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Presented to loth Souses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.



GENERAL BALANCE SHEET:— Page Cash Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... •... ... ... rv. Interest and Sinking Fund Remittance Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... v. Funded Debt and Sinking Fund Accounts ... ... ... ... ' ... ... ... yi. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Account of Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vin. Abstract or Disbursements, showing the Total Payments under each Vote ... ... x. Statement of the Reserve Account op the Year 1872-73 ... ... ... ... ... xiii. Receipts op the Consolidated Fund in detail, — Page Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Stamp Duties ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 I'OSTAL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Telegraphic ... • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Judicial Fees and Fines ... ~. ... ... ... ... ... 8 Registration and other Fees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Incidental Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Disbursements of the Consolidated Fund in detail, — Civil List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Permanent Charges ... ... ... ».. ... ... ... ... 17 Appropriations,— Class I.—Public Departments ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 ll.—Law and Justice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 lll.—Postal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 IV. —Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 V.—Native ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 VI. —Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 47 VII. —Militia and Volunteers ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 VllL—Public Domains and Buildings, ... ... ... ... ... 51 Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 52 Refunds of Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Payments to Provinces ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Redemption of Treasury Bills ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Stamp Duties Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 Statement of the Advances Outstanding ... ... ... ... ... ... 55 Tabular Statement of the Ordinary Revenue ... ... ... ... ... 56 Statement showing the Expenditure as compaeed with the Appropriations ... ... 57 Statement of Accounts with the Provinces under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 SPECIAL FUNDS :— Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvi. , LAND FUND:— Receipts and Disbursement;, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xl. TRUST FUND :— Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlviii. Balance Sheet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lii. Trustees' Relief Act Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... liii. Investment Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... liii. ADVANCES :— Balance Sheet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lvi. Advances—Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lvii. Advances—Foreign Imprest Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lxiv. SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNT lxvi.







Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. See Pages. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED FUND ACCOUNTS :— Consolidated Revenue Account Treasury Bills Account ... Pans op Issue Account £ s. d. 256,963 2 10 £ e. d. 545,000 0 0 462 12 0 £ s. d. 1,403,845 9 4 45,000 0 0 £ s. d. 1,537,648 11 11 £ s. d. 123,160 0 3 £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 462 12 0 545,462 12 0 500,462 12 0 123,160 0 3 SPECIAL FUND ACCOUNTS :— "New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863" ... "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... Consolidated Loan Redemption Account ... "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account "Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871" " North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 " "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873" "Westland Loan Act, 1873" VIII. XVI. XVIII. M XXII. XXXII. 288,499 9 2 595 12 11 9,977 2 1 103,732 3 9 195,423 12 7 5,638 10 6 66,635 4 8 100 0 0 5,587 5 7 25,000 0 0 166,735 8 0 2,930,742 18 6 1,448,845 9 4 1,537,648 11 11 69,744 4 9 100 0 0 780 5 4 25,000 0 0 107,849 10 2 3,003,362 7 3 50 0 0 16,350 0 0 334 7 9 66,005 11 8 218,652 2 6 50,800 0 0 377,302 11 9 3,704 13 0 5,170 1 10 44,846 5 11 268,043 1 4 5,688 10 6 14,520 2 1 )) 1,829 17 11 334 7 9 66,005 11 8 192,058 4 11 43,568 13 9 H XXXIV. XXXVI. 26,593 17 7 7,231 6 3 H 315,367 1 10 3,498,597 12 9 3,559,028 9 5 375,797 18 6 LAND FUND ACCOUNTS :— Province or Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bat Nelson Marlborough Canterbury ... Westland Otago Native Lands Acts Account ... ... ... 10 18 5 16 13 4 60 15 7 39 0 9 40 17 4 18,347 15 11 998 3 4 36,656 16 11 39,248 9 2 36,094 13 1 7,595 5 10 685,503 6 10 26,899 6 10 283,879 10 2 10,907 8 7 18,474 16 7 998 3 4 36,656 16 11 39,231 15 10 36,094 13 1 7,596 11 4 686,054 4 6 26,921 18 0 304,802 6 3 11,557 1 9 137 19 1 60 15 7 40 6 3 591 15 0 15 16 0 22,650 9 1 2,061 19 6 ... "(B 15 2 1,727 13 0 1,412 6 4 3,308 4 9 6 15 2 XLrv. 3,301 9 7 1,146,130 16 8 1,168,388 7 7 25,559 0 6



GENERAL BALANCE SHEET OF TRANSACTIONS— continued CASH ACCOUNTS-co"^"^-Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. See Pages Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. PUBLIC TRUST FUND ACCOUNTS :— Miscellaneous Accounts ... Investment Account £ s. d. 581,940 8 8 £ 8. d. 636,423 18 3 £ b. d. 140,684 18 8 298,300 0 0 £ b. d. 280,367 18 2 195,850 15 4 £ s. d. 684,389 13 4 £ 8. d. 776, 106 17 9 636,423 18 3 776,106 17 9 684,389 13 4 PUBLIC ACCOUNT:— Bank op New Zealand in the Colony Bank op New Zealand in London ... l. 54,483 9 7 438,984 18 8 476,218 13 6 91,717 4 5 243,365 2 9 337,166 13 6 2,616,817 14 6 1,525,106 14 2 2,261,346 13 0 1,745,023 6 6 4,006,369 19 6 598,836 4 3 117,250 1 2 580, 531 16 3 4,141,924 8 8 716,086 5 5 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS LVI. 81,726 3 5 2,709,231 7 0 2,635,997 0 2 154,960 10 3 RECEIPTS IN SUSPENSE 606 9 6 69,224 6 6 69,287 17 6 670 0 6 SUMMARY OF BALANCES OF CASH ACCOUNTS. Public Account Advance Accounts Balances, De. £ s. d. 716,086 5 5 154,960 10 3 Consolidated Fund Special Funds Land Fund Teust Fund Receipts in Suspense Balances, Cb. £ e. d. 377,302 11 9 375,797 18 6 25,559 0 6 91,717 4 5 670 0 6 Total Total £871,046 15 8 £871,046 15 8 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-REMITTANCE ACCOUNTS. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. I £ s. d. £ s. d. 24,782 4 6 750 0 0 £ e. d. 495,952 1 6 100,289 0 0 £ b. d. 481,740 16 4 99,539 0 0 £ b. d. £ s. d. 10,570 19 4 Interest Remittance Account Sinking Fund Remittance Account Suspense Remittance Account :— ■ Bank of New Zealand ... Crown Agents, London Oriental Bank Corporation, Sydney Union Bank of Australia, London Bank of Australasia, London 4,432 7 9 5,272 5 0 6,870 0 0 8,957 11 9 23,583 7 9 545,815 0 4 27,996 8 10 547,208 5 4 6,755 7 4 14,281 0 0 346 0 0 19 6 8 3,879 0 0 114 12 8 6,212 0 0 346 0 0 11,535 8 3 692 0 0 Totals 1,177,866 17 10 1,177,866 17 10 10,570 19 4 10,570 19 4 25,532 4 6 25,532 4 6




Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. See Pages Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT :— Old Debenture Account ... Under "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863" "Debentures Acts, 1864-65" "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" "Depence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" ... "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" " NoRTn Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872" "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873" "Westland Loan Act, 1873" "Treasury Bills Act, 1869," No. 2 ... "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... "Treasury Bills Act, 1871" £ b. d. 311 0 0 500, 000 0 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 150 0 0 4,555,100 0 0 723, 500 0 0 1,923,900 0 0 75,000 0 0 9,000 0 0 £ «. d. £ 8. d. 129,000 0 0 1,626,300 .0 0 £ b. d. 100 0 0 25,000 0 0 41,500 0 0 378, 100 0 0 £ s. d. 311 0 0 500, 000 0 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 50 0 0 4,530, 100 0 0 808,000 0 O 3,172,100 0 0 75,000 0 0 . 42,300 0 0 218,600 0 0 50,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 £ 8. d. 38,000 0 0 257,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 4,700 0 0 38,600 0 0 ... 150, 000 0 0 370,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 ... |9,964, 461 0 0 2,100,500 0 0 556,000 0 0 11,508,961 0 0 DEBENTURES ACCOUNT 10,315,561 0 0 621,000 0 0 2,626,400 0 0 12,320,961 0 0 DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT 351,100 0 0 1,292,000 0 0 831,100 0 0 812,000 0 0 SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS :— Loan op 1856 1860 1863 Consolidated Loans 192,070 0 5 29,732 16 3 169,780 7 10 273, 790 8 4 29 12 6 20,150 5 3 3,579 12 7 29,600 5 5 84,915 5 0 212,220 5 8 33,312 8 10 199,351 0 9 358,705 13 4 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS :— Teustees Sinking Fund Loan of 1856 1860 „ 18C3 Consolidated Loans lxvi. 665,373 12 10 29 12 6 138,245 8 3 803,589 8 7 192,070 0 5 29,732 16 3 169,780 7 10 273,790 8 4 20,150 5 3 3,579 12 7 29,600 5 5 84,915 5 0 29 12 6 212,220 5 8 33,312 8 10 199,351 0 9 358,705 13 4 ... LXVII. 665,373 12 10 138,245 8 3 29 12 6 803,589 8 7 ... SUMMARY OF BALA! CES OF PUBLIC >EBT AND SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS. Balances, De. £ s. d. 11,508,961 0 0 812,000 0 0 803,589 8 7 Balances, Cr. £ s. d. 12,320,961 O 0 803,589 8 7 Public Debt Account Debentures Sales Account Investment Accounts Debentures Account Sinking Fund Accounts ... Total £13,124,550 8 7 Total £13,124,550 8 7 C. T. Batkin, Secretary to the Treasury. James C. Gavin, Accountant to the Treasur; Daniel Pollen, Acting Colonial Treasurer.



b—B. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. On Account op Previous Years :— Recoveries, — From Provinces, on account of Balances at Debit of Capitation Accounts, on 30 June, 1873 From Imperial Government, — Balance of overpayments of Drawbacks and Refunds to Contractors £871 1 11 Refund on account of San Francisco Service 1,534 0 0 1,222 2 10 On account of Unauthorized Expenditure of 1871-72 ... On account of Unauthorized Expenditure of 1872-73 ... Customs Department, Passage Money recovered 2,405 1 11 24 4 8 1,852 7 5 2 5 0 5,506 1 10 Transfer from Consolidated Loan Act Account, under Section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " 4,612 1 4 Credits in Reduction op Expenditure,— • Permanent Charges, — Interest and Sinking Fund Appropriations ... 775 0 0 3,686 7 4 4,461 7 4 Total on Account of Previous Years 14,579 10 6 Financial Year 1873-74:— Ordinary Revbnue, — Customs Stamp Duties Postal ... Telegraphic Judicial Fees and Fines ... ... ... Registration and other Fees ... ... ... Incidental Receipts 1,129,503 1 3 94,656 0 5 60,535 18 2 51,082 18 9 28,459 17 3 34,643 14 8 21,335 6 9 1,420,216 17 3 Credits in Reduction op Expenditure,— Civil List Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... £80,796 9 9 Under Acts of the General Assembly ... 626 7 5 401 10 10 81,422 17 2 1,675 4 9 Appropriations ... Unauthorized, — Services not provided for Payments to Provinces 4,687 14 1 14,664 17 4 102,852 4 2 1,523,069 1 5 Total Receipts ... 1,537,648 11 11 Balance on 30 June, 1873 : — Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for:— Colonial Foreign 261,338 5 0 12,285 13 9 14,875 10 5 27,161 4 2 288,499 9 2 Total ... ;l, 826,148 1 1




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. On Account op Previous Years:— Civil List Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund Under Acts of the General Assembly 252,756 13 3 4,725 3 6 1,888 2 1 Appropriations, — Reserve Account... Vote No. 1, Miscellaneous ... ... ... £29,693 15 9 Less in excess of Appropriation ... ... 1,576 13 8 257,481 16 9 13,403 9 11 28,117 2 1 41,520 12 0 Unauthorized, — In excess of Appropriation ... ... 1,576 13 8 Payments to Provinces 302,467 4 6 2,770 19 10 Total on Account of Previous Years ,.. 305,238 4 4 Financial Year 1873-74 *— Civil List Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund ... ... £368,72119 2 Under Acts of the General Assembly ... 37,656 14 4 29,216 1 11 406,378 13 6 Appropriations, — Class I.—Public Departments ,.. ... £60,363 17 8 II.—Law and Justice ... ... 62,572 14 O III.—Postal and Telegraph ... ... 140,302 5 5 IV— Customs ... ... ... 44,387 13 2 V.—Native ... ... ... 22,678 19 0 VI.—Miscellaneous ... ... ... 37,246 17 10 VII.—Militia and Volunteers ... ... 18,297 18 3 VIII.—Public Domains, &c. ... ... 9,503 19 10 £395,354 5 2 Less in excess of Appropriations ... ... 13,820 16 0 Refunds of Revenue ... Unauthorized, — In excess of Appropriations ... ... £13,820 16 0 Services not provided for ... ... ... 24,65114 10 381,533 9 2 7,008 10 7 38,472 10 10 Payments to Provinces Treasury Bills redeemed Transfers to Immigration and Public Works Loan, — Moiety of Stamp Duties ... To provide for Interest and Sinking Fund, to be paid out of Loan in London ... ... ... ... ... ,,, 833,393 4 1 38,670 12 10 45,000 0 0 47,327 6 2 150,000 0 0 197,327 6 2 Total Disbursements ... 11,143,607 5 0 1,448,845 9 4 Balances on 30 June, 1874 :— Cash in the Public Account ... ... ... Advances unaccounted for, — Colonial Foreign ... ..< 357,587 3 3 18,149 8 1 1,566 0 5 19,715 8 6 377,302 11 9 Total ... 11,826,148 1 1




Foe Details see Page £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. CIVIL LIST. 16 1G First Division :— The Judges ... Establishment of the General Government 125 0 0 402 12 10 16 Second Division:— Native Purposes 1,360 9 3 1,888 2 1 PERMANENT CHARGES. 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 Interest and Sinking Fund : — " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 " " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 " "PublicDebta Act, 1867" " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 " 12,750 0 0 47 8 3 40,340 0 0 26 5 0 133,593 0 0 18,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 252,756 13 3 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 Under Acts of the General Assembly :— " Armitage Pension Act, 1865 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" "Civil Service Act, 1866" " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " ... " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Native Schools Act, 1867 " ... " Provincial Audit Act, 1866 "... " Schafer, McGuire, and Others Pension Act, 1872 " " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 "... 37 10 0 690 17 6 1,024 13 2 100 0 0 55 0 0 93 17 2 879 5 9 37 10 0 1,693 6 7 16 13 4 46 10 0 50 0 0 4,725 3 6 APPROPRIATIONS. 13,403 9 11 • XIII. Reserve Account 51 51 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 38 39 46 47 Vote No. 1: — Item 1—Government Domains ... ... „ 2—Public Buildings „ 3 —Governor's Establishment „ 4 —Legislative Department „ 5 —Executive Department „ 6 —Printing Department „ 7—Geological Department „ 8 —Electoral Department „ 9 —Crown Lands Office ... „ 10 —Land Transfer Department „ 11—Deeds Registry „ 12 —Maintenance of Native Rebels... „ 13 —Supreme Court „ 14—District Courts „ 15 —Resident Magistrates' Courts ... „ 16 —Petty Sessions Courts ,,, .., „ 17 —Justices of the Peace Act „ 18 —Coroners Act „ 19 —Jurors Act ... ... ... „ 20—Postal Department ... „ 21—Telegraph Department „ 22—Native Department ... ... „ 23—Miscellaneous Services 128 17 6 5,807 3 3 156 8 2 439 0 3 684 18 10 243 0 0 52 10 6 1,217 5 1 20 12 0 245 2 1 123 16 7 185 14 9 365 9 0 168 14 10 842 15 4 45 3 0 191 13 9 352 14 6 9 14 0 6,122 5 0 1,656 15 7 2,138 17 5 8,495 4 4 29,693 15 9 54 Payments to Provinces 2,770 19 10 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 305,238 4 4 Carried forward 305,238 4 4



ABSTBACT of DISBURSEMENTS of the CON; OLIDATED FUND— cont, Inued. Fob Details see Page Brought forward £ 8. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. 305,238 4 4 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. CIVIL LIST. 4,916 13 4 7,700 0 0 9,710 8 5 16 16 17 First Division :— His Excellency the Governor ... The Judges ... ... ... ... .., Establishment of the General Government 17 Second Division :— Native Purposes 6,889 0 2 29,216 1 11 Total Civil List ... PERMANENT CHARGES. 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Interest and Sinking Fund :— " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 " "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 " "Public Debts Act, 1867" " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" ... "Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73" " Wellington Debts Act, 1871" " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " "Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2 " "Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870 "... "Treasury Bills Act, 1871" ... 17,250 0 0 7,448 0 0 56,456 0 0 10,039 0 0 137,731 15 10 23,788 1 2 78,390 10 5 3,750 0 0 1,393 14 4 9,125 0 0 22,194 8 1 1,155 9 4 Under Acts of the General Assembly :— " Armitage Pension Act, 1865 " " Attorney-General's Act, 1866 " " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 " "Bartley Pension Act, 1867" ... " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Comptroller's Act, 1865 " " Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 "... " Legislative Officer's Salaries Act, 1867 " "Martin's Annuity Act, 1858",.. " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " ... " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " "Native Schools Act, 1867" ... " Ministerial Residences Lease and Lowry Bay Sale Act, 1873 " "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867 " " New Zealand University Act, 1870 " ... "Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " ... " Pensions Act, 1856 " "Prisoners Maintenance Expenses Act, 1871" " Protection of Animals Act, 1867 " "Provincial Audit Act, 1866" ... " Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858 " " Schafer, McGuiro, and Others Pension Act, 1872 " " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 " " Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 " 368,721 19 2 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 112 10 0 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 5,854 15 6 4,400 13 8 800 0 0 450 0 0 2,982 15 11 250 0 0 100 0 0 313 10 0 929 14 2 2,584 13 1 7,838 11 11 802 8 6 800 0 0 3,000 0 0 75 0 0 400 0 0 221 8 3 12 10 0 1,906 17 2 1,464 6 8 76 19 6 80 0 0 100 0 0 37,656 14 4 APPROPRIATIONS. 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 Class I.—Public Departments. Vote No. 2—Legislative Department „ 3—Executive Department „ 4—Stamp Department ... „ 5 —Printing Department ... ... „ 6—Store Department „ 7 —Geological and Meteorological Department „ 8 —Electoral Department „ 9 —Secretary for Crown Lands' Department Expenditure in excess of Appropriations ... . .,, 21,583 5 0 15,668 7 3 2,954 0 7 9,124 5 9 507 10 0 2,540 9 9 2,472 1 8 1,641 8 3 3,872 9 5 60,363 17 8 32 32 33 33 34 34 Class II.—Law and Justice. Vote No. 10 —Office of the Minister of JuBtice „ 11—Crown Law Office ... „ 12—Supremo Court „ 13—District Courts „ 14 —Resident Magistrates' Courts ... „ 15—Petty Sessions Courts 1,143 0 0 1,050 0 0 7,275 16 8 4,785 0 0 18,848 3 0 350 0 0 Carried forward 33,451 19 8 495,958 13 1 305,238 4 4



ABSTRACT of DISBUESEMENTS of the CONS iLIDATED FUND—continued. Foe Details see Page Brought forward £ s. d. 33,451 19 8 £ s. d. 495,958 13 1 £ s. d. 305,238 4 4 35 .35 33 33 33 30 3(5 36 37 Class II.—Law and Justice— continued. Vote No. 16—Criminal Prosecutions „ 17 —Justices of the Peace Act „ 18 —Coroners ... „ 19—Lunatics „ 20—Jurors „ 21 —Contingencies „ 22 —Registry of Land „ 23 —Registry of Deeds ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 5,481 8 4 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 402 2 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 7,763 8 4 8,185 0 0 3,388 15 8 62,572 14 0 39 39 39 89 39 40 40 40 40 •10 10 40 41 12 u Class III.—Postal. Vote No. 24 —Postal Department ... „ 25 —Conveyance of Mails by Sea ... „ 26—Auckland ... „ 27 —Taranaki ... „ 28—Wellington „ 29 —Hawke's Bay „ 30—Nelson „ 31—Marlborough „ 32 —Canterbury „ 33—Westland ... „ 34 —Otago „ 35 —Conveyance of Inland Mails ... „ 36 —Contingencies for all Post Offices „ 37 —Telegraph Department Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 4,074 5 1 32,243 6 8 5,263 14 11 408 15 0 2,350 9 5 760 0 0 1,772 7 0 605 0 0 4,274 19 6 1,621 15 9 6,359 7 0 26,293 1 4 2,814 7 6 45,145 3 7 6,315 12 8 Class IV.—Customs. 140,302 5 5 15 46 Vote No. 38—Customs and Distilleries „ 39 —Marine Department... 37,717 2 7 6,670 10 7 44,387 13 2 •16 47 47 47 ■47 Class V.—Native. Vote No. 40—Salaries of European and Native Officers „ 41 —General Contingencies „ 42—Native Land Court ... „ 43—" Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870" ... „ 44 —"Hawke's Bay Nativo Lands Alienation Commission Act, 1872 " „ 45 —Native Councils 12,621 16 1 7,931 0 4 1,150 0 0 314 2 9 47 563 5 0 98 1'4 10 22,678 19 0 Class VI. —Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects. 49 49 19 40 Voto No. 46—Miscellaneous „ 47 —Auckland ... „ 48—Otago „ 49 —Bank Commission ... 36,032 1 7 12 0 0 39 6 0 1,163 10 3 37,246 17 10 Class VII.—Militia and Volunteers. 50 50 50 51 Voto No. 50 —Militia and Volunteer Office ... „ 51 —Store Department ... „ 52—North Island „ 53—South Island 300 0 0 2,888 11 10 10,087 17 11 5,021 8 6 18,297 18 3 Class VIII.—Public Domains and Buildings. 51 52 52 52 52 Vote No. 54—Government Domains „ 55 —Public Buildings „ 56—Museum ... „ 57—Colonial Architect ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriations 1,113 12 0 7,196 9 7 500 0 0 450 0 0 243 18 3 Unauthorized Expenditure,— Services not provided for Refunds op Revenue Payments to Provinces Teeasuey Bills Redeemed Moiety op Stamp Duties transfereed to Immigration and Public Works Loan Account Transfer to Immigration and Public Works Loan Account for Interest and Sinking Fund to be paid therefrom in London ... 9,503 19 10 53 54 54 54 54 24,651 14 10 7,008 10 7 38,670 12 10 45,000 0 0 47,327 6 2 150,000 0 0 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 1,143,607 5 0 Total Disbursements !1,448,845 9 4



STATEMENT of the RESERVE ACCOUNT of the YEAR 1872-73; showing the SUMS RESERVED under each VOTE, the SUMS EXPENDED during the FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74, and the BALANCES remaining UNEXPENDED on the 30th June, 1874.

No. op Vote, 1872-73. Paeticulaes of Vote. Amounts Reserved. AMOUNT3 Expended. Balances Unexpended. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. FINANCIAL YEAR 1872-73. CONSOLIDATED FUND. ' Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings. Public Buildings.., 1,428 G 11 1,428 6 11 Class II.—Public Departments. 100 0 0 5 6 11 185 0 11 180 0 0 180 0 0 83 19 5 10 0 7 5 6 11 9 11 12 15 10 Stamp Department Store Department Geological and Meteorological Department ... Land Transfer Department Deeds Registry Department 185 0 11 180 0 0 180 0 0 SI 22 23 26 Class III.—Law and Justice. Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts , ... Criminal Prosecutions Lunatics Act 24 15 3 10 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 24 5 3 10 0 0 100 0 0 39 18 0 0 10 0 li)" 2 0 Class IV.—Postal etc. Services. 830 0 0 560 0 0 780 0 0 830 0 0 437 13 11 780 0 0 122' 0 1 so 31 11 Conveyance of Mails by Sea San Francisco Mail Service Conveyance of Inland Mails Class V.—Customs. 500 0 0 4,200 0 0 500 0 0 4,200 0 0 44 43 Customs and Distilleries ... Marine Department Class VI.—Native. 2,283 2 2 83 13 11 2,205 9 11 9 1 11 82 12 3 74 12 0 46 40 Salaries of European and Native Officers Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 ... Class vn.—Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary --"■*■ Objects. 3S5 1 5 78 10 3 51 Bank Commission 306 11 2 Class VIII.—Militia and Volunteers. 511 8 4 251 2 3 3,880 13 4 2,587 1 8 218 15 10 11 17 0 G85 6 8 987 2 6 292 12 6 239 4 9 3,195 6 8 1,599 19 2 63 54 55 50 Militia and Volunteers :— Inspector's Department Store Department North Island South Island Total Consolidated Fund 19_,120 13_ 1 18,403 9 11 5,717 3 2 DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870. 5S 59 CO 01 62 Defence Office ... Armed Constabulary Miscellaneous Steamer " Luna " Contingent Defence aud Liabilities ... 44 13 1 22,099 14 10 9,270 4 0 138 0 9 3,081 18 11 18 16 9 6,272 10 0 1,941 9 1 138 6 9 3,081 18 11 25 16 4 15,827 4 10 7,334 15 5 Total Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act ... 34,640 18 1 11,453 1 6 23,187 10 7



1-B. 1.




£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. CUSTOMS. (UTIES :— Auckland, — Auckland Thames • Russell Mongonui Hokianga Poverty Bay Tauranga 30 June, 1874 ... 30 „ ... 20 „ ... 27 „ ... 20 „ ... 20 „ ... 23 „ 212,838 16 2 8,957 10 3 1,082 5 2 671 18 10 1,007 3 10 5,291 1 7 336 10 5 4 Taranaki, — New Plymouth ... ... 26 „ 230,185 6 3 7,110 7 .1 Wellington,— Wellington Wanganui ... 30 ... 30 106,048 3 2 24,307 12 4 130,355 15 G Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... 30 39,297 3 2 Nelson, — Nelson Westport Greymouth (moiety) ... 30 ... 27 „ ... 30 41,342 6 1 19,135 8 7 21,723 16 6 82,201 11 2 Marlborough,— Pieton Havelock Wairau Kaikoura ... 29 „ ... 27 „ ... 30 „ ... 24 „ 1,510 4 7 814 16 2 5,554 15 8 744 15 6 8,624 11 11 Canterbury,— Lyttelton Akaroa Timaru ... 30 „ ... 30 ... 30 „ 155,901 17 9 209 7 4 18,438 0 8 - Westland, — Hokitika Greymouth (moiety) Okarito ... .... ... 30 ... 30 ... 20 „ 174,549 5 9 36,795 12 2 21,723 16 8 932 6 1 59,451 14 11 Otago,— Dunedin Oamaru. Invercargill Riverton ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 30 „ ... 13 „ 335,990 19 4 10,168 1 3 28,460 8 2 5,065 18 6 379,685 7 3 1,111,461 3 0 1ENTS, SEIZURES, FINES, etc. :— Auckland, — Auckland Mongonui Hokianga Thames ... 30 - 27 „ ... 20 „ ... 30 „ 177 5 0 9 8 11 21 5 4 0 5 0 Taranaki, — New Plymouth ... ... 26 „ 20S 4 3 38 18 7 Wellington,— Wellington Wanganui ... 30 „ ... 30 „ 103 16 3 29 3 3 132 19 6 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ... 30 10 0 0 Marlborough,— Pieton ... 29 „ 17 9 10 Carried forward 407 12 2 1,111,461 3 0



EECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .873-74, in ietail — conti: ued. CUSTOM S— continued. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. Brought forward 407 12 2 1,111,461 3 0 RENTS, SEIZURES, FINES, etc.— continued. Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 44 1 6 31 9 0 75 10 6 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ 8 15 0 491 17 8 BONDED WAREHOUSE DUTIES :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 ,. Thames ... ... ... ... 30 „ Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 20 „ 919 13 1 25 0 0 87 5 2 Taranaki, —■ New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 26 „ 1,031 18 3 50 0 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 „ 391 4 8 150 0 0 541 4 8 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ... ... ... ... 30 „ 250 0 0 Nelson, —• Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 27 „ 305 5 5 75 0 0 380 5 5 Marlborough,— Wairau ... ... ... ... 30 „ 50 0 0 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 658 13 3 25 0 0 683 13 3 Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Okarito ... ... ... ... 20 „ 175 0 0 175 0 0 25 0 0 375 0 0 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ Riverton ... ... ... ... 13 „ 710 5 0 50 0 0 127 19 7 25 0 0 913 4 7 4,275 6 2 FEES, etc. :— " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858," — Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Thames ... . ... ... ... 30 „ Mongonui ... ... ... ... 27 „ Russell ... ... ... ... 20 „ Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 20 „ 402 19 0 6 9 6 0 2 0 0 13 0 0 18 3 Taranaki, — New Plymouth ... .... ... 26 „ 411 1 9 12 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 „ 121 3 6 9 5 0 130 8 6 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ... ... ... ... 30 „ 15 13 9 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 27 „ 17 3 6 0 16 3 17 19 9 Marlborough,— Wairau ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havclock ... ... ... ... 27 „ 4 3 0 0 9 3 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4 12 3 221 9 3 114 222 10 7 Carried forward 803 8 7 1,116,228 6 10 *1—B. 1.



EECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .873-74, in detail — contin red. CUSTOM S— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 803 8 7 1,116,228 6 10 FEES, etc — continued. " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858," — continued. Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 9 7 9 5 5 0 14 12 9 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ Riverton ... ... ... ... 13 ,, 193 0 3 7 3 0 10 4 6 1 12 0 211 19 9 1,030 1 1 "Arms Act, I860,"— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Thames ... ... ... ... 30 Hokianga ... ... ... ... 20 „ Russell ... ... ... ... 20 Tauranga ... ... ... ... 23 „ Poverty Bay ... ... ... ... 20 „ 376 15 0 331 10 0 12 8 0 8 8 0 4 7 0 40 1 0 Taranaki, — New Plymouth ... ... ... 26 „ Patea ... ... ... ... 27 773 9 0 39 0 0 2 12 0 41 12 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 „ 126 15 0 60 0 0 186 15 0 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ... ... ... ... 30 „ 61 16 0 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 27 „ Collingwood ... ...- ... ... 21 March, 1874 123 13 0 50 11 0 4 14 0 178 18 0 Marlborough,— Pieton ... ... ... ... 29 June, 1874 Wairau ... ... ... ... 30 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 27 „ Kaikoura ... ... ... ... 24 „ 13 8 0 32 7 0 11 5 0 6 15 0 63 15 0 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 179 1 0 44 18 0 223 19 0 Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ Okarito ... ... ... ... 20 „ 76 19 0 73 14 0 6 9 0 157 2 0 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Molyneux ... ... ... ... 20 „ 235 19 0 21 4 0 92 2 0 3 8 0 352 13 0 "Marine Act, 1866,"— Lighthouse Dues, etc, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay... ... ■ ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,555 17 9 37 3 1 1,518 17 10 99 6 5 656 9 8 112 19 3 1,967 18 4 93 19 3 2,834 17 3 2,039 19 0 8,877 8 10 "Steam Navigation Act, I860," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... 30 „ 175 7 0 123 18 0 10 10 0 53 11 0 3 3 0 Carried forward 366 9 0 1,128,175 15 9



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .878-74, ix detail — contin ued. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. CUSTOM S— continued. Brought forward 366 9 0 1,128,175 15 9 FEES, etc. — continued. " Steam Navigation Act, 1866," — continued. Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 18 18 0 26 5 0 103 17 0 515 9 0 " Oystee Fisheries Act, 1866," — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ...* ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otaqo ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3 15 0 0 5 0 17 6 2 10 0 7 17 6 " Distillation Act, 1868,"— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Maelboeouoh ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 93 0 0 8 0 0 84 0 0 19 0 0 69 0 0 17 0 0 131 0 0 44 0 0 168 0 0 636 0 0 "Trade Marks Act," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3 3 0 0 6 0 3 3 0 22 1 0 34 13 0 "Merchant Ships Ofpicees Examination Act, 1870," — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... 30 „ 104 1 0 11 15 0 4 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 125 18 0 "Drawbacks Act, 1872,"— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ 7 3 6 0 3 0 0 16 7 8 0 Total Customs ... £ 1,129,503 1 3 STAMP DUTIES. Auckland : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 13,902 15 6 Taranaki : — New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 27 609 1 9 Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 30 13,883 1 0 Hawke's Bay i — Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4,670 13 6 Nelson :— * Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4,660 15 0 Marlborough : — Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 755 17 8 Canterbury:— Christchurch ... ... ... ... 30 „ 21,821 2 11 Westland : — Hokitika • 30 2,810 4 3 Otago : — . Dunedin ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, 29,520 10 0 2,020 11 1 31,541 1 1 17 9 Chatham Islands ... ... ... Mar., 1873, to Feb., 1874 Total Stamp Duties £94,656 0 5



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 873-74, is iETAIL — continued. POSTAL. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes Miscellaneous ... 30 June, 1874 ... j) ••■ JJ 10,290 7 11 242 10 3 658 0 10 196 15 0 2 10 0 11,390 4 0 Taranaki : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes JJ ... jj ... jj 692 12 3 15 12 6 G6 12 4 27 10 0 • Wellington :— Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Privato Boxes Miscellaneous j, ... j> jj ,1 JJ 802 7 1 6,615 4 0 148 0 11 547 11 8 135 5 0 0 7 0 7,446 8 7 Hawke's Bay : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders .... Fees on Private Boxes » 2,243 11 0 49 19 1 200 14 8 78 10 0 2,572 14 9 Nelson : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes JJ J) J) J) 2,504 1 7 66 5 6 197 15 4 49 0 0 2,817 2 5 Marlborough :— Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes Miscellaneous JJ ... jj „ J> 926 1 1 27 8 7 143 14 6 27 0 0 0 10 1,124 5 2 Canterbury : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Privato Boxes jj ... jj •■• JJ 10,847 6 10 241 1 0 688 13 4 354 0 0 12,131 1 2 Westland : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes ... jj j, jj 2,867 4 2 84 0 7 364 13 10 112 10 0 Otago : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Commission on Money Orders ... Fees on Private Boxes Miscellaneous jj ... jj ... ,j j, 3,428 8 7 16,930 7 10 310 13 9 1,113 12 0 455 0 0 0 10 18,809 14 7 Chatham Islands : — Sales of Postage Stamps Collections of Unpaid Postage ... Mar., 1873, to Feb., 1874 )) )) 13 3 3 0 8 7 13 11 10 Total Postal ... £60,535 18 2 • TELEGKAPHIC. Auckland :— Auckland Grahamstown Onehunga Ngaruawahia Mercer Cambridge ... Alexandra Hamilton Tauranga ... 30 June, 1874 ... 30 ... 26 ... 20 ... 13 ... 13 ... 13 13 „ ... 23 4,851 13 9 1,459 14 5 144 3 10 225 19 1 79 0 9 202 8 3 86 17 1 197 9 3 463 8 1 Carried forward 7,770 14 6



OF THE i, in d: — contin TELEGEAPHIC— continued. £ s. d. £ b. d. & a. d. Brought forward 7,770 14 6 Auckland— continued. Maketu ... ... ' ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Coromandel ... ... ... ... ... 24 June, 1871 Otahuhu. ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Te Awamutu ... ... ... ... 13 „ 65 18 5 385 16 9 50 18 5 81 4 0 8,354 12 1 Taeanaki : — New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 27 „ Patea ... ... ... ... ... 27 Opunake ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ 443 14 1 319 11 2 20 12 10 783 18 1 Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Government Buildings ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greytown ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Eeatherston ... ... ... ... ... 28 „ Castle Point ... ... ... ... 24 „ Hasterton ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Marton ... ... ... 27 „ Hutt ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Foxton ... ... ... ... ... 29 „ 5,368 14 8 341 15 4 1,162 11 6 187 18 2 67 7 1 75 10 2 160 8 7 125 13 11 69 10 4 161 15 5 Hawee's Bay : — Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waipukurau ... ... ... ... 20 „ Waipawa ... ... ... ... ... 20 ,, Port Ahuriri ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,653 11 6 168 3 7 110 6 6 407 13 0 7,721 5 2 2,339 14 7 Nelson : — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Brighton ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Lyell ... ... ... ... ... 13 Eeefton ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Ahaura ... ... ... ... ... 13 ,, Motueka ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ 2,183 8 6 731 19 7 288 9 7 44 10 1 118 16 11 862 13 6 207 1 3 334 10 7 4,771 10 0 MAELBOBOUGH : — Picton ... ... ... ... ... 29 Blenheim ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Kaikoura ... ... ... ... ... 24 ,, Havelock ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ 264 14 8 591 6 9 96 17 1 182 19 10 1,135 18 4 Cantebbttey : — Christchurch ... ... ... ... 30 „ Lyttelton ... ... ... .... ... 30 „ Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Bealey ... ... ... ... ... 23 „ Selwyn ... ... ... ... ... 20 Leithfield ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Temuka ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Waimate ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Ashburton ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Akaroa ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Washdyke ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Rangiora ... ... ... ... ... 24 „ Eakaia ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ 5,285 2 9 8S7 10 2 216 8 11 1,244 26 7 27 2 6 37 11 2 79 2 6 178 5 3 149 5 11 187 12 7 240 16 9 78 6 2 83 18 10 8 9 3 • Wesilanb : — Hokitika ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Grreymouth ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Koss ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ 8,704 9 4 1,640 12 8 1,632 1 10 137 10 6 3,410 5 0 Otago : — Dunedin ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Oamaru ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Balclutha ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 20 „ Roxburgh ... ... ... ... ... 13 ,, Manuherikia... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Cromwell ... ... ... 13 „ Lawrence ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Clyde ... ... ... ... ... 13 Queenstown ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Palmerston ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ 7,070 10 2 1,364 0 2 341 1 11 9S 17 2 278 5 1 366 19 2 94 3 4 85 14 10 245 18 9 278 0 8 186 15 0 447 7 5 249 17 8 Carried forward 11,107 11 4 37,221 12 7



EECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, m »: ;tail — contin, ;ed. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. TELEGrKAPHI C— continued. Brought forward 11,107 11 4 37,221 12 7 Otago— continued. Longbush ... ... ... ... ... 13 June, 1874 Hampden ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Kakanui ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Arrowtown ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Bluff 13 Kiverton ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Tapanui ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Wakaia ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ 153 17 3 84 2 2 204 7 0 177 2 11 164 6 10 1,410 13 10 281 15 1 252 3 6 11 1 10 14 4 5 £51,082 18 9 Total Teleqeaphic 13,861 6 2 JUDICIAL-FEES AND FINES. SUPREME COURT :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30June, 1874 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... „ Canterbury ... ... ..'. .... „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... „ 1,085 7 6 15 18 0 806 7 5 224 15 0 358 6 6 48 7 0 935 19 0 77 6 0 1,152 3 6 Total Supreme Court 4,704 9 11 SHEEIFFS' OFFICES :-, Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... „ Wairarapa ... ... ... ... „ 6 16 6 37 17 8 25 19 0 75 10 6 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... „ Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... „ Central Westland ... ... ... ,, 70 13 2 30 1 6 Marlborough ... ... ... ... „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... „ 14 8 0 5 16 0 20 4 0 4 2 0 33 14 6 53 0 0 287 5 8 Total Sheriffs'Offices DISTEICT COUETS :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Grahamstown ... ... ... ... 30 „ 374 19 9 134 7 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson, — Westport ... ... ... ... 30 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... 13 „ Eeefton ... ... ... ... 13 Ahaura ... ... ... ... 27 „ 509 6 9 49 19 3 49 14 6 62 14 0 51 0 0 148 17 6 47 8 0 309 19 6 Canterbury,— Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 152 4 3 Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... ... 30 „ 251 16 0 291 18 6 543 14 6 Carried forward 1,614 18 9 4,991 15 7



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, S73-71, IN ietail— con/in. lied. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. JUDICIAL-FEES AND JflSM-oonUmed. Brought forward 1,614 18 9 4,991 15 7 DISTEICT COVRT8—continued. Otago,— Lawrence ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Queenstown ... ... ... ... 20 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... ... 13 „ Clyde 13 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4G 17 0 53 5 0 18 16 0 67 6 6 139 15 0 9 5 0 86 7 9 421 12 3 Total District Courts 2,036 11 0 RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURTS :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Onehunga, etc. ... ... ... ... 27 „ Opotiki ... ... ... ... 6 „ Shortland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Coromandel ... ... ... ... 24 „ Papakura, etc. ... ... ... ... 20 „ Waiuku ... ... ... ... 20 Wangarei ... ... ... ... 13 „ Russell ... ... ... ... ... 20 Kaipara ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Mongonui ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waimate, etc. ... ... ... ... 27 „ Waikato ... ... ... ... 20 Raglan ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Tauranga ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Turanganui ... ... ... ... 20 „ Taupo ... ... ... ... ... 30April, 1874 Maketu... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Hokianga ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,155 16 0 183 4 11 57 9 3 697 9 10 161 6 6 108 5 6 40 15 4 18 4 8 47 10 9 8 11 0 13 2 9 15 0 0 240 5 0 9 12 6 133 7 6 425 6 10 29 10 6 21 16 6 19 11 6 Taranaki,— New Plymouth ... ... ... ... 27 Carlyle ... ... ... ... 30 3,386 6 10 110 2 1 141 0 6 251 2 7 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 Otaki 20 Marton ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Wairarapa ... ... ... ... 30 „ Upper Wanganui ... ... ... 38 „ 1,213 4 0 51 14 4 231 10 0 486 1 2 183 6 8 16 13 6 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wairoa ... ... ... ... ... 28 Feb., 1874 Waipawa ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Havelock ... ... ... ... 27 ,, 2,182 9 8 326 3 6 77 18 0 39 3 0 12 14 0 455 18 6 Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Richmond ... ... ... ... 30 „ Spring Grove ... ... ... ... 30 „ Collingwood ... ... ... ... 23 „ Motueka ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westport ... ... ... ... 27 „ Charleston ... ... ... ... 13 „ Cobden ... ... ... ... ... 26 „ Amuri ... ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Ahaura ... ... ... ... ... 20 „ Reefton ... ... ... ... 13 „ 416 11 2 22 7 10 39 18 8 30 8 2 55 18 0 370 17 5 255 10 9 70 10 6 28 3 11 561 1 10 492 8 2 Marlborough,— Blenheim ... ... ... ... 30 „ Pieton ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Havelock ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,343 16 5 149 11 3 130 16 5 80 16 9 361 4 5 Canterbury,— Christchurch ... ... ... •■> 30 „ Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 30 „ Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... 20 „ Akaroa ... ... ... ... 27 „ Rangiora ... ... ... ... 27 „ Leithfield ... ... ... ... 20 „ Timaru ... ... ... ... 30 „ 2,545 7 3 262 3 6 333 15 9 178 7 0 167 17 9 84 6 8 343 4 1 Carried forward 3,915 2 0 | 8,980 18 5 7,028 6 7 2—B. 1.



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 873-74, in iETAIL — conii: •ucd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. JUDICIAL-FEES AND FINES- continued. 7,028 G 7 Brought forward 3,915 2 0 8,980 18 5 RESIDENT MAGISTEATES' COURTS— continued. Canterbury— continued. Arowhenua ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Waimate ... ... ... ... 27 „ Oxford 27 150 6 11 129 19 7 84 12 0 4,280 0 6 ■Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 „ Greymouth ... ... ... • ... 30 „ Stafford 20 Boss 20 Okarito ... ... ... ... 13 „ Greenstone ... ... ... ... 13 „ 723 12 11 909 7 6 98 11 0 301 3 6 64 6 4 74 4 6 2,171 5 9 Otago,— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 „ Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 20 WestTaieri ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Hampden ... ... ... ... 27 „ Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 20 ,, Hawksbury ... ... ... ... 20 ,, Palmerston ... ... ... ... 20 „ Molyneux ... ... .... ... 20 „ Queenstown ... ... ... ... 13 „ Arrowtown ... ... ... ... 20 „ Clyde 20 Cromwell ... ... ... ... 13 „ Alexandra ... ... ... ... 13 „ Blacks and St. Bathans ... ... ... 13 „ Naseby ... ... ... ... 13 „ Lawrence ... ... ... ... 20 „ Switzers ... ... ... ... 13 „ Eoxburgh ... ... ... ... 30 „ Invercargill and Eiverton ... ... ... 30 „ Orepuki ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Mayor's Court, Dunedin ... ... ... 18 Oct., 1873 1,792 16 10 214 18 9 74 0 10 538 10 3 81 19 7 282 14 0 82 3 0 64 8 6 126 15 10 329 0 6 140 12 6 101 16 0 150 0 10 36 9 0 76 3 0 216 0 0 323 17 4 102 19 8 63 15 0 747 5 5 5 11 6 59 4 6 Chatham Islands ... ... Mar., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 5,611 3 4 2 18 0 Total Eesident Magistrates'Courts ... 21,046 6 0 PETTY SESSIONS COUETS :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Mahurangi ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Bay of Islands ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Mangapai ... ... ... ... 30 „ 140 14 6 3 9 8 14 13 0 13 6 160 0 8 Wellington,— Whareama ... ... ... ... 30 „ 10 1 9 Hawke's Bay — Ngaruroro ... ... ... ... 30 „ Waipawa ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4 14 6 25 12 0 30 6 6 Marlborough,— Kaikoura ... ... ... ... 30 „ 17 18 11 Canterbury,— Ellesmere ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 104 18 10 Otago,— Lawrence ... ... ... ••• 30 June, 1874 Oamaru ... ... ... ••• 30 „ Mataura ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Lowther ... ... ... ... 13 June, 1874 Waiau ... ... ••• ••• 30 „ 0 13 0 7 12 6 36 6 6 16 18 0 0 8 0 Total Petty Sessions Courts 61 18 0 385 4 8 Total Judicial—Fees and Fines £28,459 17 3



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in d: :tail — contin, ■cJ. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. REGISTRATION AND OTHER FEES. Eegisteation op Land :— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 27 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ MARLBOROUGn ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 757 13 8 174 7 6 1,027 9 0 507 9 0 508 15 0 258 19 0 2,895 16 0 341 0 4 3,153 11 7 9,625 1 1 Eegisteation op Deeds : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 27 ,, Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3,592 12 0 580 1 6 2,246 16 0 865 2 G 595 6 6 365 0 0 3,076 12 6 277 9 0 3,492 0 6 15,091 0 6 Eegisteation of Births, etc.:— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... .... ... ... 13 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Chatham Islands ... ... Dec, 1872, to 30 June, 1874 849 14 0 61 10 6 383 2 6 173 4 0 256 0 6 86 3 6 728 13 0 201 7 6 971 16 6 8 5 0 Registration op Medical Practitioners : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3,719 17 0 2 10 0 15 0 2 5 0 10 0 2 10 0 6 10 0 16 0 0 Registration of Joint Stock Companies i— Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 6 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 May, 1874 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 6 June, 1874 149 17 0 0 16 0 38 3 0 38 0 0 66 10 6 11 2 0 589 0 0 893 8 6 Issue of Crown Grants : — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... .30 „ Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 30 „ Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Marlborough ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... 30 „ Otago ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 1,115 14 1 300 17 4 486 0 10 521 1 2 63 9 0 40 8 3 486 16 4 344 15 0 1,628 19 10 " Land Claims Settlements Act, 1856 :"— Auckland ... ... ... ,... ... 30 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 4,988 1 10 9 15 7 27 11 0 37 6 7 " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858:" — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 15 9 0 "Patents Acts, 1860-70:"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 163 16 0 "Aliens Act, 1866:"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 „ 69 1 0 "Lost Land Orders Act, 1861:"— Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ 3 0 0 "Licensing Ordinance Amendment Act, 18G6" ... 30 „ 10 0 0 Carried forward 34,622 1 6 •2—B. 1.



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, .873-74, in detail — contin. tied. REGISTRATION AND OTHER FEE S— continued. .c s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward "Coroners Act, 1867:"— Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 „ Canterbury ... ... ... ... 30 „ 34,622 1 6 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 10 0 6 15 0 9 15 0 "Weights and Measures Act, 1808:" — Auckland ... ... ... ... ... 10 Oct., 1873 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ... 10 „ Wellington ... ... ... ... 19 Sept., 1873 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 3 Oct., 1873 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 3 „ Westland ... ... ... ... ... 30 Aug., 1873 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 10 Oct., 1873 0 12 1 0 14 2 0 14 10 0 8 0 6 18 9 2 2 2 0 8 2 11 18 2 Total Eegistration and other Fees £34,643 14 8 INCIDENTAL REVENUE. Interest on Public Moneys i— On Credit Balances of the Public Account On Deposits in the Bank of New Zealand, London On Proceeds of Sale of Debentures in Melbourne and Sydney On Trust Fund Investments,. — Amount transferred from. Interest Account, TruBt Fund 8,474 11 4 9 3 10 28 12 2 6,9G7 14 10 15,480 2 2 Miscellaneous : — Transfers from Trust Fund under the 18th section of " Tho Public Revenues Act, 1867," — Intestate Estates Fund Account Rent of Reserves at Akaroa and Godley Head „ Government Premises at Tauranga from 10 Sept., I860, to 7 Oct., 1870 „ Kawau Pa „ House tenanted by Dr. Hector ... „ Magazine Sales of Electoral Eolls „ Postal Guides, Charts, etc „ Old Stores, etc. Eecoveries for Seeds supplied to Immigrants Subscriptions to Waia Maori ... Sales, Advertising, and Subscriptions, Neio Zealand Gazette Fees and Duties, Native Lands Acts, Chatham Islands, to 30 June, 1873 ... Fees received by the Auditor-General, under tho 10th section of " The Limited Liabilities Winding-up Act, 1870 " ... Fines and Costs recovered from Jurors ... Expenses, etc., recovered from Witnesses Eecovery, by the Postmaster, Greymouth, for irregularities in delivery of Mails during June Quarter Eefund on account of General Average—" Glenlora " Certificates, &c, for Gold Mining Companies Sundries 3,944 17 11 41 3 0 101 17 1 10 0 60 0 0 135 5 6 189 14 6 71 10 11 70 3 10 32 3 3 108 13 0 883 10 11 120 9 9 28 7 0 17 8 2 14 7 0 10 0 0 14 2 11 7 15 0 2 14 10 5,855 4 7 £21,335 6 9 Total Incidental Eevenue MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. ON ACCOUNT OF PREVIOUS YEARS :— Recoveries, — From Provinces on Account of Balances at Debit of Capitation Accounts, 30 June, 1873, — Hawke's Bay ... ... ... £88 15 10 Canterbury ... ... ... 138 15 7 Otago ... ... ... ... 994 11 5 1,222 2 10 Carried forward 1,222 2 10



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in d: ;tail — contin. lied. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS- mm^mti. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 1,222 2 10 ON ACCOUNT OF PREVIOUS YEARS— continued. Recoveries — continued. From Imperial Government, — Balance of Over-payments of Drawbacks and Refunds to Con tractors ... ... £871 1 11 Refund on account of San Francisco Servico 1,534 0 0 On Account of Unauthorized Expenditure of 1871-72, —■ Pay of Wanganui Militia, June Qr., 1871 ... On Account of Unauthorized Expenditure of 1872-73, — Moiety of Expenses of Steamer, Shortland to Ohinemuri ... ... ... ... £12 0 0 Advanco in aid to Taranaki for construction of Waitara Bridge ... ... ... 1,200 0 0 Printing Electoral Rolls, etc., Otago ... 39 6 0 Salary of Commissioner Crown Lands, Otago, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1872 ... ... 50 0 0 Timber for Military Settlers of late 1st Waikato Regiment ' ... ... ... 323 8 8 Interest on Advances to Patea and Waitotara Settlers ... ... ... ... 227 12 9 2,405 1 11 24 4 8 Customs Department —Passage Money 1,852 7 5 2 5 0 Transfer from " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " 5,506 1 10 4,612 1 4 Credits in Reduction of Expenditure,— Permanent Charges,. —■ Interest and Sinking Fund, —■ " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869, — Half-year's Interest to 30 June, 1873, on £31,000, under " Tho Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871 " ... ... £930 0 0 Less credited to Voto No. 46... ... 155 0 0 I 775 0 0 Appropriations, — Vote No. 1 — Item2—Public Buildings ... ... £44 15 0 „ 3 —Governor's Establishment ... 4 3 4 „ 4—Legislative Department ... 13 7 7 „ 0—Printing ... ... ... 1 14 5 „ 7 —Geological ... ... ... 100 0 0 „ 10—Land Transfer ... ... 16 13 4 „ 20—Postal Department ... ... 12 1 0 „ 21 —Telegraph Department ... 35 13 0 „ 22—Native Department ... ... 2,069 0 0 „ 23—Miscellaneous ... ... 1,388 19 8 14,579 10 6 3,686 7 4 Total on account of Previous Years 4,461 7 4 0 FINANCIAL YEAR, 1873-74 :— Credits in Reduction of Expenditure,— Civil List,—" Division I. —Establishment of General Government ... Division II.—Native Purposes 107 7 6 294 3 4 401 10 10 Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867,"— Recovery of Interest paid on Bonds drawn for redemption, 15 April, 1870 ... £6 5 0 Interest on £31,000, under " The Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871," — Half-year, at 6 per cent., to 1 Jan., 1874 £930 0 0 Less credited to Vote No. 46 155 0 0 775 0 0 On account of £775 for half-year, at 5 per cent., to 30 June, 1874 334 7 9 1,115 12 9 Carried forward 1,115 12 9 401 10 10 14,579 10 6



RECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 873-74, in detail— contin ■ed. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT S-continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward FINANCIAL YEAR, 1873-74— continued. Ceedits in Reduction of Expendituee— continued. Permanent Charges — continued. Interest and Sinking Fund — continued. " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870," — Accrued Interest on Debentures, — On £500,000 5 per cents., sold in England, 15 July to 15 Aug., 1873 ... £2,083 6 8 On £24,100 4 per cents., sold in Sydney and Melbourne, from 15 April, 1873 333 15 5 Transfer from Immigration and Public Works Loan for Interest and Sinking Fund on capital employed on works not completed ... ... ... 75,000 0 0 1,115 12 9 401 10 10 14,579 10 6 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871,"— Amount recovered from Emigrant and Colonists' Aid Corporation for Interest on £61,829 17s. lid. at 5 per cent., half-year to 1 April, 1874 " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873," — Interest on £35,900, at 4 per cent., for half-year to 15 April, 1874, repaid to the Public Account " Public Debts Apportionment Act, 1858 " " Protection of Animals Act, 1873 " " Native Schools Act, 1871" ... 77,417 2 1 1,545 14 11 718 0 0 329 3 4 0 10 0 296 14 1 81,422 17 2 Appropriations, — Vote No. 3—Executive Departments „ 4—Stamp „ „ 5—Printing ,, „ 7 —Geological and Meteorological Department „ 8—Electoral Department „ 9 —Crown Lands Department „ 12—Supremo Court „ 14 —Resident Magistrates'Courts „ 16—Criminal Prosecutions „ 19—Lunatics ... „ 22 —Land Transfer Department ... „ 26—Postal Department—Auckland „ 28 „ „ Wellington „ 32 „ „ Canterbury „ 33 „• „ Westland „ 34 „ „ Otago „ 35 —Conveyance of Inland Mails ... „ 36—Postal Contingencies „ 37 —Telegraph Department „ 38 —Customs Offices and Services ... „ 39 —Marine „ 40 —Native Department... „ 41 —Contingencies, etc., Native-Department „ 46—Miscellaneous, Special and Temporary Objects ... „ 51 —Store Department ... „ 54—Public Domains „ 55—Public Buildings 76 17 5 20 19 11 113 9 9 10 0 0 2 18 4 13 0 10 16 8 38 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 23 8 4 110 8 4 10 0 0 66 13 1 20 16 8 108 1 1 185 0 0 11 10 5 232 3 7 88 0 7 20 0 1 64 4 1 30 0 0 395 9 11 5 8 6 5 12 0 17 6 8 Unauthorized Payments to Provinces, — Debit Balances recovered, — Nelson Canterbury... Westland ... Otago 1,675 4 9 4,687 14 1 1,405 18 1 5,787 15 11 1,384 4 1 6,086 19 3 14,664 17 4 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 102,852 4 2 Total Miscellaneous Receipts ... £117,431 14 8






CIVIL LIST. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. First Division. The Judges :— H. S. Chapman ... ... ... ... 1 to 30 June, 1873 £ e. d. £ 125 0 0 s. d. £ s. d. Establishment of me General Government s — Members of Executive Council, — D. Pollen ... ... ... 1 to 30 June, 1873 WiKatene ... ... 4 Nov., 1872, to 30 June, 1873 83 6 8 197 10 0 Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Ministers Miscellaneous 280 16 8 82 4 0 39 12 2 402 12 10 1,888 2 1 Second Division. 527 12 10 Native Purposes :— Pensioners, —■ Auckland ... ... ... ... £584 18 9 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 103 10 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 3 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Medical Officers, — Wellington Subsidy to Southland Hospital,— 1 January to 30 June, 1873 Native Agent, Wanganui,— Salary ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1873 Contingencies 766 8 9 27 10 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 491 10 6 1,360 9 3 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. First Division. His Excellency the Governor :— The Right Hon. Sir J. Fergusson, Bart., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 4,916 13 4 The Judges :— The Chief Justice, — Sir G. A. Arney ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 The Puisne Judges,— A.J.Johnston ... ... ,, to „ C. W. Richmond ... ... „ to „ H. B. Gresson ... ... „ to „ H. S. Chapman ... ... „ to „ 1,700 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 • 7,700 0 0 Establishment of the General Government :— "■ The Premier, — J. Vogel, CM.G. ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 The Colonial Secretary,— D. Pollen ... ... „ to „ Tho Defence Minister, — D. McLean, C.M.G. ... „ to „ The Minister of Justice, — J. Bathgate ... ... „ to 20 Feb., 1874 The Minister for Lands and Immigration,— G. M. O'Rorko ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 The Commissioner of Customs, — W. H. Reynolds ... ... „ to „ 1,750 0 0 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 803 11 5 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 Carried forward 7,553 11 5 12,616 13 4 1,888 2 1



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, [N DETAIL — C mtinued. CIVIL LIST— continued. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 7,553 11 5 12,616 13 4 1,888 2 1 Establishment op the General Government — continued. The Minister for Public Works, — E.Richardson ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Members of Executive Council, — Wi Katene ... ... „ to „ Wi Parata ... ... „ to „ Travelling Expenses of Ministers i 1,250 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 106 17 0 9,710 8 5 Second Division. Native Purposes:— The Minister for Nativo Affairs, — D. McLean, C.M.G., half salary, 1 July to 30 Sept., 1873 Native Minister's Department,— Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Civil Commissioner, — Taranaki ... ... „ to „ Pensioners, — Auckland, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,006 0 0 Taranaki „ to „ 16 13 4 Wellington „ to „ 238 10 0 Hawke's Bay „ to „ 159 15 0 Canterbury „ to „ 12 0 0 Otago „ to „ 18 15 0 125 0 0 2,865 16 6 650 0 0 Medical Officers, — Auckland, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £490 3 4 Taranaki „ to „ 150 0 0 Wellington „ to „ 362 10 0 Canterbury „ to „ 50 0 0 Otago „ to „ 62 10 0 1,451 13 4 1,115 3 4 Native Agent, Wanganui, — Salary, 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 £150 0 0 Advance ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 170 0 0 Native Office, Auckland, — Clerk ... ... ... ... 1 to 31 July, 1873 Contingencies 12 10 0 498 17 0 6,889 0 2 29,216 1 11 Total Civil List £31,104 4 0 PERMANENT CHARGES. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856:"— Interest, — On £425,000 at 4 per cent., half-year to 30 June, 1873... Sinking Fund, — Ou £425,000 at 2 per cent., half-year to 30 June, 1873... 8,500 0 0 4,250 0 0 "New Zealand Loan Act, I860:"— Balance of Interest for half-year to 31 December, 1872 12,750 0 0 47 8 3 "New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65:"— Interest, — On £500,000 at 4 per cent., half-year to 30 April, 1873 On £488,000 at 5 „ „ 15 July „ On £329,900 at 6 „ „ 15 June „ On Debenture for £100 at 8 per cent., issued under " Debentures Act, 1864," half-year to 31 December, 1807 Sinking Fund, — On £500,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 30 April, 1873 On £488,000 at 1 „ „ 15 July „ On £329,900 at 2 „ „ 15 June „ 10,000 0 0 12,200 0 0 9,897 0 0 4 0 0 2,500 0 0 2,440 0 0 3,299 0 0 40,340 0 0 Carried forward 53,137 8 3 3—B. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, or detail— a mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— continueu: Brought forward 53,137 8 3 "Public Debts Act, 1867:"— "Taranaki Loan Ordinance, 1863," — Interest at 7 per cent., — Half-year to 1 October, 1872 1 April, 1873 3 10 0 22 15 0 26 5 0 "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867:" — On'£4,453,100 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873 Sinking Fund, — On £4,453,100 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873 111,327 10 0 "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870:"— Interest, — On £600,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873... Sinking Fund, — On £600,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873... 22,265 10 0 133,593 0 0 252,756 13 3 15,000 0 0 18,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870:"— Interest, — On £1,600,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873 Sinking Fund, — On £1,600,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 July, 1873 40,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856:"— Interest at 4 per cent., — On £75,000, ono year to 31 March, 1874 On £425,000, half-year to 31 December, 1873 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £75,000, one year to 31 March, 1874 On £425,000, half-year to 31 December, 1873... 3,000 0 0 8,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 4,250 0 0 "New Zealand Loan Act, I860:"— Interest at 6 per cent., — On £93,100, one year to 30 June, 1874 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £93,100, one year to 30 June, 1874 17,250 0 0 5,586 0 0 7,448 0 0 1,862 0 0 " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65 :"— Interest, — On £500,000 at 4 per cent., half-year to 31 Oct., 1873 ... On £488,000 at 5 „ „ 15 Jan., 1874... On £201,500 at 6 „ one year to 15 Mar. „ ... On £329,900 at 6 „ half-year to 15 Dec, 1873... Sinking Fund, — On £500,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 31 Oct., 1873 ... On £488,000 at 1 „ „ 15 Jan., 1874... On £201,500 at 2 „ one year to 15 Mar. „ ... On £329,900 at 2 „ half-year to 15 Dec, 1873... 10,000 0 0 12,200 0 0 12,090 0 0 9,897 0 0 2,500 0 0 2,440 0 0 4,030 0 0 3,299 0 0 56,456 0 0 "Public Debts Act, 1867:"— "Auckland Loan Act, 1863," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £31,600, one year to 1 April, 1874 ... £1,896 0 O Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £31,600, one year to 30 June, 1874 ... 632 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862,"— On £2,000 — Interest at 8 per cent., one year to 30 June, 1874 £160 0 0 Sinking Fund at 4 per cent., one year to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... ... 80 O 0 2,528 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866,"— On £13,500,— . Interest at 8 per cent., one year to 30 June, 1874 . ... ... ' ... ... £1,080 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., half-year to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... ... 135 0 0 240 0 0 1,-215 0 0 Carried forward 3,983 0 0 81,154 0 0 252,756 13 3



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU "D, 1873-74, DETAIL — a mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. 3,983 0 0 252,756 13 3 Brought forward 81,154 0 0 "Public Debts Act, 1867"— continued. " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1856," — Interest at 8 per cent., — On £1,200, one year to 30 June, 1873 " Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan Ordinance, 1860," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £77,700, one year to 31 December, 1873 " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862," — Interest at 6 per cent., — One year to 30 June, 1873 ... ... £596 0 0 to 31 Dec. „ ... ... 702 0 0 96 0 0 4,662 0 0 1,298 0 0 "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867:"— Interest, — On £4,453,100 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 On £17,000 at 5 „ 1 July to 18 Oct., 1873 ... On £64,000 at 5 „ one year to 30 June, 1874 On £21,000 at 4 „ half-year to 15 Oct., 1873 On £8,000 at 4 „ 15 to 18 Oct., 1873 On £13,000 at 4 „ half-year to 15 April, 1874 Sinking Fund, — On £4,453,100 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 111,327 10 0 250 3 3 3,200 0 0 420 0 0 2 12 7 260 0 0 10,039 0 0 22,265 10 0 137,731 15 10 "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870:"— Interest, — On £600,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 On £44,500 at 5i „ „ 31 Dec, 1873 On £4,000 at 5i „ „ „ On £1,500 at5i „ 24 July to „ On £50,000 at 5^ „ half-year to 30 June, 1874 On £75,000 at 4 „ one year to 15 April, 1874 On £70,000 at 4i „ 25 to 30 June, 1874 Sinking Fund, — On £600,000 at 1 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 ... 15,000 0 0 1,223 15 0 110 O 0 36 3 3 1,375 O 0 3,000 0 0 43 2 11 3,000 0 0 23,788 1 2 " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 :"— Interest, — On £2,100,000 at 5 per cent., half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 On £5,500 at 4 „ 4 months to 1 Dec, 1873 On £347,500 at 4 „ half-year to 15 Oct. „ On £1,500 at 4 „ 31 Aug. to „ „ On £600 at 4 „ 12 Aug. to „ „ On £500 at 4 „ „ to „ „ On £3,000 at 4 „ 8 to „ „ On £17,000 at 4 „ 6 Aug. to „ „ On £367,300 at 4 „ half-year to 15 April, 1874 On £100,000 at4i „ 15 April to 25 June „ Sinking Fund at 1 per cent., — On £2,100,000, half-year to 15 Jan., 1874 ... 52,500 0 0 73 6 8 6,950 0 0 5 11 3 4 4 0 3 10 0 2 5 0 130 6 8 7,346 O O 875 6 10 10,500 0 0 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871 :"— Interest at 5 per cent., — On £75,000, one year to 30 June, 1874 78,390 10 5 3,750 0 0 "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873:" — Interest, —■ On £15,000 at 4 per cent., 8 to 15 Oct., 1873 ... On £30,000 at 4 „ half-year to 15 April, 1874 ... On £20,000 at 4 „ „ to „ „ ... On £20,900 at 4 „ 15 Nov. to „ „ ... On £30,000 at 4J „ 25 to 30 June „ 11 10 1 GOO 0 0 418 0 0 345 14 5 18 9 10 " Treasury Bills Act, 1869, No. 2:"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £150,000, one year to 30 June, 1874 1,393 14 4 9,125 0 0 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870 :"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £315,000, one year to 31 Mar., 1874 Interest at 3Jd. per cent, per diem, — On £55,000, one year to 31 Mar., 1874 19,162 10 0 22,194 8 1 3,031 18 1 "Treasury Bills Act, 1871:"— Interest at 3|d. per cent, per diem, — On £45,000, 1 April to 17 Sept., 1873 1,155 9 4 Total Financial Year 1S72-73 ... 308,721 19 2 Total Interest and Sinking FuNn £621,478 12 5 *3—E. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, or detail — a mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. PERMANENT CHARGES. UNDER ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. "Armitage Pension Act, 1865:" — Widow of J. Armitage ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1873 37 10 0 "Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858 and 1861:" — Allowances, — Chapman, R. ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1873 Eliott, G. E. ... ... ... 1 Jan. to „ „ Johnson, J. G. ... ... ... 1 April to 2 May „ Lawlor, H. C. ... ... ... „ to 30 June „ Mcintosh, C. H. ... ... ... „ to „ „ Mitford.G. M. ... ... ... „ to „ Outhwaite, T. ... ... ... „ to „ „ Piri Kawau ... ... ... „ to „ „ Saunders, T. ... ... ... „ to „ „ Slmnd, A. W. ... ... ... „ to „ „ White, J. ... ... ... „ to „ „ Ward, J.N. ... ... ... 9 Mar. to Wilmott, J. ... ... ... 1 ,, to ,, „ Watson, J. ... ... ... 1 Jan. to „ „ 63 19 9 200 0 0 6 13 0 32 14 6 41 5 11 49 3 9 84 16 8 7 19 4 12 10 0 43 1 4 6 5 0 31 3 8 21 18 11 89 5 8 690 17 6 " Civil Service Act, 1866 :"— Allowances.— Domett, A. ... ... ... 1 Mar. to 30 June, 1873 Hill, E.... ... ... ... 1 April to „ Lyle, R.... ... ... ... „ to „ „ Lynch, J. ... ... ... „ to „ „ White, J. ... ... ... „ to „ „ 186 10 2 25 0 0 22 0 0 17 17 1 19 0 Compensation for Loss of Office, — Catley, J. T., Paymaster, Nelson ... ... £131 5 7 Hamilton, J. W., Paymaster, Christchurch ... 449 13 2 Maude, T. W., Registrar of Deeds, Christchurch 190 18 2 252 16 3 771 16 11 "Mayne Pension Act, 1865:"— Mayne, E. ... ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1873 1,024 13 2 "Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870:" — Broughton, E. ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1873 Deery, H. ... ... ... ... „ to „ Hamlin, R. B. ... ... ... „ to „ „ Monro, D. ... ... ... ... „ to „ „ 100 0 0 31 10 0 6 10 0 12 10 0 4 10 0 55 0 0 "Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862:"— Pensions to Widows, — King, E. M., 1 Oct., 1872. to 30 June, 1873 £60 0 0 Hussey, K., ... 26 Mar. to 25 „ „ 20 0 0 80 0 0 Compassionate Allowance, — Hussey, K. ... ... ... 26 Mar. to 25 June, 1873 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries,— Johnson, J. ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1873 4 0 0 9 17 2 93 17 2 "Military Pensions Act, 1866:" — Pensions to Widows, — Brown, M. R., 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1873 £37 10 0 Hastings, L. „ to „ „ « 27 10 0 Morrison, A., 1 April to „ „ 9 0 0 Ward, H, 1 Jan. to 11 June „ 13 8 2 Arihia Ngenekore, 1 Oct., 1872, to 30 June „ 9 0 0 Arapero Te Reo, 1 Oct., 1871, to 31 Dec, 1871 5 0 0 Arita, 1 April to 30 June, 1873 9 0 0 Eraeta „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Haromi Tiakitai „ to „ „ 12 10 0 Heremia, M. A. „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Iritone Anita „ to „ „ 3 0 0 Monika Kerehi „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Miria Maniapito „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Mata Kiriwai, 1 Oct." to 31 Dec, 1871 5 0 0 Parekuku, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1873 6 10 0 Roka, 1 April to „ „ 3 0 0 RokaHapi „ to „ „ 11 10 0 Carried forward ... £174 18 2 £174 18 2 2,001 17 10



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1S73-74, :n detail — a mtinucd, £ 6. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. PERMANENT CHARGES. * Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. i Brought forward ... £174 18 2 2,001 17 10 " Military Pensions Act, 1866 "—continued. Pensions to Widows— continued. Ramari Huaki, 1 Oct. to 31 Dec, 1871 5 0 0 Ropacahi te Maru „ to „ „ 5 0 0 Wiki Manihera, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1873 6 10 0 Wikitoria Apahura, 1 Oct. to 31 Dec, 1871 5 0 0 196 8 2 Compassionate Allowances, — Geary, J. and H., 1 April to 30 June, 1873 £3 0 0 Hastings, L., 1 Jan. to „ „ 5 0 0 Morrison, A., 1 April to „ „ 6 0 0 Ward, H, 1 Jan. to „ „ 18 0 0 Hemi Korako, children of, 1 April to 30 June, 1873 3 0 0 Mere Patu, 1 April to 30 June, 1873 1 10 0 Ngataia Winiata „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Porokoro Patu, 1 Jan. to „ „ 4 0 0 Parematau, 1 April to „ „ 2 10 0 Tatiana Patu „ to „ „ 1 10 0 Tapita Patu „ to „' „ 1 10 0 Tangi-te-iere „ to „ „ 3 0 0 TeHiri „ to „ „ 2 0 0 53 10 0 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries,— Adamson, T., 1 April to 30 June, 1873 £9 17 2 Beamish, J. G. „ to „ „ 3 0 8 Dore, G. H, 1 Jan. to „ „ 18 2 0 Lyddon, J. „ to „ „ 19 12 2 McEvoy, J., 1 April to „ „ 4 11 0 Percy, J. A. „ to „ „ 37 10 0 Vance, R., 1 Jan. to „ „ 19 12 2 Walsh, W., 1 Oct., 1872, to „ „ 20 9 6 Whatmore, E., 29 May, 1871, to „ „ 38 4 0 Anaru Taruke, 1 Oct., 1872, to „ „ 6 16 11 Apera te Keonga, 1 April to „ „ 11 8 9 Anaru Patapu „ to „ „ 3 8 7 Erueti Kepa, 1 Oct., 1872, to „ „ 6 16 10 Honi Paraki, 1 Jan., 1867, to „ „ 59 6 6 Hemi Tonganui, 1 Jan., 1873, to „ „ 9 3 0 Karanamu Manika, 1 April to „ „ 3 8 3 Karena Ruitanawha „ to „ „ 3 8 3 Karaitiana „ to „ „ 3 8 7 Mihaka Tioki, 22 Aug., 1865, to „ „ 107 12 6 Matiu, 1 April to „ „ 4 11 0 Mauparoa „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Morihi „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Ngahuruhuru „ to „ „ 2 10 0 Pehira Turei „ to „ „ 12 10 0 Paora Aramoho „ to „ „ 3 8 7 Poia „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Pera T. Taitimu „ to „ „ 4 11 0 Ruihana, 10 April, 1869, to „ „ 38 11 6 Reihana te Ikatahi, 1 April to „ „ 2 5 6 Renata Kawepo, 4 Oct. to „ „ 37 1 11 Tamehana te Awa, 1 April to „ „ 11 8 9 Tamehana „ to „ „ 2 5 9 Tamati te Hopu, 13 Oct., 1866, to „ „ 91 19 9 Tariu, 1 April to „ „ 6 10 0 Ropata Korokai, 1 Jan. to „ „ 9 10 Medical Examinations... 626 4 7 3 3 0 879 5 9 " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 :"— Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon ... 29 Feb. to 28 May, 1873 37 10 0 "Native Schools Act, 1867:"— Grants in Aid ... ... ,., Salaries of Inspector and Teachers New Buildings, Alterations, and Repairs... Books, Stationery, Furniture, &c Board and Education ... Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 529 8 5 430 17 11 324 12 4 168 3 11 126 14 6 113 9 6 "Provincial Audit Act, 1866:"— Salaries, — Wellington ... ... ... 1 to 30 June, 1873 1,693 6 7 16 13 4 Carried forward 4,028 13 G



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, DETAIL — Ci mtinued. DB £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. PERMANENT CHARGES. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 4,628 13 6 Brought forward "SCHAFEE, McGULRE, AND OTHERS PENSION ACT, 1872:" — Paraone, K. ... ... ... 1 Oct, 1872, to 30 June, 1873 Ward, Haraeta ... ... ... 1 July to „ „ Whakahira, Miriama ... ... ... „ to „ „ Topa, Wikitoria ... ... ... „ to „ „ Schafer, C. ... ... ... ... 1 April to „ „ 3 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 7 10 0 " and Others Pension Act, 1869 :"— Wilson, J. ... ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1873 Hewitt, E. A. ... ... ... „ to „ „ 46 10 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 4,725 3 6 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74, "Armitage Pension Act, 1865:"— Widow of J. Armitage ... 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 112 10 0 " Attorney-General's Act, 1866 :"— Attorney-General ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ 1,000 0 0 " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 :"— Auditor-General ... ... „ „ to „ ,, 800 0 0 " Bartley Pension Act, 1867 :"— T. H. Bartley ... ... „ „ to „ 300 0 0 " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858 and 1861:" — Allowances, — Brown, S. P. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Berry, D ... ... „ „ to „ „ Bourke, P. ... ... 1 Aug. „ to „ „ Carkeek, S. ... ... 1 July „ to „ „ Catchpool, E. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Chapman, R. ... ... ,, „ to ,, ,, Corbett, W. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Culpan, W. ... ... „ „ to Deck, P. A. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Durie, D. S. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Durbridgc, C. ... ... 1 Aug. „ to „ „ Eglinton, B. ... ... Uuly „ to „ „ Eliott, G. E. ... ... „ „ to 30 Sept., 1873 Gourland, H. G. ... „ „ to 30 June, 1874 Hawkins, G. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Lawlor, H. C. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Matthews, J. ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Mcintosh, C. H.... ... „ „ to „ „ Mitford, G. M. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Outhwaite, T. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Peri Kawau ... ... „ „ to „ „ Poole, D. ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Porter, R. F. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Ross, D. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Rough, D. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Saunders, J. ...... ,, ,, to ,, „ Shand, A. W. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Sharp, C. ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Symonds, J. J. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Strang, R. R. ... ... „ „ to ,, ,, Strode, A. C. ... ... 24 Feb. „ to Tidmarsh, W. ... ... Uuly „ to Ward, J. N. ... ... „ „ to „ „ White, J. ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Wilmott, J. ... ... „ „ to 30 Nov. „ Watson, J. ... ... „ „ to 31 Dec. „ Wilkin, J. F. W. ... 10 Feb., 1874, to 30 June, 1874 Young, W. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to „ „ White, W. B. ... ... „ „ to „ „ 80 0 0 72 5 0 147 G 3 364 5 4 *273 5 0 255 19 0 273 4 0 02 10 0 47 19 8 181 16 8 74 17 2 71 7 4 100 0 0 85 8 8 83 6 8 98 3 6 81 13 4 165 3 6 196 15 0 254 10 1 23 18 0 55 0 0 352 8 6 66 13 4 277 1 8 50 0 0 129 4 0 204 15 4 201 3 8 303 11 0 187 6 9 69 7 3 100 0 0 23 2 0 27 8 7 89 5 8 50 3 10 350 0 0 324 9 9 " Civil Service Act, 1866 :"— Allowances, — Bowron, G. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Calvert, C. A. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Bennett, J. B. ... ... 1 Nov. „ to „ „ Domett, A. ... ... 1 July „ to 31 Dec, 1873 Durie, D. S. ... ... „ „ to 30 June, 1874 5,854 15 6 89 18 3 148 19 6 214 5 4 279 15 3 28 0 8 Carried forward 760 19 0 8,007 5 6 4,725 3 6



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail—c, mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 760 19 0 8,067 5 6 4,725 3 6 Brought forward "Civil Service Act, 1866" — continued. Allowances — continued. Fitzherbert, W. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Flight, J. ... ... „ ' „ to „ „ Hill, E. ... ... „ „ to Lyle, R. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Lynch, J. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Keefe, D. ... ... „ ,, to ,, „ Walmsley, B. ... ... „ „ to „ „ 325 0 0 175 0 0 100 0 0 88 0 0 71 8 7 103 10 0 175 0 0 Compensation for Loss of Office, — Casey, J., Messenger, Defence Office ... £88 10 10 Hulme, C. F., Clerk, Civil Commissioner's Office, Auckland ... ... ... ... 38 10 10 Pilliett, W. H, Resident Magistrate, etc., Akaroa 118 15 0 Rochfort, S., District Judge, etc., Hawke's Bay 46 10 6 1,798 17 7 292 7 2 ♦ Gratuities, — Widow of A. Porter, Clerk to the Bench, Kaipara £106 13 4 „ W. Gray, Secretary, General Post Office 1,300 0 0 „ R. Millett, Resident Engineer, Thames 225 0 0 „ A. Johnson, Resident Engineer, Tokornairiro ... ... ... 177 15 7 „ J. S. Smith, Commissioner of Crown Lands, &c, Taranaki ... ... 300 0 0 „ J. C. Cole, Messenger, Treasury ... 200 0 0 " Comptroller's Act, 1865 :"— Comptroller ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 2,309 8 11 4,400 13 8 " Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867 :"— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Officers of Legislative Council „ House of Representatives 800 0 0 1,300 0 0 1,682 15 11 2,982 15 11 " Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, 1873 :"—■ Allowance for Staff Salaries, May and June, 1874 ... Travelling Allowance ... 250 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858:"— Sir W. Martin ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 250 0 0 "Mayne Pension Act, 1865:"— E. Mayne ... ... ... „ „ to 31 Dec. „ 100 0 0 " Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870:"— Broughton, E. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 Collins, M. ... ... ... „ ,, to 30 June „ Deery, H. ... ... ... „ ,, to „ ,, Hamlin, R. B. ... ... ,, „ to „ „ Meredith, E. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Monro, D. ... ... ... „ „ to „ „ 94 10 0 65 0 0 26 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 18 0 0 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 18G2:"— Pensions to Widows, — Herford, A., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £130 0 0 Hussey, K., 26 June „ to 25 Dec, 1873 40 0 0 King, E. M., 1 July „ to 31 „ „ 40 0 0 Passmore, A. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 46 0 0 Sarten, L. „ „ to „ „ 36 0 0 313 10 0 Compassionate Allowances, — Coad, J. and K., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £20 0 0 Fulloon, E. „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 37 10 0 Herford, A. „ „ to 30 June „ 40 0 0 Hussey, K., 26 June „ to 25 Dec, 1873 8 0 0 Sarten, L., 1 July „ to 30 June, 1874 15 2 6 292 0 0 120 12 6 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries, — Bending, W., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £30 10 0 Bentley, G. „ „ to „ „ 54 15 0 Callaghan, D. „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Cody, W. „ „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Dunn, A. J. N, „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Johnston, J. „ ,, to „ ,, 39 10 10 Leaf, R. „ „ to 9 2 6 Carried forward ... £234 4 2 £234 4 2 412 12 6 17,364 5 1 4,725 3 6



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, in detail— a mtinucd. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. PERMANENT CHARGES. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued. 412 12 6 17,364 5 1 Brought forward ... £234 4 2 4,725 3 6 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " — continued. Pensions for Wounds and Injuries— continued. Messenger, W., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 36 10 0 Oliver, W. „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Oienham, W. „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Rawson, F. G. „ „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Skinner, W. H. „ „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Vickery, W. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Woolfe, T. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Whatmore, E. „ „ to „ „ 18 5 0 517 1 8 " Military Pensions Act, 1866:"— Pensions to Widows, — Brown, M. A., 1 July, 1873, to 31 Dec, 1873 £37 10 0 Buck, C. M. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 70 0 0 Hastings, L. „ „ to 31 Dec, 1873 27 10 0 Hunter, H. E. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 60 0 0 McDonald, E. „ „ to „ „ 36 0 0 Morrison, A. „ „ to „ „ 36 0 0 Palmer, G. M. „ „ to 30 Sept., 1873 17 10 0 Russell, C. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 36 0 0 Spain, M. „ „ to „ „ 20 0 0 Von Tempsky, A. „ „ to „ ' „ 120 0 0 Ward, H. „ „ to 31 Dec, 1873 18 0 0 Arihia Ngeuekore „ „ to 30 Sept. „ 3 0 0 Arita „ „ to 31 Mar., 1874 27 0 0 Eraeta „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 Haromi Tiakitai „ „ to „ „ 37 10 0 Iritone Anita „ „ to „ „ 9 0 0 M. A. Heremia „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Monika Kerehi „ „ to 31 Dec, 1873 5 0 0 Miria Maniapoto „ „ to 31 Mar., 1874 27 0 0 Parekuku „ „ to „ „ 9 15 0 Roka Hapi „ „ to „ „ 34 10 0 Roka „ „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Wiki Manihera „ „ to „ „ 9 15 0 929 14 2 684 10 0 Compassionate Allowances, — Garner, H.E.&T., Uuly,'73, to 30 June, 1874 £17 0 0 Geary, C. J., 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar. „ 9 0 0 Hart, A. „ „ to 30 June „ 24 0 0 Hastings, L. „ „ to 31 Dec, 1873 5 0 0 Hunter, H. E. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 10 0 0 McKenzie, C. „ „ to „ „ 18 0 0 McDonald, E. „ „ to „ „ 6 0 0 Morrison, A. „ „ to „ „ 24 0 0 Palmer, G. M. „ „ to „ „ 12 0 0 Russell, C. „ „ to „ „ 12 0 0 Von Tempsky, A. „ „ to „ „ 58 6 8 Heni Korako,) lo-im- n „ ~ children of) " " to 31 Mar- " 9 ° ° Ngatai Winiata „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Mere Patu „ „ to „ „ 4 10 0 Parematau Rewai „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Porokoro Patu „ „ to „ „ 6 0 0 TeHiri „ „ to „ 6 0 0 Tatiana Patu „ „ to „ „ 4 10 0 Tapita Patu „ „ to „ „ 4 10 0 Tangi-te-iere „ „ to „ „ 9 0 0 Repora, children of „ „ to „ „ 4 10 0 258 6 8 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries,— Adamson, T., 1 July, 1873, to 31 Dec, 1873 £19 18 8 Beamish, J. G. „ „ to 30 June, 1874 12 3 4 Corbett, G. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Crawford, C. F. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Crosby, H. „ „ to 30 April „ 30 8 0 Dore, G. H. „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 27 8 0 Gibbons, M., 1 Oct. „ to „ „ 19 14 4 Hamblyn, J., 1 July „ to 30 June, 1874 39 10 10 Henshaw, T. J. „ „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Hope, E. L. „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Hyland, L. „ „ to „ „ 39 8 8 Kelly, J. „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Kershaw, P. „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Carried forward ... £374 2 8 £374 2 8 18,293 19 3 4,725 3 6 942 16 8



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, DETAIL — Ci mtinued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly- eemtk «ed. 942 10 8 18,293 19 3 4,725 3 6 Brought forward ... £374 2 8 "Military Pensions Act, 1866"— continued. Pensions for Wounds and Injuries — continued. Lacy, J., 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 39 10 10 Langfred, J. „ „ to „ „ 45 12 6 Lake, T. „ „ to „ „ 41 0 6 Lyddon, J. „ „ to 31 Dec. „ 19 18 8 McDonnell, W. „ „ to 30 June „ 150 0 0 McMahon, T. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Monck, J. „ „ to „ „ 18 5 0 Percy, J. A., Sept. Qr. „ to Mar. Qr. „ 75 0 0 McEvoy, J., 1 July „ to 31 Mar. „ 13 14 0 Reid, D. „ „ to 30 June „ 36 10 0 Roche, H. „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Ross, E. O. „ „ to „ „ 75 0 0 Shanaghan, J. ,, ,, to „ „ 27 7 6 Shepherd, R. „ „ to „ „ 48 13 4 Timms, W. „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 Tullln, G. „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 Vance, R. „ „ to 31 Dec „ 19 18 8 Walsh, W. „ „ to 30 Sept. „ 6 18 0 Williamson, F. „ „ to 30 June „ 36 10 0 Williams, J. „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 Wasely, E. O., 12 June „ to „ „ 41 12 0 Anara Taruke, 1 July „ to 31 Mar. „ 6 16 9 Anata Patapu „ „ to „ „ 10 5 9 Apera te Keonga „ „ to „ „ 34 6 3 Erueti Kepa „ „ to „ „ 6 16 10 Hemi Tonganui ,, „ to „ „ 13 14 6 Karaitiana „ ,, to „ „ 10 5 9 Karanamu Manika „ ,, to „ „ 12 11 0 Kareno Euataniwha „ „ to „ „ 10 5 6 Morihi „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Matiu „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Mauparoa „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Ngahuruhuru „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Pera T. Taitimu „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 PehiraTurei „ „ to „ „ 37 10 0 Poia „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Te Poari „ „ to „ „ 10 5 9 Reihanatelkalahi „ „ to „ „ 6 14 0 Ruihana „ "„ to „ „ 6 14 0 Renata Kawepo „ „ to „ „ 37 10 0 Ropata Korowai ,, ,, to „ „ 13 14 0 Tamehana te Awa „ „ to „ „ 34 6 3 Tamehana „ „ to „ „ 6 17 3 Tariu „ „ to „ „ 19 10 0 Tamata te Hopu ,, ,, to „ „ 10 5 6 Mihaka „ „ to „ „ 10 5 0 HoniParaki „ „ to „ „ 6 17 0 Medical Examinations 1,630 14 5 11 2 0 2,584 13 1 "Native Schools Act, 1867:" — Grants in Aid Salaries of Teachers ... New Buildings, Alterations, and Repairs ... Books, Stationery, Furniture, etc. Clothing, Board, and Education Travelling Allowances and Expenses Miscellaneous 1,421 4 8 3,503 16 4 1,548 0 11 395 12 5 564 6 8 174 18 3 230 12 8 "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867:" — J. Hector ... ... Salary, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 7,838 11 11 800 0 0 " New Zealand University Act, 1870:" — Grant 3,000 0 0 " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 :"— Sisters of the late Colonel Nixon ... 29 May to 28 Nov., 1873 75 0 0 " Pensions Act, 1856 :"— Swainsou, W. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 400 0 0 " Prisoners Maintenance xpenses Act, 1871:" —■ Auckland ... Nelson 45 14 0 175 14 3 221 8 3 Carried forward 33,213 12 6 4,725 3 6 -4—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, » detail — continued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of the General Assembly— continued, 33,213 12 6 4,725 3 6 Brought forward " Protection of Animals Act, 1867 :"— Refund of Fines 12 10 0 "Provincial Audit Act, 1866:"— Salaries, — Auckland ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Taranaki ... ... „ „ to „ „ Wellington ... ... „ „ to „ „ Hawke's Bay ... ... „ „ to „ ,, Nelson... ... ... „ „ to „ „ Marlborough ... ... „ „ to „ „ Canterbury ... ... ,, ,, to „ „ Westland ... ... „ „ to „ „ Otago ... ... ... „ „ to „ „ 350 0 0 62 0 0 204 17 2 150 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 240 0 0 "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858:" — Taranaki Guarantee, 1 July, 1873, to 31 May, 1874 £2,016 13 4 Less Land Revenue ... ... ... 881 10 0 1,906 17 2 1,135 3 4 329 3 4 1,464 6 8 Amount overpaid recovered as per contra "ScnAFER AND OTHERS PENSION ACT, 1872:" — McGuire, E. ... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Russell, W. ... ... ... „ „ to Schafer, C. ... ... ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Paraone, K. ... ... ... ,, „ to „ ,, Whakaiwha, M. ... ... „ „ to „ „ Wara Harieta ... ... „ „ to 30Sept. „ Topa Wikitoria ... ... „ „ to „ „ 18 4 0 18 5 0 22 10 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869:"— Hewett, E. A. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 31 Dec, 1873 Walsh, M. A. ... . ... „ „ to 30 June, 1874 Wilson, J. ... ... ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1873 76 19 6 25 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 " Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 :"— Whiteley, M. ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 1C0 0 0 " Ministerial Residences Lease and Lowey Bay Sale Act, 1873:" — Gardeners and Labourers Contract for Digging, &c Laundry Fencing Miscellaneous 177 4 8 145 14 0 250 0 6 171 3 7 58 5 9 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 802 8 6 37,656 14 4 Total under Acts of the General Assembly £42,381 17 10 APPROPRIATIONS. CLASS l.-PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT :— Vote No. 9, — Stamp Department,— Contingencies at Chief and Local Offices 83 19 5 Vote No. 12 — Geological Department,— Instruments, etc. 185 0 11 VOTE No. 1 of 1873-74:— Item 3, — Governor's Establishment, — Salaries ... ... ... ... £70 18 1 Gas, &c. ... ... ... 85 10 1 269 0 4 « 156 8 2 Carried forward 156 8 2 269 0 4



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, m detail—c, mtinued, APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Public Departments— continued. 156 8 2 269 0 4 Brought forward VOTE No. 1 of W73- I74 r —continued. Item 4, — Legislative Department,— Salaries and Clerical Assistance ... ... £122 6 8 Expenses of Members and Passages ... 128 16 1 Furnishing, Repairs, etc.... ... ... 99 8 6 Binding and Stationery ... ... ... 88 9 0 439 0 3 Item 5, — Executive Department,— Treasury,— Extra Clerical Assistance, etc. ... ... £98 13 6 Registrars of Marriages, etc., — Chatham Islands ... £0 10 0 Auckland ... ... 174 8 6 Taranaki ... ... 2 3 0 Wellington ... 45 6 0 Hawke's Bay ... 20 16 8 Nelson ... ... 29 3 6 Marlborough ... 9 18 0 Canterbury ... 72 18 8 Westland ... ... 43 3 0 Otago ... ... 150 19 2 555 6 6 Registrars of Joint Stock Companies ... 30 18 10 Item 6, — Printing Department,— Extra Hands and Overtime ... ... £85 14 4 Printing Material, etc. ... ... ... 55 9 2 Fuel, Light, and Contingencies ... ... 101 16 6 684 18 10 243 0 0 Item 7, — Geological Department — Contingencies ... 52 10 6 Item 8 — Electoral Department,— Printing, Advertising, Travelling Expenses, etc, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £175 16 6 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 11 7 3 Wellington ... ... ... 231 6 9 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 71 15 9 Nelson ... ... ... 49 16 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 26 2 3 Canterbury ... ... ... 105 14 6 Westland ... ... ... ... 71 5 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 474 1 1 Item 9, — Crown Lands Office, — Contingencies ... 1,217 5 1 20 12 0 2,813 14 10 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 3,082 15 2 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 2:— Legislative Departments,— Legislative Council, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £631 5 0 Extra Clerks and Messengers during Session 225 15 0 House of Bepresentatives,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £1,099 3 4 Extra Clerks and Messengers during Session 686 6 0 857 0 0 1,785 9 4 General Expenses,— Passages, etc., of Members ... ... £1,072 2 4 Expenses of Members ... ... ... 9,609 11 4 Clerk in Private Bill Office, 1 July to 30 Nov., 1873 ... ... ... ... 20 16 8 Library Attendants, 1 Joly, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... ... 227 7 6 Carried forward ... £10,929 17 10 2,642 9 4 | 3,082 15 2 *4—B. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail-c, mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Departments— continued. 2,642 9 4 3,082 15 2 Brought forward ... £10,929 17 10 VOTE No. 2—continued. Legislative Departments— continued. General Expenses — continued. Reporters, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 1,946 6 1 Printing Mansard ... ... ... 1,339 19 8 Library ... ... ... ... 300 0 0 Contingencies,— Furnishing, Fittings, Repairs, etc. ... 1,613 1 2 Fuel and Light ... ... ... 667 0 5 Stationery, Printing, and Binding ... 1,145 12 11 Bellamy's ... ... ... ... 350 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 648 17 7 18,940 15 8 VOTE No. 3 :— Executive Departments — Premier's Office, — Salaries 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Colonial Secretary's Office, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ ,, Treasury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £6,807 11 1 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 19 11 8 21,583 5 0 166 13 4 1,742 1 7 6,827 2 9 Audit OfficeSalaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Registry of Births, etc, — Registrar-General's Office, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ District Registrars,— Chatham Islands ... ... ... £8 5 0 Auckland ... ... ... ... 577 3 8 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 84 7 6 Wellington ... ... ... 221 1 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ' ... 81 4 8 Nelson ... ... ... ... 193 11 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 81 15 6 Canterbury ... ... ... 446 18 6 Westland ... ... .., ... 164 5 8 Otago ... ... ... ... 414 18 10 2,740 7 10 1,149 11 8 2,273 11 4 Registrars of Joint Stock Companies,— Auckland ... ... \.. ... £50 0 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 0 16 0 Wellington ... ... ... 20 8 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 37 15 0 Canterbury ... ... ... 50 0 0 Westland ... ... ... "... 7 16 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 56 16 8 223 11 8 Chief Messenger and Housekeeper,— Salary ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Stationery Store Department,— Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Registrar of Patents, — Salary „ „ to „ 180 0 0 325 7 1 40 0 0 * VOTE No. 4:— Stamp Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £912 7 8 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 178 5 8 15,668 7 3 Local Offices, — Auckland,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £235 16 8 Contingencies ... ... ... 3 18 0 1,090 12 11 239 14 8 Taranaki, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 25 0 0 Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £230 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 22 10 0 252 10 0 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, _ 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £115 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 10 3 0 125 3 0 Carried forward 1,733 0 7 37,251 12 3 3,082 15 2



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, in detail — a mtinucd. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Public Departments— continued. 1,733 0 7 37,251 12 3 Brought forward 3,082 15 2 VOTE No. 4— continued. Stamp Department— continued. Local Offices— continued. Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £106 13 4 Contingencies ... ... ... 026 MARLBOROUGn, Salaries, 1 July, 1873J to 30 June, 1874 £25 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 17 1 6 106 15 10 42 1 6 Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £312 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 29 14 0 342 4 0 Westland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £184 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 726 191 2 6 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £509 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 29 16 2 538 16 2 VOTE No. 5 :— Printing Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £4,388 18 11 Extra Assistance ... ... ... 2,750 4 10 Contingencies, Overtime, etc. ... ... 2,283 8 7 2,954 0 7 9,422 12 4 Binding Branch, — Salaries and Overtime, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Photo-Lithographic Branch, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Lithographic Branch, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Stamp Printing Branch, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Stereotype Branch, — Salary ... ... „ „ to „ „ 868 6 6 423 3 4 673 10 0 528 16 3 190 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 12,106 8 5 2,982 2 8 VOTE No. 6 :— Store Department,— Moiety of Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 9,124 5 9 507 10 0 VOTE No. 7:— Geological and Meteorological Department : — Salaries ... ,.. 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Field Expenses ... ... Contingencies Meteorological Stations 1,080 3 4 876 19 4 229 3 11 354 3 2 2,540 9 9 VOTE No. 8 :— Electoral Department,— Registration and Returning Officers, — Marsden, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £25 0 0 City of Auckland „ „ to 30 Sept., 1873 18 15 0 Waikato „ „ to 30 June, 1874 10 0 0 Thames „ „ to „ „ 20 0 0 East Coast „ „ to „ „ 10 O 0 New Plymouth „ „ to „ „ 25 0 0 Napier and Clive „ „ to 31 Oct., 1873 16 13 4 Wellington „ „ to 30 Sept. „ 6 5 0 Wanganui „ „ to 31 Mar., 1874 18 15 0 Wairarapa „ „ to 30 June „ 25 0 0 Manawatu „ „ to „ „ 25 0 0 Collingwood „ „ to 31 May „ 18 15 0 Nelson „ „ to 30 June „ 25 0 0 Pieton and Wairau „ to „ „ 25 0 0 Christchurch „ „ to „ „ 70 0 0 Carried forward ... £339 3 4 52,377 18 4 3,082 15 2



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, :>* detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Departments— continued. 52,377 18 4 3,082 15 2 Brought forward ... £339 3 4 VOTE No. 8— continued. Electoral D epartment— continued. Registration and Returning Officers — continued. Lyttelton, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 25 0 0 Akaroa „ „ to „ „ 9 19 11 Selwyn and Coleridgo „ to „ ,, 25 0 0 Timaru and Gladstone „ to „ „ 25 0 0 Buller and Grey „ „ to 31 July „ 1 0 10 Hokitika and Totara „ to 31 Sept., 1873 6 5 0 Port Chalmers „ „ to 30 June, 1874 25 0 0 Taieri „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 18 15 0 Clutha „ „ to 30 June „ 25 0 0 Mount Ida „ „ to 30 Sept., 1873 6 5 0 Waitaki „ „ to 30 June, 1874 25 0 0 Waikouaiti „ „ to „ „ 25 0 0 Invercargill, 1 Feb., 1874, to „ „ 12 10 0 Riverton, 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 18 15 0 587 14 1 Revising Officers, — Auckland, 1 July, 1873, to 31 May, 1874 £88 6 8 Taranaki „ „ to 30 June „ 25 0 0 Hawke's Bay „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 18 15 0 Nelson „ „ to 30 June „ 75 0 0 Marlborough „ „ to „ „ 25 0 0 CWeTtlI Knd&J " " * " " Otago „ „ to „ „ 50 0 0 407 1 8 Expenses of Printing Rolls, Advertising, Elections, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies,— Auckland ... ... ... ... £864 8 7 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 37 17 9 Wellington ... ... ... ... 324 0 8 Hawke's Bay... ... ... ... 5110 0 Nelson ... .... ... ... 131 7 3 Marlborough ...' ... ... 31 5 3 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 427 15 2 Westland ... ... ... ... 135 1 9 Otago ... ... ... ... 364 6 3 2,367 12 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 3,362 8 5 890 6 9 VOTE No. 9:— Department of Secretary for Crown Lands, — Salaries... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Contingencies 2,472 1 8 1,620 14 5 20 13 10 1,641 8 3 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 5, — Printing Department,— Expenditure... ... ... ... £12,106 8 5 Amount Voted ... £9,010 16 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 113 9 9 9,124 5 9 Vote No. 8 : — Electoral Department,— Expenditure... ... ... ... £3,362 8 5 Amount Voted ... £2,470 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 2 18 2,472 1 8 2,982 2 8 890 6 9 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... „. 3,872 9 5 60,363 17 8 Total Class I. ... ... ... ... ... £63,446 12 10



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, :n detail — ci mtinued. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ a. d, APPROPRIATIONS. CLASS ll.-LAW AND JUSTICE. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 15, — Land Transfer Department,—• Contingencies at Chief and Local Offices 180 0 0 Vote No. 16, — Deeds Registry,— Contingencies at Chief aud Local Offices 180 0 0 Vote No. 21 — Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Service of Summonses 24 5 3 Vote No. 22 — Petty Sessions Courts, — Bailiffs' Fees, etc. 10 0 0 Vote No. 23 — Criminal Prosecutions ... 100 0 0 Vote No. 26,— Examination of Lunatics 39 18 0 534 3 3 VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73 :— Item 10, — Land Transfer Department,— Rent and Contingencies, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £20 15 7 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 3 10 6 Wellington ... ... ... 25 13 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 5 15 6 Marlborough ... ... ... 73 2 5 Canterbury ... ... ... 26 18 9 Westland ... ... ... ... 21 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 68 6 4 245 2 1 Item 11, — Deeds Registry,— Contract Work and Contingencies,— Auckland ... ... ... ... £45 8 10 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 10 0 Wellington ... ... ... 47 3 2 Otago ... ... ... ... 30 4 7 123 16 7 Item 12 —Maintenance of Rebel Natives 185 14 9 Item 13 —Supreme Court, — Circuit and Appeal Courts, — Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Judges, etc. £169 14 0 Clerks to Judges ... 12 10 0 Contingencies,— £182 4 0 Auckland ... ... £38 2 2 Wellington ... ... 2 0 0 Hawke's Bay ... 17 9 0 Nelson ... ... 7 19 6 Marlborough... ... 19 4 0 Canterbury ... ... 5 11 0 Westland ... ... 2 16 6 Otago ... ... 90 2 10 183 5 0 Item 14—District Courts, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £23 14 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 9 18 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 40 0 6 Westland ... ... ... ... 76 18 6 Otago ... ... ... ... 18 3 10 365 9 0 168 14 10 Carried forward 1,083 17 3 534 3 3



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, IN DETAIL —Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Law and Justice — continued. 1,088 17 3 534 3 3 Brought forward VOTE No. 1 OP 1872-73— continued. Item 15 —Resident Magistrates' Courts, —■ Auckland ... ... ... ... £140 0 2 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 3 15 0 Wellington ..., ... ... ... 45 11 8 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 47 13 8 Nelson ... ... ... ... 197 3 O Marlborough ... ... ... ... 34 15 8 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 125 16 4 Westland ... ... ... ... 73 18 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 124 1 10 Chatham Islands ... ... ... 50 0 0 Item 16—Petty Sessions Courts, — Rent and Contingencies 842 15 4 45 3 0 Item 17 —Justices of the Peace Act, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £107 3 3 Taranaki ... ... ... ... G 7 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 3 2 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 13 3 6 Otago ... ... ... ... 61 18 0 191 13 9 Item 18—Coroners Act, 1867, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £86 11 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 9 5 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 64 5 6 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 9 9 0 Nelson ... ... ... ... 19 6 0 Marlborough ... ... ... ... 31 16 0 Canterbury ... ... ... ... 47 13 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 10 4 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 74 5 0 Item 19—Jurors Act, — Nelson ... ... ... ... £3 9 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 6 5 0 352 14 6 9 14 0 2,530 17 10 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 3,005 1 1 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 10:--Office of the Minister of Justice, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 1,143 0 0 VOTE No. 11 :— Crown Law Office, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplc--mentary 1,052 0 0 2 0 0 1,050 0 0 VOTE No. 12:— Supreme Court, — Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal, — Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... £1,004 12 3 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 109 9 0 1,114 1 3 Salaries of Clerks to Judges,— Auckland, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £150 0 0 Wellington „ „ to „ „ 150 0 0 Canterbury „ ,, to „ „ 150 0 0 Westland and Nelson „ „ to „ „ 150 0 0 Otago „ „ to „ „ 150 0 0 750 0 0 Salaries of Registrars and others, — Auckland, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,478 6 8 Taranaki „ „ to „ „ 50 0 0 Wellington „ „ to „ „ 812 1 0 Hawke's Bay „ „ to „ „ 79 17 0 Nelson „ „ to „ „ 142 1 8 Marlborough (Fees) ... ... ... 420 Carried forward ... £2,566 8 4 £2,560 8 4 1,861 1 3 2,193 0 0 3,005 1 1



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Law and Justice — continued. 1,864 1 3 2,193 0 0 3,065 1 1 Brought forward ... £2,566 8 4 VOTE No. 12— continued. Supreme Court— continued. Salaries of Registrars and others — continued, Canterbury, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 1,456 10 0 Westland „ „ to ., „ 181 5 0 Otago „ „ to „ „ 1,375 17 3 Rent Allowance, Auckland 5,580 0 7 35 15 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 7,479 16 10 204- 0 2 7,275 16 8 VOTE No. 13 :— District Courts, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874, — Auckland and Grahamstown ... ... £275 0 0 New Plymouth ... ... 275 0 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... 457 15 6 Nelson and Westland ... ... ... 985 17 4 Timaru, etc. ... ... ... ... 980 0 0 Otago Gold Fields ... ... ... 1,100 0 0 Dunedin (from 1 March, 1871) ... ... 243 15 0 Bailiffs'Fees Rent of Court House, Timaru Travelling Allowances and Expenses of Judges 4,317 7 10 41 16 6 45 0 0 606 7 0 Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 5,010 11 4 225 11 4 VOTE No. 14 : — Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Auckland, Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Onchunga, etc., — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £786 13 4 RentatHowick ... ... ... 10 0 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 11650 4,785 0 0 1,410 0 0 Wangarei, Salaries ... 1 July 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Russell „ ... ... „ „ to „ „ Kaipara „ ... ... „ „ to 31 Jan. „ Mongonui „ ... ... „ „ to 30 June „ Waimate,etc„ ... ... „ „ to „ „ Waikato Districts, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £500 0 0 Rent ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 79 19 4 912 18 4 115 0 0 150 0 0 32 0 10 235 7 9 50 0 0 t 582 9 4 200 0 0 160 0 0 ( Tauranga, Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Opotiki „ ... to „ „ Gisborne— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 31 May, 1874 £206 5 0 Rent ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 • New Plymouth, Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Patea „ ... „ „ to 31 Mar. „ Wellington and Hutt, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,066 10 0 Forage and Travelling Allowances ... 74 12 0 Rent of Court House, Hutt ... ... 10 0 0 231 5 0 160 0 0 7 10 0 1,151 2 0 Marton, Manawatu, and Otaki, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £256 13 4 Forage and Travelling Allowances ... 104 12 0 361 5 4 689 12 0 Wanganui, Salaries ... 1 July, 31873, to 30 June, 1874 Wairarapa,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, !Tt874 £575 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... ... 54 12 0 Napier, etc., Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Wairoa „ ... „ „ to „ ' „ Nelson, &c, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June,, 1874 £937 10 0 Travelling Allowance aud Expenses ... 22 1 0 629 12 0 647 9 2 50 0 0 959 11 0 ' JarriVd forward 8,735 2 9 14,253 16 8 3,065 1 1 5-13. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, N DETAIL — Ci intinued. APPROPRIATIONS. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 8,735 2 9 14,253 16 8 3,005 1 1 Brought forward VOTE No. 1*— continued. Resident Magistrates' Courts — continued, Amuri, Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Blenheim and Pieton, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £400 0 0 Cleaning Office ... ... ... 13 0 0 75 0 0 Havelock, Salary ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Christchurch, etc., — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,494 7 3 Forage Allowance ... ... ... 54 12 0 Rent ... ... ... ... 125 0 0 413 0 0 10 0 0 Lyttelton, Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Kaiapoi, etc., — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £762 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... ... 75 0 0 1,673 19 3 441 5 0 Amuri, Travelling Allowance, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Akaroa, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £324 19 11 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 77 18 3 837 0 0 50 0 0 402 18 2 Timaru, etc., — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £550 0 0 Forage Allowanco ... ... ... 75 0 0 025 0 0 1,114 0 0 476 0 0 1,518 9 0 105 10 5 570 0 0 Hokitika and Boss, Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Greymouth „ „ „ to „ „ Dunedin „ „ „ to „ „ Port Chalmers „ „ „ to „ „ Oamaru and Hampden „ „ „ to „ „ Tokomairiro, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £525 0 0 Forage Allowanco ... ... ... 100 0 O 625 0 0 Hawkesbury and Palmerston, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £450 0 0 Rent of Court Houso ... ... ... 19 10 0 469 10 0 75 0 0 West Taieri, Salaries ... 1 July, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 Invercargill,—• Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £585 0 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 12 10 0 Riverton, Salaries... ... 1 ,Tuly, 1873, to 31 Mar., 1874 Stewart's Island, Salaries ... 6 Oct., 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Chatham Islands „ ... Oct., 1872, to Feb., 1874 Bailiffs' Fees 597 10 0 22 10 0 40 19 5 56 5 0 329 0 1 • Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 19,262 19 1 414 16 1 18,848 3 0 VOTE No. 15:— Pe'tty Sessions Courts, — Auckland Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough ... ■ Canterbury Otago ... ... ... ... ' ... 73 8 6 23 15 0 101 0 0 30 15 0 73 0 0 50 12 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 352 10 6 2 10 6 350 0 0 VOTE No. 16:— Criminal Prosecutions, — Criminal Prosecutions before the Supremo and District Courts, — , Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay,.. Nelson1,884 16 0 191 7 10 474 11 6 292 16 7 114 16 1 Carried forward 2,958 8 0 33,451 19 8 3,005 1 1



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice — continued. 2,958 8 0 33,451 19 . 8 3,065 1 1 Brought forward VOTE No. 1G— continued. Criminal Prosecutions — continued. Criminal Prosecutions before the Supreme and District Courts— continued. Marlborough... Canterbury ... Westland Otago 1G0 15 9 720 16 11 647 4 9 994 2 11 ' • 5,481 8 4 VOTE No. 17 :— Justices of the Peace Act, — Expenses connected with Preliminary Investigations before Magistrates, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay... Nelson Marlborough... Canterbury ... Westland Otago 196 0 6 52 9 0 51 7 0 7 4 0 8 11 0 34 2 0 70 8 7 9 18 3 326 19 9 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 757 O 7 257 0 7 500 0 0 VOTE No. 18 :— Coroners, — Fees and Expenses on Inquests,— Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay... Nelson Marlborough Canterbury ... Westland Otaqo 375 11 0 31 3 0 180 4 0 63 18 O 182 8 6 56 3 O 296 17 0 119 3 6 384 19 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,690 7 0 490 7 G 1,200 0 0 VOTE No. 19 i— Lunatics, — Fees to Medical Witnesses under " Lunatics Act, 1868,"— Chatham Islands Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay... Marlborough... Canterbury ... Westland Otago 2 2 0 99 15 0 21 0 0 40 4 0 4 4 0 22 1 0 120 15 0 27 0 0 84 15 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 428 2 6 20 0 6 402 2 0 VOTE No. 20:— Jurors, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westland Otago ... 100 1 0 22 13 0 49 9 O 96 18 O 58 1 0 50 13 O 130 15 0 135 9 O 162 18 O Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 872 17 0 172 17 0 700 0 0 Carried forward 11,735 10 0 j 8,065 1 1 *5— B. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-71, :>' DETAIL — Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 41,735 10 0 3,065 1 1 Brought forward VOTE No. 21 :— Contingencies,— General Contingencies Supreme Court ,, District Courts „ Resident Magistrates' Courts, Expenses, serving Summonses, and Contingencies ... 81 19 6 262 0 4 120 11 1 1,824 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 2,288 10 11 788 10 11 1,500 0 0 VOTE No. 22 :— Registry of Land, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Registrar-General's Office Local Offices, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £900 0 0 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 205 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... 856 5 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 397 18 3 Nelson ... ... ... ... 700 0 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 158 9 4 Canterbury- ... ... ... 1,377 13 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 119 6 0 Otago ... ... 2,173 15 6 260 0 0 Rents and General Contingencies,— Rent ... ... ... ... ... £129 0 0 Drawing Plans and Engrossing ... ... 288 12 7 Advertising ... ... ... ... 328 9 5 Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... 154 5 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 36 18 6 6,888 7 1 937 5 6 Expenditure in excoss of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 8,085 12 7 322 4 3 VOTE No. 23:— Registry of Deeds, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Registrar-General's Office Local Offices, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £1,239 16 0 Taranaki ... ' ... ... ... 265 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... 919 8 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 364 13 4 Nelson ... ... ... ... 395 0 0 Marlborough ... ... ... 292 5 10 . Canterbury ... ... ... 1,055 10 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 259 0 0 Otago ... ... ... ... . 1,662 10 0 7,763 8 4 100 0 0 Rent, Contingencies, and Contract Work, — Rent ... ... ... ... ... £97 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 53 2 0 Contract Work ... ... ... 1,964 1 8 6,453 3 2 2,114 13 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary t 8,067 16 10 482 16 10 8,185 0 0 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 11, — Crown Law Office, — Expenditure... ... ... ' ... £1,052 0 0 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,050 0 0 • Vote No. 12,— Supreme Court, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £7,479 16 10 Amount Voted ... £7,265 0 0 Credits (sec page 14) ... 10 16 8 2 0 0 204 0 2 7,275 16 8 Carried forward 200 0 2 59,183 18 4 3,005 1 1



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, IN DETAIL—Ci mtinucd, APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Law and Justice— continued. 200 0 2 59,183 18 4 3,065 1 1 Brought forward SUPPLEMENTARY— continued. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations— continued. Vote No. 13,— District Courts, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £5,010 11 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 4,785 0 0 Vote No. 14, — Eesident Magistrates' Courts, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £19,262 19 1 Amount Voted ... £18,810 2 0 Credits (eee page 14) ... 38 1 0 225 11 4 18,848 3 0 414 10 1 Vote No. 15, — Petty Sessions Courts, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £352 10 6 Amount Voted ... ... ... 350 0 0 2 10 6 Vote No. 17, — Justices of the Peace Act, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £757 0 7 Amount Voted ... ... ... 500 0 0 Vote No. 18 — Coroners, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £1,690 7 6 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,200 0 0 257 0 7 Vote No. 19, — Lunatics, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £428 2 6 Amount Voted ... £400 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 2 2 0 490 7 6 402 2 0 26 0 6 Vote No. 20,— Jurors, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £872 17 0 Amount Voted ... ... ... 700 0 0 Vote No. 21, — Contingencies,— Expenditure... ... ... . ... £2,288 10 11 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 172 17 0 Vote No. 22 — Registry- of Land, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £8,085 12 7 Amount Voted ... £7,740 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 23 8 4 788 10 11 7,703 8 4 322 4 3 Vote No. 23,— "~~ « Registry of Deeds, — Expenditure... ... ... ... £8,G67 16 10 Amount Voted ... ... ... 8,185 0 0 4S2 16 10 Total Financial Year 1872-73 ... 3.38S 15 8 62,572 14 0 Total Class II. ... £05,037 15 1 CLASS III.-P0STAL. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 30,— Conveyance of Mails by Sea, — Intercolonial Services ... ... ... £688 0 10 Fiji Service ... ... ... ... 100 O 0 Landing and Shipping Mails, etc. ... ... 4119 2 830 0 0 Carried forward 830 0 0 •



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, IN DETAIL — d mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 830 0 0 Brought forward BESEEVE ACCOUNT— continued. Vote No. 31,— San Francisco Mail Service, — Salary and Travelling Allowance and Expenses of Mail Agent ... ... ... £212 0 0 Telegrams, etc. ... ... ... 225 13 11 Vote No. 41, — Conveyance of Inland Mails, — Auckland ... ... ... ... £38 7 2 Wellington ... ... ... ... 13 13 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 196 11 1 Nelson ... ... ... ... 6 0 0 Westland ... ... ... ... 2 11 0 Otago ... ... ... ... 522 17 9 437 13 11 • 780 0 0 VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73 -.— Item 20 — Postal Department,— Mails to and from Melbourne ... ... £159 11 2 Mail Agents'Expenses, &c ... ... 5 12 3 Government of New South Wales for arrears due in respect of Panama Services ... 5,104 14 G Salaries and Contingencies,— Auckland ... £27 13 4 Wellington ... 5 11 10 Hawke's Bay ... 12 3 4 Marlborough ... 3 0 0 Canterbury ... 0 16 8 Otago ... ... 2 10 0 2,047 13 11 51 15 2 Conveyance of Inland Mails, — Auckland ... £93 11 0 Hawke's Bay ... 54 5 8 Canterbury ... , 10 0 0 Otago ... ... 23 0 0 Chatham Islands... 9 10 0 190 6 8 Postal Contingencies, — General Post Office £214 4 11 Auckland ... 119 7 9 Wellington ... 33 10 7 Hawke's Bay ... 6 6 3 Nelson ... ... 24 11 3 MARLBOROUGn ... 1 10 0 Canterbury ... 71 6 5 Westland ... 54 18 9 Otago .... 84 9 4 610 5 3 6,122 5 0 Item 21, — Telegraph Department,— Head Office and White's Bay,— Overtime, etc ... ... ... £35 12 2 Auckland, — Salaries and Overtime... £118 11 0 Travelling Expenses ... 36 16 6 Rent and Contingencies 168 15 5 324 2 11 Taranaki, — Salary of Lineman, etc. ... ... 21 11 11 Wellington,— Salaries and Overtime... £59 8 6 Travelling Expenses ... 61 12 6 Rent and Contingencies 104 2 11 225 3 11 Hawke's Bay,— Overtime and Contingencies ... ... 21 18 9 Nelson, — Salaries, etc. ... ... £16 18 0 Travelling Expenses ... 44 16 0 Additions to Offices and Contingencies ... 157 11 7 219 5 7 , Carried forward ... £847 15 3 2,047 13 11 • 0,122 5 0



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 6,122 5 0 2,047 13 11 Brought forward ... £847 15 3 VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73— continued. Item 21— continued. Telegraph Department— continued. Marlborough,— Salaries, etc. ... £22 2 2 Travelling Expenses ... 26 9 9 Contingencies ... 143 1 2 191 13 1 Canterbury,— Salaries ... ... £43 10 9 Travelling Expenses ... 38 2 6 Rent and Contingencies 254 3 2 335 16 5 Westland, — Salaries, etc. ... ... £25 4 7 Travelling Expenses ... 8136 Contingencies ... 37 3 6 71 1 7 II A / Otago,— Salaries, etc. ... £41 10 4 Travelling Expenses ... 68 9 6 Contingencies ... 100 9 5 210 9 3 1,656 15 7 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 7,779 0 7 9,826 14 6 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 24 :— General Post Office, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Commission on Money Orders due to Foreign Offices ... Postage Stamp Plates, Dies, Paper, etc. 2,240 3 10 429 16 11 1,404 4 4 4,074 5 1 VOTE No. 25:— Conveyance of Mails by Sea, — San Francisco Service Inter-Provincial and Inter-Colonial Services, etc. Contributions to Suez Service Fiji Service Demurrage Gratuities Cartage and Boatage, Landing and Shipping Mails Travelling Expenses, Telegrams, etc., connected with San Francisco Service Chatham Islands Service ... Mail Agents 12,043 4 6 7,375 18 9 7,500 0 0 900 0 0 275 0 0 1,914 12 9 307 5 6 1,498 12 9 75 0 0 353 12 5 32,243 6 8 VOTE No. 26:— Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874, — Auckland * ... ... ... ... £2,975 17 1 Thames ... ... ... ... 922 16 11 Kapanga ... ... ... ... 154 1 2 Country Postmasters ... ... ... 920 19 9 Rent, Auckland ... 4,973 14 11 290 0 0 VOTE No. 27:— Taranaki, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— New Plymouth Country Postmasters 5,263 14 11 372 10 0 36 5 0 408 15 0 VOTE No. 28:— Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Wellington Wanganui Country Postmasters 1,636 3 2 243 18 6 470 7 9 2,350 9 5 Carried forward 44,340 11 1 9,826 14 6



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, detail — a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 44,340 11 1 9,826 14 6 Brought forward VOTE No. 29:— Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Napier Country Postmasters 578 13 9 229 5 O Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 807 18 9 47 18 9 760 0 0 VOTE No. 30:— Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Nelson Westport Charleston Reefton Country Postmasters 892 16 10 203 6 8 80 O 0 225 0 0 371 3 6 1,772 7 0 VOTE No. 31 :— Marlborough,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Blenheim Pieton Country Postmasters 366 19 5 140 0 0 102 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 608 19 5 3 19 5 605 0 0 VOTE No. 32.— Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Christchurch ... ... ... ... £2,396 5 2 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 421 9 4 Timaru ... ... ... ... 240 0 0 Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Akaroa ... ... ... ... 45 16 8 Country Postmasters ... ... ...' 68113 4 Office Rent 3,985 4 6 ■ 289 15 0 VOTE No. 33 :— Westland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Hokitika Greymouth Country Postmasters 4,274 19 6 802 19 2 645 0 0 173 16 7 1,621 15 9 VOTE No. 34 :— Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Dunedin Oamaru Clyde Lawrence Port Chalmers ... Tokomairiro Waikouaiti Queenstown Mount Ida Invercargill ... ... ... Country Postmasters 3,090 7 2 380 10 0 150 0 0 207 6 8 198 4 1 210 0 0 40 0 0 150 10 8 100 0 0 668 0 9 1,158 1 8 VOTE No. 35:— Conveyance of Inland Mails, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Nelson... Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago ... 4,037 5 4 926 0 0 2,052 16 6 1,772 5 0 1,380 3 9 785 18 9 4,896 6 5 4,189 1 1 6,253 4 6 6,359 7 0 VOTE No. 36:— Contingencies,— General Post Office Auckland Taranaki Wellington 149 4 9 397 8 3 18 0 6 348 19 S 26,293 1 4 Carried forward 913 12 9 86,027 1 8 9,826 14 6



OP THE detail — a 'muei APPROPRIATIONS. £ 8. d. £ b. d. £ 8. d. Postal — continued. 913 12 9 86,027 1 8 9,826 14 6 Brought forward VOTE No. 36— continued. Contingencies— continued. Hawke's Bay ... Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago 145 17 7 281 5 8 34 0 9 477 9 2 150 7 7 811 14 0 2,814 7 6 VOTE No. 37:— Telegraph Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Head Office ... ... ... ... £2,397 5 4 White's Bay ... ... ... ... 1,297 10 0 Riverton ' ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Winton (from 1 Sept.) ... ... ... 109 3 4 Bluff ... ... ... ... ... 352 10 0 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 550 19 2 Longbush ... ... ... ... 93 6 8 Mataura ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Clinton (from 1 Nov.) ... ... ... 100 0 0 Balclutha (to 31 May) ... ... ... " 148 7 10 Lawrence ... ... ... ... 121 3 4 Roxburgh ... ... ... ... 123 6 8 Alexandra (to 31 May) ... ... ... 132 18 4 Clyde... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Cromwell ... ... ... ... 182 0 0 Arrow ... ... ... ... 113 6 8 Queenstown ... ... ... ... 181 13 4 Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... 151 13 4 Dunedin ... ... ... ... 2,073 1 8 Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 327 12 0 Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... 194 13 6 Palmerston ... ... ... ... 193 0 0 Naseby ... ... ... ... 136 0 0 Hampden ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Kakanui ... ... ... ... 110 0 0 Oamaru ... ... ... ... 403 3 3 Waimate ... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Timaru ... ... ... ... 360 6 11 Washdyke ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Temuka ... ... ... ... 146 0 0 Ashburton ... ... ... ... 149 0 0 Dunsandel ... ... ... ... 79 5 0 Christchurch ... ... ... ... 2,361 18 2 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 421 7 11 Akaroa ... ... ... ... 109 0 8 Bealey ... ... ... ... 220 0 0 Boss ... ... ... ... ... 181 5 9 Hokitika ... ... ... ... 714 0 7 Greymouth ... ... ... ... 684 17 6 Ahaura ... ... ... ... 170 17 10 Reefton ... ... ... ... 307 6 8 Brighton ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Charleston ... ... ... ... 181 0 0 Westport ... ... ... ... 369 17 3 Kaiapoi ... ... ... ... 121 13 4 Rangiora ... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Leithfield ... ... ... ... 110 0 0 Hurunui ... ... ... ... 115 0 0 Waiau ... ... ... ... 83 16 8 Cheviot ... ... ... ... 84 3 4 Kaikoura ... ... ... ... 96 10 0 Kekerangu ... ... ... ... 129 11 8 Blenheim ... ... ... ... 269 9 5 Pieton ... ... ... ... 134 0 0 Havelock ... ... ... ... 141 6 8 Nelson ... ... ... ... 946 10 2 Richmond ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Motueka ... ... ... ... 114 16 8 Lvell (from 1 March) ... ... ... 59 10 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 3,148 18 6 Otaki ... ... ... ... 140 0 0 Foxton ... ... ... ... 188 13 4 Bull's ... ... ... ... 136 11 9 Marton ... ... ... ... 110 0 0 Wanganui ... ... ... ... 376 10 9 Carried forward ... £23,531 0 11 88,841 9 2 9,826 14 6 6—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, IN DETAIL — CO', itinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 88,841 9 2 9,826 14 6 Brought forward ... £23,531 Oil VOTE No. 87— continued. Telegraph Department— continued. Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — continued. Patea ... ... ... ... 237 0 0 Hawera. ... ... ... ... 124 0 0 Opunake ... ... ... ... 114 3 4 New Plymouth ... ... ... 117 0 0 Stoney River ... ... ... ... 92 10 0 Hutt ... ... ... ... 116 13 4 Featherston ... ... ... ... 94 3 4 Greytown ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 Masterton ... ... ... ... 189 0 0 Castle Point (to 31 May) ... ... 128 6 8 Waipukurau ... ... ... ... 115 6 8 Waipawa ... ... ... ... 130 O 0 Napier ... ... ... ... 893 16 11 The Spit ... ... ... ... 180 O 0 Tarawera ... ... ... ... 148 6 8 Taupo 170 0 0 Tauranga ... ... ... ... 245 13 4 Maketu ... ... ... ... 112 0 0 Rotorua ... ... ... ... 228 0 0 Katikati ... ... ... ... 87 13 4 Grahamstown ... ... ... ... 1,002 7 9 Hastings ... ... ... ... 125 0 0 Coromandel 160 0 0 Auckland 1,627 2 11 Onehunga ... ... ... ... 173 6 8 Manukau Heads (from 1 Sept.) ... ... 104 3 4 Otahuhu ... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Drury ... ... ... ... 85 0 0 Mercer ... ... ... ... 95 O 0 Newcastle ... ... ... ... 133 10 0 Cambridge 192 16 4 Hamilton 164 6 8 TeAwamutu ... ... ... ... 15113 4 Alexandra ... ... ... ... 133 6 8 Cadets at Head Office ... ... ... 852 9 10 New Stations ... ... ... ... 104 2 2 32,454 0 2 Maintenance and Repairs of Lines, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Inspectors ... ... ... ... £1,342.0 10 Linemen ... ... ... ... 4,483 15 0 Travelling Expenses, etc., of Inspectors and Linemen ... ... ... ... 3,988 18 3 Extra Labour, Material for Repairs, Cartage, Freight, etc. ... ... ... ... 2,789 17 3 12,604 11 4 Miscellan eous, — Furniture, Fittings, Repairs, and other Expenses ... ... ... ... £1,559 10 3 Fuel and Light ... ... ... 702 19 4 Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... 1,137 9 7 Overtime ... ... ... ... 1,232 5 8 Rent ... ... ... ... 454 16 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 1,203 4 11 6,350 6 7 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 51,408 18 1 6,2G3 14 0 45,145 3 7 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Vote No. 29 — Postal, Hawke's Bay,— Expenditure ... ... ... ... £807 18 9 Amount Voted ... ... ... 760 0 0 i Vote No. 31 — Postal, Marlborough,— Expenditure ... ... ... ... £008 19 5 Amount Voted ... ... ... 605 0 0 47 18 9 3 19 5 Carried forward 133,986 12 9 9,826 14 6 51 18 2



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, in detail — a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 51 18 2 133,986 12 9 9,826 14 6 Brought forward SUPPLEMENTARY— continued. Vote No. 37 — Telegraph Department,— Expenditure ... ... ... ... £51,408 18 1 Amount Voted ... £44,913 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 232 3 7 — 45,145 3 7 6,263 14 6 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 6,315 12 8 140,302 5 5 Total Class III. £150,128 19 11 CLASS 1V.-CUST0MS. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT :— Vote No. 44, — Customs Department,— Commissioner's Office Auckland Wellington ... Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury ... Westland Otago Chatham Islands 17 0 5 188 6 7 52 3 2 8 12 0 4 11 8 10 0 5 0 0 56 5 0 79 17 10 87 3 4 Vote No. 45, — Marine Department,— Flat Rock Beacon Lighthouse at Manukau... Oil, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies 500 0 0 511 5 0 2,573 13 10 1,115 1 2 4,200 0 0 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 4;700 o o FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 38:— Customs Offices and Services, — Inspector's Department, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Auckland,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £4,227 13 8 Extra Tidewaiters ... ... ... 214 7 0 Rent 156 17 2 1,394 11 11 4,598 17 10 Onehunga, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Thames, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Mongonui,— Sub-Collector ... ... „ ,, to „ „ Russell, — Officer in Charge ... „ „ to „ „ Wangarei, — Collector ... ... „ „ to „ „ Whangaroa,— Coastwaiter ... ... „ ,, to „ „ Kaipara,— Coastwaiter ... ... „ „ to „ ,, Hokianga,— Officer in Charge ... „ „ to „ „ Tauranga,— Collector and Examining Officer „ „ to „ „ 245 0 0 669 19 10 165 0 0 245 0 0 180 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 220 0 0 283 6 8 Carried forward ... 8,131 16 3 4,700 0 0 *6—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, DETAIL —CI mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Customs — continued. 8,131 16 3 4,700 0 0 Brought forward VOTE No. 38— continued. Customs Offices and Services— continued. Poverty Bay, — Collector and Examining Officer, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £335 0 0 Revenue Cutter " Ringleader,"— Wages and Working Expenses ... ... 700 14 3 1,035 14 3 New Plymouth, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Waitara, — Coastwaiter ... ... „ „ to „ „ Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £2,720 18 6 Extra Tidewaitera ... ... ... 257 4 0 525 0 0 25 0 0 2,978 2 6 # Wanganui,—■ Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Napier, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £1,295 6 4 Extra Tidewaitera ... ... ... 39 4 0 775 0 0 1,334 10 4 Pieton, — Collector and Examining Officer, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Havelock, — Officer in Charge ... „ „ to „ „ Wairau, — Officer in Charge ... „ „ to „ „ Kaikoura, — Officer in Charge, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... ... £125 0 0 Rent of Custom House ... ... ... 20 0 0 200 0 0 155 0 0 265 0 0 145 0 0 Nelson, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Collingwood,— Coastwaiter ... ... „ „ to „ „ Westport,— Salaries and Gold Fields Allowances „ „ to „ „ Greymouth,— Salaries and Gold Fields Allowances „ „ to „ „ Hokitika, — Salaries and Gold Fields Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... £1,568 1 3 Extra Tidewaitera ... ... ... 15118 0 1,809 16 1 23 11 9 772 13 4 1,082 2 9 1,719 19 3 Okarito, — Salaries and Gold Fields Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Lyttelton and Christchurch, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £3,587 15 8 Extra Tidewaitera ... ... ... 170 5 0 Rent ... ... ... ... 112 10 0 300 6 8 3,870 10 8 Kaiapoi, — Locker ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Akaroa, — Sub-Collector ... ... „ „ to „ „ Timaru, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Dunedin and Port Chalmers, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 £5,207 1 0 Extra Tidewaitera ... ... ... 577 6 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 605 0 0 5,784 7 0 Oamaru, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Invercargill,— Salaries ... ... „ „ to „ „ Bluff Harbour, — Sub-Collector ... ... „ „ to „ „ Riverton, — Sub-Collector ... ... „ „ to „ „ Chatham Islands, — Salaries ... ... „ „ to 28 Feb. „ Contingencies,— Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... £1,034 12 1 Fuel and Light ... ... ... 106 19 0 Furniture, Office Fittings, Repairs, etc. ... 220 6 11 Rent ... ... ... ... ... 87 18 7 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 465 5 2 495 0 0 1,593 0 1 89 0 11 255 0 0 89 3 4 1,915 1 9 Carried forward 4,700 0 0 36,049 16 11



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, DETAIL —Ce .tinned. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs — continued. 36,049 16 11 4,700 0 0 Brought forward VOTE No. 38— continued. Customs Offices and Services — continued. Rewards for Customs Convictions and Seizures Distillation, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Chief Inspector's Office ... ... £440 0 0 Auckland ... ... ... ... 532 15 0 Dunedin ... ... ... ... 530 0 0 164 10 8 1,502 15 0 37,717 2 7 VOTE No. 39:— Marine Department,— Salaries... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Local Inspectora of Steamera, — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Expenses under " Inquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869 " Lighthouses,— Salaries of Keepers, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— TiriTiri £350 4 6 Manukau Heads ... ... ... 14 3 4 Farewell Spit ... ... ... 444 3 4 Nelson ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 Mana ... ... ... ... 332 16 0 Pencarrow ... ... ... ... 346 16 0 Cape Campbell ... ... ... 330 7 4 GodleyHead ... ... ... 350 0 0 TairoaHead... ... ... ... 320 0 0 Nuggett Point ... ... ... 310 0 0 Dog Island ... ... ... ... 382 10 0 1,614 10 o 120 16 8 256 12 4 Oil and Stores for Lighthouses Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 3,361 0 6 352 15 11 964 15 2 6,670 10 7 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 44,387 13 2 Total Class IV. £49,087 13 2 CLASS V.-NATIVE. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 46, — European and Native Officers, — Auckland, — Resident Magistrates ... £295 0 0 Clerks ... ... 30 16 8 Assessors ... ... 853 1 3 Police ... ... 305 15 0 Mailmen and others ... 53 9 1 £1,538 2 0 Taranaki, — Assessors ... ... £80 0 0 Police 52 10 O 132 10 0 Wellington,— Assessors ... ... £277 0 0 Police ... ... 62 1 3 339 1 3 Hawke's Bay,— Resident Magistrate ... £33 6 8 Police ... ... 17 10 0 Assessors ... ... 52 10 0 103 6 8 Marlborough,— Assessors ... ... ... ... 12 10 0 Canterbury,— Assessors ... ... ... ... 22 10 0 Otago,— Assessors ... ... ... ... 57 10 0 2,205 9 11 Carried forward 2,205 9 11



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, DETAIL — Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Native — continued. 2,205 9 11 Brought forward RESERVE ACCOUNT— continued. Vote No. 49, — "Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870" ... 9 1 11 2,214 11 10 VOTE No. 1 of 1873-74,— Item 22 — Native Department,— Salaries and Clerical Assistance ... Food ... Clothing Travelling Expenses Medical Comforts Aid to Surrendered Rebels Miscellaneous ... 172 13 6 597 1 9 115 3 4 172 8 0 202 5 0 30 6 0 848 19 10 4,353 9 3 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 2,138 17 5 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 40:— Salaries of European and Native Officers, — Auckland, —■ Civil Commissioner ... ... ... £500 0 0 Resident Magistrates ... ... ... 3,075 8 4 Clerks and Interpreters ... ... ... 95551 Assessors ... ... ... ... 2,789 15 0 Police ... ... ... ... 835 0 0 Native Correspondent ... ... ... 10 0 0 Messengers ... ... ... ... 19 6 0 Hostelry Keeper ... ... ... 122 10 0 Boatmeu ... ... ... ... 214 14 7 Mailman ... ... ... ... 34 4 4 Taranaki, — Clerk and Interpreter ... ... ... £350 0 0 Assessors ... ... ... ... 240 0 0 Police ... ... ... ... 172 10 0 Hospital Steward ... ... ... 30 0 0 8,556 3 4 792 10 0 Wellington,— Resident Magistrate ... ... ... £400 0 0 Clerk and Interpreter ... ... ... 162 10 0 Assessors ... ... ... ... 958 10 0 Police ... ... 144 12 9 Hostelry Keeper ... ... ... 100 0 0 Boatman ... ... ... ... 37 10 0 Hawke's Bay,— Resident Magistrate ... ... ... £200 0 0 Interpreters ... ... ... ... 345 16 8 Assessors ... ... ... ... 157 10 0 Police ... ... ... ... 52 10 0 1,803 2 9 755 16 8 Marlborough,— Assessors 25 0 0 Canterbury,— Interpreter ... ... ... ... £200 0 0 Assessors ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 270 0 0 Otago,— Correspondent to Native Office ... ... £150 0 0 Assessors ... ... ... ... 202 10 0 352 10 0 Chatham Islands, — Resident Magistrate 66 13 4 12,621 16 1 VOTE No. 41 :— General Contingencies,—■ Salaries ... ... ... ... £736 6 3 Provisions for Natives ... ... ... 1,884 4 6 Clothing ... ... ... ... 418 9 1 Travelling Expenses and Allowances ... 1,436 7 6 Carried forward ... £4,475 7 4 12,621 16 1 4,353 9 3



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail — C( mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Native — continued. 12,621 16 1 4,353 9 3 Brought forward ... £4,475 7 4 VOTE No. 41— continued. General Contingencies— continued. Presents and Gratuities ... ... ... 1,149 9 1 Payments for Special Services ... ... 357 14 6 Medical Comforts ... ... ... 163 0 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 1,285 0 0 Aid to Surrendered Rebels Maori Newspaper 7,430 11 5 120 5 5 380 3 6 VOTE No. 42 :— Native Lands Court, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Chief Judge and Clerk ... 7,931 0 4 1,150 0 0 VOTE No. 43:— "Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870," — Salaries, etc. 314 2 9 VOTE No. 44:— " Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act, 1872 " 563 5 0 VOTE No. 45:— Native Councils 98 14 10 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 22,678 19 0 Total Class V. £27,032 8 3 CLASS VI.-MISCELLANEOUS. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 51, — Bank Commission 306 11 2 VOTE No. 1 of 1872-73 -.— Item 23, — Miscellaneous, — Stationery, Binding, etc ... Furniture, Office Fittings, Repairs and Additions to Buildings Telegrams Printing Office —Gas Fittings, Fencing, etc. Conference of Surveyors—Passages Township of Gisborne, — Purchase Money ... ... ... £1,500 0 0 Surveying, Advertising, etc ... ■ ... 1,142 12 0 Expenses attending Drawing of New Zealand Consols Expenses connected with Vienna Exhibition Introduction of Salmon ... Colonial Industries Expenses of Steamer " Luna " Vaccination Travelling Allowances and Expenses Agricultural Statistics Rent and Allowances Painting Government House Civil Service Examinations Fuel and Light * ... Printing, Advertising, and Subscription to Newspapers Expenses re Eyes Inquiry Drafting Gold Mining Bills Miscellaneous ... 442 1 4 850 16 10 226 19 0 289 11 0 17 0 0 2,642 12 0 433 17 9 600 7 5 593 15 10 238 15 3 242 5 8 291 14 2 189 0 5 30 0 0 178 6 8 186 18 0 80 9 0 79 19 6 79 12 3 86 14 10 260 0 0 454 7 5 8,495 4 4 8,801 15 6 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 Carried forward 8,801 15 6



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 8,801 14 9 Brought forward FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 46 :— Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects,— Stationery, etc., — Stationery ... ... ... ... £7,137 8 4 Binding, Ruling, etc ... ... ... 914 15 6 Freight, Cartage, &c. ... ... ... 585 14 6 Insurances General Contingencies, — Salaries, —■ Secretary to the Commissioners of the Public Debta Sinking Funda ... ... £50 0 0 Secretary to Civil Service Guarantee Board ... 50 0 0 Assistant Under-Secretary 14 7 7 Extra Clerks, Colonial Secretary's Office ... 43 10 0 Extra Clerk, Audit Office 20 10 0 Cadeta, Stationery Store 101 12 9 Messengers, Government Buildings ... ... 515 17 3 Messenger to Registrarof Births, etc., Auckland ... 15 0 0 Auditor, Courts of Law Trust Monies ... ... 3 0 0 8,637 18 4 701 9 9 £813 17 7 Repaira to Offices, Furniture, etc ... ... 1,381 18 6 Travelling Expenses of Ministers and Officers on Public Service ... ... ... 1,829 8 1 Fuel and Light ... ... ... 270 1 3 Subscription to Newspapers ... ... 23 9 2 Advertising ... ... ... ... 181 14 10 Night Watchmen ... ... ... 245 16 3 Freight and Charges ... ... ... 184 16 1 Conveying Mails between Foxton and Waipukurau ... ... ... ... 225 0 0 Additions to Government House ... ... 681 10 0 Additions to Ministerial Residences ... 143 0 0 Expenses in connection with Colonial Industries ... ... ... ... 292 18 3 Printing Geological Report, etc. ... ... 138 2 3 Telegrams ... ... ... ... 426 15 11 Cleaning Offices, Chimnies, &c ... ... 330 10 10 Supplies, Repairs, etc. ... ... ... 212 16 10 Extra Assistance —Clerks and Measengera ... 234 5 4 Tracing Plans, Patent Office ... ... 75 0 0 Seeds from San Francisco, etc. ... ... 154 14 6 Compensation for Losses by Wreck of " Rangitoto" ... ... ... ... 30 0 0 Gratuities to Fire Brigades ... ... 20 10 0 Material for Binding Department... ... 63 4 0 Weights and Measures ... ... ... 168 5 6 Bonus for Assistance to Agent, General Government, Hawke's Bay ... ... 50 0 0 Iron Safes for Offices of Commissioners of Audit and Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, Nelson ... ... ... 100 13 0 Services in connection with Gold Mining Bill 50 0 0 Apprehension of Deserters ... ... 20 0 0 Dunedin Exhibition ... ... ... 33 4 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 434 2 4 Clerical Assistance to Agent, General Government, Auckland Rent of Government Offices Rent of Residences for Ministers Half Expenses of Steamer " Luna" Expenses under "The Arms Act, 1869" Civil Service Examination Board Collection of Agricultural Statistics ... Accountant in Bankruptcy Rent of Fern Hill House, Dunedin ... Expenses under "The Public Health Act, 1872" Wellington Botanical Gardens Revision of Statutes 8,815 14 6 296 13 4 471 13 4 712 9 6 4,363 11 0 518 13 8 65 2 0 70 17 6 600 0 0 50 0 0 548 13 6 300 0 0 60 0 0 Carried forward 26,212 16 5 8,801 14 9



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, in detail— a mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 26,212 16 5 8,801 14 9 Brought forward VOTE No. 46— continued. Miscellaneous, Special, and Temporary Objects— continued. Census of 1874 Refund to Corporation of City of Wellington on account of Interest ' Compensation for Damage to Property by Colonial Forces Compensation to F. P. Gardner for loss sustained from Small-pox occurring in his house ... Remission of Fines payable under the Stamp Duties Act Compensation to T. Henderson for loss sustained in respect of land surrendered to the Crown Costs in the case of Kelly v. Craig ... Estate of E. Gardner —Refund of escheated balance Advertising Steam Service to West Coast, Middle.Island Steam Service to East Coast, North Island Gratuity to Widow of Mr. John Hogg Gas, Government Buildings 5,880 9 5 310 0 0 558 0 0 75 0 0 126 5 0 950 0 0 146 7 4 281 10 4 21 0 9 767 18 8 364 O 0 335 7 8 VOTE No. 47 :— Auckland, — Moiety of Expenses of Steamer, Shortland to Dunedin ... 36,032 1 7 12 0 0 VOTE No. 48 :— Otago,— Printing Electoral Rolls and Ballot Papers ... 39 6 0 VOTE No. 49 :— Bank Commission 1,103 10 3 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 37,246 17 10 Total Class VI. £46,048 12 7 CLASS VII—MILITIA AND VOLUNTEERS. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 53, — Inspector's Department,— Salary to 30 June, 1873 Travelling Allowance and Expenses 166 13 4 52 2 6 Vote No. 54, — Store Department,— Fuel, etc. 218 15 10 11 17 6 Vote No. 55, — Militia and Volunteers, North Island, — Auckland, — Pay of Staff ... ... ... £16 13 4 Capitation Grant ... ... 446 1 7 Rent and Contingencies ... ... 81 2 11 543 17 10 Taranaki, — Contingencies 9 0 0 Wellington, — Capitation Grant ... ... ... £98 13 3 Contingencies ... ... ... 25 5 1 123 18 4 Hawke's Bay,— Contingencies 8 10 6 685 6 8 Vote No. 56,— Militia and Volunteers, South Island, — Nelson, — Capitation Grant ... ... ... £113 11 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 370 116 18 0 Carried forward £116 18 0 916 0 0 7—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1S73-74, in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Militia and Volunteers— continued. 116 18 0 Brought forw ard 916 0 0 RESERVE ACCOUNT— continued. Vote No. 56 — continued. Militia and Volunteers, South Island — continued. Canterbury,— Capitation Grant ... ... ... £599 5' 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 25 9 1 Otago,— Capitation Grant ... ... ... £242 0 5 Contingencies ... ... ... 3 10 0 624 14 1 245 10 5 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 987 2 6 1,903 2 0 i FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 50:— Militia and Volunteer Office, — Clerk ... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 300 0 0 VOTE No. 51 :— Store Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Storekeepers and Clerks ... Armourers and Arm Cleaners Magazine Keepers Rent, Advertising, and Contingencies 1,391 11 5 1,241 2 0 135 13 0 117 5 5 VOTE No. 52 :— . North Island, — Auckland, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £1,905 9 11 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 96 0 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 2,362 2 5 Rent, Advertising, and Contingencies ... 99 10 8 2,888 11 10 Taranaki, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £473 15 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 27112 6 Advertising, Contingencies, etc. ... ... 15 14 0 4,463 3 0 Wellington,— Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 Julv, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £2,473 10 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 1,717 19 3 Rent, Advertising, and Contingencies ... 94 13 5 761 1 6 4,286 2 8 Hawke's Bay,— Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £464 5 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 94 5 0 Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 19 0 9 577 10 9 10.0S7 17 11 VOTE No. 53:— South Island, — Nelson, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £249 10 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 286 5 7 Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 4 12 6 Marlborough,—• Travelling Allowances ... ... '... £135 O 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 207 11 0 Bent, Advertising, and Contingencies ... 36 0 0 540 8 1 Canterbury,— Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £709 2 6 Capitation Grant ...' ... ... 397 5 0 Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 35 17 7 378 11 0 1,142 5 1 Carried forward 13,276 9 9 2,061 4 2 1,903 2 6



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, IN DETAIL— Ci mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Militia and Volunteers — continued. 2,061 4 2 13,276 9 9 1,903 2 6 Brought forward VOTE No. 53— continued. South Island— continued. Westland, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £184 11 4 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 89 5 10Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 31 11 O Otago,— Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... £991 3 0 Capitation Grant ... ... ... 1,480 1 5 Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 183 11 9 305 8 2 2,654 16 2 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 5,021 8 6 18,297 18 3 Total Class VII. £20,201 0 9 CLASS VIII.-PUBLIC DOMAINS AND BUILDINGS. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. RESERVE ACCOUNT:— Vote No. 3, — Public Buildings,— Houses of Parliament, Now Buildings Repairs, Resident Magistrate's Court, Wanganui Repairs, Custom House, Invercargill Salary of Inspector of Works, June Sundries 1,205 12 2 71 12 6 24 11 6 20 16 8 105 14 1 1,428 0 11 VOTE No. 1 of 1873-74 :— Item 1, — Government Domains and Buildings,— Gardeners and Labourers ... ... £80 10 11 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 48 6 7 128 17 0 Item 2, — Public Buildings,— Houses of Parliament, New Buildings, etc.... £3,183 11 4 Government House, Wellington, Repairs ... 1,190 11 8 Post and Telegraph Offices, Milton ... 450 7 G Buildings at Auckland ... ... ... 499 10 0 Sundry Alterations and Repairs, etc. ... 483 2 9 5,807 3 3 Total Liabilities of 1872-73 5,930 0 9 7,364 7 8 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. VOTE No. 54:— Government Domains, — Gardeners and Labourers, — Wellington ... ... ... ... £896 19 7 Auckland ... ... ... ... 102 0 0 998 19 7 Cont ingencies,— Clearing, Trenching, and Draining ... £169 2 2 Repairing Cottage, etc., at Lowry Bay ... 58 10 0 Furnishing ditto ... ... ... 31 O 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 99 18 6 358 10 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation trans ferred to Supplementary 1,357 10 3 243 18 3 1,113 12 0 Carried foi ward 1,113 12 0 7,364 7 8 *7—B. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1873-74, tn detail— c, mtinued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Public Domains and Buildings— continued. 1,113 12 0 7,364 7 8 Brought forward VOTE No. 55:— Public Buildings,— Government House and Government Buildings, Wellington — Alterations, Repairs, Drainage, etc. Ministerial Residence —Rebuilding and Repairing Parliamentary Buildings—Book-shelves, etc., Library ... Government House and Lodge, Auckland —Repairs, etc. Government Buildings, Colony —Repairs Court Houses —Additions and Bepairs Custom Houses—Repairs ... Post and Telegraph Offices —Alterations and Bepairs ... Colonial Museum —Additions Contingencies,— Salaries and Wages ... ... ... £425 12 0 Laying on Water to Government Buildings 231 5 0 Furniture for Ministerial Residences ... 1,031 19 2 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 57 1 0 935 5 0 2,255 15 7 85 2 O 177 15 0 70 8 6 448 17 0 262 18 0 751 12 2 462 19 2 1,745 17 2 VOTE No. 56 :— Museum, — Payment under Clause 14, New Zealand Institute Act... 7,196 9 7 500 0 0 VOTE No. 57 — Colonial Architect, — Salary ... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 450 0 0 SUPPLEMENTARY :— Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 54, — Government Domains, — Expenditure Amount Voted ... ... ... £1,108 0 0 Credits (sec page 14) ... ... ... 5 12 0 1,357 10 3 1,113 12 0 243 18 3 Total Financial Year 1873-74 ... 9,503 19 10 Total Class VIII. £16,868 7 6 UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. * FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR :— Legislative,— Drafting Bills, August and September, 1873 ... 20 4 8 Stamps,— Duties and Penalties refunded 90 2 0 Judicial, — Sheriff, Nelson —Fees, January, 1874 Examination of Lunatics, Westland 4 16 0 2 2 0 6 18 0 Postal,— Deficiency in Postage Stamp Account, Auckland 13 0 2 Customs, — Befund of part of Fine imposed under " Customs Begulation Act, 1858," at Greymouth Payment on account of erection of Manukau Lighthouse Balance of cost of erection of Flat Rock Beacon Oil and Stores, Freight, Charges, etc. 10 0 0 902 17 1 184 0 0 111 12 5 1,214 9 6 Miscellaneous, — Services of M. FitzGerald, purchasing land, 1 July to 30 September, 1872 ... Expenses of Royal Commission on Boilers Expenses in connection with Vienna and Dundee Exhibitions Commission deducted in error from Intestate Estate of M. Hardman Payment to Trust Fund of 5 per cent, on Sales of Land in the Wairarapa Furniture, etc., for Government House 75 0 0 156 16 3 186 16 3 12 0 10 450 8 1 74 14 0 955 15 5 Carried forward 2,300 9 9



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, 1S73-74, in detail — a mtinued. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 2,300 9 9 FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Buildings,— First payment on account of additions to Public Works Office 210 0 0 2,510 9 9 Recoverable, — Westland, — Electoral, — Expenses of Deputy Registrar, Officers, etc. Printing and Advertising Clerical Assistance, Preparing Rolls, etc. ... Contingencies 362 7 2 89 4 0 43 2 6 13 11 9 508 5 5 Auckland, — Advance on account of £40,000 for Public Works ... 6,000 0 0 Nelson, — Advance for Road Works in Buller Valley Advances on account of Capitation Allowance £4,500 3 0 Less recovered ... ... ... ... 4,000 3 0 5,000 0 0 8,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 Otago,— Interest on Purchase Money, Stewart's Island, one year, to 29th June, 1873 ... 160 0 0 Trust Fund, — Interest paid to Trust Fund on Investments iu Patea Mortgages 157 18 5 Governor's Establishment, — From His Excellency the Governor, under the Governor's Salary and Allowances Act Transferable to Governor's Salary and Allowances Act, — Staff Salaries, etc., 1 July, 1873, to 30 April, 1874 ... ... ... ... £1,250 0 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... ... 800 0 0 77 7 2 2,050 0 0 2,127 7 2 Recovered dc 1873-74, — Auckland, — Electoral, — Expenses of Returning Officers, Deputy Returning Officers, and Poll Clerks ... ... ... ' ... Printing and Advertising Clerical Assistance, Preparing Rolls, etc. ... Contingencies ... -.., 17,453 11 0 446 8 8 534 2 10 151 6 6 28 5 0 Nelson, — Amount due to Westland for Criminal Prosecutions, to 30 June, 1872 On account of Capitation Allowauce advanced 1,100 3 0 291 1 8 1,000 3 0 1,291 4 8 Westland, — Payment to Canterbury of Westland's share of Interest and Sinking Fund, to 31 December, 1872, on unconverted Loans of original Province of Canterbury Governor's Establishment, — In adjustment of amount overpaid 2,227 19 9 8 6 8 4,087 14 1 Total for Services not provided for £24,651 14 10 SUMMARY OF UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. Liabilities of 1872-73 :— For Services in Excess of Appropriations 1,576 13 8 Financial Year 1873-74 : — For Services in Excess of Appropriations,— Public Departments (see page 30) ... ... £3,872 9 5 Law and Justice (see page 37) ... ... 3,388 15 8 Postal, etc. (see page 43) ... ... ... 6,315 12 8 Public Domains, etc. (see page 52) ... ... 243 18 3 Advances Outstanding (see page 55) ... ... .'.. 13,820 16 0 1,263 19 10 For Services not provided for: — Expenditure as above Advances Outstanding (see page 55) 15,084 15 10 24,651 14 10 6,016 15 0 45,753 5 8 30,668 9 10 Total ... £47,329 19 4



DISBUESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FU D, 1873-74, in detail — a mtinued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. REFUNDS OP REVENUE. FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. Customs :— Drawbacks of Duty ... Lighthouse Dues, under " The Marine Act, I860 " Fees under " The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870 " ... Fees under " The Arms Act, 1860 " 801 15 4 200 17 6 27 15 0 10 0 Stamp Duties ... Postal Telegraph Judicial Fees and Fines Registration and other Fees ... Incidental 1,031 7 10 145 6 3 18 0 0 5,325 2 11 50 2 6 262 4 10 176 0 3 £7,008 10 7 PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES. LIABILITIES OF 1872-73. Under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872:"— Auckland ... Taranaki ... Wellington Nelson Westland ... Marlborough 941 9 3 72 7 3 274 3 1 1,000 13 10 193 13 10 288 12 7 2,770 19 10 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. Under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872:" — Auckland ..." Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westland ... 12,436 18 2 1,753 16 3 6,162 12 5 211 4 11 13,462 9 2 3,433 17 7 702 2 6 507 11 10 38,670 12 10 £41,441 12 8 REDEMPTION OF TREASURY BILLS. FINANCIAL YEAR 1872-73. Treasury Bills Issued under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1871 :"— Amount redeemed, 17 September, 1873 ... £45,000 0 0 STAMP DUTIES ACCOUNT. Moiety of Stamp Duties transferred to Immigration and Public Works Loan Account : — Auckland ... Taranaki ... Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury Westland ... Otago 6,951 7 8 304 10 10 6,941 10 6 2,335 0 10 2,330 7 5 377 18 10 10,910 11 6 1,405 2 1 15,770 10 6 Total ... £47,327 6 2



STATEMENT of the ADVANCES of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on the 30TH JUNE, 1874, showing the VOTES, &c., under which they were issued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Civil List :— Native Purposes 'if 393 7 9 Permanent Charges:— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 " " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61 " " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " "Native Schools Act, 1867" ... 90 0 0 54 0 0 7 19 4 95 8 9 123 10 4 370 18 5 Appropriations : — Vote No. 25 —Conveyance of Mails by Sea „ 35 —Conveyance of Inland Mails ,, 36—Postal Contingencies ... .... „ 38 —Customs ,, 40—Salaries of European and Native Officers „ 41 —Native General Contingencies ,, 46—Miscellaneous „ 104 —Provincial Treasurer, Dunedin, for Furniture, etc., Fern Hill House 118 0 0 240 14 6 479 15 7 40 16 5 1,380 6 5 598 19 8 291 16 0 2,000 0 0 5,156 8 7 General Imprest Account 4,499 7 8 Imperial Government ... 656 13 2 Provinces Separate Account :— Wellington ... Hawke's Bay ... ... ... .... 9 10 0 4 19 3 1-1 9 3 Public Trustee 225 0 0 Unauthorized : — In Excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 5 —Printing Department ... ... £56 11 0 8—Electoral ... ... ... 25 0 0 „ 12—Supreme Court ... ... 0 10 „ 20—Jurors ... ... ... 4 14 0 „ 23—Deeds Registry ... ... Ill 8 3 „ 37—Telegraph ... ... ... 192 3 8 „ 41 —Native General Contingencies ... 858 0 7 „ 54 —Government Domains ... ... * 16 1 4 For Services not provided tor, — Superintendent, Auckland, Advance for aiding works on Gold Fields ... ... ... £6,000 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 16 15 0 1,263 19 10 6,016 15 0 7,280 14 10 Less Credit Balance, Provinces Separate Account, Otago 18,596 19 8 447 11 7 Total £18,149 8 1




Chatham Islands. Auckland. Taranaki. Wellington. Hawke's Bay Nelson. Marlboro'. Canterbury. Westland. Otago. TOTAL. CONSOLIDATED FUND. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Customs :— Duties Rents, Seizures, etc. ... Bonded Warehouse Duties Fees, — " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858" ... " Arms Act, 1800 " " Marine Act, 1866 " " Steam Navigation Act, 1866 " "Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866" " Trade Marks Act, 1866 " " Distillation Act, 1868 " "Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870" "Drawbacks Act, 1872"... 230,185 6 3 208 4 3 1,031 18 3 411 1 9 773 9 0 1,555 17 9 175 7 0 7,110 7 l' 38 18 7i 50 0 Oi 12 0 41 12 0 37 3 1 130,355 15 6 132 19 6 541 4 8 130 8 6 186 15 0 1,518 17 10 123 18 0 39,297 3 2 10 0 0 250 0 0 15 13 9 61 16 0 99 6 5 10 10 0 82,201 11 2 380 5 5 17 19 9 178 18 0 650 9 8 53 11 0 3 15 0 8,024 11 11 17 9 10 50 0 0 4 12 3 03 15 0 112 19 3 3 3 0 0 5 0 174, 549 5 9 683 13 3 222 10 7 223 19 0 1.907 18 4 18 18 0 17 6 3 3 0 134 0 0 59,451 14 11 75 10 6 375 0 0 14 12 9 157 2 0 93 19 3 26 5 0 379, 685 7 3 8 15 0 913 4 7 211 19 9 352 13 0 2,834 17 3 103 17 0 2 10 0 22 1 0 168 0 0 1,111,461 3 0 491 17 8 4,275 6 2 1,030 1 1 2,039 19 0 8,877 8 10 515 9 0 7 17 6 34 13 0 636 0 0 3 3 0 93 0 0 8 0 O 6 6 0 84 0 0 ... 19 0 0 69 0 0; 17' 0 0 - ... 44 0 0 104 1 0 7 3 6 11 15 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 16 4 0 0 ,125 18 0 7 8 0 Stamp"Duties Postal Telegraphic... ... ... Judicial Fees and Fines: — Supreme Courts Sheriffs' Offices District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts... Petty Sessions Courts 17 9 13 11 10 13,902 15 6 11,390 4 0 8,354 12 1 609 1 9 802 7 1 783 18 1 13,8S3 1 0 7,446 8 7 7,721 5 2 4,670 13 6 2,572 14 9 2,339 14 7 4,660 15 0 2,817 2 5 4,771 10 0 755 17 8 1,124 5 2 1,135 18 4 21,821 2 11 12,131 1 2 8,704 9 4 2,810 4 3 3,428 8 7 3,410 5 0i 31,541 1 1 18,809' 14 7 1 13,861 0 2 ... 94,656 0 5 60,535 18 2 51,082 18 9 1,085 7 6 75 10 6 509 0 9 3,386 6 10 160 0 8 15 18 0 806 7 5 70 13 2 224 15 0 30 1 6 49 14 6 455 18 0 30 6 6 358 6 6 20 4 0 309 19 6 2,343 16 5 48 7 0 4 2 0 935 19 0 33 14 6 152 4 3 4,280 0 0 101 18 10 77 6 0 1,152 3 0 53 0 0 421 12 3 5,011 3 4 01 18 0 4,704 9 11 287 5 8 2,036 11 0 21,040 C 0 385 4 8 2 IS 0 49" 19 3 251 2 7 2,182 9 8 10 1 9 301 4 5 17 18 11 54314 61 2,171 5 9J 28,459 17 3 Registration and other Fees :— Registration of Land „ Deeds ,, Births, Marriages, etc ... ,, Joint Stock Companies... ,, Medical Practitioners ... Issue of Crown Grants "Land Claims Settlements Act, 1856"... " Native Circuit Courts Act, 1858 " "Aliens Act, I860"... "Patents Acts, 1800 and 1870" " Licensing Ordinance Amendment Act" " Lost Land Orders Act, 1<861" " Weights and Measures Act, 1868 " ... Fines, — "Coroners Act, 1867" ... 8 '"5 0 757 13 8 3,592 12 0 849 14 0 149 17 0 2 10 0 1,115 14 1 9 15 7 15 9 0 174 7 6 580 1 6 61 10 6 0 16 0 300 17 4 1,027 9 0 2,246 16 0 383 2 6 38 3 0 15 0 486 0 10 27 11 0 507 9 0 865 2 6 173 4 0 521 1 2 ... 508 15 0] 595 6 0 250 0 6 38 0 0 2 5 0 63 9 0 ... 258 19 0 305 0 0 86 3 6 10 0 40 8 3 2,895 10 (i 3,076 12 6 728 13 0 0G 10 0 2 10 0 486 16 4 341 0 4 277 9 0 201 7 6 11 2 0' 344 15 0 ' 3,153 11 7 3,492 0 0 971 16 0 589 0 0 6 10 0 1,028 19 10 9,025 1 1 15,091 0 6 3,719 17 0 893 8 6 16 0 0 4,988 1 10 37 6 7 15 9 0 59 1 0 1G3 16 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 11 18 2 59 1 0 163 16 0 ... ... 10 0 0 0 12 1 3 0 0 0 14 2 O 14 10 0 8 0 6 18 9 2" 2 2 0 8 2 0 10 0 2 0 0 6 15 0 O 10 0 9 15 0 Incidental Receipts ... 34,643 14 8 21,335 6 9 ... Total — ■ 52,204 4 10 I 100,313 7 lo! 73,857 14 6 30 2 7, ,279,900 13 0 10,920 16 61 169,046 18 11 13,093 0 6 133,241 1 6 465,001 10 4 1,420,216 17 3


STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED out of the CONSOLIDATED FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30 JUNE, 1874, as compared with the Expenditure charged thereon during the Year.


O pa Description of Vote. Amount of Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Reserved to meet Liabilities. Total. Saving. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. — Liabilities of 1872-73. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Miscellaneous 24,430 14 9 3,686 7 4 28,117 2 1 29,693 15 9 29,693 15 9 1,576 13 8 FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74. Class L—Public Departments. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Legislative Departments Executive Departments Stamp Department ... Printing Department Store Department Geological Department Electoral Department Secretary for Crown Lands Department... 23,603 12 0 16,122 14 2 3,050 0 0 9,010 16 0 507 10 0 2,900 0 0 2,470 0 0 1,849 15 0 76 17 5 20 19 11 113 9 9 23,603 12 0 16,199 11 7 3,070 19 11 9,124 5 9 507 10 0 2,910 0 0 2,472 1 8 1,854 8 0 21,583 5 0 15,668 7 3 2,954 0 7 12,106 8 5 507 10 0 2,540 9 9 3,362 8 5 1,641 8 3 1,000 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 22,583 5 0 15,968 7 3 3,054 0 7 12,106 8 5 507 10 0 2,840 9 9 3,362 8 5 1,641 8 3 1,020 7 0 231 4 4 16 19 4 2,982 2 8 10 0 0 2 18 4 13 0 300 0 0 69 10 3 890 6 9 212 19 9 Total Class I. 59,514 7 2 228 1 9 59,742 8 11 60,363 17 8 1,700 O 0 62,063 17 8 1,551 0 8 3,872 9 5 Class II. —Law and Justice. 10 11 12 13 14 16 10 17 IS 49 20 21 22 23 Office of the Minister of Justice Crown Law Office Supreme Court District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts ... Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions Justices of the Peace Act Coroners Lunatics Jurors Contingencies Land Transfer Department Deeds Registry 1,143 0 0 1,050 0 0 7,265 0 0 4,785 0 0 18,810 2 0 350 0 0 5,600 0 0 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 400 0 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 7,740 0 0 8,185 0 0 io 16 8 38 1 0 "i 0 0 1,143 0 0 1,050 0 0 7,275 16 8 4,785 0 0 18,848 3 0 350 0 0 5,602 0 0 500 0 0 1,200 0 0 402 2 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 7,763 8 4 8,185 0 0 1,143 0 0 1,052 0 0 7,479 16 10 5,010 11 4 19,262 19 1 352 10 6 5,481 8 4 757 0 7 1,690 7 6 428 2 6 872 17 0 2,288 10 11 8,085 12 7 8,667 16 10 120 11 8 1,143 0 0 1,052 0 0 7,479 16 10 5,010 11 4 19,262 19 1 352 10 6 5,002 0 0 757 0 7 1,090 7 6 428 2 6 872 17 0 2,288 10 11 8,085 12 7 8,667 16 10 2 0 0 204 0 2 225 11 4 414 16 1 2 10 6 257 0 7 490 7 6 26 0 6 172 17 0 788 10 11 322 4 3 482 16 10 2 2 0 23 8 4 Total Class II. 59,228 2 0 76 8 0 59,304 10 0 62,572 14 0 120 11 8 62,693 5 8 3,388 15 8 Class III.—Postal &c. Services. 2 1 25 20 Postal Department ... Conveyance of Mails by Sea Auckland ... 4,465 0 0 43,800 0 0 5,255 0 0 110 8 4 4,465 0 0 43,800 0 0 5,365 8 4 4,074 5 1 32,243 6 8 5,263 14 11 11,556 13 4 55 0 0 4,074 5 1 43,800 0 0 5,318 14 11 390 14 11 46 13 5 Carried'forward 53,520 0 0 110 8 4 53,630 8 4 41,581 6 8 11,611 13 4 53,193 0 0 437 8 4



STATEMENT Bhowing the SUMS APPROPRIATED, Ac— continued. Fee . Description of Vote. Amount of Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Reserved to meet Liabilities. Total. Saving. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. Brought forward Class III. —Postal etc Services — continued. Taranaki Wellington... Hawke's Bay Nelson Marlborough Canterbury... Westland ... Otago Conveyance of Inland Mails ... Contingencies for all Post Offices Telegraph Department £ s. d. 53,520 0 0 £ b. d. 110 8 4 £ s. d. 53,630 8 4 £ s. d. 41,581 6 8 £ s. d. 11,611 13 4 £ s. d. 53,193 0 0 £ s. d. 437 8 4 £ s. d. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3 1, 35 36 37 410 0 0 2,486 0 0 760 0 0 1,835 0 0 605 0 0 4,248 10 0 1,730 0 0 6,326 0 0 27,175 0 0 3,500 0 0 44,913 0 0 i'6 0 0 66 13 1 20 16 8 108 1 1 185 0 0 11 10 5 232 3 7 410 0 0 2,496 0 0 760 0 0 1,835 0 0 605 0 0 4,315 3 1 1,750 16 8 6,434 1 1 27,360 0 0 3,511 10 5 45,145 3 7 408 15 0 2,350 9 5 807 18 9 1,772 7 0 608 19 5 4,274 19 6 1,621 15 9 6,359 7 0 26,293 1 4 2,814 7 6 51,408 18 1 408 15 0 2,350 9 5 807 18 9 1,772 7 0 608 19 5 4,274 19 6 1,621 15 9 6,359 7 0 26,343 1 4 3,064 7 6 51,408 18 1 15 0 145 10 7 62 13 0 40 3 7 129 0 11 74 14 1 1,016 18 8 447 2 11 47 18 9 3 19 5 50 0 0 250 0 0 6,263 14 6 Total Class III. 147,508 10 0 744 13 2 148,253 3 2 140,302 5 5 11,911 13 4 152,213 18 9 2,354 17 1 6,315 12 8 Class IV.—Customs. Customs and Distilleries Marine 38 30 38,790 11 11 8,650 0 0 88 0 7 20 0 1 38,878 12 6 8,670 0 1 37,717 2 7 6,670 10 7 250 0 0 999 9 6 37,907 2 7 7,670 0 1 911 9 11 1,000 0 0 Total Class TV. 47,440 11 11 108 0 8 47,548 12 7 44,387 13 2 1,249 9 6 45,637 2 8 1,911 9 11 40 11 42 43 44 Class V.—Native. Salaries of European and Native Officers General Contingencies Native Land Court ... " Native Lands Frauds'Prevention Act, 1870" ... "Hawke's Bay Native Lands Alienation Commission Act, 1872" ... Native Councils ... ... ... ... 14,482 5 0 8,500 0 0 1,150 0 0 400 0 0 64 4 1 30 0 0 14,546 9 1 8,530 0 0 1,150 0 0 400 0 0 12,621 16 1 7,931 0 4 1,150 0 0 314 2 9 1,924 13 0 598 19 8 15 17 3 14,546 9 1 8,530 0 0 1,150 0 0 330 0 0 70 0 0 43 1,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 563 5.0 98 14 10 100 0 0 663 5 0 98 14 10 336 15 0 1,901 5 2 Total Class V. 27,532 5 0 94 4 1 27,626 9 1 22,678 19 0 2,039 9 11 25,318 8 11 2,308 0 2 46 47 48 49 Class VI. —Miscellaneous, Special,5and Temporary Objects. Miscellaneous and Temporary Objects ... Auckland ... Otago Bank Commission 49,800 3 11 12 0 0 39 6 0 2,000 0 0 395 9 11 50,195 13 10 12 0 0 39 6 0 2,000 0 0 36,032 1 7 12 0 0 39 6 0 1,163 10 3 8,200 0 0 44,232 1 7 12 0 0 39 6 0 1,663 10 3 5,963 12 3 500 0 0 336 9 9 Total Class VI. 37,246 17 10 8,700 0 0 45,946 17 10 51,851 9 11 395 9 11 52,246 19 10 6,300 2 0



STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED, &c—continued. O « Description of Vote. Amount OF Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Reserved to meet Liabilities. Total. Saving. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. 1 — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ b. d. £ a. d. H 50 51 52 53 Class VII. —Militia and Volunteers. Militia and Volunteer Office ... Store Department Militia and Volunteers, North Island ... Militia and Volunteers, South Island ... 300 0 0 3,016 17 6 13,799 17 6 6,933 2 6 "* 8 6 300 0 0 3,022 6 0 13,799 17 6 6,933 2 6 300 o o 2,888 11 10 10,087 17 11 5,021 8 6 133 14 2 3,711 19 7 1,911 14 0 300 0 0 3,022 6 0 13,799 17 6 6,933 2 6 Total Class VII. 24,049 17 6 5 8 6 24,055 6 0 18,297 18 3 5,757 7 9 24,055 6 0 54 55 50 57 Class VEIL— Public Domains and Buildings. Government Domains Public Buildings Museum Colonial Architect 1,108 0 0 9,600 0 0 500 0 0 450 0 0 5 12 0 17 6 8 1,113 12 0 9,617 6 8 500 0 0 450 0 0 1,357 10 3 7,196 9 7 500 0 0 450 0 0 2,420 17 1 1,357 10 3 9,617 6 8 500 0 0 450 0 0 243 18 3 Totai;Class VEIL 11,658 0 0 22 18 8 11,680 18 8 9,503 19 10 2,420 17 1 11,924 16 11 243 18 3 Unauthorized Expenditure 4,687 14 1 4,687 14 1 24,651 14 10 24,651 14 10 24,651 14 10 SUMMARY. Liabilities of21872-73 24,430 14 9 8,686 7 4 28,117 2 1 29,693 15 9 29,693 15 9 1,576 13 8 Financial Year 1873-74: — Class I.—Public Departments 59,514 7 2 228 1 9 59,742 8 11 60,363 17 8 1,700 0 0 62,063 17 8 1,551 0 8 3,872 9 5 II. —Law and Justice 59,228 2 0 76 8 0 59,304 10 0 62,572 14 0 120 11 8 62,693 5 8 3,388 15 8 III.— Postal 147,508 10 0 744 13 2 148, 253 3 2 140, 302 5 5 11,911 13 4 152,213 18 9 2,354 17 1 6,315 12 8 IV. —Customs 47,440 11 11 108 0 8 47,548 12 7 44,387 13 2 1,249 9 6 45,637 2 8 1,911 9 11 V.—Native 27,532 5 0 94 4 1 27,626 9 1 22,678 19 0 2,639 9 11 25,318 8 11 2,308 0 2 VI. —Miscellaneous ... VII. —Militia and Volunteers ... 51,851 9 11 24,049 17 6 395 9 11 5 8 6 52,246 19 10 37,246 17 10 8,700 0 0 45,946 17 10 6,300 2 0 24,055 6 0 18,297 18 3 5,757 7 9 24,055 6 0 VIII. —Public Domains and Buildings 11,658 0 0 22 18 8 11,680 18 8 9,503 19 10 2,420 17 1 11,924 16 11 243 18 3 Unauthorized Expenditure 4,687 14 1 4,687 14 1 24,651 14 10 24,651 14 10 24,651 14 10 Totals 453,213 18 3 10,049 6 2 463,263 4 5 449,699 15 9 34,499 9 3 484,199 5 0 14,425 9 10 40,049 4 6



STATEMENT of ACCOUNTS with the several PROVINCES under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1872," for the FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74.

Debits. Credits. Balances. PROVINCES. Paid Interest and Sinking Fund. Payments on Account of Services charged Provincially. Total. Capitation Money. Special Allowances. Recoveries on Account of Debit Balances arising during the Year. Total. TO Provinces. to Provinces. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay... Nelson Marlborough... Canterbury ... Westland Otago 41,091 1 1 1,965 13 6 15,162 10 6 6,953 3 11 4,629 8 4 479 10 5 45,429 2 9 14,245 9 2 65,085 3 10 57 14 0 175 14 3 41,148 15 1 1,965 13 6 15,162 10 6 6,953 3 11 4,805 2 7 479 10 5 45,429 2 9 14,245 9 2 65,124 9 10 195,313 17 9 51,254 5 0 3,623 5 0 21,217 10 0 5,656 10 0 17,932 10 0 4,218 15 0 40,044 0 0 11,454 0 0 60,309 15 0 4,000 0 0 250 0 0 750 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,405 18 1 5,787 15 11 1.384 4 1 6,086 19 3 55,254 5 0 3,873 5 0 21,967 10 0 7,156 10 0 19,338 8 1 4,218 15 0 45,831 15 11 14,747 4 1 66,396 14 3 14,105 9 11 1,907 11 6 6,804 19 6 203 6 1 14,533 5 6 3,739 4 7 402 13 2 501 14 11 1,272 4 5 12,436 18 2 1,753 16 3 6,162 12 5 211 4 11 13,462 9 2 3,433 17 7 702 2 6 507 11 10 7* 18 10 299 9 4 5 16 11 1,668 11 9 153 15 3 642 7 1 1,070 16 4 305 7 0 1,909 0 0 1,272 4 5 39 6 0 Totals 195,041 3 6 272 14 3 215,710 10 0 8,409 0 0 14,664 17 4 238,784 7 4 43,470 9 7 38,670 12 10 313 5 1 5,113 1 10 STATEMENT showing the LOANS in respect of which the foregoing CHARGES for INTEEEST and SINKING FUND were made. Provinces. Loan Act, 1856. Consolidated Loan Act, 1867. Defence Loan Act, 1870. Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870. Wellington Debts Act, 1871. Provincial Loans Totals. Unconverted. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago £ 8. d. 4,818 11 4 5 13 6 1,708 1 11 1,647 2 7 2,752 2 8 6 16 1 3,195 1 4 1,404 10 8 5,101 19 11 £ s. d. 30,609 0 0 1,600 0 0 9,164 12 6 4,988 16 4 1,877 5 8 472 14 4 33,700 16 11 9,202 3 1 54,557 0 0 £ s. d. 3,000 0 0 360 0 0 1,020 0 0 £ s. d. 135 9 9 730 6 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,528 0 0 £ s. d. 41,091 1 1 1,965 13 6 15,162 10 6 6,953 3 11 4,629 8 4 479 10 5 45,429 2 9 14,245 9 2 65,085 3 10 1,26615 1 1,272 15 0 317 5 0 8,533' 4 6 3,638 15 5 5,426" 3 11 Total 20,640 0 0 146,172 8 10 9,806 3 11 865 15 9 1,266 15 1 16,289 19 11 195,041 3 6






RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. "NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS ACTS, 1863-65-66:"— Sales of Confiscated Lands Rents Timber Licenses Miscellaneous 62,206 1 10 302 15 0 107 10 0 59 3 4 Credits in reduction of Expenditure,— Vote No. 58 » 59 62,675 10 2 2,048 14 7 20 0 0 2,068 14 7 Temporary Advance from Immigration and Public Works Loan, under Section 5 of "The Appropriation Act, 1872 " ... 5,000 0 0 • Total Receipts 69,744 4 9 Balance on 30 June, 1873,— Advances unaccounted for ... ... ,,, 595 12 11 Total "New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66 " £70,339 17 8 " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863 :"— Transfer from Consolidated Fund to meet payment of Debentures, as per contra £100 0 0 " CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867 :"— Recoveries, — Hawke's Bay,— On account of £245 Is. Id., duo in respect of charges, &c, attendant on conversion of Wellington Debentures in 1868-69 122 5 5 Carried forward 122 5 5




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ 6. d. "NEW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS ACTS, 1863-65-66":— Vote No. 58,— Liabilities of 1872-73, — Salaries Surveys Compensation Awards Auctioneer's Commission Advertising and Contingencies 361 11 8 402 12 0 620 16 5 246 0 4 313 12 10 Current Services, — Wellington,—■ Assistant Inspector of Surveys, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Surveys Preparing Crown Grants, Advertising, and Contingencies ... 1,944 13 3 100 0 0 915 10 10 1,115 14 0 515 3 6 2,546 8 4 East Coast,— Surveys 409 2 11 Taranaki and Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Surveys Travelling Allowances and Expenses Advertising ... Rations for Natives Contingencies 1,544 10 7 1,071 13 0 195 3 0 148 15 8 264 14 6 185 13 3 3,410 10 0 Settlement of Claims and Awards to Natives within Confiscated Lands ... ... ... ... Subsidies for Overland Mail Services, — Wellington to Taranaki Tauranga to Taupo Napier to Taupo 750 0 0 625 0 0 1,483 6 8 16,919 14 11 2,858 6 8 Vote No. 59, — Proportion of Cost of erecting Waitara Bridge Compensation to Taranaki Settlers ... Compensation to D. McNicoll, for Road taken through his Land at Wairoa Supplies to Natives settled on lands awarded them 1,200 0 0 370 8 0 28,188 10 1 458 10 0 2,109 6 3 4,138 4 3 40 0 0 Refunds of Eevenue ... Repayment to Immigration and Public Works Loan, on account of Temporary Advances Treasury Bills redeemed Unauthorized Expenditure:— One-fourth of Proceeds of Lands sold within tho under-men-tioned Provinces, paid to Provincial Accounts, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 1 Jan. to 31 May Taranaki ... ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... „ 8,076 13 4 20,000 0 0 1,521 13 11 2,545 6 8 58 18 3 4,125 18 10 Moiety of Payments made on account of, — Patea Bridge Whenuakura Bridge ... Waitotara Bridge 366 19 10 385 9 10 1,313 2 6 2,065 12 2 6,191 11 0 Total Disbursements ... ... ... 66,635 4 8 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account ,,, Advances unaccounted for ... ... ... 3,308 17 7 395 15 5 3,704 13 0 Total "New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66" £70,339 17 8 " NEW ZEALAND LOAN ACT, 1863 :"— Redemption of Debentures issued under "The Debentures Acts, 1864-65" £100 0 0 " CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867 :"— Redemption of Debentures issued under " Tho Taranaki Loan Ordinance, 1863 " Taranaki, — Balance due in respect of Bonds sold to redeem Scrip Certificates for £2,000 700 0 0 40 0 0 Carried forward 740 0 0




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 122 5 5 " CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 1867 "—continued. Recoveries— continued. Nelson, —■ Balance due on Capital Account on redemption of Debentures issued under " The Lunatic Asylums Act, 1872 "... Otago,— Discount and charges on £7,000 raised in 1869-70 ... Charges, etc., attendant on conversion of Otago Debentures in 1870-71 — Accrued Interest ... ... ... £275 3 4 Discount and Charges ... ... 430 14 10 Balance due on Capital Account ... 5 10 0 92 2 0 8 0 0 711 8 2 Deduct, — Balance due to Otago in respect of Debentures converted in 1871-72 ... ... £19 15 0 Ditto, 1872-73 ... ... ... 133 15 3 803 10 2 153 10 3 619 19 11 Total Receipts 780 5 4 Balance on 30 June, 1873, — Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for ... 7,175 19 1 2,801 3 0 9,977 2 1 Total "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... £10,757 7 5 CONSOLIDATED LOAN REDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Amount received from the Province of Wellington in reduction of Debt under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " £25,000 0 0 "DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870:"— Proceeds of 4c} per cent. Debentures sold at par ... Credits in reduction of Expenditure, — Vote No. 61 —Armed Constabulary,— Pay £351 7 11 Clothing ... ... ... ... 2,954 9 1 Rations ... ... ... ... 1,800 2 10 Arms, Ammunition, &c. ... ... ... 389 5 3 Horses, Forage, &c. ... ... ... 180 19 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 383 5 7 84,500 0 0 £6,059 10 6 Contribution from Province of Auckland ... 4,975 15 1 Vote No. 62—Miscellaneous Voto No. 63—Half Expenses of Steamer " Luna " Voto No. 64—Contingent Defenco, &c, — Pay £3,713 14 8 Clothing 2,147 9 5 Eations ... ... ... ... 4,219 14 7 Arms, &c. ... ... ... ... 847 6 2 Horses, &c. ... ... ... ... 45 1 4 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 668 14 0 11,035 5 7 628 14 11 43 9 6 s 11,642 0 2 23,349 10 2 107,849 10 2 Carried forward 107,849 10 2



f tiie SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward 740 o o " CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT, 18G7 "—continued. Wellington,— Balance due in respect of Bonds sold to redeem Debentures of " The Wellington Loan Act, I860," No. 11 Charges and Expenses,— Otago,— Telegram to London in connection with sale of Bonds to redeem Debentures issued under " The Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62" ... Transfer to the Consolidated Fund under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " 225 0 0 10 4 3 4,612 1 4 Total Disbursements 5,587 5 7 Balance on 30 Juno, 1874,— Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for ... 3,068 18 10 2,101 3 0 5,170 1 10 Total "Consolidated Loan Act, 18G7" ... £10,757 7 5 CONSOLIDATED LOAN ACT REDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Debentures redeemed, 18 October, 1873, — Colonial issue, — 4 per cents. 5 per cents. 8,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 £25,000 0 0 " DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870 :"— Reserve Account, — Voto No. 58 — Defence Office, — Contingencies Vote No. 59 — Armed Constabulary, — Pay and Allowances ... ... ... £3,797 1 4 Rations ... ... ... ... .291 1 9 Clothing ... ... ... ... 939 19 9 Forage ... ... ... ... 532 2 2 Saddlery, etc. ... ... ... 25 18 1 Horses ... ... ... ... 21 0 0 Transport ... ... ... ... 217 6 2 Buildings and Repairs ... ... 176 15 1 Hospitals ... ' ... ... ... 72 18 7 Shoeing Horses ... ... ... 35 3 11 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 103 3 2 18 16 9 6,272 10 0 Vote No. 60,— Miscellaneous, — Prizes and Medals ... ... ... £631 2 9 Arms and Ammunition ... ... 342 2 6 Tents, Tools, &c. ... ... ... 46115 7 Express Wagons and Harness ... ... 248 17 6 Carriage and Freight ... ... ... 113 5 11 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 144 4 10 1,941 9 1 Vote No. 61 — Steamer " Luna " 138 6 9 Vote No. 62 — Contingent Defence, — Pay and Allowances ... ... ... £1,282 3 3 Ration! ... ... ... ... 951 5 5 Forage ... ... ... ... 45 19 G Clothing ... ... ... ... 15 10 0 Transport 29 16 6 Carried forward ... £2,324 11 8 8,371 2 7 9-B. 1.



IB. OF 'HE AND EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 107,849 10 2 "DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870"— contd. Carried forward 107,849 10 2



>F the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued, Cn. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... £2,324 14 8 8,371 2 7 "DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870"— continued. Reserve Account — continued. Vote No. 62— continued. Contingent Defence— continued. Hospitals ... ... ... ... 2 2 6 Buildings, etc. ... ... ... 61 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 646 18 0 £3,034 15 2 Charges and Expenses of raising Loan ... 47 3 9 3,081 18 11 11,453 1 6 Financial Year 1873-74,— Vote No. 60,— Defence Office, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £1,275 6 11 Contingencies ... 202 18 9 £1,538 5 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 63 5 8 1,475 0 0 Vote No. 61 — Armed Constabulary,— Commissioner's Office ... ... ... £1,550 0 0 Pav and Allowances ... ... ... 83,936 12 1 Rations ... ... ... ... 2,610 9 2 Clothing ... ... ... ... 8,298 2 5 Purchase of Horses ... ... ... 552 0 0 Forage ... ... ... ... 4,523 18 2 Transport ... ... ... ... 497 8 9 Saddlery and Repairs ... ... ... 249 10 6 Arms, &c. ... ... ... ,., 96 17 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... ... 273 13 4 Buildings and Repairs ... ... 589 18 2 Shoeing Horses ... ... ... 252 6 7 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 133 0 8 Miscellaneous ... ,., ... 1,159 10 7 99,723 7 5 Vote No. 62,— Miscellaneous, — Prizes for Bifle Shooting ... ... £2,027 7 6 Passages, etc., of Competitors, and Expenses of Prize Firing ... ... ... 1,372 16 8 Purchase of Arms, Ammunition, Targets, and Stores ... ... ... 2,202 3 7 Carriage and Freight ... ... ... 500 3 5 War Medal ... ... ... ... 296 1 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 368 16 5 Vote No. 63,— Steamer " Luna," — Moiety of Working Expenses ... .., £4,219 10 i Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary .... 676 0 8 6,767 9 1 3,543 3 6 Vote No. 64 — Contingent Defence and Liabilities, — Pay and Allowances ... ... ... :£26,109 5 2 Eations ... ... ... ... 4,785 8 6 Purchase of Horses ... ... ... 957 1 0 Forage ... ... ... ... 187 0 7 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 32 17 11 Clothing and.Equipment ... ... 596 17 2 Transport ... ... ... ... 632 1 8 Buildings, etc. ... ... ... 5,070 10 3 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 4,489 19 2 £42,861 1 5 Charges and Expenses of raising Loan ... 172 12 9 43,033 14 2 Carried forwi ird 11,453 1 6 I 154,543 0 2 *9—13. 1.




BECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward 107,849 10 2 " DEFENCE AND OTHEE PUEPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870 "—contd. Total Ecccipts Balance on 30 June, 1873,— Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for, — Colonial Foreign 95,975 5 8 107,819 10 2 5,537 7 0 2,219 11 1 ¥ 103,732 3 9 7,756 18 1 Total "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" £211,581 13 11 "IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 :"— Sales op Debentures, — In England,— 5 per cents, at 102£ ... ... ... £512,500 0 0 Deduct Premium ... ... ... 12,500 O O 4 per cents, at 105 (Guaranteed) ... ... £5,775 0 0 Deduct Premium ... ... ... 275 O 0 500,000 0 0 5,500 0 0 4 per cents, at 103£ (Guaranteed) ... £201,307 10 0 Deduct Premium ... ... ... 6,807 10 0 194,500 0 0 4 1 per cents, at 98 ... ... ... £490,000 0 0 Add Discount as per contra ... ... 10,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 In New Zealand and Australia, — 4 per cents, at 90£ ... ... ... £43,621 0 0 Add Discount as per contra ... ... 4,579 0 0 48,200 0 0 100,000 0 0 4i per cents, at 100 ,318,200 0 0 Premium on Debentures Sold in England (as above)... 19,582 10 0 Drafts on the Crown Agents, London, — In anticipation of Sales of Debentures Add Discount as per contra 399,750 0 0 250 0 0 400,000 0 0 Interest Account, — Bank of New Zealand, London,— Interest on Balances to 31 March, 1874 Interest on overdue Instalments from Tenderers for Debentures ... Greenstone and Hohonu Water Race Company, —■ Interest on Advances, 1 March, 1873, to 1 March, 1874 Hibernian Water Eace Company,— Interest on Advances, 19 June, 1873, to 19 June, 1874 New Biver Water Eace Company,— Interest on Advances, 19 June, 1873, to 19 June, 1874 Arrow Eiver Gold Mining Company,— Interest on Advances, 30 June, 1873, to 31 March, 1874 Greymouth Corporation, — Interest, 1 May, 1873, to 1 May, 1874 J. Brogden and Sons, — Interest on Promissory Notes, to 27 October, 1873 ... WeBtland, — Interest on Advance of £7,500, 23 September, 1871, to 2 October, 1873 4,596 14 7 8 4 5 90 3 3 122 16 6 1G8 9 0 32 3 6 187 6 10 945 12 0 759 4 11 Carried forward 6,910 15 6 1,707,782 10 0



if tiie SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 154,543 0 2 11,453 1 G " DEFENCE AND OTHER PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1870 "—contd. Supplementary,— Expenditure in excess of Appropriations,— Vote No. 60,— Defence Office, — Expenditure ... £1,538 5 8 Amount voted ... 1,475 0 0 £63 5 8 Vote No. 63 — Steamer " Luna," — Expenditure ... £4,219 10 2 Amount voted £3,500 0 0 Credit ... 43 9 6 676 0 8 070 u o 739 6 4 Total Disbursements 155,282 6 6 1G0,735 8 0 Balance on 30 June, 1874,— Cash in tho Public Account ...- Advances unaccounted for, — Colonial Foreign 3,484 17 0 96 6 9 41,265 2 2 44,846 5 11 3,581 3 9 Total "Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" £211,581 13 11 "IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 :"— Public Works, —• Vote No. 71 — Greymouth Protective Works Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 308 3 1 0 11 7 Vote No. 72 — Interest and Sinking Fund, — Amount transferred to Consolidated Fund, to provide for Interest and Sinking Fund on Capital employed on Works not yet completed ... 307 11 0 75,000 0 0 Vote No. 73,— Public Works Department, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Travelling Expenses ... Instruments... Contingencies 8,419 0 0 00 13 0 5GG 4 6 1,958 19 4 Vote No. 74 — Store Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1S73, to 30 June, 1874 ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplcmentary 11,011 2 10 549 3 4 507 10 0 41 13 -4 Vote No. 75 — Eoads, North Island, — Engineers, Surveyors, and Others, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 7,372 0 2 Vote No. 76 — Eoads, Middle Island, — Engineers, Surveyors, and Others, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Contingencies 589 7 10 10 3 0 599 10 10 Vote No. 77,— Eailways, North Island, — Engineers, Surveyors, and Others, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Travelling Expenses Contingencies 6,280 13 6 106 3 6 38 14 6 6,425 11 6 Vote No. 78 — Eailways, Middle Island, — Engineers, Surveyors, and Others, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... Travelling Expenses Contingencies 11,730 10 4 920 11 2 1,244 9 9 13,895 11 3 Carried forward 115,118 18 1




RECEIPTS. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 6,910 15 6 il,767,782 10 0 " IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "— continued. Interest Account— continued. Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, — Eecovory of Overcharge for Interest on £99,750, 25 April to 19 May, 1874 76 10 0 Sale op Timber, Public Works Office ... 6,987 5 6 8 0 0 1,774,777 15 6 Eecoveries, — Interest and Sinking Fund as per contra, transferred from General Purposes Loan Public Works, — Vote No. 73 —Public Works Department ... „ 75 —Eoads, North Island ,, 77 —Eailways, North Island ,, 78 —Eailways, Middle Island 545 6 7 100 0 0 6 13 4 154 0 11 75,000 0 0 806 6 10 Immigration,— Vote No. 84—Introduction and Location of Immigrants 85—Chief Office „ 86 —Auckland „ 88—Hawke's Bay „ 89—Wellington 17,508 4 8 83 6 8 6 12 10 6 13 4 9 18 0 « 17,614 15 6 Eailways,— North Island, — Kaipara to Auckland ... Auckland to Mercer ... Newcastle Southwards Napier to Waipukurau Waitara to Patea Wanganui to Manawatu Wellington to Maeterton 16 5 10 729 19 3 33 0 6 4 17 5 61 14 3 63 7 8 675 14 0 Middle Island, — Nelson to Foxhill Brunner to Greymouth Eoads, Nelson South-West Gold Fields ... Picton to Blenheim ... ,., Addington to Kowai ... Selwyn to Eakaia Eakaia to Ashburton ... Temuka to Timaru Canterbury Branches ... Westland Eoads Dunedin to Clutha Dunedin to Port Chalmers Invercargill to Mataura Tokomairiro to Lawrence Waitaki to Moeraki ... 1,584 18 11 662 4 4 46 19 3 80 0 0 3 19 7 2,572 12 0 1,332 18 7 70 16 0 293 2 6 31,862 7 10 10 0 1,606 18 4 30 0 0 314 2 9 153 6 11 158 5 0 General Account 39,188 13 1 3,325 19 1 Immigration,— Grant to Eoad Boards, transferred to General Purposes Loan... Eoads, North Island Water Supply on Gold Fields Purchase of Lands, North Island,— Immigration and Public Works Loan of 1870 Immigration and Public Works Loan of 1873, — Wellington ... ... ... ... £110 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 50,000 0 0 5,980 9 5 723 4 11 211 0 0 401 1 0 612 1 0 Telegraph Extension ,, „ Expenditure transferred to General Purposes Loan 842 15 8 34,313 5 2 35,156 0 10 11 2 7 Prospecting for Coal Charges and Expenses Account Cost of Raising Loan to 31 May, 1874, transferred to the undermentioned Accounts, — Railways ... ... ... ... £3G,105 8 7 Immigration ... ... ... ... 18,052 14 4 Roads, North Island ... ... ... 7,221 1 8 Water Supply ... ... ... ... 5,415 16 3 2 8 0 Carried forward ... £6G,795 0 10 2 8 0 230,003 12 2 1,774,777 15 6



if tiie SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 115,118 18 1 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73— continued. Public Works — continued. Vote No. 79 — Land Purchase Officers, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 1,113 1 8 Vote No. 80,— Water Races, — Engineers, Surveyors, and Others, — Salaries and Allowances, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 1,147 9 G Vote No. 81,— Agent-General's Department, London, — Salaries, 1 April, 1873, to 28 February, 1874 Contingencies, Telegrams, etc. ... 331 18 10 1,172 6 7 Expenditure iu excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,504 5 5 129 5 5 1,375 0 0 Immigration,— Vote No. 82,— Agent-General's Department, London, — Salaries, Kent, Telegrams, Advertising, and Contingencies, 1 April, 1873, to 28 February, 1874 ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 118,754 9 3 8,824 6 4 3,609 G 4 Vote No. 83,— Eetrospective Immigration, etc., — Otago ... ... ... ... £2,929 3 2 Contracts for Barracks ... ... 200 0 0 5,155 0 0 3,129 3 2 Vote No. 84,— Introduction and Location of Immigrants,— Passages of Immigrants from Europe, etc. £166,023 10 3 Expenses of Home Agency, etc. ... 2,545 15 11 Gratuities to Ships'Officers, etc. ... 15,246 2 2 Barracks, etc. ... ... ... 7,815 4 8 Salaries aud Travelling Expenses of Immigration Officers ... ... ... 828 6 2 Bcfunds of Passage Money ... ... 2,925 0 0 Passages, Carriage, etc., in the Colony ... 5,856 14 1 Printing and Advertising ... ... 1,235 15 1 Clothing, Rations, and other Supplies ... 9,078 4 2 Medical Attendance, etc. ... ... 1,405 16 4 New Zealand Handbook ... ... 136 15 O Surveys of Special Settlements ... ... 879 14 2 Telegrams ... ... ... ... 675 14 11 Miscellaneous ... ... .,, 931 15 2 Voto No. 85 — Chief Office,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 210,184 8 1 1,419 5 8 Vote No. 86 — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £320 5 0 Fencing, etc., Quarantine Station ... 5 6 6 325 11 6 Vote No. 88 — Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ,., 390 0 7 Vote No. 89 — Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £519 3 4 Additions to Quarantine Barracks ... 1,939 19 8 Repairs to Immigration Barracks ... 4 4 6 £2,463 7 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 458 9 6 2,004 18 0 Carried forward 228,608 7 0 Ill8,754 9 3




BECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... £66,795 0 10 2 8 0 230,003 12 2 1,774,777 15 6 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "—continued. Recoveries — continued. Cost of raising Loan, etc. — continued. Lands, North Island ... ... ... 3,610 10 10 Telegraphs ... ... ... ... 1,624 14 10 Unapportioned ... ... ... 180 10 8 72,210 17 2 Advance to County of Westland recovered Greymouth Corporation,— Recovered on account of Loan Advances to New Zealand Settlements Act Account recovered 72,213 5 2 7,500 0 0 750 0 0 8,070 13 4 Receipts from Lines opened for Traffic, — Foxton to Palmerston Tramway Auckland to Onehunga Railway Wellington to tho Hutt Railway 1,866 4 0 1,0G6 1 0 318,543 10 8 291 9 11 Temporary Advances on Security of Debentures, — Bank of New Zealand Bank of England... 2,422 5 0 2,713 14 11 300,000 0 0 410,000 0 0 710,000 0 0 Transfer from Consolidated Fund, for Interest and Sinking Fund, to be paid out of Loan in London 150,000 0 0 Moiety of Stamp Duties, transferred from Consolidated Fund, — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay ... Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago 6,951 7 8 304 10 10 6,911 10 G 2,335 G 10 2,330 7 5 377 18 10 10,910 11 6 1,405 2 1 15,770 10 6 47,327 6 2 • Carried forward 3,003,362 7 3




DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 228,608 7 0 118,754 9 3 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73— continued. Immigration— continued. Vote No. 90,— Nelson, — Salaries, 1 April, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £31 5 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... 6 5 0 Vote No. 91 — MARLBOROUGn, Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 25 0 0 35 0 0 Vote No. 92 — Westland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 50 0 0 Vote No. 93,— Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £1,210 3 0 Additions to Quarantine Barracks ... 267 15 0 1,477 18 0 Vote No. 94 — Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... £965 0 10 Rebuilding Immigration Barracks ... 604 16 10 1,569 17 8 Vote No. 95 — Repairs to Immigration and Quarantine Barracks ... ... £1,043 1 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 43 1 0 1,000 0 0 Vote No. 96 — Contingencies, Travelling Expenses of Immigration Officers, and Clerical Assistance 947 15 10 Vote No. 97 — Liabilities on Completion of Immigration and Quarantine Barracks ... ... ... £2,508 19 4 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary ... ... 432 4 4 2,076 15 0 Vote No. 98,— _ Colonial Architect, — Salary, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 ... 250 0 0 236,040 13 6 Unauthorized,— Expenditure in excess of Appropriations, — Vote No. 71,— Greymouth Protective Works ... ... £308 3 1 Amount Voted ... ... ... 307 11 6 Vote No. 74 — Store Department ... ... ... £549 3 4 Amount Voted 507 10 0 0 11 7 41 13 4 Vote No. 81 — Agent-General's Department, London ... £1,504 5 5 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,375 0 0 129 5 5 Vote No. 82 — Agent-General's Department, London ... £8,824 6 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 5,155 0 0 3,669 6 4 Vote No. 89 — Immigration, Wellington ... ... £2,463 7 6 Amount Voted ... £1,995 0 0 Credits as per Contra ... 9 18 0 2,004 18 0 458 9 6 Vote No. 90,— Immigration, Nelson ... ... ... £31 5 0 Amount Voted ...' ... ... 25 0 0 6 5 0 Vote No. 95,— Repairs to Immigration aud Quarantine Barracks ... ... ... ... £1,043 1 0 Amount Voted ... ... ... 1,000 0 0 43 1 0 Carried forward 4,348 12 2 354,795 2 9




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 3,003,362 7 3 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "— continued. I Carried forward 3,003,362 7 3



if the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 4,348 12 2 354,795 2 9 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73"— continued. Unauthorized — continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriations — continued. Vote No. 97,— Liabilities on Completion of Immigration and Quarantine Barracks ... ... £2,508 19 4 Amount Voted ... ... ... 2,076 15 0 Railways,— North Island, — Auckland, — Kaipara to Auckland ... ... ... £22,194 6 1 Auckland to Mercer ... ... ... 128,686 18 9 Mercer to Newcastle ... ... ... 15,519 9 1 Newcastle Southward ... ... ... 132 0 4 432 4 4 4,780 16 6 359,575 19 3 Hawke's Bay,— Napier to Waipukurau 166,532 14 3 46,303 9 2 Taranaki, — Waitara to Patea 23,745 18 9 Wellington,— Patea to Wanganui ... ... ... £482 16 2 Wanganui to Slanawatu ... ... 22,214 1 3 Wellington to Masterton ... ... 78,180 1 10 100,876 19 3 Middle Island, — Nelson, — Nelson to Foxhill ... ... ... £34,356 15 5 Foxhill to Brunner, under section 16 of "The Railways Act, 1873 " ... ... 2,283 16 8 Brunner to Greymouth ... ... 33,971 1 2 Nelson South-West Gold Fields Roads ... 19,784 13 6 Westport to Mount Eochfort ... ... 1,126 3 2 337,459 1 5 Marlborough,— Picton to Blenheim 91,522 9 11 40,287 3 1 Canterbury,— Kowai to Addington ... ... ... £47,14118 1 Selwyn to Rakaia ... ... ... 7,638 2 6 Rakaia to Ashburton ... ... ... 39,570 16 4 Ashburtonto Temuka... ... ... 11,713 11 0 Temuka to Timaru ... ... ... 31,505 14 4 Timaru to Waitaki ... ... ... 915 4 1 Hokitika to Malvern, under section 14 of "The Railways Act, 1873" ... ... 468 0 3 Canterbury Branch Lines ... ... 148,259 2 10 Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... 4,372 17 10 Westland, — Eoads 191,585 7 3 29,602 10 10 Otaoo, — Waitaki Bridge ... ... ... £4,372 17 10 Waitaki to Moeraki ... ... ... 52,249 0 0 Moeraki to Dunedin ... ... ... 6,513 18 9 Dunedin to Clutha ... ... ... 104,970 5 0 Clutha Io Mataura ... ... ... 729 13 5 Mataura to Invercargill ... ... 63,734 4 3 Tokomairiro to Lawrence ... ... 34,535 3 0 Winton to Kingston ... ... ... 5,915 17 1 Dunedin to Port Chalmers ... ... 12,823 13 6 General Railway Account, — Railway Plant, Freight, etc. Surveys under section 10 of " The Eailways Act, 1872 " Working Expenses of Lines opened for Traffic, — Foxton to Palmerston Tramway ... Auckland to Onehunga Railway ... ... £646 2 5 Wellington to the Hutt Railway ... ... 731 16 0 !285,844 12 10 '38,842 3 11 65,839 5 3 2,230 3 8 163 18 9 1,377 18 5 1,541 17 2 Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account ... 36,105 8 7 1,182,018 0 0 Carried forward 1,541,593 19 3 *10— B. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... .3,003,362 7 3 "IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "— continued. Carried forward 3,003,362 7 3



if the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 1,541,593 19 3 " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "— continued. Immigration,— Grants to Road Boards Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 50,000 0 0 18,052 14 4 Roads, North Island, — North of Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty Poverty Bay Taupo ... Seventy-Mile Bush Hawera to Waitara Waiiti to Patea ... Patea to Wanganui Manawatu Manawatu Tramway Wanganui to Taupo 68,052 14 4 24,811 4 1 16,072 16 6 12,069 16 5 3,800 G 0 4,851 4 8 32,809 12 111,031 8 3 12,534 10 0 9,374 11 1 8,790 14 9 7,347 1 0 1,976 4 4 Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 145,469 9 2 7,221 1 8 Water Supply on Gold Fields, — General Charges ... Local Charges, — Auckland Nelson Westland Otago 152,090 10 10 53 0 3 26,914 2 4 1,116 13 8 39,767 3 11 15,213 8 2 83,011 8 1 Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 5,415 16 3 Purchase of Land, Noeth Island, — " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870," — Auckland ... ... ... ... £28,042 14 9 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 12,586 17 1 Wellington ... ... ... ... 15,121 3 10 Hawke's Bay... ... ... ... 82119 2 88,480 4 7 Advance to Native Lands Acts Account, under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1873 " Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 56,572 14 10 6,000 0 0 3,610 10 10 " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873," — General Charges Provincial Charges,— Auckland ... ... ... ... £17,616 0 11 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 3,291 13 2 Wellington ... ... ... 4,115 3 5 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 4,938 7 9 66,183 5 8 128 2 0 29,961 5 3 30,089 7 3 Telegraph Extension Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 32,818 3 6 96,272 12 11 1,624 14 10 34,442 18 4 Coal Prospecting 1,011 16 0 Development of Coal Mines 1,393 10 10 Unappoetioned,— Proportion of Cost of Raising this Division of the Loan transferred hereto from Charges and Expenses Account 180 10 8 Payments under section 93 of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870" 1,288 15 5 Payments under section 45 of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870" 1,375 0 0 Interest on Temporary Advances, — Bank of New Zealand Bank of England ... ... ... 2,340 18 2 1,208 3 3 3,549 1 5 Carried forward 1,990,332 0 7




EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 3,003,362 7 3 " IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73 "— continued. Total Receipts 3,003,362 7 3 Balance on 30 June, 1873, — Cash in the Public Account ... ... ... Advances unaccounted for, — Colonial ... ... ... ... Foreign 41,172 9 9 1,273 15 10 152,977 7 0 42,446 5 7 195,423 12 7 Total " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " £ 3,198,785 19 10 " WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871 :"— In adjustment of Salary of Surveyor, Wellington and Masterton Railway 50 0 0 Balance on 30 June, 1873, — Cash in the Public Account 5,638 10 6 Total "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" ... £5,688 10 6 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT REDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Emigrant and Colonist's Aid Corporation,— Promissory Notes retired ... Interest to 1 October, 1873 14,520 2 1 1,829 17 11 Total Wellington Debts Act Redemption Account £16,350 0 0 " WELLINGTON RECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871 :"— Balance of Rents due 1 January, 1874 ... 334 7 9 Total " Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871:" £334 7 9 " NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872 :"— Sales of Debentures at par Accrued Interest on Debentures at 5 per cent., — On £5,000, 1 May to 15 July ... ... £52 1 1 On £10,000, 1 to 5 November ... ... 6 17 0 38,000 0 0 58 18 1 Land Sales ... Licenses, Rents, &c. 38,058 18 1 20,310 7 0 7,636 6 7 27,946 13 7 66,005 11 8 Carrie d forward 66,005 11 8



if the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Ce. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward 1,990,332 0 7 "IMMIGEATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACTS, 1870-73"— continued. Eefunds op Stamp Duties, — Nelson ... Canterbury 12 0 0 38 8 4 50 8 4 Charges and Expenses Account, —■ Discount on Sales of Debentures, etc. Stamp Duty Commission and Brokerage ... ... ... Advertising, Printing, Telegrams, etc. 14,829 0 0 2,369 0 3 6,156 13 8 1,646 14 8 25,001 8 7 Unauthorized Expenditure,— Proportion of Cost of Additions to Public Works Offices Temporary Advance to New Zealand Settlements Act Account, under section 5 of "The Appropriation Act, 1872" ... Temporary- Advances Eepaid,— Bank of New Zealand Bank of England... ... 359 1 0 5,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 410,000 0 0 810,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 Eedemption of Short-dated Debentures Total Disbursements 2,930,742 18 6 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for, — Colonial Foreign 40,564 7 10 83,173 18 0 144,304 15 6 123,738 5 10 268,043 1 4 Total " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 " £, 3,198,785 19 10 "WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT, 1871:"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account 5,688 10 6 Total "Wellington Debts Act, 1871" ... £5,688 10 6 WELLINGTON DEBTS ACT EEDEMPTION ACCOUNT :— Province of Wellington, in repayment of Interest recovered on Debt of £75,000, to 1 October, 1873 1,829 17 11 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account 14,520 2 1 Total Wellington Debts Act Eedemption Account £16,350 0 0 " WELLINGTON EECLAIMED LAND ACT, 1871 :"— Amount transferred to Interest and Sinking Fund, " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... ... . ... 334 7 9 Total " Wellington Reclaimed Land Act, 1871" £334 7 9 " NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACT, 1872:" Payments to Provincial Account for expenditure on Works Payments made to the Agent of the Province iu Edinburgh Interest on Debentures, — On £14,000, at 5 per cent., 1 May, 1873, to 1 Nov., 1873 On £1,000, at 5 „ 1 May, 1873, to 30 June „ On £24,000, at 5 „ 1 Nov., 1873, to 1 May, 1874 On £10,000, at 5 „ 4 Mar., 1874, to „ „ On £4,000, at 5 „ 1 Dec, 1873, to „ „ On £3,000, at 5 „ 14 Jan., 1874, to „ „ On £0,000, at 5 „ 20 Feb., 1874, to „ „ On £4,700, at 5 „ 1 May, 1874, to 30 June „ 350 0 0 8 6 8 600 0 0 79 9 O 82 14 9 43 19 6 52 12 0 39 5 5 25,000 0 0 12,398 15 3 1,256 7 4 Carried forward ... 38,655 2 7




BECEIPTS. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 66,005 11 8 "NOETH OTAGO DISTEICT PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACT, 1872 — continued. Total " North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 " £66,005 11 8 "GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873:"— Sales op Debentuees, — 4 per cents, at 90* ... ... ... £16,018 10 0 Add Discount as per contra ... ... jl,681 10 0 4 per cents, at 96... ... ... ... £20,064 0 0 Add Discount as per contra ... ..., 836 0 0 17,700 0 0 20,900 0 0 30,000 0 0 4i per cents, at par Bank of New Zealand, — Temporary Advance on security of Debentures Recovery,— Telegraph Extension 08,600 0 0 150,000 0 0 52 2 6 218,652 2 6 Carried forward 218,652 2 6



if the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 38,655 2 7 "NORTH OTAGO DISTRICT PUBLIC WORKS LOAN ACT, 1872 " — continued. Redemption of Debentures Transfer to Land Fund, Otago, under section 11 of the Act 4,700 0 0 22,G50 9 1 Total "North Otago Disteict Public Works Loan Act, 1872" £60,005 11 8 " GENERAL PURPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 :"— Public Buildings,— Vote No. 99—JudicialCourt Houses, — Lawrence Morton Palmerston ... Napier 600 0 0 541 10 0 220 7 6 1,092 19 10 2,454 17 4 Vote No. 100—Postal and Telegraph,— Tokomairiro Clinton Wellington Rangiora ... ... ... ,,, Malvern Blenheim Te Awamutu ... Roxburgh Hamilton ... ... ... ... ,,. 552 11 3 223 12 2 358 13 6 201 6 0 236 3 6 100 14 0 304 3 10 102 12 0 555 13 3 Vote No. 101 —Customs, — Wanganui 2,635 9 6 718 0 0 Vote No. 102 —Offices for Public Departments,— Wellington, — Reclamation of Site for new Government Buildings ... ... ... £3,200 0 0 Erection of Breastwork ... ... 524 16 0 Advertising ... ... ... 132 19 2 Construction of Concrete Tank ... ... 502 18 6 Drawing Instruments ... ... 63 3 0 Clerk of Works ... ... ... 53 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 312 8 8 Tauranga, — Contract Payments ... ... .... £1,276 15 9 Clerk of Works ... ... ... 48 0 0 Advertising, etc. ... ... ... 26 19 0 4,789 5 4 1,351 14 9 Lyttelton,— Advertising, etc. 29 8 3 Auckland, — Eebuilding Custom House and Post Office, — Contract Payments... ... ... £7,134 9 10 Clerk of Works ... ... ... 200 0 0 Architect's Commission ... ... 408 19 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 67 2 11 7,810 11 9 Voto No. 103—Miscellaneous, — Ministerial Eesidence, Wellington,— On account of Purchase Money of house in Molesworth Street, and interest in leasehold of land adjoining Commission on Purchase Interest on Mortgage to 1 May, 1874 Alterations and Eepairs, etc. 1,850 0 0 58 15 0 30 0 0 550 0 0 13,981 0 1 2,488 15 0 Telegraph Extension Lighthouses,— Cape Foulwind —Labourers' Wages, etc. Portland Island —Travelling Allowance 110 13 6 3 10 0 22,278 1 11 42,110 19 6 114 3 6 Carried forward ... 64,503 4 11 11—B. 1.




BECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 218,652 2 G "GENEEAL PUEPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 "— continued. Total Eeceipts 218,652 2 6 Total "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873" £218,652 2 6 " WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873 :"— Sales of Debentures, — 5 per cents, at 101J ... ... ... £40,600 0 0 Deduct Premium ... ... ... 000 0 0 5 per cents, at 102 ... ... ... £10,200 0 0 Deduct Premium ... ... ... 200 0 0 40,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 Premium as above 50,000 0 0 800 0 0 Total Eeceipts ... ' ... ... .., 50,800 0 0 Total "Westland Loan Act, 1873" £50,800 0 0



if the SPECIAL FUNDS— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 64,503 4 11 " GENEEAL PUEPOSES LOAN ACT, 1873 "—continued. Charges and Expenses of Eaising Loan, — Discount Brokerage, i per cent, on £15,000 ... 2,517 10 0 37 10 0 2,555 0 0 Transfers to Immigration and Public Works Loan, — In repayment of Interest and Sinking Fund contributed to tho Consolidated Fund in 1873-74 In repayment of Grant to Eoad Boards in 1873-74 75,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 Total Disbursements 192,058 4 11 Balance on 30 June 1874, — Cash in tho Public Account Advances unaccounted for 22,125 4 3 4,468 13 4 26,593 17 7 Total "General Purposes Loan Act, 1873" £218,652 2 6 "WESTLAND LOAN ACT, 1873:"— Payment to Provincial Account Charges and Expenses of Eaising Loan, —■ Advertising ... ... ... ... ... Payment of Debts due to the Colony,—■ Amount paid to Province of Canterbury for Interest and Sinking Fund on Loans to 31 December, 1872 Balance at debit of account under Payments to Provinces Act on 30 September, 1873 Balance at debit of separate account... Amount paid in Englaud out of Immigration and Public Works Loan, to Bank of Now Zealand on 23 September 1871 ... ... £7,500 0 0 Interest thereon to 2 October, 1873 ... ... 759 4 11 2,227 19 9 31,461 2 7 225 19 0 1,384 4 1 7 3 5 8,259 4 11 43,568 13 9 Total Disbursements 11,878 12 2 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash iu tho Public Account 7,231 6 3 Total "Westland Loan Act, 1874" £50,800 0 0 *11—B. 1,



STATEMENT of the ADVANCES from SPECIAL FUNDS OUTSTANDING on 30TH JUNE, 1874, showing the several VOTES under which the Issues were made.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. "New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66:" — General Imprest Account Vote No. 58—Confiscated Lands 138 1 6 257 13 11 395 15 5 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867:"— Advanced prior to 30 June, 1872 2,101 3 0 " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870:" — General Imprest Account Vote No. 62 —Miscellaneous „ 63—Steamer " Luna " „ 64 —Contingent Defence and Liabilities ... 1,693 3 7 227 1 6 215 18 0 1,348 13 11 3,484 17 0 " Immigration and Public Works Loan Acts, 1870-73 :"— Vote No. 84 —Introduction of Immigrants „ 96 —Immigration Contingencies Eailways,— Mercer to Newcastle Napier to Waipukurau Waitara to Patea Patea to Wanganui Wanganui to Manawatu Wellington to Masterton ,., Nelson to Foxhill Westport to Mount Eochfort Picton to Blenheim Ashburton to Temuka Temuka to Timaru Canterbury Branches Waitaki Bridge, Canterbury Waitaki Bridge, Otago Westland Eoads ... Waitaki to Moeraki Moeraki to Dunedin Dunedin to Clutha Mataura to Invercargill Winton to Kingston Dunedin to Port Chalmers... Surveys of Proposed Lines, — Under section 10, " Kailway Act, 1872" ... Under section 14, "Eailway Act, 1873" ... Under section 16, "Eailway Act, 1873" ... 431 11 9 12 6 0 37 15 10 644 15 0 627 7 9 260 0 0 128 7 2 476 11 8 208 4 0 202 19 8 4 8 8 55 0 0 50 0 0 357 19 7 75 0 0 75 0 0 413 3 7 777 11 0 29 2 0 1,014 13 7 143 12 4 54 1 7 4 6 1 102 13 6 25 4 0 3 13 4 131 10 10 944 18 0 10 0 0 7,663 15 9 7,145 17 8 Auckland and Mercer Working Account Wellington and Masterton Working Account... Eoads, North Island ... Water Supply on Gold Fields ... Purchase of Land, North Island, — "Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873," — Auckland Wellington ... Taranaki Hawke's Bay ... 8,664 16 11 5,328 14 2 46 18 10 317 12 0 2,000 0 0 7,693 5 0 394 2 8 300 0 0 1,993 9 9 Prospecting for Coal ... ... ... Development of Coal Mines General Imprest Account Deduct Credit Balance, — Auckland-Mercer Eailway... 41,025 13 10 461 6 0 " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 :"— Vote No. 102—Offices for Public Departments „ 103 —Ministerial Eesidence Telegraph Extension ... 40,564 7 10 752 5 2 43 13 5 3,672 14 9 4,468 13 4 Total Advances Special Funds ... £51,014 16 7







RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ Rents ... ... ... ... ... „ Timber Licenses ... ... ... ... „ 3,098 7 0 55 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 3,173 7 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights ... ... ... ... „ Business Licenses ... ... ... „ Water Races, Sluices, etc. ... ... ... „ Gold Mining Leases, Eents, and Eoyalties ... „ Ecgistration ... ... ... ... „ Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... ... „ Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... ,, Publicans'and other Licenses ... ... ,, Withdrawals of Leases ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 1,696 15 0 35 0 0 157 10 0 3,687 7 5 87 8 6 78 13 0 20 5 0 216 7 0 2 2 0 413 15 0 6,395 2 11 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... „ 8,906 6 8 Taranaki :— Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Transfers from account under the Public Debt Apportionment Act ... Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lauds for March refunded 18,474 16 7 •881 10 0 95 10 8 20 10 8 998 3 4 Wellington : — Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 36,639 15 3 12 1 8 5 0 0 36,G5G 1G 11 Hawke's Bay:— Land Eevenue, —■ Land Sales ... ... ... ... 27 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ 38,378 19 8 852 16 2 39,231 15 10 Nelson :— Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ EentB ... ... ... ... ... „ "Crown Lands (Nelson) Leasing Act, 1865" ... „ Deposits transferred to Eevenue ... ... ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 9,504 13 9 954 1 11 813 16 9 3,864 17 3 216 7 0 400 1 4 15,753 18 0 Gold Fields Eevenue, — Miners' Eights ... ... ... ... „ Business Licenses ... ... ... „ Water Eaces, etc.... ... ... ... „ Gold Mining Leases ... ... ... ,, Ecgistration ... ... ... ... „ Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ••• ••• » Publicans'and other Licenses ... ... „ Withdrawals of Leases ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... >> 3,125 0 0 2,154 0 0 191 7 6 4,373 16 3 617 5 6 112 11 0 53 10 0 90 0 0 244 17 0 10,962 7 9 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... „ 9,378 7 4 36,094 13 1 Marlborough i — Land Eevenue, — Land Sales 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... ,, Timber Licenses ... ... ... ... „ Deposits transferred to Revenue ... ... » Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ., 2,783 1 3 4,524 2 6 38 10 0 57 0 0 7 12 6 7,410 6 3 Carried forward 7,410 6 3 131,456 5 9




DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d Auckland : — Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1873, to 30 April, 1874 Ten per cent, guaranteed to Natives on proceeds of Sales of Land from 1 July, 1871, to 31 March, 1874 333 6 8 17 6 0 Payments to Provincial Account 350 12 8 17,997 3 3 18,347 15 11 Taeanaki :— Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Repayment to Consolidated Fund, in adjustment of account under the Public Debt Apportionment Act ... 259 2 9 329 3 4 Payments to Provincial Account 588 6 1 409 17 3 Wellington : — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue ... GOO 0 0 75 0 0 998 3 4 Payments to Provincial Account 675 0 0 35,081 16 11 36,656 16 11 Hawke's Bay i — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Commissioner of Crown Lands (from 1 June)... Receiver of Land Revenue ... 216 13 4 50 0 0 Payments to Provincial Account 26G 13 4 38,981 15 10 39,248 9 2 Nelson : Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Commissioner of Crown Lands Receiver of Land Revenue ... 400 0 0 150 0 0 550 0 0 35,544 13 1 Payments to Provincial Account 36,094 13 1 Marlborough i — Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 Payments to Provincial Account 320 0 0 7,275 5 10 7,595 5 H Carried forward 138,941 4 3




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. s. d. Brought forward 7,410 0 3 131,456 5 9 Marlborough— continued. Gold Fields Eevenue, — Miners'Eights ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Business Licenses ... ,.. ... „ Gold Mining Leases ... ,., ... „ Ecgistration ... ... ... ... ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 38 0 0 5 0 0 82 0 4 4 7 6 4 11 0 133 18 10 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... „ 52 6 3 7,596 11 4 Canterbury : — Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ Eents ... ... ... ... ... „ Deposits transferred to Eevenue ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 640,822 3 6 45,159 7 2 10 0 0 18 10 0 44 3 10 686,054 4 6 Westland i— Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ Timber Licenses ... ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ,.. ... „ 8,674 19 6 253 14 8 72 10 0 0 10 0 9,001 14 2 Gold Fields Eevenue, — Miners' Eights ... ... ... ... „ Business Licenses ... ... ... „ Water Races, Sluices, etc. ... ... ... „ Gold Mining Leases, Eente, and Eoyalties ... „ Eegistration ... ... ... ... „ Fees and Fines, Wardens' Courts ... ... „ Survey Fees ... ... ... ... „ Publicans'and other Licenses ... ... „ Withdrawals of Leases ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 3,106 0 0 1,353 0 0 286 0 0 115 0 9 195 12 6 182 4 0 40 2 0 3,712 15 0 5 0 0 8 11 0 9,004 5 3 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... ... „ 8,915 18 7 26,921 18 0 Otago :— Land Eevenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Depasturing Licenses, &c. ... ... ... „ Eents, etc. ... ... ,., ... „ Timber Licenses ... ... ... ... „ Deposits transferred to Revenue ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 174,321 16 4 55,097 10 2 7,866 5 1 772 11 0 1,147 7 0 1,428 11 5 240,634 1 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights ... ... ... ... „ Business Licenses ... ... ... „ Water Races, etc. ... ... ... ,, Gold Mining Leases, &c. ... ... ... „ Registration ... ... ... ... „ Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... ... „ Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ... „ Publicans and other Licenses ... ... „ Withdrawals of Leases ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... .., „ 4,290 O 0 1,487 5 O 174 O 0 17,000 16 9 331 13 6 188 8 0 2,645 18 3 0 7 6 1 13 0 1,135 15 0 27,255 17 0 Gold Duty ... 14,261 19 2 Transfer, — Balance at credit of North Otago District Public Works Loan Account on 30 June, 1874 ... ... 22,650 9 1 304,802 6 3 Carried forward 1,156,831 5 10



>f TnE LAND FUND— continued. Cb. DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forward 138,941 4 3 Canterbury:— Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Commissioner of Crown Lands Eeceivcr of Land Eevenue (from 1 June) 500 0 0 425 0 0 Transfers to Consolidated* Fund, — To Account under " The Payment to Provinces Act, 1872 " To Separate Account 925 0 0 3,347 11 9 16 2 9 3,363 14 G Payments to Provincial Account „ Timaru aud Gladstono Board of Works 589,885 17 6 91,328 14 10 681,214 12 4 Westland : — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 — Commissioner of Crown Lands Chief Surveyor ... 685,503 6 10 100 0 0 400 0 0 Fees paid to Members of Waste Lands Board Payments to Provincial Account 500 0 0 88 4 0 26,311 2 10 26,899 6 10 Otaoo : — Salaries, 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874,— Commissioners of Crown Lands, — Dunedin ... ... ... ... £445 11 1 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 350 0 0 Eeceivers of Land Eevenue, — Dunedin ... ... ... ... £300 0 0 Invercargill ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 795 11 1 350 0 0 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, — Dunedin ... ... 1 January to 30 June, 1872 58 6 8 Transfer to Consolidated Fund, — To Account under " The Payment to Provinces Act, 1872 " Payments to Provincial Account 1,203 17 0 1,619 6 4 281,056 6 1 283,879 10 2 Carried forward 1,135,223 8 1 12—B. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 1,156,831 5 10 Native Lands Acts Account :— Fees and Duties, — Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June, 1874 Wellington ... ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... „ Chatham Islands ... ... ... „ 2,427 2 2 898 18 0 1,144 6 7 4 14 5 Eecoveries, For Credit of Votes, — Vote No. 66 —Native Lands Department ... „ 67 —Inspector of Surveys 4,475 1 2 20 12 G 1,061 8 1 1,082 0 7 Transfer, — From Immigration and Public Works Loan, under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1873 " ... 6,000 0 0 11,557 1 9 i Total Eeceipts 1,168,388 7 7 Balance on 30 June, 1873,— Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for 3,194 7 0 107 2 7 3,301 9 7 Total Land Fund !l,171,689 17 2



if the LAND FUND— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 1,135,223 8 1 Native Lands Acts Account : — Vote No. 00 —Native Lands Court, — Salaries ... ... ... 1 June, 1873, to 30 June, 1S74 ,, Arrears of previous year, etc. Travelling Allowances and Expenses 4,303 5 6 89 0 0 1,760 4 10 6,132 10 4 Voto No. 07—Inspector of Surveys' Department,— Salaries... ... ... 1 July, 1873, to 30 June, 1874 „ Arrears of previous year Pay of Labourers, etc. Contingencies 2,347 4 1 251 12 2 479 13 1 403 0 3 3,481 9 7 10 0 10 Refunds of Duty Transfer to Consolidated Fund, — Fees and Duties collected at the Chatham Islands to 30 June, 1873 Fees and Duties, Hawke's Bay, for 1872-73, in excess of proportion of Expenses,—■ Paid to Provincial Account Transfers to Consolidated Fund, — To account under " Tho Payments to Provinces Act, 1872 " £77 13 7 To Separate Account ... ... ... 318 8 7 710 15 11 120 9 9 420 2 2 1,136 18 1 10,907 8 7 Total Disbursements 1,146,430 16 8 Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for 25,516 4 9 42 15 9 25,559 0 0 Total ... £ 1,171,689 17 2 - *12—B. 1.




£ s. d. £ b. d. £ a. d. VOTE No. 66:— Native Lands Court Unauthorized, — Services not provided for ... 38 15 9 10 0 0 Deduct,— Credit Balance—Vote No. 67 48 15 9 6 0 0 £42 15 9 BALANCE SH' !ET of ACCOUNTS in t ie LAND FUND for the Financial Yeae 1873-74. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Trans. .CTIOXS. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland 10 18 5 18,347 15 11 18,474 16 7 137 19 1 Taranaki 998 3 4 998 3 4 Wellington 36,650 1G 11 3G,65G 1G 11 Hawke's Bay 10 13 4 39,248 9 2 39,231 15 10 Nelson 00 15 7 36,094 13 1 36,094 13 1 60 15 7 Marlborough 39 0 9 7,595 5 10 7,596 11 4 40 6 3 Canterbury 40 17 4 685,503 6 10 680,054 4 G 591 15 0 Westland 6 15 2 26,899 6 10 26,921 18 0 15 16 0 Otago 1,727 13 0 283,879 10 2 304,802 6 3 22,650 9 1 Native Lands Acts Account 1,412 6 4 10,907 8 7 11,557 1 9 2,061 19 6 3,308 4 9 Totals 6 15 2 3,301 9 7 1,146,130 1G 8 1,168,383 7 7 25,559 0 6







RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account ... 149 6 6 Bay op Plenty Districts Account 18 5 0 Estates op Deceased Soldiers Account... 38 9 8 General Assembly Libeaey Fund Account 75 0 0 Government Annuities Act Account 45,997 16 10 Intestate Estates Fund Account 1,353 13 10 Intestate Estates Expenses Account ... 107 13 10 ■ Interest Account :— Interest received on Investments, — "Treasury Bills Act, 1869,"— On £20,000, half-year to 31 December, 1873 On £20,000 „ to 30 Juno, 1874 " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870,"— On £211,650, half-year to 30 September, 1873 On £211,650 „ to 31 March, 1874 ... " Treasury Bills Act, 1871,"— On £45,000, 1 April, to 17 September, 1873 " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870," — On £173,200, half-year to 15 October, 1873 On £173,200, half-vear to 15 April, 1874 ... On £100,000, 15 April to 15 June, 1S74 ... " Defence Loan Act, 1870,"— On £75,000, half-year to 15 October, 1873 ... On £75,000, half-year to 15 April, 1874 ... On £70,000, 25 to 30 June, 1874 ... " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — On £17,000, 1 July to 18 October, 1873 ... On £21,000, half-year to 15 October, 1873 ... On £8,000, 15 to 18 October, 1873 On £13,000, half-year to 15 April, 1874 ... " North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872,"— On £14,000, 1 May to 1 November, 1873 ... On £24,000, half-year to 1 May, 1874 On £10,000, 4 March to 1 May, 1874 On £0,000, 26 February to 1 May, 1874 ... On £4,000, 1 December, 1873, to 1 May, 1874 On £3,000, 14 January to 1 May, 1874 On £1,000, 1 May to 30 June, 1873 On £4,700, 1 May to 30 June, 1874 " Wellington Debts Act, 1871,"— On £9,000, half-year to 31 December, 1873 On £9,000, half-year to 30th June, 1874 ... " General Purposes Loan Act, 1873," — On £30,000, 25 to 30 June, 1874 ... Board of Conservators, Waimakariri, — On £4,500, 7 February to 1 May, 1874 Patea Mortgages,— Miscellaneous ... 613 6 8 603 6 8 6,455 6 6 6,420 1 0 1,155 9 4 3,464 0 0 3,464 0 0 875 6 10 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 43 2 11 256 3 3 420 0 0 2 12 7 260 0 0 350 0 0 600 0 0 79 9 0 52 12 0 82 14 9 43 19 6 8 6 8 39 5 5 225 0 0 225 0 0 18 9 10 61 7 9 29,585 19 6 2,309 7 11 766 18 10 Land Assurance Fund Account Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Account 50 0 0 Lunatics' Estates Account 146 7 S 21 12 0 Militia Act Account ... Native B.eserves Account i — Taranaki ... Wellington NelsonWestland ... Otago 263 0 6 618 6 0 1,749 5 10 3,994 3 1 425 0 0 7,019 15 5 Carried forward 86,908 8 2




DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account 01 G 9 Bay of Plenty Districts Account Estates op Deceased Soldiers Account: — Balance transferred to Public Trustee 734 11 5 General Assembly Library Fund Account Government Annuities Act Account: — Amount transferred to the Commissioner to pay Annuities, Assurance Claims, and Departmental Expenses... 15,430 0 0 Intestate Estates Fund Account : — Repayments ... Balance transferred to Public Trustee 983 3 1 21,033 16 7 22,010 19 8 Intestate Estates Expenses Account : — Expenses paid ... .... Balance transferred to Public Trustee 71 6 11 301 2 3 372 9 2 Interest Account:— Accrued Interest on Securities Purchased, — North Olago District Public Works Loan, — On £5,000, 1 May to 15 Julv, 1873 ... £52 1 1 On £10,000, 1 to 5 November, 1873 ... 6 17 0 Transfers, — Post Office Savings Bank Account, — Interest due to Depositors, 1873 ... Government Annuities Accou;it, — Interest on Credit Balances of this Account to 30 June, 1874 ... Consolidated Fund, — In adjustment of Interest on Patea Mortgages to 31 March, 1873 ... ... £120 11 8 Balance of Interest Account transferred to Incidental Revenue- ... ... ... 0,967 14 10 58 18 1 20,106 16 10 2,331 18 1 7,088 G 6 29,585 19 6 Land Assurance Fund Account GO G 9 Lands Clauses Consolidation Act Account Lunatics Estates Account: — Repayment ... Balance transferred to Public Trustee 3 17 0 1,518 15 8 1,522 12 8 Militia Act Account ... 12 11 0 Native Eeserves Account:— Miscellaneous Vote No. 69,— Salaries, &c ... £1,436 14 0 Less expenditure in excess of Appropriation ... 11 14 0 6,488 17 8 1,425 0 0 Carried forward 7,913 17 8 09,810 16 11




EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 86,908 8 2 Native Ten Per Cents. Auckland Land Purchase Account 17 6 0 Native Five Per Cents. Wairarapa Land Purchase Account 625 18 7 Post Office Money Order Account:— Commission due to Foreign Offices Transferred from Postmaster-General's Account to tho Public Account 429 16 11 48,000 0 0 48,429 10 11 Post Office Savings Bank Account Amount transferred from Postmaster-General's Account to the Public Account Pass Books issued to Depositors, Fines, etc. Amount transferred from Interest Account to cover Interest accrued to Depositors'Accounts to 31 December, 1873 ... 118,000 0 0 28 6 7 20,106 16 10 138,135 3 5 Eeal Estate Administration Account ... 145 12 1 Trust Fund Investment Account 195,850 15 4 Trustees' Belief Act Account ... 513 14 0 Unclaimed Balances Account ... 5,591 19 0 Total Receipts ... 476,218 13 6 Balance on 30 June, 1873 :— Cash in the Public Account Advances unaccounted for 53,625 12 G 857 17 1 54,483 9 7 Total Trust Fund £530,702 3 1



if the TEUST FUND— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 7,913 17 8 69,816 16 11 Native Reserves Account — continued. Supplementary,—■ Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 11 14 0 7,925 11 8 Native Ten Per Cents. Auckland Land Purchase Account 1,732 3 11 Native Five Per Cents. Wairarapa Land Purchase Account 7 12 0 Post Office Money Order Account : — Remittances to — Great Britain Victoria New South Wales Tasmania South Australia ... 30,500 0 0 19,400 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,200 0 0 350 0 0 54,450 0 0 Post Office Savings Bank Account 158 1 2 Real Estate Administration Account:— In adjustment of charges on Intestate Estates Expenses Account Balance transferred to Public Trustee 0 18 1,583 6 0 1,583 7 8 Trust Fund Investment Account 298,300 0 0 Trustees' Relief Act Account ... Unclaimed Balances Account ... 5,011 5 4 Total Disbursements 438,984 18 8 Balance on 30 June, 1874: — Cash in the Public Account Advances Unaccounted for, — Colonial Foreign 862 4 8 55 0 0 90,799 19 9 917 4 8 91,717 4 5 Total Trust Fund £530,702 3 1 i 13—B. 1.




Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,187 0 5 £ 8. d. 149 6 6 18 5 O 38 9 8 45,997 16 10 75 0 0 29,585 19 G 1,355 13 10 107 13 10 2,309 7 11 50 0 O 146 7 8 £ s. d. 61 6 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,275 0 2 18 5 0 Armed Constabulary Reward Fund Account ... Bay of Plenty Districts ,, Estates of Deceased Soldiers „ Government Annuities Act ,, General Assembly Library Fund „ Interest Intestate Estates Fund Intestate Estates Expenses „ ... Land Assurance Fund ,, Land Clauses Consolidation Act ,, Lunatics Act iiiiitai-y Savings Bank „ Militia Act „ Merchant Shipping Act ,, Native Reserves ,, Native 10 per Cent. Auckland Land . Purchase ,, Native 5 per Cent. Wairarapa Land Purchase „ Natives at Wellington Deposits „ Post Office Money Order ,, Post Office Savings Banks „ Real Estate Administration ,, Supreme Court „ Trustees Relief Act ,, Trust Fund Investment ,, Unclaimed Balances ,, Unclaimed Balances Closed ,, Unclaimed Dividends ,, Unclaimed Property „ 696 1 9 36,449 11 6 20,661 5 10 264 15 4 3,681 13 10 1,376 5 0 156 4 9 40 6 0 31 9 3 3,230 14 10 4,681 18 8 24 12 0 7,049 15 5 17 6 0 734 11 5 15,450 0 0 29,585 19 6 22,016 19 8 372 9 2 60 6 9 1,522 12 8 12 11 0 7,925 11 8 1,732 3 11 66,997 8 4 75 0 0 5,930 15 0 50 0 0 156 4 9 52 7 7 31 9 3 2,354 18 0 2,967 0 9 420 13 3 370 0 0 15,979 10 8 544,064 17 11 1,437 15 7 1 10 10 220 6 2 625 18 7 48,429 16 11 138,135 3 5 145 12 1 7 12 0 54,450 0 0 158 1 2 1,583 7 8 1,038 19 10 370 0 0 9,959 7 7 682, 042 0 2 513 14 0 195,850 15 4 5,591 19 0 1 10 10 734 0 2 581,940 8 8 298,300 0 0 5,011 5 4 684,389 13 4 588 19 7 359 15 8 523 1 5 580 13 8 588 19 7 359 15 8 523 1 5 636,423 18 3 581,940 8 8 776,106 17 9 liTALS 54,483 9 7 476,218 13 6 438,984 18 8 91,717 4 5 STATEMENT of the ADVANCES from the TEUST FUND OUTSTANDING on 30th June, 1874. Native Reserves Account Native 5 per Cent. Wairarapa Land Purchase Account ... £ s. d. 32 16 6 829 8 2 £ b. d. £862 4 8



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30th JUNE, 1874, under "The TRUSTEES RELIEF ACT, 1862;" with particulars of the Balance at credit in the Public Trust Fund on that date. (Published pursuant to Section 5 of " The Trustees Relief Act, 1862.")

H I RECEIPTS. Estate of W. Bishop ... „ W. P. Kirkwood „ D. Lockwood £ s. d. 81 17 6 209 15 0 222 1 6 £ s. d. DISBUESEMENTS. Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874, — Estate of D. Mason ,, W. Bishop ... , „ W. P. Kirkwood „ D. Lockwood £ s. d. £ s. d. H 513 14 0 220 6 2 220 6 2 81 17 6 209 15 0 222 1 6 734 0 2 Balance on 30 June, 1873 £734 0 2 £734 0 2 STATEMENT of EECEIPTS and DISBUESEMENTS in e TEUST FUND INVESTMENT ACCOUNT during the Yeae ended 30th June, 1874. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. On repayment of Patea Mortgages On redemption of Treasury Bills issued under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1871" ... On redemption of Debentures issued under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" On redemption of Debentures issued under " The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873 " On redemption of Treasury Bills issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... On redemption of Debentures issued under " The North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872 "... 1,150 15 4 45,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 Purchase of 5 per cent. Debentures at par, issued under "The North Otago District Public Works Loan Act, 1872" ... Purchase of 6 per cent. Debentures at par, issued under "The Canterbury Rivers Acts, 1870-73" .... Purchase of 4JV per cent. Debentures at par, issued under "The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1873 "... Purchase of £40,000 5 per cent. Debentures at 101J, and £10,000 5 per cent. Debentures at 102, issued under " The Westland Loan Act, 1873" ... Purchase of Otago Dock Mortgage Purchase of 4J- per cent. Debentures at par issued under " The Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 " Purchase of 4^ per cent. Debentures at par issued under " The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 " 38,000 0 0 4,500 0 0 100, 000 0 0 % 20,000 0 0 50,800 0 0 5,000 0 0 4,700 0 0 ,850 15 4 70,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 Balance on 30 June, 1873: — Held in the following Securities, — Nominal Value. Treasury Bills ... ... £276,650 0 0 Debentures ... ... ... 304,200 0 0 Patea Mortgages ... ... 6,018 8 8 Otago Dock Mortgages ... ... 5,000 0 0 298,300 0 0 Balance on 30 June, 1874: — Held in the following Securities, — Nominal Value. Treasury Bills ... ... £211,650 0 0 Debentures ... ... ... 467,000 0 0 Otago Dock Mortgages ... ... 10,000 0 0 Patea Mortgages ... ... 4,867 13 4 Premium on purchase of Consolidated Loan Debentures (recoverable from Interest Account) 212,150 0 0 457,352 0 0 10,000 0 0 4,867 13 4 277,150 0 0 293,772 0 0 6,018 8 8 5,000 0 0 20 0 0 £693,517 13 4 £591,868 8 8 581,940 8 8 Total oo*,ooy la ** £880,240 8 8 Total £880,240 8 8







Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Dr. Cr. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Imperial Government :— General Account Pensions Account 392 12 9 178 7 0 18,878 0 7 14 6 3 18,778 0 11 556 13 6 99 19 8 Provinces —Separate Accounts :— Auckland Taranaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay Nelson Canterbury ... Westland Otago ... ... ... "i 13 2 480 0 2 1,570 5 0 2 6 4 542 18 0 405 6 6 232 14 4 38 3 6 479 19 4 609 19 11 1,570 5 0 0 13 2 53 7 10 400 7 3 232 14 4 38 3 6 479 19 4 1,117 11 6 "9 10 0 4 19 3 ... ... ... 447 11 7 Auckland Eeseeves Act Account... 2,101 3 0 2,101 3 0 Miscellaneous ... 61,345 3 8 450,405 19 2 444,006 11 7 67,744 11 3 FOEEIGN IMPEEST ACCOUNT 18,368 17 4 82,207 16 9 2,235,827 7 4 2,169,304 19 6 84,891 5 2 155,408 1 10 447 11 7 Totals 81,726 3 5 2,709,231 7 0 2,635,997 0 2 154,960 10 3




Balances on 30 June, 1873. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Names of Imprestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Ailken, A., EeBident Engineer, Thames Alexander, A., Postmaster, Lawrence, Otago ... Allan, A. S., Eegistrar, Supreme Court, Wellington Allan, C, Immigration Officer, Dunedin Allen, J., Collector of Customs, Pieton Andrews, A., Mail Agent Andrews, II. F., Collector of Customs, Greymouth Atkinson, J. J., Major, Dunedin Volunteers Austin, A. D., Surveyor, Nelson Austin, J. C. Q., Clerk, Native Lands Court, Auckland ... Aylmer, J., Eesident Magistrate, Akaroa Bagge, J., Chief Postmaster, Blenheim Baigent, E., Captain, New Zealand Militia, Nelson Baillie, W. D. fl., Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Blenheim Baker, E., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Wellington Bank of New Zealand Barleyman, J., Collector of Customs, Blenheim Barr, A., Chief Postmaster, Otago Barstow, E. C, Eesident Magistrate, Onehunga, Auckland Batham, J. M., Eegistrar, Supreme Court, Hokitika Batkin, C. T., Secretary to the Treasury Beere, D. M., Eesident Engineer, Kaikoura, H.B. Best, W., Cashier, Colonial Treasury... Beswick, J., Provincial Treasurer, Canterbury ... Bird, G., Inspector of Telegraphs, Canterbury ... Biss, S. B., Chief Postmaster, Auckland Blair, W. N., Resident Engineer, Dunedin Blake, R. T., Captain, New Zealand Militia, Patea Blake, W., Telegraph Surveyor Bluett, H. P., Lieutenant, Native Contingent ... Bold, E. H., Engineer, Napier Bonar, ,1. A., Captain, Volunteers, Westland ... Booth, J., Land Purchase Agent, Wanganui Booth and Kemp, Land Purchase Agents Borlase, C. II., Crown Solicitor, Wanganui Borrie, J., Deputy Collector of Customs, Invercargill Bourke, P., Chief Postmaster, Napier Bowen, C. II. W., Clerk, District Court, Westport Brabant, II. W., Resident Magistrate, Opotiki... Eranigan, St. J., late Commissioner, Armed Constabulary Force ... Brodie, G., late Accountant in Bankruptcy Broham, T., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Auckland ... Browne, G. J., Mail Agent ... Brown, W. R. E., Curator of Intestate Estates, Wellington £ 8. d. £ 6. d. £ b. d. 341 9 0 £ s. d. 300 0 0 2 12 5 805 16 3 2,911 19 10 309 9 11 30 0 0 37 7 5 396 12 0 302 0 0 95 4 6 31 0 0 50 0 10 0 10 0 52 0 0 20 0 0 4,176 13 0 426 3 7 450 4 9 211 5 0 499 15 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 34,376 14 8 351 0 O '4,500 0 0 9,131 7 1 5,204 3 3 320 0 0 £ b. d. 41 9 0 £ b. d. 2 12 5 2 9 0 82 16 0 803 7 3 2,885 16 4 309 9 11 30 "0 0 56 12 6 37 7 5 18 10 0 1 17 6 378 8 0 300 2 6 95 4 6 11 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 52 0 0 140 15 6 3,620 13 0 429 10 4 540 0 0 211 5 0 500 0 0 30 0 0 219 6 0 33,777 15 6 351 0 0 4,500 0 0 10,050 0 0 5,606 15 3 300 0 0 0 0 10 6 6 0 20 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 i'6 0 0 700 0 0 120 15 6 144 0 0 3 6 9 90 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 1 6 5 1 643 17 2 19 6 0 44 18 0 229 1 7 20 0 0 915 12 11 571 13 7 17 9 0 1,231 17 2 0 0 10 9 9 0 12,836 13 4 13.0S0 0 0 32 0 0 6,350 0 0 8 0 0 1,475 3 10 32 0 0 21 18 10 139 0 0 2,908 0 0 139 0 0 9,296 1 2 1,058 G 8 53 8 4 50 0 0 50 0 0 593 1G 0 0 13 6 1,058 0 8 53 8 4 50 0 0 50 0 0 583 6 0 18 0 0 28 10 0 25 0 0 500 0 0 0 13 6 25 0 0 598 0 0 98 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continue d. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Names op iMPBZSXnS. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Brown, C. T., Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington ... Brunton, W., Engineer, Invercargill ... Buck, L., Postmaster, Westport Bull, F., Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington Bunny, E. W. D., Registrar, Supreme Court, Nelson Butts, E. D., Postmaster, Invercargill Calcutt, T., Land Purchase Agent Campbell, F. E., Clerk of Parliaments, Wellington Campbell, J. H., Resident Magistrate, Waiapu... Carrington, F. A., Superintendent, Taranaki ... Carrington, O., Public Works, New Plymouth... Cherritt, J. J., Stationery, Storekeeper Chihnan, E., Collector of Customs, New Plymouth Clarke, II. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland ... Clarke, H., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Tauranga Clarke, M., Road Inspector, Bay of Islands Clarke, W. II., Engineer, Waikato Clarke, M., and Wi Katene, in charge of Road Works, Bay of Islands Clayton, W. II., Colonial Architect ... Cleland, II., Adjutant, Wairarapa ' ... Cook, E., Postmaster, Thames ... • ... Cooper, G. S., Under Secretary Cooper, J. R., Major, Thames Volunteers Cooper, C. E., Collector of Customs, Timaru ... Copoland, J., Captain, Volunteers, Dunedin Cribb, C. T., Telegraphist, Blenheim ... Cuddy, J., Deputy Eegistrar of Deeds, Otago ... Curnin, J. Curtis, O., Superintendent of Nelson ... Darnell, B. II., Eesident Engineer, New Plymouth Davies, G. II., Interpreter, Native Department Davy, G. B., Eegistrar of Deeds, Auckland Deighton, S., Eesident Magistrate, etc., Chatham Islands Deverill, II., Photo-Lithographer, Wellington ... Dick, S. J., Chief Postmaster, Nelson Didsbury, G., Government Printer Dobson, A., Engineer, Picton Dobson, A. D., Engineer, Westport ... Drummond, J., Surveyor, Hawke's Bay Eliott, M. W., Mail Agent ... Eliott, H. J. H., Immigration Officer, Wellington Elles, A. J., Collector of Customs, Invercargill... Ellis, II., Immigration Officer, Auckland Evans, E., Eesident Engineer, Westport Fairchild, J., Commander, p.s. " Luna " £ s. d. 74 10 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 207 2 6 1,450 0 0 18 13 7 50 0 0 100 0 0 390 13 9 700 0 0 110 559 0 0 £ .*s. d. 131 16 0 1,351 16 6 18 13 7 50 0 0 99 4 0 378 0 9 £ s. d. 75 6 6 172 13 11 0 16 0 13 10 4 700 0 0 £ B. d. 6 17 4 227 10 0 75 0 0 i 1 0 686 10 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 4 7 6 38 10 0 126 17 6 3,761 18 6 550 16 0 45 0 0 3 8 0 89 0 0 70 0 0 612 10 7 20 0 0 1,536 9 0 2,348 7 0 4,935 0 0 89 0 0 642 10 7 20 0 0 1,278 6 6 6,013 7 0 4,845 15 7 45 0 0 148 7 0 33 0 0 GO 9 0 86 8 0 571 0 0 9 5 0 12 15 0 108 1 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 io 0 0 38 10 0 385 0 0 99 18 6 640 0 5 42 8 0 GOO 164 8 4 38 0 0 95 19 0 64 0 0 565 0 0 9 5 0 15 11 G 108 1 0 30 0 0 19 9 4 29 10 0 20_0 0 2 16 6 • 20 0 0 208 4 0 208 4 0 60 0 0 "k 5 5 56 11 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 466 19 3 30 0 0 192 12 6 6,150 0 0 221 17 0 3,294 12 2 53 14 9 100 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 483 2 2 30 0 0 198 14 7 6,150 0 0 217 8 4 3,179 2 10 33 17 1 13 4 56 11 0 4 8 8 264 17 2 149 7 10 53 14 9 30 0 0 80 6 9 2,302 15 0 143 19 11 253 13 0 742 17 0 4,758 16 0 2,323 2 6 143 19 11 198 0 3 539 17 4 4,309 12 4 30 0 0 120 19 3 55 12 9 202 19 8 400 0 0 ib 16 4



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. r-i I Names of Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. H £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 617 10 0 80 0 0 £ s. d. 567 10 0 40 0 0 £ s. d. 50 0 0 40 0 0 1,962 8 2 1,538 9 6 £ e. d. Fannin, G. T., Immigration Officer, Napier Farrell, P., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Tokoinairiro Featherston, I. E., Land Purchase Commissioner Ferris, C. W., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Filleul, W. G., Clerk, District Court, Oamaru ... Fisher, J. B. FitzGerald, J. E., Controller of Public Accounts Fitzgerald, J., Public Works Department, Wellington ... Fitzgibbon, J. J., Chief Postmaster, Canterbury Fitzherbert, W., Superintendent of Wellington Floyd, W. II., Electrician, Telegraph Department Fox, E., Private Secretary to Colonial Treasurer Fox, J. G., Chief Clerk, Armed Constabulary ... Fowler, A. G., Resident Engineer, Wanganui ... Fraser, W., Resident Magistrate, Thames Friberg, B. E., Clerk, Public Works Department, Waipukurau ... Furby, W. S., Telegraphist, Hokitika Garstin, A., Traffic Manager, Wellington and Masterton Railway Geisow, F. II., Resident Engineer, Hokitika ... Gill, E. J., Accountant, Native Department Gisborne, W., Commissioner, Government Annuities Goodall, J., Telegraphist, Kaikouras ... ... ... Goodman, E. J., Mail Agent Gordon, W., Major, Commanding Volunteers, Auckland Gore, E. B., Clerk, Geological Department, Wellington ... Gorton, E., Inspector of Stores Gray, W., late Secretary to General Post Office Gray, W., Secretary to General Post Office Green, E. L., Immigration Officer, Auckland ... Greenwood, G. L., Clerk to Bench, Eeefton Grey, W., Clerk, Native Lands Court, Auckland Grindcll, J., Interpreter, Native Department ... Grubb, J., Clerk, Post Office, Wellington Gudgeon, W. E., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Gundry, W. J., Surveyor, Patea Guy, D., Clerk, Eesident Magistrate's Court, Napier Hackworth, J., Collector of Customs, Dunedin Hales, W. H, Resident Engineer, Wanganui ... Halse, H, Assistant Native Under Secretary ... Hamlin, F. E., Eesident Magistrate, Maketu ... Hamlin, II. M., Native Interpreter, Napier Harding, S., Eesident Engineer, Kaipara Hardcastle, E., Clerk, Eesident Magistrate's Court, Hokitika Hardy, J., Surveyor, Oamaru Hare, J., Clerk to the Bench, Wanganui 1,962 8 2 1,538 9 6 16 1 0 450 10 0 1 10 8 67 11 0 1,274 19 0 "o 10 0 64 18 0 101 0 0 150 0 0 175 2 0 10 0 0 441 0 8 10,011 0 0 6,100 0 0 153 4 6 150 0 0 200 0 0 101 17 1 375 0 0 27 3 0 10 0 0 5,526 14 5 2,200 0 0 30 0 0 31 5 0 20 0 0 1,803 14 6 20 0 0 120 0 0 101 0 0 150 0 0 175 2 0 10 0 0 348 0 8 9,085 4 0 5,198 11 1 153 4 6 130 3 0 36 19 1 27 3 0 4,786 14 5 3,337 19 0 30 0 .0 31 5 0 1,797 10 6 20 0 0 120 0 0 109 1 0 925 16 0 1,351 18 11 1 10 8 19 17 0 200 0 0 375 0 0 10 0 0 807 11 0 137 0 0 20 0 0 15 14 0 525 19 4 525 19 4 38 0 0 791 2 6 1,035 7 6 25 0 0 5,365 4 6 899 19 0 76 10 0 40 0 0 5,327 4 G 1,144 4 0 101 10 0 40 0 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 40 10 3 55 0 0 ■•• » 16 1 11 119 2 6 144 0 0 50 0 0 290 0 0 951 0 8 1,317 1 0 52 16 0 1,871 2 6 1,268 11 G 231 9 0 206 17 0 78 12 3 89 0 0 50 0 0 268 19 0 835 10 10 1,211 12 4 68 17 11 1,502 2 3 1,141 14 0 223 19 0 206 17 0 21 1 0 115 9 10 105 9 2 25 18 0 343 2 3 126 17 6 i 10 o 20 12 0 0 5 0 20 12 0 0 5 0



ADVANCES— MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Names of Imprestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Harington, P., Inspector of Militia and Volunteers Harsant, W., Resident Magistrate, Raglan Heale, T., Inspector of Surveys, Auckland Heaphy, C, Commissioner of Native Reserves ... Hector, J., Director of Geological Survey, Wellington ... Henderson, A. C, Clerk, District Court, Invercargill Hey wood, W. E., Lieutenant, Volunteers, Wairarapa Hill, T., Collector of Customs, Auckland Hoggard, J., Mail Agent Howley, T., Clerk, District Court, Timaru Huntley, R. II., Overseer, Government Domains Hutton, F. W., Assistant Geologist ... Imperial Pensions Expenses Account Ingpen, E. L., Clerk, Stamps Department Jackson, W., Major, Volunteers, Waikato Johnston, D., Collector of Customs, Nelson Johnston, J. G., Surveyor ... Katene, Wi Kaye, R., Postmaster, Invercargill Kemp, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland ... Kenny, H. E., Resident Magistrate, New Plymouth Kenrick, H., Clerk, District Court, Greymouth Kirton, R., Postmaster, Hokitika' Kissl ing, T., Examiner of Titles, Auckland Knight, C, Auditor-General Knowles, J., Under Secretary, Public Works Department Land Purchase Commissioners La Nauze, R. J., late Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands Lawlor, H. C., Revising Officer, Auckland Lemon, O, General Manager, Telegraph Department Lewis, T. W., Clerk, Defence Office ... Locke, S., Resident Magistrate, Taupo Lockett, J., Adjutant, Volunteers, Hutt Logan, J. K., Inspector of Telegraphs, Otago ... Lowe, J. II., Resident Engineer, Oamaru Lubecki, A. D., Telegraphist, Dunedin Lucas, H., Clerk to Bench, Reefton ... Ludlam, A., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Hutt Lundon, D., Collector of Customs, Greymouth... Lusk, D. II., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Waiuku Lyon, W. C, Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Waikato ... Macdonald, A. C. P., Assistant Under Secretary Mackay, J., jun., Land Purchase Agent Mackay, A., Commissioner of Native Reserves, Nelson ... Maclean, C. L., late Registrar of Supreme Court, Nelson Main, D. F., District Laud Registrar, Dunedin Main waring, E. G. II., Resident Engineer, Timaru £ s. d. 76 16 6 68 0 0 29 13 4 23 1 0 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 350 0 0 4,162 15 10 4,519 5 9 502 7 9 104 10 0 12 0 0 2,193 8 1 30 0 0 101 11 9 104 12 9 10 0 388 6 1 10 0 0 193 15 0 2,977 11 2 £ s. d. 76 16 6 279 10 0 4,244 5 11 3,420 0 5 402 7 9 104 10 0 12 0 0 2,682 13 5 30 0 0 101 11 9 164 12 9 £ s. d. 138 10 0 £ 8. d. 51 16 9 1,122 6 4 100 0 0 401 14 9 87 10 7 60 0 0 819 4 1 "i 0 0 634 13 10 10 0 0 193 15 0 2,793 7 2 572 16 4 101 2 0 17 12 0 600 0 0 285 6 0 17 12 0 343 9 0 115 11 1 9,205 13 4 127 4 0 30 11 0 145 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 1,439 0 0 600 0 0 111 11 2 9,452 16 G 111 3 0 30 11 0 131 1 9 500 0 0 50 0 0 1,352 8 10 3 19 11 96 5 10 16 1 0 13 18 3 86 13 0 34 18 10 25 0 0 690 0 0 86 11 2 35 13 0 34 18 10 25 0 0 53 10 2 15 0 0 28 0 4 590 7 2 3 0 0 121 2 0 49 2 6 2 5 0 43 0 0 3,211 10 2 2,150 0 0 243 2 1 44 10 0 636 9 10 13 0 4 592 12 2 46 0 0 2,523 15 8 1,972 2 2 227 9 9 44 10 0 808 17 0 227 0 4 15 12 4 0 6 0 0 G 0 12 0 0 314 2 0 33 0 5 612 12 4 131 0 0 1,548 5 0 20 0 0 22,500 0 0 4,866 13 4 579 11 11 42 0 0 1,571 0 6 14,396 2 9 849 8 3 110 14 2 3 28,258 0 5 5,716 0 3 104 0 0 291 6 6 20 0 0 8,638 2 4 0 14 110 52 7 1 50 0 0 703 11 1 400 0 0 665 6 3 350 0 0



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS-co/ie-;*^. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Itbd Najif.s of Imprestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. H Mair, (Jr., Captain, Native Contingent Mair, W. G., Major, Resident Magistrate, Alexandra, Waikato ... Malet, F. de C, Clerk to Bench, Christchurch... Maning, II. II., Interpreter, Native Office, Auckland Mantel!, W. B. D.... March, J. E., Immigration Officer, Christchurch Marchant, J. W. A., Assistant Inspector of Surveys Mason, J. W., Telegraphist, Christchurch Matene, Wi Maude, T. W., Land Purchase Agent McBeth, J., Postmaster, Greymouth ... McCredie, M., Acting Cashier, Colonial Treasury McDonnell, Thomas, Land Purchase Agent MeKellar, II. S., late Collector of Customs, Auckland McLean, Hon. D., Defence Minister ... McLean, W. K., Clerk, Defence Office Millett, R., late Resident Engineer, Thames Mills, W., Collector of Customs, Christchurch ... Mitchell, JL, Surveyor, Hawke's Bay .. Morrison, J., late Colonial Agent, London Muncc, J. M., Telegraphist, Bcaley ... Munday, W. S., Collector of Customs, Westport Munro, A., Engineer, Masterton Munro, It. A. H., Judge of Native Lands Court Native Secretary's Department Native Crown Grants Account Nesbitt, W. K., Resident Magistrate, Gisborne ■Noake, M., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Wanganui Northcroft, L., late Postmaster, Westport Oldfield, A. J., Schoolmaster, Whareroa ... ... ... Ormond, J. D., Superintendent of Hawke's Bay ... ;.. Ormond, F. F., Resident Magistrate, Wairoa ... O'Brien, L., Registrar, Supremo Court, Auckland O'Connor, C. Y., District Engineer, Christchurch O'Neill, C, Engineer, Thames O'Neill, J. J., Engineer, Thames Packc, G., Lieut.-Colonel, Militia and VolunteerB, Christchurch ... Paticson, E. W., Sub-Collector of Customs, Mongonui ... Patten, E., Collector of Customs, Hokitika Parris, R., Civil Commissioner, New Plymouth... ... ... Pauling, G. W., Clerk, Registrar of Deeds' Office, Wellington Pearson, W. II., Immigration Officer, Invercargill Pharazyn and Worgan, Land Purchase Agents Pitt, C. D., Inspector, Armed Constabulary Force ... .., Pollen, Hon. D., Agent, General Government, Auckland Pollen, Hon. D., Agent, General Government, Auckland Porter, T. W., Captain, Native Contingent £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 0 0 £ e. d. 2 0 0 195 15 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 159 0 0 25 0 0 36 15 0 "6 10 o 400 0 0 3,520 10 0 12 0 0 374 0 0 3,402 1 0 0 10 0 400 0 0 118 9 0 12 0 0 110 19 10 34 10 0 112 19 7 15 0 0 2G3 0 2 34 10 0 15 9 10 2G8 0 5 105 0 0 2,684 6 1 632 6 0 872 10 0 4 9 6 5,895 17 2 150 0 0 7,432 15 3 8,607 5 0 396 9 10 120 0 0 2,684 6 1 930 0 0 846 10 0 450 0 0 152 6 0 18 16 9 7 3 3 99 17 11 95 8 5 2,246 1 10 141 19 0 8,000 0 0 150 0 0 7,O0G 4 1 10,450 0 0 401 13 2 35 2 0 1,842 15 0 86 7 3 12 11 6 86 7 3 4 11 6 ... 1,266 11 0 100 11 G 10 0 0 5,702 4 0 145 0 0 34 16 2 152 11 6 10 0 0 5,509 15 8 145 0 0 1,458 19 4 ... « 34 16 2 6 0 0 564 16 4 43 0 0 20 0 0 19 0 0 8,023 4 6 199 15 0 2,083 16 3 6,304 1 4 128 12 3 74 18 0 234 5 0 168 7 3 72 18 2 174 7 3 260 13 10 377 0 8 49 1 7 20 0 0 "6 1 7 19 0 0 710 16 0 9,477 15 0 250 10 0 2,683 16 3 6,604 1 4 128 12 3 4 4 0 113 0 0 300 0 0 1,243 12 11 20,561 2 7 50 0 0 50 0 0 2,165 6 6 50 15 0 23 0 0 300 0 0 23 0 0 70 14 0 121 5 0 15 15 2 1,929 0 0 1,258 12 11 20,302 6 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 265 0 0 74 11 6 45,392 6 0 300 0 0 0 15 2 2,190 16 4 265 0 0 29 7 6 6,797 18 3 17 0 0 3 0 6 45 4 0 40,454 11 0 1,860 3 3 17 0 0 92 10 6 6,098 6 6 6,008 16 6



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1873. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Names op Impbestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Preece, G., Captain, Nativo Contingent .., mi Provincial Treasurer, Otago... ... ... ... ..e Puckey, E. W., Native Agent, Thames Eawson, C. E., Clerk, District Court, New Plymouth ... Rayner, R. W., Acting Collector of Customs, Chatham Island Reader, II. E., Lieut.-Colonel, Militia and Volunteers, Wellington Rees, J. R., Resident Engineer, Wanganui Rice, II. E., Native Interpreter Richardson, W. A., Inspector, Armed Constabulary Roberts, J. M., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Tauranga Robinson, H. W., Resident Magistrate, Naseby Rochfort, James, Surveyor, Napier Rochfort, John, Surveyor, Masterton ... Rodgerson, W. J., Acting Collector of Customs, Westport Rogan, J., Judge, Native Lands Court Rose, A., Chief Clerk, Customs, Auckland Ross, D., Surveyor, Seventy-Mile Bush ... *... Rotter, A. von, Chief Postmaster, New Plymouth Rowley, S. G., Clerk, District Court, Ahaura ... Russell, Ac II., late Inspector of Nativo Schools .,, Scannell, D., Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Scully, T., Commissioner of Police, Napier Sealy, H. B., Resident Magistrate, Napier Searancke, W. N., Resident Magistrate, Waikato Sheath, A., Inspector of Telegraphs, Auckland... Sheath, J. II., Postmaster, Tauranga ... Shrimpton, J., Postmaster, Westport... Simpson, D., Surveyor, Grahamstown Smith, J. V., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Wairarapa... Smith, T. II., Judge, Native Lands Court Smith, W. J., Tratlic Manager, Auckland-Mercer Railway Smith, A. W., Examiner of Titles, Otago Stack, J. W., Native Interpreter, Kaiapoi Stamp Duty Account Standish, A., Crown Solicitor, New Plymouth ... Stapp, O, Major, Militia and Volunteers, New Plymouth Stevens, F., Clerk, Defence Office Stevenson, A. C, Acting Postmaster, Dunedin... Stewart, J., District Engineer, Auckland Stewart, J. T., District Engineer, Manawatu ... Stratton, F. Y., Mail Agent... Street, W. P., Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Dunedin Stringer, W. J., Telegraphist, Hokitika Stuart, W., Registrar, Supreme Court, Invercargill Sturmer, S. von, Resident Magistrate, Hokianga St. John, J. H. II., Clerk, Defence Office St. John, B. O, Engineer, Waitaki Bridge #«t £ s. d. 50 0 0 4,473 5 2 -40S 12 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 272 0 0 18,233 11 6 611 12 0 122 5 0 £ s. d. 322 0 0 13,446 8 1 ■ 952 19 6 122 5 0 £ s. d. 9,260 8 7 67 5 0 £ s. d. 14 18 10 0 2 0 72 0 0 735 0 0 72 0 0 606 12 10 14 18 10 0 2 0 128 7 2 71 10 0 10 0 18 6 0 71 10 0 18 6 0 171 9 0 57 19 3 308 19 3 97 16 6 14 0 100 0 0 2,426 8 0 992 6 5 2,023 0 0 200 0 0 5,150 0 0 50 10 0 250 0 0 97 16 6 14 0 100 0 0 2,512 2 2 992 6 5 1,848 4 0 200 0 0 6,329 11 6 45 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 353 10 0 14 0 841 12 6 565 5 0 3,393 16 6 52 12 6 30 11 11 47 15 0 85 14 10 173 9 9 348 5 9 1,142 0 6 37 11 0 5 10 0 20 0 0 110 0 0 2 0 0 14 0 841 12 6 12 10 0 110 0 0 22 6 0 ... 429 5 0 ... 100 0 0 77 15 0 668 5 0 3,800 0 0 56 10 0 179 15 5 115 10 0 516 3 6 26 3 6 149 3 6 3 10 0 0 3 0 174 0 4 15 0 0 51 5 0 0 3 0 182 5 4 157 4 10 15 0 0 40 0 0 122 G 0 271 16 10 45 0 0 424 4 0 10 3 6 177 1 11 1,229 18 0 8,876 19 7 30 0 0 48 14 0 375 0 0 64 18 0 320 Q 0 124 0 0 450 0 0 165 9 10 40 0 0 122 0 0 264 7 10 9 5 0 45 0 '0 34 5 11 "i 16 0 251 15 9 641 13 10 10 3 6 177 1 11 702 2 0 6,615 8 1 100 11 6 467 16 0 2,302 3 0 30 0 0 12 19 7 8 6 0 19 4 10 53 1 11 200 0 0 48 14 0 186 9 7 72 14 0 328 6 8 58 7 8 650 0 0 201 10 0 0 10 0 10 18 2 118 14 3



ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued, Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Names of Imphestees. Dr. Cr. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Superintendent, Province of Auckland Surcharges Account ... ... Suspense Account ... Tabuteau, J. M., Collector of Customs, Napier ... Thomas, W. E., late Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands Thompson, J. B., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Tipa, n. Tizard, E. T, Collector of Customs, Westport... Tuke, A., Inspector, Armed Constabulary Turner, A. O, Resident Engineer, Tauranga ... Turner, H. F., Inspector, Armed Constabulary... Turton, H., Registrar of Deeds, Napier University Endowment Act... Vogel, Hon. J.,. Premier Walmsley, IS. W., late Postmaster, Nelson Warbrick, A., Interpreter ... Ward, E. Ff, Registrar, Supreme Court, Dunedin Wardell, H. S., Resident Magistrate, Wairarapa Warren, W. II., Chief Clerk, Receiver-General's Department Watt, I. N., Sheriff, Dunedin Weber, C, Engineer, Napier Weetman, S., Surveyor, Mongonui Westrupp, C, Major, Militia and Volunteers ... White, W. B., Resident Magistrate, Mongonui Willcocks, E. S., Registrar, Supreme Court, Christchurch Williams, E. M., Resident Magistrate, Bay of Islands ... Williams, J. S., Registrar-General of Land Williamson, J. II., Clerk, Crown Lands Office ... Williamson, J., lato Curator of Intestate Estates, Auckland Willis, W. J., Eesident Magistrate, Marlon ... AVilmer, II. E , Clerk to Judge, Wellington Wilson, J. I., Engineer, Whangarei ... Wilson, J. A., Land Purchase Agent ... Wink, G. M., Surveyor, Masterton ... Winstanley, T. F., Postmaster, Invercargill Withers, E., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Napier Woodward, J., Public Trustee Woon, E. W., Eesident Magistrate, Wanganui... Woon, J. G., Collector of Customs, Wanganui... Worgan, G. B., Surveyor, Wanganui ... Wrav, C. A., Storekeeper, Patea Wright, F. E., Chief Postmaster, Canterbury ... Young, T. E., Translator, Native Office £ s. d. 22 3 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,000 0 0 22 3 6 £ s. d. ... 1,238 17 2 25 2 6 872 16 8 872 16 8 3 15 8 70 0 0 1,213 14 8 8 9 6 25 0 0 10 0 0 70 0 0 4 13 10 25 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 . 15 0 0 12 0 0 36 0 0 7,203 17 8 86 8 0 42 3 8 36 0 0 870 13 4 7,426 11 3 94 8 0 42 3 8 1 11 6 150 0 0 3 15 0 1,093 6 11 8 0 0 - . ... • 1 11 6 ... 150 0 0 "a is o ... 30 0 0 400 0 0 107 10 0 30 0 0 0 5 0 1,771 15 6 810 19 6 15 0 0 1,177 10 0 790 7 2 442 16 0 0 15 6 471 1 8 1,200 0 0 1,255 9 7 589 1 2 20 0 0 1,372 0 6 703 9 6 15 0 0 979 15 10 446 9 6 442 16 0 82 0 0 24 11 6 279 14 8 368 9 2 160 11 10 "b 15 G 507 18 6 1,000 0 0 1,024 9 7 530 0 0 123 15 0 200 0 0 231 0 0 59 1 2 20 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 12 0 0 83 16 0 273 4 0 72 0 0 1,740 0 0 2,500 0 0 614 11 0 73 11 1 33 0 0 ... 285 4 0 156 15 0 1,737 14 0 2,100 0 0 530 10 0 53 11 1 33 0 0 "6 19 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 2 6 0 500 0 0 184 1 0 20 0 0 19 8 1 225 0 0 13 15 0 19 8 1 225 0 0 6 5 0 1 11 10 1,775 5 2 1,214 14 7 1,755 5 2 1,213 2 9 159 10 0 11,790 0 0 275 0 0 2,970 0 0 591 11 0 841 10 0 75 0 0 10 0 0 10,909 15 0 200 0 0 2,985 0 0 432 1 0 48 5 0 19 0 0 Deduct Credit Balances 62,995 19 11 1,050 1(5 3 44-4,000 11 7 69,243 4 5 1,493 13 2 67,744 11 3 450,405 19 2 Totals 61,345 3 8




Balances on 30 June, 1873. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1874. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Crown Agents, London Agent-General, London Imperial Government, — Pensions Account Bank of New Zealand, London 5,342 15 6 1,420,291 15 6 803,482 11 2 1,418,873 2 9 726,073 15 10 1,418 12 9 82,751 10 10 13,026 1 10 6,321 7 0 5,731 13 8 18,992 7 3 5,365 13 8 355 1 7 366 0 0 Totals 18,308 17 4 2,235,827 7 4 2,169,304 19 6 84,891 5 2







EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ b. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856:"— Balance at credit on 30 June, 1873 Contributions at 2 per cent., — Series B and E, — On £75,000, 6 months to 1 October, 1873 ... On £75,000 „ 1 April, 1874 Series A, C, D, F,— On £425,000, 6 months to 1 January, 1874 On £425,000, „ 1 July, 1874 ... 750 0 0 750 0 0 192,070 0 5 4,250 0 0 4,250 0 0 Interest receivedjon Investments 10,000 0 0 10,150 5 3 20,150 5 3 212,220 5 8 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860:"— Balance at credit on 30 June, 1873 Contributions at 2 per cont., — On £93,100, 6 months to 1 July, 1873 On £93,100, „ 1 January, 1874 ... 29,732 16 3 931 0 0 931 0 0 Interest received on Investments 1,862 0 0 1,717 12 7 3,579 12 7 • 33,312 8 10 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 :"— Balance at credit on 30 June, 1873 Series 1891,— Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £201,500, 6 months to 15 September, 1873 On £329,900 „ 15 December „ On £201,500 „ 15 March, 1874 On £329,900 „ 15 June „ £2^015 0 0 3,299 0 0 2,015 0 0 3,299 0 0 169,780 7 10 Interest received on Investments £10,628 0 0 4,016 12 8 Series 1914 — Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £488,000, 6 months to 15 July, 1873 On £488,000 „ 15 January, 1874 £2,440 0 0 2,440 0 0 14,644 12 8 Interest received on Investments £4,880 0 0 2,718 1 11 Series 1915,— Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £500,000, 6 months to 1 November, 1873 On £500,000 „ 1 May, 1874 £2,500 0 0 2,500 0 0 7,598 1 11 Interest received on Investments, £2,327 18 4 Transfer from Series 1891, as per contra ... ... ... 29 12 6 £5,000 0 0 2,357 10 10 7,357 10 10 29,600 5 5 New Zealand Consolidated Loans : — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1873 Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £6,053.100, 3 months to 15 July, 1873 ... On £7,153,100 „ 15 October, 1873 On £7,153,100 „ 15 January, 1874 On £7,153,100 „ 15 April „ 199,380 13 3 273,790 8 4 16,032 15 0 17,882 15 0 17,882 15 0 17,882 15 0 Interest received on Investments 70,281 0 0 14,634 5 0 84,915 5 0 358,705 13 4 Total ... £803,019 1 1




DISBUESEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856:"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874 ... ... ... ... ». Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. Canada Government Bonds 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 4i per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 127,700 0 0 80,400 0 0 11,300 0 0 212,220 5 8 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 219,400 0 0 4,333 17 2 223,733 17 2 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 :"— Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874 Held in tho following Securities, viz.,— New Zealand Government Treasury Billa ... 5£ per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 4J per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 7 per cent. Bonds of Conservators of Canterbury Rivers 212,220 5 8 33,312 8 10 11,450 0 0 18,600 0 0 2,940 0 0 300 0 0 Balaneo in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 33,290 0 0 4 8 6 33,312 8 10 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863:"— Net amount of Dividend on £1,000 New Zealand 6 per cent. Bonds credited on 20 June, 1873, to Series 1891 now transferred to Series 1915 Balance on 30 June, 1874 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 4£ per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 6 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 6 per cent. Otago Provincial Government Bonds 33,294 8 6 29 12 6 199,351 0 9 180,000 0 0 16,300 0 0 6,400 0 0 1,800 0 0 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 204,500 0 0 257 3 7 204,757 3 7 199,380 13 3 New Zealand Consolidated Loans i — Disbursements, nil. Balance on 30 June, 1874 Held in the following Securities, viz.,— 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment ... 358,705 13 4 358,705 13 4 353,500 0 0 5,205 13 4 35S,705 13 4 Total ... £803,619 1 1 15—B. 1. By Authorit; : George D:dsbuby, Government Printer, Wellini rton. —I ,S7o.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1873, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1874., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, B-01

Word Count

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1873, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1874. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, B-01

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1873-74, COMMENCING 1ST JULY, 1873, AND ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1874. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1875 Session I, B-01

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