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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

Meetings of the Board were held during the past year, for the transaction of business, on 21at December, 1874, 11th March, 31st March, and 4th August, 1875. The ordinary expenditure on the garden lias been increased this year by the fencing required for the extension of its area to include land, conveyed to the Board by the Provincial Government, and the unused blocks of the Church of England and Public Cemeteries, of which the provisional annexation has been sanctioned by the respective trustees. The fence on the east side next the town has been removed back to the line of road laid off in that direction, a wire fence has been erected between Moxham's farm and the gardens, and a fourrail fence around the added reserves, making in all 89 chains of fencing. New roads have been formed to the extent of 92 chains, opening up the new ground to the public ; all the old roads have been cleaned, several bridges renewed and others repaired, the late severe rains having caused considerable damage. A large amount of necessary work has been done in clearing scrub, repairing and making new drains, and in nursery work including transplanting. A cottage removed from the Museum site has been re-erected near the nursery pits, and will prove of great use. There have been about 3,000 trees planted out during the past year ; of this number 688 have been purchased in the Australian colonies and New Zealand, of which lists are appended. The crop of conifers raised from seed sown in 1874, and which should have been available for planting out in 1875, proved to a great extent a failure. The new portion of the ground lately fenced has been planted with a fine collection of the different varieties of the silver fir, also araucarias and cedars. The greater part of the seeds in question when received here from North America were imperfectly filled, or, in other words, they were shrivelled and light. "Whether this arose from the seed having been gathered unripe, or from imperfect fertilization, matters little, as in either case the result would be weekly constitutioned plants; such plants proving this in a few years by flowering and bearing cones at an age that would result in short life and the production of bad timber. Great care should therefore be taken to prevent the introduction of bad pine seed to New Zealand. List of Pines raised from Seed. In pots. In beda. Cupressus macrocarpa ... ... ... ... ... 250 450 Pinus insignis ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 „ tuberculata ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 ~ longiiblia ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 „ pinea ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 Abies excelsa ... ... ... ... ... ... 350 „ menziesii ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 ~ douglasii ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 Wellingtonia gigantea ... ... ... ... ... 40 Frenella ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 Totals ... ... ... ... 967 600 Sitmmaby of Plants and Seeds purchased for and presented to the Garden duriag the past Tear. Purchased Plants. Ferguson and Son, New South Wales, trees and shrubs ... ... ... 153 Duncan and Son, Christchurch, New Zealand, trees ... ... ... 92 T. Lang and Co., Melbourne, trees ... ... ... ... ... 219 Mr. R. Donald, Wellington, trees ... ... ... ... ... 200 Mr. McNab, "Wellington, trees ... ... ... ... ... 24 Mr. Batchelor, Nelson, trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 200


Donations. Mr. Ludlam, 250 pine trees and parcels of pine seeds. Mr. Drake, 30 Native trees and Cupressus maerocarpa seed. Mr. Harding, Napier, 6 packets broom seed. Mr. Mantell. a large collections of pine trees, shrubs, and seeds. Mr. Guilfoyle, Melbourne, 1 packet seeds. Mr. Mason, Hutt, 24 shrubs T. Lang and Co., Melbourne, 71 trees. His Honor Sir Eedmond Barry, Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, 3 cases plants, 124 sp. also seeds. Boyal Gardens, Kew, 12 cases plants. Mr. E. Donald, Wellington, 50 Native trees (totara). Mrs. Kvngdon, New Plymouth, 1 Qaultheria rupeslris. Colonial Government, 23 species of conifer seeds from California and India. Plants sent from the Gardens. 3 cases New Zealand plants, Sir E. Barry, Melbourne. 1 case ferns, Hon. J. Bonar, Westland. 1 case New Zealand plants, Major Palmer. 5 cases New Zealand plants, Eoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2 cases New Zealand plants, Dr. Hector (for Kew). 1 case New Zealand plants, Colonel Peilding. 71 pine trees, Lunatic Asylum, "Wellington. 144 New Zealand plants, ditto. 50 pines, W. Wray, for Cemetery Eeserve, Patea. 25 pines, Wellington Gaol.

List of Plants purchased from T. Lang and Co., Melbourne, 22nd April, 1875. 6 Abies canadensis. 2 Picea flexilis. 6 „ menziesii. 3 Pinus rigidus. 6 Cedrus deodara. 6 Ketinospora filifera. 6 „ atlantica. 6 „ squarrosa. 6 „ libani. 6 „ pisifera. 12 Cupressus benthamiana. 6 „ plumosa. 12 „ undeana. 6 Thujopsis dolabrata. 6 Picea balsamea. 6 „ lsetevirens. 6 „ fraseri. 6 „ borealis. 3 „ cephalonica (apollonis). 6 Araucaria imbricata. 12 „ nordmanniana. 6 Prumnopitys elegans. 12 „ pectinata. 6 Taxus elegantissima. 6 „ pinsapo. 12 Pinus austriaca. 4 „ pindrow. 12 „ laricio. 2 „ magnifica. 25 Abies excelsa. Total ... ... ... ... ... 219 Purchased from Ferguson and Son, New South Wales, 17th, June, 1875. Araucaria raoulii ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ cookii ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ cunninghami ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 „ „ glauca ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ bidwillii... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Ficus macrophylla... ... ... ... ... ... ... 44 Magnolia grandiflora ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Total ... ... ... ... ... 153 From Duncan and Son, Christchurch, 28th April, 1875. Pinus maerocarpa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Abies hookeriana ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 „ alba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Pinus austriaca ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 50 „ resinosa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ pungens ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 „ rigida ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Total ... ... ... ... ... 92 From E. Donald: 100 Pinus halepensis, 100 Pinus sylvestris ... ... 200 „ Mr. McNab: 24 Araucaria excelsa ... ... ... ... 24 Total ... ... ... ... ... 224




LIST of PLANTS in 12 Ward's cases for New Zealand, per ship "Collingwood," from Kew.

Remarks as to state on arrival. Remi to sti arr irks as ite on ival. Total No. Alive. Total No. Alive. Case I. 1. Rhododendron hodgsoni 1 row 2. „ thomsoni... ... „ 3. „ arboreum ... „ 4. „ barbatum ... „ 5. R. cinnabarinum blandfordia- „ florusa 6. Rhododendron thomsoni ... i „ 7. „ hodgsoni ... i „ 8. „ glaucuin ... 2 „ 9. ,, barbatum ... i „ 10. „ arboreum ... % „ 7 7 6 7 7 1 3 2 0 6 Case VI. (continued). 3. Quercus olmeformis ... ... 5rows 4. „ castanea ... ... 6 „ 5. ,, rabra 6. ,, fischeri 6 G C G 6 6 6 G 4 9 8 3 2 3 2 7 2 1 Case, VII. 1. Quercus bicolor 6 „ 2. ,, macrocarpa ... ... 6 ,, 3. ,, tinctoria ... ... ... fi „ 4- „ corri» ... ... ...12 „ 5. ,, robur-pcdunculata ...12 „ G G 6 8 15 6 6 6 8 14 Case II. 1. Rhododendron pendulum... 2. „ falconeri 3. „ virgatum 4. „ arboreum 5. „ campnnulatum 6. „ camellia-florum or roylei 7. „ grifllthianum 8. ,, cinnabarinum 9. „ camellia-florum ... 10. „ row of mixed seedlings 1 3 2 3 3 8 9 13 7 4 0 1 0 2 0 4 4 9 3 0 Case VIII. 1. Quercus ballota 2. „ suber 3. ,, densiflora 4. „ inirbecki ... 5. „ fontaincsii G 6 3 3 5 6 5 3 3 5 Case III. 1. Picea balsamea 2. Cedrus libani 3. Picea cephalonica ... 4. Pinus cembra 5. „ iuops 4 4 4 4 6 0 0 1 4 1 Case IX. 1. Quercus solimensia 2. „ nigra 4. ,, obtusiloba 10. „ alba 13. „ lobata 15. „ faleata 18. „ cinerea so r 6. 7. 8. 9. These are from Cordova, Mexico, 11. f without names. 12. 14. 16. 17.J L 3 3 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Case IV. 6 6 6 6 5 4 0 0 0 1 4 1 1. Picea pinsapo 2. Abies nigra... 3. „ alba 4. Pinus rigida 5. Abies canadensis 6. Pinus rcsinosa CaseX. 6 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Case V. 1. Gardenia thunbergi 2. Illicium floridanum 3. Bambusa fortunei-variegata 4. Poinciana gilliesi ... 5. Pa rochet us thunbergi 6. Picea nordmanniana 7. Arduina bispinosa ... 8. Calceolaria violacea 9. Araucaria braziliensis 10. Colletia cruciata 11. Desfontainia spinosa 12. Benthamia fragifera 13. Teedia lucida 14. Araucaria braziliensis 15. Chironia grandiflora 16. ,, frutescens 17. Juglans nigra 18. Eupatorium weinmannianum 19. Arauca"hi braziliensis 20. Fabian:: imbrieata 21. Ageratum riparium 22. Rubus dcliciosus ... 23. Quercus austriaca ... 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 O 1 0 1 0 2 1. Quercus coecifera ... 2. „ ilex 3. Schotia latifolia 4. Argania sideroxylon 5. Podalyria biflora ... 6. Smilax delorides 7. Abutilon darwini ... 8. Rhaphiolepis japoniea 9. Cyphomandra betacea 10. Podalvria biflora ... 11. Malva miniata 12. Solanum sp. 13. Rhaphiolepis japonica 14. Duvana dependens 15. Olive seedlings 16. Schotia sp. ... 17. Arabia papyrifcra ... 18. Bougainvillea glnbra 19. Dasylirion acrotichum 20. Calliandra tweediei 21. Hibiscus pedunculatus Case XL G-ermanating seeds of sugar maple (seeds received from Dr. II. Gray) 40 or 50 27 Case VI. 1. Quercus discolor ... ... 6 „ 2. „ hybrida 6 „ Case XII. t; (> Sarraccnia purpurea About 12 Out of 420 plants originally put in Lumber, I believe 25 per ceut. will proba the tbly cases ie wii it Kew, 212 only have arrived alive ; of this lin a fen* months under any circumstances. lattei



List of Plants in No. 1 Case received from Sir Redmond Barry, Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, 20th July, 1875. A cmeiia smithiana. Kangaroo pear. Baiiksia longifolia. . Lagenaria patersonii. Brachychiton acerifolia. Lataiiia borbonica. „ populifolia. Lophostemon macrophylla. Bradleya australis. Melaleuca ericoides. Callistemon coceinea. Native currant. Cassia nereifolia. New fruit from Queensland. Csesalpina, sp. Palmus acuminata. Clerodeudron tomentosa. Pittosporum acacioides. Commersonia reticulata. Sabal blackburniana. Cissus bandiana. „ umbraculifera. Cryptocarpa glauca. Sambucus albicans. Eugenia myrtifolia. Neaforthia elegans. Eriostemon nereifolia. JSolanum macrocarpa. Eutaxia myrtifolia. Tabern<emontana orientalis. Ficus hartlandia. Templetonia retusa. Qrevillea hillei. Tristania nereifolia. Hernandia bivalvis. List of Plants in No. 2 Case. Abies orientalis. Labonia floribunda. ~ sitchensis. Lemon thyme. Azalea jenkinsonii. Pinus ponderosa. „ colerans. „ torreyana. „ Empress Eugenie. Eetinospora ericoides. „ splendens. Serissa foetida, variegata. Boronia mejjastigma. Statiec fortunii. Cupressus glauca. „ pteroclada. „ corneyana. „ incana hybrida. „ excelsa. „ saycheum. „ lindleyana. Taxus baccata, elegantissima. Coronilla glauca. Thujopsis dolabrata. „ pentaphylla. „ lsotvirens. Epacris nivalis. Widdringtonia eupressoides. „ impressa. Chrysanthemum Alonzo. Euonymus radicans, variegata. „ Finette. Fitzroya patagonica. „ Mrs. W. H. Morgan. Justicia carnea. „ ondine. .Tuniporus macrocarpa. „ Eose pompone. „ turbinata. „ virginale. „ althea. Total species ... ... ... ... 76 Received from T. Lang and Co., Melbourne, 22nd April, 1875. Donation. 3 Cedrus deodara. 6 Picea balsamea. 3 „ lebani. 3 „ pectinata. 3 Eetinospora filifera. 3 „ pinsapo. 2 „ pisifera. 3 Thujopsis dolabrata. 3 „ ericoides. 3 „ lartvirens. 3 Araucaria imbricata. 6 Pinus laricio. 2 Taxus elegantissima. G Cryptoineria elegans. 10 Abies excelsa. 12 Pinus austriaca. Total ... ... ... ... ... 71

ACCOUNTS OF BOTANIC GARDENS, from August, 1874, to September, 1875.

Receipti. ExPENDITUBE. Balance in hand, August 1874 Vote by General Assembly for 1874-75 Vote by Provincial Council of Wellington Share of Rents from City Reserves ... Sale of Plants Trespass £ s. (1. ... 207 W 8 ... 300 0 0 ... 300 0 0 93 9 0 37 10 0 10 0 £ e. d. Garden Work (including Keeper's salary and extra labour) ... ... ... 334 3 6 Purchase of Plants ... ... ... 66 15 G Contracts for Fencing ... ... ... 120 2 3 Contracts for Cutting Paths ... ... 29 4 4 Contracts for Digging Holes for Planting ... 57 15 7 Contacts for Clearing Gorse, Cleaning Paths, Mowing Hay, and Under-brushing ... 29 10 0 Miscellaneous Items, Freight, Cases, and Contingenciei ... ... ... ... 58 17 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 243 4 4 i £939 12 6 £939 12 0 A. LtTDLAJr, Treasurer. Wellington, 11th October, 1875. .ByJathority : Qzotaa Dedsbbbx, Government Printer, Wellington.—1875.

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SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-24

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SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-24

SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, H-24

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