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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly by Command of Sis Excellency.

My Lord,— General Post Office, Wellington, 19th July, 1875. I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the Sixteenth Annual Eeport on the Postal Service of New Zealand. I have, &c, William H. Reynolds, (Acting Postmaster-General). The Most Hon. the Marquis of Normanby, K.C.M.G., Governor of New Zealand. ■ -♦

EEPOET. The steady increase in the business of the several branches of the Post Office Department, as shown by the last Annual Report, has been fully maintained during the past year. A reference to the annexed tables will show that very marked progress has been made. Indeed no former report disclosed results either more satisfactory or encouraging. The receipts are largely in excess of the anticipated revenue. The expenditure, under the heads of Management and Inland Mail Services, has not exceeded appropriations, although the staff of officers has been increased, and several additional mail services established during the year. Owing to the very great increase in the business of the department, not a little inconvenience has been experienced at several of the Chief and Head Offices from the want of sufficient and more convenient accommodation. This want has been particularly felt at Christchurch and Wellington. Whenever practicable, measures have been devised for lessening the inconveniences incidental to the absence of requisite office space, but this has afforded partial relief only. The system of official inspection, referred to in the previous report as having been inaugurated, has been carried into active operation. The following Postal Districts and Post Offices have been visited and inspected with beneficial results : Wellington, —Chief Office, and Sub-Offices between Wellington and Wanganui, and Wellington and Masterton. Nelson, —Chief Office and Sub-Offices. Auckland, —Chief Office, Suburban Offices, and Sub-Offices in the Waikato District. Canterbury,— Chief Office (twice), Suburban Offices, and Sub-Offices in principal country districts. Otago,—Chief Office (twice), Suburban Offices, and Sub-Offices in the more important country districts. Southland, —Head Office, Money Order Offices, and all the more important Sub-Offices in country districts. The total number of offices inspected was 175. A new code of rules and regulations for the guidance of Chief and Head Postmasters and their subordinate officers was issued in January last. The old regulations have been revised, and many new rules, suggested by the altered circumstances of the service, added to the code now in force. The publication of a Quarterly Postal Guide has fully answered expectations. Improvements, from time to time, have been made, and the information now afforded is both varied and extensive. Under the head of Mail Steam Services will be found the pecuniary results of the working of the new arrangement under which mails are now conveyed between the colony and the United Kingdom, &c. The result cannot but be regarded as highly satisfactory, as showing that the estimated net cost to the colony for the use of the mail services via San Francisco, G-alle, and Singapore, for the year 1874, only amounted to £18,042 11s. 9d. Had it not been for the fact that the colony made very large use of the G-alle service, consequent upon the irregularities and the temporary cessation of the service via San Francisco, the results would have been still more favourable to the colony. Several Post Offices have been transferred from stores to suitable buildings erected for the joint use of the Post Office and Telegraph Departments, and placed under the charge of permanent officers —the duties of Postmaster and Telegraphist being combined. In the more important districts these arrangements have enabled the department to establish Money Order and Savings Bank Offices, which would not otherwise have been done. Erbatum.—Page 11, table 8, second column, last line : For "£104,371 2s. lid." read "£104,361 2s. lid."



DEPARTMENTAL. The following Schedule of Post Offices in the colony in the year 1874, compared with the number open in 1873, shows that fifty-four offices were established or re-opened during the past year:—

48 additional Post Offices were opened, 6 re-opened, and 10 closed during the year. The number of Post Offices open on the 31st December, 1874, was 625; and the total number of officers employed 735. The following Schedule of Officers of the Postal Department for the years 1873 and 1574 will show to what extent the staff was increased during the past year: — Officers. 1874. 1873. Officers. 1874. 1873. Postmaster-General ... ... 1 1 Postmasters ... ... 13 12 Secretary ... ... ... 1 1 Clerks ... ... ~. 62 56 Inspector of Post Offices ... 1 1 Sub-Postmasters ... ... 598 545 Accountant, Money Order and Letter Carriers ... ... 29 27 Savings Bank Department... 1 1 Messengers... ... ... 6 7 Clerks in General Post Office ... 4 3 Shipping Officers ... ... 1 2 Clerks in Money Ordor and Savings Bank Department... 4 3 Totals ... ... 735 673 Chief and Head Postmasters ... 14 14 A delivery by letter carrier has been extended to "Westport. In order to meet public requirements four additional receiving letter-boxes and one iron pillarreceiver have been established. The letter carriers' deliveries within the city of Dunedin have been entirely re-arranged. Two additional letter carriers have been appointed, and the department has been enabled not only to extend the area travelled by the carriers, but also to provide for a third daily delivery in the more thickly-populated parts of the city. Arrangements are also being carried out with the view of re-arranging and extending the letter carriers' deliveries in the city of Auckland. It is intended to include the suburb of Newton within the letter carriers' boundaries. To bring this into practical operation, it has been necessary to make provision for an additional letter carrier. Inland Mail Services. Several additional services have been established, and a few re-arranged for the mutual advantage of the department and the public. Making due allowance for boisterous weather, impassable roads, and flooded rivers, the Inland Mail Services during the past year have been performed with regularity. The number of Inland Mail Services in operation during the year was 283, performed as follows : —B3 by coach and mail cart; 137 on horseback ;13 on foot; 43 by water; and 10 by railway. The distances to be travelled for the 283 services were 7,319 miles ; and the total number of miles travelled during the year was 1,443,988. The cost to the department for the above services was £25,263 Is. 7d., or about 402 d. per mile. The extension of railways has enabled the department to accelerate the exchange of mails ; and several districts formerly enjoying but limited postal communication, have now the advantage of daily mails. One of the most important mail service extensions made has been the establishing of daily communication between Timaru and Oamaru, completing a line of daily mail coaches between Dunedin and Christchurch ; and it is anticipated that in the course of a few months daily mails may be exchanged between Canterbury, Otago, and Southland. Bevenue and Expendituee. The number of letters and newspapers received and despatched during the year 1874, as compared with the number during 1873, is given in the statement below. It will be seen that the increase is. not only large, but is one also considerably above the average: — 1874. 1873. Increase. Letters—Eeceived ... ... ... 4,339,165 ... ... 4,221,977 Despatched ... ... 4,719,291 ... ... 3,694,008 9,058,456 ... ... 7,915,985 1,142,471 Newspapers —Received ... ... 3,872,668 ... ... 2,963,170 Despatched ... ... 2,434,024 ... ... 2,306,025 6,306,692 ... ... 5,269,195 1,037,497

is; M. K '3. Postal Districts. Chief and Head Post Offices. Second Class Post Offices. Sub-Post Offices. Totals. Chief and Head Post Offices. Second Class Post Offices. Sub-Post Offices. Totals. Luckland 'hames 'aranaki lawke's Bay ... Wellington felson Vestport larlborough ... 'anterbury lokitika J-reymouth )tago louthland Jhathain Islands 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 "2 1 2 3 124 4 10 36 51 25 13 14 115 24 17 136 28 1 127 5 11 39 53 26 14 17 119 25 18 139 30 2 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 117 3 7 29 47 26 11 11 97 22 17 130 27 1 120 4 8 32 49 27 12 14 100 23 18 133 29 2 "2 1 "2 1 Totals 571 14 IS 598 625 11 12 545



The actual cash revenue collected daring the financial year ended the 30th June last amounted to £72,037, inclusive of a sum of £1,345, contributions recovered from non-contracting colonies on account of the San Francisco Service. These collections do not include £2,422 11s. 2d. duo by Provincial Governments for postage, or the amount of the probable recoveries from the Imperial Post Office on account of postages, estimated at £12,000. Had circumstances permitted these amounts being included in the year's accounts, the sum to be treated as Postal Revenue would have exceeded £50,459. The assumed gross revenue for the year 1874, as given in the Summary Table of this Report, reached the large sum of £104,361 2s. lid., as against £94,706 10s. for the previous year. Of the former amount, no less than £42,223 6s. is represented by " official postage." The following table will show to what extent the Post Office is used for the transmission of franked correspondence:—

The Postal Revenue collected during the last four years is shown in the following statement:— Financial Year. Revenue Collected. Increase. Financial Tear. Revenue Collected. Increase. 1871-72 . ... 47,054 18 '3 3,908 3 3 1873-74 60,535 18 2 9,949 11 10 1872-73 50,586 6 4 3,531 8 1 1874-75 * 72,037 0 0 11,501 1 10 * Of this sum £482 10s. was collected on account of the Telegraph Department. Owing to circumstances it was impossible to have foreseen, the cost for the conveyance of mails by sea, as applied to the financial year, has been greater than the sums set down for those services. The expenditure, on account of salaries, &c, however, has not been greater than anticipated. Registered Letters. The number of letters registered during 1874, as shown by Table No. 18, was 43,7G6, as against 38,474 during the previous year —a very large increase in favour of the past year. Dead Letters. The number of unclaimed or dead letters dealt with in the Dead Letter Office during 1874 ia given in the following table, which also shows the number disposed of, year by year, since 1870 :—

Buildings. The rebuilding of the Auckland Post Office was completed in December last, and the department took possession before the end of the year. This office is now one of the most complete and convenient in the colony, special attention having been paid to the interior arrangements and fittings, while the public convenience was not lost sight of. The system (partially introduced some two years since) of providing for the more important business of the department with the public being transacted over an open counter, has been carried out to the fullest extent in the Auckland, office ; and the result has shown that the plan has much to commend itself, both to the public and the officers of the department. While the officers are enabled by this arrangement to perform their duties with greater freedom and precision, the public gain the advantage of being better and more satisfactorily served. The counter system will no doubt be appreciated from the fact that, by bringing the public face to face with the officers of the department, the too-often-repeated complaints of incivility and want of attention will, to a large extent it is believed, be removed. The Christchurch Post Office, or, more correctly speaking, the building in which the business of the Post Office is carried on, has been altered and re-arranged so as to afford as far as possible better accommodation for the transaction of Money Order and Savings Bank business. The want of a new office is much felt, and until such has been provided the public convenience will necessarily suffer. The requirements of the Oamaru Post Office having outgrown the accommodation, the building had to be entirely re-arranged. This office may now be regarded as one of the most convenient in the colony. The Postmaster has been relieved of the charge of the Telegraph Station. New offices at Napier and Hokitika are in course of erection. The building known as the Hospital, Greymouth, is now being adapted as a Post Office and Telegraph Station. New Post Offices and Telegraph Stations have been erected and occupied at Palmerston North (as Post Office only), Carterton, Upper Hutt, Wairoa (Wellington), Wairoa (Hawke's Bay), Onehunga, Opotiki, Warkworth, Waipu, Whangarei, Kawakawa, Hokianga, Russell, Southbridge, Geraldine, Tapanui, Teviot, Waikaia, Herbert, Tokatea, Newcastle. The new offices erected at Lyttelton and Masterton will in a few weeks be occupied. The following Post Offices and Telegraph Stations are being erected or proposed to be erected:— Port Chalmers, Pukorokoro, Riverhead, Helensville, Ohaewae, Turakina, St. Bathan's, Ohinemutu, Porangahau, Drury, Nelson, Christchurch, Havelock.

[OONT OP PO! STAGE FOB [E Year 18t4. On the Sebvice op Totals. Province of Pr° o T"ce Auckland. Taranakl £ s. d. £ s. 6*. 615 17 5 41 17 10 1,553 15 0 142 15 6 Prov. of Hawke's .. Bay. £ s. d. Province of Wellington. £ s. d. Province of Kelson. £ s. d. Prov. of Marlborough. I £ 6. d. Province of Canterbury. Province of Otago. Province of Westland. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,268 3 4 £ s. a. £ 8. d. 2,422 11 2 'rovinciul Government 47 13 9 134 2 4 46 2 10 28 0 4 83 4 4 254 9 0 teneral Government... 142 7 10 31,984 5 2 374 14 0 316 15 4 1,674 18 4 2,816 2 0 495 1 8 39,800 14, 30 Totals ... 749 10 8 2,009 12 5 434 13 4 190 1 7 12,118 7 6 .420 16 10 344 15 8 1,763 2 8 4,082 5 4 42,223 6 0

Manner of Disposal. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. ipened and returned to the writers unopened to other countries ie-issued •estroj'cil 17,516 6,688 63 2,960 17,106 6,192 97 2,173 17,707 5,512 85 2,884 20,602 5,393 75 3,801 26,153 6,828 105 4,227 Totals 27,227 25,568 26,188 29,871 37,313



Mail Steam Sebvices. The temporary San Francisco Service, contracted for by Messrs. Hall and Forbes, was abandoned by the contractors in July last; and arrangements were subsequently entered into with the Australasian Steam Navigation Company for continuing the service. As there appeared no probability of the late contractors taking up the permanent service, further arrangements were made for carrying on the temporary service until such time as the probabilities of establishing a permanent service had been determined. A contract was therefore entered into with the Australasian Steam Navigation Company for a seven months' service between Sydney, Auckland, Honolulu, and San Francisco, at the rate of £104,000 per annum. Considering that the contract did not include the New Zealand coastal service, that the contractors were not bound by penalties, and that twenty-seven days were allowed for the voyage between Auckland and San Francisco, the subsidy may appear large; but the department has been assured no better arrangement could be made. It has been further decided to continue this temporary service until November next, by which time it is anticipated the permanent service just contracted for in London will be commenced. This service has been taken up by a powerful combination of English and American steamship owners. The contract provides that the steamers shall "fork" at Kandavau, and that the steamer from San Francisco proceed through to Sydney, and the steamer from New Zealand proceed through to San Francisco. The subsidy is £89,950 per annum, for eight years, the cost to be equally divided between New South Wales and New Zealand. The coastal service forms part of this contract. The steam service between Manukau, Nelson, and the West Coast ceased in August last. TJpon the arrangement being made with the Australasian Steam Navigation Company for the continuance of the temporary San Francisco Service (and which did not provide for the New Zealand coastal service), a contract was entered into with the New Zealand Steam Shipping Company for a service between Manukau and Port Chalmers, at a subsidy at the rate of £2,015 per annum, half of which amount, under arrangement with the New South AVales Government, is paid by that colony. This service has been performed with regularity. It is true that the inward mails, which reached Auckland last month two days in advance of contract time, were not delivered at the southern ports until a day after the due dates of arrival, but this arose wholly from circumstances over which neither the contractors nor the department had any control. A steam service for the delivery and receipt of the West Coast English Mails, in connection with the San Francisco service, has also been entered into, at a cost of £1,300 per annum. As in the case of the contract with the New Zealand Steam Shipping Company, this service may cease on the expiry of the temporary arrangement with the Australasian Steam Navigation Company. The steamship " Schiller," bound from New York to Plymouth, and' having on board the colonial mails despatched in March last for the United Kingdom, was totally lost off the Scilly Islands on the evening of the 7th May. The wreck was attended with serious loss of life, and it is feared the bulk of the mails will not be recovered. Latest advices state that 27 New Zealand mail bags had been saved ; and that the contents were not seriously injured. The letter mails which appear to have been saved are those for London and Liverpool. Those containing letters for other parts of England, and for Scotland, and those for Dublin, have not yet been recovered. There were in all 03 bags of mail despatched from the Marine Post Office for the United Kingdom, comprising 22,192 letters (of which 497 were registered), 339 book packets, and 16,973 newspapers ; of these, only some S,OOO letters (including 145 registered), and (i,OOO newspapers liave been recovered. The steam service between Port Chalmers and Fiji has been extended for a further period of twelve months. The subsidy now agreed to be paid is £350 per trip, so long as the " Star of the South " is employed ; but on the Company placing a larger and more powerful steamer in the service, the payments will be increased to £400 per trip. An arrangement was entered into in December last, with the Harbour Company of Dunedin, for the performance of a monthly steam service round the Middle Island by the steamer " Maori," the steamer proceeding to the West Coast by the alternate routes of Cook and Foveaux Straits. The subsidy is £4,000 per annum, £1,500 of which is contributed by the Provincial Government of Otago. The service is for a period of two years. During the year 1874 the colony had the use of three distinct mail services for the receipt and despatch of mails from and to the United Kingdom, for an estimated net payment of £18,042 11s. 9d., which under former arrangements would have cost the colony over £30,000. The following statement shows the estimated receipts and payments on account of the services in question:— San Fbanctsco Seevice. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Payments on account of Main Service ... ... ... ... 24,583 511 Cost of Interprovincial Services ... ... ... ... ... 870 O 0 25,153 5 11 Cr. Estimated Receipts from Imperial Post Office ... ... ... 6,799 12 3 Receipts from non-contracting colonies ... ... ... ... 1,071 2 C> Postages estimated to have been collected in the colony ... ... 7,G01 l(i 11 15,472 11 8 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... ...£9,980 14 3 G-ALLE AND SUEZ SEEVICE. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Estimated Payments to Victoria... ... ... ... ... 11,812 510 Cost of Intercolonial Service ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 Bonus, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,094 16 0 17,907 1 10 Cr. Estimated Receipts from Imperial Post Office ... ... ... 4,802 11 0 Postages estimated to have been collected in the colony ... ... 5,149 16 4 9,952 7 4 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... ...£7,954 14 6



Torres Steaits Sebvicje. Dr. £ s. d. Estimated Payments to Queensland ... ... ... ... ... ... 410 17 7 Cr. Estimated Eeceipts from the Imperial Post Office ... ... ... ... ... 303 14 7 Net cost to the colony ... ... ... ... £107 3 0 Monet Oedees. There were six additional Money Order and Saving Bank Offices opened during the year 1874— namely, at Albany Street, Dunedin ; Clinton, Drury, Mercer, Te Awamatu, and Washdyke. The total number of offices open at the close of the year was 103. The number of Money Orders issued during the year was 62,712, for £263,164 7s. 9d., the increase being 10,361 in number, and £43,906 in amount. The number of Money Orders paid during the year was 44,364, for £186,394 9s. 6d., the increase being 6,939 in number, and £28,907 16s. sd. in amount. The Money Orders issued in the colony on offices in the United Kingdom and the Australian Colonies were 21,644, amounting to £91,481 Is. Bd., while 3,403 orders, amounting to £15,601 Bs., were issued by those offices on New Zealand. There was, accordingly, a balance of upwards of £75,000 to be provided for by remittances from the colony. The Money Orders issued and made payable in the colony include 9,060, for £44,026 12s. 6d. transmitted by telegraph, the increase for the year in this description of orders being 2,484 in number, and £12,425 10s. 9d. in amount. The gross amount of revenue received from the issue of Money Orders during the year was £4,393 2s. 3d., or £831 19s. Id. more than the amount received in 1873. Savings Banks. The number of Savings Bank accounts opened during the year was 10,346, against 7,382 in 1873; and the number of accounts closed, 5,736, against 3,816 in 1873. The number of accounts remaining open at the close of the year had increased to 21,742, from 17,132 at the end of the previous year. There were 52,627 deposits received during the year, for a total amount of £699,249145. 3d., the average amount of each deposit being £13 ss. Bd. The withdrawals paid during the year were 29,778 in number, and £620,155 Bs. 9d. in amount, the average amount of each withdrawal being £20 16s. sd. The total amount of interest credited to the accounts of depositors for the year was £26,935 6s. Bd.; the interest allowed having been from the Ist January to the 30th June, 1874, at the rate of 4 per cent, on sums not exceeding £200, and 3 per cent, on sums above that amount; and from the Ist July at the increased rate of 4$ per cent, in the former case, and 4 per cent, in the latter. The total amount standing to the credit of depositors at the close of the year 1874 was £770,836 18s., the average amount at the credit of each account being £35 9s. From Table No. 4, appended to this report, it will be seen that the excess of deposits over withdrawals in 1874 was £79,094 ss. 6d., or less by upwards of £75,000 than the excess of deposits in 1873. The large withdrawal of money to which this is due has doubtless in a great measure been caused by the interest allowed by the commercial banks on fixed deposits having been raised to the relatively high rate of from 4 to 5 per cent, in February, 1874, and from 5 to 6 per cent, and upwards in December, and to the consequent transfer to those banks of the money of depositors, attracted by the high rate of interest. This withdrawal increased from January to June last to such an extent as to make the repayments largely exceed the deposits. It will be observed, however, from the following table, that the withdrawal is fast diminishing, whilst there is but a slight falling off in the amount of deposits, notwithstanding that the higher rate of interest allowed by the commercial banks must have baeome more widely known. These circumstances, and the fact that each deposit is of a much smaller average amount than in 1874, lead to the conclusion that there will not be a very large additional amount withdrawn from deposit; and that the Savings Bank fund will be principally maintained by the depositors who, having a small amount at their credit and using the Post Office Bank for the accumulation of their savings, regard the facility which it affords of obtaining repayment on demand, with the security of the Government for such repayment, as more attractive than a slightly increased rate of interest without this facility.

TABLE showing the NUMBER and AMOUNT of DEPOSITS in and WITHDRAWALS from the POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK during the Months from January to June, 1875.

Month. No. Amount of Deposits. No. Amount of Withdrawals. Excess of Withdrawals. 1875. £ s. a. 56,338 2 5 55,603 3 11 56,219 2 3 57,818 10 10 52,375 0 8 54,744 2 11 £ s. d. 79,653 7 3 69,722 10 2 71,475 12 5 69,943 12 9 59,433 6 8 60,613 9 0 £ s. d. 23,315 4 10 14,119 6 3 15,256 10 2 12,125 1 11 7,058 6 0 5,869 6 1 January February March ... April May June 4,467 4,835 4,893 5,024 4,809 4,857 3,128 2,739 3,270 3,136 2,947 2,935 Total *77,743 15 3 • Or 1008 per cent, of the total cum standing to the credit of depositors on the 31st December, 1874.



Table No. 1. TABLE showing the Number and Amount of Money Orders issued and of Money Orders made payable in New Zealand, Year by Year, since the Year 1863.

Table No. 2. STATEMENT of the Money Orders issued in New Zealand on the United Kingdom and the Australian Colonies, during the Years 1873 and 1874.

[ONE' 'RDEKS ISSUED IN THE Colony. Where payable. Total. Year. Commission received. In the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. No. I Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 £ s. d. 1,057 9 o 1,619 2 6 1,463 18 6 1,761 14 o 1.S15 19 6 1,863 1 6 1.932 3 o 2,367 3 6 2,608 3 6 3,068 17 6 3.562 3 2 4,393 2 3 2,201 4.267 6,292 8,924 10,293 11,898 14,305 16,821 20,514 28,156 34,288 40,968 £ s. d. 9,613 II II 19,427 4 4 29,742 15 1 42,823 4 7 49i496 13 o 54,342 18 6 63,897 1 10 73,344 11 9 88,546 9 7 120,125 14 8 142,642 4 10 171,683 6 1 4,74O 7.7OO 7.75 6 9.238 9,242 9,241 9,263 9,624 10,407 10,619 ".9:3 '4.379 £ s. d. 21,944 2 1 35.74' 5 o 33,426 11 5 41,987 15 o 40,998 14 11 40,581 13 9 39,939 8 6 41,472 3 7 44,197 18 3 44.535 9 9 48,547 " 4 57,821 2 6 4.645 4,625 3,188 4,548 4.938 4.7'5 4,859 5.419 5.37° 5.885 6,150 7.3 6 5 £ *■ d. 24.H5 7 5 23,388 10 2 15,406 17 2 23,968 5 2 25. "5 5 " 23,286 11 5 23.381 14 7 25.637 M 7 24.653 5 9 26,347 17 7 28,068 5 5 33.659 J9 2 11,586 16,592 17.236 22,710 24.473 25.854 28,427 31,864 36,291 44,660 5 2.35 ■ 62,712 £ s. d. 55.703 1 s 78,556 19 6 78,576 3 8 108,779 4 9 115,610 13 o 118,211 3 8 127,218 4 11 140,454 7 11 '57.397 13 7 191,009 2 o 219,258 1 7 263,164 7 9 MoNE Order: DRAWN ON TH Colon Where issued. Total. Year. In the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 2,067 4,248 6,218 8,886 IO.353 ".903 14,250 16,798 20,514 27.983 34,288 40,968 £ s. d. 9, 169 4 6 19,417 10 5 29,282 13 10 42,768 10 9 49.931 17 2 54,349 8 3 63,820 15 5 73.245 8 3 88,592 o 3 119,676 1 2 142,642 4 10 171,683 6 1 415 675 762 1,100 1,198 1,401 1,218 1,156 • .396 i>5°4 1,482 1,603 £ «• d. 1,824 o 8 3,274 2 2 3,568 15 10 5,021 14 9 5,649 2 10 6,502 3 o 5,630 18 8 5.523 4 4 6,217 :I 5 7,078 8 6 6,625 '4 5 7,284 10 7 558 697 700 917 1,108 1,294 1,272 1,267 1.318 1,459 1,668 1,800 £ s. d. 3.077 i.S 7 3>77 6 « 7 3.7'2 1 S 4.753 3 10 5,570 6 4 6,685 1 3 6.382 4 3 6,055 6 " 5,914 18 7 6,80:5 15 7,689 6 8 8,316 17 5 3.040 5,620 7,680 10,903 12,659 14.598 16,740 19,221 23,228 30, 946 37.438 44,37' £ s. d. 14,070 18 9 26,467 14 2 36,563 11 1 52,543 9 4 61,151 6 4 67,536 12 6 75.833 18 4 84,823 19 6 100,724 10 3 133,558 4 " 156,957 5 " 187,284 14 1

1874. 1873Where payable. Number. Amount. Number. Amount. United Kingdom Victoria South Australia New South Wales ... Queensland Tasmania Western Australia ... 14,279 5. 2S5 221 i, 266 91 523 9 £ s. d. 57,821 2 6 23.346 13 5 ,957 5 7 6,243 4 9 43« 7 5 2,619 8 o 63 o o 11.9i3 4.474 190 1.045 £ 8 £ s- d48,547 11 4 20,031 15 o 795 19 5 5,098 11 1 34i 1 3 1.745 8 2 55 i° 6 Total 76,615 16 9 • 21,644 91,481 1 8 18,063 Itatemext of the Money Orders issued New Zealand, d' in the 1 iring the United Kingdom Years 1873 am and the Australian Colonies o: 1874. 1874. 1873. Where issued.^ Number. Amount. Number. Amount. United Kingdom Victoria South Australia New South Wales ... Queensland Tasmania Western Australia ... 1,603 892 107 530 .98 160 13 £ s. d. 7,284 10 7 4,191 2 11 497 *4 9 2,236 9 9 475 16 6 831 j 4 6 83 19 o 1,482 8n 85 549 89 122 12 £ •■ d6,625 H 5 3.479 '3 5 425 19 10 2.635 3 7 514 4 3 589 17 7 44 8 o Total 15,601 8 o 3.403 3.150 14.315 1 1



Table No. 3. TABLE showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the several Money Order and Savings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1874.

Money Orders. Savings Banks. Offices. Issued. Paid. zl-S O r; z Deposits C u 0 Withdrawals. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Auckland Alexandra Cambridge Drury ... Hamilton Kapanga Mangapai Manga whare Mercer Mongonui Newcastle Onehunga Opotiki Otahuhu Pahi ... Port Albert Raglan Russell Tauranga Te Arai Te Awamutu ... Waiuku Wangarei Warkworth 4,268 £ s. d. 320 14 10 16 12 10 29 16 4 o 13 8 25 14 6 26 2 o 2.11 6 126 204 5 17 6 24 10 6 13 2 o 6 19 10 11 18 6 o 15 6 3 1 0 8 13 6 9 14 6 3° 1° 4 160 £ s. d. [7,849 6 5 1.553 is o; 2,160 7 3 70 6 6 1,933 1 3 1.597 '3 8 255 " 4 78 2 7 207 19 11 639 3 « 1.635 14 7 817 o 6 693 9 7 777 4ii 97 17 7 298 5 11 1,154 18 2 970 10 5 2,227 12 4 90 i 2 1,037 I! 2 279 11 2 678 12 3 '.4H 7 o 7,008 '58 no 7 189 185 31 8 3 33 216 476 44 123 10 37 70 66 181 17 54 34 133 5° £ s. d. 29,638 6 6 565 16 4 491 11 8 3« 13 ° 610 10 8 703 n 2 i77 14 9 8 14 5 14 o o 154 10 11 808 18 3 2,523 4 4 125 5 5 510 10 7 63 15 9 ■37 9 5 390 2 1 41 1 n 8 719 16 9 58 8 9 249 o 6 122 19 4 858 14 3 244 " 3 982 13 45 6,166 £ s. d. 71,877 13 8 626 o 6 2,781 19 1 34 o o 821 4 3 686 19 o 89 o o 260 15 o 133 o ° 634 2 o 851 14 8 3.404 8 o 290 6 6 427 14 10 635 3.842 19 60 £ *■ A. 64,018 12 3 395 6 o 958 2 o 421 m 12 5 6 4 435 66 29 54 161 43° 206 177 188 23 89 216 40 18 S 9 1 5° 255 2 169 7 1 9 i? 12 18 3 7 5 1 3° 28 8 4 3 7 29 66 6 389 16 10 451 i4 5 137 11 2 51 o o 36 9 5 129 o 3 539 15 4 1,108 6 6 229 5 8 509 2 8 1 5 3° 48 1 9 110 31 5 6 13 2 1 13 30 9 o 1 1 2 46 o 2 800 141 16 o 1,125 l6 9 50 o o 333 14 S 4 245 496 32 255 63 145 222 4 17 3 11 i7 63 9 49 61 87 247 8 1 925 IS ° 78 12 0 727 17 0 60 o o 863 18 o 808 14 o 2 16 4 4i 1 16 1 12 10 4 3 3 o 650 9126 21 29 8 2 27 12 358" 3 7 150 19 1 Thames ... 114 8 4 7,855 3 9 1,748 6,731 12 o 4°3 2,184 21.543 13 7 267 i,390 21,858 10 6 1,856 New Plymouth ... Patea ... 1,029 398 62 2 4 25 15 8 4,660 16 11 1.851 3 9 100 2,570 14 10 744 12 3 171 19 8q6 66 12,010 10 9 1,403 16 1 718 533 5° 10,930 7 4 1,996 1 5 Napier ... Gisborne Port Ahuriri Waipawa Waipukurau 1,829 360 237 218 264 157 16 o 17 14 8 19 4 2 1720 16 15 8 8,004 10 11 1,455 14 4 1,087 9 4, 914 10 9 1,092 6 2 712 114 38 25 37 3,°68 13 3 409 17 6 52 5 9 90 12 10 227 1 3 295 21 21 i,3S9 "3 83 191 79 21,536 6 10 721 1 3 993 lf> i' 2,014 10 o 1,664 '9 2 162 14 8 8 5 787 24 28 15 18,046 16 3 639 8 11 418 2 6 595 19 8 721 1 6 4' 27 Wellington Bull's ... Featherston Foxton Greytown Hutt ... Marton Masterton Palmerston N. ... Wanganui 5.683 228 189 242 399 201 461 392 '95 1,640 384 1 2 17 6 6 9 5 10 12 8 6 22 2 8 11 80 25 o 8 23 12 6 8 12 6 107 9 o 21,500 13 10 1,110 II 10 859 o 10 911 9 7 1,666 13 6 852 17 8 2,044 9 2 1,732 8 10 898 13 9 6,766 5 9 5.9'4 8 8 ; 50 146 88 179 122 63 749 22,343 5 10 469 15 4 246 1 4 2 10 560 1 8 321 8 11 744 1 9 587 12 5 280 8 1 1.087 17 19 28 55 59, 31 441 48 '5» 6,755 44 79 ,62 215 303 147 155 127 529 78,869 3 11 1,055 o 6 512 o o 1,840 9 o 3,652 19 1 3,255 ° 6 1,042 13 o 3,861 16 o 2,172 9 6 6,140 3 3 612 7 20 4.037 27 25 36 67 36 53 58 39 151 77,984 7 3 916 5 3 281 10 8 798 o 7 2,975 8 o 1,116 4 o 2,087 1 S 1,864 15 10 1,086 7 3 4,207 3 10 17 16 10 62 3,332 5 5 Blenheim Havelock Kaikoura Picton... 991 538 290 526 68 4 8 36 5 o 18 6 8 32 12 4 4,301 19 9 2,977 4 11 1,382 12 6 2,324 2 8 4'3 100 75 278 I.952 15 7 518 17 1 366 18 9 1,075 9 6 112 29 25 74 486 119 54 219 7,491 4 1 1,428 11 4 1,501 10 7 2,516 19 4 60 7 2<J 239 20 7,585 8 5 611 12 6 683 17 8 1,411 15 2 3° 64 Nelson ... Collingwood Motueka Richmond 1.337 91 288 36 100 o 10 4 12 o 14 2 10 2 10 8 5,526 13 11 456 12 2 1,236 4 3 157 19 10 2,907 56 257 74 13,348 12 6 311 8 5 1,316 o 4 335 3 5 219 9 28 37 1,087 29 174 in 12,600 7 4 5H 3 o 2,152 19 9 1,221 13 o 141 633 24 35 3° 13,903 6 4 482 14 4 1,194 2 11 454 17 » 8 Westport Charleston 806 442 59 5 o 3° 15 2 3,3" 18 o 1,689 7 11 386 176 1,423 2 5 559 12 3 124 24 560 165 9. 038 3 6 3,724 7 o 10. 347 101 9.447 3 4 3>i8i 4 l 2l 3—F.


V.— l

Table No. 3 — continw e»« Table show: ing the Number and Amount of Transactions at Offices in the Colony of New Zealand durin the several Money Order and Savings Bank ig the Year 1874 — continued. Money Orders. Savings Banks. Paid. I o< o Z Deposits. U Withdrawals. Issued. Offices. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. "5 u 6 No. Amount. No. Greymouth Ahaura Reefton 1,700 436 1,103 £ s. d. 124 16 8 25 7 4 79 15 2 £ s. d. 7,543 18 10 2,103 o 1 4,864 12 8 1.235 82 378 £ s. <1. 5,071 18 11 37i 4 5 1.35° « 2 189 23 48 994 62 ,67 £ s. d. 15,054 14 11 1,364 12 10 2,889 9 8 145 6 20 695 17 39 £ s. d. 18,732 19 10 519 18 o 1,018 9 8 HOKITIKA Ross ... 1,476 298 107 9 o 13 19 6 5,902 n o 1,007 3 3 1, 221 34O 5.138 18 3 1,183 6 1 138 30 773 131 12,470 3 11 1,228 19 o 112 9 645 46 14,756 12 2 1,674 11 2 Christchurch Akaroa Ashburton Dunsandel Hurunui ... Kaiapoi Kowai... Lyttelton Oxford Rangiora Southbridge Temuka Timaru Waiau Waimate Washdyke 5.343 225 36S 9' 56 347 173 792 119 25" 83 313 1.399 i°3 494 5 458 1 10 14 16 8 26 2 o 4 4O 238 24 18 6 13 10 6 60 14 4 6 15 o 18 7 6 7 1 6 23 4 6 no 3 4 6120 33 5 10 030 22,644 7 10 854 3 o 1.398 5 5 156 11 1 178 14 n 1,360 2 2 699 10 8 3,167 13 ir 599 "3 10 955 H 5 336 11 o 1.152 5 9 6,060 9 7 644 4 7 2,108 12 2 12 7 9 3.273 105 78 18 11 '97 40 39' 42 116 24 13.398 13 4 45 1 3 2 340 17 11 7 2 14 5 40 o 4 862 19 5 149 19 9 1,643 8 7 119 12 6 53' 14 2 114 18 11 534 18 6 1,938 13 8 47 18 11 295 9 7 4 7 6 1.593 19 31 5 24 82 11 193 28 8,410 6i 96 IS 43 343 68 907 78 198 94 195 786 3' 179 S 112,481 13 3 1,241 4 o 1,271 17 4 209 15 o 55i 2 o 5,649 8 n 938 15 o 11,285 13 7 1,169 1 o 2,942 15 6 1,654 1 6 1,959 8 o 11,408 n 5 578 16 6 2,201 1 2 1,091 16 2 3 36 8 61 14 7 7 39 121 3 21 5.352 16 3O 10 8 144 36 246 24 57 35 73 279 d 104,215 12 6 767 10 11 568 12 n 128 44 202 1 9 3.745 9 8 779 2 11 8,839 17 9 442 17 8 843 9 o 740 3 10 1.392 3 9 9.385 8 S 410 10 1 1,613 '6 n 42 3 8 44 21 117 439 19 90 1 52 219 10 56 3 400 1 3 DuNEDIN Albany St. Arrow River Balclutha Clinton Clyde ... Green Island Hamilton's Hampden Kakanui Kawarau Lawrence Manuherikia Mataura Milton... Naseby Oamaru Otepopo Palmerston Port Chalmers ... Queenstown Switzers Teviot... Waikouaiti WestTaieri 6,163 258 225 406 42 247 68 105 422 330 378 5i6 204 196 524 338 1,872 268 542 5 8 19 13 8 16 9 10 28 9 10 1 12 10 13 18 8 700 740 26 1 2 14 10 2 26 o o 28 is 4 10 2 4 10 16 8 32 7 4 21 15 2 130 10 o 1204 17 12 o 51 n o 25 18 4 12 16 10 11 II O 13 7 10 5 19 6 27,085 1 1 835 3 3 959 '5 3 1.739 '3 « 163 11 9 819 2 9 294 8 o 612 18 3 2,014 o 10 1,420 8 7 1,626 1 3 2,089 o 3 611 6 1 926 12 o 1,900 2 6 1,124 14 9 8,592 2 8 1.339 3 7 1,202 4 10 3,202 3 o 1.360 4 8 1.081 12 n 7/2 o 3 1,050 15 4 442 3 9 7.577 no 62 143 6 116 8 9 76 35 84 3'8 42 44 288 150 533 33 118 32,194 13 10 538 4 10 364 11 3 736 10 2 29 14 6 447 3 5 33 17 o 42 13 7 474 3 o 157 18 6 366 12 4 1,288 o 2 145 1 3 298 4 10 1,199 8 9 582 6 11 2.505 15 9 160 4 o 468 2 9 1,660 12 5 736 18 9 192 1 10 "7 o 6 407 o 3 134 o o 1.745 38 11 10 8 37 7 38 15 14 45 9,662 185 44 242 60 121 25 175 85 53 165 76 398 90 942 75 86 669 100 51 34 53 5° 139,996 2 9 946 4 o I,OI0 II O 3,008 19 o 123 19 o 213 4 o 1,118 4 o 623 o o 2,032 J 6 1,109 14 6 978 16 2 2.933 13 9 55 o o 642 18 1 5.349 5 8 915 2 6 15.573 o 5 893 15 o 888 13 7 7.534 13 8 1,195 17 8 1.035 4 6 55 1 18 o 765 19 o 829 9 o 1.031 3 9 12 1 3 8 i 10 9 12 15 7 27 13 n6 8 8 6,905 45 19 39 1 6 '9 24 3' 26 21 65 137.319 3 11 375 8 3 827 15 3 1.547 9 3 400 150 19 10 290 17 4 1,114 16 3 734 i5 2 539 i° 2 1,227 J8 2 2,125 ° « 477 12 6 4,005 19 2 1,666 18 1 8,999 4 1 307 17 3 455 13 6 3.397 2 10 478 8 s 1.145 9 5 124 o o 584 10 1 373 3 2 13 81 20 252 34 23 118 \ 6 15 101 3i 292 22 294 709 355 319 227 268 98 324 153 47 55 88 33 55 17 9 24 185 36 26 •7 20 ' 8 3 2. 21 Invercargill Campbelltown ... Longbush Riverton Winton 1.35° 162 211 303 164 100 18 n 10 8 8 9 5 0 19 18 6 10 o o 5.523 9 7 .755 5 1 653 7 6 1,219 9 6 830 7 2 630 57 20 98 38 2,589 13 1 267 18 n 100 7 o 405 12 10 168 3 5 252 11 26 39 49 1,181 47 185 116 154 20,354'12 3 1,429 2 2 2,116 7 5 2,357 15 4 969 1 o '95 6 "4 749 13 25 45 5 20,151 5 3 118 9 6 646 o 4 1,452 3 2 45 14 o Totals 62,712 4.393 2 3 263,164 7 9 44»364 186,394 9 6 10,346 52.627 699,249 14 3 5.736| ,29»778 620,155 8 9



Table No. 4. Statement of the Business of the Post Office Savings Banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment to the 31st December, 1874.

Postal t)istricts. Number of Post Office Savings Banks open at the close of the Year. Number of Deposits ' received during the Year. I Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of each Deposit received during the Year. Number of Withdrawals during the Year. Total Amount of Withdrawals during the Year. Average Amount of each Withdrawal during the Year. Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits 1 during the Year. Cost of Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit, or Withdrawal. Interest for the Year. Number of Accounts opened during the Year. Number of Accounts closed during the Year. Number of Accounts remaining open at close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all open Accounts, inclusive of Interest to the close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit ol each open Account at close of the Year. Auckland Thames Taranaki Hawke's Bay Wellington Marlborough Nelson Westport Hokitika Greymouth Canterbury Otago Southland ... ..'. 24 I 2 IO 4 4 2 2 7,400 2,184 922 1,825 8,516 878 1,401 725 904 '.223 •I.5°9 '3.457 1,683 £ s. d. 86,661 10 7 21.543 13 7 13,414 6 10 26,930 14 2 102,401 14 9 12,938 5 4 16,489 3 1 12,762 10 6 13,699 2 11 19.308 17 5 155.547 4 2 190,325 12 9 27,226 18 2 £ S. d. 11 14 2 9 '7 3 14 10 11 14 15 1 12 o 5 14 14 8 11 15 4 17 12 o 15 3 o 15 15 9 13 10 3 14 2 10 16 3 6 4.223 1.39° 583 879 4-5 29 353 722 448 691 75i 6,386 7,986 837 £ s. d. 71,168 12 6 21,858 10 6 12,926 8 9 20,421 8 10 93.317 4 1 10,292 13 9 16,035 o 9 12,628 7 5 16,431 3 4 20,271 7 6 134,117 6 1 168,273 13 ° 22,413 12 3 £ s. d. 16 17 o 15 14 6 22 3 5 23 4 7 20 12 1 29 3 1 22 4 2 28 3 9 23 15 7 26 19 10 2100 21 1 5 26 15 6 £ s. d. 15,492 18 1 487 18 1 6,509 5 4 9,084 jo 8 2,645 " 7 454 2 4 134 3 1 £ s. d. 314 16 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3.441 4 4 781 9 1 55° 7 2 791 14 4 3,794 12 9 544 9 2 903 15 5 485 15 4 829 6 o 854 4 3 5.883 18 7 6,780 2 10 1.294 7 5 i,295 4°3 190 405 1,539 240 293 148 168 260 709 267 90 197 75° 109 153 129 121 171 1.437 1,385 218 3,021 796 445 646 3,140 . 502 738 380 482 737 4,982 5,020 853 £ s. d. 100,820 o 1 23,277 13 8 15.697 19 5 25,445 6 4 108,889 7 o 15,999 14 4 23,744 15 o 13,859 3 1 21,703 11 10 23,230 o 10 168,792 2 1 192,944 11 8 36,432 12 8 £ B. d. 33 7 5 29 4 10 35 5 6 39 7 9 34 13 6 31 17 5 32 3 5 36 9 5 45 ° 6 31 10 4 33 17 7 38 8 8 42 14 2 2,732 o 5 962 10 1 3 16 5 21,429 18 1 22,051 19 9 4.813 5 11 2,391 2,637 377 Totals for Colony in 1874.,. 1873- „ ,, 1872... „ ,, 1871... „ „ 1870... ., „ 1869... „ „ 1868... ,, ,, from istFcb. to 31stDec, 1867... 103 97 92 81 7° 59 55 52,627 39.223 31,681 24,642 20,489 I7,i33 13,014 699,249 14 3 580,542 5 5 430,877 o o 312,338 18 4 264,328 5 7 240,898 5 9 194,535 " 6 13 5 8 14 16 2 13 12 O 12 13 6 12 l8 O 14 I 2 14 l8 II 29,778 21,268 17,254 14,773 ",934 9,292 6,365 620,155 8 9 425,908 3 5 313,176 7 11 261,347 16 3 209,509 13 2 180,518 4 1 107,094 17 3 20 16 5 20 o 5 18 3 o 17 13 9 17 11 1 19 8 7 16 16 6 79,094 5 6 154,634 2 o 117,700 12 1 50,991 2 1 54,818 12 5 60,380 1 8 87,440 14 3 2,250 1,800 i,556 i,35i 1,264 1,186 789 o 6f ° 7i ° 7tV o 8£ o 9-rV o ioif o 9i 26,935 6 8 20,106 16 10 14,711 o 5 11,291 10 10 9,242 3 11 7,412 8 o 4,880 7 3 10,346 7.382 6,205 4,6i5 4,304 3.839 3,282 5,736 3,816 3,188 2.383 2,277 1,801 1,186 21,742 I7>'32 13,566 io,549 8,317 6,290 4,252 770,836 18 o 664,807 5 10 490,066 7 o 357,654 14 6 295,372 1 7 231,3" 5 3 163,518 15 7 35 9 o 38 16 1 36 2 5 33 18 1 35 10 3 36 15 S 38 9 1 46 6,977 96,372 7 10 '3 16 3 1,919 26,415 18 9 13 15 3 69,956 9 1 822 •1 ioi 1,241 5 o 2,520 364 I 2,156 7i,i97 14 1 33 o 5 * The high cost of each transaction during 1867 is attributable to the payment during that year of charges properly belonging to the subsequent years.


Table No. 5. NUMBER and Value of Postage Stamps printed during the Years 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874.

A large number of these Postage Stamps were in stock at the close of previous year. Table No. 6. RETURN of Intercolonial and Interprovincial Mail Steam Subsidies, Year 1874.

Table No. 7. TABLE showing the Number of Officers employed in the several Chief and Head Post Offices and Second-Class Post Offices in the Colony during the Years 1873 and 1874.


igfi i8ji 1872. i8?3' 1874. Denomination. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. £ 24 5.496 £ 60,000 £ 3,000 £ 6,456 At One Shilling ... 480 109,920 * 129,120 At Sixpence 742,320 18,558 770,400 19,260 366,240 9>i56 282,000 7> O5° 1,000,800 25,020 At Fourpence # 84,000 1,400 48,000 8 oo 79.200 1.320 224,400 3.74O At Threepence 480,000 6,000 246,240 3.078 474,000 5.9 25 90,000 1.125 358,320 4.479 At Twopence 2,556,000 21,300 1,620,000 13.500 2,898,000 24,150 3,064,800 25.540 4,410,480 36>7S4 At One Penny 2,070,000 8,62s 3.172.320 13,218 2,046,000 8.S2S 1,868,400 7.78s 3,114,960 12,979 At One Halfpenny 717,600 J.495 688,080 '.433 1,648,320 3.434 I Totals 5,848,000 54.507 6,002,880 55.952 6,549,840 50.051 6,132,480 10,886,400 92,862 47.253

"oni met Mileage every Month. Service. Annual Subsidy. How often. Cost per Mile. Commence. Terminate." £ 5,000 3.44° £ s. d. o 2 2! telbournc and New Zealand August 1873 August 1876 Once every four weeks Once every four weeks Once every four weeks [anukau and Port Chalmers felson and Hokitika 2.015 Dec. 1874 Jan. 1875 On month's notice On month's notice 1.564 474 O I Ilf o 4 2i 1,300

1S74. 1873. Post Offices. •a ti —! 8 i 1 1 E tuO B 2 1 O u □ 'S. c I xj ■si u i 1 o Hi 0 i I i 4) U 6 to p '^. 15 c *T3 I c Auckland rhames Dnehunga Fauranga jisborne N Tew Plymouth ... S Tapier Port Ahuriri Wellington IVanganui kelson Westport Slenheim Picton iaikoura Lyttelton fimaru 4karoa Dunedin Port Chalmers Damaru 1 1 12 4! 2 2 1 19 6 I I ] I 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 2 4 1 I I I 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 '" 8 1 7 I I I 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 13 3 5 2 I I 1 2 2 2 1 1 11 3 s I 3 2 1 16 3 3 1 17 3 3 4 1 5 3 1 I I 1 1 1 1 3 2 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 4 1 4 1 1 1 ... 1 17 3 3 1 17 2 3 5 1 5 3 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 IO I I I 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 I 1 [nvercargill 3ampbelltown Hokitika 3reymouth Chatham Islands 1 I 2 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 I 1 2 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 Totals 62 6 1 H 13 29 I "5 14 13! i 56 27 7 2 118



Table No. 8. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Postal Revenue and Number of Letters and Newsapers received at and despatched from the several Postal Districts, from 1860 to 1874, both Years inclusive.

Letl ters. E News] >apers. -: ir-4 _ Postal Districts. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Received. Despatched. tuckland— i860 1865 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 £ 3,079 ",548 10,264 12,549 10,950 II,108 12,523 s. I 4 15 7 12 4 2 d. 5 5 3 9 11 2 4 122,807 514,421 653,7°o 692,462 627,212 691,154 740,502 125,535 5 38>5O9 61 9,466 603,928 584,915 626,188 786,279 133,367 318,569 436,809 515,532 524,094 575,954 626,164 177,839 727,170 262,471 227,121 243,543 259,285 352,197 'hames — 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 2,063 i,787 1,618 15 19 o 7 4 134,905 118,904 110,131 112,469 95,398 97,859 61,661 45,532 52,244 42,666 40,670 44, 382 'aranaki— i860 1865 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 506 u 984 14 593 6 820 2 982 o 1,068 3 1,336 1 I 3 4 5 5 5 3 31,100 52,498 30,767 42,191 57,029 66,572 80,112 33,78i 52,082 28,320 39,806 5°,739 58,889 71,108 26,834 66,448 27,315 30,759 38,105 44,354 56,384 2i,549 25,128 15,308 15,457 18,275 25,545 30,217 [awke's Bay —1860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ••• 1874 ... .!. 444 17 To 1,107 13 7 1,476 14 2 1,569 13 2 1,789 14 4 2,000 2 3 2,972 17 11 19,006 68,721 72,744 85,003 99,046 139,189 148,837 18,109 7i,546 76,553 92,297 109,083 150,948 179,703 21,261 94,7i8 61,963 63,339 64,315 88,172 109,157 10,472 68,780 54,157 67,293 72,628 93,090 136,825 'ellington— i860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 1,501 o 5,176 6 12,674 5 24,040 10 41,883 4 38,274 5 40,588 16 7 10 3 o o o 2 83,359 259,'52 354,8iS 361,442 458,702 673,258 691,956 84,060 237,9 O7 336,375 369,343 472,0:6 564,991 743,776 83,95O 206,566 262,631 283,917 315,314 37°,'49 506,428 120,586 261,080 216,621 216,181 236,486 313,347 390,085 felson — i860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874* .- 995 3 2,012 15 3,093 5 2,556 9 3,004 17 3,03° 6 2,262 14 6 10 8 6 6 8 7 42,771 99,66i 188,860 205,159 266,774 256,566 176,606 58,7*7 126,143 185,179 208,766 263,147 249,349 172,461 72,356 128,317 191,671 154,687 190,304 210,467 162,202 97,120 I3 O,436 123,821 133,805 157,988 187,005 89,568 'estport — 1874 ... 1,667 5 9 63,758 64,024 80,394 49,821 Marlborough—1861 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 206 12 7 853 i7 6 1,099 16 7 1,201 14 11 1,317 o 4 1,417 17 11 1,368 7 3 14,500 59,507 87,174 62,647 75,o67 107,658 125,314 14,171 62,672 92,124 58,003 67,928 96,920 128,954 16,480 62,212 71,467 54,948 55,264 91,968 128,956 5.59 1 73,354 72,202 36,279 36,585 53>7 64 76,205 Janterbury— i860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 2,052 15 10,158 1 8,905 19 9,072 1 10,324 5 12,191 14 13,382 13 8 9 6 10 1 8 11 73,109 472,284 623,794 718,910 876,786 951,020 844,327 72,881 486,007 410,938 455,536 497,326 54i,34i 858,393 91,478 381,360 353,651 338,356 373,763 511,109 476,098 66,951 480,238 168,635 179,077 195,346 238,416 231,718 [okitika — 1868 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... i8 74 t ... 4,77i 7 2,252 4 3,395 7 3,386 18 3,393 3 1,996 8 11 4 3 1 7 3 251,108 212,689 235,179 220,470 230,294 116,644 242,479 225,157 240,405 208,028 201,940 125,049 152,666 165,380 215,463 241,495 282,207 I49,O3S 106,860 123,906 162,782 156,729 178,257 62,182 Ireymouth— 1874 ... 2,254 2 9 144,502 165,085 141,676 153,978 itago— i860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 1,489 3 12,611 18 13,667 14 15,044 12 17,339 7 18,418 7 18,262 18 10 1 1 9 2 1 8 62,168 588,545 7n,479 893,997 653,141 824,495 923,165 62,916 568,001 &78,299 716,623 873,132 959>2i9 1,145,452 42,418 439,733 582,593 ■ 651,633 828,490 672,038 1,197,172 63,175 55i,3O3 558,799 833,137 414,275 821,988 746,427 iouthland — 1861 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... 112 2,012 ',758 1,696 1,691 1,962 2,368 11 3 7 4 *5 2 5 10 19 3 11 11 14 4 13,500 93,396 82, 910 92,903 118,941 160,867 I73>3" 14,796 102,321 74,536 91,657 1:51,687 148,825 181,248 13,636 ill,660 113.454 83,616 74,877 71,220 186,758 4,444 79,920 26,808 58,328 68,888 94,658 7 o,4i9 •otals— i860 ... 1865 ... 1870 ... 1871 ... 1872 ... 1873 ... 1874 ... io,068 13 11 46,475 9 3 55,780 18 3 70,249 .19 7 94,733 14 8 94,706 16 o 104,371 2 11 434,320 2,208,285 3,018,932 3,296,990 3,588,073 4,221,977 4>339,l65 456,049 2,235,188 2,626,947 2,784,707 3,370,470 3,694,008 4,719,291 471,664 1,809,583 2,266,934 2,308,634 2,767,682 2,963>I7o 3,872,668 557,692 2»397,4°9 1,622,728 1,871,150 1,643,409 2,306,025 2,434,024 The Westport Returns have been separated from those Nelson, f The Greyraouth Returns have been separated from those _ _ J f T _1 _".M__



Table No. 9. TABLE showing the Number of Letters received for delivery in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

Table No. 10. TABLE showing the Number of Letters despatched by New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

I-'r< >m Places wit] hout the Colon From PI; lccs within the Colony. Postal Districts. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals without and within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Totals within the Colony. Luckland 59,608 42, 768 8,500 110,876 216,254 413.372 629,626 740,502 'hames 3,220 3,220 98,692 8,219 106,911 110,131 'aranaki 3,870 2,119 85 6,074 34,523 39.5'5 74,038 80,112 lawke's Bay ... 12,357 4,886 324 17,567 72,636 58.634 131,270 148,837 Vellington 47.544 26,831 2.954 77.329 335.642 278,985 614,627 691,956 lelson 10,660 9,891 77 20,628 104,530 5^448 155,978 176,606 Vestport 4,573 20 4, 593 30,993 28,172 59>i65 63,758 larlborough ... 4,564 2,018 6 9 6,651 42,844 75.8i9 118,663 I25.3H lanterbury 87,878 34.748 157 122,783 198,243 5 23.30i 721,544 844.327 lokitika 4.925 '7.59° 422 22,937 52,619 41,088 93,707 116,644 Jrey mouth 3,622 17.549 21,171 41,123 82,208 123,331 144,502 )tago 83,866 58,804 7.327 M9,997 195,666 577,502 773,i68 923,l6S iouthland ii,i55 10,213 336 21,704 52,770 98,837 151,607 173,3" Totals 3.753.635 |4>339> l65 337.842 227,437 20,251 585,530 I.47 6.535 2,277,100

'0 Places withi )ut the Colony, To Places within the Colony. Postal Districts. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Totals without and within the Colony. Luckland 75.205 43.9 J4 13,621 132,740 223,8i8 429,721 653.539 786,279 1 2 3 84,700 13.156 97,856 97.8J9 36,659 34.449 71,108 71,108 iawke's Bay ... 5.655 5.655 82,198 91,850 174,048 !79>7°3 Vellington 56,142 3i>657 2,077 89,876 322.456 331.444 653,900 743.776 kelson 12,802 7.834 736 21,372 104,706 46,383 151,089 172,461 Vestport 31,480 32,544 64,024 64,024 larlborough ... 3>'33 1,418 94 4.645 45. H5 79,164 124,309 128,954 Canterbury 88,972 30,978 2,817 122,767 174,718 560,808 735.526 858, 293 lokitika 1,485 15,406 90 16,981 64,895 43,173 108,068 125,049 Jrey mouth 6,345 13,668 4 20,017 S1.S°6 93.562 145,068 165,085 )tago 93,513 54.139 7,955 IS5.6°7 227,461 762,384 989,845 1. M5.452 Southland 11,266 8,385 392 20,043 43.95° "7,255 161,205 181,248 Totals 2,635,893 4.129.585 4,719,291 354.518 207,400 27,788 589,7°6 1,493,692



Table No. 11. TABLE showing the Number of Newspapers received for delivery in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

Table No. 12. TABLE showing the Number of Newspapers despatched by New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

From Places wi1 thout the Coloi ■yFrom PI; ices within the Colony. Postal Districts. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Totals without and within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Auckland •45>«38 46,889 12,874 204,901 142,643 278,620 421,263 626,164 Phames 6.763 6,763 38,229 7.252 45,48i 52,244 faranaki H.384 i,828 5i9 l6,73I 22,592 17,061 39,653 56,384 Jawke's Bay ... 32,382 6,591 423 39.396 63.251 6,510 69,761 109.157 Wellington 107,368 47.45 1 8.397 163,216 184.5J7 158,695 343,212 506,428 felson 42,338 9.584 59 5!.98i 81,166 29.055 110,221 162,202 Yestport 1,828 4 6 1,874 44. 795 33.725 78,520 80,394 rlarlborough ... 14,215 4,763 132 19,110 42,786 67,060 IO9,846 128,956 canterbury "45.379 49.57" 23 194,973 "7.073 164,052 28l,I25 476,098 ■lokitika '3,615 36,257 198 50,070 55.684 43.281 98,965 H9> °35 Jreymouth 15.844 39.671 55.515 37.054 49,107 86,l6l 141,676 )tago 218,449 66,126 5,213 289,788 171,800 735.584 907,384 1,197,172 louthland 30,588 19.417 256 50,261 5O.352 86,145 136,497 186,758 Totals 788, 291 328,194 28,094 1.144.579 1,051,942 1,676,147 2,728,089 3,872,668

'o Places with* rat the Colony To Pla. :es within the ■olony. Postal Districts. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Totals without and within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Auckland 58,851 23,9/0 13,068 95,889 143,078 "3.230 256,308 352,197 Chames 40,764 3,618 44,382 44.382 Paranaki 23,888 6,329 3O,2I7 30,217 -lawke's Bay ... 5,263 5,263 55,553 76,009 131.562 ■36,825 Wellington 33,785 16,581 1.931 52,297 259-334 78,454 337.788 390, 085 Wson 12,197 2,905 638 I5.74O 68,632 5,196 73.828 89,568 fiTestport 24,663 2S.158 49,821 49,821 liarlborough ... 3,121 749 151 4,021 20,026 52,158 72,184 76,205 Canterbury 48,931 13.501 I.II5 63.547 96,5^ 71.652 168,171 231,718 iokitika 1,168 6,594 28 7,790 44,948 9.444 54,392 62, 182 Jrey mouth 6,852 7,849 1 14,702 60,855 78,421 139,276 153.978 >tago 125,608 36,656 8,396 170,660 210,929 364,838 575>767 746,427 louthland 6,193 5,343 286 11,822 23,528 35>O69 58,597 70.419 Totals 301,969 114,148 25,614 44i,73i 1,072,717 9'9,S7 6 ',992,293 2,434,024



Table No. 13. RETURN of the Number of Letters registered at the Post Offices in the several Postal Districts during the Years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874.

Table No. 14. Statement of Correspondence received from the United Kingdom via San Francisco, via Suez and Melbourne, and via Suez and Torres Straits, during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

Table No. 15. STATEMENT of Correspondence despatched to the United Kingdom via San Francisco and via Suez during the Year ended 31st December, 1874.

1871. 1873. '873. 1874. To PI laces. To laces. To PI laces. To PI laces. Postal Districts. Totals. Totals. Totals. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. ~nd ["harries Paranaki Bay Wellington s'elson ... flfestport tfarlborough Canterbury -lokitika 2,287 124 169 799 677 8,318 478 721 4,289 1,086 583 2,897 1,304 10,605 602 890 5.o88 1,763 2.457 196 942 568 126 1.637 1.S67 10,199 60s 877 4.9°4 i>5°4 12,656 761 1.073 5,846 2,072 1,889 354 H7 304 1,169 258 "5 158 1,864 636 674 2,368 284 6,652 764 610 1,217 5.845 8.5 260 836 3,689 991 1,211 8,54i 1,118 757 1,521 7,014 1,073 375 994 5 >£S3 1.627 1,885 6,772 1.244 2,029 4i5 147 320 i,783 249 187 132 2,260 5'4 798 3,679 338 6,5!3 567 647 !,934 6,254 814 381 907 4.508 1,046 1.346 4,824 ',174 8,542 982 794 2,254 8,037 1,063 568 1,039 6,768 1,560 2,144 8, 503 i>5 12 in i.573 1,567 694 4.47° 2,871 721 v 3.286 2,052 847 4.923 3.619 Jreymouth )tago ... Southland 2,083 232 4,578 803 6,661 1,035 1.983 237 4. 763 927 6,746 1,164 4,404 960 Total 9,622 34,6/9 9,869 29,838 39>7°7 28,254 38,474 12,851 43.766 25.057 10,220 3O.9!5

ri, San Francii :o. 11a !uez and Mell* mrne. yia Su. :z and Torres Straits. Date of Receipt. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. fanuary 6,754 17,167 23,965 6,003 4,8 5 i 3,692 847 2,727 4,i74 636 1.529 710 22,600 47,152 56,064 7>36l II ,621 7.743 ■"ebruary March ipril Jay 15.637 20,418 19,423 17,277 18,911 17,276 2,699 2,669 2,790 2,634 2,585 3.953 55.265 44.497 55.!4° 49.532 53.5" 42,082 79 332 '.550 i 6 270 108 1,57° ,, fune luly 5,882 4.987 4,002 4,920 4.767 4.305 31,116 10,877 856 842 611 646 766 1,003 3,567 1,953 7,002 6,986 8, 545 5,509 4,066 4.565 65,529 12,217 1,025 !>399 136 45° 1, 220 1,620 n August leptember ... October November ... Jecember ... i7>456 19,722 '9-379 2,092 3.003 4.57' 44,921 46,775 52,416 1,273 1, 200 2,917 250 163 795 1,500 1,520 3,784 14,980 180,479 2,011 37.929 Total 29,007 482,069 133,288 20,867 266,960 9,775 2,071 11,322

Via San Francisci Via Melbourne and Suez. Date of Despatch. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. [anuary "ebruary March \pril Way [une luly lugust September October ■fovember Jecember 833 18,034 18,515 20,957 23,218 18,567 •23.057 22,303 2 35* 755 890 354 381 416 674 9 ".479 14,028 13.670 18,487 18,471 2Q.755 18,049 19,650 9,092 4.564 3.940 5.242 5.6i5 4.769 28,263 30,226 9,046 8,389 5.34O 4°9 166 146 93 in 225 57 655 566 142 130 84 9>93° 7.4IS 3.691 4,601 4.708 4.I9S 23.7" 22,710 6,712 4,667 5. 183 20,185 15.412 25,255 "561 280 814 14,711 14,718 •8,538 Total 206,336 5.479 163,9'S 134.136 2,784 114,841



Table No. 16. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Auckland for the Year 1874.

I 1 Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Service; Expenditure. To! \. Mail Services. 8 d Books and Newspapers. Weight of Hooks and Newspapers, in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Letters. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Auckland to Waipu II. Auckland to Cambridge 12 17 28,259 187,225 20,065 57.376 3>7 6 2 io» 758 89 no Horse Coach 1 3 £ s. d. 100 o o 875 o o 75 o o 213 5 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 175 o o 1,111 19 10 201 O I '.365 3 7 23 14 10 Branches : I. Auckland to Onehunga II. Auckland to Howick III. Papakura to Wairoa ... IV. Drury to Waiuku V. Waiuku to Port Waikato VI. Drury to Tuakau VII. Pukekohe East to Pukekohe West VIII. Mercer to Churchill ... IX. Newcastle to Raglan ... X. Whatawhata to Alexandra XI. Alexandra to Harapipi XII. Hamilton to Alexandra XIII. Te Awamutu to Kihikihi XIV. Auckland to Ponsonby XV. Auckland to Eden Terrace XVI. Auckland to Devonport XVII. Auckland to Onehunga (English mails) ... XVIII. Auckland to Onehunga (ship mails) XIX. Auckland to Henderson's Mill XX. Whau Bridge to Muddy Creek ... XXI. Onehunga to Awitu ... ... ... XXII. Auckland to Riverhead XXIII. Riverhead to Kaukapakapa XXIV. Kaukapakapa to Komokoriki XXV. Waitemata Mills to Helensville XXVI. Helensville to Whapu XXVII. Helensville to Matakohe XXVIII. Pahi to Paparoa XXIX. Auckland to Warkworth XXX. Wade to Parakakau ... XXXI. Wade to Wangaparoa XXXII. Waiwera to Orewa XXXIII. Orewa to Wade XXXIV. Te Kapa to Lower Matakana ... XXXV. Warkworth to Port Albert XXXVI. Warkworth to Xaipara Flats XXXVII. Port Albert to Wharehine XXXVIII. Port Albert to Tauhoa 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 I 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 68,856 18,28:; 5,668 16,805 278 4.144 1,688 735 9.,522 651 28,486 1,152 26,093 10,674 10,782 3.242 642 1.555 4.322 6.S3 5,810 12,854 6,394 1,523 6, 722 1,561 346 1,809 17.945 4.9H 2,858 '2.375 130 1,242 588 986 17,109 1,196 6,996 2,666 2,693 2,192 808 1,009 1.434 35 1 3,061 7>5'5 3.015 1.34° 4.543 944 344 1 j 115 3.364 921 536 2,320 24 582 233 1.173 185 3.208 224 1,274 500 5°5 411 189 269 Co 2 66 574 1,409 8 5 2 209 6 14 9 21 22 11 12 31 23 33 5 4 2 3 7 7 12 20 15 *5 15 75 75 35 7 3 3 5 7 32 Railway Coach Horse „ .» ,, Boat Horse .. Coach Foot Coach I lorse Steamer ' Coach Ilorsc 12 6 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 12 12 12 As required 2 I 49 8 o 32 o o 69 o o 880 22 10 o 14 16 o 149 o o 32 2 8 12 O O 200 o o 40 o o 30 o o 3° ° ° 60 16 I 23 12 6 38 o o 15 12 O 1000 75 o o 33 o o 500 30 o o 10 o o 500 30 o o 42 18 4 30 o o '800 1000 1000 6 5 7 81 8 7 82 8 o 37 o o 99 o o 880 32 10 o 19 16 o 179 o o 32 2 8 12 O O 242 18 4 70 o o 38 o o 40 o o 60 16 1 2312 6 48 o o 15 12 O 15 o o 130 o o 2100 310 o o 15 o o 13 o o 19 10 o 265 o o 14 18 o 10 o o 17 15 o 900 16 o o 47 10 o 1500 1000 500 502 1 6 133 6 3 41 6 7 122 10 8 262 30 4 4 12 6 2 5 7 2 69 8 7 4 14 11 207 14 2 880 190 4 4 77 16 7 78 12 4 23 12 9 4 13 7 11 69 37 !7 9 3' 10 3 4 12 3 42 7 3 95 >S 9 46 12 5 11 2 1 49 o 3 11 7 7 2 10 5 '3 3 9 2 Boat Steamer Horse 1 2 I 6 125 o o 40 o o 1600 500 500 1000 500 10 o o 1500 13 o o 500 15 o o 500 1 2 1 2 5 3 1 6 1 Coach Steamer 2 300 o o Horse Coach Horse Boat Horse 1 1 1 14 10 o 250 o o 9180 1000 2 1 1 1 1 500 2 12 15 O 900 II 00 35 o o 1000 1 467 5.149 459 802 545 3.522 329 262 IO2 660 62 I/O 49 Boat Horse 1 500 12 IO O 5OO 37 IO 1° 3 6 11 240 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 7 7 „ 1 10 o o 500 302 Foot 1



Table No. 16— continued. Table showing tlie Revi :nue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Auckland for the Year 1874. Correspondence received am de-patched. Mail Services. Expenditure. itaJ. Mail Services. 0 0 d Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Hooks and Newspapers in lbs. Si Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Branches —continued. XXXIX. Te Arai to North Oruawharo XL. Wangarei Heads to Waipu XLI. Wangarei Heads to Paroa Bay XLII. Limestone Island to Mangapai ... XLIII. Russell to Waimate ... XLIV. Waimate to Hokianga XLV, I lokianga to Omapere XLVI. Wangaroa to Kaio XLVII. Mongonui to Ahipara ... XLVIII. Kawa Kawa and Vessels in the River XLIX. Kapanga to Tokatea ... L. Kapanga to Tiki LI. Whitiangi to Tairua ... LII. Tauranga to Opotiki ... LIII. Maketu to Rotorua LIV. Tauranga to Taupo LV. Gisborne to Waiapu ... LVI. Gisborne to Ormond LVII. Newmarket and Railway Station LVIII. Chief Office and Queen's Wharf... LIX. Landing Service, Auckland LX. Landing Service, Onehunga LXI. Landing Service, Russell LXII. Landing Service, Mahurangi LXIII. Landing Service, Matakana LXI V. Auckland to Wangarei LXV. Auckland to Great Barrier LXVI. Auckland to Kawau LXVII. Auckland to Gisborne ... LXVIII. Auckland to Wangaroa LXIX. Auckland to St. Andrew's LXX. Auckland to Whitiangi LXXI. Auckland to Tauranga LXXII. Auckland to Mongonui LXXIII. Auckland to Kapanga LXXI V. Auckland to Russell ... £ s. d. 700 8 19 o 30 o o 25 o 0 65 o 0 60 o o 30 o o 800 80 o o 34 o o 50 o o £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 700 8 19 o 30 o o 40 o o 70 o o 70 o o 30 o o 800 95 o o 39 o o 65 o o 3 1 o I 412 3S» 66 • Horse I I 2 ... 3 1686 7,626 7.942 877 4,386 7.856 9.127 346 1,809 14,112 732 5,262 4,166 5.36o 5.135 3.425 4,980 680 9 63 642 933 127 253 410 482 577 204 1,281 35 727 548 12 12 '4 31 18 ii Boat Horse I I 2 I 15 o o 500 1000 26 17 6 ;o 12 1 57 18 2 6 711 25 19 2 3' 19 7 57 5 8 66 11 o 2 10 5 13 3 9 102 18 o 5 6 IO 38 7 4 30 7 6 39 1 8 2 I 2 M it Boat Horse Boat Horse I 3 2 2 1 1.349 2,188 2,568 3,080 7 7i 7 3 3 20 I As required 6 15 o o 5 ° o 15 o o 1 4 1 3 1 5O 1,085 6,834 185 2,482 3.879 2,926 22 j, ,, Foot Coach Horse 1 1 1 Fortnightly 2 1 1 6 13 4 32 10 o 24 o o 28 10 o 6 13 4 6100 24 o o 1 49 18 5 1 3 Foot Spring Cart Boat As required 7100 45 ° ° 32 10 o 16 10 o 1500 500 I 12 6 7 10 o 45 o o 32 10 o 16 10 o jj n ... 1 3 96 5° 36 375 165 160 11 11 n 15 o o 500 I 12 6 2 1 18,718 475 1.723 46.376 3,818 122 962 46,215 1,688 1,626 Vessel Uncertain 20 o o 500 I 20 O O 5OO 136" 9 8 3 9 3 12 11 3 338 a ° 27 16 9 1 23 i74 8,665 317 n j) jj ... 500 5OO jj >> 1 1 j) n ... . 2,121 9.513 35.4^0 8,492 i) j> 25 4 8 453 3 1 157 19 1 468 12 1 201 s 8 5.873 12 8 6,649 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 3.461 62,147 21.666 64,266 27.605 806,603 720,178 1,526,781 398 6,218 6,649 71,680 "83.393 121 J5 2 180 48 140 )> )j >» *> n j} it it 45 o ° 16 5 o 150 o o 40 o o 1,067 8 4 2,944 1 1 ... 7 o 1 880 412 o 3 12 o 53 12 6 589 10 2 ... 52 o 1 24 13 o 154 12 O 43 12 o — 1 2,627} I i Chief Post Office, Auckland ... 131 1 382,559 595.802 978,361 ... 3.254 13 I 5'4 4 " 3,768 18 o 4.375 «3 11 4,047 16 2 Totals .32 1 I 2,6272 ■ 4,oii 9 5 643 2 S 8,423 10 I 12,523 2 4


Table No. 18. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Taranaki for the Year 1874.

Table No. 17. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Thames for the Year 1874.


TrunJc Lines : I. New Plymouth to Manutahi (North) ... II. New Plymouth to Patea III. New Plymouth to Waitara ... IV. Landing and Shipping; Mails £ s. d. £ 8- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. 1 267 6 69,895 2 2,807 86 22,082 1,222 10 2,761 10 100 Coach 1 2 2 ... 500 o o 1710 o 150 o o ... 35 o o 500 535 ° o 22 1O O 150 o o 286 575 8 3 ' 28 9 7 10 Boat As required ... Chief Post Office, New Plymouth ... 1 9 72.969 1 78,251 10 151,220 23.390 2,924 63,211 7,902 86,601 10,826 120 667 10 o ... 1 1 t 40 o o 387 10 o I I 39 « ° 1 . 707 10 o 426 11 o 606 6 4 729 14 11 Totals [ 667 10 o 120 427 10 o 39 1 o 1,134 1 o

u Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Service: Expenditure. al. ail Services. O d Y. Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of ' !• Books and § = Newspapers 1nS in lbs. Q £ Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1000 £ s. d. £ s. d. j 90 o o I £ 8. d. 15 16 o 12 IO 2 IOO 7 4 4 900 I. Thames to Tararu Tararu to Hastings II. Thames to Hikutaia III. Thames to Kuranui IV. Thames to Paeroa ... V. Grahamstown Wharf and Vessels in Port VI. Tramway Terminus and Tararu Wharf 1 I I 3.333 214 1,256 >.45 6 926 1,970 2,025 394 27 62 4°5 2 3° Horse Steamer Horse Steamer Boat 6 3 2 6 j 70 o o I 046 I 12 O 52 o o 50 o o 173 16 6 10 o o 046 II 12 O 52 o o 50 o o I 2 10 o o As required Tramway — 8,690 199,300 91,263 96,626 1 6ii I Post Office, Thames 5 i 1 1 18,253 1 30 o o 889 12 8 104 11 6 104 11 6 203 16 6 994 4 2 45 10 6 hSI* 9 7 1,618 o 1 ... Totals 6 173 16 6 207,990 19,326 919 12 8 '1,198 o 8 j



Table No. 19. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Hawke's Bay for the Year 1874.

i Correspondei ice received ai id despatched. Mall Services. Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. c i Letters. Rooks and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. 5.5 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Napier to Wairoa ... Wairoa to Gisborne Gisborne to Ormond II. Napier to Porangahau ... Porangahau to Castle Point III. Napier to Tapuaeharuru 2 2 8 12,759 7"4 68,815 '.495 5,288 10,805 313 33,456 1,329 4,419 1,688 48 207 690 56 54 74 43 no Horse n Coach Horse Coach 1 Fortnightly 2 £ s. d. 123 10 o 78 o o 40 o o 345 o ° 140 o o 625 o o 1600 205 o o 500 75 ° ° 600 1600 £ s d. 160 56 7 3 5 9° 030 100 £ s. d. 140 16 o 339 7 3 45 o o 425 9 ° 146 3 o 642 o o £ s. d. 52 o o 254 10 o 376 10 o 600 2 1 2 3 40 1 o Branches: 1,821 '7.374 1,800 164 294 32O 276 443 221 6i 12 Horse Coach Horse 3 6 5°o 1700 500 046 206 046' 020 5 4<> 1906 29 4 6 68 2 o 62 12 o 40 6 6 44 3 9 " 55 2 6 21 15 o 16 13 4 119 o o I. Havelock to Karamu II. Napier to Puketapu III. Napier to Peka Pcka IV. Clive to Pourerere ... V. Havelock to Kereru VI. Maraekakaho to Hampden ... VII. Waipawa to Patangata VIII. Waipawa to Onga Onga IX. Waipukurau to Tahoraiti X. Woodthorpe to Erewhon XI. Napier to Port Ahuriri 1 1 2 '.933 4,068 2,828 2,982 1,051 7,544 1,602 1,882 3.307 2,048 1,766 2,834 24 35 5 7 35 5° 1 ,» 1 1 1 ... 24 o o 68 o o 50 o o 34 ° o 38 o o 50 o o 16 13 4 79 ° ° ... 1200 600 600 500 5 ° ° 012 o 066 °39 026 o 10 o 930 81 o o 9 5° 400 24 o o 13 o o 7 10 o 500 20 o o T, 2 1 f, 1 ), 1 2 2 1 1 )J 1 1 ,, ... 23,030 149.563 178,977 328,540 I 4,7 89 78,560 167,422 245,982 748 9, Coach 1 6 ... 40 o o 124 10 o 1,026 9 o 1,946 811 Chief Post Office, Napier 1 1 35 1 I 12,271 I 567! 1,727 8 4 424 o o 650 o o 68 11 6 27 6 3 1 2,219 19 10 677 6 3 ,2,897 6 ' ... Totals 1 36 31,925 56?i \ 1,727 8 4 1,074 o o 95 !7 9 2,972 17 11



Table No. 20. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Wellington for the Year 1874.

M 8 Correspondence received ai id despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. O 'd Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. o.s Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Wellington to Hawera II. Wellington to Porirua III. Wellington to Hutt Hutt to Upper Hutt IV. Wellington to Taita V. Wellington to Masterton VI. Masterton to Castle Point ... 25 4 1 360,104 I 181,386 2,535 34,OIO 475 182 12 8 Coach 2 6 6 6 6 £ s. d. I,OOO O O 35 ° ° £ s. d. 533 o o 30 o o 51 o o 20 o o 15 o o 70 o o 37 o o £ s. d. 32 19 10 0 15 o 1 4 4 1,565 19 10 65 15 ° 52 4 4 45 o o 23 6 8 45 1 " 4 113 10 1 £ s. d, 2,124 6 4 57 '° c > 19,401 5-O9 1 955 \ Railway Coach 25 o o 8 6 8 379 «3 4 75 o o [ 107 10 c 2 2 9 4 33,233 5>°°5 11 11 64 34 » 1 18 o 1 10 1 117,050 14,306 6,231 938 Horse 1 659 17 1 93 13 e Branches : I. Wellington to Makara II. Wanganui to Bull's III. Masterton to Alfredton IV. Hutt to Wainuioraata V. Wellington to Ohariu VI. Tauherinikau to Kaiwaiwai VII. Foxton to Waipukurau VIII. Greytown and East Coast ... IX. Greytown and Wairarapa ... X. Bull's to Sanson ... XI. Foxton to Palmerston North XII. Sanson to Awahuri XIII. Bull's to Palmerston North ... XIV. Castle Point to Glenburn ... XV. Feilding to Palmerston North XVI. Te Nui to Alfredton, via Tiraumea XVII. Wellington to Railway Station XVIII. Chief Post Office and Wharf 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,471 3.3216 Incl 1,007 416 1 735 7,208 I uded in Maste 539 354 483 n services hcac 138 «>35 a ;rton 101 66 9' led "Trunk Lii 7§ 43 3° 8 3 Coach Horse ,, Coach Horse H 2 6 Fortnightly 2 2 2 2 2 ' I 2 2 25 o o 85 o o 35 o o 10 o o 20 o o 400 o o 50 o o 70 o o 17 10 o 49 12 6 10 5 8 16 13 4 31 9 2 26 o o 10 10 o 1000 40 o o 500 ... 030 ... 048 35 3 ° 85 o o 35 o o 40 4 8 15 o o 20 o o 400 o o 50 o o 70 o o 17 10 o 49 12 6 10 5 8 16 13 4 3.1 9 2 26 o o 10 10 o 15 12 O 40 o o 3,285 7 7 2,320 18 4 '5 5 « 197 16 c 10 8 4 60c 3 ° C .1 f Included ii ies." n Coach 2 1 1 Horse 2 2 ,» 1 n Express I As required 15 12 O 40 o o ,, j) — 1 236,569 659>944 428§ 38 14 11 4i3 8 4 I Chief Post Office, Wellington ' 64 1 558,676 877,056 44,357 123,740 2,435 12 8 811 00 1,907 10 o 3.275 5 5 37,3 J3 10 ■ Totals ... 65 896,513 168,097 428J 2,435 I2 8 2,718 10 o 5,606 5 11 .0,588 16 i.435. 732 452 3 3



Table No. 21. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Nelson for the Year 1874.

Table No. 22. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Westport for the Year 1874.

s Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Service! Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. 0 0 Letters. Weight of Books and Books and Newspapers. Newspapers in lbs. ft » 5.5 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to tile Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : 142 18 10 120 o o 70 o o £ »■ d. 57 ° o 63 o o 1000 £ s. d. 11 5 1 12 1 2 1 14 9 £ s. d. 211 3 11 195 1 2 81 14 9 £ s. d. 198 15 11 226 19 9 26 7 1 I. Nelson to Riwaka ... II. Nelson to Foxhill III. Foxhill to Sherry River 6 6 2 30,862 .34.310 2,462 9,921 io,544 2.367 •> 6S3 '.757 394 36 24 29 Coach Horse 6 1 Branches : I. Lower Moutere to Xga Timoti II. Moutere to Thorpe ... III. Spring Grove to Waimea West IV. Nelson to Wakapuaka V. Collingwood to Bedstead Gully VI. Nelson to Wharf I 2 I 1,900 63 9 3.841 2,002 1.5SS 271 969 1 ,622 259 45 161 6 3 12 Spring Cart Horse 2 1 3 2 20 O O 1000 25 o o 20 10 o IS o o 40 o 0 S o o 500 12 o o 800 1 7 o o 8 1 2 15 1 1 14 9 26 7 o 13 8 1 39 '5 > 30 4 9 25 o o 40 o o 12 7 2 4 2 10 24 12 11 14 19 5 I 2 2;o .. Spring Cart As required 10 o o .» Seahorne : I. Nelson to Golden Bay 14,461 5.92i 987 5.526 36,433 52 i8o£ Vessel As opporti I. inity offers 463 8 10 37 ° ° 1 10 7 2 47 7 2 81 6 3 Chief Post Office, Nelson ... 5 | 26 I 9°.477 258,59° 349.° 6 7 33i 170 218,600 207 o o 912 I 10 4 1 13 « 210 6 11 712 111 1,122 8 9 1,834 10 8 589 11 4 1.673 3 3 2,262 14 7 I I 1 i8o§ • 463 8 10 Totals 27 2SJ.7/O 4«i9S9 1,119 1 10 252 o o

Trunk Lines : I. Westport to Reefton ... II. Westport to Charleston III. Westport to Rochfort 3 2 22.45° i.°59 27,235 i,9/i 3,299 5,IO 9 367 54 18 8 Morse n 2 6 £ s. d. 380 o o 200 o o £ 8. d. 500 97 1 8 8 is o £ «• d. £ s. d. 385 o o 297 1 8 48 15 o £ s. d. I IO O 132 o o 14 10 o 3 n 2 40 o o Branches : I. Charleston to Brighton II. Christy's Junction to Lyell III. Lyell to Matakitaki ... IV. Reefton to Boatman's 2 1 2 2,586 12.2/5 43° 58,5 6 4 69,218 127,782 2, 230 9> o( >3 601 65^ 58,763 7i,452 418 1,699 112 12 10 10 23 8 ,, 1 2 1 39 o o 93 o o 100 o o 49 10 o 15 o o 15 o o 10 o o 500 54 o o 108 o o no 00 54 10 o 1200 90 o o 8 10 o 500 1 I Foot 1 Post Office, Westport —! 14 1 11,016 13,397 131 901 10 o 155 16 8 349 11 8 127 5 8 1,057 6 8 476 17 4 263 10 o 1,403 '5 9 1,667 5 9 ... — Totals js 130,215 24,4"3 131 901 10 o 505 8 4 127 5 8 1,534 4 o



Table No. 23. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Marlborough for the Year 1874.

Table No. 24. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Canterbury for the Year 1874.

•,: Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers, in lbs. 5.5 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Dapartment. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: I. Blenheim to Picton II. Picton to Havelock ... III. Havelock to Nelson ... IV. Blenheim to Hawkeswood V. Blenheim to Renwicktown VI. Blenheim to Wairau Valley S 2 1 3 1 84,463 28,591 3.341 23,092 5,58° 69,983 22,281 972 18,269 2,731 3,012 6,560 2,088 92 1.7'3 256 282 20 25 36 140 7 2S Coach Boat Horse 6 3 i i £ s. d. 150 o o IOO O O 80 o o 320 o o 1600 70 o o £ s. d. 158 o o 42 o o 22 O O £ s. d 30 2 6 096 o 17 o 046 £ s. d. 338 2 6 142 o o 80 o o 342 9 6 26 17 o 85 4 6 £ s. d. 267 19 7 "3 S 3 69 9 o 34 o ° 8 10 o 2 Cart i i IOOO 15 o o Branches : I. Havelock to Deep Creek II. Havelock to Homewood III. Blenheim to Southside IV. Blenheim to Wharf ... V. Picton to Wharf VI Kaikoura to Wharf ... 1 I • 263 334 1,832 873 308 789 82 29 74 20 25 I 1 I Horse Boat Foot i Fortnightly i 29 o o 40 o o IOOO 6OO 5OO 029 35 ° ° 40 o o 15 2 9 10 o o 4 IS o M As required IOOO 1500 400 j> 15 o o 400 388 12 11 >> H Chief Post Office, Blenheim 17 I 149,971 104,297 254,268 119,218 85.943 205,161 1 11,176 1 299 844 o o j 258 o o 366 13 2 I 3' l6 3 21 19 9 S3 16 o 497 18 10 870 8 5 ... ... 18 1 Totals 30,410 299 844 o o j 624 13 2 '.368 7 3 1,522 9 2

Trunk Lines: I. Christchurch to Rangiora Kaiapoi to Hurunui Hurunui to Hawkeswood II. Christchurch to Timaru Timaru to Waitaki III. Christchurch to Hokitika IV. Christchurch to Lyttelton 6 7 i 12 3 9 3 122,802 59>57 2 7,841 309,269 24,118 "O.93S 31,649 14,500 5,240 79,649 5>I2 5 9,957 '4,6/4 6,35° 2,904 1,048 1.025 1,991 3,135 18 38 104 4i !5 O 7 Railway Coach Railway & Coach Coach 18 6 1 6 3 2 18 ] £ s. d. 310 o o 90 o o 1,066 o o £ s. d. 307 3 1 77 3 4 1200 \ 442 o o ) 28 o o 28 o o 404 18 o £ s. d. £ s. d. 307 3 1 387 3 4 102 o o 1,508 o o 28 o o 998 o o 404 18 o £ s. d. 1,023 7 o 496 8 8 65 6 10 2.577 4 10 200 19 8 257 12 o 924 8 4 Railway 970 o o Branches : I. Christchurch to Stanmore Road, &c, and St. Albans II. Christchurch to Woolston III. Christchurch to Sumner... 10,898 3,638 7>'53 1,042 534 I.43O 206 107 7 3 9 Horse Coach 6 62 8 o 64 o o 1200 500 no o o no o o 126 8 o 36 o o 15 o o 298 6 8 90 16 4 30 6 4 9 2 12 6 24 o o 1000 I I



Table No. 24 — continued. Table showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Canterbury for the Year 1874. Correspondence received am despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Tol :al. Mail Services. 0 i Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. v • 5.s Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Letters. Branches — continued. IV. Christchurch to Southbridge V. Flaxton to Swannanoa ... VI. Rangiora to West Oxford VII. Rolleston to West Melton VIII. Dunsandel to Lake Coleridge IX. Dunsandel to Upper Hororata X. Dunsandel to Greendale XI. Dunsandel to Killinchy ... XII. Irwell to Brookside XIII. Rakaia to Blackford XIV. Ashburton to Mount Somers XV. Mount Somers to Ashburton Gorge XVI. Ashhurton Forks to Alford Forest XVII. Kaiapoi to Kaiapoi Island XVIII. Waiau to Hanmer Plains XIX. Timaru to Upper Rangitata XX. Timaru to Lake Tekapo XXI. Timaru to Pleasant Point XXII. Timaru to Pareora XXIII. Christchurch to Green Park XXIV. Lyttelton to Pigeon Bay... XXV. Lyttelton to Port Levy ... XXVI. Lyttelton to Gebbie's Flat XXVII. Duvauchclle's Bay to Okain's Bay XXVIII. German Bay to Le Bon's Bay XXIX. Little Akaloa to Decanter Bay XXX. Christchurch to Akaroa... ... 0 XXXI. Pigeon Bay to Akaroa ... ... (. XXXII. Akaroa to Wainui XXXIII. Burke's Pass to Dr. Fisher's Station XXXIV. Chief Post Office and Railway Station XXXV. Lyttelton Railway Station and Vessels in Port XXXVI. Rangiora Post Office and Railway Station ... XXXVII. Flaxton Post Office and Railway Station ... XXXVIII. Ashburton Post Office and Railway Station 8 3 5 1 2 66,281 4,O32 33.393 '.527 5,298 2,212 3,3 '9 6,812 5°5 506 I',371 8,086 240 2,OII 892 578 399 626 178 2,407 68 326 2,274 167 1,617 48 402 116 80 125 36 681 14 65 27 '7 24 6 46 20 Coach Horse Coach Horse Coach 6 2 6 £ s. d. 25 o o 150 00 1900 no o o 55 o ° 900 37 IO o 500 500 500 500 300 £ s. d. £ s. d. 370 o o 34 ° ° 187 10 o 24 o 0 11500 55 ° ° 35 ° ° 2100 1500 35 ° ° 83 o o 15 o o 1000 8 6 8 £ s. d. 552 6 10 33 12 6 278 5 6 12 14.0 46 17 6 44 3 o 18 8 8 16 13 2 27 13 2 7 1 10 56 15 4 442 4 4 4 2 ,, 1 1 1 5° ° ° 3° ° ° 1800 1500 35 ° ° 73 o 0 15 o o 1000 8 6 8 50 o o 250 o o 7200 5200 13 11 5 30 o o 200 o o I 9 7 1 3° 45 20 6 5 7 34 65 11 12 18 M Horse 2 ■ I 3 I Cart Coach Horse 2 1 2 10 o o 1 I Boat Coach IIorse 1 3 1 i 1,655 24,699 7,206 349 1,03 2 2,749 1,845 2,399 4,94i 833 ) ... 69S 7,086 1,298 38 279 387 213 692 1,256 1,142 187 10,983 ... ■39 1,617 259 520 56 77 43 138 25 1 228 37 2,197 500 29 o o 1000 55 o o 279 o o 8200 63 10 o 21 1 5 35 ° ° 214 o o 50 o o 65 o o 60 o o J3 15 10 205 16 6 26 11 10 60 1 o 2 18 2 8 12 o 22 18 o 15 7 6 19 19 10 41 3 6 26 o 10 6 18 10 346 1 8 4 2 I I Coach Horse Coach Steamer Boat and Horse Horse 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 II IO O 7 10 o 500 1400 I I 9 11 50 o o 55 ° ° 50 o o 30 o o 500 300 o o 120 o o 3 2 I I 8 2 10 o o >» 2 2 1000 5 ° ° 35 ° ° goo 398 16 8 120 00 12 18 4 30 o o 150 o o 150 o o 30 o o 500 ., 1 Coach 1 98 16 8 5i 3 i ... 3 20 1 Steam Launch Horse Cart Boat Cart Horse Foot 1 11 5 o 3° ° ° 150 00 150 o o 30 o o 500 1 13 4 i 1 As required ,. * 6 Chief Post Office, Christchurch 112 944.299 758,321 2 24,394 483,422 707,816 45.499 96,684 956i 5.O59 11 1 1.722 4 5 2,658 12 9 no o o 672 11 o 6,891 15 6 3.331 3 9 7,864 2 8 7,277 10 11 I ... Totals "3 1,702,620 142,183 956i 4.38o 17 2 782 11 o 5.°59 ii I 10,222 19 3 i5.!4i 13 7



Table No. 25. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Hokitika for the Year 1874.

Table No. 26. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Greymouth for the Year 1874.

Trunk Lines : I. Greymouth to Hokitika II. Greymouth to Arnold 3 1 53.137 4,134 47,087 1,946 5,886 243* 40 16 Coach Horse 6 1 £ s. d. 30 o o £ s. d. 500 500 £ s. d. o 10 o o 13 o £ s. d. 5 10 o 35 '3 o £ s. d. 20 o o 26 o o Branches : 3,294 948 7,8 968 629 387 121 48* 8 6 ,, 1 1 1 25 o o 500 1000 7 1 8 070 060 30 7 o 10 6 o 37 1 8 14 o o I2OO 300 I. Marsden to Clifton ... II. Marsden to Rutherglen III. Greymouth to Paroa 1 1 1 Express 30 o o Nelson Branches, served from Greymouth : I. Greymouth to Reefton II. Ahaura to Napoleon Hill III. Reefton to Black's Point IV. Twelve Mile to No Town V. Camptown to Nelson Creek VI. Greymouth to Cobden 7 i i 68,567 1,046 4.847 7,948 4,018 2,807 151,464 158,123 54.823 1,196 1.205 3.582 2,289 1,940 6,853 286 48 10 3 7 7 Coach Horse 2 1 2 ] 55° ° ° 25 o o 45 ° o 15 o o 12 19 2 f 280 o o 500 500 12 1 8 70 7 o 020 o 15 o 900 7 o 520 25 !5 o 50 o o 20 o o 25 6 4 622 8 o 400 30 o o 52 o o 16 o o II 00 i i 2 i Boat 1 6 056 i Post Office, Greymouth 1 116,052 179,602 i4-5° 6i 36,9565 148I 732 19 2 339 3 4 685 o o 13 5 6 1.145 8 o 132 6 8 817 6 8 205 12 2 1,962 14 8 810 8 o i,443 14 9 Totals 20 309,587 148* 732 19 2 1,024 3 4 2,254 2 9

-J Correspondence received an id despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. o d Letters. Books and , Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers, in lbs. 5.2 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: I. Hokitika to Grey mouth II. Hokitika to Christchurch III. Hokitika to Ross IV. Ross to Gillespie's ... 6 6 2 4 35,888 27,727 7-975 42,480 27,841 '9,541 7,926 7,080 4,640 3,257 1,321 40 '47 20 7i Coach ,, 2 6 575 o o 970 o o 100 o o £ s. d. 45 ° ° £ s. d. £ s. d. 620 o o 970 o o 162 10 o 144 o o 400 170 o o 45 o o Horse 1 210 o o 32 10 o 30 o o 3° ° ° 240 o o Branches : 3,651 2,009 296 1,058 608 6 45 o ° 30 o o 3 i5 ° 26 o o I. Hokitika to Hoho II. Waimea to Fox's III. Waimea to Callaghan'sJGully IV. Arahura to Teremakau 3 2 7,400 1.374 97 422 335 49 17,466 17>736 5 3 4* 10 Foot Horse 2 2 1 25 o o 1000 70 o o 40 o o 500 26 o o 34 ° o 700 1 o o 100 1 1 5 ° 2 Chief Post Office, Hokitika 26 150,402 91,291 104,802 106,415 3°°2 1,959 15 o '43 15 ° 824 10 10 1 30 o o 150 17 7 2,!^ 10 975 8 o 406 o o 1,59° 8 3 — I Totals 27 241,693 3<>o§ 1,959 15 o 968 5 10 180 17 7 3,108 18 5 1,996 8 3 211,217 35,202



Table No. 27. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Otago for the Year 1874.

J d Z Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. otal. Mail Sen-ices. Letters. Weight of Books and Books and Newspapers. Newspapers in lbs. 5.5 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Dunedin to Balclutha ... Balclutha to Long Bush II. Milton to Lawrence III. Dunedin to Waitaki IV. Palmerston to Naseby ... Naseby to Clyde V. Lawrence to Clyde Clyde to Cromwell Cromwell to Queenstown VI. Dunedin to Port Chalmers •3 6 7 1 7 2 179,222 34,49 1 65.095 352/>49 44,398 66,855 29,918 26,376 65,758 74,329 161,770 5S.096 96,816 216,439 45.231 76,870 19.831 30,030 88,927 27.523 26,415 io,347 16,132 36,5i 2 7,086 12,894 3,305 5,010 14,412 4,542 56 84 34 95 55 no 74 13 60 9 Coach 1, .» >' 6 1 3 6 2 2 2 J 3 3 12 £ s. d. 3,000 o o £ s. d. (353 o o 7150 256 o o •i 55 1 ° ° 120 o o 200 o o I 58 10 o 46 13 10 226 o o 268 6 2 £ «■ d. j. 86 3 6 £ •• d. 4,695 18 6 £ »■ d. f 1.0.H 19 7* 34° 7 » i 458 16 6i -j 1,368 12 3 128 2 8i 354 2 2 L '37 5 9 2'5 7 5 261 18 Si 306 o 9 • ., .» Railway 45 o o 178 00 150 o o J 420 16 14 o 20 7 6 95 15 10 420 14 o 438 13 8 Branch Lines: I. Dunedin to Portobello ... II. Portobello to Kaik ... ... " III. Palmerston to Naseby via Macrae's and Hyde IV. East Taieri to West Taieri vid North Taieri V. North Taieri to Hindon VI. West Taieri to Waipori VII. West Taieri to Lake Waipori VIII. Waihola to Taieri Beach IX. Balclutha to Kaitangata X. Kaitangata to Wangaloa XI. Balclutha to Port Molyneux XII. Port Molyneux to Owaki XIII. Lawrence to Blueskin vid Weatherstones ... XIV. Lawrence to Tuapeka Mouth XV. Lawrence to Waipori ... XVI. Beaumont to Welshman's vid Switzer's XVII. Tapanui Junction to Tapanui XVIII. Switzer's to Waikaka ... XIX. Maheno to Kakanui XX. Oamaru to Omarama ... XXI. Waihemo to Macrae's ... XXII. Kyeburn to Hyde vid Hamilton's XXIII. Hamilton's to Linburn... XXIV. Ijinburn to Serpentine ... XXV. Blackstone Hill to St. Bathan's ... XXVI. Naseby to Kyeburn Diggings XXVII. Black's to Drybread and Tinker's XXVIII. Cromwell to Nevis vid Quartzville and Carrickton ... XXIX. Cromwell to Cardrona vid Bendigo, Albert Town, and Pembroke XXX. Arrow River to Twelve Mile Creek 'XXXI. Queenstown to Skipper's XXXII. Queenstown to Moke Creek XXXIII. Milton to Adam's Flat ... ' 2 I 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 I 2 I I I 11,989 1,946 '9,37' 38,8.7 892 7,485 954 9,426 401 '6,743 3,956 5.153 '.438 1,227 11,016 1,603 7,661 5.3'5 8,796 797 10,483 23.299 6,203 6.254 2,416 9,809 746 25,84' 3,006 7,084 899 12.381 8,223 1,310 5,816 6,644 1,462 132 '.75O 3,883 320 1,087 1.015 402 i,6.H "5 4,307 5QI 1,180 169 2,063 1,307 210 963 1,107 8 7 55 9 20 18 11 9 10 5 '9 '3 5 16 16 47 12 20 75 10 28 16 8 8 18 Steamer Horse Coach or Horse Coach Horse Coaoh Mail Cart Horse ., ,. .. ,, ,, Coach Horse 6 2 I 6 i 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 6 i i 2 2 I 6 IOO O O 1400 170 o o 50 o o 1600 70 o o 35 ° ° 1600 2100 15 o o 74 10 o 26 o o 25 o o 25 o o 25 o ° 223 10 o 66 12 o 45 o o 45 o o 150 o o 30 o o 54 o o 48 o o 33 o o 40 o o 25 o o 29 o o 2100 500 27 o o 56 o o 1000 15 o o 15 o o 500 20 o o 40 o o 2100 20 o o 25 o o 15 o o 2100 20 o o 15 o o 7 16 o ... . 121 00 1900 197 o o 106 o o 26 o o 85 o o 50 o o 2100 48 16 o 15 o o 114 10 o 28 10 o 45 o o 25 o o 25 o o 248 10 o 81 12 O 47 '5 6 82 5 o 165 o o 30 o o 84 o o 58 o o 33 o o 57 IO ° 30 o o 35 ° ° 13 4 7 1 16 2 108 1 1 3 156 10 1 5 12 4 31 18 7i 13 7 ° 4 3 9 10 18 3i o 1 4 50 17 6* 10 15 11 41 17 o 14 1 4 98 19 i\ 79 4 '°i 18 2 6 60 7 6 58 11 11 Spring Cart Coach Horse 056 '7 5 ° 5 1 1 6,822 854 725 8,945 1,043 3,214 8,256 2,479 1.592 8,415 1,800 6,235 1.376 4'3 265 1,402 302 1.039 i i i 30 o o 1000 43 14 6 5 5 8 5 8 6 72 '5 6i 082 17 11 2 1 ,. Fortnightly 2 1500 500 600 2 10 o 1 1 2 ., .. i ,, i 5 4.793 8,639 1,439 22 .. i 132 10 o 650 138 15 o 26 4 4 5 1 3 1 1 10,305 698 3.O33 8'5 538 I3.93 6 333 3,890 2,193 969 2,322 55 643 324 161 45 12 37 11 4 ., j, i 2 I 157 10 o 20 o o 54 o o 45 o o 500 25 o o 10 o o 1500 6150 ■ 182 10 o 36 15 o 69 o o 45 o o 10 o o 73 16 9 082 24 on O O II 6 1 io£ », Spring Cart I 6 500 ...



Table No. 28. TABLE showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the Postal District of Southland for the Year 1874.

Trunk Lines: I. Invercargill to Balclutha II. Invercargill to Campbelltown III. Invercargill to Kingston IV. Invercargill to Riverton V. Invercargill to Oteramika VI. Invercargill to Flint's Bush ... 3 7 1 2 29,040 41,400 41,230 45.713 2,686 8,311 18,387 7.947 30,873 28,199 2,921 9>l8 3 2,617 1.139 4.566 561 7S 18 90 21 18 Railway & Coach Railway Railway & Coach Coach Horse Coach 3 12 £ * d. 465 o o. 1500 50 o o - 30 o o 20 o o £ s. d. 8 16 o 10 3 6 8 14 6 14 4 10 £ s. d. 488 16 o 60 3 6 135 14 6 69 4 10 35 o o 70 o o £ *■ d. 48 3 4 132 4 6 148 17 o 241 12 10 11 40 13 8 4 2 2 I 2 97 o o 35 ° o 35 o o 55 ° o 1500 4 Branch Lines: I. Mataura to Switzer's II. Mataura to Fortrose lit Athol to Nokomai... IV. Riverton to Otautau V. Otautau to Bellemont VI. Otautau to Dunrobin VII. Elbow to Mararoa... VIII. Isla Bank to Flint's Bush ... IX. Riverton to Orepuki 2 I 4 1 6,009 2,686 2,099 6,693 1,244 6,691 707 2,967 •.537 9S9 6,281 618 4.'38 596 479 291 141 904 85 612 85 36 3° 9 20 32 27 36 6 Horse »» Coach Horse I I 2 I I 115 o o 60 o o 30 o o 35 ° ° 45 o o 50 o o 60 o o 300 80 o o 500 20 o o 120 o o 60 o o 30 o o 55 o o 45 o o 50 o o 60 o o 300 85 o o 2146 4 11 8 2 16 9 4 18 s 1 18 o 1600 1 .. I I I 410 1 2,722 2,699 448 24 Foot 500 11 16 8 Post Office, Invercargill ... 29 1 197.231 157.328 "7.3O5 139.872 18,246 42.348 453 1,165 o o 160 o o 674 15 8 41 18 10 47 12 o 1,366 18 10 722 7 8 662 17 o 1,705 n 4 ... Totals 453 1,165 o o 834 15 8 89 10 10 2,089 6 6 2,368 14 4 3° 354.559 257.«77

Table No. 27— continued. Table showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Otago for the Year 1874. u Correspondence received and despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. Mail Services. d Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. S.S Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times weekly. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Branch Lines —continued. XXXIV. Queenstown to Kingston XXXV. Portobello to Steamer ... XXXVI. Dunedin to Anderson's Bay XXXVII. Green Island to Brighton XXXVIII. dueenstown to Martin's Bay XXXIX. Dunedin to Mornington XL. Dunedin to Murrayville XLI. Danedin to Waikari XLII. Dunedin to Forbury XLIII. Dunedin to Albany Street XLIV. Gueenstown to Glenorchy I 1 I I I 2,409 4.O3S S48 21 4.825 '.343 7,627 1,816 22,521 191 2,241 2,090 3,062 1,559 5,222 1,066 6,420 117 1,046,222 897.377 373 864 34i 51° 258 890 137 1,067 •9 174,461 i49,5 63 20 2 9 90 2 3 2 1 Steamer Foot Spring Cart Horse Foot Mail Cart 2 6 6 1 Monthly 6 6 6 6 3 1 £ s. d. 104 o o 600 IOOO IOOO 15 o o £ s. d. 15 o o 3 15 O 10 o o £ s. d. £ s. d. 119 00 600 «3 IS ° IOOO 15 o o IOOO 4 4 7i 9 14 10^ o 3 10 200 17 o 9 o 14 10 5 i3 8 114 o 10 2 I I Foot Mail Cart Boat IOOO 18 10 o 13 IS o 85 o o 2 I 8 7O l8 9 IOOO 18 10 o 13 is ° 155 18 9 2 1 8 ■ 10 Chief Post Office, Dunedin ... r. 1,174,702 893,915 1 1 i,335 5,403 12 O 2,750 I 8 3,370 11 10 232 17 642 15 3 5 8,386 10 11 4."oi3 7 3 3,832 o 1 12,430 18 7 ... Totals ... 2,068,617 6,120 13 6 12,399 18 2 18,262 18 8 '39 1.943,599 324,024 J.33S 5,403 12 o 875 12 8


Table No. 29. SUMMARY.—Table showing the Revenue, Expenditure, &c., of the Post Office in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand for the Year 1874.


Total Correspoi idence received .nd despatched. Expenditure. Tol ll. Postal Districts. No. of Offices. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. Letters. Books and Newspapers. Cost of Conveyance to the Department. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 643 2 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland 132 1,526,781 978,361 183,393 3,768 18 o 4,oii 9 5 8,423 10 1 12,523 2 4 Thames 6 207,990 96,626 19,326 173 '6 6 919 12 8 104 11 6 1,198 o 8 1,618 o 1 Taranaki 10 151,220 86,601 10,826 667 10 o 427 10 o 39 1 o i,i34 1 o 1,336 1 3 Hawke's Bay 36 328,540 245,982 31,925 1,727 8 4 1,074 o o 95 17 9 2,897 6 1 2,972 17 11 Wellington 65 M35.732 896,513 168,097 2,395 12 8 2,718 10 o 452 3 3 5.566 5 11 40,588 16 2 Totals for North Island 249 3,650,263 2,304,083 413,567 8,733 5 f, 9.151 2 I 1,334 16 2 19.219 3 9 59.038 17 9 Nelson 27 349, O67 251,770 4i,959 463 8 10 1,119 1 10 252 o o 1,834 10 8 2,262 14 7 Westport ... 15 127,782 130.215 24,415 901 10 o 5°S 8 4 127 5 8 1.534 4 o 1,667 5 9 Marlborouoh 18 254,268 205,161 30,410 844 o o 624 13 2 53 16 o 1,522 9 2 1,368 7 3 Canterbury "3 1,702,620 707,816 142,183 5.059 » « 4,380 17 2 782 11 o 10,222 19 3 15,141 13 7 Hokitika 27 241,693 211,217 35,202 I.9S9 iS ° 968 5 10 180 17 7 3,108 18 5 1,996 8 3 Greymouth ... 20 309,587 295.654 36,956* 732 19 2 1,024 3 4 205 12 2 1,962 14 8 2,254 2 9 Otaoo '39 2,068,617 1.943.599 324,024 5,403 12 o 6,120 13 6 875 12 8 12,399 18 2 18,262 18 8 Southland ... 30 354,559 257.177 42,348 1,165 ° ° 834 15 8 89 10 10 2,089 6 6 2,368 14 4 Totals for Middle Island 389 5,408,193 4,002,609 677.497a 16,529 16 1 15'577 '8 10 2.567 5 " 34,675 o 10 45.322 5 2 Totals for the Colony 638 9,058,456 6,306,692 1,091,064! 25.263 1 7 24,729 o II 3.9 02 2 I 53,894 4 7 ♦104,361 2 II Totals for Previous Year 49,076 4 9 603 7-915.983 5.269.195 1,029,523! 23,648 16 2 22,251 14 5 3,175 14 2 *94,7o6 16 o * This includes postage on franked correspondence.

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POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. (SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, F-01

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. (SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, F-01

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