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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Copy of DESPATCH from the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand. ■ Sir, — Downing Street, iilst March, 1876. I have the honor to transmit to you, for publication in the colony under your Government, a copy of a letter from the Eoreign Office, forwarding a note from the Netherlands Minister at this Court, with its enclosures, inviting the cooperation of the British colonies in an International Exhibition of Horticulture, to be held at Amsterdam in 1877. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government CARNARVON, of New Zealand.

Enclosure in No. 1. The Fobeiot Office to the Colonial Office.Sib,— Foreign Office, 17th March, 1876. I am directed by the Earl of Derby to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note, together with its enclosures, from the Netherlands Minister at this Court, inviting the co-operation of the British colonies in an International Exhibition of Horticulture, to be held at Amsterdam in 1877; and I am to request that, in laying the same before the Earl of Carnarvon, you will move his Lordship to take such steps as may seem to him best adapted for communicating to the proper quarters the invitation of the Netherlands Government with respect to the Exhibition in question. I am, &c, The Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office. T. V. Listee.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 1. Count Btlandt to the Earl of Deebt. M. le Comte, — Londres, le 11 Mars, 1876. Le'Cornite do l'Exposition Internationale d'Horticulture gui aura lieu a, Amsterdam en 1877, accordera un espace important dans les locaux de I'exposition non-seulement aux produits dcs colonic* Neerlandaises, mais aussi aux produits dcs colonies dcs autres Puissances etrangeres, dans le but d'etablir une ligne de comparaison entre ces differents produits, et d'avoir de la sorte dcs elements pour les discussions et investigations scientifiques dv congres gui sera convoque a cette occasion. En consequence le Comite susdit a exprime le desir: I°. Que les programmes de cette exposition fussent transmis par I'intermediaire dv Gouvernement do S.M.B. aux differents etablissements et societes interesses dans les Colonies Brit, ainsi qu'aux particuliers gui pourraient avoir interet a preter leur concours a cette eutreprise scientifique ; 2°. Que le transport dcs objets destines a l'Exposition Internationale d'Horticulture d'Amsterdam fut effectue gratis par l'entremise dv Gouvernement de S.M.B. Le Gouvernement Neerlandais s'interessant a la bonne reussite de cette exposition ma charge de soumettre les demandes dv Comite a la bienveillante consideration de V.E. J'ai l'honneur de joindre a cc pli dcs exemplaires dv prospectus en question ; et je saisis, &c. 8. E. le Comte de Derby, &c, &c, &c. C. de Btlandt. I—A. 2b.




PROJECT OF PROGRAMME FOR INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION IN 1877, AT AMSTERDAM. Vegetable Productions. 1. Cotton. Required: 1. A collection of cottons of various origin, as much as possible with specimens of plants. 2. A collection of cottons from some limited geographically well-defined region, with specimens of plants. 3. A collection of cottons, reared from exotic seed, with exact statement of origin of the seed used for acclimation. 4. A collection of cotton pods and seeds, with samples of the cotton produced, and a description of the plants. 5. A good collection of standard samples of cotton, in conformity with the Liverpool quotation. G. A good collection of standard samples of cotton, in conformity with the Havre quotation. 7. A collection of different cotton fibres fit for being projected by an oxyhydrogen lamp upon a white surface or screen. 8. Exact drawings of cotton fibres of different origin, on'a scale of 1 : 1000. 9. Samples of cotton oil, with the kernels from which the oil lias been obtained. 10. Samples of articles prepared from cotton oil. 11. Cotton gins, with statement of results obtained therefrom. 12. Presses for baling. 13. Packings, &c. 14. Exact measurements of cotton fibre. Statements of length, thickness and breadth of fibre from one and the same plant, and from different kinds. 15. Statements of absolute firmness of cotton fibre of the same plant, and of different kinds. 16. Researches concerning the soil of cotton lands. 17. Descriptions of the modes of sowing and reaping in use among the various cotton-growing nations. 18. A complete description, illustrated with drawings, of a cotton plantation.. 2. Tobacco. Required: 1. A collection of tobaccos of different origin, as much as possible with specimens of plants. 2. A collection of species of Nicotiana, from some special geographically well-defined region. 3. A collection of species of Nicotiana, reared from exotic seeds ; specimens of successful acclimation, with exact statement of the origin or home of the seeds. 4. A collection of species of Nicotiana, with samples of tobacco produced therefrom. o. Leaves of tobacco plants in the several stages of growth (all these specimens are required to be properly prepared, i.e. dried and stoved). C. A collection of fresh native tobacco samples. 7. Drawings of fully matured tobacco leaves (natural size). 8. Researches of soils suited for tobacco growing. 9. Statements and researches concerning the ashes of several kinds of tobacco. 10. Statements on the content of nicotianine of tobaccos, also of the leaf in the different stages of its growth. 11. A somewhat considerable quantity of pure nicotianine, with the results of its elementary analysis. 12. Physiological experiments on the effects of nicotianine. 13. Models of drying and stoving barns. 14. Materials for packing.

15. Description of the mode of cultivation observed in some particular tobacco-growing district. 16. A complete description, illustrated by drawings, of a tobacco field. 17. Statutes and regulations of societies of insurance against hail storms. 3. Peruvian Bark. Eequired: 1. As complete a collection as possible of the bark of different species of Cinchona, reared by Government in Java, and moreover a series of samples showing the progress in the culture, since the first parcel of Java Cinchona bark was sent to Netherland for sale. The botanical derivation of the barks must be stated throughout. 2. As complete a collection as possible of blossomng and of fruit-bearing sprigs of Cinchonas reared n Java, and well defined. 3. Samples of Peruvian bark, reared by individuals in Java, with the proviso that each specimen must bear the name of the species of Cinchona from which it was taken. 4. As complete a collection as possible of Cinchona (bark) from British India, with the proviso that each specimen bear the name of the species from which it was taken. 5. As complete a collection as possible of blossoming and of fruit-bearing branches, belonging to welldefined species of Cinchona, reared in British India. 6. As complete a collection as possible of Cinchona alkaloids, obtained from Java. 7. Idem from British India. 8. A collection of coloured plates of blossoming and of fruit-bearing branches belonging to different species of Cinchona, especially of such as are reared in Dutch and in British India. 9. A collection of implements employed in collecting and preparing the Peruvian bark. 10. As complete a collection as possible of notices and reports relating to the culture of Java Cinchona. 11. Idem of British India. 4. Madder. Eequired: 1. Dried specimens of Madder plants (species or varieties). 2. Samples of Madder roots in their different stages of development. 3. Samples of Garancine. 4. Samples of soils and manures employed for the culture of Madder. 5. Models and figures illustrating the preparation of Madder. 6. Statements concerning the cultivation and preparing of Madder, with the costs of the same. 7. Samples of dyes obtained from Madder, either alone, or mixed with other colouring matters. 8. Stuffs dyed with such dyes. 9. A series of stuffs, dyed partly with Madder dyes, partly with artifically obtained Alizarine, and with other chemical productions, suited for comparisons, in addition to an opinion as to the prospects of Madder industry by the continual improvements of these productions. N.B. The Madders to which the above nine questions refer, are those of the Levant, of Avignon, Naples, Russia, various parts of Netherland, and some other part of the world. 10. Adulterations of Madder. Samples for elucidation, and statement of the way in which these adulterations may be detected. 11. Plants furnishing colouring matter similar to Madder, with statement of whatever may relate to the culture and preparing of such dye-stuffs, elucidated by dried specimens and samples.



12. A statistical review of the culture of Madder, and the trade in it during the last years. 13. A collection of writings about Madder, its culture and industrial appliances. 14. A complete catalogue of such writings, also of those occurring in periodicals. 15. Coloured representations of the Madder plant and roots in the various stages of their development.

5. Indigo. Eequired: 1. Dried specimens of Indigo plants (species and varieties), with productions obtained therefrom. 2. A statement of the manner in which these plants are reared and the dyes prepared. 3. Samples of the soils in use for Indigo growing. 4. Models and figures for illustrating the process of Indigo preparation. 5. Samples of dye-stuffs, obtained from Indigo alone, or from mixtures of Indigo with other dyestuffs. fi. Stuffs dyed with such dyes. 7. A series of stuffs dyed partly with Indigo dye, partly with productions from coal-tar or other mineral substances, adapted for comparison. In addition, an opinion as to the prospects of the Indigo business under the increasing competition of chemical dyes. N.B. The descriptions of Indigo reverted to in the above seven queries, are those from Dutch India, British India, Central America, South America, Egypt, Africa, Western Asia, Southern Europe, and any other region of the world. 8. Adulterations of Indigo, with samples of the articles used for that purpose, and a statement of the way in which such adulterations may be detected. 9. Other plants from which an approved blue dye can be obtained for manufacturing purposes, and cultivable on a large scale. An account of the culture of such plants and the preparation of the dyestuff, elucidated by models, figures, and samples. 10. A statistical review of the Indigo culture and Indigo trade of late years. 11. A collection of writings on the culture and preparation of Indigo. 12. A complete catalogue of such writings ; also of such as occur in periodicals. 13. Coloured representations of the Indigo plant and its productions.

6. Caoutchouc (India Rubber) and Gutta Percha. Eequired: 1. As complete a collection as possible of species of Asiatic Caoutchouc, w Tith statement of the names of the plants from which and the places whence derived. 2. As complete a collection as possible of species of African Caoutchouc, with statement of the names of the plants from which and the places whence derived. 3. Idem of American Caoutchouc. 4. Caoutchouc from a definite district of Asia, with statement of the name of the plant from which it is obtained. 5. Idem of Africa, ditto. 6. Idem of America, ditto. 7. Objects made of pure Caoutchouc. 8. Fluid Caoutchouc, as it exudes from the tree, in white glass vessels. 9. Implements used for collecting and preparing Caoutchouc. 10. Samples of Gutta Percha, with statement of the name of the plant from which and the place whence derived. 11. Dried flower-bearing and dried fruit-bearing branches of Caoutchouc-yielding plants, if possible

with the botanical and native appellation, and in each case with a sample of Caoutchouc therefrom. 12. Dried flower-bearing and dried fruit-bearing branches of plants yielding Gutta Percha, if possible with the botanical and vulgar name, and in each case with a sample of Gutta Percha obtained therefrom.

7. Fats (including Patty Oils). Eequired: 1. Eats of the family of the Musaceae (Eavenala amazonica [Guyana]). 2. Eats of the family of Palms (Euterpe oleracea [Para], Oenocarpus Bacaba [Para], Oenocarpus Patawa [Patawa], Oreadoxa oleracea and regia [Northern S. America], Areca oleracea [Eeunion], Manicaria saccifera [French Guyana], Livistona sinensis [Northern South America], Acrocomia sclerocarpa [Guyana], Astrocaryum vulgare [Guyana, Brazil], Astrocaryum acaule [Guyana], Scheelia Maripa [Guyana], Attalea Cohune [Guyana], Mauritia flexuosa [Guyana], Mauritia vinifera [Brazil], Sagus tedigera [Brazil], Elaeis guyneensis [West Africa], Cocos nucifera [India]). 3. Eats of the family of the Corylaceae (Corylus Avellana, Eagus sylvatica [both of Europe]). 4. Fats of the family of the Cannabineae (Cannabis sativa [Europe]). 5. Eats of the family of the Antidesmeae (Putranjiva Eoxburghii [West India]). 6. Eats of the family of the Lauraceae (Tetranthera laurifolia [Java], Laurus nobilis [South of Europe], Litsaea sebifera [Java]). 7. Eats of the family of the Compositae (Helianthus annuus [Europe], and perennis [India], Guizotia oleifera [India], Madia sativa [Chili], Carduus pycnocephalus [Eeunion], Carthamus tinctorius [Asia], Arctium Lappa [Europe, Asia]). 8. Eats of the family of the Oleaceae (Olea europaea [South of Europe]). 9. Fats of the family of the Apocyneae (Cerbera Thevetia [E. and W. India, S. America], Whrightia antidysenterica [India]). 10. Fats of the family of the Gentianeae (Chironia cabrida [E. India]). 11. Fats of the family of the Labiatae (Ocymum Basilicum [Java], Ballota nigra [Europe]). 12. Fats of the family of the Solaneae (Nicotiana Tabacum, Atropa Belladonna [Wurtemberg]). 13. Fats of the family of the Bignoniaceae (Sesamum indicum and S. orientale [Asia, Africa], Panlownia imperialis [Japan]). 14. Fats of the family of the Sapotaceae (Argania Sideroxylon [Morocco], Lucuma mammosa [Tropic America], Bassia Parkii [S. Africa], longifolia [India], latifolia [Bengal], butyracea [India], Djave [Gabon], Njoungou [Gabon], Mimusops Elengi [Java], &c). 15. Fats of the family of the Ampeliaceae (Vitis vinifera [South of Europe]). 16. Fats of the family of the Cornaceae (Cornus mas [Europe]). 17. Fats of the family of the Myristicaceae (Virola sebifera [Guyana], Myristica species [Gabon, Brazil, W. Africa, the Moluccas, &c.]). 18. Fats of the family of the Anonaceae (Monodora grandiflora [Gabon]). 19. Fats of the family of the Ranunculaceac (Nigella sativa [India, Egypt]). 20. Fats of the family of the Papaveraceae (Papaver somniferum [Europe], Argemone mexicana [Bengal, E. India, America], Glaucium luteum [Europe]). 21. Fats of the family of the Critcifh-ae (Brassica campestris [Europe], Brassica Napus [Europe], Brassica sinensis [China], sorts of Sinapis [Europe, India], sorts of Thlaspi [Europe], Myagrum sativum [Europe]).



22. Fats of the family of the Cappariacece (Cleome viscosa [India]). 23. Fats of the family of the Bixacece (Gynocardia odorata [India]). 24. Fats of the family of the Cucurbitacew (Cucumis Citrullus and other sorts [Africa, E. India, Brazil], Telfairea pedata [S.E. and S.W. Africa], sorts of Momordica [America], sorts of Luffa [Asia], &c). 25. Fats of the family of the Wtandirobece (Fevillia Marcgravii [Brazil], cordifolia [Venezuela] and other sorts). 26. Fats of the family of the Malvacew (Hibiscus cannabinus [E. India, Africa, America], Thespesia populnea, [E. India, Ceylon, Tahiti], species of Gossypium, [Europe, Egypt, United States], Apeiba Titourbon [Venezuela]). 27. Fats of the family of the Sterculiacece (Pachira aquatica [Guyana, Antilles], Eriodendron anfractuosum [Tropical Asia], sorts of Bom bax [India], Sterculia foctida [Cape Verd Islands] and other sorts, lleritiera littoralis [Antilles], and other sorts [W. Africa]). 28. Fats of the family of the Buttneriacew (Theobroma Cacao [S. America]). 29. Fats of the family of the Ternstroemiacece (Cochlospermum Gossypium [India], Camellia oleifera [China]). 30. Fats of the family of the Dipterocarpece (sorts of Dryobalanops [Gabon], sorts of Hopea [Borneo]). 31. Fats of the family of the Clusiaccce (sorts of Garcinia [India], Mesua ferrea [India, Java], Calophyllum Calaba [Antilles], Calophyllum Inophyllum [E. India, Java, Tahiti], Calophyllum spurium [Goa]). 32. Fats of the family of the Olacinece (Coula edulis [W. Africa], Ximenea Gabonensis [Gabon] and others, Balanitis asgyptiaca [Senegal, India]). 33. Fats of the family of the Aurantiaccw Feronia Elephantum [India, Java]). 34. Fats of the family of the Guttiferae (Pentadesma butyracea [Sierra Leone]). 35. Fats of the family of the Meliaceas (Melia Azedarach [India, Ceylon], Azedarachta indica [India], Amoora Eohituka [E. India], Carapa Guyanensis (= Persoonia guareoides) [Guyana], Carapa Touloucoona [W.Africa]). 36. Fatß of the family of the Sapindacea (Sapindus Saponaria [E. India, Northern S. America], emarginatus [E. India, &c.]) 37. Fats of the family of the Rhizobolea; (Caryocar brasiliensis [Brazil], Caryocar tomentosum (=Pekea guyanensis) [Guyana], Pekea ternatea [Antilles]). 38. Fats of the family of the Enphorbiaceas (kinds of Eicinus [Tropical Asia, Africa, America], Jatropha glauca [E. India], Curcas purgans [Tropical Asia, Africa, America], Anda Gomesii [Brazil], Siphonia elastica [Brazil], Elaeococcaverrucosa [Japan], Aleurites triloba, A. moluccensis, A. gabonensis [Oceania, E. India, Africa, &c], Aleurites cordata [China], Croton Tiglium and others'[lndia], Croton sebiferum (= Stillingia sebifera) [China], Eottleria tinctoria [E. India]). 39. Fats of the family of the Anacardiacew Anacardium occidentale (= Cassuvium pomiferum) E. and W. India], Pistacia Lentiscus [Italy]. 40. Fats of the family of the Burseraceae (Irvingia Barteri [Gabon]). 41. Fats of the family of the Linem (Linum usitatissimum [Europe]). 42. Fats of the family of the Combretacece (Terminalia Catappa [E. and W. India]). 43. Fats of the family of the Rosacea (Prunus domestica [Wurtemberg], Amygdalus communis [South Europe], Chrysobalanus Icaco [Tropic America, Senegal]).

44. Fats of the family of the Lecythideai (Berthol letia excelsa [Brazil], Lecythis ollaria [Brazil, Guy ana]). 45. Fats of the family of the Leguminosce (Arachis hypogaoa [Tropical Asia, Africa, and America], Butea frondosa [E. India], Dolichos Soya [China], Pongomia glabra (= Dalbergia arborea) [E. India], Parkia biglandulosa [E. India], Dypterix odorata [Brazil], Bauhinia Candida [India], Pentaclethra macrophylla [Gabon], Moringa pterygosperma [Syria, W. India], Moringa aptera [Egypt], and others). 46. Fats (or fatty oils) of plants or families not mentioned above. 47. Materials of vegetable origin from which fats can be obtained. 48. Plants, dried or otherwise preserved, yielding fat-producing materials. 49. Writings upon the manufacturing processes by which fats are prepared.

8. JEtherial Oils. Eequired: 1. A collection of rctherial oils, indifferently, whether used for any special purpose or not. 2. A collection of a>therial oils used for perfumes. 3. A collection of authorial oils serving for other purposes than the preparing of perfumes.

9. Vegetable Substances for Paper. The plants or vegetable matters from which specimens of paper are desired, are : Straw; Wood; Esparto or Sparte-fibre (Lygeum Spartum) j Alfa-fibrc (Stipa tenacissima) ; Reed (Psamma arenaria) grown on Dutch or foreign downs or sandhills ; Bamboo ; Paper Mulberry-tree (Broussonetia papyrifera); Kapok (Seeddownof Eriodendron anfractuosuin): New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax); stems and refuse of Pisangs or Bananas (Musa) ; Pineapple fibre; Agave fibre; refuse of Cotton and Flax-spinneries; Paper-Daphne (Daphne papyrifera); Ricepaper-plant (Aralia papyrifera). Moreover, any other vegetable matters not mentioned here, provided they be of plants capable of being cultivated and reaped on a large scale. To bo sent in: 1. Dried specimens of the plants from which the paper is made. 2. Samples of the raw paper material, and of the paper manufactured therefrom. 9. A statement of the manner of rearing and managing the plants, of the cost of operation, and the prospects of the paper manufacture from the different substances. 4. Models and drawings illustrating the process of manufacture. Further is desired s 5. A collection of samples of vegetable substances employed from the remotest period to the present time for writing purposes, forming collectively a complete series, from which an historical and ethnographical view of paper industry can be obtained. 6. A collection of writings on paper and paper manufacture. 7. A complete catalogue of such; also of such as occur in periodicals. 8. A statistical review of the paper manufacture, with observations and deductions.of its prospects. 9. Coloured drawings of the plants yielding substances for paper-making.

10. Cereals. Required : A bundle of ears of all cereals cultivated in Netherland, accompanied by a sample of \ kilo, of grain, in a white glass, of each of the bundles



exhibited. Further, a statement of the place where, and the description of soil on which, the cereals were reared. 11. Catechu (Cachou). Eequired: 1. Catechu from Acacia Catechu, as occurring in commerce. 2. Catechu from Areca Catechu, as occurring in commerce. 3. Catechu from TJncaria Gambir, as occurring in commerce. 4. Other vegetable productions, containing Tannic Acid, which are or might be made available for technic purposes. N.B.—lt is desirable to exhibit all these kinds of Catechu with the substances from which they are obtained, and the plans yielding those substances. 12. Vanilla. Eequired: 1. Mexican Vanilla— (a.) of spontaneous growth (Cimarona) ; (b.) obtained by culture (Corriente). 2. Vanilla from the Dutch East India possessions. 3. Vanilla from the Dutch "West India possessions, with statement on each sample of the species of Vanilla from which it was obtained, and a blossoming sprig of the plants, either dried or preserved in spirits. 4. American Vanilla, derived from other plants than the Vanilla planifolia, with a statement on each sample of the species of Vanilla which produced it, and a sprig, dried or preserved in spirits, of the plants from which it was produced. 5. Vanilla grown in Europe.

13. Rhubarb. The derivation of genuine Chinese Ehubarb has been successively referred to various species of the genus Bheuin. The latest researches claim the Rheum officinale as the parent. It is therefore desirable that a thoroughly wellgrown root be exhibited, showing the distinctive marks of good Chinese Ehubarb, and to which must be attached a sufficient portion of the parent plant, to determine it satisfactorily. 14. Sarsaparilla. Eequired: Well-prepared (either dried or otherwise prepared) specimens of plans yielding Sarsaparilla for commerce, with the proviso that there be attached one or more sound roots, adapted for a comparative research. The objects are required to be in a blossoming or fruit-bearing condition. Attention will be paid equally to objects of spontaneous growth and those obtained from culture. Thus drawn up by the organizing Committee, Amsterdam, 14th August, 1875. J. H. Krelage, Chairman. F. W. Van Eeden. C. Glijm. H. F. E. Hubrecht. C. A. J. A. Oudemans. C. J. Van der Oudermeulen. W. F. E. Suringar. G. F. Westerman. H. Groenewegen, Secretary. The Committee will gratefully receive any proposals or observations concerning their labours, as marks of interest in their scheme. 11. Gboenewegen, Secretary. 5, Oetewalerweg, Amsterdam.

No. 2. Copy of DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanbt, &c., &c. (No. 27.) My Lord, — Downing Street, 15th May, 1876. I have the honor to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise Her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied your Despatch No. 82, of the Bth December, 1875. I have, &c, Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, CARNARVON. &c., &c, &c. No. 1. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public No. 5. "An Act to incorporate the Trustees under 'The Account to the Service of the Year ending the Presbyterian Church of Otago Lands Act, 18G6,' Thirtieth day of June, One thousand eight hun- and also to give power to incorporate the Memdred and seventy-six ;" bers of the Deacons' Court of any Congregation No. 2. "An Act for Indemnifying the Colonial Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church now or which hereand all other Persons for the Expenditure of the after may be under the jurisdiction or control of Sum of Eighty-four Thousand and Forty Pounds the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Otago Fifteen Shillings and Sixpence for the Service of and Southland;" the Financial Year ending the Thirtieth day of u O . 6. "An Act to vest certain Parcels of Land situate in June, One thousand eight hundred and seventy- the cit.y of Dunedin in the University of Otago ;" five, and for charging the same on the Accounts -\r f v a a n i , ~, „ . -„ f the ad Year • ' exchange a part oi the Cemetery Keserve, •»t o <t a a tt l'irri t -ii n t At Dunedin, for a Reserve called 'The Botanical No. 3. "An Act to amend ' The Invercargill Gas Loan Act, /i i > ■.. • a /-,-. » t-> «i »""-"* 1874,' and to make further provision for enabling &ar, dens > q e'tuatc *» *c. Cl% of ,D" nedin,! to be the Municipal Council of the Town of Invercargill used as a Sltc for the University of Otagoj to supply the Town of Invercargill with Gas;" 9- "An Act to define the position of the Presbyterian No. 4. "An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the Church of New Zealand, and to provide for Town of Queenstown to raise Money for the pur- dealing with certain Properties held in Trust for pose of constructing Waterworks for the supply purposes connected with such Church ;" of the Town with Water ;" No. 10. "An Act to enable the Auckland Branch of the



New Zealand Institute to raise Funds for the Erection of a Public Museum and Library ;" No. 11. " An Act to incorporate the Members of an Association in the City of Wellington, known as ' The Wellington Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute,' and to vest in such Association certain Land in the City of Wellington, granted as a site for a Mechanics' Institute, and other real and personal Estate;" No. 12. "An Act to amend the Southland Waste Lands Act;" No. 13. " An Act to remove doubts as to the Registration and Incorporation of certain Mining Companies under ' The Mining Companies Act, 1872;' " No. 14. "An Act to amend 'The Inspection of Machinery Act, 1874;'" No. 15. "An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the Town of Palmerston to raise Moneys for the purpose of constructing Waterworks for the supply of the Town with Water;" No. 16. "An Act to authorize the granting of certain Parcels of Land to the New River Harbour Board j" No. 17. "An Act to declare the Powers of the Kakanui Harbour Board;" No. 18. "An Act to amend ' The Protection of Animals Act, 1873;'" No. 19. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Public Account to the Service of the Year ending the Thirtieth day of June, One thousand eight hundred and seventy-six;" No. 20. "An Act to amend ' The Parliamentary Privileges Act, 1865 ;'" No. 22. "An Act to amend ' The Marriage Act, 1854,' and the several Acts amending the same ;" No. 23. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to the Registration of Births and Deaths in New Zealand;" No. 24. "An Act to amend ' The Highway Boards Empowering Act, 1871;'" No. 25. "An Act to amend ' Tho Highway Boards Empowering Act, 1871,' and ' The Highway Boards Empowering Act, 1872;'" No. 26. "An Act to provide for the Drainage of the City of Christchurch and the surrounding Districts ;" No. 27. "An Act to incorporate the Campbelltown Athenseum;" No. 28. ' 'An Act to authorize the raising of a Loan for the Construction and Extension of Gas and Waterworks within the City of Nelson ;" No. 29. "An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the incorporated Town of Oamaru to raise the Sum of Sixty Thousand Pounds for the Construction or Purchase of Waterworks for the supply of the Town of Oamaru ;" No. 30. "An Act to enable the Corporation of the Municipality of Oamaru to acquire construct and maintain the necessary Plant, Premises, and Works for the Supply of the Inhabitants of the said Town of Oamaru with Gas;" No. 31. " An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the Borough of Tirnaru to raise the sum of Fifteen Thousand Pounds for the Construction or Purchase of Waterworks for the Supply of the Town of Timaru with Water;" No. 32. "An Act to bring the provisions of 'The Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act, 1872,' into operation in the Borough of Napier, and to authorize the Municipal Council of the said Borough to raise the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds for the Construction or Purchase of Waterworks for the Supply of the Town of Napier with Water ;" No. 33. "An Act to authorize the Municipal Council of the incorporated Town of Clyde to raise the sum of Five Thousand Pounds for the Construction or Purchase of Waterworks for the Supply of the Town of Clyde;" No. 34. " An Act to vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Auckland certain Endowments and Reserves in the said City ;" No. 35. " An Act to regulate the Plans of Towns ;" No. 36. "An Act to amend ' The Public Health Act, 1872;' " No. 37. "An Act to amend ' The Gold Fields Act, 1866,' and the several Acts amending the same ;" No. 38. "An Act to provide that Apprentices may be bound taught and instructed in certain Arts and

Trades connected with the Service of the Government of the Colony;" No. 39. "An Act to amend 'The Imprisonment for Debt Abolition Act, 1874;'" No. 40. "An Act to amend ' The Bills of Sale Act, 1867 ;'" No. 41. "An Act to amend ' The Neglected and Criminal Children's Act, 1867,' and the Acts amending the same ;" No. 42. "An Act to authorize the establishment of Schools of Anatomy, and for regulating the Practice of Anatomy thereat;" No. 43. "An Act to amend 'The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868 ;' " No. 44. "An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to the Construction Establishment and Maintenance of Electric Telegraph Communication, and to provide for the Regulation thereof;" No. 45. "An Act to confirm and render valid a Grant from the Crown of certain Lands in the Province of Nelson to the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Town of Westport and their Successors, and to enable the Municipal Council of the Borough of Westport to deal -with the said Land;" No. 46. " An Act to repeal a certain Grant from the Crown to George Hood and Anne Hood, his Wife, of part of Town Allotment No. 649, New Plymouth, and to provide for the Issue of another Grant in lieu thereof;" No. 47. " An Act to authorize the Governor to execute a Conveyance to John Chubbin of certain Sections of Land at Waihi;" No. 48. " An Act to amend ' The Taranaki Waste Lands Act, 1874;'" No. 49. " An Act to remove doubts as to the Tolls to be collected and taken at Toll Gates in the Province of Wellington;" No. 50. "An Act to amend ' The Wellington Hospital Loan Act, 1874;' " No. 51. " An Act to amend an Act passed in the present Session of the General Assembly, the Short Title whereof is 'The Wellington Hospital Loan Act 1874 Amendment Act, 1875 ;'" No. 52. "An Act to amend ' The Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871 ;'" No. 53. " An Act to authorize the Governor to grant Land to the Education Board of the Province of Wellington ;" No. 54. " An Act to make Provision for the Management of certain Rivers in the Province of Wellington;" No. 55. "An Act to constitute a Board of Conservators for the District of Clutha River;" No. 56. "An Act to provide for the Management of the Greytown and Masterton Public Cemetery and Park Reserves;" No. 57. " An Act to amend ' The Municipal Corporations Act, 1867,' and the Acts amending the same, and to make other provisions than those at present existing for the election of Mayors of Boroughs under the said Act;" No. 58. "An Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Dunedin to further extend its Borrowing Powers, and to amend its form of Security for the Repayment of Moneys raised on Loan;" No. 59. " An Act to authorize the vesting in the Muncipal Corporation of the Incorporated Town of Oamaru certain Parcels of Land, and for other Purposes ;" No. 60. "An Act to bring certain Reserves under the provisions of part of the Thirtieth Section of ' The New Zealand University Act, 1874 ;'" No. 61. An Act to authorize the granting to the Governing Body of the Town of Onehunga certain Reserves within that Town;" No. 62. " An Act to authorize the Governor to grant to the Auckland Harbour Board certain Lands, being parts of the soil of the Harbour of Auckland;" No. 63. "An Act to confer additional Powers upon the Otago Harbour Board, and to vest certain Public Reserves now vested in the Superintendent of the Province of Otago in the said Board, and to provide for the Reclamation of and dealing with other Lands in the Port of Dunedin;" No. 64. " An Act to provide for the Improvement of the Harbour of Moeraki, in the Province of Otago ;"



No. 65. "An Act to constitute a Harbour Board for the Port of Napier;" No. 66. " An Act to bring the provisions of ' The Municipal Corporations Waterworks Act, 1872,' into operation in the Borough of Invercargill, and to authorize the Municipal Council of the said Borough to raiso the sum of Fifty Thousand Pounds for the Construction or Purchase of Waterworks for the Supply of the Town of Incargill with Water;" No. 67. " An Act to amend ' The Otago Waste Lands Act, 1872;'" No. 68. "An Act to amend ' The Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1874;'" No. 69. "An Act to amend ' The Gold Fields Act, 1866;'" No. 70. " An Act to amend ' The Gold Mining Districts Act, 1873;'" No. 71. " An Act to vest a piece of Land at Outram, in the Province of Otago, in Her Majesty the Queen, as a Reserve for an Electric Telegraph Station ;" No. 72. "An Act to vest in Her Majesty the Queen the Provincial Government Building Reserve situate in Invercargill, and to authorize the Invercargill Athenaeum to exchange a piece of Land held by it for a piece of Land intended by this Act to be vested in Her Majesty ;" No. 73. " An Act to impose Stamp Duties in lieu of Duties of the same kind now payable under various Acts, and to consolidate and amend the provisions relating thereto;" No. 74. " An Act to provide for the Collection by means of Stamps of Fees payable in the various Departments of the Public Service ;" No. 75. " An Act to amend the Law relating to the Registration of Electors;" No. 76. " An Act to qualify Persons living in Lodgings to vote at the Election of Members of the House of Representatives, and to enable such persons to be registered on tho Electoral Roll;" No. 77. " An Act to amend the Representation Acts ;" No. 78. "An Act to amend ' The Disqualification Act, 1870,' and to indemnify certain Members of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives from Disabilities and Penalties they may have incurred under that Act;" No. 79. " An Act for the Relief of Debtors and for the better Security of Croditors ;" No. 80. "An Act for the Punishment of Fraudulent Debtors, and for other Purposes ;" No. 81. "An Act for the further Amendment of the Law of Evidence;" No. 82. "An Act to enable the Judges of the Supreme Court to appoint Commissioners for certain purposes ;" No. 83. "An Act to amend ' The Religious, Charitable, and Educational Trusts Act, 1856 ;' " No. 84. "An Act to amend ' The Friendly Societies Act, 1867;'" No. 85. "An Act to amend the ' The New Zealand Presbyterian Church Act, 1875 ;' " No. 86. "An Act to enable Joint Stock Companies formed for the Construction of Branch Railways in the Colony of New Zealand to make construct and maintain such Railways;"

No. 87. "An Act to amend 'The Licensing Act 1873 Amendment Act, 1874;' " No. 88. "An Act to confer Powers on Public Libraries and Mechanics Institutes;" No. 89. " An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Employment of Females;" No. 90. "An Act to enable David Davides to succeed to a Piece of Land at Opotiki;" No. 91. " An Act to enable the Governor to make a Crown Grant to Walter Lawrence Martin of a Pioce of Land at Wanganui;" No. 92. "An Act to enable the Governor to make a Grant of Six Hundred Acres to Jame3 Riddell;" No. 93. " An Act to amend ' The Imbecile Passengers Act, 1873 ;' " No. 94. " An Act to amend ' The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870,' and the Acts amending the same ;" No. 95. "An' Act to amend 'The Immigrants Land Act, 1873;'" No. 96. "An Act to amend 'The Public Revenues Act, 1867,' and Acts amending the same ;" No. 97. "An Act to extend the Appropriation Acts or Ordinances of the several Provinces until the Thirtieth clay of September, One thousand.eight hundred and seventy-six;" No. 98. "An Act to repeal parts of certain Acta authorizing the Expenditure of certain Sums of Money for the purposes of Immigration and Public Works, and to appropriate further Sums in that behalf;" No. 99. "An Act to apply a Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and other Moneys to the Service of the Year ending the Thirtieth day of June, One thousand eight hundred and seventysix, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this present Session." Local and Personal. No. 1. " An Act to make further provision in respect of ' The Auckland Improvement Act, 1873.' " No. 2. "An Act to authorize ' The Kaitangata Railway and Coal Company, Limited,' to make construct and maintain a Railway connecting the Main Southern Trunk Railway, in the Provinco of Otago, 'with the Township of Kaitangata and the Coal Mines adjacent thereto in the said Province, and to make provision for other the proposed works of the said Company;" No. 3. "An Act to enable ' The Napier Gas Company, Limited,' to supply the Town of Napier with Gas;" No. 4. " An Act to enable the Corporation of the Town of Napier to abate a Nuisance caused by the flooding of certain lands with stagnant water within the Borough of Napier ;" No. 5. "An Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Dunedin to take divert and impound the whole of the Water flowing into and in the Stream called ' The Water of Leith,' and all or any of the Tributaries thereof, for the purpose of increasing the Supply of Water for the Inhabitants of the said City, and for the purpose of supplying the Inhabitants of the Suburbs of the said City with Water, and for other purposes in connection with the said objects."

No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from the Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon to Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby. My Lord, — Downing Street, 11th May, 1876. I have received your Lordship's despatch, No. 10, of the 11th March, in which you recommend that Mr. William Hunter Reynolds, who has retired from the Executive Council, after having been a member for a period of over three years, may receive the Queen's permission to retain the title of Honorable; and I have the honor to acquaint you that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of Mr. Reynolds retaining the title of Honorable within the Colony of New Zealand. I have, &c, Governor the Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, CARNARVON. &c, &c, &c.,

By Authority: Geobge Didsbubt, Government Printer, Wellington,—lB76. Price 3d.]

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FURTHER DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, A-02b

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FURTHER DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, A-02b

FURTHER DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1876 Session I, A-02b

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