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Laid before both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with the Sixth Section of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868." Mr. J. E. FitzGebald to the Hon. the Speakeb, House of Eepresentatives. Sie, — Government Buildings, "Wellington, 20th August, 1875. In compliance with the 6th section of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," I have the honor to transmit to you, to lay before Parliament, the report of tho Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, and accompanying accounts, for the year ended 30th June, 1875. James Edwaed JFitzGeeald, Chairman of the Commissioners of tho Public Debts Sinking Funds. The Hon. the Speaker of the House of Kepresenfatives. Eepoet of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds for the Tear ended 30th June, 1875. "Wellington, 7th August, 1875. In compliance with the 6th section of " The Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds have the honor to lay before Parliament their report and accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1875. In last year's report the Commissioners referred to an application proposed to be made to the Court of Chancery, by one of the Trustees of the Sinking Funds of the Canterbury Loans, for an order to hand over to the Commissioners the sinking funds in his possession. By a decree of tho Court, dated 5th August, lS7i, the Agents of the Commissioners in England have now obtained from the Trustees the cash and securities belonging to tho sinking fund of the Canterbury Loan of 1862, and these funds have accordingly been brought to charge in the appended accounts. "With regard to the sinking funds on the Lyttelton and Christehurch Kaihvay Loan, the Commissioners have recently transmitted to England a power of attorney from Mr. J. Marshman, the sole surviving Trustee of these funds, to his Agent in London, to hand them over to the Agents of the Commissioners. The funds referred to amount to upwards of £17,.000, and the Commissioners believe that there will be no further delay in transferring them to their control. The Commissioners expect that they will also have transferred to their control at an early dale a sum of £775 2s. lid., or more, held by Mr. J Morrison, as Trustee of the sinking fund of the Canterbury Immigration Loan of 1856, the debentures of which are believed to have been wholly redeemed. The debentures outstanding of the Otago Loan of 1861-62, with the exception of £6,000, together with the whole of the debentures outstanding of the Otago Harbour Loan, having been paid oil", the Commissioners, on 1st November last, in pursuance of the powers vested in them by the Act, released and paid into the Provincial Account of Otago £14,067 2s. 6d. of the sinking funds held by them in respect of the loan of 1861-62, and the whole of the sinking funds of tho Harbour Loan amounting to £19,311 10s. James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Chairman.



De. ACCOUNT of the BECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the During tiie Yeae ended

RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860." Sinking Fund : — On £93,100, at 2 per cent.,— Half-year to 30 June, 1874 „ to 31 Dec. „ „ to 30 June, 1875" 931 0 0 931 0 0 931 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £3,100, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £3,100, 1st July to INov. „ £8,350 „ to „ „ Defence Loan Debentures, at 5i per cent., — On £18,600, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £22,280 „ to 31 Dec. „ ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defenco Loan Debentures, at 4} per cent., — On £1,134, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,460, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ „ £71, 23 Mar. „ to £200, 2 April „ to £75, 13 May „ to „ „ £7,000, 6 Not. „ to 31 Dec. „ £3,005, half-year to „ „ £10,000 „ to 30 June, 1875 Canterbury Rivers Act Debentures, at 7 per cent., — On £300, half-year to 13 Nov., 1874 „ „ to 13 May, 1875 2,?93 0 0 93 10 4 63 11 0 299 4 2 511 10 0 612 14 0 612 14 0 34 2 3 27 10 10 0 17 4 2 3 10 0 8 10 47 9 3 67 12 3 225 0 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 Investments Realized i — Treasury Bills redeemed ... ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4J per cent., in adjustment 2,619 8 1 11,460 0 0 5 0 0 11,455 0 0 "Auckland Loan Act, 1863." Sinking Fund :— On £31,600, at 2 per cent.,— One year to 1 July, 1.874 „ to „ " 1875 16,8G7 8 1 632 0 0 632 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J- per cent., — On £2,500, half-year to 30June, 1874 ... £3,150 ,, to 31 Dec. „ „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4i per cent., — On £395, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £50, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ „ £15, 23 Mar. „ to „ £160, half-year to 31 Dec. „ „ „" to 30 June, 1875 1,264 0 0 68 15 0 86 Ml 6 SiS 12 6 11 17 8 0 18 10 0 3 8 10 7 0 10 7 0 275 14 2 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862." Sinking Fund :— On £2,000, at 4 per cent., — Half-year to 30 June, 1874 „ to 31 Dec. „ „ to 30 June, 1875 1,539 14 2 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 120 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Treasury Bills,— On £100, half-year to 30 June, 1874 „ 1 July to 1 Nov. „ Defence Loan Debentures, at 5' 2 - per cent., — On £1,600, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £1,670 ., to 31 Dec. „ „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4.V per cent., — On £17, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £40, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ £43,23 Nov. „ to „ „ ... £100, half-year to 31 Dec. „ „ „ to 30 June, 1875 3 0 4 2 10 44 0 0 45 18 6 45 18 6 0 10 3 0 15 1 0 10 6 2 5 0 2 5 0 Investments Realized : — Treasury Bills redeemed 147 4 2 100 0 0 367 4 2 Carried forward ... 18,774 6 5




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "New Zealand Loaf Act, 18G0." Purchase money of £3,680, 5£ per cent. Defence Loan Debentures ... £7,065, 4,1 „ £2,000, 6 „ Debentures issued under Canterbury Eivers Act Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 3,881 13 0 7,065 19 8 2,000 0 0 2,150 0 0 15,077 12 8 i "Auckland Loan Act, 1863." Purchase money of £650, 5} per cent. Defence Loan Debentures Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 670 4 2 130 0 0 806 4 2 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862." Purchase money of £70, 5i per cent. Defence Loan Debentures Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 72 16 3 200 0 0 272 16 3 Carried forward ... 16,15G 13 1




EECEIPTS. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 18,774 6 5 " Wellington Loan Act, 18GG." Sinking Fund : — On £13,500, at 2 per cent.,— Half-year to 30 June, 1874 to 31 Dec. „ „ to 30 June, 1875 135 0 0 135 0 0 135 0 0 Interest on Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5| per cent., — On £2,500, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £2,700 „ to 31 Dec. „ £2,700 „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 41 per cent., — On £154, 29 Oct., 1873 to 30 June, 1874 £50, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ „ £26, 23 Mar. „ to „ „ £230, half-year to 31 Dec. „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Treasury Bills, — On £300, half-year to 30 June, 1874 „ 1 July to 1 Nov. „ 405 0 0 68 15 0 74 5 0 74 5 0 4 12 7 0 18 10 0 6 4 5 3 6 5 3 G 9 10 6 3 0 Investments Eealized : — Treasury Bills redeemed ... 248 13 9 300 0 0 953 13 9 " Nelson AVatebwobks Loan Act, 1864." Sinking Fund :— On £14,200, at 2 per cent.,— One year to 31 Dec, 1874 284 0 0 Interest on Investments :— Defence Loan Debentures, at 5£ per cent., — On £2,552, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £2,602 „ to 31 Dec. „ £2,G02 „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4i per cent., — On £72, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874... £50,28 Jan. to „ „ ... £308,23 Mar. to „ „ ... £10, 13 May to „ „ ... £410, half-year to 31 Dec. „ „ to 30 June, 1875... Canterbury Eivcrs Act Debentures, at 6 per cent., — On £300, half-year to 13 Nov., 1874 ... . to 13 May, 1875 70 3 7 71 11 1 71 10 0 2 3 4 0 18 10 3 15 2 0 12 9 13 0 9 18 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 Investments Eealized: — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5£ per cent., in adjustment 2G0 19 2 2 0 0 546 19 2 "Lyttelton and Ciieistchuech Bailway Loan Ordinance, 1860." Sinking Fund :— On £77,000, at 2 per cent., — 1 Jan., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Half-year to 31 Dec. „ to 30 June, 1875 ... 2,331 0 0 777 0 0 777 0 0 Interest ox Investments:— Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J per cent., — On £2,200, half-year to 31 Dec, 1874 ... „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... 3,885 0 0 60 10 0 60 10 0 121 0 0 " Canterbury Loan Obdinance, 1862." 4,006 0 0 Sinking Fund : — On £22,800, at 1 per cent.,— 1 Jan., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Half-year to 31 Dec. „ ... On account, half-year to 30 June, 1875 ... 342 0 0 114 0 0 55 10 0 Cash Balance received from the late Trustees... 511 10 0 421 18 3 Inteeest on Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 4£ per cent., — On £310, half-year to 31 Dec, 1874 „ „ to 30 June, 1875 6 19 G 6 19 G Carried forward ... 13 19 0 033 8 3 24,280 19 4



iEBTS SINKING FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 16,156 13 1 "Wellington Loan Act, 1866." Purchase money of £200, 51- per cent. Defence Loan Debentures Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 208 1 4 520 0 0 728 1 4 452 0 4 " Nelson Wateetvobks Loan Act, 1864." Purchase money of £50, 5J per cent. Defence Loan Debentures Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 52 0 4 400 0 0 "Lottelton and Cheistchubch Railway Loan Oedinance, 1860." Purchase money of £2,200, 5J per cent. Defence Loan Debentures ... Contribution towards purchase money of £1,100, New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 2,301 1 9 777 0 0 860 0 0 3,938 1 9 " Canteebuby Loan Ordinance, 1862." Purchase money of £310, 4| per cent. Defence Loan Debentures „ £400, New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols Contribution towards purchase money of £1,100, New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 311 18 2 419 10 0 1,248 8 2 367 0 0 150 0 0 Carried forward ... 22,523 4 8




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 13 19 0 933 8 3 24,280 19 4 " Cantebbitby Loan Obdinance, 1862 "—continued. Inteeest on Investments — continued. New Zealand Consols, at 5 per cent., — On £3,200, 3 months to 15 Oct., 1874 ... £3,600 „ to 15 Jan., 1875 ... Hew South Wales Debentures, at 5 per cent., — On £9,200, half-year to 1 Jan., 1875 39 13 4 44 12 6 22S 1 8 32G 6 6 "Otago Loan Obdinance, 1861-62." 1,259 14 9 Sinking Fund:— On £40,100, at 3 per cent., — One year to 1st July, 1874 1,203 0 0 Ixteeest ox Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J per cent., — On £6,100, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £5,400 „ to 31 Dec. „ „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4£ per cent., — On £1,662, half-year to 30 June, 1874. ... £218, 23 Mar. to £300, 28 Jan. to „ „ £130, 15 Juno to „ „ Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem,— On £700, half-year to 30 June, 1S74 Dunedin Waterworks Debentures, — On £5,000, 1 Feb. to 30 June, 1874 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures, — On £3,250, 1 May to 30 Juno, 1874 167 IB 0 148 10 0 148 10 0 49 19 11 2 13 2 5 13 2 0 4 10 21 2 4 166 13 4 43 6 8 Investments Realized : £2,310, Defence Loan Debentures, at 4£ per cent. £9,650 „ „ at5i „ 754 8 5 2,311 18 2 10,094 6 4 12,406 4 6 14,363 12 11 "Otago Loan Oedinance, 1862." Sinking Fund : — On £116,700, at 1 per cent., — One year to 1 July, 1874 1,167 0 0 Ixteeest on Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J per cent., — On £5,948, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £4,648 „ to 31 Dec £4,650 „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4^ per cent., — On £1,511, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £300, 28 Jan. to £119,23 Mar. to „ „ £20, 13 May to „ £150, 15 June to „ „ £2,200, half-year to 31 Dec. „ „ „ to 30 June, 1875 Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On"£100, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... • City of Duuedin Mortgages,— On £3,300, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £1,650 „ to22Nov Dunedin Waterworks Debentures, — On £5,000, at 8 per cent., 1 to 31 July, 1874 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures, — On £3,900, 1 May to 1 July, 1874 163 11 5 127 16 5' 127 17 6 45 9 1 5 13 2 19 1 0 2 5 0 5 6 49 10 0 49 10 0 3 0 4 115 10 0 57 15 0 33 6 8 52 0 0 832 16 7 Investments Realized :— Moiety of Principal of City of Dunedin Mortgage 1,650 0 0 3,649 16 7 " Otago Haebouu Loan Oedinance, 1862." Sinking Firao: — On £'14,100, at 3 per cent., — One year to 1 Kot., 1874 1,323 0 0 Interest on Investments :— Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J per cent., — On £6,200, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... 170 10 0 Carried forward ... 43,554 3 7



•EBTS SINKING FUNDS— continued. Cu DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ b. a. Brought forward 22,523 4 8 " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62." Amount realized and paid into the Provincial Account, Otago, under an award of the Commissioners, dated 5th November, 1874 Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. 14,067 2 6 140 0 0 14,207 2 G "Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862." Purchase money of £1,450, 6i per cent. Defence Loan Debentures ... Accrued interest, 22 May to 30 June, 1874, on City of Dunedin Mortgage, £1,650, transferred 1 July, 1874 Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. Adjustment of 5^ per cent. Defence Loan Debentures transferred from Nelson Waterworks Loan ... 1,509 5 10 12 13 1 1,950 0 0 2 0 0 3,473 18 11 • " Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862." Purchase money of £200, 5i per cent. Defence Loan Debentures £100,5i „ 208 1 4 104 8 10 Amount realized and paid into the Provincial Account, Otago, under an award of the Commissioners, dated 5 November, 1874 312 10 2 19,311 10 0 IE,624 0 2 Carried forward ... 59,828 6 3




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 43,554 3 7 " Otago Habbottb Loan Oedinakce, 1862 "—continued. Interest on Investments — continued. Defence Loan Debentures, at 4j per cent., — On £1,752, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £400, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ „ £75, 13 May „ to „ „ £163, 15 June „ to „ „ Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £2,700, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £5,800, 1 July to 1 Nov. „ Otago Harbour Loan Debentures, at 8 per cent., — On £8,700, 1 July to 1 Nov., 1874 £2,600, 1 May to „ Otago Public Buildings Loan Debentures, at 8 per cent., — On £1,525,1 April to 1 July, 1874 City of Dunedin Mortgages, — On £1,650, 22 May to 30 June, 1874 Canterbury Rivers Act Debentures, — On £100, 13 May to 13 June, 1874 52 14 1 7 10 11 0 8 10 0 6 0 81 9 0 118 18 0 232 0 0 104 0 0 30 10 0 12 13 1 0 18 9 Investments Realized:— Treasury Bills Defence Loan Debentures, at 5J per cent. u » at4i „ Otago Harbour Loan Debentures 811 18 8 5,800 0 0 316 14 2 65 19 8 11,300 0 0 17,482 13 10 "Otago Prune Buildings Loan Oedinance, 1862." Sinking Fund :— On £40,075, at 3 per cent.,— Ono year to 1 Oct., 1874 19,617 12 6 1,202 5 0 Intebest on Investments : — Defence Loan Debentures, at 5£ per cent., — On £4,000, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £5,350 „ to 31 Dec „ „ to 30 June, 1875 ... Defence Loan Debentures, at 4J per cent., — On £1,503, 29 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £350, 28 Jan., 1874, to „ „ £20, 13 May „ to „ „ £157, 15 June „ to „ „ £4,255, half-year to 31 Dec. „ £4,260 „ to 30 June, 1875 Treasury Bills, at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On' £3,000, half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... £700, 1 July to 1 Nov. „ Otago Public Buildings Loan Debentures, — On £1,525, 1 July to 1 Oct., 1874 Otago Harbour Loan Debentures, — On £1,550, 1 May, to 30 June, 1874 City of Dunedin Mortgage, — On £1,650, half-year to 22 Nov., 1874 ... Canterbury Rivers Act Debentures, — On £1,400, half-year to 13 Nov., 1874 ... „ „ to 13 May, 1875 ... 110 0 0 147 2 6 147 2 6 45 4 3 6 12 1 0 2 5 0 5 10 05 14 9 05 17 0 90 10 0 14 7 0 30 10 0 20 13 4 57 15 0 49 0 0 49 0 0 Investments Reaxized : — Treasury Bills City of Dunedin Mortgage... 959 16 8 700 0 0 1,650 0 0 2,350 0 0 4,512 1 8 Total Receipts ... 67,683 17 0 Balance on 30 June, 1874: — Cash in the Bank of New Zealand ... 38 9 11 £67,722 7 8



'EBTS SINKING FUNDS— continued. Cit. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward 59,828 6 3 # " Otago Public Buildings Loan Obdinance, 1862." Purchase money of £150, 5J per cent. Defence Loan Debentures £50,5| £1,150, 54 „ . £2,500, 6 „ Canterbury Rivers Act Deben156 0 10 52 4 5 1,209 2 5 tures Advance on General Purposes Loan Debentures, at 6 per cent. Adjustment of 4^ per cent. Defence Loan Debentures Accrued interest on Canterbury Rivers Act Debentures for £100, 13 May to 30 June, 1874 2,500 0 0 300 0 0 5 0 0 0 18 9 4,223 6 5 Total Disbubsehents Balance on 30 June, 1875 :— Cash in the Bank of New Zealand ... Cash in the hands of Messrs. Julyan and Featherston ... 64,051 12 8 3,667 9 3 3 5 9 3,670 IS 0 £67,722 7 8



STATEMENT of tlio Funds lield by the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds on 30th June, 1875.

1 1 LoA] :S I!J EESPECT O] WHICH THB :iNG FuKDS A] nEiD p It "New Zealand Loan Act, I860." "Auckland Loan Act, 1863." " Wellington Loan Act, 1802." " Wellington Loan Act, I860." "Nelson Waterworks L:>Hil Ad, 1861." "Lyttelton and Christchureh Railway Loan Act, 1860." "Canterbury Loan Act, 1862." " Otago Loan " Otago Loan Ordinance, Ordinance, 1861-62." 1802." " Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862." Totals. JVESTMESTS :— Defence Loan Debentures ,, ,, Canterbury Eivcvs Act Debentures General Purposes Loan Debentures Consolidated Loan Debentures New South Wales Debentures Otago Public Buildings Loan Debentures ... City of Dunedin Mortgage Dunediu Waterworks Debentures... 7 6 6 5 5 8 7 8 £ s. d. 22,280 0 0 10,000 0 0 300 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,150 0 0 £ B. d.\ 3,150 0 0 460 0 0 130 "o 0 £ s. d. 1,670 0 0 100 0 0 20o'"o a £ e. d. '2,700 0 0 230 0 Oj j 52o'"o 0| £ s. d. 2,600 0 0 440 0 0 300 0 0 4OO'"O 0 £ s. d. 2,200 0 0 860 0 0 7.47 0 0 £ S. d. 310 0 0 150 0 0 3,953 0 0 9,200 0 0 £ 8. d. 5,400 0 0 140 0 0 £ s. d. 4,050 0 0 2,200 0 0 1,950 0 0 £ s. d. 5,350 0 0 4,260 0 0 1,400 0 0 2,500 0 0 300 0 0 £ s. d. 50,000 0 0 18,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 6,800 0 0 4,700 0 0 9,200 0 0 1,525 0 0 3,300 0 0 5,000 0 0 ... 3,300 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,625" 0 0 . ... ... ... ... ASH AWAITING INVESTMENT 36,730 0 0 1,794 3 11 3,740 0 0 736 14 9 1,970 0 0 98 11 7j 3,450 0 0 i 227 12 10! 3,740 0 0 102 8 7\ '3,807 0 0 67 18 3 13,613 0 0 11 6 7 5,540 0 0 157 0 0 17,100 0 0 180 15 3 15,335 0 0 294 8 3 i 105,025 0 0 3,670 15 0 Totals ... 38,524 3 11 15,629 3 3 108,695 15 0 4,476 14 9j 2,068 11 7 3,677 12 10 3,842 8 7 3,874 18 3 13,624 6 7 5,697 0 0 17,280 15 3 STATEMENT showing the Debentures of each. Loan in Cibculation, and tho Sinkii Lg Funds accrued, on 30th June 1875. Loan. Debentures in Circulation. Rate of Sinking Funds. When Redeemable. Sinking Funda Accrued. Now Zealand Loan Act, 1860" Auckland Loan Act, 1S63 "... Wellington Loan Act, 18G2 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866 " £ s. d. 93,100 0 0 31,600 0 0 2,000 0 0 13,500 0 0 2 per cent. ... 4 „ 2 1 July, 1891 ... 1 June, 1896 ... 1 July, 1877 ... 1 July, 1886 ... < 1 January, 1876, £ 8,000 } ( 1 „ 1881, £6,200 ) 1891 -to 1897 ... 50 yeai'3 from dalo of issue 31 December, 1875 1 July, 1S98... 1 October, 1875 £ i. d. 38,521- 3 11 4,476 14 9 2,068 11 7 3,677 12 10 Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864 " 14,200 0 0 2 „ 3,842 8 7 Lyttelton and Christchurcli Kail nay Loan Act, 1860" ... Canterbury Loan Act, 18G2" Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62 " Otago Loan Ordinance, 18G2 " Oingo Public Buildings Lean Ordinance, 1802 " 77,000 0 0 22,800 0 0 6,000 0 0 116,700 0 0 40,075 0 0 2 „ 1 „ 3 „ 1 3 3,874 18 3 13,624 0 7 6,697 0 0 17,280 15 3 15,629 3 3 Totals ... £110,975 0 0 £108,695 15 0 STATEMENT of the Expenses paid during tho Tear ended 00th June, 1875. Salary of the Secretary and Accountant, 1st July, 1874, to 30th June, 1875 ... ... ... ... ... £50. James C. Gavin, Secretary and Accountant to the Commissioners.



It is hereby certified that the accounts of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds for the year ending the 30th June, 1875, have been duly audited and found to be correct; that there are securities belonging to the fund in the custody of the Commissioners for the sum of £91,125 invested by them, and that securities for the sum of £13,900 are in the hands of Messrs. Julyan and Featherston, the Agents of the Commissioners, as appears by the accounts of those gentlemen, and that the uninvested" balance in the hands of the Commissioners on the 30th June last amounted to the sum of £3,667 9s. 3d. as shown by the bank pass-book, exclusive of the sum of £3 5s. 9d. stated to be in the hands of Messrs. Julyan and Featherston. James Edward FitzG-eeaib, 20th August, 1875. Commissioner of Audit. We hereby certify that we have this day counted and examined the securities in the hands of the Commissioners of the Public Debts Sinking Funds, and find them to consist of the following documents :— 100 Debentures of the New Zealand Defence Loan of 1870 for £500 each £50,000 1 Scrip Certificate for Debentures of the same loan... ... ... 18,000 1 7 per cent. Debenture of the Conservators of South Waimakariri District ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,000 9 6 per cent. ditto ditto of £500 each 4,500 1 Scrip Certificate for £7,200 Debentures to be issued under the General Purposes Loan to secure ... ... ... ... ... 6,800 61 Debentures of the Otago Public Buildings Loan for £25 each, representing ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,525 Mortgage by the Corporation of the City of Dunedin to secure ... 3,300 50 Debentures of the Dunedin "Waterworks for £100 each ... ... 5,000 Total ... ... ... £91,125 W. Best, Chief Clerk and Cashier, Treasury. J. Gr. Anderson, 20th August, 1875. Chief Clerk, Audit. By Authority: Geosoe Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—1875. Price 9cl.]

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SINKING FUNDS. REPORT AND ACCOUNTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE PUBLIC DEBTS SINKING FUNDS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1875., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, B-13

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