Arapera Te Reo, „ ., to 31 Mar., „ 15 0 0 Arito, „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 Eraeta, „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 Haromai Tiakitai, „ „ to „ ,, 37 10 0 HeniTuraki, „ „ to 15 0 0 Iritona Anita, „ „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Katerina Kapae, „ „ to „ „ 15 0 0 992 0 8 Carried forward ... £573 10 0 36,044 14 7 4,851 18 6 4—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FTI D, 1874-75, rs detail —ji mtinned. PERMANENT CHARQES. £ s. d. £ b. d.' £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Awembly— eo*&m&. 36,044 14 7 4,851 18 6 Brought forward ... £573 10 0 " Military Pensions Act, 186G " — continued. Pensions to Widows— continued. Marara Ngakoa, 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 27 0 0 MataKiriwi, „ „ to „ „ 15 0 0 MereKarakaKopu.lOct,,, to 30 June „ 27 0 0 i M. Christie, „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 0 10 0 1 Mere Katea, 1 July „ to „ „ 15 0 0 | Miria Maniapoto, ,, ,, to ,, ,, 27 0 0 | Parekuku, ' „ „ to ,. ,, 9 15 0 | Eoka, „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 9 0 0! Eoka Hapi, „ „ to 31 Dec, 1874 23 0 0 j Wiki Manihera, ;, „ to 31 Mar., 1875 0 15 0 715 10 0 Compassionate Allowances, — Garner, E. & T., 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 £8 0 0 Geary, J. & H., „ to „ „ 12 0 0 Hart, A., „ to „ „ 24 0 0 Hastings, 1, „ to 31 Dec, 3874 5 0 0 Hunter, H. E., „ to 30 June, 1875 10 0 0 McKenzie, C, „ to „ „ 18 0 0 McDonald, E., „ to „ „ 6 0 0 Morrison, A., „ to „ 24 0 0 Palmer, G. M., „ to „ „ 12 0 0 Russell, C, „ to „ 8 0 0 Von Tempsky, A., „ to „ ,. 40 0 0 Ward, H, " „ to 31 Dee, 1874 18 0 0 Heni Korako, ■) t 31 M 1875 9 0 0 Children of J " Ngatai Winiata, „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Mary Ann, „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Parematu Bewai, „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Porokuru Patu, „ to „ 6 0 0 Eepora, Children of, „ to „ „ 4 10 0 TeHira, „ to 6 0 0 Tangi-te-iere, ,, to „ ,, 9 0 0 Tatiana Patu, ., to „ „ 4 10 0 Tapita Patu, „ to „ „ 4 10 0 251 0 0 Pensions for Wounds, — Adamson, T., 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 sE39 10 10 Beamish, J. G., „ to „ : , 23 10 10 Corbett, a., „ to 31 Mar., „ 27 8 0 Crawford, C. F, „ to 30 June, „ 36 10 0 Crosby, H., „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Dore.G. H, „ to 31 Mar., „ 27 8 0 Gibbons, M., „ to „ „ -'9 13 8 Hamblyn, J., „ to 30 June, „ 39 10 10 Henshaw, T. J., „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Hope, E. L., „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Hyland, L., „ to 31 Dee., 1874 19 18 8 Kelly, J., „ to 30 June, 1875 39 10 10 Kershaw, P., „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Laey, J., „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Langfred, „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Lake, T., „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Lyddon, J., „ to 31 Dee, 1874 19 18 8 Lloyd, T, „ to 30 June, 1875 36 12 0 McDonpell, W., „ to „ ., 150 0 0 McMahon, T., „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Monck, J, „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Percy, J. A, „ to 31 Mar, „ 112 10 0 Eeid, D, „ to 30 June, „ 36 10 0 Eoche, H, „ to ; , ., 39 10 10 Boss, E. O, „ to „ ., 75 0 0 Shannaghan, J, „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Shepherd, B., „ to „ „ 48 13 4 Tims, W, „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Tuffin, G, „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Vance, B, „ to 31 Dec, 1874 19 18 8 Walsh, W, „ to 30 Sept, „ 6 18 0 WillianiBon, F, „ to 30 June, 1875 36 10 0 Williams, J, „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Waseley, E. O, „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Anara Teruke, „ to 31 Mar, ,, 6 16 9 Anata Patapu, „ to „ „ 10 5 9 Apera te Keonga, „ to „ „ 34 6 3 Aramata Pangahuru ,, to „ „ 15 0 0 Erueti Kepa, „ to „ „ 4 11 2 Carried forward ... £1,40110 7 996 10 0 36,044 14 7 4,S51 18 6



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-73, W DETAIL —C( mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 095 10 0 30, Oil 14 7 4,851 18 6 Brought forward ... £1,401 10 7 " Militaky Pensions Act, 18G6 " — continued. Pensions for Wounds — continued. Heni Tongauui, 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 13 14 6 Honafapu, „ to „ ,, 3 15 0 Honi Paraiki, 1 April, 1874, to „ „ 9 2 6 Karaitiana, 1 July, 1874, to „ „ 10 5 9 Karananui Manika „ to ,, ,, 13 14 0 Ivarena Ruataniwhn, „ to „ „ 10 5 6 Maora Mat.eroa, ,, to „ „ 15 0 0 Moekalm Tokatapu, „ to ,, ,, 15 0 0 Morihi, „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Matiu, „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Mauparoa, „ to „ „ 13 It 0 Ngahuruliuru, „ to 31 Dec, 1874 5 0 0 Paremako Huaki, „ to 31 Mar., 1875 15 0 0 Pera to Taitimu, „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Peliira Turei, „ to „ „ 37 Id 0 Poilia, „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Te Poira Tautu, „ to „ „ 10 5 9 Eahira Takalii, „ to „ „ 15 0 0 Eeihana Ikatahi, „ to „ „ 6 17 0 Euibana, „ to „ ,, 6 17 0 Renata Kawepo, „ to „ „ 37 10 0 Ropata Korowai, „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Tamehana, ,, to „ ,, 6 17 3 Tamehana te Awa, ,, to „ ,, 34 0 3 Tariu, „ to „ „ 19 10 0 Tamati te Hopu, „ to „ „ 10 5 6 Medical Examinations 1,779 10 7 2 2 0 " MlNISTEBIAL RESIDENCES I/EASE AND LOWEST BAT SALE ACT, 1873 :"— Repairs, &c. ... ... ... Wages Sundries 2,773 2 7 237 1 2 32 11 4 25 9 0 295 1 6 " New Zealand Institute Act, 1867 :"— J. Hector, salary ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Jan., 1875 466 13 4 " New Zealand Univeksity Act, 1870:" — Grant 3,000 0 0 " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 :"— Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon, 29 May., 1874, to 28 Feb., 1875 112 10 0 " Pensions Act, 185G :"— Swainson, W. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 400 0 0 " Peisonees Maintenance Expenses Act, 1871:" — Auckland Nelson 113 7 6 388 3 0 531 11 0 " Provincial Audit Act, I860 :"— Salaries, — Auckland Tabanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson... MAELBOEOUaH ... Canteebury Westland Otago ... 350 0 0 63 0 0 250 0 0 150 O 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 240 0 0 "Public Debt Appoetionment Act, 1858:" — Tarauaki Guarantee ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Payments recovered (see page 14) 1,952 0 0 2,200 0 0 1,454 13 4 3,654 13 4 " Public Revenues Act, 1S74 :"— Commissioners of Audit, — Additional Salary 200 0 0 " SCHAFEE AND OtHEKS PENSION ACT, 1872 :"— McGuire, E. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 Russell, W. ... ... ... „ „ to 30 June, „ Schafer, C. ... ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., „ 18 15 0 18 4 6 22 10 0 Carried forward 64 9 C 49,435 6 4 4,851 18 G



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, detail — continued. PERMANENT CHARGES- £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 54 9 6 49,435 6 4 4,851 18 6 Brought forward "SCHATEB AND OTHEE3 PENSION Ad, 18*72"—continued. Paraone, K. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 Sept., 1874 „ ... ... 1 Jan., 1875, to 31 Mar., 1875 Whakahira, M. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 Sept., 1874 „ ... ... 1 Jan., 1875, to 31 Mar., 1875 10 0 10 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 " SUPEEME COUET JUDGES Ad, 1874 :"— Retiring Allowances, — Chapman, H. S. ... ... 1 April, 1875, to 30 June, 1875 Gresson, H. B. ... „ „ to „ „ 62 9 6 187 10 0 187 10 0 375 0 0 " Walsh and Othees Pension Act, 1869 :"— Hewitt, E. A. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Dec, 1S74 Walsh, M. A. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1875 Wilson, J. G. ... ... ., „ to 31 Dec, 1874 25 0 0 22 10 0 25 0 0 72 10 0 " Whitelt Pension Act, 1869 -."— Whitely, M. ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 June, 1S75 100 0 0 Total Financial Yeab 1874-75 ... 50,045 5 10 Total undue Acts of the General Assembly £54.897 4 4 APPROPRIATIONS. CLASS I.-PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. EESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 2,— Legislative Depabtment,— Salaries, &c. ... ... ... ... £25 8 0 Expenses of Members ... ... ... 73 10 0 Passages ... ... ... ... 92 0 0 Furniture ... ... ... ... 65 13 9 Stationery and Binding ... ... ... 116 4 2 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 15 12 7 388 8 6 Vote No. 3 ,— Executive Depaetments,— Colonial Secretary's Office, — Subscription to Newspapers ... ... £3 7 0 Treasury,— Salary ... ... £20 2 2 Subscription to Newspapers 0 12 0 20 14 2 Registrars of Marriages, &c, — Auckland ... ... £58 17 2 Tabanaki ... ... 5 0 6 Wellington ... 40 6 0 Hawke's Bat ... 9 11 4 Nelson ... ... J6 11 0 Mahlboeough ... 10 17 6 Cantebbuby ... 30 13 0 Westland ... ... 17 6 4 Otago ... ... 64 1 8 253 4 6 Registrars of Joint Stock Companies,— Taeanaki ... ... £0 6 0 Wellington ... 7 15 0 Westland ... ... 10 10 0 Otago ... ... 4 3 4 22 14 4 Vote No. 4, — . Stamp Depabtment,— Contingencies at Head and Local Offices ... 300 0 0 07 11 8 Carried forward 786 0 2



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1874-75, IN DETAIL — Ci mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPKOPRIATIONS. Public Departments— continued. 786 0 2 • Brought forward RESERVE ACCOUNT— continued. Vote No. 7, — Geological Depaetmext,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £61 5 0 Stationery and Printing ... ... ... 101 3 f> Show Cases ... ... ... ... 54 16 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 45 5 2 262 9 8 VOTE No. 1 ov 1874-75 :— Legislative Departments,— Printing Hansard 1,018 9 10' 56 11 0 Executive Departments,— Colonial Secretary's Office, — Extra allowances to Clerks ... ... £30 0 0 Audit Office,— Salaries to 30 June, 1874 ... ... 97 10 0 Registrars of Marriages, &c, — Auckland ... ... £102 8 6 Taeanaki ... ... 17 3 0 Wellington ... ... 7 16 6 Hawk's Bat ... ... 12 18 6 Nelson ... ... 11 11 6 Maelboeough... ... 5 10 0 Cantebbuey ... ... 8 19 G Otago ... ... 129 0 5 295 7 11 Stamp Department,— Salary, 1 to 16 Feb., 1875 ... ... ... £10 5 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 15 5 7 422 17 11 25 10 7 Printing Depaetment,— Overtime and Contingencies 154 19 5 Geological and Meteokological Depaetment,— Contingencies 19 7 9 Electoral Department,— Registration and Returning Officers, — Wanganui, 1 April, 1875, to 30 June, 1875 £6 5 0 Taieri, „ „ to „ „ 6 5 0 Eiverton, „ „ to „ „ 6 5 0 Revising Officers, — Auckland, 1 April, 1875, to 30 June, 1875 16 15 5 East Coast, ,, „ to „ „ 5 0 0 Wellington, 1 July, 1874, to „ „ 75 0 0 Hawke's Bay, 1 April, 1875, to „ „ 6 5 0 Otago, 1 July, 1874, to „ „ 100 0 0 Printing Kolls ... ... ... ... 101 10 6 Advertising ... ... ... ... 614 13 8 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 159 18 0 Clerical Assistance and Contingencies ... 60 6 8 1,158 10 3 Ceown Lands Office, — Contingencies 28 15 8 Total Liabilities or 1873-74 1,866 12 7 2,915 2 5 FINANCIAL TEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 2 :— Legislative Departments,— Legislative Council, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £665 0 0 Extra Clerks and Messengers during Session... 143 0 0 House of Representatives, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £1,107 8 11 Extra Clerks and Messengers during Session 486 10 0 808 0 0 1,593 18 11 General Expenses, — Passages, &e., of Members ... ... £730 16 0 Expenses of Members ... ... ... 14,844 0 0 Chairmen of Public Petitions Committees ... 150 0 0 Carried forward ... £15,724 16 0 2,401 18 11 2,915 2 5



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1874-75, IN DETAIL — d mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Public Departments — continued. 2,401 18 11 2,915 2 5 Brought forward ... £15,724 16 0 VOTE No. 2—continued. Legislative Depaetments— continued. General Expenses— continued. Clerk in Private Bill Office ... ... 50 0 0 Library Attendants ... ... ... 357 15 8 Reporters ... ... ... ... 1,750 0 0 Committee Reporters ... ... ... 354 2 8 Printing Mansard ... ... ... 814 2 0 Binding and Printing ... ... ... 5C8 0 7 Library ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Gas ... ... ... ... ... 324 10 1 Furniture, Hangings, &c. ... ... 448 11 0 Proportion of cost of Lighting, Gas, Cleaning, &o.... ... ... ... ... 127 11 0 Bellamy's, on account of Establishment ... 500 0 0 Expenses of furnishing Bellamy's... ... 428 0 0 Passages and Expenses of Witnesses attending Committees of both Houses ... 429 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 611 6 9 23,028 5 9 25,430 4 8 TOTE No. 3 : — Executive Departments,— Premier's Office, — Salary Colonial Secretary's Office, — Salaries ... ... 100 0 0 1,623 12 3 Treasury,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £7,099 2 8 Contingencies ... ... ... .'.. 63 2 4 7,102 5 0 Audit Office,— Salaries Registry of Births, — Registrar-General's Office, — Salaries District Registrars, — Chatham Islands ... i ... ... £4 2 6 Auckland ... ... ... ... 643 10 6 Taeanaki ... ... ... ... 85 2 6 Wellington ... ... ... 404 3 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 98 6 2 Nelson ... ... ... ... 167 19 8 Maulbobottgh ... ... ... 125 17 6 Canteebuey ... ... ... 514 7 8 Westland ... ... ... ... 179 19 G Otago ... ... ... ... 621 9 0 3,181 7 10 1,273 8 4 2,814 18 0 Registrars of Joint Stock Companies,— Auckland ... ... ... ... £50 0 0 Taeanaki ... ... ... ... 7 10 Wellington ... ... ... 10 14 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... • 29 1 8 Canterbuey ... ... ... 21 15 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 13 11 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 45 16 8 177 19 4 Chief Messenger and Housekeeper,— Salary ... ... ... ... ... ... ] Stationery Store, — Salaries Registrar of Patents, — Salary of Clerk 180 0 0 441 11 5 40 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 17,030 5 2 180 14 10 10,819 10 4 VOTE No. 4:— Stamp Depaetment,— Salaries... ... ... ... ... £1,403 15 1 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 278 17 10 I 1,682 12 11 Carried forward 1,682 12 11 ■12,1:71) 15 0 2,915 2 5



DISBUKSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, \ BEIXlL — d mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. (1. £ 8. Cl. APPROPRIATIONS. Public Departments — continued. 1,682 12 11 2,915 2 5 Brought forward 42,279 15 0 VOTE No. 4— continued. Stamp Department— continued. Local Offices —Salaries, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £265 0 0 Takaxaki ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 217 10 0 Hawke's Bat ... ... ... ... . 115 0 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 123 6 8 Marlborough... ... ... ... 25 6 8 CANTEB2UEY ... ... ... ... 2S7 1 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Otago . . ... ... ... 5G0 18 3 1,819 2 7 VOTE No. 5:— Printing Depabtment,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £4,447 5 8 Piece Work and Extra Assistance during Session 2,945 14 3 Overtime ... ... ... ••• 717 1 6 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 104 4 0 3,501 15 6 8,2U 5 5 Binding Branch, — Salaries and Overtime rhoto-Lithographic Branch, — Salaries £432 5 9 Chemicals ... ... ... ... 114 13 0 1,069 11 0 546 18 9 Lithographic Branch, — Salaries Stamp Printing Branch, — Salaries Stereotype Branch, — Salaries 5S1 6 S 590 10 0 190 0 0 Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 11,192 14 10 1,018 5 0 VOTE No. 6:— Store Department,— Moiety of Salaries 10,174 9 10 535 0 0 VOTE No. 7:— Geological a:sd Meteobological Department,— Salaries Field Expenses and Special Surveys... Contingencies Meteorological Stations 1,668 19 1 831 18 8 372 18 C 352 5 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriations transferred to Supplementary 3,226 1 9 10 1 9 3,216 0 0 VOTE No. 8 :— Electoral Department,— Registration and Eeturning Oflicers, — Marsden ... ... ... ... £25 0 0 Waikato ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Thames ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 East Coast ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 New Plymouth ... ... ... 25 0 0 Napier and Clive ... ... ... 50 0 0 Wanganui, 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar. 1875 18 15 0 Wairarapa ... " ... ... ••■ 25 0 0 Manawatu, 1 July, 1874, to 31 Dec, 1874 12 10 0 Collingwood, „ „ to 31 Mar.. 1875 16 13 4 v Nelson ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Cheviot 25 0 0 Christchurch ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Akaroa ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Selwyn ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Timaru ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Carried forward ... £457 18 4 £457 18 4 59,707 0 4 2,015 2 5



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED ~FV. D, 1874-75, nr detail —a •tinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Departments— continued. 59,707 0 4 2,915 2 5 Brought forward ... £457 18 4 VOTE Kb. 8—continued. Electoral Department— continued. Registration and Returning Officers— continued. Clutha ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Waitaki ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Waikouaiti, ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 InTercargill, ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Riverton, 1 July, 1874, to 30 Sept., 1874 6 5 0 564 3 4 Revising Officers, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £80 0 0 East Coast ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Tabanaki ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Hawk's Bay, 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 18 15 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 MAELBOSOL'Qn... ... ... ... 25 0 0 i Canterbury & ,„, „ 0 Westland > Otago 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 18 15 0 * Travelling Expenses Printing Rolls Advertising Expenses of Elections Contingencies 462 10 0 30 4 6 1,098 1 10 912 8 7 106 14 6 186 12 9 3,3G0 15 6 VOTE No. 9 :— Depabtment or the Seceetaey toe Ceown Lands, — Salaries Contingencies 1,026 9 2 131 2 7 1,757 11 9 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Expenditure in Excess or Appeopeiations,— Vote No. 3,— Executive Departments,— Expenditure... ... ... ... £17,030 5 2 Amount Voted ... £16,815 10 0 Credits (seo page 14) ... 34 0 4 16,849 10 4 Vote No. 5, — Peinting Department,— Expenditure... ... ... ... £11,192 14 10 Amount Voted ... £9,670 16 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 503 13 10 — £10,174 9 10 180 14 10 1,018 5 0 ______^^——— Vote No. 7,— Geological and Meteorological Department,— Expenditure... ... ... ... £3,226 1 9 i Amount Voted ... ... ... 3,216 0 0 10 1 9 Total Financial Yeae 1874-75 ... 1,209 1 7 66,034 9 2 £68,949 11 7 Total Class I. ... CLASS II.-LAW AND JUSTICE. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 16, — Criminal Prosecutions, — Crown Prosecutors' Costs, &c. ... 120 11 8 120 11 8 VOTE No. 1 of 1874-75 :— Supreme Court, — Circuit and Appeal Courts, — Travelling Expenses of Judges, &c. £115 10 0 Carried forward £115 10 0 £115 10 0 120 11 8 j I



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1874-75, N DETAIL — Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. >: s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice — continued. 120 11 8 Brought forward ... ... £115 10 0 VOTE No. 1 ov 1874-75— continued. Supreme Court— continued. Salarie8, — Hawke's Bay, 1 Jan., 1874, to 30 June, 1871 £10 0 0 Canterbury, 1 July, 1872, to 30 June, 1874 20 0 0 30 0 0 • Contingencies,— Taranaki (Sheriff's Fees) £2 8 0 Auckland ... ... 3 5 0 5 13 0 151 3 0 District Courts, — Bailiffs'Fees, &c. ... ... ... £19 1C 0[ Travelling Expenses of Judges ... ... 117 3 6 136 19 6 Eesident Magistrates' Courts, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £125 3 8 Bailiffs'Pees 27 14 0 Kent of Court Houses ... ... ... 52 10 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 12 10 0 217 17 8 Petty Sessions Courts, — Bailiffs'Fees, &e. 44 14 4 Criminal Prosecutions,— Crown Prosecutors'Costs ... ... ... £1S9 6 3 Witnesses'Expenses ... ... ... 76 12 3 245 18 6 Justices of the Peace Act, — Witnesses'Expenses ... ... ... £51 17 3 j Conveyance of Prisoners to Gaol ... ... 49 18, 6 101 15 9 Coroners, — Fees and Expenses 339 18 3 Lunatics, — Medical Examinations 107 2 0 Jueoes, — Nelson ... ... ... ... £0 16 0 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 0 8 0 14 0 Law and Justice Contingencies,— General ... ... ... ... £50 14 10 Supreme Court ... ... ... ... 120 2 3 District Courts, — Serving Summonses ... £13 13 0 Contingencies ... ... 28 19 7 42 12 7 Besident Magistrates' Courts, — Serving Summonses ... £395 0 4 Contingencies ... ... 224 1 7 619 1 11 Petty Sessions Courts, — Contingencies ... ... ... ... 0 10 6 i 833 2 1 Land Transfer Department,— Contingencies at Chief and Local Offices 394 10 8 Deeds Eegistry Department,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £26 14 8 Contract Work ... ... ... ... 2fil 2 9 Bent and Contingencies ... ... ... 142 6 10 4-30 4 3 Total Liabilities 1873-74 3,001 10 0 3,125 1 8 FINANCIAL YEAE 1874-75. VOTE No. 10 : — Department op Justice, — Salaries 1,163 0 0 VOTE No. 11 :— Crown Law Office, — Salaries 1,060 0 0 Brought forward 2,228 0 0 3,125 1 8 5—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU. D, 1874-75, :n detail — a mlinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Law and Justice — contimied. 2,228 0 0 3,125 1 8 Brought forward VOTE No. 12 :— SUPREME COTTET, — Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal, — Travelling Expenses and Allowances ... £1,196 3 G Contingencies ... ... ... ••• 81 14 11 1,277 18 5 Salaries of Clerks to Judges, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £150 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... ■•• 137 10 0 Westland and Nelson, 1 July, 1874, to 28 Feb., 1875 ■ 88 12 6 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 150 ° ° Otago ... ... ... •• 150 0 0 676 2 6 Salaries of Registrars and others, — Auckland £1,540 13 11 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Wellington 771 13 0 Hawke's Bat... ... ... ■•• 66 5 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 185 ° ° Canterbury ... ... ... •• 1,526 10 0 Westland ... ... ... •■• 175 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 1.366 0 0 Rent Allowance, Auckland 5,681 1 11 35 15 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 7,670 17 10 348 16 11 7,322 0 11 VOTE No. 13 :— District Courts, — Salaries and Allowances, —■ Auckland and Gralmmstown ... ... £377 13 3 New Plymouth and I'atea ... ... 288 19 0 Hawke's Bay and East Coast ... ... 568 15 0 Nelson and Westland ... ... ... 979 11 8 Timaru, Oamaru, &c. ... ... ■■• 1,032 9 3 Dunedin 723 10 5 Otago Gold Reids ... ... ... 1.025 0 0 * Bailiffs' Fees Rent of Court, Timaru Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Judges 4,095 18 7 54 4 0 45 0 0 76S 5 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriations transferred to Supplementary 5,863 8 4 153 8 4 5,710 0 0 VOTE No. 14 :— Resident Magistrates' Courts,— Auckland* Salaries Onehunga, &c, — Salaries £809 11 8 EentatHowick ... ... ••• 10 0 0 Travelling Allowances ... ... ••■ 105 8 4 1,489 0 0 Whangarei, Salaries Kaipara „ Waimate, Russell, &c, Salaries Mongonui, &c. „ Waikato,— Salaries £501 13 4 Travelling Allowance ... ... ••• 73 6 8 Rent... a 10 0 925 0 0 115 0 0 91 17 1 450 O 0 297 6 0 Raglan, Salaries ... Tauranga ,, Opotiki, „ Gisborne, „ ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Jan., 1875 New Plymouth, Salaries Patea „ ... 1 Nor., 1874, to 30 Ju D e, 1875 Wellington and Hutt, — Salaries £1.091 10 0 Forage and Travelling Allowances ... 74 12 0 Rent of Court House, Hutt ... ... 10 0 0 577 10 0 133 6 8 250 O 0 160 0 0 141 13 4 190 1 2 59 19 5 1,176 2 0 Carried forward 6,056 15 8 15,260 0 11 3,125 1 8



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice — continued. 6,056 15 8 3,125 1 8 Brought forward 15,200 0 11 VOTE No. 14— continued. Resident Magistrates' Cottets — continued. Marton, Slauawatu, and Otaki, — Salaries £371 13 4 Forage and Travelling Allowances ... 104 12 0 470 5 4 600 8 8 Wanganui, Salaries Wairarapa, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £575 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... ... 65 19 0 Napier, Waipawa, Sec, Salaries Wairoa, „ Nelson, &c, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £1,057 1 3 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 42 10 3 640 19 0 693 0 10 50 0 0 Amuri, Salary Blenheim, &c, Salary Havelock, „ ... 1 Sept., 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Christchurcli, &c, — Salaries £1,524 5 9 Travelling Allowauco ... ... ... 54 11 11 Rent ... ... Uuly to 31 March, 1875 93 15 0 1,099 11 G 75 0 0 423 6 0 35 0 0 1 1,672 12 8 455 0 0 I Lyttelton, Salaries ... ... ... ... ... i Kaiapoi, &c, — Salaries £786 19 U | Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 135 S 3 922 8 2 Akaroa, &c, —■ Salaries, ... ... ... ... £325 0 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 50 0 0 375 0 0 Timaru, &c, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £578 5 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 75 0 0 653 5 0 1,128 13 4 476 0 0 1,100 16 1 397 13 4 607 1 11 Hokitika, Salaries Greymouth „ Dunedin „ Port Chalmers, Salaries Oamaru „ Tokomairiro, &c, — Salaries ... ... ... ••• £533 6 8 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 141 13 4 075 0 0 Hawkesbury, &c, — Salaries £480 19 5 Kent, Court House, Palmerston ... ... 18 0 0 498 19 5 75 0 0 508 17 10 2 13 2 145 16 8 50 0 0 62 10 0 445 14 4 West Taieri, Salaries ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 Invercargill „ Riverton „ ... 1 July, 1874, to 2 Aug., 1874 Mataura „ ... 1 Oct., „ to 30 June, 1875 Stewart Island, Salaries Chatham Islands „ ... 1 July, 1874, to 31 Mar., 1875 Bailiffs' Fees Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 20,463 8 11 112 11 1 20,350 17 10 VOTE No. 15 :— Petty Sessions Courts, — Salaries ... Bailiffis' Fees Contingencies 274 19 10 45 10 0 C3 13 5 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 3Si 3 3 M 3 3 350 0 0 VOTE No. 16 :— Criminal Prosecutions, — Crown Prosecutors' Costs ... Witnesses' Expenses Miscellaneous „ 1,978 17 6 3,028 7 1 403 11 1 Carried forward 5,410 15 8 35,930 18 9 3,125 1 8



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, :sr detail —ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 6,410 15 8 35,960 18 9 3,125 1 8 Brought forward VOTE No. 16 — continued. Cbiminal Peosecution3 — continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 95 0 8 5,315 15 0 VOTE No. 17 :— Justices of the Peace Act, — Expenses connected with Preliminary Investigations before Magistrates, — Witnesses' Expenses Conveying Prisoners to Gaol 706 3 8 387 3 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,093 C 8 693 G 8 VOTE No. 18 :— Cobonees Act, — Fees and Expenses on Inquests Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 500 0 0 2,060 15 6 855 7 6 1,205 8 0 VOTE No. 19 :— Lunatics Act, — Fees to Medical Witnesses Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 510 1G G 402 2 0 108 U G VOTE No. 20:— Jubies Act, — Payment of Jurors Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 955 13 0 700 0 0 255 ]."> 0 VOTE No. 21 :— Contingencies,— Head Office, Contingencies Supreme Court, „ District Courts, — Serving Summonses ... ... ... £4 1 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 69 7 5 05 V 9 315 18 7 73 8 5 Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Serving Summonses ... ... ... £650 16 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 1,391 11 7 2,042 7 7 110 Petty Sessions Courts, Serving Summonses ... Expenditure in exceBS of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 2,528 3 4 1,028 3 4 1,500 0 0 VOTE No. 22:— Land Registby,— Salaries, — Registrar-General's Office Local Offices, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £950 0 0 Tahanaki ... ... ... ... 249 11 8 Wellington ... ... ... 1,011 13 4 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 473 19 6 Nelson ... ... ... ... 726 6 8 MaKLBOHOUGH ... ... ... 180 0 0 Canteebuet ... ... ... 1,383 5 O Westland ... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 2,347 10 0 252 9 5 Bent and General Contingencies,— Drawing Plans and Engrossing ... ... £447 16 9 Advertising ... ... ... ... 315 10 2 Rent ... ... ... ... ... 145 12 6 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 146 0 8 7,412 6 2 1,055 0 1 8,749 15 S s Carried forward 54,333 19 5 3,125 1 8



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED F\J. D, 1874-75, iS DETAIL C< miinued. APPROPKIATIONS. £ ', s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 54,333 19 5 3,152 1 8 Brought forward VOTE No. 23,— Registey of Deeds,— Salaries, — Registrar-General's Office Local Offices, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £1,329 16 0 Taeakaki ... ... ... ... 322 0 7 Wellington ... ... ... 865 4 0 Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 404 3 4 Nelson ... ... ... ... 415 0 0 Mablbobough ... ... ... 325 0 0 Cantebbuby ... ... ... 958 7 10 Westland ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 1,619 11 8 92 9 5 Rent, Contiugoneics, and Contract Work, — Rent ... ... ... ... 102 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 80 2 5 Contract work ... ... ... 2,615 10 4 G, 489 3 5 2.79S 2 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 9,379 15 7 83G 0 7 8,543 15 0 SUPPLEMENTARY :— exfenditube in excess op appbopeiations,— Vote No. 12,— supeeme couet, — Expenditure ... ... ... £7,670 17 10 Amount Voted ... £7,275 0 0 Credits (Bee page 14) ... 47 0 11 7,322 0 11 Vote No. 13,— Distbiot Courts, — Expenditure ... ... ... £5,863 8 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 5,710 0 0 348 16 11 Vote No. 14, — Resident Magisteates' Couets,— Expenditure ... ... ... £20,463 8 11 Amount Voted ... £20,281 2 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 69 15 10 153 8 4 20,350 17 10 112 11 1 Vote No. 15, — Petty Sessions Coubts, — Expenditure ... ... ... £384 3 3 Amount Voted ... ... ... 350 0 0 Vote No. 16, — Ckiminal Pbosecttiqns,— Expenditure ... ... ... £5,410 15 8 Amount Voted ... £5,300 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 15 15 0 34 3 3 — 5,315 15 0 95 0 8 Vote No. 17, — Justices of the Peace Act, —■ Expenditure ... ... ... £1,093 6 8 Amount Voted ... ... ... 500 0 0 Vote No. 18, — Cobokees Act, — Expenditure ... ... ... £2,060 15 6 Amount Voted ... £1,200 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 580 593 6 8 1,205 8 0 855 7 6 Vote No. 19,— ' Lunatics Act, — Expenditure ... ... ... £510 16 6 Amount Voted ... £400 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 2 2 0 108 14 6 402 2 0 Carried forward 2,301 8 11 62,877 14 5 3,125 1 8



DISBTJESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice — continued. 62,877 14 5 3,125 1 8 Brought forward 2,301 8 11 SUPPLEMENTARY— continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriations— continued. Vote No. 20, — Juries Act, — Expenditure ... ... ... £955 13 0 Amount Voted ... ... ... 700 0 0 Vote No. 21, — Law and Justice Contingencies,— Expenditure £2,528 3 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 255 13 0 t 1,028 3 4 Vote No. 23, — Deeds Registry,— Expenditure ... ... ... £9,379 15 7 Amount Voted ... £8,530 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 13 15 0 8,543 15 0 830 0 7 Total Financial Year 1874-75 ... 4,421 5 10 67,299 0 3 Total Class II.... £70,121. 1 11 CLASS Ill.-POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Votb No. 25, — Conveyance of Mails by Sea, — San Francisco Service ... ... ... £2,887 16 5 Suez Service ... ... ... ... 8,206 9 4 MailAgents ... ... ... ... 89 16 10 < Landing and Shipping Maila, &c.... ... 323 10 3 11,507 12 10 Vote No. 26, — Salaries, Auckland 23 4 4 Vote No. 35, — Conveyance of Inland Mails 41 18 1 Vote No. 36, — Contingencies 171 17 10 VOTE No. 1 op 1874-75 :— Postal Department,— Suez Service ... ... ... ... £3,000 0 0 Imperial Government on account of Postages 3,400 0 0 Salaries of Officers ... ... ... 64 1111 Conveyance of Inland Mails ... ... 82 11 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 280 15 1 11,744 13 1 Telegraph Department,— Salaries £248 19 8 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 460 4 10 Labour and Material ... ... ... 709 13 1 Office Expenses ... ... ... ... 882 14 1 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 114 13 3 6,827 18 0 2,416 4 11 Totax Liabilities of 1873-74 9,244 2 11 20,983 16 0 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 24:— General Post Office, — Salaries £2,819 3 4 Travelling Expenses of Inspector ... ... 139 4 9 Commission on Money Orders due to Foreign Post Offices ... ... ... ... 568 17 3 Extra Clerical Assistance ... ... ... 583 3 6 4,110 8 10 Carried forward 4,110 8 10 20,OSS 1G 0



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED F D, 1874-75, ik detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. t 8. d. ' £ a. d. Postal and Telegraphic— continued. 4,110 8 10 20,988 16 0 Brought forward VOTE No. 24— continued. Conveyance of Mails by Sea, — Gratuities, Contingencies, Ac. ... ... £2,294 11 3 Subsidy to Chatham Island Serrice ... ... 112 10 0 Interprovincial Service ... ... ... 860 0 0 San Francisco Service ... ... ... 37,084 110 Suez Service ... ... ... ... 13,56116 7 Intercolonial Service ... ... ... 5,634 0 4 Mail Agents ... ... ... ... 224 18 10 59,771 18 10 Auckland, — Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £3,116 14 10 Thames ... ... ... ■•• 885 16 8 Coromandel ... ... ... ... 137 10 0 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 1,127 18 1 Rent of Office 145 0 0 Taeanaki, — Chief Office,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £405 0 0 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 42 10 0 5,412 19 7 Wellington,— Salaries,— Chief Office ... ... £2,189 11 1 Wanganui ... ... ... ... 351 15 6 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 544 5 0 447 10 0 3,085 11 7 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £682 15 6 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 216 10 0 899 5 6 Nelson, — Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £1,014 10 2 Westport ... ... ... ... 360 16 8 Charleston ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Reeflon ... ... ... ... 235 0 0 Rent of Office, Reefton ... ... ... 60 O 0 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 384 19 4 Maelboeough,— Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £385 0 0 Picton ... ... ... ... 158 0 0 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 126 3 4 2,145 6 2 669 3 4 Canterbury,— Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £2,942 4 2 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 395 8 10 Timaru ... ... ... ... 313 3 2 Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... 205 16 8 Akaroa ... ... ... ... 45 16 8 Rent of Offices ... ... ... ... 289 15 0 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 811 6 4 Westland, — Salaries, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... £795 6 4 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 725 0 6 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 184 3 4 5,033 10 10 1,704 10 2 Otago,— Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £3,528 9 5 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 450 16 8 Clyde... ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 , Lawrence ... ... 239 0 0 Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 262 17 9 Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 228 6 8 Waikonaiti ... ... ... ... 60 O 0 Queenatown ... ... ... ... 170 0 0 Mount Ida ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Albany Street, Dunedin ... ... ... 170 0 0 Reut of Office, Dunedin ... ... ... 26 0 0 Carried forward ... £5,395 10 6 £5,395 10 (i 83,280 4 10 20,988 16 0



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FT! D, 1874-75, DETAIL —Ci \tinued. £ 8. d. £ a. d. £ 8. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Postal and Telegraphic— continued. 83,280 4 10 Brought forward ... £5,395 10 6 20,988 16 0 VOTE No. 24— continued. Otago— continued. Country Postmasters ... ... ... 1,124 5 11 Salaries, — Invercargill ... ... 677 6 8 Campbelltown ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Country Postmasters, Southland District ... 123 6 8 7,370 9 9 conveyance of inland mails, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £4,356 12 0 Tabanaki ... ... ... ... 169 5 0 ■Wellington ... ... ... ... 2,408 7 6 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 2,224 8 7 Nelson ... ... ... ... 1,453 12 2 mablboeottgh ... ... ... ... 858 10 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 5,448 13 9 "Westland ... ... ... ... 2,589 14 6 Otago ... ... ... ... 6,825 18 3 26,335 1 9 Contingencies,— Stamps and Type, &c. ... ... ... £283 4 0 Advertising ... ... ... ... 159 7 10 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 640 11 8 Fuel and Light ... ... ... ... 399 13 0 Poundage on Sale of Stamps ... ... 604 12 0 Postage Stamp Paper ... ... I ... 206 5 0 Mail Carts, Horses, &c. ... ... ... 237 1 6 Mail Bags ... ... ... ... 145 10 0 Letter Carriers' Uniforms ... ... ... 104 7 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 501 16 0 3,282 8 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 120,268 4 4 5,533 7 10 114,734 16 6 VOTE No. 25 :— TlLEGBAPH DePAETMENT, — Salaries, — Head Office ... ... ... ... £3,007 8 8 White's Bay (from 1 Oct.) ... ... 93 15 0 Eiverton ' ... ... ... ... 178 16 8 Winton ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Bluff 377 16 8 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 700 13 4 Herbert (from 1 Feb.) ... ... ... 4113 4 Longbush .... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Mataura ... ... ... ... 184 6 8 "Waikaia ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Tapanui ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Clinton ... ... ... ... 213 0 0 Balclutha ... ... ... ... 236 19 2 Lawrence ... ... ... ... 153 10 0 Roxburgh ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Alexandra ... ... ... ... 117 1 8 Clyde ... ... ... ... 143 15 0 Cromwell ... ... ... ... 202 10 0 Arrow ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 Queenstown ... ... ... ... 211 3 10 Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 180 15 0 Dunedin ... ... ... ... 3,080 9 4 Mosgiel ... ... ... ... 86 13 4 North Dunedin ... ... ... 214 15 4 Port Chalmers ... ... ... 397 0 0 Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... 190 0 0 Palmerston ... ... ... ... 237 5 7 Naseby 113 6 8 St. Bathan's (from 1 Oct.) ... ... 112 10 0 Ophir (from 1 Not.) ... ... ... 85 16 8 Hampden ... ... ... ... 134 6 8 Kakanui 130 0 0 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 597 19 10 Waimate ... ... ... ... 189 0 0 Timaru . _. ... ... 425 16 8 Washdyke 160 13 4 Temuka 185 13 4 Kakaia (to 30 April) 68 6 8 Ashburton ... ... ... ... 198 10 11 Carried forward ... £13,381 9 4 114,734 16 6 20,988 16 0



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal and Telegraphic— continued. 114,734 16 6 Brought forward £13,381 9 4 20,988 16 0 VOTE No. 25—continued. Telegeapii Department— continued. Salaries— continued. Dunsandel Southbridge (from 1 May) Christcluirch ... Lyttelton Akaroa Malvern Bealey Ross Hokitika Greymouth Ahaura Heef ton Lyell Brighton Charleston Westport Kaiapoi Rangiora Leithfield Hurunui Waiaua Cheviot Kaikoura Kekerangu Blenheim Pieton Havelock Nelson Richmond Motueka Wellington ... ... ... ,.. Government Buildings ... Otaki Foxton Bulls Marton Wanganui Patea Hawea Opunake New Plymouth Stoney River ... Hutt Featherston Greytown Masterton Castlepoint Waipukurau Waipawa Napier The Spit Wairoa Gisborne (from 1 May) ... Tarawera Taupo Rotorua Opotiki MakeUi Tauranga Katikati Grahamstown ... Eastings Coromandel Auckland Onehunga ... ... ... Manukau Heads Otahuhu Drury Mercer Pukorokoro (from 1 Feb.) Newcastle Hamilton Cambridge Te Awamutu ... Alexandra 90 0 0 21 13 4 3,190 7 10 547 10 0 143 14 10 130 0 0 220 0 0 180 0 0 799 3 4 925 13 4 210 0 0 341 8 7 165 0 0 101 10 0 207 0 0 331 16 8 156 8 11 140 0 0 178 3 4 84 10 0 94 3 4 85 0 0 119 16 8 119 3 4 2,317 11 8 190 3 4 156 0 0 1.113 17 9 160 0 0 88 16 8 4,070 16 1 307 10 0 150 0 0 215 0 0 113 10 0 140 0 0 544 13 4 263 16 8 85 0 0 108 6 8 178 6 8 106 13 4 130 0 0 104 0 0 291 6 8 222 5 8 131 13 4 109 3 4 140 0 0 1,349 18 4 191 1 6 226 0 0 31 13 4 140 0 0 131 5 0 150 0 0 160 0 0 145 0 0 317 18 4 96 0 0 1,087 16 8 145 0 0 180 0 0 2.114 4 6 175 15 0 130 0 0 232 6 8 83 13 4 110 0 0 52 1 8 171 0 0 166 12 6 174 16 7 220 0 0 156 0 0 Carried forward £41,543 7 5 114,734 16 6 20,988 16 0 6—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FV D, 1874-75, IN DETAIL— Ct mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Postal and Telegraphic— continued. 114, 734 16 6 20,988 16 0 Brought forward ... £41,543 7 5 VOTE No. 25— continued. Telegraph Department— continued. Salaries — continued. Waitaki River ... ... ... ... 95 u ° Waiapu (from 1 Mar.) ... ... ••• 36 13 4 Cadets, Head Office 1,20(^12^ 42,882 4 3 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Salaries, — Inspectors 1.488 18 5 Sub-Inspector ... ... ••• 136 13 4 Linemen 4,854 13 11 Travelling Expenses,— Inspectors ... ... ■•• ••• *^° ° l Linemen 1.361 15 10 Forage 1.251 11 4 Purchase of Horses and Saddles, Shoeing, Grazing, &c 1.035 1 6 Extra Labour 1,499 10 2 Material 486 3 8 12,542 16 3 Miscellaneous, — Fuel and Light ... ... ... £831 6 10 Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... 1,049 8 10 Overtime 2,180 17 4 Cleaning Offices ... ... ... 528 17 10 Freight and Cartage ... ... ... 342 4 4 Lodging and Gold Field Allowances ... 912 4 11 Rent .. .... 492 10 1 Furniture, Fittings, Repairs, and Contingencies ... ... ... ... 2,485 8 b Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,822 18 8 64,247 19 2 5,785 19 10 58,461 19 4 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Vote No. 24,— Postal Department,— Expenditure £120,268 4 4 Amount Voted ... £114,181 10 0 Credits (See page 14) ... 553 6 6 114,734 16 6 Vote No 25,— Telegraph Department,— Expenditure ... ... ... ... £64,247 19 2 Amount Voted ... £58,215 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 246 19 4 58,461 19 4 j 5,533 7 10 5,785 19 10 Total Financial Year 1874-75 ... 11,319 7 8 184,516 3 6 Total Class III. £205,504 19 6 CLASS IV.-CUSTOMS. LIABILITIES OF ft73-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 38,— Customs Department,— Salaries Contingencies ... 9 12 0 240 3 7 Vote No. 39,— Marine Department,— Salaries Oil, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies 249 15 7 12 18 0 881 18 0 894 16 0 Carried forward 1,144 11 7



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, DETAIL—Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. & b. a. £ s. tL £ s. d. Customs — continued. 1,144 11 7 Brought forward VOTE No. 1 op 1874-75 :— Customs Department,— Salaries... ... ... ... ... £209 9 8 Cutter" Ringleader" ... ... ... 29 7 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 152 10 4 391 7 0 Mabine Department,— Contingencies 173 1 5 1,709 0 0 Totai Liabilities of 1873-74 564 8 5 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 26:— Customs Offices and Services, — Inspectors' Department,— Salaries ... ... ... Auckland, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £4,623 11 2 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 314 17 0 ! Rent ... ... ... ... ... 87 0.0 1,448 6 7 5,025 8 2 Salaries, — Onehunga Thames Mongonui Russell Wangarei Whangaroa Kaipara Hokianga Tauranga Poverty Bay ... 250 0 0 258 15 0 81 1 0 250 0 0 195 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 235 0 0 360 0 0 373 15 0 Revenue Cutter "Ringleader,"— Wages and Working Expenses 561 1 5 Salaries, — New Plymouth Waitara ... ... 555 0 0 25 0 0 Wellington, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £3,037 17 1 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 252 0 0 3,289 17 1 Wanganui,— Salaries 818 16 0 Napier,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £1,390 0 0 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 53 4 0 1,443 4 0 Salaries, — Picton ... ... ... Havelock Wairau ... ... ... ... 215 0 0 170 0 0 265 0 0 Kiiikoura, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £125 0 0 Kent ... ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 145 0 0 Salaries, — Nelson Collingwood 1,860 2 9 25 0 0 Westport,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £775 18 10 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 27 12 0 803 10 10 Greymouth,— Salaries 895 0 0 Hokitika, —• Salaries ... ... ... ... £1,590 12 6 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 50 8 0 1,641 0 6 Carried forward 21,329 18 4 1,709 0 0



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, DETAIL — d mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Customs — continued. 21,329 18 4 1,709 0 0 Brought forward VOTE No. 26— continued. Customs Ofbices and Seevice3— continued. Okarito, — Salaries 250 0 0 Christchurch and Lyttelton, — Salaries £3,760 12 9 Kent 237 18 0 Extra Tidewajters ... ... ... 416 14 0 4,415 4 9 Salaries, — Akaroa ... ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 April, 1875 Tiinaru 20 16 8 630 0 0 Dunedin, —■ Salaries ,.. ... ... ... £5,179 17 7 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 731 4 0 5,911 1 7 Salaries, — Port Chalmers ... Kakanui Oamaru Molyneux Invercargill Riverton Chatham Islands ... 1 July, 1874, to 30 April, 1875 586 8 8 30 0 0 515 0 0 41 13 4 1,728 8 4 270 0 0 110 9 4 Contingencies, — Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... £796 11 1 Instruments ... ... ... ... 51 8 0 Fuel and Light ... ... ... 108 7 1 Rents ... ... ... ... 38 9 2 Cleaning Offices, &c. ... ... ... 130 19 7 Legal Services re Seizures ... ... 54 10 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 566 2 5 Rewards for Customs Convictions and Seizures Distilleries, — Salaries, — Chief Office ... ... ... ... £460 0 0 Auckland ... ... ... ... 557 19 3 Dunedin ... ... ... ... 565 0 0 1/746 8 2 120 10 7 1,582 19 3 39,288 19 0 VOTE No. 27 :— Mabine Depaetment,— Salaries'... Local Inspector of Steamers Expenses under " Enquiry into Wrecks Acts, 1869 " ... Lighthouses, — Salaries of Keepers,— TiriTiri ... ... ... ... £348 6 2 Manukau Heads ... ... ... 310 0 0 Farewell Spit ... ... ... 464 3 10 Nelson ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 M*ana ... ... ... ... 330 0 0 Pencarrow ... ... ... ... 340 0 0 Cape Campbell ... ... ... 320 0 0 GodleyHead ... ... ... 359 12 1 Tairoa Head... ... ... ... 373 8 8 Nugget Point ... ... ... 289 7 4 Dog Island ... ... ... 397 5 8 1,810 0 0 70 16 8 99 16 4 Oil and other Stores Travelling Expenses and Contingencies Naval Training School at Kohimarama, — Salaries and Wages ... ... ... £322 2 2 Repairs, Fittings, &c. ... ... ... 551 1 7 Supplies, Passages, and Contingencies ... 881 8 7 3,712 3 9 1,159 13 4 904 10 1 1,754 12 4 Expenses of introducing System of Weather Eeports,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £241 2 3 Instruments and Contingencies... ... 79 14 8 320 16 11 Total Financial Yeab 1874-75 ... 9,832 9 5 49,121 8 5 Total Class IV. £50,830 8 5



DISBTJKSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, ar detail — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. CLASS V.-MISCELLANEOUS. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT :— Vote No. 46 — Stationery General Contingencies, — Furnituro and Repairs ... Travelling Expenses Advertising and Subscriptions to Newspapers Fuel and Light Telegrams Cartage and Freight Miscellaneous ... 3,447 9 7 £288 11 11 137 0 6 169 18 0 67 7 6 52 10 3 112 2 5 £831 8 3 1 T ffo i o in 3,447 9 7 Agricultural Statistics and Census ... Public Health Act Steam Mail Services Steamer "Luna"... Miscellaneous 1,158 18 10 1,920 16 8 368 17 6 267 18 8 474 0 6 561 17 3 1,158 18 10 1,920 16 8 368 17 6 267 18 8 474 0 6 561 17 3 8,199 19 0 11,083 12 4 VOTE No. 1 op 1874-75:— Miscellaneous, — Stationery, Binding, &c. Expenses connected with Vienna Exhibition ... Vaccination Compiling Census Returns General Contingencies 814 3 4 298 13 9 167 4 4 1,047 18 3 555 13 8 814 3 4 298 13 9 167 4 4 1,047 18 3 555 13 8 Total Liabilities op 1873-74 2,883 13 4 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 28:— Miscellaneous, Special, and TEJironAKX Objects,— Stationery, &c, — Stationery Binding, Ruling, &c. Freight, Cartage, &c. £5,834 13 2 1,265 9 4 311 10 6 Insurances General Contingencies,— Salaries, — Secretary to the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds ... ... ... £50 0 0 Secretary to the CivilService Guarantee Board ... ... 50 0 0 Extra Clerks, Colonial Secretary's Office ... ... ... 41 5 0 Extra Clerks, Registrar-General's Office ... ... ... 321 18 4 Assistants in Stationery Store ... 133 5 0 Revising Officer, Auckland ... 40 0 0 Clerk in charge of Patea Loan Mortgages... ... .... 20 0 0 Repairs to Offices, Furniture, &c. Travelling Expenses of Ministers and Officers on the Public Service Fuel and Light ... Subscriptions to Newspapers Advertising Freight and Charges Night Watchmen... Cleaning Offices, &c. Extra Clerical Assistance ... Extra Messengers Telegrams Stamp Duty on Treasury Bills Type, Printing Office Tree Seeds Mail Bags and Labels Postage and Revenue Stamps paid by Crown Agents, London 7,411 13 0 769 11 0 £656 8 4 439 15 2 2,071 0 0 352 3 2 23 18 9 85 5 0 162 7 1 301 15 4 212 14 3 259 6 5 467 6 6 689 12 6 245 0 0 565 8 5 166 15 6 172 13 9 91 11 1 7,411 13 0 769 11 0 Carried forward £G,963 13 8,181 4 0 11,083 12 4



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1874-75, detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 8,181 4 0 11,083 12 4 Brought forward ... £6,963 1 3 VOTE No. 28 — continued. Miscellaneous, Special, and Tempobaey Objects— contd. General Contingencies — continued. Camera and Slides for Photo-Lithographic Department ... ... ... ... 67 10 6 Iron Safes for Government Printing Office ... 59 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 745 2 10 Clerical Assistance to Agent, General Government, Auckland Rent of Government Offices Rent of Ministerial Residences ... Half Expenses of Steamer " Luna " Expenses of Investment of Sinking Fund of Consolidated Loan Expenses under " The Arms Act, 1869 "... Civil Service Examination Board Collection of Agricultural Statistics Accountant in Bankruptcy Expenses under "The Public Health Act, 1872" ... Wellington Botanical Gardens ... Revision of Statutes ... Contribution for support of Harbour of Refuge, Port Somerset Steam Service to "West Coast, Middle Island Steam Service to East Coast, North Island Steam Service to Fiji ... Depdt at Auckland Islands Steam Launches (first instalment) Observation of Transit of Venus Purchase of Town Section No. 632, Tinakori Road, Wellington, adjoining Ministerial Residence Expenses of Trigonometrical Survey Sea Wall, Tauranga Cemetery ... Expenses of working "The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1874" Intestate Estate of Thomas Smith —Refund of portion of amount transferred to Revenue Defalcations of John Blair, late clerk, Supreme Court Office, Dunedin Pension of Mrs. E. Ford Refund of Penalty under the Nelson Scab Act (law costs) ... 7,834 14 7 259 9 6 672 1 4 509 3 10 3,091 9 11 424 10 0 495 13 7 142 10 4 847 18 1 600 0 0 1,321 5 4 300 0 0 126 2 7 5 18 10 2,000 0 0 1,470 9 4 2,350 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 516 3 4 1,506 C 10 19 10 0 112 10 0 834 6 9 641 6 4 118 18 8 45 0 0 1 19 6 VOTE No. 29 :— Exchange and Commission, — On Remittances and payment of Dividends ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... ... ... ... 36,018 12 8 2,455 5 4 2,000 0 0 455 5 4 VOTE No. 30 :— CONTEIBUTION TO DEFENCE EXPENDITTTBE, — Amount transferred to credit of Defence Loan Account 65,000 0 0 VOTE No. 31 :— Contribution to Road Boaeds Geant :— Amount transferred to credit of General Purposes Loan Account 25,000 0 0 VOTE No. 32 :— Special Allowances to Officers of Civil Sertice,— Legislative Departments ... Executive Departments Stamp Department Printing „ Store „ Geological and Meteorological Department ... Electoral Department Crown Lands „ Department of Justice Crown Law Office Supreme Court ... District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Land Transfer Department Deeds Registry „ Postal „ Telegraphic „ Customs „ Marine „ Native „ Militia and Volunteer „ Colonial Architect's „ Immigration „ Public Works „ 313 17 0 901 9 7 9G 7 6 478 16 3 71 0 0 82 10 0 41 5 0 76 9 10 70 10 9 15 0 0 381 12 0 25 5 0 1,122 5 0 5 0 0 323 15 0 310 4 7 1,502 13 6 3,035 4 0 2,113 11 8 292 10 0 1,613 8 8 297 11 6 120 11 3 313 2 8 2,250 3 7 Carried forward 15,854 4 4 128,018 12 8 11,083 12 4



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, in detail— continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 15,854 4 4 128,018 12 8 11,083 12 4 Brought forward VOTE No. 32— continued. Special Allowances to Officers of Civil Service — continued. Commissioners of Crown Lands, &c... Native Lands Court ... ... ... Confiscated Land and Defence Departments ... 454 16 6 253 2 6 246 1 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 16,808 4 10 1,734 17 4 VOTE No. 33 :— Provincial Charge, Otago,— Interest on £2,000, part purchase money of Stewart Island, one year, to 30 June, 1873, at 8 per cent. 15,073 7 6 160 0 0 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Expenditure in excess of Appropriation,— Vote No. 29, — Exchange and Commission, — Expenditure ... ... ... £2,455 5 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 2,000 0 0 Vote No. 32,— Special Allowances to Officers of Civil Service, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £16,808 4 10 Amount Voted ... £15,000 0 0 Credits (see page 15) ... 73 7 6 15,073 7 6 455 5 4 1,734 17 4 2,190 2 8 Total Financial Year, 1874-75 ... 145,442 2 10 Total Class V.... £156,525 15 2 CLASS VI-NATIVE. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT :— Vote No. 40, — euhopean and native officers, — Auckland 1,148 13 9 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 132 10 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 420 15 0 Hawke'sBay ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 Otago 67 10 0 Chatham Islands 33 6 8 Vote No. 41, — General Contingencies,— Clothing ... ... ... ... 6 0 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 0 17 6 Gratuities, &c. ... ... ... ... 26 12 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 1,872 15 5 73 10 0 Vote No. 43,— "Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870,"— Interpreting, &c. 8 3 0 1,954 8 5 VOTE No. 1 of 1874-75 :— Native, — Salaries ... Food ... Clothing Travelling Expenses Interpreting, &c. Medical Comforts Miscellaneous 90 2 8 492 3 7 72 18 2 637 14 1 33 6 0 90 15 6 425 1 5 Total Liabilities op 1873-74 1,842 1 5 3,796 9 10 3,796 9 10 Carried forward



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED PU: D, 1874-75, :S DETAIL —Ci mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Native — continued. 3,796 9 10 Brought forward FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 34 :— Salaries of Etoopean and Native Officee3, — Auckland Mongonui, Bay of Islands, and Hokianga Kaipara Hauraki Waiuku Waikato Eaglan Tauranga Maketu Opotiki Waiapu Taupo, Poverty Bay, and Wairoa ... ... ... / ... Now Plymouth ... Wellington Wairarapa Otaki and Rangitikei Wanganui Napier ... Nelson ... ... ... ... Canterbury Dunedin Chatham Islands 1,424 15 0 1,325 8 4 546 10 4 876 10 0 91 13 4 1,070 6 8 3S2 11 8 237 0 0 882 12 8 380 16 8 686 8 1 1,278 9 6 816 18 8 206 5 0 237 10 0 791 8 8 1,211 0 0 370 0 0 25 0 0 255 0 0 447 10 0 83 6 8 13,627 1 3 VOTE No. 35 :— G-enebal Contingencies,— Food and other supplies Clothing Travelling Expenses Gratuities, Presents, &c. Salaries ... ... ... ... Medical Comforts Miscellaneous Aid to Surrendered Eebels Maori Newspaper 2,057 4 7 493 9 4 1,607 11 3 1,573 1 10 969 11 4 234 18 6 2,554 18 1 296 11 5 400 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 11,087 6 4 2,268 3 10 8,819 2 6 VOTE No. 36 :— Native Schools, — Salaries ... ... ... ... ... Capitation Grants Board and Tuition Buildings Books, Stationery, &c. Travelling Expenses Contingencies 4,625 15 6 1,126 8 3 425 14 1 1,777 18 9 437 18 7 313 1 9 97 2 7 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 8,803 19 6 2,311 11 4 VOTE No. 37 :— Native Lands Cotjbt,— Salaries, — Chief Judge and Clerk ... 6,492 8 2 1,175 0 0 1,175 0 0 VOTE No. 38 :— "Native Lands Fkauds Prevention Act, 1870," — Salaries, &e. Contingencies 355 0 0 69 2 10 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... ... ... ... 424 2 10 24 2 10 400 0 0 Carried forward 30,513 11 11 3,796 9 10



DISBTJESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FII D, 1874-75, DETAIL — C< mtinved. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. e s. d. Native — continued. 30,513 11 11 3,796 9 10 Brought forward SUPPLEMENTARY :— Voie No. 35,— General Contingencies, — Expenditure ... ... ... ... £11,087 6 4 Amount Voted ... £8,700 0 0 Credits (see page 15) ... 119 2 6 8,819 2 6 Vote No. 36,— ' Native Schools, — Expenditure ... ... ... ... £8,803 19 6 Amount Voted ... £6,000 0 0 Credits (see page 15) ... 492 8 2 6,492 8 2 2,268 3 10 2,311 11 4 Vote No. 38, — " Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act," — Expenditure ... ... ... ... £424 2 10 Amount Voted ... ... ... 400 0 0 24 2 10 Total Financial Yeae 1874-75 ... 4,603 18 0 35,117 9 11 Total Class VI. £38,013 19 9 CLASS VII.-MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERSLIABILITIES OP 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 51, — Store Department,— Contingencies ... ... ... Vote No. 52 — Militia and Volunteibs, Nobth Island, — Pay and Allowances ... ... Capitation Grants Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... 22 15 7 16 3 9 1,488 13 6 191 2 8 1,695 19 11 Vote No. 53, — Militia and Volttnteebs, South Island, — Pay and Allowances Capitation Grants Contingencies ... 5 0 0 381 8 4 70 8 10 456 17 2 Total Liabilities of 1873-74 2,175 12 8 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 40:— Militia and Volunteer Office, — Clerk 300 0 0 VOTE No. 41 :— Store Department,— Salaries, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £1,186 18 0 Waikato ... ... ... ... 131 15 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 1,007 7 6 Patea ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Wanganui ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Rangitikei ... ... ... ... 54 15 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 54 15 0 Christchurch ... ... ... .. 54 15 0 Hokitika ... ... ... ... 54 15 0 Invercargill 73 0 0 Rent, Advertising, and Contingencies 2,878 0 6 103 1 5 Carried forward 2,981 1 11 300 0 0 2,175 12 8 7—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, DETAIL —i .tinned. APPROPRIATIONS £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Militia and Volunteers— continued. 2,981 1 11 300 0 0 2,175 12 8 Brought forward VOTE No. 41 — continued. Store Depabtment— continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 21 9 5 2,959 12 6 VOTE No. 42 :— North Island, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £672 15 0 Waiuku ... ... 464 5 0 Waikato ... ... ... ... 145 14 7 Thames ... ... ... ... 578 0 0 Tauranga and Opotiki ... ... ... 47 18 4 Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Wairoa (Hawke's Bay) ... ... ... 25 0 0 Napier 472 13 0 Masterton and G-reytown ... ... 169 14 5 Hutt... ... ... ... ... 354 15 0 New Plymouth ... ... ... 391 5 0 Patea 85 0 0 Wanganui 679 3 0 Kangitikei ... ... ... ... 213 0 8 Wellington ... ... ... ... 869 1 6 Advertising Rent ... Contingencies Capitation Grants 5,193 5 6 106 13 3 65 10 0 111 15 6 3,183 12 7 8,660 16 10 VOTE No. 43 :— Sonn Island, —■ Pay and Allowances of Staff, — Nelson ... ... ... ... £368 5 9 Mablborough ... ... ... 135 0 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 845 17 6 Westland ... ... ... ... 184 10 0 Otago and Southland ... ... 1,316 9 6 Advertising Rent ... Contingencies Capitation Grants 2,850 2 9 106 14 7 19 0 0 370 9 7 2,850 17 6 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Vote No. 41, — Store Depabtment,— Expenditure Amount Voted £2,950 12 6 Credits (see page 15) 9 0 0 6,197 4 5 18,139 3 2 2,981 1 11 2,959 12 6 Total Financial Ybar 1874-75 ... 21 9 5 Total Class VII. £20,314 15 10 CLASS VIII.-PUBLIC DOMAINS AND BUILDINGS. LIABILITIES OP 1873-74. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 55,— Public Buildings,— Additions to Ministerial Residence, Tinakori Road Furniture for ,, i, Additions to Printing Office Alterations to old Legislative Council Chamber Sundry Repairs, &c. 425 10 5 633 4 3 250 0 0 250 0 0 862 2 5 2,420 17 1 Carried forward 2,420 17 1



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED ETJ D, 1874-75, IN DETAIL —d mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. <L Public Domains and Buildings— continued. 2,420 17 1 Brought forward VOTE No. 1 op 1874-75 :— Public Buildings and Ministerial Residence, — Additions, &c, to Printing Office Resident Magistrates' Court, Oamaru „ Public Works Offices n Ministerial Residence, Tinakori Road Alterations, old Legislative Council Chamber ... Sundry repairs, &c. 568 6 2 218 0 0 101 0 0 544 3 10 106 4 6 816 16 6 2,354 11 0 Total Liabilities op 1873-74 4,775 8 1 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. VOTE No. 44 :— Government Domains, — Gardeners and Labourers, — Wellington Auckland Contingencies 848 17 4 93 9 4 143 7 7 1,085 14 3 VOTE No. 45 :— Public Buildings,— Repairs, Additions, Alterations, Gas Fittings, &c.,— Government House and Government Buildings, Wellington ... Ministerial Residence Parliamentary Buildings Government House and Lodge, Auckland ... Government Buildings, Colony Court Houses ... Custom Houses Post and Telegraph Offices Colonial Museum Furniture throughout Colony Gas, Government Buildings, Wellington Contingencies 1,087 3 3 302 4 2 223 19 10 63 13 8 952 13 0 1,119 16 2 506 15 6 1,137 13 3 999 19 7 2,645 18 9 218 2 10 1,638 8 4 10,896 8 4 VOTE No. 46 :— Museum, — Payment under clause 14 New Zealand Institute Act ... , 500 0 0 VOTE No. 47 :— Office op the Colonial Architect, — Salaries 1,150 0 0 Total Financial Yeab 1874-75 ... 13,632 2 7 Total Class VIII. £18,407 10 8 ! UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR:— STAMrs, — Refunds of Fines Clerical Assistance 26 2 9 15 15 0 Judicial, — District Judge, Hokitika, allowance for removal from Napier Fees for service of Summons refunded Defalcations, in part, of J. Hare, late Clerk to the Bench, Wanganui Moiety of Fine under Licensing Act paid to Informer ... 41 17 9 120 0 0 110 5 19 0 12 10 0 139 10 0 Carried forward 181 7 9



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, :n detail —a itinued. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B. (1. Brought forward 181 7 9 FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Postal.— Defalcations of S. M. Spiers, late Postmaster, Ross £478 2 6 Less reeoTered ... ... ... 106 6 0 371 16 6 25 0 0 Defalcations of J. Delaney, Post Office Savings Bant, Oamaru ... Conveyance of Mails between Hokianga and Waimate, October, 1872 ... Advertising Tenders for Coastal Services, &c. ... Clerical Assistance, Post Office, Invercargill, June, 1873 5 16 8 7 6 7 5 16 8 Tklkguaph,— Instruction of Cadets, &c, Wellington Customs, — Services in the protection of the Revenue Compensation for Custom House Bite, Russell... 415 16 5 43 1 6 5 0 0 100 0 0 105 0 0 Native,— C. Vincent, Compensation for stoppage of Mill, &c, at Waihou ... Legal Expenses, Native Reserve, Princes Street, Dunedin Wairarapa Five Per Cents, to 30 June, 1874 ... Payments to Natives on account of Section 402, Port Chalmers ... Seed Wheat and Potatoes supplied to Ngataerangi Natives in 1864 Steam Subsidy, Lake Taupo Government Agent, Hauraki Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Provisions, &c, for Natives Present to Te Hira Miscellaneous 164 2 0 374 16 6 19 2 3 145 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 133 6 8 18 0 0 34 6 10 95 1 6 30 8 6 8 18 9 Defence,— W. K. McLean, Compensation for loss of office as Accountant, Defence Department H. J. Gundry, Gratuity on resignation of Sub-Inspectorship at Waihi, Taranaki C. W. Ferris, Gratuity on resignation of Sub-Inspectorship A.C. at Gisborne 1,473 3 0 165 0 5 125 0 0 62 10 0 Miscellaneous, — Water Supply, Government House, Auckland Payment to M. and J. Colgin of money left by W. Colgin, a suicide (bjfeh de se) Balances of Intestate Estates transferred to Revenue now returned to the Public Trustee, — Estate of T. M. Brown ... ... £10 16 6 „ C. Pugh ... ... ... 2 4 6 „ J. Morrison ... ... 45 5 3 H. Lytle ... ... ... 1 19 9 352 10 5 189 17 6 121 13 2 Imprest Accounts written- off Refund of Fees under the Marriage Act Subsidy to Lessee of Auckland Islands ... Purchase of Lease of House for Residence of Minister of Justice Freight on Furniture for Ministerial Residence, Molesworth Street Lilhofracteur for rock-blasting at Poverty Bay Preparing Map of North Island, showing Road Districts Duty paid on Stationery ... Attendance as Licensing Commissioner at Kaipara 60 6 0 87 4 9 8 5 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 14 0 8 23 15 0 6 0 0 3 0 3 4 10 0 MlLITIA AND VOLTJNTEBBS, — Payments on account of Contract for removal and re-erection of Drill Shed, Auckland ... Compensation to H. Gordon, late Artillery Band, Wellington 1,118 12 4 465 6 8 15 0 0 480 6 8 Recoverable, — Advance to Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation ... Provincial Charges,— Auckland, — Ohinemuri Gold Field, — Cession of Land ... ... ... £500 0 0 Road Work and Surveys ... ... 744 5 6 Building for Temporary Government Offices ... ... ... ... 21 12 0 4,169 18 1 5,000 0 0 Electoral Expenses ... ... ... £685 1 0 Less recovery ... ... ... 270 17 9 1,265 17 6 414 3 3 17 6 Code of Signals 1,681 8 3 Carried forward 6,681 8 3 4,169 18 1



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUK >, 1874-75, DETAIL —C( '.United. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. UNAUTHOEIZED EXPENDITUKE. Brought forward 6,681 8 3 4,169 18 1 * FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continned Recoverable— continued. Provincial Charges— continued. Taranaki, — Volunteer Land Scrip redeemed Code of Signals 7,030 0 0 12 0 7,031 2 0 Hawke's Bat, — Travelling Expenses of Commissioner of Crown Lauds Importation of Birds ... ... ... £189 8 1 Less recovered ... ... ... 47 10 3 23 12 6 Oil and Charges Code of Signals Electoral Expenses ... ... ... £1G 7 0 Less recovered ... ... ... 13 10 0 141 17 10 73 5 4 0 5 6 2 17 0 Wellington,— Travelling Allowance connected with laying off Reserves in the Manawatu Block Code of Signals Freight on case from England for Somes' Island Lighthouse 241 18 2 17 6 6 2 4 0 20 3 8 0 13 2 Nelson, — Travelling Allowance and Expenses of Resident Magistrate holding Court at Nelson South-West Gold Fields Code of Signals 10 10 6 9 14 0 0 16 6 Marlborottgh,— Code of Signals ... ... ... 0 5 6 Canterbury,— Code of Signals 0 16 6 Westland, — Code of Signals 0 11 0 Otaoo, — Charges on case of Silver Plate ... Code of Signals 10 1 0 3 0 6 13 1 6 13,999 17 1 Recovered, — Advance to Conservators, South Waimakariri Eiver On account of defalcations of J. M. Spiers 4,500 0 0 106 6 0 Auckland, — Electoral Expenses Road Contracts, &c. Payment to J. Fraser, for deficient acreage 270 17 9 972 5 4 50 2 3 1,293 5 4 Havtke's Bat, — Importation of Birds Electoral Expenses 47 10 3 13 10 0 61 0 3 Westland, — Electoral Expenses 66 3 0 6,026 14 7 Less Credit, — Kaipara Pilotage and Port Charges ... 24,196 9 9 79 12 5 Total foe Services not Provided for ... £24,116 17 -1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FIT D, 1874-75, DETAIL —C< mtinued. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. .(.' s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. SUMMARY OF UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. % 5,695 17 6 Foe Sebtices in Excess of Appropriations,— Liabilities of 1873-74 Financial Ykae, 1874-75,— Public Departments (see page 32) ... ... £1,209 1 7 Law and Justice (see page 38) ... ... 4,421 5 10 Postal, &c. (see page 42) ... ... ... 11,319 7 8 Miscellaneous (see page 47) ... ... 2,190 2 8 Native (see page 49) ... ... ... 4,603 18 0 Militia and Volunteers (see page 50) ... 2195 Advances outstanding (see page 56) 23,765 5 2 996 15 4 49,578 10 11 Foe Services not Peovided fob,— Expenditure (see page 53) Advances outstanding (see page 56) 24,762 0 6 24,116 17 4 699 13 1 24,816 10 5 Total ... £55,274 8 5 REFUNDS OP REVENUE. Customs : — Drawbacks of Duty Fees under " The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870 " ... 1,097 1 1 10 0 Stamp Duties ... Postal Telegraph Judicial Fees and Fines and other Fees ... Incidental 1,098 1 1 571 16 11 85 0 0 829 9 4 39 8 0 134 17 6 160 13 4 £2,919 6 2 PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES. LIABILITIES OF 1873-74. Undeb "The Payments to Peovinces Act, 1872:" — Auckland ... Taranaki ... Wellington Nelson Maelbobough Otago 1,668 11 9 153 15 3 642 7 1 1,070 16 4 305 7 0 1,272 4 5 5,113 1 10 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. Under " The Payments to Peovinces Act, 1872 s"— Auckland ... Taranaki ... Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlbobough Canterbury Westland ... Otago 35,G53 5 8 2,252 18 9 9,725 3 9 1,728 11 2 15,fi40 12 3 3,835 7 7 3,417 15 0 9,232 6 0 577 0 0 82,003 0 2 £87,176 2 0 Under "The Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874:"— Auckland ... Wellington Nelson 24,000 0 0 500 0 0 27,000 0 0 £51,500 0 0



DISBURSEMENTS of thk CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1874-75, or detail— a \tinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. EEDEMPTI0N OF TREASURY BILLS. Tbeasuby Bills Redeemed, 1st Notemeee, 1874 •."— Issued under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 " „ " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870 " ... 150,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 £500,000 0 0 STAMP DUTIES ACCOUNT. Moiety of Stamp Duties tbansfebbed to Immigeation and Public Wobks Loan Account: — ' Auckland ... Tabanaki ... Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson Maelboeough Cantebbubx Westland ... Otago 8,153 10 0 527 19 10 8,228 18 0 2,820 1 7 2,683 14 2 404 6 1 11,506 18 8 1,557 9 9 19,436 2 1 Total ... 0 2



STATEMENT of the ADVANCES of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on the 30TH JUNE, 1875, showing the VOTES, &c., under which they were issued.

£ s. d. £ a. d. £ 8. d. Cmi List:— Native Purposes 319 2 6 Pbbmanent Chabges:— "Civil Service Superannuation Act" "Military Pensions Act" " Native Schools Act" " Schafer and Others Pensions Act" 7 19 4 340 1 10 61 9 6 5 0 0 Keseevk Account:— Vote No. 40... „ 41 414 10 8 14 0 73 19 5 75 3 5 Appbopbiations : — Vote No. 22—Land Transfer ... „ 26—Customs h 27 —Marine „ 28 —Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ 34 —Salaries of European and Native Officers 7 11 305 11 10 10 0 0 269 5 6 1,750 11 2 2,342 9 7 Genebal Impeest Accottnt ... ... ... 9,240 12 8 Unaothobized : — Iir Excess of Appeopbiations,— Vote No. 16 —Crown Prosecutions ... „ 23—Deeds Registry „ 24—Postal „ 25—Telegraph ... „ 32—Bonus to Civil Servants ... „ 35—Native Contingencies... „ 36 —Militia and Volunteers, Store Department 186 19 0 45 6 4 127 6 10 288 4 1 31 12 0 248 5 0 69 10 1 Less Credit Balance, Vote No. 20, Jurors 997 3 4 0 8 0 Foe Seevices not pbovidbd joe,— Miscellaneous 996 15 4 699 13 1 Total ... £14,088 7 3




CONSOLIDATED FUND. GENERAL. Auckland. Tabanaki. "Wellington. Hawke's Bay Nelson. Mablbobo'. Cantebbuey. Westland. Otago. TOTALS. cr. CUSTOMS : Duties Bents, Seizures, &o. Bonded Warehouse Duties Fees :— " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858 " " Arms Act, 1860 " "Marine Act, 1866" " Steam Navigation Act, 1866 " " Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866 " " Distillation Act, 1868 "... " Trade Marks Act, 1866 "... " Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870" ... "Drawbacks Act, 1872" ... £ s. d. 2 10 10 £ a. d. 254,814 6 3 143 3 10 1,126 17 9 £ s. d. 8,143 10 2 16 3 3 50 0 0 £ a. d. 163,862 9 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 43,139 3 8 81,227 5 2 11 7 5 250 0 0 45G 17 0 £ s. d. 8,871 10 1 10 17 10 50 0 0 £ s. d. 193,219 3 C £ s. d. 55,865 17 9 £ s. d. 414,228 17 5 57 1(5 9 1,009 19 11 £ s. d. 1,223,374. 14 • 1 239 9 1 4,872 10 2 £ s. d. 750 5 6 738 10 0 350' 0 0 M 531 19 6 657 12 0 1,687 3 11 192 3 0 3 12 6 52 3 0 49 13 8 G 6 0 149 13 0 240 14 0 1,729 13 1 137 10 0 25 1 3 22 3 6 92 0 0 169 G 0 193 4 C 767 6 II 1 31 10 0 45 3 0; 5 15 0| 23 0 0 48 0 0 3 10 9 52 16 9 135 7 8 3 3 0 0 10 0 17 0 0 274 13 3 276 16 0 2,229 13 9 31 10 0 10 0 119 0 0 3 3 0 . 17 17 9 176 10 0 111 12 0 29 8 0 389 19 0 352 1 0 3,343 14 8 130 4 0 1 17 6 140 0 0 1,418 10 6 2,069 18 9 10,247 10 2 606 17 0 9 2 6 567 0 0 22 1 0 93 0 0 ib" o o 66 0 0 18 18 0 51 O 0 70 15 0 6 9 0 40 0 0. 2 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 7 6 6 3 0 30 10 0 0 18 0 146 10 0 , 7 17 6 1,213,582 0 9 110,041 0 3 72,037 0 0 55,552 2 0 Stamp Dittie3 ... Postal Telegraphic ... Judicial Fees and Fines: — Supremo Courts Sheriffs' Offices District Courts Eesident Magistrates' Courts ... Petty Sessions Courts ... Registration and Other Fees :— Registration of Land ... ,,, „ Deeds ... „ Births, Marriages, &e. „ Medical Practitioners „ Joint Stock Companies Issue of Crown Grants "Land Claims Settlements Act, 1856 " ... "Aliens Act, 1860" ... "Patents Acts, 1860-1870" ... " Licensing Act Amendment Act, 1874" ... " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858 " " Licensing Ordinance Amendment Act, 1866" " Lunatics Act, 1868 " " Lost Licenses and Leases Act, 1865 " ... "Lost Land Orders Act, 1861" ... " Inspection of Machinery Act, 1874 " Fines, " Coroners Act, 1867 " .., 2 19 8 1,359 2 1 16,307 0 4 12,279 8 6 9,210 5 3 1,055 19 8 978 0 1 1,006 17 9 1 16,457 15 10 9,416 8 3i 7,521 11 3 5,640 3 2| 5,367 8 3 3,312 7 2 3,127 3 11 2,559 7 6: 4,588 8 8 808 12 1 1,318 5 1 1,330 0 2 23,013 17 6\ 14,610 16 1 9,129 17 9 3,114 19 5 3,336 19 4 3,194 13 0 38,872 4 41 22,298 9 6 17,011 1 5 11,081 14 7 145 9 11 346 16 9 3,618 0 4 61 15 2 21 11 0 2 8 0 87 11 3 324 15 10 955 1 1 27 4 6 167 6 OJ 395 8 6 24 7 0 14 12 0 38 13 6 255 9 0 712 11 7 2,211 8 11 76 17 9 45 Id, 01 1,090 9 0 74 12 3 262 3 0 5,636 16 8 139 17 1 64 2 2 28816 0 1,759 17 9 1,209 3 10 116 11 0 610 6 8 6,717 17 11 388 12 0 5,030 10 2 405 4 8 1,919 16 8 24,220 0 2 681 13 2 15 17 6 2,678 3 11 0 14 6 55o" 9 9 13 16 8 32,263 4 10 4 2 6 920 15 8 4,136 16 0 958 17 0 2 5 0 306 3 6 1,796 14 10 91 9 0 564 6 0 64 0 6 7" 7 ol 167 5 6| 1,220 17 0 2,163 2 6 729 18 9 7 10 0 18 9 0 483 10 0 8 11 10 146 2 0 163 19 0 23 11 0 511 19 0 612 2 0 1,212 15 0 662 17 Oj 218 18 0 234 3 6 "! 3l' 0 0 311 18 0 841 1 0 ... 7 9 6 35 3 0 264 3 Oj 410 18 6| 131 7 6j 15 0! 27 3 2 4,056 2 8 2,689 3 0 914 17 0 10 10 0 21 15 0 706 6 5 307 16 J 223 18 6; 197 7 Gj 24* 1 0 330 19 0 3,536 2 4 3,7G9 5 6 1,391 16 0 14 15 0 73 5 0 2,393 18 7 11.521 7 0 15,833 2 0 4,845 8 3 36 5 0 482 0 6 6,459 1G 6 8 11 10 146 2 0 163 19 0 39G 0 G 10 2 6 ... . o'"5 0 69 18 6 10 2 6 l6" 18 0 13 16 0 46 11 61 46 12 6 141 15 6 ... 10 0 0 20 17 6 ... 10 0 0 20 17 6 5 0 0 10 0 906 0 0 2 15 0 ... ... 5 0 0 ... 1 0 0 ... ... ... 0 10 0 I I 196 0 0 1 10 0 252 0 0j 267" 0 0 191 0 0 0 15 0 1 Incidental Receipts ... 50,079 0 3 51,494 15 4 ... ... ... 14,061 7 0 259,502 2 5 69,492 11 0 1 50,079 0 3 Total ... 310,842 14 1 12,714 18 2 209,209 8 3l 58,548 12 7' 100,533 4 9 518,603 2 10 1,605,002 16 5



STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED out of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30 JUNE, 1875, as compared with the Expenditure charged thereon during the Year.

Cbedits. Total. Expenditure. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. Descbiption of Vote. Amount or Vote. Saying. Liabilities of 1873-74. £ s. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous 15,145 0 0 919 2 2 * 16,064 2 2 21,759 19 8 5,695 IT 6 FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. Class I.—Public Departments. 2 3 4 5 7 8 Legislative Departments Executive Departments Stamp Department Printing Department Store Department ... Geological and Meteorological Department Electoral Department Secretary for Crown Lands Department 30,058 2 O 16,815 10 0 3,955 0 0 9,670 16 0 535 0 0 3,216 0 0 3,535 0 0 1,914 15 0 23 11 1 34 0 4 21 0 5 503 13 10 30,081 13 1 16,849 10 4 3,976 0 5 10,174 9 10 535 0 0 3,216 0 0 3,535 7 O 1,915 5 0 25,430 1 8 17,030 5 2 3,501 15 6 11,192 14 10 535 0 0 3,226 1 9 3,360 15 6 1,757 11 9 4,651 8 5 474 1 11 180 14 10 1,018 5 0 "o 7 0 0 10 0 10 1 9 174 11 6 157 13 3 Total Class I. 69,700 3 0 583 2 8 70,283 5 8 66,034 9 2 5,457 18 1 1,209 1 7 Class II. —Law and Justice. 10 18 14 16 17 19 21 22 Department of Justice Crown Law Office ... Supreme Court District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions Justices of the Peace Act Coroners Act Lunatics Act Juries Act Contingencies Land Transfer Department ... Deeds Registry 1,168 O 0 1,160 0 O 7,275 0 0 5,710 0 0 20,281 2 0 350 0 0 5,300 O 0 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 400 0 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 8,825 0 0 8,530 0 0 47 0 11 69 15 10 15 15 0 1,168 0 0 1,160 0 O 7,322 0 11 5,710 0 0 20,350 17 10 350 0 0 5,315 15 0 500 0 0 1,205 8 O 402 2 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 8,830 12 11 8,543 15 0 1,168 0 0 1,060 0 0 7,670 17 10 5,863 8 4 20,463 8 11 384 3 3 5,410 15 8 1,093 G 8 2.0G0 15 6 510 16 6 955 13 0 2,528 3 4 8,749 15 8 9,379 15 7 100 0 0 • 348 16 11 153 8 4 112 11 1 34 3 3 95 0 8 593 6 8 855 7 H 108 14 G 255 13 O 1,028 3 4 5 8 0 2 2 0 5 12 11 13 15 0 80 17 3 836 0 7 Total Class II. 07,299 0 3 180 17 3 4,421 5 10 62,899 2 O 159 9 8 63,058 11 8 Class III. —Postal and Telegraphic. 25 Postal Department... Telegraph Department 114,181 10 0 58,215 0 0 553 6 6 246 19 4 114,734 16 C 58,461 19 4 120,268 4 4 64,247 19 2 5,533 7 10 5,785 19 10 Total Class III. 172,396 10 0 ! 800 5 10 11,319 7 8 173,196 15 10 184,516 3 6



STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED, &c— continued. Description of Vote. Amount of Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Sating. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. _ _ : Class IV.—Customs. Customs Department Marine ... £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2G '27 40,597 17 2 11,385 0 0 87 0 6 77 13 10 40,684 17 8 11,462 13 10 39,288 19 0 9,832 9 5 1,395 18 8 1,630 4 5 I Total Class IV. 51,982 17 2 164 14 4 52,147 11 6 49,121 8 5 3,026 3 1 ... Class V.—Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects. 29 81 S3 Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects Exchange and Commission ... Contribution to Defence Expenditure Contribution to Eoad Boards Grant ... Special Allowances to Officers of Civil Service ... Provincial Charge —Otago ... 48,535 5 0 2,000 0 0 65,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 160 0 0 814 19 9 49,350 4 9 2,000 0 0 65,000 0 0 2.*',000 0 0 15,073 7 6 160 0 0 36,018 12 8 2,455 5 4 65,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 16,808 4 10 160 0 0 13,331 12 1 455 5 4 "73 7 6 1,734 17 4 Total Class V. 155,695 5 0 883 7 3 I 145,442 2 10 156,583 12 3 13,331 12 1 2,190 2 8 Class VI. —Native. 31 35 86 SS 89 Salaries of European and Native Officers General Contingencies Native Schools Native Laud Court Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act "Wairarapa 5 Per Cent. Land Purchase Account 15,476 0 0 8,700 0 0 6,000 0 0 1,175 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 30 10 0 119 2 6 492 8 2 15,506 10 0 8,819 2 6 6,4P2 8 2 1,175 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 13,627 1 3 11,087 6 4 8,803 19 6 1,175 0 0 424 2 10 1,879 8 9 2,268 3 10 2,311 11 4 300 0 0 24 2 10 Total Class VI. 32,051 0 0 642 0 8 32,693 0 8 35,117 9 11 2,179 8 9 4,603 18 0 Class VII. —Militia and Volunteers. 10 41 42 43 Militia and Volunteer Office Store Department ... Militia and Volunteers, North Island Militia and Volunteers, South Island 300 0 0 2,950 12 6 13,350 7 6 7,401 7 6 ! 9 0 0 49 10 0 4 6 0 300 0 0 2,059 12 6 13.399 17 6 7,405 13 6 300 0 0 2,981 1 11 8,660 16 10 6,197 4 5 ... 4,739 0 8 1,208 9 1 5,947 9 9 21 9 5 Total Class VII. ... 24,002 7 6 62 16 0 24,065 3 6 18,139 3 2 , 21 9 5



INT si owiug the SUMS APPEOPRIATED, &c— continued. en . Description of Vote. Amount of Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Saving. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. £ e. a. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Class VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings. 4 ! 45 46 17 Government Domains Public Buildings ... Museum ... Office of the Colonial Architect 1,191 4 0 12,850 0 0 500 0 0 1,150 0 0 391. 11 0 1,191 4 0 13,244 11 0 500 0 0 1,150 0 0 1,085 14 3 10,896 8 4 500 0 0 1,150 0 0 105 9 9 2,348 2 8 Total Class VIII. ... 2,453 12 5 15,691 4 0 394 11 0 16,085 15 0 13,632 2 7 Unauthorized Expenditure 6,106 7 0 6,106 7 0 24,196 9 9 18,090 2 9 SUMMARY. Liabilities of 1873-74 15,145 0 0 919 2 2 16,064 2 2 21,759 19 S 5,695 17 6 Financial Year 1874-75 :— Class I.—Public Departments 69,700 3 0 583 2 8 70,283 5 8 66,034 9 2 5,457 18 1 1,209 1 7 II. —Law and Justice 62,899 2 0 159 9 8 63,058 11 8 67,299 0 3 180 17 3 4,421 5 10 III.— Postal 172,390 10 0 800 5 10 173,196 15 10 184,516 3 6 11,319 '1 8 IV. —Customs 51,982 17 2 164 14 4 52,147 11 6 49,121 8 5 3,026 3 1 V.- —Miscellaneous 155,695 5 0 888 7 3 156,583 12 3 145,442 2 10 13,331 12 1 2,190 2 8 VI.—Native 32,051 0 0 642 0 8 32,693 0 8 35,117 9 11 2,179 8 9 4,603 18 0 VII. —Militia and Volunteers... 24,002 7 6 62 16 0 24,065 3 6 18,139 3 2 5,947 9 9 21 9 5 VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings ... 15,691 1 0 394 11 0 16,085 15 0 13,632 2 7 2,153 12 5 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE 6,106 7 0 6,106 7 0 24,196 9 9 18,090 2 9 Totals ... 599,563 8 8 47,551 5 5 10,720 16 7 610,284 5 3 625,258 9 3 32,577 1 6



STATEMENT of ACCOUNTS with the several PROVINCES under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872," for the FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75.

Debits. Credits. Paid to Balances. I Special Allowances under " Payments to Provinces Act, 1872/' Payable Provinces PROVINCES. Interest and Sinking Fund. Services charged Provincially. Total. Capitation Money. Special Allowances under " Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874." Recoveries on Account of Debit Balances. Total. TO Pbovikces. AND Transfers. Db. Cb. i * I £ s. d. 40,435 7 3 1,964 19 2 13,851 0 4 6,678 17 10 4,166 9 7 478 4 0 41,771 17 5 12,771 8 1 68,159 1 9 £ 8. d. 143 7 6 £ s. d. 40,578 14 9 1,964 19 2 13,851 0 4 6,678 17 10 4,554 13 1 478 4 0 41,771 17 5 12,771 8 1 68,319 1 9 £ s. d. 51,870 15 0 4,167 15 0 23,5(38 15 0 7,311 15 0 17,003 5 0 4,656 15 0 46,740 0 0 11,180 5 0 66,612 0 0 £ a. d. 4,000 0 0 250 0 0 750 0 0 1,500 0 0 £ 8. d. 25,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 80,870 15 0 4,417 15 0 24,318 15 0 8,811 15 0 ! 22,063 5 0 4,656 15 0 46,740 0 0 ' 23,043 12 6 68,481 9 7 £ s. a. 40,292 0 3 2,452 15 10 10,467 14 8 ! 2,132 17 2 17,508 11 11 4,178 11 0 ! 4,968 2 7 10,272 4 5 162 7 10 £ 8. d. 35,653 5 8 2,252 18 9 9,725 3 9 1,728 11 2 15,640 12 8 3,835 7 7 3,417 15 0 9,232 6 0 577 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,638 14 7 199 17 1 742 10 11 404 6 0 1,867 19 8 343 3 5 1,550 7 f 1,039 18 5 Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bat Nelson Maelboeotjgh Canteebuey ... Westland Otago 388 3 6 5,00o'"o 0 ... 11,863 7 6 j 160 0 0 ... 1,869" 9 7 414' 12 2 ... ... ... Totals 190, 277 5 5 i 691 11 0 233,171 5 0 41,863 7 6 1,869 9 7 283,401 2 1 92,435 5 8 10,786 17 8 190,968 16 5 '6,500 0 0 82,063 0 2 414 12 2 STATEMENT showing the LOANS in respect of which the foregoing CHARGES for INTEREST and SINKING- FUND were made. Provinces. Loan Act, 1856. Consolidated Loan Act, 1867. Defence Loan Act, 1870. Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870. Wellington Debts Act, 1871. Provincial Loans Unconveeted. Totals. Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Nelson Mablborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago ... £ s. d. 4,015 9 6 4 19 2 1,431 11 6 1,372 16 6 2,289 3 11 5 9 8 2,662 14 5 1,165 11 1 4,252 4 3 £ s. d. 30,609 0 0 1,600 0 0 8,804 3 7 4,988 16 4 1,877 5 8 472 14 4 33,700 16 11 9,202 3 1 58,480 13 7 149,735 13 6 £ s. d. 3,000 0 0 360 0 0 1,020 0 0 £ s. d. 282 17 9 596 10 2 £ b. d. 726 0 1 £ s. d. 2,528 0 0 1,272 15 0 317 5 0 £ b. d. 40,435 7 3 1,964 19 2 13,851 0 4 6,678 17 10 4,166 9 7 478 4 O 41,771 17 5 12,771 8 1 68,159 1 9 190,277 5 5 5,408 6 1 2,403 13 11 5,426 3 11 ... Total 17,200 0 0 9,806 3 11 879 7 11 726 0 1 11,930 0 0



FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75. r- ' x~- «




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS ACTS, 18G3-65-66:— Auckland, — Sales of Confiscated Lands Timber Licenses ... Rents ... Miscellaneous 14,780 1 0 145 0 0 118 6 0 20 0 0 Taeanaki,— Sales of Confiscated Lands... Bents 15,063 7 0 151 0 0 109 3 9 260 3 9 Wellington,— R«nts ... 25 0 0 Hawse's Bay,— Sales of Confiscated Lands... 2,802 10 0 Credits in reduction of Expenditure, — Vote No. 48 Temporary Advances from Immigration and Public Works Loan, under Section 5 of " The Appropriation Act, 1872 " 18,151 0 9 GO 17 4 15,500 0 0 • ♦ • Total Receipts 33,711 18 1 Balance on 30tli June, 1874,— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 3,308 17 7 395 15 5 3,70i 13 0 Total New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66 £37,416 11 1




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ F. d, NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS ACTS, 1863-65-66 :— Reseeye Account, — Vote No. 58,— Liabilities of 1873-74,— Salaries Surreys Compensation Awards Conveyance of Mails ... Miscellaneous 45 16 8 287 17 7 50 0 0 250 0 0 533 19 1 Ctteeent Services, — Vote No. 48,— Auckland, — Salaries Surveys Contingencies 1,117 13 4 561 18 4 1,585 13 2 605 2 10 East Coast, — Surveys 2,752 14 4 1,408 14 1 Taeanaki and Wellington,— Salaries Surveys Contingencies 1,925 8 9 785 15 6 374 15 5 3,085 19 8 7,633 11 4 Settlement of Claims and Awards Subsidies for Overland Mail Services, — Tauranga to Taupo Taupo to Napier Wellington to New Plymouth ... Foxton to Waipukurau 750 0 0 562 10 0 1,500 0 0 675 0 0 3,487 10 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 18,368 9 5 3,633 12 1 14,734 17 4 Vote No. 49,— Compensation to E. Gibbons 72 7 6 Refunds of Retenue 8 0 0 SrjPPLEMENTAKY,— Expenditure in excess of Appropriations, — Vote No. 48,- ' Confiscated Lands, — Expenditure Amount Voted ... ... ... £14,674 0 0 Credits (per contra) ... ... 60 17 4 18,368 9 5 14,734 17 4 3,633 12 1 Services not provided for, — One-fourth of proceeds of Land Sales paid over to Provinces, — Auckland ... Taeanaki ... Wellington Hawke's Bay 3,152 19 0 3,209 18 4 163 6 8 340 12 6 Payment to Patea School Committee out of proportion of proceeds of Land SaleB reserved for Boad Boards G,8G6 16 6 700 0 0 Approaches to Waitotara Bridge ... Purchase of Land Supplies for Natives 7,566 16 6 20 0 0 3,670 10 0 45 16 8 11,303 3 2 14,936 15 3 Total Disbursements 30,869 13 5 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 856 12 11 5,690 4 9 6,516 17 8 Total New Zealand Settlements Acts 1863-65-66 ! £87,416 11 1




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867:"— Sales of Debentures—£80,000, at 105i ... Recoveries, — Hawke's Bat, — Balance of £245 Is. Id., due in respect of charges, &c, attending conversion of Wellington Debentures in 1868-69 ... Otago,— Refund in respoet of payments for redemption of Debentures of Otago Harbour Loan of 1862 Balance of charges and expenses attendant on redemption of Provincial Bonds ... 122 15 8 84,400 0 0 1,200 0 0 181 15 10 1,381 15 10 1,504 11 6 Total Receipts 85,904 11 6 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 3,068 18 10 2,101 3 0 5,170 1 10 Total "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... £91,074 13 4 "DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870:"— Sales of 4i per cent. Debentures at par ... Temporary advance on'aecurity of Debentures 7,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 • 12,000 0 0 Credits in reduction of Expenditure, — Vote No. Dl —Armed Constabulary, — Pay ... ... ... ... ... £1,419 2 3 Clothino ... ... ... ... 3,400 9 11 Rations ... ... ... ... 3,566 5 4 Horses, Forage, &c. ... ... ... 229 2 4 Arms, Ammunition, &c.... ... ... 330 10 7 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 83 12 5 £9,029 2 10 Contribution from 1'rovince of Auckland ... 5,842 6 8 i Vote No. 52—Miscellaneous, — Arms, Ammunition, &c.... ... ... £385 3 2 j Contingencies ... ... ... ... 21 6 6 14,871 9 6 406 9 8 Vote No. 54—Contingent Defence and Liabilities,— Pay .. £2,047 10 1 Clothing 369 17 10 Rations ... ... ... ... 363 18 0 Arms, &c. ... ... ... ... 60 9 7 Horses, &c. ... ... ... ... 25 17 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 448 1 3 £3,324 14 3 Contribution from Province of Auckland ... 2,004 10 1 5,329 4 4 Contribution by Consolidated Fund, under Section 5, " Appropriation Act, 1874 Advance by Bank of New Zealand 20,607 3 6 65,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 Carried forward 147,607 3 6



>F THE S FOE THE (74-75— conti, iued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. I d. £ s. a. "CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867:"— OlAGO, — Redemption of Debentures issued under " The Otago Loan Ordinance 1861-62 " Redemption of Debentures issued under " The Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862" ... Charges and Expenses in respect of above Loans 40,050 0 • 0 39,350 0 0 188 15 10 Accrued Interest on Debentures from 15 July to 29 September, 1874, transferred to Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... 79.5S8 15 10 832 17 6 Total Disbursements Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 80,121 13 4 8,551 17 0 2,101 3 0 10,653 0 0 TOIAI " CONSOLIDATED LOAN Ad, 1867" ... £91,074 13 4 " DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870:"— Reserve Account, — Vote No. 61,— Armed Constabulary,—• Pay aud Allowances ... ... ... £362 1 3 Rations ... ... ... ... 521 18 7 Clothing and Equipments ... ... 698 17 10 Transport ... ... ... ... 165 0 0 Forage ... ... ... ... 860 19 2 Travelling Expenses ... „. ... 27 7 6 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 31 0 10 Horses ... ... ... ... 435 0 4 Buildings, &c. ... ... ... 152 3 1 Saddlery ... ... ... ... 208 18 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 198 6 10 3,662 0 2 Vote No. 62,— Prizes, &c, —■ Prizes ... ... ... ... £490 7 6 Passages ... ... ... ... 6 17 0 Medals ... ... ... ... 255 14 5 Carriage and Freight ... ... ... 342 8 2 Repairs to Arms ... ... ... 4 4 6 Ammunition, Stores, &c. ... ... 7,892 1 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 69 8 6 Vote No. 64, — Contingent Defence, — Pay and Allowances ... ... ... £3,307 1 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 86 1 9 9,061 1 10 3,393 3 3 Financial Yeab 1874-75, — Vote No. 50,— Defence Office, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £956 15 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 209 11 9 10,116 5 3 1,166 6 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 91 6 9 1,075 0 0 Vote No. 51,— Armed Constabulary, — Commissioner's Office... ... ... £1,345 16 8 Pay and Allowances ... ... 80,532 11 2 Rations ... ... ... ... 4,677 15 4 Forage ... ... ... ... 6,751 2 7 Transport... ... ... ... 892 14 10 Clothing and Equipments ... ... 4,489 19 3 Shoeing Horses ... ... ... 237 16 8 Purchase of Horses... ... ... 369 7 6 Travelling Expenses ... ... 260 5 3 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 214 0 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 966 19 4 Saddlery, &c. ... ... ... 182 12 10 Barracks ... ... ... ... 680 13 11 101,601 16 1 Carried forward 102,676 16 1 16,116 5 3




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward 147,607 3 6 "DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870"— contd. Total Receipts 147,607 3 6 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign .3,48-1. 17 0 96 6 9 41,265 2 2 44,846 5 11 ; £192,453 9 5 3,581 3 9 Total " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 " ■' IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74:"— Sales of Debentures, — In England, — 4i per cents, at 98 (Loan of 1873) ...£1,470,000 0 0 Add Discount ... ... ... 30,000 0 0 4i per cents, at 94 (Loan of 1874) ... £1,936,964 0 0 Add Discount ... ... ... 123,636 0 0 1,500,000 0 0 2,060,600 0 0 14 per cent of £1,939,400, balance of Loan 271,516 0 0 2,332,116 0 0 Carried forward 3,832,116 0 0



»p the SPECIAL FUNDS foe the ¥. nancial tear i, 174-75 — continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. a. £ b. d. £ a. d. Brought forward 102,676 16 1 16,116 5 3 " DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870"— contd. Financial Year 1874-75 — continued. Vote No. 52, — Miscellaneous, — Prizes ... ... ... ... £1,963 19 0 Arms and Ammunition ... ... 10,995 13 5 Carriage and Freight ... ... ... 909 1 8 Repairs ... ... ... ... 71 18 4 Passages of Competitors ... ... 1,553 3 8 Insurances ... ... ... ... 30 O 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 331 6 0 15,855 2 1 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 748 12 5 Tote No. 53, — Steamer " Luna " —■ Moiety of Working Expenses ... ... £3,995 0 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 495 0 8 15,106 9 8 3,500 0 0 Vote No. 54 — Contingent Defence, — Pay and Allowances ... ... ... £9,777 10 9 Rations ... ... ... ... 1,842 O 4 Forage ... ... ... ... 198 15 0 Clothing and Equipments ... ... 526 7 8 Arms and Accoutrements ... ... 1,114 15 11 Buildings ... ... ... ... 689 3 10 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 41 7 3 Transport ... ... ... ... 910 13 7 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 3,177 19 5 SUPPLEMENTARY, — Expenditure in excess of Appropriation,— Vote No 50,— Defence Office, — Expenditure ... £1,166 6 9 Amount Voted ... 1,075 0 0 91 6 9 18,278 13 9 Vote No. 52, — Miscellaneous, —■ Expenditure ... £15,855 2 1 Amount Toted £14,700 0 0 Credits 406 9 8 15,106 9 8 748 12 5 Vote No. 53, — Steamer " Luna," — Expenditure ... £3,995 0 8 Amount Voted ... 3,500 0 0 495 0 8 1,334 19 10 Total Disbursements 140,896 19 4 157,013 4 7 Balance on 30 June, 1875,— Cash in the Public Account Adyances to be accounted for 24,860 5 4 10,579 19 6 35,440 4 10 Total " Defence and Other Purposes Loait Act, 1870 " £192,453 9 5 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 :"— Reserve Account, — Vote No. 84, — Introduction of Immigrants, &c, —• Passages of Immigrants from Europe Gratuities to Ships'Officers Travelling expenses, Salaries, &c. Refunds of deposits for passages Passages and carriage of luggage in the Colony Advertising and Telegrams Rations, Clothing, and other Supplies Medical Supplies and Attendance 29,408 1 10 870 5 0 1,302 4 11 171 15 0 1,689 10 7 231 14 3 5,247 IS 9 204 1 8 Carried forward 39,125 12 0




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ e. d. Brought forward • ... I 13,832,116 0 0 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. Sales of Debentures — continued. In New Zealand, — 4£ per cents, at 97 (Loan of 1870) ... £873 0 0 Add Discount ... ... ... 21 0 0 On account of £14,900 ... ... 14,453 0 0 ' 15,353 0 0 Moiety op Stamp Duties, transferred from Consolidated Fund, — Auckland Tabanaxi Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson... Maelboeough ... Cantebbuby Westland Otaqo ... •3,847,409 0 0 8,153 10 0 687 19 10 8,228 18 Ol 2,820 1 7; 2,683 14 2 404 6 1 11,506 18 8 1,557 9 9 19,436 2 1 Interest Received, —■ Bank of New Zealand, London, — Interest on balances to 31 December, 1874 ... Interest on overdue Instalments from Tenderers for Debentures... Kanieri Water-Race Company,— Interest on advances to 9 March, 1875 ... ... ... i Hibernian Water-Race Company,— Interest on advances to 19 March, 1875 New River Water-Raco Company, — Interest on advances lo 19 March, 1875 Arrow Water-Race Company,— Interest on advances to 1 April, 1875 Greymouth Corporation,— Interest on Loan to 1 May, 1875 ... J. Brogden and Sons, —■ Interest on Promissory Notes to 28 March, 1S74 Interest on Mortgage by the Ngatitamainu Hapu, half-year to 31 December, 1874 ... 55,319 0 2 3,999 12 3 3 11 10 318 1 7 105 0 0 1G4 G 8 42 18 0 150 1 0 434 11 0 S 15 0 Sales op Allotments at Eketahuna and Mauriceville, Province of Wellington 5,256 17 4 233 17 6 Recoveries in Reduction op Expendituee,— Public Works,— Vote No. 55—Liabilities of 1873-74 „ 56—Head Office „ 60—Railways, North Island „ 61—Railways, Middle Island 3,903,278 15 0 2 8 0 1,052 1 2 50 0 0 20 14 S 1,125 3 10 Immigration, — Vote No. 67 —Agent-General's Department „ 68 —Immigration Services 26 6 5 42,150 18 2 42,177 4 7 Purchase of Lands, North Island, — Vote No. 62 —Land Purchase Officers 13 6 8 Railways,— Auckland, — Kaipara to Auckland ... ... ... £4 7 5 Auckland to Mercer ... ... ... 41,124 14 5 Mercer to Newcastle ... ... ... 3,932 1 11 Newcastle Southwards... ... ... 24 16 3 45,086 0 0 Hawke's Bay,— Napier to Waipukurau 55 8 8 Takanaei, — Waitara to Patea 40 8 0 Wellington,— Wanganui to Manawatu ... ... £1,821 6 9 Manawatu to Foxton ... ... ... 5,525 18 8 Wellington to Masterton ... ... 233 13 7 7,580 19 0 Nelson, — Nelson to Foxhill ... ... ... £4,55 1 10 Westport to Mount Rochfort ... ... 187 4 1 642 5 11 Maelbobotoh, — Picton to Blenheim 222 10 1 Crimed forward ... ; 53,627 11 8; 43,315 15 1 ,3,903,275 15 0 /

X— l


IF THE iPECIA F NDS for the FINANCIAL TEAR 1874-75— continued. Ch. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 39,125 12 0 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 187073—74"— continued, Reseeve Account— continued. Vote No. 84 — continued. Introduction of Immigrants, &o.— continued. Barracks and Buildings Miscellaneous 10,463 11 10 1,494 15 8 Vote No. 93, — Immigration, Canterbury,— Salaries 51,083 19 6 31 5 0 Financial Yeab 1874-75, — Pcbmc Woeks, — Votu No. 55, — Liabilities, 1873-74,— Public Works Office ... Roads, North Island ... Middle Island 51,115 4 6 69G 18 9 8 15 0 148 1 8 Votb No. 56 — Head Office,— Salaries Instruments ... Travelling Expenses and Contingencies ... Store Ship "Omega"... 853 15 5 11,784 15 6 1,990 1 6 2,937 10 0 2,067 14 9 18,780 1 9 Vote No. 57,— Store Department,— Moiety of Salaries 533 0 0 Vote No. 58,— Roads in North Island, — Salaries and Allowances 5,665 6 10 Vote No. 59, — Roads in Middle Island, — Salaries and Allowances ... 806 13 10 Vote No. 60, — Railways, North Island, — Salaries and Allowances Contingencies 11,595 1G 5 766 17 0 12,362 13 5 Vote No. 61, — Railways, Middle Island, — Salaries and Allowances Contingencies 15,750 16 6 2,279 14 11 18,030 11 5 Vote No. 62, — Land Purchase Officers, — Salaries ... ... ... 3,531 13 8 Vote No. 63,— Water-Races, — Salaries and Allowances ... 1,548 6 0 Vote No. 64,— Mikonui Water-Race, — Survey Expenses 284 17 0 Vote No. 66, — Agent-General's Department,— Salaries Contingencies 358 8 8 450 0 2 808 8 10 Immigration,— Vote No. 67, — Agent-General's Department,— Salaries Travelling Expenses ... Rent, Gas, Cleaning Office, &c.... Printing, Advertising, Stationery Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... Agencies in United Kingdom 3,905 10 6 252 4 0 667 4 2 4.167 8 10 2.168 10 11 1,595 14 3 63,210 8 2 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 12,756 12 8 665 6 3 Carried forward 12,091 G 5 12,091 6 5 114,325 12 8




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 53,627 11 S 43,315 15 1 3,908,278 15 0 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. Recoveries in Reduction of Expenditure— contd. Railways — continued. Canterbury,— Kowai to Addington ... ... ... £13,471 9 C Selwyn to Rakaia ... ... ... 50 11 0 Rakaia to Ashburton ... ... ... 12 12 2 Ashburton toTemuka.., ... ... 43 19 1 Temuka to Timaru ... ... ... 23,960 14 1 Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... 82 4 2 Canterbury Branch Lines ... ... 10,918 6 1 Westiand, — Brunner to Greymouth ... ... £150 2 11 Roads 58 0 0 48,539 16 1 208 2 11 Otago,— Waitaki to Moeraki ... ... ... £350 16 6 Moeraki to Dunediu ... ... ... 24 16 fi Dunedin to Clutha ... ... ... 26,639 15 1 j Clutha to Mataura 81 17 7 Mataura to Invercargill ... ... 471 3 0 Winton to Kingston ... ... ... 599 7 9 Tokomairiro to Lawrence ... ... 311 17 9 Dunedin to Tort Chalmers ... ... 7,526 14 0 Surveys General Account 36,006 8 2 41 17 0 94,275 19 3 Roads, North Island Purchase of Lands, North Island, — Auckland Wellington ... 232,609 15 1 27,046 17 8 1,252 15 0 283 6 8 1,686 1 8 261 2 11 582 2 1 750 0 0 10 0 Water Supply on Gold Fields Telegraph Extension Greymouth Protective Works Charges and Expenses of Raising Transfers, — From General Purposes Loan in repayment of Interest and Sinking Fund paid in 1871-73 From Consolidated Fund to meet payment of Interest and Sinking Fund due in London to 15 July, 1875 ... 306,192 14 6 143,500 0 0 420,663 4 7 277,163 4 7 Temporary Advances ox Guaranteed Debentures, — Bank of England... 890,000 0 0 Drafts on Crown Agents, London, — Proceeds of Drafts Add Discount ... 1,147,812 10 2,187 10 1,150,000 0 0 Carried forward 6,675,134 14 1

X— l


* the spec: :AL FUNDS foe the FINANCIAL TEAE 1 171-75 — continued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 12,091 6 5 114,325 12 8 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 — continued. Immigbation— continued. Vote No. 68, — Immigration Services, — Introduction, Location, &c., — Passages from Europe ... ... £381,123 9 10 Gratuities to Ships'Officers and others... 21,884 G 6 Commission, &c, to Agents ... ... 6,313 8 10 Rations, Outfit, and other Supplies ... 68,401 18 7 Travelling Expenses, &c. ... ... 2,974 5 3 Refunds of Outfit and Passage Money ... 689 7 0 Telegrams, Printing, Advertising, &c. ... 794 14 8 Demurrage ... ... ... 228 0 10 Passages and Carriage of Luggage in the Colony ... ... ... ... 21,383 4 3 Medical Attendance, &c. ... ... 1,857 16 10 Purchase of Land ... ... ... 617 16 0 Barracks and Buildings ... ... 1,304 8 2 New Zealand Handbook ... ... 1,465 9 1 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 5,961 2 4 Salaries in the Colony, — Chief Office ... ... ... £1,159 13 1 Immigration Officers and others ... 5,602 2 4 514,999 8 2 Contingencies ... Depots, new Buildings, repairs and additions, &c. Advances to Province of Wellington for Public Works in connection with settlement of Immigrants ... Advances for Works in connection with location of Settlers, including Advances for Cottages,—Tabanaki... ... ... .. £4,941 5 1 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 643 18 2 Wellington ... ... ... 3,827 11 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 2,262 17 0 Westland ... ... ... 4,783 16 5 Otago ... ... ... ... 10,000 0 0 6,761 15 5 625 3 6 25,671 10 5 6,500 0 0 26,459 7 8 Expenditure in oxcess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 581,017 5 2 75,120 0 0 Vote No. 69, — Liabilities on completion of Immigration and Quarantine Depots Expenditure in oxcess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 505,897 5 2 4,502 4 0 502 4 0 4,000 0 0 Vote No. 70,— Proportion of Salary of Colonial Architect ... 250 0 0 Railways,— North Island, — Auckland, — Kawa-kawa ... Kaipara to Auckland ... Auckland to Mercer ... ... ... £141,763 2 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 5,824 16 4 522,238 11 7 187 7 4 29,695 19 1 135,938 6 5 104,261 10 9 4,894 13 9 Mercer to Newcastle ... Newcastle Southwards Taeanaki, — Waitara to Patea 274,977 17 4 Wellington,— Patea to Wanganui Wanganui to Manawatu Manawatn to Foxton ... Wellington to Mastertou 28,182 12 3 945 17 4 80,916 4 0 36,094 7 4 71,031 14 3 188,988 2 11 Hawke's Bay,— Napier to Waipukurau Woipukurau to Manawatu 120,538 2 3 4,135 3 6 124,673 5 9 Carried forward 616,821 18 3 636,564 4 3 10—13. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 6,675,131 14 1 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. Carried forward I 6,675,131 14 1



•F THE FOE THE INANCIAL YEAR 1 174-75— continued. Cn. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d, £ s. d. Brought forward 616,821 18 3 636,564 4 3 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. Railways— continued. Middle Island, — Nelson, — Nelson to Foxhill Foxhill to Brunner Weslport to Mount Rochfort ... Nelson South-West Gold Fields—Roads... 47,290 7 0 445 8 11 48,547 0 7 6,640 9 3 MARLEonouoir, — Picton to Blenheim .02,923 C 6 32,870 10 6 ... Canterbury,— Kowai to Addington ... Selwyn to Eakaia Rakaia to Ashburton ... Ashburton to Temuka... Tcmuka to Titnaru ... ... . . Timnru to Waitaki Canterbury Branch Lines Waitaki Bridge 27,160 8 2 3,88(5 6 7 21,183 8 10 115,381 1 6 44,472 0 8 25,440 1 0 86,814 0 1 9,371 7 6 Wustlasd, — Brunner to Greyinouth ... ... £47,445 3 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation, transferred to Supplementary ... 3,668 10 5 332,215 0 4 Roads ... ... ... ... £22,762 16 10 Hol;itil;a to Christchurch Road... ... 14,403 9 5 43,776 12 7 37,166 0 3 Otaoo, — Waitaki Bridge Waitaki to Moeraki ... Moeraki to Dunedin ... Dunedin to Clutha ... ... ... £111,640 4 11 Expenditure in excess of Appropriations, transferred to Supplementary ... 8,742 11 4 80,942 12 10 9,371 7 7 143,829 8 0 76,974 1 7 Clutha to Mataura ... .,, ... ... ... | Matauru to Invercargill ... ... £49,611 5 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation, transferred to Supplementary... ... 214 12 3 102,897 10 7 I 46,336 19 9 Winton to Kingston ... Tokomairiro to Lawrence Dunedin to Port Chalmers ... ... £124,378 2 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation, transferred to Supplementary ... 6,638 15 2 49,396 13 6 80,568 4 10 36,290 11 4 117,739 7 6 Surveys General Account Lines opened for Traffic, — Balances transferred to credit of New Account, — Auckland to Mercer ... Wellington to Masterton Manawatu to Foxton ... 710 1 7 334 5 0 127 11 2 663,404 4 8 2,775 10 3 197,419 9 8 1,171 17 9 Roads, North Island, — Mangarei Bridge ... Waikato Bay of Plenty Bay of Islands Taupo to Auckland Poverty Bay to Auckland ... Taupo to Hawke's Bay Poverty Bay to Hawke's Bay Seventy-Mile Bush, Hawke's Bay Napier to Patea ... Hawera to Waitara Waitara to Patea... Patea to Wanganui Manawatu Wanganui to Taupo Seventy-Mile Busu, Wellington Manawatu Tramway Hutt to Lowry Bay 5,81-8 14 8 2,864 12 7 10,120 9 11 10,876 1 6 648 13 10 1,725 6 8 3,683 1 3 229 14 9 5,210 1 2 ' 562 10 6 3,530 9 11 8,000 19 0 1,471 14 3 8,226 11 10 843 10 3 28,192 17 9 1,263 7 10 290 0 0 8,080,644 10 9 03,588 17 8 Carried forward 1-3,760,697 12 8




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 6,675,134 14 1 •' IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. » 0 Carried forward i 6,075,134 14 1



if the SPECIAL FUNDS for the FINANCIAL YEAE I 174-75 — cantk •uecl. 'u. DISBURSEMENTS. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 2,760,697 12 8 " IMMIGRATION AND FUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 "—continued. Watee Supply on Gold Fields,— General Charges ... Auckland Nelson ... ' ... Westland Otago 11,772 2 9 12,503 9 9 52,266 1 5 32,371 16 2 50 11 11 108,913 10 1 Purchase oe Land in Noetic Island, — Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat ... 72,320 12 7 10,985 4 5 22,108 4 9 5,065 9 7 108,964 2 0 General Charges ... Advances to Native Lands Acts Account, under section 7 of "The Appropriation Act, 1874" ... 110,479 11 4 240 9 4 8,000 0 0 118,720 0 8 Aids to Woeks on Gold Fields, — Advances to Province of Auckland under section 18 of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1874" 15,000 0 0 Telegraph Kxtension Coal Prospecting ... Lighthouses Payments under section 45 of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870" Payments under section 93 of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870" 61,746 15 3 2,669 16 1 428 7 6 1,500 0 0 ClIABGES AND EXPENSES OF RAISING THE LOANS, — Discount, — On sales of Debentures ... On instalments paid up before due date On drafts on the Crown Agents ... 1,467 7 1 153,663 0 0 19,965 12 5 2,187 10 0 Commission and Brokerage Stamp Duty Advertising, Printing, Telegrams, &c. 175,816 2 5 96,766 O 0 1,879 12 G 1,776 4 9 276,237 19 8 Inteeest received on Credit Balances New Zealand Public Account, London, &c, transferred to Consolidated Fund 28,462 12 10 Refunds of Stamp Duties,— Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Nelson Canteebuey Otago 7 7 0 7 11 4 4 7 0 4 15 0 76 17 0 77 7 6 178 4 10 Advances to New Zealand Settlements Acts Account under section 5 of "The Appropriation Act, 1872 "... 13,000 0 0 SUPPLEMENTAEY, — Expenditure in excess of Appropriations, — Vote No. 67, — Agent -General's Department,— Amount Expended ... ... ... .-612,750 12 8 Amount Voted ... £12,0G5 0 0 Credits ... ... 2G 6 5 12,091 6 5 Vote No. 68,— Immigration,— Amount Expended... ... ... £581,017 5 2 Amount Voted ... £463,746 7 0 Credits 42,150 18 2 505,897 5 2 665 6 3 Vote No. 69,— Liabilities on completion of Immigration and Quarantine Depots,— Amount Expended ... ... ... £4,502 4 0 Amount Toted ... ... ... 4,000 0 0 75,120 0 0 502 4 0 Carried forward 3,3S9,072 18 7 76,287 10 3




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 6,675,134 14 1 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74 " — continued. Total Receipts ... 0,675,134 14 1 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 40,564 7 10 83,173 18 0 144,304 15 6 123,738 5 10 Total " Immigbation and Public Wobks Loan Acts, 1870-73-74" ... 208,043 1 4 £ 6,943,177 15 5 RAILWAYS OPEN FOR TRAFFIC:— General Account, — Temporary Advances from Immigration and Public Works Loan for Expenses and Purchase of Stores Recoveries, — Stores, — Stores supplied to Lines, &c. ... ... £1,856 15 3 Management, — Expenses charged against Lines ... 1,458 17 10 3,000 0 0 3,315 13 1 63 12 2 Receipts for Right of Advertising ... ! j 6,379 5 3 Carried forward 6,379 5 3



if the SPECIAL FIT DS fob the FINANCIAL YEAR 1; 174-' 5— conti, ued. Cn. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 76,287 10 3 3,3S9,072 18 7 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73-74— continued. Supplementaey— continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriations— continued. Railways,— Auckland to Mercer, — Amount Expended ... ... £391,820 3 0 Amount Voted ... £344,000 0 0 Credits ... 41,995 6 8 385,995 6 8 Bi'urmer to Grevmouth,— Amount expended ... ... £88,310 12 7 Amount voted ... £84,400 0 0 Credits ... ... 242 2 2 5,824 16 4 . 84,642 2 2 3,068 10 5 Dunedin to Clutha, — Amount expended ... ... £363,617 18 5 Amount voted ... £326,000 0 O Credits ... ... 28,875 4 1 354,875 4 1 8,742 14 4 Mataura to Invercargill,— Amount expended ... ... £149,127 8 0 Amount voted ... £148,000 0 O Credits ... ... 912 15 9 148,912 15 9 214 12 3 Dunedin to Port Chalmers, — Amount expended ... ... £224,781 9 2 Amount voted ... £210,000 0 O Credits ... ... 8,142 14 0 218,142 14 0 6,638 15 2 Services not provided for, — Temporary Advances to New Zealand Settlements Acts Account Temporary Advances to Railways opened for Traffic (General Account) Agent-General's Department, London 101,376 13 9 2,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 139 6 5 5,639 6 5j » 107,016 5 2 Temi>obaby Advances Repaid,— Bank of England... Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... -i.. 610,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 760,000 0 0 Deafts on Cbown Agents Retieed ... 500,000 0 0 Total Disbursements 4,756,089 3 9 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign ... ... ... ... ... ... 35,050 17 11 25,464 15 7 2,126,572 18 2 . 60,515 13 6 Total " Ijimigeation' and Public Wobks Loan Acts, 1870-73-74" 12,187,088 11 8 £ 6,943,177 15 5 RAILWAYS OPEN FOR TRAFFIC:— General Account, — Management Stores ... Receipts for right of Advertising transferred to Lines ... 1,458 17 10 3,338 10 5 63 12 2 Auckland to Mercer, — Salaries and Wages Stores, Coals, &c.... Repairs... Sundries 4,861 0 5 6,579 4 8 1,780 12 7 623 6 4 219 5 6 9,202 9 1 Carried forward 14,063 0 G




RECEIPTS. £ s. a. £ b. a. £ s. d. Brought forward G,379 5 3 RAILWAYS OPEN FOR TRAFFIC—continued. Auckland to Mercer, — Receipts in excess of Expenditure to 30 June, 1874, transferred from Immigration and Public Works Loan... Traffic Receipts ... Recoveries, &c. Wellington to Masterton, — Receipts in excess of Expenditure to 30 June, 1874, transferred from Immigration and Public Works Loan ... Traffic Receipts ... Recoveries, &c. Manawatu to Foxton, — Receipts in excess of Expenditure to 30 June, 1874, transferred from Immigration and Public Works Loan Traffic Receipts ... Recoveries, &c. 710 1 7 10,135 15 5 708 7 1 11,554 4 . 1 334 5 0 5,842 18 9 G25 7 3 6,802 6 0 127 11 2 665 19 0 4L 0 7 Napier to Waipukurau,—■ Traffic Receipts ... Recoveries, &c. 831- 10 9 5,350 10 10 102 15 5 5,453 6 3 Total Receipts 31,023 12 4 £31,023 12 4 Total Railways open foe Thamtc " WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871 :"— Receipts, nil Balance on 30 June, 1874,— Cash in the Public Account 5.6S8 10 6 Total " Wellington Debts Act, 1871" ... £5,688 10 6 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT REDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Keceipts, nil Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account 14,520 2 1 Total Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account £14,520 2 1 "WELLINGTON RECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871:"— Rents to 2 March, 1875, received from the Corporation of the City of Wellington 2,072 3 2 Total Receipts 2,072 3 2 Total Wellington Reclaimed Land Act £2,072 3 2 " NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872:" Sale of 5 per cent. Debentures ... Land Sales ... Licenses, Rents, Sec. ... 2,842 12 9 7,917 17 0 17,COO 0 0 10,790 9 9 601 4 9 Transfer from Land Fund, Otago Total Receipts ... 28,391 14 6 m Total " Nonin Otago Disteict Public Wobes Loan Act, 1S72 " £2S,391 14 6



•j? the SPECIAL FUNDS foe the FINANCIAL YEAE l! 174-75 — contii nied. fc. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward 14,063 9 6 RAILWAYS OPEN FOR TRAFFIC— continued. Napier to Waipukurau,— Salaries and Wages Stores, Coals, &c Repairs ... Sundries ... 2,629 16 2 630 13 11 6 5 6 48 3 6 Foxton to Manawatu, — Salaries and Wages Repairs ... Horses, &e. Sundries 3,314 19 1 360 4 6 58 8 6 53 10 0 14 1G 3 Wellington to Masterton, — Salaries and Wages Stores, CoaU, &c.... Repairs... Sundries 486 19 3 4,257 10 3 1,048 17 2 193 16 0 47 11 0 5,547 14 5 Total Disbursements 23,413 2 3 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 6,820 16 6 783 13 7 7,610 10 1 Total Railways Open job, Tbaffic £31,023 12 4 "WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871:"— Balance paid to Provincial Account, Wellington ... 5,688 10 6 Total "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" ... £5,688 10 6 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT REDEMPTION ACCOUNT:— Amount invested in 4i per cent. Debentures of the Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1873 ... Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account 14,453 0 0 C7 2 1 Total Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account £14,520 2 1 "WELLINGTON RECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871:"— Transfers to Consolidated Fund of Interest on £31,000, at 5 per cent., — Balance for half-year, to 30 June, 1874 One year, to 30 June, 1875 ... ... 440 12 3 1,550 0 0 Total Disbursements ... 1,990 12 3 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account 81 10 11 Total "Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871"... £2,072 3 2 "NORTH OTAGO DISTRICTS PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872:" Payments to Provincial Government for expenditure on Works Payments made to the Agent of the Province in Edinburgh Interest on Debentures at 5 per cent, per annum, — On £2,000, 25 Mar. to 1 May, 1874... On £44,300, 1 May to 31 Oct. „ ... On £10,000, 13 July to 31 Oct. „ ... On £3,000, 28 May"to 31 Oct. „ ... On £57,300, 1 Nov., 1874, to 30 April, 1875 ... On £2,000, 1 Mar., 1874, to 1 May, 1875 On £5,930, 1 May, 1874, to 30 June „ 10 1 8 1,107 10 0 152 1 1 64, 10 6 1,432 10 0 1G 14 3 49 11 0 12,000 0 0 5,-Ml 4 9 Redemption of Debentures Transfer to Land Fund, Otago, under Section 11 of the Act 2,832 18 6 5,930 0 0 2,027 11 3 Total Disbursements 28,231 14 6 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account • 160 0 0 Total " Noeth Otago Disteict Public Works Loan Act, 1872 " £28,391 14 6 11— 3. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873:"— Sales of Debentures, — 4 per cent. Debentures sold in Sydney 4 „ „ „ to Public Trustee 5 „ „ „ in Sydney 5 „ „ „ to Trust Fund ... 12,300 0 0 800 0 0 48,100 0 0 150,000 0 0 Contribution from Consolidated Fund, under Section 13 of " Tho Appropriation Act, 1874 " Advances on Security of Debentures, — Bank of New Zealand Commissioners of Public Debts Sinking Fund... 211,200 0 0 25,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 6,800 0 0 56,800 0 0 Recoveries for Credits of Votes, — Public Buildings,— Vote No. 72—Judicial ... ... ... £2 0 0 „ 73—Postal and Telegraph ... 82 10 8 „ 75—Offices for Public Departments 162 0 0 Telegraph Extension Charges and Expenses 246 10 8 15 7 1 17 14 0 279 11 9 Carried forward 293,279 11 9



)t the specia: >S foe the FINANCIAL YE All 1874-75— oontit ued. Cr. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 :"— Resekve Account, — Public Buildings,— Vote No. 99,— Court Houses, — Opotiki ... ... ... ... £785 3 10 Mangapai... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Napier ... ... ... ... 1,396 7 4 Lawrence ... ... ... ... 600 0 0 Vote No. 100,— Post and Telegraph Offices, — Newcastle... ... ... ... £300 0 0 Roxburgh 197 8 0 2.S31 11 2 497 8 0 Vote No. 102,— Offices for Public Departments,— Wellington ... ... ... £5,949 3 1 Invercargill ... ... ... 998 15 8 Tauranga ... ... ... ... 2,8G0 16 4 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 3,490 6 9 Auckland ... ... ... ... 5,391 18 3 Havelock ... ... ... ... 3 16 0 Furniture and Fittings ... ... 1,177 11 11 19,872 8 0 23,201 7 2 Financial Year 1874-75,— Public Buildings,— Vote No. 72—JudicialCourt Houses, — Mercer ... ... ... ... £100 0 0 Alexandra... ... ... ... 0 18 0 Napier ... ... ... ... 645 34 6 Waipawa ... ... ... ... 396 3 2 1,142 15 8 Vote No. 73—Postal and Telegraph,— Bay of Islands Telegraph Line ... ... £3,055 5 3 Onehunga ... ... ... ... 375 11 0 Newcastle ... ... ... ... 85 0 0 Hamilton ... ... ... ... 27 5 6 Pukorokoro ... ... ... ... 335 17 5 Opotiki ... ... ... ... 320 0 0 Napier ... ... ... ... 1,369 16 3 Wairoa (Wellington) ... ... ... 303 16 6 Masterton ... ... ... ... 558 18 8 Carterton ... ... ... ... 232 7 0 Upper Hutt 484 15 9 Palmerston North ... ... ... 420 19 3 Turakina 2 12 6 Hokitika ... ... ... ... 87 6 10 Greymouth 1,507 18 8 Lyell ... ... ... ... 622 10 3 Southbridge ... ... ... ... 420 9 11 Geraldine ... ... ... ... 530 19 9 Herbert ... ... ... ... 605 6 9 Roxburgh. ... ... ... ... 183 8 6 Tapanui ... ... ... ... 156 5 0 Waikaia 396 18 1 St. Bathans ... ... ... ... 8 13 0 Fittings, &c.... ... ... ... 7 0 4 Vote No. 75—Offices for Public Departments,— Auckland ... ... ... ... £5,516 5 9 Gisborne ... ... ... ... 10 7 10 Wellington ... ... ... ... 681 13 0 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 63 0 10 12,099 2 2 Vote No. 76 —Miscellaneous, — Ministerial Residence, Molesworth Street... £33 6 8 Guard Room, Government House ... 8 17 0 Parliamentary Furniture, House of Representatives ... ... ... ... 596 18 1 Colonial Museum ... ... ... 2,299 15 3 0,271 7 5 45,653 D 5 2,938 17 0 22,452 2 3 Telegraph Extension,— Material Labour Advertising 1,828 16 0 3,153 14 3 196 6 10 Carried forward 5,178 17 1 45,653 9 5




RECEIPTS. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 293,279 11 9 "GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 "—continued. Total Receipts ... 293,279 11 9 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to bo accounted for 22,125 4 3 4,468 13 4 26,593 17 7 £319,873 9 4 Total "Ge.veual Purposes Loan Act, 1873" " WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873 :"— Receipts, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account 7,231 6 3 £7,231 6 3 Total " Westland Loan Act, 1873 " "WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873," REDEMPTION ACCOUNT:— Land Sales ... Depasturing Licenses, &c. 50 0 0 219 5 0 Total " Westland Loan Act, 1873," Redemption Account £269 5 0



>f the SPECIAL FUNDS fob the FINANCIAL TEAE 1 !74j-75— continued. !fi. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. : £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 5,178 17 1 45,653 9 5 ■ GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 "—continued. Financial Year 1874-75 — continued. Telegbaph Extension— continued. Travelling Expenses Cartage and Freight Tools... Miscellaneous ... 303 7 1 488 5 7 71 16 3 597 16 10 Lighthouses,— Portland Island Cape Fouhvind Manukau Tory Channel ... 6,640 2 10 10 0 1,344 15 0 786 18 8 1,206 8 1 3,539 1 0 greants to road boaeds, — Auckland Tabanaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay... Nelson Maelbobough... Canteebtjet ... Westland Otago 11,122 17 9 893 14 2 5,053 19 2 1,507 17 10 3,658 19 1 998 11 4 10,022 13 0 2,397 8 8 14,283 18 6 Unauthorized Expenditure, — Erection of Hamilton Court House Charges and Expenses,— Discount on Sale of Debentures ... Commission and Brokerage Stamp Duty on Debentures Advertising, Printing, &c. 50,000 0 0 1,850 18 0 325 15 0 31 10 0 423 0 8 847 3 4 2,631 3 8 Repayments to Immigration and Public Works Loan of Interest and Sinking Fund paid therefrom 143,500 0 0 Total Disbursements 252,811 1 0 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 67,020 17 1 41 11 3 67,062 8 4 Total "Geneeal Pueposes Loan Act, 1873" £319,873 9 4 "WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873:"— Charges and Expenses of raising Loan ... Payment to Provincial Account 49 11 0 7,181 15 3 Total "Westland Loan Act, 1873" £7,231 6 3 " WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873," REDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Cash in the Public Account 269 5 0 Total " Westland Loan Act, 1873," Redemption Account £269 5 0



STATEMENT of the ADVANCES from SPECIAL FUNDS OUTSTANDING on 30TH JUNE, 1875, showing the several VOTES under which the Issues were made.

£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66:"— Vote No. 48 —Confiscated Lands General Imprest Account 652 3 3 5,038 1 6 5,690 4 9 " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870:"— Reserve Vote No. 64 —Contingent Defence Vote No. 51—Armed Constabulary „ 52 —Miscellaneous „ 53—Steamer "Luna" „ 54 —Contingent Defence General Imprest 21 0 6 9,791 10 2 58 10 0 200 0 0 503 18 10 5 0 0 10,579 19 6 " Immigration and Public Wobks Loan Acts, 1870-73-74:" — Reserve Vote No. 84 —Introduction of Immigrants Vote No. 68—Immigration Services „ 69 —Liabilities on completion of Dep6ts, &c. Railways,— Mercer to Newcastle Napier to Waipukurau Waipukurau to Manawatu... Waitara to Patea... Wanganui to Manawatu Manawatu to Foxton Wellington to Masterton ... Brunner to Greymoutli Weatport to Mount Kochfort Nelson South-West Gold Fields Roada Canterbury Branch Lines ... ... ... * Hokitika to Malvern Westland Roads ... Hokitika to Christchurch ... Waitaki to Moeraki Moeraki to Dunedin Dunedin to Clutha Clutha to Mat aura Mataura to Invercargill Tokomairiro to Lawrenco ... Winton to Kingston General Account ... Roads, North Island ... Water Supply on Gold Fields ... Purchase of Lands, North Island, — " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873," — Auckland Wellington ... Taranaki ... 13 1,560 131 190 2 6 0 7,516 5 7 15 6 2,024 1 11 7 16 4 3 9 2 311 11 3 915 16 2 610 12 0 178 11 9 120 4 2 102 13 10 22 14 8 21 14 6 8 13 4 288 17 0 291 10 10 164 7 11 185 2 5 528 9 1 7 8 7 3 12 8 85 9 1 28 12 4 309 4 7 2,073 9 0 1,434 3 7 13,560 16 11 131 1 7 190 18 11 1,803 16 0 Lighthouses ... Telegraphs ... Unauthorized General Imprest 13,882 17 5 27 1 2 1,299 12 6 300 6 6 669 18 0 Deduct Credit Balances, — Auckland to Mercer Surveys under section 10, " Railways Act, 1872 " 134 45 134 14 4 45 12 7 35,231 4 10 180 6 11 Railways Open foe Traffic : — Auckland to Mercer ... ... ... ... Wellington to Masterton Foxton to Manawatu ... 729 6 11 6 0 0 50 7 3 35,050 17 11 Deduct Credit Balance, — Napier to Waipukurau i 785 14 2 2 0 7 " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 :"— Vote No. 72 —Public Buildings —Judicial Telegraphs ... Lighthouses ... ... 783 13 7 6 18 3 28 18 4 5 14 8 41 11 8 Total Advances feom Special Funds ... £52,146 7 0



STATEMENT of the SPECIAL FUNDS RESERVE ACCOUNT of the YEAR 1873-74; showing the SUMS RESERVED under each VOTE, the SUMS EXPENDED during the FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75, and the BALANCES remaining UNEXPENDED on the 30th June, 1875.

No. of Vote, 1873-74. Paeticulaes of Vote. Amounts Resebved. Amounts Expended. Balances Unexpended. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS ACTS. 2,198 18 6 3,910 14 9 1,117 13 4 1,081 5 2 3,910 14 9 68 59 Confiscated Lands... ... ... ... ... ... 2,198 18 6 Confiscated Lands... ... ... ... ... ... 3,910 11 9 6,109 13 3 6,109 13 3 1,117 13 4 •4,991 19 11 DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT. 61 68 64 Armed Constabulary ... ... ... ... ... 6,31118 2 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,061 5 10 Contingent Defence and Liabilities ... ... ... ... 3,433 6 0 18,806 10 0 6,311 18 2 9,061 5 10 3,433 6 0 3,662 0 2 9,061 1 10 3,393 3 3 2,649 18 0 0 4 0 40 2 9 18,806 10 0 16,116 5 3 2,690 4 9 IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS. IMMIGRATION. HI 85 8G 87 88 98 04 06 Introduction and Location, &c. ... ... ... ... 51,323 16 7 Chief Office ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 16 0 Auckland ... ... ... ... ... ... 119 1 4 Taranaki... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... ... ... 186 12 9 Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... ... 154 14 0 Otago ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 2 4 Contingencies ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 4 2 51,970 7 2 51,323 16 7 23 16 0 119 1 4 25 0 0 186 12 9 154 14 0 85 2 4 52 4 2 51,083 19 6 31 5 0 239 17 1 23 16 0 119 1 4 25 0 0 186 12 9 123 9 0 85 2 4 52 4 2 51,970 7 2 51,115 4 6 855 2 8 GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT. Public Buildings. 99 100 102 103 Judicial ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13,475 2 8 Postal and Telegraph ... ... ... ... ... 3,084 10 6 Offices for Public Departments ... ... ... ... 43,518 19 11 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 60,089 18 1 2,831 11 2 497 8 0 19,872 8 0 10,643 11 6 2,587 2 6 23,646 11 11 11 5 0 23,201 7 2 36,888 10 11




12— B. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Rents ... Timber Licenses ... Miscellaneous 681 2 6 10 0 0 80 0 0 7 10 0 22 10 0 801 2 6 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners* Rights Business Licenses... ... ... ... ... ... "Water Races, &c... Q-old Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties Registration Fees and Fines, "Wardens'Courts Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Publicans'and other Licenses "Withdrawals of Leases Miscellaneous 3,022 15 0 51 0 0 87 0 0 2,611 7 1 157 1 6 126 7 6 16 12 G 127 10 0 2 2 0 356 8 0 Gold Duty ... Temporary Advance from Consolidated Fund to pay Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, under section 9 of " The Appropriation Act, 1874" ... 6,558 3 7 6,651 9 9 184 18 0 14,195 13 10 • TarANAKI : —■ Land Revenue, — Land Sales Deposits Miscellaneous 3,801 9 2 5 0 8 2 0 0 Transfer from Consolidated Fund (Taranaki Guarantee) to provide for the Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, from August, 1874, to February, 1875 3,808 18 10 ]6G 13 4 Wellington : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Miscellaneous 4,035 12 2 74,613 2 5 12 1 8 9 0 0 74,634 4 1 IIawkb's Bat : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments 22,053 18 2 22,102 0 4 556 17 10 Nelson :— Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Bents ... " Crown Lands (Nelson) Leasing Act, 1865 "... Miscellaneous 6,005 10 9 1,060 15 4 1,572 19 11 4,981 1 S 120 0 8 13,830 7 11 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights Business Licenses Water-Races, &c.... Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties Registration Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts Survey Fees Memorial Deposits of Companies Publicans'and other Licenses Miscellaneous 2,246 2 C 1,302 0 0 116 7 0 4,459 0 2 331 14 G 100 19 0 216 0 6 10 0 0 22G 10 0 321 4 9 9,419 18 5 Gold Duty ... 8,889 3 8 32,139 10 0 Carried forward 147,603 18 3




DISBURSEMENTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland : — Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 Hay, 1874, to 30 June, 1875 Refund of Revenue 5GG 13 4 10 17 6 577 10 10 Transfers to Consolidated Fund,— Moiety of Land Revenue, Auckland, 1 July (o 26 September, 1874, transferred under section 7 of " Tlic Provincial Public Works Advances Act, 1874 " Overpayment of Gold Duty, erroneously refunded out of Customs Duties 271 5 0 0 3 0 Payments to Miners'Rights Deposit Account Payments to Provincial Account 274 8 9 5.5S8 18 5 7,875 4 11 13,464 3 4 14,316 2 11 i Tabanaki :— Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lauds Transfer to Consolidated Fund, — In repayment of Guaranteed Laud lund, paid to Province, 1 July, 1874, to 28 February, 1875 Payments to Provincial Account 250 0 0 1,454 13 4 573 0 11 2,277 14 3 Wellington :— Salaries, — Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue... 600 0 0 75 0 0 675 0 0 73,959 4 1 Payments to Provincial Account Hawke's Bay :— Salaries, — Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue... 200 0 0 50 0 0 7i,63i 4 1 Payments to Provincial Account 250 0 0 22,408 18 2 22,658 18 2 Nelson :— Salaries, — Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue... 400 0 0 150 0 0 Payments to Provincial Account Defalcations of F. E. Tyarnore, Receiver of Gold Revenue ... 550 0 0 31,371 19 9 199 2 9 32,121 2 6 Carried forward 146,008 1 11




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Mablboeough : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Kents Timber Licenses ... Deposits Miscellaneous 1,939 1 0 3,890 14 1 27 10 0 10 0 100 0 0 2 0 0 147,663 18 3 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Eights Gold Mining Leases Registration Withdrawals of Leases Miscellaneous 5,960 5 1 54 0 0 88 0 4 3 17 6 6 2 6 6 4 6 158 4 10 6,276 13 9 Gold Duty ... 158 3 10 Canteebuet : — Laud Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Rents ... Deposits Miscellaneous 288,268 5 5 43,552 15 9 .10 0 0 12 7 0 35 3 3 331,878 11 5 Westland :— Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Timber Licenses ... Deposits Miscellaneous 4,117 4 6 1,300 17 11 187 0 0 25 0 0 82 0 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights Business Licenses m Water-Races Gold Mining Leases Registration Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... Survey Fees Publicans'and other Licenses Withdrawals of Leases Miscellaneous 5,712 2 5 2,790 0 0 863 0 0 162 13 0 137 4 0 176 12 6 183 14 6 5 0 0 11 0 0 5 0 0 8 19 0 Gold Duty ... Recoveries,— Fees paid Members of Waste Lands Board, recovered ... Otago:— Land Revenue, — Land Sales Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Rents ... Timber Licenses ... ... ... Deposits Miscellaneous 230,844 4 1 61,726 12 0 2,715 0 4 2,131 10 8 1,302 13 9 4,410 16 9 4,343 3 0 7,100 7 11 7 7 0 17,163 0 4 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights Business Licenses Water-Races Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties Registration Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Publicans'and other Licenses Miscellaneous 303,130 17 7 4,016 0 0 1,148 0 0 158 7 6 11,295 9 6 277 7 6 248 12 10 6,409 19 2 0 17 6 639 19 7 341,565 18 0 24,194 13 7 Gold Duty ... Transfer of balance at credit of North Otago District Public Works Loan Account on 30th June, 1875 12,211 0 11 2,029 5 11 Carried forward 844,548 1 9



if the LAND FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAE 18' '*-' '5 — continue* IB. DISBURSEMENTS. & s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward Mablbobotjgh :— Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1874, to 31 May, 1875 Payments to Provincial Account 116,008 1 11 293 G 8 5,956 13 9 6,250 0 5 Canterbury:— Salaries, — Commissioner of Crown Lands Acting do., May and June, 1875 Receiver of Land Revenue... 332,470 6 5 500 0 0 83 6 8 400 0 0 Payments to Provincial Account Payments to Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works 983 6 8 302,889 12 0 28,597 7 9 Westland :— Salaries, — Commissioner of Crown Lands Chief Surveyor, &c, 1 July, 1874, to 31 May, 1875 100 0 0 366 13 4 Fees paid to Members of Waste Lands Board Payments to Provincial Account 46(5 13 4 95 11 0 16,574 4 7 17,136 8 11 Otaoo :— Salaries, —- Commissioners of Crown Lands, —■ Duncdin ... ... ... ... £600 0 0 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 350 0 0 . 362,034 5 4 Eeceivers of Land Revenue, — Dunedin ... ... ... ... £300 0 0 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 35 8 4 950 0 0 335 8 4 Salary of Acting Receiver of Land Revenue, Invercargill, 6 June, 1874, to 15 January, 1875 15 4 10 Transfer to North Otago District Public Works Loan Act Account ... ' Payments to Provincial Account 1,300 13 2 601 4 9 360,132 7 5 Carried forward 863,899 3 0




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Fatitb Lands Acts Account : — Pees and Duties, — Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay Chatham Islands... 1,363 7 6 035 0 4 969 1 5 68 5 11 844,548 1 9 3,335 15 2 Recoveries, — For credit of Votes, — Native Lands Court, — Vote No. 80... „ No. 81 Inspector of Surveys' Department, — Vote No. 83... 100 0 0 18 15 0 13 0 0 Transfer,— From Immigration and Public Works Loan, under section 10 of " The Appropriation Act, 1874" ... 131 15 0 8,000 0 0 11,467 10 2 ■ Total Receipts 856,015 11 11 Balance on 30th June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances to bo accounted for 25,516 4 0 42 15 9 25,559 0 6 Total Land Fund £881,574 12 5



»f the LAND FUND foe the FINANCIAL YEAK 1S74 '5 — continued. Cb, DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... Native Lands Acts Account: — Vote No. 80 —Native Lands Court Liabilities, — Salaries ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Passages, Clerical assistance, &c. 144 5 0 255 16 3 863,899 3 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation charged, to Supplementary I 400 1 3 0 13 Tote No. 81—Native Lands Court (Current Services), — Salaries... Extra Officers, &c. Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 400 0 0 4,495 8 10 633 3 0 1,738 19 10 6,867 11 8 Vote No. 82—Inspector of Surveys' Liabilities, — Contingencies 8 19 6 Vote No. 83 —Inspector of Surveys' Department (Current Services), — Salaries... Survey Labourers, &c. Contingencies 2,829 5 0 1,524 12 6 1,488 6 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation charged to Supplementary 5,842 4 0 1,249 4 0 Eefunds of Duty Tees and Duties, Hawke's Bay, for 1873-74, in excess of proportion of expenses,— Paid to Provincial Account Transfers to Consolidated Fund, — To account under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... ... ... £7 18 10 To Separate account ... ... ... 4 19 3 4,593 0 0 0 6 3 285 16 0 12 18 1 Transfers to Consolidated Loan Account, — In respect of sums recoverable from Hawke's Bay on account of expenses of conversion of debentures 122 15 8 Transfers to Consolidated Fund,— Fees and Duties collected at the Chatham Islands to 30th June, 1874 ... 421 9 9 4 14 5 Supplementary, — Expenditure in excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 80,— Native Lands Court, Liabilities, — Expenditure ... ... ... £400 1 3 Amount Voted ... £300 0 0 Credits ... ... 100 0 0 400 0 0 Vote No. 83,— Inspector of Surveys' Department, —■ Expenditure ... ... ... £5,842 4 0 Amount Voted ... £4,580 0 0 Credits ... ... 13 0 0 .— 4,593 0 0 0 13 1,249 4 0 1,249 5 3 Total Disbursements 13,545 6 10 Balance on 30th June, 1875, —■ Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for 877,444 9 10 4,125 8 4 4 14 3 4,130 2 7 Totai Land FtrND £881,574 12 5






• £ e. d. ' £ s. d. OTE No. 80:— Native Land Cottbt, Liabilities i 3S 15 9 £ s. d. rOTE No. 81 :— Native Land Couet, Cubbent Teae 31 4 C GO 0 3 Deduct Credit Balance, — Vote No. 83 —Inspectob of Sueveys' Dbpaetment ... 55 6 0 £4 14 3 BALANCE SHEET of ACC iUNTS in t: ie LAND FUND for the Financial Teab 1874-76. Balances on 10 June, 1874. Teans. lCTIONS. Balances on 10 June, 1875. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. lUCKLAND 137 19 1 14,316 2 11 14,195 13 10 17 10 0 )abanaki 2,277 14 3 4,035 12 2 1,757 17 11 Wellington 74,634 4 1 74,634 4 1 Iawke's Bat 22,658 18 2 22,658 18 2 IeLSON 60 15 7 32,121 2 6 32,139 10 0 79 3 1 Iablbohouoh 40 6 3 G.25O 0 5 6,270 13 9 C6 19 7 Janteebuby 591 15 0 332,470 6 5 331,878 11 5 Vestland 15 16 0 17,136 8 11 17,1 G3 0 4 42 7 5 )taqo 22,650 9 1 362,034 5 4 341,565 18 0 2,182 1 9 Jative Lands Acts Account 2,061 19 6 13,545 6 10 11,467 10 2 15 17 2 Totals 4,145 19 9 15 17 2 25,559 O 6 877,444 9 10 856,015 11 11 4,130 2 7




13— B. 1.




RECEIPTS.. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ARMED CONSTABULAEY ReWABD FUND ACCOUNT 92 3 6 Bat op Plenty Disteicts Account 28 0 0 General Assembly Libbaey Fund Account 50 0 0 Government Insueance Account 72,688 11 6 Gbey Riveb Railway Repayment Account 44 3 3 Intebest Account : — Interest received on Investments, — " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867,"— On £13,000, one year to 15 April, 1875 ... " Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2,"— On £20,000, from 1 July to 1 November, 1874 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870," — On £20,000, from 1 April to 30 June, 1874 On £191,650, from 1 April to 1 November, 1874 ... ... ... ... £0,867 9 2 Less Interest credited to Government Insurance Account ... ... ... 354 8 8 520 0 0 410 0 0 3Q3 0 8 j 6,513 0 6 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873,"— On £180,000, duel May, 1875 ... ... £4,581 5 0 Less credited Government Insurance Account 2,113 2 2 ] 2,468 2 10 " Defence Loan Act, 1870,"— On £75,000, one year to 15 April, 1875 ... On £72,000, one year to 30 June, 1875 ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870," — On £173,200, one year to 15 April, 1875 ... " Wellington Debts Act, 1871,"— On £9,000, one year to 30 June, 1875 " North Otago District Public Worts Loan Act, 1872," — On £2,000, 25 March to 1 May, 1874 On £44,300, half year to 31 October, 1874 On £2,000, 28 May to 31 October, 1874 ... On £10,000, 13 July to 31 October, 1874... On £57,300, half year to 1 May, 1875 ... On £2,000, 1 March to 1 May, 1875 On £5,930, 1 May to 30 June, 1875 " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873," — On £30,000, one year to 30 June, 1875 On £150,000, from 20 November, 1874, to 15 May, 1875 " Westland Loan Act, 1873,"— On £50,000, to 15 April, 1875 Board of Conservators, South Waimakiriri Districts, — On £4,500, one year to 1 May, 1875 Patea Mortgages,— Miscellaneous ... Otago Dock Mortgages,—■ On £5,000, one year to 1 May, 1874 On £10,000, one year to 1 May, 1875 3,COO 0 0 3,240 0 0 6,928 0 0 450 0 0 10 1 8 1,107 10 0 64 10 6 152 1 1 1,432 10 0 16 14 3 49 11 0 1,350 0 0 3,610 8 9 2,500 0 0 270 0 0 219 3 10 300 0 0 600 0 0 ■ Investment Accounts : — General Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ; Government Insurance Account ! 35,521 1 1 2fi9,703 11 3 68,600 0 0 • 338,303 11 3 Java Cable Telegram Account... 3,217 16 6 Land Assurance Fund Account 2,165 10 5 Merchant Shipping Act Account 2 14 0 Militia Act, 1870, Account 20 7 6 Carried forward 152,163 19 0




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Aemed Constabulaey Rewabd Fund Account ... 63 19 0 Bay of Plenty Disteicts Account Genebal Assembly Libhaey Fund Account 125 0 0 GOVEBNMENT InSUBAJv'C'E ACCOUNT:— Departmental Expenses,— Vote No. 84,— Salaries ... ... ... ... £3,2,89 13 11 Printing and Advertising ... ... 506 12 0 Medical Fees ... ... ... ... 2,025 6 6 Travelling Expenses, Commisssion, and Contingencies ... ... ... ... 4,025 4 8 9,846 17 7 Unauthorized, — Contingencies ... 191 19 5 Assurance Claims, Annuities, Surrenders, &c. 17,076 7 7 27,115 4 7 G-eey Eivee Eailway Repayment Account Inteeest Account :— Accrued Interest on Securities purchased, — Oamaru Harbour Bonds, — On £3,000, at 5i per cent., 31 January to 9 April, 1875 ... ... ... £30 14 9 On £3,000, at 5| per cent., 31 January to 1 May, 1875... ... ... ... 40 13 8 On £3,000, at 5| per cent., 31 January to 1 June, 1875... ... ... ... 54 13 11 Transfers,— Post Oflice Savings Bank Account, — Interest due to Depositors, 1874 ... ... £26,935 6 8 Miscellaneous Expenditure ... ... 240 13 9 120 2 4 27,176 0 5 Government Insurance Account, — Interest on Credit Balances of this Account to 30 June, 1875 ... Investment Account, — To make up deficiency caused by the purchase of Debentures and Treasury Bills above par Consolidated Fund, — Interest on Temporary Advance of £20,000 at 3fd. per cent, per diem, 9 April to 30 June, 1875 ... ... ' ... £230 12 6 Balance of Interest Account transferred to Incidental Revenue ... ... ... 6,611 6 10 856 19 0 520 0 0 6,841 19 4 35,521 1 1 Investment Accounts : — General Account ... ... ... ... ... ... I Government Insurance Account ... ... ... ... 284,000 0 0 173,900 0 0 457,900 0 0 JaVA Cable Teleoeam Account 2,962 1 10 Land Assueance Fund Account 41 1 10 Meechant Shipping Act Account Militia Act, 1870, Account ... ... ... ... ... 24 12 6 Carried formal 523,753 0 10




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 452,163 19 0 Native Resebves Account :— Auckland ... Taeanaki ... Wellington Nelson Westland ... ... ... I 216 12 6 299 19 0 957 5 2 2,941 13 1 3,168 8 5 Native Ten Pee Cent. Auckland Land Pubchase Account 7,586 18 2 Native Five Pee Cent. Waibaeapa Land Pubchase Account 96 12 3 Otago Loan Oedinance, 1861-62, Redemption Account ... 5,000 0 0 Outlying Districts Sale op Spibits Act Account 33 9 6 Poet Ciialjiebs Railway Depreciation Account 873 7 0 Post Office Money Obdeb Account :— Transfer from Postmaster-General's Account Transfer froin Post Office Savings Bank Account ... 21,000 0 0 28,540 18 3 49,540 18 3 Post Office Savings Bank Account:— Fines, &c. Transfers from Postmaster-General's Account Transfer from Interest Account to cover Interest accrued to Depositors' Accounts to 31 December, 1874 Expenditure charged against Savings Bank Account, now transferred to Interest Account... 39 8 6 53,000 0 0 26,935 6 8 240 13 9 Tbustees' Relief Act Account 80,215 8 11 143 0 0 Unclaimed Balances Account ... 2,215 7 0 597,869 0 1 Total Receipls Balance on 30 June, 1874:— Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for, — Colonial Foreign 862 4 8 55 0 0 90,799 10 9 91,717 4 5 917 4 8 Total Tbust Fund £689,586 4 6



IF THE 'EUST FUNDS for the FIXANCIA EAK 18 ■&-' i— continued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 523,753 0 10 Native Resebves Account :— Miscellaneous Vote No. 85,— Salaries, &c. 6,956 1 0 ••* • 1,519 0 6 8,475 1 6 Native Ten Pee Cent. Auckland Land Puechase Account 780 10 1 Native Five Per Cent. Waieabapa Land Pcbchase Account 1,117 0 3 Otago Loan Obdinance 1861-62 Redemption Account 5,000 0 0 Outlying Disteicts Sale op Sfibits Act Account Poet Chalmees Railway Depeeciation Account Post Office Monet Obdee Account :— Remittances to — Great Britain Victoria New South Wales Tasmania South Australia ... Surplus Cash, Money Order Office, Hokitika, transferred to Unclaimed Balances ... ... ... .,. 32,000 0 0 20,600 0 0 4,400 0 0 1,900 0 0 600 0 0 o $ io Post Office Savings Bank Account 59,500 5 10 73,779 4 0 i Teustees' Relief Act Account... 221 13 4 Unclaimed Balances Account ... 1,550 7 1 Total Disbursements 674,177 2 11 Balance on 50 June, 1875 : — Cash in the Public Account Advances to be accounted for ... 12,265 12 1 3,143 9 6 15,409 1 7 Total Tbust Fund £689,586 4 6




Balances on 30 JruE, 1874. Transactions. Balances on 30 Jras, 1875. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. £ s. tl. £ s. d. 1,275 0 2 18 5 0 75 0 0 66,997 8 4 £ a. d. 63 19 0 £ a. d. 92 3 6 28 0 0 50 0 0 72,688 11 6 44 3 3 35,521 1 1 £ b. d. £ s. a. 1,303 4 '8 46 5 0 Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account ... Bay of Plenty Districts „ General Assembly Library Fund „ Government Insuranoo „ Grey River Railway Repayment „ Interest „ Investments, — General Account Government Insurance Account... Java Cable Telegrams „ Land Assurance „ ... ... ... Land Clauses Consolidation Act Account Merchant Shipping Act „ Military Savings Banks „ Militia Act „ Native Reserves „ Native 10 per Cent. Auckland Land Purchase Account ... Native 5 per Cent. Wairarapa Land Purchase „ Natives at Wellington Deposits „ Otago Loan Ordinance 1861-62 Redemption „ Outlying Districts Sale of Spirits Act ,, Port Chalmers Railway Depreciation ,, ... Post Office Money Order „ Post Office Savings Banks „ Supreme Court „ Trustees Relief Act ,, Unclaimed Balances „ Unclaimed Balances Closed „ Unclaimed Dividends „ Unclaimed Property ,, 684,389 13 4 ... ... 5,930 15 0 50 0 0 31 9 3 156 4 9 52 7 0 2,354 18 7 2,967 0 9 1,038 19 10 370 0 0 125 0 0 27,115 4 7 35,521 1 1 284, 000 0 0 173,900 0 0 2,962 1 10 41 1 10 24 12 6 8,475 1 6 780 10 1 1,117 0 3 269,703 11 3 68,600 0 0 3,247 16 6 2,105 10 5 2 14 O 20 7 6 7,586 18 2 ... 698,686 2 1 105,300 0 O ... ... 112,570 15 3 44 3 3 285 14 8 8,055 3 7 50 0 O 34 3 3 156 4 9 48 2 0 1,466 15 3 2,186 10 8 18 11 10 370 0 0 96 12 3 ... 9,959 7 7 682,042 0 2 1 10 10 734 0 2 580 13 8 588 19 7 359 15 8 523 1 5 5,000 0 0 59,500 5 10 73,779 4 0 5,000 0 O 33 9 6 873 7 0 49,540 18 3 80,215 8 11 33 9 6 873 7 O ... 221 13 4 1,550 7 1 143 0 0 2,215 7 O 688,478 5 1 1 10 10 055 6 10 1,245 13 7 588 19 7 359 15 8 523 1 5 ... ... ... I . Totals 684,389 13 4 776,10(! 17 9 684,389 13 4 91,717 4 5 674,177 2 11 803,986 2 1 819,395 3 8 803,986 2 1 597, 8G9 0 1 15,409 1 7 STATEMENT of ADVANCES from the PUBLIC TKUST FUND OUTSTANDING on 30 Jr: ■£, 1875. Government Assurance Account Native Reserves Account Native 10 per Cent Auckland Land Purchase Account ... £ s. d. 3,037 8 0 44 18 7 61 2 11 £ s. d. 3,143 9 6




■JL-f t -I- *

• RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. a. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury Bills transferred to the Government Insurance Investment Account: — Under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... ... ... £68,600 0 0 Under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873" ... ... ... 31,300 0 0 Purchase of 5 per cent. Debentures at par, issued under " The North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 "... Purchase at par of 5i per cent. Mortgage Bonds of the Oamaru Harbour Board ... Purchase of 4\ per cent. Debentures at par, issued under " The Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 " Purchase of 5 per cent. Debentures at par, issued under " The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873"... Purchase of Treasury Bills at par, issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873," at 3fd. per cent, per diem... 17,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 Treasury Bills redeemed :— "Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2" ... ... £20,000 0 0 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" 123,050 0 0 99,900 0 0 150,000 0 0 143,050 0 0 303 11 3 106,000 0 0 284,000 0 0 Patea Mortgages repaid Debentures issued under " The North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872," redeemed Temporary advance from Consolidated Fund Transfer from Interest Account of amount required to make up deficiency caused by the purchase of Debentures and Treasury Bills above par ... ... ... 5,930 0 0 20,000 0 0 Balance on 30 June, 1875, held in the following Securities :— Treasury Bills at 3|d. per cent, per diem, issued under "The Treasury Bills Extended Cur- Nominal Value. rency Act, 1873" ... ... ... £74,700 0 0 Consolidated Loan, 1867, at 4 per cent. ... 13,000 0 0 Defence and Other Purposes Loan, 1870, at 4 percent. ... ... ... ... 75,000 0 0 Defence and Other Purposes Loan, 1870, at 4J percent. ... ... ... ... 72,000 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan, 1870, at 4 per cent. ... ... ... ... 173,200 0 0 Wellington Debts Act, 1871, at 5 per cent. ... 9,000 0 0 North Otago Districts Public Works Loan, 1872, at 5 per cent. ... ... ... 53,370 0 0 Canterbury Rivers Acts, 1870-73, at 6 per cent. 4,500 0 0 Otago Dock Mortgages, at 6 per cent. ... 10,000 0 0 Oamaru Harbour Mortgages, at 5i per cent. ... 9,000 0 0 Patea Mortgages, at 6 per cent. ... ... 4,564 2 1 General Purposes Loan, 1873, at 4| per cent. 30,000 0 0 „ at 5 „ ... 150,000 0 0 Westlaud Loan, 1873, at 5 per cent. ... 50,000 0 0 520 0 0 74,700 0 0 12,480 0 0 269,703 11 3 Balance on 30 June, 187-A :— Held in the following Securities,' — Nominal Value. Treasury Bills... ... ... ... £211,650 0 0 Debentures ... ... ... ... 467,000 0 0 Otago Dock Mortgages ... ... ... 10,000 0 0 Patea Mortgages ... ... ... 4,867 13 4 Premium on purchase of Consolidated Loan Debentures (recoverable from Interest Account) 212,150 0 0 457,352 0 0 10,000 0 0 4,867 13 4 72,000 0 0 72,000 0 0 20 0 0 166, 272 0 0 9,000 0 0 £693,517 13 4 684,389 13 4 53,370 0 0 4,500 0 0 10,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 4,564 2 1 30,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 50,800 0 0 £728,334 2 1 I Less — Temporary Advance from Consolidated Fund /1O,DOD _ i. 20,000 0 0 Total £ 698,686 2 1 968,389 13 4 968,389 13 4 | Total £




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Treasury Bilk is3tied under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870," redeemed Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Treasury Bills at 3|d. per cent, per diem, issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873 " Nominal Value. 68,600 0 0 Treasury Bills at par transferred from the General Investment Account, — Issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870," at 3 |d. per cent, per diem Issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873," at 33d. per cent, per diem 68,600 0 0 105,300 0 0 105,300 0 0 31,300 0 0 99,900 0 0 Purchase of Treasury Bills at par, — Issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1873, at 3-'d. per cent, per diem 74,000 0 0 Total... Total ... 173,900 0 0 £173,900 0 0 £173,900 0 o! STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS during the Financial Yeah ended 30th June, 1875, under "The Trustees Relief Act, 1862," witl particulars of the Balance at credit in the Public Trust Fund on that date. (Published pursuant to Section 5 of " The Trustees Relief Act, 1862.") RECEIPTS. it b. d. £ s. d. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under the will of T. Hyde Balance on 30 June, 1871 143 0 0 734 0 2 Estate of W. P. Kirkwood Estate of T. Hydo 209 15 0 11 18 4 221 13 4 Balance on 30 June, 1875, — Estate of D. Mason ... „ W. Bishop... „ D. Lockwood T. Hyde 220 6 2 81 17 6 222 1 6 131 1 8 655 6 10 Total,.. • £877 0 2 Total .., £877 0 2 ...

14— B. 1.

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Balances on 30 June, 1874. Teansactionb. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. imperial government :— General Account Pensions Account 556 18 6 99 19 8 30 2 6 27,062 15 5 217 3 5 27,045 5 11 369 12 7 117 9 2 Peovinces —Sepabate Accounts :— Auckland Taranaki Wellington... Hawke's Bat Nelson Maelboeouqh Canterbury... Westland ... Otago 9 10 0 4 19 3 1,593 6 G 12 0 8 8 0 400 1 6 0 16 6 0 5 6 168 1 6 388 14 6 450 12 1 1,593 6 6 12 0 17 18 0 405 0 9 0 16 6 0 5 6 168 1 5 388 14 6 3 0 6 ... 447 11 7 Auckland Reserves Act Account 2,101 3 0 2,101 3 0 Miscellaneous ,., 67,744 11 3 663,377 9 10 661,739 3 1 69,382 18 0 Foeeign Imprest 84,891 5 2 155,408 1 10 447 11 7 3,026,087 1 7 3,084,569 2 8 26,409 4 1 98,380 6 10 ... Totals 154,960 10 3 3,719,568 17 4 3,776,149 0 9 98,380 6 10




Balances ojt 30 June, 1874. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Names of Impeestebs. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. £ s. a. 41 9 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 550 16 6 780 0 0 2,725 0 0 368 0 2 229 0 0 1,000 17 O 90 0 0 £ s. d. 592 5 6 C67 1 0 2,778 7 O 289 18 10 208 16 O 1,000 17 0 90 0 0 10 0 O 24 0 0 140 15 6 145 4 0 144 0 0 173 8 9 214 0 3 705 0 0 135 13 O 400 5 1 419 6 O 43,782 0 11 4,000 0 0 11,674 15 9 10,477 8 6 8 0 0 12,471 10 2 32 0 0 10,990 17 3 £ s. d. £ s. d, Aitken, A., Resident Engineer, Thames, Auckland Allan, A. S., Registrar, Supreme Court, Wellington Allan, C, Immigration Officer, Dunedin Allen, J., Collector of Customs, Picton Atkinson, J. J., Major Commanding Volunteers, Dunedin Austin, A. D., Surveyor, Nelson ... ... Back, F., Audit Department, Wellington Baigent, E., Captain, New Zealand Militia, Nelson Baillie, W. D. H., Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Blenheim Baker, E., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Wellington ... Balneavis, H. C, Sheriff, Auckland ... Bank of New Zealand, Wellington ... ... ,,, Banks, L. P.,Engineer, Kaikora, Haw ke'sBay.., ... Barleyman, J., Collector of Customs, Blenheim ... Ban 1, A., Chief Postmaster, Dunediu ... ,,, Barstow, R. C, Resident Magistrate, Onehunga, Auckland Batham, J. M., Registrar, Supreme Court, Hokitika Beere, D. M., Resident Engineer, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay Best, W., Cashier, Colonial Treasury, Wellington Bird, Or., Inspector of Telegraphs, Canterbury,.. Biss, S. B., Chief Postmaster, Auckland Blair, W. N., Resident Engineer, Dunedin Bluett, II. P-, Lieutenant, Native Contingent ,., Bold, E. H., Engineer, Napier Bonar, J. A., Captain of Volunteers, Westland Booth, J., Land Purchase Agent, Wanganui ... Booth and Kemp, Land Purchase Agents, Wanganui Borrie, J., Deputy Collector of Customs, Invercargill ... Bowen, C. H. W., Clerk, District Court, Westport Brabant, II. W., Resident Magistrate, Opotiki Broham, T., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Auckland ... Browne, Or. J., Mail Agent ... ... ... ,,. ,,, Brown, C. T., Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington ... Brunton, W., Engineer, Invercargill... ... ... .,, Buchanan, R. A., Postmaster, Akaroa ... ... ,,, Budge, H., Manager, Foxton Tramway, Foxton Bull, F., Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington Bunny, E. W. D., Registrar, Supreme Court, Nelson Bush, R. S., Clerk to Court, Raglan ... Butts, E. D., Chief Postmaster, Wellington ... Calcutt, T., Land Purchase Agent, Otago ... ... ,,, Calders, H., Telegraphist, Wanganui... Campbell, J. H., Resident Magistrate, Waiapu ... ... Campbell, H. W., Telegraph Inspector, Tauranga .,, 56 12 6 "6 6 0 10 0 0 120 15 6 144 0 0 3 6 9 90 0 0 0 5 1 19 6 0 44 18 0 915 12 11 571 13 7 8 0 0 1,475 3 10 32 0 0 21 18 10 139 0 0 24 0 0 116 15 6 145 4 0 175 0 0 223 13 5 631 5 0 175 18 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 45,112 11 3 4,000 0 0 10,759 2 10 10,711 10 6 112 19 0 3 5 6 78 1 4 20 10 0 96 15 6 1 11 3 12 19 11 16 5 0 40 5 0 1,375 8 4 805 15 7 11,003 4 6 6 18 2 11,100 0 O 131 1 7 139 0 0 28 10 0 310 6 7 100 0 0 1,583 16 8 7,559 11 8 310 6 7 100 8 0 1,356 1 8 6,639 11 8 30 O 0 75 6 6 2,633 0 4 256 5 0 920 0 0 6 8 0 30 0 0 75 6 6 172 13 11 2,500 0 0 21 14 3 170 9 7 100 0 0 440 O 0 250 O O 463 15 7 39 13 7 21 14 3 50 7 3 0 16 0 13 10 4 700 0 0 120 2 4 100 0 0 440 16 0 250 0 O 477 5 11 700 0 O 490 0 0 595 6 2 150 0 0 100 0 0 490 0 0 793 2 4 150 0 0 297 16 2



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1874. TRANSACTIONS. Balances oh 30 June, 1876. Names of Impkestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Cai-rington, F. A., Superintendent, Taranaki ... Carrington, O., Public Works Department, New Plymouth G'kerritt, J. J., Stationery Storekeeper, Wellington Chilman, R., Collector of Customs, New Plymouth Clare, W., Inspector of Armed Constabulary, Waikato Clarke, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Wellington Clarke, H., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Tauranga Clarke, If., Road Inspector, Bay of Mauds ... Clarke, W. H., Engineer, Waikato ... ... ,], Clayton, W. H., Colonial Architect, Wellington Cook, B., Postmaster, Thames ,,, Cooper, ft. S, Under Secret.w Wellington Cooper, J_R., M»j<, r o f Volunteers, Thames ... C-oopoi^ vV M Geographical Surveyor, Westport Cooper, C. E., Collector of Customs, Timaru ... Coney, J. E., Acting Postmaster, Auckland Copeland, J., Captain of Volunteers, Dunedin... Cox, S. H., Assistant G-eologist, Wellington ... Cresswell, A. E., Post Office, Greymouth Darnell, B. H., Resident Engineer, New Plymouth Davies, G. H., Interpreter, Native Department, Wellington Davis, R., Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, Christchurch Davy, G. B., Registrar of Deeds, Auckland Deighton, S., Resident Magistrate, &c, Chatham Islands Denham, E., Deputy Registrar of Deeds, Cbristchurch Dick, S. J., Chief Postmaster, Nelson Didsbury, G-., Government Printer, Wellington Dobson, A., Engineer, Picton Dobson, A. D., Engineer, Westport ... Downes, F. G., Mail Agent, Port Chalmers Eliott, H. J. H., Immigration Officer, Wellington Eliott, M. W., Mail Ageut, Auckland Elles, A. J., Collector, Customs, Invercargill ... Elliott, 0., Immigration Officer, Nelson Ellis, H., Immigration Officer, Auckland Eva, A. R., Telegraphist, Napier Evans, E., Resident Engineer, Westport Fairehild, J., Commander, p.s. "Luna" Fannin, G. T., Immigration Officer, Napier Farrcll, P., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Tokomairiro Featherston, I. E., Agent-General, London Ferris, C. W., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Filleul, W. G., Clerk, District Court, Oamaru ... Finch, R. E., Telegraph Department, Wellington £ s. a. 75 0 0 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 15,000 0 0 200 0 0 60 0 0 8,449 13 1 8,711 16 5 284 0 4 942 2 0 950 0 0 2,305 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 £ s. d. 5,014 3 5 200 0 0 70 0 0 S,249 13 1 5,310 1 9 310 0 0 1,314 12 0 1,050 0 0 2,830 17 7 119 9 4 132 13 6 20 O 0 101 0 0 1,310 7 7 83 9 9 976 13 10 2 16 6 71 17 1 50 0 6 95 0 0 23,033 4 0 200 0 0 887 3 5 502 0 9 87 17 7 251 3 4 5,256 11 0 222 8 8 2,295 0 6 30 0 0 4,025 19 3 90 O 0 142 0 0 872 11 3 2,741 8 9 300 0 0 1,080 5 7 4,695 0 0 1,125 19 7 92 0 0 £ e. A. 10,060 16 7 £ s. d. io o o 38 10 0 385 0 0 99 18 6 640 0 5 19 9 4 29 10 0 20 0 0 200 0 0 3,392 14 8 12 10 4 12 10 0 108 2 10 6 1 6 "6 16 6 101 0 0 1,310 7 7 163 9 9 976 13 10 80 0 0 2 16 6 33 17 1 13 4 56 11 0 4 8 8 264 17 2 71 17 1 50 0 6 95 0 0 23,033 4 0 200 0 0 887 3 5 668 2 1 87 17 7 250 0 0 5,200 0 0 218 0 0 2,077 19 4, 30 0 0 3,905 0 0 120 0 0 309 0 0 872 11 3 2,685 16 0 300 0 0 877 5 11 4,695 0 0 1,280 19 7 52 0 0 199 18 5 47 16 0 120 19 3 30 0 0 60 0 0 167 0 0 55 12 9 202 19 8 400 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 1,962 8 2 1,538 9 6 400 0 0 205 0 0 106 7 6 160 0 0 3,200 0 0 1,644 17 0 160 0 0 3,188 13 6 1,962 8 2 11 6 6 I



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Teansactions. Balances ox 30 June, 1875. NAME3 OF JlIPEESTEES. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 218 11 0 552 19 0 719 10 0 12,801 12 0 335 0 0 £ s. d. 218 11 0 659 1 0 1,615 G 0 14,053 10 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. FitzGerald, J. E., Controller of Public Accounts, Wellington Fitzgibbon, J. J., Chief Postmaster, Christchureli Fitzherbert, Hon. W., Superintendent of Wellington Floyd, W. H., Electrician, Telegraph Department, Wellington ... Pox, E., Private Secretary to Colonial Treasurer, Wellington Fox, J. G., Chief Clerk, Armed Constabulary, Wellington Fowler, A. G., Eesident Engineer, Wanganui... Friberg, B. E., Clerk, Public Works Department, Waipukurau ... Furby, W. S., Telegraphist, llokitika Garstin, A., Traffic Manager, Wellington and Masterlon Railway, Wellington G-aseoigne, F. J. W., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Taupo Geisow. F. H., Resident Engineer, Hofcitika ... Gibbes, E. O., Immigration Department, Wellington Gill, R. J., Accountant, Native Department, Wellington Gisborne, Hon. W., Commissioner, Government Annuities, Wellington Goodall, J., Telegraphist, Kaikoura ... Goodman, E. J., Mail Agent, Nelson... Gordon, W., Mnjor, Commanding Volunteers, Auckland Gore, E. B., Clerk, Geological Department, Wellington... Goring, F. Y., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Opotiki Gorton, Lieut.-Coloncl E., Inspector of Stores, Wellington Goultcr, C, Immigration Officer, Blenheim Gray, W., Secretary, Postal Department, Wellington Gray, W., late Secretary, Postal Department, Wellington Green, Major E. Ij., Secretary to General Government Agent, Auckland ... Grey, W., Clerk, Native Lands Court, Auckland Grindcll, J., Interpreter, Native Department, Wellington Grubb, j., Chief Postmaster, Napier... Gudgeon, W. E,, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Guy, D., Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court, Napier ... Hackworth, J., Collector of Customs, Dunedin Haggitt, B. C , Crown Solicitor, Dunedin Hales, W. H., Eesident Engineer, Wanganui ... Halae, H., Assistant Under Secretary, Nativo Department, Wellington Hamlin, F. E., Eesident Magistrate, Maketu ... Hamlin, H. M., Native Interpreter, Napier Hammond, E., Translator, Auckland... ... ... ... ... Hardcastle, E., Clerk to Eesident Magistrate's Court, Hokitika ... Hardy, J., Surveyor, Oamaru Hare, J., Clerk to the Bench, Wanganui Harsant, W., Resident Magistrate, Eaglan Haultain, Colonel T. M., Officer in Charge of Payment of Imperial Pensions, Auckland Healc, T., Inspector of Surveys, Auckland 109 1 0 925 16 0 1,351 18 11 1 10 8 19 17 0 200 0 0 375 0 0 10 0 0 807 11 0 137 0 0 20 0 0 15 14 0 38 0 0 525 19 4 791 2 6 1,405 0 0 5,200 0 0 111 2 0 550 0 0 4,245 9 9 1,961 8 1 5 0 0 3,233 0 0 5,950 9 5 25 0 0 147 0 0 30 0 0 5,473 12 10 130 0 0 260 0 0 134 0 0 19 17 0 1,001 10 10 5,575 0 0 111 2 0 554 0 0 4,911 0 3 1,961 8 1 5 0 0 3,370 0 0 2,963 1 5 25 0 0 20 0 0 155 14 0 30 0 0 4,031 6 6 130 0 0 260 0 0 172 0 0 2 19 0 100 0 0 336 10 8 3 9 2 6 0 0 142 0 6 2,987 8 0 7 0 0 1,4,42 6 4 10,505 5 0 88 6 G 7,019 18 6 88 6 6 0 10 G 91 10 0 3,148 17 8 221 1 0 3,896 13 3 103 19 0 1,081 19 2 64 14 0 1,904 18 7 4,198 10 10 82 3 0 240 0 0 20 12 0 0 5 0 366 3 0 525 19 4 4,276 9 0 0 10 6 40 10 3 55 0 0 21 1 0 115 9 10 50 19 9 3,430 17 8 200 O 0 4,542 4 1 103 19 0 1,054 7 0 64 14 0 1,912 15 4 4,207 10 10 100 0 0 240 0 0 337 0 0 761 0 8 105 9 2 74 17 0 313 2 3 126 17 G 350 19 0 137 17 6 17 17 0 20 12 0 0 5 0 138 10 0 296 IS 0 69 5 0 51 16 9 15,176 9 3 11,382 5 (i 11,526 15 10 10,601 5 7 3,649 13 5 669 3 2



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Tbansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Names op Imkbestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Heophy, C, Commissioner, Native Reserves, Wellington Hector, J., Director, Geological Survey, Wellington Henderson, A. C, Clerk, District Court, Invercargill Heywood, W. E., Lieutenant, Volunteers, Wairarapa ... Hill, T., Collector, Customs, Auckland Hoggard, J., Clerk, Post Office, Wellington ... .,. ... ,., Howley, T., Clerk, District Court, Timaru Hulke, W. K., Immigralion Officer, New Plymouth Humfrey, C. A., Inspector of Stores' Department, Wellington Hursthouse, C. W., Surveyor, New Plymouth. Imperial Pensions Expenses Account... Jackson, W., Major, Volunteers, Waikato Johnson, J. OK, Surveyor Johnston, D., Collector, Customs, Nelson Johnston, R., Marine Department, Wellington Kaye, R., Postmaster, Invercargill Keddell, J., Resident Magistrate, Coromandel Kelling, E. 0., Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court, Charleston ... Kemp, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland ... Kenny, H. E., Resident Magistrate, New Plymouth Kenrick, H., Clerk, District Court, Greymoutk Kirton, R., Postmaster, Hokilika Kissling, T., Examiner of Titles, Auckland Knight, C, Auditor-General, Wellington Knight, C. G., Accountant, Government Insurance Department, Wellington Knowles, J., Under Secretary, Public Works Department, Wellington Land Purchase Commissioners La Nauze, R. J., late Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands Lawlor, II. C, Revising Officer, Auckland Lemon, 0., General Manager, Telegraph Department, Wellington Levestam, H. A., Inspector of Machinery, Wellington ... Lewis, T. W., Clerk, Defence Office, Wellington ... ... ... Lockett, J., Adjutant of Volunteers, Hutt Logan, J. K., Inspector of Telegraphs, Dunedin Louglman, 11. H., Judge's Secretary, Christchurch ... Lowe, J. H., Resident Engineer, Oamaru ,,, ... ... Lubecki, A. D., Telegraphist, Dunedin ... ... ,,, Lucas, H., Clerk to the Bench, Reefton ... ,., ... pll Ludlam, A., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Hutt ... .,. Lundon, D., Collector of Customs, Greymouth ... Lusk, D. H., Major of Militia and Volunteers, Waiuku... ... Lyon, W. C, Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Waikato Macalister, S., Telegraph Department, Wellington Macdonald, A. C. P., late Assistant Under Secretary, Wellington £ s. d. 1,122 6 4 100 0 0 572 16 4 17 12 0 285 6 0 3 19 11 96 5 10 16 1 0 13 18 3 £ s. a. 87 10 7 £ a. d. 981 3 7 161 6 0 56 0 0 2,432 1 4 167 G >3 100 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 255 0 0 537 1 6 23 0 0 1,239 -1. 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 19 19 0 9,402 11 4 22 0 0 160 0 0 2,235 0 0 190 0 0 50 0 0 4,620 6 4 £ a. d. 2,035 7 !) 100 0 0 161 6 0 56 0 0 2,142 1 11 167 6 3 100 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 255 0 0 1,855 0 2 23 0 0 1,273 4 8 10 0 0 13 19 11 45 13 6 19 19 0 9,475 13 10 16 1 0 22 0 0 173 18 3 2,235 0 0 140 0 0 £ a. d. 68 2 2 202 8 10 17 12 0 251 6 0 4 6 6 83 3 4 £ s. d. 745 2 4 80 11 2 35 13 0 34 18 10 25 0 0 53 10 2 4,706 1G 11 50 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 7 35 13 0 11 17 3 46 16 1 25 0 0 953 10 2 15 0 0 15 0 0 31 0 0 3,868 5 0 100 0 0 2,975 3 5 275 4 0 25 0 0 0 6 0 124 1 10 183 0 0 9,430 14 3 1,212 13 10 20 2 6 900 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 808 17 0 227 0 4 15 12 4 31 0 0 3,475 0 0 100 0 0 2,900 0 0 270 0 0 55 0 0 415 12 0 151 16 11 10 8 4 30 0 0 6 6 0 104 0 0 291 6 6 141 15 2 84 0 0 9,139 7 9 1,850 0 0 0 2 6 17 13 4 5 0 0 20 0 0 637 6 2



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Names ot Impi:estees. Dr. C'r. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Maekay, J.,jun., Land Purchase Agent, Thames Maekav, A., Commissioner of Native Reserves, Nelson ... Maclean, C. L., late Registrar, Supreme Court, Nelson ... Maginnity, A. T., Telegraph Department, Wellington ... Main, D. I?., District Land Registrar, Dunedin Mainwaring, E. G. IT., Resident Engineer, Timaru Mair, Gr., Captain, Native Contingent Mair, Major W. Gr., Resident Magistrate, Alexandra, Waikato ... Maling C, Telegraph Surveyor Manly, W. M., Resident Engineer, Wellington Maning, IT. H., Interpreter, Native OfRce, Auckland ... Mantell, Hon. W. B. D., Wellington March, J. E., Immigration Officer, Christchurch Marehant, J. W. A., Assistant Inspector of Surveys, etc., Wellington Marshall, C, Native Department, Waikato Heads Marshall, J. T., Captain, Militia and Volunteers, Nelson Mason, J. W., Telegraphist, Christchurch Mateiio, Wi, a Nativo Matthews, W., Mail Agent Maude, T. W., Land Purchase Agent for Railway purposes Maxwell, J. P., District Engineer, Christchurch McBeth, J., Postmaster, Greymouth McCredio, M., Acting Cashier, Colonial Treasury, Wellington McDonald, A. V., Traffic Manager, Auckland ... ... McDonnell, T., Land Purchase Agent, Auckland McGregor, H. A., Inspector of Machinery, Wellington ... McKay, A., Geological Department, Wellington McKellar, H. S., Collector of Customs, Wellington McLean, Hon. Sir D., Defence Minister, Wellington McLean, W. K., Clerk, Defence Office, Wellington Miller, W. J., Traffic Manager, Napier Mills, W., Collector of Customs, Christchurch Mitchell, H., Surveyor, Hawke's Bay Mitchell, J., Sarveyor, Public Works Department, Manawatu Monro, H. A. H., Judge, Native Lands Court Morrieon, J., late Colonial Agent, London Munce, J. M., Telegraphist, Bealey ... Munro, A., Engineer, Masterton Nancarrow, J., Marine Department, Wellington Nativo Crown Grants Account Nesbitt, W. K., Resident Magistrate, Gisborne Noake, M., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Wanganui ... O'Brien, L., Registrar, Supreme Court, Auckland O'Connor, C. Y., District Engineer, Chrietchurch ... ,„ £ s. d. 8,638 2 4 0 14 110 £ s. d. £ s. d. 25,028 8 0 5,947 0 0 £ s. d. 24,60G 11 2 5,947 1 4 110 520 0 0 60S 7 1 50 0 0 229 10 8 501 2 9 1,199 7 0 400 0 0 0 10 0 374 16 6 3,698 5 0 17 7 0 1,392 0 0 78 6 8 1,085 19 10 34 10 0 30 0 0 112 19 7 3,492 11 0 132 6 2 2,693 0 0 90 18 0 450 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 4 13 0 888 1 0 2,246 1 10 419 18 5 2,536 11 10 12,343 15 0 520 0 0 253 6 0 £ s. d. 9,659 19 2 £ s. d. 52 7 1 50 0 0 520 0 0 611 0 0 55 0 0 36 15 0 229 10 8 541 7 9 1,400 0 0 400 0 0 77 0 0 200 13 0 0 10 0 400 0 0 118 9 0 12 0 0 3,606 0 0 5 7 0 2,750 0 0 78 6 8 975 0 0 25 3 6 26 ; 4 0 l,358jro 0 li'6 19 10 34 10 0 112 19 7 30 0 0 15 0 0 3,492 11 0 117 6 2 2,693 0 0 824 18 5 450 0 0 734 0 5 "i 3 3 99 17 11 25 0 0 80 0 0 11 16 3 888 1 0 V 2,246 1 10 99 17 11 35 2 0 1,842 15 0 424 18 5 2,501 9 10 10,501 0 0 520 0 0 253 6 0 ' i 0 0 86 7 3 12 11 6 1,458 19 4 190 0 0 5,414 0 0 98 17 0 202 11 6 C,53O 18 4 98 17 0 7 15 0 539 8 11 93 0 0 86 7 3 '" «■ 342 1 0 168 7 3 72 18 2 471 19 6 93 0 0 160 12 3 5 8 9 23 0 0 300 0 0 11,936 15 1 10,625 0 5 23 0 0 1,611 14 8



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— co»*m»«?. Balances ok 30 June, 1874. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Names 01? lairitESTEES. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Ormond, F. F., Resident Magistrate, Wairoa ... Ormond, His Honor J. D., Superintendent of Hawke's Bay, Napier Packe, G., Lieut.-Colonel, Militia and Volunteers, Christclinrch ... Parker, T. W., Sub-Collector, Customs, Oamaru Parris, R., Civil Commissioner, New Plymouth Patieson, E. W., Sub-Collector, Customs, Mongonui Patten, E., Collector, Customs, Hokitika ' Pearson, W. H., Immigration Officer, Invereargill Pollen, Hon. D., Agent, General Government, Auckland Pollen, Hon. D., Agent, General Government, Auckland Porter, T. W., Captain, Native Contingent Preece, J., Captain, Native Contingent Provincial Treasurer of Canterbury, Christehurch Provincial Treasurer of Otago, Dunedin Provincial Treasurer of Wellington, Wellington Puckey, E. W., Native Agent, Thames Rawson, C. E, Clerk, District Court, New Plymouth ... Rayner, R. W., Acting Collector, Customs, Chatham Islands ... Reader, II. E., Lieut.-Colonel, Militia and Volunteers, Wellington Recs, J. R., Resident Engineer, Wanganui Rice, H. E., Native Interpreter Richardson, W. A., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Tauranga Roberts, J. M., Resident Magistrate, Tauranga Roehfort, John, Surveyor, Masterton... Rodgerson, W. J., Acting Collector, Customs, Westport Rogan, J., Judge, Native Lands Court, Kaipara, Auckland Rose, A., Collector, Customs, Lyttellon Rose, T., Inspector of Post Offices, Wellington Rosa, D., Surveyor, Seventy-Mile Bush, Napier Rotter, L. von, Chief Postmaster, New Plymouth Russell, A. H., Late Inspector of Native Schools Scanncll, D., Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Sealy, H. B., Resident Magistrate, Napier Searancke, W. N., Resident Magistrate, Waikato Sheath, A., Inspector of Telegraphs, Auckland Sheath, J. H. Postmaster, Tauranga ... Shrimpton, J., Postmaster, Westport Simpson, D., Surveyor, Grahamstown Sinclair, A., Chief Surveyor, Auckland Smith, J. V., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Wairarapa Smith, T. H., Judge, Native Lands Court, Wellington ... Smith, W. J., Traffic Manager, Auckland-Mercer Railway Smith, A. W., Examiner of Titles, Dunedin .... Smith, H. S.j Mail Agent, Dunedin ... £ b. d. 50 15 0 2,165 6 6 2,190 16 4 300 0 0 O 15 2 £ s. d. £ b. d. 410 3 6 406 0 0 112 0 0 161 4 O 13,255 18 1 £ s. d. 396 8 0 2,585 6 6 112 0 0 111 4 0 14,291 8 4 300 0 0 156 11 9 50 0 0 14,739 9 10 £ s. d. 64 10 6 50 0 0 1,155 6 1 £ s. d. 14 0 0 1,860 3 3 17 0 0 92 10 6 175 16 7 50 O O 14,996 11 1 20 0 0 2,117 4 6 17 0 0 55 5 8 15 0 0 9,260 8 7 07 5 0 14 18 10 0 2 0 128 7 2 71 10 0 10 0 18 6 0 85 14 10 452 15 2 1,851 19 10 702 0 0 32,261 13 1 15,000 0 0 722 18 0 200 0 0 30 15 7 76 0 0 6,185 0 0 490 0 0 1,836 19 10 702 0 0 41,522 1 8 15,000 0 0 619 8 0 200 0 0 45 14 5 76 2 0 5,370 12 10 71 10 0 6,093 8 0 7,023 6 1 385 14 10 10 0 0 1,159 2 6 790 0 0 70 0 0 170 15 0 942 14 4 6,692 7 11 7,732 6 1 300 0 0 10 0 0 853 0 0 1,350 0 0 70 0 O 39 3 0 55 0 0 599 19 11 727 6 0 348 5 9 42 3 3 560 0 0 37 11 0 "i 12 0 5 10 0 100 0 0 77 15 0 115 10 0 516 3 6 26 3 6 149 3 6 3 10 0 10,233 14 7 100 0 0 298 3 0 2,850 0 0 35 0 0 60 10 0 100 0 0 9,402 9 7 100 0 0 400 8 0 3,349 17 4 26 3 6 184 3 6 3 10 0 69 0 0 0 3 0 231 15 10 15 0 0 60 0 0 909 0 0 13 5 0 16 6 2 0 3 0 174 0 4 15 0 0 69 0 0 57 15 6 60 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Tbansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Names or Impeestees. Or Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. M Sperry, J., Collector of Statistics, Dunedin Stack, Bev. J. W., Native Interpreter, Kaiapoi Stack, W. &., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Wellington Stamp Duty Account ... ... ... ... ... Standish, A., Crown Solicitor, New Plymouth Stapp, C, Major of Militia and Volunteers, New Plymouth Stevens, F., Clerk, Militia and Volunteers Department, Wellington Stevenson, A. C, Postmaster, Invercargill ... Steward, W. J., Major, Volunteers, Oamaru ... Stewart, J., District Engineer, Auckland Stewart, J. T., District Engineer, Manawatu ... Stratton, F. Y., Mail Agent, Christchurch Stringer, W. J., Telegraphist, Hokitika Stuart, W., Registrar, Supreme Court, Invercargill Stunner, S. Von, Resident Magistrate, Hokianga St. John, J. II. H., Clerk, Defence Office, Wellington ... Superintendent, Province of Auckland Superintendent, Province of Canterbury Superintendent, Province of Nelson ... ... ... ... ... Superintendent, Province of Westland Surcharges Account Suspense Account Symonds, J. J., Resident Magistrate, Kaipara... Tabuteau, J. M, Collector of Customs, Napier Thomas, W. E, late Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands Thompson, J. B., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Auckland... Tipa, II., a Native Tizard, E. T., Collector of Customs, Westport... Tuke, A., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, New Plymouth Turner, A. C, Resident Engineer, Tauranga ... Turner, II. F., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Carlyle... University Endowment Act Vogel, Hon. Sir J., Premier, Wellington Warbrick, A., Interpreter ... ... * Warbnrton, J. K., Mail Agent, Wellington Ward, E. Ff., Registrar, Supreme Court, Dunedin Wardell, H. S., Resident Magistrate, Wa'rarapa Warren, W. H., Chief Clerk, Receiver-Goneral's Department, Wellington ... Watt, I. N., Sheriff, Dunedin Weber, C, Engineer, Napier Weetinan, S., Surveyor, Mongonui White, W. B., Resident Magistrate, Mongonui Willcocks, E. S., Registrar, Supreme Court, Christchurch Williams, E. M., Resident Magistrate, Bay of Islands .., £ s. d. 9 5 0 45 0 0 34 5 11 £ s. d. £ s. a. 96 2 6 55 0 0 5,581 IS C> 520 16 7 731 14 7 20 0 O 58 10 0 32 0 0 31,872 4 3 6,389 0 O £ s. a. 44 12 6 55 0 0 5,151 18 6 4-86 15 5 45 0 0 765 6 7 20 0 0 58 10 0 32 0 0 33,826 9 2 7,706 8 9 30 0 0 2,811 10 0 301 6 0 252 18 2 1,028 0 1 8,000 0 0 £ s. d. 51 10 0 430 0 0 49 6 2 0 13 11 £ s. d. 467 16 0 2,362 3 O 30 0 0 201 10 0 0 10 0 10 18 2 118 14 3 6,000 0 0 1,513 11 1 1,044 14 3 2,610 0 0 300 16 0 242 0 0 909 11 10 2,000 0 O 300 6 6 4,000 0 0 5,635 0 0 208 4 0 2,471 1 0 4,762 18 2 17 3 0 300 6 6 1,737 3 0 872 1 10 5 0 6 22 3 G 1,200 7 4 1,213 14 8 13 7 4 639 o 0 1,283 1 10 363 0 0 983 1 10 276 0 0 300 0 0 4 13 10 4 13 10 25 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 30 0 0 55 0 0 10 0 0 28 0 0 7,296 11 0 8,073 3 11 6,327 6 4 1 11 & 2,000 0 0 1,093 6 11 8 0 0 1 11 6 25 0 0 8,071 11 0 7,212 7 7 7,073 3 3 775 0 0 232 10 7 753 16 11 30 0 0 2,000 0 0 30 0 0 400 0 0 107 10 0 279 14 8 368 9 2 30 0 0 1,300 0 0 419 3 4 15 0 0 799 10 0 3,171 11 11 309 0 O 742 5 5 1,025 15 0 1,013 0 O 30 0 0 1,700 0 0 434 3 4 15 0 0 926 3 6 1,540 1 1 132 0 0 639 15 5 1,225 15 0 l,03S 10 0 92 10 0 153 1 2 123 15 0 200 0 0 231 0 0 177 0 0 226 5 0 205 10 0



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. NAMES OP IiirnKSTEES. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. 400 0 0 540 0 0 10 0 0 £ s. d. 400 0 0 599 1 2 30 0 0 30 0 0 175 16 8 79 1 0 9,181 7 0 1,039 19 4 55 0 0 570 13 0 65 0 0 44 8 1 225 0 0 1,492 5 1 1,822 14 0 450 0 0 3,385 13 6 68 5 3 £ s. d. £ e. d. Williams, G. P., Surveyor, Tiniaru ... Williams, J. S., Registrar-General of Land, Christchurch Williamson, J. H., Clerk, Crown Law Offiee, Wellington Williamson, J., late Curator of Intcetalo Estates, Auckland Willis, W. J., Resident Magistrate, Marton Wilmer, H. C, Judge's Secretary, Wellington Wilson, J. A., Land Purehnse vigent, East Coast Wilson, J. J, Engineer, Wanparei Wilson, L. H. B., Marine Department, Wellington Wink, Or. M., Surveyor, Maslerlon ... Winstanley, T. F., Postmaster, Invercargill Withers, E., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Napier Woodward, J., Public Trustee, Wellington Woon, J. G., Collector of Customs, Wanganui Woon, E. W., Resident Magistrate, Upper Wanganui ... Worgan, G. B., Surveyor, Wanganui Wray, C. A., Officer in Charge of Confiscated Lands, Patea Young, T. E., Translator, Native Office, Wellington 59 1 2 20 0 0 30 0 0 500 0 0 2 6 0 184 1 0 20 0 0 19 8 1 225 0 0 6 19 0 232 1 8 80 0 0 8,910 0 0 1,038 0 0 55 0 0 386 12 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 56 5 0 228 13 0 0 6 8 13 15 0 432 1 0 48 5 0 19 0 0 1,892 5 1 2,166 5 11 17 19 0 3,347 8 6 49 5 3 400 0 0 357 6 11 10 0 0 Deduct Credit Balances 69,243 4 5 1,498 13 2 67,744 11 3 71,442 15 1 2,059 17 1 Total 1,498 13 2 663,377 9 10 661,739 3 1 69,382 18 0 2,059 17 1




Balances on 30 Juke, 1874. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1875. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Ceown Agents, London ... 1,418 12 9 1,955,746 1 11 1,957,097 4 7 67 10 .1 Agbnt-G-enehal, London 82,751 10 10 1,032,626 2 6 1,089,719 19 4 25,657 14 0 Imperial Government, — 355 1 7 Pensions Account 1,246 17 2 1,001 18 9 Bank op New Zeaiand, London ... 366 0 0 36,468 0 0 36,150 0 0 684 0 0 Totais 84,891 5 2 3,026,087 1 7 3,084,569 2 8 26,409 4, 1







RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 185G:" — Balance at credit on SO June, 1874 Contributions at 1 per cent., — Series B and E., — On £75,000, 6 months to 1 October, 1874 ... On £75,000 „ to 1 April, 1875 Series A, C, D, and F,— On £425,000, 6 months to 1 January, 1875... On £425,000, 6 months to 1 July, 1875 375 O 0 375 0 0 212,220 5 8 2,125 0 0 2,125 0 0 Interest received on Investments 5,000 0 0 9,295 17 9 14,295 17 9 226,516 3 5 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860:" — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1874 Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £93,100, 6 months to 1 July, 1874 On £93,100 „ to 1 January, 1875 ... On £93,100 „ to 1 July, 1875 931 0 0 931 0 0 931 0 0 33,312 8 10 Interest received on Investments ' 2,793 0 0 2,619 8 1 5,412 8 1 38,724 16 11 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 -."— Balance at credit on 30 June, 1874 Series 1891, — Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £201,500, 6 months to 15 Sept., 1874 ... £2,015 0 0 On £329,900 „ to 15 Dec. „ ... 3,299 0 0 On £201,500 „ to 15 Mar., 1875 ... 2,015 0 0 On £329,900 „ to 15 June „ ... 3,299 0 0 199,351 0 9 10,628 0 O Interest received on Investments ... ... 4,775 2 7 10,628 0 0 4,775 2 7 15,403 2 7 Series 1914,— Contributions at 1 per cent, — On £488,000, 6 months to 15 July, 1874 ... £2,440 0 0 On £488,000 „ to 15 Jan., 1875 ... 2,440 0 0 4,880 0 0 Interest received on Investments ... ... 3,118 10 11 4,880 0 0 3,118 10 11 7,998 10 11 Series 1915, — Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £500,000, 6 monthB to 1 Nov., 1874 ... £2,500 0 0 On £500,000 „ to 1 May, 1875 ... 2,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 Interest received on Investments ... ... 2,718 3 2 7,718 3 2 31,119 16 8 New Zealand Consolidated Loans : — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1874 Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £7,153,100, 3 months to 15 July, 1874 ... On £7,153,100 „ to 15 Oct. „ On £7,153,100 „ to 15 Jan., 1875 ... On £7,153,100 „ to 15 April „ 17,882 15 0 17,882 15 0 17,882 15 0 17,882 15 0 358,705 13 4 230,470 17 5 On £80,000, 3 months to 15 Oct., 1874 ... £200 0 0 On £80,000 „ to 15 Jan., 1875 ... 200 0 0 On £80,000 „ to 15 April „ ... 200 0 0 71,531 0 0 600 0 0 Interest received on Investments Interest received on Deposits with London and Westminster Bank ... 72,131 0 0 17,930 0 0 970 11 5 91,031 11 5 449,737 4 9 Total £945,449 2 6

B— 1.



DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 :"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1875 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 44 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 5 per cent. Now Zealand Government Bonds 82,300 0 0 160,200 0 0 226,516 3 5 Balance in Lands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 242,500 0 0 2,202 4 10 244,702 4 10 226,516 3 5 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 :"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1875 ... ... \.. Held in tbe following Securities, viz.,— 5i per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 4J per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 6 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 7 per cent. Bonds of Conservators of Canterbury Rivers 6 per cent. Bonds of Conservators of Canterbury Rivers 22,280 0 0 10,000 0 0 2,150 0 0 300 0 0 2,000 0 0 38,724 16 11 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 36,730 0 0 1,794 3 11 38,521 3 11 " New Zealand Loak Act, 1863 :"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1875 Held in the following Securities, viz.,— 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 44 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 6 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds fi per cent. Otago Provincial Government Bonds 176,800 0 0 50,200 0 0 7,100 0 0 1,800 0 0 230,470 17 5 38,724 16 11 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment 235,900 0 0 1,537 2 2 237,437 2 2 230,470 17 5 New Zealand Consolidated Loans:— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1875 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds Balance in hum:- of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 449,737 4 9 449,100 0 0 637 4 9 149,737 4 9 • 449,737 4 9 Total ... £945,449 2 6

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1874, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1875., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, B-01

Word Count

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1874, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1875. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, B-01

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1874-75, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1874, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1875. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, B-01

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